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Dark threats from Daily Mail after I dare to complain about one of their articles Daily Mail, open government, unemployment (not satire – it's the UK press!) Surprise surprise. The Daily Mail have written to me rejecting my complaint that they bullied and smeared two young children – and revealed their identities – in one of their articles. You can see my original letter of complaint here: Complaint to Paul Dacre chair of press code about Paul Dacre Daily Mail editor In fact, the Daily Mail's so-called Readers' Editor was so outraged that I had actually dared to complain about one of their articles that he or she threatened me that I was being "defamatory": "Your claims that the parents referred to in the article had been 'targeted', 'tricked' and told 'lies' by journalists at The Mail Online are untrue, unsubstantiated and defamatory." DEFAMATORY: damaging the good reputation of someone; slanderous or libellous. In other words – dare to complain to us about one of our articles and we might sue you. So you'd better shut the f*ck up. Sorry. Not much chance of that I'm afraid. Here's the full letter from the Readers Editor: Dear Mr Pride Your letter to Paul Dacre about an article on Mail Online headlined: The perfect family Christmas…. on BENEFITS: couple out of work for five years spend £1,500 on gifts and food – including TVs for their two children's bedroom walls' has been passed to us in the Corrections department. While we are sorry to learn that you were offended by the article, we see no merit in the points you raise. For your information, the article was syndicated to Mail Online by a reputable news agency after a version of it had appeared in The Sun newspaper on Saturday 29 November. Mail Online uploaded their version during the early hours of Sunday 30 November. It was removed on Monday morning following a request from the news agency (because of a problem over the syndication). It did not appear in the Daily Mail newspaper. We have no reason to believe that article contained inaccuracies and we believe that the couple featured had co-operated with the news agency reporter who interviewed them and had been happy to pose for photographs. Contrary to your claims, the children's faces were properly pixelated by Mail Online. No one's privacy was compromised since there was consent to publication. There was similarly no breach of Clause 6 of the Editors' Code because the parents clearly gave their consent to the photographs of the children. In any event, as I have explained, the article appeared only briefly on the Mail Online website and there are no plans to republish. Your assertion that the Daily Mail and Mail Online has 'bullied struggling British families' and 'will continue to do so' is rejected. The Readers Editor At least I know now why some people on their payroll have been so keen to find out my real identity recently. Please feel free to share. And comment. The Coalition Government Colouring and Activity Book is now available for download as a PDF and in print: 26 thoughts on "Dark threats from Daily Mail after I dare to complain about one of their articles" Fiona Ambrose said: Hmmm….I wonder how DMGT would take to someone exposing the story of one of their senior executives fired ( within living memory…) for inappropriate behaviour/sexual harassment….begs a thought or two eh? aturtle05 said: Tell them your name is Paul Dacre, that'll confuse them! thelovelywibblywobblyoldlady said: Well done Tom … they don't like it up 'em do they! Pingback: Complaint to Paul Dacre chair of press code about Paul Dacre Daily Mail editor | Pride's Purge Pingback: Dark threats from Daily Mail after I dare to complain about one of their articles | Alternative News Network I dont want to know your real identity , i prefer the fake one What is it with the Faily Hate ? Why on earth a family of " greedy scroungers " would " happily co operate" and smile for the camera is way beyond me .. Why doea.the Daily Hate think think this shit is newsworthy anyway ? why not do a story on a smug tax avoider or lord fleecing the country for a few million quid instead ? stilloaks said: Sounds to me like you have rattled them Tom Pride. Nice, very, very, nice! GuinnessGary said: Such bad grammar from a "Readers Editor" – whatever the fuck that is. Cooperate is one word you clown. Also, stating that the article was previously published by The Sun as if to make out that all is therefore legit is just beyond belief. I hate these people. Keep up the good work Mr Pride. Guinnessgary A6er said: l8in said: R Wood said: Tom, being accused of defamation by the "Daily Mail" is almost a badge of honour! Hugh said: Not up to your normal standard. The poor grammar is yours – how can you be "threatened with being defamatory"? There isn't an atom of a threat in their letter. futureindoubt said: "We have no reason to believe that article contained inaccuracies and we believe that the couple featured had co-operated with the news agency reporter who interviewed them and had been happy to pose for photographs." Except the article was a fabrication (seemingly admitted by the Sun*) and the family in question were told the story was a light-hearted one about "Providing a Good Christmas on a Low Income." So instead of being pulled for being a sack of lying propaganda, it was because of legal reasons. I feel dirty for researching this case but wanted to see the other side since newspaper stories tend to be made up rubbish designed to ruin their targets (unless it's a paid puff piece/ideological hero). I had a personal case once where the press (all of them) lied and demonized a friend of mine by making out they were a drug dealer. *Apologies if actually eventually received, mean fuck all, they got what they wanted which was their 2 minutes of hate. Getting a response from the Chief Whip – proves you've rattled the correct cages! Keep it up Tom xx I dislike newspaper articles and tv programmes designed to stir up hatred of the unemployed. The way the economy is being run there is going to be plenty more of them. More automation in supermarkets etc, more robots, more zero hour contracts if you`re lucky. Instead of envying the unemployed their leisure – that`s when they`re not fulfilling their requirement to job search for jobs that don`t exist – people should focus their attention on the few percent at the top of the social hierarchy who are the ones creating the problem. This is the sequel to the letter Mr Pride wrote a few days ago to the Daily Mail complaining that they had not taken sufficient steps to protect the identities of the two children featured in a grotty story about 'benefit scroungers' spending £1,500 on Christmas. Despite the Mail's justification for the article – that it was passed on to them by the Sun – one of the commenters on this piece, Futureindoubt, provides a bit of further background to the story, which makes it even more shabby and deceptive. According to this commenter, the story is a fabrication, and the couple featured in it were tricked into believing that it would be 'a light-hearted one' on 'providing a good Christmas on a low income'. This explains why the Daily Mail is touchy about an article which was, from its origins, mendacious. romeorites said: "we believe that the couple featured had co-operated with the news agency reporter who interviewed them" In other words, we havent a clue whether they knew or even agreed to anything we were planning to do. Its hard enough for struggling families without bile and judgement from the Daily Hate and I fail to see how this "article" is in the public interest, especially when its clear motivation is to shame those who are trying just to live their lives as best as they can. Keep rattling cages my dear fellow 🙂 buttercupvn1978 said: Reblogged this on i wish i was tulip o'hare. Steve Cheney said: I hate to say this, but I can see their point. Not that it justifies their reaction, but they are basically saying that Mail journalists didn't write the article, so the fact that it was bullshit isn't their fault. The fact that they printed it should bother them, but no one expects them to feel remorse for that kind of thing. Muldvarp said: Dark threats? I can't see any in the reply from the Daily Mail. It looks like a reasonable response to a rather dubious complaint. If Sun journalists misled this family in order to get a story then surely that's a matter for the family to complain to the Sun about, and to make it public only if they wish to. I don't see what it's got to do with either the Daily Mail or Tom Pride. It's not as if there's a shortage of appalling journalism which IS the Daily Mail's fault! The Thin Controller said: It is impossible to defame the Daily Heil. Everyone hates them already, so it is not possible to reduce their reputation any further. jeremy said: very personal – the Readers Editor – no name, no blame – the Mail is shit made manifest. Still get same reaction no matter which newspaper you write to – the Guardian are exemplorary in their defence of all that they do and let you know in no uncertain terms that you are a fucking idiot and they are class!! British media – part of the establishment with no desire to leave Reblogged this on markcatlin3695's Blog. jeremy said: December 10, 2014 at 7:58 pm "very personal – the Readers Editor – no name, no blame" Quid pro quo. Tom Pride apparently didn't use his real name either.
a large mezzanine, allowing relaxation, both sporty and distractive or relaxing with its large sofa, large screen and fitness equipment (see photos). the house is located in the middle of oaks and without any opposite, and also allows, given its situation, to go hiking without taking the car. The house is spacious and very 'airy', it easily allows two families to spend good times together and at the same time keep a little privacy when the need arises. The garden allows children to have good ball games, and for adults a game of petanque between two dives in the pool. Sheets and towels are provided, and for your rest to be complete, we included in the rent the end-of-stay cleaning service (within reasonable limits, depending on everyone's knowledge) by a specialized company, which guarantees the impeccable cleanliness of the premises when you enter the rental.
Time to set my reading and blogging goals for this year. I have been thinking about them a lot over the last few weeks and have some ideas but to be honest, most of the goals that I will be setting this year will be very similar to the ones that I have had in the last couple of years, mainly because these seem to be working for me. Read 200 books - Last year I read more than 290 books which is the most I have read in a single year, and the year before it was 220. For the last few years, I have set my goal as being 150 books but it seems clear that amount is way below my natural reading level so I have changed it to 200 for this year. Read 10 books that I owned as at 31 December 2012 - Every year I read less books that I own than come into my house. This is my attempt to try to make sure that I read at least a few that have been on my shelves for a while. Read more Australian authors - This is one of the goals that I set every year and in the preceding years I would be pleased that I read 10-15. Last year, thanks predominantly to the Australian Women Writer's Challenge, I read more than 40. I am hoping to have another great year focused on Aussie authors this year. In addition to the challenge I just mentioned I am also participating in the Aussie Author challenge, which I will use to focus on male Australian authors and I have chosen to adapt the Historical Fiction challenge so that only Australian historical fiction counts! I am also contemplating trying to read the inaugural Stella Prize shortlist when it is announced in March. Read some classics - A few years ago I aimed to read Dorothy Dunnett, and didn't manage to even crack open a book, and still haven't in fact. Last year, I said I would read more Dickens and then promptly forgot. This year I am planning to finish Les Miserables, join in the War and Peace readalong that Amy and Iris are running and maybe read Pride and Prejudice seeing as it is coming up to the 200th anniversary of it being published. Perpetual Challenges - I am aiming to read at least one book for each of the perpetual challenges that I am signed up for like The Pulitzer Project, the Orange Prize Project, and the Complete Booker. (This is one that I say every year too! Review more consistently - This is what I have written for the last couple of years "Over the last couple of years I have allowed myself to get very lazy about writing reviews of the books I read. I still start a blog post for every book, but not enough of them see light of day! This year, I am going to try to write at least one review a week, preferably more. Need to get back into the habit. I know that that really isn't many, but I do also want to be a no guilt blogger as well, because at the end of the day blogging is supposed to enrich our lives and be fun and not something that we are slave to." I was better at it last year I think, but there is still room for more consistent reviewing. All of that is still relevant for this year! Deadline Reading - I want to back off a little from deadline reading whether it be for library due dates, tours, egalley expiry dates and try to be a little organic in my reading in terms of being able to look at my shelf, or the library shelf and have a little more room to just read what I feel like reading! I am not quite sure how to quantify this one, except in terms of how I am feeling, but I will try to! I did halve the number of library books I had out towards the end of last year so I am going to try and be careful not to let the number of books out creep up again. The irony is that often I find having a deadline helps me get to those books that I knew I wanted to read anyway! So, there you have it! My reading and blogging resolutions for 2013. Have you made blogging resolutions for this year? Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Unforgettable by Elise K Ackers. Great resolutions. I'm envious about how many books you read! A lot of my resolutions are similar to yours, I really need to read books I've had for a while as well as the new ones, and reviewing a larger percentage of them wouldn't hurt me either! Good luck. Good luck with your goals too. I sympathise with you on the review front. I meant to get to all my 2012 outstanding reviews over christmas and never managed even one! I will never actually catch up with all the reviews I have sitting in draft, but I am usually okay with that. Deadline reading can be totally overwhelming. And reading what I own .. good idea. It does seem like a good idea and yet we find it so difficult. Wonderful resolutions. I keep my resolutions short and small in my desperate attempt to achieve them. I became much more organic in my reading last year and I think it was a fantastic decision for me - it made me feel much more in control of my reading and more willing to branch out and try new things. I hope it has the same for you! I want to read Dunnett's King Hereafter this year - I say that every year, too ;-) I hear it's her best but it is SO LONG. Maybe later in the year we could do a joint read of a Dunnett book? Great goals and I hope you achieve them this year. And I hear ya about the deadline reading! I'm working on this too. It seems I am not doing so well on this one so far, but there is still a lot of year left to go. I'm awed at how many books you read last year. I'm still aiming for my goal (now perpetual) of 100 books a year. I've decided to blog more frequently and about books I've read, like you I got away from it for a little bit two years ago. I want to read more classics, though I average about one a year. I have a few other goals, that I will be posting about this week. I enjoyed reading about your goals, Marg. It will be interesting to see what you read now that you are not going to read on deadline, and what you read because you want to. I did that two years ago - though I still join challenges, I want to read for pleasure. I hope you achieve all your goals this year! I probably end up reading one classic a year myself, although I have plans to read three this year. These are really great resolutions, even if they are the same as last year. I like the idea of reading more from my shelves, and should try to make that my mantra. I have so many books to choose from, it's ridiculous and I really need to read them!! Good Luck with all this, Marg! It is a bit sad that we want books so badly that we buy them and then don't actually get time to read them. Good luck with your reading resolutions!! I really love your plan to read ten books you owned as of December 31, I think that's very clever and also smart.
Anna Callahan is a community-based artist, focusing on creating art in public places. She has created several interactive projects involving interviews with strangers in libraries, on buses and in public spaces in Illinois, Seattle, and Dublin. More than anything, my month in Ireland on Paul Goode's residency was a huge and wonderful gift. It allowed me the opportunity to plan for the completion of a project I started in Dublin in 2005 while my partner, Susanna Bluhm, had a residency at the Irish Museum of Modern Art. My project, What Happened Was…, consists of stories I recorded from people in Dublin at libraries around the city. The residency in Westport (four hours from Dublin) gave me the chance to meet with the Divisional Librarian of Dublin Public Libraries. This face-to-face meeting was instrumental in laying out a plan for the launch of the project in several Dublin Libraries in 2008. In addition, my month-long stay in Ireland was a relaxing break from everyday life. Paul's house is perched on a hill overlooking Clew Bay and a multitude of small islands. I found myself appreciating simple things, like the tide going in and out, and watching Jack, the dog across the bay, play fetch. The weather was highly variable and dramatic, and we would sit in awe as the rained poured down almost horizontally with the wind. The weeks were filled with adventures as well as opportunities to contemplate my work and future plans. After staring at Crough Patrick (Mount Patrick) from the living room window all month, on the last Sunday of July we climbed it with 20,000 pilgrims. It was a sharp incline of raw rock all the way up; if we hadn't been with all those people, I would have thought for sure we were on the wrong trail. We were triumphant at the top, and then could barely move the next day. For a self-employed artist balancing financial issues, a career and a family, this residency was miraculously well-timed. I didn't realize how desperately I needed a break from my daily responsibilities until I was allowed to step back from them. I regained a sense of perspective and peace on this trip, and for that I am eternally grateful.
BCECEB has started the online application process for Post Graduate Engineering Admission Counselling (PGEAC) 2018. Candidates are advised to apply by 24th July 2018. For editing the details in the application form, candidates are required to login with their registered Id and password. Candidates are advised not to wait for the deadlines and complete the activities well before to avoid last minute delays. Click on the "PGEAC" option on the left-side of the home-page. Click on "Apply for PGEAC-2018" link. Detailed instructions for filling up the application form are also available on this page. You can go through them before beginning the application process. You will be redirected to the "Applicant Login" page. Click on "New Registration" button and complete the application process. The application process is self-explanatory. Candidates are required to submit the counselling fee either through the online or offline mode. Candidates (all categories – General/Sc/ST/EBC/BC/DQ) are required to submit ₹ 2200/- as the counselling fee. Debit/Credit Card/Net banking details for online fee payment. Candidates must take a print out of the Part A and Part B of the completed application form (after fee payment) for use during the counselling process.
Whether it is friends getting together, a mixer or a staff party, we have the room to make it truly special. An elegant private dining room adorned in hardwood, The Danzo Room can accommodate approx. 30 guests for sit down dinner or stand up mixer. We set up the room to suit your needs. A full catering menu is available.
New Social Features Roll Out for Xbox One Preview Clubs lets you create your own gamer communities; the Looking For Group lets you find multiplayer teammates. https://www.pcmag.com/news/new-social-features-roll-out-for-xbox-one-preview Heads up, Xbox Live users: Some new social features are headed your way. We first heard about Clubs and the Looking for Group at E3 in June, and now they're rolling out to Preview members on Xbox One. They should soon reach the Xbox app on Windows 10, iOS, and Android devices as well. Clubs, as its name suggests, lets you create your own gamer communities. Club members can play games together, chat, set up parties, and share content. These "gamer created and managed" groups promise to help you find and meet people with similar interests, according to Scott Henson from the Xbox Engineering Team. Expect all kinds of Clubs to emerge — social Clubs, ones based on games, etc. Clubs can be public (searchable by the community, with content visible to everyone), private (searchable by the community, with content only visible to members), or hidden (only searchable and seen by members). Gamers can head over to the Community tab to look for Clubs. Meanwhile, the second new feature dropping now, Looking For Group (LFG), is a place where you can post want ads for multiplayer teammates. You can, for instance, use tags to specify that you're looking for four people, all using mics, who don't curse, and want to play competitively, then write a description elaborating about your style. As Xbox Director of Program Management Mike Ybarra explained in June, the LFG feature should help you "quickly connect with other gamers looking to accomplish the same goal." "One of the challenges that LFG addresses is the frustration gamers feel when trying to join or set up a group to complete daily quests, raids or hunt Achievements," he wrote. "If you're getting matched with random people, you may have the same skill set but other factors like amount of time to play, play style, even chat preferences may not be aligned — resulting in an activity taking longer, players dropping from the group, or general frustration between members." 1 in 5 Gamers Bought Their First Console During the Pandemic Does Your PS5 Include a Built-In Chicken Warmer? The KFConsole Does Sony Finally Solves the PS4 Game Version Confusion on PS5 Walmart to Restock PS5, Xbox Series X Units This Afternoon More in Gaming Systems Gaming System Reviews Anbernic RG351P Nintendo Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros.
This catch up will be facilitated by Sam Orders, Asia Pacific Operations Manager, InXpress and David Wilkinson, Asia Pacific Franchise Sales Director, InXpress. The Discussion will focus on the topic of recruiting franchisees that will go on to be successful and what we can do on the front end to make sure we are spending our time with well informed, engaged, and excited candidates leading to more franchise sales. David and Sam will discuss the InXpress 8 Step Discovery Process, a tool they've used worldwide to increase the InXpress brand. Sam and David plan to share best practices and hear from the attendees on what they have found has worked for them so that we can all get better together. In 2012, after finishing a double degree in Social Science Psychology and Teaching, Sam and his business partner bought an InXpress franchise in Sydney, Australia. By the end of their first year they were in the Top 5 franchises in Australia and were awarded the Fastest Growing Franchise award. By the end of their second year they were the 3rd largest franchise in Australia and again recognized as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Sam understands what is needed to grow a franchise and was appointed as President of the InXpress Franchise Advisory Council in Australia from 2014-2016 helping the InXpress community grow and communicate better with the franchisor. By the end of their 3rd year Sam's franchise received the DHL Highest Margin Growth award for the 3rd time running a first in the InXpress system. In 2016, his franchise was the recipient of the Franchise Council of Australia award as the Australian Franchisee of the Year (2 staff or less). Also in 2016, Sam moved to Salt Lake City, Utah to take up a role as the Director of Onboarding for the InXpress Americas head office where he designed and implemented the Onboarding Coaching and Support program. During this time Sam was also heavily involved in the successful recruitment of over 60 InXpress franchisees across Canada and The U.S. More recently Sam has returned to Australia as the Asia Pacific Operations Manager for InXpress focusing on growing the brand throughout the region specifically India, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Korea. Sam works closely with the country teams on all avenues of the business including franchise sales, operations, onboarding and coaching. David's background comprises of franchising, sales, and finance, having worked with the finance division of GE for a number of years. In 2007, David took on a regional role with Fastway Couriers as a Franchise Manager, managing 25 courier franchisees. In 2010, David moved into a Franchise Development role with Fastway and sold franchises for the next 5 years before joining InXpress in December 2015. In 2018 David was promoted to Asia Pacific Franchise Sales Director for InXpress after having successfully grown the InXpress brand locally in Australia and New Zealand. Today David works closely with the InXpress Asia Pacific team and country managers implementing the InXpress sales process and tailoring it to local markets whilst also coaching and training the team. David has earned his CFE (Certified Franchising Executive) and has been involved with the Franchise Council of Australia for the past two years as a judge for both the regional and national awards.
THE BLUE NILE-PERFECTION PERSONIFIED. dereksmusicblog ♦ August 21, 2018 ♦ 2 Comments Enigmatic, reluctant and contrarian are words that best of describe The Blue Nile. They're the complete opposite of most bands. The Blue Nile have been described as publicity shy. That' is an understatement. Ever since Paul Buchanan, Robert Bell and Paul Joseph Moore formed the Blue Nile, they've been one of the most low-profile bands in musical history. It seems that when they were formed thirty-five years ago, The Blue Nile ticked the "no publicity" box. This has proved a double-edged sword, and resulted in The Blue Nile becoming one of the most enigmatic groups ever. Their story began thirty-five years ago. The Blue Nile were formed in 1981, when two friends Paul Buchanan and Robert Bell, met Paul Joseph Moore, all of whom met at Glasgow University. Before forming The Blue Nile, Buchanan and Bell were previously members of a band called Night By Night. Try as they may, a recording contract eluded them. Night By Night's music wasn't deemed commercial enough. So Paul, Robert and P.J. decided to form a new band, The Blue Nile. Once The Blue Nile were formed, they set up their own record label Peppermint Records. It was on Peppermint Records that The Blue Nile released their debut single, I Love This Life. This single was then picked up and rereleased on the RSO label. Unfortunately for the Blue Nile, RSO became part of the Polygram label and I Love This Life disappeared without trace. Despite this setback, Blue Nile persisted. Still, The Blue Nile kept writing and recording material after the merger of RSO with Polygram. Some of that material would later be found on A Walk Across the Rooftops. That was in the future. Recording of The Blue Nile's demos took place at Castlesound studio near Edinburgh. That's home to the man whose often referred to as the fourth member of The Blue Nile, recording engineer Calum Malcolm. He was listening to recently recorded demos through the studio's Linn Electronics system. It had recently had a new set of speakers fitted. So the company founder, Ivor Tiefenbrun, decided to visit Calum Malcolm to hear his thoughts on the speakers. That's when Ivor Tiefenbrun first heard The Blue Nile. Calum Malcolm played Ivor Tiefenbrun a demo of Tinseltown In The Rain. Straight away, the founder of Linn was hooked. He decided to offer The Blue Nile a record contract to the label he was in the process of founding. Most bands would've jumped at the opportunity. Not The Blue Nile. It took The Blue Nile nine months before they replied to Ivor Tiefenbrun's offer. When they did, the answer was yes. The Blue Nile's debut album A Walk Across The Rooftops would be released on Ivor Tiefenbrun's new label Linn Reords. A Walk Across the Rooftops. Linn Records and The Blue Nile seemed a marriage made in musical heaven. Linn Records weren't like a major label, pressurising The Blue Nile into making a decision and delivering an album within a certain timeframe. Instead, Linn Records allowed The Blue Nile to do what they did best, make music. From the outside, this looked as if it was working, and working well. Years later, Paul Buchanan commented that during Linn Records didn't operate like a record label. Mind you, he conceded that, during this period, The Blue Nile didn't operate as a band. However, eventually, in May 1984 The Blue Nile's debut album was released on Linn Records. On the release of A Walk Across the Rooftops, it was released to critical acclaim. Critics described the album as a minor classic. A Walk Across the Rooftops was described as atmospheric, ethereal, evocative, soulful and soul-baring. It also featured the vocals of troubled troubadour Paul Buchanan. Despite the critical acclaim A Walk Across the Rooftops enjoyed, it wasn't a huge commercial success, reaching just number eighty in the UK. However, since the A Walk Across the Rooftops has been recognised as a classic album. So has the followup Hats. Hats. Unlike most bands, The Blue Nile weren't in any rush to release their sophomore album Hats. There was a five year gap between A Walk Across the Rooftops and Hats. It was worth the wait. The Blue Nile had done it again. Hats was a classic. Featuring seven tracks, written by Paul Buchanan, Glasgow's answer to Frank Sinatra He's a tortured troubadour, whose voice sounds as if he's lived a thousand lives. Producing Hats was a group effort, with Paul, Robert and P.J. taking charge of production duties. Guiding them, was Callum Malcolm. On the release of Hats, British and American audiences proved more discerning and appreciative of the Blue Nile's sophomore album Hats. On the release of Hats in the UK in 1989, it was critically acclaimed and commercial success, reaching number twelve in the UK. Then when it was released in America in 1990, audiences seemed to "get" Hats. Not only did it reach number 108 in the US Billboard 200 Charts, but The Downtown Lights reached number ten in the US Modern Rock Tracks charts. It seemed that The Blue Nile were more popular in America, than in Britain. Gradually, The Blue Nile's music was beginning to find a wider and more appreciative album. Especially when The Blue Nile decided to embark upon their debut tour later in 1989. Although The Blue Nile were formed in 1981, and Hats was The Blue Nile's sophomore album, the band had never toured. Partly, The Blue Nile seemed worried about replicating the sound of their first two albums. They needn't have worried, with The Blue Nile seamlessly replicating the sonic perfection of A Walk Across The Rooftops and Hats on the sold out tour. The Blue Nile's star was in the ascendancy. Their first ever tour had been a huge success. The Blue Nile had conquered Britain. However, The Blue Nile had also made a breakthrough in America. Hats had sold well, and their American tour had been successful. Most bands would've been keen to build on this and released another album before long. Not The Blue Nile. Seven long years passed, where Blue Nile fans wondered what had become of Glasgow's most enigmatic trio. However, they'd been busy. After Hats found its way onto American radio stations, The Blue Nile, who previously, had been one of music's best kept secrets, were heard by a number of prestigious musicians. Among them were Robbie Robertson and Annie Lennox, Michael McDonald. After a decade struggling to get their music heard, The Blue Nile were big news. During this period, America would become like a second home to The Blue Nile, especially Paul. Paul took to life in America, and in 1991, decided to make it his home. This just so happened to coincide with Paul's relationship with actress Rosanna Arquette between 1991 and 1993. Hollywood starlets and Sunset Boulevard was a long way from Glasgow's West End. In the midst of Paul's relationship, disaster struck for The Blue Nile, they were dropped by their label. Linn Records and Virgin decided to drop The Blue Nile. For some groups this would've been a disaster. Not for The Blue Nile. They signed a million Dollar deal with Warner Bros. While this sounded like the ideal solution for The Blue Nile, Paul made the deal without telling P.J and Robert. He later explained that "none of the others were in town at the time." With a new contract signed, The Blue Nile began thinking about their third album, Peace At Last. Peace At Last. So the band started looking for the perfect location to record their third album. They travelled across Europe looking for the right location. This location had to be private and suit their portable recording studio. Cities were suggested, considered and rejected. Among them, were Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Venice. Being The Blue Nile, things were never simple. Eventually, after much contemplation The Blue Nile ended up recording what became Peace At Last in three locations, Paris, Dublin and Los Angeles. For the first time, The Blue Nile recorded an album outside of their native Scotland. For their first album for a major label, things began to change for The Blue Nile. They brought onboard drummer Nigel Thomas, a string section and a gospel choir. Peace At Last was going to be a quite different album to A Walk Across The Rooftops and Hats. However, one things stayed the same, The Blue Nile continued to work with Calum Malcolm. With his help, Peace At Last was ready for release in June 1996. Before that, critics had their say. Critics remarked upon the change of sound on Peace At Last. It had a much more understated, restrained sound. Acoustic guitars and piano play important parts. Still, The Blue Nile's beloved synths remain. Occasionally, The Blue Nile add strings. There's even a gospel choir on Happiness. Gone was the sound of A Walk Across the Rooftops and Hats. Peace At Last showed a different side to The Blue Nile and their music, one that divided the opinion of critics and fans. Paul, Robert and P.J. were back, but it was a different sound. One constant was Paul's worldweary vocal. Glasgow's very own Frank Sinatra, Paul Buchanan plays the role of the troubled troubadour, to a tee on songs about love, love lost, betrayal, heartbreak, growing up and growling old. Paul was still the tortured soul, who wore his heart on his sleeve on Peace At Last. On the release of Peace At Last, in June 1996, it reached just number thirteen and sold poorly. For The Blue Nile this was disappointing, given it was their major label debut. Worse was to come when the lead single Happiness failed to chart. The Blue Nile's major label debut hadn't gone to plan. Alas, Peace At Last was the only album The Blue Nile released on a major label. High. Following Peace At Last, it was eight years before The Blue Nile released another album. High was released in 2004. During the last eight years, the three members of The Blue Nile had been leading separate lives. While P.J. and Robert were content with their lives in the West End of Glasgow, while Paul had been spending his time between Glasgow and Hollywood. Now they were back and ready to record their fourth album, High. Once High was recorded, all that was left was for The Blue Nile to find a label to release the album. The Blue Nile had been dropped by Warner Bros. So with the completed album, The Blue Nile shopped High to various labels. Eventually, they settled on Sanctuary, which would release High in August 2004. However, before that, critics welcomed back The Blue Nille. Eight years after the release of Peace At Last, critics remarked that High was a much more grownup album. Songs of family life and heartbreak sat side-by-side. Paul who had been suffering with illness and fatigue, seemed to have found a new lease of life. His lyrics are emotional, observational, cinematic and rich in imagery. They're also poignant, and full hope, hurt and anguish. Meanwhile, Paul's vocals were worldweary and knowing, while the music is emotive, ethereal and evocative. Critics love High. So did music lovers. When High in August 2004, the album reached number ten in the UK. High proved to be The Blue Nile most successful album. This proved to be fitting. High was The Blue Nile's swan-song. Nobody realised this when the album was released. It was only as years passed without a followup to High, that the reality sunk. There would be no more music from The Blue Nile. One of the greatest bands of their generation were now part of musical history. Following High, critics thought that The Blue Nile would return, possibly after another lengthy break. Sadly, that wasn't to be. The Blue Nile were no more. At least they did things their way. Right up until the release of High, The Blue Nile were enigmatic, almost reclusive and publicity shy. Mind you, The Blue Nile weren't exactly your normal band. The rock 'n' roll lifestyle favoured by other bands wasn't for The Blue Nile. Their music was much more cerebral, and had a substance that much of the music recorded between 1984 and 2004 lacked. During that twenty year period, The Blue Nile only recorded four albums. These albums are unique. Musical fashions and fads didn't affect The Blue Nile. Their attitude was almost contrarian. Albums were recorded slowly and methodically as the Blue Nile strived for musical perfection. Many have tried to achieve perfection. However, very few have come as close as The Blue Nile. Their debut album A Walk Across The Rooftops and the followup Hats, are nowadays both regarded as classic albums. Peace At Last and High show another side to The Blue Nile. There's a much more grownup sound, to the albums. However, just like A Walk Across The Rooftops and Hats, both albums showcase one of the most talented bands in Scottish musical history, The Blue Nile. While The Blue Nile never enjoyed the commercial success their music deserved, they stayed true to themselves. They never jumped onto a musical bandwagon in pursuit of fame, fortune or starlets. Quite the opposite. For The Blue Nile it was their way or no way. If an album took years to record, so be it. It was always worth the wait. After all, not many bands pursue perfection, and achieve that perfection four times. The Blue Nile did, and ended their career on a High. Posted in: Indie Pop ♦ Indie Rock ♦ Pop ♦ Rock Tagged: A Walk Across the Rooftops, Calum Malcolm, Hats, High, I Love This Life, John Paul Jones, Paul Buchanan, Peace At Last, Robert Bell, The Blue Nile ← BERT JANSCH-SANTA BARBARA HONEYMOON SHINA WILLIAMS AND HIS AFRICAN PERCUSSIONISTS-AFRICAN DANCES. → Pepper Gomez August 21, 2018 – 12:33 pm Refreshing approach in this world of music and madness. Amazing that it worked! I guess the music in the end always prevails. ghostof82 Lovely post, really enjoyed it. The Blue Nile made some beautiful music indeed and I found your piece illuminating with plenty of info I wasn't aware of. Thank you. Acid House (25) African Roots (82) Afro Cuban (14) Afro House (7) Afro-Latin (7) Afrobeat (119) Ambient House (4) Ancestral Soul (7) Avant Garde (437) Balearica (8) Bariba (1) Berlin School (141) Boogie (85) Brass Band (3) Brit Funk (1) Champeta (1) Chande (1) Contemporary Soul (1) Cosmic Disco (5) Country Rock (82) Country Soul (11) Crossover Soul (1) Cumbia (7) Deep House (32) Deep Soul (21) Dendi (1) Descargo (1) Donso Trance (1) Downtempoo (37) Easy Listening (8) Electric Blues (12) Euro Disco (52) Euro Pop (4) Folk Rock (221) Free Jazz (308) French Touch (5) Funky House (5) Gaita (2) Go Go (2) Gospel House (1) Gypsy Rhumba (1) Hi-NRG (6) Highlife (18) Italo Disco (8) Jazz Fusion (115) Jazzy House (3) Kawina (2) Krautrock (234) Latin House (3) Lover's Rock (2) M.O.R. (2) Mapale (1) Miliki Sound (1) Modern Soul (7) Musique Concrète (4) Neo Baile Funk (1) Nordic Wave (79) Nu Soul (37) Nu-House (3) Nu-Jazz (5) P-Funk (13) Pachanga (1) Pelenque (1) Philadelphia Soul (302) Piano House (1) Post Bop (4) Post Rock (22) Progressive House (4) Psychedelia (625) Psychedelic Funk (3) Psychedelic Trance (1) Quiet Storm (6) Rare Groove (1) Singer-Songwriter (3) Smooth Jazz (4) Smooth Soul (3) Soul (1,085) Soul Jazz (29) Soulful House (13) Southern Rock (14) Southern Soul (160) Space Rock (60) Spiritual Jazz (21) Strum and Bass (2) Synth Pop (12) Tech House (4) UK House (1) US Garage (1) Vocal House (1) Ye-ye (11) Zydecajun (1) Zydeco (14) Ace Records Analog Africa Atlantic Records A Walk Across the Rooftops Baker Harris Young BBE BBE Music BGP BGP Records Bobby "Electronic" Eli Bob Thiele Brian Eno Bureau B Can Chemikal Underground Cluster Conny Plank Crammed Discs Deluxe Dieter Moebius Don Renaldo ECM Records Flying Dutchman Productions Gamble and Huff Grönland Records Guerssen Records Harmonia Hats High Holger Czukay Hubro Music Ian Saddler Jethro Tull Jimmy Page John Martyn John Paul Jones Kent Soul Led Zeppelin Light In The Attic Records Loleatta Holloway M.F.S.B. Mental Experience Michael Rother Mogwai Musik Von Harmonia Neu Norman Harris Paul Buchanan Paul Savage Peace At Last Pharaway Sounds Philadelphia International Records Rave Tapes Rhino Rick Hall Robert Bell Robert Plant Rock Action Records Rune Grammofon Salsoul Records Sigma Sound Studios Sony Music Soul Jazz Records Strut Strut Records Sweethearts of Sigma The Blue Nile The O'Jays The Salsoul Orchestra The Sweethearts of Sigma The Velvet Underground Thom Bell Vince Montana Jr WEA Japan Westbound Records Beat Funktion Crammed Discs Crispin Glover Records Ecstatic Recordings Fountain Music Gronland Records Hubro Music LimeMonkeys Offering Recordings Olive Grove Records. Paul Buchanan Rhythm and Roots Sapphire Records Smalltown Supersound Stickman Records Strut Records TheMerchStall Wake Up! Music Group CULT CLASSIC: TIM MAIA-TIM MAIA (1977). CULT CLASSIC: GARY MCFARLAND-SOFT SAMBA. CULT CLASSIC: GURU GURU-UFO. CULT CLASSIC: SKID ROW-34 HOURS. CULT CLASSIC: SYLVIAN AND CZUKAY-PLIGHT AND PREMONITION. CULT CLASSIC:JOE TURNER-THE REAL BOSS OF THE BLUES. CULT CLASSIC: CROMWELL-AT THE GALLOP. CULT CLASSIC: DAVID AXELROD-SONGS OF EXPERIENCE. CULT CLASSIC: TUXEDOMOON-HALF-MUTE. CULT CLASSIC: LIGHTNIN' SLIM-HIGH AND LOW DOWN. CULT CLASSIC: AKSAK MABOUL-UN PEU L'AME DES BANDITS. CULT CLASSIC: GATO BARBIERI-FENIX. CULT CLASSIC: AK MUSICK-AK MUSICK. CULT CLASSIC: DIETER MOEBIUS-BLOTCH. CULT CLASSIC:SWAMP DOGG-I'M NOT SELLING OUT/I'M BUYING IN.
You've probably heard of the term Android when it comes to mobile phones. Android is a mobile operating system or OS, which is basically the software that runs on a number of mobile devices -- generally mobile phones and tablets. The Android operating system is developed by Google and a collaboration of companies called the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). Check out our guide to the top Android phones on the market. The Open Handset Alliance is a group of mobile companies including manufacturers of mobile devices like Samsung, Sony Ericsson, HTC, Motorola and LG, as well as mobile carriers such as Vodafone. According to the OHA, its aim is to enable everyone in the mobile industry to "innovate more rapidly and respond better to consumers' demands". An Android phone is any smartphone that runs the Android software platform. Because Android is an open sourced software platform, multiple manufacturers produce Android phones, including the likes of HTC, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and LG, just to name a few. This is unlike the closed platform of competitors like Apple, which builds both the software and hardware of its iPhone, and Research in Motion (RIM) -- manufacturer of BlackBerry smartphones -- which does the same. Android phones can come in various shapes and sizes, but all have large touchscreens; most are at least three inches in size (when measured diagonally) and above, and are operated by simply tapping your finger on the screen. Some Android phones may also have a combination of both a physical keyboard and a touch screen. All Android phones include a camera and come with basic features like Wi-Fi, for the ability to connect to a wireless network, Bluetooth, GPS, a standard headphone jack and a standard micro-USB port for charging and connecting the phone to a computer. The HTC Desire, sold exclusively through Telstra in Australia, is one of the most popular Android phones available on the market. Popular current Android phones include the HTC Desire and Desire HD, the Samsung Galaxy S, the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10, the Motorola Milestone 2 and the LG Optimus One. Android phones are sold in Australia through all major mobile operators including Telstra, Optus and Vodafone.
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Rent a villa Quick Search Please Go Directly to Villa Reference Number VILLA FINDER Arrival Date - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - 2019 2020 2021 Length Of Stay 3 Nights 4 Nights 5 Nights 6 Nights 7 Nights 8 Nights 9 Nights 10 Nights 11 Nights 12 Nights 13 Nights 14 Nights 15 Nights 16 Nights 17 Nights 18 Nights 19 Nights 20 Nights 21 Nights 22 Nights 23 Nights 24 Nights 25 Nights 26 Nights 27 Nights 28 Nights 29 Nights 30 Nights 31 Nights 32 Nights 33 Nights 34 Nights 35 Nights 36 Nights 37 Nights 38 Nights 39 Nights 40 Nights 41 Nights 42 Nights 43 Nights 44 Nights 45 Nights 46 Nights 47 Nights 48 Nights 49 Nights 50 Nights 51 Nights 52 Nights 53 Nights 54 Nights 55 Nights 56 Nights 57 Nights 58 Nights 59 Nights 60 Nights 61 Nights 62 Nights 63 Nights 64 Nights 65 Nights 66 Nights 67 Nights 68 Nights 69 Nights 70 Nights 71 Nights 72 Nights 73 Nights 74 Nights 75 Nights 76 Nights 77 Nights 78 Nights 79 Nights 80 Nights 81 Nights 82 Nights 83 Nights 84 Nights 85 Nights 86 Nights 87 Nights 88 Nights 89 Nights 90 Nights 91 Nights 92 Nights 93 Nights 94 Nights 95 Nights 96 Nights 97 Nights 98 Nights 99 Nights 100 Nights Bedrooms Any Number At least 2 At least 3 At least 4 At least 5 At least 6 Community No PreferenceAshley Manor Aviana Aylesbury Bahama Bay Bass Lake Bella Toscana Bella Vida Bentley Oaks Briargrove Bridgewater Crossing Buenaventura Lakes Calabay Parc at Tower Lake Calabay Park Calabria @ Westside Chatham Park Clear Creek Club Cortile Countryside Manor Crescent Lakes Crows Nest Crystal Cove Resort Cumbrian Lakes Davenport Lakes Doral Woods Eagle Point Emerald Island Resort Encantada Esprit Florida Pines Formosa Gardens Four Corners Glenbrook Grand Reserve Greater Groves Hamilton Reserve Hampton Lakes Heritage Park Highgate Park Highgrove Highland Reserve Indian Creek Indian Point Indian Ridge Indian Ridge Oaks Indian Wells Island Club West Kissimmee Lake Berkley Lake Wilson Preserve Lakeside Legacy Park Liberty Village Lidfields Reserve Lindfields Loma Linda Loma Vista Magic Landings Marbella Mission Park Oak Island Cove Oak Island Harbor Oakpoint Orange Tree Paradise Palms Paradise Woods Pinewood Country Estates Regal Palms Resort Reunion Ridgewood Lakes Robbins Rest Rolling Hills Rotonda Lakes Royal Palms Sandy Ridge Santa Cruz Seasons Siesta Key Village Silver Creek Solana Somerset Southern Dunes Spring Lakes Sunridge woods Sunrise Lakes Sunset Lakes Sunset Ridge Terra Verde Terrace Ridge The Abbey The Hamlets The Manor at Westhaven The Palms at Lake Davenport The Sanctuary The Shires - 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Now water is very weak electrolyte. It dissociates in very small amount. Hence practically the concentration of unionised water is almost same as starting concentration. Hence [H2O] = constant. Similarly Practically [H3O+] = [H+]. Therefore the equation (1) becomes. This relation is known as ionic product of water. The product of molar concentration of H+ and OH- ions pure water or any aqueous solution at constant temperature is constant which is called as ionic product of water. Thus concept of ionic products of water helps us in classifying aqueous solutions as acidic, basic and neutral. The negative logarithm to the base 10 of molar concentration of H+ ions in a solution is called as pH of a solution. For pure water or a neutral solution.at 298 K. The negative logarithm to the base 10 of molar concentration of OH– ions in a solution is called as pOH of a solution. Thus the sum of pH and pOH for pure water or any aqueous solution is equal to 14. Scientist Sorensen in 1909 introduced a convenient scale to express hydrogen ion (H+) concentration to decide acidic, alkaline or neutral nature of the solution , is known as pH scale. The negative logarithm to the base 10 of the molar concentration of H+ ions in a solution is called as pH of a solution. The pH scale expresses all degrees of acidity or alkalinity of a dilute aqueous solution. As the concentration of acid decreases the pH value increases from 0 to7.while as the concentration of base decreases the pH value decreases from 14 to7. For pure water or aqueous neutral solution, pH = 7. It is to be noted that pH scale is used for a dilute aqueous solution only. i.e. their molarity is less than 1 M. Two acids monobasic and diabasic have the same pH. Does this mean that the molar concentration of the two acids is identical? Thus 1 mole of monobasic acid gives 1 mole of H+ ions. Thus 1 mole of dibasic acid gives 2 moles of H+ ions. Hence if the pH of the two solutions is equal, the molar concentration of monobasic acid will be twice of the molar concentration of dibasic acid.
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Baywood Park Gaviota Jolon North Morro Bay Pasa Robles Point San Luis Port Hueneme San Luis Obsipo Sand City Shandon Simmler Vandenberg Village Jerrod Niemann - Not only is Jerrod Niemann is among Nashville 's most respected songwriters, he is also one of country music's most anticipated new artists. At The Siren, Morro Bay, CA Mon 2/10/20 at 7:30pm. Bill Burr - Burr is one of the nation's big-time comics with his own podcast, "Monday Morning Podcast;" Netflix stand-up specials; film roles and an animated Netflix series, "F is for Family," to his name. He can be politically incorrect at times. As Burr says of himself, "None of his opinions are based on any sort of reliable information. He tends to go with his first thought." At Chumash Casino, Santa Ynez, CA Fri 2/7/20 at 8pm. Bob Marley Day at SLO Brew Rock, San Luis Obispo, CA • Sat 2/1/20 at 4pm Shooter Jennings at The Siren, Morro Bay, CA • Sat 3/14/20 at 8:30pm Sports and Events C.S. Lewis Onstage: The Most Reluctant Convert at The Granada Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA Samin Nosrat at The Granada Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA • Fri 4/3/20 at 7:30pm Theatre and Talks Death Cafe: Let's Talk It Over at Nautical Bean - Parker Street, San Luis Obispo, CA • Mon 2/3/20 at 3:30pm-5pm Bill Bryson: The Body at The Granada Theatre, Santa Barbara, CA Art, Comedy and Dance Wait,Whaaat Podcast Live at The Siren, Morro Bay, CA • Sun 2/9/20 at 6pm-8:30pm Visions of Vietnam: A Photographic Journey at San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, San Luis Obispo, CA • Mon 1/27/20 - Sun 2/2/20 at 6pm-9pm
Sign up for the latest news and offers! Smile! Is your smile as bright as it should be? Like most people, you probably use daily brushing and flossing to make sure your teeth stay healthy. However, if your smile has become less white, you may want to consider teeth whitening in Buckinghamshire to enhance your smile. There are many reasons your teeth may have become less white. Regular consumers of coffee, tea and even red wine may find that their teeth have become stained; users of tobacco products may also have stained teeth due to the effects of tar and nicotine. Injuries to the mouth may cause teeth colour to change because the tooth affected will react by producing a substance called dentin, which will produce a darker layer beneath the tooth enamel. Some medications such as some taken for high blood pressure, antipsychotics and antihistamines, will discolour teeth; chemotherapy treatments will also sometimes cause tooth colour to become darker. Also, just getting older will cause changes in tooth colour. As we age, the external layer of our teeth will thin due to tooth brushing and dentin will be visible, making the teeth a more yellow colour. For these reasons, many of us turn to teeth whitening in Buckinghamshire to improve our smile. So what it teeth whitening? It is a bleaching process that breaks up stains into smaller parts. This bleaching, which uses either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, causes the darker colours or stains to be reduced so that your teeth look brighter. There are three main procedures to whiten teeth: using a whitening toothpaste, getting your teeth bleached at a dentist's office, or bleaching your teeth at home. Whitening toothpastes will have an ADA seal to let you know they are safe for teeth whitening. They contain polishing agents that will help remove stains. However, they cannot produce a change in tooth color since they are only effective in removing surface stains and they usually whiten the teeth only a shade lighter. When you go to the dentist's office to get your teeth bleached, it usually takes one visit; however, if your teeth are very dark or stained, it may take several sessions. This a fairly simple procedure and usually lasts half an hour to an hour. First, a gel or a rubber shield will be put on your gums to protect them. Than the dentist will apply bleach on your teeth and may use a laser to boost the effectiveness of the bleach to whiten your teeth. Your teeth will generally become three to eight shades lighter than before. You will probably need to redo the process every six months to maintain same whiteness, especially if you continue to consume staining foods or drinks or use tobacco products. The initial procedure usually costs around 600 dollars, with maintenance costs varying. Home kits contain whiteners with a peroxide-based agent that will whiten the tooth enamel. Usually in a gel form, it is put in a tray the goes on your teeth or as a strip that is attached to the teeth. The kits used at home have a lower concentration of the bleach than the bleaching agent that is used in the dentist's office. With strips, this process takes a little longer; most people need to do this twice daily for around two weeks. The price is much cheaper, with most kits in the £10 to £30 range. Your teeth will stay white for around four months and then the process will need to be repeated. The tray kits have to be worn for a few hours a day and may take a month for best results. We can buy these at most pharmacies over-the –counter and can also get one from your dentist that is made specifically for your mouth. The costs are higher and are an average of £100 to £300; the ones created by your dentist will be on the higher end of the scale. No matter which option you are interested in, it's generally a good idea to consult with a dentist (Make sure they are an AACD member) and get their advice on which one will be the best for you. Is teeth whitening for everyone? Unfortunately, the answer is no. This is another reason why talking to your dentist first is a good idea. If you have crowns, fillings, veneers, or caps, whitening will not be effective. Any cavities you have will need to be filled before you get your teeth whitened since the bleaching substance can get into the decayed areas and inside the tooth and cause your tooth to become extremely sensitive. Also, if your teeth are discoloured due to an injury or medication, this procedure will probably not be for you. This procedure is one appropriate only for adults; children who get their teeth whitened may find that their teeth have become extremely sensitive. If you are breastfeeding or pregnant, you should avoid this procedure. If you have very sensitive gums and teeth, it is essential consult your dentist inin Buckinghamshire first. this also applies if you have receding gums, gum disease, or teeth with the roots exposed; the procedure will not be effective since there is no layer of enamel on roots. We may wonder why we should do this procedure, especially since it is a cosmetic one. One good reason is that our smile makes a very strong impression on others. A 2012 survey carried out by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry revealed that almost half of the people surveyed believe that it doesn't matter how old you are – our smile is our best feature. And 99.7 percent agree that a good smile helps us socially, while 74 percent believe an unappealing smile can damage our chances for employment. We may also want to improve our confidence, look better in photos, make a good impression at a class reunion or other social event or simply look younger and like what we see in the mirror each morning.
Here comes another non-technical post about travel destinations, and this time we visited Linköping in south-east Sweden. Linköping is not a big tourist destination, rather a typical real city. We also went to Kolmården, the biggest Zoo in Sweden, which is "close" to Linköping, only some 70 km away. Linköping is one of the ten 100k-cities in Sweden (the ten cities with populations of 100000 to 200000, which kind of form a mid-size layer beneath the three major big cities of Malmö, Göteborg, and Stockholm). It is a fast-growing high-tech city with a big university. I think that along with Västerås, it might at some point surpass Uppsala as Sweden's fourth-largest city. The overall impression is of an optimistic city with a good economy. On the surface, there did not look like there was that much to do in Linköping, but after a closer look, there are a lot of museums and places that are really very good — especially for a family with small children. The tourist board has a good central information source at visitlinkoping.se, which does list most interesting things. Here are the things that we found, evaluated from the perspective of a family with a four-year old that needs to be entertained. Gamla Linköping is an open-air museum area similar to Skansen in Stockholm. You have a lot of old buildings showing how the city looked around 1900. The buildings are inhabited, and most contain activities such as cafes and small museums. There are many small activities for children showing how people lived in past times, including baking in a wood-fired oven and doing the laundry pre-washing-machine. Fenomenmagasinet is located at Gamla Linköping, and is a surprisingly large technology hands-on center. Actually, one of the best such I have seen! Particularly attractive was the cockpit section of a SAAB 2000 passenger liner they have, where children can play at being a pilot or passenger. Next to Gamla Linköping there is Valla, which has a very large and imaginative playground, as well as some more museums. For a someone with an interest in the history of technology, there is small train museum (about narrow-gauge railroads) and a tractor museum that I found fascinating. Do take the silly little "train" between Gamla Linköping and Valla, our four-year old loved that part! Busfabriken was another hit! It is a very large indoors playground that makes the stuff we have back home in Uppsala pale in comparison. Unfortunately, the main reason that I wanted to go to Linköping turned out to be closed for renovation. The Swedish Airforce Museum is closed from early 2009, and won't open until June of 2010. I guess I should have checked this before we went here… but it is not like this was the only time in history that I will come by Linköping. Better luck next year, I guess. Shopping is decent in Linköping, since there is no other big city close by to "steal" the niche stores (like Stockholm does for Uppsala). In particular, I recommend going to Norins Ost for some good cheese. We did not visit the facilities around the great Swedish canal works, Göta Kanal. Apparently, Bergs slussar is a good destination around a set of canal locks. You can take a boat trip along Kinda kanal as well, but we did not try that either. Kolmården is the biggest zoo in Sweden, and of the top tourist destinations in Sweden overall. The overall environment is quite interesting: it is very hilly, so expect to push strollers up and down fairly steep inclines. It is also embedded in a large forest, and thus nice and shady even on the warmest sunny summer days. Good shoes are recommended! It is based on the display of interesting animals, split into sections with often English-language names like "Marine World" and "Tiger World". There are elephants, tigers, snow leopards, dolphins, penguins, camels, gorillas, schimpanzees, etc. The dolphin show in the Marine World felt a bit cheeky at times (unnecessary pirate interlude, not to mention a video presentation with Markoolio), but the dolphins themselves were great! Do spend the extra 20 SEK/person to pre-book (over the Internet) seats for the show you want to see. It will save you literally hours standing in line for the show and guarantee very good seats. In addition, there are three major play grounds for children: Bamses Värld, for those who love Bamse, Kulmården for small children, and Wild Park for children around eight-nine. Wild Park has some really cool things, like a super-high slide and a mine where you can crawl and walk through. Overall, it feels like seven years or older is optimal for this destination, smaller children will not understand most of the attempts to inform about animals, their habitats, and preservation, nor will they be able to really enjoy the play grounds. There is an emphasis on teaching visitors about endangered animals and various preservations programs that Kolmården is part of running (and a discrete invitation to contribute money directly). One recommendation is to start the day by taking out a day-pass for the cabin cars connecting the opposite corners of the park. It is quite a relaxing time to make a circuit around the park in a cabin car, and it offers the fastest way to get to the Marine World from the entrance. Prices inside the park are decent as far as parks go, about 18 SEK for a coffee, 80-100 SEK for a real meal. 20-30 SEK for an icecream. The small rollercoaster is a total rip-off at 40 SEK/person including children. There is also a "Safari Park" where you can drive your own car through a safari land with wild African animals. We did not try that. Vacationing around Linköping is not a bad idea at all, and we did not have time to visit all the fun things there are to see.
