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heard John Paul Jackson describe (he went home to Jesus in February 2015). Like Paul he did not initiate this experience, he was taken to the throne room. Part of what he described, other than a great fear of the Lord, was seeing the fiery seraphim travelling at great speed around the throne crying out 'Holy, Holy, Holy!' What John Paul described was seeing them moving rapidly liking electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom. This was the first description that ever made send to me of Ezekiel's description, "The appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel." (Ezek. 1:16). What does this tell us? Our Father has beautifully woven into the design of His creation a model of the small natural parts (an atom nucleus of neutrons and protons being orbited by electrons) reflecting the eternal spiritual realm so that we know one came from the other. Other than sitting before the throne room by faith, one of the greatest things we can draw from this is confidence that He is in charge and on the throne. If we truly love Him and embrace His purpose all things that come into our lives will work together for our good (Rom. 8:28) because He is conforming us to the image or His Son. We can rest confidently in His work and purpose. In my last post I wrote about what David saw in the wilderness. What I didn't address was the why or how. I think David saw because he was spiritually hungry. A large portion of the Psalms, written mainly by David, but also by others, flowed from the continual 24 hour worship before the Ark of the Covenant. David had daily access to the Ark and Yahweh's abiding presence when in Jerusalem. I believe losing this, the rebellion of Absalom, and his concern over the nation made him more acutely aware of how much he needed Yahweh's presence. I think his ability to see was because of his history with Yahweh combined with his prophetic gift. In our day we have longings expressed in worship as well. We have the fairly recent Jesus Culture song Show Me Your Glory. In recent decades we had I Want to see Jesus Lifted High, The King is Here and many others. We have many traditional hymns such as Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. They all express similar longings. Does this longing mean we can see as David did? Can we go beyond just sitting before Him in faith and expectation if we are truly hungry? The answer is not explicit. We don't know what state Paul was in when he described experiencing 'visions and revelations of the Lord.' We do know that twice in this brief passage he uses the term 'caught up.' Paul was taken up, he didn't just wake up and decide he was going to the third heaven. Similarly we know that prior to the unveiling of the book of Revelation and seeing the throne room John was 'in the Spirit' (Rev. 1:10) when these things took place but Jesus initiated the interaction and revelation and John's seeing into the throne room in Revelation 4 was his looking in response to Jesus invitation to come up. Also, John said that seeing into the throne room happened when he was 'in the Spirit' at Jesus initiation (Rev. 4:1-2). In my own experiences of sitting with Jesus, while I can imagine what the Throne Room might be like, I have never seen anything. I have however experienced a lot and still do. Without seeing it just by focusing my attention I am physically conscious of the eternal realm. Perhaps this is what Helen Lemmel referred to when she wrote 'Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus' or what Paul referred to when he prayed that through Spirit of wisdom and revelation the eyes of our heart or understanding would be opened. I don't think Paul expected every believer to have a third heaven throne room experience, yet it is clear from his prayers in Ephesians 1 and 3 that he expected us to experience Jesus and His love, not just possess information about Him. My marriage would be quite empty if I possessed information about my wife but had no real experience of our relationship. Whether we know it or not we truly need to 'know' Jesus. So, are we seeking an ongoing encounter with our King? Having looked at what are some obvious examples of throne room experiences what about one that isn't obvious? Though I can use most bible translations there are some I have more confidence in that others. I personally use
[ 6091, 2259, 3739, 11886, 8453, 313, 354, 3512, 3271, 304, 13825, 297, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 467, 8502, 3739, 540, 1258, 451, 14511, 403, 445, 7271, 29892, 540, 471, 4586, 304, 278, 27446, 5716, 29889, 3455, 310, 825, 540, 5439, 29892, 916, 1135, 263, 2107, 8866, 310, 278, 6171, 29892, 471, 8790, 278, 21334, 29891, 724, 12451, 326, 6427, 7807, 472, 2107, 6210, 2820, 278, 27446, 10901, 292, 714, 525, 29950, 18333, 29892, 17733, 29892, 17733, 20714, 1724, 2259, 3739, 5439, 471, 8790, 963, 8401, 19328, 4188, 292, 27149, 16980, 292, 278, 22699, 375, 310, 385, 12301, 29889, 910, 471, 278, 937, 6139, 393, 3926, 1754, 3638, 304, 592, 310, 382, 11907, 709, 29915, 29879, 6139, 29892, 376, 1576, 10097, 310, 1009, 664, 886, 471, 29892, 408, 372, 892, 29892, 263, 18875, 297, 278, 7256, 310, 263, 18875, 1213, 313, 29923, 11907, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29896, 29953, 467, 13, 5618, 947, 445, 2649, 502, 29973, 8680, 17852, 756, 9560, 368, 281, 9813, 964, 278, 2874, 310, 3600, 11265, 263, 1904, 310, 278, 2319, 5613, 5633, 313, 273, 12301, 22699, 375, 310, 11553, 12628, 322, 410, 7453, 1641, 19528, 1573, 491, 27149, 29897, 9432, 292, 278, 634, 17196, 20954, 1855, 29885, 577, 393, 591, 1073, 697, 2996, 515, 278, 916, 29889, 5901, 1135, 16246, 1434, 278, 27446, 5716, 491, 10847, 29892, 697, 310, 278, 14176, 2712, 591, 508, 4216, 515, 445, 338, 16420, 393, 940, 338, 297, 8323, 322, 373, 278, 27446, 29889, 960, 591, 19781, 5360, 18136, 322, 953, 13842, 3600, 6437, 599, 2712, 393, 2041, 964, 1749, 12080, 674, 664, 4208, 363, 1749, 1781, 313, 29934, 290, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29901, 29906, 29947, 29897, 1363, 940, 338, 14670, 292, 502, 304, 278, 1967, 470, 3600, 5791, 29889, 1334, 508, 1791, 24332, 368, 297, 3600, 664, 322, 6437, 29889, 13, 797, 590, 1833, 1400, 306, 5456, 1048, 825, 4699, 4446, 297, 278, 281, 2700, 2264, 29889, 1724, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 3211, 471, 278, 2020, 470, 920, 29889, 306, 1348, 4699, 4446, 1363, 540, 471, 8548, 1474, 9074, 14793, 29889, 319, 2919, 11910, 310, 278, 10144, 284, 1516, 29892, 3971, 14364, 491, 4699, 29892, 541, 884, 491, 4045, 29892, 4972, 287, 515, 278, 2145, 950, 29871, 29906, 29946, 7234, 26320, 1434, 278, 19444, 310, 278, 315, 9813, 424, 29889, 4699, 750, 14218, 2130, 304, 278, 19444, 322, 612, 801, 705, 29882, 29915, 29879, 633, 4821, 10122, 746, 297, 23204, 29889, 306, 4658, 19035, 445, 29892, 278, 337, 12562, 291, 310, 24650, 17419, 29892, 322, 670, 5932, 975, 278, 5233, 1754, 1075, 901, 1274, 11579, 9543, 310, 920, 1568, 540, 4312, 612, 801, 705, 29882, 29915, 29879, 10122, 29889, 306, 1348, 670, 11509, 304, 1074, 471, 1363, 310, 670, 4955, 411, 612, 801, 705, 29882, 12420, 411, 670, 27953, 7492, 19797, 29889, 13, 797, 1749, 2462, 591, 505, 1472, 886, 13384, 297, 26320, 408, 1532, 29889, 1334, 505, 278, 12558, 7786, 13825, 14062, 4823, 7704, 2191, 3575, 8467, 706, 29889, 512, 7786, 1602, 3076, 591, 750, 306, 399, 424, 304, 1074, 13825, 365, 2027, 287, 5057, 29892, 450, 4088, 338, 2266, 322, 1784, 4045, 29889, 1334, 505, 1784, 13807, 298, 962, 1983, 1316, 408, 9603, 3575, 382, 3582, 19956, 13825, 29889, 2688, 599, 4653, 2788, 1472, 886, 29889, 5538, 445, 1472, 292, 2099, 591, 508, 1074, 408, 4699, 1258, 29973, 1815, 591, 748, 8724, 925, 16246, 1434, 18136, 297, 10847, 322, 23227, 565, 591, 526, 19781, 9074, 14793, 29973, 13, 1576, 1234, 338, 451, 6261, 29889, 1334, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 825, 2106, 3739, 471, 297, 746, 540, 5439, 10623, 3277, 525, 1730, 1080, 322, 20474, 800, 310, 278, 6171, 6169, 1334, 437, 1073, 393, 8951, 297, 445, 11473, 13382, 540, 3913, 278, 1840, 525, 24348, 701, 6169, 3739, 471, 4586, 701, 29892, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 925, 281, 1296, 701, 322, 11097, 540, 471, 2675, 304, 278, 4654, 18356, 29889, 13, 8942, 2327, 368, 591, 1073, 393, 7536, 304, 278, 443, 345, 6504, 310, 278, 3143, 310, 830, 955, 362, 322, 8790, 278, 27446, 5716, 2259, 471, 525, 262, 278, 20799, 29915, 313, 1123, 29894, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29896, 29900, 29897, 746, 1438, 2712, 3614, 2058, 541, 13825, 14511, 630, 278, 14881, 322, 20474, 362, 322, 2259, 29915, 29879, 8790, 964, 278, 27446, 5716, 297, 830, 955, 362, 29871, 29946, 471, 670, 3063, 297, 2933, 304, 13825, 2437, 7018, 304, 2041, 701, 29889, 3115, 29892, 2259, 1497, 393, 8790, 964, 278, 27446, 5716, 9559, 746, 540, 471, 525, 262, 278, 20799, 29915, 472, 13825, 2069, 11685, 313, 1123, 29894, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29901, 29896, 29899, 29906, 467, 13, 797, 590, 1914, 27482, 310, 16246, 411, 13825, 29892, 1550, 306, 508, 14034, 825, 278, 498, 29878, 650, 25114, 1795, 367, 763, 29892, 306, 505, 2360, 3595, 3099, 29889, 306, 505, 3138, 18860, 263, 3287, 322, 1603, 437, 29889, 13932, 8790, 372, 925, 491, 12789, 4746, 590, 8570, 306, 626, 4824, 1711, 19861, 310, 278, 634, 17196, 1855, 29885, 29889, 11637, 445, 338, 825, 21758, 8836, 12873, 12992, 304, 746, 1183, 5456, 525, 27407, 3575, 382, 3582, 19956, 13825, 29915, 470, 825, 3739, 12992, 304, 746, 540, 12475, 287, 393, 1549, 20799, 310, 29714, 322, 20474, 362, 278, 5076, 310, 1749, 5192, 470, 8004, 723, 367, 6496, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 3739, 3806, 1432, 1339, 347, 369, 304, 505, 263, 4654, 18356, 27446, 5716, 7271, 29892, 3447, 372, 338, 2821, 515, 670, 12475, 414, 297, 382, 561, 267, 5834, 29871, 29896, 322, 29871, 29941, 393, 540, 3806, 502, 304, 7271, 13825, 322, 3600, 5360, 29892, 451, 925, 22592, 2472, 1048, 18136, 29889, 1619, 13718, 723, 367, 3755, 4069, 565, 306, 25622, 2472, 1048, 590, 6532, 541, 750, 694, 1855, 7271, 310, 1749, 9443, 29889, 13, 8809, 1979, 591, 1073, 372, 470, 451, 591, 19781, 817, 304, 525, 28385, 29915, 13825, 29889, 1105, 29892, 526, 591, 25738, 385, 373, 17696, 11735, 411, 1749, 4088, 29973, 13, 29950, 5555, 5148, 472, 825, 526, 777, 6924, 6455, 310, 27446, 5716, 27482, 825, 1048, 697, 393, 3508, 29915, 29873, 6924, 29973, 14832, 306, 508, 671, 1556, 289, 1821, 5578, 800, 727, 526, 777, 306, 505, 901, 16420, 297, 393, 4045, 29889, 306, 22345, 671 ]
Player bio Full Name Jonathan Marc Bairstow Born September 26, 1989 Bradford, Yorkshire Age 30 Years, 4 Months, 5 Days National Side England Batting Style Right Handed Bowling Right-arm medium Batting Rank Test - 47, ODI - 13, World Cup - 13, T20I - 38, IPL - NA Bowling Rank Test - NA, ODI - NA, World Cup - NA, T20I - NA, IPL - NA Teams Played England, England A, England XI, Yorkshire, England Lions, Sunrisers Hyderabad, Peshawar Zalmi, Kerala Knights, Welsh Fire Man of the Match Test - 3, ODI - 9, World Cup - 2, T20I - 4, IPL - 2, Career Span [Test, 2012 - 2019], [ODI, 2011 - 2019], [World Cup, 2019], [T20I, 2011 - 2019], [IPL, 2019], Former England wicket-keeper David Bairstow would have been a proud father when his son, Jonathan, fondly known as 'Jonny', earned his first call-up to the national team in 2011, just two years after his entry in First-Class cricket. The wicketkeeper-batsman started young, playing for Yorkshire Under-15s and later representing England Under-17s. He went on to have a prolific season with Yorkshire's second eleven, before eventually making his First-Class debut against Somerset in 2009. Impressive performances saw him being picked in the Lions squad for their tour to the West Indies in early 2011. Later that year, he was included in England's ODI squad for their series against Ireland, with the selectors clearly grooming a specialist batsman for the future. But he did not play there and made his ODI debut directly in the home series against India in 2011. His scintillating knock of 41 off 21 balls in the fifth ODI helped England complete a 3-0 series win over India. Jonny Bairstow Overall Stats Batting & Fielding Performance S/R 70 123 7 4030 167* v SL 6 21 473 26 34.74 55.07 184 13 74 68 8 2861 141* v WI 9 11 326 62 47.68 104.07 34 2 11 11 0 532 111 v IND 2 2 67 11 48.36 92.84 9 0 34 29 6 603 68 v WI 0 3 56 25 26.21 134.00 30 0 10 10 2 445 114 v RCB 1 2 48 18 55.62 157.24 9 2 Bowling Performance E/R jonny bairstow News Anderson, Bairstow, Wood Return For England Tour Of South Africa Bairstow Reprimanded By ICC For "Obscenity" In 5th T20I vs New Zealand Jonny Bairstow Terms New Zealand T20Is "Journey Towards T20 World Cup" England Drop Jonny Bairstow, Jason Roy From Test Squad vs New Zealand "He Got Me": Bairstow's Fake Fielding Works Like A Charm On Smith. Watch Jonny Bairstow Profile Bairstow then traveled with the squad to India in the same year, hoping that he would be given another chance to play. It happened, thanks to a hundred that he scored in their warm-up game against Hyderabad, which ultimately saw him replacing the experienced Ian Bell in the ODI side. The following year, he was given his Test cap in the home series against West Indies.
[ 14574, 17799, 13, 13658, 4408, 20983, 14440, 6000, 765, 340, 13, 29933, 1398, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 13, 29933, 3665, 4006, 29892, 3088, 11750, 13, 22406, 29871, 29941, 29900, 23857, 29892, 29871, 29946, 23471, 29879, 29892, 29871, 29945, 24728, 13, 27325, 19160, 5408, 13, 29933, 23980, 22135, 10428, 5166, 287, 13, 29933, 340, 1847, 10428, 29899, 2817, 18350, 13, 29933, 23980, 22125, 4321, 448, 29871, 29946, 29955, 29892, 438, 4571, 448, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 2787, 6536, 448, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 323, 29906, 29900, 29902, 448, 29871, 29941, 29947, 29892, 5641, 29931, 448, 8598, 13, 29933, 340, 1847, 22125, 4321, 448, 8598, 29892, 438, 4571, 448, 8598, 29892, 2787, 6536, 448, 8598, 29892, 323, 29906, 29900, 29902, 448, 8598, 29892, 5641, 29931, 448, 8598, 13, 7141, 2232, 7412, 287, 5408, 29892, 5408, 319, 29892, 5408, 18488, 29892, 3088, 11750, 29892, 5408, 365, 1080, 29892, 8991, 3780, 414, 9665, 672, 20143, 29892, 349, 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10023, 304, 7513, 297, 278, 1021, 1629, 29892, 17231, 393, 540, 723, 367, 2183, 1790, 8825, 304, 1708, 29889, 739, 9559, 29892, 3969, 304, 263, 6893, 393, 540, 15569, 297, 1009, 14294, 29899, 786, 3748, 2750, 9665, 672, 20143, 29892, 607, 18973, 4446, 1075, 15270, 278, 18860, 22291, 10914, 297, 278, 438, 4571, 2625, 29889, 450, 1494, 1629, 29892, 540, 471, 2183, 670, 4321, 2117, 297, 278, 3271, 3652, 2750, 3122, 1894, 583, 29889 ]
Authors: Zoe Takashi & Louise Wu, Email Us Pairing: Skinner/Krycek Warning: Angst, violence, ... the usual stuff. Spoilers: Season 8. Season 9? Note: We started diverging from canon in season 8, but we continue some elements of season 9. Summary: Sex. Aliens. Nightmares. Adventure. Wedding. Death. Home. Series: Exigency. This story is best read after Defend. Beta Thanks: Betagoddess Helen... so glad you could do our last one! Disclaimer: Chris Carter and 1013 Productions own the X-Files series characters. The rest are ours. No revenue is collected. No infringement of rights is intended. Exigency: Epilogue (ek-'si-gen-see) noun: urgent requirements, exacting want or pressing needs. Zoe Takashi as Alex Krycek. Louise Wu as Walter S. Skinner. Crystal City, VA I emerge from the bathroom. Walter's already in bed and looks half asleep. It's been a long day, but he's not going to sleep quite yet. I crawl in next to him and give him a little shake. "Not until you kiss me." "Mmm." He rolls over, eyes half closed and reaches out with his mouth. By carefully shifting my position, I'm able to put my mouth under his. For being barely awake, it's a decent kiss. Taking pity on his exhausted state, I maneuver him into one of his going-to-sleep positions. Within seconds, he's softly snoring. I'm tired, too, but sleep is frequently elusive, so I take a few minutes to watch my lover sleep. Leading the Resistance is exhausting work. We spent most of the last five months in Geneva. We arrived back in DC from our latest trip just two hours ago. We took a few breaks, one so I could spend three weeks with Jeremiah Smith at one of his camps. An overnight trip to Walter's family for Christmas. Another, very recently, for my arm surgery in preparation for the robotic arm. They allow eight weeks for healing between the surgery and receiving the new prosthetic. The nanos had me healed within a week. Of course, we don't want to confuse NASA, so we wait. I lightly stroke the side of Walter's face. He's too zonked to even stir. The last few months were busy, but, true to his word, we made plenty of time for us. For our relationship. And I've never been happier. I'm not sure he has either. At least, I'm happy when I'm with him. Recently, I've been feeling a little edgy. I can only conclude that it's something short-term... getting used to our new work. The remaining members of the Resistance in Geneva treat us like gods. In a sort of annoying way where they try to guess what we want and throw it at us before we ask. Mr. Meek follows Walter around like a puppy. Much to my amazement, Walt's developing the timid man into a leader of sorts. He's no major intellect but, because of the way he dotes on Walter, we can trust him more than anyone else at the site. Walt found out how much the Resistance had been paying me and immediately gave me a pay cut. I guess sleeping with the boss isn't always an advantage. We met with the Rebels for a long debriefing. They have held up their end of our agreement, at least as far as we can tell. Mr. Green maintains regular contact with Walter, occasionally delegating a mission to the Resistance. Walter and I have gone on two missions ourselves, but always together and with generous backup support from other operatives. I try to avoid the rebels as much as possible as they make me extremely uncomfortable. The last time I saw Green, I know he sensed something about me, because he tried to communicate telepathically. Fortunately, due to Jeremiah's help, I was able to pretend I wasn't hearing him. It still made me nervous. I don't like the idea of so many people knowing I'm not 'normal.' It's some consolation to assume they think I'm just another abductee. On this recent trip to Switzerland, Walter finally
[ 13189, 943, 29901, 796, 7297, 14619, 18321, 669, 24417, 29624, 29892, 22608, 10783, 13, 20547, 292, 29901, 4971, 3993, 29914, 29968, 719, 346, 29895, 13, 22709, 29901, 3218, 303, 29892, 21448, 29892, 2023, 278, 9670, 6433, 29889, 13, 29903, 1129, 22058, 29901, 24791, 29871, 29947, 29889, 24791, 29871, 29929, 29973, 13, 9842, 29901, 1334, 4687, 17089, 3460, 515, 15355, 297, 4259, 29871, 29947, 29892, 541, 591, 6773, 777, 3161, 310, 4259, 29871, 29929, 29889, 13, 26289, 29901, 21703, 29889, 10785, 575, 29889, 11554, 3034, 267, 29889, 21255, 545, 29889, 15050, 8497, 29889, 14450, 29889, 8778, 29889, 13, 19204, 29901, 1222, 2101, 1270, 29889, 910, 5828, 338, 1900, 1303, 1156, 5282, 355, 29889, 13, 29933, 1187, 1834, 29901, 6313, 351, 397, 19521, 21758, 856, 577, 10932, 366, 1033, 437, 1749, 1833, 697, 29991, 13, 4205, 16398, 4193, 29901, 12821, 22264, 322, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29896, 29941, 7138, 1953, 1914, 278, 1060, 29899, 10547, 3652, 4890, 29889, 450, 1791, 526, 1749, 29879, 29889, 1939, 337, 9947, 338, 16531, 29889, 1939, 297, 1341, 292, 882, 310, 10462, 338, 9146, 29889, 13, 1252, 2101, 1270, 29901, 14055, 26140, 434, 13, 29898, 1416, 29899, 29915, 1039, 29899, 1885, 29899, 4149, 29897, 13, 29876, 1309, 29901, 5065, 5362, 11780, 29892, 2684, 292, 864, 470, 24795, 4225, 29889, 13, 29999, 7297, 14619, 18321, 408, 4827, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 29889, 13, 20555, 895, 29624, 408, 10705, 317, 29889, 4971, 3993, 29889, 13, 29907, 719, 11195, 4412, 29892, 478, 29909, 13, 29902, 11176, 479, 515, 278, 27683, 8345, 29889, 10705, 29915, 29879, 2307, 297, 6592, 322, 3430, 4203, 408, 5436, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1063, 263, 1472, 2462, 29892, 541, 540, 29915, 29879, 451, 2675, 304, 8709, 3755, 3447, 29889, 13, 29902, 29349, 29880, 297, 2446, 304, 1075, 322, 2367, 1075, 263, 2217, 528, 1296, 29889, 376, 3664, 2745, 366, 20057, 592, 1213, 13, 29908, 29924, 4317, 1213, 940, 9679, 29879, 975, 29892, 5076, 4203, 5764, 322, 22170, 714, 411, 670, 13394, 29889, 2648, 16112, 528, 24377, 590, 2602, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 2221, 304, 1925, 590, 13394, 1090, 670, 29889, 1152, 1641, 16079, 368, 3773, 1296, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 27189, 20057, 29889, 13, 29911, 5086, 28875, 373, 670, 18782, 16656, 2106, 29892, 306, 767, 12932, 369, 1075, 964, 697, 310, 670, 2675, 29899, 517, 29899, 17059, 11909, 29889, 23732, 6923, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 4964, 368, 5807, 8253, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 23407, 29892, 2086, 29892, 541, 8709, 338, 13672, 560, 375, 573, 29892, 577, 306, 2125, 263, 2846, 6233, 304, 6505, 590, 658, 369, 8709, 29889, 951, 9382, 278, 2538, 21558, 338, 27096, 292, 664, 29889, 1334, 10398, 1556, 310, 278, 1833, 5320, 7378, 297, 15350, 1564, 29889, 1334, 11977, 1250, 297, 13681, 515, 1749, 9281, 17487, 925, 1023, 6199, 8020, 29889, 13, 4806, 3614, 263, 2846, 16706, 29892, 697, 577, 306, 1033, 18864, 2211, 11405, 411, 5677, 331, 21071, 7075, 472, 697, 310, 670, 3949, 567, 29889, 530, 975, 11147, 17487, 304, 10705, 29915, 29879, 3942, 363, 17661, 29889, 7280, 29892, 1407, 10325, 29892, 363, 590, 5075, 25300, 708, 297, 10223, 362, 363, 278, 19964, 293, 5075, 29889, 2688, 2758, 9475, 11405, 363, 540, 12818, 1546, 278, 25300, 708, 322, 13442, 278, 716, 16810, 29882, 7492, 29889, 450, 302, 16469, 750, 592, 540, 7943, 2629, 263, 4723, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29892, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 1970, 1509, 24206, 29892, 577, 591, 4480, 29889, 13, 29902, 3578, 368, 19782, 278, 2625, 310, 10705, 29915, 29879, 3700, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 2086, 503, 265, 17713, 304, 1584, 23546, 29889, 450, 1833, 2846, 7378, 892, 19587, 29892, 541, 29892, 1565, 304, 670, 1734, 29892, 591, 1754, 20947, 310, 931, 363, 502, 29889, 1152, 1749, 9443, 29889, 1126, 306, 29915, 345, 2360, 1063, 2250, 631, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 1854, 540, 756, 2845, 29889, 2180, 3203, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 9796, 746, 306, 29915, 29885, 411, 1075, 29889, 3599, 2705, 29892, 306, 29915, 345, 1063, 11223, 263, 2217, 1226, 1927, 29889, 306, 508, 871, 17668, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 1554, 3273, 29899, 8489, 856, 2805, 1304, 304, 1749, 716, 664, 29889, 13, 1576, 9886, 5144, 310, 278, 2538, 21558, 297, 15350, 1564, 7539, 502, 763, 27379, 29889, 512, 263, 2656, 310, 12327, 5414, 982, 988, 896, 1018, 304, 4140, 825, 591, 864, 322, 3183, 372, 472, 502, 1434, 591, 2244, 29889, 3237, 29889, 2191, 1416, 4477, 10705, 2820, 763, 263, 2653, 23717, 29889, 18927, 304, 590, 21863, 882, 29892, 399, 1997, 29915, 29879, 14338, 278, 5335, 333, 767, 964, 263, 11822, 310, 23551, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 694, 4655, 18715, 541, 29892, 1363, 310, 278, 982, 540, 270, 4769, 373, 10705, 29892, 591, 508, 9311, 1075, 901, 1135, 5019, 1683, 472, 278, 3268, 29889, 13, 29956, 1997, 1476, 714, 920, 1568, 278, 2538, 21558, 750, 1063, 5146, 292, 592, 322, 7389, 4846, 592, 263, 5146, 5700, 29889, 306, 4140, 8709, 292, 411, 278, 289, 2209, 3508, 29915, 29873, 2337, 385, 10631, 29889, 13, 4806, 1539, 411, 278, 12936, 1379, 363, 263, 1472, 316, 1182, 2575, 292, 29889, 2688, 505, 4934, 701, 1009, 1095, 310, 1749, 17327, 29892, 472, 3203, 408, 2215, 408, 591, 508, 2649, 29889, 3237, 29889, 7646, 7344, 29879, 4943, 6958, 411, 10705, 29892, 23025, 16000, 1218, 263, 10655, 304, 278, 2538, 21558, 29889, 10705, 322, 306, 505, 7695, 373, 1023, 3052, 1080, 20278, 29892, 541, 2337, 4208, 322, 411, 1176, 681, 16199, 2304, 515, 916, 1751, 5056, 29889, 306, 1018, 304, 4772, 278, 15121, 1379, 408, 1568, 408, 1950, 408, 896, 1207, 592, 14154, 443, 510, 3921, 519, 29889, 450, 1833, 931, 306, 4446, 7646, 29892, 306, 1073, 540, 4771, 287, 1554, 1048, 592, 29892, 1363, 540, 1898, 304, 23120, 4382, 2084, 1711, 29889, 7236, 348, 2486, 29892, 2861, 304, 5677, 331, 21071, 29915, 29879, 1371, 29892, 306, 471, 2221, 304, 14794, 355, 306, 9007, 29915, 29873, 22514, 1075, 29889, 739, 1603, 1754, 592, 23547, 681, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 278, 2969, 310, 577, 1784, 2305, 13797, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 525, 8945, 6169, 739, 29915, 29879, 777, 1136, 22671, 304, 5251, 896, 1348, 306, 29915, 29885, 925, 1790, 633, 2199, 3905, 29889, 13, 2951, 445, 7786, 17487, 304, 28806, 29892, 10705, 7146 ]
gave in and let me hire a few security men for us. They follow us around Geneva, checking dark alleys before we pass by and generally making a nuisance of themselves. But it's a necessary evil. My responsibilities within the Resistance have increased dramatically and keeping a constant eye on Walter's back was becoming difficult. Of course, Walter immediately told them their first priority was to look after me. Raised my hackles a bit, but then he informed the beefy bodyguards that they took their orders from me, not him. We only brought one of our bodyguards back with us, so tomorrow I have to recruit a few more men in the States. Ultimately, we're going to be followed wherever we go on the globe, with two exceptions. Scotland and New Zealand. Geneva seems to be taking orders from Walter. The various operatives around the world are mostly in line, though a few have gone AWOL. We're beginning to trust that we can give fairly routine work to the old Resistance. But neither Walter nor I trust these people with anything Walt deems morally ambiguous. We returned to the U.S. this week so Walter can begin assembling the strategic component of the new Resistance. He hopes to convince Scully to play a major role. I sometimes worry about the amount of trust we extend to Scully, but I guess she's proven herself. I kiss Walter's shoulder and curl up next to him. I wonder if I can convince him we need some time off soon. Lyosha's turning 18 next month. I suggested getting him a Jeep Wrangler and Walter told me to arrange it through the solicitor so Vlad wouldn't scale it down to a Hyundai. Wrapping my arm around Walter, I try to calm my brain so I can sleep. I could beat off... that would work. But I prefer to save it for Walter. It's not like I'll have to wait long. Well, unless he wants me to, but that's different. Inevitably, my face finds his armpit and I feel sleep pulling me under. ...Alex... What? This is the strangest dream. ...Wake up. I need to talk to you... This is awfully repetitive. What! There's something familiar. And my head hurts. My eyes pop open. I'm in our bedroom. It's dark. I glance at the clock. 3:02. What a weird dream. Still, it's better than having nightmares, which have been increasing of late. Then it clicks. ...Jeremiah?... ...I have your friend... ...Who? Oh, oh... him. Um, is he, uh, all right?... ...He will be... ...Do you need us?... ...No. He'll return to you when he's ready... ...Okay... ...Try to contact me in a few days... ...I can't.... ...You can. You just have to focus... ...Not my strong suit... I can feel Jeremiah's chuckle reverberate through my brain, then I know the connection is gone. I reach over to flip on the light and pinch myself. Nope. Wasn't dreaming. Walter stirs and captures me with a strong arm. "Everything okay?" Is it? This is good news, I think. My head is throbbing, but not exactly painful. "Jeremiah just contacted me." Walter sits up and rubs his forehead. "On the phone?" "Um, no." I tap my temple. "A little more directly." "That Zen shit he was teaching you?" Does Jeremiah even know what Zen is? I try not to laugh. "I'm not sure-" He suddenly grabs my arm. "Did he find Mulder?" I blink at him a couple times. "Yes." "Where?! Is he okay?" "I don't know where. Jeremiah said he would be okay, but he's not right now." Walter's eyes fall shut for a moment, then he smiles at me. "He's going to be all right," he says more to himself than to me. He leans back against the headboard. "But he didn't tell you where he was?" I shake my head. "He said Mulder would return when Mulder was ready." "Fuck." He takes my hand and
[ 4846, 297, 322, 1235, 592, 298, 533, 263, 2846, 6993, 1757, 363, 502, 29889, 2688, 1101, 502, 2820, 15350, 1564, 29892, 8454, 6501, 4788, 952, 1434, 591, 1209, 491, 322, 6892, 3907, 263, 302, 4664, 749, 310, 6053, 29889, 1205, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 5181, 16126, 29889, 1619, 5544, 747, 9770, 2629, 278, 2538, 21558, 505, 11664, 8541, 19574, 322, 12515, 263, 4868, 10977, 373, 10705, 29915, 29879, 1250, 471, 14171, 5189, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29892, 10705, 7389, 5429, 963, 1009, 937, 20136, 471, 304, 1106, 1156, 592, 29889, 390, 1759, 287, 590, 15833, 793, 263, 2586, 29892, 541, 769, 540, 23388, 278, 367, 1389, 29891, 3573, 2543, 3163, 393, 896, 3614, 1009, 11299, 515, 592, 29892, 451, 1075, 29889, 1334, 871, 6296, 697, 310, 1749, 3573, 2543, 3163, 1250, 411, 502, 29892, 577, 6454, 22396, 306, 505, 304, 1162, 9216, 263, 2846, 901, 1757, 297, 278, 3900, 29889, 18514, 15084, 29892, 591, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 367, 5643, 29693, 591, 748, 373, 278, 15482, 915, 29892, 411, 1023, 15283, 29889, 15226, 322, 1570, 13450, 29889, 13, 29954, 1600, 1564, 2444, 304, 367, 5622, 11299, 515, 10705, 29889, 450, 5164, 1751, 5056, 2820, 278, 3186, 526, 11149, 297, 1196, 29892, 2466, 263, 2846, 505, 7695, 319, 29956, 5607, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 6763, 304, 9311, 393, 591, 508, 2367, 12558, 26529, 664, 304, 278, 2030, 2538, 21558, 29889, 1205, 9561, 10705, 3643, 306, 9311, 1438, 2305, 411, 3099, 399, 1997, 316, 1567, 3036, 635, 22363, 681, 29889, 13, 4806, 4133, 304, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 445, 4723, 577, 10705, 508, 3380, 24367, 1847, 278, 16650, 293, 4163, 310, 278, 716, 2538, 21558, 29889, 940, 26926, 304, 7602, 1239, 317, 1810, 368, 304, 1708, 263, 4655, 6297, 29889, 306, 6041, 15982, 1048, 278, 5253, 310, 9311, 591, 10985, 304, 317, 1810, 368, 29892, 541, 306, 4140, 1183, 29915, 29879, 16413, 8735, 29889, 13, 29902, 20057, 10705, 29915, 29879, 23468, 322, 11051, 701, 2446, 304, 1075, 29889, 306, 4997, 565, 306, 508, 7602, 1239, 1075, 591, 817, 777, 931, 1283, 4720, 29889, 8626, 359, 2350, 29915, 29879, 14712, 29871, 29896, 29947, 2446, 4098, 29889, 306, 7829, 2805, 1075, 263, 2581, 1022, 399, 29878, 574, 1358, 322, 10705, 5429, 592, 304, 564, 3881, 372, 1549, 278, 26978, 2105, 577, 18060, 7656, 29915, 29873, 6287, 372, 1623, 304, 263, 9665, 870, 1794, 29889, 13, 29956, 336, 3262, 590, 5075, 2820, 10705, 29892, 306, 1018, 304, 21732, 590, 17294, 577, 306, 508, 8709, 29889, 306, 1033, 16646, 1283, 856, 393, 723, 664, 29889, 1205, 306, 5821, 304, 4078, 372, 363, 10705, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 763, 306, 29915, 645, 505, 304, 4480, 1472, 29889, 5674, 29892, 6521, 540, 10753, 592, 304, 29892, 541, 393, 29915, 29879, 1422, 29889, 13, 29902, 484, 29894, 277, 2197, 29892, 590, 3700, 14061, 670, 564, 1526, 277, 322, 306, 4459, 8709, 28420, 592, 1090, 29889, 13, 856, 17406, 856, 13, 5618, 29973, 910, 338, 278, 851, 574, 342, 12561, 29889, 13, 856, 29956, 1296, 701, 29889, 306, 817, 304, 5193, 304, 366, 856, 13, 4013, 338, 3773, 3730, 21159, 3321, 29889, 1724, 29991, 1670, 29915, 29879, 1554, 9985, 29889, 1126, 590, 2343, 12166, 1372, 29889, 13, 3421, 5076, 1835, 1722, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 297, 1749, 6592, 8345, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 6501, 29889, 306, 21798, 472, 278, 12006, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29901, 29900, 29906, 29889, 1724, 263, 13543, 12561, 29889, 12074, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 2253, 1135, 2534, 4646, 3034, 267, 29892, 607, 505, 1063, 10231, 310, 5683, 29889, 13, 11760, 372, 19367, 29889, 13, 856, 29967, 14992, 21071, 29973, 856, 13, 856, 29902, 505, 596, 5121, 856, 13, 856, 22110, 29973, 6439, 29892, 9360, 856, 1075, 29889, 6379, 29892, 338, 540, 29892, 318, 29882, 29892, 599, 1492, 29973, 856, 13, 856, 3868, 674, 367, 856, 13, 856, 6132, 366, 817, 502, 29973, 856, 13, 856, 3782, 29889, 940, 29915, 645, 736, 304, 366, 746, 540, 29915, 29879, 7960, 856, 13, 856, 20434, 388, 856, 13, 856, 15870, 304, 6958, 592, 297, 263, 2846, 3841, 856, 13, 856, 29902, 508, 29915, 29873, 3045, 13, 856, 3492, 508, 29889, 887, 925, 505, 304, 8569, 856, 13, 856, 3664, 590, 4549, 14726, 856, 13, 29902, 508, 4459, 5677, 331, 21071, 29915, 29879, 521, 2707, 280, 24187, 495, 403, 1549, 590, 17294, 29892, 769, 306, 1073, 278, 3957, 338, 7695, 29889, 306, 6159, 975, 304, 285, 3466, 373, 278, 3578, 322, 12534, 305, 6142, 29889, 1939, 412, 29889, 12547, 29876, 29915, 29873, 12561, 292, 29889, 13, 29956, 13794, 380, 12935, 322, 4332, 1973, 592, 411, 263, 4549, 5075, 29889, 376, 26526, 1918, 20759, 3026, 13, 3624, 372, 29973, 910, 338, 1781, 9763, 29892, 306, 1348, 29889, 1619, 2343, 338, 20961, 1327, 292, 29892, 541, 451, 3721, 6788, 1319, 29889, 376, 29967, 14992, 21071, 925, 6958, 287, 592, 1213, 13, 29956, 13794, 269, 1169, 701, 322, 14051, 29879, 670, 26839, 2813, 29889, 376, 2951, 278, 9008, 3026, 13, 29908, 29965, 29885, 29892, 694, 1213, 306, 18751, 590, 17567, 29889, 376, 29909, 2217, 901, 4153, 1213, 13, 29908, 7058, 796, 264, 528, 277, 540, 471, 18819, 366, 3026, 13, 25125, 5677, 331, 21071, 1584, 1073, 825, 796, 264, 338, 29973, 306, 1018, 451, 304, 10569, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 451, 1854, 29899, 29908, 13, 3868, 11584, 2646, 5824, 590, 5075, 29889, 376, 9260, 540, 1284, 21193, 672, 3026, 13, 29902, 1999, 682, 472, 1075, 263, 7303, 3064, 29889, 376, 8241, 1213, 13, 29908, 11921, 29973, 29991, 1317, 540, 20759, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 988, 29889, 5677, 331, 21071, 1497, 540, 723, 367, 20759, 29892, 541, 540, 29915, 29879, 451, 1492, 1286, 1213, 13, 29956, 13794, 29915, 29879, 5076, 6416, 12522, 363, 263, 3256, 29892, 769, 540, 1560, 5475, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 367, 599, 1492, 1699, 540, 4083, 901, 304, 3654, 1135, 304, 592, 29889, 940, 454, 550, 1250, 2750, 278, 2343, 3377, 29889, 376, 6246, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2649, 366, 988, 540, 471, 3026, 13, 29902, 528, 1296, 590, 2343, 29889, 376, 3868, 1497, 21193, 672, 723, 736, 746, 21193, 672, 471, 7960, 1213, 13, 29908, 29943, 2707, 1213, 940, 4893, 590, 1361, 322 ]
gives me an odd look. "You want to be the one to tell Scully he's back but we don't know where he is?" I raise an eyebrow. "If I knew where, I still wouldn't tell Scully. Because she wouldn't be able to keep herself from going there. And frankly, we need Jeremiah around more than we need Scully to see Mulder right now." "Chicken," he mutters in reply and reaches for the phone. "Dana, it's Walt." There's a hesitation. "It's rather early here." She doesn't sound *too* annoyed. "I know. We're in D.C." I chuckle into the phone. "I have some news that couldn't wait. Mulder has been found." "What?!" She sounds much more awake. "Where?" Fuck. "We don't know. The, uh, message didn't specify. But we were told that Mulder should b-" "I'm on my way right now." The line goes dead. But... Fuck. I hang up the receiver and turn to Alex. "She's coming over." Alex's expression is rather comically frozen in horror. "Why?" "I don't know... must be love. That's what I'd do if it were you, AK." Against the protests of my fucking weary jetlagged body, I get out of bed to find some pants. Alex stumbles out of bed as well. Literally stumbles out of bed. "God, that made me lightheaded." He tugs on some jeans. "You know, we could just go back to bed and ignore the phone when she arrives." I wrap an arm around his waist. "C'mon. You're the one who didn't ask where he was." Downstairs, I pour a big glass of orange juice for the two of us and a smaller one for Dana. Our bodyguard emerges from the guest bedroom on full alert. We send him back to bed, then sit in the living room, yawning. I clean my glasses. Alex clings to me like a limpet. When Scully arrives, she bursts into the room. "I want to hear this message." Her pregnancy is much more obvious than the last time we saw her, but she only waddles a little. "Uh, I'm afraid that's not possible." I wink at Alex. Uncomprehending, she stares at me. "Why not?" She's too amped up to be happy that Mulder's alive. Give her a few minutes to blow off steam and it will sink in. "Alex, would you like to answer her question?" Alex gives me a you're-gonna-pay-for-this look. His gaze shifts to Scully. "Scully, I'm sorry... I didn't ask where they were because Jeremiah doesn't want to be found." "You didn't ask? You spoke to him?" "Uh, yeah." Her eyes narrow and she looks between Alex and me. "You spoke with him... on the phone?" I meet Alex's eyes. Tell her whatever you want. Alex shrugs, then looks back at Dana. "No. Not on the phone." He takes a breath. "He contacted me telepathically." Her eyes widen with disbelief. "What!?" she screeches. The bodyguard reappears, in a pair of flannel boxers brandishing his handgun. Scully takes in the image with a wrinkled brow. "We're fine. You can go back to bed," Alex says to the man. Dana jerks her thumb in the direction of the departing bodyguard. "Houseguest?" "Security," I mumble, eager to see how Alex and Dana are going to get through the knots in this discussion. She nods as if she understands, then turns her attention back to Alex. "What the hell are you talking about?" Leaning against the wall, Alex rolls his eyes. "Jeremiah Smith contacted me telepathically." She glares. "Of course he did. Why didn't I think of that?" She turns her glare on me. "So we don't know that Mulder's back?" Alex huffs. "
[ 4076, 592, 385, 7736, 1106, 29889, 376, 3492, 864, 304, 367, 278, 697, 304, 2649, 317, 1810, 368, 540, 29915, 29879, 1250, 541, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 988, 540, 338, 3026, 13, 29902, 12020, 385, 321, 29891, 774, 798, 29889, 376, 3644, 306, 6363, 988, 29892, 306, 1603, 7656, 29915, 29873, 2649, 317, 1810, 368, 29889, 7311, 1183, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 2221, 304, 3013, 8735, 515, 2675, 727, 29889, 1126, 2524, 29895, 368, 29892, 591, 817, 5677, 331, 21071, 2820, 901, 1135, 591, 817, 317, 1810, 368, 304, 1074, 21193, 672, 1492, 1286, 1213, 13, 29908, 1451, 21475, 1699, 540, 5478, 2153, 297, 8908, 322, 22170, 363, 278, 9008, 29889, 13, 29908, 29928, 1648, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 399, 1997, 1213, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 19066, 7018, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 3265, 4688, 1244, 1213, 2296, 1838, 29915, 29873, 6047, 334, 517, 29877, 29930, 12327, 28133, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1073, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 297, 360, 29889, 29907, 1213, 306, 521, 2707, 280, 964, 278, 9008, 29889, 376, 29902, 505, 777, 9763, 393, 8496, 29915, 29873, 4480, 29889, 21193, 672, 756, 1063, 1476, 1213, 13, 29908, 5618, 29973, 3850, 2296, 10083, 1568, 901, 3773, 1296, 29889, 376, 11921, 3026, 13, 29943, 2707, 29889, 376, 4806, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 29889, 450, 29892, 318, 29882, 29892, 2643, 3282, 29915, 29873, 6084, 29889, 1205, 591, 892, 5429, 393, 21193, 672, 881, 289, 29899, 29908, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 29885, 373, 590, 982, 1492, 1286, 1213, 450, 1196, 5771, 7123, 29889, 13, 6246, 856, 383, 2707, 29889, 306, 13958, 701, 278, 19870, 322, 2507, 304, 4827, 29889, 376, 13468, 29915, 29879, 6421, 975, 1213, 13, 17406, 29915, 29879, 4603, 338, 3265, 419, 1711, 14671, 2256, 297, 23026, 29889, 376, 11008, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 856, 1818, 367, 5360, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 825, 306, 29915, 29881, 437, 565, 372, 892, 366, 29892, 319, 29968, 1213, 11454, 303, 278, 10021, 29879, 310, 590, 285, 2707, 292, 591, 653, 22588, 3110, 3192, 3573, 29892, 306, 679, 714, 310, 6592, 304, 1284, 777, 282, 1934, 29889, 13, 17406, 380, 3774, 793, 714, 310, 6592, 408, 1532, 29889, 5449, 635, 380, 3774, 793, 714, 310, 6592, 29889, 376, 29954, 397, 29892, 393, 1754, 592, 3578, 2813, 287, 1213, 940, 260, 16926, 373, 777, 1444, 550, 29889, 376, 3492, 1073, 29892, 591, 1033, 925, 748, 1250, 304, 6592, 322, 11455, 278, 9008, 746, 1183, 6974, 267, 1213, 13, 29902, 12244, 385, 5075, 2820, 670, 11324, 391, 29889, 376, 29907, 29915, 3712, 29889, 887, 29915, 276, 278, 697, 1058, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2244, 988, 540, 471, 1213, 13, 6767, 303, 7121, 29892, 306, 1671, 263, 4802, 12917, 310, 24841, 3623, 625, 363, 278, 1023, 310, 502, 322, 263, 7968, 697, 363, 360, 1648, 29889, 8680, 3573, 17728, 11176, 2710, 515, 278, 17838, 6592, 8345, 373, 2989, 6655, 29889, 1334, 3638, 1075, 1250, 304, 6592, 29892, 769, 7845, 297, 278, 8471, 5716, 29892, 343, 1450, 1076, 29889, 306, 5941, 590, 12917, 267, 29889, 4827, 1067, 886, 304, 592, 763, 263, 2485, 10963, 29889, 13, 10401, 317, 1810, 368, 6974, 267, 29892, 1183, 20887, 29879, 964, 278, 5716, 29889, 376, 29902, 864, 304, 8293, 445, 2643, 1213, 2439, 758, 5138, 6906, 338, 1568, 901, 6924, 1135, 278, 1833, 931, 591, 4446, 902, 29892, 541, 1183, 871, 281, 1202, 793, 263, 2217, 29889, 13, 29908, 29965, 29882, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 13421, 393, 29915, 29879, 451, 1950, 1213, 306, 281, 682, 472, 4827, 29889, 13, 2525, 510, 1457, 29882, 2548, 29892, 1183, 380, 5114, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 11008, 451, 3026, 2296, 29915, 29879, 2086, 626, 9795, 701, 304, 367, 9796, 393, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 18758, 29889, 25538, 902, 263, 2846, 6233, 304, 13031, 1283, 21837, 322, 372, 674, 28169, 297, 29889, 13, 29908, 17406, 29892, 723, 366, 763, 304, 1234, 902, 1139, 3026, 13, 17406, 4076, 592, 263, 366, 29915, 276, 29899, 29887, 11586, 29899, 10472, 29899, 1454, 29899, 1366, 1106, 29889, 3600, 12642, 29872, 528, 17741, 304, 317, 1810, 368, 29889, 376, 29903, 1810, 368, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 7423, 856, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2244, 988, 896, 892, 1363, 5677, 331, 21071, 1838, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 367, 1476, 1213, 13, 29908, 3492, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2244, 29973, 887, 12707, 304, 1075, 3026, 13, 29908, 29965, 29882, 29892, 21915, 1213, 13, 18650, 5076, 12474, 322, 1183, 3430, 1546, 4827, 322, 592, 29889, 376, 3492, 12707, 411, 1075, 856, 373, 278, 9008, 3026, 13, 29902, 5870, 4827, 29915, 29879, 5076, 29889, 13, 29911, 514, 902, 6514, 366, 864, 29889, 13, 17406, 528, 582, 3174, 29892, 769, 3430, 1250, 472, 360, 1648, 29889, 376, 3782, 29889, 2216, 373, 278, 9008, 1213, 940, 4893, 263, 16172, 29889, 376, 3868, 6958, 287, 592, 4382, 2084, 1711, 1213, 13, 18650, 5076, 281, 3615, 411, 766, 6596, 2575, 29889, 376, 5618, 29991, 3026, 1183, 885, 929, 6609, 29889, 13, 1576, 3573, 17728, 337, 932, 15451, 29892, 297, 263, 5101, 310, 1652, 4143, 3800, 414, 14982, 14424, 670, 1361, 28798, 29889, 13, 29903, 1810, 368, 4893, 297, 278, 1967, 411, 263, 2358, 682, 839, 3347, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 276, 2691, 29889, 887, 508, 748, 1250, 304, 6592, 1699, 4827, 4083, 304, 278, 767, 29889, 13, 29928, 1648, 432, 261, 2039, 902, 28968, 297, 278, 5305, 310, 278, 5840, 292, 3573, 17728, 29889, 376, 29950, 1709, 2543, 342, 3026, 13, 29908, 13228, 1699, 306, 286, 15563, 29892, 19888, 304, 1074, 920, 4827, 322, 360, 1648, 526, 2675, 304, 679, 1549, 278, 889, 1862, 297, 445, 10679, 29889, 13, 13468, 18778, 29879, 408, 565, 1183, 2274, 29879, 29892, 769, 12169, 902, 8570, 1250, 304, 4827, 29889, 376, 5618, 278, 23927, 526, 366, 9963, 1048, 3026, 13, 3226, 273, 292, 2750, 278, 10090, 29892, 4827, 9679, 29879, 670, 5076, 29889, 376, 29967, 14992, 21071, 7075, 6958, 287, 592, 4382, 2084, 1711, 1213, 13, 13468, 3144, 5114, 29889, 376, 2776, 3236, 540, 1258, 29889, 3750, 3282, 29915, 29873, 306, 1348, 310, 393, 3026, 2296, 12169, 902, 330, 8663, 373, 592, 29889, 376, 6295, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 393, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 1250, 3026, 13, 17406, 298, 3096, 29879, 29889, 376 ]
Sit and spin, Dana." She smacks him on his good arm. Hard enough to make him wince. I can't decide which one of them to frown at. "You two are more than I can deal with at this hour of the morning." I adjust my glasses, as if it will help. "We do know Mulder's back, Dana, because Alex can communicate telepathically with Smith. He spent a few weeks with him last November. Smith, uh, tutored Alex." She crosses her arms over her chest. "Okay, then. Contact him now and find out where they are." Alex flashes me a pleading look. He mentioned that he doesn't 'send' very well. I put a hand on Dana's shoulder. "He's still learning, Dana. He's not sure he *can* contact Jeremiah." She looks like she wants to hit somebody. "Can't you at least try?" "Even if he did, I don't think Jeremiah is going to tell us where they are." I don't know what I can say to convince her. "He's much safer if we stay away. He said Mulder would be well soon and can return when he's ready." Before Scully can object again, Alex offers, "Dana, I'll try to contact Jeremiah and find out how Mulder's doing, but I'm not going to do anything to compromise his safety or the safety of the people he's healing." Dana seems to sag a bit and steps into the living room to sit on the sofa. When we join her, she looks at me with moist eyes. "He's going to be okay?" I put my arm around her shoulders. "I think so. Smith has been healing these people all along. He should recover." She nods, looking very small and very tired. She looks over at Alex. "How long have you and Smith been... talking?" "Not long." "Wonderboy," she mutters under her breath. "Is there anything you don't do?" Alex looks at her blankly. "I'm sure any response I might have Walter would consider inappropriate, so I'll just keep my mouth shut." "He's back." Dana's head falls on my shoulder. "I'm... afraid to hope, Walt." "I know." I stroke her hair. There's nothing to say. Only having Mulder in front of her to poke at with her medical tools will reassure her. About an hour later, we put Scully to sleep on our sofa, since the guest room is occupied. Alex and I creep back upstairs, wash up and collapse into bed. As Alex settles into my arms, I murmur, "Can you turn your brain off for the night?" "I sure as hell hope so." He kisses my chest. "Good," he yawns, "night." Four Days Later Dana and I are at National Airport a few minutes before Mulder's flight is due to land. I've never seen her nervous before. She sits down, fusses with the drape of her clothes over her slightly prominent stomach, stands up, paces a bit, then sits down again. I want to talk to her about something that could wait, but it might be a useful distraction. "Dana, I want to ask you... a favor." She seems to come back to the present. "Okay. What is it?" "When you, I mean after today, sometime soon, would you, uh, tell Mulder about Alex and me?" Dana blinks at me. "Well, that's going to be... sticky." She gives me a dubious look. "You sure you don't want to do it?" Oh, I'm *very* sure. "Positive," I reply with complete conviction. She nods reluctantly. "Okay. I'll tell him." I inform her about our plans to create a North American headquarters for the Resistance. She seems open to the idea of leaving the Bureau to work with us, but can't really consider it until she spends some time with Mulder. She tells me the baby is doing fine, although she's had some dicey on-the-job incidents. I make a mental note to kick Doggett's ass. He damned well better take better care of her. Of course, Dana won't have any of that
[ 29903, 277, 322, 10917, 29892, 360, 1648, 1213, 13, 13468, 1560, 26514, 1075, 373, 670, 1781, 5075, 29889, 10999, 3307, 304, 1207, 1075, 281, 1239, 29889, 13, 29902, 508, 29915, 29873, 11097, 607, 697, 310, 963, 304, 285, 4708, 472, 29889, 376, 3492, 1023, 526, 901, 1135, 306, 508, 5376, 411, 472, 445, 7234, 310, 278, 7250, 1213, 306, 10365, 590, 12917, 267, 29892, 408, 565, 372, 674, 1371, 29889, 376, 4806, 437, 1073, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 1250, 29892, 360, 1648, 29892, 1363, 4827, 508, 23120, 4382, 2084, 1711, 411, 7075, 29889, 940, 10398, 263, 2846, 11405, 411, 1075, 1833, 3979, 29889, 7075, 29892, 318, 29882, 29892, 260, 3406, 287, 4827, 1213, 13, 13468, 4891, 267, 902, 10188, 975, 902, 521, 342, 29889, 376, 20434, 388, 29892, 769, 29889, 22387, 1075, 1286, 322, 1284, 714, 988, 896, 526, 1213, 13, 17406, 11013, 267, 592, 263, 5644, 9382, 1106, 29889, 940, 5276, 393, 540, 1838, 29915, 29873, 525, 6717, 29915, 1407, 1532, 29889, 13, 29902, 1925, 263, 1361, 373, 360, 1648, 29915, 29879, 23468, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 1603, 6509, 29892, 360, 1648, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 451, 1854, 540, 334, 3068, 29930, 6958, 5677, 331, 21071, 1213, 13, 13468, 3430, 763, 1183, 10753, 304, 7124, 18462, 29889, 376, 6028, 29915, 29873, 366, 472, 3203, 1018, 3026, 13, 29908, 29923, 854, 565, 540, 1258, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 5677, 331, 21071, 338, 2675, 304, 2649, 502, 988, 896, 526, 1213, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 825, 306, 508, 1827, 304, 7602, 1239, 902, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 1568, 872, 571, 565, 591, 7952, 3448, 29889, 940, 1497, 21193, 672, 723, 367, 1532, 4720, 322, 508, 736, 746, 540, 29915, 29879, 7960, 1213, 13, 18743, 317, 1810, 368, 508, 1203, 1449, 29892, 4827, 16688, 29892, 376, 29928, 1648, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 1018, 304, 6958, 5677, 331, 21071, 322, 1284, 714, 920, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 2599, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 2675, 304, 437, 3099, 304, 19632, 895, 670, 15332, 470, 278, 15332, 310, 278, 2305, 540, 29915, 29879, 540, 12818, 1213, 13, 29928, 1648, 2444, 304, 17233, 263, 2586, 322, 6576, 964, 278, 8471, 5716, 304, 7845, 373, 278, 577, 5444, 29889, 1932, 591, 5988, 902, 29892, 1183, 3430, 472, 592, 411, 2730, 391, 5076, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 367, 20759, 3026, 13, 29902, 1925, 590, 5075, 2820, 902, 26671, 29889, 376, 29902, 1348, 577, 29889, 7075, 756, 1063, 540, 12818, 1438, 2305, 599, 3412, 29889, 940, 881, 9792, 1213, 13, 13468, 18778, 29879, 29892, 3063, 1407, 2319, 322, 1407, 23407, 29889, 2296, 3430, 975, 472, 4827, 29889, 376, 5328, 1472, 505, 366, 322, 7075, 1063, 856, 9963, 3026, 13, 29908, 3664, 1472, 1213, 13, 29908, 29956, 8417, 19415, 1699, 1183, 5478, 2153, 1090, 902, 16172, 29889, 376, 3624, 727, 3099, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 437, 3026, 13, 17406, 3430, 472, 902, 9654, 368, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 1854, 738, 2933, 306, 1795, 505, 10705, 723, 2050, 297, 932, 6649, 403, 29892, 577, 306, 29915, 645, 925, 3013, 590, 13394, 12522, 1213, 13, 29908, 3868, 29915, 29879, 1250, 1213, 360, 1648, 29915, 29879, 2343, 20074, 373, 590, 23468, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 856, 13421, 304, 4966, 29892, 399, 1997, 1213, 13, 29908, 29902, 1073, 1213, 306, 19782, 902, 11315, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 3078, 304, 1827, 29889, 9333, 2534, 21193, 672, 297, 4565, 310, 902, 304, 772, 446, 472, 411, 902, 16083, 8492, 674, 337, 465, 545, 902, 29889, 13, 28173, 385, 7234, 2678, 29892, 591, 1925, 317, 1810, 368, 304, 8709, 373, 1749, 577, 5444, 29892, 1951, 278, 17838, 5716, 338, 16404, 29889, 4827, 322, 306, 907, 1022, 1250, 701, 303, 7121, 29892, 471, 29882, 701, 322, 24382, 964, 6592, 29889, 13, 2887, 4827, 3604, 793, 964, 590, 10188, 29892, 306, 25234, 332, 29892, 376, 6028, 366, 2507, 596, 17294, 1283, 363, 278, 4646, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 1854, 408, 23927, 4966, 577, 1213, 940, 20057, 267, 590, 521, 342, 29889, 376, 18420, 1699, 540, 9343, 1233, 29879, 29892, 376, 11147, 1213, 13, 29943, 473, 24728, 12699, 13, 29928, 1648, 322, 306, 526, 472, 3086, 18117, 263, 2846, 6233, 1434, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 16286, 338, 2861, 304, 2982, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 2360, 3595, 902, 23547, 681, 1434, 29889, 2296, 269, 1169, 1623, 29892, 285, 1558, 267, 411, 278, 7482, 412, 310, 902, 22095, 975, 902, 10029, 19555, 380, 290, 496, 29892, 15028, 701, 29892, 282, 3302, 263, 2586, 29892, 769, 269, 1169, 1623, 1449, 29889, 13, 29902, 864, 304, 5193, 304, 902, 1048, 1554, 393, 1033, 4480, 29892, 541, 372, 1795, 367, 263, 5407, 1320, 13857, 29889, 376, 29928, 1648, 29892, 306, 864, 304, 2244, 366, 856, 263, 7853, 1213, 13, 13468, 2444, 304, 2041, 1250, 304, 278, 2198, 29889, 376, 20434, 388, 29889, 1724, 338, 372, 3026, 13, 29908, 10401, 366, 29892, 306, 2099, 1156, 9826, 29892, 1047, 5410, 4720, 29892, 723, 366, 29892, 318, 29882, 29892, 2649, 21193, 672, 1048, 4827, 322, 592, 3026, 13, 29928, 1648, 1999, 19363, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 11284, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 367, 856, 12070, 29891, 1213, 2296, 4076, 592, 263, 15416, 2738, 1106, 29889, 376, 3492, 1854, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 437, 372, 3026, 13, 9048, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 334, 1201, 29930, 1854, 29889, 376, 9135, 3321, 1699, 306, 8908, 411, 4866, 7602, 2463, 29889, 13, 13468, 18778, 29879, 1104, 5313, 10835, 29889, 376, 20434, 388, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 2649, 1075, 1213, 13, 29902, 1871, 902, 1048, 1749, 13900, 304, 1653, 263, 4644, 3082, 26463, 363, 278, 2538, 21558, 29889, 2296, 2444, 1722, 304, 278, 2969, 310, 10124, 278, 18903, 304, 664, 411, 502, 29892, 541, 508, 29915, 29873, 2289, 2050, 372, 2745, 1183, 805, 1975, 777, 931, 411, 21193, 672, 29889, 13, 13468, 10603, 592, 278, 24354, 338, 2599, 2691, 29892, 5998, 1183, 29915, 29879, 750, 777, 17629, 29891, 373, 29899, 1552, 29899, 9057, 5528, 16719, 29889, 306, 1207, 263, 19119, 4443, 304, 24817, 18776, 657, 29873, 29915, 29879, 1223, 29889, 940, 5625, 9571, 1532, 2253, 2125, 2253, 2562, 310, 902, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29892, 360, 1648, 2113, 29915, 29873, 505, 738, 310, 393 ]
... especially from him. When the plane pulls up, we stand watching passengers disembark. Guess Mulder didn't take first class. I sure would after an alien abduction. I stand back slightly from Scully as we wait. Eventually, he emerges from the jet way. Dressed like he's been shopping at K-mart, but sporting a goofy Mulder grin. He's back. He looks fine. Okay, thinner and sort of frayed. But basically healthy. I've never been so damned happy to see him. Thank you, Jeremiah. Scully meets him halfway, and they're oblivious to the rest of the world as they embrace for a long time, forcing the other passengers to walk around. Eventually, Mulder pulls back and looks down at Scully's stomach, shaking his head in amazement. He puts both hands on it. "How thoughtful. You brought my basketball." Dana gives a watery laugh. My own eyes are a little wet. He means so much to her. Oh, Christ. We found him. A lump of guilt slides off me like slush on a doormat. Mulder turns a curious eye to me. "You came to greet me? I'm touched." Well, I'm the one who lost him... Scully stands aside and I pull Mulder into a hearty embrace. "Welcome back." When I release him, he gives me a perplexed look. "You're all choked up, sir. I guess we got along better than I thought." Dana wraps an arm around Mulder's waist and leads him out of the path of other passengers. "You can drop the 'sir,' Mulder. I'm not your boss anymore." "Really? Don't tell me we work for Kersh again?" "Baker. I've retired." He looks at me assessingly, but says nothing. I can see something in his eyes--a tiredness, something dark--whatever they did to him was hell. Dana watches him closely. I reach out and squeeze his shoulder. "I'm sorry I let them take you." Mulder shakes his head. "It was my choice." "What?!" Scully and I blurt out at the same time. "I could see the others and I joined them. I wanted to know what it was like." Scully regards him with a mixture of horror and regret. You son of a bitch... even though Dana and I had both long known it was likely that he'd chosen to go. Suddenly, I have knots in my shoulders. I open my mouth to express my displeasure, but stop myself. He's suffered enough for his choice. "I'm glad you're home safely. I'll leave you to each other." I kiss Dana on the cheek. "I'll be expecting a call from you." She squeezes my hand and nods. As I'm walking away, I hear Mulder say, "Is there something you need to tell me about you and Sk..." I steal a mushroom from Alex's plate. "So you think we can convince one of the ex-Secret Service guys to work for us? It's a step down from protecting the... um, maybe it isn't. I didn't vote for him. Did you?" Alex cocks his head to the side. "Vote? I've never voted." "Uh-huh." The words 'Alex' and 'citizenship' just don't seem to resonate. Just as I'm stealing another mushroom, a loud pounding arises from the front door. The security man appears from nowhere. After checking the door, he pops his head around to the dining area. "There's an angry man at the door." Alex rolls his eyes. "White guy? Goofy hair? Big nose?" "Shoot him." He looks like he's thinking about it, so I jump in. "No. Get lost. I'll handle this." The security guard looks to Alex for confirmation. Alex nods. Mulder is still pounding at the door. "Let me in, Skinner. We need to talk." Well, shit. This is going to be fun. Alex and I rise. I gesture to the stairs. "
[ 856, 7148, 515, 1075, 29889, 13, 10401, 278, 10694, 8206, 29879, 701, 29892, 591, 2317, 21217, 28134, 766, 1590, 935, 29889, 2088, 404, 21193, 672, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2125, 937, 770, 29889, 306, 1854, 723, 1156, 385, 394, 819, 633, 700, 428, 29889, 13, 29902, 2317, 1250, 10029, 515, 317, 1810, 368, 408, 591, 4480, 29889, 6864, 1474, 29892, 540, 11176, 2710, 515, 278, 22588, 982, 29889, 360, 1253, 287, 763, 540, 29915, 29879, 1063, 17394, 3262, 472, 476, 29899, 28402, 29892, 541, 7980, 292, 263, 748, 974, 29891, 21193, 672, 867, 262, 29889, 13, 3868, 29915, 29879, 1250, 29889, 940, 3430, 2691, 29889, 20419, 29892, 266, 3993, 322, 2656, 310, 285, 25724, 29889, 1205, 8830, 9045, 29891, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 2360, 1063, 577, 5625, 9571, 9796, 304, 1074, 1075, 29889, 13, 25271, 366, 29892, 5677, 331, 21071, 29889, 13, 29903, 1810, 368, 28103, 1075, 4203, 1582, 29892, 322, 896, 29915, 276, 704, 17843, 2738, 304, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 3186, 408, 896, 953, 13842, 363, 263, 1472, 931, 29892, 28172, 278, 916, 28134, 304, 6686, 2820, 29889, 6864, 1474, 29892, 21193, 672, 8206, 29879, 1250, 322, 3430, 1623, 472, 317, 1810, 368, 29915, 29879, 380, 290, 496, 29892, 528, 5086, 670, 2343, 297, 21863, 882, 29889, 940, 15223, 1716, 6567, 373, 372, 29889, 376, 5328, 2714, 1319, 29889, 887, 6296, 590, 20305, 1213, 13, 29928, 1648, 4076, 263, 16699, 708, 10569, 29889, 1619, 1914, 5076, 526, 263, 2217, 7990, 29889, 940, 2794, 577, 1568, 304, 902, 29889, 13, 9048, 29892, 2819, 29889, 1334, 1476, 1075, 29889, 319, 301, 3427, 310, 1410, 2782, 2243, 2247, 1283, 592, 763, 2243, 1878, 373, 263, 437, 555, 271, 29889, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 12169, 263, 12758, 10977, 304, 592, 29889, 376, 3492, 2996, 304, 1395, 300, 592, 29973, 306, 29915, 29885, 23051, 1213, 13, 11284, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 278, 697, 1058, 5714, 1075, 856, 317, 1810, 368, 15028, 17786, 322, 306, 8206, 21193, 672, 964, 263, 5192, 29891, 953, 13842, 29889, 376, 28862, 2763, 1250, 1213, 13, 10401, 306, 6507, 1075, 29892, 540, 4076, 592, 263, 639, 10709, 287, 1106, 29889, 376, 3492, 29915, 276, 599, 521, 12504, 701, 29892, 8889, 29889, 306, 4140, 591, 2355, 3412, 2253, 1135, 306, 2714, 1213, 13, 29928, 1648, 11463, 567, 385, 5075, 2820, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 11324, 391, 322, 11981, 1075, 714, 310, 278, 2224, 310, 916, 28134, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 508, 5768, 278, 525, 29879, 381, 5501, 21193, 672, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 596, 289, 2209, 15128, 1213, 13, 29908, 1123, 635, 29973, 3872, 29915, 29873, 2649, 592, 591, 664, 363, 476, 414, 29882, 1449, 3026, 13, 29908, 29933, 5790, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 16528, 1213, 13, 3868, 3430, 472, 592, 24809, 11687, 29892, 541, 4083, 3078, 29889, 306, 508, 1074, 1554, 297, 670, 5076, 489, 29874, 23407, 2264, 29892, 1554, 6501, 489, 1332, 5564, 896, 1258, 304, 1075, 471, 23927, 29889, 360, 1648, 6505, 267, 1075, 16467, 29889, 13, 29902, 6159, 714, 322, 269, 802, 29872, 911, 670, 23468, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 7423, 306, 1235, 963, 2125, 366, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 528, 6926, 670, 2343, 29889, 376, 3112, 471, 590, 7348, 1213, 13, 29908, 5618, 29973, 3850, 317, 1810, 368, 322, 306, 1999, 4227, 714, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1033, 1074, 278, 4045, 322, 306, 8772, 963, 29889, 306, 5131, 304, 1073, 825, 372, 471, 763, 1213, 13, 29903, 1810, 368, 21778, 1075, 411, 263, 29544, 310, 23026, 322, 28883, 29889, 13, 3492, 1487, 310, 263, 289, 2335, 856, 1584, 2466, 360, 1648, 322, 306, 750, 1716, 1472, 2998, 372, 471, 5517, 393, 540, 29915, 29881, 10434, 304, 748, 29889, 13, 29903, 566, 1145, 368, 29892, 306, 505, 889, 1862, 297, 590, 26671, 29889, 306, 1722, 590, 13394, 304, 4653, 590, 766, 552, 3745, 29892, 541, 5040, 6142, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 17654, 3307, 363, 670, 7348, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 10932, 366, 29915, 276, 3271, 23511, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 5967, 366, 304, 1269, 916, 1213, 13, 29902, 20057, 360, 1648, 373, 278, 923, 1416, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 645, 367, 16120, 263, 1246, 515, 366, 1213, 13, 13468, 269, 802, 6096, 267, 590, 1361, 322, 18778, 29879, 29889, 13, 2887, 306, 29915, 29885, 22049, 3448, 29892, 306, 8293, 21193, 672, 1827, 29892, 376, 3624, 727, 1554, 366, 817, 304, 2649, 592, 1048, 366, 322, 4971, 17794, 13, 29902, 1886, 284, 263, 286, 1878, 8345, 515, 4827, 29915, 29879, 15284, 29889, 376, 6295, 366, 1348, 591, 508, 7602, 1239, 697, 310, 278, 429, 29899, 28459, 6692, 18239, 304, 664, 363, 502, 29973, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 4331, 1623, 515, 12566, 292, 278, 856, 1922, 29892, 5505, 372, 3508, 29915, 29873, 29889, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 11719, 363, 1075, 29889, 7440, 366, 3026, 13, 17406, 1302, 4684, 670, 2343, 304, 278, 2625, 29889, 376, 29963, 866, 29973, 306, 29915, 345, 2360, 24854, 1213, 13, 29908, 29965, 29882, 29899, 6905, 29882, 1213, 450, 3838, 525, 17406, 29915, 322, 525, 20752, 466, 575, 4034, 29915, 925, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2833, 304, 27396, 403, 29889, 3387, 408, 306, 29915, 29885, 1886, 12818, 1790, 286, 1878, 8345, 29892, 263, 22526, 282, 12449, 564, 4637, 515, 278, 4565, 3050, 29889, 13, 1576, 6993, 767, 5692, 515, 1286, 4150, 29889, 2860, 8454, 278, 3050, 29892, 540, 1835, 29879, 670, 2343, 2820, 304, 278, 270, 2827, 4038, 29889, 376, 8439, 29915, 29879, 385, 26230, 767, 472, 278, 3050, 1213, 13, 17406, 9679, 29879, 670, 5076, 29889, 376, 21823, 1410, 29891, 29973, 2921, 974, 29891, 11315, 29973, 7997, 26414, 3026, 13, 29908, 29903, 1251, 327, 1075, 1213, 13, 3868, 3430, 763, 540, 29915, 29879, 7291, 1048, 372, 29892, 577, 306, 12500, 297, 29889, 376, 3782, 29889, 3617, 5714, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 4386, 445, 1213, 13, 1576, 6993, 8372, 3430, 304, 4827, 363, 9659, 362, 29889, 4827, 18778, 29879, 29889, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 338, 1603, 282, 12449, 472, 278, 3050, 29889, 376, 12024, 592, 297, 29892, 4971, 3993, 29889, 1334, 817, 304, 5193, 1213, 13, 11284, 29892, 528, 277, 29889, 910, 338, 2675, 304, 367, 2090, 29889, 13, 17406, 322, 306, 14451, 29889, 306, 29502, 304, 278, 380, 7121, 29889, 376 ]
Better let me talk to him alone." He looks as if he's about to protest, then reluctantly heads upstairs. I step to the front door, opening it slowly. "Nice to see you again, Mulder." He storms into the room, looking around. "Where is he?" Without waiting for an answer he heads for the dining room, gesturing wildly at the pair of plates on the same side of the table. "What a nice little domestic situation." He swings around and glares at me. "Where is that rat bastard?" I plant myself between Mulder and the stairs. "He went to the market." "In the middle of dinner? And just as I arrive? How convenient." He gives me an aggravated look. "How could you do this?" "The same way anybody does it, and for the same reasons." He gets close, almost in my face. "He's using you. For what, I don't know. But I'll find out." Mulder's still fuming, so I just meet his gaze and say nothing. He points his finger at me. "You don't know him like I do. You can't trust a word he says. Every time he turns up, everything goes to shit." "You're wrong, Mulder. I know him better than you do." Mulder shakes his head in aggravation. "Just let me get my hands on the son of a bitch and I'll find out what he's up to." I shift my body toward him and straighten my spine. "Let's be clear about one thing. If you want to harm him in any way, you'll have to come through me first." Mulder gapes at me in disbelief. "What has he got hanging over you?" I give him a harsh smile. "I'm not going to defend our relationship to you, Mulder. Things have changed. A lot of things. There's a war to be fought and, if that means anything to you, you don't have time for this nonsense." But Mulder's not inclined to listen. He rants for a long while, continually trying to change our positions, so he's closer to the stairs. Pity for whatever he's been through is the only reason I don't toss him out the door on his butt. After about 15 minutes, Mulder has given no sign of giving up the fight. I finally lose all patience and slam him face-first into the wall. "Mulder, if you want to have a civilized conversation about Alex's past and my relationship with him, I'm willing. But I've had enough of your tantrum." He struggles against my hold, but is unable to break free. When he finally stops fighting, I release him. He turns around slowly and looks at me as if I've betrayed him. "I can't believe you would do this. After everything he's done. To me... to Scully... to you, even." He seems a little more subdued, like he's getting himself under control, so I try to give him an honest answer. "He's done some terrible things. Some terrible things have been done to him. That's in the past. Today, he's more than my lover, he's a key player in the Resistance. He helped us find you. I believe in redemption. Do you, Mulder?" "When it comes to him? No." Mulder makes a dive for the stairs, but not fast enough to evade my interception. Fortunately for Mulder's continued longevity, Dana arrives. I leave her to get control of her partner and head upstairs to check on Alex, calling back over my shoulder, "If he comes up these stairs, I'm going to shoot him." I take the stairs two at a time. I heard Walter on the stairs, so I'm not surprised when he enters our bedroom. I get up from the bed, where I've been pretending to read, and cross to him. "You look... annoyed." He stalks around the room a bit. "No, I'll be annoyed after I calm down." I intercept him during one of his orbits, and wrap my arm around his waist. "So he wants my liver for breakfast. It's what we expected... right?" Walter frowns at me. "Was it just last week
[ 29933, 19036, 1235, 592, 5193, 304, 1075, 7432, 1213, 13, 3868, 3430, 408, 565, 540, 29915, 29879, 1048, 304, 10021, 29892, 769, 1104, 5313, 10835, 15883, 701, 303, 7121, 29889, 13, 29902, 4331, 304, 278, 4565, 3050, 29892, 8718, 372, 14205, 29889, 376, 29940, 625, 304, 1074, 366, 1449, 29892, 21193, 672, 1213, 13, 3868, 14280, 29879, 964, 278, 5716, 29892, 3063, 2820, 29889, 376, 11921, 338, 540, 3026, 13932, 10534, 363, 385, 1234, 540, 15883, 363, 278, 270, 2827, 5716, 29892, 7737, 3864, 8775, 368, 472, 278, 5101, 310, 715, 1078, 373, 278, 1021, 2625, 310, 278, 1591, 29889, 376, 5618, 263, 7575, 2217, 21849, 6434, 1213, 940, 2381, 886, 2820, 322, 3144, 5114, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 11921, 338, 393, 7548, 21156, 538, 3026, 13, 29902, 8024, 6142, 1546, 21193, 672, 322, 278, 380, 7121, 29889, 376, 3868, 3512, 304, 278, 9999, 1213, 13, 29908, 797, 278, 7256, 310, 17803, 29973, 1126, 925, 408, 306, 18331, 29973, 1128, 19192, 1213, 940, 4076, 592, 385, 946, 3874, 29894, 630, 1106, 29889, 376, 5328, 1033, 366, 437, 445, 3026, 13, 29908, 1576, 1021, 982, 16357, 947, 372, 29892, 322, 363, 278, 1021, 9590, 1213, 13, 3868, 4947, 3802, 29892, 4359, 297, 590, 3700, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 773, 366, 29889, 1152, 825, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 29889, 1205, 306, 29915, 645, 1284, 714, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 29915, 29879, 1603, 285, 9929, 29892, 577, 306, 925, 5870, 670, 12642, 29872, 322, 1827, 3078, 29889, 13, 3868, 3291, 670, 19917, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 3492, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 1075, 763, 306, 437, 29889, 887, 508, 29915, 29873, 9311, 263, 1734, 540, 4083, 29889, 7569, 931, 540, 12169, 701, 29892, 4129, 5771, 304, 528, 277, 1213, 13, 29908, 3492, 29915, 276, 2743, 29892, 21193, 672, 29889, 306, 1073, 1075, 2253, 1135, 366, 437, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 528, 6926, 670, 2343, 297, 946, 3874, 29894, 362, 29889, 376, 14084, 1235, 592, 679, 590, 6567, 373, 278, 1487, 310, 263, 289, 2335, 322, 306, 29915, 645, 1284, 714, 825, 540, 29915, 29879, 701, 304, 1213, 13, 29902, 9500, 590, 3573, 11183, 1075, 322, 7812, 264, 590, 805, 457, 29889, 376, 12024, 29915, 29879, 367, 2821, 1048, 697, 2655, 29889, 960, 366, 864, 304, 10311, 1075, 297, 738, 982, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 505, 304, 2041, 1549, 592, 937, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 330, 11603, 472, 592, 297, 766, 6596, 2575, 29889, 376, 5618, 756, 540, 2355, 298, 9776, 975, 366, 3026, 13, 29902, 2367, 1075, 263, 4023, 845, 17819, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 451, 2675, 304, 24663, 1749, 9443, 304, 366, 29892, 21193, 672, 29889, 28706, 505, 3939, 29889, 319, 3287, 310, 2712, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 263, 1370, 304, 367, 20722, 322, 29892, 565, 393, 2794, 3099, 304, 366, 29892, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 931, 363, 445, 302, 787, 1947, 1213, 13, 6246, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 451, 1343, 1312, 304, 11621, 29889, 940, 364, 1934, 363, 263, 1472, 1550, 29892, 2145, 1474, 1811, 304, 1735, 1749, 11909, 29892, 577, 540, 29915, 29879, 17649, 304, 278, 380, 7121, 29889, 349, 537, 363, 6514, 540, 29915, 29879, 1063, 1549, 338, 278, 871, 2769, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 28189, 1075, 714, 278, 3050, 373, 670, 541, 29873, 29889, 13, 13555, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29945, 6233, 29892, 21193, 672, 756, 2183, 694, 1804, 310, 6820, 701, 278, 8589, 29889, 306, 7146, 14074, 599, 282, 24701, 322, 2243, 314, 1075, 3700, 29899, 4102, 964, 278, 10090, 29889, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 29892, 565, 366, 864, 304, 505, 263, 7631, 1891, 14983, 1048, 4827, 29915, 29879, 4940, 322, 590, 9443, 411, 1075, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 17762, 29889, 1205, 306, 29915, 345, 750, 3307, 310, 596, 11172, 5848, 1213, 13, 3868, 10205, 793, 2750, 590, 4808, 29892, 541, 338, 9368, 304, 2867, 3889, 29889, 1932, 540, 7146, 17726, 17770, 29892, 306, 6507, 1075, 29889, 940, 12169, 2820, 14205, 322, 3430, 472, 592, 408, 565, 306, 29915, 345, 1010, 25724, 1075, 29889, 376, 29902, 508, 29915, 29873, 4658, 366, 723, 437, 445, 29889, 2860, 4129, 540, 29915, 29879, 2309, 29889, 1763, 592, 856, 304, 317, 1810, 368, 856, 304, 366, 29892, 1584, 1213, 13, 3868, 2444, 263, 2217, 901, 1014, 700, 287, 29892, 763, 540, 29915, 29879, 2805, 3654, 1090, 2761, 29892, 577, 306, 1018, 304, 2367, 1075, 385, 15993, 1234, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 2309, 777, 16403, 2712, 29889, 3834, 16403, 2712, 505, 1063, 2309, 304, 1075, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 297, 278, 4940, 29889, 20628, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 901, 1135, 590, 658, 369, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 263, 1820, 4847, 297, 278, 2538, 21558, 29889, 940, 9213, 502, 1284, 366, 29889, 306, 4658, 297, 337, 2310, 683, 29889, 1938, 366, 29892, 21193, 672, 3026, 13, 29908, 10401, 372, 5304, 304, 1075, 29973, 1939, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 3732, 263, 270, 573, 363, 278, 380, 7121, 29892, 541, 451, 5172, 3307, 304, 321, 1564, 311, 590, 1006, 1441, 29889, 7236, 348, 2486, 363, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 7572, 23123, 479, 17037, 29892, 360, 1648, 6974, 267, 29889, 306, 5967, 902, 304, 679, 2761, 310, 902, 18096, 322, 2343, 701, 303, 7121, 304, 1423, 373, 4827, 29892, 5432, 1250, 975, 590, 23468, 29892, 376, 3644, 540, 5304, 701, 1438, 380, 7121, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 15049, 1075, 1213, 306, 2125, 278, 380, 7121, 1023, 472, 263, 931, 29889, 13, 29902, 6091, 10705, 373, 278, 380, 7121, 29892, 577, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 18014, 746, 540, 24395, 1749, 6592, 8345, 29889, 306, 679, 701, 515, 278, 6592, 29892, 988, 306, 29915, 345, 1063, 14794, 2548, 304, 1303, 29892, 322, 4891, 304, 1075, 29889, 376, 3492, 1106, 856, 12327, 28133, 1213, 13, 3868, 28367, 2039, 2820, 278, 5716, 263, 2586, 29889, 376, 3782, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 367, 12327, 28133, 1156, 306, 21732, 1623, 1213, 13, 29902, 23404, 1075, 2645, 697, 310, 670, 470, 14836, 29892, 322, 12244, 590, 5075, 2820, 670, 11324, 391, 29889, 376, 6295, 540, 10753, 590, 619, 369, 363, 26044, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 825, 591, 3806, 856, 1492, 3026, 13, 29956, 13794, 285, 798, 1983, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 29956, 294, 372, 925, 1833, 4723 ]
that I was missing him? Can we ask the aliens to take him back?" I chuckle and kiss the side of his neck. It's not an understatement to say that Mulder wants me dead. But I don't think that knowledge is going to make Walt feel any better right now. I try to reassure, even though I'm skeptical. "He'll get over it." He sits on the edge of the bed and sighs. "He's been through so much... god knows what exactly. I tried to be understanding. He doesn't know you the way I do. But he's such a bratty child sometimes. And too fucking single-minded." I do know what he's been through. Jeremiah told me. Information I'm not going to offer, but if I had to choose between his experience or the labs in Geneva, it wouldn't be an easy choice. Though 'being on planet earth' is a pro I hadn't considered previously. I sit next to Walter. "So, what do you want to do? We spend so little time in D.C., we only have to fix this if it's what you want." I already know it's what he wants. Walter wants to work with Mulder. I hope that doesn't mean I'm supposed to start trusting Mulder. Or liking him. "I told Scully to deal with him." He removes his glasses and rubs his forehead. "It's in her hands now. I can't get through to him. If she can't, no one can." My lips touch his ear. Then it's up to the good doctor. Of course, there's one other possibility, but I need to think on it some more. Just how committed am I to bringing Mulder into the game? A moment later, Scully calls up, "We're leaving." Then Mulder hollers, "Skinner, he doesn't love you. Guys like him-" He's suddenly muffled and the front door opens and shuts. "Wrong, Mulder," Walter says in a low voice, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. Two Days Later I hang up the phone after a long call with Russ. He's part of the resistance now, though he's still leading the nanocyte research, today largely focused on understanding how to manufacture and DNA-encode nanocytes. Until we master that technology, we cannot offer their healing ability to anyone not already infected with them. His lab has sprouted three other facilities, including one in Singapore where he hired a small staff to study alien physiology. Russ also proposed, designed and oversees our new ultra-secure distributed data warehouse, where we store and protect data from Geneva, the X-files, our nanocyte research and other sources. We hired two expert data analysts to help us manage and mine the data. Both were former Pentagon employees, referred by former Senator Matheson (now Secretary of Defense). I glance at the clock. Alex is late. He left early this afternoon to meet with Morgan and said he'd be home with dinner by 7:00. The information Matheson gave us in exchange for his nanocyte cure wasn't particularly useful, but he occasionally sends us helpful tidbits from his new Cabinet role. More importantly, he's open to listening to what we have to say. There might come a time when we need someone who can get to the president quickly. I hear Alex's key in the door. When he enters I meet him at the door He looks like he's been in a brawl. Black eye, bruised face, split lip. I feel a surge of adrenalin, but there's no one present to take it out on. If you're responsible for this, Morgan, you're a dead man. First things first. "Internal injuries?" I query. He shrugs, then winces. "I don't know." Handing me a bag of takeout, he adds, "Morgan's interested in working with us. I didn't give him much info, but I think he'll be useful." Just like my lover to share irrelevant facts instead of telling me what the fuck happened to his face. Resisting the urge to get testy, I lead him to the couch and make him lie down while I reach for the phone. Alex stops me with, "Don't bother. She's probably already working on Mulder."
[ 393, 306, 471, 4567, 1075, 29973, 1815, 591, 2244, 278, 394, 11689, 304, 2125, 1075, 1250, 3026, 13, 29902, 521, 2707, 280, 322, 20057, 278, 2625, 310, 670, 18873, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 385, 1090, 20788, 304, 1827, 393, 21193, 672, 10753, 592, 7123, 29889, 1205, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 393, 7134, 338, 2675, 304, 1207, 399, 1997, 4459, 738, 2253, 1492, 1286, 29889, 306, 1018, 304, 337, 465, 545, 29892, 1584, 2466, 306, 29915, 29885, 18109, 415, 936, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 645, 679, 975, 372, 1213, 13, 3868, 269, 1169, 373, 278, 7636, 310, 278, 6592, 322, 269, 1141, 29879, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 1063, 1549, 577, 1568, 856, 7339, 9906, 825, 3721, 29889, 306, 1898, 304, 367, 8004, 29889, 940, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1073, 366, 278, 982, 306, 437, 29889, 1205, 540, 29915, 29879, 1316, 263, 1506, 271, 1017, 2278, 6041, 29889, 1126, 2086, 285, 2707, 292, 2323, 29899, 24021, 287, 1213, 13, 29902, 437, 1073, 825, 540, 29915, 29879, 1063, 1549, 29889, 5677, 331, 21071, 5429, 592, 29889, 10343, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 2675, 304, 5957, 29892, 541, 565, 306, 750, 304, 6755, 1546, 670, 7271, 470, 278, 301, 6897, 297, 15350, 1564, 29892, 372, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 385, 4780, 7348, 29889, 14832, 525, 915, 292, 373, 15754, 8437, 29915, 338, 263, 410, 306, 27222, 29915, 29873, 5545, 9251, 29889, 13, 29902, 7845, 2446, 304, 10705, 29889, 376, 6295, 29892, 825, 437, 366, 864, 304, 437, 29973, 1334, 18864, 577, 2217, 931, 297, 360, 29889, 29907, 1696, 591, 871, 505, 304, 2329, 445, 565, 372, 29915, 29879, 825, 366, 864, 1213, 306, 2307, 1073, 372, 29915, 29879, 825, 540, 10753, 29889, 10705, 10753, 304, 664, 411, 21193, 672, 29889, 306, 4966, 393, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2099, 306, 29915, 29885, 7424, 304, 1369, 9311, 292, 21193, 672, 29889, 1394, 4188, 292, 1075, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 5429, 317, 1810, 368, 304, 5376, 411, 1075, 1213, 940, 25388, 670, 12917, 267, 322, 14051, 29879, 670, 26839, 2813, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 297, 902, 6567, 1286, 29889, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 679, 1549, 304, 1075, 29889, 960, 1183, 508, 29915, 29873, 29892, 694, 697, 508, 1213, 13, 3421, 17186, 6023, 670, 2326, 29889, 1987, 372, 29915, 29879, 701, 304, 278, 1781, 11619, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 697, 916, 13331, 29892, 541, 306, 817, 304, 1348, 373, 372, 777, 901, 29889, 3387, 920, 19355, 626, 306, 304, 20794, 21193, 672, 964, 278, 3748, 29973, 13, 29909, 3256, 2678, 29892, 317, 1810, 368, 5717, 701, 29892, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 10124, 1213, 13, 11760, 21193, 672, 298, 3028, 414, 29892, 376, 15797, 3993, 29892, 540, 1838, 29915, 29873, 5360, 366, 29889, 2088, 952, 763, 1075, 29899, 29908, 940, 29915, 29879, 11584, 286, 3096, 839, 322, 278, 4565, 3050, 13246, 322, 528, 8842, 29889, 13, 29908, 29956, 29373, 29892, 21193, 672, 1699, 10705, 4083, 297, 263, 4482, 7314, 29892, 5622, 590, 1361, 322, 20794, 372, 304, 670, 17186, 29889, 13, 13985, 24728, 12699, 13, 29902, 13958, 701, 278, 9008, 1156, 263, 1472, 1246, 411, 4719, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 760, 310, 278, 17711, 1286, 29892, 2466, 540, 29915, 29879, 1603, 8236, 278, 23432, 22502, 371, 5925, 29892, 9826, 18425, 21309, 373, 8004, 920, 304, 12012, 545, 322, 25348, 29899, 12508, 23432, 22502, 2167, 29889, 28609, 591, 5835, 393, 15483, 29892, 591, 2609, 5957, 1009, 540, 12818, 11509, 304, 5019, 451, 2307, 3041, 26458, 411, 963, 29889, 3600, 9775, 756, 7689, 449, 287, 2211, 916, 23330, 29892, 3704, 697, 297, 25960, 988, 540, 298, 2859, 263, 2319, 13925, 304, 6559, 394, 819, 4824, 29875, 3002, 29889, 13, 23002, 884, 7972, 29892, 8688, 322, 975, 344, 267, 1749, 716, 8494, 336, 29899, 24216, 13235, 848, 281, 598, 8697, 29892, 988, 591, 3787, 322, 12566, 848, 515, 15350, 1564, 29892, 278, 1060, 29899, 5325, 29892, 1749, 23432, 22502, 371, 5925, 322, 916, 8974, 29889, 1334, 298, 2859, 1023, 17924, 848, 3483, 858, 29879, 304, 1371, 502, 10933, 322, 7903, 278, 848, 29889, 9134, 892, 4642, 22901, 12841, 22873, 29892, 12992, 491, 4642, 27623, 5792, 267, 265, 313, 3707, 17719, 310, 5282, 1947, 467, 13, 29902, 21798, 472, 278, 12006, 29889, 4827, 338, 5683, 29889, 940, 2175, 4688, 445, 17724, 304, 5870, 411, 20549, 322, 1497, 540, 29915, 29881, 367, 3271, 411, 17803, 491, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 1576, 2472, 5792, 267, 265, 4846, 502, 297, 14523, 363, 670, 23432, 22502, 371, 274, 545, 9007, 29915, 29873, 10734, 5407, 29892, 541, 540, 23025, 16003, 502, 8444, 10668, 14836, 515, 670, 716, 11680, 10157, 6297, 29889, 5853, 4100, 368, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 1722, 304, 19866, 304, 825, 591, 505, 304, 1827, 29889, 1670, 1795, 2041, 263, 931, 746, 591, 817, 4856, 1058, 508, 679, 304, 278, 6673, 9098, 29889, 13, 29902, 8293, 4827, 29915, 29879, 1820, 297, 278, 3050, 29889, 1932, 540, 24395, 306, 5870, 1075, 472, 278, 3050, 940, 3430, 763, 540, 29915, 29879, 1063, 297, 263, 289, 1610, 29880, 29889, 6054, 10977, 29892, 19702, 3368, 3700, 29892, 6219, 17441, 29889, 13, 29902, 4459, 263, 1190, 479, 310, 594, 1267, 25977, 29892, 541, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 697, 2198, 304, 2125, 372, 714, 373, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 29915, 276, 14040, 363, 445, 29892, 20549, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 263, 7123, 767, 29889, 13, 6730, 2712, 937, 29889, 376, 16491, 10899, 14886, 3026, 306, 2346, 29889, 13, 3868, 528, 582, 3174, 29892, 769, 5401, 778, 29889, 376, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 1213, 5166, 292, 592, 263, 19548, 310, 2125, 449, 29892, 540, 12778, 29892, 376, 29924, 6388, 29915, 29879, 8852, 297, 1985, 411, 502, 29889, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2367, 1075, 1568, 5235, 29892, 541, 306, 1348, 540, 29915, 645, 367, 5407, 1213, 13, 14084, 763, 590, 658, 369, 304, 6232, 28190, 17099, 2012, 310, 14509, 592, 825, 278, 285, 2707, 9559, 304, 670, 3700, 29889, 2538, 15423, 278, 5065, 479, 304, 679, 1243, 29891, 29892, 306, 3275, 1075, 304, 278, 274, 3222, 322, 1207, 1075, 3804, 1623, 1550, 306, 6159, 363, 278, 9008, 29889, 13, 17406, 17726, 592, 411, 29892, 376, 10310, 29915, 29873, 24738, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 3117, 2307, 1985, 373, 21193, 672, 1213 ]
"Wha-at?!" Alex closes his eyes. "Mulder. She's working on Mulder." He takes a deep breath, face briefly twisting with pain. "He looks worse anyway." Mulder? Fuck. Gesturing menacingly with the phone, I inquire, "Who initiated this encounter?" Alex opens one eye. "I did. But he hit first, so don't lecture." As an afterthought, he adds, "You should have seen the shocked look on his face when I hit back." Don't lecture? "Fuck, Alex. What the hell were you doing... going to see Mulder?" "Trying to make peace. I... I know how much it upset you when he was taken and I didn't want... Hell, I don't know. I guess I didn't want my problems with Mulder to stand in the way of you two working together." "So, what, you had a nice rational conversation with him and now everything's copasetic?" I'm starting to wonder about this fight. Alex knew Mulder would get physical. And he's plenty smart enough to avoid a fight if he wanted to. I notice he's very mellow about this whole thing, and very relaxed. More relaxed than I've seen him in recent weeks. Alex gives me an oh-please look. "Of course not. He yelled, maligned me and everyone who's ever known me, questioned my parentage--not that I blame him there--and accused me of 101 violations of the penal code." I toss the phone on the coffee table and sit next to him. "So just what did you accomplish, slugger?" He rests his hand on my thigh. "Maybe nothing. Maybe we'll be able to be in the same room without killing each other. Who knows." Sighing heavily, I squeeze his hand. "Do you need a doctor?" "I'll be fine. It's a good thing my type 1 nanos are all gone... no more nano episodes." He looks thoughtful. "Mulder doesn't have the luxury of nanos. He's going to feel bad for a long time, and I... can live with that." "Fucker deserves it," I mutter, even as I realize that maybe Mulder does deserve a little time to get used to Alex being one of the good guys. Still, I'm glad he's hurting or I'd want to hurt him myself. I rise to find ice and pain relievers but a knock at the door interrupts. The peephole reveals Dana. I admit her. "I slipped in with one of your neighbors." She glances toward the sofa. "I came to see how the other patient is doing." Offering a wan smile, I reply, "I feel like the parent of a third grader who beat up another kid on the playground." Smiling, she nods, then she gets a good look, at Alex. "Um, why hasn't he cleaned up those cuts yet?" I roll my eyes. "He stopped to pick up dinner. And then I had to yell at him first. I was just getting to it." Shaking her head, she moves to Alex. "Dinner? It took you two hours to get dinner?" Alex scowls at her. "I had an errand to run, Doc. Don't bug me." Flashing Dana a look, then turning my gaze onto my bad-boy lover, I say, "Do tell, Krycek. She won't bug you, but I will." Alex gives me a sullen look. "No." All right, pal, I'll torture it out of you later. Scully examines Alex carefully. Leaning down, she fingers his chain. Alex bats her hand away. She looks incredulous. "You stopped at a jeweler?" Alex gives her an annoyed look. She stands and mutters, "I'm going to get some first-aid supplies." As she passes me, she whispers, "Mulder said Alex went ballistic when he yanked that chain off." "Shut up, Dana," Alex calls after her, with false cheer. I sit next to him and fake an upper cut to the only unbruised spot on his face. "Next time, medical care first, you bonehead." He grabs my hand and kisses the palm.
