stringlengths 1
| image
stringlengths 15
| code
stringlengths 26
6869 | Train/png/6869.png | def attach_alternative(self, content, mimetype=None):
self.attach(content=content, mimetype=mimetype)
7068 | Train/png/7068.png | def nextSunrise(jd, lat, lon):
return swe.sweNextTransit(const.SUN, jd, lat, lon, 'RISE')
3581 | Train/png/3581.png | def _writeToTransport(self, data):
610 | Train/png/610.png | def make_a_call(self, number: int or str = 18268237856) -> None:
self.app_start_action(Actions.CALL, '-d', 'tel:{}'.format(str(number)))
6029 | Train/png/6029.png | def lib(self):
lib = self.ffi.dlopen(self.binary)
_FFISpecification(self.ffi, lib).register_cffi_externs()
return lib
7470 | Train/png/7470.png | def reconnected(self, conn):
conn.sub(self._topic, self._channel)
1083 | Train/png/1083.png | def _mdens(self, m):
return (self.a/m)**self.alpha/(1.+m/self.a)**(self.betaminusalpha)
7641 | Train/png/7641.png | def match_and(self, tokens, item):
for match in tokens:
self.match(match, item)
2632 | Train/png/2632.png | def logged_command(cmds):
"helper function to log a command and then run it"' '.join(cmds))
os.system(' '.join(cmds))
332 | Train/png/332.png | def erase(ctx):
if os.path.exists(ctx.obj['report']):
7924 | Train/png/7924.png | def roll(self):
x, y, z, w = self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w
return math.atan2(2*y*w - 2*x*z, 1 - 2*y*y - 2*z*z)
4754 | Train/png/4754.png | def match(select, tag, namespaces=None, flags=0, **kwargs):
return compile(select, namespaces, flags, **kwargs).match(tag)
1473 | Train/png/1473.png | def _compute_diff(map1, map2):
data = -
return HpxMap(data, map1.hpx)
7205 | Train/png/7205.png | def removePeer(self, url):
q = models.Peer.delete().where(
models.Peer.url == url)
6299 | Train/png/6299.png | def pprint(self):
items = sorted(self.items())
return u"\n".join(u"%s=%s" % (k, v.pprint()) for k, v in items)
9581 | Train/png/9581.png | def valid_substitution(strlen, index):
values = index[0]
return all([strlen > i for i in values])
8492 | Train/png/8492.png | def isInfinite(self):
return self.x0 > self.x1 or self.y0 > self.y1
8376 | Train/png/8376.png | def gev_expval(xi, mu=0, sigma=1):
return mu - (sigma / xi) + (sigma / xi) * flib.gamfun(1 - xi)
9932 | Train/png/9932.png | def proc_font(self, tokens):
size = int(tokens["s"])
self.pen.font = "%s %d" % (tokens["b"], size)
return []
960 | Train/png/960.png | def set(self, name, msg):
"fills in the error name and message."
dbus.dbus_set_error(self._dbobj, name.encode(), b"%s", msg.encode())
3521 | Train/png/3521.png | def tell(self, message):
if self.hearing:, json.dumps(message))
6510 | Train/png/6510.png | def c_str(string):
if not isinstance(string, str):
string = string.decode('ascii')
return ctypes.c_char_p(string.encode('utf-8'))
5800 | Train/png/5800.png | def rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b):
h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r / 255., g / 255., b / 255.)