Canadians for the first time get a look inside their hospitals with an online poll by the CBC's flagship investigative show, the fifth estate, distributed to registered nurses across the country as part of Rate My Hospital, a sweeping series about health care. Nearly a quarter of nurses wouldn't recommend the hospital where they work to their family or friends, a survey by CBC News has found. The startling figure comes from an online survey that CBC's flagship investigative show, the fifth estate, distributed to registered nurses across the country as part of Rate My Hospital, a sweeping series about health care that continues all week. "I'm very disappointed that nurses can't recommend their facilities, the places where they work, to their loved ones," said Ontario Nurses' Association vice-president Andy Summers. "When they look around them and they realize that they couldn't recommend that facility, it tells me that they're recognizing how dire their practice is." "There is clear, clear evidence that short staffing has negative impact on patient outcomes, as well as nurses' health," warned Ritchie, whom CBC consulted with to develop the survey questions. "Just recently I met a new graduating class of nurses — 125 of them — and none of them had jobs," said Silas. "I just had to shake my head because we know the system is short. We're working on overtime. That's what's keeping our system alive." "I work in cardiac surgery, and they tried to save budget so they're not replacing for sick call," said one Toronto-area nurse who asked that her identity be protected for fear of reprisal. "So, it just puts the patients at risk. The hospital, they're in denial." "It's just hard to be passionate: how do you keep the passion when you feel like you're fighting upstream?" said the nurse, who also asked not to be identified. "Everybody's burned out all day. And you just pray that you can get through the day, every day and everyone will get through the day safely with you," said the nurse, who also asked that her identity be protected. "There's times I would just say, 'It's only by the luck of God we got through this day and nothing happened.'" "If you're not really looking at the patient, and you're not really listening because you just can't or you will lose it, then you're going to miss important cues, and nurses are the patients' safety nets," said Ritchie. "They're their first line of defence." Despite that, nearly 40 per cent said they didn't feel as if they could do their job to a quality standard that they were pleased with. Those findings echo a frustration that the rural Newfoundland and Labrador nurse says she's often felt in recent years. "I can't do, truly do, for my patients what I want to do and they need," said the nurse, who asked not to be identified. For Kamloops, B.C., nurse Aki Minato, delivering quality care is a key reason she chose the job. She's among the 46 per cent who feel satisfied with the quality they deliver. "I'm just grateful that I have this job, that I do what I believe is valuable work, and the patients are so grateful, and I feel that every day I work," says Minato, who works in a dialysis unit. Among the other issues nurses expressed in the survey were the lack of necessary equipment to do the job and frustration that medical errors weren't always addressed. "I think that lots of time, [the errors] might be ignored or [the hospital] waits for something big to happen [before taking action]," said one Toronto-area nurse who asked not to be identified. Ritchie says that's a common complaint, in part caused by a hospital funding structure dependent on donations. "Often, the equipment is purchased based on donations, like a big MRI machine or something fancy. But it's not very prestigious to say I donated 150 special pumps for intravenous or feedings," said Ritchie. Nearly six per cent of nurses who answered the survey reported that they sometimes don't even have the basic hygiene necessities of hot water, soap, paper towels or alcohol rubs available when needed. The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions president says it's time to address the problems facing nurses across the country. "Nursing is the No. 1 area to address," said Silas. "After you fix nursing, you'll fix the rest."
4000 Eagle Point Corp. Dr. Board Misc Contacts Links Faq Maps Dues Eagle Pointer 10.05.2013 Eagle Pointer 9/30 - 10/5/2013 Free Day at the Landfill Saturday, October 5, 2013, is declared as a "Free Day" in 2013 for residents, churches, civic groups and municipalities in Shelby County to dispose of...... Read on Saturday, October 5, 2013, is declared as a "Free Day" for residents, churches, civic groups and municipalities in Shelby County to dispose of trash and debris at the Shelby County Landfill at no charge. This is to be residential household debris and limited to one ton trucks/trailers or less for residents of Shelby County. All municipal initiatives or projects on these dates that involve contract haulers will be allowed to participate as long as prior approval is obtained through Shelby County Environmental Services and each applicable waste transport vehicle displays the county assigned access placard. The access placard shall be displayed in the front window of each approved vehicle. A link to the Shelby County landfill web site: http://al-shelbycounty.civicplus.com/index.aspx?nid=253 Electrician Needed The HOA is seeking an electrician to work on minor tasks such as repairing landscape lighting and irrigation controls. We would appreciate any referrals from homeowners. Electricians must be licensed and insured. Please send recommendations to eaglepointhomeowners@gmail.com. The EPHOA has developed the Realtime Security Alert System (RSAS) to quickly communicate potential safety and security-related issues to the residents of Eagle Point. The RSAS enables users to receive SMS text messages or emails related to street names in Eagle Point subdivision, as such notices are published on the website of the Shelby County Sheriff's Office Dispatch Log (http://shelbyso.com/ or http://dispatchlog.shelbyal.com). The RSAS continuously monitors the ShelbySO Dispatch Log for activity involving street names in Eagle Point subdivision, and automatically sends Alerts via SMS text message to the EPHOA Safety & Security Monitors. The Monitors will immediately assess the content of the Alert and use judgment and established priority guidelines to determine whether to broadcast the Alert to the entire Network. Eagle Point residents may log in at the homepage (http://www.ephoa.org/) and click on the link at the top labeled "ALERTS RSAS" to review terms of use and subscribe to the RSAS. Neighbor to Neighbor Two yard sale signs went missing during the evening after last Saturday's (Sept. 28) neighborhood sale. The large signs were commissioned and purchased by an individual homeowner to advertise "Yard Sale at The Crest" because the area is often overlooked during yard sale day. They were posted at the intersection of Eagle Point Parkway and Eagle Point Drive (at Golf Course) and in front of Eagle Trace - Talon Lane. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the signs, please contact Amie at eaglepointhomeowners@gmail.com or 314.5793, or you can anonomously place them outside of YourOffice on Eagle Point Corporate Drive. Thank you. Alpine 12" Type R Subwoofer with box and 500 watt Alpine amplifier. $300.00 OBO. Please contact ...... Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to eaglepointwebnews@gmail.com for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community. The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 8th at 6:00 p.m. Deadline to appear in the next week's Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight. We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to eaglepointwebnews@gmail.com. The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals. © 2020 EPHOA Pay Dues Online ARCC Change Form ARCC FAQ
package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.freemarker; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.template.TemplateAvailabilityProvider; import org.springframework.core.io.DefaultResourceLoader; import org.springframework.core.io.ResourceLoader; import org.springframework.mock.env.MockEnvironment; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; /** * Tests for {@link FreeMarkerTemplateAvailabilityProvider}. * * @author Andy Wilkinson */ class FreeMarkerTemplateAvailabilityProviderTests { private final TemplateAvailabilityProvider provider = new FreeMarkerTemplateAvailabilityProvider(); private final ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new DefaultResourceLoader(); private final MockEnvironment environment = new MockEnvironment(); @Test void availabilityOfTemplateInDefaultLocation() { assertThat(this.provider.isTemplateAvailable("home", this.environment, getClass().getClassLoader(), this.resourceLoader)).isTrue(); } @Test void availabilityOfTemplateThatDoesNotExist() { assertThat(this.provider.isTemplateAvailable("whatever", this.environment, getClass().getClassLoader(), this.resourceLoader)).isFalse(); } @Test void availabilityOfTemplateWithCustomLoaderPath() { this.environment.setProperty("spring.freemarker.template-loader-path", "classpath:/custom-templates/"); assertThat(this.provider.isTemplateAvailable("custom", this.environment, getClass().getClassLoader(), this.resourceLoader)).isTrue(); } @Test void availabilityOfTemplateWithCustomLoaderPathConfiguredAsAList() { this.environment.setProperty("spring.freemarker.template-loader-path[0]", "classpath:/custom-templates/"); assertThat(this.provider.isTemplateAvailable("custom", this.environment, getClass().getClassLoader(), this.resourceLoader)).isTrue(); } @Test void availabilityOfTemplateWithCustomPrefix() { this.environment.setProperty("spring.freemarker.prefix", "prefix/"); assertThat(this.provider.isTemplateAvailable("prefixed", this.environment, getClass().getClassLoader(), this.resourceLoader)).isTrue(); } @Test void availabilityOfTemplateWithCustomSuffix() { this.environment.setProperty("spring.freemarker.suffix", ".freemarker"); assertThat(this.provider.isTemplateAvailable("suffixed", this.environment, getClass().getClassLoader(), this.resourceLoader)).isTrue(); } }
World Cup 2022 briefing: will Morocco be the first to spring a surprise? | World Cup 2022 After the celebration of countries from the Asian, African and Concacaf regions making it to the knockout stages, Morocco offer the final hope of a country from outside Europe and South America reaching the quarter finals. USA, Australia, Senegal, Japan and South Korea have already had their exit visas stamped at airport security, leaving Walid Regragui's side as the last ones standing. The talk of a global shift in the game has been replaced by discussions about how good Kylian Mbappé is and if football is coming home. Today could be the day we get a shock; Morocco and Switzerland will be eager to be the ones to carry them out. Currently the quarter-finals contain six of the best teams on the planet, and where is the fun in that? Few could have predicted Morocco finishing top of their group and Spain coming second to create such a last-16 tie. Inspired by Hakim Ziyech's return to the national team, Morocco came through the opening three matches unbeaten. Although the Chelsea winger is grabbing headlines with his performances, it should not go unnoticed that they conceded a solitary goal in fixtures against Croatia, Belgium and Canada. Morocco have not won a knockout stage game in their previous five World Cups and this is only the second time they have reached the final 16. On that occasion – after another unbeaten group stage in which they only conceded once – they faced West Germany and went down 1-0 in Mexico. On Tuesday they face another of the world's elite in Spain, and a slender defeat would look like an impressive result to outsiders but Morocco will be optimistic of winning. They have four players that ply their trade in La Liga, something that could aid the underdogs. Opponents Spain laid down a marker in their opening fixture of the tournament by thrashing Costa Rica 7-0, before limping through the next two groups games. A 1-1 draw with Germany did nothing for their reputation and the less said about losing to Japan, the better. At one stage during the final group match, Spain were heading out with Germany but they just scraped through in the end. The most recent two results should be a wake up call for Luis Enrique and his overly-relaxed charges. Unai Simón was culpable for Japan's opener and his place could be under threat for the match and bringing in Brighton's Robert Sánchez or Brentford's David Raya would be a bold call at this critical stage. Portugal and Switzerland progressed out of their groups with six points. The former, however, came top and will be favourites to advance to the quarters in the late kick-off thanks to their array of talent. The clubless Cristiano Ronaldo has underwhelmed thus far but felt the need to stomp off when substituted during the loss to South Korea. His former Manchester United teammate Bruno Fernandes is more integral to his country than the fading powers of a once great No 7 but the potential of one final crack at winning a World Cup might roll back the years for Ronaldo in the latter stages. Bruno Fernandes has been in sparkling form for Portugal. Photograph: Etsuo Hara/Getty Images The Swiss finished behind Brazil in their group, giving the South Americans a tough time in their clash, which Tite's side won 2-0. They will be hoping to do better against another Lusophone nation. If they do defeat Portugal, it would be Switzerland's first quarter-final since 1954 when they lost an entertaining encounter 7-5 to Austria in a tournament they were hosting. In their past three last-16 ties they have lost 1-0 to Sweden, in extra-time against Argentina and on penalties to Ukraine. They know how to come close to being in the final eight but never get over the line. Neither Spain nor Portugal would like to see a shock today. For the neutral, however, it would be great for the tournament, but anything that is good for football is unlikely to happen in a competition organised by Fifa. Hopefully, this will be a great day for the fans, rather than the suits. Experience drags Croatia through to last eight Croatia's starting XI was the oldest in a World Cup knockout stage since 1998, coming in at an average age of 29 years and 330 days. Positives and negatives arise from having veteran status. It was obvious in the first half how tired their players were, unable to compete with the thrust of Japan on the break and looking unlikely to break down such a well-disciplined team. In the second half of the 90 minutes, however, the experience kicked in. Croatia has a collection of players who were in Russia four years ago when they won two penalty shootouts in the knockout stages, not to mention an extra-time victory over England. In addition to Luka Modric, Ivan Perisic and Mateo Kovacic on the pitch, the likes of Mario Mandzukic, Vedran Corluka and Ivica Olic are on the coaching staff. You cannot buy players in international football but there are few within this cohort that Croatia would be willing to sell. WU A crafty bunch: Croatia's Luka Modric, Dejan Lovren, Domagoj Vida and assistant coach Mario Mandzukic. Photograph: Dylan Martinez/Reuters Strictly winning top of the agenda for Brazil Teams very rarely win trophies purely based on individual quality, and no one can deny how much Brazil possess. Instead, success is created by a mixture of talent, hard work and camaraderie. Brazil were scintillating against South Korea, summarised by Richarlison scoring the third, the best team goal of the tournament by a distance. Upon slotting home, the team celebrated as a group, including the substitutes and even coach Tite, who joined in with the rhythmical dancing on the touchline. For the second, Neymar sprinted to the injured Alex Telles in the stands. Everyone is involved in Brazil's progress thus far in the competition and that team ethic should help take them further. It is not a crime to enjoy doing your job and it is not surprising that the Brazilians in Qatar are loving their work at the moment. WU Arsène Wenger is no stranger to criticism. In his last few dispiriting years as Arsenal manager he came in for plenty of flak from fans and pundits alike. He's back in the firing line again for using his role as chairman of the Fifa technical advisory board to claim that some teams failed in the World Cup group stages because they focused too much "on political demonstrations". He is ostensibly paid by Fifa to use his football expertise to pick apart the tactical and technical reasons for why teams have done well or not. By bringing politics into his critique of nations who spoke out in support of human rights it appears to be a clear attempt to please his employers as well as Qatar's Supreme Committee. It's also very depressing. While he continues to be paid by Fifa perhaps it is Arsène, and not the teams, who should stick to football. GB Global media-watch In Portugal's media the CR7 show is never far away. In Jornal de Notícias there is still some debate whether Ronaldo's angry words as he left the field having been substituted on Friday – "You're in a big fucking hurry for me to leave" – were directed at a South Korean player trying to jockey him off the field faster, or his own coach. "I saw the interaction with the Korean player and I have no doubts about what happened," national boss Fernando Santos said. Well, given he's rather relying on Ronaldo turning up to play, he would, wouldn't he? In Público, they are lamenting that the brilliant scoring record of Ronaldo for the national team is yet to extend to the sharp end of World Cups, saying: "With 118 goals scored for Portugal, only eight were achieved in the greatest football competition in the world. None of them in the knockout stage." They contrast this with his contributions at the Euros, where he has scored vital goals in knockout games in three separate editions. O Jogo, meanwhile, is fretting over an omen in the appointment of Tuesday's referee for the clash with Switzerland. "César Ramos refereed a Portugal game that doesn't bring back good memories. At the 2018 World Cup in Russia, also in the round of 16, the Portuguese team was eliminated 2-1 by Uruguay, and the match was refereed by the Mexican." MB The internet reacts You can't make do with just a psychic octopus these days. Ahead of Japan's epic last 16 clash with Croatia the internet was going wild for a range of cute animals predicting a Japanese victory, which would have taken them to the World Cup quarter-finals for the first ever time. Lilo the otter at Marine World Uminonakamichi pulled a red frisbee indicating an impending Japanese win, and gave his trainers a little high five into the bargain. Kurizo – half-dog, half-teddy bear – also predicted a win for the Samurai Blue. Even an unnamed Tanuki – a Japanese raccoon dog – on night vision camera managed to pick the Japan flag, despite not really appearing to know it was being tested. It was all to no avail. And spare a thought for Japan's Ambassador to Croatia, Iso Masato, who found himself at Zagreb zoo for a publicity shoot on Monday morning to watch Kent the Gibbon correctly predict that Croatia were going to win. Japan's Ambassador Iso Masato (left) watches as Gibbon Kent and his pack choose food from one of the Croatian bags at Zagreb Zoo. Photograph: Denis Lovrović/AFP/Getty Images Perhaps the less said about the captive monkey simulation of the match, the better. Today's matches Morocco v Spain (Last 16, 3pm GMT, ITV1) "A punch in the face" is how the Spain manager, Luis Enrique, described defeat by Japan in their third group match. His hope is that the shock blow wakes his team up before a showdown with a dangerous Morocco side who topped Group F. Spain will almost certainly dominate possession but are vulnerable when they lose the ball – though the return of Aymeric Laporte to the starting XI will aid solidity. Walid Regragui, the Morocco manager, runs a defensively-assured team and his two outstanding players – winger Hakim Ziyech and attacking full-back Achraf Hakimi – are a threat on the break. Spain must be wary of the counterpunch. Portugal v Switzerland (Last 16, 7pm GMT, ITV1) Xherdan Shaqiri summoned Swiss underdog spirit ahead of this game by proclaiming: "Just as Australia posed problems to Argentina, we can pose a lot of problems to Portugal." As Australia definitely lost, that might not be the best rallying cry for a Switzerland side that impressed in the fiery 3-2 win against Serbia, with Granit Xhaka controlling play. Xhaka will be kept busy by Portugal's talent-packed midfield, with Bruno Fernandes – rested in the last group game – in fine form with two goals and two assists. These two sides split a pair of Nations League games earlier this year and while Portugal are deserved favourites, a tight encounter likely awaits. AR Cristiano Ronaldo Well, obviously. However not for the reasons of old, when he was undisputedly his nation's main threat. Portugal's greatest ever player scored in a record fifth World Cup via a penalty but did not find the net in open play in three group games (despite desperately trying to get his hair on a Bruno Fernades cross). We may come to a point where the 37-year-old is stymieing Portugal's play, keeping exciting attackers such as Rafael Leão – admittedly not a direct replacement – on the bench. Ronaldo has never scored in a World Cup knockout game and will be determined to match Lionel Messi in finally doing so. But if he does not look like scoring, will Santos have the boldness to substitute Ronaldo with the game against Switzerland in the balance? A fascinating subplot. AR Cristiano Ronaldo cracks a smile as he trains with Portugal before their last-16 tie with Switzerland. Photograph: Patrícia de Melo Moreira/AFP/Getty Images And finally … Where do you go to for your World Cup predictions? In 2010 we had Paul the Octopus, in 2014 Brazilian macaws Sarge and Oscar were often spot on, and in 2018 Achilles the Cat had his paw prints all over forecasts for how the tournament in Russia would turn out. But 2022's go-to predictor isn't hairy, doesn't live in water and has only two legs. Step forward French president Emmanuel Macron who, in an interview with Le Parisien, successfully prophesied that France would beat Poland 3-1, with Olivier Giroud, Kylian Mbappé and Robert Lewandowski all scoring. If he predicts another France win, expect the England team – and not the World Cup – to be coming home. GB After PAY-PARITY for women cricketers, BCCI ready to introduce Women Umpires in Ranji Trophy 2022-23 BRAD FRIEDEL: Gregg Berhalter should STAY as USA coach but his team will be in shock at Holland loss Real Madrid 3-1 Atletico Madrid: Benzema and Vinicius strike in extra-time after Savic sent off Guardiola could 'fight on the touchline' with Arteta and not lose respect for him | Pep Guardiola COMME Des GARÇONS HOMME X New Balance 1906R PGA Tour stars Max Homa and Collin Morikawa mock 'tee-gate' between Rory McIlroy and Patrick Reed
World's poorest countries spent £2.5 billion on UK services in 2017 October 19, 2018 December 2, 2019 justin@developmentmonitor.org.uk 1 Comment Financial Flows, Highlights, trade Analysis by Development Monitor shows that the UK exported £2.5 billion of services – such as management consulting and financial services – to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in 2017, up from £2.0 billion in 2016. The UN defines LDCs as low-income countries that face severe impediments to sustainable development. The UK also imported £0.7bn worth of services from these countries in 2017, unchanged from 2016. The value of UK services provided to LDCs was almost as much as the UK's bilateral, country-specific aid spending on those countries, which amounted to £2.6bn in 2017. Several LDCs spent more on UK services in 2017 than they received in UK bilateral aid, including: Afghanistan: UK service exports £241m, UK bilateral aid £227m Bangladesh: UK service exports £352m, UK bilateral aid £176m Mozambique: UK service exports £114m, UK bilateral aid £58m Zambia: UK service exports £72m, UK bilateral aid £53m. The Solomon Islands spent the highest proportion of its income on UK services, worth 4.74% of their GDP in 2017, and equivalent to around half their spending on education. On average LDCs spent a greater proportion of their national income on UK services than richer developing countries. In 2017, imports of UK services exports were on average worth: 0.31% of GDP for Least Developed Countries 0.12% of GDP for Upper Middle Income countries (such as Brazil and China) More trends and analysis can be found on Development Monitor's financial flows dashboard. UK investment in Least Development Countries shows 30% fall June 12, 2018 September 26, 2019 justin@developmentmonitor.org.uk Financial Flows Data released by the Office for National Statistics, following a request from Development Monitor, shows that: The UK's outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) position in Least Development Countries (LDCs) fell 29.5% from 2014 to 2015 There was a net disinvestment of £2.7 billion by UK companies in those countries 2015 UK FDI in LDCs accounted for less than 1% of the UK's total outward FDI position in 2015 Over the same period, the UK's total outward FDI positions (in all countries) fell slightly (2.5%) from £1,078.7 billion in 2014 to £1,052.1 billion in 2015. Find out more about the UK's interactions with Least Developed Countries using our financial flows and trade dashboards. Explore UK trade relations with developing countries March 14, 2018 December 2, 2019 justin@developmentmonitor.org.uk Financial Flows, trade Development Monitor has launched a new trade dashboard which explores the UK's trade with developing countries and shows the importance of this trade for both the UK and people in developing countries. The dashboard supports Development Monitor's submission to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Trade out of Poverty inquiry on Commonwealth countries and its submission to the International Trade Committee inquiry into trade with developing countries. The dashboard helps to answer questions like: Which developing countries are most dependent on the UK as an export market? How important is trade with the UK for Commonwealth developing countries? What are the top developing country markets for UK goods and services exports? Do developing countries that have signed up to an Economic Partnership Agreement export more to the UK than those that haven't? If you find the dashboard useful, or have suggestions for new features, please get in contact. September 1, 2017 October 24, 2018 justin@developmentmonitor.org.uk Financial Flows Our data dashboard has been upgraded to allow you to analyse trends in financial flows between the UK and groups of developing countries. You can explore trends in financial flows for different regions – for example South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa; different income levels – for example all low income countries; or other categories such as Least Developed Countries, or the top 20 recipients of UK aid. This means you can easily answer questions such as what are the trends in financial flows between the UK and Sub-Saharan Africa? If you then want to explore UK imports from Sub-Saharan Africa in more detail, Development Monitor can immediately show how imports have varied by country over the last few years and map out imports for a year of choice. Alternatively you can answer quickly questions about trends in flows between the UK and different categories of countries, such as what are the trends in remittances from the UK to the Least Developed Countries? June 21, 2017 September 1, 2017 justin@developmentmonitor.org.uk Financial Flows May 30, 2017 June 9, 2017 justin@developmentmonitor.org.uk Financial Flows Development Monitor has launched the initial version of its dashboard showing financials flows between the UK and developing countries. The dashboard is the first step in Development Monitor's work to monitor interactions between the UK and developing countries, with the aim of improving accountability for policies (beyond aid spending) that affect developing countries. The initial version includes bilateral flows for remittances, Official Development Assistance (ODA), trade in goods and Foreign Direct Investment, with trends shown over the five years 2010-2015. The data currently covers all developing countries classed as low income and lower middle income by the World Bank. The dashboard is currently being developed and tested so please contact(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)developmentmonitor.org.uk with your feedback and suggestions. Over the coming weeks and months we will be introducing new ways to explore the data, adding more datasets (such as investment positions, CDC investments flows and payments for natural resources), as well as looking at what the data can tell us.
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Daniel McGrath promoted to Lowell The Red Sox have promoted left-handed pitcher Daniel McGrath from the Gulf Coast League Red Sox to the Short Season-A Lowell Spinners, the team announced. McGrath, 19, was originally signed to a $400,000 bonus in February 2012 out of the Australian amateur league, with the provision that he would remain home that summer to complete high school. Making his stateside debut this season with the GCL Red Sox, McGrath was out to an excellent start. In 20 innings across four appearances, the lefty allowed only three runs on 8 hits. He walked only six batters, while his 30 strikeouts placed him third in the league. His 0.700 WHIP and 13.5 K/9 ratio were both tops among Gulf Coast League starting pitchers. Originally scheduled to pitch today in the Gulf Coast League, there is no word on when McGrath will make his Spinners debut. The Red Sox did not announce any countermove. UPDATE: McGrath will make his Lowell debut tonight against State College. Photo Credit: Daniel McGrath by SoxProspects, LLC.
STUDIO: 507-235-7664 KEMJ KFMC KSUMSports KSUM PUBLIC INSPECTION FILE MEAT PACKER JBS CYBER ATTACK (AP) – The world's largest meat processing company is getting back online after production around the world was disrupted by a cyberattack just weeks after a similar incident shut down a U.S. oil pipeline. Brazil's JBS SA said late Tuesday that it had made "significant progress" in dealing with the cyberattack and expected the "vast majority" of its plants to be operating on Wednesday. "Our systems are coming back online and we are not sparing any resources to fight this threat," Andre Nogueira, CEO of JBS USA, said in a statement. Earlier, the White House said JBS had notified the U.S. of a ransom demand from a criminal organization likely based in Russia. White House principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the White House and the Department of Agriculture have been in touch with the company several times this week. JBS is the second-largest producer of beef, pork and chicken in the U.S. If it were to shut down for even one day, the U.S. would lose almost a quarter of its beef-processing capacity, or the equivalent of 20,000 beef cows, according to Trey Malone, an assistant professor of agriculture at Michigan State University. The closures reflect the reality that modern meat processing plants are heavily automated, for both food- and worker-safety reasons. Computers collect data at multiple stages of the production process, and orders, billing, shipping and other functions are all electronic. Even before the attack, U.S. meat prices were rising due to coronavirus shutdowns, bad weather and high plant absenteeism. Malone said the disruption could further raise meat prices ahead of summer barbecues. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates beef prices will climb 1%-2% this year, poultry as much as 1.5% and pork 2%-3%. JBS, which is a majority shareholder of Pilgrim's Pride, didn't say which of its 84 U.S. facilities were closed Monday and Tuesday because of the attack. It said JBS USA and Pilgrim's were able to ship meat from nearly all of its facilities Tuesday. The company also said it was making progress toward resuming plant operations in the U.S. and Australia. Several of the company's pork, poultry and prepared foods plants were operational Tuesday and its Canada beef facility resumed production, it said. Earlier Tuesday, a union official confirmed that two shifts at the company's largest U.S. beef plant, in Greeley, Colorado, were canceled. The Worthington, Minnesota plant was shut down on Tuesday afternoon. Some plant shifts in Canada were also canceled Monday and Tuesday, according to JBS Facebook posts. Jean-Pierre said the White House "is engaging directly with the Russian government on this matter and delivering the message that responsible states do not harbor ransomware criminals." The FBI is investigating the incident, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is offering technical support to JBS. In addition, USDA has spoken to several major meat processors in the U.S. to alert them to the situation, and the White House is assessing any potential impact on the nation's meat supply. JBS has more than 150,000 employees worldwide. It's not the first time a ransomware attack has targeted a food company. Last November, Milan-based Campari Group said it was the victim of a ransomware attack that caused a temporary technology outage and compromised some business and personal data. In March, Molson Coors announced a cyber attack that affected its production and shipping. Molson Coors said it was able to get some of its breweries running after 24 hours; others took several days. Ransomware expert Brett Callow, a threat analyst at the security firm Emsisoft, said companies like JBS make ideal targets. "They play a critical role in the food supply chain and threat actors likely believe this increases their chances of getting a speedy payout," Callow said. Mark Jordan, who follows the meat industry as the executive director of Leap Market Analytics, said the disruption would be minimal if JBS recovers in the next few days. Meat processers are accustomed to delays because of various factors including industrial accidents and power outages. They make up for lost production with extra shifts, he said. "Several plants owned by a major meatpacker going offline for a couple of days is a major headache, but it is manageable assuming it doesn't extend much beyond that," he said. U.S. meat demand generally eases for a few weeks between Memorial Day and the July 4 Independence Day holiday. But such attacks can wreak havoc. Last month, a gang of hackers shut down operation of the Colonial Pipeline, the largest U.S. fuel pipeline, for nearly a week. The closure sparked long lines and panic buying at gas stations across the Southeast. Colonial Pipeline confirmed it paid $4.4 million to the hackers. danbrookens2021-06-02T10:21:34-05:00 City of Lakes Media in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission post the following statement in regards to advertising on KSUM or KFMC: Non-Discriminatory Advertising Sales Agreement. Licensee certifies that its advertising sales agreements do not discriminate on basis or race or ethnicity. Home | KSUM Public Inspection File | EEO Report | FCC Applications | Powered by NexGen Marketing
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Q: bash 4.4 not passing variables to sub-shell Bash 4.4 and 4.3 seem to behave differently with regards to passing variables into subshells or heredocs. From @CharlesDuffy a simple reproduction: export var=0; var=1 cat <<<"$(env | grep '^var')" Bash 4.4 outputs var=0, bash 4.3 outputs var=1. My original script for reproducing the problem: TZ=Europe/London timezone=Asia/Tokyo echo TZ=$TZ echo timezone=$timezone date +%H:%M TZ=$timezone date +%H:%M IFS=':' TZ=$timezone read hour minute <<EOF $(date +%H:%M) EOF echo TZOUTER $hour-$minute IFS=':' read hour minute <<EOF $(TZ=$timezone date +%H:%M) EOF echo TZINNER $hour-$minute Bash 4.3 (Ubuntu 16.04) gives: TZ=Europe/London timezone=Asia/Tokyo 14:52 22:52 TZOUTER 22-52 TZINNER 22-52 Bash 4.4 (Ubuntu 17.04) gives: TZ=Europe/London timezone=Asia/Tokyo 13:53 22:53 TZOUTER 13-53 TZINNER 22-53 (On bash 4.3 both the inner and outer approaches give the same time, on bash 4.4 the TZOUTER gives the original TZ value). Does anyone know why this changed? I've looked over https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/info-gnu/2016-09/msg00008.html but I can't work out which change caused the alteration to behavior. A: From the detailed changelog entry from 2014-12-3: subst.c * *command_substitute: if running command substitution as part of expanding a redirection (expanding_redir == 1), flush any temporary environment we've inherited as part of this command, since we are not supposed to have access to the temporary environment. Since expanding_redir only controls access to the temporary environment for variable lookup and binding, we can turn it off in the subshell Specifically, the following new code is added: if (expanding_redir) { flush_temporary_env (); expanding_redir = 0; } ...which simply removes all contents of the temporary_env hash table, preventing temporary environment variables from being inappropriately expanded when merge_temporary_env() is invoked in execute_simple_command() during redirection-related expansions. A: This changed because bash 4.3 incorrectly applied the precommand modifier to the evaluation of the command substitution in the here document. In IFS=':' TZ=$timezone read hour minute <<EOF $(date +%H:%M) EOF both the change to IFS and to TZ should only be visible to the read command itself, not the date command. The above should work identically to dateStr=$(date +%H:%M) IFS=':' TZ=$timezone read hour minute <<EOF $dateStr EOF This bug was fixed in bash 4.4, I suspect as part of a general audit of the code related to the evaluation of here documents and here strings. Some related bugs were fixed in 4.3, but others persisted. A: The difference between the two environments may be that TZ is exported or not ( export TZ IFS=':' TZ=$timezone read hour minute <<EOF $(date +%H:%M) EOF echo TZOUTER $hour-$minute ) ( IFS=':' TZ=$timezone read hour minute <<EOF $(date +%H:%M) EOF echo TZOUTER $hour-$minute ) EDIT To avoid variable expansion inside here-doc add single quotes around EOF IFS=':' TZ=$timezone read hour minute <<'EOF' $(date +%H:%M) EOF But here it's expected to expand shell command, so the clearest ( TZ=$timezone IFS=':' read hour minute <<EOF $(date +%H:%M) EOF ) the other is more ambiguous because parameter applies to read command but it is not clear if it should apply to heredoc substitution
The Complete Algarve Holidays Destination Guide! Visiting the Algarve, Portugal? Then see this SITE before the sights! With picturesque fishing villages, long beaches of golden sand, mountains, castles, lakes and rivers, the Algarve is a truly diverse all-year-round holiday destination. If you love the 'Mediterranean style' holiday experience with all the facilities and sophistication that tourism development can offer, then the coastal strip west from Faro to Albufeira and Lagos is for you. Here you may find large hotels and resorts, endless beaches, nightlife, swimming pools, health clubs and superb shopping; all the comforts of home in a foreign country. However, if you prefer to experience the real and virtually unspoilt Algarve then go east of Faro, or to the west Atlantic coast or to the interior. Alternatively, visit in the winter or spring; the weather is usually excellent, not too hot and of course there are far fewer tourists to contend with. The Algarve coast is best described in two parts; to the west of Faro the coast is set with fantastic rock formations separating the many small coves and bays, offering superb photographic opportunities. The coastline to the east of Faro is a complete contrast best seen from the air on approach to Faro Airport; low sandbanks and islets interwoven with small rivers and twisting channels, small traditional fishing villages and restrained holiday resorts make this a charmingly 'Portuguese' destination. An excursion inland along by the Rio Guadiana, to Alcoutim close to the Spanish border and to the west, the raw Atlantic coast and the Serra de Monchique epitomise the unspoilt and rugged beauty that calls discerning travellers back time after time. Visist the Algarve and find that perfect holiday.
Chakwera Fires Secretary to OPC Zangazanga Chikhosi President Lazarus Chakwera has appointed Ms Collen Zamba as new Secretary to the Office of the President and Cabinet replacing Mr. Zangazanga Chikhosi. This has been a consistent demand by the quasi-religious body Public Affairs Committee (PAC) over the past few months and some civil society organisations. The president made the announcement at a press briefing last night regarding his trip to Switzerland and updates in a UK court on corruption cases involving businessman Zuneth Sattar. He has since directed the Anti-Corruption Bureau to conclude investigations on corrupt cases involving Sattar within 21 days. Meanwhile, the president outlined a number of directives aimed at taming acts of extravagance in Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. These include restricting travels, cutting fuel that ministers get by 20 percent, cutting travels to less than three among ministers in the remaining months of the year. Published in: News In Brief Last modified on Wednesday, 01/06/2022 2 Warders Arrested Over Chichiri Prison Break World Bank Commits $60 million Towards Kapichira Hydropower Plant The Ministry of homeland Security says, it is planning to… The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services says the… The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the death of… MoH Runs Out of Cholera Vaccine The Ministry of Health has disclosed that it has run… Farmers Foresee Productive Tobacco Season Tobacco farmers say they see a productive season this year…
So is there a cheaper way to get that entire private jet to yourself to really impress your friends and family? The answer is yes. It's called and an empty leg, which is repositioning flight that takes place after the aircraft dropped off its last full paying charter passengers and now has to fly to another airport to pick up its next group, or sometimes for the aircraft and crew to come back to their base after dropping off customers and various combinations. We were on a commercial flight from Detroit to Salt Lake City when part way into our flight we got notification from Delta app that our delay was going to cause us to miss our connection. We were on a long weekend for MLK to go skiing in Lake Tahoe. We were going to be rescheduled the following day, thus missing half of our vacation. I had email only, and emailed Garett asking if they had an operator in SLC who could get us to Tahoe that evening. Within 20 minutes he came back with two quotes. By the time we landed he had set up the flight, emailed me the number to the shuttle to get from Delta terminal to the private terminal, and did it all for a great price. To throw things off even more, we were set to fly to Tahoe, but Delta somehow got our bags on the flight to Reno that they said we couldn't make. So at the last minute we changed from Tahoe to Reno for a destination. By the time we took the shuttle to the FBO our flight plan was set and we took off within 10 minutes. It could not have been more seamless. It literally saved our vacation. Time is the most precious resource we have and time with family is even more precious. Our daughter is a senior and this is one of the last trips we'll have with her; it meant a lot, and Stratos savings our vacation, allowing us to create memories, means all that much more. Thank you!! Dave I wasn't able to do the survey that is being done by google as I don't have a google email and don't want to set up another email account to be spammed to death.However, if I could have done the survey, I would have given Stratos Jets very high remarks and the reason would be because of the dealings I have with Kerry Hill. As I believe I told you when we met at the S&D last year, Kerry is the best and most considerate person I have ever dealt with from a Charter company. Not only her flight following in which she keeps me posted on everything from beginning to end but also her attention to all the other details for the reservation such as needs of transportation for passengers, insuring that the catering is ordered and delivered. She takes a lot of the weight and stress of my shoulders. If ever I have a question, she is quick to get me the answers I need.In my opinion, she is a very valuable asset to your company. WE were told to go to First Aviation Services terminal at Teterboro but our plane was at another terminal so we wasted over 45 minutes trying to find our aircraft and our agent was not at all helpful. In fact he told us someone was coming to pick us up and they never came and we had to find someone to help us get to the terminal our plane was located at. The agent asked us for our rental car info but when we landed in Naples the rental car was not at the terminal and we had to find a ride over to the other side of the air field to get our rental car. The flight was great but the handling of the pre and post flight were below normal and not what I am used to when I fly private. Not only do we hold every single flight to a higher standard than most, we ensure those demands are consistently met and exceeded on a regular basis. Focused on delivering a truly flawless travel experience, we review everything — from the history of the aircraft and the actual experience of each crew member, all the way to the key personnel in the organization. Each flight is reviewed multiple times to make sure that you are provided with a level of comfort and assurance that only comes with being Skyjet Approved. This designation, reserved for the top 25 percent of private jet operators, requires an unwavering commitment to the rigorous safety standards upheld by our operators and our entire organization. Our commitment to safety never stops. Skyjet arranges flights on behalf of clients with FAR Part 135 air carriers that exercise full operational control of charter flights at all times. Flights will be operated by FAR Part 135 air carriers that have been certified to provide service for Skyjet and that meet all FAA safety standards and additional safety standards established by Skyjet. Skyjet is a registered trademark of Sentient Jet Charter, LLC, dba Skyjet When you're looking to switch off, relax and travel for leisure, a private jet rental is ideal. You can relax, knowing that there's no need to stress, and when in the air, you'll be surround by luxurious comfort, allowing you to arrive feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Whether you're traveling alone, with a loved one, with family or in a group, flying by private jet offers privacy, space and comfort. Since day one, Joel and his team have been providing us with great customer service and always meet or exceed our needs. They are impeccable in their constant communication, which includes everything from quotes to flight status, and all in between. They are very accommodating to all requests, even the last minute ones. Sarah with trip support has carefully and flawlessly helped with all requested travel arrangements, from car rental to car service. It is hard to find a company these days that is genuine and understands the importance of truly great customer service, and this company and all members of the team, have this! It is very refreshing. I would recommend this company to anyone who has ever thought about trying Jet Charters or has done so for years, it will be a change for the best! Recently booked a jet for 11 people from my organization to continue operations during hurricane Irma. As business owners know, operations do not cease during a disaster and customers must continue to be served. Stratos Jet Charters booked the aircraft we needed within an hour of reaching out. Our team was able to continue business operations in NYC seamlessly. Much appreciation to Joel and his team for fast action! I was frantically looking last minute for a private jet to transport myself and a family member with early onset memory loss from Minneapolis, MN to Keene, NH. I found Stratos Jet Charters online and they caught my eye. From the first phone call to Eric Bold, the broker, to the landing in Keene, NH, I was completely amazed at how easy it was to book the flight and get the details in order. Eric was super sharp and made the entire booking simple and fast in a very professional way. He was also totally available by phone immediately when I needed to talk with him. Sarah, also, helped us with catering and the passenger manifesto and she was just as competent. The pilots, Jeff and Deanna, made us feel very secure and confident about the flight and our comfort. I feel so fortunate to have found this company and will reach out to them for all of my future private jet needs. Thank you, each of you, and thank you, Stratos!! If there are no empty leg flights for your exact itinerary and timing, LunaJets will search its proprietorial database to reroute an empty leg. This would be a private jet that would make an additional stop to pick you up at your departure airport, drop you off at your destination airport, or both. These stops incur an additional cost (landing fees, extra fuel) that LunaJets will negotiate with operators for the best possible deal. Although greater than an empty leg price, a rerouted empty leg will always be much less expensive than a full fare on-demand private jet price. Charter companies offer a tailored service in which the client has a choice of meals, drinks, staffing levels and additional services. Tour companies aim to maximize profits, so public charters usually only provide a very basic service to passengers, with a cheap -- or no -- meal, minimal staffing and low baggage allowances. With a private charter, organizations can take advantage of options such as video conferencing, business services and corporate branding. In-flight meals are of a better quality, and passengers do not have luggage restrictions. With public charters, passengers still have to stand in line for check-in and security, so they need to be at the airport two to three hours before the flight. With a private charter, you can pass straight through security and onto the aircraft. No matter what company you're flying with, be sure to ask if there two pilots or one. (Though two pilots are standard on commercial flights, regulations vary for private planes of all sizes.) It also helps to ask if the operator owns the plane—typically, companies that own their planes offer better service. Never forget to ask about daily minimums and taxi fees. "If the hourly rate is $9,000 and you have a single 40-minute flight, you might assume you are going to pay $6,000," says Doug Gollan, creator of PrivateJetCardComparisons.com. "But if your provider has a daily minimum of 1.5 hours, you are going to actually be charged $13,500, plus taxi time, which in my comparisons I have found varies between being included and up to 12 minutes per segment." Stratos Jet Charters doesn't just claim to provide our clients with the best private jet charter service, we deliver it. We are consistently able to deliver world-class customer experience because we invest in key personnel. Our team shares our passion for excellence in private aviation. With more than a decade of experience in arranging thousands of private jet flights, we have developed a proprietary trip management system. This allows our Trip Support team to collaborate in real-time with our clients, booking agents, air carriers and concierge service providers involved with the trip. As a result, every private jet rental we book is arranged entirely to the client's satisfaction.
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It's Time to Catch up with Some Extraordinary Performances both Local and International – all of them Universal April 27, 2020 April 27, 2020 ~ debeernecessities Cody Mountain as Kev and Joel Rosenblatt as Mike in Cut-Out Girls These are tough times and yet for those of us privileged enough to stream and have other entertainment options like DStv, the options of how to pass the time with reading, movies, theatre, documentaries in-between work, are endless. DIANE DE BEER reviews three of her current favourites: We have to start with local and I was thrilled to see when Nicola Hanekom's debut movie Cut-Out Girls appeared on Box-Office (currently at a mere R25 a movie). Hanekom is one of our most exciting theatre director/writers who has recently also moved into television and now film, with this, her first feature film. In interviews she explains that she first wrote it as a play, specifically for young actors she was working with at the time. The audience reaction was so unexpected (it's a story about date rape), that she decided it needed a wider audience, and in this instance a film. These are debut film roles for all the youngsters. That's amazing! And they had to do crowdfunding to make it all happen. Kev (Cody Mountain) and Jenna (Kesiah Gabriel) in Cut-Out Girls. Clea (Ashleigh van der Hoven) in Cut-Out Girls Anni (Atlanta Johnson) in Cut-Out Girls Rape is such a scourge in this country that we are all duty bound to talk about it. Even with this pandemic, around the world, abuse is a huge problem because so many people cannot deal with this kind of pressure and violence is their own release. And with the young, the world we live in now, it's not that everyone has to live scared, but they have to live smart. We have to know the dangers out there and how to keep ourselves safe – women and especially young women, who don't yet have their cynicism radars working fulltime, have to be vigilant. I remember Redi Thlabi in her book Endings and Beginnings writing about being scared when walking to school at the age of 11, highlighting the parallel universes we live in. Nevertheless, we're all vulnerable and what Hanekom's exposé uncovers so smartly, are the monsters within. It is sometimes the boy next door, the tennis star, the popular personality at school who feels entitled. Because danger is something we live with in this world, we sometimes forget when we have to be on our guard. And this is the aspect Hanekom spotlights. Being both writer and director and informed by an intimate knowledge of the cast, she could work smartly with a small budget. You certainly don't feel short-changed and the performances are beautifully balanced. It's a film of our time, speaks to both young and old and extends the reach of one of our most innovative artists. Harriet starring a powerful Cynthia Erivo Another film I was keen to see, is also part of the Box-Office collection. Cynthia Erivo stars as Harriet Tubman in Harriet, the woman who not only escapes from slavery herself, but also freed many slaves as part of the underground railroad, a perilous freedom endeavour of that time. At some point, Harriet says people should not be owned by other people, a sentence that is so obvious yet so ignored – even today – still. That's why these stories are so important. This is also the time when the people affected (still today) by these abominations are the ones telling the stories. That makes a huge difference in both tone and authenticity. And for this one specifically, Cynthia Erivo's performance is epic. She was rewarded with the ONLY Oscar nomination for an actor of colour and also for the best original song, which she both co-wrote and performed. She's a remarkable talent both as actor and singer. She has a strength of character and a powerful presence, which served the character well and her voice has a quality that stops you in your tracks. Her rewards have been well deserved and this following huge controversy because she was a British actor playing an American character – but she proved them wrong and hopefully people were big enough to concede and witness her prowess. The story is a great one but there are problems with the way the story was told – just clumsy and sometimes with too little subtlety and sensitivity. One would think it is a story that almost tells itself especially with Erivo as your talisman. But it remains a story worthy of your time and money. Doon Mackichan (Feste) and Tamsin Greig (Malvolia). Picture Marc Brenner Last on the list is the latest NT Live streaming of 12th Night with Tamsin Greig as the main attraction. But she says herself, this is an ensemble cast as anyone familiar with this Shakespeare comedy will recognise. And while this is a matter of confusingly mistaken and hidden identity throughout, with director Simon Godwin's gender-fluid production, you really have to keep your wits about you. Greig is cast as Malvolio (or in this case Malvolia) and hers is the performance on which the play hangs. Not only is the gender switch in these times fun to watch and navigate but with a play that is a dialogue between order and disorder, puritanism and revelry, and finally, control and fear with terror the driver of control, another contemporary evil. That is how the director viewed it says Greig in an interview which is useful to watch (even with a few spoilers) before getting into the play itself. It's also part of the NT Live stable on YouTube and easy to find. We have had our own innovative 12th Night (a Clare Stopford production in 1998 with amongst others Langley Kirkwood, Isadora Verwey, David Dennis and Bo Peterson) and it is a play that lends itself to interpretation as you heighten both the comic and tragic effects at will. Phoebe Fox as Olivia second from the right with her entourage. Picture Marc Brenner This being a first class British cast with some exceptional performances, a set that enhances the fast flow of the story, some excellent songs with a brilliant burlesque interlude stuck in between, Shakespeare can hardly be more contemporary. Just check a striking ensemble stepping out in their 21st Century ubiquitous veils. It's sassy and smart with as much laughter as there's food for thought in a time when gender fluidity and identity could not be more centre stage. It's exactly where we are now as Shakespeare in his constantly shows us: the more it changes, the more it stays the same. Catch it on NT Live on YouTube until Thursday at 8pm when Frankenstein starring Benedict Cumberbatch follows. Don't miss that either. Posted in Art, Movies, People, Theatre Cut-Out Girls; Nicola Hanekom; Grant Swanby; Crowd funding; Debut Film;Harriet Tubman; Cynthia Erivo; Oscar Nomination; NT Live; NT@home; Simon Godwin; Tamsin Greig; Shakespeare; 12th Night; Clare StopfordYouTube NTLive; Frankenstein; Benedict Cumberbatch ‹ PreviousAuthors Fred Khumalo and Petina Gappah Give Voice to Silenced Perspectives in their Latest Novels Next ›Lientjie Wessels Showcases Connections Between Food and Cultures in Geure
St. Kitts and Nevis Preparing to Capitalize on the Changing World of Work (left to right) Government funded the delegation to ILC consisting of Sydney Bridgewater representing workers, Ron Dublin-Collins, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour, Lucinda Francis, Head of the Employment Unit in the Department of Labour, and Senior Minister Hon. Vance Amory representing the government; and Emile Ferdinand representing employers. Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 18, 2019 (SKNIS): With the changing landscape in the world of work in countries around the world, St. Kitts and Nevis is doing its part to ensure that local workers are prepared to adapt to the dynamics of a new environment and seize the benefits that are created. This was a key point raised by the Senior Minister and Minister of Labour, the Honourable Vance Amory, as he addressed the General Assembly at the 108th Session of the International Labour Conference earlier today (Tuesday, June 18, 2019). The meeting is taking place from June 10-21 in Geneva, Switzerland. Some of the factors driving the transformation in occupational areas include demography, technological improvements, climate change and the continued growth of robotics and artificial intelligence. "In St. Kitts and Nevis, we have begun the process of encouraging our people to prepare for the inevitable change in the structure of work by developing programmes of training and retraining our people to equip them for the future of work," Senior Minister Amory said. "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the National Tripartite Committee have established a new structure to upgrade all workers and prepare them to meet the challenges which confront them in respect of the future of work." The Minister of Labour added that: "The Future of work is about people. It is about families and this transformation is about changing the attitude and the culture of people to accept the change and equip themselves to adapt to the new environment in the world of work. The future of work is about the improvement of the quality of life of our people even as they face the challenges posed by the changing socio economic and the political environment." Since taking office in 2015, Senior Minister Amory has led a number of reforms to promote greater efficiency, justice and harmony in labour relations. This includes establishing a National Tripartite Committee consisting of representatives from government, employers, and employees; strengthening the capacity and functionality of staff at the Department of Labour; and initiating the process to establish a Labour Code. Honourable Amory told the delegates at the International Labour Conference that St. Kitts and Nevis recognizes the importance of ensuring that institutions of learning are geared towards lifelong learning to strengthen the ability of the workforce to adapt to new opportunities that will be created in the future. He also congratulated the International Labour Organization (ILO) on its centenary and expressed profound gratitude for its assistance in establishing the new Labour Code for St. Kitts and Nevis.
120B.026 PHYSICAL EDUCATION; EXCLUSION FROM CLASS; RECESS. 120B.10 FINDINGS; IMPROVING INSTRUCTION AND CURRICULUM. 120B.11 SCHOOL DISTRICT PROCESS FOR REVIEWING CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION, AND STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT; STRIVING FOR THE WORLD'S BEST WORKFORCE. 120B.125 PLANNING FOR STUDENTS' SUCCESSFUL TRANSITION TO POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT; PERSONAL LEARNING PLANS. 120B.13 ADVANCED PLACEMENT AND INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAMS. 120B.131 COLLEGE-LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM (CLEP). 120B.132 RAISED ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT; ADVANCED PLACEMENT AND INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAMS. 120B.16 SECONDARY CREDIT FOR STUDENTS. 120B.23 VIOLENCE PREVENTION EDUCATION GRANTS. 120B.234 CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE PREVENTION EDUCATION. 120B.30 STATEWIDE TESTING AND REPORTING SYSTEM. 120B.301 LIMITS ON LOCAL TESTING. 120B.304 SCHOOL DISTRICT ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE. 120B.31 SYSTEM ACCOUNTABILITY AND STATISTICAL ADJUSTMENTS. 120B.35 STUDENT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND GROWTH. 120B.363 CREDENTIAL FOR EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS. For the purposes of this chapter, the words defined in section 120A.05 have the same meanings. "Academic standard" means a summary description of student learning in a required content area under section 120B.021 or elective content area under section 120B.022. "Benchmark" means specific knowledge or skill that a student must master to complete part of an academic standard by the end of the grade level or grade band. "Credit" means the determination by the local school district that a student has successfully completed an academic year of study or mastered the applicable subject matter. "Elective standard" means a locally adopted expectation for student learning in career and technical education and world languages. "Required standard" means (1) a statewide adopted expectation for student learning in the content areas of language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, and the arts, or (2) a locally adopted expectation for student learning in health or the arts. A district must establish its own standards in career and technical education. A district must use the current world languages standards developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. A school district must offer courses in all elective subject areas. Subd. 1a.Foreign language and culture; proficiency certificates. (a) World languages teachers and other school staff should develop and implement world languages programs that acknowledge and reinforce the language proficiency and cultural awareness that non-English language speakers already possess, and encourage students' proficiency in multiple world languages. Programs under this section must encompass indigenous American Indian languages and cultures, among other world languages and cultures. The department shall consult with postsecondary institutions in developing related professional development opportunities for purposes of this section. (b) Any Minnesota public, charter, or nonpublic school may award Minnesota World Language Proficiency Certificates consistent with this subdivision. (c) The Minnesota World Language Proficiency Certificate recognizes students who demonstrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing language skills at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages' Intermediate-Low level on a valid and reliable assessment tool. Subd. 1b.State bilingual and multilingual seals. (a) Consistent with efforts to strive for the world's best workforce under sections 120B.11 and 124E.03, subdivision 2, paragraph (i), and close the academic achievement and opportunity gap under sections 124D.861 and 124D.862, voluntary state bilingual and multilingual seals are established to recognize high school students in any school district, charter school, or nonpublic school who demonstrate an advanced-low level or an intermediate high level of functional proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing on either assessments aligned with American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages' (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines or on equivalent valid and reliable assessments in one or more languages in addition to English. American Sign Language is a language other than English for purposes of this subdivision and a world language for purposes of subdivision 1a. (2) students must demonstrate mastery of Minnesota's English language proficiency standards. (c) Consistent with this subdivision, a high school student who demonstrates an intermediate high ACTFL level of functional proficiency in one language in addition to English is eligible to receive the state bilingual gold seal. A high school student who demonstrates an intermediate high ACTFL level of functional native proficiency in more than one language in addition to English is eligible to receive the state multilingual gold seal. A high school student who demonstrates an advanced-low ACTFL level of functional proficiency in one language in addition to English is eligible to receive the state bilingual platinum seal. A high school student who demonstrates an advanced-low ACTFL level of functional proficiency in more than one language in addition to English is eligible to receive the state multilingual platinum seal. (d) School districts and charter schools may give students periodic opportunities to demonstrate their level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a language in addition to English. Where valid and reliable assessments are unavailable, a school district or charter school may rely on evaluators trained in assessing under ACTFL proficiency guidelines to assess a student's level of foreign, heritage, or indigenous language proficiency under this section. School districts and charter schools must maintain appropriate records to identify high school students eligible to receive the state bilingual or multilingual gold and platinum seals. The school district or charter school must affix the appropriate seal to the transcript of each high school student who meets the requirements of this subdivision and may affix the seal to the student's diploma. A school district or charter school must not charge the high school student a fee for this seal. (e) A school district or charter school may award elective course credits in world languages to a student who demonstrates the requisite proficiency in a language other than English under this section. (f) A school district or charter school may award community service credit to a student who demonstrates an intermediate high or advanced-low ACTFL level of functional proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a language other than English and who participates in community service activities that are integrated into the curriculum, involve the participation of teachers, and support biliteracy in the school or local community. (g) The commissioner must list on the web page those assessments that are aligned to ACTFL proficiency guidelines. (h) By August 1, 2015, the colleges and universities of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system must establish criteria to translate the seals into college credits based on the world language course equivalencies identified by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities faculty and staff and, upon request from an enrolled student, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities may award foreign language credits to a student who receives a Minnesota World Language Proficiency Certificate under subdivision 1a. A student who demonstrated the requisite level of language proficiency in grade 10, 11, or 12 to receive a seal or certificate and is enrolled in a Minnesota State Colleges and Universities institution must request college credits for the student's seal or proficiency certificate within three academic years after graduating from high school. The University of Minnesota is encouraged to award students foreign language academic credits consistent with this paragraph. A district must use a locally selected assessment to determine if a student has achieved an elective standard. Subdivision 1.Benchmarks implement, supplement statewide academic standards. (a) The commissioner must supplement required state academic standards with grade-level benchmarks. High school career and college-ready benchmarks may cover more than one grade. Schools must offer and students must achieve all benchmarks for an academic standard to satisfactorily complete that state standard. (b) The commissioner shall publish benchmarks in the State Register and transmit the benchmarks in any other manner that informs and guides parents, teachers, school districts, and other interested persons and makes them accessible to the general public. The commissioner must use benchmarks in developing career and college readiness assessments under section 120B.30. The commissioner may charge a reasonable fee for publications. (c) Once established, the commissioner may change the benchmarks only with specific legislative authorization and after completing a review under section 120B.021, subdivision 4. (d) The benchmarks are not subject to chapter 14 and section 14.386 does not apply. (a) A one-half credit of economics taught in a school's agriculture education or business department may fulfill a one-half credit in social studies under subdivision 1, clause (5), if the credit is sufficient to satisfy all of the academic standards in economics. (b) An agriculture science or career and technical education credit may fulfill the elective science credit required under subdivision 1, clause (4), if the credit meets the state physical science, life science, earth and space science, chemistry, or physics academic standards or a combination of these academic standards as approved by the district. An agriculture or career and technical education credit may fulfill the credit in chemistry or physics required under subdivision 1, clause (4), if the credit meets the state chemistry or physics academic standards as approved by the district. A student must satisfy either all of the chemistry academic standards or all of the physics academic standards prior to graduation. An agriculture science or career and technical education credit may not fulfill the required biology credit under subdivision 1, clause (4). (c) A career and technical education credit may fulfill a mathematics or arts credit requirement under subdivision 1, clause (2) or (6). (d) An agriculture education teacher is not required to meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules, part 3505.1150, subpart 1, item B, to meet the credit equivalency requirements of paragraph (b) above. (e) A computer science credit may fulfill a mathematics credit requirement under subdivision 1, clause (2), if the credit meets state academic standards in mathematics. (f) A Project Lead the Way credit may fulfill a science or mathematics credit requirement under subdivision 1, clause (2) or (4), if the credit meets the state academic standards in science or mathematics. A student may be excused from a physical education class if the student submits written information signed by a physician stating that physical activity will jeopardize the student's health. A student may be excused from a physical education class if being excused meets the child's unique and individualized needs according to the child's individualized education program, federal 504 plan, or individualized health plan. A student may be excused if a parent or guardian requests an exemption on religious grounds. A student with a disability must be provided with modifications or adaptations that allow physical education class to meet their needs. Schools are strongly encouraged not to exclude students in kindergarten through grade 5 from recess due to punishment or disciplinary action. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any secondary school student who has completed all required courses or standards may, with the approval of the student, the student's parent or guardian, and local school officials, graduate before the completion of the school year. The legislature finds that a process is needed to enable school boards and communities to decide matters related to planning, providing, and improving education instruction and curriculum in the context of the state's high school graduation standards. The process should help districts evaluate the impact of instruction and curriculum on students' abilities to meet graduation standards, use evaluation results to improve instruction and curriculum, and determine services that districts and other public education entities can provide collaboratively with institutions including families and private or public organizations and agencies. The legislature anticipates that a highly focused public education strategy will be an integral part of each district's review and improvement of instruction and curriculum. For the purposes of this section and section 120B.10, the following terms have the meanings given them. (a) "Instruction" means methods of providing learning experiences that enable a student to meet state and district academic standards and graduation requirements including applied and experiential learning. (b) "Curriculum" means district or school adopted programs and written plans for providing students with learning experiences that lead to expected knowledge and skills and career and college readiness. (c) "World's best workforce" means striving to: meet school readiness goals; have all third grade students achieve grade-level literacy; close the academic achievement gap among all racial and ethnic groups of students and between students living in poverty and students not living in poverty; have all students attain career and college readiness before graduating from high school; and have all students graduate from high school. (d) "Experiential learning" means learning for students that includes career exploration through a specific class or course or through work-based experiences such as job shadowing, mentoring, entrepreneurship, service learning, volunteering, internships, other cooperative work experience, youth apprenticeship, or employment. (4) career and college readiness under section 120B.30, subdivision 1. Subd. 2.Adopting plans and budgets. (7) an annual budget for continuing to implement the district plan. Each school board shall establish an advisory committee to ensure active community participation in all phases of planning and improving the instruction and curriculum affecting state and district academic standards, consistent with subdivision 2. A district advisory committee, to the extent possible, shall reflect the diversity of the district and its school sites, include teachers, parents, support staff, students, and other community residents, and provide translation to the extent appropriate and practicable. The district advisory committee shall pursue community support to accelerate the academic and native literacy and achievement of English learners with varied needs, from young children to adults, consistent with section 124D.59, subdivisions 2 and 2a. The district may establish site teams as subcommittees of the district advisory committee under subdivision 4. The district advisory committee shall recommend to the school board rigorous academic standards, student achievement goals and measures consistent with subdivision 1a and sections 120B.022, subdivisions 1a and 1b, and 120B.35, district assessments, means to improve students' equitable access to effective and more diverse teachers, and program evaluations. School sites may expand upon district evaluations of instruction, curriculum, assessments, or programs. Whenever possible, parents and other community residents shall comprise at least two-thirds of advisory committee members. A school must establish a site team to develop and implement strategies and education effectiveness practices to improve instruction, curriculum, cultural competencies, including cultural awareness and cross-cultural communication, and student achievement at the school site, consistent with subdivision 2. The site team must include an equal number of teachers and administrators and at least one parent. The site team advises the board and the advisory committee about developing the annual budget and creates an instruction and curriculum improvement plan to align curriculum, assessment of student progress, and growth in meeting state and district academic standards and instruction. Consistent with requirements for school performance reports under section 120B.36, subdivision 1, the school board shall publish a report in the local newspaper with the largest circulation in the district, by mail, or by electronic means on the district website. The school board shall hold an annual public meeting to review, and revise where appropriate, student achievement goals, local assessment outcomes, plans, strategies, and practices for improving curriculum and instruction and cultural competency, and efforts to equitably distribute diverse, effective, experienced, and in-field teachers, and to review district success in realizing the previously adopted student achievement goals and related benchmarks and the improvement plans leading to the world's best workforce. The school board must transmit an electronic summary of its report to the commissioner in the form and manner the commissioner determines. Each school district shall periodically survey affected constituencies, in their native languages where appropriate and practicable, about their connection to and level of satisfaction with school. The district shall include the results of this evaluation in the summary report required under subdivision 5. (a) The commissioner must identify effective strategies, practices, and use of resources by districts and school sites in striving for the world's best workforce. The commissioner must assist districts and sites throughout the state in implementing these effective strategies, practices, and use of resources. (b) The commissioner must identify those districts in any consecutive three-year period not making sufficient progress toward improving teaching and learning for all students, including English learners with varied needs, consistent with section 124D.59, subdivisions 2 and 2a, and striving for the world's best workforce. The commissioner, in collaboration with the identified district, may require the district to use up to two percent of its basic general education revenue per fiscal year during the proximate three school years to implement commissioner-specified strategies and practices, consistent with paragraph (a), to improve and accelerate its progress in realizing its goals under this section. In implementing this section, the commissioner must consider districts' budget constraints and legal obligations. (c) The commissioner shall report by January 25 of each year to the committees of the legislature having jurisdiction over kindergarten through grade 12 education the list of school districts that have not submitted their report to the commissioner under subdivision 5 and the list of school districts not achieving their performance goals established in their plan under subdivision 2. (b) The district must post its literacy plan on the official school district website. The department must employ a dyslexia specialist to provide technical assistance for dyslexia and related disorders and to serve as the primary source of information and support for schools in addressing the needs of students with dyslexia and related disorders. The dyslexia specialist shall also act to increase professional awareness and instructional competencies to meet the educational needs of students with dyslexia or identified with risk characteristics associated with dyslexia and shall develop implementation guidance and make recommendations to the commissioner consistent with section 122A.06, subdivision 4, to be used to assist general education teachers and special education teachers to recognize educational needs and to improve literacy outcomes for students with dyslexia or identified with risk characteristics associated with dyslexia, including recommendations related to increasing the availability of online and asynchronous professional development programs and materials. For purposes of this section, a "dyslexia specialist" means a dyslexia therapist, licensed psychologist, licensed speech-language pathologist, or certified dyslexia training specialist who has a minimum of three years of field experience in screening, identifying, and treating dyslexia and related disorders. A dyslexia specialist shall be highly trained in dyslexia and related disorders and in using interventions and treatments that are evidence-based, multisensory, direct, explicit, structured, and sequential in the areas of phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. (9) be reviewed and revised at least annually by the student, the student's parent or guardian, and the school or district to ensure that the student's course-taking schedule keeps the student making adequate progress to meet state and local academic standards and high school graduation requirements and with a reasonable chance to succeed with employment or postsecondary education without the need to first complete remedial course work. (b) A school district may develop grade-level curricula or provide instruction that introduces students to various careers, but must not require any curriculum, instruction, or employment-related activity that obligates an elementary or secondary student to involuntarily select or pursue a career, career interest, employment goals, or related job training. (c) Educators must possess the knowledge and skills to effectively teach all English learners in their classrooms. School districts must provide appropriate curriculum, targeted materials, professional development opportunities for educators, and sufficient resources to enable English learners to become career and college ready. (d) When assisting students in developing a plan for a smooth and successful transition to postsecondary education and employment, districts must recognize the unique possibilities of each student and ensure that the contents of each student's plan reflect the student's unique talents, skills, and abilities as the student grows, develops, and learns. (e) If a student with a disability has an individualized education program (IEP) or standardized written plan that meets the plan components of this section, the IEP satisfies the requirement and no additional transition plan is needed. (f) Students who do not meet or exceed Minnesota academic standards, as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments that are administered during high school, shall be informed that admission to a public school is free and available to any resident under 21 years of age or who meets the requirements of section 120A.20, subdivision 1, paragraph (c). A student's plan under this section shall continue while the student is enrolled. Subdivision 1.Program structure; training programs for teachers. Critical to schools' educational success is ongoing advanced placement and international baccalaureate-approved teacher training. A secondary teacher assigned by a district to teach an advanced placement or international baccalaureate course or other interested educator may participate in a training program offered by The College Board or International Baccalaureate North America, Inc. The state may pay a portion of the tuition, room, board, and out-of-state travel costs a teacher or other interested educator incurs in participating in a training program. The commissioner shall determine application procedures and deadlines, select teachers and other interested educators to participate in the training program, and determine the payment process and amount of the subsidy. The procedures determined by the commissioner shall, to the extent possible, ensure that advanced placement and international baccalaureate courses become available in all parts of the state and that a variety of course offerings are available in school districts. This subdivision does not prevent teacher or other interested educator participation in training programs offered by The College Board or International Baccalaureate North America, Inc., when tuition is paid by a source other than the state. The commissioner shall provide support programs during the school year for teachers who attended the training programs and teachers experienced in teaching advanced placement or international baccalaureate courses. The support programs shall provide teachers with opportunities to share instructional ideas with other teachers. The state may pay the costs of participating in the support programs, including substitute teachers, if necessary, and program affiliation costs. Subd. 3.Subsidy for examination fees. The state may pay all or part of the fee for advanced placement or international baccalaureate examinations. The commissioner shall pay all examination fees for all public and nonpublic students of low-income families, as defined by the commissioner, and to the limit of the available appropriation, shall also pay a portion or all of the examination fees for other public and nonpublic students sitting for an advanced placement examination, international baccalaureate examination, or both. The commissioner shall determine procedures for state payments of fees. The colleges and universities of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system must award, and the University of Minnesota and private postsecondary institutions are encouraged to award, college credit to high school students who receive a score of three or higher on an advanced placement or four or higher on the international baccalaureate program examination. Subd. 4.Rigorous course taking information; AP, IB, and PSEO. The college-level examination program (CLEP) offered by the College Board provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement and receive college credit or advanced standing through a program of examinations in undergraduate college courses. Schools must provide information about CLEP and the opportunity to receive college credit from a Minnesota postsecondary institution to students successfully completing a college-level course. Subd. 2.Reimbursement for examination fees. The state may reimburse college-level examination program (CLEP) fees for a Minnesota public or nonpublic high school student who has successfully completed one or more college-level courses in high school in the subject matter of each examination in the following subjects: composition and literature, mathematics and science, social sciences and history, foreign languages, and business and humanities. The state may reimburse each student for up to six examination fees. The commissioner shall establish application procedures and a process and schedule for fee reimbursements. The commissioner must give priority to reimburse the CLEP examination fees of students of low-income families. The colleges and universities of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system must award, and the University of Minnesota and private postsecondary institutions are encouraged to award, college credit to high school students who receive a satisfactory score on a CLEP examination under this section. The commissioner, in consultation with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, shall set a passing score for college credits. (v) increasing the number of high school students, including low-income and other disadvantaged students, who receive college credit by successfully completing advanced placement or international baccalaureate courses or programs and achieving satisfactory scores on related exams. Subd. 2.Application and review process; funding priority. (a) Charter schools and school districts in which eligible schools under subdivision 1 are located may apply to the commissioner, in the form and manner the commissioner determines, for competitive funding to further raise students' academic achievement. The application must detail the specific efforts the applicant intends to undertake in further raising students' academic achievement, consistent with subdivision 1, and a proposed budget detailing the district or charter school's current and proposed expenditures for advanced placement, preadvanced placement, and international baccalaureate courses and programs. The proposed budget must demonstrate that the applicant's efforts will support implementation of advanced placement, preadvanced placement, and international baccalaureate courses and programs. Expenditures for administration must not exceed five percent of the proposed budget. The commissioner may require an applicant to provide additional information. (6) an intent to increase the advanced placement and international baccalaureate course offerings in science, technology, engineering, and math to low-income and other disadvantaged students. Subd. 3.Funding; permissible funding uses. (3) $150,000 per district or charter school. (9) engage in other activities to expand low-income or disadvantaged students' access to, participation in, and success with preadvanced placement, advanced placement, or international baccalaureate courses or programs. Other activities may include but are not limited to preparing and disseminating promotional materials to low-income and other disadvantaged students and their families. (a) Each school district and charter school that receives a grant under this section annually must collect demographic and other student data to demonstrate and measure the extent to which the district or charter school raised students' academic achievement under this program and must report the data to the commissioner in the form and manner the commissioner determines. The commissioner annually by February 15 must make summary data about this program available to the education policy and finance committees of the legislature. (b) Each school district and charter school that receives a grant under this section annually must report to the commissioner, consistent with the Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards, its actual expenditures for advanced placement, preadvanced placement, and international baccalaureate courses and programs. The report must demonstrate that the school district or charter school has maintained its effort from other sources for advanced placement, preadvanced placement, and international baccalaureate courses and programs compared with the previous fiscal year, and the district or charter school has expended all grant funds, consistent with its approved budget. (c) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a grant under this section is available for three years from the date of the grant if the district or charter school meets the annual benchmarks in its plan under subdivision 1. A district must grant academic credit to a pupil attending an accelerated or advanced academic course offered by a higher education institution or a nonprofit public agency other than the district, if the pupil successfully completes the course attended and passes an examination approved by the district. If no comparable course is offered by the district, the commissioner shall determine the number of credits which shall be granted to a pupil who successfully completes and passes the course. If a comparable course is offered by the district, the board must grant a comparable number of credits to the pupil. If there is a dispute between the district and the pupil regarding the number of credits granted for a particular course, the pupil may appeal the school board's decision to the commissioner. The commissioner's decision regarding the number of credits shall be final. The credits granted to a pupil shall be counted toward the graduation requirements and subject area requirements of the district. Evidence of successful completion of each class and credits granted shall be included in the pupil's secondary school record. A student who satisfactorily completes a high school course shall receive secondary course credit and the credit shall count toward the student's graduation requirements. Satisfactory completion of courses in American sign language in a public elementary or secondary school shall be accorded equal standing with satisfactory completion of courses in any world language. (2) a directory of resources for planning and implementing age-appropriate mental health curriculum and instruction in grades 6 through 12. (a) The commissioner of education, in consultation with the commissioners of health and human services, state minority councils, battered women's and domestic abuse programs, battered women's shelters, sexual assault centers, representatives of religious communities, and the assistant commissioner of the Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention, shall assist districts on request in developing or implementing a violence prevention program for students in kindergarten to grade 12 that can be integrated into existing curriculum. The purpose of the program is to help students learn how to resolve conflicts within their families and communities in nonviolent, effective ways. (9) administrative policies that reflect, and a staff that models, nonviolent behaviors that do not display or condone sexual, racial, or cultural harassment or student hazing. (c) The department may provide assistance at a neutral site to a nonpublic school participating in a district's program. (3) complying with mandatory reporting requirements under section 626.556. The in-service training must be ongoing and involve experts familiar with sexual abuse, domestic violence, and personal safety issues. Districts may accept funds from public and private sources for violence prevention programs developed and implemented under this section. The commissioner of education, after consulting with the assistant commissioner of the Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention, shall establish a violence prevention education grant program to enable a school district, an education district, or a group of districts that cooperate for a particular purpose to develop and implement or to continue a violence prevention program for students in kindergarten through grade 12 that can be integrated into existing curriculum. A district or group of districts that elects to develop and implement or to continue a violence prevention program under section 120B.22 is eligible to apply for a grant under this section. To be eligible to receive a grant, a school district, an education district, a service cooperative, or a group of districts that cooperate for a particular purpose must submit an application to the commissioner in the form and manner and according to the timeline established by the commissioner. The application must describe how the applicant will: (1) continue or integrate into its existing K-12 curriculum a program for violence prevention that contains the program components listed in section 120B.22; (2) collaborate with local organizations involved in violence prevention and intervention; and (3) structure the program to reflect the characteristics of the children, their families and the community involved in the program. The commissioner may require additional information from the applicant. When reviewing the applications, the commissioner shall determine whether the applicant has met the requirements of this subdivision. (a) The commissioner may award grants for a violence prevention education program to eligible applicants as defined in subdivision 2. Grant amounts may not exceed $3 per resident pupil unit in the district or group of districts in the prior school year. Grant recipients should be geographically distributed throughout the state. (b) School districts and charter schools may accept funds from private and other public sources for child sexual abuse prevention programs developed and implemented under sections 120B.021, subdivision 1, paragraph (d), and 120B.234, including federal funding under the Every Student Succeeds Act. A successful applicant must use the grant money to develop and implement or to continue a violence prevention program according to the terms of the grant application. (a) Character education is the shared responsibility of parents, teachers, and members of the community. The legislature encourages districts to integrate or offer instruction on character education including, but not limited to, character qualities such as attentiveness, truthfulness, respect for authority, diligence, gratefulness, self-discipline, patience, forgiveness, respect for others, peacemaking, and resourcefulness. Instruction should be integrated into a district's existing programs, curriculum, or the general school environment. To the extent practicable, instruction should be integrated into positive behavioral intervention strategies, under section 122A.627. The commissioner shall provide assistance at the request of a district to develop character education curriculum and programs. (b) Character development education under paragraph (a) may include a voluntary elementary, middle, and high school program that incorporates the history and values of Congressional Medal of Honor recipients and may be offered as part of the social studies, English language arts, or other curriculum, as a schoolwide character building and veteran awareness initiative, or as an after-school program, among other possibilities. Subd. 1a.Staff development; continuing education. (a) Staff development opportunities under section 122A.60 may include training in character development education that incorporates the history and values of Congressional Medal of Honor recipients under subdivision 1, paragraph (b), and is provided without cost to the interested school or district. (b) Local continuing education and relicensure committees or other local relicensure committees under section 122A.187, subdivision 3, are encouraged to approve up to six clock hours of continuing education for licensed teachers who complete the training in character development education under paragraph (a). The commissioner must first use federal funds for character development education programs to the extent available under United States Code, title 20, section 7247. Districts may accept funds from private and other public sources for character development education programs developed and implemented under this section, including programs funded through the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, among other sources. The purpose of this section, which may be cited as "Erin's Law," is to encourage districts to integrate or offer instruction on child sexual abuse prevention to students and training to all school personnel on recognizing and preventing sexual abuse and sexual violence. School districts may consult with other federal, state, or local agencies and community-based organizations, including the Child Welfare Information Gateway website maintained by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, to identify research-based tools, curricula, and programs to prevent child sexual abuse for use under section 120B.021, subdivision 1, paragraph (d). (3) consultation by the commissioner of education with the commissioners of health, human services, and public safety, and other state agencies to prevent violence against children. (a) School districts shall permit grade-level instruction for students to read and study America's founding documents, including documents that contributed to the foundation or maintenance of America's representative form of limited government, the Bill of Rights, our free-market economic system, and patriotism. (b) Districts may not censor or restrain instruction in American or Minnesota state history or heritage based on religious references in original source documents, writings, speeches, proclamations, or records. "Growth" compares the difference in a student's achievement score at two or more distinct points in time. "Value added" is the amount of achievement a student demonstrates above an established baseline. The difference between the student's score and the baseline defines value added. "Value-added growth" is based on a student's growth score. In a value-added growth system, the student's first test is the baseline, and the difference between the student's first and next test scores within a defined period is the measure of value added. Value-added growth models use student-level data to measure what portion of a student's growth can be explained by inputs related to the educational environment. (a) "State growth target" is the average year-two assessment scores for students with similar year-one assessment scores. (4) beginning in the 2009-2010 school year, the state growth target for grade 11 is benchmarked to 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school year data. (c) Each time before the assessment scale changes, a stakeholder group that includes assessment and evaluation directors and staff and researchers must recommend a new state growth target that the commissioner must consider when revising standards under section 120B.021, subdivision 4. "Low growth" is an assessment score one-half standard deviation below the state growth target. "Medium growth" is an assessment score within one-half standard deviation above or below the state growth target. "High growth" is an assessment score one-half standard deviation or more above the state growth target. "Proficiency" for purposes of reporting growth on school performance report cards under section 120B.36, subdivision 1, means those students who, in the previous school year, scored at or above "meets standards" on the statewide assessments under section 120B.30. Each year, school performance report cards must separately display: (1) the numbers and percentages of students who achieved low growth, medium growth, and high growth and achieved proficiency in the previous school year; and (2) the numbers and percentages of students who achieved low growth, medium growth, and high growth and did not achieve proficiency in the previous school year. Subd. 11.Growth and progress toward proficiency. The categories of low growth, medium growth, and high growth shall be used to indicate both (1) growth and (2) progress toward grade-level proficiency that is consistent with subdivision 10. (a) The commissioner, with advice from experts with appropriate technical qualifications and experience and stakeholders, consistent with subdivision 1a, shall include in the comprehensive assessment system, for each grade level to be tested, state-constructed tests developed as computer-adaptive reading and mathematics assessments for students that are aligned with the state's required academic standards under section 120B.021, include multiple choice questions, and are administered annually to all students in grades 3 through 8. State-developed high school tests aligned with the state's required academic standards under section 120B.021 and administered to all high school students in a subject other than writing must include multiple choice questions. The commissioner shall establish one or more months during which schools shall administer the tests to students each school year. (1) Students enrolled in grade 8 through the 2009-2010 school year are eligible to be assessed under (i) the graduation-required assessment for diploma in reading, mathematics, or writing under Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 120B.30, subdivision 1, paragraphs (c), clauses (1) and (2), and (d), (ii) the WorkKeys job skills assessment, (iii) the Compass college placement test, (iv) the ACT assessment for college admission, (v) a nationally recognized armed services vocational aptitude test. (2) Students enrolled in grade 8 in the 2010-2011 or 2011-2012 school year are eligible to be assessed under (i) the graduation-required assessment for diploma in reading, mathematics, or writing under Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 120B.30, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clauses (1) and (2), (ii) the WorkKeys job skills assessment, (iii) the Compass college placement test, (iv) the ACT assessment for college admission, (v) a nationally recognized armed services vocational aptitude test. (3) For students under clause (1) or (2), a school district may substitute a score from an alternative, equivalent assessment to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph. (2) consistent with this paragraph and section 120B.125, age-appropriate exploration and planning activities and career assessments to encourage students to identify personally relevant career interests and aptitudes and help students and their families develop a regularly reexamined transition plan for postsecondary education or employment without need for postsecondary remediation. Based on appropriate state guidelines, students with an individualized education program may satisfy state graduation requirements by achieving an individual score on the state-identified alternative assessments. (d) Expectations of schools, districts, and the state for career or college readiness under this subdivision must be comparable in rigor, clarity of purpose, and rates of student completion. A student under paragraph (c), clause (1), must receive targeted, relevant, academically rigorous, and resourced instruction, which may include a targeted instruction and intervention plan focused on improving the student's knowledge and skills in core subjects so that the student has a reasonable chance to succeed in a career or college without need for postsecondary remediation. Consistent with sections 120B.13, 124D.09, 124D.091, 124D.49, and related sections, an enrolling school or district must actively encourage a student in grade 11 or 12 who is identified as academically ready for a career or college to participate in courses and programs awarding college credit to high school students. Students are not required to achieve a specified score or level of proficiency on an assessment under this subdivision to graduate from high school. (e) Though not a high school graduation requirement, students are encouraged to participate in a nationally recognized college entrance exam. To the extent state funding for college entrance exam fees is available, a district must pay the cost, one time, for an interested student in grade 11 or 12 who is eligible for a free or reduced-price meal, to take a nationally recognized college entrance exam before graduating. A student must be able to take the exam under this paragraph at the student's high school during the school day and at any one of the multiple exam administrations available to students in the district. A district may administer the ACT or SAT or both the ACT and SAT to comply with this paragraph. If the district administers only one of these two tests and a free or reduced-price meal eligible student opts not to take that test and chooses instead to take the other of the two tests, the student may take the other test at a different time or location and remains eligible for the examination fee reimbursement. Notwithstanding sections 123B.34 to 123B.39, a school district may require a student that is not eligible for a free or reduced-price meal to pay the cost of taking a nationally recognized college entrance exam. The district must waive the cost for a student unable to pay. (f) The commissioner and the chancellor of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must collaborate in aligning instruction and assessments for adult basic education students and English learners to provide the students with diagnostic information about any targeted interventions, accommodations, modifications, and supports they need so that assessments and other performance measures are accessible to them and they may seek postsecondary education or employment without need for postsecondary remediation. When administering formative or summative assessments used to measure the academic progress, including the oral academic development, of English learners and inform their instruction, schools must ensure that the assessments are accessible to the students and students have the modifications and supports they need to sufficiently understand the assessments. (g) Districts and schools, on an annual basis, must use career exploration elements to help students, beginning no later than grade 9, and their families explore and plan for postsecondary education or careers based on the students' interests, aptitudes, and aspirations. Districts and schools must use timely regional labor market information and partnerships, among other resources, to help students and their families successfully develop, pursue, review, and revise an individualized plan for postsecondary education or a career. This process must help increase students' engagement in and connection to school, improve students' knowledge and skills, and deepen students' understanding of career pathways as a sequence of academic and career courses that lead to an industry-recognized credential, an associate's degree, or a bachelor's degree and are available to all students, whatever their interests and career goals. (h) A student who demonstrates attainment of required state academic standards, which include career and college readiness benchmarks, on high school assessments under subdivision 1a is academically ready for a career or college and is encouraged to participate in courses awarding college credit to high school students. Such courses and programs may include sequential courses of study within broad career areas and technical skill assessments that extend beyond course grades. (i) As appropriate, students through grade 12 must continue to participate in targeted instruction, intervention, or remediation and be encouraged to participate in courses awarding college credit to high school students. (j) In developing, supporting, and improving students' academic readiness for a career or college, schools, districts, and the state must have a continuum of empirically derived, clearly defined benchmarks focused on students' attainment of knowledge and skills so that students, their parents, and teachers know how well students must perform to have a reasonable chance to succeed in a career or college without need for postsecondary remediation. The commissioner, in consultation with local school officials and educators, and Minnesota's public postsecondary institutions must ensure that the foundational knowledge and skills for students' successful performance in postsecondary employment or education and an articulated series of possible targeted interventions are clearly identified and satisfy Minnesota's postsecondary admissions requirements. (k) For students in grade 8 in the 2012-2013 school year and later, a school, district, or charter school must record on the high school transcript a student's progress toward career and college readiness, and for other students as soon as practicable. (l) The school board granting students their diplomas may formally decide to include a notation of high achievement on the high school diplomas of those graduating seniors who, according to established school board criteria, demonstrate exemplary academic achievement during high school. (m) The 3rd through 8th grade computer-adaptive assessment results and high school test results shall be available to districts for diagnostic purposes affecting student learning and district instruction and curriculum, and for establishing educational accountability. The commissioner must establish empirically derived benchmarks on adaptive assessments in grades 3 through 8. The commissioner, in consultation with the chancellor of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, must establish empirically derived benchmarks on the high school tests that reveal a trajectory toward career and college readiness consistent with section 136F.302, subdivision 1a. The commissioner must disseminate to the public the computer-adaptive assessments and high school test results upon receiving those results. (n) The grades 3 through 8 computer-adaptive assessments and high school tests must be aligned with state academic standards. The commissioner shall determine the testing process and the order of administration. The statewide results shall be aggregated at the site and district level, consistent with subdivision 1a. (p) For purposes of statewide accountability, "career and college ready" means a high school graduate has the knowledge, skills, and competencies to successfully pursue a career pathway, including postsecondary credit leading to a degree, diploma, certificate, or industry-recognized credential and employment. Students who are career and college ready are able to successfully complete credit-bearing coursework at a two- or four-year college or university or other credit-bearing postsecondary program without need for remediation. (q) For purposes of statewide accountability, "cultural competence," "cultural competency," or "culturally competent" means the ability of families and educators to interact effectively with people of different cultures, native languages, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Subd. 1a.Statewide and local assessments; results. (a) For purposes of this section, the following definitions have the meanings given them. (1) "Computer-adaptive assessments" means fully adaptive assessments. (2) "Fully adaptive assessments" include test items that are on-grade level and items that may be above or below a student's grade level. (3) "On-grade level" test items contain subject area content that is aligned to state academic standards for the grade level of the student taking the assessment. (4) "Above-grade level" test items contain subject area content that is above the grade level of the student taking the assessment and is considered aligned with state academic standards to the extent it is aligned with content represented in state academic standards above the grade level of the student taking the assessment. Notwithstanding the student's grade level, administering above-grade level test items to a student does not violate the requirement that state assessments must be aligned with state standards. (5) "Below-grade level" test items contain subject area content that is below the grade level of the student taking the test and is considered aligned with state academic standards to the extent it is aligned with content represented in state academic standards below the student's current grade level. Notwithstanding the student's grade level, administering below-grade level test items to a student does not violate the requirement that state assessments must be aligned with state standards. (b) The commissioner must use fully adaptive mathematics and reading assessments for grades 3 through 8. (2) annual science assessments in one grade in the grades 3 through 5 span, the grades 6 through 8 span, and a life sciences assessment in the grades 9 through 12 span, and the commissioner must not require students to achieve a passing score on high school science assessments as a condition of receiving a high school diploma. (4) useful diagnostic information about areas of students' academic strengths and weaknesses is available to teachers and school administrators for improving student instruction and indicating the specific skills and concepts that should be introduced and developed for students at given performance levels, organized by strands within subject areas, and aligned to state academic standards. (e) The commissioner must ensure that all state tests administered to elementary and secondary students measure students' academic knowledge and skills and not students' values, attitudes, and beliefs. (3) determine whether students have met the state's academic standards. (g) Consistent with applicable federal law, the commissioner must include appropriate, technically sound accommodations or alternative assessments for the very few students with disabilities for whom statewide assessments are inappropriate and for English learners. (h) A school, school district, and charter school must administer statewide assessments under this section, as the assessments become available, to evaluate student progress toward career and college readiness in the context of the state's academic standards. A school, school district, or charter school may use a student's performance on a statewide assessment as one of multiple criteria to determine grade promotion or retention. A school, school district, or charter school may use a high school student's performance on a statewide assessment as a percentage of the student's final grade in a course, or place a student's assessment score on the student's transcript. Subd. 1b.Special and extenuating circumstances. The Department of Education shall develop a list of circumstances in which a student may be unable to test. The list shall include but not be limited to: students transferring to Minnesota from another state, students transferring from nonpublic to public school and students hospitalized. Students unable to participate in statewide assessment due to a circumstance on the list authorized under this subdivision shall not be penalized for missing the opportunity to take a test. Subd. 2.Department of Education assistance. (a) The Department of Education shall contract for professional and technical services according to competitive solicitation procedures under chapter 16C for purposes of this section. (2) data privacy safeguards for student information to be transmitted to or used by the proposing entity. Information provided in the proposal is not security information or trade secret information for purposes of section 13.37. The commissioner shall report test results publicly and to stakeholders, including the performance achievement levels developed from students' unweighted test scores in each tested subject and a listing of demographic factors that strongly correlate with student performance, including student homelessness, as data are available, among other factors. The test results must not include personally identifiable information as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, section 99.3. The commissioner shall also report data that compares performance results among school sites, school districts, Minnesota and other states, and Minnesota and other nations. The commissioner shall disseminate to schools and school districts a more comprehensive report containing testing information that meets local needs for evaluating instruction and curriculum. The commissioner shall disseminate to charter school authorizers a more comprehensive report containing testing information that contains anonymized data where cell count data are sufficient to protect student identity and that meets the authorizer's needs in fulfilling its obligations under chapter 124E. Consistent with section 13.34, the commissioner must adopt and publish a policy to provide public and parental access for review of Minnesota-developed assessments which would not compromise the objectivity or fairness of the testing or examination process. Upon receiving a written request, the commissioner must make available to parents or guardians a copy of their student's actual responses to the test questions for their review. Subd. 5.Commissioner-ordered suspension of assessments. In the event that it becomes necessary for the commissioner to order the suspension of assessments under this section because of service disruptions, technical interruptions, or any other reason beyond the control of school districts, the commissioner must immediately notify the chair and ranking member of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over kindergarten through grade 12 education. The commissioner shall establish a reporting system for teachers, administrators, and students to report service disruptions and technical interruptions. The information reported through this system shall be maintained in a database accessible through the department's website. (a) For students in grades 1 through 6, the cumulative total amount of time spent taking locally adopted districtwide or schoolwide assessments must not exceed ten hours per school year. For students in grades 7 through 12, the cumulative total amount of time spent taking locally adopted districtwide or schoolwide assessments must not exceed 11 hours per school year. For purposes of this paragraph, international baccalaureate and advanced placement exams are not considered locally adopted assessments. (b) A district or charter school is exempt from the requirements of paragraph (a), if the district or charter school, in consultation with the exclusive representative of the teachers or other teachers if there is no exclusive representative of the teachers, decides to exceed a time limit in paragraph (a) and includes the information in the report required under section 120B.11, subdivision 5. (c) A district or charter school, before the first day of each school year, must publish on its website a comprehensive calendar of standardized tests to be administered in the district or charter school during that school year. The calendar must provide the rationale for administering each assessment and indicate whether the assessment is a local option or required by state or federal law. (a) A school district that does not have an agreement between the school board and the exclusive representative of the teachers about selecting assessments must establish a district assessment committee to advise the school board on administering standardized assessments to students in addition to the assessments required under section 120B.30 and applicable federal law unless paragraph (b) applies. The committee must include an equal number of teachers and administrators and at least one parent of a student in the district and may include at least one representative from each school site in the district. (b) A school district may seek this assessment advice from the district advisory committee under section 120B.11, subdivision 3, instead of establishing a committee under this section. Subdivision 1.Educational accountability and public reporting. Consistent with the direction to adopt statewide academic standards under section 120B.02, the department, in consultation with education and other system stakeholders, must establish a coordinated and comprehensive system of educational accountability and public reporting that promotes greater academic achievement, preparation for higher academic education, preparation for the world of work, citizenship, and the arts. Each school year, all school districts shall give a uniform statewide test to students at specified grades to provide information on the status, needs and performance of Minnesota students. (a) The commissioner of education shall designate up to six school districts or charter schools as rollout sites. (b) The rollout sites should represent urban school districts, suburban school districts, nonurban school districts, and charter schools. The commissioner shall designate rollout sites and notify the schools by August 1, 2017, and the designated school districts or charter schools shall have the right to opt in or out as rollout sites by September 1, 2017. (5) the criteria for determining additional data. This recommendation should include a recommendation for frequency of reviews and updates of the additional data and should also identify the approach of updating any additional census data and data on new enrollees. This recommendation must consider additional student groups that may face education disparities and must take into account maintaining student privacy and providing nonidentifiable student level data. Subd. 4. Student performance data. (7) other categories designated by federal law to organize and report the data so that state and local policy makers can understand the educational implications of changes in districts' demographic profiles over time as data are available. Any report the commissioner disseminates containing summary data on student performance must integrate student performance and the demographic factors that strongly correlate with that performance. (6) notifies a parent of the right to not have the parent's child participate in the state and locally required academic assessments, and asks a parent that chooses to not have a child participate in the assessments the basis for the decision. (b) A school district must post the form created by the commissioner on the district's website and include it in the district's student handbook. To ensure the effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership between the school and parents, each district shall provide parents and teachers a timely written summary, in an electronic or other format, of their student's current and longitudinal performance and progress on the state's academic content standards as measured by state assessments. Providing parents with a summary prepared by the Department of Education fulfills the requirements of this subdivision. An employee who discloses information to the commissioner or a parent or guardian about service disruptions or technical interruptions related to administering assessments under this section is protected under section 181.932, governing disclosure of information by employees. NOTE: The amendment to subdivision 4 by Laws 2017, First Special Session chapter 5, article 2, section 17, is effective for the 2019-2020 school year and later. Laws 2017, First Special Session chapter 5, article 2, section 17, the effective date. Subdivision 1. Student indicators of growth and achievement. The commissioner must develop and implement a system for measuring and reporting academic achievement and individual student growth, consistent with the statewide educational accountability and reporting system. The system components must measure and separately report the federal expectations of schools and the growth of individual students: students' current achievement in schools under subdivision 2; and individual students' educational growth over time under subdivision 3. The system also must include statewide measures of student academic growth that identify schools with high levels of growth, and also schools with low levels of growth that need improvement. The data must include both statewide measures of student achievement and, to the extent annual tests are administered, indicators of achievement growth that take into account a student's prior achievement. Indicators of achievement and prior achievement must be based on highly reliable statewide or districtwide assessments. Indicators that take into account a student's prior achievement must not be used to disregard a school's low achievement or to exclude a school from a program to improve low achievement levels. Subd. 2.Federal Expectations for student academic achievement. (a) Each school year, a school district must determine if the student achievement levels at each school site meet federal expectations. If student achievement levels at a school site do not meet federal expectations, the district must work with the school site to adopt a plan to raise student achievement levels to meet federal expectations. The commissioner of education shall establish student academic achievement levels to comply with this paragraph. (b) School sites identified as not meeting federal expectations must develop continuous improvement plans in order to meet federal expectations for student academic achievement. The department, at a district's request, must assist the district and the school sites in developing a plan to improve student achievement. The plan must include parental involvement components. (2) provide technical assistance to schools that integrate student achievement measures into the school continuous improvement plan. (d) The commissioner shall establish and maintain a continuous improvement website designed to make aggregated and disaggregated student growth and, under section 120B.11, subdivision 2, clause (2), student learning and outcome data on every school and district available to parents, teachers, administrators, community members, and the general public, consistent with this section. Subd. 3.State growth target; other state measures. (a)(1) The state's educational assessment system measuring individual students' educational growth is based on indicators of achievement growth that show an individual student's prior achievement. Indicators of achievement and prior achievement must be based on highly reliable statewide or districtwide assessments. (2) For purposes of paragraphs (b), (c), and (d), the commissioner must analyze and report separate categories of information using the student categories identified under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as most recently reauthorized, and, in addition to "other" for each race and ethnicity, and the Karen community, seven of the most populous Asian and Pacific Islander groups, three of the most populous Native groups, seven of the most populous Hispanic/Latino groups, and five of the most populous Black and African Heritage groups as determined by the total Minnesota population based on the most recent American Community Survey; English learners under section 124D.59; home language; free or reduced-price lunch; and all students enrolled in a Minnesota public school who are currently or were previously in foster care, except that such disaggregation and cross tabulation is not required if the number of students in a category is insufficient to yield statistically reliable information or the results would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual student. (2) for all student categories, report and compare aggregated and disaggregated state student growth and, under section 120B.11, subdivision 2, clause (2), student learning and outcome data using the student categories identified under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as most recently reauthorized, and other student categories under paragraph (a), clause (2). The commissioner must report measures of student growth and, under section 120B.11, subdivision 2, clause (2), student learning and outcome data, consistent with this paragraph, including the English language development, academic progress, and oral academic development of English learners and their native language development if the native language is used as a language of instruction, and include data on all pupils enrolled in a Minnesota public school course or program who are currently or were previously counted as an English learner under section 124D.59. (2) a rigorous coursework measure indicating the number and percentage of high school graduates in the most recent school year who successfully completed one or more college-level advanced placement, international baccalaureate, postsecondary enrollment options including concurrent enrollment, other rigorous courses of study under section 120B.021, subdivision 1a, or industry certification courses or programs. When reporting the core measures under clauses (1) and (2), the commissioner must also analyze and report separate categories of information using the student categories identified under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as most recently reauthorized, and other student categories under paragraph (a), clause (2). (d) When reporting student performance under section 120B.36, subdivision 1, the commissioner annually, beginning July 1, 2014, must report summary data on school safety and students' engagement and connection at school, consistent with the student categories identified under paragraph (a), clause (2). The summary data under this paragraph are separate from and must not be used for any purpose related to measuring or evaluating the performance of classroom teachers. The commissioner, in consultation with qualified experts on student engagement and connection and classroom teachers, must identify highly reliable variables that generate summary data under this paragraph. The summary data may be used at school, district, and state levels only. Any data on individuals received, collected, or created that are used to generate the summary data under this paragraph are nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 9. The commissioner may include in the annual report summary data on other education providers serving a majority of students eligible to participate in a learning year program. (f) The commissioner, in consultation with recognized experts with knowledge and experience in assessing the language proficiency and academic performance of all English learners enrolled in a Minnesota public school course or program who are currently or were previously counted as an English learner under section 124D.59, must identify and report appropriate and effective measures to improve current categories of language difficulty and assessments, and monitor and report data on students' English proficiency levels, program placement, and academic language development, including oral academic language. (g) When reporting four- and six-year graduation rates, the commissioner or school district must disaggregate the data by student categories according to paragraph (a), clause (2). (h) A school district must inform parents and guardians that volunteering information on student categories not required by the most recent reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is optional and will not violate the privacy of students or their families, parents, or guardians. The notice must state the purpose for collecting the student data. Consistent with the requirements of this section, beginning June 20, 2012, the commissioner of education must annually report to the public and the legislature best practices implemented in those schools that are identified as high performing under federal expectations. Subd. 5.Improving graduation rates for students with emotional or behavioral disorders. (a) A district must develop strategies in conjunction with parents of students with emotional or behavioral disorders and the county board responsible for implementing sections 245.487 to 245.4889 to keep students with emotional or behavioral disorders in school, when the district has a drop-out rate for students with an emotional or behavioral disorder in grades 9 through 12 exceeding 25 percent. (b) A district must develop a plan in conjunction with parents of students with emotional or behavioral disorders and the local mental health authority to increase the graduation rates of students with emotional or behavioral disorders. A district with a drop-out rate for children with an emotional or behavioral disturbance in grades 9 through 12 that is in the top 25 percent of all districts shall submit a plan for review and oversight to the commissioner. NOTE: For rollout sites under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.31, subdivision 3a, the amendment to subdivision 3 by Laws 2017, First Special Session chapter 5, article 2, section 19, is effective for the 2018-2019 school year and later. For all other schools, the amendment is effective for the 2019-2020 school year and later. Laws 2017, First Special Session chapter 5, article 2, section 19, the effective date. Subdivision 1.School performance reports and public reporting. (a) The commissioner shall report student academic performance data under section 120B.35, subdivisions 2 and 3; the percentages of students showing low, medium, and high growth under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (b); school safety and student engagement and connection under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (d); rigorous coursework under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (c); the percentage of students under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (b), clause (2), whose progress and performance levels are meeting career and college readiness benchmarks under sections 120B.30, subdivision 1, and 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (e); longitudinal data on the progress of eligible districts in reducing disparities in students' academic achievement and realizing racial and economic integration under section 124D.861; the acquisition of English, and where practicable, native language academic literacy, including oral academic language, and the academic progress of all English learners enrolled in a Minnesota public school course or program who are currently or were previously counted as English learners under section 124D.59; two separate student-to-teacher ratios that clearly indicate the definition of teacher consistent with sections 122A.06 and 122A.15 for purposes of determining these ratios; staff characteristics excluding salaries; student enrollment demographics; foster care status, including all students enrolled in a Minnesota public school course or program who are currently or were previously in foster care, student homelessness, and district mobility; and extracurricular activities. (b) The school performance report for a school site and a school district must include school performance reporting information and calculate proficiency rates as required by the most recently reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act. (c) The commissioner shall develop, annually update, and post on the department website school performance reports consistent with paragraph (a) and section 120B.11. (d) The commissioner must make available performance reports by the beginning of each school year. (e) A school or district may appeal its results in a form and manner determined by the commissioner and consistent with federal law. The commissioner's decision to uphold or deny an appeal is final. (f) School performance data are nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 9, until the commissioner publicly releases the data. The commissioner shall annually post school performance reports to the department's public website no later than September 1, except that in years when the reports reflect new performance standards, the commissioner shall post the school performance reports no later than October 1. Subd. 2.Student progress and other data. (a) All data the department receives, collects, or creates under section 120B.11, governing the world's best workforce, or uses to determine federal expectations under the most recently reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act, set state growth targets, and determine student growth, learning, and outcomes under section 120B.35 are nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 9, until the commissioner publicly releases the data. (b) Districts must provide parents sufficiently detailed summary data to permit parents to appeal under the most recently reauthorized federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The commissioner shall annually post federal expectations and state student growth, learning, and outcome data to the department's public website no later than September 1, except that in years when data or federal expectations reflect new performance standards, the commissioner shall post data on federal expectations and state student growth data no later than October 1. The Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board must adopt rules to implement a statewide credential for education paraprofessionals who assist a licensed teacher in providing student instruction. Any paraprofessional holding this credential or working in a local school district after meeting a state-approved local assessment is considered to be highly qualified under federal law. Under this subdivision, the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board, in consultation with the commissioner, must adopt qualitative criteria for approving local assessments that include an evaluation of a paraprofessional's knowledge of reading, writing, and math and the paraprofessional's ability to assist in the instruction of reading, writing, and math. The commissioner must approve or disapprove local assessments using these criteria. The commissioner must make the criteria available to the public. In adopting rules under subdivision 1, the board must consider including provisions that provide training in: students' characteristics; teaching and learning environment; academic instruction skills; student behavior; and ethical practices. Within the first 60 days of supervising or working with students, a district must provide each paraprofessional with initial training in emergency procedures, confidentiality, vulnerability, reporting obligations, discipline policies, roles and responsibilities, and a building orientation.