[ 13, 29908, 29956, 2350, 29899, 271, 29973, 3850, 13, 17406, 4694, 267, 670, 5076, 29889, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 1985, 373, 21193, 672, 1213, 940, 4893, 263, 6483, 16172, 29892, 3700, 23359, 3252, 15423, 411, 6788, 29889, 376, 3868, 3430, 15029, 8763, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 29973, 383, 2707, 29889, 13, 22539, 3864, 1757, 9390, 368, 411, 278, 9008, 29892, 306, 297, 1548, 29892, 376, 22110, 14511, 630, 445, 11735, 3026, 13, 17406, 13246, 697, 10977, 29889, 376, 29902, 1258, 29889, 1205, 540, 7124, 937, 29892, 577, 1016, 29915, 29873, 29197, 1213, 1094, 385, 1156, 386, 1774, 29892, 540, 12778, 29892, 376, 3492, 881, 505, 3595, 278, 19253, 287, 1106, 373, 670, 3700, 746, 306, 7124, 1250, 1213, 13, 10310, 29915, 29873, 29197, 29973, 376, 29943, 2707, 29892, 4827, 29889, 1724, 278, 23927, 892, 366, 2599, 856, 2675, 304, 1074, 21193, 672, 3026, 13, 29908, 15870, 292, 304, 1207, 10776, 29889, 306, 856, 306, 1073, 920, 1568, 372, 24081, 300, 366, 746, 540, 471, 4586, 322, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 864, 856, 19339, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 29889, 306, 4140, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 864, 590, 4828, 411, 21193, 672, 304, 2317, 297, 278, 982, 310, 366, 1023, 1985, 4208, 1213, 13, 29908, 6295, 29892, 825, 29892, 366, 750, 263, 7575, 17903, 14983, 411, 1075, 322, 1286, 4129, 29915, 29879, 5614, 294, 7492, 3026, 306, 29915, 29885, 6257, 304, 4997, 1048, 445, 8589, 29889, 4827, 6363, 21193, 672, 723, 679, 9128, 29889, 1126, 540, 29915, 29879, 20947, 15040, 3307, 304, 4772, 263, 8589, 565, 540, 5131, 304, 29889, 306, 8369, 540, 29915, 29879, 1407, 286, 4743, 1048, 445, 3353, 2655, 29892, 322, 1407, 26681, 287, 29889, 5853, 26681, 287, 1135, 306, 29915, 345, 3595, 1075, 297, 7786, 11405, 29889, 13, 17406, 4076, 592, 385, 9360, 29899, 552, 559, 1106, 29889, 376, 2776, 3236, 451, 29889, 940, 343, 14356, 29892, 286, 13671, 592, 322, 14332, 1058, 29915, 29879, 3926, 2998, 592, 29892, 1139, 287, 590, 3847, 482, 489, 1333, 393, 306, 1999, 420, 1075, 727, 489, 392, 28886, 592, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29896, 5537, 800, 310, 278, 6584, 284, 775, 1213, 13, 29902, 28189, 278, 9008, 373, 278, 26935, 1591, 322, 7845, 2446, 304, 1075, 29889, 376, 6295, 925, 825, 1258, 366, 12709, 29892, 2243, 688, 914, 3026, 13, 3868, 1791, 29879, 670, 1361, 373, 590, 266, 1141, 29889, 376, 22762, 3078, 29889, 7198, 591, 29915, 645, 367, 2221, 304, 367, 297, 278, 1021, 5716, 1728, 23393, 1269, 916, 29889, 11644, 9906, 1213, 13, 29903, 1141, 292, 20365, 29892, 306, 269, 802, 29872, 911, 670, 1361, 29889, 376, 6132, 366, 817, 263, 11619, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 645, 367, 2691, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 1781, 2655, 590, 1134, 29871, 29896, 302, 16469, 526, 599, 7695, 856, 694, 901, 302, 1562, 23238, 1213, 940, 3430, 2714, 1319, 29889, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 1838, 29915, 29873, 505, 278, 21684, 2857, 310, 302, 16469, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 4459, 4319, 363, 263, 1472, 931, 29892, 322, 306, 856, 508, 5735, 411, 393, 1213, 13, 29908, 29943, 29583, 16964, 1960, 372, 1699, 306, 5478, 357, 29892, 1584, 408, 306, 16289, 393, 5505, 21193, 672, 947, 553, 7143, 263, 2217, 931, 304, 679, 1304, 304, 4827, 1641, 697, 310, 278, 1781, 18239, 29889, 12074, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 10932, 540, 29915, 29879, 12166, 1259, 470, 306, 29915, 29881, 864, 304, 21682, 1075, 6142, 29889, 13, 29902, 14451, 304, 1284, 14890, 322, 6788, 1104, 347, 874, 541, 263, 18232, 472, 278, 3050, 23754, 29879, 29889, 450, 1236, 29872, 561, 1772, 10320, 1338, 360, 1648, 29889, 306, 20000, 902, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 20662, 2986, 297, 411, 697, 310, 596, 22092, 943, 1213, 2296, 3144, 2925, 11183, 278, 577, 5444, 29889, 376, 29902, 2996, 304, 1074, 920, 278, 916, 16500, 338, 2599, 1213, 13, 2776, 571, 292, 263, 281, 273, 17819, 29892, 306, 8908, 29892, 376, 29902, 4459, 763, 278, 3847, 310, 263, 4654, 867, 1664, 1058, 16646, 701, 1790, 26397, 373, 278, 1708, 2057, 1213, 13, 12636, 6504, 29892, 1183, 18778, 29879, 29892, 769, 1183, 4947, 263, 1781, 1106, 29892, 472, 4827, 29889, 376, 29965, 29885, 29892, 2020, 22602, 29915, 29873, 540, 5941, 287, 701, 1906, 5700, 29879, 3447, 3026, 13, 29902, 9679, 590, 5076, 29889, 376, 3868, 11084, 304, 5839, 701, 17803, 29889, 1126, 769, 306, 750, 304, 343, 514, 472, 1075, 937, 29889, 306, 471, 925, 2805, 304, 372, 1213, 13, 2713, 5086, 902, 2343, 29892, 1183, 16229, 304, 4827, 29889, 376, 29928, 3993, 29973, 739, 3614, 366, 1023, 6199, 304, 679, 17803, 3026, 13, 17406, 885, 340, 3137, 472, 902, 29889, 376, 29902, 750, 385, 4589, 392, 304, 1065, 29892, 28197, 29889, 3872, 29915, 29873, 6494, 592, 1213, 13, 8754, 1161, 292, 360, 1648, 263, 1106, 29892, 769, 14712, 590, 12642, 29872, 11480, 590, 4319, 29899, 19415, 658, 369, 29892, 306, 1827, 29892, 376, 6132, 2649, 29892, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 29889, 2296, 2113, 29915, 29873, 6494, 366, 29892, 541, 306, 674, 1213, 13, 17406, 4076, 592, 263, 23416, 264, 1106, 29889, 376, 3782, 1213, 13, 3596, 1492, 29892, 5112, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 16263, 545, 372, 714, 310, 366, 2678, 29889, 13, 29903, 1810, 368, 4392, 1475, 4827, 16112, 29889, 951, 273, 292, 1623, 29892, 1183, 23915, 670, 9704, 29889, 4827, 289, 1446, 902, 1361, 3448, 29889, 2296, 3430, 29811, 352, 681, 29889, 376, 3492, 11084, 472, 263, 432, 809, 7367, 3026, 13, 17406, 4076, 902, 385, 12327, 28133, 1106, 29889, 13, 13468, 15028, 322, 5478, 2153, 29892, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 679, 777, 937, 29899, 29874, 333, 28075, 1213, 1094, 1183, 14517, 592, 29892, 1183, 17352, 6774, 29892, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 1497, 4827, 3512, 8287, 4695, 746, 540, 343, 804, 287, 393, 9704, 1283, 1213, 13, 29908, 2713, 329, 701, 29892, 360, 1648, 1699, 4827, 5717, 1156, 902, 29892, 411, 2089, 22794, 29889, 13, 29902, 7845, 2446, 304, 1075, 322, 25713, 385, 7568, 5700, 304, 278, 871, 443, 16670, 3368, 9758, 373, 670, 3700, 29889, 376, 9190, 931, 29892, 16083, 2562, 937, 29892, 366, 289, 650, 2813, 1213, 13, 3868, 2646, 5824, 590, 1361, 322, 20057, 267, 278, 5112, 29885, 29889 ]
"I'm really clear on my priorities, thank you." "Stubborn bastard." I capture his hand and kiss the fingertips. "See if I let you out of the house again without an escort." He offers a half smile. Dana returns and nudges me out of the way. A few minutes later, she pronounces him in reasonably good shape. "Except for a bruised kidney. If you notice any blood in your urine, call me." Alex rolls his eyes. "Sure, doc. I'll be certain to do just that." She gives him an indulgent look. "Walt gave you that chain, didn't he?" Alex's defensive expression relaxes a bit. "Yeah. And if Mulder ever touches it again, I'll rip his balls off." "Actually I think your fight calmed Mulder down a bit. He said he'd try not to start another one with you." She zips up her medical bag and looks up at me. "He got fired today." I blink at her. "What happened?" Not that I can't imagine Mulder getting fired. "He and Baker met with Kersh to discuss his absence. Kersh was being... well, Kersh. Mulder got angry and demanded to know who Kersh was working for besides the Bureau. So Kersh fired him. Baker tried to prevent it, but Kersh called security." Fuck. That must have been quite a scene. Rising, she meets my gaze. "Mulder wants to work with you, and the Resistance. I told him he'd have to find a way to work with Alex." She shrugs. "I think he'll try." He's not known for mastering his emotions in the workplace, but it's something. "Thanks, Dana." I walk her down to her car. When I get back to the apartment, I find Alex on the sofa, moving the ice pack on his face. I open the bag of take-out and peer inside. "You want some cold Chinese food?" Alex shakes his head. "You know this needed to happen." "Hmm... maybe. I know you could have prevented it... found a way to talk to Mulder so he couldn't pound the crap out of you." "I didn't want to prevent it. Mulder needed to get it out of his system. And I-" "Hey, you know, I don't appreciate your using your face to help Mulder vent his spleen." I take a calming breath, then carefully stroke the side of his jaw. He offers me a weak smile. "I also needed him to know I'm going to hit back. And that I'll win." He looks at me intently. "And, most importantly, that he's not going to be able to drive me away from you." "That he will never achieve." I grab a potsticker and hold it to his lips. Sometimes this is the only way to feed my fractious lover. Alex and I are having breakfast on the patio, when the phone rings. I step inside the living room to retrieve it. "I have some news for you, sir." It's Mulder. His speech is a little stilted, like he's talking around a swollen lip. Returning to the balcony, I reply, "What is it, Mulder?" Alex gives me a what-does-he-want-now look and seems to lose interest in his breakfast. "Kersh is dead. Shot in his apartment last night." His bland tone conveys very little emotion. I cover the phone and whisper to Alex. "Kersh was murdered last night." Alex mutters, "Things are improving." Mulder continues, "I'll bet you didn't know old flabby ass was a pedophile." "Really?" Alex looks at me curiously. "He was with a very underage prostitute--who took a bullet in the shoulder, but she's going to make it." "What a low life. He won't be missed." "So, speaking of sexual peccadilloes, when did you become an ass pirate?" Shit. I am *not* discussing my sexual history with Mulder. "A long time ago," I reply curtly. "That's cool, Walter. I don't have any problem with that, it's
[ 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2289, 2821, 373, 590, 7536, 1907, 29892, 6452, 366, 1213, 13, 29908, 855, 431, 4939, 21156, 538, 1213, 306, 10446, 670, 1361, 322, 20057, 278, 285, 292, 814, 4512, 29889, 376, 13393, 565, 306, 1235, 366, 714, 310, 278, 3699, 1449, 1728, 385, 3966, 441, 1213, 13, 3868, 16688, 263, 4203, 17819, 29889, 13, 29928, 1648, 3639, 322, 302, 566, 2710, 592, 714, 310, 278, 982, 29889, 319, 2846, 6233, 2678, 29892, 1183, 11504, 1309, 778, 1075, 297, 2769, 2197, 1781, 8267, 29889, 376, 1252, 1547, 363, 263, 19702, 3368, 26397, 3801, 29889, 960, 366, 8369, 738, 10416, 297, 596, 5065, 457, 29892, 1246, 592, 1213, 13, 17406, 9679, 29879, 670, 5076, 29889, 376, 29903, 545, 29892, 1574, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 367, 3058, 304, 437, 925, 393, 1213, 13, 13468, 4076, 1075, 385, 29156, 5362, 1106, 29889, 376, 29956, 1997, 4846, 366, 393, 9704, 29892, 3282, 29915, 29873, 540, 3026, 13, 17406, 29915, 29879, 822, 6270, 4603, 10208, 9100, 263, 2586, 29889, 376, 29979, 29872, 801, 29889, 1126, 565, 21193, 672, 3926, 6023, 267, 372, 1449, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 18290, 670, 26563, 1283, 1213, 13, 29908, 2865, 1474, 306, 1348, 596, 8589, 1208, 2168, 21193, 672, 1623, 263, 2586, 29889, 940, 1497, 540, 29915, 29881, 1018, 451, 304, 1369, 1790, 697, 411, 366, 1213, 2296, 503, 4512, 701, 902, 16083, 19548, 322, 3430, 701, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 3868, 2355, 17285, 9826, 1213, 13, 29902, 1999, 682, 472, 902, 29889, 376, 5618, 9559, 3026, 2216, 393, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 14034, 21193, 672, 2805, 17285, 29889, 13, 29908, 3868, 322, 22652, 1539, 411, 476, 414, 29882, 304, 5353, 670, 18070, 29889, 476, 414, 29882, 471, 1641, 856, 1532, 29892, 476, 414, 29882, 29889, 21193, 672, 2355, 26230, 322, 24432, 304, 1073, 1058, 476, 414, 29882, 471, 1985, 363, 18034, 278, 18903, 29889, 1105, 476, 414, 29882, 17285, 1075, 29889, 22652, 1898, 304, 5557, 372, 29892, 541, 476, 414, 29882, 2000, 6993, 1213, 13, 29943, 2707, 29889, 2193, 1818, 505, 1063, 3755, 263, 9088, 29889, 13, 29934, 5921, 29892, 1183, 28103, 590, 12642, 29872, 29889, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 10753, 304, 664, 411, 366, 29892, 322, 278, 2538, 21558, 29889, 306, 5429, 1075, 540, 29915, 29881, 505, 304, 1284, 263, 982, 304, 664, 411, 4827, 1213, 2296, 528, 582, 3174, 29889, 376, 29902, 1348, 540, 29915, 645, 1018, 1213, 13, 3868, 29915, 29879, 451, 2998, 363, 5835, 292, 670, 23023, 1080, 297, 278, 664, 6689, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 1554, 29889, 376, 16894, 29892, 360, 1648, 1213, 13, 29902, 6686, 902, 1623, 304, 902, 1559, 29889, 1932, 306, 679, 1250, 304, 278, 263, 8076, 29892, 306, 1284, 4827, 373, 278, 577, 5444, 29892, 8401, 278, 14890, 4870, 373, 670, 3700, 29889, 13, 29902, 1722, 278, 19548, 310, 2125, 29899, 449, 322, 23533, 2768, 29889, 376, 3492, 864, 777, 11220, 10013, 9687, 3026, 13, 17406, 528, 6926, 670, 2343, 29889, 376, 3492, 1073, 445, 4312, 304, 3799, 1213, 13, 29908, 29950, 4317, 856, 5505, 29889, 306, 1073, 366, 1033, 505, 5557, 287, 372, 856, 1476, 263, 982, 304, 5193, 304, 21193, 672, 577, 540, 8496, 29915, 29873, 282, 618, 278, 274, 2390, 714, 310, 366, 1213, 13, 29908, 29902, 3282, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 5557, 372, 29889, 21193, 672, 4312, 304, 679, 372, 714, 310, 670, 1788, 29889, 1126, 306, 29899, 29908, 13, 29908, 29950, 1032, 29892, 366, 1073, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 11188, 596, 773, 596, 3700, 304, 1371, 21193, 672, 9712, 670, 269, 552, 264, 1213, 306, 2125, 263, 1208, 4056, 16172, 29892, 769, 16112, 19782, 278, 2625, 310, 670, 432, 1450, 29889, 13, 3868, 16688, 592, 263, 8062, 17819, 29889, 376, 29902, 884, 4312, 1075, 304, 1073, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 7124, 1250, 29889, 1126, 393, 306, 29915, 645, 5401, 1213, 940, 3430, 472, 592, 938, 2705, 29889, 376, 2855, 29892, 1556, 4100, 368, 29892, 393, 540, 29915, 29879, 451, 2675, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 7899, 592, 3448, 515, 366, 1213, 13, 29908, 7058, 540, 674, 2360, 6176, 1213, 306, 17229, 263, 3104, 303, 6541, 322, 4808, 372, 304, 670, 17186, 29889, 18512, 445, 338, 278, 871, 982, 304, 8343, 590, 285, 1461, 2738, 658, 369, 29889, 13, 17406, 322, 306, 526, 2534, 26044, 373, 278, 2373, 601, 29892, 746, 278, 9008, 28774, 29889, 306, 4331, 2768, 278, 8471, 5716, 304, 10563, 372, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 505, 777, 9763, 363, 366, 29892, 8889, 1213, 739, 29915, 29879, 21193, 672, 29889, 3600, 12032, 338, 263, 2217, 380, 2782, 287, 29892, 763, 540, 29915, 29879, 9963, 2820, 263, 2381, 324, 2435, 17441, 29889, 13, 11609, 292, 304, 278, 6411, 535, 29891, 29892, 306, 8908, 29892, 376, 5618, 338, 372, 29892, 21193, 672, 3026, 13, 17406, 4076, 592, 263, 825, 29899, 13221, 29899, 354, 29899, 29893, 424, 29899, 3707, 1106, 322, 2444, 304, 14074, 4066, 297, 670, 26044, 29889, 13, 29908, 29968, 414, 29882, 338, 7123, 29889, 1383, 327, 297, 670, 263, 8076, 1833, 4646, 1213, 3600, 18742, 16225, 378, 345, 952, 1407, 2217, 953, 8194, 29889, 13, 29902, 4612, 278, 9008, 322, 21039, 304, 4827, 29889, 376, 29968, 414, 29882, 471, 13406, 287, 1833, 4646, 1213, 13, 17406, 5478, 2153, 29892, 376, 1349, 886, 526, 4857, 1747, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 18172, 29892, 376, 29902, 29915, 645, 1010, 366, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1073, 2030, 1652, 370, 1609, 1223, 471, 263, 8939, 3021, 488, 1213, 13, 29908, 1123, 635, 3026, 13, 17406, 3430, 472, 592, 12758, 368, 29889, 13, 29908, 3868, 471, 411, 263, 1407, 1090, 482, 16810, 12356, 489, 15970, 3614, 263, 24334, 297, 278, 23468, 29892, 541, 1183, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 1207, 372, 1213, 13, 29908, 5618, 263, 4482, 2834, 29889, 940, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 13726, 1213, 13, 29908, 6295, 29892, 13590, 310, 18287, 1236, 617, 328, 9093, 267, 29892, 746, 1258, 366, 4953, 385, 1223, 21625, 403, 3026, 13, 2713, 277, 29889, 306, 626, 334, 1333, 29930, 5353, 292, 590, 18287, 4955, 411, 21193, 672, 29889, 376, 29909, 1472, 931, 8020, 1699, 306, 8908, 3151, 29873, 368, 29889, 13, 29908, 7058, 29915, 29879, 12528, 29892, 10705, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 738, 1108, 411, 393, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879 ]
just your-" He stops himself with a great deal of effort. And a heavy sigh. "Uh, look. Scully told me what you're doing... with the Resistance. And I want to be a part of it. I guess you heard I got fired?" "Yeah." Spit it out, Mulder. I'm not going to help you. "If I try to get along with... him, will you let me in on the action? You need my expertise in this area. Besides, if you don't let me in, I'll keep looking on my own." It's a good threat. I know what a nuisance he can be. And, there's no question he's got the brains and drive to help us. "I want you on the team. I have from the beginning." Alex gives me a half smile, and mouths, 'I knew it.' I point to his plate and mouth, 'Eat.' "Okay, then." Mulder sounds a bit relieved. "Doggett told me you had an alien at your house." "Yeah." I know how much Mulder had wanted to do that... prove it to disbelievers. And I didn't really believe until he was taken. It doesn't feel right that I'm the one who proved it. "Mulder, I'm sorry for all the times I only partially believed you, and any time I didn't give you the support you needed. I was wrong." Alex rolls his eyes, but eats some more eggs. "Sounds like you and Scully have been reading the same script." He pauses, then adds, "All that matters is that you both believe now, and we're finally in a position to do something about it. Listen... I have a question, but I mean it sincerely, so don't get in a huff." Uh oh. "What is it, Mulder?" "Are you *sure* Krycek's not driving some other agenda? Someone else's agenda?" "I'm sure." Mulder's going to have to trust me. "I guess you're at the most risk. After all, you're the one who has to share a bed with... him. Okay. I'm in." He makes it sound like I've been trying to persuade him to join us. "Can we meet sometime to talk about your plans?" "Yeah. I want you to come to Geneva." And I'll have to find a partner, or a watchdog, to keep you out of trouble. Too bad Dana's having a baby. We make arrangements to meet early next week, then I terminate the call. Glancing up at Alex, I offer, "He's trying, but I don't expect much." Alex shrugs. "He'll either deal with it, or he won't. Doesn't change anything we have to do." Nodding, I reply, "Would you try not to goad him? He's bad enough on his own." He gives me a mock pout. "But he's such an easy target." Covering my hand with his, he continues, "I'll leave him alone." "Thank you." I finish the last of my slime beverage, then Alex and I get to work on the budget for the North American site. After a half hour, the phone rings again. It's Baker. He feels responsible about Kersh. I try to discourage that waste of emotion. And inform him that I'm going to steal Scully. He figures she'll want a nice quiet job after the baby is born, so he was going to talk to her about managing one of his units. I disagree. She's going to care about the world her baby grows up in. And she won't tolerate being left on the sidelines. Even though Gjersee and Mallory are now permanently assigned to the X-Files, I suggest to Baker that he partner Doggett with an agent friend of John's from the New Orleans field office. With everything we know now, they're going to need the extra manpower. After the call, Alex and I retreat to the office to put together an offer for Scully. I don't want her to have any reason to say no. When we're done, Alex nudges me in the ribs and teasingly says, "You made me take a pay cut and you're offering her
[ 925, 596, 29899, 29908, 940, 17726, 3654, 411, 263, 2107, 5376, 310, 7225, 29889, 1126, 263, 9416, 269, 1141, 29889, 376, 29965, 29882, 29892, 1106, 29889, 317, 1810, 368, 5429, 592, 825, 366, 29915, 276, 2599, 856, 411, 278, 2538, 21558, 29889, 1126, 306, 864, 304, 367, 263, 760, 310, 372, 29889, 306, 4140, 366, 6091, 306, 2355, 17285, 3026, 13, 29908, 29979, 29872, 801, 1213, 1706, 277, 372, 714, 29892, 21193, 672, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 2675, 304, 1371, 366, 29889, 13, 29908, 3644, 306, 1018, 304, 679, 3412, 411, 856, 1075, 29892, 674, 366, 1235, 592, 297, 373, 278, 3158, 29973, 887, 817, 590, 17924, 895, 297, 445, 4038, 29889, 19065, 29892, 565, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1235, 592, 297, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 3013, 3063, 373, 590, 1914, 1213, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 1781, 28469, 29889, 306, 1073, 825, 263, 302, 4664, 749, 540, 508, 367, 29889, 1126, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 1139, 540, 29915, 29879, 2355, 278, 4105, 1144, 322, 7899, 304, 1371, 502, 29889, 376, 29902, 864, 366, 373, 278, 3815, 29889, 306, 505, 515, 278, 6763, 1213, 13, 17406, 4076, 592, 263, 4203, 17819, 29892, 322, 13394, 29879, 29892, 525, 29902, 6363, 372, 6169, 13, 29902, 1298, 304, 670, 15284, 322, 13394, 29892, 525, 29923, 271, 6169, 13, 29908, 20434, 388, 29892, 769, 1213, 21193, 672, 10083, 263, 2586, 1104, 6402, 29889, 376, 29928, 468, 657, 29873, 5429, 592, 366, 750, 385, 394, 819, 472, 596, 3699, 1213, 13, 29908, 29979, 29872, 801, 1213, 306, 1073, 920, 1568, 21193, 672, 750, 5131, 304, 437, 393, 856, 6356, 372, 304, 766, 6596, 347, 874, 29889, 1126, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2289, 4658, 2745, 540, 471, 4586, 29889, 739, 1838, 29915, 29873, 4459, 1492, 393, 306, 29915, 29885, 278, 697, 1058, 11827, 372, 29889, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 7423, 363, 599, 278, 3064, 306, 871, 22039, 13112, 366, 29892, 322, 738, 931, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2367, 366, 278, 2304, 366, 4312, 29889, 306, 471, 2743, 1213, 13, 17406, 9679, 29879, 670, 5076, 29892, 541, 321, 1446, 777, 901, 29808, 29889, 13, 29908, 29903, 3885, 763, 366, 322, 317, 1810, 368, 505, 1063, 5183, 278, 1021, 2471, 1213, 940, 282, 1485, 267, 29892, 769, 12778, 29892, 376, 3596, 393, 13750, 338, 393, 366, 1716, 4658, 1286, 29892, 322, 591, 29915, 276, 7146, 297, 263, 2602, 304, 437, 1554, 1048, 372, 29889, 2391, 264, 856, 306, 505, 263, 1139, 29892, 541, 306, 2099, 372, 4457, 2265, 873, 29892, 577, 1016, 29915, 29873, 679, 297, 263, 298, 3096, 1213, 13, 29965, 29882, 9360, 29889, 376, 5618, 338, 372, 29892, 21193, 672, 3026, 13, 29908, 17506, 366, 334, 29879, 545, 29930, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 29915, 29879, 451, 19500, 777, 916, 946, 8395, 29973, 3834, 650, 1683, 29915, 29879, 946, 8395, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 29885, 1854, 1213, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 505, 304, 9311, 592, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 4140, 366, 29915, 276, 472, 278, 1556, 12045, 29889, 2860, 599, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 278, 697, 1058, 756, 304, 6232, 263, 6592, 411, 856, 1075, 29889, 20419, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 297, 1213, 940, 3732, 372, 6047, 763, 306, 29915, 345, 1063, 1811, 304, 20408, 1943, 1075, 304, 5988, 502, 29889, 376, 6028, 591, 5870, 1047, 5410, 304, 5193, 1048, 596, 13900, 3026, 13, 29908, 29979, 29872, 801, 29889, 306, 864, 366, 304, 2041, 304, 15350, 1564, 1213, 1126, 306, 29915, 645, 505, 304, 1284, 263, 18096, 29892, 470, 263, 6505, 26169, 29892, 304, 3013, 366, 714, 310, 7458, 29889, 1763, 29877, 4319, 360, 1648, 29915, 29879, 2534, 263, 24354, 29889, 13, 4806, 1207, 15196, 4110, 304, 5870, 4688, 2446, 4723, 29892, 769, 306, 29504, 278, 1246, 29889, 402, 6468, 3277, 701, 472, 4827, 29892, 306, 5957, 29892, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 1811, 29892, 541, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2149, 1568, 1213, 13, 17406, 528, 582, 3174, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 645, 2845, 5376, 411, 372, 29892, 470, 540, 2113, 29915, 29873, 29889, 5538, 29876, 29915, 29873, 1735, 3099, 591, 505, 304, 437, 1213, 13, 29940, 397, 8497, 29892, 306, 8908, 29892, 376, 29956, 483, 366, 1018, 451, 304, 748, 328, 1075, 29973, 940, 29915, 29879, 4319, 3307, 373, 670, 1914, 1213, 13, 3868, 4076, 592, 263, 11187, 282, 449, 29889, 376, 6246, 540, 29915, 29879, 1316, 385, 4780, 3646, 1213, 26428, 292, 590, 1361, 411, 670, 29892, 540, 18172, 29892, 376, 29902, 29915, 645, 5967, 1075, 7432, 1213, 13, 29908, 25271, 366, 1213, 13, 29902, 8341, 278, 1833, 310, 590, 2243, 603, 367, 19698, 29892, 769, 4827, 322, 306, 679, 304, 664, 373, 278, 23562, 363, 278, 4644, 3082, 3268, 29889, 2860, 263, 4203, 7234, 29892, 278, 9008, 28774, 1449, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 22652, 29889, 940, 23880, 14040, 1048, 476, 414, 29882, 29889, 306, 1018, 304, 2313, 283, 6617, 393, 19863, 310, 953, 8194, 29889, 1126, 1871, 1075, 393, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 1886, 284, 317, 1810, 368, 29889, 940, 13994, 1183, 29915, 645, 864, 263, 7575, 11813, 4982, 1156, 278, 24354, 338, 6345, 29892, 577, 540, 471, 2675, 304, 5193, 304, 902, 1048, 767, 6751, 697, 310, 670, 10340, 29889, 306, 22941, 929, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 2562, 1048, 278, 3186, 902, 24354, 25088, 701, 297, 29889, 1126, 1183, 2113, 29915, 29873, 20341, 403, 1641, 2175, 373, 278, 269, 10652, 1475, 29889, 7753, 2466, 402, 6846, 4149, 322, 23809, 706, 526, 1286, 9410, 2705, 9859, 304, 278, 1060, 29899, 10547, 29892, 306, 4368, 304, 22652, 393, 540, 18096, 18776, 657, 29873, 411, 385, 10823, 5121, 310, 2259, 29915, 29879, 515, 278, 1570, 26884, 1746, 8034, 29889, 2973, 4129, 591, 1073, 1286, 29892, 896, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 817, 278, 4805, 767, 13519, 29889, 13, 13555, 278, 1246, 29892, 4827, 322, 306, 22162, 271, 304, 278, 8034, 304, 1925, 4208, 385, 5957, 363, 317, 1810, 368, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 902, 304, 505, 738, 2769, 304, 1827, 694, 29889, 13, 10401, 591, 29915, 276, 2309, 29892, 4827, 302, 566, 2710, 592, 297, 278, 18130, 29879, 322, 734, 5832, 368, 4083, 29892, 376, 3492, 1754, 592, 2125, 263, 5146, 5700, 322, 366, 29915, 276, 27032, 902 ]
*that*?" I grin unrepentantly. "Yeah, well, she won't work for sexual favors. Although we haven't asked her... we could put it in the proposal and see-" He gives me a shake, then kisses me soundly. "Don't even think about it." One Week Later After dinner, Walt and I clear away the dishes. He stops me from leaving a stack of them on the microwave. What's wrong with that? Then we return to the table to pitch our proposal to Scully. Dana reads it through carefully, then looks up at Walt. "You want me to run the base at Nogales?" "Yes. I chose Nogales so the staff can live in the States and you could be involved in Lavagetto's work. But if there's somewhere else you prefer...?" She shakes her head in bemusement. "I'll have to think about it. But let's talk about this item..." We discuss the proposal details. She has concerns about security, which I think about almost constantly, so I'm able to address her issues. She actually tries to negotiate us down on salary, which is nearly four times what she makes now. But Walter is firm on the offer. I think she deserves it, but since the budget is my responsibility, I stay out of it. I have to fight off a smile because, after we found out about Mulder's inheritance, Walter offered him a pittance of a salary. We're able to effectively counter most of her objections by either changing her job description or ensuring her she'll get what she wants. In the end, she gives conditional agreement. She wants to be involved in the planning stages now, but doesn't want to start until after the baby is born. Scully folds up the offer and tucks it in her purse. "Where will everyone else be based?" "Alex and I will travel, spending most of our time in Geneva and Nogales." He gives me a slightly nervous look. "We didn't spell it out in the proposal, but Mulder will be working for you, Dana, so you can decide his location options." She frowns. "Oh, you spring that on me *after* I've accepted." She shakes a finger at Walter. "Chicken." Walter removes his glasses and rubs his forehead. "You know as well as I do that it's the only reasonable option. He needs you. And he's going to need a partner. Someone who can keep him out of trouble." "That's a tall order." She nods thoughtfully. "I was thinking about recruiting Nate Gjersee... I think he might make a good partner for Mulder. He seems easy going, but I don't think he'll take any shit. He's proved more than willing to go toe-to-toe with Doggett every day." Walt glances at me. "What's your opinion, Alex?" "I think Gjersee cultivates that California-surfer-boy attitude so people will underestimate him. I think he's more than capable of handling Mulder. But would he want to?" "Make him an offer, Dana." Walt puts an arm around my shoulders. "Money man here will handle the costs." "I will." She pauses, then blandly says, "Incidentally, Mulder asked me to marry him." Walter gives her an expectant smile. "Are congratulations in order?" I try not to turn up my nose in distaste. Scully gives an emphatic shake of her head. "I don't think Mulder and I are cut out for that kind of partnership." "I understand," Walter says quietly. She looks at us both thoughtfully. "It's still hard to believe that this is real. That we have an international organization with thousands of people working to prevent the colonization." She smiles at me. "And all of this has come from the love between the two of you." I feel myself flushing. What an odd thing to say. I glance at Walter who has a satisfied smile on his face. "An unusual byproduct," I mumble absently. "I guess it did." Walter reaches across the table to take her hand. "Don't forget the brilliant doctor who saved our asses more times than we can count. We owe you everything." "No you don't. I'm just doing my job and looking out for my
[ 334, 5747, 29930, 3026, 13, 29902, 867, 262, 443, 3445, 296, 10835, 29889, 376, 29979, 29872, 801, 29892, 1532, 29892, 1183, 2113, 29915, 29873, 664, 363, 18287, 5025, 943, 29889, 8512, 591, 7359, 29915, 29873, 4433, 902, 856, 591, 1033, 1925, 372, 297, 278, 24963, 322, 1074, 29899, 29908, 13, 3868, 4076, 592, 263, 528, 1296, 29892, 769, 20057, 267, 592, 6047, 368, 29889, 376, 10310, 29915, 29873, 1584, 1348, 1048, 372, 1213, 13, 6716, 15511, 12699, 13, 13555, 17803, 29892, 399, 1997, 322, 306, 2821, 3448, 278, 270, 17006, 29889, 940, 17726, 592, 515, 10124, 263, 5096, 310, 963, 373, 278, 20710, 798, 1351, 29889, 1724, 29915, 29879, 2743, 411, 393, 29973, 13, 11760, 591, 736, 304, 278, 1591, 304, 15905, 1749, 24963, 304, 317, 1810, 368, 29889, 13, 29928, 1648, 13623, 372, 1549, 16112, 29892, 769, 3430, 701, 472, 399, 1997, 29889, 376, 3492, 864, 592, 304, 1065, 278, 2967, 472, 405, 468, 2122, 3026, 13, 29908, 8241, 29889, 306, 12784, 405, 468, 2122, 577, 278, 13925, 508, 5735, 297, 278, 3900, 322, 366, 1033, 367, 9701, 297, 23212, 351, 8563, 29915, 29879, 664, 29889, 1205, 565, 727, 29915, 29879, 9051, 1683, 366, 5821, 856, 3026, 13, 13468, 528, 6926, 902, 2343, 297, 15522, 22527, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 645, 505, 304, 1348, 1048, 372, 29889, 1205, 1235, 29915, 29879, 5193, 1048, 445, 2944, 17794, 13, 4806, 5353, 278, 24963, 4902, 29889, 2296, 756, 21838, 1048, 6993, 29892, 607, 306, 1348, 1048, 4359, 21003, 29892, 577, 306, 29915, 29885, 2221, 304, 3211, 902, 5626, 29889, 2296, 2869, 14335, 304, 27214, 403, 502, 1623, 373, 4497, 653, 29892, 607, 338, 8886, 3023, 3064, 825, 1183, 3732, 1286, 29889, 1205, 10705, 338, 9226, 373, 278, 5957, 29889, 306, 1348, 1183, 16964, 1960, 372, 29892, 541, 1951, 278, 23562, 338, 590, 23134, 29892, 306, 7952, 714, 310, 372, 29889, 13, 29902, 505, 304, 8589, 1283, 263, 17819, 1363, 29892, 1156, 591, 1476, 714, 1048, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 20328, 29892, 10705, 12520, 1075, 263, 27954, 749, 310, 263, 4497, 653, 29889, 13, 4806, 29915, 276, 2221, 304, 17583, 6795, 1556, 310, 902, 704, 24247, 491, 2845, 6480, 902, 4982, 6139, 470, 5662, 3864, 902, 1183, 29915, 645, 679, 825, 1183, 10753, 29889, 512, 278, 1095, 29892, 1183, 4076, 15047, 17327, 29889, 2296, 10753, 304, 367, 9701, 297, 278, 18987, 22950, 1286, 29892, 541, 1838, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 1369, 2745, 1156, 278, 24354, 338, 6345, 29889, 13, 29903, 1810, 368, 900, 6289, 701, 278, 5957, 322, 260, 2707, 29879, 372, 297, 902, 3708, 344, 29889, 376, 11921, 674, 14332, 1683, 367, 2729, 3026, 13, 29908, 17406, 322, 306, 674, 9850, 29892, 805, 2548, 1556, 310, 1749, 931, 297, 15350, 1564, 322, 405, 468, 2122, 1213, 940, 4076, 592, 263, 10029, 23547, 681, 1106, 29889, 376, 4806, 3282, 29915, 29873, 24779, 372, 714, 297, 278, 24963, 29892, 541, 21193, 672, 674, 367, 1985, 363, 366, 29892, 360, 1648, 29892, 577, 366, 508, 11097, 670, 4423, 3987, 1213, 13, 13468, 285, 798, 1983, 29889, 376, 9048, 29892, 366, 6709, 393, 373, 592, 334, 7045, 29930, 306, 29915, 345, 9259, 1213, 2296, 528, 6926, 263, 19917, 472, 10705, 29889, 376, 1451, 21475, 1213, 13, 29956, 13794, 25388, 670, 12917, 267, 322, 14051, 29879, 670, 26839, 2813, 29889, 376, 3492, 1073, 408, 1532, 408, 306, 437, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 278, 871, 15590, 2984, 29889, 940, 4225, 366, 29889, 1126, 540, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 817, 263, 18096, 29889, 3834, 650, 1058, 508, 3013, 1075, 714, 310, 7458, 1213, 13, 29908, 7058, 29915, 29879, 263, 15655, 1797, 1213, 2296, 18778, 29879, 2714, 3730, 29889, 376, 29902, 471, 7291, 1048, 1162, 9216, 292, 405, 403, 402, 6846, 4149, 856, 306, 1348, 540, 1795, 1207, 263, 1781, 18096, 363, 21193, 672, 29889, 940, 2444, 4780, 2675, 29892, 541, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 540, 29915, 645, 2125, 738, 528, 277, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 11827, 901, 1135, 17762, 304, 748, 29363, 29899, 517, 29899, 517, 29872, 411, 18776, 657, 29873, 1432, 2462, 1213, 13, 29956, 1997, 3144, 2925, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 5618, 29915, 29879, 596, 9426, 29892, 4827, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 1348, 402, 6846, 4149, 18834, 1078, 393, 8046, 29899, 7610, 571, 29899, 19415, 26309, 577, 2305, 674, 1090, 342, 6490, 1075, 29889, 306, 1348, 540, 29915, 29879, 901, 1135, 15390, 310, 11415, 21193, 672, 29889, 1205, 723, 540, 864, 304, 3026, 13, 29908, 9984, 1075, 385, 5957, 29892, 360, 1648, 1213, 399, 1997, 15223, 385, 5075, 2820, 590, 26671, 29889, 376, 29924, 4992, 767, 1244, 674, 4386, 278, 21544, 1213, 13, 29908, 29902, 674, 1213, 2296, 282, 1485, 267, 29892, 769, 18742, 368, 4083, 29892, 376, 797, 29883, 1693, 635, 29892, 21193, 672, 4433, 592, 304, 20479, 1075, 1213, 13, 29956, 13794, 4076, 902, 385, 2149, 424, 17819, 29889, 376, 17506, 378, 629, 271, 8250, 297, 1797, 3026, 13, 29902, 1018, 451, 304, 2507, 701, 590, 26414, 297, 1320, 4350, 29889, 13, 29903, 1810, 368, 4076, 385, 953, 561, 2454, 528, 1296, 310, 902, 2343, 29889, 376, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 21193, 672, 322, 306, 526, 5700, 714, 363, 393, 2924, 310, 22056, 4034, 1213, 13, 29908, 29902, 2274, 1699, 10705, 4083, 25970, 29889, 13, 13468, 3430, 472, 502, 1716, 2714, 3730, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1603, 2898, 304, 4658, 393, 445, 338, 1855, 29889, 2193, 591, 505, 385, 6121, 13013, 411, 17202, 310, 2305, 1985, 304, 5557, 278, 8104, 2133, 1213, 2296, 1560, 5475, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 2855, 599, 310, 445, 756, 2041, 515, 278, 5360, 1546, 278, 1023, 310, 366, 1213, 13, 29902, 4459, 6142, 1652, 21616, 29889, 1724, 385, 7736, 2655, 304, 1827, 29889, 306, 21798, 472, 10705, 1058, 756, 263, 15787, 17819, 373, 670, 3700, 29889, 376, 2744, 22910, 491, 4704, 1699, 306, 286, 15563, 6425, 2705, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 4140, 372, 1258, 1213, 10705, 22170, 4822, 278, 1591, 304, 2125, 902, 1361, 29889, 376, 10310, 29915, 29873, 9566, 278, 27592, 11619, 1058, 7160, 1749, 1223, 267, 901, 3064, 1135, 591, 508, 2302, 29889, 1334, 288, 705, 366, 4129, 1213, 13, 29908, 3782, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 925, 2599, 590, 4982, 322, 3063, 714, 363, 590 ]
baby." I find myself saying, "Well, whatever you're doing, it works." She turns her gaze on me. "Thanks, Dana." It's been a long time since I felt I owed someone--well, someone other than Walter--but I do owe Dana. A lot. One Month Later I can hear Mulder's and Alex's voices getting closer. They're arguing. Again. At least I don't have to worry about them coming to blows, because one of our security guys is glued to Mulder. Abruptly, the squabbling duo is in my office. Unsurprisingly, Alex seems annoyed, and there's a hint of something else. Mulder looks determined. The bodyguard, standing in the back of the room, appears to have a headache. "Oh, come on, Mulder." Alex slams a stack of files on the meeting table. "You're up to your ass in more 'truth' than you can even process, and you're still convinced we're trying to hide something from you? You are so fucking paranoid." Mulder points his finger at Alex. "There are parts of the system that have been encrypted and I'm told only you have the encryption key." "Just because you don't know *everything* doesn't mean there's a conspiracy." Alex's expression is tight, faint dark circles under his eyes. "You're hiding something!" I generally try to let them work out their differences without my interference, but I don't have a sense of humor on this particular matter. "Mulder. Shut. Up." He rounds on me. "What are you hiding?" Rising, I step around my desk, approach him and give him a hard look. "I'm only going to say this once, so you better listen. The files that only Alex has access to are medical files. Alex's medical files. And you don't need to know what's in them." "Medical files? The only reason he'd have medical files at this facility is-" He stops suddenly, gaping at me, then at Alex. "Shit." Alex glares at Mulder. When Mulder gets himself back together, he asks, "But some of the files were in the strategic-" Alex cuts him off this time. "Mulder, yours were not the only parents in the Consortium." He waits for that to sink in. "If we find data about your family, I promise you can encrypt it and keep everyone out of it. In the meantime, keep your nose out of my fucking business." I have to think to close my jaw. I didn't expect Alex to share *this* with Mulder. And I doubt Mulder's capable of appreciating his candor. I have to end it. "Mulder, this conversation is over. I don't want to hear a word out of your mouth about it. Ever again. Got that?" Mulder's staring at Alex as if he's never seen him before. He turns his gaze back to me. "Uh, yeah. Whatever." He turns and heads out of my office, followed by his shadow. I can tell he's still piecing things together. Sometimes I wish he weren't so damned smart. But at least he's on our side. More or less. Alex plops into one of the chairs. "Remind me why we wanted him working for us?" "Yeah, well, we just need to channel all that energy into something productive." I stand next to Alex's chair and give his shoulder a squeeze. "You okay?" "Yeah." His body tension tells a different story. "When we brought Mulder with us, I didn't expect him to choose me as his guide." I'm surprised that Alex hasn't figured that out already. Mulder's watching him. Waiting to catch him at something nefarious. But Mulder isn't the problem. "You've been on edge and sleeping badly. I'm... concerned." Alex looks up at me. "I'm fine." He captures my hand and squeezes it. "Geneva isn't my favorite location in the world. Add Mulder to the mix..." He trails off and shrugs. I meet his gaze. That's true, but it's also bullshit. And we both know it. It's something
[ 24354, 1213, 13, 29902, 1284, 6142, 5934, 29892, 376, 11284, 29892, 6514, 366, 29915, 276, 2599, 29892, 372, 1736, 1213, 2296, 12169, 902, 12642, 29872, 373, 592, 29889, 376, 16894, 29892, 360, 1648, 1213, 739, 29915, 29879, 1063, 263, 1472, 931, 1951, 306, 7091, 306, 8152, 287, 4856, 489, 5872, 29892, 4856, 916, 1135, 10705, 489, 4187, 306, 437, 288, 705, 360, 1648, 29889, 319, 3287, 29889, 13, 6716, 23471, 12699, 13, 29902, 508, 8293, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 322, 4827, 29915, 29879, 28848, 2805, 17649, 29889, 2688, 29915, 276, 1852, 26420, 29889, 11454, 29889, 2180, 3203, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 304, 15982, 1048, 963, 6421, 304, 13031, 29879, 29892, 1363, 697, 310, 1749, 6993, 18239, 338, 3144, 6742, 304, 21193, 672, 29889, 13, 4920, 6685, 368, 29892, 278, 10674, 8846, 1847, 868, 29877, 338, 297, 590, 8034, 29889, 853, 7610, 558, 5921, 368, 29892, 4827, 2444, 12327, 28133, 29892, 322, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 13182, 310, 1554, 1683, 29889, 21193, 672, 3430, 10087, 29889, 450, 3573, 17728, 29892, 13407, 297, 278, 1250, 310, 278, 5716, 29892, 5692, 304, 505, 263, 2343, 1829, 29889, 13, 29908, 9048, 29892, 2041, 373, 29892, 21193, 672, 1213, 4827, 2243, 2232, 263, 5096, 310, 2066, 373, 278, 11781, 1591, 29889, 376, 3492, 29915, 276, 701, 304, 596, 1223, 297, 901, 525, 509, 2806, 29915, 1135, 366, 508, 1584, 1889, 29892, 322, 366, 29915, 276, 1603, 25617, 591, 29915, 276, 1811, 304, 9563, 1554, 515, 366, 29973, 887, 526, 577, 285, 2707, 292, 610, 1562, 333, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 3291, 670, 19917, 472, 4827, 29889, 376, 8439, 526, 5633, 310, 278, 1788, 393, 505, 1063, 23220, 322, 306, 29915, 29885, 5429, 871, 366, 505, 278, 20956, 1820, 1213, 13, 29908, 14084, 1363, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 334, 17991, 1918, 29930, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2099, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 21588, 29875, 10068, 1213, 4827, 29915, 29879, 4603, 338, 19932, 29892, 24732, 6501, 22558, 1090, 670, 5076, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 29915, 276, 25508, 1554, 3850, 13, 29902, 6892, 1018, 304, 1235, 963, 664, 714, 1009, 12651, 1728, 590, 1006, 1659, 29892, 541, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 263, 4060, 310, 27448, 373, 445, 3153, 4383, 29889, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 29889, 1383, 329, 29889, 5020, 1213, 13, 3868, 364, 3885, 373, 592, 29889, 376, 5618, 526, 366, 25508, 3026, 13, 29934, 5921, 29892, 306, 4331, 2820, 590, 553, 29895, 29892, 2948, 1075, 322, 2367, 1075, 263, 2898, 1106, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 871, 2675, 304, 1827, 445, 2748, 29892, 577, 366, 2253, 11621, 29889, 450, 2066, 393, 871, 4827, 756, 2130, 304, 526, 16083, 2066, 29889, 4827, 29915, 29879, 16083, 2066, 29889, 1126, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 817, 304, 1073, 825, 29915, 29879, 297, 963, 1213, 13, 29908, 19302, 936, 2066, 29973, 450, 871, 2769, 540, 29915, 29881, 505, 16083, 2066, 472, 445, 24454, 338, 29899, 29908, 940, 17726, 11584, 29892, 17261, 292, 472, 592, 29892, 769, 472, 4827, 29889, 376, 2713, 277, 1213, 13, 17406, 3144, 5114, 472, 21193, 672, 29889, 13, 10401, 21193, 672, 4947, 3654, 1250, 4208, 29892, 540, 19514, 29892, 376, 6246, 777, 310, 278, 2066, 892, 297, 278, 16650, 293, 29899, 29908, 13, 17406, 5700, 29879, 1075, 1283, 445, 931, 29889, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 29892, 15850, 892, 451, 278, 871, 11825, 297, 278, 2138, 441, 1974, 1213, 940, 11324, 1169, 363, 393, 304, 28169, 297, 29889, 376, 3644, 591, 1284, 848, 1048, 596, 3942, 29892, 306, 11640, 366, 508, 27924, 372, 322, 3013, 14332, 714, 310, 372, 29889, 512, 278, 6839, 603, 29892, 3013, 596, 26414, 714, 310, 590, 285, 2707, 292, 5381, 1213, 13, 29902, 505, 304, 1348, 304, 3802, 590, 432, 1450, 29889, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2149, 4827, 304, 6232, 334, 1366, 29930, 411, 21193, 672, 29889, 1126, 306, 7404, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 15390, 310, 5108, 1218, 670, 23794, 272, 29889, 13, 29902, 505, 304, 1095, 372, 29889, 376, 29924, 352, 672, 29892, 445, 14983, 338, 975, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 8293, 263, 1734, 714, 310, 596, 13394, 1048, 372, 29889, 18274, 1449, 29889, 15992, 393, 3026, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 29915, 29879, 380, 4362, 472, 4827, 408, 565, 540, 29915, 29879, 2360, 3595, 1075, 1434, 29889, 940, 12169, 670, 12642, 29872, 1250, 304, 592, 29889, 376, 29965, 29882, 29892, 21915, 29889, 806, 5564, 1213, 940, 12169, 322, 15883, 714, 310, 590, 8034, 29892, 5643, 491, 670, 15504, 29889, 306, 508, 2649, 540, 29915, 29879, 1603, 5036, 3277, 2712, 4208, 29889, 18512, 306, 6398, 540, 2949, 264, 29915, 29873, 577, 5625, 9571, 15040, 29889, 1205, 472, 3203, 540, 29915, 29879, 373, 1749, 2625, 29889, 5853, 470, 3109, 29889, 13, 17406, 282, 417, 567, 964, 697, 310, 278, 521, 7121, 29889, 376, 7301, 513, 592, 2020, 591, 5131, 1075, 1985, 363, 502, 3026, 13, 29908, 29979, 29872, 801, 29892, 1532, 29892, 591, 925, 817, 304, 8242, 599, 393, 5864, 964, 1554, 3234, 573, 1213, 306, 2317, 2446, 304, 4827, 29915, 29879, 11774, 322, 2367, 670, 23468, 263, 269, 802, 29872, 911, 29889, 376, 3492, 20759, 3026, 13, 29908, 29979, 29872, 801, 1213, 3600, 3573, 260, 2673, 10603, 263, 1422, 5828, 29889, 376, 10401, 591, 6296, 21193, 672, 411, 502, 29892, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2149, 1075, 304, 6755, 592, 408, 670, 10754, 1213, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 18014, 393, 4827, 22602, 29915, 29873, 14788, 393, 714, 2307, 29889, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 21217, 1075, 29889, 20340, 292, 304, 4380, 1075, 472, 1554, 452, 29888, 1306, 681, 29889, 13, 6246, 21193, 672, 3508, 29915, 29873, 278, 1108, 29889, 376, 3492, 29915, 345, 1063, 373, 7636, 322, 8709, 292, 28042, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 856, 15041, 1213, 13, 17406, 3430, 701, 472, 592, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2691, 1213, 940, 4332, 1973, 590, 1361, 322, 269, 802, 6096, 267, 372, 29889, 376, 29954, 1600, 1564, 3508, 29915, 29873, 590, 25448, 4423, 297, 278, 3186, 29889, 3462, 21193, 672, 304, 278, 6837, 17794, 940, 1020, 2719, 1283, 322, 528, 582, 3174, 29889, 13, 29902, 5870, 670, 12642, 29872, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 1565, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 884, 289, 913, 845, 277, 29889, 1126, 591, 1716, 1073, 372, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1554 ]
about our new lifestyle. And it's not jetlag. Alex isn't the type to worry about the future of the planet--the only thing besides Alex that worries *me*--so what else is bothering him? I decide to let it go. For now. Sighing, Alex reaches for one of the files. "In other news... one of our operatives in Singapore was arrested for something stupid." He scans the paper. "Defacing public property or some such shit. He actually called in to his handler asking for assistance." Alex shrugs. "I don't think we can do anything." "Is that a caning offense in Singapore?" Alex nods. "Yeah. That's what he's hoping to get out of. I don't want to expose us to prevent one of our operatives from getting spanked. I think we should stay out of it." "Find him an attorney, but if the courts find him guilty, he can still work with a sore ass." My lead man in Geneva has just stepped into the conference room and flutters a bit at my words. The man's not the most dynamic leader--Alex calls him Mr. Meek--but he's doing okay. Follows orders pretty damned well. Alex holds out his hand and Mr. Meek delivers whatever he was expecting. After reviewing the paper, he mutters, "Some of our department heads don't like my new budget." He gets to his feet. "Do you need me for anything right now?" I shake my head. "Not at the moment. Be back in time for Mr. Green?" Looking less than thrilled, he mutters, "Sure." He heads into his office through the connecting door. Turning to Mr. Meek, I toss him the report he gave me this morning. "This summary of detected alien activities is very useful. Can you get me this every week?" When I sit, he sits across from me and we discuss the report. After a half hour or so, the meeting has come to an end. He rises to depart. "Lester, can I ask you something?" "Of course, sir." I stand and lean against my desk. "The other day in the elevator, I tried to talk sports with one of the geophysicists and he got all bristly. Wouldn't say anything but yes or no. And the red-haired woman in the graphics department leaves her desk every time Alex or I come into the section. Why is everyone so afraid of us?" I can guess why, of course, but I need to understand clearly what's in the wind about us. He plays with his fingers for a moment. "Um, well, you know, you're the boss." "No. I've been the boss before. That's not it." Mr. Meek looks like he wants to evaporate. "C'mon, give it to me straight." "Well, a lot of people think that you or Mr. Krycek might kill anyone you didn't like." "Oh." No surprise, given our first visit to this place. "Do you believe that?" "Oh, no, sir," he replies emphatically. He's probably telling the truth. "So that's the rumor?" "Is there more to it?" He looks at the floor. "Well, there's one rumor that you two have done this before... taken over another organization and that you select your, um, mistresses from the administrative pool. And, well," he gives me a pained look, "there's a rumor that you actually... uh... sleep with..." he takes a step back. "Each other." Mistresses, huh? I don't think Alex would approve. "Okay. Anything else?" "Yeah. Some people say you've killed more than a hundred people." "Uh huh." Sadly, it might be true, if you count 'Nam, but I don't think that's what he means. "For the record, I do sometimes yell at my employees, but I don't ever kill them. See if you can spread that around, okay?" "Yes, Mr. Skinner." I think back on the lives we took when we first came to Geneva. It wasn't right... what we did, but it wasn't wrong either. I do not allow myself to forget when we cross the line. I have to always know just where that line is, and if I
[ 1048, 1749, 716, 301, 7004, 1508, 29889, 1126, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 22588, 3110, 29889, 4827, 3508, 29915, 29873, 278, 1134, 304, 15982, 1048, 278, 5434, 310, 278, 15754, 489, 1552, 871, 2655, 18034, 4827, 393, 6365, 2722, 334, 1004, 29930, 489, 578, 825, 1683, 338, 24738, 292, 1075, 29973, 13, 29902, 11097, 304, 1235, 372, 748, 29889, 1152, 1286, 29889, 13, 29903, 1141, 292, 29892, 4827, 22170, 363, 697, 310, 278, 2066, 29889, 376, 797, 916, 9763, 856, 697, 310, 1749, 1751, 5056, 297, 25960, 471, 24383, 363, 1554, 20239, 1213, 940, 885, 550, 278, 5650, 29889, 376, 3206, 9390, 970, 2875, 470, 777, 1316, 528, 277, 29889, 940, 2869, 2000, 297, 304, 670, 7834, 6721, 363, 18872, 1213, 4827, 528, 582, 3174, 29889, 376, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 591, 508, 437, 3099, 1213, 13, 29908, 3624, 393, 263, 508, 292, 1283, 1947, 297, 25960, 3026, 13, 17406, 18778, 29879, 29889, 376, 29979, 29872, 801, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 825, 540, 29915, 29879, 17231, 304, 679, 714, 310, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 24396, 502, 304, 5557, 697, 310, 1749, 1751, 5056, 515, 2805, 805, 804, 287, 29889, 306, 1348, 591, 881, 7952, 714, 310, 372, 1213, 13, 29908, 12542, 1075, 385, 1098, 25252, 29892, 541, 565, 278, 28033, 1284, 1075, 27719, 29892, 540, 508, 1603, 664, 411, 263, 269, 487, 1223, 1213, 13, 3421, 3275, 767, 297, 15350, 1564, 756, 925, 28996, 964, 278, 21362, 5716, 322, 1652, 329, 2153, 263, 2586, 472, 590, 3838, 29889, 13, 1576, 767, 29915, 29879, 451, 278, 1556, 7343, 11822, 489, 17406, 5717, 1075, 3237, 29889, 2191, 1416, 489, 4187, 540, 29915, 29879, 2599, 20759, 29889, 10306, 29879, 11299, 5051, 5625, 9571, 1532, 29889, 13, 17406, 8640, 714, 670, 1361, 322, 3237, 29889, 2191, 1416, 628, 1536, 6514, 540, 471, 16120, 29889, 2860, 9076, 292, 278, 5650, 29892, 540, 5478, 2153, 29892, 376, 9526, 310, 1749, 14311, 15883, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 590, 716, 23562, 1213, 940, 4947, 304, 670, 6900, 29889, 376, 6132, 366, 817, 592, 363, 3099, 1492, 1286, 3026, 13, 29902, 528, 1296, 590, 2343, 29889, 376, 3664, 472, 278, 3256, 29889, 1522, 1250, 297, 931, 363, 3237, 29889, 7646, 3026, 13, 14959, 292, 3109, 1135, 1468, 24455, 29892, 540, 5478, 2153, 29892, 376, 29903, 545, 1213, 940, 15883, 964, 670, 8034, 1549, 278, 16791, 3050, 29889, 13, 27407, 292, 304, 3237, 29889, 2191, 1416, 29892, 306, 28189, 1075, 278, 3461, 540, 4846, 592, 445, 7250, 29889, 376, 4013, 15837, 310, 17809, 394, 819, 14188, 338, 1407, 5407, 29889, 1815, 366, 679, 592, 445, 1432, 4723, 3026, 13, 10401, 306, 7845, 29892, 540, 269, 1169, 4822, 515, 592, 322, 591, 5353, 278, 3461, 29889, 2860, 263, 4203, 7234, 470, 577, 29892, 278, 11781, 756, 2041, 304, 385, 1095, 29889, 940, 364, 4637, 304, 5840, 29889, 13, 29908, 29931, 4156, 29892, 508, 306, 2244, 366, 1554, 3026, 13, 29908, 2776, 3236, 29892, 8889, 1213, 13, 29902, 2317, 322, 20793, 2750, 590, 553, 29895, 29889, 376, 1576, 916, 2462, 297, 278, 11858, 1061, 29892, 306, 1898, 304, 5193, 14717, 411, 697, 310, 278, 1737, 3021, 952, 293, 2879, 322, 540, 2355, 599, 1506, 391, 368, 29889, 10878, 29876, 29915, 29873, 1827, 3099, 541, 4874, 470, 694, 29889, 1126, 278, 2654, 29899, 2350, 2859, 6114, 297, 278, 18533, 14311, 11308, 902, 553, 29895, 1432, 931, 4827, 470, 306, 2041, 964, 278, 4004, 29889, 3750, 338, 14332, 577, 13421, 310, 502, 3026, 306, 508, 4140, 2020, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 541, 306, 817, 304, 2274, 9436, 825, 29915, 29879, 297, 278, 8805, 1048, 502, 29889, 13, 3868, 13582, 411, 670, 23915, 363, 263, 3256, 29889, 376, 29965, 29885, 29892, 1532, 29892, 366, 1073, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 278, 289, 2209, 1213, 13, 29908, 3782, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 1063, 278, 289, 2209, 1434, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 451, 372, 1213, 13, 20335, 29889, 2191, 1416, 3430, 763, 540, 10753, 304, 3415, 26191, 403, 29889, 13, 29908, 29907, 29915, 3712, 29892, 2367, 372, 304, 592, 7812, 1213, 13, 29908, 11284, 29892, 263, 3287, 310, 2305, 1348, 393, 366, 470, 3237, 29889, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 1795, 12088, 5019, 366, 3282, 29915, 29873, 763, 1213, 13, 29908, 9048, 1213, 1939, 16671, 29892, 2183, 1749, 937, 6493, 304, 445, 2058, 29889, 376, 6132, 366, 4658, 393, 3026, 13, 29908, 9048, 29892, 694, 29892, 8889, 1699, 540, 1634, 3687, 953, 561, 19574, 29889, 13, 3868, 29915, 29879, 3117, 14509, 278, 8760, 29889, 376, 6295, 393, 29915, 29879, 278, 16558, 272, 3026, 13, 29908, 3624, 727, 901, 304, 372, 3026, 13, 3868, 3430, 472, 278, 11904, 29889, 376, 11284, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 697, 16558, 272, 393, 366, 1023, 505, 2309, 445, 1434, 856, 4586, 975, 1790, 13013, 322, 393, 366, 1831, 596, 29892, 1922, 29892, 5862, 1253, 267, 515, 278, 19185, 11565, 29889, 1126, 29892, 1532, 1699, 540, 4076, 592, 263, 6788, 287, 1106, 29892, 376, 12711, 29915, 29879, 263, 16558, 272, 393, 366, 2869, 856, 318, 29882, 856, 8709, 411, 17794, 540, 4893, 263, 4331, 1250, 29889, 376, 9760, 916, 1213, 13, 29924, 391, 1253, 267, 29892, 298, 16099, 29973, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 4827, 723, 2134, 345, 29889, 376, 20434, 388, 29889, 530, 1541, 292, 1683, 3026, 13, 29908, 29979, 29872, 801, 29889, 3834, 2305, 1827, 366, 29915, 345, 9445, 901, 1135, 263, 6893, 2305, 1213, 13, 29908, 29965, 29882, 298, 16099, 1213, 21772, 368, 29892, 372, 1795, 367, 1565, 29892, 565, 366, 2302, 525, 29940, 314, 29892, 541, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 393, 29915, 29879, 825, 540, 2794, 29889, 376, 2831, 278, 2407, 29892, 306, 437, 6041, 343, 514, 472, 590, 22873, 29892, 541, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 3926, 12088, 963, 29889, 2823, 565, 366, 508, 9677, 393, 2820, 29892, 20759, 3026, 13, 29908, 8241, 29892, 3237, 29889, 4971, 3993, 1213, 13, 29902, 1348, 1250, 373, 278, 12080, 591, 3614, 746, 591, 937, 2996, 304, 15350, 1564, 29889, 739, 9007, 29915, 29873, 1492, 856, 825, 591, 1258, 29892, 541, 372, 9007, 29915, 29873, 2743, 2845, 29889, 306, 437, 451, 2758, 6142, 304, 9566, 746, 591, 4891, 278, 1196, 29889, 306, 505, 304, 2337, 1073, 925, 988, 393, 1196, 338, 29892, 322, 565, 306 ]
don't know precisely where, I have to at least know where the gray region begins and ends. It's not the memory of Alex's torturers that keeps me in line. It's another face and the thick smell of cigarette smoke that clung to him. I intend to run this organization and not become another Spender. That means I can't ever cross the line and forget I did. I have to carry the guilt and touch it a little now and then. It hurts. If it hurts, then I'm still okay. I spend a couple hours convincing the department heads that my budget is the right way to go, then head back to my office. I have another one of my this-is-too-fucking-surreal moments. It's still hard to believe that this is all happening. Walter and I are together. We're running the Resistance. Working with Mulder and Scully. This feels so foreign, I don't know what to do with it sometimes. I run into Mr. Meek on the way back and hand-off a bunch of things that need follow-up. I'd really like to play hooky and go for a ride. Take some time to let my brain empty. But I have things that need to be done this afternoon. When I get back to Walter's office, I notice his admin isn't at her desk. Ah... the Tiny Terror must be inside. I enter his office and lie on the sofa to watch the show. "Uh uh," she says forcefully, shaking her head. "The head of that department is a weasel. You can't give him *more* responsibility. You need to demote him to engineer. He was good at *that*." Walter glances at me wearily. "How do you know all this, Bernice? You've only been in Geneva for a few weeks." Walter was unable to seduce Kimberly away from the Bureau, only because he needed someone who could travel. But she sicced her four-foot-nine maniac cousin on him instead. A former assistant at the FDA, she was looking for a little excitement. Aliens and near-constant jet lag seemed to fit the bill. I wouldn't dream of telling her this, but she's done a good job of reducing Walter's stress. I've theorized that she does it by simply refusing to allow anyone to see him. Walter tried to get me to hire an assistant, but I refused. I didn't tell him it's because I can't bear the idea of having *another* person I'm forced to deal with on a daily basis. The senior staff and my security detail push my limits as it is. She taps his arm with the back of her hand. "You hardly have any work for me, so I get around. Get to know people. The man's definitely a weasel. His direct reports are loafing around 'cause they can't figure out what they should be doing." "Okay, Bernice. I'll assign the project to someone else." He signs a document and passes it to her. "We need to change telecom providers. Our T-3 is down almost 40 percent of the time. Here's my recommendation." She hands Walter a piece of paper. He glances at it, nods absently and puts pen to paper, then asks, "Anything else?" "There have been some complaints about the new expense report procedures. It's much more difficult than it used to be." Walter looks relieved. "Talk to him." Bernice turns on me, but I intercept. "No dice. If someone has something to say, they can talk to me directly." She gives me a look of bland disapproval. "No one will talk to 'Psycho Boy' about the expense procedures. They could be spending half their workweek doing it and you'd never hear about it, buddy." Walt fights back a laugh. I raise an eyebrow. "Tough." At her continued mind-drilling stare, I concede, "Fine. You can set up an anonymous 'suggestion' box and people can submit *specific* complaints. Otherwise, I don't want to hear it. And if they're all in your handwriting, I'm going to ignore them." She gives me a smug smile. "Fine." Passing a few papers to me, she adds, "Here's the new expense procedure I developed. It will
[ 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 17503, 988, 29892, 306, 505, 304, 472, 3203, 1073, 988, 278, 16749, 5120, 16410, 322, 10614, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 278, 3370, 310, 4827, 29915, 29879, 16263, 332, 414, 393, 14874, 592, 297, 1196, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1790, 3700, 322, 278, 12003, 1560, 514, 310, 29507, 10474, 371, 25158, 393, 1067, 686, 304, 1075, 29889, 306, 24042, 304, 1065, 445, 13013, 322, 451, 4953, 1790, 1706, 1581, 29889, 2193, 2794, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 3926, 4891, 278, 1196, 322, 9566, 306, 1258, 29889, 306, 505, 304, 8677, 278, 1410, 2782, 322, 6023, 372, 263, 2217, 1286, 322, 769, 29889, 739, 12166, 1372, 29889, 960, 372, 12166, 1372, 29892, 769, 306, 29915, 29885, 1603, 20759, 29889, 13, 29902, 18864, 263, 7303, 6199, 17953, 3277, 278, 14311, 15883, 393, 590, 23562, 338, 278, 1492, 982, 304, 748, 29892, 769, 2343, 1250, 304, 590, 8034, 29889, 306, 505, 1790, 697, 310, 590, 445, 29899, 275, 29899, 517, 29877, 29899, 29888, 2707, 292, 29899, 7610, 6370, 19462, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1603, 2898, 304, 4658, 393, 445, 338, 599, 10464, 29889, 10705, 322, 306, 526, 4208, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 2734, 278, 2538, 21558, 29889, 24176, 411, 21193, 672, 322, 317, 1810, 368, 29889, 910, 23880, 577, 9117, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 825, 304, 437, 411, 372, 6041, 29889, 13, 29902, 1065, 964, 3237, 29889, 2191, 1416, 373, 278, 982, 1250, 322, 1361, 29899, 2696, 263, 14928, 310, 2712, 393, 817, 1101, 29899, 786, 29889, 306, 29915, 29881, 2289, 763, 304, 1708, 12422, 29891, 322, 748, 363, 263, 22203, 29889, 11190, 777, 931, 304, 1235, 590, 17294, 4069, 29889, 1205, 306, 505, 2712, 393, 817, 304, 367, 2309, 445, 17724, 29889, 13, 10401, 306, 679, 1250, 304, 10705, 29915, 29879, 8034, 29892, 306, 8369, 670, 4113, 3508, 29915, 29873, 472, 902, 553, 29895, 29889, 9070, 856, 278, 323, 4901, 323, 2704, 1818, 367, 2768, 29889, 306, 3896, 670, 8034, 322, 3804, 373, 278, 577, 5444, 304, 6505, 278, 1510, 29889, 13, 29908, 29965, 29882, 318, 29882, 1699, 1183, 4083, 4889, 3730, 29892, 528, 5086, 902, 2343, 29889, 376, 1576, 2343, 310, 393, 14311, 338, 263, 591, 294, 295, 29889, 887, 508, 29915, 29873, 2367, 1075, 334, 5514, 29930, 23134, 29889, 887, 817, 304, 1261, 866, 1075, 304, 22055, 29889, 940, 471, 1781, 472, 334, 5747, 29930, 1213, 13, 29956, 13794, 3144, 2925, 472, 592, 591, 6275, 29889, 376, 5328, 437, 366, 1073, 599, 445, 29892, 6209, 625, 29973, 887, 29915, 345, 871, 1063, 297, 15350, 1564, 363, 263, 2846, 11405, 1213, 13, 29956, 13794, 471, 9368, 304, 269, 6085, 346, 12931, 495, 368, 3448, 515, 278, 18903, 29892, 871, 1363, 540, 4312, 4856, 1058, 1033, 9850, 29889, 1205, 1183, 24801, 1133, 902, 3023, 29899, 6661, 29899, 29876, 457, 767, 13544, 22618, 373, 1075, 2012, 29889, 319, 4642, 20255, 472, 278, 383, 7698, 29892, 1183, 471, 3063, 363, 263, 2217, 29163, 29889, 10785, 575, 322, 2978, 29899, 23362, 22588, 11755, 6140, 304, 6216, 278, 11118, 29889, 13, 29902, 7656, 29915, 29873, 12561, 310, 14509, 902, 445, 29892, 541, 1183, 29915, 29879, 2309, 263, 1781, 4982, 310, 27668, 10705, 29915, 29879, 22884, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 278, 272, 1891, 393, 1183, 947, 372, 491, 3763, 2143, 4746, 304, 2758, 5019, 304, 1074, 1075, 29889, 10705, 1898, 304, 679, 592, 304, 298, 533, 385, 20255, 29892, 541, 306, 15964, 29889, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2649, 1075, 372, 29915, 29879, 1363, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 11460, 278, 2969, 310, 2534, 334, 23327, 29930, 2022, 306, 29915, 29885, 11826, 304, 5376, 411, 373, 263, 14218, 8405, 29889, 450, 16336, 13925, 322, 590, 6993, 9493, 5503, 590, 13071, 408, 372, 338, 29889, 13, 13468, 260, 2547, 670, 5075, 411, 278, 1250, 310, 902, 1361, 29889, 376, 3492, 15155, 505, 738, 664, 363, 592, 29892, 577, 306, 679, 2820, 29889, 3617, 304, 1073, 2305, 29889, 450, 767, 29915, 29879, 11630, 263, 591, 294, 295, 29889, 3600, 1513, 13676, 526, 658, 2142, 292, 2820, 525, 29883, 1071, 896, 508, 29915, 29873, 4377, 714, 825, 896, 881, 367, 2599, 1213, 13, 29908, 20434, 388, 29892, 6209, 625, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 3566, 278, 2060, 304, 4856, 1683, 1213, 940, 18906, 263, 1842, 322, 14517, 372, 304, 902, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 817, 304, 1735, 4382, 510, 1326, 11376, 29889, 8680, 323, 29899, 29941, 338, 1623, 4359, 29871, 29946, 29900, 10151, 310, 278, 931, 29889, 2266, 29915, 29879, 590, 29303, 1213, 2296, 6567, 10705, 263, 8424, 310, 5650, 29889, 13, 3868, 3144, 2925, 472, 372, 29892, 18778, 29879, 6425, 2705, 322, 15223, 6584, 304, 5650, 29892, 769, 19514, 29892, 376, 10773, 1918, 1683, 3026, 13, 29908, 8439, 505, 1063, 777, 15313, 9466, 1048, 278, 716, 1518, 1947, 3461, 28648, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1568, 901, 5189, 1135, 372, 1304, 304, 367, 1213, 13, 29956, 13794, 3430, 1104, 6402, 29889, 376, 29911, 2235, 304, 1075, 1213, 13, 29933, 824, 625, 12169, 373, 592, 29892, 541, 306, 23404, 29889, 376, 3782, 17629, 29889, 960, 4856, 756, 1554, 304, 1827, 29892, 896, 508, 5193, 304, 592, 4153, 1213, 13, 13468, 4076, 592, 263, 1106, 310, 18742, 8796, 307, 791, 29889, 376, 3782, 697, 674, 5193, 304, 525, 29925, 29879, 29891, 1859, 16231, 29915, 1048, 278, 1518, 1947, 28648, 29889, 2688, 1033, 367, 805, 2548, 4203, 1009, 664, 18448, 2599, 372, 322, 366, 29915, 29881, 2360, 8293, 1048, 372, 29892, 8619, 4518, 1213, 13, 29956, 1997, 285, 5861, 1250, 263, 10569, 29889, 13, 29902, 12020, 385, 321, 29891, 774, 798, 29889, 376, 29911, 820, 1213, 2180, 902, 7572, 3458, 29899, 7707, 8873, 380, 598, 29892, 306, 27943, 29872, 29892, 376, 29943, 457, 29889, 887, 508, 731, 701, 385, 21560, 525, 29879, 12981, 602, 29915, 3800, 322, 2305, 508, 9752, 334, 14940, 29930, 15313, 9466, 29889, 13466, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 8293, 372, 29889, 1126, 565, 896, 29915, 276, 599, 297, 596, 1361, 16554, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 11455, 963, 1213, 13, 13468, 4076, 592, 263, 1560, 688, 17819, 29889, 376, 29943, 457, 1213, 6978, 292, 263, 2846, 15055, 304, 592, 29892, 1183, 12778, 29892, 376, 10605, 29915, 29879, 278, 716, 1518, 1947, 8792, 306, 8906, 29889, 739, 674 ]
save everyone, including yourself, PB, a great deal of time." PB... Psycho Boy. Lovely nickname. We exchange a glare, then she turns back to her previous victim. "Now you get your ass into the lunchroom, or you're going to miss lunch again." With that, she stalks out of the room. I head to the door and stick my head out to catch the Tiny Terror. "By the way, *TT*, these new procedures don't go anywhere until I approve them." I offer her a slight smile, then close the door and lock it. I cross to Walter and rotate his chair around so we're face to face. "I think we should leave her here." He gives me a grim smile. "Would it be unmanly for me to phone Kimberly to whine? She's the one who said her second cousin was 'a bit assertive.'" "She lied. In any case, if Bernice doesn't work out as your admin, we can always send her after the aliens." "It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't always right. You know you're going to approve that proposal." He shakes his head. "I hate to admit it, but I think I kind of like her." I stare at him for a moment. "Well, you have to work with her, so if you like her... whatever. I think you need to give her more to do, so she'll have less time to be right." "Good plan. So what's TT?" I smile benignly. "Tiny Terror. I think it's rather apropos, don't you?" "Yeah. With her around, I think we can dispense with most of the security detail." He removes his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose. Slipping to my knees between his legs, I reach for the fastening on his pants. "I think I know how to help you... relax." "Hmm, okay. But don't tell Bernice I didn't have lunch." NASA Goddard Walter sits placidly while I pace around the exam room shirtless, waiting for the tech to return with my new arm. My first appointment to pick up the arm was last week. They presented me with what they called a 'stock' arm. Said mine wouldn't be ready for another week. I was instantly suspicious, because during the planning and the surgery, I assumed I would be getting a stock piece of equipment. But no one will tell me anything. I know Walter's in on it, but I've been unsuccessful at getting any information out of him. And I've tried everything, dammit. My first week with the loaner arm was... different. It's certainly more useful. The two knuckle-like joints on each finger provide incredible dexterity, but it takes some getting used to. Walter had to buy me some plastic cups so I wouldn't break every glass in the house. It's a little difficult to control the strength of the damned thing. I've snapped more shoelaces than I can keep track of. And the left-side belt loops are missing on all my jeans. I haven't quite figured out how to pick up something small or thin--like paper--but I can pick up my clothes, shoes, whatever else. I can grasp and twist... and break off the door knob. They tell me I can do a 360 degree rotation of my wrist, but I haven't been successful at it yet. It just seems weird. The one thing I don't like is the way it looks. It's very... mechanical in appearance. Well, they do call it the robotic arm. It's sort of a flat gray titanium. I can wear it in the shower... which is nice, because it helps immeasurably. Walter's asked me to touch him with it, but I haven't wanted to. It feels so foreign. Like an object, not part of me. Even more so than my normal prosthesis. My pacing is also partly due to the fact that I'm still uncomfortable in any type of medical facility. Uncomfortable, but not panicky like I used to be. Tearing down the medical arm of the Resistance seemed to have killed many of my personal demons. Literally and figuratively. When the tech finally returns, he hands a large box to Walter, then leans back against a counter. I
[ 4078, 14332, 29892, 3704, 7535, 29892, 349, 29933, 29892, 263, 2107, 5376, 310, 931, 1213, 349, 29933, 856, 10144, 29891, 1859, 16231, 29889, 23974, 873, 25985, 978, 29889, 13, 4806, 14523, 263, 330, 8663, 29892, 769, 1183, 12169, 1250, 304, 902, 3517, 28985, 29889, 376, 10454, 366, 679, 596, 1223, 964, 278, 301, 3322, 8345, 29892, 470, 366, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 3052, 301, 3322, 1449, 1213, 2973, 393, 29892, 1183, 28367, 2039, 714, 310, 278, 5716, 29889, 13, 29902, 2343, 304, 278, 3050, 322, 12070, 590, 2343, 714, 304, 4380, 278, 323, 4901, 323, 2704, 29889, 376, 2059, 278, 982, 29892, 334, 19988, 15966, 1438, 716, 28648, 1016, 29915, 29873, 748, 12214, 2745, 306, 2134, 345, 963, 1213, 306, 5957, 902, 263, 7248, 17819, 29892, 769, 3802, 278, 3050, 322, 7714, 372, 29889, 13, 29902, 4891, 304, 10705, 322, 16734, 670, 11774, 2820, 577, 591, 29915, 276, 3700, 304, 3700, 29889, 376, 29902, 1348, 591, 881, 5967, 902, 1244, 1213, 13, 3868, 4076, 592, 263, 867, 326, 17819, 29889, 376, 29956, 483, 372, 367, 443, 1171, 368, 363, 592, 304, 9008, 12931, 495, 368, 304, 377, 457, 29973, 2296, 29915, 29879, 278, 697, 1058, 1497, 902, 1473, 22618, 471, 525, 29874, 2586, 4974, 573, 6169, 29908, 13, 29908, 13468, 619, 287, 29889, 512, 738, 1206, 29892, 565, 6209, 625, 1838, 29915, 29873, 664, 714, 408, 596, 4113, 29892, 591, 508, 2337, 3638, 902, 1156, 278, 394, 11689, 1213, 13, 29908, 3112, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 577, 4319, 565, 1183, 9007, 29915, 29873, 2337, 1492, 29889, 887, 1073, 366, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 2134, 345, 393, 24963, 1213, 940, 528, 6926, 670, 2343, 29889, 376, 29902, 26277, 304, 20000, 372, 29892, 541, 306, 1348, 306, 2924, 310, 763, 902, 1213, 13, 29902, 380, 598, 472, 1075, 363, 263, 3256, 29889, 376, 11284, 29892, 366, 505, 304, 664, 411, 902, 29892, 577, 565, 366, 763, 902, 856, 6514, 29889, 306, 1348, 366, 817, 304, 2367, 902, 901, 304, 437, 29892, 577, 1183, 29915, 645, 505, 3109, 931, 304, 367, 1492, 1213, 13, 29908, 18420, 3814, 29889, 1105, 825, 29915, 29879, 323, 29911, 3026, 13, 29902, 17819, 3856, 647, 368, 29889, 376, 29911, 4901, 323, 2704, 29889, 306, 1348, 372, 29915, 29879, 3265, 11712, 1066, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 366, 3026, 13, 29908, 29979, 29872, 801, 29889, 2973, 902, 2820, 29892, 306, 1348, 591, 508, 12272, 1947, 411, 1556, 310, 278, 6993, 9493, 1213, 940, 25388, 670, 12917, 267, 322, 12534, 6609, 278, 12945, 310, 670, 26414, 29889, 13, 29903, 492, 3262, 304, 590, 17905, 267, 1546, 670, 21152, 29892, 306, 6159, 363, 278, 5172, 8333, 373, 670, 282, 1934, 29889, 376, 29902, 1348, 306, 1073, 920, 304, 1371, 366, 856, 26681, 1213, 13, 29908, 29950, 4317, 29892, 20759, 29889, 1205, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2649, 6209, 625, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 505, 301, 3322, 1213, 13, 29940, 3289, 29909, 4177, 29881, 538, 13, 29956, 13794, 269, 1169, 2174, 25232, 368, 1550, 306, 27725, 2820, 278, 4392, 5716, 528, 2728, 2222, 29892, 10534, 363, 278, 734, 305, 304, 736, 411, 590, 716, 5075, 29889, 1619, 937, 28573, 304, 5839, 701, 278, 5075, 471, 1833, 4723, 29889, 2688, 9132, 592, 411, 825, 896, 2000, 263, 525, 17712, 29915, 5075, 29889, 5701, 333, 7903, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 7960, 363, 1790, 4723, 29889, 306, 471, 26232, 8872, 14803, 29892, 1363, 2645, 278, 18987, 322, 278, 25300, 708, 29892, 306, 12023, 306, 723, 367, 2805, 263, 10961, 8424, 310, 21083, 29889, 1205, 694, 697, 674, 2649, 592, 3099, 29889, 306, 1073, 10705, 29915, 29879, 297, 373, 372, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 345, 1063, 443, 8698, 1319, 472, 2805, 738, 2472, 714, 310, 1075, 29889, 1126, 306, 29915, 345, 1898, 4129, 29892, 5625, 2415, 29889, 13, 3421, 937, 4723, 411, 278, 24806, 261, 5075, 471, 856, 1422, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 8959, 901, 5407, 29889, 450, 1023, 889, 2707, 280, 29899, 4561, 14002, 29879, 373, 1269, 19917, 3867, 29811, 1821, 316, 23612, 537, 29892, 541, 372, 4893, 777, 2805, 1304, 304, 29889, 10705, 750, 304, 15649, 592, 777, 715, 6288, 2723, 567, 577, 306, 7656, 29915, 29873, 2867, 1432, 12917, 297, 278, 3699, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 2217, 5189, 304, 2761, 278, 9324, 310, 278, 5625, 9571, 2655, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 5807, 17280, 901, 17394, 295, 3302, 1135, 306, 508, 3013, 5702, 310, 29889, 1126, 278, 2175, 29899, 2975, 1339, 29873, 12104, 526, 4567, 373, 599, 590, 1444, 550, 29889, 306, 7359, 29915, 29873, 3755, 14788, 714, 920, 304, 5839, 701, 1554, 2319, 470, 16835, 489, 4561, 5650, 489, 4187, 306, 508, 5839, 701, 590, 22095, 29892, 17394, 267, 29892, 6514, 1683, 29889, 306, 508, 25274, 322, 3252, 391, 856, 322, 2867, 1283, 278, 3050, 889, 711, 29889, 2688, 2649, 592, 306, 508, 437, 263, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29900, 7426, 13733, 310, 590, 281, 2021, 29892, 541, 306, 7359, 29915, 29873, 1063, 9150, 472, 372, 3447, 29889, 739, 925, 2444, 13543, 29889, 13, 1576, 697, 2655, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 338, 278, 982, 372, 3430, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1407, 856, 28310, 297, 10097, 29889, 5674, 29892, 896, 437, 1246, 372, 278, 19964, 293, 5075, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 2656, 310, 263, 12151, 16749, 4329, 273, 1974, 29889, 306, 508, 19531, 372, 297, 278, 1510, 261, 856, 607, 338, 7575, 29892, 1363, 372, 6911, 527, 1004, 294, 332, 2197, 29889, 10705, 29915, 29879, 4433, 592, 304, 6023, 1075, 411, 372, 29892, 541, 306, 7359, 29915, 29873, 5131, 304, 29889, 739, 23880, 577, 9117, 29889, 8502, 385, 1203, 29892, 451, 760, 310, 592, 29889, 7753, 901, 577, 1135, 590, 4226, 16810, 29882, 6656, 29889, 13, 3421, 282, 9390, 338, 884, 22669, 2861, 304, 278, 2114, 393, 306, 29915, 29885, 1603, 443, 510, 3921, 519, 297, 738, 1134, 310, 16083, 24454, 29889, 853, 510, 3921, 519, 29892, 541, 451, 7243, 18219, 763, 306, 1304, 304, 367, 29889, 323, 799, 292, 1623, 278, 16083, 5075, 310, 278, 2538, 21558, 6140, 304, 505, 9445, 1784, 310, 590, 7333, 1261, 787, 29889, 5449, 635, 322, 28477, 6703, 29889, 13, 10401, 278, 734, 305, 7146, 3639, 29892, 540, 6567, 263, 2919, 3800, 304, 10705, 29892, 769, 454, 550, 1250, 2750, 263, 6795, 29889, 306 ]
flash Walter a look of confusion. What's going on? Smiling, but oddly nervous, Walt explains, "I, uh, got involved in the development of your arm. Sharon found an artist and I worked with him, using the photos they took of your upper body. I... If you don't like it, you can always go with a stock arm, or we can design you another one." He places the box unceremoniously on the lab bench. Part of me is instantly touched, and another part is afraid I'm going to look more like a Picasso than I do now. I offer Walter a tentative smile and step up to the bench. Taking a deep breath, I open the box. I blink a few times, not quite able to take it in. Nestled in the custom-cut foam cushioning is a completely different arm. A *green* arm. The lines and look of it are less robotic in nature, and yet it seems even more foreign. Because it's *green*. Dark green... sort of a bold green. Walter puts a reassuring hand at my back. "Just try it on," he says gently. Nodding to the tech, I hop onto the table to give him room to work. Unlike last time, he carefully shows Walter how to connect it. This is the downside to this type of arm, I can't put it on, or take it off by myself. Once it's attached, the tech has me run through various range of motion exercises after which, he makes lots of tiny adjustments. I glance up at Walter and he's giving me *that* look. I tap the tech on the forearm. "Could you give us a few minutes?" The tech nods and departs. I hop off the table and move to stand in front of the mirror. It looks... right. Somehow it belongs on my body. The smooth lines of the 'forearm' match those of my real arm. The hand is even shaped like my hand--knuckles, indents where the nail-bed should be. The smooth green titanium surface conceals all the mechanical parts. It's not clunky like the stock arm. It's kind of elegant, I think. The heat in the gaze of the man standing behind me is the final confirmation. "It's perfect," I murmur. "Thank you, Walt." A smile teases his mouth. "It looks even better than I'd imagined," he says softly. "You're so fucking beautiful." Turning around, I reach up with both hands to touch his face, then slide them around to the back of his neck. Pulling him forward, I capture his lips. Walter moans softly as my tongue slides into his mouth. After a long, sweet kiss, I pull back and whisper, "Love you so much." There's a tap at the door. I forgot about the rest of the world for a moment. "Come in." The tech sticks his head in. "Sir? A couple of the doctors and some of the other techs asked if they could see your arm. We don't get very many custom jobs." I shrug. "I guess." Leaning against the exam table, I try to be patient as a parade of personnel come through to see the arm 'on.' There's a bit of ooing and ahing, and a few questions for Walter about the artist. When they're done, the tech says we can go. I give a start of surprise. When I picked up the other arm, I had to stay the entire day. Before we leave, the tech asks Walter, "Sir, did you want to order the spare arm?" Walter dips his head in my direction. I nod. "Order it." "In green?" "Yes. Just like this one." I drive back. Walter's uncharacteristically quiet. When we get back to the condo, he takes me by the new hand and leads the way upstairs. In the bedroom, he gives me a sensual grin. "Take off your clothes." Shrugging out of my jacket, I let it fall to the floor, then reach for the hem of my T-shirt. After toeing off my shoes, I use the new hand to tug open my jeans. I hear a ripping sound, but decide to ignore it. I wiggle my jeans down past my hips, then kick them away. Keeping focused
[ 11013, 10705, 263, 1106, 310, 14679, 29889, 1724, 29915, 29879, 2675, 373, 29973, 13, 12636, 6504, 29892, 541, 7736, 368, 23547, 681, 29892, 399, 1997, 18568, 29892, 376, 29902, 29892, 318, 29882, 29892, 2355, 9701, 297, 278, 5849, 310, 596, 5075, 29889, 1383, 5022, 1476, 385, 7664, 322, 306, 3796, 411, 1075, 29892, 773, 278, 20612, 896, 3614, 310, 596, 7568, 3573, 29889, 306, 856, 960, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 372, 29892, 366, 508, 2337, 748, 411, 263, 10961, 5075, 29892, 470, 591, 508, 2874, 366, 1790, 697, 1213, 940, 7600, 278, 3800, 443, 2265, 9857, 17365, 373, 278, 9775, 3856, 305, 29889, 13, 7439, 310, 592, 338, 26232, 23051, 29892, 322, 1790, 760, 338, 13421, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 1106, 901, 763, 263, 14612, 9979, 1135, 306, 437, 1286, 29889, 13, 29902, 5957, 10705, 263, 12033, 1230, 17819, 322, 4331, 701, 304, 278, 3856, 305, 29889, 323, 5086, 263, 6483, 16172, 29892, 306, 1722, 278, 3800, 29889, 306, 1999, 682, 263, 2846, 3064, 29892, 451, 3755, 2221, 304, 2125, 372, 297, 29889, 405, 342, 839, 297, 278, 2888, 29899, 7582, 1701, 314, 274, 1878, 291, 292, 338, 263, 6446, 1422, 5075, 29889, 319, 334, 12692, 29930, 5075, 29889, 450, 3454, 322, 1106, 310, 372, 526, 3109, 19964, 293, 297, 5469, 29892, 322, 3447, 372, 2444, 1584, 901, 9117, 29889, 7311, 372, 29915, 29879, 334, 12692, 10521, 15317, 7933, 856, 2656, 310, 263, 14288, 7933, 29889, 13, 29956, 13794, 15223, 263, 337, 465, 3864, 1361, 472, 590, 1250, 29889, 376, 14084, 1018, 372, 373, 1699, 540, 4083, 330, 2705, 29889, 13, 29940, 397, 8497, 304, 278, 734, 305, 29892, 306, 8171, 11480, 278, 1591, 304, 2367, 1075, 5716, 304, 664, 29889, 853, 4561, 1833, 931, 29892, 540, 16112, 3697, 10705, 920, 304, 4511, 372, 29889, 910, 338, 278, 1623, 2975, 304, 445, 1134, 310, 5075, 29892, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 1925, 372, 373, 29892, 470, 2125, 372, 1283, 491, 6142, 29889, 13, 26222, 372, 29915, 29879, 10959, 29892, 278, 734, 305, 756, 592, 1065, 1549, 5164, 3464, 310, 10884, 24472, 3476, 267, 1156, 607, 29892, 540, 3732, 14568, 310, 21577, 10365, 1860, 29889, 306, 21798, 701, 472, 10705, 322, 540, 29915, 29879, 6820, 592, 334, 5747, 29930, 1106, 29889, 306, 18751, 278, 734, 305, 373, 278, 363, 799, 29885, 29889, 376, 23323, 366, 2367, 502, 263, 2846, 6233, 3026, 13, 1576, 734, 305, 18778, 29879, 322, 1401, 5708, 29889, 306, 8171, 1283, 278, 1591, 322, 4337, 304, 2317, 297, 4565, 310, 278, 19571, 29889, 13, 3112, 3430, 856, 1492, 29889, 3834, 3525, 372, 14393, 373, 590, 3573, 29889, 450, 10597, 3454, 310, 278, 525, 1079, 2817, 29915, 1993, 1906, 310, 590, 1855, 5075, 29889, 450, 1361, 338, 1584, 528, 10501, 763, 590, 1361, 489, 3959, 2707, 793, 29892, 1399, 1237, 988, 278, 302, 737, 29899, 2580, 881, 367, 29889, 450, 10597, 7933, 4329, 273, 1974, 7101, 10628, 1338, 599, 278, 28310, 5633, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 1067, 2960, 29891, 763, 278, 10961, 5075, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 2924, 310, 19232, 29892, 306, 1348, 29889, 13, 1576, 12871, 297, 278, 12642, 29872, 310, 278, 767, 13407, 5742, 592, 338, 278, 2186, 9659, 362, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 4922, 1699, 306, 25234, 332, 29889, 376, 25271, 366, 29892, 399, 1997, 1213, 13, 29909, 17819, 734, 2129, 670, 13394, 29889, 376, 3112, 3430, 1584, 2253, 1135, 306, 29915, 29881, 6382, 1312, 1699, 540, 4083, 4964, 368, 29889, 376, 3492, 29915, 276, 577, 285, 2707, 292, 9560, 1213, 13, 27407, 292, 2820, 29892, 306, 6159, 701, 411, 1716, 6567, 304, 6023, 670, 3700, 29892, 769, 20343, 963, 2820, 304, 278, 1250, 310, 670, 18873, 29889, 349, 913, 292, 1075, 6375, 29892, 306, 10446, 670, 17186, 29889, 13, 29956, 13794, 2730, 550, 4964, 368, 408, 590, 26820, 2243, 2247, 964, 670, 13394, 29889, 2860, 263, 1472, 29892, 14225, 20057, 29892, 306, 8206, 1250, 322, 21039, 29892, 376, 29931, 994, 366, 577, 1568, 1213, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 18751, 472, 278, 3050, 29889, 306, 9640, 1048, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 3186, 363, 263, 3256, 29889, 376, 27796, 297, 1213, 13, 1576, 734, 305, 380, 7358, 670, 2343, 297, 29889, 376, 29903, 381, 29973, 319, 7303, 310, 278, 437, 14359, 322, 777, 310, 278, 916, 734, 12168, 4433, 565, 896, 1033, 1074, 596, 5075, 29889, 1334, 1016, 29915, 29873, 679, 1407, 1784, 2888, 17643, 1213, 13, 29902, 528, 11124, 29889, 376, 29902, 4140, 1213, 13, 3226, 273, 292, 2750, 278, 4392, 1591, 29892, 306, 1018, 304, 367, 16500, 408, 263, 1702, 311, 310, 24127, 2041, 1549, 304, 1074, 278, 5075, 525, 265, 6169, 1670, 29915, 29879, 263, 2586, 310, 288, 29877, 292, 322, 263, 2790, 29892, 322, 263, 2846, 5155, 363, 10705, 1048, 278, 7664, 29889, 13, 10401, 896, 29915, 276, 2309, 29892, 278, 734, 305, 4083, 591, 508, 748, 29889, 306, 2367, 263, 1369, 310, 16671, 29889, 1932, 306, 18691, 701, 278, 916, 5075, 29892, 306, 750, 304, 7952, 278, 4152, 2462, 29889, 13, 18743, 591, 5967, 29892, 278, 734, 305, 19514, 10705, 29892, 376, 29903, 381, 29892, 1258, 366, 864, 304, 1797, 278, 29337, 5075, 3026, 13, 29956, 13794, 652, 567, 670, 2343, 297, 590, 5305, 29889, 13, 29902, 18778, 29889, 376, 7514, 372, 1213, 13, 29908, 797, 7933, 3026, 13, 29908, 8241, 29889, 3387, 763, 445, 697, 1213, 13, 29902, 7899, 1250, 29889, 10705, 29915, 29879, 443, 18609, 391, 1711, 11813, 29889, 1932, 591, 679, 1250, 304, 278, 378, 1867, 29892, 540, 4893, 592, 491, 278, 716, 1361, 322, 11981, 278, 982, 701, 303, 7121, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 6592, 8345, 29892, 540, 4076, 592, 263, 4771, 950, 867, 262, 29889, 376, 26772, 1283, 596, 22095, 1213, 13, 2713, 582, 1505, 292, 714, 310, 590, 28015, 300, 29892, 306, 1235, 372, 6416, 304, 278, 11904, 29892, 769, 6159, 363, 278, 9736, 310, 590, 323, 29899, 845, 2728, 29889, 2860, 304, 22430, 1283, 590, 17394, 267, 29892, 306, 671, 278, 716, 1361, 304, 260, 688, 1722, 590, 1444, 550, 29889, 306, 8293, 263, 10107, 3262, 6047, 29892, 541, 11097, 304, 11455, 372, 29889, 306, 281, 335, 6234, 590, 1444, 550, 1623, 4940, 590, 298, 4512, 29892, 769, 24817, 963, 3448, 29889, 19152, 292, 21309 ]
on Walter, I lean against a wall and lift both arms up, clasping them over my head. "Do you still like it?" His eyes narrow with appreciation, but he says only, "Lie on the bed, on your back, with your arms up like that." His voice is a low rasp. Pushing away from the wall, I move to the bed and lie down. I bring my arms above my head and separate my legs slightly. "God, Alex. You look like..." There's no strength behind his voice. He clears his throat. "... like a superhero." I blink at him. It's so incongruous with who I really am it's hard to digest. But that's part of why I'm here... why my life has changed so much. Because of the way Walter looks at me and what he sees. "Pose for me," he says in his possessive voice. That tone causes me to shudder as it touches some need deep inside. I sit up, then get to my knees facing him. Letting my knees slide apart, I drag my left hand down my chest, then past my crotch. Sitting back on my heels, I rest the green hand on my inner thigh. Encouraged by Walter's heavy-lidded stare, I turn so that I'm kneeling, facing away from him this time, then drop into a position he hasn't seen in a very long time. All fours. I separate my knees, then look back at him. His face is tight. I've seen him turned on before, but he's smoldering. Keeping my legs apart, I kneel up, then bring both hands to the small of my back. I hold them there for a moment, as if I'm bound, then slide them down to my ass, cupping my ass cheeks and pulling them apart. "That is the sexiest..." He breathes heavily for a moment, then starts peeling off his clothes. "Let's try it out." When his pants are in a heap on the floor, I can see that he's very hard. My mouth waters and I feel a surge of lust that leaves me breathless. He slides sinuously onto the bed, then on top of me. I gasp with appreciation, then wrap one leg around him, rubbing my body against his. A low rumble comes from deep in his throat. "Put your arms around me. I want to feel you." I bring my arms around him, one at his shoulders, one at his waist and squeeze him like I've often wished I could. "Feels good," he says softly. He relaxes into my embrace and just lies there for a moment, experiencing it. Then with a heavy sigh, Walter rolls us over, so I'm on top of him. "Support your weight with the new arm and touch me with your right hand." It takes me a couple tries to get everything to work the way I want, but then I'm braced on the new arm as my fingers seek out the familiar contours of Walter's body. I slide my hand from his neck down to his hip, then slowly back up, tracing every rib, circling his nipple, then stroking his neck. His hips are moving slightly, though I can tell he's trying to hold back his reaction. "Now switch and touch me with your left." I brace my right arm and briefly loom over him before shifting my weight. Focusing on the movement, I bring my hand up to his collarbone, then slowly slide it down to his waist. Trying not to do it too hard, I grasp his hip while leaning down to give him a quick kiss. When I pull back, I slide my hand back up. My eyes follow the movement, taking in what this hand cannot feel... the softness of his skin, the definition of his muscles, the tickle of his chest hair. My thumb slides over his nipple, then up to his neck, tracing a path to his ear. The shallowness of his breathing tells me this isn't just a novelty for him. He's very turned on. "Is it cold?" I ask. "A little," he says. "We won't do this in the snow." He gives me a faint smile, then taps the bed near his left hip. "Lie next to me... and jack me off." I slide onto my right side and, in the next instant, realize
[ 373, 10705, 29892, 306, 20793, 2750, 263, 10090, 322, 13777, 1716, 10188, 701, 29892, 1067, 4692, 292, 963, 975, 590, 2343, 29889, 376, 6132, 366, 1603, 763, 372, 3026, 13, 29950, 275, 5076, 12474, 411, 5108, 362, 29892, 541, 540, 4083, 871, 29892, 376, 29931, 347, 373, 278, 6592, 29892, 373, 596, 1250, 29892, 411, 596, 10188, 701, 763, 393, 1213, 3600, 7314, 338, 263, 4482, 364, 4692, 29889, 13, 29925, 21616, 3448, 515, 278, 10090, 29892, 306, 4337, 304, 278, 6592, 322, 3804, 1623, 29889, 306, 6963, 590, 10188, 2038, 590, 2343, 322, 5004, 590, 21152, 10029, 29889, 13, 29908, 29954, 397, 29892, 4827, 29889, 887, 1106, 763, 17794, 1670, 29915, 29879, 694, 9324, 5742, 670, 7314, 29889, 940, 4531, 1503, 670, 20961, 271, 29889, 29804, 763, 263, 2428, 29882, 1489, 1213, 13, 29902, 1999, 682, 472, 1075, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 577, 22629, 7108, 681, 411, 1058, 306, 2289, 626, 372, 29915, 29879, 2898, 304, 4697, 342, 29889, 1205, 393, 29915, 29879, 760, 310, 2020, 306, 29915, 29885, 1244, 856, 2020, 590, 2834, 756, 3939, 577, 1568, 29889, 7311, 310, 278, 982, 10705, 3430, 472, 592, 322, 825, 540, 18553, 29889, 13, 29908, 29925, 852, 363, 592, 1699, 540, 4083, 297, 670, 22592, 573, 7314, 29889, 13, 7058, 16225, 9946, 592, 304, 528, 566, 672, 408, 372, 6023, 267, 777, 817, 6483, 2768, 29889, 306, 7845, 701, 29892, 769, 679, 304, 590, 17905, 267, 14870, 1075, 29889, 2803, 1259, 590, 17905, 267, 20343, 12435, 29892, 306, 8338, 590, 2175, 1361, 1623, 590, 521, 342, 29892, 769, 4940, 590, 274, 5450, 305, 29889, 317, 5367, 1250, 373, 590, 540, 1379, 29892, 306, 1791, 278, 7933, 1361, 373, 590, 6426, 266, 1141, 29889, 13, 8566, 283, 1431, 287, 491, 10705, 29915, 29879, 9416, 29899, 29880, 2205, 287, 380, 598, 29892, 306, 2507, 577, 393, 306, 29915, 29885, 17905, 14067, 29892, 14870, 3448, 515, 1075, 445, 931, 29892, 769, 5768, 964, 263, 2602, 540, 22602, 29915, 29873, 3595, 297, 263, 1407, 1472, 931, 29889, 2178, 285, 2470, 29889, 306, 5004, 590, 17905, 267, 29892, 769, 1106, 1250, 472, 1075, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 3700, 338, 19932, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 3595, 1075, 6077, 373, 1434, 29892, 541, 540, 29915, 29879, 1560, 3194, 292, 29889, 13, 9598, 26819, 590, 21152, 12435, 29892, 306, 17905, 295, 701, 29892, 769, 6963, 1716, 6567, 304, 278, 2319, 310, 590, 1250, 29889, 306, 4808, 963, 727, 363, 263, 3256, 29892, 408, 565, 306, 29915, 29885, 3216, 29892, 769, 20343, 963, 1623, 304, 590, 1223, 29892, 2723, 3262, 590, 1223, 923, 14541, 322, 28420, 963, 12435, 29889, 13, 29908, 7058, 338, 278, 409, 5389, 342, 17794, 940, 16172, 267, 20365, 363, 263, 3256, 29892, 769, 8665, 1236, 14067, 1283, 670, 22095, 29889, 376, 12024, 29915, 29879, 1018, 372, 714, 1213, 1932, 670, 282, 1934, 526, 297, 263, 16947, 373, 278, 11904, 29892, 306, 508, 1074, 393, 540, 29915, 29879, 1407, 2898, 29889, 1619, 13394, 19922, 322, 306, 4459, 263, 1190, 479, 310, 301, 504, 393, 11308, 592, 16172, 2222, 29889, 13, 3868, 2243, 2247, 4457, 29884, 5794, 11480, 278, 6592, 29892, 769, 373, 2246, 310, 592, 29889, 306, 330, 4692, 411, 5108, 362, 29892, 769, 12244, 697, 2814, 2820, 1075, 29892, 14051, 10549, 590, 3573, 2750, 670, 29889, 319, 4482, 364, 15563, 5304, 515, 6483, 297, 670, 20961, 271, 29889, 376, 22908, 596, 10188, 2820, 592, 29889, 306, 864, 304, 4459, 366, 1213, 13, 29902, 6963, 590, 10188, 2820, 1075, 29892, 697, 472, 670, 26671, 29892, 697, 472, 670, 11324, 391, 322, 269, 802, 29872, 911, 1075, 763, 306, 29915, 345, 4049, 20024, 306, 1033, 29889, 13, 29908, 8263, 1379, 1781, 1699, 540, 4083, 4964, 368, 29889, 940, 10208, 9100, 964, 590, 953, 13842, 322, 925, 12185, 727, 363, 263, 3256, 29892, 10623, 3277, 372, 29889, 13, 11760, 411, 263, 9416, 269, 1141, 29892, 10705, 9679, 29879, 502, 975, 29892, 577, 306, 29915, 29885, 373, 2246, 310, 1075, 29889, 376, 14039, 596, 7688, 411, 278, 716, 5075, 322, 6023, 592, 411, 596, 1492, 1361, 1213, 13, 3112, 4893, 592, 263, 7303, 14335, 304, 679, 4129, 304, 664, 278, 982, 306, 864, 29892, 541, 769, 306, 29915, 29885, 289, 945, 287, 373, 278, 716, 5075, 408, 590, 23915, 16508, 714, 278, 9985, 640, 2470, 310, 10705, 29915, 29879, 3573, 29889, 306, 20343, 590, 1361, 515, 670, 18873, 1623, 304, 670, 21464, 29892, 769, 14205, 1250, 701, 29892, 16703, 292, 1432, 18130, 29892, 5902, 19914, 670, 6836, 407, 280, 29892, 769, 23351, 9292, 670, 18873, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 298, 4512, 526, 8401, 10029, 29892, 2466, 306, 508, 2649, 540, 29915, 29879, 1811, 304, 4808, 1250, 670, 19848, 29889, 376, 10454, 4607, 322, 6023, 592, 411, 596, 2175, 1213, 13, 29902, 4105, 346, 590, 1492, 5075, 322, 23359, 658, 290, 975, 1075, 1434, 528, 24377, 590, 7688, 29889, 383, 542, 4746, 373, 278, 10298, 29892, 306, 6963, 590, 1361, 701, 304, 670, 784, 4675, 15933, 29892, 769, 14205, 20343, 372, 1623, 304, 670, 11324, 391, 29889, 24428, 451, 304, 437, 372, 2086, 2898, 29892, 306, 25274, 670, 21464, 1550, 20793, 292, 1623, 304, 2367, 1075, 263, 4996, 20057, 29889, 1932, 306, 8206, 1250, 29892, 306, 20343, 590, 1361, 1250, 701, 29889, 1619, 5076, 1101, 278, 10298, 29892, 5622, 297, 825, 445, 1361, 2609, 4459, 856, 278, 4964, 2264, 310, 670, 19309, 29892, 278, 5023, 310, 670, 2301, 7799, 29892, 278, 16892, 280, 310, 670, 521, 342, 11315, 29889, 1619, 28968, 2243, 2247, 975, 670, 6836, 407, 280, 29892, 769, 701, 304, 670, 18873, 29892, 16703, 292, 263, 2224, 304, 670, 2326, 29889, 13, 1576, 4091, 776, 404, 310, 670, 16172, 292, 10603, 592, 445, 3508, 29915, 29873, 925, 263, 9554, 1017, 363, 1075, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 1407, 6077, 373, 29889, 13, 29908, 3624, 372, 11220, 3026, 306, 2244, 29889, 13, 29908, 29909, 2217, 1699, 540, 4083, 29889, 376, 4806, 2113, 29915, 29873, 437, 445, 297, 278, 15007, 1213, 940, 4076, 592, 263, 24732, 17819, 29892, 769, 260, 2547, 278, 6592, 2978, 670, 2175, 21464, 29889, 376, 29931, 347, 2446, 304, 592, 856, 322, 28015, 592, 1283, 1213, 13, 29902, 20343, 11480, 590, 1492, 2625, 322, 29892, 297, 278, 2446, 14426, 29892, 16289 ]
he means for me to jack him off with my new hand. I meet his heated gaze. "Walt... I don't want to accidentally hurt you." "It's okay," he says, pulling me closer with a hand at my waist. "Don't squeeze, just curl your fingers." Feeling both aroused and trepidatious, I reach for his cock. Using full concentration, I curl my fingers around his shaft, then look up at him. "Okay?" "Yeah... I really want this, Alex." I begin to move my hand on his erection, completely captivated by the image of this artistic metal--part of my body--clasping his thick cock. Walter's expression softens and his hips begin to move. Now that I'm confident of my grip and my rhythm, I turn my attention to the rest of my lover's body. I love the way he looks when he's aroused... the flush in his skin, his fierce expression, the tension in his muscles. My lips and tongue find his nipple, then I take it between my teeth, biting gently. Then a bit harder. "Harder... on my cock, both," he gasps out. I increase the speed of my hand as I bite down on his nipple until I feel his body tension shift. I quickly release it, then soothe it with my tongue. "Oh, yeah... fuck," he groans. His body's moving against me to the rhythm of my hand. "God, I love you touching me." I love the raw sound of his voice when he's close. It creates a tingle in my spine. There was some novelty with the new hand at first, but now it's just me, touching him. He's always said he just wants me to touch him... with anything. And I finally understand. I shift my position so I can play with his neck, licking and sucking at the sensitive flesh. His body tension tells me he's about to come, so I increase the pace and pull back so I can see his face. Contorted, as if in agony... With a roar, he begins to come. I can see waves of pleasure passing over his features, as if each pulse of his cock is reflected in his face. His breathless sounds make me aware of my own arousal, my desperate need for him. He makes a faint whimper, his body tension seeping away, as he stills under my touch. Bringing my hand up, I lick away a few drops of his cum, then lightly stroke his jaw. He would never believe me, but he's incredibly beautiful to me, too. I curl into Alex's body, enjoying the lassitude. Images are floating around in my head. Mostly Alex the superhero. I love it. Wrapping an arm around his waist, I mumble, "Your new hand just lost its virginity." He enfolds me in both arms. That feels so good. Of course, for the purposes of hugging, Alex should have eight arms. The sex would be pretty interesting, too. Funny how his new arm feels symbolic of the changes in our lives. We've found a way to become whole. I sit up a little so I can look at him. I reach out and take each of his hands in one of mine. "Now you have two beautiful hands." I bring his real hand to my lips and kiss his palm. Then I do the same to his new hand. He smiles. "Thank you... for the arm. I confess, I didn't really like the industrial appearance of the other one." I could tell. I wanted him to have an arm that he could love, not just tolerate. He does look like a superhero. Lean, handsome body, with the beautiful green titanium arm. The color of the arm makes his eyes electric green. Running my fingers down his chest, I give his groin a gentle squeeze. "Tell me what you want." The cool metal of his fingertips touches my lower lip. "Suck me," he manages in between moans. My mouth waters instantly. With a low growl, I push him onto his back and pounce. I give him a thorough kiss, exploring every inch of his mouth. You know, Walt, you should keep this man. Smiling into his neck,
[ 540, 2794, 363, 592, 304, 28015, 1075, 1283, 411, 590, 716, 1361, 29889, 306, 5870, 670, 540, 630, 12642, 29872, 29889, 376, 29956, 1997, 856, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 11423, 635, 21682, 366, 1213, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 20759, 1699, 540, 4083, 29892, 28420, 592, 17649, 411, 263, 1361, 472, 590, 11324, 391, 29889, 376, 10310, 29915, 29873, 269, 802, 29872, 911, 29892, 925, 11051, 596, 23915, 1213, 13, 8263, 14067, 1716, 564, 26165, 322, 2578, 5935, 2219, 681, 29892, 306, 6159, 363, 670, 1302, 384, 29889, 5293, 2989, 26702, 29892, 306, 11051, 590, 23915, 2820, 670, 528, 2051, 29892, 769, 1106, 701, 472, 1075, 29889, 376, 20434, 388, 3026, 13, 29908, 29979, 29872, 801, 856, 306, 2289, 864, 445, 29892, 4827, 1213, 13, 29902, 3380, 304, 4337, 590, 1361, 373, 670, 14737, 428, 29892, 6446, 4332, 440, 630, 491, 278, 1967, 310, 445, 1616, 4695, 11915, 489, 1595, 310, 590, 3573, 489, 695, 4692, 292, 670, 12003, 1302, 384, 29889, 13, 29956, 13794, 29915, 29879, 4603, 4964, 575, 322, 670, 298, 4512, 3380, 304, 4337, 29889, 2567, 393, 306, 29915, 29885, 24332, 310, 590, 330, 6472, 322, 590, 18178, 29265, 29892, 306, 2507, 590, 8570, 304, 278, 1791, 310, 590, 658, 369, 29915, 29879, 3573, 29889, 306, 5360, 278, 982, 540, 3430, 746, 540, 29915, 29879, 564, 26165, 856, 278, 28371, 297, 670, 19309, 29892, 670, 21334, 346, 4603, 29892, 278, 260, 2673, 297, 670, 2301, 7799, 29889, 1619, 17186, 322, 26820, 1284, 670, 6836, 407, 280, 29892, 769, 306, 2125, 372, 1546, 590, 25287, 29892, 2586, 292, 330, 2705, 29889, 1987, 263, 2586, 22622, 29889, 13, 29908, 29950, 538, 261, 856, 373, 590, 1302, 384, 29892, 1716, 1699, 540, 10489, 567, 714, 29889, 13, 29902, 7910, 278, 6210, 310, 590, 1361, 408, 306, 289, 568, 1623, 373, 670, 6836, 407, 280, 2745, 306, 4459, 670, 3573, 260, 2673, 9500, 29889, 306, 9098, 6507, 372, 29892, 769, 577, 10323, 372, 411, 590, 26820, 29889, 13, 29908, 9048, 29892, 21915, 856, 285, 2707, 1699, 540, 4071, 550, 29889, 3600, 3573, 29915, 29879, 8401, 2750, 592, 304, 278, 18178, 29265, 310, 590, 1361, 29889, 376, 29954, 397, 29892, 306, 5360, 366, 6023, 292, 592, 1213, 13, 29902, 5360, 278, 10650, 6047, 310, 670, 7314, 746, 540, 29915, 29879, 3802, 29889, 739, 10017, 263, 260, 292, 280, 297, 590, 805, 457, 29889, 13, 8439, 471, 777, 9554, 1017, 411, 278, 716, 1361, 472, 937, 29892, 541, 1286, 372, 29915, 29879, 925, 592, 29892, 6023, 292, 1075, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 2337, 1497, 540, 925, 10753, 592, 304, 6023, 1075, 856, 411, 3099, 29889, 1126, 306, 7146, 2274, 29889, 13, 29902, 9500, 590, 2602, 577, 306, 508, 1708, 411, 670, 18873, 29892, 301, 860, 292, 322, 480, 384, 292, 472, 278, 20502, 28610, 29889, 3600, 3573, 260, 2673, 10603, 592, 540, 29915, 29879, 1048, 304, 2041, 29892, 577, 306, 7910, 278, 27725, 322, 8206, 1250, 577, 306, 508, 1074, 670, 3700, 29889, 2866, 18054, 29892, 408, 565, 297, 946, 2592, 856, 13, 3047, 263, 696, 279, 29892, 540, 16410, 304, 2041, 29889, 306, 508, 1074, 20037, 310, 15377, 6819, 975, 670, 5680, 29892, 408, 565, 1269, 9505, 344, 310, 670, 1302, 384, 338, 25312, 297, 670, 3700, 29889, 3600, 16172, 2222, 10083, 1207, 592, 9543, 310, 590, 1914, 564, 681, 284, 29892, 590, 553, 21194, 817, 363, 1075, 29889, 13, 3868, 3732, 263, 24732, 377, 26039, 29892, 670, 3573, 260, 2673, 409, 26819, 3448, 29892, 408, 540, 1603, 29879, 1090, 590, 6023, 29889, 13, 29933, 5393, 292, 590, 1361, 701, 29892, 306, 301, 860, 3448, 263, 2846, 4441, 567, 310, 670, 13299, 29892, 769, 3578, 368, 19782, 670, 432, 1450, 29889, 940, 723, 2360, 4658, 592, 29892, 541, 540, 29915, 29879, 29811, 14981, 9560, 304, 592, 29892, 2086, 29889, 13, 29902, 11051, 964, 4827, 29915, 29879, 3573, 29892, 11418, 5414, 278, 301, 465, 4279, 29889, 1954, 1179, 526, 16526, 2820, 297, 590, 2343, 29889, 7849, 368, 4827, 278, 2428, 29882, 1489, 29889, 306, 5360, 372, 29889, 13, 29956, 336, 3262, 385, 5075, 2820, 670, 11324, 391, 29892, 306, 286, 15563, 29892, 376, 10858, 716, 1361, 925, 5714, 967, 10636, 5359, 537, 1213, 13, 3868, 12377, 3361, 592, 297, 1716, 10188, 29889, 13, 7058, 23880, 577, 1781, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29892, 363, 278, 11976, 310, 298, 688, 3460, 29892, 4827, 881, 505, 9475, 10188, 29889, 450, 7916, 723, 367, 5051, 8031, 29892, 2086, 29889, 13811, 1460, 920, 670, 716, 5075, 23880, 5829, 293, 310, 278, 3620, 297, 1749, 12080, 29889, 1334, 29915, 345, 1476, 263, 982, 304, 4953, 3353, 29889, 13, 29902, 7845, 701, 263, 2217, 577, 306, 508, 1106, 472, 1075, 29889, 306, 6159, 714, 322, 2125, 1269, 310, 670, 6567, 297, 697, 310, 7903, 29889, 376, 10454, 366, 505, 1023, 9560, 6567, 1213, 306, 6963, 670, 1855, 1361, 304, 590, 17186, 322, 20057, 670, 5112, 29885, 29889, 1987, 306, 437, 278, 1021, 304, 670, 716, 1361, 29889, 13, 3868, 1560, 5475, 29889, 376, 25271, 366, 856, 363, 278, 5075, 29889, 306, 1970, 404, 29892, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2289, 763, 278, 18408, 10097, 310, 278, 916, 697, 1213, 13, 29902, 1033, 2649, 29889, 306, 5131, 1075, 304, 505, 385, 5075, 393, 540, 1033, 5360, 29892, 451, 925, 20341, 403, 29889, 13, 3868, 947, 1106, 763, 263, 2428, 29882, 1489, 29889, 951, 273, 29892, 1361, 5372, 3573, 29892, 411, 278, 9560, 7933, 4329, 273, 1974, 5075, 29889, 450, 2927, 310, 278, 5075, 3732, 670, 5076, 12646, 7933, 29889, 13, 27795, 590, 23915, 1623, 670, 521, 342, 29892, 306, 2367, 670, 4071, 262, 263, 9914, 269, 802, 29872, 911, 29889, 376, 29911, 514, 592, 825, 366, 864, 1213, 13, 1576, 12528, 11915, 310, 670, 285, 292, 814, 4512, 6023, 267, 590, 5224, 17441, 29889, 376, 29903, 2707, 592, 1699, 540, 767, 1179, 297, 1546, 2730, 550, 29889, 13, 3421, 13394, 19922, 26232, 29889, 2973, 263, 4482, 6548, 29880, 29892, 306, 5503, 1075, 11480, 670, 1250, 322, 282, 21543, 29889, 306, 2367, 1075, 263, 17826, 20057, 29892, 3902, 8253, 1432, 297, 305, 310, 670, 13394, 29889, 13, 3492, 1073, 29892, 399, 1997, 29892, 366, 881, 3013, 445, 767, 29889, 13, 12636, 6504, 964, 670, 18873, 29892 ]
I work my way down his body. Minutes blur into one another as my senses are filled with the taste, sight and smell of him. The occasional cool brush of titanium adds a new dimension of sensation. Soon, tremors rack his body for a long time, then he becomes boneless. I lick the cum off his cock, enjoying the taste of him and the sprawl of his limbs. He looks... wasted. Eventually he lifts his new arm, a piece of sheet dangling from his clenched hand. "I have to learn how to control this thing," he offers, sounding completely wiped out. "You will," I say, rearranging my body so I can curl up next to him. "But, uh, you won't be jacking me off while you're coming." Alex presses his face into my neck and laughs. "Yeah, I like your dick attached, too." The staff meeting drones on, and I tune out a rather dull piece about the ongoing dismantling of some of the former Resistance's questionable operations. I make a few notes about some things to handle in Annemasse when I'm there in a couple of days. We're going to train all of our field operatives there, and I want everything to be perfect. The meeting captures my attention again when one of the scientists gets up to give his report on some colonist activity. He points out some erratic microburst radiation traffic over Antarctica. I notice Walter making notes out of the corner of my eye. Mulder asks if there's a working theory about the purpose for the unusual activity. The question has barely left his mouth when the answers start filling my brain. The data is coming so fast, I'm unable to prevent a faint gasp. I have limited time to get somewhere secure, so I give Walter our pre-arranged signal. The fact that he's already on his feet and pulling back my chair, tells me he interpreted what was happening already. Distantly, I hear him dismissing the staff meeting, saying we'll finish tomorrow... he and I have an urgent call to take care of. I let him handle everything, just focusing on keeping a normal appearance and not letting myself get overwhelmed by the foreign information in my head. "Just another couple minutes, Alex," Walter cautions as he guides me toward our offices. Once we're inside, he sits me at my desk and goes through the security ritual. I'm nearly vibrating with the need to get this out of my head. Walt keeps me grounded with the security countdown. Everything's locked, equipment is ready, he just has to finish scanning the room. Even though we think there's no chance of a security breach in this office, we always take every precaution. "Thirty seconds, Alex." I hold the edge of the desk with a white-knuckled grip, waiting for the go ahead. Walter concludes his scan of the room back at my desk. "Clear." Oh thank god. I open my mouth and the words start to tumble out. I make notes of the first couple minutes of Alex's ramblings, as those are usually the most critical. So, the radiation activity we've observed is them building a new breeding facility. I have a meeting with the Rebels in a few days, which is good since we have something urgent to talk about. After double-checking everything one more time, I rub Alex's shoulders. It seems to help him relax a little, though I'm not sure he's really aware of me. Double checking is unnecessary, but it gives me something to do. Alex's office is one of the most secure places in the building, so he can record the memories he gets rather than write them. With the right stimulus--like today's staff meeting--he gets so much data, he doesn't have time to write. Sometimes he just locks himself in his office, and lets it flow out of his brain. But when it hits him hard, or promises to be an especially long session, I stay until he's finished. It's always rather eerie. He stares into space and just rattles off information. He has no clue or concept of what he's talking about. Advanced scientific theories no one in our organization can understand, cultural references, things in languages Alex never learned but understands. We've found that we can increase the amount of data by an order of magnitude by doing it this way. Advanced
[ 306, 664, 590, 982, 1623, 670, 3573, 29889, 3080, 2667, 1999, 332, 964, 697, 1790, 408, 590, 4771, 267, 526, 10423, 411, 278, 21779, 29892, 11126, 322, 1560, 514, 310, 1075, 29889, 450, 14882, 1848, 12528, 1506, 1878, 310, 4329, 273, 1974, 12778, 263, 716, 9927, 310, 4771, 362, 29889, 13, 29903, 6150, 29892, 14586, 943, 1153, 384, 670, 3573, 363, 263, 1472, 931, 29892, 769, 540, 7415, 10814, 6393, 29889, 306, 301, 860, 278, 13299, 1283, 670, 1302, 384, 29892, 11418, 5414, 278, 21779, 310, 1075, 322, 278, 26183, 29880, 310, 670, 2485, 5824, 29889, 940, 3430, 856, 471, 9446, 29889, 13, 2624, 1474, 540, 11747, 1372, 670, 716, 5075, 29892, 263, 8424, 310, 9869, 270, 574, 1847, 515, 670, 1067, 264, 26902, 1361, 29889, 376, 29902, 505, 304, 5110, 920, 304, 2761, 445, 2655, 1699, 540, 16688, 29892, 6047, 292, 6446, 281, 666, 287, 714, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 674, 1699, 306, 1827, 29892, 337, 2749, 9776, 590, 3573, 577, 306, 508, 11051, 701, 2446, 304, 1075, 29889, 376, 6246, 29892, 318, 29882, 29892, 366, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 28015, 292, 592, 1283, 1550, 366, 29915, 276, 6421, 1213, 13, 17406, 3965, 267, 670, 3700, 964, 590, 18873, 322, 10569, 29879, 29889, 376, 29979, 29872, 801, 29892, 306, 763, 596, 270, 860, 10959, 29892, 2086, 1213, 13, 1576, 13925, 11781, 270, 1617, 267, 373, 29892, 322, 306, 260, 1540, 714, 263, 3265, 270, 913, 8424, 1048, 278, 373, 17696, 766, 29885, 424, 1847, 310, 777, 310, 278, 4642, 2538, 21558, 29915, 29879, 1139, 519, 6931, 29889, 306, 1207, 263, 2846, 11486, 1048, 777, 2712, 304, 4386, 297, 8081, 331, 5793, 746, 306, 29915, 29885, 727, 297, 263, 7303, 310, 3841, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 7945, 599, 310, 1749, 1746, 1751, 5056, 727, 29892, 322, 306, 864, 4129, 304, 367, 4922, 29889, 13, 1576, 11781, 4332, 1973, 590, 8570, 1449, 746, 697, 310, 278, 9638, 2879, 4947, 701, 304, 2367, 670, 3461, 373, 777, 8104, 391, 6354, 29889, 940, 3291, 714, 777, 4589, 2454, 9200, 8399, 303, 27310, 12469, 975, 5459, 27014, 983, 29889, 306, 8369, 10705, 3907, 11486, 714, 310, 278, 11155, 310, 590, 10977, 29889, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 19514, 565, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 1985, 6368, 1048, 278, 6437, 363, 278, 22910, 6354, 29889, 450, 1139, 756, 16079, 368, 2175, 670, 13394, 746, 278, 6089, 1369, 27523, 590, 17294, 29889, 450, 848, 338, 6421, 577, 5172, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 9368, 304, 5557, 263, 24732, 330, 4692, 29889, 13, 29902, 505, 9078, 931, 304, 679, 9051, 11592, 29892, 577, 306, 2367, 10705, 1749, 758, 29899, 2749, 4618, 7182, 29889, 450, 2114, 393, 540, 29915, 29879, 2307, 373, 670, 6900, 322, 28420, 1250, 590, 11774, 29892, 10603, 592, 540, 21551, 825, 471, 10464, 2307, 29889, 13, 13398, 10835, 29892, 306, 8293, 1075, 18918, 292, 278, 13925, 11781, 29892, 5934, 591, 29915, 645, 8341, 6454, 22396, 856, 540, 322, 306, 505, 385, 5065, 5362, 1246, 304, 2125, 2562, 310, 29889, 306, 1235, 1075, 4386, 4129, 29892, 925, 12789, 4746, 373, 12515, 263, 4226, 10097, 322, 451, 27697, 6142, 679, 975, 1332, 295, 2168, 491, 278, 9117, 2472, 297, 590, 2343, 29889, 13, 29908, 14084, 1790, 7303, 6233, 29892, 4827, 1699, 10705, 5777, 17925, 408, 540, 1410, 2247, 592, 11183, 1749, 25222, 29889, 9038, 591, 29915, 276, 2768, 29892, 540, 269, 1169, 592, 472, 590, 553, 29895, 322, 5771, 1549, 278, 6993, 10421, 950, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 8886, 325, 4626, 1218, 411, 278, 817, 304, 679, 445, 714, 310, 590, 2343, 29889, 399, 1997, 14874, 592, 5962, 287, 411, 278, 6993, 2302, 3204, 29889, 17296, 29915, 29879, 22822, 29892, 21083, 338, 7960, 29892, 540, 925, 756, 304, 8341, 885, 9450, 278, 5716, 29889, 7753, 2466, 591, 1348, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 8825, 310, 263, 6993, 2078, 496, 297, 445, 8034, 29892, 591, 2337, 2125, 1432, 758, 1113, 918, 29889, 13, 29908, 1349, 13163, 6923, 29892, 4827, 1213, 13, 29902, 4808, 278, 7636, 310, 278, 553, 29895, 411, 263, 4796, 29899, 3959, 2707, 839, 330, 6472, 29892, 10534, 363, 278, 748, 14432, 29889, 13, 29956, 13794, 378, 27722, 670, 12812, 310, 278, 5716, 1250, 472, 590, 553, 29895, 29889, 376, 18759, 1213, 13, 9048, 6452, 7339, 29889, 306, 1722, 590, 13394, 322, 278, 3838, 1369, 304, 260, 15563, 714, 29889, 13, 29902, 1207, 11486, 310, 278, 937, 7303, 6233, 310, 4827, 29915, 29879, 364, 1117, 18964, 29892, 408, 1906, 526, 5491, 278, 1556, 12187, 29889, 1105, 29892, 278, 27310, 6354, 591, 29915, 345, 8900, 338, 963, 5214, 263, 716, 2078, 21219, 24454, 29889, 306, 505, 263, 11781, 411, 278, 12936, 1379, 297, 263, 2846, 3841, 29892, 607, 338, 1781, 1951, 591, 505, 1554, 5065, 5362, 304, 5193, 1048, 29889, 13, 13555, 3765, 29899, 3198, 292, 4129, 697, 901, 931, 29892, 306, 14051, 4827, 29915, 29879, 26671, 29889, 739, 2444, 304, 1371, 1075, 26681, 263, 2217, 29892, 2466, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 1854, 540, 29915, 29879, 2289, 9543, 310, 592, 29889, 13, 11843, 8454, 338, 19039, 29892, 541, 372, 4076, 592, 1554, 304, 437, 29889, 4827, 29915, 29879, 8034, 338, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 11592, 7600, 297, 278, 5214, 29892, 577, 540, 508, 2407, 278, 2626, 3842, 540, 4947, 3265, 1135, 2436, 963, 29889, 2973, 278, 1492, 20436, 14999, 489, 4561, 9826, 29915, 29879, 13925, 11781, 489, 354, 4947, 577, 1568, 848, 29892, 540, 1838, 29915, 29873, 505, 931, 304, 2436, 29889, 18512, 540, 925, 658, 4684, 3654, 297, 670, 8034, 29892, 322, 16869, 372, 4972, 714, 310, 670, 17294, 29889, 1205, 746, 372, 19572, 1075, 2898, 29892, 470, 27584, 304, 367, 385, 7148, 1472, 4867, 29892, 306, 7952, 2745, 540, 29915, 29879, 7743, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 2337, 3265, 6380, 347, 29889, 940, 380, 5114, 964, 2913, 322, 925, 364, 1131, 793, 1283, 2472, 29889, 940, 756, 694, 23960, 470, 6964, 310, 825, 540, 29915, 29879, 9963, 1048, 29889, 29287, 16021, 25841, 694, 697, 297, 1749, 13013, 508, 2274, 29892, 16375, 9282, 29892, 2712, 297, 10276, 4827, 2360, 10972, 541, 2274, 29879, 29889, 1334, 29915, 345, 1476, 393, 591, 508, 7910, 278, 5253, 310, 848, 491, 385, 1797, 310, 18497, 491, 2599, 372, 445, 982, 29889, 13, 3253, 16858 ]
voice recognition software churns the hours of rambling into tomes of data. At first, the software choked on nearly a third of the words. But as we've built up enough alien and scientific language in the dictionary, Alex only has to revise about five percent. Long sessions leave him completely drained, so I'm on hand in case there's a problem. Today looks to be one of those sessions. When it hits him that hard, it's usually because there's a ton of information. We have so much information at this point that we don't worry much about being able to keep the rebel aliens well supplied in exchange for their help. Alex's biggest security nightmare is making sure that data is impossible to hack into. Working with Russ, they devised a procedure where Alex loads this type of data into the data warehouse himself, using his personal encryption keys. No one has access without going through Alex. Even then, Alex will extract only a small subset of information and make it available. We've given the Rebels a little of this information. Unfortunately, they're now convinced we're conducting secret experiments on the colonists. How else could we know so much about their biology? Their strengths and weaknesses? We always manage to deflect them, but we pick and choose what to give them very carefully. When the adrenaline has receded a bit, I grab a book and settle on the sofa for the wait, Alex's voice a soothing drone in the background. Three Days Later Bernice buzzes me. "Sir, Lester is here. Says he needs to see you." "Send him in." Lester enters, looking more meek than usual. "Is Mr. Krycek in today?" Something financial no doubt. "He's in Annemasse for the rest of the day... setting up the new training facility." Alex avoids Lester, so if Lester needs him, I'll probably have to intervene. "Why don't you call site security and have them get a message to Alex?" "Uh..." He shifts from one foot to the other. "I don't really need to talk to him. I need to talk to you... I just wanted to make sure he wasn't around." I give Lester my full attention. There shouldn't be anything he can't talk to Alex about. Except... "You found something?" Wringing his hands, he nods. "You said I was to tell you, even though Mr. Krycek said to tell him." "You found, what? A file?" "I don't know. It's a box, but it's sealed and I didn't let anyone touch it." Christ. "Where is it?!" He seems to fold a bit and twitches his hand toward the door. "It's in Bernice's office. I didn't want to leave it..." I'm already on my way to the door. There's a large file-storage box by Bernice's desk. I seize it and bring it into my office, setting it on my desk. "How many people know about this?" "Um, the clerk who found it, me, and..." He trails off and points to my outer office. Meaning, my security guard and Bernice. I don't have to worry about them. "Lester, you're not to tell anyone about this. After a quick chat with my bodyguard and Bernice, I lock my office door and contemplate the box, wondering what problems lie within. It's just now after lunch, and Alex should be back from Annemasse by 7:00. I hope that's enough time to deal with this... whatever it is. I take a long slow breath, then open the carton. Files. Reports. Photos. Receipts. Videotapes. Notebooks. A cornucopia of the horror it was to be born into the Krycek family. Surveillance photos of the Krycek kids, only a few months before they were executed. Absurdly, I feel as if I must somehow protect Alex from that terrible past crime. Almost hear the cries of his siblings demanding my protection, as well. There's no justice I can offer them except the continued survival of their youngest and oldest siblings. It would be easy to destroy all the photos, every reminder of that time, but these may be the only pictures Alex will ever have of his
[ 7314, 19679, 7047, 521, 595, 29879, 278, 6199, 310, 364, 1117, 1847, 964, 6454, 267, 310, 848, 29889, 2180, 937, 29892, 278, 7047, 521, 12504, 373, 8886, 263, 4654, 310, 278, 3838, 29889, 1205, 408, 591, 29915, 345, 4240, 701, 3307, 394, 819, 322, 16021, 4086, 297, 278, 8600, 29892, 4827, 871, 756, 304, 6664, 895, 1048, 5320, 10151, 29889, 13, 8208, 21396, 5967, 1075, 6446, 7482, 1312, 29892, 577, 306, 29915, 29885, 373, 1361, 297, 1206, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 1108, 29889, 20628, 3430, 304, 367, 697, 310, 1906, 21396, 29889, 1932, 372, 19572, 1075, 393, 2898, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 5491, 1363, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 15243, 310, 2472, 29889, 13, 4806, 505, 577, 1568, 2472, 472, 445, 1298, 393, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 15982, 1568, 1048, 1641, 2221, 304, 3013, 278, 337, 6596, 394, 11689, 1532, 19056, 297, 14523, 363, 1009, 1371, 29889, 4827, 29915, 29879, 24842, 6993, 4646, 29885, 598, 338, 3907, 1854, 393, 848, 338, 9301, 304, 15833, 964, 29889, 24176, 411, 4719, 29892, 896, 316, 11292, 263, 8792, 988, 4827, 15376, 445, 1134, 310, 848, 964, 278, 848, 281, 598, 8697, 3654, 29892, 773, 670, 7333, 20956, 6611, 29889, 1939, 697, 756, 2130, 1728, 2675, 1549, 4827, 29889, 7753, 769, 29892, 4827, 674, 6597, 871, 263, 2319, 11306, 310, 2472, 322, 1207, 372, 3625, 29889, 13, 4806, 29915, 345, 2183, 278, 12936, 1379, 263, 2217, 310, 445, 2472, 29889, 11511, 29892, 896, 29915, 276, 1286, 25617, 591, 29915, 276, 7512, 292, 7035, 15729, 373, 278, 8104, 2879, 29889, 1128, 1683, 1033, 591, 1073, 577, 1568, 1048, 1009, 4768, 3002, 29973, 11275, 9324, 29879, 322, 8062, 2264, 267, 29973, 1334, 2337, 10933, 304, 822, 781, 963, 29892, 541, 591, 5839, 322, 6755, 825, 304, 2367, 963, 1407, 16112, 29889, 13, 10401, 278, 594, 1267, 284, 457, 756, 337, 1133, 287, 263, 2586, 29892, 306, 17229, 263, 3143, 322, 3604, 280, 373, 278, 577, 5444, 363, 278, 4480, 29892, 4827, 29915, 29879, 7314, 263, 577, 6046, 4192, 650, 297, 278, 3239, 29889, 13, 28575, 24728, 12699, 13, 29933, 824, 625, 1321, 5617, 267, 592, 29889, 376, 29903, 381, 29892, 365, 4156, 338, 1244, 29889, 317, 1036, 540, 4225, 304, 1074, 366, 1213, 13, 29908, 12600, 1075, 297, 1213, 13, 29931, 4156, 24395, 29892, 3063, 901, 592, 1416, 1135, 9670, 29889, 376, 3624, 3237, 29889, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 297, 9826, 3026, 13, 16804, 18161, 694, 7404, 29889, 376, 3868, 29915, 29879, 297, 8081, 331, 5793, 363, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 2462, 856, 4444, 701, 278, 716, 6694, 24454, 1213, 4827, 4772, 29879, 365, 4156, 29892, 577, 565, 365, 4156, 4225, 1075, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 3117, 505, 304, 26314, 29872, 29889, 376, 11008, 1016, 29915, 29873, 366, 1246, 3268, 6993, 322, 505, 963, 679, 263, 2643, 304, 4827, 3026, 13, 29908, 29965, 29882, 17794, 940, 528, 17741, 515, 697, 3661, 304, 278, 916, 29889, 376, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2289, 817, 304, 5193, 304, 1075, 29889, 306, 817, 304, 5193, 304, 366, 856, 306, 925, 5131, 304, 1207, 1854, 540, 9007, 29915, 29873, 2820, 1213, 13, 29902, 2367, 365, 4156, 590, 2989, 8570, 29889, 1670, 9273, 29915, 29873, 367, 3099, 540, 508, 29915, 29873, 5193, 304, 4827, 1048, 29889, 1222, 1547, 856, 376, 3492, 1476, 1554, 3026, 13, 29956, 5393, 292, 670, 6567, 29892, 540, 18778, 29879, 29889, 376, 3492, 1497, 306, 471, 304, 2649, 366, 29892, 1584, 2466, 3237, 29889, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 1497, 304, 2649, 1075, 1213, 13, 29908, 3492, 1476, 29892, 825, 29973, 319, 934, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 3800, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 409, 7943, 322, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1235, 5019, 6023, 372, 1213, 13, 18687, 29889, 376, 11921, 338, 372, 29973, 3850, 13, 3868, 2444, 304, 900, 29881, 263, 2586, 322, 3252, 2335, 267, 670, 1361, 11183, 278, 3050, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 297, 6209, 625, 29915, 29879, 8034, 29889, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 5967, 372, 17794, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2307, 373, 590, 982, 304, 278, 3050, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 263, 2919, 934, 29899, 12925, 3800, 491, 6209, 625, 29915, 29879, 553, 29895, 29889, 306, 409, 675, 372, 322, 6963, 372, 964, 590, 8034, 29892, 4444, 372, 373, 590, 553, 29895, 29889, 13, 29908, 5328, 1784, 2305, 1073, 1048, 445, 3026, 13, 29908, 29965, 29885, 29892, 278, 1067, 5968, 1058, 1476, 372, 29892, 592, 29892, 322, 17794, 940, 1020, 2719, 1283, 322, 3291, 304, 590, 11420, 8034, 29889, 13, 6816, 273, 292, 29892, 590, 6993, 8372, 322, 6209, 625, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 304, 15982, 1048, 963, 29889, 376, 29931, 4156, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 451, 304, 2649, 5019, 1048, 445, 29889, 13, 13555, 263, 4996, 13563, 411, 590, 3573, 17728, 322, 6209, 625, 29892, 306, 7714, 590, 8034, 3050, 322, 640, 331, 2341, 278, 3800, 29892, 9873, 825, 4828, 3804, 2629, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 925, 1286, 1156, 301, 3322, 29892, 322, 4827, 881, 367, 1250, 515, 8081, 331, 5793, 491, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29900, 29900, 29889, 306, 4966, 393, 29915, 29879, 3307, 931, 304, 5376, 411, 445, 856, 6514, 372, 338, 29889, 13, 29902, 2125, 263, 1472, 5232, 16172, 29892, 769, 1722, 278, 7774, 265, 29889, 12745, 29889, 830, 4011, 29889, 1963, 15788, 29889, 24328, 29875, 16485, 29889, 478, 680, 327, 11603, 29889, 2216, 19273, 29879, 29889, 319, 26343, 1682, 459, 423, 310, 278, 23026, 372, 471, 304, 367, 6345, 964, 278, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 3942, 29889, 13, 18498, 345, 453, 749, 20612, 310, 278, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 413, 4841, 29892, 871, 263, 2846, 7378, 1434, 896, 892, 8283, 29889, 1976, 7610, 29881, 368, 29892, 306, 4459, 408, 565, 306, 1818, 10431, 12566, 4827, 515, 393, 16403, 4940, 17268, 29889, 838, 3242, 8293, 278, 274, 2722, 310, 670, 27767, 18964, 9667, 292, 590, 13047, 29892, 408, 1532, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 694, 15426, 306, 508, 5957, 963, 5174, 278, 7572, 10503, 2561, 310, 1009, 4123, 342, 322, 23947, 27767, 18964, 29889, 13, 3112, 723, 367, 4780, 304, 8174, 599, 278, 20612, 29892, 1432, 1083, 4995, 310, 393, 931, 29892, 541, 1438, 1122, 367, 278, 871, 14956, 4827, 674, 3926, 505, 310, 670 ]
lost siblings. Except for the one photo he has of the 11 of them together. Most of the pictures show the sweet, mundane life of the Krycek children before Alex was taken. Especially sad are a few photos dated after Alex was taken from them. There's something subtly wrong in their faces. It's fear, I think, that has drawn the innocence from their expressions. A cold report outlining their assassination shocks me. These guys were secure enough in their untouchability to document their work. The inhuman words of the report are easier to bear than the photos. Until the last page: "Sold the control subject to the gulag. Took the team out for vodka." Alex can't see this. *Can't.* Rising, I move to my window, which overlooks the forest. I manage to think of other things for a while. I finally coax myself back to the box. I can endure this if it means that Alex doesn't have to. I find a half page torn out of a lab notebook, with a chemical formula on it. Over the top, in another person's handwriting it reads, "They used control subject DNA for subject 10!!" Alex's DNA was used in Lyosha? That might explain why they look so much alike. A group of reports detail Alex's training as an operative and early assignments. People he killed for them. I'm sorry for your losses, I think silently to the anonymous survivors of Alex's victims, wondering if I'm lamenting good people or not. The videotapes are well labeled: the Geneva experiments performed on Alex. I buzz Bernice and ask her to shred them immediately, along with the reports of Alex's operative career. I feel bad making this decision, which rightfully belongs to Alex, but it doesn't stop me. I sort the rest into two piles: scientific data and family personal information. I load each into its own fire-safe, then set two different combinations. Both go into the master safe in my office. One for research. If we can find someone we trust to conduct it. One for Alex, for later. Not now. Maybe never. I feel a little better when it's all locked away. I postpone a few meetings, then head where need drives me... to the gym. When Alex returns to the condo, I'm sprawled on the sofa, halfheartedly working on a beer. He leans over me and kisses my forehead. "Hey." He nudges me with his hip, so I make room for him on the couch. "Alex," I begin. The tone of my voice makes him abort his cuddle and shift into a sitting position, turning to meet my gaze. "Lester found a box. A box of, uh, pain. About you and your family. I've-" All the color drains out of Alex's face and he opens his mouth to speak. "Hold on. Let me finish." I give his shoulder a light squeeze. "I've gone through it. Destroyed some of it. Saved some of it, double locked in my safe. There's nothing you have to see. Ever. Nothing important you need to know. But, it will be there--if and when you need to see it. Understand?" He stares at me blankly for several seconds. His mouth opens and closes a few times as he tries to find something to say. Eventually he's staring past me, lost in thought. His color seems a little more normal when he finally offers an oblique nod and a softly murmured, "I trust you." I serve another square of lasagna, then pass the plate back to Antonio. I notice Sharon watching Alex, who's still picking at his first piece of lasagna. He seems to get tired when we spend too much time with other people. I'll have to plan more alone time. "Thanks, Walter." Antonio squeezes Sharon's hand. "Sharon tells me you're a spy. You working for the CIA or what?" "Not exactly." I glance at Alex seeking inspiration. He smiles benignly, as I reply, "I work for, uh, a private organization." It's more than I should have said. It's enough to get Antonio going with about a thousand questions I can't answer. Finally, I manage to shake him off, convincing him that our work is highly classified.
[ 5714, 27767, 18964, 29889, 1222, 1547, 363, 278, 697, 15373, 540, 756, 310, 278, 29871, 29896, 29896, 310, 963, 4208, 29889, 7849, 310, 278, 14956, 1510, 278, 14225, 29892, 286, 870, 1662, 2834, 310, 278, 476, 719, 346, 29895, 4344, 1434, 4827, 471, 4586, 29889, 3423, 25009, 14610, 526, 263, 2846, 20612, 29797, 1156, 4827, 471, 4586, 515, 963, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 1554, 12059, 368, 2743, 297, 1009, 17240, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 8866, 29892, 306, 1348, 29892, 393, 756, 12061, 278, 21458, 663, 515, 1009, 12241, 29889, 13, 29909, 11220, 3461, 714, 1915, 292, 1009, 20105, 3381, 19253, 29879, 592, 29889, 4525, 18239, 892, 11592, 3307, 297, 1009, 443, 16747, 3097, 304, 1842, 1009, 664, 29889, 450, 297, 26029, 3838, 310, 278, 3461, 526, 6775, 304, 11460, 1135, 278, 20612, 29889, 28609, 278, 1833, 1813, 29901, 376, 29903, 1025, 278, 2761, 4967, 304, 278, 330, 352, 351, 29889, 1763, 554, 278, 3815, 714, 363, 325, 397, 1335, 1213, 13, 17406, 508, 29915, 29873, 1074, 445, 29889, 334, 6028, 29915, 29873, 5575, 13, 29934, 5921, 29892, 306, 4337, 304, 590, 3474, 29892, 607, 975, 6914, 29879, 278, 13569, 29889, 306, 10933, 304, 1348, 310, 916, 2712, 363, 263, 1550, 29889, 306, 7146, 1302, 1165, 6142, 1250, 304, 278, 3800, 29889, 306, 508, 1095, 545, 445, 565, 372, 2794, 393, 4827, 1838, 29915, 29873, 505, 304, 29889, 13, 29902, 1284, 263, 4203, 1813, 10146, 714, 310, 263, 9775, 451, 19273, 29892, 411, 263, 22233, 7063, 373, 372, 29889, 6811, 278, 2246, 29892, 297, 1790, 2022, 29915, 29879, 1361, 16554, 372, 13623, 29892, 376, 15597, 1304, 2761, 4967, 25348, 363, 4967, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29991, 3850, 4827, 29915, 29879, 25348, 471, 1304, 297, 8626, 359, 2350, 29973, 2193, 1795, 5649, 2020, 896, 1106, 577, 1568, 394, 9345, 29889, 13, 29909, 2318, 310, 13676, 9493, 4827, 29915, 29879, 6694, 408, 385, 1751, 1230, 322, 4688, 3566, 1860, 29889, 11647, 540, 9445, 363, 963, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 7423, 363, 596, 28495, 29892, 306, 1348, 4047, 2705, 304, 278, 21560, 10503, 440, 943, 310, 4827, 29915, 29879, 6879, 9893, 29892, 9873, 565, 306, 29915, 29885, 301, 1166, 292, 1781, 2305, 470, 451, 29889, 13, 1576, 18900, 327, 11603, 526, 1532, 301, 24025, 29901, 278, 15350, 1564, 15729, 8560, 373, 4827, 29889, 306, 1321, 5617, 6209, 625, 322, 2244, 902, 304, 528, 1127, 963, 7389, 29892, 3412, 411, 278, 13676, 310, 4827, 29915, 29879, 1751, 1230, 6413, 29889, 13, 29902, 4459, 4319, 3907, 445, 10608, 29892, 607, 1492, 3730, 14393, 304, 4827, 29892, 541, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 5040, 592, 29889, 13, 29902, 2656, 278, 1791, 964, 1023, 282, 5475, 29901, 16021, 848, 322, 3942, 7333, 2472, 29889, 306, 2254, 1269, 964, 967, 1914, 3974, 29899, 11177, 29892, 769, 731, 1023, 1422, 18240, 29889, 9134, 748, 964, 278, 5835, 9109, 297, 590, 8034, 29889, 3118, 363, 5925, 29889, 960, 591, 508, 1284, 4856, 591, 9311, 304, 7512, 372, 29889, 3118, 363, 4827, 29892, 363, 2678, 29889, 2216, 1286, 29889, 7198, 2360, 29889, 13, 29902, 4459, 263, 2217, 2253, 746, 372, 29915, 29879, 599, 22822, 3448, 29889, 306, 1400, 29886, 650, 263, 2846, 5870, 886, 29892, 769, 2343, 988, 817, 25100, 592, 856, 304, 278, 330, 962, 29889, 13, 10401, 4827, 3639, 304, 278, 378, 1867, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 26183, 839, 373, 278, 577, 5444, 29892, 4203, 23057, 23244, 1985, 373, 263, 367, 261, 29889, 940, 454, 550, 975, 592, 322, 20057, 267, 590, 26839, 2813, 29889, 376, 29950, 1032, 1213, 940, 302, 566, 2710, 592, 411, 670, 21464, 29892, 577, 306, 1207, 5716, 363, 1075, 373, 278, 274, 3222, 29889, 13, 29908, 17406, 1699, 306, 3380, 29889, 13, 1576, 16225, 310, 590, 7314, 3732, 1075, 27450, 670, 274, 566, 29881, 280, 322, 9500, 964, 263, 16246, 2602, 29892, 14712, 304, 5870, 590, 12642, 29872, 29889, 13, 29908, 29931, 4156, 1476, 263, 3800, 29889, 319, 3800, 310, 29892, 318, 29882, 29892, 6788, 29889, 13611, 366, 322, 596, 3942, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 29899, 29908, 13, 3596, 278, 2927, 7482, 1144, 714, 310, 4827, 29915, 29879, 3700, 322, 540, 13246, 670, 13394, 304, 7726, 29889, 13, 29908, 29144, 373, 29889, 2803, 592, 8341, 1213, 306, 2367, 670, 23468, 263, 3578, 269, 802, 29872, 911, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 345, 7695, 1549, 372, 29889, 15435, 4727, 287, 777, 310, 372, 29889, 9583, 287, 777, 310, 372, 29892, 3765, 22822, 297, 590, 9109, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 3078, 366, 505, 304, 1074, 29889, 18274, 29889, 9531, 4100, 366, 817, 304, 1073, 29889, 1205, 29892, 372, 674, 367, 727, 489, 361, 322, 746, 366, 817, 304, 1074, 372, 29889, 7634, 1689, 3026, 13, 3868, 380, 5114, 472, 592, 9654, 368, 363, 3196, 6923, 29889, 3600, 13394, 13246, 322, 4694, 267, 263, 2846, 3064, 408, 540, 14335, 304, 1284, 1554, 304, 1827, 29889, 6864, 1474, 540, 29915, 29879, 380, 4362, 4940, 592, 29892, 5714, 297, 2714, 29889, 3600, 2927, 2444, 263, 2217, 901, 4226, 746, 540, 7146, 16688, 385, 704, 9854, 18778, 322, 263, 4964, 368, 25234, 2955, 29892, 376, 29902, 9311, 366, 1213, 13, 29902, 9080, 1790, 6862, 310, 1869, 15713, 29892, 769, 1209, 278, 15284, 1250, 304, 9630, 29889, 13, 29902, 8369, 1383, 5022, 21217, 4827, 29892, 1058, 29915, 29879, 1603, 5839, 292, 472, 670, 937, 8424, 310, 1869, 15713, 29889, 940, 2444, 304, 679, 23407, 746, 591, 18864, 2086, 1568, 931, 411, 916, 2305, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 505, 304, 3814, 901, 7432, 931, 29889, 13, 29908, 16894, 29892, 10705, 1213, 9630, 269, 802, 6096, 267, 1383, 5022, 29915, 29879, 1361, 29889, 376, 2713, 5022, 10603, 592, 366, 29915, 276, 263, 805, 29891, 29889, 887, 1985, 363, 278, 315, 10764, 470, 825, 3026, 13, 29908, 3664, 3721, 1213, 306, 21798, 472, 4827, 25738, 8681, 12232, 29889, 940, 1560, 5475, 3856, 647, 368, 29892, 408, 306, 8908, 29892, 376, 29902, 664, 363, 29892, 318, 29882, 29892, 263, 2024, 13013, 1213, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 901, 1135, 306, 881, 505, 1497, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 3307, 304, 679, 9630, 2675, 411, 1048, 263, 10405, 5155, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 1234, 29889, 9788, 29892, 306, 10933, 304, 528, 1296, 1075, 1283, 29892, 17953, 3277, 1075, 393, 1749, 664, 338, 10712, 770, 2164, 29889 ]
Alex gives me a subtle smirk. "That's my man... Spy by day, Italian chef by night and wild man in bed." Sharon chuckles. Groaning, I formulate a pithy retort, but I'm interrupted by the phone. It's Dana. She's on her way to the hospital. Since I'm part of the birthing team--my job is to keep Mulder sane, which is, of course, a tall order--I have to go. Alex stays with Sharon and Antonio, promising to join me later. Every time Alex steps out of the house, he's got two security people at his back, so I don't worry about him as much as I used to. I make apologies to Antonio and Sharon. If I leave them here, I know she'll wash the dishes, but it can't be helped. I give her a big hug and promise to call her soon. She seems happy... I once thought my affair with Alex would only cause her pain. But it hasn't. Our divorce freed both Sharon and me to find happiness in our own ways. I manage to beat Mulder to the hospital. He's excited, but becomes increasingly nervous as we wait and fuss over Dana. He asks her to marry him twice while she's having contractions. Though obviously in a great deal of pain, Dana is calm. Her mother takes charge, shooing Mulder and I out of the room at intervals--whenever Dana gets cranky. Alex arrives in time to distract Mulder from his anxiety. As Mulder is about to make some caustic remark, he notices Alex's hand, which is atypically free of gloves. Once Alex notices the direction of Mulder's attention, he rotates his wrist 360 degrees. Mulder looks a little appalled. "Is your entire arm green?" Alex shrugs. "Anything's possible." Mulder scowls and retorts, "I'm surprised you're here. I wouldn't think you'd have much interest in the process of bringing life *into* the world." Alex flips him off with one metallic finger. It's an eerily menacing gesture. "Actually, I'm just here for the entertainment of watching you become a father." "Oh, yeah. That." Mulder grimaces. "My own father was an asshole, so I'm terrified that I'm going to become an asshole at the moment my kid is born." "Don't worry, Mulder. You're *already* an asshole." "Well, that's a relief," he replies, giving a mock punch to Alex's left shoulder. Outwardly, Alex appears nonchalant, but I know him well enough to see his tension rise. Mrs. Scully calls us back in. Dana actually smiles when she sees Alex and gestures him over. "Just one more time... after the baby's born. Okay?" Alex nods. "Okay, but you don't have anything to worry about." Mulder looks curiously between the two of them, a question on his face. I already know what's going on. Someone tried to scare Dana into believing her baby wasn't human. She was so upset about it, Alex confidentially told her an abridged version of his abilities... that since his infection by the Piper Maru oil, he's been able to sense aliens, and that he didn't sense her baby was anything but human. Alex's insight calmed her dramatically. Ultimately, we all get to watch the birth. It's a messy affair and the baby comes out looking like road-kill, but little William is healthy and human. Dana seems very pleased by his appearance, but he's just a pasty-skinned blob as far as I can tell. She has Alex touch him, just to be sure. Alex reluctantly does as she asks, commenting, "I certainly hope he takes after his mother." Mulder seems oddly astonished by his son, as if he's never seen a baby before. He carries it around showing it to anyone who will stand still for more than a few seconds, including a Puerto Rican janitor. I've never seen him like this. It's almost cute... in a dorky way. Dana was going to name her son
[ 13, 17406, 4076, 592, 263, 12059, 280, 1560, 6793, 29889, 376, 7058, 29915, 29879, 590, 767, 856, 1706, 29891, 491, 2462, 29892, 10545, 14547, 491, 4646, 322, 8775, 767, 297, 6592, 1213, 13, 2713, 5022, 521, 2707, 793, 29889, 13, 29954, 307, 273, 292, 29892, 306, 883, 5987, 263, 282, 389, 29891, 3240, 441, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 29885, 27803, 491, 278, 9008, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 360, 1648, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 373, 902, 982, 304, 278, 13457, 29889, 4001, 306, 29915, 29885, 760, 310, 278, 29773, 1918, 3815, 489, 1357, 4982, 338, 304, 3013, 21193, 672, 269, 1662, 29892, 607, 338, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 263, 15655, 1797, 489, 29902, 505, 304, 748, 29889, 4827, 27111, 411, 1383, 5022, 322, 9630, 29892, 2504, 5921, 304, 5988, 592, 2678, 29889, 7569, 931, 4827, 6576, 714, 310, 278, 3699, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 2355, 1023, 6993, 2305, 472, 670, 1250, 29892, 577, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 15982, 1048, 1075, 408, 1568, 408, 306, 1304, 304, 29889, 13, 29902, 1207, 3095, 11763, 304, 9630, 322, 1383, 5022, 29889, 960, 306, 5967, 963, 1244, 29892, 306, 1073, 1183, 29915, 645, 471, 29882, 278, 270, 17006, 29892, 541, 372, 508, 29915, 29873, 367, 9213, 29889, 306, 2367, 902, 263, 4802, 298, 688, 322, 11640, 304, 1246, 902, 4720, 29889, 13, 13468, 2444, 9796, 856, 306, 2748, 2714, 590, 26195, 411, 4827, 723, 871, 4556, 902, 6788, 29889, 1205, 372, 22602, 29915, 29873, 29889, 8680, 25074, 346, 3005, 287, 1716, 1383, 5022, 322, 592, 304, 1284, 22722, 297, 1749, 1914, 5837, 29889, 13, 29902, 10933, 304, 16646, 21193, 672, 304, 278, 13457, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 24173, 29892, 541, 7415, 10231, 368, 23547, 681, 408, 591, 4480, 322, 285, 1558, 975, 360, 1648, 29889, 940, 19514, 902, 304, 20479, 1075, 8951, 1550, 1183, 29915, 29879, 2534, 6761, 1953, 29889, 14832, 12879, 297, 263, 2107, 5376, 310, 6788, 29892, 360, 1648, 338, 21732, 29889, 2439, 5637, 4893, 8323, 29892, 528, 3634, 292, 21193, 672, 322, 306, 714, 310, 278, 5716, 472, 18747, 489, 8256, 1310, 360, 1648, 4947, 274, 661, 3459, 29889, 13, 17406, 6974, 267, 297, 931, 304, 1320, 1461, 21193, 672, 515, 670, 14919, 21549, 29889, 1094, 21193, 672, 338, 1048, 304, 1207, 777, 5777, 504, 293, 8509, 29892, 540, 451, 1575, 4827, 29915, 29879, 1361, 29892, 607, 338, 472, 1478, 1711, 3889, 310, 15482, 1960, 29889, 9038, 4827, 451, 1575, 278, 5305, 310, 21193, 672, 29915, 29879, 8570, 29892, 540, 5731, 1078, 670, 281, 2021, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29900, 14496, 29889, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 3430, 263, 2217, 623, 4212, 29889, 376, 3624, 596, 4152, 5075, 7933, 3026, 13, 17406, 528, 582, 3174, 29889, 376, 10773, 1918, 29915, 29879, 1950, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 885, 340, 3137, 322, 3240, 441, 29879, 29892, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 18014, 366, 29915, 276, 1244, 29889, 306, 7656, 29915, 29873, 1348, 366, 29915, 29881, 505, 1568, 4066, 297, 278, 1889, 310, 20794, 2834, 334, 8941, 29930, 278, 3186, 1213, 13, 17406, 285, 492, 567, 1075, 1283, 411, 697, 1539, 497, 293, 19917, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 385, 6380, 2354, 1757, 9390, 29502, 29889, 376, 2865, 1474, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 925, 1244, 363, 278, 22684, 358, 310, 21217, 366, 4953, 263, 4783, 1213, 13, 29908, 9048, 29892, 21915, 29889, 2193, 1213, 21193, 672, 867, 326, 3302, 29889, 376, 3421, 1914, 4783, 471, 385, 408, 845, 1772, 29892, 577, 306, 29915, 29885, 1935, 29878, 2164, 393, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 4953, 385, 408, 845, 1772, 472, 278, 3256, 590, 26397, 338, 6345, 1213, 13, 29908, 10310, 29915, 29873, 15982, 29892, 21193, 672, 29889, 887, 29915, 276, 334, 284, 2040, 29930, 385, 408, 845, 1772, 1213, 13, 29908, 11284, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 263, 18892, 1699, 540, 1634, 3687, 29892, 6820, 263, 11187, 282, 3322, 304, 4827, 29915, 29879, 2175, 23468, 29889, 4451, 1328, 368, 29892, 4827, 5692, 1661, 305, 284, 424, 29892, 541, 306, 1073, 1075, 1532, 3307, 304, 1074, 670, 260, 2673, 14451, 29889, 13, 29924, 2288, 29889, 317, 1810, 368, 5717, 502, 1250, 297, 29889, 360, 1648, 2869, 1560, 5475, 746, 1183, 18553, 4827, 322, 7737, 1973, 1075, 975, 29889, 376, 14084, 697, 901, 931, 856, 1156, 278, 24354, 29915, 29879, 6345, 29889, 20419, 3026, 13, 17406, 18778, 29879, 29889, 376, 20434, 388, 29892, 541, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 3099, 304, 15982, 1048, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 3430, 12758, 368, 1546, 278, 1023, 310, 963, 29892, 263, 1139, 373, 670, 3700, 29889, 306, 2307, 1073, 825, 29915, 29879, 2675, 373, 29889, 3834, 650, 1898, 304, 885, 598, 360, 1648, 964, 1339, 15387, 902, 24354, 9007, 29915, 29873, 5199, 29889, 2296, 471, 577, 24081, 300, 1048, 372, 29892, 4827, 24332, 616, 368, 5429, 902, 385, 633, 2429, 3192, 1873, 310, 670, 633, 9770, 856, 393, 1951, 670, 297, 20309, 491, 278, 7362, 546, 1085, 29884, 17182, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 1063, 2221, 304, 4060, 394, 11689, 29892, 322, 393, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 4060, 902, 24354, 471, 3099, 541, 5199, 29889, 4827, 29915, 29879, 25483, 1208, 2168, 902, 8541, 19574, 29889, 13, 29965, 1896, 15084, 29892, 591, 599, 679, 304, 6505, 278, 12060, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 4473, 29891, 26195, 322, 278, 24354, 5304, 714, 3063, 763, 6520, 29899, 21174, 29892, 541, 2217, 4667, 338, 9045, 29891, 322, 5199, 29889, 360, 1648, 2444, 1407, 22301, 491, 670, 10097, 29892, 541, 540, 29915, 29879, 925, 263, 4940, 29891, 29899, 808, 27464, 23755, 408, 2215, 408, 306, 508, 2649, 29889, 2296, 756, 4827, 6023, 1075, 29892, 925, 304, 367, 1854, 29889, 4827, 1104, 5313, 10835, 947, 408, 1183, 19514, 29892, 3440, 292, 29892, 376, 29902, 8959, 4966, 540, 4893, 1156, 670, 5637, 1213, 13, 29924, 352, 672, 2444, 7736, 368, 24293, 3276, 491, 670, 1487, 29892, 408, 565, 540, 29915, 29879, 2360, 3595, 263, 24354, 1434, 29889, 940, 1559, 2722, 372, 2820, 6445, 372, 304, 5019, 1058, 674, 2317, 1603, 363, 901, 1135, 263, 2846, 6923, 29892, 3704, 263, 21810, 390, 2185, 5496, 2105, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 2360, 3595, 1075, 763, 445, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 4359, 274, 1082, 856, 297, 263, 270, 548, 29891, 982, 29889, 13, 29928, 1648, 471, 2675, 304, 1024, 902, 1487 ]
In August 2016, amidst anti-government protest, President Robert Gabriel Mugabe made it inescapably clear that there will be no Arab Spring in Zimbabwe. The 92-year-old president has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence in 1980, a time when he was told he had " the jewel of Africa" in his hands by Presidents Machel and Nyerere of Mozambique, and Tanzania, respectively. Thirty-six years later, Zimbabwe now resembles an ordinary rock rather than the much-coveted jewel it once was. There is no denying it, for better or worse, Zimbabwe's politico-economic sphere has been dominated by Mugabe's ZANU-PF (Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front) since independence. The party has led the country down the path of hyperinflation, laughable corruption and political insecurity due to a lack of good economic and political reforms. Only after the sharp economic decline from 2000-08 did a strong opposition; The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) emerge. Consequently, the emergence of a strong opposition resulted in the country's first-ever coalition government in 2009. And due to the coalition government, from 2009-13, there were improved economic policies resulting in a healthy growth for the country. Sadly and predictably, this was short-lived. The MDC were once again in opposition after the highly controversial elections of 2013 that saw ZANU increase its margins. With increased civil unrest, and protests, by any forecast, it would now seem that Zimbabwe is steering full steam ahead towards an iceberg with no signs of stopping, and at the helm is Mugabe. Compounded by internal power struggles within the party, the uncertain leadership succession is likely to result in an unpredictable and violent political transition. The question many political pundits are now asking is what Zimbabwe will look like during, and after this impending interregnum. Much of the protest in Zimbabwe is against the bad economic policies of the regime which have resulted in egregiously high unemployment, unpaid civil and public servants, put simply, the government has no money. The portmanteau word: Mugabenomics, is not a celebration of his economic astuteness, but rather a clear warning against poor economic planning, corruption and over zealous monetary easing. Unlike Abenomics, which sought to stimulate the stagnant Japanese economy through fiscal stimulus, monetary easing (QE) and structural reform; Mugabenomics only had one policy, Quantitative Easing, which inevitably led to devaluation and hyperinflation. Controversially, the cash-strapped government is now in a process of printing yet again more money, but this time a surrogate currency: Bond Notes. These notes are said to hold a 1:1 value as the US dollar, however, this move has been unwelcomed by many zimbabweans as the Bond Notes are practically worthless outside Zimbabwe. Economics Professor, Steve Hanke (Johns Hopkins University) warned the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, explaining that "…bond notes would create chaos". We must note that Zimbabwe was not always in this economic state. After gaining independence, the Zimbabwe dollar was more valuable than the US dollar at the exchange rates. Throughout the 1980s, Zimbabwe enjoyed the positive economic growth of 5% GDP growth per year, in the 90s, 4.3%, however, the new millennium saw a decline in GDP. In 2000, there was a sharp decline of 5% in GDP, then 8% in 2001, 12% in 2002 and 18% in 2003. The Mugabe administration continued its policy of printing money in an attempt to revive the dying economy resulting in hyperinflation and mass unemployment. At the height of inflation (2008-09), the inflation rate was an estimated at 79.6 billion% in November, 2008. By 2009, the Zimbabwean dollar was quickly abandoned, and replaced by the US dollar. As a result of
[ 512, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 28655, 303, 9418, 29899, 29887, 6170, 358, 10021, 29892, 7178, 4755, 18672, 341, 688, 4302, 1754, 372, 297, 267, 5030, 2197, 2821, 393, 727, 674, 367, 694, 10387, 7206, 297, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29889, 450, 29871, 29929, 29906, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 6673, 756, 29490, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 1951, 967, 21820, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 29892, 263, 931, 746, 540, 471, 5429, 540, 750, 376, 278, 432, 809, 295, 310, 10557, 29908, 297, 670, 6567, 491, 4360, 16719, 17197, 295, 322, 405, 7598, 406, 310, 18129, 1117, 1387, 29892, 322, 323, 4096, 4807, 29892, 8307, 29889, 13, 1349, 13163, 29899, 28319, 2440, 2678, 29892, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 1286, 620, 1590, 793, 385, 15311, 7679, 3265, 1135, 278, 1568, 29899, 24542, 300, 287, 432, 809, 295, 372, 2748, 471, 29889, 1670, 338, 694, 972, 5414, 372, 29892, 363, 2253, 470, 15029, 29892, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29915, 29879, 24117, 29899, 29872, 4599, 293, 20745, 756, 1063, 8022, 630, 491, 341, 688, 4302, 29915, 29879, 796, 2190, 29965, 29899, 13691, 313, 29999, 19977, 370, 705, 11715, 3086, 7761, 29899, 11457, 374, 13574, 13960, 29897, 1951, 21820, 29889, 450, 6263, 756, 5331, 278, 4234, 1623, 278, 2224, 310, 11266, 13453, 362, 29892, 10569, 519, 1034, 18953, 322, 8604, 297, 8926, 2861, 304, 263, 10225, 310, 1781, 17407, 322, 8604, 337, 9514, 29889, 13, 11730, 1156, 278, 15301, 17407, 4845, 457, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29899, 29900, 29947, 1258, 263, 4549, 19626, 29936, 450, 14104, 882, 363, 19083, 10726, 313, 5773, 29907, 29897, 11176, 479, 29889, 1281, 27284, 29892, 278, 11176, 10238, 310, 263, 4549, 19626, 20601, 297, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 937, 29899, 1310, 17148, 654, 5874, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29889, 1126, 2861, 304, 278, 17148, 654, 5874, 29892, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29941, 29892, 727, 892, 16710, 17407, 24833, 9819, 297, 263, 9045, 29891, 14321, 363, 278, 4234, 29889, 21772, 368, 322, 8500, 2197, 29892, 445, 471, 3273, 29899, 29880, 2347, 29889, 450, 341, 12696, 892, 2748, 1449, 297, 19626, 1156, 278, 10712, 19341, 616, 20209, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 393, 4446, 796, 2190, 29965, 7910, 967, 15276, 1144, 29889, 2973, 11664, 7631, 443, 5060, 29892, 322, 10021, 29879, 29892, 491, 738, 29821, 579, 29892, 372, 723, 1286, 2833, 393, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 338, 1886, 3241, 2989, 21837, 14432, 7113, 385, 14890, 2552, 411, 694, 18906, 310, 25480, 29892, 322, 472, 278, 1081, 29885, 338, 341, 688, 4302, 29889, 3831, 7261, 491, 7463, 3081, 10205, 793, 2629, 278, 6263, 29892, 278, 17999, 26001, 25997, 338, 5517, 304, 1121, 297, 385, 443, 27711, 519, 322, 24252, 8604, 9558, 29889, 450, 1139, 1784, 8604, 282, 870, 1169, 526, 1286, 6721, 338, 825, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 674, 1106, 763, 2645, 29892, 322, 1156, 445, 2411, 2548, 1006, 1727, 1949, 29889, 13, 29924, 987, 310, 278, 10021, 297, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 338, 2750, 278, 4319, 17407, 24833, 310, 278, 22384, 607, 505, 20601, 297, 321, 7642, 17365, 1880, 443, 3451, 22812, 29892, 443, 3274, 333, 7631, 322, 970, 26202, 29892, 1925, 3763, 29892, 278, 5874, 756, 694, 6909, 29889, 450, 2011, 1171, 371, 585, 1734, 29901, 341, 688, 12792, 290, 1199, 29892, 338, 451, 263, 10894, 362, 310, 670, 17407, 8717, 6935, 404, 29892, 541, 3265, 263, 2821, 9177, 2750, 6460, 17407, 18987, 29892, 1034, 18953, 322, 975, 3777, 20521, 1601, 300, 653, 2240, 292, 29889, 853, 4561, 319, 1785, 290, 1199, 29892, 607, 18365, 304, 20436, 5987, 278, 380, 4211, 424, 10369, 26504, 1549, 16436, 1052, 20436, 14999, 29892, 1601, 300, 653, 2240, 292, 313, 29984, 29923, 29897, 322, 2281, 3631, 11736, 29936, 341, 688, 12792, 290, 1199, 871, 750, 697, 8898, 29892, 22746, 23378, 382, 5832, 29892, 607, 297, 5750, 277, 2197, 5331, 304, 316, 4387, 362, 322, 11266, 13453, 362, 29889, 2866, 307, 874, 616, 368, 29892, 278, 274, 1161, 29899, 4151, 2986, 5874, 338, 1286, 297, 263, 1889, 310, 14010, 3447, 1449, 901, 6909, 29892, 541, 445, 931, 263, 1190, 9102, 403, 27550, 29901, 26370, 8695, 29889, 4525, 11486, 526, 1497, 304, 4808, 263, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29896, 995, 408, 278, 3148, 11232, 279, 29892, 3138, 29892, 445, 4337, 756, 1063, 18500, 295, 510, 287, 491, 1784, 503, 19977, 370, 705, 550, 408, 278, 26370, 8695, 526, 4120, 1711, 7088, 2222, 5377, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29889, 12884, 1199, 11386, 29892, 13981, 7169, 446, 313, 29967, 1148, 1983, 20727, 11335, 3014, 29897, 1370, 9571, 278, 27811, 10253, 310, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29892, 24232, 393, 376, 30098, 29890, 898, 11486, 723, 1653, 10329, 359, 1642, 13, 4806, 1818, 4443, 393, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 471, 451, 2337, 297, 445, 17407, 2106, 29889, 2860, 11581, 292, 21820, 29892, 278, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 11232, 279, 471, 901, 21114, 1135, 278, 3148, 11232, 279, 472, 278, 14523, 19257, 29889, 17044, 449, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 29879, 29892, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 27849, 278, 6374, 17407, 14321, 310, 29871, 29945, 29995, 402, 11191, 14321, 639, 1629, 29892, 297, 278, 29871, 29929, 29900, 29879, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29941, 13667, 3138, 29892, 278, 716, 3533, 264, 1240, 398, 4446, 263, 4845, 457, 297, 402, 11191, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 727, 471, 263, 15301, 4845, 457, 310, 29871, 29945, 29995, 297, 402, 11191, 29892, 769, 29871, 29947, 29995, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29995, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 322, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29995, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29889, 450, 341, 688, 4302, 17517, 7572, 967, 8898, 310, 14010, 6909, 297, 385, 4218, 304, 6664, 573, 278, 27116, 26504, 9819, 297, 11266, 13453, 362, 322, 4158, 443, 3451, 22812, 29889, 2180, 278, 3171, 310, 4414, 362, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29899, 29900, 29929, 511, 278, 4414, 362, 6554, 471, 385, 15899, 472, 29871, 29955, 29929, 29889, 29953, 24464, 29995, 297, 3979, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29889, 2648, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29892, 278, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 273, 11232, 279, 471, 9098, 23181, 29892, 322, 8611, 491, 278, 3148, 11232, 279, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 310 ]
hyperinflation, there has not been any substantial Foreign Direct investment (FDI) in the country, only receiving $ 2billionin FDI, barely doing better than war-torn Somalia's $1.7billion. The causes of such economic degradation can be traced to three main factors; namely war, land reform and corruption. Firstly, in 1997, in an effort to buy political support from the Independence war veterans, the government announced that it would pay bonuses to the veterans equivalent to 3% of the GDP. This, of course, translated into an electoral victory in 2000 where Mugabe won with 48.6% of the votes, compared to MDCs 47%. Moreover, Zimbabwe's unnecessary involvement in the Second Congo War from 1998 to 2002 badly drained the economy, further weakening an economy that was going through a drought. As a result, Zimbabwe could not pay off its debt to the IMF, World Bank, African Development Bank and other Western states, and thus defaulted on its debts. Secondly, Land Reform policy played a major role in destabilising Zimbabwe. In short, it was the effort to equality redistribute land between black farmers and white Zimbabweans, who at that time made up 5% of the population but owned 70% of the most fertile land. It's crucial to note that the Land reform was part of the Lancaster House Agreement 1979 and that white farmers were being compensated for their land. The agreement stipulated a 10-year wait before Mugabe's government could institute land reform, which it did. From 1979-1997 the principle of "willing buyer, willing seller" was applied with Britain providing Β£44 million to the government for land reform. However, Blair's Minister for International Development, Ms Clare Short, stated that the "UK did not accept that Britain had a special responsibility to meet the costs of land purchase in Zimbabwe" thus the Blair administration ended all payments. What followed next was a reaction to the failures to uphold the commitments of Lancaster House, which was the introduction of the "Fast-track Land Reform Programme 2000"; a programme that gained notoriety due to the violent evictions of white Zimbabwean farmers. A referendum held in 2000 denied Mugabe increased powers to confiscate white-owned land, without compensation, by 54.7%, however, the Mugabe administration went on with the programme regardless. Instead of redistributing the land into the hands of black farmers, Mugabe gave most of the land to the top echelons of his government, top generals and war veterans, with some receiving as much as 5-10 farms. The international community (IMF, EU, US and the UK) responded with heavy sanctions on Mugabe's government which had adverse consequences on the economic. The situation was further exacerbated due to the fact that these new "farmers" had no business or farming experience, thus leading to a sharp fall in food production (-45%) and manufacturing (-29%) resulting in price increase, and mass unemployment (-90%). Now these farms are once again being used as political tools to control those whose have fallen out of favour with the party, like Mr Temba Mliswa, whose farm is being confiscated by the state. To continue, corruption played a huge role in Zimbabwe's economic state. Like all African states, Zimbabwe is very resource rich i.e., resources like gold, platinum and diamonds are amongst its main exports. However, the revenues from most of those resources are unaccounted for. The Marange diamond fields produced 13% of the world's rough diamond, an estimated Β£15 billion in revenues, however, these revenues never made it back to the exchequer instead lined the pockets of Mugabe and his cronies. The sad thing about this situation is that with this one haul alone, Zimbabwe could have paid off its foreign debt worth Β£6-8 billion, created jobs, reducing unemployment instead of adding to it by cutting a further 25 000 civil service jobs. Sadly enough, with one of the highest literacy rates, both in the world and in Africa, at 90%, the
[ 11266, 13453, 362, 29892, 727, 756, 451, 1063, 738, 23228, 19358, 8797, 13258, 358, 313, 29943, 4571, 29897, 297, 278, 4234, 29892, 871, 13442, 395, 29871, 29906, 29890, 453, 291, 262, 383, 4571, 29892, 16079, 368, 2599, 2253, 1135, 1370, 29899, 29873, 1398, 6254, 19627, 29915, 29879, 395, 29896, 29889, 29955, 29890, 453, 291, 29889, 13, 1576, 9946, 310, 1316, 17407, 316, 5105, 362, 508, 367, 16703, 287, 304, 2211, 1667, 13879, 29936, 18451, 1370, 29892, 2982, 11736, 322, 1034, 18953, 29889, 3824, 368, 29892, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29892, 297, 385, 7225, 304, 15649, 8604, 2304, 515, 278, 28052, 663, 1370, 25808, 550, 29892, 278, 5874, 9326, 393, 372, 723, 5146, 10814, 6394, 304, 278, 25808, 550, 7126, 304, 29871, 29941, 29995, 310, 278, 402, 11191, 29889, 910, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 20512, 964, 385, 3546, 11251, 15354, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 988, 341, 688, 4302, 2113, 411, 29871, 29946, 29947, 29889, 29953, 29995, 310, 278, 18952, 29892, 9401, 304, 341, 12696, 29879, 29871, 29946, 29955, 15543, 12808, 29892, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29915, 29879, 19039, 5297, 29841, 297, 278, 6440, 29723, 3362, 515, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 28042, 7482, 1312, 278, 26504, 29892, 4340, 8062, 8333, 385, 26504, 393, 471, 2675, 1549, 263, 4192, 1774, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 29892, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 1033, 451, 5146, 1283, 967, 2553, 29873, 304, 278, 22313, 29943, 29892, 2787, 10253, 29892, 11715, 14650, 10253, 322, 916, 10504, 5922, 29892, 322, 4550, 2322, 287, 373, 967, 2553, 1372, 29889, 6440, 368, 29892, 3172, 23933, 8898, 5318, 263, 4655, 6297, 297, 2731, 4427, 5921, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29889, 512, 3273, 29892, 372, 471, 278, 7225, 304, 17193, 2654, 391, 2666, 2982, 1546, 4628, 2215, 13269, 322, 4796, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 550, 29892, 1058, 472, 393, 931, 1754, 701, 29871, 29945, 29995, 310, 278, 4665, 541, 15205, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29995, 310, 278, 1556, 19965, 488, 2982, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 7618, 1455, 304, 4443, 393, 278, 3172, 11736, 471, 760, 310, 278, 24994, 1901, 5619, 4059, 276, 882, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29929, 322, 393, 4796, 2215, 13269, 892, 1641, 22874, 630, 363, 1009, 2982, 29889, 450, 17327, 380, 666, 7964, 263, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 6360, 4480, 1434, 341, 688, 4302, 29915, 29879, 5874, 1033, 832, 12356, 2982, 11736, 29892, 607, 372, 1258, 29889, 3645, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 278, 12502, 310, 376, 29893, 8873, 1321, 7598, 29892, 17762, 269, 4539, 29908, 471, 7436, 411, 14933, 13138, 15151, 29946, 29946, 7284, 304, 278, 5874, 363, 2982, 11736, 29889, 2398, 29892, 10465, 381, 29915, 29879, 7668, 363, 4623, 14650, 29892, 341, 29879, 6015, 276, 13899, 29892, 8703, 393, 278, 376, 19960, 1258, 451, 3544, 393, 14933, 750, 263, 4266, 23134, 304, 5870, 278, 21544, 310, 2982, 20590, 297, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29908, 4550, 278, 10465, 381, 17517, 9698, 599, 5146, 1860, 29889, 13, 5618, 5643, 2446, 471, 263, 19848, 304, 278, 4418, 1973, 304, 318, 561, 1025, 278, 9063, 1860, 310, 24994, 1901, 5619, 29892, 607, 471, 278, 18707, 310, 278, 376, 29943, 579, 29899, 11294, 3172, 23933, 7835, 1004, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 1769, 263, 19607, 393, 17515, 451, 272, 21549, 2861, 304, 278, 24252, 3415, 919, 1080, 310, 4796, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 273, 2215, 13269, 29889, 319, 2737, 29670, 4934, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 17935, 341, 688, 4302, 11664, 10801, 304, 1970, 10669, 403, 4796, 29899, 26689, 2982, 29892, 1728, 22874, 362, 29892, 491, 29871, 29945, 29946, 29889, 29955, 13667, 3138, 29892, 278, 341, 688, 4302, 17517, 3512, 373, 411, 278, 19607, 17126, 29889, 8669, 310, 2654, 391, 1091, 17068, 278, 2982, 964, 278, 6567, 310, 4628, 2215, 13269, 29892, 341, 688, 4302, 4846, 1556, 310, 278, 2982, 304, 278, 2246, 321, 305, 295, 787, 310, 670, 5874, 29892, 2246, 1176, 1338, 322, 1370, 25808, 550, 29892, 411, 777, 13442, 408, 1568, 408, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29896, 29900, 2215, 1516, 29889, 450, 6121, 7881, 313, 7833, 29943, 29892, 19007, 29892, 3148, 322, 278, 10261, 29897, 10049, 287, 411, 9416, 9753, 1953, 373, 341, 688, 4302, 29915, 29879, 5874, 607, 750, 594, 3901, 27721, 373, 278, 17407, 29889, 450, 6434, 471, 4340, 429, 562, 23936, 630, 2861, 304, 278, 2114, 393, 1438, 716, 376, 29888, 2817, 414, 29908, 750, 694, 5381, 470, 2215, 4056, 7271, 29892, 4550, 8236, 304, 263, 15301, 6416, 297, 9687, 5802, 8521, 29946, 29945, 10997, 322, 12012, 3864, 8521, 29906, 29929, 10997, 9819, 297, 8666, 7910, 29892, 322, 4158, 443, 3451, 22812, 8521, 29929, 29900, 28003, 2567, 1438, 2215, 1516, 526, 2748, 1449, 1641, 1304, 408, 8604, 8492, 304, 2761, 1906, 5069, 505, 19225, 714, 310, 15381, 411, 278, 6263, 29892, 763, 3237, 323, 1590, 29874, 341, 23443, 2766, 29892, 5069, 17888, 338, 1641, 1970, 10669, 630, 491, 278, 2106, 29889, 13, 1762, 6773, 29892, 1034, 18953, 5318, 263, 12176, 6297, 297, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29915, 29879, 17407, 2106, 29889, 8502, 599, 11715, 5922, 29892, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 338, 1407, 6503, 8261, 474, 29889, 29872, 1696, 7788, 763, 7684, 29892, 18870, 262, 398, 322, 11502, 13788, 526, 22611, 967, 1667, 29586, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 20957, 1041, 515, 1556, 310, 1906, 7788, 526, 443, 10149, 287, 363, 29889, 450, 1085, 927, 11502, 898, 4235, 7371, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29995, 310, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 12164, 11502, 898, 29892, 385, 15899, 15151, 29896, 29945, 24464, 297, 20957, 1041, 29892, 3138, 29892, 1438, 20957, 1041, 2360, 1754, 372, 1250, 304, 278, 429, 1173, 7808, 2012, 301, 1312, 278, 772, 9737, 310, 341, 688, 4302, 322, 670, 18863, 583, 29889, 450, 14610, 2655, 1048, 445, 6434, 338, 393, 411, 445, 697, 447, 352, 7432, 29892, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 1033, 505, 12530, 1283, 967, 9117, 2553, 29873, 7088, 15151, 29953, 29899, 29947, 24464, 29892, 2825, 17643, 29892, 27668, 443, 3451, 22812, 2012, 310, 4417, 304, 372, 491, 28967, 263, 4340, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 7631, 2669, 17643, 29889, 21772, 368, 3307, 29892, 411, 697, 310, 278, 9939, 4631, 4135, 19257, 29892, 1716, 297, 278, 3186, 322, 297, 10557, 29892, 472, 29871, 29929, 29900, 13667, 278 ]
population is one of Zimbabweans greatest assets. However years of corruption and poor economic planning has seen scores of unemployed graduates and profession, further damaging the economy, and the upcoming leadership succession is unlikely to resolve this issue. The party's dictatorial behaviour stems from its dominance in the political field, aided by the weaknesses of the opposition parties. However, with the vast majority of the public demanding a regime change, the impending interregnum will be the opportune time for Mugabe's house of cards to fall. An interregnum is generally described as a period where leadership is either unclear or influx leaving the future unknown. In political terms, Mugabe will leave a massive power vacuum with various factions vying for power and control which, if we look at history, tends to end up violent. In a thinly veiled threat Mugabe warned that "our patience has limits" in reference to the dissatisfied protesters who took to the streets to protest, brandishing the Zimbabwean flag, against Mugabe's failed economic policies, corruption and wanted a regime change. The Zimbabwe Flag Act has made it illegal for the citizenry to produce, sale and use of the national flag without official permission after activists from the #Thisflag movement turned it into a symbol of anti-government protests. In every sense of the word, Zimbabwe is becoming an Orwellian state. Article 59 of the Zimbabwean Constitution explicitly states that "[E]very person has the right to demonstrate and to present petitions, but these rights must be exercised peacefully", the government has met the peaceful protesters with brutality, arbitrary imprisonment and fines of up to $200 (when most people live on $2 per day). To make matters worse, when Mugabe recently opened parliament, he introduced a new cybersecurity bill designed to monitor the internet and social media in order to find and arrest "dissidents", violating the Article 61 of the Constitution (freedom of expression). In an ironic twist and a bid to control the citizenry, Mugabe is both, constraining the freedoms he and the early ZANU-PF so valiantly fought for, and setting up the regime for a violent overthrow. 1. Business as usual. ZANU-PF has been the only dominant political force in Zimbabwe for decades, winning elections by hook or crook. Also, in rural areas, there is still strong support for ZANU-PF, and considering the president's age, people may prefer the devil they know as he is entering his twilight. Furthermore, factions within ZANU-PF (Generation 40) are attempting to make Mugabe president-for-life. This scenario will be much welcomed by Mugabe as it will save him from being called up to the Hague for the egregious human rights violations. 2.Infighting. The warring factions of ZANU-PF are sharpening their swords for battle. Already we have seen those who no longer agree with the party, like Mr Agrippah Mutambara, have his farms confiscated. Furthermore, the fiercely loyal War veterans have abandoned Mugabe accusing him of being a dictator, already setting the stage for messy leadership succession. On the other hand, The Zanu-PF Generation 40, (G40) are working hard to ensure Mugabe should be made President for life, and/or that dynastic politics continue with Grace Mugabe taking up the mantle. In direct competition with them, is the so-called Lacoste Faction (due to the T-shirts they wore to an event) whose goal is to crown the VP, Emmerson Mnangagwa, President as he is seen to be a stabilising figure and favourable to the Chinese. The infighting will serve one of two ends, the first being the disbandment of the party as opined by the political scientist, Ibbo Mandaza. The downside to this is that these factions were contained within the party, now have free, political violence is likely to ensue across the country. Second, it will serve to consolidate and concentrate power in the hands of ZANU-PF which will lead to a one party state, in all but name leading to further constraints on civil liberties and violent crackdowns on any opposition. 3.Civil War. Due to Southern Africa, as a whole, being relatively peaceful in comparison to its North or Western counterparts, this
[ 4665, 338, 697, 310, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 550, 14176, 21608, 29889, 2398, 2440, 310, 1034, 18953, 322, 6460, 17407, 18987, 756, 3595, 19435, 310, 443, 3451, 2376, 287, 10591, 1078, 322, 6351, 29892, 4340, 5625, 6751, 278, 26504, 29892, 322, 278, 701, 11506, 26001, 25997, 338, 25057, 304, 8814, 445, 2228, 29889, 13, 1576, 6263, 29915, 29879, 9657, 24737, 10468, 380, 1567, 515, 967, 8022, 749, 297, 278, 8604, 1746, 29892, 263, 2618, 491, 278, 8062, 2264, 267, 310, 278, 19626, 13973, 29889, 2398, 29892, 411, 278, 13426, 13638, 310, 278, 970, 9667, 292, 263, 22384, 1735, 29892, 278, 2411, 2548, 1006, 1727, 1949, 674, 367, 278, 11406, 1540, 931, 363, 341, 688, 4302, 29915, 29879, 3699, 310, 15889, 304, 6416, 29889, 530, 1006, 1727, 1949, 338, 6892, 5439, 408, 263, 3785, 988, 26001, 338, 2845, 20871, 470, 4414, 1314, 10124, 278, 5434, 9815, 29889, 512, 8604, 4958, 29892, 341, 688, 4302, 674, 5967, 263, 20364, 3081, 11757, 29884, 398, 411, 5164, 2258, 1953, 325, 5414, 363, 3081, 322, 2761, 607, 29892, 565, 591, 1106, 472, 4955, 29892, 29867, 304, 1095, 701, 24252, 29889, 512, 263, 16835, 368, 2453, 2356, 28469, 341, 688, 4302, 1370, 9571, 393, 376, 473, 282, 24701, 756, 13071, 29908, 297, 3407, 304, 278, 16317, 27685, 1000, 10021, 414, 1058, 3614, 304, 278, 19756, 304, 10021, 29892, 14982, 14424, 278, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 273, 7353, 29892, 2750, 341, 688, 4302, 29915, 29879, 5229, 17407, 24833, 29892, 1034, 18953, 322, 5131, 263, 22384, 1735, 29889, 450, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 28697, 3185, 756, 1754, 372, 27302, 363, 278, 14497, 264, 719, 304, 7738, 29892, 14686, 322, 671, 310, 278, 4797, 7353, 1728, 6221, 10751, 1156, 5039, 2879, 515, 278, 396, 4013, 15581, 10298, 6077, 372, 964, 263, 5829, 310, 9418, 29899, 29887, 6170, 358, 10021, 29879, 29889, 512, 1432, 4060, 310, 278, 1734, 29892, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 338, 14171, 385, 1394, 29893, 5481, 273, 2106, 29889, 13, 9986, 2512, 29871, 29945, 29929, 310, 278, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 273, 20063, 9479, 5922, 393, 14704, 29923, 29962, 1201, 2022, 756, 278, 1492, 304, 22222, 322, 304, 2198, 5697, 2187, 29892, 541, 1438, 10462, 1818, 367, 11382, 3368, 10776, 3730, 613, 278, 5874, 756, 1539, 278, 10776, 1319, 10021, 414, 411, 26644, 2877, 29892, 11472, 29535, 358, 322, 1436, 267, 310, 701, 304, 395, 29906, 29900, 29900, 313, 8256, 1556, 2305, 5735, 373, 395, 29906, 639, 2462, 467, 1763, 1207, 13750, 15029, 29892, 746, 341, 688, 4302, 10325, 6496, 22765, 29892, 540, 9129, 263, 716, 5094, 495, 8926, 11118, 8688, 304, 11819, 278, 8986, 322, 5264, 5745, 297, 1797, 304, 1284, 322, 22564, 376, 29881, 790, 16719, 613, 5537, 1218, 278, 21746, 29871, 29953, 29896, 310, 278, 20063, 313, 10745, 11607, 310, 4603, 467, 512, 385, 3805, 8927, 3252, 391, 322, 263, 21000, 304, 2761, 278, 14497, 264, 719, 29892, 341, 688, 4302, 338, 1716, 29892, 1040, 336, 2827, 278, 3005, 287, 4835, 540, 322, 278, 4688, 796, 2190, 29965, 29899, 13691, 577, 659, 29875, 10835, 20722, 363, 29892, 322, 4444, 701, 278, 22384, 363, 263, 24252, 975, 20539, 29889, 13, 29896, 29889, 15197, 408, 9670, 29889, 796, 2190, 29965, 29899, 13691, 756, 1063, 278, 871, 28526, 8604, 4889, 297, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 363, 1602, 3076, 29892, 15613, 20209, 491, 12422, 470, 8182, 554, 29889, 3115, 29892, 297, 17692, 10161, 29892, 727, 338, 1603, 4549, 2304, 363, 796, 2190, 29965, 29899, 13691, 29892, 322, 13858, 278, 6673, 29915, 29879, 5046, 29892, 2305, 1122, 5821, 278, 29754, 896, 1073, 408, 540, 338, 18055, 670, 3252, 309, 523, 29889, 16478, 29892, 2258, 1953, 2629, 796, 2190, 29965, 29899, 13691, 313, 5631, 362, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29897, 526, 15661, 304, 1207, 341, 688, 4302, 6673, 29899, 1454, 29899, 19264, 29889, 910, 10483, 674, 367, 1568, 5476, 510, 287, 491, 341, 688, 4302, 408, 372, 674, 4078, 1075, 515, 1641, 2000, 701, 304, 278, 379, 3437, 363, 278, 321, 7642, 2738, 5199, 10462, 5537, 800, 29889, 13, 29906, 29889, 25433, 523, 292, 29889, 450, 1370, 5393, 2258, 1953, 310, 796, 2190, 29965, 29899, 13691, 526, 528, 279, 2238, 292, 1009, 269, 9303, 363, 10555, 29889, 838, 2040, 591, 505, 3595, 1906, 1058, 694, 5520, 8661, 411, 278, 6263, 29892, 763, 3237, 4059, 374, 407, 801, 20749, 1117, 2518, 29892, 505, 670, 2215, 1516, 1970, 10669, 630, 29889, 16478, 29892, 278, 21334, 29883, 873, 28108, 3362, 25808, 550, 505, 23181, 341, 688, 4302, 1035, 4746, 1075, 310, 1641, 263, 9657, 1061, 29892, 2307, 4444, 278, 7408, 363, 4473, 29891, 26001, 25997, 29889, 1551, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 450, 796, 15623, 29899, 13691, 28203, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29892, 313, 29954, 29946, 29900, 29897, 526, 1985, 2898, 304, 9801, 341, 688, 4302, 881, 367, 1754, 7178, 363, 2834, 29892, 322, 29914, 272, 393, 270, 948, 6288, 22661, 6773, 411, 23350, 341, 688, 4302, 5622, 701, 278, 13694, 280, 29889, 512, 1513, 13888, 411, 963, 29892, 338, 278, 577, 29899, 13998, 21095, 520, 29872, 383, 2467, 313, 29123, 304, 278, 323, 29899, 845, 381, 1372, 896, 26758, 304, 385, 1741, 29897, 5069, 7306, 338, 304, 20844, 278, 478, 29925, 29892, 2812, 29885, 1330, 341, 29876, 574, 351, 2766, 29892, 7178, 408, 540, 338, 3595, 304, 367, 263, 16160, 5921, 4377, 322, 5025, 283, 18104, 304, 278, 10013, 29889, 450, 3041, 523, 292, 674, 9080, 697, 310, 1023, 10614, 29892, 278, 937, 1641, 278, 766, 4980, 358, 310, 278, 6263, 408, 1015, 1312, 491, 278, 8604, 9638, 391, 29892, 29739, 833, 15419, 19924, 29889, 450, 1623, 2975, 304, 445, 338, 393, 1438, 2258, 1953, 892, 11122, 2629, 278, 6263, 29892, 1286, 505, 3889, 29892, 8604, 21448, 338, 5517, 304, 5662, 434, 4822, 278, 4234, 29889, 6440, 29892, 372, 674, 9080, 304, 1136, 17211, 403, 322, 10484, 10492, 3081, 297, 278, 6567, 310, 796, 2190, 29965, 29899, 13691, 607, 674, 3275, 304, 263, 697, 6263, 2106, 29892, 297, 599, 541, 1024, 8236, 304, 4340, 11938, 373, 7631, 17176, 583, 322, 24252, 26755, 3204, 29879, 373, 738, 19626, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 29907, 5341, 3362, 29889, 16809, 304, 14234, 10557, 29892, 408, 263, 3353, 29892, 1641, 13774, 10776, 1319, 297, 10230, 304, 967, 4644, 470, 10504, 6795, 20895, 29892, 445 ]
The first question that you have is probably, "Can you fly while pregnant"….."is it safe for baby?". There is absolutely nothing unsafe about flying while pregnant, as long as you get the ok from your doctor. Some women are concerned that the scanning machines during security are not safe for pregnant women. The levels of radiation that are emitted from those machines are so low that it doesn't cause any threat to you or your baby. But if you would rather avoid the scanning machines, you can inform them that you are expecting and would like to opt out of the scan. In my experience, they have had me step aside and go through a physical pat down by a female security officer. It's completely up to you and what makes you feel most comfortable and safe! While flying is completely safe for women with low risk pregnancies, it's always important to check with your doctor and make sure they clear you to fly. There are a couple cases in which your doctor might suggest that you not fly. Women who have gestational diabetes or hypertension might be advised not to fly. The last thing you need is to try and check into your flight and have your airline tell you that you're not allowed to fly because of whatever rule they have. Each airline has their own policy when it comes to letting pregnant women fly. This is why it's always good to have a doctor's note saying that you are cleared to fly and also how far along you are. I know, I know, the aisle seats are awful. You have no where to lay your head if you want to sleep and you get hit by everyone walking up and down the aisle. Before I had children, the window seat was my best friend. I would put on my headphones and fall asleep. Just like that. I have since flown while pregnant, with a baby, with a toddler while pregnant, and with a toddler and a baby. Let me tell you, the aisle seat is now my new best friend. On a side note, here are the best tips and tricks if you're traveling with a baby. Since one of the awful side effects of pregnancy is needing to use the bathroom every five minutes, the aisle seat will allow you to get up and go without having to ask anyone to move for you. Pregnant women are also at a higher risk for blood clots and can easily build-up fluid in your legs and feet. For this reason, you'll need to walk around every hour or so to keep your circulation flowing. This shouldn't be a problem since you'll probably have to pee anyways, but it's always good to keep in mind. Like I mentioned above, pregnant women can often experience swelling of the legs and feet while flying because of the cabin pressure and elevation. Not to mention all the other reasons pregnant women retain extra water. Compression socks will help to keep any swelling from happening which will make you feel so much more comfortable. Put a pair of leggings on over top and no one will even know you're wearing them! Another golden tip is to wait until the last minute to board the plane. This means less time sitting in a cramped seat and more time for you to walk around. Although the overhead bins might be filled up if you wait too long, so be sure to think about that as well. Food was the first thing on my mind at all time while pregnant so I always had extra snacks packed wherever I went. But if you're not like me, let me remind you to bring extra snacks and drinks. If you think you will need one pack of crackers, pack two just in case. You never know when that pregnancy hunger is going to hit you! You'll want to avoid high salt food. The salt can cause you to retain water, and you don't want that while on a flight for several hours. You want to avoid drinking too much caffeine since it's known to cause dehydration. Stick with water and drink lots of it. Believe me, you'll feel so much better when you're hydrated. Remember that you can't bring liquids in with you through security, so instead of packing drinks, plan on stopping at one of the stores inside the airport. That's it! You absolutely don't have to dread flying while pregnant. It's completely safe and can even be comfortable if you're prepared! Okay, maybe not comfortable, but it won't be awful with these tips. Now get
[ 450, 937, 1139, 393, 366, 505, 338, 3117, 29892, 376, 6028, 366, 11340, 1550, 758, 5138, 424, 29908, 30098, 636, 29908, 275, 372, 9109, 363, 24354, 29973, 1642, 1670, 338, 13312, 3078, 25110, 1048, 22764, 1550, 758, 5138, 424, 29892, 408, 1472, 408, 366, 679, 278, 3431, 515, 596, 11619, 29889, 13, 9526, 5866, 526, 15041, 393, 278, 885, 9450, 14884, 2645, 6993, 526, 451, 9109, 363, 758, 5138, 424, 5866, 29889, 450, 11174, 310, 27310, 393, 526, 953, 4430, 515, 1906, 14884, 526, 577, 4482, 393, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 4556, 738, 28469, 304, 366, 470, 596, 24354, 29889, 1205, 565, 366, 723, 3265, 4772, 278, 885, 9450, 14884, 29892, 366, 508, 1871, 963, 393, 366, 526, 16120, 322, 723, 763, 304, 3523, 714, 310, 278, 12812, 29889, 512, 590, 7271, 29892, 896, 505, 750, 592, 4331, 17786, 322, 748, 1549, 263, 9128, 2373, 1623, 491, 263, 12944, 6993, 12139, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 6446, 701, 304, 366, 322, 825, 3732, 366, 4459, 1556, 25561, 322, 9109, 29991, 13, 8809, 488, 22764, 338, 6446, 9109, 363, 5866, 411, 4482, 12045, 758, 5138, 273, 2478, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 2337, 4100, 304, 1423, 411, 596, 11619, 322, 1207, 1854, 896, 2821, 366, 304, 11340, 29889, 1670, 526, 263, 7303, 4251, 297, 607, 596, 11619, 1795, 4368, 393, 366, 451, 11340, 29889, 10152, 1058, 505, 7737, 1288, 652, 370, 10778, 470, 7498, 10700, 2673, 1795, 367, 594, 11292, 451, 304, 11340, 29889, 13, 1576, 1833, 2655, 366, 817, 338, 304, 1018, 322, 1423, 964, 596, 16286, 322, 505, 596, 4799, 1220, 2649, 366, 393, 366, 29915, 276, 451, 6068, 304, 11340, 1363, 310, 6514, 5751, 896, 505, 29889, 7806, 4799, 1220, 756, 1009, 1914, 8898, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 27697, 758, 5138, 424, 5866, 11340, 29889, 910, 338, 2020, 372, 29915, 29879, 2337, 1781, 304, 505, 263, 11619, 29915, 29879, 4443, 5934, 393, 366, 526, 24639, 304, 11340, 322, 884, 920, 2215, 3412, 366, 526, 29889, 13, 29902, 1073, 29892, 306, 1073, 29892, 278, 263, 275, 280, 22091, 526, 28893, 29889, 887, 505, 694, 988, 304, 6568, 596, 2343, 565, 366, 864, 304, 8709, 322, 366, 679, 7124, 491, 14332, 22049, 701, 322, 1623, 278, 263, 275, 280, 29889, 10949, 306, 750, 4344, 29892, 278, 3474, 12949, 471, 590, 1900, 5121, 29889, 306, 723, 1925, 373, 590, 2343, 561, 2873, 322, 6416, 408, 5436, 29889, 3387, 763, 393, 29889, 306, 505, 1951, 4972, 29876, 1550, 758, 5138, 424, 29892, 411, 263, 24354, 29892, 411, 263, 304, 1289, 1358, 1550, 758, 5138, 424, 29892, 322, 411, 263, 304, 1289, 1358, 322, 263, 24354, 29889, 2803, 592, 2649, 366, 29892, 278, 263, 275, 280, 12949, 338, 1286, 590, 716, 1900, 5121, 29889, 13, 2951, 263, 2625, 4443, 29892, 1244, 526, 278, 1900, 25562, 322, 534, 7358, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 9850, 292, 411, 263, 24354, 29889, 13, 23036, 697, 310, 278, 28893, 2625, 9545, 310, 758, 5138, 6906, 338, 817, 292, 304, 671, 278, 27683, 8345, 1432, 5320, 6233, 29892, 278, 263, 275, 280, 12949, 674, 2758, 366, 304, 679, 701, 322, 748, 1728, 2534, 304, 2244, 5019, 304, 4337, 363, 366, 29889, 13, 29925, 1727, 21941, 5866, 526, 884, 472, 263, 6133, 12045, 363, 10416, 1067, 1862, 322, 508, 5948, 2048, 29899, 786, 22576, 297, 596, 21152, 322, 6900, 29889, 1152, 445, 2769, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 817, 304, 6686, 2820, 1432, 7234, 470, 577, 304, 3013, 596, 18342, 362, 4972, 292, 29889, 910, 9273, 29915, 29873, 367, 263, 1108, 1951, 366, 29915, 645, 3117, 505, 304, 1236, 29872, 738, 1994, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 2337, 1781, 304, 3013, 297, 3458, 29889, 13, 27552, 306, 5276, 2038, 29892, 758, 5138, 424, 5866, 508, 4049, 7271, 2381, 7807, 310, 278, 21152, 322, 6900, 1550, 22764, 1363, 310, 278, 28830, 12959, 322, 11858, 362, 29889, 2216, 304, 3585, 599, 278, 916, 9590, 758, 5138, 424, 5866, 11551, 4805, 4094, 29889, 422, 2590, 577, 4684, 674, 1371, 304, 3013, 738, 2381, 7807, 515, 10464, 607, 674, 1207, 366, 4459, 577, 1568, 901, 25561, 29889, 12065, 263, 5101, 310, 454, 1505, 886, 373, 975, 2246, 322, 694, 697, 674, 1584, 1073, 366, 29915, 276, 591, 4362, 963, 29991, 13, 2744, 1228, 22843, 6872, 338, 304, 4480, 2745, 278, 1833, 11015, 304, 7613, 278, 10694, 29889, 910, 2794, 3109, 931, 16246, 297, 263, 2181, 1160, 287, 12949, 322, 901, 931, 363, 366, 304, 6686, 2820, 29889, 8512, 278, 18702, 289, 1144, 1795, 367, 10423, 701, 565, 366, 4480, 2086, 1472, 29892, 577, 367, 1854, 304, 1348, 1048, 393, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 29943, 2092, 471, 278, 937, 2655, 373, 590, 3458, 472, 599, 931, 1550, 758, 5138, 424, 577, 306, 2337, 750, 4805, 5807, 26514, 4870, 287, 29693, 306, 3512, 29889, 1205, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 451, 763, 592, 29892, 1235, 592, 1083, 513, 366, 304, 6963, 4805, 5807, 26514, 322, 13748, 29879, 29889, 960, 366, 1348, 366, 674, 817, 697, 4870, 310, 26755, 414, 29892, 4870, 1023, 925, 297, 1206, 29889, 887, 2360, 1073, 746, 393, 758, 5138, 6906, 18757, 261, 338, 2675, 304, 7124, 366, 29991, 13, 3492, 29915, 645, 864, 304, 4772, 1880, 15795, 9687, 29889, 450, 15795, 508, 4556, 366, 304, 11551, 4094, 29892, 322, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 393, 1550, 373, 263, 16286, 363, 3196, 6199, 29889, 887, 864, 304, 4772, 13748, 292, 2086, 1568, 274, 3470, 29872, 457, 1951, 372, 29915, 29879, 2998, 304, 4556, 316, 29882, 2941, 29878, 362, 29889, 624, 860, 411, 4094, 322, 13748, 14568, 310, 372, 29889, 3741, 2418, 592, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 4459, 577, 1568, 2253, 746, 366, 29915, 276, 27246, 29878, 630, 29889, 13, 7301, 1096, 393, 366, 508, 29915, 29873, 6963, 15617, 4841, 297, 411, 366, 1549, 6993, 29892, 577, 2012, 310, 4870, 292, 13748, 29879, 29892, 3814, 373, 25480, 472, 697, 310, 278, 14422, 2768, 278, 4799, 637, 29889, 13, 7058, 29915, 29879, 372, 29991, 887, 13312, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 304, 21005, 22764, 1550, 758, 5138, 424, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 6446, 9109, 322, 508, 1584, 367, 25561, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 13240, 29991, 20419, 29892, 5505, 451, 25561, 29892, 541, 372, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 28893, 411, 1438, 25562, 29889, 2567, 679 ]
If a problem is minor, it can be wise to put off repair until you have more than one item to fix. This also gives you time to save up for the needed repairs. Because most plumbers charge labor by the hour on top of a flat call rate, you can significantly reduce your bill by reducing the trips they make to your home. It is important to run your faucet with cold water whenever you run your garbage disposal. Cold water will allow for the food particles to be properly disposed of while keeping the blades sharp. Don't use hot water while running the garbage disposal. Hot water converts the grease in your trash to liquid form. When the liquified grease goes down the drain, it clogs the pipes. If you notice water draining into your dishwater, check your kitchen sink. The hose might not be installed properly. This hose must lead uphill and downhill to prevent mixing water between the kitchen sink and the dishwasher. Repiping Danville IL Hot water can clog your drain by allowing liquid grease to build up in it. If you're a professional plumber, consider taking an amateur under your wing as an apprentice. This is a great way to hire inexpensive labor, and can help you mentor those younger than you. Take breaks if you are doing repairs outside in the sun. The heat from the sun can be easy to ignore when you are focused on what you're doing, but it still can be dangerous. Stringy and tough foods like celery, banana peels and chicken skin won't grind well and clog the plumbing. Throw out hard-to-grind things in a garbage can first, and then place the rest of the food in the disposal. When a situation may call for it, everyone in your household should be capable of turning off the water connections throughout your home. You definitely want everyone to be able to stop excess water from flooding your home and damaging flooring and baseboards. Everyone can stop the flow of water if they are aware of the shut-off valve. If you need to repair your home plumbing, you have a lot of options as to what to do. If you use the tips you've read here, you'll be able to solve any emergency and even install your own plumbing for new fixtures without the aid of a professional! Tips On How To Handle Any Plumbing Situation Even a simple plumbing problem can be a total pain for someone who doesn't know how to fix it. Toilet Plumbing Problem It's more convenient to remove hair before it has a chance to get down the drain and into the pipes. There should be a nearby water meter. , If you have difficulty removing this blockage, call a company that has special equipment to clear the line, usually a plumber's snake. Make sure you take great care in what type of drain cleaner you use. Many of these cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can corrode pipes. Always be sure to use products that claim to be safe for pipes. Your pipes depend on certain bacteria. If you kill off the bacteria with chemicals, your system will not run properly. A regular old pipe snake could be all it takes to clean out a clogged drain stack on your washing machine. Every now and then, lint and other tiny washing machine items can build within the pipe, which can cause it to back up or clog. If you detect water leaking into your walls, you must turn off the water supply and contact a plumber right away. This could be a sign that there is something seriously wrong with your plumbing. These problems could potentially cause flooding as well as mold and mildew, which may be harmful to your health. Have all your plumbing needs scheduled all at once. Kitchen Plumbing Repair Services Lisle IL, These passages allow your sink to fill up without overflowing onto your floor, and if they're blocked that can cause you a major headache. Clean overflow holes as part of your annual maintenance, and any other time you are handling general plumbing repairs. You should always put plenty of cold water through your garbage disposal while it is running. The cold water will help keep the blades nice and sharp and will allow for a much smoother disposal. If you use hot water, any grease in the disposal will liquefy, causing it to accumulate further down the drain, which could cause clogs. Clean out your dryer's lint filter. This saves you from potential problems, including the prevention of fires. Regularly check your
[ 960, 263, 1108, 338, 9461, 29892, 372, 508, 367, 19396, 304, 1925, 1283, 26032, 2745, 366, 505, 901, 1135, 697, 2944, 304, 2329, 29889, 910, 884, 4076, 366, 931, 304, 4078, 701, 363, 278, 4312, 1634, 7121, 29889, 7311, 1556, 715, 398, 2596, 8323, 10212, 491, 278, 7234, 373, 2246, 310, 263, 12151, 1246, 6554, 29892, 366, 508, 16951, 10032, 596, 11118, 491, 27668, 278, 3367, 567, 896, 1207, 304, 596, 3271, 29889, 739, 338, 4100, 304, 1065, 596, 285, 14766, 300, 411, 11220, 4094, 10940, 366, 1065, 596, 25861, 11549, 284, 29889, 26731, 4094, 674, 2758, 363, 278, 9687, 17105, 304, 367, 6284, 766, 4752, 310, 1550, 12515, 278, 1999, 3076, 15301, 29889, 3872, 29915, 29873, 671, 7375, 4094, 1550, 2734, 278, 25861, 11549, 284, 29889, 8843, 4094, 29436, 278, 1395, 559, 297, 596, 534, 1161, 304, 23904, 883, 29889, 1932, 278, 15617, 2164, 1395, 559, 5771, 1623, 278, 270, 6038, 29892, 372, 274, 20756, 278, 8450, 267, 29889, 960, 366, 8369, 4094, 7482, 2827, 964, 596, 270, 728, 13405, 29892, 1423, 596, 29181, 28169, 29889, 450, 298, 852, 1795, 451, 367, 5130, 6284, 29889, 910, 298, 852, 1818, 3275, 318, 561, 453, 322, 1623, 29131, 304, 5557, 24907, 4094, 1546, 278, 29181, 28169, 322, 278, 270, 728, 29893, 1161, 261, 29889, 10088, 666, 292, 3951, 4909, 17674, 8843, 4094, 508, 274, 1188, 596, 270, 6038, 491, 14372, 23904, 1395, 559, 304, 2048, 701, 297, 372, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 29915, 276, 263, 10257, 715, 2807, 29892, 2050, 5622, 385, 28800, 1090, 596, 21612, 408, 385, 623, 7771, 625, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 2107, 982, 304, 298, 533, 297, 4548, 6270, 10212, 29892, 322, 508, 1371, 366, 6042, 272, 1906, 20023, 1135, 366, 29889, 11190, 16706, 565, 366, 526, 2599, 1634, 7121, 5377, 297, 278, 6575, 29889, 450, 12871, 515, 278, 6575, 508, 367, 4780, 304, 11455, 746, 366, 526, 21309, 373, 825, 366, 29915, 276, 2599, 29892, 541, 372, 1603, 508, 367, 18215, 29889, 1714, 29891, 322, 260, 820, 9687, 29879, 763, 6432, 708, 29892, 9892, 1648, 1236, 1379, 322, 521, 21475, 19309, 2113, 29915, 29873, 867, 513, 1532, 322, 274, 1188, 278, 715, 3774, 292, 29889, 498, 798, 714, 2898, 29899, 517, 29899, 629, 513, 2712, 297, 263, 25861, 508, 937, 29892, 322, 769, 2058, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 9687, 297, 278, 11549, 284, 29889, 1932, 263, 6434, 1122, 1246, 363, 372, 29892, 14332, 297, 596, 22329, 881, 367, 15390, 310, 14712, 1283, 278, 4094, 12368, 10106, 596, 3271, 29889, 887, 11630, 864, 14332, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 5040, 19163, 4094, 515, 5685, 3689, 596, 3271, 322, 5625, 6751, 5685, 8253, 322, 2967, 24691, 29889, 7569, 650, 508, 5040, 278, 4972, 310, 4094, 565, 896, 526, 9543, 310, 278, 12522, 29899, 2696, 659, 345, 29889, 960, 366, 817, 304, 26032, 596, 3271, 715, 3774, 292, 29892, 366, 505, 263, 3287, 310, 3987, 408, 304, 825, 304, 437, 29889, 960, 366, 671, 278, 25562, 366, 29915, 345, 1303, 1244, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 367, 2221, 304, 4505, 738, 11176, 14703, 322, 1584, 2601, 596, 1914, 715, 3774, 292, 363, 716, 5713, 486, 1973, 1728, 278, 16226, 310, 263, 10257, 29991, 323, 4512, 1551, 1128, 1763, 29273, 3139, 1858, 3774, 292, 23920, 362, 7753, 263, 2560, 715, 3774, 292, 1108, 508, 367, 263, 3001, 6788, 363, 4856, 1058, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1073, 920, 304, 2329, 372, 29889, 1763, 488, 29873, 1858, 3774, 292, 11583, 739, 29915, 29879, 901, 19192, 304, 3349, 11315, 1434, 372, 756, 263, 8825, 304, 679, 1623, 278, 270, 6038, 322, 964, 278, 8450, 267, 29889, 13, 8439, 881, 367, 263, 20810, 4094, 11134, 29889, 1919, 960, 366, 505, 14656, 11077, 445, 2908, 482, 29892, 1246, 263, 5001, 393, 756, 4266, 21083, 304, 2821, 278, 1196, 29892, 5491, 263, 715, 2807, 29915, 29879, 269, 21040, 29889, 8561, 1854, 366, 2125, 2107, 2562, 297, 825, 1134, 310, 270, 6038, 27372, 366, 671, 29889, 9267, 310, 1438, 5941, 414, 1712, 4023, 845, 22233, 29879, 393, 508, 1034, 307, 311, 8450, 267, 29889, 29849, 367, 1854, 304, 671, 9316, 393, 5995, 304, 367, 9109, 363, 8450, 267, 29889, 3575, 8450, 267, 8839, 373, 3058, 289, 5761, 423, 29889, 960, 366, 12088, 1283, 278, 289, 5761, 423, 411, 22233, 29879, 29892, 596, 1788, 674, 451, 1065, 6284, 29889, 319, 4943, 2030, 14282, 269, 21040, 1033, 367, 599, 372, 4893, 304, 5941, 714, 263, 274, 1188, 3192, 270, 6038, 5096, 373, 596, 471, 2790, 4933, 29889, 7569, 1286, 322, 769, 29892, 301, 524, 322, 916, 21577, 471, 2790, 4933, 4452, 508, 2048, 2629, 278, 14282, 29892, 607, 508, 4556, 372, 304, 1250, 701, 470, 274, 1188, 29889, 960, 366, 6459, 4094, 454, 5086, 964, 596, 14603, 29892, 366, 1818, 2507, 1283, 278, 4094, 11421, 322, 6958, 263, 715, 2807, 1492, 3448, 29889, 910, 1033, 367, 263, 1804, 393, 727, 338, 1554, 25798, 2743, 411, 596, 715, 3774, 292, 29889, 4525, 4828, 1033, 19998, 4556, 5685, 3689, 408, 1532, 408, 286, 1025, 322, 2316, 311, 29893, 29892, 607, 1122, 367, 10311, 1319, 304, 596, 9045, 29889, 13, 25559, 599, 596, 715, 3774, 292, 4225, 21467, 599, 472, 2748, 29889, 476, 23213, 1858, 3774, 292, 10088, 1466, 15538, 15285, 280, 17674, 29892, 4525, 1209, 1179, 2758, 596, 28169, 304, 5445, 701, 1728, 11969, 292, 11480, 596, 11904, 29892, 322, 565, 896, 29915, 276, 24370, 393, 508, 4556, 366, 263, 4655, 2343, 1829, 29889, 315, 14044, 11969, 26532, 408, 760, 310, 596, 17568, 25413, 29892, 322, 738, 916, 931, 366, 526, 11415, 2498, 715, 3774, 292, 1634, 7121, 29889, 887, 881, 2337, 1925, 20947, 310, 11220, 4094, 1549, 596, 25861, 11549, 284, 1550, 372, 338, 2734, 29889, 450, 11220, 4094, 674, 1371, 3013, 278, 1999, 3076, 7575, 322, 15301, 322, 674, 2758, 363, 263, 1568, 1560, 29877, 1228, 11549, 284, 29889, 960, 366, 671, 7375, 4094, 29892, 738, 1395, 559, 297, 278, 11549, 284, 674, 619, 802, 29888, 29891, 29892, 10805, 372, 304, 18414, 5987, 4340, 1623, 278, 270, 6038, 29892, 607, 1033, 4556, 274, 20756, 29889, 315, 14044, 714, 596, 15589, 261, 29915, 29879, 301, 524, 4175, 29889, 910, 27401, 366, 515, 7037, 4828, 29892, 3704, 278, 5557, 291, 310, 24237, 29889, 2169, 1070, 368, 1423, 596 ]
What's Up, Docs? Expanding on the philosophy behind the MIPG, MTR and Tournament Practices Tournament Reports Tournament procedures GP Detroit Appeals Judge Report 23/03/2016 08/11/2016 | KevinD Rules questions Spreading Seas and Legendary lands AP controls Eye of Ugin enchanted with Spreading Seas. AP plays another Eye of Ugin. Spreading Seas changes (or adds) subtypes, making subsequently lose all abilities to the land it enchants and gain "Tap: Add U to your mana Pool". However, it doesn't change the name nor the supertype of the land it enchants. AP now has two Legendary permanents with the same name, and needs to send one to the graveyard. Thought-Knot Seer's triggers AP activates Eldrazi Displacer targeting Thought-Knot Seer. Since the "blinking" happens during the resolution of the ability, both triggered abilities trigger before any player would receive priority, even if not at the exact same time. In such a case, we do not care about the order the ability triggered. We only care that multiple triggered abilities are waiting to go on the stack. Therefore, the controller of the Thought-Knot Seer chooses the order they will go on the stack, after Thought-Knot Seer has come back on the battlefield. Reality Smasher's triggers AP casts Dismember targeting NAP's Reality Smasher. NAP waits and eventually says: "You did not discard, Dismember is countered" This does NOT work. Indeed, it is Reality Smasher's controller's responsibility to clearly demonstrate awareness of his trigger. When he does so, the opponent still has a chance to discard a card. Let's now say that AP only has one card in hand and it is Sphinx's Revelation. Can he cast it in response to the trigger that Reality Smasher's controller just indicated? The answer is no. In this scenario, we are resolving the trigger. Indeed, AP should have acted under the assumption that the trigger is on the stack, since it is on the stack until NAP proves he missed it. Therefore, when NAP requests AP to discard, it means the trigger is resolving. Rulings of note Backing up before HCEing AP casts Ancient Stirrings and mistakenly looks at 6 cards. He reveals a colorless card and puts the 5 remaining on the bottom of his library. This goes unnoticed until the player passes the turn and calls upon himself (which immediately allows to exclude Cheating). Since the card was revealed and the library had not been shuffled, this was a very easy situation to fix: We simply took the card that had been revealed out of AP's hand and the bottom five cards of that player's library, presented these six cards to the opponent for choosing one that would get reshuffled, and AP made a choice amongst the five remaining cards. Too late to change AP is at 1 life and casts World Breaker out of Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Eye of Ugin, Eldrazi Temple and Karplusan Forest. From this, versions differ: NAP claims he said: "You take 1 right?", in response to which AP checked his lands and started untapping his Karplusan Forest to tap a basic Forest. AP claims he was not finished tapping his lands and was still debating how to pay for his spell when NAP interrupted him. Even if they have different stances here, I don't believe any was lying. Everything most likely happened almost at the same time. In such situations, the key is to evaluate whether it was reasonable for NAP to believe AP was finished casting his spell or whether we was rushing it and whether, if AP was about to change his mind, who made the other aware of the mistake. I first tried to know whether lands were tapped before the card was taken out of the hand. I could not get a clear confirmation. Had that been the case, this would have been a strong hint that AP was done choosing how to tap his lands. I then tried to know whether a target had been announced for World Breaker's cast trigger. Both players agreed it had not happened. That's one of the case where I need to make a decision, even if I cannot know exactly what happened, and
[ 1724, 29915, 29879, 5020, 29892, 360, 12332, 29973, 13, 29777, 292, 373, 278, 22237, 5742, 278, 341, 5690, 29954, 29892, 341, 5659, 322, 29427, 29124, 1575, 13, 29911, 2905, 1166, 830, 4011, 13, 29911, 2905, 1166, 28648, 13, 19903, 25749, 2401, 29872, 1338, 26817, 13969, 13, 29906, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29941, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29871, 29900, 29947, 29914, 29896, 29896, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 891, 19323, 29928, 13, 29934, 2540, 5155, 13, 5592, 19715, 922, 294, 322, 5682, 355, 653, 12625, 13, 3301, 11761, 382, 4099, 310, 501, 5359, 427, 305, 9714, 411, 1706, 19715, 922, 294, 29889, 12279, 13582, 1790, 382, 4099, 310, 501, 5359, 29889, 13, 5592, 19715, 922, 294, 3620, 313, 272, 12778, 29897, 1014, 8768, 29892, 3907, 17602, 14074, 599, 633, 9770, 304, 278, 2982, 372, 427, 305, 1934, 322, 11581, 376, 29911, 481, 29901, 3462, 501, 304, 596, 767, 29874, 28625, 1642, 2398, 29892, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1735, 278, 1024, 3643, 278, 2428, 1853, 310, 278, 2982, 372, 427, 305, 1934, 29889, 12279, 1286, 756, 1023, 5682, 355, 653, 9410, 1237, 411, 278, 1021, 1024, 29892, 322, 4225, 304, 3638, 697, 304, 278, 2646, 6950, 538, 29889, 13, 1349, 1774, 29899, 29968, 1333, 922, 261, 29915, 29879, 23660, 13, 3301, 5039, 1078, 382, 430, 336, 2526, 3295, 13974, 2265, 3646, 292, 498, 1774, 29899, 29968, 1333, 922, 261, 29889, 4001, 278, 376, 2204, 18159, 29908, 5930, 2645, 278, 10104, 310, 278, 11509, 29892, 1716, 19799, 633, 9770, 7135, 1434, 738, 4847, 723, 7150, 20136, 29892, 1584, 565, 451, 472, 278, 2684, 1021, 931, 29889, 13, 797, 1316, 263, 1206, 29892, 591, 437, 451, 2562, 1048, 278, 1797, 278, 11509, 19799, 29889, 1334, 871, 2562, 393, 2999, 19799, 633, 9770, 526, 10534, 304, 748, 373, 278, 5096, 29889, 7857, 29892, 278, 4701, 310, 278, 498, 1774, 29899, 29968, 1333, 922, 261, 3060, 15806, 278, 1797, 896, 674, 748, 373, 278, 5096, 29892, 1156, 498, 1774, 29899, 29968, 1333, 922, 261, 756, 2041, 1250, 373, 278, 10555, 2671, 29889, 13, 1123, 2877, 4116, 1161, 261, 29915, 29879, 23660, 13, 3301, 4320, 29879, 360, 1608, 1096, 3646, 292, 405, 3301, 29915, 29879, 830, 2877, 4116, 1161, 261, 29889, 405, 3301, 11324, 1169, 322, 10201, 4083, 29901, 376, 3492, 1258, 451, 2313, 538, 29892, 360, 1608, 1096, 338, 6795, 287, 29908, 13, 4013, 947, 6058, 664, 29889, 14598, 29892, 372, 338, 830, 2877, 4116, 1161, 261, 29915, 29879, 4701, 29915, 29879, 23134, 304, 9436, 22222, 3773, 8326, 404, 310, 670, 7135, 29889, 1932, 540, 947, 577, 29892, 278, 23995, 296, 1603, 756, 263, 8825, 304, 2313, 538, 263, 5881, 29889, 13, 12024, 29915, 29879, 1286, 1827, 393, 12279, 871, 756, 697, 5881, 297, 1361, 322, 372, 338, 317, 561, 14668, 29915, 29879, 830, 955, 362, 29889, 1815, 540, 4320, 372, 297, 2933, 304, 278, 7135, 393, 830, 2877, 4116, 1161, 261, 29915, 29879, 4701, 925, 18694, 29973, 13, 1576, 1234, 338, 694, 29889, 512, 445, 10483, 29892, 591, 526, 3770, 1747, 278, 7135, 29889, 14598, 29892, 12279, 881, 505, 27320, 1090, 278, 11833, 393, 278, 7135, 338, 373, 278, 5096, 29892, 1951, 372, 338, 373, 278, 5096, 2745, 405, 3301, 28281, 540, 13726, 372, 29889, 7857, 29892, 746, 405, 3301, 7274, 12279, 304, 2313, 538, 29892, 372, 2794, 278, 7135, 338, 3770, 1747, 29889, 13, 29934, 352, 886, 310, 4443, 13, 5841, 292, 701, 1434, 379, 4741, 292, 13, 3301, 4320, 29879, 530, 15566, 624, 381, 29878, 886, 322, 25257, 368, 3430, 472, 29871, 29953, 15889, 29889, 940, 10320, 1338, 263, 2927, 2222, 5881, 322, 15223, 278, 29871, 29945, 9886, 373, 278, 5970, 310, 670, 3489, 29889, 910, 5771, 443, 1333, 7612, 2745, 278, 4847, 14517, 278, 2507, 322, 5717, 2501, 3654, 313, 4716, 7389, 6511, 304, 19060, 6561, 1218, 467, 13, 23036, 278, 5881, 471, 17845, 322, 278, 3489, 750, 451, 1063, 528, 3096, 839, 29892, 445, 471, 263, 1407, 4780, 6434, 304, 2329, 29901, 1334, 3763, 3614, 278, 5881, 393, 750, 1063, 17845, 714, 310, 12279, 29915, 29879, 1361, 322, 278, 5970, 5320, 15889, 310, 393, 4847, 29915, 29879, 3489, 29892, 9132, 1438, 4832, 15889, 304, 278, 23995, 296, 363, 23906, 697, 393, 723, 679, 620, 29882, 3096, 839, 29892, 322, 12279, 1754, 263, 7348, 22611, 278, 5320, 9886, 15889, 29889, 13, 1762, 29877, 5683, 304, 1735, 13, 3301, 338, 472, 29871, 29896, 2834, 322, 4320, 29879, 2787, 5826, 5790, 714, 310, 501, 6050, 990, 29892, 323, 3424, 310, 612, 1450, 29887, 29885, 720, 29892, 382, 4099, 310, 501, 5359, 29892, 382, 430, 336, 2526, 18057, 322, 3467, 11242, 273, 17300, 29889, 3645, 445, 29892, 6910, 1163, 29901, 13, 29940, 3301, 16726, 540, 1497, 29901, 376, 3492, 2125, 29871, 29896, 1492, 29973, 613, 297, 2933, 304, 607, 12279, 7120, 670, 12625, 322, 4687, 443, 29873, 20304, 670, 3467, 11242, 273, 17300, 304, 18751, 263, 6996, 17300, 29889, 13, 3301, 16726, 540, 471, 451, 7743, 260, 20304, 670, 12625, 322, 471, 1603, 2553, 1218, 920, 304, 5146, 363, 670, 24779, 746, 405, 3301, 27803, 1075, 29889, 13, 29923, 854, 565, 896, 505, 1422, 380, 2925, 1244, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 4658, 738, 471, 19214, 29889, 17296, 1556, 5517, 9559, 4359, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29889, 13, 797, 1316, 18845, 29892, 278, 1820, 338, 304, 14707, 3692, 372, 471, 15590, 363, 405, 3301, 304, 4658, 12279, 471, 7743, 23013, 670, 24779, 470, 3692, 591, 471, 364, 21616, 372, 322, 3692, 29892, 565, 12279, 471, 1048, 304, 1735, 670, 3458, 29892, 1058, 1754, 278, 916, 9543, 310, 278, 10171, 29889, 13, 29902, 937, 1898, 304, 1073, 3692, 12625, 892, 260, 17280, 1434, 278, 5881, 471, 4586, 714, 310, 278, 1361, 29889, 306, 1033, 451, 679, 263, 2821, 9659, 362, 29889, 14302, 393, 1063, 278, 1206, 29892, 445, 723, 505, 1063, 263, 4549, 13182, 393, 12279, 471, 2309, 23906, 920, 304, 18751, 670, 12625, 29889, 13, 29902, 769, 1898, 304, 1073, 3692, 263, 3646, 750, 1063, 9326, 363, 2787, 5826, 5790, 29915, 29879, 4320, 7135, 29889, 9134, 10769, 15502, 372, 750, 451, 9559, 29889, 13, 7058, 29915, 29879, 697, 310, 278, 1206, 988, 306, 817, 304, 1207, 263, 10608, 29892, 1584, 565, 306, 2609, 1073, 3721, 825, 9559, 29892, 322 ]
there's a probability that everything happened at the same time. In the end, it felt to me that NAP had many reasons to genuinely believe AP was finished casting his spell. Both players had agreed that the lands were tapped neatly (confirmed by the demonstration I requested AP to do for me). Since NAP intervened first, I felt he was the one who had hinted AP about his mistake and I ruled that AP made a mistake and took one green mana from his Karplusan Forest. Trying to perform an action that does not exist NAP activates Academy Ruins targeting Ensnaring Bridge. AP says: "In response to the Bridge going to the top, I'll Ghost Quarter Academy Ruins. NAP is confused and they call the judge. What AP says cannot happen. It doesn't mean anything. When asked to clarify what he means, he kept saying the same thing. When asked whether he wanted to activate Ghost Quarter in response to Academy Ruins (which is the closest fanciable meaning, despite being strategically arguable), he replies negatively. In the end, we decided to tell him clearly that he could only activate Ghost Quarter before the ability resolves or after it resolved, but he can't do anything in between. He then asked whether he still had an opportunity to do something after the ability would resolve, since he was the active player and he had said "Go" already. At that moment we understood what he tried to mean: He wanted to make sure he would have priority before the turn would pass. For what it's worth, NAP chose to not search for a land when Ghost Quarter's ability resolved and he still drew his Ensnaring Bridge! AP casts Fiend Hunter, which resolves. AP briefly touches NAP's Kitchen Finks before targeting Viscera Seer. Then AP responds by Aether Vialing a Kor Skyfisher on the battlefield, bouncing Fiend Hunter so that the target would be exiled forever NAP responds by sacrificing the targeted Kitchen Finks, whose trigger resolves. Then AP says "Exile Viscera Seer?" At which point both players realize they performed a bunch of actions based on a different vision of reality: AP believes he was targeting Viscera Seer, while NAP believed Kitchen Finks is the target. Is one of the players wrong? The first thing to check is whether AP made a mistake when targeting. Both players admit that he initially touch the Finks but that was brief. AP claims he then moved the Fiend towards the Seer and said "Seer" which AP indicates he didn't hear. It is reasonable that they both took time to realize the miscommunication since, from AP's point of view, sacrificing the Finks to Scry makes total sense considering Viscera Seer is to leave the battlefield soon and NAP needs to work on reassembling the combo. Additionally, the Finks as a blocker is fairly useless in the situation. From NAP's point of view, he simply doesn't want Finks to be exiled. Based on the fact that everything was, according to both players, fairly brief and without any evidence of a lie from any player, I concluded that the target should have been Viscera Seer. Since there was some confusion, I also concluded that it was unreasonable to tie NAP to his choices, which were based on a wrong game state. Now it boils down to whether we can back this up easily or not. Before moving further, I would like to draw attention again on the fact that miscommunication should not always lead to a backup. Backing up should be the result of a well-thought process and not the default solution. I expand on this tough topic in this article. Backing up? There are a few elements that need to be backed up, in order: NAP's Scry 1 Put Fiend Hunter back on the battlefield Put Kor Skyfisher back to hand Untap Aether Vial This would backup the Game State to the point Fiend Hunter's triggered ability is on the stack, waiting for its target to be properly announced. If 2 and 4 are fairly straightforward, 1 and 3 may be more difficult. Rewinding Scry is easier than it looks. You simply need to confirm with both players where the card went and reshuffle the random portion of the library (so as to make sure no other scries get unduly reshuffled). Since the card remained in the library, at worst moving from the top to the bottom,
[ 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 6976, 393, 4129, 9559, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 1095, 29892, 372, 7091, 304, 592, 393, 405, 3301, 750, 1784, 9590, 304, 29120, 262, 873, 4658, 12279, 471, 7743, 23013, 670, 24779, 29889, 9134, 10769, 750, 15502, 393, 278, 12625, 892, 260, 17280, 28539, 368, 313, 5527, 381, 2168, 491, 278, 9004, 362, 306, 13877, 12279, 304, 437, 363, 592, 467, 4001, 405, 3301, 26314, 287, 937, 29892, 306, 7091, 540, 471, 278, 697, 1058, 750, 13182, 287, 12279, 1048, 670, 10171, 322, 306, 29490, 393, 12279, 1754, 263, 10171, 322, 3614, 697, 7933, 767, 29874, 515, 670, 3467, 11242, 273, 17300, 29889, 13, 15870, 292, 304, 2189, 385, 3158, 393, 947, 451, 1863, 13, 29940, 3301, 5039, 1078, 10355, 9723, 1144, 3646, 292, 1174, 16586, 4362, 16230, 29889, 12279, 4083, 29901, 376, 797, 2933, 304, 278, 16230, 2675, 304, 278, 2246, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 28484, 751, 4254, 10355, 9723, 1144, 29889, 405, 3301, 338, 9613, 322, 896, 1246, 278, 16833, 29889, 13, 5618, 12279, 4083, 2609, 3799, 29889, 739, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2099, 3099, 29889, 1932, 4433, 304, 15544, 825, 540, 2794, 29892, 540, 8126, 5934, 278, 1021, 2655, 29889, 1932, 4433, 3692, 540, 5131, 304, 5039, 403, 28484, 751, 4254, 297, 2933, 304, 10355, 9723, 1144, 313, 4716, 338, 278, 21438, 285, 8463, 519, 6593, 29892, 15020, 1641, 16650, 1711, 1852, 29884, 519, 511, 540, 1634, 3687, 3480, 6703, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 1095, 29892, 591, 8459, 304, 2649, 1075, 9436, 393, 540, 1033, 871, 5039, 403, 28484, 751, 4254, 1434, 278, 11509, 3770, 1960, 470, 1156, 372, 11527, 29892, 541, 540, 508, 29915, 29873, 437, 3099, 297, 1546, 29889, 13, 3868, 769, 4433, 3692, 540, 1603, 750, 385, 15130, 304, 437, 1554, 1156, 278, 11509, 723, 8814, 29892, 1951, 540, 471, 278, 6136, 4847, 322, 540, 750, 1497, 376, 8120, 29908, 2307, 29889, 2180, 393, 3256, 591, 11098, 825, 540, 1898, 304, 2099, 29901, 940, 5131, 304, 1207, 1854, 540, 723, 505, 20136, 1434, 278, 2507, 723, 1209, 29889, 13, 2831, 825, 372, 29915, 29879, 7088, 29892, 405, 3301, 12784, 304, 451, 2740, 363, 263, 2982, 746, 28484, 751, 4254, 29915, 29879, 11509, 11527, 322, 540, 1603, 15010, 670, 1174, 16586, 4362, 16230, 29991, 13, 3301, 4320, 29879, 383, 29875, 355, 25703, 29892, 607, 3770, 1960, 29889, 12279, 23359, 6023, 267, 405, 3301, 29915, 29879, 476, 23213, 383, 19363, 1434, 3646, 292, 5741, 23322, 922, 261, 29889, 13, 11760, 12279, 10049, 29879, 491, 319, 1979, 478, 616, 292, 263, 12555, 16572, 15161, 261, 373, 278, 10555, 2671, 29892, 289, 1309, 3277, 383, 29875, 355, 25703, 577, 393, 278, 3646, 723, 367, 429, 2356, 22296, 13, 29940, 3301, 10049, 29879, 491, 26285, 292, 278, 3646, 287, 476, 23213, 383, 19363, 29892, 5069, 7135, 3770, 1960, 29889, 13, 11760, 12279, 4083, 376, 1252, 488, 5741, 23322, 922, 261, 3026, 13, 4178, 607, 1298, 1716, 10769, 16289, 896, 8560, 263, 14928, 310, 8820, 2729, 373, 263, 1422, 18551, 310, 16832, 29901, 12279, 1339, 17180, 540, 471, 3646, 292, 5741, 23322, 922, 261, 29892, 1550, 405, 3301, 13112, 476, 23213, 383, 19363, 338, 278, 3646, 29889, 13, 3624, 697, 310, 278, 10769, 2743, 29973, 13, 1576, 937, 2655, 304, 1423, 338, 3692, 12279, 1754, 263, 10171, 746, 3646, 292, 29889, 13, 29933, 720, 10769, 20000, 393, 540, 12919, 6023, 278, 383, 19363, 541, 393, 471, 11473, 29889, 12279, 16726, 540, 769, 6153, 278, 383, 29875, 355, 7113, 278, 922, 261, 322, 1497, 376, 2008, 261, 29908, 607, 12279, 14088, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 8293, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 15590, 393, 896, 1716, 3614, 931, 304, 16289, 278, 3984, 27820, 362, 1951, 29892, 515, 12279, 29915, 29879, 1298, 310, 1776, 29892, 26285, 292, 278, 383, 19363, 304, 2522, 719, 3732, 3001, 4060, 13858, 5741, 23322, 922, 261, 338, 304, 5967, 278, 10555, 2671, 4720, 322, 405, 3301, 4225, 304, 664, 373, 337, 465, 1590, 1847, 278, 419, 833, 29889, 19814, 29892, 278, 383, 19363, 408, 263, 2908, 261, 338, 12558, 19315, 297, 278, 6434, 29889, 3645, 405, 3301, 29915, 29879, 1298, 310, 1776, 29892, 540, 3763, 1838, 29915, 29873, 864, 383, 19363, 304, 367, 429, 2356, 29889, 13, 29933, 1463, 373, 278, 2114, 393, 4129, 471, 29892, 5034, 304, 1716, 10769, 29892, 12558, 11473, 322, 1728, 738, 10757, 310, 263, 3804, 515, 738, 4847, 29892, 306, 22834, 393, 278, 3646, 881, 505, 1063, 5741, 23322, 922, 261, 29889, 13, 23036, 727, 471, 777, 14679, 29892, 306, 884, 22834, 393, 372, 471, 443, 23147, 519, 304, 22134, 405, 3301, 304, 670, 19995, 29892, 607, 892, 2729, 373, 263, 2743, 3748, 2106, 29889, 2567, 372, 1045, 2719, 1623, 304, 3692, 591, 508, 1250, 445, 701, 5948, 470, 451, 29889, 13, 18743, 8401, 4340, 29892, 306, 723, 763, 304, 4216, 8570, 1449, 373, 278, 2114, 393, 3984, 27820, 362, 881, 451, 2337, 3275, 304, 263, 16199, 29889, 7437, 292, 701, 881, 367, 278, 1121, 310, 263, 1532, 29899, 386, 1774, 1889, 322, 451, 278, 2322, 1650, 29889, 13, 29902, 7985, 373, 445, 260, 820, 11261, 297, 445, 4274, 29889, 13, 5841, 292, 701, 29973, 13, 8439, 526, 263, 2846, 3161, 393, 817, 304, 367, 1250, 287, 701, 29892, 297, 1797, 29901, 13, 29940, 3301, 29915, 29879, 2522, 719, 29871, 29896, 13, 22908, 383, 29875, 355, 25703, 1250, 373, 278, 10555, 2671, 13, 22908, 12555, 16572, 15161, 261, 1250, 304, 1361, 13, 29965, 593, 481, 319, 1979, 478, 616, 13, 4013, 723, 16199, 278, 8448, 4306, 304, 278, 1298, 383, 29875, 355, 25703, 29915, 29879, 19799, 11509, 338, 373, 278, 5096, 29892, 10534, 363, 967, 3646, 304, 367, 6284, 9326, 29889, 13, 3644, 29871, 29906, 322, 29871, 29946, 526, 12558, 20837, 29892, 29871, 29896, 322, 29871, 29941, 1122, 367, 901, 5189, 29889, 13, 29934, 809, 4015, 2522, 719, 338, 6775, 1135, 372, 3430, 29889, 887, 3763, 817, 304, 9659, 411, 1716, 10769, 988, 278, 5881, 3512, 322, 620, 29882, 21897, 278, 4036, 11910, 310, 278, 3489, 313, 578, 408, 304, 1207, 1854, 694, 916, 27438, 267, 679, 563, 11850, 620, 29882, 3096, 839, 467, 4001, 278, 5881, 9488, 297, 278, 3489, 29892, 472, 17322, 8401, 515, 278, 2246, 304, 278, 5970, 29892 ]
that's 100% doable. The worst part of this backup is certainly to send Kor Skyfisher back to AP's hand. Indeed, he has revealed a hidden information that could alter the game, allowing NAP to play around it. However, AP didn't show this card based on the misunderstanding, since it wasn't yet a misunderstanding. After putting the trigger on the stack, he retained priority to activate Aether Vial. You always need to be very cautious to backup through hidden information revealed as this can strongly alter the lines of play. In this case, this felt safe enough that I chose to back up to Fiend Hunter's triggered ability on the stack. AP clarified he targeted the Viscera Seer, then activated Aether Vial to bring Skyfisher on the battlefield, returning Fiend Hunter to his hand. NAP sacrificed Viscera Seer only, scrying 1, and the game resumed. That looked almost like a partial fix, which makes me feel that this back up was a great one. More information on this in this article! Aftermath 2 From a discussion with Eskil Myrenberg Eskil Myrenberg After a more careful consideration, it seems that a better call was: Clarify that Fiend Hunter has targeted Viscera Seer, maintain that Aether Vial was activated in response. Play resumes at that point. Indeed, AP claimed at all times that he wanted to target Seer so there is no way he should get a chance to change his mind. And since he had to retain priority to activate Aether Vial, nothing should be able to change until then. Afterwards, NAP had a priority so it's important that he keeps a chance to interact in a different way, now that he has another information about which creature was targeted. Overall, it didn't change much but that would have been safer, especially as it was potentially preventing hidden information from interfering in the sequence of plays. Judges of Note John Brian McCarthy Those who worked me at GPs know I have mixed feelings about Staff Pictures. If they're generally great and actually enhancing the player experience at well-paced events (quite a few players like to also take pictures of the staff), they can harm experience when the event is on the slow end, since some players do perceive it as an "additional loss of time", which, despite we make sure it is not the case, is a reasonable feeling for players to have. Staff pictures will be great when they've been organized upfront and they look professional. This requires the Photographer to actually anticipate on the matter and take ownership of its organization. I have to say that GP Detroit's Staff picture is one of the best that I've experienced to that extent: Prior to the event, John Brian McCarthy contacted Lems and I with two alternatives of a comprehensive plan so we can make the decision that fits us best. Then, he proactively organized it and reminded us when we needed to do something to make it happen. Yes, I mean that he gave us instructions so that his project would not be an additional responsibility on us but something that would flow in our plan. Also, he wrote and posted a guide to getting a judge Photo taken. Dan brought to my attention a possible Cheating situation where AP did not draw NAP's attention to a detrimental trigger that AP had missed. Since this was discovered after the match ended, it required going back and forth to both players at the beginning of the following round to determine the exact circumstances of the infraction, then what happened afterwards. Since all HJs were very busy with appeals in Detroit, as this was a Modern GP, Dan led most of the investigation on his own, only involving me when we needed to confront AP, overall giving me enough elements to make a safe decision without keeping me away from the Main Event for too long. Also, for what it's worth, I in the end did believe the player when he said that he didn't realize the mistake until the game was over and he sincerely believed calling the judge was useless since the whole thing was already over anyway. In a word, I don't think he tried to gain an advantage by not calling the judge, which is one of the required criteria to identify Cheating. I made sure to let the player know he received a Warning that we would mention that this was suspicious and he now knows that he must call the judge as soon as he discovers something went wrong somehow, even if we're way past the point the judge can actually do anything. Kevin Desprez.
[ 393, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29995, 437, 519, 29889, 13, 1576, 17322, 760, 310, 445, 16199, 338, 8959, 304, 3638, 12555, 16572, 15161, 261, 1250, 304, 12279, 29915, 29879, 1361, 29889, 14598, 29892, 540, 756, 17845, 263, 7934, 2472, 393, 1033, 10551, 278, 3748, 29892, 14372, 405, 3301, 304, 1708, 2820, 372, 29889, 2398, 29892, 12279, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1510, 445, 5881, 2729, 373, 278, 19818, 11235, 29892, 1951, 372, 9007, 29915, 29873, 3447, 263, 19818, 11235, 29889, 2860, 10594, 278, 7135, 373, 278, 5096, 29892, 540, 26060, 20136, 304, 5039, 403, 319, 1979, 478, 616, 29889, 13, 3492, 2337, 817, 304, 367, 1407, 274, 1300, 2738, 304, 16199, 1549, 7934, 2472, 17845, 408, 445, 508, 13818, 10551, 278, 3454, 310, 1708, 29889, 13, 797, 445, 1206, 29892, 445, 7091, 9109, 3307, 393, 306, 12784, 304, 1250, 701, 304, 383, 29875, 355, 25703, 29915, 29879, 19799, 11509, 373, 278, 5096, 29889, 13, 3301, 7542, 2164, 540, 3646, 287, 278, 5741, 23322, 922, 261, 29892, 769, 5039, 630, 319, 1979, 478, 616, 304, 6963, 16572, 15161, 261, 373, 278, 10555, 2671, 29892, 7863, 383, 29875, 355, 25703, 304, 670, 1361, 29889, 405, 3301, 26285, 287, 5741, 23322, 922, 261, 871, 29892, 885, 719, 292, 29871, 29896, 29892, 322, 278, 3748, 620, 21571, 29889, 13, 7058, 5148, 4359, 763, 263, 7687, 2329, 29892, 607, 3732, 592, 4459, 393, 445, 1250, 701, 471, 263, 2107, 697, 29889, 5853, 2472, 373, 445, 297, 445, 4274, 29991, 13, 13555, 755, 29871, 29906, 13, 4591, 263, 10679, 411, 382, 808, 309, 1619, 1267, 2552, 13, 29923, 808, 309, 1619, 1267, 2552, 13, 13555, 263, 901, 16010, 19220, 29892, 372, 2444, 393, 263, 2253, 1246, 471, 29901, 15183, 1598, 393, 383, 29875, 355, 25703, 756, 3646, 287, 5741, 23322, 922, 261, 29892, 7344, 393, 319, 1979, 478, 616, 471, 5039, 630, 297, 2933, 29889, 7412, 620, 9351, 472, 393, 1298, 29889, 13, 2568, 12613, 29892, 12279, 17049, 472, 599, 3064, 393, 540, 5131, 304, 3646, 922, 261, 577, 727, 338, 694, 982, 540, 881, 679, 263, 8825, 304, 1735, 670, 3458, 29889, 1126, 1951, 540, 750, 304, 11551, 20136, 304, 5039, 403, 319, 1979, 478, 616, 29892, 3078, 881, 367, 2221, 304, 1735, 2745, 769, 29889, 13, 13555, 2935, 29892, 405, 3301, 750, 263, 20136, 577, 372, 29915, 29879, 4100, 393, 540, 14874, 263, 8825, 304, 16254, 297, 263, 1422, 982, 29892, 1286, 393, 540, 756, 1790, 2472, 1048, 607, 23940, 471, 3646, 287, 29889, 13, 3563, 497, 29892, 372, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1735, 1568, 541, 393, 723, 505, 1063, 872, 571, 29892, 7148, 408, 372, 471, 19998, 5557, 292, 7934, 2472, 515, 1006, 571, 292, 297, 278, 5665, 310, 13582, 29889, 13, 29967, 566, 2710, 310, 3940, 13, 11639, 15733, 4052, 8179, 21155, 13, 1349, 852, 1058, 3796, 592, 472, 28258, 29879, 1073, 306, 505, 12849, 21737, 1048, 15351, 26069, 29889, 960, 896, 29915, 276, 6892, 2107, 322, 2869, 427, 5403, 3277, 278, 4847, 7271, 472, 1532, 29899, 29886, 562, 287, 4959, 313, 339, 568, 263, 2846, 10769, 763, 304, 884, 2125, 14956, 310, 278, 13925, 511, 896, 508, 10311, 7271, 746, 278, 1741, 338, 373, 278, 5232, 1095, 29892, 1951, 777, 10769, 437, 17189, 573, 372, 408, 385, 376, 1202, 3245, 6410, 310, 931, 613, 607, 29892, 15020, 591, 1207, 1854, 372, 338, 451, 278, 1206, 29892, 338, 263, 15590, 11223, 363, 10769, 304, 505, 29889, 13, 855, 3470, 14956, 674, 367, 2107, 746, 896, 29915, 345, 1063, 19098, 701, 8862, 322, 896, 1106, 10257, 29889, 910, 6858, 278, 19040, 1946, 261, 304, 2869, 23483, 403, 373, 278, 4383, 322, 2125, 27428, 310, 967, 13013, 29889, 13, 29902, 505, 304, 1827, 393, 28258, 25749, 29915, 29879, 15351, 7623, 338, 697, 310, 278, 1900, 393, 306, 29915, 345, 18860, 304, 393, 15834, 29901, 22096, 304, 278, 1741, 29892, 2259, 15733, 4052, 8179, 21155, 6958, 287, 365, 1567, 322, 306, 411, 1023, 27809, 310, 263, 15171, 6270, 3814, 577, 591, 508, 1207, 278, 10608, 393, 23994, 502, 1900, 29889, 1987, 29892, 540, 410, 627, 3598, 19098, 372, 322, 1083, 513, 287, 502, 746, 591, 4312, 304, 437, 1554, 304, 1207, 372, 3799, 29889, 3869, 29892, 306, 2099, 393, 540, 4846, 502, 11994, 577, 393, 670, 2060, 723, 451, 367, 385, 5684, 23134, 373, 502, 541, 1554, 393, 723, 4972, 297, 1749, 3814, 29889, 13, 17351, 29892, 540, 5456, 322, 8059, 263, 10754, 304, 2805, 263, 16833, 1963, 3747, 4586, 29889, 13, 18529, 6296, 304, 590, 8570, 263, 1950, 6561, 1218, 6434, 988, 12279, 1258, 451, 4216, 405, 3301, 29915, 29879, 8570, 304, 263, 1439, 29878, 2073, 284, 7135, 393, 12279, 750, 13726, 29889, 4001, 445, 471, 10943, 1156, 278, 1993, 9698, 29892, 372, 3734, 2675, 1250, 322, 11483, 304, 1716, 10769, 472, 278, 6763, 310, 278, 1494, 4513, 304, 8161, 278, 2684, 14209, 310, 278, 3041, 13857, 29892, 769, 825, 9559, 12335, 29889, 13, 23036, 599, 379, 25498, 892, 1407, 19587, 411, 5929, 1338, 297, 25749, 29892, 408, 445, 471, 263, 14624, 28258, 29892, 3951, 5331, 1556, 310, 278, 22522, 373, 670, 1914, 29892, 871, 21677, 592, 746, 591, 4312, 304, 21751, 12279, 29892, 12463, 6820, 592, 3307, 3161, 304, 1207, 263, 9109, 10608, 1728, 12515, 592, 3448, 515, 278, 4241, 6864, 363, 2086, 1472, 29889, 13, 17351, 29892, 363, 825, 372, 29915, 29879, 7088, 29892, 306, 297, 278, 1095, 1258, 4658, 278, 4847, 746, 540, 1497, 393, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 16289, 278, 10171, 2745, 278, 3748, 471, 975, 322, 540, 4457, 2265, 873, 13112, 5432, 278, 16833, 471, 19315, 1951, 278, 3353, 2655, 471, 2307, 975, 8763, 29889, 512, 263, 1734, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 540, 1898, 304, 11581, 385, 10631, 491, 451, 5432, 278, 16833, 29892, 607, 338, 697, 310, 278, 3734, 16614, 304, 12439, 6561, 1218, 29889, 13, 29902, 1754, 1854, 304, 1235, 278, 4847, 1073, 540, 4520, 263, 24412, 393, 591, 723, 3585, 393, 445, 471, 8872, 14803, 322, 540, 1286, 9906, 393, 540, 1818, 1246, 278, 16833, 408, 4720, 408, 540, 17021, 874, 1554, 3512, 2743, 10431, 29892, 1584, 565, 591, 29915, 276, 982, 4940, 278, 1298, 278, 16833, 508, 2869, 437, 3099, 29889, 13, 9598, 3845, 2726, 1457, 29920, 29889 ]
THE TURK AND THE FUTURISTS MR. ADRIAN CROOKE was a successful chemist whose shop was in the neighbourhood of Victoria, but his face expressed more than is generally required in a successful chemist. It was a curious face, prematurely old and like parchment, but acute and decisive, with real headwork in every line of it. Nor was his conversation, when he did converse, out of keeping with this: he had lived in many countries, and had a rich store of anecdote about the more quaint and sometimes the more sinister side of his work, visions of the vapour of eastern drugs or guesses at the ingredients of Renascence poisons. He himself, it need hardly be said, was a most respectable and reliable apothecary, or he would not have had the custom of families, especially among the upper classes; but he enjoyed as a hobby, the study of the dark days and lands where his science had lain sometimes on the borders of magic and sometimes upon the borders of murder. Hence it often happened that persons, who in their serious senses were well aware of his harmless and useful habits, would leave his shop on some murky and foggy night, with their heads so full of wild tales of the eating of hemp or the poisoning of roses, they could hardly help fancying that the shop, with its glowing moon of crimson or saffron, like bowls of blood and sulphur, was really a house of the Black Art. It was doubtless for such conversational pleasures, in part, that Hibbs However entered the shop; as well as for a small glass of the same restorative medicine which he had been taking when Leveson found him by the open window. But this did not prevent Hibbs from expressing considerable surprise and some embarrassment when Leveson entered the same chemist's and asked for the same chemical. Indeed, Leveson looked harassed and weary enough to want it. "You've been out of town, haven't you?" said Leveson. "No luck. They got away again on some quibble. The police wouldn't make the arrest; and even old Meadows thought it might be illegal. I'm sick of it. Where are you going?" "I thought," said Mr. Hibbs, "of dropping in at this Post-Futurist exhibition. I believe Lord Ivywood will be there; he is showing it to the Prophet. I don't pretend to know much about art, but I hear it's very fine." There was a long silence and Mr. Leveson said, "People always prejudiced against new ideas." Then there was another long silence and Mr. Hibbs said, "After all, they said the same of Whistler." Refreshed by this ritual, Mr. Leveson became conscious of the existence of Crooke, and said to him, cheerfully, "That's so in your department, too, isn't it? I suppose the greatest pioneers in chemistry were unpopular in their own time." "Look at the Borgias," said Mr. Crooke. "They got themselves quite disliked." "You're very flippant, you know," said Leveson, in a fatigued way. "Well, so long. Are you coming, Hibbs?" And the two gentlemen, who were both attired in high hats and afternoon callers' coats, betook themselves down the street. It was a fine, sunny day, the twin of the day before that had shone so brightly on the white town of Peaceways; and their walk was a pleasant one, along a handsome street with high houses and small trees that overlooked the river all the way. For the pictures were exhibited in a small but famous gallery, a rather rococo building of which the entrance steps almost descended upon the Thames. The building was girt on both sides and behind with gaudy flower-beds, and on the top of the steps, in front of the Byzantine doorway, stood their old friend, Misysra Ammon, smiling broadly, and in an unusually sumptuous costume. But even the sight of that fragrant eastern flower did not seem to revive altogether the spirits of the drooping Secretary. "You have coome," said the beaming Prophet, "to see the decoration? It is approo-ooved. I haf approo-ooved it." "We came to see the Post-F
[ 6093, 323, 4574, 29968, 5300, 6093, 383, 2692, 15551, 1254, 29903, 13, 21055, 29889, 11033, 3960, 2190, 315, 1672, 29949, 6059, 471, 263, 9150, 8950, 391, 5069, 18296, 471, 297, 278, 29643, 310, 14212, 29892, 541, 670, 3700, 13384, 901, 1135, 338, 6892, 3734, 297, 263, 9150, 8950, 391, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 12758, 3700, 29892, 5188, 1535, 368, 2030, 322, 763, 610, 305, 358, 29892, 541, 1274, 1082, 322, 22442, 573, 29892, 411, 1855, 2343, 1287, 297, 1432, 1196, 310, 372, 29889, 4186, 471, 670, 14983, 29892, 746, 540, 1258, 378, 3901, 29892, 714, 310, 12515, 411, 445, 29901, 540, 750, 10600, 297, 1784, 10916, 29892, 322, 750, 263, 8261, 3787, 310, 385, 687, 29881, 866, 1048, 278, 901, 439, 2365, 322, 6041, 278, 901, 4457, 1531, 2625, 310, 670, 664, 29892, 1998, 1080, 310, 278, 325, 481, 473, 310, 18632, 5883, 3174, 470, 4140, 267, 472, 278, 2348, 1127, 10070, 310, 7493, 6151, 663, 772, 14125, 29889, 940, 3654, 29892, 372, 817, 15155, 367, 1497, 29892, 471, 263, 1556, 3390, 519, 322, 23279, 3095, 10323, 29883, 653, 29892, 470, 540, 723, 451, 505, 750, 278, 2888, 310, 13175, 29892, 7148, 4249, 278, 7568, 4413, 29936, 541, 540, 27849, 408, 263, 298, 711, 1609, 29892, 278, 6559, 310, 278, 6501, 3841, 322, 12625, 988, 670, 10466, 750, 425, 262, 6041, 373, 278, 28199, 310, 15709, 322, 6041, 2501, 278, 28199, 310, 13406, 29889, 10133, 372, 4049, 9559, 393, 12407, 29892, 1058, 297, 1009, 10676, 4771, 267, 892, 1532, 9543, 310, 670, 4023, 828, 404, 322, 5407, 2299, 1169, 29892, 723, 5967, 670, 18296, 373, 777, 7167, 3459, 322, 16847, 1927, 4646, 29892, 411, 1009, 15883, 577, 2989, 310, 8775, 29763, 310, 278, 321, 1218, 310, 298, 3451, 470, 278, 27908, 292, 310, 14652, 267, 29892, 896, 1033, 15155, 1371, 19231, 292, 393, 278, 18296, 29892, 411, 967, 330, 677, 292, 18786, 310, 15116, 1100, 470, 872, 600, 1617, 29892, 763, 12580, 3137, 310, 10416, 322, 5394, 561, 332, 29892, 471, 2289, 263, 3699, 310, 278, 6054, 3012, 29889, 13, 3112, 471, 7404, 2222, 363, 1316, 9678, 1288, 5644, 25414, 29892, 297, 760, 29892, 393, 379, 747, 5824, 2398, 7802, 278, 18296, 29936, 408, 1532, 408, 363, 263, 2319, 12917, 310, 278, 1021, 1791, 272, 1230, 26602, 607, 540, 750, 1063, 5622, 746, 951, 1960, 265, 1476, 1075, 491, 278, 1722, 3474, 29889, 1205, 445, 1258, 451, 5557, 379, 747, 5824, 515, 4653, 292, 15620, 16671, 322, 777, 21620, 26771, 358, 746, 951, 1960, 265, 7802, 278, 1021, 8950, 391, 29915, 29879, 322, 4433, 363, 278, 1021, 22233, 29889, 14598, 29892, 951, 1960, 265, 5148, 4023, 465, 287, 322, 591, 653, 3307, 304, 864, 372, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 29915, 345, 1063, 714, 310, 4726, 29892, 7359, 29915, 29873, 366, 3026, 1497, 951, 1960, 265, 29889, 376, 3782, 9885, 29889, 2688, 2355, 3448, 1449, 373, 777, 439, 747, 569, 29889, 450, 10974, 7656, 29915, 29873, 1207, 278, 22564, 29936, 322, 1584, 2030, 341, 1479, 1242, 2714, 372, 1795, 367, 27302, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 17319, 310, 372, 29889, 6804, 526, 366, 2675, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 2714, 1699, 1497, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 29892, 376, 974, 4441, 3262, 297, 472, 445, 4918, 29899, 29943, 329, 332, 391, 29130, 29889, 306, 4658, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 674, 367, 727, 29936, 540, 338, 6445, 372, 304, 278, 1019, 561, 300, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 14794, 355, 304, 1073, 1568, 1048, 1616, 29892, 541, 306, 8293, 372, 29915, 29879, 1407, 2691, 1213, 13, 8439, 471, 263, 1472, 15142, 322, 3237, 29889, 951, 1960, 265, 1497, 29892, 376, 15666, 1991, 2337, 758, 17675, 7612, 2750, 716, 7014, 1213, 13, 11760, 727, 471, 1790, 1472, 15142, 322, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 1497, 29892, 376, 13555, 599, 29892, 896, 1497, 278, 1021, 310, 806, 391, 1358, 1213, 13, 27132, 287, 491, 445, 10421, 950, 29892, 3237, 29889, 951, 1960, 265, 3897, 19861, 310, 278, 10379, 310, 8764, 6946, 29892, 322, 1497, 304, 1075, 29892, 22794, 3730, 29892, 376, 7058, 29915, 29879, 577, 297, 596, 14311, 29892, 2086, 29892, 3508, 29915, 29873, 372, 29973, 306, 7755, 278, 14176, 29323, 414, 297, 8950, 6020, 892, 443, 7323, 1070, 297, 1009, 1914, 931, 1213, 13, 29908, 14959, 472, 278, 20918, 3173, 1699, 1497, 3237, 29889, 8764, 6946, 29889, 376, 15597, 2355, 6053, 3755, 766, 5081, 287, 1213, 13, 29908, 3492, 29915, 276, 1407, 285, 492, 407, 424, 29892, 366, 1073, 1699, 1497, 951, 1960, 265, 29892, 297, 263, 9950, 5526, 287, 982, 29889, 376, 11284, 29892, 577, 1472, 29889, 4683, 366, 6421, 29892, 379, 747, 5824, 3026, 13, 2855, 278, 1023, 26703, 29892, 1058, 892, 1716, 1098, 2859, 297, 1880, 298, 1446, 322, 17724, 1246, 414, 29915, 1302, 1446, 29892, 1010, 2550, 6053, 1623, 278, 11952, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 2691, 29892, 6575, 1460, 2462, 29892, 278, 3252, 262, 310, 278, 2462, 1434, 393, 750, 528, 650, 577, 11785, 368, 373, 278, 4796, 4726, 310, 24819, 1994, 29936, 322, 1009, 6686, 471, 263, 21246, 697, 29892, 3412, 263, 1361, 5372, 11952, 411, 1880, 12955, 322, 2319, 10697, 393, 975, 6914, 287, 278, 8580, 599, 278, 982, 29889, 1152, 278, 14956, 892, 10371, 1573, 297, 263, 2319, 541, 13834, 23363, 29892, 263, 3265, 696, 29883, 6235, 5214, 310, 607, 278, 19546, 6576, 4359, 5153, 2760, 2501, 278, 498, 1280, 29889, 450, 5214, 471, 330, 2728, 373, 1716, 11192, 322, 5742, 411, 10364, 566, 29891, 28149, 29899, 2580, 29879, 29892, 322, 373, 278, 2246, 310, 278, 6576, 29892, 297, 4565, 310, 278, 2648, 29920, 20578, 3050, 1582, 29892, 8389, 1009, 2030, 5121, 29892, 20929, 952, 336, 1913, 3712, 29892, 1560, 6504, 7300, 368, 29892, 322, 297, 385, 18325, 1474, 2533, 415, 17269, 3438, 2017, 29889, 1205, 1584, 278, 11126, 310, 393, 5227, 629, 424, 18632, 28149, 1258, 451, 2833, 304, 6664, 573, 19148, 278, 26829, 310, 278, 4441, 459, 292, 17719, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 505, 1302, 608, 1699, 1497, 278, 367, 11500, 1019, 561, 300, 29892, 376, 517, 1074, 278, 10200, 362, 29973, 739, 338, 2134, 29877, 29899, 29877, 8238, 29889, 306, 447, 29888, 2134, 29877, 29899, 29877, 8238, 372, 1213, 13, 29908, 4806, 2996, 304, 1074, 278, 4918, 29899, 29943 ]
uturist pictures," began Hibbs; but Leveson was silent. "There are no pictures," said the Turk, simply, "if there had been I could not haf approo-ooved. For those of our Religion pictures are not goo-ood; they are Idols, my friendss. Loo-ook in there," and he turned and darted a solemn forefinger just under his nose toward the gates of the gallery; "Loo-ook in there and you will find no Idols. No Idols at all. I have most carefully loo-ooked into every one of the frames. Every one I have approo-ooved. No trace of ze Man form. No trace of ze Animal form. All decoration as goo-ood as the goo-oodest of carpets; it harms not. Lord Ivywood smile of happiness; for I tell him Islam indeed progresses. Ze old Moslems allow to draw the picture of the vegetable. Here I hunt even for the vegetable. And there is no vegetable." Hibbs, whose trade was tact, naturally did not think it wise that the eminent Misysra should go on lecturing from a tall flight of steps to the whole street and river, so he had slipped past with a general proposal to go in and see. The Prophet and the Secretary followed; and all entered the outer hall where Lord Ivywood stood with the white face of a statue. He was the only statue the New Moslems were allowed to worship. On a sofa like a purple island in the middle of the sea of floor sat Enid Wimpole, talking eagerly to her cousin, Dorian; doing, in fact, her best to prevent the family quarrel, which threatened to follow hard on the incident at Westminster. In the deeper perspective of the rooms Lady Joan Brett was floating about. And if her attitude before the Post-Futurist pictures could not be called humble, or even inquiring, it is but just to that school to say that she seemed to be quite as bored with the floor that she walked on, and the parasol she held. Bit by bit other figures or groups of that world drifted through the Exhibition of the Post-Futurists. It is a very small world, but it is just big enough and just small enough to govern a country–that is, a country with no religion. And it has all the vanity of a mob; and all the reticence of a secret society. Leveson instantly went up to Lord Ivywood, pulled papers from his pocket and was plainly telling him of the escape from Peaceways. Ivywood's face hardly changed; he was, or felt, above some things; and one of them was blaming a servant before the servant's social superiors. But no one could say he looked less like cold marble than before. "I made all possible inquiries about their subsequent route," the Secretary was heard saying, "and the most serious feature is that they seem to have taken the road for London." "Quite so," replied the statue, "they will be easier to capture here." Lady Enid, by a series of assurances (most of which were, I regret to say, lies) had succeeded in preventing the scandal of her cousin, Dorian, actually cutting her cousin, Philip. But she knew very little of the masculine temper if she really thought she had prevented the profound intellectual revolt of the poet against the politician. Ever since he heard Mr. Hibbs say, "Yars! Yars!", and order his arrest by a common policeman, the feelings of Dorian Wimpole had flowed for some four days and nights in a direction highly contrary to the ideals of Mr. Hibbs, and the sudden appearance of that blameless diplomatist quickened the mental current to a cataract. But as he could not insult Hibbs, whom socially he did not even know; and could not insult Ivywood, with whom he had just had a formal reconciliation, it was absolutely necessary that he should insult something else instead. All watchers for the Dawn will be deeply distressed to know that the Post-Futurist School of Painting received the full effects of this perverted wrath. In vain did Mr. Leveson affirm from time to time, "People always prejudiced against new ideas." Vainly did Mr. Hibbs say at the proper intervals, "After all, they said the same of Whistler." Not by such decent formalities was the frenzy of Dorian to be appeased.
[ 329, 332, 391, 14956, 1699, 4689, 379, 747, 5824, 29936, 541, 951, 1960, 265, 471, 17436, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 526, 694, 14956, 1699, 1497, 278, 16559, 29892, 3763, 29892, 376, 361, 727, 750, 1063, 306, 1033, 451, 447, 29888, 2134, 29877, 29899, 29877, 8238, 29889, 1152, 1906, 310, 1749, 27099, 14956, 526, 451, 748, 29877, 29899, 2092, 29936, 896, 526, 5163, 3775, 29892, 590, 5121, 893, 29889, 365, 3634, 29899, 2550, 297, 727, 1699, 322, 540, 6077, 322, 270, 442, 287, 263, 26384, 363, 1389, 5621, 925, 1090, 670, 26414, 11183, 278, 29341, 310, 278, 23363, 29936, 376, 3410, 29877, 29899, 2550, 297, 727, 322, 366, 674, 1284, 694, 5163, 3775, 29889, 1939, 5163, 3775, 472, 599, 29889, 306, 505, 1556, 16112, 658, 29877, 29899, 2550, 287, 964, 1432, 697, 310, 278, 16608, 29889, 7569, 697, 306, 505, 2134, 29877, 29899, 29877, 8238, 29889, 1939, 9637, 310, 3777, 2315, 883, 29889, 1939, 9637, 310, 3777, 22809, 883, 29889, 2178, 10200, 362, 408, 748, 29877, 29899, 2092, 408, 278, 748, 29877, 29899, 2092, 342, 310, 1559, 29886, 1691, 29936, 372, 4023, 1516, 451, 29889, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 17819, 310, 22722, 29936, 363, 306, 2649, 1075, 16427, 6200, 6728, 267, 29889, 3091, 2030, 6630, 280, 1516, 2758, 304, 4216, 278, 7623, 310, 278, 18655, 519, 29889, 2266, 306, 298, 1657, 1584, 363, 278, 18655, 519, 29889, 1126, 727, 338, 694, 18655, 519, 1213, 13, 29950, 747, 5824, 29892, 5069, 11302, 471, 28476, 29892, 18180, 1258, 451, 1348, 372, 19396, 393, 278, 953, 8946, 20929, 952, 336, 881, 748, 373, 13081, 3864, 515, 263, 15655, 16286, 310, 6576, 304, 278, 3353, 11952, 322, 8580, 29892, 577, 540, 750, 20662, 2986, 4940, 411, 263, 2498, 24963, 304, 748, 297, 322, 1074, 29889, 450, 1019, 561, 300, 322, 278, 17719, 5643, 29936, 322, 599, 7802, 278, 11420, 12713, 988, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 8389, 411, 278, 4796, 3700, 310, 263, 24870, 29889, 940, 471, 278, 871, 24870, 278, 1570, 6630, 280, 1516, 892, 6068, 304, 26320, 29889, 13, 2951, 263, 577, 5444, 763, 263, 3708, 552, 11359, 297, 278, 7256, 310, 278, 7205, 310, 11904, 3290, 1174, 333, 399, 326, 15831, 29892, 9963, 19888, 368, 304, 902, 22618, 29892, 9579, 713, 29936, 2599, 29892, 297, 2114, 29892, 902, 1900, 304, 5557, 278, 3942, 20089, 2674, 29892, 607, 29513, 304, 1101, 2898, 373, 278, 15134, 472, 3122, 1195, 2475, 29889, 512, 278, 25871, 18520, 310, 278, 19600, 10040, 19317, 5826, 698, 471, 16526, 1048, 29889, 1126, 565, 902, 26309, 1434, 278, 4918, 29899, 29943, 329, 332, 391, 14956, 1033, 451, 367, 2000, 3165, 569, 29892, 470, 1584, 25501, 8491, 29892, 372, 338, 541, 925, 304, 393, 3762, 304, 1827, 393, 1183, 6140, 304, 367, 3755, 408, 289, 4395, 411, 278, 11904, 393, 1183, 17096, 373, 29892, 322, 278, 610, 294, 324, 1183, 4934, 29889, 18531, 491, 2586, 916, 13994, 470, 6471, 310, 393, 3186, 4192, 2027, 287, 1549, 278, 1222, 6335, 654, 310, 278, 4918, 29899, 29943, 329, 332, 2879, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 1407, 2319, 3186, 29892, 541, 372, 338, 925, 4802, 3307, 322, 925, 2319, 3307, 304, 4095, 263, 4234, 29994, 5747, 338, 29892, 263, 4234, 411, 694, 13433, 29889, 1126, 372, 756, 599, 278, 1109, 537, 310, 263, 22458, 29936, 322, 599, 278, 3240, 293, 663, 310, 263, 7035, 12459, 29889, 13, 3226, 1960, 265, 26232, 3512, 701, 304, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 29892, 20043, 15055, 515, 670, 24589, 322, 471, 8656, 368, 14509, 1075, 310, 278, 10169, 515, 24819, 1994, 29889, 306, 13308, 6115, 29915, 29879, 3700, 15155, 3939, 29936, 540, 471, 29892, 470, 7091, 29892, 2038, 777, 2712, 29936, 322, 697, 310, 963, 471, 1999, 11500, 263, 21649, 1434, 278, 21649, 29915, 29879, 5264, 2428, 18930, 29889, 1205, 694, 697, 1033, 1827, 540, 5148, 3109, 763, 11220, 1766, 569, 1135, 1434, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1754, 599, 1950, 297, 6578, 2722, 1048, 1009, 15352, 5782, 1699, 278, 17719, 471, 6091, 5934, 29892, 376, 392, 278, 1556, 10676, 4682, 338, 393, 896, 2833, 304, 505, 4586, 278, 6520, 363, 4517, 1213, 13, 29908, 2182, 568, 577, 1699, 10352, 278, 24870, 29892, 376, 19562, 674, 367, 6775, 304, 10446, 1244, 1213, 13, 29931, 3714, 1174, 333, 29892, 491, 263, 3652, 310, 1223, 332, 2925, 313, 3242, 310, 607, 892, 29892, 306, 28883, 304, 1827, 29892, 12185, 29897, 750, 14792, 297, 5557, 292, 278, 885, 24258, 310, 902, 22618, 29892, 9579, 713, 29892, 2869, 28967, 902, 22618, 29892, 14920, 29889, 1205, 1183, 6363, 1407, 2217, 310, 278, 21799, 457, 6238, 565, 1183, 2289, 2714, 1183, 750, 5557, 287, 278, 2600, 618, 29762, 13819, 29873, 310, 278, 9821, 2750, 278, 14099, 29889, 18274, 1951, 540, 6091, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 1827, 29892, 376, 29979, 1503, 29991, 612, 1503, 29991, 613, 322, 1797, 670, 22564, 491, 263, 3619, 13665, 11422, 29892, 278, 21737, 310, 9579, 713, 399, 326, 15831, 750, 4972, 287, 363, 777, 3023, 3841, 322, 4646, 29879, 297, 263, 5305, 10712, 21138, 304, 278, 1957, 1338, 310, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 29892, 322, 278, 8327, 10097, 310, 393, 1999, 314, 6393, 13487, 271, 391, 4996, 6419, 278, 19119, 1857, 304, 263, 6635, 279, 627, 29889, 1205, 408, 540, 1033, 451, 1663, 499, 379, 747, 5824, 29892, 6029, 5374, 635, 540, 1258, 451, 1584, 1073, 29936, 322, 1033, 451, 1663, 499, 306, 13308, 6115, 29892, 411, 6029, 540, 750, 925, 750, 263, 11595, 8265, 29883, 2638, 362, 29892, 372, 471, 13312, 5181, 393, 540, 881, 1663, 499, 1554, 1683, 2012, 29889, 2178, 6505, 414, 363, 278, 7266, 1233, 674, 367, 24344, 1320, 1253, 287, 304, 1073, 393, 278, 4918, 29899, 29943, 329, 332, 391, 4523, 310, 349, 475, 1259, 4520, 278, 2989, 9545, 310, 445, 639, 1765, 287, 2358, 493, 29889, 512, 15722, 1258, 3237, 29889, 951, 1960, 265, 2756, 3568, 515, 931, 304, 931, 29892, 376, 15666, 1991, 2337, 758, 17675, 7612, 2750, 716, 7014, 1213, 478, 475, 368, 1258, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 1827, 472, 278, 1571, 18747, 29892, 376, 13555, 599, 29892, 896, 1497, 278, 1021, 310, 806, 391, 1358, 1213, 2216, 491, 1316, 27189, 11595, 1907, 471, 278, 285, 1267, 1537, 310, 9579, 713, 304, 367, 5929, 1463, 29889, 13 ]
"That little Turk has more sense than you have," he said, "he passes it as a good wall-paper. I should say it was a bad wall-paper; the sort of wall-paper that gives a sick man fever when he hasn't got it. But to call it pictures–you might as well call it seats for the Lord Mayor's Show. A seat isn't a seat if you can't see the Lord Mayor's Show. A picture isn't a picture if you can't see any picture. You can sit down at home more comfortably than you can at a procession. And you can walk about at home more comfortably than you can at a picture gallery. There's only one thing to be said for a street show or a picture show–and that is whether there is anything to be shown. Now, then! Show me something!" "Well," said Lord Ivywood, good humouredly, motioning toward the wall in front of him, "let me show you the 'Portrait of an Old Lady.'" "Well," said Dorian, stolidly, "which is it?" Mr. Hibbs made a hasty gesture of identification, but was so unfortunate as to point to the picture of "Rain in the Apennines," instead of the "Portrait of an Old Lady," and his intervention increased the irritation of Dorian Wimpole. Most probably, as Mr. Hibbs afterward explained, it was because a vivacious movement of the elbow of Mr. Wimpole interfered with the exact pointing of the forefinger of Mr. Hibbs. In any case, Mr. Hibbs was sharply and horridly fixed by embarrassment; so that he had to go away to the refreshment bar and eat three lobster-patties, and even drink a glass of that champagne that had once been his ruin. But on this occasion he stopped at one glass, and returned with a full diplomatic responsibility. He returned to find that Dorian Wimpole had forgotten all the facts of time, place, and personal pride, in an argument with Lord Ivywood, exactly as he had forgotten such facts in an argument with Patrick Dalroy, in a dark wood with a donkey-cart. And Philip Ivywood was interested also; his cold eyes even shone; for though his pleasure was almost purely intellectual, it was utterly sincere. "And I do trust the untried; I do follow the inexperienced," he was saying quietly, with his fine inflections of voice. "You say this is changing the very nature of Art. I want to change the very nature of Art. Everything lives by turning into something else. Exaggeration is growth." "But exaggeration of what?" demanded Dorian. "I cannot see a trace of exaggeration in these pictures; because I cannot find a hint of what it is they want to exaggerate. You can't exaggerate the feathers of a cow or the legs of a whale. You can draw a cow with feathers or a whale with legs for a joke–though I hardly think such jokes are in your line. But don't you see, my good Philip, that even then the joke depends on its looking like a cow and not only like a thing with feathers. Even then the joke depends on the whale as well as the legs. You can combine up to a certain point; you can distort up to a certain point; after that you lose the identity; and with that you lose everything. A Centaur is so much of a man with so much of a horse. The Centaur must not be hastily identified with the Horsy Man. And the Mermaid must be maidenly; even if there is something fishy about her social conduct." "No," said Lord Ivywood, in the same quiet way, "I understand what you mean, and I don't agree. I should like the Centaur to turn into something else, that is neither man nor horse." "But not something that has nothing of either?" asked the poet. "Yes," answered Ivywood, with the same queer, quiet gleam in his colourless eyes, "something that has nothing of either." "But what's the good?" argued Dorian. "A thing that has changed entirely has not changed at all. It has no bridge of crisis. It can remember no change. If you wake up tomorrow and you simply are Mrs. Dope, an old woman who lets lodgings at Broadstairs –well, I don't doubt Mrs. Dope is a saner and happier person than you are. But in what
[ 29908, 7058, 2217, 16559, 756, 901, 4060, 1135, 366, 505, 1699, 540, 1497, 29892, 376, 354, 14517, 372, 408, 263, 1781, 10090, 29899, 19773, 29889, 306, 881, 1827, 372, 471, 263, 4319, 10090, 29899, 19773, 29936, 278, 2656, 310, 10090, 29899, 19773, 393, 4076, 263, 17319, 767, 1238, 369, 746, 540, 22602, 29915, 29873, 2355, 372, 29889, 1205, 304, 1246, 372, 14956, 29994, 6293, 1795, 408, 1532, 1246, 372, 22091, 363, 278, 6171, 22186, 29915, 29879, 7704, 29889, 319, 12949, 3508, 29915, 29873, 263, 12949, 565, 366, 508, 29915, 29873, 1074, 278, 6171, 22186, 29915, 29879, 7704, 29889, 319, 7623, 3508, 29915, 29873, 263, 7623, 565, 366, 508, 29915, 29873, 1074, 738, 7623, 29889, 887, 508, 7845, 1623, 472, 3271, 901, 13016, 2197, 1135, 366, 508, 472, 263, 1889, 291, 29889, 1126, 366, 508, 6686, 1048, 472, 3271, 901, 13016, 2197, 1135, 366, 508, 472, 263, 7623, 23363, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 871, 697, 2655, 304, 367, 1497, 363, 263, 11952, 1510, 470, 263, 7623, 1510, 29994, 392, 393, 338, 3692, 727, 338, 3099, 304, 367, 4318, 29889, 2567, 29892, 769, 29991, 7704, 592, 1554, 3850, 13, 29908, 11284, 1699, 1497, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 29892, 1781, 3165, 14076, 368, 29892, 10884, 292, 11183, 278, 10090, 297, 4565, 310, 1075, 29892, 376, 1026, 592, 1510, 366, 278, 525, 2290, 8356, 310, 385, 8198, 10040, 6169, 29908, 13, 29908, 11284, 1699, 1497, 9579, 713, 29892, 380, 17211, 368, 29892, 376, 4716, 338, 372, 3026, 13, 20335, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 1754, 263, 14973, 29891, 29502, 310, 29769, 29892, 541, 471, 577, 443, 6477, 403, 408, 304, 1298, 304, 278, 7623, 310, 376, 29934, 475, 297, 278, 6225, 2108, 1475, 1699, 2012, 310, 278, 376, 2290, 8356, 310, 385, 8198, 10040, 1699, 322, 670, 1006, 7316, 11664, 278, 3805, 768, 362, 310, 9579, 713, 399, 326, 15831, 29889, 7849, 3117, 29892, 408, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 1156, 1328, 10824, 29892, 372, 471, 1363, 263, 325, 4244, 8802, 10298, 310, 278, 560, 17729, 310, 3237, 29889, 399, 326, 15831, 1006, 571, 287, 411, 278, 2684, 13330, 310, 278, 363, 1389, 5621, 310, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 29889, 512, 738, 1206, 29892, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 471, 15301, 368, 322, 4029, 2429, 368, 4343, 491, 21620, 26771, 358, 29936, 577, 393, 540, 750, 304, 748, 3448, 304, 278, 11086, 358, 2594, 322, 17545, 2211, 658, 29890, 2475, 29899, 29886, 1131, 583, 29892, 322, 1584, 13748, 263, 12917, 310, 393, 18480, 5889, 393, 750, 2748, 1063, 670, 5796, 262, 29889, 1205, 373, 445, 10039, 540, 11084, 472, 697, 12917, 29892, 322, 4133, 411, 263, 2989, 13487, 2454, 23134, 29889, 13, 3868, 4133, 304, 1284, 393, 9579, 713, 399, 326, 15831, 750, 20898, 599, 278, 17099, 310, 931, 29892, 2058, 29892, 322, 7333, 24967, 29892, 297, 385, 2980, 411, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 29892, 3721, 408, 540, 750, 20898, 1316, 17099, 297, 385, 2980, 411, 14875, 9400, 4727, 29892, 297, 263, 6501, 8112, 411, 263, 1016, 1989, 29899, 13823, 29889, 1126, 14920, 306, 13308, 6115, 471, 8852, 884, 29936, 670, 11220, 5076, 1584, 528, 650, 29936, 363, 2466, 670, 15377, 471, 4359, 24837, 29762, 29892, 372, 471, 14401, 368, 269, 3742, 406, 29889, 13, 29908, 2855, 306, 437, 9311, 278, 443, 29873, 1255, 29936, 306, 437, 1101, 278, 297, 735, 546, 819, 1133, 1699, 540, 471, 5934, 25970, 29892, 411, 670, 2691, 3041, 5942, 310, 7314, 29889, 376, 3492, 1827, 445, 338, 6480, 278, 1407, 5469, 310, 3012, 29889, 306, 864, 304, 1735, 278, 1407, 5469, 310, 3012, 29889, 17296, 12080, 491, 14712, 964, 1554, 1683, 29889, 1222, 9921, 362, 338, 14321, 1213, 13, 29908, 6246, 429, 9921, 362, 310, 825, 3026, 24432, 9579, 713, 29889, 376, 29902, 2609, 1074, 263, 9637, 310, 429, 9921, 362, 297, 1438, 14956, 29936, 1363, 306, 2609, 1284, 263, 13182, 310, 825, 372, 338, 896, 864, 304, 429, 9921, 403, 29889, 887, 508, 29915, 29873, 429, 9921, 403, 278, 1238, 19467, 310, 263, 21282, 470, 278, 21152, 310, 263, 377, 744, 29889, 887, 508, 4216, 263, 21282, 411, 1238, 19467, 470, 263, 377, 744, 411, 21152, 363, 263, 2958, 446, 29994, 3592, 306, 15155, 1348, 1316, 432, 23195, 526, 297, 596, 1196, 29889, 1205, 1016, 29915, 29873, 366, 1074, 29892, 590, 1781, 14920, 29892, 393, 1584, 769, 278, 2958, 446, 7111, 373, 967, 3063, 763, 263, 21282, 322, 451, 871, 763, 263, 2655, 411, 1238, 19467, 29889, 7753, 769, 278, 2958, 446, 7111, 373, 278, 377, 744, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 21152, 29889, 887, 508, 14405, 701, 304, 263, 3058, 1298, 29936, 366, 508, 1320, 441, 701, 304, 263, 3058, 1298, 29936, 1156, 393, 366, 14074, 278, 10110, 29936, 322, 411, 393, 366, 14074, 4129, 29889, 319, 2895, 6698, 338, 577, 1568, 310, 263, 767, 411, 577, 1568, 310, 263, 10435, 29889, 450, 2895, 6698, 1818, 451, 367, 14973, 2354, 15659, 411, 278, 379, 943, 29891, 2315, 29889, 1126, 278, 4702, 655, 333, 1818, 367, 611, 3615, 368, 29936, 1584, 565, 727, 338, 1554, 9427, 29891, 1048, 902, 5264, 7512, 1213, 13, 29908, 3782, 1699, 1497, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 29892, 297, 278, 1021, 11813, 982, 29892, 376, 29902, 2274, 825, 366, 2099, 29892, 322, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 8661, 29889, 306, 881, 763, 278, 2895, 6698, 304, 2507, 964, 1554, 1683, 29892, 393, 338, 9561, 767, 3643, 10435, 1213, 13, 29908, 6246, 451, 1554, 393, 756, 3078, 310, 2845, 3026, 4433, 278, 9821, 29889, 13, 29908, 8241, 1699, 7699, 306, 13308, 6115, 29892, 411, 278, 1021, 712, 261, 29892, 11813, 27003, 314, 297, 670, 12384, 2222, 5076, 29892, 376, 14481, 393, 756, 3078, 310, 2845, 1213, 13, 29908, 6246, 825, 29915, 29879, 278, 1781, 3026, 28705, 9579, 713, 29889, 376, 29909, 2655, 393, 756, 3939, 9186, 756, 451, 3939, 472, 599, 29889, 739, 756, 694, 12945, 310, 24161, 29889, 739, 508, 6456, 694, 1735, 29889, 960, 366, 281, 1296, 701, 6454, 22396, 322, 366, 3763, 526, 6285, 29889, 1938, 412, 29892, 385, 2030, 6114, 1058, 16869, 21896, 29887, 886, 472, 12046, 303, 7121, 785, 5872, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 7404, 6285, 29889, 1938, 412, 338, 263, 9753, 261, 322, 2250, 631, 2022, 1135, 366, 526, 29889, 1205, 297, 825 ]
way have you progressed? What part of you is better? Don't you see this prime fact of identity is the limit set on all living things?" "No," said Philip, with suppressed but sudden violence, "I deny that any limit is set upon living things." "Why, then I understand," said Dorian, "why, though you make such good speeches, you have never written any poetry." Lady Joan, who was looking with tedium at a rich pattern of purple and green in which Misysra attempted to interest her (imploring her to disregard the mere title, which idolatrously stated it as "First Communion in the Snow"), abruptly turned her full face to Dorian. It was a face to which few men could feel indifferent, especially when thus suddenly shown them. "Why can't he write poetry?" she asked. "Do you mean he would resent the limits of metre and rhyme and so on?" The poet reflected for a moment and then said, "Well, partly; but I mean more than that too. As one can be candid in the family, I may say that what everyone says about him is that he has no humour. But that's not my complaint at all. I think my complaint is that he has no pathos. That is, he does not feel human limitations. That is, he will not write poetry." Lord Ivywood was looking with his cold, unconscious profile into a little black and yellow picture called "Enthusiasm"; but Joan Brett leaned across to him with swarthy eagerness and cried quite provocatively, "Dorian says you've no pathos. Have you any pathos? He says it's a sense of human limitations." Ivywood did not remove his gaze from the picture of "Enthusiasm," but simply said "No; I have no sense of human limitations." Then he put up his elderly eyeglass to examine the picture better. Then he dropped it again and confronted Joan with a face paler than usual. "Joan," he said, "I would walk where no man has walked; and find something beyond tears and laughter. My road shall be my road indeed; for I will make it, like the Romans. And my adventures shall not be in the hedges and the gutters, but in the borders of the ever advancing brain. I will think what was unthinkable until I thought it; I will love what never lived until I loved it–I will be as lonely as the First Man." "They say," she said, after a silence, "that the first man fell." "You mean the priests?" he answered. "Yes, but even they admit that he discovered good and evil. So are these artists trying to discover some distinction that is still dark to us." "Oh," said Joan, looking at him with a real and unusual interest, "then you don't see anything in the pictures, yourself?" "I see the breaking of the barriers," he answered, "beyond that I see nothing." She looked at the floor for a little time and traced patterns with her parasol, like one who has really received food for thought. Then she said, suddenly, "But perhaps the breaking of barriers might be the breaking of everything." The clear and colourless eyes looked at her quite steadily. "Perhaps," said Lord Ivywood. Dorian Wimpole made a sudden movement a few yards off, where he was looking at a picture, and said, "Hullo! What's this?" Mr. Hibbs was literally gaping in the direction of the entrance. Framed in that fine Byzantine archway stood a great big, bony man in threadbare but careful clothes, with a harsh, high-featured, intelligent face, to which a dark beard under the chin gave something of the Puritanic cast. Somehow his whole personality seemed to be pulled together and explained when he spoke with a North Country accent. "Weel, lards," he said, genially, "t'hoose be main great on t'pictures. But I coom for suthin' in a moog. Haw! Haw!" Leveson and Hibbs looked at each other. Then Leveson rushed from the room. Lord Ivywood did not move a finger; but Mr. Wimpole, with a sort of poetic curiosity, drew nearer to the stranger, and studied him. "It's perfectly awful," cried Enid Wimpole, in a loud whisper, "the man must be dr
[ 982, 505, 366, 6728, 287, 29973, 1724, 760, 310, 366, 338, 2253, 29973, 3872, 29915, 29873, 366, 1074, 445, 6019, 2114, 310, 10110, 338, 278, 4046, 731, 373, 599, 8471, 2712, 3026, 13, 29908, 3782, 1699, 1497, 14920, 29892, 411, 21301, 287, 541, 8327, 21448, 29892, 376, 29902, 972, 29891, 393, 738, 4046, 338, 731, 2501, 8471, 2712, 1213, 13, 29908, 11008, 29892, 769, 306, 2274, 1699, 1497, 9579, 713, 29892, 376, 14606, 29892, 2466, 366, 1207, 1316, 1781, 12032, 267, 29892, 366, 505, 2360, 3971, 738, 22309, 1213, 13, 29931, 3714, 19317, 29892, 1058, 471, 3063, 411, 29748, 1974, 472, 263, 8261, 4766, 310, 3708, 552, 322, 7933, 297, 607, 20929, 952, 336, 16388, 304, 4066, 902, 313, 13699, 8253, 902, 304, 766, 1727, 538, 278, 15187, 3611, 29892, 607, 1178, 324, 8141, 5794, 8703, 372, 408, 376, 6730, 1876, 13094, 297, 278, 24392, 4968, 633, 6685, 368, 6077, 902, 2989, 3700, 304, 9579, 713, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 3700, 304, 607, 2846, 1757, 1033, 4459, 1399, 15622, 29892, 7148, 746, 4550, 11584, 4318, 963, 29889, 13, 29908, 11008, 508, 29915, 29873, 540, 2436, 22309, 3026, 1183, 4433, 29889, 376, 6132, 366, 2099, 540, 723, 620, 296, 278, 13071, 310, 1539, 276, 322, 18178, 25395, 322, 577, 373, 3026, 13, 1576, 9821, 25312, 363, 263, 3256, 322, 769, 1497, 29892, 376, 11284, 29892, 22669, 29936, 541, 306, 2099, 901, 1135, 393, 2086, 29889, 1094, 697, 508, 367, 7105, 297, 278, 3942, 29892, 306, 1122, 1827, 393, 825, 14332, 4083, 1048, 1075, 338, 393, 540, 756, 694, 3165, 473, 29889, 1205, 393, 29915, 29879, 451, 590, 15313, 524, 472, 599, 29889, 306, 1348, 590, 15313, 524, 338, 393, 540, 756, 694, 2224, 359, 29889, 2193, 338, 29892, 540, 947, 451, 4459, 5199, 27028, 29889, 2193, 338, 29892, 540, 674, 451, 2436, 22309, 1213, 13, 29931, 536, 306, 13308, 6115, 471, 3063, 411, 670, 11220, 29892, 443, 3200, 8802, 8722, 964, 263, 2217, 4628, 322, 13328, 7623, 2000, 376, 2369, 386, 375, 3173, 29885, 1769, 541, 19317, 5826, 698, 20793, 287, 4822, 304, 1075, 411, 2381, 279, 21155, 321, 351, 824, 404, 322, 10680, 3755, 25725, 6703, 29892, 13, 29908, 29928, 272, 713, 4083, 366, 29915, 345, 694, 2224, 359, 29889, 6975, 366, 738, 2224, 359, 29973, 940, 4083, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 4060, 310, 5199, 27028, 1213, 13, 29902, 13308, 6115, 1258, 451, 3349, 670, 12642, 29872, 515, 278, 7623, 310, 376, 2369, 386, 375, 3173, 29885, 1699, 541, 3763, 1497, 376, 3782, 29936, 306, 505, 694, 4060, 310, 5199, 27028, 1213, 1987, 540, 1925, 701, 670, 27008, 368, 321, 29891, 387, 605, 304, 25917, 278, 7623, 2253, 29889, 1987, 540, 13700, 372, 1449, 322, 21751, 287, 19317, 411, 263, 3700, 5112, 261, 1135, 9670, 29889, 13, 29908, 10844, 273, 1699, 540, 1497, 29892, 376, 29902, 723, 6686, 988, 694, 767, 756, 17096, 29936, 322, 1284, 1554, 8724, 20190, 322, 10569, 357, 29889, 1619, 6520, 4091, 367, 590, 6520, 6200, 29936, 363, 306, 674, 1207, 372, 29892, 763, 278, 6033, 550, 29889, 1126, 590, 17623, 1973, 4091, 451, 367, 297, 278, 298, 287, 2710, 322, 278, 22341, 2153, 29892, 541, 297, 278, 28199, 310, 278, 3926, 3061, 19985, 17294, 29889, 306, 674, 1348, 825, 471, 443, 386, 682, 519, 2745, 306, 2714, 372, 29936, 306, 674, 5360, 825, 2360, 10600, 2745, 306, 18012, 372, 29994, 29902, 674, 367, 408, 23123, 873, 408, 278, 3824, 2315, 1213, 13, 29908, 15597, 1827, 1699, 1183, 1497, 29892, 1156, 263, 15142, 29892, 376, 5747, 278, 937, 767, 8379, 1213, 13, 29908, 3492, 2099, 278, 3691, 9197, 3026, 540, 7699, 29889, 376, 8241, 29892, 541, 1584, 896, 20000, 393, 540, 10943, 1781, 322, 16126, 29889, 1105, 526, 1438, 17906, 1811, 304, 6523, 777, 21578, 393, 338, 1603, 6501, 304, 502, 1213, 13, 29908, 9048, 1699, 1497, 19317, 29892, 3063, 472, 1075, 411, 263, 1855, 322, 22910, 4066, 29892, 376, 6098, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1074, 3099, 297, 278, 14956, 29892, 7535, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 1074, 278, 16679, 310, 278, 2594, 26536, 1699, 540, 7699, 29892, 376, 915, 8538, 393, 306, 1074, 3078, 1213, 13, 13468, 5148, 472, 278, 11904, 363, 263, 2217, 931, 322, 16703, 287, 15038, 411, 902, 610, 294, 324, 29892, 763, 697, 1058, 756, 2289, 4520, 9687, 363, 2714, 29889, 1987, 1183, 1497, 29892, 11584, 29892, 13, 29908, 6246, 6060, 278, 16679, 310, 2594, 26536, 1795, 367, 278, 16679, 310, 4129, 1213, 13, 1576, 2821, 322, 12384, 2222, 5076, 5148, 472, 902, 3755, 28325, 2354, 29889, 13, 29908, 5894, 4252, 1699, 1497, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 29889, 13, 29928, 272, 713, 399, 326, 15831, 1754, 263, 8327, 10298, 263, 2846, 17454, 1283, 29892, 988, 540, 471, 3063, 472, 263, 7623, 29892, 322, 1497, 29892, 376, 29950, 352, 417, 29991, 1724, 29915, 29879, 445, 3026, 3237, 29889, 379, 747, 5824, 471, 22830, 17261, 292, 297, 278, 5305, 310, 278, 19546, 29889, 13, 29943, 2572, 287, 297, 393, 2691, 2648, 29920, 20578, 3190, 1582, 8389, 263, 2107, 4802, 29892, 289, 2592, 767, 297, 3244, 18354, 541, 16010, 22095, 29892, 411, 263, 4023, 845, 29892, 1880, 29899, 14394, 29881, 29892, 13052, 296, 3700, 29892, 304, 607, 263, 6501, 367, 538, 1090, 278, 521, 262, 4846, 1554, 310, 278, 15247, 8929, 293, 4320, 29889, 3834, 3525, 670, 3353, 2022, 2877, 6140, 304, 367, 20043, 4208, 322, 10824, 746, 540, 12707, 411, 263, 4644, 15456, 1035, 296, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 295, 29892, 301, 3163, 1699, 540, 1497, 29892, 2531, 616, 368, 29892, 376, 29873, 29915, 1251, 852, 367, 1667, 2107, 373, 260, 29915, 29886, 10373, 29889, 1205, 306, 1302, 290, 363, 269, 2806, 262, 29915, 297, 263, 2730, 468, 29889, 10875, 29991, 10875, 3850, 13, 3226, 1960, 265, 322, 379, 747, 5824, 5148, 472, 1269, 916, 29889, 1987, 951, 1960, 265, 364, 15392, 515, 278, 5716, 29889, 6171, 306, 13308, 6115, 1258, 451, 4337, 263, 19917, 29936, 541, 3237, 29889, 399, 326, 15831, 29892, 411, 263, 2656, 310, 772, 7492, 27742, 29892, 15010, 2978, 261, 304, 278, 26507, 29892, 322, 12399, 1075, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 7970, 28893, 1699, 10680, 1174, 333, 399, 326, 15831, 29892, 297, 263, 22526, 21039, 29892, 376, 1552, 767, 1818, 367, 4192 ]
unk." "Na, lass," said the man with gallantry, "a've not been droonk, nobbut at Hurley Fair, these years and all; a'm a decent lad and workin' ma way back t'Wharfdale. No harm in a moog of ale, lass." "Are you quite sure," asked Dorian Wimpole, with a singular sort of delicate curiosity, "are you quite sure you're not drunk." "A'm not droonk," said the man, jovially. "Even if these were licensed premises," began Dorian, in the same diplomatic manner. "There's t'sign on t'hoose," said the stranger. The black, bewildered look on the face of Joan Brett suddenly altered. She took four steps toward the doorway, and then went back and sat on the purple ottoman. But Dorian seemed fascinated with his inquiry into the alleged decency of the lad who was working his way to Wharfdale. "Even if these were licensed premises," he repeated, "drink could be refused you if you were drunk. Now, are you really sure you're not drunk. Would you know if it was raining, say?" "Aye," said the man, with conviction. "Would you know any common object of your countryside," inquired Dorian, scientifically, "a woman –let us say an old woman." "Aye," said the man, with good humour. "What on earth are you doing with the creature?" whispered Enid, feverishly. "I am trying," answered the poet, "to prevent a very sensible man from smashing a very silly shop. I beg your pardon, sir. As I was saying, would you know these things in a picture, now? Do you know what a landscape is and what a portrait is? Forgive my asking; you see we are responsible while we keep the place going." There soared up into the sky like a cloud of rooks the eager vanity of the North. "We collier lads are none so badly educated, lad," he said. "In the town a' was born in there was a gallery of pictures as fine as Lunnon. Aye, and a' knew 'em, too." "Thank you," said Wimpole, pointing suddenly at the wall. "Would you be so kind, for instance, as to look at those two pictures. One represents an old woman and the other rain in the hills. It's a mere formality. You shall have your drink when you've said which is which." The northerner bowed his huge body before the two frames and peered into them patiently. The long stillness that followed seemed to be something of a strain on Joan, who rose in a restless manner, first went to look out of a window and then went out of the front door. At length the art-critic lifted a large, puzzled but still philosophical face. "Soomehow or other," he said, "a' mun be droonk after all." "You have testified," cried Dorian with animation. "You have all but saved civilization. And by God, you shall have your drink." And he brought from the refreshment table a huge bumper of the Hibbsian champagne, and declined payment by the rapid method of running out of the gallery on to the steps outside. Joan was already standing there. Out the little side window she had seen the incredible thing she expected to see; which explained the ludicrous scene inside. She saw the red and blue wooden flag of Mr. Pump standing up in the flower-beds in the sun, as serenely as if it were a tall and tropical flower; and yet, in the brief interval between the window and the door it had vanished, as if to remind her it was a flying dream. But two men were in a little motor outside, which was in the very act of starting. They were in motoring disguise, but she knew who they were. All that was deep in her, all that was sceptical, all that was stoical, all that was noble, made her stand as still as one of the pillars of the porch; but a dog, bearing the name of Quoodle, sprang up in the moving car, and barked with joy at the mere sight of her, and though she had borne all else, something in that bestial innocence of an animal suddenly blinded her with tears. It could not, however,
[ 2960, 1213, 13, 29908, 13695, 29892, 301, 465, 1699, 1497, 278, 767, 411, 11798, 15328, 29892, 376, 29874, 29915, 345, 451, 1063, 4441, 23345, 29892, 694, 1327, 329, 472, 22220, 2330, 13822, 29892, 1438, 2440, 322, 599, 29936, 263, 29915, 29885, 263, 27189, 11979, 322, 664, 262, 29915, 611, 982, 1250, 260, 29915, 29956, 8222, 11512, 744, 29889, 1939, 10311, 297, 263, 2730, 468, 310, 8080, 29892, 301, 465, 1213, 13, 29908, 17506, 366, 3755, 1854, 1699, 4433, 9579, 713, 399, 326, 15831, 29892, 411, 263, 13512, 2656, 310, 628, 9593, 27742, 29892, 376, 598, 366, 3755, 1854, 366, 29915, 276, 451, 4192, 2960, 1213, 13, 29908, 29909, 29915, 29885, 451, 4441, 23345, 1699, 1497, 278, 767, 29892, 432, 586, 616, 368, 29889, 13, 29908, 29923, 854, 565, 1438, 892, 7794, 21144, 5188, 4637, 1699, 4689, 9579, 713, 29892, 297, 278, 1021, 13487, 2454, 8214, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 29915, 29879, 260, 29915, 4530, 373, 260, 29915, 1251, 852, 1699, 1497, 278, 26507, 29889, 13, 1576, 4628, 29892, 16435, 2700, 287, 1106, 373, 278, 3700, 310, 19317, 5826, 698, 11584, 10551, 287, 29889, 2296, 3614, 3023, 6576, 11183, 278, 3050, 1582, 29892, 322, 769, 3512, 1250, 322, 3290, 373, 278, 3708, 552, 12586, 2480, 29889, 1205, 9579, 713, 6140, 21028, 262, 630, 411, 670, 25501, 16129, 964, 278, 16831, 287, 1602, 3819, 310, 278, 11979, 1058, 471, 1985, 670, 982, 304, 806, 279, 11512, 744, 29889, 13, 29908, 29923, 854, 565, 1438, 892, 7794, 21144, 5188, 4637, 1699, 540, 10324, 29892, 376, 7707, 682, 1033, 367, 15964, 366, 565, 366, 892, 4192, 2960, 29889, 2567, 29892, 526, 366, 2289, 1854, 366, 29915, 276, 451, 4192, 2960, 29889, 10878, 366, 1073, 565, 372, 471, 1153, 2827, 29892, 1827, 3026, 13, 29908, 29909, 4099, 1699, 1497, 278, 767, 29892, 411, 7602, 2463, 29889, 13, 29908, 29956, 483, 366, 1073, 738, 3619, 1203, 310, 596, 2613, 509, 952, 680, 1699, 297, 5958, 9579, 713, 29892, 16021, 635, 29892, 376, 29874, 6114, 785, 1026, 502, 1827, 385, 2030, 6114, 1213, 13, 29908, 29909, 4099, 1699, 1497, 278, 767, 29892, 411, 1781, 3165, 473, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 373, 8437, 526, 366, 2599, 411, 278, 23940, 3026, 21039, 287, 1174, 333, 29892, 1238, 369, 728, 368, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 626, 1811, 1699, 7699, 278, 9821, 29892, 376, 517, 5557, 263, 1407, 25182, 767, 515, 1560, 1161, 292, 263, 1407, 24866, 18296, 29889, 306, 1812, 596, 282, 20342, 29892, 8889, 29889, 1094, 306, 471, 5934, 29892, 723, 366, 1073, 1438, 2712, 297, 263, 7623, 29892, 1286, 29973, 1938, 366, 1073, 825, 263, 24400, 338, 322, 825, 263, 21760, 338, 29973, 383, 990, 573, 590, 6721, 29936, 366, 1074, 591, 526, 14040, 1550, 591, 3013, 278, 2058, 2675, 1213, 13, 8439, 577, 1965, 701, 964, 278, 14744, 763, 263, 9570, 310, 696, 12117, 278, 19888, 1109, 537, 310, 278, 4644, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 784, 4926, 301, 7925, 526, 5642, 577, 28042, 27729, 29892, 11979, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 797, 278, 4726, 263, 29915, 471, 6345, 297, 727, 471, 263, 23363, 310, 14956, 408, 2691, 408, 365, 348, 5464, 29889, 319, 4099, 29892, 322, 263, 29915, 6363, 525, 331, 29892, 2086, 1213, 13, 29908, 25271, 366, 1699, 1497, 399, 326, 15831, 29892, 13330, 11584, 472, 278, 10090, 29889, 376, 29956, 483, 366, 367, 577, 2924, 29892, 363, 2777, 29892, 408, 304, 1106, 472, 1906, 1023, 14956, 29889, 3118, 11524, 385, 2030, 6114, 322, 278, 916, 17251, 297, 278, 22696, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 15187, 883, 2877, 29889, 887, 4091, 505, 596, 13748, 746, 366, 29915, 345, 1497, 607, 338, 607, 1213, 13, 1576, 3643, 721, 1089, 12580, 287, 670, 12176, 3573, 1434, 278, 1023, 16608, 322, 1236, 14561, 964, 963, 16500, 368, 29889, 450, 1472, 1603, 2264, 393, 5643, 6140, 304, 367, 1554, 310, 263, 5312, 262, 373, 19317, 29892, 1058, 11492, 297, 263, 1791, 2222, 8214, 29892, 937, 3512, 304, 1106, 714, 310, 263, 3474, 322, 769, 3512, 714, 310, 278, 4565, 3050, 29889, 13, 4178, 3309, 278, 1616, 29899, 9695, 293, 26239, 263, 2919, 29892, 20285, 839, 541, 1603, 11847, 936, 3700, 29889, 13, 29908, 6295, 608, 3525, 470, 916, 1699, 540, 1497, 29892, 376, 29874, 29915, 286, 348, 367, 4441, 23345, 1156, 599, 1213, 13, 29908, 3492, 505, 1243, 2164, 1699, 10680, 9579, 713, 411, 9612, 29889, 376, 3492, 505, 599, 541, 7160, 7631, 2133, 29889, 1126, 491, 4177, 29892, 366, 4091, 505, 596, 13748, 1213, 13, 2855, 540, 6296, 515, 278, 11086, 358, 1591, 263, 12176, 289, 398, 546, 310, 278, 379, 747, 5824, 713, 18480, 5889, 29892, 322, 4845, 1312, 19179, 491, 278, 10952, 1158, 310, 2734, 714, 310, 278, 23363, 373, 304, 278, 6576, 5377, 29889, 13, 10844, 273, 471, 2307, 13407, 727, 29889, 4451, 278, 2217, 2625, 3474, 1183, 750, 3595, 278, 29811, 1821, 2655, 1183, 3806, 304, 1074, 29936, 607, 10824, 278, 21615, 293, 29878, 681, 9088, 2768, 29889, 2296, 4446, 278, 2654, 322, 7254, 27278, 7353, 310, 3237, 29889, 349, 3427, 13407, 701, 297, 278, 28149, 29899, 2580, 29879, 297, 278, 6575, 29892, 408, 724, 264, 873, 408, 565, 372, 892, 263, 15655, 322, 21881, 28149, 29936, 322, 3447, 29892, 297, 278, 11473, 7292, 1546, 278, 3474, 322, 278, 3050, 372, 750, 1109, 3276, 29892, 408, 565, 304, 1083, 513, 902, 372, 471, 263, 22764, 12561, 29889, 1205, 1023, 1757, 892, 297, 263, 2217, 10992, 5377, 29892, 607, 471, 297, 278, 1407, 1044, 310, 6257, 29889, 2688, 892, 297, 3184, 8253, 766, 2543, 895, 29892, 541, 1183, 6363, 1058, 896, 892, 29889, 2178, 393, 471, 6483, 297, 902, 29892, 599, 393, 471, 269, 1547, 936, 29892, 599, 393, 471, 6258, 936, 29892, 599, 393, 471, 15996, 29892, 1754, 902, 2317, 408, 1603, 408, 697, 310, 278, 22549, 1503, 310, 278, 1277, 305, 29936, 541, 263, 11203, 29892, 24638, 278, 1024, 310, 751, 2092, 280, 29892, 7689, 574, 701, 297, 278, 8401, 1559, 29892, 322, 289, 935, 287, 411, 15331, 472, 278, 15187, 11126, 310, 902, 29892, 322, 2466, 1183, 750, 9820, 484, 599, 1683, 29892, 1554, 297, 393, 1900, 616, 21458, 663, 310, 385, 13019, 11584, 16842, 287, 902, 411, 20190, 29889, 13, 3112, 1033, 451, 29892, 3138, 29892 ]
Home 2018 November 1 Brown Creeper Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) by Sarah McKillip With winter approaching, I look forward to adding more Brown Creepers to my trip lists. Delicate, Easter-egg sized birds, Brown Creepers are the only tree creepers found in North America. In wintertime, Brown Creepers become more common in Indiana as they migrate south from their northernmost breeding range in Canada, occupying all forms of woodlands. Settling in for the season with woodpeckers, chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, and Golden-crowned Kinglets, Brown Creepers require close observation, but can luckily be found in local parks, suburbs, and various other deciduous habitats with a scattering of mature trees. So, how do you go about finding a Brown Creeper in your local "patch"? Nature-writer Pete Dunne humorously points out in his Essential Field Guide Companion that the Brown Creeper "never forages on the ground…[it] hitches itself up tree trunks like a hyper-active jerky woodpecker. The whitish flecked-and-brown or grayish brown upperparts replicate sun-dappled bark." Cornell's All About Birds website further explains the speckled bird's curious features and behavior: "The Brown Creeper spends most of its time spiraling up tree trunks in search of insects. It holds its short legs on either side of its body, with the long, curved claws hooking into the bark, and braces itself with its long, stiff tail. Both feet hop at the same time, making the bird's head duck after each hop. Because of its specialized anatomy, the Brown Creeper rarely climbs downward: once high in a tree, it flies down to begin a new ascent at the base of a nearby tree." Those with acute hearing or good listening skills may also detect the Brown Creeper through its song or call. National Audubon Society's web page on the Brown Creeper describes the vocalizations as "a high-pitched, lisping tsee; song a tinkling, descending warble." Dunne mentions a nickname given to the bird, based on the song's pattern: "Meadowlark of the Woods." And what of the Brown Creeper's conservation status? According to the North American Breeding Bird Survey, "Brown Creeper populations were stable or slightly increased between 1966 and 2015." Cornell University's All About Birds website lists the Brown Creeper as a species of low conservation concern. However, Cornell and National Audubon both caution that habitat fragmentation and deforestation is a threat to creepers, destroying their preferred woodland habitats. National Audubon also stresses that climate change is affecting current breeding and wintering ranges, noting the Brown Creeper as a "climate endangered" species. So the next time you find yourself outside on some chilly winter morning, remember to search for one of these tiny marvels, determinedly making its way up a tree trunk. August 25, 2010 August 9, 2016 , Bird of the month, BYB, 0 If you haven't noticed…birds tend to fascinate me. This month's feathered friend is like no other. It must be... Red-breasted Merganser March 17, 2017 March 18, 2017 , Bird of the month, 0 by Alex Forsythe The male Red-breasted Merganser is distinctive for having what appears to be a perpetual "bad hair... Scarlet Tanager August 25, 2015 May 31, 2016 , Bird of the month, 0 by Alex Forsythe Last Mother's Day, my mom had one request: find her a Scarlet Tanager close enough that... March 25, 2015 May 31, 2016 , Bird of the month, 0 by Alexandra Forsythe "You Yellow-bellied Sapsucker!" Compliment or insult? Yosemite Sam used the term "Yellow-bellied Sapsucker" to describe Bugs...
[ 8778, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 3979, 29871, 29896, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 13, 29933, 4708, 315, 929, 546, 313, 29907, 261, 386, 423, 7902, 12679, 29897, 491, 19235, 24053, 453, 666, 13, 3047, 13851, 28702, 29892, 306, 1106, 6375, 304, 4417, 901, 9817, 315, 929, 6774, 304, 590, 17487, 8857, 29889, 5556, 9593, 29892, 382, 1901, 29899, 387, 29887, 269, 1891, 17952, 29892, 9817, 315, 929, 6774, 526, 278, 871, 5447, 907, 1022, 414, 1476, 297, 4644, 6813, 29889, 512, 13851, 2230, 29892, 9817, 315, 929, 6774, 4953, 901, 3619, 297, 21817, 408, 896, 9725, 403, 7062, 515, 1009, 14622, 3242, 2078, 21219, 3464, 297, 7400, 29892, 6919, 5414, 599, 7190, 310, 8112, 5252, 29889, 317, 1803, 1847, 297, 363, 278, 4259, 411, 8112, 412, 384, 414, 29892, 521, 860, 1943, 267, 29892, 4329, 29885, 625, 29892, 302, 2806, 905, 267, 29892, 322, 16108, 29899, 29883, 4708, 287, 4088, 10376, 29892, 9817, 315, 929, 6774, 1996, 3802, 15500, 29892, 541, 508, 9885, 2354, 367, 1476, 297, 1887, 610, 2039, 29892, 1014, 332, 5824, 29892, 322, 13, 5927, 681, 916, 18937, 17269, 4760, 1446, 411, 263, 14801, 292, 310, 286, 1535, 10697, 29889, 13, 6295, 29892, 920, 437, 366, 748, 1048, 9138, 263, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 297, 596, 1887, 376, 5041, 8652, 17677, 29899, 13236, 349, 2650, 11566, 484, 27448, 5794, 3291, 714, 297, 670, 11044, 2556, 8989, 16886, 3831, 273, 291, 393, 278, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 376, 484, 369, 363, 1179, 373, 278, 5962, 30098, 29961, 277, 29962, 298, 2335, 267, 3528, 701, 5447, 534, 18801, 763, 263, 11266, 29899, 4925, 432, 261, 3459, 8112, 412, 4937, 29889, 450, 377, 277, 728, 9115, 384, 287, 29899, 392, 29899, 29890, 4708, 470, 16749, 728, 17354, 7568, 20895, 1634, 5926, 6575, 29899, 29881, 932, 839, 289, 935, 1213, 11655, 514, 29915, 29879, 2178, 13611, 17777, 29879, 4700, 4340, 18568, 278, 961, 384, 839, 11199, 29915, 29879, 12758, 5680, 322, 6030, 29901, 376, 1576, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 805, 1975, 1556, 310, 967, 931, 6337, 12818, 701, 5447, 534, 18801, 297, 2740, 310, 13, 262, 8803, 29879, 29889, 739, 8640, 967, 3273, 21152, 373, 2845, 2625, 310, 967, 3573, 29892, 411, 278, 1472, 29892, 3151, 1490, 3711, 5652, 12422, 292, 964, 278, 289, 935, 29892, 322, 4105, 778, 3528, 411, 967, 1472, 29892, 380, 2593, 12464, 29889, 9134, 6900, 8171, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29892, 3907, 278, 11199, 29915, 29879, 2343, 868, 384, 1156, 1269, 8171, 29889, 7311, 310, 967, 4266, 1891, 385, 8678, 29891, 29892, 278, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 23703, 10784, 5824, 1623, 1328, 29901, 2748, 1880, 297, 263, 5447, 29892, 372, 285, 3687, 1623, 304, 3380, 263, 716, 408, 1760, 472, 278, 2967, 310, 263, 20810, 5447, 1213, 13, 1349, 852, 411, 1274, 1082, 22514, 470, 1781, 19866, 25078, 1122, 884, 6459, 278, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 1549, 967, 4823, 470, 1246, 29889, 3086, 8612, 431, 265, 7765, 29915, 29879, 1856, 1813, 373, 278, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 16612, 278, 20982, 17063, 408, 376, 29874, 1880, 29899, 29886, 2335, 287, 29892, 301, 11936, 292, 260, 4149, 29936, 4823, 263, 260, 682, 1847, 29892, 5153, 2548, 1370, 569, 1213, 11566, 484, 26649, 263, 25985, 978, 2183, 304, 278, 11199, 29892, 2729, 373, 278, 4823, 29915, 29879, 4766, 29901, 376, 29924, 1479, 340, 29880, 935, 310, 278, 10180, 29879, 1213, 13, 2855, 825, 310, 278, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 29915, 29879, 24201, 4660, 29973, 7579, 304, 278, 4644, 3082, 5826, 21219, 17777, 23218, 29892, 376, 29933, 4708, 315, 929, 546, 23093, 892, 13714, 470, 10029, 11664, 1546, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29953, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 1213, 11655, 514, 3014, 29915, 29879, 2178, 13611, 17777, 29879, 4700, 8857, 278, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 408, 263, 6606, 310, 4482, 24201, 5932, 29889, 2398, 29892, 11655, 514, 322, 3086, 8612, 431, 265, 1716, 5777, 918, 393, 17570, 9376, 362, 322, 822, 272, 342, 362, 338, 263, 28469, 304, 907, 1022, 414, 29892, 8174, 292, 1009, 16389, 8112, 1049, 4760, 1446, 29889, 3086, 8612, 431, 265, 884, 851, 15322, 393, 23622, 1735, 338, 6602, 292, 1857, 2078, 21219, 322, 13851, 292, 20238, 29892, 451, 292, 278, 9817, 315, 929, 546, 408, 263, 376, 695, 6490, 1095, 4600, 287, 29908, 6606, 29889, 13, 6295, 278, 2446, 931, 366, 1284, 7535, 5377, 373, 777, 521, 9403, 13851, 7250, 29892, 6456, 304, 2740, 363, 697, 310, 1438, 21577, 1766, 955, 29879, 29892, 10087, 368, 3907, 967, 982, 701, 263, 5447, 534, 2960, 29889, 13, 26197, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 3111, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 1919, 17777, 310, 278, 4098, 29892, 6770, 29933, 29892, 29871, 29900, 13, 3644, 366, 7359, 29915, 29873, 10548, 30098, 18513, 29879, 10331, 304, 21028, 16976, 592, 29889, 910, 4098, 29915, 29879, 1238, 1624, 287, 5121, 338, 763, 694, 916, 29889, 739, 1818, 367, 856, 13, 9039, 29899, 1030, 28470, 4702, 29887, 550, 261, 13, 29924, 1279, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 4779, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 1919, 17777, 310, 278, 4098, 29892, 29871, 29900, 13, 1609, 4827, 383, 943, 29891, 1552, 450, 14263, 4367, 29899, 1030, 28470, 4702, 29887, 550, 261, 338, 8359, 573, 363, 2534, 825, 5692, 304, 367, 263, 25722, 950, 376, 12313, 11315, 856, 13, 29903, 4287, 1026, 15066, 1875, 13, 26197, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 2610, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 1919, 17777, 310, 278, 4098, 29892, 29871, 29900, 13, 1609, 4827, 383, 943, 29891, 1552, 9208, 21869, 29915, 29879, 8373, 29892, 590, 16823, 750, 697, 2009, 29901, 1284, 902, 263, 2522, 279, 1026, 15066, 1875, 3802, 3307, 393, 856, 13, 29924, 1279, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 2610, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 1919, 17777, 310, 278, 4098, 29892, 29871, 29900, 13, 1609, 4827, 10738, 383, 943, 29891, 1552, 376, 3492, 612, 4743, 29899, 6596, 2957, 317, 481, 2146, 4937, 3850, 422, 572, 2073, 470, 1663, 499, 29973, 612, 359, 331, 568, 3685, 1304, 278, 1840, 376, 29979, 4743, 29899, 6596, 2957, 317, 481, 2146, 4937, 29908, 304, 8453, 350, 16926, 856, 13 ]
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[ 12874, 25906, 601, 3879, 6119, 471, 6345, 373, 29871, 29906, 29953, 3786, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 297, 501, 2273, 823, 29906, 29941, 29945, 29936, 29875, 297, 4275, 9656, 1467, 29892, 12730, 29889, 3600, 5637, 2000, 1075, 13911, 29936, 29950, 550, 29926, 29906, 29946, 29953, 29936, 11007, 23083, 29936, 313, 29954, 3504, 29901, 518, 30176, 29882, 550, 29926, 30106, 30628, 30696, 29895, 286, 30247, 30176, 30450, 29877, 30215, 29881, 30628, 11724, 278, 5332, 1873, 310, 670, 937, 322, 1473, 2983, 29892, 408, 1550, 540, 471, 15678, 701, 896, 10600, 297, 263, 12849, 5332, 29892, 10545, 322, 19955, 262, 29899, 5965, 5086, 5177, 297, 4275, 9656, 1467, 297, 14622, 29889, 450, 1180, 1338, 1073, 988, 304, 748, 29892, 322, 896, 748, 304, 3201, 478, 4895, 349, 466, 3298, 423, 322, 390, 22837, 424, 29892, 263, 8112, 29899, 29888, 2859, 282, 466, 3298, 423, 297, 278, 5192, 310, 624, 29889, 6162, 2386, 399, 457, 15456, 29889, 498, 262, 29899, 7283, 504, 29892, 269, 14069, 820, 282, 4981, 294, 5810, 373, 278, 6143, 29892, 607, 884, 7805, 385, 29811, 1821, 1409, 310, 628, 14803, 4497, 7925, 29892, 2090, 29892, 260, 579, 29891, 29892, 10545, 2319, 715, 1078, 313, 386, 682, 1754, 304, 1797, 286, 2112, 29920, 598, 13520, 511, 11982, 16416, 267, 29892, 4940, 29874, 322, 29889, 306, 3755, 763, 445, 8955, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 29885, 3265, 23451, 287, 967, 4567, 8886, 385, 297, 305, 373, 2845, 2625, 29889, 450, 8955, 338, 451, 29871, 29953, 921, 29871, 29947, 29889, 8011, 29871, 29945, 921, 29871, 29955, 29889, 450, 6515, 526, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29871, 29945, 921, 29871, 29953, 29889, 1939, 17487, 304, 19948, 4412, 338, 19781, 4866, 1728, 385, 10545, 592, 284, 472, 5915, 2200, 3934, 29892, 2538, 441, 29879, 6960, 1789, 8843, 1379, 12608, 10545, 27144, 29889, 3645, 15129, 2669, 29892, 21438, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 13394, 13405, 292, 6143, 322, 6683, 562, 1070, 8386, 23729, 333, 29893, 2233, 359, 342, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 4412, 322, 16053, 20200, 1010, 1819, 29892, 372, 881, 2041, 408, 694, 16671, 21438, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 5915, 2200, 3934, 756, 1063, 289, 20778, 11293, 261, 946, 29884, 294, 7542, 294, 491, 28431, 322, 28865, 363, 2440, 29889, 15825, 13964, 322, 4847, 2472, 515, 21850, 29899, 7422, 29889, 419, 29936, 19897, 264, 29915, 29879, 6221, 4700, 29936, 4699, 19897, 264, 1766, 601, 289, 291, 6051, 330, 1117, 1847, 767, 302, 2291, 29889, 419, 29936, 4699, 19897, 264, 472, 27889, 280, 3437, 29889, 7787, 29936, 4699, 19897, 264, 472, 285, 16912, 29889, 419, 3645, 278, 3256, 366, 4331, 2768, 29892, 16075, 316, 19696, 294, 8753, 2310, 596, 1407, 1833, 289, 568, 29892, 366, 645, 301, 17120, 1532, 4586, 2562, 310, 491, 278, 11558, 2669, 322, 714, 11235, 2723, 275, 457, 472, 1605, 314, 10268, 29889, 450, 15472, 310, 4634, 338, 3802, 300, 1539, 481, 2015, 8632, 1218, 5810, 9917, 281, 10058, 5697, 2243, 1862, 16624, 936, 6964, 310, 278, 1006, 18045, 2264, 310, 599, 2834, 373, 1749, 15754, 29889, 739, 756, 1063, 1304, 297, 10466, 29892, 13433, 29892, 22237, 29892, 322, 22082, 3002, 29889, 450, 1900, 2058, 363, 9138, 10545, 6868, 324, 983, 363, 596, 1591, 2519, 322, 10200, 1230, 4225, 29889, 2233, 359, 342, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 3942, 471, 11975, 363, 263, 731, 281, 705, 11293, 261, 5142, 270, 17006, 363, 1749, 716, 3271, 871, 304, 274, 9398, 1789, 278, 3104, 22005, 591, 274, 677, 342, 1556, 471, 1754, 12430, 29892, 4359, 297, 1749, 1250, 19852, 29889, 9123, 29901, 11654, 487, 3258, 6606, 29899, 4018, 29892, 12647, 29899, 25047, 17455, 1049, 7670, 7191, 29889, 8168, 6478, 29899, 29872, 523, 11898, 11819, 287, 278, 9545, 373, 8775, 19264, 310, 1791, 8253, 6606, 29899, 4018, 17455, 1049, 29889, 450, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 17888, 11817, 1080, 13888, 7709, 287, 263, 8261, 4023, 10147, 310, 17888, 29899, 16145, 7672, 262, 708, 322, 21083, 29892, 607, 1033, 1735, 2834, 373, 596, 17888, 29889, 8108, 29879, 322, 13698, 304, 2761, 24589, 330, 3021, 414, 29892, 1879, 290, 952, 289, 1295, 19563, 29892, 491, 11546, 2741, 341, 29889, 11733, 322, 18885, 319, 29889, 28725, 305, 29889, 382, 29933, 1672, 25529, 29882, 618, 4815, 322, 349, 17933, 25114, 16688, 11293, 261, 29892, 18345, 29882, 618, 28965, 29892, 610, 326, 329, 2491, 281, 1875, 292, 29892, 2691, 270, 2827, 29892, 599, 366, 508, 17545, 20487, 300, 322, 5982, 871, 6233, 515, 6518, 3304, 4412, 17594, 322, 15435, 262, 29892, 13813, 6518, 3304, 4412, 17594, 1122, 367, 1900, 2998, 363, 278, 11176, 2741, 7933, 19922, 322, 26438, 4796, 11982, 29892, 541, 727, 338, 263, 17173, 310, 2090, 322, 5566, 11407, 14188, 599, 2820, 278, 25695, 2086, 29889, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 14239, 29936, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29941, 29936, 29941, 29906, 29936, 2558, 29931, 603, 448, 319, 24300, 922, 294, 680, 315, 1501, 482, 448, 13899, 12878, 304, 278, 17594, 891, 379, 5710, 4673, 383, 10102, 8402, 891, 15456, 476, 23213, 891, 21882, 22666, 287, 7102, 6609, 29889, 21829, 304, 16088, 450, 382, 6729, 349, 17933, 25114, 448, 6418, 1430, 612, 26441, 16641, 18783, 29889, 13, 21076, 3726, 4628, 21452, 286, 913, 11163, 3211, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29892, 4122, 1008, 17612, 29915, 29879, 7488, 7361, 2376, 414, 338, 385, 6920, 616, 13888, 393, 5936, 7093, 278, 1900, 7600, 304, 664, 297, 278, 402, 6040, 29889, 8042, 3726, 1269, 1629, 297, 278, 23803, 12203, 310, 450, 21806, 915, 322, 18623, 29889, 1174, 2212, 29891, 263, 12875, 310, 3209, 1789, 1591, 8090, 3704, 4628, 21452, 29892, 16053, 20200, 322, 21771, 2812, 349, 17933, 3625, 472, 7027, 10924, 2439, 265, 6960, 1789, 2978, 17612, 29889, 13, 29931, 799, 29876, 920, 304, 1708, 29889, 360, 16677, 4671, 29907, 359, 4346, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29946, 29892, 3412, 411, 23032, 350, 1600, 794, 29877, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29906, 29892, 322, 670, 6532, 29892, 3467, 264, 350, 1600, 794, 29877, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29892, 505, 1269, 1063, 20139, 411, 1473, 29899, 12163, 929, 7995, 2592, 4628, 21452, 7333, 282, 17118, 3950, 29889, 399, 29885, 3879, 29878, 2285, 5670, 3502, 1691, 715, 29883, 29892, 3534, 292, 408, 23112, 787, 29892 ]
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[ 338, 278, 11582, 10150, 9704, 310, 2428, 3502, 1691, 297, 278, 3303, 12626, 29892, 322, 338, 2343, 339, 4254, 287, 16088, 8780, 6093, 402, 1525, 1299, 315, 2190, 3035, 29902, 2190, 402, 5194, 4214, 17067, 5194, 29889, 13, 5747, 24536, 1549, 349, 355, 11285, 29889, 476, 8154, 338, 763, 263, 883, 310, 289, 20191, 29892, 372, 338, 2714, 393, 372, 3978, 630, 411, 21438, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 12297, 10013, 29889, 450, 3748, 756, 263, 5400, 3252, 391, 304, 372, 1286, 1951, 366, 508, 1708, 297, 263, 3209, 1789, 472, 263, 5735, 1246, 3748, 29892, 470, 366, 508, 1708, 372, 763, 366, 437, 4863, 11293, 261, 29892, 322, 769, 727, 338, 884, 8743, 413, 8154, 7395, 29889, 13, 6295, 6811, 13315, 29889, 1128, 1763, 3617, 6811, 319, 6781, 1878, 2973, 23350, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29871, 29906, 714, 310, 29871, 29945, 2729, 373, 29871, 29906, 29946, 26838, 29889, 920, 304, 679, 975, 263, 2181, 1878, 29936, 2805, 975, 263, 2181, 1878, 29936, 679, 975, 263, 2181, 1878, 29936, 920, 14263, 941, 316, 11293, 261, 5614, 351, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 285, 436, 294, 9566, 263, 2181, 1878, 29936, 920, 304, 4337, 373, 515, 263, 2181, 1878, 694, 345, 29871, 4481, 625, 448, 694, 345, 8919, 276, 448, 694, 345, 301, 1151, 1900, 297, 21497, 1791, 12418, 5883, 333, 29871, 29953, 29889, 29906, 448, 694, 345, 301, 1151, 8919, 276, 5844, 1182, 1878, 1222, 29883, 1509, 592, 29892, 508, 366, 1371, 592, 29889, 13, 8241, 29892, 366, 29892, 3347, 2976, 10762, 2388, 8090, 29889, 306, 817, 596, 18872, 29892, 541, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 1472, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 577, 1568, 2675, 373, 29901, 7592, 26946, 453, 749, 29892, 1185, 329, 2015, 1891, 1067, 28259, 29892, 20898, 10276, 29892, 10832, 1862, 8743, 11293, 261, 29889, 853, 12193, 25791, 853, 12193, 29889, 8195, 4408, 20212, 10968, 1632, 6727, 10785, 2129, 29677, 1319, 4111, 29926, 29891, 29892, 29108, 4111, 29926, 29891, 29892, 450, 18274, 29899, 29931, 586, 262, 29915, 2233, 359, 342, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 498, 292, 29892, 5163, 324, 310, 8649, 1080, 313, 1311, 29899, 15439, 13190, 511, 2233, 359, 342, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 4111, 29892, 4942, 29889, 13, 29924, 987, 9963, 29892, 777, 22049, 29889, 7579, 304, 3196, 1661, 29899, 23596, 2320, 834, 1475, 29892, 18196, 322, 25964, 29892, 4360, 2330, 27871, 4249, 278, 1556, 21438, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 27673, 29892, 1716, 12220, 567, 1298, 7736, 29879, 6813, 322, 3186, 8157, 29901, 8797, 287, 491, 25141, 275, 6971, 265, 29889, 2973, 14713, 350, 1648, 29892, 9827, 1171, 16053, 20200, 12219, 23032, 5514, 29892, 4755, 360, 4090, 497, 29892, 1963, 15114, 275, 6254, 261, 4909, 29889, 13, 29909, 7375, 8962, 21438, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 4847, 14335, 304, 5401, 263, 14743, 297, 17236, 294, 29892, 541, 338, 17770, 263, 19035, 10555, 411, 670, 7333, 4828, 29889, 13, 12148, 2740, 491, 738, 1746, 29889, 887, 508, 2740, 278, 5001, 1024, 29892, 5001, 6139, 29892, 3234, 7663, 29892, 3454, 470, 1045, 720, 1652, 7661, 29874, 29889, 887, 1122, 884, 2656, 278, 2582, 773, 278, 4694, 267, 303, 304, 278, 1492, 310, 1269, 1897, 4839, 29889, 13249, 336, 5921, 4959, 526, 3625, 472, 596, 1887, 315, 21738, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 310, 13249, 336, 7608, 11904, 1458, 674, 367, 1016, 630, 1250, 304, 596, 4556, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 20947, 304, 437, 297, 27689, 29892, 399, 29909, 541, 727, 526, 925, 408, 1784, 2107, 2462, 3367, 567, 363, 1906, 1058, 1652, 558, 1458, 304, 679, 714, 310, 278, 4272, 29889, 13, 3782, 4383, 988, 596, 20017, 3804, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 2462, 17487, 393, 29915, 29879, 4922, 363, 366, 29889, 15043, 322, 21829, 304, 278, 8198, 390, 5098, 399, 621, 414, 2671, 2563, 10781, 2088, 342, 6726, 29889, 2178, 4284, 2722, 285, 645, 272, 1458, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 674, 451, 367, 9904, 297, 445, 2088, 342, 2909, 29889, 6054, 21452, 17140, 29871, 29906, 756, 11467, 451, 304, 2304, 445, 3402, 738, 5520, 322, 505, 12520, 263, 1570, 2088, 342, 2909, 297, 607, 599, 716, 2088, 342, 2909, 9954, 29899, 262, 29915, 29879, 674, 367, 1286, 367, 21438, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 29889, 18923, 21332, 29936, 8973, 9763, 29889, 13, 8179, 7485, 2112, 29877, 3561, 2132, 403, 9245, 4251, 313, 2490, 287, 3839, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 467, 7298, 9382, 278, 10974, 29889, 12051, 10893, 3760, 457, 29920, 7470, 297, 3561, 2132, 403, 9245, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 322, 282, 839, 694, 17793, 304, 263, 1274, 29879, 1789, 310, 9241, 292, 29892, 704, 4984, 292, 470, 3415, 9382, 263, 10776, 12139, 29889, 3374, 366, 363, 4417, 445, 2944, 304, 596, 7774, 29889, 1152, 21438, 3209, 1789, 304, 5112, 29885, 23041, 23729, 1458, 310, 445, 2159, 29892, 727, 3209, 601, 367, 263, 9055, 310, 701, 304, 29871, 29941, 5381, 3841, 304, 1889, 322, 7751, 29889, 13, 2831, 5155, 470, 1371, 411, 445, 1797, 29892, 3113, 6958, 1749, 3815, 4153, 472, 6776, 342, 29889, 23132, 21332, 29936, 315, 513, 29891, 20572, 5514, 1827, 29901, 7736, 29879, 310, 2805, 15150, 28371, 297, 8753, 2310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 3446, 2190, 29968, 612, 27269, 363, 6421, 304, 16866, 333, 4412, 6824, 29889, 19474, 1254, 9468, 4214, 317, 8187, 29956, 373, 3209, 1789, 364, 6637, 29871, 29896, 29896, 7786, 6493, 304, 16866, 333, 4412, 29892, 4275, 22679, 4616, 313, 29903, 348, 29892, 29871, 29947, 16088, 21223, 363, 4696, 29482, 1338, 29892, 25554, 3697, 470, 1616, 6534, 29879, 29889, 13, 27407, 304, 278, 1900, 16005, 2566, 7395, 29889, 14866, 1862, 22888, 29884, 5710, 3209, 1789, 878, 3095, 29895, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4644, 3082, 16053, 20200, 15874, 337, 1289, 277, 29889, 11856, 278, 8518, 1212, 30098, 2522, 279, 22187, 6932, 19722, 8373, 4168, 22394, 1894, 16946, 3744, 17433, 23868, 280, 2135, 29427, 29901, 2522, 279, 22187, 6932, 29010, 5977, 29892, 11990, 375, 29892, 438, 29950, 29892, 3303, 16088, 10987, 22581, 25554, 3697, 29892, 1616, 3697, 29892, 6534, 29879, 322, 29482, 1338, 29889, 13, 29941 ]
Najee Harris Sports Football Professional football NFL football Joey Bosa Ben Roethlisberger Keenan Allen Austin Ekeler James Pierre Mike Williams Chase Claypool Justin Herbert Asante Samuel Diontae Johnson Tre Norwood Larry Rountree Alex Highsmith Miles Killebrew Uchenna Nwosu Athlete health Athlete injuries Eric Ebron Storm Norton Cameron Sutton Cameron Heyward Taco Charlton Kyler Fackrell Pat Freiermuth Los Angeles Chargers Pittsburgh Steelers Atlanta Falcons Pittsburgh Steelers at Los Angeles Chargers 11/21/2021 Pittsburgh Steelers running back Najee Harris warms up before an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Chargers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) A fan holds an image of Los Angeles Chargers defensive end Joey Bosa before an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger warms up before an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Chargers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Los Angeles Chargers wide receiver Keenan Allen runs onto the field before an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger reacts during the first half of an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Chargers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Chargers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Los Angeles Chargers running back Austin Ekeler reacts after scoring a touchdown during the first half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Los Angeles Chargers running back Austin Ekeler scores a touchdown during the first half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Los Angeles Chargers wide receiver Mike Williams, left, can't make the catch in the end zone as Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback James Pierre defends during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. Pierre picked up a pass interference call on the play. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Chase Claypool reacts after a reception during the first half of an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Chargers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Los Angeles Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Los Angeles Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert throws a pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson (18) makes a catch in the end zone for a touchdown as Los Angeles Chargers cornerback Asante Samuel Jr. defends during the first half of an NFL football game as Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif.
[ 18913, 3905, 20349, 12453, 8914, 20031, 5733, 25167, 5733, 3650, 1032, 350, 3628, 4111, 1528, 621, 23443, 15734, 4813, 264, 273, 16092, 24518, 16462, 7367, 5011, 9181, 12828, 11648, 678, 559, 26234, 10109, 26408, 19116, 1094, 1647, 15316, 360, 291, 941, 29872, 11717, 6479, 4186, 6115, 26977, 390, 792, 929, 4827, 5057, 3844, 389, 3833, 267, 476, 1924, 1030, 29893, 501, 2724, 1056, 405, 29893, 359, 29884, 9193, 2810, 9045, 9193, 2810, 10899, 14886, 14713, 382, 1182, 265, 24444, 405, 26342, 20939, 265, 317, 1851, 20939, 265, 18637, 1328, 323, 11216, 2896, 29880, 880, 16931, 1358, 383, 547, 15044, 4121, 3878, 631, 29885, 2806, 13, 29286, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 27150, 13903, 2443, 295, 414, 26484, 12941, 3200, 13, 29925, 986, 29879, 13903, 2443, 295, 414, 472, 4602, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29914, 29906, 29896, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 29925, 986, 29879, 13903, 2443, 295, 414, 2734, 1250, 18913, 3905, 20349, 1370, 1516, 701, 1434, 385, 25167, 5733, 3748, 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3204, 408, 4602, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 11155, 1627, 1094, 1647, 15316, 13843, 29889, 822, 1975, 2645, 278, 937, 4203, 310, 385, 25167, 5733, 3748, 408, 16340, 29892, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 297, 512, 6234, 6115, 29892, 3037, 361, 29889 ]
(AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson (18) makes a catch in the end zone for a touchdown as Los Angeles Chargers cornerback Asante Samuel Jr. defends during the first half of an NFL football game as Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Los Angeles Chargers running back Austin Ekeler reacts with teammates after scoring a touchdown during the first half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Los Angeles Chargers wide receiver Keenan Allen reacts after a reception during the second half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger throws a pass during the second half of an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Chargers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Los Angeles Chargers running back Austin Ekeler reacts after scoring a touchdown during the second half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Los Angeles Chargers running back Austin Ekeler (30) reacts with teammates after scoring a touchdown during the second half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Los Angeles Chargers running back Austin Ekeler runs with the ball during the second half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Los Angeles Chargers running back Larry Rountree III runs with the ball as Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Tre Norwood defends during the second half of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Los Angeles Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert (10) runs with the ball as Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker Alex Highsmith, left, defends during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Pittsburgh Steelers safety Miles Killebrew (28) blocks a punt by Los Angeles Chargers punter Ty Long (1) during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) Pittsburgh Steelers running back Najee Harris (22) scores a touchdown during the second half of an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Chargers, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) is brought down for a sack by Los Angeles Chargers defensive end Joey Bosa (97) and outside linebacker Uchenna Nwosu, center, during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Pittsburgh Steelers running back Najee Harris, below, is hit by Los Angeles Chargers outside linebacker Kyzir White during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, in Inglewood, Calif. Harris was injured on the play. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis) Los Angeles Chargers running back Austin Ekeler celebrates after scoring a touchdown during the second half of an
[ 313, 3301, 1963, 3747, 29914, 29909, 845, 2330, 3172, 275, 29897, 13, 29925, 986, 29879, 13903, 2443, 295, 414, 9377, 19870, 360, 291, 941, 29872, 11717, 313, 29896, 29947, 29897, 3732, 263, 4380, 297, 278, 1095, 10640, 363, 263, 6023, 3204, 408, 4602, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 11155, 1627, 1094, 1647, 15316, 13843, 29889, 822, 1975, 2645, 278, 937, 4203, 310, 385, 25167, 5733, 3748, 408, 16340, 29892, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 297, 512, 6234, 6115, 29892, 3037, 361, 29889, 313, 3301, 1963, 3747, 29914, 7083, 3934, 5043, 3087, 22067, 29897, 13, 29286, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 2734, 1250, 24518, 16462, 7367, 7657, 29879, 411, 3815, 29885, 1078, 1156, 26654, 263, 6023, 3204, 2645, 278, 937, 4203, 310, 385, 25167, 5733, 3748, 2750, 278, 27150, 13903, 2443, 295, 414, 16340, 29892, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 297, 512, 6234, 6115, 29892, 3037, 361, 29889, 313, 3301, 1963, 3747, 29914, 7083, 3934, 5043, 3087, 22067, 29897, 13, 29286, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 9377, 19870, 4813, 264, 273, 16092, 7657, 29879, 1156, 263, 25647, 2645, 278, 1473, 4203, 310, 385, 25167, 5733, 3748, 2750, 278, 27150, 13903, 2443, 295, 414, 29892, 16340, 29892, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 297, 512, 6234, 6115, 29892, 3037, 361, 29889, 313, 3301, 1963, 3747, 29914, 29909, 845, 2330, 3172, 275, 29897, 13, 29925, 986, 29879, 13903, 2443, 295, 414, 12616, 1627, 4111, 1528, 621, 23443, 15734, 8026, 263, 1209, 2645, 278, 1473, 4203, 310, 385, 25167, 5733, 3748, 2750, 278, 4602, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 29892, 16340, 29892, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 297, 512, 6234, 6115, 29892, 3037, 361, 29889, 313, 3301, 1963, 3747, 29914, 7083, 3934, 5043, 3087, 22067, 29897, 13, 29286, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 2734, 1250, 24518, 16462, 7367, 7657, 29879, 1156, 26654, 263, 6023, 3204, 2645, 278, 1473, 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29892, 3037, 361, 29889, 20349, 471, 28606, 373, 278, 1708, 29889, 313, 3301, 1963, 3747, 29914, 29909, 845, 2330, 3172, 275, 29897, 13, 29286, 10722, 678, 1191, 414, 2734, 1250, 24518, 16462, 7367, 10894, 1078, 1156, 26654, 263, 6023, 3204, 2645, 278, 1473, 4203, 310, 385 ]
Dallas Theater Your independent guide to the best shows in Dallas OTHER CONTEMPORARY POP IN DALLAS Backstreet Boys Event homeBuy ticketsCustomer reviews Elton JohnJohn LegendHarry StylesLindsey StirlingHalseyKenny Chesney PAVILION AT THE MUSIC FACTORY Ricardo Montaner (Feb 6, 2021) Cristian Castro (Feb 14, 2021) Die Antwoord (May 28, 2021) Barenaked Ladies (Jun 8, 2021) Primus (Jun 11, 2021) 5 Seconds of Summer (Jun 12, 2021) Kidz Bop Kids (Jul 8, 2021) Lindsey Stirling (Jul 23, 2021) Blackberry Smoke (Aug 5, 2021) David Gray (Aug 7, 2021) Australian Pink Floyd Show (Aug 8, 2021) Megadeth (Aug 21, 2021) The Goo Goo Dolls (Sep 1, 2021) Deftones (Sep 6, 2021) Rebelution (Sep 10, 2021) Alicia Keys (Sep 15, 2021) Parkway Drive (Sep 29, 2021) Judas Priest (Oct 15, 2021) Doobie Brothers (Oct 19, 2021) Pavilion at the Music Factory Please selectVenue homeLocation and directionsPre-theatre diningOvernight accommodationSeating maps Ricardo Montaner (Feb 6, 2021)Cristian Castro (Feb 14, 2021)Die Antwoord (May 28, 2021)Barenaked Ladies (Jun 8, 2021)Primus (Jun 11, 2021)5 Seconds of Summer (Jun 12, 2021)Kidz Bop Kids (Jul 8, 2021)Lindsey Stirling (Jul 23, 2021)Blackberry Smoke (Aug 5, 2021)David Gray (Aug 7, 2021)Australian Pink Floyd Show (Aug 8, 2021)Megadeth (Aug 21, 2021)The Goo Goo Dolls (Sep 1, 2021)Deftones (Sep 6, 2021)Rebelution (Sep 10, 2021)Alicia Keys (Sep 15, 2021)Parkway Drive (Sep 29, 2021)Judas Priest (Oct 15, 2021)Doobie Brothers (Oct 19, 2021) 300 W Las Colinas Blvd, Irving, TX 75039 The DNA tour continues! Why See Backstreet Boys? Contemporary PopConcerts DNA World tour One nineties revival we can really get behind - the Backstreet Boys are back! Nick, Howie, AJ, Kevin, and Brian are back (alright!) as they continue their huge DNA tour, giving you the chance to re-live their biggest hits in areas across the nation. After being rescheduled from 2020 thanks to we-all-know-what, you can catch the BSBoys finally on tour in 2021! Formed in 1993, Backstreet Boys (or BSB) were one of the decade's biggest bands, consistently releasing bop after bop including multi-million selling singles "I Want It That Way", "As Long As You Love Me", "Everybody", and many many more. Now, following an eventful hiatus, the boys are on the rise once more with a new record DNA AND a single featuring Shawn Mendes. Don
[ 27043, 16150, 13, 10858, 7417, 10754, 304, 278, 1900, 3697, 297, 27043, 13, 2891, 4448, 8707, 4330, 3580, 1955, 19926, 349, 4590, 2672, 360, 9818, 3289, 13, 5841, 29352, 22148, 6864, 3271, 3727, 29891, 16892, 1691, 15122, 21804, 1260, 880, 2259, 11639, 5682, 355, 21972, 719, 624, 5577, 29931, 513, 7759, 624, 381, 1847, 29950, 1435, 29891, 29968, 264, 1460, 678, 267, 3801, 13, 7228, 29963, 6227, 2725, 15531, 6093, 341, 3308, 2965, 13515, 1783, 18929, 13, 29934, 293, 6491, 4526, 273, 261, 313, 29943, 774, 29871, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 29907, 2021, 713, 28339, 313, 29943, 774, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 16334, 5459, 25317, 313, 12703, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 4297, 264, 12535, 19955, 583, 313, 29967, 348, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 18213, 375, 313, 29967, 348, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 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6600, 1747, 29892, 323, 29990, 29871, 29955, 29945, 29900, 29941, 29929, 13, 1576, 25348, 6282, 18172, 29991, 13, 11008, 2823, 7437, 29352, 22148, 29973, 13, 1323, 9059, 653, 6977, 1168, 6327, 29879, 13, 29928, 3521, 2787, 6282, 13, 6716, 302, 10157, 583, 6664, 2561, 591, 508, 2289, 679, 5742, 448, 278, 7437, 29352, 22148, 526, 1250, 29991, 13853, 29892, 1128, 347, 29892, 319, 29967, 29892, 19323, 29892, 322, 15733, 526, 1250, 313, 284, 1266, 14366, 408, 896, 6773, 1009, 12176, 25348, 6282, 29892, 6820, 366, 278, 8825, 304, 337, 29899, 9258, 1009, 24842, 19572, 297, 10161, 4822, 278, 5233, 29889, 2860, 1641, 620, 305, 14989, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 3969, 304, 591, 29899, 497, 29899, 28385, 29899, 5816, 29892, 366, 508, 4380, 278, 350, 1744, 29877, 952, 7146, 373, 6282, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29991, 13, 2500, 287, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29892, 7437, 29352, 22148, 313, 272, 350, 1744, 29897, 892, 697, 310, 278, 316, 6332, 29915, 29879, 24842, 22706, 29892, 5718, 2705, 337, 280, 5832, 289, 459, 1156, 289, 459, 3704, 2473, 29899, 19958, 291, 269, 7807, 22102, 376, 29902, 399, 424, 739, 2193, 5307, 613, 376, 2887, 6242, 1094, 887, 8155, 2191, 613, 376, 26526, 2587, 613, 322, 1784, 1784, 901, 29889, 2567, 29892, 1494, 385, 1741, 1319, 7251, 2389, 29892, 278, 12544, 526, 373, 278, 14451, 2748, 901, 411, 263, 716, 2407, 25348, 5300, 263, 2323, 23425, 1383, 18101, 341, 18684, 29889, 3872 ]
HomePosts tagged 'protect' The Warning Signs Are Warning Signs! February 4, 2015 January 8, 2015 fasab Bloopers, Business, comedy, Humour, Legal, Rants allergic, amusing, Ann Arbor, bag of nuts, bicyclists, body, burn, Caution, Comedy, cup of hot coffee, curling iron, dashboard, dental drill, dictate, Do not use, drinking, dumb ass, electric rotary tool, Entertainment, examples, external use only, funnier, funny, hair dryer, hot, Humor, Humour, idiots, information, information booklet, iq, irritating, massaging device, McDonald's, Michigan, morons, Nuts, protect, public sports facility, rant, Rants, Recycled, regressed, shake my head in despair, shampoo for dogs, Shin pads, shower, sleeping, society, Strange, stupid, stupid people, stupidest people in society, stupidity, suffer the consequences, sunshield, toilet, trend, trouble, unconscious, underarm deodorant, unnecessary, unnecessary warning labels, unsafe, warning signs, writing Strange as it may seem Warning Signs are warning signs that society is in BIG trouble. They indicate that we have regressed to the level where we are allowing the stupidest people in society to dictate how the rest of us behave. I disagree in the strongest possible terms with this trend. It is unnecessary and it is irritating for anyone with an IQ above 40. If some dumb ass who knows they are allergic to nuts, buys a bag of nuts, then let them suffer the consequences of their stupidity if they eat them. Or if someone is in McDonalds or a similar establishment and buys a cup of hot coffee they should have the wit to realize that hot coffees is 'hot' and will burn them if they pour it all over themselves. Harsh? Perhaps, but necessary. Sadly the whole thing has deteriorated so far that, not only are there unnecessary warning labels on almost everything, but the morons for whom they are there now actually seem to be writing them too! I could rant on, but better (and funnier) to show you some examples that make me shake my head in despair. "Do not use if you cannot see clearly to read the information in the information booklet." β€” In the information booklet. The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish." β€” On a bottle of shampoo for dogs. "For external use only!" β€” On a curling iron. "Warning: This product can burn eyes." β€” Also on a curling iron. "Do not use in shower." β€” On a hair dryer. "Do not use while sleeping." β€” Also on a hair dryer. "Do not use while sleeping or unconscious." β€” On a hand-held massaging device. "Recycled flush water unsafe for drinking." β€” On a toilet at a public sports facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan. "Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover." β€” On a pair of shin guards made for bicyclists. "This product not intended for use as a dental drill." β€” On an electric rotary tool. Do not spray in eyes." β€” On a container of underarm deodorant. "Do not drive with sunshield in place." β€” On a cardboard sunshield that keeps the sun off the dashboard. Black Hawk Seems To Be Up Again! January 19, 2014 January 18, 2014 fasab Current Events, Politics, Rants, War African troops, al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, American embassy, American foreign policy, American military, American soldiers, American troops, anti-Assad forces, Assad, Battle of Mogadishu, Black Hawk Down, consistent pattern, Current Events, drones, foreign affairs, Foreign Policy, fund and supply terrorist groups, funding, horrific images, incompetent politicians, inhospitable place, intelligence, iran, killed, long term dangers, military coordination cell, military power, mistake, movie, Obama, Obama administration, official sources
[ 8778, 6747, 29879, 4055, 3192, 525, 14676, 312, 29915, 13, 1576, 24412, 9954, 29879, 4683, 24412, 9954, 29879, 29991, 13, 29943, 3205, 653, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 5490, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 25995, 370, 350, 7888, 414, 29892, 15197, 29892, 26228, 29892, 13863, 473, 29892, 5682, 284, 29892, 390, 1934, 12, 12572, 29887, 293, 29892, 626, 4746, 29892, 8081, 826, 4089, 29892, 19548, 310, 302, 8842, 29892, 289, 4245, 695, 2879, 29892, 3573, 29892, 12138, 29892, 9243, 918, 29892, 422, 7584, 29892, 18002, 310, 7375, 26935, 29892, 3151, 1847, 13977, 29892, 12569, 3377, 29892, 12042, 284, 4192, 453, 29892, 9657, 403, 29892, 1938, 451, 671, 29892, 13748, 292, 29892, 270, 3774, 1223, 29892, 12646, 5731, 653, 5780, 29892, 18189, 29892, 6455, 29892, 7029, 671, 871, 29892, 2090, 11697, 29892, 2090, 1460, 29892, 11315, 15589, 261, 29892, 7375, 29892, 13863, 272, 29892, 13863, 473, 29892, 1178, 29875, 1862, 29892, 2472, 29892, 2472, 3143, 1026, 29892, 474, 29939, 29892, 3805, 768, 1218, 29892, 4158, 6751, 4742, 29892, 4052, 28080, 29915, 29879, 29892, 17098, 29892, 3036, 787, 29892, 405, 8842, 29892, 12566, 29892, 970, 14717, 24454, 29892, 364, 424, 29892, 390, 1934, 29892, 3599, 11078, 839, 29892, 337, 3663, 287, 29892, 528, 1296, 590, 2343, 297, 8913, 1466, 29892, 528, 314, 1129, 29877, 363, 26361, 29892, 27948, 282, 7925, 29892, 1510, 261, 29892, 8709, 292, 29892, 12459, 29892, 3767, 927, 29892, 20239, 29892, 20239, 2305, 29892, 20239, 342, 2305, 297, 12459, 29892, 20239, 537, 29892, 8812, 278, 27721, 29892, 6575, 845, 969, 29892, 304, 488, 29873, 29892, 534, 355, 29892, 7458, 29892, 443, 3200, 8802, 29892, 1090, 2817, 316, 17606, 424, 29892, 19039, 29892, 19039, 9177, 11073, 29892, 25110, 29892, 9177, 18906, 29892, 5007, 13, 5015, 927, 408, 372, 1122, 2833, 24412, 9954, 29879, 526, 9177, 18906, 393, 12459, 338, 297, 350, 6259, 7458, 29889, 2688, 12266, 393, 591, 505, 337, 3663, 287, 304, 278, 3233, 988, 591, 526, 14372, 278, 20239, 342, 2305, 297, 12459, 304, 9657, 403, 920, 278, 1791, 310, 502, 23389, 29889, 13, 29902, 22941, 929, 297, 278, 4549, 342, 1950, 4958, 411, 445, 534, 355, 29889, 739, 338, 19039, 322, 372, 338, 3805, 768, 1218, 363, 5019, 411, 385, 306, 29984, 2038, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29889, 13, 3644, 777, 270, 3774, 1223, 1058, 9906, 896, 526, 599, 15064, 293, 304, 302, 8842, 29892, 1321, 952, 263, 19548, 310, 302, 8842, 29892, 769, 1235, 963, 8812, 278, 27721, 310, 1009, 20239, 537, 565, 896, 17545, 963, 29889, 1394, 565, 4856, 338, 297, 4052, 28080, 29879, 470, 263, 2788, 25012, 322, 1321, 952, 263, 18002, 310, 7375, 26935, 896, 881, 505, 278, 12309, 304, 16289, 393, 7375, 19785, 12712, 338, 525, 8711, 29915, 322, 674, 12138, 963, 565, 896, 1671, 372, 599, 975, 6053, 29889, 13, 21972, 845, 29973, 11637, 29892, 541, 5181, 29889, 13, 29903, 328, 368, 278, 3353, 2655, 756, 270, 1308, 1611, 630, 577, 2215, 393, 29892, 451, 871, 526, 727, 19039, 9177, 11073, 373, 4359, 4129, 29892, 541, 278, 3036, 787, 363, 6029, 896, 526, 727, 1286, 2869, 2833, 304, 367, 5007, 963, 2086, 29991, 13, 29902, 1033, 364, 424, 373, 29892, 541, 2253, 313, 392, 2090, 11697, 29897, 304, 1510, 366, 777, 6455, 393, 1207, 592, 528, 1296, 590, 2343, 297, 8913, 1466, 29889, 13, 29908, 6132, 451, 671, 565, 366, 2609, 13, 4149, 9436, 304, 1303, 278, 2472, 13, 262, 278, 2472, 3143, 1026, 1213, 13, 30003, 512, 278, 2472, 3143, 1026, 29889, 13, 1576, 8118, 310, 445, 18046, 280, 13, 9344, 451, 367, 21242, 304, 9427, 1213, 13, 30003, 1551, 263, 18046, 280, 310, 528, 314, 1129, 29877, 363, 26361, 29889, 13, 29908, 2831, 7029, 671, 871, 3850, 13, 30003, 1551, 263, 3151, 1847, 13977, 29889, 13, 29908, 22709, 29901, 910, 3234, 508, 12138, 5076, 1213, 13, 30003, 3115, 373, 263, 3151, 1847, 13977, 29889, 13, 29908, 6132, 451, 671, 297, 1510, 261, 1213, 13, 30003, 1551, 263, 11315, 15589, 261, 29889, 13, 29908, 6132, 451, 671, 1550, 8709, 292, 1213, 13, 30003, 3115, 373, 263, 11315, 15589, 261, 29889, 13, 29908, 6132, 451, 671, 1550, 8709, 292, 470, 443, 3200, 8802, 1213, 13, 30003, 1551, 263, 1361, 29899, 29882, 2495, 4158, 6751, 4742, 29889, 13, 29908, 4789, 11078, 839, 28371, 4094, 25110, 363, 13748, 292, 1213, 13, 30003, 1551, 263, 304, 488, 29873, 472, 263, 970, 14717, 24454, 13, 262, 8081, 826, 4089, 29892, 17098, 29889, 13, 29908, 2713, 262, 282, 7925, 2609, 12566, 738, 760, 13, 974, 278, 3573, 896, 437, 451, 4612, 1213, 13, 30003, 1551, 263, 5101, 310, 528, 262, 1410, 3163, 1754, 363, 289, 4245, 695, 2879, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 3234, 451, 9146, 13, 1454, 671, 408, 263, 12042, 284, 4192, 453, 1213, 13, 30003, 1551, 385, 12646, 5731, 653, 5780, 29889, 13, 6132, 451, 805, 764, 297, 5076, 1213, 13, 30003, 1551, 263, 5639, 310, 1090, 2817, 316, 17606, 424, 29889, 13, 29908, 6132, 451, 7899, 411, 6575, 845, 969, 297, 2058, 1213, 13, 30003, 1551, 263, 5881, 3377, 6575, 845, 969, 393, 14874, 13, 1552, 6575, 1283, 278, 12569, 3377, 29889, 13, 18700, 10875, 29895, 22648, 1763, 1522, 5020, 11454, 29991, 13, 29967, 15623, 653, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 5490, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 25995, 370, 9626, 28488, 29892, 6934, 1199, 29892, 390, 1934, 29892, 3362, 12, 29909, 1341, 2185, 13230, 29892, 394, 29899, 29984, 29874, 8710, 29892, 394, 29899, 2713, 5363, 370, 29892, 3082, 7232, 465, 29891, 29892, 3082, 9117, 8898, 29892, 3082, 9121, 29892, 3082, 13936, 29892, 3082, 13230, 29892, 9418, 29899, 7900, 328, 8249, 29892, 4007, 328, 29892, 12788, 310, 341, 468, 328, 728, 29884, 29892, 6054, 10875, 29895, 9943, 29892, 13747, 4766, 29892, 9626, 28488, 29892, 270, 1617, 267, 29892, 9117, 19469, 29892, 19358, 25219, 29892, 5220, 322, 11421, 15115, 391, 6471, 29892, 5220, 292, 29892, 4029, 29878, 928, 4558, 29892, 297, 2388, 300, 296, 2832, 14722, 29892, 297, 29882, 4705, 8270, 2058, 29892, 21082, 29892, 3805, 273, 29892, 9445, 29892, 1472, 1840, 270, 13873, 29892, 9121, 29311, 3381, 3038, 29892, 9121, 3081, 29892, 10171, 29892, 14064, 29892, 4250, 3304, 29892, 4250, 3304, 17517, 29892, 6221, 8974 ]
, operational, police the world, politicians, politics, President Clinton, principle, protect, radical Islamist groups, Rants, regular troops, Russia, secret meetings, secretly stationed, Somalia, Somalia military, Somalia militiamen, stabilization, strategy, syria, Syrian conflict, Syrian government, television, the Sunday Sermon, United Nations, US Army, US forces, US Foreign Policy, War, war against terror, war on terror, Western intelligence officials, world The Sunday Sermon You may remember, more because of the movie than anything else probably, an incident in 1993 called 'Black Hawk Down' which caused American troops to leave Somalia. At that time they had been stationed there as part of a United Nations 'stabilization' operation – whatever that is. President Clinton abandoned that effort after the 'Battle of Mogadishu' in which nearly 20 American soldiers were killed and horrific images of their bodies being dragged through the streets by Somalia militiamen had been seen all over the world on television. Since then American military and intelligence efforts have been in the form of funding the Somalia military and using remotely controlled drones to keep an eye on what is happening on the ground and perhaps more. Or so we thought. After all, the last thing we want to do is get bogged down again on the ground in such an inhospitable place. Cue the Obama administration and guess what? Yep, the US Army has once again secretly stationed a group of regular troops in Somalia. Since October last year a "military coordination cell" has been established in Somalia that, to quote the officer in charge, "is now fully operational". I'm not sure even Obama knows what they are there to do. There isn't an American embassy to protect and they would hardly be there to draw unwanted attention to the people from charlie india alpha, would they? Official sources say the army unit has been tasked with "advising and coordinating" operations by African troops against al-Shabaab, the al-Qaeda-linked group that controls large parts of Somalia. Okay, so let's say US forces have been deployed in Africa as part of the war against terror. So perhaps that establishes what US Foreign Policy strategy is, i.e. to fight the war against terror. Doesn't it? Let's move a bit further north-east. To Syria in fact. For the past while the US has been covertly backing the anti-Assad forces in the Syrian conflict. Seemed to make sense since Assad is friends with the likes of Iran and Russia. Except for the fact that the anti-Assad forces were in fact made up of the same type of al-Qaeda-linked groups that the US is against in Somalia. Confused? You should be. If there was any principle involved they would have been better not backing either side. But of course principle and politics rarely mix. And just to add to the confusion it was confirmed last week that secret meetings have been held between 'Western intelligence officials' and senior members of the Syrian government, aimed at "combating radical Islamist groups" in Syria. Maybe it IS all beginning to make sense. At least we can detect a consistent pattern emerging, and it seems to be this: ignore the long term dangers, and fund and supply terrorist groups just because they happen to be at odds with people you don't like; and then when you realize what a mess you've made, send in American troops to correct the mistake, never mind that they are going to get killed and maimed by weapons paid for by America. American foreign policy has been a shambles for decades. It doesn't get better by repeating the same mistakes over and over again. America has the strength and the military power to police the world, of that there is no doubt. But does that mean it really has to? Especially when the policy to direct such a strategy is made by incompetent politicians who clearly do not understand the world they are trying to police. Confusion and failure has been and will be the result. That and the needless sacrifice of the brave souls whose job it is to clear up the mess. Absolute Power Does Corrupt – Always! November 15, 2013 fasab Current Events, Politics, Rants absolute power, abuse, abuse of power, abused, abused the trust, Allies, America, American people, anti-terror law,
[ 29892, 1751, 1288, 29892, 10974, 278, 3186, 29892, 2832, 14722, 29892, 22661, 29892, 7178, 2233, 16929, 29892, 12502, 29892, 12566, 29892, 24818, 16427, 391, 6471, 29892, 390, 1934, 29892, 4943, 13230, 29892, 12710, 29892, 7035, 5870, 886, 29892, 7035, 368, 5073, 287, 29892, 6254, 19627, 29892, 6254, 19627, 9121, 29892, 6254, 19627, 5549, 2829, 264, 29892, 16160, 2133, 29892, 13705, 29892, 9878, 2849, 29892, 8713, 6392, 14529, 29892, 8713, 6392, 5874, 29892, 11456, 29892, 278, 16340, 317, 837, 265, 29892, 3303, 18269, 29892, 3148, 8811, 29892, 3148, 8249, 29892, 3148, 19358, 25219, 29892, 3362, 29892, 1370, 2750, 15115, 29892, 1370, 373, 15115, 29892, 10504, 21082, 24921, 29892, 3186, 13, 1576, 16340, 317, 837, 265, 13, 3492, 1122, 6456, 29892, 901, 1363, 310, 278, 14064, 1135, 3099, 1683, 3117, 29892, 385, 15134, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 2000, 525, 18700, 10875, 29895, 9943, 29915, 607, 8581, 3082, 13230, 304, 5967, 6254, 19627, 29889, 13, 4178, 393, 931, 896, 750, 1063, 5073, 287, 727, 408, 760, 310, 263, 3303, 18269, 525, 303, 4427, 2133, 29915, 5858, 785, 6514, 393, 338, 29889, 13, 13504, 1693, 2233, 16929, 23181, 393, 7225, 1156, 278, 525, 29933, 5315, 310, 341, 468, 328, 728, 29884, 29915, 297, 607, 8886, 29871, 29906, 29900, 3082, 13936, 892, 9445, 322, 4029, 29878, 928, 4558, 310, 1009, 17873, 1641, 8338, 3192, 1549, 278, 19756, 491, 6254, 19627, 5549, 2829, 264, 750, 1063, 3595, 599, 975, 278, 3186, 373, 11456, 29889, 13, 23036, 769, 3082, 9121, 322, 21082, 14231, 505, 1063, 297, 278, 883, 310, 5220, 292, 278, 6254, 19627, 9121, 322, 773, 1083, 327, 873, 20704, 270, 1617, 267, 304, 3013, 385, 10977, 373, 825, 338, 10464, 373, 278, 5962, 322, 6060, 901, 29889, 13, 2816, 577, 591, 2714, 29889, 2860, 599, 29892, 278, 1833, 2655, 591, 864, 304, 437, 338, 679, 26652, 3192, 1623, 1449, 373, 278, 5962, 297, 1316, 385, 297, 29882, 4705, 8270, 2058, 29889, 13, 29907, 434, 278, 4250, 3304, 17517, 322, 4140, 825, 29973, 612, 1022, 29892, 278, 3148, 8811, 756, 2748, 1449, 7035, 368, 5073, 287, 263, 2318, 310, 4943, 13230, 297, 6254, 19627, 29889, 4001, 5533, 1833, 1629, 263, 376, 23853, 277, 653, 29311, 3381, 3038, 29908, 756, 1063, 7841, 297, 6254, 19627, 393, 29892, 304, 14978, 278, 12139, 297, 8323, 29892, 376, 275, 1286, 8072, 1751, 1288, 1642, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 451, 1854, 1584, 4250, 3304, 9906, 825, 896, 526, 727, 304, 437, 29889, 1670, 3508, 29915, 29873, 385, 3082, 7232, 465, 29891, 304, 12566, 322, 896, 723, 15155, 367, 727, 304, 4216, 18500, 9714, 8570, 304, 278, 2305, 515, 1373, 3197, 1399, 423, 15595, 29892, 723, 896, 29973, 13, 29949, 7880, 8974, 1827, 278, 9987, 5190, 756, 1063, 3414, 287, 411, 376, 328, 1730, 292, 322, 6615, 1218, 29908, 6931, 491, 11715, 13230, 2750, 394, 29899, 2713, 5363, 370, 29892, 278, 394, 29899, 29984, 29874, 8710, 29899, 2324, 287, 2318, 393, 11761, 2919, 5633, 310, 6254, 19627, 29889, 13, 20434, 388, 29892, 577, 1235, 29915, 29879, 1827, 3148, 8249, 505, 1063, 21168, 297, 10557, 408, 760, 310, 278, 1370, 2750, 15115, 29889, 13, 6295, 6060, 393, 10127, 267, 825, 3148, 19358, 25219, 13705, 338, 29892, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 304, 8589, 278, 1370, 2750, 15115, 29889, 13, 25125, 29876, 29915, 29873, 372, 29973, 13, 12024, 29915, 29879, 4337, 263, 2586, 4340, 6641, 29899, 23027, 29889, 1763, 8713, 2849, 297, 2114, 29889, 13, 2831, 278, 4940, 1550, 278, 3148, 756, 1063, 4612, 29873, 368, 27436, 278, 9418, 29899, 7900, 328, 8249, 297, 278, 8713, 6392, 14529, 29889, 922, 22580, 304, 1207, 4060, 1951, 4007, 328, 338, 7875, 411, 278, 4188, 267, 310, 14883, 322, 12710, 29889, 1222, 1547, 363, 278, 2114, 393, 278, 9418, 29899, 7900, 328, 8249, 892, 297, 2114, 1754, 701, 310, 278, 1021, 1134, 310, 394, 29899, 29984, 29874, 8710, 29899, 2324, 287, 6471, 393, 278, 3148, 338, 2750, 297, 6254, 19627, 29889, 13, 16376, 3880, 29973, 887, 881, 367, 29889, 13, 3644, 727, 471, 738, 12502, 9701, 896, 723, 505, 1063, 2253, 451, 27436, 2845, 2625, 29889, 1205, 310, 3236, 12502, 322, 22661, 23703, 6837, 29889, 13, 2855, 925, 304, 788, 304, 278, 14679, 372, 471, 16725, 1833, 4723, 393, 7035, 5870, 886, 505, 1063, 4934, 1546, 525, 16128, 824, 21082, 24921, 29915, 322, 16336, 5144, 310, 278, 8713, 6392, 5874, 29892, 12242, 287, 472, 376, 17743, 1218, 24818, 16427, 391, 6471, 29908, 297, 8713, 2849, 29889, 13, 22762, 372, 8519, 599, 6763, 304, 1207, 4060, 29889, 2180, 3203, 591, 508, 6459, 263, 13747, 4766, 11176, 3460, 29892, 322, 372, 2444, 304, 367, 445, 29901, 13, 17281, 278, 1472, 1840, 270, 13873, 29892, 322, 5220, 322, 11421, 15115, 391, 6471, 925, 1363, 896, 3799, 304, 367, 472, 7736, 29879, 411, 2305, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 29936, 322, 769, 746, 366, 16289, 825, 263, 4473, 366, 29915, 345, 1754, 29892, 3638, 297, 3082, 13230, 304, 1959, 278, 10171, 29892, 2360, 3458, 393, 896, 526, 2675, 304, 679, 9445, 322, 611, 326, 287, 491, 25340, 12530, 363, 491, 6813, 29889, 13, 14689, 9117, 8898, 756, 1063, 263, 528, 1117, 793, 363, 1602, 3076, 29889, 739, 1838, 29915, 29873, 679, 2253, 491, 28769, 278, 1021, 28947, 975, 322, 975, 1449, 29889, 13, 29048, 756, 278, 9324, 322, 278, 9121, 3081, 304, 10974, 278, 3186, 29892, 310, 393, 727, 338, 694, 7404, 29889, 1205, 947, 393, 2099, 372, 2289, 756, 304, 29973, 3423, 25009, 746, 278, 8898, 304, 1513, 1316, 263, 13705, 338, 1754, 491, 297, 2388, 300, 296, 2832, 14722, 1058, 9436, 437, 451, 2274, 278, 3186, 896, 526, 1811, 304, 10974, 29889, 13, 16376, 3958, 322, 10672, 756, 1063, 322, 674, 367, 278, 1121, 29889, 2193, 322, 278, 817, 2222, 28839, 310, 278, 26565, 3669, 3137, 5069, 4982, 372, 338, 304, 2821, 701, 278, 4473, 29889, 13, 4920, 14977, 9206, 5538, 2994, 6685, 785, 29849, 29991, 13, 25363, 1096, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 25995, 370, 9626, 28488, 29892, 6934, 1199, 29892, 390, 1934, 12, 23552, 3081, 29892, 633, 1509, 29892, 633, 1509, 310, 3081, 29892, 633, 3880, 29892, 633, 3880, 278, 9311, 29892, 838, 3687, 29892, 6813, 29892, 3082, 2305, 29892, 9418, 29899, 357, 729, 4307, 29892 ]
bad legislation, betrayal, bugged, business, carte blanch, cell phone, checks and balances, Congressman Sensenbrenner, cooperation, corrupt, corruption, Current Events, damage, data collecting, distrust, enemies, error of his ways, Europe, European parliament, excesses, foe, fools, friend, friendship, galloping roughshod, German Chancellor, government, government agencies, headlines, horse, idiot, Jim Sensenbrenner, legislation, Merklegate scandal, Misc, Miscellaneous, new lock, NSA, Opinion, permission, politicians, politics, poor judgment, Privacy, problem, protect, Sensenbrenner, short-sightedness, snoop, solution, sorry, spooks, spy, stable door, stupid, stupid people, stupidity, suspicion, the Patriot Act, treachery, US, US House Representative, US House Representative Jim Sensenbrenner, world You know, sometimes you just have to laugh at the stupidity and short-sightedness of politicians. The latest idiot to hit the headlines is US House Representative Jim Sensenbrenner. You might remember him, he was the one who wrote the supposed anti-terror law now known as the Patriot Act. Now he has asked the European Parliament for help in controlling the obviously completely out of control NSA who have decided this piece of ill thought out legislation gives them carte blanch permission to snoop into everybody's business, friend and foe. Apparently Congressman Sensenbrenner has belatedly seen the error of his ways and wants Europe to put pressure on the US to change its legislation to stop the spy agency's mass communications data collecting activities. Today Sensenbrenner says that the NSA has abused the trust placed in it by the American people. Powers that were designed to protect them, but powers that have been used to spy on them instead. And the Brits are at it too! Big surprise Jim? I think not! Then there is the damage they have done to America's standing throughout the world. The Merklegate scandal, where the German Chancellor's cell phone was found to be bugged, is just one of many instances where America has treated its allies like enemies, creating suspicion and distrust where there used to be friendship and cooperation. And the poor judgment continues, because Sensenbrenner's solution to the problem he helped to create is not to get rid of this bad legislation, but instead to create even more bad legislation that purports to curtail the excesses of the former. Won't work Jimmy. No point fitting a new lock on the stable door after the horse is already out and galloping roughshod over the privacy of the American people and their friends. All very well for Jim Sensenbrenner to say sorry now, but wasn't it inevitable that the massive ill thought out powers handed to the spooks after 9-11 would be abused? Absolute power does corrupt – always! That is why checks and balances are necessary, only they need to be put in place in time. Did You Know? – Some More Concrete Facts From Fasab's Files. September 17, 2013 September 17, 2013 fasab Factoids 1883, 1976 Winter Olympics, All Nippon Airlines, Allies, americans, animal, answering machines, ax murderer, Berlin, Berlin Zoo, bomb, bout of sneezing, bride's clothes, burrs, California, cartoon character, coal, Colorado voters, concrete, decorated, Denver, Did You Know, divorce rate, dogs, Donna Griffith, dust, education, elephant, Entertainment, eruption, escaped, fact, factoid, factoids, facts, first Canadian post office, first person to die in the electric chair, France, Frank "Rocky" Fiegel, George de Mestral, groom, Halifax, Harlem Globetrotters, Hoover Dam, host, hungry Germans, Indonesia, information, invented, jets, knots, Krakatoa, leaving messages, locusts swarm, los angeles, man-made fibre, Misc, Miscellaneous, Moon, Nevada, new york, Nova Scotia, nylon, pants, patents, petroleum, Pokemon characters
[ 4319, 13332, 362, 29892, 1010, 764, 284, 29892, 6494, 3192, 29892, 5381, 29892, 20206, 1999, 14588, 29892, 3038, 9008, 29892, 12747, 322, 6411, 2925, 29892, 11559, 1171, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 29892, 1302, 16453, 29892, 1034, 6685, 29892, 1034, 18953, 29892, 9626, 28488, 29892, 18658, 29892, 848, 6314, 292, 29892, 1320, 23575, 29892, 22595, 29892, 1059, 310, 670, 5837, 29892, 4092, 29892, 7824, 22765, 29892, 19163, 267, 29892, 1701, 29872, 29892, 285, 8789, 29892, 5121, 29892, 27994, 29892, 6898, 4757, 292, 12164, 845, 397, 29892, 5332, 22433, 3729, 272, 29892, 5874, 29892, 5874, 946, 15942, 29892, 2343, 9012, 29892, 10435, 29892, 1178, 24414, 29892, 8507, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 29892, 13332, 362, 29892, 4702, 29895, 6045, 885, 24258, 29892, 341, 10669, 29892, 20929, 3729, 23584, 29892, 716, 7714, 29892, 3865, 29909, 29892, 6461, 262, 291, 29892, 10751, 29892, 2832, 14722, 29892, 22661, 29892, 6460, 24284, 29892, 18936, 4135, 29892, 1108, 29892, 12566, 29892, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 29892, 3273, 29899, 29879, 523, 287, 2264, 29892, 269, 1217, 459, 29892, 1650, 29892, 7423, 29892, 805, 2550, 29879, 29892, 805, 29891, 29892, 13714, 3050, 29892, 20239, 29892, 20239, 2305, 29892, 20239, 537, 29892, 8872, 15353, 29892, 278, 23168, 327, 3185, 29892, 2578, 496, 708, 29892, 3148, 29892, 3148, 5619, 16314, 1230, 29892, 3148, 5619, 16314, 1230, 8507, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 29892, 3186, 13, 3492, 1073, 29892, 6041, 366, 925, 505, 304, 10569, 472, 278, 20239, 537, 322, 3273, 29899, 29879, 523, 287, 2264, 310, 2832, 14722, 29889, 13, 1576, 9281, 1178, 24414, 304, 7124, 278, 2343, 9012, 338, 3148, 5619, 16314, 1230, 8507, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 29889, 887, 1795, 6456, 1075, 29892, 540, 471, 278, 697, 1058, 5456, 278, 7424, 9418, 29899, 357, 729, 4307, 1286, 2998, 408, 278, 23168, 327, 3185, 29889, 13, 10454, 540, 756, 4433, 278, 7824, 13212, 363, 1371, 297, 640, 22155, 278, 12879, 6446, 714, 310, 2761, 3865, 29909, 1058, 505, 8459, 445, 8424, 310, 4486, 2714, 714, 13332, 362, 4076, 963, 20206, 1999, 14588, 10751, 304, 269, 1217, 459, 964, 26077, 29915, 29879, 5381, 29892, 5121, 322, 1701, 29872, 29889, 13, 2052, 279, 2705, 11559, 1171, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 756, 1339, 630, 368, 3595, 278, 1059, 310, 670, 5837, 322, 10753, 4092, 304, 1925, 12959, 373, 278, 3148, 304, 1735, 967, 13332, 362, 304, 5040, 278, 805, 29891, 946, 3819, 29915, 29879, 4158, 7212, 800, 848, 6314, 292, 14188, 29889, 13, 29911, 397, 388, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 4083, 393, 278, 3865, 29909, 756, 633, 3880, 278, 9311, 7180, 297, 372, 491, 278, 3082, 2305, 29889, 12265, 414, 393, 892, 8688, 304, 12566, 963, 29892, 541, 10801, 393, 505, 1063, 1304, 304, 805, 29891, 373, 963, 2012, 29889, 1126, 278, 3230, 29879, 526, 472, 372, 2086, 29991, 13, 6970, 16671, 8507, 29973, 13, 29902, 1348, 451, 29991, 13, 11760, 727, 338, 278, 18658, 896, 505, 2309, 304, 6813, 29915, 29879, 13407, 10106, 278, 3186, 29889, 450, 4702, 29895, 6045, 885, 24258, 29892, 988, 278, 5332, 22433, 3729, 272, 29915, 29879, 3038, 9008, 471, 1476, 304, 367, 6494, 3192, 29892, 338, 925, 697, 310, 1784, 8871, 988, 6813, 756, 14914, 967, 394, 3687, 763, 22595, 29892, 4969, 8872, 15353, 322, 1320, 23575, 988, 727, 1304, 304, 367, 27994, 322, 1302, 16453, 29889, 13, 2855, 278, 6460, 24284, 18172, 29892, 1363, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 29915, 29879, 1650, 304, 278, 1108, 540, 9213, 304, 1653, 338, 451, 304, 679, 8177, 310, 445, 4319, 13332, 362, 29892, 541, 2012, 304, 1653, 1584, 901, 4319, 13332, 362, 393, 3708, 4011, 304, 3151, 18237, 278, 19163, 267, 310, 278, 4642, 29889, 13, 29956, 265, 29915, 29873, 664, 20636, 29889, 13, 3782, 1298, 28221, 263, 716, 7714, 373, 278, 13714, 3050, 1156, 278, 10435, 338, 2307, 714, 322, 6898, 4757, 292, 12164, 845, 397, 975, 278, 5999, 4135, 310, 278, 3082, 2305, 322, 1009, 7875, 29889, 13, 3596, 1407, 1532, 363, 8507, 317, 14762, 1182, 264, 1089, 304, 1827, 7423, 1286, 29892, 541, 9007, 29915, 29873, 372, 297, 5750, 8270, 393, 278, 20364, 4486, 2714, 714, 10801, 29692, 304, 278, 805, 2550, 29879, 1156, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 723, 367, 633, 3880, 29973, 13, 4920, 14977, 3081, 947, 1034, 6685, 785, 2337, 29991, 2193, 338, 2020, 12747, 322, 6411, 2925, 526, 5181, 29892, 871, 896, 817, 304, 367, 1925, 297, 2058, 297, 931, 29889, 13, 9260, 887, 19320, 29973, 785, 3834, 5853, 1281, 9084, 26748, 29879, 3645, 383, 294, 370, 29915, 29879, 12745, 29889, 13, 2008, 3266, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 25995, 370, 26748, 3398, 29879, 12, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 12267, 16373, 29892, 2178, 405, 8377, 265, 29718, 29892, 838, 3687, 29892, 7902, 16708, 29892, 13019, 29892, 22862, 14884, 29892, 4853, 13406, 261, 29892, 5115, 29892, 5115, 796, 3634, 29892, 13585, 29892, 25927, 310, 269, 484, 6096, 292, 29892, 289, 2426, 29915, 29879, 22095, 29892, 289, 1038, 29879, 29892, 8046, 29892, 7774, 6150, 2931, 29892, 17148, 29892, 21137, 9014, 414, 29892, 18387, 29892, 10200, 630, 29892, 3384, 369, 29892, 7440, 887, 19320, 29892, 25074, 346, 6554, 29892, 26361, 29892, 3872, 1056, 22990, 389, 29892, 19786, 29892, 9793, 29892, 4552, 561, 424, 29892, 18189, 29892, 604, 29884, 683, 29892, 19824, 29892, 2114, 29892, 2114, 3398, 29892, 2114, 3398, 29879, 29892, 17099, 29892, 937, 11443, 1400, 8034, 29892, 937, 2022, 304, 762, 297, 278, 12646, 11774, 29892, 3444, 29892, 4976, 376, 29934, 1698, 29891, 29908, 383, 19369, 29892, 5122, 316, 341, 342, 1705, 29892, 4071, 290, 29892, 8142, 361, 1165, 29892, 3536, 2409, 402, 2127, 300, 5450, 2153, 29892, 8335, 957, 9865, 29892, 3495, 29892, 9074, 14793, 7287, 550, 29892, 16704, 423, 29892, 2472, 29892, 11817, 287, 29892, 432, 1691, 29892, 889, 1862, 29892, 22544, 1219, 29874, 29892, 10124, 7191, 29892, 1180, 504, 29879, 2381, 2817, 29892, 1232, 2614, 5830, 29892, 767, 29899, 26350, 18755, 276, 29892, 341, 10669, 29892, 20929, 3729, 23584, 29892, 17549, 29892, 26572, 1114, 29892, 716, 343, 548, 29892, 16216, 11032, 423, 29892, 302, 2904, 265, 29892, 282, 1934, 29892, 2373, 1237, 29892, 5697, 12154, 398, 29892, 21747, 9857, 4890 ]
, Popeye, protect, Random, Reno, roamed the city, Roman custom, Russian commander, San Francisco, sneezing, sonic, Sonny, Sony, sound, Statue of Liberty, sunset, Sweet Georgia Brown, Swiss engineer, talking to their dogs, theme song, Thomas Edison, Totsuken, tough guy, toy makers, trivia, troops, two lane highway, Tying the Knot, United States, Velcro, volcano, William Kemmler, woods, world war ii Fact day again on the fasab blog. And where better to start that a fact literally set in concrete – lots of concrete. There is enough concrete in the Hoover Dam to pave a two lane highway from San Francisco to New York When the Statue of Liberty was moved from France to the United States, 214 crates were used to transport it. The Statue was also reduced to 350 pieces. When the divorce rate goes up in the United States, toy makers report that the sale of toys also rise. The cartoon character Popeye was actually based on a real person named Frank "Rocky" Fiegel who was a tough guy handy with his fists and who was quite similar to Popeye physically. The reason why locusts swarm are because when they are in groups, a "hot-spot" behind their hind legs is stimulated, which in turn causes their destructive nature. A large swarm of locusts can eat eighty thousand tons of corn in a day. In 1755, the first Canadian post office opened in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The company "Sony" was originally called "Totsuken." They felt the name "Sony" would be easier to pronounce. The name was invented by a cross between the name "sonus" and "sonny" (derived from "sound" and "sonic"). They also thought that the similarity to "Sonny", meaning a young man or boy, would represent an energetic young company. After the Krakatoa volcano eruption in 1883 in Indonesia, many people reported that, because of the dust, the sunset appeared green and the moon blue. The moon was said to appear blue for almost two years. Reno, Nevada is west of Los Angeles, California. During one seven year period, Thomas Edison obtained approximately three hundred patents. In is whole life he obtained over one thousand patents. About 30% of American admit to talking to their dogs or leaving messages on their answering machines for their dogs while they are away. The longest bout of sneezing recorded was by Donna Griffith. It began in January 13 1981 and continued until September 16 1983 and lasted for 978 days. A bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II killed every animal in the Berlin Zoo except the elephant, which escaped and roamed the city. When a Russian commander saw hungry Germans chasing the elephant and trying to kill it, he ordered his troops to protect it and shoot anyone who tried to kill it. In 1999, All Nippon Airlines, had one of its jets fully decorated with Pokemon characters from nose to tail on its exterior. The first person to die in the electric chair was William Kemmler, an ax murderer from New York on August 6, 1890 The city of Denver was originally chosen to host the 1976 Winter Olympics, but had to withdraw because Colorado voters rejected to finance it. The expression "Tying the Knot" comes from an old Roman custom where the bride's clothes were tied up in knots and the groom was supposed to untie the knots Velcro was invented by Swiss engineer George de Mestral, who got the idea after noticing burrs were sticking to his pants after his regular walks through the woods. Nylon is a man-made fiber that is made from coal and petroleum The theme song of the Harlem Globetrotters is "Sweet Georgia Brown." It Never Rains But It Pours – Chicken Maryland Anyone? April 28, 2013 April 28, 2013 fasab Business
[ 29892, 20635, 4099, 29892, 12566, 29892, 16968, 29892, 7493, 29877, 29892, 696, 2795, 278, 4272, 29892, 5917, 2888, 29892, 10637, 22079, 29892, 3087, 8970, 29892, 269, 484, 6096, 292, 29892, 1487, 293, 29892, 5791, 1460, 29892, 28465, 29892, 6047, 29892, 6666, 434, 310, 10895, 1017, 29892, 6575, 842, 29892, 317, 16668, 16762, 9817, 29892, 26182, 22055, 29892, 9963, 304, 1009, 26361, 29892, 10929, 4823, 29892, 5569, 2155, 2285, 29892, 323, 1862, 29884, 1717, 29892, 260, 820, 1410, 29891, 29892, 304, 29891, 2136, 414, 29892, 260, 1150, 423, 29892, 13230, 29892, 1023, 301, 1662, 29469, 29892, 323, 5414, 278, 476, 1333, 29892, 3303, 3900, 29892, 12019, 24077, 29892, 1700, 26004, 29892, 4667, 476, 331, 828, 261, 29892, 25013, 29892, 3186, 1370, 13607, 13, 20738, 2462, 1449, 373, 278, 25995, 370, 12618, 29889, 13, 2855, 988, 2253, 304, 1369, 393, 263, 2114, 22830, 731, 297, 18387, 785, 14568, 310, 18387, 29889, 13, 8439, 338, 3307, 18387, 297, 278, 8335, 957, 9865, 13, 517, 282, 1351, 263, 1023, 301, 1662, 29469, 515, 3087, 8970, 304, 1570, 3088, 13, 10401, 278, 6666, 434, 310, 10895, 1017, 471, 6153, 13, 3166, 3444, 304, 278, 3303, 3900, 29892, 13, 29906, 29896, 29946, 2181, 1078, 892, 1304, 304, 8608, 372, 29889, 13, 1576, 6666, 434, 471, 884, 12212, 304, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29900, 12785, 29889, 13, 10401, 278, 25074, 346, 6554, 5771, 701, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 29892, 13, 517, 29891, 2136, 414, 3461, 393, 278, 14686, 310, 304, 952, 884, 14451, 29889, 13, 1576, 7774, 6150, 2931, 20635, 4099, 471, 2869, 2729, 13, 265, 263, 1855, 2022, 4257, 4976, 376, 29934, 1698, 29891, 29908, 383, 19369, 13, 15970, 471, 263, 260, 820, 1410, 29891, 1361, 29891, 411, 670, 285, 2879, 13, 392, 1058, 471, 3755, 2788, 304, 20635, 4099, 4824, 1711, 29889, 13, 1576, 2769, 2020, 1180, 504, 29879, 2381, 2817, 526, 1363, 746, 896, 526, 297, 6471, 29892, 13, 29874, 376, 8711, 29899, 17500, 29908, 5742, 1009, 298, 513, 21152, 338, 20436, 7964, 29892, 13, 4716, 297, 2507, 9946, 1009, 17912, 573, 5469, 29889, 13, 29909, 2919, 2381, 2817, 310, 1180, 504, 29879, 508, 17545, 9475, 29891, 10405, 23864, 310, 26343, 297, 263, 2462, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29945, 29945, 29892, 278, 937, 11443, 1400, 8034, 6496, 297, 8142, 361, 1165, 29892, 16216, 11032, 423, 29889, 13, 1576, 5001, 376, 29903, 2592, 29908, 471, 10437, 2000, 376, 29911, 1862, 29884, 1717, 1213, 13, 15597, 7091, 278, 1024, 376, 29903, 2592, 29908, 723, 367, 6775, 304, 11504, 21543, 29889, 13, 1576, 1024, 471, 11817, 287, 491, 263, 4891, 1546, 278, 1024, 13, 29908, 1100, 375, 29908, 322, 376, 1100, 1460, 29908, 313, 672, 2347, 515, 376, 29802, 29908, 322, 376, 1100, 293, 2564, 13, 15597, 884, 2714, 393, 278, 29501, 304, 376, 29903, 265, 1460, 613, 13, 12676, 292, 263, 4123, 767, 470, 8023, 29892, 13, 29893, 483, 2755, 385, 4527, 657, 293, 4123, 5001, 29889, 13, 13555, 278, 22544, 1219, 29874, 1700, 26004, 604, 29884, 683, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29941, 297, 16704, 423, 29892, 13, 13011, 2305, 8967, 393, 29892, 1363, 310, 278, 19786, 29892, 13, 1552, 6575, 842, 7470, 7933, 322, 278, 18786, 7254, 29889, 13, 1576, 18786, 471, 1497, 304, 2615, 7254, 363, 4359, 1023, 2440, 29889, 13, 29934, 8154, 29892, 26572, 1114, 338, 5833, 310, 4602, 10722, 29892, 8046, 29889, 13, 29928, 3864, 697, 9881, 1629, 3785, 29892, 13, 1349, 18902, 2155, 2285, 7625, 14235, 2211, 6893, 2373, 1237, 29889, 13, 797, 338, 3353, 2834, 540, 7625, 975, 697, 10405, 2373, 1237, 29889, 13, 28173, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29995, 310, 3082, 20000, 304, 9963, 304, 1009, 26361, 13, 272, 10124, 7191, 373, 1009, 22862, 14884, 13, 1454, 1009, 26361, 1550, 896, 526, 3448, 29889, 13, 1576, 27217, 25927, 310, 269, 484, 6096, 292, 10478, 471, 491, 3872, 1056, 22990, 389, 29889, 13, 3112, 4689, 297, 5490, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29896, 322, 7572, 2745, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 13, 392, 1833, 287, 363, 29871, 29929, 29955, 29947, 3841, 29889, 13, 29909, 13585, 13700, 491, 278, 838, 3687, 373, 5115, 2645, 2787, 3362, 1944, 13, 16757, 839, 1432, 13019, 297, 278, 5115, 796, 3634, 5174, 278, 4552, 561, 424, 29892, 13, 4716, 19824, 322, 696, 2795, 278, 4272, 29889, 13, 10401, 263, 10637, 22079, 4446, 9074, 14793, 7287, 550, 521, 5832, 13, 1552, 4552, 561, 424, 322, 1811, 304, 12088, 372, 29892, 540, 10372, 670, 13230, 304, 12566, 372, 13, 392, 15049, 5019, 1058, 1898, 304, 12088, 372, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29892, 2178, 405, 8377, 265, 29718, 29892, 750, 697, 310, 967, 432, 1691, 13, 3730, 10200, 630, 411, 21747, 9857, 4890, 13, 3166, 26414, 304, 12464, 373, 967, 25591, 29889, 13, 1576, 937, 2022, 304, 762, 297, 278, 12646, 11774, 471, 4667, 476, 331, 828, 261, 29892, 13, 273, 4853, 13406, 261, 515, 1570, 3088, 373, 3111, 29871, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29929, 29900, 13, 1576, 4272, 310, 3384, 369, 471, 10437, 10434, 304, 3495, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 12267, 16373, 29892, 13, 4187, 750, 304, 28679, 1363, 21137, 9014, 414, 22225, 304, 1436, 749, 372, 29889, 13, 1576, 4603, 376, 29911, 5414, 278, 476, 1333, 29908, 5304, 515, 385, 2030, 5917, 2888, 13, 3062, 278, 289, 2426, 29915, 29879, 22095, 892, 21351, 701, 297, 889, 1862, 13, 392, 278, 4071, 290, 471, 7424, 304, 443, 29873, 347, 278, 889, 1862, 13, 29963, 295, 24077, 471, 11817, 287, 491, 26182, 22055, 5122, 316, 341, 342, 1705, 29892, 13, 15970, 2355, 278, 2969, 1156, 451, 18499, 289, 1038, 29879, 892, 12070, 292, 304, 670, 282, 1934, 13, 7045, 670, 4943, 17042, 2039, 1549, 278, 25013, 29889, 13, 29940, 2904, 265, 338, 263, 767, 29899, 26350, 5713, 495, 393, 338, 1754, 515, 17148, 322, 5697, 12154, 398, 13, 1576, 10929, 4823, 310, 278, 3536, 2409, 402, 2127, 300, 5450, 2153, 338, 13, 29908, 29903, 16668, 16762, 9817, 1213, 13, 3112, 12391, 390, 2708, 1205, 739, 349, 2470, 785, 678, 21475, 22559, 26407, 29973, 13, 29909, 3193, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 25995, 370, 15197 ]
, Current Events, Factoids, Legal, Politics, Rants $3.1 billion annually, air, America, Anne Arundel County, bankrupt governments, benefit of the people, brain, bureaucratic nightmare, bureaucrats, business in america, businesses, competitive, Current Events, democratic, desperate trouble, desperate trouble economically, dumb, easier to do business, economic woes, education, elect, entrepreneurs, events, fact, fancy name, fools, free, government, help, idiot, idiots, Impervious Surfaces tax, imports, income, internet, irresponsible people, irresponsible politicians, Laura Neuman, local, local government, mantra, Martin O'Malley, Maryland, Maryland Governor, Misc, Miscellaneous, morons, Musings, national, new wealth, normal times, old laws, Opinion, pick pocket, politicians, politics, poorer, productive, property, prosperous, protect, public outcry, rainwater, Random, rant, Rants, Republicans, residents, socialist bureaucratic nightmare, statute books, stimulate economic growth, storm water management fee, stupid, stupid laws, stupid people, stupid politicians, stupid rules, stupidity, sunshine, tax, tax proposal, tax rain, tax the internet, theft, uninformed, US, US bureaucrats, vetoed, vote, western world I did a short series a few months back about some of the stupid laws stupid politicians had made. They were quite funny and most of them dated back many years, they just hadn't been taken off the statute books. That excused the old laws, maybe. But they are still at it even today! I know that you shouldn't expect too much when a group of uninformed and irresponsible people go out and vote to elect a smaller group of uninformed and irresponsible politicians, while most people stay at home. But we call that democracy these days. And in what passes for normal times you can get away with it. But these are not normal times we are living in. America, and most of the western world, is in desperate trouble economically. We need help from our politicians. Help to stimulate economic growth; help to make it easier to do business in and from the US; help to protect us from cheap inferior crap being imported that has destroyed local jobs and industries; help for entrepreneurs to establish new wealth generating businesses; and help from the socialist bureaucratic nightmare that is completely out of hand. As regard the stupid laws, these days most of them center around ways that bankrupt governments, whether national or local, can think up to extract more and more from the people who elected them. Currently US bureaucrats are frantically trying to think up another way to tax the internet. Previous attempts failed because of public outcry, but sooner or later they will do it and who will it help? Everybody who isn't in business in America and the EU probably, because it won't apply anywhere else! The mantra of these idiot bureaucrats is to make America more productive and prosperous by making America less competitive and poorer. It sits nicely with their other mantra of solving economic woes by extracting more and more tax from less and less income. Neither works and never will. What prompted this rant? Well only the unbelievable fact that the idiot politicians in Maryland have decided to tax rain. What???? Tax what???? Yes, you read it right, the idiot politicians in Maryland have decided to tax rain. They call it by a fancy name, of course, the "Impervious Surfaces tax", or "storm water management fee", but what it in effect does is to charge Maryland residents for rainwater that falls on their property. Naturally, the bureaucrats are dressing up this latest money grab with the lie that it is for the benefit of the people. It's bit like a pick pocket excusing his theft by saying he was relieving you of the burden of carrying your wallet around in your coat pocket. And it makes just as much sense! Thankfully, however, there seems to be a few with a working brain left in local government. Anne Arundel County Executive Laura Neuman, for example, vetoed the tax proposal which unfortunately won't kill it, but will give a little bit of breathing space. But if the residents of Maryland are "chicken" enough to fall in line with this
[ 29892, 9626, 28488, 29892, 26748, 3398, 29879, 29892, 5682, 284, 29892, 6934, 1199, 29892, 390, 1934, 12, 29938, 29941, 29889, 29896, 24464, 2889, 1474, 29892, 4799, 29892, 6813, 29892, 10558, 319, 29160, 295, 5127, 29892, 9124, 6685, 4095, 1860, 29892, 14169, 310, 278, 2305, 29892, 17294, 29892, 289, 13411, 7283, 2454, 4646, 29885, 598, 29892, 289, 13411, 7283, 1446, 29892, 5381, 297, 7902, 983, 29892, 5381, 267, 29892, 5100, 3321, 29892, 9626, 28488, 29892, 1261, 8415, 2454, 29892, 553, 21194, 7458, 29892, 553, 21194, 7458, 7766, 1711, 29892, 270, 3774, 29892, 6775, 304, 437, 5381, 29892, 17407, 8879, 267, 29892, 9793, 29892, 3546, 29892, 23440, 1600, 1295, 29892, 4959, 29892, 2114, 29892, 19231, 1024, 29892, 285, 8789, 29892, 3889, 29892, 5874, 29892, 1371, 29892, 1178, 24414, 29892, 1178, 29875, 1862, 29892, 12607, 2366, 6298, 8726, 8818, 29892, 24802, 29892, 17869, 29892, 8986, 29892, 3805, 26679, 1821, 2305, 29892, 3805, 26679, 1821, 2832, 14722, 29892, 21671, 2448, 7889, 29892, 1887, 29892, 1887, 5874, 29892, 13694, 336, 29892, 6502, 438, 29915, 22995, 2330, 29892, 22559, 29892, 22559, 15431, 29892, 341, 10669, 29892, 20929, 3729, 23584, 29892, 3036, 787, 29892, 3077, 886, 29892, 4797, 29892, 716, 17173, 29892, 4226, 3064, 29892, 2030, 14243, 29892, 6461, 262, 291, 29892, 5839, 24589, 29892, 2832, 14722, 29892, 22661, 29892, 6460, 261, 29892, 3234, 573, 29892, 2875, 29892, 25831, 681, 29892, 12566, 29892, 970, 714, 29883, 719, 29892, 17251, 13405, 29892, 16968, 29892, 364, 424, 29892, 390, 1934, 29892, 8063, 550, 29892, 24060, 29892, 5264, 391, 289, 13411, 7283, 2454, 4646, 29885, 598, 29892, 1002, 1082, 8277, 29892, 20436, 5987, 17407, 14321, 29892, 14280, 4094, 10643, 27684, 29892, 20239, 29892, 20239, 14243, 29892, 20239, 2305, 29892, 20239, 2832, 14722, 29892, 20239, 6865, 29892, 20239, 537, 29892, 6575, 845, 457, 29892, 8818, 29892, 8818, 24963, 29892, 8818, 17251, 29892, 8818, 278, 8986, 29892, 278, 615, 29892, 443, 262, 15628, 29892, 3148, 29892, 3148, 289, 13411, 7283, 1446, 29892, 325, 10896, 287, 29892, 11719, 29892, 15782, 3186, 13, 29902, 1258, 263, 3273, 3652, 263, 2846, 7378, 1250, 1048, 777, 310, 278, 20239, 14243, 20239, 2832, 14722, 750, 1754, 29889, 2688, 892, 3755, 2090, 1460, 322, 1556, 310, 963, 29797, 1250, 1784, 2440, 29892, 896, 925, 27222, 29915, 29873, 1063, 4586, 1283, 278, 1002, 1082, 8277, 29889, 13, 7058, 5566, 3880, 278, 2030, 14243, 29892, 5505, 29889, 13, 6246, 896, 526, 1603, 472, 372, 1584, 9826, 29991, 13, 29902, 1073, 393, 366, 9273, 29915, 29873, 2149, 2086, 1568, 746, 263, 2318, 310, 443, 262, 15628, 322, 3805, 26679, 1821, 2305, 748, 714, 322, 11719, 304, 3546, 263, 7968, 2318, 310, 443, 262, 15628, 322, 3805, 26679, 1821, 2832, 14722, 29892, 1550, 1556, 2305, 7952, 472, 3271, 29889, 1205, 591, 1246, 393, 1261, 25804, 1438, 3841, 29889, 1126, 297, 825, 14517, 363, 4226, 3064, 366, 508, 679, 3448, 411, 372, 29889, 13, 6246, 1438, 526, 451, 4226, 3064, 591, 526, 8471, 297, 29889, 6813, 29892, 322, 1556, 310, 278, 15782, 3186, 29892, 338, 297, 553, 21194, 7458, 7766, 1711, 29889, 1334, 817, 1371, 515, 1749, 2832, 14722, 29889, 13, 29648, 304, 20436, 5987, 17407, 14321, 29936, 1371, 304, 1207, 372, 6775, 304, 437, 5381, 297, 322, 515, 278, 3148, 29936, 1371, 304, 12566, 502, 515, 28773, 20773, 274, 2390, 1641, 19673, 393, 756, 14416, 1887, 17643, 322, 6397, 2722, 29936, 1371, 363, 23440, 1600, 1295, 304, 10127, 716, 17173, 14655, 5381, 267, 29936, 322, 1371, 515, 278, 5264, 391, 289, 13411, 7283, 2454, 4646, 29885, 598, 393, 338, 6446, 714, 310, 1361, 29889, 13, 2887, 4880, 278, 20239, 14243, 29892, 1438, 3841, 1556, 310, 963, 4818, 2820, 5837, 393, 9124, 6685, 4095, 1860, 29892, 3692, 4797, 470, 1887, 29892, 508, 1348, 701, 304, 6597, 901, 322, 901, 515, 278, 2305, 1058, 11467, 963, 29889, 13, 7583, 368, 3148, 289, 13411, 7283, 1446, 526, 1424, 424, 1711, 1811, 304, 1348, 701, 1790, 982, 304, 8818, 278, 8986, 29889, 4721, 2366, 14734, 5229, 1363, 310, 970, 714, 29883, 719, 29892, 541, 29548, 470, 2678, 896, 674, 437, 372, 322, 1058, 674, 372, 1371, 29973, 7569, 2587, 1058, 3508, 29915, 29873, 297, 5381, 297, 6813, 322, 278, 19007, 3117, 29892, 1363, 372, 2113, 29915, 29873, 3394, 12214, 1683, 29991, 13, 1576, 13694, 336, 310, 1438, 1178, 24414, 289, 13411, 7283, 1446, 338, 304, 1207, 6813, 901, 3234, 573, 322, 25831, 681, 491, 3907, 6813, 3109, 5100, 3321, 322, 6460, 261, 29889, 739, 269, 1169, 28138, 411, 1009, 916, 13694, 336, 310, 17069, 17407, 8879, 267, 491, 6597, 292, 901, 322, 901, 8818, 515, 3109, 322, 3109, 17869, 29889, 2448, 2121, 1736, 322, 2360, 674, 29889, 13, 5618, 9508, 287, 445, 364, 424, 29973, 13, 11284, 871, 278, 443, 6596, 10384, 519, 2114, 393, 278, 1178, 24414, 2832, 14722, 297, 22559, 505, 8459, 304, 8818, 17251, 29889, 13, 5618, 8773, 8773, 13, 29911, 1165, 825, 8773, 8773, 13, 8241, 29892, 366, 1303, 372, 1492, 29892, 278, 1178, 24414, 2832, 14722, 297, 22559, 505, 8459, 304, 8818, 17251, 29889, 13, 15597, 1246, 372, 491, 263, 19231, 1024, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 278, 376, 1888, 546, 2366, 6298, 8726, 8818, 613, 470, 376, 303, 555, 4094, 10643, 27684, 613, 541, 825, 372, 297, 2779, 947, 338, 304, 8323, 22559, 24060, 363, 17251, 13405, 393, 20074, 373, 1009, 2875, 29889, 13, 29940, 1337, 635, 29892, 278, 289, 13411, 7283, 1446, 526, 10714, 292, 701, 445, 9281, 6909, 17229, 411, 278, 3804, 393, 372, 338, 363, 278, 14169, 310, 278, 2305, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 2586, 763, 263, 5839, 24589, 5566, 4746, 670, 278, 615, 491, 5934, 540, 471, 1104, 15387, 366, 310, 278, 6866, 1145, 310, 19436, 596, 17042, 1026, 2820, 297, 596, 24296, 24589, 29889, 1126, 372, 3732, 925, 408, 1568, 4060, 29991, 13, 25271, 3730, 29892, 3138, 29892, 727, 2444, 304, 367, 263, 2846, 411, 263, 1985, 17294, 2175, 297, 1887, 5874, 29889, 10558, 319, 29160, 295, 5127, 28841, 21671, 2448, 7889, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 325, 10896, 287, 278, 8818, 24963, 607, 15428, 2113, 29915, 29873, 12088, 372, 29892, 541, 674, 2367, 263, 2217, 2586, 310, 16172, 292, 2913, 29889, 13, 6246, 565, 278, 24060, 310, 22559, 526, 376, 305, 21475, 29908, 3307, 304, 6416, 297, 1196, 411, 445 ]
Q: How to show the Date from json data file Api Call using javascript How to show the Date from json data file Api Call using javascript? I'm not able to show the date on the dashboard display page. I'm using Javascript with async-await to call api, Bootstrap 4 for design Is show function Date() {[native code]}. I've attached images for reference. //data.json { "AllSchoolDetail": { "TotalStaff": 4500, "TotalStudents": 4000, "TotalTeachingStaff": 2530, "TotalNonTeachingStaff": 2500, "TotalAbsentStaff": 0, "TotalAbsentStudents": 0 }, "details": [ { "Name": "abc", "TotalStaff": 10, "TotalStudents": 50, "TotalTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalNonTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalAbsentStaff": 9, "TotalAbsentStudents": 10, "Date": "2020-06-01T11:09:18Z" }, { "Name": "abc", "TotalStaff": 10, "TotalStudents": 50, "TotalTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalNonTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalAbsentStaff": 9, "TotalAbsentStudents": 10, "Date": "2020-06-01T11:09:18Z" }, { "Name": "abc", "TotalStaff": 10, "TotalStudents": 50, "TotalTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalNonTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalAbsentStaff": 9, "TotalAbsentStudents": 10, "Date": "2020-06-01T11:09:18Z" }, { "Name": "abc", "TotalStaff": 10, "TotalStudents": 50, "TotalTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalNonTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalAbsentStaff": 9, "TotalAbsentStudents": 10, "Date": "2020-06-01T11:09:18Z" }, { "Name": "abc", "TotalStaff": 10, "TotalStudents": 50, "TotalTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalNonTeachingStaff": 25, "TotalAbsentStaff": 9, "TotalAbsentStudents": 10, "Date": "2020-06-01T11:09:18Z" } ], "Date": "2020-06-01T02:09:18Z" } <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <!-- Navbar start --> <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light"> <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar" > <i class="fas fa-bars"></i> </button>
[ 660, 29901, 1128, 304, 1510, 278, 4712, 515, 4390, 848, 934, 29749, 8251, 773, 3513, 1128, 304, 1510, 278, 4712, 515, 4390, 848, 934, 29871, 29749, 8251, 773, 3513, 29973, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 451, 2221, 304, 1510, 278, 2635, 373, 278, 12569, 3377, 2479, 1813, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 773, 12728, 411, 7465, 29899, 20675, 304, 1246, 7882, 29892, 25746, 29871, 29946, 363, 2874, 13, 3624, 1510, 740, 4712, 580, 426, 29961, 11487, 775, 29962, 1836, 13, 29902, 29915, 345, 10959, 4558, 363, 3407, 29889, 13, 13, 13, 458, 1272, 29889, 3126, 13, 13, 29912, 13, 13, 29908, 3596, 4504, 1507, 16570, 1115, 426, 13, 308, 376, 11536, 855, 3470, 1115, 29871, 29946, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29892, 13, 308, 376, 11536, 855, 566, 1237, 1115, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 13, 308, 376, 11536, 29911, 4204, 292, 855, 3470, 1115, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29941, 29900, 29892, 13, 308, 376, 11536, 12283, 29911, 4204, 292, 855, 3470, 1115, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29892, 13, 308, 376, 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29899, 13270, 543, 27756, 29908, 13, 18884, 848, 29899, 5182, 9880, 1357, 22107, 1646, 29908, 13, 9651, 1405, 13, 18884, 529, 29875, 770, 543, 13629, 2258, 29899, 28408, 5319, 29875, 29958, 13, 9651, 1533, 3092, 29958 ]
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[ 13, 9651, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 27756, 6283, 1646, 29899, 27756, 29908, 1178, 543, 1357, 22107, 1646, 1013, 13, 18884, 529, 352, 770, 543, 21890, 29899, 6654, 286, 29916, 29899, 6921, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 492, 770, 543, 6654, 29899, 667, 286, 29916, 29899, 29906, 6283, 29899, 4925, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 29874, 2822, 543, 2248, 29889, 1420, 29908, 770, 543, 6654, 29899, 2324, 29908, 1178, 543, 29887, 2204, 1013, 11184, 829, 29874, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 492, 770, 543, 6654, 29899, 667, 286, 29916, 29899, 29906, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 29874, 2822, 9880, 8477, 29908, 770, 543, 6654, 29899, 2324, 29908, 1178, 543, 262, 1013, 29648, 829, 29874, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 492, 770, 543, 6654, 29899, 667, 286, 29916, 29899, 29906, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 29874, 2822, 9880, 12346, 29908, 770, 543, 6654, 29899, 2324, 1013, 13443, 829, 29874, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 18884, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 9651, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 1533, 6654, 29958, 13, 4706, 10341, 13132, 1646, 2796, 29879, 6660, 13, 29871, 10341, 3596, 4504, 1507, 16570, 29871, 6660, 13, 259, 13, 259, 13, 29871, 10341, 3596, 4504, 1507, 16570, 10614, 29871, 6660, 13, 4706, 10341, 1272, 8665, 29871, 6660, 13, 4706, 529, 29882, 29945, 770, 543, 726, 29899, 5064, 282, 29899, 29945, 3254, 29884, 29958, 4523, 25577, 829, 29884, 2565, 29882, 29945, 29958, 13, 13, 13, 13, 529, 4563, 1178, 543, 4905, 5319, 4563, 29958, 13, 13, 13, 308, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 7611, 590, 29899, 29945, 1013, 13, 9651, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 798, 1013, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 29896, 29906, 22341, 2153, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 29881, 29899, 16041, 8525, 29899, 798, 26922, 29899, 3051, 29899, 5064, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 4563, 1178, 543, 459, 5319, 4563, 29958, 13, 18884, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 18884, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 9651, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 29871, 13, 4706, 10341, 848, 10614, 6660, 13, 13, 4706, 10341, 24166, 8665, 6660, 13, 4706, 529, 21720, 770, 543, 21720, 286, 29873, 29899, 29945, 11451, 29899, 29941, 25989, 29899, 26031, 1013, 13, 9651, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 7611, 1426, 29899, 5064, 5319, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 1533, 21720, 29958, 13, 4706, 10341, 24166, 10614, 6660, 13, 1678, 529, 2154, 4765, 543, 991, 597, 401, 29889, 5880, 29889, 510, 29914, 5880, 29899, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29889, 29896, 29889, 2536, 326, 29889, 1195, 29889, 1315, 5319, 2154, 29958, 13, 29966, 2154, 4765, 543, 991, 597, 13687, 29889, 1315, 6144, 440, 29878, 29889, 1212, 29914, 14963, 29914, 1129, 2496, 29889, 1315, 29992, 29896, 29889, 29896, 29953, 29889, 29900, 29914, 5721, 29914, 398, 29881, 29914, 1129, 2496, 29889, 1195, 29889, 1315, 5319, 2154, 29958, 13, 29966, 2154, 4765, 543, 991, 597, 1429, 2084, 29889, 8704, 13687, 29889, 510, 29914, 8704, 29914, 29946, 29889, 29945, 29889, 29900, 29914, 1315, 29914, 8704, 29889, 1195, 29889, 1315, 5319, 2154, 29958, 13, 1678, 529, 2154, 29958, 13, 1678, 4949, 3776, 13, 1678, 849, 3596, 4504, 1507, 16570, 13, 12674, 740, 679, 3401, 580, 426, 13, 18884, 1040, 6965, 898, 532, 353, 7272, 6699, 703, 6904, 1315, 29914, 1272, 29889, 3126, 1496, 13, 18884, 1040, 6965, 1272, 353, 7272, 6965, 898, 532, 29889, 3126, 890, 13, 18884, 722, 394, 430, 532, 353, 6965, 1272, 29889, 3596, 4504, 1507, 16570, 29936, 13, 18884, 1235, 1962, 353, 421, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 7611, 590, 29899, 29945, 1013, 13, 795, 529, 29882, 29945, 770, 543, 726, 29899, 5064, 282, 29899, 29945, 3254, 29884, 29958, 2178, 4504, 1507, 16570, 1533, 29884, 2565, 29882, 29945, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 798, 1426, 29899, 5064, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 29946, 1013, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29882, 29945, 29958, 11536, 855, 3470, 829, 29882, 29945, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29886, 1178, 543, 11536, 855, 3470, 1013, 5303, 284, 430, 532, 29889, 11536, 855, 3470, 16040, 29886, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 29946, 1013, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29882, 29945, 29958, 11536, 855, 566, 1237, 829, 29882, 29945, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29886, 1178, 543, 11536, 855, 566, 1237, 1013, 5303, 284, 430, 532, 29889, 11536, 855, 566, 1237, 16040, 29886, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 29946, 1013, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29882, 29945, 29958, 11536, 29911, 4204, 292, 855, 3470, 829, 29882, 29945, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29886, 1178, 543, 11536, 29911, 4204, 292, 855, 3470, 1013, 5303, 284, 430, 532, 29889, 11536, 29911, 4204, 292, 855, 3470, 16040, 29886, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 18884, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 462, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 7611, 590, 29899, 29945, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 798, 1426, 29899, 5064, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 29946, 1013, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29882, 29945, 29958, 11536, 12283, 29911, 4204, 292, 855, 3470, 829, 29882, 29945, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29886, 1178, 543, 11536, 12283, 29911, 4204, 292, 855, 3470, 1013, 5303, 284, 430, 532, 29889, 11536, 12283, 29911, 4204, 292, 855, 3470, 16040, 29886, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 29946, 376, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29882, 29945, 29958, 11536, 4920, 18616, 855, 3470, 829, 29882, 29945, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29886, 1178, 543, 11536, 4920, 18616, 855, 3470, 1013, 5303, 284, 430, 532, 29889, 11536, 4920, 18616, 855, 3470, 16040, 29886, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 29946, 1013, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29882, 29945, 29958, 11536, 4920, 18616, 855, 566, 1237, 829, 29882, 29945, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 29886, 1178, 543, 11536, 4920, 18616, 855, 566, 1237, 1013, 5303, 284, 430, 532, 29889, 11536, 4920, 18616, 855, 566, 1237, 16040, 29886, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533 ]
Egypt's $10bn TPC petchems project to outshine Mideast competitors - Carbon Holdings CPO Author: Jonathan Lopez LONDON (ICIS)--Egypt's planned $10bn Tahrir Petrochemicals Complex (TPC) in the Suez Economic Zone will outshine competitors in the Middle East as its exports to Europe will be more competitive when it starts up in 2023, according to the chief projects officer (CPO) at producer Carbon Holdings. First envisaged by Carbon Holdings in 2012, TPC's construction start-up date has been delayed several times. The guidance in 2018 indicated construction would start in the first quarter of 2019, but the company's chief projects officer (CPO) Peter Skelly confirmed actual construction would start in the fourth quarter. "The key point about TPC, and why it's been so long in fermentation, is that we are not an ExxonMobil, or a BP [crude oil majors]. We are trying to put together a private-company financed, world-scale naphtha cracker, so we are doing it completely different to crude majors," said Skelley. "This is a $10bn project – we had to go out and raise $5.4bn worth of debt, which was closed in June 2018. Since then, we have been working in the equity story, and we are starting works on the site – clearing it, dredging it – and we hope we'll have a financial close by the end of this year. Then, the project will go into construction mode." Among the lenders are the UK and Germany's export finance bodies, as well as several international banks. The equity participants in the project will be the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the African Finance Corporation (AFC), and Gulf Capital, among others. The project would give Egypt its first naphtha cracker, which Carbon Holdings claims would be the stepping-stone for the country to develop more downstream sectors in order to create jobs. Carbon Holdings plans to build at TPC a cracker processing 1.35m tonnes/year of ethylene, which will be converted into 1.35m tonnes/year of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). It will also include 1m tonnes/year of propylene, around 700,000 tonnes/year of polypropylene (PP), 250,000 tonnes/year of butadiene (BD) and between 350,000-550,000 tonnes/year of benzene. Together with its existing 220,000 tonnes/year of PP at its current facility, Carbon Holdings' PP capacity would rise to 920,000 tonnes/year. Egypt's economic indicators like unemployment or economic growth matter to Carbon Holdings, because Skelley said he was confident that within 10 years most of the products manufactured by TPC would stay in Egypt as it develops downstream manufacturing. Egypt, with a population of nearly 100m, had an unemployment rate of 11.8% in 2017, according to the UN's International Labour Organisation (ILO). Youth unemployment stood at 26.7%. The country's GDP is growing at a 5.5% annual rate, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), after the sharp economic slowdown in 2011 and 2012 amid the tumultuous months in which a popular uprising toppled President Hosni Mubarak. However, despite an improving domestic economy, TPC's focus at first will be export markets. Nevertheless, by the expected start-up date of 2023 a number of large gas-based, ethane-fed polymers plants in both the Middle East and the US will be up and running, potentially creating overcapacity in the market. Skelley said that TPC, however, would outshine its competitors due to its privileged access to key markets like sub-Saharan Africa or Europe, despite not having the same
[ 12892, 29915, 29879, 395, 29896, 29900, 11197, 323, 9026, 282, 3486, 1567, 2060, 304, 714, 845, 457, 341, 680, 579, 5100, 17259, 448, 1704, 6718, 21771, 886, 315, 13152, 13, 13720, 29901, 20983, 365, 2300, 29920, 13, 29931, 1164, 29928, 1164, 313, 2965, 3235, 17389, 29923, 28779, 29915, 29879, 20458, 395, 29896, 29900, 11197, 323, 801, 12416, 5879, 307, 14969, 936, 29879, 26596, 313, 3557, 29907, 29897, 297, 278, 317, 24448, 12884, 293, 24385, 674, 714, 845, 457, 5100, 17259, 297, 278, 14253, 6932, 408, 967, 29586, 304, 4092, 674, 367, 901, 5100, 3321, 746, 372, 8665, 701, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 9087, 9279, 12139, 313, 6271, 29949, 29897, 472, 14297, 1704, 6718, 21771, 886, 29889, 13, 6730, 427, 1730, 4063, 491, 1704, 6718, 21771, 886, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 323, 9026, 29915, 29879, 7632, 1369, 29899, 786, 2635, 756, 1063, 29801, 3196, 3064, 29889, 13, 1576, 27323, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 18694, 7632, 723, 1369, 297, 278, 937, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 541, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 9087, 9279, 12139, 313, 6271, 29949, 29897, 5310, 4971, 14112, 16725, 3935, 7632, 723, 1369, 297, 278, 11582, 12616, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 1820, 1298, 1048, 323, 9026, 29892, 322, 2020, 372, 29915, 29879, 1063, 577, 1472, 297, 6013, 358, 362, 29892, 338, 393, 591, 526, 451, 385, 1222, 29916, 265, 29924, 12213, 29892, 470, 263, 350, 29925, 518, 29883, 582, 311, 17182, 10067, 943, 1822, 1334, 526, 1811, 304, 1925, 4208, 263, 2024, 29899, 14518, 1436, 8362, 29892, 3186, 29899, 7052, 9709, 29882, 15457, 12220, 4937, 29892, 577, 591, 526, 2599, 372, 6446, 1422, 304, 7618, 311, 10067, 943, 1699, 1497, 4971, 1808, 29891, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 338, 263, 395, 29896, 29900, 11197, 2060, 785, 591, 750, 304, 748, 714, 322, 12020, 395, 29945, 29889, 29946, 11197, 7088, 310, 2553, 29873, 29892, 607, 471, 5764, 297, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 4001, 769, 29892, 591, 505, 1063, 1985, 297, 278, 1592, 537, 5828, 29892, 322, 591, 526, 6257, 1736, 373, 278, 3268, 785, 2821, 292, 372, 29892, 270, 1127, 3460, 372, 785, 322, 591, 4966, 591, 29915, 645, 505, 263, 18161, 3802, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 445, 1629, 29889, 1987, 29892, 278, 2060, 674, 748, 964, 7632, 4464, 1213, 13, 6833, 549, 278, 301, 21043, 526, 278, 10261, 322, 9556, 29915, 29879, 5609, 1436, 749, 17873, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 3196, 6121, 24388, 29889, 13, 1576, 1592, 537, 27138, 297, 278, 2060, 674, 367, 278, 4623, 4231, 749, 15025, 313, 6545, 29907, 511, 278, 7824, 10253, 363, 830, 3075, 4080, 322, 14650, 313, 29923, 15176, 29928, 511, 278, 11715, 4231, 749, 15025, 313, 5098, 29907, 511, 322, 402, 16302, 25343, 29892, 4249, 4045, 29889, 13, 1576, 2060, 723, 2367, 12892, 967, 937, 9709, 29882, 15457, 12220, 4937, 29892, 607, 1704, 6718, 21771, 886, 16726, 723, 367, 278, 1886, 3262, 29899, 12734, 363, 278, 4234, 304, 2693, 901, 1623, 5461, 409, 14359, 297, 1797, 304, 1653, 17643, 29889, 13, 8179, 6718, 21771, 886, 13900, 304, 2048, 472, 323, 9026, 263, 12220, 4937, 9068, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29941, 29945, 29885, 260, 24729, 29914, 6360, 310, 11314, 2904, 1600, 29892, 607, 674, 367, 11543, 964, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29941, 29945, 29885, 260, 24729, 29914, 6360, 310, 1880, 9027, 15680, 621, 2904, 1600, 313, 26124, 4162, 29897, 322, 5608, 4482, 9027, 15680, 621, 2904, 1600, 313, 2208, 29928, 4162, 467, 13, 3112, 674, 884, 3160, 29871, 29896, 29885, 260, 24729, 29914, 6360, 310, 410, 2272, 29880, 1600, 29892, 2820, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 24729, 29914, 6360, 310, 15680, 771, 2272, 29880, 1600, 313, 18009, 511, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 24729, 29914, 6360, 310, 541, 328, 3530, 313, 29121, 29897, 322, 1546, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29899, 29945, 29945, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 24729, 29914, 6360, 310, 3856, 29920, 1600, 29889, 13, 29911, 12966, 411, 967, 5923, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 24729, 29914, 6360, 310, 349, 29925, 472, 967, 1857, 24454, 29892, 1704, 6718, 21771, 886, 29915, 349, 29925, 13284, 723, 14451, 304, 29871, 29929, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 24729, 29914, 6360, 29889, 13, 29923, 28779, 29915, 29879, 17407, 4221, 4097, 763, 443, 3451, 22812, 470, 17407, 14321, 4383, 304, 1704, 6718, 21771, 886, 29892, 1363, 4971, 1808, 29891, 1497, 540, 471, 24332, 393, 2629, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 1556, 310, 278, 9316, 12012, 2955, 491, 323, 9026, 723, 7952, 297, 12892, 408, 372, 2693, 29879, 1623, 5461, 12012, 3864, 29889, 13, 29923, 28779, 29892, 411, 263, 4665, 310, 8886, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29885, 29892, 750, 385, 443, 3451, 22812, 6554, 310, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29889, 29947, 29995, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 8291, 29915, 29879, 4623, 29453, 25783, 313, 29902, 3927, 467, 26040, 443, 3451, 22812, 8389, 472, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29889, 29955, 15543, 13, 1576, 4234, 29915, 29879, 402, 11191, 338, 15678, 472, 263, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29945, 29995, 17568, 6554, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 4623, 2598, 300, 653, 13249, 313, 7833, 29943, 511, 1156, 278, 15301, 17407, 5232, 3204, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 28655, 278, 21622, 499, 17269, 7378, 297, 607, 263, 5972, 318, 558, 5921, 304, 407, 839, 7178, 379, 359, 1240, 341, 431, 279, 557, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 15020, 385, 4857, 1747, 21849, 26504, 29892, 323, 9026, 29915, 29879, 8569, 472, 937, 674, 367, 5609, 2791, 1691, 29889, 13, 29940, 1310, 16561, 29892, 491, 278, 3806, 1369, 29899, 786, 2635, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 263, 1353, 310, 2919, 10489, 29899, 6707, 29892, 11314, 1662, 29899, 29888, 287, 24324, 414, 18577, 297, 1716, 278, 14253, 6932, 322, 278, 3148, 674, 367, 701, 322, 2734, 29892, 19998, 4969, 975, 5030, 5946, 297, 278, 9999, 29889, 13, 15797, 1808, 29891, 1497, 393, 323, 9026, 29892, 3138, 29892, 723, 714, 845, 457, 967, 5100, 17259, 2861, 304, 967, 14828, 3192, 2130, 304, 1820, 2791, 1691, 763, 1014, 29899, 29903, 801, 23029, 10557, 470, 4092, 29892, 15020, 451, 2534, 278, 1021 ]
cheap feedstock advantage. "Don't get hung up on feedstock … The question is what's the delivery cost of that product to other markets? We'll have easy access to sub-Saharan Africa, we can easily do Asia, we can beat Saudi Arabia and UAE in places like Italy or Turkey," said Skelley, pictured. "For instance, when you look at the cost of moving product out of the Arab Gulf, they have to pay a 6% duty to enter the EU which Egypt doesn't due to the bilateral agreement; when you look at the Suez Canal fees to drive stock to the north of Egypt…" CRACKER: NAPHTHA VS GAS In times of natural gas abundance, ethane-based crackers have been the only game in town. Skelley said that TPC had to be crude oil-based naphtha so it could produce the wider range of products the Egyptian economy needs, and even went as far as saying that "the last great gas crackers" are probably being built now. "The issue for us was that a gas cracker only gives you ethylene and polyethylene [PE] and their derivatives ... We may add an extra furnace for gas in the future, but for the moment it will be large naphtha furnaces, so we can get the building blocks that are in demand," said Skelley. "If you want to develop manufacturing, you have to have the base pieces in place, and those are not only polymers … The thing about Egypt is that there is a huge drive, because the population is growing very fast, and the challenge of [President Abdel Fattah] Al-Sisi's second term is that the country needs to manufacture more and import less. Unless projects like TPC are built, manufacturing won't be possible; it will remain what I call an assembly economy." DOING BUSINESS IN EGYPT Skelley said the Egyptian government is fully behind the project as a key part of its Suez Economic Zone plans, which could become a chemicals hub like those in Jurong Island in Singapore or Antwerp-Rotterdam-Amsterdam (ARA) in northwest Europe. However, Skelley said there are two complications when it came to doing business in Egypt. Firstly, all licence agreements for the plants need to be done under Egyptian law and, secondly, the bureaucracy surrounding customs and port deliveries. Carbon Holdings hired in January Kuwait-headquartered Agility Logistics to assist it overcoming the second complication. "Agility's key role is that we don't get port congestion, that we get stuff through customs and don't get held up at ports. We are putting in place a number of mitigation strategies to deal with what I call problems of doing business in Egypt. You have to get there and engage with national agencies," said Skelley. "Most of our kits for construction will come to the Port of Adabiya, and this will be large-size pre-fab stuff that needs to get down the road to the project. The reality is that you have to reinforce bridges or roads, and by working with the Egyptian bureaucracy that has happened. We are spending a lot of time in the periphery to make sure the contractors will be able to work on the site." Founded by Basil El-Baz in 2008, Carbon Holdings already operates a polypropylene (PP) plant in Egypt as well as an ammonium nitrate (AN) facility. EGYPTIAN EXPATS COMING HOME One thing TPC will not lack, said Skelley, is qualified professionals from Egypt to run its plants. Most of them are currently working in plants across the Middle East and Carbon Holdings has already got a large amount of CVs (resumes) applying for the future jobs at the site. During construction, TPC could employ 15,000 to 18,000 workers, while once online the facilities would employ around 3,000. "These employees [currently in the Middle East] will bring back thousands and thousands of hours running plants. One of the reassurances that our lenders have taken is that we are going to have a pretty experienced workforce," said Skelley. "The key thing here is indirect jobs. Once you establish a chemicals hub around TPC, the numbers of jobs you can get in associated petrochemicals industries gives you
[ 28773, 8343, 17712, 10631, 29889, 13, 29908, 10310, 29915, 29873, 679, 18757, 701, 373, 8343, 17712, 16088, 450, 1139, 338, 825, 29915, 29879, 278, 28289, 3438, 310, 393, 3234, 304, 916, 2791, 1691, 29973, 1334, 29915, 645, 505, 4780, 2130, 304, 1014, 29899, 29903, 801, 23029, 10557, 29892, 591, 508, 5948, 437, 14325, 29892, 591, 508, 16646, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 322, 501, 16036, 297, 7600, 763, 12730, 470, 26459, 1699, 1497, 4971, 1808, 29891, 29892, 282, 919, 2955, 29889, 13, 29908, 2831, 2777, 29892, 746, 366, 1106, 472, 278, 3438, 310, 8401, 3234, 714, 310, 278, 10387, 402, 16302, 29892, 896, 505, 304, 5146, 263, 29871, 29953, 29995, 13360, 304, 3896, 278, 19007, 607, 12892, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2861, 304, 278, 13181, 1008, 284, 17327, 29936, 746, 366, 1106, 472, 278, 317, 24448, 22642, 1238, 267, 304, 7899, 10961, 304, 278, 6641, 310, 12892, 30098, 29908, 13, 11341, 11375, 1001, 29901, 405, 3301, 3912, 15715, 12221, 402, 3289, 13, 797, 3064, 310, 5613, 10489, 18666, 749, 29892, 11314, 1662, 29899, 6707, 26755, 414, 505, 1063, 278, 871, 3748, 297, 4726, 29889, 4971, 1808, 29891, 1497, 393, 323, 9026, 750, 304, 367, 7618, 311, 17182, 29899, 6707, 9709, 29882, 15457, 577, 372, 1033, 7738, 278, 25734, 3464, 310, 9316, 278, 12892, 713, 26504, 4225, 29892, 322, 1584, 3512, 408, 2215, 408, 5934, 393, 376, 1552, 1833, 2107, 10489, 26755, 414, 29908, 526, 3117, 1641, 4240, 1286, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 2228, 363, 502, 471, 393, 263, 10489, 12220, 4937, 871, 4076, 366, 11314, 2904, 1600, 322, 15680, 621, 2904, 1600, 518, 4162, 29962, 322, 1009, 25748, 2023, 1334, 1122, 788, 385, 4805, 15252, 815, 363, 10489, 297, 278, 5434, 29892, 541, 363, 278, 3256, 372, 674, 367, 2919, 9709, 29882, 15457, 15252, 3302, 29892, 577, 591, 508, 679, 278, 5214, 10930, 393, 526, 297, 9667, 1699, 1497, 4971, 1808, 29891, 29889, 13, 29908, 3644, 366, 864, 304, 2693, 12012, 3864, 29892, 366, 505, 304, 505, 278, 2967, 12785, 297, 2058, 29892, 322, 1906, 526, 451, 871, 24324, 414, 16088, 450, 2655, 1048, 12892, 338, 393, 727, 338, 263, 12176, 7899, 29892, 1363, 278, 4665, 338, 15678, 1407, 5172, 29892, 322, 278, 18766, 310, 518, 13504, 1693, 1976, 6144, 383, 1131, 801, 29962, 838, 29899, 29903, 10770, 29915, 29879, 1473, 1840, 338, 393, 278, 4234, 4225, 304, 12012, 545, 901, 322, 1053, 3109, 29889, 25870, 9279, 763, 323, 9026, 526, 4240, 29892, 12012, 3864, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 1950, 29936, 372, 674, 3933, 825, 306, 1246, 385, 11470, 26504, 1213, 13, 3970, 4214, 350, 3308, 8895, 1799, 2672, 382, 29954, 29979, 7982, 13, 15797, 1808, 29891, 1497, 278, 12892, 713, 5874, 338, 8072, 5742, 278, 2060, 408, 263, 1820, 760, 310, 967, 317, 24448, 12884, 293, 24385, 13900, 29892, 607, 1033, 4953, 263, 22233, 29879, 19766, 763, 1906, 297, 16081, 549, 7935, 297, 25960, 470, 5459, 14485, 29899, 21281, 357, 16846, 29899, 6833, 15372, 313, 1718, 29909, 29897, 297, 6641, 5933, 4092, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 4971, 1808, 29891, 1497, 727, 526, 1023, 752, 5795, 746, 372, 2996, 304, 2599, 5381, 297, 12892, 29889, 3824, 368, 29892, 599, 7794, 663, 8571, 4110, 363, 278, 18577, 817, 304, 367, 2309, 1090, 12892, 713, 4307, 322, 29892, 1473, 368, 29892, 278, 289, 13411, 29883, 10068, 18830, 2888, 29879, 322, 2011, 12021, 583, 29889, 13, 8179, 6718, 21771, 886, 298, 2859, 297, 5490, 476, 7262, 1249, 29899, 2813, 339, 4254, 287, 4059, 1793, 4522, 6765, 304, 6985, 372, 975, 11506, 278, 1473, 752, 1414, 29889, 13, 29908, 14769, 1793, 29915, 29879, 1820, 6297, 338, 393, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 679, 2011, 378, 29887, 602, 29892, 393, 591, 679, 6433, 1549, 2888, 29879, 322, 1016, 29915, 29873, 679, 4934, 701, 472, 16169, 29889, 1334, 526, 10594, 297, 2058, 263, 1353, 310, 1380, 335, 362, 16650, 583, 304, 5376, 411, 825, 306, 1246, 4828, 310, 2599, 5381, 297, 12892, 29889, 887, 505, 304, 679, 727, 322, 3033, 482, 411, 4797, 946, 15942, 1699, 1497, 4971, 1808, 29891, 29889, 13, 29908, 29924, 520, 310, 1749, 413, 1169, 363, 7632, 674, 2041, 304, 278, 3371, 310, 2087, 19266, 3761, 29892, 322, 445, 674, 367, 2919, 29899, 2311, 758, 29899, 16582, 6433, 393, 4225, 304, 679, 1623, 278, 6520, 304, 278, 2060, 29889, 450, 16832, 338, 393, 366, 505, 304, 15561, 10118, 28635, 2710, 470, 25320, 29892, 322, 491, 1985, 411, 278, 12892, 713, 289, 13411, 29883, 10068, 393, 756, 9559, 29889, 1334, 526, 805, 2548, 263, 3287, 310, 931, 297, 278, 23603, 561, 708, 304, 1207, 1854, 278, 8078, 943, 674, 367, 2221, 304, 664, 373, 278, 3268, 1213, 13, 29943, 7261, 491, 4886, 309, 1260, 29899, 29933, 834, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29892, 1704, 6718, 21771, 886, 2307, 1751, 1078, 263, 15680, 771, 2272, 29880, 1600, 313, 18009, 29897, 8024, 297, 12892, 408, 1532, 408, 385, 626, 3712, 1974, 21767, 10492, 313, 2190, 29897, 24454, 29889, 13, 11787, 29979, 7982, 29902, 2190, 8528, 29925, 1299, 29903, 23353, 4214, 29832, 2303, 13, 6716, 2655, 323, 9026, 674, 451, 10225, 29892, 1497, 4971, 1808, 29891, 29892, 338, 18698, 6351, 1338, 515, 12892, 304, 1065, 967, 18577, 29889, 7849, 310, 963, 526, 5279, 1985, 297, 18577, 4822, 278, 14253, 6932, 322, 1704, 6718, 21771, 886, 756, 2307, 2355, 263, 2919, 5253, 310, 25778, 29879, 313, 690, 9351, 29897, 15399, 363, 278, 5434, 17643, 472, 278, 3268, 29889, 13, 29928, 3864, 7632, 29892, 323, 9026, 1033, 5703, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 304, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 17162, 29892, 1550, 2748, 7395, 278, 23330, 723, 5703, 2820, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 29908, 1349, 968, 22873, 518, 3784, 368, 297, 278, 14253, 6932, 29962, 674, 6963, 1250, 17202, 322, 17202, 310, 6199, 2734, 18577, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 337, 465, 332, 2925, 393, 1749, 301, 21043, 505, 4586, 338, 393, 591, 526, 2675, 304, 505, 263, 5051, 18860, 664, 10118, 1699, 1497, 4971, 1808, 29891, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 1820, 2655, 1244, 338, 26377, 17643, 29889, 9038, 366, 10127, 263, 22233, 29879, 19766, 2820, 323, 9026, 29892, 278, 3694, 310, 17643, 366, 508, 679, 297, 6942, 5697, 307, 14969, 936, 29879, 6397, 2722, 4076, 366 ]
Orchid show brings early spring to Fellows Riverside Gardens February 8, 2018 /in Media Coverage /by Mill Creek MetroParks Staff Temperatures have dipped into the teens and lower. Snow melts just long enough to tease with patches of ugly brown grass before a new layer of white stuff covers them. It's the kind of weather that makes one dream of a vacation to a tropical locale, even if that bank account balance is a constant reminder that the only affordable destination is the hardware store for a new snow shovel. The snow still is visible looking out the windows at Fellows Riverside Gardens' D.D and Velma Davis Education & Visitor Center, but inside it's filled with tropical sights for the annual Jewels of Winter Orchid Exhibit, which is on display through March 11. "It's a glimpse of spring," said Rob Chismar, garden supervisor for Mill Creek Metroparks. "Even though the orchid is not typically a spring flower, it's just so nice to come out of the snow and ice outside and see these beautiful and fragrant flowers. It's a sensory experience at an otherwise snowy time of year." While some orchids like the Phaleanopsis Blume (or moth orchid) can be found at floral shops year round, many of the flowers on display at the gardens are more rare, both in this region and at this time of year. At least 150 different types of orchids will be shown. "There are so many different varieties, so many different types," Chismar said. "Most folks are familiar with what they see when they go to the big box stores, but there are just so many different varieties and types. There's something for everyone with orchids, whether you like color, whether you like fragrance, whether you like more of a foliage-based look to a plant. They're just a bit more exotic than what you find in our area. "Many orchids are native to a Costa Rican environment, so you don't see these unique specimens every day." Some of flowers have a bell-like bloom on them that has earned them the nickname lady slipper; other features two of the blooms to create a pair of lady slippers. Some have characteristics that make them resemble animal heads. The unique qualities of each plant make the show particularly popular with photographers. The center has a geothermal design that helps regulate the temperature inside, but Chismar said they need to take additional care about not leaving the loading dock open too long or doing anything else that could drop the temperature inside. It's not just the temperature that can make raising orchids a challenge. Chismar explained that orchids are epiphytes, which means they grow on another type of plant material. "They don't like someone to come up with a watering can and just dump water on them," he said. "They need to have that oxygen around their root base … You have to have the right potting media for every orchid β€” moss, bark, you have to find what works best for that particular type of orchid. "You have to understand, if an orchid is struggling, you can't go, 'Oh, it needs water,' and grab a water can and some Miracle Gro and toss it on there. We have to err on the side of caution. We'll do a finger test on every single plant for the duration of the show. If they're dry, we may supplement them with some water. Others may not need water for the duration of the show." This is the 60th anniversary of Fellows Riverside Gardens, which influenced the design of the show. "We've tried to incorporate into almost every show or thing we do this year some type of diamond theme," Chismar said. "There are a a lot of geometric shapes, diamond shapes. It's a little more formal than last year's orchid show. That was done deliberately to let the orchids shine through, to let the beauty of the blooms be at the forefront." View the full article at tribtoday.com https://www.millcreekmetroparks.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/mcmp-header.png 0 0 Mill Creek MetroParks Staff https://www.millcreekmetroparks.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/mcmp-header.
