Problem Statement: Why there is continuous increase of Keq value when product concentration is reduced? With increase in carbon number, Keq. is also increasing, from the stream results it is evident that concentration is decreasing with increase in carbon number:
Solution: When comparing equilibrium constants, note that the exponents are different for each reaction. The equation used to calculate Keq in Aspen Plus as follows: Keq = product (fugacity_i^nu_i) / reactant (fugacity_i^nu_i) where fugacity_i = fugacity of component i (in atm) nu_i = stoichiometric coefficient of component i So, when you compare reactions such as 4) Temp. approach 4 CO + 9 H2 --> C4 + 4 H2O 5) Temp. approach 5 CO + 11 H2 --> C5 + 5 H2O In reaction 4), we have fC4 * fH2O^4 / (fCO^4 * fH2^9), while for reaction 5) we have fC5 * fH2O^5 / (fCO^5 * fH2^11) This is the reason you see continuous increase in Keq value. Due the change of exponents, it's not correct to simply compare the numerical value of the equilibrium constant / concentration of reactions User can formulate the reactions as successive reactions, so that they have more similar stoichiometries: Temp. approach CO + 2 H2 + C3 --> C4 + H2O Temp. approach CO + 2 H2 + C4 --> C5 + H2O In this case, you'll see the equilibrium constants have now more similar values, but it is still not straightforward to compare. Keywords: Requil, Keq, Product concentration References: AspenTech: Knowledge Base
Problem Statement: How to calculate dew point of a material stream with respect to relative humidity and how to monitor response of dew point with change to relative humidity?
Solution: Relative humidity cannot be directly entered in a material stream, a unit operation “Stream Saturator” to be used. Steam Saturator calculates the amount of water needed to saturate the input stream and reach a specific relative humidity. Specify Relative humidity (RH%) values under Parameter tab in Stream saturation block. Dew point can be calculated by using a Balance operation from manipulator. Specify Vapor Fraction=1 in dew point stream, to get dew point temperature and retain component mole flow which can be specified in balance block under parameters The resulting temp in dew point stream is your dew point value for specified inputs. To monitor the response of dew point temperature with change to relative humidity, a case study can be performed by specifying dew point as dependent variables and relative humidity as independent. Run your case study under tab “Case study setup” to view the results. Keywords: Dew point, Relative humidity, Case study, Saturation block, Balance References: AspenTech: Knowledge Base
Problem Statement: In this KB article we discuss some of the necessary conditions required to connect PIMS-AO to an Azure SQL Database (PaaS) using Microsoft Entra ID Authentication.
Solution: To connect PIMS-AO V14 to a PaaS Azure SQL Database you will need to have installed V18.x of the OLE DB Driver for SQL Servers. From the General Settings> Output Database tab you must change the output database to SQL Server. Next, click on the … icon to open the Universal Data Link Dialog Box. Universal Data Link Dialog Box: In the Provider tab of this dialog box, select the “Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server” option and click Next. This will take you to the Connection tab. Provide the Azure SQL Server instance name and select the “Microsoft Active Directory- Integrated” option. This will use the Microsoft Entra ID credentials of the user currently logged in. Next, we need to ensure that some registry keys are added to the OS; this should be done through the Registry Editor application. According to Microsoft’s support, the following registry keys must be present to ensure the correct TLS level is being used: You can find a link to the Microsoft Support for this here: Finally, you must ensure that the user’s login credentials are correctly configured from the Azure portal to ensure the necessary permissions for modifying the database. As defined in the Installation Guide: the minimum database roles for PIMS users are db_datawriter and db_datareader for each database login. If the user would like to truncate a database the db_ddladmin role is required. Granting db_owner roles for the users covers all required roles. Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: How to add Mass Fraction of Streams as a variable in EO variable list which is not present under EO variables tab?
Solution: Generally, in Aspen plus EO modelling mass fraction variable is not directly present under EO variable tab, so in order to review mass fraction results under EO variable tab we can follow the below steps: Add an analyzer block under manipulators. In Block Options --> EO Options --> Additional Variables---> enable mass fraction option in the analyzer block. Now refer your analyzer block results into EO variables to get mass fraction values. Keywords: Aspen plus EO, Mass fraction, EO variable list References: None
Problem Statement: After upgrading to V14 APC and applying the latest Desktop EP3, some customers have reported facing a strange issue with their DMC3 Builder. When they import an application and navigate to the Master model, the page becomes green blank, with no models and no options in the top ribbon. The Home tab is also missing.
Solution: To resolve the issue of a blank page in the Master model in DMC3 Builder after upgrading to V14 APC, follow the steps below: Ensure that the ACESAppTemplate.xml file is up to date: The issue may be caused by an outdated ACESAppTemplate.xml file. (could be found under the following paths: C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\RTE\Vxx\APC C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\APC\Vxx\Builder Uninstall the EP3 patch and then reinstall it to ensure that the ACESAppTemplate.xml file is updated to the latest version. Remove the APCDesktop.UserPreferences.dat file: The APCDesktop.UserPreferences.dat file stores user-specific preferences and settings for DMC3 Builder. Locate the file in the appropriate directory, which may vary depending on the operating system. (could be found under the following path: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\AspenTech\APC) Delete the APCDesktop.UserPreferences.dat file. Launch DMC3 Builder again, and the file will be recreated with default settings. Verify if the model view populates correctly: Open the problematic application file in DMC3 Builder after performing the above steps. Check if the model view now populates with the expected models. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to customer support for further assistance. Note: It is important to back up any critical files before making changes or modifications to ensure data integrity and minimize the risk of unintended consequences. Keywords: DMC3 Builder, Desktop, EP3, blank page, Master model, ACESAppTemplate.xml, APCDesktop.UserPreferences.dat References: None
Problem Statement: What parameters can be specified for TSK_SQL_SERVER?
Solution: TSK_SQL_SERVER is the Aspen InfoPlus.21 external task that processes the queries generated from the Aspen SQLplus Query Writer. There are three parameters available for TSK_SQL_SERVER, affecting permissions on the IP.21 database. They are: n (bypass security) r (read-only) c (no system commands) To apply parameters to the task, add the appropriate parameter(s) following the port specification in the command line field of TSK_SQL_SERVER. For example: 10014 c or 10014 rc or 10014 n Please note, specifying these parameters affects all SQLplus connections, regardless of the user. Configuring these permissions through the Aspen Framework Security Manager is the preferred method, as permissions can be granted by user role. For more information on SQLplus application-based security, please see the Assigning Secured Tasks topic in the SQLplus help files. For further information about configuring the read-only parameter for TSK_SQL_SERVER, please seeSolution 000071792: How to create a read only connection for SQLplus users Keywords: InfoPlus.21 Manager permissions write read-only operating system commands 111933-2 References: None
Problem Statement: Which record definition should I use for the creation of SPC tags?
Solution: Q_XBARDef and Q_XBARSDef: These records do not historize the CUSUM HI and CUSUM LOW value for each subgroup. In a Q_XBARDef record, the Mean value and the Range values are historized. In a Q_XBARSDef records the Subgroup Mean and Standard Deviation values are historized. Q_XBARCDef and Q_XBARCSDef: These records historize the CUSUM HI and CUSUM LOW values in addition to the Mean and Range/Standard Deviation values. In a Q_XBARCDef record, the Mean, Range, CUSUM HI ,CUSUM LOW are historized. In a Q_XBARCSDef record, the Mean, Standard Deviation, CUSUM HI, CUSUM LOW are historized. Q_XBAR21Def and Q_XBAR21SDef: These records also historize CUSUM HI and CUSUM LOW values in addition to the Mean and Range/Standard Deviation values. Repeat area fields remain the same as Q_XBARCDef and Q_XBARCSDef. They have an additional capability of calculating enhanced Standard Deviation using the Mean Successive Square Difference (MSSD) method. Additional Info: There is a tool that can be used in the creation of some (not all) SPC records. The Aspen Real-time SPC Analyzer Configuration Wizard executable is located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\APEx\Q and the executable is: QConfigUtility.exe It's also mentioned in the Aspen Real-Time SPC Analyzer User's Guide. An excerpt is included below: Aspen Real-Time SPC Analyzer Configuration Utility (Wizard) To run the Aspen Real-Time SPC Analyzer Configuration Utility (wizard), use the Windows Start menu and select Aspen Manufacturing Suite | Aspen InfoPlus.21 | Real-Time SPC Configuration. Note: Avoid mistaking a similar selection found in the Windows Start menu: Aspen Manufacturing Suite | Real-Time SPC Configuration. This displays a command line, server-side configuration tool used for enabling Real-Time SPC operations in the InfoPlus.21 database. Aspen Real-Time SPC Analyzer Configuration Utility displays a ‘wizard’ sequence of seven dialog boxes so that all of the parameters for defining a new Real-Time SPC record can be specified: 1 Server Selection – Select the server where the Real-Time SPC record will be stored. 2 SPC Variable Identification – Name and describe the new Real-Time SPC record. Note: If you enter an SPC Variable Identification (name) that already exists in the database, a dialog is displayed enabling you to either choose another name or update the existing Real-Time SPC record. If you choose to update the existing record, all of the subsequent wizard dialogs will be populated with data from the existing record. 3 SPC Variable Type – Choose which type of Real-Time SPC record you create. 4 SPC Input & Display Properties – Choose what data the Real-Time SPC record processes and how it is displayed. 5 SPC Variable Control Properties – Select how calculations are performed on the data. 6 SPC History Properties – Select additional data to store in History. 7 Summary and Commit – Review the parameters for the new Real-Time SPC record and save it. Note: For more detail, see the “Aspen Real-Time SPC Analyzer Configuration Wizard” topics in the Real-Time SPC for Process Explorer Help, or click the Help button in each dialog box of the wizard sequence to view a help topic that explains the parameters that must be selected or completed. Also, there are numerous tool tips within each dialog (displayed by hovering the mouse cursor over an item of interest). This KB article has some helpful information as well: How do I manually configure an SPC record using the Aspen InfoPlus.21 Administrator? The QConfigUtility.exe guides the user in setting up Q records defined by Q_XBarCDef, Q_XBarCSDef, Q_XBar21Def, and Q_XBarS21Def. Records defined by Q_XBarDef can only be configured manually; you are unable to use the SPC Configuration Wizard to modify that record. Those record definitions above correspond to these SPC variable types: Xbar/R = Q_XBarCDef Xbar/s = Q_XBarCSDef Xbar/R Enhanced = Q_XBar21Def Xbar/s Enhanced = Q_XBarS21Def With that information, you cannot use the SPC configuration wizard to create or modify SPC records belonging to a custom definition, only the record definitions above. Despite not being able to use the wizard for Q_XBarDef records, you could duplicate child records of Q_XBarDef. If you had one that was configured in a way that you want you could duplicate it and retain the settings in the new record (as a time saver compared to making a record again from scratch). Keywords: SPC records References: None
Problem Statement: How do you model Reversible addition-fragmentation transfer (RAFT) polymerization?
Solution: This example demonstrates how to apply a user kinetics subroutine together with the standard free-radical kinetics model to simulate RAFT polymerization. The file can be opened in Aspen Plus V14 and higher. To use the model, unzip all of the files in RAFT into a clean directory and open the .bkp file. For details see RAFT Polymerization.docx. RAFT Polymerization Kinetics Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization involves thiocarbonylthio compounds or other “RAFT” agents to control the molecular weight and polydispersity of a free-radical polymer. Unlike traditional chain transfer agents, the activation and deactivation of the RAFT site is reversible, making RAFT a type of “living” polymerization. The intermediate species are relatively short lived. We have chosen to ignore the intermediates to keep the model simple. The RAFT fragment is represented as a segment in the model to keep track of the additional mass added to the polymer chain. The table below outlines the key reactions using the standard notation employed in the Aspen Polymers documentation; “P” refers to live polymer, “D” refers to dead polymer. We introduce a new term “Q” to represent the dormant polymer species (polymer molecules with a terminal RAFT fragment). RAFT Free-Radical Reaction Scheme Reaction Type Reaction Equation Initiator Decomposition I à 2fR* Chain Initiation R* + Mi à P1,i Propagation Pn,i + Mj à Pn+1,j Chain Transfer to Agent or solvent Pn,i + A à Dn + R* Chain Transfer to Monomer Pn,i + Mj à Dn + P1,j RAFT pre-equilibrium. (Chain transfer to RAFT agent) Pn,i + Fk ßà Qn,i,Fk + R* RAFT main equilibrium. (Chain transfer to dormant polymer) Pn,i + Qm,j,Fk ßà Qn,i,Fk + Pm,j Termination (combination) Pn,i + Pm,j à Dn+m Termination (disproportionation) Pn,i + Pm,j à Dn + Dm Notation I Initiator f Initiator efficiency R* Primary radical Mi Monomer of type “i” A Chain transfer agent (or solvent susceptible to chain transfer) Pn,i Live polymer of length “n” with live terminal segment of type “i” Dn Dead polymer of length “n” Fk RAFT agent of type “k” Qn,I,Fk Dormant polymer of length “n” with penultimate segment “i” and RAFT fragment “k” The standard Free-Radical model includes all reactions shown except the RAFT pre-equilibrium and main equilibrium stages. These must be addressed through a user kinetics routine. The user routine needs to calculate the rates of change of components (monomer, RAFT agent, polymer) as well as the rates of change of component attributes (moments, segment flows, live end flows) on kmol/sec basis. Implementation in Aspen Plus Model The ‘proof-of-concept’ RAFT model is based on the polyacrylic acid example model delivered with Aspen Plus. Trimethylene-trithiocarbonate is used as a representative RAFT agent “RAFT”. The corresponding end segment “E-RAFT” is specified using Van-Krevelen groups. An additional component “DUMMY” is included in the model and defined as a chain transfer agent in the free-radical kinetics. This allows for evaluation of the influence of conventional chain transfer agents compared to RAFT agents. Several of the properties of the RAFT agent are estimated from structure. Given the size and molecular weight of typical RAFT agents, these species are expected to be non-volatile. The model requires tracking of the live second moment (LSMOM) and user attributes CAUSRA and CAUSRB. These are included together with the typical set of Free-Radical attributes. The reaction kinetics are calculated using the standard Free-Radical polymerization model “R-1” together with a user kinetics model “RAFT-RXN”. The rate constants for the radical kinetics are shown below (note: these rate constants are for testing/demonstration purposes only). Model Test Results The ‘proof-of-concept’ RAFT model is based on the polyacrylic acid example model delivered with Aspen Plus. Trimethylene-trithiocarbonate is used as a representative RAFT agent “RAFT”. The corresponding end segment “E-RAFT” is specified using Van-Krevelen groups. An additional component “DUMMY” is included in the model and defined as a chain transfer agent in the free-radical kinetics. This allows for evaluation of the influence of conventional chain transfer agents compared to RAFT agents. The table below shows the simulation results for three cases. The first case excludes all transfer agents. The second case uses a RAFT agent. The third case uses an equivalent amount of conventional chain transfer agent. These results demonstrate that the RAFT agent effectively lowers polydispersity (PDI) compared to conventional chain transfer agents. Initial Moles No Agents RAFT Agent CTA Low RAFT Low CTA Monomer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Initiator 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 RAFT Agent 0.0 0.004 0.0 0.001 0.0 Chain Transfer Agent 0.0 0.0 0.004 0.0 0.001 DPN 498 167 166 332 332 PDI 2.90 1.44 4.18 2.00 2.75 Keywords: None References: None
Solution: When we model a rate-based reactor; RPLUG using the kinetic reactions involved in it, we might encounter with mass and kinetic energy balance error. One way to troubleshoot the issue as proposed in KB Article: One more approach used as a workaround in the mass imbalance error is to check the kinetics of the reactions added. If the reacting phase is all vapor in the simulation, consider changing the rate basis to reactor volume Reac (vol) for all the kinetic reactions in the reaction set. The rate is in kmol/s-(basis) where the basis is m3 for Rate Basis Reac (vol) and kg catalyst for Rate Basis Cat (wt). The reactor volume or catalyst weight are determined by specifications in the reactor where the reaction is used. Keywords: Kinetic imbalance, Mass, Rate, Reactor Volume, RPLUG References:
Problem Statement: Upon installation, users encounter difficulties starting the 'Aspentech Production Control RTE Service' and 'Aspen APC Web Provider Data Service'. Notably, the Event Viewer and RepositoryErrors.log file (from C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\APC\Performance Monitor) may display error messages such as: Failed to start WebDataProvider service.... AspenTech.ACP.Services.Security.AfwsWrapper.CreateDataCollection... Furthermore, users may face challenges like: Inability to create a dummy role in the AFW Security Manager Failure to locate default APC roles like ACOWebAdmin and ACOWebEngineer Inability to initiate Configure Online Server
Solution: Grant appropriate write and modify permissions to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Aspentech\Local Security\Access97 folder. This ensures the AFW service can write and modify the AFWDB.mdb file. Note the creation of the AFWDB.ldb file, which disappears when the .mdb file is unused due to Microsoft Access behavior. Use the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to navigate to <servername>\Sites\Default Web Site\AspenTech\Afw and identify the logon configuration. Example: In the above example, Anonymous logon is used with the account IUSR. Therefore, grant the necessary modify and write folder permissions to C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\Local Security\Access97. Restart the services 'World Wide Web Publishing' and 'AFW Security Client Service'. Open the AFW Security Manager and verify that you can create a new dummy role. Then start the services 'Aspentech Production Control RTE Service' and 'Aspen APC Web Provider Data Service'. If this approach doesn’t work, it may also be possible that both versions of AFW, x32 and x64, are registered in the machine. To fix this, please refer to KB 000093906. Keywords: PCWS, Aspen Watch, Web Provider Data Service, Aspen Local Security, AFWDB References: None
Problem Statement: It is possible to provide a list of batch reports for the various batch reporting tools that is relevant to the particular batch area you have selected. How is this achieved?
Solution: Report templates can be separately configured for the different batch areas. Moreover, the default folder where the reporting tool will look for the templates can be specified for each area in the Aspen Production Record Manager Administrator under: Areas | <name of the area> | Reporting Right click Reporting node in the tree to access the context menu, and select Properties to open Reporting Properties dialog. Simply click the appropriate ... button to the right of the window to configure the following paths: Default Template Directory (C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Batch.21\Data\Reports\Templates) Default Output Directory (C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\Production Record Manager\Data\Reports\Output) Default Query Directory (C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\Production Record Manager\Data\Reports\Queries) If the folder specified is either empty or does not exist, the following error messages may be observed: Run-time error '380': Invalid property value Run-time error '-2147220990 (80040202)': B21BSC-50650: The report template folder does not exist. Keywords: Run a report Batch reporting query output Aspen Production Record Manager VB Cont 121689-2 References: None
Problem Statement: – Users are experiencing an issue where APED databases for Aspen Properties are not properly being restored every time they log into the machine. This issue commonly appears when a lab environment is being used with non-persistent user profiles. In Aspen Plus, the GUI will show error: Failed to initialize Aspen Properties Enterprise Database. We were not able to load any of databases. Please Use Database Tester or Database Manager to diagnose the problem. You may need to register or restore databases. Aspen Plus must be closed. Root Cause – With a lab environment, user profiles are being deleted, causing SQLLocalDB to not interface correctly with the correct user profile. When the user’s profile is deleted, the user’s APED user folder (located in Program Data\AspenTech\APED VX.XX) is not deleted. Typically, when a user logs into a machine a second time with the same account, APED recognizes that the user has databases that are restored. Because since the user profile is deleted, it is treated as a brand-new user and restoration of the APED databases fails. This means that the databases shown in the user’s APED folder are now corrupted because the original SQLLocalDB instance was also deleted when the user profile was removed.
Solution: – Use the DeleteDBInstance.bat script. To continue using SQLLocalDB, AspenTech provides a script named DeleteDBInstance.bat in the APED folder (C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\APED VXX.X\DeleteDBInstance.bat). This script will remove the remaining user folder in the APED folder and clear the previous configuration of the database restoral from the last session. After running the script, a new user can now launch Aspen Plus and the APED database restore process will launch, allowing the completion of restoring the APED databases, which then allows use of Aspen Plus. You can activate this script automatically, either when the user logs in or logs off, to complete this action. In the example below, we will be using a Group Policy Logoff script to initiate this script when the user logs off the machine. 1. Navigate to the Group Policy Editor, then expand the Windows Settings under User Configuration, and then select Scripts (Logon/Logoff). 2. Select which option best suits your environment. We would recommend the Logoff option to avoid long start up times when the user logs in. After selecting the wanted option, click Add. 3. Select Browse, and navigate to the DeleteDBInstance.bat path, click Ok and finally click Apply to save your changes. C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\APED VXX.X\DeleteDBInstance.bat Note – If thisSolution is used, the database restoral process will occur each time a user logs in. To avoid this, Microsoft SQL Server must be implemented, either locally or remotely. Please reference the two knowledge base articles below for instructions on how to avoid this issue by integrating Microsoft SQL Server: How to migrate Aspen Properties Enterprise Database from SQL Express to a Central SQL Server How to setup a centralized SQL server to host a remote APED database and connect to the hosted SQL server? Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: How to specify catalyst loading in a RPlug reactor?
Solution: On the RPlug | Setup | Catalyst sheet, you can specify two of the three parameters about the catalyst, which are Catalyst loading, Bed voidage and Particle Density. The selected Parameters have different influence on species generation rates depend on the Rate basis for the reaction that occurs in this reactor. If you have chosen Reac (vol) as the Rate basis on the Reaction | Input | Kinetic sheet, only Bed voidage will affect the species generation rates. Species Generation rate = Reaction rate × total volume × bed voidage The total volume is determined by Reactor dimensions which are specified on the RPlug | Setup | Configuration sheet. In the attached example file Simulation1.bkp, a dummy reaction with constant reaction rate was defined to verify this behavior. If you have chosen Cat (wt) as the Rate basis, the following formulas are used to calculate the species generation rates. Species Generation rate = Reaction rate × Catalyst Loading Or Species Generation rate = Reaction rate × total volume × (1- bed voidage) × Particle Density These 2 formulas are verified in the attached Simulation2.bkp and Simulation3.bkp. According to the last formula, you cannot specify bed voidage and Particle density when the reactor is not full of catalyst. Otherwise you will get a wrong result. In this case, it is better to specify catalyst loading in the reactor. Key words RPlug Catalyst loading Bed voidage Particle density Aspen Plus Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: OPC DA Clients can not connect to the Aspen.Infoplus21_DA server because it does not appear as a registered OPC DA server.
Solution: If an OPC DA client can not identify that the Aspen.Infoplus21_DA server is available for connection the likely cause is that it is not registered properly. There are two components that must be registered for the Aspen.Infoplus21_DA server to be available. [ IP21DAServer.dll, IP21DA_Server.exe] To correct this issue follow the steps below · Open a command window with Administrator privileges, run as administrator · Execute the following commands to unregister and reregister the Aspen.Infoplus21_DA server. Note: The actual file paths may very depending on the install location and if it's 32bit or 64bit installation, theSolution shown below assumes 64-bit InfoPlus.21 in the default folder (if 32-bit, change folder name to \Program Files (x86)\). · Unregister the Aspen.Infoplus21_DA server components: C:\Program Files\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\Opc.ConfigTool.exe -ua C:\Program Files\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\IP21DAServer.dll C:\Program Files\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\IP21DA_Server.exe /unregserver · Reregister the Aspen.Infoplus21_DA server components: C:\Program Files\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\Opc.ConfigTool.exe -ra C:\Program Files\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\IP21DAServer.dll C:\Program Files\AspenTech\InfoPlus.21\db21\code\IP21DA_Server.exe /regserver Keywords: Error code 0x80040154 REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG References: None
Problem Statement: As part of the Desktop installation of the AspenTech Manufacturing products, users receive the SQLplus Query Writer tool. It can be used to write and execute SQL queries against the Aspen InfoPlus.21 database. The connection between the Query Writer and the IP.21 database is accomplished through TSK_SQL_SERVER, which is one of the tasks listed in the Aspen InfoPlus.21 Manager utility. The default settings for TSK_SQL_SERVER allow both read and write access. How can connections via the Query Writer be forced into read only mode (that is - they cannot make changes to the InfoPlus.21 database)?
Solution: It is possible to create an additional TSK_SQL_SERVER, with this new one allowing read only access. Users would then connect to the database using this connection. Steps to implement: 1. In the InfoPlus.21 Manager, double-click on TSK_SQL_SERVER in the Defined Tasks box. The task detail information will be displayed on the right side of the Manager window. 2. In the Task Name field, edit TSK_SQL_SERVER to be a new name, for instance TSK_SQL_SERVER_RO . 3. In the Command Line Parameters field, edit the existing number (probably 10014) to be a new number, like 10015. This is a port used for communication. 4. Add an additional parameter of r, for Read Only. The Command line parameters would now look like this: 10015 r 5. Click on the Add button to add this to the list of Defined Tasks. It will appear at the bottom of the list in the upper left corner of the Manager. There's no need to adjust the order. 6. Edit the Services file, in the C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc directory to add this new network service (details follow). If using Windows Notepad it may need to be started using 'Run as Administrator'. The new line which should be entered would look like this: sqlplus_ro 10015/tcp Sqlplus_ro would be the service name and 10015/tcp would be the port and protocol. 7. Now the new TSK_SQL_SERVER_RO can be started. Return to InfoPlus.21 Manager, select this new task, and click on the Run Task button. Verify that it appears in the list of Running Tasks. 8. On each machine where there is a need to connect as read only, from the Query Writer tool, select Query -> Host and fill in the name of the server, and the new service number, 10015. This user will now only be able to execute queries which perform database reads, like Select statements. If an Update statement is attempted, they will receive an error message like: Database write not allowed in read only mode (a line number may also be listed) Users that require full read/write permissions would continue to connect to the original service, 10014. This is documented in the SQLplus Help file in the section titled Defining a network service. Tips: --Case and spaces are important for the command line parameter. It should read 10015 r, NOT 10115r or 10015 R --If the majority of users will require read only access, you may want to modify the default TSK_SQL_SERVER to be the read only version, and create the new one to be the read/write version. Since client installations will try to use the default one, fewer users would have to be modified. --Other command line parameters may be used with TSK_SQL_SERVER. Please see theSolution listed below for additional details: What parameters can be specified for TSK_SQL_SERVER? ( ) Keywords: 103115 103115-2 References: None
Problem Statement: When users upgrade to a new Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM) version but try using the old Microsoft Excel VBA program, to launch ACM, with the following command: Set ACMObject = CreateObject(ACM Application XX00) This command may not work with the new version as it did with old version.
Solution: This number: ‘XX00' is related to the version number linked to the different ACM version flavors. For example, for V8.6 this number should be ‘3200’, for V8.8 ‘3400’, and so forth. Therefore, replacing the number in the Excel VBA command for the right version number will solve the issue. As a reference, find below a list of different Aspen product version and flavor number: Aspen Product Version Flavor For VBA applications V14.0 40 4000 V12.1 39 3900 V12.0 38 3800 V11.0 37 3700 V10.0 36 3600 V9.0 35 3500 V8.8 34 3400 V8.6 32 3200 Keywords: Set ACMObject, VBA, Command. References: None
Problem Statement: How to access HYSYS BackDoor Variables with Python?
Solution: Python supports the creation of BackDoor objects, so certain tasks that require user to create and access BackDoor objects can be accomplished in Python. The main requirement is to install the Pywin32 package and follow the corresponding Python environment instructions to do it. The BackDoor variable is an object type that could be created for the majority of the Unit Operations, the streams, and even some objects from basis environment (fluid packages and component lists as e.g.) in HYSYS. The following functionalities are available with backdoors: Read a single value or more. Set one or more values. Deliver messages to the objects. Execute and carry out attachment procedures. In the following Python example, the code will stop the solver and allow the backdoor variable to be read and input new value for variable P Cond in the column. After executing the Python code, the value (P cond) is modified. The Python code can be reviewed as follows: import win32com.client import os from win32com.client import CastTo hyApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('HYSYS.Application') hyApp.Visible = True hyCase = hyApp.SimulationCases.Open(C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen HYSYS V14.0\Samples\Sweet Gas Refrigeration Plant.hsc) #full path to the hsc file hyCase.Activate() hycol = hyCase.Flowsheet.Operations.Item('DePropanizer') hycolfs = hycol.ColumnFlowsheet hycolfs.Run() bdcolfs = CastTo(hycolfs, 'BackDoor') bdcolfs.SendBackDoorMessage(:Stop) pCondVariable=bdcolfs.BackDoorVariable(:Pressure.500.0.0).Variable pcondeValue=pCondVariable.GetValue() pCondVariable.SetValue(1400) Also, the HYSYS case for this example is available in the default installation path: C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen HYSYS V14.0\Samples\Sweet Gas Refrigeration Plant.hsc Note: the Python code is referring to a V14 example file. It can be modified to older version. Keywords: HYSYS, Automation, COM, Python, Backdoor References: None
Problem Statement: This article provides instructions on how to perform a Tomcat upgrade on AspenONE Process Explorer V12 or V14 from Tomcat 9.0.27 or 9.0.56 to 9.0.78
Solution: Note: These instructions are version specific to both the A1PE version, and the Tomcat versions listed above. To upgrade V12 Tomcat from 9.0.27 to 9.0.56 see KB 000099556. Use this KB to upgrade A1PE V12 or V14 Tomcat version from 9.0.27 to 9.0.78 Or if you have already upgraded to Tomcat 9.0.56 using KB 000099556, you may use this to upgrade from Tomcat 9.0.56 to 9.0.78 (Note: if .war files other than AspenCoreSearch.war and solr.war exist under C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.27\webapps\ or C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.56\webapps\, Please contact Support and do not continue with these upgrade steps since these instructions are only applicable to AspenCoreSearch and solr deployments.) Upgrading of Tomcat should only take place on a system with a correctly functioning Aspen Search. To confirm functionality, execute verifications 2 – 5 from the Post-installation Verification section before starting this update. If A1PE and APEM are both installed on the same box, please contact Aspentech – MES Applications team before doing the tomcat upgrade. These instructions are not applicable for APEM. Note that this Tomcat install for 9.0.78 is a full Tomcat installation. It does not update the previous installation “in situ” – instead it creates an entirely new one and registers it as a Windows Service. These installation instructions below identify steps to prepare for the upgrade, steps for executing the Tomcat upgrade, and required post install steps. (Making a checkpoint/backup at this time is recommended) Steps: Preparation steps Open Windows Services to note the installed location of Tomcat: Find the service starting with Apache Tomcat. Note the “Log On As” account of the current tomcat configuration. Note the path to the Tomcat base folder <tomcat_root> in Properties in the General tab in Path to executable. It should be the following: C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.27. That folder location will be referred to as <tomcat> in the first part of this document. Open the Tomcat9w application in <tomcat>\bin\ , and make note of the java JRE version. You will need this when installing Tomcat. If you had previously made changes to Tomcat settings, we recommend you use the Tomcat9w application to make screen-shots or copies of existing settings so they can be reapplied later if required. Shutdown the Apache Tomcat service and SolrWindowsService in the windows Services app. Open a cmd window as Administrator and do: Run “iisreset /STOP and wait for it to stop. From the cmd window as Administrator do: Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.27\bin\ Run “service.bat uninstall” Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\ Before installing the new Tomcat version, copy the following files and folders to a safe location: Copy the entire directory: <tomcat>\conf Copy the entire directory <tomcat>\appdata\scheduler Copy the AspenCoreSearch.war and solr.war files found in <tomcat_root>\webapps\. Close the Windows Services window. Be sure there are no cmd windows or Windows File Explorer, or any other programs accessing the Tomcat directory. Then rename the Tomcat directory to a name that does not include “Tomcat”. (e.g. change name to “Xomcat9.0.27”) Now you are ready to install Tomcat 9.0.78. Installing Tomcat 9.0.78 Download the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer for 9.0.78. Go to Download the installation file: apache-tomcat-9.0.78.exe Retrieve the corresponding sha512 value (apache-tomcat-9.0.78.exe.asc or apache-tomcat-9.0.78.exe.sha512) and confirm the integrity of the downloaded exe file. Steps to confirm integrity: Open a Windows Powershell window. Navigate to location where apache-tomcat-9.0.78.exe was downloaded. Run the following command: certutil -hashfile .\apache-tomcat-9.0.78.exe sha512 Confirm the hash value returned is the same as shown by the corresponding apache-tomcat-9.0.78.exe.sha512. Run the installer (apache-tomcat-9.0.78.exe) as an administrator. Only check the box boxes shown as checked below. Do not check other boxes: Keep the Windows Service Name of: Tomcat9 Click “next”. The installer should find the JRE path for you, but you should double-check to ensure it is the expected version matching that used by the earlier tomcat (as noted in earlier section). Only include the part of the path up to the “bin” directory – as the example below. Correct it if necessary. (note: Java 11 is a requirement.) Update the Tomcat install path to C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.78. (Important: Do not use the default Apache Software Foundation path). Click “Install” button and wait for the installation to complete:. Uncheck the two boxes: Click the “Finish” button. Open the new instance of Windows Services, and check the Apache Tomcat 9.0 Tomcat9 service configuration. Open the service Properties: Verify the “Startup type” is “Automatic” (do not use the Delayed Start option). Check the “Log On As” of the new tomcat. Verify or update as needed to correspond to the earlier Tomcat “Log On As” account noted earlier. Now you are ready to re-apply the earlier configurations. Do not start the Tomcat service yet. Reapply earlier configuration to new Tomcat: In the remainder of this document, this folder location: “C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.78”, will be referred to as <tomcat> .. Copy the saved AspenCoreSearch.war and solr.war into the new <tomcat>\webapps\ directory. Delete the “ROOT” folder from the new <tomcat>\webapps\ directory. Copy the files in the new <tomcat>\conf\ directory into a temporary location (e.g. C:\Temp\TC9.0.87Config\). This is because some changes from these new files may need to be merged into existing configuration files. Replace the directories and files beneath <tomcat>\conf\ directory and files with the ones saved earlier from the previous Tomcat (i.e. from 9.0.27 or 9.0.56), (except for tomcat-users.xsd, web.xml and for which you should keep and use the new 9.0.78 version of those 3 files): AspenSearch.keystore catalina.policy context.xml jaspic-providers.xml jaspic-providers.xsd server.xml tomcat-users.xml Catalina\localhost\AspenCoreSearch.xml Catalina\localhost\solr.xml Add the <tomcat>\appdata\scheduler\ folder that was saved earlier from 9.0.27 or 9.0.56. Delete the <tomcat>\appdata\scheduler\logs directory. (then they will be re-created again on startup) If you are upgrading to Tomcat 9.0.27 directly to 9.0.78, then make the following edits to these files. Otherwise just confirm these changes are in place : <Tomcat>\conf\catalina.policy : comment out the following line (i.e. put the double slash at the start of line: // ): “permission java.util.PropertyPermission org.apache.juli.AsyncLoggerPollInterval, read; <Tomcat>\conf\server.xml: search for the string specifying the AspenSearch.keystore, and if it exists, update the path to the new version: keystoreFile=C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Tomcat9.0.78\conf\AspenSearch.keystore <Tomcat>\conf\server.xml: unless you have special requirements requiring AJP, then we recommend you disable AJP by doing the following for increased security. Comment it out using <!-- and ending it with--> : Comment out AJP connector. It is not used by search, and the AJP settings have changed. So comment out this string: <Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443/> So it appears like this: <!-- <Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443/> --> If you had made changes to Tomcat Tomcat9w settings in the previous version of Tomcat, now is a good time to check and if needed, reapply the same settings based on earlier screen-shots, using the Tomcat9w application in <tomcat>\bin\. Start ApatcheTomcat and SolrWindowsService from the windows Services. That will redeploy these two war files in the new Tomcat installation: solr.war AspenCoreSearch.war Wait until the AspenSchedulerStartUp.log is created in the <tomcat>/logs/ directory From the cmd window, run “iisreset /START Post-installation Verification : These steps are to confirm the Tomcat update was completed as expected, and search functionality is in place: Navigate to the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.78\logs and display the most recent of the Catalina*.log files. It should show the following Tomcat version Name, build date and version numbers: INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version name: Apache Tomcat/9.0.78 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server built: Jul 4 2023 13:15:43 UTC INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version number: Open the AspenONE Process Explorer Administration tool (or navigate to http://localhost/processExplorer/webcontrols/PBitemdetails.asp?admin=true), and confirm no errors are displayed at the top of the “All” tab, like so: In the Tags tab, confirm search data scanning functions as expected with the Tags tab by specifying scanning of a single known tag: And then click the “Scan” button. Expect the results panel to display: 100% of 1 tags completed Scan completed with 1 tags published Navigate to Process Explorer home page (http://localhost/processexplorer/aspenONE.html#), and click on the magnifying glass: Wait and verify searched data is displayed. (This may take a while displaying the spinner since some first-time initialization may occur.) Navigate again to the Process Explorer application (http://localhost/processexplorer/aspenONE.html#), and click on the Process Explorer icon: Confirm expected functionality when typing in a known tag into the search box. CVEs fixed in Tomcat when updating from Tomcat 9.0.27 to Tomcat 9.0.78: CVE # Impact level * Summary CVE-2023-34981 Important Information disclosure CVE-2023-28709 Moderate Apache Tomcat denial of service CVE-2023-28708 Important Apache Tomcat information disclosure CVE-2023-24998 Important Apache Tomcat denial of service CVE-2022-45143 Low Apache Tomcat JsonErrorReportValve injection CVE-2022-42252 Low Apache Tomcat request smuggling CVE-2022-34305 Low Apache Tomcat XSS in examples web application CVE-2022-29885 Low Apache Tomcat EncryptInterceptor DoS CVE-2021-43980 High Information Disclosure CVE-2022-23181 Low Local Privilege Escalation CVE-2021-42340 Important Denial of Service CVE-2021-33037 Important Request Smuggling CVE-2021-30640 Low Authentication weakness CVE-2021-30639 Important Denial of Service CVE-2021-41079 Important Denial of Service CVE-2024-21733 Important Information Disclosure CVE-2021-25329 Low Fix for CVE-2020-9484 was incomplete CVE-2021-25122 Important Request mix-up with h2c CVE-2021-24122 Important Information disclosure CVE-2020-17527 Moderate HTTP/2 request header mix-up CVE-2020-13943 Moderate HTTP/2 request mix-up CVE-2020-13935 Important WebSocket DoS CVE-2020-13934 Moderate HTTP/2 DoS CVE-2020-11996 Important HTTP/2 DoS CVE-2020-9484 Important Remote Code Execution via session persistence CVE-2020-1938 Important AJP Request Injection and potential Remote Code Execution CVE-2020-1935 Low HTTP Request Smuggling CVE-2019-17569 Low HTTP Request Smuggling CVE-2019-17563 Low Session fixation CVE-2019-12418 Moderate Local Privilege Escalation * Impact Level is defined by the Apache Tomcat Security Team. For level definitions, see: Key Words AspenONE Process Explorer Tomcat 9.0.27 Tomcat 9.0.56 Tomcat 9.0.78 Upgrade Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: This article provides instructions on how to perform a Tomcat upgrade on AspenONE Process Explorer V12 or V14 from Tomcat 9.0.27 or 9.0.56 or 9.0.78 to 9.0.85.
Solution: Note: These instructions are version specific to both the A1PE version, and the Tomcat versions listed above. To upgrade V12 Tomcat from 9.0.27 to 9.0.56 see KB 000099556. To upgrade Tomcat from 9.0.27 or 9.0.56 to 9.0.78 see KB 000101360. Use this KB to upgrade Tomcat version from 9.0.27 to 9.0.85 Or if you have already upgraded to Tomcat 9.0.56 or 9.0.78 using KB 000099556 or KB 000101360, you may use this to upgrade from that Tomcat to Tomcat 9.0.85 (Note: if .war files other than AspenCoreSearch.war and solr.war exist under C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.27\webapps\ or C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.56\webapps\ or C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.56\webapps\, Please contact Support and do not continue with these upgrade steps since these instructions are only applicable to AspenCoreSearch and solr deployments.) Upgrading of Tomcat should only take place on a system with a correctly functioning Aspen Search. To confirm functionality, execute verifications 2 – 5 from the Post-installation Verification section before starting this update. If A1PE and APEM are both installed on the same box, please contact Aspentech – MES Applications team before doing the tomcat upgrade. These instructions are not applicable for APEM. Note that this Tomcat installation for 9.0.85 is a full Tomcat installation. It does not update the previous installation “in situ” – instead it creates an entirely new one and registers it as a Windows Service. These installation instructions below identify steps to prepare for the upgrade, steps for executing the Tomcat upgrade, and required post install steps. (Making a checkpoint/backup before updating is recommended) Steps: Preparation steps Open Windows Services to note the installed location of Tomcat: Find the service starting with Apache Tomcat. Note the “Log On As” account of the current tomcat configuration. Note the path to the Tomcat base folder <tomcat_root> in Properties in the General tab in Path to executable. It should be the following: C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.27 (or .56 or .78). That folder location will be referred to as <tomcat> in the first part of this document. Open the Tomcat9w application in <tomcat>\bin\ , and make note of the Java Virtual Machine path shown in the Java tab. You will need this when installing Tomcat. If you had previously made changes to Tomcat settings, we recommend you use the Tomcat9w application to make screen-shots or copies of existing settings so they can be reapplied later if required. Shutdown the Apache Tomcat service and SolrWindowsService in the windows Services app. Open a cmd window as Administrator and do: Run “iisreset /STOP and wait for it to stop. From the cmd window as Administrator do: Navigate to the <tomcat>\bin\ folder. Run “service.bat uninstall” Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\ Before installing the new Tomcat version, copy the following files and folders to a safe location: Copy the entire directory: <tomcat>\conf Copy the entire directory <tomcat>\appdata Copy the AspenCoreSearch.war and solr.war files found in <tomcat_root>\webapps\. Close the Windows Services window. Be sure there are no cmd windows or Windows File Explorer, or any other programs accessing the Tomcat directory. Then rename the Tomcat directory to a name that does not include “Tomcat”. (e.g. change name to have an “X“ instead of “T” in the name – such as Xomcat9.0.27”) Now you are ready to install Tomcat 9.0.85. Installing Tomcat 9.0.85 Download the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer for 9.0.85. Go to Download the installation file: apache-tomcat-9.0.85.exe Retrieve the corresponding sha512 value (apache-tomcat-9.0.85.exe.asc or apache-tomcat-9.0.85.exe.sha512) and confirm the integrity of the downloaded exe file. Steps to confirm integrity: Open a Windows Powershell window. Navigate to location where apache-tomcat-9.0.85.exe was downloaded. Run the following command: certutil -hashfile .\apache-tomcat-9.0.85.exe sha512 Confirm the hash value returned is the same as shown by the corresponding apache-tomcat-9.0.85.exe.sha512. Run the installer (apache-tomcat-9.0.85.exe) as an administrator. Only check the box boxes shown as checked below. Do not check other boxes: Keep the Windows Service Name of: Tomcat9 Click “next”. The installer should find the JRE path for you, but you should double-check to ensure it is the expected version matching that used by the earlier tomcat (see the “Java Virtual Machine path” as noted in the earlier Preparation Steps section). Only include the part of the path up to the “bin” directory – as the example below. Correct it if necessary. (note: Java 11 is a requirement.) Update the Tomcat install path to C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.85. (Important: Do not use the default Apache Software Foundation path). Click “Install” button and wait for the installation to complete:. Uncheck the two boxes: Click the “Finish” button. Open the new instance of Windows Services, and check the Apache Tomcat 9.0 Tomcat9 service configuration. Open the service Properties: Verify the “Startup type” is “Automatic” (do not use the Delayed Start option). Check the “Log On As” of the new tomcat. Verify or update as needed to correspond to the earlier Tomcat “Log On As” account noted earlier. Now you are ready to re-apply the earlier configurations. Do not start the Tomcat service yet. Reapply earlier configuration to new Tomcat: In the remainder of this document, this folder location: “C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.85”, will be referred to as <tomcat> .. Copy the saved AspenCoreSearch.war and solr.war into the folder <tomcat>\webapps\ . Delete the “ROOT” folder from the new <tomcat>\webapps\ directory. Copy the files in the new <tomcat>\conf\ directory into a temporary location (e.g. C:\Temp\TC9.0.85Config\). This is because some changes from these new files may need to be merged into existing configuration files. Replace the directories and files beneath the folder <tomcat>\conf\ and it’s files, subdirectories and their files with the ones saved earlier from the previous Tomcat (i.e. from 9.0.27 or 9.0.56 or 9.0.78), except for tomcat-users.xsd, web.xml and for which you should keep and use the new 9.0.85 version of those 3 files. So replace these files: AspenSearch.keystore catalina.policy context.xml jaspic-providers.xml jaspic-providers.xsd server.xml tomcat-users.xml Catalina\localhost\AspenCoreSearch.xml Catalina\localhost\solr.xml Add the <tomcat>\appdata\ folder that was saved earlier from 9.0.27, 9.0.56 or 9.0.78 add into the new tomcat. Delete the <tomcat>\appdata\scheduler\logs directory. (then they will be re-created again on startup) Delete the <tomcat>\appdata\scheduler\derby folder. (then they will be re-created again on startup as needed) If you are upgrading to Tomcat 9.0.27 directly to 9.0.85, then make the following edits to these files. Otherwise just confirm these changes are in place : <Tomcat>\conf\catalina.policy : comment out the following line (i.e. put the double slash at the start of line: // ): “permission java.util.PropertyPermission org.apache.juli.AsyncLoggerPollInterval, read; <Tomcat>\conf\server.xml: search for the string specifying the AspenSearch.keystore, and if it exists, update the path to the new version: keystoreFile=C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Tomcat9.0.85\conf\AspenSearch.keystore <Tomcat>\conf\server.xml: unless you have special requirements requiring AJP, then we recommend you disable AJP by doing the following for increased security. Comment it out using <!-- and ending it with--> : Comment out AJP connector. It is not used by search, and the AJP settings have changed. So comment out this string: <Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443/> So it appears like this: <!-- <Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443/> --> If you had made changes to Tomcat Tomcat9w settings in the previous version of Tomcat, now is a good time to check and if needed, reapply the same settings based on earlier screen-shots, using the Tomcat9w application in <tomcat>\bin\. Start ApatcheTomcat and SolrWindowsService from the windows Services. That will redeploy these two war files in the new Tomcat installation: solr.war AspenCoreSearch.war Wait until the AspenSchedulerStartUp.log is created in the <tomcat>/logs/ directory From the cmd window, run “iisreset /START Post-installation Verification : These steps are to confirm the Tomcat update was completed as expected, and search functionality is in place: Navigate to the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\Tomcat9.0.85\logs and display the most recent of the Catalina*.log files. It should show the following Tomcat version Name, build date and version numbers: INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version name: Apache Tomcat/9.0.85 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server built: Jan 5 2024 08:28:07 UTC INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version number: Open the AspenONE Process Explorer Administration tool (or navigate to http://localhost/processExplorer/webcontrols/PBitemdetails.asp?admin=true), and confirm no errors are displayed at the top of the “All” tab, like so: In the Tags tab, confirm search data scanning functions as expected with the Tags tab by specifying scanning of a single known tag: And then click the “Scan” button. Expect the results panel to display: 100% of 1 tags completed Scan completed with 1 tags published Navigate to Process Explorer home page (http://localhost/processexplorer/aspenONE.html#), and click on the magnifying glass: Wait and verify searched data is displayed. (This may take a while displaying the spinner since some first-time initialization may occur.) Navigate again to the Process Explorer application (http://localhost/processexplorer/aspenONE.html#), and click on the Process Explorer icon: Confirm expected functionality when typing in a known tag into the search box. CVEs fixed in Tomcat when updating from Tomcat 9.0.27 to Tomcat 9.0.85: CVE # Impact level * Summary CVE-2023-46589 Important Request smuggling CVE-2023-45648 Important Request smuggling CVE-2023-44487 Important Denial of Service CVE-2023-42795 Important Information Disclosure CVE-2023-42794 Low Denial of Service CVE-2023-41080 Moderate Open redirect CVE-2023-34981 Important Information disclosure CVE-2023-28709 Moderate Apache Tomcat denial of service CVE-2023-28708 Important Apache Tomcat information disclosure CVE-2023-24998 Important Apache Tomcat denial of service CVE-2022-45143 Low Apache Tomcat JsonErrorReportValve injection CVE-2022-42252 Low Apache Tomcat request smuggling CVE-2022-34305 Low Apache Tomcat XSS in examples web application CVE-2022-29885 Low Apache Tomcat EncryptInterceptor DoS CVE-2021-43980 High Information Disclosure CVE-2022-23181 Low Local Privilege Escalation CVE-2021-42340 Important Denial of Service CVE-2021-33037 Important Request Smuggling CVE-2021-30640 Low Authentication weakness CVE-2021-30639 Important Denial of Service CVE-2021-41079 Important Denial of Service CVE-2024-21733 Important Information Disclosure CVE-2021-25329 Low Fix for CVE-2020-9484 was incomplete CVE-2021-25122 Important Request mix-up with h2c CVE-2021-24122 Important Information disclosure CVE-2020-17527 Moderate HTTP/2 request header mix-up CVE-2020-13943 Moderate HTTP/2 request mix-up CVE-2020-13935 Important WebSocket DoS CVE-2020-13934 Moderate HTTP/2 DoS CVE-2020-11996 Important HTTP/2 DoS CVE-2020-9484 Important Remote Code Execution via session persistence CVE-2020-1938 Important AJP Request Injection and potential Remote Code Execution CVE-2020-1935 Low HTTP Request Smuggling CVE-2019-17569 Low HTTP Request Smuggling CVE-2019-17563 Low Session fixation CVE-2019-12418 Moderate Local Privilege Escalation * Impact Level is defined by the Apache Tomcat Security Team. For level definitions, see: Key Words AspenONE Process Explorer Tomcat 9.0.27 Tomcat 9.0.56 Tomcat 9.0.78 Tomcat 9.0.85 Upgrade CVE-2023-46589 CVE-2023-45648 CVE-2023-44487 CVE-2023-42795 CVE-2023-42794 CVE-2023-41080 CVE-2023-34981 CVE-2023-28709 CVE-2023-28708 CVE-2023-24998 CVE-2022-45143 CVE-2022-42252 CVE-2022-34305 CVE-2022-29885 CVE-2021-43980 CVE-2022-23181 CVE-2021-42340 CVE-2021-33037 CVE-2021-30640 CVE-2021-30639 CVE-2021-41079 CVE-2024-21733 CVE-2021-25329 CVE-2021-25122 CVE-2021-24122 CVE-2020-17527 CVE-2020-13943 CVE-2020-13935 CVE-2020-13934 CVE-2020-11996 CVE-2020-9484 CVE-2020-1938 CVE-2020-1935 CVE-2019-17569 CVE-2019-17563 CVE-2019-12418 Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: How do you calculate the make-up flow rate for a recycle loop using the new MAKEUP block available in V14?
Solution: There is a new MAKEUP block in V14. The MAKEUP block provides a way to balance the circulating material flow in recycle loops. Makeup adjusts the flow rate of its inlet makeup streams, and purges a portion of the feed flow, as necessary, in order to maintain specifications. Previously, users needed to calculate the make-up stream flow using a Calculator block. An example of the Calculator block method is illustrated in knowledgebase document 56791. To specify the MAKEUP block, under To control, enter a specification for the Total mole flow or Total mass flow of the outlet stream. You may also specify the Component mole fraction or Component mass fraction for one or more components. Under Manipulate, select each Makeup and/or the Purge stream whose flow rate Makeup should manipulate. You may optionally specify an upper bound in mole or mass basis for the flow rate for each manipulated stream. The number of manipulated streams must match the number of To control specifications. The attached example uses the same simulation as in the Calculator block make-up example and instead uses the MAKEUP block. The file will run in V14 and higher. Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: Aspen DMC3 Builder currently does not have a built-in function to return the length of a string.
Solution: A custom function formula can be defined using the custom calculation tool. This formula will take the string as an input for which the length needs to be determined, and return the length of the string as an integer value. Attached is the String_Length.xml file which can be directly imported into the Calculations node of DMC3 Builder to use this formula. To import the calculation, navigate to the Calculations node of Controllers section, and click on Import Calcs button from the top tools ribbon, and select the attached String_Length.xml file. The following pop-up dialog is displayed: Click Merge. A new formula with the name StrLength will be added under the Formulas view: And an example of input calculation with the name TestStrFormula that can be switched to test mode to confirm the formula: Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: Aspen DMC3 Builder currently does not allow a direct datetime comparison within an IF clause.
Solution: To overcome this, a custom function formula can be defined using custom calculation tool. This formula (aka function) will take two input parameters, DateTime1 and DateTime2, which are the two datetimes to be compared, and will return 3 possible outcomes based on the comparison: - 0: if both datetimes are equal - 1: if both DateTime1 is newer than DateTime2 - 2: if DateTime2 is newer than DateTime1 The formula for the same is as follows: 'DateTime Comparison Formula 'How to use it in a calc: DTC_Res=DTComparison(DateTime1,DateTime2) 'Possible results: '- 0: if both datetimes are equal '- 1: if both DateTime1 is newer than DateTime2 '- 2: if DateTime2 is newer than DateTime1 'Note: DateTime1 and DateTime2 are both of DateTime format. ReturnValue = DT1 ReturnValue = DT2 if(Year(DT1) > Year(DT2)) then RetVal = 1 elseif ( Year(DT2) > Year(DT1)) then RetVal = 2 elseif (Month(DT1) > Month(DT2)) then RetVal = 1 elseif (Month(DT2) > Month(DT1)) then RetVal = 2 elseif (Day(DT1) > Day(DT2)) then RetVal = 1 elseif (Day(DT2) > Day(DT1)) then RetVal = 2 elseif (Hour(DT1) > Hour(DT2)) then RetVal = 1 elseif (Hour(DT2) > Hour(DT1)) then RetVal = 2 elseif (Minute(DT1) > Minute(DT2)) then RetVal = 1 elseif (Minute(DT2) > Minute(DT1)) then RetVal = 2 elseif (Second(DT1) > Second(DT2)) then RetVal = 1 elseif (Second(DT2) > Second(DT1)) then RetVal = 2 else RetVal = 0 end if ReturnValue = RetVal Attached is the DTComparison.xml file which can be directly imported to Calculations node of DMC3 builder to use this formula. To import the calculation, navigate to Calculations node of Controllers section, and click on Import Calcs button from the top tools ribbon, and select the attached DTComparison.xml file. The following pop-up dialog is displayed: Click Merge, and a new formula with DTComparison name will be added under the Formulas view. The screenshot below shows how this formula can be used in a calculation: Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: How can I change the Test Mode property for Aspen Calc calculations using an Aspen SQLplus query?
Solution: In the Aspen SQLplus Query Writer use View / Keywords: Aspen Calc Aspen SQLplus SandBoxMode Sand Box Test Mode References: s... menu option to add references to the CalcScheduler and Aspen Calc Components: Click on the OK button and copy the following code into the query writer: local calccmd, CalcName, Calculation, FolderName, GroupName; calccmd = CreateObject('CalcScheduler.CalcCommands'); FolderName = 'Folder1'; --Change folder name as needed For each CalcName in calccmd.GetCalculationList Do If CalcName Like '%'||FolderName||'%' Then Calculation = calccmd.GetCalculationObject(CalcName); Calculation.SandBoxMode=0; --Use 0 for non-test mode and 1 for test mode End; End; Leaving the FolderName blank (FolderName='';) changes all Aspen Calc calculations. Set Calculation.SandBoxMode to 0 to disable test mode, and set Calculation.SandBoxMode to 1 to enable test mode. In test mode calculations will not write back to the database.
Problem Statement: El siguiente artículo proporciona una guía para identificar problemas de Cim-IO. Una vez identificados los problemas, le recomendamos que busque otros artículos que proporcionen más información sobre sus mensajes de error o problemas específicos. También puede compartir sus resultados con el equipo de atención al cliente para una mayor investigación.
Solution: Abra el Administrador de InfoPlus.21 y verifique si TSK_A, TSK_M y TSK_U (si existe) se están ejecutando. Revise sus archivos de error/salida (si hace doble click en la tarea, debería ver un icono de carpeta en el lado derecho. Eso le permite abrir estos mensajes). ¿Hay algún mensaje de error/advertencia en el Visor de Eventos (Event Viewer) relacionado con el problema? Abra el Administrador de tareas, vaya a la pestaña Detalles y asegúrese de que el AsyncDlgp.exe esté en funcionamiento. ¿Está configurado correctamente Cimio Connection Manager? ¿Está configurado correctamente el Administrador de Interfaces de Cimio? ¿Hay algún mensaje de error en los campos IO_LAST_STATUS IO_LAST_STATUS_DESC de cualquier get transfer? Por ejemplo, un mensaje Wait For Async. Si está utilizando OPC UA, revise los certificados Cim-IO OPC UA interface processes (read/write/unsol) rejects the untrusted certificate of the target OPC UA Server Revise que los puertos estén configurados de manera correcta Firewall port requirements for Aspen MES Applications How to determine if a port is being blocked by a firewall. What TCP ports must be open through a firewall between IP.21 and CIM-IO server? Si está utilizando OPC DA, confirme si DCOM está configurado correctamente. DCOM considerations when OPC Server is remote to Aspen Cim-IO for OPC interface. Key Words Cimio Guía Problema Error Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: The following article provides a simple troubleshooting guide for Cim-IO issues. Once the issues are identified, we recommend looking for other articles that provide more information on your specific error messages/problems. You may also share your results with the Customer Support Team for further investigation.
Solution: Open the InfoPlus.21 Manager and check if TSK_A, TSK_M, and TSK_U (if existent) are all running. Review their Error/Output files (If you double click the task you should see a folder icon on the right side. That allows you to open these messages). Are there any error/warning messages on the Event Viewer related to the issue? Open Task Manager, go to the Details tab and make sure the AsyncDlgp.exe is up and running. Is the Cimio Connection Manager configured correctly? Is the Cimio Interface Manager configured correctly? Are there any error messages on the IO_LAST_STATUS, IO_LAST_STATUS_DESC fields of any get transfers? For example, a Wait For Async message. If you are using OPC UA, please review if all certificates are trusted Cim-IO OPC UA interface processes (read/write/unsol) rejects the untrusted certificate of the target OPC UA Server Are cimio ports configured properly? Firewall port requirements for Aspen MES Applications How to determine if a port is being blocked by a firewall. What TCP ports must be open through a firewall between IP.21 and CIM-IO server? If you are using OPC DA, please confirm if DCOM is configured correctly. DCOM considerations when OPC Server is remote to Aspen Cim-IO for OPC interface. Key Words Cimio Troubleshooting Guide Error Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: How do you model a liquid whose viscosity is independent from composition, but dependent on temperature? The model desired is: mu = exp(A + B/T) where the units for viscosity are Pa s. The parameters A and B should be available from the GUI.
Solution: This viscosity model is not included in the models available for Aspen Plus; however, it is possible to write a user subroutine for viscosity. See the Fortran code for additional information about how the code is written. Steps to Use the Subroutine: Modify an existing Property Method to use route MULMXUSR for MULMX. Add a user parameter MUUSR, T-dependent with two elements. Use attached Excel file to fit data. Enter values for A and B for the first component in the component list. MUUSR/1 = A MUUSR/2 = B Compile attached Fortran code for MUL2U using the command ASPCOMP from an Customize Aspen Plus window. Note: since it is not possible to enter the A and B parameters without associating them to a component, the attached subroutine assumes they have been defined for the first component in the list. Defining different values for other components will not have any effect. Not defining a value for the first component will yield a non-defined behavior. If you need the code to work independently from the order of the components in the component list, you can hard code the values of A and B in the Fortran source. Keywords: Fortran user subroutine Viscosity Transport Properties MUL2U References: None
Problem Statement: AsyncDLGP fails to reconnect after OPC Server is rebooted.
Solution: When the AsyncDLGP process detects a loss of communication with the OPC Server, it will close the gate to accept any further request for data. It will then try to reconnect to the OPC Server again. Once communication is restored, it will then re-open it’s gate to accept request for data. Once the gate is closed, it will be displayed as Red in Cim-IO Interface Manager. Wordaround recommended is to enable the “Check health of server processes” for the interface. There is a rule in Cim-IO Manager, if the “gate” of the AsyncDLGP process is closed, it will keep it active until it reconnects to the OPC Server and open its “gate”. We would like to disable this rule so that Cim-IO Manager will kill the current AsyncDLPG process that lose communication with the OPC Server and start a new AsyncDLGP process instead. The proposedSolution may help to avoid the manual intervention required if communication between CIMIO and OPC goes down. The current AsyncDLGP process will be terminated and a new AsyncDLGP process will be created. You need to create a registry key as per below. – CheckHealthRestartDlgp (DWORD - v12.2 and above) and set the value to 1 – HealthCheckSupported (String - v11 and below) and set the value to NO as per below screenshot. (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\AspenTech\CIM-IO to OPC Interface\) After entering the new global data value in the registry, you need to restart every instance of CIMIO for OPC. v12.2 and above (Aspen InfoPlus21 V12.2.2.2 ECR_00922736 ) v11, and V10 with latest available ECR. In case of need, a video tutorial on how to create the string value can be found below: Keywords: HealthCheckSupported AsyncDLGP reconnect OPC Server Reboot References: None
Problem Statement: How to edit the value of a field on Aspen InfoPlus.21 using AspenONE Process Explorer.
Solution: Open Aspen Process Graphic Studio. Select File, New, and create a New Project Select the Integer Data icon and draw a rectangle on the drawing area. Right click the rectange and select Properties. On the General tab, check the Allow Data Entry button on the Data Entry section. Go to the Data tab and select the Data Source. Type the tag´s name on the Name section and add a space after. Next, type the name of the field you´d like to work with. Note: Make sure it has the exact same name than the field on Aspen InfoPlus.21. Click the OK button. Go to File, Save As, and save the project with the title of your preference. Go to File, Publish, to AspenONE Process Explorer, and click OK. Open AspenONE Process Explorer and look for the published file. Click the rectangle and modify the number to your preference. Once you refresh Aspen InfoPlus.21 you should be able to see the new value. Key Words AspenONE Process Explorer Modify Edit Field Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: Within an Activated Economic Analysis in Aspen Plus, by default, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA) uses 8760 hr/yr (24hr x 365) as the basis for calculating the total profits of an Operating Year.
Solution: Although you have modified the Operation Year time in the embedded Template (.IZT file), Aspen Plus will still use the default value, 8760 hr/yr. So you must overwrite this input by going to: 1) Setup, in the Control Panel 2) Global, Operational Year. Keywords: Operational Year, Template, Cost Options, Cost per Hour References: None
Problem Statement: Why do my Unit Sets update/copy when I open a new HYSYS simulation file
Solution: When a custom unit set is created, that unit set can be named by the user and then used in multiple simulation files. As can be seen below, unit sets will duplicate/copy themselves occasionally as a user opens multiple simulation case files. The reason this may occur, is that if any of the unit types are changed within that user unit set, for example NewUser8a and then saved on one simulation file, that unit set will be updated corresponding with the change. But if another simulation file is set to use NewUser8a, when that simulation is opened, the duplicate NewUser8b will be made. This is because in the latter simulation file, the unit type change was not made so to prevent units being reported incorrectly for each simulation that a unit set is used on, if that unit set is changed, it will duplicate on any subsequent files to keep the original unit type settings. Keywords: Unit Set, Copy References: None
Problem Statement: How to convert a template file (.tpl) to a HYSYS file (.hsc)?
Solution: A template flowsheet is a normal HYSYS flowsheet with some additional information contained in its main properties. It uses the file extension .tpl when it is saved rather than the regular .hsc. A template allows the flowsheet to be added as a sub-flowsheet in other HYSYS cases. You can create a new template by going to File | New | New Template. You can also convert an existing HYSYS case to a template by going to Customize | Convert to Template in the simulation environment. Once a HYSYS case is saved as a template file, there is no direct way to convert a .tpl file back to a .hsc file. The File | Save As window will only show the file extension .tpl, not .hsc. For this reason, we recommend saving a copy of your file as .hsc before saving it as .tpl. If you need to convert a template file back to a HYSYS file, then you can try to manually change the file extension from .tpl to .hsc, but this usually does not work. As a workaround, you can follow the steps below to convert a template file to a HYSYS file. 1. Open HYSYS and create a new HYSYS case. 2. Add a dummy component list and fluid package to enter the simulation environment. 3. In the simulation environment, add a sub-flowsheet and select the Read an Existing Template option. 4. Select the template file that you want to convert to a HYSYS file. 5. In the properties environment, delete the dummy component list and fluid package created in step 2. 6. At this point you can save the file as .hsc and it will contain all the information from the template in a sub-flowsheet. To move the process out of the sub-flowsheet, follow the remaining steps. 7. Enter the sub-flowsheet. Select all objects. Right click and select Copy (or press Ctrl+C). 8. Return to the main flowsheet. Right click and select Paste (or press Ctrl+V). 9. Another option is to right click on the sub-flowsheet icon and select the option Move Contents to Owner Flowsheet. 10. Delete the sub-flowsheet and save the file as a HYSYS case with a .hsc extension. Keywords: *.tpl, *.hfl, *.hsc, file conversion, file type, file extension References: None
Problem Statement: How to generate summary report for all scenarios created in Aspen Flare System Analyzer?
Solution: A scenario defines a set of source conditions (flows, compositions, pressures and temperatures) for the entire network. The design of a typical flare header system will be comprised of many scenarios for each of which the header system must have adequate hydraulic capacity. The scenario management allows you to simultaneously design and rate the header system for all of the possible relief scenarios. After running a simulation case in Flarenet, user can view the results of the selected source for all scenarios by clicking on the Results folder in the navigation pane | Scenario Summary | Click on Excel option for generating the summary report in MS Excel. Keywords: Relief, Scenario, Source, Condition, Result References:
Problem Statement: If the ADSA configuration is not properly done or if there is a communication issue between the servers, you will not be able to visualize Aspen Watch data from the Aspen APC Web Interface or APC Web page. A clear guide is needed to configure the servers connection for the first time and should include troubleshooting for common connection or configuration issues.
Solution: The way that data is transmitted between the Aspen Watch (AW) server and the PCWS (Production Control Web Server) is through an Aspen product called ADSA, which uses the TCP/IP protocol to transfer the data and display it as History Plots, Control Objectives, KPIs, Reports, etc. To ensure that the connection is successful the following should be configured between both servers: First ensure that a good connection exists between the machines, as follows: On the AW server, open a command prompt window Type: ping <PCWS sever name> and press enter There should be a response confirming that the PCWS server has replied within a short time Repeat this on the PCWS server and ping the AW server; ensure the response confirms that a reply was received Next ensure that both servers have the same clock time and same time zone. Note the following: A time difference more than 2-5 minutes will cause the connection to fail. A Network Time Protocol is recommended. If there is a firewall between these two servers, make sure that the ports highlighted later in this article are open and allow connections bidirectionally. Also in this case it is necessary to configure InfoPlus.21 to send the data through port 10016, please refer to this Knowledge Base article: To begin the configuration, proceed as follows: Log on to the Aspen Watch server (as an example for this article, called AWServer01) and open the ADSA Client Config Tool. On the ADSA tab leave everything at the default values. Leave the Directory Server pointing to itself, and the protocol as Web. At the Configuration tab select Public Data Sources. Add a data source with the name of the Aspen Watch server (on our example, AWServer01) Add the following five services with settings as default: Aspen DA for IP.21 Aspen Process Data (IP.21) Aspen Process Data Service Aspen SQLplus service component aspenONE Process Explorer Comments For services 1, 3, and 4 make sure that the Host Name of the service is set as the Aspen Watch server name. Notice that it requires two ports: 52007 (3) & 10014 (4). These are the ports that must be open if there is a firewall between the Aspen Watch server and the PCWS. Click OK to save everything and close the ADSA Client Config Tool. Log on to the PCWS and open the ADSA Client Config Tool. On the ADSA tab again leave everything as default At the Configuration -> Public Data Sources Add the Aspen Watch server as a data source Add and configure the same 5 services with the Host Name, this time pointing to the Aspen Watch server IMPORTANT: In both machines (AW and PCWS) Public Data Sources configuration must match exactly (same server name, upper case, lower case, etc.) Also, both must point to the Aspen Watch server. Click OK to save everything and close the ADSA Client Config Tool. Finally, perform an IIS reset (still in PCWS) as follows: From the Windows Start button open a Command Prompt window as administrator. Type iisreset. Click enter. Wait for the message “Internet services successfully restarted”. After all steps are completed correctly, check the following: Open the Aspen APC Web Interface in an internet browser Navigate to the History tab Check the ADSA Information and confirm that there is a Good connection to the Aspen Watch server. You should also be able to start using the Aspen Watch features within the APC Web Interface / APC Web site. For example, Ensure that data collection is running for the controller(s) in question - this can be done in the PCWS History tab by expanding the AW Maker, then Collection Status entry on the left pane. If a controller is collecting data the Status will be Success and the Last Run and Last Scan timestamps will be close to the current system time (within 1 controller execution time). At the Online tab, expand any DMC3 or DMCplus controller and click on the name of any controller variable (MV, FFW or CV) If collection is running and the ADSA connection is configured correctly, a drop-down context menu will be displayed. Otherwise the detail display for the variable will be shown In the context menu above, select History Plot to show a trend of the selected variable Similarly the other Performance monitor options may be selected: Control Objective, Inspector, etc. Keywords: PCWS, Aspen Watch, ADSA, atcontrol, aspenapc, history plot, control objectives References: None
Problem Statement: How do I setup a feedforward controller in Aspen HYSYS through the HYSYS Spreadsheet?
Solution: A design using a HYSYS Spreadsheet as part of the feedforward controller can be used in Aspen HYSYS. Before implementing the feedforward controller, take note of the feedback controller’s output and the disturbance measurement at various levels of the disturbance. The user can then use this relationship to set up the curve in a HYSYS spreadsheet. The spread sheet provides a mathematical relationship between the measured variable and the controlled variable. In the attached simulation the primary disturbance in this case is the temperature of the Feed stream. This disturbance is simulated through a transfer function, and by adjusting the duty in the chiller we can compensate for changes in this stream. Feed forward controllers act before the disturbance effects the process; they must know how the disturbance will affect the process, and also the magnitude of the disturbance. Therefore, in the HYSYS spreadsheet the user can create a simple mathematical process model which will allow the controller to determine the amount of correction that must be applied to counteract the effect of the temperature disturbance. Keywords: Feedforward, HYSYS Dynamics References: None
Problem Statement: Why system predicts different results for the outlet temperature of the Aspen Hydraulics Complex Pipe compared to the outlet temperature of the Pipe Segment unit operation and Aspen Flare System Analyzer? When we note the outlet temperature of the Aspen Hydraulics Complex Pipe compared to the outlet temperature of the Pipe Segment unit operation. The Flarenet case agrees with the Pipe Segment (unusual because the AH sub-flowsheet is based on the Flarenet solver). Ideally user would expect these to be the same if there is no energy loss in the model.
Solution: The main difference you are observing is due to the Kinetic Energy (KE) balance for enthalpy calculation. The Aspen HYSYS Hydraulics file will always consider the KE balance for enthalpy calculation while the HYSYS pipe segment does not consider the KE. For Flarenet it is optional (Calculation / Options / General Tab / Energy balance / Active the check box for Include KE). Once you activate the KE term for energy balance, then Aspen Flarenet results will match with Aspen Hydraulics (Complex as well as normal pipe). Please note that such difference is noticeable when the Mach Number is more than 0.3. Keywords: Kinetic Energy, Mach Number, Results, Enthalpy References: None
Problem Statement: Suppose we have this model: Model test glob as global realvariable; x as realvariable; y as realvariable; x = y; glob = x; End How to access the value of glob global variable in a model script?
Solution: Note that this simple model script does not work. It works if the script is created in the Flowsheet, but not if the script is created in the model. MsgBox glob.value This is because the global variable actually belongs to the simulation, not to the instance of the model. The trick is to use the Application object to go back up to the flowsheet. Script: ' access the global variable glob from here... MsgBox Application.Simulation.Flowsheet.Global.glob.value This screen capture shows where a model script can be created and how to invoke it. This is very useful when you want to invoke this script from any block created using that model. Keywords: global, model script References: None
Problem Statement: What are the steps to re-configure Aspen Unified databases if deleted from Aspen Unified Configuration Manager?
Solution: The information associated with the master database resides with Aspen Unified Config file even if you deleted the previously configured master database. To re-configure the master database, we must change/delete the values from the config file. For that go to C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\AspenUnified in this path you can find AspenUnified.config file. You can change/delete the values for the Master Database there. In the same location, you can delete the cache “MeshSettingsCache.json“ file. Then you can restart the “Aspen Unified Agent Supervisor Service” from services. After that, you can configure the Aspen Unified Databases by using the Aspen Unified Configuration Manager. Keywords: Aspen Unified Configuration Manager, Database, Master, Input, Catalog, Results, AspenUnified.Config References: None
Problem Statement: How to set up a New User account for Aspen Unified without ‘sysadmin’ privilege and a Network Service account?
Solution: Establishing a new user account is crucial for organizations in daily operations to mitigate security risks and circumvent unnecessary ‘sysadmin’ privileges. In Aspen Unified you can set up a new user account by following the steps below. Assign ‘Aspen Unified Agent Supervisor Service’ to a new user account that you have created. Go to IIS, Application pools, and search for the AspenUnified pool, which currently is login as Network Service Change to the desired New User Account Stop and Start the application Pool Add the New User Account as the DB owner of Master, Input, Catalog and Results databases (others if added Catalog, AUS) in SQL Server Management Studio under Security | Logins Make sure that the new user has Read and Write access to the following folder: C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\AspenUnified. Restart Aspen Unified Agent Supervisor Service Keywords: Aspen Unified, New User Account, Network Service, sysadmin, db owner, Master, Input, Catalog, Results References: None
Problem Statement: Why am I getting “Publish Results Succeeded with Error” while publishing the Aspen Unified Scheduling model?
Solution: The root cause of this error is due to the Database being full and no disk space is available. To eliminate this error users, have to delete the publish log information from the AUS Results database and refer to the “aus.PublishLog” table. This table works as a master table and when the user clears the information from this table the associated results tables which store the published information get cleaned. Use the following SQL query to delete the information from “aus.PublishLog” table. DELETE FROM [aus].[PublishLog] You can identify this table in the AUS Results Database. Keywords: AUS Publish Fail, AUS Publish, AUS Results Database References: None
Problem Statement: After installing Aspen Unified PIMS V14 CP1, the error message shown in screenshot below is encountered when browsing to it.
Solution: The root cause of this error code is meaning access to the requested resource is forbidden. The executables mentioned in the error were not granted appropriate level of the Execute permission. For example, this problem occurs if you try to request an CGI page from a directory that does not have the scripts handler permission enabled. Below are the appropriate steps to enable scripts permission. Go to Internet Information Manager (IIS) from Start menu or from Run menu. Then see for “AspenUnified” site from Default Web Site Menu. Double Click on “Handler Mappings” then select disabled feature (for ex. ISAPI.dll) | then click on “Edit Feature Permissions” and select “Execute” option and click “OK” Then disabled executable is enabled and you can eliminate the error. Keywords: HTTP Error 403.1, Forbidden Error, Not allow executables to run References: None
Problem Statement: How to migrate from PIMS Distributed Recursion (DR) to Aspen Unified PIMS (AUP)?
Solution: This article is combination of two important steps which you will need to perform for the migration of your existing PIMS-DR model to Aspen Unified PIMS Model. Migrate PIMS DR model to PIMS AO: To migrate planning model to Aspen Unified PIMS it should be PIMS-AO compatible and working fine in PIMS-AO. In order to migrate your PIMS-DR model to PIMS-AO you can go through attached jump start document, or you can access following KB article link. Topic: Jump Start: Migrating Aspen PIMS Distributed Recursion (DR) Models to Advanced Optimization (AO) KB Link: After your migration from PIMS-DR to PIMS-AO is finished then you can follow the steps below. Migrate PIMS AO model to AUP: To migrate well working PIMS-AO model to Aspen Unified PIMS you can go through attached document. The attached document consists of detailed information like pre-requisites, step-by-step guide and common issues during the AUP migration process. Topic: PIMS-AO to AUP Migration Guide Keywords: PIMS-DR to PIMS-AO, PIMS-AO to AUP, Migrate an existing PIMS-AO model References: None
Problem Statement: Why am I getting “Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors” message while publishing APS or MBO model?
Solution: When user publish the results from APS-MBO application then the results data will be populated in the ‘_ ‘ tables like _EVENTS or _EVENTS_MBO etc. if there is difference in architecture between the tables from baseline database to the model database like missing columns especially from the results table then user will get this error. To get rid of this error message user need to use “DBUpdate” utility which is present in “C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\Aspen Petroleum Scheduler” directory . User can follow the steps below. Open the DBUpdate utility and select Baseline database and Client model. Click on ‘Validate’ button. It will give missing information after database validation. Click on “Update” button. Then it will generate the queries in APS/MBO working folder. User can run the generated queries from working folder on the client database, so that it will automatically create the missing information for the tables it highlighted during validation for client database. Keywords: Multiple-step OLE DB Error, Publish Results, Publish All Results, Tables missing information, DBUpdate References: None
Problem Statement: What is the sequencing logic for long tag names generation in Aspen Unified PIMS if we uncheck the “Preserve PIMS short tag names” option while migrating an existing PIMS model?
Solution: An existing PIMS model migration process AUP will allow user to preserve the short tag names from existing PIMS model but if we uncheck this option then it will convert existing PIMS tags to long tag names. During conversion, the following occurs: Table: BUY in PIMS (Short Tags) After importing to AUP (Long Tags) The prefixes like VBAL, RBAL, CCAP etc. can be converted as follows: Short tag names: VBALCCD / RBALCCD / CCAPCCU Long tag names: VBAL:Cat Diesel (up to 20 character) / RBAL:Cat Diesel / CCAP:Cat Cracker BPD This long tag names conversion logic can be executed by going through series of PIMS table sequentially by following order of PIMS tables below: Note that P – Periodic PIMS, M – Multisite PIMS and X – Multisite and Multiperiod PIMS Order PIMS Tables 1 MODELS - (M and X only) 2 PERIODS 3 DEPOTS - (M and X only) 4 SCALE 5 CAPS 6 PROCLIM 7 MODES - (M and X only) 8 MARKETS - (M and X only) 9 MARKTGRP - (M and X only) 10 GROUPS 11 BLENDS 12 ALTTAGS 13 LOCTAGS - (M and X only) 14 BUY 15 SELL 16 UTILBUY 17 UTILSEL 18 ADDITIVE 19 SUPPLY - (X only) 20 DEMAND - (M and X only) 21 GSUPPLY - (M and X only) 22 WSPECS 23 PGUESS 24 PCALC 25 PCALCB 26 CRDDISTL 27 CRDCUTS 28 CRDBLEND 29 SWING - (Not supported per functional spec) 30 NEWCUT 31 ASSAYLIB 32 SUBMODS 33 ABMLSUBF 34 GASES 35 UPOOL 36 VPOOL 37 BLNSPEC 38 BLNCAP 39 BLNMIX 40 BLNTARG 41 BLNPROP 42 GBLNMIX - (M and X only) 43 GBLNSPEC - (M and X only) 44 PLANTGRP - (M and X only) 45 DEMALLOC - (M and X only) 46 TRANSFER - (M and X only) 47 RATIO 48 INTERACT 49 INDEX 50 DISABLE 51 CURVE 52 NONLIN 53 PBONUS 54 ROWS 55 RFG 56 BOUNDS 57 DINV - (X only) 58 XBOUNDS 59 MIP 60 GASPLANT 61 PINV 62 EXPERT - (Not supported per functional specs) 63 UNITS 64 PBLNPER - (Not supported per functional specs) 65 PBLNMIX - (Not supported per functional specs) 66 PBLNSPEC - (Not supported per functional specs) 67 ACCUQUAL - (Not supported per functional specs) 68 GBLNPER (X only) (Not supported per functional specs) 69 ABML 70 ABMLMAP 71 ABMLOPT 72 RECEIVE - (Not supported per functional specs. Supported for periodic models only (P), not in table dictionary) Keywords: Long tag names, Short tag names, Migrate an existing PIMS model, Preserve PIMS short tag names References: None
Problem Statement: What is the difference between enabling Replication for IP_VALUE or IP_INPUT_VALUE?
Solution: The most common option is to replicate IP_VALUE and the reason why is because all the values from the first InfoPlus.21 Server (Publisher) have already passed through the Data Compression Algorithm (IP_DC_SIGNIFICANCE and IP_DC_MAX_TIME_INT). Therefore, you do not need to configure those fields for the second InfoPlus.21 Server (Subscriber). If it is decided to enable Replication for IP_INPUT_VALUE, you have to be sure that every tag in both InfoPlus.21 Servers (Publisher and Subscriber) has the same configuration for IP_DC_SIGNIFICANCE and IP_DC_MAX_TIME_INT. If this is not configured, the information will NOT be the same between the servers. As you are replicating IP_INPUT_VALUE, in the second InfoPlus.21 Server (Subscriber) the values are going to pass through the Data Compression Algorithm configured on that server, and consequently, if there exists a difference in IP_DC_SIGNIFICANCE and IP_DC_MAX_TIME_INT compared to the first InfoPlus.21 Server (Publisher), different values are going to be moved to IP_VALUE. The mapping fields map_currentvalue, map_currenttimestamp, and map_currentquality must reflect if IP_Value or IP_INPUT_Value is being replicated otherwise the wrong values will be used in desktop applications. Keywords: Replication IP_VALUE IP_INPUT_VALUE References: None
Problem Statement: How to check whether a system is square or not in Utilities Planner?
Solution: In Aspen Utilities Planner, one should keep square condition as you build the flowsheet, which allow to run EO solver for steady state simulation. In order to check whether a system is square or not, user should analyse the degrees of freedom value. To view degrees of freedom information for a block or a stream: In the Flowsheet window, right-click a block or stream and then click Properties. The Block Properties form appears, showing detailed information about the block or stream. Click OK to close the form. Keywords: Square condition, DOF, Properties, Equations, EO model References: None
Problem Statement: How to check the profile or tags for utility services added in Aspen HYSYS simulation?
Solution: In Aspen HYSYS, Process Utilities Manager is used to define and apply utility tags to material and energy streams which designate the streams for calculation of energy and utility-related consumption and costs, and emissions such as CO2 and other greenhouse gasses. The utilities manager is available under the Home tab | Simulation | Utility Manager To assign a utility tag to an energy stream: Double-click the energy stream. On the Worksheet tab | Stream page, select a utility type from the Utility Type drop-down list. Close the window. Keywords: Utility tag, Inlet T, Cost, Utility Manager, energy stream References:
Problem Statement: How do I use the SLM Configuration Wizard in V11-14 to connect to a license server?
Solution: This knowledge base article describes how to use the SLM Configuration Wizard in v11-14 versions connecting to a license server NOTE: If you are using an older version (v9 -v10) of the SLM Configuration Wizard, refer to this KB AspenTech: Knowledge Base . 1. Run the SLM Configuration Wizard. Open your Windows Start menu and launch the aspenONE SLM License Manager with Administrator privileges. **NOTE: For some operating systems you may have to execute the aspenONE SLM License Manager using the 'Run as Administrator' option (can also right click on app to choose this option). The application writes entries into the Windows Registry, and Administrator privileges are required for this.** Click on the configuration wizard icon, that is located in the top left of the screen, to launch the SLM Configuration Wizard 2. Type the license server name in the Server Name or IP box and click the Add Server button. The Server Name or IP should appear below and not give you an error that it did not find it (issue with connection if you do get an error message) NOTE: You can add multiple license servers if required. Advanced Settings Configuration Options: (Most leave these options as default) For Expiration Remainder (days), allows you to specify the number of days before a product license expires that a reminder will be sent to you. Select Enable Broadcasting, specify the Interval (min) if you want the SLM to broadcast (search) for licenses on the network. Log time zone information: logs time zone information in the server log. Ignore local keys: Ignores the local license keys. Search Configured Servers for all available buckets at Runtime: Indicates whether you do or do not want to search all configured servers for all available buckets. Log IP addresses: Logs the IP address in the server log. The log file is saved on the SLM server in the same directory where the license server is installed. Resolve Server Name: This will try to auto fill the entire server name or put in the server name if you input an IP address. **If the IP address or server is autocorrected to the wrong one than the one you inputted, try turning off this function and try again** The order of Servers can be selected by using the Up and Down buttons Click the Show Buckets button to verify the desired or required default bucket(s) are checked. 3. Click the Apply Changes button to initialize the license and complete the process. 4. Finally, click Close button and open AspenTech products to test the license connection. Keywords: SLM aspenONE SLM License Manager SLM Configuration Wizard Network License Standalone License License Server SLM Tool References: None
Problem Statement: Servers commonly used in an APC installation have the following classes of software installed: SLM (Software License Manager) License Server: runs the Aspen network license software APC Online Server: runs the online applications including DMC3/DMCplus controllers and IQ applications APC Web Server: runs the Production Control Web Server (PCWS), also includes Aspen Local Security APC Performance Monitor (Aspen Watch) Server: runs Aspen Watch (AW) data collection and holds the InfoPlus.21 database Cim-IO Server (or Cim-IO core): communication interface for reading/writing data from/to DCS and among Aspen products This article provides guidelines on the Optimal Configuration of an APC Architecture. Note that the APC Desktop class (includes offline tools like DMC3 Builder) can be installed on any server. They are automatically installed with the APC Online and Watch servers.
Solution: The ideal recommendation is to have individual dedicated servers for the license server and each of the three APC servers. The main reasons for this are: Performance - each class of software takes up network, CPU and Memory resources, which can directly affect the performance of controller execution and data collection if there is a limitation. For example, the Online server will take up more resources as you add more or larger controllers and the Watch server is resource intensive as it holds the IP.21 database. Maintenance - if there is an issue on one of the products, or a patch is required to be applied for one product, the other products will be directly affected during this transition as well. You may need to stop the controllers (undesirable for operators), stop data collection, shut down the web, etc or reboot the machine during maintenance processes and thus the entire system will be upset. This will also require more precautions when making changes on the system for one product, so as not to affect others. If all servers are separated, a problem on one can be handled without affecting the others and downtime can be avoided whenever possible. However, if this is not feasible, the following guidelines can be used to determine which servers to combine. Please refer to the APC Installation Guide for detailed guidelines on whether multiple servers are required for each one, and memory / CPU allocation, depending on number/size of applications and number of users. See sections System Requirements under Preparing to Install and Appendix C: Deployment Scenarios. As a reference, APC V14.2 Installation Guide can be found here: AspenTech: Knowledge Base Hardware platform specifications can be found here: Platform Support | AspenTech SLM License Server Most sites use a network license server, which requires online products and each user session to be able to access the running license server that has a valid license file. Thus, the license server needs to run continuously without interruptions or network failures. If it is not feasible to have a dedicated license server, then it may be installed on the APC Online server. APC Online Server For versions prior to V14.0, a memory limitation of 2.6 GB exists for the RTEService.exe (service required for running RTE-based controllers, i.e. deployed using DMC3 Builder, and sending data to Aspen Watch). Exceeding this limit can cause system instability so more Online servers should be added to distribute the load of the applications if needed. For versions V14.2 and above, this limitation no longer exists, and the system can take advantage of a bigger amount of memory due to its new 64-bit architecture. APC Web Server (PCWS) If not feasible to have a dedicated web server, then it may be installed on the APC Online server. However, when both are installed on the same computer, the server should have proportionally more memory and virtual processors. For versions prior to V14.0, a memory limitation of 2.6 GB exists for the WebDataProdviderSvc.exe. Exceeding this limit can cause instability so more Web servers should be added in this case. A single Web server should be limited to 30 users. For versions V14.2 and above, this limitation no longer exists, and the system can take advantage of a bigger amount of memory due to its new 64-bit architecture. APC Web installation automatically installs Aspen Local Security with it, so it is recommended to use this as the Security server as well, which hosts the permissions for users and roles. APC Performance Monitor (Aspen Watch) Server APC Performance Monitor should always be installed on a dedicated server machine due to the resource intensive InfoPlus.21 database and corresponding running tasks. Cim-IO Server Best practice is to install the Aspen Cim-IO server on the third-party OPC server as this will make it easy to pass DCOM permissions and configuration settings. If this is not viable due to restrictions by the OPC vendor, Cim-IO may be installed on a dedicated server. If this is also not possible, then Cim-IO may be installed on the APC Online server. For more information, see KB 000049608 - Where should I install the Cim-IO Server? Note that when installing the APC Online and Aspen Watch server software, the Cim-IO client components are installed automatically These are the recommendations for the APC architecture and supporting products, based on common and tested deployment scenarios to help avoid performance issues. The final decision for configuration should be up to the user based on business needs and resource allocation, as long as the guidelines provided in the APC Installation Guide are followed. Keywords: APC, servers, architecture, online, deployment, recommendation, cimio, watch, web, pcws References: None
Problem Statement: How to get rid of the following error message Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component while running the Aspen OnLine model?
Solution: In order to get rid of the following error message Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component: You will need to stop the services and restart the server which will lead to successful results. Keywords: Error, HRESULT E_FAIL, Aspen OnLine References: None
Problem Statement: After a recent update to Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, these browsers are no longer accepting self-signed certificates generated by the default process in IIS. This is because the X.509 key usage extension is now required for RSA certificates chaining to local roots. A self-signed certificate with this property can be generated using PowerShell.
Solution: Open PowerShell as an administrator Run the following command New-SelfSignedCertificate -FriendlyName <certificatename> -DnsName <servername> -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My -KeyUsage DigitalSignature Replace <certificatename> with a name of your choice for the certificate Replace <servername> with the FQDN of the Alert Manager server, or the Alert Manager base URL if you are using an alias See this link for more information on additional options while creating your certificate: In the Start menu, search for and open certlm.msc Expand Personal and click on Certificates Identify your newly created certificate by its Friendly Name, right click on it, and copy it Expand Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click on Certificates Paste your certificate into this folder Open IIS, expand Sites, right click on Default Web Site, and Edit Bindings Edit any https bindings used by MAM and switch the SSL Certificate to the one you created in step 2 Navigate back to the Alert Manager web page. The page should now load. Keywords: MAM Certificate Problem HTTPS Error ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE References: None
Problem Statement: Is it possible to call python from an Aspen Plus user routine?
Solution: It is possible to call python from the Fortran subroutine. Python will need to be installed and added to the environment variables (in the Advanced Option in the python for windows install). The Fortran subroutine should still be compiled in the Customize Aspen Plus window using aspcomp. Since python is technically a scripting language, not a programming language that you have to compile before use, it will in a sense “compile on the fly”. So that a Fortran system call to Python will be able to trigger the script in a Fortran file. It is not possible to call a python function since the Fortran compiler will not recognize python. In a Fortran wrapper, it is possible to use CALL SYSTEM. E.g. CALL SYSTEM(python.exe The Fortran to python data transfer is file based rather than via function arguments. This means that the python script will read in the data via a Fortran written file for “input” and write out an “output” file that Fortran can then read. For information: Attached is a very simple example where a python script is used to read in a file written by Fortran and write out results to a file. In the Fortran file tpakin.f, after the Fortran code is used to calculate the rates, python is used to get that information and write some results as an illustration that it is possible to use python in a Fortran subroutine. In the Fortran code: CALL SYSTEM('python -f=inputs.csv') In the Python code: import csv if __name__ == __main__: import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = read in input.csv) parser.add_argument(-f, --file, dest = filename, help = input file, metavar=FILE) args = parser.parse_args() input_file_name = args.filename output_file_name = 'result.csv' # Read the input CSV file with open(input_file_name, mode='r') as input_file: # Create a CSV reader object reader = csv.reader(input_file) # Convert the second row values to floats and add 1.0 to each value first_row = next(reader) modified_row = [float(value) *0.8 for value in first_row ] # Write the modified values to the output CSV file with open(output_file_name, mode='w', newline='') as output_file: # Create a CSV writer object writer = csv.writer(output_file) # Write the modified row to the output CSV file writer.writerow(modified_row) print(fResult has been written to '{output_file_name}'.) Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: How can you maximize the Report Editor every time the project is evaluated?
Solution: The default way that ACCE opens de CCP Report, it looks like this: To change this default and open the CCP report in maximized view, enable the “Open Maximized” option through Options / Preferences in the General and Document tabs, as the following images show: Once these options are enabled, each time you evaluate the project and open the CCP, it will be maximized: Keywords: CCP Report, Open Maximized, Report Editor. Full Screen, Bigger References: None
Problem Statement: Why can't I run excel reports and I get a message related to failed to pass security check?
Solution: Step 1: Select Default Apps: Step 2: click on Choose apps by file type Now, make sure Excel is the default application for .xlsm file type as shown in the picture: If Excel is not the default application, then select the application and choose Excel: After performing the above workflow, ACCE should be able to launch any kind of Excel Report successfully. Keywords: Excel Reports, Default App, Pass Security References: None
Problem Statement: Icarus User 140 database recreation
Solution: The Icarus_User140 database is not successfully connected, so the reporter does not work, and in some cases, the following error message appears when evaluating the project: This issue can be fixed by repairing SQL LocalDB instance. For that, once ACCE is open users should click on Tools Preferences Reporting and click on “Repair SQL Local DB Instance”, Click on Apply Once this is done, the repair is automatic. Keywords: Database recreation, Icarus_User140, Repair SQL LocalDB, LocalDB Instance References: None
Problem Statement: How to import Areas and components from other scenarios?
Solution: Once the project is created, it is not possible to change the template being used in that project. Now, if we want to use a different template in a project, we need to create a new project using a new template and then import the old project into the new one. The steps are shown below: Create a new project using the new template. Open the new project, then click on project view, so that you can see all areas and components. In the Palette section, click on the Projects tab. Here we must find the project and scenario of the previous project in the Projects tab. Click on the Projects tab to load it, thus, it will show all the areas and components of the project. We will drag and drop the Stage onto the Project View in the new project. It is important to mention that the objects from the previous project will be imported into the new project and will use the settings of the new template. Keywords: Import Template, Projects Tab, Template References: None
Problem Statement: What Cost Basis is used in Economic Suite V14?
Solution: The Cost Basis for the V14 Economic Suite (Aspen Capital Cost Estimator, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer, Activated Economics and Aspen In-Plant Cost Estimator,) is the First Quarter 2022 (Q1 2022). Keywords: Cost Basis, Cost, Recent Update, 2022 Cost Basis References: None
Problem Statement: How can I access Aspen Economic Evaluation V14 Printed documentation?
Solution: When you open ACCE V14 you can access the printed documentation if you go to the Ribbon/Help/Documentation (as in the following image) When you click on “Documentation” the next window opens: Note: It is important that you have installed Adobe Reader to open all of them. Now, if you are not able to open it with Adobe Reader, the option is to copy and paste the following path into the file explorer: file:///C:/Program%20Files/AspenTech/Economic%20Evaluation%20V14.0/Program/Docs Once you finished, you have access to this Printed Documentation: Keywords: Documentation, User Guide, Printed Documentation, V14 Documentation, User Guide, Piping & Instrumentation Drawings References: None
Problem Statement: APC Gateway introduces a streamlined communication pathway between Aspen DMC3 controllers and other Aspen APC products, such as Aspen IQ and Aspen GDOT applications, eliminating the need for intermediate points like DCS or Aspen InfoPlus.21. More information about this feature and the configuration guide can be found on KB 000101374 . While configuring the APC Gateway in the Configure Online Server, users may encounter the error message: IO Source xxxxx already exists. Please enter a different application name
Solution: Although the obviousSolution is to choose a different name for the APC Gateway source, there are instances where this error persists even when no source shares the same name. This issue typically arises due to incomplete deletion of records after removing an APC Gateway IO source. Consequently, Configure Online Server blocks the reuse of previously established source names. To address this: Review Configuration Files: Open Notepad with administrative privileges and navigate to the following directory: C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\RTE\V14\Config Modify AspenTech.ACP.IO.config: Locate and open the AspenTech.ACP.IO.config file. Remove the <servertype=”apcgateway”/> entry corresponding to the corrupted source. For example, if the corrupted source is named SSCOMP, delete the highlighted rows in the config file: Modify AspenTech.ACP.IOLogging.Config: Similarly, open the AspenTech.ACP.IOLogging.Config file and delete the <iosource/> entry associated with the corrupted source. Save Changes: Save the edited configuration files. Recreate APC Gateway: After saving the changes, attempt to recreate the APC Gateway using the previously problematic name. The system should now allow the use of the desired name without encountering the error. By following these steps, users can effectively resolve the IO Source xxxxx already exists error encountered during the Aspen APC Gateway configuration. Keywords: APCGateway, IO Source error, Application name conflict References: None
Problem Statement: How to Transfer information from an Aspen Plus simulation that uses non-conventional components to Aspen Basic Engineering? We need to take into account that non-conventional components have very few properties, if any, in comparison with pure components.
Solution: Using simulations that have non-conventional components (Aspen Plus) will have an impact on the attributes sent to ABE. This image shows the difference between the same default set of properties for a simulation with non-conventional components (left) and a simulation without non-conventional components: For the bulk flow, molar properties will not be calculated as the non-conventional components have very few properties if any. If a simulation with non-conventional components is transferred to ABE, you will see that not all attributes in the Bulk Flow will be populated as they are not available in Aspen Plus. One issue that will be seen is that the Components node is not created when using the Component Manager. This component node is used in a lot of labels in Drawing Editor and Templates for Datasheets. A workaround is to change those templates to point to the PureComponents node in the streams. However, it will not show all expected data as it was not generated by the simulator. The recommendation is to use pseudo components that will have the properties that are needed for the simulator to perform all calculations. Keywords: Transfer, ABE, Non-conventional components, Bulk Properties References: None
Problem Statement: How to Unlink a Diagram from Document Set in Aspen Basic Engineering if we mistakenly create a Document Set? This should only be used for Document Sets created by mistake. If used with Document Sets the diagrams that it contains will still share the same topology but will not be in the same Folder.
Solution: To create a Document Set, the user can select a PFD and use it as a basis for creating several other diagrams such as Material Selection Diagrams (MSD), Pressure Safety Diagrams (PSD), etc. If a user mistakenly creates a Document Set for a diagram, these are the steps to unlink the diagram to the Document Set: Create a Folder in the Explorer application and add the object “Document Set” that should be unlinked. Once the Document Set object is added, double click on it, or right click and select Attributes. Select the diagram that was used to create the Document Set. Right click on the node and Remove the Item. In Drawing Editor the PFD will be out of the Document Set, the Document Set folder can be deleted as it is now empty. This should only be used for Document Sets created by mistake. If used with Document Sets the diagrams that it contains will still share the same topology but will not be in the same Folder. Keywords: Document Set, Aspen Basic Engineering, Drawing Editor, Unlink, Diagram References: None
Problem Statement: What are the new tables or changed tables in V14 APS as compared to V12 APS databases?
Solution: Modified Tables and their corresponding modifications: Table _EVENTS_BATCHES Modification- Added Column [ROUTE_ID] Table _EVENTS_BATCHES_MBO Modification- Added Column [ROUTE_ID] Table GANTT_EXPANSION_RECON Modification- Column 3-X_SEQ dataType changed from [INT32] to [AUTONUMBER] Table TANK_INFEAS Modification- Added Columns: [EXCESS_TARGET_B]; [EXCESS_TARGET_E]; [DEFIC_TARGET_B]; [DEFIC_TARGET_E] Table TRAN_MODES Modification- Added Columns: [DELAY_TIME]; [DT_UOM] Table VOYAGEDOCKS Modification- Added Column: [LOCKED] New Tables: Table _SCHEDULE_OBJECTIVES Table _TDINV_COMP Table _TIMEDELAY_INV Table _ZSCHEDULE_OBJECTIVES Table ATORIONSCHEDOBJECTIVEDETAILS Table ATORIONSCHEDOBJECTIVESDEF Table TDINV_COMP Table TIMEDELAY_INV Table VOYAGE_TEMPLATES Table VOYAGE_TEMPLATES_VERSION_INFO Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: Is there a way to disable the “Visible” feature in Aspen Simulation Workbook (ASW) installed on a server, so that the user cannot see Aspen Plus/HYSYS while running the simulation from ASW?
Solution: There is a way to disable the “Visible” feature in Aspen Simulation Workbook (ASW) installed on a server, so that the user cannot see Aspen Plus/HYSYS while running the simulation from ASW. (1) Go to Protect to raise the “Restrict Access” dialog (2) Unhide the option to Show/Hide simulation, (3) set a password Keywords: ASW, Visible, Protect, Restrict Access, Show/Hide References: None
Problem Statement: When setting up remote OPC connections on GDOT, the causes of failure usually fall under one of these categories: server time settings, server name resolving, tag syntax errors, firewall issues, user authentication issues. We will go through some general steps on how to tackle each of these problems.
Solution: Here are some troubleshooting steps that can be taken for each of the categories mentioned on the problem Statement Server Time Settings It is a common practice but is worth mentioning that when working with several servers that exchange information there should be a Network Time Protocol to make sure that the server clocks are synchronized, as time differences as small as 2-5 minutes can cause issues with the communications, the clock time and timezone of Windows should be the same for both machines, the GDOT server and the OPC server. Tag Syntax Errors Each OPC has a different syntax for how its tags are read, so when starting on a new project consult the OPC manual to see how the tag addresses should be declared on remote OPC clients, for example when reading values from Aspen InfoPlus.21 as an OPC, this is what the Aspen InfoPlus.21 Product Family Configuration Guide V14 says about using InfoPlus.21 as an OPC-DA server: For example, you would need write the tag on the GDOT Variable Configuration as FC101SP.IP_INPUT_VALUE, any other spaces or punctuation marks will throw a read error. Also if you are working with serveral OPC nodes (or OPC + APC Gateway), check the Appendix A: IO Tag Specifications of the V14.0.2 Aspen GDOT User Guide: Server Name Resolving There can be a lot of errors when using a DNS, it could be that the name/IP Address table on the server iteslf is incorrect, that the connection from the GDOT server to the DNS is really slow or failing, that the DNS cache gets corrupted, etc… In order to avoid these issues and “bypass” the DNS what can be done is on the hosts file found under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc , declare both the local server name as well as the remote server name and IP address, you can declare both the Fully Qualified Domain Name as well as the short host name to make sure that the running programs will be able to find the IP address when using either one of the server name formats. Example (from a GDOT server): To see if the GDOT server is able resolve the OPC server IP address by name (and viceversa), a quick test is to try and “ping” the remote server using the Command Prompt, even if this feature is not enabled through a firewall and the connection fails, you will still see between “[ ]” if the machine is able to resolve the remote IP address of the host name that you typed. Firewall Issues When setting remote OPC connections the communications are done using Microsoft’s DCOM, which is known for being difficult to configure and troubleshoot. A running GDOT application uses a specific type of OPC(-DA) connection called a subscription, the way that this works is that an initial subscription request will be sent from the GDOT server to the OPC server through port 135 which is defined for COM+ Network Access (DCOM inbound connections), then the OPC server will reply with a callback connection through a different port, this callback port is assigned dynamically so it is hard to predict which will be used, so when working with a firewall it’s not as simple as creating firewall rules such as Allow Connection through Port: 135, xx, yy, etc… since like it was mentioned the callback ports change. As a general statement, it is expected for the GDOT servers to be on the same plant network as the OPC server machine, without any firewalls in between them. If there is a hardware firewall between the two machines then an OPC tunneler is typically required. User Authentication Issues The final point that will be discussed is user authentication on OPC clients. When setting up an OPC-DA connection the common configuration is for the user account that runs GDOT to also exist as a user on the OPC server machine, this is a DCOM requirements to authenticate that the inbound connection is from an authorized user. Nonetheless, some OPCs require an additional account to exist on the GDOT sever to authenticate, here is an example of an issue with the ABB Maestro OPC where a service account called “PPBService” needed to be configured on the GDOT users for the connection to work: GDOT OPC connection requirement for ABB Maestro Another example is that some Honeywell OPCs have an account called “mngr” which needs to exist on both machines for the authentication to succeed, to clarify these are just examples and the required accounts don’t always have these specific “PPBService” and “mngr” names, please review the exact user configuration of your OPC machine or its user manual for more guidance. These user authentication errors can be commonly found on the Windows Event Viewer logs, under Windows Logs -> Application/Security/System. Additionally, if you want more detailed DCOM logging, what you need to do is on the server Registry, go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole and under this folder create two new DWORD registry keys named ActivationFailureLoggingLevel and CallFailureLoggingLevel: After these entries are created, right click to Modify their Value data to 1, with this logging level activated, now you should be able to get more detailed errors on the Event Viewer System log of what is failing during the DCOM connection: This logging level is very detailed so after your troubleshooting is done, make sure to return the two Registry values back to 0, as this many messages can easily overflow and overwrite your log. If after reviewing all of these points you still have questions or problems with your GDOT application, please contact AspenTech support team on . Keywords: GDOT, OPC, firewall, authentication, node, host, troubleshoot, error References: None
Problem Statement: Is it possible to customize the units of measurement with the export functionality in Aspen Flare System Analyzer (AFSA)?
Solution: Aspen Flare System Analyzer has the capability of exporting data and results into MS Excel (.xls, .xlsx), MS Access (.mdb) and XML files (File | Export Case In | .mdb / .xls / .xml format). This is useful to import this same information into a new AFSA file and recreate the simulation or merge different AFSA models. This data by default is exported using AFSA’s Metric units of measurement, since this is the unit set that is always read by AFSA upon importing. This default is hard coded into the program and cannot be modified. If the user would rather generate an Excel report with the inputs or results generated on AFSA, then the Excel button on each of the Summary tables in AFSA could prove useful, this copies all the data using the currently selected units of measurement into Excel. This should be repeated on all desired forms. This option does not allow for a reimportation of data into AFSA. Keywords: Units, AFSA, Data, Inputs, Results, Tables References: None
Problem Statement: What is the Set Version utility and when should I use it?
Solution: The Set Version tool is a utility that allows you to select which version of a particular product will be set as the “Default”. This is particularly important for 2 reasons: 1. When you have more than one version of the same program installed on your computer. The Set Version tool will determine which version will be used every time you open an existing file. Keep in mind that for most products, if the file is from a more recent version of the software than the one you selected as default, you won't be able to open it (backward compatibility). 2. When you are working with products that are connected or linked to others (what we call Integration); such as using Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR) from within Aspen Plus or Aspen HYSYS, using Aspen Properties inside EDR, or connecting Aspen Simulation Workbook to another program; the best practice is to always use the same version for both programs (EDR and Aspen Properties, Aspen Plus and EDR, etc.), otherwise you may have problems when attempting to connect both applications. For more information on how to run the Set Version utility for EDR, please refer to the KB article below: How to run the EDR Set Version utility? Keywords: Set version, link to other programs. References: None
Problem Statement: How to run the EDR Set Version utility?
Solution: The EDR Set Version utility will allow you to select which EDR version will be set as the default, which is important when you also want to use EDR within Aspen Plus or Aspen HYSYS. Before running the EDR Set Version tool you need to verify 2 things: - Administrator Rights. If you do not have Administrator Rights, you will need assistance from your IT group, otherwise the changes you make using the Set Version utility won’t work. - Close Excel and any other AspenTech applications (EDR, Aspen Plus, Aspen HYSYS, etc.) Now, you can follow the steps below: 1. Go to your Start menu and find the folder with all the Aspen EDR applications. This may look different depending on the Windows version you are using. For example, in Windows 10 it will look like this: 2. Expand this folder. You will see the shortcut to open the EDR application and, below that, the EDR Set Version utility. Please note that if you have several versions installed, you will see different Set Version options as well: 3. Right-click on the Set Version button of the version you want to set as the default and select Run As Administrator (remember this step is very important): 4. Click Yes when asked if you want to allow the program to make modifications on your computer. 5. The Set Version window will show up. This window will contain the current default version plus other available versions as well: 6. Select the version you will set as the default (Make sure to check the box to register that same version with Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS if you plan to use EDR within any of these programs): 7. Finally, click on Set at the bottom of the window. Once you do the program will display a message when the registry process is complete: 8. You can now click on Exit and proceed to use EDR normally. For more information about the Set Version utility, please refer to the KB article below: What is the Set Version utility and when should I use it? Keywords: Set version, EDR References: None
Problem Statement: How can I change the atmospheric (barometric) pressure?
Solution: If you are interested in creating custom pressure units which display guage pressures relative to an atmospheric pressure which is different than the standard 1 atm (~14.696 psia or 101.325 kPa), you can follow the next steps: Go to File | Options | Units of Measure Clone an existing unit set Highlight pressure units and select Add For atmospheric pressure of say 12 psia, psig_user*= 0.1450 *kPa - 12 Note that this custom unit will be used for the display of pressures only. Calculations of properties at standard conditions in Aspen HYSYS will not change. (For example, heats of formation which have a basis of 25C and 1 atm - our database will not adjust these. Also, densities calculated at standard conditions of 15 C and 1 atm will not change.) Alternatively, starting with Aspen HYSYS V10, you can directly change the atmospheric pressure for the simulation in the Preferences. Go to File | Options | Units Of Measure, scroll down until Ambient Pressure Setting and there the pressure can be edited. Important note: When this is changed, everytime Aspen HYSYS is open, the pressure will be the one specified, not the default. For reverting to the default, input the default value: 101.325 kPa. Keywords: Atmospheric Pressure Setting, Barometric, Change. References: None
Problem Statement: What is the difference between different salts with the same formula in Aspen Plus? For example, in the INORGANIC database there are two options to choose from for the component silver nitrate AgNO3, SOL-A and SOL-B.
Solution: It is possible for some solids to have different crystal structures which have different properties. These different crystal structures are often available in the INORGANIC (Barin) databank. The INORGANIC databank generally has accurate parameters for inorganic components in all phases. SILVER-NITRATE:SOL-A (AGNO3:A) and SILVER-NITRATE:SOL-B (AGNO3:A) are examples of two different solid crystal structures of silver nitrate. The INORGANIC databank uses the CPpXPn polynomials to calculate all of the thermodynamic properties where p is the phase and n is the set number. The four properties Cp, H, S, and G are interrelated as a result of the thermodynamic relationships. These are analytical relationships between the expressions Cp, H, S, and G use the elements of the CPpXPn parameters. They do not need heat or enthalpy of formation parameters (e.g. DHFORM or DHSFRM). The first two elements are the temperature range. There can be more than one set of parameters for a phase for different temperature ranges. See the help for details of the Barin Equations for Gibbs Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy, and Heat Capacity. Using retrieve the parameters for all of the forms of silver-nitrate (AGNO3, SOL-A, and SOL-B), one can see that the liquid CPLXP1 parameters are the same for all of these components. The CPSXP1 parameters for SOL-1 are from 25 to 159 C and the SOL-2 parameters are from 159 to 209 C. The one that does not have a crystal structure designated has a CPSXP1 and CPSXP2 to cover both ranges. Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: This Knowledge Base article illustrates how to identify if the IP.21 installed is 32 bit or 64 bit?
Solution: Many customers ask how to identify whether the IP.21 installed is 32 bit or 64 bit? To identify the which bitness of IP.21 is installed, there are different methods: Through Task Manager: Open Windows Task Manager Select Details tab in Windows Task Manager. Right-click on column name heading such Name, PID, etc. Select Select columns from the context menu. e. Tick checkbox beside Platform in the Select columns dialog box. f. Look for dbclock.exe and check whether Platform is showing 32-bit or 64-bit. 2. Through aspenONE Diagnostics: The application and version will display on the Select Products screen. If the application is 64 bit it will show (64-bit) Keywords: 64-bit, 32-bit, IP.21, bitness, InfoPlus.21 References: None
Problem Statement: When trying to run a simulation in Aspen Fidelis, you may get the following error and be unable to run the simulation. “EndOfTime type not found.” EndOfTime could also be replaced with any of the following: SimStart, TimeZero, SimEvent, or SimEnd.
Solution: This error occurs when the EndOfTime sub is missing in VSTA. You can also get a similar error message if a different sub is missing. Follow the steps below to add the sub back and resolve the error. Open the file with the error in Aspen Fidelis Click on the Write Key Routines button Scroll through VSTA. Fidelis expects 5 subs, SimStart, TimeZero, SimEvent, EndOfTime, and SimEnd. Confirm that the sub referenced in the error message is missing. Add the sub to the file. You can do this by writing: Public Shared Sub EndOfTime(data As SimulationData) End Sub Replace EndOfTime with the name of the missing sub. Save your changes in VSTA Close VSTA and wait for Fidelis to save your changes Try to run the simulation again. You should no longer get the error. Keywords: Fidelis VSTA Simulation Error SimStart TimeZero SimEvent EndOfTime SimEnd References: None
Problem Statement: When attempting to train an agent in Mtell, you immediately get the following error: “Error Training Agent: rowIndex” This error can indicate a problem with the offline condition.
Solution: Open Aspen Mtell Agent Builder Click on the TDS with the agent that will not train Locate the offline condition. A correctly set offline condition will have the word sensor before the sensor role. If your offline condition is missing the word sensor, that will cause this error. It is possible that other formatting discrepancies could cause this error as well. See the pictures below for examples of a correctly and incorrectly set offline condition. This offline condition has been set correctly because it has the word Sensor:: before the sensor role (“Motor Amps”) This offline condition has been set incorrectly because Sensor:: is missing before “Motor Amps” To correct the offline condition, click on the equipment set Switch to the Offline Conditions tab Click Define… Use the Insert Role button to select any sensor roles used in your offline condition. They should populate with the word sensor in front of the role. Click OK Click Apply and then Yes to override the existing offline conditions You should now be able to train your agents without getting the rowIndex error Keywords: Error training agent rowIndex Offline condition References: None
Problem Statement: When opening Aspen Mtell System Manager, users may receive an error Connection to MIS Web Service [http://servername/AspenTech/AspenMtell/InteropServer/MIMOSA/OSAEAIManagement.asmx] failed. [Error: The remote server returned an error: ] Check IIS Manager to verify that ASP.Net v4 is enabled under ISAPI and CGI Restrictions This error message can have several different causes. This article is a directory of the
Solution: s for the different root causes of this error. Solution First, confirm that the correct server name has been specified in System Manager. Open System Manager and navigate to the Configuration tab Select Settings and then General Confirm that the Server Name field is correctly filled out with the name of the Mtell server. Correct the Server Name and save your changes if not. If the Server Name is correct and you still receive an error, the error number will help narrow down the cause. Try theSolution listed under the error number you receive. 500 To narrow down the root cause of a (500) Internal Server Error, open a web browser and navigate to http://servername/AspenTech/AspenMtell/InteropServer/MIMOSA. Replace servername with the name of your Mtell server. Find the error message that matches what you see, and follow the instructions in the linked KB article for that message. Could not load type ‘System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule’ from assembly ‘System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089’. Follow the steps in: Mtell View giving Could not load type 'System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule' from assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. Login failed for user ‘domain\servername$’. Follow the steps in: Using Windows Authentication in SQL Causes “Connection to MIS Web Service failed” Message in Aspen Mtell System Manager HTTP Error 500.24 – Internal Server Error Follow the steps in: Aspen Mtell System Manager gives Connection to MIS Web Service failed error Security Exception or Debugging is not supported under current trust level settings Follow the steps in: Server Error in Mtell IIS Pages and Adapters 401 Follow the steps in: Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized when launching Aspen Mtell System Manager 403 Follow the steps in: Error: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden when launching Aspen Mtell System Manager Keywords: MIS Web Service Server Error References: None
Problem Statement: When using Aspen Mtell Alert Manager, you may encounter a scenario where the Dashboard loads fine, but you get a 500 error when trying to navigate to an issue page.
Solution: Navigate to the folder C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Mtell Alert Manager\Logs Open the most recent MAMDataProviderLog file, and check if there are any errors related to redis. You may find messages such as: StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s) StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: No connection is active/available to service this operation Open the Windows Services console and confirm that Redis is running. If it is off, try to start it. If it is on, restart it. Open Alert Manager and check if the error persists. If the error is not resolved, open a command prompt and run the following commands: redis-cli -h -p 6379 ping The ping command will likely give you the following error: “(error) NOAUTH Authentication required.” If so, redis has been configured to require a password when it should not be. To remove the password requirement, go to C:\Program Files\Redis\ and open in a text editor, such as Notepad. Search for a line that begins with “requirepass” Comment this line out by adding a # at the beginning Save the file. It may be necessary to save to another location, like your Desktop, and copy the file back into C:\Program Files\Redis\. Make sure you save with the .conf extension, and not the .txt extension. Restart Redis again in Windows Services Navigate to an issue page in Alert Manager. The issue should be resolved. Keywords: Alert Manager error Cannot view alerts Cannot view issues Cannot view trends Redis error References: None
Problem Statement: When launching Aspen Mtell System Manager, the following error appears. Connection to MIS Web Service failed. [Error: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden] By navigating to http://localhost/AspenTech/AspenMtell/InteropServer/MIMOSA/ on the Mtell server, you can see a more detailed error. HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbidden You have attempted to run a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow executables to run.
Solution: This article outlines the instruction to address IIS Error message 403.1 – Forbidden. This error can result from certain Handler Mappings being disabled in IIS. Follow the below steps to re-enable them. Open IIS Manager In the Connections page on the left, expand the server name, Sites, Default Website, AspenTech, Aspen Mtell, InteropServer Starting at Default Website and working your way down to MIMOSA, click on each level of the hierarchy and open Handler Mappings If the Handler Mappings are mostly enabled, as in the picture below, proceed to the next level of the hierarchy If the Handler Mappings are mostly disabled, as in the picture below, click on Revert to Parent Click Yes to continue You should no longer get the error message upon opening System Manager Keywords: MIS Web Service Error Forbidden IIS Error 403 403.1 References: None
Problem Statement: How to use the SLM Commute Tool for V14.
Solution: The Aspen SLM Commute (SLMCommute.exe) allows the user/client to borrow licenses from a network server. These borrowed, or commuted, licenses allow a client computer to run the licensed product while disconnected from the network without the use of a SLM dongle. Note: You must run Aspen SLM Commute when connected to the License Server network to obtain and verify the licenses required. The commuted time is specified in days, with a maximum of 30 days. The licenses can be returned prior to their expiration date. In order to successfully commute a license, the commutable feature must be activated in the license file. To use the SLM Commute tool: From the Start menu, select aspenONE SLM License Manager Click on Commute to launch the commute tool The license server that was configured in the SLM Configuration Wizard should be listed under the SLM Server(s) column. You can view licenses by product or by server. Click the Licenses by Products tab. You can select one or more licenses under the product. Click the License By Server tab. You choose one or more licenses and the number of licenses you want to check out. In the Days to check out license(s) from server field, enter the number of days you require the license(s).The number of days can be any integer from 1 through 30. Starting in V9, you can now also select the number of tokens to commute based on the licenses chosen. More tokens can be commuted if you plan on using more than one instance at a time. Ex: HYSYS requires 14 tokens for one instance. To open another instance at the same time you will need a total of 28 tokens Then click Commute If the commute is successful, SLMCommute displays the list of commuted licenses. The license or licenses are temporarily released from the server to your hard drive. You can now exit the tool and run your licensed product away from the network. The license will expire automatically at midnight on the last day of your license period. You can return the license before the expiry date. To return the commuted licenses: Select the licenses you will be returning. Click Return or Return All Recommended Practices Make a note of the server names or IP addresses. Always check licenses back in when you reconnect to the network. Take the licenses only for the period that you require. Do not take any more licenses than you need. To maximize the efficiency of your network licenses when commuting Tip: If you find SLM Commute is slow, open a licensed product before running SLM Commute. Keywords: SLM Commute, license, checkout, expire, network, server, tools, V9, V10 References: None
Problem Statement: Error pages display identifying information of server type and version on Tomcat. Knowing server version and type can be used by attackers to identify and target potential vulnerabilities on a server. See the example.
Solution: To remove reporting of error details, server type, and version the following update can be made to the Tomcat configuration. Update the C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\TomcatX.X.X\conf\service.xml to add the following at the end of the “Host” section (i.e. just before the line containing </Host> ) <!-- For increased security, disable showing server info and the report details on the default error page --> <Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve showReport=false showServerInfo=false /> After updating the service.xml file, Apache Tomcat should be restarted from the Windows Services for the change to take effect. The updated error page will just display the HTTP Status line: Keywords: Tomcat Secure A1PE Error page References: None
Problem Statement: In a PCWS operator station, users can modify parameters like the Operator Low and High Limits, as well as the Service Request, which appear in blue font. However, Engineering values like the Engineering and Validity limits or the Engineer Request will remain off-limits for Operators, thus showing an unclickable black font. This is because the Operator and the Engineering roles have specific Read and Write permissions for each DMC3 Built-in Entry. Additionally, users can create User-defined entries with customizable access rights, as outlined in KB 000101281: How to Set a User-Defined Entry as Read-Only for an Engineer Role in PCWS. However, these permissions can solely be configured within the Calculations view of DMC3 Builder. This means we can only modify the editing privileges for User-defined Entries before deploying the controller, but not while it is running. This intentional design choice ensures that less privileged users avoid unintended alterations to tuning parameters or safety limits. Nonetheless, this approach becomes impractical when there's a need to temporarily grant or deny permissions to Operators without stopping and redeploying the controller. In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of building an Engineer-editable switch in PCWS to manage editing rights for the Operator role using DMC3 Calculations and User-Defined Entries.
Solution: We will illustrate the process using an example of building a switch to control the editing permissions for the MV Operator High and Low limits of a DMC3 controller. Part I. Building the Switch through User-Defined Entries and Calculations Open the DMC3 Builder project for the relevant controller. Navigate to the Calculations node and select the 'User Entries' view from the top ribbon. Click on the Independent node from the Variables menu and add the following entries with their respective properties: Name Data Type DefaultIOFlags SecurityAccess OLD_OPHIREQ Double IsTuningValue StandardEntry OLD_OPLOREQ Double IsTuningValue StandardEntry OPHIREQ Double IsInput, IsOperatingValue OperatorEntry OPLOREQ Double IsInput, IsOperatingValue OperatorEntry OPLOCK OnOff IsInput, LogChange, IsOperatingValue EngineerEntry Now select the Inputs view from the top ribbon and add the following calculation (or import it from the attached switch_calc.xml file): ' This calc allows Operator Low and High limit changes based on requested values ' when the switch is in the active state (switch = 1). ' It also ensures that the requested values have changed and that they are ' within a valid limit range. if switch = 1 then if MVLoOpReq <> old_MVLoOpReq then if MVLoOpReq <= MVHiOpReq then if MVLoOpReq >= MVLoEng then MVLoOp = MVLoOpReq old_MVLoOpReq = MVLoOpReq else Message(Requested Low Limit cannot be under Low Engineering Limit) end if else Message(Requested Low Limit cannot be above the requested High Limit) end if end if if MVHiOpReq <> old_MVHiOpReq then if MVHiOpReq >= MVLoOpReq then if MVHiOpReq <= MVHiEng then MVHiOp = MVHiOpReq old_MVHiOpReq = MVHiOpReq else Message(Requested High Limit cannot be above Engineering limits) end if else Message(Requested High Limit cannot be under the requested Low Limit) end if end if end if This calculation allows changes to Operator High and Low limits only if we meet ALL the following criteria: The 'switch' value is On The limit requested by the Operator is Different from the current value Within the Engineering limit range Lower limit requests are under High limit values and vice versa Now map the following variables by dragging from the 'User Entries' menu: Click the 'Apply' button from the top ribbon and save the project. Deploy and Start the controller (no need to turn it on). Now, if you go to a PCWS Operator station, you will notice that the Operator High and Low limits will appear in black font, meaning that the Operator user cannot edit those values: Access the Details page for any MV to view the newly added User entries, including the switch OPLOCK, displayed in black font, editable only by the Engineer user: IMPORTANT NOTE: Manually set the initial values for Operator High and Low limit requests (OPHIREQ and OPLOREQ user-defined entries) to match the actual MV limits before turning the Operator switch (OPLOCK) On. Part II. Testing the Switch Changing Operator limit requests with the switch Off will not overwrite actual Operator limits: Turning the switch On from the PCWS Engineer machine triggers changes to the actual Operator limits: Confirm the updated values on the Operator station for the corresponding MV: With the switch On, send new Operator Limit values through the OPHIREQ and OPLOREQ entries: Part III (Optional). Setting up the Switch and Limit Request Values as PCWS Columns You can follow the steps in KB 000099970: How to add User Defined Entries as PCWS columns to display the switch and the limit request values as columns in the PCWS interface. For simplicity, you can go to C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\APC\Web Server\Products\APC, make a backup of the apc.user.display.config file (if there is one) and replace it with the attached template for this example. If necessary, customize the config file using Notepad. And finally, restart the Aspen APC Web Provider Data Service. After performing these steps, this is how the Operator station should look: And this is how it should look from the Engineer machine: In summary, thisSolution allows dynamic control over access rights without needing to halt and redeploy the controller. Users can mimic these steps to effectively manage editing permissions for different parameters as required. This ensures an adaptableSolution for tailored control over editing privileges in diverse operational scenarios. Keywords: Lock MV Limit, Editing Permissions, Parameter Access Control, Operator High and Low Limits, Read and Write Permissions, Dynamic Access Rights References: None
Problem Statement: How do I modify the user account for common ABE services on the Enterprise server?
Solution: Common services like AspenTechSystemAgentServicexxx, AZxxxBroker, RabbitMQ, and ABEAppPool must be operational for ABE to work on an Enterprise server. Note: xxx stands for ABE version. For instance, it is 380 for V12, 400 for V14, and 402 for V14.2. The steps to modify these accounts are described below: Open Services Right click on the Service that you would like to modify and select Properties (RabitMQ in this case) In the Log On tab, enter or modify the account information then click Apply Restart the Service after modify the user account Same thing can be done with AspenTechSystemAgentServicexxx and AZxxxBroker A different procedure is used to modify the account for ABEAppPool, kindly review the following steps: Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Under Application Pools, select ABEAppPool and click on Advanced Settings... Select Identity row and click on the ... Select Set and enter the domain name\username and password, then click OK Click on Recycle... to restart the service Keywords: Aspen Basic Engineer, ABE services References: None
Problem Statement: During troubleshooting for issues with Aspen software, like aspenONE Process Explorer or AFW Security Manager, you find this DCOM error message in Windows Event Viewer: The server {F4B466E7-0001-11D4-828F-00C04F12B1D3} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
Solution: The CLSID: F4B466E7-0001-11D4-828F-00C04F12B1D3 is for the AfwAuthorizationSvc, and you may find that restarting the AFW Security Client Service temporarily resolves the issue(s) you were experiencing. This means you have registered both the 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions of the AFW Security Client Service simultaneously, which is NOT allowed. You can confirm this by checking the registry for the AFW Security Client Service CLSID: 64FDADF2-1670-4AC4-B8C6-FE96E64FE038. HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{64FDADF2-1670-4AC4-B8C6-FE96E64FE038} HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{64FDADF2-1670-4AC4-B8C6-FE96E64FE038} If both above registry locations exist, you’ll need to follow the steps from this KB article #74941 to unregister the 32-bit and 64-bit AFW Security Client Service, and re-register just one of the services: AFW Security Client Service did not install or Object variable or With block variable not set error Keywords: AFW DCOM Timeout AfwAuthorizationSvc AfwSecCliSvc References: None
Problem Statement: Is it possible to access the plex in a Calculator block?
Solution: Yes, it is possible. The common should be accessed via an include statement in the Declaration sheet of the Fortran block. For example: F{5 spaces}#include dms_plex.cmn The documentation about the system commons is in our User Models reference manual, Appendix A, Common Blocks and Accessing Component Data. Examples of the Fortran code are included. Below are two examples of items to access in the Aspen Plus commons: (The file used to illustrate these two examples is attached.) 1. How do you access pure component molecular weights? The Molecular Weight is stored in the labeled common DMS_PLEX. Each type of data occupies a contiguous area within the Plex. Accessing component data in the Plex is discussed on page A-11 of the User Models Keywords: Fortran inline in-line common plex References: Manual. The example code for accessing Molecular Weight is on page A-14. In general, if you want to access a physical property parameter in a Fortran block, it is easier to access them in a define statement without going to the plex. e.g. DEFINE MWH2 UNARY-PARAM VARIABLE=MW ID1=H2 ID2=1 2. How do you access pure component names? The pure component formula is stored in the FRMULA data area. This is described with an example of the code on page A-11 of the above mentioned manual. The component ID is stored in the IDSCC data area. This is described, again with an example of the code, on page A-12. There are also Utility subroutines that can be used to access the sequence number of a component. These utility subroutines are described in Chapter 4 or the User Models Reference Manual. Example Code Below is the input language for the Fortran block: FORTRAN REP-STRM f #include dms_plex.cmn f #include ppexec_user.cmn F dimension b(1) F equivalence (b(1), ib(1)) F integer dms_ifcmnc, dms_kformc c declare variables F integer i, lmw, lmwi, lfrmul, li, lidscc F real*8 xmw c DEFINE MWC1 UNARY-PARAM VARIABLE=MW ID1=C1 ID2=1 c c print out molecular weight of methane C c get the sequence number for methane F i=dms_kformc('CH4') F write(nterm,*) 'Component number =',i F lmw=dms_ifcmnc('mw') F lmwi=lmw+i F xmw=b(lmwi) F write(nterm,*)'Molecular weight of methane from plex',xmw F write(nterm, *)'Molecular weight of methane from define',mwc1 c print out the formula F lfrmul=dms_ifcmnc('frmula') F li=lfrmul+3*(i-1) F write(nterm, '(6x, a, 3a4)') 'Formula =',(ib(li+j), j=1,3) c print out id F lidscc=dms_ifcmnc('idscc') F li=lidscc+2*(i-1) F write(nterm, '(6x, a, 3a4)') 'Component =',(ib(li+j), j=1,2) EXECUTE LAST
Problem Statement: APC Gateway is a new feature to facilitate the communication between Aspen DMC3 controllers and other Aspen APC products like Aspen IQ, as well as Aspen GDOT applications, without the need of using an intermediate point for it (e.g. DCS, Aspen InfoPlus.21, etc.). More information about this feature and the configuration guide can be found on KB 000101374. When testing an APC Gateway connection, either on the Deployment node of DMC3 Builder or on the native APC Gateway Tester application, users may encounter a DNS re
Solution: error like the following: Status(StatusCode=Unavailable, Detail=DNS reSolution failed for service: servername:port, DebugException=Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {created:@1704904979.928000000,description:Resolver transient failure,file:..\..\..\src\core\ext\filters\client_channel\,file_line:1361,referenced_errors:[{created:@1704904979.928000000,description:DNS reSolution failed for service: SERVERNAME:PORT,file:..\..\..\src\core\ext\filters\client_channel\resolver\dns\c_ares\,file_line:362,grpc_status:14,referenced_errors:[{created:@1704904979.928000000,description:C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=SERVERNAME is_balancer=0: Domain name not found,file:..\..\..\src\core\ext\filters\client_channel\resolver\dns\c_ares\,file_line:724,referenced_errors:[{created:@1704904979.927000000,description:C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=APCV14.CORP.ASPENTECH.COM is_balancer=0: Domain name not found,file:..\..\..\src\core\ext\filters\client_channel\resolver\dns\c_ares\,file_line:724}]}]}]}) Solution This error indicates a DNS reSolution issue with the domain. The message Domain name not found suggests the DNS server couldn't find an IP address associated with the domain. Follow these steps to resolve the issue: 1. Open Notepad with administrative rights. 2. Edit the “hosts” file located under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. 3. Add a line including the IP address and the fully qualified domain name of your APC Gateway server: 4. Ensure the domain name in the hosts file matches the APC Gateway Host Name configured in Configure Online Server: After making these changes, test the APC Gateway connection. It should now be successful without encountering the DNS reSolution failure. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please reach out for assistance by opening a support case or sending an email to Keywords: APCGateway, DNS re References: None
Problem Statement: Sometimes, under certain scenarios, the AspenONE Process Explorer (A1PE) Administrator may need to prevent some users or a group of users from accessing the A1PE website. To do this you can use the Authorization Rules in the Process Explorer app in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Solution: In the Internet Information Services Manager, go to the Process Explorer application and click in Authorization Rules: If you do not see Authorization Rules, open Server Manager -> Add roles and Features -> check URL Authorization under Web Server / Security. Then, start adding the users or user groups and Deny or Allow rules as needed. By default, all active directory users will have access to the Process Explorer app. When clicking in Add Allow Rule... or Add Deny Rule... you can select to add the specific users or groups of users that want to be added into the Authentication Rule. Once you are done click on OK. After adding the appropriate rules, the users will be prompted for credentials while trying to access the A1PE website. NOTE: This is just a security level to access the A1PE website and it will not prevent users from performing some actions such as writing values into a tag in Aspen InfoPlus.21 Keywords: a1PE Access aspenONE Process Explorer a1PE Security References: None
Problem Statement: Aspen HYSYS-METTE Link Extension
Solution: The HYSYS-METTE Link is a HYSYS extension that is used to create links between Aspen HYSYS and Aspen METTE. Aspen METTE is a powerful platform for performing thermo-hydraulic calculations used in the upstream oil and gas industry. The extension allows you to link a product stream from METTE into HYSYS, with pressure passing from HYSYS to METTE. You can also select a reference stream to update composition based on the phase flow. Injection streams going from HYSYS to METTE can be linked as well. Flowrate and temperature are sent to METTE in this case. Pressure may be sent to METTE or received from METTE, depending on if it is set on the linked HYSYS stream. Please see attachments. Most recent update: Jan 2024 Keywords: METTE, HYSYS, Link, Extension, version References: None
Problem Statement: It’s critical to make sure that refinery planning models are accurate and in sync with changes in operating conditions or catalysts. However, updating planning models requires extensive effort and time due to complex and segmented workflows and lack of collaboration between planners and process engineers. Many refineries are dependent on external consultants — thereby hindering regular updates and leading to lost profits. Using the templates provided in this example, process engineers or planners can leverage the automated and streamlined Planning Model Update (PMU) workflow powered by Aspen HYSYS to update refinery Planning models.
Solution: Leverage the new Excel based workflow to update FCC, Reformer, and Hydrocracker PIMS sub-models. Use the Blank templates attached to Obtain plant data, Calibrate/Tune the rigorous reactor model to match plant data, then Validate model predictions. These templates can be used to create LP base and shift vectors and Update LP sub model. This also allows users to Track the HYSYS and LP model predictions closely against the Plant Data giving a Comprehensive view of Plant Data vs Rigorous Model Prediction vs LP Prediction. For more details on the workflow of using a pre-configured Excel PMU template and pre-configured HYSYS model, use this link. ( If you are interested in the Aspen Hybrid Models for Planning, please use this link. ( Keywords: Aspen Petroleum Refining, HYSYS, PIMS, Planning Model, FCC, Reformer, Hydrocracker, Rigorous Reactors, Refining Reactors References: None
Problem Statement: What option to be followed to model the effect of fire on high water percentage systems?
Solution: Below are some suggested approaches to deal with presence of water in Blowdown Analysis tool 1. User can ignore the presence of water and consider hydrocarbon, however this will lead to an overconservative result and oversized blowdown system. 2. If you model water as a component under component mapping, water is accounted but water is considered as miscible with hydrocarbons and it may cause issues with blowdown flash calculations. 3. If you try to model water as Global free water phase, in case of simple fire method; API heat flux is not applied to water phase which would lead to incorrect results. However you can consider global free water and switch from simple fire to Stefan-Boltzman fire, which accounts radiative heat flux and can be applied to entire vessel irrespective of liquid or aqueous phase. With adjusted values for Stefan-Boltzman you should be able to match simple fire Heat flux. Note: Blowdown algorithm is not intended for high water % systems and there is a chance you might have convergence issues. Please refer to KB articles below adiabatic and fire scenarios: Water presence in the BLOWDOWN Analysis tool in Aspen HYSYS V9 and V10: How to handle water presence in Blowdown analysis tool for fire scenario: Keywords: Blowdown, High water percentage, Stefan-Boltzman fire References: None
Problem Statement: Which method to be followed to handle significant amount of water in Blowdown fire case scenario?
Solution: Please refer to the attachment for available options and considerations to handle the presence of water in Blowdown fire case scenarios Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: Aspen Flare System Analyzer values for some cases are different while accessing shared files from other regions. How do I fix this issue?
Solution: Please follow the below steps: 1. Close all the Aspen Flare System Analyzer files 2. In the search box next to Start on the taskbar, type control panel. Select Control Panel from the list of results. 3. Open control panel, Go to : Clock and Region > Region > Additional settings > Swap Decimal Symbol with Digit Grouping symbol 4. Apply settings after swapping the decimals and thousands, 5. Open the Aspen Flare System Analyzer to verify the changes Keywords: Comma, Decimals, AFSA, System separators References: None
Problem Statement: How do I troubleshoot the enthalpy related consistency errors when using the CPA (Cubic-Plus-Association) fluid package in Aspen HYSYS?
Solution: At certain conditions you may experience the enthalpy related consistency error with the CPA fluid package. This consistency error occurs when there is a large change in PH (Pressure Enthalpy) flash than predicted in the initialization steps. If the enthalpy vs temperature of the mixture is not steep enough around theSolution, the resulting temperature may not coincide with the temperature of the TP (Temperature Pressure) flash within the consistency tolerance specified. If this (consistency error) occurs it is recommended to tighten the flash tolerance from the default value of 1E-4. You can try with smaller tolerances such as 1E-6, 1E-7 or even 1E-8. This flash tolerance input can be found in the Stab Test page of fluid package. This should eliminate the enthalpy related consistency errors when using the CPA package. Keywords: CPA (Cubic-Plus-Association), Consistency Errors, Flash Tolerance References: None
Problem Statement: When running IQconfig, error message Error running Aspen Calc module is displayed when clicking on the Edit Calculation button. This error occurs with machine installed with Aspen Calc.
Solution: If possible, please apply the latest cumulative patches. * For Vista machine * This may be related to CQ00377502 - which was addressed in Aspen Advanced Control Products aspenONE V7.1 Cumulative Patch1. Suggested Troubleshooting Steps Check that AFW is working e.g. start AFW Security Manager. Check if Aspen Calc is installed and functioning: Close all IQconfig.exe sessions. Open Services Control Panel (services.msc) and verify if AspenTech Calculator Engine service is running. If it is not running, start it. If it doesn't stay running, please verify that the service' Log On As account is still valid. Start Aspen Calc application. If Aspen Calc application does not start, please re-install. Once it started, please create a new calculation. The purpose is to identify if the Calculation Wizard starts. If you encounter an error when doing this, please check if your logon account is included in (a) Distributed COM Users; or (b) granted DCOM permissions. See kb 123261 for more information. Start IQconfig and try to edit the calculation. If it fails, please proceed to the next step. Check related Aspen Calc dlls used by IQconfig: Close all IQconfig.exe sessions. Ensure that you are logon with administrative privilege. Open CMD console. Enter these commands to register the following files: regsvr32.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\AtAppCalcWiz.dll regsvr32.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\atac_AspenCalcWrapper.dll Start IQconfig and try to edit the calculation. If it fails, please proceed to the next step. Please send to the following data: Screen capture of your error message. Aspen Calc error log - C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Calc\Log\AspenCalcMessageLog.txt. Use Process Monitor and submit the information to Download and install the latest process monitor from sysinternals ( Close IQconfig.exe. Start Process Monitor. Press CTRL+E and CTRL+X to stop and clear all events. Open IQconfig.exe and navigate to this screen. Do not click on the <Edit Calculation> button. Switch back to the Process Monitor and press CTRL+E to start capturing events. Switch back to the IQconfig.exe and click on the <Edit Calculation>. The error message will pop up. Switch back to the Process Monitor and press CTRL+E to stop event capturing. Save all events and file as PML format. Save the Windows\Application, System and Security event logs as evt formats. Keywords: AspenCalc References: None
Problem Statement: Messages in the Control Panel and History file do not have units. H How do I know what units are used? Are they the units specified for the simulation? Can I change these units? e.g. SEVERE ERROR FLASH CALCULATIONS BYPASSED DUE TO UNREASONABLE SPECIFICATIONS. SPECIFIED TEMPERATURE (4.0000) IS LESS THAN THE LOWER LIMIT (10.0000). However sometimes there are units noted, e.g. * WARNING CHOKING CONDITION REACHED IN PIPELINE. CURRENT LENGTH= 5.613708D+02 FT TOTAL LENGTH= 1.049869D+04 FT PRES= 8.710520D+01 PSIA TEMP= 1.475600D+02 F MACH #= 1.027099D+00
Solution: The units of measure of the values in the warning and error messages in the Control Panel (.cpm) or History (.his) files are in SI units unless specified. In the first message above, the Temperature units are Kelvin (K). The units of measure in the messages cannot be changed. The Global Unit Set for the simulation are used for the Stream and Block results on the forms. Keywords: None References: : VSTS 1138074
Problem Statement: How to Activate Aspen Utilities Planner-Excel Add In
Solution: For the versions before V12, please review the KB Article: 000061797 For versions V12 and latter, follow these steps to activate the Utilities Planner-Excel Add in: Open the Windows Start menu Select the folder >Aspen Engineering Tools> Select Aspen Excel Add-In Manager and mark the checkbox of Aspen Utilities V12/V12.1/V14. To check that the add-in has been added correctly, follow these instructions: Open a new Excel blank file and go to File > Options Select Add-Ins > Manage: COM Add-Ins > Go After this, select the checkbox of the Aspen Utilities and this will complete the activation of Aspen Utilities planner Excel Add-in. Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: What are some things to check when Aspen Plus is crashing?
Solution: Below are a list of things to check and to send to Aspen Technology. Is the issue for one file or for all files? Is the issue reproducible? Is there a log file? The log files should be in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\AspenTech\Aspen Plus V1x.x. The AppData folder might be hidden on the customer's computer. If this is the case, just copy C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\AspenTech\Aspen Plus V1x.x and paste it into Windows File Explorer. Replace UserName with the real user name. After the crash happens, go to this folder and select the latest log file in this folder. We suggest deleting all existing log files before trying to reproduce the crash. Has the latest Cumulative Patch been installed? Have any Emergency Patches been installed? Run set version utility: Does Aspen Properties and Hysys have the same issue? Do they both run? Please see if there is any anti-malware or virus scanner software installed on the machine. If there is any, you can try disabling that software temporarily and rerunning Aspen Plus to try out. Once confirmed the issue is with that, you can try to whitelist the Aspen Plus directories in them and re-enable it. Is an English operating system used or is there a localized version? Check if the issue still happen when using English settings. Check how the file is opened. There are multiple ways to open a file. -Open Aspen Plus, then from File | Open open a file. -Double click a bkp and open a file. -Open a file from a network drive (if using this approach, use local drive to test instead.) Do all methods crash? All methods will require write access to the working directory. Copy this example bkp to a local folder with write access. C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus V12.1\GUI\Examples\Bulk Chemical\pfdtut.bkp try both ways to open the file. see if it makes any difference. Check using Admin rights. Right click to launch Aspen Plus with admin rights if possible. Confirm if engine runs ok: Copy this file to a new folder. C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus V1x.x\Favorites\testprob.inp Launch Customize Aspen Plus V1x.x from windows start menu, it will launch a command window. Navigate to the folder. enter aspen testprop.inp then hit enter When done, it should have something like this. please confirm if you see this too. If there is something different, e.g. pop up error, screenshot the command window. Also zip entire working directory and send it over. Validate Fortran runtime libraries. If using roaming user profiles try changing the working directory. See Knowledge Document 101890 for details. Turn on UI full log. This is done by creating a new shortcut to AspenPlus.exe, placing it on the desktop and editing its Properties by adding the text /full_log to the Target line as shown below: C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus Vxx.x\GUI\Xeq\AspenPlus.exe /full_log Sent the log file found in the following directory: C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\AspenTech\Aspen Plus Vxx.x If the Aspen Plus engine works in the previous step, and other items doesn't help to narrow down the issue install procmon and save and send the log (it will be large). Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: By default, Aspen ProMV uses APM site licensing. If you have MSC tokens you would like to use for ProMV, follow the steps below. MSC token licensing is only compatible with ProMV V12.0.5 and up.
Solution: Open the Aspen ProMV License Declaration Utility as an administrator from the Windows Start menu Select the option MSC and click OK For ProMV Online users, it is necessary to restart IP.21 after making this change Open Aspen Infoplus.21 Manager Click START InfoPlus.21 and then Yes Aspen ProMV will now be set up and configured to use MSC tokens Troubleshooting Common Errors License checkout failed. There was a problem in getting the license SLM_RN_APM_PROMV_STD Cause: Aspen ProMV is looking for the corresponding APM license, but it could not be found. If you are expecting Aspen ProMV to work with MSC tokens, then this is due to not having Aspen ProMV configured to use the MSC tokens.Solution Follow the above steps to switch to using MSC token licensing. License checkout failed. There was a problem in getting the license: SLM_RN_APM_PMVT Cause: Aspen ProMV is looking for the MSC token license, but it could not be found. If you are expecting Aspen ProMV to work with MSC tokens, then this is due to 1) not having the updated MSC license file, or 2) not pointing to the proper SLM Server.Solution In the machine where Aspen ProMV is installed, open aspenONE SLM License Manager Click on License Profiler Select the license server in the dropdown Click on Load Information button Check that the next licenses appear in the table: SLM_RN_APM_PMVT SLM_RN_APM_PMVT_BATT If you are using ProMV Online, also check for: SLM_RN_APM_PMV_ON_CONR SLM_RN_APM_PMV_ON_BATR SLM_RN_APM_PMV_ON_VIEWR If these licenses do not appear, you need to add the proper SLM Server with them, or get the updated MSC license file (contact CS&T or your SAM). Keywords: Aspen ProMV License Declaration Utility ProMV MSC token license References: None
Problem Statement: When and how to use Project-Wide Run Schedule in Aspen OnLine?
Solution: You can use Project-Wide Run Schedule if you want to: Schedule Equation Oriented (EO) or Real-time Optimization (RTO) model to reproduce the behavior of previous versions (V11 or older) running EO models whenever a steady state was reached. Schedule Sequential Modular (SM) model runs to occur sequentially, and optionally dependent on another run completing successfully, instead of each model being run independently at pre-set times. This is useful when you have two identical models for calibration and optimization, respectively. This document shows two examples of using a Project-Wide Run Schedule in Aspen OnLine. Keywords: Aspen OnLine, Run Schedule, Project-wide References: None
Problem Statement: Is there a troubleshooting guide for Aspen OnLine?
Solution: This document summarizes procedures for resolving the problems you may encounter while using Aspen OnLine. Please download the attached PDF document with some tips for troubleshooting issues related to Aspen OnLine. Keywords: Aspen OnLine, troubleshooting guide, AOL References: None
Problem Statement: Jump Start Guide - Installation and Configuration of Cim-IO for Aspen OnLine and ADSA for Plant Data
Solution: This document describes the digital twinSolutions, their use cases and recommended architecture. It summarizes the step-by-step procedure for installing and configuring: Cim-IO interface, Cim-IO client, Process Data Server and Aspen Data Source Architecture (ADSA). In addition, it covers the steps for verifying data access via: Cim-IO Test API, Aspen OnLine, Plant Data feature in Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS. Keywords: Aspen OnLine, ADSA, Plant Data, Cim-IO References: None
Problem Statement: Example: Creating a Case Study in Aspen HYSYS analyzing how to vary the mass flow.
Solution: The Case Study tool allows you to monitor the steady state response of key process variables to other changes in your process. It contains built-in reporting tools to easily present your results in tabular or graphical formats. In this example, a recombination of test separator data creates a crude oil stream that is mixed with a light gas stream to recreate a source production fluid. This fluid is then sent to two stages of separation so that the gas and liquids are separated at two different pressure levels. To create the Case Study follow the steps: Click the Case Studies button in the Home tab of the HYSYS ribbon or from the Navigation Pane select the Case Studies folder and click the add button. On the Case Study form, select the Variables Selection tab. In the Independent Variables section, click the Find Variables button. Note: Dependent variables are calculated by HYSYS and are shown in black numbers and the independent variables are specified by the user and are shown in blue numbers. The Variable Navigator view appears, allowing you to select from the Input variables. Select HP Gas | Pressure and click Add to add the variable. Then click Done to close the window. In the Dependent Variables section, click the Find Variables button. Select HP Gas| Mass Flow and click Add. Note: You can add more than one dependent variable and edit the current values for each variable in the Current Values column. You should now have the variables listed in the Case Study, the first one being an Independent variable, and the second as Dependent. In the Case Study Setup Tab, you can define the calculation states of your independent variable you wish to manipulate. In this case, HP Gas Pressure is the independent variable and it will be evaluated over the following range: Independent Variable Value Start 2068 kPa (300 psia) End 3447 kPa (500 psia) Step Size 344.7 kPa (50 psi) On the Case Study Setup tab of the Case Study form, from the Case Study Type drop-down list, select Nested and then click the Run button to calculate the Case Study. After the Case Study runs, you can click on the Results tab to view the tabular results of the Case Study. Select the Plots tab to view a graphical representation of the results. Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: Customer recently reported a memory issue with an executable which is part of the Aspen Production Record Manager (APRM) product group. They had recently upgraded from aspenONE V9.1 to V14. They had been using APRM and the Batch Conversion Utility (BCU) since before V7.3 and they had never seen this problem before. It seemed that the Aspen Production Record Manager Services (Batch21Services.exe) Windows service had very high memory usage. High CPU usage may have also been related. They needed to reboot the APRM server (or restart the APRM service) every week or else the memory used by the process would get very large. After restarting Batch21Services.exe, it would start at 250MB but periodically jump and grow to 1.6GB+. This article describes the result of the investigation.
Solution: Aspentech tried to reproduce the problem using the BCU and populating over 30,000 subbatch instances. No extreme growth in memory was observed. Nevertheless, it was noted that our testing was done using Microsoft SQL Server. Customer proactively patched the Oracle client to see if perhaps the Oracle OLEDB Provider was causing the memory leak. After patching, they saw the Batch21Services.exe memory only fluctuate in the 85-110MB range. This was compared to before applying the Oracle patch where they could only reprocess a few days worth of data before the memory grew to 1GB+. The aspenONE V14 Platform Support simply indicates support for “Oracle Client 19.x 64-bit”. After this investigation, it appears to be proven that you should not use just any 19.x version of the client, somewhere between version 19.3 and 19.20, a significant memory leak was fixed, likely the following issue: - 19c ODBC Driver Cause Memory Leak When Connecting to 19c DB (Doc ID 2765825.1) In detail, customer patched the default Oracle 19c (19.3) client using Oracle Patch 35348034 “Microsoft Windows 32-Bit & x86-64 Bundle Patch”. This patch was current as of October 2023. Because APRM is 64-bit, they were using the 64-bit Oracle client and had to apply the 64-bit patch. The client patch also required that they obtain Patch 6880880 to get a newer version of the 64-bit OPatch patching utility. OPatch is what actually installs the files from the client patch. Thanks for identifyingSolution goes to: Leonard Clark, Cornerstone Controls. Keywords: recommendation performance crash References: None
Problem Statement: Getting main_2014.mdf could not be load while launching EDR. We also see the case such as Aspen plus V14.x stuck at start up, and get similar EDR error after some while.
Solution: 1- Please make sure main_2014.mdf is there at C:\ProgramData\AspenTech\Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating V14.0\Administrator (Administrator is the current username) 2- Please run command prompt as administrator, and execute below command sqlcmd -S (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB -q select name from sys.databases In a working environment, you will get this results. In a non-working environment, you may get this results. 3- Execute the follow command one by one: sqllocaldb stop MSSQLLocalDB sqllocaldb delete MSSQLLocalDB sqllocaldb create MSSQLLocalDB 4- Execute the command in point 2 again to see if you can get good results. 5- Launch EDR to verify Key Words: main_2014.mdf not be loaded stuck Keywords: None References: None
Problem Statement: While installing aspenONE V14.x, you may get Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Custom action ExitIfUnsupportedOS script error -2147221020.
Solution: Please follow below steps to prevent this error message: 1- copy the installation files to the local computer 2- Replace the aspenONEEngineeringV14_x64.msi with the one in the attachment 3- You should not see this error if you try to install aspen again. Note: You will find aspenONEEngineeringV14_x64.msi and aspenONEEngineeringV14.2_x64.msi in the attachment only. If you are using any other media, please ask for the related msi file from AspenTech support team. Key Words: 1720 -2147221020 msi Keywords: None References: None