stringlengths 1
| image
stringlengths 15
| code
stringlengths 26
6985 | Train/png/6985.png | def keys(self) -> Iterator[str]:
if self.param:
yield self.param_name
yield from self.paths.keys()
9636 | Train/png/9636.png | def __coord_time(n, sr=22050, hop_length=512, **_kwargs):
return core.frames_to_time(np.arange(n+1), sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length)
7553 | Train/png/7553.png | def download(cls, url, filename=None):
return,, filename)
5201 | Train/png/5201.png | def pb_config(self):
pb = ProcessingBlock(self._pb_id)
return json.dumps(pb.config)
1512 | Train/png/1512.png | def _rndPointDisposition(dx, dy):
x = int(random.uniform(-dx, dx))
y = int(random.uniform(-dy, dy))
return (x, y)
6927 | Train/png/6927.png | def get(s, delimiter='', format="diacritical"):
return delimiter.join(_pinyin_generator(u(s), format=format))
9771 | Train/png/9771.png | def t_number(self, s):
pos = self.pos
self.add_token('NUMBER', int(s))
self.pos = pos + len(s)
1607 | Train/png/1607.png | def connect(self):
await self.node.join_voice_channel(,
7713 | Train/png/7713.png | def gen_ldm(src, dst):
return, src, ReilEmptyOperand(), dst)
5392 | Train/png/5392.png | def select_larva(self):
action = sc_pb.Action()
action.action_ui.select_larva.SetInParent() # Adds the empty proto field.
return action
1807 | Train/png/1807.png | def to_representation(self, value):
value = apply_subfield_projection(self, value, deep=True)
return super().to_representation(value)
1829 | Train/png/1829.png | def update_brand(self) -> None:
self.update(path=URL_GET + GROUP.format(group=BRAND))
5842 | Train/png/5842.png | def rpop(self, key, *, encoding=_NOTSET):
return self.execute(b'RPOP', key, encoding=encoding)
7990 | Train/png/7990.png | def logout(self):
resp = super(CookieSession, self).request('DELETE', self._session_url)
2470 | Train/png/2470.png | def init_defaults(self):
super(SimpleTable, self).init_defaults() = self.table
855 | Train/png/855.png | def flip_coords(X, loop):
if (loop[0] == 1):
return np.array(map(lambda i: np.array([i[2], i[1], i[0], i[5], i[4], i[3]]), X))
return X
8099 | Train/png/8099.png | def eval_grad(self):
# Compute D^T(D Y - S)
return - self.S)
1068 | Train/png/1068.png | def show_report(self):
9260 | Train/png/9260.png | def get_description(self):
vo = ffi.cast('VipsObject *', self.pointer)
return _to_string(vips_lib.vips_object_get_description(vo))
1990 | Train/png/1990.png | def setup(self):
self.allow = self.config['allow']
self.halt = self.config['halt']
self.skip = self.config['skip']
38 | Train/png/38.png | def _parse_rdf(self, file):
store = Graph()
2511 | Train/png/2511.png | def file_remove(self, path, filename):
if os.path.isfile(path + filename):
os.remove(path + filename)
1428 | Train/png/1428.png | def name(self):
return ffi.string(lib.EnvGetInstanceName(self._env, self._ist)).decode()
470 | Train/png/470.png | def send_email(self, user, subject, msg):
print('To:', user)
print('Subject:', subject)
1903 | Train/png/1903.png | def init_app(self, app=None):
config = getattr(app, 'config', app)
self.team_id = config.get('TEAM_ID')
179 | Train/png/179.png | def make_readable_path(path):
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
if path.startswith(home):
path = "~" + path[len(home):]
return path
6414 | Train/png/6414.png | def apply_init(m, init_func: LayerFunc):
"Initialize all non-batchnorm layers of `m` with `init_func`."
apply_leaf(m, partial(cond_init, init_func=init_func))
6453 | Train/png/6453.png | def CrossEntropyFlat(*args, axis: int = -1, **kwargs):
"Same as `nn.CrossEntropyLoss`, but flattens input and target."