Q: Setting Activity in my ViewPager Hi everybody I have a ViewPager I want a Setting Activity in, but I can not do it because is a Activity and not a fragment, could I do it? I want something like this: http://tjerktech.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/spotify1.png And there is some code that I have: PagerAdapter mSectionsPagerAdapter; List<Fragment> fragments = new Vector<Fragment>(); /** * The {@link ViewPager} that will host the section contents. */ ViewPager mViewPager; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_days_routine); // Set up the action bar. final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); actionBar.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS); //String nameRoutine = getIntent().getExtras().getString("nameRoutine"); // Create the adapter that will return a fragment for each of the three // primary sections of the activity. for(int i= 0;i<5;i++){ fragments.add(Fragment.instantiate(this, Activity.class.getName())); } mSectionsPagerAdapter = new PagerAdapter(this.getSupportFragmentManager(), fragments); // Set up the ViewPager with the sections adapter. mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.pager); mViewPager.setAdapter(mSectionsPagerAdapter); // When swiping between different sections, select the corresponding // tab. We can also use ActionBar.Tab#select() to do this if we have // a reference to the Tab. mViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem(position); } }); // For each of the sections in the app, add a tab to the action bar. for (int i = 0; i < mSectionsPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) { // Create a tab with text corresponding to the page title defined by // the adapter. Also specify this Activity object, which implements // the TabListener interface, as the callback (listener) for when // this tab is selected. actionBar.addTab( actionBar.newTab() .setText(getResources().getString(R.string.tab_day) + " " +(i+1)) .setTabListener(this)); } }
Caracalla – 198-217AD 198-217 AD Son of Septimus Severus Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, originally named Julius Bassianus, was born at Lugdunum, Gaul on April 6th, 188 AD. He was the elder son ofSeptimus Severus and Julia Domna. His original name, Bassianus, came from the Syrian side of his family. Following the Civil War in the aftermath of Commodus' murder, his father attempted to strengthen his own imperial line in hopes of establishing a Severan Dynasty by raising his son to the rank of Caesar (or junior emperor) in 195 AD. Thus, Caracalla was given the rank of Caesar two years before his brother Geta, who would be his most hated enemy. In 197 AD, Caracalla was given the title of Designate, a clear sign that he was to succeed his father. The following year, 198 AD, he was raised to the rank of Augustus once again ahead of his younger brother. Clearly, Caracalla was Severus' favorite of his two sons. His father's preference for Caracalla over his brother Geta led to palace intrigues casting the two brothers against one-another despite their mother's attempts at intervention. The Praetorian Prefect Gaius Plautianus conspired to improve his already considerable powers by wedding his daughter Plautilla to Caracalla in 202 AD. Despite Caracalla's resistance to the marriage, his father needed the support of Plautianus. Regardless of his father's wishes, Caracalla treated his bride with contempt and secretly plotted against her father perhaps out of revenge. Accounts varied as to the manner by which Plautianus fell from grace in 205 AD, but the death of the prefect was greeted with joy by Caracalla, who wasted no time in exiling his wife while he awaited patiently for his own father's death. Septimus Severus waged a long campaign in Britain between 208 to 211 AD. As part of his father's victory, Caracalla received the title of Britannicus in 211 AD. However, due to his father's ill health, Caracalla was forced to conduct many of the campaigns in his place which earned him the loyalty of the legions in the field. The name "Caracalla," by which he is best known to posterity, was a nickname given him by the troops derived from the hooded cloak which he wore. Septimus Severus died in Britain at Eburacum (York) in 211. The troops who had followed Caracalla faithfully, refused to show the same favoritism that his father had when it came to his brother. The Guard and the legions had sworn an oath to both sons of Severus, which did not please Caracalla in the least. Gold Aureus Caracalla as Augustus Geta as Caesar Geta had been given the rank of Caesar in 198 AD. However, he was not raised to the rank of Augustus until 209 AD. Herodian tells us that the two brothers proposed to divide the Empire between them. Whether or not this is true is difficult to say. At the very least, it might have been Geta's proposal for Caracalla himself appears to have had other plans. On February 12th, 212 AD, Caracalla assassinated Geta in their mother's apartment. Caracalla claimed that Geta had tried to murder him. However, given the ruthless actions that followed, it is clear that Caracalla had planned Geta's murder from the outset. In order to prevent any problems among the legions and the Praetorian Guard, Caracalla immediately paid a large bonus and raised their pay. Following his brother's murder, Caracalla appeared in the Senate to explain his actions. Again, he feared that everyone was suspicious. Geta did have many powerful friends and Caracalla was very much aware that his crime would lead to much opposition. To ease his fears, Caracalla showed just how ruthless he could be. He ordered a general massacre of Geta's supporters and friends. Everyone from Senators to house hold servants were executed without trial. The total number of people executed reached 20,000! Caracalla even executed the elderly daughter of Marcus Aurelius, Cornificia, who had been found crying over the Geta's death. He also used the event to execute his wife, Plautilla, despite the fact that she had been exiled. These events forever hung over Caracalla's head throughout his entire reign. Caracalla was, understandably, quite nervous while in Rome always fearing some retribution. Thus he left the city and headed straight for the German frontier. He was also obsessed with the fulfillment of his martial dreams. He preferred to be with his soldiers marching along side them rather than riding in a chariot. Caracalla also constantly dressed in the manner of a simple soldier. But there was no hiding from his deeds. The respect of the Senate he would never earn and instead he displayed an outright hatred of the members of the legislative body. An administrator, he was not. Those issues in which Caracalla did attempt to administer soon suffered greatly under his domain. Fearing a revolt, Caracalla did change the provincial distribution of the legions so that no more than two could be stationed in any province. Between his bonus and significant pay increases for his troops, the one thing that immediately began to dwindle was his treasury. Caracalla Addressing His Troops Bronze Sesterius Caracalla virtually plundered the imperial treasury to pay his military units. He introduced a monetary reform by which he added double denominations in gold and silver while cheating on the weight substantially. The new double aureus and double denarius (antoninianus) were scarcely equal to 50% more in metal content. Nonetheless, inflation and financial crisis continued to expand. Like Nero before him, Caracalla became desperate for cash. In 212 AD, to gain further revenues, Caracalla decreed the Constitutio Antoniniana bestowing citizenship on nearly everyone in the Roman world. Caracalla was certainly not being generous or concerned for the population. Despite its limitations (slaves were automatically ineligible), this broad edict of bestowing citizenship to everyone he could was merely intended to replenish his treasury. Once a person was a citizen of Rome, they immediately were subject to inheritances and emancipation taxes. Caracalla spent freely on his soldiers, which kept a constant need for revenue. New taxes were instituted and old ones increased across the board. As he toured the Empire, cities were forced to build him race tracks, amphitheaters and personal houses wherever he visited. While Commodus had believed himself to be the reincarnation of Hercules, Caracalla saw himself as the reincarnation of the Greek conqueror – Alexander the Great. Caracalla's Baths – Rome Caracalla's interests were clearly with his military. However, he also is noted for the huge baths which he constructed in Rome. The Baths of Caracalla were perhaps the grandest of all structures in Rome second only to the Colosseum. The architectural splendor of the project clearly demonstrated his extravagance. Even in the 4th century, they were still considered by many as one of the wonders of the world at that time. In 213 AD, Caracalla marched to the Danube and Rhine frontiers where he defeated the barbarian confederation of the ALAMANNI on the Main River. He also added forts to strengthen the frontier. In 214 AD, he had planned to conquer the East following the footsteps of Alexander the Great. He swept through Macedonia recruiting a 16,000-man phalanx, similar to the ancient Macedonian phalanx. However, illness prevented him from undertaking any serious campaign. Caracalla did retrace Alexander's route to Egypt however, where, in 215 AD, he unleased yet another massacre. After being warmly received, he visited Alexander's tomb. For some unknown reason, he slaughtered many of Alexandria's inhabitants shortly thereafter. Caracalla was becoming increasingly unstable. An Egyptian soothsayer, Serapio, had openly predicted the Emperor's death and the succession of Macrinus – Prefect of the Praetorian Guard. Serapio was thrown to the lions, but survived. Still, Caracalla had him executed anyway. Caracalla confirmed his growing fear of the Prefect in dispatches sent back to Rome. Macrinus managed to discover the Emperor's writings and indeed began to plot his assassination. By 216 AD, Caracalla's Eastern preparations for conquest were complete. He set out once again for Mesopotamia. While travelling between Edessa and Carrhae, Caracalla became ill due to an upset stomach and stopped to relieve himself. It was the perfect moment and the plot took shape. On April 8, 217 AD, Julius Martialis, an officer in the imperial body guard, performed the deed. After murdering Caracalla, he attempted to flee on horse back but was brought down by a javelin. Titles and Powers, 196-217 AD AD Tribunician Power Imp Acclamation Consul Other 196 ………………………………………………CAESAR 197……………………………. IMP.DESIG PONTIFEX 198 TR.P…………………… IMP…. AVGVSTVS 199 TR.P.II. 200 TR.P.III. 201 TR.P.IIII. 202 TR.P.V. ………………. COS 203 TR.P.VI. 204 TR.P.VII. 205 TR.P.VIII……………….COS II 206 TR.P.VIIII. 207 TR.P.X. 208 TR.P.XI…………………COS III 209 TR.P.XII. 210 TR.P.XIII………………………….BRIT 211 TR.P.XIIII…………………………PM PP 212 TR.P.XV……………… IMP.II. (?) 213 TR.P.XVI……………… COS IIII…. FELIX GERM 214 TR.P.XVII……………. IMP.III. 215 TR.P.XVIII. 216 TR.P.XVIIII. 217 TR.P.XX. Caracalla became TR.P.II. on January 1st, 199 AD. Therefore, his tribunician power was renewed each year thereafter on that date. During the reign of Caracalla, a new denomination was created known as the Antoninianus. This coin was a double denarius and was distinguished by the Emperor wearing a radiated crown. Double Aureus denomination was also created. In both cases, the metal weight was not a full measure of double. Mints:(during sole reign): Rome Obverse Legends: ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS ANTONINVI PIVS AVG ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM M AVR ANTON CAES PONTIF M AVR ANTONINVS CAES M AVREL ANTONINVI PIVS AVG BRIT The portraiture of Caracalla as displayed on his coinage provides a reasonable chronology of his physical development from that of a boy of eight years to a man of twenty-nine just prior to his assassination. As Caesar and in his early years as Augustus, Caracalla is portrayed as a child. During the latter half of his joint reign with his father Severus, the portrait of Caracalla becomes that of an adolescent. In 209 AD, He is first shown with a beard and from there onward his portrait steadily develops to the full maturity of his later years as an adult. As Caesar 196-198 AD under Septimius Severus 1) Bare-headed and draped bust, right 2) Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust, right As Augustus, 198-212 AD With Septimius Severus, 198-209 AD With Septimius Severus and Geta, 209-211 AD With Geta, 211-212 AD As Sole Emperor, 212-217 AD 1) Laureate head, right 2) Laureate and draped bust, right 3) Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust, right As Caesar AU Aureus (7.15 grams) AR Denarius (3.42 grams) Æ Sesterius Æ As As Augustus AU DOUBLE Aureus (9.54 grams) AU Quninarius AR Cistoporus AR Antoninianus (Double Denarius) (5.70 grams) AR Denarius (2.85 ams) AR Quinarius Æ Sesterius (18.7 grams) Æ Dupondius POSTHUMOUS COINAGE (by Elagabalus) AU Aureus AR Denarius The Monetary History of the World © Martin A. Armstrong FDIC-Bank of England – Bail-In Ancient and Premodern Weights and Measures, with Modern Equivalents A Brief History of Paper Money History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Listing of Roman Dictators White Earth Effect A Brief History of World Credit & Interest Rates Monetary History of the World Dow Jones Industrial Average All-Time Largest One Day Gains & Losses The Euro Outlook 1996-1997 Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) Tax Debate – Steve Forbes – Martin Armstrong – Governor Jim Florio of NJ – 1997 History of Social Security Transcripts of Testimony before Congress, Debates, & OpEds The President Kennedy's Telstar News Conference of July 23, 1962 The History of Gold History of Panics – The force of Creative Destruction Financial Panics of the World Heinrich Schliemann Cyprus Proposal
I would like for people to share their own personal Freebie Hunting Tips with one another in this thread. ***Create an email account specifically for using in the forms that freebies have you fill out. As much as we wish it were otherwise, not every freebie that we have on this site is legit. We do what we can to protect ourselves from Phishing sites and scams, but it is virtually impossible to weed all the bad ones out. So if you use your "freebie" email then all the is going to be on one box, you won't have to be sorting through emails about online pharmacies in order to find emails from your big sister in Detroit. ***Use a free answering service as the phone number when forms ask you for your phone number. Actually what I alwasy try doing is filling out forms with NO phone number first. Even if the form has a blank for the phone number, often it will still go through without using a number. However some forms will kick back to you without completing the sign up if you do not put a phone number in them. Some people opt to just put a fake phone number in them. However I have found a good answering service that actually records the message and will play it back to you ON YOUR COMPUTER. The website is http://k7.net/ and as I stated it is free. No charges whatsoever. Real simple to use also. Okay, so if anyone has any tips they can give on Freebie Hunting, please share them here!! yep that is what i do. virtually no and i use a fake phone number. i also use my fiance's info so he can get a freebie also. Another good Freebie Hunting tip would be to download a program such as RoboForm or something similar onto your browser, that way when you are filling out forms they are easy easy easy to fill out. The free version of RoboForm lets you keep two different identities. I help my daughter sign up for freebies when she is at work by using this feature. Quick and easy as a click! Here's a tip. I am surprised that mom (deedee) hasn't put it on here yet. She keeps a log book of her freebies that she signs up for. That way she can tell the good ones from the ones that never come. It's pretty looking through her book at all the stuff she has signed up for. I help her cross off the stuff sometimes after her mail comes. And she has some special way of organizing it all so she knows what freebies are what. like she has special marks for magazine subscriptions, and other marks for things she mailed in. Its all confusing to me, but she keeps track. I myself am not that organized. I just sign up and then hope for the best. Actually what I alwasy try doing is filling out forms with NO phone number first. Even if the form has a blank for the phone number, often it will still go through without using a number. However some forms will kick back to you without completing the sign up if you do not put a phone number in them. Some people opt to just put a fake phone number in them. However I have found a good answering service that actually records the message and will play it back to you ON YOUR COMPUTER. The website is http://k7.net/ and as I stated it is free. I use the number to a pre paid cell phone that I don't use anymore. I have 4 cents on it, just enough to keep the number but not enough for calls to go through so it doesn't ring but still works as an active phone number. Allese wrote: Here's a tip. I am surprised that mom (deedee) hasn't put it on here yet. She keeps a log book of her freebies that she signs up for. That way she can tell the good ones from the ones that never come. It's pretty looking through her book at all the stuff she has signed up for. I help her cross off the stuff sometimes after her mail comes. And she has some special way of organizing it all so she knows what freebies are what. like she has special marks for magazine subscriptions, and other marks for things she mailed in. Its all confusing to me, but she keeps track. I do the very same thing !!! I keep track of all my freebies. I've been keeping track since I first began back in 2007. And it works out well. I highlight what comes in pink and what hasn't been hightlight are yet to come if they do. And I put the date of the time I signed up for them, the company or what kind of free it was where I found it if it was Save A Buck or another freebie site..in case I want to look back there for it. And when the freebie does come I put on top ( I do leave a space between freebies on my notebook for this) when it does come I put (Received on 00/00/00 the date and an arrow pointing to the freebie listed. Once I do this anything that isn't highlighted in pink hasn't come yet. See this way I can look back and see what I have I already signed up for in case I see a freebie someone got in there mail call lists...I'll see if I signed up for it and I'll know it's coming to me. Hope this helps. Oh, and do buy now the notebooks are really cheap in the back to school section of Walmart and other stores. I stock up on them. And when they are full I put with a black Sharpie marker on the front of them...for example Freebies From Feb. 2008 through Nov. 2008. And then set them aside just in case for later. Then start in a new notebook but I don't put nothing on the front of the notebook yet until it's full and then you can tell when you started in there by looking at your first page that's where you get your month and year and the same goes for the end of the notebook...the last page ..the last freebie written there check on the month and year. And that is what you put as and ended date for the front of your notebook when your all done. I found this article on a Canadian freebie site and it is a very good article so I have borrowed it and posted it over here. *Too good to be true - Most offers that appear too good to be true usually are. Examine the motivation for the free offer. A free trial size shampoo makes sense because they are trying to sell shampoo. A free vacation is unlikely, unless there are large hidden charges attached. *Suspicious websites- If a website has tons of Google ads and does not look legit to you, just skip it. Also, if a website has the words "free" (Example: www.freestressball.com) in it's address name, it is not a real freebie and is a scam. If a website looks badly constructed, has lots of spelling and grammatical errors, bombards you with downloads or pop ups you should ask yourself - "Do I trust this website with my information and are they really going to send me a freebie?" The answer could well be no. If a website has enough money to send out thousands of freebies - why haven't they spent the same amount of money developing a profession looking website? The answer could be that they have no freebies to give out and only want your details. *URL- If the website URL is from a free hosting domain such as yahoo or tripod, don't take a chance. Surely a real company could afford an address without hosts. *Use an alternative email- when signing up for freebies, it's always good to use a alternative email, not your main one. That way, if you do fall for a scam, it will all go to your other side account and not clog up your main one. I recommend a yahoo or hotmail or gmail account because they have good storage and junk mail filter. *Win-win?- Usually, when the company give out freebies, they do it so people can sample their products and possibly purchase them in the future. If the website is offering "free samples", look for a link or something back to the company. If there is no link or address, how will customers contact them again to buy products? No company would willing give away thousands of products with no way for contact. *Owner?- Do you know who owns the site? If they are giving away "free dove samples", is URL www.dove.ca? If it's not the actual company offering the product, it is likey a scam. *Don't pay for prizes - If you get email or postal mail proclaiming you the winner of a great prize and all you have to do is pay a fee to claim it, don't. It' s a scam and the only winners are the scammers. *Read the fine print- If the site looks suspicious to you, read their FAQ or Terms of Agreement(if there is one). Does it guarantee that you'll get the freebie or that it is not a scam? If it says it's not affiliated in any way with the product, or anything like that, move on. *Beware email collection scams - Most of the sites that consist of nothing but a form offering free stuff are there to collect email addresses for spammers. These sometimes have long lists of offers or "newsletters" you can subscribe to. If you are tempted to sign up for these, be sure to use a disposable email address. *Banners & Pop-Ups- If the freebie comes to you from a banner or pop-up while surfing the Internet, it's probably best to pass. This is especially true if the freebie advertisement takes you to a website other than homepage of the freebie product being offered. *Survey Scams- Never complete any surveys that state the word "FREE" in the headline. In other words, if the survey states something like "Fill out this survey and you will receive a free $50.00 gift certificate. They are actually trying to find out which products you would be interested in purchasing while you are filling out this long screening process. Do not give them your email address or credit card number. You will receive hundreds of junk mail everyday, and still not receive your $50.00 gift certificate until you purchase at least $400.00 of merchandise! *And remember: Always research any paid survey site by researching scams and or, place the name of the company in your browser and use the word "scams" beside their name. This should tell you whether or not this company is a scam artist. *Also if the freebie is from some unheard of company, and the site has no way for you to actaully order their product, its likely a spam site. Companies send out freebies in the hope you will like and later buy their product; if there's no way for you to purchase their stuff should you choose to, odds are you won't be getting a freebie! *Just put these tips together with your own common sense and you can enjoy the legitimate offers and avoid the free stuff scams. *ALSO* http://www.60-seconds.com/articles/130a.htmlTen tips you're about to be ripped off. Lots of helpful tips that also apply to registering for freebies. *ALSO* www.who.is A good site to find out who is the owner or the host of the website!
Florida lawmaker looks to beef up COVID-19 employee protections statewide Posted By Christine Sexton, News Service of Florida on Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 10:58 AM Photo courtesy Sen. Perry Thurston/Facebook Sen. Perry Thurston As the Republican-led Legislature moves quickly to provide broad COVID-19 liability limits for businesses, some lawmakers say additional protections should be provided for "essential" and front-line employees showing up for work. Members of House and Senate panels have expressed concerns that workers who allege they contracted COVID-19 on the job aren't getting workers' compensation benefits. A state report shows that 29,400 coronavirus-related workers' compensation claims were filed as of Dec. 31, including 13,409 claims filed by health care workers and educators. Forty-three percent of the overall claims had been denied payment, according to the monthly report, published by state Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis' office. Nearly 46 percent of claims filed by health care workers and educators had been denied. Claims related to COVID-19 accounted for 31 percent of the 93,228 workers' compensation claims filed in 2020. But payments on those claims accounted for less than 8 percent of the $727,329,103 workers' compensation payments last year. The statistics are troubling for Senate Judiciary Committee member Perry Thurston, who offered a proposed amendment this week to a high-profile bill (SB 72) that would provide COVID-19 liability protections for businesses. The amendment, which did not get added to the bill, would have changed workers' compensation law to include a presumption that a wide range of health-care professionals who test positive for COVID-19 contracted it at work. The amendment would have applied to physicians, nurses, dentists, emergency medical personnel and people who work at clinical labs, doctors' offices, hospitals and nursing homes. "The people we are trying to protect, they deserve this protection. They deserve to know that if they are putting their life on the line and care for people, that if something should happen, at least the workers' comp benefit is there for them," Thurston, a Fort Lauderdale Democrat and attorney, told the News Service of Florida. "And if you think about it, what is workers' comp? It is designed to be self-executing, meaning that we don't have to argue this thing. Give them that protection. I think it's the basic minimum." Some workers already have the protections Thurston is pushing for. Patronis last year issued an order making clear that a presumption exists that certain front-line state employees who test positive for COVID-19 got infected while working. Patronis told the News Service in December that, through the order, he was able to secure workers' compensation coverage for state employees who "didn't have that peace of mind before." As of Dec. 31, 6,155 state employees across 13 agencies and departments and six state universities had filed workers' compensation claims. During a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting this week, Thurston pressed Patronis, a Republican, on why state employees have added workers' compensation protections but employees who work in non-government jobs do not. Patronis, a former lawmaker, avoided directly answering the question. "I know my role in this place, and that is not to cross a senator," Patronis said. Bill Herrle, executive director of the National Federation of Independent Business Florida, said it's insurers, not employers, that determine whether workers' compensation claims lead to payments. Herrle acknowledged that decisions about whether claims are compensable appear to be "all over the place." "Inconsistency in the workers' compensation system isn't good, and that probably needs to be resolved," Herrle said. "However, we are not ready to concede that COVID categorically is a workers' compensation-compensable claim." Herrle said, though, that his small-business group is open to looking at workers' compensation issues, but not until after the Legislature passes lawsuit limitations for businesses. Workers' compensation is a no-fault system meant to protect workers and employers. It is supposed to provide workers who are injured on the job access to medical benefits they need to be made whole. In exchange for providing those benefits, employers generally cannot be sued in court for causing injuries. While the system is supposed to be self-executing, injured workers hire attorneys when there are disputes over the amounts of benefits — medical or lost wages — they should receive. Florida's workers' compensation laws provide coverage for "occupational diseases" that are characteristic of particular trades or jobs. The term excludes "all ordinary diseases of life to which the general public is exposed," unless the incidences of diseases are substantially higher in particular professions. At the behest of Patronis, Florida Insurance Commissioner David Altmaier last year issued a memo advising insurance companies that first responders and health-care workers who contract COVID-19 "due to work-related exposure" would be eligible for workers' compensation benefits. "Insurers licensed to provide workers' compensation coverage in Florida are reminded of this statutory requirement, which must be applied on a non-discriminatory basis," Altmaier's memo said. "The OIR expects workers' compensation insurers to comply with all of the provisions of Florida's Workers' Compensation Law and will take appropriate action in the event of noncompliance." According to the National Council on Compensation Insurance, 22 states have considered legislation to establish workers' compensation presumptions of compensability for COVID-19 for certain employees. Ultimately, nine states passed laws: Alaska, California, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Thurston isn't alone in his worries about workers with COVID-19 having access to benefits. Members of the House Civil Justice and Property Rights Subcommittee also expressed concerns that not enough is being done for workers. After he proposed the amendment this week, Thurston said he heard from representatives of the hospital and nursing home industries, among others, who expressed concerns. He agreed to withdraw the amendment but said he will revisit the issue and work closely with House Democrats to try to make the change. "It's easy to say we want to protect first responders, they are out there on the front line protecting us so we should protect them," Thurston said. "Maybe the Legislature should put some kind of moratorium on workers' compensation carriers that you can't just increase insurance. Everyone should have some skin in the game. From first responders to doctors to nurses. The people out there protecting us, they have lots of skin in the game." Stay on top of Central Florida news and views with our weekly newsletters, and consider supporting this free publication. Our small but mighty team is working tirelessly to bring you Central Florida news, and every little bit helps. Tags: Florida, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic, Workers, Regulations, Laws, Workers Compensation, Claims, Health, Sickness, Protection, Legislation, Image « SeaWorld Orlando is planning anothe… | Orlando grungers Yeah, Sure drop su… » Florida GOP noncommittal on ensuring rights of front-line workers to access COVID-related workers' compensation Single and wanting to mingle? If you're in Florida, you're in 'ground zero' Ivanhoe Boulevard under I-4 will be closing nightly for construction through Feb. 8 Move over, Wawa — Texas chain Buc-ee's is set to open a Central Florida location in March Florida opens statewide COVID-19 vaccination pre-registration site Gov. DeSantis proposes $285 million funding increase for Florida public schools 'It will only fill up our jails': Florida Democrats rip proposed anti-protest bill Florida's little-known honor system for online sales tax could be costing the state millions Rep. Eskamani files bill to repeal tax credit program exploited by Universal Orlando Publix won't stop selling coconut milk from company that uses monkey slave labor, says PETA Lake Ivanhoe among Orlando lakes closed due to toxic algae blooms and E. coli Orlando-based Darden Restaurants will give employees paid time off if they receive the COVID-19 vaccine Free COVID-19 testing at Barnett Park to continue through February Judge rules that Florida man who planned to 'violently confront protesters' in Tallahassee will remain in jail More by Christine Sexton, News Service of Florida Hospitalization of children with COVID-19 increases more than tenfold after Florida schools open without mask mandates Florida's new law banning 'vaccine passports' carves out exemptions for healthcare industry Senso Read More Ethos Vegan Kitchen Read More Rainbow Sno-Cones Read More
Q: nls singular gradient error I want to fit this model of population growth: $$y(t) = α / (1 + βe^{−γt})$$ given the data: time<-c (1.000,2.000,3.000,4.000,5.000,6.000,7.000,8.000,9.000,10.000,11.000,12.000) population<-c (5.308,7.240,9.638,12.866,17.069,23.192,31.443,38.558,50.156,62.948,75.995,91.972) I attempted to fit it into nls function with starting values as: alpha=220; beta=50; gamma=0.3 and successfully got: nls.fit<-nls(population~(alpha)/(1+(beta*exp(-gamma*x.pred))) , data=mydata, start=unscaled.init.values) with output: #Nonlinear regression model # # model: population ~ (alpha)/(1 + (beta * exp(-gamma * x.pred))) # # data: mydata # # alpha beta gamma # #196.1862 49.0916 0.3136 # # residual sum-of-squares: 2.587 # #Number of iterations to convergence: 3 # #Achieved convergence tolerance: 4.493e-06 But then when I tried to rescale the parameter values as: alpha'=100*alpha; beta'=10*beta; gamma'=0.1*gamma with the function: nls.fit2<-nls(population~0.01*alpha/(1+0.1*beta*exp(-10*gamma*x.pred)) , data=mydata, start=scaled.init.values) and starting values as: alpha=2.2; beta=5; gamma=3 I received the error: #Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) : #singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates I don't understand why this happens as I only rescaled the parameters, but I also rescaled the starting values to fit the model, so the two nls() should give me the same output? Can someone please explain?
We met Marion & Blaise at Southside Beach for their gorgeous Maui wedding last week! They are originally from France but currently living in the states and traveled all the way from the west coast to be married on the beaches of Maui. Reverend Kimo Kirkman officiated their ceremony and these two lovebirds cherished every moment. After the ceremony staff photographer Ajja took the couple into the glowing trees. They walked along the beach and took pictures dancing on the shore. It was a beautiful evening and this lovely couple will remember it forever! Thank you so much Marion & Blaise for choosing Simple Maui Wedding to be a part of your Maui wedding! Check out our last Maui wedding with Jennifer & Sean!
With selling personal training online, you need to be a good salesperson. This means presenting yourself as a confident, secure person who is not only well-educated in your field, but has the experience to back it up. We've gone through multiple ways you can increase your sales and market yourself in previous chapters such as figuring out what the client wants and utilizing social media to your advantage. However, if you find yourself in a rut or feel like you need to step it up a level, this chapter will focus on additional tips that you can use to increase your sales. Don't stress. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and reevaluate what you're doing and nd different methods you can try to increase sales. Let's explore a few ways to boost your sales performance. As a salesperson, it's very important that your clients and potential clients understand what your message is in selling personal training online. Effective communication in all forms (written, verbal) will show that you are truly confident and know your material. So make sure that you are very clear about everything. For example, if clients want to know about your rates, don't use vague words and beat around the bush. Let them know what your rates are and what your value is as a personal trainer. There should be no doubt in your voice. Be solid. Be clear. Be confident. Speaking of money, know your worth as a personal trainer. What do you bring to the table? Are you worth the amount of money you're charging? Are you charging the right amount for your services? Are you spending your time on the right things? Once you gure out your value, it will be much easier to build multiple revenue streams with selling personal training online. If you've been in the game for some time and feel like you're not valuing yourself, then it's time to gure out why. Then gure out what you're going to do about it. What is your worth? Sometimes your potential clients are turned off by price. Sometimes your clients just won't have time (or the money) to commit to an hour long session. That's OK. But don't just let them walk out the door yet. Without compromising your worth, offer alternatives. If your clients can't do an hour long session, then offer a half an hour session for a different price. Do you offer packages at a reduced rate? Are you offering online services? Online workouts? Do you lead a running group a couple times a week? Do you have group personal training sessions? There are many different options you can offer your clients! The options are limitless. Use upcoming seasons or the change of seasons to introduce a new program. If summer is right around the corner, use that as motivation to create a new workout your clients can look forward to and get in shape. Or if winter is approaching, create a "get rid of the winter blues" workout program and encourage clients to workout during the hibernating months! Selling personal training online means getting creative! You can literally go in any direction with this anywhere from new year fitness resolutions to taking advantage of the wedding session and having a program focused on bridal arms! Give your clients a little something-something extra if they pay a little something-something extra. Make it a sweet deal! For example, if your client is planning on signing up for 3 sessions with you for x amount of money, let them know that for an extra $20 they can join your weekly running group for the year or buy the food journal you sell on your website. Whatever it is that you're adding on, if you put it right in front of your client at a decent price, they will consider it. When you're selling personal training online, you have to network! This doesn't have to take too much of your time. Start by attending events that you find interesting. It doesn't necessarily have to be fitness events. Always keep business cards on you and have your 30-second elevator pitch ready if anyone asks what you do for a living. You never know who you'll meet! And make sure to follow up with the people you do meet. Send a short and sweet email right after you meet someone to start a connection.
College of Communication & Fine Arts > Academics > Career Pathways > Career Pathways for Marital & Family Therapy Pathways to Careers in Marital and Family Therapy Loyola Marymount University's Marital and Family Therapy Graduate Department offers students an innovative program that leads to a Master of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy with specialized training in Clinical Art Therapy. The Department has expanded the program's commitment to service with the creation of The Helen B. Landgarten Art Therapy Clinic, while our Art Therapy in Mexico summer program has expanded the department's commitment to interculturalism. Students are trained to integrate their visual art backgrounds with psychotherapeutic skills as they work with a variety of clients, including children, adolescents, adults and families. The training fully prepares students to become practicing marital and family therapists committed to utilizing art processes in their work as psychotherapists. What the MFT Program Offers Integrated art therapy training within a family systems orientation informed by a psychodynamic perspective. Small classes where individualized approaches to learning are encouraged. A multicultural focus throughout the curriculum. Maintained practicum sites creating a network of diverse, well-respected training facilities. The center of a network of successful alumni in positions of leadership in both clinical and educational institutions. Provides graduates with academic requirements for California state licensure (MFT) and registration by the American Art Therapy Association (ATR). Approved by the American Art Therapy Association with a long history of leadership in art therapy education. Careers in Community Mental Health (including outpatient and IOP) Careers in Hospitals and Residential Treatment Centers (including shelters and substance abuse) Careers in Non-Traditional Clinical Settings (including community and senior centers) Careers in Employee Assistance Programs Careers in Schools (K-12) Clinical Services Coordinator Careers in Higher Education Professor / Researcher Careers in Private Practice Careers as Clinically Informed Artists, Writers and Scholars
package ch.fram.medlineGeo.crunching.localize /** * Created by Alexandre Masselot on 11/09/15. */ case class PotentialCityCountry(city: String, country: String) { } object PotentialCityCountry { val reSplitBlocks = """\s*,\s*""".r val reNumberOnly = """.""".r val reHeadPostalCode = """[\-\s\d]+(\-[A-Z]{1,2})?$""".r val reTailPostalCode = """^([A-Z]{1,2})?[\-\s\d]+""".r /** * out of an affiliationHook, build 3 pair of potential city/country, removing postal code and so * @param affiliationHook * @return */ def apply(affiliationHook: String): List[PotentialCityCountry] = { reSplitBlocks.split(affiliationHook) .toList .reverse .map(s => { reHeadPostalCode.replaceFirstIn(reTailPostalCode.replaceFirstIn(s, ""), "").trim }) .filter(_ != "") .take(3) .combinations(2) .toList .map({ l => PotentialCityCountry(l(1), l.head) }) } }
and a few pounds of clay. Can you see the deer crossing the river on the left? Hey Don !! Thanks. Hope you are doing OK. I never realize deer cross in groups like cattle. Must be something about cloven hoofs. It is beautiful. I love it out there. It's hard to tell, but I THINK that's a doe and 2 fawns. However, I have seen at least 15 or 20 deer together in a field so maybe at certain times they do come together?
Sexual harassment on subway threatens commuting students 정혜지 "In the first six months of this year, the Seoul Metropolitan Police made 546 arrests for sexual assault on the subway" Students who are commuting in a crowded subway are the main targets of sexual offenders. Cho Carol (Business Administration, 1) was butt-slapped when she was taking subway line two coming to school alone. On another day, an unknown man inappropriately touched her chest and face. "After experiencing it firsthand, I could understand why some girls can't escape," Cho said. "It is because they are too scared. When it's happening, you are like a deer caught in the headlights. You can't think straight until the car hits you, or in this case, the man. A fight or flight response doesn't kick in." Cho is not alone. In the first six months of this year, the Seoul Metropolitan Police made 546 arrests for sexual assault on the subway, compared to 671 for all of 2009, according to a report released on Aug. 12. Korean Womenlink (www.womenlink.or.kr) defines sexual assault as one form of sexual violence. Such forms include actions against the victim's will that give displeasure. Examples include touching a woman's buttocks, chest or thighs, raising her clothes and stalking her after she leaves the subway. Sexual assault can also be directed at men. Sexual assaults are most often occuring on subway line two, followed by lines one and four, according to the police report. Most assaults take place during the commuting hours of 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., when the subways are most crowded. Though there is no way to completely prevent the crime, there are ways to minimize the chances of it occurring. "Girls should not blame themselves because it doesn't happen by their own will," said Kho Kyung-hee, a counselor at the Center for Gender Affairs at Ewha. "The offenders are the ones with a problem." Kho said if a sexual assault takes place, the victim should not feel powerless but be confident that there are ways to handle the situation. She suggests the following methods: On a crowded subway - Trust your instincts. If you feel that somebody is getting closer on purpose, change places or put your bag between the offender and easily attacked areas such as hips and chest. On non-crowded subway - If a person next to you suddenly hides himself with clothes or a newspaper, he might be looking for a chance to touch you. Change your position or angle showing your flat refusal. - Be aware of someone who is drunk or asleep. He might touch you and pretend it was a mistake. This kind of person usually touches, leans on you and rubs his body against you. Try to avoid sitting next to such a person, or leave the seat immediately if he acts inppropriately. If a student faces unexpected harm, she should show initiative for solution. Once she's confident that it is a sexual assault and she feels sexual shame with light touches, she should react offensively right away. "Don't be timid but rather be confident for asking help to nearby people. The molester are same as the criminals," Kho said. Calling the police is also one of the most effective ways to solve the problem. With the convenience of cell phones, students can report crimes right away by sending a message to police (at 02-112), including information about what subway you are on and a simple description of the offender. Students can also report the crime to the subway constabulary (02-338-4412) or the police force working at the station. "This should be a country where women know they can walk alone without the fear of being attacked," Cho said. 정혜지 다른기사 보기
Lightweight. Showerproof and windproof. Full length contrast zip with chin guard. Reflective print detail to zip, back neck and cuffs. Two front zip pockets. Internal small hidden opening for ear phone cord feed. Drawcord hem. Curved drop tail. Tear out label. Material : Polyester 330T pongee.
They Might Be Giants: translation This article is about the musical group. For their eponymous debut, see They Might Be Giants (album). For the film, see They Might Be Giants (film). They Might Be Giants celebrate the start of their 26th year together during a June 2009 performance in New Haven, Connecticut Brooklyn, New York, United States Bar/None, Barsuk, Restless, Elektra, Zoë, Disney Sound, Idlewild, Rough Trade, Ultra Records www.theymightbegiants.com, www.dialasong.com John Flansburgh Danny Weinkauf Hal Cragin Dan Hickey Graham Maby Tony Maimone Eric Schermerhorn They Might Be Giants (TMBG) is an American alternative rock band formed in 1982 by John Flansburgh and John Linnell. During TMBG's early years Flansburgh and Linnell were frequently accompanied by a drum machine. In the early 1990s, TMBG became a full band. Currently, the members of TMBG are Flansburgh, Linnell, Marty Beller, Dan Miller, and Danny Weinkauf. They are best known for an unconventional and experimental style of alternative music. Over their career, the group has found success on the modern rock and CMJ charts. More recently they have found success in the children's music genre, and in theme music for several television programs and films. TMBG have released 15 studio albums. Flood has been certified platinum and their children's music album Here Come the ABCs has been certified gold. The band has won two Grammy Awards, one in 2002 for their song "Boss of Me", which served as the theme to Malcolm in the Middle. They won their second in 2009 for their album Here Come the 123s. The band has sold over 4 million records.[1] 1.1 Earlier years (1982–1989) 1.2 Dial-A-Song 1.3 First albums 1.4 Move to Elektra (1990–1992) 1.5 Recruiting a band (1992–1998) 1.6 Beyond Elektra (1999–2003) 1.7 Podcasting, independent releases, and children's music (2004–present) 4 Charting singles 5 Music videos Linnell and Flansburgh first met as teenagers growing up in Lincoln, Massachusetts. They began writing songs together while attending Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School but didn't form a band at that time. The two attended separate colleges after high school (Flansburgh attended Pratt Institute), and Linnell joined The Mundanes, a New Wave group from Rhode Island. The two reunited in 1981 after moving to Brooklyn (to the same apartment building on the same day) to continue their career.[2] Earlier years (1982–1989) Taking their name from the 1971 George C. Scott movie of the same name, the duo began performing their own music in and around New York City — Flansburgh on guitar, Linnell on accordion and saxophone, and accompanied by a drum machine and/or a prerecorded backing track on audio cassette. Their atypical instrumentation, along with their songs which featured unusual subject matter and clever wordplay, soon attracted a strong local following. Their performances also featured absurdly comical stage props such as oversized fezzes and large cardboard cutout heads of newspaper editor William Allen White.[3] Many of these props would later turn up in their first music videos. From 1984-1987, They Might Be Giants were the house-band at Darinka, a Lower East Side performance club. One weekend a month they played on the stage there and by the end of their three year stint sold-out every performance. On March 30, 1985, TMBG's released their 7" flexi-disc at Darinka which included the songs "Everything Right Is Wrong" and "You'll Miss Me". At one point, Linnell broke his wrist in a biking accident and Flansburgh's apartment was burgled, forcing them to take a break from performing. During this hiatus, they began recording their songs onto an answering machine, and then advertising the phone number in local newspapers such as The Village Voice, using the moniker "Dial-A-Song".[4] They also released a demo cassette, which earned them a review in People magazine. The review caught the attention of Bar/None Records, who signed They Might Be Giants to a recording deal.[5] Dial-A-Song consisted of an answering machine with a tape of the band playing various songs. The machine played one track at a time, ranging from demos and uncompleted work to fake advertisements the band had created. Based in Brooklyn, NY, Dial-A-Song was often difficult to access due to the popularity of the service and the dubious quality of the machines used. In reference to this, one of Dial-A-Song's many slogans over the years was the tongue-in-cheek "Always Busy, Often Broken". The number (718)-387-6962, was a local Brooklyn number and was charged accordingly, but the band advertised it with the line: "Free when you call from work". Longtime listeners to Dial-A-Song have counted at least 500 distinct songs and variations recorded by They Might Be Giants, making them one of the most prolific rock bands in history in terms of published material. In March 2000, TMBG started dialasong.com, which was more reliable than the original, phone-based version, as it utilized a flash document to stream the songs. This was replaced in August 2006 however, with a page promoting the They Might Be Giants podcasts. John Linnell stated in an interview in early 2008 that Dial-A-Song had died of a technical crash, and that the Internet had taken over where the machine left off. On November 15, 2008, the Dial-A-Song number was officially disconnected, though it has at times been used in a similar style by independent artists. First albums The duo released their self-titled debut album in 1986, which became a college radio hit. The video for "Don't Let's Start", filmed in the New York State Pavilion built for the 1964 New York World's Fair in Queens, became a hit on MTV, earning them a broader following. In 1988, they released their second album, Lincoln, named after the duo's hometown. It featured the song "Ana Ng" which reached #11 on the US Modern Rock chart. Move to Elektra (1990–1992) In 1989, They Might Be Giants signed with Elektra Records, and released their third album Flood the following year. Flood earned them a gold album, largely thanks to the success of "Birdhouse in Your Soul" which reached number three on the US Modern Rock chart, as well as "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)". In 1990, Throttle magazine interviewed They Might Be Giants and clarified the meaning of the song "Ana Ng": John Flansburgh said, "Ng is a Vietnamese name. The song is about someone who's thinking about a person on the exact opposite side of the world. John looked at a globe and figured out that if Ana Ng is in Vietnam and the person is on the other side of the world, then it must be written by someone in Peru".[6] Further interest in the band was generated when two cartoon music videos were created by Warner Bros. for Tiny Toon Adventures: "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" and "Particle Man".[7] The videos reflected TMBG's high "kid appeal", resulting from their often absurd songs and poppy melodies. In 1991, Bar/None Records released the B-sides compilation Miscellaneous T. The title referred to the section of the record store where TMBG releases were often found as well as to the overall eclectic nature of the tracks.[citation needed] Though consisting of previously released material (save for the "Purple Toupee" b-sides, which were not available publicly), it gave new fans a chance to hear the Johns' earlier non-album work without having to hunt down the individual EPs. In early 1992, They Might Be Giants released Apollo 18. The heavy space theme coincided with TMBG being named Musical Ambassadors for International Space Year. Singles from the album included "The Statue Got Me High", "I Palindrome I" and "The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight)". Apollo 18 was also notable for being one of the first albums to take advantage of the CD player's shuffle feature. The song "Fingertips" actually comprised 21 separate tracks — short snippets that not only acted together to make the song, but that when played in random order would be interspersed between the album's full-length songs. Due to mastering errors, the UK and Australian versions of Apollo 18 contained "Fingertips" as one track. Recruiting a band (1992–1998) Following Apollo 18, Flansburgh and Linnell decided to move away from the guitar & accordion (or sax) plus backing tracks on tape nature of their live show, and recruited a supporting band that consisted of live musicians (Kurt Hoffman of the Ordinaires on reeds and keyboards, longtime Pere Ubu bassist Tony Maimone and drummer Jonathan Feinberg). John Henry was released in 1994. Influenced by their more conventional lineup, this album marked a departure from their previous releases with more of a guitar-heavy sound.[8] It was released to mixed reviews amongst fans and critics alike. Their next album, Factory Showroom, was released in 1996 to little fanfare. The band had moved away from the feel of John Henry, and Factory Showroom includes the more diverse sounds of their earlier albums, despite the inclusion of two guitarists, the second being Eric Schermerhorn who provided several guitar solos. They left Elektra after the duo refused to do a publicity show, amongst other exposure-related disputes.[9] In 1998, they released a mostly-live album Severe Tire Damage from which came the single "Doctor Worm", a studio recording. Beyond Elektra (1999–2003) For most of their career, TMBG have made innovative use of the Internet. As early as 1992, the band was sending news updates to their fans via Usenet newsgroups. In 1999, They Might Be Giants became the first major label recording artist to release an entire album exclusively in mp3 format. The album, Long Tall Weekend.[10] is sold through Emusic. Also in 1999, the band contributed the song "Dr. Evil" to the motion picture Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. Over their career, the band has performed on numerous movie and television soundtracks, including The Oblongs, the ABC News miniseries Brave New World and Ed and His Dead Mother. They also performed the theme music "Dog on Fire", composed by Bob Mould, for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. More recently, they composed and performed the music for the TLC series Resident Life, the theme song for the Disney Channel program Higglytown Heroes, and songs about the cartoons Dexter's Laboratory and Courage the Cowardly Dog.[11] During this time the band also worked on a project for McSweeney's, a publishing company and literary journal. The band wrote a McSweeney's theme song and forty-four songs for an album that was meant to be listened to with the journal, with each track corresponding to a particular story or piece of artwork. Labeled They Might Be Giants vs. McSweeney's, the disk appears in issue #6 of Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern. Contributing the single "Boss of Me" as the theme song to the hit television series Malcolm in the Middle, as well as to the show's compilation CD, brought a new audience to the band. Not only did the band contribute the theme, songs from all of the Giants' previous albums were used on the show: for example, the infamous punching-the-kid-in-the-wheelchair scene from the first episode was done to the strains of "Pencil Rain" from Lincoln. Another song to feature in the series was "Spiraling Shape". "Boss of Me" became the band's second top-40 hit in the UK which they performed on long running UK television programme Top of the Pops, and in 2002, won the duo a Grammy Award.[12] On September 11, 2001, they released the album Mink Car on Restless Records. It was their first full album release of new studio material since 1996, and their first since parting ways with Elektra. Other events on that day might have had a detrimental impact on sales; this is speculation. The making of that album, including a record signing event at a Manhattan Tower Records, was included in a documentary directed by AJ Schnack titled Gigantic (A Tale of Two Johns). The film was released on DVD in 2003. In 2002 they released No!, their first album "for the entire family". Using the enhanced CD format, it included an interactive animation for most of the songs. They followed it up in 2003 with their first book, an illustrated children's book with an included EP, Bed, Bed, Bed. Podcasting, independent releases, and children's music (2004–present) They Might Be Giants performing at Bar None, in Brooklyn, NY In 2004, the band created one of the first artist-owned online music stores, at which customers could purchase and download MP3 copies of their music, both new releases and many previously released albums. By creating their own store, the band could keep money that would otherwise go to record companies. With the redesign of the band's website in 2010, the store was reincarnated. Also in 2004, the band released their first new "adult" rock work since the release of No!, the EP Indestructible Object. This was followed by a new album, The Spine, and an associated EP, The Spine Surfs Alone. It was at this time that Dan Hickey was replaced by Marty Beller who had previously collaborated with TMBG. For the album's first single, "Experimental Film", TMBG teamed up with Homestar Runner creators Matt and Mike Chapman to create an animated music video.[13] The band's collaboration with the Brothers Chaps also included several Puppet Jam segments with puppet Homestar, and the music for a Strong Bad email entitled "Different Town". More recently they recorded a track for the 200th Strong Bad e-mail, where Linnell provided the voice of The Poopsmith.[14][15] TMBG also contributed a track to the 2004 Future Soundtrack For America compilation, a project compiled by John Flansburgh with the help of Spike Jonze and Barsuk Records. The band contributed "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too", a political campaign song from the presidential election of 1840. The compilation was released by Barsuk and featured indie, alternative, and high-profile acts such as Death Cab for Cutie, The Flaming Lips, and Bright Eyes. All proceeds went to progressive organizations such as Music for America and MoveOn.org.[16] Flansburgh and Linnell made a guest appearance in "Camp", the January 11, 2004 episode of the animated sitcom Home Movies. They voice both a pair of camp counselors and members of a strange hooded male bonding cult.[17] On May 10, 2004, they made a guest star appearance on episode 140 of Blue's Clues called "Bluestock" alongside several other stars, such as Toni Braxton, Macy Gray, and India Arie. They Might Be Giants were in a letter for Joe and Blue. They Might Be Giants perform a free show at Amoeba Music in Hollywood, CA on March 25, 2005 Following the Spine on the Hiway Tour of 2004, the band announced that they would take an extended hiatus from touring to focus on other projects, such as a musical produced by Flansburgh and written by his wife, Robin "Goldie" Goldwasser, titled People Are Wrong!. 2005 saw the release of Here Come the ABCs, TMBG's follow-up to the successful children's album No!. The Disney Sound label released the CD and DVD separately on February 15, 2005. To promote the album, Flansburgh and Linnell along with drummer Marty Beller embarked on a short tour, performing for free at many Borders Bookstore locations. In November 2005, Venue Songs was released as a two-disc CD/DVD set narrated by John Hodgman. It is a concept album based on all of the "venue songs" from their 2004 tour. TMBG covered the Devo song "Through Being Cool" in the 2005 Disney movie, Sky High. Since December 2005, They Might Be Giants have been making podcasts on a monthly, sometimes bi-monthly, basis. Each edition includes remixes of previous songs, rarities, covers, and new songs and skits recorded specifically for the podcast. The band contributed 14 original songs for the 2006 Dunkin' Donuts ad campaign, "America Runs on Dunkin'", including "Things I Like to Do", "Pleather" and "Fritalian". In the aired advertisement, Flansburgh sings "Fritalian" along with his wife, Robin Goldwasser. In a 2008 commercial, "Moving" is played.[18] The band have produced and performed three original songs for Playhouse Disney series: one for Higglytown Heroes and two for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They also recorded a cover of the Disney song, "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" for the movie Meet the Robinsons and wrote and performed the theme song for The Drinky Crow Show. The band was recruited to provide original songs for the Henry Selick-directed movie of Neil Gaiman's children's book Coraline, but were dropped because their music was not "creepy" enough.[19] Only one song, entitled "Other Father Song", was kept for the film with Linnell singing as the titular "Other Father". Their 12th album, The Else, was released July 10, 2007, on Idlewild Recordings (and distributed by Zoë Records for the CD version), with an earlier digital release on May 15 at the iTunes Music Store. Advance copies were made available to stations by mid-June 2007.[20] The album was produced by Pat Dillett (David Byrne) and The Dust Brothers (Beck, Beastie Boys).[21] On February 12, 2009, They Might Be Giants performed the song "The Mesopotamians" from the album on Late Night with Conan O'Brien.[22] In the rest of 2007, They Might Be Giants wrote a commissioned piece for Brooklyn-based robotic music outfit League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots and performed for three dates at the event, and covered the Pixies "Havalina" for American Laundromat Records Dig For Fire - a tribute to PIXIES compilation. They Might Be Giants' new logo The band's 13th album, Here Come the 123s, a DVD/CD follow-up to 2005's critically acclaimed Here Come the ABCs children's project, was released on February 5, 2008.[23] On April 10, 2008, They Might Be Giants performed the song "Seven" from the album on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. In 2009, the album won the Grammy Award for "Best Musical Album For Children" during the 51st Annual Grammy Awards.[24] The band's 14th album was Here Comes Science, a science-themed children's album.[25] This album introduced listeners to natural, formal, social and applied sciences. It was released on September 1, 2009 and nominated for a Grammy Award on December 1, 2010. On November 3, They Might Be Giants sent out a newsletter stating "The Avatars of They", a set of sock puppets the Johns manipulate for shows, will have an album in 2012, suggesting another kids album. However, a new adult album titled Join Us was released on July 19, 2011.[26][27] On October 3, 2011 Artix Entertainment announced that the band would be performing in-game for a special musical event to commemorate the 3rd birthday of their popular MMORPG AdventureQuest Worlds. [28] The band took their name from the 1971 film They Might Be Giants (starring George C. Scott and Joanne Woodward), which is in turn taken from a Don Quixote passage about how Quixote mistook windmills for evil giants. According to Dave Wilson, in his book Rock Formations, the name They Might Be Giants had been used and subsequently discarded by a friend of the band who had a ventriloquism act.[29] The name was then adopted by the band, who had been searching for a suitable name. A common misconception is that the name of the band is a reference to themselves and an allusion to future success. In an interview John Flansburgh said (paraphrasing) that the words "they might be giants" are just a very outward-looking forward thing which they liked. He clarified this in the documentary movie Gigantic (A Tale of Two Johns) by explaining that the name refers to the outside world of possibilities that they saw as a fledgling band. In an earlier radio interview, John Linnell described the phrase as "something very paranoid sounding".[30] On the compilation album Miscellaneous T, on track 13 ("Untitled"), a confused caller to TMBG's Dial-a-Song named Gloria talks to an unknown third party (presumably unaware that the entire conversation is being recorded) about the mystery of "There May Be Giants", as she mistakenly refers to the band. In the commentary for the "Experimental Film" music video on Homestarrunner.com, Strong Bad incorrectly refers to "They Might Be Giants" as "those super giant guys".[13] In the Terry Pratchett Discworld novel Soul Music, a group of musically gifted dwarfs call themselves 'We're Certainly Dwarfs' as an homage to TMBG. This is confirmed by the author in The Discworld Companion.[citation needed] To promote Flood, TMBG performed "Your Racist Friend" on The Today Show, where Bryant Gumbel called them "They Must Be Giants". On the Severe Tire Damage album track "They Got Lost", John Flansburgh refers to this error when he jokingly introduces themselves as "They Must Be Giants", to audience laughter. For more details on this topic, see They Might Be Giants discography. Throughout their career, They Might Be Giants have released 15 studio albums, 13 compilations, 7 live albums, 18 EPs, 5 videos and 6 singles. They have also collaborated on many other projects.[31] They Might Be Giants (1986) Flood (1990) John Henry (1994) Factory Showroom (1996) Long Tall Weekend (1999, Internet-only) Mink Car (2001) No! (2002) The Spine (2004) Here Come the ABCs (2005) The Else (2007) Here Come the 123s (2008) Here Comes Science (2009) Join Us (2011) Charting singles Chart positions US Modern Rock UK Singles Chart Australian ARIA Charts 1988 "Ana Ng" #11 - - Lincoln 1990 "Birdhouse in Your Soul" #3 #6 - Flood 1990 "Twisting" #22 - - Flood 1990 "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" - #61 - Flood 1992 "The Statue Got Me High" #24 - - Apollo 18 1994 "Snail Shell" #19 - - John Henry 2001 "Boss of Me" - #21 #29 Music from Malcolm in the Middle 2001 "Man, It's So Loud in Here" - - #87[32] Mink Car 2010 "Birdhouse in Your Soul"(re-entry following the song's use in an advertisement for Clarks Shoes) - #70 - Flood The band has released 23 main music videos off their 'adult' albums:[1] "Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head" (1986) "Don't Let's Start" (1986) "(She Was a) Hotel Detective" (1986) "Ana Ng" (1988) "Purple Toupee" (1988) "They'll Need a Crane" (1988) "Birdhouse in Your Soul" (1990) "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" (animated) (1990) "The Statue Got Me High" (1992) "The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight)" (1992) "Snail Shell" (1994) "Doctor Worm" (1998) "Boss of Me" (2001) "With The Dark" (2007) "The Shadow Government" (2007) "I'm Impressed" (2007) "The Mesopotamians" (2007) "Can't Keep Johnny Down" (2011) "Cloisonne" (2011) "In Fact" (2011) "You Probably Get That Alot" (2011) "Spoiler Alert" (2011) "Marty Beller Mask" (2011) List of songwriter tandems ^ a b "TMBG Facts". tmbg.com. http://tmbg.com/temp_site/facts.htm. Retrieved 2007-05-31. ^ Weiskopf, Myke. "They Might Be Giants Early Years Handbook v3.0". http://www.tmbg.org/band-info/early-years/. Retrieved 2006-02-26. ^ "William Allen White". This Might Be A Wiki. http://www.tmbw.net/wiki/index.php/William_Allen_White. Retrieved 2006-04-07. ^ Rodgers, Robert (March 9, 1998). "They Might Be Giants Anthology". Dial-a-song. http://www.lctn.com/education/hallshigh/tgrtime/dial.htm. Retrieved 2006-04-07. ^ Chuss, Eric J.. "TMBG New York City Where Everyone's Your Friend". The Unofficial TMBG site. http://www.tmbg.org/learning/nyc/. Retrieved 2007-01-14. ^ Derek Thomas, Throttle, August 1990 ^ Crumpler, Forest (April 4, 2001). "They Might Be Giants: The best band you've never seen". Central Florida Future. http://www.centralfloridafuture.com/media/paper174/news/2001/04/04/Entertainment/They-Might.Be.Giants.The.Best.Band.Youve.Never.Seen-62643.shtml?norewrite200603220104&sourcedomain=www.centralfloridafuture.com. Retrieved 2006-04-07. ^ McManus, Sean. "They Might Be Giants". They Might Be Giants interview[sic]. http://www.sean.co.uk/a/musicjournalism/tmbg.shtm. Retrieved 2006-02-26. ^ Flansburgh, John and Linnell, John (2003). Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns (DVD). ^ Yahoo Media Relations (1999-07-15). "eMusic.com & YAHOO! To host exclusive web-launch of "They Might be Giants" new MP3-only album July 19". http://docs.yahoo.com/docs/pr/release341.html. Retrieved 2006-11-04. ^ "TV And Movie Themes". This Might Be A Wiki. http://www.tmbw.net/wiki/index.php/TV_And_Movie_Themes. Retrieved 2006-02-26. ^ "Boss of Me by They Might Be Giants Songfacts". Songfacts. http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=1714. Retrieved 2006-04-03. ^ a b "Experimental Film". Homestar Runner Wiki. 13 March 2004. http://www.hrwiki.org/index.php/Experimental_Film. Retrieved 16 July 2009. ^ Jeckell, Barry A. (April 16, 2004). "TMBG Complete 10th Studio Album". Billboard. http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000490229. Retrieved 2006-02-26. ^ "They Might Be Giants". Homestar Runner Wiki. http://www.hrwiki.org/index.php/They_Might_Be_Giants. Retrieved 16 July 2009. ^ ": future soundtrack for america". Barsuk.com. http://www.barsuk.com/shop/bark037. Retrieved 2011-07-17. ^ "They Might Be Giants guests on Home Movies TV.com". TV.com. http://www.tv.com/episode/297453/summary.html. Retrieved 2007-02-18. ^ "Fritalian - TMBW: The They Might Be Giants Knowledge Base". TMBW. http://tmbw.net/wiki/Fritalian. Retrieved 2011-07-17. ^ "They Might Be Giants' John Flansburgh Shares Plans For A Slew Of New Albums While Revisiting Old Favorites Quirky Duo Bigger Than Ever". Fredericksburg.com. 2008-11-27. http://fredericksburg.com/News/FLS/2008/112008/11272008/427729/index_html?page=2. Retrieved 2011-07-17. ^ Up for Discussion Jump to Forums. "They Might Be Giants Plot July For Next Disc". Billboard.com. http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003566645. Retrieved 2011-07-17. ^ "Mailing List Archive/2006-03-13". This Might Be A Wiki. http://www.tmbw.net/wiki/index.php/Mailing_List_Archive/2006-03-13. Retrieved 2006-03-31. ^ "Hulu- Late Night with Conan O'Brien". Hulu- Late Night with Conan O'Brien. http://www.hulu.com/watch/57707/late-night-with-conan-obrien-thu-feb-12-2009. Retrieved 2009-02-14. [dead link] ^ "Here Come The 123s". This Might Be A Wiki. http://tmbw.net/wiki/Here_Come_The_123s. Retrieved 2008-03-19. ^ "The 51st Annual Grammy Awards Winners List". http://grammy.com/grammy_awards/51st_show/list.aspx#18. Retrieved 2009-02-09. ^ "Here Come The Super Cool Stuff Show". The Super Cool Stuff Show. http://scss.podomatic.com. Retrieved 2008-08-07. ^ "New album, UK July shows, US tour plans". They Might Be Giants. http://www.theymightbegiants.com/news/new-album-uk-july-shows-us-tour-plans/. Retrieved 2011-07-17. ^ Herrera, Monica (July 17, 2009). "They Might Be Giants To Release Third Kids Album In September, Rock Album In 2010". Billboard. http://www.billboard.com/news/they-might-be-giants-to-release-third-kids-1003995064.story#/news/they-might-be-giants-to-release-third-kids-1003995064.story. Retrieved 2010-02-27. ^ "AdventureQuest Worlds: They Might be Giants Special Event=". ArtixEntertainment. October 3, 2011. http://www.aq.com/events/tmbg/. ^ Rock formations: categorical answers ... - Google Books. Books.google.com. http://books.google.com/books?id=tOpB23GGxAIC&pg=RA1-PA24&lpg=RA1-PA24&dq=ventriloquist+%22they+might+be+giants%22+friend&source=web&ots=SqkmG-eyP1&sig=zkEHINE1gIziXXPihF7S7L-WBs0. Retrieved 2011-07-17. ^ Levy, Mike (2000). "TMBG: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)". Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about They Might Be Giants. http://www.tmbg.org/band-info/faq/#q7. Retrieved 2006-02-26. ^ "Discography". They Might Be Giants wiki. http://tmbw.net/wiki/Discography. Retrieved 2010-06-15. ^ "Pandora Archive". Pandora.nla.gov.au. 2006-08-23. http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/23790/20020221-0000/www.aria.com.au/Issue612.pdf. Retrieved 2011-07-17. They Might Be Giants at the Open Directory Project v · d · eThey Might Be Giants John Flansburgh · John Linnell Dan Miller · Danny Weinkauf · Marty Beller Backing band: Hal Cragin · Brian Doherty · Dan Hickey · Graham Maby · Tony Maimone · Eric Schermerhorn They Might Be Giants (1986) · Lincoln (1988) · Flood (1990) · Apollo 18 (1992) · John Henry (1994) · Factory Showroom (1996) · Long Tall Weekend (1999) · Mink Car (2001) · No! (2002) · The Spine (2004) · Here Come the ABCs (2005) · The Else (2007) · Here Come the 123s (2008) · Here Comes Science (2009) · Join Us (2011) Why Does The Sun Shine? · Back to Skull · S-E-X-X-Y · Working Undercover for the Man · They Might Be Giants in Holidayland · Bed, Bed, Bed · Indestructible Object · The Spine Surfs Alone "Don't Let's Start" · "(She Was A) Hotel Detective" · "They'll Need a Crane" · "Ana Ng" · "Purple Toupee" · "Birdhouse in Your Soul" · "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" · "The Statue Got Me High" · "I Palindrome I" · "The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight)" · "O Tannenbaum" · "S-E-X-X-Y" · "Doctor Worm" · "Boss of Me" · "Man, It's So Loud in Here" · "Experimental Film" · "Can't Keep Johnny Down" Other notable songs: "Particle Man" Live!! New York City 10/14/94 · Severe Tire Damage · Live · The Spine Hits the Road · Almanac · Venue Songs Don't Let's Start · Miscellaneous T · Then: The Earlier Years · Best of the Early Years · They Got Lost · Dial-A-Song: 20 Years of They Might Be Giants · A User's Guide to They Might Be Giants · Venue Songs DVD/CD · Album Raises New and Troubling Questions Direct from Brooklyn · Gigantic (A Tale of Two Johns) Discography · Dial-A-Song · Mono Puff · State Songs · The Brothers Chaps v · d · eHomestar Runner Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits • Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People The Brothers Chaps • Craig Zobel Strong Bad • Other characters They Might Be Giants • "Experimental Film" • Y-O-U • Da Vinci's Notebook • Poker Night at the Inventory Alternative rock groups from New York Grammy Award winners Musical groups established in 1982 American podcasters American children's musical groups Elektra Records artists Titanite They Might Be Giants — (TMBG) est un groupe de pop/rock alternatif fondé à Brooklyn, New York, en 1982. Il s est fait principalement connaître en Europe avec le célèbre générique de la série américaine Malcolm intitulé Boss of Me. John Flansburgh et John Linnell … Wikipédia en Français They Might Be Giants — Chartplatzierungen Erklärung der Daten Alben[1] Lincoln … Deutsch Wikipedia They Might Be Giants — Datos generales Origen Brooklyn, Nueva York Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español They Might Be Giants — Жанр Альтернативный рок Годы с 1982 по наше время Страна … Википедия They Might Be Giants — Voir Le Rivage oublié … Dictionnaire mondial des Films They might be giants (album) — They Might Be Giants Album par They Might Be Giants Sortie 4 novembre 1986 Enregistrement 1985 1986 Durée 38 28 Genre(s) Pop Rock … Wikipédia en Français They Might Be Giants (album) — They Might Be Giants Album par They Might Be Giants Sortie 4 novembre 1986 Enregistrement 1985 1986 Durée 38 min 28 s Genre Pop Rock … Wikipédia en Français They Might Be Giants (album) — Infobox Album Name = They Might Be Giants Type = Studio album Artist = They Might Be Giants Released = November 4 1986 Recorded = 1985–1986 Genre = Alternative rock Length = 38:28 Label = Bar/None, Restless (U.S.) Rough Trade (Australia) Producer … Wikipedia They Might Be Giants in Holidayland — This article is about They Might Be Giants record. For the former Disney attraction, please see Holidayland. Infobox Album | Name = They Might Be Giants in Holidayland Type = EP Artist = They Might Be Giants Released = November 6 2001 Recorded =… … Wikipedia They Might Be Giants (film) — Infobox Film | name = They Might Be Giants caption = They Might Be Giants DVD director = Anthony Harvey producer = writer = James Goldman starring = George C. Scott Joanne Woodward music = John Barry cinematography = editing = distributor =… … Wikipedia
Q: VRP : Arc cost based on current vehicle load (CO2 Emissions) I would like to factor in the CO2 emission in the Vehicle Routing Problem. The Arc Cost is not the distance anymore but the CO2 emission over each Arc As a first order approximation, the CO2 emission of each arc can be modeled as a linear function of the current load and constant topographic characteristics of the arc (the slope, distance, altitude, ...) arc_cost(arc,load) = K(arc) + alpha(arc)*load K and alpha are functions of the arc only (stateless) The load depends on the previous deliveries. I haven't found how to model this with the ORTools Python API. Here is my current attempt : https://github.com/remisoulignac/scm_optim_problems/blob/main/SCM290-GreenVehicleRoutingProblem.ipynb For now, I fall back on a two-level optimization approach: A classical VRP optimization model. I parameterize this model by several control points at which I impose a certain weight of goods to be delivered to the chosen route. A hyperparametric optimization level that will play with the different control points and optimize the overall real fuel consumption of the tour. Thank you for your help,
Factory Island or Moosonee (Ontario) - They are situated near 2 miles from Moose Factory. They think they are Cree yet they are wrong. James Bay is about 12 miles down river from Moosonee. They are signatories to Treaty 9. Remember Treaty 9 was for Ojibway's in Ontario. Flying Post (Ontario) - They were situated near Timmins yet were forced to relocate to other Algonquin Ojibway communities nearby and didn't organize until 1960s when they agreed to accept an Oji-Cree identity which is false. They are signatories to Treaty 9. Mattagami (Ontario) - Their community is located at extreme southern end of Moose River's Basin. They are located 40 miles southwest of Timmins. They are signatories to Treaty 9 by way of Mooose Factory. Matachewan (Ontario) - They think they are Oji-Cree yet they are wrong. They are signatories to Treaty 9. Their community is located 40 miles northeast of Mattagami and 42 miles southeast of Timmins. Moose Factory (Ontario) - They are located at Moose Rivers mouth at James Bay. They think they are Cree yet are wrong. They are a part of an Abitibi and Mattagami District that signed Treaty 9. In fact, Mattagami was not allowed to sign Treaty 9 because they were considered a pat of Moose Factory, as well as English River. Remember Treaty 9 was for Ojibway's in Ontario. New Post (Ontario) - They think they are Cree yet remember Treaty 9 was for Ojibway's. They are located 42 miles northeast of Timmins and 48 miles northwest of Abitibi Lake or Abitibi community. Obedjiwan (Quebec) - They are Nottaway River District Algonquin Ojibway's. Ouje-Bougoumou or Chibougamau (Quebec) - They are Nottaway River District Algonquin Ojibway's. Pikogan (Quebec) - They are Nottaway River District Algonquin Ojibway's. Waskaganish (Quebec) - They are Nottaway River District Algonquin Ojibway's. Waswanipi (Quebec) - They are Nottaway River Algonquin Ojibway's. Most of these people are under an impression that they are also Oji-Cree and Cree. They are not Oji-Cree and Cree. They claim Oji-Cree is spoken throughout northern Ontario yet there is evidence that indicates another theory about Oji-Cree People that is very disturbing. White Christian missionaries forced their converts to speak Cree at Island Lake, Manitoba. Written below is excerpt from 1930, about Island Lake Ojibwa's from northeastern Manitoba. Big Trout Lake is 200 miles east of Island Lake, Manitoba. Linguistically, the Island Lake natives may be characterized by calling them Saulteaux or better perhaps, Saulteaux Ojibwa, indicating more clearly by this hyphenated term the close relationship of their language to Ojibwa proper. Locally, they are said to speak a mixed dialect of Saulteaux and Cree. This mixture is reported to be especially typical of the Maria Portage groups, while the natives at Smooth Rock are reputed to speak a purer Saulteaux. It may be pointed out in this connection that Cree is utilized in the united church services and at the Catholic mission, too, so that in recent years practically all of the islandlakers have learned to understand Cree and many speak it. The assimilation of Cree would consequently appear to be partly the result of christianization and partly due to contact with the Norway House Cree since the canoe route referred to has been open. The linguistic base at Island Lake may very well be Saulteaux Ojibwa with an overlay of Cree due to modern conditions. On the other hand, it is not impossible that a much older contact with Cree speaking peoples has affected the language much more deeply than a superficial inspection would indicate, since the Saulteaux of this region may have been marginal to Cree bands for a considerable period, because to the south and east we find only Saulteaux spoken today.