return round2(h * 360), round2(s * 100), round2(v * 100)
6303 | Train/png/6303.png | def delete(self):
3162 | Train/png/3162.png | def decode(self, value):
if self.encoding:
value = value.decode(self.encoding)
return self.deserialize(value)
2296 | Train/png/2296.png | def _rnd_date(start, end):
return date.fromordinal(random.randint(start.toordinal(), end.toordinal()))
3512 | Train/png/3512.png | def key(self):
prefix = type(self).cls_key()
return '{}:{}:obj'.format(prefix,
8922 | Train/png/8922.png | def soma_points(self):
db = self.data_block
return db[db[:, COLS.TYPE] == POINT_TYPE.SOMA]
4939 | Train/png/4939.png | def setup(self):
if self.backup:
shutil.copy(self.input_file, "{}.orig".format(self.input_file))
4663 | Train/png/4663.png | def is_transversion(self):
return self.is_snv and is_purine(self.ref) != is_purine(self.alt)
8819 | Train/png/8819.png | def max_values(args):
return Interval(max(x.low for x in args), max(x.high for x in args))
8449 | Train/png/8449.png | def create_role(self, **kwargs):
role = self.role_model(**kwargs)
return self.put(role)
8231 | Train/png/8231.png | def is_one(self):
return all(abs(v - 1.) < pmf.PRECISION for v in self.dic.values())
909 | Train/png/909.png | def stop(state, host, ctid):
args = ['{0}'.format(ctid)]
yield 'vzctl stop {0}'.format(' '.join(args))
5281 | Train/png/5281.png | def reset_max_values(self):
self._max_values = {}
for k in self._max_values_list:
self._max_values[k] = 0.0
2329 | Train/png/2329.png | def enc_name_descr(name, descr, color=a99.COLOR_DESCR):
return enc_name(name, color)+"<br>"+descr
9652 | Train/png/9652.png | def ccx(self, ctl1, ctl2, tgt):
return self.append(ToffoliGate(), [ctl1, ctl2, tgt], [])
5444 | Train/png/5444.png | def connect(self, sid, namespace):
self.enter_room(sid, namespace, None)
self.enter_room(sid, namespace, sid)
1886 | Train/png/1886.png | def message(self):
return '\n'.join(
[self.from_email, str(, self.subject, self.body])
2190 | Train/png/2190.png | def alphanum_key(s):
return [int(c) if c.isdigit() else c for c in _RE_INT.split(s)]
6602 | Train/png/6602.png | def increase_i(self):
self.i += 1
if self.i > self.bracket_id:
self.no_more_trial = True
6352 | Train/png/6352.png | def min(self, axis=None, skipna=True):
return self._minmax('min')
1160 | Train/png/1160.png | def hgnc(name=None, identifier=None) -> Protein:
return Protein(namespace='HGNC', name=name, identifier=identifier)
9694 | Train/png/9694.png | def del_handler(self, args):
self.validate('cmd|s3', args)
source = args[1]
7636 | Train/png/7636.png | def get_temp_var(self):
tempvar = match_temp_var + "_" + str(self.var_index)
self.var_index += 1
return tempvar
1640 | Train/png/1640.png | def _set_uri_from_bound_model(self):
value = self._uri_template.format(
self.elm.set(self._uri_attr, value)
2948 | Train/png/2948.png | def is_image(filename):
# note: isfile() also accepts symlinks
return os.path.isfile(filename) and filename.lower().endswith(ImageExts)
7615 | Train/png/7615.png | def comment(self, s, **args):
self.writeln(s=u"# %s" % s, **args)
7191 | Train/png/7191.png | def printcsv(csvdiffs):
for row in csvdiffs:
print(','.join([str(cell) for cell in row]))
5306 | Train/png/5306.png | def DiamReq(cmd, **fields):
upfields, name = getCmdParams(cmd, True, **fields)
p = DiamG(**upfields) = name
return p
8427 | Train/png/8427.png | def is_terminal(self):
return (self.raised_exception or self.is_timeout or
self.phase_result == openhtf.PhaseResult.STOP)
5713 | Train/png/5713.png | def iterkeys(obj):
"Get key iterator from dictionary for Python 2 and 3"
return iter(obj.keys()) if sys.version_info.major == 3 else obj.iterkeys()
7221 | Train/png/7221.png | def delete(self):
return self._client._delete(
6542 | Train/png/6542.png | def get_exported(self):
return dict((k, self.vars[k]) for k in self.exported_vars)
3143 | Train/png/3143.png | def calcPeriod(self):
return eq.KeplersThirdLaw(self.a,
9153 | Train/png/9153.png | def create(self):
assert not self.called
return self.klass(*self.args, **
3526 | Train/png/3526.png | def _put_obj(irods_path, obj):
text = json.dumps(obj, indent=2)
_put_text(irods_path, text)
1393 | Train/png/1393.png | def enable_proxy(self, host, port):
self.proxy = [host, _number(port)]
self.proxy_enabled = True
2900 | Train/png/2900.png | def set_hflip(self, val):
self.__horizontal_flip = val
for image in self.images:
image.h_flip = val
9885 | Train/png/9885.png | def deregister_host():
438 | Train/png/438.png | def decamelise(text):
s = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', text)
return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s).lower()
8736 | Train/png/8736.png | def update(self, state, tnow):
self.state = state
self.update_time = tnow
5333 | Train/png/5333.png | def output_size(self):
if callable(self._output_size):
self._output_size = self._output_size()
return self._output_size
4489 | Train/png/4489.png | def add(v1, v2):
return tuple(a + b for a, b in zip(v1, v2))
6164 | Train/png/6164.png | def spin1x_from_xi1_phi_a_phi_s(xi1, phi_a, phi_s):
phi1 = phi1_from_phi_a_phi_s(phi_a, phi_s)
return xi1 * numpy.cos(phi1)
6435 | Train/png/6435.png | def normalize(x: TensorImage, mean: FloatTensor, std: FloatTensor) -> TensorImage:
"Normalize `x` with `mean` and `std`."
return (x-mean[..., None, None]) / std[..., None, None]
9514 | Train/png/9514.png | def update_normals(self, normals):
normals = np.array(normals, dtype=np.float32)
4304 | Train/png/4304.png | def _addconfig(config, *paths):
for path in paths:
if path is not None and exists(path):
3525 | Train/png/3525.png | def now_date(str=False):
if str:
9511 | Train/png/9511.png | def sub(self, inplace=False, **kwargs):
filter_ = self.where(**kwargs)
return self.subindex(filter_, inplace)
2777 | Train/png/2777.png | def read(path):
data = None
with open(path, 'r') as f:
data =
return data
4172 | Train/png/4172.png | def update_router(self, router, body=None):
return self.put(self.router_path % (router), body=body)
7744 | Train/png/7744.png | def rowlenselect(table, n, complement=False):
def where(row): return len(row) == n
return select(table, where, complement=complement)
768 | Train/png/768.png | def export(defn):
globals()[defn.__name__] = defn
return defn
3682 | Train/png/3682.png | def add_dummy_scores(iteratable, score=0):
for seq in iteratable:
seq.letter_annotations["phred_quality"] = (score,)*len(seq)
yield seq
3337 | Train/png/3337.png | def remove(self, child):
for i in range(len(self)):
if self[i] == child:
del self[i]
310 | Train/png/310.png | def tell(self):
"get the file descriptor's position relative to the file's beginning"
with _fdopen(os.dup(self._fileno)) as fp:
return fp.tell()
4770 | Train/png/4770.png | def body(self):
view = ffi.buffer(self.packet.m_body, self.packet.m_nBodySize)
return view[:]
1585 | Train/png/1585.png | def prepend_string(t, string):
node = t.tree
if node.text is not None:
node.text += string
node.text = string
607 | Train/png/607.png | def tcpip(self, port: int or str = 5555) -> None:
self._execute('-s', self.device_sn, 'tcpip', str(port))
8936 | Train/png/8936.png | def get_vehicle(vehicle_id):
result = _get(vehicle_id, settings.VEHICLES)
return Vehicle(result.content)
2684 | Train/png/2684.png | def save_pkl(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'wb') as fout:
pickle.dump(self, fout)
1577 | Train/png/1577.png | def byte_to_unitcode(bytecode):
return list(UC_LOOKUP.keys())[list(UC_LOOKUP.values()).index(bytecode)]
1152 | Train/png/1152.png | def has_edge_evidence(self, u: BaseEntity, v: BaseEntity, key: str) -> bool:
return self._has_edge_attr(u, v, key, EVIDENCE)
4630 | Train/png/4630.png | def state(gc: GroupControl):
state = await gc.state()
click.echo("Full state info: %s" % repr(state))
8941 | Train/png/8941.png | def place_notes_at(self, notes, at):
for x in
if x[0] == at:
x[0][2] += notes
2788 | Train/png/2788.png | def clear(self):
for ax in self.flat_grid:
for im_h in ax.findobj(AxesImage):
6077 | Train/png/6077.png | def parse_id_literal(ast, _variables=None):
if isinstance(ast, (StringValueNode, IntValueNode)):
return ast.value
return INVALID
6710 | Train/png/6710.png | def show_guiref(self):
from qtconsole.usage import gui_reference, collapse=True)
3018 | Train/png/3018.png | def delete_project(id=None, name=None):
content = delete_project_raw(id, name)
if content:
return utils.format_json(content)
363 | Train/png/363.png | def rdf_suffix(fmt: str) -> str:
for k, v in SUFFIX_FORMAT_MAP.items():
if fmt == v:
return k
return 'rdf'
9410 | Train/png/9410.png | def id_to_root_name(id):
name = root_names.get(id)
if not name:
name = repr(id)
return name
220 | Train/png/220.png | def options(cls):
return sorted((value, name) for (name, value) in cls.__dict__.items() if not name.startswith('__'))
3205 | Train/png/3205.png | def get_unresolved_variables(f):
reporter = RReporter()
checkPath(f, reporter=reporter)
return dict(reporter.messages)
8634 | Train/png/8634.png | def get_org(self, name):
if name not in self.orgs:
return self._get_org(name)
1078 | Train/png/1078.png | def _log_tcex_version(self):'TcEx Version: {}'.format(__import__(__name__).__version__))
506 | Train/png/506.png | def H_donor_count(mol):
return sum(1 for _, a in mol.atoms_iter() if a.H_donor)
6329 | Train/png/6329.png | def kill_window(pymux, variables):
" Kill all panes in the current window. "
for pane in pymux.arrangement.get_active_window().panes:
9496 | Train/png/9496.png | def klm(p, q):
p, q = flatten(p), flatten(q)
return max(abs(p * np.nan_to_num(np.log(p / q))))
7462 | Train/png/7462.png | def mpub(self, topic, *messages):
return self.send(constants.MPUB + ' ' + topic, messages)