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0.392503 | 7480611809914ffd859e93b5e06ec431 | Spearman coefficients for statistically significant pairwise correlations (p < 0.001, with absolute value > 0.4) between human health-related indexes, total content of fatty acid types, and specific fatty acids, analyzed separately by meat cut, entrecote and sirloin samples, regardless of experimental group. The “+” symbol represents a positive correlation and “-”, a negative correlation. AI: atherogenic index; h/H: hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic index; IMF: intramuscular fat in fresh matter; MUFA: monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acid; SFA: saturated fatty acid; TI: thrombogenicity index; UFA: unsaturated fatty acid; Ʃ: total sum of; ω–3: omega-3 fatty acids; ω–6: omega-6 fatty acids; ω–6/ω–3: ratio of ω–6 to ω–3 fatty acids. | PMC10000121 | animals-13-00864-g001.jpg |
0.422614 | 496fe6ddbedf4b4d858f6103b8a1f1fa | Pairwise correlations among health-related indexes, total content of different fatty acid types, specific fatty acids, and blood metabolites analyzed separately by experimental group, in Wagyu, Wangus, and Angus-by-Charolais or Limousine steers, regardless of meat cut. Only correlations for which Spearman’s coefficient had an absolute value > 0.4 and p < 0.001 are shown. “+” symbol indicates a positive correlation; “-” indicates a negative correlation. AI: atherogenic index; BHB: β-hydroxybutyrate; FRU: fructosamine; GLU: glucose; HDL: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; h/H: hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic index; IMF: intramuscular fat in fresh matter; LACT: lactate; LDL: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; MUFA: monounsaturated fatty acid; NEFA: non-esterified fatty acid; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acid; SFA: saturated fatty acid; TC: serum total cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; TI: thrombogenicity index; UFA: unsaturated fatty acid; ∑: total content; ω–3: omega-3 fatty acids; ω–6: omega-6 fatty acids; ω–6/ω–3: ratio of ω–6 to ω–3 fatty acid. | PMC10000121 | animals-13-00864-g002.jpg |
0.445437 | 46002986b4fe4e3799f985454b688681 | Effects of blackcurrant on the clinical symptoms of DSS-induced colitis. (A) Changes in body weight during the experiment period; (B) disease activity index (DAI); (C) representative images, and measurement of colon length and colon weight/length. The values are shown as mean ± SD (n = 8 per group). Distinct lowercase letters indicate significant differences between groups through one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s post hoc tests (p < 0.05). Vehicle, normal control group not treated with DSS; DSS, DSS control group; DSS + BC; DSS + blackcurrant group. | PMC10000425 | foods-12-01073-g001.jpg |
0.401195 | fb8638e6fa474866905164324c49fcfa | Effects of blackcurrant on the colon damage of DSS-induced colitis. (A) Representative images of microscopic colon tissue stained with hematoxylin and eosin (magnification 50× and 100×); (B) histology scores of each group. The values are shown as mean ± SD (five sections each within n = 3 per group). Distinct lowercase letters indicate significant differences between groups through one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s post hoc tests (p < 0.05). Vehicle, normal control group not treated with DSS; DSS, DSS control group; DSS + BC; DSS + blackcurrant group. | PMC10000425 | foods-12-01073-g002.jpg |
0.461549 | b8c47dbd00e94b319946708e5bd0910c | Effects of blackcurrant on the mRNA expression related to inflammatory factors, mucin, and tight junction protein, and the activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway in DSS-induced colitis. (A) The relative levels of mRNA expression related to inflammatory factors (Tlr-4, Nf-κb, iNOS, Cox-2, Tnf-α, Il-1β, Il-6, Mcp-1) in colon tissues; (B) the relative levels of mRNA expression related to tight junction protein (Zo-1, Occludin) and mucin (Muc-1, Muc-2, Muc-3) in colon tissues; (C) representative images and (D) quantitative results showing the expression levels of proteins (p-p65, p65, iNOS, COX-2) related to NF-κB signaling pathway in colon tissue. The values are shown as mean ± SD (n = 8 per group). Distinct lowercase letters indicate significant differences between groups through one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s post hoc tests (p < 0.05). Vehicle, normal control group not treated with DSS; DSS, DSS control group; DSS + BC; DSS + blackcurrant group. | PMC10000425 | foods-12-01073-g003.jpg |
0.399361 | 003e02b8f9174f4b968238df8b7bbe92 | Effects of blackcurrant on gut microbiota on microbiota in DSS-induced colitis. (A) Taxonomy community analysis at the phylum levels; (B) taxonomy community analysis at the genus levels (≥0.03%); (C) heatmap analysis showing normalized abundance at the species levels; (D) principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) plots of gut microbiota of each group. The values are shown as mean ± SD (n = 5 per group). Vehicle, normal control group not treated with DSS; DSS, DSS control group; BC; DSS + blackcurrant group. | PMC10000425 | foods-12-01073-g004.jpg |
0.499172 | a468c691a7044b459579ac02d43e657b | VAS score in the two groups during the diagnostic and the operative steps. **** Mann–Whitney test: p < 0.0001. | PMC10000849 | diagnostics-13-00988-g001.jpg |
0.449884 | 19ba9f7ea6e944699854fd46e82c2229 | Short term efficacy of UNC7938 on exon skipping therapy in mdx mice. (A) Schematic representation of the injection protocol with tcDNA-ASO and the OEC UNC7938 in mdx mice. (B) Effect of UNC7938 on exon 23 skipping level. qPCR quantification of exon 23 skipping using taqman qPCR in the different muscle tissues. Tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius (GAS), quadriceps (QUAD), triceps (TRI), diaphragm (DIA), and heart. n = 4 mice per group, ** p < 0.01 compared to ASO analyzed by RM two-way ANOVA. (C) Dystrophin restoration in treated mdx mice assessed by Western blotting. n = 4 mice per group, **** p < 0.0001 compared to ASO analyzed by RM two-way ANOVA. (D) Quantification of ASO in the different muscles tissues (left panel) and accumulation organs, such as spleen, liver, and kidney (right panel) after four weeks of treatment. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 4 mice per group. | PMC10001065 | cells-12-00702-g001.jpg |
0.4798 | b6b8f064687c4f3e87b902aaf483bec1 | Kinetics of UNC7938 effect on exon skipping therapy in mdx mice. (A) Schematic representation of the injection protocol with tcDNA-ASO and the OEC UNC7938 in mdx mice with the different time points of analysis. (B) Quantification of ASO in triceps, diaphragm, and heart at different time points (72 h, one wk, three wks, and six wks) after the last ASO injection. n = 3 mice per group and per time point. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 compared to ASO analyzed by two-way ANOVA. (C) Effect of UNC7938 on exon skipping level. qPCR quantification of exon 23 using taqman qPCR in the triceps, diaphragm, and heart at different time points (72 h, one wk, three wks and six wks) after last ASO injection. n = 3 mice per group and per time point. * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001 compared to ASO analyzed by two-way ANOVA. (D) Quantification of dystrophin restoration levels by western blot in treated mdx mice at different time points (one wk, three wks, and six wks). Results are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 3 mice per group and per time point. | PMC10001065 | cells-12-00702-g002.jpg |
0.459608 | 49db8890ff964fb7a4b58c80b092d7a5 | Efficacy of 12-wk combined UNC7938 and ASO treatment in mdx mice. (A) Schematic representation of the injection protocol with tcDNA-ASO and the OEC UNC7938 in mdx mice. (B) Quantification of ASO in the different muscles tissues (Tibialis anterior (TA), triceps (TRI), diaphragm (DIA) and heart) (left panel) and accumulation organs, such as spleen, liver and kidney (right panel) after 12 weeks of ASO treatment. n = 7 mice per group. (C) Subcellular fractionation and intracellular content of ASO following treatment with UNC7938. Western blot analysis of nuclear (n) and cytosolic (C) fractions isolated from gluteus muscles of mdx mice treated with ASO or ASO + 7938. The EEA1 and H3 antibodies are used to confirm cytosolic and nuclear enrichments, respectively. (D) Quantification of ASO in the cytosolic and nuclear fractions reveals a higher proportion of ASO in the nuclear fraction when mice have received the combined treatment ASO + 7938 compared to treatment with ASO alone. Results are expressed as means ± SEM; n = 6–8 mice per group, and two gluteus muscles are analyzed per mouse. (E) Effect of UNC7938 on exon skipping level. qPCR quantification of exon 23 using taqman qPCR in the different muscle tissues. n = 7 mice per group, (F) Dystrophin restoration assessed by Western blotting in treated mdx mice. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 7 mice per group. (G) Dystrophin staining in heart (top) and triceps (bottom). Detection of dystrophin protein (green staining) by immunofluorescence on transverse sections of muscle tissues (triceps and heart) from WT and mdx mice treated with saline, ASO, or ASO + UNC7938. Scale bar, 100 µm. Right panel: quantification of the dystrophin intensity staining in heart and triceps, mean fluorescence intensity is normalized to the number of fiber counts. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 4 mice per group. * p < 0.05 between ASO and ASO + 7938 analyzed by two-way ANOVA. | PMC10001065 | cells-12-00702-g003.jpg |
0.43275 | 5cc28e5814ff4200bc089d37e75161c0 | The combination of tcDNA-ASO and UNC7938 treatment improves cardiac function in mdx mice. Cardiac function was evaluated by echocardiography in six-month-old mice and the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), the fractional shorting (FS), the systolic pulse pressure (PP systole), and the Tei index are represented. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 8 for WT, mdx saline and ASO, n = 7 for 7938 and n = 6 for ASO + 7938. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 analyzed by one-way ANOVA. | PMC10001065 | cells-12-00702-g004.jpg |
0.437023 | e5d041afdb904f64b5a7521e33facf14 | Safety profile of the combined UNC7938 + ASO treatment. (A) Quantification of general toxicity biomarkers in the serum: creatinine, urea, albumin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and bilirubin. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 5–8 mice per group, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 compared to mdx saline, analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA. (B) Quantification of total protein and albumin levels in the urine of WT and treated mdx mice. Urine was collected at the end of the 12-wk treatment. Results are normalized to creatinine levels and expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 5–8 mice per group; p = ns compared to mdx saline (one-way ANOVA). (C) Histological presentation of wild-type mice and mdx mice treated with saline, ASO, UNC7938 or ASO + 7938 for 12 weeks. In liver (upper panel), small foci of inflammatory cell infiltration were scattered in the hepatic parenchyma of all mice in every group. In kidney (lower panel), no lesions or only sporadic changes were observed except for two animals: one UNC7938-treated mouse and one ASO + 7938-treated mouse displayed few minimal areas of tubular degeneration/regeneration (arrows) +/− associated with intraluminal proteinaceous casts and tubular ectasia. Note that one similar area was observed in one mdx-saline mouse. Hematoxylin-Eosin-Saffron staining. Scale bar = 50 µm. | PMC10001065 | cells-12-00702-g005.jpg |
0.438655 | f430a86a7e0244ef885c2202e2ff961b | Simulation results of Proposition 1. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g001.jpg |
0.433512 | 0204f7883b2e469988b93d7b57d2baa9 | Simulation results of Proposition 2. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g002.jpg |
0.422279 | 503b20ca4f784685a8517d28be44cda5 | Simulation results of Proposition 3. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g003.jpg |
0.451301 | ca6816f8d20040edb98b0c37986d58bc | Simulation results of Proposition 4. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g004.jpg |
0.460506 | c140eb13917f4f8e8c36c8f3162c6e58 | Simulation results of the initial strategy of participating subjects. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g005.jpg |
0.466378 | 11064e7f652e4003abfc7850f06c0bd0 | The impact of regulatory success rate (λ) on the evolution of tripartite behavior. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g006.jpg |
0.459931 | 346d57d0a0a842908c2997d4d18f1309 | The impact of subsidy coefficient (θ) on the evolution of tripartite behavior. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g007.jpg |