Given increased state interest and CMS's 2013 guidance focused on § 1115 and § 1915(b) MLTSS waivers, this issue brief analyzes the special terms and conditions for 19 capitated MLTSS waivers approved to date. Basic features in these waivers are summarized in Table 2. Additional details about program features may be contained in the contracts between the state Medicaid agency and health plans or state regulations or policy guidance, which are not part of this analysis. State interest in MLTSS is increasing, with over half (11 of 19) of these waivers approved in 2012, 2013, or 2014.1 By contrast, one state (AZ) has a long-standing MLTSS waiver, first approved in 1989. Twelve waivers use § 1115 demonstration authority for MLTSS, while seven waivers use combination § 1915(b)/(c) authority. (One state (KS) uses combination § 1115/1915(c) authority.) As noted above, while § 1915(b)/(c) waivers are focused on MLTSS, § 1115 MLTSS waivers often include additional features, such as other delivery system and financing reforms or eligibility or benefits provisions affecting other populations, as a result of the additional waiver and expenditure authorities available under § 1115. All 19 MLTSS waivers include seniors and non-elderly adults with physical disabilities, while five (AZ, KS, MI, RI, WI) include people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. All of the MLTSS waivers include dual eligible beneficiaries (for purposes of their Medicaid benefits), with two (IL and OH) limited exclusively to dual eligible beneficiaries. Six states (CA, IL, MI, NY, OH, TX) have concurrent § 1115A authority for financial alignment demonstrations that integrate Medicare and Medicaid benefits for dual eligible beneficiaries. Most (15 of 19) of the waivers are or will be providing MLTSS statewide. Four waivers (CA, IL, OH, WI) are limited to certain geographic areas in the state, and one state (NY) is in the process of phasing in statewide MLTSS. Most (17 of 19) of the MLTSS waivers (all except RI and WI) require beneficiaries to enroll in managed care to receive LTSS. This is accomplished primarily through passive enrollment in which beneficiaries are automatically assigned to a health plan if they do not affirmatively select one. For waivers that serve dual eligible beneficiaries and operate concurrently with § 1115A authority, enrollment in Medicare managed care (for primary care and other services for which Medicare is the primary payer) is voluntary. Most (14 of 19) of the waivers cover or will soon cover a comprehensive set of benefits, including nursing facility (NF) services, HCBS, acute and primary care, and behavioral health services. Minnesota's waiver includes limited NF services, and Texas' waiver will incorporate NF services as of March 2015. CMS's 2013 guidance identifies a comprehensive integrated service package among MLTSS best practices and notes that including both institutional and HCBS in MCO capitation rates supports LTSS rebalancing.2 All of the comprehensive MLTSS waivers use private MCOs, with the exception of Vermont, in which the state operates as an MCO, and Illinois, which uses PIHPs. (IL's waiver is limited to dual eligible beneficiaries, for whom Medicare is the primary payer for services such as acute and primary care.) One waiver (FL) uses PIHPs to cover only LTSS (NF and HCBS), with other services provided by other Medicaid managed care arrangements. Three waivers (2 in MI, WI) cover only HCBS through PIHPs or PAHPs. NOTES: Many of the § 1115 waivers include additional provisions not directly related to MLTSS. California: MLTSS include in-home supportive services, community-based adult services, multipurpose senior services, and NF services but not other § 1915(c) waiver services. Delaware: MLTSS also includes those with HIV/AIDS, TEFRA children, and working people with disabilities who buy-in to Medicaid; the managed care behavioral health benefit has a limited number of visits with the remainder covered FFS. Kansas: § 1115 waiver operates concurrently with § 1915(c) waivers. Hawaii: provides capitated acute and primary care services to people with I/DD, with ICF/IDD services and home and community-based waiver services provided FFS under separate § 1915(c) authority; MCOs provide standard behavioral health services, with specialized behavioral health services provided through a separate managed care carve out. Illinois: § 1915(b)/(c) waiver does not include acute/primary care services but operates in conjunction with a § 1115A dual eligible financial alignment demonstration (in which Medicare managed care enrollment is voluntary). Also operates mandatory managed care for seniors and people with disabilities, including MLTSS, under § 1932 state plan authority. Michigan: MLTSS waiver serving people with I/DD also includes people with serious mental illness. New Jersey: also includes people with TBI and AIDS; LTSS for people with I/DD, those in the medication assisted treatment initiative, and children with SED at risk of institutionalization are FFS; beneficiaries in NFs as of July 1, 2014 will remain in FFS; anyone newly eligible for Medicaid and in a NF after July 1, 2014 will receive MLTSS. New Mexico: transitioned its MLTSS program from a § 1915(b)/(c) waiver to a § 1115 waiver; also includes working people with disabilities eligible for buy-in, people with HIV/AIDS and those who are medically frail (initially for acute care only, with waiver services to be phased in from Jan. to July 2015); people receiving § 1915(c) I/DD waiver services are included in managed care for acute and behavioral health only. New York: has a pending § 1115 waiver request seeking extension through December 2019; provides institutional and HCBS through mainstream Medicaid MCOs and MLTSS for beneficiaries who need more than 120 days of community-based LTSS (duals and NF eligible non-duals); pending waiver amendment to transition behavioral health state plan services to MCOs and include § 1915(i)-like services for people with significant behavioral health needs through specialized MCOs for those at risk of institutionalization. Texas: transitioned its MLTSS program from a § 1915(b)/(c) waiver to a § 1115 waiver. Vermont: pending waiver extension seeking to combine its MLTSS waiver with its §1115 managed care waiver in which the state serves as MCO and include all § 1915(c) waiver services, including I/DD. Under VT's § 1115 waiver, which includes a global cap, the state's primary care case management program operates as if it were a public sector risk-bearing MCO. SOURCE: KCMU review of Section 1115 Demonstration Special Terms and Conditions, available at http://www.medicaid.gov/Medicaid-CHIP-Program-Information/By-Topics/Waivers/Waivers_faceted.html. Table 3 summarizes MLTSS waiver provisions aimed at increasing beneficiary access to HCBS, including those that expand Medicaid financial eligibility criteria, provide HCBS to people at risk of institutional care, permit beneficiaries to include spouses as paid caregivers under the self-direction option, offer financial incentives for health plans to increase HCBS, and require health plans to implement certain features related to LTSS rebalancing. New Jersey streamlines financial eligibility for those who meet a NF level of care by using a projected spend-down that qualifies beneficiaries for Medicaid "home and community-based waiver-like services" if their monthly income exceeds annual average nursing facility costs.5 New Jersey's waiver also eliminates the five year asset transfer look-back period for applicants seeking LTSS with income at or below 100% FPL ($11,670 per year for an individual in 2014). New York applies a special income standard when determining financial eligibility for people who are discharged from a nursing facility and would be eligible for HCBS via a spend down but for the spousal impoverishment rules. Specifically, New York determines financial eligibility for this population by subtracting 30% of the Medicaid income limit for an individual (considered to be available for housing costs) from the HUD average fair market rent for the geographic region. Rhode Island allows applicants who meet functional eligibility criteria and self-attest to financial eligibility criteria to receive a limited package of LTSS up to 90 days while a final financial eligibility determination is pending. The limited benefit package includes personal care/homemaker services up to 20 hours per week and/or adult day services up to 3 days per week and/or limited skilled NF services. Rhode Island's waiver also increases the personal needs allowance by $400 for those in NFs for 90 days who are transitioning to the community and who would be unable to afford a community placement without the increased funds. Vermont increases the asset limit to $10,000 for single beneficiaries in the "highest" and "high" need groups who own and reside in their own homes and receive HCBS but are at risk of institutionalization. Vermont's waiver also provides an entitlement to both nursing facility and HCBS to beneficiaries in the "highest" need group, with services available to all who meet the eligibility criteria, without a waiting list. Seven states use or are seeking MLTSS waiver authority to provide HCBS to people at risk of institutionalization. (States also can provide HCBS to beneficiaries who meet functional criteria that are less strict than those required to meet an institutional level of care under § 1915(i) state plan authority.) NJ's waiver also provides HCBS to at risk groups, although those beneficiaries are exempt from MLTSS enrollment. Arizona includes a "transitional program" that provides institutional services limited to 90 days per admission plus acute, behavioral health, HCBS, and case management services to beneficiaries who are not at "immediate risk" of institutionalization when eligibility is redetermined. Delaware provides HCBS to beneficiaries at risk of institutionalization for those with incomes below 250% of the Supplemental Security Income federal benefit rate (SSI FBR, $21,630 per year for an individual in 2014). New York is seeking a waiver amendment that would allow it to offer Medicaid state plan, health home, and § 1915(i)-like HCBS (such as behavioral supports in residential, day, and home settings) to adults with behavioral health diagnoses who meet certain risk factors and targeting and functional criteria. Rhode Island provides HCBS to beneficiaries at risk of institutionalization, including seniors and adults with dementia with income at or below 250% FPL ($29,175 per year for an individual in 2014) and adults with disabilities with income at or below 300% SSI FBR ($25,956 per year for an individual in 2014) who have income and/or assets otherwise above Medicaid eligibility limits. Hawaii, Tennessee, and Vermont also provide HCBS to beneficiaries at risk of institutionalization. Vermont offers a limited benefit package (including adult day, case management, and homemaker services) to beneficiaries in the "moderate need" group who do not yet meet a NF level of care; a pending waiver amendment would expand the "moderate need" benefit package. Two states (AZ and VT) use MLTSS waiver authority to allow beneficiaries to employ spouses as paid caregivers as part of their option to self-direct HCBS. Hawaii and Ohio's waivers authorize financial incentives and penalties related to HCBS capacity in MCO contracts. Specifically, Hawaii's MCO contracts may contain financial incentives for expanded HCBS capacity, beyond annual thresholds established by the state, as well as sanctions penalizing MCOs that fail to expand community capacity at an appropriate pace. Hawaii MCOs that receive financial incentives for expanding HCBS capacity must share a portion with providers but may not pass along sanctions to providers. Ohio provides three months of incentive payments to MCOs equal to the difference between the "community well" and NF capitated rates for beneficiaries who transition from a NF or HCBS waiver that requires a NF level of care to a community placement with overall improved health outcomes such that the beneficiary no longer requires a NF level of care. Ohio MCO payments also are reduced, by the difference between the community well and NF capitated rates, for three months for each beneficiary entering a NF. In addition, two states' MLTSS waivers include provisions for increased HCBS funding. Kansas' waiver provides that the state will designate a portion of the savings realized through managed care to increase the number of § 1915(c) HCBS waiver slots to serve beneficiaries on the waiting list, subject to state legislative appropriations. Vermont's waiver provides that the state will add resources equivalent to at least 100 additional HCBS waiver slots per year over 10 years to further the demonstration's goal of serving more beneficiaries by increasing HCBS relative to institutional services. Kansas MCOs must meet and report on annual Money Follows the Person (MFP) NF transition benchmarks.10 In the waiver terms and conditions, CMS encourages Kansas to consider policies to incentivize MCOs to help the state meet or exceed its MFP benchmarks or self-direction goals. New Jersey MCOs must have a NF diversion plan, approved by the state and CMS, for beneficiaries receiving HCBS and those at risk of NF placement, including short-term stays, and must monitor hospitalizations and short stay NF services for at risk beneficiaries. MCOs also are responsible for identifying beneficiaries in institutions who are appropriate for community transitions and developing, with state assistance, a NF transition plan for each beneficiary who has requested and can safely transition. New Jersey's waiver also requires MCOs to emphasize services in home and community-based settings whenever possible. MCOs may refuse to offer HCBS if the cost exceeds institutional care, but the state can make individual exceptions, such as cases in which a beneficiary transitions from an institution to the community, when a beneficiary experiences a change in health condition expected to last no more than six months that involves additional significant cost, or special circumstances to accommodate unique beneficiary needs. New Mexico MCOs must develop and facilitate transition plans for beneficiaries who are candidates for NF to community moves. Florida requires health plan contracts to include residential providers' responsibility to meet "home-like environment" and community inclusion goals. Hawaii and Kansas' waivers require that the state either directly or through its MCO contracts ensure that beneficiaries' engagement and community participation is supported and facilitated to the fullest extent. Hawaii also requires its MCOs to provide options counseling about institutional vs. home and community-based settings and to emphasize HCBS to prevent or delay institutionalization whenever possible when developing care plans. Kansas requires that beneficiaries receive appropriate services in the least restrictive environment and most integrated home and community-based setting and that MCOs record the alternative HCBS and settings considered by the beneficiary as part of the person-centered planning process. New Jersey and New Mexico require that beneficiaries have the option to receive HCBS in more than one residential setting appropriate to their needs. Beneficiaries who need HCBS often rely on those services to meet basic daily needs and support independent living in the community. They also may need a higher intensity of services than other Medicaid beneficiaries. These factors make them particularly vulnerable to potential service disruptions. The Medicaid program includes a basic set of beneficiary protections, such as the right to adequate notice and a fair hearing, grounded in the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution.14 As noted above, the Medicaid managed care state plan authority at § 1932 and 42 C.F.R. Part 438 contain additional safeguards specific to managed care arrangements. In addition, CMS's 2013 guidance provides that MLTSS waivers should include stakeholder engagement in MLTSS implementation and oversight and offer support for beneficiaries, including conflict-free choice counseling, independent advocacy or ombudsman services, and enhanced opportunities for disenrollment. Table 4 summarizes MLTSS waiver provisions that provide beneficiary protections in the areas of independent enrollment counseling, ombudsman programs, health plan disenrollment, and managed care advisory groups. Four states (CA, HI, NY, TX) use their ombudsman program to provide beneficiaries with independent health plan options counseling. In nine states, the ombudsman program is specifically authorized to assist beneficiaries with the appeals process (CA, HI, IL, KS, MN, NM, NY, OH, TX). Hawaii's waiver provides that the ombudsman can represent beneficiaries in appeals up to the administrative fair hearing level and assist, but not represent, beneficiaries at fair hearings. Kansas's waiver provides that the ombudsman can assist beneficiaries with filing appeals and can mediate appeals but cannot represent beneficiaries. Minnesota's waiver also provides that the ombudsman can resolve appeals through negotiation or mediation. Five states' waivers (IL, KS, NM, NY, TX) contain additional detail about ombudsman functions and responsibilities, including that the ombudsman train health plans and providers; employ staff knowledgeable about Medicaid managed care and people with disabilities; provide services in a culturally competent manner and in a way that is accessible to people with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency; and regularly and publicly report on beneficiary complaints and appeals. Three states' waivers (FL, IL, OH) identify the state long-term care ombudsman as the entity that will provide ombudsman services for beneficiaries receiving MLTSS. In Hawaii, the ombudsman may be a member of the care team at a beneficiary's request. Three states' waivers (NJ, RI, VT) do not provide for an ombudsman program but instead require that beneficiaries have access to an independent advocate within the state, such as the state protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities, a legal services agency, or the Area Agency on Aging. Illinois allows beneficiaries to change health plans for cause if their LTSS provider leaves the network. Hawaii, Kansas, and New Mexico allow beneficiaries to change MCOs if their residential or employment supports provider leaves the network (limited to residential providers in Kansas). Kansas also permits enrollees with an existing LTSS service plan who are transitioning from FFS or another MCO to change MCOs within 30 days of the initial service assessment due to the beneficiary's experience with the MCO's service planning process. This option is limited to one change annually. Hawaii also allows beneficiaries on an HCBS waiting list to change MCOs if HCBS appear to be available through another MCO. Similarly, Tennessee allows beneficiaries to disenroll from their MCO if LTSS are needed and available through another MCO, and the current MCO cannot provide the services even on an out-of-network basis. Three waivers (KS, NM, TX) require MCOs to facilitate and support beneficiary involvement in the advisory group. Ohio's waiver specifies that MCOs must have a process for the beneficiary advisory committee to provide input to the MCO's governing board and that people with disabilities, including plan enrollees, must be included within the plan's governance structure. "Because of the significant reliance participants have on receipt of LTSS and the potential harm resulting from abrupt termination of LTSS, CMS expects states to adopt policies that ensure authorized LTSS continue to be provided in the same amount, duration, and scope while a modification, reduction, or termination is on appeal."22 Hawaii and Kansas' waivers specifically require the state to ensure that LTSS continue while appeals are pending. California's waiver is the only state to mention physical accessibility for people with disabilities. The waiver provides that the state will use a facility site review tool to ensure health plan accessibility or contingency plans. Wisconsin's care managers and quality assessors use a validated interview tool to assess beneficiary and care team perceptions of quality of life and whether outcomes are being achieved in the areas of self-determination and choice, community integration, and health and safety. Wisconsin's quality strategy also includes population-based health indicators, such as changes in functional status over time. Kansas, which must submit performance measures to CMS within one year of MLTSS implementation, which should focus on the outcomes of person-centered goals, quality of life, effective processes (such as level of care determinations and person-centered planning), and community integration, and show consistency in reporting across HCBS waivers. New Jersey, whose HCBS quality strategy must include outcomes related to quality of life. New Mexico, which must submit its quality strategy to CMS within 90 days of demonstration approval; any revised performance measures should reflect stakeholder input and focus on outcomes, quality of life, effective processes and community integration for those receiving HCBS. New York, which should incorporate performance measures for outcomes related to quality of life and community integration. Tennessee, which must submit its quality improvement strategy to CMS and identify measures of process, health outcomes, functional status, quality of life, member choice, autonomy, satisfaction and system performance. In addition, Illinois' concurrent § 1115A waiver requires measurement of beneficiaries' perception of quality of life. Five MLTSS waivers require reporting on LTSS rebalancing and community integration measures. California MCOs must track the number of referrals to HCBS waivers and assessments completed by HCBS providers; the number of referrals and completed assessments for in-home services and supports; the number of referrals to HCBS programs for newly admitted NF residents without a discharge plan in place; the number and proportion of beneficiaries who transition from institutional to community settings who are not re-institutionalized within one year; the number and proportion of beneficiaries receiving HCBS; and the number and proportion of beneficiaries receiving institutional services. Kansas must report to CMS on the number of people in NF and ICF/DDs and on waiver waiting lists; the number of people who move off waiting lists and the reason; the number of people new to the waiting lists; and the number of people on a waiting list but receiving HCBS through managed care. Kansas's demonstration evaluation must assess whether the demonstration reduces the percentage of beneficiaries in institutions by providing additional HCBS and improves service quality by integrating and coordinating physical, behavioral health, and LTSS, the impact of including LTSS in the capitated benefit with a subfocus on HCBS; and ombudsman's assistance to beneficiaries. New York must report on MCO rebalancing efforts, including the total number of transitions in and out of NFs each quarter. Tennessee must report to CMS on the number of people receiving NF or HCBS at a point in time and over 12 months; HCBS and NF expenditures for 12 months, the average during 12 months and as a percent of total LTSS spending; the average length of stay in NF and HCBS in a 12 month period; the percent of new LTSS beneficiaries admitted to a NF in a 12 month period; and the number of transitions from NF to HCBS in a 12 month period. Five MLTSS waivers provide for beneficiary satisfaction surveys. Four states (FL, IL, MN, OH) use the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey. In addition, Wisconsin health plans must participate in a program-wide beneficiary satisfaction survey. Vermont's waiver provides that beneficiaries on a waiting list will be included in any surveys or evaluations. The Kansas state department of aging and disability services must review and approve all care plans for beneficiaries with I/DD in FY 2014 and 2015, in which a reduction, suspension, or termination of services is proposed. The process and criteria for these reviews and approvals or denials must be publicly available. In addition, in 2014, Kansas must ensure that beneficiaries who are receiving some but not all requested I/DD waiver services will have all of their assessed service needs met within six months of MLTSS implementation and will review capitation rates with MCOs once all I/DD service needs are identified. Kansas also must observe and assist in needs assessments and service planning by participating in ride-alongs with each MCO during the first six months of MLTSS for beneficiaries with I/DD. New Mexico must review and approve a sample of all proposed service plan reductions, prior to implementation, in the first six months of MLTSS. Thereafter, the state or managed care external quality review organization must review a sample of service plan reductions at least annually. New York MCOs must report monthly on notices issued and appeals received regarding reductions in split shift or live-in services or reductions of hours by 25% or more. New Mexico must review each MCO's appeal logs monthly during the first six months of MLTSS implementation. Texas also must monitor grievances and appeals. Both New Mexico and Texas' reviews are to focus on beneficiaries transitioning to MLTSS from a § 1915(c) HCBS waiver. New York must report to CMS on the total number of complaints, grievances, and appeals by type of issue. Ohio MCOs must complete one clinical and one non-clinical performance improvement project, with potential topics to include LTSS, NF care and/or rebalancing, and NF diversion. Florida plans must perform at least two quality of care studies. Illinois will hire an independent evaluation for its MLTSS waiver and other care coordination initiatives.
The top 10 Southern cities in the US for retirement Published Thu, Mar 21 20199:30 AM EDT Updated Thu, Mar 21 20192:59 PM EDT Michelle Fox@MFoxCNBC It should come as no surprise that moving south is a popular choice for retirees. But where, exactly, should you go? These are the top Southern U.S. cities, according to GOBankingRates, which took into account things such as affordability, safety and senior population. The outcome: 9 out of the top 10 locations are either in Florida or Texas. Hero Images | Hero Images | Getty Images When you think of Southern living in the United States, a sunny climate and warm hospitality may come to mind. So it should come as no surprise that moving south is a popular choice for retirees. But with so many options to choose from, where should you look to spend your golden years? While every choice is an individual one — such as whether you want to spend your time on a beach or exploring a city — GOBankingRates has compiled a list of the top Southern cities for retirement. More from Fixed Income Strategies: Teach your kids to be financially independent This surprise health-care cost could take a bite out of retirement Boomers, heavily invested in stocks, put retirement savings at risk "Affordability is key, but qualitative factors such as safety and the composition of the population (i.e., amount of residents who are retired) are very important, too," said Andrew DePietro, a head researcher at GOBankingRates. Climate is also important, he said. In a recent GOBankingRates survey, 28 percent said "living in a better climate" was their main reason for relocating, he added. It was the highest response, tied with "change of scenery." To come up with its ranking of what it calls Southern "gems," the financial website first compiled a list of the 60 biggest Southern locations by population size. It then looked at a number of criteria: safety scores, according to NeighborhoodScout; the percentage of seniors living in the area, sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau; livability scores, from AreaVibes; and the annual expenditures of a 65- to 74-year-olds, based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics and then adjusted each city's respective cost of living, according to Sperling's Best Places. The outcome: 9 out of the top 10 locations are either in Florida or Texas. Both states do not tax income and, therefore, don't tax Social Security or retirement income, DePietro pointed out. Here are the top 10 places to retire down south, according to GOBankingRates. 1. Naples, Florida Naples, Florida. Pola Damonte via Getty Images | Moment | Getty Images House median list price: $399,000 Annual expenditures: $66,876 Seniors 65 and older: 51.50 percent of the population This southwestern Florida city sits at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico and boasts art galleries, clothing boutiques and, of course, sandy beaches. It also has a historic downtown area. DePietro said it snagged the No. 1 spot because its median home price isn't excessive. It has low crime and a high percentage of retired people. 2. Plano, Texas aimintang | iStock Unreleased | Getty Images House median list price: $374, 945 Plano is located just north of Dallas, which means its residents can enjoy all the amenities the big city has to offer. Or they can stay in town and find plenty of activities nearby — like golfing, visiting the city's art district and shopping. Plano's Legacy West, a 255-acre development, has been called a "city within a city" and has restaurants and retail stores. 3. El Paso, Texas DenisTangneyJr | E+ | Getty Images El Paso, located just north of Mexico on the Rio Grande, sells itself as the place to enjoy "big city amenities without big city hassles." The city's official website points to perks such as affordable housing, low crime rates and minimal traffic congestion. The city also ranked No. 13 on GOBankingRates' recent list of best cities to retire on a budget of $1,500 a month. Notably, El Paso has low health-care costs — residents spent 11 percent less than the average American, the website reported. 4. Irving, Texas Davel5957 | iStock | Getty Images Seniors 65 and older: 7.40 percent of the population Located between Dallas and Forth Worth, Irving sees an average of 233 sunny days per year, according to Sperling's Best Places. For those who like to spend time outdoors and enjoy the nice weather, there are gondola rides on the Mandalay Canals and a park along Lake Carolyn that offers a farmers market, music festivals and walking paths. The city is also home to one of the largest equestrian sculptures in the world, The Mustangs of Las Colinas. 5. Boca Raton, Florida Boca Raton, Florida. Walter Bibikow | Getty Images Known as "Boca" to locals, this city is one of the more affluent retirement havens on the list. With almost a quarter of its population being retirees, there are a variety of activities and housing options — from gated communities to beach-side living. The city boasts two miles of sandy shores, as well as golf courses, art museums, jazz clubs and concerts at its downtown shopping center, Mizner Park. It is located about 30 miles north of Miami, along Florida's Atlantic Ocean coast. 6. Bradenton, Florida Richard Schafer / EyeEm | EyeEm | Getty Images Seniors 65 and older: 24 percent of the population When it comes to Florida cities, Bradenton is a cheaper alternative to Boca Raton and Naples, with its median housing prices less than its two counterparts, as well as its annual expenditures. It also has a retiree population on the higher side of GOBankingRates' list. Located south of Tampa on the Manatee River, the city has a park along the water and a manatee aquarium. It is also a short drive to Anna Maria Island, Holmes Beach and Bradenton Beach. 7. Laredo, Texas DenisTangneyJr | iStock Unreleased | Getty Images Seniors 65 and older: 8.80 percent of the population. Laredo may not have the biggest population of senior citizens, but it is one of the more inexpensive options on the list. The city calls itself a community on the edge of a country. It is located on the southern border at mile marker 1 of Interstate 35. Laredo's rich history is evident across the city, with a number of historic districts throughout. Over the last 261 years, its residents have sworn allegiance to seven different countries. 8. Virginia Beach, Virginia Seniors 65 and older: 12.7 percent of the population. The coastal city of Virginia Beach, which lies where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean, has 38 miles of beaches. However, officials like to point out that it offers more than just beautiful shores. There are seven districts, each with its own personality. And there is no shortage of activities available — from kayaking in the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge for the more active seniors to enjoying a night at the theater. 9. Sarasota, Florida Ryan McGill | iStock | Getty Images Sarasota lies about an hour south of Tampa and is the gateway to several sandy beaches along the Gulf of Mexico, including Siesta Key Beach. It also has a number of art and cultural attractions, such as the Ringling Museum of Art, as well as activities like golf and shopping. Because of all it has to offer, Sarasota is a popular choice for retirees. And GOBankingRates isn't the only one to recognize its perks. U.S. News and World Report ranks it as the No. 3 best place to retire and notes that "a retiree in Sarasota likely has a busier social calendar than someone half his or her age, as the area caters to its older residents." 10. Corpus Christi, Texas Sean Pavone | iStock | Getty Images In southern Texas, Corpus Christi sits on an inlet off the Gulf of Mexico and is close to the beaches on the barrier islands, such as South Padre Island and Mustang Island. It also has a number of museums and is home to the Texas State Aquarium. While the median home price is on the lower end of the scale, it also has affordable rentals. The median rent is $949 a month, according to GOBankingRate. How to retire at 30
1,700-Year-Old Church Unearthed in Turkish Lake; Was This the Site of the Council of Nicaea? Archaeologists exploring a lake in Turkey have discovered a 1,700-year-old Christian church that may have been the location of the landmark Council of Nicaea, which was held in 325 B.C. and affirmed the deity of Christ. Mustafa Şahin, head of archaeology at Bursa Uludağ University, told Live Science that the church was found using aerial photographs. The church is buried underneath Lake Iznik near the town of Iznik, which formerly was known as Nicaea. "When I first saw the images of the lake, I was quite surprised to see a church structure that clearly," Şahin told Live Science. "I was doing field surveys in Iznik [since 2006], and I hadn't discovered such a magnificent structure like that." An earthquake in A.D. 740 destroyed the church, which now rests about 10 feet under the water and 160 feet from the shore, according to Live Science. Divers discovered graves in the church housing coins dating to the reigns of Roman emperors Valens (who ruled 364-378) and Valentinian II (375 to 392), Live Science reported. The Daily Mail quoted Sahin as saying the church could have been the site of the Council of Nicaea, which squashed a heresy known as Arianism and affirmed that Jesus was not a created being. The church may have been built on top of a pagan temple. Sahin wants the church to be protected by the government as an underwater archaeological museum. Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog, MichaelFoust.com. Photo courtesy: Unsplash/Meric Dagli Why You Can't Name the Virtues Star Wars? Pentagon Wants to Deploy Space-Based Missiles to Counter Enemy Hypersonic Weapons
Nikki Weaver is currently the co-founder and Education Director at Portland Playhouse. You can find her performing on stages around Portland, teaching at De La Salle, Catlin Gable, or Reed College, leading global wellness and creative retreats, or chasing after her two young girls. Whether she's racing horses, running marathons, or using her skills in yoga, massage, or reiki, Nikki embodies presence, vulnerability, and connection. Her solo show, Weaving Women Together, premiered in 2018 and included a performance at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility for incarcerated women. PRICE: $35 per person. Includes lecture, breakfast and parking at the Standard Plaza, 1100 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204. Please Read Our Event Cancellation/Refund Policy. LOCATION: The Standard Building, ATRIUM ROOM, 900 Southwest 5th Avenue, Portland, OR, 97204. (The building with the marble sculpture).
It can't be a Trine game without steering wheel support! Is it just a push of a button now? I dislike Early Access so I have to ask: is drawing still in the game? i.e. to make a box, draw a square, to make a plank draw a line. This was fun, albeit a bit gimmicky, in the previous games! fb_jlarja wrote: People using multiple keyboards and mice are a small minority. Topic: Exact time for Trine 2 launch? Re: Exact time for Trine 2 launch? Mr. ShadowStealer wrote: Maan. Steam server sure are overloaded now. I'm getting only 200kB/s download speed instead of 1,1MB/s. Topic: Will Trine 2 Ship Soon on the Mac App Store? Re: Will Trine 2 Ship Soon on the Mac App Store? I thought it wasn't because of steamworks...? I'm sure Steam has all sorts of fail-safes and whatnot. If you can't redeem it again, then you probably redeemed it already. Sorry I wasn't clear in my post. The first 6 words are talking about the purple potions, the rest of the post are talking about your other question. You get skill points every time you collect enough green potions to "level up". You can use them to upgrade your characters' skills. Topic: Pre-Order from other stores? Re: Pre-Order from other stores? Topic: How you know your game is beyond superb quality? Re: How you know your game is beyond superb quality? I'm talking about the background code that doesn't affect proper gameplay most of the time. Examples: Shadowgrounds - everything co-op. Trine - co-op, menu navigation for player 2/3. Etc.
Ans. Contribution of Sir Henry Maine (1822-1888)—Sir Henry Maine was a great 'English' Jurist who presented a very balanced view of history. Savigny explained the relation between community and the law whereas Maine went further and pointed out the link between the developments of both and purged out many of the exaggerations which Savigny had made. Maine started his career as Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Cambridge at in early age of twenty-five. He was Law Member in the Council of the Governor General of India between 1861 and 1869. This provided him an opportunity for the study of Indian Legal system. From 1869 to 1877 he occupied the chair of historical and comparative jurisprudence in Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 'Ancient Law', Village 'Communities,' Early History of Institutions', 'Dissertation on Early Law and Customs', are the important contributions made by him to legal thought and legal philosophy. Most of the historical jurists of the Continent confined their studies only to Roman Law but Maine studied the legal systems of various communities and by their analysis laid down a comprehensive theory of the development of law. On the one hand, differing from Savigny, Maine recognised legislation as a very potent source of law, and on the other hand, he avoided the excesses of philosophical school of Germany. Maine used the study of legal history mostly to understand the past and not to determine the future course and standards, and in this field he made valuable contributions to legal theory Later researches in anthropology have brought new facts into light which do not support Maine's view of the course of legal development but even then his work is creditable for his approach. Maine made a comparative study of various legal systems and traced the course of their evolution. Previous articleDefine the right of private defence. When does a person not have this right?
Now accepting applications: Round 2 Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) Today the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough announced it will provide $115,000 to support local charities responding to COVID-19. This funding is part of an ongoing partnership with Community Foundations of Canada, United Way Centraide Canada and the Canadian Red Cross – with funding provided by the Government of Canada's $350M Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF). This national effort is a second round of funding that aims to support vulnerable populations disproportionately affected by COVID-19. The Prime Minister of Canada initially announced the ECSF on April 21, 2020. It is part of a broad series of emergency response measures by the Government of Canada. A first round of funding was disbursed through the community foundation network across Canada in May, June and July. The Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough awarded $318,230 to 23 organizations across the greater Peterborough area. Starting Monday October 5, 2020, the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough will begin accepting round two applications for funding from qualified donees. Maximum grant size is $10,000. Grants can be used for a variety of purposes, including covering staffing or resource needs, performance monitoring and reporting costs, knowledge development activities and more. The deadline to submit a round two application is Friday October 30, 2020. "Our community is stronger because of those who work in the charitable and social sectors. Our Government will continue to support them so they can continue to support the most vulnerable," said Maryam Monsef, Member of Parliament for Peterborough-Kawartha. "ECSF funds have ensured food banks can stock their shelves to feed those in need, that counselling services are able to keep up with an increase in demand, and that service providers can adjust to life in a post-COVID world with transportation to make home deliveries, or drive seniors to appointments." ECSF Eligibility Requirements, Applicant Guide & FAQ's ECSF Funding Application Portal The Emergency Community Support Fund
THE HIGH NOTE Digital Download Screening! Do you want to see THE HIGH NOTE? Learn how you can see a Free Digital Download Screening! Set in the dazzling world of the LA music scene comes the story of Grace Davis (Tracee Ellis Ross), a superstar whose talent, and ego, have reached unbelievable heights, and Maggie (Dakota Johnson), her overworked personal assistant. While stuck running errands, Maggie still aspires to her childhood dream of becoming a music producer. When Grace's manager (Ice Cube) presents her with a choice that could alter the course of her career, Maggie and Grace come up with a plan that could change their lives forever. THE HIGH NOTE will be released at Home On Demand May 29th, 2020. Digital Screening Giveaway Like/Follow Mind on Movies Like/Share/Tweet this Giveaway! Join Our Facebook Group. Comment Your City below when finished. Submit Your Entry Once Everyday. Enter Daily from May 25th until May 29th, 2020. Share:THE HIGH NOTE Digital Download Screening!
