{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i GO-OUT ns-CALIFORNIA FOR-FOR" ], "text": [ "What did he/she/it go to California for?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK HOLD FUTURE KNOW MORE ABOUT ns-LINCOLN POSS-3p:j LIVE" ], "text": [ "If John reads the book, he will know more about Lincoln's life." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN HOLD IX-3p:i SAY LOVE fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "As for John, he says (he/John) loves Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "(1h)HOW-MANY BOOK fs-JOHN FUTURE BUY HOLD" ], "text": [ "How many books will John buy?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p NEVER SEE fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i CAR (1h)part:indef HOLD" ], "text": [ "I never saw John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN (L)FUTURE BEAT fs-MARY COMPETITION" ], "text": [ "John will beat Mary in the race." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SAY TOMORROW RAIN part:indef" ], "text": [ "According to John, it's going to rain tomorrow." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT (1h)GIFT-distributive-3p-pl-arc BOOK LEARN+AGENT" ], "text": [ "The teacher gave each student a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN (2h)NOT-KNOW ANSWER part:indef HOLD" ], "text": [ "Of course John doesn't know the answer!" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER BUY ONE BOOK YESTERDAY" ], "text": [ "Mother bought one book yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "UMBRELLA IX-1p FORGET" ], "text": [ "As for my umbrella, I forgot it." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE part:indef BOAT SCL:3\"vehicle sink\" NEAR ns-CAPE-COD part:indef" ], "text": [ "Some (kind of) boat sank near Cape Cod." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN i:BLAME:j HOLD" ], "text": [ "John blames (him/her)." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN KNOW IX-3p:i MAN IX-loc:i" ], "text": [ "John knows that man over there." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i LEARN+AGENT IX-loc:i KISS-FIST CHOCOLATE VOMIT HOLD READ+ HOLD" ], "text": [ "The student there loves chocolate but doesn't like reading." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "RAIN HOLD IX-1p NOT GO-OUT MOVIE" ], "text": [ "If it doesn't rain, I won't go to the movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p MUST (1h)HAVE TAKE-OFF SCHOOL part:indef" ], "text": [ "I should have left school." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT UP-TO-NOW FINISH READ HOW-MANY BOOK+ part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many books have the students finished reading so far?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i HOLD TEACH+AGENT VOMIT MOVIE" ], "text": [ "The teacher doesn't like the movie." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT IX-3p:i HOLD (Y)NOT-LIKE READ BUT IX-3p:i LIKE EAT CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "The student doesn't like to read but he/she likes to eat chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i TAKE-OFF STORE FOR-FOR" ], "text": [ "What is he/she/it going to the store for?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE MOVIE HOLD BUT LEARN+AGENT IX-3p-pl-arc NOT" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes movies, but the students don't." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i GROW-UP ON FARM #WHY HOLD" ], "text": [ "Why did he/she/it grow up on a farm?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IX-loc:i (1h)HAVE TWO MOUSE/FICTION" ], "text": [ "John has two mice." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT IX-3p:i LIKE MOVIE IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "The teacher, does s/he like movies?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FINISH TEACH+AGENT neu:GIVE:j BOOK LEARN+AGENT IX-loc-arc" ], "text": [ "Has the teacher already given books to the students?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE NOT BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "John will not buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN RECENT-PAST FIND/FIND-OUT POSS-3p:i KEY" ], "text": [ "John just found his keys." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FINISH READ BOOK FINISH HOLD" ], "text": [ "Has John already read the book, has he?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN LIKE CAR BOOK+" ], "text": [ "John likes cars and books." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SAY PARTY START SEVEN part:indef" ], "text": [ "According to him/her the party starts at seven o'clock." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER GIFT:i CHOCOLATE IX-3p:i fs-JOHN YESTERDAY HOLD" ], "text": [ "Mother gave chocolate to John yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN CHOCOLATE NOT LIKE (25)WHY part:indef" ], "text": [ "Why doesn't John like chocolate?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY ARRIVE HOW+ part:indef HOLD" ], "text": [ "How did Mary arrive?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOW EAT SANDWICH" ], "text": [ "John is eating a sandwich." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE MOVIE" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN WORK TO/UNTIL SIX TIME NIGHT+" ], "text": [ "John is working until six o'clock tonight." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN WATCH-TV #TV EVERYDAY++" ], "text": [ "John watches TV everyday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TELL:i fs-BILL:i YESTERDAY WHO fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "Who told Bill yesterday? Mary (did)." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SHOULD NOT BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "John should not buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SHOULD NOT GO-OUT" ], "text": [ "John should not go." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN (2h)NOT-YET FIND/FIND-OUT POSS-3p:i KEY" ], "text": [ "John hasn't found his keys yet." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE GO-OUT" ], "text": [ "John will go." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p OVER/AFTER IX-1p FINISH fs-CSUN PAST++ SEMESTER", "IX-1p TWO FRIEND HOLD IX-1p DECIDE DRIVE TO/UNTIL fs-BOSTON ns-BOSTON IX-1p", "IX-1p DRIVE++ START FROM HOLD TO/UNTIL ns-SAN-FRANCISCO HOLD VISIT GOOD FRIEND fs-OF POSS-1p++", "GREAT+ REALLY ENJOY+ REALLY GRAB-CHANCE ns-SAN-FRANCISCO AREA BEAUTIFUL CITY/COMMUNITY", "REALLY IX-3p:j ADMIT IX-3p:j COPY+ fs-BOSTON LITTLE-BIT BUT 5\"anyway\"", "false start IX-1p j:DRIVE:k FROM TO/UNTIL DCL:bent-B\"straight across\"", "ON I-80 ALL-THE-WAY DCL:B\"straight across\" (L)FUTURE CHANGE I-90 LATER IX-1p HOPE THREE-DAY FOUR-DAY REALLY IX-1p WRONG (1h)WOW/AWFUL", "REALLY IX-1p DRIVE IX-1p ENTER fs-NEVADA HOLD REALLY HOLD FRIEND TEMPT++ DECIDE SCL:3\"vehicle pulling over\" GAMBLE fs-CASINO ON START ns-NEVADA STATE LINE BETWEEN (25)ns-CALIFORNIA AND IX-3p:m ns-NEVADA", "IX-1p SCL:3\"vehicle pulling over\" (2h)alt.GAMBLE++ (1h)HAVE GOOD TIME+ FOR ONE TWO 5\"I don't know\" FEW HOUR IX-1p SCL:crvd-V\"get in\" ON #CAR HOLD", "IX-1p DRIVE++++ HOPE OUTSIDE fs-NEVADA #SO NOT (2h)FEEL TEMPT+ AGAIN TO/UNTIL GAMBLE (25)WHY IX-1p-pl-arc LOSE-GAME LITTLE-BIT MONEY BUT \"it's ok\"", "READY TO/UNTIL OUTSIDE fs-NEVADA REALLY 5\"everything in order\" HOLD FEEL SOMETHING/ONE fs-OF POSS-1p #CAR SCL:B\"back end of car skidding\"", "IX-1p (1h)5\"exasperation\" HOLD POSS-1p FRIEND (2h)SCL:3\"vehicle following other car\" IX-1p HOLD \"wave\" HOLD (2h)SCL:3\"vehicle pulling over\"", "IX-1p SCL:1\"walking around\" OUT POSS-1p #CAR SCL:1\"walking around\" LOOK:o 5\"aw, man\" POSS-1p TIRE FLAT-TIRE HOLD DCL:5-C\"tire split\" IN TWO SOME DCL:5-C\"tire split\" REALLY GONE", "IX-1p \"relief\" GOOD (2h)THING IX-1p BRING fs-SPARE TIRE IX-1p BRING IN THUMB-IX-loc\"back\" fs-TRUNK TRUNK", "IX-1p (2h)DCL:crvd-5\"moving things in trunk\" (2h)BCL:flat-O\"packing\" REALLY POSS-1p FIRST TIME CHANGE TIRE ADMIT HOLD #ALL MAN SHOULD KNOW HOW TO/UNTIL CHANGE TIRE BUT 5\"sheepish\" HOLD fs-UN+SAD NOT FOR IX-1p part:indef", "IX-1p CHANGE TIRE 5\"so, all set\" 5\"I don't know\" REALLY IX-loc:o THAT:o TIRE DONUT fs-DONUT TIRE REALLY CONTINUE FOR FIRST 50 fs-MILES HOLD", "AND THAT fs-WAS SAME ELEVEN NIGHT+ EVERYTHING CLOSE IX-1p 5\"resignation\" MUST FIND/FIND-OUT PLACE STAY AND FIX TOMORROW MORNING (2h)5\"oh well\"", "THAT MORNING 5\"leave it at that\" DRIVE FIND/FIND-OUT ONE HOTEL #BUT IX-3p:i HAVE fs-CASINO SAME", "IX-1p TELL:u 5\"resignation\" IX-3p-pl-3-arc FRIEND IX-1p REALLY POSS-1p FRIEND DRIVE SAME SCL:3\"vehicle following other car\" IX-1p 5\"resignation\" MUST STAY HOTEL ONLY PICK IX-1p HAVE", "IX-3p:o CONTINUE FOR 50 fs-MILES FINISH NEAR SOON++ END #SO IX-1p (2h)SCL:3\"vehicles pulling over\" STAY ON THAT HOTEL (2h)alt.GAMBLE++ ALL-NIGHT STAY-AWAKE-ALL-NIGHT NOT-YET SLEEP NOTHING", "IX-1p PATIENT ON 5\"I don't know\" SIX SEVEN MORNING IX-1p HOPE #GAS STATION OPEN #SO #FIX POSS-1p HOLD BEFORE IX-1p TO/UNTIL ns-BOSTON", "NOT OPEN TO/UNTIL HOLD MORNING IX-1p #ALL 5\"resignation\" FINE WAIT+ PAH OPEN IX-1p FIX HOLD ETC", "PLUS fs-OIL CHANGE SAME TIME IX-1p FINE 5\"hands off\" fs-OIL CHANGE PERFECT IX-3p:p SAY INFORM:l BAD fs-NEWS HOLD REALLY MACHINE IX-loc:q fs-BELT CRACK MUST (1h)HAVE NEW ONE IX-1p HOLD", "STAY FOR OTHER THREE-HOUR HOLD WHEN #FIX IX-3p:q MACHINE fs-BELT (2h)DCL:1\"belt\" PLUS HOLD PLUS fs-OIL CHANGE IX-1p-pl-arc WAIT+ ALL-DAY PAH DEPART HOLD ns-NEVADA ON", "ENTER fs-UTAH IX-1p-pl-arc 5\"of course\" FINISH EXHAUST NOT-YET SLEEP 5\"looking for words\" HOLD STAY-AWAKE-ALL-NIGHT (2h)alt.GAMBLE++ ON fs-CASINO IN ns-NEVADA HOLD IX-1p 5\"resignation\"", "IX-1p DECIDE PROCEED (2h)\"not give a darn\" DRIVE HOLD ARRIVE ns-COLOR+fs-ADO REALLY STAY ns-COLORADO ALL-NIGHT WAKE-UP fs-LATE (25)WHY GRAB-CHANCE MISS SLEEP BEFORE NIGHT", "IX-1p WAKE-UP 5\"oh gosh\" REASON IX-1p DRIVE TO/UNTIL ns-BOSTON FROM ns-#LA IN FOUR-DAY REALLY IX-1p APPLAUSE ANY+ONE WHO DRIVE TO/UNTIL ns-BOSTON", "IN FOUR-DAY REALLY (1h)WOW/AWFUL MUST DRIVE FIFTEEN 5\"I don't know\" FIFTEEN fs-HOURS fs-A fs-DAY ARRIVE FOR REALLY CORRECT fs-PACE PROGRESS++ 5\"drop topic\"", "5\"resignation\" IX-1p DRIVE THROUGH fs-WYOMING IX-1p THROUGH ns-NEBRASKA DCL:open-B\"straight across\" 5\"I don't know\" REALLY BORE STATE (2h)DCL:bent-B\"land flat\" 5\"I don't know\" COW ETC", "REALLY IX-1p IN fs-WYOMING IX-1p THINK+POP-UP IX-loc:i REALLY ONE PLACE IX-loc:s TEN THOUSAND COW IN DCL:4\"fence\" LITTLE JAIL DCL:5\"fence\"", "IX-1p HOLD REALLY SAD COW CANNOT MOVE REALLY SEE 5\"wow\" (1h)WOW/AWFUL SCL:3\"vehicle moving\" REALLY END fs-OF THAT PRISON DCL:5\"enclosed fence\" IX-loc:t (1h)HAVE fs-BUTCHER-SHOP REALLY ICL\"cutting head off\" SHOW DIE COW BPCL:2\"cow hanging\"", "THAT fs-WYOMING MAYBE THAT WHERE IX-1p-pl-arc GET IX-1p-pl-arc MEAT FROM IX-loc:s 5\"you know\" HOLD GOOD MEAT SAME IX-1p EAT MEAT IN fs-WYOMING #SO 5\"you know\" HOLD", "IX-1p DRIVE REALLY VERY BARREN ALL-THE-WAY THROUGH fs-IOWA HOLD fs-OHIO HOLD ns-ILLINOIS DCL:B\"continuing along\" ns-NEW-YORK FINALLY ARRIVE ns-BOSTON", "REALLY OVER/AFTER TOTAL TRIP TRIP SIX-DAY HOLD TOTAL", "REALLY ENJOY+ GOOD TIME fs-FUN HOLD REALLY GREAT IX-1p SUGGEST ANY+ONE WHO WANT DRIVE OVER/AFTER COUNTRY ASK IX-1p FOR ADVISE+", "AND MAKE REALLY IX-2p (1h)HAVE EVERYTHING READY MAKE REALLY (2h)POSS-2p #CAR PERFECT FALL-INTO-PLACE BEFORE DEPART SAME IX-1p NOT DO PAST" ], "text": [ "After I finished the past semester at CSUN......", "My two friends joined and we decided to drive to Boston.", "I drove from LA to SF to visit a good friend of mine there.", "We went on a trip to San Francisco. We enjoyed it so much and SF is a beautiful city.", "I have to admit that SF copies Boston a little, but anyway...", "I drove straight across the country from SF.", "I was on I-80 all the way across the country and then I eventually got on I-90. I expected that it would take me maybe three or four days to drive across the country. Unfortunately, I was wrong!", "As my frends and I were driving through the state of Nevada, the three of us were really tempted to gamble. So, we decided to stop by at a casino on the border between Nevada and California.", "I pulled the car over. We gambled. I had a good time for maybe a couple of hours and then I got back into the car.", "We hoped to get out of Nevada soon so we wouldn't feel tempted to gamble again because we all had lost some money from gambling.", "When we were getting ready to get out of Nevada, I felt something on the back of my car. All of a sudden, the car dropped down in the back and was skidding.", "My friends were driving in front of me and I was following them. I had to get their attention by waving my hand so I could pull their car over.", "As I got out of my car, I looked at the back of my car and saw one of the tires was flat. The tire literally blew out in two pieces! It was all gone!", "I started to realize that I had a spare tire in the trunk so it was a good thing that I brought it with me.", "I rummaged in the trunk. I admit that it was my first time changing a tire. I know all men should know how, but unfortunately, I didn't.", "I changed the tire. The tire was a donut tire that is only supposed to last for 50 miles.", "And, it's like 11 o'clock at night--everything was closed. I just had to find a place to stay and have the car fixed the next morning.", "in the morning. However, as I was driving, I found one hotel, but it had a casino too.", "My friends were driving in front of me and I waved to get their attention. I told them that we really had to stay at the hotel because it's our only choice.", "The donut tire only lasts for 50 miles so I really had to pull over soon. We finally arrived at the hotel. We gambled all night and we didn't sleep at all!", "I had to put up and stay up til six or seven in the morning. I was hoping that gas station would be open by then, since I needed my tire fixed before I went on to Boston.", "It won't open til 9 or 10 in the morning. We were okay with it even though we had to wait for a bit. The mechanic finally opened and they fixed the tire.", "Plus an oil change at the same time, which I said was fine. The oil change went fine, but the mechanic said he had some bad news for me. The engine belt had cracked and I needed a new one.", "We stayed at the shop for another three hours while they were replacing the belt in the engine along with a oil change and the tire as well. I waited for a long while and finally left Nevada at around12.", "When we entered Utah, we all were exhausted as we didn't sleep at all. We were awake all night at the casino at Nevada last night.", "We decided to continue driving and we got to Colorado. We stayed at a place there because it was late. We woke up late because we wanted to catch up on our sleep.", "I woke up and realized that driving to Boston from LA in four days was impossible. Really, I applaud anyone who drives from LA to Boston.", "To drive across the country in four days, you would have to drive about fifteen hours each day to have the right pace to arrive in Boston on time.", "I drove through Wymoing and Nebraska. Both states were very boring. It was just flat, with cows, etc.", "In Wyoming--this just popped into my head--there was a place with ten thousands cows fenced in. It was sort of a small jail.", "I looked at cows while I was driving and I felt sad for them because they couldn't even move. At end of the \"jail\", I saw a butcher shop where they were slaughtering the cows. I also saw some dead cows that were hanging!", "That's so typical of Wymoning. We probably get our meat from there. Very good meat, too, because I ate a steak there.", "I drove, and it was flat and plain through Iowa, Ohio, and Illinois I got to New York, and finally I arrived Boston.", "After my trip, it was six days total.", "I really enjoyed the trip and it was a wonderful time. It was a lot of fun and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to drive across the country. If so, you can ask me for advice.", "And, make sure you have everything ready--make sure your car is ready before you leave, like I didn't do." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "THAT:i BOOK IX-loc:i HOLD fs-JOHN FINISH READ YESTERDAY HOLD" ], "text": [ "That book, John finished reading it yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN SHOULD GO-OUT" ], "text": [ "John should go." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p FINISH GO (1h)TOUCH++ ns-EUROPE DIFFERENT+ COUNTRY ns-ITALY ns-GREECE_2 VARIOUS" ], "text": [ "I have gone on a tour through Europe, through countries like Italy and Greece." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOT SEE ANY+ONE" ], "text": [ "John did not see anyone." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LIGHT LIGHT-OUT fs-JOHN END WORK" ], "text": [ "John finished work when the lights went out." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When did John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LOVE fs-JOHN WHO" ], "text": [ "Who loves John?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "INFORM REFUSE fs-BE EASY" ], "text": [ "I must inform you it won't be easy." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ+ BOOK HOLD" ], "text": [ "Has John finished reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FUTURE RAIN FROM-NOW-ON TWO-WEEK" ], "text": [ "It will rain now for two weeks." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i MOTHERwg IX-3p:i CAR BUY SHOULD NOT" ], "text": [ "Mother should not buy that car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i HOLD fs-JOHN MOTHERwg IX-loc:j HOUSE BUY HOLD IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "Is John's mother buying a house?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IX-3p:i LIKE fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "As for John, he likes Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "part:indef SOMETHING/ONE HOLD BOAT SCL:3\"vehicle sink\" ns-CAPE-COD IX-loc:i" ], "text": [ "Some boat sank off Cape Cod (I think)." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FATHERwg IX-loc:i HOLD neu:(1h)GIFT:j CAR fs-JOHN HOLD" ], "text": [ "John's father there is giving a car to John." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER FUTURE LIKE THAT:i BOOK IX-loc:i QMwg" ], "text": [ "Will father like that book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE BOAT SCL:3\"vehicle sink\" NEAR ns-CAPE-COD part:indef" ], "text": [ "Some boat sank near Cape Cod (I think)." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LIKE CHOCOLATE WHO HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who likes chocolate?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i fs-JOHN CAR IX-1p NEVER SEE:i HOLD" ], "text": [ "I have never seen John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MUST FATHER neu:GIVE:j CAR IX-3p:j fs-JOHN IX-loc:j" ], "text": [ "Father must give a car to John." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT IX-loc-arc PCL:crvd-5\"group-together\" (2h)(flat-O)PAY/SPEND (1h)GIFT:j TEACH+AGENT BOOK" ], "text": [ "The students contributed money to buy the teacher a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE READ+ HOLD LIKE MOVIE #NO NOT" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes reading, but does she like movies? no, she doesn't." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY WALK TO/UNTIL SCHOOL REASON LEAVE-THERE COMPUTER_2 HOME" ], "text": [ "While Mary was walking to school, she realized she left her computer at home." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-2p:i WANT TEA COFFEE part:indef" ], "text": [ "Do you want tea or coffee?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE ARRIVE HERE" ], "text": [ "Someone arrived here." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "CAR fs-JOHN HOLD (1h)GIFT:i TEACH+AGENT HOW-MANY CAR HOLD" ], "text": [ "The cars Jon gave the teacher, how many cars was it?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN KISS-FIST CHOCOLATE WITH NUT" ], "text": [ "John really loves chocolate with nuts." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i fs-JOHN POSS-3p:j CAR HOLD" ], "text": [ "That (right over there) is John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "PEOPLE CLASS:i i:(2h)alt.GIFT++:j fs-JANA PLAY" ], "text": [ "People are giving Jana toys." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i CAR HOLD NEVER SEE IX-1p HOLD" ], "text": [ "It's John's CAR I've never seen." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ+ BOOK HOLD FUTURE KNOW MORE ABOUT ns-LINCOLN POSS-3p:i LIVE HOLD" ], "text": [ "When John reads the book, he will know more about LIncoln's life." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT NOW IX-loc:i IN MOVIE HOLD", "IX-3p:i END LOOK MOVIE BUY BOOK+", "BOOK (L)FUTURE (1h)GIFT:j LEARN+AGENT" ], "text": [ "The teacher is at the movies.", "After the teacher watches the movie he/she will buy a book.", "(The teacher) will give the book to the student." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "NOW HAVE fs-IMAC (25)WHY" ], "text": [ "Why do you have an iMac now?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "WHO VEGETABLE FAVORITE/PREFER POTATO part:indef HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who, as for vegetables, prefers potatoes?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p FORMERLY EAT NUT IX-1p VOMIT HOLD" ], "text": [ "In the past, when I have eaten nuts I didn't like them." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN BUY YESTERDAY \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What did John buy yesterday?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER (V)FUTURE READ BOOK+ QMwg HOLD" ], "text": [ "Will mother read the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "COP+ SCL:3\"vehicle pulling over vehicle\" fs-JOHN HOLD (1h)GIFT GET-TICKET" ], "text": [ "The cop pulled John over and gave him a ticket." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "THAT BOOK fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK YESTERDAY" ], "text": [ "That book, John finished reading it yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY IX-loc:i NOT SEE ANY+ONE part:indef" ], "text": [ "Mary didn't see anyone." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IX-loc:i TAKE-OFF TIME SEVEN" ], "text": [ "John takes off at seven o'clock." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER FUTURE BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "Mother will buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "CAT IX-loc:j CHASE MOUSE/FICTION IX-loc:i DRINK WATER QMwg" ], "text": [ "Does the cat who chases the mouse drink water?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-SUE REFUSE FINISH #JOB" ], "text": [ "Sue refused to finish her job." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "(2h)CAT THAT CHASE MOUSE/FICTION IX-loc:j \"WHAT\" DRINK part:indef" ], "text": [ "What does the cat who chased the mouse drink?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FORMERLY LIKE CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "John used to like chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE VISIT:i fs-MARY" ], "text": [ "John will visit Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "(2h)CAT THAT CHASE MOUSE/FICTION IX-loc:j DRINK \"WHAT\" YESTERDAY" ], "text": [ "What did the cat who chased the mouse drink yesterday?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN (2h)GIVE:j MOTHER CHOCOLATE (L)FUTURE SOON" ], "text": [ "About John giving mother chocolate, will he do it soon?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i RAIN IX-1p GO-OUT MOVIE" ], "text": [ "If it doesn't rain, I will not go to a movie." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i fs-LEG HURT" ], "text": [ "John's leg hurts." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "WHO fs-JOHN LOVE WHO HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who, who does John love?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "WHO LOVE SOMETHING/ONE HOLD" ], "text": [ "Who loves someone?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "SOMETHING/ONE SEE fs-JOAN (1h)part:indef" ], "text": [ "Has someone seen Joan?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN IX-3p:i WORK TO/UNTIL TIME SIX" ], "text": [ "John works until six o'clock." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT IX-loc-arc:i i:(1h)GIFT:j BOOK IX-3p:j TEACH+AGENT HOLD" ], "text": [ "The students gave a book to the teacher." ] }