return FlattenedLoss(nn.CrossEntropyLoss, *args, axis=axis, **kwargs)
1246 | Train/png/1246.png | def all_node_style(self, **kwargs):
for node in self.nodes:
self.node_style(node, **kwargs)
2359 | Train/png/2359.png | def set(self, key, value, extend=False, **kwargs):
self.__setitem__(key, value, extend, **kwargs)
2649 | Train/png/2649.png | def amean(x, weights=None):
w_arr, x_arr = _preprocess_inputs(x, weights)
return (w_arr*x_arr).sum(axis=0) / w_arr.sum(axis=0)
638 | Train/png/638.png | def postprocessor(accepts, flag=None):
def decorator(f):
postprocessors.append((accepts, flag, f))
return f
return decorator
431 | Train/png/431.png | def flush(self):
(slice_, self.__buffer) = (self.__buffer, '')
self.__size = 0
return slice_
6654 | Train/png/6654.png | def newDoc(version):
ret = libxml2mod.xmlNewDoc(version)
if ret is None:
raise treeError('xmlNewDoc() failed')
return xmlDoc(_obj=ret)
6619 | Train/png/6619.png | def _write_items(self, row_lookup, col_lookup, item):
self.qc.write_items(row_lookup, col_lookup, item)
2936 | Train/png/2936.png | def loadJson(d):
with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
return json.load(f)
752 | Train/png/752.png | def runUAT(self, args):[self.getRunUATScript()] + args,
cwd=self.getEngineRoot(), raiseOnError=True)
2930 | Train/png/2930.png | def progress(self, *msg):
label = colors.purple("Progress")
self._msg(label, *msg)
6235 | Train/png/6235.png | def is_indiclang_char(c, lang):
o = get_offset(c, lang)
return (o >= 0 and o <= 0x7f) or ord(c) == DANDA or ord(c) == DOUBLE_DANDA
2614 | Train/png/2614.png | def copy(self):
new = self.__class__()
new.__dict__ = dict(self.__dict__)
return new
9302 | Train/png/9302.png | def filter_opt(opt):
return {k: GLib.Variant(*v) for k, v in opt.items() if v[1] is not None}
6108 | Train/png/6108.png | def do_init(self, handler):
self.waiting = True
self.exc_info = None
self.handler = handler
5347 | Train/png/5347.png | def l2_norm(params):
flattened, _ = flatten(params)
return, flattened)
4802 | Train/png/4802.png | def get(self, url, params=None):
r = self.session.get(url, params=params)
return self._response_parser(r, expect_json=False)
5980 | Train/png/5980.png | def URem(a: BitVec, b: BitVec) -> BitVec:
return _arithmetic_helper(a, b, z3.URem)
4998 | Train/png/4998.png | def samtools_index(self, bam_file):
cmd = + " index {0}".format(bam_file)
return cmd
715 | Train/png/715.png | def incr(name, value=1, rate=1, tags=None):
client().incr(name, value, rate, tags)
8704 | Train/png/8704.png | def total_msgs(xml):
count = 0
for x in xml:
count += len(x.message)
return count
499 | Train/png/499.png | def start(self, id):
path = partial(_path, self.adapter)
path = path(id)
return self._put(path)
8845 | Train/png/8845.png | def _get_a2(bbar, dbar, slip_moment, mmax):
return ((dbar - bbar) / bbar) * (slip_moment / _scale_moment(mmax))
2605 | Train/png/2605.png | def _on_open(self, sender, *args, **kwargs):
4904 | Train/png/4904.png | def tag_add(self, *tags):
return View({**self.spec, 'tag': list(set(self.tags) | set(tags))})
2202 | Train/png/2202.png | def any_unique(keys, axis=semantics.axis_default):
index = as_index(keys, axis)
return np.any(index.count == 1)
7087 | Train/png/7087.png | def get_root(w):
next_level = w
while next_level.master:
next_level = next_level.master
return next_level
89 | Train/png/89.png | def print_new(ctx, name, migration_type):
click.echo(ctx.obj.repository.generate_migration_name(name, migration_type))
329 | Train/png/329.png | def bm3_big_F(p, v, v0):
f = bm3_small_f(v, v0)
return cal_big_F(p, f)
127 | Train/png/127.png | def truncate(value: Decimal, n_digits: int) -> Decimal:
return Decimal(math.trunc(value * (10 ** n_digits))) / (10 ** n_digits)
84 | Train/png/84.png | def filter_contour(imageFile, opFile):
im =
im1 = im.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)
6147 | Train/png/6147.png | def add_list_opt(self, opt, values):
for val in values:
5355 | Train/png/5355.png | def _to_hours_mins_secs(time_taken):
mins, secs = divmod(time_taken, 60)
hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60)
return hours, mins, secs
7126 | Train/png/7126.png | def _handle_sigusr1(signum: int, frame: Any) -> None:
print('=' * 70)
print('-' * 70)
3602 | Train/png/3602.png | def build_status(namespace, name, branch='master') -> pin:
return ci_data(namespace, name, branch).get('build_success', None)
165 | Train/png/165.png | def has_ops_before(self, ts):
spec = {'ts': {'$lt': ts}}
return bool(self.coll.find_one(spec))
2407 | Train/png/2407.png | def load_file(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as sourcefile:
3256 | Train/png/3256.png | def get_val(self, x):