This denim swim skirt is a closet staple! It features a trendy texture and a comfortable fit. The vibrant color looks great in or out of the water! Pair this with basically any top to make a sharp, comfortable outfit look effortless. Wear this to sunbathe, swim, run errands, or go out with friends! Straight pencil cut.
package com.incomb.server.content.loader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.util.Date; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.incomb.server.content.parsing.ContentParser; import com.incomb.server.content.parsing.rss.RssContentParserFactory; import com.incomb.server.content.parsing.rss.RssDocument; import com.incomb.server.model.Content; import com.incomb.server.model.ContentSource; import com.incomb.server.model.FetchHistory; public class RssContentReader implements IContentReader { /** * <p>The {@link Logger} for this class.</p> */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RssContentReader.class); /** * {@link ContentSource} of the the content will be read. */ private final ContentSource contentSource; /** * Creates a new {@link RssContentReader}. * @param contentSource of the the content will be read. */ public RssContentReader(final ContentSource contentSource) { this.contentSource = contentSource; } /** * Reads, parses and returns the content form the content-source if it has changed since the given Date. * @return read content. */ @Override public Content[] read(final FetchHistory lastFetch) { RssDocument doc = null; final Date lastFetchDate = lastFetch == null ? null : lastFetch.getFetchTime(); try { LOGGER.debug("Reading rss feed from '{}' of content source '{}'.", contentSource.getUrl(), contentSource.getId()); final RssContentParserFactory factory = RssContentParserFactory.getInstance(); final URLConnection con = new URL(contentSource.getUrl()).openConnection(); con.setConnectTimeout(2000); con.setReadTimeout(30000); final ContentParser<RssDocument> parser = factory.get(contentSource, con.getInputStream()); if (parser.parse()) { doc = parser.getParsedObject(); if(lastFetch != null && doc != null && !doc.hasChangedSince(lastFetchDate)) { LOGGER.debug("RSS content of content source {} hasn't changed since {}.", contentSource.getId(), lastFetch.getFetchTime()); return new Content[0]; } } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot connect to: {}", contentSource.getUrl(), e); } return doc != null ? doc.getContent(lastFetchDate) : new Content[0]; } }
Hoosier State tickets sales suspended for after June 30 Discussion in 'Amtrak Rail Discussion' started by TylerP42, Apr 8, 2019. TylerP42 Speedway, Indiana It seems like there may be an end to the Hoosier State coming. Ticket sales for after June 30th have been suspended. More info will be added as it becomes available. Link : https://www.ibj.com/articles/73231-amtrak-suspends-ticket-sales-for-hoosier-state-line-after-june-30 TylerP42, Apr 8, 2019 TylerP42 said: ↑ No real Surprise, this was a crappy Train except for when Iowa Pacific ran it! Now it's time for Amtrak to get off the pot and push for a Daily Cardinal! Bob Dylan, Apr 9, 2019 seat38a Orange County California Bleah, this route was on life support for so long, it needed to be put out of its misery a while back. This route is kind of like Brexit, get it done and over with already. When your threatening to jump everyday, eventually one gets to the point and say "Jump already then!" seat38a, Apr 9, 2019 frequentflyer likes this. cirdan So Anderson says we need to cannibalize the LD network to create more coridors, but he starts off by closing down a coridor. cirdan, Apr 9, 2019 Anthony V likes this. dcwldct The announced the end of service back in April. The state of Indiana pulled funding for the route. The congestion and low speeds North of Thornton due do a less than ideal routing have caused this route to be particularly noncompetitive with car travel. It is 5 hours one-way for a trip that takes 3 hours by car. Even if it's during rush hour you can beat the Hoosier State by driving to Gary and taking the SSL into Millennium Station. Train service doesn't inherently need to compete with cars for speed, but on a relatively short corridor route like this with a car-dependent city on the south end, it puts a dent in ridership/ dcwldct, Apr 9, 2019 Pere Flyer likes this. cirdan said: ↑ Anderson didn't shut it down, the state of Indiana did. Ryan, Apr 9, 2019 bretton88, CraigDK, Pere Flyer and 6 others like this. Ryan said: ↑ But Anderson's vision of lots of new corridors everywhere implies lots of states ponying up lots of money. It sort of hurts his arguments seeing so far we haven't seen much of a flurry of activity as states try to get that money together, but we have seen one state that says, let's kill a corrdior we already have. Conductor AU Lifetime Supporter Gathering Team Member Space Coast, Florida, Area code 3-2-1 Notwithstanding the Indiana setback, in the last decade, the real major growth has been in short-medium corridors. So it is hard to fault someone for trying to focus on that sector. The problem is in trying to do so while seemingly walking away from the national system. The problem is not in working on enhancing corridor service. That is a desirable thing. jis, Apr 9, 2019 neroden likes this. jis said: ↑ Please correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that most if not all corridor services that have been started from scratch since the inception of Amtrak were started by state initiative or grass roots iniviative and that as fars as I know Amtrak didn't take a proactive role in suggesting new corridors, financing viability studies or otherwise removing barriers. Thus Amtrak cannot really take the primary credit for such corridors. At best they can be thanked for not outright preventing them and for doing their part in operating them with other people's money. So it seems to me that Anderson is proposing to keep doing what predecessors have done, but pretending that he's doing something new, while dismantling the LD system, which is the only part where he could actually change something for the better. Actually in case of most state corridors Amtrak worked proactively with the states to make it possible. All states use Amtrak's rights to operate passenger trains on freight trackage to some extent. In the absence of Amtrak, most state corridors would most likely have failed to materialize. Even in the case of the Hoosier State people who say IPH ran it are being inaccurate either out of ignorance or deliberately. IPH leased rolling stock for it and provided OBS under contract. But the train throughout was operated by Amtrak, even while IPH was playing those other roles through a contract. There are very few states that operate non-commuter trains on their own with no involvement of Amtrak. All of them are Amtrak's customers, and provide significant income stream to Amtrak through the contract fees. Now does Amtrak always do things in a friendly fashion? In my experience no. But as of present the question really boils down to who is the funding and contracting authority for each Amtrak service. The federal government effectively contracts with Amtrak to run a bunch of service and maintain a bunch of infrastructure (something foisted on Amtrak in '76 over and above its original charter) in exchange for the subsidy (contract fee) it provides and then does a p i s s poor job of governing it. Many states contract for state specific services for contract fees that they pay. For some odd historical reason the "contract fee" from the feds is called subsidy in Amtrak accounting, whereas the state contract fees are shown as income. In reality the feds payments should be viewed similarly and the federal government should provide more requisite governance and enforcement of policies. That as it turns out, may or may not be good for the national network, since the feds are themselves schizophrenic about it, with the legislature going one way and the executive often going the other way.And unfortunately even when the executive is friendly their level of competence is often less than desirable. But hey, that is what we have for the circus in Washington DC, and like it or not that is the source of the entire problem and possible solution, the latter not forthcoming anytime soon I am afraid. Anderson is a pawn in the game. He could have been more helpful, but his job description does not necessarily include that as a characteristic that his immediate bosses seem to desire. For those that lived through the '90s and Amtrak's financial fiascos, as far as Amtrak finances go, we are currently in one of the best periods of stability. Literally Amtrak could survive a government shutdown for a quarter. in the '90s they could not last a week, if that, beyond the end of a quarter for which they had received the subsidy. Subsidy is transferred to Amtrak quarterly. I am sure that the situation of the '90s would immensely please those who were cluelessly complaining about Amtrak hoarding cash a little while back. neroden and Pere Flyer like this. Devil's Advocate seat38a said: ↑ How on earth did you start out with the Hoosier State route and end up at Brexit? Devil's Advocate, Apr 9, 2019 Actually it is all like a cat. Major tantrum about opening the door to go out. Door is opened. Then sit by the door blinking alternately at the outside, inside and the fellow who opened the door with no movement at all towards actually going outside Railroad Bill likes this. ScouseAndy Lead Service Attendant Liverpool- UK Enough of brexit what about the Hoosier State? ScouseAndy, Apr 9, 2019 ScouseAndy said: ↑ Exit right as the proverbial fat lady sings? Okay so we're losing the Hoosier State. Sucks for the people in Indiana and potentially the crews of daily Cardinal doesn't come back. Question is: how will Amtrak shuttle equipment to and from Beech Grove? Cardinal? Extra train? NSC1109, Apr 9, 2019 I have seen equipment moves to Beech Grove done on the Cardinal in the past when Hoosier State was running with IP equipment. They basically formed a separate train with the equipment to be moved, with its own engine, and attached it to the front of the Hoosier State, ahead of its engine. It traveled as a combined train to Indy, where the front train was detached and went off to Beech Grove and the rear proceeded to New York. It's not like he wanted to. Indiana doesn't want to fund the corridor anymore, so it has to be shut down, regardless of whether Amtrak wants to run it or not. Anthony V, Apr 9, 2019 Philly Amtrak Fan and jis like this. To say that ridership on the Hoosier State was never anything to write home about is an understatement. The only other trains with even vaguely comparable ridership are the Ethan Allen (whose ridership is sandbagged by the route only getting ridership north of Albany; on the basis of the pre-2005 methodology, the train probably carries somewhere in the range of 130-150k riders/yr over its entire route, but many of them are NYP-ALB and the like) and the Heartland Flyer (which is functionally isolated from the network, though connectivity in Fort Worth, at least, is improving). Both of these have greater daily ridership. It would be one thing if there were a serious proposal on the table to improve the route (beyond shaking out padding), but neither Amtrak nor Indiana has shown much interest over the years (with the exception of Boardman's almost passive-aggressive waltzing in when the Corridor Capital/Iowa Pacific drama was playing out). Indiana wasn't even actually party to the PRIIA 209 cost agreement, but they dissented without proposing an alternative. It seems, frankly, that Indiana doesn't have much use or utility for the train while Amtrak has no "live" plans to run a daily Cardinal (which they certainly arguably have the cash to make happen [1]...Amfleet replacement could arguably be handled via multi-year state agreements plus a RRIF loan), merely aspirational blather. So while I regret losing this train, it had a strong case for being the worst train in the Amtrak system and I would argue that if Amtrak wanted to seriously improve the route the ship sailed on that. TBH, even the latest round of Amtrak "swooping in" with some schedule improvements had a feeling of being a botched saving throw rather than a serious effort regarding the train. [1] CSX may have avenues to effectively tell them no, but I was under the impression that the railroads at least have to give Amtrak a quote (sort-of like how UP gave Amtrak a "buzz off" figure for the daily Sunset 8-9 years ago). Anderson, Apr 10, 2019 neroden and dcwldct like this. Seaboard92 It's funny that you mention it being the worst train in the system. That's why I chose to model it when I was a broke middle school student because all I could afford was one engine and one coach. And at the time it was running regularly as such. How much equipment is Amtrak saving from this cancellation. A motor, a horizon cafe, coach(1 or 2)? Seaboard92, Apr 10, 2019 I don't think Amtrak is worried about saving the equipment. I think it is the Governor of Indiana worried about saving the little money. jis, Apr 10, 2019 IMO, the only thing that can save the Hoosier state train is from an outcry from the ridership. This leaves the only connection to CHI as the three day per week Cardinal. People living in Indianapolis should be disappointed so where is the movement to keep the train? dlagrua, Apr 10, 2019 dlagrua said: ↑ The Hoosiers just dont care! Best example: they elected Mike Pence numerous times! Bob Dylan, Apr 10, 2019 neroden, Pere Flyer and dcwldct like this. jebr Conductor Staff Member Administator Moderator "The Last Great City of the East," St. Paul, MN Bob Dylan said: ↑ Or it's because most of the people that live there can drive, and people in Indianapolis specifically (the largest population center) don't see it as terribly useful. On that front I can't really blame them - 6 AM departures and near-midnight arrivals are an unpleasant calling time. Add in that it's slower than the bus or driving and you really have a hard time finding a decent dedicated ridership. Lafayette is probably the strongest market - the timing is decent to Chicago, but it's still slower than the bus and hamstrung by the once-a-day schedule and possible delays from the Cardinal 3x/week. The problem is that this corridor needs capital investment and higher frequency in order to become useful for more people, but there's not the political will to get that funding started. jebr, Apr 10, 2019 CraigDK, Trogdor, jis and 2 others like this. bretton88 OBS Chief Has nothing to do with Anderson. Amtrak can not legally fund a corridor under 750 miles right now. So if Indiana won't fund it, nothing Amtrak can do. Note they are intentionally calling it "suspended" so Amtrak is keeping open the possibility of it coming back if Amtrak regains the legal option to do so. bretton88, Apr 11, 2019 Just-Thinking-51 Conductor AU Lifetime Supporter AU Supporter Suspended like the Sunset Limited between New Orleans and Orlando? Just-Thinking-51, Apr 11, 2019 E60JPC likes this. CHSRA Track and Systems leemell, Jul 17, 2019 at 2:03 AM leemell N frost-bitten on the SWC in July... NEPATrainTraveler replied Jul 17, 2019 at 2:24 AM Amtrak employees need and... Sauve850 replied Jul 17, 2019 at 2:18 AM l Auto Train Coach Food Being... lordsigma replied Jul 17, 2019 at 2:07 AM
OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE GAMES OF THE XXV OLYMPIAD BARCELONA 1992. Barcelona: COOB'92, S.A., 1992, 1776 pp. Published by the Barcelona Olympic Organizing Committee. Originally published in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Catalan. The Official Report was written in Catalan and then translated into the other three languages. The complete set is four volumes. ISBN: 84-7868-108-6 (volume I) Blue cloth covers & slipcase. ISBN: 84-7868-109-4 (volume II) Yellow cloth covers & slipcase. ISBN: 84-7868-110-8 (volume IIII) Green cloth covers & slipcase. ISBN: 84-7868-106-X (volume IV). Red cloth covers & slipcase. *In Volume IV the ISBN: was changed to 84-7868-097-7 (4 volume set). Volume I. The Challenge; From the Idea to the Nomination. 459 pp. Printed May 25, 1992. Foreward, Introduction, Editor's note, the City of Barcelona, origin and history of the Olympic Games, the "candidature" of Barcelona, the bid process, the selection process and selection of Barcelona for the Games, appendices including an Olympic glossary and list of medal winners since 1896. Printed and sold before the Olympic Games began, it was an attempt to make the information available to the public. Volume II. The Means; Objectives, Resources and Venues. 432 pp. Printed July 25, 1993. This volume covers the history of the Barcelona Organizing Committee, its organisation, plans, legal aspects, economic management and control, income, taxes, human resources, planning and design of the sports facilities, and the cultural program. Volume III. The Organisation; The Preparation of the Games. 428 pp. Printed May 17, 1993. This volume covers the organisation of the sports, the torch run, the media, the adaptation of facilities, logistics, technology, accommodations including the Olympic Village, Olympic family services, security, image/publicity, communications and commercial management including television rights and tickets. Volume IV. The Games; Sixteen Days in Summer. 456 pp. Printed December 9, 1992. This volume covers the Games in detail, the opening and closing ceremonies, the Olympic torch run, the cultural Olympiad, the various residences for athletes, officials, press, etc., services, statistics and tables. A fifth volume, with black covers, was produced and has been incorrectly identified by some organizations and collectors as part of the Official Report. The fifth volume is a compilation of the Results in a statistical manner. From the physical appearance of the volume it looks like it is part of the Official Report -- but it is not. It is a separate publication. In previous Olympic Games similar Results were published in a different and less expensive format made available to the public. This 1992 volume of Results (black covers) was produced by the same team that produced the Official Report, but this volume was not made available to the public as were the other four volumes (red, blue, green and yellow covers). The editor, Roma Cuyas, described these publications briefly in Volume III, on pages 369-370, with a photograph of the four volume Official Report. * USA delivery via US mail bookrate (media rate), insured. International delivery via US mail, airmail, priority rate, insured, at cost. Delivery to China is not available. Credit cards - VISA - MASTERCARD & e-payments via MONEYGRAM MONEYGRAM is an electronic payment system similar to PAYPAL and available online or in person at shops such as Walmart (USA) and Post Offices (UK).
How do you Measure Success of Innovative Models in Education? Somehow I overlooked this 2010 book until recently, but much of what I've written and said about education reform aligns with at least a few key ideas in this book. Of course, there are plenty of differences as well. I suspect that I will have other posts prompted by some of the ideas that Hess presents in the book, but for now, I'd like to focus on the quote above. I suspect that one of the reasons why there are so many limitations to our innovations is that we have created rules and measures that are directly tied to existing practices. For two decades, I've been studying innovations, school models and learning contexts that break new ground in the education space. As I often tell people, when I decide whether to visit a school, I'm far less interested in visiting if the school has desks in rows, bells, or letter grades. I don't mean that literally (although all three of those are often absent in the schools that visit). What I mean is that I am interested in learning from models of schooling that have moved away from the 19th and 20th-century molds. They are not just tweaks on the existing system or practices. They are genuine alternatives or sometimes completely new. Yet, as Hess and many others point out, there is much that has changed since many of the common features in contemporary schools were initiated. Where high school graduates were a small fraction of people in the United States a century ago, it is the majority today. Expectations about what should be learned in school have changed. The diversity of people served has changed. The demands of life and work have changed. . .drastically in some instances. Some argue that the longstanding and dominant schooling model can be adapted to meet these changing needs, but others, including myself, believe that the changes are significant enough that we are wise to explore a much broader and more diverse selection of learning contexts and approaches. Even if the current model is able to adapt enough to meet the changes and contemporary needs, it is certainly not the only (or best in any widespread and demonstrable way) option. One point that Hess makes in his book, however, is that people championing for greater and broader educational options are sometimes labeled as enemies of public education. People mistakenly equate "public education" with specific roles, policies, practices, political structures, models, frameworks, approaches and balances of power. To argue for a new way of thinking about teacher professional development, teacher accountability, or new roles and job descriptions is too often labeled as an attack on public education. I've seen this happen in many instances where the people exploring these alternatives were genuinely seeking to improve and strengthen public education. The problem, as I see it, is that people are defining something like "public education" or more broadly "school" by a group or person's preferred form and not by its purpose and mission. Itt could also be that they are just using "attack on public education" rhetoric to demonize people who hold positions different from them, to protect their personal interests (but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt). One person argues that it is too extreme and potentially irresponsible to overhaul the entire system, to imagine something entirely new. The next argues that this is the only way, that we are on a sinking ship. You can do all the remodeling that you like to that ship but it is still sinking. It is maybe just a little more attractive or comfortable while it is sinking, but it is irresponsible to convince people that they should trust you and stay on the ship. I'm not convinced by either of these positions, at least not in many contexts. Instead, I am confident that we are wise to resist censoring some possibilities because of personal agendas and political interest. Exploring the possibilities and creating a diverse ecosystem of educational models and learning contexts strikes me as the wisest and safest way to face the nature of life in a connected world. This is why I am a champion for mission-minded experimentation with rich feedback loops and constant adaptation. The mission foundation is important because, without that, we don't have a means of measuring our success. We just use the existing or dominant measures which were never designed for an innovation with a distinct mission or vision. The traditional measures were designed under certain assumptions about a system. When that system changes, the measures often need to be revised or changed as well. If not, they fail to measure what matters most or is most promising about the new effort. Too often public voices of education critique one approach to schooling on some one-dimensional basis (or maybe a short list that serves a given group's agenda). Then they write and talk about their assessments as if they should be the universal measure of quality schools. Starting with mission invites us to consider an alternative. We measure each school according to its distinct mission. There is certainly room for a small set of more broadly accepted measures, but we must force ourselves to be incredibly careful about what goes into such as list, as history shows us that it is often too tempting to adding ideas and wording in these more widely used measures that create unnecessary limitations and boundaries, that unintentionally (or sadly, in some cases, intentionally) create winners and losers among the students. Using existing, sometimes reductionist, oftentimes biased (toward traditional efforts) measures will not give us adequate insight on a given innovation's promise. If we want that, then we must differentiate our measures on the basis of the mission, vision, values and goals of that specific innovation. Those with the greatest power for core measures are well aware that the person who controls the tests has immense control of the system. Oddly, I've even seen well-known critics and figures in contemporary education critique new innovations and models (even entire systems like the charter school system. . .despite the fact that "charter" has many different meanings depending upon the state and context, and that each charter has a distinct mission and vision) on the basis of measures established for more legacy schools and practices. And, of course, many of our governmental policies are written with narrow conceptions of education and schooling in mind, which intentionally (or I suspect more often, unintentionally) limit the extent or nature of innovation in education or at least sets them up for failure or reductionist analyses of their value and impact. The widely used and well-known measures make it easier for people to compare, but they also too often disregard the distinctions. Remember that cartoon which critiques one-size-fits-all testing, assessing an elephant by how they can climb a tree? This same point applies to how we measure new education models and innovations. More often than not, we need differentiated measures for differentiated models. When we do opt for a set of universal standards and policies, it takes great care to design them in ways that do not unnecessarily limit promising future innovations. I know that it is sad news for some, but more than a few of us have assessed the situation, and the prognosis is not good for our friend (or perhaps the arch enemy to others of us), the test. We might be witnessing the death of testing. Tests are not going away tomorrow or even next year, but their value will fade over the upcoming years until, finally, tests are, once and for all, a thing of the past. At least that is one possible future. Tests are largely a 20th century educational technology that had no small impact on learning organizations around the world, not to mention teachers and students. They've increased anxiety, kept people up all night (often with the assistance of caffeine), and consumed large chunks of people's formative years. They've also made people lots of money. There are the companies that help create and administer high-stakes tests. There are the-the companies that created those bubble tests and the machines that grade them. There are the test proctoring companies along with the many others that have created high-tech ways to prevent and/or detect cheating on tests. There are the test preparation companies. There are even researchers who've done well as consultants, helping people to design robust, valid and reliable tests. Testing is a multi-billion dollar industry. Given this fact, why am I pointing to the death of the test? It is because of the explosion of big data, learning analytics, adaptive learning technology, developments around integrated assessments in games and simulations and much more. These technologies are making and will continue to make it possible to constantly monitor learner progress. Assessment will be embedded in the learning experiences. When you know how a student is making progress and exactly where that student is in terms of reaching a given goal, why do you need a test at the end? The student doesn't even need to know that it is happening, and the data can be incredibly rich, giving insights and details often not afforded by traditional tests. Such embedded assessment is the exception today, but not for long. That is why many testing companies and services are moving quickly into the broader assessment space. They realize that their survival depends upon their capacity to integrate in seamless ways with content, learning activities and experiences, simulations and learning environments. This is also why I have been urging educational publishing companies to start investing in feedback and assessment technologies. This is going to critical for their long-term success. At the same time, I'm not convinced that all testing will die. Some learning communities will continue to use them even if they are technically unnecessary. Tests still play a cultural role in some learning contexts. My son is in martial arts and the "testing day" is an important and valued benchmark in community. Yes, there are plenty of other ways to assess, but the test is part of the experience in this community. The same is true in other learning contexts. Testing is not always used because it is the best way to measure learning. In these situations, testing will likely remain a valued part of the community. In some ways, however, this helps to make my point. Traditional testing is most certainly not the best or most effective means of measuring learning today. As the alternatives expand and the tools and resources for these alternatives become more readily available, tests will start the slow but certain journey to the educational technology cemetery, finding a lot alongside the slide rule and the overhead projector. Want to Display Your Digital Badges? Here are Some Options. In 2014 I created an article about the services that exist to issue open badges. There are many examples of how groups are issuing badges. There are, however, fewer interesting examples of how people are actually displaying their badges or using badges as part of their online identity. That is the purpose of this article. The only exception is that, instead of my collecting and reviewing the list of display services/options, I thought I would experiment with inviting the larger badge community to share their ideas. As such, the bottom of this article includes a simple form for you to suggest a service to be added. As services are submitted, I will add them to the list below (which starts with none). Let's see if we can crowdsource a near-exhaustive list. Please note that many of the services mentioned in the badge issuing article also provide a means of displaying badges, but I will hold off on adding those, as it would be great to get a description of each service from people who either run the service or have used it a great deal and know it well. Scroll down (below the form) to see verified submissions. Description (please consider any description that would help readers understand its role/function/benefits/limitations.): Open Badge Passport is a free, easy to use service, where you can receive and store your Open Badges safely and share them with whomever you like and wherever you like. Description (please consider any description that would help readers understand its role/function/benefits/limitations.): Badgr is a backpack service that allows users to create collections of earned Open Badges issued to any of their verified email addresses. Users may generate a share URL for a collection and use that to spread the word over email, social media, or in job applications. Badgr also provides HTML iFrame embed code for badge earners who wish to embed their collections directly onto their blog or website. Description of Service (or any information about why it is no longer active…if you have that information): Bestr is the first Italian badging platform developed by CINECA, the leading consortium of Univerisities (73) and the Ministry of Education and Research. Makewaves is the safe social learning platform for children to share what they make, challenge themselves with Missions and show their achievements with badges. Helping young people realise their full potential, by surfacing, capturing and communicating their growing skills. For Young People (Makers) Young people can take part in fun learning missions created by Teachers and high profile partners and earn rewards for their work. We make it safe to share blogs, videos and photos with friends, family and the Makewaves community. For Teachers (Publishers) Transform your curriculum with Makewaves badges. We give you the control you need to deliver and manage learning online. Track progress, give feedback and support students of all levels. Easily capture learning across formal and informal settings via web, mobile or tablets. Partners (we call you Mission Makers) Organisations can create Missions at a national scale and enable teachers to engage with your topic and issue awards on your behalf. For Parents/Carers Parents/carers can be assured their child is part of a secure moderated community. They can follow their child's learning journey, provide encouragement and receive updates from the school to their mobile. Today, learning happens everywhere. Yet, we still struggle to capture valuable learning that takes place outside of formal settings. We need a new way to help people capture and communicate all of their talents and use them to transition into new opportunities. Open Badge Academy is a complete solution that makes recognising lifelong learning simple. Organisations create academies to launch open badges Use badges to recognise learning, validate skills and build capabilities Track and demonstrate the impact of your programme Learners use badges to build a richer picture of themselves Evidence badges on the move via mobile Share your profile to stand out from the crowd Professionals verify skills using endorsements Experts, educators and peers provide evidence based endorsements of badges Connect with the people who matter to you. This platform allows the creation and management of Open Badges and Digital Certificates. Issuers can create, manage and deliver credentials to recipients via email and view detailed reports on recipient engagement, views, shares and website referrals. CanCred Passport is a free, easy to use home in the cloud for Open Badge eCredentials that you earn for yourself. CanCred Passport is the default destination for badges issued by CanCred Factory, but will store and display all Open Badges that comply with the Mozilla standard. Passport is completely open in both directions: users can also export their badges to Mozilla Backpack and display them on social media such as LinkedIn. Another key feature of CanCred Passport is that users can publish their badges on an unlimited number of Pages, complete with additional text, files such as resumes and even embedded video. This means each Page can become its own goal-driven mini-ePortfolio, powered by the authentic evidence of Open Badges.
Anton Dragúň (born 11 June 1942) is a former Slovak football player and former manager of TJ Baník Ružiná. External links UTFS profile References 1942 births Living people Slovak footballers Slovak football managers Slovak expatriate footballers ŠK Slovan Bratislava managers AS Trenčín managers FK Inter Bratislava managers Slovak Super Liga managers Expatriate footballers in the Czech Republic FK Dukla Banská Bystrica managers FC DAC 1904 Dunajská Streda managers FK Dubnica managers SV Horn managers FK Iskra Borčice managers Association footballers not categorized by position
Previous (Nitobe Inazo) Next (Nitric acid) An electrostatic potential map of the nitrate ion. Areas colored red are lower in energy than areas colored yellow. In inorganic chemistry, a nitrate is a salt of nitric acid characterized by a negatively charged ion composed of one nitrogen atom bound to three oxygen atoms. In organic chemistry, the term nitrates refers to the esters of nitric acid and various alcohols. Nitrates play significant roles in our lives and in the rest of the natural world. In particular, they form an important source of nitrogen for plant growth, and therefore for other organisms that derive their nutrition from plants. We use nitrates for a variety of purposes, including fertilizers, food preservatives, medicine, and explosives. 1 Occurrence, history, and production 2 Chemical properties 3 Effects on aquatic life 4 Specific nitrates 4.1 Ammonium nitrate 4.2 Potassium nitrate 4.3 Sodium nitrate 4.4 Silver nitrate 5 Related materials On the down side, the excessive use of nitrate-containing fertilizers has led to pollution of groundwater and surface waters in various agricultural regions, with adverse effects on aquatic life. In addition, there is concern that ammonium nitrate may be used to make explosives for terrorist activities. Occurrence, history, and production Annual mean sea surface nitrate for the World Ocean. Data from the World Ocean Atlas 2001. Solid nitrates are not very abundant in nature as they are very soluble. They can appear where nitrogen-containing groundwater is evaporating (such as in soils of arid regions and on animal shed walls). Nitrification bacteria in the soil are also needed for the process. The first commercially exploited source was India, providing the British Empire with a reliable supply. By contrast the European continental powers had to collect scrapings from walls and barns, install saltpeter farms (based on aging and leaching manure and urine). The chemist Lavoisier was also a tax collector and commissioner of the Saltpeter Administration. Later, the large deposits of sodium nitrate in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile acquired economic significance. Until the early part of the twentieth century, there were no known methods for the chemical synthesis of nitrates. Chile was a major exporter, and European countries were dependent on its nitrates for use as fertilizer to feed their people. Nitrates were needed to produce military explosives as well. These two uses influenced world history in significant ways. Had the Germans not devised the Haber and Ostwald processes for producing nitrate, they would not have been able to feed their civilian population and armies, nor continued to make explosives. The First World War might have ended as a direct result of embargo of essential raw materials. With the aid of organic chemistry, however, the war continued. Nowadays, most nitrates are produced from ammonia synthesized from atmospheric nitrogen. The structure and charge of the nitrate ion. The nitrate ion is a polyatomic ion with the empirical formula NO3− and a molecular mass of 62.0049. It consists of one central nitrogen atom surrounded by three identical oxygen atoms in a trigonal planar arrangement. The nitrate ion, which carries a formal charge of −1, can be represented as a "hybrid" of the following three resonance structures: The structure may also be represented in the form of the diagram on the right. The nitrate ion is the conjugate base of nitric acid. A nitrate salt forms when a positively charged ion (such as a metal ion) attaches to the negatively charged oxygen atoms of the ion, forming an ionic compound. Almost all nitrates are soluble in water at standard temperature and pressure. In organic chemistry, a nitrate is a functional group with the general chemical formula RONO2, where R stands for any organic residue. These nitrates are the esters of nitric acid and alcohols, formed by the process known as nitroxylation. Examples are: methyl nitrate, formed by reaction of methanol and nitric acid[1] the nitrate of tartaric acid[2] nitroglycerin. Effects on aquatic life In freshwater or estuarine systems close to land, nitrate concentrations can reach high levels, potentially causing the death of fish. Although the nitrate ion is much less toxic than ammonia or nitrite, levels over 30 parts per million (ppm) of nitrate can inhibit growth, impair the immune system, and cause stress in some aquatic species. In most cases, high nitrate concentrations in aquatic systems are the result of surface runoff from agricultural or landscaped areas that have received excess nitrate fertilizer. These levels of nitrate can also lead to algal blooms, and when nutrients (such as potassium, phosphate, or nitrate) become limiting, eutrophication can occur. Besides leading to water anoxia, these blooms may cause other changes to ecosystem functions, favoring some groups of organisms over others. Consequently, as nitrates form a component of total dissolved solids, they are widely used as indicators of water quality. Specific nitrates Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is commonly used in agriculture as a high-nitrogen fertilizer. It can also be used as an oxidizing agent in explosives, especially improvised explosive devices. Potassium nitrate (KNO3) is a naturally occurring mineral source of nitrogen. Its common names include saltpeter (saltpetre), nitrate of potash, and nitre. It is used in the production of nitric acid, model rocket propellants, and several types of fireworks. In addition, it is a fertilizer and food preservative. Although also used in gunpowder, it is not combustible or flammable by itself. Sodium nitrate Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) is a type of salt that has long been used as an ingredient in explosives and solid rocket propellants, in glass and pottery enamel, and as a food preservative (such as in hot dogs), and has been mined extensively for these purposes. It is also variously known as caliche, Chile saltpeter, saltpeter, and soda niter. Chile has the largest reserves of caliche. It can also be manufactured synthetically. Silver nitrate (AgNO3) is a soluble salt of silver and a corrosive compound. It produces a gray or black stain on skin. As a light-sensitive material, it is used in preparing photographic film. It is also used in making silver-based explosives and in staining biological samples for research. In addition, it has been used in medicine for its antiseptic properties. Nitrates should not be confused with nitrites, the salts of nitrous acid. Organic compounds containing the nitro (NO2) functional group are known as nitro compounds. Nitrite ↑ Black, Alvin P., and Frank H. Babers. "Methyl Nitrate." Organic Syntheses 2 (1943): 412; 19 (1939): 64. Methyl Nitrate Retrieved September 13, 2007. ↑ Snyder, H.R., et al., "Imidazole." Organic Syntheses 3 (1955): 471; 22 (1942): 65. Imidazole Retrieved September 13, 2007. Addiscott, T.M., A.J. Gold, C.A. Oviatt, N. Benjamin, and K.E. Giller. Nitrate, Agriculture and the Environment. CABI Publishing, 2005. ISBN 0851999131 Chang, Raymond. Chemistry. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 2006. ISBN 0073221031 Cotton, F. Albert, and Geoffrey Wilkinson. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 1980. ISBN 0-471-02775-8 Razowska-Jaworek, Lidia, and Andrzej Sadurski. Nitrates in Groundwater. International Association of Hydrogeologists Selected Papers. Leiden, the Netherlands: A.A. Balkema, 2005. ISBN 9058096645 Nitrate history Ammonium_nitrate history Potassium_nitrate history Sodium_nitrate history Silver_nitrate history History of "Nitrate" Retrieved from http://web.newworldencyclopedia.org/p/index.php?title=Nitrate&oldid=986297
Sonic Rendezvous B2B site Retail prices available after log in. (UN)SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Artists Titles Labels Item # all formats CD LP 7" LP 10" T-shirt Cap Beanie Button Sticker Book Fanzine Calendar CD ROM Guide Video DVD BD items in stock only search entire catalogue results 1231 to 1260 page previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 next 1231 - MCLEAN, JEAN - EVERLASTING - (CD) Jean McLean's solo album "Everlasting" has been a long time coming. It has been thirty years since her vocals and musicianship were such a highlight of Sceptre's "Essence of Redemption Ina A Dif'rent Styley", (Reissued on Reggae Archive Records), but releasing reggae has always been a struggle and talent doesn't always equal opportunity. Fortunately, 2014 has seen everything fall into place. Jean had begun working and recording with Ecks Production's Paul Horton, one of the UK's best when it comes to engineering and producing reggae. Although Sceptre folded in 1987, Jean has never given up music and has continued to hone both her vocal and song writing skills. The resulting album is something of an instant classic and should finally get Jean the attention her talent deserves. Of the nine vocals, seven are Jean's original compositions (plus with Bob Marley's "Waiting In Vain" and Dennis Brown's "Things in Life"). Jean feels at ease whether singing about matters of the heart or more political themes."Reggaebaby" might be regarded as Jean's theme song as she joyfully sings: "This is my life if you know what I mean, to be a reggae singer is a lifelong dream"; this album is surely a step in Jean fulfilling that dream. Jean McLean's "Everlasting" is a fantastic debut from Birmingham's best kept secret and a true reggaebaby. TRACKLISTING: 01. Meant 4 U 02. Ancestors 03. Me On My Own 04. Reggaebaby 05. Waiting In Vain 06. Love Me Baby 07. Higher 08. Never Gonna 09. So Close 10. Things In Life 11. Meant 4 Dub 12. Dubbing The Ancestors 13. Me On My Own Dub 14. Dubbybaby 15. Waiting In Vain Instrumental 16. Higher Dub 17. Never Gonna Dub Disc Quantity: 1 Item # : 467779 1232 - MCLEAN, JOHN/CLARK SOMMER - PARTS UNKNOWN - (CD) TRACKLISTING: 01. I'll Be Home For Christmas 02. I'll Be Home For Christmas 03. Silver Bells 04. Silver Bells 05. All I Want For Christmas Is You 06. All I Want For Christmas Is You 07. My Favorite Things 08. My Favorite Things 09. Christmas Time Is Here 10. Christmas Time Is Here 11. Winter Wonderland 12. Winter Wonderland 13. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christ 14. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 15. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 16. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 17. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm 18. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm 19. Christmas Waltz 20. Christmas Waltz 21. O Christmas Tree 22. O Christmas Tree 1233 - MCLORIN SALVANT, CECILE - DREAMS AND DAGGERS (VINYL) - (LP) Release date: 30-11--0001 Item # : 532651 NEW 1234 - MCLORIN SALVANT, CECILE - DREAMS AND DAGGERS -DIGI- - (CD) [*] FT. CATALYST QUARTET TRACKLISTING: 01. And Yet (01:06) 02. Devil May Care (06:56) 03. Mad About The Boy (06:53) 04. Sam Jones' Blues (03:00) 05. More (03:33) 06. Never Will I Marry (04:03) 07. Somehow I Never Could Believe (09:56) 08. If A Girl Isn't Pretty (02:55) 09. Red Instead (00:35) 10. Runnin' Wild (01:40) 11. The Best Thing For You (07:09) DISC #2: 01. You're My Thrill (04:34) 02. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (06:30) 03. Tell Me What They're Saying Can't Be True (05 04. Nothing Like You (03:50) 05. You've Got To Give Me Some (06:11) 06. The Worm (01:03) 07. My Man's Gone Now (06:28) 08. Let's Face The Music And Dance (06:55) 09. Si J'etais Blanche (05:15) 10. Fascination (01:48) 11. Wild Women Don't Have The Blues (06:44) 12. You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me (09:54) 1235 - MCLORIN SALVANT, CECILE - FOR ONE TO LOVE - (CD) 1236 - MCLORIN SALVANT, CECILE - FOR ONE TO LOVE - (LP) 1237 - MCLORIN SALVANT, CECILE - THE WINDOW - (CD) 1238 - MCLORIN SALVANT, CECILE - THE WINDOW (VINYL) - (LP) 1239 - MCLORIN SALVANT, CECILE - WOMANCHILD - (CD) 1240 - MCLORIN SALVANT, CECILE - WOMANCHILD (VINYL) - (LP) 1241 - MCMAHON, JOE - ANOTHER LIFE - (CD) this is the Solo Record of Smoke Or Fire Frontman Joe McMahon. It's a full band record and the songs are the most beautiful i heard in a while.. listen to the songs that show you his journey from USA to Munster, Germany, where he lives now..this is awesome! TRACKLISTING: 01. It All Went Black 02. Yesterday (feat. Lucinda Legaspi) 03. Another Life 04. Canadian Graffiti 05. Chained To Ghosts (feat. Chris Wollard) 06. Time Won't Heal (feat. Kaleb Stewart) 07. Left Again 08. Neon Lights 09. Black Socka Set Sail 10. Viva Las Cobras 11. Favorite High 12. Great Big Eyes 1242 - MCMAHON, JOE - ANOTHER LIFE - (LP) 1243 - MCNABNEY, MELISANDE - INSPIRATIONS - (CD) 1244 - MCNEELY, BIG JAY - BLOWIN' DOWN THE HOUSE- BIG JAY'S LATEST & GREATES - (LP) The king of honking saxophone and jump blues brings down the house with this superb collection of brand new recordings and old favorites! This career retrospective showcases McNeely's brightest moments including such legendary and influential cuts as "Big Jay's Hop" and "Nervous Man Nervous" PLUS brand new songs written and recorded for this release such as "Love Is Stronger Than Hurt," "I've Been Mistreated" and more!Big Jay's music has been enjoying a revival as of late, having been featured in major films such as 2013's "Gangster Squad" and last year's Bryan Cranston vehicle "Trumbo!" TRACKLISTING: 01. Love Will Never Fail 02. Love Is Stronger Than Hurt 03. My Love Never Ended 04. I've Been Mistreated 05. You Don't Have To Go Home 06. Party 07. Big Jay's Hop 08. Blow Blow Blow 09. Willie The Cool Cat 10. Rock Candy 11. Nervous Man Nervous 12. Get On Up & Let's Boogie 1245 - MCNEELY, BIG JAY - HONKIN' & JIVIN AT THE PALOMINO - (C+D) A vintage concert recording from the king of honkin' sax, Big Jay McNeely, performing a raucous live show at the legendary Palomino club in North Hollywood, August 15, 1989!Includes Big Jay's monster hit "There Is Something On Your Mind" as well as favorites such as "All That Wine Is Gone," "Pretty Girls Everywhere," and more!DVD includes a bonus interview with Big Jay speaking candidly about his long and influential career! TRACKLISTING: 01. Palomino Hop 02. I Can't Stop Loving You 03. All That Wine Is Gone 04. There Is Something On Your Mind 05. Pretty Girls Everywhere 06. Honky Tonk 07. Young Girl Blues 08. Big Jay Shuffle Format: C+D 1246 - MCNIFF, JASON - RAIN DRIES YOUR EYES - (CD) Rain Dries Your Eyes is a new double CD retrospective anthology of the best of singer-songwriter Jason McNiff. Spanning more than 15 years and including brand new tracks, previously unreleased material and songs from his six studio albums, the collection showcases his fragile, wistful and timeless blend of blues and folk. A modern day troubadour, McNiff started recording in the early 00s, but he has a sound that harks back to the great folk rock pioneers of the late 60s/early 70s. Jason McNiff is a London based Yorkshireman of Irish and Polish descent. With nods to Bob Dylan and the Band, Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon, Bert Jansch, John Renbourn and Wizz Jones, McNiff is often touted as one of the UK's most precious musical treasures - a great songwriter and top-notch finger-style guitarist. His 2011 album, April Cruel (Fledgling Records) was nominated for best album in the alt-country category at the Independent Music Awards in the US. TRACKLISTING: 01. Off The Rails 02. Woody's Annie Hall 03. Southbound Train 04. I Remember You 05. Another Man 06. Blow Up The Bridge 07. Hang On To Your Woman 08. Kissing In The Wind 09. Summertime In Soho 10. Marry Him 11. Nobody's Son *featuring Emma Tricca 12. Adieu To Lausanne 13. Students Of Love 14. New York 15. Hat 16. Journey Home DISC #2: 01. In Our Time 02. Hills Of Rome 03. Green 04. A Different Word 05. All Around America 06. Tombola 07. Delia 08. Sun Comes Up 09. Coming Back To Life 10. Game Over 11. Heart Of A Poet 12. Bus Of Tears 13. Pilgrim Soul 14. The Picture 15. Sicily 16. Weeping Willows Weep 17. Cairo (stuck In The Past) 1247 - MCNISH, HOLLIE - POETRY VERSUS ORCHESTRA - (BCD) MO BLACK Format: BCD 1248 - MCNULTY, CHRIS - THE SONG THAT SINGS YOU HERE - (CD) CHALLENGE RECOR 1249 - MCOWEN, RILEY -& THE SLEAZY RUSTIC BOYS- - I'M BUYING BIGSHOT - (7") ENVIKEN When it comes to authentic Rockabilly this band is ranked very high on most lists! Format: 7" 1250 - MCPHATTER, CLYDE - HEY LOVE - (7") The one and only Clyde McPhatter. One of the greatest r&b singers of all time, such a classic name, such a big influence for many other stars that came later, and still a great unknown for many people into the sounds of classic r&b.The EP you are holding is almost a mini album! Six fantastic tracks ranging from floorfiller "Deep Sea Ball", to other great rockers like "Hey love" or his later version of "Such a night".Although we all know his biggest hits, some of his darker sides recorded during the early 60's show him in top form, rockin' and rollin' like he always did. And the tracks on this EP are the best example!! TRACKLISTING: 01. Hey Love 02. Such A Night 03. Come What May 04. Deep Sea Ball 05. Climb That Mountain Of Love 06. I'm Moving On People who bought this item also bought BENTON, BROOK, HUNT, TOMMY, CRYBABYS, THE/LESTER GREENOWSKY, MISS LA VELLE, ... 1251 - MCPHEE, JOE -JOHN BUTCHER- - AT THE HILL OF JAMES MAGEE - (CD) Joe Mcphee - alto saxJohn Butcher - tenor saxThe album presents the duos complete performance at the extraordinary monument The Hill in the Chihuahuan desert in the middle of nowhere in Texas. Butcher and McPhee had never shared a stage before which ended up being an attentative collaboration, starting with a long duo, alternating solo performances and closing the atmospheric set with another duo. TRACKLISTING: 01. Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No (20:51) 02. Mine Shaft (7:24) 03. Paradise Overcast (5:45) 04. A Forty Foot Square Room (3:57) 05. Torcello (5:44) 06. St. Idas Breath (less Her Neck And Teeth) (6:10) 1252 - MCPHERSON, JD - SIGNS & SIGNIFIERS - (CD) HI-STYLE With a strong singing voice that moves from smooth and sweet, to raw and rockin on a dime, JD McPherson channels Little Richard, James Brown, Charlie Feathers, to name a few. Hi-Style Records is excited to present the debut release by JD McPherson, Signs & Signifiers! Hi-Style brought JD McPherson up from Oklahoma to the big city of Chicago to record this stellar 12 song, full length album. Produced by Jimmy Sutton (Mighty Blue Kings, Four Charms, Del Moroccos) and engineered by Alex Hall (The Modern Sounds, Del Moroccos), the album also features Sutton on bass and guitar, and Hall on drums and piano. Recorded to an old 1960s Berlant inch tape machine, this stellar performance, and brilliant song writing by McPherson, all come together under Jimmy Suttons impeccable production. This is authentic electrifying rock n roll/ rhythm & blues with post-structural lyrics and arrangements. TRACKLISTING: 01. North Side Gal 02. Country Boy 03. Fire Bug 04. Signs & Signifiers 05. Wolf Teeth 06. Scratching Circles 07. A Gentle Awakening 08. Dimes For Nickels 09. B.g.m.o.s.r.n.r. 10. I Cant Complain 11. Your Love (all That Im Missing) 12. Scandalous People who bought this item also bought BOUNCING SOULS, GOSPEL SWINGERS, OKMONIKS, BEEN OBSCENE, ... 1253 - MCQUEEN, ELIZABETH - MEET BROTHERS LAZAROFF-THE LAZIEST REMIX - (CD) LAZY SOB The Laziest Remix, a collaboration between Elizabeth McQueen and former Austinite David Lazaroff and his St. Louissoul-freakout-folk band, Brothers Lazaroff, pushes McQueen far beyond her American roots comfort zone. Thiscollection takes five songs solidly based in the tradition of mid 20th century vocal jazz from her 2010 releaseThe Laziest Girl in Town, plus one song from The Brothers catalogue and infuses them with elements of hiphop,noise rock, R&B and reggae. The outcome is a fresh reworking of the music that bring together the best ofmultiple genres into groovy, danceable art-form. 1254 - MCRACKINS - IT AIN'T OVER EASY - (CD) Its a well known joke (or yolk if you will) that their discography reads like the rap sheet of a seasoned criminal, as they have had nearly 250 songs released by over 60 different record labels around the globe as 90 separate CD, EP, LP , 7" and compilation releases too numerous to mention. The fun dont end there, as the barn yard hooligans also found time to bring their elusive and rare kick-ass ball of pop-punk energy, and humorous fun-filled live eggstravaganza to many clubs and stages across 14 countries to date, including multiple tours of Europe, U.S.A, and Canada. To add to their overwhelming list of savant like accomplishments, the MCRACKINS have also recorded live sessions for the BBC, made cameo appearances in movies and television commercials, have been featured on numerous radio and television shows and continue to light up the request lines at college radio stations everywhere. Well, thats how it goes in the zany world of the MCRACKINS. What could be more normal than a pop-punk trio with twin egg guitar players backed by a drumming dog? If its a "gimmick", it would surely rate as one of the all time worst ever, so lets give them the benefit of the doubt and say theyre just fuckin crazy!! TRACKLISTING: 01. CANDY 02. FAIRY TALE 03. DEAR LIFE 04. NERDCORE RISING 05. NEED SOMEBODY 06. TRASH YOU SMASH YOU 07. EVERYTHING IS GOOD 08. I'LL FLY AWAY 09. IN THE YEAR 3000 10. KLEPTOMANIAC 11. FIRST DAMN THING 12. ONLY IN THE MOVIES 13. EDGE OF THE WORLD 14. IT AIN'T OVER EASY People who bought this item also bought PSYCHOTIC YOUTH, SQUARE THE CIRCLE, BADTOWN BOYS, ACROSS THE BORDER, ... 1255 - MCRAE, CARMEN - DIVA OF JAZZ; NEW YORK STATE OF MIND - (CD) CLASSIC WORLD ENT Classic songs from jazz diva Carmen Mcrae including "Come In From the Rain" and "New York State of Mind." TRACKLISTING: 01. Burst In With The Dawn 02. I Need You In My Life 03. Come In From The Rain 04. I Won't Last A Day Without You 05. Won'tcha Stay With Me 06. Mr. Magic 07. Everything Must Change 08. Sweet Alibis 09. (i'm Afraid) The Masquerade Is Over 10. I'd Rather Leave While I'm In Love 11. I'm Coming Home Again 12. New York State Of Mind 1256 - MCTELL, BLIND WILLIE - KING OF THE GEORGIA BLUES SINGERS - (LP) AUTOGRAM-RECORD 1257 - ME & MOBI - AGGLO - (CD) After the success (ZKB Jazzpreis 2015, nomination Bremer Jazzpreis 2016) of their debut album "Halb Ton, Viertel Techno" (2016), the Swiss jazz trio ME & MOBI now releases the expected successor. "Agglo" moves between poppy post-jazz and science fiction-style electronica. 1258 - ME (AGAINST THE WORLD) - I.D.S.T. - (CD) Me(against the world) are a rock band with their priorities sorted out, their Herforshire-based-Brit-rock band, founded in 2003. 10 tracks. 1259 - ME AND MY FRIENDS - HIDE YOUR WAY - (LP) TRACKLISTING: 01. All That Is You 02. Droplet 03. Holiday 04. Leave My Bones 05. Hide 06. Stray 07. You Don't Know 1260 - ME AND MY TWO HORSES - NO MAN'S LAND - (CD) MOMENT OF COLLAPSE "No Man's Land" is the auspicious debut of ME AND MY TWO HORSES from Hamburg. Eight songs that range between experimental pop, dark noise rock but also doom and ambient. If you are looking for kindred artists, think of ANNA VON HAUSSWOLFF or EMMA RUTH RUNDLE. HOME | NEW & UPDATED | STOCK | CATALOGUE | LINKS | CONTACT | MY ACCOUNT | CART | FAQ | TERMS AND CONDITIONS © 2002 - 2020 Sonic RendezVous
WHITE PAPERS/WEBINARS Hoy Los Angeles Introduces New Digital Platform Editorial Staff @portada_online | 04/20/2015 What: Hoy Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Tribune owned, Spanish-language newspaper and website is introducing a new digital platform. Why it matters: Digital Monetization is still a challenge for many (Hispanic) newspapers. Hoy Los Angeles will now be a part of the the overall CMS (Content Management System) of the Los Angeles Times. Hoylosangeles.com is a just launched new digital platform introduced by Hoy Los Angeles, the Spanish-language print and digital property owned by Tribune's Los Angeles Times. According to Claudia Núñez, editor of the new website, "the platform offers users an agile and user friendly way to navigate." She adds that the new site's format is totally adaptable to different devices (smartphones, tablets, desktops etc.) and that other distinguished features of the site include visualization of interactive maps as well as Hoy Los Angeles' editorial team's emphasis on data driven journalism. According to Editorial Director Alejandro Maciel, due to its high degree of interactivity and the many possibilities it offers to visualize data, the new platform fills a gap among Spanish-language journalism efforts in the United States. Digital has become an intricate part for most if not all advertisers. Increased Offering for Advertisers A relevant digital presence is key for publishers efforts to expand their offerings to Advertisers. "Digital has become an intricate part for most if not all advertisers," Hoy Los Angeles publisher/general manager Roaldo Moran tells Portada. Online Video Advertising is particularly important in this context. "Developing concepts centered around video have worked well for us," Moran notes. As an example he cites, the Hoy-TV cooking show as well as interactive talk shows. "The core interest of all advertisers involved is ROI. Our goal is to build/use different platforms to ensure an acceptable ROI for our advertisers," says Moran. Part of Los Angeles Times CMS Hoylosangeles.com is now a part of the Los Angeles Times CMS (Content Management System) and is not branded as a Lion Heart Digital partner site, which the old Hoylosangeles.com site was. Moran, however, says that he will continue to cooperate with Lion Heart Digital. A few months ago, Tribune announced a new Digital Multicultural platform led by Jose Antonio Vargas. Moran notes, that "We are still building on the platform, but clients are already demonstrating high interest." Join us at PORTADA Mexico! Editorial Staff @portada_online Portada Staff MORE FROM PORTADA MarTech Roundup: Facebook Introduces New Ranking System for Measuring Advertising Reach A bi-weekly summary of the most exciting recent news in marketing technology and trends. If you're trying to keep up, consider this your one-stop shop. 7 Key Takeaways on Data, Technology and Marketing that You Missed From #PortadaMIA In its twelfth annual edition, Portada Miami gathered over 100 decision-makers involved with major brands across all sectors, and provided a space for top quality networking and knowledge-sharing. Curacao's CMO Ariela Nerubay: Automated Behavioral Emails More Than Double Open and Click-Through Rates Two years ago, the large-format retail store chain Curacao, headquartered in Los Angeles, began to send out automated emails based on customers' interactions on Curacao's website. The results have proven impressive, and Curacao plans to roll out new features offered by its automated emailing tool in the coming months. EXPERIENCE PORTADA September, 12, 2019: Portada New York, The Westin New York at Times Square, New York City October 17, 2019: Portada Mexico, Casa Lamm, Mexico City Check out our Expanding Council System of Brand Marketers Free Download! ANA Multicultural Thought Leadership Supplement White Papers / Webinars
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Diagnosing Disease Your Pathologists Pathology in Action Behind the Diagnosis Ask a Pathologist MyPathologist - Analyze.Diagnose.Care. Pathologists specialize in several key areas: Anatomical pathologists diagnose disease by examining tissue removed from living patients either by biopsy or during surgery. For example, if you have a biopsy of a breast lump or an unusual skin mole, it is the anatomical pathologist who makes the diagnosis. Tissue is carefully studied using a microscope and special testing, such as molecular tests, may be required. The diagnosis and other features of the disease are documented in a pathology report that your doctor will use to determine the probable course of the disease and the most effective treatment. Anatomical pathologists also provide urgent interpretation of small tissue samples that are removed during an operation and rushed to the pathologist's laboratory. The pathologist helps guide the surgeon to determine how extensive the surgery needs to be. Sometimes samples are even smaller specimens of separated cells (cytopathology). A large part of an anatomical pathologist's role is the detection and diagnosis of cancer. A tissue diagnosis is essential before starting any treatment involving major surgery, radiation or drugs, treatments that may have major side effects. Anatomical pathologists also perform autopsies to determine the extent of disease and to establish the cause of death. General pathologists are a "Jack of all trades", combining anatomical pathology with expertise in the clinical branches of laboratory medicine: clinical chemistry, microbiology, hematology and blood banking, though not in as much detail as specialists in each of these disciplines. General pathologists are consulted daily by patients' physicians with questions about what tests to order and how to interpret the test results. General pathologists often practice in smaller hospitals and in more rural settings where a broad knowledge of disease is required. Hematopathologists are experts in diseases of the blood, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. They analyze blood components, such as blood count, and blood and bone marrow cells to help diagnose disease such as anemia, lymphoma, hemophilia, blood-clotting disorders, and leukemia. Hematopathologists also manage blood transfusion services. These include blood products such as red blood cells or platelets that are often urgently required by patients during surgery or in the emergency room following trauma, such as a car accident. Medical biochemistry Medical biochemists are medical doctors who help diagnose disease by examining body fluids or tissues for abnormal levels of substances such as electrolytes, proteins, enzymes, and hormones. For example they assess levels of iron in the blood, measure levels of enzymes released into the blood after a heart attack to help in the diagnosis, and measure certain proteins produced by cancers to monitor the response to treatment. Medical biochemists work together with clinical chemists and other scientists who are experts in this branch of laboratory medicine. Medical biochemists also measure body fluid levels of therapeutic and illicit drugs, and of poisons. Medical microbiologists are experts in infectious disease. They analyze and interpret tissue, blood and body fluids to identify microorganisms that can cause infections – bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites – so the patient can receive the most effective treatment. Working closely with their clinical colleagues, they also play a role in the control of infectious disease. As many new infectious diseases have emerged (e.g. HIV, Hepatitis C, new flu viruses, SARS) and "old" infections such as tuberculosis and malaria have become resistant to treatment, medical microbiologists have taken a lead role in research, diagnosis, and treatment of these often life-threatening infections. Many bacterial infections have become resistant to antibiotic treatment, and microbiologists test these bacteria to determine the best antibiotic to use. This assessment of antibiotic resistance now involves highly advanced testing and genetic analysis. Recent advances in technology (e.g. automation) and molecular medicine have added greatly to the medical microbiologist's diagnostic resources. At the same time however, microbiology remains a 'hands-on' discipline. Forensic pathologists are anatomical pathologists who specialize in autopsy pathology and focus on the medicolegal aspects of sudden or unexpected death. They identify the cause of death, reconstruct the circumstances by which the death occurred, and work closely with the police in criminal cases. These are the pathologists you see helping solve cases on popular TV crime shows. Immunopathology Immunopathologists analyze and interpret tissue, blood and body fluid samples for immune responses associated with disease. In the laboratory, these pathologists design, perform and supervise tests of the immune system. They provide advice on a wide variety of other disorders including recurrent miscarriage and some areas of transplantation medicine. They can also assist with the management of autoimmune diseases, including AIDS. Genetic pathology Genetic pathologists are experts in interpreting the results of laboratory genetic tests. By studying disease at the molecular level (chromosomes and DNA) genetic pathologists make clinical diagnoses, determine disease prognosis, monitor infections and therapies, and provide risk assessments for genetic diseases. They play a pivotal role in providing patients who have genetic diseases or cancer with specialized advice on prevention, care and treatment. There are two main branches of laboratory genetics: Clinical cytogenetics – involves the microscopic analysis of chromosomes. These techniques are used to diagnose such conditions as Down Syndrome and certain types of cancer, e.g. leukemia and sarcoma. Molecular genetics – uses the tools of DNA technology to analyze mutations (changes) in genes. Many gene mutations have been identified that are associated with such diseases as cystic fibrosis, breast cancer and diabetes mellitus. A molecular pathologist is often also a specialist in another pathology discipline such as anatomical pathology, hematopathology, or medical microbiology. They focus on understanding the molecular abnormalities that cause disease, and assess new markers of disease progression and response to treatment. Molecular pathology is commonly used in the diagnosis of cancer and infectious diseases. The molecular pathologist plays the most important role in personalized medicine, providing a unique fingerprint of an individual's disease that allows doctors to treat conditions such as cancer on a personal, or individual basis, with therapy designed specifically for that patient. Content source: The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, with permission. Sidebar Header Pathology in Action: Every day, pathologists across Canada analyze hundreds of thousands of test results and biopsy specimens to make critical diagnoses that determine how patients are treated. Behind the Diagnosis: Meet the heart of patient care. While you may never meet your pathologist these doctors are key to your diagnosis, care and recovery. Ask a Pathologist: Want to know more about the role your pathologist plays in your healthcare? Here's your opportunity to ask a Canadian pathologist. © 2014 Canadian Association of Pathologists / Association canadienne des pathologistes. Site best viewed at full screen.