[ 1394, 305, 333, 1510, 23522, 4688, 6709, 304, 383, 514, 1242, 390, 1536, 680, 15971, 575, 13, 29943, 3205, 653, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 847, 262, 8213, 26428, 482, 847, 1609, 8649, 15594, 23803, 29925, 17862, 15351, 13, 5776, 546, 3698, 505, 652, 2986, 964, 278, 734, 575, 322, 5224, 29889, 24392, 9232, 1372, 925, 1472, 3307, 304, 734, 559, 411, 13261, 267, 310, 22769, 17354, 17455, 1434, 263, 716, 7546, 310, 4796, 6433, 18469, 963, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 278, 2924, 310, 14826, 393, 3732, 697, 12561, 310, 263, 11757, 362, 304, 263, 21881, 15068, 29892, 1584, 565, 393, 9124, 3633, 17346, 338, 263, 4868, 1083, 4995, 393, 278, 871, 21750, 519, 12551, 338, 278, 12837, 3787, 363, 263, 716, 15007, 528, 586, 295, 29889, 13, 1576, 15007, 1603, 338, 7962, 3063, 714, 278, 5417, 472, 383, 514, 1242, 390, 1536, 680, 15971, 575, 29915, 360, 29889, 29928, 322, 12019, 655, 15225, 13151, 669, 5741, 2105, 7817, 29892, 541, 2768, 372, 29915, 29879, 10423, 411, 21881, 269, 5861, 363, 278, 17568, 9576, 1379, 310, 12267, 1394, 305, 333, 1222, 6335, 277, 29892, 607, 338, 373, 2479, 1549, 4779, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 330, 12552, 344, 310, 6709, 1699, 1497, 6417, 678, 1608, 279, 29892, 16423, 2428, 19188, 363, 8649, 15594, 23803, 862, 2039, 29889, 376, 29923, 854, 2466, 278, 22624, 333, 338, 451, 12234, 263, 6709, 28149, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 925, 577, 7575, 304, 2041, 714, 310, 278, 15007, 322, 14890, 5377, 322, 1074, 1438, 9560, 322, 5227, 629, 424, 18281, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 4771, 706, 7271, 472, 385, 6467, 15007, 29891, 931, 310, 1629, 1213, 13, 8809, 488, 777, 22624, 4841, 763, 278, 1963, 744, 273, 15368, 3164, 2017, 313, 272, 25550, 22624, 333, 29897, 508, 367, 1476, 472, 1652, 11251, 528, 3554, 1629, 4513, 29892, 1784, 310, 278, 18281, 373, 2479, 472, 278, 17161, 575, 526, 901, 10812, 29892, 1716, 297, 445, 5120, 322, 472, 445, 931, 310, 1629, 29889, 13, 4178, 3203, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29900, 1422, 4072, 310, 22624, 4841, 674, 367, 4318, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 526, 577, 1784, 1422, 1197, 20850, 29892, 577, 1784, 1422, 4072, 1699, 678, 1608, 279, 1497, 29889, 376, 29924, 520, 900, 2039, 526, 9985, 411, 825, 896, 1074, 746, 896, 748, 304, 278, 4802, 3800, 14422, 29892, 541, 727, 526, 925, 577, 1784, 1422, 1197, 20850, 322, 4072, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 1554, 363, 14332, 411, 22624, 4841, 29892, 3692, 366, 763, 2927, 29892, 3692, 366, 763, 5227, 629, 749, 29892, 3692, 366, 763, 901, 310, 263, 900, 29875, 482, 29899, 6707, 1106, 304, 263, 8024, 29889, 2688, 29915, 276, 925, 263, 2586, 901, 429, 13574, 1135, 825, 366, 1284, 297, 1749, 4038, 29889, 13, 29908, 14804, 22624, 4841, 526, 7531, 304, 263, 17513, 390, 2185, 5177, 29892, 577, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1074, 1438, 5412, 1580, 326, 575, 1432, 2462, 1213, 13, 9526, 310, 18281, 505, 263, 22623, 29899, 4561, 6668, 290, 373, 963, 393, 756, 20591, 963, 278, 25985, 978, 11379, 20662, 2496, 29936, 916, 5680, 1023, 310, 278, 6668, 4835, 304, 1653, 263, 5101, 310, 11379, 20662, 22437, 29889, 3834, 505, 21862, 393, 1207, 963, 620, 6967, 13019, 15883, 29889, 450, 5412, 4021, 1907, 310, 1269, 8024, 1207, 278, 1510, 10734, 5972, 411, 17739, 414, 29889, 13, 1576, 4818, 756, 263, 1737, 720, 837, 284, 2874, 393, 6911, 1072, 5987, 278, 10430, 2768, 29892, 541, 678, 1608, 279, 1497, 896, 817, 304, 2125, 5684, 2562, 1048, 451, 10124, 278, 8363, 23630, 1722, 2086, 1472, 470, 2599, 3099, 1683, 393, 1033, 5768, 278, 10430, 2768, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 925, 278, 10430, 393, 508, 1207, 29263, 22624, 4841, 263, 18766, 29889, 678, 1608, 279, 10824, 393, 22624, 4841, 526, 321, 1631, 11461, 2167, 29892, 607, 2794, 896, 6548, 373, 1790, 1134, 310, 8024, 5518, 29889, 13, 29908, 15597, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 4856, 304, 2041, 701, 411, 263, 4094, 292, 508, 322, 925, 16766, 4094, 373, 963, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 15597, 817, 304, 505, 393, 288, 28596, 2820, 1009, 3876, 2967, 16088, 887, 505, 304, 505, 278, 1492, 3104, 1259, 5745, 363, 1432, 22624, 333, 813, 286, 2209, 29892, 289, 935, 29892, 366, 505, 304, 1284, 825, 1736, 1900, 363, 393, 3153, 1134, 310, 22624, 333, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 505, 304, 2274, 29892, 565, 385, 22624, 333, 338, 20042, 29892, 366, 508, 29915, 29873, 748, 29892, 525, 9048, 29892, 372, 4225, 4094, 5501, 322, 17229, 263, 4094, 508, 322, 777, 5493, 10792, 6070, 322, 28189, 372, 373, 727, 29889, 1334, 505, 304, 4589, 373, 278, 2625, 310, 5777, 918, 29889, 1334, 29915, 645, 437, 263, 19917, 1243, 373, 1432, 2323, 8024, 363, 278, 14385, 310, 278, 1510, 29889, 960, 896, 29915, 276, 15589, 29892, 591, 1122, 1462, 944, 963, 411, 777, 4094, 29889, 438, 3341, 1122, 451, 817, 4094, 363, 278, 14385, 310, 278, 1510, 1213, 13, 4013, 338, 278, 29871, 29953, 29900, 386, 6957, 27547, 310, 383, 514, 1242, 390, 1536, 680, 15971, 575, 29892, 607, 28482, 278, 2874, 310, 278, 1510, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 29915, 345, 1898, 304, 11039, 403, 964, 4359, 1432, 1510, 470, 2655, 591, 437, 445, 1629, 777, 1134, 310, 11502, 898, 10929, 1699, 678, 1608, 279, 1497, 29889, 376, 8439, 526, 263, 263, 3287, 310, 26224, 25834, 29892, 11502, 898, 25834, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 2217, 901, 11595, 1135, 1833, 1629, 29915, 29879, 22624, 333, 1510, 29889, 2193, 471, 2309, 23663, 2486, 304, 1235, 278, 22624, 4841, 528, 457, 1549, 29892, 304, 1235, 278, 15409, 310, 278, 6668, 4835, 367, 472, 278, 26839, 8862, 1213, 13, 1043, 278, 2989, 4274, 472, 9434, 27765, 29889, 510, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 19958, 29883, 7285, 27995, 862, 2039, 29889, 990, 29914, 11912, 29899, 3051, 29914, 9009, 29879, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29914, 29900, 29941, 29914, 14047, 1526, 29899, 6672, 29889, 2732, 29871, 29900, 29871, 29900, 8649, 15594, 23803, 29925, 17862, 15351, 2045, 597, 1636, 29889, 19958, 29883, 7285, 27995, 862, 2039, 29889, 990, 29914, 11912, 29899, 3051, 29914, 9009, 29879, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29914, 29900, 29941, 29914, 14047, 1526, 29899, 6672, 29889 ]
The Last Word on D.C. United vs. Montreal Impact: Depth Emerges D.C. United's depth was on display in a decisive 4-2 over the Montreal Impact. And that depth will be needed in two week when the team takes on the Seattle Sounders in a matchup of the league's top two teams. By stephen.whiting Jun 13, 2014, 12:30pm EDT Share All sharing options for: The Last Word on D.C. United vs. Montreal Impact: Depth Emerges Nick DeLeon is right, D.C. United has earned its position in first place. Eric Bolte-USA TODAY Sports Despite having three regular starters out due to injury, D.C. United traveled to Quebec to take on the Montreal Impact, and handily dispatched their Eastern Conference rival 4-2. The game wasn't without drama and ups and downs, but D.C. United secured its most decisive road win in a regular season game since May 5, 2012, when the Black-and-Red defeated Toronto FC at BMO Field 2-0 with goals from Chris Pontius and Hamdi Salihi. And, to the surprise of fans and foes alike, the team finds itself sitting atop Major League Soccer's Eastern Conference at the World Cup break--and the storyline isn't that it's a fluke. Their Words: - Steven Goff, via washingtonpost.com: "Making his fifth start, [Luis] Silva posted his first goals of the season by scoring in the sixth and 39th minutes and then in stoppage time to cap a six-goal, 45-minute spree by the clubs before 14,135 at Saputo Stadium in Montreal. United leading scorer Fabian Espindola, making a case for MLS MVP consideration, recovered from last weekend's missed penalty kick against Columbus to contribute three assists and Nick DeLeon had his first goal of the year." - Adam Taylor: "Could they really have been in Montreal the whole time? After spending much of the first half of this season wondering where the "real" Luis Silva and Nick DeLeon were hiding - these shadows on the field must surely have been imposters! - D.C. United fans on Wednesday night were reminded of the quality the two can bring as the Black-and-Red beat the Montreal Impact, 4-2." - Olivier Tremblay, via mlssoccer.com: "There was plenty for the neutral to enjoy on Wednesday at Stade Saputo, as the Montreal Impact and D.C. United scored six goals between them in a frantic first half. A Luis Silva hat trick was the difference, however, as D.C. picked up the three points and moved to the top of the Eastern Conference (7-4-4, 25 pts.) with a 4-2 win on Wednesday." - Ben Olsen, via dcunited.com: "The first half, in particular, had no shortage of goals and cards and physicality. I thought we were very aggressive in the first half. I thought we set a good tone. They came very aggressive as well. You saw that with all the goals, energy and the fouls. The second half became more cagey, and [Andrew] Dykstra bails us out there at 4-2 with the big save on the PK. But overall, I'm very pleased with the way the group has dealt with the first part of this season. Now it's time to exhale for a couple days and get back to work." - Ben Olsen, via dcunited.com: On the meaning of first place in the Eastern Conference at this point in the season. "It's nice. It's nice to look at that, and I'm sure for the guys, they'll be extremely pleased to see their work being rewarded. But we've all been around this league for a while - these players and our staff. We understand that it's a long season, and we have to keep continuing to do the things that we've done well, and more importantly, we've got to get better. We've got to keep getting better and try to stay here and push the other teams in the Western Conference." - Luis Silva, via dcunited.com: "I got the second start coming off an injury, and I was just really
[ 450, 9208, 10803, 373, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 7186, 29889, 26693, 14305, 627, 29901, 10034, 386, 27718, 2710, 13, 29928, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 29915, 29879, 10809, 471, 373, 2479, 297, 263, 22442, 573, 29871, 29946, 29899, 29906, 975, 278, 26693, 14305, 627, 29889, 1126, 393, 10809, 674, 367, 4312, 297, 1023, 4723, 746, 278, 3815, 4893, 373, 278, 27689, 14976, 414, 297, 263, 1993, 786, 310, 278, 13225, 29915, 29879, 2246, 1023, 10907, 29889, 13, 2059, 1886, 9789, 29889, 1332, 11407, 8378, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29901, 29941, 29900, 3358, 9408, 29911, 13, 2713, 598, 2178, 19383, 3987, 363, 29901, 450, 9208, 10803, 373, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 7186, 29889, 26693, 14305, 627, 29901, 10034, 386, 27718, 2710, 13, 29940, 860, 897, 3226, 265, 338, 1492, 29892, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 756, 20591, 967, 2602, 297, 937, 2058, 29889, 13, 2110, 293, 8922, 371, 29899, 27019, 7495, 28658, 12453, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 2534, 2211, 4943, 5810, 2153, 714, 2861, 304, 24092, 29892, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 1020, 345, 839, 304, 27605, 304, 2125, 373, 278, 26693, 14305, 627, 29892, 322, 1361, 2354, 13916, 287, 1009, 16162, 16377, 17055, 29871, 29946, 29899, 29906, 29889, 450, 3748, 9007, 29915, 29873, 1728, 18621, 322, 24081, 322, 1623, 29879, 29892, 541, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 26130, 967, 1556, 22442, 573, 6520, 5401, 297, 263, 4943, 4259, 3748, 1951, 2610, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 746, 278, 6054, 29899, 392, 29899, 9039, 16235, 17612, 7992, 472, 350, 6720, 8989, 29871, 29906, 29899, 29900, 411, 14433, 515, 12821, 14678, 2482, 322, 7904, 6051, 317, 2606, 2918, 29889, 1126, 29892, 304, 278, 16671, 310, 24909, 322, 1701, 267, 394, 9345, 29892, 278, 3815, 14061, 3528, 16246, 472, 459, 11019, 5165, 18993, 29915, 29879, 16162, 16377, 472, 278, 2787, 6536, 2867, 489, 392, 278, 5828, 1220, 3508, 29915, 29873, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 20501, 446, 29889, 13, 1576, 381, 399, 4339, 29901, 13, 29899, 24703, 402, 2696, 29892, 3025, 471, 2790, 880, 2490, 29889, 510, 29901, 376, 29924, 5086, 670, 18615, 1369, 29892, 518, 29931, 4664, 29962, 25371, 8059, 670, 937, 14433, 310, 278, 4259, 491, 26654, 297, 278, 25963, 322, 29871, 29941, 29929, 386, 6233, 322, 769, 297, 6258, 407, 482, 931, 304, 2117, 263, 4832, 29899, 28111, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29945, 29899, 1195, 1082, 805, 929, 491, 278, 17651, 1434, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29896, 29941, 29945, 472, 317, 481, 3066, 17213, 297, 26693, 29889, 3303, 8236, 885, 9386, 10629, 713, 5984, 513, 2963, 29892, 3907, 263, 1206, 363, 341, 8547, 341, 18510, 19220, 29892, 24776, 515, 1833, 4723, 355, 29915, 29879, 13726, 27368, 24817, 2750, 11990, 375, 304, 29126, 2211, 1223, 2879, 322, 13853, 897, 3226, 265, 750, 670, 937, 7306, 310, 278, 1629, 1213, 13, 29899, 11783, 12537, 29901, 376, 23323, 896, 2289, 505, 1063, 297, 26693, 278, 3353, 931, 29973, 2860, 805, 2548, 1568, 310, 278, 937, 4203, 310, 445, 4259, 9873, 988, 278, 376, 6370, 29908, 12583, 25371, 322, 13853, 897, 3226, 265, 892, 25508, 448, 1438, 528, 23626, 373, 278, 1746, 1818, 18880, 505, 1063, 2411, 520, 414, 29991, 448, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 24909, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 4646, 892, 1083, 513, 287, 310, 278, 11029, 278, 1023, 508, 6963, 408, 278, 6054, 29899, 392, 29899, 9039, 16646, 278, 26693, 14305, 627, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29899, 29906, 1213, 13, 29899, 19802, 631, 323, 1745, 2204, 388, 29892, 3025, 286, 29880, 893, 11953, 29889, 510, 29901, 376, 8439, 471, 20947, 363, 278, 21104, 304, 13389, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 472, 624, 1943, 317, 481, 3066, 29892, 408, 278, 26693, 14305, 627, 322, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 15569, 4832, 14433, 1546, 963, 297, 263, 1424, 7716, 937, 4203, 29889, 319, 12583, 25371, 3056, 8938, 471, 278, 4328, 29892, 3138, 29892, 408, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 18691, 701, 278, 2211, 3291, 322, 6153, 304, 278, 2246, 310, 278, 16162, 16377, 313, 29955, 29899, 29946, 29899, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29945, 282, 1372, 1846, 411, 263, 29871, 29946, 29899, 29906, 5401, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 1213, 13, 29899, 4111, 438, 3137, 264, 29892, 3025, 270, 29883, 348, 1573, 29889, 510, 29901, 376, 1576, 937, 4203, 29892, 297, 3153, 29892, 750, 694, 3273, 482, 310, 14433, 322, 15889, 322, 9128, 537, 29889, 306, 2714, 591, 892, 1407, 946, 3663, 573, 297, 278, 937, 4203, 29889, 306, 2714, 591, 731, 263, 1781, 16225, 29889, 2688, 2996, 1407, 946, 3663, 573, 408, 1532, 29889, 887, 4446, 393, 411, 599, 278, 14433, 29892, 5864, 322, 278, 12584, 3137, 29889, 450, 1473, 4203, 3897, 901, 274, 482, 29891, 29892, 322, 518, 2855, 3973, 29962, 360, 12072, 4151, 289, 2234, 502, 714, 727, 472, 29871, 29946, 29899, 29906, 411, 278, 4802, 4078, 373, 278, 24457, 29889, 1205, 12463, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 1407, 22301, 411, 278, 982, 278, 2318, 756, 316, 1997, 411, 278, 937, 760, 310, 445, 4259, 29889, 2567, 372, 29915, 29879, 931, 304, 429, 29882, 744, 363, 263, 7303, 3841, 322, 679, 1250, 304, 664, 1213, 13, 29899, 4111, 438, 3137, 264, 29892, 3025, 270, 29883, 348, 1573, 29889, 510, 29901, 1551, 278, 6593, 310, 937, 2058, 297, 278, 16162, 16377, 472, 445, 1298, 297, 278, 4259, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 7575, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 7575, 304, 1106, 472, 393, 29892, 322, 306, 29915, 29885, 1854, 363, 278, 18239, 29892, 896, 29915, 645, 367, 14154, 22301, 304, 1074, 1009, 664, 1641, 20751, 287, 29889, 1205, 591, 29915, 345, 599, 1063, 2820, 445, 13225, 363, 263, 1550, 448, 1438, 10769, 322, 1749, 13925, 29889, 1334, 2274, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 1472, 4259, 29892, 322, 591, 505, 304, 3013, 3133, 292, 304, 437, 278, 2712, 393, 591, 29915, 345, 2309, 1532, 29892, 322, 901, 4100, 368, 29892, 591, 29915, 345, 2355, 304, 679, 2253, 29889, 1334, 29915, 345, 2355, 304, 3013, 2805, 2253, 322, 1018, 304, 7952, 1244, 322, 5503, 278, 916, 10907, 297, 278, 10504, 16377, 1213, 13, 29899, 12583, 25371, 29892, 3025, 270, 29883, 348, 1573, 29889, 510, 29901, 376, 29902, 2355, 278, 1473, 1369, 6421, 1283, 385, 24092, 29892, 322, 306, 471, 925, 2289 ]
excited, really pumped, especially knowing that if we win this game we're going to be in first place. Overall, I think I was just excited for the team and for myself." - Davy Arnaud, via dcunited.com: On what was said to Dykstra before Bernier's penalty. "I went over, I've seen Patrice take a lot of penalties, and I know that dykstra has watched him and Patrice is very good at them. Maybe it was a little bit of gamesmanship as much as anything else. I just told him that he likes to do the stutter step thing. Our keeper did very well, but Patrice, he's so good [on] those, it's not too often that he's going to miss." My Words: Is D.C. United actually starting to show depth? On Wednesday night, Bill Hamid, Jeff Parke, and Eddie Johnson weren't in the lineup against the Impact, but the team still earned a multi-goal win on the road for the first time two years. Yes, there were two early uncharacteristic defensive miscues which squandered Luis Silva's early opening goal (created by Chris Rolfe's terrific turn and Fabian Espindola's tremendous through ball), but the team fought back from this deficit by tallying three straight goals from DeLeon and Silva--players who had not contributed up to their abilities this season. Getting goals and assists from these players adds a new dimension to the team in this season which has relied on Espindola in so many ways. Additionally, the ability to play from behind has been on display multiple times this season, and speaks well of the belief the team has in their ability to stay in games even when more than one starter isn't on the field. If depth is indeed emerging on this year's D.C. United squad, it will be needed again in two weeks when the team takes on the league's best team, the Seattle Sounders. Davy Arnaud will be suspended due to yellow card accumulation, while Fabian Espindola could be facing a suspension for his extra curricular activities on the ankles of Felipe. And, with only three league games in the month of June, the game against the Sounders (the league's best road team) is setting up as the key for the month. Just like May's closing game against Sporting Kansas City defined last month, a loss will see D.C. United with a very average June (1-1-1, 4 points), while a draw will make the month acceptable (1-0-2, 5 points), and a win will make June another special month (2-0-1, 7 points). And remember: on Saturday, June 28, RFK Stadium will see a match between the top two teams in this season's Supporters' Shield Standings! Too bad the league's national TV package doesn't have flex scheduling, since United vs. Sounders would be a great game for NBCSN or ESPN (instead, this game will be available nationally on MLS Live and MLS Direct Kick). The Last Word: As D.C. United sits first in the Eastern Conference and second in the Supporters' Shield Standings, the most remarkable thing is the narrative for the season isn't that they are a lucky team eaking out late results in remarkable fashion. Sure, the team wins in unconventional ways which defy traditional statistical analysis playing Benny-ball, but the real storyline is this team sits in first place in the East and easily could have up to eight more points if not for other teams' good fortune. We've documented the late-game goals (or a missed PK) which have resulted in these dropped points, but actually it's remarkable D.C. United has still achieved the heights it has given those dropped points. While the team now gets a two-week break from league action, it will play again on Tuesday night, June 17, when it travels to the home of the Rochester Rhinos to open defense of the US Open Cup championship. Ben Olsen recently said how much he likes his players who normally occupy the 12-18 spots on the roster, and he spoke of his plan to play them in the US Open Cup. With the extended league break, however, and looming suspensions for Arnaud and possibly Espindola, Ben Olsen is in the position to put out the squad he thinks can best ensure
[ 24173, 29892, 2289, 282, 3427, 287, 29892, 7148, 13797, 393, 565, 591, 5401, 445, 3748, 591, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 367, 297, 937, 2058, 29889, 6811, 497, 29892, 306, 1348, 306, 471, 925, 24173, 363, 278, 3815, 322, 363, 6142, 1213, 13, 29899, 3589, 29891, 826, 1056, 566, 29892, 3025, 270, 29883, 348, 1573, 29889, 510, 29901, 1551, 825, 471, 1497, 304, 360, 12072, 4151, 1434, 6209, 631, 29915, 29879, 27368, 29889, 376, 29902, 3512, 975, 29892, 306, 29915, 345, 3595, 4121, 11674, 2125, 263, 3287, 310, 6584, 1997, 583, 29892, 322, 306, 1073, 393, 270, 12072, 4151, 756, 20654, 1075, 322, 4121, 11674, 338, 1407, 1781, 472, 963, 29889, 7198, 372, 471, 263, 2217, 2586, 310, 8090, 21555, 4034, 408, 1568, 408, 3099, 1683, 29889, 306, 925, 5429, 1075, 393, 540, 4188, 267, 304, 437, 278, 380, 6463, 4331, 2655, 29889, 8680, 1589, 11356, 1258, 1407, 1532, 29892, 541, 4121, 11674, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 577, 1781, 518, 265, 29962, 1906, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 2086, 4049, 393, 540, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 3052, 1213, 13, 3421, 399, 4339, 29901, 13, 3624, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 2869, 6257, 304, 1510, 10809, 29973, 1551, 15050, 4515, 3250, 4646, 29892, 6682, 7904, 333, 29892, 12208, 1459, 446, 29892, 322, 20861, 347, 11717, 2949, 264, 29915, 29873, 297, 278, 1196, 786, 2750, 278, 14305, 627, 29892, 541, 278, 3815, 1603, 20591, 263, 2473, 29899, 28111, 5401, 373, 278, 6520, 363, 278, 937, 931, 1023, 2440, 29889, 3869, 29892, 727, 892, 1023, 4688, 443, 18609, 4695, 822, 6270, 3984, 29883, 1041, 607, 10674, 3825, 287, 12583, 25371, 29915, 29879, 4688, 8718, 7306, 313, 11600, 491, 12821, 8731, 1725, 29915, 29879, 1935, 29878, 928, 2507, 322, 10629, 713, 5984, 513, 2963, 29915, 29879, 14586, 355, 681, 1549, 8287, 511, 541, 278, 3815, 20722, 1250, 515, 445, 822, 293, 277, 491, 260, 635, 292, 2211, 7812, 14433, 515, 897, 3226, 265, 322, 25371, 489, 1456, 414, 1058, 750, 451, 26869, 701, 304, 1009, 633, 9770, 445, 4259, 29889, 24162, 14433, 322, 1223, 2879, 515, 1438, 10769, 12778, 263, 716, 9927, 304, 278, 3815, 297, 445, 4259, 607, 756, 337, 2957, 373, 5984, 513, 2963, 297, 577, 1784, 5837, 29889, 19814, 29892, 278, 11509, 304, 1708, 515, 5742, 756, 1063, 373, 2479, 2999, 3064, 445, 4259, 29892, 322, 7726, 29879, 1532, 310, 278, 17750, 278, 3815, 756, 297, 1009, 11509, 304, 7952, 297, 8090, 1584, 746, 901, 1135, 697, 380, 4254, 3508, 29915, 29873, 373, 278, 1746, 29889, 13, 3644, 10809, 338, 6200, 11176, 3460, 373, 445, 1629, 29915, 29879, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 10023, 29892, 372, 674, 367, 4312, 1449, 297, 1023, 11405, 746, 278, 3815, 4893, 373, 278, 13225, 29915, 29879, 1900, 3815, 29892, 278, 27689, 14976, 414, 29889, 3589, 29891, 826, 1056, 566, 674, 367, 8872, 2760, 2861, 304, 13328, 5881, 18414, 2785, 29892, 1550, 10629, 713, 5984, 513, 2963, 1033, 367, 14870, 263, 8872, 2673, 363, 670, 4805, 16256, 16311, 14188, 373, 278, 385, 29895, 793, 310, 383, 5037, 412, 29889, 1126, 29892, 411, 871, 2211, 13225, 8090, 297, 278, 4098, 310, 5306, 29892, 278, 3748, 2750, 278, 14976, 414, 313, 1552, 13225, 29915, 29879, 1900, 6520, 3815, 29897, 338, 4444, 701, 408, 278, 1820, 363, 278, 4098, 29889, 3387, 763, 2610, 29915, 29879, 14382, 3748, 2750, 8815, 292, 20029, 4412, 3342, 1833, 4098, 29892, 263, 6410, 674, 1074, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 411, 263, 1407, 6588, 5306, 313, 29896, 29899, 29896, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29946, 3291, 511, 1550, 263, 4216, 674, 1207, 278, 4098, 22691, 313, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29945, 3291, 511, 322, 263, 5401, 674, 1207, 5306, 1790, 4266, 4098, 313, 29906, 29899, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29955, 3291, 467, 13, 2855, 6456, 29901, 373, 24211, 29892, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 390, 29943, 29968, 17213, 674, 1074, 263, 1993, 1546, 278, 2246, 1023, 10907, 297, 445, 4259, 29915, 29879, 9179, 272, 2153, 29915, 1383, 969, 6679, 886, 29991, 1763, 29877, 4319, 278, 13225, 29915, 29879, 4797, 5648, 3577, 1838, 29915, 29873, 505, 8525, 28598, 19478, 29892, 1951, 3303, 7186, 29889, 14976, 414, 723, 367, 263, 2107, 3748, 363, 405, 5371, 19296, 470, 26480, 29940, 313, 2611, 1479, 29892, 445, 3748, 674, 367, 3625, 5233, 635, 373, 341, 8547, 10782, 322, 341, 8547, 8797, 476, 860, 467, 13, 1576, 9208, 10803, 29901, 13, 2887, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 269, 1169, 937, 297, 278, 16162, 16377, 322, 1473, 297, 278, 9179, 272, 2153, 29915, 1383, 969, 6679, 886, 29892, 278, 1556, 22567, 2655, 338, 278, 15474, 1230, 363, 278, 4259, 3508, 29915, 29873, 393, 896, 526, 263, 9885, 29891, 3815, 321, 5086, 714, 5683, 2582, 297, 22567, 13460, 29889, 18585, 29892, 278, 3815, 21614, 297, 443, 535, 794, 1848, 5837, 607, 822, 29891, 13807, 24148, 7418, 8743, 4111, 1460, 29899, 2135, 29892, 541, 278, 1855, 5828, 1220, 338, 445, 3815, 269, 1169, 297, 937, 2058, 297, 278, 6932, 322, 5948, 1033, 505, 701, 304, 9475, 901, 3291, 565, 451, 363, 916, 10907, 29915, 1781, 19717, 29889, 1334, 29915, 345, 23531, 278, 5683, 29899, 11802, 14433, 313, 272, 263, 13726, 24457, 29897, 607, 505, 20601, 297, 1438, 13700, 3291, 29892, 541, 2869, 372, 29915, 29879, 22567, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 3303, 756, 1603, 14363, 278, 3171, 29879, 372, 756, 2183, 1906, 13700, 3291, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 278, 3815, 1286, 4947, 263, 1023, 29899, 18448, 2867, 515, 13225, 3158, 29892, 372, 674, 1708, 1449, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 4646, 29892, 5306, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29892, 746, 372, 9850, 29879, 304, 278, 3271, 310, 278, 1528, 10530, 7861, 8226, 304, 1722, 26406, 310, 278, 3148, 4673, 6536, 22401, 29889, 4111, 438, 3137, 264, 10325, 1497, 920, 1568, 540, 4188, 267, 670, 10769, 1058, 12891, 6919, 29891, 278, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29947, 805, 1862, 373, 278, 696, 2475, 29892, 322, 540, 12707, 310, 670, 3814, 304, 1708, 963, 297, 278, 3148, 4673, 6536, 29889, 2973, 278, 10410, 13225, 2867, 29892, 3138, 29892, 322, 658, 28826, 8872, 5580, 363, 826, 1056, 566, 322, 10075, 5984, 513, 2963, 29892, 4111, 438, 3137, 264, 338, 297, 278, 2602, 304, 1925, 714, 278, 10023, 540, 22405, 508, 1900, 9801 ]
Expert Blog β€Ί Lauren Urbanek Building Energy Codes: A (Slightly Wonky) Way to Construct a Cleaner, Safer World May 16, 2016 Lauren Urbanek Designing our homes and communities to be resilient in the face of natural disaster is becoming increasingly important. President Obama emphasized this last week with the announcement of a variety of public and private efforts to increase the resilience of communities against the impacts of climate change through building codes and standards. Many of us have experienced devastation from recent natural disasters firsthand, whether it's been caused by Superstorm Sandy, the wildfires raging throughout the west, flooding in Texas and throughout the south and Midwest, or ongoing droughts. Increased emphasis on resilience aims to ensure that, as weather patterns become more severe, buildings and communities are able to prepare and adapt to keep inhabitants safe and secure. Preparing for greater risk of natural disasters due to climate change is absolutely critical, but wouldn't it be even better if we could halt climate change in its tracks? The good news is that building codes also give us an important tool to fight climate change, not just respond to its effects: the building energy code. The building energy code is aimed at cutting energy waste within our homes and offices, thereby reducing the need to burn fossil fuels to generate the energy needed to run themβ€”and also avoiding the harmful carbon pollution fueling climate change. Unfortunately, the model building energy code is under attack and is at risk of being substantially weakened, at a time when its stringency and impact has never been more important. I'll get into more detail below, but first, some history. Building Codes Matter Building codes have been an important part of construction practice for literally thousands of years. The first known written code was established almost 4,000 years ago and doled out some pretty harsh penalties for unscrupulous builders. Penalties ranged from correcting shoddy construction at the builder's expense (sounds reasonable) to the death penalty for a builder whose building collapses and kills the owner (and the same applies for a builder's son if the owner's son is killedβ€”talk about construction risk!) In more modern times, the code has evolved into a mechanism to ensure the health and safety of building occupants, by setting regulations for things like fire prevention, earthquake resilience, electrical and plumbing requirements, and (my personal favorite) energy efficiency. Building energy codes have proven to be an incredibly effective tool to reduce energy use in homes and businesses, saving Americans money and reducing harmful pollution. A home built to the 2012 code uses about half of the energy as a standard home constructed in 1975β€”but there's still room for improved efficiency. Buildings and the equipment within them use about 70 percent of the nation's electricity and account for 40 percent of overall carbon pollution emissions, so reducing the energy use of buildings means reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the harmful effects of climate change. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy recently concluded that the adoption of the 2015 model building code could save 96 million metric tons of carbon equivalent by 2030, which would be like erasing the emissions from 25 coal-fired power plants. And that's just with codes that are already on the booksβ€”as my colleague David Goldstein explains, NRDC advocates for continuous improvement in every subsequent cycle of the building code. Steady but incremental improvement to codes in this same time period could save upwards of 160 million metric tons of carbon, the output of 42 coal-fired power plants. As shown in the chart below, building code improvements under two sets of building code standards (ASHRAE and IECC) have led to immense decreases in energy use in the past 40 years. Such advancements are not only technologically feasible and cost-effective for the homeowners and businesses that pay the energy bills, but continually improved energy codes are absolutely crucial for the health of this planet we all call home. Moving in the wrong direction Given how critical strong building energy codes are in the fight against the dangers of climate change, recent events in the residential energy code development process are very troubling. Code officials, builders, energy efficiency advocates, and others met last month in Louisville, KY for Technical Advisory Committee hearings for
[ 1222, 10700, 350, 1188, 29871, 30405, 997, 10732, 22589, 1416, 13, 8893, 292, 24836, 315, 2631, 29901, 319, 313, 29903, 4366, 368, 399, 265, 3459, 29897, 5307, 304, 1281, 4984, 263, 315, 14044, 261, 29892, 5701, 571, 2787, 13, 12703, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 997, 10732, 22589, 1416, 13, 4002, 647, 292, 1749, 17774, 322, 23507, 304, 367, 620, 309, 993, 297, 278, 3700, 310, 5613, 766, 1901, 338, 14171, 10231, 368, 4100, 29889, 7178, 4250, 3304, 19310, 1891, 445, 1833, 4723, 411, 278, 7475, 13561, 310, 263, 12875, 310, 970, 322, 2024, 14231, 304, 7910, 278, 620, 2638, 663, 310, 23507, 2750, 278, 10879, 29879, 310, 23622, 1735, 1549, 5214, 11561, 322, 20801, 29889, 9267, 310, 502, 505, 18860, 2906, 579, 362, 515, 7786, 5613, 766, 1901, 29879, 937, 3179, 29892, 3692, 372, 29915, 29879, 1063, 8581, 491, 5670, 303, 555, 8564, 29891, 29892, 278, 8775, 29888, 2658, 1153, 3460, 10106, 278, 5833, 29892, 5685, 3689, 297, 10319, 322, 10106, 278, 7062, 322, 13370, 5933, 29892, 470, 373, 17696, 4192, 1774, 29879, 29889, 512, 1037, 1463, 19310, 275, 373, 620, 2638, 663, 263, 9893, 304, 9801, 393, 29892, 408, 14826, 15038, 4953, 901, 22261, 29892, 13814, 322, 23507, 526, 2221, 304, 19012, 322, 7744, 304, 3013, 19681, 9109, 322, 11592, 29889, 13, 6572, 862, 292, 363, 7621, 12045, 310, 5613, 766, 1901, 29879, 2861, 304, 23622, 1735, 338, 13312, 12187, 29892, 541, 7656, 29915, 29873, 372, 367, 1584, 2253, 565, 591, 1033, 25212, 23622, 1735, 297, 967, 16257, 29973, 450, 1781, 9763, 338, 393, 5214, 11561, 884, 2367, 502, 385, 4100, 5780, 304, 8589, 23622, 1735, 29892, 451, 925, 10049, 304, 967, 9545, 29901, 278, 5214, 5864, 775, 29889, 450, 5214, 5864, 775, 338, 12242, 287, 472, 28967, 5864, 19863, 2629, 1749, 17774, 322, 25222, 29892, 27999, 27668, 278, 817, 304, 12138, 21983, 309, 4084, 1379, 304, 5706, 278, 5864, 4312, 304, 1065, 963, 30003, 392, 884, 4772, 292, 278, 10311, 1319, 22004, 21180, 918, 26413, 292, 23622, 1735, 29889, 11511, 29892, 278, 1904, 5214, 5864, 775, 338, 1090, 5337, 322, 338, 472, 12045, 310, 1641, 23228, 368, 8062, 6419, 29892, 472, 263, 931, 746, 967, 1347, 3819, 322, 10879, 756, 2360, 1063, 901, 4100, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 645, 679, 964, 901, 9493, 2400, 29892, 541, 937, 29892, 777, 4955, 29889, 13, 8893, 292, 315, 2631, 341, 2620, 13, 8893, 292, 11561, 505, 1063, 385, 4100, 760, 310, 7632, 6944, 363, 22830, 17202, 310, 2440, 29889, 450, 937, 2998, 3971, 775, 471, 7841, 4359, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 2440, 8020, 322, 437, 839, 714, 777, 5051, 4023, 845, 6584, 1997, 583, 363, 443, 1557, 17827, 352, 681, 2048, 414, 29889, 7363, 1997, 583, 364, 4618, 515, 1959, 292, 528, 397, 4518, 7632, 472, 278, 12856, 29915, 29879, 1518, 1947, 313, 29879, 3885, 15590, 29897, 304, 278, 4892, 27368, 363, 263, 12856, 5069, 5214, 784, 14128, 267, 322, 413, 6090, 278, 12271, 313, 392, 278, 1021, 16058, 363, 263, 12856, 29915, 29879, 1487, 565, 278, 12271, 29915, 29879, 1487, 338, 9445, 30003, 29873, 2235, 1048, 7632, 12045, 14366, 512, 901, 5400, 3064, 29892, 278, 775, 756, 15220, 1490, 964, 263, 13336, 304, 9801, 278, 9045, 322, 15332, 310, 5214, 6919, 1934, 29892, 491, 4444, 1072, 8250, 363, 2712, 763, 3974, 5557, 291, 29892, 8437, 339, 1296, 620, 2638, 663, 29892, 3546, 16888, 322, 715, 3774, 292, 11780, 29892, 322, 313, 1357, 7333, 25448, 29897, 5864, 19201, 29889, 13, 8893, 292, 5864, 11561, 505, 16413, 304, 367, 385, 29811, 14981, 11828, 5780, 304, 10032, 5864, 671, 297, 17774, 322, 5381, 267, 29892, 14238, 23035, 6909, 322, 27668, 10311, 1319, 21180, 918, 29889, 319, 3271, 4240, 304, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 775, 3913, 1048, 4203, 310, 278, 5864, 408, 263, 3918, 3271, 13319, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29945, 30003, 4187, 727, 29915, 29879, 1603, 5716, 363, 16710, 19201, 29889, 13, 8893, 886, 322, 278, 21083, 2629, 963, 671, 1048, 29871, 29955, 29900, 10151, 310, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 12646, 537, 322, 3633, 363, 29871, 29946, 29900, 10151, 310, 12463, 22004, 21180, 918, 953, 6847, 29892, 577, 27668, 278, 5864, 671, 310, 13814, 2794, 27668, 22004, 953, 6847, 322, 1380, 335, 1218, 278, 10311, 1319, 9545, 310, 23622, 1735, 29889, 13, 1576, 3082, 8831, 363, 385, 24836, 382, 4543, 12884, 29891, 10325, 22834, 393, 278, 594, 3385, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 1904, 5214, 775, 1033, 4078, 29871, 29929, 29953, 7284, 12714, 23864, 310, 22004, 7126, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29941, 29900, 29892, 607, 723, 367, 763, 604, 5832, 278, 953, 6847, 515, 29871, 29906, 29945, 17148, 29899, 29888, 2859, 3081, 18577, 29889, 1126, 393, 29915, 29879, 925, 411, 11561, 393, 526, 2307, 373, 278, 8277, 30003, 294, 590, 23056, 3437, 4699, 6650, 5465, 18568, 29892, 27759, 12696, 22545, 1078, 363, 9126, 20414, 297, 1432, 15352, 11412, 310, 278, 5214, 775, 29889, 2443, 3714, 541, 11924, 284, 20414, 304, 11561, 297, 445, 1021, 931, 3785, 1033, 4078, 701, 2935, 310, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29900, 7284, 12714, 23864, 310, 22004, 29892, 278, 1962, 310, 29871, 29946, 29906, 17148, 29899, 29888, 2859, 3081, 18577, 29889, 13, 2887, 4318, 297, 278, 8727, 2400, 29892, 5214, 775, 28473, 1090, 1023, 6166, 310, 5214, 775, 20801, 313, 24943, 4717, 29923, 322, 7159, 4174, 29897, 505, 5331, 304, 29403, 9263, 2129, 297, 5864, 671, 297, 278, 4940, 29871, 29946, 29900, 2440, 29889, 10506, 3061, 4564, 4110, 526, 451, 871, 5722, 1189, 1711, 28326, 1821, 322, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 363, 278, 3271, 776, 414, 322, 5381, 267, 393, 5146, 278, 5864, 289, 6090, 29892, 541, 2145, 1474, 16710, 5864, 11561, 526, 13312, 7618, 1455, 363, 278, 9045, 310, 445, 15754, 591, 599, 1246, 3271, 29889, 13, 29924, 21081, 297, 278, 2743, 5305, 13, 29954, 5428, 920, 12187, 4549, 5214, 5864, 11561, 526, 297, 278, 8589, 2750, 278, 270, 13873, 310, 23622, 1735, 29892, 7786, 4959, 297, 278, 20201, 616, 5864, 775, 5849, 1889, 526, 1407, 12111, 21435, 29889, 5920, 24921, 29892, 2048, 414, 29892, 5864, 19201, 22545, 1078, 29892, 322, 4045, 1539, 1833, 4098, 297, 5899, 4909, 29892, 476, 29979, 363, 8364, 936, 2087, 1730, 706, 12930, 8293, 886, 363 ]
Saudi Arabia // Company & People News | Dredge Mining, Port News A.P. Moller – Maersk to strengthen its Saudi Arabia operations with a new Cold Storage Facility at Mawani's King Abdulaziz Port in Dammam The 13,300 sq. m. Cold Storage facility will be designed to handle 168,000 pallet positions annually at Saudi Arabia's second-largest port for refrigerated containers (Reefers). Dammam: A. P. Moller – Maersk (Maersk), a global integrator of container logistics, today signed an agreement with Refad Real Estate to operate a brand new Cold Storage facility at King Abdulaziz Port in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Maersk will open the doors to the facility in March 2023 for its customers. The agreement was signed in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Transport and Logistics, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Authority, Engineer Saleh bin Nasser Al-Jasser, His Excellency the President of the Saudi Ports Authority, Mr Omar bin Tala Hariri, Mohammad Shihab, Managing Director, Maersk Saudi Arabia and the Chairman of the Board of Al Qahtani Holding, Sheikh Abdulaziz Abdelhadi Al-Qahtani. The agreement was signed by Group Director of Real Estate, Mr Abdelhadi Abdulaziz Al Qahtani of Refad Real Estate and the Director of Products and Services, Maersk Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Sedeek Hashish. "Saudi Arabia is a significant market for us. With more than a fifth of the country's food imports coming through King Abdulaziz Port in Dammam, we wanted to establish a state-of-the-art cold storage facility that will help us serve the food industry better", said Mr Mohammad Shihab during the signing ceremony. He added, Our ambition is to connect and simplify our customers' supply chains. To achieve this, we must be close to our customers, collaborate with trusted and reliable partners and build a network that truly enables global trade. With our new facility in Dammam, we are setting ourselves up to achieve all three goals. Mr Mohammad Shihab Managing Director, Maersk Saudi Arabia Dammam enjoys a strategic location in more than one way. Several food processing manufacturers in the different industrial zones and residential communities are based around King Abdulaziz Port in Dammam. This means that there is manufacturing as well as consumption of food items in and around Dammam. Moreover, Dammam lies in close proximity to neighbouring Gulf countries like the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar, making it a significantly important distribution hub for several markets. On the other side, King Abdulaziz Port is also strongly connected to the hinterland through a robust road and rail network, making it the location of choice for many. A state-of-the-art facility Maersk's Cold Storage facility at King Abdulaziz Port in Dammam will primarily serve the requirement to store frozen commodities such as poultry, meat, vegetables, confectionary and processed food. The facility will also house chilled cargo such as dairy products and seasonal fruits. To ensure top-notch quality of service, the facility will be equipped with world-class standards when it comes to temperature and humidity control. This will help ensure minimum to no food wastage during its storage at the facility. The customers will also get complete visibility on these parameters, thus creating transparent and trusted operations. Sustainability at the core ESG, especially decarbonisation, is at the core of every decision Maersk takes. In line with that, several considerations have been made to ensure that greenhouse gas emissions are kept to a minimum through various actions such as: A 600 kWp solar panel plant will be installed on the facility's roof to generate at least 15% of the power requirement at the start of operations. This power plant can be extended to cover most energy requirements in the future. An on-site water treatment plant will be installed to cater to all facility water requirements. This will avoid transporting water in trucks from external water treatment plants, thus eliminating the carbon emissions from driving these trucks for almost 87,600 km per year. In the near future, the
[ 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 849, 6938, 669, 11647, 10130, 891, 360, 1127, 479, 341, 2827, 29892, 3371, 10130, 13, 29909, 29889, 29925, 29889, 10750, 1358, 785, 3219, 414, 29895, 304, 9324, 264, 967, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 6931, 411, 263, 716, 26731, 26162, 14184, 1793, 472, 341, 1450, 3270, 29915, 29879, 4088, 17860, 352, 834, 466, 3371, 297, 360, 4850, 314, 13, 1576, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29941, 29900, 29900, 18074, 29889, 286, 29889, 26731, 26162, 24454, 674, 367, 8688, 304, 4386, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29947, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 5112, 1026, 11909, 2889, 1474, 472, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29915, 29879, 1473, 29899, 27489, 342, 2011, 363, 337, 1341, 4087, 630, 22637, 313, 1123, 1389, 414, 467, 13, 29928, 4850, 314, 29901, 319, 29889, 349, 29889, 10750, 1358, 785, 3219, 414, 29895, 313, 21870, 414, 29895, 511, 263, 5534, 3990, 1061, 310, 5639, 1480, 6765, 29892, 9826, 8794, 385, 17327, 411, 9897, 328, 8195, 2661, 403, 304, 21994, 263, 14982, 716, 26731, 26162, 24454, 472, 4088, 17860, 352, 834, 466, 3371, 297, 360, 4850, 314, 29892, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29889, 3219, 414, 29895, 674, 1722, 278, 24189, 304, 278, 24454, 297, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 363, 967, 20330, 29889, 13, 1576, 17327, 471, 8794, 297, 278, 10122, 310, 3600, 1222, 3729, 3819, 278, 7668, 310, 15710, 322, 4522, 6765, 29892, 24193, 1171, 310, 278, 12590, 310, 8797, 943, 310, 278, 13361, 537, 29892, 10863, 261, 317, 744, 29882, 9016, 405, 9498, 838, 29899, 29967, 9498, 29892, 3600, 1222, 3729, 3819, 278, 7178, 310, 278, 5701, 4749, 3371, 29879, 13361, 537, 29892, 3237, 438, 3034, 9016, 323, 2883, 379, 1306, 374, 29892, 12929, 4850, 328, 1383, 4861, 370, 29892, 2315, 6751, 15944, 29892, 3219, 414, 29895, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 322, 278, 24193, 1171, 310, 278, 12590, 310, 838, 660, 29874, 400, 3270, 21771, 292, 29892, 2296, 28464, 17860, 352, 834, 466, 1976, 6144, 29882, 10129, 838, 29899, 29984, 29874, 400, 3270, 29889, 450, 17327, 471, 8794, 491, 6431, 15944, 310, 8195, 2661, 403, 29892, 3237, 1976, 6144, 29882, 10129, 17860, 352, 834, 466, 838, 660, 29874, 400, 3270, 310, 9897, 328, 8195, 2661, 403, 322, 278, 15944, 310, 10969, 29879, 322, 15538, 29892, 3219, 414, 29895, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29892, 12929, 2795, 317, 2742, 1416, 11874, 728, 29889, 13, 29908, 17618, 4749, 10387, 423, 338, 263, 7282, 9999, 363, 502, 29889, 2973, 901, 1135, 263, 18615, 310, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 9687, 24802, 6421, 1549, 4088, 17860, 352, 834, 466, 3371, 297, 360, 4850, 314, 29892, 591, 5131, 304, 10127, 263, 2106, 29899, 974, 29899, 1552, 29899, 442, 11220, 8635, 24454, 393, 674, 1371, 502, 9080, 278, 9687, 13661, 2253, 613, 1497, 3237, 12929, 4850, 328, 1383, 4861, 370, 2645, 278, 26188, 25672, 29889, 940, 2715, 29892, 13, 29949, 332, 3181, 654, 338, 304, 4511, 322, 21092, 1749, 20330, 29915, 11421, 521, 2708, 29889, 1763, 6176, 445, 29892, 591, 1818, 367, 3802, 304, 1749, 20330, 29892, 11465, 403, 411, 9311, 287, 322, 23279, 22056, 322, 2048, 263, 3564, 393, 19781, 28936, 5534, 11302, 29889, 2973, 1749, 716, 24454, 297, 360, 4850, 314, 29892, 591, 526, 4444, 20278, 701, 304, 6176, 599, 2211, 14433, 29889, 13, 20335, 12929, 4850, 328, 1383, 4861, 370, 13, 2517, 6751, 15944, 29892, 3219, 414, 29895, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 13, 29928, 4850, 314, 11418, 952, 263, 16650, 293, 4423, 297, 901, 1135, 697, 982, 29889, 21882, 9687, 9068, 12012, 332, 414, 297, 278, 1422, 18408, 20542, 322, 20201, 616, 23507, 526, 2729, 2820, 4088, 17860, 352, 834, 466, 3371, 297, 360, 4850, 314, 29889, 910, 2794, 393, 727, 338, 12012, 3864, 408, 1532, 408, 27430, 310, 9687, 4452, 297, 322, 2820, 360, 4850, 314, 29889, 12808, 29892, 360, 4850, 314, 12185, 297, 3802, 23203, 537, 304, 17647, 292, 402, 16302, 10916, 763, 278, 501, 16036, 29892, 476, 7262, 1249, 29892, 15174, 6038, 322, 660, 14873, 29892, 3907, 372, 263, 16951, 4100, 4978, 19766, 363, 3196, 2791, 1691, 29889, 1551, 278, 916, 2625, 29892, 4088, 17860, 352, 834, 466, 3371, 338, 884, 13818, 6631, 304, 278, 22013, 1049, 1549, 263, 16424, 6520, 322, 8367, 3564, 29892, 3907, 372, 278, 4423, 310, 7348, 363, 1784, 29889, 13, 29909, 2106, 29899, 974, 29899, 1552, 29899, 442, 24454, 13, 21870, 414, 29895, 29915, 29879, 26731, 26162, 24454, 472, 4088, 17860, 352, 834, 466, 3371, 297, 360, 4850, 314, 674, 19434, 9080, 278, 11809, 304, 3787, 14671, 2256, 844, 397, 1907, 1316, 408, 282, 5059, 2202, 29892, 27654, 29892, 18655, 1849, 29892, 378, 20309, 653, 322, 19356, 9687, 29889, 450, 24454, 674, 884, 3699, 521, 24455, 17040, 1316, 408, 1146, 16129, 9316, 322, 4259, 284, 285, 21211, 29889, 1763, 9801, 2246, 29899, 1333, 305, 11029, 310, 2669, 29892, 278, 24454, 674, 367, 1592, 16242, 411, 3186, 29899, 1990, 20801, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 10430, 322, 3165, 333, 537, 2761, 29889, 910, 674, 1371, 9801, 9212, 304, 694, 9687, 471, 29873, 482, 2645, 967, 8635, 472, 278, 24454, 29889, 450, 20330, 674, 884, 679, 4866, 26401, 373, 1438, 4128, 29892, 4550, 4969, 17772, 322, 9311, 287, 6931, 29889, 13, 29903, 504, 475, 3097, 472, 278, 7136, 13, 2890, 29954, 29892, 7148, 1602, 279, 6718, 4371, 29892, 338, 472, 278, 7136, 310, 1432, 10608, 3219, 414, 29895, 4893, 29889, 512, 1196, 411, 393, 29892, 3196, 2050, 800, 505, 1063, 1754, 304, 9801, 393, 7933, 8697, 10489, 953, 6847, 526, 8126, 304, 263, 9212, 1549, 5164, 8820, 1316, 408, 29901, 13, 29909, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29900, 26226, 29886, 21635, 9451, 8024, 674, 367, 5130, 373, 278, 24454, 29915, 29879, 17526, 304, 5706, 472, 3203, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29995, 310, 278, 3081, 11809, 472, 278, 1369, 310, 6931, 29889, 910, 3081, 8024, 508, 367, 10410, 304, 4612, 1556, 5864, 11780, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 2744, 373, 29899, 2746, 4094, 14502, 8024, 674, 367, 5130, 304, 274, 1008, 304, 599, 24454, 4094, 11780, 29889, 910, 674, 4772, 8608, 292, 4094, 297, 534, 2707, 29879, 515, 7029, 4094, 14502, 18577, 29892, 4550, 10397, 1218, 278, 22004, 953, 6847, 515, 19500, 1438, 534, 2707, 29879, 363, 4359, 29871, 29947, 29955, 29892, 29953, 29900, 29900, 2383, 639, 1629, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 2978, 5434, 29892, 278 ]
Side Hustles Young Success Become Debt-Free Land the Job Be the Boss Science of Success Food, Travel and Tech Books and Culture CNBC.COM Definitive Guide to CollegeThe top 50 US colleges that pay off the most Abigail Hess Millennial MoneyHow a San Francisco couple lives 'comfortably' on $200,000 a year Emmie Martin The UpstartsHow a struggling musician grew Blue Bottle Coffee into a $700 million brand Tom Huddleston Jr. How Mark Zuckerberg, Melinda Gates and other leaders approach New Year's resolutions Published Thu, Dec 28 2017 12:34 PM EST Updated Thu, Jan 4 2018 1:25 PM EST Sarah Berger@sarahelizberger Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive officer and founder of Facebook David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images After the champagne is drunk and the confetti cleaned up, there are usually two camps of people: Those who set New Year's resolutions, and those who do not. Here's how five of America's business leaders approach setting goals for the new year. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a longtime advocate of New Year's resolutions and he publicly pledges a new personal challenge every year. While he has yet to reveal his resolution for 2018, his past challenges have included some more mundane goals, like "wear a tie every day" (2009) to "become a vegetarian" (2011), and some ambitious ones, like "build a simple AI to run my home and help me with my work" (2016). This past year, the billionaire's resolution was to meet new people throughout the country. "My personal challenge for 2017 is to have visited and met people in every state in the U.S. by the end of the year," Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post. "I've spent significant time in many states already, so I'll need to travel to about 30 states this year to complete this challenge. After a tumultuous last year, my hope for this challenge is to get out and talk to more people about how they're living, working and thinking about the future." Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg recently leaned in to the idea of setting and keeping New Year's resolutions. She revealed that 2016 was the first year in which she stuck with her goal, which was to write down three moments of joy each day in a notebook. "This is the first year I have ever kept a New Year's resolution," Sandberg told Zuckerberg in a Facebook Live event in 2016. Overcome your greatest fears by using Tim Ferriss' fear setting exercise Businessman Marcus Lemonis, star of CNBC's "The Profit," meanwhile, thinks any time is a good time to make a change, not just the end of December. "I don't know that I make specifically New Year's resolutions. I think I typically make a new resolution when something bad happens or I have a failure or something doesn't go the way I think it should," Lemonis tells CNBC Make It. "I almost have this reset and I don't use the calendar year as a time to do that. I use a mistake that I've made or a decision that I made that didn't go right as a time to do that." Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has a unique strategy when it comes to resolutions. In the past, she has said that, instead of setting a resolution, she picks a single word to look to for guidance over the next 12 months. In 2016, that word was "gentle." "I've found this to be more successful than setting a more traditional resolution, because instead of prompting a radical change in behavior, it encourages a gradual change in mindset," Gates wrote in an article for Real Simple. "Last January, I chose the word 'gentle,' and I've spent 2016 trying to put it into practice β€” being gentler to those around me, gentler in my approach to the world, and most importantly, gentler to myself." This year, best-selling author Nass
[ 19160, 379, 504, 793, 13, 3492, 865, 21397, 13, 3629, 2763, 7089, 29873, 29899, 20475, 13, 22677, 278, 17163, 13, 3629, 278, 350, 2209, 13, 29903, 15277, 310, 21397, 13, 29943, 2092, 29892, 3201, 955, 322, 1920, 305, 13, 10967, 29879, 322, 14062, 13, 13778, 5371, 29889, 19795, 13, 3206, 2344, 573, 16886, 304, 6346, 1576, 2246, 29871, 29945, 29900, 3148, 18400, 267, 393, 5146, 1283, 278, 1556, 13, 29909, 3752, 737, 379, 404, 13, 19169, 2108, 616, 341, 4992, 5328, 263, 3087, 8970, 7303, 12080, 525, 510, 3921, 2197, 29915, 373, 395, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 263, 1629, 13, 29923, 4317, 347, 6502, 13, 1576, 5020, 27382, 5328, 263, 20042, 4696, 713, 13631, 10924, 350, 1501, 280, 315, 2696, 3905, 964, 263, 395, 29955, 29900, 29900, 7284, 14982, 13, 21599, 18917, 11671, 21496, 13843, 29889, 13, 5328, 4485, 796, 29583, 2552, 29892, 6286, 11054, 402, 1078, 322, 916, 20251, 2948, 1570, 8905, 29915, 29879, 10104, 29879, 13, 21076, 3726, 498, 29884, 29892, 3826, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29901, 29941, 29946, 11278, 382, 1254, 25723, 498, 29884, 29892, 2627, 29871, 29946, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29906, 29945, 11278, 382, 1254, 13, 29903, 279, 801, 2292, 914, 29992, 29879, 279, 801, 295, 466, 15734, 13, 9802, 796, 29583, 2552, 29892, 9087, 22760, 12139, 322, 25331, 310, 13327, 13, 19504, 3739, 23112, 891, 11447, 290, 2552, 891, 3617, 1017, 1954, 1179, 13, 13555, 278, 18480, 5889, 338, 4192, 2960, 322, 278, 1970, 9890, 5941, 287, 701, 29892, 727, 526, 5491, 1023, 3949, 567, 310, 2305, 29901, 16025, 1058, 731, 1570, 8905, 29915, 29879, 10104, 29879, 29892, 322, 1906, 1058, 437, 451, 29889, 13, 10605, 29915, 29879, 920, 5320, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 5381, 20251, 2948, 4444, 14433, 363, 278, 716, 1629, 29889, 13, 23360, 2909, 14645, 29949, 4485, 796, 29583, 2552, 338, 263, 1472, 2230, 22545, 403, 310, 1570, 8905, 29915, 29879, 10104, 29879, 322, 540, 970, 368, 282, 839, 2710, 263, 716, 7333, 18766, 1432, 1629, 29889, 5806, 540, 756, 3447, 304, 10320, 284, 670, 10104, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 670, 4940, 18066, 267, 505, 5134, 777, 901, 286, 870, 1662, 14433, 29892, 763, 376, 705, 279, 263, 22134, 1432, 2462, 29908, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29897, 304, 376, 915, 2763, 263, 18655, 13956, 29908, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 511, 322, 777, 626, 2966, 2738, 6743, 29892, 763, 376, 4282, 263, 2560, 319, 29902, 304, 1065, 590, 3271, 322, 1371, 592, 411, 590, 664, 29908, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 467, 13, 4013, 4940, 1629, 29892, 278, 24464, 5218, 29915, 29879, 10104, 471, 304, 5870, 716, 2305, 10106, 278, 4234, 29889, 13, 29908, 3421, 7333, 18766, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 338, 304, 505, 16669, 322, 1539, 2305, 297, 1432, 2106, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 1629, 1699, 796, 29583, 2552, 5456, 297, 263, 13327, 1400, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 345, 10398, 7282, 931, 297, 1784, 5922, 2307, 29892, 577, 306, 29915, 645, 817, 304, 9850, 304, 1048, 29871, 29941, 29900, 5922, 445, 1629, 304, 4866, 445, 18766, 29889, 2860, 263, 21622, 499, 17269, 1833, 1629, 29892, 590, 4966, 363, 445, 18766, 338, 304, 679, 714, 322, 5193, 304, 901, 2305, 1048, 920, 896, 29915, 276, 8471, 29892, 1985, 322, 7291, 1048, 278, 5434, 1213, 13, 23360, 2909, 22760, 1383, 708, 29880, 8564, 2552, 10325, 20793, 287, 297, 304, 278, 2969, 310, 4444, 322, 12515, 1570, 8905, 29915, 29879, 10104, 29879, 29889, 2296, 17845, 393, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 471, 278, 937, 1629, 297, 607, 1183, 10771, 411, 902, 7306, 29892, 607, 471, 304, 2436, 1623, 2211, 19462, 310, 15331, 1269, 2462, 297, 263, 451, 19273, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 338, 278, 937, 1629, 306, 505, 3926, 8126, 263, 1570, 8905, 29915, 29879, 10104, 1699, 8564, 2552, 5429, 796, 29583, 2552, 297, 263, 13327, 10782, 1741, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 13, 3563, 2763, 596, 14176, 8866, 29879, 491, 773, 7870, 16541, 790, 29915, 8866, 4444, 15058, 13, 16890, 3335, 1171, 27390, 8836, 265, 275, 29892, 5810, 310, 315, 29940, 5371, 29915, 29879, 376, 1576, 6175, 277, 1699, 2099, 8000, 29892, 22405, 738, 931, 338, 263, 1781, 931, 304, 1207, 263, 1735, 29892, 451, 925, 278, 1095, 310, 5846, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 393, 306, 1207, 10816, 1570, 8905, 29915, 29879, 10104, 29879, 29889, 306, 1348, 306, 12234, 1207, 263, 716, 10104, 746, 1554, 4319, 5930, 470, 306, 505, 263, 10672, 470, 1554, 1838, 29915, 29873, 748, 278, 982, 306, 1348, 372, 881, 1699, 8836, 265, 275, 10603, 315, 29940, 5371, 8561, 739, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 4359, 505, 445, 10092, 322, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 671, 278, 17684, 1629, 408, 263, 931, 304, 437, 393, 29889, 306, 671, 263, 10171, 393, 306, 29915, 345, 1754, 470, 263, 10608, 393, 306, 1754, 393, 3282, 29915, 29873, 748, 1492, 408, 263, 931, 304, 437, 393, 1213, 13, 29924, 295, 11054, 402, 1078, 29892, 1302, 29899, 11940, 261, 310, 278, 6682, 669, 6286, 11054, 402, 1078, 10606, 29892, 756, 263, 5412, 13705, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 10104, 29879, 29889, 512, 278, 4940, 29892, 1183, 756, 1497, 393, 29892, 2012, 310, 4444, 263, 10104, 29892, 1183, 5839, 29879, 263, 2323, 1734, 304, 1106, 304, 363, 27323, 975, 278, 2446, 29871, 29896, 29906, 7378, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 393, 1734, 471, 376, 5362, 280, 1213, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 345, 1476, 445, 304, 367, 901, 9150, 1135, 4444, 263, 901, 13807, 10104, 29892, 1363, 2012, 310, 9508, 292, 263, 24818, 1735, 297, 6030, 29892, 372, 18443, 267, 263, 4656, 950, 1735, 297, 3458, 842, 1699, 402, 1078, 5456, 297, 385, 4274, 363, 8195, 12545, 29889, 376, 8897, 5490, 29892, 306, 12784, 278, 1734, 525, 5362, 280, 5501, 322, 306, 29915, 345, 10398, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 1811, 304, 1925, 372, 964, 6944, 813, 1641, 8116, 1358, 304, 1906, 2820, 592, 29892, 8116, 1358, 297, 590, 2948, 304, 278, 3186, 29892, 322, 1556, 4100, 368, 29892, 8116, 1358, 304, 6142, 1213, 13, 4013, 1629, 29892, 1900, 29899, 29879, 7807, 4148, 405, 465 ]
When I was a kid I wouldn't have been caught dead at a flea market, now that I am older, I love shopping at them. I can remember as a pre-teen hearing the term "flea market" and wondering why there was a market that would have fleas! So why is a flea market called a flea market? The theory behind the name comes from "Fly Market" in 18th century New York City when the association began. The Dutch word Vlaie is spoken with the v being pronounced f, which means swamp or valley. This market's location was at Maiden Lane near the East River in Manhattan. Different English speaking countries used different names for flea markets. In Australian English, they are called trash and treasure markets, trash and trivia, or swap meets. In the Philippine English, the word is tiangge, which is said to be a loan word from Hokkien spoken by Chinese Filipino migrants. A flea market is a type of bazaar where secondhand, or new, usually cheap goods are sold or bartered. Some flea markets are indoors such as in a warehouse, and some are outdoors in a field or under a tent. The vendors at the flea market can be a combination of a family renting a table to sell a few unwanted household items to a commercial operation. Many flea markets have food vendors who sell snacks and drinks. If you have never visited a flea market, it is an experience you will always remember. You can certainly come home with some great little treasures, but you may see all kinds of people. I have been to a flea market in Murphy, NC that has two parts with a highway in between. On one side of the flea market, there is a small zoo. This market is one place that when I visit, I always think of Jeff Foxworthy and his "You might be a redneck" jokes. Every time I go, I see real rednecks. I have heard and ready several funny stories about flea markets all around the United States. I will now share a few of those. I know a lady that went to a local flea market to look for a folding chair for her daughter's Girl Scout troop meeting place. Most of the chairs she saw were not very durable, and some were rusty, but she did come across one that caught her eye because it looked better than the others. An old man came over, and she asked him how much he wanted for the chair. He said he had some more in the back and he would sell it and more like them for $5 each. You would think you would have to sink pretty low get thrown out of a flea market, but this lady took it well. She could have argued and told the man that the chair was rusty and not worth $5, but she just figured he was a grouchy old man who thinks he is always right. He could have just told her that he stood firm on his price, instead of shooing her away. After all, at flea markets you usually barter. This same lady says that she used to shop at a flea market that is now closed, but when it was open, she could barter with those owners. The owners were a couple that bought things from storage places that people would let go of or put in home sales. This couple's flea market items decorate her whole house, she claims. I heard another story about a woman that got up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning to go to the second flea market she had ever been to in her life. One of the funny things about this is that the name of the flea market was "2nd Saturdayz Market". It, of course, was only open every 2nd Saturday of the month. She was one of the first to arrive and talked to some experienced flea market shoppers who shared their secrets with her. A few of the other females had their husbands with them, and the husbands would load the cars while they continued shopping. While waiting in line for the market to open, someone noticed that this lady did not have a bag and ran to her car to get her one. The people she met and got her a bag told their flea market secrets while they all waited in line for an hour before the doors even opened! A few minutes before the doors were open, a young lady came out and started handing out gift baskets to the first 20 people in line, and she was one of the 20. Those 20 people kept taking turns running to their cars to
[ 1932, 306, 471, 263, 26397, 306, 7656, 29915, 29873, 505, 1063, 12624, 7123, 472, 263, 9115, 29874, 9999, 29892, 1286, 393, 306, 626, 9642, 29892, 306, 5360, 17394, 3262, 472, 963, 29889, 306, 508, 6456, 408, 263, 758, 29899, 9404, 22514, 278, 1840, 376, 29888, 20774, 9999, 29908, 322, 9873, 2020, 727, 471, 263, 9999, 393, 723, 505, 9115, 294, 29991, 13, 6295, 2020, 338, 263, 9115, 29874, 9999, 2000, 263, 9115, 29874, 9999, 29973, 450, 6368, 5742, 278, 1024, 5304, 515, 376, 29943, 368, 28794, 29908, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 386, 6462, 1570, 3088, 4412, 746, 278, 15477, 4689, 29889, 450, 14872, 1734, 478, 433, 347, 338, 19182, 411, 278, 325, 1641, 11504, 20979, 285, 29892, 607, 2794, 2381, 1160, 470, 19599, 29889, 910, 9999, 29915, 29879, 4423, 471, 472, 3219, 3615, 23841, 2978, 278, 6932, 6163, 297, 29093, 23586, 29889, 13, 29928, 15622, 4223, 13590, 10916, 1304, 1422, 2983, 363, 9115, 29874, 2791, 1691, 29889, 512, 9870, 4223, 29892, 896, 526, 2000, 534, 1161, 322, 2578, 3745, 2791, 1691, 29892, 534, 1161, 322, 260, 1150, 423, 29892, 470, 17945, 28103, 29889, 512, 278, 12325, 457, 4223, 29892, 278, 1734, 338, 19538, 574, 479, 29892, 607, 338, 1497, 304, 367, 263, 24806, 1734, 515, 379, 554, 29895, 819, 19182, 491, 10013, 21391, 1789, 9725, 1934, 29889, 13, 29909, 9115, 29874, 9999, 338, 263, 1134, 310, 12741, 4025, 988, 1473, 3179, 29892, 470, 716, 29892, 5491, 28773, 22535, 526, 5239, 470, 2594, 25396, 29889, 3834, 9115, 29874, 2791, 1691, 526, 1399, 29877, 943, 1316, 408, 297, 263, 281, 598, 8697, 29892, 322, 777, 526, 714, 1867, 943, 297, 263, 1746, 470, 1090, 263, 12033, 29889, 13, 1576, 9691, 943, 472, 278, 9115, 29874, 9999, 508, 367, 263, 10296, 310, 263, 3942, 23990, 292, 263, 1591, 304, 19417, 263, 2846, 18500, 9714, 22329, 4452, 304, 263, 12128, 5858, 29889, 9267, 9115, 29874, 2791, 1691, 505, 9687, 9691, 943, 1058, 19417, 5807, 26514, 322, 13748, 29879, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 505, 2360, 16669, 263, 9115, 29874, 9999, 29892, 372, 338, 385, 7271, 366, 674, 2337, 6456, 29889, 887, 508, 8959, 2041, 3271, 411, 777, 2107, 2217, 2578, 25414, 29892, 541, 366, 1122, 1074, 599, 17690, 310, 2305, 29889, 13, 29902, 505, 1063, 304, 263, 9115, 29874, 9999, 297, 7487, 11461, 29892, 25166, 393, 756, 1023, 5633, 411, 263, 29469, 297, 1546, 29889, 1551, 697, 2625, 310, 278, 9115, 29874, 9999, 29892, 727, 338, 263, 2319, 22424, 29889, 910, 9999, 338, 697, 2058, 393, 746, 306, 6493, 29892, 306, 2337, 1348, 310, 12208, 14802, 12554, 29891, 322, 670, 376, 3492, 1795, 367, 263, 2654, 484, 384, 29908, 432, 23195, 29889, 7569, 931, 306, 748, 29892, 306, 1074, 1855, 2654, 484, 4684, 29889, 13, 29902, 505, 6091, 322, 7960, 3196, 2090, 1460, 15874, 1048, 9115, 29874, 2791, 1691, 599, 2820, 278, 3303, 3900, 29889, 306, 674, 1286, 6232, 263, 2846, 310, 1906, 29889, 13, 29902, 1073, 263, 11379, 393, 3512, 304, 263, 1887, 9115, 29874, 9999, 304, 1106, 363, 263, 900, 8497, 11774, 363, 902, 8750, 29915, 29879, 18620, 2522, 449, 3147, 459, 11781, 2058, 29889, 7849, 310, 278, 521, 7121, 1183, 4446, 892, 451, 1407, 1411, 519, 29892, 322, 777, 892, 21580, 29891, 29892, 541, 1183, 1258, 2041, 4822, 697, 393, 12624, 902, 10977, 1363, 372, 5148, 2253, 1135, 278, 4045, 29889, 530, 2030, 767, 2996, 975, 29892, 322, 1183, 4433, 1075, 920, 1568, 540, 5131, 363, 278, 11774, 29889, 940, 1497, 540, 750, 777, 901, 297, 278, 1250, 322, 540, 723, 19417, 372, 322, 901, 763, 963, 363, 395, 29945, 1269, 29889, 13, 3492, 723, 1348, 366, 723, 505, 304, 28169, 5051, 4482, 679, 12005, 714, 310, 263, 9115, 29874, 9999, 29892, 541, 445, 11379, 3614, 372, 1532, 29889, 2296, 1033, 505, 28705, 322, 5429, 278, 767, 393, 278, 11774, 471, 21580, 29891, 322, 451, 7088, 395, 29945, 29892, 541, 1183, 925, 14788, 540, 471, 263, 867, 3222, 29891, 2030, 767, 1058, 22405, 540, 338, 2337, 1492, 29889, 13, 3868, 1033, 505, 925, 5429, 902, 393, 540, 8389, 9226, 373, 670, 8666, 29892, 2012, 310, 528, 3634, 292, 902, 3448, 29889, 2860, 599, 29892, 472, 9115, 29874, 2791, 1691, 366, 5491, 2594, 357, 29889, 13, 4013, 1021, 11379, 4083, 393, 1183, 1304, 304, 18296, 472, 263, 9115, 29874, 9999, 393, 338, 1286, 5764, 29892, 541, 746, 372, 471, 1722, 29892, 1183, 1033, 2594, 357, 411, 1906, 1914, 414, 29889, 450, 1914, 414, 892, 263, 7303, 393, 18093, 2712, 515, 8635, 7600, 393, 2305, 723, 1235, 748, 310, 470, 1925, 297, 3271, 16538, 29889, 910, 7303, 29915, 29879, 9115, 29874, 9999, 4452, 10200, 403, 902, 3353, 3699, 29892, 1183, 16726, 29889, 13, 29902, 6091, 1790, 5828, 1048, 263, 6114, 393, 2355, 701, 472, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 373, 263, 24211, 7250, 304, 748, 304, 278, 1473, 9115, 29874, 9999, 1183, 750, 3926, 1063, 304, 297, 902, 2834, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 2090, 1460, 2712, 1048, 445, 338, 393, 278, 1024, 310, 278, 9115, 29874, 9999, 471, 376, 29906, 299, 24211, 29920, 28794, 1642, 739, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 471, 871, 1722, 1432, 29871, 29906, 299, 24211, 310, 278, 4098, 29889, 13, 13468, 471, 697, 310, 278, 937, 304, 18331, 322, 24867, 304, 777, 18860, 9115, 29874, 9999, 528, 9354, 414, 1058, 7258, 1009, 22183, 1372, 411, 902, 29889, 319, 2846, 310, 278, 916, 24473, 750, 1009, 8646, 29890, 4167, 411, 963, 29892, 322, 278, 8646, 29890, 4167, 723, 2254, 278, 18647, 1550, 896, 7572, 17394, 3262, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 10534, 297, 1196, 363, 278, 9999, 304, 1722, 29892, 4856, 10548, 393, 445, 11379, 1258, 451, 505, 263, 19548, 322, 6350, 304, 902, 1559, 304, 679, 902, 697, 29889, 450, 2305, 1183, 1539, 322, 2355, 902, 263, 19548, 5429, 1009, 9115, 29874, 9999, 22183, 1372, 1550, 896, 599, 25993, 297, 1196, 363, 385, 7234, 1434, 278, 24189, 1584, 6496, 29991, 319, 2846, 6233, 1434, 278, 24189, 892, 1722, 29892, 263, 4123, 11379, 2996, 714, 322, 4687, 1361, 292, 714, 19797, 289, 1278, 1691, 304, 278, 937, 29871, 29906, 29900, 2305, 297, 1196, 29892, 322, 1183, 471, 697, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29889, 16025, 29871, 29906, 29900, 2305, 8126, 5622, 12169, 2734, 304, 1009, 18647, 304 ]
Community Builders Tags: 2020, Piney Woods Community Builders: Huntsville Lions Club Tony Farkas February 26, 2020 Photos by Libby Rogers The Huntsville Lions Club follows the tradition of serving in our community for more than 65 years. The club's 40-plus members serviceWalker County; they meet at noon the first four Thursdays of the month at Grand Buffet, 111 IH-45, in Huntsville; the fifth Thursday, if any, is reserved for community projects. Meetings involve programs, which help educate members. Jeannie White Currently at the helm is local business owner Jeannie White, who got involved with the club six years ago in order to give back to the community. "This club has always been community-oriented," White said. "We still have some members that have been with the club 45 years." According to the club's website, Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization, with more than 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Lions are men and women who volunteer their time to humanitarian causes. Founded in 1917, the association's motto is "We Serve." We meet the needs of our local communities and the world: conducting vision and health screenings, building parks, supporting eye hospitals, awarding scholarships, assisting youth, providing help in the time of disaster, and much more. "The Huntsville Lions Club supports fellow citizens whose lives we can positively affect. We are always looking for new challenges, as we are a progressive club. We welcome visitors, be they other Lions, interested citizens or potential Lions members," the website states. George Standley, Glen Schumacher, Barry White, Liesa Hackett, and Jeannie White Internationally, the club's mission is to collect used eyeglasses and assist people of all ages, who cannot afford to, in getting proper eyewear, as well as building parks, supporting youth and providing assistance in times of disaster. "We work with Dr. Steven Black, who in turn works with patients, who may not know they are eligible for insurance coverages," White said. "We do a lot," she said. "We take civic pride seriously, and we doa lot of projects. I find that rewarding." There is a plateful of projects in the Huntsville Lions Club orbit; in2019 alone, the club's members: Sponsored scholarships for Huntsville Independent School District seniors. Placed and maintained more than 300 Texas and the United States flags around the community on patriotic holidays, upwards of 13 times a year. They also will place flags out on special occasions, White said. Provided eyeglasses to students and adults in need. Collection boxes are located at various sites aroundHuntsville, which can be located at the club website at https://www.eclubhouse.org/sites/huntsvilletx/projects.php Tutored students in the Arise to Read program. Sponsored the annual Christmas parade, which White said was the club's major event and fundraiser for the year, drawing thousands of people along the parade route. Helped deliver Meals on Wheels daily. Collected plastic bags for recycling into park benches. White said when the group collects 500 pounds of grocery bags, wrappers on paper rolls and the like, they are made into benches by a company called TREX. Since starting the project in 2019, White said one has been installed on The Patio on the Square, one is on the way, and they are 1/5th into getting enough recyclable material for a third bench. Collection sites are at Curves in Huntsville and Willis, Snap Fitness, Vera Bank, ProsperityBank in New Waverly and MRC-Creekside. A list of items that can be accepted can be found at https://s7d4.scene7.com/is/content/Trex/trexrecycling-posterpdf.pdf Assisted with the Walker County Children's Fair. Served meals at and provided food for the
[ 19184, 8878, 414, 13, 28089, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 349, 457, 29891, 10180, 29879, 13, 5261, 6997, 8878, 414, 29901, 16899, 1372, 4909, 365, 1080, 5977, 13, 29911, 2592, 383, 935, 294, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 4819, 15788, 491, 8153, 1609, 9272, 414, 13, 1576, 16899, 1372, 4909, 365, 1080, 5977, 4477, 278, 11399, 310, 16330, 297, 1749, 7881, 363, 901, 1135, 29871, 29953, 29945, 2440, 29889, 450, 4402, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29899, 11242, 5144, 2669, 29956, 2235, 261, 5127, 29936, 896, 5870, 472, 694, 265, 278, 937, 3023, 498, 1295, 16700, 310, 278, 4098, 472, 6265, 22274, 300, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29896, 306, 29950, 29899, 29946, 29945, 29892, 297, 16899, 1372, 4909, 29936, 278, 18615, 498, 1295, 3250, 29892, 565, 738, 29892, 338, 21676, 363, 7881, 9279, 29889, 2191, 300, 886, 25135, 11104, 29892, 607, 1371, 6320, 403, 5144, 29889, 13, 13836, 812, 347, 8037, 13, 7583, 368, 472, 278, 1081, 29885, 338, 1887, 5381, 12271, 2581, 812, 347, 8037, 29892, 1058, 2355, 9701, 411, 278, 4402, 4832, 2440, 8020, 297, 1797, 304, 2367, 1250, 304, 278, 7881, 29889, 376, 4013, 4402, 756, 2337, 1063, 7881, 29899, 12236, 287, 1699, 8037, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 1603, 505, 777, 5144, 393, 505, 1063, 411, 278, 4402, 29871, 29946, 29945, 2440, 1213, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 278, 4402, 29915, 29879, 4700, 29892, 365, 1080, 5977, 29879, 4623, 338, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 10150, 2669, 4402, 13013, 29892, 411, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29941, 7284, 5144, 297, 14235, 29871, 29946, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 17651, 297, 901, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 10916, 322, 1737, 19711, 10161, 2820, 278, 3186, 29889, 365, 1080, 526, 1757, 322, 5866, 1058, 27886, 261, 1009, 931, 304, 5199, 3673, 713, 9946, 29889, 383, 7261, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29896, 29955, 29892, 278, 15477, 29915, 29879, 3184, 517, 338, 376, 4806, 1816, 345, 1213, 1334, 5870, 278, 4225, 310, 1749, 1887, 23507, 322, 278, 3186, 29901, 7512, 292, 18551, 322, 9045, 4315, 886, 29892, 5214, 610, 2039, 29892, 20382, 10977, 29418, 277, 1338, 29892, 9862, 292, 21344, 9981, 29892, 6985, 292, 12397, 29892, 13138, 1371, 297, 278, 931, 310, 766, 1901, 29892, 322, 1568, 901, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 16899, 1372, 4909, 365, 1080, 5977, 11286, 10404, 18363, 5069, 12080, 591, 508, 13686, 3598, 6602, 29889, 1334, 526, 2337, 3063, 363, 716, 18066, 267, 29892, 408, 591, 526, 263, 6728, 573, 4402, 29889, 1334, 12853, 26824, 29892, 367, 896, 916, 365, 1080, 29892, 8852, 18363, 470, 7037, 365, 1080, 5144, 1699, 278, 4700, 5922, 29889, 13, 7999, 3890, 6679, 2330, 29892, 27197, 1102, 398, 11665, 29892, 23032, 8037, 29892, 365, 13077, 13, 29950, 547, 1803, 29892, 322, 2581, 812, 347, 8037, 13, 17579, 362, 635, 29892, 278, 4402, 29915, 29879, 10655, 338, 304, 6314, 1304, 321, 29891, 387, 605, 267, 322, 6985, 2305, 310, 599, 24646, 29892, 1058, 2609, 21750, 304, 29892, 297, 2805, 1571, 10977, 705, 279, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 5214, 610, 2039, 29892, 20382, 12397, 322, 13138, 18872, 297, 3064, 310, 766, 1901, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 664, 411, 4942, 29889, 24703, 6054, 29892, 1058, 297, 2507, 1736, 411, 22069, 29892, 1058, 1122, 451, 1073, 896, 526, 560, 335, 1821, 363, 1663, 18541, 4612, 1179, 1699, 8037, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 437, 263, 3287, 1699, 1183, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 2125, 14175, 293, 24967, 25798, 29892, 322, 591, 437, 29874, 3287, 310, 9279, 29889, 306, 1284, 393, 20751, 292, 1213, 13, 8439, 338, 263, 15284, 1319, 310, 9279, 297, 278, 16899, 1372, 4909, 365, 1080, 5977, 16980, 29936, 297, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 7432, 29892, 278, 4402, 29915, 29879, 5144, 29901, 13, 5592, 787, 4395, 21344, 9981, 363, 16899, 1372, 4909, 25266, 4523, 7457, 6940, 18930, 29889, 13, 29925, 433, 1133, 322, 19949, 901, 1135, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29900, 10319, 322, 278, 3303, 3900, 13449, 2820, 278, 7881, 373, 16967, 13574, 8753, 333, 1036, 29892, 701, 2935, 310, 29871, 29896, 29941, 3064, 263, 1629, 29889, 2688, 884, 674, 2058, 13449, 714, 373, 4266, 26108, 29892, 8037, 1497, 29889, 13, 1184, 29894, 2618, 321, 29891, 387, 605, 267, 304, 8041, 322, 16157, 29879, 297, 817, 29889, 14348, 16273, 526, 5982, 472, 5164, 11840, 2820, 29950, 348, 1372, 4909, 29892, 607, 508, 367, 5982, 472, 278, 4402, 4700, 472, 2045, 597, 1636, 29889, 687, 29870, 8697, 29889, 990, 29914, 16315, 29914, 29882, 348, 1372, 29894, 7324, 29916, 29914, 16418, 29889, 1961, 13, 29911, 3406, 287, 8041, 297, 278, 826, 895, 304, 7523, 1824, 29889, 13, 5592, 787, 4395, 278, 17568, 17661, 1702, 311, 29892, 607, 8037, 1497, 471, 278, 4402, 29915, 29879, 4655, 1741, 322, 5220, 336, 7608, 363, 278, 1629, 29892, 11580, 17202, 310, 2305, 3412, 278, 1702, 311, 5782, 29889, 13, 7658, 9795, 12021, 2191, 1338, 373, 26286, 1379, 14218, 29889, 13, 28916, 287, 715, 6288, 289, 810, 363, 1162, 29891, 19914, 964, 14089, 3856, 6609, 29889, 8037, 1497, 746, 278, 2318, 6314, 29879, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 24261, 310, 4071, 29883, 708, 289, 810, 29892, 11463, 22437, 373, 5650, 9679, 29879, 322, 278, 763, 29892, 896, 526, 1754, 964, 3856, 6609, 491, 263, 5001, 2000, 323, 1525, 29990, 29889, 4001, 6257, 278, 2060, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 8037, 1497, 697, 756, 1063, 5130, 373, 450, 4121, 601, 373, 278, 19256, 29892, 697, 338, 373, 278, 982, 29892, 322, 896, 526, 29871, 29896, 29914, 29945, 386, 964, 2805, 3307, 1162, 29891, 695, 519, 5518, 363, 263, 4654, 3856, 305, 29889, 14348, 11840, 526, 472, 10837, 1960, 297, 16899, 1372, 4909, 322, 2811, 275, 29892, 317, 8971, 383, 277, 2264, 29892, 478, 1572, 10253, 29892, 1019, 29879, 546, 537, 29933, 804, 297, 1570, 399, 12483, 368, 322, 341, 10363, 29899, 29907, 929, 2039, 680, 29889, 319, 1051, 310, 4452, 393, 508, 367, 9259, 508, 367, 1476, 472, 2045, 597, 29879, 29955, 29881, 29946, 29889, 24645, 29955, 29889, 510, 29914, 275, 29914, 3051, 29914, 29911, 276, 29916, 29914, 2484, 29916, 276, 1270, 19914, 29899, 2490, 261, 5140, 29889, 5140, 13, 7900, 12652, 411, 278, 19512, 5127, 20986, 29915, 29879, 13822, 29889, 13, 1748, 1490, 592, 1338, 472, 322, 4944, 9687, 363, 278 ]
Con Dowler is an entrepreneurial nomad. He travels often, launching businesses wherever he lands. He and his business partner have opened bars, restaurants, and hostels in Spain, Argentina, and Guatemala β€” always on a shoestring budget so they can recoup their investments quickly. There's a lot to be learned from a brand builder like Dowler, even if you don't work in hospitality like he does. After launching a new venture, he begins making systematic adjustments to the business formula, testing his original assumptions until he's profitable. To help decode his scientific approach to business, we asked Dowler to lay out three of his most successful pricing psychology experiments. Then we asked Wayne Hoyer, Ph.D., a consumer behavior professor at the University of Texas at Austin, to help us understand why they were so successful. Back in 2003, Dowler launched a bar in Barcelona. It did decently enough, and the crowds were on par with what he saw at his competitor's bars. But Dowler and his partner, Matt, were convinced they could do better. One weekend Dowler left town, and when he returned, Matt had turned the bar red. He'd sponge-painted the walls and replaced the lighting with red bulbs. He even bought cheap red pillows for the benches. And business just exploded. Red helped create a lively crowd β€” a boon for a late-night bar. But not every brand would benefit from an energized clientele. A coffee shop or a smartphone app designed for meditation might want to promote a more relaxed vibe. The colors that do that well? Light blue or aqua, says Hoyer. If you run a business, the deliberate use of color can help you shape the experience of your customers. A study published by researchers in Malaysia found that warm colors β€” yellow, red, and orange β€” tend to be more exciting, while cool colors (green, blue, and purple) tend to be soothing. And unless you're trying to appeal to a goth crowd, avoid too much black. The researchers noted that it's associated with sadness, anger, and fear. One of Dowler's biggest lessons came from a 63-bed hostel that he opened in Antigua, Guatemala. All the area's established hostels offered free breakfast, but the food was pitiful. "They'd give people a piece of toast and plastic jam, and they'd only serve it between 8 and 9 o'clock," says Dowler. That's when everybody on the gringo trail was sleeping off their hangovers. So to give his hostel an edge, he promised a legit breakfast β€” pancakes, eggs, breakfast burritos, and the like, served late into the day. He'd keep his prices lower than every other outfit in town, but to juice his profits, he'd sell lunch and dinner, run a full-time bar, and put a travel booking service in the lobby. It didn't work out as planned. The rooms filled up, but the incremental revenue didn't follow. "The people just weren't spending any money," says Dowler. "No food, no tours, no drinks." He could have saved some cash by scrapping the amenities, but instead, he and his partner decided to raise the room prices by about 20 percent. They expected a proportional return, but instead they landed explosive growth. Their revenues jumped by 200 percent. The cheap people found other hotels, and Dowler made his initial investment back within three months. Wine is the classic example of how consumers equate price with quality. "There are a few wine experts who can really taste quality, but the majority of us cannot," Hoyer says. So instead, we look at price. "The more expensive bottle, the better," he says. When Dowler promoted cheap room rates, he was accidentally telling people with money that they wouldn't be comfortable. So they went elsewhere. "It's not always true that people want the lowest price," Hoyer says. If you sell a product or service, what would happen if you raised your rates right now? The answer generally depends on what your competitors are doing and how consumers perceive your brand, Hoyer says. First, how visible is your brand? If you're selling something your customers will use or wear in front of other people β€” think cars, handbags, power lunches in a busy business
[ 1281, 26028, 1358, 338, 385, 23440, 1600, 332, 616, 2245, 328, 29889, 940, 9850, 29879, 4049, 29892, 6826, 292, 5381, 267, 29693, 540, 12625, 29889, 940, 322, 670, 5381, 18096, 505, 6496, 22306, 29892, 12374, 1934, 29892, 322, 3495, 1379, 297, 13616, 29892, 13798, 29892, 322, 2088, 17533, 2883, 813, 2337, 373, 263, 17394, 342, 5393, 23562, 577, 896, 508, 1162, 1132, 1009, 13258, 1860, 9098, 29889, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 3287, 304, 367, 10972, 515, 263, 14982, 12856, 763, 26028, 1358, 29892, 1584, 565, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 664, 297, 13457, 537, 763, 540, 947, 29889, 13, 13555, 6826, 292, 263, 716, 9712, 545, 29892, 540, 16410, 3907, 1788, 2454, 10365, 1860, 304, 278, 5381, 7063, 29892, 6724, 670, 2441, 20813, 2745, 540, 29915, 29879, 2600, 8270, 29889, 13, 1762, 1371, 21822, 670, 16021, 2948, 304, 5381, 29892, 591, 4433, 26028, 1358, 304, 6568, 714, 2211, 310, 670, 1556, 9150, 544, 18499, 11643, 3002, 15729, 29889, 1987, 591, 4433, 25843, 8335, 7598, 29892, 1963, 29889, 29928, 1696, 263, 21691, 6030, 12251, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 10319, 472, 24518, 29892, 304, 1371, 502, 2274, 2020, 896, 892, 577, 9150, 29889, 13, 5841, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29892, 26028, 1358, 15241, 263, 2594, 297, 12408, 29889, 739, 1258, 1602, 2705, 3307, 29892, 322, 278, 11660, 6289, 892, 373, 610, 411, 825, 540, 4446, 472, 670, 5100, 2105, 29915, 29879, 22306, 29889, 1205, 26028, 1358, 322, 670, 18096, 29892, 9811, 29892, 892, 25617, 896, 1033, 437, 2253, 29889, 13, 6716, 4723, 355, 26028, 1358, 2175, 4726, 29892, 322, 746, 540, 4133, 29892, 9811, 750, 6077, 278, 2594, 2654, 29889, 940, 29915, 29881, 805, 265, 479, 29899, 29886, 2365, 287, 278, 14603, 322, 8611, 278, 3578, 292, 411, 2654, 8227, 5824, 29889, 940, 1584, 18093, 28773, 2654, 22549, 1242, 363, 278, 3856, 6609, 29889, 1126, 5381, 925, 3902, 6797, 29889, 13, 9039, 9213, 1653, 263, 301, 3598, 19174, 813, 263, 1045, 265, 363, 263, 5683, 29899, 11147, 2594, 29889, 1205, 451, 1432, 14982, 723, 14169, 515, 385, 18190, 1891, 3132, 6146, 29889, 319, 26935, 18296, 470, 263, 15040, 6710, 623, 8688, 363, 1612, 7018, 1795, 864, 304, 27391, 263, 901, 26681, 287, 325, 18673, 29889, 450, 11955, 393, 437, 393, 1532, 29973, 12790, 7254, 470, 10592, 29874, 29892, 4083, 8335, 7598, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 1065, 263, 5381, 29892, 278, 23663, 403, 671, 310, 2927, 508, 1371, 366, 8267, 278, 7271, 310, 596, 20330, 29889, 319, 6559, 6369, 491, 5925, 414, 297, 26417, 423, 1476, 393, 14294, 11955, 813, 13328, 29892, 2654, 29892, 322, 24841, 813, 10331, 304, 367, 901, 5566, 11407, 29892, 1550, 12528, 11955, 313, 12692, 29892, 7254, 29892, 322, 3708, 552, 29897, 10331, 304, 367, 577, 6046, 29889, 13, 2855, 6521, 366, 29915, 276, 1811, 304, 25530, 304, 263, 330, 720, 19174, 29892, 4772, 2086, 1568, 4628, 29889, 450, 5925, 414, 11682, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 6942, 411, 14610, 2264, 29892, 27343, 29892, 322, 8866, 29889, 13, 6716, 310, 26028, 1358, 29915, 29879, 24842, 3109, 787, 2996, 515, 263, 29871, 29953, 29941, 29899, 2580, 3495, 295, 393, 540, 6496, 297, 5459, 19970, 29892, 2088, 17533, 2883, 29889, 2178, 278, 4038, 29915, 29879, 7841, 3495, 1379, 12520, 3889, 26044, 29892, 541, 278, 9687, 471, 22754, 6845, 29889, 13, 29908, 15597, 29915, 29881, 2367, 2305, 263, 8424, 310, 304, 579, 322, 715, 6288, 14322, 29892, 322, 896, 29915, 29881, 871, 9080, 372, 1546, 29871, 29947, 322, 29871, 29929, 288, 29915, 13058, 1699, 4083, 26028, 1358, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 746, 26077, 373, 278, 867, 20191, 26203, 471, 8709, 292, 1283, 1009, 298, 4524, 874, 29889, 13, 6295, 304, 2367, 670, 3495, 295, 385, 7636, 29892, 540, 22399, 263, 25204, 26044, 813, 282, 4564, 6926, 29892, 29808, 29892, 26044, 6866, 768, 359, 29892, 322, 278, 763, 29892, 6766, 5683, 964, 278, 2462, 29889, 940, 29915, 29881, 3013, 670, 26094, 5224, 1135, 1432, 916, 714, 9202, 297, 4726, 29892, 541, 304, 3623, 625, 670, 2600, 1169, 29892, 540, 29915, 29881, 19417, 301, 3322, 322, 17803, 29892, 1065, 263, 2989, 29899, 2230, 2594, 29892, 322, 1925, 263, 9850, 3143, 292, 2669, 297, 278, 658, 1327, 29891, 29889, 13, 3112, 3282, 29915, 29873, 664, 714, 408, 20458, 29889, 450, 19600, 10423, 701, 29892, 541, 278, 11924, 284, 337, 9947, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1101, 29889, 376, 1576, 2305, 925, 2949, 264, 29915, 29873, 805, 2548, 738, 6909, 1699, 4083, 26028, 1358, 29889, 376, 3782, 9687, 29892, 694, 260, 2470, 29892, 694, 13748, 29879, 1213, 940, 1033, 505, 7160, 777, 274, 1161, 491, 24559, 3262, 278, 28332, 1907, 29892, 541, 2012, 29892, 540, 322, 670, 18096, 8459, 304, 12020, 278, 5716, 26094, 491, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29900, 10151, 29889, 2688, 3806, 263, 29839, 736, 29892, 541, 2012, 896, 2982, 287, 20389, 573, 14321, 29889, 13, 1576, 381, 20957, 1041, 12500, 287, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 10151, 29889, 13, 1576, 28773, 2305, 1476, 916, 7375, 1379, 29892, 322, 26028, 1358, 1754, 670, 2847, 13258, 358, 1250, 2629, 2211, 7378, 29889, 13, 29956, 457, 338, 278, 22037, 1342, 310, 920, 11233, 414, 1592, 403, 8666, 411, 11029, 29889, 376, 8439, 526, 263, 2846, 19006, 2902, 1372, 1058, 508, 2289, 21779, 11029, 29892, 541, 278, 13638, 310, 502, 2609, 1699, 8335, 7598, 4083, 29889, 1105, 2012, 29892, 591, 1106, 472, 8666, 29889, 376, 1576, 901, 19390, 18046, 280, 29892, 278, 2253, 1699, 540, 4083, 29889, 13, 10401, 26028, 1358, 21201, 28773, 5716, 19257, 29892, 540, 471, 11423, 635, 14509, 2305, 411, 6909, 393, 896, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 25561, 29889, 1105, 896, 3512, 17551, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 2337, 1565, 393, 2305, 864, 278, 19604, 8666, 1699, 8335, 7598, 4083, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 19417, 263, 3234, 470, 2669, 29892, 825, 723, 3799, 565, 366, 10425, 596, 19257, 1492, 1286, 29973, 450, 1234, 6892, 7111, 373, 825, 596, 5100, 17259, 526, 2599, 322, 920, 11233, 414, 17189, 573, 596, 14982, 29892, 8335, 7598, 4083, 29889, 13, 6730, 29892, 920, 7962, 338, 596, 14982, 29973, 13, 3644, 366, 29915, 276, 269, 7807, 1554, 596, 20330, 674, 671, 470, 19531, 297, 4565, 310, 916, 2305, 813, 1348, 18647, 29892, 1361, 29890, 810, 29892, 3081, 301, 3322, 267, 297, 263, 19587, 5381 ]
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[ 399, 2611, 1467, 1591, 1372, 8666, 13, 29923, 2608, 630, 288, 342, 3665, 29875, 324, 11174, 9225, 352, 262, 398, 304, 29916, 262, 1134, 263, 8666, 526, 14040, 363, 263, 1353, 310, 2625, 9545, 29901, 896, 1122, 20436, 5987, 24207, 330, 1049, 1070, 260, 15118, 322, 21301, 1095, 6352, 681, 1797, 399, 2611, 1467, 7395, 365, 29950, 322, 383, 7068, 5802, 29889, 306, 1074, 393, 278, 3109, 540, 3913, 278, 1243, 29892, 278, 3109, 7916, 7899, 540, 756, 29889, 739, 508, 367, 18093, 408, 297, 263, 716, 883, 313, 29883, 2547, 2540, 511, 322, 297, 278, 901, 9670, 297, 24247, 29889, 530, 328, 1467, 338, 263, 3234, 13834, 363, 10805, 11315, 6410, 29892, 1363, 372, 338, 1407, 9098, 1539, 19388, 1891, 964, 707, 307, 1885, 322, 360, 3912, 29889, 2994, 265, 485, 22693, 29901, 825, 526, 17768, 403, 29892, 22261, 322, 12187, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29889, 20360, 29892, 565, 4160, 723, 763, 304, 11412, 281, 2611, 1467, 411, 28145, 2625, 9545, 313, 27603, 278, 2038, 11412, 511, 29871, 29947, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29885, 29887, 639, 2462, 508, 367, 4586, 363, 29871, 29953, 11405, 29889, 7133, 278, 20859, 310, 278, 5613, 1243, 15664, 650, 297, 2301, 2841, 931, 4866, 23556, 918, 310, 278, 15721, 338, 11664, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 6199, 526, 884, 3307, 304, 7738, 10676, 2582, 29889, 450, 6559, 29892, 6369, 297, 278, 8237, 310, 278, 4623, 7765, 310, 12453, 405, 329, 29878, 654, 1919, 471, 18043, 491, 11643, 1189, 2879, 21776, 315, 14899, 322, 5457, 15317, 267, 29892, 22161, 26406, 1098, 25252, 24218, 26410, 29892, 322, 2224, 19915, 8432, 402, 10305, 3801, 29889, 16206, 284, 333, 290, 680, 338, 1304, 363, 278, 14502, 310, 2999, 590, 295, 4125, 29892, 363, 607, 266, 284, 333, 290, 680, 338, 385, 9259, 266, 1572, 412, 329, 293, 29889, 8011, 5802, 12234, 16410, 304, 23806, 1156, 5046, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29892, 10805, 12212, 27131, 537, 322, 5864, 29889, 16478, 29892, 323, 1267, 884, 9946, 825, 338, 2998, 408, 20639, 29899, 25044, 29892, 607, 338, 263, 4195, 988, 366, 7271, 22261, 20501, 29899, 4561, 25828, 4835, 29892, 1728, 399, 2611, 1467, 1591, 1372, 8666, 2869, 2534, 278, 20501, 29889, 13, 4013, 925, 3697, 920, 553, 21194, 777, 2305, 526, 304, 679, 4802, 5172, 29889, 450, 27368, 2923, 414, 1546, 278, 5922, 322, 5884, 3842, 29889, 739, 884, 6911, 9801, 393, 366, 13958, 11480, 596, 330, 2708, 363, 1472, 29892, 2748, 596, 11412, 756, 2041, 304, 385, 1095, 29889, 18473, 392, 9102, 575, 7868, 304, 9033, 322, 1623, 1727, 5987, 278, 9545, 310, 1095, 6352, 681, 18342, 1218, 322, 9102, 575, 322, 3933, 278, 937, 29899, 1220, 14502, 363, 5112, 492, 362, 310, 12862, 410, 3859, 23900, 29889, 2398, 29892, 366, 674, 817, 304, 4866, 385, 7395, 8799, 362, 883, 29892, 607, 674, 367, 23454, 491, 385, 405, 14851, 29899, 562, 11944, 1573, 11619, 29889, 319, 456, 271, 559, 297, 6335, 17259, 399, 2611, 1467, 1591, 1372, 8666, 508, 10311, 278, 5849, 310, 278, 27431, 375, 29892, 322, 881, 367, 11132, 5622, 963, 2645, 758, 5138, 6906, 29889, 1205, 1584, 9638, 2879, 3273, 264, 372, 304, 385, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 29889, 2688, 505, 8745, 304, 1302, 412, 411, 963, 322, 5279, 11418, 952, 278, 19821, 310, 14582, 29892, 5069, 9316, 526, 310, 1781, 11029, 29889, 3115, 29892, 304, 278, 15834, 393, 263, 17039, 287, 3573, 6911, 11157, 5264, 13407, 29892, 445, 1122, 367, 263, 17903, 11302, 29899, 2696, 29889, 450, 5849, 310, 1831, 573, 322, 307, 1885, 337, 14268, 878, 352, 4097, 313, 29903, 1718, 29924, 29879, 1723, 393, 505, 385, 19388, 293, 9545, 373, 278, 2301, 2841, 541, 393, 437, 451, 505, 594, 3901, 9545, 373, 278, 410, 3859, 322, 5881, 29875, 586, 6151, 1070, 1788, 756, 1063, 310, 15620, 4066, 363, 278, 14502, 310, 9642, 1757, 411, 1243, 15664, 650, 822, 293, 13396, 29889, 530, 19388, 293, 28588, 3398, 322, 26256, 352, 424, 4803, 297, 4644, 3082, 8815, 1546, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29945, 29900, 322, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 29889, 4367, 29884, 1133, 521, 324, 4156, 324, 322, 16710, 5881, 29875, 586, 6151, 1070, 9045, 29889, 13377, 352, 262, 756, 1063, 8967, 304, 7910, 3353, 3573, 26823, 14710, 6656, 297, 278, 378, 510, 277, 424, 10122, 310, 22704, 313, 29896, 29906, 511, 541, 11898, 19813, 14014, 22704, 1539, 19388, 1608, 505, 6892, 5229, 304, 22222, 263, 20436, 18099, 2779, 310, 1663, 352, 262, 373, 2301, 2841, 260, 15118, 26823, 14710, 6656, 29892, 263, 26811, 335, 29885, 363, 278, 10150, 26823, 11565, 297, 278, 3573, 313, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 467, 13, 1576, 381, 9950, 29899, 9021, 4158, 18111, 674, 367, 9301, 363, 1532, 29899, 12676, 292, 626, 14075, 763, 6142, 304, 1634, 5926, 29889, 887, 508, 679, 278, 1021, 2582, 515, 664, 17718, 322, 652, 300, 29889, 530, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 508, 3933, 297, 278, 3573, 12214, 515, 263, 7303, 310, 3841, 304, 1048, 263, 1629, 29889, 13, 6295, 746, 2305, 2254, 1009, 17873, 411, 12176, 26999, 29892, 278, 3573, 4771, 267, 727, 338, 2086, 1568, 322, 12169, 1283, 967, 1914, 12529, 29889, 3600, 1556, 7786, 14881, 1754, 9763, 2820, 278, 3186, 1156, 540, 28424, 8370, 2986, 263, 4123, 3573, 16409, 1058, 8967, 368, 756, 385, 29762, 766, 3097, 29889, 5538, 451, 3160, 916, 5825, 1617, 329, 374, 1237, 7197, 14409, 262, 317, 2863, 382, 1505, 29879, 322, 382, 1505, 29879, 806, 3246, 678, 21475, 26459, 951, 273, 1522, 1389, 12030, 313, 29873, 4347, 29892, 6928, 481, 423, 29892, 4497, 3712, 29892, 611, 2918, 611, 2918, 29892, 8870, 747, 329, 29897, 14409, 262, 12265, 8623, 1316, 408, 26286, 29891, 317, 575, 1821, 491, 349, 20728, 405, 329, 29878, 654, 29889, 13, 29950, 1478, 468, 265, 328, 1608, 338, 385, 633, 12324, 635, 4482, 3233, 310, 1243, 15664, 650, 29892, 1900, 11706, 16864, 3398, 29879, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 278, 14263, 7916, 298, 555, 650, 9701, 297, 3907, 269, 17858, 29889, 3834, 2305, 4953, 788, 18186, 304, 27231, 5391, 470, 916, 5883, 3174, 297, 385, 4218, 304, 1583, 29899, 2168, 9593, 18500, 9714, 2625, 9545, 310, 385, 19388, 293, 16864, 3398, 29879, 763, 1663, 290, 3915, 322, 946, 11476, 29889, 13, 29907, 329, 383, 271, 29892, 951, 273 ]
International Study: Refugees Seeking to Engage in Political Life An international study, "Political Participation of Refugees: Bridging the Gaps", researches the political participation of refugees and its impacts on host and home countries. The study was recently presented and discussed for the first time in Berlin. Philipp Wurm | April 2018 Anita Back On the panel (left to right): political scientist Tanja Berg; Osama Salem, co-founder of the Network for Refugee Voices; Dr. Ruvi Ziegler, professor in international refugee law at the University of Reading; event host Christian Koch; Nora Ragab, migration researcher and author of the German case study; and Shoaib Sharifi, author of the British case study. War and social crises turning an increasing number of people into refugees has become a global phenomenon. A joint study by Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) focuses on an aspect of migration research that has previously received very little attention: the participation of refugees in the political life of their host and home countries. An international team of researchers interviewed more than 600 refugees from Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, South Sudan, and Syria. They were interviewed directly in their host countries, including Germany, the UK, Kenya, Lebanon, Sweden, South Africa, Turkey, and Uganda. Key finding: Refugees want to participate in political life, but formal opportunities are limited The authors Armend Bekaj and Lina Antara, both from International IDEA, presented the findings of the study at the Berlin office of the Robert Bosch Stiftung on April 20, 2018. Their conclusion: Refugees want to participate in the public debate and engage in the political life of their host countries. While their interest varies in intensity and potential form of participation depending on the specific host country, it is always an expression of the integrative effect of political participation. People who have a voice also feel like an active part of society, according to the authors. However, conditions for refugees' participation in political processes are far from ideal. For the most part, existing legislation prevents them from engaging in democratic expressions; for instance, refugees don't usually have a right to vote if they don't have the citizenship of their host country, even if they have been granted political asylum. The only exception is Sweden, where immigrants who have been residents for over three years are permitted to vote in local and regional elections. Besides the legal barriers, the authors list as major obstacles refugees' "lack of knowledge about the political system of the host country, language barriers, a sense of marginalization, and negative experiences with politicians in the home country." Asked to suggest potential alternatives to formal political participation such as voting in elections, refugees primarily listed the offerings of NGOs, such as migrant diaspora or refugee organizations, and civil society, as well as in some countries the possibility of joining a political party. Participation options range from protests to grassroots movements and social media. These mechanisms of informal participation allow refugees to make their voices heard in the political landscape and impact the political development not only in their host countries but also back home. According to the study, this makes refugees act in a dual capacity – as transnational political stakeholders. Authors calling for greater engagement of host countries While some of the host countries in the survey actively support possibilities for refugees to engage in political life, others have a legal framework in place that prevents such activities, especially if these are considered political and not purely humanitarian in nature. The authors are therefore calling for greater engagement of the host countries in paving the way for refugees to participate in political and social life. This would require a change in legislation to grant refugees the right to vote in local and regional elections as well as freedom of expression and the right to self-organization. Another crucial aspect would be the support of state and local administrations in host countries for migrant diaspora and refugee-led organizations, a step that would have a long-term positive effect on the integration of refugees. Ana Bojadjievska, senior project manager at the Robert Bosch Stiftung, and event host Christian Koch welcoming the guests. Lina Antara (2nd from left) and Armend Bekaj (right) of International IDEA presented the findings of the study. Shoaib Sharifi, author of
[ 4623, 29301, 29901, 9897, 5710, 267, 922, 1416, 292, 304, 2201, 482, 297, 25137, 4634, 13, 2744, 6121, 6559, 29892, 376, 7713, 277, 936, 3455, 12654, 362, 310, 9897, 5710, 267, 29901, 1771, 333, 3460, 278, 402, 2547, 613, 5925, 267, 278, 8604, 27577, 310, 25447, 267, 322, 967, 10879, 29879, 373, 3495, 322, 3271, 10916, 29889, 450, 6559, 471, 10325, 9132, 322, 15648, 363, 278, 937, 931, 297, 5115, 29889, 13, 4819, 2638, 407, 399, 17095, 891, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 13, 2744, 2028, 7437, 13, 2951, 278, 9451, 313, 1563, 304, 1492, 1125, 8604, 9638, 391, 15066, 1764, 9827, 29936, 6657, 3304, 317, 12698, 29892, 1302, 29899, 11940, 261, 310, 278, 8527, 363, 9897, 5710, 29872, 4785, 1575, 29936, 4942, 29889, 9723, 1403, 796, 5876, 1358, 29892, 12251, 297, 6121, 25447, 29872, 4307, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 21439, 29936, 1741, 3495, 6111, 25911, 29936, 405, 2207, 390, 351, 370, 29892, 20332, 5925, 261, 322, 4148, 310, 278, 5332, 1206, 6559, 29936, 322, 17550, 29874, 747, 1383, 279, 6832, 29892, 4148, 310, 278, 4908, 1206, 6559, 29889, 13, 29956, 279, 322, 5264, 2181, 4637, 14712, 385, 10231, 1353, 310, 2305, 964, 25447, 267, 756, 4953, 263, 5534, 27791, 265, 29889, 319, 14002, 6559, 491, 4755, 10211, 305, 624, 26868, 18156, 322, 278, 4623, 8907, 363, 4432, 25804, 322, 10513, 11251, 4007, 21558, 313, 17579, 1288, 15004, 29909, 29897, 8569, 267, 373, 385, 9565, 310, 20332, 5925, 393, 756, 9251, 4520, 1407, 2217, 8570, 29901, 278, 27577, 310, 25447, 267, 297, 278, 8604, 2834, 310, 1009, 3495, 322, 3271, 10916, 29889, 530, 6121, 3815, 310, 5925, 414, 15593, 287, 901, 1135, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29900, 25447, 267, 515, 27135, 9777, 29892, 278, 19083, 8063, 310, 278, 29723, 29892, 6254, 19627, 29892, 4275, 8383, 273, 29892, 322, 8713, 2849, 29889, 2688, 892, 15593, 287, 4153, 297, 1009, 3495, 10916, 29892, 3704, 9556, 29892, 278, 10261, 29892, 10015, 3761, 29892, 9388, 19930, 29892, 24506, 29892, 4275, 10557, 29892, 26459, 29892, 322, 501, 29887, 5863, 29889, 13, 2558, 9138, 29901, 9897, 5710, 267, 864, 304, 5221, 403, 297, 8604, 2834, 29892, 541, 11595, 28602, 1907, 526, 9078, 13, 1576, 15717, 8481, 355, 23461, 1175, 322, 365, 1099, 5459, 2518, 29892, 1716, 515, 4623, 15004, 29909, 29892, 9132, 278, 1284, 886, 310, 278, 6559, 472, 278, 5115, 8034, 310, 278, 4755, 10211, 305, 624, 26868, 373, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 11275, 15997, 29901, 9897, 5710, 267, 864, 304, 5221, 403, 297, 278, 970, 27836, 322, 3033, 482, 297, 278, 8604, 2834, 310, 1009, 3495, 10916, 29889, 5806, 1009, 4066, 722, 583, 297, 26171, 322, 7037, 883, 310, 27577, 8679, 373, 278, 2702, 3495, 4234, 29892, 372, 338, 2337, 385, 4603, 310, 278, 3990, 1230, 2779, 310, 8604, 27577, 29889, 11647, 1058, 505, 263, 7314, 884, 4459, 763, 385, 6136, 760, 310, 12459, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 15717, 29889, 2398, 29892, 5855, 363, 25447, 267, 29915, 27577, 297, 8604, 10174, 526, 2215, 515, 10839, 29889, 1152, 278, 1556, 760, 29892, 5923, 13332, 362, 28057, 963, 515, 3033, 6751, 297, 1261, 8415, 2454, 12241, 29936, 363, 2777, 29892, 25447, 267, 1016, 29915, 29873, 5491, 505, 263, 1492, 304, 11719, 565, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 278, 18363, 4034, 310, 1009, 3495, 4234, 29892, 1584, 565, 896, 505, 1063, 16896, 8604, 408, 2904, 398, 29889, 450, 871, 3682, 338, 24506, 29892, 988, 5198, 4481, 1934, 1058, 505, 1063, 24060, 363, 975, 2211, 2440, 526, 21905, 304, 11719, 297, 1887, 322, 14014, 20209, 29889, 19065, 278, 11706, 2594, 26536, 29892, 278, 15717, 1051, 408, 4655, 14979, 23435, 25447, 267, 29915, 376, 2364, 310, 7134, 1048, 278, 8604, 1788, 310, 278, 3495, 4234, 29892, 4086, 2594, 26536, 29892, 263, 4060, 310, 15276, 979, 2133, 29892, 322, 8178, 27482, 411, 2832, 14722, 297, 278, 3271, 4234, 1213, 13, 29909, 808, 287, 304, 4368, 7037, 27809, 304, 11595, 8604, 27577, 1316, 408, 28931, 297, 20209, 29892, 25447, 267, 19434, 9904, 278, 5957, 886, 310, 405, 17080, 29879, 29892, 1316, 408, 9725, 424, 652, 294, 1971, 29874, 470, 25447, 29872, 25700, 29892, 322, 7631, 12459, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 297, 777, 10916, 278, 13331, 310, 22960, 263, 8604, 6263, 29889, 3455, 12654, 362, 3987, 3464, 515, 10021, 29879, 304, 17455, 307, 1862, 24147, 322, 5264, 5745, 29889, 4525, 7208, 12903, 310, 1871, 284, 27577, 2758, 25447, 267, 304, 1207, 1009, 28848, 6091, 297, 278, 8604, 24400, 322, 10879, 278, 8604, 5849, 451, 871, 297, 1009, 3495, 10916, 541, 884, 1250, 3271, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 6559, 29892, 445, 3732, 25447, 267, 1044, 297, 263, 14581, 13284, 785, 408, 1301, 29876, 1288, 8604, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 29889, 13, 6444, 943, 5432, 363, 7621, 3033, 5049, 310, 3495, 10916, 13, 8809, 488, 777, 310, 278, 3495, 10916, 297, 278, 18994, 1044, 3598, 2304, 24496, 363, 25447, 267, 304, 3033, 482, 297, 8604, 2834, 29892, 4045, 505, 263, 11706, 6890, 297, 2058, 393, 28057, 1316, 14188, 29892, 7148, 565, 1438, 526, 5545, 8604, 322, 451, 24837, 5199, 3673, 713, 297, 5469, 29889, 450, 15717, 526, 5480, 5432, 363, 7621, 3033, 5049, 310, 278, 3495, 10916, 297, 282, 5555, 278, 982, 363, 25447, 267, 304, 5221, 403, 297, 8604, 322, 5264, 2834, 29889, 910, 723, 1996, 263, 1735, 297, 13332, 362, 304, 16690, 25447, 267, 278, 1492, 304, 11719, 297, 1887, 322, 14014, 20209, 408, 1532, 408, 16082, 310, 4603, 322, 278, 1492, 304, 1583, 29899, 6388, 2133, 29889, 7280, 7618, 1455, 9565, 723, 367, 278, 2304, 310, 2106, 322, 1887, 6343, 800, 297, 3495, 10916, 363, 9725, 424, 652, 294, 1971, 29874, 322, 25447, 29872, 29899, 839, 25700, 29892, 263, 4331, 393, 723, 505, 263, 1472, 29899, 8489, 6374, 2779, 373, 278, 13465, 310, 25447, 267, 29889, 13, 29909, 1056, 1952, 29926, 26859, 10384, 4621, 29892, 16336, 2060, 8455, 472, 278, 4755, 10211, 305, 624, 26868, 29892, 322, 1741, 3495, 6111, 25911, 5476, 11506, 278, 28865, 29889, 13, 29931, 1099, 5459, 2518, 313, 29906, 299, 515, 2175, 29897, 322, 8481, 355, 23461, 1175, 313, 1266, 29897, 310, 4623, 15004, 29909, 9132, 278, 1284, 886, 310, 278, 6559, 29889, 13, 29903, 1251, 29874, 747, 1383, 279, 6832, 29892, 4148, 310 ]
Home Β» AO On-Site – New York: The Independent Art Fair at Center548, March 7th-10th, 2013 Β« The Vagaries of Authentication in Contemporary Art Twice Stolen Rembrandt Recovered in Serbia Β» AO On-Site – New York: The Independent Art Fair at Center548, March 7th-10th, 2013 2 Works by Mark Flood at Peres Projects, photo by Daniel Creahan for Art Observed The Independent Art Fair returned to Chelsea this year, taking up three floors of Center548 with work from over 40 galleries around the world, offering a markedly fresh take on the busy sales rush of Armory Week in New York. Independent, New York, 2013 (Installation View) Courtesy Independent, New York Meshac Gaba's Clocks, Via NY Times The after effects of Hurricane Sandy loomed large in the minds of both attendants and galleries exhibiting. Many of the nearby Chelsea galleries had suffered excessive damage to their collections and properties, and The Independent took an active role to help some of the hardest hit. Both Printed Matter and The Kitchen, which both lost large portions of their equipment and archives in the storm, were welcome into the show, and offered a selection of works celebrating both the past and future of their respective establishments. In contrast with the larger fairs uptown, where visitors wound through the long, looping rows of gallery booths, The Independent packed itself into the narrow, winding space of the former Dia building, filling every available corner with installations, canvases, sculptures and video work. Basing the design of the show around the curatorial choices of the galleries present, the end result welcomed a more active exploration, with galleries packing themselves into narrow hallways and dead ends. On one floor, several striking photographs by Wolfgang Tillmans at Mareen Paley hung just out of sight, a welcome surprise for the wandering visitor. 2 Works by Wolfgang Tillmans, at Maureen Paley, via Daniel Creahan for Art Observed The atmosphere of the fair was also markedly different, dominated by bold, colorful works that perfectly accented the free-roaming floors of Center548. The rainbow clad, talking sculpture by Joanne Tatham and Tom O'Sullivan was a particular favorite, welcoming visitors into one of the exhibition spaces with its striking color palette and warped vocalizations. One floor up, visitors were greeted by Jack Lavender's hanging assemblages for The Approach, accumulations of trash and found materials suspended from the ceiling. Also drawing considerable attention was the work of Benin's Meshac Gaba for McCaffrey Fine Art. Depicting a number of 20th century African leaders on mounted wall clocks, the artist offered a pointed commentary on the ever-passing nature of time, relegating both peaceful and despotic leaders to a fixed position, unable to move beyond the reaches of their mortal and historical moorings. It was a particularly powerful statement, embodied in a most understated of mediums, and showcased the artist's perceptive take on African identity and global politics. Conceptual art made a marked impact on the fair this year, offering a range of explorative, forward-thinking works that welcomed new critiques and directions for the world of contemporary art. Mark Flood's large format text paintings for Peres Projects were of particular interest, mixing raw technique with technological awareness, cultural consumption with a studied awareness of avant-garde art history. Also of note were a selection of paintings by Richard Aldrich for Bortolami Gallery. Moving between satirically self-aware treatments of the canvas (on one, the artist included only three photographs, glued halfway off the edge of the piece) and beautifully visceral figuration, his works showed a willingness to work with a variety of subject matters and themes while maintaining his signature voice. Other works explored more peculiar forms, including a work by artist Natalie Housler that depicted two dress shirts, hung on steel wire, locked in what seemed to be a violent struggle. Another work by Guillame Leblon also drew considerable attention, with a pair of disembodied feet hanging from their toes off of a ladder. An enormous plastic sheet was draped above the scene, creating a moment h
[ 8778, 2047, 319, 29949, 1551, 29899, 17033, 785, 1570, 3088, 29901, 450, 25266, 3012, 13822, 472, 7817, 29945, 29946, 29947, 29892, 4779, 29871, 29955, 386, 29899, 29896, 29900, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 13, 30009, 450, 478, 351, 4314, 310, 27241, 297, 27183, 653, 3012, 13, 27418, 625, 624, 18975, 5240, 16472, 29873, 3599, 957, 287, 297, 1816, 15959, 2047, 13, 29909, 29949, 1551, 29899, 17033, 785, 1570, 3088, 29901, 450, 25266, 3012, 13822, 472, 7817, 29945, 29946, 29947, 29892, 4779, 29871, 29955, 386, 29899, 29896, 29900, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 13, 29906, 13976, 491, 4485, 26043, 397, 472, 2431, 267, 8010, 29879, 29892, 15373, 491, 8432, 6760, 801, 273, 363, 3012, 4250, 643, 1490, 13, 1576, 25266, 3012, 13822, 4133, 304, 678, 2870, 29874, 445, 1629, 29892, 5622, 701, 2211, 5685, 943, 310, 7817, 29945, 29946, 29947, 411, 664, 515, 975, 29871, 29946, 29900, 11798, 6358, 2820, 278, 3186, 29892, 27032, 263, 10902, 368, 10849, 2125, 373, 278, 19587, 16538, 364, 1878, 310, 8481, 706, 15511, 297, 1570, 3088, 29889, 13, 2568, 1022, 3906, 29892, 1570, 3088, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 313, 23271, 362, 4533, 29897, 6325, 2167, 29891, 25266, 29892, 1570, 3088, 13, 29924, 12094, 562, 402, 5363, 29915, 29879, 315, 908, 29879, 29892, 23306, 23526, 10277, 13, 1576, 1156, 9545, 310, 379, 1038, 26655, 8564, 29891, 658, 27067, 2919, 297, 278, 27656, 310, 1716, 14333, 1934, 322, 11798, 6358, 10371, 11407, 29889, 9267, 310, 278, 20810, 678, 2870, 29874, 11798, 6358, 750, 17654, 19163, 573, 18658, 304, 1009, 16250, 322, 4426, 29892, 322, 450, 25266, 3614, 385, 6136, 6297, 304, 1371, 777, 310, 278, 2898, 342, 7124, 29889, 9134, 13905, 287, 341, 2620, 322, 450, 476, 23213, 29892, 607, 1716, 5714, 2919, 2011, 1080, 310, 1009, 21083, 322, 3190, 3145, 297, 278, 14280, 29892, 892, 12853, 964, 278, 1510, 29892, 322, 12520, 263, 9262, 310, 1736, 10894, 1218, 1716, 278, 4940, 322, 5434, 310, 1009, 18067, 10127, 1860, 29889, 13, 797, 12814, 411, 278, 7200, 6534, 29879, 318, 415, 776, 29892, 988, 26824, 281, 618, 1549, 278, 1472, 29892, 26113, 4206, 310, 23363, 1045, 720, 29879, 29892, 450, 25266, 4870, 287, 3528, 964, 278, 12474, 29892, 281, 4015, 2913, 310, 278, 4642, 22866, 5214, 29892, 27523, 1432, 3625, 11155, 411, 2601, 800, 29892, 508, 29894, 2129, 29892, 17039, 1973, 322, 4863, 664, 29889, 4886, 292, 278, 2874, 310, 278, 1510, 2820, 278, 3151, 24737, 19995, 310, 278, 11798, 6358, 2198, 29892, 278, 1095, 1121, 5476, 510, 287, 263, 901, 6136, 3902, 12418, 29892, 411, 11798, 6358, 4870, 292, 6053, 964, 12474, 12713, 1994, 322, 7123, 10614, 29889, 1551, 697, 11904, 29892, 3196, 29191, 17739, 29879, 491, 19314, 27956, 21555, 472, 21678, 264, 26412, 29891, 18757, 925, 714, 310, 11126, 29892, 263, 12853, 16671, 363, 278, 24706, 3241, 27682, 29889, 13, 29906, 13976, 491, 19314, 27956, 21555, 29892, 472, 3219, 545, 264, 26412, 29891, 29892, 3025, 8432, 6760, 801, 273, 363, 3012, 4250, 643, 1490, 13, 1576, 25005, 310, 278, 6534, 471, 884, 10902, 368, 1422, 29892, 8022, 630, 491, 14288, 29892, 2927, 1319, 1736, 393, 7970, 1035, 14927, 278, 3889, 29899, 307, 11500, 5685, 943, 310, 7817, 29945, 29946, 29947, 29889, 450, 17251, 17729, 1067, 328, 29892, 9963, 17039, 545, 491, 3650, 11276, 323, 493, 314, 322, 4335, 438, 29915, 29903, 913, 20595, 471, 263, 3153, 25448, 29892, 5476, 11506, 26824, 964, 697, 310, 278, 29130, 8162, 411, 967, 29191, 2927, 282, 26456, 322, 1370, 9795, 20982, 17063, 29889, 3118, 11904, 701, 29892, 26824, 892, 1395, 300, 287, 491, 5457, 23212, 1581, 29915, 29879, 298, 9776, 1223, 13365, 1179, 363, 450, 28268, 496, 29892, 18414, 8250, 310, 534, 1161, 322, 1476, 17279, 8872, 2760, 515, 278, 2257, 6504, 29889, 13, 17351, 11580, 15620, 8570, 471, 278, 664, 310, 4111, 262, 29915, 29879, 341, 12094, 562, 402, 5363, 363, 15612, 3470, 8903, 28896, 3012, 29889, 10034, 919, 292, 263, 1353, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 6462, 11715, 20251, 373, 19239, 10090, 12006, 29879, 29892, 278, 7664, 12520, 263, 11520, 3440, 653, 373, 278, 3926, 29899, 3364, 292, 5469, 310, 931, 29892, 337, 1397, 1218, 1716, 10776, 1319, 322, 8913, 13574, 20251, 304, 263, 4343, 2602, 29892, 9368, 304, 4337, 8724, 278, 22170, 310, 1009, 5758, 284, 322, 15839, 2730, 272, 886, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 10734, 13988, 3229, 29892, 7232, 397, 1000, 297, 263, 1556, 1090, 303, 630, 310, 18350, 29879, 29892, 322, 1510, 29883, 1463, 278, 7664, 29915, 29879, 639, 1547, 573, 2125, 373, 11715, 10110, 322, 5534, 22661, 29889, 13, 1168, 1547, 950, 1616, 1754, 263, 10902, 10879, 373, 278, 6534, 445, 1629, 29892, 27032, 263, 3464, 310, 3902, 272, 1230, 29892, 6375, 29899, 386, 18159, 1736, 393, 5476, 510, 287, 716, 3994, 3783, 322, 18112, 363, 278, 3186, 310, 24952, 1616, 29889, 4485, 26043, 397, 29915, 29879, 2919, 3402, 1426, 10675, 886, 363, 2431, 267, 8010, 29879, 892, 310, 3153, 4066, 29892, 24907, 10650, 11043, 411, 5722, 5996, 3773, 8326, 404, 29892, 16375, 27430, 411, 263, 12399, 3773, 8326, 404, 310, 10042, 29899, 5397, 311, 1616, 4955, 29889, 3115, 310, 4443, 892, 263, 9262, 310, 10675, 886, 491, 6123, 18242, 4018, 363, 350, 441, 324, 4479, 15230, 29889, 14104, 292, 1546, 3290, 381, 1711, 1583, 29899, 28327, 7539, 1860, 310, 278, 10508, 313, 265, 697, 29892, 278, 7664, 5134, 871, 2211, 17739, 29879, 29892, 3144, 6742, 4203, 1582, 1283, 278, 7636, 310, 278, 8424, 29897, 322, 9560, 368, 1998, 2265, 284, 2537, 2633, 29892, 670, 1736, 10018, 263, 17762, 2264, 304, 664, 411, 263, 12875, 310, 4967, 13750, 322, 963, 267, 1550, 7344, 292, 670, 12608, 7314, 29889, 5901, 1736, 3902, 4395, 901, 18036, 7190, 29892, 3704, 263, 664, 491, 7664, 26259, 347, 379, 681, 1358, 393, 1401, 18186, 1023, 10714, 528, 381, 1372, 29892, 18757, 373, 22973, 8014, 29892, 22822, 297, 825, 6140, 304, 367, 263, 24252, 21117, 29889, 7280, 664, 491, 2088, 453, 420, 9388, 12957, 884, 15010, 15620, 8570, 29892, 411, 263, 5101, 310, 766, 1590, 397, 1000, 6900, 298, 9776, 515, 1009, 304, 267, 1283, 310, 263, 11979, 672, 29889, 530, 18886, 681, 715, 6288, 9869, 471, 270, 2390, 287, 2038, 278, 9088, 29892, 4969, 263, 3256, 298 ]
over christmas break, our family took an early morning trip to kellogg's nyc in times square to have a crazy breakfast of cereal with anything you can imagine on top. or in other words, the kind of breakfast my kids (and me, let's be frank) dream about. eleanor and samson were so confused as we were ordering and kept asking, "wait, i can have chocolate chips IN my cereal?!" lol. something that is fun about the cafe is that once you place your order, your buzzer will ring with a specific "cupboard" number on it. so you go up to the cupboards and get your breakfast from inside it! the kids especially loved this part of the experience! there are some crazy creations on the menu, and we were a little skeptical to put things like vanilla cake mix on top of frosted flakes or lime zest and passion fruit jam on top of fruit loops! but we did branch out a little (i mixed apple jacks cereal and rice krispies cereal with mini marshmallows, pop tart crumbles and fresh strawberries on top. also, i should note, it was actually delicious and i loved it.) you can see all the creations on the menu here. the "honey buzz" from the menu was probably my favorite though. it consisted of honey smacks, toasted pecans and banana chips with honey drizzled on top. samson decided mid way through his bowl that he didn't like having chocolate chips in his cereal after all and asked me to help him pick them out. haha! i guess it's a good thing so we don't start forming a habit of wanting them in our breakfast at home. i'm glad our kids still love their morning oatmeal after this wild but fun breakfast and haven't asked for marshmallows or pop tart crumble in their breakfast since. haha! have you guys ever put anything crazy into your breakfast cereal? this post is not sponsored. (i always share if it is.) we were just really excited to find a place that has all these cereals and toppings! ps. i am wearing this ruffle neck and hemline sweater and this lipstick in shade pink me up. holy cow, this is so cool! what a good concept- i bet your kiddos were in heaven! This is just cute enough that I actually might brave Times Square to visit! I'm not much of a cereal person but this looks like fun to try with kids! It looks really really yummi and I wouldnt mind to try it. But I dont know about strawberry in winter… doesnt seem appropriate, or? So much fun! That definitely wasn't there when I was growing up. I am totally going to take my girls there this spring. They would think it's hilarious. The "Honey Buzz" sounds delicious! I will definitely have to try that cereal concoction but with real banana slices instead of dried. This looks like so much fun! I had seen something like it in London and was wondering if there was anything in the US that was similar. I already sent the link to my boyfriend who is a cereal NUT! So I read this post this morning and it made me crave cereal!! We never have cereal for breakfast but we did today! If only post about veggies has this effect! This sounds amazing! Buuuut, I'm not sure I'm willing to go to Times Square for it, hahaha. It's like cereal and froyo had a baby and made this! We need to go here next time we're in the city. Wouldn't it be nice to eat out of porcelain bowls with milk from glass bottles? If not for the taste, than just for the concept of sustainability and a zero-waste effort. this is like the coolest place! I saw this on CBS Morning recently. Very….interesting? seems expensive…although, knowing Christina Tossi is behind it makes it more worthwhile. Too fun! I'm not sure I'd like chocolate chips in my cereal either! Is it just me or is the baby wearing awfully large boots?! Haha. My children would love it when we're in NYC in the spring but this much unnecessary plastic
[ 975, 25542, 8247, 2867, 29892, 1749, 3942, 3614, 385, 4688, 7250, 17487, 304, 413, 295, 1188, 29887, 29915, 29879, 7098, 29883, 297, 3064, 6862, 304, 505, 263, 12220, 1537, 26044, 310, 274, 406, 284, 411, 3099, 366, 508, 14034, 373, 2246, 29889, 470, 297, 916, 3838, 29892, 278, 2924, 310, 26044, 590, 413, 4841, 313, 392, 592, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 367, 2524, 29895, 29897, 12561, 1048, 29889, 4552, 273, 272, 322, 3514, 1100, 892, 577, 9613, 408, 591, 892, 20520, 322, 8126, 6721, 29892, 376, 10685, 29892, 474, 508, 505, 521, 542, 23167, 521, 4512, 2672, 590, 274, 406, 284, 29973, 3850, 301, 324, 29889, 13, 14481, 393, 338, 2090, 1048, 278, 5777, 1725, 338, 393, 2748, 366, 2058, 596, 1797, 29892, 596, 1321, 29920, 3298, 674, 9228, 411, 263, 2702, 376, 5231, 3377, 29908, 1353, 373, 372, 29889, 577, 366, 748, 701, 304, 278, 18002, 24691, 322, 679, 596, 26044, 515, 2768, 372, 29991, 278, 413, 4841, 7148, 18012, 445, 760, 310, 278, 7271, 29991, 13, 12711, 526, 777, 12220, 1537, 907, 800, 373, 278, 6143, 29892, 322, 591, 892, 263, 2217, 18109, 415, 936, 304, 1925, 2712, 763, 1109, 2911, 274, 1296, 6837, 373, 2246, 310, 14671, 16470, 17422, 10794, 470, 301, 603, 503, 342, 322, 15935, 15774, 14322, 373, 2246, 310, 15774, 12104, 29991, 541, 591, 1258, 5443, 714, 263, 2217, 313, 29875, 12849, 26163, 432, 26514, 274, 406, 284, 322, 19408, 413, 3780, 29886, 583, 274, 406, 284, 411, 20629, 1766, 845, 29885, 497, 1242, 29892, 1835, 13914, 2181, 3774, 793, 322, 10849, 380, 1610, 495, 2722, 373, 2246, 29889, 884, 29892, 474, 881, 4443, 29892, 372, 471, 2869, 628, 14803, 322, 474, 18012, 372, 1846, 366, 508, 1074, 599, 278, 907, 800, 373, 278, 6143, 1244, 29889, 13, 1552, 376, 29882, 4992, 1321, 5617, 29908, 515, 278, 6143, 471, 3117, 590, 25448, 2466, 29889, 372, 24775, 310, 298, 4992, 1560, 26514, 29892, 304, 28470, 13209, 550, 322, 9892, 1648, 521, 4512, 411, 298, 4992, 10293, 5617, 839, 373, 2246, 29889, 13, 13445, 1100, 8459, 7145, 982, 1549, 670, 12580, 29880, 393, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 763, 2534, 521, 542, 23167, 521, 4512, 297, 670, 274, 406, 284, 1156, 599, 322, 4433, 592, 304, 1371, 1075, 5839, 963, 714, 29889, 447, 2350, 29991, 474, 4140, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 1781, 2655, 577, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1369, 25391, 263, 4760, 310, 24507, 963, 297, 1749, 26044, 472, 3271, 29889, 13, 29875, 29915, 29885, 10932, 1749, 413, 4841, 1603, 5360, 1009, 7250, 288, 271, 1004, 284, 1156, 445, 8775, 541, 2090, 26044, 322, 7359, 29915, 29873, 4433, 363, 1766, 845, 29885, 497, 1242, 470, 1835, 13914, 2181, 15563, 297, 1009, 26044, 1951, 29889, 447, 2350, 29991, 505, 366, 18239, 3926, 1925, 3099, 12220, 1537, 964, 596, 26044, 274, 406, 284, 29973, 13, 1366, 1400, 338, 451, 21955, 4395, 29889, 313, 29875, 2337, 6232, 565, 372, 338, 1846, 591, 892, 925, 2289, 24173, 304, 1284, 263, 2058, 393, 756, 599, 1438, 274, 406, 1338, 322, 304, 27775, 29991, 13, 567, 29889, 474, 626, 591, 4362, 445, 364, 21897, 18873, 322, 9736, 1220, 7901, 1008, 322, 445, 17441, 303, 860, 297, 528, 1943, 282, 682, 592, 701, 29889, 13, 5391, 29891, 21282, 29892, 445, 338, 577, 12528, 29991, 825, 263, 1781, 6964, 29899, 474, 1010, 596, 413, 2205, 359, 892, 297, 18356, 29991, 13, 4013, 338, 925, 274, 1082, 3307, 393, 306, 2869, 1795, 26565, 10277, 19256, 304, 6493, 29991, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 451, 1568, 310, 263, 274, 406, 284, 2022, 541, 445, 3430, 763, 2090, 304, 1018, 411, 413, 4841, 29991, 13, 3112, 3430, 2289, 2289, 343, 398, 2460, 322, 306, 723, 593, 3458, 304, 1018, 372, 29889, 1205, 306, 4555, 1073, 1048, 380, 1610, 16344, 297, 13851, 30098, 19403, 2833, 8210, 29892, 470, 29973, 13, 6295, 1568, 2090, 29991, 2193, 11630, 9007, 29915, 29873, 727, 746, 306, 471, 15678, 701, 29889, 306, 626, 14909, 2675, 304, 2125, 590, 14000, 727, 445, 6709, 29889, 2688, 723, 1348, 372, 29915, 29879, 298, 309, 1306, 681, 29889, 13, 1576, 376, 29950, 4992, 350, 18813, 29908, 10083, 628, 14803, 29991, 306, 674, 11630, 505, 304, 1018, 393, 274, 406, 284, 378, 1111, 428, 541, 411, 1855, 9892, 1648, 269, 29399, 2012, 310, 270, 1255, 29889, 13, 4013, 3430, 763, 577, 1568, 2090, 29991, 306, 750, 3595, 1554, 763, 372, 297, 4517, 322, 471, 9873, 565, 727, 471, 3099, 297, 278, 3148, 393, 471, 2788, 29889, 306, 2307, 2665, 278, 1544, 304, 590, 8023, 18326, 1058, 338, 263, 274, 406, 284, 405, 2692, 29991, 13, 6295, 306, 1303, 445, 1400, 445, 7250, 322, 372, 1754, 592, 12220, 345, 274, 406, 284, 6824, 1334, 2360, 505, 274, 406, 284, 363, 26044, 541, 591, 1258, 9826, 29991, 960, 871, 1400, 1048, 12461, 29887, 583, 756, 445, 2779, 29991, 13, 4013, 10083, 21863, 292, 29991, 5373, 29884, 29884, 329, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 1854, 306, 29915, 29885, 17762, 304, 748, 304, 10277, 19256, 363, 372, 29892, 447, 29882, 25613, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 763, 274, 406, 284, 322, 285, 4727, 29877, 750, 263, 24354, 322, 1754, 445, 29991, 1334, 817, 304, 748, 1244, 2446, 931, 591, 29915, 276, 297, 278, 4272, 29889, 13, 29956, 483, 29876, 29915, 29873, 372, 367, 7575, 304, 17545, 714, 310, 1277, 2242, 475, 12580, 3137, 411, 27274, 515, 12917, 18046, 793, 29973, 960, 451, 363, 278, 21779, 29892, 1135, 925, 363, 278, 6964, 310, 15075, 475, 3097, 322, 263, 5225, 29899, 29893, 4350, 7225, 29889, 13, 1366, 338, 763, 278, 12528, 342, 2058, 29991, 13, 29902, 4446, 445, 373, 29589, 3879, 1076, 10325, 29889, 18064, 30098, 29889, 1639, 342, 292, 29973, 2444, 19390, 30098, 26492, 29892, 13797, 2819, 1099, 323, 359, 1039, 338, 5742, 372, 3732, 372, 901, 7088, 8000, 29889, 13, 1762, 29877, 2090, 29991, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 1854, 306, 29915, 29881, 763, 521, 542, 23167, 521, 4512, 297, 590, 274, 406, 284, 2845, 29991, 13, 3624, 372, 925, 592, 470, 338, 278, 24354, 591, 4362, 3773, 3730, 2919, 1045, 1862, 29973, 29991, 379, 25613, 29889, 13, 3421, 4344, 723, 5360, 372, 746, 591, 29915, 276, 297, 23526, 29907, 297, 278, 6709, 541, 445, 1568, 19039, 715, 6288 ]
Topic: Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Indiana County, Pennsylvania Upper Burrell Township, Pennsylvania Rostraver Township, Pennsylvania Unity Township, Pennsylvania Sewickley Township, Pennsylvania East Huntingdon Township, Pennsylvania Fairfield Township, Pennsylvania List of Pennsylvania counties Wyoming County, Pennsylvania York County, Pennsylvania New Alexandria, Pennsylvania Greensburg, Pennsylvania North Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Westmoreland County is a county located in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Westmoreland County is part of the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Statistical Area. In the county, the population was spread out with 22.00% under the age of 18, 6.80% from 18 to 24, 27.50% from 25 to 44, 25.40% from 45 to 64, and 18.30% who were 65 years of age or older. en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Westmoreland_County,_Pennsylvania (354 words) History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Thomas Anderson, aforementioned, was born in Ireland, 1718, emigrated to America, locating in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, fought through the revolutionary war when between fifty and sixty years old, died on the old Elder farm near New Alexandria in 1822, aged one hundred and four years, and is buried in Old Salem churchyard. She was a daughter of David and Martha (Whiteside) McConnell, of Lancaster county, who with their children crossed the mountains in a covered wagon in the year 1800 and settled in Salem township. Her brother Daniel McConnell, born 1794, was the grandfather of Judge A. McConnell, of Westmoreland county, whose father was the late Kirk McConnell, of Salem township. www.familytrail.com /elder/records/PAwestmorelandco.html (2870 words) Birding in Westmoreland County, southwestern Pennsylvania. Located in southwestern Pennsylvania, Westmoreland County was formed from Bedford County by the act of 26th of February 1773, the first county west of the Allegheny Mountains and the 11th county established by the Pennsylvania colony, the last under the hereditary Penn Propriety Government. The county is rich in streams and rivers, though too many of these have been tainted by drainage from old coal mines, a legacy of the coal mining past. The summit of Laurel Ridge is the eastern boundary of the county, bordering Somerset and Cambria counties. www.westol.com /~towhee/sighting.htm (2937 words) Information on Westmoreland County, PA - In Westmoreland.com Westmoreland County, PA is comprised of 21 townships and over 280 boroughs, cities, towns, and villages. The County moves toward the future according to a Comprehensive Plan, the goals of which are to create a healthy and safe living environment in the county, to provide for good schools and diversified and affordable housing, accessible shopping, quality recreational and cultural attractions, and jobs that pay a living wage. The Westmoreland County Agricultural Land Preservation Program (WCALP) was developed in 1990 to conserve and protect agricultural lands and assure that farmers in Westmoreland County have sufficient agricultural lands to provide farm products for the people of the county and the Commonwealth. www.inwestmoreland.com /countyinfo (1379 words) The Westmoreland County Connection: About Westmoreland County Westmoreland County is located in southwestern Pennsylvania in the United States and is composed of approximately 1,033 square miles. Westmoreland County was reduced to its current size in 1803. After Hanna's Town was burned by the Indians, the Westmoreland County seat was moved to Greensburg in 1797. wcconnection.tripod.com /aboutwc.htm (257 words) Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (U.S.) (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-21) The retention
[ 7488, 293, 29901, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 13, 2568, 3857, 5127, 29892, 16636, 13, 26214, 6640, 15044, 19439, 29892, 16636, 13, 29934, 520, 336, 369, 19439, 29892, 16636, 13, 2525, 537, 19439, 29892, 16636, 13, 29903, 809, 860, 2330, 19439, 29892, 16636, 13, 29923, 579, 16899, 1259, 9176, 19439, 29892, 16636, 13, 29943, 1466, 2671, 19439, 29892, 16636, 13, 1293, 310, 16636, 2302, 583, 13, 29956, 29891, 28826, 5127, 29892, 16636, 13, 29979, 548, 5127, 29892, 16636, 13, 4373, 13878, 2849, 29892, 16636, 13, 29954, 11642, 3074, 29892, 16636, 13, 29940, 2072, 22228, 23743, 265, 29892, 16636, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 448, 14109, 29892, 278, 3889, 427, 8798, 9547, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 338, 263, 15178, 5982, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 2106, 310, 16636, 29889, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 338, 760, 310, 278, 27150, 13903, 28788, 13070, 936, 18320, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 15178, 29892, 278, 4665, 471, 9677, 714, 411, 29871, 29906, 29906, 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1370, 746, 1546, 19044, 322, 1354, 29312, 2440, 2030, 29892, 6423, 373, 278, 2030, 382, 25943, 17888, 2978, 1570, 13878, 2849, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29906, 29906, 29892, 26552, 697, 6893, 322, 3023, 2440, 29892, 322, 338, 18550, 297, 8198, 317, 12698, 6586, 19852, 29889, 13, 13468, 471, 263, 8750, 310, 4699, 322, 1085, 15457, 313, 8809, 3246, 680, 29897, 4052, 1168, 18437, 29892, 310, 24994, 1901, 15178, 29892, 1058, 411, 1009, 4344, 21692, 278, 19223, 297, 263, 10664, 281, 12841, 297, 278, 1629, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29900, 29900, 322, 17141, 297, 317, 12698, 4726, 3527, 29889, 13, 18650, 8099, 8432, 4052, 1168, 18437, 29892, 6345, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29929, 29946, 29892, 471, 278, 4595, 22212, 310, 26817, 319, 29889, 4052, 1168, 18437, 29892, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 15178, 29892, 5069, 4783, 471, 278, 5683, 26424, 4052, 1168, 18437, 29892, 310, 317, 12698, 4726, 3527, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 11922, 3018, 309, 29889, 510, 847, 295, 672, 29914, 3757, 4339, 29914, 7228, 5933, 12257, 14045, 1111, 29889, 1420, 313, 29906, 29947, 29955, 29900, 3838, 29897, 13, 29933, 1823, 292, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 7062, 22741, 16636, 29889, 13, 3524, 630, 297, 7062, 22741, 16636, 29892, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 471, 8429, 515, 14195, 4006, 5127, 491, 278, 1044, 310, 29871, 29906, 29953, 386, 310, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29955, 29941, 29892, 278, 937, 15178, 5833, 310, 278, 838, 1397, 3169, 29891, 28418, 322, 278, 29871, 29896, 29896, 386, 15178, 7841, 491, 278, 16636, 784, 2592, 29892, 278, 1833, 1090, 278, 902, 5628, 653, 349, 2108, 18264, 374, 3305, 10354, 29889, 13, 1576, 15178, 338, 8261, 297, 20873, 322, 27515, 29892, 2466, 2086, 1784, 310, 1438, 505, 1063, 260, 2365, 287, 491, 270, 6038, 482, 515, 2030, 17148, 29086, 29892, 263, 25000, 310, 278, 17148, 1375, 292, 4940, 29889, 13, 1576, 2533, 2415, 310, 997, 545, 29880, 390, 5525, 338, 278, 18632, 10452, 310, 278, 15178, 29892, 5139, 292, 6254, 24197, 322, 9287, 2849, 2302, 583, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 5933, 324, 29889, 510, 847, 30022, 29873, 340, 354, 29872, 29914, 29879, 523, 292, 29889, 13357, 313, 29906, 29929, 29941, 29955, 3838, 29897, 13, 20350, 373, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 17687, 448, 512, 3122, 12257, 14045, 29889, 510, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 17687, 338, 7199, 3368, 310, 29871, 29906, 29896, 4726, 9981, 322, 975, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29900, 9820, 820, 29879, 29892, 14368, 29892, 20248, 29892, 322, 18481, 29889, 13, 1576, 5127, 16229, 11183, 278, 5434, 5034, 304, 263, 422, 1457, 29882, 6270, 8402, 29892, 278, 14433, 310, 607, 526, 304, 1653, 263, 9045, 29891, 322, 9109, 8471, 5177, 297, 278, 15178, 29892, 304, 3867, 363, 1781, 12462, 322, 6894, 2164, 322, 21750, 519, 27261, 29892, 15579, 17394, 3262, 29892, 11029, 28709, 1288, 322, 16375, 19650, 1953, 29892, 322, 17643, 393, 5146, 263, 8471, 281, 482, 29889, 13, 1576, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 27051, 3631, 3172, 4360, 20525, 7835, 313, 29956, 29907, 1964, 29925, 29897, 471, 8906, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 304, 378, 16349, 322, 12566, 18032, 3631, 12625, 322, 1223, 545, 393, 2215, 13269, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 505, 8002, 18032, 3631, 12625, 304, 3867, 17888, 9316, 363, 278, 2305, 310, 278, 15178, 322, 278, 27094, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 262, 5933, 12257, 14045, 29889, 510, 847, 2798, 29891, 3888, 313, 29896, 29941, 29955, 29929, 3838, 29897, 13, 1576, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 15160, 29901, 13611, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 338, 5982, 297, 7062, 22741, 16636, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 322, 338, 13725, 310, 14235, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29941, 29941, 6862, 7800, 29889, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 471, 12212, 304, 967, 1857, 2159, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29900, 29941, 29889, 13, 13555, 379, 9713, 29915, 29879, 8421, 471, 12138, 287, 491, 278, 17072, 29892, 278, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 12949, 471, 6153, 304, 4122, 575, 3074, 297, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29929, 29955, 29889, 13, 29893, 29883, 9965, 29889, 3626, 15334, 29889, 510, 847, 12717, 29893, 29883, 29889, 13357, 313, 29906, 29945, 29955, 3838, 29897, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 313, 29965, 29889, 29903, 1846, 313, 17033, 451, 10049, 292, 29889, 9208, 1423, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 1576, 3240, 2509 ]
of the British symbol on the flag indicates that the inhabitants of Westmoreland County, although ready to resist the tyrannical acts of the British Parliament, still considered themselves loyal subjects of King George III. It was designated the official flag of Westmoreland County in 1973, the county's bicentennial year. The initials 'J.P.' and 'I.B.W.C.P.' stand for Colonel John Proctor's 'Independent Battalion, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.' This was one of the military groups known as Associators, volunteers from Pennsylvania, where the Quakers did not wish for an active militia. areciboweb.50megs.com /fotw/flags/us-pa-wc.html (471 words) Description of the Geology of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania The geology of this large and wealthy county is a continuation of that of Fayette County already described. A continuation of this anticlinal roll runs down the county line across the Yough to the Monongahela River near Webster; it is so gentle as rarely to show a dip greater than 1ΒΊ. From: A geological hand atlas of the sixty-seven counties of Pennsylvania :embodying the results of the field work of the survey, from 1874 to 1884. www.libraries.psu.edu /emsl/guides/X/westmoreland.htm (511 words) John Jacob Rugh Sr. of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-21) She related to James Rugh that her great-grandfather had come from Holland to Lehigh County, Pennsylvania and that her grandfather (Michael Rugh) had married Anna Francina Markle, a daughter of Christopher Markle and Anna Germina Wertz, "also of Holland". She reported that they had located in Westmoreland County in 1772 on a tract of land, much of which subsequently became part of the site of the City of Greensburg. Jacob ZEHNER (SEANOR) was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania on January 10, 1787. home.earthlink.net /~pknox/jac-sr.html (581 words) John Jacob Rugh Jr. of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania (1784-1869) (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-21) Betsy (Elizabeth Louise) KEPPEL (KEPPLE) was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania on April 26, 1789. was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania in 1827. home.earthlink.net /~pknox/jac-jr.html (557 words) InWestmoreland - Westmoreland County's Online Directory Its County Seat, Greensburg, is 34 miles east of Pittsburgh, PA. The eighth largest county in Pennsylvania, Westmoreland County encompasses some 1,025 square miles and has a population of 368,983. Westmoreland County, PA's history goes back before the American Revolution, when Governor Richard Penn approved an Act of Assembly that formed Westmoreland County on February 26th, 1773. Kecksburg, in Westmoreland County, is famous for a UFO incident that occurred on December 9th, 1965. www.inwestmoreland.com (397 words) Westmoreland County Historical Society In one of the final battles of the war, Hanna's Town was attacked and burned on July 13, 1782 by a raiding party of Indians and their British allies. The town never recovered, and the county seat was moved to Greensburg in 1786. The Westmoreland County Historical Society and Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation have formed a partnership to administer and maintain Historic Hanna's Town. www.starofthewest.org /html/hanna.html (319 words) Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Genealogical Records Information Greensburg, the county seat after 1785, was incorporated as a borough on February 9, 1799 and as a city in 1928. Robert
[ 310, 278, 4908, 5829, 373, 278, 7353, 14088, 393, 278, 19681, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 5998, 7960, 304, 9241, 278, 7911, 661, 29876, 936, 14741, 310, 278, 4908, 13212, 29892, 1603, 5545, 6053, 28108, 17800, 310, 4088, 5122, 4786, 29889, 13, 3112, 471, 25373, 278, 6221, 7353, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29941, 29892, 278, 15178, 29915, 29879, 289, 293, 296, 2108, 616, 1629, 29889, 13, 1576, 2847, 29879, 525, 29967, 29889, 29925, 6169, 322, 525, 29902, 29889, 29933, 29889, 29956, 29889, 29907, 29889, 29925, 6169, 2317, 363, 16893, 2259, 1019, 2801, 29915, 29879, 525, 2568, 1022, 3906, 27841, 29892, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 6169, 910, 471, 697, 310, 278, 9121, 6471, 2998, 408, 6853, 4097, 29892, 27886, 414, 515, 16636, 29892, 988, 278, 751, 21079, 1258, 451, 6398, 363, 385, 6136, 5549, 423, 29889, 13, 598, 455, 17729, 774, 29889, 29945, 29900, 29885, 387, 29879, 29889, 510, 847, 29888, 327, 29893, 29914, 15764, 29914, 375, 29899, 3274, 29899, 29893, 29883, 29889, 1420, 313, 29946, 29955, 29896, 3838, 29897, 13, 9868, 310, 278, 1879, 3002, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 16636, 13, 1576, 1737, 3002, 310, 445, 2919, 322, 17173, 29891, 15178, 338, 263, 3133, 362, 310, 393, 310, 383, 388, 2353, 5127, 2307, 5439, 29889, 13, 29909, 3133, 362, 310, 445, 3677, 293, 29880, 979, 9679, 6057, 1623, 278, 15178, 1196, 4822, 278, 612, 820, 304, 278, 2598, 549, 801, 3100, 6163, 2978, 2563, 2475, 29936, 372, 338, 577, 9914, 408, 23703, 304, 1510, 263, 28191, 7621, 1135, 29871, 29896, 30105, 29889, 13, 4591, 29901, 319, 1737, 5996, 1361, 472, 3333, 310, 278, 1354, 29312, 29899, 344, 854, 2302, 583, 310, 16636, 584, 1590, 1486, 292, 278, 2582, 310, 278, 1746, 664, 310, 278, 18994, 29892, 515, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29955, 29946, 304, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29946, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 492, 8464, 29889, 567, 29884, 29889, 6085, 847, 1567, 29880, 29914, 2543, 2247, 29914, 29990, 29914, 5933, 12257, 14045, 29889, 13357, 313, 29945, 29896, 29896, 3838, 29897, 13, 11639, 10968, 390, 6129, 26250, 29889, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 16636, 313, 17033, 451, 10049, 292, 29889, 9208, 1423, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 13468, 4475, 304, 5011, 390, 6129, 393, 902, 2107, 29899, 27857, 22212, 750, 2041, 515, 20262, 304, 951, 9812, 5127, 29892, 16636, 322, 393, 902, 4595, 22212, 313, 24083, 390, 6129, 29897, 750, 8300, 11230, 28382, 1099, 4485, 280, 29892, 263, 8750, 310, 18888, 4485, 280, 322, 11230, 7287, 1099, 399, 814, 29920, 29892, 376, 15189, 310, 20262, 1642, 13, 13468, 8967, 393, 896, 750, 5982, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 297, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29955, 29906, 373, 263, 22330, 310, 2982, 29892, 1568, 310, 607, 17602, 3897, 760, 310, 278, 3268, 310, 278, 4412, 310, 4122, 575, 3074, 29889, 13, 24288, 711, 796, 29923, 29950, 13865, 313, 1660, 2190, 1955, 29897, 471, 6345, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 373, 5490, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29947, 29955, 29889, 13, 5184, 29889, 799, 386, 2324, 29889, 1212, 847, 30022, 20571, 1217, 29916, 29914, 29926, 562, 29899, 21935, 29889, 1420, 313, 29945, 29947, 29896, 3838, 29897, 13, 11639, 10968, 390, 6129, 13843, 29889, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 16636, 313, 29896, 29955, 29947, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29947, 29953, 29929, 29897, 313, 17033, 451, 10049, 292, 29889, 9208, 1423, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 29933, 1691, 29891, 313, 6489, 466, 9394, 24417, 29897, 476, 15488, 4162, 29931, 313, 6059, 18009, 1307, 29897, 471, 6345, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 373, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29947, 29929, 29889, 13, 11102, 6345, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29906, 29955, 29889, 13, 5184, 29889, 799, 386, 2324, 29889, 1212, 847, 30022, 20571, 1217, 29916, 29914, 29926, 562, 29899, 29926, 29878, 29889, 1420, 313, 29945, 29945, 29955, 3838, 29897, 13, 797, 16128, 12257, 14045, 448, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29915, 29879, 13542, 18862, 13, 29902, 1372, 5127, 922, 271, 29892, 4122, 575, 3074, 29892, 338, 29871, 29941, 29946, 7800, 9755, 310, 27150, 13903, 29892, 17687, 29889, 450, 321, 18919, 10150, 15178, 297, 16636, 29892, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 427, 2388, 465, 267, 777, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29906, 29945, 6862, 7800, 322, 756, 263, 4665, 310, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29947, 29892, 29929, 29947, 29941, 29889, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 17687, 29915, 29879, 4955, 5771, 1250, 1434, 278, 3082, 14595, 29892, 746, 15431, 6123, 349, 2108, 23454, 385, 3185, 310, 13266, 393, 8429, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 373, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29953, 386, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29955, 29941, 29889, 13, 9598, 4684, 3074, 29892, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 338, 13834, 363, 263, 501, 5800, 15134, 393, 10761, 373, 5846, 29871, 29929, 386, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29945, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 262, 5933, 12257, 14045, 29889, 510, 313, 29941, 29929, 29955, 3838, 29897, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 20315, 7765, 13, 797, 697, 310, 278, 2186, 8957, 793, 310, 278, 1370, 29892, 379, 9713, 29915, 29879, 8421, 471, 22630, 322, 12138, 287, 373, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29947, 29906, 491, 263, 1153, 4821, 6263, 310, 17072, 322, 1009, 4908, 394, 3687, 29889, 13, 1576, 4726, 2360, 24776, 29892, 322, 278, 15178, 12949, 471, 6153, 304, 4122, 575, 3074, 297, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29947, 29953, 29889, 13, 1576, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 20315, 7765, 322, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 4815, 29879, 322, 3599, 276, 362, 505, 8429, 263, 22056, 4034, 304, 4113, 1531, 322, 7344, 17939, 379, 9713, 29915, 29879, 8421, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 8508, 29877, 615, 354, 5933, 29889, 990, 847, 1420, 29914, 29882, 9713, 29889, 1420, 313, 29941, 29896, 29929, 3838, 29897, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 15350, 27330, 936, 7983, 10343, 13, 29954, 11642, 3074, 29892, 278, 15178, 12949, 1156, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29947, 29945, 29892, 471, 11039, 630, 408, 263, 9820, 820, 373, 6339, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29929, 29929, 322, 408, 263, 4272, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29947, 29889, 13, 9588, 2151 ]
Hanna and Arthur St. Clair led the move to erect a Pennsylvania county to thwart the extension of Virginia's political control of the area. The county's location on both the Forbes and Braddock Roads was vital to the rise of Pittsburgh. www.mypennsylvaniagenealogy.com /pa_county/we.htm (1289 words) Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania 15666 Westmoreland County (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-21) Mount Pleasant is a small town in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. I emphasize Westmoreland county because there are at least 2 other Mount Pleasants in Pennsylvania, one in Adams county and one in Berks county. This school was later known as the Western Pennsylvania Classical and Scientific Institute. www.mtpleasantpa.com (397 words) Fifth Generation (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-21) His Final Petition was filed on August 14, 1813 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and is recorded in Naturalization Dockets, Vol. Upon their arrival in Westmoreland County in 1804, John M. Bierer, and his brothers were employed by a farmer named William Margaret Holtzinger (daughter of Jacob Holtzinger and Christina Barbara Lukens) was born on 2 May 1777 in Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, USA. pages.prodigy.net /dangar/genealogy/bierer/b113.htm (559 words) Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania The County Links on the left will keep you specifically in or near Westmoreland County, the Laurel Highlands of PA right next door to Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania has hundreds of colleges and universities to choose from... Pennsylvania has hundreds of Bed and Breakfasts scattered across all of our regions and 67 counties. pavisnet.com /westmoreland (433 words) Historic Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania - Fay-West.com When the first Europeans arrived in southwestern Pennsylvania in the early 1790's, they set the stage for a drama that was to extend over the next two centuries. The story of these settlers and the experience of their descendants and the later waves of immigrants who followed them to the Allegheny Mountains, has become a take of an American Transformation. Westmoreland Museum of Art - Greensburg PA Westmoreland County was known as "Mother of the Western Counties" because 16 counties have been formed from its original colonial territory. www.fay-west.com /westmoreland/historic (169 words) DUI Lawyer Greensburg Pennsylvania PA Westmoreland County DWI DAI Attorney A DUI lawyer in Greensburg PA or elsewhere, needs to stay abreast of the law, and offer a vigorous defense, as well as assist the client in understanding the charges and potential consequences. An individual's prior offenses, three-tier determination, and extenuating circumstances (was an auto accident involved in the arrest?), all contribute to the probability of incarceration or the possibility of acquittal. However, the DAI / DUI will remain on your driving record for 10 years. A DAI / DUI lawyer in Westmoreland County or Indiana County that is able to achieve an ARD for the defendant, will have the result of no jail time, and a shorter license suspension (30-60 days). westmorelandlaw-lp.lawoffice.com (403 words) VoteTrustUSA - Pennsylvania: Westmoreland County Lawsuit Has Hearing in Commonwealth Court At stake is a Pennsylvania constitutional issue, and whether or not citizens should have the opportunity to vote in a referendum on the move to electronic voting under the Help America Vote Act. The object of the lawsuit filed by the voters is a provision in the Pennsylvania State Constitution that requires a referendum to be placed on the ballot prior to a county moving to voting by machine. The Pennsylvania Department of State and other entities have taken the position that the referendum is not needed because HAVA, as a federal law requiring that older lever machines and other systems be replaced, overrides state law. www.votetrustusa.
[ 379, 9713, 322, 11498, 624, 29889, 6015, 381, 5331, 278, 4337, 304, 14737, 312, 263, 16636, 15178, 304, 266, 10305, 278, 6081, 310, 11653, 29915, 29879, 8604, 2761, 310, 278, 4038, 29889, 13, 1576, 15178, 29915, 29879, 4423, 373, 1716, 278, 1152, 5707, 322, 1771, 1202, 1698, 1528, 7925, 471, 27131, 304, 278, 14451, 310, 27150, 13903, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 1357, 2238, 1983, 2904, 29894, 3270, 351, 1600, 284, 6933, 29889, 510, 847, 3274, 29918, 2798, 29891, 29914, 705, 29889, 13357, 313, 29896, 29906, 29947, 29929, 3838, 29897, 13, 27648, 19777, 13186, 29892, 16636, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29953, 29953, 29953, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 313, 17033, 451, 10049, 292, 29889, 9208, 1423, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 27648, 19777, 13186, 338, 263, 2319, 4726, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 15178, 29892, 16636, 29889, 13, 29902, 19310, 675, 3122, 12257, 14045, 15178, 1363, 727, 526, 472, 3203, 29871, 29906, 916, 8040, 19777, 294, 1934, 297, 16636, 29892, 697, 297, 20359, 15178, 322, 697, 297, 2292, 2039, 15178, 29889, 13, 4013, 3762, 471, 2678, 2998, 408, 278, 10504, 16636, 4134, 936, 322, 23753, 928, 8907, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 4378, 552, 13186, 3274, 29889, 510, 313, 29941, 29929, 29955, 3838, 29897, 13, 29943, 361, 386, 28203, 313, 17033, 451, 10049, 292, 29889, 9208, 1423, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 29950, 275, 9550, 5879, 654, 471, 934, 29881, 373, 3111, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29896, 29941, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 29892, 322, 338, 10478, 297, 18385, 2133, 360, 1698, 1691, 29892, 3684, 29889, 13, 29965, 1112, 1009, 18517, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29900, 29946, 29892, 2259, 341, 29889, 350, 631, 261, 29892, 322, 670, 21383, 892, 15723, 491, 263, 2215, 1050, 4257, 4667, 13, 29924, 1191, 10474, 4168, 17559, 5621, 313, 29881, 6334, 357, 310, 10968, 4168, 17559, 5621, 322, 2819, 1099, 18506, 365, 2679, 575, 29897, 471, 6345, 373, 29871, 29906, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29955, 29955, 297, 4122, 575, 3074, 29892, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 29892, 8278, 29889, 13, 12292, 29889, 771, 7501, 29891, 29889, 1212, 847, 29881, 574, 279, 29914, 29887, 1600, 284, 6933, 29914, 29890, 631, 261, 29914, 29890, 29896, 29896, 29941, 29889, 13357, 313, 29945, 29945, 29929, 3838, 29897, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 13, 1576, 5127, 6645, 29879, 373, 278, 2175, 674, 3013, 366, 10816, 297, 470, 2978, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 278, 997, 545, 29880, 5057, 5252, 310, 17687, 1492, 2446, 3050, 304, 27150, 13903, 29889, 13, 29925, 264, 14912, 423, 756, 21006, 310, 18400, 267, 322, 4946, 1907, 304, 6755, 515, 856, 13, 29925, 264, 14912, 423, 756, 21006, 310, 14195, 322, 28301, 11255, 29879, 29574, 4822, 599, 310, 1749, 12786, 322, 29871, 29953, 29955, 2302, 583, 29889, 13, 29886, 485, 275, 1212, 29889, 510, 847, 5933, 12257, 14045, 313, 29946, 29941, 29941, 3838, 29897, 13, 29950, 2118, 293, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 448, 383, 388, 29899, 16128, 29889, 510, 13, 10401, 278, 937, 4092, 550, 11977, 297, 7062, 22741, 16636, 297, 278, 4688, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29929, 29900, 29915, 29879, 29892, 896, 731, 278, 7408, 363, 263, 18621, 393, 471, 304, 10985, 975, 278, 2446, 1023, 21726, 29889, 13, 1576, 5828, 310, 1438, 3604, 9306, 322, 278, 7271, 310, 1009, 17086, 1934, 322, 278, 2678, 20037, 310, 5198, 4481, 1934, 1058, 5643, 963, 304, 278, 838, 1397, 3169, 29891, 28418, 29892, 756, 4953, 263, 2125, 310, 385, 3082, 4103, 5404, 29889, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 6838, 310, 3012, 448, 4122, 575, 3074, 17687, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 471, 2998, 408, 376, 29924, 1228, 310, 278, 10504, 3917, 583, 29908, 1363, 29871, 29896, 29953, 2302, 583, 505, 1063, 8429, 515, 967, 2441, 25539, 20123, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 29888, 388, 29899, 5933, 29889, 510, 847, 5933, 12257, 14045, 29914, 16211, 293, 313, 29896, 29953, 29929, 3838, 29897, 13, 29928, 3120, 7927, 7598, 4122, 575, 3074, 16636, 17687, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 360, 22119, 21330, 29902, 6212, 25252, 13, 29909, 360, 3120, 25008, 297, 4122, 575, 3074, 17687, 470, 17551, 29892, 4225, 304, 7952, 633, 276, 579, 310, 278, 4307, 29892, 322, 5957, 263, 14877, 20657, 26406, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 6985, 278, 3132, 297, 8004, 278, 21090, 322, 7037, 27721, 29889, 13, 2744, 5375, 29915, 29879, 7536, 1283, 11259, 29892, 2211, 29899, 29873, 631, 3683, 3381, 29892, 322, 429, 841, 29884, 1218, 14209, 313, 11102, 385, 4469, 11423, 9701, 297, 278, 22564, 29973, 511, 599, 29126, 304, 278, 6976, 310, 297, 4287, 2265, 362, 470, 278, 13331, 310, 10695, 986, 284, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 278, 21330, 29902, 847, 360, 3120, 674, 3933, 373, 596, 19500, 2407, 363, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 29889, 319, 21330, 29902, 847, 360, 3120, 25008, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 470, 21817, 5127, 393, 338, 2221, 304, 6176, 385, 9033, 29928, 363, 278, 822, 5818, 29892, 674, 505, 278, 1121, 310, 694, 432, 737, 931, 29892, 322, 263, 20511, 19405, 8872, 2673, 313, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29953, 29900, 3841, 467, 13, 5933, 12257, 14045, 10653, 29899, 22833, 29889, 433, 827, 600, 625, 29889, 510, 313, 29946, 29900, 29941, 3838, 29897, 13, 29963, 866, 2308, 504, 27019, 448, 16636, 29901, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 7927, 29658, 11699, 379, 799, 292, 297, 27094, 9245, 13, 4178, 380, 1296, 338, 263, 16636, 16772, 284, 2228, 29892, 322, 3692, 470, 451, 18363, 881, 505, 278, 15130, 304, 11719, 297, 263, 2737, 29670, 373, 278, 4337, 304, 27758, 28931, 1090, 278, 22305, 6813, 478, 866, 3185, 29889, 13, 1576, 1203, 310, 278, 4307, 29658, 934, 29881, 491, 278, 9014, 414, 338, 263, 25161, 297, 278, 16636, 4306, 20063, 393, 6858, 263, 2737, 29670, 304, 367, 7180, 373, 278, 8287, 327, 7536, 304, 263, 15178, 8401, 304, 28931, 491, 4933, 29889, 13, 1576, 16636, 10317, 310, 4306, 322, 916, 16212, 505, 4586, 278, 2602, 393, 278, 2737, 29670, 338, 451, 4312, 1363, 379, 26612, 29892, 408, 263, 17097, 4307, 26795, 393, 9642, 26610, 14884, 322, 916, 6757, 367, 8611, 29892, 975, 24040, 2106, 4307, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 29894, 327, 18184, 504, 11326, 29889 ]
org /index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=905&Itemid=113 (763 words) Welcome to the Westmoreland Bar Association The Westmoreland Bar Association is among the oldest, continuous professional organizations of lawyers in Pennsylvania. Our mission is to continue a long-standing tradition of fostering excellence in professional service by our members to their clients and to the general community while engendering respect, civility and camaraderie among the members of the bench and bar. Savor some of the best food in and around the county at the Westmoreland Bar Association Dine Around, showcasing a few of the finest local restaurants--as chosen by WBA member and fine-food aficionado John Scales. www.westbar.org (395 words) Digital Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania maps and map. Westmoreland County Map, Maps of Westmoreland County and all Pennsylvania County Maps. Our map of Westmoreland County is fully editable, logically layered (View Layer Directory), and royalty free. Every county map is available, but we may not yet have your county of interest completed. www.creativeforce.com /county_maps/county_maps.asp?ID=2306 (224 words) She died after 1860 in Springfield Twp., Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Female McMANUS was born about 1804/10 in Donegal Twp., Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Eleanor McMANUS was born about 1819 in Donegal Twp., Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. www.nataliesnet.com /mcmanus/desc02.htm (146 words) Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania - info, facts, communities on Key to the City The Cities and communities of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania* The first county of the colony of Pennsylvania erected west of the Allegheny Mountains and the last under the hereditary Penn proprietaries and the 11th county established by the colony The county was probably named either for Westmoreland County in England or in Virginia, or for both. www.usacitiesonline.com /pawestmorelandcounty.htm (223 words) Westmoreland County Greensburg, Pennsylvania (Counties) The county seat of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, is Greensburg. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 370,658, an increase of 337 over the 1990 census. For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site. www.ohwy.com /pa/y/y42129.htm (109 words) Westmoreland GOP Blog (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-21) His family has controlled the politics of Cambria county for nearly 75 years by effectively blocking out every challenger to the county committee by hand picking the committee members and rigging the elections. Although Gus never served as GOP chairman, he was influential in the county Republican Party and served on its executive committee for eight years.In fact, Gus controlled much of the state patronage in the county after he backed Gifford Pinchot for governor in the 1920s. Westmoreland County residents and Rolling Rock drinkers from around the world unite! westmorelandgop.blogspot.com (5681 words) The Westmoreland County Connection - A Local Guide to Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania A brief history of Westmoreland County from its beginnings on February 26, 1773 to the present day. Listing of natural recreation areas in Westmoreland County including parks, nature centers, and trails. The Westmoreland County Connection is a trademark of Annette Blanar Steadle. wcconnection.tripod.com (239 words) Caruthers & Caruthers, PC, Greensburg, Westmoreland County Pennsylvania PA Accident, Injury, General Practice Lawyers, ... In addition to his private practice, he is also the Solicitor for the Westmoreland County Register of Wills and Secretary and Director for Penn State Tool and Die Corporation. Bill is a member of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America
[ 990, 847, 2248, 29889, 1961, 29973, 3385, 29922, 510, 29918, 3051, 29987, 7662, 29922, 1493, 29987, 333, 29922, 29929, 29900, 29945, 29987, 2001, 333, 29922, 29896, 29896, 29941, 313, 29955, 29953, 29941, 3838, 29897, 13, 28862, 2763, 304, 278, 3122, 12257, 14045, 2261, 7993, 13, 1576, 3122, 12257, 14045, 2261, 7993, 338, 4249, 278, 23947, 29892, 9126, 10257, 25700, 310, 4307, 29891, 414, 297, 16636, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 10655, 338, 304, 6773, 263, 1472, 29899, 11235, 11399, 310, 9926, 3241, 12567, 663, 297, 10257, 2669, 491, 1749, 5144, 304, 1009, 13154, 322, 304, 278, 2498, 7881, 1550, 3033, 1581, 292, 3390, 29892, 14175, 1793, 322, 3949, 279, 1664, 347, 4249, 278, 5144, 310, 278, 3856, 305, 322, 2594, 29889, 13, 29903, 17118, 777, 310, 278, 1900, 9687, 297, 322, 2820, 278, 15178, 472, 278, 3122, 12257, 14045, 2261, 7993, 360, 457, 826, 618, 29892, 1510, 29883, 5832, 263, 2846, 310, 278, 1436, 342, 1887, 12374, 1934, 489, 294, 10434, 491, 399, 5688, 4509, 322, 2691, 29899, 1181, 397, 2511, 15353, 912, 2259, 317, 1052, 267, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 5933, 1646, 29889, 990, 313, 29941, 29929, 29945, 3838, 29897, 13, 27103, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 11053, 322, 2910, 29889, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 7315, 29892, 25846, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 322, 599, 16636, 5127, 25846, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 2910, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 338, 8072, 3863, 519, 29892, 1480, 1711, 7546, 287, 313, 1043, 365, 2747, 18862, 511, 322, 15150, 1017, 3889, 29889, 13, 26526, 15178, 2910, 338, 3625, 29892, 541, 591, 1122, 451, 3447, 505, 596, 15178, 310, 4066, 8676, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 1037, 1230, 10118, 29889, 510, 847, 2798, 29891, 29918, 10339, 29914, 2798, 29891, 29918, 10339, 29889, 4692, 29973, 1367, 29922, 29906, 29941, 29900, 29953, 313, 29906, 29906, 29946, 3838, 29897, 13, 13468, 6423, 1156, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29953, 29900, 297, 7206, 2671, 8168, 29886, 1696, 383, 388, 2353, 5127, 29892, 16636, 29889, 13, 29943, 331, 744, 4052, 27616, 3308, 471, 6345, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29900, 29946, 29914, 29896, 29900, 297, 3872, 387, 284, 8168, 29886, 1696, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 29889, 13, 29923, 14044, 272, 4052, 27616, 3308, 471, 6345, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29896, 29929, 297, 3872, 387, 284, 8168, 29886, 1696, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 29876, 2075, 583, 1212, 29889, 510, 847, 14047, 1171, 375, 29914, 14273, 29900, 29906, 29889, 13357, 313, 29896, 29946, 29953, 3838, 29897, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 448, 5235, 29892, 17099, 29892, 23507, 373, 7670, 304, 278, 4412, 13, 1576, 315, 1907, 322, 23507, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 29930, 13, 1576, 937, 15178, 310, 278, 784, 2592, 310, 16636, 14737, 2954, 5833, 310, 278, 838, 1397, 3169, 29891, 28418, 322, 278, 1833, 1090, 278, 902, 5628, 653, 349, 2108, 24440, 4314, 322, 278, 29871, 29896, 29896, 386, 15178, 7841, 491, 278, 784, 2592, 450, 15178, 471, 3117, 4257, 2845, 363, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 297, 5408, 470, 297, 11653, 29892, 470, 363, 1716, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 375, 562, 1907, 14627, 29889, 510, 847, 29886, 1450, 342, 12257, 14045, 2798, 29891, 29889, 13357, 313, 29906, 29906, 29941, 3838, 29897, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 4122, 575, 3074, 29892, 16636, 313, 3981, 583, 29897, 13, 1576, 15178, 12949, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 29892, 338, 4122, 575, 3074, 29889, 13, 1576, 15178, 4665, 373, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29892, 471, 29871, 29941, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29953, 29945, 29947, 29892, 385, 7910, 310, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29955, 975, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 16411, 29889, 13, 2831, 2472, 373, 15178, 5874, 29892, 6958, 278, 3086, 7993, 310, 3917, 583, 2563, 3268, 29889, 13, 1636, 29889, 1148, 12822, 29889, 510, 847, 3274, 29914, 29891, 29914, 29891, 29946, 29906, 29896, 29906, 29929, 29889, 13357, 313, 29896, 29900, 29929, 3838, 29897, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 402, 4590, 350, 1188, 313, 17033, 451, 10049, 292, 29889, 9208, 1423, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 29950, 275, 3942, 756, 20704, 278, 22661, 310, 9287, 2849, 15178, 363, 8886, 29871, 29955, 29945, 2440, 491, 17583, 23473, 714, 1432, 521, 5442, 914, 304, 278, 15178, 21118, 491, 1361, 5839, 292, 278, 21118, 5144, 322, 12912, 3460, 278, 20209, 29889, 13, 2499, 3592, 402, 375, 2360, 6766, 408, 402, 4590, 28942, 29892, 540, 471, 7112, 2556, 297, 278, 15178, 21178, 9173, 322, 6766, 373, 967, 22760, 21118, 363, 9475, 2440, 29889, 797, 2114, 29892, 402, 375, 20704, 1568, 310, 278, 2106, 18259, 482, 297, 278, 15178, 1156, 540, 1250, 287, 402, 2593, 536, 17434, 305, 327, 363, 20221, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29900, 29879, 29889, 13, 16128, 12257, 14045, 5127, 24060, 322, 8731, 1847, 8027, 13748, 414, 515, 2820, 278, 3186, 443, 568, 29991, 13, 5933, 12257, 14045, 29887, 459, 29889, 7312, 17500, 29889, 510, 313, 29945, 29953, 29947, 29896, 3838, 29897, 13, 1576, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 15160, 448, 319, 9959, 16886, 304, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 29892, 16636, 13, 29909, 11473, 4955, 310, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 515, 967, 1812, 2559, 886, 373, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29955, 29941, 304, 278, 2198, 2462, 29889, 13, 1293, 292, 310, 5613, 28709, 362, 10161, 297, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 3704, 610, 2039, 29892, 5469, 1644, 414, 29892, 322, 1020, 2719, 29889, 13, 1576, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 15160, 338, 263, 1020, 2310, 935, 310, 530, 1212, 371, 26267, 279, 2443, 328, 280, 29889, 13, 29893, 29883, 9965, 29889, 3626, 15334, 29889, 510, 313, 29906, 29941, 29929, 3838, 29897, 13, 8179, 2806, 414, 669, 1704, 2806, 414, 29892, 9609, 29892, 4122, 575, 3074, 29892, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 16636, 17687, 4831, 1693, 29892, 512, 29926, 2857, 29892, 4593, 29124, 625, 7927, 29891, 414, 29892, 2023, 13, 797, 6124, 304, 670, 2024, 6944, 29892, 540, 338, 884, 278, 4956, 293, 2105, 363, 278, 3122, 12257, 14045, 5127, 12577, 310, 2811, 29879, 322, 17719, 322, 15944, 363, 349, 2108, 4306, 21704, 322, 1640, 15025, 29889, 13, 29933, 453, 338, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 7993, 310, 8602, 284, 7927, 29891, 414, 310, 6813 ]
Accuracy of rapid COVID test may be lower than previously suggested The accuracy of a rapid finger-prick antibody test for SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for covid-19 infection, may be considerably lower than previously suggested, finds a study published by The BMJ. The results suggest that if 10% of people given the test had previously been infected, around 1 in 5 positive test results would be incorrect (false positive results). These conclusions contrast with an earlier (not yet peer reviewed) study suggesting that the test gives no false positive results. The findings suggest the test can deliver a sufficient degree of accuracy for surveillance studies of the population, but laboratory confirmation of positive results is likely to be needed if these tests are to be used to provide evidence of protection from the virus. The AbC-19TM Rapid Test uses a drop of blood from a finger-prick to see if it's likely that someone has previously been infected with SARS-CoV-2. It gives results in 20 minutes, without the need to go to a laboratory, and is approved for use by health professionals in the UK and EU. The latest research was commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care and conducted by scientists from Public Health England and the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge and Warwick. Scientists tested blood samples in a laboratory from 2,847 key workers (healthcare, fire, and police staff) in England in June 2020. Of these, 268 had a previous PCR (positive polymerase-chain reaction) positive result so were "known positives" while the remaining 2,579 had unknown previous infection status. A further 1,995 pre-pandemic blood samples were also tested as "known negatives." Based on a series of analyses, the researchers estimated the specificity of the AbC-19 test (ability to correctly identify a true negative sample) to be 97.9%, meaning that 2.1% of people who did not have a previous SARS-Cov-2 infection incorrectly tested positive. They estimated the sensitivity of the AbC-19 test (ability to correctly identify a true positive sample) to be 92.5% based on PCR confirmed cases but considerably lower (84.7%) in people with unknown previous infection status prior to antibody testing. This difference is probably due to the test being more sensitive when antibody levels are higher, explain the researchers. As people with a positive PCR result tended to have more severe disease, it is likely that they would have produced more antibodies. They say the lower figure of 84.7% is probably a more realistic estimate of test sensitivity in the real world, if people were to choose to take the test to find out their own previous infection status. This means that 15.3% of people with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection would be missed. Putting these findings into context, the researchers say that, if 1 million people were tested with AbC-19, of whom 10% had been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2, there would be 18,900 false positive results. Overall, about one in five positive results would be wrong. They also found that trained laboratory staff noted the test result band was often weak and disagreed on whether the result was positive or negative for almost 4% of AbC-19 tests. This implies that test accuracy could be lower still if the test was used at home by members of the public. This is a large study, using data from individuals with both known and unknown previous infection status, but the authors do highlight some limitations. For example, the test was evaluated in a laboratory, rather than having participants perform the test themselves, which may have overestimated performance, and the study included few people aged over 65 years, suggesting the need for further evaluation of the test in older ages when risk of severe covid-19 is substantially higher. It is possible that other lateral flow devices detecting antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 may also work less well at lower antibody concentrations; while this study did not investigate this, the authors note that their work "highlights the scope for overestimation of SARS-CoV-2 antibody test sensitivity in other studies in which sensitivity has been estimated only from PCR confirmed cases." The UK Government has placed an order for one
[ 4831, 332, 4135, 310, 10952, 19937, 1243, 1122, 367, 5224, 1135, 9251, 7829, 13, 1576, 13600, 310, 263, 10952, 19917, 29899, 558, 860, 3677, 747, 1486, 1243, 363, 317, 1718, 29903, 29899, 7967, 29963, 29899, 29906, 29892, 278, 24424, 14040, 363, 18838, 333, 29899, 29896, 29929, 297, 20309, 29892, 1122, 367, 2050, 2197, 5224, 1135, 9251, 7829, 29892, 14061, 263, 6559, 6369, 491, 450, 350, 29924, 29967, 29889, 13, 1576, 2582, 4368, 393, 565, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 310, 2305, 2183, 278, 1243, 750, 9251, 1063, 3041, 26458, 29892, 2820, 29871, 29896, 297, 29871, 29945, 6374, 1243, 2582, 723, 367, 10240, 313, 4541, 6374, 2582, 467, 13, 1349, 968, 21204, 1080, 12814, 411, 385, 8859, 313, 1333, 3447, 23533, 9076, 287, 29897, 6559, 26233, 393, 278, 1243, 4076, 694, 2089, 6374, 2582, 29889, 13, 1576, 1284, 886, 4368, 278, 1243, 508, 12021, 263, 8002, 7426, 310, 13600, 363, 26946, 453, 749, 11898, 310, 278, 4665, 29892, 541, 10212, 7606, 9659, 362, 310, 6374, 2582, 338, 5517, 304, 367, 4312, 565, 1438, 6987, 526, 304, 367, 1304, 304, 3867, 10757, 310, 13047, 515, 278, 24424, 29889, 13, 1576, 1976, 29907, 29899, 29896, 29929, 23081, 16866, 333, 4321, 3913, 263, 5768, 310, 10416, 515, 263, 19917, 29899, 558, 860, 304, 1074, 565, 372, 29915, 29879, 5517, 393, 4856, 756, 9251, 1063, 3041, 26458, 411, 317, 1718, 29903, 29899, 7967, 29963, 29899, 29906, 29889, 739, 4076, 2582, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 6233, 29892, 1728, 278, 817, 304, 748, 304, 263, 10212, 7606, 29892, 322, 338, 23454, 363, 671, 491, 9045, 6351, 1338, 297, 278, 10261, 322, 19007, 29889, 13, 1576, 9281, 5925, 471, 12969, 287, 491, 278, 10317, 310, 15202, 322, 10307, 10057, 322, 18043, 491, 9638, 2879, 515, 5236, 15202, 5408, 322, 278, 2116, 1907, 310, 1771, 19639, 29892, 12585, 322, 3362, 6669, 29889, 13, 29903, 15566, 2879, 9528, 10416, 11916, 297, 263, 10212, 7606, 515, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29947, 29946, 29955, 1820, 17162, 313, 354, 4298, 18020, 29892, 3974, 29892, 322, 10974, 13925, 29897, 297, 5408, 297, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 2776, 1438, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29947, 750, 263, 3517, 9609, 29934, 313, 1066, 3321, 24324, 261, 559, 29899, 14153, 19848, 29897, 6374, 1121, 577, 892, 376, 5203, 13686, 3145, 29908, 1550, 278, 9886, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29945, 29955, 29929, 750, 9815, 3517, 297, 20309, 4660, 29889, 319, 4340, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29929, 29929, 29945, 758, 29899, 8357, 24552, 10416, 11916, 892, 884, 9528, 408, 376, 5203, 3480, 5056, 1213, 13, 29933, 1463, 373, 263, 3652, 310, 3483, 952, 267, 29892, 278, 5925, 414, 15899, 278, 2702, 537, 310, 278, 1976, 29907, 29899, 29896, 29929, 1243, 313, 3097, 304, 5149, 12439, 263, 1565, 8178, 4559, 29897, 304, 367, 29871, 29929, 29955, 29889, 29929, 13667, 6593, 393, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29896, 29995, 310, 2305, 1058, 1258, 451, 505, 263, 3517, 317, 1718, 29903, 29899, 29907, 586, 29899, 29906, 297, 20309, 29676, 9528, 6374, 29889, 13, 15597, 15899, 278, 4771, 24858, 310, 278, 1976, 29907, 29899, 29896, 29929, 1243, 313, 3097, 304, 5149, 12439, 263, 1565, 6374, 4559, 29897, 304, 367, 29871, 29929, 29906, 29889, 29945, 29995, 2729, 373, 9609, 29934, 16725, 4251, 541, 2050, 2197, 5224, 313, 29947, 29946, 29889, 29955, 10997, 297, 2305, 411, 9815, 3517, 297, 20309, 4660, 7536, 304, 3677, 747, 1486, 6724, 29889, 13, 4013, 4328, 338, 3117, 2861, 304, 278, 1243, 1641, 901, 20502, 746, 3677, 747, 1486, 11174, 526, 6133, 29892, 5649, 278, 5925, 414, 29889, 1094, 2305, 411, 263, 6374, 9609, 29934, 1121, 260, 2760, 304, 505, 901, 22261, 17135, 29892, 372, 338, 5517, 393, 896, 723, 505, 7371, 901, 3677, 747, 397, 583, 29889, 13, 15597, 1827, 278, 5224, 4377, 310, 29871, 29947, 29946, 29889, 29955, 29995, 338, 3117, 263, 901, 1855, 4695, 12678, 310, 1243, 4771, 24858, 297, 278, 1855, 3186, 29892, 565, 2305, 892, 304, 6755, 304, 2125, 278, 1243, 304, 1284, 714, 1009, 1914, 3517, 297, 20309, 4660, 29889, 910, 2794, 393, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29941, 29995, 310, 2305, 411, 263, 3517, 317, 1718, 29903, 29899, 7967, 29963, 29899, 29906, 297, 20309, 723, 367, 13726, 29889, 13, 22908, 1259, 1438, 1284, 886, 964, 3030, 29892, 278, 5925, 414, 1827, 393, 29892, 565, 29871, 29896, 7284, 2305, 892, 9528, 411, 1976, 29907, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29892, 310, 6029, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 750, 1063, 9251, 3041, 26458, 411, 317, 1718, 29903, 29899, 7967, 29963, 29899, 29906, 29892, 727, 723, 367, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29929, 29900, 29900, 2089, 6374, 2582, 29889, 6811, 497, 29892, 1048, 697, 297, 5320, 6374, 2582, 723, 367, 2743, 29889, 13, 15597, 884, 1476, 393, 16370, 10212, 7606, 13925, 11682, 278, 1243, 1121, 3719, 471, 4049, 8062, 322, 22941, 276, 287, 373, 3692, 278, 1121, 471, 6374, 470, 8178, 363, 4359, 29871, 29946, 29995, 310, 1976, 29907, 29899, 29896, 29929, 6987, 29889, 910, 10469, 393, 1243, 13600, 1033, 367, 5224, 1603, 565, 278, 1243, 471, 1304, 472, 3271, 491, 5144, 310, 278, 970, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 263, 2919, 6559, 29892, 773, 848, 515, 15724, 411, 1716, 2998, 322, 9815, 3517, 297, 20309, 4660, 29892, 541, 278, 15717, 437, 12141, 777, 27028, 29889, 13, 2831, 1342, 29892, 278, 1243, 471, 19030, 297, 263, 10212, 7606, 29892, 3265, 1135, 2534, 27138, 2189, 278, 1243, 6053, 29892, 607, 1122, 505, 975, 342, 326, 630, 4180, 29892, 322, 278, 6559, 5134, 2846, 2305, 26552, 975, 29871, 29953, 29945, 2440, 29892, 26233, 278, 817, 363, 4340, 17983, 310, 278, 1243, 297, 9642, 24646, 746, 12045, 310, 22261, 18838, 333, 29899, 29896, 29929, 338, 23228, 368, 6133, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 1950, 393, 916, 2678, 284, 4972, 9224, 6459, 292, 3677, 747, 397, 583, 304, 317, 1718, 29903, 29899, 7967, 29963, 29899, 29906, 1122, 884, 664, 3109, 1532, 472, 5224, 3677, 747, 1486, 14953, 800, 29936, 1550, 445, 6559, 1258, 451, 23033, 445, 29892, 278, 15717, 4443, 393, 1009, 664, 376, 28970, 29879, 278, 6874, 363, 975, 342, 7715, 310, 317, 1718, 29903, 29899, 7967, 29963, 29899, 29906, 3677, 747, 1486, 1243, 4771, 24858, 297, 916, 11898, 297, 607, 4771, 24858, 756, 1063, 15899, 871, 515, 9609, 29934, 16725, 4251, 1213, 13, 1576, 10261, 10354, 756, 7180, 385, 1797, 363, 697 ]
There are over 1.58 billion Muslims in the world. The majority of them observe total fasting (no food or water) between dawn and sunset during the month of Ramadan. They do so not to lose weight or for any medical benefit, but because it is ordained in the Quran which says, "O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you, as it was prescribed for those before you (i.e. Jews and Christians) so that you may (learn) self-restraine" (2:183). When one fasts (or decreases carbohydrate intake drastically), it lowers one's blood glucose and insulin level. This causes a breakdown of glycogen from the liver to provide glucose for energy needs and break-down of fat from adipose tissue to provide for energy needs. On the basis of human physiology described above, semi-starvation (ketogenic diets) have been devised for effective weight control. These diets provide a calculated amount of protein in divided doses with plenty of water, multivitamins, etc. These effectively lower weight and blood sugar, but because of their side effects, should be used only under the supervision of physicians. Total fasting reduces or eliminates hunger and causes rapid weight loss. In 1975, Allan Cott in his Fasting as a Way of Life,noted, "Fasting brings a wholesome physiological rest for the digestive tract and central nervous system and normalizes metabolism." It must be pointed out, however, that there are also many adverse effects of total fasting. That includes hypokalemia and cardiac arrhythmia associated with low calorie starvation diets used in unsupervised programs. Dr. Soliman from University Hospital , Amman , Jordan has reported that during the month of Ramadan 1404 AH (June-July, 1984 AD) healthy Muslim volunteers@2 males and 26 females ranging in age from 15-64 and 16-28 years respectively-were studied. They were weighed and their blood levels of cortisol, testosterone, Na, K, urea, glucose, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides (TG) and serum osmolality were measured at the beginning and at the end of Ramadan. There was significant loss of weight in males from a mean of 73.8 +/-6.2 kg to 72.0 +/-7.1 kg (P less than 0.01) and in females from 55.2 +/-4.8 to 54.6 +/-4.2 kg (P less than 0.05). Blood glucose levels rose in males from 77.7 +/-23.6 mg/dl to 90.2 +/31.2 mg/dl (P less than 0.05) and in females from 76.0 +/-7.6 mg/dl to 84.5 +/-11.1 mg/di (P less than 0.002). All other parameters did not show significant changes. Dr. F. Azizi and his associates from the University of Medical Sciences , Tehran , Iran has reported the following. Serum levels of glucose, bilirubin, calcium, phosphorus, protein, albumin, FSH, LH, testosterone, prolactin, TSH, T4, T3, and T3 uptake, as well as prolactin and TSH responses to TRH were evaluated in a group of nine healthy men before and on the 10th, 20th, and 29th days of Ramadan. Mean body weight decreased from 65.4 +/- 9.1 to 61.6 +/- 9.0 kg at 29th day. Serum glucose decreased from 82 +/- 4 mg/dl on the 10th day, and increased thereafter (76 +/- 3 and 84 +/- 5 on the 20th and 29th days of fasting respectively). Serum bilirubin increased from 0.56 +/- 0.17 to 1 43 +/-.52 mg/dl on the
[ 1670, 526, 975, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29945, 29947, 24464, 23772, 29879, 297, 278, 3186, 29889, 450, 13638, 310, 963, 14111, 3001, 5172, 292, 313, 1217, 9687, 470, 4094, 29897, 1546, 27470, 322, 6575, 842, 2645, 278, 4098, 310, 8292, 328, 273, 29889, 2688, 437, 577, 451, 304, 14074, 7688, 470, 363, 738, 16083, 14169, 29892, 541, 1363, 372, 338, 4356, 7114, 297, 278, 660, 332, 273, 607, 4083, 29892, 376, 29949, 366, 1058, 4658, 29991, 23786, 292, 338, 2225, 23059, 304, 366, 29892, 408, 372, 471, 2225, 23059, 363, 1906, 1434, 366, 313, 29875, 29889, 29872, 29889, 22057, 322, 27353, 29897, 577, 393, 366, 1122, 313, 19668, 29897, 1583, 29899, 5060, 12096, 29908, 313, 29906, 29901, 29896, 29947, 29941, 467, 13, 10401, 697, 5172, 29879, 313, 272, 9263, 2129, 1559, 833, 29882, 2941, 10492, 938, 1296, 4192, 579, 1711, 511, 372, 4482, 414, 697, 29915, 29879, 10416, 3144, 1682, 852, 322, 1663, 352, 262, 3233, 29889, 910, 9946, 263, 2867, 3204, 310, 330, 368, 29883, 6352, 515, 278, 619, 369, 304, 3867, 3144, 1682, 852, 363, 5864, 4225, 322, 2867, 29899, 3204, 310, 9950, 515, 594, 666, 852, 260, 15118, 304, 3867, 363, 5864, 4225, 29889, 1551, 278, 8405, 310, 5199, 4824, 29875, 3002, 5439, 2038, 29892, 12647, 29899, 8508, 29894, 362, 313, 7873, 6352, 293, 652, 1691, 29897, 505, 1063, 316, 11292, 363, 11828, 7688, 2761, 29889, 4525, 652, 1691, 3867, 263, 12833, 5253, 310, 26823, 297, 13931, 3248, 267, 411, 20947, 310, 4094, 29892, 1773, 440, 277, 314, 1144, 29892, 2992, 29889, 4525, 17583, 5224, 7688, 322, 10416, 26438, 29892, 541, 1363, 310, 1009, 2625, 9545, 29892, 881, 367, 1304, 871, 1090, 278, 2428, 4924, 310, 4824, 14722, 29889, 13, 11536, 5172, 292, 26830, 470, 10397, 1078, 18757, 261, 322, 9946, 10952, 7688, 6410, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29945, 29892, 2178, 273, 315, 1501, 297, 670, 23786, 292, 408, 263, 5307, 310, 4634, 29892, 1333, 287, 29892, 376, 29943, 579, 292, 23522, 263, 377, 6544, 608, 4824, 29875, 5996, 1791, 363, 278, 4697, 342, 573, 22330, 322, 6555, 23547, 681, 1788, 322, 4226, 7093, 1539, 19388, 1608, 1213, 739, 1818, 367, 11520, 714, 29892, 3138, 29892, 393, 727, 526, 884, 1784, 594, 3901, 9545, 310, 3001, 5172, 292, 29889, 2193, 7805, 10163, 554, 12698, 423, 322, 5881, 13544, 3948, 29882, 29265, 423, 6942, 411, 4482, 1208, 7661, 5810, 29894, 362, 652, 1691, 1304, 297, 443, 9136, 11292, 11104, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 4956, 25895, 515, 3014, 15967, 1919, 1913, 1171, 1919, 18284, 756, 8967, 393, 2645, 278, 4098, 310, 8292, 328, 273, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29946, 319, 29950, 313, 29967, 1540, 29899, 29967, 11850, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 11033, 29897, 9045, 29891, 23772, 27886, 414, 29992, 29906, 25269, 322, 29871, 29906, 29953, 24473, 364, 9776, 297, 5046, 515, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29899, 29953, 29946, 322, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29899, 29906, 29947, 2440, 8307, 29899, 29893, 406, 12399, 29889, 2688, 892, 591, 25398, 322, 1009, 10416, 11174, 310, 13979, 275, 324, 29892, 1243, 15664, 650, 29892, 4465, 29892, 476, 29892, 318, 5638, 29892, 3144, 1682, 852, 29892, 3001, 521, 324, 4156, 324, 29892, 1880, 9027, 619, 7323, 4859, 262, 313, 29950, 19558, 511, 4482, 9027, 619, 7323, 4859, 262, 313, 10249, 29931, 511, 16222, 368, 2265, 2247, 313, 29911, 29954, 29897, 322, 724, 398, 2897, 29885, 324, 2877, 892, 17005, 472, 278, 6763, 322, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 8292, 328, 273, 29889, 1670, 471, 7282, 6410, 310, 7688, 297, 25269, 515, 263, 2099, 310, 29871, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29947, 718, 24028, 29953, 29889, 29906, 12118, 304, 29871, 29955, 29906, 29889, 29900, 718, 24028, 29955, 29889, 29896, 12118, 313, 29925, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29896, 29897, 322, 297, 24473, 515, 29871, 29945, 29945, 29889, 29906, 718, 24028, 29946, 29889, 29947, 304, 29871, 29945, 29946, 29889, 29953, 718, 24028, 29946, 29889, 29906, 12118, 313, 29925, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29945, 467, 25122, 3144, 1682, 852, 11174, 11492, 297, 25269, 515, 29871, 29955, 29955, 29889, 29955, 718, 24028, 29906, 29941, 29889, 29953, 286, 29887, 29914, 11671, 304, 29871, 29929, 29900, 29889, 29906, 718, 29914, 29941, 29896, 29889, 29906, 286, 29887, 29914, 11671, 313, 29925, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29945, 29897, 322, 297, 24473, 515, 29871, 29955, 29953, 29889, 29900, 718, 24028, 29955, 29889, 29953, 286, 29887, 29914, 11671, 304, 29871, 29947, 29946, 29889, 29945, 718, 24028, 29896, 29896, 29889, 29896, 286, 29887, 29914, 6051, 313, 29925, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29906, 467, 2178, 916, 4128, 1258, 451, 1510, 7282, 3620, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 383, 29889, 4709, 10077, 322, 670, 4067, 1078, 515, 278, 3014, 310, 20795, 17253, 1919, 1920, 29882, 661, 1919, 14883, 756, 8967, 278, 1494, 29889, 1816, 398, 11174, 310, 3144, 1682, 852, 29892, 13181, 381, 431, 262, 29892, 15835, 398, 29892, 1374, 25715, 16566, 29892, 26823, 29892, 3769, 262, 29892, 383, 7068, 29892, 365, 29950, 29892, 1243, 15664, 650, 29892, 410, 433, 312, 262, 29892, 323, 7068, 29892, 323, 29946, 29892, 323, 29941, 29892, 322, 323, 29941, 318, 415, 1296, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 410, 433, 312, 262, 322, 323, 7068, 20890, 304, 10014, 29950, 892, 19030, 297, 263, 2318, 310, 14183, 9045, 29891, 1757, 1434, 322, 373, 278, 29871, 29896, 29900, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 29892, 322, 29871, 29906, 29929, 386, 3841, 310, 8292, 328, 273, 29889, 16316, 3573, 7688, 9263, 1463, 515, 29871, 29953, 29945, 29889, 29946, 718, 24028, 29871, 29929, 29889, 29896, 304, 29871, 29953, 29896, 29889, 29953, 718, 24028, 29871, 29929, 29889, 29900, 12118, 472, 29871, 29906, 29929, 386, 2462, 29889, 1816, 398, 3144, 1682, 852, 9263, 1463, 515, 29871, 29947, 29906, 718, 24028, 29871, 29946, 286, 29887, 29914, 11671, 373, 278, 29871, 29896, 29900, 386, 2462, 29892, 322, 11664, 727, 7045, 313, 29955, 29953, 718, 24028, 29871, 29941, 322, 29871, 29947, 29946, 718, 24028, 29871, 29945, 373, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 322, 29871, 29906, 29929, 386, 3841, 310, 5172, 292, 8307, 467, 1816, 398, 13181, 381, 431, 262, 11664, 515, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29945, 29953, 718, 24028, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29955, 304, 29871, 29896, 29871, 29946, 29941, 718, 24028, 29889, 29945, 29906, 286, 29887, 29914, 11671, 373, 278, 29871 ]
10th day, and decreased thereafter ( I. I. +/- 0.4 on the 20th and 29th days). All changes returned to basal values four weeks after fasting. There were no significant changes in serum levels of Ca, P. protein, albumin, and any of the measured hormones. Prolactin and TSH responses to TPH were also unaltered. He concluded that 1) intermittent abstinence from food and drink for 17 hours a day for 29 days does not alter male reproductive hormones, hypothalamic-pituitary- thyroid axis or peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormones and 2) physicians caring for Muslims should be aware of changes of glucose and bilirubin during Ramadan. 1. As compared to other diet plans, fasting in Ramadan does not cause malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake since there is no restriction on the type or amount of food intake before beginning the fast or upon ending the fast at sunset. This was confirmed by M.M. Hussaini in 1974, when he conducted dietary analysis of Muslim students at the University of North Dakota , State University at Fargo during Ramadan. He concluded that calorie intake of Muslim students during fasting was at two-thirds of NCR-RDA. 2. Fasting in Ramadan is voluntarily undertaken. It is not a prescribed imposition from a physician. In the hypothalamus part of the brain there is a center called "lipostat" which controls the body mass. When severe and rapid weight loss is achieved by starvation diet, the center does not recognize this as normal and, therefore, reprograms itself to cause weight gain rapidly once the person goes off the starvation diet. So the only effective way of losing weight is slow, self-controlled, and gradual weight loss which can be achieved by modifying our behavior and changing our attitude about eating especially by eliminating excess food. Ramadan is a month of self-regulation and self-training in terms of food intake thereby causing hopefully, a permanent change in lipostat reading. 6. The psychological effect of Ramadan fasting are also well observed by the description of people who fast. They describe a feeling of inner peace and tranquility. The prophet advised those fasting, "If one slanders you or aggresses against you, tell him 'I am fasting."' Thus personal hostility during the month is minimal. The crime rate in Muslim countries falls during this month. 1. Bistrian,B.R.,"Semi-starvation Diet Recent Development", Diabetic Care, November 1978. 2. Blackbum, G.L., et el, "Metabolic Changes On PSMF diet" diabetes, June 1976. 3. Cott, A., "Fasting Is A Way Of Life", New York: Bantam Books, 1977. 4. Hirsch, Jules, "Hypothalmic Control Of Appetite" Hospital Practices, February 1984. 5. Khurane, R.C., "Modified Ketogenic Diet For Obesity" , Cancer Monthly Digest, July 1973. 7. Athar, S., "Therapeutic Benefits Of Ramadan Fasting ", Islamic Horizon May 1984. 8. Soliman, N., "Effects Of Fasting During Ramadan", Journal of Islamic Medical Association, November 1987. 9. F. Azizi et el, "Evaluation of Certain Hormones And Blood Constituents During Islamic Fasting Month", Journal of Islamic Medical Association, Nov. 1987. 10. Athar, S., "Fasting For Medical Patients – Suggested Guide-line" Islainic Horizon, May 1985. Soliman, N. "Effects Of Fasting During Ramadan," Journal of the Islamic Medical Association, November 1987. Posted on August 5, 2011, in Ramadan Resources and tagged Amman, Dr. Soliman from University Hospital, M. D., Medical Aspects of Islamic Fasting, Shahid Athar, STUDIES ON ISLAMIC FASTING. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment
[ 29896, 29900, 386, 2462, 29892, 322, 9263, 1463, 727, 7045, 313, 306, 29889, 306, 29889, 718, 24028, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29946, 373, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 322, 29871, 29906, 29929, 386, 3841, 467, 2178, 3620, 4133, 304, 2362, 284, 1819, 3023, 11405, 1156, 5172, 292, 29889, 1670, 892, 694, 7282, 3620, 297, 724, 398, 11174, 310, 9243, 29892, 349, 29889, 26823, 29892, 3769, 262, 29892, 322, 738, 310, 278, 17005, 298, 555, 2873, 29889, 1019, 433, 312, 262, 322, 323, 7068, 20890, 304, 323, 19689, 892, 884, 443, 13794, 287, 29889, 940, 22834, 393, 29871, 29896, 29897, 1006, 18344, 296, 633, 303, 262, 663, 515, 9687, 322, 13748, 363, 29871, 29896, 29955, 6199, 263, 2462, 363, 29871, 29906, 29929, 3841, 947, 451, 10551, 14263, 337, 4704, 573, 298, 555, 2873, 29892, 13752, 284, 314, 293, 29899, 29886, 1981, 277, 653, 29899, 13874, 1007, 9685, 470, 23603, 8096, 284, 1539, 19388, 1608, 310, 13874, 1007, 298, 555, 2873, 322, 29871, 29906, 29897, 4824, 14722, 1559, 292, 363, 23772, 29879, 881, 367, 9543, 310, 3620, 310, 3144, 1682, 852, 322, 13181, 381, 431, 262, 2645, 8292, 328, 273, 29889, 13, 29896, 29889, 1094, 9401, 304, 916, 652, 300, 13900, 29892, 5172, 292, 297, 8292, 328, 273, 947, 451, 4556, 4439, 21305, 29878, 654, 470, 297, 1943, 339, 403, 1208, 7661, 938, 1296, 1951, 727, 338, 694, 24345, 373, 278, 1134, 470, 5253, 310, 9687, 938, 1296, 1434, 6763, 278, 5172, 470, 2501, 17140, 278, 5172, 472, 6575, 842, 29889, 910, 471, 16725, 491, 341, 29889, 29924, 29889, 379, 1558, 475, 29875, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29946, 29892, 746, 540, 18043, 652, 300, 653, 7418, 310, 23772, 8041, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 4644, 22679, 4616, 1919, 4306, 3014, 472, 383, 7921, 2645, 8292, 328, 273, 29889, 940, 22834, 393, 1208, 7661, 938, 1296, 310, 23772, 8041, 2645, 5172, 292, 471, 472, 1023, 29899, 22585, 29879, 310, 405, 11341, 29899, 29934, 7698, 29889, 13, 29906, 29889, 23786, 292, 297, 8292, 328, 273, 338, 27081, 6275, 22332, 9424, 29889, 739, 338, 451, 263, 2225, 23059, 527, 3283, 515, 263, 4824, 8910, 29889, 512, 278, 13752, 284, 314, 375, 760, 310, 278, 17294, 727, 338, 263, 4818, 2000, 376, 492, 2490, 271, 29908, 607, 11761, 278, 3573, 4158, 29889, 1932, 22261, 322, 10952, 7688, 6410, 338, 14363, 491, 5810, 29894, 362, 652, 300, 29892, 278, 4818, 947, 451, 18720, 445, 408, 4226, 322, 29892, 5480, 29892, 337, 8860, 29879, 3528, 304, 4556, 7688, 11581, 19328, 2748, 278, 2022, 5771, 1283, 278, 5810, 29894, 362, 652, 300, 29889, 1105, 278, 871, 11828, 982, 310, 19035, 7688, 338, 5232, 29892, 1583, 29899, 6451, 839, 29892, 322, 4656, 950, 7688, 6410, 607, 508, 367, 14363, 491, 23815, 1749, 6030, 322, 6480, 1749, 26309, 1048, 321, 1218, 7148, 491, 10397, 1218, 19163, 9687, 29889, 8292, 328, 273, 338, 263, 4098, 310, 1583, 29899, 1727, 2785, 322, 1583, 29899, 26495, 297, 4958, 310, 9687, 938, 1296, 27999, 10805, 27581, 29892, 263, 17667, 1735, 297, 619, 2490, 271, 5183, 29889, 13, 29953, 29889, 450, 11643, 5996, 2779, 310, 8292, 328, 273, 5172, 292, 526, 884, 1532, 8900, 491, 278, 6139, 310, 2305, 1058, 5172, 29889, 2688, 8453, 263, 11223, 310, 6426, 10776, 322, 22024, 339, 1793, 29889, 450, 27953, 300, 594, 11292, 1906, 5172, 292, 29892, 376, 3644, 697, 269, 1049, 414, 366, 470, 946, 3663, 267, 2750, 366, 29892, 2649, 1075, 525, 29902, 626, 5172, 292, 1213, 29915, 6549, 7333, 3495, 1793, 2645, 278, 4098, 338, 13114, 29889, 450, 17268, 6554, 297, 23772, 10916, 20074, 2645, 445, 4098, 29889, 13, 29896, 29889, 350, 391, 6392, 29892, 29933, 29889, 29934, 1696, 29908, 29903, 14208, 29899, 8508, 29894, 362, 24315, 3599, 296, 14650, 613, 4671, 370, 7492, 10057, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29947, 29889, 13, 29906, 29889, 6054, 2404, 29892, 402, 29889, 29931, 1696, 634, 560, 29892, 376, 10095, 19388, 293, 678, 6916, 1551, 11323, 29924, 29943, 652, 300, 29908, 652, 370, 10778, 29892, 5306, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 315, 1501, 29892, 319, 1696, 376, 29943, 579, 292, 1317, 319, 5307, 4587, 4634, 613, 1570, 3088, 29901, 350, 424, 314, 13730, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29955, 29889, 13, 29946, 29889, 20417, 816, 29892, 27151, 29892, 376, 29950, 1478, 720, 284, 13076, 11264, 4587, 2401, 300, 568, 29908, 15967, 29124, 1575, 29892, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 29889, 13, 29945, 29889, 12217, 332, 1662, 29892, 390, 29889, 29907, 1696, 376, 2111, 2164, 476, 300, 6352, 293, 24315, 1152, 4250, 267, 537, 29908, 1919, 1815, 2265, 23471, 368, 10951, 342, 29892, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29941, 29889, 13, 29955, 29889, 9193, 279, 29892, 317, 1696, 376, 1349, 1572, 412, 329, 293, 4111, 1389, 1169, 4587, 8292, 328, 273, 23786, 292, 9162, 16427, 293, 6912, 18162, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 29889, 13, 29947, 29889, 4956, 25895, 29892, 405, 1696, 376, 13971, 29879, 4587, 23786, 292, 7133, 8292, 328, 273, 613, 8237, 310, 16427, 293, 20795, 7993, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29889, 13, 29929, 29889, 383, 29889, 4709, 10077, 634, 560, 29892, 376, 29923, 4387, 362, 310, 315, 13946, 379, 555, 2873, 1126, 25122, 5798, 1981, 1237, 7133, 16427, 293, 23786, 292, 23471, 613, 8237, 310, 16427, 293, 20795, 7993, 29892, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29889, 13, 29896, 29900, 29889, 9193, 279, 29892, 317, 1696, 376, 29943, 579, 292, 1152, 20795, 4121, 10070, 785, 317, 12981, 2868, 16886, 29899, 1220, 29908, 1317, 7420, 293, 6912, 18162, 29892, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29945, 29889, 13, 13296, 25895, 29892, 405, 29889, 376, 13971, 29879, 4587, 23786, 292, 7133, 8292, 328, 273, 1699, 8237, 310, 278, 16427, 293, 20795, 7993, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 373, 3111, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 297, 8292, 328, 273, 27562, 322, 4055, 3192, 1913, 1171, 29892, 4942, 29889, 4956, 25895, 515, 3014, 15967, 29892, 341, 29889, 360, 1696, 20795, 1094, 1103, 29879, 310, 16427, 293, 23786, 292, 29892, 25897, 333, 9193, 279, 29892, 6850, 29965, 4571, 2890, 6732, 8519, 4375, 29924, 2965, 13515, 1254, 4214, 29889, 6726, 3502, 278, 3635, 284, 682, 29889, 12, 29896, 461 ]
Athens News Agency: News in English, 08-05-13 [01] PM chairs Inner Cabinet meeting [02] Papandreou unveils new strategic plan for growth [03] Ferries hit by truckers' strike The Inner Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis on Monday convened on issues concerning the Interior Ministry at the Maximos mansion (government's headquarters). Earlier, Karamanlis held talks with Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis. In the afternoon the Prime Minister will address at the annual assembly of the Federation of Greek Industries (SEB). Caption:ANA-MPA file photo of Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis George Papandreou, the leader of PASOK main opposition party, on Tuesday urged social partners for a commitment on the main axes of a new strategic agreement for growth. Addressing the annual general assembly of the Federation of Hellenic Industries, Papandreou also criticized the governmentοΏ½s economic policy. ?A strategic agreement for growth proposed by PASOK is a necessary preconditions to put a brake on the downhill course. It is a road map to exit the country from crisis,? Papandreou said underlining the four basic principles of this agreement: changing a growth model, to a ?green? growth model, supporting purchasing power of Greek households, combating bureaucracy and corruption and the need for consultation and consensus. PASOK recommends the introduction of a single progressive tax scale, based on the inflation rate, which will not create counter-incentives in the labour market. ?The Greek product and services market operates in the wrong way, pushing prices up and creating disparities,? Papandreou said, adding that a government must follow a consistent policy against cartels and ?hidden? business deals, combating views that lead to higher prices and reducing production. ?We need another economic and social policy, based on bold interventions to boost competitiveness, and supporting great reforms for the transition to the knowledge economy, tax measures to support weaker classes and upgrading a social state,? PASOKοΏ½s leader said. Papandreou noted that the Greek economy, despite strong growth rates, was heading towards a structural crisis and underlined that uncertainties grew not only for workers, but for young people, pensioners and for businessmen as well. Inflationary pressures were ignited by the governmentοΏ½s policies, through increases in indirect taxes, unjustified increases in electricity bills, higher school fees, and rapid increases in shipping fares and pharmaceutical product prices. He accused the government of overshooting in consumer spending, while he said that PASOKοΏ½s main policy was that the Greek stateοΏ½s role was to defend the interests of the society and to ensure the distribution of benefits to all citizens. Commenting on a government plan to sell the management of Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation to Deutsche Telekom, Papandreou said the Greek state must maintain its leading decision-making and planning role in enterprises of national strategic importance. The repercussions of a more than week-long strike by truckers extended to coastal shipping on Tuesday, with several ferry boats forced to remain in port or cancel scheduled voyages due to a lack of fuel. Among these, the car ferry "Ierapetra" remained stranded at the port of Piraeus since Monday evening, when it was scheduled to set sail for the islands of Milos, Santorini, Aghios Nikolaos in Crete, Kassos, Karpathos, Diafani, Halki and Rhodes. Also stranded in Piraeus is the car and passenger ferry "Anthi Marina", which was due to set sail at 17:00 on Tuesday evening for Patmos, Leros, Kos and Rhodes, and the car and passenger ferry "Milena" that is due to depart at 22:00 for Paros, Naxos, Agios Kyrikas, Fourni, Karlovassi and Vathy. In Kavala, the passenger/car ferry "Panagia Soumela" did not depart for Limnos and Lesvos on Monday evening, as scheduled, while a planned trip by the "Skiathos Express" leaving from Volos for the islands of Skiathos, Glossa, Skopelos and Alonissos was also cancelled. The strike by the owners of public-use tr
[ 9193, 575, 10130, 29353, 29901, 10130, 297, 4223, 29892, 29871, 29900, 29947, 29899, 29900, 29945, 29899, 29896, 29941, 13, 29961, 29900, 29896, 29962, 11278, 521, 7121, 25665, 11680, 10157, 11781, 13, 29961, 29900, 29906, 29962, 8579, 392, 276, 283, 443, 345, 2719, 716, 16650, 293, 3814, 363, 14321, 13, 29961, 29900, 29941, 29962, 7756, 2722, 7124, 491, 534, 2707, 414, 29915, 21283, 13, 1576, 25665, 11680, 10157, 10329, 2859, 491, 15512, 7668, 9839, 294, 3467, 13533, 23443, 373, 27822, 9973, 287, 373, 5626, 19813, 278, 4124, 1611, 20886, 472, 278, 5918, 18594, 286, 9454, 313, 29887, 6170, 358, 29915, 29879, 26463, 467, 5290, 4926, 29892, 3467, 13533, 23443, 4934, 5969, 2039, 411, 19358, 7668, 360, 2207, 350, 4614, 29891, 812, 275, 29889, 512, 278, 17724, 278, 15512, 7668, 674, 3211, 472, 278, 17568, 11470, 310, 278, 20438, 310, 12311, 12157, 2722, 313, 1660, 29933, 467, 13, 26270, 683, 29901, 2190, 29909, 29899, 3580, 29909, 934, 15373, 310, 15512, 7668, 9839, 294, 3467, 13533, 23443, 13, 7999, 3890, 8579, 392, 276, 283, 29892, 278, 11822, 310, 349, 3289, 8949, 1667, 19626, 6263, 29892, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 5065, 3192, 5264, 22056, 363, 263, 9063, 358, 373, 278, 1667, 27815, 310, 263, 716, 16650, 293, 17327, 363, 14321, 29889, 13, 7061, 292, 278, 17568, 2498, 11470, 310, 278, 20438, 310, 379, 4919, 293, 12157, 2722, 29892, 8579, 392, 276, 283, 884, 11164, 1891, 278, 5874, 30140, 29879, 17407, 8898, 29889, 13, 29973, 29909, 16650, 293, 17327, 363, 14321, 7972, 491, 349, 3289, 8949, 338, 263, 5181, 758, 1116, 2187, 304, 1925, 263, 4105, 446, 373, 278, 1623, 29131, 3236, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 6520, 2910, 304, 6876, 278, 4234, 515, 24161, 29892, 29973, 8579, 392, 276, 283, 1497, 1090, 1915, 292, 278, 3023, 6996, 18671, 310, 445, 17327, 29901, 6480, 263, 14321, 1904, 29892, 304, 263, 1577, 12692, 29973, 14321, 1904, 29892, 20382, 10596, 5832, 3081, 310, 12311, 26850, 29892, 4145, 1218, 289, 13411, 29883, 10068, 322, 1034, 18953, 322, 278, 817, 363, 8799, 362, 322, 1136, 8841, 29889, 13, 29925, 3289, 8949, 5052, 1975, 278, 18707, 310, 263, 2323, 6728, 573, 8818, 6287, 29892, 2729, 373, 278, 4414, 362, 6554, 29892, 607, 674, 451, 1653, 6795, 29899, 262, 1760, 3145, 297, 278, 23390, 9999, 29889, 1577, 1576, 12311, 3234, 322, 5786, 9999, 1751, 1078, 297, 278, 2743, 982, 29892, 27556, 26094, 701, 322, 4969, 17508, 1907, 29892, 29973, 8579, 392, 276, 283, 1497, 29892, 4417, 393, 263, 5874, 1818, 1101, 263, 13747, 8898, 2750, 7774, 1379, 322, 1577, 10892, 29973, 5381, 316, 1338, 29892, 4145, 1218, 8386, 393, 3275, 304, 6133, 26094, 322, 27668, 5802, 29889, 13, 29973, 4806, 817, 1790, 17407, 322, 5264, 8898, 29892, 2729, 373, 14288, 1006, 794, 1080, 304, 14505, 5100, 277, 20193, 29892, 322, 20382, 2107, 337, 9514, 363, 278, 9558, 304, 278, 7134, 26504, 29892, 8818, 15366, 304, 2304, 591, 5790, 4413, 322, 20337, 292, 263, 5264, 2106, 29892, 29973, 349, 3289, 8949, 30140, 29879, 11822, 1497, 29889, 13, 29925, 481, 392, 276, 283, 11682, 393, 278, 12311, 26504, 29892, 15020, 4549, 14321, 19257, 29892, 471, 28435, 7113, 263, 2281, 3631, 24161, 322, 1090, 21354, 393, 443, 6327, 2365, 583, 13631, 451, 871, 363, 17162, 29892, 541, 363, 4123, 2305, 29892, 282, 2673, 414, 322, 363, 5381, 1527, 408, 1532, 29889, 512, 1579, 362, 653, 3965, 1973, 892, 5330, 1573, 491, 278, 5874, 30140, 29879, 24833, 29892, 1549, 16415, 297, 26377, 8818, 267, 29892, 443, 5143, 2164, 16415, 297, 12646, 537, 289, 6090, 29892, 6133, 3762, 1238, 267, 29892, 322, 10952, 16415, 297, 528, 17347, 2215, 267, 322, 1374, 22824, 346, 329, 936, 3234, 26094, 29889, 13, 3868, 28886, 278, 5874, 310, 975, 845, 3155, 292, 297, 21691, 805, 2548, 29892, 1550, 540, 1497, 393, 349, 3289, 8949, 30140, 29879, 1667, 8898, 471, 393, 278, 12311, 2106, 30140, 29879, 6297, 471, 304, 24663, 278, 20017, 310, 278, 12459, 322, 304, 9801, 278, 4978, 310, 23633, 304, 599, 18363, 29889, 461, 292, 373, 263, 5874, 3814, 304, 19417, 278, 10643, 310, 379, 4919, 293, 9699, 27820, 800, 25783, 304, 14102, 9699, 7218, 29892, 8579, 392, 276, 283, 1497, 278, 12311, 2106, 1818, 7344, 967, 8236, 10608, 29899, 28990, 322, 18987, 6297, 297, 3896, 558, 4637, 310, 4797, 16650, 293, 13500, 29889, 13, 1576, 337, 546, 13571, 1080, 310, 263, 901, 1135, 4723, 29899, 5426, 21283, 491, 534, 2707, 414, 10410, 304, 12180, 284, 528, 17347, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 29892, 411, 3196, 6013, 719, 25462, 11826, 304, 3933, 297, 2011, 470, 12611, 21467, 12278, 1179, 2861, 304, 263, 10225, 310, 26413, 29889, 13, 6833, 549, 1438, 29892, 278, 1559, 6013, 719, 376, 29902, 261, 481, 27280, 29908, 9488, 851, 392, 287, 472, 278, 2011, 310, 349, 3055, 21477, 1951, 27822, 11005, 29892, 746, 372, 471, 21467, 304, 731, 14892, 363, 278, 24191, 310, 3833, 359, 29892, 4169, 272, 2172, 29892, 4059, 29882, 2363, 11535, 2963, 359, 297, 6760, 371, 29892, 476, 465, 359, 29892, 3467, 2084, 359, 29892, 22866, 29888, 3270, 29892, 8142, 1984, 322, 7861, 2631, 29889, 13, 17351, 851, 392, 287, 297, 349, 3055, 21477, 338, 278, 1559, 322, 28507, 6013, 719, 376, 2744, 386, 29875, 27169, 613, 607, 471, 2861, 304, 731, 14892, 472, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29901, 29900, 29900, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 11005, 363, 4121, 7681, 29892, 365, 9672, 29892, 17457, 322, 7861, 2631, 29892, 322, 278, 1559, 322, 28507, 6013, 719, 376, 29316, 2386, 29908, 393, 338, 2861, 304, 5840, 472, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29901, 29900, 29900, 363, 1459, 359, 29892, 405, 1165, 359, 29892, 4059, 2363, 16931, 5357, 294, 29892, 12458, 1240, 29892, 3467, 5590, 465, 29875, 322, 478, 493, 29891, 29889, 13, 797, 476, 485, 2883, 29892, 278, 28507, 29914, 4287, 6013, 719, 376, 23684, 351, 423, 9194, 29885, 3100, 29908, 1258, 451, 5840, 363, 9628, 17639, 322, 2664, 23517, 373, 27822, 11005, 29892, 408, 21467, 29892, 1550, 263, 20458, 17487, 491, 278, 376, 29903, 1984, 493, 359, 14657, 29908, 10124, 515, 3684, 359, 363, 278, 24191, 310, 28551, 493, 359, 29892, 402, 6758, 29874, 29892, 4971, 459, 295, 359, 322, 838, 265, 790, 359, 471, 884, 12611, 839, 29889, 13, 1576, 21283, 491, 278, 1914, 414, 310, 970, 29899, 1509, 534 ]