interval, mean, std = self.probability_map[x]
new_val = norm.rvs(mean, std)
return new_val
2255 | Train/png/2255.png | def _is_orphan(scc, graph):
return all(p in scc for v in scc for p in graph.parents(v))
5051 | Train/png/5051.png | def info_1(*tokens: Token, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
info(bold, blue, "::", reset, *tokens, **kwargs)
2180 | Train/png/2180.png | def camel_to_snake(s: str) -> str:
return CAMEL_CASE_RE.sub(r'_\1', s).strip().lower()
5359 | Train/png/5359.png | def set_etag(self, etag, weak=False):
self.headers["ETag"] = quote_etag(etag, weak)
7224 | Train/png/7224.png | def _post(self, url, attributes=None, **kwargs):
return self._request('post', url, attributes, **kwargs)
828 | Train/png/828.png | def factors(self, rank):
return [result.factors for result in self.results[rank]]
2411 | Train/png/2411.png | def has_space(self, length=1, offset=0):
return self.pos + (length + offset) - 1 < self.length
4814 | Train/png/4814.png | def _peek(tokens, n=0):
return tokens.peek(n=n, skip=_is_comment, drop=True)
287 | Train/png/287.png | def InstanceOf(cls, **kwargs):
return Property(types=cls, load=cls.load, **kwargs)
2169 | Train/png/2169.png | def get_cgi_parameter_list(form: cgi.FieldStorage, key: str) -> List[str]:
return form.getlist(key)
48 | Train/png/48.png | def page_title(step, title):
with AssertContextManager(step):
assert_equals(world.browser.title, title)
1205 | Train/png/1205.png | def _set_condition(self, condition):
assert isinstance(condition, CodeExpression.TYPES)
self.condition = condition
7978 | Train/png/7978.png | def subscriptions_read(self, rid, **kwargs):
return self.__call_api_post('', rid=rid, kwargs=kwargs)
5513 | Train/png/5513.png | def CheckBlobsExist(self, blob_ids):
result = {}
for blob_id in blob_ids:
result[blob_id] = blob_id in self.blobs
return result
7895 | Train/png/7895.png | def is_none(node):
"Determine if a node is the `None` keyword."
return isinstance(node, parso.python.tree.Keyword) and node.value == 'None'
2546 | Train/png/2546.png | def parse_footnote(document, container, elem):
"Parse the footnote element."
_rid = elem.attrib[_name('{{{w}}}id')]
foot = doc.Footnote(_rid)
87 | Train/png/87.png | def read_map(fname):
lst = []
with open(fname, "r") as f:
for line in f:
return lst
8743 | Train/png/8743.png | def _icon_by_painter(self, painter, options):
engine = CharIconEngine(self, painter, options)
return QIcon(engine)
2692 | Train/png/2692.png | def distances(self, points):
return [math.acos( for p in points]
780 | Train/png/780.png | def hour_match(data, hours):
hours = [hours] if isinstance(hours, int) else hours
return data.isin(hours)
7991 | Train/png/7991.png | def _count(self, X, Y):
self.feature_count_ += safe_sparse_dot(Y.T, X)
self.class_count_ += Y.sum(axis=0)
2238 | Train/png/2238.png | def set_progress_brackets(self, start, end):
self.sep_start = start
self.sep_end = end
7590 | Train/png/7590.png | def add_anchor(self, url, line, column, name, base):
self.anchors.append((url, line, column, name, base))
8809 | Train/png/8809.png | def build_payload(self, payload):
for segment in self.segments:
segment.pack(payload, commit=self.autocommit)
4562 | Train/png/4562.png | def SegmentMin(a, ids):
def func(idxs): return np.amin(a[idxs], axis=0)
return seg_map(func, a, ids),
7926 | Train/png/7926.png | def yaw(self):
x, y, z, w = self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w
return math.asin(2*x*y + 2*z*w)
4970 | Train/png/4970.png | def splititer(self, string, *args, **kwargs):
return self._pattern.splititer(string, *args, **kwargs)
6716 | Train/png/6716.png | def is_in_pythonpath(self, dirname):
return fixpath(dirname) in [fixpath(_p) for _p in self.pythonpath]
5723 | Train/png/5723.png | def exception(self, url, exception):
return (time.time() + self.ttl, self.factory(url))
7977 | Train/png/7977.png | def subscriptions_get_one(self, room_id, **kwargs):
return self.__call_api_get('subscriptions.getOne', roomId=room_id, kwargs=kwargs)
2908 | Train/png/2908.png | def start(label, at=None):
t = at if at is not None else time.time()
marker = Marker().start(t)
labels[label] = marker.dumps()
9151 | Train/png/9151.png | def narrow(self):
t, h = self.time, self.half_duration
h /= self.scaling_coeff_x
self.set_interval((t - h, t + h))
8382 | Train/png/8382.png | def skew_normal_expval(mu, tau, alpha):
delta = alpha / np.sqrt(1. + alpha ** 2)
return mu + np.sqrt(2 / pi / tau) * delta
8526 | Train/png/8526.png | def name(class_name: str, chain_class: Type[BaseChain]) -> Type[BaseChain]:
return chain_class.configure(__name__=class_name)
8328 | Train/png/8328.png | def delete_taskset(self, taskset_id):
s = self.restore_taskset(taskset_id)
if s: