imagewidth (px)
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '40378170', 'invoice_date': '10/15/2012', 'seller': 'Patel, Thompson and Montgomery 356 Kyle Vista New James, MA 46228', 'client': 'Jackson, Odonnell and Jackson 267 John Track Suite 841 Jenniferville, PA 98601', 'seller_tax_id': '958-74-3511', 'client_tax_id': '998-87-7723', 'iban': 'GB77WRBQ31965128414006'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Leed's Wine Companion Bottle Corkscrew Opener Gift Box Set with Foil Cutter\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '7,50', 'item_net_worth': '7,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '8,25'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$7,50', 'total_vat': '$0,75', 'total_gross_worth': '$8,25'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 40378170', 'Date of issue:', '10/15/2012', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Patel, Thompson and Montgomery', 'Jackson, Odonnell and Jackson.', '356 Kyle Vista', '267 John Track Suite 841', 'New James, MA 46228', 'Jenniferville, PA 98601', 'Tax Id: 958-74-3511', 'Tax Id: 998-87-7723', 'IBAN: GB77WRBQ31965128414006', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', \" Leed's Wine Companion Bottle\", '1,00', 'each', '7,50', '7,50', '10%', '8,25', 'Corkscrew Opener Gift Box Set', 'with Foil Cutter', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '7,50', '10%', '0,75', '8,25', 'Total', '$7,50', '$ 0,75', '$8,25']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 40378170', 0.9985853433609009)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9883247017860413)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('10/15/2012', 0.9997990727424622)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [931.0, 760.0], [930.0, 811.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Patel, Thompson and Montgomery', 0.9964486360549927)], [[[1244.0, 756.0], [1890.0, 756.0], [1890.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Jackson, Odonnell and Jackson.', 0.9805290102958679)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [513.0, 811.0], [513.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('356 Kyle Vista', 0.9985752105712891)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1776.0, 811.0], [1776.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('267 John Track Suite 841', 0.9817495346069336)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [679.0, 866.0], [679.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('New James, MA 46228', 0.9982457160949707)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1724.0, 866.0], [1724.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Jenniferville, PA 98601', 0.9854620099067688)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 958-74-3511', 0.9896508455276489)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 998-87-7723', 0.9801385998725891)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [960.0, 1023.0], [960.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB77WRBQ31965128414006', 0.9939054250717163)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[351.0, 1396.0], [875.0, 1396.0], [875.0, 1443.0], [351.0, 1443.0]], (\" Leed's Wine Companion Bottle\", 0.9855892658233643)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9966188669204712)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('7,50', 0.9954859018325806)], [[[1698.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1440.0], [1698.0, 1440.0]], ('7,50', 0.9905357360839844)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2171.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1440.0], [2171.0, 1440.0]], ('8,25', 0.9729064106941223)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [875.0, 1436.0], [875.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Corkscrew Opener Gift Box Set', 0.9943951964378357)], [[[358.0, 1484.0], [613.0, 1484.0], [613.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('with Foil Cutter', 0.9756938219070435)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9958321452140808)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1776.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1770.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9691691398620605)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2023.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2023.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999182224273682)], [[[1500.0, 1822.0], [1593.0, 1833.0], [1587.0, 1887.0], [1493.0, 1876.0]], ('7,50', 0.9980185627937317)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1783.0, 1834.0], [1868.0, 1834.0], [1868.0, 1878.0], [1783.0, 1878.0]], ('0,75', 0.9830088019371033)], [[[2175.0, 1834.0], [2263.0, 1834.0], [2263.0, 1878.0], [2175.0, 1878.0]], ('8,25', 0.9898556470870972)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1455.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1455.0, 1970.0]], ('$7,50', 0.998517632484436)], [[[1735.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1970.0], [1735.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 0,75', 0.9555268883705139)], [[[2133.0, 1910.0], [2264.0, 1920.0], [2260.0, 1974.0], [2129.0, 1965.0]], ('$8,25', 0.9991155862808228)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '61356291', 'invoice_date': '09/06/2012', 'seller': 'Chapman, Kim and Green 64731 James Branch Smithmouth, NC 26872', 'client': 'Rodriguez-Stevens 2280 Angela Plain Hortonshire, MS 93248', 'seller_tax_id': '949-84-9105', 'client_tax_id': '939-98-8477', 'iban': 'GB50ACIE59715038217063'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Wine Glasses Goblets Pair Clear Glass', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '12,00', 'item_net_worth': '60,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '66,00'}, {'item_desc': 'With Hooks Stemware Storage Multiple Uses Iron Wine Rack Hanging Glass', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '28,08', 'total_net_worth': '112,32', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '123,55'}, {'item_desc': 'Replacement Corkscrew Parts Spiral Worm Wine Opener Bottle Houdini', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '7,50', 'total_net_worth': '7,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '8,25'}, {'item_desc': 'HOME ESSENTIALS GRADIENT STEMLESS WINE GLASSES SET OF 420 FL OZ (591 ml) NEW', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '12,99', 'item_net_worth': '12,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '14,29'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 192,81', 'total_vat': '$19,28', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 212,09'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 61356291', 'Date of issue:', '09/06/2012', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Chapman, Kim and Green', 'Rodriguez-Stevens', '64731 James Branch', '2280 Angela Plain', 'Smithmouth, NC 26872', 'Hortonshire, MS 93248', 'Tax Id: 949-84-9105', 'Tax Id: 939-98-8477', 'IBAN: GB50ACIE59715038217063', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Wine Glasses Goblets Pair Clear', '12,00', '60,00', '10%', '5,00', 'each', '66,00', '1.', 'Glass', 'With Hooks Stemware Storage', '28,08', '112,32', '10%', '4,00', 'each', '123,55', 'Multiple Uses Iron Wine Rack', 'Hanging Glass', '1,00', '7,50', '7,50', '10%', '8,25', 'Replacement Corkscrew Parts', 'each', 'Spiral Worm Wine Opener Bottle', 'Houdini', 'HOME ESSENTIALS GRADIENT', '1,00', 'each', '12,99', '12,99', '10%', '14,29', '4', 'STEMLESS WINE GLASSES SET', 'OF 4 20 FL OZ (591 ml) NEW', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '192,81', '19,28', '212,09', 'Total', '$ 192,81', '$ 19,28', '$ 212,09']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 61356291', 0.9788082242012024)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9985820651054382)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('09/06/2012', 0.9996706247329712)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 756.0], [753.0, 756.0], [753.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Chapman, Kim and Green', 0.9998903870582581)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1647.0, 760.0], [1647.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Rodriguez-Stevens', 0.9998601078987122)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [650.0, 811.0], [650.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('64731 James Branch', 0.9947491884231567)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1636.0, 811.0], [1635.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('2280 Angela Plain', 0.9994451999664307)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [701.0, 866.0], [701.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Smithmouth, NC 26872', 0.9997967481613159)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1732.0, 866.0], [1732.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Hortonshire, MS 93248', 0.9944106340408325)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 949-84-9105', 0.9908804893493652)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 939-98-8477', 0.9881197214126587)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [923.0, 1023.0], [923.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB50ACIE59715038217063', 0.9735023379325867)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [897.0, 1396.0], [897.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], ('Wine Glasses Goblets Pair Clear', 0.9984278678894043)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('12,00', 0.9996110200881958)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('60,00', 0.9979851841926575)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('66,00', 0.9967435002326965)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[353.0, 1435.0], [459.0, 1445.0], [455.0, 1485.0], [349.0, 1475.0]], ('Glass', 0.997931957244873)], [[[355.0, 1520.0], [872.0, 1528.0], [871.0, 1575.0], [354.0, 1567.0]], ('With Hooks Stemware Storage', 0.9999193549156189)], [[[1418.0, 1524.0], [1532.0, 1524.0], [1532.0, 1575.0], [1418.0, 1575.0]], ('28,08', 0.9997357130050659)], [[[1654.0, 1524.0], [1783.0, 1524.0], [1783.0, 1575.0], [1654.0, 1575.0]], ('112,32', 0.9998149871826172)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2001.0, 1577.0], [1903.0, 1566.0]], ('10%', 0.9999029040336609)], [[[1008.0, 1527.0], [1093.0, 1527.0], [1093.0, 1571.0], [1008.0, 1571.0]], ('4,00', 0.9987012147903442)], [[[1152.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9990001320838928)], [[[2130.0, 1527.0], [2252.0, 1527.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2130.0, 1568.0]], ('123,55', 0.9989001154899597)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [849.0, 1571.0], [849.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Multiple Uses Iron Wine Rack', 0.9708606600761414)], [[[358.0, 1615.0], [605.0, 1615.0], [605.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1655.0]], ('Hanging Glass', 0.9997545480728149)], [[[1008.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1739.0], [1008.0, 1739.0]], ('1,00', 0.9919418096542358)], [[[1440.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1747.0], [1440.0, 1747.0]], ('7,50', 0.9992889165878296)], [[[1695.0, 1692.0], [1787.0, 1692.0], [1787.0, 1747.0], [1695.0, 1747.0]], ('7,50', 0.9993087649345398)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[2168.0, 1687.0], [2254.0, 1697.0], [2247.0, 1752.0], [2161.0, 1741.0]], ('8,25', 0.9991562366485596)], [[[354.0, 1703.0], [864.0, 1703.0], [864.0, 1739.0], [354.0, 1739.0]], ('Replacement Corkscrew Parts', 0.9861046075820923)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[355.0, 1736.0], [901.0, 1739.0], [901.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1783.0]], ('Spiral Worm Wine Opener Bottle', 0.9984367489814758)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [495.0, 1787.0], [495.0, 1823.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('Houdini', 0.9994716644287109)], [[[351.0, 1867.0], [864.0, 1867.0], [864.0, 1915.0], [351.0, 1915.0]], ('HOME ESSENTIALS GRADIENT', 0.9798102378845215)], [[[1008.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1911.0], [1008.0, 1911.0]], ('1,00', 0.9990050792694092)], [[[1152.0, 1875.0], [1248.0, 1875.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9982025623321533)], [[[1421.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1918.0], [1421.0, 1918.0]], ('12,99', 0.9998315572738647)], [[[1676.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1918.0], [1676.0, 1918.0]], ('12,99', 0.9997693300247192)], [[[1912.0, 1871.0], [2001.0, 1871.0], [2001.0, 1915.0], [1912.0, 1915.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2149.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1911.0], [2149.0, 1911.0]], ('14,29', 0.9969544410705566)], [[[262.0, 1882.0], [281.0, 1882.0], [281.0, 1900.0], [262.0, 1900.0]], ('4', 0.9126366972923279)], [[[362.0, 1915.0], [864.0, 1915.0], [864.0, 1951.0], [362.0, 1951.0]], ('STEMLESS WINE GLASSES SET', 0.9976090788841248)], [[[354.0, 1948.0], [845.0, 1948.0], [845.0, 1995.0], [354.0, 1995.0]], ('OF 4 20 FL OZ (591 ml) NEW', 0.9766821265220642)], [[[192.0, 2094.0], [491.0, 2094.0], [491.0, 2145.0], [192.0, 2145.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9961081743240356)], [[[956.0, 2218.0], [1122.0, 2218.0], [1122.0, 2269.0], [956.0, 2269.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993457794189453)], [[[1388.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1388.0, 2262.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9923312067985535)], [[[1775.0, 2213.0], [1870.0, 2223.0], [1865.0, 2267.0], [1771.0, 2257.0]], ('VAT', 0.672061026096344)], [[[2027.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2262.0], [2027.0, 2262.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999037384986877)], [[[997.0, 2309.0], [1082.0, 2309.0], [1082.0, 2353.0], [997.0, 2353.0]], ('10%', 0.9998807907104492)], [[[1458.0, 2306.0], [1591.0, 2306.0], [1591.0, 2357.0], [1458.0, 2357.0]], ('192,81', 0.9995806217193604)], [[[1757.0, 2306.0], [1868.0, 2306.0], [1868.0, 2357.0], [1757.0, 2357.0]], ('19,28', 0.9996465444564819)], [[[2134.0, 2309.0], [2263.0, 2309.0], [2263.0, 2350.0], [2134.0, 2350.0]], ('212,09', 0.9867501854896545)], [[[746.0, 2393.0], [857.0, 2393.0], [857.0, 2445.0], [746.0, 2445.0]], ('Total', 0.9998254776000977)], [[[1410.0, 2393.0], [1588.0, 2393.0], [1588.0, 2445.0], [1410.0, 2445.0]], ('$ 192,81', 0.9970046281814575)], [[[1709.0, 2393.0], [1868.0, 2393.0], [1868.0, 2445.0], [1709.0, 2445.0]], ('$ 19,28', 0.9348526000976562)], [[[2082.0, 2393.0], [2263.0, 2393.0], [2263.0, 2445.0], [2082.0, 2445.0]], ('$ 212,09', 0.9943768978118896)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '39280409', 'invoice_date': '07/06/2014', 'seller': 'Davis PLC 72057 Castillo Via Deniseshire, KY 95233', 'client': 'Bailey-Harris 106 Michael Street North William, DC 96680', 'seller_tax_id': '938-79-9168', 'client_tax_id': '965-83-8071', 'iban': 'GB39WJ0U70698169375316'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Chindi Rugs Carpet New Design Bohemian Garden Yoga Mat Indian Kilim Counterpane', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '29,99', 'item_net_worth': '59,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '65,98'}, {'item_desc': 'Xmas Christmas Rug Carpet Cartoon Bedroom Kids Play Mat Soft Flannel Area Rugs @', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '37,31', 'item_net_worth': '111,93', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '123,12'}, {'item_desc': 'Bohemian Rag Rug- Woven Chindi Dari Living Room Rug / Hand-Woven Carpet Rug-Mats', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '23,39', 'item_net_worth': '46,78', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '51,46'}, {'item_desc': 'Rug Beni Ourain, Moroccan Handmade 100% Wool Area Rug Berber Beni Ouarain Carpet', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '450,00', 'item_net_worth': '1350,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 485,00'}, {'item_desc': '40x120CM Christmas Door Mat Kitchen Floor Area Rug Bedroom Living Room Carpet', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '18,99', 'item_net_worth': '37,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '41,78'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1606,67', 'total_vat': '$ 160,67', 'total_gross_worth': '$1767,34'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 39280409', 'Date of issue:', '07/06/2014', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Davis PLC', 'Bailey-Harris', '72057 Castillo Via', '106 Michael Street', 'Deniseshire, KY 95233', 'North William, DC 96680', 'Tax Id: 938-79-9168', 'Tax Id: 965-83-8071', 'IBAN: GB39WJUU70698169375316', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Chindi Rugs Carpet New Design', '2,00', '29,99', '59,98', '10%', ' each', '65,98', '1', 'Bohemian Garden Yoga Mat', 'Indian Kilim Counterpane', '37,31', '10%', '2.', 'Xmas Christmas Rug Carpet', '3,00', 'each', '111,93', '123,12', 'Cartoon Bedroom Kids Play Mat', 'Soft Flannel Area Rugs @', 'Bohemian Rag Rug- Woven', '2,00', ' each', '23,39', '46,78', '10%', '51,46', '3.', 'Chindi Dari Living Room Rug /', 'Hand-Woven Carpet Rug-Mats', '1 350,00', '10%', 'Rug Beni Ourain, Moroccan', '3,00', 'each', '450,00', '1485,00', 'Handmade 100% Wool Area', ' Rug Berber Beni Ouarain Carpet', '40x120cM Christmas Door Mat', '18,99', '37,98', '10%', '2,00', 'each', '41,78', '5', ' Kitchen Floor Area Rug', 'Bedroom Living Room Carpet', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '1 606,67', '160,67', '1 767,34', 'Total', '$1 606,67', '$160,67', '$1 767,34']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 39280409', 0.9981233477592468)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9986030459403992)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/06/2014', 0.9997870326042175)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [425.0, 756.0], [425.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Davis PLC', 0.9979212880134583)], [[[1245.0, 752.0], [1525.0, 757.0], [1524.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Bailey-Harris', 0.9995162487030029)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [594.0, 811.0], [594.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('72057 Castillo Via', 0.9990554451942444)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1650.0, 811.0], [1650.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('106 Michael Street', 0.9975928068161011)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [683.0, 866.0], [683.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Deniseshire, KY 95233', 0.9976860880851746)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1772.0, 866.0], [1772.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('North William, DC 96680', 0.981005072593689)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 938-79-9168', 0.9895579814910889)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 965-83-8071', 0.9874200224876404)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [945.0, 1023.0], [945.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB39WJUU70698169375316', 0.9955376386642456)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [894.0, 1396.0], [893.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], ('Chindi Rugs Carpet New Design', 0.9996206164360046)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('29,99', 0.9984349012374878)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('59,98', 0.9979658126831055)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('65,98', 0.9987150430679321)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [831.0, 1436.0], [831.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Bohemian Garden Yoga Mat', 0.9994332194328308)], [[[358.0, 1484.0], [786.0, 1484.0], [786.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('Indian Kilim Counterpane', 0.9796037673950195)], [[[1421.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1421.0, 1615.0]], ('37,31', 0.9990019798278809)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2000.0, 1620.0], [1907.0, 1610.0]], ('10%', 0.9998977184295654)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [834.0, 1571.0], [834.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Xmas Christmas Rug Carpet', 0.9923688769340515)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('3,00', 0.9977307319641113)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1658.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1608.0], [1658.0, 1608.0]], ('111,93', 0.9991793632507324)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('123,12', 0.9991853833198547)], [[[362.0, 1615.0], [886.0, 1615.0], [886.0, 1652.0], [362.0, 1652.0]], ('Cartoon Bedroom Kids Play Mat', 0.9990849494934082)], [[[355.0, 1652.0], [783.0, 1655.0], [782.0, 1696.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Soft Flannel Area Rugs @', 0.9876825213432312)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [823.0, 1743.0], [823.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1779.0]], ('Bohemian Rag Rug- Woven', 0.991228461265564)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9794178009033203)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1418.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1418.0, 1787.0]], ('23,39', 0.9963663220405579)], [[[1676.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1676.0, 1787.0]], ('46,78', 0.9995895624160767)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('51,46', 0.9996776580810547)], [[[258.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [258.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9924343228340149)], [[[355.0, 1779.0], [864.0, 1783.0], [864.0, 1831.0], [354.0, 1827.0]], ('Chindi Dari Living Room Rug /', 0.9984455704689026)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [868.0, 1827.0], [868.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Hand-Woven Carpet Rug-Mats', 0.9763221740722656)], [[[1615.0, 1903.0], [1784.0, 1912.0], [1781.0, 1963.0], [1612.0, 1954.0]], ('1 350,00', 0.9460298418998718)], [[[1913.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1907.0, 1954.0]], ('10%', 0.9998664855957031)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [816.0, 1918.0], [816.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('Rug Beni Ourain, Moroccan', 0.9694486260414124)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('3,00', 0.9963178634643555)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1403.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1955.0], [1403.0, 1955.0]], ('450,00', 0.9962764382362366)], [[[2093.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1955.0], [2093.0, 1955.0]], ('1485,00', 0.9893403649330139)], [[[354.0, 1959.0], [834.0, 1959.0], [834.0, 1995.0], [354.0, 1995.0]], ('Handmade 100% Wool Area', 0.9799739718437195)], [[[351.0, 1995.0], [901.0, 1999.0], [901.0, 2039.0], [351.0, 2035.0]], (' Rug Berber Beni Ouarain Carpet', 0.9924378991127014)], [[[354.0, 2079.0], [882.0, 2079.0], [882.0, 2127.0], [354.0, 2127.0]], ('40x120cM Christmas Door Mat', 0.9826002717018127)], [[[1421.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1421.0, 2130.0]], ('18,99', 0.9999309778213501)], [[[1672.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2130.0], [1672.0, 2130.0]], ('37,98', 0.9997360110282898)], [[[1913.0, 2071.0], [2007.0, 2081.0], [2000.0, 2136.0], [1907.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998152852058411)], [[[1008.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('2,00', 0.9840644598007202)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2127.0], [1148.0, 2127.0]], ('each', 0.9984513521194458)], [[[2152.0, 2083.0], [2256.0, 2083.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2152.0, 2130.0]], ('41,78', 0.9997361302375793)], [[[259.0, 2093.0], [281.0, 2099.0], [276.0, 2121.0], [253.0, 2115.0]], ('5', 0.9984503984451294)], [[[351.0, 2119.0], [754.0, 2127.0], [753.0, 2175.0], [350.0, 2167.0]], (' Kitchen Floor Area Rug', 0.9795951247215271)], [[[358.0, 2171.0], [853.0, 2171.0], [853.0, 2207.0], [358.0, 2207.0]], ('Bedroom Living Room Carpet', 0.9655771851539612)], [[[192.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2361.0], [192.0, 2361.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9953653216362)], [[[956.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2481.0], [956.0, 2481.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1388.0, 2434.0], [1584.0, 2434.0], [1584.0, 2474.0], [1388.0, 2474.0]], ('Net worth', 0.966856837272644)], [[[1780.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2478.0], [1780.0, 2478.0]], ('VAT', 0.8929632306098938)], [[[2027.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2478.0], [2027.0, 2478.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998131394386292)], [[[994.0, 2509.0], [1087.0, 2520.0], [1081.0, 2574.0], [988.0, 2563.0]], ('10%', 0.9998297691345215)], [[[1423.0, 2513.0], [1592.0, 2522.0], [1589.0, 2573.0], [1420.0, 2564.0]], ('1 606,67', 0.9551655054092407)], [[[1732.0, 2518.0], [1868.0, 2518.0], [1868.0, 2569.0], [1732.0, 2569.0]], ('160,67', 0.9994874000549316)], [[[2104.0, 2525.0], [2259.0, 2525.0], [2259.0, 2565.0], [2104.0, 2565.0]], ('1 767,34', 0.9406301379203796)], [[[745.0, 2600.0], [858.0, 2611.0], [853.0, 2662.0], [741.0, 2651.0]], ('Total', 0.9998696446418762)], [[[1381.0, 2613.0], [1584.0, 2613.0], [1584.0, 2653.0], [1381.0, 2653.0]], ('$1 606,67', 0.974690854549408)], [[[1695.0, 2613.0], [1861.0, 2613.0], [1861.0, 2653.0], [1695.0, 2653.0]], ('$160,67', 0.9937764406204224)], [[[2053.0, 2613.0], [2259.0, 2613.0], [2259.0, 2653.0], [2053.0, 2653.0]], ('$1 767,34', 0.9625585079193115)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '27301261', 'invoice_date': '10/09/2012', 'seller': 'Williams LLC 72074 Taylor Plains Suite 342 West Alexandria, AR 97978', 'client': 'Hernandez-Anderson 084 Carter Lane Apt. 846 South Ronaldbury, AZ 91030', 'seller_tax_id': '922-88-2832', 'client_tax_id': '959-74-5868', 'iban': 'GB70FTNR64199348221780'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Lilly Pulitzer dress Size 2', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '45,00', 'item_net_worth': '225,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '247,50'}, {'item_desc': 'New ERIN Erin Fertherston Straight Dress White Sequence Lining Sleeveless SZ 10', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '59,99', 'item_net_worth': '59,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '65,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Sequence dress Size Small', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '35,00', 'item_net_worth': '105,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '115,50'}, {'item_desc': 'fire los angeles dress Medium', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '6,50', 'item_net_worth': '19,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '21,45'}, {'item_desc': \"Eileen Fisher Women's Long Sleeve Fleece Lined Front Pockets Dress XS Gray\", 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '15,99', 'item_net_worth': '47,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '52,77'}, {'item_desc': 'Lularoe Nicole Dress Size Small Light Solid Grey/ White Ringer Tee Trim', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '3,75', 'item_net_worth': '7,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '8,25'}, {'item_desc': 'J.Crew Collection Black & White sweater Dress SZ S', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '30,00', 'item_net_worth': '30,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '33,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 494,96', 'total_vat': '$49,50', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 544,46'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 27301261', 'Date of issue:', '10/09/2012', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Williams LLC', 'Hernandez-Anderson', '72074 Taylor Plains Suite 342', '084 Carter Lane Apt. 846', 'West Alexandria, AR 97978', 'South Ronaldbury, AZ 91030', 'Tax Id: 922-88-2832', 'Tax Id: 959-74-5868', 'IBAN: GB70FTNR64199348221780', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '5,00', '45,00', '10%', '1.', 'Lilly Pulitzer dress Size 2', 'each', '225,00', '247,50', '2.', ' New ERIN Erin Fertherston', '1,00', 'each', '59,99', '59,99', '10%', '65,99', 'Straight Dress White Sequence.', 'Lining Sleeveless SZ 10', ' Sequence dress Size Small', '10%', '3.', '3,00', 'each', '35,00', '105,00', '115,50', '6,50', '19,50', '10%', '4.', 'fire los angeles dress Medium.', '3,00', 'each', '21,45', \"Eileen Fisher Women's Long\", '3,00', ' each', '15,99', '47,97', '10%', '52,77', '5.', 'Sleeve Fleece Lined Front', 'Pockets Dress XS Gray', 'Lularoe Nicole Dress Size Small', '2,00', 'each', '3,75', '7,50', '10%', '8,25', '6.', 'Light Solid Grey/ White Ringer', 'Tee Trim', 'J.Crew Collection Black & White', '1,00', 'each', '30,00', '30,00', '10%', '33,00', '7.', 'sweater Dress sz S', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '494,96', '49,50', '544,46', 'Total', '$ 494,96', '$ 49,50', '$ 544,46']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 27301261', 0.9991945028305054)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('10/09/2012', 0.9997722506523132)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [476.0, 760.0], [476.0, 800.0], [210.0, 800.0]], ('Williams LLC', 0.9894632697105408)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1695.0, 760.0], [1695.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Hernandez-Anderson', 0.9997777938842773)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [838.0, 811.0], [838.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('72074 Taylor Plains Suite 342', 0.9986678957939148)], [[[1244.0, 811.0], [1783.0, 807.0], [1783.0, 859.0], [1244.0, 863.0]], ('084 Carter Lane Apt. 846', 0.9891891479492188)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [786.0, 866.0], [786.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('West Alexandria, AR 97978', 0.9998062252998352)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1857.0, 866.0], [1857.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('South Ronaldbury, AZ 91030', 0.9996217489242554)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 922-88-2832', 0.991830050945282)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 959-74-5868', 0.9951832294464111)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [930.0, 1030.0], [930.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB70FTNR64199348221780', 0.9831884503364563)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1342.0, 1256.0], [1533.0, 1265.0], [1531.0, 1316.0], [1339.0, 1307.0]], ('Net price', 0.9996834993362427)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1001.0, 1383.0], [1102.0, 1394.0], [1096.0, 1449.0], [995.0, 1438.0]], ('5,00', 0.9947471022605896)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('45,00', 0.9990967512130737)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[251.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1436.0], [251.0, 1436.0]], ('1.', 0.9996507167816162)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [772.0, 1400.0], [772.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Lilly Pulitzer dress Size 2', 0.9650307297706604)], [[[1148.0, 1396.0], [1252.0, 1396.0], [1252.0, 1443.0], [1148.0, 1443.0]], ('each', 0.9876470565795898)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('225,00', 0.9732770323753357)], [[[2123.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2123.0, 1443.0]], ('247,50', 0.9984329342842102)], [[[251.0, 1487.0], [288.0, 1487.0], [288.0, 1524.0], [251.0, 1524.0]], ('2.', 0.9992785453796387)], [[[351.0, 1483.0], [805.0, 1487.0], [805.0, 1528.0], [351.0, 1524.0]], (' New ERIN Erin Fertherston', 0.9861394166946411)], [[[1004.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1527.0], [1004.0, 1527.0]], ('1,00', 0.9952383041381836)], [[[1148.0, 1487.0], [1252.0, 1487.0], [1252.0, 1535.0], [1148.0, 1535.0]], ('each', 0.9972397685050964)], [[[1421.0, 1480.0], [1532.0, 1480.0], [1532.0, 1531.0], [1421.0, 1531.0]], ('59,99', 0.999617874622345)], [[[1672.0, 1480.0], [1787.0, 1480.0], [1787.0, 1531.0], [1672.0, 1531.0]], ('59,99', 0.9995797872543335)], [[[1912.0, 1484.0], [2005.0, 1484.0], [2005.0, 1527.0], [1912.0, 1527.0]], ('10%', 0.869954526424408)], [[[2149.0, 1480.0], [2259.0, 1480.0], [2259.0, 1531.0], [2149.0, 1531.0]], ('65,99', 0.9994951486587524)], [[[358.0, 1531.0], [886.0, 1531.0], [886.0, 1568.0], [358.0, 1568.0]], ('Straight Dress White Sequence.', 0.9714690446853638)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [761.0, 1571.0], [761.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Lining Sleeveless SZ 10', 0.9845243692398071)], [[[347.0, 1652.0], [812.0, 1655.0], [812.0, 1703.0], [347.0, 1699.0]], (' Sequence dress Size Small', 0.9859511256217957)], [[[1909.0, 1646.0], [2010.0, 1657.0], [2005.0, 1708.0], [1903.0, 1697.0]], ('10%', 0.9997963309288025)], [[[251.0, 1663.0], [288.0, 1663.0], [288.0, 1699.0], [251.0, 1699.0]], ('3.', 0.9959143400192261)], [[[1004.0, 1659.0], [1100.0, 1659.0], [1100.0, 1703.0], [1004.0, 1703.0]], ('3,00', 0.9780788421630859)], [[[1148.0, 1659.0], [1252.0, 1659.0], [1252.0, 1706.0], [1148.0, 1706.0]], ('each', 0.9856207370758057)], [[[1425.0, 1659.0], [1528.0, 1659.0], [1528.0, 1699.0], [1425.0, 1699.0]], ('35,00', 0.9836307764053345)], [[[1654.0, 1659.0], [1783.0, 1659.0], [1783.0, 1699.0], [1654.0, 1699.0]], ('105,00', 0.9889009594917297)], [[[2123.0, 1655.0], [2256.0, 1655.0], [2256.0, 1706.0], [2123.0, 1706.0]], ('115,50', 0.9996797442436218)], [[[1440.0, 1739.0], [1532.0, 1739.0], [1532.0, 1794.0], [1440.0, 1794.0]], ('6,50', 0.9990622997283936)], [[[1672.0, 1743.0], [1787.0, 1743.0], [1787.0, 1794.0], [1672.0, 1794.0]], ('19,50', 0.9995236396789551)], [[[1909.0, 1734.0], [2007.0, 1745.0], [2000.0, 1799.0], [1903.0, 1789.0]], ('10%', 0.9999351501464844)], [[[251.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1783.0], [251.0, 1783.0]], ('4.', 0.989524245262146)], [[[358.0, 1750.0], [860.0, 1750.0], [860.0, 1787.0], [358.0, 1787.0]], ('fire los angeles dress Medium.', 0.985910952091217)], [[[1004.0, 1747.0], [1093.0, 1747.0], [1093.0, 1791.0], [1004.0, 1791.0]], ('3,00', 0.9926613569259644)], [[[1148.0, 1750.0], [1248.0, 1750.0], [1248.0, 1791.0], [1148.0, 1791.0]], ('each', 0.998194694519043)], [[[2145.0, 1743.0], [2256.0, 1743.0], [2256.0, 1794.0], [2145.0, 1794.0]], ('21,45', 0.9997031092643738)], [[[355.0, 1831.0], [831.0, 1834.0], [830.0, 1882.0], [354.0, 1878.0]], (\"Eileen Fisher Women's Long\", 0.9998228549957275)], [[[1008.0, 1834.0], [1097.0, 1834.0], [1097.0, 1878.0], [1008.0, 1878.0]], ('3,00', 0.9797179698944092)], [[[1148.0, 1838.0], [1244.0, 1838.0], [1244.0, 1878.0], [1148.0, 1878.0]], (' each', 0.9112310409545898)], [[[1429.0, 1834.0], [1532.0, 1834.0], [1532.0, 1882.0], [1429.0, 1882.0]], ('15,99', 0.9995290637016296)], [[[1680.0, 1834.0], [1783.0, 1834.0], [1783.0, 1882.0], [1680.0, 1882.0]], ('47,97', 0.9935018420219421)], [[[1912.0, 1834.0], [2001.0, 1834.0], [2001.0, 1878.0], [1912.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9969387054443359)], [[[2145.0, 1831.0], [2256.0, 1831.0], [2256.0, 1882.0], [2145.0, 1882.0]], ('52,77', 0.9993367195129395)], [[[251.0, 1842.0], [284.0, 1842.0], [284.0, 1875.0], [251.0, 1875.0]], ('5.', 0.9933862090110779)], [[[355.0, 1871.0], [790.0, 1875.0], [790.0, 1922.0], [354.0, 1918.0]], ('Sleeve Fleece Lined Front', 0.9992656111717224)], [[[355.0, 1911.0], [739.0, 1919.0], [738.0, 1966.0], [354.0, 1958.0]], ('Pockets Dress XS Gray', 0.9981122612953186)], [[[358.0, 2010.0], [886.0, 2010.0], [886.0, 2046.0], [358.0, 2046.0]], ('Lularoe Nicole Dress Size Small', 0.9850395917892456)], [[[1004.0, 2006.0], [1093.0, 2006.0], [1093.0, 2050.0], [1004.0, 2050.0]], ('2,00', 0.9997576475143433)], [[[1152.0, 2006.0], [1244.0, 2006.0], [1244.0, 2050.0], [1152.0, 2050.0]], ('each', 0.9988812208175659)], [[[1444.0, 2006.0], [1528.0, 2006.0], [1528.0, 2050.0], [1444.0, 2050.0]], ('3,75', 0.9998405575752258)], [[[1698.0, 2006.0], [1783.0, 2006.0], [1783.0, 2050.0], [1698.0, 2050.0]], ('7,50', 0.9975242614746094)], [[[1916.0, 2006.0], [2001.0, 2006.0], [2001.0, 2050.0], [1916.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9998809695243835)], [[[2167.0, 2006.0], [2252.0, 2006.0], [2252.0, 2050.0], [2167.0, 2050.0]], ('8,25', 0.9984790086746216)], [[[258.0, 2017.0], [284.0, 2017.0], [284.0, 2043.0], [258.0, 2043.0]], ('6.', 0.9916794896125793)], [[[351.0, 2043.0], [868.0, 2046.0], [867.0, 2098.0], [351.0, 2094.0]], ('Light Solid Grey/ White Ringer', 0.9900521039962769)], [[[358.0, 2094.0], [513.0, 2094.0], [513.0, 2134.0], [358.0, 2134.0]], ('Tee Trim', 0.9997304081916809)], [[[351.0, 2178.0], [893.0, 2178.0], [893.0, 2225.0], [351.0, 2225.0]], ('J.Crew Collection Black & White', 0.9992944002151489)], [[[1004.0, 2178.0], [1093.0, 2178.0], [1093.0, 2222.0], [1004.0, 2222.0]], ('1,00', 0.993373692035675)], [[[1152.0, 2182.0], [1244.0, 2182.0], [1244.0, 2225.0], [1152.0, 2225.0]], ('each', 0.9988096356391907)], [[[1421.0, 2174.0], [1532.0, 2174.0], [1532.0, 2229.0], [1421.0, 2229.0]], ('30,00', 0.9973436594009399)], [[[1672.0, 2174.0], [1787.0, 2174.0], [1787.0, 2225.0], [1672.0, 2225.0]], ('30,00', 0.9996387362480164)], [[[1909.0, 2174.0], [2005.0, 2174.0], [2005.0, 2229.0], [1909.0, 2229.0]], ('10%', 0.9998921751976013)], [[[2145.0, 2174.0], [2256.0, 2174.0], [2256.0, 2225.0], [2145.0, 2225.0]], ('33,00', 0.9983986020088196)], [[[251.0, 2185.0], [288.0, 2185.0], [288.0, 2218.0], [251.0, 2218.0]], ('7.', 0.9898061752319336)], [[[358.0, 2225.0], [679.0, 2225.0], [679.0, 2262.0], [358.0, 2262.0]], ('sweater Dress sz S', 0.9731185436248779)], [[[192.0, 2361.0], [491.0, 2361.0], [491.0, 2412.0], [192.0, 2412.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.996615469455719)], [[[954.0, 2477.0], [1123.0, 2486.0], [1121.0, 2537.0], [952.0, 2528.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.997901439666748)], [[[1392.0, 2488.0], [1588.0, 2488.0], [1588.0, 2529.0], [1392.0, 2529.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999275207519531)], [[[1776.0, 2481.0], [1872.0, 2481.0], [1872.0, 2536.0], [1776.0, 2536.0]], ('VAT', 0.6998486518859863)], [[[2027.0, 2488.0], [2259.0, 2488.0], [2259.0, 2529.0], [2027.0, 2529.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999126195907593)], [[[993.0, 2569.0], [1085.0, 2569.0], [1085.0, 2624.0], [993.0, 2624.0]], ('10%', 0.9317978024482727)], [[[1458.0, 2573.0], [1595.0, 2573.0], [1595.0, 2624.0], [1458.0, 2624.0]], ('494,96', 0.9996304512023926)], [[[1753.0, 2564.0], [1870.0, 2574.0], [1865.0, 2625.0], [1749.0, 2615.0]], ('49,50', 0.9992082715034485)], [[[2130.0, 2573.0], [2267.0, 2573.0], [2267.0, 2624.0], [2130.0, 2624.0]], ('544,46', 0.9943483471870422)], [[[746.0, 2660.0], [857.0, 2660.0], [857.0, 2711.0], [746.0, 2711.0]], ('Total', 0.9998656511306763)], [[[1410.0, 2660.0], [1591.0, 2660.0], [1591.0, 2711.0], [1410.0, 2711.0]], ('$ 494,96', 0.995100200176239)], [[[1713.0, 2660.0], [1868.0, 2660.0], [1868.0, 2711.0], [1713.0, 2711.0]], ('$ 49,50', 0.9904786944389343)], [[[2086.0, 2668.0], [2259.0, 2668.0], [2259.0, 2708.0], [2086.0, 2708.0]], ('$ 544,46', 0.9951480031013489)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '10823698', 'invoice_date': '09/26/2020', 'seller': 'Hernandez Ltd 668 Marie Isle New Kimberg, AR 92381', 'client': 'Huerta-Cortez 22697 Hamilton Ranch New Samanthaton, AR 01797', 'seller_tax_id': '992-82-2992', 'client_tax_id': '934-82-8445', 'iban': 'GB18PQY,80406485504853'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"YILONG 5'x7.5' Handknotted Silk Carpet Whirlwind Home Decor Classic Rug 0807\", 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '2800,00', 'item_net_worth': '8400,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '9240,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Yilong 8x10ft Hand knotted Wool Carpets Home Decor Modern Villa Area Rug P39', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '5040,00', 'item_net_worth': '10 080,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '11 088,00'}, {'item_desc': \"Yilong 5'x7' Handknotted Silk Carpet Home Interior Classic Luxury Area Rug 1047\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '8400,00', 'item_net_worth': '33 600,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '36960,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Leopard Printed Rug Skin Mat Leather Faux Fur Animals Area Rugs Home Carpets', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '19,49', 'item_net_worth': '77,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '85,76'}, {'item_desc': 'Black+White Rectangle Shape Area Rug Carpet Floor Pad Doormat Mats Non-slip Z4F9', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '21,10', 'item_net_worth': '63,30', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '69,63'}, {'item_desc': 'Philadelphia Eagles Anti-Skid Area Rug Soft Floor Mat Carpet Living Room Bedroom', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '18,04', 'item_net_worth': '36,08', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '39,69'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$52257,34', 'total_vat': '$5225,73', 'total_gross_worth': '$57483,07'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 10823698', 'Date of issue:', '09/26/2020', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Hernandez Ltd', 'Huerta-Cortez', '668 Marie Isle', '22697 Hamilton Ranch', 'New Kimberg, AR 92381', 'New Samanthaton, AR 01797', 'Tax Id: 992-82-2992', 'Tax Id: 934-82-8445', 'IBAN: GB18PQYJ80406485504853', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', \"YILONG 5'x7.5' Handknotted\", '3,00', ' each', '2800,00', '8400,00', '10%', '9240,00', '1', 'Silk Carpet Whirlwind Home', 'Decor Classic Rug 0807', 'Yilong 8x10ft Hand knotted', '2.', '2,00', 'each', '5 040,00', '10 080,00', '10%', '11 088,00', 'Wool Carpets Home Decor', 'Modern Villa Area Rug P39', '3.', \"Yilong 5'x7' Handknotted Silk\", '4,00', ' each', '8400,00', '33 600,00', '10%', '36 960,00', 'Carpet Home Interior Classic', 'Luxury Area Rug 1047', '19,49', '77,96', '10%', 'Leopard Printed Rug Skin Mat', '4,00', 'each', '85,76', 'Leather Faux Fur Animals Area', ' Rugs Home Carpets', '21,10', '63,30', '10%', 'Black+White Rectangle Shape', '3,00', ' each', '69,63', 'Area Rug Carpet Floor Pad', 'Doormat Mats Non-slip Z4F9', 'Philadelphia Eagles Anti-Skid', '2,00', 'each', '18,04', '36,08', '10%', '39,69', '6', 'Area Rug Soft Floor Mat Carpet', 'Living Room Bedroom', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '52 257,34', '5 225,73', '57 483,07', 'Total', '$ 52 257,34', '$5225,73', '$ 57 483,07']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 10823698', 0.9991971850395203)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9986030459403992)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('09/26/2020', 0.9993699193000793)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[203.0, 757.0], [520.0, 753.0], [521.0, 804.0], [203.0, 808.0]], ('Hernandez Ltd', 0.9995025396347046)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1551.0, 760.0], [1551.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Huerta-Cortez', 0.9996599555015564)], [[[204.0, 807.0], [513.0, 811.0], [513.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('668 Marie Isle', 0.9909026026725769)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1735.0, 811.0], [1735.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('22697 Hamilton Ranch', 0.9775487184524536)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [720.0, 866.0], [720.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('New Kimberg, AR 92381', 0.9744290113449097)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1868.0, 866.0], [1868.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Samanthaton, AR 01797', 0.9863536953926086)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 992-82-2992', 0.992875337600708)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 934-82-8445', 0.9924408793449402)], [[[207.0, 1027.0], [923.0, 1027.0], [923.0, 1074.0], [207.0, 1074.0]], ('IBAN: GB18PQYJ80406485504853', 0.9971399903297424)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1344.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9905822277069092)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [835.0, 1392.0], [834.0, 1440.0], [351.0, 1436.0]], (\"YILONG 5'x7.5' Handknotted\", 0.9922780990600586)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('2800,00', 0.9661354422569275)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('8400,00', 0.9726920127868652)], [[[1912.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1912.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.994788646697998)], [[[2097.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2097.0, 1436.0]], ('9240,00', 0.9614390134811401)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [827.0, 1436.0], [827.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Silk Carpet Whirlwind Home', 0.9960035085678101)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [757.0, 1476.0], [757.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Decor Classic Rug 0807', 0.9976833462715149)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [820.0, 1564.0], [819.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Yilong 8x10ft Hand knotted', 0.9913820028305054)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1370.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1370.0, 1608.0]], ('5 040,00', 0.9887176752090454)], [[[1606.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1606.0, 1608.0]], ('10 080,00', 0.9644177556037903)], [[[1916.0, 1568.0], [2005.0, 1568.0], [2005.0, 1611.0], [1916.0, 1611.0]], ('10%', 0.9996957778930664)], [[[2079.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2079.0, 1608.0]], ('11 088,00', 0.9392407536506653)], [[[358.0, 1604.0], [805.0, 1608.0], [805.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('Wool Carpets Home Decor', 0.9895780086517334)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [805.0, 1655.0], [805.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Modern Villa Area Rug P39', 0.9884621500968933)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[354.0, 1739.0], [857.0, 1739.0], [857.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1787.0]], (\"Yilong 5'x7' Handknotted Silk\", 0.9983710050582886)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.9889520406723022)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9101632237434387)], [[[1370.0, 1743.0], [1528.0, 1743.0], [1528.0, 1783.0], [1370.0, 1783.0]], ('8400,00', 0.9807319641113281)], [[[1602.0, 1743.0], [1780.0, 1743.0], [1780.0, 1783.0], [1602.0, 1783.0]], ('33 600,00', 0.9389045238494873)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2008.0, 1739.0], [2008.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9992582201957703)], [[[2075.0, 1743.0], [2252.0, 1743.0], [2252.0, 1783.0], [2075.0, 1783.0]], ('36 960,00', 0.9300146102905273)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [842.0, 1787.0], [842.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Carpet Home Interior Classic', 0.9802928566932678)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [735.0, 1827.0], [735.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Luxury Area Rug 1047', 0.9780588150024414)], [[[1421.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1421.0, 1959.0]], ('19,49', 0.9992629289627075)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('77,96', 0.996556282043457)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[351.0, 1911.0], [860.0, 1911.0], [860.0, 1959.0], [351.0, 1959.0]], ('Leopard Printed Rug Skin Mat', 0.9850619435310364)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('4,00', 0.9946244955062866)], [[[1148.0, 1915.0], [1252.0, 1915.0], [1252.0, 1962.0], [1148.0, 1962.0]], ('each', 0.9955611824989319)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('85,76', 0.9988481402397156)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [875.0, 1959.0], [875.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Leather Faux Fur Animals Area', 0.990257740020752)], [[[351.0, 1995.0], [694.0, 1999.0], [694.0, 2039.0], [351.0, 2035.0]], (' Rugs Home Carpets', 0.9459601640701294)], [[[1421.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1421.0, 2130.0]], ('21,10', 0.9996669888496399)], [[[1676.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2130.0], [1676.0, 2130.0]], ('63,30', 0.9992079734802246)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2007.0, 2081.0], [2000.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998958706855774)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [875.0, 2083.0], [875.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Black+White Rectangle Shape', 0.9989520907402039)], [[[1008.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('3,00', 0.9840490221977234)], [[[1141.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1141.0, 2134.0]], (' each', 0.9459221959114075)], [[[2152.0, 2083.0], [2256.0, 2083.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2152.0, 2130.0]], ('69,63', 0.9946092367172241)], [[[354.0, 2127.0], [809.0, 2127.0], [809.0, 2174.0], [354.0, 2174.0]], ('Area Rug Carpet Floor Pad', 0.9998910427093506)], [[[354.0, 2167.0], [842.0, 2167.0], [842.0, 2203.0], [354.0, 2203.0]], ('Doormat Mats Non-slip Z4F9', 0.9609547853469849)], [[[354.0, 2255.0], [849.0, 2255.0], [849.0, 2302.0], [354.0, 2302.0]], ('Philadelphia Eagles Anti-Skid', 0.9985977411270142)], [[[1008.0, 2258.0], [1093.0, 2258.0], [1093.0, 2302.0], [1008.0, 2302.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984956979751587)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1421.0, 2255.0], [1532.0, 2255.0], [1532.0, 2306.0], [1421.0, 2306.0]], ('18,04', 0.999862790107727)], [[[1672.0, 2255.0], [1787.0, 2255.0], [1787.0, 2306.0], [1672.0, 2306.0]], ('36,08', 0.9997544288635254)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2149.0, 2258.0], [2256.0, 2258.0], [2256.0, 2298.0], [2149.0, 2298.0]], ('39,69', 0.9810789227485657)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2291.0], [258.0, 2291.0]], ('6', 0.834687352180481)], [[[354.0, 2298.0], [886.0, 2298.0], [886.0, 2346.0], [354.0, 2346.0]], ('Area Rug Soft Floor Mat Carpet', 0.9834575653076172)], [[[355.0, 2335.0], [728.0, 2343.0], [727.0, 2390.0], [354.0, 2382.0]], ('Living Room Bedroom', 0.999838650226593)], [[[192.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2532.0], [192.0, 2532.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966851472854614)], [[[956.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2657.0], [956.0, 2657.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994757771492004)], [[[1388.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2649.0], [1388.0, 2649.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9856247305870056)], [[[1780.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2649.0], [1780.0, 2649.0]], ('VAT', 0.8281314373016357)], [[[2027.0, 2609.0], [2259.0, 2609.0], [2259.0, 2649.0], [2027.0, 2649.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999296069145203)], [[[997.0, 2685.0], [1084.0, 2695.0], [1078.0, 2746.0], [991.0, 2735.0]], ('10%', 0.9998764991760254)], [[[1407.0, 2697.0], [1584.0, 2697.0], [1584.0, 2737.0], [1407.0, 2737.0]], ('52 257,34', 0.9246802926063538)], [[[1702.0, 2693.0], [1868.0, 2693.0], [1868.0, 2744.0], [1702.0, 2744.0]], ('5 225,73', 0.9966974258422852)], [[[2082.0, 2697.0], [2259.0, 2697.0], [2259.0, 2737.0], [2082.0, 2737.0]], ('57 483,07', 0.9788499474525452)], [[[746.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2832.0], [746.0, 2832.0]], ('Total', 0.9998723268508911)], [[[1359.0, 2788.0], [1584.0, 2788.0], [1584.0, 2828.0], [1359.0, 2828.0]], ('$ 52 257,34', 0.9957382082939148)], [[[1658.0, 2788.0], [1861.0, 2788.0], [1861.0, 2825.0], [1658.0, 2825.0]], ('$5225,73', 0.9924265146255493)], [[[2031.0, 2784.0], [2256.0, 2784.0], [2256.0, 2825.0], [2031.0, 2825.0]], ('$ 57 483,07', 0.9875665903091431)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '63665479', 'invoice_date': '02/12/2017', 'seller': 'Lowery LLC 90317 Michael Flats Suite 502 East Lisaville, DC 67918', 'client': 'Carrillo-Montoya 089 Adam Knolls Apt. 628 Andreaside, UT 62682', 'seller_tax_id': '974-85-9317', 'client_tax_id': '918-91-3132', 'iban': 'GB08JPBK40228601332306'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Vince Camuto Sweater Dress Size Medium Striped Long Sleeve', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '32,00', 'item_net_worth': '160,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '176,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 160,00', 'total_vat': '$ 16,00', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 176,00'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 63665479', 'Date of issue:', '02/12/2017', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Lowery LLC', 'Carrillo-Montoya', '90317 Michael Flats Suite 502', '089 Adam Knolls Apt. 628', 'East Lisaville, DC 67918', 'Andreaside, UT 62682', 'Tax Id: 974-85-9317', 'Tax Id: 918-91-3132', 'IBAN: GB08JPBK40228601332306', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Vince Camuto Sweater Dress', '32,00', '160,00', '5,00', '10%', '176,00', 'each', 'Size Medium Striped Long', 'Sleeve', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '160,00', '16,00', '176,00', 'Total', '$ 160,00', '$ 16,00', '$ 176,00']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 63665479', 0.9952557682991028)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9981287717819214)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('02/12/2017', 0.999760627746582)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[202.0, 761.0], [457.0, 752.0], [458.0, 803.0], [204.0, 812.0]], ('Lowery LLC', 0.9988406300544739)], [[[1245.0, 752.0], [1599.0, 760.0], [1598.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 800.0]], ('Carrillo-Montoya', 0.9975919723510742)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [842.0, 811.0], [842.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('90317 Michael Flats Suite 502', 0.9978408813476562)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1798.0, 811.0], [1798.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('089 Adam Knolls Apt. 628', 0.9989393353462219)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [716.0, 866.0], [716.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('East Lisaville, DC 67918', 0.9998102188110352)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1709.0, 866.0], [1709.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Andreaside, UT 62682', 0.999686598777771)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 974-85-9317', 0.9864602088928223)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 918-91-3132', 0.9873319864273071)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [919.0, 1023.0], [919.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB08JPBK40228601332306', 0.9851647019386292)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9994965195655823)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1305.0], [1580.0, 1305.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999362230300903)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1392.0], [846.0, 1396.0], [845.0, 1444.0], [354.0, 1440.0]], ('Vince Camuto Sweater Dress', 0.9913844466209412)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('32,00', 0.9992740750312805)], [[[1653.0, 1384.0], [1788.0, 1393.0], [1784.0, 1445.0], [1649.0, 1435.0]], ('160,00', 0.999154269695282)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2125.0, 1387.0], [2261.0, 1397.0], [2257.0, 1445.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('176,00', 0.9923498034477234)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [798.0, 1440.0], [797.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('Size Medium Striped Long', 0.9894497394561768)], [[[356.0, 1475.0], [477.0, 1485.0], [474.0, 1525.0], [353.0, 1516.0]], ('Sleeve', 0.9990792870521545)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9937090277671814)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2020.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2020.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998311400413513)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1458.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1882.0], [1458.0, 1882.0]], ('160,00', 0.9991435408592224)], [[[1754.0, 1831.0], [1868.0, 1831.0], [1868.0, 1882.0], [1754.0, 1882.0]], ('16,00', 0.9996072053909302)], [[[2134.0, 1831.0], [2263.0, 1831.0], [2263.0, 1882.0], [2134.0, 1882.0]], ('176,00', 0.9996119141578674)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1410.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1410.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 160,00', 0.9916297197341919)], [[[1711.0, 1914.0], [1869.0, 1923.0], [1866.0, 1974.0], [1708.0, 1965.0]], ('$ 16,00', 0.9423403143882751)], [[[2082.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1970.0], [2082.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 176,00', 0.9423641562461853)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '70123184', 'invoice_date': '01/28/2016', 'seller': 'Kelly, Hernandez and Vaughan 63133 Sean Forge Ericland, WY 91359', 'client': 'Cooley Ltd 36837 Seth Lane Kevinview, NC29771', 'seller_tax_id': '972-72-8665', 'client_tax_id': '979-84-9816', 'iban': 'GB39CXVC62576925140756'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Nike 747998-401 Team Hustle D7 Kids Blue Mid Top Basketball Shoes Size 4Y US', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '10,99', 'item_net_worth': '21,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '24,18'}, {'item_desc': '5YOUTH Boys Big Kids Nike Jordan 6-17-23 Basketball White red Black 428818 100', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '89,99', 'item_net_worth': '269,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '296,97'}, {'item_desc': \"The Children's Place Brown Dress Boy Lace Up Shoes Size 12\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '8,00', 'item_net_worth': '40,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '44,00'}, {'item_desc': 'jordan 3 white cement size 13.5 kids youth boys', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '21,00', 'item_net_worth': '105,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '115,50'}, {'item_desc': 'PUMA Pre-School Scuderia Ferrari Drift Cat 5 Ultra II Shoes Boys 12c', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '21,22', 'item_net_worth': '84,88', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '93,37'}, {'item_desc': 'Joma Boys Youth Gol-102 Soccer Cleats Shoes Size 3.5 White Red Futbol NEW', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '19,99', 'item_net_worth': '39,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '43,98'}, {'item_desc': 'Jordan 10 Retro Fusion Red Size', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '60,00', 'item_net_worth': '120,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '132,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 681,81', 'total_vat': '$ 68,18', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 749,99'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 70123184', 'Date of issue:', '01/28/2016', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Kelly, Hernandez and Vaughan', 'Cooley Ltd', '63133 Sean Forge', '36837 Seth Lane', 'Ericland, WY 91359', 'Kevinview, NC 29771', 'Tax Id: 972-72-8665', 'Tax Id: 979-84-9816', 'IBAN: GB39CXVC62576925140756', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '21,98', '10%', 'Nike 747998-401 Team Hustle', '2,00', ' each', '10,99', '24,18', '1', 'D7 Kids Blue Mid Top Basketbal', 'Shoes Size 4Y US', '5 YOUTH Boys Big Kids Nike', '10%', '2.', '3,00', 'each', '89,99', '269,97', '296,97', 'Jordan 6-17-23 Basketball White', 'red Black428818 100', \"The Children's Place Brown\", '5,00', ' each', '8,00', '40,00', '3.', '10%', '44,00', 'Dress Boy Lace Up Shoes Size', '12', '21,00', '105,00', '10%', 'jordan 3 white cement size 13.5', '5,00', 'each', '115,50', '4.', 'kids youth boys', 'PUMA Pre-School Scuderiae', '21,22', '5.', '4,00', 'each', '84,88', '10%', '93,37', 'Ferrari Drift Cat 5 Ultra II Shoes', 'Boys 12c', '19,99', '39,98', '10%', '6.', 'Joma Boys Youth Gol-102', '2,00', 'each', '43,98', 'Soccer Cleats Shoes Size 3.5', 'White Red Futbol NEW', '60,00', '10%', '132,00', '7.', 'Jordan 10 Retro Fusion Red Size', '2,00', 'each', '120,00', '6Y', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '681,81', '68,18', '749,99', '10%', 'Total', '$ 681,81', '$68,18', '$ 749,99']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 70123184', 0.9973471760749817)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9983019828796387)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('01/28/2016', 0.9998544454574585)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [860.0, 756.0], [860.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Kelly, Hernandez and Vaughan', 0.9998520612716675)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1480.0, 756.0], [1480.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Cooley Ltd', 0.9997320175170898)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [602.0, 811.0], [601.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('63133 Sean Forge', 0.9996125102043152)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1610.0, 811.0], [1609.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('36837 Seth Lane', 0.9822008013725281)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [620.0, 866.0], [620.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Ericland, WY 91359', 0.9902157187461853)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1695.0, 866.0], [1695.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Kevinview, NC 29771', 0.9997763633728027)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 972-72-8665', 0.9904590249061584)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 979-84-9816', 0.9928776621818542)], [[[210.0, 1027.0], [938.0, 1027.0], [938.0, 1063.0], [210.0, 1063.0]], ('IBAN: GB39CXVC62576925140756', 0.9901412725448608)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('21,98', 0.9996712803840637)], [[[1913.0, 1384.0], [2003.0, 1394.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1907.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998863339424133)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [871.0, 1400.0], [871.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Nike 747998-401 Team Hustle', 0.9763841032981873)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1425.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1425.0, 1436.0]], ('10,99', 0.984477698802948)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('24,18', 0.9998863935470581)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [897.0, 1440.0], [897.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('D7 Kids Blue Mid Top Basketbal', 0.9930221438407898)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [653.0, 1476.0], [653.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Shoes Size 4Y US', 0.9741538763046265)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [827.0, 1568.0], [827.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('5 YOUTH Boys Big Kids Nike', 0.9826589226722717)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('3,00', 0.9977584481239319)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1425.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1425.0, 1608.0]], ('89,99', 0.9992973208427429)], [[[1658.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1658.0, 1608.0]], ('269,97', 0.9991750717163086)], [[[2127.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1615.0], [2127.0, 1615.0]], ('296,97', 0.9997165203094482)], [[[351.0, 1608.0], [905.0, 1608.0], [905.0, 1655.0], [351.0, 1655.0]], ('Jordan 6-17-23 Basketball White', 0.9988052845001221)], [[[354.0, 1655.0], [731.0, 1655.0], [731.0, 1692.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('red Black428818 100', 0.9721962809562683)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [816.0, 1743.0], [816.0, 1783.0], [351.0, 1779.0]], (\"The Children's Place Brown\", 0.9993051886558533)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('5,00', 0.9923754334449768)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1444.0, 1739.0], [1528.0, 1739.0], [1528.0, 1783.0], [1444.0, 1783.0]], ('8,00', 0.9875856637954712)], [[[1676.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1676.0, 1787.0]], ('40,00', 0.9991569519042969)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2152.0, 1739.0], [2256.0, 1739.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2152.0, 1787.0]], ('44,00', 0.9919281005859375)], [[[355.0, 1776.0], [864.0, 1780.0], [864.0, 1827.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('Dress Boy Lace Up Shoes Size', 0.9901383519172668)], [[[351.0, 1823.0], [410.0, 1823.0], [410.0, 1867.0], [351.0, 1867.0]], ('12', 0.9995782971382141)], [[[1418.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1418.0, 1959.0]], ('21,00', 0.9996227025985718)], [[[1654.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1654.0, 1959.0]], ('105,00', 0.9979164600372314)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [901.0, 1911.0], [901.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('jordan 3 white cement size 13.5', 0.9896648526191711)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('5,00', 0.9935383796691895)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9990523457527161)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('115,50', 0.9994803071022034)], [[[251.0, 1922.0], [284.0, 1922.0], [284.0, 1951.0], [251.0, 1951.0]], ('4.', 0.9907228946685791)], [[[355.0, 1951.0], [628.0, 1959.0], [627.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1991.0]], ('kids youth boys', 0.9982912540435791)], [[[354.0, 2039.0], [809.0, 2039.0], [809.0, 2087.0], [354.0, 2087.0]], ('PUMA Pre-School Scuderiae', 0.9526159763336182)], [[[1421.0, 2030.0], [1534.0, 2040.0], [1529.0, 2095.0], [1416.0, 2085.0]], ('21,22', 0.9987601041793823)], [[[251.0, 2046.0], [284.0, 2046.0], [284.0, 2079.0], [251.0, 2079.0]], ('5.', 0.996458888053894)], [[[1008.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1008.0, 2087.0]], ('4,00', 0.9856242537498474)], [[[1152.0, 2043.0], [1248.0, 2043.0], [1248.0, 2087.0], [1152.0, 2087.0]], ('each', 0.9987853765487671)], [[[1672.0, 2039.0], [1787.0, 2039.0], [1787.0, 2090.0], [1672.0, 2090.0]], ('84,88', 0.9965400695800781)], [[[1916.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2087.0], [1916.0, 2087.0]], ('10%', 0.9996157288551331)], [[[2145.0, 2039.0], [2256.0, 2039.0], [2256.0, 2090.0], [2145.0, 2090.0]], ('93,37', 0.9998790621757507)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [893.0, 2083.0], [893.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Ferrari Drift Cat 5 Ultra II Shoes', 0.9923319220542908)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [517.0, 2130.0], [517.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Boys 12c', 0.9634631872177124)], [[[1421.0, 2211.0], [1532.0, 2211.0], [1532.0, 2262.0], [1421.0, 2262.0]], ('19,99', 0.9997066259384155)], [[[1672.0, 2211.0], [1787.0, 2211.0], [1787.0, 2262.0], [1672.0, 2262.0]], ('39,98', 0.9997535943984985)], [[[1909.0, 2202.0], [2010.0, 2212.0], [2004.0, 2267.0], [1903.0, 2257.0]], ('10%', 0.9998590350151062)], [[[255.0, 2222.0], [284.0, 2222.0], [284.0, 2255.0], [255.0, 2255.0]], ('6.', 0.9919288158416748)], [[[351.0, 2214.0], [786.0, 2214.0], [786.0, 2262.0], [351.0, 2262.0]], ('Joma Boys Youth Gol-102', 0.9986363053321838)], [[[1004.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1004.0, 2258.0]], ('2,00', 0.9993079304695129)], [[[1148.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1148.0, 2258.0]], ('each', 0.9968607425689697)], [[[2152.0, 2214.0], [2256.0, 2214.0], [2256.0, 2262.0], [2152.0, 2262.0]], ('43,98', 0.9996048212051392)], [[[358.0, 2262.0], [842.0, 2262.0], [842.0, 2298.0], [358.0, 2298.0]], ('Soccer Cleats Shoes Size 3.5', 0.9937453269958496)], [[[355.0, 2291.0], [739.0, 2295.0], [738.0, 2342.0], [354.0, 2339.0]], ('White Red Futbol NEW', 0.9941583871841431)], [[[1418.0, 2386.0], [1532.0, 2386.0], [1532.0, 2437.0], [1418.0, 2437.0]], ('60,00', 0.9985931515693665)], [[[1912.0, 2381.0], [2006.0, 2391.0], [2001.0, 2435.0], [1907.0, 2425.0]], ('10%', 0.9993552565574646)], [[[2125.0, 2378.0], [2257.0, 2387.0], [2253.0, 2438.0], [2122.0, 2429.0]], ('132,00', 0.9990236163139343)], [[[255.0, 2393.0], [288.0, 2393.0], [288.0, 2426.0], [255.0, 2426.0]], ('7.', 0.9903082847595215)], [[[354.0, 2393.0], [897.0, 2393.0], [897.0, 2430.0], [354.0, 2430.0]], ('Jordan 10 Retro Fusion Red Size', 0.9612032175064087)], [[[1004.0, 2390.0], [1097.0, 2390.0], [1097.0, 2434.0], [1004.0, 2434.0]], ('2,00', 0.9818712472915649)], [[[1148.0, 2390.0], [1244.0, 2390.0], [1244.0, 2434.0], [1148.0, 2434.0]], ('each', 0.9944249391555786)], [[[1658.0, 2390.0], [1783.0, 2390.0], [1783.0, 2430.0], [1658.0, 2430.0]], ('120,00', 0.9840611815452576)], [[[354.0, 2430.0], [406.0, 2430.0], [406.0, 2474.0], [354.0, 2474.0]], ('6Y', 0.9953699111938477)], [[[192.0, 2569.0], [491.0, 2569.0], [491.0, 2620.0], [192.0, 2620.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963884353637695)], [[[956.0, 2693.0], [1122.0, 2693.0], [1122.0, 2744.0], [956.0, 2744.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993991851806641)], [[[1772.0, 2684.0], [1874.0, 2695.0], [1868.0, 2749.0], [1767.0, 2739.0]], ('VAT', 0.9881476759910583)], [[[1388.0, 2697.0], [1588.0, 2697.0], [1588.0, 2737.0], [1388.0, 2737.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9555992484092712)], [[[2023.0, 2697.0], [2259.0, 2697.0], [2259.0, 2737.0], [2023.0, 2737.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9966306090354919)], [[[1458.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2832.0], [1458.0, 2832.0]], ('681,81', 0.9994456171989441)], [[[1754.0, 2781.0], [1868.0, 2781.0], [1868.0, 2832.0], [1754.0, 2832.0]], ('68,18', 0.9995608329772949)], [[[2133.0, 2772.0], [2268.0, 2782.0], [2264.0, 2833.0], [2129.0, 2824.0]], ('749,99', 0.999487578868866)], [[[997.0, 2784.0], [1082.0, 2784.0], [1082.0, 2828.0], [997.0, 2828.0]], ('10%', 0.9997132420539856)], [[[746.0, 2869.0], [857.0, 2869.0], [857.0, 2920.0], [746.0, 2920.0]], ('Total', 0.9998629689216614)], [[[1410.0, 2869.0], [1588.0, 2869.0], [1588.0, 2920.0], [1410.0, 2920.0]], ('$ 681,81', 0.9975544810295105)], [[[1717.0, 2876.0], [1861.0, 2876.0], [1861.0, 2916.0], [1717.0, 2916.0]], ('$68,18', 0.9893549084663391)], [[[2086.0, 2876.0], [2259.0, 2876.0], [2259.0, 2916.0], [2086.0, 2916.0]], ('$ 749,99', 0.9643458127975464)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '99763738', 'invoice_date': '06/14/2017', 'seller': 'Wheeler-Dawson 66055 Tammy Loaf Apt. 344 South Adamberg, AR 08257', 'client': 'Franklin, Alexander and Ford 98812 Lynch Underpass Suite 322 Lake Erica, LA 35312', 'seller_tax_id': '928-86-2361', 'client_tax_id': '962-81-9802', 'iban': 'GB85ROPU13395160617712'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Joma Youth Boys Gol 205 Piso Multitaco Soccer Cleats 2.5 White Blue Yellow NEW', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '19,99', 'item_net_worth': '99,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '109,94'}, {'item_desc': 'Reebok Kids Boys Blue Sneakers Shoes US 11 No Laces', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '5,00', 'item_net_worth': '10,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '11,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Adult Girl Version Hermione Granger Cosplay Costume Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '64,16', 'item_net_worth': '256,64', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '282,30'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 366,59', 'total_vat': '$36,66', 'total_gross_worth': '$403,25'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 99763738', 'Date of issue:', '06/14/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Wheeler-Dawson', 'Franklin, Alexander and Ford.', '66055 Tammy Loaf Apt. 344', '98812 Lynch Underpass Suite 322', 'South Adamberg, AR 08257', 'Lake Erica, LA 35312', 'Tax Id: 928-86-2361', 'Tax Id: 962-81-9802', 'IBAN: GB85ROPU13395160617712', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '19,99', '99,95', '109,94', 'Joma Youth Boys Gol 205 Piso', '5,00', 'each', '10%', 'Multitaco Soccer Cleats 2.5', 'White Blue Yellow NEW', 'Reebok Kids Boys Blue Sneakers', '2,00', 'each', '5,00', '10,00', '10%', '11,00', '2.', 'Shoes US 11 No Laces', '4,00', 'Adult Girl Version Hermione', '64,16', '256,64', 'each', '10%', '282,30', '3.', 'Granger Cosplay Costume', 'Gryffindor Kid size In Stock.', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '366,59', '36,66', '403,25', 'Total', '$ 366,59', '$ 36,66', '$ 403,25']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 99763738', 0.9985284805297852)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/14/2017', 0.974420428276062)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 752.0], [569.0, 760.0], [568.0, 808.0], [206.0, 800.0]], ('Wheeler-Dawson', 0.9988268613815308)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1857.0, 756.0], [1857.0, 804.0], [1248.0, 804.0]], ('Franklin, Alexander and Ford.', 0.9709224700927734)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [809.0, 811.0], [808.0, 862.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('66055 Tammy Loaf Apt. 344', 0.9975531101226807)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1968.0, 811.0], [1968.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('98812 Lynch Underpass Suite 322', 0.9903439283370972)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [794.0, 866.0], [794.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('South Adamberg, AR 08257', 0.9841105341911316)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1695.0, 866.0], [1695.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Erica, LA 35312', 0.998740553855896)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 928-86-2361', 0.9913449287414551)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 962-81-9802', 0.9935333728790283)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB85ROPU13395160617712', 0.9849985241889954)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('19,99', 0.9998483657836914)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('99,95', 0.9996259808540344)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1445.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('109,94', 0.9996674060821533)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [860.0, 1400.0], [860.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Joma Youth Boys Gol 205 Piso', 0.9357741475105286)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [816.0, 1440.0], [816.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('Multitaco Soccer Cleats 2.5', 0.9991288781166077)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [753.0, 1476.0], [753.0, 1524.0], [358.0, 1524.0]], ('White Blue Yellow NEW', 0.9827984571456909)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [905.0, 1564.0], [904.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Reebok Kids Boys Blue Sneakers', 0.9845522046089172)], [[[1008.0, 1555.0], [1094.0, 1565.0], [1088.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('2,00', 0.995643138885498)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1440.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1440.0, 1615.0]], ('5,00', 0.9982223510742188)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('10,00', 0.9993507266044617)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[2149.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1611.0], [2149.0, 1611.0]], ('11,00', 0.9988328814506531)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1608.0], [251.0, 1608.0]], ('2.', 0.9935410022735596)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [735.0, 1612.0], [734.0, 1659.0], [354.0, 1651.0]], ('Shoes US 11 No Laces', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[1005.0, 1683.0], [1098.0, 1694.0], [1092.0, 1748.0], [999.0, 1737.0]], ('4,00', 0.993878185749054)], [[[354.0, 1696.0], [831.0, 1696.0], [831.0, 1743.0], [354.0, 1743.0]], ('Adult Girl Version Hermione', 0.9969246983528137)], [[[1421.0, 1696.0], [1532.0, 1696.0], [1532.0, 1747.0], [1421.0, 1747.0]], ('64,16', 0.9995312690734863)], [[[1653.0, 1687.0], [1784.0, 1697.0], [1780.0, 1751.0], [1649.0, 1742.0]], ('256,64', 0.9986229538917542)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[2127.0, 1692.0], [2256.0, 1692.0], [2256.0, 1743.0], [2127.0, 1743.0]], ('282,30', 0.9996106624603271)], [[[251.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1736.0], [251.0, 1736.0]], ('3.', 0.9901798963546753)], [[[358.0, 1747.0], [801.0, 1747.0], [801.0, 1783.0], [358.0, 1783.0]], ('Granger Cosplay Costume', 0.9725203514099121)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [809.0, 1787.0], [809.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Gryffindor Kid size In Stock.', 0.9682004451751709)], [[[192.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1973.0], [192.0, 1973.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9968282580375671)], [[[955.0, 2034.0], [1123.0, 2044.0], [1120.0, 2098.0], [952.0, 2089.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9985150694847107)], [[[1776.0, 2034.0], [1874.0, 2045.0], [1868.0, 2099.0], [1770.0, 2088.0]], ('VAT', 0.9593924880027771)], [[[1388.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1388.0, 2090.0]], ('Net worth', 0.954906165599823)], [[[2027.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2090.0], [2027.0, 2090.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9995697140693665)], [[[993.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2185.0], [993.0, 2185.0]], ('10%', 0.9230511784553528)], [[[1462.0, 2130.0], [1591.0, 2130.0], [1591.0, 2182.0], [1462.0, 2182.0]], ('366,59', 0.9996657371520996)], [[[1757.0, 2125.0], [1870.0, 2136.0], [1865.0, 2190.0], [1752.0, 2180.0]], ('36,66', 0.9968506693840027)], [[[2133.0, 2126.0], [2264.0, 2135.0], [2261.0, 2186.0], [2129.0, 2177.0]], ('403,25', 0.9971913695335388)], [[[746.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2273.0], [746.0, 2273.0]], ('Total', 0.9998760223388672)], [[[1410.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2273.0], [1410.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 366,59', 0.998977780342102)], [[[1713.0, 2222.0], [1868.0, 2222.0], [1868.0, 2273.0], [1713.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 36,66', 0.9800023436546326)], [[[2080.0, 2214.0], [2264.0, 2222.0], [2262.0, 2274.0], [2078.0, 2265.0]], ('$ 403,25', 0.9388781785964966)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '65507091', 'invoice_date': '07/30/2014', 'seller': 'Pacheco, Simmons and Coleman 241 Heidi Vista Apt. 333 Odomville, DC 06454', 'client': 'Hensley LLC 875 Jessica Course Apt. 269 North Kari, LA 34931', 'seller_tax_id': '989-80-0526', 'client_tax_id': '994-77-3638', 'iban': 'GB37LLXC27152919375463'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Yilong 1'x1.5' 400Lines Area Rug High Density Hand knotted Silk Carpet 221H\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '540,00', 'item_net_worth': '540,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '594,00'}, {'item_desc': \"YILONG 6'x9' Handmade Silk Area Rug Chinese Art Deco Classic Indoor Carpet\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '12 000,00', 'item_net_worth': '60 000,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '66 000,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Faux Fur Animal Print Hide Skin Rug Cowhide Area Rug Floor Mat Carpet 33.5\"X43\"', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '26,03', 'item_net_worth': '104,12', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '114,53'}, {'item_desc': 'Moroccan Amazigh Handmade Carpet 14\\'2\" x 7\\'5\"', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '342,00', 'item_net_worth': '684,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '752,40'}, {'item_desc': '2Pack Soft Fluffy Faux Fur Plain Chair Cover Washable Shaggy Area Rugs Carpet', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '13,59', 'item_net_worth': '40,77', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '44,85'}, {'item_desc': 'Happy Christmas Home Decoration Rug Mat Carpet Bedroom Rugs Bedside Area Rug New', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '60,32', 'item_net_worth': '60,32', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '66,35'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$61 429,21', 'total_vat': '$6142,92', 'total_gross_worth': '$67572,13'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 65507091', 'Date of issue:', '07/30/2014', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Pacheco, Simmons and Coleman', 'Hensley LLC', '241 Heidi Vista Apt. 333', '875 Jessica Course Apt. 269', 'Odomville, DC 06454', 'North Kari, LA 34931', 'Tax Id: 989-80-0526', 'Tax Id: 994-77-3638', 'IBAN: GB37LLXC27152919375463', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', '594,00', \"Yilong 1'x1.5' 400Lines Area\", '1,00', ' each', '540,00', '540,00', '1', 'Rug High Density Hand knotted', 'Silk Carpet 221H', '10%', '2.', \"YILONG 6'x9' Handmade Silk.\", '5,00', 'each', '12 000,00', '60 000,00', '66 000,00', 'Area Rug Chinese Art Deco', 'Classic Indoor Carpet', 'Faux Fur Animal Print Hide Skin', '4,00', ' each', '26,03', '104,12', '10%', '114,53', '3.', 'Rug Cowhide Area Rug Floor', 'Mat Carpet 33.5\"X43\"', '684,00', '10%', ' Moroccan Amazigh Handmade', '2,00', 'each', '342,00', '752,40', '4.', 'Carpet 14\\'2\" x 7\\'5\"', '2Pack Soft Fluffy Faux Fur Plain', '3,00', 'each', '13,59', '40,77', '10%', '44,85', '5.', 'Chair Cover Washable Shaggye', 'Area Rugs Carpet', 'Happy Christmas Home', '1,00', '60,32', '10%', '66,35', 'each', '60,32', 'O.', 'Decoration Rug Mat Carpet', 'Bedroom Rugs Bedside Area', 'Rug New', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '61 429,21', '6 142,92', '67 572,13', 'Total', '$61 429,21', '$ 6142,92', '$ 67 572,13']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 65507091', 0.9966880083084106)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9986826181411743)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/30/2014', 0.9754925966262817)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [897.0, 760.0], [897.0, 808.0], [207.0, 804.0]], ('Pacheco, Simmons and Coleman', 0.990467369556427)], [[[1244.0, 761.0], [1513.0, 752.0], [1514.0, 803.0], [1245.0, 812.0]], ('Hensley LLC', 0.9797224402427673)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [720.0, 811.0], [720.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('241 Heidi Vista Apt. 333', 0.9757979512214661)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1835.0, 811.0], [1835.0, 862.0], [1248.0, 862.0]], ('875 Jessica Course Apt. 269', 0.9925941228866577)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [661.0, 866.0], [661.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Odomville, DC 06454', 0.9950184226036072)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1687.0, 866.0], [1687.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('North Kari, LA 34931', 0.9997771382331848)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 989-80-0526', 0.992203950881958)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 994-77-3638', 0.9927017092704773)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [930.0, 1030.0], [930.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB37LLXC27152919375463', 0.9791876077651978)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1444.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('594,00', 0.9984213709831238)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [838.0, 1400.0], [838.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], (\"Yilong 1'x1.5' 400Lines Area\", 0.9643639326095581)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1403.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1403.0, 1436.0]], ('540,00', 0.9774698615074158)], [[[1658.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1658.0, 1436.0]], ('540,00', 0.9620351195335388)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Rug High Density Hand knotted', 0.9843896627426147)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [650.0, 1476.0], [650.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Silk Carpet 221H', 0.9795840978622437)], [[[1917.0, 1552.0], [2010.0, 1562.0], [2004.0, 1617.0], [1911.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.8532726168632507)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [842.0, 1568.0], [842.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], (\"YILONG 6'x9' Handmade Silk.\", 0.967907190322876)], [[[1008.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('5,00', 0.994348406791687)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1351.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1351.0, 1608.0]], ('12 000,00', 0.9709990620613098)], [[[1606.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1606.0, 1608.0]], ('60 000,00', 0.9751166105270386)], [[[2079.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2079.0, 1608.0]], ('66 000,00', 0.9830789566040039)], [[[358.0, 1604.0], [816.0, 1608.0], [816.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('Area Rug Chinese Art Deco', 0.9962255358695984)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [720.0, 1655.0], [720.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Classic Indoor Carpet', 0.996300458908081)], [[[354.0, 1743.0], [886.0, 1743.0], [886.0, 1780.0], [354.0, 1780.0]], ('Faux Fur Animal Print Hide Skin', 0.9689260125160217)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1418.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1418.0, 1787.0]], ('26,03', 0.9967115521430969)], [[[1650.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1650.0, 1787.0]], ('104,12', 0.9994928240776062)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('114,53', 0.9997308850288391)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [838.0, 1787.0], [838.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Rug Cowhide Area Rug Floor', 0.9852080941200256)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [727.0, 1827.0], [727.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Mat Carpet 33.5\"X43\"', 0.9397882223129272)], [[[1654.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1654.0, 1959.0]], ('684,00', 0.9983493685722351)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[351.0, 1911.0], [875.0, 1911.0], [875.0, 1959.0], [351.0, 1959.0]], (' Moroccan Amazigh Handmade', 0.9898208975791931)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('2,00', 0.9965135455131531)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9990523457527161)], [[[1403.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1955.0], [1403.0, 1955.0]], ('342,00', 0.9998167157173157)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('752,40', 0.9985270500183105)], [[[251.0, 1922.0], [284.0, 1922.0], [284.0, 1951.0], [251.0, 1951.0]], ('4.', 0.9907228946685791)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [679.0, 1951.0], [679.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Carpet 14\\'2\" x 7\\'5\"', 0.990243136882782)], [[[354.0, 2035.0], [886.0, 2035.0], [886.0, 2083.0], [354.0, 2083.0]], ('2Pack Soft Fluffy Faux Fur Plain', 0.9749004244804382)], [[[1008.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1008.0, 2087.0]], ('3,00', 0.9787418246269226)], [[[1152.0, 2043.0], [1248.0, 2043.0], [1248.0, 2087.0], [1152.0, 2087.0]], ('each', 0.9987853765487671)], [[[1425.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2083.0], [1425.0, 2083.0]], ('13,59', 0.9881841540336609)], [[[1680.0, 2043.0], [1783.0, 2043.0], [1783.0, 2090.0], [1680.0, 2090.0]], ('40,77', 0.9987156987190247)], [[[1916.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2087.0], [1916.0, 2087.0]], ('10%', 0.9996157288551331)], [[[2149.0, 2039.0], [2259.0, 2039.0], [2259.0, 2090.0], [2149.0, 2090.0]], ('44,85', 0.9958899617195129)], [[[251.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2079.0], [251.0, 2079.0]], ('5.', 0.9956701993942261)], [[[351.0, 2079.0], [868.0, 2083.0], [867.0, 2134.0], [351.0, 2130.0]], ('Chair Cover Washable Shaggye', 0.9708938598632812)], [[[355.0, 2127.0], [657.0, 2131.0], [657.0, 2171.0], [354.0, 2167.0]], ('Area Rugs Carpet', 0.9980151653289795)], [[[351.0, 2211.0], [761.0, 2211.0], [761.0, 2258.0], [351.0, 2258.0]], ('Happy Christmas Home', 0.9845099449157715)], [[[1004.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1004.0, 2258.0]], ('1,00', 0.9992190003395081)], [[[1680.0, 2214.0], [1783.0, 2214.0], [1783.0, 2262.0], [1680.0, 2262.0]], ('60,32', 0.9991337060928345)], [[[1912.0, 2214.0], [2005.0, 2214.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [1912.0, 2258.0]], ('10%', 0.9974961280822754)], [[[2149.0, 2206.0], [2257.0, 2216.0], [2252.0, 2271.0], [2143.0, 2260.0]], ('66,35', 0.9987441897392273)], [[[1148.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1148.0, 2258.0]], ('each', 0.9968607425689697)], [[[1421.0, 2218.0], [1528.0, 2218.0], [1528.0, 2258.0], [1421.0, 2258.0]], ('60,32', 0.9971235990524292)], [[[258.0, 2229.0], [284.0, 2229.0], [284.0, 2255.0], [258.0, 2255.0]], ('O.', 0.7248190641403198)], [[[358.0, 2262.0], [820.0, 2262.0], [820.0, 2298.0], [358.0, 2298.0]], ('Decoration Rug Mat Carpet', 0.988385796546936)], [[[351.0, 2291.0], [846.0, 2295.0], [845.0, 2346.0], [351.0, 2342.0]], ('Bedroom Rugs Bedside Area', 0.996746838092804)], [[[349.0, 2334.0], [518.0, 2343.0], [515.0, 2394.0], [346.0, 2385.0]], ('Rug New', 0.9943734407424927)], [[[192.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2532.0], [192.0, 2532.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9958882927894592)], [[[956.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2657.0], [956.0, 2657.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994757771492004)], [[[1388.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2649.0], [1388.0, 2649.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9856247305870056)], [[[1780.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2649.0], [1780.0, 2649.0]], ('VAT', 0.8281314373016357)], [[[2027.0, 2609.0], [2259.0, 2609.0], [2259.0, 2649.0], [2027.0, 2649.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998891353607178)], [[[993.0, 2689.0], [1085.0, 2689.0], [1085.0, 2744.0], [993.0, 2744.0]], ('10%', 0.9317978024482727)], [[[1401.0, 2685.0], [1588.0, 2694.0], [1586.0, 2745.0], [1398.0, 2736.0]], ('61 429,21', 0.9965941905975342)], [[[1700.0, 2685.0], [1869.0, 2694.0], [1866.0, 2745.0], [1697.0, 2736.0]], ('6 142,92', 0.9832828044891357)], [[[2082.0, 2697.0], [2263.0, 2697.0], [2263.0, 2737.0], [2082.0, 2737.0]], ('67 572,13', 0.9988064169883728)], [[[746.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2832.0], [746.0, 2832.0]], ('Total', 0.9998723268508911)], [[[1359.0, 2788.0], [1584.0, 2788.0], [1584.0, 2825.0], [1359.0, 2825.0]], ('$61 429,21', 0.9729393124580383)], [[[1658.0, 2788.0], [1861.0, 2788.0], [1861.0, 2828.0], [1658.0, 2828.0]], ('$ 6142,92', 0.9467938542366028)], [[[2031.0, 2784.0], [2259.0, 2784.0], [2259.0, 2825.0], [2031.0, 2825.0]], ('$ 67 572,13', 0.9894176721572876)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '28590433', 'invoice_date': '09/27/2016', 'seller': 'White Group 14292 Leslie Ford Evansview, OK43757', 'client': 'Hoffman Inc 1478 Carr Lane Port George, ND 31020', 'seller_tax_id': '903-72-1646', 'client_tax_id': '946-97-0364', 'iban': 'GB53YNMK12475568368604'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '3D Bottomless Hole Optical Illusion Area Rug Carpet Sofa Door Mats Non-slip Home', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '13,76', 'item_net_worth': '41,28', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '45,41'}, {'item_desc': \"Yilong 5.6'x8.3' Four Seasons HandKnotted Silk Area Rugs Antistatic Carpets 1813\", 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '2999,00', 'item_net_worth': '8997,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '9 896,70'}, {'item_desc': '125-150cm149-59inch Cat Nap Blanket Tapestry Carpet Country Mat Home Decoration', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '39,48', 'item_net_worth': '39,48', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '43,43'}, {'item_desc': 'New Golden Brown Oriental Rug 4X6 Oushak Chobi Floral Hand-Knotted Foyer Carpet', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '232,65', 'item_net_worth': '930,60', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1023,66'}, {'item_desc': \"YILONG 4'x6' All over Handmade Carpet Dining Room Hand Knotted Silk Rugs 082B\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '3600,00', 'item_net_worth': '3 600,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '3 960,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Egg Bathroom Rug Carpet Area Rugs Rug Floor Mats Nordic Chic Room Decor', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '68,10', 'item_net_worth': '340,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '374,55'}, {'item_desc': 'World Map Round Carpets Room Printed Area Rug Blue Floor Mat Bedroom Play Mat', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '83,78', 'item_net_worth': '418,90', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '460,79'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 14367,76', 'total_vat': '$1436,78', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 15804,54'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 28590433', 'Date of issue:', '09/27/2016', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'White Group', 'Hoffman Inc', '14292 Leslie Ford', '1478 Carr Lane', 'Evansview, OK 43757', 'Port George, ND 31020', 'Tax Id: 903-72-1646', 'Tax Id: 946-97-0364', 'IBAN: GB53YNMK12475568368604', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '3D Bottomless Hole Optical', '13,76', '41,28', '10%', '3,00', ' each', '45,41', '1', 'Illusion Area Rug Carpet Sofa', 'Door Mats Non-slip Home', \"Yilong 5.6'x8.3' Four Seasons\", '3,00', '10%', '2.', 'each', '2 999,00', '8 997,00', '9 896,70', 'HandKnotted Silk Area Rugs', 'Antistatic Carpets 1813', '125*150cm/49*59inch Cat Nap', '1,00', ' each', '39,48', '39,48', '3.', '10%', '43,43', 'Blanket Tapestry Carpet', 'Country Mat Home Decoration', '930,60', '10%', ' New Golden Brown Oriental Rug', '4,00', 'each', '232,65', '1023,66', '4', '4X6 Oushak Chobi Floral', 'Hand-Knotted Foyer Carpet', ' 3 600,00', '10%', \"YILONG 4'x6' All over\", '1,00', ' each', '3600,00', '3 960,00', 'Handmade Carpet Dining Room', 'Hand Knotted Silk Rugs 082B', 'Egg Bathroom Rug Carpet Area', '5,00', ' each', '68,10', '340,50', '10%', '374,55', '6', 'Rugs Rug Floor Mats Nordic Chic', 'Room Decor', 'World Map Round Carpets Room', '10%', '5,00', ' each', '83,78', '418,90', '460,79', '7.', 'Printed Area Rug Blue Floor Mat', 'Bedroom Play Mat', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '1 436,78', '14367,76', '15 804,54', 'Total', '$ 14 367,76', '$1 436,78', '$ 15 804,54']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 28590433', 0.998134434223175)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('09/27/2016', 0.9993192553520203)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [481.0, 761.0], [479.0, 812.0], [203.0, 803.0]], ('White Group', 0.9998380541801453)], [[[1245.0, 752.0], [1511.0, 761.0], [1509.0, 812.0], [1244.0, 803.0]], ('Hoffman Inc', 0.9988613128662109)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [591.0, 811.0], [591.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('14292 Leslie Ford', 0.9995661377906799)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1580.0, 811.0], [1580.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('1478 Carr Lane', 0.9987181425094604)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [665.0, 866.0], [665.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Evansview, OK 43757', 0.9981997609138489)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1739.0, 866.0], [1739.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Port George, ND 31020', 0.9890193939208984)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 903-72-1646', 0.9873459339141846)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 946-97-0364', 0.989663302898407)], [[[210.0, 1027.0], [938.0, 1027.0], [938.0, 1063.0], [210.0, 1063.0]], ('IBAN: GB53YNMK12475568368604', 0.9900198578834534)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1342.0, 1256.0], [1533.0, 1265.0], [1531.0, 1316.0], [1339.0, 1307.0]], ('Net price', 0.9996834993362427)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1388.0], [823.0, 1392.0], [823.0, 1440.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('3D Bottomless Hole Optical', 0.9846707582473755)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1536.0, 1392.0], [1536.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('13,76', 0.9997906684875488)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('41,28', 0.9995441436767578)], [[[1913.0, 1384.0], [2003.0, 1394.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1907.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998863339424133)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[2152.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2152.0, 1443.0]], ('45,41', 0.9968847036361694)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [853.0, 1440.0], [853.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('Illusion Area Rug Carpet Sofa', 0.9825662970542908)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [794.0, 1476.0], [794.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Door Mats Non-slip Home', 0.9997751116752625)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [857.0, 1564.0], [856.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], (\"Yilong 5.6'x8.3' Four Seasons\", 0.9969443082809448)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('3,00', 0.9987548589706421)], [[[1913.0, 1551.0], [2007.0, 1562.0], [2000.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9997575283050537)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1370.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1370.0, 1608.0]], ('2 999,00', 0.994495689868927)], [[[1624.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1608.0], [1624.0, 1608.0]], ('8 997,00', 0.9596872925758362)], [[[2097.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2097.0, 1608.0]], ('9 896,70', 0.9962116479873657)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [835.0, 1608.0], [834.0, 1659.0], [351.0, 1655.0]], ('HandKnotted Silk Area Rugs', 0.9998248815536499)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [757.0, 1655.0], [757.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Antistatic Carpets 1813', 0.9990562200546265)], [[[355.0, 1736.0], [886.0, 1739.0], [886.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1783.0]], ('125*150cm/49*59inch Cat Nap', 0.9959127902984619)], [[[1004.0, 1739.0], [1108.0, 1739.0], [1108.0, 1787.0], [1004.0, 1787.0]], ('1,00', 0.9989047646522522)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9101632237434387)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1536.0, 1736.0], [1536.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('39,48', 0.9972162246704102)], [[[1672.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1672.0, 1787.0]], ('39,48', 0.9995281100273132)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2152.0, 1739.0], [2256.0, 1739.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2152.0, 1787.0]], ('43,43', 0.9700377583503723)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [772.0, 1787.0], [772.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Blanket Tapestry Carpet', 0.9922898411750793)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [868.0, 1827.0], [868.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Country Mat Home Decoration', 0.9800220727920532)], [[[1650.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1650.0, 1959.0]], ('930,60', 0.9988410472869873)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[351.0, 1911.0], [905.0, 1911.0], [905.0, 1959.0], [351.0, 1959.0]], (' New Golden Brown Oriental Rug', 0.9813874363899231)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('4,00', 0.9946244955062866)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1396.0, 1911.0], [1532.0, 1911.0], [1532.0, 1962.0], [1396.0, 1962.0]], ('232,65', 0.9992579817771912)], [[[2093.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1955.0], [2093.0, 1955.0]], ('1023,66', 0.9953479766845703)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[355.0, 1948.0], [776.0, 1951.0], [775.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1995.0]], ('4X6 Oushak Chobi Floral', 0.9911227226257324)], [[[351.0, 1995.0], [820.0, 1999.0], [819.0, 2039.0], [351.0, 2035.0]], ('Hand-Knotted Foyer Carpet', 0.988918662071228)], [[[1617.0, 2079.0], [1783.0, 2079.0], [1783.0, 2130.0], [1617.0, 2130.0]], (' 3 600,00', 0.9441352486610413)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2010.0, 2081.0], [2004.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998750686645508)], [[[351.0, 2083.0], [720.0, 2083.0], [720.0, 2130.0], [351.0, 2130.0]], (\"YILONG 4'x6' All over\", 0.9847231507301331)], [[[1004.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1004.0, 2127.0]], ('1,00', 0.9923063516616821)], [[[1141.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1141.0, 2134.0]], (' each', 0.9459221959114075)], [[[1370.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2127.0], [1370.0, 2127.0]], ('3600,00', 0.9798570275306702)], [[[2090.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2090.0, 2130.0]], ('3 960,00', 0.9991995096206665)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [890.0, 2130.0], [890.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Handmade Carpet Dining Room', 0.985451877117157)], [[[354.0, 2171.0], [849.0, 2171.0], [849.0, 2207.0], [354.0, 2207.0]], ('Hand Knotted Silk Rugs 082B', 0.9574670195579529)], [[[354.0, 2255.0], [890.0, 2255.0], [890.0, 2302.0], [354.0, 2302.0]], ('Egg Bathroom Rug Carpet Area', 0.9876582026481628)], [[[1004.0, 2258.0], [1093.0, 2258.0], [1093.0, 2302.0], [1004.0, 2302.0]], ('5,00', 0.9954209923744202)], [[[1141.0, 2255.0], [1252.0, 2255.0], [1252.0, 2306.0], [1141.0, 2306.0]], (' each', 0.9446266293525696)], [[[1418.0, 2255.0], [1532.0, 2255.0], [1532.0, 2306.0], [1418.0, 2306.0]], ('68,10', 0.9997128248214722)], [[[1658.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2298.0], [1658.0, 2298.0]], ('340,50', 0.9940342903137207)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2130.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2130.0, 2298.0]], ('374,55', 0.9997637867927551)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2291.0], [258.0, 2291.0]], ('6', 0.834687352180481)], [[[354.0, 2298.0], [908.0, 2298.0], [908.0, 2346.0], [354.0, 2346.0]], ('Rugs Rug Floor Mats Nordic Chic', 0.9997994899749756)], [[[355.0, 2338.0], [569.0, 2346.0], [568.0, 2387.0], [354.0, 2378.0]], ('Room Decor', 0.9994469881057739)], [[[347.0, 2423.0], [901.0, 2426.0], [901.0, 2474.0], [347.0, 2470.0]], ('World Map Round Carpets Room', 0.9902607202529907)], [[[1913.0, 2414.0], [2007.0, 2425.0], [2000.0, 2479.0], [1907.0, 2468.0]], ('10%', 0.9996938705444336)], [[[1008.0, 2426.0], [1093.0, 2426.0], [1093.0, 2470.0], [1008.0, 2470.0]], ('5,00', 0.9792340993881226)], [[[1145.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2478.0], [1145.0, 2478.0]], (' each', 0.913351833820343)], [[[1421.0, 2426.0], [1532.0, 2426.0], [1532.0, 2478.0], [1421.0, 2478.0]], ('83,78', 0.9993594884872437)], [[[1658.0, 2430.0], [1783.0, 2430.0], [1783.0, 2470.0], [1658.0, 2470.0]], ('418,90', 0.9923186302185059)], [[[2127.0, 2430.0], [2252.0, 2430.0], [2252.0, 2470.0], [2127.0, 2470.0]], ('460,79', 0.9690473675727844)], [[[258.0, 2441.0], [284.0, 2441.0], [284.0, 2467.0], [258.0, 2467.0]], ('7.', 0.8520470857620239)], [[[358.0, 2474.0], [893.0, 2474.0], [893.0, 2510.0], [358.0, 2510.0]], ('Printed Area Rug Blue Floor Mat', 0.9795576333999634)], [[[354.0, 2518.0], [665.0, 2518.0], [665.0, 2554.0], [354.0, 2554.0]], ('Bedroom Play Mat', 0.9683504104614258)], [[[192.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2704.0], [192.0, 2704.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9965528845787048)], [[[954.0, 2769.0], [1123.0, 2778.0], [1121.0, 2829.0], [952.0, 2820.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9980416893959045)], [[[1776.0, 2765.0], [1874.0, 2775.0], [1868.0, 2830.0], [1770.0, 2819.0]], ('VAT', 0.9246794581413269)], [[[1388.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2821.0], [1388.0, 2821.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9931485652923584)], [[[2023.0, 2777.0], [2256.0, 2777.0], [2256.0, 2817.0], [2023.0, 2817.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9993022680282593)], [[[993.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2916.0], [993.0, 2916.0]], ('10%', 0.9129233360290527)], [[[1700.0, 2857.0], [1869.0, 2866.0], [1866.0, 2917.0], [1697.0, 2908.0]], ('1 436,78', 0.9504878520965576)], [[[1410.0, 2869.0], [1588.0, 2869.0], [1588.0, 2909.0], [1410.0, 2909.0]], ('14367,76', 0.9709531664848328)], [[[2079.0, 2861.0], [2263.0, 2861.0], [2263.0, 2912.0], [2079.0, 2912.0]], ('15 804,54', 0.9995340704917908)], [[[746.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 3004.0], [746.0, 3004.0]], ('Total', 0.9998736381530762)], [[[1352.0, 2948.0], [1592.0, 2957.0], [1590.0, 3004.0], [1351.0, 2996.0]], ('$ 14 367,76', 0.9829143285751343)], [[[1654.0, 2953.0], [1868.0, 2953.0], [1868.0, 3004.0], [1654.0, 3004.0]], ('$1 436,78', 0.958062469959259)], [[[2031.0, 2956.0], [2259.0, 2956.0], [2259.0, 2996.0], [2031.0, 2996.0]], ('$ 15 804,54', 0.9415834546089172)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '58805260', 'invoice_date': '03/07/2019', 'seller': 'Murray-Parsons 98850 Fisher Pines Apt. 122 New Jeffreyland, WI 22568', 'client': 'James, Johnson and Martin 57002 James Glens Elizabethfort, NV 49326', 'seller_tax_id': '932-94-1632', 'client_tax_id': '967-90-8360', 'iban': 'GB85ETWV11072777524235'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '10-Core Gaming Computer Desktop PC Tower 3TB Quad 16GB DDR4 AMD Graphics WIFI', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '618,49', 'item_net_worth': '618,49', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '680,34'}, {'item_desc': 'Ryzen Gaming Computer', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '752,00', 'item_net_worth': '3760,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '4 136,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Custom Gaming Desktop PC Computer Core i5 4690, RX 470, 8GB RAM', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '359,99', 'item_net_worth': '1079,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 187,97'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$5458,46', 'total_vat': '$ 545,85', 'total_gross_worth': '$6004,31'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 58805260', 'Date of issue:', '03/07/2019', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Murray-Parsons', 'James, Johnson and Martin', '98850 Fisher Pines Apt. 122', '57002 James Glens', 'New Jeffreyland, WI 22568', 'Elizabethfort, NV 49326', 'Tax Id: 932-94-1632', 'Tax Id: 967-90-8360', 'IBAN: GB85ETVV11072777524235', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '10-Core Gaming Computer', '1,00', 'each', '618,49', '618,49', '10%', '680,34', 'Desktop PC Tower 3TB Quad', '16GB DDR4 AMD Graphics WIFI', 'PC', 'Ryzen Gaming Computer', '5,00', 'each', '752,00', '3 760,00', '10%', '4 136,00', '2.', 'Custom Gaming Desktop PC', '3,00', 'each', '359,99', '1 079,97', '10%', '1 187,97', '3.', 'Computer - Core i5 4690, RX', '470,8GB RAM', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '5 458,46', '545,85', '6 004,31', 'Total', '$5 458,46', '$ 545,85', '$ 6 004,31']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 58805260', 0.9986521601676941)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('03/07/2019', 0.9995284080505371)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [543.0, 760.0], [543.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Murray-Parsons', 0.9990085959434509)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1805.0, 760.0], [1805.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('James, Johnson and Martin', 0.9998305439949036)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [797.0, 811.0], [797.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('98850 Fisher Pines Apt. 122', 0.9976279735565186)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1658.0, 811.0], [1657.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('57002 James Glens', 0.9995236992835999)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [768.0, 866.0], [768.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('New Jeffreyland, WI 22568', 0.9896108508110046)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1750.0, 866.0], [1750.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Elizabethfort, NV 49326', 0.9939988255500793)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 932-94-1632', 0.9933748841285706)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 967-90-8360', 0.9919800758361816)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB85ETVV11072777524235', 0.9870243668556213)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1388.0], [813.0, 1396.0], [812.0, 1444.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('10-Core Gaming Computer', 0.9807404279708862)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('618,49', 0.9993245005607605)], [[[1654.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1654.0, 1443.0]], ('618,49', 0.9995139241218567)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2127.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2127.0, 1443.0]], ('680,34', 0.9994564056396484)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [845.0, 1436.0], [845.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Desktop PC Tower 3TB Quad', 0.9629007577896118)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [890.0, 1476.0], [890.0, 1524.0], [358.0, 1524.0]], ('16GB DDR4 AMD Graphics WIFI', 0.9805663824081421)], [[[358.0, 1527.0], [414.0, 1527.0], [414.0, 1564.0], [358.0, 1564.0]], ('PC', 0.992941677570343)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [779.0, 1608.0], [779.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Ryzen Gaming Computer', 0.9997430443763733)], [[[1004.0, 1608.0], [1093.0, 1608.0], [1093.0, 1652.0], [1004.0, 1652.0]], ('5,00', 0.9881564378738403)], [[[1152.0, 1611.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1244.0, 1655.0], [1152.0, 1655.0]], ('each', 0.9991228580474854)], [[[1399.0, 1604.0], [1532.0, 1604.0], [1532.0, 1655.0], [1399.0, 1655.0]], ('752,00', 0.9987465739250183)], [[[1621.0, 1604.0], [1783.0, 1604.0], [1783.0, 1655.0], [1621.0, 1655.0]], ('3 760,00', 0.9977729320526123)], [[[1909.0, 1604.0], [2005.0, 1604.0], [2005.0, 1659.0], [1909.0, 1659.0]], ('10%', 0.9999182224273682)], [[[2093.0, 1604.0], [2256.0, 1604.0], [2256.0, 1655.0], [2093.0, 1655.0]], ('4 136,00', 0.9974110126495361)], [[[258.0, 1619.0], [284.0, 1619.0], [284.0, 1644.0], [258.0, 1644.0]], ('2.', 0.9935526847839355)], [[[354.0, 1696.0], [834.0, 1696.0], [834.0, 1743.0], [354.0, 1743.0]], ('Custom Gaming Desktop PC', 0.9957602620124817)], [[[1004.0, 1692.0], [1097.0, 1692.0], [1097.0, 1747.0], [1004.0, 1747.0]], ('3,00', 0.9412870407104492)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[1403.0, 1699.0], [1525.0, 1699.0], [1525.0, 1739.0], [1403.0, 1739.0]], ('359,99', 0.9881744980812073)], [[[1621.0, 1692.0], [1783.0, 1692.0], [1783.0, 1743.0], [1621.0, 1743.0]], ('1 079,97', 0.9407123327255249)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[2093.0, 1692.0], [2256.0, 1692.0], [2256.0, 1743.0], [2093.0, 1743.0]], ('1 187,97', 0.9611217975616455)], [[[251.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1736.0], [251.0, 1736.0]], ('3.', 0.9901798963546753)], [[[358.0, 1739.0], [842.0, 1739.0], [842.0, 1787.0], [358.0, 1787.0]], ('Computer - Core i5 4690, RX', 0.9972988367080688)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [602.0, 1787.0], [602.0, 1823.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('470,8GB RAM', 0.9567039012908936)], [[[192.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1973.0], [192.0, 1973.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9968956112861633)], [[[955.0, 2034.0], [1123.0, 2044.0], [1120.0, 2098.0], [952.0, 2089.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9985150694847107)], [[[1388.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1388.0, 2090.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9551628828048706)], [[[1780.0, 2046.0], [1868.0, 2046.0], [1868.0, 2090.0], [1780.0, 2090.0]], ('VAT', 0.9681034088134766)], [[[2027.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2090.0], [2027.0, 2090.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9996811151504517)], [[[993.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2185.0], [993.0, 2185.0]], ('10%', 0.9230511784553528)], [[[1423.0, 2122.0], [1592.0, 2131.0], [1589.0, 2186.0], [1420.0, 2177.0]], ('5 458,46', 0.9961270093917847)], [[[1734.0, 2126.0], [1869.0, 2135.0], [1866.0, 2186.0], [1730.0, 2177.0]], ('545,85', 0.9981061816215515)], [[[2097.0, 2130.0], [2263.0, 2130.0], [2263.0, 2182.0], [2097.0, 2182.0]], ('6 004,31', 0.9992256164550781)], [[[746.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2273.0], [746.0, 2273.0]], ('Total', 0.9998760223388672)], [[[1381.0, 2222.0], [1584.0, 2222.0], [1584.0, 2262.0], [1381.0, 2262.0]], ('$5 458,46', 0.954815149307251)], [[[1691.0, 2222.0], [1864.0, 2222.0], [1864.0, 2273.0], [1691.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 545,85', 0.9948676228523254)], [[[2050.0, 2214.0], [2260.0, 2222.0], [2258.0, 2274.0], [2048.0, 2265.0]], ('$ 6 004,31', 0.996437668800354)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '11489615', 'invoice_date': '07/06/2016', 'seller': 'Jones-Flores 4168 Jason Stravenue Suite 306 Lorimouth, MO 13585', 'client': 'Fields and Sons 138 Taylor Shores Port Mary, WY 68962', 'seller_tax_id': '947-77-6915', 'client_tax_id': '966-90-1539', 'iban': 'GB59PHFD29780408588438'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '38/40/42/44mm Silicone Sport iWatch Band Strap for Apple Watch Series 6543SE', 'item_qty': '10%', 'item_net_price': '3,68', 'item_net_worth': '11,04', 'item_gross_worth': '12,14'}, {'item_desc': 'Brand new Cuisinart CWO-25 Electric Wine Opener, Stainless', 'item_qty': '10%', 'item_net_price': '20,00', 'item_net_worth': '20,00', 'item_gross_worth': '22,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Wine Openers.Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Hinges Wine Key12Pcs/Random Color.', 'item_qty': '10%', 'item_net_price': '29,99', 'item_net_worth': '89,97', 'item_gross_worth': '98,97'}, {'item_desc': 'Vintage MIKASA Crystal Glass Wine Bottle Stopper Grape Cluster 6\" EUC', 'item_qty': '10%', 'item_net_price': '10,95', 'item_net_worth': '54,75', 'item_gross_worth': '60,23'}, {'item_desc': 'NIB Set Of 4 Riedel Wine Glasses, Viognier Chardonnay 448/5', 'item_qty': '10%', 'item_net_price': '24,99', 'item_net_worth': '99,96', 'item_gross_worth': '109,96'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$275,72', 'total_vat': '$27,57', 'total_gross_worth': '303,29'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 11489615', 'Date of issue:', '07/06/2016', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Fields and Sons', 'Jones-Flores', '4168 Jason Stravenue Suite 306', '138 Taylor Shores.', 'Lorimouth, MO 13585', 'Port Mary, WY 68962', 'Tax Id: 947-77-6915', 'Tax Id: 966-90-1539', 'IBAN: GB59PHFD29780408588438', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '11,04', '10%', '38/40/42/44mm Silicone Sport', '3,00', ' each', '3,68', '12,14', '1', 'iWatch Band Strap for Apple', 'Watch Series 6 5 4 3 SE', 'Brand new Cuisinart Cwo-25', '20,00', '20,00', '10%', '2.', '1,00', 'each', '22,00', 'Electric Wine Opener, Stainless', 'Steel', 'Wine Openers.Heavy Duty', '3,00', ' each', '29,99', '89,97', '10%', '98,97', '3.', 'Stainless Steel Hinges Wine', 'Key.12Pcs/Random Color.', 'each', '10,95', '54,75', '10%', 'Vintage MIKASA Crystal Glass', '5,00', '60,23', '4', 'Wine Bottle Stopper Grape', 'Cluster 6\"EUC', ' NIB Set Of 4 Riedel Wine', '4,00', 'each', '24,99', '99,96', '10%', '109,96', 'Glasses, Viognier Chardonnay -', '448/5', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '275,72', '27,57', '303,29', 'Total', '$ 275,72', '$27,57', '$303,29']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 11489615', 0.9992515444755554)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/06/2016', 0.9997091293334961)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1580.0, 757.0], [1580.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Fields and Sons', 0.9982889294624329)], [[[210.0, 764.0], [465.0, 764.0], [465.0, 804.0], [210.0, 804.0]], ('Jones-Flores', 0.997934877872467)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [886.0, 811.0], [886.0, 862.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('4168 Jason Stravenue Suite 306', 0.9994888305664062)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1636.0, 811.0], [1635.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('138 Taylor Shores.', 0.9571011066436768)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [668.0, 866.0], [668.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lorimouth, MO 13585', 0.9762948751449585)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1695.0, 866.0], [1695.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Port Mary, WY 68962', 0.9866016507148743)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 947-77-6915', 0.9850109219551086)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 966-90-1539', 0.9951230883598328)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [938.0, 1020.0], [938.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB59PHFD29780408588438', 0.9948558807373047)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('11,04', 0.9988272786140442)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [868.0, 1400.0], [868.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('38/40/42/44mm Silicone Sport', 0.9781126976013184)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1532.0, 1396.0], [1532.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('3,68', 0.9696229100227356)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('12,14', 0.9996129274368286)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [838.0, 1436.0], [838.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('iWatch Band Strap for Apple', 0.9830528497695923)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [768.0, 1476.0], [768.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Watch Series 6 5 4 3 SE', 0.9831690788269043)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [849.0, 1564.0], [849.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Brand new Cuisinart Cwo-25', 0.970165491104126)], [[[1421.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1611.0], [1421.0, 1611.0]], ('20,00', 0.9989764094352722)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('20,00', 0.999167263507843)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[2152.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1611.0], [2152.0, 1611.0]], ('22,00', 0.9989725351333618)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [886.0, 1608.0], [886.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Electric Wine Opener, Stainless', 0.9748280644416809)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [450.0, 1655.0], [450.0, 1696.0], [358.0, 1696.0]], ('Steel', 0.9991256594657898)], [[[355.0, 1736.0], [801.0, 1739.0], [801.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1783.0]], ('Wine Openers.Heavy Duty', 0.9998376369476318)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9941259622573853)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1418.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1418.0, 1787.0]], ('29,99', 0.9983106851577759)], [[[1676.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1676.0, 1787.0]], ('89,97', 0.9997580647468567)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('98,97', 0.99994295835495)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [823.0, 1787.0], [823.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Stainless Steel Hinges Wine', 0.9784884452819824)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [790.0, 1827.0], [790.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Key.12Pcs/Random Color.', 0.9902519583702087)], [[[1151.0, 1906.0], [1249.0, 1916.0], [1245.0, 1960.0], [1147.0, 1950.0]], ('each', 0.9959484934806824)], [[[1421.0, 1899.0], [1534.0, 1909.0], [1529.0, 1964.0], [1416.0, 1954.0]], ('10,95', 0.9996126294136047)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('54,75', 0.9997048377990723)], [[[1913.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1907.0, 1954.0]], ('10%', 0.9998664855957031)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [860.0, 1911.0], [860.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('Vintage MIKASA Crystal Glass', 0.9953144192695618)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('5,00', 0.9935383796691895)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('60,23', 0.9984949231147766)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9862528443336487)], [[[351.0, 1947.0], [813.0, 1955.0], [812.0, 2003.0], [350.0, 1995.0]], ('Wine Bottle Stopper Grape', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [605.0, 1999.0], [605.0, 2035.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('Cluster 6\"EUC', 0.9611591696739197)], [[[351.0, 2083.0], [779.0, 2083.0], [779.0, 2130.0], [351.0, 2130.0]], (' NIB Set Of 4 Riedel Wine', 0.9834739565849304)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1148.0, 2134.0]], ('each', 0.9719215035438538)], [[[1421.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1421.0, 2130.0]], ('24,99', 0.9998003244400024)], [[[1672.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2130.0], [1672.0, 2130.0]], ('99,96', 0.9995641708374023)], [[[1912.0, 2083.0], [2001.0, 2083.0], [2001.0, 2127.0], [1912.0, 2127.0]], ('10%', 0.9965217113494873)], [[[2123.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2123.0, 2130.0]], ('109,96', 0.9996352195739746)], [[[351.0, 2119.0], [890.0, 2123.0], [890.0, 2174.0], [351.0, 2170.0]], ('Glasses, Viognier Chardonnay -', 0.9996492266654968)], [[[353.0, 2162.0], [463.0, 2172.0], [459.0, 2215.0], [350.0, 2206.0]], ('448/5', 0.9977270364761353)], [[[192.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2361.0], [192.0, 2361.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9962062835693359)], [[[956.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2481.0], [956.0, 2481.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1388.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2474.0], [1388.0, 2474.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9842570424079895)], [[[1780.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2478.0], [1780.0, 2478.0]], ('VAT', 0.8929632306098938)], [[[2027.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2478.0], [2027.0, 2478.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9997909665107727)], [[[994.0, 2509.0], [1087.0, 2520.0], [1081.0, 2574.0], [988.0, 2563.0]], ('10%', 0.9998297691345215)], [[[1458.0, 2521.0], [1591.0, 2521.0], [1591.0, 2573.0], [1458.0, 2573.0]], ('275,72', 0.9987460970878601)], [[[1750.0, 2518.0], [1868.0, 2518.0], [1868.0, 2569.0], [1750.0, 2569.0]], ('27,57', 0.9992594718933105)], [[[2130.0, 2518.0], [2267.0, 2518.0], [2267.0, 2569.0], [2130.0, 2569.0]], ('303,29', 0.9960525631904602)], [[[745.0, 2600.0], [858.0, 2611.0], [853.0, 2662.0], [741.0, 2651.0]], ('Total', 0.9998696446418762)], [[[1414.0, 2609.0], [1591.0, 2609.0], [1591.0, 2660.0], [1414.0, 2660.0]], ('$ 275,72', 0.9937602877616882)], [[[1717.0, 2613.0], [1861.0, 2613.0], [1861.0, 2653.0], [1717.0, 2653.0]], ('$27,57', 0.9952511787414551)], [[[2090.0, 2613.0], [2259.0, 2613.0], [2259.0, 2653.0], [2090.0, 2653.0]], ('$303,29', 0.9846892356872559)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '19537372', 'invoice_date': '07/28/2012', 'seller': 'Richardson LLC 97614 Timothy Plaza Mooreview, FL 34546', 'client': 'Rodriguez Ltd 50515 Jones Key Suite 674 South Cameron, MO 61064', 'seller_tax_id': '926-86-4853', 'client_tax_id': '979-85-9143', 'iban': 'GB98XJGI18168385269805'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Custom Built Windows 98 Retro Gaming Industrial PC Computer P2B Montego II 5GB', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '409,99', 'item_net_worth': '819,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '901,98'}, {'item_desc': 'HP Pro 3500 Microtower Desktop Computer 3.4GHz i3 4GB 500GB Windows 10 Pro', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '74,99', 'item_net_worth': '149,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '164,98'}, {'item_desc': 'HP XW9400 AMD Dual Core 2216 2.6GHz /8GB/250GB/ PC Computer/ Desktop', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '225,00', 'item_net_worth': '675,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '742,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Alarco Gaming PC Desktop ComputerIntel i5 8GITENOMF.NVDA GTX 6501GB', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '500,00', 'item_net_worth': '500,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '550,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Dell Optiplex Windows 10 Pro Desktop Computer PC i5 4th Gen 3.2GHz 8 GB 2 TB HDD', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '149,95', 'item_net_worth': '299,90', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '329,89'}, {'item_desc': 'Dell Optiplex All in One Windows 10 Desktop Computer 780 3.0GHZ 4GB 250GB 19 LCD', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '129,99', 'item_net_worth': '129,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '142,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Desktop Computer Gaming PC Build Your Own Ryzen 3000G 3200G 3.5Ghz+ Vega or GTX', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '579,00', 'item_net_worth': '2 895,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '3 184,50'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$5469,85', 'total_vat': '$ 546,99', 'total_gross_worth': '$6016,84'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 19537372', 'Date of issue:', '07/28/2012', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Richardson LLC', 'Rodriguez Ltd', '97614 Timothy Plaza', '50515 Jones Key Suite 674', 'Mooreview, FL 34546', 'South Cameron, MO 61064', 'Tax Id: 926-86-4853', 'Tax Id: 979-85-9143', 'IBAN: GB98XJGI18168385269805', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', '901,98', 'Custom Built Windows 98 Retro', '2,00', ' each', '409,99', '819,98', '1', 'Gaming Industrial PC Computer', 'P2 B Montego II 5GB', 'HP Pro 3500 Microtower', '74,99', '10%', '2.', '2,00', 'each', '149,98', '164,98', 'Desktop Computer 3.4GHz i3', '4GB 500GB Windows 10 Pro', 'HP XW9400 AMD Dual Core', '3,00', ' each', '225,00', '675,00', '10%', '742,50', '3.', '2216 2.6GHz /8GB/250GB/PC', 'Computer / Desktop', 'Alarco Gaming PC Desktop', '500,00', ' 500,00', '10%', '1,00', 'each', '550,00', '4', 'Computer Intel i5', ',8G,1TB,Win10,WIFI,NVIDIA GTX', '650 1GB', '149,95', '329,89', '5.', 'Dell Optiplex Windows 10 Pro', '2,00', ' each', '299,90', '10%', 'Desktop Computer PC i5 4th', 'Gen 3.2GHz 8 GB 2 TB HDD', '1,00', 'Dell Optiplex All in One', 'each', '129,99', '129,99', '10%', '142,99', '6.', 'Windows 10 Desktop Computer', '780 3.0GHz 4GB 250GB 19 LCD', '579,00', '2 895,00', '7.', 'Desktop Computer Gaming PC', '5,00', 'each', '10%', '3 184,50', 'Build Your Own Ryzen 3000G', '3200G 3.5Ghz+ Vega or GTX', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '5 469,85', '546,99', '6 016,84', 'Total', '$5469,85', '$ 546,99', '$ 6 016,84']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 19537372', 0.9986902475357056)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.998734176158905)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/28/2012', 0.9994904398918152)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [539.0, 756.0], [539.0, 804.0], [207.0, 804.0]], ('Richardson LLC', 0.9971190094947815)], [[[1244.0, 757.0], [1546.0, 753.0], [1547.0, 804.0], [1245.0, 808.0]], ('Rodriguez Ltd', 0.9998496174812317)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [654.0, 811.0], [653.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('97614 Timothy Plaza', 0.9742527008056641)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1813.0, 811.0], [1813.0, 862.0], [1252.0, 862.0]], ('50515 Jones Key Suite 674', 0.9931288957595825)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [661.0, 866.0], [661.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Mooreview, FL 34546', 0.977382242679596)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1816.0, 866.0], [1816.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('South Cameron, MO 61064', 0.9895303249359131)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 926-86-4853', 0.9941129088401794)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 979-85-9143', 0.9885814785957336)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [908.0, 1030.0], [908.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB98XJGI18168385269805', 0.9799384474754333)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1913.0, 1384.0], [2003.0, 1394.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1907.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998863339424133)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1444.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], ('901,98', 0.9998431205749512)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Custom Built Windows 98 Retro', 0.9579018950462341)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1403.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1403.0, 1436.0]], ('409,99', 0.9844164252281189)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('819,98', 0.9748675227165222)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Gaming Industrial PC Computer', 0.9971716403961182)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [705.0, 1476.0], [705.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('P2 B Montego II 5GB', 0.9854598045349121)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [761.0, 1568.0], [760.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('HP Pro 3500 Microtower', 0.9992004632949829)], [[[1421.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1611.0], [1421.0, 1611.0]], ('74,99', 0.9996957778930664)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2010.0, 1566.0], [2005.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9929680228233337)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1658.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1608.0], [1658.0, 1608.0]], ('149,98', 0.9988804459571838)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('164,98', 0.9997307658195496)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [849.0, 1608.0], [849.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Desktop Computer 3.4GHz i3', 0.9996365904808044)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [834.0, 1655.0], [834.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('4GB 500GB Windows 10 Pro', 0.9609629511833191)], [[[354.0, 1743.0], [827.0, 1743.0], [827.0, 1780.0], [354.0, 1780.0]], ('HP XW9400 AMD Dual Core', 0.9327346086502075)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9891558885574341)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('225,00', 0.9986896514892578)], [[[1654.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1654.0, 1787.0]], ('675,00', 0.999042272567749)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('742,50', 0.999798595905304)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [860.0, 1787.0], [860.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('2216 2.6GHz /8GB/250GB/PC', 0.9823806285858154)], [[[355.0, 1823.0], [698.0, 1827.0], [697.0, 1867.0], [354.0, 1863.0]], ('Computer / Desktop', 0.9505476355552673)], [[[354.0, 1907.0], [812.0, 1907.0], [812.0, 1955.0], [354.0, 1955.0]], ('Alarco Gaming PC Desktop', 0.9996331334114075)], [[[1399.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1399.0, 1959.0]], ('500,00', 0.9993553161621094)], [[[1650.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1650.0, 1959.0]], (' 500,00', 0.9464606046676636)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('550,00', 0.9986026883125305)], [[[255.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1944.0], [255.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9974714517593384)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [657.0, 1951.0], [657.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Computer Intel i5', 0.9723398685455322)], [[[358.0, 1992.0], [901.0, 1992.0], [901.0, 2039.0], [358.0, 2039.0]], (',8G,1TB,Win10,WIFI,NVIDIA GTX', 0.976617157459259)], [[[354.0, 2039.0], [509.0, 2039.0], [509.0, 2079.0], [354.0, 2079.0]], ('650 1GB', 0.9642097353935242)], [[[1396.0, 2123.0], [1532.0, 2123.0], [1532.0, 2174.0], [1396.0, 2174.0]], ('149,95', 0.9992020726203918)], [[[2125.0, 2115.0], [2257.0, 2124.0], [2253.0, 2175.0], [2122.0, 2166.0]], ('329,89', 0.9957651495933533)], [[[251.0, 2134.0], [284.0, 2134.0], [284.0, 2163.0], [251.0, 2163.0]], ('5.', 0.9959243535995483)], [[[354.0, 2130.0], [857.0, 2130.0], [857.0, 2167.0], [354.0, 2167.0]], ('Dell Optiplex Windows 10 Pro', 0.9920744299888611)], [[[1004.0, 2127.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1097.0, 2171.0], [1004.0, 2171.0]], ('2,00', 0.9989604353904724)], [[[1145.0, 2130.0], [1248.0, 2130.0], [1248.0, 2171.0], [1145.0, 2171.0]], (' each', 0.9220966100692749)], [[[1654.0, 2127.0], [1783.0, 2127.0], [1783.0, 2167.0], [1654.0, 2167.0]], ('299,90', 0.9749986529350281)], [[[1912.0, 2127.0], [2001.0, 2127.0], [2001.0, 2171.0], [1912.0, 2171.0]], ('10%', 0.9982916712760925)], [[[358.0, 2167.0], [834.0, 2167.0], [834.0, 2203.0], [358.0, 2203.0]], ('Desktop Computer PC i5 4th', 0.9499902725219727)], [[[354.0, 2207.0], [827.0, 2207.0], [827.0, 2255.0], [354.0, 2255.0]], ('Gen 3.2GHz 8 GB 2 TB HDD', 0.9927351474761963)], [[[1009.0, 2290.0], [1094.0, 2300.0], [1089.0, 2347.0], [1003.0, 2337.0]], ('1,00', 0.9988471269607544)], [[[358.0, 2302.0], [749.0, 2302.0], [749.0, 2339.0], [358.0, 2339.0]], ('Dell Optiplex All in One', 0.9893410801887512)], [[[1152.0, 2298.0], [1244.0, 2298.0], [1244.0, 2342.0], [1152.0, 2342.0]], ('each', 0.9991582632064819)], [[[1399.0, 2295.0], [1532.0, 2295.0], [1532.0, 2346.0], [1399.0, 2346.0]], ('129,99', 0.9992635846138)], [[[1658.0, 2298.0], [1783.0, 2298.0], [1783.0, 2339.0], [1658.0, 2339.0]], ('129,99', 0.9974703788757324)], [[[1916.0, 2298.0], [2001.0, 2298.0], [2001.0, 2342.0], [1916.0, 2342.0]], ('10%', 0.9998445510864258)], [[[2130.0, 2298.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2252.0, 2339.0], [2130.0, 2339.0]], ('142,99', 0.9993066191673279)], [[[258.0, 2309.0], [284.0, 2309.0], [284.0, 2335.0], [258.0, 2335.0]], ('6.', 0.9926929473876953)], [[[354.0, 2335.0], [886.0, 2335.0], [886.0, 2383.0], [354.0, 2383.0]], ('Windows 10 Desktop Computer', 0.9991828203201294)], [[[358.0, 2386.0], [890.0, 2386.0], [890.0, 2423.0], [358.0, 2423.0]], ('780 3.0GHz 4GB 250GB 19 LCD', 0.9671746492385864)], [[[1399.0, 2467.0], [1532.0, 2467.0], [1532.0, 2518.0], [1399.0, 2518.0]], ('579,00', 0.9984614253044128)], [[[1619.0, 2458.0], [1788.0, 2467.0], [1785.0, 2519.0], [1616.0, 2510.0]], ('2 895,00', 0.9787425994873047)], [[[255.0, 2478.0], [288.0, 2478.0], [288.0, 2507.0], [255.0, 2507.0]], ('7.', 0.975225031375885)], [[[354.0, 2474.0], [871.0, 2474.0], [871.0, 2510.0], [354.0, 2510.0]], ('Desktop Computer Gaming PC', 0.9672784209251404)], [[[1004.0, 2470.0], [1093.0, 2470.0], [1093.0, 2510.0], [1004.0, 2510.0]], ('5,00', 0.9756965637207031)], [[[1152.0, 2474.0], [1248.0, 2474.0], [1248.0, 2514.0], [1152.0, 2514.0]], ('each', 0.9981221556663513)], [[[1912.0, 2470.0], [2001.0, 2470.0], [2001.0, 2514.0], [1912.0, 2514.0]], ('10%', 0.9975383281707764)], [[[2097.0, 2470.0], [2252.0, 2470.0], [2252.0, 2510.0], [2097.0, 2510.0]], ('3 184,50', 0.9569131731987)], [[[358.0, 2518.0], [849.0, 2518.0], [849.0, 2554.0], [358.0, 2554.0]], ('Build Your Own Ryzen 3000G', 0.9527273774147034)], [[[358.0, 2554.0], [845.0, 2554.0], [845.0, 2591.0], [358.0, 2591.0]], ('3200G 3.5Ghz+ Vega or GTX', 0.9701341390609741)], [[[192.0, 2693.0], [491.0, 2693.0], [491.0, 2744.0], [192.0, 2744.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9962209463119507)], [[[1776.0, 2805.0], [1874.0, 2816.0], [1868.0, 2870.0], [1770.0, 2859.0]], ('VAT', 0.8776178359985352)], [[[956.0, 2817.0], [1122.0, 2817.0], [1122.0, 2869.0], [956.0, 2869.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992519021034241)], [[[1388.0, 2821.0], [1588.0, 2821.0], [1588.0, 2861.0], [1388.0, 2861.0]], ('Net worth', 0.985179603099823)], [[[2027.0, 2821.0], [2259.0, 2821.0], [2259.0, 2861.0], [2027.0, 2861.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998936057090759)], [[[997.0, 2909.0], [1082.0, 2909.0], [1082.0, 2953.0], [997.0, 2953.0]], ('10%', 0.9998807907104492)], [[[1423.0, 2901.0], [1592.0, 2910.0], [1590.0, 2957.0], [1420.0, 2948.0]], ('5 469,85', 0.9737039804458618)], [[[1735.0, 2905.0], [1868.0, 2905.0], [1868.0, 2956.0], [1735.0, 2956.0]], ('546,99', 0.9996307492256165)], [[[2095.0, 2901.0], [2264.0, 2910.0], [2262.0, 2957.0], [2092.0, 2948.0]], ('6 016,84', 0.9918130040168762)], [[[746.0, 2993.0], [857.0, 2993.0], [857.0, 3044.0], [746.0, 3044.0]], ('Total', 0.9998452067375183)], [[[1377.0, 3000.0], [1580.0, 3000.0], [1580.0, 3040.0], [1377.0, 3040.0]], ('$5469,85', 0.9869732856750488)], [[[1695.0, 3000.0], [1861.0, 3000.0], [1861.0, 3040.0], [1695.0, 3040.0]], ('$ 546,99', 0.9966176152229309)], [[[2053.0, 3000.0], [2259.0, 3000.0], [2259.0, 3040.0], [2053.0, 3040.0]], ('$ 6 016,84', 0.9745222330093384)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'invoice_no': '87278875', 'invoice_date': '07/06/2019', 'seller': 'Jackson-Martinez 719 Reyes Mill Apt. 833 Joshuabury, NM 79134', 'client': 'Foster, Travis and Harris 9816 Matthew Meadows Suite 574 New Scott, DC 38726', 'seller_tax_id': '954-98-4076', 'client_tax_id': '938-94-3648', 'iban': 'GB960NEJ/7402455114924', 'item_desc': 'Joma Boys Youth Gol-102 Soccer Cleats Shoes Size 1.5 White Red 1.5Y NEW', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '19,99', 'item_net_worth': '19,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '21,99', 'total_net_worth': '$ 68,74', 'total_vat': '$ 6,87', 'total_gross_worth': '$75,61'}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 87278875', 'Date of issue:', '07/06/2019', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Jackson-Martinez', 'Foster, Travis and Harris', '719 Reyes Mill Apt. 833', '9816 Matthew Meadows Suite 574', 'Joshuabury, NM 79134', 'New Scott, DC 38726', 'Tax Id: 954-98-4076', 'Tax Id: 938-94-3648', 'IBAN: GB96ONEJ77402455114924', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Skechers Hypno Splash Light Up', '1,00', ' each', '24,99', '24,99', '10%', '27,49', 'Shoes Size 4 Medium Big Kid', 'New', '4 pcs Kids Size Cartoon Peppa', '2,00', '11,88', '23,76', '10%', '26,14', '2.', 'each', 'Pink Pig Cotton Face Masks', 'Mouth Cover Washable', 'Joma Boys Youth Gol-102', '1,00', 'each', '19,99', '19,99', '10%', '21,99', '3.', 'Soccer Cleats Shoes Size 1.5', 'White Red 1.5Y NEW', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '68,74', '6,87', '75,61', 'Total', '$ 68,74', '$ 6,87', '$ 75,61']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 87278875', 0.9971023797988892)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9986065030097961)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/06/2019', 0.999720573425293)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [572.0, 760.0], [572.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Jackson-Martinez', 0.9952859878540039)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1768.0, 760.0], [1768.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Foster, Travis and Harris', 0.9940958619117737)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [709.0, 811.0], [709.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('719 Reyes Mill Apt. 833', 0.9680222272872925)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1975.0, 811.0], [1975.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('9816 Matthew Meadows Suite 574', 0.9973105788230896)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [683.0, 866.0], [683.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Joshuabury, NM 79134', 0.9983333349227905)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1702.0, 866.0], [1702.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Scott, DC 38726', 0.9842315316200256)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 954-98-4076', 0.9936601519584656)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 938-94-3648', 0.9929036498069763)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [930.0, 1023.0], [930.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB96ONEJ77402455114924', 0.9891743063926697)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[354.0, 1396.0], [905.0, 1396.0], [905.0, 1443.0], [354.0, 1443.0]], ('Skechers Hypno Splash Light Up', 0.9979919791221619)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9966188669204712)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('24,99', 0.9996528625488281)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('24,99', 0.999481201171875)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('27,49', 0.9879147410392761)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [842.0, 1436.0], [842.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Shoes Size 4 Medium Big Kid', 0.9704754948616028)], [[[354.0, 1480.0], [436.0, 1480.0], [436.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('New', 0.998950719833374)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [864.0, 1568.0], [864.0, 1615.0], [354.0, 1611.0]], ('4 pcs Kids Size Cartoon Peppa', 0.9823920726776123)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('2,00', 0.9993745684623718)], [[[1425.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1425.0, 1615.0]], ('11,88', 0.9989676475524902)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('23,76', 0.9995611310005188)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[2149.0, 1555.0], [2257.0, 1566.0], [2252.0, 1620.0], [2143.0, 1610.0]], ('26,14', 0.999524712562561)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [816.0, 1608.0], [816.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1652.0]], ('Pink Pig Cotton Face Masks', 0.9947872757911682)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [749.0, 1655.0], [749.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Mouth Cover Washable', 0.9839771389961243)], [[[351.0, 1743.0], [782.0, 1739.0], [783.0, 1779.0], [351.0, 1783.0]], ('Joma Boys Youth Gol-102', 0.997318685054779)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('1,00', 0.9951938390731812)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('19,99', 0.9996360540390015)], [[[1676.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1676.0, 1787.0]], ('19,99', 0.9997838735580444)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9996688961982727)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('21,99', 0.9996862411499023)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[362.0, 1787.0], [842.0, 1787.0], [842.0, 1823.0], [362.0, 1823.0]], ('Soccer Cleats Shoes Size 1.5', 0.9837965965270996)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [709.0, 1827.0], [709.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('White Red 1.5Y NEW', 0.977245569229126)], [[[192.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 2010.0], [192.0, 2010.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9948539733886719)], [[[954.0, 2078.0], [1123.0, 2087.0], [1121.0, 2139.0], [952.0, 2130.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9988380670547485)], [[[1776.0, 2074.0], [1874.0, 2085.0], [1868.0, 2139.0], [1770.0, 2129.0]], ('VAT', 0.9557650089263916)], [[[1388.0, 2090.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1588.0, 2130.0], [1388.0, 2130.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9820273518562317)], [[[2027.0, 2094.0], [2256.0, 2094.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2027.0, 2130.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998905062675476)], [[[997.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2222.0], [997.0, 2222.0]], ('10%', 0.9996705055236816)], [[[1477.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2225.0], [1477.0, 2225.0]], ('68,74', 0.9994841814041138)], [[[1780.0, 2178.0], [1864.0, 2178.0], [1864.0, 2222.0], [1780.0, 2222.0]], ('6,87', 0.990617573261261)], [[[2152.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2225.0], [2152.0, 2225.0]], ('75,61', 0.9994407892227173)], [[[746.0, 2262.0], [857.0, 2262.0], [857.0, 2313.0], [746.0, 2313.0]], ('Total', 0.9998490214347839)], [[[1432.0, 2266.0], [1591.0, 2266.0], [1591.0, 2317.0], [1432.0, 2317.0]], ('$ 68,74', 0.9958741068840027)], [[[1735.0, 2266.0], [1868.0, 2266.0], [1868.0, 2317.0], [1735.0, 2317.0]], ('$ 6,87', 0.9683294296264648)], [[[2106.0, 2257.0], [2261.0, 2267.0], [2257.0, 2318.0], [2103.0, 2308.0]], ('$ 75,61', 0.9877756834030151)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '81163184', 'invoice_date': '10/23/2017', 'seller': 'Harrison-Melton 3468 Kevin Court Jenniferborough, ID 77615', 'client': 'Hoffman-Daniel 916 James Parks Suite 518 Bryanfurt, CO 16408', 'seller_tax_id': '976-74-0770', 'client_tax_id': '905-92-1060', 'iban': 'GB43ZKS692151910229248'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Mossimo M Red and Orange Braided Strap Tank Maxi Dress', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '0,99', 'item_net_worth': '3,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '4,36'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$3,96', 'total_vat': '$ 0,40', 'total_gross_worth': '$4,36'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 81163184', 'Date of issue:', '10/23/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Harrison-Melton', 'Hoffman-Daniel', '3468 Kevin Court', '916 James Parks Suite 518', 'Jenniferborough, ID 77615', 'Bryanfurt, CO 16408', 'Tax Id: 976-74-0770', 'Tax Id: 905-92-1060', 'IBAN: GB43ZKSG92151910229248', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', ' Mossimo M Red and Orange', '4,00', 'each', '0,99', '3,96', '10%', '4,36', '1', 'Braided Strap Tank Maxi Dress', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '3,96', '0,40', '4,36', 'Total', '$ 3,96', '$ 0,40', '$ 4,36']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 81163184', 0.9778406023979187)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9979386329650879)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('10/23/2017', 0.9997738599777222)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [546.0, 760.0], [546.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Harrison-Melton', 0.9992599487304688)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1580.0, 756.0], [1580.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Hoffman-Daniel', 0.9992893934249878)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [580.0, 811.0], [579.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('3468 Kevin Court', 0.9997356534004211)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1813.0, 811.0], [1813.0, 862.0], [1248.0, 862.0]], ('916 James Parks Suite 518', 0.9989088177680969)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [764.0, 866.0], [764.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Jenniferborough, ID 77615', 0.9963371753692627)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1687.0, 866.0], [1687.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Bryanfurt, CO 16408', 0.9987901449203491)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 976-74-0770', 0.9811832904815674)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 905-92-1060', 0.9874814748764038)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [945.0, 1023.0], [945.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB43ZKSG92151910229248', 0.9951558709144592)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [835.0, 1396.0], [834.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], (' Mossimo M Red and Orange', 0.9893028140068054)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('0,99', 0.9953874945640564)], [[[1698.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1440.0], [1698.0, 1440.0]], ('3,96', 0.9928173422813416)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2171.0, 1396.0], [2259.0, 1396.0], [2259.0, 1440.0], [2171.0, 1440.0]], ('4,36', 0.9836883544921875)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [875.0, 1436.0], [875.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Braided Strap Tank Maxi Dress', 0.9998819231987)], [[[192.0, 1579.0], [491.0, 1579.0], [491.0, 1630.0], [192.0, 1630.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9968194365501404)], [[[956.0, 1699.0], [1122.0, 1699.0], [1122.0, 1750.0], [956.0, 1750.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999481201171875)], [[[1776.0, 1690.0], [1874.0, 1701.0], [1868.0, 1756.0], [1770.0, 1745.0]], ('VAT', 0.9881295561790466)], [[[1388.0, 1703.0], [1588.0, 1703.0], [1588.0, 1743.0], [1388.0, 1743.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9482071399688721)], [[[2027.0, 1706.0], [2259.0, 1706.0], [2259.0, 1743.0], [2027.0, 1743.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.997144341468811)], [[[994.0, 1782.0], [1087.0, 1792.0], [1081.0, 1843.0], [988.0, 1832.0]], ('10%', 0.9998087882995605)], [[[1496.0, 1778.0], [1593.0, 1789.0], [1587.0, 1843.0], [1490.0, 1833.0]], ('3,96', 0.99825519323349)], [[[1780.0, 1786.0], [1866.0, 1796.0], [1860.0, 1843.0], [1775.0, 1833.0]], ('0,40', 0.9809732437133789)], [[[2171.0, 1782.0], [2269.0, 1792.0], [2263.0, 1847.0], [2165.0, 1836.0]], ('4,36', 0.9977145195007324)], [[[746.0, 1875.0], [857.0, 1875.0], [857.0, 1926.0], [746.0, 1926.0]], ('Total', 0.9998496770858765)], [[[1458.0, 1878.0], [1591.0, 1878.0], [1591.0, 1929.0], [1458.0, 1929.0]], ('$ 3,96', 0.9419404864311218)], [[[1735.0, 1878.0], [1868.0, 1878.0], [1868.0, 1929.0], [1735.0, 1929.0]], ('$ 0,40', 0.9689547419548035)], [[[2130.0, 1878.0], [2267.0, 1878.0], [2267.0, 1929.0], [2130.0, 1929.0]], ('$ 4,36', 0.9720278382301331)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '46301857', 'invoice_date': '04/08/2017', 'seller': 'Murphy-Sanders USNV Miller FPO AA 82012', 'client': 'Parker, Graham and Swanson 607 Pearson Plaza New Jeffrey, NJ 42303', 'seller_tax_id': '917-83-2356', 'client_tax_id': '900-94-4030', 'iban': 'GB24OZUP84517588674217'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Care & Repair of Furniture', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '4,25', 'item_net_worth': '21,25', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '23,37'}, {'item_desc': 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2) by Rowling, J.K. Paperback The', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '7,62', 'item_net_worth': '38,10', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '41,91'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$59,35', 'total_vat': '$5,94', 'total_gross_worth': '$65,29'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 46301857', 'Date of issue:', '04/08/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Murphy-Sanders', 'Parker, Graham and Swanson', 'USNV Miller', '607 Pearson Plaza', 'FPO AA 82012', 'New Jeffrey, NJ 42303', 'Tax Id: 917-83-2356', 'Tax Id: 900-94-4030', 'IBAN: GB24OZUP84517588674217', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', 'worth', '5,00', '21,25', '10%', '1.', 'Care & Repair of Furniture', 'each', '4,25', '23,37', ' each', '7,62', '10%', '2.', ' Harry Potter and the Chamber', '5,00', '38,10', '41,91', 'of Secrets (Book 2) by Rowling,', 'J. K. Paperback The', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '59,35', '5,94', '65,29', 'Total', '$ 59,35', '$ 5,94', '$ 65,29']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 46301857', 0.999041736125946)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('04/08/2017', 0.9998370409011841)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [557.0, 760.0], [557.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Murphy-Sanders', 0.9995424151420593)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1876.0, 760.0], [1875.0, 811.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Parker, Graham and Swanson', 0.989446759223938)], [[[204.0, 803.0], [458.0, 812.0], [457.0, 863.0], [202.0, 855.0]], ('USNV Miller', 0.9924900531768799)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1639.0, 811.0], [1639.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('607 Pearson Plaza', 0.9998531341552734)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [506.0, 866.0], [506.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('FPO AA 82012', 0.99728924036026)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1706.0, 866.0], [1706.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Jeffrey, NJ 42303', 0.9986959099769592)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 917-83-2356', 0.9911974668502808)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 900-94-4030', 0.9936233162879944)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [941.0, 1023.0], [941.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB24OZUP84517588674217', 0.9775290489196777)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[1001.0, 1383.0], [1098.0, 1394.0], [1092.0, 1449.0], [995.0, 1438.0]], ('5,00', 0.9960427284240723)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('21,25', 0.9988207817077637)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2003.0, 1394.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999473690986633)], [[[251.0, 1400.0], [284.0, 1400.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9954556226730347)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [805.0, 1400.0], [805.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Care & Repair of Furniture', 0.9855064749717712)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1532.0, 1396.0], [1532.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('4,25', 0.9845700263977051)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2256.0, 1392.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('23,37', 0.9998679161071777)], [[[1147.0, 1479.0], [1249.0, 1488.0], [1245.0, 1532.0], [1143.0, 1523.0]], (' each', 0.9030272364616394)], [[[1440.0, 1475.0], [1534.0, 1486.0], [1528.0, 1536.0], [1434.0, 1525.0]], ('7,62', 0.9990756511688232)], [[[1909.0, 1471.0], [2007.0, 1482.0], [2000.0, 1536.0], [1903.0, 1526.0]], ('10%', 0.9999292492866516)], [[[251.0, 1491.0], [288.0, 1491.0], [288.0, 1524.0], [251.0, 1524.0]], ('2.', 0.99964439868927)], [[[351.0, 1484.0], [871.0, 1484.0], [871.0, 1531.0], [351.0, 1531.0]], (' Harry Potter and the Chamber', 0.9832140207290649)], [[[1008.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1527.0], [1008.0, 1527.0]], ('5,00', 0.997439444065094)], [[[1676.0, 1487.0], [1783.0, 1487.0], [1783.0, 1527.0], [1676.0, 1527.0]], ('38,10', 0.9884523153305054)], [[[2152.0, 1484.0], [2256.0, 1484.0], [2256.0, 1531.0], [2152.0, 1531.0]], ('41,91', 0.9997104406356812)], [[[355.0, 1520.0], [883.0, 1528.0], [882.0, 1575.0], [354.0, 1567.0]], ('of Secrets (Book 2) by Rowling,', 0.9871533513069153)], [[[347.0, 1568.0], [687.0, 1568.0], [687.0, 1615.0], [347.0, 1615.0]], ('J. K. Paperback The', 0.9774162769317627)], [[[192.0, 1706.0], [491.0, 1706.0], [491.0, 1758.0], [192.0, 1758.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9953848123550415)], [[[956.0, 1831.0], [1122.0, 1831.0], [1122.0, 1882.0], [956.0, 1882.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1776.0, 1822.0], [1874.0, 1833.0], [1868.0, 1887.0], [1770.0, 1876.0]], ('VAT', 0.8926764130592346)], [[[1388.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1875.0], [1388.0, 1875.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998443126678467)], [[[2023.0, 1838.0], [2256.0, 1838.0], [2256.0, 1875.0], [2023.0, 1875.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999376535415649)], [[[994.0, 1910.0], [1087.0, 1920.0], [1081.0, 1975.0], [988.0, 1964.0]], ('10%', 0.9999063611030579)], [[[1477.0, 1918.0], [1595.0, 1918.0], [1595.0, 1970.0], [1477.0, 1970.0]], ('59,35', 0.9966848492622375)], [[[1780.0, 1922.0], [1868.0, 1922.0], [1868.0, 1966.0], [1780.0, 1966.0]], ('5,94', 0.9941024780273438)], [[[2152.0, 1918.0], [2267.0, 1918.0], [2267.0, 1970.0], [2152.0, 1970.0]], ('65,29', 0.9947121739387512)], [[[746.0, 2010.0], [857.0, 2010.0], [857.0, 2061.0], [746.0, 2061.0]], ('Total', 0.9998666048049927)], [[[1432.0, 2010.0], [1591.0, 2010.0], [1591.0, 2061.0], [1432.0, 2061.0]], ('$ 59,35', 0.9916881918907166)], [[[1735.0, 2010.0], [1868.0, 2010.0], [1868.0, 2061.0], [1735.0, 2061.0]], ('$ 5,94', 0.9458972811698914)], [[[2108.0, 2010.0], [2263.0, 2010.0], [2263.0, 2061.0], [2108.0, 2061.0]], ('$ 65,29', 0.9972449541091919)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '41389063', 'invoice_date': '03/17/2021', 'seller': 'Carpenter, Robinson and Jackson 7554 Acevedo Expressway Apt. 124 Shawnfort, KY 01851', 'client': 'Davis, Li and Coleman 07244 Henry View Thompsonchester, WA 44629', 'seller_tax_id': '940-95-2437', 'client_tax_id': '905-83-5704', 'iban': 'GB47PCJH31839415874046'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Haida: Their Art and Culture', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '4,89', 'item_net_worth': '14,67', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '16,14'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 14,67', 'total_vat': '$ 1,47', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 16,14'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 41389063', 'Date of issue:', '03/17/2021', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Carpenter, Robinson and Jackson', 'Davis, Li and Coleman', '7554 Acevedo Expressway Apt. 124', '07244 Henry View', 'Shawnfort, KY 01851', 'Thompsonchester, WA 44629', 'Tax Id: 940-95-2437', 'Tax Id: 905-83-5704', 'IBAN: GB47PCJH31839415874046', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'Haida: Their Art and Culture', '3,00', 'each', '4,89', '14,67', '10%', '16,14', '1.', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '14,67', '1,47', '16,14', 'Total', '$ 14,67', '$1,47', '$ 16,14']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 41389063', 0.9994722604751587)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9883247017860413)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('03/17/2021', 0.9995478391647339)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [905.0, 760.0], [905.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Carpenter, Robinson and Jackson', 0.9919581413269043)], [[[1244.0, 753.0], [1721.0, 757.0], [1720.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Davis, Li and Coleman', 0.9992944598197937)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [964.0, 811.0], [963.0, 862.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('7554 Acevedo Expressway Apt. 124', 0.9919500350952148)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1639.0, 811.0], [1639.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('07244 Henry View', 0.9997413754463196)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [650.0, 866.0], [650.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Shawnfort, KY 01851', 0.9928905367851257)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1868.0, 866.0], [1868.0, 917.0], [1248.0, 917.0]], ('Thompsonchester, WA 44629', 0.9990699291229248)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 940-95-2437', 0.990825355052948)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 905-83-5704', 0.9774219393730164)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [923.0, 1023.0], [923.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB47PCJH31839415874046', 0.994044303894043)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [831.0, 1400.0], [831.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Haida: Their Art and Culture', 0.9843941926956177)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('4,89', 0.9872900247573853)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1783.0, 1392.0], [1783.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('14,67', 0.9994288682937622)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('16,14', 0.9996196031570435)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [284.0, 1407.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [258.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9886345863342285)], [[[192.0, 1535.0], [491.0, 1535.0], [491.0, 1586.0], [192.0, 1586.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9946975708007812)], [[[955.0, 1651.0], [1123.0, 1660.0], [1120.0, 1715.0], [952.0, 1706.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9947153329849243)], [[[1776.0, 1646.0], [1874.0, 1657.0], [1868.0, 1712.0], [1770.0, 1701.0]], ('VAT', 0.8847964406013489)], [[[1392.0, 1663.0], [1588.0, 1663.0], [1588.0, 1703.0], [1392.0, 1703.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999373555183411)], [[[2027.0, 1663.0], [2259.0, 1663.0], [2259.0, 1703.0], [2027.0, 1703.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998466372489929)], [[[994.0, 1738.0], [1087.0, 1749.0], [1081.0, 1803.0], [988.0, 1792.0]], ('10%', 0.9998824596405029)], [[[1480.0, 1747.0], [1591.0, 1747.0], [1591.0, 1798.0], [1480.0, 1798.0]], ('14,67', 0.9997819066047668)], [[[1780.0, 1750.0], [1864.0, 1750.0], [1864.0, 1794.0], [1780.0, 1794.0]], ('1,47', 0.9991942644119263)], [[[2152.0, 1747.0], [2267.0, 1747.0], [2267.0, 1798.0], [2152.0, 1798.0]], ('16,14', 0.9997138977050781)], [[[749.0, 1842.0], [853.0, 1842.0], [853.0, 1882.0], [749.0, 1882.0]], ('Total', 0.9998796582221985)], [[[1432.0, 1838.0], [1588.0, 1838.0], [1588.0, 1889.0], [1432.0, 1889.0]], ('$ 14,67', 0.9727221727371216)], [[[1735.0, 1838.0], [1864.0, 1838.0], [1864.0, 1889.0], [1735.0, 1889.0]], ('$1,47', 0.9997627139091492)], [[[2104.0, 1838.0], [2263.0, 1838.0], [2263.0, 1889.0], [2104.0, 1889.0]], ('$ 16,14', 0.9550544619560242)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '27139567', 'invoice_date': '07/14/2017', 'seller': 'Vargas, Miller and Miller 0714 Michele Springs Mendozabury, HI 51398', 'client': 'Morris, Gentry and Nguyen 8616 Flores Vista Markstad, PA 32021', 'seller_tax_id': '944-92-8947', 'client_tax_id': '911-97-8391', 'iban': 'GB35P5XP39372964652593'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '18\"x18\" Marble White Top Counter Table Lapis Inlay Floral Art Halloween Gift Art', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '1200,00', 'item_net_worth': '2400,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '2640,00'}, {'item_desc': \"6'x3' Black Marble Dining Center Table Top Marquetry Inlay Outdoor Decor H3420A\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '5756,72', 'item_net_worth': '28783,60', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '31 661,96'}, {'item_desc': '36\" Agate Center Dining Table Top Precious Stone Hallway Furniture Decors A026', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '1 490,00', 'item_net_worth': '7450,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '8 195,00'}, {'item_desc': '1-4 Seater General Elastic Fabric Protector Sofa Covers Couch Slipcovers Stretch', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '0,99', 'item_net_worth': '3,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '4,36'}, {'item_desc': \"6'x3' Elegant Marble Black Top Dining Table Italian Inlay Furniture Decor E964B\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '5469,38', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '6016,32'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 44 106,94', 'total_vat': '$4410,69', 'total_gross_worth': '48 517,63'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 27139567', 'Date of issue:.', '07/14/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Vargas, Miller and Miller', 'Morris, Gentry and Nguyen', '0714 Michele Springs', '8616 Flores Vista', 'Mendozabury, HI 51398', 'Markstad, PA 32021', 'Tax Id: 944-92-8947', 'Tax Id: 911-97-8391', 'IBAN: GB35PSXP39372964652593', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', '2 640,00', '18\"x18\"Marble White Top', '2,00', ' each', '1200,00', '2400,00', '1', 'Counter Table Lapis Inlay Floral', 'Art Halloween Gift Art', '2.', \"6'x3' Black Marble Dining\", '5,00', 'each', '5 756,72', '28 783,60', '10%', '31 661,96', 'Center Table Top Marquetry', 'Inlay Outdoor Decor H3420A', '36\"Agate Center Dining Table', '5,00', '1490,00', ' each', '7 450,00', '10%', '8 195,00', '3.', 'Top Precious Stone Hallway', 'Furniture Decors A026', 'each', '0,99', '10%', '1-4 Seater General Elastic', '4,00', '3,96', '4,36', '4', 'Fabric Protector Sofa Covers', 'Couch Slipcovers Stretch', \"6'x3' Elegant Marble Black Top\", '1,00', '5 469,38', 'each', '5469,38', '10%', '6 016,32', ' Dining Table Italian Inlay', 'Furniture Decor E964B', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '4 410,69', '44 106,94', '48517,63', 'Total', '$44 106,94', '$4410,69', '$ 48 517,63']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 27139567', 0.9991685152053833)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9789198040962219)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('07/14/2017', 0.9997475743293762)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [720.0, 760.0], [720.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Vargas, Miller and Miller', 0.9752697944641113)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1820.0, 760.0], [1820.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Morris, Gentry and Nguyen', 0.9950539469718933)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [665.0, 811.0], [664.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('0714 Michele Springs', 0.9875219464302063)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1617.0, 811.0], [1617.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('8616 Flores Vista', 0.9772941470146179)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [713.0, 866.0], [713.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Mendozabury, HI 51398', 0.9977566599845886)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1672.0, 866.0], [1672.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Markstad, PA 32021', 0.9954402446746826)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 944-92-8947', 0.9894802570343018)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 911-97-8391', 0.985186755657196)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB35PSXP39372964652593', 0.9884372353553772)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2092.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2254.0, 1444.0], [2089.0, 1435.0]], ('2 640,00', 0.9973204135894775)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [801.0, 1400.0], [801.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('18\"x18\"Marble White Top', 0.9749442934989929)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('1200,00', 0.9741511940956116)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('2400,00', 0.9728987812995911)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Counter Table Lapis Inlay Floral', 0.9996774196624756)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [731.0, 1480.0], [731.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1516.0]], ('Art Halloween Gift Art', 0.999453604221344)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [783.0, 1571.0], [783.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], (\"6'x3' Black Marble Dining\", 0.9596054553985596)], [[[1008.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('5,00', 0.994348406791687)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1370.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1370.0, 1608.0]], ('5 756,72', 0.9629726409912109)], [[[1606.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1606.0, 1608.0]], ('28 783,60', 0.9821187257766724)], [[[1916.0, 1568.0], [2005.0, 1568.0], [2005.0, 1611.0], [1916.0, 1611.0]], ('10%', 0.9996957778930664)], [[[2075.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2075.0, 1608.0]], ('31 661,96', 0.9968662261962891)], [[[362.0, 1615.0], [831.0, 1615.0], [831.0, 1652.0], [362.0, 1652.0]], ('Center Table Top Marquetry', 0.9988354444503784)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [838.0, 1655.0], [838.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Inlay Outdoor Decor H3420A', 0.9815652370452881)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [871.0, 1743.0], [871.0, 1783.0], [351.0, 1779.0]], ('36\"Agate Center Dining Table', 0.9723873734474182)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('5,00', 0.9958778619766235)], [[[1364.0, 1731.0], [1533.0, 1740.0], [1530.0, 1791.0], [1361.0, 1782.0]], ('1490,00', 0.9985290765762329)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9101632237434387)], [[[1621.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1621.0, 1787.0]], ('7 450,00', 0.9983075261116028)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2093.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2093.0, 1787.0]], ('8 195,00', 0.9892410039901733)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[355.0, 1779.0], [823.0, 1783.0], [823.0, 1831.0], [354.0, 1827.0]], ('Top Precious Stone Hallway', 0.9989175200462341)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [738.0, 1827.0], [738.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Furniture Decors A026', 0.9737940430641174)], [[[1151.0, 1906.0], [1249.0, 1916.0], [1245.0, 1960.0], [1147.0, 1950.0]], ('each', 0.9959484934806824)], [[[1437.0, 1899.0], [1534.0, 1909.0], [1528.0, 1964.0], [1431.0, 1953.0]], ('0,99', 0.9995431303977966)], [[[1913.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1907.0, 1954.0]], ('10%', 0.9998664855957031)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [797.0, 1911.0], [797.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('1-4 Seater General Elastic', 0.9998497366905212)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('4,00', 0.9946244955062866)], [[[1695.0, 1911.0], [1783.0, 1911.0], [1783.0, 1955.0], [1695.0, 1955.0]], ('3,96', 0.9994840621948242)], [[[2167.0, 1911.0], [2256.0, 1911.0], [2256.0, 1955.0], [2167.0, 1955.0]], ('4,36', 0.9995763301849365)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [842.0, 1951.0], [842.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Fabric Protector Sofa Covers', 0.9997798204421997)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [779.0, 1999.0], [779.0, 2035.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('Couch Slipcovers Stretch', 0.9796876311302185)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [882.0, 2083.0], [882.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], (\"6'x3' Elegant Marble Black Top\", 0.9939616322517395)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('1,00', 0.9951938390731812)], [[[1619.0, 2075.0], [1784.0, 2084.0], [1781.0, 2135.0], [1616.0, 2126.0]], ('5 469,38', 0.9928957223892212)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2127.0], [1148.0, 2127.0]], ('each', 0.9984513521194458)], [[[1370.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2127.0], [1370.0, 2127.0]], ('5469,38', 0.9725808501243591)], [[[1912.0, 2083.0], [2001.0, 2083.0], [2001.0, 2127.0], [1912.0, 2127.0]], ('10%', 0.9965217113494873)], [[[2093.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2093.0, 2130.0]], ('6 016,32', 0.9981416463851929)], [[[351.0, 2119.0], [779.0, 2123.0], [779.0, 2174.0], [351.0, 2170.0]], (' Dining Table Italian Inlay', 0.9921561479568481)], [[[354.0, 2167.0], [746.0, 2167.0], [746.0, 2203.0], [354.0, 2203.0]], ('Furniture Decor E964B', 0.9705115556716919)], [[[192.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2361.0], [192.0, 2361.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9962040185928345)], [[[956.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2481.0], [956.0, 2481.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1388.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2474.0], [1388.0, 2474.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9842570424079895)], [[[1780.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2478.0], [1780.0, 2478.0]], ('VAT', 0.8929632306098938)], [[[2027.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2478.0], [2027.0, 2478.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998131394386292)], [[[994.0, 2509.0], [1087.0, 2520.0], [1081.0, 2574.0], [988.0, 2563.0]], ('10%', 0.9998297691345215)], [[[1704.0, 2513.0], [1869.0, 2522.0], [1866.0, 2570.0], [1701.0, 2561.0]], ('4 410,69', 0.9979079961776733)], [[[1410.0, 2525.0], [1588.0, 2525.0], [1588.0, 2565.0], [1410.0, 2565.0]], ('44 106,94', 0.9458118081092834)], [[[2082.0, 2525.0], [2263.0, 2525.0], [2263.0, 2565.0], [2082.0, 2565.0]], ('48517,63', 0.9699587821960449)], [[[745.0, 2600.0], [858.0, 2611.0], [853.0, 2662.0], [741.0, 2651.0]], ('Total', 0.9998696446418762)], [[[1359.0, 2613.0], [1584.0, 2613.0], [1584.0, 2653.0], [1359.0, 2653.0]], ('$44 106,94', 0.9668081998825073)], [[[1658.0, 2609.0], [1861.0, 2609.0], [1861.0, 2649.0], [1658.0, 2649.0]], ('$4410,69', 0.9674466848373413)], [[[2031.0, 2613.0], [2256.0, 2613.0], [2256.0, 2653.0], [2031.0, 2653.0]], ('$ 48 517,63', 0.9092695116996765)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '69941787', 'invoice_date': '03/03/2012', 'seller': 'Hanson PLC 2433 Johnston Lights Suite 326 West Robertfort, IN 78530', 'client': 'Nelson-Chandler 6461 Kendra Ridge Apt. 731 West Katherine, MA 65969', 'seller_tax_id': '967-73-9122', 'client_tax_id': '916-82-5080', 'iban': 'GB45AEPQ19169532888745'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"6'x3' White Marble Dining Table Top Multi Inlay Floral Elephant Art Decor H4952\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '6408,49', 'item_net_worth': '32 042,45', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '35 246,69'}, {'item_desc': '12\" White Marble Coffee Table Top Malachite Precious Inlay Decor Furniture W534', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '295,73', 'item_net_worth': '295,73', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '325,30'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$32338,18', 'total_vat': '$3233,82', 'total_gross_worth': '$35572,00'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 69941787', 'Date of issue:.', '03/03/2012', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Hanson PLC', 'Nelson-Chandler', '2433 Johnston Lights Suite 326', '6461 Kendra Ridge Apt. 731', 'West Robertfort, IN 78530', 'West Katherine, MA 65969', 'Tax Id: 967-73-9122', 'Tax Id: 916-82-5080', 'IBAN: GB45AEPQ19169532888745', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', '35 246,69', \"6'x3'White Marble Dining Table\", '5,00', 'each', '6408,49', '32042,45', '10%', 'Top Multi Inlay Floral Elephant', 'Art Decor H4952', '12\" White Marble Coffee Table', '295,73', '295,73', '10%', '2.', '1,00', 'each', '325,30', ' Top Malachite Precious Inlay', 'Decor Furniture W534', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '32 338,18', '3 233,82', '10%', '35 572,00', 'Total', '$ 32 338,18', '$ 3 233,82', '$ 35 572,00']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 69941787', 0.999047577381134)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9775146245956421)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('03/03/2012', 0.9997963905334473)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[202.0, 761.0], [464.0, 752.0], [466.0, 803.0], [204.0, 812.0]], ('Hanson PLC', 0.9990530014038086)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1602.0, 756.0], [1602.0, 804.0], [1248.0, 804.0]], ('Nelson-Chandler', 0.9986351728439331)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [868.0, 811.0], [868.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('2433 Johnston Lights Suite 326', 0.9922307729721069)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1842.0, 811.0], [1842.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('6461 Kendra Ridge Apt. 731', 0.9995679259300232)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [761.0, 866.0], [761.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('West Robertfort, IN 78530', 0.9946289658546448)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1813.0, 866.0], [1813.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('West Katherine, MA 65969', 0.9883092045783997)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 967-73-9122', 0.9847217202186584)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 916-82-5080', 0.9932618141174316)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB45AEPQ19169532888745', 0.987940788269043)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[2073.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2254.0, 1444.0], [2070.0, 1435.0]], ('35 246,69', 0.989766538143158)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [893.0, 1400.0], [893.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], (\"6'x3'White Marble Dining Table\", 0.9786452651023865)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9865952730178833)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('6408,49', 0.9660520553588867)], [[[1606.0, 1396.0], [1780.0, 1396.0], [1780.0, 1436.0], [1606.0, 1436.0]], ('32042,45', 0.9651695489883423)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [871.0, 1440.0], [871.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1476.0]], ('Top Multi Inlay Floral Elephant', 0.9840849041938782)], [[[362.0, 1480.0], [646.0, 1480.0], [646.0, 1524.0], [362.0, 1524.0]], ('Art Decor H4952', 0.9998998045921326)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [871.0, 1564.0], [871.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('12\" White Marble Coffee Table', 0.9981746673583984)], [[[1399.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1399.0, 1615.0]], ('295,73', 0.9996578693389893)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('295,73', 0.9998231530189514)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('325,30', 0.9994171261787415)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [842.0, 1612.0], [841.0, 1659.0], [350.0, 1651.0]], (' Top Malachite Precious Inlay', 0.9837259650230408)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [731.0, 1655.0], [731.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Decor Furniture W534', 0.9792289733886719)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9364745020866394)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[1776.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1966.0], [1776.0, 1966.0]], ('VAT', 0.6962001919746399)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998346567153931)], [[[1405.0, 1994.0], [1592.0, 2003.0], [1590.0, 2054.0], [1402.0, 2046.0]], ('32 338,18', 0.999502420425415)], [[[1704.0, 1994.0], [1869.0, 2003.0], [1866.0, 2055.0], [1701.0, 2045.0]], ('3 233,82', 0.9985179901123047)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[2082.0, 2006.0], [2259.0, 2006.0], [2259.0, 2046.0], [2082.0, 2046.0]], ('35 572,00', 0.9383760094642639)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1359.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2138.0], [1359.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 32 338,18', 0.9961292743682861)], [[[1658.0, 2094.0], [1861.0, 2094.0], [1861.0, 2134.0], [1658.0, 2134.0]], ('$ 3 233,82', 0.9595737457275391)], [[[2034.0, 2097.0], [2259.0, 2097.0], [2259.0, 2138.0], [2034.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 35 572,00', 0.9946536421775818)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '46405643', 'invoice_date': '05/16/2018', 'seller': 'Wilson Inc 52843 Tyler Track Suite 591 Lanemouth, ID 13638', 'client': 'Burke-Nelson 9539 Jennifer Pass Apt. 228 Erikfort, GA 55885', 'seller_tax_id': '953-81-6559', 'client_tax_id': '937-71-9555', 'iban': 'GB93QVUL88882887593544'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Edition Console Preorder + Spiderman: MM Day One Confirm', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '1200,00', 'item_net_worth': '1200,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1320,00'}, {'item_desc': 'PocketGo Bittboy v2 White Retro Video Game Portable Console 3.5 IPS display', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '39,00', 'item_net_worth': '117,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '128,70'}, {'item_desc': 'Sony PlayStation 3 12 GB Charcoal Black Console (Used)', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '109,99', 'item_net_worth': '109,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '120,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo Switch Lite Gray CONSOLE ONLY No Accessories or Charger [B5-2]', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '135,00', 'item_net_worth': '675,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '742,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Vg PlayStation PS Vita console PCH-1100AB01 PCH-1100 Crystal Black 4GB 271214', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '114,98', 'item_net_worth': '574,90', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '632,39'}, {'item_desc': 'Sony PlayStation 3 150GB Charcoal Black Console (Used)', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '139,99', 'item_net_worth': '139,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '153,99'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$2816,88', 'total_vat': '$ 281,69', 'total_gross_worth': '$3098,57'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 46405643', 'Date of issue:', '05/16/2018', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Wilson Inc', 'Burke-Nelson', '52843 Tyler Track Suite 591', '9539 Jennifer Pass Apt. 228', 'Lanemouth, ID 13638', 'Erikfort, GA 55885', 'Tax Id: 953-81-6559', 'Tax Id: 937-71-9555', 'IBAN:GB93QVUL88882887593544', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', 'Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Edition', '1,00', 'each', '1200,00', '1200,00', '1 320,00', '1', 'Console Preorder + Spiderman:', 'MM Day One Confirm', 'PocketGo Bittboy v2 White', '117,00', '10%', '2.', '3,00', 'each', '39,00', '128,70', 'Retro Video Game Portable', 'Console - 3.5 IPS display', ' Sony PlayStation 3 12 GB', '1,00', ' each', '109,99', '109,99', '10%', '120,99', '3.', 'Charcoal Black Console (Used)', ' Nintendo Switch Lite Gray', '5,00', '135,00', '675,00', '10%', 'each', '742,50', '4.', 'CONSOLE ONLY - No', 'Accessories or Charger [B5-2]', '5,00', 'each', '114,98', '574,90', '5.', 'Vg PlayStation PS Vita console', '10%', '632,39', 'PCH-1100AB01 PCH-1100', 'Crystal Black4GB 271214', 'Sony PlayStation 3 150GB', '1,00', 'each', '139,99', '139,99', '10%', '153,99', '6.', 'Charcoal Black Console (Used)', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '2816,88', '281,69', '3 098,57', 'Total', '$ 2 816,88', '$ 281,69', '$ 3098,57']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 46405643', 0.9992300868034363)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9984772801399231)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('05/16/2018', 0.9998196363449097)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [433.0, 761.0], [431.0, 812.0], [202.0, 803.0]], ('Wilson Inc', 0.9992173314094543)], [[[1252.0, 764.0], [1536.0, 764.0], [1536.0, 808.0], [1252.0, 808.0]], ('Burke-Nelson', 0.998795211315155)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [801.0, 811.0], [801.0, 859.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('52843 Tyler Track Suite 591', 0.9545159339904785)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1831.0, 811.0], [1831.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('9539 Jennifer Pass Apt. 228', 0.998747706413269)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [668.0, 866.0], [668.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lanemouth, ID 13638', 0.9955586791038513)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1639.0, 866.0], [1639.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Erikfort, GA 55885', 0.9970580339431763)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 953-81-6559', 0.9932389259338379)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 937-71-9555', 0.9884432554244995)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [941.0, 1030.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN:GB93QVUL88882887593544', 0.9906699657440186)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [886.0, 1400.0], [886.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Edition', 0.9624778628349304)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('1200,00', 0.9741511940956116)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('1200,00', 0.9658716320991516)], [[[2097.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2097.0, 1436.0]], ('1 320,00', 0.9164844155311584)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [893.0, 1436.0], [893.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Console Preorder + Spiderman:', 0.9897806644439697)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [716.0, 1480.0], [716.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('MM Day One Confirm', 0.9889560341835022)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [809.0, 1568.0], [808.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('PocketGo Bittboy v2 White', 0.9984406232833862)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('117,00', 0.9982990622520447)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('3,00', 0.9977307319641113)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1425.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1425.0, 1608.0]], ('39,00', 0.9993686676025391)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('128,70', 0.9984907507896423)], [[[355.0, 1608.0], [816.0, 1612.0], [816.0, 1652.0], [354.0, 1648.0]], ('Retro Video Game Portable', 0.9992364645004272)], [[[355.0, 1652.0], [775.0, 1655.0], [775.0, 1696.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Console - 3.5 IPS display', 0.9895362854003906)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [794.0, 1739.0], [794.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1787.0]], (' Sony PlayStation 3 12 GB', 0.9639013409614563)], [[[1004.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1004.0, 1783.0]], ('1,00', 0.9923063516616821)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('109,99', 0.9996208548545837)], [[[1654.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1654.0, 1787.0]], ('109,99', 0.9994964599609375)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('120,99', 0.9888775944709778)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [288.0, 1747.0], [288.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.995986819267273)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [871.0, 1787.0], [871.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Charcoal Black Console (Used)', 0.9839838147163391)], [[[351.0, 1867.0], [798.0, 1871.0], [797.0, 1919.0], [351.0, 1915.0]], (' Nintendo Switch Lite Gray', 0.9759840369224548)], [[[1004.0, 1862.0], [1094.0, 1872.0], [1089.0, 1916.0], [999.0, 1906.0]], ('5,00', 0.9953427314758301)], [[[1399.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1918.0], [1399.0, 1918.0]], ('135,00', 0.9223362803459167)], [[[1654.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1918.0], [1654.0, 1918.0]], ('675,00', 0.9990274906158447)], [[[1909.0, 1858.0], [2007.0, 1869.0], [2000.0, 1924.0], [1903.0, 1913.0]], ('10%', 0.9998971819877625)], [[[1152.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9984121918678284)], [[[2130.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1911.0], [2130.0, 1911.0]], ('742,50', 0.9994538426399231)], [[[258.0, 1882.0], [284.0, 1882.0], [284.0, 1907.0], [258.0, 1907.0]], ('4.', 0.9911180734634399)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [701.0, 1918.0], [701.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('CONSOLE ONLY - No', 0.9939412474632263)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [864.0, 1951.0], [864.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Accessories or Charger [B5-2]', 0.9913585782051086)], [[[1008.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1008.0, 2083.0]], ('5,00', 0.9726920127868652)], [[[1148.0, 2043.0], [1252.0, 2043.0], [1252.0, 2090.0], [1148.0, 2090.0]], ('each', 0.9586409330368042)], [[[1403.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2083.0], [1403.0, 2083.0]], ('114,98', 0.9881457686424255)], [[[1654.0, 2035.0], [1787.0, 2035.0], [1787.0, 2087.0], [1654.0, 2087.0]], ('574,90', 0.9996269345283508)], [[[251.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2079.0], [251.0, 2079.0]], ('5.', 0.9956701993942261)], [[[358.0, 2046.0], [871.0, 2046.0], [871.0, 2083.0], [358.0, 2083.0]], ('Vg PlayStation PS Vita console', 0.9786539077758789)], [[[1916.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2087.0], [1916.0, 2087.0]], ('10%', 0.9996157288551331)], [[[2130.0, 2043.0], [2256.0, 2043.0], [2256.0, 2083.0], [2130.0, 2083.0]], ('632,39', 0.9856858849525452)], [[[358.0, 2087.0], [790.0, 2087.0], [790.0, 2123.0], [358.0, 2123.0]], ('PCH-1100AB01 PCH-1100', 0.9756081700325012)], [[[358.0, 2127.0], [797.0, 2127.0], [797.0, 2163.0], [358.0, 2163.0]], ('Crystal Black4GB 271214', 0.95456463098526)], [[[354.0, 2211.0], [805.0, 2211.0], [805.0, 2258.0], [354.0, 2258.0]], ('Sony PlayStation 3 150GB', 0.9854562282562256)], [[[1004.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1004.0, 2258.0]], ('1,00', 0.9992190003395081)], [[[1148.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1148.0, 2258.0]], ('each', 0.9968607425689697)], [[[1399.0, 2211.0], [1532.0, 2211.0], [1532.0, 2262.0], [1399.0, 2262.0]], ('139,99', 0.9994087219238281)], [[[1654.0, 2211.0], [1787.0, 2211.0], [1787.0, 2262.0], [1654.0, 2262.0]], ('139,99', 0.9627132415771484)], [[[1912.0, 2214.0], [2005.0, 2214.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [1912.0, 2258.0]], ('10%', 0.9974961280822754)], [[[2127.0, 2211.0], [2256.0, 2211.0], [2256.0, 2262.0], [2127.0, 2262.0]], ('153,99', 0.9997663497924805)], [[[251.0, 2222.0], [288.0, 2222.0], [288.0, 2255.0], [251.0, 2255.0]], ('6.', 0.9962797164916992)], [[[358.0, 2262.0], [871.0, 2262.0], [871.0, 2298.0], [358.0, 2298.0]], ('Charcoal Black Console (Used)', 0.9810924530029297)], [[[192.0, 2397.0], [491.0, 2397.0], [491.0, 2448.0], [192.0, 2448.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.995941162109375)], [[[956.0, 2518.0], [1122.0, 2518.0], [1122.0, 2569.0], [956.0, 2569.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1384.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2569.0], [1384.0, 2569.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9997502565383911)], [[[1780.0, 2521.0], [1868.0, 2521.0], [1868.0, 2565.0], [1780.0, 2565.0]], ('VAT', 0.9607529044151306)], [[[2027.0, 2525.0], [2256.0, 2525.0], [2256.0, 2565.0], [2027.0, 2565.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998689889907837)], [[[994.0, 2596.0], [1087.0, 2607.0], [1081.0, 2662.0], [988.0, 2651.0]], ('10%', 0.9998767375946045)], [[[1429.0, 2613.0], [1588.0, 2613.0], [1588.0, 2653.0], [1429.0, 2653.0]], ('2816,88', 0.9583314657211304)], [[[1735.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2657.0], [1735.0, 2657.0]], ('281,69', 0.999865710735321)], [[[2097.0, 2605.0], [2263.0, 2605.0], [2263.0, 2657.0], [2097.0, 2657.0]], ('3 098,57', 0.998909056186676)], [[[746.0, 2697.0], [857.0, 2697.0], [857.0, 2748.0], [746.0, 2748.0]], ('Total', 0.9998736381530762)], [[[1384.0, 2700.0], [1588.0, 2700.0], [1588.0, 2741.0], [1384.0, 2741.0]], ('$ 2 816,88', 0.9898200035095215)], [[[1695.0, 2700.0], [1861.0, 2700.0], [1861.0, 2741.0], [1695.0, 2741.0]], ('$ 281,69', 0.9291300177574158)], [[[2056.0, 2700.0], [2256.0, 2700.0], [2256.0, 2741.0], [2056.0, 2741.0]], ('$ 3098,57', 0.9518693089485168)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '88273503', 'invoice_date': '01/17/2021', 'seller': 'Clark and Sons 678 Sonya Shores Port Christophershire, ND 03997', 'client': 'Rodriguez-yennings PSC 1100, Box 6819 APO AP 69267', 'seller_tax_id': '983-90-0612', 'client_tax_id': '941-79-6390', 'iban': 'GB58KHJM79703180709994'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'AMD Dual Core 3.9Ghz 4GB DDR3 500GB WiFi Windows 10 office Desktop PC Computer', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '249,99', 'item_net_worth': '499,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '549,98'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 499,98', 'total_vat': '$ 50,00', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 549,98'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 88273503', 'Date of issue:', '01/17/2021', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Clark and Sons', 'Rodriguez-Jennings', '678 Sonya Shores', 'PSC 1100, Box 6819', 'Port Christophershire, ND 03997', 'APO AP 69267', 'Tax Id: 983-90-0612', 'Tax Id: 941-79-6390', 'IBAN: GB58KHJM79703180709994', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '249,99', '499,98', 'AMD Dual Core 3.9Ghz 4GB', '2,00', 'each', '10%', '549,98', 'DDR3 500GB WiFi Windows 10', 'office Desktop PC Computer', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '499,98', ' 50,00', '549,98', 'Total', '$ 499,98', '$ 50,00', '$ 549,98']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 88273503', 0.9987000226974487)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('01/17/2021', 0.9996590614318848)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[207.0, 753.0], [528.0, 757.0], [528.0, 808.0], [206.0, 804.0]], ('Clark and Sons', 0.9786751866340637)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1658.0, 760.0], [1658.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Rodriguez-Jennings', 0.9991313219070435)], [[[210.0, 815.0], [594.0, 815.0], [594.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('678 Sonya Shores', 0.9995189905166626)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1676.0, 811.0], [1676.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('PSC 1100, Box 6819', 0.9689251780509949)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [890.0, 866.0], [890.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Christophershire, ND 03997', 0.9907454252243042)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('APO AP 69267', 0.9995562434196472)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 983-90-0612', 0.9880126118659973)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 941-79-6390', 0.9838312268257141)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB58KHJM79703180709994', 0.9935354590415955)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1396.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1396.0, 1443.0]], ('249,99', 0.9997382760047913)], [[[1656.0, 1384.0], [1784.0, 1393.0], [1781.0, 1444.0], [1653.0, 1435.0]], ('499,98', 0.9997045993804932)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [823.0, 1400.0], [823.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('AMD Dual Core 3.9Ghz 4GB', 0.9335362315177917)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1093.0, 1396.0], [1093.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9935404658317566)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2127.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2127.0, 1443.0]], ('549,98', 0.9996891021728516)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [871.0, 1440.0], [871.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1476.0]], ('DDR3 500GB WiFi Windows 10', 0.9904083013534546)], [[[362.0, 1484.0], [831.0, 1484.0], [831.0, 1520.0], [362.0, 1520.0]], ('office Desktop PC Computer', 0.9791541695594788)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.995788037776947)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2020.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2020.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998806118965149)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1462.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1882.0], [1462.0, 1882.0]], ('499,98', 0.9995324015617371)], [[[1754.0, 1831.0], [1868.0, 1831.0], [1868.0, 1882.0], [1754.0, 1882.0]], (' 50,00', 0.9218533635139465)], [[[2130.0, 1831.0], [2263.0, 1831.0], [2263.0, 1882.0], [2130.0, 1882.0]], ('549,98', 0.9992339015007019)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1410.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1410.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 499,98', 0.9969807267189026)], [[[1711.0, 1914.0], [1869.0, 1923.0], [1866.0, 1974.0], [1708.0, 1965.0]], ('$ 50,00', 0.9523167610168457)], [[[2086.0, 1926.0], [2259.0, 1926.0], [2259.0, 1966.0], [2086.0, 1966.0]], ('$ 549,98', 0.9964166879653931)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '59482422', 'invoice_date': '02/22/2016', 'seller': 'Avila-Espinoza 64814 Griffin Corners Apt. 910 South Jaymouth, MO 07341', 'client': 'Davis, Miller and Mcfarland 3052 Mark Spur Apt. 334 New Alan, OH 75150', 'seller_tax_id': '962-83-8261', 'client_tax_id': '929-85-7651', 'iban': 'GB18TPJX08067082776061'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Plush Carpet for Living Room Fluffy Rug Thick Bed Room Carpets Anti-slip Floor G', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '20,36', 'item_net_worth': '61,08', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '67,19'}, {'item_desc': '3D Printed Mat Vortex Illusion Living room Rug Carpet Floors Doors Round Mat', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '11,63', 'item_net_worth': '23,26', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '25,59'}, {'item_desc': 'Modern Tribal Geometric 4X6 Indo Gabbeh Wool & Bamboo Silk Oriental Rug Carpet', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '183,77', 'item_net_worth': '735,08', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '808,59'}, {'item_desc': 'Rectangle Faux Fur Sheepskin Rug Fluffy Area Rug Floor Carpets Dark Pink', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '29,95', 'item_net_worth': '29,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '32,95'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 849,37', 'total_vat': '$84,94', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 934,31'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 59482422', 'Date of issue:', '02/22/2016', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Avila-Espinoza', 'Davis, Miller and Mcfarland', '64814 Griffin Corners Apt. 910', '3052 Mark Spur Apt. 334', 'South Jaymouth, MO 07341', 'New Alan, OH 75150', 'Tax Id: 962-83-8261', 'Tax Id: 929-85-7651', 'IBAN: GB18TPJX08067082776061', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Plush Carpet for Living Room', '3,00', '20,36', '61,08', '10%', ' each', '67,19', '1', 'Fluffy Rug Thick Bed Room', 'Carpets Anti-slip Floor G', '3D Printed Mat Vortex Illusion', '23,26', '10%', '2,00', 'each', '11,63', '25,59', '2.', 'Living room Rug Carpet Floors', 'Doors Round Mat', 'Modern Tribal Geometric 4X6', '4,00', ' each', '183,77', '735,08', '10%', '808,59', '3.', 'Indo Gabbeh Wool & Bamboo', 'Silk Oriental Rug Carpet', ' Rectangle Faux Fur Sheepskin', '29,95', '29,95', '10%', '1,00', 'each', '32,95', '4', 'Rug Fluffy Area Rug Floor', 'Carpets Dark Pink', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '849,37', '84,94', '934,31', 'Total', '$ 849,37', '$ 84,94', '$ 934,31']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 59482422', 0.99915611743927)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9883247017860413)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('02/22/2016', 0.999726414680481)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 657.0], [1426.0, 666.0], [1423.0, 721.0], [1236.0, 712.0]], ('Client:', 0.9863694310188293)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [517.0, 760.0], [517.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Avila-Espinoza', 0.9998562932014465)], [[[1252.0, 764.0], [1816.0, 764.0], [1816.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Davis, Miller and Mcfarland', 0.9694430828094482)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [857.0, 811.0], [857.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('64814 Griffin Corners Apt. 910', 0.9983711242675781)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1776.0, 811.0], [1776.0, 862.0], [1252.0, 862.0]], ('3052 Mark Spur Apt. 334', 0.9956444501876831)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [786.0, 866.0], [786.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('South Jaymouth, MO 07341', 0.9970411658287048)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1684.0, 866.0], [1684.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('New Alan, OH 75150', 0.9671849012374878)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 962-83-8261', 0.9931672811508179)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 929-85-7651', 0.9919212460517883)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [916.0, 1023.0], [915.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB18TPJX08067082776061', 0.992100715637207)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1388.0], [846.0, 1396.0], [845.0, 1444.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Plush Carpet for Living Room', 0.9987625479698181)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('20,36', 0.9976186752319336)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('61,08', 0.9991604685783386)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('67,19', 0.9994055032730103)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [816.0, 1436.0], [816.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Fluffy Rug Thick Bed Room', 0.9727409482002258)], [[[358.0, 1484.0], [768.0, 1484.0], [768.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('Carpets Anti-slip Floor G', 0.9621357917785645)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [860.0, 1568.0], [860.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('3D Printed Mat Vortex Illusion', 0.9855893850326538)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('23,26', 0.9994093179702759)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1429.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1429.0, 1615.0]], ('11,63', 0.9992629289627075)], [[[2149.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1611.0], [2149.0, 1611.0]], ('25,59', 0.9989064931869507)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [872.0, 1612.0], [871.0, 1659.0], [350.0, 1651.0]], ('Living room Rug Carpet Floors', 0.9875219464302063)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [650.0, 1655.0], [650.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Doors Round Mat', 0.9986030459403992)], [[[354.0, 1743.0], [853.0, 1743.0], [853.0, 1780.0], [354.0, 1780.0]], ('Modern Tribal Geometric 4X6', 0.97580885887146)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('183,77', 0.9996473789215088)], [[[1654.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1654.0, 1787.0]], ('735,08', 0.9995468258857727)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('808,59', 0.9996492862701416)], [[[258.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [258.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9924343228340149)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [853.0, 1787.0], [853.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Indo Gabbeh Wool & Bamboo', 0.9906713962554932)], [[[351.0, 1820.0], [765.0, 1827.0], [764.0, 1868.0], [350.0, 1860.0]], ('Silk Oriental Rug Carpet', 0.9927744269371033)], [[[351.0, 1907.0], [868.0, 1911.0], [867.0, 1959.0], [351.0, 1955.0]], (' Rectangle Faux Fur Sheepskin', 0.9867603778839111)], [[[1421.0, 1899.0], [1534.0, 1909.0], [1529.0, 1964.0], [1416.0, 1954.0]], ('29,95', 0.9996600151062012)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('29,95', 0.9991348385810852)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9990523457527161)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('32,95', 0.9997216463088989)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[354.0, 1959.0], [790.0, 1959.0], [790.0, 1995.0], [354.0, 1995.0]], ('Rug Fluffy Area Rug Floor', 0.9800021648406982)], [[[351.0, 1995.0], [668.0, 1995.0], [668.0, 2043.0], [351.0, 2043.0]], ('Carpets Dark Pink', 0.9932680726051331)], [[[192.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2185.0], [192.0, 2185.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963642954826355)], [[[956.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2309.0], [956.0, 2309.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1392.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2302.0], [1392.0, 2302.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999005794525146)], [[[1780.0, 2258.0], [1868.0, 2258.0], [1868.0, 2302.0], [1780.0, 2302.0]], ('VAT', 0.9106342196464539)], [[[2027.0, 2262.0], [2256.0, 2262.0], [2256.0, 2302.0], [2027.0, 2302.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999322295188904)], [[[994.0, 2337.0], [1087.0, 2348.0], [1081.0, 2402.0], [988.0, 2392.0]], ('10%', 0.9998841881752014)], [[[1457.0, 2341.0], [1592.0, 2351.0], [1589.0, 2402.0], [1453.0, 2392.0]], ('849,37', 0.9987917542457581)], [[[1754.0, 2346.0], [1868.0, 2346.0], [1868.0, 2397.0], [1754.0, 2397.0]], ('84,94', 0.9996198415756226)], [[[2130.0, 2346.0], [2263.0, 2346.0], [2263.0, 2397.0], [2130.0, 2397.0]], ('934,31', 0.9997171759605408)], [[[749.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2481.0], [749.0, 2481.0]], ('Total', 0.9998010396957397)], [[[1414.0, 2441.0], [1584.0, 2441.0], [1584.0, 2481.0], [1414.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 849,37', 0.9962102174758911)], [[[1717.0, 2441.0], [1868.0, 2441.0], [1868.0, 2481.0], [1717.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 84,94', 0.9272090792655945)], [[[2086.0, 2441.0], [2256.0, 2441.0], [2256.0, 2481.0], [2086.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 934,31', 0.9926467537879944)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '39390025', 'invoice_date': '01/17/2019', 'seller': 'Miller PLC 691 Kelly Plains Apt. 961 South Cameronstad, PA 14821', 'client': 'Sullivan-Sanchez 1347 Brittany Ports Suite 584 Rileyfurt, PA 92987', 'seller_tax_id': '980-70-7712', 'client_tax_id': '926-72-9536', 'iban': 'GB17PTYU85780573798109'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Indian Green Red Color 2.6'x4' Carpet Hand Knotted Living Room Traditional Chobi\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '215,00', 'item_net_worth': '1075,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 182,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Egg Bathroom Rug Carpet Area Rugs Rug Floor Mats Nordic Chic Room Decor', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '68,10', 'item_net_worth': '136,20', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '149,82'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1211,20', 'total_vat': '$ 121,12', 'total_gross_worth': '$1332,32'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 39390025', 'Date of issue:', '01/17/2019', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Miller PLC', 'Sullivan-Sanchez', '691 Kelly Plains Apt. 961', '1347 Brittany Ports Suite 584', 'South Cameronstad, PA 14821', 'Rileyfurt, PA 92987', 'Tax Id: 980-70-7712', 'Tax Id: 926-72-9536', 'IBAN: GB17PTYU85780573798109', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '215,00', '1182,50', \"Indian Green Red Color 2.6'x4'\", '5,00', 'each', '1075,00', '10%', 'Carpet Hand Knotted Living', ' Room Traditional Chobi', '68,10', '136,20', '10%', '2.', 'Egg Bathroom Rug Carpet Area', '2,00', 'each', '149,82', 'Rugs Rug Floor Mats Nordic Chic', 'Room Decor', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '1211,20', '10%', '121,12', '1 332,32', 'Total', '$1 211,20', '$ 1 332,32', '$ 121,12']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 39390025', 0.9962272644042969)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('01/17/2019', 0.9997208714485168)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [421.0, 760.0], [421.0, 800.0], [210.0, 800.0]], ('Miller PLC', 0.9983658790588379)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1610.0, 756.0], [1610.0, 804.0], [1248.0, 804.0]], ('Sullivan-Sanchez', 0.9991607069969177)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [735.0, 811.0], [735.0, 859.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('691 Kelly Plains Apt. 961', 0.9939842820167542)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1872.0, 811.0], [1872.0, 862.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('1347 Brittany Ports Suite 584', 0.9759179949760437)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [853.0, 866.0], [853.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('South Cameronstad, PA 14821', 0.9871564507484436)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1658.0, 866.0], [1658.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Rileyfurt, PA 92987', 0.9979512095451355)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 980-70-7712', 0.9821107983589172)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 926-72-9536', 0.9896966814994812)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB17PTYU85780573798109', 0.9878941774368286)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('215,00', 0.9995136857032776)], [[[2091.0, 1384.0], [2260.0, 1393.0], [2258.0, 1444.0], [2089.0, 1435.0]], ('1182,50', 0.9996270537376404)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [868.0, 1400.0], [868.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], (\"Indian Green Red Color 2.6'x4'\", 0.9616085290908813)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('1075,00', 0.9897260665893555)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[359.0, 1432.0], [827.0, 1440.0], [827.0, 1487.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('Carpet Hand Knotted Living', 0.9988775253295898)], [[[351.0, 1472.0], [761.0, 1480.0], [760.0, 1528.0], [350.0, 1520.0]], (' Room Traditional Chobi', 0.9862706661224365)], [[[1421.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1421.0, 1615.0]], ('68,10', 0.999480128288269)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('136,20', 0.9992425441741943)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [886.0, 1571.0], [886.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Egg Bathroom Rug Carpet Area', 0.9707284569740295)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('149,82', 0.9984703063964844)], [[[358.0, 1615.0], [905.0, 1615.0], [905.0, 1652.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('Rugs Rug Floor Mats Nordic Chic', 0.9962068796157837)], [[[355.0, 1651.0], [569.0, 1656.0], [568.0, 1696.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Room Decor', 0.9985184669494629)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9384298920631409)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1776.0, 1902.0], [1874.0, 1913.0], [1868.0, 1968.0], [1770.0, 1957.0]], ('VAT', 0.8847408294677734)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998207688331604)], [[[1423.0, 1994.0], [1592.0, 2003.0], [1589.0, 2055.0], [1420.0, 2045.0]], ('1211,20', 0.9981638789176941)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[1735.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2054.0], [1735.0, 2054.0]], ('121,12', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[2101.0, 2002.0], [2263.0, 2002.0], [2263.0, 2054.0], [2101.0, 2054.0]], ('1 332,32', 0.9783312678337097)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1381.0, 2094.0], [1588.0, 2094.0], [1588.0, 2134.0], [1381.0, 2134.0]], ('$1 211,20', 0.955683171749115)], [[[2050.0, 2086.0], [2260.0, 2094.0], [2258.0, 2146.0], [2048.0, 2137.0]], ('$ 1 332,32', 0.98231041431427)], [[[1695.0, 2097.0], [1864.0, 2097.0], [1864.0, 2138.0], [1695.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 121,12', 0.9682573080062866)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '41925448', 'invoice_date': '08/19/2019', 'seller': 'Keith LLC 02821 Baker Vista Hunttown, AL 18759', 'client': 'Wang Ltd 506 Dale Prairie South Charlottechester, SD 50411', 'seller_tax_id': '997-80-1346', 'client_tax_id': '957-76-0587', 'iban': 'GB69ONMU18243705319443'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'CLEARANCE!!! Fast HP Desktop Computer PC Core 2 Duo WINDOWS 10 + LCD + KB + MS', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '89,99', 'item_net_worth': '359,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '395,96'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 359,96', 'total_vat': '$ 36,00', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 395,96'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 41925448', 'Date of issue:', '08/19/2019', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Keith LLC', 'Wang Ltd', '02821 Baker Vista', '506 Dale Prairie', 'Hunttown, AL 18759', 'South Charlottechester, SD 50411', 'Tax Id: 997-80-1346', 'Tax Id: 957-76-0587', 'IBAN: GB69ONMU18243705319443', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'CLEARANCE!!! Fast HP Desktop', '89,99', '359,96', '395,96', '4,00', 'each', '10%', 'Computer PC Core 2 Duo', 'WINDOWS 10 + LCD + KB + MS', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '359,96', '36,00', '395,96', 'Total', '$ 359,96', '$ 36,00', '$ 395,96']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 41925448', 0.9993467330932617)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('08/19/2019', 0.9997024536132812)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [410.0, 760.0], [410.0, 800.0], [210.0, 800.0]], ('Keith LLC', 0.9994013905525208)], [[[1244.0, 756.0], [1458.0, 756.0], [1458.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Wang Ltd', 0.9993674755096436)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [598.0, 811.0], [598.0, 859.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('02821 Baker Vista', 0.9705281257629395)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1592.0, 815.0], [1591.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 855.0]], ('506 Dale Prairie', 0.9988785982131958)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [639.0, 866.0], [639.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Hunttown, AL 18759', 0.9819566011428833)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1964.0, 866.0], [1964.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('South Charlottechester, SD 50411', 0.9844292402267456)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 997-80-1346', 0.987389087677002)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 957-76-0587', 0.9906910061836243)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [960.0, 1023.0], [960.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB69ONMU18243705319443', 0.9886570572853088)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1305.0], [1580.0, 1305.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999362230300903)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[355.0, 1392.0], [890.0, 1396.0], [890.0, 1444.0], [354.0, 1440.0]], ('CLEARANCE!!! Fast HP Desktop', 0.9805911779403687)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('89,99', 0.9992573857307434)], [[[1656.0, 1388.0], [1784.0, 1397.0], [1781.0, 1441.0], [1653.0, 1432.0]], ('359,96', 0.9852168560028076)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1445.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('395,96', 0.9991230368614197)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [786.0, 1436.0], [786.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Computer PC Core 2 Duo', 0.9972091317176819)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [901.0, 1476.0], [901.0, 1524.0], [358.0, 1524.0]], ('WINDOWS 10 + LCD + KB + MS', 0.9750401377677917)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.995788037776947)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1386.0, 1739.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1586.0, 1791.0], [1384.0, 1783.0]], ('Net worth', 0.999957799911499)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[2020.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2020.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998806118965149)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1458.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1882.0], [1458.0, 1882.0]], ('359,96', 0.9989418983459473)], [[[1757.0, 1831.0], [1868.0, 1831.0], [1868.0, 1882.0], [1757.0, 1882.0]], ('36,00', 0.9849303960800171)], [[[2134.0, 1831.0], [2263.0, 1831.0], [2263.0, 1882.0], [2134.0, 1882.0]], ('395,96', 0.9989606738090515)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1410.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1410.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 359,96', 0.9977214336395264)], [[[1711.0, 1914.0], [1869.0, 1923.0], [1866.0, 1974.0], [1708.0, 1965.0]], ('$ 36,00', 0.9776636362075806)], [[[2082.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1970.0], [2082.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 395,96', 0.9771607518196106)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '53737787', 'invoice_date': '12/08/2011', 'seller': 'Levy-Vargas 7333 Noble Hill Suite 584 West Valeriechester, AZ 99439', 'client': 'Kelly-Herring 8621 Maria Fords North Miguel, KS 38601', 'seller_tax_id': '908-76-0702', 'client_tax_id': '910-72-9133', 'iban': 'GB71DP5417716092625'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Breaking Free from Depression: Pathways to Wellness by Jesse H. Wright (English)', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '32,94', 'item_net_worth': '65,88', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '72,47'}, {'item_desc': 'The Graphic Design Reference & Specification Book: Everything Graphic Designers', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '20,18', 'item_net_worth': '100,90', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '110,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Escape from the Carnival of Horrors (Give Yourself Goosebumps) by R. L. Stine', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '5,01', 'item_net_worth': '20,04', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '22,04'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 186,82', 'total_vat': '$ 18,68', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 205,50'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 53737787', 'Date of issue:', '12/08/2011', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Kelly-Herring', 'Levy-Vargas', '7333 Noble Hill Suite 584.', '8621 Maria Fords', 'West Valeriechester, AZ 99439', 'North Miguel, KS 38601', 'Tax Id: 908-76-0702', 'Tax Id: 910-72-9133', 'IBAN: GB71IDEI54877186092625', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Breaking Free from Depression:.', '2,00', 'each', '32,94', '65,88', '10%', '72,47', 'Pathways to Wellness by Jesse', 'H. Wright (English)', 'The Graphic Design Reference.', '5,00', '20,18', '100,90', '10%', '2.', 'each', '110,99', '& Specification Book:', 'Everything Graphic Designers', 'Escape from the Carnival of', '4,00', 'each', '5,01', '20,04', '10%', '22,04', '3.', 'Horrors (Give Yourself', 'Goosebumps) by R. L. Stine', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '186,82', '18,68', '205,50', 'Total', '$ 186,82', '$18,68', '$205,50']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 53737787', 0.9975892305374146)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('12/08/2011', 0.9998370409011841)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[1245.0, 752.0], [1529.0, 761.0], [1527.0, 812.0], [1244.0, 803.0]], ('Kelly-Herring', 0.9995776414871216)], [[[210.0, 764.0], [473.0, 764.0], [473.0, 804.0], [210.0, 804.0]], ('Levy-Vargas', 0.9991875290870667)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [749.0, 811.0], [749.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('7333 Noble Hill Suite 584.', 0.9597424268722534)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1621.0, 815.0], [1620.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 855.0]], ('8621 Maria Fords', 0.999719500541687)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [860.0, 866.0], [860.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('West Valeriechester, AZ 99439', 0.9998058080673218)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1739.0, 866.0], [1739.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('North Miguel, KS 38601', 0.9992467761039734)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 908-76-0702', 0.9915931820869446)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 910-72-9133', 0.9923804402351379)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [908.0, 1023.0], [908.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB71IDEI54877186092625', 0.98830646276474)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[354.0, 1396.0], [893.0, 1396.0], [893.0, 1443.0], [354.0, 1443.0]], ('Breaking Free from Depression:.', 0.9816895723342896)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('32,94', 0.9998754262924194)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('65,88', 0.9951766133308411)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2152.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2152.0, 1443.0]], ('72,47', 0.9976766705513)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [871.0, 1436.0], [871.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Pathways to Wellness by Jesse', 0.9996047019958496)], [[[351.0, 1476.0], [676.0, 1480.0], [675.0, 1520.0], [351.0, 1516.0]], ('H. Wright (English)', 0.968744158744812)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [875.0, 1568.0], [875.0, 1615.0], [350.0, 1608.0]], ('The Graphic Design Reference.', 0.9589922428131104)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('5,00', 0.9983230829238892)], [[[1421.0, 1555.0], [1537.0, 1565.0], [1533.0, 1620.0], [1416.0, 1610.0]], ('20,18', 0.999592125415802)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('100,90', 0.9992888569831848)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('110,99', 0.9992987513542175)], [[[359.0, 1604.0], [720.0, 1612.0], [719.0, 1659.0], [358.0, 1651.0]], ('& Specification Book:', 0.9942019581794739)], [[[354.0, 1652.0], [864.0, 1652.0], [864.0, 1699.0], [354.0, 1699.0]], ('Everything Graphic Designers', 0.9999361038208008)], [[[355.0, 1736.0], [827.0, 1739.0], [827.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1783.0]], ('Escape from the Carnival of', 0.9998304843902588)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1444.0, 1739.0], [1528.0, 1739.0], [1528.0, 1783.0], [1444.0, 1783.0]], ('5,01', 0.9946587085723877)], [[[1672.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1672.0, 1787.0]], ('20,04', 0.9996457099914551)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9996688961982727)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2259.0, 1736.0], [2259.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('22,04', 0.9995092153549194)], [[[255.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [255.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9913963675498962)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [731.0, 1787.0], [731.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Horrors (Give Yourself', 0.9909207820892334)], [[[354.0, 1820.0], [831.0, 1820.0], [831.0, 1867.0], [354.0, 1867.0]], ('Goosebumps) by R. L. Stine', 0.9896807074546814)], [[[192.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 2013.0], [192.0, 2013.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9965361952781677)], [[[954.0, 2078.0], [1123.0, 2087.0], [1121.0, 2139.0], [952.0, 2130.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9988380670547485)], [[[1776.0, 2074.0], [1874.0, 2085.0], [1868.0, 2139.0], [1770.0, 2129.0]], ('VAT', 0.9557650089263916)], [[[1388.0, 2090.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1588.0, 2130.0], [1388.0, 2130.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9820273518562317)], [[[2027.0, 2094.0], [2256.0, 2094.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2027.0, 2130.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998905062675476)], [[[997.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2222.0], [997.0, 2222.0]], ('10%', 0.9996705055236816)], [[[1458.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2225.0], [1458.0, 2225.0]], ('186,82', 0.9990031719207764)], [[[1754.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2225.0], [1754.0, 2225.0]], ('18,68', 0.9997830390930176)], [[[2130.0, 2174.0], [2267.0, 2174.0], [2267.0, 2225.0], [2130.0, 2225.0]], ('205,50', 0.9983202815055847)], [[[746.0, 2262.0], [857.0, 2262.0], [857.0, 2313.0], [746.0, 2313.0]], ('Total', 0.9998490214347839)], [[[1410.0, 2266.0], [1591.0, 2266.0], [1591.0, 2317.0], [1410.0, 2317.0]], ('$ 186,82', 0.9968386888504028)], [[[1717.0, 2269.0], [1864.0, 2269.0], [1864.0, 2309.0], [1717.0, 2309.0]], ('$18,68', 0.9857218861579895)], [[[2086.0, 2269.0], [2259.0, 2269.0], [2259.0, 2309.0], [2086.0, 2309.0]], ('$205,50', 0.9849354028701782)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '19961329', 'invoice_date': '02/24/2015', 'seller': 'Martin Group 065 Anthony Prairie Morganfurt, AR 58377', 'client': 'Cox-Hall 084 Trevor Motorway West Elizabethbury, MO 57836', 'seller_tax_id': '935-96-4412', 'client_tax_id': '926-74-0828', 'iban': 'GB89ANAY72028493089829'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Boden black blue floral short sleeve dress size 6', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '36,99', 'item_net_worth': '36,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '40,69'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 36,99', 'total_vat': '$ 3,70', 'total_gross_worth': '$40,69'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 19961329', 'Date of issue:', '02/24/2015', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Martin Group', 'Cox-Hall', '065 Anthony Prairie', '084 Trevor Motorway', 'Morganfurt, AR 58377', 'West Elizabethbury, MO 57836', 'Tax Id: 935-96-4412', 'Tax Id: 926-74-0828', 'IBAN: GB89ANAY72028493089829', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'Boden black blue floral short', '1,00', 'each', '36,99', '36,99', '10%', '40,69', '1', 'sleeve dress size 6', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '36,99', '3,70', '40,69', 'Total', '$ 36,99', '$ 3,70', '$ 40,69']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 19961329', 0.9985202550888062)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('02/24/2015', 0.9996871948242188)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[204.0, 753.0], [491.0, 757.0], [491.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Martin Group', 0.999798595905304)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1432.0, 756.0], [1432.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Cox-Hall', 0.9992374181747437)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [632.0, 811.0], [631.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('065 Anthony Prairie', 0.9997762441635132)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1702.0, 815.0], [1701.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 855.0]], ('084 Trevor Motorway', 0.9996305704116821)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [672.0, 866.0], [672.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Morganfurt, AR 58377', 0.9947789907455444)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1898.0, 866.0], [1898.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('West Elizabethbury, MO 57836', 0.9783180356025696)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 935-96-4412', 0.9925098419189453)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 926-74-0828', 0.9919528961181641)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [938.0, 1020.0], [938.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB89ANAY72028493089829', 0.9945205450057983)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [842.0, 1400.0], [842.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Boden black blue floral short', 0.9702090620994568)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('36,99', 0.9997010231018066)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('36,99', 0.9969756007194519)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('40,69', 0.999095618724823)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1443.0], [679.0, 1443.0], [679.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('sleeve dress size 6', 0.9964891672134399)], [[[192.0, 1579.0], [491.0, 1579.0], [491.0, 1630.0], [192.0, 1630.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9968156814575195)], [[[956.0, 1699.0], [1122.0, 1699.0], [1122.0, 1750.0], [956.0, 1750.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999481201171875)], [[[1388.0, 1703.0], [1588.0, 1703.0], [1588.0, 1743.0], [1388.0, 1743.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9482071399688721)], [[[1776.0, 1696.0], [1872.0, 1696.0], [1872.0, 1750.0], [1776.0, 1750.0]], ('VAT', 0.8358571529388428)], [[[2027.0, 1706.0], [2259.0, 1706.0], [2259.0, 1743.0], [2027.0, 1743.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9981299042701721)], [[[994.0, 1782.0], [1087.0, 1792.0], [1081.0, 1843.0], [988.0, 1832.0]], ('10%', 0.9998087882995605)], [[[1480.0, 1787.0], [1591.0, 1787.0], [1591.0, 1838.0], [1480.0, 1838.0]], ('36,99', 0.9998232126235962)], [[[1776.0, 1787.0], [1868.0, 1787.0], [1868.0, 1842.0], [1776.0, 1842.0]], ('3,70', 0.9996932744979858)], [[[2156.0, 1794.0], [2263.0, 1794.0], [2263.0, 1834.0], [2156.0, 1834.0]], ('40,69', 0.9785262942314148)], [[[746.0, 1875.0], [857.0, 1875.0], [857.0, 1926.0], [746.0, 1926.0]], ('Total', 0.9998496770858765)], [[[1436.0, 1882.0], [1588.0, 1882.0], [1588.0, 1922.0], [1436.0, 1922.0]], ('$ 36,99', 0.9703821539878845)], [[[1735.0, 1878.0], [1868.0, 1878.0], [1868.0, 1929.0], [1735.0, 1929.0]], ('$ 3,70', 0.9806146621704102)], [[[2108.0, 1878.0], [2263.0, 1878.0], [2263.0, 1929.0], [2108.0, 1929.0]], ('$ 40,69', 0.9826056361198425)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '75499908', 'invoice_date': '11/15/2017', 'seller': 'Salazar PLC 97182 Shannon Overpass Suite 556 Joseshire, IL 91853', 'client': 'Daniel LLC 6265 Patrick Burgs Suite 561 West Angel, NJ 72443', 'seller_tax_id': '906-86-8437', 'client_tax_id': '969-85-2885', 'iban': 'GB96ENFL31227940085712'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Kate Spade NY Sleeveless Ponte Fit & Flare Solid Black Dress Size 6', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '49,99', 'item_net_worth': '249,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '274,95'}, {'item_desc': 'Guess Dress Size 6', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '20,00', 'item_net_worth': '80,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '88,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Women Elegant Fashion O-Neck Knee Length Short Sleeve Retro Floral Print Dress', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '12,00', 'item_net_worth': '12,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '13,20'}, {'item_desc': 'Vintage AGB Black Velvet Maxi Dress L Mandarin Collar', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '69,96', 'item_net_worth': '349,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '384,78'}, {'item_desc': \"Jcrew Mercantile Women's Maxi Dress Size 2 Floral Tiered Lined\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '20,00', 'item_net_worth': '100,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '110,00'}, {'item_desc': \"Tommy Bahama Women's V Neck Linen Floral Dress Size M Beige Short Sleeve Tan\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '34,99', 'item_net_worth': '139,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '153,96'}, {'item_desc': 'Zara Yellow Shift Dress XS', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '24,75', 'item_net_worth': '123,75', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '136,13'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1055,46', 'total_vat': '$ 105,55', 'total_gross_worth': '$1161,01'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 75499908', 'Date of issue:.', '11/15/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Salazar PLC', 'Daniel LLC', '97182 Shannon Overpass Suite 556', '6265 Patrick Burgs Suite 561', 'Joseshire, IL 91853', 'West Angel, NJ 72443', 'Tax Id: 906-86-8437', 'Tax Id: 969-85-2885', 'IBAN: GB96ENFL31227940085712', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '49,99', '10%', '274,95', '1.', 'Kate Spade NY Sleeveless Ponte', '5,00', 'each', '249,95', 'Fit & Flare Solid Black Dress', 'Size 6', '4,00', 'Guess Dress Size 6', '20,00', '80,00', 'each', '10%', '88,00', '2.', '3.', 'Women Elegant Fashion O-Neck', '1,00', 'each', '12,00', '12,00', '10%', '13,20', 'Knee Length Short Sleeve Retro', 'Floral Print Dress', 'Vintage AGB Black Velvet Maxi', '5,00', 'each', '69,96', '349,80', '10%', '384,78', '4.', 'Dress L Mandarin Collar', \"J crew Mercantile Women's Maxi\", '5,00', 'each', '20,00', '100,00', '10%', '110,00', '5.', 'Dress Size 2 Floral Tiered Lined.', 'Pink', '139,96', '10%', \"Tommy Bahama Women's V\", '4,00', 'each', '34,99', '153,96', 'O.', 'Neck Linen Floral Dress Size M.', 'Beige Short Sleeve Tan', '5,00', '24,75', '123,75', '10%', '7.', 'Zara Yellow Shift Dress XS', 'each', '136,13', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '1055,46', '1161,01', '105,55', 'Total', '$1055,46', '$ 105,55', '$ 1161,01']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 75499908', 0.9993836283683777)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9817057847976685)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('11/15/2017', 0.9997978210449219)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [461.0, 756.0], [461.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Salazar PLC', 0.9997966885566711)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Daniel LLC', 0.9625280499458313)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [964.0, 811.0], [964.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('97182 Shannon Overpass Suite 556', 0.999700665473938)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1857.0, 811.0], [1857.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('6265 Patrick Burgs Suite 561', 0.9803072810173035)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [613.0, 866.0], [613.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Joseshire, IL 91853', 0.9991694092750549)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1709.0, 866.0], [1709.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('West Angel, NJ 72443', 0.9820915460586548)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 906-86-8437', 0.9885733723640442)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 969-85-2885', 0.9876600503921509)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [927.0, 1030.0], [927.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB96ENFL31227940085712', 0.9835157990455627)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('49,99', 0.999840259552002)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1445.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], ('274,95', 0.9995079636573792)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [901.0, 1400.0], [901.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Kate Spade NY Sleeveless Ponte', 0.9615815281867981)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('249,95', 0.9661230444908142)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [831.0, 1436.0], [830.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Fit & Flare Solid Black Dress', 0.9786429405212402)], [[[358.0, 1480.0], [465.0, 1480.0], [465.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('Size 6', 0.9995112419128418)], [[[1001.0, 1552.0], [1102.0, 1562.0], [1096.0, 1617.0], [995.0, 1606.0]], ('4,00', 0.9962929487228394)], [[[354.0, 1564.0], [683.0, 1564.0], [683.0, 1611.0], [354.0, 1611.0]], ('Guess Dress Size 6', 0.9748345613479614)], [[[1418.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1611.0], [1418.0, 1611.0]], ('20,00', 0.9990946054458618)], [[[1676.0, 1555.0], [1788.0, 1565.0], [1783.0, 1620.0], [1671.0, 1610.0]], ('80,00', 0.9973033666610718)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2008.0, 1560.0], [2008.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999217987060547)], [[[2149.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1611.0], [2149.0, 1611.0]], ('88,00', 0.996853232383728)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [288.0, 1571.0], [288.0, 1608.0], [251.0, 1608.0]], ('2.', 0.9970239400863647)], [[[251.0, 1663.0], [288.0, 1663.0], [288.0, 1699.0], [251.0, 1699.0]], ('3.', 0.9959143400192261)], [[[354.0, 1655.0], [901.0, 1655.0], [901.0, 1703.0], [354.0, 1703.0]], ('Women Elegant Fashion O-Neck', 0.999372661113739)], [[[1004.0, 1659.0], [1097.0, 1659.0], [1097.0, 1703.0], [1004.0, 1703.0]], ('1,00', 0.9876083135604858)], [[[1148.0, 1659.0], [1244.0, 1659.0], [1244.0, 1703.0], [1148.0, 1703.0]], ('each', 0.9921557903289795)], [[[1421.0, 1655.0], [1532.0, 1655.0], [1532.0, 1706.0], [1421.0, 1706.0]], ('12,00', 0.9997278451919556)], [[[1672.0, 1655.0], [1787.0, 1655.0], [1787.0, 1706.0], [1672.0, 1706.0]], ('12,00', 0.9998438954353333)], [[[1912.0, 1659.0], [2001.0, 1659.0], [2001.0, 1703.0], [1912.0, 1703.0]], ('10%', 0.9971013069152832)], [[[2145.0, 1655.0], [2259.0, 1655.0], [2259.0, 1706.0], [2145.0, 1706.0]], ('13,20', 0.9996584057807922)], [[[355.0, 1692.0], [894.0, 1696.0], [893.0, 1743.0], [354.0, 1739.0]], ('Knee Length Short Sleeve Retro', 0.9996635317802429)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [650.0, 1743.0], [649.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1779.0]], ('Floral Print Dress', 0.9944649934768677)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [879.0, 1827.0], [879.0, 1875.0], [358.0, 1875.0]], ('Vintage AGB Black Velvet Maxi', 0.9945639967918396)], [[[1004.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1004.0, 1871.0]], ('5,00', 0.9982671141624451)], [[[1152.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1875.0], [1152.0, 1875.0]], ('each', 0.999234139919281)], [[[1421.0, 1823.0], [1532.0, 1823.0], [1532.0, 1878.0], [1421.0, 1878.0]], ('69,96', 0.9988489151000977)], [[[1654.0, 1823.0], [1787.0, 1823.0], [1787.0, 1875.0], [1654.0, 1875.0]], ('349,80', 0.9990991950035095)], [[[1912.0, 1823.0], [2005.0, 1823.0], [2005.0, 1878.0], [1912.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9999478459358215)], [[[2127.0, 1823.0], [2256.0, 1823.0], [2256.0, 1875.0], [2127.0, 1875.0]], ('384,78', 0.9998431205749512)], [[[251.0, 1834.0], [284.0, 1834.0], [284.0, 1867.0], [251.0, 1867.0]], ('4.', 0.9899671673774719)], [[[358.0, 1871.0], [761.0, 1871.0], [761.0, 1907.0], [358.0, 1907.0]], ('Dress L Mandarin Collar', 0.9804927110671997)], [[[354.0, 1962.0], [901.0, 1962.0], [901.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], (\"J crew Mercantile Women's Maxi\", 0.9690058827400208)], [[[1008.0, 1959.0], [1093.0, 1959.0], [1093.0, 2002.0], [1008.0, 2002.0]], ('5,00', 0.9964971542358398)], [[[1148.0, 1962.0], [1248.0, 1962.0], [1248.0, 2002.0], [1148.0, 2002.0]], ('each', 0.996172308921814)], [[[1418.0, 1955.0], [1532.0, 1955.0], [1532.0, 2006.0], [1418.0, 2006.0]], ('20,00', 0.9996136426925659)], [[[1654.0, 1955.0], [1787.0, 1955.0], [1787.0, 2006.0], [1654.0, 2006.0]], ('100,00', 0.999220609664917)], [[[1912.0, 1959.0], [2001.0, 1959.0], [2001.0, 2002.0], [1912.0, 2002.0]], ('10%', 0.9017460942268372)], [[[2127.0, 1955.0], [2256.0, 1955.0], [2256.0, 2006.0], [2127.0, 2006.0]], ('110,00', 0.9995431303977966)], [[[258.0, 1970.0], [284.0, 1970.0], [284.0, 1995.0], [258.0, 1995.0]], ('5.', 0.9913755655288696)], [[[358.0, 2002.0], [882.0, 2002.0], [882.0, 2039.0], [358.0, 2039.0]], ('Dress Size 2 Floral Tiered Lined.', 0.9821052551269531)], [[[351.0, 2043.0], [439.0, 2043.0], [439.0, 2083.0], [351.0, 2083.0]], ('Pink', 0.9984363913536072)], [[[1654.0, 2127.0], [1787.0, 2127.0], [1787.0, 2178.0], [1654.0, 2178.0]], ('139,96', 0.9995934367179871)], [[[1913.0, 2118.0], [2007.0, 2129.0], [2000.0, 2183.0], [1907.0, 2173.0]], ('10%', 0.9998896718025208)], [[[354.0, 2130.0], [838.0, 2130.0], [838.0, 2178.0], [354.0, 2178.0]], (\"Tommy Bahama Women's V\", 0.9993755221366882)], [[[1008.0, 2130.0], [1097.0, 2130.0], [1097.0, 2174.0], [1008.0, 2174.0]], ('4,00', 0.9958175420761108)], [[[1152.0, 2134.0], [1248.0, 2134.0], [1248.0, 2178.0], [1152.0, 2178.0]], ('each', 0.9985866546630859)], [[[1425.0, 2134.0], [1528.0, 2134.0], [1528.0, 2174.0], [1425.0, 2174.0]], ('34,99', 0.9970290064811707)], [[[2130.0, 2134.0], [2252.0, 2134.0], [2252.0, 2174.0], [2130.0, 2174.0]], ('153,96', 0.9989542961120605)], [[[258.0, 2145.0], [281.0, 2145.0], [281.0, 2163.0], [258.0, 2163.0]], ('O.', 0.5382766723632812)], [[[358.0, 2178.0], [871.0, 2178.0], [871.0, 2214.0], [358.0, 2214.0]], ('Neck Linen Floral Dress Size M.', 0.9670954942703247)], [[[355.0, 2211.0], [750.0, 2215.0], [749.0, 2262.0], [354.0, 2258.0]], ('Beige Short Sleeve Tan', 0.9989199042320251)], [[[1004.0, 2297.0], [1098.0, 2307.0], [1093.0, 2351.0], [999.0, 2341.0]], ('5,00', 0.9544915556907654)], [[[1421.0, 2302.0], [1532.0, 2302.0], [1532.0, 2353.0], [1421.0, 2353.0]], ('24,75', 0.9995326995849609)], [[[1654.0, 2302.0], [1783.0, 2302.0], [1783.0, 2353.0], [1654.0, 2353.0]], ('123,75', 0.9997382164001465)], [[[1909.0, 2293.0], [2007.0, 2304.0], [2000.0, 2358.0], [1903.0, 2348.0]], ('10%', 0.9999017715454102)], [[[251.0, 2309.0], [292.0, 2309.0], [292.0, 2342.0], [251.0, 2342.0]], ('7.', 0.9897773265838623)], [[[358.0, 2306.0], [801.0, 2306.0], [801.0, 2342.0], [358.0, 2342.0]], ('Zara Yellow Shift Dress XS', 0.9618697762489319)], [[[1148.0, 2306.0], [1252.0, 2306.0], [1252.0, 2353.0], [1148.0, 2353.0]], ('each', 0.9834425449371338)], [[[2127.0, 2302.0], [2256.0, 2302.0], [2256.0, 2353.0], [2127.0, 2353.0]], ('136,13', 0.9998610615730286)], [[[192.0, 2445.0], [491.0, 2445.0], [491.0, 2492.0], [192.0, 2492.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9937781691551208)], [[[956.0, 2569.0], [1122.0, 2569.0], [1122.0, 2620.0], [956.0, 2620.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994354248046875)], [[[1776.0, 2560.0], [1874.0, 2571.0], [1868.0, 2625.0], [1770.0, 2615.0]], ('VAT', 0.8937894701957703)], [[[1388.0, 2573.0], [1588.0, 2573.0], [1588.0, 2613.0], [1388.0, 2613.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9931485652923584)], [[[2027.0, 2573.0], [2259.0, 2573.0], [2259.0, 2613.0], [2027.0, 2613.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9874914288520813)], [[[994.0, 2648.0], [1087.0, 2659.0], [1081.0, 2709.0], [988.0, 2698.0]], ('10%', 0.9963719248771667)], [[[1423.0, 2648.0], [1592.0, 2657.0], [1589.0, 2709.0], [1420.0, 2700.0]], ('1055,46', 0.9991331100463867)], [[[2099.0, 2648.0], [2264.0, 2657.0], [2261.0, 2709.0], [2096.0, 2700.0]], ('1161,01', 0.9991368055343628)], [[[1739.0, 2660.0], [1864.0, 2660.0], [1864.0, 2700.0], [1739.0, 2700.0]], ('105,55', 0.9896572232246399)], [[[746.0, 2744.0], [857.0, 2744.0], [857.0, 2795.0], [746.0, 2795.0]], ('Total', 0.9998428225517273)], [[[1378.0, 2736.0], [1592.0, 2745.0], [1590.0, 2796.0], [1376.0, 2788.0]], ('$1055,46', 0.9990918636322021)], [[[1691.0, 2744.0], [1864.0, 2744.0], [1864.0, 2795.0], [1691.0, 2795.0]], ('$ 105,55', 0.9636964797973633)], [[[2047.0, 2736.0], [2260.0, 2745.0], [2258.0, 2796.0], [2045.0, 2788.0]], ('$ 1161,01', 0.9775623679161072)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '30386285', 'invoice_date': '09/28/2020', 'seller': 'Wagner-Weaver 96030 Berry Walks Apt. 416 Port Lancefurt, NV 06191', 'client': 'Rodriguez and Sons 126 Deanna Stravenue East Jared, OR 03244', 'seller_tax_id': '919-90-5010', 'client_tax_id': '968-77-8015', 'iban': 'GB85QCAY53709612387596'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '40 Inches Marble Utility Table Top Inlay with Royal Pattern Stone Dinning Table', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '1713,75', 'item_net_worth': '5 141,25', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '5 655,37'}, {'item_desc': '18\"x18\" Marble White Table Top Lapis Inlay Pietradura Floral Home D\u00e9cor Art Gift', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '1188,45', 'item_net_worth': '1188,45', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1307,30'}, {'item_desc': '4 Pcs Table Feet Durable High Quality Sturdy Chair Feet Table Feet for Home', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '25,49', 'item_net_worth': '76,47', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '84,12'}, {'item_desc': \"6'x3' Marble Counter Height Dining Table Top Multi Inlay Furniture Decor E955A\", 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '5469,38', 'item_net_worth': '10938,76', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '12 032,64'}, {'item_desc': '20 Inches Marble Coffee Table Top Multi Stone Chess Board Table with Inlay Art', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '331,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '364,65'}, {'item_desc': '24\"x24\" Top Marble White Table Carnelian Marquetry Interior Thanksgiving Gift', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '2000,00', 'item_net_worth': '4000,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '4 400,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$21 676,43', 'total_vat': '$2167,64', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 23 844,07'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 30386285', 'Date of issue:', '09/28/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Wagner-Weaver', 'Rodriguez and Sons', '96030 Berry Walks Apt. 416', '126 Deanna Stravenue', 'Port Lancefurt, NV 06191', 'East Jared, OR 03244', 'Tax Id: 919-90-5010', 'Tax Id: 968-77-8015', 'IBAN: GB85QCAY53709612387596', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', '40 Inches Marble Utility Table', '3,00', 'each', '1713,75', '5141,25', '5 655,37', ' Top Inlay with Royal Pattern', 'Stone Dinning Table', '10%', '2.', '18\"x18\" Marble White Table Top.', '1,00', 'each', '1188,45', '1188,45', '1 307,30', 'Lapis Inlay Pietradura Floral.', 'Home Decor Art Gift', '4 Pcs Table Feet Durable High', '3,00', ' each', '25,49', '76,47', '10%', '84,12', '3.', 'Quality Sturdy Chair Feet Table', 'Feet for Home', '10%', \"6'x3' Marble Counter Height\", '2,00', 'each', '5 469,38', '10 938,76', '12 032,64', '4', 'Dining Table Top Multi Inlay', 'Furniture Decor E955A', '331,50', '331,50', '10%', '20 Inches Marble Coffee Table', '1,00', 'each', '364,65', 'Top Multi Stone Chess Board.', 'Table with Inlay Art', '24\"x24\" Top Marble White Table', '2,00', ' each', '2 000,00', '4 000,00', '10%', '4 400,00', '6', 'Carnelian Marquetry Interior', 'Thanksgiving Gift', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '21 676,43', '2167,64', '23 844,07', 'Total', '$ 21 676,43', '$ 2 167,64', '$ 23 844,07']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 30386285', 0.9985361099243164)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9982017278671265)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('09/28/2020', 0.9992810487747192)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [557.0, 760.0], [557.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Wagner-Weaver', 0.9987960457801819)], [[[1244.0, 757.0], [1672.0, 753.0], [1673.0, 804.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Rodriguez and Sons', 0.9998785853385925)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [801.0, 811.0], [801.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('96030 Berry Walks Apt. 416', 0.9990105032920837)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1739.0, 811.0], [1739.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('126 Deanna Stravenue', 0.9998680949211121)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [738.0, 866.0], [738.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Lancefurt, NV 06191', 0.9976465106010437)], [[[1252.0, 866.0], [1698.0, 866.0], [1698.0, 914.0], [1252.0, 914.0]], ('East Jared, OR 03244', 0.9907573461532593)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 919-90-5010', 0.9929680228233337)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 968-77-8015', 0.9908671379089355)], [[[207.0, 1027.0], [945.0, 1027.0], [945.0, 1074.0], [207.0, 1074.0]], ('IBAN: GB85QCAY53709612387596', 0.9959942698478699)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [857.0, 1400.0], [857.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('40 Inches Marble Utility Table', 0.9764447808265686)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('1713,75', 0.9861159920692444)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1780.0, 1396.0], [1780.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('5141,25', 0.9949706196784973)], [[[2097.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2097.0, 1436.0]], ('5 655,37', 0.9546374678611755)], [[[351.0, 1428.0], [835.0, 1436.0], [834.0, 1484.0], [350.0, 1476.0]], (' Top Inlay with Royal Pattern', 0.9826713800430298)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [702.0, 1480.0], [701.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('Stone Dinning Table', 0.99923175573349)], [[[1917.0, 1552.0], [2007.0, 1562.0], [2000.0, 1617.0], [1910.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.8484935164451599)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [901.0, 1568.0], [901.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('18\"x18\" Marble White Table Top.', 0.9782243967056274)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('1,00', 0.9974395632743835)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1370.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1370.0, 1608.0]], ('1188,45', 0.9975159764289856)], [[[1624.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1624.0, 1608.0]], ('1188,45', 0.9980538487434387)], [[[2097.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2097.0, 1608.0]], ('1 307,30', 0.9782513976097107)], [[[358.0, 1615.0], [823.0, 1615.0], [823.0, 1652.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('Lapis Inlay Pietradura Floral.', 0.9722250699996948)], [[[354.0, 1655.0], [705.0, 1655.0], [705.0, 1692.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Home Decor Art Gift', 0.976447343826294)], [[[355.0, 1736.0], [864.0, 1739.0], [864.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1783.0]], ('4 Pcs Table Feet Durable High', 0.9989331960678101)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9941259622573853)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1418.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1418.0, 1787.0]], ('25,49', 0.9995177388191223)], [[[1672.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1672.0, 1787.0]], ('76,47', 0.9996846914291382)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('84,12', 0.9998016357421875)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [882.0, 1787.0], [882.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Quality Sturdy Chair Feet Table', 0.9934424161911011)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [602.0, 1827.0], [602.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Feet for Home', 0.960537850856781)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[355.0, 1911.0], [827.0, 1915.0], [827.0, 1955.0], [354.0, 1951.0]], (\"6'x3' Marble Counter Height\", 0.998593807220459)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('2,00', 0.9965135455131531)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1370.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1955.0], [1370.0, 1955.0]], ('5 469,38', 0.9650387763977051)], [[[1606.0, 1915.0], [1780.0, 1915.0], [1780.0, 1955.0], [1606.0, 1955.0]], ('10 938,76', 0.9813664555549622)], [[[2075.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1955.0], [2075.0, 1955.0]], ('12 032,64', 0.9947550296783447)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [831.0, 1951.0], [831.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Dining Table Top Multi Inlay', 0.997481644153595)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [738.0, 1999.0], [738.0, 2035.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('Furniture Decor E955A', 0.9882751703262329)], [[[1399.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1399.0, 2130.0]], ('331,50', 0.9997429847717285)], [[[1650.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2130.0], [1650.0, 2130.0]], ('331,50', 0.9994972348213196)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2010.0, 2081.0], [2004.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998750686645508)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [871.0, 2083.0], [871.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('20 Inches Marble Coffee Table', 0.9807479977607727)], [[[1004.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1004.0, 2127.0]], ('1,00', 0.9759235382080078)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1148.0, 2134.0]], ('each', 0.9719215035438538)], [[[2127.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2127.0, 2130.0]], ('364,65', 0.9996735453605652)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [845.0, 2130.0], [845.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Top Multi Stone Chess Board.', 0.9771904945373535)], [[[358.0, 2163.0], [687.0, 2167.0], [686.0, 2207.0], [358.0, 2203.0]], ('Table with Inlay Art', 0.9775552749633789)], [[[351.0, 2255.0], [905.0, 2255.0], [905.0, 2302.0], [351.0, 2302.0]], ('24\"x24\" Top Marble White Table', 0.996656596660614)], [[[1008.0, 2258.0], [1093.0, 2258.0], [1093.0, 2302.0], [1008.0, 2302.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984956979751587)], [[[1141.0, 2255.0], [1252.0, 2255.0], [1252.0, 2306.0], [1141.0, 2306.0]], (' each', 0.9446266293525696)], [[[1370.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2298.0], [1370.0, 2298.0]], ('2 000,00', 0.9310787916183472)], [[[1624.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2298.0], [1624.0, 2298.0]], ('4 000,00', 0.9600424766540527)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2001.0, 2258.0], [2001.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9987702965736389)], [[[2097.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2097.0, 2298.0]], ('4 400,00', 0.9955701231956482)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2291.0], [258.0, 2291.0]], ('6', 0.834687352180481)], [[[351.0, 2291.0], [838.0, 2299.0], [838.0, 2346.0], [350.0, 2338.0]], ('Carnelian Marquetry Interior', 0.9999160766601562)], [[[355.0, 2338.0], [657.0, 2342.0], [657.0, 2383.0], [354.0, 2379.0]], ('Thanksgiving Gift', 0.9998683929443359)], [[[192.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2532.0], [192.0, 2532.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966851472854614)], [[[956.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2657.0], [956.0, 2657.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994757771492004)], [[[1388.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2649.0], [1388.0, 2649.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9856247305870056)], [[[1780.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2649.0], [1780.0, 2649.0]], ('VAT', 0.8281314373016357)], [[[2023.0, 2605.0], [2256.0, 2605.0], [2256.0, 2646.0], [2023.0, 2646.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999347925186157)], [[[994.0, 2684.0], [1087.0, 2695.0], [1081.0, 2746.0], [988.0, 2735.0]], ('10%', 0.9998788237571716)], [[[1407.0, 2697.0], [1588.0, 2697.0], [1588.0, 2737.0], [1407.0, 2737.0]], ('21 676,43', 0.9653022289276123)], [[[1706.0, 2697.0], [1864.0, 2697.0], [1864.0, 2737.0], [1706.0, 2737.0]], ('2167,64', 0.9803181290626526)], [[[2082.0, 2697.0], [2259.0, 2697.0], [2259.0, 2737.0], [2082.0, 2737.0]], ('23 844,07', 0.9357709884643555)], [[[746.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2832.0], [746.0, 2832.0]], ('Total', 0.9998723268508911)], [[[1359.0, 2788.0], [1588.0, 2788.0], [1588.0, 2828.0], [1359.0, 2828.0]], ('$ 21 676,43', 0.9936241507530212)], [[[1650.0, 2781.0], [1867.0, 2773.0], [1869.0, 2824.0], [1652.0, 2833.0]], ('$ 2 167,64', 0.9512084722518921)], [[[2034.0, 2784.0], [2256.0, 2784.0], [2256.0, 2825.0], [2034.0, 2825.0]], ('$ 23 844,07', 0.9971505999565125)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '58162869', 'invoice_date': '05/18/2019', 'seller': 'Foster, Jones and Contreras 2575 Gary Tunnel Apt. 001 Lake Morgan, NV 34033', 'client': 'Stevens and Sons 09064 Quinn Ports Suite 182 New Dominiqueland, WI 66090', 'seller_tax_id': '913-82-2688', 'client_tax_id': '975-82-2659', 'iban': 'GB96EYM97832620804289'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Abstract Living Room Carpet Home Decor Nordic Style Bedside Area Rug Floor Mats', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '24,01', 'item_net_worth': '72,03', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '79,23'}, {'item_desc': 'All-Over Modern Gabbeh Kashkoli Oriental Area Rug Hand-knotted Foyer Carpet 4x6', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '806,00', 'item_net_worth': '4030,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '4 433,00'}, {'item_desc': 'SXL Fluffy Rugs Anti-Slip SHAGGY RUG Soft Carpet Mat Living Room Floor Bedroom', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '16,81', 'item_net_worth': '16,81', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '18,49'}, {'item_desc': \"Yilong 6'x9' Handknotted Silk Area Rug Medallion Deep Red Home Carpet 0962\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '10800,00', 'item_net_worth': '10800,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '11 880,00'}, {'item_desc': \"YILONG 4'x6' Golden Handmade Area Carpet Tribal Hand Knotted Silk Rugs 074B\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '3600,00', 'item_net_worth': '18 000,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '19 800,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 32 918,84', 'total_vat': '$3291,88', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 36 210,72'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 58162869.', 'Date of issue:', '05/18/2019', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Foster, Jones and Contreras.', 'Stevens and Sons', '2575 Gary Tunnel Apt. 001', '09064 Quinn Ports Suite 182', 'Lake Morgan, NV 34033', 'New Dominiqueland, WI 66090', 'Tax Id: 913-82-2688', 'Tax Id: 975-82-2659', 'IBAN: GB96WEYM97832620804289', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Abstract Living Room Carpet', '24,01', '72,03', '10%', '3,00', 'each', '79,23', '1', 'Home Decor Nordic Style', 'Bedside Area Rug Floor Mats', 'All-Over Modern Gabbeh', '5,00', 'each', '806,00', '4030,00', '10%', '2.', '4 433,00', 'Kashkoli Oriental Area Rug', 'Hand-knotted Foyer Carpet 4x6', 'S X L Fluffy Rugs Anti-Slip', '1,00', ' each', '16,81', '16,81', '10%', '18,49', '3.', 'SHAGGY RUG Soft Carpet Mat', 'Living Room Floor Bedroom', '10 800,00', '10%', \"Yilong 6'x9' Handknotted Silk.\", '1,00', 'each', '10 800,00', '11 880,00', '4', 'Area Rug Medallion Deep Red', 'Home Carpet 0962', \"YILONG 4'x6' Golden Handmade\", '5,00', 'each', '3600,00', '18 000,00', '10%', '5', '19800,00', 'Area Carpet Tribal Hand', 'Knotted Silk Rugs 074B', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '32 918,84', '3 291,88', '36210,72', 'Total', '$32 918,84', '$3291,88', '$ 36 210,72']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 58162869.', 0.972467303276062)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9987451434135437)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('05/18/2019', 0.9998122453689575)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1430.0, 662.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993919134140015)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [794.0, 760.0], [794.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Foster, Jones and Contreras.', 0.9795441031455994)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1628.0, 757.0], [1628.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Stevens and Sons', 0.9998958110809326)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [779.0, 811.0], [779.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('2575 Gary Tunnel Apt. 001', 0.9790078997612)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1853.0, 811.0], [1853.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('09064 Quinn Ports Suite 182', 0.9963089823722839)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [716.0, 866.0], [716.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Morgan, NV 34033', 0.9849166870117188)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1901.0, 866.0], [1901.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Dominiqueland, WI 66090', 0.9737074971199036)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 913-82-2688', 0.9914160370826721)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 975-82-2659', 0.9897578358650208)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [956.0, 1027.0], [956.0, 1075.0], [203.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB96WEYM97832620804289', 0.9825630187988281)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [846.0, 1396.0], [845.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], ('Abstract Living Room Carpet', 0.9836391806602478)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('24,01', 0.9988180994987488)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('72,03', 0.9991346597671509)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2256.0, 1392.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('79,23', 0.9992601275444031)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [783.0, 1436.0], [782.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Home Decor Nordic Style', 0.9799284934997559)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [845.0, 1476.0], [845.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Bedside Area Rug Floor Mats', 0.985754132270813)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [772.0, 1564.0], [771.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('All-Over Modern Gabbeh', 0.9928381443023682)], [[[1004.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1004.0, 1608.0]], ('5,00', 0.9964048266410828)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1403.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1403.0, 1608.0]], ('806,00', 0.9993309378623962)], [[[1624.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1624.0, 1608.0]], ('4030,00', 0.9955187439918518)], [[[1916.0, 1559.0], [2003.0, 1569.0], [1997.0, 1613.0], [1911.0, 1603.0]], ('10%', 0.9998788237571716)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[2097.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2097.0, 1608.0]], ('4 433,00', 0.9973675012588501)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [816.0, 1612.0], [815.0, 1659.0], [350.0, 1651.0]], ('Kashkoli Oriental Area Rug', 0.9988604784011841)], [[[354.0, 1655.0], [890.0, 1655.0], [890.0, 1692.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Hand-knotted Foyer Carpet 4x6', 0.9939307570457458)], [[[355.0, 1736.0], [794.0, 1739.0], [794.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1783.0]], ('S X L Fluffy Rugs Anti-Slip', 0.98450767993927)], [[[1004.0, 1739.0], [1108.0, 1739.0], [1108.0, 1787.0], [1004.0, 1787.0]], ('1,00', 0.9989047646522522)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('16,81', 0.9995735287666321)], [[[1672.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1787.0], [1672.0, 1787.0]], ('16,81', 0.9991195797920227)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('18,49', 0.9998294115066528)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [860.0, 1787.0], [860.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('SHAGGY RUG Soft Carpet Mat', 0.9856246113777161)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [823.0, 1827.0], [823.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Living Room Floor Bedroom', 0.9772730469703674)], [[[1342.0, 1903.0], [1533.0, 1912.0], [1531.0, 1963.0], [1339.0, 1954.0]], ('10 800,00', 0.9974178671836853)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [857.0, 1911.0], [857.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], (\"Yilong 6'x9' Handknotted Silk.\", 0.9845669865608215)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1606.0, 1915.0], [1780.0, 1915.0], [1780.0, 1955.0], [1606.0, 1955.0]], ('10 800,00', 0.9684386849403381)], [[[2075.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1955.0], [2075.0, 1955.0]], ('11 880,00', 0.9819748997688293)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [860.0, 1959.0], [860.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Area Rug Medallion Deep Red', 0.9785565733909607)], [[[351.0, 1995.0], [683.0, 1995.0], [683.0, 2043.0], [351.0, 2043.0]], ('Home Carpet 0962', 0.9998036026954651)], [[[351.0, 2083.0], [905.0, 2083.0], [905.0, 2130.0], [351.0, 2130.0]], (\"YILONG 4'x6' Golden Handmade\", 0.9914945363998413)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('5,00', 0.9923754334449768)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2127.0], [1148.0, 2127.0]], ('each', 0.9984513521194458)], [[[1370.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2127.0], [1370.0, 2127.0]], ('3600,00', 0.9798570275306702)], [[[1602.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2127.0], [1602.0, 2127.0]], ('18 000,00', 0.9398156404495239)], [[[1912.0, 2083.0], [2001.0, 2083.0], [2001.0, 2127.0], [1912.0, 2127.0]], ('10%', 0.9965217113494873)], [[[259.0, 2093.0], [281.0, 2099.0], [276.0, 2121.0], [253.0, 2115.0]], ('5', 0.9984503984451294)], [[[2075.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2127.0], [2075.0, 2127.0]], ('19800,00', 0.9815066456794739)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [768.0, 2130.0], [768.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Area Carpet Tribal Hand', 0.9991573691368103)], [[[358.0, 2171.0], [753.0, 2171.0], [753.0, 2207.0], [358.0, 2207.0]], ('Knotted Silk Rugs 074B', 0.9709187150001526)], [[[192.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2361.0], [192.0, 2361.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9962040185928345)], [[[956.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2481.0], [956.0, 2481.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1388.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2474.0], [1388.0, 2474.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9842570424079895)], [[[1780.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2478.0], [1780.0, 2478.0]], ('VAT', 0.8929632306098938)], [[[2027.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2478.0], [2027.0, 2478.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998131394386292)], [[[994.0, 2509.0], [1087.0, 2520.0], [1081.0, 2574.0], [988.0, 2563.0]], ('10%', 0.9998297691345215)], [[[1407.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2569.0], [1407.0, 2569.0]], ('32 918,84', 0.9994474053382874)], [[[1700.0, 2513.0], [1869.0, 2522.0], [1866.0, 2573.0], [1697.0, 2564.0]], ('3 291,88', 0.954291045665741)], [[[2082.0, 2525.0], [2259.0, 2525.0], [2259.0, 2565.0], [2082.0, 2565.0]], ('36210,72', 0.9731012582778931)], [[[745.0, 2600.0], [858.0, 2611.0], [853.0, 2662.0], [741.0, 2651.0]], ('Total', 0.9998696446418762)], [[[1359.0, 2613.0], [1584.0, 2613.0], [1584.0, 2653.0], [1359.0, 2653.0]], ('$32 918,84', 0.9594566226005554)], [[[1658.0, 2609.0], [1864.0, 2609.0], [1864.0, 2649.0], [1658.0, 2649.0]], ('$3291,88', 0.9799081087112427)], [[[2031.0, 2613.0], [2256.0, 2613.0], [2256.0, 2653.0], [2031.0, 2653.0]], ('$ 36 210,72', 0.9591553211212158)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '81432357', 'invoice_date': '07/30/2020', 'seller': 'Tran LLC 286 Marilyn Crescent New jonathanborough, CT 67755', 'client': 'Golden, Gross and Rivera 299 Megan Bypass Apt. 471 Robertview, CO 69857', 'seller_tax_id': '930-70-8573', 'client_tax_id': '979-72-2010', 'iban': 'GB20WXD517725959227934'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '18\" Handmade White Top Chess Table Inlaid Mosaic Gemstone Art Halloween Gift Art', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '525,00', 'item_net_worth': '1050,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 155,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Marble Top Side Table Tiger Eye Gem Marquetry Pietradura Garden Decor Arts H469', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '341,48', 'item_net_worth': '1024,44', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1126,88'}, {'item_desc': '6 Pack Metal Plated Table Locks Dining Training Table Buckles Connectors Hardwar', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '12,73', 'item_net_worth': '38,19', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '42,01'}, {'item_desc': '36 Inches Marble Dinning Table Top Hand Inlaid Office Table with Multi Gemstones', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '1451,25', 'item_net_worth': '7256,25', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '7981,87'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$9 368,88', 'total_vat': '$ 936,89', 'total_gross_worth': '$10305,77'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 81432357', 'Date of issue:.', '07/30/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Tran LLC', 'Golden, Gross and Rivera', '286 Marilyn Crescent', '299 Megan Bypass Apt. 471', 'New Jonathanborough, CT 67755', 'Robertview, CO 69857', 'Tax Id: 930-70-8573', 'Tax Id: 979-72-2010', 'IBAN: GB20WXDS17725959227934', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '18\" Handmade White Top Chess', '10%', '1155,00', '2,00', 'each', '525,00', '1050,00', 'Table Inlaid Mosaic Gemstone', 'Art Halloween Gift Art', 'Marble Top Side Table Tiger Eye', '10%', '2.', '3,00', 'each', '341,48', '1024,44', '1 126,88', 'Gem Marquetry Pietradura', 'Garden Decor Arts H469', '6 Pack Metal Plated Table Lockse', '3,00', ' each', '12,73', '38,19', '10%', '42,01', '3.', 'Dining Training Table Buckles', 'Connectors Hardwar', '1451,25', '7 256,25', '10%', '36 Inches Marble Dinning Table', '5,00', 'each', '7 981,87', '4', 'Top Hand Inlaid Office Table.', 'with Multi Gemstones', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '9 368,88', '936,89', '10 305,77', 'Total', '$ 9 368,88', '$ 936,89', '$ 10 305,77']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 81432357', 0.9988912343978882)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.977795422077179)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/30/2020', 0.9991703033447266)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [402.0, 756.0], [402.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Tran LLC', 0.9994980096817017)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1787.0, 760.0], [1787.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Golden, Gross and Rivera', 0.9969069361686707)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [661.0, 811.0], [661.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('286 Marilyn Crescent', 0.9998499155044556)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1835.0, 811.0], [1835.0, 862.0], [1252.0, 862.0]], ('299 Megan Bypass Apt. 471', 0.9995896816253662)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [905.0, 866.0], [905.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('New Jonathanborough, CT 67755', 0.9968590140342712)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1724.0, 866.0], [1724.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Robertview, CO 69857', 0.999538779258728)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 930-70-8573', 0.9883766174316406)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 979-72-2010', 0.9895217418670654)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [956.0, 1023.0], [956.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB20WXDS17725959227934', 0.9882187247276306)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1388.0], [901.0, 1392.0], [901.0, 1440.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('18\" Handmade White Top Chess', 0.9902569055557251)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[2092.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2254.0, 1444.0], [2089.0, 1435.0]], ('1155,00', 0.9985303282737732)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1403.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1403.0, 1436.0]], ('525,00', 0.9760987758636475)], [[[1621.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1621.0, 1436.0]], ('1050,00', 0.9554582238197327)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [864.0, 1440.0], [864.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1476.0]], ('Table Inlaid Mosaic Gemstone', 0.9981514811515808)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [731.0, 1480.0], [731.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1516.0]], ('Art Halloween Gift Art', 0.9992918372154236)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [901.0, 1564.0], [901.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Marble Top Side Table Tiger Eye', 0.9937329888343811)], [[[1913.0, 1551.0], [2007.0, 1562.0], [2000.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9997575283050537)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1100.0, 1568.0], [1100.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('3,00', 0.9973078966140747)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1403.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1608.0], [1403.0, 1608.0]], ('341,48', 0.9991256594657898)], [[[1624.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1624.0, 1608.0]], ('1024,44', 0.9994783401489258)], [[[2097.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2097.0, 1608.0]], ('1 126,88', 0.974050760269165)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [805.0, 1612.0], [804.0, 1659.0], [354.0, 1651.0]], ('Gem Marquetry Pietradura', 0.9810808300971985)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [768.0, 1655.0], [768.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Garden Decor Arts H469', 0.987813413143158)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [897.0, 1743.0], [897.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1780.0]], ('6 Pack Metal Plated Table Lockse', 0.9764272570610046)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1100.0, 1739.0], [1100.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9888217449188232)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('12,73', 0.9996207356452942)], [[[1672.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1672.0, 1787.0]], ('38,19', 0.9989114999771118)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2152.0, 1739.0], [2256.0, 1739.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2152.0, 1787.0]], ('42,01', 0.9976503252983093)], [[[258.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [258.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9924343228340149)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [860.0, 1787.0], [860.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Dining Training Table Buckles', 0.9851031303405762)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [705.0, 1827.0], [705.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Connectors Hardwar', 0.9919436573982239)], [[[1366.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1366.0, 1959.0]], ('1451,25', 0.9990333914756775)], [[[1621.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1959.0], [1621.0, 1959.0]], ('7 256,25', 0.9956912398338318)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [893.0, 1911.0], [893.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('36 Inches Marble Dinning Table', 0.9919829964637756)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('5,00', 0.9935383796691895)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[2093.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2093.0, 1959.0]], ('7 981,87', 0.9986640810966492)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[358.0, 1955.0], [834.0, 1955.0], [834.0, 1992.0], [358.0, 1992.0]], ('Top Hand Inlaid Office Table.', 0.9823722839355469)], [[[355.0, 1995.0], [724.0, 1999.0], [723.0, 2039.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('with Multi Gemstones', 0.9991342425346375)], [[[192.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2185.0], [192.0, 2185.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963642954826355)], [[[956.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2309.0], [956.0, 2309.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1388.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2302.0], [1388.0, 2302.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9808471202850342)], [[[1780.0, 2258.0], [1868.0, 2258.0], [1868.0, 2302.0], [1780.0, 2302.0]], ('VAT', 0.9106342196464539)], [[[2023.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2023.0, 2298.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9908071160316467)], [[[994.0, 2337.0], [1087.0, 2348.0], [1081.0, 2402.0], [988.0, 2392.0]], ('10%', 0.9998841881752014)], [[[1427.0, 2338.0], [1592.0, 2347.0], [1589.0, 2398.0], [1424.0, 2389.0]], ('9 368,88', 0.9987618327140808)], [[[1732.0, 2346.0], [1868.0, 2346.0], [1868.0, 2397.0], [1732.0, 2397.0]], ('936,89', 0.9987726807594299)], [[[2082.0, 2350.0], [2259.0, 2350.0], [2259.0, 2390.0], [2082.0, 2390.0]], ('10 305,77', 0.9463258385658264)], [[[749.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2481.0], [749.0, 2481.0]], ('Total', 0.9998010396957397)], [[[1381.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1381.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 9 368,88', 0.9897818565368652)], [[[1695.0, 2441.0], [1864.0, 2441.0], [1864.0, 2481.0], [1695.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 936,89', 0.9641655683517456)], [[[2031.0, 2441.0], [2256.0, 2441.0], [2256.0, 2481.0], [2031.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 10 305,77', 0.9583157896995544)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '19136863', 'invoice_date': '11/15/2013', 'seller': 'Lewis Group 6756 Morgan Lakes Port Derek, AK 56886', 'client': 'Avila, Garcia and Murray USNV Miller FPO AE 32133', 'seller_tax_id': '952-77-9653', 'client_tax_id': '905-92-7797', 'iban': 'GB61XOXO25249384522530'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Double Dorje Carpet Tibetan Rug Handwoven by Artisans in', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '297,00', 'item_net_worth': '297,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '326,70'}, {'item_desc': 'Nordic Braided Tassels Sofa Rugs Area Rug Soft Mat Palm Leaves Room Carpet', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '186,54', 'item_net_worth': '746,16', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '820,78'}, {'item_desc': \"4'x6' Wool Floral Handmade Rugs Carpet Moroccan Pastel Color Living Room Navajo\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '299,00', 'item_net_worth': '1196,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1315,60'}, {'item_desc': \"Valentine's Day Roses Area Rugs Floor Mat Non-slip Romantic Bedroom Carpet Decor\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '11,92', 'item_net_worth': '11,92', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '13,11'}, {'item_desc': '2x Soft Faux Fur Chair Cover Small Area Rugs Mat for Bedroom Floor Carpet 30cm', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '13,59', 'item_net_worth': '40,77', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '44,85'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$2291,85', 'total_vat': '$ 229,19', 'total_gross_worth': '$2521,04'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 19136863', 'Date of issue:', '11/15/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Lewis Group', 'Avila, Garcia and Murray', '6756 Morgan Lakes', 'USNV Miller', 'Port Derek, AK 56886', 'FPO AE 32133', 'Tax Id: 952-77-9653', 'Tax Id: 905-92-7797', 'IBAN: GB61XOXO25249384522530', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '1,00', '297,00', '297,00', '10%', '326,70', '1', 'Double Dorje Carpet Tibetan', ' each', 'Rug Handwoven by Artisans in', 'Nepal', ' Nordic Braided Tassels Sofa', '746,16', '10%', '4,00', 'each', '186,54', '820,78', '2.', 'Rugs Area Rug Soft Mat Palm', 'Leaves Room Carpet', \"4'x6' Wool Floral Handmade\", '4,00', '299,00', '1196,00', ' each', '10%', '1 315,60', '3.', 'Rugs Carpet Moroccan Pastel', 'Color Living Room Navajo', \"Valentine's Day Roses Area\", '11,92', '11,92', '10%', '1,00', 'each', '13,11', '4', 'Rugs Floor Mat Non-slip', 'Romantic Bedroom Carpet', 'Decor', '2x Soft Faux Fur Chair Cover', '3,00', ' each', '13,59', '40,77', '10%', '44,85', 'Small Area Rugs Mat for', 'Bedroom Floor Carpet 30cm', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '2 291,85', '229,19', '2 521,04', 'Total', '$ 2 291,85', '$ 229,19', '$ 2 521,04']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 19136863', 0.9994800686836243)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9986065030097961)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('11/15/2013', 0.9998796582221985)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [473.0, 761.0], [472.0, 812.0], [202.0, 803.0]], ('Lewis Group', 0.9992322325706482)], [[[1244.0, 756.0], [1772.0, 760.0], [1772.0, 811.0], [1244.0, 807.0]], ('Avila, Garcia and Murray', 0.9999098777770996)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [628.0, 811.0], [627.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('6756 Morgan Lakes', 0.9997868537902832)], [[[1245.0, 803.0], [1503.0, 812.0], [1502.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 855.0]], ('USNV Miller', 0.9982835650444031)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [665.0, 866.0], [665.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Derek, AK 56886', 0.9998440742492676)], [[[1245.0, 858.0], [1551.0, 863.0], [1550.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 910.0]], ('FPO AE 32133', 0.9905948042869568)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 952-77-9653', 0.9913594126701355)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 905-92-7797', 0.9890885353088379)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB61XOXO25249384522530', 0.9694505333900452)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1399.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1399.0, 1436.0]], ('297,00', 0.9525216221809387)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('297,00', 0.9351502060890198)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[2129.0, 1388.0], [2257.0, 1397.0], [2254.0, 1441.0], [2126.0, 1432.0]], ('326,70', 0.9866047501564026)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [842.0, 1400.0], [842.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Double Dorje Carpet Tibetan', 0.978201150894165)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [875.0, 1436.0], [875.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Rug Handwoven by Artisans in', 0.9842319488525391)], [[[354.0, 1480.0], [461.0, 1480.0], [461.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Nepal', 0.998569667339325)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [823.0, 1564.0], [823.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], (' Nordic Braided Tassels Sofa', 0.9894992709159851)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('746,16', 0.9996776580810547)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('4,00', 0.9974629282951355)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1407.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1407.0, 1608.0]], ('186,54', 0.9995372891426086)], [[[2127.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1611.0], [2127.0, 1611.0]], ('820,78', 0.9996354579925537)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [849.0, 1608.0], [849.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Rugs Area Rug Soft Mat Palm', 0.9892783761024475)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [709.0, 1655.0], [709.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Leaves Room Carpet', 0.9971010684967041)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [831.0, 1743.0], [831.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1779.0]], (\"4'x6' Wool Floral Handmade\", 0.9710657596588135)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('299,00', 0.998782217502594)], [[[1615.0, 1731.0], [1784.0, 1740.0], [1781.0, 1791.0], [1612.0, 1782.0]], ('1196,00', 0.9989625215530396)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2090.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2090.0, 1787.0]], ('1 315,60', 0.9941683411598206)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [849.0, 1787.0], [849.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Rugs Carpet Moroccan Pastel', 0.9798492789268494)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [790.0, 1827.0], [790.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Color Living Room Navajo', 0.9805272221565247)], [[[355.0, 1907.0], [820.0, 1911.0], [819.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1955.0]], (\"Valentine's Day Roses Area\", 0.9810409545898438)], [[[1421.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1421.0, 1959.0]], ('11,92', 0.9997100830078125)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('11,92', 0.9991199374198914)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('13,11', 0.9993696212768555)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9862528443336487)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [761.0, 1959.0], [761.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Rugs Floor Mat Non-slip', 0.9680207371711731)], [[[355.0, 1995.0], [809.0, 1999.0], [808.0, 2039.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('Romantic Bedroom Carpet', 0.9978694319725037)], [[[353.0, 2034.0], [463.0, 2044.0], [459.0, 2084.0], [350.0, 2075.0]], ('Decor', 0.9988353848457336)], [[[354.0, 2127.0], [842.0, 2127.0], [842.0, 2163.0], [354.0, 2163.0]], ('2x Soft Faux Fur Chair Cover', 0.9484343528747559)], [[[1008.0, 2127.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1097.0, 2171.0], [1008.0, 2171.0]], ('3,00', 0.9924507737159729)], [[[1148.0, 2130.0], [1244.0, 2130.0], [1244.0, 2171.0], [1148.0, 2171.0]], (' each', 0.9219167828559875)], [[[1421.0, 2123.0], [1532.0, 2123.0], [1532.0, 2174.0], [1421.0, 2174.0]], ('13,59', 0.9090816378593445)], [[[1676.0, 2123.0], [1787.0, 2123.0], [1787.0, 2174.0], [1676.0, 2174.0]], ('40,77', 0.9991451501846313)], [[[1912.0, 2127.0], [2001.0, 2127.0], [2001.0, 2171.0], [1912.0, 2171.0]], ('10%', 0.9982916712760925)], [[[2152.0, 2127.0], [2256.0, 2127.0], [2256.0, 2174.0], [2152.0, 2174.0]], ('44,85', 0.9987500905990601)], [[[354.0, 2167.0], [772.0, 2167.0], [772.0, 2214.0], [354.0, 2214.0]], ('Small Area Rugs Mat for', 0.9994356036186218)], [[[355.0, 2207.0], [831.0, 2211.0], [831.0, 2251.0], [354.0, 2247.0]], ('Bedroom Floor Carpet 30cm', 0.9988041520118713)], [[[192.0, 2346.0], [487.0, 2346.0], [487.0, 2397.0], [192.0, 2397.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9953075051307678)], [[[1772.0, 2461.0], [1874.0, 2472.0], [1868.0, 2527.0], [1767.0, 2516.0]], ('VAT', 0.8961813449859619)], [[[956.0, 2474.0], [1122.0, 2474.0], [1122.0, 2525.0], [956.0, 2525.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993666410446167)], [[[1388.0, 2478.0], [1588.0, 2478.0], [1588.0, 2518.0], [1388.0, 2518.0]], ('Net worth', 0.99139404296875)], [[[2027.0, 2478.0], [2259.0, 2478.0], [2259.0, 2518.0], [2027.0, 2518.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999339580535889)], [[[998.0, 2553.0], [1084.0, 2563.0], [1077.0, 2618.0], [992.0, 2608.0]], ('10%', 0.999837338924408)], [[[1423.0, 2553.0], [1592.0, 2562.0], [1589.0, 2614.0], [1420.0, 2605.0]], ('2 291,85', 0.9924616813659668)], [[[1735.0, 2562.0], [1868.0, 2562.0], [1868.0, 2613.0], [1735.0, 2613.0]], ('229,19', 0.999619722366333)], [[[2095.0, 2553.0], [2264.0, 2562.0], [2261.0, 2614.0], [2092.0, 2605.0]], ('2 521,04', 0.9976251125335693)], [[[746.0, 2649.0], [857.0, 2649.0], [857.0, 2700.0], [746.0, 2700.0]], ('Total', 0.9998173713684082)], [[[1375.0, 2641.0], [1592.0, 2650.0], [1590.0, 2701.0], [1373.0, 2693.0]], ('$ 2 291,85', 0.9919734001159668)], [[[1695.0, 2657.0], [1861.0, 2657.0], [1861.0, 2697.0], [1695.0, 2697.0]], ('$ 229,19', 0.9961287379264832)], [[[2053.0, 2657.0], [2259.0, 2657.0], [2259.0, 2697.0], [2053.0, 2697.0]], ('$ 2 521,04', 0.9975137710571289)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '80918693', 'invoice_date': '06/19/2020', 'seller': 'Charles-Parsons 52021 Austin Pike Chrisfurt, MN 19506', 'client': 'Jacobs, Patterson and Church 95607 Sharon Walk Suite 213 Wustad, NC 65483', 'seller_tax_id': '950-81-5221', 'client_tax_id': '926-74-6452', 'iban': 'GB18PNIV39677081591282'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Joma Boys Youth Super Copa 102 Soccer Cleats 2.5 White Yellow Blue Futbol NEW', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '19,99', 'item_net_worth': '19,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '21,99'}, {'item_desc': '5Ps Face Masks Men Women Unisex Kid Cover Clothing Mask Reusable Washable Cloth', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '4,39', 'item_net_worth': '8,78', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '9,66'}, {'item_desc': 'Nike Air Force 1 Low 314192-117 Triple White Youth Boys Size 5Y', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '54,95', 'item_net_worth': '274,75', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '302,23'}, {'item_desc': 'Adult Girl Version Hermione Granger Cosplay Costume Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '64,16', 'item_net_worth': '320,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '352,88'}, {'item_desc': 'Under Armour black boys athletic shoes 7y', 'item_qty': '10%', 'item_net_price': '17,00', 'item_net_worth': '51,00', 'item_gross_worth': '56,10'}, {'item_desc': 'Under Armour UA Curry 3 Black/Black Size 6Y', 'item_qty': '10%', 'item_net_price': '4,90', 'item_net_worth': '4,90', 'item_gross_worth': '5,39'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$680,22', 'total_vat': '$68,02', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 748,24'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 80918693', 'Date of issue:', '06/19/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Charles-Parsons', 'Jacobs, Patterson and Church', '52021 Austin Pike', '95607 Sharon Walk Suite 213', 'Chrisfurt, MN 19506', 'Wustad, NC 65483', 'Tax Id: 950-81-5221', 'Tax Id: 926-74-6452', 'IBAN: GB18PNIV39677081591282', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '19,99', '10%', 'Joma Boys Youth Super Copa', '1,00', ' each', '19,99', '21,99', '1', '102 Soccer Cleats 2.5 White', 'Yellow Blue Futbol NEW', '5Ps Face Masks Men Women', '10%', '2,00', 'each', '4,39', '8,78', '9,66', '2.', 'Unisex Kid Cover Clothing Mask', 'Reusable Washable Cloth', ' Nike Air Force 1 Low', '5,00', ' each', '54,95', '274,75', '10%', '302,23', '3.', '314192-117 Triple White Youth', 'Boys Size 5Y', '64,16', '320,80', '10%', 'Adult Girl Version Hermione', '5,00', 'each', '352,88', '4', 'Granger Cosplay Costume', 'Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', ' Under Armour black boys', '17,00', '51,00', '10%', '3,00', 'each', '56,10', '5.', 'athletic shoes 7y', 'Under Armour UA Curry 3', '1,00', '4,90', '4,90', '10%', 'each', '5,39', 'Black/Black Size 6Y', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '680,22', '68,02', '748,24', 'Total', '$ 680,22', '$ 68,02', '$ 748,24']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 80918693', 0.9950940012931824)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9982625842094421)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('06/19/2020', 0.9769687652587891)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 657.0], [1426.0, 666.0], [1423.0, 721.0], [1236.0, 712.0]], ('Client:', 0.9863694310188293)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [554.0, 760.0], [553.0, 808.0], [203.0, 800.0]], ('Charles-Parsons', 0.9995230436325073)], [[[1244.0, 760.0], [1868.0, 760.0], [1868.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Jacobs, Patterson and Church', 0.9973069429397583)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [594.0, 811.0], [594.0, 859.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('52021 Austin Pike', 0.9998551607131958)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1876.0, 811.0], [1876.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('95607 Sharon Walk Suite 213', 0.9921523332595825)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [635.0, 866.0], [635.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Chrisfurt, MN 19506', 0.9997891783714294)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1650.0, 866.0], [1650.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Wustad, NC 65483', 0.9996449947357178)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 950-81-5221', 0.9874476194381714)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 926-74-6452', 0.9923263192176819)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [923.0, 1023.0], [923.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB18PNIV39677081591282', 0.9863414764404297)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1342.0, 1256.0], [1533.0, 1265.0], [1531.0, 1316.0], [1339.0, 1307.0]], ('Net price', 0.9996834993362427)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('19,99', 0.9998483657836914)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [842.0, 1400.0], [842.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Joma Boys Youth Super Copa', 0.9878041744232178)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1680.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1680.0, 1436.0]], ('19,99', 0.9887701272964478)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('21,99', 0.9998900294303894)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[351.0, 1428.0], [835.0, 1436.0], [834.0, 1484.0], [350.0, 1476.0]], ('102 Soccer Cleats 2.5 White', 0.9860227108001709)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [764.0, 1476.0], [764.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Yellow Blue Futbol NEW', 0.9891908764839172)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [842.0, 1564.0], [842.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('5Ps Face Masks Men Women', 0.9988203644752502)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1444.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1611.0], [1444.0, 1611.0]], ('4,39', 0.998894214630127)], [[[1695.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1611.0], [1695.0, 1611.0]], ('8,78', 0.9982103705406189)], [[[2167.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1615.0], [2167.0, 1615.0]], ('9,66', 0.9993103742599487)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [890.0, 1608.0], [890.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1652.0]], ('Unisex Kid Cover Clothing Mask', 0.9998830556869507)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [790.0, 1655.0], [790.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Reusable Washable Cloth', 0.9935640096664429)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [713.0, 1739.0], [713.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1787.0]], (' Nike Air Force 1 Low', 0.9793789386749268)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('5,00', 0.9958778619766235)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('54,95', 0.9998202323913574)], [[[1650.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1787.0], [1650.0, 1787.0]], ('274,75', 0.9993931651115417)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('302,23', 0.9990911483764648)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [879.0, 1787.0], [879.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('314192-117 Triple White Youth', 0.9986674189567566)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [576.0, 1827.0], [576.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Boys Size 5Y', 0.9818811416625977)], [[[1417.0, 1902.0], [1534.0, 1913.0], [1529.0, 1964.0], [1413.0, 1954.0]], ('64,16', 0.9985311627388)], [[[1650.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1650.0, 1959.0]], ('320,80', 0.9962185025215149)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[355.0, 1911.0], [827.0, 1915.0], [827.0, 1955.0], [354.0, 1951.0]], ('Adult Girl Version Hermione', 0.9965686202049255)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('5,00', 0.9935383796691895)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('352,88', 0.9983327984809875)], [[[249.0, 1931.0], [266.0, 1915.0], [286.0, 1935.0], [270.0, 1951.0]], ('4', 0.7881230115890503)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [801.0, 1959.0], [801.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Granger Cosplay Costume', 0.9954564571380615)], [[[358.0, 1999.0], [812.0, 1999.0], [812.0, 2035.0], [358.0, 2035.0]], ('Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', 0.990753173828125)], [[[347.0, 2079.0], [790.0, 2083.0], [790.0, 2134.0], [347.0, 2130.0]], (' Under Armour black boys', 0.9603177905082703)], [[[1421.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1421.0, 2130.0]], ('17,00', 0.9994457364082336)], [[[1672.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2130.0], [1672.0, 2130.0]], ('51,00', 0.9993277788162231)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2007.0, 2081.0], [2000.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998958706855774)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('3,00', 0.9891558885574341)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1148.0, 2134.0]], ('each', 0.9719215035438538)], [[[2145.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2145.0, 2130.0]], ('56,10', 0.9985087513923645)], [[[251.0, 2094.0], [284.0, 2094.0], [284.0, 2123.0], [251.0, 2123.0]], ('5.', 0.9961538910865784)], [[[351.0, 2119.0], [654.0, 2123.0], [653.0, 2174.0], [350.0, 2170.0]], ('athletic shoes 7y', 0.9999117851257324)], [[[351.0, 2211.0], [794.0, 2215.0], [794.0, 2262.0], [351.0, 2258.0]], ('Under Armour UA Curry 3', 0.9993195533752441)], [[[1004.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1004.0, 2258.0]], ('1,00', 0.9992190003395081)], [[[1444.0, 2214.0], [1528.0, 2214.0], [1528.0, 2258.0], [1444.0, 2258.0]], ('4,90', 0.9994939565658569)], [[[1698.0, 2214.0], [1783.0, 2214.0], [1783.0, 2258.0], [1698.0, 2258.0]], ('4,90', 0.999606728553772)], [[[1909.0, 2206.0], [2010.0, 2216.0], [2005.0, 2267.0], [1903.0, 2257.0]], ('10%', 0.9998317360877991)], [[[1148.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1148.0, 2258.0]], ('each', 0.9968607425689697)], [[[2167.0, 2214.0], [2256.0, 2214.0], [2256.0, 2258.0], [2167.0, 2258.0]], ('5,39', 0.99720299243927)], [[[354.0, 2255.0], [687.0, 2255.0], [687.0, 2302.0], [354.0, 2302.0]], ('Black/Black Size 6Y', 0.991824209690094)], [[[192.0, 2397.0], [495.0, 2397.0], [495.0, 2448.0], [192.0, 2448.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9961042404174805)], [[[956.0, 2518.0], [1122.0, 2518.0], [1122.0, 2569.0], [956.0, 2569.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1384.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2569.0], [1384.0, 2569.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9997502565383911)], [[[1780.0, 2521.0], [1868.0, 2521.0], [1868.0, 2565.0], [1780.0, 2565.0]], ('VAT', 0.9607529044151306)], [[[2023.0, 2521.0], [2252.0, 2521.0], [2252.0, 2562.0], [2023.0, 2562.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999172687530518)], [[[994.0, 2596.0], [1087.0, 2607.0], [1081.0, 2662.0], [988.0, 2651.0]], ('10%', 0.9998767375946045)], [[[1461.0, 2597.0], [1593.0, 2607.0], [1588.0, 2661.0], [1457.0, 2652.0]], ('680,22', 0.9977315068244934)], [[[1753.0, 2600.0], [1870.0, 2610.0], [1865.0, 2662.0], [1749.0, 2652.0]], ('68,02', 0.9988006353378296)], [[[2130.0, 2605.0], [2263.0, 2605.0], [2263.0, 2657.0], [2130.0, 2657.0]], ('748,24', 0.9994232654571533)], [[[746.0, 2697.0], [857.0, 2697.0], [857.0, 2748.0], [746.0, 2748.0]], ('Total', 0.9998736381530762)], [[[1414.0, 2697.0], [1591.0, 2697.0], [1591.0, 2748.0], [1414.0, 2748.0]], ('$ 680,22', 0.9942094683647156)], [[[1713.0, 2697.0], [1868.0, 2697.0], [1868.0, 2748.0], [1713.0, 2748.0]], ('$ 68,02', 0.9955900311470032)], [[[2086.0, 2697.0], [2263.0, 2697.0], [2263.0, 2748.0], [2086.0, 2748.0]], ('$ 748,24', 0.9888540506362915)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '83613779', 'invoice_date': '06/25/2014', 'seller': 'Larson-Grant 524 Crystal Fall Suite 311 Montgomeryburg\", OR 70049', 'client': 'Weiss, Beard and Ayala USNS Newman FPO AE 49491', 'seller_tax_id': '961-97-6075', 'client_tax_id': '942-83-9294', 'iban': 'GB89A5DD09493288018778'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Selmash Lux Home Alcohol Distiller Kit for wine brewing, 15 20301', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '157,90', 'item_net_worth': '631,60', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '694,76'}, {'item_desc': 'Gold Band Wine Glasses Clear glass round stems 2 12 ounce elegant stems', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '1,99', 'item_net_worth': '9,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '10,94'}, {'item_desc': 'Metal 12\" tabletop Wine Bottle Display Rack Holder Caddy barware glass grapes', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '45,00', 'item_net_worth': '135,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '148,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Hoodie Wine Bottle Holder', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '11,69', 'item_net_worth': '23,38', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '25,72'}, {'item_desc': 'Set Of 2 Etched \" Hers\" and \"Hers Too\" Wine Glasses', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '4,00', 'item_net_worth': '16,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '17,60'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 815,93', 'total_vat': '$ 81,59', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 897,52'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 83613779', 'Date of issue:', '06/25/2014', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Weiss, Beard and Ayala', 'Larson-Grant', '524 Crystal Fall Suite 311', 'USNS Newman', 'Montgomeryburgh, OR 70049', 'FPO AE 49491', 'Tax Id: 961-97-6075', 'Tax Id: 942-83-9294', 'IBAN: GB89ASDD09493288018778', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Selmash Lux Home Alcohol', '4,00', '157,90', '631,60', '10%', 'each', '694,76', '1', 'Distiller Kit for wine brewing, 15', '20 30 l', 'Gold Band Wine Glasses Clear', '5,00', '10%', '2.', 'each', '1,99', '9,95', '10,94', 'glass round stems 2 12 ounce.', 'elegant stems', 'Metal 12\" tabletop Wine Bottle', '3,00', 'each', '45,00', '135,00', '10%', '148,50', '3.', 'Display Rack Holder Caddy', ' barware glass grapes', '11,69', '23,38', '10%', '25,72', 'Hoodie Wine Bottle Holder', '2,00', 'each', '4', 'Set Of 2 Etched \" Hers\" and', '5.', '4,00', 'each', '4,00', '16,00', '10%', '17,60', '\"Hers Too\" Wine Glasses', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '815,93', '81,59', '897,52', 'Total', '$ 815,93', '$ 81,59', '$ 897,52']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 83613779', 0.9963890910148621)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/25/2014', 0.9996606707572937)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 657.0], [1426.0, 666.0], [1423.0, 721.0], [1236.0, 712.0]], ('Client:', 0.9863694310188293)], [[[1241.0, 753.0], [1743.0, 757.0], [1742.0, 808.0], [1240.0, 804.0]], ('Weiss, Beard and Ayala', 0.985795259475708)], [[[210.0, 764.0], [487.0, 764.0], [487.0, 804.0], [210.0, 804.0]], ('Larson-Grant', 0.9986900687217712)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [750.0, 811.0], [749.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('524 Crystal Fall Suite 311', 0.9998890161514282)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1566.0, 811.0], [1565.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('USNS Newman', 0.9937986731529236)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [834.0, 866.0], [834.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Montgomeryburgh, OR 70049', 0.9857258796691895)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1551.0, 866.0], [1551.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('FPO AE 49491', 0.9985026717185974)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 961-97-6075', 0.9875701069831848)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 942-83-9294', 0.9929732084274292)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB89ASDD09493288018778', 0.9843012690544128)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1388.0], [812.0, 1392.0], [812.0, 1440.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Selmash Lux Home Alcohol', 0.988304078578949)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1403.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1403.0, 1436.0]], ('157,90', 0.9775230884552002)], [[[1658.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1658.0, 1436.0]], ('631,60', 0.9847109317779541)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2123.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2123.0, 1443.0]], ('694,76', 0.9990527033805847)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1432.0], [897.0, 1436.0], [897.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('Distiller Kit for wine brewing, 15', 0.9916509985923767)], [[[358.0, 1480.0], [480.0, 1480.0], [480.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('20 30 l', 0.916035532951355)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [864.0, 1564.0], [864.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Gold Band Wine Glasses Clear', 0.9827480912208557)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('5,00', 0.9983230829238892)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1444.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1611.0], [1444.0, 1611.0]], ('1,99', 0.9997361898422241)], [[[1698.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1611.0], [1698.0, 1611.0]], ('9,95', 0.9994180202484131)], [[[2152.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1611.0], [2152.0, 1611.0]], ('10,94', 0.9996911883354187)], [[[362.0, 1615.0], [864.0, 1615.0], [864.0, 1652.0], [362.0, 1652.0]], ('glass round stems 2 12 ounce.', 0.9814422726631165)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [602.0, 1655.0], [602.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('elegant stems', 0.9977146983146667)], [[[354.0, 1739.0], [879.0, 1739.0], [879.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1787.0]], ('Metal 12\" tabletop Wine Bottle', 0.9971751570701599)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9891558885574341)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('45,00', 0.9980819821357727)], [[[1654.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1654.0, 1787.0]], ('135,00', 0.9992911219596863)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('148,50', 0.9997361302375793)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [812.0, 1787.0], [812.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Display Rack Holder Caddy', 0.9815809726715088)], [[[351.0, 1823.0], [724.0, 1827.0], [723.0, 1867.0], [351.0, 1864.0]], (' barware glass grapes', 0.9756215214729309)], [[[1421.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1421.0, 1959.0]], ('11,69', 0.9995091557502747)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('23,38', 0.9992615580558777)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[2145.0, 1899.0], [2257.0, 1909.0], [2252.0, 1964.0], [2140.0, 1954.0]], ('25,72', 0.9954420924186707)], [[[351.0, 1911.0], [805.0, 1911.0], [805.0, 1959.0], [351.0, 1959.0]], ('Hoodie Wine Bottle Holder', 0.999571681022644)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('2,00', 0.9965135455131531)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[249.0, 1931.0], [266.0, 1915.0], [286.0, 1935.0], [270.0, 1951.0]], ('4', 0.7881230115890503)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [834.0, 1999.0], [834.0, 2046.0], [354.0, 2046.0]], ('Set Of 2 Etched \" Hers\" and', 0.9940991997718811)], [[[251.0, 2010.0], [284.0, 2010.0], [284.0, 2039.0], [251.0, 2039.0]], ('5.', 0.9926357269287109)], [[[1008.0, 2002.0], [1093.0, 2002.0], [1093.0, 2043.0], [1008.0, 2043.0]], ('4,00', 0.9738113880157471)], [[[1152.0, 2006.0], [1248.0, 2006.0], [1248.0, 2046.0], [1152.0, 2046.0]], ('each', 0.9979768991470337)], [[[1444.0, 2002.0], [1528.0, 2002.0], [1528.0, 2046.0], [1444.0, 2046.0]], ('4,00', 0.9925420880317688)], [[[1676.0, 2002.0], [1783.0, 2002.0], [1783.0, 2043.0], [1676.0, 2043.0]], ('16,00', 0.979037880897522)], [[[1912.0, 2002.0], [2001.0, 2002.0], [2001.0, 2046.0], [1912.0, 2046.0]], ('10%', 0.9978579878807068)], [[[2152.0, 2002.0], [2252.0, 2002.0], [2252.0, 2043.0], [2152.0, 2043.0]], ('17,60', 0.9660850763320923)], [[[362.0, 2046.0], [779.0, 2046.0], [779.0, 2083.0], [362.0, 2083.0]], ('\"Hers Too\" Wine Glasses', 0.981055736541748)], [[[196.0, 2182.0], [491.0, 2182.0], [491.0, 2233.0], [196.0, 2233.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.996261477470398)], [[[956.0, 2306.0], [1122.0, 2306.0], [1122.0, 2357.0], [956.0, 2357.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1776.0, 2297.0], [1874.0, 2308.0], [1868.0, 2359.0], [1770.0, 2348.0]], ('VAT', 0.8386525511741638)], [[[1388.0, 2309.0], [1588.0, 2309.0], [1588.0, 2350.0], [1388.0, 2350.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9991817474365234)], [[[2023.0, 2306.0], [2256.0, 2306.0], [2256.0, 2346.0], [2023.0, 2346.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9928126931190491)], [[[997.0, 2397.0], [1082.0, 2397.0], [1082.0, 2441.0], [997.0, 2441.0]], ('10%', 0.9998807907104492)], [[[1458.0, 2393.0], [1595.0, 2393.0], [1595.0, 2445.0], [1458.0, 2445.0]], ('815,93', 0.9991922378540039)], [[[1754.0, 2393.0], [1872.0, 2393.0], [1872.0, 2445.0], [1754.0, 2445.0]], ('81,59', 0.9997259974479675)], [[[2130.0, 2393.0], [2271.0, 2393.0], [2271.0, 2445.0], [2130.0, 2445.0]], ('897,52', 0.9993427395820618)], [[[746.0, 2481.0], [857.0, 2481.0], [857.0, 2536.0], [746.0, 2536.0]], ('Total', 0.9999064207077026)], [[[1414.0, 2488.0], [1588.0, 2488.0], [1588.0, 2529.0], [1414.0, 2529.0]], ('$ 815,93', 0.9987189769744873)], [[[1717.0, 2488.0], [1861.0, 2488.0], [1861.0, 2529.0], [1717.0, 2529.0]], ('$ 81,59', 0.9911055564880371)], [[[2086.0, 2488.0], [2259.0, 2488.0], [2259.0, 2529.0], [2086.0, 2529.0]], ('$ 897,52', 0.9757819175720215)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': 'Date', 'invoice_date': '03/23/2020', 'seller': 'Mcculough-Bradley 457 Vargas Brook Suite 967 East James, MA 63095', 'client': 'Cross-Estrada 7297 Smith Roads Lake Sherri, TN 88469', 'seller_tax_id': '905-94-2945', 'client_tax_id': '915-81-8637', 'iban': 'GB76GUQO07697012433171'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB 4k Ultra HD Console black controller works great 1787', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '249,00', 'item_net_worth': '1245,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1369,50'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1 245,00', 'total_vat': '$ 124,50', 'total_gross_worth': '$1369,50'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 40394912', 'Date of issue:', '03/23/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', ' Mccullough-Bradley', 'Cross-Estrada', '457 Vargas Brook Suite 967', '7297 Smith Roads', 'East James, MA 63095', 'Lake Sherri, TN 88469', 'Tax Id: 905-94-2945', 'Tax Id: 915-81-8637', 'IBAN: GB76GUQ007697012433171', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '249,00', '1 369,50', 'Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB 4k', '5,00', 'each', '1245,00', '10%', 'Ultra HD Console black', 'controller works great 1787', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '1245,00', '124,50', '1 369,50', '10%', 'Total', '$ 1245,00', '$ 124,50', '$1 369,50']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 40394912', 0.9990770220756531)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9985820651054382)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('03/23/2020', 0.9993044137954712)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [628.0, 757.0], [627.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], (' Mccullough-Bradley', 0.978282630443573)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1543.0, 757.0], [1543.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Cross-Estrada', 0.9997224807739258)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [797.0, 811.0], [797.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('457 Vargas Brook Suite 967', 0.9827222228050232)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1639.0, 811.0], [1639.0, 859.0], [1252.0, 859.0]], ('7297 Smith Roads', 0.9707496166229248)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [683.0, 866.0], [683.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('East James, MA 63095', 0.989209771156311)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1713.0, 866.0], [1713.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Sherri, TN 88469', 0.9967489838600159)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 905-94-2945', 0.9914690256118774)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 915-81-8637', 0.989284098148346)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [953.0, 1023.0], [952.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB76GUQ007697012433171', 0.9845000505447388)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1396.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1396.0, 1443.0]], ('249,00', 0.9979367852210999)], [[[2091.0, 1384.0], [2260.0, 1393.0], [2258.0, 1444.0], [2089.0, 1435.0]], ('1 369,50', 0.9613008499145508)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [845.0, 1400.0], [845.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB 4k', 0.9554343819618225)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('1245,00', 0.9700424075126648)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [750.0, 1440.0], [749.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('Ultra HD Console black', 0.9963636994361877)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [823.0, 1473.0], [823.0, 1520.0], [355.0, 1524.0]], ('controller works great 1787', 0.9998828172683716)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9958321452140808)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1386.0, 1739.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1586.0, 1791.0], [1384.0, 1783.0]], ('Net worth', 0.999957799911499)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[2023.0, 1747.0], [2259.0, 1747.0], [2259.0, 1787.0], [2023.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998701214790344)], [[[1423.0, 1823.0], [1592.0, 1832.0], [1589.0, 1883.0], [1420.0, 1874.0]], ('1245,00', 0.9975321888923645)], [[[1735.0, 1831.0], [1868.0, 1831.0], [1868.0, 1882.0], [1735.0, 1882.0]], ('124,50', 0.9996410012245178)], [[[2099.0, 1823.0], [2264.0, 1832.0], [2261.0, 1883.0], [2096.0, 1874.0]], ('1 369,50', 0.9437890648841858)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1375.0, 1910.0], [1588.0, 1919.0], [1586.0, 1970.0], [1373.0, 1962.0]], ('$ 1245,00', 0.9558851718902588)], [[[1691.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1970.0], [1691.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 124,50', 0.962375819683075)], [[[2053.0, 1926.0], [2259.0, 1926.0], [2259.0, 1966.0], [2053.0, 1966.0]], ('$1 369,50', 0.940567135810852)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '72744145', 'invoice_date': '03/29/2016', 'seller': 'Elliott, Simon and Taylor 365 Tyler Plaza Lake Jessica, ND 82382', 'client': 'Hopkins, Graves and Baker 36477 Baker Groves Apt. 526 Lake Veronicatown, NC 12403', 'seller_tax_id': '953-92-2203', 'client_tax_id': '900-91-6751', 'iban': 'GB215ZAV32374970565640'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '18\" Marble White Top Chess Table Handmade Collectible Black Friday Gift D\u00e9cor', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '561,00', 'item_net_worth': '2805,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '3085,50'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$2 805,00', 'total_vat': '$ 280,50', 'total_gross_worth': '$3085,50'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 72744145', 'Date of issue:', '03/29/2016', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Elliott, Simon and Taylor', 'Hopkins, Graves and Baker', '365 Tyler Plaza', '36477 Baker Groves Apt. 526', 'Lake Jessica, ND 82382', 'Lake Veronicatown, NC 12403', 'Tax Id: 953-92-2203', 'Tax Id: 900-91-6751', 'IBAN: GB21SZAV32374970565640', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '561,00', '3 085,50', '18\" Marble White Top Chess', '5,00', 'each', '2805,00', '10%', 'Table Handmade Collectible', 'Black Friday Gift Decor', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '2 805,00', '280,50', '3 085,50', '10%', 'Total', '$ 2 805,00', '$280,50', '$ 3 085,50']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 72744145', 0.999566376209259)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9985190629959106)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('03/29/2016', 0.9996301531791687)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 752.0], [724.0, 760.0], [723.0, 808.0], [206.0, 800.0]], ('Elliott, Simon and Taylor', 0.9998077154159546)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1824.0, 760.0], [1824.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Hopkins, Graves and Baker', 0.9955725073814392)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [539.0, 811.0], [539.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('365 Tyler Plaza', 0.9991002678871155)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1872.0, 811.0], [1872.0, 862.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('36477 Baker Groves Apt. 526', 0.9833454489707947)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [701.0, 866.0], [701.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Jessica, ND 82382', 0.9991594552993774)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1883.0, 866.0], [1883.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Veronicatown, NC 12403', 0.9937324523925781)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 953-92-2203', 0.9856072664260864)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 900-91-6751', 0.9801942706108093)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB21SZAV32374970565640', 0.9897280335426331)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('561,00', 0.9992378354072571)], [[[2091.0, 1384.0], [2260.0, 1393.0], [2258.0, 1444.0], [2089.0, 1435.0]], ('3 085,50', 0.9986076354980469)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [831.0, 1400.0], [831.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('18\" Marble White Top Chess', 0.9673967361450195)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('2805,00', 0.9661616086959839)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [831.0, 1440.0], [831.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1476.0]], ('Table Handmade Collectible', 0.9680047631263733)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [742.0, 1476.0], [742.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Black Friday Gift Decor', 0.9831697344779968)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9950116276741028)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1386.0, 1739.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1586.0, 1791.0], [1384.0, 1783.0]], ('Net worth', 0.999957799911499)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[2023.0, 1747.0], [2259.0, 1747.0], [2259.0, 1787.0], [2023.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998684525489807)], [[[1423.0, 1823.0], [1592.0, 1832.0], [1589.0, 1883.0], [1420.0, 1874.0]], ('2 805,00', 0.9818946123123169)], [[[1734.0, 1822.0], [1869.0, 1832.0], [1866.0, 1883.0], [1730.0, 1873.0]], ('280,50', 0.9969078898429871)], [[[2095.0, 1823.0], [2264.0, 1832.0], [2261.0, 1883.0], [2092.0, 1874.0]], ('3 085,50', 0.9831228256225586)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1375.0, 1910.0], [1588.0, 1919.0], [1586.0, 1970.0], [1373.0, 1962.0]], ('$ 2 805,00', 0.9747239947319031)], [[[1695.0, 1926.0], [1864.0, 1926.0], [1864.0, 1966.0], [1695.0, 1966.0]], ('$280,50', 0.983502209186554)], [[[2049.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1970.0], [2049.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 3 085,50', 0.9890648126602173)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '76999802', 'invoice_date': '07/14/2020', 'seller': 'Nolan, Williams and Roach 6916 Terry Forest Kelseyland, WI 95749', 'client': 'Dixon, Hall and Payne 104 Maxwell Coves Merrittport, MI 90167', 'seller_tax_id': '962-85-6776', 'client_tax_id': '953-71-2727', 'iban': 'GB64FEHQ32175908346356'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '26\"x26\" Marble Black Top Coffee Table Inlay Floral Pietradura Art Christmas Gift', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '1489,00', 'item_net_worth': '1489,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1637,90'}, {'item_desc': 'October Mist Deer Metal Side Table by Rosemary Millette', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '89,95', 'item_net_worth': '359,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '395,78'}, {'item_desc': '36\" Agate Center Dining Table Top Precious Stone Hallway Furniture Decors A026', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '1490,00', 'item_net_worth': '5960,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '6556,00'}, {'item_desc': \"7'x4' Black Marble Pietra dura Dining Table Top Furniture Inlay Patio Decor\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '9649,72', 'item_net_worth': '48 248,60', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '53 073,46'}, {'item_desc': '34\"x34\" Marble Round Top Coffee Table Elephant Floral Inlaid Art Christmas Gifts', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '1900,00', 'item_net_worth': '5 700,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '6270,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Semi precious Stone Work Inlaid Dinning Table Top Marble Kitchen Table 42 Inches', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '2496,00', 'item_net_worth': '12480,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '13 728,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$74237,40', 'total_vat': '$7423,74', 'total_gross_worth': '$81661,14'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 76999802.', 'Date of issue:', '07/14/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Nolan, Williams and Roach.', 'Dixon, Hall and Payne', '6916 Terry Forest', '104 Maxwell Coves', 'Kelseyland, WI 95749', 'Merrittport, MI 90167', 'Tax Id: 962-85-6776', 'Tax Id: 953-71-2727', 'IBAN: GB64FEHQ32175908346356', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '26\"x26\" Marble Black Top', '1,00', '1489,00', '1489,00', '10%', 'each', '1637,90', '1', 'Coffee Table Inlay Floral', 'Pietradura Art Christmas Gift', 'October Mist - Deer Metal Side', '4,00', '89,95', '359,80', 'each', '10%', '2.', '395,78', 'Table by Rosemary Millette', '4,00', '36\" Agate Center Dining Table', 'each', '1490,00', '5960,00', '10%', '3.', '6 556,00', 'Top Precious Stone Hallway', 'Furniture Decors A026', \"7'x4' Black Marble Pietra dura\", '5,00', 'each', '9 649,72', '48 248,60', '10%', '53 073,46', '4.', 'Dining Table Top Furniture Inlay', 'Patio Decor', '34\"x34\" Marble Round Top', '5.', '3,00', 'each', '1900,00', '5700,00', '10%', '6270,00', 'Coffee Table Elephant Floral', 'Inlaid Art Christmas Gifts.', 'Semi precious Stone Work Inlaid.', '5,00', '2 496,00', '10%', '13 728,00', '6.', 'each', '12 480,00', 'Dinning Table Top Marble', 'Kitchen Table 42 Inches', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth.', '74 237,40', '81 661,14', '10%', '7 423,74', 'Total', '$ 74 237,40', '$ 7 423,74', '$ 81 661,14']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 76999802.', 0.9680554270744324)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9978712201118469)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/14/2020', 0.9995595216751099)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [772.0, 756.0], [772.0, 804.0], [207.0, 804.0]], ('Nolan, Williams and Roach.', 0.9894670248031616)], [[[1244.0, 753.0], [1713.0, 757.0], [1713.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Dixon, Hall and Payne', 0.9999340772628784)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [591.0, 811.0], [590.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('6916 Terry Forest', 0.9998703002929688)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1658.0, 811.0], [1657.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('104 Maxwell Coves', 0.9919811487197876)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [668.0, 866.0], [668.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Kelseyland, WI 95749', 0.9850382804870605)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1702.0, 866.0], [1702.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Merrittport, MI 90167', 0.9798304438591003)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 962-85-6776', 0.9927251935005188)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 953-71-2727', 0.9888526797294617)], [[[207.0, 1027.0], [941.0, 1027.0], [941.0, 1074.0], [207.0, 1074.0]], ('IBAN: GB64FEHQ32175908346356', 0.9965766072273254)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1305.0], [1580.0, 1305.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999362230300903)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [794.0, 1396.0], [793.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], ('26\"x26\" Marble Black Top', 0.9762804508209229)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('1489,00', 0.9648582339286804)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('1489,00', 0.966999351978302)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2097.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2097.0, 1436.0]], ('1637,90', 0.961049497127533)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [772.0, 1436.0], [772.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Coffee Table Inlay Floral', 0.9885021448135376)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [849.0, 1476.0], [849.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Pietradura Art Christmas Gift', 0.9998753666877747)], [[[354.0, 1564.0], [875.0, 1564.0], [875.0, 1611.0], [354.0, 1611.0]], ('October Mist - Deer Metal Side', 0.9995256662368774)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('4,00', 0.9987471103668213)], [[[1418.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1418.0, 1615.0]], ('89,95', 0.9981988668441772)], [[[1653.0, 1556.0], [1788.0, 1565.0], [1784.0, 1616.0], [1649.0, 1607.0]], ('359,80', 0.9947283864021301)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1608.0], [251.0, 1608.0]], ('2.', 0.9935410022735596)], [[[2127.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1615.0], [2127.0, 1615.0]], ('395,78', 0.9993159770965576)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [823.0, 1608.0], [823.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Table by Rosemary Millette', 0.9996383190155029)], [[[1005.0, 1683.0], [1098.0, 1694.0], [1092.0, 1748.0], [999.0, 1737.0]], ('4,00', 0.993878185749054)], [[[354.0, 1696.0], [875.0, 1696.0], [875.0, 1743.0], [354.0, 1743.0]], ('36\" Agate Center Dining Table', 0.9988709688186646)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1248.0, 1699.0], [1248.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9987853765487671)], [[[1370.0, 1699.0], [1528.0, 1699.0], [1528.0, 1739.0], [1370.0, 1739.0]], ('1490,00', 0.9718503355979919)], [[[1624.0, 1699.0], [1780.0, 1699.0], [1780.0, 1739.0], [1624.0, 1739.0]], ('5960,00', 0.9646150469779968)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[251.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1736.0], [251.0, 1736.0]], ('3.', 0.9901798963546753)], [[[2101.0, 1699.0], [2252.0, 1699.0], [2252.0, 1739.0], [2101.0, 1739.0]], ('6 556,00', 0.9427973031997681)], [[[354.0, 1739.0], [827.0, 1739.0], [827.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1787.0]], ('Top Precious Stone Hallway', 0.9919474124908447)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [742.0, 1787.0], [742.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Furniture Decors A026', 0.9811670184135437)], [[[351.0, 1863.0], [868.0, 1871.0], [867.0, 1919.0], [350.0, 1911.0]], (\"7'x4' Black Marble Pietra dura\", 0.984045684337616)], [[[1004.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1911.0], [1004.0, 1911.0]], ('5,00', 0.9923485517501831)], [[[1152.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9984121918678284)], [[[1370.0, 1871.0], [1528.0, 1871.0], [1528.0, 1911.0], [1370.0, 1911.0]], ('9 649,72', 0.9514250159263611)], [[[1606.0, 1871.0], [1783.0, 1871.0], [1783.0, 1911.0], [1606.0, 1911.0]], ('48 248,60', 0.994511604309082)], [[[1912.0, 1871.0], [2001.0, 1871.0], [2001.0, 1915.0], [1912.0, 1915.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2079.0, 1871.0], [2252.0, 1871.0], [2252.0, 1911.0], [2079.0, 1911.0]], ('53 073,46', 0.9768345355987549)], [[[258.0, 1882.0], [284.0, 1882.0], [284.0, 1907.0], [258.0, 1907.0]], ('4.', 0.9911180734634399)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [893.0, 1918.0], [893.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('Dining Table Top Furniture Inlay', 0.9981859922409058)], [[[354.0, 1959.0], [554.0, 1959.0], [554.0, 1995.0], [354.0, 1995.0]], ('Patio Decor', 0.9950757622718811)], [[[354.0, 2039.0], [812.0, 2039.0], [812.0, 2087.0], [354.0, 2087.0]], ('34\"x34\" Marble Round Top', 0.9952448010444641)], [[[251.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2079.0], [251.0, 2079.0]], ('5.', 0.9956701993942261)], [[[1008.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1008.0, 2087.0]], ('3,00', 0.9787418246269226)], [[[1148.0, 2043.0], [1252.0, 2043.0], [1252.0, 2090.0], [1148.0, 2090.0]], ('each', 0.9586409330368042)], [[[1370.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2083.0], [1370.0, 2083.0]], ('1900,00', 0.9803938269615173)], [[[1624.0, 2043.0], [1780.0, 2043.0], [1780.0, 2083.0], [1624.0, 2083.0]], ('5700,00', 0.9790956377983093)], [[[1916.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2087.0], [1916.0, 2087.0]], ('10%', 0.9996157288551331)], [[[2097.0, 2043.0], [2252.0, 2043.0], [2252.0, 2083.0], [2097.0, 2083.0]], ('6270,00', 0.9723027348518372)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [831.0, 2083.0], [831.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Coffee Table Elephant Floral', 0.9997250437736511)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [783.0, 2130.0], [783.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Inlaid Art Christmas Gifts.', 0.9756431579589844)], [[[354.0, 2214.0], [905.0, 2214.0], [905.0, 2262.0], [354.0, 2262.0]], ('Semi precious Stone Work Inlaid.', 0.9693517088890076)], [[[1008.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1008.0, 2258.0]], ('5,00', 0.99776291847229)], [[[1364.0, 2206.0], [1533.0, 2215.0], [1530.0, 2266.0], [1361.0, 2257.0]], ('2 496,00', 0.9910995960235596)], [[[1912.0, 2214.0], [2001.0, 2214.0], [2001.0, 2258.0], [1912.0, 2258.0]], ('10%', 0.996985673904419)], [[[2069.0, 2206.0], [2257.0, 2215.0], [2254.0, 2266.0], [2067.0, 2258.0]], ('13 728,00', 0.9970636367797852)], [[[255.0, 2222.0], [284.0, 2222.0], [284.0, 2255.0], [255.0, 2255.0]], ('6.', 0.9919288158416748)], [[[1148.0, 2218.0], [1244.0, 2218.0], [1244.0, 2258.0], [1148.0, 2258.0]], ('each', 0.9983059167861938)], [[[1602.0, 2218.0], [1780.0, 2218.0], [1780.0, 2258.0], [1602.0, 2258.0]], ('12 480,00', 0.9888462424278259)], [[[354.0, 2255.0], [794.0, 2255.0], [794.0, 2302.0], [354.0, 2302.0]], ('Dinning Table Top Marble', 0.9991481900215149)], [[[358.0, 2298.0], [764.0, 2298.0], [764.0, 2335.0], [358.0, 2335.0]], ('Kitchen Table 42 Inches', 0.9990555047988892)], [[[192.0, 2437.0], [491.0, 2437.0], [491.0, 2488.0], [192.0, 2488.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.994450569152832)], [[[956.0, 2562.0], [1122.0, 2562.0], [1122.0, 2613.0], [956.0, 2613.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993457794189453)], [[[1772.0, 2553.0], [1874.0, 2563.0], [1868.0, 2614.0], [1767.0, 2604.0]], ('VAT', 0.6819877028465271)], [[[1388.0, 2565.0], [1588.0, 2565.0], [1588.0, 2605.0], [1388.0, 2605.0]], ('Net worth', 0.985179603099823)], [[[2023.0, 2565.0], [2256.0, 2565.0], [2256.0, 2602.0], [2023.0, 2602.0]], ('Gross worth.', 0.9491568207740784)], [[[1405.0, 2641.0], [1592.0, 2650.0], [1590.0, 2701.0], [1402.0, 2692.0]], ('74 237,40', 0.9968681335449219)], [[[2077.0, 2641.0], [2264.0, 2650.0], [2262.0, 2701.0], [2074.0, 2692.0]], ('81 661,14', 0.9922897815704346)], [[[997.0, 2653.0], [1082.0, 2653.0], [1082.0, 2697.0], [997.0, 2697.0]], ('10%', 0.9998807907104492)], [[[1709.0, 2653.0], [1864.0, 2653.0], [1864.0, 2693.0], [1709.0, 2693.0]], ('7 423,74', 0.9108011722564697)], [[[745.0, 2732.0], [858.0, 2742.0], [853.0, 2793.0], [741.0, 2783.0]], ('Total', 0.9998594522476196)], [[[1359.0, 2744.0], [1588.0, 2744.0], [1588.0, 2784.0], [1359.0, 2784.0]], ('$ 74 237,40', 0.9919276833534241)], [[[1658.0, 2741.0], [1864.0, 2741.0], [1864.0, 2781.0], [1658.0, 2781.0]], ('$ 7 423,74', 0.9716641306877136)], [[[2031.0, 2744.0], [2259.0, 2744.0], [2259.0, 2784.0], [2031.0, 2784.0]], ('$ 81 661,14', 0.9515821933746338)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '13044521', 'invoice_date': '01/02/2013', 'seller': 'Johnson Group 41474 Alexa Valley Maddoxside, DC 90699', 'client': 'Garcia and Sons 6500 Diana Terrace Suite 601 New Laura, DC 84719', 'seller_tax_id': '942-98-3474', 'client_tax_id': '961-71-7742', 'iban': 'GB76MFUI00830830050935765'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"6'x3' Marble Dining Table Hakik Pietradura Inlay Room Outdoor Mosaic Decor H3143\", 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '8630,92', 'item_net_worth': '25 892,76', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '28 482,04'}, {'item_desc': \"6'x3' White Marble Living Room Dining Table Top Marquetry Inlay Furniture H4743A\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '5590,21', 'item_net_worth': '22360,84', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '24 596,92'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$48253,60', 'total_vat': '$4825,36', 'total_gross_worth': '$53078,96'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 13044521', 'Date of issue:.', '01/02/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Johnson Group', 'Garcia and Sons', '41474 Alexa Valley', '6500 Diana Terrace Suite 601', 'Maddoxside, DC 90699', 'New Laura, DC 84719', 'Tax Id: 942-98-3474', 'Tax Id: 961-71-7742', 'IBAN: GB76MFUI00830050935765', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '8 630,92', \"6'x3'Marble Dining Table Hakik\", '3,00', 'each', '25 892,76', '10%', '28482,04', 'Pietradura Inlay Room Outdoor', 'Mosaic Decor H3143', '10%', '2.', \"6'x3' White Marble Living Room\", '4,00', 'each', '5 590,21', '22 360,84', '24 596,92', 'Dining Table Top Marquetry', 'Inlay Furniture H4743A', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '48 253,60', '4 825,36', '10%', '53078,96', 'Total', '$ 48 253,60', '$ 4 825,36', '$ 53 078,96']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 13044521', 0.9774006009101868)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.979079008102417)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('01/02/2013', 0.9998857378959656)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [521.0, 760.0], [521.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Johnson Group', 0.9994728565216064)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1599.0, 756.0], [1599.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Garcia and Sons', 0.9988427758216858)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [617.0, 811.0], [616.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('41474 Alexa Valley', 0.9997506737709045)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1876.0, 811.0], [1875.0, 862.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('6500 Diana Terrace Suite 601', 0.9998441338539124)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [694.0, 866.0], [694.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Maddoxside, DC 90699', 0.9987908601760864)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1709.0, 866.0], [1709.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Laura, DC 84719', 0.9853841662406921)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 942-98-3474', 0.9894444346427917)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 961-71-7742', 0.9863448739051819)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [930.0, 1023.0], [930.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB76MFUI00830050935765', 0.9856045842170715)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1364.0, 1384.0], [1533.0, 1393.0], [1530.0, 1444.0], [1361.0, 1435.0]], ('8 630,92', 0.9646977782249451)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], (\"6'x3'Marble Dining Table Hakik\", 0.971562385559082)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1606.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1606.0, 1436.0]], ('25 892,76', 0.9216416478157043)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2079.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2079.0, 1436.0]], ('28482,04', 0.9667402505874634)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [883.0, 1436.0], [882.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Pietradura Inlay Room Outdoor', 0.99128657579422)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [709.0, 1476.0], [709.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Mosaic Decor H3143', 0.999226450920105)], [[[1916.0, 1555.0], [2002.0, 1565.0], [1997.0, 1613.0], [1911.0, 1603.0]], ('10%', 0.9949302673339844)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[362.0, 1571.0], [890.0, 1571.0], [890.0, 1608.0], [362.0, 1608.0]], (\"6'x3' White Marble Living Room\", 0.9923573732376099)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('4,00', 0.9977242946624756)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1370.0, 1568.0], [1525.0, 1568.0], [1525.0, 1608.0], [1370.0, 1608.0]], ('5 590,21', 0.982143759727478)], [[[1606.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1606.0, 1608.0]], ('22 360,84', 0.98918616771698)], [[[2079.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2079.0, 1608.0]], ('24 596,92', 0.9995555877685547)], [[[359.0, 1604.0], [827.0, 1612.0], [827.0, 1659.0], [358.0, 1651.0]], ('Dining Table Top Marquetry', 0.9907612204551697)], [[[354.0, 1655.0], [749.0, 1655.0], [749.0, 1692.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Inlay Furniture H4743A', 0.9776575565338135)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9379201531410217)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[1776.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1966.0], [1776.0, 1966.0]], ('VAT', 0.6962001919746399)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998319745063782)], [[[1405.0, 1994.0], [1588.0, 2003.0], [1586.0, 2054.0], [1402.0, 2046.0]], ('48 253,60', 0.9986686706542969)], [[[1708.0, 1994.0], [1869.0, 2003.0], [1866.0, 2055.0], [1705.0, 2046.0]], ('4 825,36', 0.9979040026664734)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[2079.0, 2002.0], [2256.0, 2002.0], [2256.0, 2043.0], [2079.0, 2043.0]], ('53078,96', 0.9697972536087036)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1359.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2138.0], [1359.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 48 253,60', 0.9826460480690002)], [[[1658.0, 2097.0], [1861.0, 2097.0], [1861.0, 2138.0], [1658.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 4 825,36', 0.9625250101089478)], [[[2034.0, 2097.0], [2259.0, 2097.0], [2259.0, 2138.0], [2034.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 53 078,96', 0.9928443431854248)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '59336079', 'invoice_date': '01/09/2012', 'seller': 'Perry, Brown and Hudson 2180 Huffman Curve Jackville, ND 19375', 'client': 'Rogers-Brown USS Kaufman FPO AP 23378', 'seller_tax_id': '914-78-6724', 'client_tax_id': '955-90-1162', 'iban': 'GB73RSAW75064180740470'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '300,000 PLR Articles, 2,000 E-books + More', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '1,99', 'item_net_worth': '1,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '2,19'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1,99', 'total_vat': '$ 0,20', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 2,19'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 59336079', 'Date of issue:', '01/09/2012', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Perry, Brown and Hudson.', 'Rogers-Brown', '2180 Huffman Curve', 'uSS Kaufman', 'Jackville, ND 19375', 'FPO AP 23378', 'Tax Id: 914-78-6724', 'Tax Id: 955-90-1162', 'IBAN: GB73RSAW75064180740470', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', ' 300,000 PLR Articles, 2,000', '1', '1,00', 'each', '1,99', '1,99', '10%', '2,19', 'E-books + More', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '1,99', '0,20', '2,19', 'Total', '$ 1,99', '$ 0,20', '$ 2,19']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 59336079', 0.9969884753227234)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('01/09/2012', 0.999855637550354)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [742.0, 756.0], [742.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Perry, Brown and Hudson.', 0.9800667762756348)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1547.0, 760.0], [1547.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Rogers-Brown', 0.9995362162590027)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [654.0, 811.0], [653.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('2180 Huffman Curve', 0.9997840523719788)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1544.0, 811.0], [1543.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('uSS Kaufman', 0.8866817355155945)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [620.0, 866.0], [620.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Jackville, ND 19375', 0.9754157662391663)], [[[1245.0, 858.0], [1551.0, 863.0], [1550.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 910.0]], ('FPO AP 23378', 0.9990425109863281)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 914-78-6724', 0.9919110536575317)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 955-90-1162', 0.9936363697052002)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB73RSAW75064180740470', 0.9914820790290833)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [823.0, 1392.0], [823.0, 1440.0], [351.0, 1436.0]], (' 300,000 PLR Articles, 2,000', 0.9752766489982605)], [[[260.0, 1404.0], [278.0, 1410.0], [272.0, 1430.0], [253.0, 1423.0]], ('1', 0.8708305358886719)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('1,99', 0.9996651411056519)], [[[1695.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1440.0], [1695.0, 1440.0]], ('1,99', 0.9985177516937256)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2171.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1440.0], [2171.0, 1440.0]], ('2,19', 0.9981170296669006)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [628.0, 1440.0], [627.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('E-books + More', 0.9653850793838501)], [[[192.0, 1579.0], [491.0, 1579.0], [491.0, 1630.0], [192.0, 1630.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9969722628593445)], [[[956.0, 1699.0], [1122.0, 1699.0], [1122.0, 1750.0], [956.0, 1750.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999481201171875)], [[[1776.0, 1690.0], [1874.0, 1701.0], [1868.0, 1756.0], [1770.0, 1745.0]], ('VAT', 0.9881295561790466)], [[[1388.0, 1703.0], [1588.0, 1703.0], [1588.0, 1743.0], [1388.0, 1743.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9482071399688721)], [[[2027.0, 1706.0], [2259.0, 1706.0], [2259.0, 1743.0], [2027.0, 1743.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9978452324867249)], [[[994.0, 1782.0], [1087.0, 1792.0], [1081.0, 1843.0], [988.0, 1832.0]], ('10%', 0.9998087882995605)], [[[1496.0, 1778.0], [1593.0, 1789.0], [1587.0, 1843.0], [1490.0, 1833.0]], ('1,99', 0.9992927312850952)], [[[1780.0, 1794.0], [1864.0, 1794.0], [1864.0, 1838.0], [1780.0, 1838.0]], ('0,20', 0.9866105318069458)], [[[2175.0, 1794.0], [2263.0, 1794.0], [2263.0, 1834.0], [2175.0, 1834.0]], ('2,19', 0.9861425161361694)], [[[746.0, 1875.0], [857.0, 1875.0], [857.0, 1926.0], [746.0, 1926.0]], ('Total', 0.9998496770858765)], [[[1458.0, 1878.0], [1591.0, 1878.0], [1591.0, 1929.0], [1458.0, 1929.0]], ('$ 1,99', 0.9179372787475586)], [[[1735.0, 1878.0], [1868.0, 1878.0], [1868.0, 1929.0], [1735.0, 1929.0]], ('$ 0,20', 0.9732606410980225)], [[[2134.0, 1878.0], [2263.0, 1878.0], [2263.0, 1929.0], [2134.0, 1929.0]], ('$ 2,19', 0.9731805920600891)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '51265939', 'invoice_date': '11/16/2016', 'seller': 'Leonard, Forbes and Allen 99683 Sutton Radial Michaelborough, TN 49273', 'client': 'Weaver-Carr 83911 Steve Mount Suite 751 Cliffordstad, MT 16718', 'seller_tax_id': '963-99-3171', 'client_tax_id': '996-90-5190', 'iban': 'GB24NDPE47193318639194'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'BUYPOWER Gaming Computer AMD Ryzen 3 3100, Radeon RX 550, 240GB SSD, WiFi Ready', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '509,95', 'item_net_worth': '2039,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '2243,78'}, {'item_desc': 'HP Z420 Workstation Desktop Computer PC Intel Xeon 2.8GHZ 8GB 1TB Win10 Pro', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '199,95', 'item_net_worth': '199,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '219,95'}, {'item_desc': 'hp all in one desktop computer touch screen', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '205,00', 'item_net_worth': '1025,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 127,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Dell OptiPlex 7060 SFF Computer, 8th Gen Core i5, 8GB DDR4, New 240GB SSD, DVD', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '202,50', 'item_net_worth': '1012,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 113,75'}, {'item_desc': 'Custom Gaming Computer Ryzen 7 2700 32GB DDR4 Nvidia RTX 2060 RGB SSD 500GB HDD', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '1092,27', 'item_net_worth': '1092,27', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1201,50'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$5369,52', 'total_vat': '$ 536,95', 'total_gross_worth': '$5906,47'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 51265939', 'Date of issue:', '11/16/2016', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Leonard, Forbes and Allen', 'Weaver-Carr', '99683 Sutton Radial', '83911 Steve Mount Suite 751', 'Michaelborough, TN 49273', 'Cliffordstad, MT 16718', 'Tax Id: 963-99-3171', 'Tax Id: 996-90-5190', 'IBAN: GB24NDPE47193318639194', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '4,00', '509,95', '2039,80', '10%', 'iBUYPOwER Gaming Computer', 'each', '2243,78', '1', 'AMD Ryzen 3 3100, Radeon RX', '550, 240GB SSD, WiFi Ready', '199,95', '199,95', '10%', '2.', 'HP Z420 Workstation Desktop', '1,00', 'each', '219,95', 'Computer PC Intel Xeon 2.8GHZ', '8GB 1TB Win10 Pro', ' hp all in one desktop computer', '5,00', 'each', '205,00', '1 025,00', '10%', '1 127,50', '3.', 'touch screen', 'Dell OptiPlex 7060 SFF', '202,50', '10%', '5,00', 'each', '1012,50', '1 113,75', '4.', 'Computer, 8th Gen Core i5, 8GB', 'DDR4, New 240GB SSD, DVD', '5.', 'Custom Gaming Computer', '1,00', 'each', '1092,27', '1092,27', '10%', '1 201,50', 'Ryzen 7 2700 32GB DDR4', 'Nvidia RTX 2060 RGB SSD', '500GB HDD', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '5 369,52', '536,95', '5 906,47', 'Total', '$ 5 369,52', '$ 536,95', '$5906,47']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 51265939', 0.999374508857727)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9984772801399231)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('11/16/2016', 0.9998302459716797)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [764.0, 760.0], [764.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Leonard, Forbes and Allen', 0.9991898536682129)], [[[1242.0, 752.0], [1518.0, 761.0], [1516.0, 812.0], [1240.0, 803.0]], ('Weaver-Carr', 0.999616265296936)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [646.0, 811.0], [646.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('99683 Sutton Radial', 0.9995900988578796)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1872.0, 811.0], [1872.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('83911 Steve Mount Suite 751', 0.9898188710212708)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [779.0, 866.0], [779.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Michaelborough, TN 49273', 0.9993483424186707)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1728.0, 866.0], [1728.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Cliffordstad, MT 16718', 0.9830940365791321)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 963-99-3171', 0.9899857044219971)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 996-90-5190', 0.9936839938163757)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [941.0, 1023.0], [941.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB24NDPE47193318639194', 0.9834321737289429)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('509,95', 0.9996019005775452)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('2039,80', 0.9604342579841614)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [879.0, 1400.0], [879.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('iBUYPOwER Gaming Computer', 0.9299158453941345)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2097.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1436.0], [2097.0, 1436.0]], ('2243,78', 0.9657034277915955)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('AMD Ryzen 3 3100, Radeon RX', 0.9963603019714355)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [842.0, 1480.0], [842.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('550, 240GB SSD, WiFi Ready', 0.9751609563827515)], [[[1403.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1403.0, 1615.0]], ('199,95', 0.9986132979393005)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('199,95', 0.9995529055595398)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [860.0, 1571.0], [860.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('HP Z420 Workstation Desktop', 0.9972149133682251)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('219,95', 0.9996440410614014)], [[[358.0, 1615.0], [897.0, 1615.0], [897.0, 1652.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('Computer PC Intel Xeon 2.8GHZ', 0.9806473255157471)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [687.0, 1655.0], [687.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('8GB 1TB Win10 Pro', 0.9122467637062073)], [[[347.0, 1736.0], [879.0, 1739.0], [878.0, 1787.0], [347.0, 1783.0]], (' hp all in one desktop computer', 0.9925625920295715)], [[[1004.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1004.0, 1783.0]], ('5,00', 0.991753101348877)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('205,00', 0.9992382526397705)], [[[1617.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1787.0], [1617.0, 1787.0]], ('1 025,00', 0.9456864595413208)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9965217113494873)], [[[2093.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2093.0, 1787.0]], ('1 127,50', 0.9615523815155029)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [576.0, 1787.0], [576.0, 1823.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('touch screen', 0.9791485667228699)], [[[351.0, 1863.0], [742.0, 1867.0], [742.0, 1915.0], [351.0, 1911.0]], ('Dell OptiPlex 7060 SFF', 0.9909525513648987)], [[[1396.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1918.0], [1396.0, 1918.0]], ('202,50', 0.9994596838951111)], [[[1909.0, 1858.0], [2007.0, 1869.0], [2000.0, 1924.0], [1903.0, 1913.0]], ('10%', 0.9998971819877625)], [[[1004.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1911.0], [1004.0, 1911.0]], ('5,00', 0.9923485517501831)], [[[1152.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9984121918678284)], [[[1624.0, 1871.0], [1783.0, 1871.0], [1783.0, 1911.0], [1624.0, 1911.0]], ('1012,50', 0.9993671178817749)], [[[2097.0, 1871.0], [2252.0, 1871.0], [2252.0, 1911.0], [2097.0, 1911.0]], ('1 113,75', 0.960237443447113)], [[[258.0, 1882.0], [284.0, 1882.0], [284.0, 1907.0], [258.0, 1907.0]], ('4.', 0.9911180734634399)], [[[354.0, 1915.0], [904.0, 1911.0], [905.0, 1951.0], [355.0, 1955.0]], ('Computer, 8th Gen Core i5, 8GB', 0.985558807849884)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [849.0, 1959.0], [849.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('DDR4, New 240GB SSD, DVD', 0.9700348973274231)], [[[251.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2079.0], [251.0, 2079.0]], ('5.', 0.9956701993942261)], [[[358.0, 2046.0], [805.0, 2046.0], [805.0, 2083.0], [358.0, 2083.0]], ('Custom Gaming Computer', 0.9755530953407288)], [[[1008.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1008.0, 2083.0]], ('1,00', 0.9806210398674011)], [[[1148.0, 2043.0], [1252.0, 2043.0], [1252.0, 2090.0], [1148.0, 2090.0]], ('each', 0.9586409330368042)], [[[1370.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2083.0], [1370.0, 2083.0]], ('1092,27', 0.977478563785553)], [[[1624.0, 2043.0], [1780.0, 2043.0], [1780.0, 2083.0], [1624.0, 2083.0]], ('1092,27', 0.9890578389167786)], [[[1912.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2087.0], [1912.0, 2087.0]], ('10%', 0.9977663159370422)], [[[2097.0, 2043.0], [2252.0, 2043.0], [2252.0, 2083.0], [2097.0, 2083.0]], ('1 201,50', 0.9439470767974854)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [801.0, 2083.0], [801.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Ryzen 7 2700 32GB DDR4', 0.9964317679405212)], [[[354.0, 2123.0], [801.0, 2123.0], [801.0, 2171.0], [354.0, 2171.0]], ('Nvidia RTX 2060 RGB SSD', 0.9993610978126526)], [[[358.0, 2171.0], [561.0, 2171.0], [561.0, 2207.0], [358.0, 2207.0]], ('500GB HDD', 0.9508221745491028)], [[[192.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2361.0], [192.0, 2361.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9956091642379761)], [[[956.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2481.0], [956.0, 2481.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1388.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2474.0], [1388.0, 2474.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9842570424079895)], [[[1780.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2478.0], [1780.0, 2478.0]], ('VAT', 0.8929632306098938)], [[[2027.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2478.0], [2027.0, 2478.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998131394386292)], [[[994.0, 2509.0], [1087.0, 2520.0], [1081.0, 2574.0], [988.0, 2563.0]], ('10%', 0.9998297691345215)], [[[1425.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2569.0], [1425.0, 2569.0]], ('5 369,52', 0.9991674423217773)], [[[1732.0, 2518.0], [1868.0, 2518.0], [1868.0, 2569.0], [1732.0, 2569.0]], ('536,95', 0.9995386600494385)], [[[2097.0, 2518.0], [2263.0, 2518.0], [2263.0, 2569.0], [2097.0, 2569.0]], ('5 906,47', 0.9990984797477722)], [[[745.0, 2600.0], [858.0, 2611.0], [853.0, 2662.0], [741.0, 2651.0]], ('Total', 0.9998696446418762)], [[[1377.0, 2609.0], [1584.0, 2609.0], [1584.0, 2649.0], [1377.0, 2649.0]], ('$ 5 369,52', 0.9389930963516235)], [[[1695.0, 2613.0], [1861.0, 2613.0], [1861.0, 2653.0], [1695.0, 2653.0]], ('$ 536,95', 0.9582585096359253)], [[[2049.0, 2609.0], [2252.0, 2609.0], [2252.0, 2649.0], [2049.0, 2649.0]], ('$5906,47', 0.9754725098609924)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '29870205', 'invoice_date': '03/15/2013', 'seller': 'Banks, Wright and Mills 13451 Taylor Mountain Lake Lauren, FL 85948', 'client': 'White LLC USCGC Duran FPO AP 85163', 'seller_tax_id': '975-87-5254', 'client_tax_id': '997-85-8631', 'iban': 'GB27CNMR41415802215005'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Durango Lil' Little Kid Western Casual Western Purple Boys - Size 2 M\", 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '68,00', 'item_net_worth': '204,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '224,40'}, {'item_desc': 'NWT adidas Pulseboost HD (Big Kid) Casual Running Shoes Boys BLACK SIZE 4', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '84,99', 'item_net_worth': '424,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '467,45'}, {'item_desc': 'RICOSTA BGE boys everyday casual sandals NEW Size 33/ US 2', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '45,00', 'item_net_worth': '225,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '247,50'}, {'item_desc': \"Timberland Kid's Brown Field Scuff-Proof Boots Size 7\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '39,99', 'item_net_worth': '159,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '175,96'}, {'item_desc': '5 YOUTH Boys Big Kids Nike Jordan 6-17-23 Basketball White red Black 428818 100', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '89,99', 'item_net_worth': '89,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '98,99'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1103,90', 'total_vat': '$ 110,39', 'total_gross_worth': '$1214,29'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 29870205', 'Date of issue:.', '03/15/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Banks, Wright and Mills', 'White LLC', '13451 Taylor Mountain', 'USCGC Duran', 'Lake Lauren, FL 85948', 'FPO AP 85163', 'Tax Id: 975-87-5254', 'Tax Id: 997-85-8631', 'IBAN: GB27CNMR41415802215005', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', '224,40', \"Durango Lil' Little Kid Western\", '3,00', 'each', '68,00', '204,00', '1', 'Casual Western Purple Boys', 'Size 2 M', ' NWT adidas Pulseboost HD (Big', '5,00', '424,95', '10%', '2.', 'each', '84,99', '467,45', 'Kid) Casual Running Shoes Boys.', 'BLACK SIZE 4', 'RICOsTA BGE boys everyday', '5,00', ' each', '45,00', '225,00', '10%', '247,50', '3.', 'casual sandals NEw Size 33/ US', '2', '39,99', '159,96', '10%', \"Timberland Kid's Brown Field\", '4,00', 'each', '175,96', '4.', 'Scuff-Proof Boots Size 7', '5', ' 5 YOUTH Boys Big Kids Nike', '1,00', 'each', '89,99', '89,99', '10%', '98,99', 'Jordan 6-17-23 Basketball White.', 'red Black428818 100', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '1103,90', '110,39', '1214,29', 'Total', '$1103,90', '$110,39', '$1214,29']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 29870205', 0.9977843165397644)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9767452478408813)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('03/15/2013', 0.9998182058334351)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 757.0], [701.0, 753.0], [702.0, 804.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Banks, Wright and Mills', 0.9940532445907593)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1462.0, 760.0], [1462.0, 800.0], [1248.0, 800.0]], ('White LLC', 0.9921485185623169)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [698.0, 811.0], [698.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('13451 Taylor Mountain', 0.9994824528694153)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1543.0, 811.0], [1543.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('USCGC Duran', 0.9881452322006226)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [690.0, 866.0], [690.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Lauren, FL 85948', 0.9761168360710144)], [[[1245.0, 858.0], [1551.0, 863.0], [1550.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 910.0]], ('FPO AP 85163', 0.998246431350708)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 975-87-5254', 0.9882909655570984)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 997-85-8631', 0.9861928820610046)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [953.0, 1023.0], [953.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB27CNMR41415802215005', 0.9853876233100891)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1444.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], ('224,40', 0.9950723648071289)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [868.0, 1400.0], [868.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], (\"Durango Lil' Little Kid Western\", 0.9814261198043823)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1421.0, 1436.0]], ('68,00', 0.9493147134780884)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('204,00', 0.9604317545890808)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [838.0, 1436.0], [838.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Casual Western Purple Boys', 0.9837307333946228)], [[[358.0, 1480.0], [506.0, 1480.0], [506.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('Size 2 M', 0.9995030760765076)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [886.0, 1564.0], [886.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], (' NWT adidas Pulseboost HD (Big', 0.9822927117347717)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('5,00', 0.9983230829238892)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('424,95', 0.999739944934845)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1421.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1421.0, 1608.0]], ('84,99', 0.9934133291244507)], [[[2127.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1615.0], [2127.0, 1615.0]], ('467,45', 0.9678910374641418)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [901.0, 1612.0], [900.0, 1659.0], [350.0, 1651.0]], ('Kid) Casual Running Shoes Boys.', 0.9676662683486938)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [591.0, 1655.0], [591.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('BLACK SIZE 4', 0.9968065619468689)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [846.0, 1747.0], [845.0, 1783.0], [351.0, 1776.0]], ('RICOsTA BGE boys everyday', 0.9453242421150208)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('5,00', 0.9923754334449768)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('45,00', 0.9980819821357727)], [[[1650.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1650.0, 1787.0]], ('225,00', 0.9979970455169678)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2123.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2123.0, 1787.0]], ('247,50', 0.999257504940033)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[354.0, 1780.0], [890.0, 1776.0], [890.0, 1823.0], [355.0, 1827.0]], ('casual sandals NEw Size 33/ US', 0.9944080114364624)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [388.0, 1827.0], [388.0, 1860.0], [354.0, 1860.0]], ('2', 0.9981033802032471)], [[[1421.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1421.0, 1959.0]], ('39,99', 0.999649167060852)], [[[1654.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1654.0, 1959.0]], ('159,96', 0.9993838667869568)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[358.0, 1915.0], [845.0, 1915.0], [845.0, 1951.0], [358.0, 1951.0]], (\"Timberland Kid's Brown Field\", 0.9793092012405396)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('4,00', 0.9946244955062866)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9990523457527161)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('175,96', 0.999627411365509)], [[[251.0, 1922.0], [284.0, 1922.0], [284.0, 1951.0], [251.0, 1951.0]], ('4.', 0.9907228946685791)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [757.0, 1959.0], [757.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Scuff-Proof Boots Size 7', 0.9966748356819153)], [[[266.0, 2043.0], [290.0, 2066.0], [270.0, 2087.0], [246.0, 2063.0]], ('5', 0.9271325469017029)], [[[347.0, 2035.0], [831.0, 2039.0], [830.0, 2087.0], [347.0, 2083.0]], (' 5 YOUTH Boys Big Kids Nike', 0.9824995994567871)], [[[1008.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1008.0, 2083.0]], ('1,00', 0.9806210398674011)], [[[1152.0, 2043.0], [1248.0, 2043.0], [1248.0, 2087.0], [1152.0, 2087.0]], ('each', 0.9987853765487671)], [[[1421.0, 2039.0], [1532.0, 2039.0], [1532.0, 2090.0], [1421.0, 2090.0]], ('89,99', 0.9994716644287109)], [[[1676.0, 2039.0], [1787.0, 2039.0], [1787.0, 2090.0], [1676.0, 2090.0]], ('89,99', 0.998257040977478)], [[[1916.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2087.0], [1916.0, 2087.0]], ('10%', 0.9996157288551331)], [[[2145.0, 2039.0], [2259.0, 2039.0], [2259.0, 2090.0], [2145.0, 2090.0]], ('98,99', 0.9998481869697571)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [905.0, 2083.0], [905.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Jordan 6-17-23 Basketball White.', 0.9812034964561462)], [[[354.0, 2130.0], [731.0, 2130.0], [731.0, 2167.0], [354.0, 2167.0]], ('red Black428818 100', 0.9880253672599792)], [[[192.0, 2266.0], [491.0, 2266.0], [491.0, 2317.0], [192.0, 2317.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9965226054191589)], [[[956.0, 2390.0], [1122.0, 2390.0], [1122.0, 2441.0], [956.0, 2441.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994381666183472)], [[[1388.0, 2393.0], [1588.0, 2393.0], [1588.0, 2434.0], [1388.0, 2434.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9983558654785156)], [[[1776.0, 2390.0], [1868.0, 2390.0], [1868.0, 2434.0], [1776.0, 2434.0]], ('VAT', 0.5632656812667847)], [[[2027.0, 2393.0], [2259.0, 2393.0], [2259.0, 2434.0], [2027.0, 2434.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9996238946914673)], [[[997.0, 2481.0], [1082.0, 2481.0], [1082.0, 2525.0], [997.0, 2525.0]], ('10%', 0.9996994137763977)], [[[1429.0, 2481.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1588.0, 2521.0], [1429.0, 2521.0]], ('1103,90', 0.9875537753105164)], [[[1739.0, 2481.0], [1864.0, 2481.0], [1864.0, 2521.0], [1739.0, 2521.0]], ('110,39', 0.982090175151825)], [[[2104.0, 2481.0], [2259.0, 2481.0], [2259.0, 2521.0], [2104.0, 2521.0]], ('1214,29', 0.9692462682723999)], [[[749.0, 2573.0], [853.0, 2573.0], [853.0, 2613.0], [749.0, 2613.0]], ('Total', 0.9998862147331238)], [[[1381.0, 2573.0], [1588.0, 2573.0], [1588.0, 2613.0], [1381.0, 2613.0]], ('$1103,90', 0.9956905841827393)], [[[1695.0, 2573.0], [1864.0, 2573.0], [1864.0, 2613.0], [1695.0, 2613.0]], ('$110,39', 0.9861975312232971)], [[[2056.0, 2573.0], [2259.0, 2573.0], [2259.0, 2613.0], [2056.0, 2613.0]], ('$1214,29', 0.9448147416114807)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '16692901', 'invoice_date': '04/03/2018', 'seller': 'Jackson-Oliver 8041 Hawkins Village Suite 629 Garciahaven, AZ 99709', 'client': 'Tucker-Diaz 22764 Murphy Garden North Nicoleberg, RI 90466', 'seller_tax_id': '911-70-7669', 'client_tax_id': '911-83-7666', 'iban': 'GB93CNVP09591308802379'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Keen Waterproof Hiking Shoes Kids Boys Size 12 Brown Black Outdoor Sneakers', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '35,97', 'item_net_worth': '71,94', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '79,13'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$71,94', 'total_vat': '$7,19', 'total_gross_worth': 'Total'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 16692901.', 'Date of issue:', '04/03/2018', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Jackson-Oliver', 'Tucker-Diaz', '8041 Hawkins Village Suite 629', '22764 Murphy Garden', 'Garciahaven, AZ 99709', 'North Nicoleberg, RI 90466', 'Tax Id: 911-70-7669', 'Tax Id: 911-83-7666', 'IBAN: GB93CNVP09591308802379', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'Keen Waterproof Hiking Shoes', '2,00', 'each', '35,97', '71,94', '10%', '79,13', 'Kids Boys Size 12 Brown Black', 'Outdoor Sneakers', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '71,94', '10%', '7,19', '79,13', 'Total', '$ 71,94', '$7,19', '$ 79,13']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 16692901.', 0.9711801409721375)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.998161792755127)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('04/03/2018', 0.9998855590820312)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [513.0, 760.0], [513.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Jackson-Oliver', 0.9838871359825134)], [[[1245.0, 752.0], [1503.0, 761.0], [1502.0, 812.0], [1244.0, 803.0]], ('Tucker-Diaz', 0.9993218779563904)], [[[207.0, 815.0], [875.0, 815.0], [875.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('8041 Hawkins Village Suite 629', 0.9773229956626892)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1724.0, 811.0], [1724.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('22764 Murphy Garden', 0.9942592978477478)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [709.0, 866.0], [709.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Garciahaven, AZ 99709', 0.9995739459991455)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1820.0, 866.0], [1820.0, 917.0], [1248.0, 917.0]], ('North Nicoleberg, RI 90466', 0.9975952506065369)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 911-70-7669', 0.9829049110412598)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 911-83-7666', 0.9870702028274536)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [934.0, 1020.0], [934.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB93CNVP09591308802379', 0.9944499135017395)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[354.0, 1396.0], [875.0, 1396.0], [875.0, 1443.0], [354.0, 1443.0]], ('Keen Waterproof Hiking Shoes', 0.9998696446418762)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('35,97', 0.9998937845230103)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('71,94', 0.9998462796211243)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2152.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2152.0, 1443.0]], ('79,13', 0.9992831349372864)], [[[358.0, 1432.0], [871.0, 1436.0], [871.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('Kids Boys Size 12 Brown Black', 0.9951174259185791)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [661.0, 1480.0], [661.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('Outdoor Sneakers', 0.9985175132751465)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9953786730766296)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1776.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1770.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9691691398620605)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2027.0, 1750.0], [2259.0, 1750.0], [2259.0, 1787.0], [2027.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998946785926819)], [[[1480.0, 1822.0], [1593.0, 1832.0], [1588.0, 1887.0], [1475.0, 1877.0]], ('71,94', 0.9998558163642883)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1780.0, 1834.0], [1864.0, 1834.0], [1864.0, 1878.0], [1780.0, 1878.0]], ('7,19', 0.9963895678520203)], [[[2152.0, 1831.0], [2267.0, 1831.0], [2267.0, 1882.0], [2152.0, 1882.0]], ('79,13', 0.9994185566902161)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1432.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1432.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 71,94', 0.9867740273475647)], [[[1735.0, 1918.0], [1864.0, 1918.0], [1864.0, 1970.0], [1735.0, 1970.0]], ('$7,19', 0.9995424151420593)], [[[2108.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1970.0], [2108.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 79,13', 0.9882229566574097)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '27216737', 'invoice_date': '05/23/2018', 'seller': 'Nicholson, Hamilton and Holder 425 Alyssa Mills Suite 578 Tracyshire, WI 66027', 'client': 'Campbell and Sons 853 Kristen Light Suite 482 Port Samantha, ID 90647', 'seller_tax_id': '973-80-8757', 'client_tax_id': '998-85-9901', 'iban': 'GB58DFZ287387387694076811'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Abstract Blue Gray Gradient Bedside Area Rugs Bedroom Decor Carpets Non-Slip Mat', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '36,98', 'item_net_worth': '73,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '81,36'}, {'item_desc': \"Yilong 5'x7' Handknotted Silk Carpet Home Interior Classic Luxury Area Rug 1047\", 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '8400,00', 'item_net_worth': '16 800,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '18 480,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$16 873,96', 'total_vat': '$1687,40', 'total_gross_worth': '$18 561,36'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 27216737', 'Date of issue:', '05/23/2018', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Nicholson, Hamilton and Holder', 'Campbell and Sons', '425 Alyssa Mills Suite 578', '853 Kristen Light Suite 482', 'Tracyshire, WI 66027', 'Port Samantha, ID 90647', 'Tax Id: 973-80-8757', 'Tax Id: 998-85-9901', 'IBAN: GB58DFZZ87387694076811', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Abstract Blue Gray Gradient', '2,00', 'each', '36,98', '73,96', '10%', '81,36', 'Bedside Area Rugs Bedroom', 'Decor Carpets Non-Slip Mat', \"Yilong 5'x7' Handknotted Silk\", '10%', '2.', '2,00', 'each', '8 400,00', '16 800,00', '18 480,00', 'Carpet Home Interior Classic', 'Luxury Area Rug 1047', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '16 873,96', '10%', '1 687,40', '18 561,36', 'Total', '$ 16 873,96', '$1 687,40', '$ 18 561,36']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 27216737', 0.999010443687439)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9883247017860413)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('05/23/2018', 0.9998654127120972)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 756.0], [879.0, 756.0], [879.0, 804.0], [210.0, 804.0]], ('Nicholson, Hamilton and Holder', 0.974358856678009)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1658.0, 760.0], [1658.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Campbell and Sons', 0.9998002052307129)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [757.0, 811.0], [757.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('425 Alyssa Mills Suite 578', 0.9996100068092346)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1820.0, 811.0], [1820.0, 859.0], [1252.0, 859.0]], ('853 Kristen Light Suite 482', 0.9995471835136414)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [661.0, 866.0], [661.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Tracyshire, WI 66027', 0.9909370541572571)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1776.0, 866.0], [1776.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Port Samantha, ID 90647', 0.998923122882843)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 973-80-8757', 0.9785032868385315)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 998-85-9901', 0.99405437707901)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB58DFZZ87387694076811', 0.9815385937690735)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [834.0, 1400.0], [834.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Abstract Blue Gray Gradient', 0.9710586667060852)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('36,98', 0.999403178691864)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('73,96', 0.9998695254325867)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('81,36', 0.9997013211250305)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [838.0, 1440.0], [838.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1476.0]], ('Bedside Area Rugs Bedroom', 0.9912168979644775)], [[[351.0, 1472.0], [823.0, 1476.0], [823.0, 1524.0], [351.0, 1520.0]], ('Decor Carpets Non-Slip Mat', 0.9822587966918945)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [849.0, 1564.0], [849.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], (\"Yilong 5'x7' Handknotted Silk\", 0.9895484447479248)], [[[1917.0, 1552.0], [2003.0, 1562.0], [1997.0, 1613.0], [1911.0, 1603.0]], ('10%', 0.9998902678489685)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1093.0, 1568.0], [1093.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('2,00', 0.9994388818740845)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1370.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1370.0, 1608.0]], ('8 400,00', 0.9670215845108032)], [[[1606.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1606.0, 1608.0]], ('16 800,00', 0.9905140995979309)], [[[2079.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2079.0, 1608.0]], ('18 480,00', 0.9813714623451233)], [[[362.0, 1615.0], [842.0, 1615.0], [842.0, 1652.0], [362.0, 1652.0]], ('Carpet Home Interior Classic', 0.9974287152290344)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [735.0, 1655.0], [735.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Luxury Area Rug 1047', 0.9728341102600098)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9295022487640381)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[1776.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1966.0], [1776.0, 1966.0]], ('VAT', 0.6962001919746399)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998438358306885)], [[[1408.0, 1994.0], [1592.0, 2003.0], [1590.0, 2054.0], [1406.0, 2046.0]], ('16 873,96', 0.999114453792572)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[1709.0, 2006.0], [1864.0, 2006.0], [1864.0, 2046.0], [1709.0, 2046.0]], ('1 687,40', 0.9079561233520508)], [[[2082.0, 2006.0], [2259.0, 2006.0], [2259.0, 2046.0], [2082.0, 2046.0]], ('18 561,36', 0.9775816798210144)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1359.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2138.0], [1359.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 16 873,96', 0.9949895739555359)], [[[1658.0, 2097.0], [1861.0, 2097.0], [1861.0, 2138.0], [1658.0, 2138.0]], ('$1 687,40', 0.9531118869781494)], [[[2034.0, 2097.0], [2259.0, 2097.0], [2259.0, 2138.0], [2034.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 18 561,36', 0.9983352422714233)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '79587541', 'invoice_date': '08/02/2014', 'seller': 'Baker-Wagner 909 Duarte Drive Apt. 874 Joelfort, NH 24372', 'client': 'Horton, Gillespie and Moore 711 Richard Cove Suite 885 East Mindy, WY 58533', 'seller_tax_id': '971-99-0928', 'client_tax_id': '965-80-2789', 'iban': 'GB24KUOP15238222815223'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Bottle tops lid reusable vacuume sealer stopper flip cap cork wine beer', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '9,99', 'item_net_worth': '9,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '10,99'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$9,99', 'total_vat': '$ 1,00', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 10,99'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 79587541', 'Date of issue:', '08/02/2014', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Baker-Wagner', 'Horton, Gillespie and Moore.', '909 Duarte Drive Apt. 874', '711 Richard Cove Suite 885.', 'Joelfort, NH 24372', 'East Mindy, WY 58533', 'Tax Id: 971-99-0928', 'Tax Id: 965-80-2789', 'IBAN: GB24KUOP15238222815223', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Bottle tops lid reusable', '1,00', 'each', '9,99', '9,99', '10%', '10,99', 'vacuume sealer stopper flip cap', 'cork wine beer', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '9,99', '1,00', '10,99', 'Total', '$ 9,99', '$1,00', '$ 10,99']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 79587541', 0.9985391497612)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9984772801399231)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('08/02/2014', 0.9998480677604675)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[208.0, 752.0], [514.0, 760.0], [512.0, 808.0], [206.0, 800.0]], ('Baker-Wagner', 0.9987759590148926)], [[[1244.0, 760.0], [1831.0, 760.0], [1831.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Horton, Gillespie and Moore.', 0.9926299452781677)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [764.0, 811.0], [764.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('909 Duarte Drive Apt. 874', 0.9992441534996033)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1835.0, 811.0], [1835.0, 859.0], [1252.0, 859.0]], ('711 Richard Cove Suite 885.', 0.9781096577644348)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [598.0, 866.0], [598.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Joelfort, NH 24372', 0.9992446899414062)], [[[1252.0, 866.0], [1724.0, 866.0], [1724.0, 914.0], [1252.0, 914.0]], ('East Mindy, WY 58533', 0.9937325716018677)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 971-99-0928', 0.9840196371078491)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 965-80-2789', 0.9744274616241455)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB24KUOP15238222815223', 0.9940009117126465)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [749.0, 1400.0], [749.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Bottle tops lid reusable', 0.9895491600036621)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('9,99', 0.9952999353408813)], [[[1695.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1440.0], [1695.0, 1440.0]], ('9,99', 0.9963400363922119)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('10,99', 0.9998533129692078)], [[[358.0, 1443.0], [901.0, 1443.0], [901.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('vacuume sealer stopper flip cap', 0.9750324487686157)], [[[358.0, 1484.0], [605.0, 1484.0], [605.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('cork wine beer', 0.992030680179596)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9958321452140808)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2020.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2020.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998655915260315)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1499.0, 1827.0], [1591.0, 1827.0], [1591.0, 1882.0], [1499.0, 1882.0]], ('9,99', 0.9993151426315308)], [[[1780.0, 1834.0], [1868.0, 1834.0], [1868.0, 1878.0], [1780.0, 1878.0]], ('1,00', 0.9992347359657288)], [[[2152.0, 1831.0], [2267.0, 1831.0], [2267.0, 1882.0], [2152.0, 1882.0]], ('10,99', 0.9995476007461548)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1455.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1455.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 9,99', 0.9376979470252991)], [[[1735.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1970.0], [1735.0, 1970.0]], ('$1,00', 0.9993318319320679)], [[[2108.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1970.0], [2108.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 10,99', 0.9513367414474487)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '61264237', 'invoice_date': '10/25/2020', 'seller': 'Larson,. Jones and Liu 4154 Jennifer Vista Tracyfort, MN 65215', 'client': 'Cisneros Group 81225 Steven Street Kerrmouth, NY 78258', 'seller_tax_id': '916-74-1494', 'client_tax_id': '990-87-1503', 'iban': 'GB69HBKR40305240693626'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Lilly Pulitzer Lillywood California 8 Shift Dress', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '76,00', 'item_net_worth': '228,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '250,80'}, {'item_desc': \"R&M; RICHARDS WOMAN'S BLUE DRESS With Rhinestone Accent Short Sleeves Sz 16W NWT\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '29,99', 'item_net_worth': '29,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '32,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Large Blue Long Sleeve Fit & Flare Dress Elastic Waist Crochet Detail Bohemian', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '0,99', 'item_net_worth': '3,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '4,36'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 261,95', 'total_vat': '$ 26,20', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 288,15'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 61264237', 'Date of issue:', '10/25/2020', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Larson, Jones and Liu', 'Cisneros Group', '4154 Jennifer Vista', '81225 Steven Street', 'Tracyfort, MN 65215', 'Kerrmouth, NY 78258', 'Tax Id: 916-74-1494', 'Tax Id: 990-87-1503', 'IBAN: GB69HBKR40305240693626', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', ' Lilly Pulitzer Lillywood California.', '76,00', '228,00', '10%', '250,80', '1.', '3,00', 'each', '8 Shift Dress', '29,99', '29,99', '10%', '2', \"R&M; RICHARDS WOMAN'S\", '1,00', 'each', '32,99', 'BLUE DRESS With Rhinestone', 'Accent Short Sleeves Sz 16W', 'NWT', 'Large Blue Long Sleeve Fit &', '4,00', '3.', 'each', '0,99', '3,96', '10%', '4,36', 'Flare Dress Elastic Waist', 'Crochet Detail Bohemian', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '261,95', '26,20', '288,15', 'Total', '$ 261,95', '$ 26,20', '$ 288,15']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 61264237', 0.9992267489433289)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1207.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1207.0, 256.0]], ('10/25/2020', 0.9997130632400513)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [661.0, 760.0], [661.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Larson, Jones and Liu', 0.9997982978820801)], [[[1245.0, 752.0], [1577.0, 760.0], [1576.0, 812.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Cisneros Group', 0.9999136924743652)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [613.0, 811.0], [613.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('4154 Jennifer Vista', 0.9994438290596008)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1691.0, 811.0], [1691.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('81225 Steven Street', 0.9995799660682678)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [642.0, 866.0], [642.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Tracyfort, MN 65215', 0.9964973330497742)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1706.0, 866.0], [1706.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Kerrmouth, NY 78258', 0.9990559816360474)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 916-74-1494', 0.9914783835411072)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 990-87-1503', 0.9838371276855469)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB69HBKR40305240693626', 0.9946808815002441)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [901.0, 1396.0], [900.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], (' Lilly Pulitzer Lillywood California.', 0.9587634205818176)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('76,00', 0.9996649026870728)], [[[1650.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1650.0, 1443.0]], ('228,00', 0.9976398944854736)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1444.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], ('250,80', 0.9955082535743713)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[354.0, 1440.0], [576.0, 1440.0], [576.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('8 Shift Dress', 0.9614222645759583)], [[[1418.0, 1524.0], [1532.0, 1524.0], [1532.0, 1575.0], [1418.0, 1575.0]], ('29,99', 0.9998089075088501)], [[[1672.0, 1524.0], [1787.0, 1524.0], [1787.0, 1575.0], [1672.0, 1575.0]], ('29,99', 0.9998234510421753)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2000.0, 1580.0], [1903.0, 1569.0]], ('10%', 0.9919328689575195)], [[[261.0, 1531.0], [285.0, 1549.0], [271.0, 1567.0], [247.0, 1550.0]], ('2', 0.7440741062164307)], [[[358.0, 1527.0], [812.0, 1527.0], [812.0, 1564.0], [358.0, 1564.0]], (\"R&M; RICHARDS WOMAN'S\", 0.9884234070777893)], [[[1004.0, 1527.0], [1093.0, 1527.0], [1093.0, 1571.0], [1004.0, 1571.0]], ('1,00', 0.9997024536132812)], [[[1152.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9990001320838928)], [[[2145.0, 1524.0], [2256.0, 1524.0], [2256.0, 1575.0], [2145.0, 1575.0]], ('32,99', 0.9999198913574219)], [[[362.0, 1571.0], [857.0, 1571.0], [857.0, 1608.0], [362.0, 1608.0]], ('BLUE DRESS With Rhinestone', 0.9940775632858276)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [853.0, 1608.0], [853.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1652.0]], ('Accent Short Sleeves Sz 16W', 0.9991931319236755)], [[[354.0, 1652.0], [443.0, 1652.0], [443.0, 1692.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('NWT', 0.997708261013031)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [845.0, 1739.0], [845.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1787.0]], ('Large Blue Long Sleeve Fit &', 0.98428875207901)], [[[1008.0, 1734.0], [1098.0, 1744.0], [1093.0, 1788.0], [1003.0, 1778.0]], ('4,00', 0.9896334409713745)], [[[255.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [255.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9913963675498962)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1444.0, 1739.0], [1528.0, 1739.0], [1528.0, 1783.0], [1444.0, 1783.0]], ('0,99', 0.9932025671005249)], [[[1698.0, 1739.0], [1783.0, 1739.0], [1783.0, 1783.0], [1698.0, 1783.0]], ('3,96', 0.9968295097351074)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9996688961982727)], [[[2171.0, 1739.0], [2256.0, 1739.0], [2256.0, 1783.0], [2171.0, 1783.0]], ('4,36', 0.9920854568481445)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [775.0, 1787.0], [775.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Flare Dress Elastic Waist', 0.9821344614028931)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [779.0, 1827.0], [779.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Crochet Detail Bohemian', 0.9773131608963013)], [[[192.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 2010.0], [192.0, 2010.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9948539733886719)], [[[954.0, 2078.0], [1123.0, 2087.0], [1121.0, 2139.0], [952.0, 2130.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9988380670547485)], [[[1776.0, 2078.0], [1874.0, 2088.0], [1868.0, 2139.0], [1770.0, 2129.0]], ('VAT', 0.890204906463623)], [[[1388.0, 2090.0], [1584.0, 2090.0], [1584.0, 2130.0], [1388.0, 2130.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9688122272491455)], [[[2027.0, 2094.0], [2259.0, 2094.0], [2259.0, 2130.0], [2027.0, 2130.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998040795326233)], [[[997.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2222.0], [997.0, 2222.0]], ('10%', 0.9996705055236816)], [[[1458.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2225.0], [1458.0, 2225.0]], ('261,95', 0.9997761845588684)], [[[1754.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2225.0], [1754.0, 2225.0]], ('26,20', 0.9957232475280762)], [[[2130.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2225.0], [2130.0, 2225.0]], ('288,15', 0.9996089935302734)], [[[749.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2309.0], [749.0, 2309.0]], ('Total', 0.999843418598175)], [[[1414.0, 2269.0], [1588.0, 2269.0], [1588.0, 2309.0], [1414.0, 2309.0]], ('$ 261,95', 0.9933652877807617)], [[[1713.0, 2266.0], [1868.0, 2266.0], [1868.0, 2317.0], [1713.0, 2317.0]], ('$ 26,20', 0.970263659954071)], [[[2082.0, 2266.0], [2263.0, 2266.0], [2263.0, 2317.0], [2082.0, 2317.0]], ('$ 288,15', 0.9966719746589661)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '26363966', 'invoice_date': '06/13/2016', 'seller': 'Griffin, Cox and Day 3670 Wong Keys South Troy, NV46433', 'client': 'Fox Inc 76771 Watson Knoll Northjoshuaberg, AK 66475', 'seller_tax_id': '989-73-7669', 'client_tax_id': '935-80-4731', 'iban': 'GB70PACC8898989412041655'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Lilly Pulitzer 8 Sunkissed with Glow Janice Shift Dress', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '284,45', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '312,90'}, {'item_desc': 'PAS DE CALAIS DRESS WOMENS SIZE 36', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '9,95', 'item_net_worth': '9,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '10,94'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$294,40', 'total_vat': '$29,44', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 323,84'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 26363966', 'Date of issue:', '06/13/2016', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Griffin, Cox and Day', 'Fox Inc', '3670 Wong Keys', '76771 Watson Knoll', 'South Troy, NV 46433', 'North Joshuaberg, AK 66475', 'Tax Id: 989-73-7669', 'Tax Id: 935-80-4731', 'IBAN: GB70PACC88989412041655', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Lilly Pulitzer 8 Sunkissed with.', '56,89', '284,45', '10%', '312,90', '5,00', '1', 'each', 'Glow Janice Shift Dress', 'PAS DE CALAIS DRESS WOMENS', '1,00', '9,95', '10%', 'each', '9,95', '10,94', '2.', 'SIZE 36', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '294,40', '29,44', '323,84', 'Total', '$ 294,40', '$ 29,44', '$ 323,84']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 26363966', 0.9992305040359497)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9883247017860413)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('06/13/2016', 0.9997148513793945)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[207.0, 752.0], [635.0, 760.0], [634.0, 812.0], [206.0, 804.0]], ('Griffin, Cox and Day', 0.963420033454895)], [[[1242.0, 752.0], [1408.0, 761.0], [1405.0, 812.0], [1240.0, 803.0]], ('Fox Inc', 0.9935208559036255)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [572.0, 811.0], [572.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('3670 Wong Keys', 0.9977225661277771)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1676.0, 811.0], [1676.0, 859.0], [1252.0, 859.0]], ('76771 Watson Knoll', 0.9993146061897278)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [676.0, 866.0], [676.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('South Troy, NV 46433', 0.9968204498291016)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1842.0, 866.0], [1842.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('North Joshuaberg, AK 66475', 0.9995652437210083)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 989-73-7669', 0.9833667874336243)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 935-80-4731', 0.9905932545661926)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB70PACC88989412041655', 0.9861935973167419)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [857.0, 1392.0], [856.0, 1440.0], [351.0, 1436.0]], ('Lilly Pulitzer 8 Sunkissed with.', 0.9821114540100098)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('56,89', 0.9984931945800781)], [[[1650.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1650.0, 1443.0]], ('284,45', 0.998269259929657)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2129.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1444.0], [2125.0, 1435.0]], ('312,90', 0.999815046787262)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [750.0, 1440.0], [749.0, 1488.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Glow Janice Shift Dress', 0.9998116493225098)], [[[355.0, 1520.0], [901.0, 1524.0], [901.0, 1571.0], [354.0, 1568.0]], ('PAS DE CALAIS DRESS WOMENS', 0.9984487891197205)], [[[1009.0, 1519.0], [1094.0, 1529.0], [1088.0, 1580.0], [1003.0, 1570.0]], ('1,00', 0.9993650913238525)], [[[1692.0, 1515.0], [1789.0, 1526.0], [1783.0, 1580.0], [1685.0, 1569.0]], ('9,95', 0.9991839528083801)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2000.0, 1580.0], [1903.0, 1569.0]], ('10%', 0.9919328689575195)], [[[1152.0, 1527.0], [1248.0, 1527.0], [1248.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9984121918678284)], [[[1444.0, 1527.0], [1528.0, 1527.0], [1528.0, 1571.0], [1444.0, 1571.0]], ('9,95', 0.9998527765274048)], [[[2145.0, 1524.0], [2256.0, 1524.0], [2256.0, 1575.0], [2145.0, 1575.0]], ('10,94', 0.999864935874939)], [[[251.0, 1535.0], [284.0, 1535.0], [284.0, 1568.0], [251.0, 1568.0]], ('2.', 0.9964179992675781)], [[[354.0, 1564.0], [495.0, 1564.0], [495.0, 1615.0], [354.0, 1615.0]], ('SIZE 36', 0.9775685667991638)], [[[192.0, 1706.0], [491.0, 1706.0], [491.0, 1758.0], [192.0, 1758.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9953848123550415)], [[[956.0, 1831.0], [1122.0, 1831.0], [1122.0, 1882.0], [956.0, 1882.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1822.0], [1874.0, 1832.0], [1868.0, 1887.0], [1767.0, 1877.0]], ('VAT', 0.977888286113739)], [[[1388.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1875.0], [1388.0, 1875.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998443126678467)], [[[2023.0, 1838.0], [2256.0, 1838.0], [2256.0, 1875.0], [2023.0, 1875.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999376535415649)], [[[994.0, 1910.0], [1087.0, 1920.0], [1081.0, 1975.0], [988.0, 1964.0]], ('10%', 0.9999063611030579)], [[[1458.0, 1918.0], [1595.0, 1918.0], [1595.0, 1970.0], [1458.0, 1970.0]], ('294,40', 0.9964609146118164)], [[[1754.0, 1918.0], [1872.0, 1918.0], [1872.0, 1970.0], [1754.0, 1970.0]], ('29,44', 0.9938190579414368)], [[[2130.0, 1918.0], [2267.0, 1918.0], [2267.0, 1970.0], [2130.0, 1970.0]], ('323,84', 0.9989523887634277)], [[[746.0, 2010.0], [857.0, 2010.0], [857.0, 2061.0], [746.0, 2061.0]], ('Total', 0.9998666048049927)], [[[1414.0, 2013.0], [1588.0, 2013.0], [1588.0, 2054.0], [1414.0, 2054.0]], ('$ 294,40', 0.9971778392791748)], [[[1713.0, 2010.0], [1868.0, 2010.0], [1868.0, 2061.0], [1713.0, 2061.0]], ('$ 29,44', 0.986295759677887)], [[[2082.0, 2010.0], [2263.0, 2010.0], [2263.0, 2061.0], [2082.0, 2061.0]], ('$ 323,84', 0.9952622652053833)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '19512841', 'invoice_date': '06/18/2012', 'seller': 'Camacho-Stewart 99489 Brown Stream Whitetown, NY 24886', 'client': 'Fleming Ltd 55160 Robert Way Jamesland, KY 92755', 'seller_tax_id': '971-74-5288', 'client_tax_id': '914-75-0393', 'iban': 'GB42KUJL76533439438067'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '10-Core Gaming Computer Desktop PC Tower 500 GB Quad 8GB AMD R7 GRAPHICS NEW', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '501,32', 'item_net_worth': '1002,64', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 102,90'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1002,64', 'total_vat': '$ 100,26', 'total_gross_worth': '$1102,90'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 19512841', 'Date of issue:', '06/18/2012', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Camacho-Stewart', 'Fleming Ltd', '99489 Brown Stream', '55160 Robert Way', 'Whitetown, NY 24886', 'Jamesland, KY 92755', 'Tax Id: 971-74-5288', 'Tax Id: 914-75-0393', 'IBAN: GB42KUJL76533439438067', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '501,32', '1 002,64', '1102,90', '10-Core Gaming Computer', '2,00', 'each', '10%', 'Desktop PC Tower 500 GB Quad', '8GB AMD R7 GRAPHICS NEW', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth.', '1 002,64', '100,26', '1102,90', '10%', 'Total', '$ 1 002,64', '$ 100,26', '$1102,90']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 106.0], [797.0, 106.0], [797.0, 157.0], [196.0, 157.0]], ('Invoice no: 19512841', 0.9990435838699341)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9978780746459961)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/18/2012', 0.9995077848434448)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [591.0, 760.0], [591.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Camacho-Stewart', 0.9998301267623901)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1503.0, 756.0], [1503.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Fleming Ltd', 0.9808700680732727)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [657.0, 811.0], [657.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('99489 Brown Stream', 0.9998318552970886)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1647.0, 811.0], [1646.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('55160 Robert Way', 0.999592661857605)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [668.0, 866.0], [668.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Whitetown, NY 24886', 0.9936105608940125)], [[[1240.0, 866.0], [1691.0, 866.0], [1691.0, 914.0], [1240.0, 914.0]], ('Jamesland, KY 92755', 0.9973709583282471)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 971-74-5288', 0.9831713438034058)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 914-75-0393', 0.988447368144989)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [919.0, 1023.0], [919.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB42KUJL76533439438067', 0.9966245293617249)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1398.0, 1387.0], [1533.0, 1397.0], [1530.0, 1445.0], [1394.0, 1435.0]], ('501,32', 0.9997901916503906)], [[[1623.0, 1384.0], [1784.0, 1393.0], [1781.0, 1444.0], [1620.0, 1435.0]], ('1 002,64', 0.9589827060699463)], [[[2091.0, 1384.0], [2260.0, 1393.0], [2258.0, 1444.0], [2089.0, 1435.0]], ('1102,90', 0.9995700716972351)], [[[355.0, 1396.0], [812.0, 1400.0], [812.0, 1440.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('10-Core Gaming Computer', 0.993779718875885)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[358.0, 1432.0], [897.0, 1436.0], [897.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('Desktop PC Tower 500 GB Quad', 0.9823967218399048)], [[[362.0, 1480.0], [845.0, 1480.0], [845.0, 1516.0], [362.0, 1516.0]], ('8GB AMD R7 GRAPHICS NEW', 0.9705996513366699)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9928387999534607)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1386.0, 1739.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1586.0, 1791.0], [1384.0, 1783.0]], ('Net worth', 0.999957799911499)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[2020.0, 1747.0], [2256.0, 1747.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2020.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth.', 0.9645851254463196)], [[[1423.0, 1823.0], [1592.0, 1832.0], [1589.0, 1883.0], [1420.0, 1874.0]], ('1 002,64', 0.9799360036849976)], [[[1734.0, 1826.0], [1869.0, 1836.0], [1866.0, 1883.0], [1730.0, 1873.0]], ('100,26', 0.994655191898346)], [[[2099.0, 1823.0], [2264.0, 1832.0], [2261.0, 1883.0], [2096.0, 1874.0]], ('1102,90', 0.9990473985671997)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1375.0, 1910.0], [1592.0, 1919.0], [1590.0, 1970.0], [1373.0, 1962.0]], ('$ 1 002,64', 0.948778510093689)], [[[1691.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1970.0], [1691.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 100,26', 0.9462728500366211)], [[[2049.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1970.0], [2049.0, 1970.0]], ('$1102,90', 0.9993647336959839)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '61619303', 'invoice_date': '09/20/2013', 'seller': 'Glenn, Roberts and Cochran 673 Ryan Loop Rodriguezhaven, NE 81351', 'client': 'Burgess, Evans and Moreno 0243 Adkins Shoals Westchester, AK 72317', 'seller_tax_id': '930-98-2356', 'client_tax_id': '971-86-1778', 'iban': 'GB89PBXV06755096377275'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Silky Fake Fur Fluffy Carpets Non-slip Shaggy Area Rug Floor Mat Light Pink', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '14,12', 'item_net_worth': '42,36', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '46,60'}, {'item_desc': 'Modern Tribal Geometric 4X6 Indo Gabbeh Wool & Bamboo Silk Oriental Rug Carpet', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '183,77', 'item_net_worth': '918,85', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1010,74'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$961,21', 'total_vat': '$96,12', 'total_gross_worth': '$1057,33'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 61619303', 'Date of issue:', '09/20/2013', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Glenn, Roberts and Cochran', 'Burgess, Evans and Moreno', '673 Ryan Loop', '0243 Adkins Shoals', 'Rodriguezhaven, NE 81351', 'Westchester, AK 72317', 'Tax Id: 930-98-2356', 'Tax Id: 971-86-1778', 'IBAN: GB89PBXV06755096377275', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'Silky Fake Fur Fluffy Carpets', '3,00', 'each', '14,12', '42,36', '10%', '46,60', 'Non-slip Shaggy Area Rug Floor', 'Mat Light Pink', ' Modern Tribal Geometric 4X6', '5,00', '183,77', '918,85', '10%', '2.', 'each', '1010,74', 'Indo Gabbeh Wool & Bamboo', 'Silk Oriental Rug Carpet', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '961,21', '96,12', '1 057,33', 'Total', '$ 961,21', '$ 96,12', '$ 1057,33']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 61619303', 0.9991194605827332)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('09/20/2013', 0.9994945526123047)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 756.0], [801.0, 756.0], [801.0, 804.0], [210.0, 804.0]], ('Glenn, Roberts and Cochran', 0.9921417832374573)], [[[1244.0, 760.0], [1831.0, 760.0], [1831.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Burgess, Evans and Moreno', 0.999748706817627)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [528.0, 811.0], [528.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('673 Ryan Loop', 0.9883612990379333)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1665.0, 811.0], [1665.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('0243 Adkins Shoals', 0.9996628165245056)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [779.0, 866.0], [779.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Rodriguezhaven, NE 81351', 0.9976369738578796)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1743.0, 866.0], [1743.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Westchester, AK 72317', 0.9821202158927917)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 930-98-2356', 0.9908592104911804)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 971-86-1778', 0.9801795482635498)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB89PBXV06755096377275', 0.9915324449539185)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [838.0, 1400.0], [838.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Silky Fake Fur Fluffy Carpets', 0.969043493270874)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('14,12', 0.9997286796569824)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('42,36', 0.9995836019515991)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('46,60', 0.9986486434936523)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Non-slip Shaggy Area Rug Floor', 0.9989694356918335)], [[[358.0, 1480.0], [598.0, 1480.0], [598.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('Mat Light Pink', 0.9999027252197266)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [849.0, 1564.0], [849.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], (' Modern Tribal Geometric 4X6', 0.992514431476593)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('5,00', 0.9983230829238892)], [[[1403.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1403.0, 1615.0]], ('183,77', 0.9984560608863831)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('918,85', 0.9996699690818787)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[2097.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2097.0, 1608.0]], ('1010,74', 0.9969372749328613)], [[[362.0, 1615.0], [853.0, 1615.0], [853.0, 1652.0], [362.0, 1652.0]], ('Indo Gabbeh Wool & Bamboo', 0.9988455176353455)], [[[355.0, 1652.0], [761.0, 1655.0], [760.0, 1696.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Silk Oriental Rug Carpet', 0.9807254672050476)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9384298920631409)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1584.0, 1918.0], [1584.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.999884307384491)], [[[1776.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1966.0], [1776.0, 1966.0]], ('VAT', 0.6962001919746399)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998207688331604)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[1462.0, 2002.0], [1588.0, 2002.0], [1588.0, 2054.0], [1462.0, 2054.0]], ('961,21', 0.9997654557228088)], [[[1754.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2054.0], [1754.0, 2054.0]], ('96,12', 0.9998872876167297)], [[[2101.0, 2002.0], [2267.0, 2002.0], [2267.0, 2054.0], [2101.0, 2054.0]], ('1 057,33', 0.9736318588256836)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1410.0, 2094.0], [1588.0, 2094.0], [1588.0, 2145.0], [1410.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 961,21', 0.9979069828987122)], [[[1713.0, 2094.0], [1868.0, 2094.0], [1868.0, 2145.0], [1713.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 96,12', 0.9923009276390076)], [[[2050.0, 2086.0], [2264.0, 2094.0], [2262.0, 2146.0], [2048.0, 2137.0]], ('$ 1057,33', 0.9678230285644531)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '86602235', 'invoice_date': '04/03/2021', 'seller': 'Yoder Inc 0908 Corey Key East Bobbymouth, KY 79023', 'client': 'Barnes-Morton 329 Marcia Lodge Port Markview, AL 25138', 'seller_tax_id': '928-77-9757', 'client_tax_id': '915-79-3513', 'iban': 'GB71QJNA44395529511929'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Pond Scenery Fish Area Rugs Kitchen Rug Bedroom Floor Mat Non-slip Carpet Decor', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '13,73', 'item_net_worth': '41,19', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '45,31'}, {'item_desc': 'Nordic Braided Tassels Sofa Rugs Area Rug Soft Mat Palm Leaves Room Carpet', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '186,54', 'item_net_worth': '932,70', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1025,97'}, {'item_desc': 'Abstract Blue Gray Gradient Bedside Area Rugs Bedroom Decor Carpets Non-Slip Mat', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '36,98', 'item_net_worth': '147,92', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '162,71'}, {'item_desc': \"YILONG 1.2x1.7' 300L Tree And Birds Handmade Silk Rug Carpet Tapestry LH691A\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '188,00', 'item_net_worth': '188,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '206,80'}, {'item_desc': '5x6 Geometric Modern Gabbeh Kashkoli Oriental Area Rug Hand-knotted Foyer Carpet', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '310,68', 'item_net_worth': '1242,72', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1366,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Victorian European Country Traditional Floral Floor Mat Area Rug Carpet Beige U', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '178,00', 'item_net_worth': '712,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '783,20'}, {'item_desc': 'Floor Mat Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom Non Slip Doormat Carpet Area Rug 180x60cm', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '31,58', 'item_net_worth': '126,32', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '138,95'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$3390,85', 'total_vat': '$339,09', 'total_gross_worth': '$3729,94'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 86602235', 'Date of issue:', '04/03/2021', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Yoder Inc', 'Barnes-Morton', '0908 Corey Key', '329 Marcia Lodge', 'East Bobbymouth, KY 79023', 'Port Markview, AL 25138', 'Tax Id: 928-77-9757', 'Tax Id: 915-79-3513', 'IBAN: GB71QJNA44395529511929', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '13,73', '41,19', '10%', 'Pond Scenery Fish Area Rugs', '3,00', ' each', '45,31', '1', 'Kitchen Rug Bedroom Floor Mat', 'Non-slip Carpet Decor', '10%', '2.', 'Nordic Braided Tassels Sofa', '5,00', 'each', '186,54', '932,70', '1 025,97', 'Rugs Area Rug Soft Mat Palm', 'Leaves Room Carpet', 'Abstract Blue Gray Gradient', '4,00', ' each', '36,98', '147,92', '10%', '162,71', '3.', 'Bedside Area Rugs Bedroom', 'Decor Carpets Non-Slip Mat', \"YILONG 1.2x1.7' 300L Tree And\", '188,00', '188,00', '10%', '1,00', 'each', '206,80', '4', 'Birds Handmade Silk Rug', 'Carpet Tapestry LH691A', '5x6 Geometric Modern Gabbeh', '310,68', '10%', '4,00', ' each', '1242,72', '1 366,99', 'Kashkoli Oriental Area Rug', 'Hand-knotted Foyer Carpet', 'Victorian European Country', '4,00', 'each', '178,00', '712,00', '10%', '783,20', 'Traditional Floral Floor Mat Area', 'Rug Carpet Beige U', '31,58', '10%', '4,00', ' each', '126,32', '138,95', '7.', 'Floor Mat Kitchen Bedroom', 'Bathroom Non Slip Doormat', 'Carpet Area Rug 180x60cm', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '3 390,85', '339,09', '3 729,94', 'Total', '$ 3 390,85', '$ 339,09', '$ 3 729,94']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 86602235', 0.9977682828903198)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9983338117599487)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('04/03/2021', 0.999661922454834)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [414.0, 761.0], [412.0, 812.0], [202.0, 803.0]], ('Yoder Inc', 0.9683172702789307)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1562.0, 760.0], [1562.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Barnes-Morton', 0.9993801116943359)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [547.0, 811.0], [546.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('0908 Corey Key', 0.9976525902748108)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1628.0, 811.0], [1628.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('329 Marcia Lodge', 0.9978412389755249)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [809.0, 866.0], [809.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('East Bobbymouth, KY 79023', 0.9948838949203491)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1776.0, 866.0], [1776.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Port Markview, AL 25138', 0.9962990880012512)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 928-77-9757', 0.9860584735870361)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 915-79-3513', 0.9916527271270752)], [[[207.0, 1027.0], [930.0, 1027.0], [930.0, 1074.0], [207.0, 1074.0]], ('IBAN: GB71QJNA44395529511929', 0.9832800030708313)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1342.0, 1256.0], [1533.0, 1265.0], [1531.0, 1316.0], [1339.0, 1307.0]], ('Net price', 0.9996834993362427)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('13,73', 0.9997844696044922)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('41,19', 0.9994814991950989)], [[[1913.0, 1384.0], [2003.0, 1394.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1907.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998863339424133)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [853.0, 1400.0], [853.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Pond Scenery Fish Area Rugs', 0.9692466855049133)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[2152.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2152.0, 1443.0]], ('45,31', 0.9988808631896973)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1440.0], [890.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1476.0]], ('Kitchen Rug Bedroom Floor Mat', 0.9806925058364868)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [731.0, 1480.0], [730.0, 1528.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Non-slip Carpet Decor', 0.9996211528778076)], [[[1913.0, 1551.0], [2007.0, 1562.0], [2000.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9997575283050537)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[354.0, 1571.0], [823.0, 1571.0], [823.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Nordic Braided Tassels Sofa', 0.9892866611480713)], [[[1008.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('5,00', 0.994348406791687)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1407.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1407.0, 1608.0]], ('186,54', 0.9995372891426086)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('932,70', 0.9998255372047424)], [[[2097.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2097.0, 1608.0]], ('1 025,97', 0.9483004808425903)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [849.0, 1608.0], [849.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Rugs Area Rug Soft Mat Palm', 0.9767734408378601)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [709.0, 1655.0], [709.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Leaves Room Carpet', 0.9997843503952026)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [835.0, 1743.0], [834.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1779.0]], ('Abstract Blue Gray Gradient', 0.9839840531349182)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.9889520406723022)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('36,98', 0.996051013469696)], [[[1650.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1787.0], [1650.0, 1787.0]], ('147,92', 0.9994986057281494)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('162,71', 0.9997590184211731)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [838.0, 1787.0], [838.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Bedside Area Rugs Bedroom', 0.9661440849304199)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [827.0, 1827.0], [827.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Decor Carpets Non-Slip Mat', 0.9673276543617249)], [[[355.0, 1907.0], [894.0, 1911.0], [893.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1955.0]], (\"YILONG 1.2x1.7' 300L Tree And\", 0.9935081005096436)], [[[1399.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1399.0, 1959.0]], ('188,00', 0.9986335635185242)], [[[1654.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1654.0, 1959.0]], ('188,00', 0.9988532662391663)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1148.0, 1915.0], [1252.0, 1915.0], [1252.0, 1962.0], [1148.0, 1962.0]], ('each', 0.9955611824989319)], [[[2123.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2123.0, 1959.0]], ('206,80', 0.9974265694618225)], [[[249.0, 1931.0], [266.0, 1915.0], [286.0, 1935.0], [270.0, 1951.0]], ('4', 0.7881230115890503)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [786.0, 1951.0], [786.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Birds Handmade Silk Rug', 0.9996857047080994)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [772.0, 1999.0], [772.0, 2035.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('Carpet Tapestry LH691A', 0.9858017563819885)], [[[354.0, 2079.0], [890.0, 2079.0], [890.0, 2127.0], [354.0, 2127.0]], ('5x6 Geometric Modern Gabbeh', 0.9996395707130432)], [[[1399.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1399.0, 2130.0]], ('310,68', 0.9996504783630371)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2010.0, 2081.0], [2004.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998750686645508)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1133.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1133.0, 2134.0]], (' each', 0.970096230506897)], [[[1621.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2127.0], [1621.0, 2127.0]], ('1242,72', 0.9835401177406311)], [[[2093.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2127.0], [2093.0, 2127.0]], ('1 366,99', 0.93645179271698)], [[[355.0, 2119.0], [813.0, 2127.0], [812.0, 2174.0], [354.0, 2167.0]], ('Kashkoli Oriental Area Rug', 0.9996861219406128)], [[[354.0, 2171.0], [816.0, 2171.0], [816.0, 2207.0], [354.0, 2207.0]], ('Hand-knotted Foyer Carpet', 0.9880337715148926)], [[[355.0, 2251.0], [827.0, 2255.0], [827.0, 2302.0], [354.0, 2298.0]], ('Victorian European Country', 0.9998409748077393)], [[[1008.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2302.0], [1008.0, 2302.0]], ('4,00', 0.9925056099891663)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1403.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2298.0], [1403.0, 2298.0]], ('178,00', 0.9973716735839844)], [[[1654.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2298.0], [1654.0, 2298.0]], ('712,00', 0.9979251027107239)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2130.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2130.0, 2298.0]], ('783,20', 0.9981765747070312)], [[[362.0, 2302.0], [897.0, 2302.0], [897.0, 2339.0], [362.0, 2339.0]], ('Traditional Floral Floor Mat Area', 0.9995781779289246)], [[[358.0, 2346.0], [690.0, 2346.0], [690.0, 2383.0], [358.0, 2383.0]], ('Rug Carpet Beige U', 0.973865270614624)], [[[1421.0, 2423.0], [1532.0, 2423.0], [1532.0, 2474.0], [1421.0, 2474.0]], ('31,58', 0.9997519254684448)], [[[1913.0, 2414.0], [2007.0, 2425.0], [2000.0, 2479.0], [1907.0, 2468.0]], ('10%', 0.9996938705444336)], [[[1008.0, 2426.0], [1097.0, 2426.0], [1097.0, 2470.0], [1008.0, 2470.0]], ('4,00', 0.9601033926010132)], [[[1145.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2478.0], [1145.0, 2478.0]], (' each', 0.913351833820343)], [[[1658.0, 2430.0], [1780.0, 2430.0], [1780.0, 2470.0], [1658.0, 2470.0]], ('126,32', 0.9845998883247375)], [[[2127.0, 2423.0], [2256.0, 2423.0], [2256.0, 2474.0], [2127.0, 2474.0]], ('138,95', 0.9997223019599915)], [[[255.0, 2434.0], [284.0, 2434.0], [284.0, 2467.0], [255.0, 2467.0]], ('7.', 0.9798768758773804)], [[[354.0, 2434.0], [816.0, 2434.0], [816.0, 2470.0], [354.0, 2470.0]], ('Floor Mat Kitchen Bedroom', 0.983703076839447)], [[[358.0, 2474.0], [831.0, 2474.0], [831.0, 2510.0], [358.0, 2510.0]], ('Bathroom Non Slip Doormat', 0.9751332998275757)], [[[358.0, 2518.0], [827.0, 2518.0], [827.0, 2554.0], [358.0, 2554.0]], ('Carpet Area Rug 180x60cm', 0.9758719801902771)], [[[192.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2704.0], [192.0, 2704.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9946587681770325)], [[[954.0, 2769.0], [1123.0, 2778.0], [1121.0, 2829.0], [952.0, 2820.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9980416893959045)], [[[1388.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2821.0], [1388.0, 2821.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9931485652923584)], [[[1780.0, 2777.0], [1868.0, 2777.0], [1868.0, 2821.0], [1780.0, 2821.0]], ('VAT', 0.9607529044151306)], [[[2027.0, 2781.0], [2259.0, 2781.0], [2259.0, 2821.0], [2027.0, 2821.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9874914288520813)], [[[993.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2916.0], [993.0, 2916.0]], ('10%', 0.9129233360290527)], [[[1425.0, 2861.0], [1591.0, 2861.0], [1591.0, 2912.0], [1425.0, 2912.0]], ('3 390,85', 0.9979630708694458)], [[[1735.0, 2861.0], [1868.0, 2861.0], [1868.0, 2912.0], [1735.0, 2912.0]], ('339,09', 0.9972671866416931)], [[[2101.0, 2861.0], [2263.0, 2861.0], [2263.0, 2912.0], [2101.0, 2912.0]], ('3 729,94', 0.9987103939056396)], [[[746.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 3004.0], [746.0, 3004.0]], ('Total', 0.9998736381530762)], [[[1379.0, 2945.0], [1588.0, 2953.0], [1586.0, 3004.0], [1376.0, 2996.0]], ('$ 3 390,85', 0.9962539672851562)], [[[1691.0, 2953.0], [1868.0, 2953.0], [1868.0, 3004.0], [1691.0, 3004.0]], ('$ 339,09', 0.9908388257026672)], [[[2053.0, 2953.0], [2263.0, 2953.0], [2263.0, 3004.0], [2053.0, 3004.0]], ('$ 3 729,94', 0.985064685344696)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '83186249', 'invoice_date': '03/06/2014', 'seller': 'Jacobs-Curtis 374 Valencia Harbors Apt. 663 Osbornland, PA 76183', 'client': 'Moody LLC 360 Lindsay Pines Suite 692 Howellberg, WI 25854', 'seller_tax_id': '988-72-5767', 'client_tax_id': '909-91-3875', 'iban': 'GB38KESD41789012470679'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Custom Built Gaming Computer', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '217,50', 'item_net_worth': '652,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '717,75'}, {'item_desc': 'Custom Gaming PC Computer FX-6300 3.5GHz 8GB RAM 128GB SSD 1 TB HDD RX 580', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '449,99', 'item_net_worth': '1349,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 484,97'}, {'item_desc': 'SAMA RGB Gaming PC Desktop Computer i5 3.7GHz Nvidia GTX 1060 16GB Windows 10', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '400,00', 'item_net_worth': '1600,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1760,00'}, {'item_desc': 'gaming pc desktop computer', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '400,00', 'item_net_worth': '800,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '880,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Qaud core J3160 Dual Lan industrial mini PC,AES NI Linux ubuntu desktop computer', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '245,00', 'item_net_worth': '490,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '539,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Gaming PC Desktop Computer HDMI RGB Intel i7 RTX 2060, HDD+SSD, Windows 10, Wifi', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '903,80', 'item_net_worth': '2 711,40', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '2 982,54'}, {'item_desc': 'Dell Core 2 Duo Desktop Computer I Windows XP Pro I 4GB I 500GB', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '168,00', 'item_net_worth': '672,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '739,20'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$8275,87', 'total_vat': '$ 827,59', 'total_gross_worth': '$9103,46'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 83186249', 'Date of issue:.', '03/06/2014', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Jacobs-Curtis', 'Moody LLC', '374 Valencia Harbors Apt. 663', '360 Lindsay Pines Suite 692', 'Osbornland, PA 76183', 'Howellberg, WI 25854', 'Tax Id: 988-72-5767', 'Tax Id: 909-91-3875', 'IBAN: GB38KESD41789012470679', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '652,50', '10%', '1.', 'Custom Built Gaming Computer', '3,00', 'each', '217,50', '717,75', '2.', 'Custom Gaming PC Computer', '3,00', 'each', '449,99', '1 349,97', '10%', '1 484,97', 'FX-6300 3.5GHz 8GB RAM', '128GB SSD 1 TB HDD RX 580', '4GB', 'SAMA RGB Gaming PC Desktop', '4,00', 'each', '400,00', '1 600,00', '10%', '3.', '1760,00', 'Computer i5 3.7GHz Nvidia GTX', '1060 16GB Windows 10', '2,00', '10%', '4.', 'gaming pc desktop computer', 'each', '400,00', '800,00', '880,00', 'Qaud core J3160 Dual Lan', '2,00', 'each', '245,00', '490,00', '10%', '539,00', '5', 'industrial mini PC,AES NI Linux', 'ubuntu desktop computer', '10%', 'Gaming PC Desktop Computer', '3,00', 'each', '903,80', '2 711,40', '2 982,54', 'HDMI RGB Intel i7 RTX 2060', 'HDD+SSD, Windows 10, Wifi', 'Dell Core 2 Duo Desktop', '4,00', '10%', 'each', '168,00', '672,00', '739,20', '7.', 'Computer | Windows XP Pro', '4GB|500GB', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '9 103,46', '8 275,87', '827,59', 'Total', '$ 9 103,46', '$ 8 275,87', '$ 827,59']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 83186249', 0.992881178855896)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9789575338363647)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('03/06/2014', 0.9998289942741394)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [487.0, 756.0], [487.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Jacobs-Curtis', 0.9996925592422485)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1488.0, 756.0], [1488.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Moody LLC', 0.9990092515945435)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [853.0, 811.0], [853.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('374 Valencia Harbors Apt. 663', 0.999718427658081)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1839.0, 811.0], [1838.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('360 Lindsay Pines Suite 692', 0.9883277416229248)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [679.0, 866.0], [679.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Osbornland, PA 76183', 0.9991809725761414)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1713.0, 866.0], [1713.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Howellberg, WI 25854', 0.9908552169799805)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 988-72-5767', 0.987064778804779)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 909-91-3875', 0.9913097023963928)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [934.0, 1030.0], [934.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB38KESD41789012470679', 0.9874969720840454)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1650.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1650.0, 1443.0]], ('652,50', 0.9989141821861267)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[251.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1436.0], [251.0, 1436.0]], ('1.', 0.9996507167816162)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Custom Built Gaming Computer', 0.9744750261306763)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1396.0], [1252.0, 1396.0], [1252.0, 1443.0], [1148.0, 1443.0]], ('each', 0.9876470565795898)], [[[1399.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1399.0, 1436.0]], ('217,50', 0.9578757882118225)], [[[2127.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2127.0, 1443.0]], ('717,75', 0.9577715396881104)], [[[251.0, 1487.0], [288.0, 1487.0], [288.0, 1524.0], [251.0, 1524.0]], ('2.', 0.9992785453796387)], [[[355.0, 1480.0], [868.0, 1484.0], [867.0, 1531.0], [354.0, 1527.0]], ('Custom Gaming PC Computer', 0.9996644854545593)], [[[1008.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1527.0], [1008.0, 1527.0]], ('3,00', 0.9978474378585815)], [[[1148.0, 1487.0], [1252.0, 1487.0], [1252.0, 1535.0], [1148.0, 1535.0]], ('each', 0.9972397685050964)], [[[1396.0, 1480.0], [1532.0, 1480.0], [1532.0, 1531.0], [1396.0, 1531.0]], ('449,99', 0.996375322341919)], [[[1617.0, 1480.0], [1783.0, 1480.0], [1783.0, 1531.0], [1617.0, 1531.0]], ('1 349,97', 0.9557577967643738)], [[[1912.0, 1484.0], [2001.0, 1484.0], [2001.0, 1527.0], [1912.0, 1527.0]], ('10%', 0.8556877970695496)], [[[2093.0, 1480.0], [2256.0, 1480.0], [2256.0, 1531.0], [2093.0, 1531.0]], ('1 484,97', 0.9942272305488586)], [[[355.0, 1524.0], [798.0, 1528.0], [797.0, 1568.0], [354.0, 1564.0]], ('FX-6300 3.5GHz 8GB RAM', 0.9968297481536865)], [[[358.0, 1564.0], [857.0, 1568.0], [856.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1604.0]], ('128GB SSD 1 TB HDD RX 580', 0.9814093708992004)], [[[358.0, 1611.0], [436.0, 1611.0], [436.0, 1652.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('4GB', 0.9974834322929382)], [[[354.0, 1696.0], [886.0, 1696.0], [886.0, 1743.0], [354.0, 1743.0]], ('SAMA RGB Gaming PC Desktop', 0.9994973540306091)], [[[1008.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1739.0], [1008.0, 1739.0]], ('4,00', 0.982426106929779)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[1399.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1743.0], [1399.0, 1743.0]], ('400,00', 0.9982680678367615)], [[[1621.0, 1692.0], [1783.0, 1692.0], [1783.0, 1743.0], [1621.0, 1743.0]], ('1 600,00', 0.9840659499168396)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[251.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1736.0], [251.0, 1736.0]], ('3.', 0.9901798963546753)], [[[2097.0, 1699.0], [2252.0, 1699.0], [2252.0, 1739.0], [2097.0, 1739.0]], ('1760,00', 0.964059054851532)], [[[354.0, 1739.0], [893.0, 1739.0], [893.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1787.0]], ('Computer i5 3.7GHz Nvidia GTX', 0.9992982745170593)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [764.0, 1787.0], [764.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('1060 16GB Windows 10', 0.9907938838005066)], [[[1004.0, 1867.0], [1093.0, 1867.0], [1093.0, 1911.0], [1004.0, 1911.0]], ('2,00', 0.9995553493499756)], [[[1909.0, 1858.0], [2007.0, 1869.0], [2000.0, 1924.0], [1903.0, 1913.0]], ('10%', 0.9998971819877625)], [[[251.0, 1878.0], [284.0, 1878.0], [284.0, 1907.0], [251.0, 1907.0]], ('4.', 0.9903696775436401)], [[[354.0, 1871.0], [853.0, 1867.0], [853.0, 1915.0], [355.0, 1919.0]], ('gaming pc desktop computer', 0.9999434947967529)], [[[1152.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9984121918678284)], [[[1399.0, 1871.0], [1528.0, 1871.0], [1528.0, 1911.0], [1399.0, 1911.0]], ('400,00', 0.9975180625915527)], [[[1654.0, 1871.0], [1783.0, 1871.0], [1783.0, 1911.0], [1654.0, 1911.0]], ('800,00', 0.9961304068565369)], [[[2130.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1911.0], [2130.0, 1911.0]], ('880,00', 0.996065616607666)], [[[354.0, 1962.0], [801.0, 1962.0], [801.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Qaud core J3160 Dual Lan', 0.9717954993247986)], [[[1008.0, 1959.0], [1093.0, 1959.0], [1093.0, 2002.0], [1008.0, 2002.0]], ('2,00', 0.9976323843002319)], [[[1148.0, 1962.0], [1248.0, 1962.0], [1248.0, 2002.0], [1148.0, 2002.0]], ('each', 0.996172308921814)], [[[1399.0, 1955.0], [1532.0, 1955.0], [1532.0, 2006.0], [1399.0, 2006.0]], ('245,00', 0.9984452128410339)], [[[1654.0, 1955.0], [1787.0, 1955.0], [1787.0, 2006.0], [1654.0, 2006.0]], ('490,00', 0.9987101554870605)], [[[1912.0, 1959.0], [2001.0, 1959.0], [2001.0, 2002.0], [1912.0, 2002.0]], ('10%', 0.9017460942268372)], [[[2127.0, 1955.0], [2256.0, 1955.0], [2256.0, 2006.0], [2127.0, 2006.0]], ('539,00', 0.998670756816864)], [[[258.0, 1973.0], [277.0, 1973.0], [277.0, 1992.0], [258.0, 1992.0]], ('5', 0.9662981033325195)], [[[358.0, 2006.0], [875.0, 2006.0], [875.0, 2043.0], [358.0, 2043.0]], ('industrial mini PC,AES NI Linux', 0.974090576171875)], [[[354.0, 2043.0], [797.0, 2043.0], [797.0, 2079.0], [354.0, 2079.0]], ('ubuntu desktop computer', 0.9687758088111877)], [[[1913.0, 2118.0], [2007.0, 2129.0], [2000.0, 2183.0], [1907.0, 2173.0]], ('10%', 0.9998896718025208)], [[[358.0, 2134.0], [868.0, 2134.0], [868.0, 2171.0], [358.0, 2171.0]], ('Gaming PC Desktop Computer', 0.998198390007019)], [[[1008.0, 2130.0], [1097.0, 2130.0], [1097.0, 2174.0], [1008.0, 2174.0]], ('3,00', 0.9957364797592163)], [[[1152.0, 2134.0], [1248.0, 2134.0], [1248.0, 2178.0], [1152.0, 2178.0]], ('each', 0.9985866546630859)], [[[1399.0, 2134.0], [1528.0, 2134.0], [1528.0, 2174.0], [1399.0, 2174.0]], ('903,80', 0.9789919257164001)], [[[1621.0, 2134.0], [1783.0, 2134.0], [1783.0, 2174.0], [1621.0, 2174.0]], ('2 711,40', 0.9472799301147461)], [[[2093.0, 2134.0], [2252.0, 2134.0], [2252.0, 2174.0], [2093.0, 2174.0]], ('2 982,54', 0.9994959235191345)], [[[355.0, 2167.0], [835.0, 2171.0], [834.0, 2218.0], [354.0, 2214.0]], ('HDMI RGB Intel i7 RTX 2060', 0.9782073497772217)], [[[351.0, 2214.0], [845.0, 2214.0], [845.0, 2262.0], [351.0, 2262.0]], ('HDD+SSD, Windows 10, Wifi', 0.9990441203117371)], [[[354.0, 2302.0], [775.0, 2302.0], [775.0, 2350.0], [354.0, 2350.0]], ('Dell Core 2 Duo Desktop', 0.997135579586029)], [[[1008.0, 2302.0], [1093.0, 2302.0], [1093.0, 2346.0], [1008.0, 2346.0]], ('4,00', 0.9780667424201965)], [[[1909.0, 2293.0], [2007.0, 2304.0], [2000.0, 2358.0], [1903.0, 2348.0]], ('10%', 0.9999017715454102)], [[[1148.0, 2306.0], [1244.0, 2306.0], [1244.0, 2350.0], [1148.0, 2350.0]], ('each', 0.9912452697753906)], [[[1403.0, 2306.0], [1528.0, 2306.0], [1528.0, 2346.0], [1403.0, 2346.0]], ('168,00', 0.9858377575874329)], [[[1658.0, 2306.0], [1780.0, 2306.0], [1780.0, 2346.0], [1658.0, 2346.0]], ('672,00', 0.9830322861671448)], [[[2127.0, 2302.0], [2256.0, 2302.0], [2256.0, 2353.0], [2127.0, 2353.0]], ('739,20', 0.9996894001960754)], [[[251.0, 2313.0], [284.0, 2313.0], [284.0, 2342.0], [251.0, 2342.0]], ('7.', 0.9708907604217529)], [[[358.0, 2350.0], [842.0, 2350.0], [842.0, 2386.0], [358.0, 2386.0]], ('Computer | Windows XP Pro', 0.9715554714202881)], [[[358.0, 2390.0], [576.0, 2390.0], [576.0, 2430.0], [358.0, 2430.0]], ('4GB|500GB', 0.9785417914390564)], [[[192.0, 2529.0], [491.0, 2529.0], [491.0, 2580.0], [192.0, 2580.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966263175010681)], [[[956.0, 2649.0], [1122.0, 2649.0], [1122.0, 2700.0], [956.0, 2700.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994379878044128)], [[[1776.0, 2640.0], [1874.0, 2651.0], [1868.0, 2706.0], [1770.0, 2695.0]], ('VAT', 0.9370202422142029)], [[[1388.0, 2653.0], [1588.0, 2653.0], [1588.0, 2693.0], [1388.0, 2693.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9680564403533936)], [[[2027.0, 2657.0], [2259.0, 2657.0], [2259.0, 2697.0], [2027.0, 2697.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999286532402039)], [[[993.0, 2737.0], [1085.0, 2737.0], [1085.0, 2792.0], [993.0, 2792.0]], ('10%', 0.99989253282547)], [[[2095.0, 2732.0], [2268.0, 2741.0], [2265.0, 2793.0], [2092.0, 2784.0]], ('9 103,46', 0.9861269593238831)], [[[1429.0, 2744.0], [1588.0, 2744.0], [1588.0, 2784.0], [1429.0, 2784.0]], ('8 275,87', 0.9520299434661865)], [[[1739.0, 2744.0], [1864.0, 2744.0], [1864.0, 2784.0], [1739.0, 2784.0]], ('827,59', 0.9943368434906006)], [[[745.0, 2820.0], [858.0, 2830.0], [853.0, 2881.0], [741.0, 2871.0]], ('Total', 0.9998613595962524)], [[[2047.0, 2820.0], [2264.0, 2829.0], [2262.0, 2880.0], [2045.0, 2872.0]], ('$ 9 103,46', 0.9190232157707214)], [[[1381.0, 2832.0], [1584.0, 2832.0], [1584.0, 2872.0], [1381.0, 2872.0]], ('$ 8 275,87', 0.9969765543937683)], [[[1695.0, 2832.0], [1861.0, 2832.0], [1861.0, 2872.0], [1695.0, 2872.0]], ('$ 827,59', 0.997717559337616)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '10372826', 'invoice_date': '05/15/2019', 'seller': 'Graham, Briggs and Anderson 2056 Martin Extensions Port Christopherton, VA 87978', 'client': 'Moore Group 89000 Christopher Brook Port Richardmouth, CA 87376', 'seller_tax_id': '975-98-4861', 'client_tax_id': '978-80-2701', 'iban': 'GB565DLA43798626107179'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'NEW TOMMY HILFIGER RED WHITE BLUE #5 COLOR BLOCK BEACH SANDALS BOYS KIDS 8/9', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '34,50', 'item_net_worth': '172,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '189,75'}, {'item_desc': '10\" Cuphead Game Soft Plush Doll Cuphead Mugman Mecup Brocup kids Gift US Stock', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '26,99', 'item_net_worth': '26,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '29,69'}, {'item_desc': '2 Pair-Wonder Nation Childrens Tucker Boots NEW Size 10 Black Easy on/off', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '12,99', 'item_net_worth': '51,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '57,16'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 251,45', 'total_vat': '$ 25,15', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 276,60'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 10372826', 'Date of issue:.', '05/15/2019', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Graham, Briggs and Anderson', 'Moore Group', '2056 Martin Extensions', '89000 Christopher Brook', 'Port Christopherton, VA 87978', 'Port Richardmouth, CA 87376', 'Tax Id: 975-98-4861', 'Tax Id: 978-80-2701', 'IBAN: GB56SDLA43798626107179', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'NEW TOMMY HILFIGER RED', '5,00', 'each', '34,50', '172,50', '10%', '189,75', 'WHITE BLUE #5 COLOR BLOCK', 'BEACH SANDALS BOYS KIDS 8/9', '10\" Cuphead Game Soft Plush', '26,99', '26,99', '10%', '29,69', '2.', '1,00', 'each', ' Doll Cuphead Mugman Mecup', 'Brocup kids Gift US Stock', '2 Pair-Wonder Nation Childrens', '4,00', 'each', '12,99', '51,96', '10%', '57,16', '3.', 'Tucker Boots NEW Size 10 Black', 'Easy on/off', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '251,45', '25,15', '276,60', 'Total', '$ 251,45', '$25,15', '$ 276,60']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 10372826', 0.9865315556526184)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9780175089836121)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('05/15/2019', 0.9997947812080383)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [845.0, 760.0], [845.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Graham, Briggs and Anderson', 0.9898282289505005)], [[[1252.0, 764.0], [1521.0, 764.0], [1521.0, 804.0], [1252.0, 804.0]], ('Moore Group', 0.9774347543716431)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [713.0, 811.0], [712.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('2056 Martin Extensions', 0.9998912215232849)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1780.0, 811.0], [1779.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('89000 Christopher Brook', 0.9972427487373352)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [853.0, 866.0], [853.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Christopherton, VA 87978', 0.9955609440803528)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1876.0, 866.0], [1876.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Port Richardmouth, CA 87376', 0.9970344305038452)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 975-98-4861', 0.9912059903144836)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 978-80-2701', 0.9805843234062195)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB56SDLA43798626107179', 0.9797755479812622)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [823.0, 1400.0], [823.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('NEW TOMMY HILFIGER RED', 0.9544424414634705)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('34,50', 0.9996998906135559)], [[[1654.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1654.0, 1443.0]], ('172,50', 0.9996584057807922)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2127.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2127.0, 1443.0]], ('189,75', 0.9995688796043396)], [[[362.0, 1440.0], [882.0, 1440.0], [882.0, 1476.0], [362.0, 1476.0]], ('WHITE BLUE #5 COLOR BLOCK', 0.9675189256668091)], [[[358.0, 1480.0], [897.0, 1480.0], [897.0, 1516.0], [358.0, 1516.0]], ('BEACH SANDALS BOYS KIDS 8/9', 0.971464991569519)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [868.0, 1564.0], [867.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('10\" Cuphead Game Soft Plush', 0.9970741271972656)], [[[1421.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1421.0, 1615.0]], ('26,99', 0.9998381733894348)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('26,99', 0.9997886419296265)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[2149.0, 1555.0], [2261.0, 1565.0], [2256.0, 1620.0], [2143.0, 1610.0]], ('29,69', 0.9993473291397095)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [864.0, 1612.0], [863.0, 1659.0], [350.0, 1651.0]], (' Doll Cuphead Mugman Mecup', 0.9870949387550354)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [790.0, 1655.0], [790.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Brocup kids Gift US Stock', 0.9950366020202637)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [890.0, 1739.0], [890.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1787.0]], ('2 Pair-Wonder Nation Childrens', 0.9997369647026062)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1429.0, 1739.0], [1532.0, 1739.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1429.0, 1787.0]], ('12,99', 0.998111367225647)], [[[1680.0, 1739.0], [1783.0, 1739.0], [1783.0, 1787.0], [1680.0, 1787.0]], ('51,96', 0.9991579055786133)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9996688961982727)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('57,16', 0.9995144605636597)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [901.0, 1787.0], [901.0, 1823.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('Tucker Boots NEW Size 10 Black', 0.9812706708908081)], [[[354.0, 1820.0], [554.0, 1820.0], [554.0, 1871.0], [354.0, 1871.0]], ('Easy on/off', 0.9999198317527771)], [[[192.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 2013.0], [192.0, 2013.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9965361952781677)], [[[954.0, 2078.0], [1123.0, 2087.0], [1121.0, 2139.0], [952.0, 2130.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9988380670547485)], [[[1776.0, 2074.0], [1874.0, 2085.0], [1868.0, 2139.0], [1770.0, 2129.0]], ('VAT', 0.9557650089263916)], [[[1388.0, 2090.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1588.0, 2130.0], [1388.0, 2130.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9820273518562317)], [[[2027.0, 2094.0], [2256.0, 2094.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2027.0, 2130.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998905062675476)], [[[997.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2222.0], [997.0, 2222.0]], ('10%', 0.9996705055236816)], [[[1458.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2225.0], [1458.0, 2225.0]], ('251,45', 0.9996695518493652)], [[[1754.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2225.0], [1754.0, 2225.0]], ('25,15', 0.9994384050369263)], [[[2130.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2225.0], [2130.0, 2225.0]], ('276,60', 0.9992683529853821)], [[[749.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2309.0], [749.0, 2309.0]], ('Total', 0.999843418598175)], [[[1410.0, 2266.0], [1588.0, 2266.0], [1588.0, 2317.0], [1410.0, 2317.0]], ('$ 251,45', 0.9983175992965698)], [[[1717.0, 2269.0], [1864.0, 2269.0], [1864.0, 2309.0], [1717.0, 2309.0]], ('$25,15', 0.998629629611969)], [[[2082.0, 2266.0], [2263.0, 2266.0], [2263.0, 2317.0], [2082.0, 2317.0]], ('$ 276,60', 0.9934995174407959)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '54533510', 'invoice_date': '02/10/2021', 'seller': 'Tucker Inc 160 Kaitlin Flat Griffithhaven, DC90675', 'client': 'Skinner Group 281 Cameron Alley East Marktown, CT 76958', 'seller_tax_id': '925-76-7636', 'client_tax_id': '904-87-0658', 'iban': 'GB15JPFA79210576920492'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'The Key to Rebecca by Ken Follett', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '5,17', 'item_net_worth': '25,85', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '28,44'}, {'item_desc': 'Escape from the Carnival of Horrors (Give Yourself Goosebumps) by R. L. Stine', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '5,01', 'item_net_worth': '25,05', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '27,55'}, {'item_desc': 'Master and God', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '7,00', 'item_net_worth': '7,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '7,70'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 57,90', 'total_vat': '$5,79', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 63,69'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 54533510.', 'Date of issue:', '02/10/2021', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Tucker Inc', 'Skinner Group', '160 Kaitlin Flat', '281 Cameron Alley', 'Griffithhaven, DC 90675', 'East Marktown, CT 76958', 'Tax Id: 925-76-7636', 'Tax Id: 904-87-0658', 'IBAN: GB15JPFA79210576920492', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'The Key to Rebecca by Ken', '25,85', '10%', '5,00', 'each', '5,17', '28,44', '1.', 'Follett', 'Escape from the Carnival of', '5,00', '5,01', '10%', 'each', '25,05', '27,55', 'Horrors (Give Yourself', 'Goosebumps) by R. L. Stine', '1,00', ' Master and God', 'each', '7,00', '7,00', '10%', '3.', '7,70', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '57,90', '5,79', '63,69', 'Total', '$ 57,90', '$ 5,79', '$ 63,69']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 54533510.', 0.9727592468261719)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9978712201118469)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('02/10/2021', 0.9994982481002808)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[208.0, 752.0], [433.0, 760.0], [431.0, 808.0], [206.0, 800.0]], ('Tucker Inc', 0.9976865649223328)], [[[1245.0, 752.0], [1555.0, 760.0], [1554.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 800.0]], ('Skinner Group', 0.9975346922874451)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [532.0, 811.0], [531.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('160 Kaitlin Flat', 0.9993178248405457)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1654.0, 811.0], [1654.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('281 Cameron Alley', 0.9976695775985718)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [720.0, 866.0], [720.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Griffithhaven, DC 90675', 0.9995097517967224)], [[[1252.0, 866.0], [1791.0, 866.0], [1791.0, 914.0], [1252.0, 914.0]], ('East Marktown, CT 76958', 0.9945164322853088)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 925-76-7636', 0.99005526304245)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 904-87-0658', 0.9881999492645264)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [916.0, 1023.0], [916.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB15JPFA79210576920492', 0.9867678284645081)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [824.0, 1396.0], [823.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], ('The Key to Rebecca by Ken', 0.9998397827148438)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('25,85', 0.9985431432723999)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('5,17', 0.9975709915161133)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('28,44', 0.9971499443054199)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[354.0, 1440.0], [469.0, 1440.0], [469.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Follett', 0.9993391633033752)], [[[354.0, 1524.0], [831.0, 1524.0], [831.0, 1571.0], [354.0, 1571.0]], ('Escape from the Carnival of', 0.999544084072113)], [[[1001.0, 1515.0], [1098.0, 1526.0], [1092.0, 1580.0], [995.0, 1569.0]], ('5,00', 0.9944270253181458)], [[[1440.0, 1520.0], [1532.0, 1520.0], [1532.0, 1575.0], [1440.0, 1575.0]], ('5,01', 0.9016402959823608)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2000.0, 1580.0], [1903.0, 1569.0]], ('10%', 0.9919328689575195)], [[[1152.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9990001320838928)], [[[1680.0, 1527.0], [1783.0, 1527.0], [1783.0, 1575.0], [1680.0, 1575.0]], ('25,05', 0.9991652369499207)], [[[2145.0, 1524.0], [2256.0, 1524.0], [2256.0, 1575.0], [2145.0, 1575.0]], ('27,55', 0.9994724988937378)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [731.0, 1571.0], [731.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Horrors (Give Yourself', 0.9976188540458679)], [[[354.0, 1611.0], [827.0, 1611.0], [827.0, 1659.0], [354.0, 1659.0]], ('Goosebumps) by R. L. Stine', 0.99977707862854)], [[[1005.0, 1683.0], [1098.0, 1694.0], [1092.0, 1748.0], [999.0, 1737.0]], ('1,00', 0.9942129254341125)], [[[351.0, 1695.0], [628.0, 1699.0], [627.0, 1740.0], [351.0, 1736.0]], (' Master and God', 0.9335393309593201)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[1440.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1747.0], [1440.0, 1747.0]], ('7,00', 0.9962677955627441)], [[[1691.0, 1692.0], [1787.0, 1692.0], [1787.0, 1747.0], [1691.0, 1747.0]], ('7,00', 0.9196087718009949)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[255.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1736.0], [255.0, 1736.0]], ('3.', 0.9906095266342163)], [[[2167.0, 1699.0], [2256.0, 1699.0], [2256.0, 1743.0], [2167.0, 1743.0]], ('7,70', 0.9865826964378357)], [[[192.0, 1838.0], [491.0, 1838.0], [491.0, 1889.0], [192.0, 1889.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966713786125183)], [[[955.0, 1954.0], [1124.0, 1967.0], [1120.0, 2018.0], [951.0, 2005.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9985091090202332)], [[[1776.0, 1953.0], [1874.0, 1964.0], [1868.0, 2019.0], [1770.0, 2008.0]], ('VAT', 0.8908844590187073)], [[[1392.0, 1966.0], [1584.0, 1966.0], [1584.0, 2006.0], [1392.0, 2006.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998456239700317)], [[[2027.0, 1970.0], [2259.0, 1970.0], [2259.0, 2006.0], [2027.0, 2006.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9867671728134155)], [[[997.0, 2054.0], [1082.0, 2054.0], [1082.0, 2097.0], [997.0, 2097.0]], ('10%', 0.9997196793556213)], [[[1480.0, 2050.0], [1591.0, 2050.0], [1591.0, 2101.0], [1480.0, 2101.0]], ('57,90', 0.9996703863143921)], [[[1780.0, 2054.0], [1868.0, 2054.0], [1868.0, 2097.0], [1780.0, 2097.0]], ('5,79', 0.9934903383255005)], [[[2152.0, 2050.0], [2267.0, 2050.0], [2267.0, 2101.0], [2152.0, 2101.0]], ('63,69', 0.9992303848266602)], [[[746.0, 2138.0], [857.0, 2138.0], [857.0, 2189.0], [746.0, 2189.0]], ('Total', 0.9998461008071899)], [[[1436.0, 2145.0], [1588.0, 2145.0], [1588.0, 2185.0], [1436.0, 2185.0]], ('$ 57,90', 0.986470639705658)], [[[1735.0, 2141.0], [1864.0, 2141.0], [1864.0, 2192.0], [1735.0, 2192.0]], ('$ 5,79', 0.9700527191162109)], [[[2108.0, 2141.0], [2263.0, 2141.0], [2263.0, 2192.0], [2108.0, 2192.0]], ('$ 63,69', 0.9975070953369141)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '99788357', 'invoice_date': '10/14/2018', 'seller': 'Lee-Everett 2239 Austin Flats North Antonio, KS 84993', 'client': 'Valdez, Young and Ingram 90080 Benjamin Locks New Loretta, NH 77733', 'seller_tax_id': '978-77-8519', 'client_tax_id': '954-84-8461', 'iban': 'GB98RBEM11152229914136'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Boho Women Multi-layer Long Chain Pendant Crystal Choker Necklace Jewelry Gift', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '0,99', 'item_net_worth': '3,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '4,36'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$3,96', 'total_vat': '$0,40', 'total_gross_worth': '$4,36'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 99788357', 'Date of issue:', '10/14/2018', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Lee-Everett', 'Valdez, Young and Ingram.', '2239 Austin Flats', '90080 Benjamin Locks', 'North Antonio, KS 84993.', 'New Loretta, NH 77733', 'Tax Id: 978-77-8519', 'Tax Id: 954-84-8461', 'IBAN: GB98RBEM11152229914136', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', ' Boho Women Multi-layer Long', '4,00', 'each', '0,99', '3,96', '10%', '4,36', 'Chain Pendant Crystal Choker', 'Necklace Jewelry Gift', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '3,96', '0,40', '4,36', 'Total', '$3,96', '$0,40', '$ 4,36']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 99788357', 0.9970207214355469)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9982409477233887)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('10/14/2018', 0.9998566508293152)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [458.0, 760.0], [458.0, 800.0], [210.0, 800.0]], ('Lee-Everett', 0.9996476769447327)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1806.0, 760.0], [1805.0, 811.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Valdez, Young and Ingram.', 0.9781348705291748)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [580.0, 811.0], [579.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('2239 Austin Flats', 0.988152801990509)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1728.0, 811.0], [1728.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('90080 Benjamin Locks', 0.9996196031570435)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [727.0, 866.0], [727.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('North Antonio, KS 84993.', 0.97859787940979)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1743.0, 866.0], [1743.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Loretta, NH 77733', 0.9993239045143127)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 978-77-8519', 0.9819070100784302)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 954-84-8461', 0.9871481657028198)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB98RBEM11152229914136', 0.9776648879051208)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2138.0, 1268.0], [2256.0, 1268.0], [2256.0, 1308.0], [2138.0, 1308.0]], ('Gross', 0.9992145299911499)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [868.0, 1396.0], [867.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], (' Boho Women Multi-layer Long', 0.9727448225021362)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('0,99', 0.9953874945640564)], [[[1698.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1440.0], [1698.0, 1440.0]], ('3,96', 0.9928173422813416)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2171.0, 1396.0], [2259.0, 1396.0], [2259.0, 1440.0], [2171.0, 1440.0]], ('4,36', 0.9836883544921875)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [860.0, 1440.0], [860.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('Chain Pendant Crystal Choker', 0.989923357963562)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [716.0, 1476.0], [716.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Necklace Jewelry Gift', 0.9860486388206482)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9955957531929016)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1776.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1770.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9691691398620605)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2023.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2023.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999336004257202)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1499.0, 1827.0], [1595.0, 1827.0], [1595.0, 1882.0], [1499.0, 1882.0]], ('3,96', 0.9985962510108948)], [[[1780.0, 1834.0], [1868.0, 1834.0], [1868.0, 1878.0], [1780.0, 1878.0]], ('0,40', 0.973879337310791)], [[[2175.0, 1834.0], [2263.0, 1834.0], [2263.0, 1878.0], [2175.0, 1878.0]], ('4,36', 0.9903796315193176)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1455.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1455.0, 1970.0]], ('$3,96', 0.9991338849067688)], [[[1735.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1970.0], [1735.0, 1970.0]], ('$0,40', 0.9990267753601074)], [[[2133.0, 1914.0], [2268.0, 1923.0], [2264.0, 1974.0], [2129.0, 1965.0]], ('$ 4,36', 0.9453074336051941)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '39760888', 'invoice_date': '07/20/2017', 'seller': 'Willamson-Rogers 8214 Douglas Well Lauraland, DC 14785', 'client': 'Yates and Sons 2569 Gloria Ridges Wallaceview, FL 68952', 'seller_tax_id': '968-74-1503', 'client_tax_id': '908-84-3278', 'iban': 'GB51ROKZ765476547758479639'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise Blue CONSOLE ONLY No Charger [B4-1]', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '130,00', 'item_net_worth': '130,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '143,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Sony PlayStation Gray PS1 Console! CONSOLE ONLY! Tested Working!', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '21,99', 'item_net_worth': '87,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '96,76'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo BLUE Wii System Game Console Complete with 2 Motion Remotes Tested Work', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '99,98', 'item_net_worth': '299,94', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '329,93'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 517,90', 'total_vat': '$ 51,79', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 569,69'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 39760888', 'Date of issue:', '07/20/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Williamson-Rogers', 'Yates and Sons', '8214 Douglas Well', '2569 Gloria Ridges', 'Lauraland, DC 14785', 'Wallaceview, FL 68952.', 'Tax Id: 968-74-1503', 'Tax Id: 908-84-3278', 'IBAN: GB51ROKZ76547758479639', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '130,00', '130,00', '143,00', 'Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise', '1,00', 'each', '10%', 'Blue CONSOLE ONLY - No', 'Charger [B4-1]', 'Sony PlayStation Gray PS1', '21,99', '87,96', '10%', '2.', '4,00', 'each', '96,76', 'Console! CONsOLe ONLY!', 'Tested Working!', 'Nintendo BLUE Wii System', '3,00', ' each', '99,98', '299,94', '10%', '329,93', '3.', 'Game Console Complete with 2', 'Motion Remotes Tested Work', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '517,90', '51,79', '569,69', '$ 569,69', 'Total', '$ 517,90', '$51,79']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 39760888', 0.997406005859375)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/20/2017', 0.999403178691864)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [606.0, 760.0], [605.0, 812.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Williamson-Rogers', 0.9803241491317749)], [[[1241.0, 753.0], [1577.0, 757.0], [1576.0, 808.0], [1240.0, 804.0]], ('Yates and Sons', 0.9998645782470703)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [609.0, 811.0], [609.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('8214 Douglas Well', 0.987167477607727)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1654.0, 815.0], [1653.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 855.0]], ('2569 Gloria Ridges', 0.9997727274894714)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [653.0, 866.0], [653.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lauraland, DC 14785', 0.9740369915962219)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1732.0, 866.0], [1732.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Wallaceview, FL 68952.', 0.9731482863426208)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 968-74-1503', 0.9929618835449219)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 908-84-3278', 0.9924724698066711)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB51ROKZ76547758479639', 0.9925745725631714)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('130,00', 0.9993958473205566)], [[[1654.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1654.0, 1443.0]], ('130,00', 0.9992296099662781)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1445.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('143,00', 0.9992763996124268)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [882.0, 1400.0], [882.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise', 0.9933207035064697)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9966188669204712)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [790.0, 1436.0], [790.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Blue CONSOLE ONLY - No', 0.9871882796287537)], [[[358.0, 1480.0], [613.0, 1480.0], [613.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('Charger [B4-1]', 0.989467442035675)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [805.0, 1564.0], [805.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Sony PlayStation Gray PS1', 0.9986112713813782)], [[[1421.0, 1555.0], [1534.0, 1565.0], [1529.0, 1620.0], [1416.0, 1610.0]], ('21,99', 0.9995330572128296)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('87,96', 0.9990319013595581)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('4,00', 0.9977242946624756)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[2145.0, 1564.0], [2259.0, 1564.0], [2259.0, 1615.0], [2145.0, 1615.0]], ('96,76', 0.9997914433479309)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [794.0, 1608.0], [794.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Console! CONsOLe ONLY!', 0.890407919883728)], [[[355.0, 1648.0], [632.0, 1656.0], [631.0, 1696.0], [354.0, 1688.0]], ('Tested Working!', 0.999452531337738)], [[[355.0, 1736.0], [805.0, 1739.0], [805.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1783.0]], ('Nintendo BLUE Wii System', 0.9959228038787842)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9891558885574341)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1418.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1418.0, 1787.0]], ('99,98', 0.9970008730888367)], [[[1650.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1650.0, 1787.0]], ('299,94', 0.9992699027061462)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9996688961982727)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('329,93', 0.9996657371520996)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [886.0, 1787.0], [886.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Game Console Complete with 2', 0.9799334406852722)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [857.0, 1827.0], [857.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Motion Remotes Tested Work', 0.9714094996452332)], [[[192.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 2010.0], [192.0, 2010.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9948539733886719)], [[[954.0, 2078.0], [1123.0, 2087.0], [1121.0, 2139.0], [952.0, 2130.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9988380670547485)], [[[1776.0, 2074.0], [1874.0, 2085.0], [1868.0, 2139.0], [1770.0, 2129.0]], ('VAT', 0.9557650089263916)], [[[1388.0, 2090.0], [1584.0, 2090.0], [1584.0, 2130.0], [1388.0, 2130.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9688122272491455)], [[[2027.0, 2094.0], [2259.0, 2094.0], [2259.0, 2130.0], [2027.0, 2130.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998844265937805)], [[[997.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2222.0], [997.0, 2222.0]], ('10%', 0.9996705055236816)], [[[1458.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2225.0], [1458.0, 2225.0]], ('517,90', 0.9995203018188477)], [[[1754.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2225.0], [1754.0, 2225.0]], ('51,79', 0.9997431635856628)], [[[2130.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2225.0], [2130.0, 2225.0]], ('569,69', 0.9980977177619934)], [[[2080.0, 2257.0], [2260.0, 2266.0], [2258.0, 2318.0], [2078.0, 2309.0]], ('$ 569,69', 0.9435828924179077)], [[[749.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2309.0], [749.0, 2309.0]], ('Total', 0.999843418598175)], [[[1414.0, 2269.0], [1588.0, 2269.0], [1588.0, 2309.0], [1414.0, 2309.0]], ('$ 517,90', 0.9880683422088623)], [[[1717.0, 2269.0], [1861.0, 2269.0], [1861.0, 2309.0], [1717.0, 2309.0]], ('$51,79', 0.9938042759895325)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '60241381', 'invoice_date': '10/02/2018', 'seller': 'Stevens-Black 35899 Sean Plaza Jasonton, NE 23838', 'client': 'Higgins, Bautista and Harrison PSC 7664, Box 0557 APO AE 53176', 'seller_tax_id': '939-88-5337', 'client_tax_id': '953-83-6989', 'iban': 'GB31FUBU09086285398305'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Women's black cocktail dress,\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '19,99', 'item_net_worth': '99,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '109,94'}, {'item_desc': 'Women Sexy Lingerie Lace Dress Underwear Babydoll Sleepwear G-string Bikini Lot', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '0,99', 'item_net_worth': '4,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '5,45'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 104,90', 'total_vat': '$ 10,49', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 115,39'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 60241381', 'Date of issue:', '10/02/2018', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Stevens-Black', 'Higgins, Bautista and Harrison.', '35899 Sean Plaza', 'PSC 7664, Box 0557', 'Jasonton, NE 23838', 'APO AE 53176', 'Tax Id: 939-88-5337', 'Tax Id: 953-83-6989', 'IBAN: GB31FUBU09086285398305', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', \"Women's black cocktail dress,.\", '19,99', '99,95', '10%', '109,94', '1.', '5,00', 'each', 'size 4', 'Women Sexy Lingerie Lace.', '5,00', '10%', '5,45', 'each', '0,99', '4,95', 'Dress Underwear Babydoll', 'Sleepwear G-string Bikini Lot.', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '104,90', '115,39', '10,49', 'Total', '$ 104,90', '$10,49', '$ 115,39']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 60241381', 0.9991500973701477)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9883247017860413)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('10/02/2018', 0.9998563528060913)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 657.0], [1426.0, 666.0], [1423.0, 721.0], [1236.0, 712.0]], ('Client:', 0.9863694310188293)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [513.0, 756.0], [513.0, 804.0], [207.0, 804.0]], ('Stevens-Black', 0.9991477727890015)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1890.0, 760.0], [1890.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Higgins, Bautista and Harrison.', 0.9816797971725464)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [587.0, 811.0], [587.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('35899 Sean Plaza', 0.9992157220840454)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1676.0, 811.0], [1676.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('PSC 7664, Box 0557', 0.979232668876648)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [624.0, 866.0], [624.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Jasonton, NE 23838', 0.9995808005332947)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('APO AE 53176', 0.9988532066345215)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 939-88-5337', 0.991279125213623)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 953-83-6989', 0.9782192707061768)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [934.0, 1020.0], [934.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB31FUBU09086285398305', 0.9955093264579773)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [864.0, 1396.0], [863.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], (\"Women's black cocktail dress,.\", 0.9792214632034302)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('19,99', 0.9998483657836914)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('99,95', 0.9996259808540344)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1445.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('109,94', 0.9996674060821533)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[354.0, 1440.0], [461.0, 1440.0], [461.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('size 4', 0.9995179176330566)], [[[348.0, 1520.0], [816.0, 1528.0], [815.0, 1575.0], [347.0, 1567.0]], ('Women Sexy Lingerie Lace.', 0.9653281569480896)], [[[1001.0, 1515.0], [1098.0, 1526.0], [1092.0, 1580.0], [995.0, 1569.0]], ('5,00', 0.9944270253181458)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2000.0, 1580.0], [1903.0, 1569.0]], ('10%', 0.9919328689575195)], [[[2164.0, 1515.0], [2258.0, 1526.0], [2251.0, 1580.0], [2158.0, 1569.0]], ('5,45', 0.9846320748329163)], [[[1152.0, 1531.0], [1244.0, 1531.0], [1244.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9987625479698181)], [[[1444.0, 1527.0], [1528.0, 1527.0], [1528.0, 1571.0], [1444.0, 1571.0]], ('0,99', 0.9996738433837891)], [[[1698.0, 1527.0], [1783.0, 1527.0], [1783.0, 1571.0], [1698.0, 1571.0]], ('4,95', 0.9994263648986816)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [809.0, 1571.0], [809.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Dress Underwear Babydoll', 0.9857797622680664)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [846.0, 1608.0], [845.0, 1655.0], [351.0, 1652.0]], ('Sleepwear G-string Bikini Lot.', 0.9669541716575623)], [[[192.0, 1750.0], [491.0, 1750.0], [491.0, 1802.0], [192.0, 1802.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9965174794197083)], [[[954.0, 1866.0], [1123.0, 1875.0], [1121.0, 1927.0], [952.0, 1918.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9912307858467102)], [[[1388.0, 1878.0], [1588.0, 1878.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1388.0, 1918.0]], ('Net worth', 0.99139404296875)], [[[1780.0, 1875.0], [1868.0, 1875.0], [1868.0, 1918.0], [1780.0, 1918.0]], ('VAT', 0.8983373045921326)], [[[2027.0, 1878.0], [2259.0, 1878.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2027.0, 1918.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999339580535889)], [[[998.0, 1957.0], [1083.0, 1967.0], [1077.0, 2018.0], [992.0, 2008.0]], ('10%', 0.9998481869697571)], [[[1458.0, 1962.0], [1591.0, 1962.0], [1591.0, 2013.0], [1458.0, 2013.0]], ('104,90', 0.9995850920677185)], [[[2133.0, 1954.0], [2268.0, 1963.0], [2264.0, 2015.0], [2129.0, 2005.0]], ('115,39', 0.9993818402290344)], [[[1757.0, 1966.0], [1864.0, 1966.0], [1864.0, 2006.0], [1757.0, 2006.0]], ('10,49', 0.9600405693054199)], [[[746.0, 2050.0], [857.0, 2050.0], [857.0, 2101.0], [746.0, 2101.0]], ('Total', 0.9998751878738403)], [[[1410.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2101.0], [1410.0, 2101.0]], ('$ 104,90', 0.9902706146240234)], [[[1713.0, 2050.0], [1864.0, 2050.0], [1864.0, 2101.0], [1713.0, 2101.0]], ('$10,49', 0.999798595905304)], [[[2082.0, 2050.0], [2263.0, 2050.0], [2263.0, 2101.0], [2082.0, 2101.0]], ('$ 115,39', 0.9738333225250244)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '80036269', 'invoice_date': '02/27/2018', 'seller': 'Mccarty-Mcgee 6898 Marshall Radial Youngmouth, KY 32938', 'client': 'Hull, Page and Perez 865 Marissa River Suite 364 West Christopher, KS 80815', 'seller_tax_id': '983-98-4047', 'client_tax_id': '907-74-5378', 'iban': 'GB71TLWQ752375237996090641'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '48 Inch Marble Dinning Table Lapis Lazuli Stone Hall Table with Geometrical Art', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '3400,00', 'item_net_worth': '10200,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '11 220,00'}, {'item_desc': \"6'x3' Marble Dining Table Hakik Pietradura Inlay Room Outdoor Mosaic Decor H3143\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '8630,92', 'item_net_worth': '8630,92', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '9 494,01'}, {'item_desc': '5\\'x2\\' Marble White Center Table Top With 18\" Tall Stand Pauashell Inlay Art Deco', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '3888,89', 'item_net_worth': '11 666,67', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '12 833,34'}, {'item_desc': '48\" Marble Round Dining Table Top Lapis Floral Inlay Arts Restaurant Decor E1053', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '8307,53', 'item_net_worth': '41537,65', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '45 691,42'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 72035,24', 'total_vat': '$7203,52', 'total_gross_worth': '$79238,76'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 80036269', 'Date of issue:.', '02/27/2018', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Mccarty-Mcgee', 'Hull, Page and Perez', '6898 Marshall Radial', '865 Marissa River Suite 364', 'Youngmouth, KY 32938', 'West Christopher, KS 80815', 'Tax Id: 983-98-4047', 'Tax Id: 907-74-5378', 'IBAN: GB71TLWQ75237996090641', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Gross', ' worth', '3,00', '3400,00', '10200,00', '10%', '48 Inch Marble Dinning Table', 'each', '11220,00', '1', 'Lapis Lazuli Stone Hall Table', 'with Geometrical Art', \"6'x3' Marble Dining Table Hakik\", '10%', '2.', '1,00', 'each', '8 630,92', '8 630,92', '9 494,01', ' Pietradura Inlay Room Outdoor', 'Mosaic Decor H3143', '3,00', '3 888,89', '11 666,67', '10%', '12 833,34', '3.', \"5'x2' Marble White Center Table\", 'each', 'Top With 18\" Tall Stand', 'Pauashell Inlay Art Deco', '10%', '48\" Marble Round Dining Table', '5,00', 'each', '8 307,53', '41537,65', '45 691,42', '4', 'Top Lapis Floral Inlay Arts', 'Restaurant Decor E1053', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '72 035,24', '7 203,52', '79 238,76', 'Total', '$ 72 035,24', '$ 7 203,52', '$ 79 238,76']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 80036269', 0.9972906112670898)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.979256272315979)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('02/27/2018', 0.9995591044425964)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [535.0, 760.0], [535.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Mccarty-Mcgee', 0.9968506693840027)], [[[1244.0, 753.0], [1687.0, 757.0], [1687.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Hull, Page and Perez', 0.9785798192024231)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [653.0, 811.0], [653.0, 859.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('6898 Marshall Radial', 0.9962393641471863)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1839.0, 811.0], [1839.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('865 Marissa River Suite 364', 0.974539041519165)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [705.0, 866.0], [705.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Youngmouth, KY 32938', 0.9995085597038269)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1839.0, 866.0], [1839.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('West Christopher, KS 80815', 0.9935172200202942)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 983-98-4047', 0.9920112490653992)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 907-74-5378', 0.9914141297340393)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB71TLWQ75237996090641', 0.9733478426933289)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1580.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1305.0], [1580.0, 1305.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999362230300903)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('3400,00', 0.9683615565299988)], [[[1606.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1606.0, 1436.0]], ('10200,00', 0.9784144163131714)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1445.0], [1911.0, 1435.0]], ('10%', 0.9991626739501953)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [849.0, 1400.0], [849.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('48 Inch Marble Dinning Table', 0.9793015122413635)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2079.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2079.0, 1436.0]], ('11220,00', 0.9692556858062744)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [845.0, 1436.0], [845.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Lapis Lazuli Stone Hall Table', 0.9991637468338013)], [[[358.0, 1484.0], [713.0, 1484.0], [713.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('with Geometrical Art', 0.9777067303657532)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [890.0, 1568.0], [890.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], (\"6'x3' Marble Dining Table Hakik\", 0.9940920472145081)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1370.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1370.0, 1608.0]], ('8 630,92', 0.9391775131225586)], [[[1624.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1624.0, 1608.0]], ('8 630,92', 0.9396387338638306)], [[[2097.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2097.0, 1608.0]], ('9 494,01', 0.9986059665679932)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [879.0, 1608.0], [878.0, 1655.0], [351.0, 1652.0]], (' Pietradura Inlay Room Outdoor', 0.9922633767127991)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [709.0, 1655.0], [709.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Mosaic Decor H3143', 0.9977885484695435)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9891558885574341)], [[[1364.0, 1731.0], [1533.0, 1740.0], [1530.0, 1791.0], [1361.0, 1782.0]], ('3 888,89', 0.9956046342849731)], [[[1597.0, 1731.0], [1784.0, 1740.0], [1782.0, 1791.0], [1594.0, 1782.0]], ('11 666,67', 0.9921061992645264)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2008.0, 1739.0], [2008.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9992582201957703)], [[[2069.0, 1731.0], [2257.0, 1740.0], [2254.0, 1791.0], [2067.0, 1782.0]], ('12 833,34', 0.9974053502082825)], [[[258.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [258.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9924343228340149)], [[[354.0, 1743.0], [897.0, 1743.0], [897.0, 1780.0], [354.0, 1780.0]], (\"5'x2' Marble White Center Table\", 0.9490739107131958)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9984513521194458)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [757.0, 1787.0], [757.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Top With 18\" Tall Stand', 0.9935272932052612)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [768.0, 1827.0], [768.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Pauashell Inlay Art Deco', 0.9618361592292786)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [886.0, 1911.0], [886.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('48\" Marble Round Dining Table', 0.9866973757743835)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('5,00', 0.9935383796691895)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1370.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1955.0], [1370.0, 1955.0]], ('8 307,53', 0.9819762706756592)], [[[1606.0, 1915.0], [1780.0, 1915.0], [1780.0, 1955.0], [1606.0, 1955.0]], ('41537,65', 0.9953773021697998)], [[[2079.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1915.0], [2252.0, 1955.0], [2079.0, 1955.0]], ('45 691,42', 0.9860095977783203)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[358.0, 1955.0], [794.0, 1955.0], [794.0, 1992.0], [358.0, 1992.0]], ('Top Lapis Floral Inlay Arts', 0.9994308948516846)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [772.0, 1999.0], [772.0, 2035.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('Restaurant Decor E1053', 0.9950101971626282)], [[[192.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2185.0], [192.0, 2185.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963642954826355)], [[[1776.0, 2246.0], [1874.0, 2256.0], [1868.0, 2311.0], [1770.0, 2300.0]], ('VAT', 0.9387848973274231)], [[[956.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2309.0], [956.0, 2309.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1388.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2302.0], [1388.0, 2302.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9808471202850342)], [[[2023.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2023.0, 2298.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9908071160316467)], [[[994.0, 2337.0], [1087.0, 2348.0], [1081.0, 2402.0], [988.0, 2392.0]], ('10%', 0.9998841881752014)], [[[1405.0, 2338.0], [1592.0, 2347.0], [1590.0, 2398.0], [1402.0, 2389.0]], ('72 035,24', 0.9669249653816223)], [[[1700.0, 2338.0], [1869.0, 2347.0], [1866.0, 2398.0], [1697.0, 2389.0]], ('7 203,52', 0.9428601861000061)], [[[2077.0, 2338.0], [2264.0, 2347.0], [2262.0, 2398.0], [2074.0, 2389.0]], ('79 238,76', 0.9979174137115479)], [[[749.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2481.0], [749.0, 2481.0]], ('Total', 0.9998010396957397)], [[[1359.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1359.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 72 035,24', 0.9942312240600586)], [[[1658.0, 2441.0], [1861.0, 2441.0], [1861.0, 2481.0], [1658.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 7 203,52', 0.9907479286193848)], [[[2034.0, 2441.0], [2259.0, 2441.0], [2259.0, 2481.0], [2034.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 79 238,76', 0.9961727261543274)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '20653012', 'invoice_date': '08/03/2013', 'seller': 'Smith and Sons 237 Steven Views Lake Robert, MI 28151', 'client': 'Coleman Inc 44067 Woods Meadows Suite 659 Mariamouth, UT 44968', 'seller_tax_id': '912-86-5998', 'client_tax_id': '918-88-4124', 'iban': 'GB46MLEX00282137220677'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Sony PlayStation 1 PS1 Console model scph-7501', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '14,99', 'item_net_worth': '14,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '16,49'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo 64 Console with Box, Foam and extra oem controller', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '120,00', 'item_net_worth': '480,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '528,00'}, {'item_desc': 'B311 Nintendo 3DS console Cosmo Black Japan X', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '11,99', 'item_net_worth': '47,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '52,76'}, {'item_desc': 'PocketGo Bittboy v2 White Retro Video Game Portable Console - 3.5 IPS display', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '39,00', 'item_net_worth': '39,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '42,90'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$581,95', 'total_vat': '$58,20', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 640,15'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 20653012', 'Date of issue:.', '08/03/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Smith and Sons.', 'Coleman Inc', '237 Steven Views', '44067 Woods Meadows Suite 659', 'Lake Robert, MI 28151', 'Mariamouth, UT 44968', 'Tax Id: 912-86-5998', 'Tax Id: 918-88-4124', 'IBAN: GB46MLEX00282137220677', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '14,99', '14,99', '10%', '1.', 'Sony PlayStation 1 PS1 Console', '1,00', 'each', '16,49', 'model scph-7501', '2', ' Nintendo 64 Console with Box,', '4,00', '480,00', '10%', 'each', '120,00', '528,00', 'Foam and extra oem controller', 'B311 Nintendo 3DS console', '4,00', 'each', '11,99', '47,96', '10%', '52,76', '3.', 'Cosmo Black Japan xe', 'PocketGo Bittboy v2 White', '1,00', 'each', '39,00', '39,00', '10%', '42,90', 'Retro Video Game Portable', 'Console - 3.5 IPS display', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '581,95', '58,20', '640,15', '$ 58,20', '$ 640,15', 'Total', '$ 581,95']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 20653012', 0.9986101388931274)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9818239212036133)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('08/03/2013', 0.9997868537902832)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [543.0, 757.0], [542.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Smith and Sons.', 0.9715214967727661)], [[[1245.0, 752.0], [1518.0, 761.0], [1516.0, 812.0], [1244.0, 803.0]], ('Coleman Inc', 0.9996643662452698)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [591.0, 811.0], [590.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('237 Steven Views', 0.9997575283050537)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1960.0, 811.0], [1960.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('44067 Woods Meadows Suite 659', 0.9895957708358765)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [683.0, 866.0], [683.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Robert, MI 28151', 0.9865424036979675)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1735.0, 866.0], [1735.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Mariamouth, UT 44968', 0.9996383786201477)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 912-86-5998', 0.9936252236366272)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 918-88-4124', 0.992641270160675)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB46MLEX00282137220677', 0.9873629212379456)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('14,99', 0.9999105334281921)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('14,99', 0.9994907379150391)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[251.0, 1400.0], [284.0, 1400.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9954556226730347)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Sony PlayStation 1 PS1 Console', 0.9631730914115906)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('16,49', 0.9995206594467163)], [[[354.0, 1443.0], [650.0, 1443.0], [650.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('model scph-7501', 0.9980263113975525)], [[[259.0, 1524.0], [292.0, 1543.0], [272.0, 1575.0], [240.0, 1556.0]], ('2', 0.9747102856636047)], [[[351.0, 1520.0], [875.0, 1528.0], [875.0, 1575.0], [350.0, 1567.0]], (' Nintendo 64 Console with Box,', 0.9874097108840942)], [[[1009.0, 1519.0], [1094.0, 1529.0], [1089.0, 1576.0], [1003.0, 1566.0]], ('4,00', 0.9971814751625061)], [[[1650.0, 1524.0], [1787.0, 1524.0], [1787.0, 1575.0], [1650.0, 1575.0]], ('480,00', 0.9972033500671387)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2001.0, 1577.0], [1903.0, 1566.0]], ('10%', 0.9999029040336609)], [[[1152.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9990001320838928)], [[[1403.0, 1527.0], [1528.0, 1527.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1403.0, 1568.0]], ('120,00', 0.9995994567871094)], [[[2130.0, 1527.0], [2252.0, 1527.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2130.0, 1568.0]], ('528,00', 0.9926669597625732)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [879.0, 1571.0], [879.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Foam and extra oem controller', 0.9880743622779846)], [[[354.0, 1655.0], [831.0, 1655.0], [831.0, 1703.0], [354.0, 1703.0]], ('B311 Nintendo 3DS console', 0.9993969202041626)], [[[1008.0, 1659.0], [1097.0, 1659.0], [1097.0, 1703.0], [1008.0, 1703.0]], ('4,00', 0.9760698080062866)], [[[1148.0, 1659.0], [1244.0, 1659.0], [1244.0, 1703.0], [1148.0, 1703.0]], ('each', 0.9921557903289795)], [[[1421.0, 1655.0], [1532.0, 1655.0], [1532.0, 1706.0], [1421.0, 1706.0]], ('11,99', 0.9996655583381653)], [[[1676.0, 1652.0], [1787.0, 1652.0], [1787.0, 1703.0], [1676.0, 1703.0]], ('47,96', 0.9983008503913879)], [[[1912.0, 1659.0], [2001.0, 1659.0], [2001.0, 1703.0], [1912.0, 1703.0]], ('10%', 0.9971013069152832)], [[[2145.0, 1655.0], [2256.0, 1655.0], [2256.0, 1706.0], [2145.0, 1706.0]], ('52,76', 0.9997886419296265)], [[[258.0, 1670.0], [284.0, 1670.0], [284.0, 1696.0], [258.0, 1696.0]], ('3.', 0.9914696216583252)], [[[351.0, 1692.0], [716.0, 1696.0], [716.0, 1747.0], [351.0, 1743.0]], ('Cosmo Black Japan xe', 0.9581977725028992)], [[[358.0, 1791.0], [809.0, 1791.0], [809.0, 1827.0], [358.0, 1827.0]], ('PocketGo Bittboy v2 White', 0.9740935564041138)], [[[1008.0, 1787.0], [1097.0, 1787.0], [1097.0, 1831.0], [1008.0, 1831.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984711408615112)], [[[1148.0, 1787.0], [1244.0, 1787.0], [1244.0, 1831.0], [1148.0, 1831.0]], ('each', 0.96688312292099)], [[[1421.0, 1783.0], [1532.0, 1783.0], [1532.0, 1834.0], [1421.0, 1834.0]], ('39,00', 0.99853515625)], [[[1676.0, 1783.0], [1787.0, 1783.0], [1787.0, 1834.0], [1676.0, 1834.0]], ('39,00', 0.9989230036735535)], [[[1916.0, 1787.0], [2001.0, 1787.0], [2001.0, 1831.0], [1916.0, 1831.0]], ('10%', 0.9998486638069153)], [[[2149.0, 1783.0], [2259.0, 1783.0], [2259.0, 1834.0], [2149.0, 1834.0]], ('42,90', 0.9996187090873718)], [[[355.0, 1823.0], [816.0, 1827.0], [816.0, 1875.0], [354.0, 1871.0]], ('Retro Video Game Portable', 0.9886856079101562)], [[[355.0, 1867.0], [772.0, 1871.0], [771.0, 1919.0], [354.0, 1915.0]], ('Console - 3.5 IPS display', 0.9897682070732117)], [[[192.0, 2010.0], [491.0, 2010.0], [491.0, 2061.0], [192.0, 2061.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9965226054191589)], [[[1776.0, 2122.0], [1874.0, 2132.0], [1868.0, 2187.0], [1770.0, 2176.0]], ('VAT', 0.9074062705039978)], [[[956.0, 2134.0], [1122.0, 2134.0], [1122.0, 2185.0], [956.0, 2185.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994381666183472)], [[[1392.0, 2138.0], [1584.0, 2138.0], [1584.0, 2178.0], [1392.0, 2178.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9993728995323181)], [[[2027.0, 2138.0], [2259.0, 2138.0], [2259.0, 2178.0], [2027.0, 2178.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9996433258056641)], [[[1001.0, 2225.0], [1082.0, 2225.0], [1082.0, 2269.0], [1001.0, 2269.0]], ('10%', 0.9994816780090332)], [[[1458.0, 2222.0], [1591.0, 2222.0], [1591.0, 2273.0], [1458.0, 2273.0]], ('581,95', 0.9996007084846497)], [[[1754.0, 2222.0], [1868.0, 2222.0], [1868.0, 2273.0], [1754.0, 2273.0]], ('58,20', 0.9975266456604004)], [[[2134.0, 2222.0], [2267.0, 2222.0], [2267.0, 2273.0], [2134.0, 2273.0]], ('640,15', 0.9990569949150085)], [[[1713.0, 2313.0], [1868.0, 2313.0], [1868.0, 2364.0], [1713.0, 2364.0]], ('$ 58,20', 0.9902059435844421)], [[[2080.0, 2305.0], [2264.0, 2314.0], [2262.0, 2365.0], [2078.0, 2356.0]], ('$ 640,15', 0.8960436582565308)], [[[749.0, 2317.0], [853.0, 2317.0], [853.0, 2357.0], [749.0, 2357.0]], ('Total', 0.9998862147331238)], [[[1418.0, 2317.0], [1588.0, 2317.0], [1588.0, 2357.0], [1418.0, 2357.0]], ('$ 581,95', 0.998323380947113)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '43417184', 'invoice_date': '01/15/2017', 'seller': 'Johnson, Frye and Jones 986 Jacob Common Rodrigueztown, NE 91278', 'client': 'Garner-Robinson 54313 Scott Drive East Emilyburgh, ME 01916', 'seller_tax_id': '925-77-5397', 'client_tax_id': '928-92-0135', 'iban': 'GB83ZOYM71778356681564'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Lego Star Wars Minifigures Stormtrooper Darth Vader Yoda Obi Van Mandalorian New', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '2,98', 'item_net_worth': '8,94', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '9,83'}, {'item_desc': 'Nike SB Dunk High X Concepts Kids Size 3 Ugly Sweater 2017 Pre School A01557-446', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '100,00', 'item_net_worth': '200,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '220,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Obsidian 640735-174 Toddler Kids Children Size 8C Blue', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '24,99', 'item_net_worth': '99,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '109,96'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 308,90', 'total_vat': '$ 30,89', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 339,79'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 43417184', 'Date of issue:', '01/15/2017', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Johnson, Frye and Jones', 'Garner-Robinson', '986 Jacob Common', '54313 Scott Drive', 'Rodrigueztown, NE 91278', 'East Emilyburgh, ME 01916', 'Tax Id: 925-77-5397', 'Tax Id: 928-92-0135', 'IBAN: GB83ZOYM71778356681564', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Lego Star Wars Minifigures', '3,00', 'each', '2,98', '8,94', '10%', '9,83', 'Stormtrooper Darth Vader Yoda.', 'Obi Van Mandalorian New', 'Nike SB Dunk High x Concepts', '200,00', '10%', '2,00', 'each', '100,00', '220,00', '2.', 'Kids Size 3 Ugly Sweater 2017', 'Pre School AO1557-446', ' Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Obsidian', '4,00', 'each', '24,99', '99,96', '10%', '109,96', '3.', '640735-174 Toddler Kids', 'Children Size 8C Blue', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '308,90', '30,89', '339,79', 'Total', '$ 308,90', '$30,89', '$ 339,79']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 43417184', 0.9993516206741333)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('01/15/2017', 0.9998272657394409)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [713.0, 756.0], [713.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Johnson, Frye and Jones', 0.9912514090538025)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1606.0, 760.0], [1606.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Garner-Robinson', 0.9992342591285706)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [628.0, 811.0], [627.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('986 Jacob Common', 0.9996699690818787)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1636.0, 811.0], [1635.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('54313 Scott Drive', 0.9760839939117432)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [757.0, 866.0], [757.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Rodrigueztown, NE 91278', 0.9991617798805237)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1831.0, 866.0], [1831.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('East Emilyburgh, ME 01916', 0.9907629489898682)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 925-77-5397', 0.9888097643852234)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 928-92-0135', 0.9914244413375854)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB83ZOYM71778356681564', 0.9721347689628601)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9979875087738037)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [809.0, 1400.0], [809.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Lego Star Wars Minifigures', 0.9693033695220947)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1532.0, 1396.0], [1532.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('2,98', 0.9897708892822266)], [[[1695.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1440.0], [1695.0, 1440.0]], ('8,94', 0.9855023622512817)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2167.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1440.0], [2167.0, 1440.0]], ('9,83', 0.9871529340744019)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Stormtrooper Darth Vader Yoda.', 0.9756961464881897)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [794.0, 1480.0], [794.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1516.0]], ('Obi Van Mandalorian New', 0.9990135431289673)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [872.0, 1568.0], [871.0, 1615.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Nike SB Dunk High x Concepts', 0.9995449185371399)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('200,00', 0.9992205500602722)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1407.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1407.0, 1608.0]], ('100,00', 0.9989574551582336)], [[[2127.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1611.0], [2127.0, 1611.0]], ('220,00', 0.998652458190918)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [871.0, 1608.0], [871.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Kids Size 3 Ugly Sweater 2017', 0.9998112320899963)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [761.0, 1655.0], [761.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Pre School AO1557-446', 0.9882367253303528)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [871.0, 1739.0], [871.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1787.0]], (' Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Obsidian', 0.993500292301178)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1418.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1418.0, 1787.0]], ('24,99', 0.9995444416999817)], [[[1680.0, 1739.0], [1783.0, 1739.0], [1783.0, 1787.0], [1680.0, 1787.0]], ('99,96', 0.9933828115463257)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9996688961982727)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('109,96', 0.999792754650116)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [779.0, 1787.0], [779.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('640735-174 Toddler Kids', 0.990332305431366)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [724.0, 1827.0], [724.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Children Size 8C Blue', 0.9863910675048828)], [[[192.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 2013.0], [192.0, 2013.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9962750673294067)], [[[954.0, 2078.0], [1123.0, 2087.0], [1121.0, 2139.0], [952.0, 2130.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9988380670547485)], [[[1776.0, 2074.0], [1874.0, 2085.0], [1868.0, 2139.0], [1770.0, 2129.0]], ('VAT', 0.9557650089263916)], [[[1388.0, 2090.0], [1584.0, 2090.0], [1584.0, 2130.0], [1388.0, 2130.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9688122272491455)], [[[2027.0, 2094.0], [2256.0, 2094.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2027.0, 2130.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998759627342224)], [[[997.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2222.0], [997.0, 2222.0]], ('10%', 0.9996705055236816)], [[[1462.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2225.0], [1462.0, 2225.0]], ('308,90', 0.9964408874511719)], [[[1757.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2225.0], [1757.0, 2225.0]], ('30,89', 0.9975597262382507)], [[[2134.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2174.0], [2263.0, 2225.0], [2134.0, 2225.0]], ('339,79', 0.998702347278595)], [[[749.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2309.0], [749.0, 2309.0]], ('Total', 0.999843418598175)], [[[1414.0, 2269.0], [1588.0, 2269.0], [1588.0, 2309.0], [1414.0, 2309.0]], ('$ 308,90', 0.944695770740509)], [[[1717.0, 2269.0], [1864.0, 2269.0], [1864.0, 2309.0], [1717.0, 2309.0]], ('$30,89', 0.9834757447242737)], [[[2082.0, 2266.0], [2259.0, 2266.0], [2259.0, 2317.0], [2082.0, 2317.0]], ('$ 339,79', 0.9991515278816223)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '56514066', 'invoice_date': '05/14/2014', 'seller': 'Snyder, Williams and Walter 77701 Francisco Shoals Scottmouth, DC 45561', 'client': 'Keller Inc 562 Rebecca Stravenue Morganchester, MI 55326', 'seller_tax_id': '905-75-8307', 'client_tax_id': '955-86-3035', 'iban': 'GB76WTTH68902414885248'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Lilly Pulitzer XS Spike the Punch Cassie Cotton Dress with Quarter Sleeves', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '44,89', 'item_net_worth': '44,89', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '49,38'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 44,89', 'total_vat': '$4,49', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 49,38'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 56514066', 'Date of issue:', '05/14/2014', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Keller Inc', 'Snyder, Williams and Walter.', '77701 Francisco Shoals', '562 Rebecca Stravenue', 'Scottmouth, DC 45561', 'Morganchester, MI 55326', 'Tax Id: 905-75-8307', 'Tax Id: 955-86-3035', 'IBAN: GB76WTTH68902414885248', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Lilly Pulitzer Xs Spike the Punch', '1,00', 'each', '44,89', '44,89', '10%', '49,38', 'Cassie Cotton Dress with', 'Quarter Sleeves', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '44,89', '4,49', '49,38', 'Total', '$ 44,89', '$ 4,49', '$ 49,38']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 56514066', 0.9986306428909302)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9981494545936584)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('05/14/2014', 0.9998050928115845)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[1246.0, 748.0], [1452.0, 757.0], [1449.0, 808.0], [1243.0, 800.0]], ('Keller Inc', 0.9970784187316895)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [809.0, 760.0], [809.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Snyder, Williams and Walter.', 0.9886623620986938)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [709.0, 811.0], [709.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('77701 Francisco Shoals', 0.9973991513252258)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1754.0, 811.0], [1753.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('562 Rebecca Stravenue', 0.9998897314071655)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [690.0, 866.0], [690.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Scottmouth, DC 45561', 0.9886357188224792)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1787.0, 866.0], [1787.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Morganchester, MI 55326', 0.9925282597541809)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 905-75-8307', 0.9879584908485413)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 955-86-3035', 0.991117000579834)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [953.0, 1023.0], [953.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB76WTTH68902414885248', 0.9848246574401855)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9996967911720276)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [897.0, 1400.0], [897.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Lilly Pulitzer Xs Spike the Punch', 0.9340276122093201)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9966188669204712)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('44,89', 0.9994587898254395)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('44,89', 0.9986706972122192)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('49,38', 0.9993641972541809)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [783.0, 1436.0], [783.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Cassie Cotton Dress with', 0.9844324588775635)], [[[358.0, 1484.0], [631.0, 1484.0], [631.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('Quarter Sleeves', 0.9915500283241272)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9952357411384583)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2020.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2020.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.999857485294342)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1480.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1882.0], [1480.0, 1882.0]], ('44,89', 0.9987455606460571)], [[[1783.0, 1834.0], [1868.0, 1834.0], [1868.0, 1878.0], [1783.0, 1878.0]], ('4,49', 0.9820780754089355)], [[[2152.0, 1831.0], [2267.0, 1831.0], [2267.0, 1882.0], [2152.0, 1882.0]], ('49,38', 0.99927818775177)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1432.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1432.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 44,89', 0.9645981788635254)], [[[1735.0, 1918.0], [1864.0, 1918.0], [1864.0, 1970.0], [1735.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 4,49', 0.9710590243339539)], [[[2108.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1970.0], [2108.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 49,38', 0.9923919439315796)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '16131761', 'invoice_date': '12/04/2015', 'seller': 'Figueroa, Richard and Hunter 177 Ralph Oval Apt. 840 Lake Julie, MD 68049', 'client': 'Watts-Glover 765 Danny Islands New Robinberg, KS 90636', 'seller_tax_id': '997-81-6205', 'client_tax_id': '960-96-3792', 'iban': 'GB67GACG37604699494790'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Rickshaw Decoration Gift Wine Rack Retro Holder Bar Home Ornaments Vintage Iron', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '71,49', 'item_net_worth': '285,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '314,56'}, {'item_desc': 'Custom wine glass', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '19,00', 'item_net_worth': '76,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '83,60'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$361,96', 'total_vat': '$36,20', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 398,16'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 16131761', 'Date of issue:', '12/04/2015', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Figueroa, Richard and Hunter.', 'Watts-Glover', '177 Ralph Oval Apt. 840', '765 Danny Islands', 'Lake Julie, MD 68049', 'New Robinberg, KS 90636', 'Tax Id: 997-81-6205', 'Tax Id: 960-96-3792', 'IBAN: GB67GACG37604699494790', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'Rickshaw Decoration Gift Wine', '4,00', 'each', '71,49', '285,96', '10%', '314,56', 'Rack Retro Holder Bar Home.', 'Ornaments Vintage Iron', 'Custom wine glass', '4,00', '19,00', '76,00', '10%', '83,60', '2.', 'each', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '361,96', '36,20', '398,16', 'Total', '$ 398,16', '$ 361,96', '$36,20']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 16131761', 0.9990695714950562)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('12/04/2015', 0.9998284578323364)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 753.0], [831.0, 760.0], [830.0, 811.0], [207.0, 804.0]], ('Figueroa, Richard and Hunter.', 0.9912866353988647)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1532.0, 757.0], [1532.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Watts-Glover', 0.9996824860572815)], [[[210.0, 815.0], [727.0, 815.0], [727.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('177 Ralph Oval Apt. 840', 0.9743560552597046)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1643.0, 811.0], [1643.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('765 Danny Islands', 0.9995051026344299)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [653.0, 866.0], [653.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Julie, MD 68049', 0.9966266751289368)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1798.0, 866.0], [1798.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Robinberg, KS 90636', 0.9986923336982727)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 997-81-6205', 0.9887995719909668)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 960-96-3792', 0.9929131865501404)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB67GACG37604699494790', 0.9874524474143982)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [875.0, 1400.0], [875.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Rickshaw Decoration Gift Wine', 0.9822904467582703)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('71,49', 0.9996871948242188)], [[[1650.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1650.0, 1443.0]], ('285,96', 0.999417245388031)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2127.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2127.0, 1443.0]], ('314,56', 0.9997672438621521)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [845.0, 1436.0], [845.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Rack Retro Holder Bar Home.', 0.9731491208076477)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [761.0, 1480.0], [760.0, 1528.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Ornaments Vintage Iron', 0.9839408993721008)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [676.0, 1572.0], [675.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('Custom wine glass', 0.9766456484794617)], [[[1009.0, 1559.0], [1094.0, 1569.0], [1088.0, 1620.0], [1003.0, 1610.0]], ('4,00', 0.9987738728523254)], [[[1425.0, 1555.0], [1534.0, 1566.0], [1529.0, 1620.0], [1420.0, 1610.0]], ('19,00', 0.9989529848098755)], [[[1672.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1672.0, 1615.0]], ('76,00', 0.999740719795227)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2000.0, 1620.0], [1907.0, 1610.0]], ('10%', 0.9998977184295654)], [[[2149.0, 1555.0], [2257.0, 1566.0], [2252.0, 1620.0], [2143.0, 1610.0]], ('83,60', 0.998550534248352)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1608.0], [251.0, 1608.0]], ('2.', 0.9935410022735596)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[196.0, 1706.0], [491.0, 1706.0], [491.0, 1758.0], [196.0, 1758.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9950109124183655)], [[[956.0, 1831.0], [1122.0, 1831.0], [1122.0, 1882.0], [956.0, 1882.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1822.0], [1874.0, 1832.0], [1868.0, 1887.0], [1767.0, 1877.0]], ('VAT', 0.977888286113739)], [[[1388.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1875.0], [1388.0, 1875.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998443126678467)], [[[2023.0, 1838.0], [2256.0, 1838.0], [2256.0, 1875.0], [2023.0, 1875.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999309778213501)], [[[994.0, 1910.0], [1087.0, 1920.0], [1081.0, 1975.0], [988.0, 1964.0]], ('10%', 0.9999063611030579)], [[[1458.0, 1918.0], [1595.0, 1918.0], [1595.0, 1970.0], [1458.0, 1970.0]], ('361,96', 0.9981152415275574)], [[[1757.0, 1918.0], [1872.0, 1918.0], [1872.0, 1970.0], [1757.0, 1970.0]], ('36,20', 0.9931580424308777)], [[[2134.0, 1918.0], [2267.0, 1918.0], [2267.0, 1970.0], [2134.0, 1970.0]], ('398,16', 0.9995552897453308)], [[[746.0, 2010.0], [857.0, 2010.0], [857.0, 2061.0], [746.0, 2061.0]], ('Total', 0.9998666048049927)], [[[2080.0, 2002.0], [2264.0, 2011.0], [2262.0, 2062.0], [2078.0, 2053.0]], ('$ 398,16', 0.9786146879196167)], [[[1414.0, 2013.0], [1588.0, 2013.0], [1588.0, 2054.0], [1414.0, 2054.0]], ('$ 361,96', 0.9930006265640259)], [[[1717.0, 2013.0], [1861.0, 2013.0], [1861.0, 2054.0], [1717.0, 2054.0]], ('$36,20', 0.9912849068641663)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '86883880', 'invoice_date': '06/16/2018', 'seller': 'Rhodes, Young and Yoder 41630 Sanchez Avenue Lake Nathan, MO 18866', 'client': 'Davis PLC 7257 Chelsea Circle North Victoria, MI 38860', 'seller_tax_id': '995-92-6109', 'client_tax_id': '988-72-4811', 'iban': 'GB63WG5195835835863625969'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Unicorn Series Small Large Long Floor Carpet Area Rugs Various Size Soft Rug', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '46,50', 'item_net_worth': '139,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '153,45'}, {'item_desc': '2Pack Soft Fluffy Faux Fur Plain Chair Cover Washable Shaggy Area Rugs Carpet', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '13,59', 'item_net_worth': '27,18', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '29,90'}, {'item_desc': '3D Starry sky Carpet Child Play Area Rug Kids Room Carpets Mat for Living Room', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '11,69', 'item_net_worth': '23,38', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '25,72'}, {'item_desc': '3pcs Faux Fur Seat Pads 30cm Round Cushions Fleece Floor Carpets Decorative', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '14,66', 'item_net_worth': '14,66', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '16,13'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$204,72', 'total_vat': '$20,47', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 225,19'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 86883880', 'Date of issue:', '06/16/2018', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Rhodes, Young and Yoder', 'Davis PLC', '41630 Sanchez Avenue', '7257 Chelsea Circle', 'Lake Nathan, MO 18866', 'North Victoria, MI 38860', 'Tax Id: 995-92-6109', 'Tax Id: 988-72-4811', 'IBAN: GB63WGSI95835863625969', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', ' Unicorn Series Small Large Long', '3,00', '46,50', '139,50', '10%', 'each', '153,45', 'Floor Carpet Area Rugs Various', 'Size Soft Rug', '2Pack Soft Fluffy Faux Fur Plain', '2,00', '13,59', 'each', '27,18', '10%', '29,90', '2.', 'Chair Cover Washable Shaggy', 'Area Rugs Carpet', '3D Starry sky Carpet Child Play', '2,00', ' each', '11,69', '23,38', '10%', '25,72', '3.', 'Area Rug Kids Room Carpets', 'Mat for Living Room', '14,66', '14,66', '10%', '3pcs Faux Fur Seat Pads 30cm', '1,00', 'each', '16,13', 'Round Cushions Fleece Floor', 'Carpets Decorative', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '204,72', '20,47', '225,19', 'Total', '$ 204,72', '$20,47', '$ 225,19']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 86883880', 0.9971107244491577)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9883247017860413)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('06/16/2018', 0.9997855424880981)], [[[191.0, 653.0], [389.0, 666.0], [385.0, 721.0], [187.0, 708.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997161030769348)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [750.0, 757.0], [749.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Rhodes, Young and Yoder', 0.9998412132263184)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1458.0, 760.0], [1458.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Davis PLC', 0.9993042349815369)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [709.0, 811.0], [709.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('41630 Sanchez Avenue', 0.9758254885673523)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1672.0, 811.0], [1672.0, 859.0], [1252.0, 859.0]], ('7257 Chelsea Circle', 0.9997791647911072)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [716.0, 866.0], [716.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Nathan, MO 18866', 0.9768928289413452)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1761.0, 866.0], [1761.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('North Victoria, MI 38860', 0.9692317843437195)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 995-92-6109', 0.9924304485321045)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 988-72-4811', 0.9921315908432007)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB63WGSI95835863625969', 0.9891330003738403)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[347.0, 1388.0], [905.0, 1396.0], [904.0, 1444.0], [347.0, 1436.0]], (' Unicorn Series Small Large Long', 0.9842901825904846)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1425.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1425.0, 1436.0]], ('46,50', 0.9786653518676758)], [[[1658.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1658.0, 1436.0]], ('139,50', 0.985892117023468)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2123.0, 1392.0], [2256.0, 1392.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2123.0, 1443.0]], ('153,45', 0.9981481432914734)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [886.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Floor Carpet Area Rugs Various', 0.9974100589752197)], [[[353.0, 1464.0], [592.0, 1477.0], [589.0, 1528.0], [350.0, 1516.0]], ('Size Soft Rug', 0.9997118711471558)], [[[354.0, 1564.0], [890.0, 1564.0], [890.0, 1611.0], [354.0, 1611.0]], ('2Pack Soft Fluffy Faux Fur Plain', 0.9959323406219482)], [[[1008.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9973071813583374)], [[[1425.0, 1555.0], [1534.0, 1566.0], [1529.0, 1620.0], [1420.0, 1610.0]], ('13,59', 0.999711811542511)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1672.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1672.0, 1615.0]], ('27,18', 0.999457836151123)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[2145.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1611.0], [2145.0, 1611.0]], ('29,90', 0.9992814064025879)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [871.0, 1608.0], [871.0, 1659.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Chair Cover Washable Shaggy', 0.9996926188468933)], [[[355.0, 1651.0], [657.0, 1655.0], [657.0, 1696.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Area Rugs Carpet', 0.9987185001373291)], [[[354.0, 1739.0], [890.0, 1739.0], [890.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1787.0]], ('3D Starry sky Carpet Child Play', 0.998002827167511)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9794178009033203)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('11,69', 0.9994862675666809)], [[[1672.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1672.0, 1787.0]], ('23,38', 0.9977104067802429)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('25,72', 0.9996298551559448)], [[[258.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [258.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9924343228340149)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [842.0, 1787.0], [842.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Area Rug Kids Room Carpets', 0.9763295650482178)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [701.0, 1827.0], [701.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Mat for Living Room', 0.9656816720962524)], [[[1421.0, 1899.0], [1534.0, 1909.0], [1529.0, 1964.0], [1416.0, 1954.0]], ('14,66', 0.9994336366653442)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('14,66', 0.9996987581253052)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [875.0, 1911.0], [875.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('3pcs Faux Fur Seat Pads 30cm', 0.9997010827064514)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9990523457527161)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('16,13', 0.9997188448905945)], [[[355.0, 1951.0], [846.0, 1955.0], [845.0, 2003.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Round Cushions Fleece Floor', 0.9941746592521667)], [[[351.0, 1995.0], [687.0, 1999.0], [686.0, 2039.0], [351.0, 2035.0]], ('Carpets Decorative', 0.9998046159744263)], [[[192.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2185.0], [192.0, 2185.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963642954826355)], [[[956.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2309.0], [956.0, 2309.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1392.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2302.0], [1392.0, 2302.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999005794525146)], [[[1780.0, 2258.0], [1868.0, 2258.0], [1868.0, 2302.0], [1780.0, 2302.0]], ('VAT', 0.9106342196464539)], [[[2027.0, 2262.0], [2256.0, 2262.0], [2256.0, 2302.0], [2027.0, 2302.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999322295188904)], [[[994.0, 2337.0], [1087.0, 2348.0], [1081.0, 2402.0], [988.0, 2392.0]], ('10%', 0.9998841881752014)], [[[1457.0, 2341.0], [1592.0, 2351.0], [1589.0, 2402.0], [1453.0, 2392.0]], ('204,72', 0.9991698265075684)], [[[1750.0, 2346.0], [1868.0, 2346.0], [1868.0, 2397.0], [1750.0, 2397.0]], ('20,47', 0.999467670917511)], [[[2130.0, 2346.0], [2267.0, 2346.0], [2267.0, 2397.0], [2130.0, 2397.0]], ('225,19', 0.9995665550231934)], [[[749.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2481.0], [749.0, 2481.0]], ('Total', 0.9998010396957397)], [[[1414.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1414.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 204,72', 0.9986139535903931)], [[[1717.0, 2441.0], [1861.0, 2441.0], [1861.0, 2481.0], [1717.0, 2481.0]], ('$20,47', 0.9914732575416565)], [[[2086.0, 2441.0], [2259.0, 2441.0], [2259.0, 2481.0], [2086.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 225,19', 0.9955092668533325)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '76330023', 'invoice_date': '05/04/2018', 'seller': 'Baker-Jackson 656 Erica Hills Port Danielleborough, NV 55762', 'client': 'Obrien Ltd 246 Huff Forest Freemantown, NC 87868', 'seller_tax_id': '950-81-6113', 'client_tax_id': '967-73-1985', 'iban': 'GB07LTFN50234175514194'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Custom Built Gaming Computer', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '217,50', 'item_net_worth': '435,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '478,50'}, {'item_desc': 'AMD Custom Ryzen 5 Quad Core Gaming PC 4.2GHZ Computer 8GB 1TB AM4 DDR4 Vega 11', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '574,99', 'item_net_worth': '1149,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1264,98'}, {'item_desc': 'HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF Desktop Computer Pentium Windows 10 System 500GB 1TB', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '113,96', 'item_net_worth': '569,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '626,78'}, {'item_desc': 'SAMA RGB Gaming PC Desktop Computer i5 3.7GHz Nvidia GTX 1060 16GB Windows 10', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '400,00', 'item_net_worth': '400,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '440,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$2554,78', 'total_vat': '$ 255,48', 'total_gross_worth': '$2810,26'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 76330023', 'Date of issue:', '05/04/2018', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Baker-Jackson', 'Obrien Ltd', '656 Erica Hills', '246 Huff Forest', 'Port Danielleborough, NV 55762.', 'Freemantown, NC 87868', 'Tax Id: 950-81-6113', 'Tax Id: 967-73-1985', 'IBAN: GB07LTFN50234175514194', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '435,00', '10%', '478,50', '1.', 'Custom Built Gaming Computer', '2,00', 'each', '217,50', '2.', 'AMD Custom Ryzen 5 Quad', '2,00', 'each', '574,99', '1149,98', '10%', '1 264,98', 'Core Gaming PC 4.2GHZ', 'Computer 8GB 1TB AM4 DDR4', 'Vega 11', 'HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF', '5,00', 'each', '113,96', '569,80', '10%', '3.', '626,78', 'Desktop Computer Pentium', 'Windows 10 System 500GB 1TB', 'SAMA RGB Gaming PC Desktop', '1,00', 'each', '400,00', '400,00', '10%', '440,00', '4', 'Computer i5 3.7GHz Nvidia GTX', '1060 16GB Windows 10', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '2 554,78', '255,48', '2810,26', 'Total', '$ 2 554,78', '$ 255,48', '$ 2 810,26']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 76330023', 0.9990231394767761)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9977321028709412)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('05/04/2018', 0.9998477101325989)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 753.0], [510.0, 757.0], [509.0, 808.0], [206.0, 804.0]], ('Baker-Jackson', 0.9992643594741821)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Obrien Ltd', 0.9986840486526489)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [513.0, 811.0], [513.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('656 Erica Hills', 0.9998014569282532)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1580.0, 811.0], [1580.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('246 Huff Forest', 0.999915361404419)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [886.0, 866.0], [886.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Danielleborough, NV 55762.', 0.9687482714653015)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1776.0, 866.0], [1776.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Freemantown, NC 87868', 0.9964771270751953)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 950-81-6113', 0.9849925637245178)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 967-73-1985', 0.9844257831573486)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [927.0, 1030.0], [927.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB07LTFN50234175514194', 0.97822105884552)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1649.0, 1384.0], [1788.0, 1393.0], [1785.0, 1444.0], [1645.0, 1435.0]], ('435,00', 0.9962615966796875)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1444.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], ('478,50', 0.9618622660636902)], [[[251.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1436.0], [251.0, 1436.0]], ('1.', 0.9996507167816162)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Custom Built Gaming Computer', 0.980122983455658)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9835838675498962)], [[[1148.0, 1396.0], [1252.0, 1396.0], [1252.0, 1443.0], [1148.0, 1443.0]], ('each', 0.9876470565795898)], [[[1399.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1399.0, 1436.0]], ('217,50', 0.9578757882118225)], [[[251.0, 1491.0], [288.0, 1491.0], [288.0, 1524.0], [251.0, 1524.0]], ('2.', 0.99964439868927)], [[[354.0, 1484.0], [827.0, 1484.0], [827.0, 1531.0], [354.0, 1531.0]], ('AMD Custom Ryzen 5 Quad', 0.9996978044509888)], [[[1004.0, 1484.0], [1093.0, 1484.0], [1093.0, 1527.0], [1004.0, 1527.0]], ('2,00', 0.9966775178909302)], [[[1148.0, 1487.0], [1252.0, 1487.0], [1252.0, 1535.0], [1148.0, 1535.0]], ('each', 0.9972397685050964)], [[[1403.0, 1487.0], [1528.0, 1487.0], [1528.0, 1527.0], [1403.0, 1527.0]], ('574,99', 0.9996278882026672)], [[[1624.0, 1487.0], [1780.0, 1487.0], [1780.0, 1527.0], [1624.0, 1527.0]], ('1149,98', 0.9958451986312866)], [[[1912.0, 1484.0], [2001.0, 1484.0], [2001.0, 1527.0], [1912.0, 1527.0]], ('10%', 0.8556877970695496)], [[[2097.0, 1487.0], [2252.0, 1487.0], [2252.0, 1527.0], [2097.0, 1527.0]], ('1 264,98', 0.9357402920722961)], [[[354.0, 1524.0], [775.0, 1524.0], [775.0, 1571.0], [354.0, 1571.0]], ('Core Gaming PC 4.2GHZ', 0.9996302723884583)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [868.0, 1571.0], [868.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Computer 8GB 1TB AM4 DDR4', 0.9971902370452881)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [506.0, 1608.0], [506.0, 1659.0], [354.0, 1659.0]], ('Vega 11', 0.9889903664588928)], [[[351.0, 1696.0], [790.0, 1696.0], [790.0, 1743.0], [351.0, 1743.0]], ('HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF', 0.996895968914032)], [[[1004.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1739.0], [1004.0, 1739.0]], ('5,00', 0.974420964717865)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[1399.0, 1696.0], [1532.0, 1696.0], [1532.0, 1747.0], [1399.0, 1747.0]], ('113,96', 0.9996623992919922)], [[[1658.0, 1699.0], [1783.0, 1699.0], [1783.0, 1739.0], [1658.0, 1739.0]], ('569,80', 0.9627861380577087)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[255.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1736.0], [255.0, 1736.0]], ('3.', 0.9906095266342163)], [[[2130.0, 1699.0], [2252.0, 1699.0], [2252.0, 1739.0], [2130.0, 1739.0]], ('626,78', 0.984644889831543)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [831.0, 1743.0], [831.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1780.0]], ('Desktop Computer Pentium', 0.986877977848053)], [[[354.0, 1783.0], [897.0, 1779.0], [897.0, 1820.0], [355.0, 1824.0]], ('Windows 10 System 500GB 1TB', 0.9791358709335327)], [[[347.0, 1863.0], [890.0, 1871.0], [889.0, 1919.0], [347.0, 1911.0]], ('SAMA RGB Gaming PC Desktop', 0.9993599653244019)], [[[1008.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1911.0], [1008.0, 1911.0]], ('1,00', 0.9990050792694092)], [[[1152.0, 1875.0], [1248.0, 1875.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9982025623321533)], [[[1399.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1918.0], [1399.0, 1918.0]], ('400,00', 0.9987435936927795)], [[[1654.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1918.0], [1654.0, 1918.0]], ('400,00', 0.946655809879303)], [[[1912.0, 1871.0], [2001.0, 1871.0], [2001.0, 1915.0], [1912.0, 1915.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2130.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1911.0], [2130.0, 1911.0]], ('440,00', 0.9987398982048035)], [[[262.0, 1882.0], [281.0, 1882.0], [281.0, 1904.0], [262.0, 1904.0]], ('4', 0.8449235558509827)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [897.0, 1918.0], [897.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('Computer i5 3.7GHz Nvidia GTX', 0.998015284538269)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [764.0, 1959.0], [764.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('1060 16GB Windows 10', 0.9830797910690308)], [[[192.0, 2094.0], [491.0, 2094.0], [491.0, 2145.0], [192.0, 2145.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9965147376060486)], [[[956.0, 2218.0], [1122.0, 2218.0], [1122.0, 2269.0], [956.0, 2269.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993457794189453)], [[[1388.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1388.0, 2262.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9923312067985535)], [[[1775.0, 2213.0], [1870.0, 2223.0], [1865.0, 2267.0], [1771.0, 2257.0]], ('VAT', 0.672061026096344)], [[[2027.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2262.0], [2027.0, 2262.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999037384986877)], [[[997.0, 2309.0], [1082.0, 2309.0], [1082.0, 2353.0], [997.0, 2353.0]], ('10%', 0.9998807907104492)], [[[1425.0, 2306.0], [1591.0, 2306.0], [1591.0, 2357.0], [1425.0, 2357.0]], ('2 554,78', 0.9988212585449219)], [[[1735.0, 2306.0], [1868.0, 2306.0], [1868.0, 2357.0], [1735.0, 2357.0]], ('255,48', 0.9987092018127441)], [[[2101.0, 2309.0], [2259.0, 2309.0], [2259.0, 2350.0], [2101.0, 2350.0]], ('2810,26', 0.9553834795951843)], [[[746.0, 2393.0], [857.0, 2393.0], [857.0, 2445.0], [746.0, 2445.0]], ('Total', 0.9998254776000977)], [[[1378.0, 2385.0], [1592.0, 2394.0], [1590.0, 2445.0], [1376.0, 2437.0]], ('$ 2 554,78', 0.9811021685600281)], [[[1691.0, 2393.0], [1864.0, 2393.0], [1864.0, 2445.0], [1691.0, 2445.0]], ('$ 255,48', 0.9846453666687012)], [[[2047.0, 2385.0], [2264.0, 2394.0], [2262.0, 2445.0], [2045.0, 2437.0]], ('$ 2 810,26', 0.9831944704055786)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '54569960', 'invoice_date': '12/06/2020', 'seller': 'Copeland-Hudson 29285 Montgomery Hills Suite 745 New Susan, WY 54431', 'client': 'Jones, Butler and Olson Unit 9503 Box 4557 DPO AE 74687', 'seller_tax_id': '983-91-5966', 'client_tax_id': '971-98-9041'}, 'items': [{'iban': 'GB44RLKX50801437811075', 'item_desc': 'Chef Wine Bottle Holder', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '65,95', 'item_net_worth': '263,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '290,18'}, {'item_desc': 'Leidenfcost Vineyards Stemware Wine Glass', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '3,99', 'item_net_worth': '19,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '21,95'}, {'item_desc': 'Hammered Brass Over Stainless steel Stemless Wine Glasses/ Candle Holders', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '9,99', 'item_net_worth': '9,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '10,99'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 293,74', 'total_vat': '$29,37', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 323,11'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 54569960', 'Date of issue:.', '12/06/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Copeland-Hudson', 'Jones, Butler and Olson.', '29285 Montgomery Hills Suite 745', 'Unit 9503 Box 4557', 'New Susan, WY 54431', 'DPO AE 74687', 'Tax Id: 983-91-5966', 'Tax Id: 971-98-9041', 'IBAN: GB44RLKX50801437811075', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '65,95', '263,80', '10%', '1.', 'Chef Wine Bottle Holder', '4,00', 'each', '290,18', 'Leidenfcost Vineyards', '5,00', 'each', '3,99', '19,95', '10%', '21,95', '2.', 'Stemware Wine Glass', 'Hammered Brass Over Stainless', '1,00', 'each', '9,99', '9,99', '10%', '10,99', '3', 'steel Stemless Wine Glasses/', 'Candle Holders', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '293,74', '29,37', '323,11', '10%', 'Total', '$ 293,74', '$ 29,37', '$ 323,11']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 54569960', 0.9986804127693176)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9818239212036133)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('12/06/2020', 0.999620258808136)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [583.0, 760.0], [583.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Copeland-Hudson', 0.9994154572486877)], [[[1244.0, 756.0], [1743.0, 756.0], [1743.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Jones, Butler and Olson.', 0.9672569632530212)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [938.0, 811.0], [938.0, 862.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('29285 Montgomery Hills Suite 745', 0.9886594414710999)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1665.0, 811.0], [1665.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('Unit 9503 Box 4557', 0.9988856911659241)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [679.0, 866.0], [679.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('New Susan, WY 54431', 0.9792725443840027)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1558.0, 866.0], [1558.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('DPO AE 74687', 0.9995142817497253)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 983-91-5966', 0.9899060130119324)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 971-98-9041', 0.981553316116333)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB44RLKX50801437811075', 0.9884845018386841)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('65,95', 0.9996967315673828)], [[[1650.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1650.0, 1443.0]], ('263,80', 0.990924596786499)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[251.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9985064268112183)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [761.0, 1400.0], [761.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Chef Wine Bottle Holder', 0.9713766574859619)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9974542856216431)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2123.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2123.0, 1443.0]], ('290,18', 0.9996336102485657)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [731.0, 1484.0], [730.0, 1531.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Leidenfcost Vineyards', 0.9791176319122314)], [[[1004.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1527.0], [1004.0, 1527.0]], ('5,00', 0.9940791726112366)], [[[1148.0, 1487.0], [1244.0, 1487.0], [1244.0, 1531.0], [1148.0, 1531.0]], ('each', 0.9809339642524719)], [[[1440.0, 1484.0], [1528.0, 1484.0], [1528.0, 1527.0], [1440.0, 1527.0]], ('3,99', 0.991014301776886)], [[[1672.0, 1480.0], [1783.0, 1480.0], [1783.0, 1531.0], [1672.0, 1531.0]], ('19,95', 0.9998518824577332)], [[[1912.0, 1484.0], [2005.0, 1484.0], [2005.0, 1527.0], [1912.0, 1527.0]], ('10%', 0.869954526424408)], [[[2145.0, 1480.0], [2256.0, 1480.0], [2256.0, 1531.0], [2145.0, 1531.0]], ('21,95', 0.9999157190322876)], [[[251.0, 1491.0], [288.0, 1491.0], [288.0, 1524.0], [251.0, 1524.0]], ('2.', 0.99964439868927)], [[[355.0, 1520.0], [728.0, 1528.0], [727.0, 1575.0], [354.0, 1567.0]], ('Stemware Wine Glass', 0.9969037771224976)], [[[358.0, 1619.0], [901.0, 1619.0], [901.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1655.0]], ('Hammered Brass Over Stainless', 0.9864335060119629)], [[[1008.0, 1615.0], [1097.0, 1615.0], [1097.0, 1659.0], [1008.0, 1659.0]], ('1,00', 0.9989869594573975)], [[[1148.0, 1619.0], [1248.0, 1619.0], [1248.0, 1659.0], [1148.0, 1659.0]], ('each', 0.9959404468536377)], [[[1444.0, 1615.0], [1528.0, 1615.0], [1528.0, 1659.0], [1444.0, 1659.0]], ('9,99', 0.9994896650314331)], [[[1695.0, 1615.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1783.0, 1659.0], [1695.0, 1659.0]], ('9,99', 0.9988797903060913)], [[[1912.0, 1615.0], [2001.0, 1615.0], [2001.0, 1659.0], [1912.0, 1659.0]], ('10%', 0.9980754852294922)], [[[2145.0, 1611.0], [2259.0, 1611.0], [2259.0, 1663.0], [2145.0, 1663.0]], ('10,99', 0.9996668696403503)], [[[262.0, 1630.0], [281.0, 1630.0], [281.0, 1648.0], [262.0, 1648.0]], ('3', 0.952097475528717)], [[[355.0, 1655.0], [849.0, 1659.0], [849.0, 1699.0], [354.0, 1695.0]], ('steel Stemless Wine Glasses/', 0.9806875586509705)], [[[355.0, 1695.0], [617.0, 1703.0], [616.0, 1743.0], [354.0, 1735.0]], ('Candle Holders', 0.9996331334114075)], [[[192.0, 1838.0], [491.0, 1838.0], [491.0, 1889.0], [192.0, 1889.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966713786125183)], [[[954.0, 1954.0], [1123.0, 1963.0], [1121.0, 2014.0], [952.0, 2005.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9978266954421997)], [[[1776.0, 1953.0], [1874.0, 1964.0], [1868.0, 2019.0], [1770.0, 2008.0]], ('VAT', 0.8908844590187073)], [[[1388.0, 1966.0], [1584.0, 1966.0], [1584.0, 2006.0], [1388.0, 2006.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9814555644989014)], [[[2027.0, 1966.0], [2259.0, 1966.0], [2259.0, 2006.0], [2027.0, 2006.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999037384986877)], [[[1458.0, 2050.0], [1591.0, 2050.0], [1591.0, 2101.0], [1458.0, 2101.0]], ('293,74', 0.999870777130127)], [[[1754.0, 2050.0], [1868.0, 2050.0], [1868.0, 2101.0], [1754.0, 2101.0]], ('29,37', 0.9994910955429077)], [[[2133.0, 2042.0], [2264.0, 2051.0], [2261.0, 2102.0], [2129.0, 2093.0]], ('323,11', 0.9997723698616028)], [[[997.0, 2054.0], [1082.0, 2054.0], [1082.0, 2097.0], [997.0, 2097.0]], ('10%', 0.9997196793556213)], [[[746.0, 2138.0], [857.0, 2138.0], [857.0, 2189.0], [746.0, 2189.0]], ('Total', 0.9998461008071899)], [[[1418.0, 2145.0], [1588.0, 2145.0], [1588.0, 2185.0], [1418.0, 2185.0]], ('$ 293,74', 0.999692440032959)], [[[1717.0, 2145.0], [1861.0, 2145.0], [1861.0, 2185.0], [1717.0, 2185.0]], ('$ 29,37', 0.9598459005355835)], [[[2082.0, 2138.0], [2263.0, 2138.0], [2263.0, 2189.0], [2082.0, 2189.0]], ('$ 323,11', 0.9923954606056213)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '42242778', 'invoice_date': '03/05/2017', 'seller': 'Roberson and Sons 77336 Steven Plains East Ann, DC 60349', 'client': 'Moore, Hall and Figueroa 535 Martin Heights Apt. 974 North Ryantown, TX 02748', 'seller_tax_id': '941-98-3262', 'client_tax_id': '945-77-2539', 'iban': 'GB14OANA54164164825940161'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"6'x3' Marble Dining Center Table With Black Top Floral Collectible Inlaid E963\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '6040,40', 'item_net_worth': '24 161,60', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '26577,76'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 24 161,60', 'total_vat': '$2416,16', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 26577,76'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 42242778', 'Date of issue:.', '03/05/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Roberson and Sons', 'Moore, Hall and Figueroa', '77336 Steven Plains', '535 Martin Heights Apt. 974.', 'East Ann, DC 60349', 'North Ryantown, TX 02748.', 'Tax Id: 941-98-3262', 'Tax Id: 945-77-2539', 'IBAN: GB14OANA54164825940161', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', \"6'x3' Marble Dining Center\", '4,00', 'each', '6040,40', '24161,60', '10%', '26 577,76', 'Table With Black Top Floral.', 'Collectible Inlaid E963', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth.', '2 416,16', '26 577,76', '10%', '24 161,60', 'Total', '$ 24 161,60', '$ 2 416,16', '$ 26 577,76']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 42242778', 0.9991726875305176)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.977078378200531)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('03/05/2017', 0.999738335609436)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [620.0, 760.0], [620.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Roberson and Sons', 0.9929288029670715)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1776.0, 760.0], [1776.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Moore, Hall and Figueroa', 0.9961797595024109)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [643.0, 811.0], [642.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('77336 Steven Plains', 0.9992379546165466)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1842.0, 811.0], [1842.0, 862.0], [1252.0, 862.0]], ('535 Martin Heights Apt. 974.', 0.9823947548866272)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [635.0, 866.0], [635.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('East Ann, DC 60349', 0.997135579586029)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1820.0, 866.0], [1820.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('North Ryantown, TX 02748.', 0.9733545184135437)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 941-98-3262', 0.9894841909408569)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 945-77-2539', 0.9886653423309326)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB14OANA54164825940161', 0.9944421052932739)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1156.0, 1261.0], [1240.0, 1261.0], [1240.0, 1316.0], [1156.0, 1316.0]], ('UM', 0.9094463586807251)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[354.0, 1396.0], [805.0, 1396.0], [805.0, 1443.0], [354.0, 1443.0]], (\"6'x3' Marble Dining Center\", 0.995835542678833)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('6040,40', 0.9731648564338684)], [[[1602.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1602.0, 1436.0]], ('24161,60', 0.9838227033615112)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2079.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1436.0], [2079.0, 1436.0]], ('26 577,76', 0.941106915473938)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [816.0, 1440.0], [816.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1476.0]], ('Table With Black Top Floral.', 0.9521133303642273)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [735.0, 1476.0], [735.0, 1524.0], [358.0, 1524.0]], ('Collectible Inlaid E963', 0.9992754459381104)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9932445287704468)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1386.0, 1739.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1586.0, 1791.0], [1384.0, 1783.0]], ('Net worth', 0.999957799911499)], [[[1776.0, 1747.0], [1868.0, 1747.0], [1868.0, 1791.0], [1776.0, 1791.0]], ('VAT', 0.6534069180488586)], [[[2023.0, 1747.0], [2259.0, 1747.0], [2259.0, 1787.0], [2023.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth.', 0.9692444205284119)], [[[1700.0, 1823.0], [1869.0, 1832.0], [1866.0, 1883.0], [1697.0, 1874.0]], ('2 416,16', 0.9944709539413452)], [[[2077.0, 1823.0], [2264.0, 1831.0], [2262.0, 1883.0], [2074.0, 1874.0]], ('26 577,76', 0.9616565704345703)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1407.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1875.0], [1407.0, 1875.0]], ('24 161,60', 0.925616979598999)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1352.0, 1911.0], [1592.0, 1919.0], [1590.0, 1970.0], [1351.0, 1962.0]], ('$ 24 161,60', 0.9950981140136719)], [[[1658.0, 1926.0], [1864.0, 1926.0], [1864.0, 1966.0], [1658.0, 1966.0]], ('$ 2 416,16', 0.9527410268783569)], [[[2034.0, 1926.0], [2259.0, 1926.0], [2259.0, 1966.0], [2034.0, 1966.0]], ('$ 26 577,76', 0.998535692691803)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '59932057', 'invoice_date': '01/17/2021', 'seller': 'Navarro-Jensen 092 David Plains Apt. 475 Williamsonport, NM 97897', 'client': 'Jones Inc 31107 Nicholas Crest Apt. 286 Tammyfurt, RI 24469', 'seller_tax_id': '930-91-8783', 'client_tax_id': '984-73-8910', 'iban': 'GB54JPDR27618813241451'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Marquetry Art Marble Inlay Table Top Octagon Dinning Table Home Assent 48 Inches', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '2860,00', 'item_net_worth': '14 300,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '15 730,00'}, {'item_desc': '30 Inches Floral Art Inlaid Coffee Table Top Round Marble Island Table Home Deco', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '840,00', 'item_net_worth': '840,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '924,00'}, {'item_desc': '36\" Agate Center Dining Table Top Precious Stone Hallway Furniture Decors A026', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '1490,00', 'item_net_worth': '2980,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '3278,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 18 120,00', 'total_vat': '$1812,00', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 19 932,00'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 59932057', 'Date of issue:.', '01/17/2021', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Navarro-Jensen', 'Jones Inc', '092 David Plains Apt. 475', '31107 Nicholas Crest Apt. 286', 'Williamsonport, NM 97897', 'Tammyfurt, RI 24469', 'Tax Id: 930-91-8783', 'Tax Id: 984-73-8910', 'IBAN: GB54JPDR27618813241451', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Marquetry Art Marble Inlay', '5,00', 'each', '2860,00', '14 300,00', '10%', '15 730,00', 'Table Top Octagon Dinning', 'Table Home Assent 48 Inches', '30 Inches Floral Art Inlaid Coffee.', '840,00', '10%', '2.', '1,00', 'each', '840,00', '924,00', 'Table Top Round Marble Island.', 'Table Home Deco', '36\" Agate Center Dining Table', '2,00', '1490,00', '3.', 'each', '2980,00', '10%', '3278,00', 'Top Precious Stone Hallway', 'Furniture Decors A026', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '18 120,00', '1812,00', '10%', '19932,00', 'Total', '$18 120,00', '$1812,00', '$ 19 932,00']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 59932057', 0.9976168870925903)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9775062203407288)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('01/17/2021', 0.9996663928031921)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [539.0, 760.0], [539.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Navarro-Jensen', 0.9982078671455383)], [[[1248.0, 764.0], [1440.0, 764.0], [1440.0, 804.0], [1248.0, 804.0]], ('Jones Inc', 0.9929553270339966)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [750.0, 811.0], [749.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('092 David Plains Apt. 475', 0.9997732639312744)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1890.0, 811.0], [1890.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('31107 Nicholas Crest Apt. 286', 0.9816145896911621)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [764.0, 866.0], [764.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Williamsonport, NM 97897', 0.9973579049110413)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1698.0, 866.0], [1698.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Tammyfurt, RI 24469', 0.9969812631607056)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 930-91-8783', 0.9907063841819763)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 984-73-8910', 0.9913350343704224)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [919.0, 1023.0], [919.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB54JPDR27618813241451', 0.9931716322898865)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1305.0], [1580.0, 1305.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999362230300903)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1388.0], [809.0, 1396.0], [808.0, 1444.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Marquetry Art Marble Inlay', 0.9958047270774841)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('2860,00', 0.9600446820259094)], [[[1606.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1606.0, 1436.0]], ('14 300,00', 0.924397885799408)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2079.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2079.0, 1436.0]], ('15 730,00', 0.9752819538116455)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [816.0, 1440.0], [816.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1476.0]], ('Table Top Octagon Dinning', 0.9764932990074158)], [[[355.0, 1473.0], [857.0, 1476.0], [856.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Table Home Assent 48 Inches', 0.9813927412033081)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [905.0, 1564.0], [904.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('30 Inches Floral Art Inlaid Coffee.', 0.9742175340652466)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('840,00', 0.9990935921669006)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2000.0, 1620.0], [1907.0, 1610.0]], ('10%', 0.9998977184295654)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1403.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1403.0, 1608.0]], ('840,00', 0.9992619156837463)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('924,00', 0.999772310256958)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [879.0, 1608.0], [878.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1652.0]], ('Table Top Round Marble Island.', 0.9817132949829102)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [657.0, 1655.0], [657.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Table Home Deco', 0.998114287853241)], [[[351.0, 1736.0], [871.0, 1739.0], [871.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1783.0]], ('36\" Agate Center Dining Table', 0.9857147336006165)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9794178009033203)], [[[1364.0, 1731.0], [1533.0, 1740.0], [1530.0, 1791.0], [1361.0, 1782.0]], ('1490,00', 0.9985290765762329)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1624.0, 1743.0], [1780.0, 1743.0], [1780.0, 1783.0], [1624.0, 1783.0]], ('2980,00', 0.977238118648529)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9996688961982727)], [[[2097.0, 1743.0], [2252.0, 1743.0], [2252.0, 1783.0], [2097.0, 1783.0]], ('3278,00', 0.9853388667106628)], [[[355.0, 1779.0], [827.0, 1783.0], [827.0, 1831.0], [354.0, 1827.0]], ('Top Precious Stone Hallway', 0.9993084669113159)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [738.0, 1827.0], [738.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Furniture Decors A026', 0.9839124083518982)], [[[192.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 2010.0], [192.0, 2010.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9948539733886719)], [[[1776.0, 2074.0], [1874.0, 2085.0], [1868.0, 2139.0], [1770.0, 2129.0]], ('VAT', 0.9557650089263916)], [[[956.0, 2087.0], [1122.0, 2087.0], [1122.0, 2138.0], [956.0, 2138.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1388.0, 2090.0], [1584.0, 2090.0], [1584.0, 2130.0], [1388.0, 2130.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9688122272491455)], [[[2023.0, 2087.0], [2256.0, 2087.0], [2256.0, 2127.0], [2023.0, 2127.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9996464252471924)], [[[1405.0, 2166.0], [1592.0, 2175.0], [1590.0, 2226.0], [1402.0, 2217.0]], ('18 120,00', 0.9823522567749023)], [[[1700.0, 2166.0], [1873.0, 2175.0], [1870.0, 2226.0], [1697.0, 2217.0]], ('1812,00', 0.9985866546630859)], [[[997.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2222.0], [997.0, 2222.0]], ('10%', 0.9996705055236816)], [[[2082.0, 2178.0], [2259.0, 2178.0], [2259.0, 2218.0], [2082.0, 2218.0]], ('19932,00', 0.9843188524246216)], [[[749.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2309.0], [749.0, 2309.0]], ('Total', 0.999843418598175)], [[[1359.0, 2269.0], [1588.0, 2269.0], [1588.0, 2309.0], [1359.0, 2309.0]], ('$18 120,00', 0.98016357421875)], [[[1661.0, 2266.0], [1861.0, 2266.0], [1861.0, 2306.0], [1661.0, 2306.0]], ('$1812,00', 0.9914824962615967)], [[[2031.0, 2269.0], [2259.0, 2269.0], [2259.0, 2309.0], [2031.0, 2309.0]], ('$ 19 932,00', 0.9686220288276672)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '91966464', 'invoice_date': '08/24/2020', 'seller': 'Taylor and Sons 073 Christopher Fall Georgemouth, CA 01544', 'client': 'Hays and Sons 63998 Rojas Trafficway Port Danny, NC 49968', 'seller_tax_id': '982-80-5952', 'client_tax_id': '990-91-6829', 'iban': 'GB14ETFJ75094365759842'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Super Nintendo SNES System Console Controller & Cables - SNS-001 + 3 Games', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '103,99', 'item_net_worth': '207,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '228,78'}, {'item_desc': 'PlayStation 5 Console Disc Version PREORDER--IDDD', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '899,99', 'item_net_worth': '899,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '989,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo Wii U Console Deluxe/Handheld Bundle', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '79,99', 'item_net_worth': '159,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '175,98'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1267,95', 'total_vat': '$ 126,80', 'total_gross_worth': '$1394,75'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 91966464', 'Date of issue:', '08/24/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Taylor and Sons', 'Hays and Sons', '073 Christopher Fall', '63998 Rojas Trafficway', 'Georgemouth, CA 01544', 'Port Danny, NC 49968', 'Tax Id: 982-80-5952', 'Tax Id: 990-91-6829', 'IBAN: GB14ETFJ75094365759842', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '103,99', '10%', '228,78', 'Super Nintendo SNES System', '2,00', 'each', '207,98', 'Console Controller & Cables', 'SNS-001 + 3 Games', ' PlayStation 5 Console Disc', '1,00', 'each', '899,99', '899,99', '10%', '2.', '989,99', 'Version', '**PREORDER**O0', 'Nintendo Wii U Console', '2,00', 'each', '79,99', '159,98', '10%', '175,98', '3.', 'Deluxe/Handheld Bundle', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '1267,95', '126,80', '1 394,75', 'Total', '$ 1 267,95', '$126,80', '$ 1 394,75']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 91966464', 0.9841025471687317)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9985162019729614)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('08/24/2020', 0.9997841715812683)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [550.0, 756.0], [550.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Taylor and Sons', 0.9699612855911255)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1565.0, 760.0], [1565.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Hays and Sons', 0.99727863073349)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [642.0, 811.0], [642.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('073 Christopher Fall', 0.9951193928718567)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1743.0, 811.0], [1742.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('63998 Rojas Trafficway', 0.999904215335846)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [731.0, 866.0], [731.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Georgemouth, CA 01544', 0.9987909197807312)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1720.0, 866.0], [1720.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Port Danny, NC 49968', 0.993089497089386)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 982-80-5952', 0.9924559593200684)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 990-91-6829', 0.9931173920631409)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [916.0, 1023.0], [915.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB14ETFJ75094365759842', 0.9945353269577026)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('103,99', 0.999720573425293)], [[[1913.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1907.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998712539672852)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1444.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], ('228,78', 0.9951217770576477)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [853.0, 1400.0], [853.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Super Nintendo SNES System', 0.966823160648346)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('207,98', 0.9477827548980713)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [834.0, 1436.0], [834.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Console Controller & Cables', 0.9991417527198792)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [705.0, 1480.0], [705.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1516.0]], ('SNS-001 + 3 Games', 0.9977352023124695)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [805.0, 1568.0], [804.0, 1615.0], [350.0, 1608.0]], (' PlayStation 5 Console Disc', 0.9630153179168701)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1403.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1403.0, 1608.0]], ('899,99', 0.999650776386261)], [[[1658.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1608.0], [1658.0, 1608.0]], ('899,99', 0.9985441565513611)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('989,99', 0.9993464946746826)], [[[360.0, 1607.0], [499.0, 1616.0], [497.0, 1656.0], [357.0, 1647.0]], ('Version', 0.9986101984977722)], [[[352.0, 1640.0], [698.0, 1648.0], [697.0, 1700.0], [350.0, 1692.0]], ('**PREORDER**O0', 0.9565538167953491)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [753.0, 1743.0], [753.0, 1783.0], [351.0, 1779.0]], ('Nintendo Wii U Console', 0.9750290513038635)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9794178009033203)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('79,99', 0.9996219873428345)], [[[1654.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1654.0, 1787.0]], ('159,98', 0.9997277855873108)], [[[1912.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1791.0], [1912.0, 1791.0]], ('10%', 0.9999089241027832)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('175,98', 0.9999033808708191)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [288.0, 1747.0], [288.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.995986819267273)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [775.0, 1787.0], [775.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Deluxe/Handheld Bundle', 0.9942932724952698)], [[[192.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1973.0], [192.0, 1973.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9968956112861633)], [[[955.0, 2034.0], [1123.0, 2044.0], [1120.0, 2098.0], [952.0, 2089.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9985150694847107)], [[[1388.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1388.0, 2090.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9551628828048706)], [[[1780.0, 2046.0], [1868.0, 2046.0], [1868.0, 2090.0], [1780.0, 2090.0]], ('VAT', 0.9681034088134766)], [[[2027.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2090.0], [2027.0, 2090.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9996811151504517)], [[[993.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2185.0], [993.0, 2185.0]], ('10%', 0.9230511784553528)], [[[1429.0, 2138.0], [1588.0, 2138.0], [1588.0, 2178.0], [1429.0, 2178.0]], ('1267,95', 0.9853181838989258)], [[[1735.0, 2130.0], [1868.0, 2130.0], [1868.0, 2182.0], [1735.0, 2182.0]], ('126,80', 0.9992713928222656)], [[[2101.0, 2130.0], [2263.0, 2130.0], [2263.0, 2182.0], [2101.0, 2182.0]], ('1 394,75', 0.9782001376152039)], [[[746.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2273.0], [746.0, 2273.0]], ('Total', 0.9998760223388672)], [[[1379.0, 2214.0], [1588.0, 2222.0], [1586.0, 2274.0], [1376.0, 2265.0]], ('$ 1 267,95', 0.9452195167541504)], [[[1691.0, 2222.0], [1868.0, 2222.0], [1868.0, 2273.0], [1691.0, 2273.0]], ('$126,80', 0.9993613958358765)], [[[2050.0, 2214.0], [2264.0, 2222.0], [2262.0, 2274.0], [2048.0, 2265.0]], ('$ 1 394,75', 0.9580265283584595)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '45802970', 'invoice_date': '03/30/2021', 'seller': 'Walter-Robbins 454 Ward Heights Port Joshuafort, OK49084', 'client': 'Lopez, Pearson and Garcia 4300 Vincent Fort Apt. 067 Silvaland, MN 16233', 'seller_tax_id': '991-91-1867', 'client_tax_id': '911-96-4726', 'iban': 'GB94QNPA65418582220361'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Nintendo Wii Console 2 sets controllers Plus All Cables Included Works Great', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '99,99', 'item_net_worth': '399,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '439,96'}, {'item_desc': 'Xbox One S 1 TB Console', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '150,00', 'item_net_worth': '750,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '825,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Playstation 2 FINAL FANTASY XII Slim Console System SCPH-75000 Tested Japan', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '184,00', 'item_net_worth': '920,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1012,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo Wii Console Complete Bundle w/extras tested', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '104,99', 'item_net_worth': '524,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '577,44'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo WII Black Console Bundle 2 Remotes + sensor+ 1 Numchuk Tested & Works', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '52,95', 'item_net_worth': '211,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '232,98'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo 2DS Super Mario Maker Edition Console Complete EXCELLENT CONDITION', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '129,99', 'item_net_worth': '519,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '571,96'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo 64 Console with Box, Foam and extra oem controller', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '120,00', 'item_net_worth': '360,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '396,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$3686,67', 'total_vat': '$ 368,67', 'total_gross_worth': '$4055,34'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 45802970', 'Date of issue:.', '03/30/2021', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Walter-Robbins', 'Lopez, Pearson and Garcia', '454 Ward Heights', '4300 Vincent Fort Apt. 067', 'Port Joshuafort, OK 49084', 'Silvaland, MN 16233', 'Tax Id: 991-91-1867', 'Tax Id: 911-96-4726', 'IBAN: GB94ONPA65418582220361', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', '439,96', '1.', 'Nintendo Wii Console - 2 sets', '4,00', 'each', '99,99', '399,96', 'controllers Plus All Cablese', 'Included Works Great', '5,00', 'Xbox One S 1 TB Console', 'each', '150,00', '750,00', '10%', '825,00', '2.', 'Playstation 2 FINAL FANTASY XII', '3.', '5,00', 'each', '184,00', '920,00', '10%', '1012,00', 'Slim Console System', 'SCPH-75000 Tested Japan', 'Nintendo Wii Console Complete', '5,00', 'each', '104,99', '524,95', '10%', '577,44', '4.', 'Bundle w/extras tested', 'Nintendo Wil Black Console', '4,00', 'each', '52,95', '211,80', '10%', '232,98', 'Bundle 2 Remotes+ sensor+ 1', 'Numchuk Tested & Works', '519,96', '10%', ' Nintendo 2DS Super Mario', '4,00', 'each', '129,99', '571,96', ' Maker Edition Console Complete', 'EXCELLENT CONDITION', ' Nintendo 64 Console with Box,', '3,00', 'each', '120,00', '360,00', '10%', '396,00', '7.', 'Foam and extra oem controller', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '3686,67', '368,67', '4055,34', 'Total', '$ 3 686,67', '$368,67', '$ 4 055,34']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 45802970', 0.9983930587768555)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9603847861289978)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('03/30/2021', 0.9991912841796875)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 657.0], [1426.0, 666.0], [1423.0, 721.0], [1236.0, 712.0]], ('Client:', 0.9863694310188293)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [536.0, 760.0], [535.0, 808.0], [203.0, 800.0]], ('Walter-Robbins', 0.9990440607070923)], [[[1244.0, 760.0], [1805.0, 760.0], [1805.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Lopez, Pearson and Garcia', 0.9869351983070374)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [591.0, 811.0], [590.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('454 Ward Heights', 0.9691948294639587)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1817.0, 811.0], [1816.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('4300 Vincent Fort Apt. 067', 0.9699501395225525)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [753.0, 866.0], [753.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Joshuafort, OK 49084', 0.9992381930351257)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1684.0, 866.0], [1684.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Silvaland, MN 16233', 0.9932006001472473)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 991-91-1867', 0.9852931499481201)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 911-96-4726', 0.9895352721214294)], [[[210.0, 1027.0], [934.0, 1027.0], [934.0, 1063.0], [210.0, 1063.0]], ('IBAN: GB94ONPA65418582220361', 0.9803884625434875)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1444.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('439,96', 0.9993228316307068)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [853.0, 1400.0], [853.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Nintendo Wii Console - 2 sets', 0.9554683566093445)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9974542856216431)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1421.0, 1436.0]], ('99,99', 0.9664342999458313)], [[[1658.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1658.0, 1436.0]], ('399,96', 0.9853946566581726)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [794.0, 1436.0], [794.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('controllers Plus All Cablese', 0.9675788879394531)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [724.0, 1476.0], [723.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Included Works Great', 0.9992343783378601)], [[[1001.0, 1552.0], [1102.0, 1562.0], [1096.0, 1617.0], [995.0, 1606.0]], ('5,00', 0.9933244585990906)], [[[354.0, 1564.0], [786.0, 1564.0], [786.0, 1611.0], [354.0, 1611.0]], ('Xbox One S 1 TB Console', 0.9992064833641052)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1399.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1611.0], [1399.0, 1611.0]], ('150,00', 0.9985354542732239)], [[[1650.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1650.0, 1615.0]], ('750,00', 0.9990078806877136)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2008.0, 1560.0], [2008.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999217987060547)], [[[2127.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1611.0], [2127.0, 1611.0]], ('825,00', 0.998784065246582)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1608.0], [251.0, 1608.0]], ('2.', 0.9935410022735596)], [[[354.0, 1655.0], [905.0, 1655.0], [905.0, 1703.0], [354.0, 1703.0]], ('Playstation 2 FINAL FANTASY XII', 0.9918774962425232)], [[[242.0, 1667.0], [273.0, 1652.0], [293.0, 1691.0], [262.0, 1706.0]], ('3.', 0.8751477599143982)], [[[1004.0, 1659.0], [1097.0, 1659.0], [1097.0, 1703.0], [1004.0, 1703.0]], ('5,00', 0.9869786500930786)], [[[1148.0, 1659.0], [1244.0, 1659.0], [1244.0, 1703.0], [1148.0, 1703.0]], ('each', 0.9921557903289795)], [[[1399.0, 1659.0], [1528.0, 1659.0], [1528.0, 1699.0], [1399.0, 1699.0]], ('184,00', 0.9772246479988098)], [[[1654.0, 1659.0], [1780.0, 1659.0], [1780.0, 1699.0], [1654.0, 1699.0]], ('920,00', 0.9778838157653809)], [[[1912.0, 1659.0], [2001.0, 1659.0], [2001.0, 1703.0], [1912.0, 1703.0]], ('10%', 0.9971013069152832)], [[[2093.0, 1659.0], [2252.0, 1659.0], [2252.0, 1699.0], [2093.0, 1699.0]], ('1012,00', 0.9950742721557617)], [[[358.0, 1695.0], [709.0, 1699.0], [709.0, 1740.0], [358.0, 1736.0]], ('Slim Console System', 0.9930391907691956)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [794.0, 1743.0], [794.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1779.0]], ('SCPH-75000 Tested Japan', 0.9627291560173035)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [886.0, 1827.0], [886.0, 1875.0], [354.0, 1875.0]], ('Nintendo Wii Console Complete', 0.9990370273590088)], [[[1004.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1004.0, 1871.0]], ('5,00', 0.9982671141624451)], [[[1152.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1875.0], [1152.0, 1875.0]], ('each', 0.999234139919281)], [[[1399.0, 1823.0], [1532.0, 1823.0], [1532.0, 1875.0], [1399.0, 1875.0]], ('104,99', 0.9996345639228821)], [[[1650.0, 1823.0], [1783.0, 1823.0], [1783.0, 1875.0], [1650.0, 1875.0]], ('524,95', 0.9996169209480286)], [[[1912.0, 1823.0], [2005.0, 1823.0], [2005.0, 1878.0], [1912.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9999478459358215)], [[[2127.0, 1823.0], [2256.0, 1823.0], [2256.0, 1875.0], [2127.0, 1875.0]], ('577,44', 0.9950566291809082)], [[[255.0, 1834.0], [284.0, 1834.0], [284.0, 1867.0], [255.0, 1867.0]], ('4.', 0.9950275421142578)], [[[358.0, 1875.0], [749.0, 1875.0], [749.0, 1911.0], [358.0, 1911.0]], ('Bundle w/extras tested', 0.9974486827850342)], [[[354.0, 1962.0], [823.0, 1962.0], [823.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Nintendo Wil Black Console', 0.9427356123924255)], [[[1008.0, 1959.0], [1093.0, 1959.0], [1093.0, 2002.0], [1008.0, 2002.0]], ('4,00', 0.997347354888916)], [[[1148.0, 1962.0], [1248.0, 1962.0], [1248.0, 2002.0], [1148.0, 2002.0]], ('each', 0.996172308921814)], [[[1421.0, 1955.0], [1532.0, 1955.0], [1532.0, 2006.0], [1421.0, 2006.0]], ('52,95', 0.9998378753662109)], [[[1650.0, 1955.0], [1787.0, 1955.0], [1787.0, 2006.0], [1650.0, 2006.0]], ('211,80', 0.9989490509033203)], [[[1912.0, 1959.0], [2001.0, 1959.0], [2001.0, 2002.0], [1912.0, 2002.0]], ('10%', 0.9017460942268372)], [[[2123.0, 1955.0], [2256.0, 1955.0], [2256.0, 2006.0], [2123.0, 2006.0]], ('232,98', 0.9995443820953369)], [[[358.0, 2006.0], [875.0, 2006.0], [875.0, 2043.0], [358.0, 2043.0]], ('Bundle 2 Remotes+ sensor+ 1', 0.9953661561012268)], [[[354.0, 2046.0], [797.0, 2046.0], [797.0, 2083.0], [354.0, 2083.0]], ('Numchuk Tested & Works', 0.9968287944793701)], [[[1650.0, 2127.0], [1787.0, 2127.0], [1787.0, 2178.0], [1650.0, 2178.0]], ('519,96', 0.9994463324546814)], [[[1913.0, 2118.0], [2003.0, 2128.0], [1997.0, 2179.0], [1907.0, 2169.0]], ('10%', 0.9982287883758545)], [[[351.0, 2130.0], [801.0, 2134.0], [801.0, 2174.0], [351.0, 2170.0]], (' Nintendo 2DS Super Mario', 0.9880151152610779)], [[[1008.0, 2130.0], [1097.0, 2130.0], [1097.0, 2174.0], [1008.0, 2174.0]], ('4,00', 0.9958175420761108)], [[[1152.0, 2134.0], [1248.0, 2134.0], [1248.0, 2178.0], [1152.0, 2178.0]], ('each', 0.9985866546630859)], [[[1399.0, 2134.0], [1528.0, 2134.0], [1528.0, 2174.0], [1399.0, 2174.0]], ('129,99', 0.9934048652648926)], [[[2130.0, 2134.0], [2252.0, 2134.0], [2252.0, 2174.0], [2130.0, 2174.0]], ('571,96', 0.9990782737731934)], [[[351.0, 2167.0], [905.0, 2171.0], [904.0, 2218.0], [351.0, 2214.0]], (' Maker Edition Console Complete', 0.9871354699134827)], [[[358.0, 2218.0], [757.0, 2218.0], [757.0, 2255.0], [358.0, 2255.0]], ('EXCELLENT CONDITION', 0.997622549533844)], [[[347.0, 2298.0], [875.0, 2306.0], [875.0, 2354.0], [347.0, 2346.0]], (' Nintendo 64 Console with Box,', 0.9712075591087341)], [[[1008.0, 2306.0], [1097.0, 2306.0], [1097.0, 2346.0], [1008.0, 2346.0]], ('3,00', 0.9767528176307678)], [[[1148.0, 2306.0], [1252.0, 2306.0], [1252.0, 2353.0], [1148.0, 2353.0]], ('each', 0.9834425449371338)], [[[1403.0, 2306.0], [1528.0, 2306.0], [1528.0, 2346.0], [1403.0, 2346.0]], ('120,00', 0.9908609986305237)], [[[1658.0, 2306.0], [1780.0, 2306.0], [1780.0, 2346.0], [1658.0, 2346.0]], ('360,00', 0.9848390221595764)], [[[1912.0, 2306.0], [2001.0, 2306.0], [2001.0, 2350.0], [1912.0, 2350.0]], ('10%', 0.9976194500923157)], [[[2127.0, 2302.0], [2256.0, 2302.0], [2256.0, 2353.0], [2127.0, 2353.0]], ('396,00', 0.9995983242988586)], [[[251.0, 2313.0], [288.0, 2313.0], [288.0, 2342.0], [251.0, 2342.0]], ('7.', 0.9871253967285156)], [[[354.0, 2350.0], [875.0, 2350.0], [875.0, 2386.0], [354.0, 2386.0]], ('Foam and extra oem controller', 0.9900001287460327)], [[[192.0, 2485.0], [491.0, 2485.0], [491.0, 2536.0], [192.0, 2536.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963473081588745)], [[[960.0, 2613.0], [1119.0, 2613.0], [1119.0, 2653.0], [960.0, 2653.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9959387183189392)], [[[1388.0, 2613.0], [1588.0, 2613.0], [1588.0, 2653.0], [1388.0, 2653.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9872426986694336)], [[[1776.0, 2605.0], [1872.0, 2605.0], [1872.0, 2660.0], [1776.0, 2660.0]], ('VAT', 0.754856288433075)], [[[2027.0, 2613.0], [2256.0, 2613.0], [2256.0, 2653.0], [2027.0, 2653.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999299645423889)], [[[998.0, 2692.0], [1083.0, 2702.0], [1078.0, 2749.0], [992.0, 2739.0]], ('10%', 0.9959755539894104)], [[[1429.0, 2700.0], [1588.0, 2700.0], [1588.0, 2741.0], [1429.0, 2741.0]], ('3686,67', 0.9673752784729004)], [[[1739.0, 2700.0], [1864.0, 2700.0], [1864.0, 2741.0], [1739.0, 2741.0]], ('368,67', 0.9778335690498352)], [[[2101.0, 2700.0], [2259.0, 2700.0], [2259.0, 2741.0], [2101.0, 2741.0]], ('4055,34', 0.9793837666511536)], [[[746.0, 2784.0], [857.0, 2784.0], [857.0, 2836.0], [746.0, 2836.0]], ('Total', 0.9996480941772461)], [[[1381.0, 2792.0], [1584.0, 2792.0], [1584.0, 2832.0], [1381.0, 2832.0]], ('$ 3 686,67', 0.9834913015365601)], [[[1695.0, 2792.0], [1861.0, 2792.0], [1861.0, 2832.0], [1695.0, 2832.0]], ('$368,67', 0.9923575520515442)], [[[2053.0, 2788.0], [2256.0, 2788.0], [2256.0, 2828.0], [2053.0, 2828.0]], ('$ 4 055,34', 0.9183508157730103)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '37020779', 'invoice_date': '12/23/2019', 'seller': 'Duke, Levy and Arnold 8058 Ross Alley Apt. 327 Christineburgh, WI90565', 'client': 'Jenkins-Lewis 166 Sandra Circle Reyesport, MO 30297', 'seller_tax_id': '929-98-4501', 'client_tax_id': '961-79-9117', 'iban': 'GB28NIDB28600352656717'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Sperry Top-Sider Boys Toddlers Lace Tie Boat Shoes Brown 13M', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '37,69', 'item_net_worth': '37,69', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '41,46'}, {'item_desc': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '64,16', 'item_net_worth': '320,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '352,88'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$358,49', 'total_vat': '$35,85', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 394,34'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 37020779', 'Date of issue:', '12/23/2019', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Duke, Levy and Arnold', 'Jenkins-Lewis', '8058 Ross Alley Apt. 327', '166 Sandra Circle', 'Christineburgh, WI 90565', 'Reyesport, MO 30297', 'Tax Id: 929-98-4501', 'Tax Id: 961-79-9117', 'IBAN: GB28NIDB28600352656717', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'Sperry Top-Sider Boys Toddlers', '1,00', 'each', '37,69', '37,69', '10%', '41,46', 'Lace Tie Boat Shoes Brown 13M', 'New', ' Adult Girl Version Hermione', '5,00', '64,16', '320,80', '10%', '2.', 'each', '352,88', 'Granger Cosplay Costume', 'Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '358,49', '35,85', '394,34', 'Total', '$ 35,85', '$ 394,34', '$ 358,49']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 37020779', 0.9971181154251099)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('12/23/2019', 0.9997981190681458)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[210.0, 756.0], [690.0, 756.0], [690.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Duke, Levy and Arnold', 0.9928414225578308)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1540.0, 756.0], [1540.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Jenkins-Lewis', 0.9995056390762329)], [[[203.0, 811.0], [738.0, 807.0], [739.0, 859.0], [203.0, 863.0]], ('8058 Ross Alley Apt. 327', 0.9823334813117981)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1628.0, 811.0], [1628.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('166 Sandra Circle', 0.9998666048049927)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [746.0, 866.0], [746.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Christineburgh, WI 90565', 0.9830000400543213)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1706.0, 866.0], [1706.0, 917.0], [1248.0, 917.0]], ('Reyesport, MO 30297', 0.9904516935348511)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 929-98-4501', 0.9928446412086487)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 961-79-9117', 0.9859867095947266)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [930.0, 1023.0], [930.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB28NIDB28600352656717', 0.9856724143028259)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[354.0, 1396.0], [890.0, 1396.0], [890.0, 1443.0], [354.0, 1443.0]], ('Sperry Top-Sider Boys Toddlers', 0.9974048137664795)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('37,69', 0.9996527433395386)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('37,69', 0.9984706044197083)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('41,46', 0.9990143775939941)], [[[358.0, 1443.0], [897.0, 1443.0], [897.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('Lace Tie Boat Shoes Brown 13M', 0.9750709533691406)], [[[354.0, 1480.0], [436.0, 1480.0], [436.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('New', 0.998950719833374)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [831.0, 1568.0], [830.0, 1615.0], [350.0, 1608.0]], (' Adult Girl Version Hermione', 0.9815458655357361)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('5,00', 0.9983230829238892)], [[[1421.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1421.0, 1615.0]], ('64,16', 0.9995776414871216)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('320,80', 0.9986853003501892)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('352,88', 0.9996914863586426)], [[[362.0, 1615.0], [801.0, 1615.0], [801.0, 1652.0], [362.0, 1652.0]], ('Granger Cosplay Costume', 0.9865585565567017)], [[[362.0, 1655.0], [809.0, 1655.0], [809.0, 1692.0], [362.0, 1692.0]], ('Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', 0.9986315369606018)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9384298920631409)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[1776.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1966.0], [1776.0, 1966.0]], ('VAT', 0.6962001919746399)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998207688331604)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[1458.0, 2002.0], [1591.0, 2002.0], [1591.0, 2054.0], [1458.0, 2054.0]], ('358,49', 0.999234139919281)], [[[1757.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2054.0], [1757.0, 2054.0]], ('35,85', 0.9994238018989563)], [[[2138.0, 2006.0], [2259.0, 2006.0], [2259.0, 2046.0], [2138.0, 2046.0]], ('394,34', 0.9795945286750793)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1713.0, 2094.0], [1868.0, 2094.0], [1868.0, 2145.0], [1713.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 35,85', 0.9953600168228149)], [[[2080.0, 2086.0], [2264.0, 2095.0], [2262.0, 2146.0], [2078.0, 2137.0]], ('$ 394,34', 0.9332014918327332)], [[[1414.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2138.0], [1414.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 358,49', 0.9937415719032288)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '56282973', 'invoice_date': '06/30/2015', 'seller': 'Davis, Orozco and Walsh 238 Regina Harbors Dylanborough, MS 91324', 'client': 'Boyer, Trevino and Hines PSC 8001, Box 1211 APO AP 77071', 'seller_tax_id': '935-74-2338', 'client_tax_id': '980-95-9276', 'iban': 'GB27EQLH201020102392333879'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Yilong 5'x8' Handknotted Silk Area Rug Living Room Black Classic Carpet L38B\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '8000,00', 'item_net_worth': '40 000,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '44 000,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Bohemia Style Round Morocco Area Rug Tassel Carpet Mat Floor Blanket Room Decor', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '46,89', 'item_net_worth': '46,89', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '51,58'}, {'item_desc': \"3D Carpet Mat Printing Home Hallway Door Floor Anti-slip Rug 40'60mm/40-120mm\", 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '11,71', 'item_net_worth': '23,42', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '25,76'}, {'item_desc': 'Cartoon Rabbit Printed Round Carpet Area Rug Children Play Tent Floor Mat Rug', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '177,08', 'item_net_worth': '354,16', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '389,58'}, {'item_desc': \"Wow Floral Medallion Rectangle Area Rug Hand Knotted Wool Silk Carpet (5 x3)'\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '314,99', 'total_net_worth': '1574,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1732,45'}, {'item_desc': 'Feather Pattern Area Rugs Living Room Floor Mat Non-slip Kitchen Carpets Decor', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '13,46', 'item_net_worth': '67,30', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '74,03'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$42066,72', 'total_vat': '$4206,67', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 46273,39'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 56282973', 'Date of issue:', '06/30/2015', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Davis, Orozco and Walsh', 'Boyer, Trevino and Hines', '238 Regina Harbors', 'PSC 8001, Box 1211', 'Dylanborough, MS 91324', 'APO AP 77071', 'Tax Id: 935-74-2338', 'Tax Id: 980-95-9276', 'IBAN: GB27EOLH20102392333879', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Gross', ' worth', '5,00', '8000,00', '40 000,00', '10%', \"Yilong 5'x8'Handknotted Silk\", ' each', '44 000,00', '1', 'Area Rug Living Room Black', 'Classic Carpet L38B', ' Bohemia Style Round Morocco', '46,89', '46,89', '10%', '2.', '1,00', 'each', '51,58', 'Area Rug Tassel Carpet Mat', 'Floor Blanket Room Decor', ' 3D Carpet Mat Printing Home', '2,00', ' each', '11,71', '23,42', '10%', '25,76', '3.', 'Hallway Door Floor Anti-slip Rug.', '40*60mm/40*120mm', '354,16', '10%', 'Cartoon Rabbit Printed Round', '2,00', 'each', '177,08', '389,58', '4', 'Carpet Area Rug Children Play', 'Tent Floor Mat Rug', '314,99', '10%', 'Wow Floral Medallion Rectangle.', '5,00', 'each', '1574,95', '1 732,45', '5', 'Area Rug Hand Knotted Wool', 'Silk Carpet (5 x 3)', 'Feather Pattern Area Rugs', '5,00', 'each', '13,46', '67,30', '10%', '74,03', '6', 'Living Room Floor Mat Non-slip', 'Kitchen Carpets Decor', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '42 066,72', '4 206,67', '46 273,39', 'Total', '$ 4 206,67', '$ 42 066,72', '$ 46 273,39']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 56282973', 0.9987177848815918)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9970148205757141)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/30/2015', 0.9995495676994324)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 657.0], [1430.0, 666.0], [1427.0, 721.0], [1236.0, 712.0]], ('Client:', 0.9934023022651672)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [735.0, 760.0], [735.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Davis, Orozco and Walsh', 0.9996132254600525)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1783.0, 760.0], [1783.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Boyer, Trevino and Hines', 0.9989233016967773)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [632.0, 811.0], [631.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('238 Regina Harbors', 0.9999366402626038)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1676.0, 811.0], [1676.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('PSC 8001, Box 1211', 0.9678919911384583)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [738.0, 866.0], [738.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Dylanborough, MS 91324', 0.995388925075531)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('APO AP 77071', 0.9988499283790588)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 935-74-2338', 0.9918484687805176)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 980-95-9276', 0.9930339455604553)], [[[210.0, 1027.0], [934.0, 1027.0], [934.0, 1063.0], [210.0, 1063.0]], ('IBAN: GB27EOLH20102392333879', 0.9814923405647278)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1580.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1305.0], [1580.0, 1305.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999362230300903)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('8000,00', 0.9674367904663086)], [[[1606.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1606.0, 1436.0]], ('40 000,00', 0.9259455800056458)], [[[1913.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1445.0], [1908.0, 1435.0]], ('10%', 0.9996089935302734)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [849.0, 1400.0], [849.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], (\"Yilong 5'x8'Handknotted Silk\", 0.959647536277771)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[2079.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2079.0, 1436.0]], ('44 000,00', 0.9171470999717712)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [838.0, 1436.0], [838.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Area Rug Living Room Black', 0.9897132515907288)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [698.0, 1476.0], [698.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Classic Carpet L38B', 0.9892536997795105)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [871.0, 1564.0], [871.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], (' Bohemia Style Round Morocco', 0.977205216884613)], [[[1418.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1418.0, 1615.0]], ('46,89', 0.9990730285644531)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('46,89', 0.998923659324646)], [[[1916.0, 1555.0], [2002.0, 1565.0], [1997.0, 1613.0], [1911.0, 1603.0]], ('10%', 0.9949302673339844)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[2149.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2149.0, 1608.0]], ('51,58', 0.9998089671134949)], [[[358.0, 1604.0], [827.0, 1608.0], [827.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('Area Rug Tassel Carpet Mat', 0.9870114922523499)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [797.0, 1655.0], [797.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Floor Blanket Room Decor', 0.9739472270011902)], [[[351.0, 1736.0], [853.0, 1739.0], [853.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1783.0]], (' 3D Carpet Mat Printing Home', 0.9778698682785034)], [[[1004.0, 1739.0], [1108.0, 1739.0], [1108.0, 1787.0], [1004.0, 1787.0]], ('2,00', 0.9946128129959106)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('11,71', 0.9990310668945312)], [[[1672.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1672.0, 1787.0]], ('23,42', 0.9995819926261902)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('25,76', 0.9995853304862976)], [[[258.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [258.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9924343228340149)], [[[355.0, 1779.0], [901.0, 1783.0], [901.0, 1831.0], [354.0, 1827.0]], ('Hallway Door Floor Anti-slip Rug.', 0.9802292585372925)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [731.0, 1827.0], [731.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('40*60mm/40*120mm', 0.9989157319068909)], [[[1650.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1650.0, 1959.0]], ('354,16', 0.999216616153717)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [864.0, 1911.0], [864.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('Cartoon Rabbit Printed Round', 0.9998735189437866)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('2,00', 0.9965135455131531)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1403.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1955.0], [1403.0, 1955.0]], ('177,08', 0.9993850588798523)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('389,58', 0.998934805393219)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[355.0, 1951.0], [871.0, 1955.0], [871.0, 2003.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Carpet Area Rug Children Play', 0.999585747718811)], [[[354.0, 1995.0], [687.0, 1995.0], [687.0, 2043.0], [354.0, 2043.0]], ('Tent Floor Mat Rug', 0.9998833537101746)], [[[1399.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1399.0, 2130.0]], ('314,99', 0.9997801780700684)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2007.0, 2081.0], [2000.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998958706855774)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [897.0, 2083.0], [897.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Wow Floral Medallion Rectangle.', 0.9809730648994446)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('5,00', 0.9923754334449768)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1148.0, 2134.0]], ('each', 0.9719215035438538)], [[[1621.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2127.0], [1621.0, 2127.0]], ('1574,95', 0.9944652318954468)], [[[2093.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2127.0], [2093.0, 2127.0]], ('1 732,45', 0.9515036344528198)], [[[258.0, 2097.0], [281.0, 2097.0], [281.0, 2116.0], [258.0, 2116.0]], ('5', 0.9746652841567993)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [849.0, 2130.0], [849.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Area Rug Hand Knotted Wool', 0.9767184853553772)], [[[351.0, 2159.0], [680.0, 2163.0], [679.0, 2215.0], [351.0, 2211.0]], ('Silk Carpet (5 x 3)', 0.997738778591156)], [[[351.0, 2255.0], [809.0, 2255.0], [809.0, 2302.0], [351.0, 2302.0]], ('Feather Pattern Area Rugs', 0.9998773336410522)], [[[1004.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2302.0], [1004.0, 2302.0]], ('5,00', 0.9917615652084351)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1421.0, 2255.0], [1536.0, 2255.0], [1536.0, 2306.0], [1421.0, 2306.0]], ('13,46', 0.9996811747550964)], [[[1672.0, 2255.0], [1787.0, 2255.0], [1787.0, 2306.0], [1672.0, 2306.0]], ('67,30', 0.9918052554130554)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2149.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2149.0, 2298.0]], ('74,03', 0.9989099502563477)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2291.0], [258.0, 2291.0]], ('6', 0.834687352180481)], [[[354.0, 2298.0], [886.0, 2298.0], [886.0, 2346.0], [354.0, 2346.0]], ('Living Room Floor Mat Non-slip', 0.9899522662162781)], [[[355.0, 2335.0], [731.0, 2339.0], [731.0, 2386.0], [354.0, 2382.0]], ('Kitchen Carpets Decor', 0.9998219013214111)], [[[192.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2532.0], [192.0, 2532.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966851472854614)], [[[956.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2657.0], [956.0, 2657.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994757771492004)], [[[1388.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2649.0], [1388.0, 2649.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9856247305870056)], [[[1780.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2649.0], [1780.0, 2649.0]], ('VAT', 0.8281314373016357)], [[[2027.0, 2609.0], [2259.0, 2609.0], [2259.0, 2649.0], [2027.0, 2649.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999296069145203)], [[[994.0, 2684.0], [1087.0, 2695.0], [1081.0, 2750.0], [988.0, 2739.0]], ('10%', 0.9999327659606934)], [[[1405.0, 2685.0], [1588.0, 2694.0], [1586.0, 2745.0], [1402.0, 2736.0]], ('42 066,72', 0.9990214109420776)], [[[1709.0, 2697.0], [1861.0, 2697.0], [1861.0, 2737.0], [1709.0, 2737.0]], ('4 206,67', 0.9949145913124084)], [[[2082.0, 2697.0], [2259.0, 2697.0], [2259.0, 2737.0], [2082.0, 2737.0]], ('46 273,39', 0.9563336968421936)], [[[746.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2832.0], [746.0, 2832.0]], ('Total', 0.9998723268508911)], [[[1652.0, 2773.0], [1865.0, 2781.0], [1863.0, 2833.0], [1650.0, 2824.0]], ('$ 4 206,67', 0.986289381980896)], [[[1359.0, 2788.0], [1588.0, 2788.0], [1588.0, 2828.0], [1359.0, 2828.0]], ('$ 42 066,72', 0.9980062246322632)], [[[2031.0, 2788.0], [2259.0, 2788.0], [2259.0, 2825.0], [2031.0, 2825.0]], ('$ 46 273,39', 0.9601491689682007)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '74322107', 'invoice_date': '02/02/2016', 'seller': 'Davis-Obrien 736 Derek Station Suite 883 New Laura, WA 77568', 'client': 'Taylor Ltd 213 Thomas Vista East Zacharyshire, WI 95033', 'seller_tax_id': '930-75-0933', 'client_tax_id': '915-98-4870', 'iban': 'GB31YDUN56799610017131'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '100cm Nordic Round Area Rug Abstract Geometric Patterns Non-Slip Floor Carpet', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '30,98', 'item_net_worth': '61,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '68,16'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$61,96', 'total_vat': '$6,20', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 68,16'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 74322107', 'Date of issue:', '02/02/2016', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Davis-Obrien', 'Taylor Ltd', '736 Derek Station Suite 883', '213 Thomas Vista', 'New Laura, WA 77568', 'East Zacharyshire, WI 95033', 'Tax Id: 930-75-0933', 'Tax Id: 915-98-4870', 'IBAN: GB31YDUN56799610017131', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', ' 100cm Nordic Round Area Rug', '2,00', 'each', '30,98', '61,96', '10%', '68,16', 'Abstract Geometric Patterns', 'Non-Slip Floor Carpet.', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '61,96', '68,16', '10%', '6,20', 'Total', '$ 61,96', '$ 6,20', '$ 68,16']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 74322107', 0.9941229820251465)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.998071014881134)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('02/02/2016', 0.9996496438980103)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 752.0], [488.0, 757.0], [487.0, 808.0], [206.0, 804.0]], ('Davis-Obrien', 0.9995782375335693)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1466.0, 756.0], [1466.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Taylor Ltd', 0.9997851252555847)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [805.0, 811.0], [805.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('736 Derek Station Suite 883', 0.999632716178894)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1632.0, 811.0], [1632.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('213 Thomas Vista', 0.9997588396072388)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [676.0, 866.0], [676.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('New Laura, WA 77568', 0.9980506896972656)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1857.0, 866.0], [1857.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('East Zacharyshire, WI 95033', 0.9955955147743225)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 930-75-0933', 0.9827505350112915)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 915-98-4870', 0.990567147731781)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [945.0, 1023.0], [945.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB31YDUN56799610017131', 0.9941888451576233)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9994534850120544)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [879.0, 1396.0], [878.0, 1444.0], [350.0, 1436.0]], (' 100cm Nordic Round Area Rug', 0.9808698296546936)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('30,98', 0.9994339942932129)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('61,96', 0.9997269511222839)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('68,16', 0.9988666772842407)], [[[362.0, 1443.0], [838.0, 1443.0], [838.0, 1480.0], [362.0, 1480.0]], ('Abstract Geometric Patterns', 0.9936827421188354)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [716.0, 1476.0], [716.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Non-Slip Floor Carpet.', 0.9624459743499756)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9932485818862915)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2020.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2020.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998084902763367)], [[[1476.0, 1822.0], [1596.0, 1832.0], [1592.0, 1887.0], [1472.0, 1877.0]], ('61,96', 0.9990564584732056)], [[[2152.0, 1822.0], [2268.0, 1832.0], [2264.0, 1887.0], [2147.0, 1877.0]], ('68,16', 0.9995778799057007)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1780.0, 1834.0], [1864.0, 1834.0], [1864.0, 1878.0], [1780.0, 1878.0]], ('6,20', 0.9783612489700317)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1432.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1432.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 61,96', 0.9602069854736328)], [[[1735.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1970.0], [1735.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 6,20', 0.9465012550354004)], [[[2106.0, 1914.0], [2264.0, 1923.0], [2261.0, 1974.0], [2103.0, 1965.0]], ('$ 68,16', 0.986609935760498)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '38248291', 'invoice_date': '06/18/2012', 'seller': 'Campbell and Sons USNS Smith FPO AP 47156', 'client': 'Weber-Torres 197 Wolf Crest Apt. 619 Adamberg, PA 51821', 'seller_tax_id': '927-75-0773', 'client_tax_id': '979-73-1065', 'iban': 'GB38UEPR54275047173710'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'NEW 6 Pcs Rabbit Wine Opener Set With Accessories Tools Gift Box #A16', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '19,95', 'item_net_worth': '99,75', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '109,73'}, {'item_desc': 'Lolita \"Wine Bouquet\" Hand Painted and Decorated Wine Glass NIB', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '20,00', 'item_net_worth': '80,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '88,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Black Pug wine holder', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '12,95', 'item_net_worth': '12,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '14,24'}, {'item_desc': 'Electric wine opener Automatic bottle opener Red wine Corkscrew', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '25,09', 'item_net_worth': '25,09', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '27,60'}, {'item_desc': 'CORK POPS Black WINE OPENER and Foil Remover', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '8,00', 'item_net_worth': '40,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '44,00'}, {'item_desc': '2 Wine Glasses 8oz 7\" inches tall drinks for two Good condition (fast shipper)', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '5,00', 'item_net_worth': '20,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '22,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 277,79', 'total_vat': '$27,78', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 305,57'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 38248291', 'Date of issue:', '06/18/2012', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Campbell and Sons', 'Weber-Torres', 'USNS Smith', '197 Wolf Crest Apt. 619', 'FPO AP 47156', 'Adamberg, PA 51821', 'Tax Id: 927-75-0773', 'Tax Id: 979-73-1065', 'IBAN:GB38UEPR54275047173710', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', 'NEW 6 Pcs Rabbit Wine Opener', '19,95', '99,75', '10%', '109,73', '1.', '5,00', 'each', 'Set With Accessories Tools Gift', 'Box #A16', '4,00', '20,00', '10%', '2.', 'Lolita \"Wine Bouquet\" Hand', 'each', '80,00', '88,00', 'Painted and Decorated Wine', 'Glass NIB', 'Black Pug wine holder', '1,00', 'each', '12,95', '12,95', '10%', '14,24', '3.', '25,09', '25,09', '10%', '27,60', 'Electric wine opener Automatic', '1,00', '4', 'each', 'bottle opener Red wine', 'Corkscrew', '40,00', '10%', 'CORK POPS Black WINE OPENER', '5,00', 'each', '8,00', '5.', '44,00', 'and Foil Remover', '2 Wine Glasses 8oz 7\" inches', '4,00', '5,00', '20,00', '10%', 'each', '22,00', 'tall drinks for two Good', 'condition (fast shipper)', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '27,78', '305,57', '277,79', 'Total', '$ 277,79', '$ 27,78', '$ 305,57']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 38248291', 0.9522927403450012)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/18/2012', 0.9997270703315735)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [617.0, 756.0], [617.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Campbell and Sons', 0.9982930421829224)], [[[1241.0, 753.0], [1540.0, 757.0], [1539.0, 808.0], [1240.0, 804.0]], ('Weber-Torres', 0.9994271397590637)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [469.0, 811.0], [469.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('USNS Smith', 0.9527359008789062)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1750.0, 811.0], [1750.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('197 Wolf Crest Apt. 619', 0.9730731248855591)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [509.0, 866.0], [509.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('FPO AP 47156', 0.9975071549415588)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1695.0, 866.0], [1695.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Adamberg, PA 51821', 0.9916336536407471)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 927-75-0773', 0.9786092042922974)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 979-73-1065', 0.9884914755821228)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [934.0, 1030.0], [934.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN:GB38UEPR54275047173710', 0.9938126802444458)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1392.0], [886.0, 1396.0], [886.0, 1436.0], [351.0, 1432.0]], ('NEW 6 Pcs Rabbit Wine Opener', 0.9599451422691345)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('19,95', 0.9998607635498047)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('99,75', 0.9994112253189087)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1445.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], ('109,73', 0.9992597699165344)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [879.0, 1436.0], [878.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Set With Accessories Tools Gift', 0.9969738721847534)], [[[358.0, 1480.0], [532.0, 1480.0], [532.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('Box #A16', 0.9955648183822632)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('4,00', 0.9987471103668213)], [[[1421.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1611.0], [1421.0, 1611.0]], ('20,00', 0.9989764094352722)], [[[1917.0, 1552.0], [2007.0, 1562.0], [2000.0, 1617.0], [1910.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.8484935164451599)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[354.0, 1564.0], [831.0, 1564.0], [831.0, 1611.0], [354.0, 1611.0]], ('Lolita \"Wine Bouquet\" Hand', 0.985201895236969)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('80,00', 0.9981058239936829)], [[[2152.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1611.0], [2152.0, 1611.0]], ('88,00', 0.9986276626586914)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [842.0, 1608.0], [842.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Painted and Decorated Wine', 0.9962098002433777)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [521.0, 1655.0], [521.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Glass NIB', 0.9851338863372803)], [[[354.0, 1739.0], [731.0, 1739.0], [731.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1787.0]], ('Black Pug wine holder', 0.9960583448410034)], [[[1004.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1004.0, 1783.0]], ('1,00', 0.9923063516616821)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1787.0], [1152.0, 1787.0]], ('each', 0.9987030029296875)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('12,95', 0.9998832941055298)], [[[1672.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1787.0], [1672.0, 1787.0]], ('12,95', 0.999691367149353)], [[[1909.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1791.0], [1909.0, 1791.0]], ('10%', 0.9998900294303894)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2259.0, 1736.0], [2259.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('14,24', 0.9976152181625366)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[1421.0, 1823.0], [1532.0, 1823.0], [1532.0, 1878.0], [1421.0, 1878.0]], ('25,09', 0.9995497465133667)], [[[1676.0, 1815.0], [1785.0, 1825.0], [1780.0, 1880.0], [1671.0, 1869.0]], ('25,09', 0.9988157153129578)], [[[1912.0, 1823.0], [2005.0, 1823.0], [2005.0, 1878.0], [1912.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9999478459358215)], [[[2145.0, 1815.0], [2257.0, 1825.0], [2252.0, 1880.0], [2140.0, 1869.0]], ('27,60', 0.9922600984573364)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [886.0, 1827.0], [886.0, 1875.0], [358.0, 1875.0]], ('Electric wine opener Automatic', 0.9960652589797974)], [[[1008.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1008.0, 1871.0]], ('1,00', 0.999497652053833)], [[[258.0, 1838.0], [277.0, 1838.0], [277.0, 1864.0], [258.0, 1864.0]], ('4', 0.9994696974754333)], [[[1152.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1875.0], [1152.0, 1875.0]], ('each', 0.999234139919281)], [[[358.0, 1871.0], [749.0, 1871.0], [749.0, 1907.0], [358.0, 1907.0]], ('bottle opener Red wine', 0.9914056658744812)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [539.0, 1918.0], [539.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('Corkscrew', 0.9986634850502014)], [[[1676.0, 1995.0], [1787.0, 1995.0], [1787.0, 2046.0], [1676.0, 2046.0]], ('40,00', 0.9969354867935181)], [[[1913.0, 1987.0], [2007.0, 1997.0], [2000.0, 2052.0], [1907.0, 2041.0]], ('10%', 0.9998052716255188)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [905.0, 1999.0], [905.0, 2046.0], [354.0, 2046.0]], ('CORK POPS Black WINE OPENER', 0.9519232511520386)], [[[1004.0, 1999.0], [1093.0, 1999.0], [1093.0, 2043.0], [1004.0, 2043.0]], ('5,00', 0.9776243567466736)], [[[1152.0, 2002.0], [1248.0, 2002.0], [1248.0, 2046.0], [1152.0, 2046.0]], ('each', 0.9985963702201843)], [[[1444.0, 1999.0], [1528.0, 1999.0], [1528.0, 2043.0], [1444.0, 2043.0]], ('8,00', 0.9849758744239807)], [[[251.0, 2010.0], [284.0, 2010.0], [284.0, 2039.0], [251.0, 2039.0]], ('5.', 0.9926357269287109)], [[[2152.0, 2002.0], [2256.0, 2002.0], [2256.0, 2043.0], [2152.0, 2043.0]], ('44,00', 0.9879385828971863)], [[[358.0, 2046.0], [653.0, 2046.0], [653.0, 2083.0], [358.0, 2083.0]], ('and Foil Remover', 0.9780206680297852)], [[[351.0, 2127.0], [853.0, 2130.0], [853.0, 2178.0], [351.0, 2174.0]], ('2 Wine Glasses 8oz 7\" inches', 0.993161141872406)], [[[1008.0, 2130.0], [1097.0, 2130.0], [1097.0, 2174.0], [1008.0, 2174.0]], ('4,00', 0.9958175420761108)], [[[1440.0, 2130.0], [1528.0, 2130.0], [1528.0, 2174.0], [1440.0, 2174.0]], ('5,00', 0.9913931488990784)], [[[1672.0, 2127.0], [1787.0, 2127.0], [1787.0, 2178.0], [1672.0, 2178.0]], ('20,00', 0.9994727373123169)], [[[1909.0, 2121.0], [2007.0, 2132.0], [2001.0, 2183.0], [1903.0, 2172.0]], ('10%', 0.9999098181724548)], [[[1152.0, 2134.0], [1244.0, 2134.0], [1244.0, 2178.0], [1152.0, 2178.0]], ('each', 0.9989843964576721)], [[[2145.0, 2127.0], [2259.0, 2127.0], [2259.0, 2178.0], [2145.0, 2178.0]], ('22,00', 0.9992504119873047)], [[[358.0, 2178.0], [749.0, 2178.0], [749.0, 2214.0], [358.0, 2214.0]], ('tall drinks for two Good', 0.9984636306762695)], [[[358.0, 2222.0], [749.0, 2222.0], [749.0, 2258.0], [358.0, 2258.0]], ('condition (fast shipper)', 0.9922201037406921)], [[[192.0, 2357.0], [491.0, 2357.0], [491.0, 2404.0], [192.0, 2404.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9946106672286987)], [[[960.0, 2478.0], [1122.0, 2478.0], [1122.0, 2529.0], [960.0, 2529.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9720826745033264)], [[[1392.0, 2481.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1588.0, 2521.0], [1392.0, 2521.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999414086341858)], [[[1780.0, 2481.0], [1868.0, 2481.0], [1868.0, 2525.0], [1780.0, 2525.0]], ('VAT', 0.8294246792793274)], [[[2031.0, 2485.0], [2259.0, 2485.0], [2259.0, 2521.0], [2031.0, 2521.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998587965965271)], [[[994.0, 2560.0], [1087.0, 2571.0], [1081.0, 2622.0], [988.0, 2611.0]], ('10%', 0.9997633099555969)], [[[1754.0, 2569.0], [1868.0, 2569.0], [1868.0, 2620.0], [1754.0, 2620.0]], ('27,78', 0.9996227025985718)], [[[2129.0, 2560.0], [2268.0, 2570.0], [2264.0, 2621.0], [2125.0, 2612.0]], ('305,57', 0.9996054768562317)], [[[1462.0, 2573.0], [1588.0, 2573.0], [1588.0, 2613.0], [1462.0, 2613.0]], ('277,79', 0.9764866828918457)], [[[749.0, 2660.0], [853.0, 2660.0], [853.0, 2700.0], [749.0, 2700.0]], ('Total', 0.9998241662979126)], [[[1410.0, 2657.0], [1588.0, 2657.0], [1588.0, 2708.0], [1410.0, 2708.0]], ('$ 277,79', 0.9990664720535278)], [[[1713.0, 2657.0], [1868.0, 2657.0], [1868.0, 2708.0], [1713.0, 2708.0]], ('$ 27,78', 0.9682983160018921)], [[[2086.0, 2660.0], [2256.0, 2660.0], [2256.0, 2700.0], [2086.0, 2700.0]], ('$ 305,57', 0.9374622702598572)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '93281048', 'invoice_date': '11/27/2017', 'seller': 'Reilly, Hicks and Hughes 0413 Joe Ford Goodwinchester, AZ 52058', 'client': 'Benson, Medina and Hamilton 46561 Charles Groves Blackmouth, ME 72341', 'seller_tax_id': '955-92-1246', 'client_tax_id': '912-87-0223', 'iban': 'GB81DFM/63938748923911'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Vintage Art from India Marble Dinning Table Top Round Hallway Table 50 Inches', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '3000,00', 'item_net_worth': '9000,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '9900,00'}, {'item_desc': '12\" Marble Side Coffee Table Top Multi Stone Floral Inlay Occasional Decor W260', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '259,77', 'item_net_worth': '259,77', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '285,75'}, {'item_desc': \"7'x4' Buy Marble Dining Table With Black Top Marquetry Inlay Hallway Decor E944\", 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '14 721,08', 'item_net_worth': '29442,16', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '32 386,38'}, {'item_desc': 'Real Madrid Inflatable Chair (SG16136)', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '43,95', 'item_net_worth': '87,90', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '96,69'}], 'summary': {'total_vat': '$3878,98', 'total_gross_worth': '$42668,81'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 93281048', 'Date of issue:', '11/27/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Reilly, Hicks and Hughes.', 'Benson, Medina and Hamilton', '0413 Joe Ford', '46561 Charles Groves', 'Goodwinchester, AZ 52058', 'Blackmouth, ME 72341', 'Tax Id: 955-92-1246', 'Tax Id: 912-87-0223', 'IBAN: GB81DFMJ63938748923911', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', '9 900,00', 'Vintage Art from India Marble', '3,00', ' each', '3000,00', '9000,00', 'Dinning Table Top Round', 'Hallway Table 50 Inches', '12\" Marble Side Coffee Table', '1,00', 'each', '259,77', '259,77', '10%', '2.', '285,75', 'Top Multi Stone Floral Inlay', 'Occasional Decor W260', \"7'x4' Buy Marble Dining Table\", '2,00', '14 721,08', '29 442,16', 'each', '10%', '32 386,38', '3.', 'With Black Top Marquetry Inlay', 'Hallway Decor E944', '43,95', '10%', 'Real Madrid Inflatable Chair', '2,00', 'each', '87,90', '96,69', '4', '(SG16136)', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '38789,83', '3878,98', '42668,81', 'Total', '$38 789,83', '$3878,98', '$ 42 668,81']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 93281048', 0.9750636219978333)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('11/27/2017', 0.999761700630188)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [731.0, 757.0], [731.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Reilly, Hicks and Hughes.', 0.9851183891296387)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1879.0, 760.0], [1879.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Benson, Medina and Hamilton', 0.973495602607727)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [509.0, 811.0], [509.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('0413 Joe Ford', 0.9719114899635315)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1721.0, 811.0], [1720.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('46561 Charles Groves', 0.9985765218734741)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [783.0, 866.0], [783.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Goodwinchester, AZ 52058', 0.9979413151741028)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1732.0, 866.0], [1732.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Blackmouth, ME 72341', 0.9977149963378906)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 955-92-1246', 0.9885944724082947)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 912-87-0223', 0.9913508892059326)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [930.0, 1023.0], [930.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB81DFMJ63938748923911', 0.9911062121391296)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1580.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1305.0], [1580.0, 1305.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999362230300903)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[2092.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2254.0, 1444.0], [2089.0, 1435.0]], ('9 900,00', 0.9990003108978271)], [[[354.0, 1396.0], [860.0, 1396.0], [860.0, 1443.0], [354.0, 1443.0]], ('Vintage Art from India Marble', 0.9995002746582031)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('3000,00', 0.9689932465553284)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('9000,00', 0.9759954214096069)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [786.0, 1436.0], [786.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Dinning Table Top Round', 0.999940037727356)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [772.0, 1476.0], [772.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Hallway Table 50 Inches', 0.9988547563552856)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [849.0, 1568.0], [849.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('12\" Marble Side Coffee Table', 0.980396568775177)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1399.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1399.0, 1615.0]], ('259,77', 0.9994174838066101)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('259,77', 0.999661922454834)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[2127.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1615.0], [2127.0, 1615.0]], ('285,75', 0.9983718991279602)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [820.0, 1608.0], [819.0, 1659.0], [351.0, 1655.0]], ('Top Multi Stone Floral Inlay', 0.9922308325767517)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [761.0, 1655.0], [761.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Occasional Decor W260', 0.9770215153694153)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [860.0, 1743.0], [860.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1779.0]], (\"7'x4' Buy Marble Dining Table\", 0.9688402414321899)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9794178009033203)], [[[1345.0, 1731.0], [1533.0, 1740.0], [1531.0, 1791.0], [1343.0, 1782.0]], ('14 721,08', 0.994181215763092)], [[[1600.0, 1731.0], [1784.0, 1740.0], [1782.0, 1791.0], [1598.0, 1782.0]], ('29 442,16', 0.9990217685699463)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1743.0], [1248.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9984513521194458)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2075.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2075.0, 1787.0]], ('32 386,38', 0.9992539286613464)], [[[258.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [258.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9924343228340149)], [[[351.0, 1776.0], [886.0, 1783.0], [886.0, 1831.0], [350.0, 1823.0]], ('With Black Top Marquetry Inlay', 0.9986239075660706)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [701.0, 1827.0], [701.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Hallway Decor E944', 0.9826647639274597)], [[[1421.0, 1899.0], [1534.0, 1909.0], [1529.0, 1964.0], [1416.0, 1954.0]], ('43,95', 0.9997599720954895)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [827.0, 1911.0], [827.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('Real Madrid Inflatable Chair', 0.9996994137763977)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('2,00', 0.9965135455131531)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1676.0, 1915.0], [1783.0, 1915.0], [1783.0, 1955.0], [1676.0, 1955.0]], ('87,90', 0.9909427762031555)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('96,69', 0.9993547201156616)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9862528443336487)], [[[354.0, 1959.0], [543.0, 1959.0], [543.0, 1995.0], [354.0, 1995.0]], ('(SG16136)', 0.998225212097168)], [[[192.0, 2094.0], [491.0, 2094.0], [491.0, 2145.0], [192.0, 2145.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966713786125183)], [[[956.0, 2218.0], [1122.0, 2218.0], [1122.0, 2269.0], [956.0, 2269.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993457794189453)], [[[1388.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1388.0, 2262.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9923312067985535)], [[[1779.0, 2213.0], [1870.0, 2223.0], [1865.0, 2267.0], [1774.0, 2257.0]], ('VAT', 0.7852255702018738)], [[[2027.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2262.0], [2027.0, 2262.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999037384986877)], [[[997.0, 2309.0], [1082.0, 2309.0], [1082.0, 2353.0], [997.0, 2353.0]], ('10%', 0.9998807907104492)], [[[1410.0, 2309.0], [1588.0, 2309.0], [1588.0, 2350.0], [1410.0, 2350.0]], ('38789,83', 0.9650355577468872)], [[[1709.0, 2309.0], [1864.0, 2309.0], [1864.0, 2350.0], [1709.0, 2350.0]], ('3878,98', 0.9751976728439331)], [[[2082.0, 2309.0], [2259.0, 2309.0], [2259.0, 2350.0], [2082.0, 2350.0]], ('42668,81', 0.9722000360488892)], [[[746.0, 2393.0], [857.0, 2393.0], [857.0, 2445.0], [746.0, 2445.0]], ('Total', 0.9998254776000977)], [[[1351.0, 2393.0], [1584.0, 2393.0], [1584.0, 2434.0], [1351.0, 2434.0]], ('$38 789,83', 0.9526864290237427)], [[[1658.0, 2401.0], [1861.0, 2401.0], [1861.0, 2437.0], [1658.0, 2437.0]], ('$3878,98', 0.9945617914199829)], [[[2034.0, 2401.0], [2256.0, 2401.0], [2256.0, 2441.0], [2034.0, 2441.0]], ('$ 42 668,81', 0.9991375207901001)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '34287467', 'invoice_date': '06/21/2017', 'seller': 'Rowe, Payne and Stewart 4935 Hughes Dale Cordovafort, MS 61728', 'client': 'Daniel LLC 2281 Nguyen Estate Suite 364 Morganside, PA 47744', 'seller_tax_id': '929-73-8985', 'client_tax_id': '926-73-7789', 'iban': 'GB83MGVR77768021068036'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Sexy Lingerie Lace Dress Babydoll Women's Underwear Nightwear Sleepwear G-string\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '5,19', 'total_net_worth': '20,76', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '22,84'}, {'item_desc': 'MARC JACOBS IVORY COTTON SHORT SLEEVE BEIGE SILK OVERLAY DRESS SMALL', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '15,99', 'total_net_worth': '31,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '35,18'}, {'item_desc': 'J.Crew Collection Black & White sweater Dress SZ S', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '30,00', 'item_net_worth': '150,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '165,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 202,74', 'total_vat': '$20,27', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 223,01'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 34287467', 'Date of issue:', '06/21/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Rowe, Payne and Stewart', 'Daniel LLC', '4935 Hughes Dale', '2281 Nguyen Estate Suite 364', 'Cordovafort, MS 61728', 'Morganside, PA 47744', 'Tax Id: 929-73-8985', 'Tax Id: 926-73-7789', 'IBAN: GB83MGVR77768021068036', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '20,76', '10%', 'Sexy Lingerie Lace Dress', '4,00', 'each', '5,19', '22,84', '1', \"Babydoll Women's Underwear\", ' Nightwear Sleepwear G-string', '15,99', '31,98', '10%', '35,18', '2.', ' MARC JACOBS IVORY COTTON', '2,00', 'each', 'SHORT SLEEVE BEIGE SILK', 'OVERLAY DRESS SMALL', 'J.Crew Collection Black & White', '5,00', 'each', '30,00', '150,00', '10%', '165,00', '3.', 'sweater Dress sz S', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '202,74', '20,27', '223,01', 'Total', '$ 202,74', '$ 20,27', '$ 223,01']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 34287467', 0.9994547963142395)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9986659288406372)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/21/2017', 0.9998518824577332)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [753.0, 760.0], [753.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Rowe, Payne and Stewart', 0.9797186851501465)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Daniel LLC', 0.9625280499458313)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [602.0, 811.0], [601.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('4935 Hughes Dale', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1890.0, 811.0], [1890.0, 862.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('2281 Nguyen Estate Suite 364', 0.9986095428466797)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [698.0, 866.0], [698.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Cordovafort, MS 61728', 0.9802358746528625)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1724.0, 866.0], [1724.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Morganside, PA 47744', 0.982138991355896)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 929-73-8985', 0.9923747181892395)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 926-73-7789', 0.9818245768547058)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [953.0, 1023.0], [953.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB83MGVR77768021068036', 0.9838762879371643)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('20,76', 0.9955906867980957)], [[[1913.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1907.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998712539672852)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [783.0, 1400.0], [783.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Sexy Lingerie Lace Dress', 0.9759466648101807)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9974542856216431)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('5,19', 0.9970057606697083)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('22,84', 0.998479962348938)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [860.0, 1436.0], [860.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], (\"Babydoll Women's Underwear\", 0.9810992479324341)], [[[351.0, 1472.0], [864.0, 1480.0], [863.0, 1528.0], [350.0, 1520.0]], (' Nightwear Sleepwear G-string', 0.9878625273704529)], [[[1425.0, 1555.0], [1534.0, 1566.0], [1529.0, 1620.0], [1420.0, 1610.0]], ('15,99', 0.9993802905082703)], [[[1676.0, 1555.0], [1788.0, 1565.0], [1783.0, 1620.0], [1671.0, 1610.0]], ('31,98', 0.9998399615287781)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[2149.0, 1552.0], [2257.0, 1562.0], [2252.0, 1617.0], [2143.0, 1606.0]], ('35,18', 0.9994277954101562)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[351.0, 1564.0], [860.0, 1571.0], [860.0, 1608.0], [351.0, 1600.0]], (' MARC JACOBS IVORY COTTON', 0.9766919016838074)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[358.0, 1608.0], [809.0, 1608.0], [809.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1655.0]], ('SHORT SLEEVE BEIGE SILK', 0.9988267421722412)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [761.0, 1655.0], [761.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('OVERLAY DRESS SMALL', 0.9959308505058289)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [886.0, 1743.0], [886.0, 1783.0], [351.0, 1779.0]], ('J.Crew Collection Black & White', 0.9827263355255127)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('5,00', 0.9923754334449768)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('30,00', 0.9982278943061829)], [[[1654.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1654.0, 1787.0]], ('150,00', 0.9992027282714844)], [[[1912.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1791.0], [1912.0, 1791.0]], ('10%', 0.9999089241027832)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('165,00', 0.999736487865448)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [679.0, 1787.0], [679.0, 1823.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('sweater Dress sz S', 0.9977707266807556)], [[[192.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1973.0], [192.0, 1973.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9968956112861633)], [[[955.0, 2034.0], [1123.0, 2044.0], [1120.0, 2098.0], [952.0, 2089.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9985150694847107)], [[[1388.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1388.0, 2090.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9551628828048706)], [[[1776.0, 2043.0], [1872.0, 2043.0], [1872.0, 2097.0], [1776.0, 2097.0]], ('VAT', 0.7454676032066345)], [[[2027.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2090.0], [2027.0, 2090.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9996811151504517)], [[[993.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2185.0], [993.0, 2185.0]], ('10%', 0.9230511784553528)], [[[1458.0, 2130.0], [1591.0, 2130.0], [1591.0, 2182.0], [1458.0, 2182.0]], ('202,74', 0.9998136162757874)], [[[1757.0, 2125.0], [1870.0, 2136.0], [1865.0, 2190.0], [1752.0, 2180.0]], ('20,27', 0.9982975125312805)], [[[2129.0, 2126.0], [2264.0, 2135.0], [2261.0, 2186.0], [2125.0, 2177.0]], ('223,01', 0.9985256195068359)], [[[746.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2273.0], [746.0, 2273.0]], ('Total', 0.9998760223388672)], [[[1414.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2273.0], [1414.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 202,74', 0.9913136959075928)], [[[1713.0, 2222.0], [1864.0, 2222.0], [1864.0, 2273.0], [1713.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 20,27', 0.9874985814094543)], [[[2082.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2273.0], [2082.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 223,01', 0.9990066289901733)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '75106829', 'invoice_date': '09/03/2011', 'seller': 'Young, Gonzalez and Russell 95753 Sims Pike Apt. 538 Carloschester, DC 24903', 'client': 'Adams, Garza and Lynch 21585 Allison Locks Perezchester, RI 36940', 'seller_tax_id': '992-86-2258', 'client_tax_id': '974-81-1711', 'iban': 'GB59ULSR65276761398847'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'PUMA Boys Youth Universal FG JrSoccer Cleats 2.5 White High Red NEW Futbol', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '19,99', 'item_net_worth': '59,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '65,97'}, {'item_desc': \"Roper Boys' American Patriot Boot Square Toe Sz 4 Big Kids Flag Red White Blue\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '49,00', 'item_net_worth': '196,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '215,60'}, {'item_desc': 'Timberland brown slip on shoes size 4.5 juniors', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '2,00', 'item_net_worth': '6,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '6,60'}, {'item_desc': \"Skechers Kids' Snap Sprints Sneaker Size 4 Blue/Black 975461\", 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '29,99', 'item_net_worth': '59,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '65,98'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$321,95', 'total_vat': '$32,20', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 354,15'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 75106829', 'Date of issue:', '09/03/2011', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Young, Gonzalez and Russell', 'Adams, Garza and Lynch.', '95753 Sims Pike Apt. 538', '21585 Allison Locks', 'Carloschester, DC 24903', 'Perezchester, RI 36940', 'Tax Id: 992-86-2258', 'Tax Id: 974-81-1711', 'IBAN: GB59ULSR65276761398847', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', ' PUMA Boys Youth Universal FG', '3,00', '19,99', '59,97', '10%', 'each', '65,97', '1', 'Jr Soccer Cleats 2.5 White High.', 'Red NEW Futbol', '4,00', 'each', '49,00', '196,00', '10%', '2.', \"Roper Boys' American Patriot\", '215,60', 'Boot Square Toe Sz 4 Big Kids', 'Flag Red White Blue', 'Timberland brown slip on shoes', '3,00', 'each', '2,00', '6,00', '10%', '6,60', '3.', 'size 4.5 juniors', '2,00', \"Skechers Kids' Snap Sprints\", 'each', '29,99', '59,98', '10%', '65,98', '4', 'Sneaker Size 4 Blue/Black', '975461', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '321,95', '32,20', '354,15', 'Total', '$ 321,95', '$ 32,20', '$ 354,15']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 75106829', 0.9993705749511719)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9883247017860413)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('09/03/2011', 0.9996722340583801)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [816.0, 760.0], [816.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Young, Gonzalez and Russell', 0.9915252327919006)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1772.0, 760.0], [1772.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Adams, Garza and Lynch.', 0.9777628183364868)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [753.0, 811.0], [753.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('95753 Sims Pike Apt. 538', 0.9989551901817322)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1669.0, 811.0], [1668.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('21585 Allison Locks', 0.9884106516838074)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [735.0, 866.0], [735.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Carloschester, DC 24903', 0.9834010004997253)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1739.0, 866.0], [1739.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Perezchester, RI 36940', 0.9969967007637024)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 992-86-2258', 0.9888564944267273)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 974-81-1711', 0.9816843271255493)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB59ULSR65276761398847', 0.9776539206504822)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [875.0, 1392.0], [875.0, 1440.0], [351.0, 1436.0]], (' PUMA Boys Youth Universal FG', 0.9922669529914856)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('19,99', 0.9998483657836914)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1783.0, 1392.0], [1783.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('59,97', 0.9997905492782593)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1445.0], [1911.0, 1435.0]], ('10%', 0.9991626739501953)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2152.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2152.0, 1443.0]], ('65,97', 0.9994972348213196)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [879.0, 1436.0], [879.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Jr Soccer Cleats 2.5 White High.', 0.9581291079521179)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [635.0, 1480.0], [635.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('Red NEW Futbol', 0.9729025959968567)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('4,00', 0.9987471103668213)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1421.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1421.0, 1615.0]], ('49,00', 0.9992685317993164)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('196,00', 0.9992793202400208)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [849.0, 1571.0], [849.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], (\"Roper Boys' American Patriot\", 0.9890393614768982)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('215,60', 0.9994487166404724)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [864.0, 1608.0], [864.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Boot Square Toe Sz 4 Big Kids', 0.9995138049125671)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [701.0, 1655.0], [701.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Flag Red White Blue', 0.9735653400421143)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [890.0, 1743.0], [890.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1779.0]], ('Timberland brown slip on shoes', 0.9983295798301697)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9891558885574341)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1444.0, 1739.0], [1528.0, 1739.0], [1528.0, 1783.0], [1444.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9880729913711548)], [[[1695.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1791.0], [1695.0, 1791.0]], ('6,00', 0.9980978965759277)], [[[1912.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1791.0], [1912.0, 1791.0]], ('10%', 0.9999089241027832)], [[[2167.0, 1736.0], [2259.0, 1736.0], [2259.0, 1791.0], [2167.0, 1791.0]], ('6,60', 0.9984127879142761)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [613.0, 1787.0], [613.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('size 4.5 juniors', 0.9975348114967346)], [[[1008.0, 1862.0], [1094.0, 1872.0], [1089.0, 1916.0], [1003.0, 1906.0]], ('2,00', 0.999600887298584)], [[[354.0, 1875.0], [823.0, 1875.0], [823.0, 1911.0], [354.0, 1911.0]], (\"Skechers Kids' Snap Sprints\", 0.9899170398712158)], [[[1152.0, 1875.0], [1248.0, 1875.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9982025623321533)], [[[1418.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1918.0], [1418.0, 1918.0]], ('29,99', 0.9995773434638977)], [[[1672.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1918.0], [1672.0, 1918.0]], ('59,98', 0.9995934367179871)], [[[1912.0, 1871.0], [2001.0, 1871.0], [2001.0, 1915.0], [1912.0, 1915.0]], ('10%', 0.9995101094245911)], [[[2145.0, 1867.0], [2259.0, 1867.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2145.0, 1918.0]], ('65,98', 0.999561607837677)], [[[258.0, 1882.0], [281.0, 1882.0], [281.0, 1900.0], [258.0, 1900.0]], ('4', 0.9913369417190552)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [797.0, 1918.0], [797.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('Sneaker Size 4 Blue/Black', 0.9774525165557861)], [[[358.0, 1955.0], [480.0, 1955.0], [480.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('975461', 0.9696007370948792)], [[[192.0, 2094.0], [491.0, 2094.0], [491.0, 2145.0], [192.0, 2145.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966713786125183)], [[[956.0, 2218.0], [1122.0, 2218.0], [1122.0, 2269.0], [956.0, 2269.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993457794189453)], [[[1388.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2222.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1388.0, 2262.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9923312067985535)], [[[1775.0, 2213.0], [1870.0, 2223.0], [1865.0, 2267.0], [1771.0, 2257.0]], ('VAT', 0.672061026096344)], [[[2027.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2262.0], [2027.0, 2262.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999037384986877)], [[[997.0, 2309.0], [1082.0, 2309.0], [1082.0, 2353.0], [997.0, 2353.0]], ('10%', 0.9998807907104492)], [[[1458.0, 2306.0], [1591.0, 2306.0], [1591.0, 2357.0], [1458.0, 2357.0]], ('321,95', 0.9998435378074646)], [[[1757.0, 2306.0], [1868.0, 2306.0], [1868.0, 2357.0], [1757.0, 2357.0]], ('32,20', 0.9991768598556519)], [[[2134.0, 2306.0], [2267.0, 2306.0], [2267.0, 2357.0], [2134.0, 2357.0]], ('354,15', 0.9997822642326355)], [[[746.0, 2393.0], [857.0, 2393.0], [857.0, 2445.0], [746.0, 2445.0]], ('Total', 0.9998254776000977)], [[[1410.0, 2393.0], [1591.0, 2393.0], [1591.0, 2445.0], [1410.0, 2445.0]], ('$ 321,95', 0.9980934858322144)], [[[1709.0, 2393.0], [1868.0, 2393.0], [1868.0, 2445.0], [1709.0, 2445.0]], ('$ 32,20', 0.9930210113525391)], [[[2080.0, 2385.0], [2264.0, 2394.0], [2262.0, 2445.0], [2078.0, 2437.0]], ('$ 354,15', 0.9175398945808411)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '23706524', 'invoice_date': '12/15/2013', 'seller': 'Carter, Boyer and Ware 753 Brown Drive Suite 298 Lake Holly, CT 91196', 'client': 'Walker LLC 44433 Anderson Squares New Paulaborough, TX 39203', 'seller_tax_id': '926-95-0135', 'client_tax_id': '993-95-1050', 'iban': 'GB41MPXW99737930260584'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Imitation Wool Carpet Rugs Koala Panda Plush Living Room Blankets Non Slip Decor', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '26,11', 'item_net_worth': '78,33', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '86,16'}, {'item_desc': 'Geometry Hippie Non-slip Area Rugs Kitchen Rug Floor Mat LivingRoom Carpet Decor', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '13,66', 'item_net_worth': '54,64', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '60,10'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$132,97', 'total_vat': '$13,30', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 146,27'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 23706524', 'Date of issue:.', '12/15/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Carter, Boyer and Ware', 'Walker LLC', '753 Brown Drive Suite 298', '44433 Anderson Squares', 'Lake Holly, CT 91196', 'New Paulaborough, TX 39203', 'Tax Id: 926-95-0135', 'Tax Id: 993-95-1050', 'IBAN: GB41MPXW99737930260584', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'Imitation Wool Carpet Rugs', '3,00', 'each', '26,11', '78,33', '10%', '86,16', 'Koala Panda Plush Living Room', 'Blankets Non Slip Decor', 'Geometry Hippie Non-slip Area', '10%', '60,10', '2.', '4,00', 'each', '13,66', '54,64', 'Rugs Kitchen Rug Floor Mat', 'LivingRoom Carpet Decor', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth.', '10%', '132,97', '13,30', '146,27', 'Total', '$ 132,97', '$ 13,30', '$ 146,27']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 23706524', 0.998754620552063)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9817057847976685)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('12/15/2013', 0.9997507333755493)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [709.0, 760.0], [709.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Carter, Boyer and Ware', 0.9864926934242249)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1488.0, 760.0], [1488.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Walker LLC', 0.9961244463920593)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [775.0, 811.0], [775.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('753 Brown Drive Suite 298', 0.9998692870140076)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1783.0, 811.0], [1783.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('44433 Anderson Squares', 0.9982655048370361)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [661.0, 866.0], [661.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Holly, CT 91196', 0.9870657920837402)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1868.0, 866.0], [1868.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Paulaborough, TX 39203', 0.9990682005882263)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 926-95-0135', 0.9908916354179382)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 993-95-1050', 0.9865491986274719)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [956.0, 1023.0], [956.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB41MPXW99737930260584', 0.9947587251663208)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[355.0, 1392.0], [827.0, 1396.0], [827.0, 1444.0], [354.0, 1440.0]], ('Imitation Wool Carpet Rugs', 0.9815645217895508)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('26,11', 0.9996431469917297)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('78,33', 0.9995583295822144)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('86,16', 0.9994203448295593)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1436.0], [886.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Koala Panda Plush Living Room', 0.9997901320457458)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [761.0, 1480.0], [760.0, 1528.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Blankets Non Slip Decor', 0.9851909875869751)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [879.0, 1564.0], [878.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], ('Geometry Hippie Non-slip Area', 0.9954812526702881)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[2149.0, 1555.0], [2257.0, 1566.0], [2252.0, 1620.0], [2143.0, 1610.0]], ('60,10', 0.9987805485725403)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('4,00', 0.9977242946624756)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1429.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1429.0, 1615.0]], ('13,66', 0.9996206164360046)], [[[1680.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1680.0, 1615.0]], ('54,64', 0.9994006156921387)], [[[358.0, 1615.0], [820.0, 1615.0], [820.0, 1652.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('Rugs Kitchen Rug Floor Mat', 0.9995437264442444)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [790.0, 1655.0], [790.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('LivingRoom Carpet Decor', 0.977740466594696)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9853091835975647)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[1776.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1966.0], [1776.0, 1966.0]], ('VAT', 0.6962001919746399)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2256.0, 1918.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth.', 0.9739523530006409)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[1458.0, 2002.0], [1591.0, 2002.0], [1591.0, 2054.0], [1458.0, 2054.0]], ('132,97', 0.9996337890625)], [[[1754.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2054.0], [1754.0, 2054.0]], ('13,30', 0.9989301562309265)], [[[2134.0, 2002.0], [2263.0, 2002.0], [2263.0, 2054.0], [2134.0, 2054.0]], ('146,27', 0.9996383190155029)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1410.0, 2094.0], [1591.0, 2094.0], [1591.0, 2145.0], [1410.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 132,97', 0.9966886043548584)], [[[1713.0, 2094.0], [1868.0, 2094.0], [1868.0, 2145.0], [1713.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 13,30', 0.9324284195899963)], [[[2082.0, 2094.0], [2259.0, 2094.0], [2259.0, 2145.0], [2082.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 146,27', 0.9812735319137573)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '48650328', 'invoice_date': '01/23/2019', 'seller': 'Dunn PLC 26928 Henry Mountain West Joshua, AZ 20100', 'client': 'Steele PLC 9260 Gutierrez Pass New Derek, SC 13007', 'seller_tax_id': '936-83-8123', 'client_tax_id': '967-75-1897', 'iban': 'GB35OAOF63174638622354'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Lenovo C20-00..all in one desktop computer : .with Wireless Mouse..', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '277,64', 'item_net_worth': '1388,20', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1527,02'}, {'item_desc': '10-Core Gaming Computer Desktop PC Tower HDMI 8GB DDR4 R7 Graphic CUSTOM BUILT', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '348,88', 'item_net_worth': '348,88', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '383,77'}, {'item_desc': 'Gaming PC Computer RX 580 8GB Ryzen 5 2x8GB Ram', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '400,00', 'item_net_worth': '400,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '440,00'}, {'item_desc': 'HP Desktop Computer 400 G1 Core i3 3.4GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 19\" LCD Windows 10 PC', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '139,95', 'item_net_worth': '699,75', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '769,73'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$2836,83', 'total_vat': '$ 283,68', 'total_gross_worth': '$3120,51'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 48650328', 'Date of issue:.', '01/23/2019', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Dunn PLC', 'Steele PLC', '26928 Henry Mountain', '9260 Gutierrez Pass', 'West Joshua, AZ 20100', 'New Derek, SC 13007', 'Tax Id: 936-83-8123', 'Tax Id: 967-75-1897', 'IBAN: GB35OAOF63174638622354', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '277,64', '1 527,02', 'Lenovo C20-00...all in one', '5,00', 'each', '1388,20', '10%', '1', 'desktop computer ...with', 'Wireless Mouse.....', '10-Core Gaming Computer', '348,88', '10%', '2.', '1,00', 'each', '348,88', '383,77', 'Desktop PC Tower HDMI 8GB', 'DDR4 R7 Graphic CUSTOM', 'BUILT', '10%', 'Gaming PC Computer RX 580', '1,00', ' each', '3.', '400,00', '400,00', '440,00', '8GB Ryzen 5 2x8GB Ram', 'each', '699,75', '10%', 'HP Desktop Computer 400 G1', '5,00', '139,95', '769,73', '4', 'Core i3 3.4GHz 8GB 256GB SSD', '19\" LCD Windows 10 PC', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth.', '10%', '2 836,83', '283,68', '3 120,51', 'Total', '$ 2 836,83', '$283,68', '$3 120,51']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 48650328', 0.9980722665786743)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.977078378200531)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('01/23/2019', 0.999811053276062)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[210.0, 756.0], [425.0, 756.0], [425.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Dunn PLC', 0.9996888637542725)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Steele PLC', 0.9966419339179993)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [694.0, 811.0], [694.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('26928 Henry Mountain', 0.9999071955680847)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1680.0, 811.0], [1680.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('9260 Gutierrez Pass', 0.9991199970245361)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [698.0, 866.0], [698.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('West Joshua, AZ 20100', 0.9864331483840942)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1709.0, 866.0], [1709.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('New Derek, SC 13007', 0.9972448945045471)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 936-83-8123', 0.9911214113235474)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 967-75-1897', 0.9855228066444397)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB35OAOF63174638622354', 0.9896201491355896)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1396.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1396.0, 1443.0]], ('277,64', 0.9969048500061035)], [[[2092.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2254.0, 1444.0], [2089.0, 1435.0]], ('1 527,02', 0.9782768487930298)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [797.0, 1400.0], [797.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Lenovo C20-00...all in one', 0.9562845230102539)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('1388,20', 0.9508457779884338)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1443.0], [783.0, 1443.0], [783.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('desktop computer ...with', 0.9923240542411804)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [672.0, 1480.0], [672.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('Wireless Mouse.....', 0.9948042035102844)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [809.0, 1568.0], [808.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('10-Core Gaming Computer', 0.9980517029762268)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('348,88', 0.9726174473762512)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1403.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1403.0, 1608.0]], ('348,88', 0.997348964214325)], [[[2127.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1615.0], [2127.0, 1615.0]], ('383,77', 0.9985354542732239)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [849.0, 1608.0], [849.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Desktop PC Tower HDMI 8GB', 0.9882522821426392)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [809.0, 1655.0], [809.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('DDR4 R7 Graphic CUSTOM', 0.9935276508331299)], [[[354.0, 1692.0], [458.0, 1692.0], [458.0, 1732.0], [354.0, 1732.0]], ('BUILT', 0.997157871723175)], [[[1913.0, 1767.0], [2007.0, 1778.0], [2000.0, 1832.0], [1907.0, 1822.0]], ('10%', 0.9998435974121094)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [853.0, 1787.0], [853.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Gaming PC Computer RX 580', 0.9738420844078064)], [[[1004.0, 1780.0], [1097.0, 1780.0], [1097.0, 1823.0], [1004.0, 1823.0]], ('1,00', 0.9924890398979187)], [[[1141.0, 1780.0], [1252.0, 1780.0], [1252.0, 1831.0], [1141.0, 1831.0]], (' each', 0.9462841749191284)], [[[251.0, 1791.0], [284.0, 1791.0], [284.0, 1820.0], [251.0, 1820.0]], ('3.', 0.9942091107368469)], [[[1399.0, 1783.0], [1528.0, 1783.0], [1528.0, 1823.0], [1399.0, 1823.0]], ('400,00', 0.9677281975746155)], [[[1654.0, 1783.0], [1783.0, 1783.0], [1783.0, 1823.0], [1654.0, 1823.0]], ('400,00', 0.978817880153656)], [[[2127.0, 1783.0], [2252.0, 1783.0], [2252.0, 1823.0], [2127.0, 1823.0]], ('440,00', 0.9803196787834167)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [783.0, 1827.0], [783.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('8GB Ryzen 5 2x8GB Ram', 0.9606177806854248)], [[[1151.0, 1906.0], [1249.0, 1916.0], [1245.0, 1960.0], [1147.0, 1950.0]], ('each', 0.9959484934806824)], [[[1654.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1959.0], [1654.0, 1959.0]], ('699,75', 0.9986856579780579)], [[[1913.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1907.0, 1954.0]], ('10%', 0.9998664855957031)], [[[351.0, 1911.0], [864.0, 1911.0], [864.0, 1959.0], [351.0, 1959.0]], ('HP Desktop Computer 400 G1', 0.972571074962616)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('5,00', 0.9935383796691895)], [[[1399.0, 1911.0], [1532.0, 1911.0], [1532.0, 1962.0], [1399.0, 1962.0]], ('139,95', 0.9996953010559082)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('769,73', 0.999028742313385)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [897.0, 1951.0], [897.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Core i3 3.4GHz 8GB 256GB SSD', 0.9776701331138611)], [[[351.0, 1991.0], [764.0, 1995.0], [764.0, 2036.0], [351.0, 2032.0]], ('19\" LCD Windows 10 PC', 0.9730770587921143)], [[[192.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2185.0], [192.0, 2185.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9941832423210144)], [[[956.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2309.0], [956.0, 2309.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1388.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2302.0], [1388.0, 2302.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9808471202850342)], [[[1780.0, 2258.0], [1868.0, 2258.0], [1868.0, 2302.0], [1780.0, 2302.0]], ('VAT', 0.9106342196464539)], [[[2023.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2023.0, 2298.0]], ('Gross worth.', 0.9455637335777283)], [[[994.0, 2337.0], [1087.0, 2348.0], [1081.0, 2402.0], [988.0, 2392.0]], ('10%', 0.9998841881752014)], [[[1423.0, 2338.0], [1596.0, 2347.0], [1593.0, 2398.0], [1420.0, 2389.0]], ('2 836,83', 0.9911552667617798)], [[[1734.0, 2341.0], [1869.0, 2350.0], [1866.0, 2394.0], [1731.0, 2385.0]], ('283,68', 0.9954580664634705)], [[[2095.0, 2341.0], [2264.0, 2350.0], [2261.0, 2402.0], [2092.0, 2393.0]], ('3 120,51', 0.989672064781189)], [[[749.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2481.0], [749.0, 2481.0]], ('Total', 0.9998010396957397)], [[[1381.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1381.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 2 836,83', 0.980816662311554)], [[[1695.0, 2441.0], [1864.0, 2441.0], [1864.0, 2481.0], [1695.0, 2481.0]], ('$283,68', 0.9943890571594238)], [[[2053.0, 2437.0], [2252.0, 2437.0], [2252.0, 2478.0], [2053.0, 2478.0]], ('$3 120,51', 0.9436336159706116)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '43846862', 'invoice_date': '01/10/2017', 'seller': 'Phillips PLC USCGC Harrington FPO AE 01096', 'client': 'Elliott, Moreno and Garcia 085 Schmitt Loaf Apt. 207 Kimberlychester, DE 81788', 'seller_tax_id': '950-85-9169', 'client_tax_id': '941-78-0381', 'iban': 'GB32TDGW94197567592729'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Custom Built Windows 98 Retro Gaming Industrial PC Computer P2 B Montego II 5GB', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '409,99', 'item_net_worth': '409,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '450,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Dell Desktop Computer Tower Optiplex Core i5 8GB 1TB HD DVD Wifi Windows 10 Pro', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '169,95', 'item_net_worth': '679,80', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '747,78'}, {'item_desc': 'Coinmine One Intel or AMD with RX 500 8GB 1TB Series Crypto Mining Rig Computer', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '599,99', 'item_net_worth': '1199,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 319,98'}, {'item_desc': 'Dell Optiplex 7040 SFF PC ComputerIntel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz 4GB RAM 500GB HDD', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '99,99', 'item_net_worth': '499,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '549,95'}, {'item_desc': 'Dell Desktop Computer Intel Core i5 Windows 10 pro 64 250gb 3.1ghz 4gb Ram', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '240,24', 'item_net_worth': '240,24', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '264,26'}, {'item_desc': 'Dell OptiPlex 7060 SFF Computer, 8th Gen Core i5, 8GB DDR4, New 240GB SSD, DVD', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '202,50', 'item_net_worth': '405,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '445,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Gaming PC Desktop Computer RGB Intel i7 GTX 1650, 16GB RAM, 2TB HDD, 240GB SSD', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '689,99', 'item_net_worth': '1379,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 517,98'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$4814,94', 'total_vat': '$ 481,49', 'total_gross_worth': '$5296,43'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 43846862', 'Date of issue:', '01/10/2017', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Phillips PLC', 'Elliott, Moreno and Garcia', 'USCGC Harrington', '085 Schmitt Loaf Apt. 207', 'FPO AE 01096', 'Kimberlychester, DE 81788', 'Tax Id: 950-85-9169', 'Tax Id: 941-78-0381', 'IBAN: GB32TDGW94197567592729', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', '450,99', 'Custom Built Windows 98 Retro', '1,00', ' each', '409,99', '409,99', '1', 'Gaming Industrial PC Computer', 'P2 B Montego II 5GB', 'Dell Desktop Computer Tower', '10%', '2.', '4,00', 'each', '169,95', '679,80', '747,78', 'Optiplex Core i5 8GB 1TB HD', 'DVD Wifi Windows 10 Pro', 'Coinmine One Intel or AMD with', '2,00', ' each', '599,99', '1199,98', '10%', '1 319,98', '3.', 'RX 500 8GB1TB Series Crypto', 'Mining Rig Computer', '99,99', '499,95', '10%', 'Dell Optiplex 7040 SFF PC', '5,00', 'each', '549,95', '4', 'Computer Intel Core i5-6500', '3.2GHz 4GBRAM 500GB HDD', '10%', 'Dell Desktop Computer Intel', '1,00', ' each', '240,24', '240,24', '264,26', 'Core i5 Windows 10 pro 64', '250gb 3.1ghz 4gb Ram', 'Dell OptiPlex 7060 SFF', '2,00', 'each', '202,50', '405,00', '10%', '445,50', '6', 'Computer, 8th Gen Core i5, 8GB', 'DDR4, New 240GB SSD, DVD', '10%', '7.', 'Gaming PC Desktop Computer', '2,00', ' each', '689,99', '1379,98', '1 517,98', 'RGB Intel i7 GTX 1650,16GB', 'RAM,2TB HDD,240GB SSD', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '4814,94', '481,49', '5 296,43', 'Total', '$ 4814,94', '$ 481,49', '$ 5 296,43']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 43846862', 0.9893243908882141)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9994878172874451)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('01/10/2017', 0.9998189210891724)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [454.0, 756.0], [454.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Phillips PLC', 0.9991665482521057)], [[[1244.0, 753.0], [1794.0, 757.0], [1794.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Elliott, Moreno and Garcia', 0.9919529557228088)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [602.0, 811.0], [601.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('USCGC Harrington', 0.9943853616714478)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1798.0, 811.0], [1798.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('085 Schmitt Loaf Apt. 207', 0.9850101470947266)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [513.0, 866.0], [513.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('FPO AE 01096', 0.9916374087333679)], [[[1252.0, 866.0], [1824.0, 866.0], [1824.0, 914.0], [1252.0, 914.0]], ('Kimberlychester, DE 81788', 0.9774230122566223)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 950-85-9169', 0.9951229095458984)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 941-78-0381', 0.9910756945610046)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [953.0, 1030.0], [953.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB32TDGW94197567592729', 0.9789433479309082)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997389316558838)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1444.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('450,99', 0.999215841293335)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1400.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Custom Built Windows 98 Retro', 0.9585571885108948)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1403.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1403.0, 1436.0]], ('409,99', 0.9844164252281189)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('409,99', 0.9741727709770203)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Gaming Industrial PC Computer', 0.9985913634300232)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [705.0, 1476.0], [705.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('P2 B Montego II 5GB', 0.9854598045349121)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [860.0, 1568.0], [860.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('Dell Desktop Computer Tower', 0.9992276430130005)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2010.0, 1566.0], [2005.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9929680228233337)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('4,00', 0.9974629282951355)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1403.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1403.0, 1608.0]], ('169,95', 0.9997394680976868)], [[[1658.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1608.0], [1658.0, 1608.0]], ('679,80', 0.9986554980278015)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('747,78', 0.9993394017219543)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [853.0, 1608.0], [853.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Optiplex Core i5 8GB 1TB HD', 0.9846755266189575)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [790.0, 1655.0], [790.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('DVD Wifi Windows 10 Pro', 0.9776670336723328)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [897.0, 1739.0], [897.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1787.0]], ('Coinmine One Intel or AMD with', 0.9829561114311218)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9873468279838562)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('599,99', 0.999378502368927)], [[[1617.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1617.0, 1787.0]], ('1199,98', 0.9988073110580444)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2090.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2090.0, 1787.0]], ('1 319,98', 0.9511192440986633)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [868.0, 1787.0], [868.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('RX 500 8GB1TB Series Crypto', 0.9943695068359375)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [716.0, 1827.0], [716.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Mining Rig Computer', 0.9749112129211426)], [[[1418.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1418.0, 1959.0]], ('99,99', 0.9993699789047241)], [[[1650.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1650.0, 1959.0]], ('499,95', 0.9990055561065674)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[354.0, 1911.0], [797.0, 1911.0], [797.0, 1959.0], [354.0, 1959.0]], ('Dell Optiplex 7040 SFF PC', 0.976702094078064)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('5,00', 0.9935383796691895)], [[[1148.0, 1915.0], [1252.0, 1915.0], [1252.0, 1962.0], [1148.0, 1962.0]], ('each', 0.9955611824989319)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('549,95', 0.9991790652275085)], [[[249.0, 1931.0], [266.0, 1915.0], [286.0, 1935.0], [270.0, 1951.0]], ('4', 0.7881230115890503)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [842.0, 1951.0], [842.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Computer Intel Core i5-6500', 0.984820544719696)], [[[358.0, 1999.0], [857.0, 1999.0], [857.0, 2035.0], [358.0, 2035.0]], ('3.2GHz 4GBRAM 500GB HDD', 0.9681563973426819)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2010.0, 2081.0], [2004.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998750686645508)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [838.0, 2083.0], [838.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Dell Desktop Computer Intel', 0.999570369720459)], [[[1004.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1004.0, 2127.0]], ('1,00', 0.9923063516616821)], [[[1141.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1141.0, 2134.0]], (' each', 0.9459221959114075)], [[[1399.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2127.0], [1399.0, 2127.0]], ('240,24', 0.9563464522361755)], [[[1654.0, 2087.0], [1783.0, 2087.0], [1783.0, 2127.0], [1654.0, 2127.0]], ('240,24', 0.9535077214241028)], [[[2123.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2123.0, 2130.0]], ('264,26', 0.9993470311164856)], [[[354.0, 2123.0], [816.0, 2123.0], [816.0, 2171.0], [354.0, 2171.0]], ('Core i5 Windows 10 pro 64', 0.9810360074043274)], [[[354.0, 2167.0], [753.0, 2167.0], [753.0, 2214.0], [354.0, 2214.0]], ('250gb 3.1ghz 4gb Ram', 0.9987419843673706)], [[[354.0, 2255.0], [746.0, 2255.0], [746.0, 2302.0], [354.0, 2302.0]], ('Dell OptiPlex 7060 SFF', 0.9594778418540955)], [[[1004.0, 2258.0], [1093.0, 2258.0], [1093.0, 2302.0], [1004.0, 2302.0]], ('2,00', 0.9985496401786804)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1403.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2298.0], [1403.0, 2298.0]], ('202,50', 0.9996619820594788)], [[[1654.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2298.0], [1654.0, 2298.0]], ('405,00', 0.9942707419395447)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2127.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2127.0, 2298.0]], ('445,50', 0.9952804446220398)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2291.0], [258.0, 2291.0]], ('6', 0.834687352180481)], [[[354.0, 2295.0], [905.0, 2295.0], [905.0, 2342.0], [354.0, 2342.0]], ('Computer, 8th Gen Core i5, 8GB', 0.9997554421424866)], [[[355.0, 2335.0], [849.0, 2339.0], [849.0, 2386.0], [354.0, 2382.0]], ('DDR4, New 240GB SSD, DVD', 0.9965226054191589)], [[[1913.0, 2414.0], [2007.0, 2425.0], [2000.0, 2479.0], [1907.0, 2468.0]], ('10%', 0.9996938705444336)], [[[255.0, 2434.0], [284.0, 2434.0], [284.0, 2467.0], [255.0, 2467.0]], ('7.', 0.9798768758773804)], [[[354.0, 2426.0], [871.0, 2426.0], [871.0, 2474.0], [354.0, 2474.0]], ('Gaming PC Desktop Computer', 0.999739944934845)], [[[1008.0, 2430.0], [1093.0, 2430.0], [1093.0, 2470.0], [1008.0, 2470.0]], ('2,00', 0.9907816648483276)], [[[1145.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2478.0], [1145.0, 2478.0]], (' each', 0.913351833820343)], [[[1403.0, 2430.0], [1528.0, 2430.0], [1528.0, 2470.0], [1403.0, 2470.0]], ('689,99', 0.9892945289611816)], [[[1624.0, 2430.0], [1780.0, 2430.0], [1780.0, 2470.0], [1624.0, 2470.0]], ('1379,98', 0.9795321226119995)], [[[2097.0, 2430.0], [2252.0, 2430.0], [2252.0, 2470.0], [2097.0, 2470.0]], ('1 517,98', 0.9514943957328796)], [[[358.0, 2470.0], [849.0, 2470.0], [849.0, 2507.0], [358.0, 2507.0]], ('RGB Intel i7 GTX 1650,16GB', 0.9322423338890076)], [[[354.0, 2518.0], [820.0, 2518.0], [820.0, 2554.0], [354.0, 2554.0]], ('RAM,2TB HDD,240GB SSD', 0.9196091890335083)], [[[192.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2704.0], [192.0, 2704.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963865280151367)], [[[954.0, 2769.0], [1123.0, 2778.0], [1121.0, 2829.0], [952.0, 2820.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9980416893959045)], [[[1388.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2821.0], [1388.0, 2821.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9931485652923584)], [[[1780.0, 2777.0], [1868.0, 2777.0], [1868.0, 2821.0], [1780.0, 2821.0]], ('VAT', 0.9607529044151306)], [[[2027.0, 2781.0], [2259.0, 2781.0], [2259.0, 2821.0], [2027.0, 2821.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9872460961341858)], [[[993.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2916.0], [993.0, 2916.0]], ('10%', 0.9129233360290527)], [[[1429.0, 2869.0], [1588.0, 2869.0], [1588.0, 2909.0], [1429.0, 2909.0]], ('4814,94', 0.9740294218063354)], [[[1735.0, 2861.0], [1868.0, 2861.0], [1868.0, 2912.0], [1735.0, 2912.0]], ('481,49', 0.9991423487663269)], [[[2097.0, 2861.0], [2267.0, 2861.0], [2267.0, 2912.0], [2097.0, 2912.0]], ('5 296,43', 0.9931904077529907)], [[[746.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 3004.0], [746.0, 3004.0]], ('Total', 0.9998736381530762)], [[[1384.0, 2956.0], [1588.0, 2956.0], [1588.0, 2996.0], [1384.0, 2996.0]], ('$ 4814,94', 0.9423859715461731)], [[[1691.0, 2953.0], [1864.0, 2953.0], [1864.0, 3004.0], [1691.0, 3004.0]], ('$ 481,49', 0.9926105737686157)], [[[2053.0, 2953.0], [2263.0, 2953.0], [2263.0, 3004.0], [2053.0, 3004.0]], ('$ 5 296,43', 0.9738736152648926)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '27892893', 'invoice_date': '01/16/2020', 'seller': 'Reeves-Campbel. 547 Linda Motorway Port Alexanderland, VT 83464', 'client': 'Duncan and Sons 33652 Allen Drive Suite 359 New Jose, NC 55061', 'seller_tax_id': '978-86-6798', 'client_tax_id': '985-73-9787', 'iban': 'GB81GHCL17739395393702'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '18\" White Marble Coffee Table Top Carnelian Floral Inlay Art Furniture Gift W541', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '394,64', 'item_net_worth': '1578,56', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1736,42'}, {'item_desc': '48 Inches Marble Coffee Table Top Inlay with Yellow Stone Art Dinette Table Top', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '3400,00', 'item_net_worth': '3400,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '3 740,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Multi Color Stones Inlay Art Coffee Table Top Marble Patio Sofa Table 27 Inches', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '517,50', 'item_net_worth': '1035,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1 138,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Malachite Stone Luxurious Look Coffee Table Top Marble Center Table 27 Inches', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '765,00', 'item_net_worth': '765,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '841,50'}, {'item_desc': \"7'x4' Blue Random Marble Dining Hallway Table Top Lapis Lazuli Inlay Decor E947A\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '8 194,09', 'item_net_worth': '8194,09', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '9013,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Hand Painted Octagonal Moroccan End Table', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '67,00', 'item_net_worth': '201,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '221,10'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 15 173,65', 'total_vat': '$1517,37', 'total_gross_worth': '$16691,02'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 27892893', 'Date of issue:', '01/16/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Reeves-Campbell', 'Duncan and Sons', '547 Linda Motorway', '33652 Allen Drive Suite 359', 'Port Alexanderland, VT 83464', 'New Jose, NC 55061', 'Tax Id: 978-86-6798', 'Tax Id: 985-73-9787', 'IBAN: GB81GHCL17739395393702', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '18\" White Marble Coffee Table', '4,00', ' each', '394,64', '1578,56', '10%', '1736,42', '1', 'Top Carnelian Floral Inlay Art', 'Furniture Gift w541', '48 Inches Marble Coffee Table', '10%', '2.', '1,00', 'each', '3 400,00', '3 400,00', '3 740,00', 'Top Inlay with Yellow Stone Art', 'Dinette Table Top', 'Multi Color Stones Inlay Art', '2,00', ' each', '517,50', '1035,00', '10%', '1 138,50', '3.', 'Coffee Table Top Marble Patio', 'Sofa Table 27 Inches', '10%', ' Malachite Stone Luxurious Look', '1,00', 'each', '765,00', '765,00', '841,50', '4', 'Coffee Table Top Marble Center', 'Table 27 Inches', '10%', \"7'x4' Blue Random Marble\", '9 013,50', '5', '1,00', 'each', '8194,09', '8194,09', ' Dining Hallway Table Top Lapis', 'Lazuli Inlay Decor E947A', 'Hand Painted Octagonal', '3,00', 'each', '67,00', '201,00', '10%', '221,10', 'Moroccan End Table', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '15 173,65', '1 517,37', '16 691,02', '10%', 'Total', '$ 16 691,02', '$ 15 173,65', '$ 1 517,37']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 27892893', 0.9981721043586731)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9976603388786316)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('01/16/2020', 0.9996998906135559)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1430.0, 662.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993919134140015)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [580.0, 760.0], [580.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Reeves-Campbell', 0.9926052093505859)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1621.0, 760.0], [1621.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Duncan and Sons', 0.9995290637016296)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [643.0, 811.0], [642.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('547 Linda Motorway', 0.9997369050979614)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1839.0, 811.0], [1839.0, 859.0], [1252.0, 859.0]], ('33652 Allen Drive Suite 359', 0.999372124671936)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [838.0, 866.0], [838.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Alexanderland, VT 83464', 0.9804819822311401)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1669.0, 866.0], [1669.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('New Jose, NC 55061', 0.9768354892730713)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 978-86-6798', 0.994043231010437)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 985-73-9787', 0.9839916229248047)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [938.0, 1030.0], [938.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB81GHCL17739395393702', 0.983962893486023)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1388.0], [871.0, 1392.0], [871.0, 1440.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('18\" White Marble Coffee Table', 0.9969976544380188)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1403.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1403.0, 1436.0]], ('394,64', 0.9626309275627136)], [[[1621.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1621.0, 1436.0]], ('1578,56', 0.9683842062950134)], [[[1912.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1912.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.994788646697998)], [[[2093.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2093.0, 1436.0]], ('1736,42', 0.9771898984909058)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [857.0, 1436.0], [857.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Top Carnelian Floral Inlay Art', 0.9982624053955078)], [[[354.0, 1480.0], [690.0, 1476.0], [691.0, 1516.0], [355.0, 1520.0]], ('Furniture Gift w541', 0.9928291440010071)], [[[354.0, 1564.0], [871.0, 1564.0], [871.0, 1611.0], [354.0, 1611.0]], ('48 Inches Marble Coffee Table', 0.9692162871360779)], [[[1916.0, 1555.0], [2002.0, 1565.0], [1997.0, 1613.0], [1911.0, 1603.0]], ('10%', 0.9949302673339844)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('1,00', 0.9974395632743835)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1370.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1370.0, 1608.0]], ('3 400,00', 0.983593761920929)], [[[1624.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1780.0, 1608.0], [1624.0, 1608.0]], ('3 400,00', 0.965099573135376)], [[[2097.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2097.0, 1608.0]], ('3 740,00', 0.9863128066062927)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [879.0, 1608.0], [879.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('Top Inlay with Yellow Stone Art', 0.9874184727668762)], [[[355.0, 1648.0], [661.0, 1656.0], [660.0, 1696.0], [354.0, 1688.0]], ('Dinette Table Top', 0.9998825192451477)], [[[355.0, 1739.0], [816.0, 1743.0], [816.0, 1783.0], [354.0, 1779.0]], ('Multi Color Stones Inlay Art', 0.9804474711418152)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9873468279838562)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('517,50', 0.9994704127311707)], [[[1617.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1736.0], [1783.0, 1787.0], [1617.0, 1787.0]], ('1035,00', 0.9993897676467896)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2090.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2090.0, 1787.0]], ('1 138,50', 0.95351243019104)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [857.0, 1787.0], [857.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Coffee Table Top Marble Patio', 0.9784336090087891)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [713.0, 1827.0], [713.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Sofa Table 27 Inches', 0.9896838068962097)], [[[1913.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1907.0, 1954.0]], ('10%', 0.9998664855957031)], [[[351.0, 1911.0], [890.0, 1915.0], [890.0, 1955.0], [351.0, 1951.0]], (' Malachite Stone Luxurious Look', 0.9909101724624634)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1399.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1915.0], [1528.0, 1955.0], [1399.0, 1955.0]], ('765,00', 0.9852529168128967)], [[[1658.0, 1915.0], [1783.0, 1915.0], [1783.0, 1955.0], [1658.0, 1955.0]], ('765,00', 0.9978723526000977)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('841,50', 0.9935510158538818)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[355.0, 1948.0], [890.0, 1951.0], [890.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1995.0]], ('Coffee Table Top Marble Center', 0.9851168394088745)], [[[355.0, 1991.0], [632.0, 1999.0], [631.0, 2039.0], [354.0, 2031.0]], ('Table 27 Inches', 0.9994860291481018)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2007.0, 2081.0], [2000.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998958706855774)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [805.0, 2083.0], [805.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], (\"7'x4' Blue Random Marble\", 0.9924580454826355)], [[[2088.0, 2075.0], [2257.0, 2084.0], [2254.0, 2135.0], [2085.0, 2126.0]], ('9 013,50', 0.9985289573669434)], [[[261.0, 2092.0], [284.0, 2103.0], [274.0, 2122.0], [252.0, 2111.0]], ('5', 0.9577608704566956)], [[[1004.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1004.0, 2127.0]], ('1,00', 0.9759235382080078)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1148.0, 2134.0]], ('each', 0.9719215035438538)], [[[1370.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2127.0], [1370.0, 2127.0]], ('8194,09', 0.9781879782676697)], [[[1624.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2127.0], [1624.0, 2127.0]], ('8194,09', 0.9886659979820251)], [[[351.0, 2119.0], [886.0, 2127.0], [886.0, 2174.0], [350.0, 2167.0]], (' Dining Hallway Table Top Lapis', 0.990921139717102)], [[[354.0, 2171.0], [775.0, 2171.0], [775.0, 2207.0], [354.0, 2207.0]], ('Lazuli Inlay Decor E947A', 0.9682543873786926)], [[[351.0, 2255.0], [772.0, 2255.0], [772.0, 2302.0], [351.0, 2302.0]], ('Hand Painted Octagonal', 0.999934196472168)], [[[1008.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2302.0], [1008.0, 2302.0]], ('3,00', 0.9537688493728638)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1421.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2298.0], [1421.0, 2298.0]], ('67,00', 0.9857247471809387)], [[[1654.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2298.0], [1654.0, 2298.0]], ('201,00', 0.9988579750061035)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2127.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2127.0, 2298.0]], ('221,10', 0.9992080330848694)], [[[358.0, 2302.0], [701.0, 2302.0], [701.0, 2339.0], [358.0, 2339.0]], ('Moroccan End Table', 0.9981586933135986)], [[[192.0, 2437.0], [491.0, 2437.0], [491.0, 2488.0], [192.0, 2488.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9962209463119507)], [[[954.0, 2553.0], [1123.0, 2562.0], [1121.0, 2614.0], [952.0, 2605.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.998639702796936)], [[[1776.0, 2553.0], [1874.0, 2563.0], [1868.0, 2618.0], [1770.0, 2607.0]], ('VAT', 0.9135729670524597)], [[[1388.0, 2565.0], [1588.0, 2565.0], [1588.0, 2605.0], [1388.0, 2605.0]], ('Net worth', 0.985179603099823)], [[[2023.0, 2565.0], [2256.0, 2565.0], [2256.0, 2602.0], [2023.0, 2602.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9989822506904602)], [[[1405.0, 2641.0], [1592.0, 2650.0], [1590.0, 2701.0], [1402.0, 2692.0]], ('15 173,65', 0.9595927000045776)], [[[1700.0, 2641.0], [1869.0, 2650.0], [1866.0, 2701.0], [1697.0, 2692.0]], ('1 517,37', 0.9791219234466553)], [[[2077.0, 2641.0], [2264.0, 2650.0], [2262.0, 2701.0], [2074.0, 2692.0]], ('16 691,02', 0.9983618855476379)], [[[997.0, 2653.0], [1082.0, 2653.0], [1082.0, 2697.0], [997.0, 2697.0]], ('10%', 0.9998807907104492)], [[[745.0, 2732.0], [858.0, 2742.0], [853.0, 2793.0], [741.0, 2783.0]], ('Total', 0.9998594522476196)], [[[2024.0, 2733.0], [2264.0, 2741.0], [2262.0, 2792.0], [2023.0, 2784.0]], ('$ 16 691,02', 0.9940133690834045)], [[[1359.0, 2744.0], [1588.0, 2744.0], [1588.0, 2784.0], [1359.0, 2784.0]], ('$ 15 173,65', 0.9813253283500671)], [[[1658.0, 2744.0], [1861.0, 2744.0], [1861.0, 2784.0], [1658.0, 2784.0]], ('$ 1 517,37', 0.9391587972640991)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '45181097', 'invoice_date': '02/24/2018', 'seller': 'Long, Alvarez and Mendoza 1303 Stuart Centers Bautistafurt, FL 80497', 'client': 'Hobbs Group 91981 Darlene Fork Lake Kennethmouth, NV 76378', 'seller_tax_id': '926-72-1593', 'client_tax_id': '977-99-7808', 'iban': 'GB84CEYB30028969299840'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Nike Air Max 90 All Black Leather Running Shoes 833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's 8.5)\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '74,99', 'item_net_worth': '299,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '329,96'}, {'item_desc': 'Nike Air Force 1 Low 314192-117 Triple White Youth Boys Size 5Y', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '54,95', 'item_net_worth': '109,90', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '120,89'}, {'item_desc': 'Nike Boys Shorts Size 5', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '8,99', 'item_net_worth': '44,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '49,45'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 454,81', 'total_vat': '$45,48', 'total_gross_worth': 'Total'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 45181097', 'Date of issue:', '02/24/2018', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Hobbs Group', 'Long, Alvarez and Mendoza', '1303 Stuart Centers', '91981 Darlene Fork', 'Bautistafurt, FL 80497.', 'Lake Kennethmouth, NV 76378', 'Tax Id: 926-72-1593', 'Tax Id: 977-99-7808', 'IBAN: GB84CEYB30028969299840', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '74,99', '299,96', '329,96', 'Nike Air Max 90 All Black', '4,00', 'each', '10%', 'Leather Running Shoes', \"833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's\", '8.5)', ' Nike Air Force 1 Low', '2,00', 'each', '54,95', '109,90', '10%', '120,89', '2.', '314192-117 Triple White Youth', 'Boys Size 5Y', 'Nike Boys Shorts Size 5', '5,00', 'each', '8,99', '44,95', '10%', '49,45', '3.', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '454,81', '45,48', '500,29', 'Total', '$ 454,81', '$ 45,48', '$ 500,29']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 45181097', 0.9799703359603882)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('02/24/2018', 0.9998679161071777)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1246.0, 748.0], [1529.0, 761.0], [1527.0, 812.0], [1243.0, 800.0]], ('Hobbs Group', 0.9985487461090088)], [[[207.0, 760.0], [786.0, 760.0], [786.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Long, Alvarez and Mendoza', 0.9946378469467163)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [639.0, 815.0], [638.0, 863.0], [206.0, 855.0]], ('1303 Stuart Centers', 0.9816675782203674)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1673.0, 811.0], [1672.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('91981 Darlene Fork', 0.9998914003372192)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [676.0, 866.0], [676.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Bautistafurt, FL 80497.', 0.9737818241119385)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1909.0, 866.0], [1909.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Kennethmouth, NV 76378', 0.9875049591064453)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 926-72-1593', 0.9812586903572083)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 977-99-7808', 0.9745320677757263)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB84CEYB30028969299840', 0.9848009943962097)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('74,99', 0.9999086260795593)], [[[1650.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1650.0, 1443.0]], ('299,96', 0.9989158511161804)], [[[2129.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2254.0, 1441.0], [2126.0, 1432.0]], ('329,96', 0.9897516369819641)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [779.0, 1400.0], [779.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Nike Air Max 90 All Black', 0.959626317024231)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9974542856216431)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [750.0, 1440.0], [749.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('Leather Running Shoes', 0.9831122159957886)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [871.0, 1480.0], [871.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1516.0]], (\"833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's\", 0.9976034760475159)], [[[354.0, 1520.0], [432.0, 1520.0], [432.0, 1564.0], [354.0, 1564.0]], ('8.5)', 0.9977214932441711)], [[[351.0, 1608.0], [705.0, 1612.0], [705.0, 1652.0], [351.0, 1648.0]], (' Nike Air Force 1 Low', 0.9776571393013)], [[[1008.0, 1608.0], [1093.0, 1608.0], [1093.0, 1652.0], [1008.0, 1652.0]], ('2,00', 0.9966350197792053)], [[[1148.0, 1611.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1244.0, 1655.0], [1148.0, 1655.0]], ('each', 0.9881841540336609)], [[[1421.0, 1604.0], [1532.0, 1604.0], [1532.0, 1659.0], [1421.0, 1659.0]], ('54,95', 0.9993303418159485)], [[[1654.0, 1604.0], [1783.0, 1604.0], [1783.0, 1655.0], [1654.0, 1655.0]], ('109,90', 0.9996037483215332)], [[[1909.0, 1604.0], [2005.0, 1604.0], [2005.0, 1659.0], [1909.0, 1659.0]], ('10%', 0.9999182224273682)], [[[2127.0, 1604.0], [2256.0, 1604.0], [2256.0, 1655.0], [2127.0, 1655.0]], ('120,89', 0.9993031620979309)], [[[255.0, 1615.0], [284.0, 1615.0], [284.0, 1648.0], [255.0, 1648.0]], ('2.', 0.9929089546203613)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [882.0, 1655.0], [882.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('314192-117 Triple White Youth', 0.9826000332832336)], [[[358.0, 1696.0], [576.0, 1696.0], [576.0, 1736.0], [358.0, 1736.0]], ('Boys Size 5Y', 0.9997178912162781)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [753.0, 1787.0], [753.0, 1823.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('Nike Boys Shorts Size 5', 0.9844555854797363)], [[[1008.0, 1780.0], [1097.0, 1780.0], [1097.0, 1823.0], [1008.0, 1823.0]], ('5,00', 0.9916918277740479)], [[[1148.0, 1783.0], [1252.0, 1783.0], [1252.0, 1831.0], [1148.0, 1831.0]], ('each', 0.9887673258781433)], [[[1444.0, 1783.0], [1528.0, 1783.0], [1528.0, 1827.0], [1444.0, 1827.0]], ('8,99', 0.9972600936889648)], [[[1676.0, 1780.0], [1787.0, 1780.0], [1787.0, 1831.0], [1676.0, 1831.0]], ('44,95', 0.9997698664665222)], [[[1912.0, 1783.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [2001.0, 1827.0], [1912.0, 1827.0]], ('10%', 0.998591959476471)], [[[2145.0, 1780.0], [2256.0, 1780.0], [2256.0, 1831.0], [2145.0, 1831.0]], ('49,45', 0.9989812970161438)], [[[251.0, 1791.0], [284.0, 1791.0], [284.0, 1820.0], [251.0, 1820.0]], ('3.', 0.9942091107368469)], [[[192.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1973.0], [192.0, 1973.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963666200637817)], [[[955.0, 2034.0], [1123.0, 2044.0], [1120.0, 2098.0], [952.0, 2089.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9985150694847107)], [[[1388.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1388.0, 2090.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9551628828048706)], [[[1776.0, 2043.0], [1872.0, 2043.0], [1872.0, 2097.0], [1776.0, 2097.0]], ('VAT', 0.7454676032066345)], [[[2027.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2050.0], [2259.0, 2090.0], [2027.0, 2090.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9996811151504517)], [[[993.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2185.0], [993.0, 2185.0]], ('10%', 0.9230511784553528)], [[[1462.0, 2130.0], [1588.0, 2130.0], [1588.0, 2182.0], [1462.0, 2182.0]], ('454,81', 0.9994209408760071)], [[[1753.0, 2125.0], [1870.0, 2135.0], [1865.0, 2187.0], [1749.0, 2176.0]], ('45,48', 0.9911893606185913)], [[[2134.0, 2130.0], [2263.0, 2130.0], [2263.0, 2182.0], [2134.0, 2182.0]], ('500,29', 0.999517023563385)], [[[746.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2273.0], [746.0, 2273.0]], ('Total', 0.9998760223388672)], [[[1412.0, 2214.0], [1588.0, 2223.0], [1586.0, 2274.0], [1409.0, 2265.0]], ('$ 454,81', 0.9980069398880005)], [[[1713.0, 2222.0], [1864.0, 2222.0], [1864.0, 2273.0], [1713.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 45,48', 0.9881429672241211)], [[[2082.0, 2222.0], [2263.0, 2222.0], [2263.0, 2273.0], [2082.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 500,29', 0.9963614344596863)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '43825047', 'invoice_date': '05/09/2020', 'seller': 'Diaz, Bryan and Garcia 683 Diana Shores Moranborough, PA 57938', 'client': 'Price-Williams 7811 Newman Roads Lake Sharonstad, PA 95866', 'seller_tax_id': '961-77-2514', 'client_tax_id': '933-97-0448', 'iban': 'GB94PUCB83711320168955'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Dell Optiplex 990 MT Computer PC Quad Core i7 3.4GHz 16GB 2TB HD Windows 10 Pro', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '269,95', 'item_net_worth': '269,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '296,95'}, {'item_desc': 'Lenovo i5 I 32GB I2TB ISSD Windows 10 Pro Desktop Computer PC WiFi Bluetooth', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '139,00', 'item_net_worth': '278,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '305,80'}, {'item_desc': 'Open Box: Dell XPS 8930 Desktop Computer Intel Core i7 8GB RAM 1TB HDD Black - 8', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '718,11', 'item_net_worth': '2872,44', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '3 159,68'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$3 420,39', 'total_vat': '$ 342,04', 'total_gross_worth': '$3762,43'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 43825047', 'Date of issue:', '05/09/2020', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Diaz, Bryan and Garcia.', 'Price-Williams', '683 Diana Shores', '7811 Newman Roads', 'Moranborough, PA 57938', 'Lake Sharonstad, PA 95866', 'Tax Id: 961-77-2514', 'Tax Id: 933-97-0448', 'IBAN: GB94PUCB83711320168955', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Dell Optiplex 990 MT Computer', '269,95', '269,95', '296,95', '1,00', ' each', '10%', '1', 'PC Quad Core i7 3.4GHz 16GB', '2TB HD Windows 10 Pro', '278,00', '10%', '2.', 'Lenovo i5 |32GB |2TB |SSD', '2,00', 'each', '139,00', '305,80', 'Windows 10 Pro Desktop', 'Computer PC WiFi Bluetooth', 'Open Box: Dell XPS 8930', '4,00', '718,11', '2 872,44', '10%', '3 159,68', '3.', ' each', 'Desktop Computer Intel Core i7', '8GB RAM 1TB HDD Black- 8', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '3 420,39', '342,04', '3 762,43', 'Total', '$3420,39', '$342,04', '$ 3 762,43']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 43825047', 0.9994579553604126)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('05/09/2020', 0.9993305206298828)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 753.0], [694.0, 757.0], [694.0, 808.0], [207.0, 804.0]], ('Diaz, Bryan and Garcia.', 0.9853960871696472)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1551.0, 757.0], [1550.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Price-Williams', 0.9958153367042542)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [587.0, 811.0], [587.0, 863.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('683 Diana Shores', 0.9997879266738892)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1698.0, 811.0], [1698.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('7811 Newman Roads', 0.999880313873291)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [742.0, 866.0], [742.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Moranborough, PA 57938', 0.9989669322967529)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1828.0, 866.0], [1828.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Sharonstad, PA 95866', 0.9997318983078003)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 961-77-2514', 0.987811267375946)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 933-97-0448', 0.992782711982727)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB94PUCB83711320168955', 0.977214515209198)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[355.0, 1388.0], [886.0, 1392.0], [886.0, 1440.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Dell Optiplex 990 MT Computer', 0.9989337921142578)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('269,95', 0.9996376633644104)], [[[1650.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1650.0, 1443.0]], ('269,95', 0.9962069988250732)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1445.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('296,95', 0.997020423412323)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9966188669204712)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [868.0, 1440.0], [867.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('PC Quad Core i7 3.4GHz 16GB', 0.998237133026123)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [768.0, 1480.0], [768.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('2TB HD Windows 10 Pro', 0.9953386187553406)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('278,00', 0.9995377659797668)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [842.0, 1571.0], [842.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Lenovo i5 |32GB |2TB |SSD', 0.9527381658554077)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1407.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1407.0, 1608.0]], ('139,00', 0.9988544583320618)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('305,80', 0.998560905456543)], [[[359.0, 1604.0], [779.0, 1612.0], [778.0, 1659.0], [358.0, 1651.0]], ('Windows 10 Pro Desktop', 0.9995569586753845)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [834.0, 1655.0], [834.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Computer PC WiFi Bluetooth', 0.9902196526527405)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [786.0, 1739.0], [786.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1787.0]], ('Open Box: Dell XPS 8930', 0.9754860997200012)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('718,11', 0.9994387626647949)], [[[1619.0, 1731.0], [1784.0, 1740.0], [1781.0, 1791.0], [1616.0, 1782.0]], ('2 872,44', 0.997052013874054)], [[[1916.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1739.0], [2001.0, 1783.0], [1916.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9996688961982727)], [[[2092.0, 1731.0], [2257.0, 1740.0], [2254.0, 1791.0], [2089.0, 1782.0]], ('3 159,68', 0.9940602779388428)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[1148.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1148.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.9113703966140747)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [886.0, 1787.0], [886.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Desktop Computer Intel Core i7', 0.9843067526817322)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [838.0, 1827.0], [838.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('8GB RAM 1TB HDD Black- 8', 0.9432303309440613)], [[[192.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 1962.0], [491.0, 2010.0], [192.0, 2010.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9948539733886719)], [[[1776.0, 2074.0], [1874.0, 2085.0], [1868.0, 2139.0], [1770.0, 2129.0]], ('VAT', 0.9557650089263916)], [[[956.0, 2087.0], [1122.0, 2087.0], [1122.0, 2138.0], [956.0, 2138.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1388.0, 2090.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1588.0, 2130.0], [1388.0, 2130.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9820273518562317)], [[[2023.0, 2087.0], [2256.0, 2087.0], [2256.0, 2127.0], [2023.0, 2127.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9996464252471924)], [[[997.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2178.0], [1082.0, 2222.0], [997.0, 2222.0]], ('10%', 0.9996705055236816)], [[[1425.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2174.0], [1591.0, 2225.0], [1425.0, 2225.0]], ('3 420,39', 0.9983895421028137)], [[[1735.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2174.0], [1868.0, 2225.0], [1735.0, 2225.0]], ('342,04', 0.9994251132011414)], [[[2097.0, 2174.0], [2267.0, 2174.0], [2267.0, 2225.0], [2097.0, 2225.0]], ('3 762,43', 0.9975075125694275)], [[[749.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2269.0], [853.0, 2309.0], [749.0, 2309.0]], ('Total', 0.999843418598175)], [[[1377.0, 2266.0], [1580.0, 2266.0], [1580.0, 2306.0], [1377.0, 2306.0]], ('$3420,39', 0.9746296405792236)], [[[1695.0, 2269.0], [1864.0, 2269.0], [1864.0, 2309.0], [1695.0, 2309.0]], ('$342,04', 0.9977567791938782)], [[[2056.0, 2269.0], [2256.0, 2269.0], [2256.0, 2309.0], [2056.0, 2309.0]], ('$ 3 762,43', 0.9678663015365601)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '33931957', 'invoice_date': '12/17/2015', 'seller': 'Rojas-Cook 0132. Joy Views Apt. 106 Burnstown, LA 74485', 'client': 'Cohen LLC 637 Blake Keys New Ryanchester, NM 64213', 'seller_tax_id': '957-97-8143', 'client_tax_id': '903-94-1332', 'iban': 'GB17YMKF08477262646620'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"NWT Women's MAX EDITION Classy Gray Knit Stretch Dress side bow tie 3/4 sleeve XL\", 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '12,50', 'item_net_worth': '25,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '27,50'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 25,00', 'total_vat': '$ 2,50', 'total_gross_worth': '$27,50'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 33931957', 'Date of issue:.', '12/17/2015', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Rojas-Cook', 'Cohen LLC', '0132 Joy Views Apt. 106', '637 Blake Keys', 'Burnstown, LA 74485', 'New Ryanchester, NM 64213', 'Tax Id: 957-97-8143', 'Tax Id: 903-94-1332', 'IBAN: GB17YMKF08477262646620', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', \"NWT Women's MAX EDITION\", '2,00', 'each', '12,50', '25,00', '10%', '27,50', 'Classy Gray Knit Stretch Dress', 'side bow tie 3/4 sleeve XL', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '25,00', '2,50', '27,50', 'Total', '$ 25,00', '$2,50', '$ 27,50']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 33931957', 0.9980040788650513)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9747893214225769)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('12/17/2015', 0.9997106790542603)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [450.0, 756.0], [450.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Rojas-Cook', 0.9998311996459961)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 760.0], [1473.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Cohen LLC', 0.9986293315887451)], [[[203.0, 811.0], [723.0, 807.0], [724.0, 859.0], [203.0, 863.0]], ('0132 Joy Views Apt. 106', 0.9933062195777893)], [[[1249.0, 807.0], [1577.0, 815.0], [1576.0, 866.0], [1247.0, 858.0]], ('637 Blake Keys', 0.9994848370552063)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [657.0, 866.0], [657.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Burnstown, LA 74485', 0.9944242238998413)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1857.0, 866.0], [1857.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('New Ryanchester, NM 64213', 0.9848275780677795)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 957-97-8143', 0.9791963696479797)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 903-94-1332', 0.9895097017288208)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [938.0, 1020.0], [938.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB17YMKF08477262646620', 0.9941726922988892)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [838.0, 1400.0], [838.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], (\"NWT Women's MAX EDITION\", 0.9519869685173035)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('12,50', 0.9997434616088867)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('25,00', 0.9991611242294312)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('27,50', 0.999100387096405)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [875.0, 1436.0], [875.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Classy Gray Knit Stretch Dress', 0.9993458986282349)], [[[358.0, 1484.0], [775.0, 1484.0], [775.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('side bow tie 3/4 sleeve XL', 0.9898220896720886)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9958321452140808)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1734.0], [1874.0, 1745.0], [1868.0, 1799.0], [1767.0, 1789.0]], ('VAT', 0.9862722754478455)], [[[1388.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1588.0, 1787.0], [1388.0, 1787.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9879683256149292)], [[[2023.0, 1750.0], [2259.0, 1750.0], [2259.0, 1787.0], [2023.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999379515647888)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1480.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1831.0], [1591.0, 1882.0], [1480.0, 1882.0]], ('25,00', 0.9992062449455261)], [[[1780.0, 1834.0], [1864.0, 1834.0], [1864.0, 1878.0], [1780.0, 1878.0]], ('2,50', 0.9924280643463135)], [[[2152.0, 1831.0], [2267.0, 1831.0], [2267.0, 1882.0], [2152.0, 1882.0]], ('27,50', 0.9981187582015991)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[1432.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1432.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 25,00', 0.9828171133995056)], [[[1735.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1918.0], [1868.0, 1970.0], [1735.0, 1970.0]], ('$2,50', 0.9997349977493286)], [[[2108.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1918.0], [2263.0, 1970.0], [2108.0, 1970.0]], ('$ 27,50', 0.9855673909187317)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '89174655', 'invoice_date': '01/19/2016', 'seller': 'Hayden-Young 5394 David Motorway Apt. 573 South Amandaville, NV 46198', 'client': 'Guerrero Group 53693 Donna Neck Brownburgh, OH 92017', 'seller_tax_id': '911-87-3432', 'client_tax_id': '970-77-2494', 'iban': 'GB89RLS95828897014080'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'The Great One: The Complete Wayne Gretzky Collection', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '4,89', 'item_net_worth': '9,78', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '10,76'}, {'item_desc': 'Care & Repair of Furniture', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '4,25', 'item_net_worth': '4,25', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '4,68'}, {'item_desc': 'The Puzzle Palace', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '4,49', 'item_net_worth': '17,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '19,76'}, {'item_desc': 'Pictures From a Distant Country: Seeing America Through Old Paper Money', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '13,84', 'item_net_worth': '69,20', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '76,12'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$101,19', 'total_vat': '$10,12', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 111,31'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 89174655', 'Date of issue:', '01/19/2016', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Hayden-Young', 'Guerrero Group', '5394 David Motorway Apt. 573', '53693 Donna Neck', 'South Amandaville, NV 46198', 'Brownburgh, OH 92017', 'Tax Id: 911-87-3432', 'Tax Id: 970-77-2494', 'IBAN: GB89JRLS95828897014080', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'The Great One: The Complete', '4,89', '9,78', '10%', '2,00', 'each', '10,76', '1.', 'Wayne Gretzky Collection', '1,00', '4,25', '4,25', '10%', 'each', '4,68', '2.', 'Care & Repair of Furniture', 'The Puzzle Palace', '4,00', 'each', '4,49', '17,96', '10%', '19,76', '3.', ' Pictures From a Distant', '5,00', '13,84', '69,20', '10%', 'each', '76,12', 'Country: Seeing America', 'Through Old Paper Money', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '101,19', '10,12', '111,31', 'Total', '$ 101,19', '$10,12', '$ 111,31']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 89174655', 0.9979737401008606)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('01/19/2016', 0.999760627746582)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1430.0, 662.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993919134140015)], [[[203.0, 756.0], [521.0, 760.0], [520.0, 811.0], [203.0, 807.0]], ('Hayden-Young', 0.9997184872627258)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1584.0, 760.0], [1584.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Guerrero Group', 0.9790446162223816)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [864.0, 811.0], [864.0, 862.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('5394 David Motorway Apt. 573', 0.9990302324295044)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1654.0, 811.0], [1654.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('53693 Donna Neck', 0.9991034269332886)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [842.0, 866.0], [842.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('South Amandaville, NV 46198', 0.9913821220397949)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1743.0, 866.0], [1743.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Brownburgh, OH 92017', 0.9886355400085449)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 911-87-3432', 0.9864136576652527)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 970-77-2494', 0.9875585436820984)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [919.0, 1023.0], [919.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB89JRLS95828897014080', 0.9937993884086609)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [864.0, 1392.0], [864.0, 1444.0], [351.0, 1440.0]], ('The Great One: The Complete', 0.9995439052581787)], [[[1440.0, 1389.0], [1532.0, 1389.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1440.0, 1443.0]], ('4,89', 0.9990888237953186)], [[[1692.0, 1383.0], [1789.0, 1394.0], [1783.0, 1449.0], [1685.0, 1438.0]], ('9,78', 0.9987486600875854)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2003.0, 1394.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999473690986633)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('10,76', 0.9997380971908569)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [790.0, 1440.0], [790.0, 1487.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Wayne Gretzky Collection', 0.9978529810905457)], [[[1001.0, 1515.0], [1098.0, 1526.0], [1092.0, 1580.0], [995.0, 1569.0]], ('1,00', 0.9986513257026672)], [[[1440.0, 1515.0], [1538.0, 1526.0], [1532.0, 1580.0], [1434.0, 1569.0]], ('4,25', 0.9988314509391785)], [[[1695.0, 1515.0], [1789.0, 1526.0], [1782.0, 1580.0], [1689.0, 1569.0]], ('4,25', 0.9971672296524048)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2001.0, 1577.0], [1903.0, 1566.0]], ('10%', 0.9999029040336609)], [[[1152.0, 1527.0], [1248.0, 1527.0], [1248.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9984121918678284)], [[[2172.0, 1519.0], [2257.0, 1529.0], [2252.0, 1576.0], [2166.0, 1566.0]], ('4,68', 0.9987891912460327)], [[[251.0, 1531.0], [284.0, 1531.0], [284.0, 1568.0], [251.0, 1568.0]], ('2.', 0.9994547367095947)], [[[358.0, 1531.0], [801.0, 1531.0], [801.0, 1568.0], [358.0, 1568.0]], ('Care & Repair of Furniture', 0.9858568906784058)], [[[355.0, 1607.0], [661.0, 1615.0], [660.0, 1663.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('The Puzzle Palace', 0.9998026490211487)], [[[1008.0, 1615.0], [1093.0, 1615.0], [1093.0, 1659.0], [1008.0, 1659.0]], ('4,00', 0.9980113506317139)], [[[1148.0, 1619.0], [1248.0, 1619.0], [1248.0, 1659.0], [1148.0, 1659.0]], ('each', 0.9959404468536377)], [[[1444.0, 1615.0], [1528.0, 1615.0], [1528.0, 1659.0], [1444.0, 1659.0]], ('4,49', 0.991264283657074)], [[[1672.0, 1611.0], [1787.0, 1611.0], [1787.0, 1663.0], [1672.0, 1663.0]], ('17,96', 0.9984501004219055)], [[[1912.0, 1615.0], [2001.0, 1615.0], [2001.0, 1659.0], [1912.0, 1659.0]], ('10%', 0.9980754852294922)], [[[2145.0, 1611.0], [2259.0, 1611.0], [2259.0, 1663.0], [2145.0, 1663.0]], ('19,76', 0.999444305896759)], [[[255.0, 1622.0], [284.0, 1622.0], [284.0, 1655.0], [255.0, 1655.0]], ('3.', 0.9912706613540649)], [[[348.0, 1695.0], [761.0, 1703.0], [760.0, 1754.0], [347.0, 1746.0]], (' Pictures From a Distant', 0.9826576709747314)], [[[1008.0, 1703.0], [1093.0, 1703.0], [1093.0, 1747.0], [1008.0, 1747.0]], ('5,00', 0.9968428015708923)], [[[1421.0, 1694.0], [1534.0, 1704.0], [1529.0, 1755.0], [1416.0, 1745.0]], ('13,84', 0.9995342493057251)], [[[1676.0, 1699.0], [1787.0, 1699.0], [1787.0, 1750.0], [1676.0, 1750.0]], ('69,20', 0.9967015981674194)], [[[1909.0, 1694.0], [2007.0, 1705.0], [2000.0, 1759.0], [1903.0, 1749.0]], ('10%', 0.9999057650566101)], [[[1152.0, 1706.0], [1248.0, 1706.0], [1248.0, 1750.0], [1152.0, 1750.0]], ('each', 0.9987475275993347)], [[[2145.0, 1699.0], [2256.0, 1699.0], [2256.0, 1750.0], [2145.0, 1750.0]], ('76,12', 0.9998353719711304)], [[[354.0, 1747.0], [783.0, 1747.0], [783.0, 1794.0], [354.0, 1794.0]], ('Country: Seeing America', 0.9997608065605164)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [797.0, 1787.0], [797.0, 1834.0], [354.0, 1834.0]], ('Through Old Paper Money', 0.9996953010559082)], [[[192.0, 1926.0], [491.0, 1926.0], [491.0, 1977.0], [192.0, 1977.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963642954826355)], [[[956.0, 2050.0], [1122.0, 2050.0], [1122.0, 2101.0], [956.0, 2101.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1776.0, 2041.0], [1874.0, 2052.0], [1868.0, 2106.0], [1770.0, 2096.0]], ('VAT', 0.8967540860176086)], [[[1388.0, 2054.0], [1588.0, 2054.0], [1588.0, 2094.0], [1388.0, 2094.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9808471202850342)], [[[2027.0, 2057.0], [2259.0, 2057.0], [2259.0, 2094.0], [2027.0, 2094.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9997612237930298)], [[[994.0, 2129.0], [1087.0, 2140.0], [1081.0, 2194.0], [988.0, 2183.0]], ('10%', 0.9998629689216614)], [[[1458.0, 2138.0], [1591.0, 2138.0], [1591.0, 2189.0], [1458.0, 2189.0]], ('101,19', 0.9995248913764954)], [[[1753.0, 2133.0], [1870.0, 2143.0], [1865.0, 2194.0], [1749.0, 2184.0]], ('10,12', 0.9995806813240051)], [[[2129.0, 2133.0], [2264.0, 2142.0], [2261.0, 2194.0], [2125.0, 2184.0]], ('111,31', 0.9993360042572021)], [[[746.0, 2217.0], [858.0, 2227.0], [853.0, 2282.0], [741.0, 2271.0]], ('Total', 0.9998396039009094)], [[[1414.0, 2233.0], [1584.0, 2233.0], [1584.0, 2273.0], [1414.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 101,19', 0.9934006929397583)], [[[1717.0, 2233.0], [1864.0, 2233.0], [1864.0, 2273.0], [1717.0, 2273.0]], ('$10,12', 0.9966950416564941)], [[[2090.0, 2233.0], [2259.0, 2233.0], [2259.0, 2273.0], [2090.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 111,31', 0.9587397575378418)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '48902311', 'invoice_date': '03/31/2016', 'seller': 'Hill Group 47445 Tiffany Canyon Suite 530 Lake Carolyn, MN 88734', 'client': 'Calhoun PLC 692 Pittman Square Apt. 121 Victorfort, KY 65016', 'seller_tax_id': '964-97-3541', 'client_tax_id': '961-78-6129', 'iban': 'GB57H5XH62221465152779'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '89,99', 'item_net_worth': '179,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '197,98'}, {'item_desc': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '8,99', 'item_net_worth': '8,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '9,89'}, {'item_desc': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '2,99', 'item_net_worth': '5,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '6,58'}, {'item_desc': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '34,99', 'item_net_worth': '104,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '115,47'}, {'item_desc': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '12,00', 'item_net_worth': '12,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '13,20'}, {'item_desc': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '44,99', 'item_net_worth': '224,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '247,45'}, {'item_desc': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '25,00', 'item_net_worth': '50,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '55,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 586,87', 'total_vat': '$58,69', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 645,56'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 48902311', 'Date of issue:', '03/31/2016', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Hill Group', 'Calhoun PLC', '47445 Tiffany Canyon Suite 530', '692 Pittman Square Apt. 121', 'Lake Carolyn, MN 88734', 'Victorfort, KY 65016', 'Tax Id: 964-97-3541', 'Tax Id: 961-78-6129', 'IBAN: GB57HSXH62221465152779', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '2,00', '89,99', '179,98', '10%', '197,98', '1', 'Johnny Was Medium Linen Wrap', 'each', 'Dress Dessert Rose Embroiderd', 'Bohemian', 'Calvin Klein Women Long Active', '1,00', 'each', '8,99', '8,99', '10%', '9,89', '2.', 'Dress. Size Small', 'NEW NWT OPEN BACK', '2,00', 'each', '2,99', '5,98', '10%', '6,58', '3.', 'XHILERATION PLUM LACY', 'DRESS WOMENS SIZE MEDIUM', '10/12', '34,99', '104,97', '10%', '3,00', 'each', '115,47', '4', \"Tommy Bahama Women's V\", 'Neck Linen Floral Dress Size M', 'Beige Short Sleeve Tan', '12,00', '12,00', '10%', 'Women Elegant Fashion O-Neck', '1,00', 'each', '13,20', '5', 'Knee Length Short Sleeve Retro', 'Floral Print Dress', ' NWOT Italian Dress Grey Black', '5,00', '44,99', '10%', 'each', '224,95', '247,45', '6.', 'Size XS Made in Italy', '2,00', 'each', '25,00', '50,00', '10%', '7.', 'SCOTT McCINTOCK SIZE 12', '55,00', 'BLACK PARTY DRESS WITH', 'SPARKLIND TOP', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '586,87', '58,69', '645,56', 'Total', '$ 586,87', '$58,69', '$645,56']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 48902311', 0.9988695383071899)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9983415007591248)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('03/31/2016', 0.999851405620575)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1237.0, 658.0], [1432.0, 658.0], [1432.0, 720.0], [1237.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994863867759705)], [[[205.0, 748.0], [426.0, 761.0], [423.0, 812.0], [202.0, 799.0]], ('Hill Group', 0.931424617767334)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1517.0, 756.0], [1517.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Calhoun PLC', 0.9992135763168335)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [886.0, 811.0], [886.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('47445 Tiffany Canyon Suite 530', 0.9996684789657593)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1857.0, 811.0], [1857.0, 862.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('692 Pittman Square Apt. 121', 0.9995932579040527)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [724.0, 866.0], [724.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Carolyn, MN 88734', 0.977799654006958)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1676.0, 866.0], [1676.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Victorfort, KY 65016', 0.9992340803146362)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 964-97-3541', 0.9817075133323669)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 961-78-6129', 0.9859949350357056)], [[[207.0, 1027.0], [945.0, 1027.0], [945.0, 1074.0], [207.0, 1074.0]], ('IBAN: GB57HSXH62221465152779', 0.9870635271072388)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1421.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1421.0, 1436.0]], ('89,99', 0.9584751129150391)], [[[1658.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1658.0, 1436.0]], ('179,98', 0.9885647296905518)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[2125.0, 1388.0], [2257.0, 1397.0], [2254.0, 1441.0], [2122.0, 1432.0]], ('197,98', 0.9776115417480469)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [897.0, 1400.0], [897.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Johnny Was Medium Linen Wrap', 0.9803087115287781)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[355.0, 1432.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Dress Dessert Rose Embroiderd', 0.9999040365219116)], [[[356.0, 1476.0], [536.0, 1484.0], [534.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('Bohemian', 0.9967472553253174)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [901.0, 1564.0], [901.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], ('Calvin Klein Women Long Active', 0.9852960109710693)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1444.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1611.0], [1444.0, 1611.0]], ('8,99', 0.9998084306716919)], [[[1691.0, 1560.0], [1787.0, 1560.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1691.0, 1615.0]], ('8,99', 0.9996848106384277)], [[[1912.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1560.0], [2005.0, 1615.0], [1912.0, 1615.0]], ('10%', 0.9999397397041321)], [[[2167.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1560.0], [2259.0, 1615.0], [2167.0, 1615.0]], ('9,89', 0.9994155764579773)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1608.0], [251.0, 1608.0]], ('2.', 0.9935410022735596)], [[[355.0, 1608.0], [650.0, 1612.0], [649.0, 1652.0], [354.0, 1648.0]], ('Dress. Size Small', 0.9995672702789307)], [[[354.0, 1699.0], [735.0, 1699.0], [735.0, 1736.0], [354.0, 1736.0]], ('NEW NWT OPEN BACK', 0.9419723749160767)], [[[1008.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1739.0], [1008.0, 1739.0]], ('2,00', 0.9876167178153992)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[1440.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1747.0], [1440.0, 1747.0]], ('2,99', 0.9997434616088867)], [[[1691.0, 1692.0], [1787.0, 1692.0], [1787.0, 1747.0], [1691.0, 1747.0]], ('5,98', 0.9997305870056152)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[2167.0, 1692.0], [2259.0, 1692.0], [2259.0, 1747.0], [2167.0, 1747.0]], ('6,58', 0.9997339248657227)], [[[251.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1703.0], [284.0, 1736.0], [251.0, 1736.0]], ('3.', 0.9901798963546753)], [[[358.0, 1743.0], [786.0, 1743.0], [786.0, 1780.0], [358.0, 1780.0]], ('XHILERATION PLUM LACY', 0.9819663763046265)], [[[354.0, 1783.0], [871.0, 1779.0], [871.0, 1820.0], [355.0, 1824.0]], ('DRESS WOMENS SIZE MEDIUM', 0.9796397089958191)], [[[353.0, 1815.0], [463.0, 1824.0], [459.0, 1868.0], [350.0, 1859.0]], ('10/12', 0.9265177845954895)], [[[1421.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1421.0, 1959.0]], ('34,99', 0.9997167587280273)], [[[1654.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1959.0], [1654.0, 1959.0]], ('104,97', 0.9997305870056152)], [[[1913.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1907.0, 1954.0]], ('10%', 0.9998664855957031)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('3,00', 0.9963178634643555)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[2127.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2127.0, 1959.0]], ('115,47', 0.9988821148872375)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9862528443336487)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [834.0, 1918.0], [834.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], (\"Tommy Bahama Women's V\", 0.9936904907226562)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [871.0, 1959.0], [871.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Neck Linen Floral Dress Size M', 0.9928377270698547)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [753.0, 1999.0], [753.0, 2035.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('Beige Short Sleeve Tan', 0.9960811734199524)], [[[1421.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1421.0, 2130.0]], ('12,00', 0.9996832013130188)], [[[1672.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2130.0], [1672.0, 2130.0]], ('12,00', 0.9994654655456543)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2007.0, 2081.0], [2000.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998958706855774)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [901.0, 2083.0], [901.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Women Elegant Fashion O-Neck', 0.9997572302818298)], [[[1008.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('1,00', 0.9944280982017517)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2087.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1148.0, 2134.0]], ('each', 0.9719215035438538)], [[[2145.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2145.0, 2130.0]], ('13,20', 0.9996244311332703)], [[[261.0, 2092.0], [284.0, 2103.0], [274.0, 2122.0], [252.0, 2111.0]], ('5', 0.9577608704566956)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [897.0, 2130.0], [897.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Knee Length Short Sleeve Retro', 0.9923208951950073)], [[[351.0, 2167.0], [650.0, 2171.0], [649.0, 2211.0], [350.0, 2207.0]], ('Floral Print Dress', 0.9972579479217529)], [[[351.0, 2251.0], [882.0, 2251.0], [882.0, 2298.0], [351.0, 2298.0]], (' NWOT Italian Dress Grey Black', 0.9634489417076111)], [[[1001.0, 2246.0], [1098.0, 2256.0], [1092.0, 2311.0], [995.0, 2300.0]], ('5,00', 0.9923118948936462)], [[[1418.0, 2255.0], [1532.0, 2255.0], [1532.0, 2306.0], [1418.0, 2306.0]], ('44,99', 0.9998313188552856)], [[[1909.0, 2246.0], [2010.0, 2256.0], [2005.0, 2307.0], [1903.0, 2297.0]], ('10%', 0.9996933937072754)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1654.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2298.0], [1654.0, 2298.0]], ('224,95', 0.9985724091529846)], [[[2127.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2127.0, 2298.0]], ('247,45', 0.9671570658683777)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [284.0, 2269.0], [284.0, 2295.0], [258.0, 2295.0]], ('6.', 0.8696814775466919)], [[[355.0, 2291.0], [709.0, 2299.0], [708.0, 2346.0], [354.0, 2338.0]], ('Size XS Made in Italy', 0.9781813025474548)], [[[1004.0, 2390.0], [1097.0, 2390.0], [1097.0, 2430.0], [1004.0, 2430.0]], ('2,00', 0.9647159576416016)], [[[1148.0, 2390.0], [1244.0, 2390.0], [1244.0, 2434.0], [1148.0, 2434.0]], ('each', 0.9944249391555786)], [[[1421.0, 2390.0], [1528.0, 2390.0], [1528.0, 2430.0], [1421.0, 2430.0]], ('25,00', 0.9656903147697449)], [[[1676.0, 2390.0], [1783.0, 2390.0], [1783.0, 2430.0], [1676.0, 2430.0]], ('50,00', 0.9797400236129761)], [[[1912.0, 2381.0], [2003.0, 2391.0], [1998.0, 2435.0], [1907.0, 2425.0]], ('10%', 0.9996169209480286)], [[[255.0, 2393.0], [288.0, 2393.0], [288.0, 2426.0], [255.0, 2426.0]], ('7.', 0.9903082847595215)], [[[358.0, 2393.0], [816.0, 2393.0], [816.0, 2430.0], [358.0, 2430.0]], ('SCOTT McCINTOCK SIZE 12', 0.9946030378341675)], [[[2145.0, 2386.0], [2256.0, 2386.0], [2256.0, 2437.0], [2145.0, 2437.0]], ('55,00', 0.9985925555229187)], [[[358.0, 2426.0], [812.0, 2430.0], [812.0, 2470.0], [358.0, 2466.0]], ('BLACK PARTY DRESS WITH', 0.9550489783287048)], [[[358.0, 2474.0], [628.0, 2474.0], [628.0, 2510.0], [358.0, 2510.0]], ('SPARKLIND TOP', 0.9697482585906982)], [[[192.0, 2613.0], [491.0, 2613.0], [491.0, 2660.0], [192.0, 2660.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9949344396591187)], [[[954.0, 2725.0], [1123.0, 2734.0], [1121.0, 2785.0], [952.0, 2776.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9982810020446777)], [[[1388.0, 2737.0], [1588.0, 2737.0], [1588.0, 2777.0], [1388.0, 2777.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9613118767738342)], [[[1776.0, 2733.0], [1868.0, 2733.0], [1868.0, 2777.0], [1776.0, 2777.0]], ('VAT', 0.6620482206344604)], [[[2027.0, 2737.0], [2259.0, 2737.0], [2259.0, 2777.0], [2027.0, 2777.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999040961265564)], [[[997.0, 2825.0], [1082.0, 2825.0], [1082.0, 2869.0], [997.0, 2869.0]], ('10%', 0.9996994137763977)], [[[1457.0, 2816.0], [1592.0, 2826.0], [1589.0, 2877.0], [1453.0, 2867.0]], ('586,87', 0.9959754347801208)], [[[1754.0, 2821.0], [1868.0, 2821.0], [1868.0, 2872.0], [1754.0, 2872.0]], ('58,69', 0.9983953237533569)], [[[2134.0, 2821.0], [2267.0, 2821.0], [2267.0, 2872.0], [2134.0, 2872.0]], ('645,56', 0.9987439513206482)], [[[746.0, 2912.0], [857.0, 2912.0], [857.0, 2964.0], [746.0, 2964.0]], ('Total', 0.9998226165771484)], [[[1414.0, 2916.0], [1588.0, 2916.0], [1588.0, 2956.0], [1414.0, 2956.0]], ('$ 586,87', 0.9877812266349792)], [[[1717.0, 2916.0], [1864.0, 2916.0], [1864.0, 2956.0], [1717.0, 2956.0]], ('$58,69', 0.9713674187660217)], [[[2086.0, 2916.0], [2259.0, 2916.0], [2259.0, 2956.0], [2086.0, 2956.0]], ('$645,56', 0.9754036664962769)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '92034501', 'invoice_date': '12/12/2015', 'seller': 'Smith, Anderson and Johnson 24142 Lambert Shore Suite 134 Mayoport, IL 75224', 'client': 'Rodriguez, Johnson and David 462 Bowman Mission North Sarahmouth, MN 36061', 'seller_tax_id': '964-80-1298', 'client_tax_id': '982-92-5014', 'iban': 'GB4OIOKZ01957551465223'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Floral two seater fabric sofa', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '199,00', 'item_net_worth': '796,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '875,60'}, {'item_desc': \"6'x3' Black Marble Inlaid Dining Center Table Top Peacock Inlay Patio Decor E966\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '7525,06', 'item_net_worth': '7525,06', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '8 277,57'}, {'item_desc': '24\"x24\" Marble Real White Top Coffee Table lapis Marquetry Floral Christmas Gift', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '2500,00', 'item_net_worth': '2500,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '2 750,00'}, {'item_desc': '30 Inches Marble Patio Table Top Malachite Stone Inlaid Coffee Table Home Decor', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '1023,75', 'item_net_worth': '2 047,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '2 252,25'}, {'item_desc': '25 Inches Black Marble Center Table Top with Multi Stones Coffee Table for Home', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '731,25', 'item_net_worth': '1462,50', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '1608,75'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 14 331,06', 'total_vat': '$1433,11', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 15 764,17'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 92034501', 'Date of issue:', '12/12/2015', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Smith, Anderson and Johnson', 'Rodriguez, Johnson and David', '24142 Lambert Shore Suite 134', '462 Bowman Mission', 'Mayoport, IL 75224', 'North Sarahmouth, MN 36061', 'Tax Id: 964-80-1298', 'Tax Id: 982-92-5014', 'IBAN: GB40IOKZ01957551465223', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Floral two seater fabric sofa.', '10%', '875,60', '1.', '4,00', 'each', '199,00', '796,00', '2.', \"6'x3' Black Marble Inlaid Dining\", '1,00', 'each', '7 525,06', '7 525,06', '10%', '8 277,57', 'Center Table Top Peacock Inlay', 'Patio Decor E966', '24\"x24\" Marble Real White Top', '1,00', 'each', '2 500,00', '2500,00', '10%', '2 750,00', 'Coffee Table lapis Marquetry', 'Floral Christmas Gift', '30 Inches Marble Patio Table', '2,00', 'each', '1 023,75', '2 047,50', '10%', '2 252,25', 'Top Malachite Stone Inlaid', 'Coffee Table Home Decor', '25 Inches Black Marble Center', '2,00', 'each', '5.', '731,25', '1462,50', '10%', '1608,75', 'Table Top with Multi Stones', 'Coffee Table for Home', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '14 331,06', '1433,11', '15 764,17', 'Total', '$ 14 331,06', '$1433,11', '$ 15 764,17']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 92034501', 0.9917435646057129)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9985776543617249)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('12/12/2015', 0.9997994303703308)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [831.0, 760.0], [831.0, 808.0], [207.0, 804.0]], ('Smith, Anderson and Johnson', 0.9848776459693909)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1879.0, 760.0], [1879.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Rodriguez, Johnson and David', 0.9989940524101257)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [882.0, 811.0], [882.0, 859.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('24142 Lambert Shore Suite 134', 0.9997928738594055)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1698.0, 811.0], [1698.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('462 Bowman Mission', 0.9993650913238525)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [620.0, 866.0], [620.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Mayoport, IL 75224', 0.969921350479126)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1872.0, 866.0], [1872.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('North Sarahmouth, MN 36061', 0.9885779619216919)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 964-80-1298', 0.984814465045929)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 982-92-5014', 0.9910176992416382)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [923.0, 1030.0], [923.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB40IOKZ01957551465223', 0.9809781908988953)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [827.0, 1392.0], [827.0, 1440.0], [351.0, 1436.0]], ('Floral two seater fabric sofa.', 0.9768683910369873)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1444.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], ('875,60', 0.9986948370933533)], [[[251.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1400.0], [288.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9985064268112183)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9974542856216431)], [[[1148.0, 1396.0], [1252.0, 1396.0], [1252.0, 1443.0], [1148.0, 1443.0]], ('each', 0.9876470565795898)], [[[1399.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1399.0, 1436.0]], ('199,00', 0.9666722416877747)], [[[1658.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1658.0, 1436.0]], ('796,00', 0.9696481823921204)], [[[251.0, 1487.0], [288.0, 1487.0], [288.0, 1524.0], [251.0, 1524.0]], ('2.', 0.9992785453796387)], [[[355.0, 1480.0], [894.0, 1484.0], [893.0, 1531.0], [354.0, 1527.0]], (\"6'x3' Black Marble Inlaid Dining\", 0.9990852475166321)], [[[1008.0, 1484.0], [1093.0, 1484.0], [1093.0, 1527.0], [1008.0, 1527.0]], ('1,00', 0.9992836117744446)], [[[1148.0, 1487.0], [1244.0, 1487.0], [1244.0, 1531.0], [1148.0, 1531.0]], ('each', 0.9809339642524719)], [[[1370.0, 1487.0], [1528.0, 1487.0], [1528.0, 1527.0], [1370.0, 1527.0]], ('7 525,06', 0.992287278175354)], [[[1624.0, 1487.0], [1780.0, 1487.0], [1780.0, 1527.0], [1624.0, 1527.0]], ('7 525,06', 0.9724711775779724)], [[[1912.0, 1484.0], [2001.0, 1484.0], [2001.0, 1527.0], [1912.0, 1527.0]], ('10%', 0.8556877970695496)], [[[2093.0, 1480.0], [2256.0, 1480.0], [2256.0, 1531.0], [2093.0, 1531.0]], ('8 277,57', 0.9485192894935608)], [[[351.0, 1520.0], [890.0, 1528.0], [889.0, 1575.0], [350.0, 1567.0]], ('Center Table Top Peacock Inlay', 0.999864399433136)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [650.0, 1568.0], [649.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('Patio Decor E966', 0.9990252256393433)], [[[351.0, 1655.0], [886.0, 1659.0], [886.0, 1699.0], [351.0, 1695.0]], ('24\"x24\" Marble Real White Top', 0.9768280386924744)], [[[1004.0, 1659.0], [1097.0, 1659.0], [1097.0, 1703.0], [1004.0, 1703.0]], ('1,00', 0.9876083135604858)], [[[1148.0, 1659.0], [1244.0, 1659.0], [1244.0, 1703.0], [1148.0, 1703.0]], ('each', 0.9921557903289795)], [[[1370.0, 1659.0], [1528.0, 1659.0], [1528.0, 1699.0], [1370.0, 1699.0]], ('2 500,00', 0.9457758665084839)], [[[1624.0, 1659.0], [1783.0, 1659.0], [1783.0, 1699.0], [1624.0, 1699.0]], ('2500,00', 0.9828376770019531)], [[[1912.0, 1659.0], [2001.0, 1659.0], [2001.0, 1703.0], [1912.0, 1703.0]], ('10%', 0.9971013069152832)], [[[2097.0, 1659.0], [2252.0, 1659.0], [2252.0, 1699.0], [2097.0, 1699.0]], ('2 750,00', 0.9803816676139832)], [[[359.0, 1695.0], [842.0, 1703.0], [841.0, 1743.0], [358.0, 1736.0]], ('Coffee Table lapis Marquetry', 0.9995745420455933)], [[[355.0, 1736.0], [705.0, 1740.0], [705.0, 1787.0], [354.0, 1783.0]], ('Floral Christmas Gift', 0.9819247722625732)], [[[355.0, 1823.0], [842.0, 1827.0], [842.0, 1875.0], [354.0, 1871.0]], ('30 Inches Marble Patio Table', 0.964629054069519)], [[[1008.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1008.0, 1871.0]], ('2,00', 0.9994217753410339)], [[[1152.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1875.0], [1152.0, 1875.0]], ('each', 0.999234139919281)], [[[1366.0, 1823.0], [1528.0, 1823.0], [1528.0, 1875.0], [1366.0, 1875.0]], ('1 023,75', 0.9700427651405334)], [[[1621.0, 1823.0], [1783.0, 1823.0], [1783.0, 1875.0], [1621.0, 1875.0]], ('2 047,50', 0.9967973232269287)], [[[1912.0, 1823.0], [2005.0, 1823.0], [2005.0, 1878.0], [1912.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9999478459358215)], [[[2093.0, 1823.0], [2256.0, 1823.0], [2256.0, 1875.0], [2093.0, 1875.0]], ('2 252,25', 0.9983886480331421)], [[[358.0, 1871.0], [805.0, 1871.0], [805.0, 1907.0], [358.0, 1907.0]], ('Top Malachite Stone Inlaid', 0.9776926636695862)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [790.0, 1918.0], [790.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('Coffee Table Home Decor', 0.9939486384391785)], [[[351.0, 1995.0], [868.0, 1999.0], [867.0, 2046.0], [351.0, 2043.0]], ('25 Inches Black Marble Center', 0.9832769632339478)], [[[1008.0, 2002.0], [1097.0, 2002.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1008.0, 2043.0]], ('2,00', 0.9776855707168579)], [[[1151.0, 1998.0], [1249.0, 2007.0], [1245.0, 2051.0], [1147.0, 2041.0]], ('each', 0.9933544397354126)], [[[251.0, 2010.0], [284.0, 2010.0], [284.0, 2039.0], [251.0, 2039.0]], ('5.', 0.9926357269287109)], [[[1399.0, 2002.0], [1528.0, 2002.0], [1528.0, 2043.0], [1399.0, 2043.0]], ('731,25', 0.9980009198188782)], [[[1624.0, 2002.0], [1783.0, 2002.0], [1783.0, 2043.0], [1624.0, 2043.0]], ('1462,50', 0.9834707379341125)], [[[1912.0, 2002.0], [2001.0, 2002.0], [2001.0, 2046.0], [1912.0, 2046.0]], ('10%', 0.9978579878807068)], [[[2097.0, 2002.0], [2252.0, 2002.0], [2252.0, 2043.0], [2097.0, 2043.0]], ('1608,75', 0.9817351698875427)], [[[362.0, 2046.0], [827.0, 2046.0], [827.0, 2083.0], [362.0, 2083.0]], ('Table Top with Multi Stones', 0.983008086681366)], [[[355.0, 2079.0], [739.0, 2087.0], [738.0, 2134.0], [354.0, 2126.0]], ('Coffee Table for Home', 0.9849724769592285)], [[[192.0, 2225.0], [491.0, 2225.0], [491.0, 2273.0], [192.0, 2273.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9954939484596252)], [[[956.0, 2346.0], [1122.0, 2346.0], [1122.0, 2397.0], [956.0, 2397.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994314312934875)], [[[1386.0, 2345.0], [1588.0, 2354.0], [1586.0, 2398.0], [1384.0, 2389.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999667406082153)], [[[1780.0, 2350.0], [1868.0, 2350.0], [1868.0, 2393.0], [1780.0, 2393.0]], ('VAT', 0.6215139031410217)], [[[2023.0, 2350.0], [2252.0, 2350.0], [2252.0, 2386.0], [2023.0, 2386.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9524352550506592)], [[[997.0, 2429.0], [1083.0, 2439.0], [1077.0, 2486.0], [992.0, 2476.0]], ('10%', 0.9783906936645508)], [[[1410.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1410.0, 2481.0]], ('14 331,06', 0.9756766557693481)], [[[1706.0, 2441.0], [1864.0, 2441.0], [1864.0, 2481.0], [1706.0, 2481.0]], ('1433,11', 0.9899665117263794)], [[[2082.0, 2441.0], [2259.0, 2441.0], [2259.0, 2481.0], [2082.0, 2481.0]], ('15 764,17', 0.9977689385414124)], [[[746.0, 2525.0], [857.0, 2525.0], [857.0, 2576.0], [746.0, 2576.0]], ('Total', 0.9998723268508911)], [[[1355.0, 2525.0], [1584.0, 2525.0], [1584.0, 2565.0], [1355.0, 2565.0]], ('$ 14 331,06', 0.9390153884887695)], [[[1658.0, 2529.0], [1861.0, 2529.0], [1861.0, 2565.0], [1658.0, 2565.0]], ('$1433,11', 0.9916925430297852)], [[[2034.0, 2529.0], [2256.0, 2529.0], [2256.0, 2569.0], [2034.0, 2569.0]], ('$ 15 764,17', 0.9969017505645752)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '69087316', 'invoice_date': '08/12/2011', 'seller': 'Simmons-Henry 185 Stewart Mall Phillipsland, AK 27118', 'client': 'Adkins LLC 138 Stephanie Keys Joycemouth, KS 06054', 'seller_tax_id': '918-88-0475', 'client_tax_id': '995-99-7750', 'iban': 'GB27WNAR01832208898507'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '2 Wine Glasses 8oz 7\" inches tall drinks for two Good condition (fast shipper)', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '5,00', 'item_net_worth': '10,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '11,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Rust Proof Three Rows Tool Wine Glass Holder Simple Iron Wire Home Hanging Rack', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '11,56', 'item_net_worth': '23,12', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '25,43'}, {'item_desc': 'Wine spoon', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '5,00', 'item_net_worth': '10,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '11,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Mikasa Cheers Metallics Gold 14oz Wine Glasses With Original Stickers -Set Of2', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '9,99', 'item_net_worth': '39,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '43,96'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$83,08', 'total_vat': '$8,31', 'total_gross_worth': '$91,39'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 69087316.', 'Date of issue:', '08/12/2011', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Simmons-Henry', 'Adkins LLC', '185 Stewart Mall', '138 Stephanie Keys', 'Phillipsland, AK 27118', 'Joycemouth, KS 06054', 'Tax Id: 918-88-0475', 'Tax Id: 995-99-7750', 'IBAN: GB27WNAR01832208898507', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '2 Wine Glasses 8oz 7\" inches', '2,00', 'each', '5,00', '10,00', '10%', '11,00', 'tall drinks for two Good', 'condition (fast shipper)', 'Rust Proof Three Rows Tool', '2,00', '11,56', '23,12', '10%', '25,43', '2.', 'each', ' Wine Glass Holder Simple Iron', 'Wire Home Hanging Rack', 'Wine spoon', '2,00', 'each', ' 5,00', '10,00', '10%', '11,00', '3.', 'Mikasa Cheers Metallics Gold', '4,00', '9,99', '39,96', '10%', 'each', '43,96', '4', '14oz Wine Glasses With Original', 'Stickers ~Set Of 2', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '83,08', '8,31', '91,39', 'Total', '$ 83,08', '$ 8,31', '$ 91,39']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 69087316.', 0.970963180065155)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9984422922134399)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('08/12/2011', 0.9997413754463196)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [550.0, 757.0], [550.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Simmons-Henry', 0.9996846318244934)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1484.0, 760.0], [1484.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Adkins LLC', 0.9541362524032593)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [572.0, 811.0], [572.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('185 Stewart Mall', 0.9713867902755737)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1673.0, 811.0], [1672.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('138 Stephanie Keys', 0.9994969964027405)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [676.0, 866.0], [676.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Phillipsland, AK 27118', 0.9922492504119873)], [[[1244.0, 866.0], [1728.0, 866.0], [1728.0, 914.0], [1244.0, 914.0]], ('Joycemouth, KS 06054', 0.9992268681526184)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 918-88-0475', 0.9913313984870911)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 995-99-7750', 0.9871595501899719)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [956.0, 1023.0], [956.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB27WNAR01832208898507', 0.9877685308456421)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [853.0, 1392.0], [853.0, 1440.0], [351.0, 1436.0]], ('2 Wine Glasses 8oz 7\" inches', 0.9992157816886902)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.952114462852478)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('10,00', 0.9998053312301636)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('11,00', 0.9990175366401672)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [750.0, 1440.0], [749.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('tall drinks for two Good', 0.989898681640625)], [[[358.0, 1484.0], [749.0, 1484.0], [749.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('condition (fast shipper)', 0.9880635738372803)], [[[355.0, 1560.0], [820.0, 1564.0], [819.0, 1612.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Rust Proof Three Rows Tool', 0.9959217309951782)], [[[1008.0, 1559.0], [1098.0, 1569.0], [1093.0, 1613.0], [1003.0, 1603.0]], ('2,00', 0.9993745684623718)], [[[1425.0, 1555.0], [1534.0, 1566.0], [1529.0, 1620.0], [1420.0, 1610.0]], ('11,56', 0.999528706073761)], [[[1676.0, 1555.0], [1785.0, 1566.0], [1780.0, 1620.0], [1671.0, 1610.0]], ('23,12', 0.9995981454849243)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[2149.0, 1555.0], [2257.0, 1566.0], [2252.0, 1620.0], [2143.0, 1610.0]], ('25,43', 0.9930526614189148)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [872.0, 1612.0], [871.0, 1659.0], [350.0, 1651.0]], (' Wine Glass Holder Simple Iron', 0.9917575120925903)], [[[354.0, 1652.0], [794.0, 1652.0], [794.0, 1699.0], [354.0, 1699.0]], ('Wire Home Hanging Rack', 0.9999345541000366)], [[[358.0, 1743.0], [557.0, 1743.0], [557.0, 1783.0], [358.0, 1783.0]], ('Wine spoon', 0.9802468419075012)], [[[1004.0, 1739.0], [1093.0, 1739.0], [1093.0, 1783.0], [1004.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.978937566280365)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1436.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1791.0], [1436.0, 1791.0]], (' 5,00', 0.9047824740409851)], [[[1676.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1676.0, 1787.0]], ('10,00', 0.9995673298835754)], [[[1909.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1736.0], [2005.0, 1791.0], [1909.0, 1791.0]], ('10%', 0.9998900294303894)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('11,00', 0.9994882345199585)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [849.0, 1827.0], [849.0, 1875.0], [354.0, 1875.0]], ('Mikasa Cheers Metallics Gold', 0.9956899881362915)], [[[1008.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1827.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1008.0, 1871.0]], ('4,00', 0.9978796243667603)], [[[1440.0, 1823.0], [1532.0, 1823.0], [1532.0, 1878.0], [1440.0, 1878.0]], ('9,99', 0.9996802806854248)], [[[1680.0, 1827.0], [1783.0, 1827.0], [1783.0, 1875.0], [1680.0, 1875.0]], ('39,96', 0.996667206287384)], [[[1913.0, 1818.0], [2007.0, 1829.0], [2001.0, 1880.0], [1907.0, 1869.0]], ('10%', 0.9987134337425232)], [[[1152.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1831.0], [1244.0, 1875.0], [1152.0, 1875.0]], ('each', 0.999234139919281)], [[[2152.0, 1827.0], [2256.0, 1827.0], [2256.0, 1875.0], [2152.0, 1875.0]], ('43,96', 0.998701274394989)], [[[258.0, 1838.0], [277.0, 1838.0], [277.0, 1860.0], [258.0, 1860.0]], ('4', 0.9994951486587524)], [[[358.0, 1875.0], [901.0, 1875.0], [901.0, 1911.0], [358.0, 1911.0]], ('14oz Wine Glasses With Original', 0.9965526461601257)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [668.0, 1918.0], [668.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('Stickers ~Set Of 2', 0.9317233562469482)], [[[192.0, 2054.0], [491.0, 2054.0], [491.0, 2105.0], [192.0, 2105.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9969744086265564)], [[[956.0, 2174.0], [1122.0, 2174.0], [1122.0, 2225.0], [956.0, 2225.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1776.0, 2165.0], [1874.0, 2176.0], [1868.0, 2231.0], [1770.0, 2220.0]], ('VAT', 0.9770669937133789)], [[[1388.0, 2178.0], [1588.0, 2178.0], [1588.0, 2218.0], [1388.0, 2218.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9842570424079895)], [[[2027.0, 2182.0], [2256.0, 2182.0], [2256.0, 2218.0], [2027.0, 2218.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9980296492576599)], [[[994.0, 2253.0], [1087.0, 2264.0], [1081.0, 2318.0], [988.0, 2307.0]], ('10%', 0.999870777130127)], [[[1477.0, 2262.0], [1591.0, 2262.0], [1591.0, 2313.0], [1477.0, 2313.0]], ('83,08', 0.9991334080696106)], [[[1776.0, 2262.0], [1868.0, 2262.0], [1868.0, 2317.0], [1776.0, 2317.0]], ('8,31', 0.999596118927002)], [[[2152.0, 2262.0], [2267.0, 2262.0], [2267.0, 2313.0], [2152.0, 2313.0]], ('91,39', 0.9996709823608398)], [[[746.0, 2353.0], [857.0, 2353.0], [857.0, 2404.0], [746.0, 2404.0]], ('Total', 0.9998736381530762)], [[[1432.0, 2353.0], [1591.0, 2353.0], [1591.0, 2404.0], [1432.0, 2404.0]], ('$ 83,08', 0.9878179430961609)], [[[1735.0, 2353.0], [1868.0, 2353.0], [1868.0, 2404.0], [1735.0, 2404.0]], ('$ 8,31', 0.98436039686203)], [[[2108.0, 2353.0], [2263.0, 2353.0], [2263.0, 2404.0], [2108.0, 2404.0]], ('$ 91,39', 0.9915569424629211)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '81296657', 'invoice_date': '09/14/2018', 'seller': 'Schmidt-Fitzgerald 866 Nicholas Cliff Apt. 842 Robertfurt, IN 29490', 'client': 'Gordon-James 85816 Barnes Prairie Apt. 101 Port Matthew, MS 47751', 'seller_tax_id': '986-79-2527', 'client_tax_id': '905-99-8467', 'iban': 'GB98HXBC09528194943886'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Sega V Saturn Victor Console RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '119,99', 'item_net_worth': '599,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '659,94'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo NES System Console Choose Your Super Mario Game Bundle New 72 Pin', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '114,99', 'item_net_worth': '459,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '505,96'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1059,91', 'total_vat': '$ 105,99', 'total_gross_worth': '$1165,90'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 81296657', 'Date of issue:', '09/14/2018', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Schmidt-Fitzgerald', 'Gordon-James', '866 Nicholas Cliff Apt. 842', '85816 Barnes Prairie Apt. 101', 'Robertfurt, IN 29490', 'Port Matthew, MS 47751', 'Tax Id: 986-79-2527', 'Tax Id: 905-99-8467', 'IBAN: GB98HXBC09528194943886', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '5,00', '119,99', '599,95', '10%', '659,94', 'Sega V Saturn Victor Console', 'each', 'RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working', 'Japan', ' Nintendo NES System Console', '459,96', '10%', '505,96', '2.', '4,00', 'each', '114,99', 'Choose Your Super Mario Game', 'Bundle New 72 Pin', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '1 059,91', '10%', '105,99', '1165,90', 'Total', '$ 1 165,90', '$ 1 059,91', '$ 105,99']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 81296657', 0.9855681657791138)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('09/14/2018', 0.9997862577438354)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 753.0], [609.0, 757.0], [609.0, 808.0], [207.0, 804.0]], ('Schmidt-Fitzgerald', 0.9995993375778198)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1551.0, 760.0], [1551.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Gordon-James', 0.9990118145942688)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [768.0, 811.0], [768.0, 859.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('866 Nicholas Cliff Apt. 842', 0.9760711193084717)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1879.0, 811.0], [1879.0, 862.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('85816 Barnes Prairie Apt. 101', 0.9938331842422485)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [646.0, 866.0], [646.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Robertfurt, IN 29490', 0.9991132616996765)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1765.0, 866.0], [1765.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Port Matthew, MS 47751', 0.9953151345252991)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 986-79-2527', 0.988472580909729)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 905-99-8467', 0.9902225136756897)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [945.0, 1023.0], [945.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB98HXBC09528194943886', 0.9807610511779785)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('119,99', 0.9993710517883301)], [[[1654.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1654.0, 1443.0]], ('599,95', 0.9994714856147766)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2129.0, 1388.0], [2257.0, 1397.0], [2254.0, 1441.0], [2126.0, 1432.0]], ('659,94', 0.9879865646362305)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [845.0, 1400.0], [845.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Sega V Saturn Victor Console', 0.9612961411476135)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [845.0, 1436.0], [845.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working', 0.9818114042282104)], [[[354.0, 1484.0], [461.0, 1484.0], [461.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Japan', 0.9987685084342957)], [[[347.0, 1560.0], [868.0, 1564.0], [867.0, 1612.0], [347.0, 1608.0]], (' Nintendo NES System Console', 0.9716739654541016)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('459,96', 0.9996926784515381)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[2125.0, 1556.0], [2257.0, 1565.0], [2253.0, 1616.0], [2122.0, 1607.0]], ('505,96', 0.9990816116333008)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('4,00', 0.9977242946624756)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1407.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1407.0, 1608.0]], ('114,99', 0.999040424823761)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [894.0, 1612.0], [893.0, 1659.0], [354.0, 1651.0]], ('Choose Your Super Mario Game', 0.9671915173530579)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [676.0, 1655.0], [676.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Bundle New 72 Pin', 0.9990000128746033)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9384298920631409)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1776.0, 1902.0], [1874.0, 1913.0], [1868.0, 1968.0], [1770.0, 1957.0]], ('VAT', 0.8847408294677734)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998207688331604)], [[[1423.0, 1994.0], [1589.0, 2003.0], [1586.0, 2055.0], [1420.0, 2045.0]], ('1 059,91', 0.9378782510757446)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[1739.0, 2006.0], [1864.0, 2006.0], [1864.0, 2046.0], [1739.0, 2046.0]], ('105,99', 0.9915232062339783)], [[[2101.0, 2002.0], [2263.0, 2002.0], [2263.0, 2054.0], [2101.0, 2054.0]], ('1165,90', 0.9994776844978333)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[2050.0, 2086.0], [2264.0, 2094.0], [2262.0, 2146.0], [2048.0, 2137.0]], ('$ 1 165,90', 0.9529047012329102)], [[[1381.0, 2097.0], [1584.0, 2097.0], [1584.0, 2138.0], [1381.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 1 059,91', 0.9147804975509644)], [[[1695.0, 2097.0], [1861.0, 2097.0], [1861.0, 2138.0], [1695.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 105,99', 0.9624857306480408)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '89098949', 'invoice_date': '11/18/2018', 'seller': 'Mason-Cross 0258 Katie Terrace Lake Joseph, DC 99273', 'client': 'Short-Gonzalez 378 Elijah Divide North Sharon, NM 63947', 'seller_tax_id': '916-96-8787', 'client_tax_id': '956-72-7845', 'iban': 'GB21BNCC20926036398760'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"Yilong 5'x8' Handknotted Silk Area Rug Living Room Black Classic Carpet L38B\", 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '8000,00', 'item_net_worth': '24 000,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '26 400,00'}, {'item_desc': 'New Golden Brown Oriental Rug 4X6 Oushak Chobi Floral Hand-Knotted Foyer Carpet', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '232,65', 'item_net_worth': '232,65', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '255,92'}, {'item_desc': 'Soft Simple Mats For Living Room Bedroom Kid Room Rugs Carpets For Living Room', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '35,68', 'item_net_worth': '71,36', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '78,50'}, {'item_desc': '3D Bottomless Hole Optical Illusion Area Rug Carpet Sofa Door Mats Non-slip Home', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '13,76', 'item_net_worth': '27,52', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '30,27'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 24331,53', 'total_vat': '$2433,15', 'total_gross_worth': '$26 764,68'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 89098949.', 'Date of issue:.', '11/18/2018', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Short-Gonzalez', 'Mason-Cross', '0258 Katie Terrace', '378 Elijah Divide', 'Lake Joseph, DC 99273', 'North Sharon, NM 63947', 'Tax Id: 916-96-8787', 'Tax Id: 956-72-7845', 'IBAN: GB21BNCC20926036398760', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Gross', ' worth', \"Yilong 5'x8'Handknotted Silk\", '3,00', ' each', '8000,00', '24000,00', '10%', '26 400,00', 'Area Rug Living Room Black', 'Classic Carpet L38B', ' New Golden Brown Oriental Rug', '232,65', '232,65', '10%', '2.', '1,00', 'each', '255,92', '4X6 Oushak Chobi Floral', 'Hand-Knotted Foyer Carpet', 'Soft Simple Mats For Living', '2,00', ' each', '35,68', '71,36', '10%', '78,50', '3.', 'Room Bedroom Kid Room Rugs', 'Carpets For Living Room', '13,76', '27,52', '10%', '3D Bottomless Hole Optical', '2,00', 'each', '30,27', '4', ' Illusion Area Rug Carpet Sofa', 'Door Mats Non-slip Home', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '24 331,53', '2 433,15', '26764,68', 'Total', '$ 24 331,53', '$ 2 433,15', '$ 26 764,68']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 89098949.', 0.9682855010032654)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.951684832572937)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('11/18/2018', 0.9960224032402039)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1577.0, 757.0], [1576.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Short-Gonzalez', 0.9998255968093872)], [[[210.0, 764.0], [480.0, 764.0], [480.0, 804.0], [210.0, 804.0]], ('Mason-Cross', 0.9981297850608826)], [[[204.0, 807.0], [617.0, 815.0], [616.0, 863.0], [203.0, 855.0]], ('0258 Katie Terrace', 0.9998252391815186)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1606.0, 811.0], [1606.0, 862.0], [1252.0, 862.0]], ('378 Elijah Divide', 0.9984963536262512)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [698.0, 866.0], [698.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Lake Joseph, DC 99273', 0.9965783953666687)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1772.0, 866.0], [1772.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('North Sharon, NM 63947', 0.9821405410766602)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 916-96-8787', 0.9898055195808411)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 956-72-7845', 0.9887351989746094)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB21BNCC20926036398760', 0.9939485192298889)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1580.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1264.0], [1780.0, 1305.0], [1580.0, 1305.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9999362230300903)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [849.0, 1400.0], [849.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], (\"Yilong 5'x8'Handknotted Silk\", 0.9709123969078064)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('8000,00', 0.9674367904663086)], [[[1606.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1606.0, 1436.0]], ('24000,00', 0.9593502283096313)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2079.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2079.0, 1436.0]], ('26 400,00', 0.9216265082359314)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [838.0, 1436.0], [838.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Area Rug Living Room Black', 0.9902274012565613)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [698.0, 1476.0], [698.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Classic Carpet L38B', 0.9889304637908936)], [[[347.0, 1560.0], [901.0, 1568.0], [900.0, 1615.0], [347.0, 1608.0]], (' New Golden Brown Oriental Rug', 0.9743471145629883)], [[[1399.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1399.0, 1615.0]], ('232,65', 0.9996396899223328)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('232,65', 0.9996383190155029)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1100.0, 1568.0], [1100.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.998520016670227)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('255,92', 0.9997350573539734)], [[[358.0, 1608.0], [779.0, 1608.0], [779.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1655.0]], ('4X6 Oushak Chobi Floral', 0.9991639256477356)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [820.0, 1655.0], [820.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Hand-Knotted Foyer Carpet', 0.992794394493103)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [820.0, 1743.0], [819.0, 1783.0], [351.0, 1779.0]], ('Soft Simple Mats For Living', 0.9878231287002563)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('2,00', 0.9794178009033203)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('35,68', 0.9970963597297668)], [[[1676.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1676.0, 1787.0]], ('71,36', 0.9998345375061035)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('78,50', 0.9998379945755005)], [[[258.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1750.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [258.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9924343228340149)], [[[355.0, 1779.0], [883.0, 1783.0], [882.0, 1831.0], [354.0, 1827.0]], ('Room Bedroom Kid Room Rugs', 0.9696020483970642)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [772.0, 1827.0], [772.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Carpets For Living Room', 0.9756003022193909)], [[[1421.0, 1899.0], [1534.0, 1909.0], [1529.0, 1964.0], [1416.0, 1954.0]], ('13,76', 0.9998054504394531)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('27,52', 0.9979068636894226)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[355.0, 1911.0], [823.0, 1915.0], [823.0, 1955.0], [354.0, 1951.0]], ('3D Bottomless Hole Optical', 0.9914208650588989)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('2,00', 0.9965135455131531)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9990523457527161)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('30,27', 0.9988126754760742)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[347.0, 1948.0], [849.0, 1951.0], [849.0, 1999.0], [347.0, 1995.0]], (' Illusion Area Rug Carpet Sofa', 0.9577769637107849)], [[[351.0, 1995.0], [787.0, 1999.0], [786.0, 2039.0], [351.0, 2035.0]], ('Door Mats Non-slip Home', 0.9931679368019104)], [[[192.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2134.0], [491.0, 2185.0], [192.0, 2185.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963642954826355)], [[[1776.0, 2246.0], [1874.0, 2256.0], [1868.0, 2311.0], [1770.0, 2300.0]], ('VAT', 0.9387848973274231)], [[[956.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2258.0], [1122.0, 2309.0], [956.0, 2309.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1388.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2262.0], [1588.0, 2302.0], [1388.0, 2302.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9808471202850342)], [[[2023.0, 2258.0], [2256.0, 2258.0], [2256.0, 2298.0], [2023.0, 2298.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9940157532691956)], [[[994.0, 2337.0], [1087.0, 2348.0], [1081.0, 2402.0], [988.0, 2392.0]], ('10%', 0.9998841881752014)], [[[1404.0, 2345.0], [1588.0, 2354.0], [1586.0, 2394.0], [1402.0, 2386.0]], ('24 331,53', 0.9483110904693604)], [[[1700.0, 2341.0], [1869.0, 2350.0], [1866.0, 2402.0], [1697.0, 2393.0]], ('2 433,15', 0.9978141188621521)], [[[2076.0, 2342.0], [2264.0, 2350.0], [2262.0, 2394.0], [2074.0, 2386.0]], ('26764,68', 0.9701721668243408)], [[[749.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2441.0], [857.0, 2481.0], [749.0, 2481.0]], ('Total', 0.9998010396957397)], [[[1359.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1359.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 24 331,53', 0.9931188821792603)], [[[1658.0, 2437.0], [1864.0, 2437.0], [1864.0, 2478.0], [1658.0, 2478.0]], ('$ 2 433,15', 0.9487637281417847)], [[[2034.0, 2441.0], [2259.0, 2441.0], [2259.0, 2481.0], [2034.0, 2481.0]], ('$ 26 764,68', 0.9793962240219116)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '10817861', 'invoice_date': '06/09/2020', 'seller': 'Hughes-jones 565 Michael Cape Apt. 347 Port Brianside, DE 28251', 'client': 'Shaw, Williams and Johnston 08089 Arnold Trail Suite 577 West Valerieland, MS 52039', 'seller_tax_id': '905-82-3364', 'client_tax_id': '949-85-0610', 'iban': 'GB58X55C05650878610110'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"YILONG 4'x6' Golden Handmade Area Carpet Tribal Hand Knotted Silk Rugs 074B\", 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '3600,00', 'item_net_worth': '10 800,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '11880,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 10 800,00', 'total_vat': '$1080,00', 'total_gross_worth': '11880,00'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 10817861', 'Date of issue:', '06/09/2020', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Hughes-Jones', 'Shaw, Williams and Johnston', '565 Michael Cape Apt. 347', '08089 Arnold Trail Suite 577', 'Port Brianside, DE 28251', 'West Valerieland, MS 52039', 'Tax Id: 905-82-3364', 'Tax Id: 949-85-0610', 'IBAN: GB58XSSC05650878610110', 'ITEMS', 'UM', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '11 880,00', \"YILONG 4'x6'Golden Handmade\", '3,00', 'each', '3600,00', '10800,00', '10%', 'Area Carpet Tribal Hand', 'Knotted Silk Rugs 074B', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10 800,00', '11 880,00', '10%', '1080,00', 'Total', '$ 11 880,00', '$ 10 800,00', '$1080,00']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 10817861', 0.9990065693855286)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('06/09/2020', 0.9993342161178589)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [506.0, 760.0], [505.0, 812.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Hughes-Jones', 0.9995154738426208)], [[[1244.0, 753.0], [1854.0, 757.0], [1853.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Shaw, Williams and Johnston', 0.9830191731452942)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [775.0, 811.0], [775.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('565 Michael Cape Apt. 347', 0.9790777564048767)], [[[1252.0, 819.0], [1846.0, 819.0], [1846.0, 855.0], [1252.0, 855.0]], ('08089 Arnold Trail Suite 577', 0.963216245174408)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [735.0, 866.0], [735.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Brianside, DE 28251', 0.9997351765632629)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1842.0, 866.0], [1842.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('West Valerieland, MS 52039', 0.9824711680412292)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 905-82-3364', 0.9853276610374451)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 949-85-0610', 0.9936975240707397)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [934.0, 1023.0], [934.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB58XSSC05650878610110', 0.9899188876152039)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1161.0, 1252.0], [1239.0, 1262.0], [1232.0, 1313.0], [1154.0, 1303.0]], ('UM', 0.979519248008728)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[2073.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2254.0, 1444.0], [2070.0, 1435.0]], ('11 880,00', 0.9978116154670715)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [897.0, 1400.0], [897.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], (\"YILONG 4'x6'Golden Handmade\", 0.959028959274292)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('3600,00', 0.9663639664649963)], [[[1602.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1602.0, 1436.0]], ('10800,00', 0.9619683027267456)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [768.0, 1436.0], [768.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1484.0]], ('Area Carpet Tribal Hand', 0.997531533241272)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [753.0, 1480.0], [753.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('Knotted Silk Rugs 074B', 0.9889727234840393)], [[[196.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1619.0], [491.0, 1670.0], [196.0, 1670.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9958321452140808)], [[[956.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1743.0], [1122.0, 1794.0], [956.0, 1794.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1386.0, 1739.0], [1588.0, 1747.0], [1586.0, 1791.0], [1384.0, 1783.0]], ('Net worth', 0.999957799911499)], [[[1776.0, 1747.0], [1868.0, 1747.0], [1868.0, 1791.0], [1776.0, 1791.0]], ('VAT', 0.6534069180488586)], [[[2023.0, 1747.0], [2259.0, 1747.0], [2259.0, 1787.0], [2023.0, 1787.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998724460601807)], [[[1405.0, 1823.0], [1592.0, 1831.0], [1590.0, 1883.0], [1402.0, 1874.0]], ('10 800,00', 0.9926274418830872)], [[[2077.0, 1823.0], [2264.0, 1831.0], [2262.0, 1883.0], [2074.0, 1874.0]], ('11 880,00', 0.9837073087692261)], [[[997.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1834.0], [1082.0, 1878.0], [997.0, 1878.0]], ('10%', 0.9996476173400879)], [[[1709.0, 1834.0], [1864.0, 1834.0], [1864.0, 1875.0], [1709.0, 1875.0]], ('1080,00', 0.978297233581543)], [[[746.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1918.0], [857.0, 1970.0], [746.0, 1970.0]], ('Total', 0.9997448921203613)], [[[2024.0, 1914.0], [2264.0, 1923.0], [2262.0, 1970.0], [2023.0, 1962.0]], ('$ 11 880,00', 0.9418941736221313)], [[[1359.0, 1926.0], [1588.0, 1926.0], [1588.0, 1966.0], [1359.0, 1966.0]], ('$ 10 800,00', 0.9311279058456421)], [[[1658.0, 1926.0], [1864.0, 1926.0], [1864.0, 1966.0], [1658.0, 1966.0]], ('$1080,00', 0.9827356338500977)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '71177260', 'invoice_date': '06/11/2014', 'seller': 'Henry Inc 8786 Mcgee Junctions Suite 614 Port Peggy, VT 29244', 'client': 'Gay, Wilson and Green PSC 1897, Box 7430 APO AP 37043', 'seller_tax_id': '911-74-1248', 'client_tax_id': '979-73-7202', 'iban': 'GB06WBBD78186151252053'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': '3 Gal 12L Moonshine Still Stainless Steel Water Wine Alcohol Distiller Equipment', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '99,92', 'item_net_worth': '199,84', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '219,82'}, {'item_desc': 'USB Charging Bar Home Pumps Wine Opener Bottles Electric Automatic Kitchen Tool', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '35,27', 'item_net_worth': '35,27', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '38,80'}, {'item_desc': '500g Active Dry Yeast for Alcohol Fermentation / White Wine Brewing with sacchar', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '19,99', 'item_net_worth': '19,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '21,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Wine Glasses Wall Mount Wine Glass Rack Storage Shelf for The Cabinet', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '21,56', 'item_net_worth': '43,12', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '47,43'}, {'item_desc': 'Leather Wine Carrier Single Bottle Gift Bag Christmas Wedding Party Reusable', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '11,99', 'item_net_worth': '35,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '39,57'}, {'item_desc': 'Bottle tops lid reusable vacuume sealer stopper flip cap cork wine beer', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '9,99', 'item_net_worth': '49,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '54,95'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$384,14', 'total_vat': '$38,41', 'total_gross_worth': '422,55'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 71177260', 'Date of issue:', '06/11/2014', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Henry Inc', 'Gay, Wilson and Green', '8786 Mcgee Junctions Suite 614', 'PSC 1897, Box 7430', 'Port Peggy, VT 29244', 'APO AP 37043', 'Tax Id: 911-74-1248', 'Tax Id: 979-73-7202', 'IBAN: GB06WBBD78186151252053', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '99,92', '199,84', '10%', '3 Gal 12L Moonshine Still', '2,00', 'each', '219,82', '1', 'Stainless Steel Water Wine', 'Alcohol Distiller Equipment', ' USB Charging Bar Home Pumps', '35,27', '10%', '1,00', 'each', '35,27', '38,80', '2.', 'Wine Opener Bottles Electric', 'Automatic Kitchen Tool', '500g Active Dry Yeast for', '1,00', ' each', '19,99', '19,99', '10%', '21,99', '3.', 'Alcohol Fermentation/White', 'Wine Brewing with sacchar', 'Wine Glasses Wall Mount Wine', '21,56', '43,12', '10%', '2,00', 'each', '47,43', '4', 'Glass Rack Storage Shelf for', 'The Cabinet', '11,99', '35,97', '10%', 'Leather Wine Carrier Single', '3,00', ' each', '39,57', 'Bottle Gift Bag Christmas', 'Wedding Party Reusable', 'Bottle tops lid reusable', '5,00', 'each', '9,99', '49,95', '10%', '54,95', '6', 'vacuume sealer stopper flip cap', 'cork wine beer', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '384,14', '38,41', '422,55', 'Total', '$ 384,14', '$ 38,41', '$ 422,55']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 71177260', 0.9990140795707703)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9994878172874451)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/11/2014', 0.9998564720153809)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[210.0, 764.0], [414.0, 764.0], [414.0, 804.0], [210.0, 804.0]], ('Henry Inc', 0.9979731440544128)], [[[1244.0, 760.0], [1732.0, 760.0], [1732.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Gay, Wilson and Green', 0.9995595216751099)], [[[207.0, 815.0], [886.0, 815.0], [886.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('8786 Mcgee Junctions Suite 614', 0.9891882538795471)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1680.0, 811.0], [1680.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('PSC 1897, Box 7430', 0.9670181274414062)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [668.0, 866.0], [668.0, 917.0], [210.0, 917.0]], ('Port Peggy, VT 29244', 0.9825283288955688)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('APO AP 37043', 0.9994309544563293)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 911-74-1248', 0.9844539761543274)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 979-73-7202', 0.983986496925354)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [956.0, 1030.0], [956.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB06WBBD78186151252053', 0.9763670563697815)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('99,92', 0.9999006390571594)], [[[1654.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1654.0, 1443.0]], ('199,84', 0.9993343353271484)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [783.0, 1400.0], [783.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('3 Gal 12L Moonshine Still', 0.9328938126564026)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2127.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2127.0, 1436.0]], ('219,82', 0.9803057312965393)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [816.0, 1436.0], [816.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Stainless Steel Water Wine', 0.9873987436294556)], [[[355.0, 1473.0], [812.0, 1476.0], [812.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Alcohol Distiller Equipment', 0.9738827347755432)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [894.0, 1564.0], [893.0, 1615.0], [351.0, 1611.0]], (' USB Charging Bar Home Pumps', 0.9702963829040527)], [[[1421.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1421.0, 1615.0]], ('35,27', 0.9995205998420715)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('1,00', 0.9974395632743835)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1680.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1680.0, 1615.0]], ('35,27', 0.9995662569999695)], [[[2145.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1611.0], [2145.0, 1611.0]], ('38,80', 0.9969196319580078)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[358.0, 1608.0], [842.0, 1608.0], [842.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1655.0]], ('Wine Opener Bottles Electric', 0.9945974349975586)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [753.0, 1655.0], [753.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Automatic Kitchen Tool', 0.9749059081077576)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [787.0, 1743.0], [786.0, 1783.0], [351.0, 1779.0]], ('500g Active Dry Yeast for', 0.9518430233001709)], [[[1004.0, 1739.0], [1108.0, 1739.0], [1108.0, 1787.0], [1004.0, 1787.0]], ('1,00', 0.9989047646522522)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('19,99', 0.9996360540390015)], [[[1676.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1676.0, 1787.0]], ('19,99', 0.9997838735580444)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2145.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2145.0, 1787.0]], ('21,99', 0.9996862411499023)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [845.0, 1787.0], [845.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Alcohol Fermentation/White', 0.9898985624313354)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [812.0, 1827.0], [812.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Wine Brewing with sacchar', 0.9792416095733643)], [[[354.0, 1907.0], [882.0, 1907.0], [882.0, 1955.0], [354.0, 1955.0]], ('Wine Glasses Wall Mount Wine', 0.9859926104545593)], [[[1417.0, 1899.0], [1534.0, 1909.0], [1529.0, 1964.0], [1413.0, 1954.0]], ('21,56', 0.998885452747345)], [[[1676.0, 1899.0], [1788.0, 1909.0], [1783.0, 1964.0], [1671.0, 1954.0]], ('43,12', 0.9996302723884583)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('2,00', 0.9965135455131531)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[2152.0, 1911.0], [2256.0, 1911.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2152.0, 1959.0]], ('47,43', 0.9796512722969055)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1926.0], [281.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9862528443336487)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [834.0, 1959.0], [834.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Glass Rack Storage Shelf for', 0.9841994643211365)], [[[355.0, 1991.0], [569.0, 1995.0], [568.0, 2036.0], [354.0, 2031.0]], ('The Cabinet', 0.9991850256919861)], [[[1421.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1421.0, 2130.0]], ('11,99', 0.9997227787971497)], [[[1672.0, 2079.0], [1783.0, 2079.0], [1783.0, 2130.0], [1672.0, 2130.0]], ('35,97', 0.9999275207519531)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2007.0, 2081.0], [2000.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998958706855774)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [827.0, 2083.0], [827.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Leather Wine Carrier Single', 0.9840351343154907)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('3,00', 0.9891558885574341)], [[[1141.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1141.0, 2134.0]], (' each', 0.9459221959114075)], [[[2145.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2145.0, 2130.0]], ('39,57', 0.9997884631156921)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [783.0, 2130.0], [783.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Bottle Gift Bag Christmas', 0.9980932474136353)], [[[358.0, 2171.0], [772.0, 2171.0], [772.0, 2207.0], [358.0, 2207.0]], ('Wedding Party Reusable', 0.962393581867218)], [[[355.0, 2251.0], [753.0, 2255.0], [753.0, 2302.0], [354.0, 2298.0]], ('Bottle tops lid reusable', 0.9706535935401917)], [[[1004.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2302.0], [1004.0, 2302.0]], ('5,00', 0.9917615652084351)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1444.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2302.0], [1444.0, 2302.0]], ('9,99', 0.999625027179718)], [[[1672.0, 2255.0], [1787.0, 2255.0], [1787.0, 2306.0], [1672.0, 2306.0]], ('49,95', 0.9996439218521118)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2145.0, 2255.0], [2256.0, 2255.0], [2256.0, 2306.0], [2145.0, 2306.0]], ('54,95', 0.9998849630355835)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2291.0], [258.0, 2291.0]], ('6', 0.834687352180481)], [[[354.0, 2298.0], [901.0, 2298.0], [901.0, 2346.0], [354.0, 2346.0]], ('vacuume sealer stopper flip cap', 0.9904649257659912)], [[[358.0, 2346.0], [609.0, 2346.0], [609.0, 2383.0], [358.0, 2383.0]], ('cork wine beer', 0.99973064661026)], [[[192.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2481.0], [491.0, 2532.0], [192.0, 2532.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9965495467185974)], [[[956.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2605.0], [1122.0, 2657.0], [956.0, 2657.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994757771492004)], [[[1388.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2609.0], [1588.0, 2649.0], [1388.0, 2649.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9856247305870056)], [[[1780.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2605.0], [1868.0, 2649.0], [1780.0, 2649.0]], ('VAT', 0.8281314373016357)], [[[2027.0, 2609.0], [2259.0, 2609.0], [2259.0, 2649.0], [2027.0, 2649.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999242424964905)], [[[993.0, 2689.0], [1085.0, 2689.0], [1085.0, 2744.0], [993.0, 2744.0]], ('10%', 0.9317978024482727)], [[[1458.0, 2693.0], [1591.0, 2693.0], [1591.0, 2744.0], [1458.0, 2744.0]], ('384,14', 0.9996182322502136)], [[[1757.0, 2693.0], [1868.0, 2693.0], [1868.0, 2744.0], [1757.0, 2744.0]], ('38,41', 0.9990768432617188)], [[[2138.0, 2697.0], [2263.0, 2697.0], [2263.0, 2737.0], [2138.0, 2737.0]], ('422,55', 0.995066225528717)], [[[746.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2781.0], [857.0, 2832.0], [746.0, 2832.0]], ('Total', 0.9998723268508911)], [[[1414.0, 2781.0], [1591.0, 2781.0], [1591.0, 2832.0], [1414.0, 2832.0]], ('$ 384,14', 0.9916788339614868)], [[[1713.0, 2781.0], [1864.0, 2781.0], [1864.0, 2832.0], [1713.0, 2832.0]], ('$ 38,41', 0.9862109422683716)], [[[2082.0, 2781.0], [2263.0, 2781.0], [2263.0, 2832.0], [2082.0, 2832.0]], ('$ 422,55', 0.9984875321388245)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '65166425', 'invoice_date': '11/14/2020', 'seller': 'Wagner PLC 74685 Patricia Ferry Suite 974 Maureenside, DE 84080', 'client': 'GutierrezWillams USCGC Cannon FPO AP 22243', 'seller_tax_id': '963-76-4291', 'client_tax_id': '902-81-1977', 'iban': 'GB74LWZA78599473788589'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Joma Youth Boys Gol 205 Piso Multitaco Soccer Cleats 3.5 White Blue Yellow NEW', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '19,99', 'item_net_worth': '39,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '43,98'}, {'item_desc': 'nickelodeon TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles D L M R 6in Action Figure Kids Toy', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '42,98', 'item_net_worth': '85,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '94,56'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$125,94', 'total_vat': '$12,59', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 138,53'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 65166425', 'Date of issue:', '11/14/2020', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Wagner PLC', 'Gutierrez-Williams', '74685 Patricia Ferry Suite 974', 'USCGC Cannon', 'Maureenside, DE 84080', 'FPO AP 22243', 'Tax Id: 963-76-4291', 'Tax Id: 902-81-1977', 'IBAN: GB74LWZA78599473788589', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'Joma Youth Boys Gol 205 Piso', '2,00', 'each', '19,99', '39,98', '10%', '43,98', 'Multitaco Soccer Cleats 3.5', 'White Blue Yellow NEW', 'nickelodeon TMNT Teenage', '42,98', '85,96', '10%', '94,56', '2.', '2,00', 'each', ' Mutant Ninja Turtles D L M R 6in', 'Action Figure Kids Toy', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '125,94', '12,59', '138,53', 'Total', '$ 125,94', '$ 12,59', '$ 138,53']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 65166425', 0.9994465708732605)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9985737204551697)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('11/14/2020', 0.9998424649238586)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [469.0, 756.0], [469.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Wagner PLC', 0.9996482133865356)], [[[1244.0, 756.0], [1636.0, 756.0], [1636.0, 804.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Gutierrez-Williams', 0.9979073405265808)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [849.0, 811.0], [849.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('74685 Patricia Ferry Suite 974', 0.9731152057647705)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1577.0, 811.0], [1576.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('USCGC Cannon', 0.99568772315979)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [713.0, 866.0], [713.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Maureenside, DE 84080', 0.9996873140335083)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 866.0], [1554.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('FPO AP 22243', 0.999016284942627)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 963-76-4291', 0.9914692044258118)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 902-81-1977', 0.9885924458503723)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB74LWZA78599473788589', 0.9892388582229614)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [860.0, 1400.0], [860.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Joma Youth Boys Gol 205 Piso', 0.9363851547241211)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('19,99', 0.9998483657836914)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('39,98', 0.9985017776489258)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2149.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2149.0, 1443.0]], ('43,98', 0.9996647834777832)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [816.0, 1440.0], [816.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('Multitaco Soccer Cleats 3.5', 0.9987300038337708)], [[[358.0, 1476.0], [753.0, 1476.0], [753.0, 1524.0], [358.0, 1524.0]], ('White Blue Yellow NEW', 0.9835196137428284)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [827.0, 1568.0], [827.0, 1615.0], [354.0, 1611.0]], ('nickelodeon TMNT Teenage', 0.9943922162055969)], [[[1421.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1564.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1421.0, 1615.0]], ('42,98', 0.999778151512146)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('85,96', 0.9992369413375854)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[2149.0, 1555.0], [2257.0, 1566.0], [2252.0, 1620.0], [2143.0, 1610.0]], ('94,56', 0.996346116065979)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1093.0, 1568.0], [1093.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('2,00', 0.9994388818740845)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [901.0, 1608.0], [901.0, 1655.0], [351.0, 1652.0]], (' Mutant Ninja Turtles D L M R 6in', 0.9773603677749634)], [[[355.0, 1652.0], [735.0, 1655.0], [734.0, 1696.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Action Figure Kids Toy', 0.9997453093528748)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9364745020866394)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[1776.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1966.0], [1776.0, 1966.0]], ('VAT', 0.6962001919746399)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998346567153931)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[1462.0, 2006.0], [1588.0, 2006.0], [1588.0, 2046.0], [1462.0, 2046.0]], ('125,94', 0.986450731754303)], [[[1754.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2054.0], [1754.0, 2054.0]], ('12,59', 0.99980229139328)], [[[2134.0, 2002.0], [2267.0, 2002.0], [2267.0, 2054.0], [2134.0, 2054.0]], ('138,53', 0.9997868537902832)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1414.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2138.0], [1414.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 125,94', 0.9896777868270874)], [[[1713.0, 2094.0], [1864.0, 2094.0], [1864.0, 2145.0], [1713.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 12,59', 0.9380048513412476)], [[[2082.0, 2094.0], [2263.0, 2094.0], [2263.0, 2145.0], [2082.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 138,53', 0.9883080720901489)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '92802196', 'invoice_date': '04/09/2017', 'seller': 'Cruz-Rice 7462 Gregory Bridge Suite 646 Cummingsland, OR 77232', 'client': 'Phillips Group 710 Lindsey Trace East Beckyberg, IA 98371', 'seller_tax_id': '958-81-8259', 'client_tax_id': '949-90-8020', 'iban': 'GB21WGRX66264978614845'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'The Art of Glen Loates', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '6,08', 'item_net_worth': '24,32', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '26,75'}, {'item_desc': 'Signed -THE HOT ZONE A Terrifying True Story Richard Preston HCDJ First Edition!', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '150,00', 'item_net_worth': '600,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '660,00'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$624,32', 'total_vat': '$62,43', 'total_gross_worth': '686,75'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 92802196', 'Date of issue:.', '04/09/2017', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Cruz-Rice', 'Phillips Group', '7462 Gregory Bridge Suite 646', '710 Lindsey Trace.', 'Cummingsland, OR 77232', 'East Beckyberg, IA 98371', 'Tax Id: 958-81-8259', 'Tax Id: 949-90-8020', 'IBAN: GB21WGRX66264978614845', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', 'worth', '24,32', '10%', '1.', 'The Art of Glen Loates', '4,00', 'each', '6,08', '26,75', 'Signed ~THE HOT ZONE A', '4,00', ' each', '150,00', '600,00', '10%', '660,00', '2.', 'Terrifying True Story Richard', 'Preston HCDJ First Edition!', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '624,32', '62,43', '686,75', 'Total', '$ 624,32', '$ 62,43', '$ 686,75']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 92802196', 0.998595118522644)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9754427075386047)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('04/09/2017', 0.9997833967208862)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[207.0, 756.0], [417.0, 756.0], [417.0, 808.0], [207.0, 808.0]], ('Cruz-Rice', 0.9996181130409241)], [[[1245.0, 749.0], [1544.0, 757.0], [1542.0, 812.0], [1244.0, 803.0]], ('Phillips Group', 0.9714154005050659)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [864.0, 811.0], [864.0, 862.0], [210.0, 862.0]], ('7462 Gregory Bridge Suite 646', 0.9949026703834534)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1639.0, 811.0], [1639.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('710 Lindsey Trace.', 0.961505651473999)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [761.0, 866.0], [761.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Cummingsland, OR 77232', 0.9993669986724854)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1787.0, 866.0], [1787.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('East Beckyberg, IA 98371', 0.9897851943969727)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 958-81-8259', 0.9899824857711792)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 949-90-8020', 0.985917866230011)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [956.0, 1023.0], [956.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB21WGRX66264978614845', 0.9941202402114868)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1156.0, 1261.0], [1240.0, 1261.0], [1240.0, 1316.0], [1156.0, 1316.0]], ('UM', 0.9094463586807251)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[1672.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1672.0, 1443.0]], ('24,32', 0.9992057085037231)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2003.0, 1394.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999473690986633)], [[[251.0, 1400.0], [284.0, 1400.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9954556226730347)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [738.0, 1400.0], [738.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('The Art of Glen Loates', 0.9905086755752563)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1093.0, 1396.0], [1093.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9990160465240479)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1532.0, 1396.0], [1532.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('6,08', 0.9723512530326843)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('26,75', 0.9994521141052246)], [[[354.0, 1484.0], [809.0, 1484.0], [809.0, 1531.0], [354.0, 1531.0]], ('Signed ~THE HOT ZONE A', 0.9812766909599304)], [[[1008.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1484.0], [1097.0, 1527.0], [1008.0, 1527.0]], ('4,00', 0.9976166486740112)], [[[1147.0, 1479.0], [1249.0, 1488.0], [1245.0, 1532.0], [1143.0, 1523.0]], (' each', 0.9030272364616394)], [[[1396.0, 1480.0], [1532.0, 1480.0], [1532.0, 1531.0], [1396.0, 1531.0]], ('150,00', 0.9992567896842957)], [[[1654.0, 1480.0], [1783.0, 1480.0], [1783.0, 1531.0], [1654.0, 1531.0]], ('600,00', 0.9988353848457336)], [[[1912.0, 1484.0], [2001.0, 1484.0], [2001.0, 1527.0], [1912.0, 1527.0]], ('10%', 0.8556877970695496)], [[[2127.0, 1480.0], [2259.0, 1480.0], [2259.0, 1531.0], [2127.0, 1531.0]], ('660,00', 0.9981460571289062)], [[[251.0, 1491.0], [288.0, 1491.0], [288.0, 1524.0], [251.0, 1524.0]], ('2.', 0.99964439868927)], [[[358.0, 1531.0], [842.0, 1531.0], [842.0, 1568.0], [358.0, 1568.0]], ('Terrifying True Story Richard', 0.9995650053024292)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [805.0, 1571.0], [805.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Preston HCDJ First Edition!', 0.9785303473472595)], [[[192.0, 1706.0], [491.0, 1706.0], [491.0, 1758.0], [192.0, 1758.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9953848123550415)], [[[956.0, 1831.0], [1122.0, 1831.0], [1122.0, 1882.0], [956.0, 1882.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992411732673645)], [[[1772.0, 1822.0], [1874.0, 1832.0], [1868.0, 1887.0], [1767.0, 1877.0]], ('VAT', 0.977888286113739)], [[[1388.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1834.0], [1588.0, 1875.0], [1388.0, 1875.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998443126678467)], [[[2023.0, 1838.0], [2256.0, 1838.0], [2256.0, 1875.0], [2023.0, 1875.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999376535415649)], [[[994.0, 1910.0], [1087.0, 1920.0], [1081.0, 1975.0], [988.0, 1964.0]], ('10%', 0.9999063611030579)], [[[1458.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1918.0], [1591.0, 1970.0], [1458.0, 1970.0]], ('624,32', 0.9979469776153564)], [[[1754.0, 1918.0], [1872.0, 1918.0], [1872.0, 1970.0], [1754.0, 1970.0]], ('62,43', 0.993087649345398)], [[[2134.0, 1918.0], [2267.0, 1918.0], [2267.0, 1970.0], [2134.0, 1970.0]], ('686,75', 0.9965903759002686)], [[[746.0, 2010.0], [857.0, 2010.0], [857.0, 2061.0], [746.0, 2061.0]], ('Total', 0.9998666048049927)], [[[1414.0, 2013.0], [1588.0, 2013.0], [1588.0, 2054.0], [1414.0, 2054.0]], ('$ 624,32', 0.9977536201477051)], [[[1713.0, 2010.0], [1864.0, 2010.0], [1864.0, 2061.0], [1713.0, 2061.0]], ('$ 62,43', 0.995587944984436)], [[[2082.0, 2010.0], [2263.0, 2010.0], [2263.0, 2061.0], [2082.0, 2061.0]], ('$ 686,75', 0.9942520260810852)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '70372519', 'invoice_date': '05/01/2013', 'seller': 'Williamson, Murphy and Winters 6341 Pamela Views Smithtown, DC 63428', 'client': 'Brown, Rodriguez and Lopez 8747 Charles Alley Sherrybury, CT 27957', 'seller_tax_id': '970-75-4240', 'client_tax_id': '933-82-8453', 'iban': 'GB19KZPB65453134501012'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Black Nintendo Wii Console Bundle RVL-101 with 2 Controllers & Cords', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '89,99', 'item_net_worth': '269,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '296,97'}, {'item_desc': 'SONY Playstation2 Console SCPH-39000 \" Aqua Color \" / TESTED 11180', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '60,00', 'item_net_worth': '180,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '198,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Sony PlayStation 5 Console - White Digital Version', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '630,00', 'item_net_worth': '3150,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '3 465,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo Wii Console Mario Kart Controller Wii Fit 2 Board Remotes Game BUNDLE', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '199,97', 'item_net_worth': '199,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '219,97'}, {'item_desc': 'Sega V Saturn Victor Console RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '109,99', 'item_net_worth': '219,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '241,98'}, {'item_desc': 'Super Nintendo SNES System Console SNS 001 with 2 Controllers Cleaned And Tested', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '149,99', 'item_net_worth': '149,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '164,99'}, {'item_desc': 'Retro Arcade Game Console All In One 128G Raspberry PI 4 Model B 4GB Plug Play', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '149,99', 'item_net_worth': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '329,98'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$4469,89', 'total_vat': '$ 446,99', 'total_gross_worth': '$4916,88'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 70372519', 'Date of issue:', '05/01/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Williamson, Murphy and Winters.', 'Brown, Rodriguez and Lopez', '6341 Pamela Views', '8747 Charles Alley', 'Smithtown, DC 63428', 'Sherrybury, CT 27957', 'Tax Id: 970-75-4240', 'Tax Id: 933-82-8453', 'IBAN: GB19KZPB65453134501012', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', 'Black Nintendo Wii Console', '3,00', 'each', '89,99', '269,97', '296,97', '1', 'Bundle RVL-101 with 2', 'Controllers & Cords', 'SONY Playstation2 Console', '180,00', '10%', '2.', '3,00', 'each', '60,00', '198,00', 'SCPH-39000 \" Aqua Color \"/', 'TESTED 11180', '5,00', '630,00', '3 150,00', 'Sony PlayStation 5 Console-', ' each', '10%', '3 465,00', '3.', 'White - Digital Version -', 'CONFIRMED PRE ORDER PS5', '199,97', '199,97', '10%', ' Nintendo Wii Console Mario Kart', '1,00', 'each', '219,97', '4', 'Controller Wii Fit 2 Board', 'Remotes Game BUNDLE', '109,99', '219,98', '10%', '5', 'Sega V Saturn Victor Console', '2,00', ' each', '241,98', 'RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working', 'Japan', 'Super Nintendo SNES System', '1,00', 'each', '149,99', '149,99', '10%', '164,99', '6', 'Console SNS-001 with 2', 'Controllers Cleaned And Tested', '10%', ' Retro Arcade Game Console All', '2,00', ' each', '149,99', '299,98', '329,98', '7.', 'In One 128G Raspberry PI 4', ' Model B 4GB PIug PIay', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '4469,89', '446,99', '4916,88', 'Total', '$ 4 469,89', '$ 446,99', '$ 4 916,88']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 70372519', 0.9988389015197754)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9994878172874451)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('05/01/2013', 0.9999033212661743)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [890.0, 756.0], [890.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Williamson, Murphy and Winters.', 0.9783053398132324)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1850.0, 760.0], [1850.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Brown, Rodriguez and Lopez', 0.9976583123207092)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [624.0, 811.0], [624.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('6341 Pamela Views', 0.9998235106468201)], [[[1245.0, 807.0], [1647.0, 811.0], [1646.0, 863.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('8747 Charles Alley', 0.9927647113800049)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [672.0, 866.0], [672.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Smithtown, DC 63428', 0.9997815489768982)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1713.0, 866.0], [1713.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Sherrybury, CT 27957', 0.9942439198493958)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 970-75-4240', 0.9839155077934265)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 933-82-8453', 0.9929487109184265)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [930.0, 1030.0], [930.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB19KZPB65453134501012', 0.980815589427948)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997389316558838)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [823.0, 1400.0], [823.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Black Nintendo Wii Console', 0.9676190614700317)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('3,00', 0.9798600077629089)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1421.0, 1436.0]], ('89,99', 0.9584751129150391)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1780.0, 1396.0], [1780.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('269,97', 0.9782290458679199)], [[[2127.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2127.0, 1436.0]], ('296,97', 0.9850741028785706)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [742.0, 1436.0], [742.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Bundle RVL-101 with 2', 0.9913687705993652)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [691.0, 1476.0], [690.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Controllers & Cords', 0.9996846914291382)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [812.0, 1568.0], [812.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('SONY Playstation2 Console', 0.9920122027397156)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('180,00', 0.9990456700325012)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2010.0, 1566.0], [2005.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9929680228233337)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('3,00', 0.9977307319641113)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1421.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1421.0, 1608.0]], ('60,00', 0.9923660159111023)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('198,00', 0.9994149208068848)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [842.0, 1608.0], [842.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1655.0]], ('SCPH-39000 \" Aqua Color \"/', 0.9686790108680725)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [609.0, 1655.0], [609.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('TESTED 11180', 0.9892119765281677)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('5,00', 0.9958778619766235)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('630,00', 0.9984100461006165)], [[[1619.0, 1731.0], [1784.0, 1740.0], [1781.0, 1791.0], [1616.0, 1782.0]], ('3 150,00', 0.9867030382156372)], [[[354.0, 1743.0], [834.0, 1743.0], [834.0, 1780.0], [354.0, 1780.0]], ('Sony PlayStation 5 Console-', 0.9683951735496521)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2093.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2093.0, 1787.0]], ('3 465,00', 0.9892990589141846)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.9914537668228149)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [753.0, 1787.0], [753.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('White - Digital Version -', 0.9883376359939575)], [[[354.0, 1820.0], [845.0, 1820.0], [845.0, 1867.0], [354.0, 1867.0]], ('CONFIRMED PRE ORDER PS5', 0.9908917546272278)], [[[1399.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1399.0, 1959.0]], ('199,97', 0.9995665550231934)], [[[1654.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1907.0], [1783.0, 1959.0], [1654.0, 1959.0]], ('199,97', 0.9992949962615967)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[351.0, 1911.0], [905.0, 1911.0], [905.0, 1959.0], [351.0, 1959.0]], (' Nintendo Wii Console Mario Kart', 0.957227349281311)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[2123.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2123.0, 1959.0]], ('219,97', 0.999675989151001)], [[[249.0, 1931.0], [266.0, 1915.0], [286.0, 1935.0], [270.0, 1951.0]], ('4', 0.7881230115890503)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [783.0, 1959.0], [783.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Controller Wii Fit 2 Board', 0.9719070196151733)], [[[354.0, 1999.0], [768.0, 1999.0], [768.0, 2035.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('Remotes Game BUNDLE', 0.9739705920219421)], [[[1396.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1396.0, 2130.0]], ('109,99', 0.99936842918396)], [[[1650.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2130.0], [1650.0, 2130.0]], ('219,98', 0.999548614025116)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2010.0, 2081.0], [2004.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998750686645508)], [[[258.0, 2090.0], [284.0, 2103.0], [273.0, 2123.0], [248.0, 2111.0]], ('5', 0.9814273715019226)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [853.0, 2083.0], [853.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Sega V Saturn Victor Console', 0.9990796446800232)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('2,00', 0.9794178009033203)], [[[1141.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1141.0, 2134.0]], (' each', 0.9459221959114075)], [[[2127.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2127.0], [2127.0, 2127.0]], ('241,98', 0.9919126629829407)], [[[351.0, 2119.0], [846.0, 2123.0], [845.0, 2174.0], [351.0, 2170.0]], ('RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working', 0.9848976135253906)], [[[351.0, 2171.0], [461.0, 2171.0], [461.0, 2211.0], [351.0, 2211.0]], ('Japan', 0.9986832737922668)], [[[354.0, 2255.0], [860.0, 2255.0], [860.0, 2302.0], [354.0, 2302.0]], ('Super Nintendo SNES System', 0.9873253703117371)], [[[1004.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2302.0], [1004.0, 2302.0]], ('1,00', 0.996928334236145)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1403.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2258.0], [1528.0, 2298.0], [1403.0, 2298.0]], ('149,99', 0.9996677041053772)], [[[1654.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2258.0], [1783.0, 2298.0], [1654.0, 2298.0]], ('149,99', 0.997581422328949)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2130.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2258.0], [2252.0, 2298.0], [2130.0, 2298.0]], ('164,99', 0.9995765686035156)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2291.0], [258.0, 2291.0]], ('6', 0.834687352180481)], [[[362.0, 2298.0], [761.0, 2298.0], [761.0, 2335.0], [362.0, 2335.0]], ('Console SNS-001 with 2', 0.9918279647827148)], [[[354.0, 2339.0], [890.0, 2335.0], [890.0, 2382.0], [355.0, 2386.0]], ('Controllers Cleaned And Tested', 0.9998654723167419)], [[[1913.0, 2414.0], [2007.0, 2425.0], [2000.0, 2479.0], [1907.0, 2468.0]], ('10%', 0.9996938705444336)], [[[351.0, 2426.0], [882.0, 2426.0], [882.0, 2474.0], [351.0, 2474.0]], (' Retro Arcade Game Console All', 0.9878120422363281)], [[[1008.0, 2430.0], [1093.0, 2430.0], [1093.0, 2470.0], [1008.0, 2470.0]], ('2,00', 0.9907816648483276)], [[[1145.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2478.0], [1145.0, 2478.0]], (' each', 0.913351833820343)], [[[1403.0, 2430.0], [1528.0, 2430.0], [1528.0, 2470.0], [1403.0, 2470.0]], ('149,99', 0.9919851422309875)], [[[1654.0, 2430.0], [1783.0, 2430.0], [1783.0, 2470.0], [1654.0, 2470.0]], ('299,98', 0.9801384806632996)], [[[2130.0, 2430.0], [2252.0, 2430.0], [2252.0, 2470.0], [2130.0, 2470.0]], ('329,98', 0.9845455288887024)], [[[258.0, 2441.0], [284.0, 2441.0], [284.0, 2467.0], [258.0, 2467.0]], ('7.', 0.8520470857620239)], [[[358.0, 2474.0], [827.0, 2474.0], [827.0, 2510.0], [358.0, 2510.0]], ('In One 128G Raspberry PI 4', 0.9709396362304688)], [[[351.0, 2506.0], [739.0, 2514.0], [738.0, 2562.0], [350.0, 2554.0]], (' Model B 4GB PIug PIay', 0.9373989105224609)], [[[192.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2704.0], [192.0, 2704.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9963865280151367)], [[[954.0, 2769.0], [1123.0, 2778.0], [1121.0, 2829.0], [952.0, 2820.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9980416893959045)], [[[1388.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2821.0], [1388.0, 2821.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9931485652923584)], [[[1780.0, 2777.0], [1868.0, 2777.0], [1868.0, 2821.0], [1780.0, 2821.0]], ('VAT', 0.9607529044151306)], [[[2027.0, 2781.0], [2259.0, 2781.0], [2259.0, 2821.0], [2027.0, 2821.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9872460961341858)], [[[993.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2916.0], [993.0, 2916.0]], ('10%', 0.9129233360290527)], [[[1429.0, 2869.0], [1588.0, 2869.0], [1588.0, 2909.0], [1429.0, 2909.0]], ('4469,89', 0.9629136919975281)], [[[1735.0, 2861.0], [1868.0, 2861.0], [1868.0, 2912.0], [1735.0, 2912.0]], ('446,99', 0.999584436416626)], [[[2101.0, 2869.0], [2263.0, 2869.0], [2263.0, 2909.0], [2101.0, 2909.0]], ('4916,88', 0.9638648629188538)], [[[746.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 3004.0], [746.0, 3004.0]], ('Total', 0.9998736381530762)], [[[1379.0, 2945.0], [1588.0, 2953.0], [1586.0, 3004.0], [1376.0, 2996.0]], ('$ 4 469,89', 0.9793021082878113)], [[[1691.0, 2953.0], [1864.0, 2953.0], [1864.0, 3004.0], [1691.0, 3004.0]], ('$ 446,99', 0.9398403167724609)], [[[2053.0, 2953.0], [2263.0, 2953.0], [2263.0, 3004.0], [2053.0, 3004.0]], ('$ 4 916,88', 0.9902796745300293)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '58097062', 'invoice_date': '04/05/2013', 'seller': 'Wright-Alvarez 8309 Bernard Village Apt. 284 Robinsonshire, VT 35375', 'client': 'Harper-Flynn 753 Acevedo Crossroad Suite 727 West Marcus, NY 87119', 'seller_tax_id': '922-84-4511', 'client_tax_id': '964-84-7884', 'iban': 'GB79CMCC33561352409593'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': \"YILONG 4'x6' Yellow Handmade Carpet Dining Room Hand Knotted Silk Rugs 083B\", 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '3600,00', 'item_net_worth': '3600,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '3960,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Cartoon Rabbit Printed Round Carpet Area Rug Children Play Tent Floor Mat Rug', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '177,08', 'item_net_worth': '531,24', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '584,36'}, {'item_desc': \"Beige Color Hand Knotted 2'x4' Afghan Kilim Rug Carpet Traditional Ghazni Floral\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '170,00', 'item_net_worth': '680,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '748,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Chef Pattern Kitchen Floor Rugs Carpet Blanket Area Mats Home Supply 40x60cm', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '15,96', 'item_net_worth': '31,92', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '35,11'}, {'item_desc': \"YILONG 6'x9' Handmade Silk Area Rug Chinese Art Deco Classic Indoor Carpet\", 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '12 000,00', 'item_net_worth': '24000,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '26 400,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Home Christmas Santa Claus Anti-slip Room Floor Mat Decor Carpet Rug Xmas Decor', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '13,09', 'item_net_worth': '26,18', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '28,80'}, {'item_desc': 'New Design Rectangular Hand Woven Chindi Rag Rug Floor Handmade Carpet Aztec Mat', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '29,99', 'item_net_worth': '59,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '65,98'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 28929,32', 'total_vat': '$2892,93', 'total_gross_worth': '$31822,25'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 58097062', 'Date of issue:', '04/05/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Wright-Alvarez', 'Harper-Flynn', '8309 Bernard Village Apt. 284', '753 Acevedo Crossroad Suite 727', 'Robinsonshire, VT 35375', 'West Marcus, NY 87119', 'Tax Id: 922-84-4511', 'Tax Id: 964-84-7884', 'IBAN: GB79CMCC33561352409593', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', \"YILONG 4'x6' Yellow Handmade.\", ' each', '10%', '1,00', '3600,00', '3600,00', '3 960,00', '1', 'Carpet Dining Room Hand', 'Knotted Silk Rugs 083B', 'Cartoon Rabbit Printed Round', '10%', '584,36', '2.', '3,00', 'each', '177,08', '531,24', 'Carpet Area Rug Children Play', 'Tent Floor Mat Rug', \"Beige Color Hand Knotted 2'x4\", '4,00', ' each', '170,00', '680,00', '10%', '748,00', '3.', 'Afghan Kilim Rug Carpet', 'Traditional Ghazni Floral', 'Chef Pattern Kitchen Floor Rugs', '15,96', '31,92', '10%', '2,00', 'each', '35,11', '4', 'Carpet Blanket Area Mats Home', 'Supply 40x60cm', \"YILONG 6'x9' Handmade Silk\", '2,00', ' each', '12 000,00', '24000,00', '10%', '26400,00', '5', 'Area Rug Chinese Art Deco', 'Classic Indoor Carpet', 'Home Christmas Santa Claus', '2,00', 'each', '13,09', '26,18', '10%', '28,80', '6', 'Anti-slip Room Floor Mat Decor.', 'Carpet Rug Xmas Decor', '29,99', '59,98', '10%', ' New Design Rectangular Hand', '2,00', '65,98', ' each', 'Woven Chindi Rag Rug Floor', 'Handmade Carpet Aztec Mat', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '28 929,32', '2 892,93', '31 822,25', 'Total', '$ 28 929,32', '$ 2 892,93', '$ 31 822,25']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 58097062', 0.9962493777275085)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9985817670822144)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('04/05/2013', 0.9998346567153931)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1235.0, 649.0], [1430.0, 659.0], [1427.0, 724.0], [1232.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.999538242816925)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [528.0, 760.0], [527.0, 812.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Wright-Alvarez', 0.9995512366294861)], [[[1252.0, 764.0], [1525.0, 764.0], [1525.0, 804.0], [1252.0, 804.0]], ('Harper-Flynn', 0.9974029660224915)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [845.0, 811.0], [845.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('8309 Bernard Village Apt. 284', 0.9889500737190247)], [[[1252.0, 811.0], [1960.0, 811.0], [1960.0, 859.0], [1252.0, 859.0]], ('753 Acevedo Crossroad Suite 727', 0.9979156851768494)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [735.0, 866.0], [735.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Robinsonshire, VT 35375', 0.9984189867973328)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1750.0, 866.0], [1750.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('West Marcus, NY 87119', 0.9986478686332703)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 922-84-4511', 0.9914156198501587)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 964-84-7884', 0.994072437286377)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [949.0, 1030.0], [949.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB79CMCC33561352409593', 0.9864447712898254)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1340.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1340.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.999664843082428)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [890.0, 1392.0], [890.0, 1440.0], [351.0, 1436.0]], (\"YILONG 4'x6' Yellow Handmade.\", 0.970373809337616)], [[[1141.0, 1392.0], [1252.0, 1392.0], [1252.0, 1443.0], [1141.0, 1443.0]], (' each', 0.9418025016784668)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1370.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1370.0, 1436.0]], ('3600,00', 0.9663639664649963)], [[[1624.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1624.0, 1436.0]], ('3600,00', 0.9622169137001038)], [[[2097.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1396.0], [2252.0, 1436.0], [2097.0, 1436.0]], ('3 960,00', 0.9064152836799622)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[358.0, 1432.0], [798.0, 1436.0], [797.0, 1484.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('Carpet Dining Room Hand', 0.9918985962867737)], [[[354.0, 1476.0], [757.0, 1476.0], [757.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1524.0]], ('Knotted Silk Rugs 083B', 0.9961777329444885)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [860.0, 1564.0], [860.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], ('Cartoon Rabbit Printed Round', 0.9968852400779724)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2010.0, 1566.0], [2005.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9929680228233337)], [[[2125.0, 1556.0], [2261.0, 1565.0], [2257.0, 1616.0], [2122.0, 1607.0]], ('584,36', 0.997593879699707)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1100.0, 1568.0], [1100.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('3,00', 0.9983206987380981)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1403.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1608.0], [1403.0, 1608.0]], ('177,08', 0.9988216757774353)], [[[1658.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1608.0], [1658.0, 1608.0]], ('531,24', 0.9997231960296631)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [871.0, 1608.0], [871.0, 1659.0], [351.0, 1655.0]], ('Carpet Area Rug Children Play', 0.988767683506012)], [[[355.0, 1644.0], [680.0, 1652.0], [679.0, 1700.0], [354.0, 1692.0]], ('Tent Floor Mat Rug', 0.999897837638855)], [[[358.0, 1743.0], [879.0, 1743.0], [879.0, 1780.0], [358.0, 1780.0]], (\"Beige Color Hand Knotted 2'x4\", 0.9624389410018921)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1739.0], [1104.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.9889520406723022)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1399.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1399.0, 1787.0]], ('170,00', 0.9994179606437683)], [[[1654.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1654.0, 1787.0]], ('680,00', 0.9971455931663513)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('748,00', 0.9994733333587646)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [772.0, 1787.0], [772.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Afghan Kilim Rug Carpet', 0.9878277778625488)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [772.0, 1827.0], [772.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Traditional Ghazni Floral', 0.9863839149475098)], [[[351.0, 1907.0], [890.0, 1911.0], [890.0, 1959.0], [351.0, 1955.0]], ('Chef Pattern Kitchen Floor Rugs', 0.9811028838157654)], [[[1421.0, 1899.0], [1534.0, 1909.0], [1529.0, 1964.0], [1416.0, 1954.0]], ('15,96', 0.9996797442436218)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('31,92', 0.9995895624160767)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('2,00', 0.9965135455131531)], [[[1148.0, 1915.0], [1252.0, 1915.0], [1252.0, 1962.0], [1148.0, 1962.0]], ('each', 0.9955611824989319)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1907.0], [2256.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('35,11', 0.9995874166488647)], [[[249.0, 1931.0], [266.0, 1915.0], [286.0, 1935.0], [270.0, 1951.0]], ('4', 0.7881230115890503)], [[[358.0, 1959.0], [897.0, 1959.0], [897.0, 1995.0], [358.0, 1995.0]], ('Carpet Blanket Area Mats Home', 0.9682706594467163)], [[[354.0, 1995.0], [646.0, 1995.0], [646.0, 2043.0], [354.0, 2043.0]], ('Supply 40x60cm', 0.9971328377723694)], [[[348.0, 2075.0], [842.0, 2083.0], [841.0, 2131.0], [347.0, 2123.0]], (\"YILONG 6'x9' Handmade Silk\", 0.9969995021820068)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('2,00', 0.9794178009033203)], [[[1141.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2083.0], [1252.0, 2134.0], [1141.0, 2134.0]], (' each', 0.9459221959114075)], [[[1348.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2087.0], [1528.0, 2127.0], [1348.0, 2127.0]], ('12 000,00', 0.9847955703735352)], [[[1606.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2087.0], [1780.0, 2127.0], [1606.0, 2127.0]], ('24000,00', 0.9763141870498657)], [[[1912.0, 2083.0], [2005.0, 2083.0], [2005.0, 2127.0], [1912.0, 2127.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2075.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2087.0], [2252.0, 2127.0], [2075.0, 2127.0]], ('26400,00', 0.9831173419952393)], [[[258.0, 2097.0], [281.0, 2097.0], [281.0, 2116.0], [258.0, 2116.0]], ('5', 0.9746652841567993)], [[[358.0, 2127.0], [816.0, 2127.0], [816.0, 2163.0], [358.0, 2163.0]], ('Area Rug Chinese Art Deco', 0.945962131023407)], [[[358.0, 2171.0], [716.0, 2171.0], [716.0, 2207.0], [358.0, 2207.0]], ('Classic Indoor Carpet', 0.9758946299552917)], [[[351.0, 2251.0], [853.0, 2251.0], [853.0, 2298.0], [351.0, 2298.0]], ('Home Christmas Santa Claus', 0.9934238195419312)], [[[1004.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1097.0, 2302.0], [1004.0, 2302.0]], ('2,00', 0.9974141120910645)], [[[1145.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1248.0, 2306.0], [1145.0, 2306.0]], ('each', 0.9988183379173279)], [[[1421.0, 2255.0], [1532.0, 2255.0], [1532.0, 2306.0], [1421.0, 2306.0]], ('13,09', 0.9997188448905945)], [[[1672.0, 2255.0], [1787.0, 2255.0], [1787.0, 2306.0], [1672.0, 2306.0]], ('26,18', 0.9998563528060913)], [[[1912.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [2005.0, 2302.0], [1912.0, 2302.0]], ('10%', 0.9959924221038818)], [[[2145.0, 2255.0], [2256.0, 2255.0], [2256.0, 2306.0], [2145.0, 2306.0]], ('28,80', 0.9977054595947266)], [[[258.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2269.0], [277.0, 2291.0], [258.0, 2291.0]], ('6', 0.834687352180481)], [[[358.0, 2302.0], [879.0, 2302.0], [879.0, 2339.0], [358.0, 2339.0]], ('Anti-slip Room Floor Mat Decor.', 0.9758145213127136)], [[[358.0, 2342.0], [761.0, 2342.0], [761.0, 2379.0], [358.0, 2379.0]], ('Carpet Rug Xmas Decor', 0.9751187562942505)], [[[1421.0, 2423.0], [1532.0, 2423.0], [1532.0, 2474.0], [1421.0, 2474.0]], ('29,99', 0.9997659921646118)], [[[1672.0, 2423.0], [1787.0, 2423.0], [1787.0, 2474.0], [1672.0, 2474.0]], ('59,98', 0.998827338218689)], [[[1913.0, 2414.0], [2007.0, 2425.0], [2000.0, 2479.0], [1907.0, 2468.0]], ('10%', 0.9996938705444336)], [[[351.0, 2426.0], [875.0, 2426.0], [875.0, 2474.0], [351.0, 2474.0]], (' New Design Rectangular Hand', 0.9901951551437378)], [[[1008.0, 2426.0], [1097.0, 2426.0], [1097.0, 2470.0], [1008.0, 2470.0]], ('2,00', 0.9877909421920776)], [[[2149.0, 2418.0], [2257.0, 2428.0], [2252.0, 2483.0], [2143.0, 2472.0]], ('65,98', 0.9988822937011719)], [[[1145.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2430.0], [1248.0, 2478.0], [1145.0, 2478.0]], (' each', 0.913351833820343)], [[[355.0, 2466.0], [835.0, 2470.0], [834.0, 2518.0], [354.0, 2514.0]], ('Woven Chindi Rag Rug Floor', 0.9997002482414246)], [[[354.0, 2518.0], [842.0, 2518.0], [842.0, 2554.0], [354.0, 2554.0]], ('Handmade Carpet Aztec Mat', 0.973717451095581)], [[[192.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2653.0], [491.0, 2704.0], [192.0, 2704.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9956753849983215)], [[[954.0, 2769.0], [1123.0, 2778.0], [1121.0, 2829.0], [952.0, 2820.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9980416893959045)], [[[1776.0, 2765.0], [1874.0, 2775.0], [1868.0, 2830.0], [1770.0, 2819.0]], ('VAT', 0.9246794581413269)], [[[1388.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2781.0], [1588.0, 2821.0], [1388.0, 2821.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9931485652923584)], [[[2023.0, 2777.0], [2256.0, 2777.0], [2256.0, 2817.0], [2023.0, 2817.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9990649819374084)], [[[993.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2861.0], [1085.0, 2916.0], [993.0, 2916.0]], ('10%', 0.9129233360290527)], [[[1405.0, 2857.0], [1592.0, 2866.0], [1590.0, 2917.0], [1402.0, 2908.0]], ('28 929,32', 0.9846357703208923)], [[[1700.0, 2857.0], [1869.0, 2866.0], [1866.0, 2917.0], [1697.0, 2908.0]], ('2 892,93', 0.9972779750823975)], [[[2079.0, 2861.0], [2263.0, 2861.0], [2263.0, 2912.0], [2079.0, 2912.0]], ('31 822,25', 0.9985038042068481)], [[[746.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 2953.0], [857.0, 3004.0], [746.0, 3004.0]], ('Total', 0.9998736381530762)], [[[1352.0, 2945.0], [1592.0, 2953.0], [1590.0, 3004.0], [1351.0, 2996.0]], ('$ 28 929,32', 0.9990791082382202)], [[[1654.0, 2953.0], [1864.0, 2953.0], [1864.0, 3004.0], [1654.0, 3004.0]], ('$ 2 892,93', 0.9963488578796387)], [[[2028.0, 2945.0], [2264.0, 2953.0], [2262.0, 3004.0], [2026.0, 2996.0]], ('$ 31 822,25', 0.9974565505981445)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '66700610', 'invoice_date': '06/19/2013', 'seller': 'Collins-Cooley 4425 Ricky Flat Michaelview, MI 08322', 'client': 'Grant PLC 833 Williams Island Suite 889 Stewartfort, KS 31161', 'seller_tax_id': '950-84-4233', 'client_tax_id': '922-81-2426', 'iban': 'GB29DRKV13313313481883804'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Nintendo 64 Console \"Perfect\" + Lot Games \"6 Games\"', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '200,00', 'item_net_worth': '400,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '440,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo Wii Teal Blue Limited Edition Console with Mario Kart - MINT TESTED', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '114,99', 'item_net_worth': '344,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '379,47'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo NES System Console Choose Your Super Mario Game Bundle New 72 Pin', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '114,99', 'item_net_worth': '574,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '632,44'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1319,92', 'total_vat': '$131,99', 'total_gross_worth': '$1451,91'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 66700610', 'Date of issue:', '06/19/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Collins-Cooley', 'Grant PLC', '4425 Ricky Flat', '833 Williams Island Suite 889.', 'Michaelview, MI 08322', 'Stewartfort, KS 31161', 'Tax Id: 950-84-4233', 'Tax Id: 922-81-2426', 'IBAN: GB29DRKV13313481883804', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '200,00', '400,00', '10%', ' 440,00', '1.', 'Nintendo 64 Console \"Perfect\" +', '2,00', 'each', 'Lot Games \"6 Games\"', ' Nintendo wii Teal Blue Limited', '114,99', '10%', '3,00', 'each', '344,97', '379,47', 'Edition Console with Mario Kart -', 'MINT TESTED', '114,99', '574,95', '10%', ' Nintendo NES System Console', '5,00', 'each', '632,44', '3', 'Choose Your Super Mario Game', 'Bundle New 72 Pin', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '1 319,92', '131,99', '1 451,91', 'Total', '$ 1319,92', '$ 131,99', '$ 1 451,91']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 66700610', 0.9985678791999817)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/19/2013', 0.9996833801269531)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1237.0, 658.0], [1432.0, 658.0], [1432.0, 720.0], [1237.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994863867759705)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [513.0, 757.0], [513.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Collins-Cooley', 0.9996504187583923)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1466.0, 756.0], [1466.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Grant PLC', 0.9986065626144409)], [[[204.0, 807.0], [543.0, 815.0], [542.0, 863.0], [203.0, 855.0]], ('4425 Ricky Flat', 0.980106770992279)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1872.0, 811.0], [1872.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('833 Williams Island Suite 889.', 0.9586333632469177)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [687.0, 866.0], [687.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Michaelview, MI 08322', 0.9703443646430969)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1713.0, 866.0], [1713.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Stewartfort, KS 31161', 0.9994555711746216)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 950-84-4233', 0.9861459136009216)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 922-81-2426', 0.992714524269104)], [[[207.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1020.0], [941.0, 1067.0], [207.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB29DRKV13313481883804', 0.9945592880249023)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1399.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1399.0, 1443.0]], ('200,00', 0.9991844296455383)], [[[1654.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1654.0, 1443.0]], ('400,00', 0.9990423321723938)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2122.0, 1384.0], [2261.0, 1393.0], [2257.0, 1444.0], [2118.0, 1435.0]], (' 440,00', 0.9415737390518188)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [901.0, 1400.0], [901.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Nintendo 64 Console \"Perfect\" +', 0.9454149007797241)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1093.0, 1396.0], [1093.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9935404658317566)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1400.0], [1244.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9988933801651001)], [[[354.0, 1443.0], [724.0, 1443.0], [724.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1480.0]], ('Lot Games \"6 Games\"', 0.9863609671592712)], [[[351.0, 1520.0], [879.0, 1524.0], [878.0, 1571.0], [351.0, 1568.0]], (' Nintendo wii Teal Blue Limited', 0.978604793548584)], [[[1399.0, 1524.0], [1532.0, 1524.0], [1532.0, 1575.0], [1399.0, 1575.0]], ('114,99', 0.9994595646858215)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2001.0, 1577.0], [1903.0, 1566.0]], ('10%', 0.9999029040336609)], [[[1008.0, 1527.0], [1093.0, 1527.0], [1093.0, 1571.0], [1008.0, 1571.0]], ('3,00', 0.9991939663887024)], [[[1152.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9990001320838928)], [[[1658.0, 1527.0], [1780.0, 1527.0], [1780.0, 1568.0], [1658.0, 1568.0]], ('344,97', 0.9993636012077332)], [[[2130.0, 1527.0], [2252.0, 1527.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2130.0, 1568.0]], ('379,47', 0.9990091323852539)], [[[358.0, 1560.0], [901.0, 1564.0], [901.0, 1612.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Edition Console with Mario Kart -', 0.9878348112106323)], [[[358.0, 1611.0], [587.0, 1611.0], [587.0, 1652.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('MINT TESTED', 0.9990392327308655)], [[[1399.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1692.0], [1532.0, 1743.0], [1399.0, 1743.0]], ('114,99', 0.9995860457420349)], [[[1654.0, 1692.0], [1783.0, 1692.0], [1783.0, 1743.0], [1654.0, 1743.0]], ('574,95', 0.9988605380058289)], [[[1913.0, 1683.0], [2007.0, 1694.0], [2000.0, 1748.0], [1907.0, 1737.0]], ('10%', 0.9997214674949646)], [[[351.0, 1695.0], [871.0, 1699.0], [871.0, 1739.0], [351.0, 1736.0]], (' Nintendo NES System Console', 0.9676365256309509)], [[[1008.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1739.0], [1008.0, 1739.0]], ('5,00', 0.978638768196106)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[2130.0, 1699.0], [2252.0, 1699.0], [2252.0, 1739.0], [2130.0, 1739.0]], ('632,44', 0.9942770004272461)], [[[248.0, 1712.0], [272.0, 1700.0], [284.0, 1725.0], [261.0, 1736.0]], ('3', 0.994150698184967)], [[[358.0, 1747.0], [890.0, 1747.0], [890.0, 1783.0], [358.0, 1783.0]], ('Choose Your Super Mario Game', 0.9782096743583679)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [676.0, 1787.0], [676.0, 1823.0], [358.0, 1823.0]], ('Bundle New 72 Pin', 0.9954304695129395)], [[[192.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1922.0], [491.0, 1973.0], [192.0, 1973.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9968956112861633)], [[[955.0, 2034.0], [1123.0, 2044.0], [1120.0, 2098.0], [952.0, 2089.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9985150694847107)], [[[1388.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2050.0], [1588.0, 2090.0], [1388.0, 2090.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9551628828048706)], [[[1780.0, 2046.0], [1868.0, 2046.0], [1868.0, 2090.0], [1780.0, 2090.0]], ('VAT', 0.9681034088134766)], [[[2023.0, 2046.0], [2256.0, 2046.0], [2256.0, 2087.0], [2023.0, 2087.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9995030760765076)], [[[993.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2130.0], [1085.0, 2185.0], [993.0, 2185.0]], ('10%', 0.9230511784553528)], [[[1425.0, 2130.0], [1591.0, 2130.0], [1591.0, 2182.0], [1425.0, 2182.0]], ('1 319,92', 0.9584906697273254)], [[[1735.0, 2130.0], [1868.0, 2130.0], [1868.0, 2182.0], [1735.0, 2182.0]], ('131,99', 0.9998274445533752)], [[[2101.0, 2130.0], [2263.0, 2130.0], [2263.0, 2182.0], [2101.0, 2182.0]], ('1 451,91', 0.9522406458854675)], [[[746.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2222.0], [857.0, 2273.0], [746.0, 2273.0]], ('Total', 0.9998760223388672)], [[[1378.0, 2214.0], [1592.0, 2222.0], [1590.0, 2274.0], [1376.0, 2265.0]], ('$ 1319,92', 0.9651257991790771)], [[[1691.0, 2222.0], [1864.0, 2222.0], [1864.0, 2273.0], [1691.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 131,99', 0.9541294574737549)], [[[2053.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2222.0], [2259.0, 2273.0], [2053.0, 2273.0]], ('$ 1 451,91', 0.943212628364563)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '87280945', 'invoice_date': '03/05/2012', 'seller': 'Burton Inc 5917 Carr Forge Apt. 998 Port Brandi, OK 94611', 'client': 'Daniels, Garcia and Larson 2461 Blair Freeway Suite 091 South Bradley, WI 73722', 'seller_tax_id': '955-83-7886', 'client_tax_id': '927-84-9052', 'iban': 'GB33BRCP82220700422203'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Nintendo BLUE Wii System Game Console Complete with 2 Motion Remotes Tested Work', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '99,98', 'item_net_worth': '199,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '219,96'}, {'item_desc': 'Playstation 2 Slim console white SCPH-90000 boxed Japan PS2', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '199,00', 'item_net_worth': '796,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '875,60'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$995,96', 'total_vat': '$99,60', 'total_gross_worth': '$1095,56'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 87280945', 'Date of issue:', '03/05/2012', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Burton Inc', 'Daniels, Garcia and Larson', '5917 Carr Forge Apt. 998', '2461 Blair Freeway Suite 091', 'Port Brandi, OK 94611', 'South Bradley, WI 73722', 'Tax Id: 955-83-7886', 'Tax Id: 927-84-9052', 'IBAN: GB33BRCP82220700422203', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '99,98', '219,96', 'Nintendo BLUE Wii System', '2,00', 'each', '199,96', '10%', 'Game Console Complete with 2', 'Motion Remotes Tested Work', ' Playstation 2 Slim console white', '796,00', '10%', '2.', '4,00', 'each', '199,00', '875,60', 'SCPH-90000 boxed Japan PS2', 'System', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '995,96', '99,60', '1 095,56', '10%', 'Total', '$ 995,96', '$ 99,60', '$ 1 095,56']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 87280945', 0.9977773427963257)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('03/05/2012', 0.9998180270195007)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[208.0, 752.0], [433.0, 761.0], [431.0, 812.0], [206.0, 803.0]], ('Burton Inc', 0.9860299229621887)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1816.0, 760.0], [1816.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Daniels, Garcia and Larson', 0.9981517195701599)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [746.0, 811.0], [746.0, 862.0], [207.0, 862.0]], ('5917 Carr Forge Apt. 998', 0.968752384185791)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1868.0, 811.0], [1868.0, 862.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('2461 Blair Freeway Suite 091', 0.9956663846969604)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [679.0, 866.0], [679.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Port Brandi, OK 94611', 0.9992537498474121)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1772.0, 866.0], [1772.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('South Bradley, WI 73722', 0.9937864542007446)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 955-83-7886', 0.9708390235900879)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 927-84-9052', 0.9873377084732056)], [[[203.0, 1019.0], [938.0, 1023.0], [938.0, 1074.0], [203.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB33BRCP82220700422203', 0.9950646162033081)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997538924217224)], [[[1015.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1264.0], [1093.0, 1316.0], [1015.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998195767402649)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9979875087738037)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('99,98', 0.9992691874504089)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1444.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], ('219,96', 0.9996762275695801)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [805.0, 1400.0], [805.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Nintendo BLUE Wii System', 0.960285484790802)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9887767434120178)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1658.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1658.0, 1436.0]], ('199,96', 0.9724640250205994)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Game Console Complete with 2', 0.9995681643486023)], [[[355.0, 1473.0], [857.0, 1476.0], [856.0, 1524.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Motion Remotes Tested Work', 0.9989140033721924)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [905.0, 1568.0], [904.0, 1615.0], [350.0, 1608.0]], (' Playstation 2 Slim console white', 0.9931589961051941)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1564.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('796,00', 0.9995250701904297)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('4,00', 0.9977242946624756)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1407.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1407.0, 1608.0]], ('199,00', 0.9986393451690674)], [[[2127.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1615.0], [2127.0, 1615.0]], ('875,60', 0.9991741180419922)], [[[358.0, 1604.0], [857.0, 1608.0], [856.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1652.0]], ('SCPH-90000 boxed Japan PS2', 0.9851046204566956)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [491.0, 1655.0], [491.0, 1696.0], [358.0, 1696.0]], ('System', 0.9995934367179871)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9384298920631409)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1776.0, 1902.0], [1874.0, 1913.0], [1868.0, 1968.0], [1770.0, 1957.0]], ('VAT', 0.8847408294677734)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998207688331604)], [[[1462.0, 2002.0], [1591.0, 2002.0], [1591.0, 2054.0], [1462.0, 2054.0]], ('995,96', 0.9995952248573303)], [[[1754.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2054.0], [1754.0, 2054.0]], ('99,60', 0.9996532201766968)], [[[2099.0, 1994.0], [2264.0, 2003.0], [2261.0, 2055.0], [2096.0, 2045.0]], ('1 095,56', 0.9432946443557739)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1414.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2138.0], [1414.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 995,96', 0.9981057643890381)], [[[1713.0, 2094.0], [1868.0, 2094.0], [1868.0, 2145.0], [1713.0, 2145.0]], ('$ 99,60', 0.9920100569725037)], [[[2056.0, 2097.0], [2259.0, 2097.0], [2259.0, 2138.0], [2056.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 1 095,56', 0.9449666738510132)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '47015720', 'invoice_date': '01/29/2019', 'seller': 'Huber, Graves and Jensen 0892 Campbell Stravenue Apt. 005 Chapmanfort, WV 88694', 'client': 'Robbins, Kelley and Lewis 42193 Kimberly Ridges Apt. 181 Port Christine, ND 35988', 'seller_tax_id': '918-95-1661', 'client_tax_id': '935-84-5556', 'iban': 'GB30TGFA43014690770091'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Hammered Brass Over Stainless steel Stemless Wine Glasses/ Candle Holders', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '9,99', 'item_net_worth': '9,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '10,99'}, {'item_desc': '6Pc set Blue Wine Glass 7.5\" Tall Leaf and Button Pattern VGC', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '8,99', 'item_net_worth': '17,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '19,78'}, {'item_desc': '2 Hand Blown Wine Water Goblet Glass Art Mexico Pulled Feather Iridescent Swirl', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '29,99', 'item_net_worth': '119,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '131,96'}, {'item_desc': 'VTG 1970s MCM Brown Steel Tube Wall or Desk Mounted 12-Wine Rack Bottle Holder', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '34,00', 'item_net_worth': '34,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '37,40'}, {'item_desc': '(2) stacking Metal 8 Wine bottle holder Storage Rack, 8 bottles counter Display', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '16,99', 'item_net_worth': '67,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '74,76'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 249,89', 'total_vat': '$24,99', 'total_gross_worth': '274,88'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 47015720', 'Date of issue:', '01/29/2019', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Huber, Graves and Jensen', 'Robbins, Kelley and Lewis', '0892 Campbell Stravenue Apt. 005', '42193 Kimberly Ridges Apt. 181', 'Chapmanfort, WV 88694', 'Port Christine, ND 35988', 'Tax Id: 918-95-1661', 'Tax Id: 935-84-5556', 'IBAN: GB30TGFA43014690770091', 'ITEMS', 'Qty', 'UM', 'VAT [%]', 'No.', 'Description', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'Gross', ' worth', '9,99', '1,00', '9,99', '10%', 'Hammered Brass Over Stainless', ' each', '10,99', '1', 'steel Stemless Wine Glasses/', 'Candle Holders', '17,98', '10%', '2.', \"6Pc set Blue Wine Glass 7.5'\", '2,00', 'each', '8,99', '19,78', 'Tall Leaf and Button Pattern', 'VGC', '2 Hand Blown Wine Water', '4,00', ' each', '29,99', '119,96', '10%', '131,96', '3.', 'Goblet Glass Art Mexico Pulled', 'Feather Iridescent Swirl', '34,00', '34,00', '10%', 'VTG 1970s MCM Brown Steel', '1,00', 'each', '37,40', 'Tube Wall or Desk Mounted', '12-Wine Rack Bottle Holder', '16,99', '67,96', '10%', '(2) stacking Metal 8 Wine bottle', '4,00', 'each', '74,76', 'holder Storage Rack, 8 bottles', 'counter Display', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '249,89', '24,99', '274,88', 'Total', '$ 249,89', '$24,99', '$274,88']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 47015720', 0.99928218126297)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9944581985473633)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 216.0], [1466.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('01/29/2019', 0.9997906684875488)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1239.0, 657.0], [1430.0, 666.0], [1427.0, 721.0], [1236.0, 712.0]], ('Client:', 0.9934023022651672)], [[[210.0, 760.0], [761.0, 760.0], [761.0, 808.0], [210.0, 808.0]], ('Huber, Graves and Jensen', 0.9991664886474609)], [[[1244.0, 760.0], [1794.0, 760.0], [1794.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 808.0]], ('Robbins, Kelley and Lewis', 0.9973958730697632)], [[[207.0, 807.0], [949.0, 811.0], [949.0, 862.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('0892 Campbell Stravenue Apt. 005', 0.9998131394386292)], [[[1244.0, 807.0], [1924.0, 811.0], [1923.0, 862.0], [1244.0, 859.0]], ('42193 Kimberly Ridges Apt. 181', 0.99884432554245)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [731.0, 866.0], [731.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('Chapmanfort, WV 88694', 0.9729593396186829)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1776.0, 866.0], [1776.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Port Christine, ND 35988', 0.9975733757019043)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 918-95-1661', 0.9941810965538025)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 935-84-5556', 0.9947044849395752)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [930.0, 1030.0], [930.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB30TGFA43014690770091', 0.9888843894004822)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1837.0, 1256.0], [2006.0, 1265.0], [2003.0, 1316.0], [1834.0, 1307.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.999139666557312)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1692.0, 1383.0], [1789.0, 1394.0], [1783.0, 1449.0], [1685.0, 1438.0]], ('9,99', 0.9990740418434143)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('1,00', 0.9984493255615234)], [[[1444.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1440.0], [1444.0, 1440.0]], ('9,99', 0.9952999353408813)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [901.0, 1400.0], [901.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Hammered Brass Over Stainless', 0.9834822416305542)], [[[1145.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1145.0, 1440.0]], (' each', 0.913709819316864)], [[[2145.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1392.0], [2259.0, 1443.0], [2145.0, 1443.0]], ('10,99', 0.9998533129692078)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [846.0, 1440.0], [845.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('steel Stemless Wine Glasses/', 0.9853419065475464)], [[[355.0, 1476.0], [621.0, 1480.0], [620.0, 1520.0], [354.0, 1516.0]], ('Candle Holders', 0.9973586201667786)], [[[1676.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1676.0, 1615.0]], ('17,98', 0.9991699457168579)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[354.0, 1568.0], [834.0, 1564.0], [835.0, 1604.0], [355.0, 1608.0]], (\"6Pc set Blue Wine Glass 7.5'\", 0.9739183783531189)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('2,00', 0.9984091520309448)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1444.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1611.0], [1444.0, 1611.0]], ('8,99', 0.9998084306716919)], [[[2145.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1564.0], [2256.0, 1615.0], [2145.0, 1615.0]], ('19,78', 0.9994447827339172)], [[[351.0, 1604.0], [831.0, 1608.0], [830.0, 1655.0], [351.0, 1652.0]], ('Tall Leaf and Button Pattern', 0.9890474677085876)], [[[354.0, 1647.0], [437.0, 1657.0], [432.0, 1697.0], [349.0, 1687.0]], ('VGC', 0.9968023300170898)], [[[351.0, 1739.0], [798.0, 1743.0], [797.0, 1783.0], [351.0, 1779.0]], ('2 Hand Blown Wine Water', 0.9913597106933594)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1145.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1145.0, 1783.0]], (' each', 0.931943416595459)], [[[1418.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1418.0, 1787.0]], ('29,99', 0.9983106851577759)], [[[1650.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1650.0, 1787.0]], ('119,96', 0.9993719458580017)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('131,96', 0.9997261166572571)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1747.0], [284.0, 1776.0], [251.0, 1776.0]], ('3.', 0.9897561073303223)], [[[354.0, 1780.0], [875.0, 1780.0], [875.0, 1827.0], [354.0, 1827.0]], ('Goblet Glass Art Mexico Pulled', 0.9996877312660217)], [[[354.0, 1827.0], [757.0, 1827.0], [757.0, 1864.0], [354.0, 1864.0]], ('Feather Iridescent Swirl', 0.9799755215644836)], [[[1421.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1907.0], [1532.0, 1959.0], [1421.0, 1959.0]], ('34,00', 0.9983933568000793)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('34,00', 0.9991636276245117)], [[[1909.0, 1899.0], [2007.0, 1909.0], [2000.0, 1964.0], [1903.0, 1953.0]], ('10%', 0.9993720054626465)], [[[355.0, 1911.0], [846.0, 1915.0], [845.0, 1955.0], [354.0, 1951.0]], ('VTG 1970s MCM Brown Steel', 0.988891065120697)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('1,00', 0.9954820275306702)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1915.0], [1244.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9990523457527161)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2259.0, 1907.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('37,40', 0.9936679005622864)], [[[355.0, 1948.0], [823.0, 1951.0], [823.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1995.0]], ('Tube Wall or Desk Mounted', 0.9864063262939453)], [[[355.0, 1988.0], [820.0, 1992.0], [819.0, 2039.0], [354.0, 2035.0]], ('12-Wine Rack Bottle Holder', 0.9993525147438049)], [[[1421.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2079.0], [1532.0, 2130.0], [1421.0, 2130.0]], ('16,99', 0.9998612403869629)], [[[1676.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2079.0], [1787.0, 2130.0], [1676.0, 2130.0]], ('67,96', 0.9992625117301941)], [[[1909.0, 2070.0], [2007.0, 2081.0], [2000.0, 2136.0], [1903.0, 2125.0]], ('10%', 0.9998958706855774)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [901.0, 2083.0], [901.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('(2) stacking Metal 8 Wine bottle', 0.9960108995437622)], [[[1008.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2083.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1008.0, 2127.0]], ('4,00', 0.976862370967865)], [[[1148.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2127.0], [1148.0, 2127.0]], ('each', 0.9984513521194458)], [[[2145.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2079.0], [2256.0, 2130.0], [2145.0, 2130.0]], ('74,76', 0.9998394846916199)], [[[358.0, 2127.0], [868.0, 2127.0], [868.0, 2163.0], [358.0, 2163.0]], ('holder Storage Rack, 8 bottles', 0.9575865268707275)], [[[351.0, 2167.0], [624.0, 2171.0], [624.0, 2211.0], [350.0, 2207.0]], ('counter Display', 0.9908159971237183)], [[[192.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2309.0], [491.0, 2361.0], [192.0, 2361.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9962040185928345)], [[[956.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2430.0], [1122.0, 2481.0], [956.0, 2481.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993820786476135)], [[[1388.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2434.0], [1588.0, 2474.0], [1388.0, 2474.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9842570424079895)], [[[1780.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2434.0], [1868.0, 2478.0], [1780.0, 2478.0]], ('VAT', 0.8929632306098938)], [[[2027.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2437.0], [2256.0, 2478.0], [2027.0, 2478.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998131394386292)], [[[994.0, 2509.0], [1087.0, 2520.0], [1081.0, 2574.0], [988.0, 2563.0]], ('10%', 0.9998297691345215)], [[[1458.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2518.0], [1591.0, 2569.0], [1458.0, 2569.0]], ('249,89', 0.9990046620368958)], [[[1750.0, 2518.0], [1868.0, 2518.0], [1868.0, 2569.0], [1750.0, 2569.0]], ('24,99', 0.9998029470443726)], [[[2130.0, 2518.0], [2267.0, 2518.0], [2267.0, 2569.0], [2130.0, 2569.0]], ('274,88', 0.9970340132713318)], [[[745.0, 2600.0], [858.0, 2611.0], [853.0, 2662.0], [741.0, 2651.0]], ('Total', 0.9998696446418762)], [[[1418.0, 2613.0], [1588.0, 2613.0], [1588.0, 2653.0], [1418.0, 2653.0]], ('$ 249,89', 0.9975728988647461)], [[[1717.0, 2613.0], [1864.0, 2613.0], [1864.0, 2653.0], [1717.0, 2653.0]], ('$24,99', 0.9948065876960754)], [[[2090.0, 2613.0], [2259.0, 2613.0], [2259.0, 2653.0], [2090.0, 2653.0]], ('$274,88', 0.9810579419136047)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '48186352', 'invoice_date': '06/10/2013', 'seller': 'Silva-Horn 7758 Robbins Port Morganmouth, WY 15331', 'client': 'Gonzalez-Brown 6396 Bishop Tunnel Singletonton, MN 12547', 'seller_tax_id': '966-76-5672', 'client_tax_id': '939-87-8902', 'iban': 'GB70ACOV98557167099260'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Adult Girl Version Hermione Granger Cosplay Costume Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '64,16', 'item_net_worth': '128,32', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '141,15'}, {'item_desc': \"Nike Air Max 90 All Black Leather Running Shoes 833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's 8.5)\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '74,99', 'item_net_worth': '299,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '329,96'}, {'item_desc': 'INC International Concepts Children Shoes nvyzc7, Black, Size Little Kid 2.5', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '88,91', 'item_net_worth': '266,73', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '293,40'}, {'item_desc': \"Florsheim kid's boys Lace Up Oxford Suede Dress Shoes Size 6M Solid Beige\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '29,99', 'item_net_worth': '149,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '164,94'}, {'item_desc': 'Minecraft Creative Stuffed Plush Kids Childrens Gift Cute Toy Birthday Christmas', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '7,25', 'item_net_worth': '29,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '31,90'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 873,96', 'total_vat': '$ 87,40', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 961,36'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 48186352', 'Date of issue:', '06/10/2013', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Silva-Horn', 'Gonzalez-Brown', '7758 Robbins Port', '6396 Bishop Tunnel', 'Morganmouth, WY 15331', 'Singletonton, MN 12547', 'Tax Id: 966-76-5672', 'Tax Id: 939-87-8902', 'IBAN: GB70AC0V98557167099260', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '2,00', '64,16', '128,32', '10%', 'Adult Girl Version Hermione', 'each', '141,15', '1', 'Granger Cosplay Costume', 'Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', ' Nike Air Max 90 All Black', '4,00', '74,99', '299,96', '10%', 'each', '329,96', '2.', 'Leather Running Shoes', \"833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's\", '8.5)', '3,00', 'each', '88,91', '266,73', '10%', '3.', 'INC International Concepts', '293,40', 'Children Shoes nvyzc7, Black,', 'Size Little Kid 2.5', \"Florsheim kid's boys Lace Up\", '29,99', '5,00', '149,95', '10%', 'each', '164,94', '4', 'Oxford Suede Dress Shoes Size.', '6M Solid Beige', 'Minecraft Creative Stuffed Plush', '4,00', 'each', '7,25', '29,00', '10%', '31,90', '5.', 'Kids Childrens Gift Cute Toy', 'Birthday Christmas', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '873,96', '87,40', '961,36', 'Total', '$ 873,96', '$ 87,40', '$ 961,36']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 48186352', 0.9952117800712585)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9990058541297913)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('06/10/2013', 0.9997290372848511)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[204.0, 752.0], [433.0, 761.0], [431.0, 812.0], [202.0, 803.0]], ('Silva-Horn', 0.9989951252937317)], [[[1248.0, 760.0], [1591.0, 760.0], [1591.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Gonzalez-Brown', 0.9994686841964722)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [602.0, 811.0], [602.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('7758 Robbins Port', 0.9997228980064392)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1673.0, 811.0], [1672.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('6396 Bishop Tunnel', 0.9994299411773682)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [742.0, 866.0], [742.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('Morganmouth, WY 15331', 0.9812379479408264)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1757.0, 866.0], [1757.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Singletonton, MN 12547', 0.9957893490791321)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [635.0, 972.0], [635.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 966-76-5672', 0.9905364513397217)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 939-87-8902', 0.9900743365287781)], [[[210.0, 1027.0], [938.0, 1027.0], [938.0, 1063.0], [210.0, 1063.0]], ('IBAN: GB70AC0V98557167099260', 0.9742816090583801)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('2,00', 0.9835838675498962)], [[[1418.0, 1392.0], [1536.0, 1392.0], [1536.0, 1443.0], [1418.0, 1443.0]], ('64,16', 0.9985650181770325)], [[[1654.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1654.0, 1443.0]], ('128,32', 0.9995928406715393)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [827.0, 1400.0], [827.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('Adult Girl Version Hermione', 0.9711092710494995)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[2127.0, 1392.0], [2256.0, 1392.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2127.0, 1443.0]], ('141,15', 0.9987480044364929)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[362.0, 1443.0], [797.0, 1443.0], [797.0, 1480.0], [362.0, 1480.0]], ('Granger Cosplay Costume', 0.965665876865387)], [[[362.0, 1484.0], [812.0, 1484.0], [812.0, 1520.0], [362.0, 1520.0]], ('Gryffindor Kid size In Stock', 0.9973975419998169)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [776.0, 1564.0], [775.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], (' Nike Air Max 90 All Black', 0.9763447642326355)], [[[1008.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('4,00', 0.9939455389976501)], [[[1421.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1611.0], [1421.0, 1611.0]], ('74,99', 0.9996957778930664)], [[[1654.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1564.0], [1787.0, 1615.0], [1654.0, 1615.0]], ('299,96', 0.9995476603507996)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[2127.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1560.0], [2256.0, 1611.0], [2127.0, 1611.0]], ('329,96', 0.9994919896125793)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[362.0, 1615.0], [749.0, 1615.0], [749.0, 1652.0], [362.0, 1652.0]], ('Leather Running Shoes', 0.9981282353401184)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [875.0, 1655.0], [875.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], (\"833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's\", 0.9876189827919006)], [[[351.0, 1687.0], [434.0, 1697.0], [428.0, 1741.0], [345.0, 1731.0]], ('8.5)', 0.9977402687072754)], [[[1008.0, 1780.0], [1097.0, 1780.0], [1097.0, 1823.0], [1008.0, 1823.0]], ('3,00', 0.9937039613723755)], [[[1148.0, 1783.0], [1252.0, 1783.0], [1252.0, 1831.0], [1148.0, 1831.0]], ('each', 0.9887673258781433)], [[[1418.0, 1780.0], [1532.0, 1780.0], [1532.0, 1831.0], [1418.0, 1831.0]], ('88,91', 0.9998670816421509)], [[[1654.0, 1783.0], [1783.0, 1783.0], [1783.0, 1823.0], [1654.0, 1823.0]], ('266,73', 0.9782142639160156)], [[[1913.0, 1775.0], [2003.0, 1785.0], [1997.0, 1832.0], [1908.0, 1822.0]], ('10%', 0.9998000264167786)], [[[251.0, 1791.0], [284.0, 1791.0], [284.0, 1820.0], [251.0, 1820.0]], ('3.', 0.9942091107368469)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [805.0, 1787.0], [805.0, 1823.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('INC International Concepts', 0.9733156561851501)], [[[2127.0, 1783.0], [2252.0, 1783.0], [2252.0, 1823.0], [2127.0, 1823.0]], ('293,40', 0.9796939492225647)], [[[358.0, 1827.0], [860.0, 1827.0], [860.0, 1864.0], [358.0, 1864.0]], ('Children Shoes nvyzc7, Black,', 0.9838576316833496)], [[[354.0, 1864.0], [653.0, 1864.0], [653.0, 1911.0], [354.0, 1911.0]], ('Size Little Kid 2.5', 0.9998892545700073)], [[[351.0, 1948.0], [849.0, 1951.0], [849.0, 1999.0], [351.0, 1995.0]], (\"Florsheim kid's boys Lace Up\", 0.9998570680618286)], [[[1421.0, 1939.0], [1534.0, 1949.0], [1529.0, 2004.0], [1416.0, 1994.0]], ('29,99', 0.9993179440498352)], [[[1008.0, 1951.0], [1093.0, 1951.0], [1093.0, 1995.0], [1008.0, 1995.0]], ('5,00', 0.9967602491378784)], [[[1654.0, 1951.0], [1783.0, 1951.0], [1783.0, 2002.0], [1654.0, 2002.0]], ('149,95', 0.9996749758720398)], [[[1909.0, 1942.0], [2007.0, 1953.0], [2000.0, 2008.0], [1903.0, 1997.0]], ('10%', 0.9999115467071533)], [[[1148.0, 1955.0], [1244.0, 1955.0], [1244.0, 1999.0], [1148.0, 1999.0]], ('each', 0.9834771156311035)], [[[2130.0, 1955.0], [2252.0, 1955.0], [2252.0, 1995.0], [2130.0, 1995.0]], ('164,94', 0.999728262424469)], [[[258.0, 1966.0], [281.0, 1966.0], [281.0, 1984.0], [258.0, 1984.0]], ('4', 0.9935947060585022)], [[[358.0, 1999.0], [886.0, 1999.0], [886.0, 2035.0], [358.0, 2035.0]], ('Oxford Suede Dress Shoes Size.', 0.9774715900421143)], [[[355.0, 2035.0], [610.0, 2043.0], [608.0, 2083.0], [354.0, 2075.0]], ('6M Solid Beige', 0.9978882670402527)], [[[358.0, 2130.0], [901.0, 2130.0], [901.0, 2167.0], [358.0, 2167.0]], ('Minecraft Creative Stuffed Plush', 0.995028018951416)], [[[1008.0, 2127.0], [1097.0, 2127.0], [1097.0, 2171.0], [1008.0, 2171.0]], ('4,00', 0.9951217174530029)], [[[1148.0, 2130.0], [1248.0, 2130.0], [1248.0, 2171.0], [1148.0, 2171.0]], ('each', 0.9982116222381592)], [[[1444.0, 2127.0], [1532.0, 2127.0], [1532.0, 2171.0], [1444.0, 2171.0]], ('7,25', 0.9978899955749512)], [[[1672.0, 2123.0], [1787.0, 2123.0], [1787.0, 2174.0], [1672.0, 2174.0]], ('29,00', 0.9970812797546387)], [[[1916.0, 2127.0], [2001.0, 2127.0], [2001.0, 2171.0], [1916.0, 2171.0]], ('10%', 0.9997644424438477)], [[[2152.0, 2127.0], [2256.0, 2127.0], [2256.0, 2174.0], [2152.0, 2174.0]], ('31,90', 0.99970942735672)], [[[258.0, 2138.0], [284.0, 2138.0], [284.0, 2163.0], [258.0, 2163.0]], ('5.', 0.9932451248168945)], [[[355.0, 2163.0], [827.0, 2167.0], [827.0, 2215.0], [354.0, 2211.0]], ('Kids Childrens Gift Cute Toy', 0.9911580085754395)], [[[355.0, 2207.0], [683.0, 2211.0], [683.0, 2251.0], [354.0, 2247.0]], ('Birthday Christmas', 0.9994896650314331)], [[[192.0, 2346.0], [487.0, 2346.0], [487.0, 2397.0], [192.0, 2397.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9951229691505432)], [[[1772.0, 2461.0], [1874.0, 2472.0], [1868.0, 2527.0], [1767.0, 2516.0]], ('VAT', 0.8961813449859619)], [[[956.0, 2474.0], [1122.0, 2474.0], [1122.0, 2525.0], [956.0, 2525.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993666410446167)], [[[1388.0, 2478.0], [1588.0, 2478.0], [1588.0, 2518.0], [1388.0, 2518.0]], ('Net worth', 0.99139404296875)], [[[2027.0, 2478.0], [2259.0, 2478.0], [2259.0, 2518.0], [2027.0, 2518.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999342560768127)], [[[994.0, 2553.0], [1087.0, 2564.0], [1081.0, 2618.0], [988.0, 2607.0]], ('10%', 0.999901294708252)], [[[1458.0, 2562.0], [1595.0, 2562.0], [1595.0, 2613.0], [1458.0, 2613.0]], ('873,96', 0.9990358948707581)], [[[1754.0, 2562.0], [1872.0, 2562.0], [1872.0, 2613.0], [1754.0, 2613.0]], ('87,40', 0.9985883831977844)], [[[2130.0, 2562.0], [2267.0, 2562.0], [2267.0, 2613.0], [2130.0, 2613.0]], ('961,36', 0.9993985295295715)], [[[746.0, 2649.0], [857.0, 2649.0], [857.0, 2700.0], [746.0, 2700.0]], ('Total', 0.9998173713684082)], [[[1410.0, 2649.0], [1591.0, 2649.0], [1591.0, 2700.0], [1410.0, 2700.0]], ('$ 873,96', 0.9964660406112671)], [[[1713.0, 2649.0], [1868.0, 2649.0], [1868.0, 2700.0], [1713.0, 2700.0]], ('$ 87,40', 0.9541640877723694)], [[[2086.0, 2657.0], [2259.0, 2657.0], [2259.0, 2697.0], [2086.0, 2697.0]], ('$ 961,36', 0.9965993165969849)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '38557956', 'invoice_date': '08/16/2013', 'seller': 'Lopez-Fitzgerald USS Martin FPO AP 11392', 'client': 'Wilson, Freeman and Lyons 38137 Tran Vista Louisland, AZ 06320', 'seller_tax_id': '904-80-7663', 'client_tax_id': '980-94-8334', 'iban': 'GB535DQN59731106306440'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'All Mattel Disney Pixar Model Cars McQueen 1:55 Diecast Lot Choose Loose Kid Toy', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '12,99', 'item_net_worth': '64,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '71,45'}, {'item_desc': \"Nike Air Max 90 All Black Leather Running Shoes 833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's 8.5)\", 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '74,99', 'item_net_worth': '374,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '412,44'}, {'item_desc': 'Timberland brown slip on shoes size 4.5 juniors', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '2,00', 'item_net_worth': '2,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '2,20'}, {'item_desc': 'Lego Star Wars Minifigures Stormtrooper Darth Vader Yoda Obi Van Mandalorian New', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '2,98', 'item_net_worth': '14,90', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '16,39'}, {'item_desc': 'Sperry Boys shoes Size 2M', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '4,99', 'item_net_worth': '24,95', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '27,45'}, {'item_desc': 'Children Place Boys Snow Boots', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '12,40', 'item_net_worth': '49,60', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '54,56'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$531,35', 'total_vat': '$53,13', 'total_gross_worth': 'Total'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 38557956', 'Date of issue:', '08/16/2013', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Lopez-Fitzgerald', 'Wilson, Freeman and Lyons', 'USS Martin', '38137 Tran Vista', 'FPO AP 11392', 'Louisland, AZ 06320', 'Tax Id: 904-80-7663', 'Tax Id: 980-94-8334', 'IBAN: GB53SDQN59731106306440', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'All Mattel Disney Pixar Model', '5,00', 'each', '12,99', '64,95', '10%', '71,45', '1', 'Cars McQueen 1:55 Diecast Lot', 'Choose Loose Kid Toy', '5,00', '74,99', '374,95', '10%', '2.', 'Nike Air Max 90 All Black', 'each', '412,44', 'Leather Running Shoes', \"833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's\", '8.5)', ' Timberland brown slip on shoes', '2,00', '2,00', ' each', '10%', '3.', '1,00', '2,20', 'size 4.5 juniors', '14,90', '10%', 'Lego Star Wars Minifigures', '5,00', 'each', '2,98', '16,39', '4', 'Stormtrooper Darth Vader Yoda', 'Obi Van Mandalorian New', '24,95', '10%', '27,45', '5.', 'Sperry Boys shoes Size 2M', '5,00', 'each', '4,99', 'Children Place Boys Snow Boots', '4,00', '12,40', '49,60', '10%', '54,56', '6.', 'each', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '531,35', '53,13', '584,48', 'Total', '$ 531,35', '$ 53,13', '$ 584,48']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 38557956', 0.9972010850906372)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.998734176158905)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('08/16/2013', 0.9997789263725281)], [[[190.0, 657.0], [388.0, 666.0], [386.0, 721.0], [188.0, 712.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9998012781143188)], [[[1239.0, 657.0], [1426.0, 666.0], [1423.0, 721.0], [1236.0, 712.0]], ('Client:', 0.9863694310188293)], [[[203.0, 757.0], [561.0, 753.0], [561.0, 804.0], [203.0, 808.0]], ('Lopez-Fitzgerald', 0.9996970891952515)], [[[1244.0, 753.0], [1831.0, 757.0], [1831.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Wilson, Freeman and Lyons', 0.9874810576438904)], [[[204.0, 803.0], [451.0, 812.0], [449.0, 863.0], [202.0, 855.0]], ('USS Martin', 0.886742889881134)], [[[1249.0, 807.0], [1614.0, 815.0], [1613.0, 863.0], [1247.0, 855.0]], ('38137 Tran Vista', 0.9940697550773621)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [509.0, 866.0], [509.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('FPO AP 11392', 0.9608212113380432)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1684.0, 866.0], [1684.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Louisland, AZ 06320', 0.9855815768241882)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 904-80-7663', 0.9920473694801331)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 980-94-8334', 0.9945698976516724)], [[[210.0, 1030.0], [945.0, 1030.0], [945.0, 1067.0], [210.0, 1067.0]], ('IBAN: GB53SDQN59731106306440', 0.9876479506492615)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[358.0, 1400.0], [845.0, 1400.0], [845.0, 1436.0], [358.0, 1436.0]], ('All Mattel Disney Pixar Model', 0.9503391981124878)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1425.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1425.0, 1436.0]], ('12,99', 0.9896883964538574)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('64,95', 0.9995439648628235)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2152.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2152.0, 1443.0]], ('71,45', 0.9994217753410339)], [[[258.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1407.0], [277.0, 1429.0], [258.0, 1429.0]], ('1', 0.9433960914611816)], [[[354.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1436.0], [890.0, 1484.0], [354.0, 1484.0]], ('Cars McQueen 1:55 Diecast Lot', 0.9997364282608032)], [[[355.0, 1472.0], [728.0, 1480.0], [727.0, 1528.0], [354.0, 1520.0]], ('Choose Loose Kid Toy', 0.9963430166244507)], [[[1008.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1564.0], [1097.0, 1608.0], [1008.0, 1608.0]], ('5,00', 0.994348406791687)], [[[1421.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1560.0], [1532.0, 1611.0], [1421.0, 1611.0]], ('74,99', 0.9996957778930664)], [[[1653.0, 1556.0], [1784.0, 1565.0], [1781.0, 1616.0], [1649.0, 1607.0]], ('374,95', 0.9997103810310364)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[354.0, 1571.0], [775.0, 1571.0], [775.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1608.0]], ('Nike Air Max 90 All Black', 0.9838515520095825)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('412,44', 0.9995973706245422)], [[[362.0, 1615.0], [749.0, 1615.0], [749.0, 1652.0], [362.0, 1652.0]], ('Leather Running Shoes', 0.9969764947891235)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [879.0, 1655.0], [879.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], (\"833412-001 Size 7Y (Women's\", 0.9875963926315308)], [[[351.0, 1687.0], [434.0, 1697.0], [428.0, 1741.0], [345.0, 1731.0]], ('8.5)', 0.9977402687072754)], [[[351.0, 1776.0], [890.0, 1780.0], [890.0, 1827.0], [351.0, 1823.0]], (' Timberland brown slip on shoes', 0.987677276134491)], [[[1437.0, 1767.0], [1534.0, 1778.0], [1528.0, 1832.0], [1431.0, 1822.0]], ('2,00', 0.9975130558013916)], [[[1692.0, 1767.0], [1789.0, 1778.0], [1783.0, 1832.0], [1685.0, 1822.0]], ('2,00', 0.9988360404968262)], [[[1141.0, 1780.0], [1252.0, 1780.0], [1252.0, 1831.0], [1141.0, 1831.0]], (' each', 0.9462841749191284)], [[[1909.0, 1771.0], [2007.0, 1781.0], [2000.0, 1836.0], [1903.0, 1825.0]], ('10%', 0.9998285174369812)], [[[251.0, 1791.0], [284.0, 1791.0], [284.0, 1820.0], [251.0, 1820.0]], ('3.', 0.9942091107368469)], [[[1004.0, 1783.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1097.0, 1823.0], [1004.0, 1823.0]], ('1,00', 0.9853596687316895)], [[[2167.0, 1783.0], [2256.0, 1783.0], [2256.0, 1827.0], [2167.0, 1827.0]], ('2,20', 0.9879124164581299)], [[[355.0, 1823.0], [617.0, 1827.0], [616.0, 1868.0], [354.0, 1863.0]], ('size 4.5 juniors', 0.9997905492782593)], [[[1672.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1907.0], [1787.0, 1959.0], [1672.0, 1959.0]], ('14,90', 0.9997011423110962)], [[[1913.0, 1899.0], [2003.0, 1909.0], [1996.0, 1963.0], [1907.0, 1954.0]], ('10%', 0.9998710751533508)], [[[354.0, 1915.0], [809.0, 1915.0], [809.0, 1951.0], [354.0, 1951.0]], ('Lego Star Wars Minifigures', 0.9983841180801392)], [[[1008.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1911.0], [1097.0, 1955.0], [1008.0, 1955.0]], ('5,00', 0.9935383796691895)], [[[1152.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1248.0, 1959.0], [1152.0, 1959.0]], ('each', 0.9984596967697144)], [[[1440.0, 1911.0], [1528.0, 1911.0], [1528.0, 1955.0], [1440.0, 1955.0]], ('2,98', 0.9997411966323853)], [[[2145.0, 1907.0], [2259.0, 1907.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2145.0, 1959.0]], ('16,39', 0.9994697570800781)], [[[258.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1926.0], [277.0, 1944.0], [258.0, 1944.0]], ('4', 0.9952219128608704)], [[[354.0, 1951.0], [893.0, 1951.0], [893.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Stormtrooper Darth Vader Yoda', 0.9999293684959412)], [[[354.0, 1995.0], [794.0, 1995.0], [794.0, 2032.0], [354.0, 2032.0]], ('Obi Van Mandalorian New', 0.9961422085762024)], [[[1672.0, 2079.0], [1783.0, 2079.0], [1783.0, 2130.0], [1672.0, 2130.0]], ('24,95', 0.9996929168701172)], [[[1909.0, 2079.0], [2005.0, 2079.0], [2005.0, 2134.0], [1909.0, 2134.0]], ('10%', 0.9999117851257324)], [[[2145.0, 2071.0], [2257.0, 2081.0], [2252.0, 2135.0], [2140.0, 2125.0]], ('27,45', 0.9893249273300171)], [[[251.0, 2090.0], [284.0, 2090.0], [284.0, 2123.0], [251.0, 2123.0]], ('5.', 0.9935896396636963)], [[[358.0, 2090.0], [812.0, 2090.0], [812.0, 2127.0], [358.0, 2127.0]], ('Sperry Boys shoes Size 2M', 0.9633510708808899)], [[[1004.0, 2083.0], [1093.0, 2083.0], [1093.0, 2127.0], [1004.0, 2127.0]], ('5,00', 0.9840637445449829)], [[[1152.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2087.0], [1248.0, 2130.0], [1152.0, 2130.0]], ('each', 0.9984384775161743)], [[[1444.0, 2083.0], [1528.0, 2083.0], [1528.0, 2127.0], [1444.0, 2127.0]], ('4,99', 0.9911137223243713)], [[[354.0, 2171.0], [901.0, 2171.0], [901.0, 2218.0], [354.0, 2218.0]], ('Children Place Boys Snow Boots', 0.9913263916969299)], [[[1004.0, 2166.0], [1094.0, 2176.0], [1089.0, 2219.0], [999.0, 2209.0]], ('4,00', 0.9912427663803101)], [[[1421.0, 2167.0], [1532.0, 2167.0], [1532.0, 2218.0], [1421.0, 2218.0]], ('12,40', 0.9995071291923523)], [[[1676.0, 2171.0], [1787.0, 2171.0], [1787.0, 2222.0], [1676.0, 2222.0]], ('49,60', 0.998887836933136)], [[[1909.0, 2162.0], [2007.0, 2172.0], [2000.0, 2227.0], [1903.0, 2216.0]], ('10%', 0.9998126029968262)], [[[2145.0, 2162.0], [2257.0, 2172.0], [2252.0, 2227.0], [2140.0, 2217.0]], ('54,56', 0.9990543127059937)], [[[251.0, 2178.0], [284.0, 2178.0], [284.0, 2211.0], [251.0, 2211.0]], ('6.', 0.9905968904495239)], [[[1152.0, 2174.0], [1244.0, 2174.0], [1244.0, 2218.0], [1152.0, 2218.0]], ('each', 0.9991052746772766)], [[[196.0, 2313.0], [491.0, 2313.0], [491.0, 2361.0], [196.0, 2361.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9962984919548035)], [[[1776.0, 2425.0], [1874.0, 2436.0], [1868.0, 2490.0], [1770.0, 2479.0]], ('VAT', 0.9627247452735901)], [[[956.0, 2437.0], [1122.0, 2437.0], [1122.0, 2488.0], [956.0, 2488.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9993991851806641)], [[[1388.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2441.0], [1588.0, 2481.0], [1388.0, 2481.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9555992484092712)], [[[2027.0, 2445.0], [2259.0, 2445.0], [2259.0, 2481.0], [2027.0, 2481.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9972018599510193)], [[[997.0, 2520.0], [1083.0, 2530.0], [1078.0, 2574.0], [992.0, 2564.0]], ('10%', 0.9995726943016052)], [[[1458.0, 2525.0], [1591.0, 2525.0], [1591.0, 2576.0], [1458.0, 2576.0]], ('531,35', 0.9996438026428223)], [[[1757.0, 2525.0], [1868.0, 2525.0], [1868.0, 2576.0], [1757.0, 2576.0]], ('53,13', 0.9997849464416504)], [[[2134.0, 2529.0], [2263.0, 2529.0], [2263.0, 2569.0], [2134.0, 2569.0]], ('584,48', 0.9648341536521912)], [[[746.0, 2613.0], [857.0, 2613.0], [857.0, 2664.0], [746.0, 2664.0]], ('Total', 0.9998629689216614)], [[[1414.0, 2620.0], [1588.0, 2620.0], [1588.0, 2660.0], [1414.0, 2660.0]], ('$ 531,35', 0.9968081116676331)], [[[1713.0, 2613.0], [1868.0, 2613.0], [1868.0, 2664.0], [1713.0, 2664.0]], ('$ 53,13', 0.9893722534179688)], [[[2090.0, 2620.0], [2259.0, 2620.0], [2259.0, 2660.0], [2090.0, 2660.0]], ('$ 584,48', 0.9923161268234253)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '26110076', 'invoice_date': '05/20/2012', 'seller': 'Barnes Ltd 5021 Tina Mission West Christianstad, VT 67126', 'client': 'Turner-Palmer 72561 Brett Ways Suite 374 Brookemouth, TN 17425', 'seller_tax_id': '901-85-5560', 'client_tax_id': '914-98-5276', 'iban': 'GB36HFJI03231901211539'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Nintendo 64 N64 Game Console System + Controller Cords WORKING', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '100,00', 'item_net_worth': '400,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '440,00'}, {'item_desc': 'Vg PlayStation PS Vita console PCH-1100AB01 PCH-1100 Crystal Black 4GB 271214', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '114,98', 'item_net_worth': '114,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '126,48'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo 64 N64 Console Black Japan Tested Working NUSHA', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '49,99', 'item_net_worth': '149,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '164,97'}, {'item_desc': 'Sega VSaturn Victor Console RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working Japan', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '109,99', 'item_net_worth': '329,97', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '362,97'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise Blue CONSOLE ONLY No Charger [B1-3]', 'item_qty': '3,00', 'item_net_price': '135,00', 'item_net_worth': '405,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '445,50'}, {'item_desc': 'Nintendo Wii Console Complete Bundle w/extras tested', 'item_qty': '1,00', 'item_net_price': '104,99', 'item_net_worth': '104,99', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '115,49'}, {'item_desc': 'B284 Nintendo DSi console White Japan NDS x', 'item_qty': '2,00', 'item_net_price': '0,99', 'item_net_worth': '1,98', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '2,18'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$1506,89', 'total_vat': '$ 150,69', 'total_gross_worth': '$1657,58'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 26110076', 'Date of issue:', '05/20/2012', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Barnes Ltd', 'Turner-Palmer', '5021 Tina Mission', '72561 Brett Ways Suite 374', 'West Christianstad, VT 67126', 'Brookemouth, TN 17425', 'Tax Id: 901-85-5560', 'Tax Id: 914-98-5276', 'IBAN: GB36HFJI03231901211539', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', '10%', ' 440,00', 'Nintendo 64 N64 Game Console', '4,00', 'each', '100,00', '400,00', '1', 'System + Controller Cords', 'WORKING', '10%', '2.', 'Vg PlayStation PS Vita console', '1,00', 'each', '114,98', '114,98', '126,48', 'PCH-1100AB01 PCH-1100', 'Crystal Black4GB 271214', ' Nintendo 64 N64 Console Black', '3,00', 'each', '49,99', '149,97', '10%', '164,97', '3.', 'Japan Tested Working NUSHA', '3,00', '109,99', '10%', '4.', 'Sega V Saturn Victor Console', 'each', '329,97', '362,97', 'RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working', 'Japan', ' Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise', '3,00', 'each', '135,00', '405,00', '10%', '445,50', '5.', 'Blue CONSOLE ONLY - No', 'Charger [B1-3]', ' Nintendo Wii Console Complete', '1,00', 'each', '104,99', '104,99', '10%', '115,49', 'Bundle w/extras tested', 'B284 Nintendo DSi console', '1,98', '10%', '2,00', 'each', '0,99', '2,18', 'White Japan NDS x', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth', '10%', '1506,89', '150,69', '1 657,58', 'Total', '$ 1 657,58', '$1 506,89', '$ 150,69']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 26110076', 0.9989193081855774)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [521.0, 212.0], [521.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.998734176158905)], [[[1200.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 216.0], [1462.0, 256.0], [1200.0, 256.0]], ('05/20/2012', 0.9996336102485657)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[206.0, 761.0], [442.0, 752.0], [444.0, 803.0], [208.0, 812.0]], ('Barnes Ltd', 0.9994007349014282)], [[[1245.0, 753.0], [1555.0, 757.0], [1554.0, 808.0], [1244.0, 804.0]], ('Turner-Palmer', 0.9989250898361206)], [[[203.0, 807.0], [595.0, 811.0], [594.0, 863.0], [203.0, 859.0]], ('5021 Tina Mission', 0.9998534917831421)], [[[1248.0, 807.0], [1842.0, 811.0], [1842.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('72561 Brett Ways Suite 374', 0.996170699596405)], [[[207.0, 866.0], [834.0, 866.0], [834.0, 914.0], [207.0, 914.0]], ('West Christianstad, VT 67126', 0.9856160879135132)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1765.0, 866.0], [1765.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Brookemouth, TN 17425', 0.9967610239982605)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 901-85-5560', 0.9893706440925598)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 914-98-5276', 0.9958816170692444)], [[[207.0, 1027.0], [905.0, 1027.0], [905.0, 1074.0], [207.0, 1074.0]], ('IBAN: GB36HFJI03231901211539', 0.9792831540107727)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1344.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1261.0], [1532.0, 1312.0], [1344.0, 1312.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999423623085022)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[1917.0, 1387.0], [2003.0, 1397.0], [1997.0, 1448.0], [1911.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9998499751091003)], [[[2125.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1444.0], [2122.0, 1435.0]], (' 440,00', 0.9431115388870239)], [[[354.0, 1400.0], [897.0, 1400.0], [897.0, 1436.0], [354.0, 1436.0]], ('Nintendo 64 N64 Game Console', 0.9571990966796875)], [[[1008.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1008.0, 1440.0]], ('4,00', 0.9907870292663574)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1403.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1396.0], [1528.0, 1436.0], [1403.0, 1436.0]], ('100,00', 0.9806528687477112)], [[[1654.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1396.0], [1783.0, 1436.0], [1654.0, 1436.0]], ('400,00', 0.9631568789482117)], [[[255.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1407.0], [281.0, 1432.0], [255.0, 1432.0]], ('1', 0.998282790184021)], [[[362.0, 1443.0], [809.0, 1443.0], [809.0, 1480.0], [362.0, 1480.0]], ('System + Controller Cords', 0.9706358313560486)], [[[358.0, 1480.0], [528.0, 1480.0], [528.0, 1520.0], [358.0, 1520.0]], ('WORKING', 0.9975396394729614)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[358.0, 1571.0], [864.0, 1571.0], [864.0, 1608.0], [358.0, 1608.0]], ('Vg PlayStation PS Vita console', 0.993243396282196)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('1,00', 0.9987137317657471)], [[[1148.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1148.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9977310299873352)], [[[1403.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1568.0], [1528.0, 1608.0], [1403.0, 1608.0]], ('114,98', 0.9997568130493164)], [[[1658.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1608.0], [1658.0, 1608.0]], ('114,98', 0.999757707118988)], [[[2130.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1568.0], [2252.0, 1608.0], [2130.0, 1608.0]], ('126,48', 0.9991167187690735)], [[[358.0, 1608.0], [794.0, 1608.0], [794.0, 1655.0], [358.0, 1655.0]], ('PCH-1100AB01 PCH-1100', 0.9946010112762451)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [794.0, 1655.0], [794.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Crystal Black4GB 271214', 0.9905595183372498)], [[[351.0, 1736.0], [890.0, 1739.0], [890.0, 1787.0], [351.0, 1783.0]], (' Nintendo 64 N64 Console Black', 0.9925104379653931)], [[[1008.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1739.0], [1097.0, 1783.0], [1008.0, 1783.0]], ('3,00', 0.9891558885574341)], [[[1152.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1244.0, 1783.0], [1152.0, 1783.0]], ('each', 0.9987009763717651)], [[[1421.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1736.0], [1532.0, 1787.0], [1421.0, 1787.0]], ('49,99', 0.9992958307266235)], [[[1650.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1736.0], [1787.0, 1787.0], [1650.0, 1787.0]], ('149,97', 0.9993907809257507)], [[[1912.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1739.0], [2005.0, 1783.0], [1912.0, 1783.0]], ('10%', 0.9955744743347168)], [[[2127.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1736.0], [2256.0, 1787.0], [2127.0, 1787.0]], ('164,97', 0.9997063279151917)], [[[251.0, 1747.0], [288.0, 1747.0], [288.0, 1780.0], [251.0, 1780.0]], ('3.', 0.995986819267273)], [[[354.0, 1787.0], [860.0, 1787.0], [860.0, 1823.0], [354.0, 1823.0]], ('Japan Tested Working NUSHA', 0.9646503925323486)], [[[1008.0, 1859.0], [1094.0, 1869.0], [1088.0, 1916.0], [1003.0, 1906.0]], ('3,00', 0.996668815612793)], [[[1399.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1918.0], [1399.0, 1918.0]], ('109,99', 0.9994080662727356)], [[[1909.0, 1858.0], [2007.0, 1869.0], [2000.0, 1924.0], [1903.0, 1913.0]], ('10%', 0.9998971819877625)], [[[251.0, 1878.0], [284.0, 1878.0], [284.0, 1907.0], [251.0, 1907.0]], ('4.', 0.9903696775436401)], [[[358.0, 1875.0], [849.0, 1875.0], [849.0, 1911.0], [358.0, 1911.0]], ('Sega V Saturn Victor Console', 0.9896763563156128)], [[[1152.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9984121918678284)], [[[1658.0, 1871.0], [1780.0, 1871.0], [1780.0, 1911.0], [1658.0, 1911.0]], ('329,97', 0.9990347027778625)], [[[2130.0, 1871.0], [2252.0, 1871.0], [2252.0, 1911.0], [2130.0, 1911.0]], ('362,97', 0.9997904896736145)], [[[358.0, 1915.0], [838.0, 1915.0], [838.0, 1951.0], [358.0, 1951.0]], ('RG-JX1 Gray Tested Working', 0.9861030578613281)], [[[354.0, 1959.0], [458.0, 1959.0], [458.0, 1999.0], [354.0, 1999.0]], ('Japan', 0.9995633363723755)], [[[351.0, 2039.0], [886.0, 2039.0], [886.0, 2087.0], [351.0, 2087.0]], (' Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise', 0.9866418242454529)], [[[1008.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1097.0, 2087.0], [1008.0, 2087.0]], ('3,00', 0.9787418246269226)], [[[1148.0, 2043.0], [1252.0, 2043.0], [1252.0, 2090.0], [1148.0, 2090.0]], ('each', 0.9586409330368042)], [[[1403.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2043.0], [1528.0, 2083.0], [1403.0, 2083.0]], ('135,00', 0.9771929383277893)], [[[1654.0, 2039.0], [1787.0, 2039.0], [1787.0, 2090.0], [1654.0, 2090.0]], ('405,00', 0.9988602995872498)], [[[1916.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2043.0], [2001.0, 2087.0], [1916.0, 2087.0]], ('10%', 0.9996157288551331)], [[[2127.0, 2039.0], [2259.0, 2039.0], [2259.0, 2090.0], [2127.0, 2090.0]], ('445,50', 0.9995415806770325)], [[[251.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2050.0], [284.0, 2079.0], [251.0, 2079.0]], ('5.', 0.9956701993942261)], [[[354.0, 2083.0], [790.0, 2083.0], [790.0, 2130.0], [354.0, 2130.0]], ('Blue CONSOLE ONLY - No', 0.9712411761283875)], [[[354.0, 2130.0], [613.0, 2130.0], [613.0, 2167.0], [354.0, 2167.0]], ('Charger [B1-3]', 0.9928916096687317)], [[[351.0, 2211.0], [894.0, 2215.0], [893.0, 2262.0], [351.0, 2258.0]], (' Nintendo Wii Console Complete', 0.9780330061912537)], [[[1004.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2214.0], [1097.0, 2258.0], [1004.0, 2258.0]], ('1,00', 0.9992190003395081)], [[[1148.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2218.0], [1248.0, 2258.0], [1148.0, 2258.0]], ('each', 0.9968607425689697)], [[[1399.0, 2211.0], [1532.0, 2211.0], [1532.0, 2262.0], [1399.0, 2262.0]], ('104,99', 0.9994428753852844)], [[[1650.0, 2211.0], [1787.0, 2211.0], [1787.0, 2262.0], [1650.0, 2262.0]], ('104,99', 0.9993085861206055)], [[[1912.0, 2214.0], [2005.0, 2214.0], [2005.0, 2258.0], [1912.0, 2258.0]], ('10%', 0.9974961280822754)], [[[2127.0, 2211.0], [2256.0, 2211.0], [2256.0, 2262.0], [2127.0, 2262.0]], ('115,49', 0.9995615482330322)], [[[354.0, 2262.0], [749.0, 2262.0], [749.0, 2298.0], [354.0, 2298.0]], ('Bundle w/extras tested', 0.981504499912262)], [[[355.0, 2339.0], [816.0, 2342.0], [816.0, 2390.0], [354.0, 2386.0]], ('B284 Nintendo DSi console', 0.9981108903884888)], [[[1691.0, 2334.0], [1792.0, 2344.0], [1787.0, 2399.0], [1685.0, 2388.0]], ('1,98', 0.9990881681442261)], [[[1909.0, 2333.0], [2007.0, 2344.0], [2000.0, 2399.0], [1903.0, 2388.0]], ('10%', 0.9998549818992615)], [[[1008.0, 2346.0], [1093.0, 2346.0], [1093.0, 2390.0], [1008.0, 2390.0]], ('2,00', 0.9879387021064758)], [[[1152.0, 2346.0], [1248.0, 2346.0], [1248.0, 2390.0], [1152.0, 2390.0]], ('each', 0.9985963702201843)], [[[1444.0, 2346.0], [1528.0, 2346.0], [1528.0, 2390.0], [1444.0, 2390.0]], ('0,99', 0.9940180778503418)], [[[2163.0, 2339.0], [2259.0, 2339.0], [2259.0, 2393.0], [2163.0, 2393.0]], ('2,18', 0.9997408390045166)], [[[355.0, 2386.0], [676.0, 2390.0], [675.0, 2430.0], [354.0, 2426.0]], ('White Japan NDS x', 0.9811585545539856)], [[[192.0, 2529.0], [491.0, 2529.0], [491.0, 2580.0], [192.0, 2580.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9966263175010681)], [[[956.0, 2649.0], [1122.0, 2649.0], [1122.0, 2700.0], [956.0, 2700.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9994379878044128)], [[[1776.0, 2640.0], [1874.0, 2651.0], [1868.0, 2706.0], [1770.0, 2695.0]], ('VAT', 0.9370202422142029)], [[[1388.0, 2653.0], [1588.0, 2653.0], [1588.0, 2693.0], [1388.0, 2693.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9680564403533936)], [[[2027.0, 2657.0], [2259.0, 2657.0], [2259.0, 2697.0], [2027.0, 2697.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9999286532402039)], [[[993.0, 2737.0], [1085.0, 2737.0], [1085.0, 2792.0], [993.0, 2792.0]], ('10%', 0.99989253282547)], [[[1423.0, 2732.0], [1592.0, 2741.0], [1589.0, 2793.0], [1420.0, 2784.0]], ('1506,89', 0.9987011551856995)], [[[1735.0, 2737.0], [1868.0, 2737.0], [1868.0, 2788.0], [1735.0, 2788.0]], ('150,69', 0.9995831847190857)], [[[2101.0, 2737.0], [2267.0, 2737.0], [2267.0, 2788.0], [2101.0, 2788.0]], ('1 657,58', 0.9616774320602417)], [[[746.0, 2828.0], [857.0, 2828.0], [857.0, 2879.0], [746.0, 2879.0]], ('Total', 0.9998583793640137)], [[[2047.0, 2820.0], [2264.0, 2829.0], [2262.0, 2880.0], [2045.0, 2872.0]], ('$ 1 657,58', 0.9175651669502258)], [[[1381.0, 2832.0], [1588.0, 2832.0], [1588.0, 2872.0], [1381.0, 2872.0]], ('$1 506,89', 0.9938143491744995)], [[[1695.0, 2832.0], [1864.0, 2832.0], [1864.0, 2872.0], [1695.0, 2872.0]], ('$ 150,69', 0.9383840560913086)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '96556696', 'invoice_date': '02/25/2016', 'seller': 'Paul, Wilson and Gonzalez PSC 4919, Box 0544 APO AA 74617', 'client': 'Miller PLC 401 Leblanc Isle Suite 451 Port Kellimouth, NJ 99074', 'seller_tax_id': '904-99-6839', 'client_tax_id': '989-74-6088', 'iban': 'GB38GKTZ20354077719295'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'Lilly Pulitzer 8 Sunkissed with Glow Janice Shift Dress', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '56,89', 'item_net_worth': '284,45', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '312,90'}, {'item_desc': 'LAUREN RALPH LAUREN Womens Landette V-Neck A-Line Dress Size 6 NWT $200', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '45,99', 'item_net_worth': '183,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '202,36'}, {'item_desc': \"Pre-Owned Women's Nah Nah Dress Size 8 Black Sheer Formal\", 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '12,99', 'item_net_worth': '51,96', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '57,16'}, {'item_desc': 'Diane Von Furstenberg Wrap Red Black Classic Dress Size 14', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '65,00', 'item_net_worth': '260,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '286,00'}, {'item_desc': 'New Wallis black floral midi dress sleeveles, size UK 12', 'item_qty': '4,00', 'item_net_price': '38,00', 'item_net_worth': '152,00', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '167,20'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$ 932,37', 'total_vat': '$93,24', 'total_gross_worth': '$1025,61'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 96556696', 'Date of issue:.', '02/25/2016', 'Seller:', 'Client:', 'Paul, wilson and Gonzalez', 'Miller PLC', 'PSC 4919, Box 0544', '401 Leblanc Isle Suite 451', 'APO AA 74617', 'Port Kellimouth, NJ 99074', 'Tax Id: 904-99-6839', 'Tax Id: 989-74-6088', 'IBAN: GB38GKTZ20354077719295', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', ' worth', 'Lilly Pulitzer 8 Sunkissed with', '56,89', '284,45', '10%', '312,90', '1.', '5,00', 'each', 'Glow Janice Shift Dress', 'LAUREN RALPH LAUREN', '45,99', '183,96', '10%', '4,00', 'each', '202,36', 'Womens Landette V-Neck', 'A-Line Dress Size 6 NwT $200', \"Pre-Owned Women's Nah Nah.\", '4,00', '12,99', '51,96', '3', 'each', '10%', '57,16', 'Dress Size 8 Black Sheer Formal', 'Sexy', '65,00', '260,00', '10%', 'Diane Von Furstenberg Wrap', '4,00', 'each', '286,00', '4.', 'Red Black Classic Dress Size 14', '5.', 'New Wallis black floral midi', '4,00', 'each', '38,00', '152,00', '10%', '167,20', 'dress sleeveles, size UK 12', 'SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'VAT', 'Net worth', 'Gross worth.', '10%', '932,37', '93,24', '1025,61', 'Total', '$ 932,37', '$ 93,24', '$ 1 025,61']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[199.0, 110.0], [801.0, 110.0], [801.0, 161.0], [199.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 96556696', 0.9991238713264465)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:.', 0.9789198040962219)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('02/25/2016', 0.9996992349624634)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[1240.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 661.0], [1429.0, 720.0], [1240.0, 720.0]], ('Client:', 0.9994950890541077)], [[[210.0, 764.0], [757.0, 764.0], [757.0, 800.0], [210.0, 800.0]], ('Paul, wilson and Gonzalez', 0.9637407064437866)], [[[1252.0, 760.0], [1458.0, 760.0], [1458.0, 800.0], [1252.0, 800.0]], ('Miller PLC', 0.9960660934448242)], [[[210.0, 811.0], [639.0, 811.0], [639.0, 859.0], [210.0, 859.0]], ('PSC 4919, Box 0544', 0.9801102876663208)], [[[1248.0, 811.0], [1802.0, 811.0], [1802.0, 859.0], [1248.0, 859.0]], ('401 Leblanc Isle Suite 451', 0.9967168569564819)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [517.0, 866.0], [517.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('APO AA 74617', 0.9776125550270081)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1791.0, 866.0], [1791.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('Port Kellimouth, NJ 99074', 0.9739271402359009)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 904-99-6839', 0.9923412799835205)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 972.0], [1680.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 989-74-6088', 0.9901202321052551)], [[[207.0, 1027.0], [938.0, 1027.0], [938.0, 1074.0], [207.0, 1074.0]], ('IBAN: GB38GKTZ20354077719295', 0.9949454069137573)], [[[188.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [188.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.973893940448761)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2129.0, 1296.0], [2261.0, 1306.0], [2257.0, 1357.0], [2125.0, 1347.0]], (' worth', 0.9336559772491455)], [[[351.0, 1388.0], [857.0, 1392.0], [856.0, 1440.0], [351.0, 1436.0]], ('Lilly Pulitzer 8 Sunkissed with', 0.994870126247406)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1392.0], [1532.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('56,89', 0.9984931945800781)], [[[1650.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1650.0, 1443.0]], ('284,45', 0.998269259929657)], [[[1909.0, 1383.0], [2007.0, 1394.0], [2000.0, 1449.0], [1903.0, 1438.0]], ('10%', 0.9999048113822937)], [[[2129.0, 1384.0], [2257.0, 1393.0], [2253.0, 1444.0], [2125.0, 1435.0]], ('312,90', 0.999815046787262)], [[[251.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1403.0], [284.0, 1432.0], [251.0, 1432.0]], ('1.', 0.9957729578018188)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[358.0, 1443.0], [749.0, 1443.0], [749.0, 1480.0], [358.0, 1480.0]], ('Glow Janice Shift Dress', 0.9994644522666931)], [[[351.0, 1524.0], [768.0, 1524.0], [768.0, 1571.0], [351.0, 1571.0]], ('LAUREN RALPH LAUREN', 0.9983771443367004)], [[[1421.0, 1524.0], [1532.0, 1524.0], [1532.0, 1575.0], [1421.0, 1575.0]], ('45,99', 0.9998961687088013)], [[[1654.0, 1524.0], [1787.0, 1524.0], [1787.0, 1575.0], [1654.0, 1575.0]], ('183,96', 0.9997022151947021)], [[[1909.0, 1515.0], [2007.0, 1526.0], [2001.0, 1577.0], [1903.0, 1566.0]], ('10%', 0.9999029040336609)], [[[1008.0, 1527.0], [1093.0, 1527.0], [1093.0, 1571.0], [1008.0, 1571.0]], ('4,00', 0.9987012147903442)], [[[1152.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1527.0], [1244.0, 1571.0], [1152.0, 1571.0]], ('each', 0.9990001320838928)], [[[2127.0, 1524.0], [2259.0, 1524.0], [2259.0, 1575.0], [2127.0, 1575.0]], ('202,36', 0.9996722340583801)], [[[351.0, 1560.0], [798.0, 1564.0], [797.0, 1612.0], [351.0, 1608.0]], ('Womens Landette V-Neck', 0.9971786737442017)], [[[354.0, 1608.0], [864.0, 1604.0], [864.0, 1652.0], [355.0, 1655.0]], ('A-Line Dress Size 6 NwT $200', 0.9893460273742676)], [[[355.0, 1695.0], [868.0, 1699.0], [867.0, 1739.0], [354.0, 1736.0]], (\"Pre-Owned Women's Nah Nah.\", 0.9813538789749146)], [[[1008.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1696.0], [1093.0, 1739.0], [1008.0, 1739.0]], ('4,00', 0.982426106929779)], [[[1425.0, 1687.0], [1534.0, 1697.0], [1529.0, 1748.0], [1420.0, 1738.0]], ('12,99', 0.9997516870498657)], [[[1676.0, 1687.0], [1788.0, 1697.0], [1784.0, 1748.0], [1671.0, 1738.0]], ('51,96', 0.9996621012687683)], [[[260.0, 1700.0], [286.0, 1713.0], [273.0, 1739.0], [247.0, 1726.0]], ('3', 0.9830186367034912)], [[[1152.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1699.0], [1244.0, 1743.0], [1152.0, 1743.0]], ('each', 0.9991188645362854)], [[[1912.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1692.0], [2005.0, 1747.0], [1912.0, 1747.0]], ('10%', 0.9999165534973145)], [[[2152.0, 1696.0], [2256.0, 1696.0], [2256.0, 1743.0], [2152.0, 1743.0]], ('57,16', 0.9880754351615906)], [[[358.0, 1743.0], [901.0, 1743.0], [901.0, 1780.0], [358.0, 1780.0]], ('Dress Size 8 Black Sheer Formal', 0.9601435661315918)], [[[358.0, 1787.0], [443.0, 1787.0], [443.0, 1827.0], [358.0, 1827.0]], ('Sexy', 0.9990968108177185)], [[[1418.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1867.0], [1532.0, 1918.0], [1418.0, 1918.0]], ('65,00', 0.9971358180046082)], [[[1650.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1867.0], [1787.0, 1918.0], [1650.0, 1918.0]], ('260,00', 0.9989708065986633)], [[[1909.0, 1858.0], [2007.0, 1869.0], [2000.0, 1924.0], [1903.0, 1913.0]], ('10%', 0.9998971819877625)], [[[354.0, 1871.0], [849.0, 1871.0], [849.0, 1907.0], [354.0, 1907.0]], ('Diane Von Furstenberg Wrap', 0.9947249889373779)], [[[1008.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1871.0], [1093.0, 1911.0], [1008.0, 1911.0]], ('4,00', 0.9980728626251221)], [[[1152.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1871.0], [1248.0, 1915.0], [1152.0, 1915.0]], ('each', 0.9984121918678284)], [[[2127.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1871.0], [2256.0, 1911.0], [2127.0, 1911.0]], ('286,00', 0.9972103238105774)], [[[258.0, 1882.0], [284.0, 1882.0], [284.0, 1907.0], [258.0, 1907.0]], ('4.', 0.9911180734634399)], [[[358.0, 1918.0], [890.0, 1918.0], [890.0, 1955.0], [358.0, 1955.0]], ('Red Black Classic Dress Size 14', 0.9965077638626099)], [[[251.0, 2010.0], [284.0, 2010.0], [284.0, 2039.0], [251.0, 2039.0]], ('5.', 0.9926357269287109)], [[[354.0, 2002.0], [816.0, 2002.0], [816.0, 2039.0], [354.0, 2039.0]], ('New Wallis black floral midi', 0.9753063917160034)], [[[1008.0, 2002.0], [1097.0, 2002.0], [1097.0, 2043.0], [1008.0, 2043.0]], ('4,00', 0.9651751518249512)], [[[1152.0, 2006.0], [1248.0, 2006.0], [1248.0, 2046.0], [1152.0, 2046.0]], ('each', 0.9979768991470337)], [[[1425.0, 2002.0], [1528.0, 2002.0], [1528.0, 2043.0], [1425.0, 2043.0]], ('38,00', 0.9747918248176575)], [[[1658.0, 2002.0], [1783.0, 2002.0], [1783.0, 2043.0], [1658.0, 2043.0]], ('152,00', 0.9832212924957275)], [[[1912.0, 2002.0], [2001.0, 2002.0], [2001.0, 2046.0], [1912.0, 2046.0]], ('10%', 0.9978579878807068)], [[[2130.0, 2002.0], [2252.0, 2002.0], [2252.0, 2043.0], [2130.0, 2043.0]], ('167,20', 0.9676804542541504)], [[[358.0, 2046.0], [812.0, 2046.0], [812.0, 2083.0], [358.0, 2083.0]], ('dress sleeveles, size UK 12', 0.9986125826835632)], [[[196.0, 2182.0], [491.0, 2182.0], [491.0, 2233.0], [196.0, 2233.0]], ('SUMMARY', 0.9947201609611511)], [[[956.0, 2306.0], [1122.0, 2306.0], [1122.0, 2357.0], [956.0, 2357.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9992824196815491)], [[[1776.0, 2297.0], [1874.0, 2308.0], [1868.0, 2359.0], [1770.0, 2348.0]], ('VAT', 0.8386525511741638)], [[[1388.0, 2309.0], [1584.0, 2309.0], [1584.0, 2350.0], [1388.0, 2350.0]], ('Net worth', 0.99949711561203)], [[[2027.0, 2313.0], [2259.0, 2313.0], [2259.0, 2350.0], [2027.0, 2350.0]], ('Gross worth.', 0.9684088230133057)], [[[994.0, 2385.0], [1087.0, 2395.0], [1081.0, 2450.0], [988.0, 2439.0]], ('10%', 0.9999098777770996)], [[[1458.0, 2393.0], [1591.0, 2393.0], [1591.0, 2445.0], [1458.0, 2445.0]], ('932,37', 0.99968022108078)], [[[1754.0, 2393.0], [1872.0, 2393.0], [1872.0, 2445.0], [1754.0, 2445.0]], ('93,24', 0.9996980428695679)], [[[2095.0, 2385.0], [2264.0, 2394.0], [2261.0, 2446.0], [2092.0, 2436.0]], ('1025,61', 0.9995636940002441)], [[[746.0, 2473.0], [858.0, 2483.0], [853.0, 2537.0], [741.0, 2527.0]], ('Total', 0.9998470544815063)], [[[1414.0, 2488.0], [1584.0, 2488.0], [1584.0, 2529.0], [1414.0, 2529.0]], ('$ 932,37', 0.9993199110031128)], [[[1717.0, 2488.0], [1864.0, 2488.0], [1864.0, 2529.0], [1717.0, 2529.0]], ('$ 93,24', 0.9940573573112488)], [[[2053.0, 2488.0], [2256.0, 2488.0], [2256.0, 2529.0], [2053.0, 2529.0]], ('$ 1 025,61', 0.9480322003364563)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}
{"xml": "", "json": "{'header': {'invoice_no': '95894022', 'invoice_date': '07/17/2014', 'seller': 'Wilson, Sullivan and Lucas PSC 0033, Box 7503 APO AE 92369', 'client': 'Cruz, Miller and Brown 577 Darin Harbors South Jacobstad, CT 77222', 'seller_tax_id': '992-80-4529', 'client_tax_id': '918-95-5005', 'iban': 'GB80KWBT86155093352271'}, 'items': [{'item_desc': 'European Colour Sunflower Pattern Mats Hallway Carpets Doormat Bedroom Area Rugs', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '13,66', 'item_net_worth': '68,30', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '75,13'}, {'item_desc': '3D Printed Illusion Rug Round Grid Vortex Carpet Anti-slip Mat Floor Home C4RO', 'item_qty': '5,00', 'item_net_price': '17,13', 'item_net_worth': '85,65', 'item_vat': '10%', 'item_gross_worth': '94,21'}], 'summary': {'total_net_worth': '$153,95', 'total_vat': '$15,39', 'total_gross_worth': '$ 169,34'}}", "kie": ""}
{"ocr_words": "['Invoice no: 95894022', 'Date of issue:', '07/17/2014', 'Client:', 'Seller:', 'Wilson, Sullivan and Lucas', 'Cruz, Miller and Brown', 'PSC 0033, Box 7503', '577 Darin Harbors', 'APO AE 92369', 'South Jacobstad, CT 77222', 'Tax Id: 992-80-4529', 'Tax Id: 918-95-5005', 'IBAN: GB80KWBT86155093352271', 'ITEMS', 'No.', 'Description', 'Qty', 'UM', 'Net price', 'Net worth', 'VAT [%]', 'Gross', 'worth', 'European Colour Sunflower', '5,00', 'each', '13,66', '68,30', '10%', '75,13', 'Pattern Mats Hallway Carpets', 'Doormat Bedroom Area Rugse', '3D Printed Illusion Rug Round.', '10%', '94,21', '2.', '5,00', 'each', '17,13', '85,65', 'Grid Vortex Carpet Anti-slip Mat', 'Floor Home C4RO', ' SUMMARY', 'VAT [%]', 'Net worth', 'VAT', 'Gross worth', '10%', '153,95', '15,39', '169,34', 'Total', '$15,39', '$169,34', '$ 153,95']", "ocr_boxes": "[[[[196.0, 110.0], [805.0, 110.0], [805.0, 161.0], [196.0, 161.0]], ('Invoice no: 95894022', 0.9808889627456665)], [[[196.0, 212.0], [517.0, 212.0], [517.0, 259.0], [196.0, 259.0]], ('Date of issue:', 0.9985190629959106)], [[[1204.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 216.0], [1469.0, 256.0], [1204.0, 256.0]], ('07/17/2014', 0.9994825124740601)], [[[1239.0, 653.0], [1426.0, 662.0], [1423.0, 724.0], [1236.0, 715.0]], ('Client:', 0.9993823170661926)], [[[192.0, 665.0], [388.0, 665.0], [388.0, 716.0], [192.0, 716.0]], ('Seller:', 0.9997318387031555)], [[[203.0, 753.0], [768.0, 757.0], [768.0, 808.0], [203.0, 804.0]], ('Wilson, Sullivan and Lucas', 0.9997212886810303)], [[[1248.0, 756.0], [1728.0, 756.0], [1728.0, 808.0], [1248.0, 808.0]], ('Cruz, Miller and Brown', 0.9998495578765869)], [[[207.0, 811.0], [639.0, 811.0], [639.0, 859.0], [207.0, 859.0]], ('PSC 0033, Box 7503', 0.9888864159584045)], [[[1249.0, 807.0], [1640.0, 815.0], [1639.0, 863.0], [1248.0, 855.0]], ('577 Darin Harbors', 0.999774158000946)], [[[210.0, 866.0], [517.0, 866.0], [517.0, 914.0], [210.0, 914.0]], ('APO AE 92369', 0.9995675086975098)], [[[1248.0, 866.0], [1813.0, 866.0], [1813.0, 914.0], [1248.0, 914.0]], ('South Jacobstad, CT 77222', 0.9877179861068726)], [[[207.0, 972.0], [639.0, 972.0], [639.0, 1020.0], [207.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 992-80-4529', 0.992579996585846)], [[[1248.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 972.0], [1676.0, 1020.0], [1248.0, 1020.0]], ('Tax Id: 918-95-5005', 0.9939039349555969)], [[[207.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1023.0], [949.0, 1071.0], [207.0, 1071.0]], ('IBAN: GB80KWBT86155093352271', 0.9858022332191467)], [[[192.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1140.0], [377.0, 1191.0], [192.0, 1191.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9929741621017456)], [[[233.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1268.0], [303.0, 1308.0], [233.0, 1308.0]], ('No.', 0.9999094009399414)], [[[358.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1268.0], [576.0, 1308.0], [358.0, 1308.0]], ('Description', 0.9997653961181641)], [[[1012.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1261.0], [1097.0, 1316.0], [1012.0, 1316.0]], ('Qty', 0.9998303055763245)], [[[1159.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1264.0], [1237.0, 1308.0], [1159.0, 1308.0]], ('UM', 0.9347040057182312)], [[[1348.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1268.0], [1528.0, 1308.0], [1348.0, 1308.0]], ('Net price', 0.9999516010284424)], [[[1580.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1268.0], [1780.0, 1308.0], [1580.0, 1308.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9986754655838013)], [[[1842.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1268.0], [2001.0, 1308.0], [1842.0, 1308.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9989665746688843)], [[[2134.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1261.0], [2259.0, 1312.0], [2134.0, 1312.0]], ('Gross', 0.9985858798027039)], [[[2130.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1305.0], [2259.0, 1356.0], [2130.0, 1356.0]], ('worth', 0.9997998476028442)], [[[354.0, 1396.0], [820.0, 1396.0], [820.0, 1443.0], [354.0, 1443.0]], ('European Colour Sunflower', 0.995973527431488)], [[[1004.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1396.0], [1097.0, 1440.0], [1004.0, 1440.0]], ('5,00', 0.9872055053710938)], [[[1148.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1400.0], [1248.0, 1440.0], [1148.0, 1440.0]], ('each', 0.9973973035812378)], [[[1421.0, 1392.0], [1536.0, 1392.0], [1536.0, 1443.0], [1421.0, 1443.0]], ('13,66', 0.9997581243515015)], [[[1676.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1392.0], [1787.0, 1443.0], [1676.0, 1443.0]], ('68,30', 0.9931554794311523)], [[[1916.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1396.0], [2001.0, 1440.0], [1916.0, 1440.0]], ('10%', 0.9995570182800293)], [[[2152.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1396.0], [2256.0, 1443.0], [2152.0, 1443.0]], ('75,13', 0.9995496869087219)], [[[355.0, 1436.0], [857.0, 1440.0], [856.0, 1480.0], [354.0, 1476.0]], ('Pattern Mats Hallway Carpets', 0.9835520386695862)], [[[351.0, 1472.0], [857.0, 1480.0], [856.0, 1528.0], [350.0, 1520.0]], ('Doormat Bedroom Area Rugse', 0.964685320854187)], [[[355.0, 1564.0], [860.0, 1568.0], [860.0, 1608.0], [354.0, 1604.0]], ('3D Printed Illusion Rug Round.', 0.9269248843193054)], [[[1913.0, 1555.0], [2007.0, 1566.0], [2001.0, 1617.0], [1907.0, 1606.0]], ('10%', 0.9992581009864807)], [[[2149.0, 1555.0], [2257.0, 1566.0], [2252.0, 1620.0], [2143.0, 1610.0]], ('94,21', 0.9879967570304871)], [[[251.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1571.0], [284.0, 1604.0], [251.0, 1604.0]], ('2.', 0.993841290473938)], [[[1008.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1568.0], [1097.0, 1611.0], [1008.0, 1611.0]], ('5,00', 0.9980278611183167)], [[[1152.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1568.0], [1244.0, 1611.0], [1152.0, 1611.0]], ('each', 0.9978877305984497)], [[[1429.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1568.0], [1532.0, 1615.0], [1429.0, 1615.0]], ('17,13', 0.9988020658493042)], [[[1680.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1568.0], [1783.0, 1615.0], [1680.0, 1615.0]], ('85,65', 0.9992967844009399)], [[[355.0, 1604.0], [894.0, 1608.0], [893.0, 1655.0], [354.0, 1652.0]], ('Grid Vortex Carpet Anti-slip Mat', 0.992002010345459)], [[[358.0, 1655.0], [657.0, 1655.0], [657.0, 1692.0], [358.0, 1692.0]], ('Floor Home C4RO', 0.9651508927345276)], [[[189.0, 1787.0], [491.0, 1791.0], [491.0, 1842.0], [188.0, 1838.0]], (' SUMMARY', 0.9376521110534668)], [[[954.0, 1907.0], [1123.0, 1916.0], [1121.0, 1967.0], [952.0, 1958.0]], ('VAT [%]', 0.9974687695503235)], [[[1388.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1918.0], [1588.0, 1959.0], [1388.0, 1959.0]], ('Net worth', 0.9998177289962769)], [[[1776.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1911.0], [1872.0, 1966.0], [1776.0, 1966.0]], ('VAT', 0.6962001919746399)], [[[2027.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1918.0], [2259.0, 1959.0], [2027.0, 1959.0]], ('Gross worth', 0.9998216032981873)], [[[1001.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2006.0], [1082.0, 2050.0], [1001.0, 2050.0]], ('10%', 0.9996642470359802)], [[[1458.0, 2002.0], [1591.0, 2002.0], [1591.0, 2054.0], [1458.0, 2054.0]], ('153,95', 0.9996735453605652)], [[[1757.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2002.0], [1868.0, 2054.0], [1757.0, 2054.0]], ('15,39', 0.9996708035469055)], [[[2134.0, 2002.0], [2263.0, 2002.0], [2263.0, 2054.0], [2134.0, 2054.0]], ('169,34', 0.9994886517524719)], [[[746.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2094.0], [857.0, 2145.0], [746.0, 2145.0]], ('Total', 0.9998525381088257)], [[[1713.0, 2094.0], [1864.0, 2094.0], [1864.0, 2145.0], [1713.0, 2145.0]], ('$15,39', 0.9998185634613037)], [[[2080.0, 2086.0], [2264.0, 2095.0], [2262.0, 2146.0], [2078.0, 2137.0]], ('$169,34', 0.999586284160614)], [[[1414.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2097.0], [1588.0, 2138.0], [1414.0, 2138.0]], ('$ 153,95', 0.9745389223098755)]]", "ocr_labels": ""}