0.429762 | f1eb2395cc204d039420769f900cfec4 | The impact of penalty coefficient (η) on the evolution of tripartite behavior. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g008.jpg |
0.478778 | 555f47b68cf3463fab8579cf31d28748 | The impact of additional benefits (Δπ) on the evolution of tripartite behavior. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g009.jpg |
0.48115 | 9e23849508df48febb0a664ef1380588 | The impact of fixed subsidies (a) on the evolution of tripartite behavior. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g010.jpg |
0.482537 | ceb4134a0932455e9f5f7462cc9a8991 | The impact of regulatory fixed costs (c1) on the evolution of tripartite behavior. | PMC10001790 | ijerph-20-04263-g011.jpg |
0.496098 | 1a365e7c3f20439db90fe33cc3801467 | Scree plot of eigenvalues of the correlation matrix of the input data of the group of social indicators for assessing the level of healthcare system development in European countries. Source: independently developed by the authors with Statistica 10 and Statistica Portable. | PMC10002141 | ijerph-20-04419-g001.jpg |
0.409882 | f695b624e15d431c9592321055ae6808 | Scree plot of eigenvalues of the correlation matrix of the input data of the group of demographic, economic, and behavioral indicators for assessing the level of healthcare system development in European countries. Source: independently developed by the authors with Statistica 10 and Statistica Portable. | PMC10002141 | ijerph-20-04419-g002.jpg |
0.431002 | 0258d4477f0a407c98220ed160f005ea | 1D-CNN Architecture. The model has 2 sections that are separated by an alpha dropout layer (alpha): (i) feature extraction (which repeats 4 times) and (ii) classification. The grey inset within (ii) repeats twice. | PMC10002614 | nihpp-2023.02.26.530118v1-f0001.jpg |
0.467329 | d29dddb2608d49f99227350fcaa95dad | Spatio-spectral Importance. The top, middle, and bottom rows show the relevance of each channel, the change in relevance after the perturbation of each frequency band in each channel, and the percent change in relevance after the perturbation of each frequency band in each channel. HCs and MDDs are shown in the left and right columns, respectively. The y-axes show channels, and the x-axes show channels. The color bar above each panel shows the values associated with each heatmap. Each row of panels has identical color bars. | PMC10002614 | nihpp-2023.02.26.530118v1-f0002.jpg |
0.428794 | 5f7ecd4d8bda47e8be15e7125eced547 | Spatio-Spectral Interactions. HC and MDD interactions are shown in the top and bottom panels, respectively. The x-axis shows perturbed channels and frequency bands. Vertical dashed lines separate values for each perturbed channel. There are 6 values associated with each perturbed channel that from left to right are δ, θ, α, β, γlow, and γhigh. The y-axis indicates channels for which a change in relevance in response to the perturbed channel and frequency are being measured. Red values indicate the presence of a negative percent change in relevance. | PMC10002614 | nihpp-2023.02.26.530118v1-f0003.jpg |
0.396336 | 3b02e39fc416495ab26ae6bdce6e0793 | (A) Morphological changes of human cerebral organoids under light microscope. By day 4 after differentiation, an embryoid body (EBs) with round and smooth edges form in the EB formation medium. By day 7, the EB develops brighter borders in the induction medium. The organoid embedded in Matrigel droplet shows budding of the surface around day 10. Organoids kept in the maturation medium exhibit dense core and optically translucent edges by day 20 and beyond. (B) Immunostaining of human cerebral organoids during development. Prototypical SOX2+ ventricular zone (VZ) at day 30, while TUJ1+ MAP2+ neurons migrate to the outer layer of VZ. By day 40, OLIG2+ OPCs expand after treatment of PDGF-AA and IGF1 for 12 days. OPCs are induced to MBP producing oligodendrocytes by T3 treatment. FOXP2+ cells form a layer along the organoid. GFAP+ astrocytes are well-developed after long-term (120 days) maturation. | PMC10002802 | nihpp-rs2603446v1-f0001.jpg |
0.400957 | 452a44f4d9144c77b335a793b717239e | Volcano plot of DEGs. (A) MIS LBSL cells versus control cells. SPLICE LBSL cells versus control cells. (B) Top 10 enriched GO terms (biological process) by DEGs. MIS LBSL cells versus control cells and SPLICE LBSL cells versus control cells are shown. | PMC10002802 | nihpp-rs2603446v1-f0002.jpg |
0.384052 | 89e19185e0a545b4840b147e2ad389db | Dot plots of DEGs under the GO terms “RNA splicing” (A) and “Regulation of cell death” (B). | PMC10002802 | nihpp-rs2603446v1-f0003.jpg |
0.470578 | 04f2b1fed6b545caabb81eef57bf2907 | Top 3 significant DTU genes in the comparison of MIS LBSL cells versus control cells. Bar plots of proportions of each transcript per cell (mean proportion fit: short red line). Significant DTU transcripts are represented as red fonts. (A) The expression of SLIRP was downregulated in MIS cells, and DTU analysis revealed the switching from protein-coding to nonsense mediated decayed transcripts, indicating that dysregulated splicing may have led to the decreased gene expression. (B) DTU analysis further elucidated that LBSL cells not only had higher transcript usage of protein coding transcripts of TPD52L1, (TPD52L1–204 and TPD52L1–207) but also of intron-retaining transcripts (TPD52L1–205). (C) Finally, DTU analysis indicated MORF4L1 switching from transcripts with long 3’ untranslated region (UTR) to transcripts with short 3’ UTR. | PMC10002802 | nihpp-rs2603446v1-f0004.jpg |
0.529541 | 132a8221e10b4beaaaf9b0e8a904de8c | Differentially spliced exon (DSE) analysis by BRIE2 software. (A) Volcano plot for DSEs between LBSL and control cells. (B) Violin plot on DARS2 (Exon 3) for estimated PSI between LBSL and controls cells in each cell type. (C) Sashimi plot of DARS2 (Exons 1–8) via merged BAM files, showing the “leaky” nature of mutations in Introns 2 and 5. | PMC10002802 | nihpp-rs2603446v1-f0005.jpg |
0.387495 | c190f87fab4445ffb827707d136251dd | (A) Splicing analysis of exon 3 of DARS2 gene include agarose electrophoresis of PCR products and RT-qPCR results. (B) Western blot of DARS2 protein in iPSCs and iNs. (C) IncuCyte live cell imaging of early neuronal cells. | PMC10002802 | nihpp-rs2603446v1-f0006.jpg |
0.473457 | 79730fd1ad584fdebefed542d85fdfdf | Comparison of biochemical parameters in C57BL/6 and KK/Ay mice. (a) An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed (n = 5–6). (b) The AUC was calculated using the trapezoid rule (n = 5–6). (c) The fasting glucose was measured using commercial kits (n = 5–6). (d) The fasting HbA1c was measured by Oriental Yeast CO., Ltd. (n = 5–6). (e,f) Insulin levels and HOMA-IR were measured using commercial kits (n = 5–6). Values are presented as the mean ± SE. * p < 0.05 vs. C57BL/6 group. | PMC10003108 | ijms-24-04619-g001.jpg |
0.407697 | 375467b9cdc64638a30f9a042daa52ab | Effects of orally administered LPS on OGTT response, glucose, HbA1c, insulin, and HOMA-IR in KK/Ay mice. (a) OGTT was performed (n = 8). (b) The AUC was calculated using the trapezoid rule (n = 8). (c) The fasting glucose was measured using commercial kits (n = 5–6). (d) The fasting HbA1c was measured by Oriental Yeast CO., Ltd. (n = 5–6). (e,f) Insulin levels and HOMA-IR were measured using commercial kits (n = 5–6). Values are presented as the mean ± SE. * p < 0.05 vs. LPS (−) group. | PMC10003108 | ijms-24-04619-g002.jpg |
0.456108 | b565472599194c7d8d0a4cb243200c5f | Comparison of OGTT response, glucose, HbA1c, insulin, and HOMA-IR before (week 0) and after (week 8) oral LPS administration. (a) The AUC of OGTT was calculated using the trapezoid rule (n = 5–8). (b) The fasting glucose was measured using commercial kits (n = 5–6). (c) The fasting HbA1c was measured by Oriental Yeast CO., Ltd. (n = 5–6). (d,e) Insulin levels and HOMA-IR were measured using commercial kits (n = 5–6). Values are presented as the mean ± SE. * p < 0.05 vs. mice before oral LPS administration (week 0). | PMC10003108 | ijms-24-04619-g003.jpg |
0.475954 | eb7a8469d59a44c68585284de3b26dbe | Effects of orally administered LPS on body weight, adipose tissue weight, and adipocyte size in KK/Ay mice. (a–e) The final body weight and mesenteric, perinephric, epididymal, and total adipose tissue weight were measured using an electronic analytical scale (n = 8). (f,g) The adipocyte size was measured using an optical microscope and analyzed by Image J (n = 8). Values are presented as the mean ± SE. * p < 0.05 vs. LPS (−) group. | PMC10003108 | ijms-24-04619-g004.jpg |
0.454154 | 9f10872fc7204678b138f777070f9dca | Effects of orally administered LPS on insulin signaling-related molecule expression in adipose tissues of KK/Ay mice. (a) The relative mRNA expression of Glut4 was measured (n = 8). (b) The relative protein level of Glut4 was measured by Western blot analysis (n = 8). (c–e) The relative mRNA expression levels of Ir, Akt2, and Irs1 were measured by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (n = 8). Values are presented as the mean ± SE. * p < 0.05 vs. LPS (−) group. | PMC10003108 | ijms-24-04619-g005.jpg |
0.461987 | 662ff7e5fe4049f898684f3def819db4 | Effects of orally administered LPS on adiponectin expression in the adipose tissues of KK/Ay mice. (a) The relative mRNA expression of adiponectin was measured (n = 8). (b) The relative protein level of adiponectin was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (n = 8). (c,d) Relative mRNA expression levels of Adipor1 and Adipor2 were measured by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (n = 8). Values are presented as the mean ± SE. * p < 0.05 vs. LPS (−) group. | PMC10003108 | ijms-24-04619-g006.jpg |
0.434674 | 55302c77213a481ba9bb1edeb6aec98d | Effect of adiponectin on insulin signaling-related molecule expression in 3T3-L1 adipocyte. (a) Experimental design. (b–e) The relative mRNA expression levels of Glut4, Ir, Irs1, and Akt2 in 3T3-L1 adipocyte were measured by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (n = 3). Values are presented as the mean ± SE. * p < 0.05 vs. control group. | PMC10003108 | ijms-24-04619-g007.jpg |
0.474194 | 0e67d7faf6704468a0339cbb08d2d033 | Scheme of signal transduction in adipose tissue during oral LPS administration. | PMC10003108 | ijms-24-04619-g008.jpg |
0.433429 | 56c24495f55e436eb1ce2a81c35ff071 | Surgical procedures used for middle-preserving pancreatectomy (MPP), showing final outcomes compared to the preoperative state in the middle. Smaller illustrations in grey indicate the resection targets. Structures displayed in the figures are: (i) pancreas (yellow) with multilocular disease (brown spots), (ii) gastroenteric tract (pink), (iii) gallbladder/ligated cystic bile duct and extrahepatic bile ducts (green), (iv) spleen (purple), (v) aorta with celiac trunk and splenic artery (red), (vi) portal vein (blue), and (vii) temporary gastric tube (light blue, attached to pancreatic stump in PPPD w/Roux en Y reconstruction). The numbers below the procedures are the associated patient IDs. DP: distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy. DPPHR: duodenum preserving pancreatic head resection. GJ: gastrojejunostomy. IPHR: inferior pancreatic head resection. JJ: jejunojejunostomy. PD: pancreaticoduodenectomy. PG: pancreaticogastrostomy. PJ: pancreaticojejunostomy. PPPD: pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. SPDP: spleen preserving distal pancreatectomy. SSPPD: subtotal stomach preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. UPR: uncinate process resection. | PMC10003839 | jcm-12-02013-g001.jpg |
0.447882 | 89938fb646714cf9baec3dd23111f294 | PRISMA-IPD flowchart for literature review and generation of MPP dataset. IPD: individual patient data. | PMC10003839 | jcm-12-02013-g002.jpg |
0.432523 | 2bf825b6e3d8413d9d45d055f2202953 | Mean ± SE (a) operation time (min) factored by age and surgery type, (b) blood loss (mL) factored by ASA classification and surgery type, and (c) length of the remnant (MPP) or estimated unaffected parenchyma (TP) by surgery type. The number of cases for each category is provided within the column. (b) Excludes 1 missing value and 2 patients with outlying blood loss. (c) Excludes 6 missing values for the respective response. ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists. MPP: middle segment-preserving pancreatectomy. SE: standard error. TP: total pancreatectomy. | PMC10003839 | jcm-12-02013-g003.jpg |
0.435001 | cc8cd989d0cc4181b54f4e241fded561 | Within-group proportions for the presence or absence of postoperative complications during hospital stays. Frequency counts are provided within the bars. DGE: delayed gastric emptying. DM: diabetes mellitus. POPF: postoperative pancreatic fistula. | PMC10003839 | jcm-12-02013-g004.jpg |