Policy Research Seminars focus on critical thinking and methodology. In the seminars, faculty members supervise small groups of students engaged in research on a specific topic in public and international affairs. Students also participate in a research-methods lab designed to teach them quantitative and qualitative research methods. For more detailed information, please access the SPIA Undergraduate Program Guide to Junior Independent Work. SPI 403(1): Courts, Judges, and Controversies Remote meeting schedule: Tues/Thurs 7:30-9 p.m. Does electing state court judges distort their impartiality? If so, what are the policy implications from electing versus appointing judges? Are Supreme Court justices' decisions political? If so, what are the policy implications for government programs that will be reviewed and modified by the Supreme Court? Are judges affected by the race, gender, ideology, and religion of the judges with whom they hear cases? If so, what are the policy implications of diversity in the federal judiciary? Are judges racially biased in sentencing? If so, what are the policy implications of legislatively restricting judicial discretion in sentencing? Are police officers racially biased in arrests? If so, what are the policy implications for administering law enforcement in different ways? This seminar explores these and other controversial topics surrounding courts, judges, and the decisions they make. In studying these questions, we will evaluate the state of the contemporary American judiciary and justice system. To understand these topics, we will read papers published in the past decade in leading social science journals. Therefore, you will learn to read, understand, and critique contemporary empirical social science. This means thinking hard and clearly about causality, systematic observational and experimental evidence, research design, and statistical inference. In addition, you will learn basic facts and frameworks for understanding how courts operate and how judges make decisions. Together, these skills and knowledge will help you undertake original research on courts and judicial institutions. Charles Cameron is Professor of Politics and Public Affairs. SPI 403(2): Making Democratic Institutions Work Remote meeting schedule: Monday 1:30-3 p.m. and Monday 7:30-9 p.m. Carles Boix Politics in democratic countries is today in a state of turmoil. Trust in national institutions has reached a historical low. In advanced industrial economies, slightly over one in three people expresses confidence in their governments. Only 20 percent of Americans think that politicians care about their opinions β€” a number sharply down from almost four in five in the late 1950s. In France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, the proportion is even lower, at around 10 to 15 percent. In turn, such a wave of disaffection has given way to growing disengagement from traditional party politics. In Western Europe, electoral abstention has doubled since the 1970s, mainly among the youngest cohorts. Amongst those electors that vote, close to one quarter are casting their ballots for far right and far left parties. Populist and nationalist alliances now govern a handful of European countries. In a context of increasingly polarized politics, in 2016 close to half of American voters elected a president that promised to remake the international system of global cooperation and open economies that the United States designed and built after World War II. This seminar will examine the performance and overall health of our democratic institutions. In particular, we will examine the following questions: 1) How do representation and representative institutions work in democratic regimes? 2) How do politicians and parties compete in elections? 3) Which are the sources of the critical trends (populist, political alienation, etc.) we are witnessing today? 4) How well informed are citizens? Does it matter for democracy? 5) What is (and should be) the relationship between technical knowledge (generated by economists, the medical profession, etc.) and democratic decision-making? 6) Why and how do countries democratize and remain democratic? 7) Does globalization constrain democratic rule? The purpose of this course is to introduce students to methods of assessing different ways to think about the democratic policy process, electoral politics and the policy-making community. The seminar will require students to actively participate in class and will culminate in student presentations of a proposed research project that
[ 25219, 10550, 9444, 262, 1503, 8569, 373, 12187, 7291, 322, 1158, 3002, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 3031, 262, 1503, 29892, 4024, 18857, 5144, 2428, 29894, 895, 2319, 6471, 310, 8041, 17785, 297, 5925, 373, 263, 2702, 11261, 297, 970, 322, 6121, 19469, 29889, 5088, 1237, 884, 5221, 403, 297, 263, 5925, 29899, 23515, 9775, 8688, 304, 6860, 963, 4323, 23378, 322, 4021, 23378, 5925, 3519, 29889, 13, 2831, 901, 13173, 2472, 29892, 3113, 2130, 278, 317, 2227, 29909, 7634, 5105, 27240, 7835, 16886, 304, 15897, 25266, 5244, 29889, 13, 29903, 2227, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29941, 29898, 29896, 1125, 6325, 1372, 29892, 8660, 2710, 29892, 322, 2866, 307, 874, 583, 13, 20224, 11781, 20410, 29901, 323, 1041, 29914, 1349, 1295, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 13, 25125, 3546, 292, 2106, 8973, 6577, 2710, 1320, 441, 1009, 527, 3846, 537, 29973, 960, 577, 29892, 825, 526, 278, 8898, 2411, 5795, 515, 3546, 292, 23797, 8167, 292, 6577, 2710, 29973, 4683, 22569, 9245, 925, 1575, 29915, 1602, 12112, 8604, 29973, 960, 577, 29892, 825, 526, 278, 8898, 2411, 5795, 363, 5874, 11104, 393, 674, 367, 9076, 287, 322, 9120, 491, 278, 22569, 9245, 29973, 4683, 6577, 2710, 15201, 491, 278, 8175, 29892, 23346, 29892, 1957, 3002, 29892, 322, 13433, 310, 278, 6577, 2710, 411, 6029, 896, 8293, 4251, 29973, 960, 577, 29892, 825, 526, 278, 8898, 2411, 5795, 310, 6894, 537, 297, 278, 17097, 6577, 1654, 653, 29973, 4683, 6577, 2710, 1153, 5584, 4768, 1463, 297, 2665, 16750, 29973, 960, 577, 29892, 825, 526, 278, 8898, 2411, 5795, 310, 13332, 6703, 9250, 292, 6577, 5611, 766, 4838, 291, 297, 2665, 16750, 29973, 4683, 10974, 13049, 1153, 5584, 4768, 1463, 297, 3948, 9197, 29973, 960, 577, 29892, 825, 526, 278, 8898, 2411, 5795, 363, 4113, 1531, 292, 4307, 24555, 13561, 297, 1422, 5837, 29973, 13, 4013, 3031, 18220, 3902, 2361, 1438, 322, 916, 19341, 616, 23820, 18830, 28033, 29892, 6577, 2710, 29892, 322, 278, 1602, 12112, 896, 1207, 29889, 512, 23382, 1438, 5155, 29892, 591, 674, 14707, 278, 2106, 310, 278, 24952, 3082, 6577, 1654, 653, 322, 15426, 1788, 29889, 13, 1762, 2274, 1438, 23820, 29892, 591, 674, 1303, 15055, 6369, 297, 278, 4940, 316, 6332, 297, 8236, 5264, 10466, 21824, 1338, 29889, 7857, 29892, 366, 674, 5110, 304, 1303, 29892, 2274, 29892, 322, 29709, 24952, 29190, 936, 5264, 10466, 29889, 910, 2794, 7291, 2898, 322, 9436, 1048, 3269, 2877, 29892, 1788, 2454, 5820, 1288, 322, 17986, 10757, 29892, 5925, 2874, 29892, 322, 24148, 27262, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 366, 674, 5110, 6996, 17099, 322, 29143, 363, 8004, 920, 28033, 21994, 322, 920, 6577, 2710, 1207, 1602, 12112, 29889, 323, 12966, 29892, 1438, 25078, 322, 7134, 674, 1371, 366, 22332, 1296, 2441, 5925, 373, 28033, 322, 6577, 5611, 21561, 29889, 13, 5914, 793, 20939, 265, 338, 11386, 310, 6934, 1199, 322, 5236, 26049, 29889, 13, 29903, 2227, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29941, 29898, 29906, 1125, 341, 5086, 19083, 28218, 29879, 5244, 13, 20224, 11781, 20410, 29901, 27822, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29941, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 322, 27822, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 13, 8179, 793, 1952, 861, 13, 7713, 277, 1199, 297, 1261, 8415, 2454, 10916, 338, 9826, 297, 263, 2106, 310, 7013, 4346, 309, 29889, 20692, 297, 4797, 21561, 756, 7450, 263, 15839, 4482, 29889, 512, 12862, 18408, 7766, 583, 29892, 10029, 975, 697, 297, 2211, 2305, 4653, 267, 16420, 297, 1009, 4095, 1860, 29889, 9333, 29871, 29906, 29900, 10151, 310, 23035, 1348, 393, 2832, 14722, 2562, 1048, 1009, 26971, 813, 263, 1353, 15301, 368, 1623, 515, 4359, 3023, 297, 5320, 297, 278, 5683, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29900, 29879, 29889, 512, 3444, 29892, 9556, 29892, 322, 278, 3303, 12626, 29892, 278, 18618, 338, 1584, 5224, 29892, 472, 2820, 29871, 29896, 29900, 304, 29871, 29896, 29945, 10151, 29889, 512, 2507, 29892, 1316, 263, 10742, 310, 766, 3470, 9739, 756, 2183, 982, 304, 15678, 766, 996, 5049, 515, 13807, 6263, 22661, 29889, 512, 10504, 4092, 29892, 3546, 11251, 633, 303, 2509, 756, 3765, 29881, 1951, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29900, 29879, 29892, 14364, 4249, 278, 4123, 342, 16165, 441, 29879, 29889, 17302, 303, 1906, 3546, 943, 393, 11719, 29892, 3802, 304, 697, 12616, 526, 23013, 1009, 8287, 1862, 363, 2215, 1492, 322, 2215, 2175, 13973, 29889, 6977, 352, 391, 322, 4797, 391, 394, 492, 2925, 1286, 4095, 263, 1361, 1319, 310, 7824, 10916, 29889, 512, 263, 3030, 310, 10231, 368, 16755, 1891, 22661, 29892, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 3802, 304, 4203, 310, 3082, 9014, 414, 11467, 263, 6673, 393, 22399, 304, 337, 5675, 278, 6121, 1788, 310, 5534, 1302, 16453, 322, 1722, 7766, 583, 393, 278, 3303, 3900, 8688, 322, 4240, 1156, 2787, 3362, 1944, 29889, 13, 4013, 3031, 18220, 674, 25917, 278, 4180, 322, 12463, 9045, 310, 1749, 1261, 8415, 2454, 21561, 29889, 512, 3153, 29892, 591, 674, 25917, 278, 1494, 5155, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29897, 1128, 437, 8954, 322, 21097, 21561, 664, 297, 1261, 8415, 2454, 1072, 1355, 29973, 29871, 29906, 29897, 1128, 437, 2832, 14722, 322, 13973, 752, 2650, 297, 20209, 29973, 29871, 29941, 29897, 8449, 526, 278, 8974, 310, 278, 12187, 534, 1975, 313, 7323, 352, 391, 29892, 8604, 394, 819, 362, 29892, 2992, 1846, 591, 526, 16277, 292, 9826, 29973, 29871, 29946, 29897, 1128, 1532, 23388, 526, 18363, 29973, 5538, 372, 4383, 363, 1261, 25804, 29973, 29871, 29945, 29897, 1724, 338, 313, 392, 881, 367, 29897, 278, 9443, 1546, 16905, 7134, 313, 13525, 491, 7766, 2879, 29892, 278, 16083, 6351, 29892, 2992, 1846, 322, 1261, 8415, 2454, 10608, 29899, 28990, 29973, 29871, 29953, 29897, 3750, 322, 920, 437, 10916, 1261, 16909, 675, 322, 3933, 1261, 8415, 2454, 29973, 29871, 29955, 29897, 5538, 5534, 2133, 1040, 6038, 1261, 8415, 2454, 5751, 29973, 13, 1576, 6437, 310, 445, 3236, 338, 304, 14944, 8041, 304, 3519, 310, 24809, 292, 1422, 5837, 304, 1348, 1048, 278, 1261, 8415, 2454, 8898, 1889, 29892, 3546, 11251, 22661, 322, 278, 8898, 29899, 28990, 7881, 29889, 450, 3031, 18220, 674, 1996, 8041, 304, 1044, 3598, 5221, 403, 297, 770, 322, 674, 13949, 1195, 403, 297, 8368, 2198, 800, 310, 263, 7972, 5925, 2060, 393 ]
could potentially become the basis for a senior thesis. Carles Boix is the Robert Garrett Professor of Politics and Public Affairs. SPI 403(3): The New Deal, Then and Now Remote meeting schedule: Monday 1:30-4 p.m. In 1932, in the depths of the Great Depression, Americans voted Franklin Roosevelt into office. Roosevelt promised the country a "new deal" to combat the economic hardship millions were facing since the stock market crash of 1929. The New Deal provided jobs, relief, a social safety net, electrification, labor rights, and more. This seminar will explore the political and policy obstacles and accomplishments of the 1930s as a way of thinking about contemporary economic challenges. Students will learn about what succeeded and what failed nearly a century ago to shed light on current policy proposals. After learning about the New Deal, students will then design their own research question, using history as a lens through which to evaluate and better understand policy solutions. Meg Jacobs is a Lecturer in History and Public Affairs. SPI 403(4): Regime Type and Results John Londregan This workshop will focus on the integral relationship between regime type and policy outcomes; at the more mundane level, it asks whether dictatorships are better or worse at vaccinating their people, are autocracies more or less likely to embrace free trade, or to preside over innovative economies. We will look at whether democracies are better at staving off famine and adapting to natural disasters, and at whether democracies are less likely to become involved in warfare. But we will continuously encounter the futility of attempting to separate the central issues of dictatorship, democracy, and development into "economic" and "political" spheres. Because the consequences of regime type, especially and most directly with respect to political freedom, are so fraught, the policy implications of this research are particularly salient. This isn't simply an interesting problem on intellectual grounds. It is almost impossible not to care about the outcome. John Londregan is Professor of Politics and International Affairs. SPI 403(5): Understanding and Measuring Support for Democracy Edward Freeland This research seminar examines the "democratic deconsolidation" hypothesis, namely the claim that recent trends in public opinion data show that people in the US and many other countries are losing confidence in democracy as the best possible form of government. Students will critically examine the literature of this debate and carry out some exploratory analyses of data from the General Social Survey, the World Values Survey and other sources. The class will explore what it means to be a citizen in a democratic society through reading, discussion, and debate. Among the questions we will explore: Are people really becoming more open to alternatives to democracy? Or does the problem lie in the survey questions themselves and the ways that support for democracy are being measured? And what about behaviors such as voting, volunteering, and staying informed about the issues? How are these measured and do they matter as much as or more than attitudes and opinions? We will begin our approach to the problem through in-depth, in-person interviews to be conducted with a small sample of local residents. Based on these qualitative findings and a critical review of current survey measures, the students will then design a survey questionnaire that addresses weaknesses in current methods used to measure support for basic democratic values and institutions. The survey will be administered online to a nationally representative sample of Americans. Students will use data from the survey to answer questions about whether Americans really are losing confidence in democracy and what might be driving this shift in attitudes. The key research skills to be developed are qualitative in-depth interviewing, survey design and measurement, and analysis of survey data. Edward Freeland is a Lecturer in Public Affairs and Associate Director of the Princeton University Survey Research Center. SPI 403(6): Human Security: The Challenges of a Globalized Security Paradigm Remote meeting schedule: Monday 7:30-9 p.m. and Thursday 7:30-9 p.m. Brittany Holom In 1994, the United Nations Development Programme first developed the concept of "human security" in its annual Human Development Report, spearheading a fundamental shift in the conversation on international security. But what is "human security" and how does it relate to the traditional concerns
[ 1033, 19998, 4953, 278, 8405, 363, 263, 16336, 266, 6656, 29889, 13, 8179, 793, 1952, 861, 338, 278, 4755, 7455, 13158, 11386, 310, 6934, 1199, 322, 5236, 26049, 29889, 13, 29903, 2227, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29941, 29898, 29941, 1125, 450, 1570, 897, 284, 29892, 1987, 322, 2567, 13, 20224, 11781, 20410, 29901, 27822, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29906, 29892, 297, 278, 10809, 29879, 310, 278, 7027, 897, 2590, 29892, 23035, 24854, 21504, 1528, 852, 955, 29873, 964, 8034, 29889, 1528, 852, 955, 29873, 22399, 278, 4234, 263, 376, 1482, 5376, 29908, 304, 15499, 278, 17407, 2898, 3527, 14746, 892, 14870, 1951, 278, 10961, 9999, 8095, 310, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29929, 29889, 450, 1570, 897, 284, 4944, 17643, 29892, 18892, 29892, 263, 5264, 15332, 7787, 29892, 3546, 29878, 2450, 29892, 10212, 10462, 29892, 322, 901, 29889, 910, 3031, 18220, 674, 26987, 278, 8604, 322, 8898, 14979, 23435, 322, 12709, 1860, 310, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29900, 29879, 408, 263, 982, 310, 7291, 1048, 24952, 17407, 18066, 267, 29889, 5088, 1237, 674, 5110, 1048, 825, 14792, 322, 825, 5229, 8886, 263, 6462, 8020, 304, 28453, 3578, 373, 1857, 8898, 9551, 1338, 29889, 2860, 6509, 1048, 278, 1570, 897, 284, 29892, 8041, 674, 769, 2874, 1009, 1914, 5925, 1139, 29892, 773, 4955, 408, 263, 301, 575, 1549, 607, 304, 14707, 322, 2253, 2274, 8898, 6851, 29889, 13, 29924, 387, 10968, 29879, 338, 263, 365, 522, 9945, 297, 5298, 322, 5236, 26049, 29889, 13, 29903, 2227, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29941, 29898, 29946, 1125, 2169, 603, 5167, 322, 17212, 13, 11639, 3621, 1727, 273, 13, 4013, 664, 19032, 674, 8569, 373, 278, 10160, 9443, 1546, 22384, 1134, 322, 8898, 714, 26807, 29936, 472, 278, 901, 286, 870, 1662, 3233, 29892, 372, 19514, 3692, 9657, 1061, 9981, 526, 2253, 470, 15029, 472, 325, 5753, 262, 1218, 1009, 2305, 29892, 526, 1120, 542, 336, 2478, 901, 470, 3109, 5517, 304, 953, 13842, 3889, 11302, 29892, 470, 304, 2225, 680, 975, 24233, 1230, 7766, 583, 29889, 1334, 674, 1106, 472, 3692, 1261, 542, 336, 2478, 526, 2253, 472, 380, 5555, 1283, 5216, 457, 322, 7744, 292, 304, 5613, 766, 1901, 29879, 29892, 322, 472, 3692, 1261, 542, 336, 2478, 526, 3109, 5517, 304, 4953, 9701, 297, 1370, 24658, 29889, 1205, 591, 674, 3133, 5794, 11735, 278, 3105, 1793, 310, 15661, 304, 5004, 278, 6555, 5626, 310, 9657, 1061, 3527, 29892, 1261, 25804, 29892, 322, 5849, 964, 376, 29872, 4599, 293, 29908, 322, 376, 20087, 936, 29908, 26903, 267, 29889, 7311, 278, 27721, 310, 22384, 1134, 29892, 7148, 322, 1556, 4153, 411, 3390, 304, 8604, 16082, 29892, 526, 577, 5227, 688, 400, 29892, 278, 8898, 2411, 5795, 310, 445, 5925, 526, 10734, 4497, 993, 29889, 910, 3508, 29915, 29873, 3763, 385, 8031, 1108, 373, 29762, 25502, 29889, 739, 338, 4359, 9301, 451, 304, 2562, 1048, 278, 21957, 29889, 13, 11639, 3621, 1727, 273, 338, 11386, 310, 6934, 1199, 322, 4623, 26049, 29889, 13, 29903, 2227, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29941, 29898, 29945, 1125, 7634, 11235, 322, 2191, 294, 3864, 18601, 363, 4432, 25804, 13, 3853, 1328, 3878, 14045, 13, 4013, 5925, 3031, 18220, 4392, 1475, 278, 376, 2310, 8415, 2454, 316, 535, 2929, 333, 362, 29908, 20051, 29892, 18451, 278, 5995, 393, 7786, 534, 1975, 297, 970, 9426, 848, 1510, 393, 2305, 297, 278, 3148, 322, 1784, 916, 10916, 526, 19035, 16420, 297, 1261, 25804, 408, 278, 1900, 1950, 883, 310, 5874, 29889, 5088, 1237, 674, 3994, 1711, 25917, 278, 12845, 310, 445, 27836, 322, 8677, 714, 777, 3902, 272, 7606, 3483, 952, 267, 310, 848, 515, 278, 4593, 10307, 23218, 29892, 278, 2787, 2630, 1041, 23218, 322, 916, 8974, 29889, 450, 770, 674, 26987, 825, 372, 2794, 304, 367, 263, 14497, 264, 297, 263, 1261, 8415, 2454, 12459, 1549, 5183, 29892, 10679, 29892, 322, 27836, 29889, 17302, 278, 5155, 591, 674, 26987, 29901, 4683, 2305, 2289, 14171, 901, 1722, 304, 27809, 304, 1261, 25804, 29973, 1394, 947, 278, 1108, 3804, 297, 278, 18994, 5155, 6053, 322, 278, 5837, 393, 2304, 363, 1261, 25804, 526, 1641, 17005, 29973, 1126, 825, 1048, 4010, 18930, 1316, 408, 28931, 29892, 27886, 3241, 29892, 322, 7952, 292, 23388, 1048, 278, 5626, 29973, 1128, 526, 1438, 17005, 322, 437, 896, 4383, 408, 1568, 408, 470, 901, 1135, 1098, 20816, 322, 26971, 29973, 13, 4806, 674, 3380, 1749, 2948, 304, 278, 1108, 1549, 297, 29899, 19488, 29892, 297, 29899, 10532, 1006, 7406, 304, 367, 18043, 411, 263, 2319, 4559, 310, 1887, 24060, 29889, 16564, 373, 1438, 4021, 23378, 1284, 886, 322, 263, 12187, 9076, 310, 1857, 18994, 15366, 29892, 278, 8041, 674, 769, 2874, 263, 18994, 1139, 15421, 393, 14157, 8062, 2264, 267, 297, 1857, 3519, 1304, 304, 5645, 2304, 363, 6996, 1261, 8415, 2454, 1819, 322, 21561, 29889, 450, 18994, 674, 367, 4113, 1531, 287, 7395, 304, 263, 5233, 635, 21097, 4559, 310, 23035, 29889, 5088, 1237, 674, 671, 848, 515, 278, 18994, 304, 1234, 5155, 1048, 3692, 23035, 2289, 526, 19035, 16420, 297, 1261, 25804, 322, 825, 1795, 367, 19500, 445, 9500, 297, 1098, 20816, 29889, 450, 1820, 5925, 25078, 304, 367, 8906, 526, 4021, 23378, 297, 29899, 19488, 15593, 292, 29892, 18994, 2874, 322, 20039, 29892, 322, 7418, 310, 18994, 848, 29889, 13, 3853, 1328, 3878, 14045, 338, 263, 365, 522, 9945, 297, 5236, 26049, 322, 6853, 403, 15944, 310, 278, 1588, 3742, 20666, 3014, 23218, 10550, 7817, 29889, 13, 29903, 2227, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29941, 29898, 29953, 1125, 12968, 14223, 29901, 450, 678, 16047, 267, 310, 263, 12002, 1891, 14223, 24829, 335, 29885, 13, 20224, 11781, 20410, 29901, 27822, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 322, 498, 1295, 3250, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 13, 29933, 12123, 1384, 4168, 290, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29946, 29892, 278, 3303, 18269, 14650, 7835, 1004, 937, 8906, 278, 6964, 310, 376, 26029, 6993, 29908, 297, 967, 17568, 12968, 14650, 13969, 29892, 961, 279, 2813, 292, 263, 15281, 9500, 297, 278, 14983, 373, 6121, 6993, 29889, 1205, 825, 338, 376, 26029, 6993, 29908, 322, 920, 947, 372, 29279, 304, 278, 13807, 21838 ]
I've just about wrapped up a set of improvements to storage for Juju 2.3, the next "minor" release. If you're already using, or have been planning to use Juju's storage support, read on. One of the missing pieces that users have been asking for is the ability to manage the lifecycle of storage independently of applications and units, and to reuse existing storage. In Juju 2.3, when you remove an application or unit, the storage attached to the unit(s) will (if possible) be detached, rather than destroyed, and will remain in the model. You can then either remove the storage using juju remove-storage, or attach it to a new unit using the new juju attach-storage command, or the --attach-storage flag added to juju deploy and juju add-unit. To complement juju attach-storage, there is also a new juju detach-storage command. So to illustrate, you can now deploy PostgreSQL with cloud storage, then remove the application, and redeploy (e.g. with more RAM), using the same storage. We're still working on giving you commands to remove storage from the model without destroying it, and then import it into a new model (possibly new controller). This is required for disaster recovery. Whether this makes it for 2.3 depends on prioritisation; if it doesn't make it for 2.3, it shouldn't be far behind. One thing that we hadn't planned for 2.3, but we did manage to get done, is a LXD storage provider. LXD has recently added its own storage management API, and Juju 2.3 will have a storage provider that uses it. I originally implemented the Juju side of things as a bit of a hack, behind a feature flag, in order to speed up the development of the aforementioned attach/detach changes. The LXD storage API turned out to be very straight forward to build on, so we decided to release the Juju changes into the wild in case it's of use to others. Particularly if you're developing or testing charms that use storage, this should be useful. You can also define driver-specific attributes, which will be passed through to the LXD storage driver verbatim. If you deploy an application with storage using the lxd-zfs pool, Juju will create a LXD storage pool called "juju-zfs" with the "zfs" driver, and ZFS pool called "juju-zfs". To find out more about the LXD storage driver options, see the LXD storage docs. Posted July 13, 2017. Tags: juju, storage, lxd. In the Juju 2.1 release, I made a couple of small changes to better support CentOS servers. The first change was to support "manual provisioning" of CentOS machines. Manual provisioning is when you point Juju at a machine, and Juju connects to the machine over SSH and sets it up with a Juju agent. To do this, Juju needs to run a small shell script to discover the OS version and hardware characteristics of the machine. With a minor change to that script, you can now manually provision CentOS machines. The second change is to support CentOS LXD images. A small change was needed in the Juju code to support the "centos7" OS version, and alter the way we handle local LXD image aliases. If an image exists locally with the expected alias (e.g. "juju/centos7/amd64"), then we'll use that and skip looking in the remote image sources. This also improves container startup time when you live in a faraway land like me. Altering Juju is not quite enough though, as there are no existing CentOS images that Juju can use. Juju (mostly) requires cloud-init to be present on the machines it starts, so that it can inject Juju-specific configuration and scripts to run on startup. Unforunately, there are no CentOS LXD images that have cloud-init already. To work around this, I wrote a standalone Go program to transform the linuxcontainers.org CentOS image: github.com/axw/juju-lxd-centos-image-builder. Eventually we hope to have pre-canned CentOS LXD images available to Juju, but for now you can use this program to prepare an image for Juju. Run it from the LXD host, and Juju will be able to use the resulting image. Posted February
[ 306, 29915, 345, 925, 1048, 21021, 701, 263, 731, 310, 28473, 304, 8635, 363, 5342, 4900, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29892, 278, 2446, 376, 1195, 272, 29908, 6507, 29889, 960, 366, 29915, 276, 2307, 773, 29892, 470, 505, 1063, 18987, 304, 671, 5342, 4900, 29915, 29879, 8635, 2304, 29892, 1303, 373, 29889, 13, 6716, 310, 278, 4567, 12785, 393, 4160, 505, 1063, 6721, 363, 338, 278, 11509, 304, 10933, 278, 11747, 17437, 310, 8635, 25499, 310, 8324, 322, 10340, 29892, 322, 304, 24270, 5923, 8635, 29889, 512, 5342, 4900, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29892, 746, 366, 3349, 385, 2280, 470, 5190, 29892, 278, 8635, 10959, 304, 278, 5190, 29898, 29879, 29897, 674, 313, 361, 1950, 29897, 367, 1439, 3791, 29892, 3265, 1135, 14416, 29892, 322, 674, 3933, 297, 278, 1904, 29889, 887, 508, 769, 2845, 3349, 278, 8635, 773, 3623, 4900, 3349, 29899, 12925, 29892, 470, 10641, 372, 304, 263, 716, 5190, 773, 278, 716, 3623, 4900, 10641, 29899, 12925, 1899, 29892, 470, 278, 1192, 14930, 29899, 12925, 7353, 2715, 304, 3623, 4900, 7246, 322, 3623, 4900, 788, 29899, 5441, 29889, 1763, 19595, 3623, 4900, 10641, 29899, 12925, 29892, 727, 338, 884, 263, 716, 3623, 4900, 1439, 496, 29899, 12925, 1899, 29889, 13, 6295, 304, 28475, 29892, 366, 508, 1286, 7246, 4918, 7979, 4176, 411, 9570, 8635, 29892, 769, 3349, 278, 2280, 29892, 322, 337, 16519, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 29889, 411, 901, 18113, 511, 773, 278, 1021, 8635, 29889, 13, 4806, 29915, 276, 1603, 1985, 373, 6820, 366, 8260, 304, 3349, 8635, 515, 278, 1904, 1728, 8174, 292, 372, 29892, 322, 769, 1053, 372, 964, 263, 716, 1904, 313, 28802, 14981, 716, 4701, 467, 910, 338, 3734, 363, 766, 1901, 24205, 29889, 26460, 445, 3732, 372, 363, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 7111, 373, 7536, 277, 4371, 29936, 565, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1207, 372, 363, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29892, 372, 9273, 29915, 29873, 367, 2215, 5742, 29889, 13, 6716, 2655, 393, 591, 27222, 29915, 29873, 20458, 363, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29892, 541, 591, 1258, 10933, 304, 679, 2309, 29892, 338, 263, 365, 29990, 29928, 8635, 13113, 29889, 365, 29990, 29928, 756, 10325, 2715, 967, 1914, 8635, 10643, 3450, 29892, 322, 5342, 4900, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 674, 505, 263, 8635, 13113, 393, 3913, 372, 29889, 306, 10437, 8762, 278, 5342, 4900, 2625, 310, 2712, 408, 263, 2586, 310, 263, 15833, 29892, 5742, 263, 4682, 7353, 29892, 297, 1797, 304, 6210, 701, 278, 5849, 310, 278, 263, 1454, 882, 28487, 10641, 29914, 4801, 496, 3620, 29889, 450, 365, 29990, 29928, 8635, 3450, 6077, 714, 304, 367, 1407, 7812, 6375, 304, 2048, 373, 29892, 577, 591, 8459, 304, 6507, 278, 5342, 4900, 3620, 964, 278, 8775, 297, 1206, 372, 29915, 29879, 310, 671, 304, 4045, 29889, 3455, 16311, 368, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 14338, 470, 6724, 1373, 1516, 393, 671, 8635, 29892, 445, 881, 367, 5407, 29889, 13, 3492, 508, 884, 4529, 7156, 29899, 14940, 8393, 29892, 607, 674, 367, 4502, 1549, 304, 278, 365, 29990, 29928, 8635, 7156, 9750, 271, 326, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 7246, 385, 2280, 411, 8635, 773, 278, 301, 29916, 29881, 29899, 29920, 5847, 11565, 29892, 5342, 4900, 674, 1653, 263, 365, 29990, 29928, 8635, 11565, 2000, 376, 4900, 4900, 29899, 29920, 5847, 29908, 411, 278, 376, 29920, 5847, 29908, 7156, 29892, 322, 796, 9998, 11565, 2000, 376, 4900, 4900, 29899, 29920, 5847, 1642, 1763, 1284, 714, 901, 1048, 278, 365, 29990, 29928, 8635, 7156, 3987, 29892, 1074, 278, 365, 29990, 29928, 8635, 10561, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 917, 29901, 3623, 4900, 29892, 8635, 29892, 301, 29916, 29881, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 5342, 4900, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29896, 6507, 29892, 306, 1754, 263, 7303, 310, 2319, 3620, 304, 2253, 2304, 2895, 3267, 12424, 29889, 13, 1576, 937, 1735, 471, 304, 2304, 376, 11288, 25161, 292, 29908, 310, 2895, 3267, 14884, 29889, 2315, 950, 25161, 292, 338, 746, 366, 1298, 5342, 4900, 472, 263, 4933, 29892, 322, 5342, 4900, 4511, 29879, 304, 278, 4933, 975, 22343, 322, 6166, 372, 701, 411, 263, 5342, 4900, 10823, 29889, 1763, 437, 445, 29892, 5342, 4900, 4225, 304, 1065, 263, 2319, 6473, 2471, 304, 6523, 278, 6570, 1873, 322, 12837, 21862, 310, 278, 4933, 29889, 2973, 263, 9461, 1735, 304, 393, 2471, 29892, 366, 508, 1286, 7522, 25161, 2895, 3267, 14884, 29889, 13, 1576, 1473, 1735, 338, 304, 2304, 2895, 3267, 365, 29990, 29928, 4558, 29889, 319, 2319, 1735, 471, 4312, 297, 278, 5342, 4900, 775, 304, 2304, 278, 376, 1760, 359, 29955, 29908, 6570, 1873, 29892, 322, 10551, 278, 982, 591, 4386, 1887, 365, 29990, 29928, 1967, 14430, 2129, 29889, 960, 385, 1967, 4864, 12430, 411, 278, 3806, 13995, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 29889, 376, 4900, 4900, 29914, 1760, 359, 29955, 29914, 22490, 29953, 29946, 4968, 769, 591, 29915, 645, 671, 393, 322, 14383, 3063, 297, 278, 7592, 1967, 8974, 29889, 910, 884, 4857, 1960, 5639, 20234, 931, 746, 366, 5735, 297, 263, 2215, 21694, 2982, 763, 592, 29889, 20561, 292, 5342, 4900, 338, 451, 3755, 3307, 2466, 29892, 408, 727, 526, 694, 5923, 2895, 3267, 4558, 393, 5342, 4900, 508, 671, 29889, 13, 29967, 29884, 4900, 313, 3242, 368, 29897, 6858, 9570, 29899, 2344, 304, 367, 2198, 373, 278, 14884, 372, 8665, 29892, 577, 393, 372, 508, 11658, 5342, 4900, 29899, 14940, 5285, 322, 12078, 304, 1065, 373, 20234, 29889, 853, 1454, 348, 2486, 29892, 727, 526, 694, 2895, 3267, 365, 29990, 29928, 4558, 393, 505, 9570, 29899, 2344, 2307, 29889, 1763, 664, 2820, 445, 29892, 306, 5456, 263, 2317, 18785, 2921, 1824, 304, 4327, 278, 10542, 1285, 475, 414, 29889, 990, 2895, 3267, 1967, 29901, 18546, 29889, 510, 29914, 1165, 29893, 29914, 4900, 4900, 29899, 29880, 29916, 29881, 29899, 1760, 359, 29899, 3027, 29899, 16409, 29889, 6864, 1474, 591, 4966, 304, 505, 758, 29899, 29883, 11310, 2895, 3267, 365, 29990, 29928, 4558, 3625, 304, 5342, 4900, 29892, 541, 363, 1286, 366, 508, 671, 445, 1824, 304, 19012, 385, 1967, 363, 5342, 4900, 29889, 7525, 372, 515, 278, 365, 29990, 29928, 3495, 29892, 322, 5342, 4900, 674, 367, 2221, 304, 671, 278, 9819, 1967, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 6339, 29871 ]
23, 2017. Tags: juju, lxd. Some time ago I created a snap for llgo. Snaps are a relatively new packaging format; at the time I created the initial snap for llgo, it was only possible to create them confined by default. In particular, access to the user's filesystem was blocked by default, which is unhelpful for a tool like a compiler. Because of that, the initial snap did not expose the llgo compiler, only the llgoi interpreter. Now there is the concept of "classic snaps", which use the snap packaging format but do not confine the application. The resulting package is much more like what you would get from a Debian package, but without the arcana. Posted February 15, 2017. Tags: llgo, snapcraft. Juju is an application modelling tool, enabling "model-driven operations". I won't go into detail about what Juju is in this blog post, so if you're new to Juju I suggest clicking on the link and reading a bit more. Juju is a distributed application, with a "controller" cluster that manages cloud resources (machines, networks, volumes, etc.), and applications that use those resources. The controller cluster is currently based on top of MongoDB, utilising replica sets for data replication and leadership election. As well as the controller cluster, Juju agents run on every virtual machine that the controller manages. The controllers, and those agents, each run many fine-grained, but dedicated "workers". For example, each agent runs a worker to detect block devices and publish that information to the controller cluster; each controller runs a worker to maintain the replica sets in MongoDB. Many things can go wrong in a distributed system. Network partitions can cause system-wide failures. Bad actors (badly written; less often, malicious) may starve others of resources. Failure to release memory or file handles leads to exhaustion, causing a DoS. Juju has seen its fair share of each of these problems. (on controllers) an HTTPS endpoint, https://…:17070/introspection/metrics. This gives the prometheus user just enough permission to read information on the controller, without allowing it to make changes, which would not be ideal for a monitoring application. Posted February 6, 2017. Tags: juju. I have finally gotten around to moving off Blogger, and over to using Hugo. The old blog posts have been imported, and are also accessible at my old Blogger site. You would be forgiven for thinking that I'd fallen off the face of the earth, considering how long it has been since I last wrote. I've been busy with my day job, moving into a new house; life in general. Work on llgo has been progressing, mostly due to Peter Collingbourne. I'll have more to say about llgo's progress in future posts. This post is about some of the work I've done on Juju recently. Well, semi-recently; this post has been sitting in my drafts for a little while, waiting for the new 1.20.5 release to be announced. I've been busy hacking on llgo again. In case you're new here: llgo is a Go frontend for LLVM that I've been working on for the past ~2 years on and off. It's been quite a while since I last wrote; there has been a bunch of new work since, so I have some things to talk about at last. A few months ago, I started working on rewriting swathes of llgo's internals to base it on go.tools/ssa. LLVM uses an SSA representation, which made the process fairly straightforward. Basing llgo on go.tools/ssa gives me much higher confidence in the quality of the output; it also presented a good opportunity to clean up llgo's source itself, which I have begun, but certainly not finished. llgo is now able to compile all packages in the standard library, except those that require cgo (net, os/user, runtime/cgo). llgo-build links the LLVM modules for a program together and translates to an executable. go.tools/ssa supports translating a whole program to SSA form, but llgo works in the traditional way: packages are translated one at a time. Whole program optimisation is enabled by linking the LLVM modules together, prior to any translation to machine code. Translating Phi nodes requires a bit of finessing, to ensure processing of the
[ 29906, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 917, 29901, 3623, 4900, 29892, 301, 29916, 29881, 29889, 13, 9526, 931, 8020, 306, 2825, 263, 15101, 363, 11148, 1484, 29889, 22639, 2547, 526, 263, 13774, 716, 4870, 6751, 3402, 29936, 472, 278, 931, 306, 2825, 278, 2847, 15101, 363, 11148, 1484, 29892, 372, 471, 871, 1950, 304, 1653, 963, 1970, 1312, 491, 2322, 29889, 512, 3153, 29892, 2130, 304, 278, 1404, 29915, 29879, 22101, 471, 24370, 491, 2322, 29892, 607, 338, 443, 8477, 1319, 363, 263, 5780, 763, 263, 6516, 29889, 7311, 310, 393, 29892, 278, 2847, 15101, 1258, 451, 24396, 278, 11148, 1484, 6516, 29892, 871, 278, 11148, 1484, 29875, 26997, 29889, 13, 10454, 727, 338, 278, 6964, 310, 376, 1990, 293, 5807, 2547, 613, 607, 671, 278, 15101, 4870, 6751, 3402, 541, 437, 451, 1970, 457, 278, 2280, 29889, 450, 9819, 3577, 338, 1568, 901, 763, 825, 366, 723, 679, 515, 263, 7089, 713, 3577, 29892, 541, 1728, 278, 15232, 1648, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 917, 29901, 11148, 1484, 29892, 15101, 17293, 29889, 13, 29967, 29884, 4900, 338, 385, 2280, 878, 7807, 5780, 29892, 427, 17961, 376, 4299, 29899, 24477, 854, 6931, 1642, 306, 2113, 29915, 29873, 748, 964, 9493, 1048, 825, 5342, 4900, 338, 297, 445, 12618, 1400, 29892, 577, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 716, 304, 5342, 4900, 306, 4368, 14855, 373, 278, 1544, 322, 5183, 263, 2586, 901, 29889, 13, 29967, 29884, 4900, 338, 263, 13235, 2280, 29892, 411, 263, 376, 8299, 29908, 9867, 393, 767, 1179, 9570, 7788, 313, 29885, 496, 1475, 29892, 14379, 29892, 18167, 29892, 2992, 9774, 322, 8324, 393, 671, 1906, 7788, 29889, 450, 4701, 9867, 338, 5279, 2729, 373, 2246, 310, 29004, 29892, 3667, 5921, 1634, 10123, 6166, 363, 848, 1634, 1414, 322, 26001, 8271, 29889, 13, 2887, 1532, 408, 278, 4701, 9867, 29892, 5342, 4900, 19518, 1065, 373, 1432, 6901, 4933, 393, 278, 4701, 767, 1179, 29889, 450, 21385, 29892, 322, 1906, 19518, 29892, 1269, 1065, 1784, 2691, 29899, 3874, 1312, 29892, 541, 16955, 376, 1287, 414, 1642, 1152, 1342, 29892, 1269, 10823, 6057, 263, 15645, 304, 6459, 2908, 9224, 322, 9805, 393, 2472, 304, 278, 4701, 9867, 29936, 1269, 4701, 6057, 263, 15645, 304, 7344, 278, 1634, 10123, 6166, 297, 29004, 29889, 13, 14804, 2712, 508, 748, 2743, 297, 263, 13235, 1788, 29889, 8527, 23629, 508, 4556, 1788, 29899, 8157, 4418, 1973, 29889, 9178, 29701, 313, 12313, 368, 3971, 29936, 3109, 4049, 29892, 4439, 14803, 29897, 1122, 5810, 345, 4045, 310, 7788, 29889, 29098, 545, 304, 6507, 3370, 470, 934, 17766, 11981, 304, 27096, 291, 29892, 10805, 263, 1938, 29903, 29889, 5342, 4900, 756, 3595, 967, 6534, 6232, 310, 1269, 310, 1438, 4828, 29889, 13, 29898, 265, 21385, 29897, 385, 7331, 29903, 16248, 29892, 2045, 597, 30098, 29901, 29896, 29955, 29900, 29955, 29900, 29914, 524, 1883, 27988, 29914, 2527, 10817, 29889, 13, 4013, 4076, 278, 2504, 23043, 375, 1404, 925, 3307, 10751, 304, 1303, 2472, 373, 278, 4701, 29892, 1728, 14372, 372, 304, 1207, 3620, 29892, 607, 723, 451, 367, 10839, 363, 263, 29652, 2280, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 6339, 29871, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 917, 29901, 3623, 4900, 29889, 13, 29902, 505, 7146, 2355, 841, 2820, 304, 8401, 1283, 350, 21707, 29892, 322, 975, 304, 773, 20650, 29889, 450, 2030, 12618, 11803, 505, 1063, 19673, 29892, 322, 526, 884, 15579, 472, 590, 2030, 350, 21707, 3268, 29889, 13, 3492, 723, 367, 18879, 5428, 363, 7291, 393, 306, 29915, 29881, 19225, 1283, 278, 3700, 310, 278, 8437, 29892, 13858, 920, 1472, 372, 756, 1063, 1951, 306, 1833, 5456, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 1063, 19587, 411, 590, 2462, 4982, 29892, 8401, 964, 263, 716, 3699, 29936, 2834, 297, 2498, 29889, 5244, 373, 11148, 1484, 756, 1063, 6728, 292, 29892, 11149, 2861, 304, 5310, 1530, 1847, 17418, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 505, 901, 304, 1827, 1048, 11148, 1484, 29915, 29879, 6728, 297, 5434, 11803, 29889, 13, 4013, 1400, 338, 1048, 777, 310, 278, 664, 306, 29915, 345, 2309, 373, 5342, 4900, 10325, 29889, 5674, 29892, 12647, 29899, 276, 1760, 368, 29936, 445, 1400, 756, 1063, 16246, 297, 590, 18195, 29879, 363, 263, 2217, 1550, 29892, 10534, 363, 278, 716, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29889, 29945, 6507, 304, 367, 9326, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 345, 1063, 19587, 15833, 292, 373, 11148, 1484, 1449, 29889, 512, 1206, 366, 29915, 276, 716, 1244, 29901, 11148, 1484, 338, 263, 2921, 4565, 355, 363, 27624, 9219, 393, 306, 29915, 345, 1063, 1985, 373, 363, 278, 4940, 3695, 29906, 2440, 373, 322, 1283, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1063, 3755, 263, 1550, 1951, 306, 1833, 5456, 29936, 727, 756, 1063, 263, 14928, 310, 716, 664, 1951, 29892, 577, 306, 505, 777, 2712, 304, 5193, 1048, 472, 1833, 29889, 13, 29909, 2846, 7378, 8020, 29892, 306, 4687, 1985, 373, 337, 16554, 2381, 493, 267, 310, 11148, 1484, 29915, 29879, 2836, 1338, 304, 2967, 372, 373, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 29889, 27624, 9219, 3913, 385, 5886, 29909, 8954, 29892, 607, 1754, 278, 1889, 12558, 20837, 29889, 4886, 292, 11148, 1484, 373, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 4076, 592, 1568, 6133, 16420, 297, 278, 11029, 310, 278, 1962, 29936, 372, 884, 9132, 263, 1781, 15130, 304, 5941, 701, 11148, 1484, 29915, 29879, 2752, 3528, 29892, 607, 306, 505, 23580, 29892, 541, 8959, 451, 7743, 29889, 11148, 1484, 338, 1286, 2221, 304, 6633, 599, 9741, 297, 278, 3918, 3489, 29892, 5174, 1906, 393, 1996, 274, 1484, 313, 1212, 29892, 2897, 29914, 1792, 29892, 10073, 29914, 29883, 1484, 467, 13, 645, 1484, 29899, 4282, 2988, 278, 27624, 9219, 10585, 363, 263, 1824, 4208, 322, 5578, 1078, 304, 385, 16813, 29889, 13, 1484, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 11286, 5578, 1218, 263, 3353, 1824, 304, 5886, 29909, 883, 29892, 541, 11148, 1484, 1736, 297, 278, 13807, 982, 29901, 9741, 526, 20512, 697, 472, 263, 931, 29889, 806, 1772, 1824, 5994, 4371, 338, 9615, 491, 25236, 278, 27624, 9219, 10585, 4208, 29892, 7536, 304, 738, 13962, 304, 4933, 775, 29889, 13, 4300, 29880, 1218, 1963, 29875, 7573, 6858, 263, 2586, 310, 1436, 404, 292, 29892, 304, 9801, 9068, 310, 278 ]
Phi or the edges is not order-sensitive. This was dealt with by generating placeholder values for instructions that haven't yet been visited, and then replacing them later. ssa.Index is emitted for indexing into arrays. If an array is in a register, then indexing it means extracting a value; in LLVM, an array element extraction requires a constant index. This is currently kludged by storing to a temporary alloca, and using the getelementptr LLVM instruction. Hopefully I'm missing something and this is easily fixed. The Recover block is not dominated by the entry block, so it may not be valid for it to refer to the Alloc instructions for parameters and results. To deal with this, I generate a prologue block that contains the param/result Allocs; the prologue block conditionally jumps to either the recover or entry block, depending on panic/recover control flow. Alan has agreed to do something along these lines in go.tools/ssa. The ssa.Next instruction required some assumptions to be made about block ordering and instruction placement, in order to be able to translate string-range using Phi nodes. Recent changes to go.tools/ssa exposed the dominator tree, making it possible to do away with the assumption now. Interfaces are now represented like in gc: empty interfaces with the runtime type & data, non-empty interfaces with an "itab" and data. Russ Cox wrote an article about the interface representation back in 2009. Panic/recover (and defer, by consequence) are now using setjmp/longjmp. I had been using exceptions, but it was rightly pointed out to me that this wouldn't work unless there were a way of doing non-call exceptions in LLVM (which has not been implemented). The setjmp/longjmp approach incurs a cost for every function that may defer or recover, but it works without modifications to LLVM. Perhaps this will be revisited in the future. go/types/typemap is now used for mapping types.Types to runtime type descriptors and LLVM types. Runtime type descriptors are now generated more completely, and more correctly. Identical type descriptors will now be merged at link-time. llgo no longer generates conditional branching for calls to non-global functions, when comparing structs, or in map iteration. Apart from producing better code, this makes it much simpler to work with go.tools/ssa, which has its own idea about how the SSA basic blocks relate to one another. A custom importer/exporter, thanks to Fredrik Ehnbom. The importer side is disabled at the moment, due to an apparent bug in go.tools/ssa. Debugger support, thanks again to Fredrik Ehnbom. I haven't reenabled it since the move to go.tools/ssa. I'll get onto that real soon now, because debugging without it can be tiresome. llgo-build can now take a "-test" flag that causes llgo-build to compile the test Go files, yet again thanks to Fredrik Ehnbom. This is currently reliant on the binary importer being enabled, so it won't work out of the box until that bug is fixed. Shifts now generate correct values for shifts greater than the width of the lhs operand. Signed integer conversions now sign-extend correctly. llgo-build can now take a "-run" flag that causes llgo-build to execute and then dispose of the resulting binary. Type strings are propagated to LLVM types, making the IR more legible, thanks to Travis Cline. Move to using libgo. Ideally the gc runtime would be rewritten in Go already, but that's not going to happen just yet. The compiler and linker are due to be rewritten in Go soon, which is a lot of work as it is. Finish off runtime type descriptor generation (notably, type algorithms). Get PNaCl support working again. This should be pretty close, but requires the binary importer to be enabled. Implement bounds checking, nil pointer checks, etc. Get garbage collection working. There's Pull Request #108, but this is perpetuating the problem that is llgo's custom runtime. Since GC is fairly invasive, I don't want to go tying llgo to that runtime any more than it is currently. I expect this will have to wait until libgo is integrated. Escape analysis. This is a must-have, but not immediately necessarily. The implementation should be based on go.tools/ssa, interf
[ 1963, 29875, 470, 278, 12770, 338, 451, 1797, 29899, 23149, 3321, 29889, 910, 471, 316, 1997, 411, 491, 14655, 12983, 1819, 363, 11994, 393, 7359, 29915, 29873, 3447, 1063, 16669, 29892, 322, 769, 15270, 963, 2678, 29889, 13, 893, 29874, 29889, 3220, 338, 953, 4430, 363, 26190, 964, 7049, 29889, 960, 385, 1409, 338, 297, 263, 6036, 29892, 769, 26190, 372, 2794, 6597, 292, 263, 995, 29936, 297, 27624, 9219, 29892, 385, 1409, 1543, 4805, 428, 6858, 263, 4868, 2380, 29889, 910, 338, 5279, 9489, 566, 3192, 491, 15446, 304, 263, 13201, 25169, 1113, 29892, 322, 773, 278, 679, 5029, 7414, 27624, 9219, 15278, 29889, 7963, 3730, 306, 29915, 29885, 4567, 1554, 322, 445, 338, 5948, 4343, 29889, 13, 1576, 3599, 957, 2908, 338, 451, 8022, 630, 491, 278, 6251, 2908, 29892, 577, 372, 1122, 451, 367, 2854, 363, 372, 304, 2737, 304, 278, 838, 2029, 11994, 363, 4128, 322, 2582, 29889, 1763, 5376, 411, 445, 29892, 306, 5706, 263, 410, 1188, 434, 2908, 393, 3743, 278, 1828, 29914, 2914, 838, 2029, 29879, 29936, 278, 410, 1188, 434, 2908, 4195, 635, 432, 17204, 304, 2845, 278, 9792, 470, 6251, 2908, 29892, 8679, 373, 7243, 293, 29914, 3757, 957, 2761, 4972, 29889, 17102, 756, 15502, 304, 437, 1554, 3412, 1438, 3454, 297, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 29889, 13, 1576, 269, 4977, 29889, 9190, 15278, 3734, 777, 20813, 304, 367, 1754, 1048, 2908, 20520, 322, 15278, 2174, 13561, 29892, 297, 1797, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 14240, 1347, 29899, 3881, 773, 1963, 29875, 7573, 29889, 3599, 296, 3620, 304, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 19884, 278, 8022, 1061, 5447, 29892, 3907, 372, 1950, 304, 437, 3448, 411, 278, 11833, 1286, 29889, 13, 4074, 8726, 526, 1286, 9875, 763, 297, 330, 29883, 29901, 4069, 19510, 411, 278, 10073, 1134, 669, 848, 29892, 1661, 29899, 6310, 19510, 411, 385, 376, 277, 370, 29908, 322, 848, 29889, 4719, 315, 2251, 5456, 385, 4274, 1048, 278, 5067, 8954, 1250, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29889, 13, 23684, 293, 29914, 3757, 957, 313, 392, 316, 571, 29892, 491, 17004, 29897, 526, 1286, 773, 731, 29926, 1526, 29914, 5426, 29926, 1526, 29889, 306, 750, 1063, 773, 15283, 29892, 541, 372, 471, 1492, 368, 11520, 714, 304, 592, 393, 445, 7656, 29915, 29873, 664, 6521, 727, 892, 263, 982, 310, 2599, 1661, 29899, 4804, 15283, 297, 27624, 9219, 313, 4716, 756, 451, 1063, 8762, 467, 450, 731, 29926, 1526, 29914, 5426, 29926, 1526, 2948, 5528, 1295, 263, 3438, 363, 1432, 740, 393, 1122, 316, 571, 470, 9792, 29892, 541, 372, 1736, 1728, 26278, 304, 27624, 9219, 29889, 11637, 445, 674, 367, 23484, 1573, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 1484, 29914, 8768, 29914, 22449, 331, 481, 338, 1286, 1304, 363, 10417, 4072, 29889, 10562, 304, 10073, 1134, 29037, 943, 322, 27624, 9219, 4072, 29889, 24875, 1134, 29037, 943, 526, 1286, 5759, 901, 6446, 29892, 322, 901, 5149, 29889, 13355, 936, 1134, 29037, 943, 674, 1286, 367, 19412, 472, 1544, 29899, 2230, 29889, 13, 645, 1484, 694, 5520, 16785, 15047, 5443, 292, 363, 5717, 304, 1661, 29899, 10945, 3168, 29892, 746, 17420, 2281, 29879, 29892, 470, 297, 2910, 12541, 29889, 319, 1595, 515, 20811, 2253, 775, 29892, 445, 3732, 372, 1568, 13682, 304, 664, 411, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 29892, 607, 756, 967, 1914, 2969, 1048, 920, 278, 5886, 29909, 6996, 10930, 29279, 304, 697, 1790, 29889, 13, 29909, 2888, 527, 18505, 29914, 735, 18505, 29892, 3969, 304, 12001, 5357, 382, 3123, 29890, 290, 29889, 450, 527, 18505, 2625, 338, 12708, 472, 278, 3256, 29892, 2861, 304, 385, 20295, 6494, 297, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 29889, 13, 11862, 914, 2304, 29892, 3969, 1449, 304, 12001, 5357, 382, 3123, 29890, 290, 29889, 306, 7359, 29915, 29873, 337, 17590, 372, 1951, 278, 4337, 304, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 679, 11480, 393, 1855, 4720, 1286, 29892, 1363, 13490, 1728, 372, 508, 367, 260, 2658, 608, 29889, 13, 645, 1484, 29899, 4282, 508, 1286, 2125, 263, 11663, 1688, 29908, 7353, 393, 9946, 11148, 1484, 29899, 4282, 304, 6633, 278, 1243, 2921, 2066, 29892, 3447, 1449, 3969, 304, 12001, 5357, 382, 3123, 29890, 290, 29889, 910, 338, 5279, 12536, 424, 373, 278, 7581, 527, 18505, 1641, 9615, 29892, 577, 372, 2113, 29915, 29873, 664, 714, 310, 278, 3800, 2745, 393, 6494, 338, 4343, 29889, 13, 2713, 17741, 1286, 5706, 1959, 1819, 363, 528, 17741, 7621, 1135, 278, 2920, 310, 278, 301, 9499, 1751, 392, 29889, 13, 10140, 287, 6043, 9678, 1080, 1286, 1804, 29899, 21843, 5149, 29889, 13, 645, 1484, 29899, 4282, 508, 1286, 2125, 263, 11663, 3389, 29908, 7353, 393, 9946, 11148, 1484, 29899, 4282, 304, 6222, 322, 769, 27905, 310, 278, 9819, 7581, 29889, 13, 1542, 6031, 526, 13089, 630, 304, 27624, 9219, 4072, 29892, 3907, 278, 23292, 901, 2814, 1821, 29892, 3969, 304, 3201, 1730, 315, 1220, 29889, 13, 16619, 304, 773, 4303, 1484, 29889, 13001, 635, 278, 330, 29883, 10073, 723, 367, 337, 17625, 297, 2921, 2307, 29892, 541, 393, 29915, 29879, 451, 2675, 304, 3799, 925, 3447, 29889, 450, 6516, 322, 29060, 526, 2861, 304, 367, 337, 17625, 297, 2921, 4720, 29892, 607, 338, 263, 3287, 310, 664, 408, 372, 338, 29889, 13, 12881, 728, 1283, 10073, 1134, 553, 11709, 12623, 313, 1333, 2197, 29892, 1134, 14009, 467, 13, 2577, 349, 13695, 6821, 2304, 1985, 1449, 29889, 910, 881, 367, 5051, 3802, 29892, 541, 6858, 278, 7581, 527, 18505, 304, 367, 9615, 29889, 13, 1888, 2037, 13451, 8454, 29892, 4263, 4879, 12747, 29892, 2992, 29889, 13, 2577, 25861, 4333, 1985, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 349, 913, 10729, 396, 29896, 29900, 29947, 29892, 541, 445, 338, 25722, 29884, 1218, 278, 1108, 393, 338, 11148, 1484, 29915, 29879, 2888, 10073, 29889, 4001, 19983, 338, 12558, 29688, 573, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 748, 260, 5414, 11148, 1484, 304, 393, 10073, 738, 901, 1135, 372, 338, 5279, 29889, 306, 2149, 445, 674, 505, 304, 4480, 2745, 4303, 1484, 338, 23387, 29889, 13, 14190, 5738, 7418, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 1818, 29899, 17532, 29892, 541, 451, 7389, 12695, 29889, 450, 5314, 881, 367, 2729, 373, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 29892, 1006, 29888 ]
acing with the exporter/importer to record/consume information about external functions. Make use of go.tools/ssa/ssautil/Switches. This is an optimisation, so again, not immediately necessary. Let me know how you get on with that. Here's hoping 2014 can be a productive year for llgo. Happy new year. It's been three months since our last correspondence. Apologies for the negligence. I've been busy, as usual, but it's more self-inflicted than usual. I've taken up a new role at Canonical, working on Juju. I'm really excited about Juju (both the concept and realisation), and the fact that it's written in Go is icing on the cake. Working remotely is taking some getting used to, but so far it's been pretty swell. Anyway, you didn't come here to read about that, did you? I'm still working on llgo in the background, quietly prodding it along towards the 0.1 milestone. There's just one big ticket item left, and that's partially done now: channels. I've just finished porting the basics of channels from gc's standard library to llgo's runtime. That doesn't include select, which is entirely missing. When that's done, I'll be content to release 0.1. So what's new since last time? There's a new llgo-build tool, which takes the pain out of building packages and programs with llgo and the LLVM toolchain. Just run "llgo-build <package>", and you'll either build and install a package, or build a program in the working directory. There's no freshness checking, so you're currently required to manually build all dependencies before building a program. Simplified building against PNaCl: llgo-dist now accepts a "-pepper" option, which points to a NaCl SDK. Implemented support for map literals. In my previous post I talked about having implemented panic/recover, and having implemented them in terms of DWARF exception handling. Well, it looks like PNaCl isn't going to support that, at least initially, so a setjmp/longjmp version is likely inevitable now. I also said I would be working on a temporary for of cmd/go. I gave up on that, after hitting a few stumbling blocks. I figured it was more important to actually get the compiler and runtime working than get bogged down in the tooling, hence the simpler llgo-build tool. That's about it! "Feature complete" is getting closer, though lots of things still don't work very nicely. Still no garbage collection, no proper escape analysis, etc. Those will come in time. For now, though… I think I might go catch up on some sleep. (For those of you coming from HN/Twitter/elsewhere, this is a post about llgo. llgo is an LLVM frontend for the Go programming language). Get Clang and LLVM (I've tested with 3.2, Ubuntu x86-64). Make sure llvm-config is in your $PATH. Run "llgo-dist". This will install llgo into $GOBIN, and build the runtime. The biggest new feature would have to be: defer, panic and recover (I'm lumping them together as they're closely related). I've implemented them on top of LLVM's exception handling support. The panic and recover functions are currently tied to DWARF exception handling, though it's simple enough that it should be feasible to use setjmp/longjmp on platforms where DWARF exception handling isn't viable. Method sets are handled properly now (or at least not completely wrong like before). This means you can use a embedded types' methods to satisfy an interface. cap() is now implemented for slices. llgo-dist now builds against the LLVM static libraries (if available) by default now, with an option for building against the shared libraries. I'll be working on a temporary fork of cmd/go to build programs with llgo, while a long-term solution is figured out. I'd also like to get PNaCl integration working again, given that its release is nigh. Oh my, it's been a while. In my previous post I wrote about llgo and PNaCl. I haven't had much time to play with PNaCl recently, but I
[ 9390, 411, 278, 1518, 9555, 29914, 326, 18505, 304, 2407, 29914, 3200, 2017, 2472, 1048, 7029, 3168, 29889, 13, 9984, 671, 310, 748, 29889, 8504, 29914, 893, 29874, 29914, 893, 1300, 309, 29914, 24995, 267, 29889, 910, 338, 385, 5994, 4371, 29892, 577, 1449, 29892, 451, 7389, 5181, 29889, 13, 12024, 592, 1073, 920, 366, 679, 373, 411, 393, 29889, 13, 10605, 29915, 29879, 17231, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 508, 367, 263, 3234, 573, 1629, 363, 11148, 1484, 29889, 28569, 716, 1629, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1063, 2211, 7378, 1951, 1749, 1833, 3928, 663, 29889, 6225, 11763, 363, 278, 3480, 3473, 663, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 1063, 19587, 29892, 408, 9670, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 901, 1583, 29899, 7192, 506, 9446, 1135, 9670, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 4586, 701, 263, 716, 6297, 472, 1815, 265, 936, 29892, 1985, 373, 5342, 4900, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 2289, 24173, 1048, 5342, 4900, 313, 20313, 278, 6964, 322, 1855, 4371, 511, 322, 278, 2114, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 3971, 297, 2921, 338, 16077, 292, 373, 278, 274, 1296, 29889, 24176, 1083, 327, 873, 338, 5622, 777, 2805, 1304, 304, 29892, 541, 577, 2215, 372, 29915, 29879, 1063, 5051, 2381, 514, 29889, 18110, 29892, 366, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2041, 1244, 304, 1303, 1048, 393, 29892, 1258, 366, 29973, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 1603, 1985, 373, 11148, 1484, 297, 278, 3239, 29892, 25970, 410, 1289, 292, 372, 3412, 7113, 278, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29896, 2316, 27744, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 925, 697, 4802, 23381, 2944, 2175, 29892, 322, 393, 29915, 29879, 22039, 2309, 1286, 29901, 18196, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 925, 7743, 2011, 292, 278, 2362, 1199, 310, 18196, 515, 330, 29883, 29915, 29879, 3918, 3489, 304, 11148, 1484, 29915, 29879, 10073, 29889, 2193, 1838, 29915, 29873, 3160, 1831, 29892, 607, 338, 9186, 4567, 29889, 1932, 393, 29915, 29879, 2309, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 367, 2793, 304, 6507, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29889, 13, 6295, 825, 29915, 29879, 716, 1951, 1833, 931, 29973, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 716, 11148, 1484, 29899, 4282, 5780, 29892, 607, 4893, 278, 6788, 714, 310, 5214, 9741, 322, 11104, 411, 11148, 1484, 322, 278, 27624, 9219, 5780, 14153, 29889, 3387, 1065, 376, 645, 1484, 29899, 4282, 529, 5113, 28341, 322, 366, 29915, 645, 2845, 2048, 322, 2601, 263, 3577, 29892, 470, 2048, 263, 1824, 297, 278, 1985, 3884, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 694, 10849, 2264, 8454, 29892, 577, 366, 29915, 276, 5279, 3734, 304, 7522, 2048, 599, 9962, 1434, 5214, 263, 1824, 29889, 13, 8942, 572, 2164, 5214, 2750, 349, 13695, 6821, 29901, 11148, 1484, 29899, 5721, 1286, 21486, 263, 11663, 412, 2496, 29908, 2984, 29892, 607, 3291, 304, 263, 4465, 6821, 12967, 29889, 13, 1888, 2037, 287, 2304, 363, 2910, 4631, 1338, 29889, 13, 797, 590, 3517, 1400, 306, 24867, 1048, 2534, 8762, 7243, 293, 29914, 3757, 957, 29892, 322, 2534, 8762, 963, 297, 4958, 310, 360, 29956, 1718, 29943, 3682, 11415, 29889, 5674, 29892, 372, 3430, 763, 349, 13695, 6821, 3508, 29915, 29873, 2675, 304, 2304, 393, 29892, 472, 3203, 12919, 29892, 577, 263, 731, 29926, 1526, 29914, 5426, 29926, 1526, 1873, 338, 5517, 297, 5750, 8270, 1286, 29889, 13, 29902, 884, 1497, 306, 723, 367, 1985, 373, 263, 13201, 363, 310, 9920, 29914, 1484, 29889, 306, 4846, 701, 373, 393, 29892, 1156, 29425, 263, 2846, 380, 3774, 1847, 10930, 29889, 306, 14788, 372, 471, 901, 4100, 304, 2869, 679, 278, 6516, 322, 10073, 1985, 1135, 679, 26652, 3192, 1623, 297, 278, 5780, 292, 29892, 8151, 278, 13682, 11148, 1484, 29899, 4282, 5780, 29889, 13, 7058, 29915, 29879, 1048, 372, 29991, 376, 19132, 4866, 29908, 338, 2805, 17649, 29892, 2466, 14568, 310, 2712, 1603, 1016, 29915, 29873, 664, 1407, 28138, 29889, 12074, 694, 25861, 4333, 29892, 694, 1571, 10169, 7418, 29892, 2992, 29889, 16025, 674, 2041, 297, 931, 29889, 13, 2831, 1286, 29892, 2466, 30098, 306, 1348, 306, 1795, 748, 4380, 701, 373, 777, 8709, 29889, 13, 29898, 2831, 1906, 310, 366, 6421, 515, 379, 29940, 29914, 27418, 5171, 29914, 2870, 3062, 29892, 445, 338, 263, 1400, 1048, 11148, 1484, 29889, 11148, 1484, 338, 385, 27624, 9219, 4565, 355, 363, 278, 2921, 8720, 4086, 467, 13, 2577, 2233, 574, 322, 27624, 9219, 313, 29902, 29915, 345, 9528, 411, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29906, 29892, 8294, 921, 29947, 29953, 29899, 29953, 29946, 467, 8561, 1854, 11148, 6925, 29899, 2917, 338, 297, 596, 395, 10145, 29889, 13, 6558, 376, 645, 1484, 29899, 5721, 1642, 910, 674, 2601, 11148, 1484, 964, 395, 29954, 14824, 1177, 29892, 322, 2048, 278, 10073, 29889, 13, 1576, 24842, 716, 4682, 723, 505, 304, 367, 29901, 316, 571, 29892, 7243, 293, 322, 9792, 313, 29902, 29915, 29885, 301, 3427, 292, 963, 4208, 408, 896, 29915, 276, 16467, 4475, 467, 306, 29915, 345, 8762, 963, 373, 2246, 310, 27624, 9219, 29915, 29879, 3682, 11415, 2304, 29889, 450, 7243, 293, 322, 9792, 3168, 526, 5279, 21351, 304, 360, 29956, 1718, 29943, 3682, 11415, 29892, 2466, 372, 29915, 29879, 2560, 3307, 393, 372, 881, 367, 28326, 1821, 304, 671, 731, 29926, 1526, 29914, 5426, 29926, 1526, 373, 21796, 988, 360, 29956, 1718, 29943, 3682, 11415, 3508, 29915, 29873, 3516, 519, 29889, 13, 4062, 6166, 526, 16459, 6284, 1286, 313, 272, 472, 3203, 451, 6446, 2743, 763, 1434, 467, 910, 2794, 366, 508, 671, 263, 15685, 4072, 29915, 3519, 304, 15523, 385, 5067, 29889, 13, 5030, 580, 338, 1286, 8762, 363, 269, 29399, 29889, 13, 645, 1484, 29899, 5721, 1286, 23315, 2750, 278, 27624, 9219, 2294, 9562, 313, 361, 3625, 29897, 491, 2322, 1286, 29892, 411, 385, 2984, 363, 5214, 2750, 278, 7258, 9562, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 645, 367, 1985, 373, 263, 13201, 27350, 310, 9920, 29914, 1484, 304, 2048, 11104, 411, 11148, 1484, 29892, 1550, 263, 1472, 29899, 8489, 1650, 338, 14788, 714, 29889, 306, 29915, 29881, 884, 763, 304, 679, 349, 13695, 6821, 13465, 1985, 1449, 29892, 2183, 393, 967, 6507, 338, 302, 1141, 29889, 13, 9048, 590, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 1063, 263, 1550, 29889, 13, 797, 590, 3517, 1400, 306, 5456, 1048, 11148, 1484, 322, 349, 13695, 6821, 29889, 306, 7359, 29915, 29873, 750, 1568, 931, 304, 1708, 411, 349, 13695, 6821, 10325, 29892, 541, 306 ]
27+ Memorial Day Thank You Quotes 2022 About Armed Forces Sacrifices Memorial Day Thank You Quotes 2022 – On May 30th, 2022 Monday, we are going to commemorate Memorial Day, for those who have sacrificed themselves for the nation's freedom. Memorial Day is officially related to the union army that fought in the civil war. Civil war has claimed more lives, than in any war in history, which arises the need for the country's first national cemeteries to be established. Later Americans started conducting tribute to these fallen heroes, by decorating their graves with flowers and flags off. The idea to honor the martyrs was encouraged by South American states. They started to come together as a community for parades, speeches, and visit memorials, in remembrance of these unsung heroes. See more – Happy Thanksgiving 2022 Quotes Memorial Day Thank You Quotes This event started a long ago and still has a special moment in every countrymen's life. The day has lit up a fire of patriotism that inflamed every heart. All most every second family had lost their family member in these conflicts, and record a message or Memorial Day Thank You Quotes that whenever nation needs, we always ready to sacrifice life. We as citizens of America have been fortunate to have inherited a good patriot legacy on which we are proud. They are not born likely, but among of us, who dare to win and secure the nation from enemies, and fought until fall. The patriots sacrificed their dreams for the motherland and gave up their lives as well. Also, Explore – 27+ Best Memorial Day Images Collection "Thank you so much for your countless sacrifices. I appreciate all you've done to keep all of us safe and free." – Amy Minchin "You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor."β€” Aristotle "Ceremonies are important. But our gratitude has to be more than visits to the troops and once-a-year Memorial Day ceremonies. We honor the dead best by treating the living well."β€”Jennifer M. Granholm "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." – John F. Kennedy "Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others."- Aristotle "Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future." – Elie Wiesel "The brave die never, though they sleep in the dust, their courage nerves a thousand living men." ― Minot J. Savage "We come, not to mourn our dead soldiers but to praise them." β€” Francis A. Walker "In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." – George Canning "Throughout the course of American history, courageous men and women have taken up arms to secure, defend, and maintain these core principles upon which our Nation's freedoms depend." – George Bush Inspirational Memorial Day Quotes 2022 Memorial Day Quotes 2022 – We live in an independent country and are thankful to the incredible people who achieved it after many struggles and defend its independence. They didn't fight for a luxury lifestyle or a throne, they fight for a free and independent life for generations. Only thinking about the struggle for freedom from bondage or slavery runs into our whole body, then think they all faced it and fought against it. The pain and discomfort they feel are very difficult to understand. Now to survive, we don't really have to struggle, as much as they had to in their lives every day. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them." – John F. Kennedy "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." – Bill Clinton "Thank you for everything you do! YOU have kept my family safe and are giving me a life of safety. Thank you for serving our country!" – Madeline Gaffney "There is nothing nobler than risking your life for your country." – Nick Lampson "
[ 29871, 29906, 29955, 29974, 19722, 8373, 3374, 887, 751, 4769, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 13611, 826, 2168, 25571, 15573, 29878, 928, 267, 13, 11442, 9020, 8373, 3374, 887, 751, 4769, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 785, 1551, 2610, 29871, 29941, 29900, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 27822, 29892, 591, 526, 2675, 304, 844, 28927, 403, 19722, 8373, 29892, 363, 1906, 1058, 505, 26285, 287, 6053, 363, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 16082, 29889, 19722, 8373, 338, 22444, 4475, 304, 278, 9833, 9987, 393, 20722, 297, 278, 7631, 1370, 29889, 12886, 1370, 756, 17049, 901, 12080, 29892, 1135, 297, 738, 1370, 297, 4955, 29892, 607, 564, 4637, 278, 817, 363, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 937, 4797, 274, 331, 1308, 583, 304, 367, 7841, 29889, 13, 29931, 1008, 23035, 4687, 7512, 292, 260, 2666, 304, 1438, 19225, 13444, 267, 29892, 491, 10200, 1218, 1009, 2646, 1960, 411, 18281, 322, 13449, 1283, 29889, 450, 2969, 304, 10657, 278, 14436, 29891, 2288, 471, 18443, 287, 491, 4275, 3082, 5922, 29889, 2688, 4687, 304, 2041, 4208, 408, 263, 7881, 363, 610, 3076, 29892, 12032, 267, 29892, 322, 6493, 2626, 9020, 29879, 29892, 297, 1083, 1590, 11115, 310, 1438, 9644, 686, 13444, 267, 29889, 13, 13393, 901, 785, 28569, 1834, 29887, 4357, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 751, 4769, 13, 11442, 9020, 8373, 3374, 887, 751, 4769, 13, 4013, 1741, 4687, 263, 1472, 8020, 322, 1603, 756, 263, 4266, 3256, 297, 1432, 2613, 509, 28438, 29915, 29879, 2834, 29889, 450, 2462, 756, 11872, 701, 263, 3974, 310, 16967, 327, 1608, 393, 4414, 2795, 1432, 5192, 29889, 2178, 1556, 1432, 1473, 3942, 750, 5714, 1009, 3942, 4509, 297, 1438, 28792, 29892, 322, 2407, 263, 2643, 470, 19722, 8373, 3374, 887, 751, 4769, 393, 10940, 5233, 4225, 29892, 591, 2337, 7960, 304, 28839, 2834, 29889, 1334, 408, 18363, 310, 6813, 505, 1063, 5162, 348, 403, 304, 505, 23878, 263, 1781, 16967, 327, 25000, 373, 607, 591, 526, 22314, 29889, 2688, 526, 451, 6345, 5517, 29892, 541, 4249, 310, 502, 29892, 1058, 23222, 304, 5401, 322, 11592, 278, 5233, 515, 22595, 29892, 322, 20722, 2745, 6416, 29889, 450, 16967, 1862, 26285, 287, 1009, 12561, 29879, 363, 278, 5637, 1049, 322, 4846, 701, 1009, 12080, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 17351, 29892, 1222, 572, 487, 785, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29974, 6407, 19722, 8373, 1954, 1179, 14348, 13, 29908, 25271, 366, 577, 1568, 363, 596, 2302, 2222, 26285, 267, 29889, 306, 11188, 599, 366, 29915, 345, 2309, 304, 3013, 599, 310, 502, 9109, 322, 3889, 1213, 785, 28533, 3080, 24338, 13, 29908, 3492, 674, 2360, 437, 3099, 297, 445, 3186, 1728, 19872, 29889, 739, 338, 278, 14176, 11029, 310, 278, 3458, 2446, 304, 10657, 1213, 30003, 25068, 327, 280, 13, 29908, 29907, 261, 9857, 583, 526, 4100, 29889, 1205, 1749, 20715, 4279, 756, 304, 367, 901, 1135, 1998, 1169, 304, 278, 13230, 322, 2748, 29899, 29874, 29899, 6360, 19722, 8373, 5147, 9857, 583, 29889, 1334, 10657, 278, 7123, 1900, 491, 2578, 1218, 278, 8471, 1532, 1213, 30003, 29967, 2108, 9633, 341, 29889, 6274, 13376, 13, 29908, 2887, 591, 4653, 1749, 20715, 4279, 29892, 591, 1818, 2360, 9566, 393, 278, 9939, 5108, 362, 338, 451, 304, 14401, 3838, 29892, 541, 304, 5735, 491, 963, 1213, 785, 2259, 383, 29889, 23166, 13, 29908, 29907, 283, 6617, 338, 278, 937, 310, 5199, 4021, 1907, 1363, 372, 338, 278, 11029, 607, 10509, 267, 278, 4045, 1213, 29899, 25068, 327, 280, 13, 29908, 3047, 449, 3370, 29892, 727, 338, 694, 9257, 29889, 13932, 3370, 29892, 727, 723, 367, 694, 7631, 2133, 29892, 694, 12459, 29892, 694, 5434, 1213, 785, 1260, 347, 27178, 295, 13, 29908, 1576, 26565, 762, 2360, 29892, 2466, 896, 8709, 297, 278, 19786, 29892, 1009, 19872, 302, 20098, 263, 10405, 8471, 1757, 1213, 29871, 30217, 3080, 327, 435, 29889, 9583, 482, 13, 29908, 4806, 2041, 29892, 451, 304, 286, 2905, 1749, 7123, 13936, 541, 304, 7213, 895, 963, 1213, 813, 5845, 319, 29889, 19512, 13, 29908, 797, 278, 6763, 310, 263, 1735, 29892, 278, 16967, 327, 338, 263, 21990, 346, 767, 29892, 322, 26565, 29892, 322, 298, 630, 322, 885, 1398, 287, 29889, 1932, 670, 4556, 9269, 29879, 29892, 278, 5335, 333, 5988, 1075, 29892, 363, 769, 372, 21544, 3078, 304, 367, 263, 16967, 327, 1213, 785, 5122, 315, 9450, 13, 29908, 29911, 1092, 820, 449, 278, 3236, 310, 3082, 4955, 29892, 19872, 681, 1757, 322, 5866, 505, 4586, 701, 10188, 304, 11592, 29892, 24663, 29892, 322, 7344, 1438, 7136, 18671, 2501, 607, 1749, 22900, 29915, 29879, 3005, 287, 4835, 8839, 1213, 785, 5122, 24715, 13, 797, 1028, 381, 1288, 19722, 8373, 751, 4769, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 13, 11442, 9020, 8373, 751, 4769, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 785, 1334, 5735, 297, 385, 7417, 4234, 322, 526, 6452, 1319, 304, 278, 29811, 1821, 2305, 1058, 14363, 372, 1156, 1784, 10205, 793, 322, 24663, 967, 21820, 29889, 2688, 3282, 29915, 29873, 8589, 363, 263, 21684, 2857, 301, 7004, 1508, 470, 263, 27446, 29892, 896, 8589, 363, 263, 3889, 322, 7417, 2834, 363, 1176, 800, 29889, 9333, 7291, 1048, 278, 21117, 363, 16082, 515, 21224, 482, 470, 8370, 1201, 6057, 964, 1749, 3353, 3573, 29892, 769, 1348, 896, 599, 20050, 372, 322, 20722, 2750, 372, 29889, 450, 6788, 322, 766, 510, 3921, 896, 4459, 526, 1407, 5189, 304, 2274, 29889, 2567, 304, 10503, 573, 29892, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2289, 505, 304, 21117, 29892, 408, 1568, 408, 896, 750, 304, 297, 1009, 12080, 1432, 2462, 29889, 13, 29908, 2887, 591, 4653, 1749, 20715, 4279, 29892, 591, 1818, 2360, 9566, 393, 278, 9939, 5108, 362, 338, 451, 304, 14401, 278, 3838, 29892, 541, 304, 5735, 491, 963, 1213, 785, 2259, 383, 29889, 23166, 13, 29908, 8439, 338, 3078, 2743, 411, 6813, 393, 2609, 367, 274, 2955, 491, 825, 338, 1492, 411, 6813, 1213, 785, 6682, 2233, 16929, 13, 29908, 25271, 366, 363, 4129, 366, 437, 29991, 612, 27269, 505, 8126, 590, 3942, 9109, 322, 526, 6820, 592, 263, 2834, 310, 15332, 29889, 3374, 366, 363, 16330, 1749, 4234, 3850, 785, 4104, 5570, 402, 3470, 3801, 13, 29908, 8439, 338, 3078, 22182, 1358, 1135, 12045, 292, 596, 2834, 363, 596, 4234, 1213, 785, 13853, 12718, 11869, 13, 29908 ]
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." β€”John F. Kennedy "Honor to the Soldier, and Sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor also to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field, and serves, as best he can, the same causeβ€”honor to him, less only than to him, who braves, for the common good, the storms of heaven and the storms of battle."β€”Abraham Lincoln "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." – Elmer Davis "For the love of country they accepted death, and thus renounced all debts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue." – James A. Garfield "My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place." β€” Sidney Sheldon "Each of the patriots whom we remember on this day was first a beloved son or daughter, a brother or sister, or a spouse, friend, and neighbor." β€” George H. W. Bush "No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of is so free men and women." – Ronald Reagan "The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree." Thomas Campbell "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them." –John F. Kennedy "Greater love has no one than this Than to lay down one's life for his friends." ― John "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first." – Charles de Gaulle "This will remain the land of the free so long as it is the home of the brave." – Elmer Davis "And They Who for Their Country Die Shall Fill an Honored Grave, For Glory, Lights the Soldier's Tomb, And Beauty Weeps the Brave." ― Joseph Rodman Drake "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself." – Joseph Campbell "Thank you so much for your service to our country. I am very thankful to live in a free country, especially after traveling abroad and realizing just how amazing it is to be an American. I am grateful to you for your sacrifice and cover you in my prayers. God Bless you and your family!" – Rachel Metcalf "We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage."β€”Theodore Roosevelt Happy Memorial Day Quotes Sayings Happy Memorial Day 2022 Quotes Sayings – Nowadays, Patriotism does not just mean the struggle for the independence of a country but it also includes the sincere spirit and true love of the country and countrymen which can be demonstrated through soulful work for the development of the country. Along with this, it is the responsibility of all of us to do our best to maintain the morale and respect of the army. Memorial Day is a time to honor, reflect, and remember those who've made the ultimate sacrifice for their country "Overall our happy country over all our Nation spread is a band of noble heroes–is our Army of the Dead." – Will Carleton "The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example." – Benjamin Disraeli "How important it is for us to recognize and celebrated our real heroes and she-roes!" – Maya Angelou "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." – Mark Twain "A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom." – Bob Dylan "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."– John F. Kennedy "The greatest glory of a free-born people is to transmit the freedom to their children." β€” William Harvard "In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved." –Franklin D. Roosevelt "Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap
[ 29909, 808, 451, 825, 596, 4234, 508, 437, 363, 366, 29892, 2244, 825, 366, 508, 437, 363, 596, 4234, 1213, 813, 11639, 383, 29889, 23166, 13, 29908, 29950, 265, 272, 304, 278, 19019, 631, 29892, 322, 317, 737, 272, 16978, 29892, 1058, 4105, 29894, 873, 367, 1503, 670, 4234, 29915, 29879, 4556, 29889, 18236, 884, 304, 278, 14497, 264, 1058, 1559, 267, 363, 670, 8099, 297, 278, 1746, 29892, 322, 19700, 29892, 408, 1900, 540, 508, 29892, 278, 1021, 4556, 30003, 27305, 272, 304, 1075, 29892, 3109, 871, 1135, 304, 1075, 29892, 1058, 4105, 1960, 29892, 363, 278, 3619, 1781, 29892, 278, 14280, 29879, 310, 18356, 322, 278, 14280, 29879, 310, 10555, 1213, 30003, 29909, 2634, 3391, 17274, 13, 29908, 4013, 5233, 674, 3933, 278, 2982, 310, 278, 3889, 871, 577, 1472, 408, 372, 338, 278, 3271, 310, 278, 26565, 1213, 785, 1260, 1050, 15225, 13, 29908, 2831, 278, 5360, 310, 4234, 896, 9259, 4892, 29892, 322, 4550, 4325, 20979, 599, 2553, 1372, 29892, 322, 1754, 5198, 441, 284, 1009, 16967, 327, 1608, 322, 1009, 27935, 1213, 785, 5011, 319, 29889, 7455, 2671, 13, 29908, 3421, 13444, 267, 526, 1906, 1058, 12045, 1009, 12080, 1432, 2462, 304, 12566, 1749, 3186, 322, 1207, 372, 263, 2253, 2058, 1213, 813, 19732, 3801, 1383, 2495, 265, 13, 29908, 9760, 310, 278, 16967, 1862, 6029, 591, 6456, 373, 445, 2462, 471, 937, 263, 1339, 8238, 1487, 470, 8750, 29892, 263, 8099, 470, 9883, 29892, 470, 263, 805, 1709, 29892, 5121, 29892, 322, 12307, 1213, 813, 5122, 379, 29889, 399, 29889, 24715, 13, 29908, 3782, 564, 4881, 284, 29892, 470, 694, 28639, 297, 278, 564, 4881, 1338, 310, 278, 3186, 29892, 338, 577, 883, 333, 519, 408, 278, 674, 322, 14731, 19872, 310, 338, 577, 3889, 1757, 322, 5866, 1213, 785, 11546, 2741, 830, 18939, 13, 29908, 1576, 16967, 327, 29915, 29879, 10416, 338, 278, 16717, 310, 3878, 11607, 29915, 29879, 5447, 1213, 5569, 22163, 13, 29908, 2887, 591, 4653, 1749, 20715, 4279, 29892, 591, 1818, 2360, 9566, 393, 278, 9939, 5108, 362, 338, 451, 304, 14401, 278, 3838, 29892, 541, 304, 5735, 491, 963, 1213, 785, 11639, 383, 29889, 23166, 13, 29908, 25120, 1008, 5360, 756, 694, 697, 1135, 445, 498, 273, 304, 6568, 1623, 697, 29915, 29879, 2834, 363, 670, 7875, 1213, 29871, 30217, 2259, 13, 29908, 11457, 374, 327, 1608, 338, 746, 5360, 310, 596, 1914, 2305, 5304, 937, 29936, 4797, 1608, 29892, 746, 26277, 363, 2305, 916, 1135, 596, 1914, 5304, 937, 1213, 785, 5322, 316, 10415, 15104, 13, 29908, 4013, 674, 3933, 278, 2982, 310, 278, 3889, 577, 1472, 408, 372, 338, 278, 3271, 310, 278, 26565, 1213, 785, 1260, 1050, 15225, 13, 29908, 2855, 2688, 11644, 363, 11275, 15456, 1640, 1383, 497, 383, 453, 385, 7906, 4395, 4989, 345, 29892, 1152, 8467, 706, 29892, 365, 5861, 278, 19019, 631, 29915, 29879, 323, 3424, 29892, 1126, 19618, 29891, 1334, 8961, 278, 5032, 345, 1213, 29871, 30217, 6936, 7733, 1171, 16322, 446, 13, 29908, 29909, 13444, 338, 4856, 1058, 756, 2183, 670, 470, 902, 2834, 304, 1554, 16600, 1135, 6743, 761, 1213, 785, 6936, 22163, 13, 29908, 25271, 366, 577, 1568, 363, 596, 2669, 304, 1749, 4234, 29889, 306, 626, 1407, 6452, 1319, 304, 5735, 297, 263, 3889, 4234, 29892, 7148, 1156, 9850, 292, 28177, 322, 1855, 5281, 925, 920, 21863, 292, 372, 338, 304, 367, 385, 3082, 29889, 306, 626, 28656, 304, 366, 363, 596, 28839, 322, 4612, 366, 297, 590, 12475, 414, 29889, 4177, 350, 2222, 366, 322, 596, 3942, 3850, 785, 23647, 295, 4737, 1052, 29888, 13, 29908, 4806, 1818, 23222, 304, 367, 2107, 29936, 322, 591, 1818, 16289, 393, 2107, 2264, 338, 278, 15774, 310, 304, 309, 322, 28839, 322, 1880, 19872, 1213, 30003, 1576, 29221, 1528, 852, 955, 29873, 13, 29950, 14862, 19722, 8373, 751, 4769, 14891, 886, 13, 29950, 14862, 19722, 8373, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 751, 4769, 14891, 886, 785, 2567, 328, 1036, 29892, 23168, 327, 1608, 947, 451, 925, 2099, 278, 21117, 363, 278, 21820, 310, 263, 4234, 541, 372, 884, 7805, 278, 269, 3742, 406, 8548, 322, 1565, 5360, 310, 278, 4234, 322, 2613, 509, 28438, 607, 508, 367, 28585, 1549, 10752, 1319, 664, 363, 278, 5849, 310, 278, 4234, 29889, 838, 549, 411, 445, 29892, 372, 338, 278, 23134, 310, 599, 310, 502, 304, 437, 1749, 1900, 304, 7344, 278, 3036, 744, 322, 3390, 310, 278, 9987, 29889, 13, 11442, 9020, 8373, 338, 263, 931, 304, 10657, 29892, 9432, 29892, 322, 6456, 1906, 1058, 29915, 345, 1754, 278, 8494, 6490, 28839, 363, 1009, 4234, 13, 29908, 3563, 497, 1749, 9796, 4234, 975, 599, 1749, 22900, 9677, 338, 263, 3719, 310, 15996, 13444, 267, 29994, 275, 1749, 8811, 310, 278, 16992, 1213, 785, 2811, 1704, 11285, 13, 29908, 1576, 25000, 310, 13444, 267, 338, 278, 3370, 310, 263, 2107, 1024, 322, 278, 20328, 310, 263, 2107, 1342, 1213, 785, 20212, 3295, 336, 5037, 13, 29908, 5328, 4100, 372, 338, 363, 502, 304, 18720, 322, 26301, 1749, 1855, 13444, 267, 322, 1183, 29899, 307, 267, 3850, 785, 2610, 29874, 17323, 283, 13, 29908, 11457, 374, 327, 1608, 338, 20382, 596, 4234, 599, 278, 931, 29892, 322, 596, 5874, 746, 372, 16964, 1960, 372, 1213, 785, 4485, 8168, 475, 13, 29908, 29909, 13444, 338, 4856, 1058, 2274, 29879, 278, 23134, 393, 5304, 411, 670, 16082, 1213, 785, 7991, 360, 2904, 273, 13, 29908, 3421, 10404, 23035, 29892, 2244, 451, 825, 596, 4234, 508, 437, 363, 366, 29892, 2244, 825, 366, 508, 437, 363, 596, 4234, 1213, 29994, 2259, 383, 29889, 23166, 13, 29908, 1576, 14176, 26080, 310, 263, 3889, 29899, 4939, 2305, 338, 304, 22649, 278, 16082, 304, 1009, 4344, 1213, 813, 4667, 22221, 13, 29908, 797, 278, 534, 16139, 4060, 29892, 16082, 2609, 367, 1900, 20937, 29936, 372, 1818, 367, 14363, 1213, 785, 7675, 29895, 1915, 360, 29889, 1528, 852, 955, 29873, 13, 29908, 29931, 12347, 1017, 338, 2360, 443, 284, 819, 519, 29936, 372, 1818, 367, 337, 311, 22580, 25704, 411, 278, 10416, 310, 16967, 1862, 470, 372, 2337, 1109, 17006, 29889, 4587, 599, 278, 577, 29899, 13998, 5613, 5199, 10462, 393, 505, 3926, 1063, 11817, 287, 29892, 24169, 338, 3203, 5517, 304, 367, 28773 ]
Porter Goss' spooky demise Bush's CIA chief abruptly resigns under a shadow of alleged ties to a corrupt congressman and leaves a spy agency in chaos. Check out this article! https://www.salon.com/2006/05/06/goss_4/ May 6, 2006 4:00PM (UTC) If George W. Bush were presiding over a normal administration, there would be nothing spooky about Porter Goss' abrupt resignation Friday afternoon. It would be painfully evident from Bush's forced rhetoric ("Porter's tenure at the CIA was one of transition") and Goss' comically overblown boasts ("The agency is on a very even keel, sailing well") that the CIA director was sacked for ineptitude. As the normally mild-mannered Ivo Daalder, a former staff member at the National Security Council under Bill Clinton, put it, "Porter Goss was such an absolute disaster for the agency and our national security that his departure comes not a day too soon." Daalder, now at the Brookings Institution, castigated Goss for creating "a climate of fear and intimidation at the CIA that produced a reluctance to take risks, which is the last thing you want in an intelligence agency." Normally under Bush, promoted-above-your-abilities incompetence is not a firing offense unless, of course, you drown an entire city. True, Josh Bolten, the new White House chief of staff, has been trying to put a few new faces on the flight deck of the "Mission Accomplished" administration. These transitions -- like the long goodbye for White House spokesman Scott McClellan -- have been carefully orchestrated rather than cobbled together like this one, without even the slightest hint of a successor for Goss. "If you believe the White House explanation that this is all part of Josh Bolten's reorganization, then this was done in a surprising fashion," said Rand Beers, a terrorism expert who served in four administrations before resigning from the Bush White House in early 2003. "This makes me believe that it's the cover story." For those practiced in connecting the dots, little artistic training is needed to speculatively link Goss' here's-your-hat-what's-your-hurry departure with the bribery scandal surrounding jailed former GOP Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. NBC News reported Thursday night that the CIA is investigating whether a top agency official, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, improperly steered a $2.4 million contract to his close college friend Brent Wilkes, a defense contractor implicated in the Cunningham case. Wilkes reportedly supplied prostitutes to Cunningham at poker parties that Foggo also attended, though the CIA official denies seeing the female entertainment. There is no obvious connection between Goss and Cunningham, aside from their having served together in the House for 13 years. But the real mystery is how Foggo became the CIA's executive director, the official in charge of day-to-day operations at the entire agency: He was a midlevel field officer with a procurement background when Goss appointed him in 2004. A CIA spokeswoman, who did not want her name used, said Thursday that the two men met when Foggo testified before the House Intelligence Committee, which Goss chaired from 1997 until 2004, when Bush made him the CIA director. No date was provided for Foggo's testimony before Goss' committee. Of course, the Foggo-Wilkes connection may have nothing to do with the sudden change in Goss' career arc. Daalder posed the speculative question, "Was there an intelligence blunder that we don't know about -- and that we may never know about?" Certainly, given the disarray at the CIA, it is plausible that the agency could have made a major misjudgment about, say, the Iranian or North Korean nuclear programs. Despite his brief tenure at the CIA, Goss will always be known as the last spymaster to have held the fabled title "Director of Central Intelligence." The CIA chief
[ 7102, 357, 402, 2209, 29915, 805, 2550, 29891, 1261, 895, 13, 29933, 1878, 29915, 29879, 315, 10764, 9087, 633, 6685, 368, 620, 647, 29879, 1090, 263, 15504, 310, 16831, 287, 260, 583, 304, 263, 1034, 6685, 378, 3663, 1171, 322, 11308, 263, 805, 29891, 946, 3819, 297, 10329, 359, 29889, 13, 5596, 714, 445, 4274, 29991, 2045, 597, 1636, 29889, 19585, 265, 29889, 510, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29914, 29900, 29945, 29914, 29900, 29953, 29914, 29887, 2209, 29918, 29946, 29914, 13, 12703, 29871, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29871, 29946, 29901, 29900, 29900, 13427, 313, 26913, 29897, 13, 3644, 5122, 399, 29889, 24715, 892, 2225, 4821, 975, 263, 4226, 17517, 29892, 727, 723, 367, 3078, 805, 2550, 29891, 1048, 7102, 357, 402, 2209, 29915, 633, 6685, 620, 25072, 28728, 17724, 29889, 739, 723, 367, 6788, 3730, 13602, 515, 24715, 29915, 29879, 11826, 364, 9188, 272, 293, 4852, 29925, 9555, 29915, 29879, 3006, 545, 472, 278, 315, 10764, 471, 697, 310, 9558, 1159, 322, 402, 2209, 29915, 419, 1711, 975, 29890, 677, 29876, 1045, 19416, 4852, 1576, 946, 3819, 338, 373, 263, 1407, 1584, 1589, 295, 29892, 14892, 292, 1532, 1159, 393, 278, 315, 10764, 8881, 471, 269, 547, 287, 363, 297, 29872, 415, 4279, 29889, 13, 2887, 278, 12891, 286, 789, 29899, 4403, 14561, 306, 1365, 7266, 284, 672, 29892, 263, 4642, 13925, 4509, 472, 278, 3086, 14223, 8831, 1090, 6682, 2233, 16929, 29892, 1925, 372, 29892, 376, 29925, 9555, 402, 2209, 471, 1316, 385, 8380, 766, 1901, 363, 278, 946, 3819, 322, 1749, 4797, 6993, 393, 670, 25619, 5304, 451, 263, 2462, 2086, 4720, 1213, 7266, 284, 672, 29892, 1286, 472, 278, 18737, 886, 28218, 29892, 4320, 335, 630, 402, 2209, 363, 4969, 376, 29874, 23622, 310, 8866, 322, 938, 326, 333, 362, 472, 278, 315, 10764, 393, 7371, 263, 1104, 5313, 749, 304, 2125, 5161, 2039, 29892, 607, 338, 278, 1833, 2655, 366, 864, 297, 385, 21082, 946, 3819, 1213, 13, 29940, 555, 635, 1090, 24715, 29892, 21201, 29899, 27215, 29899, 8066, 29899, 11614, 297, 2388, 300, 663, 338, 451, 263, 25948, 1283, 1947, 6521, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 366, 270, 4708, 385, 4152, 4272, 29889, 5852, 29892, 22838, 8922, 841, 29892, 278, 716, 8037, 5619, 9087, 310, 13925, 29892, 756, 1063, 1811, 304, 1925, 263, 2846, 716, 17240, 373, 278, 16286, 19810, 310, 278, 376, 29924, 2333, 7255, 510, 572, 3276, 29908, 17517, 29889, 4525, 1301, 2187, 1192, 763, 278, 1472, 1781, 26966, 363, 8037, 5619, 805, 23195, 1171, 8075, 15612, 280, 645, 273, 1192, 505, 1063, 16112, 22624, 16444, 630, 3265, 1135, 274, 711, 27225, 4208, 763, 445, 697, 29892, 1728, 1584, 278, 7248, 342, 13182, 310, 263, 29433, 363, 402, 2209, 29889, 13, 29908, 3644, 366, 4658, 278, 8037, 5619, 8252, 393, 445, 338, 599, 760, 310, 22838, 8922, 841, 29915, 29879, 337, 6388, 2133, 29892, 769, 445, 471, 2309, 297, 263, 26800, 13460, 1699, 1497, 17468, 1522, 414, 29892, 263, 15115, 1608, 17924, 1058, 6766, 297, 3023, 6343, 800, 1434, 620, 647, 292, 515, 278, 24715, 8037, 5619, 297, 4688, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29889, 376, 4013, 3732, 592, 4658, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 278, 4612, 5828, 1213, 13, 2831, 1906, 4120, 7612, 297, 16791, 278, 270, 1862, 29892, 2217, 1616, 4695, 6694, 338, 4312, 304, 1580, 352, 6703, 1544, 402, 2209, 29915, 1244, 29915, 29879, 29899, 8066, 29899, 2455, 29899, 5816, 29915, 29879, 29899, 8066, 29899, 29882, 332, 719, 25619, 411, 278, 289, 374, 495, 29891, 885, 24258, 18830, 12337, 2356, 4642, 402, 4590, 10088, 29889, 390, 13910, 376, 29928, 29884, 446, 29908, 315, 27389, 3391, 29889, 13, 29940, 5371, 10130, 8967, 498, 1295, 3250, 4646, 393, 278, 315, 10764, 338, 7405, 1218, 3692, 263, 2246, 946, 3819, 6221, 29892, 476, 1508, 376, 29928, 504, 29891, 29908, 383, 468, 1484, 29892, 4857, 546, 368, 1886, 14561, 263, 395, 29906, 29889, 29946, 7284, 8078, 304, 670, 3802, 12755, 5121, 1771, 296, 4624, 10794, 29892, 263, 26406, 8078, 272, 2411, 9169, 297, 278, 315, 27389, 3391, 1206, 29889, 4624, 10794, 8967, 368, 19056, 16810, 277, 2667, 304, 315, 27389, 3391, 472, 11293, 261, 13973, 393, 383, 468, 1484, 884, 14283, 29892, 2466, 278, 315, 10764, 6221, 972, 583, 8790, 278, 12944, 22684, 358, 29889, 13, 8439, 338, 694, 6924, 3957, 1546, 402, 2209, 322, 315, 27389, 3391, 29892, 17786, 515, 1009, 2534, 6766, 4208, 297, 278, 5619, 363, 29871, 29896, 29941, 2440, 29889, 1205, 278, 1855, 29236, 338, 920, 383, 468, 1484, 3897, 278, 315, 10764, 29915, 29879, 22760, 8881, 29892, 278, 6221, 297, 8323, 310, 2462, 29899, 517, 29899, 3250, 6931, 472, 278, 4152, 946, 3819, 29901, 940, 471, 263, 7145, 5563, 1746, 12139, 411, 263, 9580, 545, 358, 3239, 746, 402, 2209, 10658, 1075, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29889, 319, 315, 10764, 805, 23195, 29893, 2480, 29892, 1058, 1258, 451, 864, 902, 1024, 1304, 29892, 1497, 498, 1295, 3250, 393, 278, 1023, 1757, 1539, 746, 383, 468, 1484, 1243, 2164, 1434, 278, 5619, 3159, 28286, 12930, 29892, 607, 402, 2209, 10329, 2859, 515, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 2745, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 746, 24715, 1754, 1075, 278, 315, 10764, 8881, 29889, 1939, 2635, 471, 4944, 363, 383, 468, 1484, 29915, 29879, 28523, 2592, 1434, 402, 2209, 29915, 21118, 29889, 13, 2776, 3236, 29892, 278, 383, 468, 1484, 29899, 29594, 10794, 3957, 1122, 505, 3078, 304, 437, 411, 278, 8327, 1735, 297, 402, 2209, 29915, 6413, 15232, 29889, 7266, 284, 672, 926, 287, 278, 1580, 28524, 1139, 29892, 376, 29956, 294, 727, 385, 21082, 1999, 5062, 393, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 1048, 1192, 322, 393, 591, 1122, 2360, 1073, 1048, 3026, 315, 13946, 368, 29892, 2183, 278, 766, 2378, 472, 278, 315, 10764, 29892, 372, 338, 2174, 375, 1821, 393, 278, 946, 3819, 1033, 505, 1754, 263, 4655, 3984, 17675, 19422, 1048, 29892, 1827, 29892, 278, 14883, 713, 470, 4644, 22467, 20346, 11104, 29889, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 670, 11473, 3006, 545, 472, 278, 315, 10764, 29892, 402, 2209, 674, 2337, 367, 2998, 408, 278, 1833, 805, 962, 1901, 304, 505, 4934, 278, 285, 3606, 3611, 376, 17392, 272, 310, 8068, 3159, 28286, 1213, 450, 315, 10764, 9087 ]
Ticket Sarasota Soundboard, Aug. 21-27 By Gerry Galipault , Herald-Tribune / Thursday, August 21, 2014 Kim Betts and Gamble Creek Band. (Courtesy photo) PLAYING THIS WEEK (Shows are listed chronologically and alphabetically) THURSDAY 8.21 Chris & Bob, 11:30 a.m. (Snook Haven) Georgia & Mike, 11:30 a.m. (O'Leary's) Jersey Vic, 1 p.m. (Flounders) Mike Sales, 1-4 p.m. every Thurs. (Blu Que) Jen & Ray, 4 p.m. (Daiquiri Deck Siesta Key) John Russo Singing Bartender, 4 p.m. every Thurs. (Il Panificio Gulf Gate) Backstreet, 5 p.m. (Blu Que) Pete Messina, 5 p.m. (O'Leary's) Scottie McFarland, 5 p.m. (Mattison's Forty-One) Hip Squad, 6 p.m. (Flounders) Kettle of Fish, 6 p.m. (Marina Jack) Marcia, 6 p.m. (The Celtic Ray) David Moore, 6-10 p.m. every Thurs. (Sharky's on the Pier) Regis Moreira, 6-9 p.m. every Thurs. (Maximo) Rye Road, 6-10 p.m. every Thurs. (Clancy's) Tangled Mangos, 6 p.m. (Swordfish Grill) Taylor & Taylor, 6 p.m. (Woody's River Roo) Joe Thayer, 6-10 p.m. every Thurs. (Main Street Trattoria) Luigi Toth and guests, 6-9 p.m. every Thurs. (Villa Toscana) Tropix, 6 p.m. (Cortez Clam Factory) Bobby Vesey, 6-9 p.m. every Thurs. (Pub 32) Sarah Combs Duo, 6:30-9:30 p.m. (Cafe L'Europe) BC Hathaway, 6:30 p.m. (LeBarge) Andres Colin, 7 p.m. (Darwin's on 4th) Flat Water, 7 p.m. (Lock 'N Key) RJ Howson Band, 7 p.m (Englewoods on Dearborn) David Murabito, 7 p.m. (La Dolce Vita) Berry Oakley's Skylab, 7 p.m. (SKOB) Robin Skinner, 7-10 p.m. every Thurs. (Meadows Village Pub) sTone Fish, 7 p.m. (Old Packinghouse) The Venturas, 7 p.m. every Thurs. (Mattison's City Grille) Stewart Bradish, 7:30 p.m. (Bob's Boathouse) Scott Curts, 7:30 p.m. every Thurs. (Salute!) Open Blues Jam, 7:30 p.m. (Flying Dog) Ari and the Alibis, 8 p.m. (Blue Rooster) Gals' Night Out feat. DJ Russ Deep, 8 p.m. every Thurs. (Libby's) Karaoke with DJ Everett, 8:30 p.m. every Thurs. (Mulligans) Karaoke with Faye Johnson, 9 p.m. (The Factory) DJ Flipmode, 9 p.m. every Thurs. (Bleachers) RJ Howson & Friends, 9 p.m. every Thurs. (Bob's Boathouse) Ladies Night, 9 p.m. every Thurs. (Froggy's) Democracy,
[ 323, 8522, 7745, 294, 4616, 13, 29456, 3377, 29892, 22333, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29955, 13, 2059, 5681, 719, 5208, 666, 1292, 1919, 2439, 2741, 29899, 29911, 1091, 1540, 13, 29914, 498, 1295, 3250, 29892, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 13, 29968, 326, 6313, 1372, 322, 28011, 569, 15594, 5158, 29889, 313, 29907, 473, 2167, 29891, 15373, 29897, 13, 29925, 18799, 4214, 3446, 3235, 399, 17896, 29968, 13, 29898, 2713, 1242, 526, 9904, 17168, 1189, 1711, 322, 22968, 1711, 29897, 13, 4690, 4574, 7230, 29909, 29979, 29871, 29947, 29889, 29906, 29896, 13, 11626, 275, 669, 7991, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 263, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1217, 554, 379, 3496, 29897, 13, 7999, 990, 423, 669, 12828, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 263, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29967, 261, 7759, 13423, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 29924, 9345, 28389, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 29967, 264, 669, 9596, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29928, 1794, 6578, 374, 897, 384, 6101, 4405, 7670, 29897, 13, 11639, 11688, 578, 6106, 292, 12245, 1581, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 14126, 6518, 928, 601, 402, 16302, 22510, 29897, 13, 5841, 29352, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 29925, 2650, 11946, 1099, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 4421, 1501, 347, 4052, 29943, 279, 1049, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 7236, 29891, 29899, 6716, 29897, 13, 29950, 666, 18827, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 29968, 1803, 280, 310, 12030, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 7083, 1099, 5457, 29897, 13, 7083, 1512, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 1576, 315, 2152, 293, 9596, 29897, 13, 19504, 18588, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 2713, 935, 29891, 29915, 29879, 373, 278, 12939, 29897, 13, 4597, 275, 5853, 3055, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 7976, 4200, 29897, 13, 29934, 4099, 9321, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29907, 6468, 1270, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29911, 574, 839, 29237, 359, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1742, 15161, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29911, 11017, 669, 12537, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29956, 29877, 1486, 29915, 29879, 6163, 1528, 29877, 29897, 13, 29967, 7297, 498, 2747, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 6330, 7103, 1605, 1131, 4108, 29897, 13, 24126, 10091, 323, 720, 322, 28865, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29963, 2911, 323, 14174, 1648, 29897, 13, 29911, 1336, 861, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 10069, 29920, 2233, 314, 27561, 29897, 13, 29362, 1609, 478, 968, 29891, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 21076, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29897, 13, 29903, 279, 801, 422, 5824, 5334, 29877, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29929, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 26270, 1725, 365, 29915, 15654, 29897, 13, 5371, 379, 493, 21694, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 3226, 4297, 479, 29897, 13, 2855, 690, 1530, 262, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29928, 279, 5080, 29915, 29879, 373, 29871, 29946, 386, 29897, 13, 29943, 5066, 13062, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 16542, 525, 29940, 7670, 29897, 13, 29934, 29967, 1128, 1100, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 313, 8100, 280, 6115, 29879, 373, 360, 799, 4939, 29897, 13, 19504, 7487, 370, 2049, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 5661, 11201, 346, 478, 2028, 29897, 13, 17104, 719, 24132, 2330, 29915, 29879, 4971, 2904, 370, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 16033, 14824, 29897, 13, 21860, 262, 4971, 3993, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29924, 1479, 1242, 24720, 8042, 29897, 13, 29879, 29911, 650, 12030, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21648, 18744, 292, 8697, 29897, 13, 1576, 21141, 10939, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 4412, 1632, 1924, 29897, 13, 7789, 10305, 15862, 728, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29362, 29915, 29879, 1952, 493, 1709, 29897, 13, 4421, 1501, 10837, 1372, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 20392, 1082, 14366, 13, 6585, 23434, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29943, 5890, 18776, 29897, 13, 29909, 374, 322, 278, 319, 1982, 275, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21319, 1528, 15664, 29897, 13, 29954, 1338, 29915, 11554, 4451, 1238, 271, 29889, 23366, 4719, 21784, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 14868, 1609, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29968, 2518, 6946, 411, 23366, 18274, 1803, 29892, 29871, 29947, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29924, 913, 335, 550, 29897, 13, 29968, 2518, 6946, 411, 383, 15802, 11717, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 1576, 27561, 29897, 13, 29928, 29967, 383, 492, 3358, 356, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29933, 280, 496, 414, 29897, 13, 29934, 29967, 1128, 1100, 669, 11169, 1975, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29362, 29915, 29879, 1952, 493, 1709, 29897, 13, 29931, 328, 583, 11554, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29943, 307, 1505, 29891, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29928, 331, 25804, 29892, 29871 ]
10 p.m. every Thurs. (5 O'Clock Club) DJ Xtreme, 10 p.m. every Thurs. (Beach Club) Ladies Night, 10 p.m. every Thurs. (Prana) FRIDAY 8.22 Albert Noe, 11:30 a.m. (O'Leary's) Joey O, noon (Snook Haven) Sons of Beaches, 1-5 p.m. every Fri. (Flounders) Swamp Donkie, 2 p.m. (SKOB) Joey Lavallee, 3 p.m. (Marina Jack) Bain Beakley, 3:30-5:30 p.m. every Fri. (Blu Que) John Russo Singing Bartender, 4 p.m. every Fri. (Il Panificio Gulf Gate) Jimi Banks, 5 p.m. (Woody's River Roo) Blue Mason Barter, 5-8 p.m. (The Factory) Endless Vibes, 5 p.m. (O'Leary's) Full Moon Friday Happy Hour feat. JAC of All Trades, aka Jonathan Cortez, 5-9 p.m. (Ivory Lounge) Russ Rhymmer, 5-8 p.m. (Gecko's Fruitville) Mike Sales, 5 p.m. (Anna Maria Beach Cafe) Russ Adams Project, 6 p.m. (Clancy's) The Instigators, 6-8 p.m. (5 O'Clock Club) Jimmy J, 6-9 p.m. every Fri. (LaStanza) Luigi Toth and guests, 6-9 p.m. every Fri. (Villa Toscana) The Venturas, 6 p.m. (Gilligan's) Pat Walsh, 6 p.m. (Pub 88) Doug Bidwell, 6:30 p.m. (YachtSea Grille) Debbie Keeton, 6:30 p.m. every Fri. (Mattison's Forty-One) Seamus McCarthy, 6:30 p.m. (Stump Pass Grille) Natural Vibes, 6:30 p.m. (Cortez Kitchen) KAJM, 6:45-9:45 p.m. (Mango Bistro) Bandana, 7 p.m. (Flounders) Kim Betts & Gamble Creek Band, 7 p.m. (Barefoot Tiki) A Bit of Malarkey, 7 p.m. (Pub 32) Black Velvet, 7 p.m. (Beyond the Sea) Ryan Carney, 7 p.m. (Banana Cabana) Karen Greenley, 7-11 p.m. every Fri. (Sharky's Seagrill) Loretta James Band, 7 p.m. (Tarpon Pointe Grill) Messenger, 7 p.m. (Woody's River Roo) Missing Links, 7 p.m. (Old Packinghouse) Nic and Ari, 7 p.m. (Darwin's on 4th) Berry Oakley Band, 7 p.m (Englewoods on Dearborn) Koko Ray, 7 p.m. (Swordfish Grill) Bon Echo, 7:30 p.m. (World of Beer) Reverend Barry & Funktastic Soul featuring the Hellacious Horns, 8 p.m. (Beach Club; $5) Lisa Ridings & Vertigo, 7 p.m. (Pop's Sunset Grill) Danny Sinoff Trio, 7-10 p.m. every Fri. (JD's Bistro) Bill Vinhage, 7 p.m. (La Dolce Vita) Mumbo Jumbo, 7:30 p.m. (Flying Dog) The Crashers, 8 p.
[ 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29945, 438, 29915, 29907, 908, 5977, 29897, 13, 29928, 29967, 1060, 2484, 1004, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 3629, 496, 5977, 29897, 13, 29931, 328, 583, 11554, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 498, 1295, 29889, 313, 29925, 661, 29874, 29897, 13, 15860, 1367, 29909, 29979, 29871, 29947, 29889, 29906, 29906, 13, 2499, 2151, 1939, 29872, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 263, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 10844, 1032, 438, 29892, 694, 265, 313, 29903, 1217, 554, 379, 3496, 29897, 13, 29903, 787, 310, 1522, 14520, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 10840, 1160, 3872, 19501, 29892, 29871, 29906, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 16033, 14824, 29897, 13, 10844, 1032, 23212, 3498, 29872, 29892, 29871, 29941, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 7083, 1099, 5457, 29897, 13, 29933, 475, 1522, 557, 2330, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 11639, 11688, 578, 6106, 292, 12245, 1581, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 14126, 6518, 928, 601, 402, 16302, 22510, 29897, 13, 29967, 10233, 350, 1331, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29956, 29877, 1486, 29915, 29879, 6163, 1528, 29877, 29897, 13, 21319, 28095, 2261, 357, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 1576, 27561, 29897, 13, 5044, 2222, 478, 747, 267, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 13658, 17549, 28728, 28569, 379, 473, 1238, 271, 29889, 435, 2477, 310, 2178, 1605, 3076, 29892, 263, 1335, 20983, 2994, 371, 29920, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29902, 29894, 706, 365, 1309, 479, 29897, 13, 23002, 7861, 962, 1050, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 7999, 27604, 29915, 29879, 383, 9216, 4909, 29897, 13, 29924, 9345, 28389, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 2744, 1056, 6217, 17594, 9243, 1725, 29897, 13, 23002, 20359, 8010, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 6468, 1270, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 1576, 2799, 335, 4097, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29945, 438, 29915, 29907, 908, 5977, 29897, 13, 29967, 326, 1357, 435, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 5661, 855, 8520, 29897, 13, 24126, 10091, 323, 720, 322, 28865, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 29963, 2911, 323, 14174, 1648, 29897, 13, 1576, 21141, 10939, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29954, 453, 11163, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 11457, 5260, 845, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21076, 29871, 29947, 29947, 29897, 13, 29928, 692, 350, 333, 5872, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29979, 5860, 2008, 29874, 1632, 1924, 29897, 13, 10251, 10993, 4813, 20666, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 7236, 29891, 29899, 6716, 29897, 13, 2008, 314, 375, 4052, 8179, 21155, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 855, 3427, 6978, 1632, 1924, 29897, 13, 29940, 18771, 478, 747, 267, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 10069, 29920, 476, 23213, 29897, 13, 29968, 29909, 29967, 29924, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29946, 29945, 29899, 29929, 29901, 29946, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29924, 4524, 350, 19150, 29897, 13, 29933, 392, 1648, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 29968, 326, 6313, 1372, 669, 28011, 569, 15594, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29933, 598, 6661, 323, 10058, 29897, 13, 29909, 18531, 310, 3792, 279, 1989, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21076, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29897, 13, 18700, 12019, 5990, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29933, 1032, 898, 278, 14070, 29897, 13, 29934, 10094, 1704, 3801, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29933, 273, 1648, 11680, 1648, 29897, 13, 29968, 8326, 7646, 2330, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 2713, 935, 29891, 29915, 29879, 922, 10312, 453, 29897, 13, 29931, 272, 11300, 5011, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29911, 279, 1112, 3929, 6693, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29924, 9957, 914, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29956, 29877, 1486, 29915, 29879, 6163, 1528, 29877, 29897, 13, 18552, 292, 6645, 29879, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21648, 18744, 292, 8697, 29897, 13, 29940, 293, 322, 25775, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29928, 279, 5080, 29915, 29879, 373, 29871, 29946, 386, 29897, 13, 17104, 719, 24132, 2330, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 313, 8100, 280, 6115, 29879, 373, 360, 799, 4939, 29897, 13, 29968, 15218, 9596, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1742, 15161, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29933, 265, 382, 1859, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 14058, 310, 1522, 261, 29897, 13, 1123, 369, 355, 23032, 669, 383, 11087, 6288, 27339, 23425, 278, 379, 3547, 8802, 19674, 29879, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 3629, 496, 5977, 29936, 395, 29945, 29897, 13, 29931, 8069, 390, 333, 886, 669, 11198, 5973, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 12310, 29915, 29879, 8991, 842, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29928, 14763, 317, 1789, 600, 323, 5378, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 29967, 29928, 29915, 29879, 350, 19150, 29897, 13, 29933, 453, 12540, 29882, 482, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 5661, 11201, 346, 478, 2028, 29897, 13, 29924, 398, 833, 435, 398, 833, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29943, 5890, 18776, 29897, 13, 1576, 6781, 1161, 414, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889 ]
m. (Sharky's on the Pier) DJ Franco, 8 p.m. (Harpoon Harry's) Al Donadi, 8 p.m. (SKOB) Ellie Lee & Blues Fury, 8 p.m. (The Celtic Ray) Open Mic Jam, 8 p.m.-midnight every Fri. (White Horse Pub) David Smash Band, 8 p.m. (Cortez Clam Factory) Smokey's Session, 8 p.m. (Mattison's City Grille) Twinkle & RockSoulRadio, 8 p.m. (Bob's Boathouse) Wild Root, 8 p.m. (Motorworks Brewing) Zombie University, 8 p.m. (Lock 'N Key) The Boneshakers, 9 p.m. (Old School) DJ Russ Deep, 9 p.m. every Fri. (Libby's) Friday Night Disco Fever feat. DJ Craig, 9 p.m.-midnight every Fri. (CafΓ© L'Europe) Kettle of Fish, 9 p.m. (Blue Rooster; $5) Knightfall, 9 p.m. (Peggy's Corral) Ocean's Eleven Big Band, 9 p.m. (Polo Grill) Ship of Fools, 9 p.m. (Ace's) Tex Mex Night, 9 p.m. every Fri. (Froggy's) Watching Wendy, 9:30 p.m. (The Factory) Democracy, 10 p.m. (Dcoy Ducks) DROP, 10 p.m. (Rendezvous Lounge) FUSE, 10 p.m. (Cabana Inn) NexxLevel, 10 p.m. (5 O'Clock Club) This Is Our Home with Doc Brown with DJ Kiko, 10 p.m. (Ivory Lounge) Whiskey Blind, 10 p.m. (Clancy's) DJ Gravity, 11 p.m. every Fri. (Beach Club) SATURDAY 8.23 Tim Chandler, noon (Swordfish Grill) Willie BeThere, noon (O'Leary's) Acoustic Pete Blues Trio, 1-5 p.m. every Sat. (Old Packinghouse) Frankie Steel Drums, 1-5 p.m. every Sat. (Blu Que) Gator Creek Band, 1 p.m. (Snook Haven) The Trinidudes, 1 p.m. (Flounders) Tom Balbo, 2 p.m. (Peggy's Corral) Matt Brown, 2 p.m. (Tarpon Pointe Grill) Smokey Daniels, 2 p.m. (Woody's River Roo) Chris Otto, 3 p.m. (Marina Jack) John Russo Singing Bartender, 4 p.m. every Sat. (Il Panificio Gulf Gate) Wally Rutan, 5-8 p.m. (Stump Pass Grille) Torn & Frayed, 5 p.m. (Snook Haven) Bill Vinhage, 5:30 p.m. (Anna Maria Beach Cafe) Marc Anthony, 6 p.m. (Gecko's Fruitville) Jimmy J, 6-9 p.m. every Sat. (LaStanza) Debbie Keeton, 6 p.m. every Sat. (Mattison's Forty-One) Nobody's Fool, 6 p.m. (Stragglers) Luigi Toth and guests, 6-9 p.m. every Sat. (Villa Toscana) Tim Velez, 6 p.m. (O'Leary's) Kettle of Fish, 6:30 p.m. (Cortez Kitchen) Sly McLeod, 6:30 p.m. (LeBarge) Greg Roche
[ 29885, 29889, 313, 2713, 935, 29891, 29915, 29879, 373, 278, 12939, 29897, 13, 29928, 29967, 20923, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21972, 1129, 265, 10686, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 2499, 3872, 10129, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 16033, 14824, 29897, 13, 29923, 645, 347, 9371, 669, 23434, 383, 2857, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 1576, 315, 2152, 293, 9596, 29897, 13, 6585, 20279, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 9229, 6563, 11147, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 21823, 6912, 344, 8042, 29897, 13, 19504, 4116, 1161, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 10069, 29920, 2233, 314, 27561, 29897, 13, 29903, 4346, 1989, 29915, 29879, 16441, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 4412, 1632, 1924, 29897, 13, 27418, 682, 280, 669, 8027, 29903, 5059, 21818, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29362, 29915, 29879, 1952, 493, 1709, 29897, 13, 29956, 789, 28272, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29924, 327, 272, 13129, 350, 3973, 292, 29897, 13, 29999, 3424, 347, 3014, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 16542, 525, 29940, 7670, 29897, 13, 1576, 350, 2873, 29882, 21079, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21648, 4523, 29897, 13, 29928, 29967, 4719, 21784, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 14868, 1609, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29943, 2429, 388, 11554, 3295, 1111, 383, 1310, 1238, 271, 29889, 23366, 28050, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 9229, 6563, 11147, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 29907, 28059, 365, 29915, 15654, 29897, 13, 29968, 1803, 280, 310, 12030, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21319, 1528, 15664, 29936, 395, 29945, 29897, 13, 29968, 11147, 11950, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29925, 387, 1927, 29915, 29879, 2994, 1705, 29897, 13, 29949, 11956, 29915, 29879, 8317, 854, 7997, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29925, 3543, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 2713, 666, 310, 383, 8789, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29909, 346, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 26887, 7578, 11554, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 29943, 307, 1505, 29891, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 24709, 292, 29022, 29891, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 1576, 27561, 29897, 13, 29928, 331, 25804, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29928, 1111, 29891, 360, 2707, 29879, 29897, 13, 29928, 29366, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29934, 3324, 29920, 23088, 365, 1309, 479, 29897, 13, 29943, 17171, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 370, 1648, 25408, 29897, 13, 29940, 735, 29916, 10108, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29945, 438, 29915, 29907, 908, 5977, 29897, 13, 4013, 1317, 8680, 8778, 411, 28197, 9817, 411, 23366, 476, 10349, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29902, 29894, 706, 365, 1309, 479, 29897, 13, 8809, 275, 1989, 3164, 513, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 6468, 1270, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29928, 29967, 4989, 17037, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 11169, 29889, 313, 3629, 496, 5977, 29897, 13, 29903, 1299, 4574, 28658, 29871, 29947, 29889, 29906, 29941, 13, 13711, 678, 392, 1358, 29892, 694, 265, 313, 29903, 1742, 15161, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 12984, 347, 1522, 8439, 29892, 694, 265, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 10644, 18291, 293, 349, 2650, 23434, 323, 5378, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 12178, 29889, 313, 21648, 18744, 292, 8697, 29897, 13, 7675, 19501, 2443, 295, 4942, 6762, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 12178, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 29954, 1061, 15594, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1217, 554, 379, 3496, 29897, 13, 1576, 1605, 262, 333, 8192, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 21599, 7392, 833, 29892, 29871, 29906, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29925, 387, 1927, 29915, 29879, 2994, 1705, 29897, 13, 29924, 1131, 9817, 29892, 29871, 29906, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29911, 279, 1112, 3929, 6693, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29903, 4346, 1989, 8432, 29879, 29892, 29871, 29906, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29956, 29877, 1486, 29915, 29879, 6163, 1528, 29877, 29897, 13, 11626, 275, 13832, 29892, 29871, 29941, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 7083, 1099, 5457, 29897, 13, 11639, 11688, 578, 6106, 292, 12245, 1581, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 12178, 29889, 313, 14126, 6518, 928, 601, 402, 16302, 22510, 29897, 13, 29956, 635, 390, 329, 273, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 855, 3427, 6978, 1632, 1924, 29897, 13, 29911, 1398, 669, 383, 25724, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1217, 554, 379, 3496, 29897, 13, 29933, 453, 12540, 29882, 482, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 2744, 1056, 6217, 17594, 9243, 1725, 29897, 13, 29924, 5666, 16477, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 7999, 27604, 29915, 29879, 383, 9216, 4909, 29897, 13, 29967, 326, 1357, 435, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 12178, 29889, 313, 5661, 855, 8520, 29897, 13, 10251, 10993, 4813, 20666, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 12178, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 7236, 29891, 29899, 6716, 29897, 13, 29940, 711, 1486, 29915, 29879, 383, 1507, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 855, 1431, 3820, 414, 29897, 13, 24126, 10091, 323, 720, 322, 28865, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 12178, 29889, 313, 29963, 2911, 323, 14174, 1648, 29897, 13, 13711, 478, 6146, 29920, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29968, 1803, 280, 310, 12030, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 10069, 29920, 476, 23213, 29897, 13, 29903, 368, 4052, 3226, 397, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 3226, 4297, 479, 29897, 13, 29954, 1727, 1528, 1173 ]
, 6:30 p.m. (YachtSea Grille) Vallerie & Company, 6:30 p.m. (Blue Lagoon) SwingTide Combo, 6:45-9:45 p.m. (Mango Bistro) Area 51, 7 p.m. (Office Pub) Kim Betts & Gamble Creek Band, 7 p.m. (Woody's River Roo) Heather Downie Band, 7 p.m. (Old Packinghouse) RJ Howson, 7 p.m. (Blue Marlin) Joey Lavallee and the Groove Hounds, 7 p.m. (Marina Jack) Ellie Lee & Blues Fury, 7 p.m (Englewoods on Dearborn) Michael Mac Band, 7 p.m. (Motorworks Brewing) Mac McConnell, 7-10 p.m. (Banana Cabana) Lisa Ridings & Vertigo, 7 p.m. (Tarpon Pointe Grill) Walker Smith Group, 7 p.m. (Darwin's on 4th) Ted Stevens, 7 p.m. (Swordfish Grill) Tropix, 7-10 p.m. (Meadows Village Pub) Bobby Vesey, 7 p.m. (Pub 32) Wendy & the Boys, 7 p.m. (Linger Lodge) Yesterdayze, 7 p.m. (Flounders) Shotgun Justice, 7:30 p.m. (Flying Dog) Hail Dale, 8 p.m. (The Celtic Ray) High Tide, 8 p.m. (Sharky's on the Pier) Mighty Mongo, 8 p.m. (Beach Club) NexxLevel, 8 p.m. (Mattison's City Grille) Nancy Nicole, 8 p.m. (La Dolce Vita) Storm Surge, 8 p.m. (Cortez Clam Factory) Mike Tozier, 8 p.m. (SKOB) Twinkle & RockSoulRadio, 8 p.m. (Ms. Rascal's Loony Bin) The Boneshakers, 9 p.m. (Badda Bing!) Come Back Alice, 9 p.m. (Ace's; $5) DJ Rafferdy, 9 p.m. every Sat. (Cork's Cigar Bar) Eartheart, 9 p.m.-midnight every Sat. (Cafe Amalfi) Flight 19, 9 p.m. (Clancy's) Latin Nights, 9 p.m. every Sat. (Froggy's) Lauren Mitchell Band, 9 p.m. (Blue Rooster; $5) Steve Sipes, 9 p.m. (World of Beer) Wild Root, 9 p.m. (Old School) DJ Chris, 9:30 p.m. (Rendezvous Lounge) The Groove Inc., 9:30 p.m. (The Factory) The Venturas, 10 p.m. (5 O'Clock Club) Roctopus, 10 p.m. (Dcoy Ducks) Special K (DJs Kensi and Kiko), 10 p.m. (Ivory Lounge) DJ Rev Kev, 11 p.m. every Sat. (Beach Club) Yesterdayze. (Courtesy photo) SUNDAY 8.24 Sunday Gospel Brunch feat. Shantel and the Duets, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. (Blue Rooster; reservations recommended; 388-7539) Pete Messina, 11:30 a.m. (O'Leary's) Reid Frost, noon (Swordfish Grill) Ellie Lee & Blues Fury, noon (Peggy's Corral) Crosso
[ 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29979, 5860, 2008, 29874, 1632, 1924, 29897, 13, 29963, 497, 10681, 669, 6938, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21319, 365, 4425, 265, 29897, 13, 10840, 292, 29911, 680, 422, 833, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29946, 29945, 29899, 29929, 29901, 29946, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29924, 4524, 350, 19150, 29897, 13, 13799, 29871, 29945, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 27247, 8042, 29897, 13, 29968, 326, 6313, 1372, 669, 28011, 569, 15594, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29956, 29877, 1486, 29915, 29879, 6163, 1528, 29877, 29897, 13, 3868, 1624, 9943, 347, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21648, 18744, 292, 8697, 29897, 13, 29934, 29967, 1128, 1100, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21319, 1085, 1915, 29897, 13, 10844, 1032, 23212, 3498, 29872, 322, 278, 6070, 994, 379, 3885, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 7083, 1099, 5457, 29897, 13, 29923, 645, 347, 9371, 669, 23434, 383, 2857, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 313, 8100, 280, 6115, 29879, 373, 360, 799, 4939, 29897, 13, 24083, 4326, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29924, 327, 272, 13129, 350, 3973, 292, 29897, 13, 15735, 4052, 1168, 18437, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29933, 273, 1648, 11680, 1648, 29897, 13, 29931, 8069, 390, 333, 886, 669, 11198, 5973, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29911, 279, 1112, 3929, 6693, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29956, 2235, 261, 7075, 6431, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29928, 279, 5080, 29915, 29879, 373, 29871, 29946, 386, 29897, 13, 29911, 287, 26287, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1742, 15161, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29911, 1336, 861, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 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29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29945, 438, 29915, 29907, 908, 5977, 29897, 13, 9588, 312, 26466, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29928, 1111, 29891, 360, 2707, 29879, 29897, 13, 24780, 476, 313, 29928, 25498, 476, 575, 29875, 322, 476, 10349, 511, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29902, 29894, 706, 365, 1309, 479, 29897, 13, 29928, 29967, 11459, 4813, 29894, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 12178, 29889, 313, 3629, 496, 5977, 29897, 13, 29979, 18358, 911, 29889, 313, 29907, 473, 2167, 29891, 15373, 29897, 13, 14605, 2797, 29909, 29979, 29871, 29947, 29889, 29906, 29946, 13, 29903, 870, 388, 402, 26265, 1771, 3322, 1238, 271, 29889, 1383, 424, 295, 322, 278, 5334, 1691, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 263, 29889, 29885, 9229, 29906, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21319, 1528, 15664, 29936, 620, 6972, 800, 13622, 29936, 29871, 29941, 29947, 29947, 29899, 29955, 29945, 29941, 29929, 29897, 13, 29925, 2650, 11946, 1099, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 263, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 1123, 333, 383, 17627, 29892, 694, 265, 313, 29903, 1742, 15161, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29923, 645, 347, 9371, 669, 23434, 383, 2857, 29892, 694, 265, 313, 29925, 387, 1927, 29915, 29879, 2994, 1705, 29897, 13, 29907, 1883, 578 ]
ver, 1 p.m. (Woody's River Roo) Mac Daddy, 1 p.m. (Flounders) Robert Rudnik, 1 p.m. (Tarpon Pointe Grill) Storm Surge, 1 p.m. (Snook Haven) The Instigators, 2 p.m. (Bob's Boathouse) Acoustic Jam, 3 p.m. (Bearded Clam) Jeff Hughes, 3-7 p.m. every Sun. (Lido Beachside Tiki Bar) Tropix, 3 p.m. (Cortez Kitchen) Guilty Pleasures, 4 p.m. (Hoosier Bar) License to Chill, 4 p.m. (Casey Key Fish House) Open Mic Jam, 4-8 p.m. every Sun. (Mamma Onesti's) Rum Jumbies, 4 p.m. (Lock 'N Key) Backstreet the Band, 5 p.m. (Blu Mangrove Grill) Lady Katt & The Howlin' Doggs, 5-9 p.m. (Ace's) Lisa Ridings & Vertigo, 5 p.m. (Marina Jack) R.P.M., 5 p.m. (Wave Grill) Mike Sales, 5 p.m. (Coquina Beach Cafe) Shotgun Justice, 5 p.m. (Swordfish Grill) Patrick Stanten-Borough, 5 p.m. (Woody's River Roo) Jack Tamburin, 5 p.m. (Clancy's) Marcel Almanzor, 6-10 p.m. every Sun. (Blu Que) Beach Monkeys, 6 p.m. (Flounders) Kool Breeze, 6 p.m. (Sharky's on the Pier) The Sunday Session (traditional Irish music, open to all musicians), 6-9 p.m. every Sun. (Pub 32) Ted Stevens, 6:30 p.m. (LeBarge) Joe Thayer, 6:30 p.m. every Sun. (Mattison's Forty-One) Chris Otto, 7 p.m. (SKOB) Sarasota Sunday Blues Jam, 7-10 p.m. every Sun. (Blue Rooster) Kara Nally Band, 8 p.m. (Cafe Clasico) Karaoke with DJ John/JD, 9 p.m. every Sun. (Applebee's, 4638 E. State Road 64, Bradenton) Democracy, 10 p.m. every Sun. (Beach Club) Ladies Night and Five O Band Jam Night (bring your favorite instrument and jam with the band); Sunday's band features James Varnado, Jeremy Egglefield, Johnnie Barker with special guest Al Donadi, 10 p.m. (5 O'Clock Club) MONDAY 8.25 Mike Sales, noon-3 p.m. every Mon. (Blu Que) Tim Velez, noon (O'Leary's) David Murabito, 1 p.m. (Flounders) Bain Beakley, 3:30-5:30 p.m. every Mon. (Blu Que) Willie BeThere, 5 p.m. every Mon. (O'Leary's) Georgia & Mike, 5 p.m. (Tarpon Pointe Grill) Joe Thayer, 5 p.m. every Mon. (Mattison's Forty-One) Marcel Almanzor, 6-10 p.m. every Mon. (Blu Que) Gemini Jam Night, 6 p.m. every Mon. (Flounders) Natural Vibes, 6-9 p.m. (Swordfish Grill) Open Mic Monday, 6-9 p.m. every Mon. (Star Keeper Cafe) Robert Rudnik, 6 p.m. (Cortez Clam Factory) T
[ 369, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29956, 29877, 1486, 29915, 29879, 6163, 1528, 29877, 29897, 13, 15735, 360, 25644, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 9588, 2151, 10670, 5585, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29911, 279, 1112, 3929, 6693, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 855, 555, 6298, 479, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1217, 554, 379, 3496, 29897, 13, 1576, 2799, 335, 4097, 29892, 29871, 29906, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29362, 29915, 29879, 1952, 493, 1709, 29897, 13, 10644, 18291, 293, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29941, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 3629, 25600, 2233, 314, 29897, 13, 29967, 12352, 15888, 267, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29899, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 8991, 29889, 313, 29931, 1941, 17594, 2975, 323, 10058, 2261, 29897, 13, 29911, 1336, 861, 29892, 29871, 29941, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 10069, 29920, 476, 23213, 29897, 13, 9485, 24208, 19777, 25414, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29950, 29877, 359, 631, 2261, 29897, 13, 29931, 293, 1947, 304, 678, 453, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8259, 29891, 7670, 12030, 5619, 29897, 13, 6585, 20279, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29899, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 8991, 29889, 313, 29924, 2735, 1551, 11521, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29934, 398, 435, 3774, 583, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 16542, 525, 29940, 7670, 29897, 13, 5841, 29352, 278, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 29237, 307, 345, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29931, 3714, 476, 1131, 669, 450, 1128, 1915, 29915, 18776, 3174, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29909, 346, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29931, 8069, 390, 333, 886, 669, 11198, 5973, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 7083, 1099, 5457, 29897, 13, 29934, 29889, 29925, 29889, 29924, 1696, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29956, 1351, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29924, 9345, 28389, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 7967, 339, 1099, 17594, 9243, 1725, 29897, 13, 2713, 327, 28798, 17181, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1742, 15161, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29925, 8141, 860, 624, 10204, 29899, 29933, 272, 820, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29956, 29877, 1486, 29915, 29879, 6163, 1528, 29877, 29897, 13, 27006, 11893, 332, 262, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 6468, 1270, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 7083, 2242, 838, 1171, 29015, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 8991, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 3629, 496, 2598, 8149, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 29968, 1507, 350, 929, 911, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 2713, 935, 29891, 29915, 29879, 373, 278, 12939, 29897, 13, 1576, 16340, 16441, 313, 29576, 3245, 12601, 4696, 29892, 1722, 304, 599, 2301, 14722, 511, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 8991, 29889, 313, 21076, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29897, 13, 29911, 287, 26287, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 3226, 4297, 479, 29897, 13, 29967, 7297, 498, 2747, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 8991, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 7236, 29891, 29899, 6716, 29897, 13, 11626, 275, 13832, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 16033, 14824, 29897, 13, 29903, 279, 294, 4616, 16340, 23434, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 8991, 29889, 313, 21319, 1528, 15664, 29897, 13, 29968, 2518, 405, 635, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 26270, 1725, 2233, 294, 1417, 29897, 13, 29968, 2518, 6946, 411, 23366, 2259, 29914, 29967, 29928, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 8991, 29889, 313, 2052, 280, 915, 29872, 29915, 29879, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29953, 29941, 29947, 382, 29889, 4306, 9321, 29871, 29953, 29946, 29892, 15862, 296, 265, 29897, 13, 29928, 331, 25804, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 8991, 29889, 313, 3629, 496, 5977, 29897, 13, 29931, 328, 583, 11554, 322, 22853, 438, 5158, 16131, 11554, 313, 1182, 292, 596, 25448, 11395, 322, 14322, 411, 278, 3719, 416, 16340, 29915, 29879, 3719, 5680, 5011, 478, 2753, 912, 29892, 5677, 6764, 382, 1505, 280, 2671, 29892, 2259, 2786, 350, 935, 261, 411, 4266, 17838, 838, 3872, 10129, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29945, 438, 29915, 29907, 908, 5977, 29897, 13, 22877, 28658, 29871, 29947, 29889, 29906, 29945, 13, 29924, 9345, 28389, 29892, 694, 265, 29899, 29941, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 13711, 478, 6146, 29920, 29892, 694, 265, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 19504, 7487, 370, 2049, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 29933, 475, 1522, 557, 2330, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 12984, 347, 1522, 8439, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 7999, 990, 423, 669, 12828, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29911, 279, 1112, 3929, 6693, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 29967, 7297, 498, 2747, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 7236, 29891, 29899, 6716, 29897, 13, 7083, 2242, 838, 1171, 29015, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 29954, 331, 2172, 16131, 11554, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 29940, 18771, 478, 747, 267, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1742, 15161, 1632, 453, 29897, 13, 6585, 20279, 27822, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 16213, 476, 3905, 546, 9243, 1725, 29897, 13, 9588, 2151, 10670, 5585, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 10069, 29920, 2233, 314, 27561, 29897, 13, 29911 ]
ropix, 6-10 p.m. every Mon. (Mattison's City Grille) Open Mic with Rick Alvis, 7 p.m. every Mon. (Old Packinghouse) Harry Ritsert, 7 p.m. (La Dolce Vita) Tony Tyler, 7 p.m. (SKOB) Al Fuller Blues Jam, 9 p.m. (5 O'Clock Club) DJ Coz, 10 p.m. every Mon. (Beach Club) TUESDAY 8.26 Chris Brett, 11:30 a.m. every Tues. (Snook Haven) Ron Sherman, 11:30 a.m. (O'Leary's) Kenny Rose, 1-5 p.m. every Tues. (Flounders) Mike Sales, 1 p.m. every Tues. (Blu Que) John Russo Singing Bartender, 4 p.m. every Tues. (Il Panificio Gulf Gate) Noel Harris, 5 p.m. (O'Leary's) Patti Highland & Hank Cee, 5 p.m. (Snook Haven) Taylor & Taylor, 5 p.m. (The Factory) Karaoke, 6 p.m. every Tues. (Woody's River Roo) Berry Duane Oakley's Acoustic Jam, 6-9 p.m. (Flying Dog) Ortygia Plugged In (open mic), 6-9 p.m. every Tues. (Ortygia) Rum Jumbies, 6 p.m. (Clancy's) Steve & Georgia, 6 p.m. (Flounders) Tommy D, 6-10 p.m. every Tues. (Blu Que) Howlin' Bob, 6:30 p.m. (LeBarge) Danny Sinoff Trio, 6:30-9:30 p.m. every Tues. (JD's Bistro) Joe Thayer, 6:30 p.m. every Tues. (Mattison's Forty-One) Al Donadi, 7 p.m. (Old Packinghouse) Country, Bluegrass, Folk Jam, 7 p.m. every Tues. (Ace's) Billy Seward Band, 7 p.m. (Mattison's City Grille) Tuesday Pot Luck Wine Tasting with Tom Devine, 7-9 p.m. (La Dolce Vita; $12) Trivia Tuesdays, 7 p.m. every Tues. (Meadows Village Pub) Clam Jam, 7:30 p.m. (Cortez Clam Factory) Music of Romance Passion, 7:30-11 p.m. every Tues. (15 South Ristorante) Kettle of Fish, 8 p.m. every Tues. (Beach Club) Open Mic Nite, 8 p.m. every Tues. (Growler's Pub) Chameleon, 9 p.m. (Gator Club) Karaoke with Left of Center Entertainment, 9 p.m. every Tues. (The Factory) Karaoke with DJ Chris, 9:30 p.m. (Rendezvous Lounge) Band Jam Night, 10 p.m. every Tues. (5 O'Clock Club) WEDNESDAY 8.27 Larry Colby, 11:30 a.m. every Wed. (Snook Haven) Mike Sales, noon-3 p.m. every Wed. (Blu Que) Sea Breeze, noon (O'Leary's) Bain Beakley, 3:30-5:30 p.m. every Wed. (Blu Que) John Russo Singing Bartender, 4 p.m. every Wed. (Il Panificio Gulf Gate) Dan Crawford, 5 p.m. (O'Leary's) Larry Rich, 5-8
[ 1336, 861, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 4412, 1632, 1924, 29897, 13, 6585, 20279, 411, 24218, 838, 1730, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 21648, 18744, 292, 8697, 29897, 13, 21972, 719, 390, 277, 1940, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 5661, 11201, 346, 478, 2028, 29897, 13, 29911, 2592, 9656, 1358, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 16033, 14824, 29897, 13, 2499, 14846, 261, 23434, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29945, 438, 29915, 29907, 908, 5977, 29897, 13, 29928, 29967, 315, 2112, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 2598, 29889, 313, 3629, 496, 5977, 29897, 13, 29911, 12996, 28658, 29871, 29947, 29889, 29906, 29953, 13, 11626, 275, 5826, 698, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 263, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29903, 1217, 554, 379, 3496, 29897, 13, 29934, 265, 1383, 3504, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 263, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29968, 264, 1460, 14008, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 29924, 9345, 28389, 29892, 29871, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 11639, 11688, 578, 6106, 292, 12245, 1581, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 14126, 6518, 928, 601, 402, 16302, 22510, 29897, 13, 3782, 295, 20349, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29925, 11556, 5057, 1049, 669, 379, 804, 315, 3905, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29903, 1217, 554, 379, 3496, 29897, 13, 29911, 11017, 669, 12537, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 1576, 27561, 29897, 13, 29968, 2518, 6946, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29956, 29877, 1486, 29915, 29879, 6163, 1528, 29877, 29897, 13, 17104, 719, 5334, 1662, 24132, 2330, 29915, 29879, 7255, 18291, 293, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29943, 5890, 18776, 29897, 13, 2816, 1017, 13723, 1858, 688, 3192, 512, 313, 3150, 20710, 511, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 2816, 1017, 13723, 29897, 13, 29934, 398, 435, 3774, 583, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 6468, 1270, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 7789, 345, 669, 16762, 29892, 29871, 29953, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 8754, 618, 414, 29897, 13, 21599, 1357, 360, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 5328, 1915, 29915, 7991, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 3226, 4297, 479, 29897, 13, 29928, 14763, 317, 1789, 600, 323, 5378, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29929, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29967, 29928, 29915, 29879, 350, 19150, 29897, 13, 29967, 7297, 498, 2747, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 7236, 29891, 29899, 6716, 29897, 13, 2499, 3872, 10129, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 21648, 18744, 292, 8697, 29897, 13, 20779, 29892, 3164, 29884, 4872, 465, 29892, 8301, 29895, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29909, 346, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29933, 9403, 317, 809, 538, 5158, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29924, 1131, 2285, 29915, 29879, 4412, 1632, 1924, 29897, 13, 29911, 1041, 3250, 10173, 365, 2707, 399, 457, 323, 579, 292, 411, 4335, 9481, 457, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 5661, 11201, 346, 478, 2028, 29936, 395, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 29911, 1150, 423, 323, 1041, 16700, 29892, 29871, 29955, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29924, 1479, 1242, 24720, 8042, 29897, 13, 29907, 5288, 16131, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29907, 10069, 29920, 2233, 314, 27561, 29897, 13, 21238, 310, 6033, 749, 6978, 291, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29896, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29896, 29945, 4275, 390, 2118, 1647, 29897, 13, 29968, 1803, 280, 310, 12030, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 3629, 496, 5977, 29897, 13, 6585, 20279, 405, 568, 29892, 29871, 29947, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29954, 798, 1358, 29915, 29879, 8042, 29897, 13, 1451, 420, 280, 265, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29954, 1061, 5977, 29897, 13, 29968, 2518, 6946, 411, 19941, 310, 7817, 18189, 29892, 29871, 29929, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 1576, 27561, 29897, 13, 29968, 2518, 6946, 411, 23366, 12821, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29934, 3324, 29920, 23088, 365, 1309, 479, 29897, 13, 29933, 392, 16131, 11554, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 323, 1041, 29889, 313, 29945, 438, 29915, 29907, 908, 5977, 29897, 13, 29956, 3352, 29940, 2890, 28658, 29871, 29947, 29889, 29906, 29955, 13, 24105, 719, 1530, 1609, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29900, 263, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 15050, 29889, 313, 29903, 1217, 554, 379, 3496, 29897, 13, 29924, 9345, 28389, 29892, 694, 265, 29899, 29941, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 15050, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 2008, 29874, 350, 929, 911, 29892, 694, 265, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 29933, 475, 1522, 557, 2330, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 15050, 29889, 313, 29933, 6092, 5462, 29897, 13, 11639, 11688, 578, 6106, 292, 12245, 1581, 29892, 29871, 29946, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 1432, 15050, 29889, 313, 14126, 6518, 928, 601, 402, 16302, 22510, 29897, 13, 18529, 315, 1610, 4006, 29892, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 313, 29949, 29915, 3226, 653, 29915, 29879, 29897, 13, 24105, 719, 4385, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29947 ]
Ukraine's Other Campaign: Giving Citizens a Voice Alina Inayeh Director, Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation BUCHAREST, Romaniaβ€”Ukraine is commemorating the first anniversary of the beginning of the Euromaidan protests in Kyiv, which eventually led to the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovich. One year and two elections later, Ukraine finds itself fighting on not one, but two, fronts: on the military front in the Eastern Ukraine, where Russia-backed separatists continue to threaten the unity of the Ukrainian state, and on the reform front, where the current government is expected to deliver on its promises of major structural and political changes. The Yanukovich regime left Ukraine weaker than ever, with state institutions unable to perform their basic functions. Political and economic processes were perverted by systemic corruption. For Ukraine to survive as a state, let alone advance as a country, major political, social, and economic reforms were imperative. The war in Eastern Ukraine brought everything to a halt. But as soon as Ukraine elected a new president in May, both Ukrainian society and the international community started demanding reforms. Implementing major structural reforms in wartime is a daunting task. Yet President Petro Poroshenko and the Ukrainian government began with one major asset: the wholehearted support of the Ukrainian population, which was by and large ready to endure hardship to save the country. Six months later, an increasing number of citizens are disappointed by the pace of reforms. They doubt the good faith of the government and threaten to take to the streets again. The increasing sense of betrayal by Ukraine's political leaders has been bolstered by the results of the recent parliamentary elections, which saw the election of a good number of old politicians β€” or people closely connected to them β€” as well as those closely linked to powerful oligarchs, and by failure to start prosecution of those responsible for the death of 110 people in the protests on Maidan one year ago. At the same time, change has happened. In the past six months, the government has, to its credit, pushed through 18 pieces of legislation laying the basis for much-needed reforms. Governmental institutions are changing their composition and behavior, albeit at a slow pace, and the policymaking process is now permeated by and accessible to NGOs, who do a commendable job at pushing their recommendations through. The media amply covers the political process, criticizing all of its participants, and offering time and space to civil society to express its opinion. But there are still problems. Some of the laws passed have flaws, the government is unnecessarily timid in some areas of reforms, and certain people connected to the old regime are still trying to stage a comeback. As experiences in the region show, transitions generally take more than six months and are never linear. While angst, impatience, and frustration are intrinsic parts of the transition process, Poroshenko and the Ukrainian government are definitely guilty of not adequately communicating with their citizens. Information about the pace of reforms, about the rationale for changes, and about current challenges are rarely communicated. Even when they are, they are discussed in technical terms. For their part, the Ukrainian NGOs now involved in the policymaking process have proved very good at analysis and lobbying, yet are very poor at relating to their constituents. Both the government and NGOs risk keeping citizens outside of the political process β€” as ignored as they have always been β€” leaving them to wonder why they made sacrifices. Ukraine will not succeed without reforms, and reforms will not succeed without citizens' support. The president and the government need to take seriously the communication of their successes and the explanation of any failures. To prove their goodwill, they need to keep citizens informed of any and all moves to fight corruption, the reform citizens most desire. Ukrainian NGOs have to act less like experts and more like NGOs: relating to citizens, seeking their input, and making good use of the fervent civic spirit that has been generated by the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Donors to civil society can also help the process by funding activities that require less technical expertise and more grassroots work. Good communication can never replace the actual implementation of reforms, but remains a basic requisite. Giving Ukraine's citizens a voice will not give the government the ability to counter the insurgency in the East. But it will create a formidable weapon that is needed to win on the reform front. Alina Inayeh is the director
[ 23961, 29915, 29879, 5901, 7259, 8729, 29901, 402, 4357, 21353, 466, 575, 263, 4785, 625, 13, 2499, 1099, 512, 388, 14797, 13, 17392, 272, 29892, 6054, 14070, 20692, 363, 16208, 3189, 16453, 13, 7838, 3210, 29909, 1525, 1254, 29892, 5917, 423, 30003, 29965, 29895, 12096, 338, 844, 28927, 1218, 278, 937, 6957, 27547, 310, 278, 6763, 310, 278, 26360, 4125, 29219, 10021, 29879, 297, 16931, 440, 29892, 607, 10201, 5331, 304, 278, 2123, 2475, 310, 7178, 18503, 7345, 23094, 2679, 586, 436, 29889, 3118, 1629, 322, 1023, 20209, 2678, 29892, 23961, 14061, 3528, 17770, 373, 451, 697, 29892, 541, 1023, 29892, 4565, 29879, 29901, 373, 278, 9121, 4565, 297, 278, 16162, 23961, 29892, 988, 12710, 29899, 1627, 287, 2903, 271, 2879, 6773, 304, 20616, 278, 20107, 310, 278, 29417, 713, 2106, 29892, 322, 373, 278, 11736, 4565, 29892, 988, 278, 1857, 5874, 338, 3806, 304, 12021, 373, 967, 27584, 310, 4655, 2281, 3631, 322, 8604, 3620, 29889, 450, 23094, 2679, 586, 436, 22384, 2175, 23961, 591, 5790, 1135, 3926, 29892, 411, 2106, 21561, 9368, 304, 2189, 1009, 6996, 3168, 29889, 13, 7713, 277, 936, 322, 17407, 10174, 892, 639, 1765, 287, 491, 1788, 293, 1034, 18953, 29889, 1152, 23961, 304, 10503, 573, 408, 263, 2106, 29892, 1235, 7432, 6564, 408, 263, 4234, 29892, 4655, 8604, 29892, 5264, 29892, 322, 17407, 337, 9514, 892, 10112, 1230, 29889, 450, 1370, 297, 16162, 23961, 6296, 4129, 304, 263, 25212, 29889, 1205, 408, 4720, 408, 23961, 11467, 263, 716, 6673, 297, 2610, 29892, 1716, 29417, 713, 12459, 322, 278, 6121, 7881, 4687, 9667, 292, 337, 9514, 29889, 1954, 2037, 292, 4655, 2281, 3631, 337, 9514, 297, 281, 442, 603, 338, 263, 1146, 348, 1259, 3414, 29889, 15175, 7178, 5879, 307, 7102, 359, 3169, 2901, 322, 278, 29417, 713, 5874, 4689, 411, 697, 4655, 24342, 29901, 278, 3353, 23057, 287, 2304, 310, 278, 29417, 713, 4665, 29892, 607, 471, 491, 322, 2919, 7960, 304, 1095, 545, 2898, 3527, 304, 4078, 278, 4234, 29889, 18372, 7378, 2678, 29892, 385, 10231, 1353, 310, 18363, 526, 23451, 287, 491, 278, 27725, 310, 337, 9514, 29889, 2688, 7404, 278, 1781, 10847, 310, 278, 5874, 322, 20616, 304, 2125, 304, 278, 19756, 1449, 29889, 450, 10231, 4060, 310, 1010, 764, 284, 491, 23961, 29915, 29879, 8604, 20251, 756, 1063, 15772, 2475, 287, 491, 278, 2582, 310, 278, 7786, 22765, 653, 20209, 29892, 607, 4446, 278, 8271, 310, 263, 1781, 1353, 310, 2030, 2832, 14722, 813, 470, 2305, 16467, 6631, 304, 963, 813, 408, 1532, 408, 1906, 16467, 9024, 304, 13988, 288, 3473, 1279, 29879, 29892, 322, 491, 10672, 304, 1369, 410, 3471, 918, 310, 1906, 14040, 363, 278, 4892, 310, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29900, 2305, 297, 278, 10021, 29879, 373, 3219, 29219, 697, 1629, 8020, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 1021, 931, 29892, 1735, 756, 9559, 29889, 512, 278, 4940, 4832, 7378, 29892, 278, 5874, 756, 29892, 304, 967, 16200, 29892, 18760, 1549, 29871, 29896, 29947, 12785, 310, 13332, 362, 6568, 292, 278, 8405, 363, 1568, 29899, 484, 19226, 337, 9514, 29889, 10354, 284, 21561, 526, 6480, 1009, 15259, 322, 6030, 29892, 394, 6205, 472, 263, 5232, 27725, 29892, 322, 278, 13665, 962, 5086, 1889, 338, 1286, 639, 1004, 630, 491, 322, 15579, 304, 405, 17080, 29879, 29892, 1058, 437, 263, 844, 355, 519, 4982, 472, 27556, 1009, 6907, 800, 1549, 29889, 450, 5745, 626, 17632, 18469, 278, 8604, 1889, 29892, 11164, 5281, 599, 310, 967, 27138, 29892, 322, 27032, 931, 322, 2913, 304, 7631, 12459, 304, 4653, 967, 9426, 29889, 1205, 727, 526, 1603, 4828, 29889, 3834, 310, 278, 14243, 4502, 505, 17422, 5652, 29892, 278, 5874, 338, 17128, 6275, 5335, 333, 297, 777, 10161, 310, 337, 9514, 29892, 322, 3058, 2305, 6631, 304, 278, 2030, 22384, 526, 1603, 1811, 304, 7408, 263, 419, 774, 547, 29889, 1094, 27482, 297, 278, 5120, 1510, 29892, 1301, 2187, 6892, 2125, 901, 1135, 4832, 7378, 322, 526, 2360, 5608, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 2614, 303, 29892, 2411, 24701, 29892, 322, 1424, 11036, 526, 11158, 28594, 5633, 310, 278, 9558, 1889, 29892, 7102, 359, 3169, 2901, 322, 278, 29417, 713, 5874, 526, 11630, 27719, 310, 451, 19967, 339, 2486, 7212, 1218, 411, 1009, 18363, 29889, 10343, 1048, 278, 27725, 310, 337, 9514, 29892, 1048, 278, 364, 11464, 363, 3620, 29892, 322, 1048, 1857, 18066, 267, 526, 23703, 7212, 630, 29889, 7753, 746, 896, 526, 29892, 896, 526, 15648, 297, 16905, 4958, 29889, 1152, 1009, 760, 29892, 278, 29417, 713, 405, 17080, 29879, 1286, 9701, 297, 278, 13665, 962, 5086, 1889, 505, 11827, 1407, 1781, 472, 7418, 322, 658, 1327, 5414, 29892, 3447, 526, 1407, 6460, 472, 1104, 1218, 304, 1009, 10719, 1237, 29889, 9134, 278, 5874, 322, 405, 17080, 29879, 12045, 12515, 18363, 5377, 310, 278, 8604, 1889, 813, 408, 17262, 408, 896, 505, 2337, 1063, 813, 10124, 963, 304, 4997, 2020, 896, 1754, 26285, 267, 29889, 23961, 674, 451, 9269, 1728, 337, 9514, 29892, 322, 337, 9514, 674, 451, 9269, 1728, 18363, 29915, 2304, 29889, 450, 6673, 322, 278, 5874, 817, 304, 2125, 25798, 278, 12084, 310, 1009, 2551, 267, 322, 278, 8252, 310, 738, 4418, 1973, 29889, 13, 1762, 6356, 1009, 1781, 14043, 29892, 896, 817, 304, 3013, 18363, 23388, 310, 738, 322, 599, 16229, 304, 8589, 1034, 18953, 29892, 278, 11736, 18363, 1556, 13521, 29889, 29417, 713, 405, 17080, 29879, 505, 304, 1044, 3109, 763, 2902, 1372, 322, 901, 763, 405, 17080, 29879, 29901, 1104, 1218, 304, 18363, 29892, 25738, 1009, 1881, 29892, 322, 3907, 1781, 671, 310, 278, 6013, 794, 14175, 293, 8548, 393, 756, 1063, 5759, 491, 278, 14529, 297, 16162, 23961, 29889, 3872, 943, 304, 7631, 12459, 508, 884, 1371, 278, 1889, 491, 5220, 292, 14188, 393, 1996, 3109, 16905, 17924, 895, 322, 901, 17455, 307, 1862, 664, 29889, 7197, 12084, 508, 2360, 5191, 278, 3935, 5314, 310, 337, 9514, 29892, 541, 9242, 263, 6996, 5054, 275, 568, 29889, 402, 4357, 23961, 29915, 29879, 18363, 263, 7314, 674, 451, 2367, 278, 5874, 278, 11509, 304, 6795, 278, 1663, 332, 14703, 297, 278, 6932, 29889, 1205, 372, 674, 1653, 263, 883, 333, 519, 28639, 393, 338, 4312, 304, 5401, 373, 278, 11736, 4565, 29889, 13, 2499, 1099, 512, 388, 14797, 338, 278, 8881 ]
NETWORKS AIM AT CUSTOMER SERVICE January 26, 1997 Reprints Organizers of two brokerage networks hope to put recent challenges behind them and fulfill the networks' potential to improve customer service in the coming year. The World Insurance Network, an electronic network formed by the world's six largest brokers, and ExcelNet, a global network spearheaded by Acordia Inc. and Bain Hogg Group P.L.C., both debuted in late 1995 (BI, Sept. 11, 1995). Since then, the networks have faced some stumbling blocks on the road to their goal of improving client services via quicker access to and delivery of information. WIN, which initially expected to launch its electronic network during the second quarter of 1996, met with organizational challenges that have delayed its expected rollout. ExcelNet was up and running smoothly until two of its partners were acquired in late 1996, forcing a search for a new partner in London and France. WIN is owned equally by Alexander & Alexander Services Inc., Aon Corp., Johnson & Higgins, Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc., Sedgwick Group P.L.C. and Willis Corroon Group P.L.C. The electronic network was formed to improve communi-cation among insurers and brokers, and thereby boost efficiency and productivity. The network is open to other brokers and insurers to process claims and distribute non-proprietary data. However, while it had expected to launch its electronic technology initiatives in 1996, it is now looking to do so in mid-1997. "Basically, it took us longer to get the organizational structure of WIN established," said David Evans, co-chief executive officer of WIN in London. He insisted the delay was not due to the technology or competitors working closely. Instead, it took months longer than expected to fill key positions, he said. In the beginning, WIN "was a consultant-supported organization with the brokers working as shareholder support. While we had the support of shareholders, most of the people had other jobs to do as well." Since August, Mr. Evans, who is chief operating officer of Alexander Howden Group Ltd., and Richard Wales, director-group information technology for Sedgwick Group P.L.C., have shared the CEO position. They succeed Michael Heath, a former senior vp and managing director for NYNEX Network Systems Co. in Hong Kong, who was named WIN's president and CEO in March but resigned in August. Dennis L. Mahoney, chairman and CEO of Alexander Howden Group, is WIN's chairman. Since September, WIN has "progressed very rapidly," Mr. Evans said. Indeed, the network's desktop computer software, called WINconnect, is in an advanced testing phase with the six broker owners and six leading insurers, said Mr. Evans, who declined to name the insurers. The testing phase is expected to be complete by the end of March. WINconnect offers users an array of applications, including: secure electronic mail; a global directory of WIN members and other insurance industry players; and access to online services such as Internet sites and bulletin boards. While Mr. Evans said Aon's recent purchase of A&A has had no effect on WIN, acquisitions have shaken up ExcelNet. One of ExcelNet's largest partners, Bain Hogg, was acquired by Aon last October. In addition, M&M last week bought Aon's 40% interest in Paris-based CECAR, another member of ExcelNet. Aon acquired the stake as part of its deal to buy Bain Hogg from Inchcape P.L.C. ExcelNet expects to announce a new partner, replacing Bain Hogg and CECAR, in the first quarter, said Kevin Conboy, president and CEO of Acordia Northeast in Morristown, N.J., and a member of ExcelNet's operations committee. Formed in September 1995, ExcelNet is a network of six brokers linked through a proprietary risk management information system that lets them give clients data on their international risk, insurance and claims positions at any time. Members also have a reciprocal relationship, placing coverage and servicing multinational clients on each other's behalf, which is facilitated by the information system.
[ 405, 2544, 11686, 17557, 319, 7833, 15531, 315, 17321, 6488, 1001, 26996, 19059, 13, 29967, 15623, 653, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 830, 2158, 29879, 13, 27356, 19427, 310, 1023, 2545, 3946, 482, 14379, 4966, 304, 1925, 7786, 18066, 267, 5742, 963, 322, 6095, 5589, 278, 14379, 29915, 7037, 304, 11157, 11962, 2669, 297, 278, 6421, 1629, 29889, 13, 1576, 2787, 512, 7610, 749, 8527, 29892, 385, 27758, 3564, 8429, 491, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 4832, 10150, 2545, 29895, 414, 29892, 322, 11388, 6779, 29892, 263, 5534, 3564, 961, 279, 2813, 287, 491, 7255, 536, 423, 9266, 29889, 322, 350, 475, 27675, 29887, 6431, 349, 29889, 29931, 29889, 29907, 1696, 1716, 2553, 3860, 297, 5683, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 313, 12809, 29892, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 467, 13, 23036, 769, 29892, 278, 14379, 505, 20050, 777, 380, 3774, 1847, 10930, 373, 278, 6520, 304, 1009, 7306, 310, 4857, 1747, 3132, 5786, 3025, 4996, 261, 2130, 304, 322, 28289, 310, 2472, 29889, 13, 25152, 29892, 607, 12919, 3806, 304, 6826, 967, 27758, 3564, 2645, 278, 1473, 12616, 310, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29953, 29892, 1539, 411, 8674, 1288, 18066, 267, 393, 505, 29801, 967, 3806, 9679, 449, 29889, 13, 22926, 6779, 471, 701, 322, 2734, 10597, 368, 2745, 1023, 310, 967, 22056, 892, 16692, 297, 5683, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29953, 29892, 28172, 263, 2740, 363, 263, 716, 18096, 297, 4517, 322, 3444, 29889, 13, 25152, 338, 15205, 18018, 491, 9428, 669, 9428, 15538, 9266, 1696, 319, 265, 2994, 29886, 1696, 11717, 669, 379, 22817, 1144, 29892, 13216, 669, 4052, 29931, 2108, 273, 13526, 29889, 9266, 1696, 20951, 29887, 6669, 6431, 349, 29889, 29931, 29889, 29907, 29889, 322, 2811, 275, 2994, 307, 265, 6431, 349, 29889, 29931, 29889, 29907, 29889, 13, 1576, 27758, 3564, 471, 8429, 304, 11157, 3817, 29875, 29899, 9252, 4249, 1663, 332, 414, 322, 2545, 29895, 414, 29892, 322, 27999, 14505, 19201, 322, 3234, 2068, 29889, 13, 1576, 3564, 338, 1722, 304, 916, 2545, 29895, 414, 322, 1663, 332, 414, 304, 1889, 16726, 322, 1320, 2666, 1661, 29899, 7728, 374, 300, 653, 848, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 1550, 372, 750, 3806, 304, 6826, 967, 27758, 15483, 14511, 5056, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29953, 29892, 372, 338, 1286, 3063, 304, 437, 577, 297, 7145, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29889, 13, 29908, 9496, 1711, 29892, 372, 3614, 502, 5520, 304, 679, 278, 8674, 1288, 3829, 310, 399, 1177, 7841, 1699, 1497, 4699, 24056, 29892, 1302, 29899, 305, 2575, 22760, 12139, 310, 399, 1177, 297, 4517, 29889, 940, 1663, 12652, 278, 9055, 471, 451, 2861, 304, 278, 15483, 470, 5100, 17259, 1985, 16467, 29889, 13, 3379, 1479, 29892, 372, 3614, 7378, 5520, 1135, 3806, 304, 5445, 1820, 11909, 29892, 540, 1497, 29889, 512, 278, 6763, 29892, 399, 1177, 376, 11102, 263, 8799, 424, 29899, 23765, 13013, 411, 278, 2545, 29895, 414, 1985, 408, 6232, 7694, 2304, 29889, 5806, 591, 750, 278, 2304, 310, 6232, 8948, 414, 29892, 1556, 310, 278, 2305, 750, 916, 17643, 304, 437, 408, 1532, 1213, 13, 23036, 3111, 29892, 3237, 29889, 24056, 29892, 1058, 338, 9087, 13598, 12139, 310, 9428, 1128, 1145, 6431, 19806, 1696, 322, 6123, 13706, 29892, 8881, 29899, 2972, 2472, 15483, 363, 20951, 29887, 6669, 6431, 349, 29889, 29931, 29889, 29907, 1696, 505, 7258, 278, 14645, 29949, 2602, 29889, 2688, 9269, 5765, 940, 493, 29892, 263, 4642, 16336, 325, 29886, 322, 767, 6751, 8881, 363, 23526, 29940, 5746, 8527, 23985, 3189, 29889, 297, 12798, 12026, 29892, 1058, 471, 4257, 399, 1177, 29915, 29879, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 297, 4779, 541, 620, 12961, 297, 3111, 29889, 13, 29928, 9517, 365, 29889, 10082, 4992, 29892, 28942, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 9428, 1128, 1145, 6431, 29892, 338, 399, 1177, 29915, 29879, 28942, 29889, 13, 23036, 3839, 29892, 399, 1177, 756, 376, 18035, 287, 1407, 19328, 1699, 3237, 29889, 24056, 1497, 29889, 13, 2568, 12613, 29892, 278, 3564, 29915, 29879, 14616, 6601, 7047, 29892, 2000, 399, 1177, 6915, 29892, 338, 297, 385, 12862, 6724, 8576, 411, 278, 4832, 2545, 3946, 1914, 414, 322, 4832, 8236, 1663, 332, 414, 29892, 1497, 3237, 29889, 24056, 29892, 1058, 4845, 1312, 304, 1024, 278, 1663, 332, 414, 29889, 450, 6724, 8576, 338, 3806, 304, 367, 4866, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 4779, 29889, 13, 25152, 6915, 16688, 4160, 385, 1409, 310, 8324, 29892, 3704, 29901, 12, 24216, 27758, 10524, 29936, 263, 5534, 3884, 310, 399, 1177, 5144, 322, 916, 1663, 18541, 13661, 10769, 29936, 322, 2130, 304, 7395, 5786, 1316, 408, 4685, 11840, 322, 24334, 262, 1045, 3163, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 3237, 29889, 24056, 1497, 319, 265, 29915, 29879, 7786, 20590, 310, 319, 29987, 29909, 756, 750, 694, 2779, 373, 399, 1177, 29892, 1274, 7680, 2187, 505, 528, 9424, 701, 11388, 6779, 29889, 3118, 310, 11388, 6779, 29915, 29879, 10150, 22056, 29892, 350, 475, 27675, 29887, 29892, 471, 16692, 491, 319, 265, 1833, 5533, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 341, 29987, 29924, 1833, 4723, 18093, 319, 265, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29995, 4066, 297, 3681, 29899, 6707, 315, 11206, 1718, 29892, 1790, 4509, 310, 11388, 6779, 29889, 319, 265, 16692, 278, 380, 1296, 408, 760, 310, 967, 5376, 304, 15649, 350, 475, 27675, 29887, 515, 512, 305, 5738, 349, 29889, 29931, 29889, 29907, 29889, 13, 22926, 6779, 23347, 304, 7475, 346, 263, 716, 18096, 29892, 15270, 350, 475, 27675, 29887, 322, 315, 11206, 1718, 29892, 297, 278, 937, 12616, 29892, 1497, 19323, 1281, 19415, 29892, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 7255, 536, 423, 405, 27374, 297, 3879, 2021, 776, 29892, 405, 29889, 29967, 1696, 322, 263, 4509, 310, 11388, 6779, 29915, 29879, 6931, 21118, 29889, 13, 2500, 287, 297, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 29892, 11388, 6779, 338, 263, 3564, 310, 4832, 2545, 29895, 414, 9024, 1549, 263, 24440, 653, 12045, 10643, 2472, 1788, 393, 16869, 963, 2367, 13154, 848, 373, 1009, 6121, 12045, 29892, 1663, 18541, 322, 16726, 11909, 472, 738, 931, 29889, 341, 13415, 884, 505, 263, 9522, 771, 1052, 9443, 29892, 24421, 23746, 322, 3348, 18499, 1773, 262, 1288, 13154, 373, 1269, 916, 29915, 29879, 2306, 3131, 29892, 607, 338, 16089, 22731, 491, 278, 2472, 1788, 29889, 13 ]
Discussion Forum : General Topics : Can A Christian Have Tattoos? I added to my post, TMK. The context of "Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost" is not about tattoos. Read it again. You can't claim that the context cannot apply to ANYTHING dealing with the physical body. Obviously, the passage references sexual sins. However, the precept does not apply SOLELY to sexual sins. It can be applied to anything that affects the body. If we want to be legalistic about that verse, then all Christians should stop drinking sodas, and other artificial drinks, food laced with additives, popsicles with food coloring, birthday cakes, packaged foods, etc, etc. You get the idea. Why? Such things that you listed aren't permanently damaging your body as a single trip to the tattoo parlor can do. At the same time, the Lord might very well convict a person's heart to stay away from fatty foods or other items that aren't "good" for your health. If a person is obese or facing diabetes, then they should take care of the physical "temple" that they are entrusted. The key for most people would be "moderation" (e.g., "a little wine" versus drunkenness). Of course, there is a world of difference between a lasting permanent alteration as well. Instead of talking about a "birthday cake," a better analogy would be opium. Drugs alter your mind (sometimes nearly permanently). You cannot "undo" a tattoo without a scar. As for the "legalism" argument: I will repeat what I said before. Since the Lord "bought" us, our bodies do not belong to us. We should, therefore, ask God whether or not we should make such a permanent and lasting inscriptions on the body. Like you said, it is HIS approval that we should seek. It is not about "rule and regulations." However, it is also not about our own desires under some guise of "liberty." The first place that we should run to about something like this is to the Lord. A good question might be, "What should we do if we don't 'hear' anything?" when it comes to issues like this. If we don't feel the Lord's approval over something like a tattoo, should we take that as "liberty" to get one anyway? Or, given the lasting nature of it, should we refrain from getting one UNTIL we receive the Lord's approval? Now, we are going off the tracks into strife and debate. Brother, (the one that asked the question), you need to ask the Lord and obey His voice. Men are relying on others words too much and are forever vacillating because many men have many opinions. The Lord has one opinion for you brother. Don't you want to know what it is? Just go to prayer and ask Him. I think that we can all agree with your encouragement when you said, "Brother, (the one that asked the question), you need to ask the Lord and obey His voice." The initial poster, acarrollfan, said that he wanted to engage in a "healthy discussion." He stated that he believes that it is okay to do so. My response was to simply show him an alternate perspective -- from the Scriptures -- that is worth thinking about. At the same time, I made it clear that I didn't take a position on the matter but urged, like you, that a person seeks the Lord for the answer. I hope that clarifies my response just a bit. It wasn't to be argumentative just as I am sure that you didn't mean to be when you said that the "your body is a temple" passage was somehow taken out of context. Re: Can A Christian Have Tattoos? We (SI) had a very heated discussion about this back in 2007ish and I still feel the same. No, I do not believe that you will go to hell to have or get a tattoo on your body. My sons have asked me about tattoo's since they've been 15 and my advice was if they could remind me in a year that they still loved that certain tattoo, I'd sign for them to get it and they never did - forgot the design every time!! Now they are both over 21 and only the youngest does have a tattoo, a very smart looking cool one that he actually did
[ 8565, 1558, 291, 29474, 584, 4593, 7488, 1199, 584, 1815, 319, 6111, 6975, 323, 16234, 359, 29973, 13, 29902, 2715, 304, 590, 1400, 29892, 323, 29924, 29968, 29889, 13, 1576, 3030, 310, 376, 10858, 3573, 338, 278, 17567, 310, 278, 17733, 28484, 29908, 338, 451, 1048, 260, 16234, 359, 29889, 7523, 372, 1449, 29889, 13, 3492, 508, 29915, 29873, 5995, 393, 278, 3030, 2609, 3394, 304, 13764, 29979, 4690, 4214, 16743, 411, 278, 9128, 3573, 29889, 25735, 29892, 278, 13382, 9282, 18287, 269, 1144, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 758, 1547, 947, 451, 3394, 7791, 1307, 16786, 304, 18287, 269, 1144, 29889, 739, 508, 367, 7436, 304, 3099, 393, 6602, 29879, 278, 3573, 29889, 13, 3644, 591, 864, 304, 367, 11706, 4695, 1048, 393, 23281, 29892, 769, 599, 27353, 881, 5040, 13748, 292, 20892, 294, 29892, 322, 916, 23116, 13748, 29879, 29892, 9687, 425, 1133, 411, 788, 277, 3145, 29892, 1835, 29879, 4027, 411, 9687, 2927, 292, 29892, 12060, 3250, 274, 6926, 29892, 4870, 4063, 9687, 29879, 29892, 2992, 29892, 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Unidos Now Announces New Executive Director Plus, the Sarasota Chamber names a new vice-president and leadership changes at the Bishop Museum, Empath Health and more. By Staff January 23, 2023 Cintia Elenstar Image: Courtesy Photo UnidosNow's board of directors has announced the promotion of associate executive director, Cintia Elenstar, to the position of executive director following the recent retirement of Luz Corcuera. Elenstar joined the organization in 2019 and has been groomed for this leadership role over the past three years as part of a board-led succession plan. The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce recently announced that Ed Hill has been named vice-president. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing the membership, events, and communication initiatives of the Sarasota Chamber. This position oversees strategy, programs, communications, funding, budget, working with community partners and special projects. Sarasota-based artist Gale Fulton Ross will receive the John Sims Legacy Award from the Halo Arts Project at its fourth annual Angels for Artists Silent Auctions on Jan. 26. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens recently announced that Crystal Bailey has joined its staff in the newly created position of chief administrative officer and general counsel. She comes to Selby Gardens from the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office, where she served for the past eight years, most recently as general counsel on the sheriff's executive staff. Jonathan D. Fleece has been named president and CEO of Empath Health and its affiliate programs. Fleece was most recently Empath Health's president, as well as president and CEO of Tidewell Hospice, a member of Empath Health. The transition follows the retirement of previous CEO Rafael J. Sciullo. The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature has announced that Andrew M. Sandall had been appointed the new CEO of the museum. Sandall will succeed interim CEO Charles Zajaczkowski and assume his new responsibilities on March 6, 2023. Additionally, the Bishop Museum also appointed Kamala Martinez its chief philanthropy officer. Kelly Malloy has been named the new chief operating officer at HCA Florida Sarasota Doctors Hospital. In her new role, she will lead emergency services, rehabilitation, pharmacy and cardiovascular services at the hospital. PGT Innovations has announced that Jeff Jackson, the organization's president and CEO, was recently elected board chair of the Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority board. Ian Black Real Estate has promoted Melissa Harris from sales associate to partner with the commercial real estate firm. Harris joined Ian Black Real Estate as a commercial property manager in 2011 and quickly transitioned into leasing and sales. In December, the Realtor Association of Sarasota and Manatee (RASM) named her the 2022 Commercial Real Estate Alliance Commercial Realtor of the Year. Sarasota attorney Jennifer B. Compton will become the first woman to lead Shumaker Law Firm. The Shumaker management committee voted to promote Compton to chair and Jaime Austrich to vice-chair of the committee. Kathleen Sullivan, vice-president of programs at Children First, has been elected to serve on the National Head Start Association's (NHSA) Region IV Board of Directors. Sullivan will help oversee Head Start's Region IV, the southeastern United States, which represents more than 170,000 children, 40,000 staff and 300 member programs. The William G. and Marie Selby Foundation has announced that Tom Tryon, the former opinion editor and public engagement leader for the Sarasota Herald Tribune, has joined its board of directors. Rachel Sellers has been named deputy superintendent of business services for the School District of Manatee County. Her duties for the school district include supervising and directing budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, accounts payable, payroll, benefits and more. The Bay Park Conservancy has announced new board leadership: Jennifer Compton (chair), Cathy Layton (chair emeritus) and Emily Walsh (secretary). Two local Empath Health leaders have been named to prominent positions in the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, which represents hospice and palli
[ 9726, 2567, 8081, 1309, 778, 1570, 28841, 15944, 13, 29575, 29892, 278, 7745, 294, 4616, 25037, 2983, 263, 716, 11289, 29899, 4569, 1693, 322, 26001, 3620, 472, 278, 16880, 6838, 29892, 7361, 493, 15202, 322, 901, 29889, 13, 2059, 15351, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 13, 29907, 524, 423, 1260, 264, 8508, 13, 2940, 29901, 6325, 2167, 29891, 1963, 3747, 13, 2525, 4396, 10454, 29915, 29879, 7613, 310, 1513, 943, 756, 9326, 278, 22360, 310, 25836, 22760, 8881, 29892, 315, 524, 423, 1260, 264, 8508, 29892, 304, 278, 2602, 310, 22760, 8881, 1494, 278, 7786, 3240, 19211, 310, 3182, 29920, 2994, 4979, 1572, 29889, 1260, 264, 8508, 8772, 278, 13013, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 322, 756, 1063, 4071, 27067, 363, 445, 26001, 6297, 975, 278, 4940, 2211, 2440, 408, 760, 310, 263, 7613, 29899, 839, 25997, 3814, 29889, 13, 1576, 4122, 1008, 7745, 294, 4616, 25037, 310, 422, 15667, 10325, 9326, 393, 2155, 9143, 756, 1063, 4257, 11289, 29899, 4569, 1693, 29889, 512, 445, 6297, 29892, 540, 338, 14040, 363, 975, 4149, 292, 278, 28512, 29892, 4959, 29892, 322, 12084, 14511, 5056, 310, 278, 7745, 294, 4616, 25037, 29889, 910, 2602, 975, 344, 267, 13705, 29892, 11104, 29892, 7212, 800, 29892, 5220, 292, 29892, 23562, 29892, 1985, 411, 7881, 22056, 322, 4266, 9279, 29889, 13, 29903, 279, 294, 4616, 29899, 6707, 7664, 402, 744, 383, 499, 265, 13693, 674, 7150, 278, 2259, 3439, 29879, 5682, 4135, 7526, 515, 278, 379, 7003, 11401, 8010, 472, 967, 11582, 17568, 3218, 1379, 363, 3012, 2879, 5664, 296, 8407, 1953, 373, 2627, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29889, 13, 23572, 8365, 1609, 26035, 936, 15971, 575, 10325, 9326, 393, 22121, 11195, 6000, 15168, 756, 8772, 967, 13925, 297, 278, 15141, 2825, 2602, 310, 9087, 19185, 12139, 322, 2498, 2613, 2838, 29889, 2296, 5304, 304, 8365, 1609, 15971, 575, 515, 278, 7745, 294, 4616, 5127, 17375, 2593, 29915, 29879, 11367, 29892, 988, 1183, 6766, 363, 278, 4940, 9475, 2440, 29892, 1556, 10325, 408, 2498, 2613, 2838, 373, 278, 528, 261, 2593, 29915, 29879, 22760, 13925, 29889, 13, 29967, 265, 11385, 360, 29889, 13859, 29872, 346, 756, 1063, 4257, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 7361, 493, 15202, 322, 967, 23736, 403, 11104, 29889, 13859, 29872, 346, 471, 1556, 10325, 7361, 493, 15202, 29915, 29879, 6673, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 323, 680, 5872, 379, 4705, 625, 29892, 263, 4509, 310, 7361, 493, 15202, 29889, 450, 9558, 4477, 278, 3240, 19211, 310, 3517, 14645, 29949, 25661, 435, 29889, 5636, 352, 417, 29889, 13, 1576, 16880, 6838, 310, 9327, 322, 17677, 756, 9326, 393, 11571, 341, 29889, 8564, 497, 750, 1063, 10658, 278, 716, 14645, 29949, 310, 278, 19133, 29889, 8564, 497, 674, 9269, 1006, 326, 14645, 29949, 5322, 796, 1175, 10086, 7000, 2574, 322, 5251, 670, 716, 5544, 747, 9770, 373, 4779, 29871, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 29889, 19814, 29892, 278, 16880, 6838, 884, 10658, 12986, 2883, 3760, 457, 29920, 967, 9087, 8578, 9716, 14441, 12139, 29889, 13, 29968, 14112, 3792, 2376, 756, 1063, 4257, 278, 716, 9087, 13598, 12139, 472, 379, 5454, 13813, 7745, 294, 4616, 1938, 14359, 15967, 29889, 512, 902, 716, 6297, 29892, 1183, 674, 3275, 11176, 14703, 5786, 29892, 337, 29882, 4427, 7018, 29892, 1374, 2817, 4135, 322, 5881, 29875, 586, 6151, 1070, 5786, 472, 278, 13457, 29889, 13, 16903, 29911, 512, 13715, 800, 756, 9326, 393, 12208, 11886, 29892, 278, 13013, 29915, 29879, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 29892, 471, 10325, 11467, 7613, 11774, 310, 278, 7745, 294, 4616, 2315, 403, 29872, 18117, 13361, 537, 7613, 29889, 13, 29902, 273, 6054, 8195, 2661, 403, 756, 21201, 6286, 16343, 20349, 515, 16538, 25836, 304, 18096, 411, 278, 12128, 1855, 19989, 9226, 29889, 20349, 8772, 22291, 6054, 8195, 2661, 403, 408, 263, 12128, 2875, 8455, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 322, 9098, 9558, 287, 964, 454, 5832, 322, 16538, 29889, 512, 5846, 29892, 278, 830, 1997, 272, 7993, 310, 7745, 294, 4616, 322, 2315, 403, 29872, 313, 29934, 3289, 29924, 29897, 4257, 902, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 422, 1050, 1455, 8195, 2661, 403, 29855, 422, 1050, 1455, 830, 1997, 272, 310, 278, 8905, 29889, 13, 29903, 279, 294, 4616, 1098, 25252, 23774, 9633, 350, 29889, 422, 12533, 674, 4953, 278, 937, 6114, 304, 3275, 1383, 398, 5790, 7927, 383, 3568, 29889, 450, 1383, 398, 5790, 10643, 21118, 24854, 304, 27391, 422, 12533, 304, 11774, 322, 14021, 603, 3330, 4018, 304, 11289, 29899, 305, 1466, 310, 278, 21118, 29889, 13, 29968, 493, 280, 264, 317, 913, 20595, 29892, 11289, 29899, 4569, 1693, 310, 11104, 472, 20986, 3824, 29892, 756, 1063, 11467, 304, 9080, 373, 278, 3086, 12252, 7370, 7993, 29915, 29879, 313, 29940, 29950, 8132, 29897, 11069, 6599, 12590, 310, 8797, 943, 29889, 317, 913, 20595, 674, 1371, 975, 4149, 12252, 7370, 29915, 29879, 11069, 6599, 29892, 278, 13267, 354, 11530, 3303, 3900, 29892, 607, 11524, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4344, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 13925, 322, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29900, 4509, 11104, 29889, 13, 1576, 4667, 402, 29889, 322, 9932, 8365, 1609, 10606, 756, 9326, 393, 4335, 3967, 265, 29892, 278, 4642, 9426, 6920, 322, 970, 3033, 5049, 11822, 363, 278, 7745, 294, 4616, 2439, 2741, 16855, 1540, 29892, 756, 8772, 967, 7613, 310, 1513, 943, 29889, 13, 29934, 496, 295, 317, 28257, 756, 1063, 4257, 20723, 29891, 2428, 524, 3906, 310, 5381, 5786, 363, 278, 4523, 7457, 310, 2315, 403, 29872, 5127, 29889, 2439, 22204, 363, 278, 3762, 6474, 3160, 2428, 1730, 292, 322, 1513, 292, 23562, 292, 29892, 3633, 292, 29892, 18161, 23415, 29892, 15303, 5146, 519, 29892, 5146, 1245, 29892, 23633, 322, 901, 29889, 13, 1576, 6211, 4815, 15312, 6906, 756, 9326, 716, 7613, 26001, 29901, 23774, 9633, 422, 12533, 313, 305, 1466, 511, 315, 493, 29891, 365, 388, 880, 313, 305, 1466, 11176, 277, 375, 29897, 322, 2812, 2354, 5260, 845, 313, 19024, 653, 467, 13, 13985, 1887, 7361, 493, 15202, 20251, 505, 1063, 4257, 304, 19555, 11909, 297, 278, 3086, 379, 4705, 625, 322, 3793, 492, 1230, 10057, 9205, 2133, 29892, 607, 11524, 29418, 625, 322, 5112, 492 ]
Investee Companies Investee Companies, Investee Company News, ZCCM-IH, ZCCM-IH News December 19, 2022 14:05 January 9, 2023 CCM-IH's recently announced decision to move from a dividend model to a revenue-sharing model has been both praised and criticised in the media but, concerningly, the rationale and details appear to be widely misunderstood. Mining For Zambia asked renowned economist Professor Oliver Saasa to shine a light on this agreement, which has been three years in the making. There has been a significant amount of commentary in the media on the Kansanshi agreement since it was announced earlier this month. Has this surprised you? I personally believe that the interest Zambians have shown in this deal is healthy. Citizens are interested in understanding – and even questioning – the reasoning behind decisions that have consequences for the larger economy. So, it is essential that the public is properly informed about the intricacies and technical details of this agreement, to ensure that people's opinions are founded on facts – and not on fiction. What the commentators are asking is pertinent: 'Whose idea was this transaction? How did it come about?' For those that have followed its genesis, it's clear that both ZCCM-IH and First Quantum [FQM] have wanted a change, and feel that the dividend model is no longer fit for purpose for either party. What do you understand to be the rationale behind ZCCM-IH's desire to convert its dividend rights in Kansanshi into royalty rights? Or, put differently, what's in this deal for ZCCM-IH, as you see it? As ZCCM-IH has explained publicly, a review of its portfolio's performance in 2019 revealed that the dividend model had not been maximising shareholder value because it was not delivering predictable revenues. For this reason, pursuing alternative revenue streams became a focus in its subsequent Strategic Plan, for 2020-2026. Securing consistent revenue flows from its investment portfolio (via royalties) is a solution that addresses the unpredictability of dividend payments, which were not serving ZCCM-IH's interests. Read more: https://miningforzambia.com/saasa-kansanshi-agreement-neat-solution-historical-problem/ A Local Economist has dispelled assertions that the ZCCM-IH sold its 20 percent shareholding in the First Quantum Mine owned Kansanshi Copper mine of Solwezi and advised Zambians to avoid politicizing matters bordering on national wealth creation. Watson Lumba stated that it is unfortunate that Zambians are finding comfort in politicizing everything and anything, a trait he cites to have potential to plunge the nation into a crisis especially when it borders on the economy and wealth creation. Mr Lumba who was speaking when he appeared on Tuesday's edition of Let the People Talk programme on Radio Phoenix said there is no way ZCCM-IH could sell its shares and still remain on the board with voting rights adding that people must stop politicizing good policies. He noted that the decision by ZCCM-IH to forgo its dividend royalty in preference for the revenue royalty model of 3.1% is a good move that allows the investment holdings which only has 20% share holding in the mine to receive its share regardless of the status of the mining company instead of waiting for profit dividends which are not guaranteed. "It is not true to say ZCCM-IH has sold its interest in the mine. What is true however is that the investment holdings still have a stake in the mine, and it will receive its money which will be calculated according to sales and not profits as is the case with dividends. Mind you, ZCCM-IH with its 20% shareholding in the mine had very little say despite having voting rights as the other shareholders have more than 50 +1 % giving them the ultimate decision making power. But under the new model, whatever decisions the majority shareholders make will not affect ZCCM-IH and its money as it is guaranteed through sales," Mr Lumba explained He further explained that the revenue royalties will ensure the stability of revenue inflow into ZCCM-
[ 512, 10147, 3905, 3831, 273, 583, 13, 797, 10147, 3905, 3831, 273, 583, 29892, 512, 10147, 3905, 6938, 10130, 29892, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 29892, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 10130, 13, 6185, 1096, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29901, 29900, 29945, 5490, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 13, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 29915, 29879, 10325, 9326, 10608, 304, 4337, 515, 263, 25227, 355, 1904, 304, 263, 337, 9947, 29899, 845, 4362, 1904, 756, 1063, 1716, 7213, 3368, 322, 11164, 3368, 297, 278, 5745, 541, 29892, 5932, 11687, 29892, 278, 364, 11464, 322, 4902, 2615, 304, 367, 17644, 19818, 9337, 29889, 341, 2827, 1152, 796, 1117, 423, 4433, 4325, 26689, 7766, 391, 11386, 19731, 5701, 11290, 304, 528, 457, 263, 3578, 373, 445, 17327, 29892, 607, 756, 1063, 2211, 2440, 297, 278, 3907, 29889, 13, 8439, 756, 1063, 263, 7282, 5253, 310, 3440, 653, 297, 278, 5745, 373, 278, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 17327, 1951, 372, 471, 9326, 8859, 445, 4098, 29889, 11699, 445, 18014, 366, 29973, 13, 29902, 22345, 4658, 393, 278, 4066, 796, 1117, 5834, 505, 4318, 297, 445, 5376, 338, 9045, 29891, 29889, 21353, 466, 575, 526, 8852, 297, 8004, 785, 322, 1584, 1139, 292, 785, 278, 24481, 5742, 1602, 12112, 393, 505, 27721, 363, 278, 7200, 26504, 29889, 1105, 29892, 372, 338, 18853, 393, 278, 970, 338, 6284, 23388, 1048, 278, 11158, 983, 2478, 322, 16905, 4902, 310, 445, 17327, 29892, 304, 9801, 393, 2305, 29915, 29879, 26971, 526, 11091, 373, 17099, 785, 322, 451, 373, 24159, 29889, 1724, 278, 3440, 4097, 526, 6721, 338, 13499, 8946, 29901, 525, 8809, 852, 2969, 471, 445, 10804, 29973, 1128, 1258, 372, 2041, 1048, 17901, 1152, 1906, 393, 505, 5643, 967, 2531, 6656, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 2821, 393, 1716, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 322, 3824, 22746, 398, 518, 29943, 29984, 29924, 29962, 505, 5131, 263, 1735, 29892, 322, 4459, 393, 278, 25227, 355, 1904, 338, 694, 5520, 6216, 363, 6437, 363, 2845, 6263, 29889, 13, 5618, 437, 366, 2274, 304, 367, 278, 364, 11464, 5742, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 29915, 29879, 13521, 304, 3588, 967, 25227, 355, 10462, 297, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 964, 15150, 1017, 10462, 29973, 1394, 29892, 1925, 17587, 29892, 825, 29915, 29879, 297, 445, 5376, 363, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 29892, 408, 366, 1074, 372, 29973, 13, 2887, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 756, 10824, 970, 368, 29892, 263, 9076, 310, 967, 2011, 25648, 29915, 29879, 4180, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 17845, 393, 278, 25227, 355, 1904, 750, 451, 1063, 5256, 5921, 6232, 7694, 995, 1363, 372, 471, 451, 12021, 292, 8500, 519, 20957, 1041, 29889, 1152, 445, 2769, 29892, 12359, 26420, 8671, 337, 9947, 20873, 3897, 263, 8569, 297, 967, 15352, 3767, 1845, 293, 8402, 29892, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29953, 29889, 5356, 3864, 13747, 337, 9947, 24536, 515, 967, 13258, 358, 2011, 25648, 313, 6071, 20258, 1997, 583, 29897, 338, 263, 1650, 393, 14157, 278, 443, 27711, 3097, 310, 25227, 355, 5146, 1860, 29892, 607, 892, 451, 16330, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 29915, 29879, 20017, 29889, 13, 6359, 901, 29901, 2045, 597, 1195, 292, 1454, 29920, 1117, 423, 29889, 510, 29914, 4977, 11290, 29899, 29895, 550, 550, 2918, 29899, 351, 276, 882, 29899, 484, 271, 29899, 2929, 918, 29899, 16211, 936, 29899, 17199, 29914, 13, 29909, 9959, 12884, 391, 756, 12272, 14356, 4974, 1080, 393, 278, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 5239, 967, 29871, 29906, 29900, 10151, 6232, 8948, 292, 297, 278, 3824, 22746, 398, 26833, 15205, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 3189, 2496, 7903, 310, 4956, 705, 2526, 322, 594, 11292, 796, 1117, 5834, 304, 4772, 2832, 293, 5281, 13750, 5139, 292, 373, 4797, 17173, 11265, 29889, 13, 29956, 271, 1100, 365, 398, 2291, 8703, 393, 372, 338, 443, 6477, 403, 393, 796, 1117, 5834, 526, 9138, 13016, 297, 2832, 293, 5281, 4129, 322, 3099, 29892, 263, 22917, 540, 274, 3246, 304, 505, 7037, 304, 715, 19440, 278, 5233, 964, 263, 24161, 7148, 746, 372, 28199, 373, 278, 26504, 322, 17173, 11265, 29889, 13, 20335, 365, 398, 2291, 1058, 471, 13590, 746, 540, 7470, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 29915, 29879, 12203, 310, 2803, 278, 11647, 323, 2235, 19607, 373, 9204, 29715, 1497, 727, 338, 694, 982, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 1033, 19417, 967, 29358, 322, 1603, 3933, 373, 278, 7613, 411, 28931, 10462, 4417, 393, 2305, 1818, 5040, 2832, 293, 5281, 1781, 24833, 29889, 13, 3868, 11682, 393, 278, 10608, 491, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 304, 363, 1484, 967, 25227, 355, 15150, 1017, 297, 24583, 363, 278, 337, 9947, 15150, 1017, 1904, 310, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29995, 338, 263, 1781, 4337, 393, 6511, 278, 13258, 358, 4808, 886, 607, 871, 756, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29995, 6232, 13587, 297, 278, 7903, 304, 7150, 967, 6232, 17126, 310, 278, 4660, 310, 278, 1375, 292, 5001, 2012, 310, 10534, 363, 21665, 25227, 1975, 607, 526, 451, 22688, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 451, 1565, 304, 1827, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 756, 5239, 967, 4066, 297, 278, 7903, 29889, 1724, 338, 1565, 3138, 338, 393, 278, 13258, 358, 4808, 886, 1603, 505, 263, 380, 1296, 297, 278, 7903, 29892, 322, 372, 674, 7150, 967, 6909, 607, 674, 367, 12833, 5034, 304, 16538, 322, 451, 2600, 1169, 408, 338, 278, 1206, 411, 25227, 1975, 29889, 20152, 366, 29892, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 411, 967, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29995, 6232, 8948, 292, 297, 278, 7903, 750, 1407, 2217, 1827, 15020, 2534, 28931, 10462, 408, 278, 916, 6232, 8948, 414, 505, 901, 1135, 29871, 29945, 29900, 718, 29896, 1273, 6820, 963, 278, 8494, 6490, 10608, 3907, 3081, 29889, 1205, 1090, 278, 716, 1904, 29892, 6514, 1602, 12112, 278, 13638, 6232, 8948, 414, 1207, 674, 451, 6602, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 322, 967, 6909, 408, 372, 338, 22688, 1549, 16538, 1699, 3237, 365, 398, 2291, 10824, 13, 3868, 4340, 10824, 393, 278, 337, 9947, 20258, 1997, 583, 674, 9801, 278, 25806, 310, 337, 9947, 297, 1731, 964, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899 ]
IH coffers because it is based on the gross value of production as opposed to dividends which are centered on profit and added that the production value is less volatile than the profit value because of the cost element in the latter and the fluidity of the dividend policy that is at play. Mr Lumba further disputed assertions from especially members of the opposition political parties that the government and the people stand to lose under the revenue royalty despite being the owners of the mine. "Let us separate the two. The government on behalf of the people of Zambia owns the land and the minerals underneath the land but is not engaged in any form of production and does not incur any costs. Because of that, the government is getting the mineral royalty tax by virtue of it owning the land and minerals underneath. Then we have ZCCM –IH which sits as a shareholder on the board with voting rights but with no or less power to change any decision," he said "Under this arrangement, ZCCM –IH was only told what the major shareholders had planned to do with the profits and could do nothing other than take the company to court if not satisfied with the majority decision which was a cost on both entities. But under the revenue royalty model, ZCCM –IH will get its money according to the sales and will not be bothered by any investment decisions by the majority shareholder. The more they invest, the better for ZCCM –IH as it is assured of an increase in returns on its 3.1% royalty. This is a good deal. Let us just not politicize economic policies as that will affect the growth of our economy," he added Source: Lusaka Times VP hails Maamba Collieries for taking "huge corporate social responsibility October 11, 2022 15:27 November 11, 2022 VICE-PRESIDENT M u t a l e N a l u m a n g o says contrary to certain perceptions, an investor is not any enemy of the people, arguing that there is need to tell the story that investors mean well. And Sinazongwe UPND member of parliament Gift Sialubalo has commended Maamba Collieries Limited (MLCs) for being "the most committed to corporate social responsibility firm in Zambia". Speaking when she toured MLC, Monday Vice-President Nalumango described the firm's CRS undertaking as huge. "The corporate social responsibility is huge here. I think every Zambian village or town is looking for a private investor to go to them if everybody behaves in the manner that like Maamba Collieries is behaving, it is huge. We care as government about the displacement because people come, they set up and after they have set up their company, the people are displaced, and they go right back probably in the worst situation like that house you showed me my sister. But look at what you have done, you have respected people in a better housing facility. Is that not what we are looking for to change the livelihoods of our people? And that starts with the housing, we commend," she said "Colleagues, look at the roads, that is what we expect, and would anybody complain? Because I know our people, when they hear investor, [they think it] is an enemy of the people. But what we need is to tell this story that an investor is not an enemy of the people, an investor means well because what is happening here, and I am so happy because the MP is here, they are the ones who give us all sorts of sleepless nights about everything and everyone but the MP, member of parliament here honorable Sialubalo has confirmed that you have been working." She said government was grateful that MLC was not just complying with the law but fulfilling people's expectations. "Now that I am here, I am so grateful, you are truly working to comply with not just the law of our country but also expectations of our people. Like my colleagues that have already commended, and I would invite you to diversify into other areas," Vice-President Nalumango said. She encouraged the company to ensure environmental protection in its operations. "And another thing that I should talk about is smart mining that you are doing, being able to even fill up the holes that were left earlier and for that, I commend you. We encourage you to go on and care for your people like your own, you have only one earth on the issue of environmental sustainability. You only have
[ 29902, 29950, 19785, 414, 1363, 372, 338, 2729, 373, 278, 22683, 995, 310, 5802, 408, 15869, 304, 25227, 1975, 607, 526, 24764, 373, 21665, 322, 2715, 393, 278, 5802, 995, 338, 3109, 1700, 24285, 1135, 278, 21665, 995, 1363, 310, 278, 3438, 1543, 297, 278, 7480, 322, 278, 22576, 537, 310, 278, 25227, 355, 8898, 393, 338, 472, 1708, 29889, 13, 20335, 365, 398, 2291, 4340, 8937, 287, 4974, 1080, 515, 7148, 5144, 310, 278, 19626, 8604, 13973, 393, 278, 5874, 322, 278, 2305, 2317, 304, 14074, 1090, 278, 337, 9947, 15150, 1017, 15020, 1641, 278, 1914, 414, 310, 278, 7903, 29889, 13, 29908, 12024, 502, 5004, 278, 1023, 29889, 450, 5874, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 2305, 310, 796, 1117, 423, 1914, 29879, 278, 2982, 322, 278, 1375, 261, 1338, 1090, 484, 493, 278, 2982, 541, 338, 451, 17785, 297, 738, 883, 310, 5802, 322, 947, 451, 297, 2764, 738, 21544, 29889, 7311, 310, 393, 29892, 278, 5874, 338, 2805, 278, 1375, 13537, 15150, 1017, 8818, 491, 27935, 310, 372, 8152, 1076, 278, 2982, 322, 1375, 261, 1338, 1090, 484, 493, 29889, 1987, 591, 505, 796, 4174, 29924, 785, 29902, 29950, 607, 269, 1169, 408, 263, 6232, 7694, 373, 278, 7613, 411, 28931, 10462, 541, 411, 694, 470, 3109, 3081, 304, 1735, 738, 10608, 1699, 540, 1497, 13, 29908, 29177, 445, 24628, 29892, 796, 4174, 29924, 785, 29902, 29950, 471, 871, 5429, 825, 278, 4655, 6232, 8948, 414, 750, 20458, 304, 437, 411, 278, 2600, 1169, 322, 1033, 437, 3078, 916, 1135, 2125, 278, 5001, 304, 8973, 565, 451, 15787, 411, 278, 13638, 10608, 607, 471, 263, 3438, 373, 1716, 16212, 29889, 1205, 1090, 278, 337, 9947, 15150, 1017, 1904, 29892, 796, 4174, 29924, 785, 29902, 29950, 674, 679, 967, 6909, 5034, 304, 278, 16538, 322, 674, 451, 367, 24738, 287, 491, 738, 13258, 358, 1602, 12112, 491, 278, 13638, 6232, 7694, 29889, 450, 901, 896, 13258, 29892, 278, 2253, 363, 796, 4174, 29924, 785, 29902, 29950, 408, 372, 338, 28715, 310, 385, 7910, 297, 3639, 373, 967, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29995, 15150, 1017, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 1781, 5376, 29889, 2803, 502, 925, 451, 2832, 293, 675, 17407, 24833, 408, 393, 674, 6602, 278, 14321, 310, 1749, 26504, 1699, 540, 2715, 13, 4435, 29901, 365, 375, 8245, 10277, 13, 18510, 447, 2719, 3219, 20027, 1530, 4926, 583, 363, 5622, 376, 29882, 5710, 17266, 403, 5264, 23134, 13, 25375, 4950, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29901, 29906, 29955, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 13, 19059, 29899, 15094, 29903, 1367, 3919, 341, 318, 260, 263, 301, 321, 405, 263, 301, 318, 286, 263, 302, 330, 288, 4083, 21138, 304, 3058, 639, 1441, 29879, 29892, 385, 13258, 272, 338, 451, 738, 11103, 310, 278, 2305, 29892, 1852, 26420, 393, 727, 338, 817, 304, 2649, 278, 5828, 393, 13258, 943, 2099, 1532, 29889, 1126, 8882, 834, 549, 705, 11901, 2797, 4509, 310, 22765, 402, 2027, 317, 616, 431, 7003, 756, 844, 2760, 3219, 20027, 1530, 4926, 583, 28873, 313, 1988, 29907, 29879, 29897, 363, 1641, 376, 1552, 1556, 19355, 304, 17266, 403, 5264, 23134, 9226, 297, 796, 1117, 423, 1642, 5013, 5086, 746, 1183, 11943, 1127, 341, 12182, 29892, 27822, 21400, 29899, 13504, 1693, 405, 284, 398, 4524, 5439, 278, 9226, 29915, 29879, 315, 12445, 22332, 5086, 408, 12176, 29889, 376, 1576, 17266, 403, 5264, 23134, 338, 12176, 1244, 29889, 306, 1348, 1432, 796, 1117, 713, 5720, 470, 4726, 338, 3063, 363, 263, 2024, 13258, 272, 304, 748, 304, 963, 565, 26077, 4010, 267, 297, 278, 8214, 393, 763, 3219, 20027, 1530, 4926, 583, 338, 4010, 292, 29892, 372, 338, 12176, 29889, 1334, 2562, 408, 5874, 1048, 278, 12272, 9552, 1363, 2305, 2041, 29892, 896, 731, 701, 322, 1156, 896, 505, 731, 701, 1009, 5001, 29892, 278, 2305, 526, 12272, 433, 1133, 29892, 322, 896, 748, 1492, 1250, 3117, 297, 278, 17322, 6434, 763, 393, 3699, 366, 10018, 592, 590, 9883, 29889, 1205, 1106, 472, 825, 366, 505, 2309, 29892, 366, 505, 3390, 287, 2305, 297, 263, 2253, 27261, 24454, 29889, 1317, 393, 451, 825, 591, 526, 3063, 363, 304, 1735, 278, 7294, 22342, 29879, 310, 1749, 2305, 29973, 1126, 393, 8665, 411, 278, 27261, 29892, 591, 844, 355, 1699, 1183, 1497, 376, 1625, 280, 21628, 29892, 1106, 472, 278, 25320, 29892, 393, 338, 825, 591, 2149, 29892, 322, 723, 16357, 752, 7420, 29973, 7311, 306, 1073, 1749, 2305, 29892, 746, 896, 8293, 13258, 272, 29892, 518, 19562, 1348, 372, 29962, 338, 385, 11103, 310, 278, 2305, 29889, 1205, 825, 591, 817, 338, 304, 2649, 445, 5828, 393, 385, 13258, 272, 338, 451, 385, 11103, 310, 278, 2305, 29892, 385, 13258, 272, 2794, 1532, 1363, 825, 338, 10464, 1244, 29892, 322, 306, 626, 577, 9796, 1363, 278, 16379, 338, 1244, 29892, 896, 526, 278, 6743, 1058, 2367, 502, 599, 23551, 310, 12844, 29872, 572, 404, 4646, 29879, 1048, 4129, 322, 14332, 541, 278, 16379, 29892, 4509, 310, 22765, 1244, 10657, 519, 317, 616, 431, 7003, 756, 16725, 393, 366, 505, 1063, 1985, 1213, 2296, 1497, 5874, 471, 28656, 393, 341, 12182, 471, 451, 925, 752, 5890, 411, 278, 4307, 541, 6095, 5589, 292, 2305, 29915, 29879, 2149, 800, 29889, 376, 10454, 393, 306, 626, 1244, 29892, 306, 626, 577, 28656, 29892, 366, 526, 19781, 1985, 304, 752, 368, 411, 451, 925, 278, 4307, 310, 1749, 4234, 541, 884, 2149, 800, 310, 1749, 2305, 29889, 8502, 590, 23056, 21628, 393, 505, 2307, 844, 2760, 29892, 322, 306, 723, 2437, 568, 366, 304, 6894, 1598, 964, 916, 10161, 1699, 21400, 29899, 13504, 1693, 405, 284, 398, 4524, 1497, 29889, 13, 13468, 18443, 287, 278, 5001, 304, 9801, 29380, 13047, 297, 967, 6931, 29889, 376, 2855, 1790, 2655, 393, 306, 881, 5193, 1048, 338, 15040, 1375, 292, 393, 366, 526, 2599, 29892, 1641, 2221, 304, 1584, 5445, 701, 278, 26532, 393, 892, 2175, 8859, 322, 363, 393, 29892, 306, 844, 355, 366, 29889, 1334, 13731, 6617, 366, 304, 748, 373, 322, 2562, 363, 596, 2305, 763, 596, 1914, 29892, 366, 505, 871, 697, 8437, 373, 278, 2228, 310, 29380, 15075, 475, 3097, 29889, 887, 871, 505 ]
one earth and Zambia sits on this earth so anything you do that makes us avoid climate change is important," said VicePresident Nalumango. And Sialubalo also commended MLCs' commitment to CSR. "Madam, when I visit your office talking about Maamba Collieries, don't term me praise singer of Maamba Collieries. Maamba Collieries has been a major partner in the development of Sinazongwe. Apart from what you have seen, they constructed a shelter at the same hospital where we are heading to [and] right now, what they are doing is they are patching up Batoka-Maamba road which is in a bad state. I just wrote a letter to them to say as we wait for government to come in, what can we do together [and] within a week, they were on site. They are doing a commendable job, there is no investor, Madam, that I have seen in Zambia who is more committed to CSR rather Maamba Collieries, they deserve our support as government," said Sialubalo. Meanwhile, MLC senior electrical engineer Robby Mwelwa said the firm injected over 250 megawatts into the national grid per day and contributed about K2 billion to the national treasury as at September 30. "We inject 267.6 megawatts into the national grid, so we generate 300, the rest we use it for auxiliary consumption and what remains is what we inject in the national grid. So our operations here, your honour, are actually in tandem, we collaborate with ZESCO our shut down, whatever we need to do, we are in contact with ZESCO and ZESCO will always advise on what we need to do. This is our thermal power plant performance your honour, as of 30th September 2022, we have been able to inject 9,663 megawatt hours into the national grid," he said. We have now been able to inject about K2.166 billion in the national treasury as of 30th September, we are working in tandem with the 8th National Development Plan, and we contribute 10% to the national installed capacity. So, as you can see your honour from the pie chart here, most of the power generated in Zambia is hydro sitting at 81% and for us Maamba we are able to contribute 10% using this coal which was regarded as waste." Mwelwa reaffirmed the company's commitment to CSR. "You honour, here, our philosophy is that as the company grows, we need to grow the community where we are operating in. Our motto is making a difference. As MCL, we believe in making a difference in our operational areas so for us to be able to achieve or deliver, we have areas which we consider. So for our CSR activities, they are centred on education, health and sports, environmental as well as infrastructure development," said Mwelwa. CEC bags 2022 ZEMA Green Award October 5, 2022 15:20 November 11, 2022 CEC has scooped the 2022 Green Award, conferred by the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) at this year's Environmental and Climate Change Awards ceremony held on Thursday, 29 September. It's the second time in six years that CEC has taken the nation's overall recognition for sustainable business conduct judged through improved environmental management practices. The Company's maiden ZEMA Green Award came in 2016. ZEMA's criteria to be considered for this award includes demonstrated application of effort sufficient to meet environmental standards by making use of clean technology, waste minimization, pollution prevention and recycling and ecosystem restoration. Senior Manager HSES & Risk, Caroline Sinkamba, commented: "We rewrite our green history not just once, because sustainability is our life." In the last 10 years, CEC has taken various environmental stewardship awards, including the top Environmental Award for Overall Contribution to Sound Management Practices in Industry in 2021. Investee Companies, Investee Company News, ZCCM-IH News Konkola: Key to hitting 3 million tonnes copper target August 15, 2022 11:49 September 26, 2022 The new
[ 697, 8437, 322, 796, 1117, 423, 269, 1169, 373, 445, 8437, 577, 3099, 366, 437, 393, 3732, 502, 4772, 23622, 1735, 338, 4100, 1699, 1497, 21400, 13504, 1693, 405, 284, 398, 4524, 29889, 13, 2855, 317, 616, 431, 7003, 884, 844, 2760, 341, 12182, 29879, 29915, 9063, 358, 304, 315, 14098, 29889, 376, 21878, 314, 29892, 746, 306, 6493, 596, 8034, 9963, 1048, 3219, 20027, 1530, 4926, 583, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1840, 592, 7213, 895, 15640, 310, 3219, 20027, 1530, 4926, 583, 29889, 3219, 20027, 1530, 4926, 583, 756, 1063, 263, 4655, 18096, 297, 278, 5849, 310, 8882, 834, 549, 705, 29889, 319, 1595, 515, 825, 366, 505, 3595, 29892, 896, 13319, 263, 27709, 472, 278, 1021, 13457, 988, 591, 526, 28435, 304, 518, 392, 29962, 1492, 1286, 29892, 825, 896, 526, 2599, 338, 896, 526, 13261, 292, 701, 12579, 17029, 29899, 21870, 20027, 6520, 607, 338, 297, 263, 4319, 2106, 29889, 306, 925, 5456, 263, 5497, 304, 963, 304, 1827, 408, 591, 4480, 363, 5874, 304, 2041, 297, 29892, 825, 508, 591, 437, 4208, 518, 392, 29962, 2629, 263, 4723, 29892, 896, 892, 373, 3268, 29889, 2688, 526, 2599, 263, 844, 355, 519, 4982, 29892, 727, 338, 694, 13258, 272, 29892, 4104, 314, 29892, 393, 306, 505, 3595, 297, 796, 1117, 423, 1058, 338, 901, 19355, 304, 315, 14098, 3265, 3219, 20027, 1530, 4926, 583, 29892, 896, 553, 7143, 1749, 2304, 408, 5874, 1699, 1497, 317, 616, 431, 7003, 29889, 13, 6816, 273, 8000, 29892, 341, 12182, 16336, 3546, 16888, 22055, 6417, 1609, 341, 20466, 2766, 1497, 278, 9226, 11658, 287, 975, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29900, 4508, 1450, 1131, 29879, 964, 278, 4797, 6856, 639, 2462, 322, 26869, 1048, 476, 29906, 24464, 304, 278, 4797, 2578, 294, 2857, 408, 13, 271, 3839, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29889, 376, 4806, 11658, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29955, 29889, 29953, 4508, 1450, 1131, 29879, 964, 278, 4797, 6856, 29892, 577, 591, 5706, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29900, 29892, 278, 1791, 591, 671, 372, 363, 29587, 653, 27430, 322, 825, 9242, 338, 825, 591, 11658, 297, 278, 4797, 6856, 29889, 1105, 1749, 13, 3372, 800, 1244, 29892, 596, 19107, 29892, 526, 2869, 297, 10345, 2310, 29892, 591, 11465, 403, 411, 796, 2890, 3217, 1749, 12522, 1623, 29892, 6514, 591, 817, 304, 437, 29892, 591, 526, 297, 6958, 411, 796, 2890, 3217, 322, 796, 2890, 3217, 674, 2337, 22939, 373, 825, 591, 817, 304, 437, 29889, 910, 338, 1749, 26963, 3081, 8024, 4180, 596, 19107, 29892, 408, 310, 29871, 29941, 29900, 386, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29892, 591, 505, 1063, 2221, 304, 11658, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29953, 29953, 29941, 4508, 1450, 1131, 6199, 964, 278, 4797, 6856, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 4806, 505, 1286, 1063, 2221, 304, 11658, 1048, 476, 29906, 29889, 29896, 29953, 29953, 24464, 297, 278, 4797, 2578, 294, 2857, 408, 310, 29871, 29941, 29900, 386, 3839, 29892, 591, 526, 1985, 297, 10345, 2310, 411, 278, 29871, 29947, 386, 3086, 14650, 8402, 29892, 322, 591, 29126, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 304, 278, 4797, 5130, 13284, 29889, 1105, 29892, 408, 366, 508, 1074, 596, 19107, 515, 278, 5036, 8727, 1244, 29892, 1556, 310, 278, 3081, 5759, 297, 796, 1117, 423, 338, 17546, 16246, 472, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29995, 322, 363, 502, 3219, 20027, 591, 526, 2221, 304, 29126, 13, 29896, 29900, 29995, 773, 445, 17148, 607, 471, 17878, 408, 19863, 1213, 13, 29924, 20466, 2766, 337, 3470, 381, 2168, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 9063, 358, 304, 315, 14098, 29889, 376, 3492, 19107, 29892, 1244, 29892, 1749, 22237, 338, 393, 408, 278, 5001, 25088, 29892, 591, 817, 304, 6548, 278, 7881, 988, 591, 526, 13598, 297, 29889, 8680, 3184, 517, 338, 13, 28990, 263, 4328, 29889, 1094, 341, 6154, 29892, 591, 4658, 297, 3907, 263, 4328, 297, 1749, 1751, 1288, 10161, 577, 363, 502, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 6176, 470, 12021, 29892, 591, 505, 10161, 607, 591, 2050, 29889, 1105, 363, 1749, 315, 14098, 14188, 29892, 896, 526, 1644, 1127, 373, 9793, 29892, 9045, 322, 14717, 29892, 29380, 408, 1532, 408, 22035, 12425, 5849, 1699, 1497, 341, 20466, 2766, 29889, 13, 4741, 29907, 289, 810, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 796, 26862, 7646, 7526, 13, 25375, 4950, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29901, 29906, 29900, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 13, 4741, 29907, 756, 885, 26793, 287, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 7646, 7526, 29892, 378, 14373, 491, 278, 796, 1117, 423, 16738, 284, 15057, 29353, 313, 10721, 1529, 29897, 472, 445, 1629, 29915, 29879, 16738, 284, 322, 2233, 6490, 10726, 9220, 25672, 4934, 373, 498, 1295, 3250, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29929, 3839, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 278, 1473, 931, 297, 4832, 2440, 393, 315, 11206, 756, 4586, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 12463, 19679, 363, 15075, 475, 519, 5381, 7512, 6577, 3192, 1549, 16710, 29380, 10643, 23274, 29889, 450, 6938, 29915, 29879, 611, 3615, 796, 26862, 7646, 7526, 2996, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 13, 10721, 1529, 29915, 29879, 16614, 304, 367, 5545, 363, 445, 9862, 7805, 28585, 2280, 310, 7225, 8002, 304, 5870, 29380, 20801, 491, 3907, 671, 310, 5941, 15483, 29892, 19863, 6260, 2133, 29892, 21180, 918, 5557, 291, 322, 1162, 29891, 19914, 322, 321, 3944, 973, 1791, 12418, 29889, 13, 29903, 264, 1611, 15629, 379, 1660, 29903, 669, 390, 3873, 29892, 26980, 317, 682, 20027, 29892, 19952, 29901, 376, 4806, 10683, 1749, 7933, 4955, 451, 925, 2748, 29892, 1363, 15075, 475, 3097, 338, 1749, 2834, 1213, 13, 797, 278, 1833, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 29892, 315, 11206, 756, 4586, 5164, 29380, 1886, 1328, 3527, 24441, 29892, 3704, 278, 2246, 16738, 284, 7526, 363, 6811, 497, 2866, 3224, 304, 14976, 15057, 29124, 1575, 297, 12157, 719, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29889, 13, 797, 10147, 3905, 3831, 273, 583, 29892, 512, 10147, 3905, 6938, 10130, 29892, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 10130, 13, 29968, 23345, 2963, 29901, 7670, 304, 29425, 29871, 29941, 7284, 260, 24729, 1302, 2496, 3646, 13, 26197, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29946, 29929, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 13, 1576, 716 ]
dawn government of President Hakainde Hichilema has set its vision clearly when it comes to copper mining – it wants to ramp up production to three million tonnes per annum in the next decade. With current production standing around 800,000 metric tonnes (mt) per annum, it is quite an ambitious plan – too ambitious, some in the industry have argued. But there is good motivation for such efforts – an expected huge demand for copper driven by the nascent electric car industry, and the price for the red metal, which peaked above US$10,000 per tonne about two years ago. Copper prices reached an all-time high of US$10,512 per metric tonne on May 9, 2021, but have receded to about US$8,000 in the recent past, which is still a good price for copper producing countries such as Zambia. Some mining companies in the country are already responding accordingly to the prospect of high demand, making new investments to increase production. But one major player, Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), cannot rush to the table yet, held back by Read more: http://www.daily-mail.co.zm/konkola-key-to-hitting-3-million-tonnes-copper-target/ KCM team wins national mine-rescue competition August 3, 2022 11:33 September 26, 2022 Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) mine rescue teams have emerged winners of the 2022 national mine rescue competition, a dress-rehearsal undertaken to ascertain the preparedness of underground mine rescue teams to manage major mine accidents in the mining sector. The annual event, which was held for five days from July 25, 2022 at the Victoria Falls Hydro-Power Station in Livingstone, comprised nine underground mine rescue teams from KCM, Mopani Copper Mines (MCM), NFCA, CNMC Luanshya, Lubambe Copper Mines and Mabiza Resources Nickel Mine. The participants are assessed on various critical requirements in mine rescue such as fitness, team-work, firefighting and life-saving techniques, as well as disaster management. KCM's Nchanga Team C emerged overall winners of the national final heat competition, which is organized by the Zambia Mines Rescue Association (ZMRA). The KCM Nchanga Team C scored 179.4 points in the tightly contested final heat where another KCM team Konkola Team A came out second with 179.1 points. Last year's winners Lubambe Copper Mine Team B were in third position with 177.3 points. KCM Group Safety Manager Operations Felix Sikaonga said the performance of the KCM teams underlined the Company's priority placing Safety ahead of production and also an indication that the safety teams had not dropped the bar despite being away from the competition for three years. Mr Sikaonga said, "We last participated in the final heat competition in 2018 where Nchanga C won the competition. They have replicated that victory, which is proof of the Company's robust safety standards. It reinforces our continuous focus on safety trainings and other internal measures intended to safeguard life and our assets." "KCM will continue to play a part in ensuring safety is upheld in all out operations as we also keep exchanging global best practices with our peers in order to make Zambia mining and communities in and around mining areas safe havens," he said. The KCM team, which won the 2018 competition is scheduled to represent Zambia at the 2022 International Mine Rescue Competition (IMRC) in West Virginia, USA in September, after the resumption of the international competition derailed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Nchanga C team, the winners of the year's final will again represent the country with two other teams from Mopani and Lubambe who won in 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively, in the international competitions which will be held in Colombia next year. "These are exciting times in the sense that it is the first time that a KCM team will represent the country in an international mine rescue competition. We are
[ 27470, 5874, 310, 7178, 379, 557, 475, 311, 379, 436, 488, 655, 756, 731, 967, 18551, 9436, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 1302, 2496, 1375, 292, 785, 372, 10753, 304, 364, 1160, 701, 5802, 304, 2211, 7284, 260, 24729, 639, 385, 1949, 297, 278, 2446, 316, 6332, 29889, 13, 3047, 1857, 5802, 13407, 2820, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12714, 260, 24729, 313, 4378, 29897, 639, 385, 1949, 29892, 372, 338, 3755, 385, 626, 2966, 2738, 3814, 785, 2086, 626, 2966, 2738, 29892, 777, 297, 278, 13661, 505, 28705, 29889, 13, 6246, 727, 338, 1781, 17385, 362, 363, 1316, 14231, 785, 385, 3806, 12176, 9667, 363, 1302, 2496, 18225, 491, 278, 8281, 1760, 12646, 1559, 13661, 29892, 322, 278, 8666, 363, 278, 2654, 11915, 29892, 607, 1236, 12535, 2038, 3148, 29938, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 639, 260, 7293, 1048, 1023, 2440, 8020, 29889, 13, 7967, 2496, 26094, 7450, 385, 599, 29899, 2230, 1880, 310, 3148, 29938, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29945, 29896, 29906, 639, 12714, 260, 7293, 373, 2610, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 541, 505, 337, 1133, 287, 304, 1048, 3148, 29938, 29947, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 297, 278, 7786, 4940, 29892, 607, 338, 1603, 263, 1781, 8666, 363, 1302, 2496, 20811, 10916, 1316, 408, 796, 1117, 423, 29889, 13, 9526, 1375, 292, 14582, 297, 278, 4234, 526, 2307, 10049, 292, 16205, 304, 278, 27289, 310, 1880, 9667, 29892, 3907, 716, 13258, 1860, 304, 7910, 5802, 29889, 1205, 697, 4655, 4847, 29892, 5250, 29895, 2963, 3189, 2496, 341, 1475, 313, 29968, 24494, 511, 2609, 364, 1878, 304, 278, 1591, 3447, 29892, 4934, 1250, 491, 13, 6359, 901, 29901, 1732, 597, 1636, 29889, 29881, 8683, 29899, 2549, 29889, 1111, 29889, 14018, 29914, 8077, 29895, 2963, 29899, 1989, 29899, 517, 29899, 29882, 5367, 29899, 29941, 29899, 19958, 291, 29899, 880, 4515, 29899, 1111, 2496, 29899, 5182, 29914, 13, 29968, 24494, 3815, 21614, 4797, 7903, 29899, 690, 18376, 13888, 13, 26197, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29941, 29941, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 13, 29968, 23345, 2963, 3189, 2496, 341, 1475, 1858, 29883, 313, 29968, 24494, 29897, 7903, 26429, 10907, 505, 11176, 3192, 281, 16697, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 4797, 7903, 26429, 13888, 29892, 263, 10714, 29899, 276, 354, 1503, 284, 22332, 9424, 304, 408, 14082, 278, 13240, 2264, 310, 1090, 2057, 7903, 26429, 10907, 304, 10933, 4655, 7903, 1035, 16719, 297, 278, 1375, 292, 17535, 29889, 13, 1576, 17568, 1741, 29892, 607, 471, 4934, 363, 5320, 3841, 515, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 472, 278, 14212, 383, 4293, 379, 11279, 29899, 21472, 12039, 297, 26176, 12734, 29892, 7199, 3368, 14183, 1090, 2057, 7903, 26429, 10907, 515, 476, 24494, 29892, 341, 459, 3270, 3189, 2496, 341, 1475, 313, 12513, 29924, 511, 405, 29943, 5454, 29892, 315, 29940, 12513, 3182, 550, 29882, 3761, 29892, 19278, 314, 915, 3189, 2496, 341, 1475, 322, 341, 370, 6619, 27562, 13853, 295, 26833, 29889, 13, 1576, 27138, 526, 1223, 11517, 373, 5164, 12187, 11780, 297, 7903, 26429, 1316, 408, 6216, 2264, 29892, 3815, 29899, 1287, 29892, 3974, 29888, 523, 292, 322, 2834, 29899, 29879, 5555, 13698, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 766, 1901, 10643, 29889, 13, 29968, 24494, 29915, 29879, 405, 305, 12686, 8583, 315, 11176, 3192, 12463, 281, 16697, 310, 278, 4797, 2186, 12871, 13888, 29892, 607, 338, 19098, 491, 278, 796, 1117, 423, 341, 1475, 2538, 18376, 7993, 313, 29999, 29924, 4717, 467, 13, 1576, 476, 24494, 405, 305, 12686, 8583, 315, 15569, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29929, 29889, 29946, 3291, 297, 278, 19932, 368, 640, 2868, 2186, 12871, 988, 1790, 476, 24494, 3815, 5250, 29895, 2963, 8583, 319, 2996, 714, 1473, 411, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29929, 29889, 29896, 3291, 29889, 9208, 1629, 29915, 29879, 281, 16697, 19278, 314, 915, 3189, 2496, 26833, 8583, 350, 892, 297, 4654, 2602, 411, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29955, 29889, 29941, 3291, 29889, 13, 29968, 24494, 6431, 14795, 3305, 15629, 6607, 800, 26346, 317, 4106, 549, 29874, 1497, 278, 4180, 310, 278, 476, 24494, 10907, 1090, 21354, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 20136, 24421, 14795, 3305, 14432, 310, 5802, 322, 884, 385, 4221, 362, 393, 278, 15332, 10907, 750, 451, 13700, 278, 2594, 15020, 1641, 3448, 515, 278, 13888, 363, 2211, 2440, 29889, 13, 20335, 317, 4106, 549, 29874, 1497, 29892, 376, 4806, 1833, 25223, 297, 278, 2186, 12871, 13888, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 988, 405, 305, 12686, 315, 2113, 278, 13888, 29889, 2688, 505, 1634, 9169, 393, 15354, 29892, 607, 338, 5296, 310, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 16424, 15332, 20801, 29889, 739, 15561, 1454, 778, 1749, 9126, 8569, 373, 15332, 7945, 886, 322, 916, 7463, 15366, 9146, 304, 9437, 24024, 538, 2834, 322, 1749, 21608, 1213, 376, 29968, 24494, 674, 6773, 304, 1708, 263, 760, 297, 5662, 3864, 15332, 338, 318, 561, 2495, 297, 599, 714, 6931, 408, 591, 884, 3013, 429, 305, 9776, 5534, 1900, 23274, 411, 1749, 1236, 414, 297, 1797, 304, 1207, 796, 1117, 423, 1375, 292, 322, 23507, 297, 322, 2820, 1375, 292, 10161, 9109, 447, 9852, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 1576, 476, 24494, 3815, 29892, 607, 2113, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 13888, 338, 21467, 304, 2755, 796, 1117, 423, 472, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 4623, 26833, 2538, 18376, 24620, 654, 313, 7833, 10363, 29897, 297, 3122, 11653, 29892, 8278, 297, 3839, 29892, 1156, 278, 620, 28069, 310, 278, 6121, 13888, 589, 29874, 2356, 491, 278, 25669, 333, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29889, 13, 29940, 305, 12686, 315, 3815, 29892, 278, 281, 16697, 310, 278, 1629, 29915, 29879, 2186, 674, 1449, 2755, 278, 4234, 411, 1023, 916, 10907, 515, 341, 459, 3270, 322, 19278, 314, 915, 1058, 2113, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 8307, 29892, 297, 278, 6121, 5100, 2187, 607, 674, 367, 4934, 297, 21078, 2446, 1629, 29889, 13, 29908, 1349, 968, 526, 5566, 11407, 3064, 297, 278, 4060, 393, 372, 338, 278, 937, 931, 393, 263, 476, 24494, 3815, 674, 2755, 278, 4234, 297, 385, 6121, 7903, 26429, 13888, 29889, 1334, 526 ]
confident of an award[1]winning performance from the KCM team," he said. This is contained in a statement issued by KCM General Manager Corporate Affairs Shapi Shachinda. Source: https://tiozambia.com/kcm-team-wins-national-mine-rescue-competition/ CEC and Zesco sign billion dollar deal July 8, 2022 10:02 August 12, 2022 Zesco has signed a 13-year Bulk Supply Agreement with the Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) worth 1.9 billon US dollars. Speaking at a press briefing, Zesco Managing Director Victor Mapani said the new Bulk Supply Agreement marks the replacement of the old agreement which expired on March 31, 2020. Mr Mapani said the Bulk Supply Agreement allows the two parties to supply power to customers within the country across each other's networks. He also said the development will ensure the territorial exclusivity clauses that existed in the previous agreement are addressed. Source: https://tiozambia.com/cec-and-zesco-sign-billion-dollar-deal/ Investee Companies, Investee Company News, Press Releases, ZCCM-IH News Mopani Copper Mines launches website and social media platforms Mopani Copper Mines PLC is thrilled to announce the launch of its website – https://mopani.com.zm/, and social media platforms on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Business and Youtube. The social media pages are available on the following links: https://www.facebook.com/mopanicoppermines for Facebook; https://www.linkedin.com/company/mopani-copper-mines/ for LinkedIn; and, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCprlmzSBpkfhdC-Rh0RtfcQ/featured for Youtube. The website and social media accounts are aimed at providing the public with enhanced access to timely information about the Company's operations, new developments and various ongoing corporate social responsibility programmes. Launching the Company's new digital media platforms, Mopani Copper Mines PLC Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Charles Sakanya says, "Mopani has been operating for 22 years without a presence on these digital platforms, and thus the launch of the new website and social media channels is long overdue in getting people to understand our Vision, Mission and Operating Philosophy, which will make it easier for them to fit into our new way of doing things as a Proudly Zambian Owned Mining Company". Mr. Sakanya further states, "Mopani believes that corporate communication is a strategic factor for the governance of our Company. And that is why we are moving towards a proactive stakeholder conscious governance model where communication is concerned to ensure corporate accountability and transparency". He has since invited all stakeholders to visit and explore the new website and follow the Company on its social media pages. The website is designed to offer the ultimate user-friendly experience with easy navigation and functionality while allowing visitors to see the full portfolio of Mopani's operations. Created with the user experience in mind, the website includes several features to help users to quickly and easily navigate the site and find the information or images that they need. These features include: Operations: provides an up-to-date overview of all our Mining and Processing facilities as well as ongoing Expansion Projects as the future of the mine. Services: provides essential information on our Medical, Education and World-class Laboratory facilities and services. CSR: profiles our award-winning robust community investment programme across the eight (8) thematic areas of our focus. Careers: details all available vacancies, procedures for submitting applications and the respective due dates. Commercial: provides a one-stop-shop for our Supply Chain programme inter-linked to our Supplier Portal with a step-by-step guidance on the Vendor Registration and Categorisation Process. Released by: E-mail: public.relations@mopani.com.zm KCM, Zanaco to increase business partnership June 30, 2022 09:54 August 12, 2022 Konkola Co
[ 24332, 310, 385, 9862, 29961, 29896, 29962, 5080, 1076, 4180, 515, 278, 476, 24494, 3815, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 11122, 297, 263, 3229, 16610, 491, 476, 24494, 4593, 15629, 12767, 403, 26049, 1383, 2754, 1383, 496, 11054, 29889, 13, 4435, 29901, 2045, 597, 29873, 601, 29920, 1117, 423, 29889, 510, 29914, 29895, 4912, 29899, 14318, 29899, 29893, 1144, 29899, 29876, 1288, 29899, 24669, 29899, 690, 18376, 29899, 2388, 300, 654, 29914, 13, 4741, 29907, 322, 796, 267, 1111, 1804, 24464, 11232, 279, 5376, 13, 29967, 11850, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29901, 29900, 29906, 3111, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 13, 29999, 267, 1111, 756, 8794, 263, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29899, 6360, 8313, 29895, 9179, 368, 4059, 276, 882, 411, 278, 3189, 2496, 29890, 2152, 24836, 15025, 313, 4741, 29907, 29897, 7088, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29929, 11118, 265, 3148, 17208, 29889, 13, 10649, 5086, 472, 263, 3965, 11473, 292, 29892, 796, 267, 1111, 2315, 6751, 15944, 12684, 7315, 3270, 1497, 278, 716, 8313, 29895, 9179, 368, 4059, 276, 882, 17997, 278, 16920, 310, 278, 2030, 17327, 607, 1518, 2859, 373, 4779, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 20335, 7315, 3270, 1497, 278, 8313, 29895, 9179, 368, 4059, 276, 882, 6511, 278, 1023, 13973, 304, 11421, 3081, 304, 20330, 2629, 278, 4234, 4822, 1269, 916, 29915, 29879, 14379, 29889, 13, 3868, 884, 1497, 278, 5849, 674, 9801, 278, 29740, 13489, 2068, 3711, 6394, 393, 22856, 297, 278, 3517, 17327, 526, 20976, 29889, 13, 4435, 29901, 2045, 597, 29873, 601, 29920, 1117, 423, 29889, 510, 29914, 346, 29883, 29899, 392, 29899, 10947, 1111, 29899, 4530, 29899, 29890, 453, 291, 29899, 29881, 26810, 29899, 311, 284, 29914, 13, 797, 10147, 3905, 3831, 273, 583, 29892, 512, 10147, 3905, 6938, 10130, 29892, 5254, 830, 17836, 29892, 796, 4174, 29924, 29899, 29902, 29950, 10130, 13, 29924, 459, 3270, 3189, 2496, 341, 1475, 6826, 267, 4700, 322, 5264, 5745, 21796, 13, 29924, 459, 3270, 3189, 2496, 341, 1475, 349, 12182, 338, 1468, 24455, 304, 7475, 346, 278, 6826, 310, 967, 4700, 785, 2045, 597, 29885, 459, 3270, 29889, 510, 29889, 14018, 19637, 322, 5264, 5745, 21796, 373, 13327, 29892, 28547, 797, 29892, 5087, 15197, 322, 612, 15907, 29889, 13, 1576, 5264, 5745, 6515, 526, 3625, 373, 278, 1494, 2988, 29901, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 15445, 29889, 510, 29914, 29885, 459, 273, 1417, 407, 837, 1475, 363, 13327, 29936, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 2324, 287, 262, 29889, 510, 29914, 14518, 29914, 29885, 459, 3270, 29899, 1111, 2496, 29899, 1195, 267, 29914, 363, 28547, 797, 29936, 322, 29892, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 19567, 29889, 510, 29914, 12719, 29914, 23129, 558, 21457, 29920, 1744, 20571, 29888, 16440, 29907, 29899, 29934, 29882, 29900, 29934, 13264, 29883, 29984, 29914, 14394, 29881, 363, 612, 15907, 29889, 13, 1576, 4700, 322, 5264, 5745, 15303, 526, 12242, 287, 472, 13138, 278, 970, 411, 427, 29308, 2130, 304, 5335, 873, 2472, 1048, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 6931, 29892, 716, 2693, 1860, 322, 5164, 373, 17696, 17266, 403, 5264, 23134, 1824, 4467, 29889, 13, 17641, 292, 278, 6938, 29915, 29879, 716, 13436, 5745, 21796, 29892, 341, 459, 3270, 3189, 2496, 341, 1475, 349, 12182, 14546, 28841, 28288, 29892, 3237, 29889, 5322, 19736, 20912, 4083, 29892, 376, 29924, 459, 3270, 756, 1063, 13598, 363, 29871, 29906, 29906, 2440, 1728, 263, 10122, 373, 1438, 13436, 21796, 29892, 322, 4550, 278, 6826, 310, 278, 716, 4700, 322, 5264, 5745, 18196, 338, 1472, 975, 29123, 297, 2805, 2305, 304, 2274, 1749, 478, 2459, 29892, 18971, 322, 6607, 1218, 16407, 29891, 29892, 607, 674, 1207, 372, 6775, 363, 963, 304, 6216, 964, 1749, 716, 982, 310, 2599, 2712, 408, 263, 1588, 2736, 368, 796, 1117, 713, 438, 1233, 287, 341, 2827, 6938, 1642, 13, 20335, 29889, 19736, 20912, 4340, 5922, 29892, 376, 29924, 459, 3270, 1339, 17180, 393, 17266, 403, 12084, 338, 263, 16650, 293, 7329, 363, 278, 4095, 749, 310, 1749, 6938, 29889, 1126, 393, 338, 2020, 591, 526, 8401, 7113, 263, 410, 4925, 380, 1296, 7694, 19861, 4095, 749, 1904, 988, 12084, 338, 15041, 304, 9801, 17266, 403, 3633, 3097, 322, 1301, 862, 3819, 1642, 13, 3868, 756, 1951, 23610, 599, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 304, 6493, 322, 26987, 278, 716, 4700, 322, 1101, 278, 6938, 373, 967, 5264, 5745, 6515, 29889, 13, 1576, 4700, 338, 8688, 304, 5957, 278, 8494, 6490, 1404, 29899, 18326, 368, 7271, 411, 4780, 11322, 322, 9863, 1550, 14372, 26824, 304, 1074, 278, 2989, 2011, 25648, 310, 341, 459, 3270, 29915, 29879, 6931, 29889, 6760, 630, 411, 278, 1404, 7271, 297, 3458, 29892, 278, 4700, 7805, 3196, 5680, 304, 1371, 4160, 304, 9098, 322, 5948, 23624, 278, 3268, 322, 1284, 278, 2472, 470, 4558, 393, 896, 817, 29889, 4525, 5680, 3160, 29901, 13, 7094, 800, 29901, 8128, 385, 701, 29899, 517, 29899, 1256, 975, 1493, 310, 599, 1749, 341, 2827, 322, 10554, 292, 23330, 408, 1532, 408, 373, 17696, 12027, 9454, 8010, 29879, 408, 278, 5434, 310, 278, 7903, 29889, 13, 13779, 29901, 8128, 18853, 2472, 373, 1749, 20795, 29892, 13151, 322, 2787, 29899, 1990, 16715, 7606, 23330, 322, 5786, 29889, 13, 9295, 29934, 29901, 28723, 1749, 9862, 29899, 5080, 1076, 16424, 7881, 13258, 358, 19607, 4822, 278, 9475, 313, 29947, 29897, 963, 2454, 10161, 310, 1749, 8569, 29889, 13, 29907, 598, 414, 29901, 4902, 599, 3625, 11757, 273, 2478, 29892, 28648, 363, 11834, 5367, 8324, 322, 278, 18067, 2861, 10116, 29889, 13, 1523, 1050, 1455, 29901, 8128, 263, 697, 29899, 9847, 29899, 19032, 363, 1749, 9179, 368, 678, 475, 19607, 1006, 29899, 2324, 287, 304, 1749, 9179, 4926, 28612, 411, 263, 4331, 29899, 1609, 29899, 10568, 27323, 373, 278, 478, 12184, 2169, 8306, 322, 315, 20440, 4371, 10554, 29889, 13, 1123, 4611, 491, 29901, 13, 29923, 29899, 2549, 29901, 970, 29889, 2674, 800, 29992, 29885, 459, 3270, 29889, 510, 29889, 14018, 13, 29968, 24494, 29892, 796, 273, 11216, 304, 7910, 5381, 22056, 4034, 13, 29967, 1540, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29871, 29900, 29929, 29901, 29945, 29946, 3111, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 13, 29968, 23345, 2963, 3189 ]
pper Mines (KCM) and ZANACO Bank have agreed to deepen their business partnership with possibilities of the bank increasing its short to medium term lending to the Company while KCM would explore ways of increasing its quantity in terms of business with the bank. A delegation comprising six senior ZANACO officials led by Head Corporate and Investment Banking Andrew Muyaba met with Jason Kazilimani, the agent for the KCM Provisional Liquidator, Celine Nair to explore further business opportunities that would enable KCM to fund some growth projects intended to increase production in the short to medium term. The Acting CEO of KCM Enock Mponda and four senior KCM officials also attended the discussions in Chingola. The two parties agreed to sustain the current position of ZANACO as the biggest lender to KCM for letters of credit, which enable KCM to procure additional copper concentrates from local and foreign third parties for blending with KCM's own copper concentrates in order to meet specifications for production of copper anodes at the Nchanga smelter. The KCM officials told the bankers that the Company was strategically positioned to participate in the booming global industry of electric vehicles by enhancing copper and cobalt production, which are some of the metals used for wiring of electric vehicles and production of car batteries, respectively. The Company seeks $17 million in financing to carry out an annual shutdown of the Nchanga smelter, which requires major upgrades to infrastructure in order to improve its efficiency, as well as other funds for the re-opened Chingola Open Pit (COP F&D), earmarked to commence ore production at the end of July. Other production areas at Konkola deep mine and Nchanga Open pits also need bridge financing to raise production. "We need additional letters of credit for procurement of concentrates and we take note of the need for KCM to increase business transactions with ZANACO," Mr Kazilimani said. "We found ourselves as major lender to KCM and hope to grow our business portfolio with yourselves. We see this business relationship getting bigger and better, especially that we are now a one billion kwacha bank," Mr Muyaba said in reference to ZANACO becoming the first bank to hit one billion kwacha in profit after tax in the 2021 financial year. This is contained in a statement issued by Shapi Shachinda General Manager Corporate Affairs. Source: https://tiozambia.com/kcm-zanaco-to-increase-business-partnership/ New Zambian regime: The key to FQM's Kansanshi expansion TSX-listed mining major First Quantum Minerals (FQM) is looking to invest substantially in the expansion of its Kansanshi copper and gold mine. This demonstrates not only the ongoing interest in these two metals from global markets but also the company's commitment to a country which has recently welcomed a new political regime of leaders who are looking to increase Zambia's mining investment profile moving forward. Dr GODWIN BEENE, FQM government relations affairs specialist tells LAURA CORNISH. Zambia's mining tax regime, amended in 2019, has seen investment from the sector dwindle and total copper production output stagnate ever since. But the introduction of new president Hakainde Hichilema (appointed into office in September 2021) could change this as he has reopened the door to working with local mining companies to establish a more investment-friendly tax regime. This could be one of the key deciding factors that will enable the FQM board to give the green light on a major expansion project at its Kansanshi operations. "Regardless of the regular policy changes that have occurred in Zambia, FQM has built a solid operating base in the country, and we've continued to deliver significant volumes of copper from both Kansanshi and Sentinel – which together are responsible for producing more than half of Zambia's total copper output. Kansanshi is also the largest gold producer in the country," Beene starts. In 2021 Kansanshi produced 202 000 t of copper and 128 000 oz of gold while Sentinel produced 233 000 t of copper
[ 2496, 341, 1475, 313, 29968, 24494, 29897, 322, 796, 2190, 2477, 29949, 10253, 505, 15502, 304, 6483, 264, 1009, 5381, 22056, 4034, 411, 24496, 310, 278, 9124, 10231, 967, 3273, 304, 18350, 1840, 301, 2548, 304, 278, 6938, 1550, 476, 24494, 723, 26987, 5837, 310, 10231, 967, 14728, 297, 4958, 310, 5381, 411, 278, 9124, 29889, 13, 29909, 16000, 362, 7199, 5921, 4832, 16336, 796, 2190, 2477, 29949, 24921, 5331, 491, 12252, 12767, 403, 322, 512, 10147, 358, 10253, 292, 11571, 8229, 29891, 5363, 1539, 411, 21776, 15198, 309, 326, 3270, 29892, 278, 10823, 363, 278, 476, 24494, 1019, 1730, 1848, 2718, 339, 333, 1061, 29892, 315, 5570, 405, 1466, 304, 26987, 4340, 5381, 28602, 1907, 393, 723, 9025, 476, 24494, 304, 5220, 777, 14321, 9279, 9146, 304, 7910, 5802, 297, 278, 3273, 304, 18350, 1840, 29889, 13, 1576, 3185, 292, 14645, 29949, 310, 476, 24494, 1174, 1698, 341, 2818, 29874, 322, 3023, 16336, 476, 24494, 24921, 884, 14283, 278, 5353, 1080, 297, 678, 292, 2963, 29889, 13, 1576, 1023, 13973, 15502, 304, 15075, 475, 278, 1857, 2602, 310, 796, 2190, 2477, 29949, 408, 278, 24842, 301, 1581, 304, 476, 24494, 363, 8721, 310, 16200, 29892, 607, 9025, 476, 24494, 304, 9580, 545, 5684, 1302, 2496, 14953, 1078, 515, 1887, 322, 9117, 4654, 13973, 363, 1999, 2548, 411, 476, 24494, 29915, 29879, 1914, 1302, 2496, 14953, 1078, 297, 1797, 304, 5870, 2702, 800, 363, 5802, 310, 1302, 2496, 385, 2631, 472, 278, 405, 305, 12686, 1560, 21883, 29889, 13, 1576, 476, 24494, 24921, 5429, 278, 9124, 414, 393, 278, 6938, 471, 16650, 1711, 2602, 287, 304, 5221, 403, 297, 278, 1045, 28826, 5534, 13661, 310, 12646, 24413, 491, 427, 5403, 3277, 1302, 2496, 322, 274, 711, 1997, 5802, 29892, 607, 526, 777, 310, 278, 1539, 1338, 1304, 363, 281, 8491, 310, 12646, 24413, 322, 5802, 310, 1559, 10193, 583, 29892, 8307, 29889, 13, 1576, 6938, 1074, 2039, 395, 29896, 29955, 7284, 297, 11782, 3277, 304, 8677, 714, 385, 17568, 12522, 3204, 310, 278, 405, 305, 12686, 1560, 21883, 29892, 607, 6858, 4655, 701, 629, 3076, 304, 22035, 12425, 297, 1797, 304, 11157, 967, 19201, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 916, 29199, 363, 278, 337, 29899, 3150, 287, 678, 292, 2963, 4673, 29244, 313, 3217, 29925, 383, 29987, 29928, 511, 2326, 3502, 287, 304, 24108, 28074, 5802, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 5468, 29889, 5901, 5802, 10161, 472, 5250, 29895, 2963, 6483, 7903, 322, 405, 305, 12686, 4673, 282, 1169, 884, 817, 12945, 11782, 3277, 304, 12020, 5802, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 817, 5684, 8721, 310, 16200, 363, 9580, 545, 358, 310, 14953, 1078, 322, 591, 2125, 4443, 310, 278, 817, 363, 476, 24494, 304, 7910, 5381, 22160, 411, 796, 2190, 2477, 29949, 1699, 3237, 15198, 309, 326, 3270, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 1476, 20278, 408, 4655, 301, 1581, 304, 476, 24494, 322, 4966, 304, 6548, 1749, 5381, 2011, 25648, 411, 596, 5210, 29889, 1334, 1074, 445, 5381, 9443, 2805, 16600, 322, 2253, 29892, 7148, 393, 591, 526, 1286, 263, 697, 24464, 9049, 496, 29874, 9124, 1699, 3237, 8229, 29891, 5363, 1497, 297, 3407, 304, 796, 2190, 2477, 29949, 14171, 278, 937, 9124, 304, 7124, 697, 24464, 9049, 496, 29874, 297, 21665, 1156, 8818, 297, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 18161, 1629, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 11122, 297, 263, 3229, 16610, 491, 1383, 2754, 1383, 496, 11054, 4593, 15629, 12767, 403, 26049, 29889, 13, 4435, 29901, 2045, 597, 29873, 601, 29920, 1117, 423, 29889, 510, 29914, 29895, 4912, 29899, 24912, 11216, 29899, 517, 29899, 262, 1037, 559, 29899, 8262, 3335, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 29914, 13, 4373, 796, 1117, 713, 22384, 29901, 450, 1820, 304, 383, 29984, 29924, 29915, 29879, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 13184, 13, 9375, 29990, 29899, 1761, 287, 1375, 292, 4655, 3824, 22746, 398, 3080, 261, 1338, 313, 29943, 29984, 29924, 29897, 338, 3063, 304, 13258, 23228, 368, 297, 278, 13184, 310, 967, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 1302, 2496, 322, 7684, 7903, 29889, 13, 4013, 9004, 1078, 451, 871, 278, 373, 17696, 4066, 297, 1438, 1023, 1539, 1338, 515, 5534, 2791, 1691, 541, 884, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 9063, 358, 304, 263, 4234, 607, 756, 10325, 5476, 510, 287, 263, 716, 8604, 22384, 310, 20251, 1058, 526, 3063, 304, 7910, 796, 1117, 423, 29915, 29879, 1375, 292, 13258, 358, 8722, 8401, 6375, 29889, 4942, 402, 13668, 25152, 20700, 1430, 29923, 29892, 383, 29984, 29924, 5874, 5302, 19469, 4266, 391, 10603, 17900, 4574, 29909, 315, 1955, 29940, 3235, 29950, 29889, 13, 29999, 1117, 423, 29915, 29879, 1375, 292, 8818, 22384, 29892, 626, 2760, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 756, 3595, 13258, 358, 515, 278, 17535, 11988, 513, 280, 322, 3001, 1302, 2496, 5802, 1962, 380, 4211, 403, 3926, 1951, 29889, 1205, 278, 18707, 310, 716, 6673, 379, 557, 475, 311, 379, 436, 488, 655, 313, 932, 2461, 287, 964, 8034, 297, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29897, 1033, 1735, 445, 408, 540, 756, 337, 3150, 287, 278, 3050, 304, 1985, 411, 1887, 1375, 292, 14582, 304, 10127, 263, 901, 13258, 358, 29899, 18326, 368, 8818, 22384, 29889, 13, 4013, 1033, 367, 697, 310, 278, 1820, 1602, 4821, 13879, 393, 674, 9025, 278, 383, 29984, 29924, 7613, 304, 2367, 278, 7933, 3578, 373, 263, 4655, 13184, 2060, 472, 967, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 6931, 29889, 13, 29908, 4597, 538, 2222, 310, 278, 4943, 8898, 3620, 393, 505, 10761, 297, 796, 1117, 423, 29892, 383, 29984, 29924, 756, 4240, 263, 7773, 13598, 2967, 297, 278, 4234, 29892, 322, 591, 29915, 345, 7572, 304, 12021, 7282, 18167, 310, 1302, 2496, 515, 1716, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 322, 317, 15440, 295, 785, 607, 4208, 526, 14040, 363, 20811, 901, 1135, 4203, 310, 796, 1117, 423, 29915, 29879, 3001, 1302, 2496, 1962, 29889, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 338, 884, 278, 10150, 7684, 14297, 297, 278, 4234, 1699, 1522, 1600, 8665, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 7371, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 310, 1302, 2496, 322, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29947, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 288, 29920, 310, 7684, 1550, 317, 15440, 295, 7371, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29941, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 310, 1302, 2496 ]
(with a record last quarter contributing to this number). Kansanshi Situated in Solwezi in the north-western province of Zambia, Kansanshi has been producing copper and gold since 2005 and has undergone numerous expansions since then. It is FQM's flagship operation, globally. "The mine however has reached a point where most of its high-grade resources have been depleted," Beene notes. In 2021 the mine's copper production was 9% lower than the previous year, mainly due to lower grades in the mixed and oxide circuits, coupled with lower oxide recovery and 3% lower throughput, which was also the result of unplanned maintenance and processing of competent mixed ore. 2022 is expected to maintain similar volumes to those achieved in 2021 – of between 190 000 and 210 000 t of copper (and a consistent 120 000 – 130 000 oz of gold). "Grades however are further expected to decline over the course of the year from the levels seen in the fourth quarter of 2021," Beene notes. The key to Kansanshi's future lies in the potential introduction of an expansion project – known as the S3 Expansion – which is awaiting board approval. As the Kansanshi pits expand, the volume of near-surface high-grade oxide ore continues to decrease, whilst the proportion of primary sulphide ores increases with depth. The US$900 million S3 Expansion is expected to transition Kansanshi away from the current, more selective high-grade medium scale operation to a medium-grade, much larger scale mining operation. A NI 43-101 technical report filed in September 2020 includes the plan for a 25 Mtpa expansion of the sulphide ore processing facility, increasing annual throughput to 53 Mtpa. The expansion would also involve a new larger mining fleet and combined with the new standalone 25 Mtpa processing plant, is expected to create efficiencies and economies of scale. Most of the capital spend on the S3 Expansion is proposed for 2023 – 2024 if the project can obtain board approval. "As you can see, a decision around this project is imminent," Beene confirms. In parallel with the expansion of the mine and processing facilities, FQM plans to increase throughput capacity of its Kansanshi smelter from 1.38 Mtpa to 1.65 Mtpa. The capacity increase would be achieved partly through enhancing copper concentrate grades by lowering the carbon and pyrite content of the Kansanshi and Sentinel concentrate feeds and debottlenecking the gas handling circuit, including incorporating a new acid plant. Concentrate processing capacity is expected to be further expanded through modifications to the existing high-pressure leach circuit. This expansion is also subject to board approval, linked to the investment conditions in Zambia. In addition to increased capacity, the smelter expansion is expected to create greater flexibility should smelter capacity constraints in the Zambian Copperbelt arise, as well as reduce downstream Scope 3 GHG emissions from the transport and refining of copper concentrate at third party smelters. "Discussions with the Zambian government remain in play and together we hope to achieve suitable measures to support the S3 Expansion. In doing so, we hope to see more internationally aligned, stable and consistent policies as well. Fortunately, the new administration is very approachable," Beene notes. "The nature of the ore body has a declining grade profile and a declining production profile consequently. This expansion would effectively offset the lower grades and allow copper production to remain stable, well above 200 000 t throughout most of its mine life, estimated in 2044," he adds. Constructed over four years from 2012, Sentinel represents $2.1 billion of investment – Zambia's largest infrastructure investment since the Kariba Dam was constructed in 1959. This operation is a steady performer and in fact delivered its best quarterly production of the 2021 year with 60 197 t of copper produced – 9% above the comparable quarter in 2020 – assisted by soft
[ 313, 2541, 263, 2407, 1833, 12616, 17737, 17068, 304, 445, 1353, 467, 13, 29968, 550, 550, 2918, 13, 29903, 1981, 630, 297, 4956, 705, 2526, 297, 278, 6641, 29899, 22741, 12291, 310, 796, 1117, 423, 29892, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 756, 1063, 20811, 1302, 2496, 322, 7684, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 322, 756, 1090, 29887, 650, 12727, 1518, 550, 1080, 1951, 769, 29889, 739, 338, 383, 29984, 29924, 29915, 29879, 13449, 4034, 5858, 29892, 13149, 635, 29889, 376, 1576, 7903, 3138, 756, 7450, 263, 1298, 988, 1556, 310, 967, 1880, 29899, 8228, 7788, 505, 1063, 316, 552, 9446, 1699, 1522, 1600, 11486, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 278, 7903, 29915, 29879, 1302, 2496, 5802, 471, 29871, 29929, 29995, 5224, 1135, 278, 3517, 1629, 29892, 14364, 2861, 304, 5224, 867, 3076, 297, 278, 12849, 322, 19100, 680, 3449, 19544, 29892, 7303, 29881, 411, 5224, 19100, 680, 24205, 322, 29871, 29941, 29995, 5224, 1549, 649, 29892, 607, 471, 884, 278, 1121, 310, 443, 572, 11310, 25413, 322, 9068, 310, 5100, 296, 12849, 28074, 29889, 13, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 338, 3806, 304, 7344, 2788, 18167, 304, 1906, 14363, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 785, 310, 1546, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29900, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29900, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 310, 1302, 2496, 313, 392, 263, 13747, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29900, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 785, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29900, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 288, 29920, 310, 7684, 467, 376, 3338, 3076, 3138, 526, 4340, 3806, 304, 4845, 457, 975, 278, 3236, 310, 278, 1629, 515, 278, 11174, 3595, 297, 278, 11582, 12616, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 1699, 1522, 1600, 11486, 29889, 13, 1576, 1820, 304, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 29915, 29879, 5434, 12185, 297, 278, 7037, 18707, 310, 385, 13184, 2060, 785, 2998, 408, 278, 317, 29941, 12027, 9454, 785, 607, 338, 7272, 292, 7613, 2134, 791, 29889, 1094, 278, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 282, 1169, 7985, 29892, 278, 7977, 310, 2978, 29899, 7610, 2161, 1880, 29899, 8228, 19100, 680, 28074, 18172, 304, 23806, 29892, 21109, 278, 18618, 310, 7601, 5394, 561, 680, 470, 267, 16415, 411, 10809, 29889, 13, 1576, 3148, 29938, 29929, 29900, 29900, 7284, 317, 29941, 12027, 9454, 338, 3806, 304, 9558, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 3448, 515, 278, 1857, 29892, 901, 1831, 573, 1880, 29899, 8228, 18350, 6287, 5858, 304, 263, 18350, 29899, 8228, 29892, 1568, 7200, 6287, 1375, 292, 5858, 29889, 13, 29909, 405, 29902, 29871, 29946, 29941, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29896, 16905, 3461, 934, 29881, 297, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 7805, 278, 3814, 363, 263, 29871, 29906, 29945, 341, 29873, 3274, 13184, 310, 278, 5394, 561, 680, 28074, 9068, 24454, 29892, 10231, 17568, 1549, 649, 304, 29871, 29945, 29941, 341, 29873, 3274, 29889, 450, 13184, 723, 884, 25135, 263, 716, 7200, 1375, 292, 22338, 322, 12420, 411, 278, 716, 2317, 18785, 29871, 29906, 29945, 341, 29873, 3274, 9068, 8024, 29892, 338, 3806, 304, 1653, 6366, 819, 2478, 322, 7766, 583, 310, 6287, 29889, 7849, 310, 278, 7483, 18864, 373, 278, 317, 29941, 12027, 9454, 338, 7972, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 785, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29946, 565, 278, 2060, 508, 4017, 7613, 2134, 791, 29889, 376, 2887, 366, 508, 1074, 29892, 263, 10608, 2820, 445, 2060, 338, 527, 1195, 296, 1699, 1522, 1600, 12388, 1516, 29889, 13, 797, 8943, 411, 278, 13184, 310, 278, 7903, 322, 9068, 23330, 29892, 383, 29984, 29924, 13900, 304, 7910, 1549, 649, 13284, 310, 967, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 1560, 21883, 515, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29941, 29947, 341, 29873, 3274, 304, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29953, 29945, 341, 29873, 3274, 29889, 450, 13284, 7910, 723, 367, 14363, 22669, 1549, 427, 5403, 3277, 1302, 2496, 10484, 10492, 867, 3076, 491, 5224, 292, 278, 22004, 322, 11451, 1377, 2793, 310, 278, 476, 550, 550, 2918, 322, 317, 15440, 295, 10484, 10492, 1238, 5779, 322, 2553, 1501, 29880, 1600, 384, 292, 278, 10489, 11415, 11369, 29892, 3704, 11039, 1218, 263, 716, 22193, 8024, 29889, 1281, 1760, 10492, 9068, 13284, 338, 3806, 304, 367, 4340, 17832, 1549, 26278, 304, 278, 5923, 1880, 29899, 2139, 545, 454, 496, 11369, 29889, 13, 4013, 13184, 338, 884, 4967, 304, 7613, 2134, 791, 29892, 9024, 304, 278, 13258, 358, 5855, 297, 796, 1117, 423, 29889, 13, 797, 6124, 304, 11664, 13284, 29892, 278, 1560, 21883, 13184, 338, 3806, 304, 1653, 7621, 8525, 4127, 881, 1560, 21883, 13284, 11938, 297, 278, 796, 1117, 713, 3189, 2496, 29890, 2152, 29030, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 10032, 1623, 5461, 317, 4338, 29871, 29941, 402, 29950, 29954, 953, 6847, 515, 278, 8608, 322, 2143, 2827, 310, 1302, 2496, 10484, 10492, 472, 4654, 6263, 1560, 295, 2153, 29889, 13, 29908, 4205, 13571, 1080, 411, 278, 796, 1117, 713, 5874, 3933, 297, 1708, 322, 4208, 591, 4966, 304, 6176, 13907, 15366, 304, 2304, 278, 317, 29941, 12027, 9454, 29889, 512, 2599, 577, 29892, 591, 4966, 304, 1074, 901, 2836, 362, 635, 26118, 29892, 13714, 322, 13747, 24833, 408, 1532, 29889, 7236, 348, 2486, 29892, 278, 716, 17517, 338, 1407, 2948, 519, 1699, 1522, 1600, 11486, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 5469, 310, 278, 28074, 3573, 756, 263, 4845, 2827, 19468, 8722, 322, 263, 4845, 2827, 5802, 8722, 14161, 2705, 29889, 910, 13184, 723, 17583, 9210, 278, 5224, 867, 3076, 322, 2758, 1302, 2496, 5802, 304, 3933, 13714, 29892, 1532, 2038, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29871, 29900, 29900, 29900, 260, 10106, 1556, 310, 967, 7903, 2834, 29892, 15899, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29946, 29946, 1699, 540, 12778, 29889, 13, 1168, 4984, 287, 975, 3023, 2440, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 317, 15440, 295, 11524, 395, 29906, 29889, 29896, 24464, 310, 13258, 358, 785, 796, 1117, 423, 29915, 29879, 10150, 22035, 12425, 13258, 358, 1951, 278, 3467, 16912, 9865, 471, 13319, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29929, 29889, 910, 5858, 338, 263, 27357, 2189, 261, 322, 297, 2114, 20115, 967, 1900, 12616, 368, 5802, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 1629, 411, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 260, 310, 1302, 2496, 7371, 785, 29871, 29929, 29995, 2038, 278, 5734, 519, 12616, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 785, 6985, 287, 491, 4964 ]