The Sleep Doctor to Elite Athletes, CEOs—Even Rock Stars by Keenan Mayo In June 2011, after the sixth game of the Stanley Cup Finals between the Vancouver Canucks and the Boston Bruins, in Boston, the series was locked in a tie. The Canucks, based in the Pacific Time Zone, had lost all the games hosted in Boston. The Bruins, located in the Eastern Time Zone, had fallen in every contest hosted in Vancouver. As the team with the better regular-season record, the Canucks held home-ice advantage for the seventh and deciding game. So when the Bruins arrived in Vancouver the day before that matchup, they went searching for an edge. "I was getting ready to take the stage for a lecture in Minnesota when my phone rings," says Charles A. Czeisler, Ph.D., M.D., sitting in a small, windowless conference room outside his office at the Brigham and Women's Hospital at Harvard Medical School in Boston, where he serves as the chief of the Division of Sleep Medicine. "It's the Bruins' team physician, who says, 'I'm here in Vancouver, and I'm wondering if you have any suggestions for what we might do.'" Czeisler asked a number of questions about the Bruins' travel schedule. He discovered that the team planned to take their discipline of napping in the afternoon with them to Vancouver the next day. "I told him that that doesn't work—the team needs to be napping in the morning in Vancouver, because that is afternoon here in Boston." In other words, to maximize their energy and mood, the players should keep their bodies on Eastern Time. "There is a circadian rhythm to athletic performance," he says, referring to the study of the human body's inner clockwork. Physiologically, the window for peak focus, strength, reaction time, and physical flexibility arrives in late afternoon or early evening, when "the body is sending out its strongest drive for wakefulness," says Czeisler. According to him, that's when most Olympic records are broken. Since the opening face-off was scheduled for 5 p.m. Vancouver time—8 p.m. in Boston—Czeisler understood that if the Bruins napped at just the right time, the game would fall into a wakeful sweet spot. The team canceled its morning practice the next day. "All the sports-talk guys are freaking out—'They're not doing the shootaround before the championship game! What are they thinking?'" he says. "I was pleased to see that they won the game, which was pretty cool." In fact, the Bruins shut out the Canucks 4–0. Whether or not the three-hour shift in the team's nap time played a role, it is increasingly common in today's competitive sports to encounter teams at both the professional and collegiate levels who are working to manipulate sleep to their advantage. Northwestern University head football coach Pat Fitzgerald instituted team-wide naps after arriving, and last season he imposed sleep-monitoring sensors on his players during the season. In professional baseball, East Coast teams playing home games against West Coast-based teams have a measurable advantage. "They win about 5% more games," says Czeisler. "And on average, they score about a quarter more runs." In 2013, a colleague of Czeisler's at Harvard published the findings of a study in the journal Sleep, arguing that East Coast-based teams in the NFL consistently underperform when competing in away games on the West Coast. "It's one thing to see regular people traveling and changing time zones and, say, visiting the Louvre, and not noticing a split-second change in reaction time when looking at a painting," says Czeisler, who notes that the brain's normal reaction time to a stimulus is a quarter of a second—which can quadruple or more if the person is severely sleep deprived. "But for an elite athlete, sleep deprivation degrades coordination and the ability to learn and consolidate memories. Your emotions are more volatile, too. Not getting enough sleep will degrade athletic performance." Czeisler isn't the only sleep expert moonlighting in athletics, but he is the only one whose prominence in professional sports has earned him the unofficial title, at least in the NBA, as "the Sleep Doctor." "Athletes don't get coaching on this," he says. "They get fitness coaching. They get nutritional coaching. They don't get sleep coaching." Among other teams, he has consulted with the NBA's Minnesota Timberwolves and Portland Trail Blazers, Major League Baseball's Milwaukee Brewers, and nearly every pro sports team in the greater Boston area. When the New England Patriots were preparing to fly to London in 2012 for the NFL's yearly overseas regular-season game, the team physicians sought Czeisler's expertise before they left. And 15 minutes into our conversation at Harvard, he left the room to take a call from a Major League Baseball team he preferred not to name, which was working on schedule preparations for the 2014 season. For Czeisler, however, the importance of optimizing sleep extends beyond sports. It's a public health issue, he says, calling sleep the "third pillar" of good health, alongside diet and exercise. If you don't get enough over time, he says, you run the risk of ailments like heart disease, diabetes, even cancer. More is always better, he says, because research has proven that it is impossible to get too much sleep. Czeisler recommends seven or eight hours a night for regular people, and closer to nine for high-performance athletes. If you think you can power through on anything less—as a lot of people do—he points to a series of breakthrough studies led by a Danish biologist whose findings were published in 2013 in the journal Science. The researchers zeroed in on one of the fundamental purposes of sleep: to cleanse your brain. "We replace cells everywhere all the time, but we keep our brain cells for a lifetime because the connections are so complicated, and to retain our memories," says Czeisler. "So if you're going to repair the brain, you've got to bring the system offline." The Danish team offered evidence that your spinal fluid flushes out the toxic buildups on your cells during sleep. "During the process, the space between the [brain] cells becomes larger," says Czeisler. "There is a structural change, with things moving in relation to one another. It would be as if all the buildings in Manhattan shrank, and the alleys and streets got bigger for the garbage trucks. It was remarkable." The message is obvious—it's important to get enough sleep; but for him, it has become a mission. "For someone like Czeisler, it's not necessarily about individual patients, it's about everybody," says Matthew Wolf-Meyer, Ph.D., associate professor of anthropology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and author of The Slumbering Masses: Sleep, Medicine, and Modern American Life. "He's using athletes, astronauts—exceptional cases—in order to get people to think about sleep, and to maximize sleep for everybody; he's working to popularize the science of sleep in ways that clinicians and scientists don't really do." In January, Czeisler traveled to Davos, Switzerland, with Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington, to attend the World Economic Forum, the annual convention of the world's top political and business leaders. In 2013, he testified in the wrongful death trial of the late Michael Jackson, arguing on behalf of the pop star's mother and children that the troubled musician had suffered from "total sleep deprivation over a chronic period" by the time he died. "Chuck has the most effective communication and lecture skills," says David Dinges, Ph.D., chief of the division of sleep and chronobiology at the University of Pennsylvania's psychiatry department. "He is a giant. He's been an extraordinary influence in his ability not only to make these big discoveries in the field of sleep, but to translate them to the public in a way that people actually understand." Czeisler's pupils now include several multimillionaire professional athletes—guys not always up for sitting through classroom-style lectures about the nature of REM sleep or instructions on when to go to bed. "There's obviously a learning curve involved, when Chuck is coming from the academic world to the sports world and trying to educate players," says Ed Lacerte, head trainer for the Boston Celtics. "But it's easy to work with Chuck—or 'Doctor Z,' as I like to call him. He's been able to sit down with our players one-on-one. The athletes listen to him. We've had players go to his lab for sleep studies, and he's actually gone into their homes to work with them. He's been accepted fine. His height has certainly helped—I can tell you that." Czeisler is 6'4", with wispy gray hair and an old-fashioned mustache. He is a polite and enthusiastic talker, and a prolific doodler. When you meet him, you discover that he seldom struggles to find the right words to say—but when he does, he squints into the distance as if the rest of his thought lies waiting to be plucked from across the room. As we chat, his smartphone lights up with e-mails and texts. On one occasion he checks his screen. "I guess I did make some friends along the way," he says, with a squint and a smile. "That was Shaq [former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal] . He's a really nice guy." Czeisler's original area of study wasn't sleep, but biochemistry. The Chicago native, who attended Harvard for his undergrad work and Stanford for grad school, quickly found himself, in the early 1970s, pulled into the burgeoning field of chronobiology and circadian rhythms. These include, among other things, the fluctuations of blood pressure and body temperature, the sleep-wake cycle, and the secretion of hormones, including cortisol—which was the subject of Czeisler's first research project. "I became fascinated by the effect of sleep on the release of these hormones," he says. "That's how I came into the sleep field." In the late '70s, he began a study of sleep patterns in which he allowed several human subjects to sleep whenever they pleased, freeing them of any "time cues." "There were many studies in the 1930s and '40s exploring the circadian rhythms of plants and small organisms, and in the 1950s and '60s scientists were beginning to understand the effects of light on circadian rhythms in other organisms," he says. But the prevailing wisdom at the time, largely drawn from mid-century German research, was that humans proved to be the exception to the rule—that somehow we, unlike every other organism, are untethered to the basic rhythm of a 24-hour day. "One of the weird things that happens when people are living free of time cues, however, is that they exhibit periods of circadian rhythms about an hour longer than the 24-hour day," he says. "They get to bed an hour later every day and wake up an hour later every day." With the experiment, Czeisler determined that a human's duration of sleep is dependent on what time of day it is in the body rather than on how long the person has been awake. "Czeisler demonstrated that the period of the human [circadian system] regulates our biological timing just like other animals," says UPenn's Dinges. "It was just a tour de force in science." When Czeisler and his fellow researchers published his conclusion in the journal Science in 1980, the article ended with a flash of scientific speculation that the findings may have an impact on "shift workers." "Suddenly I'm in my apartment and I'm getting calls from The London Times about shift schedules," he says. The story found an audience among factory owners, and he got a call from Ogden, Utah's Great Salt Lake Minerals and Chemical Co., a major player in the mining of potash, an ingredient used in fertilizers. He learned that the company's shift schedules recessed "counterclockwise," a common industrial practice at the time. Employees worked the night schedule (midnight to 8 a.m.) for a week, then the evening schedule (4 p.m. to midnight) for a week, then the day schedule (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) for a week. According to Czeisler, this practice was harmful to worker productivity for several reasons. If you work the 4 p.m.-to-midnight shift, your circadian rhythm dictates that you go to bed sometime around 3 a.m. and wake up sometime around 11 a.m. If you then rotate counterclockwise—to a shift beginning at 8 a.m.—that will require you to force yourself onto an earlier bedtime to wake up at roughly 6 or 6:30 a.m. to get to work. (For obvious reasons, this is not ideal.) But if you rotate in a clockwise direction, from a shift beginning at 4 p.m. to one beginning at midnight, "you are halfway there," Czeisler says. "The circadian system in humans runs a little more than 24 hours"—demonstrated by his research subjects who unknowingly went to bed an hour later each night—so it's much easier for your body to roll forward in that direction. For any corporate road warrior who has flown from New York to Los Angeles and adjusted easily to West Coast time—or suffered the consequences of the reverse—this observation will sound familiar. After the company in Utah implemented his suggestions, production increased and employees reported happier working conditions. Czeisler then founded the Center for Design of Industrial Schedules, a "fatigue risk-management consulting" nonprofit organization that led him to 10 years of "working among smokestacks in Texas" and eventually with professional sports teams. He went on to consult for entities ranging from police departments to Delta Air Lines to the Department of Homeland Security and NASA. He also advised the investment bank Morgan Stanley. "Bankers," he says, "have the worst sleep schedules of all." Before long, Czeisler received his first desperate phone call from a road-weary celebrity. It was 1989, and the Rolling Stones were gearing up for their Steel Wheels Tour. "Mr. Jagger was having trouble transitioning across time zones," says Czeisler. "So I created 'MJ Time,' his own personal time zone." Over calls and faxes, Czeisler designed Mick's schedule and his exposure to light for the tour. He had him black out the windows in hotel rooms, and scheduled his meals to arrive at certain times of the day. "We also shipped special lighting systems so he could be exposed to bright light" when it was "daytime" on MJ Time, but dark in, say, Japan. "I used to get urgent requests before each of his tours, and kept saying, 'Give me some advanced notice!' But I did that for like, 10 or 15 years." Years later, when Czeisler would get calls from pro sports physicians—the first of whom was a former med school classmate who'd gone on to work for the Portland Trail Blazers—he drew on his work with the Rolling Stones. "Just as we had 'MJ Time,' I thought, I'll take the same approach to the Trail Blazers," he says. "So I said, 'Stay on Blazer Time.'" His work for sports teams doesn't require him to provide special lighting equipment, but he does pour over the endless airline itineraries, scheduled events, media appearances, and late-night dinners wedged into their increasingly populated schedules across time zones, then engineers the best sleep-friendly schedule he can. And his biggest no-no for everyone, especially athletes, is the red-eye. "It's impossible to get uninterrupted sleep," he says. Inside the sleep "suites" at the sleep laboratory at Harvard Medical School—the pods where research subjects live during experiments, with electrodes affixed to their bodies—the most glaring feature is the adjustable lighting, which is spread evenly across the paneled ceiling so there are no visible source points or dark areas. Over the years, electric light has become something of a target for Czeisler. When he is on the convention circuit, light is the subject he sermonizes about most. In the 1990s, he proved that a human being's biological clock can be reset—your entire bodily rhythm shifted—with exposure to artificial light. He then proved that this applies to blind people as well. "Ordinary room light is only 1% of the intensity of the light outdoors," he says, "but it has 50% of the resetting ability." According to him, short-wavelength light is the more insidious influence on your biological clock. These are the beams emitted by your iPad, plasma television, and even eco-conscious lightbulbs. (The old incandescent lightbulbs, according to Czeisler, emit more heat than actual light.) When this short-wavelength light hits the photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in your eye, it halts the release of "sleep-promoting" neurons and "activates arousal-promoting" neurons. It also suppresses the release of melatonin, the brain's natural chemical for facilitating drowsiness. In our artificially lit world, he says, it's likely that most of us have shifted our time zones to the point that sleep—the necessary, healthy kind—is increasingly difficult to achieve. We go to bed late and force ourselves up too early with caffeine, manipulate our time zones, and burden ourselves with enormous sleep debts that would take weeks of vacation to pay back. In terms of public awareness, "we're in the 1950s with smoking," Czeisler says. "A few people on the cutting edge are aware"—such as pro sports teams—"but I wouldn't say society as a whole is adopting it. Nobody has said, when we release the next [light-emitting] tablet, 'Look at the health and safety consequences!' No one is viewing light as something that needs to be evaluated. The light sources are getting brighter and worse." So he advises you to dim your lights in the evening, and turn off the TV at least an hour or two before bed. If your phone is your alarm clock, buy an alarm clock. "For uninterrupted sleep, keep your phone in a different place," he says—otherwise you'll look at it, and it will invariably buzz. If you need to e-mail, he suggests "installing 'f.lux' software on your computer, which changes the wavelength of the light on the screen." I mention that people have had light—lightbulbs, candles—for quite a while, yet have always stayed up past their bedtimes. Isn't this a little overblown? "When I was growing up, 2–3% of the population slept less than six hours; now it's 10 times as many," he says. "We've increased by an order of magnitude our per capita light exposure. Take all the people who died on 9/11—twice as many die in motor vehicle crashes every year in the U.S. alone due to sleep deprivation. There are about 60,000 debilitating injuries on the highway [caused by under-slept drivers]. And we're getting more overweight because we're sleeping less. As sleep has gone down, waistlines have gone up. When you don't get enough sleep, your brain goes into starvation mode." So, what can we do? "I don't know the answer," Czeisler says. "But I don't think the answer is for the culture to unlearn our modern way of life." So he recognizes the challenge. "When I was meeting with an NBA team, I started off my talk by mentioning that people are sleeping less today than when I was young. Their star player said, 'That's because back then there was less shit to do!' " Check Out These Dream Powder Runs in Utah With Griffin Siebert Trials Bike Phenom Fabio Wibmer's Freeriding Tour of Israel This Photo Gallery Is Guaranteed to Make You Crave Powder How an Inspiring Program Gets Rural Students Onto the Slopes Watch: 'A Dog's Life' With Brendan Fairclough—Episode 1, Madeira Storm Dispatch: 30 Inches of Fresh Snow Over 3 Days in Revelstoke, B.C. Topics: athletes health sleep More from Sports New 5-Acre Wave Pool Proposed for West Side of Oahu Powder Alert: Alta Just Got 60 Inches of Snow (With More On the Way) Freeride World Tour Announces Equal Prize Money for Men and Women
A retrospective study of neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX in unresectable or borderline-resectable locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Hosein PJ, Macintyre J, Kawamura C, Maldonado JC, Ernani V, Loaiza-Bonilla A, Narayanan G, Ribeiro A, Portelance L, Merchan JR, Levi JU, Rocha-Lima CM. BMC Cancer. 2012 May 29;12:199. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-199. Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Concurrent Full-dose Gemcitabine and Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy for Borderline Resectable and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Badiyan SN, Olsen JR, Lee AY, Yano M, Menias CO, Khwaja S, Wang-Gillam A, Strasberg SM, Hawkins WG, Linehan DC, Myerson RJ, Parikh PJ. Am J Clin Oncol. 2016 Feb;39(1):1-7. doi: 10.1097/COC.0000000000000003. Neoadjuvant modified (m) FOLFIRINOX for locally advanced unresectable (LAPC) and borderline resectable (BRPC) adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Blazer M, Wu C, Goldberg RM, Phillips G, Schmidt C, Muscarella P, Wuthrick E, Williams TM, Reardon J, Ellison EC, Bloomston M, Bekaii-Saab T. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Apr;22(4):1153-9. doi: 10.1245/s10434-014-4225-1. Epub 2014 Oct 31. Alliance for clinical trials in oncology (ALLIANCE) trial A021501: preoperative extended chemotherapy vs. chemotherapy plus hypofractionated radiation therapy for borderline resectable adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas. Katz MHG, Ou FS, Herman JM, Ahmad SA, Wolpin B, Marsh R, Behr S, Shi Q, Chuong M, Schwartz LH, Frankel W, Collisson E, Koay EJ, Hubbard JM, Leenstra JL, Meyerhardt J, O'Reilly E; Alliance for Clinical Trials on Oncology. BMC Cancer. 2017 Jul 27;17(1):505. doi: 10.1186/s12885-017-3441-z. Preoperative Modified FOLFIRINOX Treatment Followed by Capecitabine-Based Chemoradiation for Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology Trial A021101. Katz MH, Shi Q, Ahmad SA, Herman JM, Marsh Rde W, Collisson E, Schwartz L, Frankel W, Martin R, Conway W, Truty M, Kindler H, Lowy AM, Bekaii-Saab T, Philip P, Talamonti M, Cardin D, LoConte N, Shen P, Hoffman JP, Venook AP. JAMA Surg. 2016 Aug 17;151(8):e161137. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2016.1137. Epub 2016 Aug 17. FOLFIRINOX-based neoadjuvant therapy in borderline resectable or unresectable pancreatic cancer: a meta-analytical review of published studies. Petrelli F, Coinu A, Borgonovo K, Cabiddu M, Ghilardi M, Lonati V, Aitini E, Barni S; Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dei Carcinomi dell'Apparato Digerente (GISCAD). Pancreas. 2015 May;44(4):515-21. doi: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000314. Review. Outcomes with FOLFIRINOX for borderline resectable and locally unresectable pancreatic cancer. Boone BA, Steve J, Krasinskas AM, Zureikat AH, Lembersky BC, Gibson MK, Stoller RG, Zeh HJ, Bahary N. J Surg Oncol. 2013 Sep;108(4):236-41. doi: 10.1002/jso.23392. Long-term outcomes of induction chemotherapy and neoadjuvant stereotactic body radiotherapy for borderline resectable and locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Mellon EA, Hoffe SE, Springett GM, Frakes JM, Strom TJ, Hodul PJ, Malafa MP, Chuong MD, Shridhar R. Acta Oncol. 2015 Jul;54(7):979-85. doi: 10.3109/0284186X.2015.1004367. Epub 2015 Mar 3. Pathologic Major Response After FOLFIRINOX is Prognostic for Patients Secondary Resected for Borderline or Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: An AGEO-FRENCH, Prospective, Multicentric Cohort. Pietrasz D, Marthey L, Wagner M, Blanc JF, Laurent C, Turrini O, Raoul JL, Terrebonne E, Hentic O, Trouilloud I, Coriat R, Regenet N, Innominato P, Taieb J, Cunha AS, Bachet JB. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Dec;22 Suppl 3:S1196-205. doi: 10.1245/s10434-015-4783-x. Epub 2015 Aug 14. Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX for locally advanced and borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: An intention to treat analysis. Barenboim A, Lahat G, Geva R, Nachmany I, Nakache R, Goykhman Y, Brazowski E, Rosen G, Isakov O, Wolf I, Klausner JM, Lubezky N. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2018 Oct;44(10):1619-1623. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2018.07.057. Epub 2018 Aug 2. Role of neoadjuvant therapy in the multimodality treatment of older patients with pancreatic cancer. Cooper AB, Holmes HM, des Bordes JK, Fogelman D, Parker NH, Lee JE, Aloia TA, Vauthey JN, Fleming JB, Katz MH. J Am Coll Surg. 2014 Jul;219(1):111-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2014.02.023. Epub 2014 Mar 13. Resection of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer without Regression of Arterial Encasement After Modern-Era Neoadjuvant Therapy. Kluger MD, Rashid MF, Rosario VL, Schrope BA, Steinman JA, Hecht EM, Chabot JA. J Gastrointest Surg. 2018 Feb;22(2):235-241. doi: 10.1007/s11605-017-3556-1. Epub 2017 Sep 11. A case of metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma with prolonged survival after combination of neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX therapy and synchronous distal pancreatectomy and hepatectomy. Neofytou K, Giakoustidis A, Smyth EC, Cunningham D, Mudan S. J Surg Oncol. 2015 May;111(6):768-70. doi: 10.1002/jso.23867. Epub 2014 Dec 29.
New Board leaders for Futures Housing Group A housing stalwart with more than 40 years' experience of the sector has been appointed to lead Futures Housing Group. Tony Taylor, who has been a Board Director with the East Midlands-based housing association since 2009, has been selected as the new Chair of Futures' board. Fellow Board Director, Sheila Hyde, has been appointed to the role of Vice-Chair. The pair have served in the interim roles since January 2017. Tony said: "I am delighted to have been appointed to the role of Group Chair of Futures Housing Group in this, our 10th anniversary year. "It has been fantastic to see and play a part in Futures' exciting story over the last few years and I genuinely can't wait to help lead the organisation into the next chapter. "We are recognised as a high performing and achieving organisation and I am committed to helping us build on these solid foundations." Sheila, who joined the board in 2013, added: "I'm thrilled to be appointed to the role of Vice-Chair at a time when Futures is growing and achieving high performance. "I'm really excited about the future. We have a great combination of talented teams, strong leadership, robust finances and a great appetite and ambition to take the organisation forward and to keep growing." Tony and Shelia were appointed to their new roles at the Group's board meeting, where Board Director Steve Hale was also confirmed as the Chair of the Asset Investment Committee. Steve will also serve as the Chair of the Board of Limehouse Developments, the Group's property development company.
Located in the most sought after Country Club community in Escondido, this unique 2 story home features 4 bedrooms+bonus room and 2 full baths. 2 bedrooms are on the 1st floor. Downstairs bathroom features a roman bath jacuzzi spa and a separate stone tiled shower. The gourmet kitchen features granite tiled counter top, wood cabinets and stainless steel appliances. Recessed lighting throughout. Private court yard with stamped concrete. Large driveway for RV parking. No HOA/Mello Roos.
Art | 20 Mar 2013 | By Pei-Ru Keh Gaetano Pesce unveils his first solo New York exhibition 'L'Abbraccio' (The Hug) by Gaetano Pesce, 2009. Photography: John Rohrer At the grand age of 74, Gaetano Pesce shows no signs of slowing down. In the last six months, the seasoned designer and artist has colluded with galleries around the world to present several new creations, including tables in London and jewellery in Paris. This week sees the unveiling of 'L'Abbraccio', his first solo exhibition in 25 years in his adopted hometown of New York, which will not only showcase furniture pieces, but also maquettes, lighting and rare drawings that date back to the 1970s. In inimitable Pesce style, the show, which will be held at Fred Torres Collaborations, centres on the universal themes of love and empathy that have characterised his work since the 1960s. The title piece of the exhibition is an intricate cabinet shaped in the form of an embracing couple, designed in 2009, that not only embodies the visionary designer's innate understanding of materials and colour, but his approach to figurative representation as well. 'This an exhibition about affection and positive feelings. I hope that people understand that we need to hug, to caress and to love. There's not a lot of it in contemporary life,' Pesce emphasised. 'It's so important that we do these things. It helps to provide a better view on life and that is the critical message of the exhibition.' To properly showcase the designer's multifaceted creative approach, the exhibition has been installed in three themes - Eros, Philos and Agape. The cabinet is located in the first, alongside sketches of discarded clothing and a maquette of a rag chair, which together symbolise intense passion and desire. A larger room is dedicated to Philos, fraternal love, where rare drawings such as 'Habitat for Two' and 'Commune for Twelve' take centre stage. The third room focuses on a divine and unconditional type of love, Agape. Here, pieces like '9-11 cabinet', Pesce's optimistic reaction to the 2001 tragedy (which was also his entry in the World Trade Centre Memorial competition) are displayed alongside the sculpture 'Italia in Croce', a mildly veiled commentary on the state of Italian politics today. While the profundity of Pesce's work is undeniable, it is the designer's creative versatility and skilled manipulation of materials as varied as resin, polyurethane and silicon that truly shines through. This exhibition is a worthy opportunity to see Pesce's brilliance up-close. Sketch for a modular sofa, 1986 'Flame Vase', 2012 'Italy on the Cross', 2010 '9-11 Cabinet', 2013. Photography: Sebastian Piras 'Church of Solitude Project', 1974 'Rag Chair' maquette, 1970 Fred Torres Collaborations
It seems like every time I turn around there is another holiday that in some way includes getting chocolates. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolates but there are other candies out there that deserve recognition and tomorrow it is time to celebrate the often overlooked deliciousness that is LICORICE!!! I am a lover of all flavors of licorice, yep even black licorice! YUMMMMMM! Red Vines even has a tasty grape licorice available. Thanks to Red Vines, I was able to sample their Original, Black, and Purple Grape flavors of Licorice to get myself in the mood to celebrate the big day tomorrow. I also go to sample one of the newest products from the American Licorice Company, Natural Vines. 1) More than 30,000 tons of Red Vines® (60 million pounds) are made each year—or more than 400,000 miles of licorice—enough to wrap around the Earth more than 16 times! 4) Red Vines are made with wheat (that is sweetened, flavored, and baked) so basically licorice is unleavened bread. 5) If one is looking to maintain health, and heal injuries, there is no single herb better than Licorice Root. Licorice can also quiet the appetite and reduce the desire to smoke tobacco and consume alcohol. It will increase blood flow and help a person stay alert. Did you know that Red Vines candy is the number one non-chocolate confection in the West. It is also fat-free and contains no preservatives and very low sodium. Red Vines are both kosher and vegan, making them a great snack for all to enjoy. Natural Vines are a gourmet soft licorice made from all natural ingredients,made in a nut-free facility and come in black licorice and strawberry flavor. I tried the strawberry, they were so good that I took the package to work so that I did not have to share with my husband! I'm sad I missed licorice day. And I didn't know that those vines came in grape. It's my favorite flavor! Love Red vines! Would pick them over chocolates. Love that it is fat free!
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Just ahead of a midnight deadline on Sunday, the U.S., Canada and Mexico reached a trade deal to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. President Donald Trump hailed his revamped North American trade deal and vowed to sign it by late November. But a lengthy path remains to congressional approval on an issue that has served for two decades as a political football for U.S. industrial policy and the loss of manufacturing jobs. Embracing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement during a Rose Garden ceremony, Trump branded the trade deal the "USMCA," a moniker he said would replace the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. But Trump noted that the deal would need to be ratified by Congress, a step that could be affected by the outcome of the fall congressional elections as Democrats seek to regain majorities in the House and Senate. When told that he seemed confident of congressional approval after his announcement, he said he was "not at all confident" — but not because of the deal's merits or defects. The agreement gives U.S. farmers greater access to the Canadian dairy market. But it keeps the former North American Free Trade Agreement dispute-resolution process that the U.S. wanted to jettison. It offers Canada protection if Trump goes ahead with plans to impose tariffs on cars, trucks and auto parts imported into the United States. The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) came out in support of the deal on Monday evening. "We are especially appreciative for the administration's efforts to address market access challenges with Canada for dairy, wheat and wine. NASDA has been pressing since 2014 for solutions to these challenges," said NASDA President and New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture Jeff Witte. North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (N.C.-5) voiced her support for the deal and the president. "Congratulations to President Trump and his administration on this victory for America's interests and groundbreaking achievement in securing digital trade, intellectual property and new agricultural markets. I look forward to Congress's exertion of its authority over this agreement in the coming months," she said in a statement. NAFTA reduced most trade barriers in North America, leading to a surge in trade between the three countries. But Trump and other critics said it encouraged manufacturers to move south of the border to take advantage of cheaper Mexican wages, costing American jobs.
The Public Health etc. (Scotland) Act 2008 (Commencement No. 2, Savings and Consequential Provisions) Order 2009 Next: Schedule Article 2(a) SCHEDULE 1PROVISIONS OF THE 2008 ACT COMING INTO FORCE ON 1ST OCTOBER 2009 Provision of the Act Part 1 Public health responsibilities Part 3 Public health investigations Part 4 Public health functions of health boards Part 5 Public health functions of local authorities Part 6 Mortuaries etc. Section 117 Disclosure of information Section 118 Liability of persons exercising functions Section 119 Offences by bodies corporate etc. Section 120 Penalties for offences Section 123 Meaning of "premises" Section 126 in so far as it relates to the provisions of schedule 3 to the 2008 Act mentioned below Repeals, revocations and saving Section 127 Crown application Part 1 of schedule 3, except in so far as it relates to the repeals of the 1897 Act, sections 32, 73(1), 161 and 164, the Infectious Disease (Notification) Act 1889 (c.72), the Public Health (Scotland) Act 1945 (c.15), the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968 (c.46), section 71A, the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 (c.58), section 53, the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 (c.19), Schedule 9, paragraph 4, the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994 (c.39), Schedule 13, paragraph 26 and the Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1995 (c.40) Repeals and revocations
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An adaptation of John Van Druten's play "Cabaret" premieres at Pomona College's Seaver Theatre from Oct. 26 to Oct. 29. The musical compares today's reality with Berlin's pre-World War II condition. An American writer visits Berlin, Germany and is guided through the dazzling Kit Kat nightclub, and becomes – at instances – the unwitting pawn of the rising Nazi party. The play was roused on the mainstage by the Director Giovanni Ortega, an Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance at Pomona, and the Musical Director Janice Rogers Wainwright. Cast and crew were comprised of students and a few other faculty members. The musical showcased Juan Zamudio PO '18, strapping across stage in high heels and glittery outfits as the emcee of the dreamlike night club, claiming again and again that "Life is a Cabaret." A posse of Kit Kat girls and boys in raunchy outfits follow him and their leading club star, Sally Bowles, played by Amy Griffin SC '18. In the world outside the club, an old woman (Emma Elliot SC '19), who rents out house rooms, hesitantly romances a venerable man (Roei Cohen PO '21), who brings her gifts of pineapples and pears. But this color and vibrancy is all interwoven with impenetrable skeins of social turmoil and the rise of the Nazis, as Clifford Bradshaw (Evan Fenner PO '18) and Ernst Ludwig (Tomas Negritto PZ '19) demonstrate what could happen amid a fanatically rising ideology. Life, as this musical demonstrates, is certainly not a cabaret for many of the people who, holed in a night-club, treat life like entertainment. – Written by Shringi Diva Vikram. Having directed since 2008, Director Giovanni Ortega, an Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance at Pomona College, has been putting together this year's musical "Cabaret" for the past few months. With over 80 hours of work put in for "Cabaret," Ortega noted that while the process is "exhausting, the fruits of your labor are what's most important." Even with rehearsing the equivalent hours of two semester courses every Monday through Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Ortega asserted that seeing the amount of community created behind this production was one of the biggest highlights for him. Through examining the historical context of the Nazis in Germany, Ortega hopes that the musical will enable others to "first and foremost, never forget what happened." He stressed the importance of creating "conversation, not confrontation" about the "phobia" that remains in our world today – whether that is "homophobia, islamophobia, anti-semitism, [or] racism" – in order to ensure that history does not repeat itself. Nonetheless, Ortega has brought the production alive, even from the first night of preview as he watched his work unfold, while sitting with the audience. – Written by Ariel So. In the midst of trying on their wacky Kit Kat club costumes over tech-week, five members from the large cast commented on the musical "Cabaret." Emma Elliott SC '19 (Fraulein Schneider), Tomas Negritto PI '19 (Ernst Ludwig), Hershey Suri PO '21 (Lulu), Regina Famatigan SC '21 (Fritzie), and Amy Griffin SC '18 (Sally Bowles) – discussed the implications of the show's music, their acting process, and the political space of the production. TSL: Intercollegiate theatre here does not produce musicals as often as other plays. How do you think this musical genre affected the production? AG: We made a lot of creative choices by adding new characters, such as cabaret patrons, to the storyline. I think those choices added variation and vibrancy to the musical numbers and to the show in general. I think [every] character has strong moments, if not singing, then dancing or in spoken word. TN: The songs aim to be wacky, sexual, flamboyantly choreographed, very show-like representations of different human desires. I think the audience is going to be like "what is going on?!" but will enjoy it. TSL: The play, considering its setting in pre-World War II Germany, deals with some provocative and difficult political situations. What do you think about the play's ultimate vision and its importance to you? RF: The rise of Nazism in this musical, and the way it considers anti-Semitism, racism, and homophobia can be applied to today's social and political situation. I hope the audience recognises that this same hate and apathy does exist now, that they leave the theatre dissatisfied and upset with the situation, inspired to fight it and not let history keep repeating itself… I think the show does do a good job fighting society. I appreciate so much, for example, the pure diversity of the cast members working together for the play's vision, especially being a person of colour myself. Not only is it made up of representatives from the different colleges, but it also has varying races, sexualities, religions, etc. HS: I belong to a religion called Sikhism, which is very under-represented in the colleges and in the world in general I think. People mistake it for Islam and direct Islamophobia to us as well. My family has dealt with being targeted my entire life, more intensely in the post 9/11 period.… In the play, I'm playing a similar [discriminated] side… So, playing this and simultaneously telling people that this situation is not right, is in a small way, liberating. It makes me feel like I'm doing something about all the instances of racism that I've pushed away in the past. AG: We're trying to portray every situation in a way that doesn't gloss over any part of history or present reality today – a lot of it is in your face, and horrifying, and representative of its immediacy. We've talked a lot about how to do this respectfully. I don't want anyone in the audience to feel that their identity was pushed away or misrepresented. TSL: A lot of the characters in the play uphold Nazism. How did you construct those characters? TN: I play a full-blown Nazi, who's very passionate about his politics. I felt like I had to be proud of what I was saying if I was going to have any impact in the play's overall vision. But every time, I started to put myself in his shoes and make myself a fanatic, I felt horrible inside. It was a difficult process, and I had to talk with Giovanni, our director, a lot before I felt like I was convincing. At one point in the show, I sing the Nazi anthem which basically talks about Nazi's taking over the world and everyone else dying. I've learnt to let my character embrace the song's lyrics enough to convey his beliefs – and not too much because then it gets to me pretty badly. EE: I play a woman who steps aside and lets the Nazis rise, who does not stand up to them. I think I built my version of her character by making her motive for her actions the struggle she thinks she has, and rooting her in the large part of the population that still stands in the side-lines. I had to force myself to recognise the same passivity in today's people, and in myself sometimes… I guess what I wanted this character to do was to force the audience into being honest with themselves and maybe recognise similar tendencies in themselves. HS: People usually say, "oh it's so much fun to play the bad guy", but in this show the villain is society, and we all recognise that we're living it, outside the setting of the show too. Suddenly it's not so much fun anymore. AG: A large part of the process involved just checking in with other cast members and making sure they were okay, while trying to embody these characters. TSL: What was the best part of the process for you? HS: The cast and crew are very supportive and kind. I did theatre for a long time before coming to college and this cast has been the most genuinely beautiful that I've come across. They each have a specific strength and it's made dealing with the provocative topic so much easier. I feel like the theatre department has given me some direction; I would have been kind of swimming around as a freshie still without it. RF: The creative process has been amazingly informative. This is my first experience with college theatre and I've learnt a lot about the sheer energy put into the show by every member in the cast and crew, as well as about creating my own character. Other cast members are Evan Fenner PO '18, Juan Zamudio PO '18, Layla Moehring SC '19, Jennifer Johnston SC '21, Roei Cohen PO '21, William Chen PO '18, David Linn HM '20, Jay Pier PO '21, Kyle Lee PO '20, Simon Westley PI '19, Angelica Chun PO '21, Emily Dauwalder PI '20, Emma Belle Kolbrener PI '21, Sasha Scudder SC '21, Megan Gratke SC '19, Mia Kania SC '19, Claire Pukszta SC '19, Jake Smith PO '19, Tiffany Zhou PO '21, and Jefferson Konah PI '21. In addition to the talented cast and backstage crew of "Cabaret," there are three people involved in stage managing, who are just as crucial to the show's success: assistant stage managers Madeleine Kerr HM '20 and Akari Ishida PO '20, as well as head stage manager Ross Wollman PO '18. The three are there for all the rehearsals, helping with auditions and communicating with the cast. Kerr described them as "the bridge between the rehearsal space and the rest of the production team," including costume, set, lighting, and sound. During the show, these three work their magic backstage. The stage manager calls the cues, while the two assistant stage managers ensure that all the actors are entering at the right time with the props they need and that the stage is set up for each scene. Participating in theater requires a great deal of commitment and dedication. Rehearsals for the musical run from 6:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. every day of the week, but as assistant stage manager, Kerr usually arrives 30 minutes before to help set up, and stays behind to clean up and lock up the theatre afterwards. "So, it's a little a lot," she laughs. For Kerr, opening week was also midterm week – she had three midterms to study for in the midst of the show's final preparations. "I've had to sacrifice a lot of things like cleaning my room or spending time with other people … I just study the whole time," she admitted. Though Kerr participated in theater in high school as an actor, this is her first time participating in a production role at Pomona College. Being part of the crew, "you get to see all the different aspects come together, and especially as an assistant stage manager, that is sort of unifying," Kerr said. As "Cabaret" is finally unveiled over the next few nights, Kerr said that her only small concern is the audience's reaction. "The energy of an audience can make or break a show, [but] I think the cast members love each other so much that their mutual energy will uplift each other," she said. Hopefully, after preview and opening night, they will have a better idea of what to expect. – Written by Jaimie Ding. Behind the scenes of "Cabaret" is the incredible work put into costume, makeup, and set design work – which all contribute to ensuring a beautiful, seamless final production. Costume and makeup designer for "Cabaret," Devon Horn PO '18, is in charge of how all the cast members look from head to toe. She drew, designed, and sewed each of the costumes from start to finish through her own creative production. In the costume shop, Horn does her part in contributing to the construction of all of the costumes. She has to make sure that all of the costumes not only fit the story and other character's costumes, but with the actors' bodies. Horn has been working in theater since middle school and has been designing costumes for herself for even longer. As a theater major, she is doing this work for "Cabaret" as her senior thesis project – as she hopes to go into a career in costume design. "Cabaret" is the first main stage production her costumes have been featured in. "It's really hard to do a show, especially a musical, without costumes," Horn said. She explained that costumes are important to the production because they help actors get into character, put the show into historical context, and make the show feel more real. Cabaret has been harder for Horn than other productions that she has been involved in, mainly because of the sheer volume of the show – with more than 100 costumes involved. The fact that this show touches on issues that are important and central to people's lives makes it feel more important to Horn, but also puts a lot of pressure on her. "We have Jewish actors who are in the show who have to wear Nazi armbands, being sensitive of that [is a challenge]," Horn said. Elliot Joyce PZ '18 – a stagehand working in both tech and set for the "Cabaret" – has been working in theater for over eight years and, like Horn, is a theater major. Joyce plays an essential for "Cabaret," as the show, according to Joyce, invovles a lot of props that need to be in the right place at the right time. Joyce's favorite part of any show are "the 'Aha!' moments when a scene that you've been working on for a long time goes perfectly," Joyce wrote in an email to TSL. For Joyce, having an audience see that for the first time is rewarding. "You can perform to an empty room as many times as you like, but the thrill of knowing there's people watching you live is intense," Joyce wrote. The historical context that "Cabaret" exposes is important, according to Joyce. "[The plot] is set against the rise of Nazi Germany and touches on very dark but important issues … 'Cabaret' has a lot of resonance for current times … When I saw the ending, I was floored," Joyce wrote. – Written by Molly Edison.
I saw, the founder of the Pathways program, Paula Barrett, speak last Friday at the Generation Next Conference. Some very exciting work in building resilience in kids and adults to things like anxiety and depression. Apparently 1:5 of us are born psychologically sensitive to Anxiety, but up to our early teens only 50% of those will show signs of Anxiety. If left unchecked, by the time these kids move through the 14 to 25 age group, up to 80% will experience Depression and Anxiety and a range of other symptoms. Building skills in resilience is like 'vaccinating' yourself. Migraines & Carbohydrates - do they mix?
Yesterday was clear, with clouds moving in as I write these Notes. Today's weather will be cloudy, with a temperature falling to around 18 by 5pm. West wind 8 to 14 mph, with gusts as high as 26 mph. Total daytime snow accumulation of less than one inch possible. Tonight: isolated snow showers before 8pm, then a slight chance of snow after 5am. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 7. Wind chill values as low as -6. West wind 14 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 32 mph. Garrett Regional Medical Center (GRMC) is holding a (healthcare) Uniform and Shoe Sale today from 7:00 am – 3:00 pm. The sale will be in their dining area on the lower level. If you or someone you know is in the healthcare field, this is an opportunity to stock-up on some good fashions. Bambi asked me to include this one: The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is seeking public comment on the state's management of white-tailed deer. The input will be used to help revise the state's 15 year deer management plan. Here's the link to the DNR information. Note that there is a related public briefing in Frostburg on February 6th. It's Team Trivia at Mountain State Brewing Company in McHenry this evening from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. There are prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Not to be outdone, Moonshadow in McHenry is hosting their Trivia Night from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm this evening, with discounts on drinks and other goodies for you. This is an interesting article from the American Bird Conservancy that reports the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is leading an effort to consider birds in their planning of wind energy development off the shores of California. Efforts under the plan will include using site-specific research and predictive mapping, among other approaches. While California and the Pacific is far away, I thought our readers might find it interesting due to Garrett County's own wind projects. Enjoy. This photo of Deep Creek Lake is shared from Christian Mullin! Chris' company does prints; can you imagine this printed on metal? We just heard from Carol Riley-Alexander that the Board of Garrett County Commissioners will not conduct a Public Meeting on Monday, February 4th as previously announced. On that date the Board will meet in Administrative Session to review administrative matters. The next scheduled Public Meeting will now be held on Tuesday, February 19th, 2019. We are very fortunate to have a strong, engaged, active health department in Garrett County. We just received this press release from the Garrett County Health Department's Public Information officer Diane Lee. I thought I would include in its entirety for our readers as it is important. Weather forecasts warn of extreme cold weather continuing over the next several days with single digit and below zero temperatures expected. Wind chills as much as 20 below zero may occur! Extreme cold increases the concern for seniors, children, and homeless persons. Anyone engaging in outdoor activities (especially children) should be carefully monitored for frostbite and hypothermia. This may NOT be the time for outdoor activities…persons should have full protection of winter clothing, hats, gloves and boots if possible. –Neighbors should check on elderly neighbors and others who live alone. –All pets/animals should have warm shelter or be brought indoors even in the daytime. *For cold weather emergencies, call 911. *Persons needing emergency fuel assistance can call Community Action at 301-334-9431 (after hours, call 301-334-1926). *Persons needing emergency shelter, call Department of Social Services at 301-533-3000. *For assistance with pets or stray animals, call Garrett County Animal Shelter at 301-334-3553. *Not sure who to call? Citizens may call the Garrett County Public Safety/Emergency Management non-emergency line at 301-334-1929 for assistance.
Franky is about a boy, Sam, who's obsessed with robots. Sam is certain that robots really exist and that they live on a planet far away. He thinks one day they'll come to visit, but nobody believes him... except for Franky. 'Franky' is a story about imagination, about believing and being believed but also about friendship and letting go. I had so much fun illustrating all the robots, and especially Franky. The challenge was to give him character and expression purely through gesture and position.
Home The Latest Bush's Propaganda Offensive for Iran War Bush's Propaganda Offensive for Iran War by Matthew Rothschild The denials out of the Bush Administration are hardly encouraging. I'm talking about Iran now, the next frontier of Bush madness. John Negroponte, testifying before Congress on Tuesday, responded to a question from the ever more attractive Chuck Hagel, who asked: "Do you think we are drifting toward a military confrontation with Iran?" Negroponte responded: "I don't think that has to be, Senator," and adding some blather about preferring to resolve things peacefully. Beware the recycled blather from the Bush hot air machine that cranked so much propaganda out before the Iraq War. But that's just recycled blather from the Bush hot air machine that cranked so much propaganda out before the Iraq War. Bush and his cronies constantly mentioned that they wanted a peaceful resolution, while all along war was in the works. On ABC News Tuesday, Bush did the same shuck and jive, saying "Nobody's talking about" invading Iran. Here Bush may have been slicing the baloney pretty thin. His plans, according to Seymour Hersh of The New Yorker, are for bombing Iran, not invading. But that Bush wants regime change in Tehran there should be no doubt. John Bolton, who barely has cleared out his desk at the UN, just told reporters in France that the only solution in Iran is "regime change," though he denied it was Administration policy. Meanwhile, there's more hype every day about Iran's role in Iraq, the most recent being the allegation that Iran was behind the killing of five Americans in Karbala on Jan. 20. The evidence for the allegation was flimsy—simply that the assault was "sophisticated." As Professor Juan Cole points out for Salon, we should take Bush's claims about Iran's role in Iraqi assaults on Americans "with a large grain of salt." He explains: "To begin with, some 99 percent of all attacks on U.S. troops occur in Sunni Arab areas and are carried out by Baathist or Sunni fundamentalist (Salafi) guerrilla groups. Most of the outside help these groups get comes from the Sunni Arab public in countries allied with the United States, notably Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies. Washington has yet to denounce Saudi aid to the Sunni insurgents who are killing U.S. troops. Meanwhile, the most virulent terror network in Iraq, which styles itself 'al-Qaida in Mesopotamia,' has openly announced that its policy is to kill as many Shiites as possible. That the ayatollahs of Shiite Iran are passing sophisticated weapons to these, their sworn enemies, is not plausible." But it is these kinds of allegations that Bush will use to widen the Iraq War to Iran. Unless we and Congress stop him. Dispatches Foreign Policy Militarism Republicans Propaganda Iran Matthew Rothschild Prior to joining the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign at the start of 2015, Matt worked at The Progressive magazine for thirty-two years. For most of those, he was the editor and publisher of The Progressive. Read more by Matthew Rothschild
Hewlett-Packard's latest Chromebook is aiming squarely at the back-to-school market. The newly updated Chromebook 11 G5 is a Cloud-centric 11.6-inch, 2.5-pound laptop that will run all Android apps via a touchscreen for a bare-bones price of $189. The G5 features a slimmed-down design with narrower display bezels, thinner and lighter dimensions than previous generations, and the promise of up to 12.5 hours of battery life. The G5 is the first of HP's 11.6-inch diagonal Chromebooks to offer a touchscreen. It is driven by a gaming- and video-friendly Intel Celeron N3060 processor and runs Google's OS, which is expected to enable apps from the Google Play Store later this year. HP said its engineers took feedback from teachers and students using Chromebooks in the real world to refine the next generation of devices. Specifically, they aimed to make the latest version of the G5 more durable and user-friendly for students. It will be available through channel partners starting in July and slated to hit retailers' shelves the fall.
Q: Execute AppleScript without opening the editor Every time I want to run an AppleScript the editor pops up. Is there a way to run it directly? A: Under macOS High Sierra 10.13 there is no File / Save as. You must use File / Export / File Format: Application A: How the script is saved has a big effect on how it will operate in Mac OS X. It sounds like your script is just saved as a script and that is what is causing the script editor to open every time you open the script. To solve the problem, open the script in the AppleScript editor and save it as an application. That should to the trick. The steps are (in the editor) File > Save As > then set File Format to application then save. A: When saving the script, you can choose "Application" from the File Format dropdown; then you will be able to run it, and you will still be able to drag it to Script Editor to open the script; or you can choose Run Only so it won't save the editable version. Alternatively, you can use the osascript command in Terminal, either as osascript /path/to/script or osascript -e "a short script here". A: You can also place the script in your ~/Library/Scripts/Finder/ folder and run it directly from the Script menu. A: Another way is to create a Service in Automator which use osascript command to run a .scpt in Finder. (I am not using Automator in English so the wording may not be accurate) * *Launch Automator *File > New, and select Service *In "Service Accepts:" select "File or Folder" *In "Location:" select "Finder.app" *Search "Run AppleScript" and drag the item to the right hand side *In the Run AppleScript box, enter the following code: on run {input, parameters} tell application "Finder" --get the selected file set selectedItem to (item 1 of (get selection)) --get location info (folder:file format) set fileLocation to (selectedItem as alias) as string --replace : with / with subroutine set the semifinal to my replace_chars(fileLocation, ":", "/") --remove Macintosh HD with subroutine set the theFinal to my replace_chars(semifinal, "Macintosh HD", "") end tell do shell script "osascript " & "\"" & theFinal & "\"" return input end run on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string set the item_list to every text item of this_text set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string set this_text to the item_list as string set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" return this_text end replace_chars *File > Save, and give it a name like "Run AppleScript" *Now you can right-click a .scpt file in Finder and select "Run AppleScript" and see your script executed. Reference: Source of subroutine - AppleScript: Essential Sub-Routines
Parlux Fragrances is suing Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter over his failure to promote the Gold Jay Z cologne which the company makes, and seeks US$20 million. Parlux alleges that Carter failed to make six promotional appearances since Gold Jay Z's launch in October 2013, and has made none. Allegedly, he failed to appear on Good Morning America and at Macy's, and did no promotion on social media. Parlux also alleges that he kept his $2 million up-front royalty fee, despite backing out of promoting the cologne. It is also alleged that he kept five prototype bottles, with solid gold caps, that had cost Parlux $20,000 each to make. The company also says that Carter was meant to approve, in October 2014, three new fragrances, but none have been signed off. Parlux seeks the return of the royalty fee, 300,000 shares in Perfumania, US$18 million in compensation, and the cancellation of the contract from the entertainer, claiming it has lost millions in sales and development costs. In the papers it has filed at the Manhattan Supreme Court, Parlux notes that it met repeatedly with Carter's business manager, Desirée Perez, but never received substantive feedback from either Carter or his management team.
