PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 30 August 2023 Excellency, I have the honour to inform you that I received a letter dated 30 August 2023 from H. E.. Ms. Antje Leendertse, Permanent Representative of Germany and H. E. Mr. Neville Melvin Gertze, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Namibia, co-facilitators of the preparatory process of the Summit of the Future during the seventy-seventh session, which I herewith enclose with all its annexes for your kind information. I share the co-facilitators' conviction that a streamlined proposal on the scope of the Summit of the Future provides a firm basis for the upcoming negotiations leading to the Pact for the Future during the seventy-eighth session. In this regard, I intend to present the draft decision, to be issued as document A/77/L. 109, for action at the plenary meeting of the General Assembly on Friday, 1 September 2023 at 10. 00 a. m. in the General Assembly Hall. The full programme for the plenary meeting will be published in the Journal of the United Nations in due course. All Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers to the United Nations New York
I again would like to recognize the hard work of Ambassador Leendertse and Ambassador Gertze and their genuine efforts to fulfill their task “to facilitate open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations on the preparatory process“ of the Summit of the Future. After this intensive session, I am now more convinced than ever that I have placed my trust in the right people to conduct this important process. I would also like to convey my deepest appreciation to all delegations for their active and constructive participation in the consultations throughout the year. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. } \ Ne Csaba KOROSI UNITED NATIONS | NATIONS UNIES | PAGE 2
1 New York, 30 August 2023 Excellenc y, We have the honour to address you in our capacity as co-facilitators of the preparatory process for the Summit of the Future during the 77th session. You will recal l that our task, as set out in r esolution 76/307 was “ to facilitate open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations on the preparatory process “ of the Summit of the Future. The r esolution obliged us to provide adequate time for negotiations on the Pact for the Future. We have now concluded our work for the 77th session, and wish to offer you our assessment of the intergovernmental consultations that we had the privilege to lead during this session. We would lik e to express our sincere gratitude for the trust and support you and all delegations have placed in us during this process. In our letter of 15 August 2023, we conveyed to you a draft decision that we put under silence procedure (annex 1). We believe that the draft decision, which was the result of extensive consultations conducted since April 2023, took into account the priorities and inputs of Member States in a balanced and concise manner, while providing the framework for an ambitious Pact for the Futu re to be negotiated in the upcoming 78th session, with adequate time for negotiations. The silence procedure pertaining to this proposed General Assembly draft decision formally concluded at 1800 EST on Friday, August 18th. We wish to inform you that silen ce was broken on six (v, vii, viii, xii, xiii, xxiii) of the elements in paragraph (a). Some delegations also pointed to omissions from the draft, such as references to the intergovernmental character of the United Nations and Unilateral Coercive Measures. We have also taken note of several explanations of positions from delegations, pointing to aspects of the draft that in their opinion, and in light of silence having been broken, warrant further refinement and balance, including on human rights and gender, if the text were to be further revised. Yet, on balance, we feel reassured and optimistic that this process has provided us with a solid basis for moving into negotiations on the Pact for the Future in the next session. Thanks to open, transparent and in clusive consultations throughout the 77th session and the very constructive and flexible approach of delegations, the majority of the text submitted under silence was unopposed. Allow us to set out the areas on which the silence procedure demonstrated tha t we have reached agreement. There was agreement among delegations on the overall structure of the Pact for the Future, consisting of a Chapeau and five chapters. Within the five chapters and the Chap eau, twenty-
four sub-paragraphs set out elements for in clusion in the Pact and, of those, silence was broken on only six whereas eighteen were overall acceptable as a compromise or gained broad support. There was wide support for a Chapeau that would reaffirm the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Huma n Rights and Agenda 2030, as well as the three pillars of the United Nations. There was also support for references to poverty eradication, the UN75 Declaration, and a reaffirmation of the purpose of the S ummit as originally set out in r esoluti on 76/307 pa ragraph PP10 Nr. 1. On Chapter 1 on Sustainable Development and Financing for Development, delegations agreed on a strong focus on the follow up to the SDG Summit, building on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and climate and environmental processes, with a view to accelerating the full achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They also agreed on a provision allowing for the Summit to follow up on recent UN high level meetings. The strong engagement of all delegations around the full breadth of peace and security issues underlined the importance of a comprehensive Chapter 2 on International Peace and Security. There was broad support for references to inter alia peaceful settlement of disputes, refraining from the threat or use of force, conflict prevention, diplomacy and mediation, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and sustaining peace, and countering terrorism. Throughout the consultations, broad agreement emerged on the inclusion in Chapter 3 of the responsible use of science, technology, and innovation as well as bridging STI gaps among and within countries. There was consensus on strengthening all aspects of global digital cooperation and bridging digital divides, through the elaboration of a Global Digital Compact, to be intergovernmentally negotiated in the 78th session, and which would be annexed to the Pact for the Future if intergovernmentally agreed. All delegations echoed the significance of promoting the meaningful, inclusive and effective engagement of youth as well as the need to think and act in the interests of Future Generations, including through the elaboration of a Declaration on Future Generations to be intergovernmentally agreed, and which would be annexed to the Pact for the Future. Consequently, delegations agreed to a separate Chapter on Youth and Future Generations. Many elements in Chapter 5 on Transforming Global Governance garnered wide support, including the reform of the three principal organs of the United Nations (Security Council, General Assembly, ECOSOC), the strengthening of the Peacebuilding Commission, the deepening of cooperation between the UN and regional organizations, the development of measures to complement or progress beyond GDP, and the reform of the international financial architecture. Conse nsus was also achieved on the need to foster the peaceful and sustainable use of Outer Space. Delegations also agreed that a series of issues would be taken into account in the relevant chapters of the Pact for the the Future. These included inter alia the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and its pledge to leave no one behind, the commitment to end poverty and hunger everywhere, to combat inequalities within and among countries; to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; and to ensure the last ing protection of the planet and its natural resources and creating conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all, taking into account different levels of national development and
3 capacities; as well as the realization of the human rights of all, the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. Finally, concerning the negotiations on the Pact for the Future in the 78th session, clear consensus emerged that, to en sure a process that is streamlined and well-coordinated while also allowing for substantive engagement on different issue areas, co-facilitators and, as necessary, coordinators for each of the chapters should be appointed, and that no parallel meetings sho uld be held. Given this overall agreement on the decision, and the procedural nature of this proposal ahead of the negotiations of the Pact for the Future during the 78th session, we are submitting to you, Excellency, a streamlined proposal (annex 2). In its current form, it succinctly encapsulates only the key points upon which Member States reached broad consensus and, for paragraph (a), over which silence was not broken. As was suggested by a number of delegations in the final stage of the negotiations and with a view to preserving the consensus on the basis of which we will negotiate the Pact during the 78th session, we have taken out in this version of the proposal all elements of the Chapeau and the Chapters and left the c hapter titles. We did so even though, as mentioned, silence was not broken on eighteen of the twenty-four elements in paragraph (a). As a consequence, we had to make two technical modifications in paragraph (d) to clarify the reference that is made there and to clarify the specific Summit in question. We are convinced that this draft genuinely represents a positive outcome stemming from the active and constructive engagement of all delegations throughout the process. As such, it provides a firm basis and a good way forward for the forthcoming negotiations leading to the Pact for the Future in the upcoming session of the General Assembly. We also would appreciate if you could transmit the proposal that is referenced in this text and over which silence was broken as annex 1 to this letter. We hereby recommend, Mr. President, that the attached draft decision (annex 2) be submitted for action by the General Assembly. Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of our highest consideration. Antje Leendertse Neville Melvin Gertze Co-Facilitator Co-Facilitator Permanent Representative of Germany Permanent Representative of Namibia to the United Nations to the United Nations
Draft decision on scope of the Summit of the Future The General Assembly: Reaffirming the Charter of the United Nations, Recalling its resolution 76/307 on the modalities of the Summit of the Future, in which it decided that the Summit of the Future will adopt a concise, action-oriented outcome document entitled “A Pact for the Future”, agreed in advance by consensus through intergovernmental negotiations, (a) Decides that the scope of the Summit of the Future will encompass the following elements, and that these elements wi ll be reflected in the outcome document, entitled “A Pact for the Future”, comprising of a chapeau and five chapters as follows : (i) Chapter 1: Sustainable Development & Financing for Development (ii) Chapter 2: International Peace and Security (iii) Chapter 3: Science, Technology and Innovation and Digital Cooperation (iv) Chapter 4: Youth and Future Generations (v) Chapter 5: Transforming Global Governance (b) Also decides that the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and its pledge to leave no one behind, the commitment to end poverty and hunger everywhere, to combat inequalities within and among countries; to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; an d to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources and creating conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all, taking into account different levels of national develop ment and capacities; as well as the realization of the human rights of all, the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will be taken into account in the relevant chapters of the Pact for the Future; (c) Renews its request to the PGA contained in paragraph 16 of resolution 76/307 to appoint co-facilitators, one from a developed country and one from a developing country, no later than 31 October 2023, and decides that the remainder of the intergovernmental preparatory process o f the Summit shall consist of (a) consultations to determine the topics and organization of the interactive dialogues and (b) negotiations to conclude the outcome document with adequate time for the negotiating sessions; and requests the co-facilitators, i n consultation with the PGA, to designate, as necessary, pairs of coordinators, one from a developed country and one from
UNITED NATIONS | NATIONS UNIES | PAGE 2 a developing country for each pair, taking into account gender balance, for specific chapters or elements; (d) Requests the PGA to appoin t, no later than 31 October 2023, two pairs of co-facilitators, one from a developed country and one from a developing country for each pair, taking into account gender balance, to facilitate open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations as part of the preparatory process for the Summit of the Future on a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generation, which w ould be annexed to the Pact if intergovernmentally agreed ; (e) Decides that no meetings of the preparatory process for the Summit will be held in parallel to one another to ensure a well-coordinated and streamlined process, and that the preparatory process of the Summit shall avoid overlaps and duplications with exist ing intergovernmental processes.
Draft decision ( rev. 3 ) Tuesday, 15 August 2023 The General Assembly: Reaffirming the Charter of the United Nations, Recalling its resolution 76/307 on the modalities of the Summit of the Future, in which it decided that the Summit of the Future will adopt a concise, action-oriented outcome document entitled “A Pact for the Future”, agreed in advance by consensus through intergovernmental negotiations, (a) Decides that the scope of the Summit of the Future will encompass the followi ng elements, and that these elements will be reflected in the outcome document, entitled “A Pact for the Future”, comprising of a chapeau and five chapters as follows : Chapeau (i) Reaffirmation of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declarat ion of Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ; (ii) Reaffirmation that the three pillars of the United Nations-development, peace and security, and human rights-are interlinked and mutually reinforcing ; (iii) Reaffirmation that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and indispensable requirement for sustainable development; (iv) Recalling the Declaration on the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversar y of the United Nations ; (v) Reaffirmation of our commitment to reinvigorating multilateralism, boosting implementation of existing commitments, agreeing on concrete solutions to challenges, restoring trust among Member States, and recalling also our pledge to strengthen global governance for the sake of present and future generations ; Chapter 1: Sustainable Development & Financing for Development (vi) Accelerating the full achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, which are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development-the economic, social and environmental; and building on the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals Summit ; (vii) Reaffirmation of all the pr inciples of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development ; (viii) Accelerating ongoing efforts related to the environment and to effectively address the adverse impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and desertification through the im plementation of intergovernmentally agreed commitments in the framework of the United Nations, including, inter alia, those made in the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement1, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desert ification ; 1 Adopted under the UNFCCC in FCCC/CP/2015/10/Add. 1, decision 1/CP. 21
Draft decision ( rev. 3 ) Tuesday, 15 August 2023 (ix) Fulfilling all commitments under the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, including on financing for development, as a key framework for the provision of the means of implementation for the achievement of sustainable development ; (x) Building on the outcomes of recent United Nations high-level meetings related to sustainable development and financing for development ; (xi) Addressing all obstacles to achieving sustainable development ; Chapter 2: International Peace and Security (xii) Promoting an d maintaining international peace and security, and addressing threats including root causes ther eof, through the peaceful settlement of disputes, refraining from the threat or use of force, in any manner inconsistent with the UN Charter, prevention of co nflicts, while promoting a culture of peace, diplomacy and mediation, confidence building measures; peacekeeping, peacebuilding and sustaining peace2 and countering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, in accordance with International Law, includ ing full adherence to the UN Charter, its purposes and principles, and UN resolutions, in full respect of the sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of States ; while preserving and complying with disarmament, non-proliferation, and arms control agreements and commitments, while progressing with the ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons. Chapter 3: Science, Technology and Innovation and Digital Cooperation (xiii) Promoting the responsible use of science, technology and innovati on, including through inclusive scientific cooperation, to realize their benefits and address their possible challenges and bridge gaps, among and within countries, and facilitate voluntary technology transfer on mutually agreed terms to developing countri es, as well as enhanced capacity-building ; (xiv) Strengthening all aspects of global digital cooperation and bridging digital divides, through an open and inclusive process, building on the work being done in existing processes and fora in the United Natio ns and on the contributions of relevant stakeholders, through the elaboration of a Global Digital Compact, to be intergovernmentally negotiated during the 78th session of the General Assembly and which would be annexed to the Pact if intergovernmentally agreed ; Chapter 4: Youth and Future Generations (xv) Promoting the meaningful, inclusive and effective engagement of youth and youth-led and youth-focused organizations in the work of the United Nations; (xvi) Thinking and Acting in the interests of Future Generations, including through the elaboration of a Declaration on Future Generations, to be intergovernmentally 2 As referenced in A/RES/ 70/262 and A/RES/ 75/201
Draft decision ( rev. 3 ) Tuesday, 15 August 2023 negotiated during the seventy-eighth session of the General Assembly and which would be annexed to the Pact of the Future if intergovernmentally agreed; Chapter 5: Transforming Global Governance (xvii) Reforming three of the principal organs of the United Nations: reform of the Security Council, revitalization of the work of the General Assembly and the strengthening of the Economic and Social Council, while avoiding overlaps with and duplication of existing intergovernmental processes ; (xviii) Strengthening of the Peacebuilding Commission ; (xix) Deepening cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations as appropriate according to their respective mandates ; (xx) Developing a framework on measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product; (xxi) Reforming the I nternational Financial Architecture and ongoing efforts to improv e the international debt mechanisms ; (xxii) Promoting a rules-based, non-discriminatory, open, fair, inclusive, equitable and transparent multilateral trading system ; (xxiii) Identifying and addressing complex global shocks, including the ability of the United Nations to address them, while adhering to the Char ter of the United Nations and existing mandates, guided by the global solidarity and partnership to ensure equitable response ; (xxiv) Fostering peaceful and sustainable uses of Outer Space, recognizing the role of relevant intergovernmental bodies, includi ng the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space ; (b) Also decides that the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and its pledge to leave no one behind, the commitment to end poverty and hunger everywhere, to combat inequalities within and among cou ntries; to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; and to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources and creating conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for al l, taking into account different levels of national development and capacities; as well as the realization of the human rights of all, the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will be taken into account in the relevant chapters of the Pact of the Future; (c) Renews its request to the PGA contained in paragraph 16 of resolution 76/307 to appoint co-facilitators, one from a developed country and one from a developing country, no later than 31 October 2023, and decides that the remainder of the intergovernmental preparatory process of the Summit shall consist of (a) consultations to determine the topics and organization of the interactive dialogues and (b) negotiations to conclude the outcome document with adequate time for the negotiating sessions; and requests the co-facilitators, in consultation with the PGA, to designate, as necessary, pairs of coordinators, one from a developed country and one from a developing country for each pair, taking into account gender balance, f or specific chapters or elements;
Draft decision ( rev. 3 ) Tuesday, 15 August 2023 (d) Requests the PGA to appoint, no later than 31 October 2023, two pairs of co-facilitators, one from a developed country and one from a developing country for each pair, taking into account gender balance, to facilitate open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations, as part of the preparatory process for the Summit, on the annexes to the Pact referenced in elements (xiv) and ( xvi); (e) Decides that no meetings of the preparatory process for the Summit wi ll be held in parallel to one another to ensure a well-coordinated and streamlined process, and that the preparatory process of the Summit shall avoid overlaps and duplications with existing intergovernmental processes.