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QLM Protocol & Medical Guidelines Antenatal Care Guideline QLM Life & Medical Insurance Company Q. P. S. C We bring to you innovative and tailor-made insurance solutions coupled with a world-class level of service. www. qlm. com. qa 漏 2024-updated Version
ANC Protocol Updated.pdf
GESTATION/ WEEK INVESTIGATION DESCRIPTION FREQUENCY COMMENTS Booking Visits 6-8 weeks Laboratory BHCG CBC Urine Dipstick Blood Group (ABO) FBS or RBS Syphilis serology (RPR) Hepatitis B & C Serology Rubella Ig G Toxoplasma Ig G & Ig M HIV1 Covered 11-14 Weeks U/S Laboratory Ultrasound Nuchal Translucency Urine Dipstick1 Covered 18-22 Weeks U/S Laboratory Ultrasound Anomaly Scan Urine Dipstick1 Covered 24 Weeks Laboratory Urine Dipstick OGTT 75 g Screening (24-28 Weeks)1 Covered 28-33 Weeks Laboratory CBC Urine Dipstick Hb & Rh-negative antibody Anti D for Rh negative 1stdose1 Covered 34-40 Weeks U/S Laboratory Ultrasound to assess fetal growth Urine Dipstick at 34,35,37,38,39,40 week Group B Streptococcal (GBS) at 35 wks. ' or anytime thereafter Anti D for Rh negative 2nddose (at 34 weeks)1 1 1 1Covered 41 Weeks U/S Laboratory Ultrasound & CTG in women who refuse induction of Labour Urine Dipstick1 Covered Prophylaxis & Supplements Folic Acid & Oral Iron. Vitamin D as a supplement from 2ndtrimester On Doctor's prescription/ monthly dispensed. Lab test not required. Covered based on medical necessity
ANC Protocol Updated.pdf
This guideline for routine antenatal care / low risk pregnancy Reference : https://www. moph. gov. qa/english/Our Services/eservices/Pages/Clinical-Guidelines. aspx#A
ANC Protocol Updated.pdf