0.452134 | 76e21f106e47483688089c925b0d67fc | Summarized results for prognostic indicators of postoperative outcomes following MPP surgery: (a) length of stay by operation time and blood loss; (b) probability of uneventful postoperative course by remnant length; (c) probability of morbidity by remnant length; (d) probability of POPF by remnant length; (e) probability of endocrine insufficiency by age; (f) probability of new-onset diabetes mellitus by age; (g) frequency of exocrine insufficiency by chronic pancreatitis pathology. The bold curves represent the modelled probabilities for a ‘present’ response and shaded regions represent the 95% confidence interval; mean and standard deviation for the predictor variables are represented by solid and dotted lines, respectively; points represent observed outcomes; full results are available in Table A5, Table A6, Table A7 and Table A8. DM: diabetes mellitus. POPF: postoperative pancreatic fistula. | PMC10003839 | jcm-12-02013-g005.jpg |
0.453528 | 5e388e7734c24d409325b984a5db7d6a | Protocol of the study. | PMC10004170 | jcm-12-01921-g001.jpg |
0.475415 | 4c143351f67e4998abb1257065fdcd8e | ROC curve analysis of aldosterone for obstructive CAKUT needing surgery. Panel (A), global population. Panel (B), patients with LUTO. Panel (C), patients with UUTO. | PMC10004170 | jcm-12-01921-g002.jpg |
0.418461 | 9b464714bdd94f4ba1925a2bf8d4e624 | High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) profiles of the mixed standards (a) and LACCE (b). The numbers in the profiles represent the following: 1. Syringin, 2. Chlorogenic acid, 3. Cynarin, 4. Isochlorogenic acid A, 5. Asiatica, 6. Isoquercitrin, and 7. Isochlorogenic acid C. | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g001.jpg |
0.421806 | 80eaed721709475fb5c34451a64ab301 | Ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) profiles of the standards (1) and LACCE (2). The letters in the profiles represent the following: (a) leontopodic acid A, (b) leontopodic acid B. | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g002.jpg |
0.495198 | fd7b3f2943994155a15736bbfb370076 | Effects of different doses of blue light on human foreskin fibroblast (HFF) cell viability. The data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments (n = 3). The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. ** p < 0.05, versus cells without blue light treatment. | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g003.jpg |
0.493494 | 9974cf009803479a80d60c653983d399 | Results of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting (WB) experiments on HFF cells. (a,b) ELISA results after detecting collagen (COL-I) and metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) secretion levels in HFF cells under three blue light doses. (c–e) Level of COL-I and MMP-1 secretions in HFF cells under three blue light doses, from a WB assay. The data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments (n = 3). The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01, vs. control group. | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g004.jpg |
0.44228 | 53e10d797f6e4364af670be666092979 | Effects of different concentrations of Leontopodium alpinum callus culture extract (LACCE) on HFF cell viability. The data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments (n = 3). The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. ** p < 0.05, versus cells without LACCE treatment. | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g005.jpg |
0.547204 | 0a8617a492d3431990fde1ec78721d9d | Effects of different concentrations of LACCE on COL-I. The data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments (n = 3). The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. ##
p < 0.01 vs. control group (C). * p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01 vs. blue light model group (BL). | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g006.jpg |
0.469268 | f891360f67d04ff8add6d79c632585fe | Effects of different concentrations of the LACCE on MMP-1. The data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments (n = 3). The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. ##
p < 0.01 vs. control group (C). ** p < 0.01 vs. blue light model group (BL). | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g007.jpg |
0.489251 | 46807a6aeff34cbfa63a3d8d28af7b71 | Effects of different concentrations of LACCE on OPN3. The data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments (n = 3). The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. ##
p < 0.01 vs. control group (C). ** p < 0.01 vs. blue light model group (BL). | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g008.jpg |
0.442331 | 914b2bf8db8a49839699d0aa22e7a3ce | Effects of the LACCE on Ca2+. (a) Comparison of the Ca2+ inflow between the blank control group (C) and blue light model group (BL). (b) Influence of 5 mg/mL LACCE on Ca2+ inflow. (c) Influence of 10 mg/mL LACCE on Ca2+ inflow. (d) Influence of 15 mg/mL LACCE on Ca2+ inflow. (e) Quantitative analysis of the fluorescence intensity of Ca2+ (n = 3). The data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments. The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. ##
p < 0.01 vs. C. ** p < 0.01 vs. BL. | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g009.jpg |
0.451417 | 7253744eafad49f080d9ec50c0524248 | Effect of LACCE on ROS level. (a) Comparison of ROS levels between the blank control group (C) and blue light model group (BL). (b) Influence of 5 mg/mL LACCE on ROS levels. (c) Influence of 10 mg/mL LACCE on ROS levels. (d) Influence of 15 mg/mL LACCE on ROS levels. (e) Quantitative analysis of ROS fluorescence intensity (n = 3). The data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments. The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test. ##
p < 0.01 vs. C. ** p < 0.01 vs. BL. | PMC10004670 | molecules-28-02172-g010.jpg |
0.46652 | d4cb06ed98ac46889b79f87d3db3e309 | (Left panel) Crystal structure of SrTiO3. The structure is cubic with a lattice parameter of a0=0.3905 nm. The blue dots represents the Ti atoms, the red dots the oxygen atoms, and the green dot the Sr atom. (Right panel) The crystal structure seen from the (111) direction. The projection of Ti atoms along the (111) plane forms a honeycomb lattice. The figure has been generated through the Vesta software [16]. | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g001.jpg |
0.429081 | 9febd60728794908a2a44b94b31d2d7b | Low filling electronic band structure for the benchmark choice of density n2D=1×1014 cm−2 (upper panel), n2D=2×1014 cm−2 (middle panel) and n2D=3×1014 cm−2 (lower panel). The red lines are the Fermi levels of the system. | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g002.jpg |
0.440057 | d7d017ef806c43749edc1096f7427a6d | (Left panel) Behaviour of φ as a function of the layer position for each benchmark choice of n2D. The dashed line represents the corresponding Fermi level. (Right panel) Electron density as a function of the layer position for every benchmark value of n2D. | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g003.jpg |
0.434018 | 80582f1d38f34a4b8770d49bf50c3f68 | Fermi surfaces for the benchmark choice of n2D=3×1014 cm−2 in the absence (left panel) or presence (right panel) of correlations. | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g004.jpg |
0.423244 | 4949beb6bd814f5a9e4ccd726dcc374a | Low filling electronic band structure in the presence of Coulomb interactions for the benchmark choice of density n2D=1×1014 cm−2 (upper panel), n2D=2×1014 cm−2 (middle panel) and n2D=3×1014 cm−2 (lower panel). The red line is the Fermi level of the system. | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g005.jpg |
0.459 | 10da3b3d77aa454197fe969222dac485 | Behaviour of φ and φ+Unl/6 as a function of the layer position in the presence of Coulomb interactions for n2D=1×1014 cm−2 (upper panel), n2D=2×1014 cm−2 (middle panel) and n2D=3×1014 cm−2 (lower panel). The dashed line represents the corresponding Fermi level, while the dotted line is the corresponding potential in the absence of Coulomb interactions. | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g006.jpg |
0.487451 | 09a2467132014b71b9aa68ed9d606594 | Electron density as a function of the layer position for every benchmark value of n2D in the presence of Coulomb interactions. | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g007.jpg |
0.391267 | 04267e38398047eb9d6a3f32206eabc4 | Difference between the first and next out-of-plane eigenvalues evaluated through the analytical approach as a function of the positive density charge at the interface. | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g0A1.jpg |
0.448514 | 341134310e1e42b99e90f96edee84ba2 | Spatial distribution of the eigenstates evaluated for k→=0, for benchmark choice of n2D=1×1014 cm−2 (left panel) and n2D=2×1014 cm−2 (right panel). | PMC10005189 | nanomaterials-13-00819-g0A2.jpg |
0.502244 | c6200c020c73420f82090c58386cf659 | Concentration of macronutrients in leaves of sour passion fruit by seed-propagated and grafted propagated irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline waters with and without plastic mulching. (A) N concentration of sour passion fruit in mulched soil; (B) P concentration of seed-propagated (SP) and grafted propagated (GP) on P. cincinnata irrigated with low and moderately saline water; (C) K concentration of seed-propagated (SP) and grafted propagated (GP) on P. cincinnata in soil without and with plastic mulching; (D) K concentration of seed-propagated (SP) and grafted propagated (GP) on P. cincinnata irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water; (E) K concentration in leaves of sour passion fruit irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water and in soil without and with mulching plastic; (F) K concentration of seed-propagated (SP) and grafted propagated (GP) on P. cincinnata fruit in soil without and with mulching plastic. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean (n = 4). Bars with an asterisk (*) differ from each other for soil with and without plastic mulching by the F-test (p > 0.05) (A). Bars with the same lower-case letter are similar for soil with and without plastic mulching (C,E,F) or for low salinity and moderately saline irrigation water (B,D) by the F-test (p > 0.05). Bars with the same uppercase letter are similar for seed propagation and grafting (B–D,F) or low salinity and moderately saline irrigation water (E) by the F-test (p > 0.05). | PMC10005192 | plants-12-01035-g001.jpg |
0.446981 | bea1b2a4cb4e4b1ba7d9134e6a1f3919 | Concentration of macronutrients in leaves of sour passion fruit by seed-propagated and grafted propagated irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline waters with and without plastic mulching. (A) Ca concentration in sour passion fruit seed-propagated (SP) and grafted-propagated (GP) on Passiflora cincinnata irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water and in soil without and with mulching plastic; (B) Mg concentration in sour passion fruit seed-propagated (SP) and grafted-propagated (GP) on Passiflora cincinnata irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water; (C) Mg concentration in sour passion fruit seed-propagated (SP) and grafted-propagated (GP) on Passiflora cincinnata in soil without and with plastic mulching, and (D) S concentration in sour passion fruit seed-propagated (SP) and grafted-propagated (GP) on Passiflora cincinnata irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean (n = 4). Bars with the same lower-case letter are similar for soil without and with plastic mulching (A) or for seed propagation and grafting (B–D) by the F-test (p > 0.05). Bars with the same uppercase letter are similar for seed propagation and grafting (A) or low salinity and moderately saline irrigation water (B,D) or soil without and with plastic mulching (D) by the F-test (p > 0.05). Bars with the same Greek letter are similar for low salinity and moderately saline irrigation water (A) by the F-test (p > 0.05). | PMC10005192 | plants-12-01035-g002.jpg |
0.460519 | 5fbe91986f3148dbaf68a6ca2606e033 | Concentration of micronutrients in leaves of sour passion fruit by seed-propagated and grafted propagated irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline waters with and without plastic mulching. (A) Cu, (B) Fe, (C) Mn, (D) Zn concentration in sour passion fruit seed-propagated (SP) and grafted propagated (GP) on Passiflora cincinnata irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water in soil with and without plastic mulching. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean (n = 4). Bars with the same lower-case letter are similar for soil without and with plastic mulching by the F-test (p > 0.05). Bars with the same uppercase letter are similar for seed propagation and grafting by the F-test (p > 0.05). Bars with the same Greek letter are similar for irrigation with low salinity and moderately saline water by the F-test (p > 0.05). | PMC10005192 | plants-12-01035-g003.jpg |
0.491465 | 3ea780e00fdd4d94bc1216db8a881489 | Concentration of micronutrients (boron and chlorine) and sodium in leaves of sour passion fruit by seed-propagated and grafted propagated, irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline waters, with and without plastic mulching. (A) B concentration in sour passion fruit seed-propagated (SP) and grafted propagated (GP) on Passiflora cincinnata irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water; (B) Cl concentration in sour passion fruit irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water in soil with and without plastic mulching; (C) Na concentration in sour passion fruit seed-propagated (SP) and grafted propagated (GP) on Passiflora cincinnata irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water in soil with and without plastic mulching. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean (n = 4). Bars with the same lower-case letter are similar for soil with and without plastic mulching (A) or low salinity and moderately saline irrigation water (B,C) by the F-test (p > 0.05). Bars with the same uppercase letter are similar for soil with and without plastic mulching (B) or seed propagation and grafting (A,C) by the F-test (p > 0.05). Bars with the same Greek letter are similar for irrigation with low saline and moderate saline water (A) by the F-test (p > 0.05). | PMC10005192 | plants-12-01035-g004.jpg |
0.415038 | 07a7efdc8f7045089f0b256df37134e4 | Fruit production of sour passion fruit seed-propagated and grafted propagated irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline waters and with and without plastic mulching. (A) Fruit production of sour passion fruit irrigated with low salinity and moderately saline water in soil with and without plastic mulching; (B) Fruit production of sour passion fruit seed-propagated (SP) and grafted propagated (GP) on Passiflora cincinnata in soil with and without plastic mulching. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean (n = 4). Bars with the same lower-case letter are similar for soil without and with plastic mulching (A,B) and bars with the same uppercase letter are similar for low salinity and moderately saline irrigation water (A) or seed propagation and grafting (B) by the F-test (p > 0.05). | PMC10005192 | plants-12-01035-g005.jpg |
0.483194 | cbf1f96256874606943280f0cd61e92b | Meteorological data—temperature, relative humidity of the air, and rainfall collected at the experimental site during the study period. | PMC10005192 | plants-12-01035-g006.jpg |
0.428031 | 9745207b65714e35b33e504fd56729ad | Experimental design of sour passion fruit propagated by seeds (SP) and grafted on P. cincinnata (GP) irrigated with low salinity (0.5 dS m−1) and moderately saline (4.5 dS m−1) irrigation water and grown in plastic-mulched and bare soil. | PMC10005192 | plants-12-01035-g007.jpg |
0.394108 | 0428167a67344df1a3f7e2659b79fb23 | DNA methylation levels of three clonal generations of Alternanthera philoxeroides, including (A) the DNA methylation level of plants in G1; (B) the DNA methylation level of plants in G2; (C) the DNA methylation level of plants in G3 without G3 herbivory. In (B,C), the points and error bars connected by dash lines presented the performance of plants in G2 or G3 taken from G1 with herbivory; the points and error bars connected by solid lines presented the performance of plants in G2 or G3 taken from G1 without herbivory. “*” means a significant difference (p < 0.05). | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g001.jpg |
0.453761 | 56e9d3672e1a4c19bdfdc96984d609c3 | Effects of G1 herbivory and G1 root order on (A) total mass, (B) leaf mass, (C) stem mass, (D) root mass, (E) number of nodes, (F) number of leaves, (G) stolon length, and (H) root-to-shoot ratio of plants in G2. The label “ns” means no significant difference between G1 herbivory treatments within each root order; “*” means a significant difference (p < 0.05). | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g002.jpg |
0.461902 | e72fb37885a64c05858740e84c5022ef | Effects of G1 herbivory and G1 root order on the concentration of (A) total phenolic, (B) water-soluble sugar, (C) starch, and (D) total NSC of plants in G2. | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g003.jpg |
0.423467 | 406a2794d17541819da0264e53fa4d37 | Effects of G1 herbivory, G1 root order, and G3 herbivory on (A) total mass, (B) leaf mass, (C) stem mass, (D) root mass, (E) number of nodes, (F) number of leaves, (G) stolon length, and (H) root-to-shoot ratio of plants in G3. | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g004.jpg |
0.468303 | 8795846b9ce642ba9bb49f2eabbaff71 | Effects of G1 herbivory, G1 root order, and G3 herbivory on the concentrations of (A) total phenolic, (B) water-soluble sugar, (C) starch, and (D) total NSC of plants in G3. | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g005.jpg |
0.559082 | 458a0c13b37a4b5984fc544251fc78a4 | The diagram of the experimental design. Three clonal generations of Alternanthera philoxeroides were used in the experiment. In the first generation (G1), plants were grown without or with herbivory (control vs. herbivory by Spodoptera litura). In the second generation (G2), plants were subjected to two-way factorial treatments, including G1 herbivory (i.e., control vs. herbivory in G1) and G1 root order (i.e., primary or secondary roots of G1). In the third generation (G3), plants were subjected to three-way factorial treatments, including G1 herbivory, G1 root order, and G3 herbivory (i.e., control vs. herbivory in G3). | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g006.jpg |
0.525771 | 5c3cba6912424e919efa1edefa739dd0 | The simplified diagram depicting the branching order of the taproot system of Alternanthera philoxeroides. The primary root is the central, first-formed, main root, originating from the clonal fragments; the secondary roots branch off from the primary root. | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g0A1.jpg |
0.481069 | e193062bf1644482a40cafe1b997415f | Effects of G1 herbivory on (A) total mass, (B) leaf mass, (C) stem mass, (D) root mass, (E) number of nodes, (F) number of leaves, (G) stolon length, and (H) root-to-shoot ratio of plants in G1. Degree of freedom (df) for herbivory effect is 8. The label “ns” means no significant difference between herbivory treatments; “*” means a significant difference (p < 0.05). | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g0A2.jpg |
0.447978 | 90f88ff1dde1428c9a97b53e841cbb1f | Effects of G1 herbivory on the concentration of (A) total phenolic, (B) water-soluble sugar, (C) starch, and (D) total NSC of plants in G1. Degree of freedom (df) for herbivory effect is 8. The label “ns” means no significant difference between herbivory treatments. | PMC10005396 | plants-12-01180-g0A3.jpg |
0.479355 | 4694456a4e6e49a7a1635f33314500a3 | (a) Body fluid composition and NT-proBNP by the ECW/ICW ratio quartiles. (b) Body fluid composition and hANP by the ECW/ICW ratio quartiles. ECW, extracellular water; ICW, intracellular water; NT-proBNP, pre-dialysis N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; hANP, post-dialysis human atrial natriuretic peptide. | PMC10005491 | nutrients-15-01274-g001.jpg |
0.445222 | 961fcdd09faf4891b64d952f36311f3f | Scatter plots showing the correlations between the ECW/ICW ratio (upper X axes), the ECW per BSA (middle X axes), or the ICW per BSA (below X axes) and the log10-transformed natriuretic peptides (y axes). Solid lines and dashed lines show regression line and confidence interval, respectively. ECW, extracellular water; ICW, intracellular water; NT-proBNP, pre-dialysis N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; hANP, post-dialysis human atrial natriuretic peptide. | PMC10005491 | nutrients-15-01274-g002.jpg |
0.465065 | acd521ce5d234f6ca4e448e12cc007bc | Association between body fluid imbalance and natriuretic peptides according to the fat percentage quartiles. NT-proBNP, pre-dialysis N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; hANP, post-dialysis human atrial natriuretic peptide; Q1, Quatile1; Q2, Quatile2; Q3, Quatile3; Q4, Quatile4. | PMC10005491 | nutrients-15-01274-g003.jpg |
0.423474 | fe97325c113c489780776c8eaa61653d | SEM images of the pristine CNTs and CNT-based nanocomposite films. (a) The pristine CNTs; (b) CNT-MgO composite; (c) CNT-MgO-Ag composite; (d) CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO composite; (e) cross-section of the CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO composite film; (f) XRD results of the pristine CNTs and CNT-based nanocomposites. | PMC10005578 | nanomaterials-13-00885-g001.jpg |
0.564021 | bd535d6723b44311afac4dce0deb48bd | (a) Raman and (b) EDS results of the pristine CNTs and CNT-based nanocomposites. | PMC10005578 | nanomaterials-13-00885-g002.jpg |
0.421416 | 17c5b2a62c95402a8db9664514938ba6 | TEM images and EDS analysis of the CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO composite. (a) Low-resolution TEM image of the CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO sample, and HRTEM images of (b) CNT and (c) Ag nanoparticle; (d–i) EDS mappings of C, O, Mg, Ag, and Ba elements from the CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO composite. | PMC10005578 | nanomaterials-13-00885-g003.jpg |
0.440202 | e2c3f99401994181b4db0037f8bc899a | XPS spectra of the CNT, CNT-MgO, CNT-MgO-Ag, and CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO composite samples. (a) Survey; (b) Mg1s; (c) O1s; (d) Ag3d; (e) Ba3d. | PMC10005578 | nanomaterials-13-00885-g004.jpg |
0.546207 | 6a9e043b1a7a4643a6588180dbb6ef0d | Field emission performances and tensile tests of the CNT and CNT-MgO, CNT-MgO-Ag, and CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO composite samples. (a) J-E curves; (b) F-N curves; (c) FE stability tests; (d) Tensile tests. | PMC10005578 | nanomaterials-13-00885-g005.jpg |
0.451365 | 037d4020ffc9407c94162ecc3f505f7d | UPS measurements of (a–c) the CNT, (d–f) CNT-MgO, (g–i) CNT-MgO-Ag, and (j–l) CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO composite samples. Note: SEC is the secondary electron cutoff, VB is the valence band, and EF is Fermi level. | PMC10005578 | nanomaterials-13-00885-g006.jpg |
0.48197 | 671b9fec1d6e44f98fe1f1b7452c63ed | Pressure sensing performances of the CNTs and CNT-based composite samples. (a) CNTs; (b) CNT-MgO; (c) CNT-MgO-Ag; (d) CNT-MgO-Ag-BaO. | PMC10005578 | nanomaterials-13-00885-g007.jpg |
0.494915 | 7b518c518b2548c1bca62432e5919e5a | Daily precipitation (a) and soil water content (SWC) at depths of 10, 20, and 50 cm (b) in the two growing seasons in 2016 and 2017 on the N. tangutorum-dominated nabkhas. Black arrows represent rain addition treatments. C = control, A + 50% = rain addition by 50%, and A + 100% = rain addition by 100%. SWC at depth of 20 cm in August and September of 2017 was missing due to instrument failure. | PMC10005604 | plants-12-01158-g001.jpg |
0.399798 | af5e30c2a84343e59c8aadc81d4ccdd1 | Changes in the CO2 fluxes ((a), gross ecosystem photosynthesis, GEP; (b), ecosystem respiration, ER; and (c), net ecosystem CO2 exchange, NEE) on the N. tangutorum-dominated nabkhas in two growing seasons under rain addition treatments. Error bars represent standard errors. C = control, A + 50% = rain addition by 50%, and A + 100% = rain addition by 100%. The monthly, interannual, and overall effects can be found to Table S1, Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. | PMC10005604 | plants-12-01158-g002.jpg |
0.474137 | f3996866d6b34a599bc5904d92983038 | Regression relationships between total rainfall amounts (TRAs) and mean growing season CO2 fluxes ((a), gross ecosystem photosynthesis, GEP; (b), ecosystem respiration, ER; and (c), net ecosystem CO2 exchange, NEE) in 2016 and 2017. For GEP and NEE, nonlinear regressions are shown, while for ER, linear regressions are shown according to smaller p values during regression. The regression equations with statistical significance were GEP in 2017 (y = −1.339 + 0.119x − 3.03 × 10−4x2), ER in 2016 (y = 0.027x − 0.448) and 2017 (y = 0.024x + 0.853), and NEE in 2017 (y = 2.769 − 0.107x + 3.94 × 10−4x2). | PMC10005604 | plants-12-01158-g003.jpg |
0.403587 | d5174dbb9b5e4680866ca90d8366e9f4 | Relationships between the CO2 fluxes ((a,d), gross ecosystem photosynthesis, GEP; (b,e), ecosystem respiration, ER; and (c,f), net ecosystem CO2 exchange, NEE) and soil nutrient factors (STN = soil total nitrogen, SOC = soil organic carbon). | PMC10005604 | plants-12-01158-g004.jpg |
0.534516 | 99b3083c223a4ef787398e56ebc4e0fc | Scheme illustrating the self-reporting mechanism of ZIF-8@RB when stability issues are experienced during a pollutant removal application. RB, rhodamine B. | PMC10005746 | nanomaterials-13-00842-g001.jpg |
0.350146 | 70b1da3012194790b1e68c81f960553a | Effect of initial rhodamine B concentration on the amount of rhodamine B incorporated on the obtained solid products. | PMC10005746 | nanomaterials-13-00842-g002.jpg |
Subsets and Splits