Mass rallies and police data leak in Belarus keep pressure on Lukashenko (Reuters) - More than 100,000 people marched through Minsk on Sunday on the sixth straight weekend of protests against President Alexander Lukashenko, keeping up the pressure on the veteran Belarusian leader to quit. Many walked in a vast column that stretched back several kilometres, decked out in red-and-white opposition colours and chanting 'go away' as helmeted riot police patrolled the streets with water canons on hand, a witness said. Several protesters were dragged away from the crowd by security forces (Reuters) - More than 100,000 people marched through Minsk on Sunday on the sixth straight weekend of protests against President Alexander Lukashenko, keeping up the pressure on the veteran Belarusian leader to quit. Many walked in a vast column that stretched back several kilometres, decked out in red-and-white opposition colours and chanting "go away" as helmeted riot police patrolled the streets with water canons on hand, a witness said. Several protesters were dragged away from the crowd by security forces. In the city centre, riot police rhythmically beat their shields as a warning sound while several people threw glass bottles at them. Videos shared by local media outlets showed security forces in helmets or masks hauling protesters off the streets in simultaneous protests in other cities. The eastern European country was plunged into turmoil following a presidential election last month that Lukashenko says he won by a landslide but the opposition says was rigged. In power for 26 years, the former Soviet collective farm manager has shown scant inclination to resign, buoyed by support from Russia. The European Union vowed weeks ago to impose sanctions on Minsk for alleged election fraud and human rights abuses, but is likely to miss its own Monday deadline for action. POLICE DATA LEAKED In tandem with the protests, anonymous hackers leaked the personal data of 1,000 police officers in retaliation for a crackdown in which thousands of people have been detained, many complaining of beatings and torture in jail. The government has denied abusing detainees. The loyalty of the security forces is crucial to Lukashenko's ability to cling on to power. Their faces are often obscured by masks, balaclavas or riot helmets. Some protesters have torn the masks off some officers. "As the arrests continue, we will continue to publish data on a massive scale," said a statement distributed by the opposition news channel Nexta Live on the messaging app Telegram. "No one will remain anonymous even under a balaclava." The government said it would find and punish those responsible for leaking the data, which was widely distributed on Telegram channels on Saturday evening. "The forces, means and technologies at the disposal of the internal affairs bodies make it possible to identify and prosecute the overwhelming majority of those guilty of leaking personal data on the Internet," said Olga Chemodanova, the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. STRATEGIC BUFFER At least 80 people were detained across the country on Sunday, the human rights group Spring-96 said. The Russian news agency TASS said at least ten people had been held, citing police. The government typically releases the final figures the following day. Footage shared by Belarusian media outlets showed police dragging people from the front of a column of protesters who had linked arms in the western city of Brest, and firing spray from a bottle into the face of one of them. One security officer fired a warning shot into the air in a separate incident. Metro stations were closed in central Minsk and the mobile internet disrupted for several hours. The government said 390 women were detained for taking part in a protest on Saturday. Most have been released. Minsk reacted angrily on Saturday to reports that Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the leading opposition candidate in last month's election, could soon meet EU foreign ministers. Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also criticised the EU for inviting Tsikhanouskaya to the ministerial meeting as well as for considering sanctions against Minsk, saying Brussels was trying to "rock the boat" in Belarus. Russia sees Belarus as a strategic buffer state against the EU and NATO, and has accused the United States of fomenting revolution in its neighbour. Moscow agreed to give a $1.5 billion loan to prop up Lukashenko's government following a meeting between him and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Belarus will channel about $330 million of its new loan to cover its outstanding debt to Russian gas giant Gazprom, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov was quoted by TASS as saying. (Reporting by Andrey Ostroukh in Moscow; Writing by Matthias Williams; Editing by Alex Richardson and Philippa Fletcher)
On April 3rd 1942, an important event quietly happened at a Government Hospital on Lagos Island. A mother delivered her second child, a son, after twenty years of being barren. This mother, an Owu indigene, had left her place of domicile in Idogo, a border town in today's Ogun state Nigeria. Idogo held an indelible place in her mind. She had been previously married to a husband with whom she had no children. In what can be described as a diplomatic rather than amicable resolution, she was let out of that 20-year marriage so that her husband could have children. She had gone to hide 'her shame' in Idogo, where her older siblings lived. In that same Idogo town, she met the man who will father her two children; her first son whom she named Ebenezer Remilekun Aremu Olasupo Fabiyi is better known today as Chief Commander Obey. At 75 years, Obey's fruitful life as come to a full circle. Obey, better known in his later decades as a Christian evangelist, will be remembered for his exploits in Juju music. For those unfamiliar with Juju music, it is that brand of music that rose into unparalleled popularity in south-western part of the oil-rich-and-fresh-out-of-civil-war Nigeria. The widespread popularity of Juju music can be partly attributed to the duo of King Sunny Ade and Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey. Now both in their 70s, these two dynamic musicians have aged rather gracefully and have continued to champion the course of a genre of music which they charted as young men. Obey's music career began expectedly as a young man in church. He lent his voice to hymns, cantatas and divine praise songs as a young vocalist. Fate paved his path out of Idogo to Lagos where he began his tutelage to becoming an accomplished musician. That journey led to playing with a lot of notable musicians including the Agidigbo exponent, the late Fatai Rolling Dollar, whom he played with for about six years. Obey formed his first band called Royal Mambo Orchestra in 1957 but it was not until 1964 did he score his first Juju hit. Obey was a prolific musician whose sound has evolved over the years many times to suit the era and explore the diversity of Juju music. His early offerings had the markings and influences of Highlife music; in fact, one of his most evergreen hits, Ori Bayemi, borrows its tune from Rex Lawson's Twi number, Jolly Papa. In the 60s, Obey was doing what he called a fusion of Juju and Highlife music. Perhaps the most accomplished song from this period is that love song, Paulina, named for the lady with whom he had a seaside exchange with. The coincidence of Obey's scenic encounter and the fascinating experience of Victor Uwaifo with a mermaid at the marina is catching. If Uwaifo's response in his fantastic tale was to flee, Obey's impulse was to subtly woo Paulina so that he can wife her. The song Paulina, less than 3 minutes, is a Juju gem with rhythmic and robust melody scaffolding a burst of local percussion. The song entirely structured in a call-to-response format enjoins participation in a love-at-first-sight story where a man's visual percept becomes a life fixture in an effortless manner of dance and prayers. Quite expectedly, Obey's style moved away from short and set pieces that the rpm technology dictated to the more expansive orchestra-like medleys of the 70s. One of his funkiest releases at this time was "Board Members", a big hit throughout Nigeria and one of his most memorable tunes. Juju music is typically soulful and mid-tempo but Obey's style was deliberately mellower as years passed. He calls his style of Juju, Miliki, an onomatopoeic adjective that probably derives meaning from the Anglophonic word, "Meek". Obey began to tell expansive and subtly didactic stories that span the entire length of his medleys. Perhaps the most accomplished song of this era—The Horse, The Man and The Son—was a delightful parable about how satisfying mankind was a herculean if not impossible task. Obey's brand of Juju music, in being mellow and reflective, became more interested in becoming a social conscience. The message of Obey's music, even before he became an evangelist, had a subtle charge to listeners to be good to themselves and each other. In the early '80s, Obey released a series of albums that took care of all social events that the party-loving Yorubas engaged in. This was quite timely because Juju music fell out of popularity on account of the rise of Fuji music as well as an economic decline that sharply contrasted the oil boom of the '70s that ensured Obey had become a superstar millionaire. The 90s found Ebenezer Obey in the church where he consecrated himself to God. He began his own ministry where he used both song and sermon to win souls for Christianity. Although he kept waxing albums at this time, the music began more somber than mellow and intensely preoccupied with Christian themes. At 75, Chief Commander Obey has more than 100 albums to his name and he has sons who, like him, make music. He has left indelible footprints in our national consciousness.
If you believe you are experiencing gender discrimination in the workplace, read your employee handbook if you have one. While it is not, strictly speaking, a contract, courts often hold employers accountable when they violate the terms of their own employee handbook. If your employer failed to discipline discriminatory behavior on the part of your supervisor, if they didn't handle your complaint according to their own stated policies, or if they ignored behavior their own handbook identifies as unacceptable, they could be financially liable. For more information regarding how a Cincinnati sexual discrimination lawyer can help you and what needs to be done to protect your rights in an Ohio gender discrimination lawsuit, contact Robert A. Klingler Co., L.P.A. today.
Develops a new low-cost method to turn waste into manure, formulates neem based vermicompost manure, uses recently introduced 'Jai Gopal' earthworms instead of African origin Eisenia fetida. Besides, he is working on a variation in vermicompost manure that shall safeguard the farmland from the termites. All these inventions and positive changes in existing techniques are being done by a young lad, Mr. Prateek Bajaj. "Vermicompost manure is certainly a boon for the soil and environment. It is now being accepted by farmers across the country. Yet I wanted to make it even more impactful and accessible to the farmers so that they get as many benefits as possible from vermicompost," he adds. Mr. Prateek, started his entrepreneurial venture Sehyogi Biotech in 2015 after taking a formal training at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, IVRI Izatnagar. His farm is located at Pardholi village, Bareilly district, Uttar Pradesh. Sehyogi Biotech is one stop to meet all the requirements related to vermicompost such as training, guidance, vermiculture, vermicompost manure and research. "We sell our vermicompost manure under the brand name 'Ye-Lo Khaad'. In the beginning to prepare vermicompost Mr. Prateek was using hybrid earthworm Eisenia Fetida but later when IVRI Izatnagar developed Indian earthworms 'Jai Gopal' he was quick to make the switch. "It is always better to use Indian breeds over the hybrid varieties. Jai Gopal (Perionyx ceylanesis) earthworms are developed by Indians, for Indian soil and respond well to the Indian climate. I find it more beneficial over the foreign origin earthworms as its reproduction rate is much higher, sustains well upto 43o Celsius, longer lifespan, voracious feeder and performs extremely well in summer as well as winter," he asserts. Jai Gopal earthworms are sold by Sehyogi Biotech at Rs. 180/kg. "We sell the worms at the price lesser than the Government price because we want more and more people to take up vermicompost. I want to create a chain of vermicompost producers and users with the ultimate objective to replenish the damages in environment and put a stop to the use of chemicals in farming. So that the health of our countrymen improves and farmers earn more," he states. Every Indian farmer should prepare vermicompost manure on their respective fields strongly feels Mr. Prateek. Considering financial and space constraint of small and marginal farmers, he invented 'pot method' for making vermicompost. In this method he uses an earthen pot instead of a bed thus the capital investment is bare minimum that includes cost of worms and pot. Besides earthen pot is ideal for preparing the compost because the worms get complete darkness and the required moisture level is maintained without any hassles. "To prepare the compost we fill the pot with 10 kg mud press and add 300-400 gram earthworms. The mouth of the pot is covered. Once in a week diluted neem extract/water is sprinkled to keep it moist. After 45-60 days fine vermicompost manure is obtained that doesn't need any filtration," he elaborates. In this system any kind of bio-degradable waste can be used. In order to make vermicompost manure a self-reliant farming input, "I thought of inducing neem in the compost. I wanted to utilize the medicinal properties of neem in vermicompost so that crops get the required nutrients for routine growth as well as protective cover from the pests and diseases. To do so in 90% cow dung, 5% wholesale market waste and 5% neem leaves and seeds are added to make vermicompost," he says. In one quintal mix of compost 3 kg earthworms are added that prepares the manure in 2 months. In one kg there are approximately 800-1000 worms. Vermicompost promises good supply of nutrients to the crops and also improves the resistance through neem but "I wanted to add some more features to it. Commonly we see termite is major threat to the crops. Therefore to resolve the issue of termite with vermicompost I have added a friendly and natural bacterium in the compost. This bacterium infused vermicompost manure shall safeguard the crop from termites. It has been tested and results attained are excellent. Soon it shall be launched commercially," he reveals. Mr. Prateek doesn't confines himself for earning money by selling the vermicompost manure and Jai Gopal earthworms instead he wants more and more people from farming community to join the movement. Therefore he provides 2-days training on vermicomposting and stays connected with all the participants forever. "We are just a phone call away! We want to wipe out the use of chemicals in the farming and to do so we will keep improving the vermicompost process and expand producer network. Vermicompost has all the potential to bring the desired change!" he signs off. 100 Greater Akash Colony, Near Hartman college, Bareilly – 243122, Uttar Pradesh.
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La reacció de PAS (àcid periòdic – reactiu de Schiff, en anglès: Periodic Acid–Schiff) és una tinció emprada en la contrastació de preparacions microscòpiques. Fou desenvolupada per Hotchkiss i McManus a finals de la dècada de 1940. La tinció de PAS es caracteritza per tenyir els carbohidrats i macromolècules riques en carbohidrats. Aquesta tècnica de coloració histològica s'usa per a detectar glicogen a les cèl·lules, mucositats i mucílags en diferents tipus cel·lulars i tissulars (p.ex.: pell, paratiroides, múscul esquelètic i cardíac o glàndules suprarenals), la membrana bassal subjacent als epitelis i les fibres reticulars del teixit conjuntiu. També és útil per caracteritzar alguns tipus de neoplàsies, fongs i/o glicogenosi. Amb petites modificacions, permet avaluar el contingut en polisacàrids dels limfòcits existents a sang perifèrica. Fins que l'ús dels mètodes immunohistoquímics i d'anàlisi biomolecular es va generalitzar, la tinció era emprada en el diagnòstic i prognosi de determinades leucèmies, com ara la leucèmia limfoblàstica aguda o certs subtipus de leucèmia granulocítica, ja que els limfoblasts de la LLA i els eritroblasts tenen un patró PAS-positiu característic. Tenyeix els grànuls intrahepatocitàris propis de determinades malalties del fetge (hepatitis per dèficit d'alfa-1-antitripsina, hepatitis autoimmunitària o hepatopatia alcohòlica). Si és emprada per tenyir fongs (com l'Histoplasma capsulatum o el fong dimòrfic Sporothrix schenckii, que causa l'esporotricosi), cal fer una comparació amb un control positiu conegut. És un bon mètode per diagnosticar onicomicosis en Dermatopatologia, a més d'altres patologies cutànies com triquilemomes, hidradenomes, poromes ecrins o cilindromes (un tumor particular de les glàndules sudorípares ecrines). És una tinció que pot substituir a la immunofluorescència directa en l'estudi de malalties autoimmunitàries de la pell, pel fet que la majoria d'autoanticossos són glicoproteïnes. De vegades, amb aquesta tinció és difícil diferenciar certs fongs dels components de les estructures tissulars que els envolten (en especial dels grànuls interiors de les cèl·lules reticuloendotelials, de la mucina del tracte respiratori o dels glicolípids neuronals). Una opció per millorar el nivell de contrast en les preparacions histològiques és substituir l'àcid periòdic per l'àcid cròmic, ja que la paret de molts fongs és rica en grups 1,2-glicol, els quals així es tenyeixen amb més intensitat que la major part dels components del tall de teixit observat. Alguns autors anomenen aquest mètode tinció de CAS (chromic acid-Schiff). Una altra opció per identificar amb claredat els 1,2-glicols és utilitzar la modificació llarga de Lillie. Durant molts anys, fou la tinció d'elecció més econòmica per identificar les infeccions genitals per Chlamydia trachomatis en grans sèries de mostres clíniques. Quan la tinció s'utilitza de forma prèvia en el context d'una tècnica histoquímica per quantificar el glicogen muscular, provoca una degradació de dit polisacàrid que altera greument els resultats; per això, no és un mètode recomanable a l'hora de realitzar aquest tipus d'estudis i és convenient emprar altres procediments millorats. Una particularitat que cal tenir molt en compte a l'hora d'interpretar els resultats d'aquesta tinció és el fet que tenyeix intensament els grànuls de midó. Això pot provocar equívocs importants, ja que el midó de blat de moro forma part de molts guants d'examen o quirúrgics (o del seu lubricant) i pot contaminar fàcilment qualsevol mostra o peça operatòria, creant falsos "microorganismes". La reacció química es produeix quan l'àcid periòdic trenca la unió dels anells de les hexoses i de les hexosamines amb els seus carbonis adjacents, i després en forma grups aldehid. El reactiu de Schiff el que fa és donar un color porpra quan reacciona amb els grups aldehid. Aquest reactiu s'obté a partir de la fucsina bàsica, tractada amb àcid sulfurós o àcid clorhídric i disulfit de sodi o disulfit de potassi. Aquesta tinció és una alternativa a les tècniques d'impregnació argèntica basades en la plata metenamina. Combinada amb la tinció de Wright-Giemsa fa més fàcil identificar microscòpicament les diferències entre determinats patògens amb morfologia i manifestacions clíniques similars. S'ha desenvolupat una versió optimitzada per estudiar diferents tipus de mostres en microplaques d'assaig colorimètric, especialment útil en la quantificació de mucines. Es pot combinar la tinció de PAS i la de blau alcià per tenyir amb matisos les mucines neutres i les àcides. Per diagnòstics d'especial complexitat, com ara la tipificació de neoplàsies pulmonars d'origen desconegut, es pot afegir a la PAS/blau alcià una doble tinció immunohistoquímica anti-TTF-1 (factor de transcripció tiroïdal-1) i anti-napsina A, aconseguint avaluar així simultàniament quatre característiques histològiques en un mateix tall de teixit. Una variant, la tinció de PAS-diastasa (PAS-D), és utilitzada en anatomia patològica per diferenciar el glicogen de la mucina. Té especial interès en l'estudi de biòpsies hepàtiques derivades de malalties molt concretes (carcinoma anficrí, sarcoma embrionari hepàtic, hepatitis neotatal o per dèficit d'alfa-1-antitripsina), en la diferenciació histopatològica de determinades neoplàsies del teixit epitelial glandular biopsiades amb PAAF, en la determinació de certes característiques del mesotelioma maligne o per identificar la metaplàsia en els adenomes duodenals. En el cas dels malalts per dèficit d'alfa-1-antitripsina, els depòsits de glicogen es veuen com glòbuls brillants de color magenta en els hepatòcits de localització predominantment periportal, i són més grans i més nombrosos en la forma homozigòtica de la malaltia. S'ha utilitzat eficaçment per diagnosticar lipofuscinosis ceroides neurals (una malaltia genètica neurodegenerativa que afecta a nens i adults joves) en biòpsies cutànies de malalts afectes, ja que tenyeix les característiques inclusions intracitoplasmàtiques en els ductes de les glàndules exocrines de la pell. També ajuda a distingir entre la proliferació de cèl·lules de Sertoli en testicles criptorquídics i altres processos hiperplàsics de naturalesa tumoral. Determinats seminomes poden ser PAS negatius i PAS-D positius. Alguns autors consideren la PAS-diastasa un mètode útil per diagnosticar la diabetis, tenyint amb ella citologies exfoliatives de la mucosa oral. Cal tenir en compte que el procés de digestió amb diastasa requereix una dissolució amortidora fosfatada d'un pH 6.0 per ser plenament efectiva. Emprar aigua no és gens aconsellable en aquesta tinció. Els fixadors tissulars de preferència per aconseguir una tinció de bona qualitat són la solució de Bouin o el formol diluït (4-10%). Si els talls histològics estan fixats amb la solució de Zenker és imprescindible treure els cristalls de clorur de mercuri emprant iode i una efectuar una neteja de les preparacions amb tiosulfat sòdic. Altres factors que poden provocar incorreccions en la tinció amb PAS-D són: la inactivació del reactiu diastasa per caducitat o una baixa concentració d'aquest en el preparat, una temperatura inadequada de les solucions abans de la digestió i un període de digestió massa curt. Una altra variant és la tinció de PAS-metenamina (anomenada també tinció de Jones), especialment útil per avaluar les membranes basals dels túbuls i glomèruls renals. Permet mesurar el gruix de la matriu mesangial i de la làmina basal glomerular en malalties com la diabetis o la nefropatia membranosa. A banda de les seves aplicacions diagnòstiques en medicina, aquesta és una tinció molt emprada en fitotècnia i bromatologia. Els especialistes en viticultura la utilitzen per avaluar els efectes dels fil·loxèrids. Substàncies PAS + • Polisacàrids simples: glucogen, cel·lulosa, etc. • Mucopolisacàrids neutres: presents a les cèl·lules de Brunner del duodè, a l'epiteli gàstric i a les parets de determinats bacteris. • Mucoproteïnes: mucines del tracte digestiu i del tracte respiratori, tiroglobulina, hormona TSH, gonadotrofines, cossos de Russell de les cèl·lules plasmàtiques i megacariòcits. • Glucoproteïnes del sèrum, de les membranes basals o de les fibres de reticulina. • Glucolípids: gangliòsids i cerebròsids. S'observen cúmuls PAS+ a molts tipus de teixits en persones que pateixen una malaltia per dipòsit lisosòmic. En el cas concret de la malaltia de Fabry, a més de la positivitat a la tinció els cúmuls són birefringents, sent destacable l'afectació de la microvasculatura renal, dels miocardiòcits i de les cèl·lules del sistema de conducció atrio-ventricular. • Alguns pigments: certes lipofucsines i el pigment ceroide, característic del fetge. La presència de grànuls PAS+ intraneuronals es pròpia de les ceroidolipofuscinosis (un grup de malalties hereditàries autosòmico-recessives). Substàncies PAS - Algunes substàncies, tot i que són carbohidrats no es tenyeixen amb la tinció. • Mucopolisacàrids àcids: tenen bloquejats els enllaços 1 i 2 glicol per grups -SO3H (sulfònics) o -COOH (carboxi) i no poden ser oxidats per l'àcid periòdic. Alteracions relacionades amb aquests compostos són pròpies de la síndrome de Maroteaux-Lamy o de la síndrome de Hunter. Referències Bibliografia Enllaços externs PAS Stain Protocol. University Centre Harlow. 24 de juny 2015 (en anglès) Tinción de Ácido Periódico (prueba). Bravo Tahá, NA. 18 de maig 2015 (en castellà) PAS Glicòmica
Fleas are the most common dog and cat parasite and flea allergy dermatitis is the most common skin disease of dogs and cats. Allergic signs include itching, hair loss, redness and open or scabbed sores. Fleas are also primarily responsible for passing along tapeworms to dogs and cats, one more reason to be proactive in their prevention. Heavy flea populations may even lead to life threatening anemia, especially for the young. Fleas are such a challenge because they multiply rapidly and like most insects have the ability to rapidly adapt to their environment, including available insecticides. As expected, the newest products tend to be the most effective and they too will yield eventually to the next generation of flea control products. We will discuss the flea life cycle, flea control measures and some flea control products available at this time. There are over 2000 species of fleas and only two that are typically found on pets in North America, Ctenocephalides canis, the dog flea, and Ctenocephalides felis, the cat flea. In the US, the cat flea is by far the most common for both dogs and cats and accounts for almost all the domestic pet flea population. Some people make references to sand fleas which are not pet parasites and really are not fleas at all; they are small orange amphipods found along the beach and hence their other name, the beach flea. The reference to sand fleas probably comes from finding fleas in sandy outdoor areas and inappropriately referring to them as sand fleas. warmth and humidity to propagate, hence the most severe flea infestations typically occur during the summer months. The newly hatched worm-like larvae move to protected areas where it is dark. They love carpets, bedding, upholstery and rugs and don't do very well on hard surfaces such as tile, linoleum and hardwood floors. Larvae feed on organic debris and the food of choice is flea feces; essentially undigested dried blood that passes right through the adult flea and is deposited on the host. Adult females can eat up to 30 times their weight in blood per day and excrete up to six times their weight daily. These dried blood packets often take the shape of a comma (,) and are frequently referred to as "flea dirt". A flea infested pet is like a giant salt shaker, sprinkling eggs and packaged blood meals wherever they go. The larvae grow and molt twice, finally spinning a cocoon where they become pupae. The larval stage lasts an average of 12 days. Larvae are susceptible to insecticides, insect growth regulators (IGR's) and borates. The now formed pupa or cocoon stage is slightly sticky, helping it to pick up debris from the surroundings and blend in very nicely becoming nearly invisible. This is the most resistant stage of all, the cocoon wall is very protective and the next chance to interrupt the flea life cycle will be as an adult flea. This is also the reason that adult fleas may be seen for days to weeks after a good flea control program is put into place. The pupa takes about nine days to mature and may remain in this stage for several months. Almost instant hatching is stimulated by heat, vibrations and increased carbon dioxide – telltale signs that a host and a warm meal are nearby. This is why it is common for a family to return from a stay away from home and walk into a flea frenzy. The pupae have had time to mature and are waiting to hatch until they know a victim is within their reach! The new adults instantly begin to feed, mate and the cycle starts all over again. The entire cycle can complete in as little as two and a half weeks. No wonder fleas are so hard to control! Understanding the flea life cycle is essential to knowing how to control these prolific parasites. Modern topical and oral flea products alone may be enough to control the problem and at times it is necessary to treat the premises as well. For indoor pet flea control, treating the yard can sometimes be helpful and generally outdoor treatment contributes only slightly to overall control. Control measures should be concentrated on moist areas such as mulch and shaded areas like under trees, bushes and shrubs. If pets are housed outdoors then the shelter should receive the same control measures as used in a home. There are a number of products available for area treatment in the form of granules and sprays. To avoid excess insecticide exposure don't allow your pet to traffic treated areas until the granules have been watered in or the spray has had time to dry. Treat at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer and always read and follow label directions carefully. Over 90% of the flea cycle is in the environment, only about 5% of the cycle is on the pet. Treating the premises then can be critical to an efficient eradication of these unwanted guests. Start by vacuuming the floors several times a week. The vacuum physically removes many flea eggs, larvae and pupae while the vibrations from the beater bar help to cause the pupae to hatch to adult fleas – effectively shortening the life cycle and producing an adult that can now be controlled with insecticides. Spray or fog the house once or twice at two week intervals and possibly again in four to six weeks. Select a product that has both an insecticide and an IGR for a one-two punch and then as always, follow the label directions closely. Sprays are preferred over foggers because the spray can be directed where the product is needed like under beds, nightstands, couches and in closets. Foggers do not reach all areas in equal concentrations and objects like beds serve as an umbrella not allowing the fogger mist to reach the floor beneath. Foggers also require removing or properly protecting fish tanks, removing plates etc from cupboards and all people and pets must vacate the area for a time; sprays do not carry the same restrictions. Wash all pet bedding weekly. There is no need to worry about any special laundry treatment – fleas and their eggs won't survive the typical washer and dryer cycles. If the bedding can't be washed or dry cleaned then replace it. Don't be surprised to see some fleas for the next two or three weeks. These are likely the pupae stage hatching to adults. Don't panic and spray the house again, continue the vacuuming to remove the fleas you can and to stimulate the hatching. The new hatches will at least shorten the time you will need to continue the house treatment and remember that the pupae cannot be killed with any currently available house treatments. Flea sprays and dips have been largely replaced with the newer and effective topically applied products. Generally speaking, there will only be a few special circumstances when a spray is indicated (such as a Frontline® Spray) so our discussion will not include them. If the flea problem is mild to moderate then applying a good topical product may be all that is needed. Remember that seeing fleas for a while does not mean the product is not working; these fleas are probably young, newly hatched fleas that have just hitched a ride. The better topicals will reduce the flea population on the pet by 90%+ within 24 hours and be nearly 100% effective in another 24 hours. The flea kill is not however instantaneous; the flea does need to be exposed to the product for a short time before it is lethal. This time requirement coupled with newly hatching fleas early in the eradication period causes many people to believe the treatment is not working and thus they suffer undue frustration. When the flea population is heavy then premise control is mandatory and additional steps may be added as well. Bathing can be very beneficial in giving the pet some relief and washing away flea dirt, flea eggs and some adult fleas. Bathing is not however a significant contribution to the overall flea eradication program due to a lack of residual protection. Bathing can actually diminish the effectiveness of the topical flea control by removing much of the oil from the skin that is the "transportation system" so to speak for most topical products. For many topical flea treatments bathing should not be done for at least one day prior or one day after application. Capstar® is an oral product that kills fleas completely and quickly, in as little as 30 minutes and lasts for 24 hours. It can be used in dogs and cats as young as four weeks of age. One option is to bath the pet and use Capstar® for the first couple of days combined with household or premises treatment then follow up with a residual topical that will last for the next 30 days. This product also has some unique applications such as administering prior to visiting a dog park or dog show and prior to surgery, boarding, or grooming. It is not a preventive and not commonly used as a long term control product. There are many choices of effective flea control products available to today's pet owner. Always read and follow label directions and do not use dog-only products on cats! The best flea control program is always a good flea prevention program!! Below is a partial list of available spot on flea products. The list is not all inclusive and does cover the majority of frequently used products currently on the market. Permethrins are not to be used on cats! With all the products on the market now, there is NO EXCUSE to have your pet suffer from fleas. This entry was posted in Cats, Dogs, Grooming, Products.
​Contact Us : 3-3014 Henderson Hwy East St. Paul, MB eaststpaulphysio@hotmail.ca © 2018 East St. Paul Physiotherapy. Craig Hodkinson, BMR (PT), BPE Owner, Physiotherapist Craig was born and raised in St. James (Winnipeg, Manitoba) and graduated from Westwood high school in 1994. He began his university career that fall at the University of Manitoba. Craig completed his Bachelor of Physical Education in 1998 and was accepted into the School of Medical Rehabilitation that same year at the University of Manitoba. Craig began his physiotherapy career in July of 2001 at the Grace Hospital. After six months he travelled to Australia to travel and work. Craig worked as a physiotherapist in Alice Springs, Australia for four months as an in and out-patient therapist. He returned to Winnipeg, Manitoba in the fall of 2002 and began working in a private physiotherapy clinic in Stonewall, Manitoba. Craig worked there for almost eight years before becoming the co-owner and primary therapist at East St. Paul Physiotherapy. Craig volunteers annually at events such as the Physio Fit Run. Kristy Blain, BMR (PT) Kristy was born and raised in North Kildonan and graduated from River East Collegiate in 1995. She began her university career at the University of Winnipeg before being accepted into the Faculty of Physiotherapy. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with her Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation – Physical Therapy in 1999. Upon graduation she worked at Seven Oaks Hospital in both inpatient and outpatient capacities. Since the fall of 1999 she has worked at a private practice physiotherapy clinic in North Kildonan. In 2000, Kristy was able to start performing acupuncture after completing all the necessary curriculum and examinations through the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada and has pursued post graduate courses through the Orthopaedic Division of Manitoba. Kristy currently lives in North Kildonan with her husband and two young sons. She enjoys vacationing with her family and spending time in the Whiteshell with friends and family in the summer. She also likes to make time for volunteer opportunities with her sons school and their sporting teams. Danielle Bially MPT, BA-Kin Danielle graduated with her Masters of Physical Therapy from the University of Manitoba in 2016. Prior to this she received her Bachelor degree majoring in Kinesiology from the University of Winnipeg in 2014. Danielle has always been an active individual, and realized her passion for physiotherapy at a fairly young age after pursuing many years of competitive gymnastics. With many overuse and sport injuries under her belt she has developed a keen interest in exercise prescription and lifestyle modification to help return to function and sport. When not treating clients in the clinic, she can be found exploring parks and trails around the province, practicing yoga, going to the gym and enjoying time with friends and family. Danielle is very dedicated to the profession of physiotherapy. She believes that no two injuries are exactly alike and will take the time to customize treatment to ensure each clients individual needs & goals are achieved. She is enthusiastic, personable and loves the problem-solving component of being a physiotherapist. Danielle loves seeing clients accomplish their goals & the positive impact physiotherapy can have on one's quality of life.Danielle will be joining our team at East St. Paul as a physiotherapist. Megan Miller, RMT Megan graduated from Stonewall Collegiate Institute in 2010. Shortly after she moved to Selkirk, Manitoba, where she spent many years in the customer service industry. This is where she realized her passion for working with the people. After experiencing an injury firsthand and feeling the positive effects of massage therapy, she decided to enroll in a massage therapy program in 2015. Megan graduated from Robertson College in June 2017 with honours and began her career. Megan has volunteered her time at Siloam Mission, Walk for Arthritis,and Nine Circles and looks forward to continuing to do so. In her spare time, you can usually find Megan fishing, camping, or attending concerts with her friends and family or working on home renovations. Amy Plustwa Justin Serrette Administration & Physio Assistant Sophie Lam Melissa Sipinski
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5 Easy Summarizing Strategies for Students milanvirijevic / Getty Images Kris Bales Kris Bales is a long-time homeschool parent. Since 2009 she has reviewed homeschool curricula for providers like Alpha Omega, Apologia, and All About Learning Press. Summarizing means identifying the main idea and most important facts, then writing a brief overview that includes only those key ideas and details. Summarizing is a vital skill for students to learn, but many students find it difficult to pick out the important facts without providing too much detail. A good summary is short and to the point. The following easy summarizing strategies will help your students choose the correct details from the text and write about them clearly and concisely. Somebody Wanted But So Then "Somebody Wanted But So Then" is an excellent summarizing strategy for stories. Each word represents a key question related to the story's essential elements: Somebody: Who is the story about? Wanted: What does the main charter want? But: Identify a problem that the main character encountered. So: How does the main character solve the problem? Then: Tell how the story ends. Here is an example of this strategy in action: Somebody: Little Red Riding Hood Wanted: She wanted to take cookies to her sick grandmother. But: She encountered a wolf pretending to be her grandmother. So: She ran away, crying for help. Then: A woodsman heard her and saved her from the wolf. After answering the questions, combine the answers to form a summary: Little Red Riding Hood wanted to take cookies to her sick grandmother, but she encountered a wolf. He got to her grandmother's house first and pretended to be the old woman. He was going to eat Little Red Riding Hood, but she realized what he was doing and ran away, crying for help. A woodsman heard the girl's cries and saved her from the wolf. SAAC Method The SAAC method is another useful technique for summarizing any kind of text (such as a story, an article, or a speech). SAAC is an acronym for "State, Assign, Action, Complete." Each word in the acronym refers to a specific element that should be included in the summary. State: the name of the article, book, or story Assign: the name of the author Action: what the author is doing (example: tells, explains) Complete: complete the sentence or summary with keywords and important details This method is particularly helpful for students who are learning the format of a summary and need reminders to include the title and author's name. However, SAAC does not include clear guidance about what details to include, which some students might find tricky. If you use SAAC with your students, remind them of the types of details that belong in a summary before instructing them to work independently. Here is an example of SAAC in action: State: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" Assign: Aesop (a Greek storyteller) Action: tells Complete: what happens when a shepherd boy repeatedly lies to the villagers about seeing a wolf Use the four SAAC cues to write out a summary of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" in complete sentences: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," by Aesop (a Greek storyteller), tells what happens when a shepherd boy repeatedly lies to the villagers about seeing a wolf. After a while, they ignore his false cries. Then, when a wolf really does attack, they don't come to help him. 5 W's, 1 H The Five W's, One H strategy relies on six crucial questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. These questions make it easy to identify the main character, important details, and main idea. Who is the story about? When did the action take place? Where did the story happen? Why did the main character do what s/he did? How did the main character do what s/he did? Try this technique with a familiar fable such as "The Tortoise and the Hare." Who? The tortoise What? He raced a quick, boastful hare and won. When? When isn't specified in this story, so it's not important in this case. Where? An old country road Why? The tortoise was tired of hearing the hare boast about his speed. How? The tortoise kept up his slow but steady pace. Then, use the answers to the Five W's and One H to write a summary of in complete sentences. Tortoise got tired of listening to Hare boast about how fast he was, so he challenged Hare to a race. Even though he was slower than Hare, Tortoise won by keeping up his slow and steady pace when Hare stopped to take a nap. First Then Finally The "First Then Finally" technique helps students summarize events in chronological order. The three words represent the beginning, main action, and conclusion of a story, respectively: First: What happened first? Include the main character and main event/action. Then: What key details took place during the event/action? Finally: What were the results of the event/action? Here is an example using "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." First, Goldilocks entered the bears' home while they were gone. Then, she ate their food, sat in their chairs, and slept in their beds. Finally, she woke up to find the bears watching her, so she jumped up and ran away. Give Me the Gist When someone asks for "the gist" of a story, they want to know what the story is about. In other words, they want a summary—not a retelling of every detail. To introduce the gist method, explain that summarizing is just like giving a friend the gist of a story, and have your students tell each other about their favorite books or movies in 15 seconds or less. You can use the gist method as a fun, quick way to practice summarizing on a regular basis. Friendly and Fun Improvisation With Fairy Tales How a Narrative Arc Structures a Story Aesop's Funniest Fables How to Write a Character Analysis The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault Understanding Exposition in Literature Fairy Tales and Fables Printables Children's Stories About Hard Work Falling Action in Literature Rising Action in Literature How to Summarize a Plot What Is a Written Summary? How to Boost Reading Comprehension With Reciprocal Teaching The Best Read-Aloud Books for Elementary Students 5 Easy Activities for Teaching Point of View Modern Fairy Tales for Teen Girls
Q: How to change this api results to a Jtable format? Can some please help me understand how to achieve this? // The Query is done through an API & then the results are returned however they get clustered. try { QBC qc = new QBC("user@gmail.com", "P@ssw0rd"); Vector<Vector<String>> evec = new Vector<>(qc.doQuery("xyz","1", "5","4,5,6","10" )); String Results = evec.toString(); jTextArea2.setText(Results); // Need to learn to print this data to table } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane, e); } The code works now after changes try { QBC qc = new QBC("user@gmail.com", "password", "https://domain.com/api/", "token"); Vector<Vector<String>> evec = new Vector<>(qc.doQuery("bjp43iquh","1", "5","4,5,6","10" )); Vector<String> columnNames = new Vector<>(); columnNames.addElement("Column1"); columnNames.addElement("Column2"); JTable table = new JTable(evec, columnNames); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table ); Component add = jInternalFrame1.add( scrollPane ); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane, e); } } but get an exception now>>>>>>> java.lang.Class.CastException:java.util.HaskMap cannot be cast to java.util.Vactor<<<<<<<<< A: Vector<Vector<String>> evec = new Vector<>(qc.doQuery("xyz","1", "5","4,5,6","10" )); Your data is returned in a Vector or Vectors. This is a perfect data structure for using a JTable. Vector<String> columnNames = new Vector<String>(); columnNames.addElement("Column1"); columnNames.addElement("Column2"); ... JTable table = new JTable(evec, columnNames); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table ); frame.add( scrollPane ); Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Tables for more information and working examples.
Learn where to find 'Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' & 'Marvel's Agent Carter' at SDCC! Wondering what "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." have been up to all summer? To prepare for its fall return at the new time of 9:00 p.m. ET Tuesday nights, Comic-Con International will be hosting a panel with all your favorite agents to talk about "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Marvel's Agent Carter"! On Friday, July 25, prepare yourselves for the Marvel Television Presents panel, moderated by Jeph Loeb, Marvel's Head of Television, which promises exciting news and fun surprises for fans! Join Jeph and "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Executive Producers Jed Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen and Jeffrey Bell, along with cast members Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson), Ming-Na Wen (Melinda May), Brett Dalton (Grant Ward), Chloe Bennet (Skye), Iain de Caestecker (Leo Fitz) and Elizabeth Henstridge (Jemma Simmons). Plus, learn more about midseason series "Marvel's Agent Carter" with Executive Producers Tara Butters, Michele Fazekas, Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely and Louis D'Esposito and series star Hayley Atwell ("Marvel's Captain America: The First Avenger"), in this can't miss Q&A panel that will take you behind the scenes and into the future of Marvel's live action television series. And don't forget to check out Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at its new time of 9:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday nights this fall to find out who you can trust, who you can't, and more on just what's going on with Coulson!
Tag: University of Passau "Languages live through the people who speak them" Kathrin Opielka graduated from our Integrated Masters in International Management and Intercultural Studies – in partnership with the University of Passau – in 2015. Originally from Germany, she is now living and working in Scotland and has sent us the following post about her experiences in Stirling and beyond. "I have always enjoyed discovering the unknown, adapting to new, unfamiliar situations and questioning my perspective on what I have taken for granted. I think many language and culture students will agree with me that the fascination of this subject lies in its ever-changing, dynamic nature. Languages live through the people who speak them, through literature, art, and conversations. And is there any better way to learn and experience a language than through being surrounded by it every day? During my studies, I have focused on English, Spanish, Polish and French as foreign languages. I was lucky enough to spend a couple of months in both Spain and Poland during my B.A. and was eager to live in an English-speaking country for a while. When I heard about the International Management and Intercultural Studies programme between the universities of Passau and Stirling, I knew immediately that it would be perfect for me. Not only did the University of Stirling offer excellent academic courses such as Spanish language, translation, politics, and management; it also meant that I would be able to discover this exciting country and vividly experience the Scottish culture! My expectations of the programme were not only met, but highly exceeded. The level of care and guidance by the university staff and professors were exceptional, and I loved every single class I took during these two semesters. Also outside university, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the Scottish country and hospitality of its people. I started to understand the Scottish saying "visitors of Scotland cry twice – once when they arrive, and once when they leave". Albeit I heroically managed the first incident of crying (the weather really wasn't exactly in my favour when I arrived), it soon became clear to me that I wouldn't be able to face good-bye yet. I fell in love with and in Scotland, and after I graduated in May 2015, I decided to move to Edinburgh. I started working in bars and cafés and was grateful for the translation classes I took in Stirling as I was freelancing as a linguist for Global Voices on my days off. I thoroughly enjoyed translation work but was concerned by the volatile nature of freelancing – I had hoped that the times of all-nighters would have been history after the point of me graduating. After a couple of months, I found a great graduate position in a small, multilingual marketing agency in Edinburgh. Even though I only stayed there for three months due to the office being re-located to Barcelona (yes, I love Scotland THAT much), it was an amazing stepping stone into the industry and enabled me to gain some experience in various sides of digital marketing. I soon realised that I wanted to specialise in content marketing as it would allow me to combine my interests in creative writing, marketing, psychology and language. I am now working as an Inbound Marketing Campaign Executive at Storm ID, a digital transformation consultancy in Edinburgh. My job is extremely diverse and creative; I am involved in both strategic campaign planning and operational, day-to-day activities such as blogging, social media marketing, and SEO. Most importantly, I am learning something new every day. Writing in English has helped improve my language skills significantly (although I still drink the occasional "litter of water") and I am additionally enrolled at Google Squared through my company, an amazing part-time online course focusing on digital marketing and leadership. As language graduates, there are many opportunities to apply our skills and knowledge in the professional world. I have discovered a niche in marketing which allows me to make use of my creativity and passion for writing but there are many other industries which require intercultural communication skills. I definitely have found my place for now, although I haven't given up on my plan to do a PhD in the field of Indigenous Cultures in South America – a topic I discovered in a seminar held by Dr Sabine Dedenbach Salazar-Sáenz in Stirling. I am sure that the experiences I gathered both at the University of Stirling and in my current job will help me pursue this dream sometime in the future and am excited about those yet to come." Many thanks to Kathrin for sending us this blog post and we hope life in Scotland continues to treat you well! sabine dedenbach-salazar saenz University of Passau Today is the first day of the new academic session at Stirling. To those starting out on our Semester 1 modules, whether in our 'Advanced' stream or as a Beginner, welcome to French at Stirling and we're looking forward to getting to know you over the semesters ahead. To those returning to Years 2, 3 or 4, welcome back. We hope you've had a good Summer and, for those just back from English Language Assistantships or Semester 6 Abroad, we're looking forward to hearing all about it. As ever, we're also welcoming visiting students from a range of different places so whether you're a Francophone Erasmus student or a non-Francophone exchange student taking some of our modules, we hope you enjoy your time with us. We'd also like to welcome this year's cohort of students from Passau on our International Management and Intercultural Studies integrated Master's programme and, this year, we're also welcoming our first group of students on our Translation and Interpreting double degree with Hebei Normal University in China. Alongside our undergraduate students, it's also the start of the new academic year for students taking our Translation TPG programmes with French and for some new PhD students, working under the supervision of French at Stirling colleagues. More about them very soon but, in the first instance, welcome (back!) to Stirling. Plenty more news to share about events coming up this semester, from French Film Festival screenings in partnership with the MacRobert to European Day of Languages celebrations and much else besides but we wanted to post a rentrée message before the day is out! More blog posts to follow soon… Hebei Normal University French at Stirling News Round-Up Another new semester is well underway with lots of French-related news to report… Welcome, first and foremost, to our new intake of Year 1 students – whether you're starting from our 'Advanced' stream or in our Beginners' classes, whether you're here to study French with Human Resource Management or Education, with Spanish or Mathematics, with English or with Business Studies, welcome to Stirling! And a particular welcome to those of you here as part of our double degree partnership in International Management and Intercultural Studies with the University of Passau – we hope you enjoy your year in Scotland! On the staff front, following the retirement of our former Language Assistant Bernadette Corbett, we're delighted to welcome Mathilde Mazau to French at Stirling. Mathilde previously worked at the University of Glasgow and will be teaching spoken and written language classes across all years of our undergraduate programmes, working alongside Brigitte Depret. And welcome back, of course, to our Year 4 students returning from Study Abroad, readjusting to life in Stirling after a semester at Sciences Po in Paris, in Perpignan, Limoges, Clermont-Ferrand or elsewhere, and to Year 3 students coming back after a year on the British Council's English Language Assistantship scheme! As ever, a new group of Stirling students are about to embark on a year as English Language Assistants as part of the British Council-run scheme so best of luck to them and we look forward to hearing about your year when you come back. We've also got around 20 students waiting to find out in the next week where they'll be spending their Semester Abroad in Spring 2016… Following on from an extremely interesting workshop organised by our Language Coordinator Jean-Michel DesJacques and led by Petra McLay of SCILT focusing on the transition from Higher French to University French just before the start of semester, we have a whole range of French-related events to look out for over the coming weeks and months. The Africa in Motion Film Festival – founded by former French at Stirling PhD student, Lizelle Bisschoff – celebrates its 10th anniversary this year and the packed programme of events (screenings, exhibitions, concerts and much more) can be found here. As part of the Division of Literature and Languages' regular research seminar series, we're particularly looking forward to two papers by colleagues from the University of Aberdeen and the University of Glasgow later in the semester. Ed Welch (Aberdeen) will be giving a talk entitled 'Image, Imagination and Power: Visualising Urban Futures in Post-war France' on 25 November and Jackie Clarke (Glasgow) will give a paper entitled 'Consumer Culture in Post-war France' on 2 December. And our own Bill Marshall will be giving a paper on 21 October on 'The Uses of Prehistory', developing work he conducted during his recent research leave, a project for which he has also been awarded funding via a British Academy Small Research Grant with a Stirling workshop coming up over the next few months. Bill's success as one of the joint recipients of the Prix du Québec from the British Association of Canadian Studies will also enable him to go to Montreal in early 2016 to conduct research for an edited book on Quebec Cinema: Texts and Contexts, and on Quebec bande dessinée for an article on images in that medium of the First French Empire. French Programme Director Cristina Johnston and her Spanish counterpart, Ann Davies, have been successfully awarded Cohort Development Funding by the Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities for a series of workshops aimed at Modern Languages PhD students on 'Writing for an Interdisciplinary Audience'. The workshops will take place at the Universities of Edinburgh, St Andrews, Stirling and Glasgow, involving colleagues from all those partner institutions. More details will follow in due course. Stirling staff remain as active as ever in giving papers and keynotes at various locations throughout the UK and well beyond. David Murphy is giving a seminar on 'The Performance of Pan-Africanism' at the University of Edinburgh in November 2015 and Bill Marshall will be delivering a keynote lecture at the World Cinema and Television in French conference at the University of Cincinnati in September 2016. Bill will also be giving the annual Christianson Lecture at University of Bristol in March 2016. Elizabeth Ezra will be introducing and leading a discussion with director Jean-Pierre Jeunet at St Andrews University in October 2015 and has been invited to give a talk in November at the University of Aberdeen on her forthcoming book, The Cinema of Things. And Jean-Michel DesJacques continues to represent Stirling at regular UCMLS meetings throughout the year. Following the successful EIAE Conference in Glasgow earlier this month, we're also continuing to look at our range of Study Abroad partner institutions with a view to expanding our network. In this context, we were delighted to welcome colleagues from the Ecole de Management de Strasbourg to our campus, as well as colleagues from our partners ESSEC at Cergy and the Ecole de Gouvernance et d'Economie in Rabat and we're looking forward to welcoming Annie Birks (Université Catholique de l'Ouest) in October to give a paper to our Translation students. We're also really looking forward to finding out more about our students' French Society events for the coming year and will be posting more about them over the weeks and months ahead. And there'll be plenty of events organised for French students coming up too, including a get-together for future and returning Study Abroad students from Stirling as well as visiting French and Francophone exchange students, and an employability event organised by Frances Sessford from Publishing Studies with a range of participants talking about what to do with a degree in Languages. And last but not least, on the teaching front, we've got option modules running this year in French Crime Fiction, Quebec Cinema, The French Atlantic Slave Trade and the Cinema of the Fantastic and, for the first time, we're offering an option module in Translation Theory at Honours level. French at Stirling staff will also be contributing teaching to a range of Stirling TPG courses including Translation Studies, Translation with TESOL, Gender Studies and our Film Studies programme. Lots more news and updates to follow! Ecole de Gouvernance et d'Economie LIzelle Bisschoff University of Clermont Ferrand University of Limoges University of Perpignan New Student Exhibition Strictly speaking, this isn't a 'French' exhibition but one of the students involved is in Stirling on our double degree in International Management and Intercultural Studies, run in partnership with the University of Passau, which happens to be 'housed' in French at Stirling so… Visitors to the Pathfoot Building are welcome to stop off at the Student Exhibition space behind the Porter's Lodge to see the new exhibition 'Coca is not cocaine – The traditional use of the coca leaf in Peru and Bolivia.' The exhibition has been created by Kathrin Opielka (our double degree student!) and Eva Molpeceres, working with Dr Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Saénz, and it seeks to challenge preconceptions and misconceptions of an ancient custom and to shed light on the incredible richness of a voiceless practice. The chewing and other traditional uses of coca leaves have been an instrument of communication and reciprocity in the Andean people's culture for centuries. However, Western influences have given a different meaning and value to coca-related products. Why can't we think of the word 'coca' without images of cocaine or "Coca-Cola" (both Western creations) coming to our minds? The exhibition is on until August 2015. April 1, 2015 February 22, 2016 Literature and Languages Summer news It's hard to believe that a month has already passed since Stirling's graduation ceremonies and the great speech by our honorary graduate, film director, critic and programmer, Mark Cousins. Honoured for his outstanding contribution to Scottish cinematic culture and to the reception of global cinemas across Scotland, Mark was introduced by French Programme Director, Cristina Johnston, and brought the ceremony to a close with the following: 'Let's be generous, let's be glamorous, let's be a bit wild!' What better advice for a graduating class?! Semester has now well and truly ended, and staff and students are busy with their various and varied summer activities, so this is really just a chance to report on some recent French at Stirling news. Firstly, congratulations to Charlotte Cavanagh who has just completed her second year with us and who has been awarded a Stevenson Exchange Scholarship for 2014-15 when she'll be in the Bordeaux region working as an English Language Assistant. The Stevenson Scholarship is highly competitive and awarded to students across all the Scottish Universities so this is great news! Charlotte's plan is to use the funding to help her examine 'the popularity of foreign languages in France during a time where there seems to be a decreasing number of students in Britain who study languages. I will also compare the French education system and way life to the Scotland. I hope that the skills and information I obtain from my research around this topic will help broaden my horizons and help with my dissertation in fourth year. I hope that the scholarship will enable me partake in recreational activities to meet new people and to travel around France as much as possible. Having only visited Paris and Nice before, I am excited to have the opportunity to visit and explore other regions of France.' Congratulations, too, to Fraser McQueen and Rachel Taylor who both graduated last month and who were the recipients of prizes for their exceptional performances over the course of their degrees. We wish them both all the very best in their future endeavours. There will be a couple of changes in staffing for the coming year in French with the arrival of our new Language Assistant, Brigitte Depret, and the departure of our colleague Jason Hartford. Brigitte will be involved with teaching our 1st and 2nd year students, in particular, and Jason is off to take up a post at University of Ireland, Maynooth. Best wishes to both! We're looking forward to setting up a new Erasmus exchange with Blaise Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand over the course of the coming months, too. Laurence Gourievidis, Senior Lecturer in Modern British History at Clermont, visited Stirling in the Spring semester and Jean-Michel DesJacques, our Language Coordinator and Study Abroad Advisor, had a very successful trip over there after teaching ended, so everything is well on track for a new partnership. We're also in the process of renewing our long-standing partnerships with the University of Passau and the Ecole de Management in Strasbourg, with both of whom we run double degree programmes in International Management and Intercultural Studies. Finally, some summer reading from Stirling colleagues: David Murphy has a new article in Francosphères, co-authored with Ferdinand de Jong and entitled 'Archiving the Postcolonial City'! July 25, 2014 February 22, 2016 Blaise Pascal University Clermont-Ferrand Ecole de Management Strasbourg English Language Assistantship Jason Hartford Laurence Gourievidis
Due to the demand of service technicians for irrigation systems, Reinke Manufacturing, of Deshler, has partnered with the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA) in Curtis to create an irrigation technician training program. Ken Goodall, regional sales director for Reinke, was responsible for spearheading the program along with Ron Rosati, NCTA dean, and Scott Mickelsen, NCTA associate dean. The program has been several years in the making and this semester, the first students will graduate from the program. The training is referred to as an area of concentration: more than a certification program but not a degree. Reinke is an international, leading manufacturer and provider of irrigation systems and parts. According to Goodall, the demand for service technicians is so high right now that a student could tell Goodall where he wanted to live and Goodall could find him a job anywhere in the U.S. "We have 200 plus dealerships and I bet we could employ 200 service techs tomorrow," said Goodall. While in the training program, students learn everything from structural to electrical to controls to wiring and "everything it takes to work on center pivots," said Goodall. The program will be beneficial to both dealerships and students. "With a dean scholarship and matching funds by Reinke and a host dealership, kids could go to NCTA with full ride and come out with a guaranteed job," said Goodall.
Places We Protect Blue Wall Preserve South Carolina Blue Wall Preserve © Cara Chancellor/TNC The Nature Conservancy acquired the Blue Wall Preserve in 1997. ALERT/JANUARY 2023: Heavy rains in the Upstate have created a small sinkhole on Pennell Road, just past the pedestrian bridge, that leads to our Blue Wall Preserve. Please take care to avoid this hazard while hiking the preserve and use the trails at your own risk. The Blue Wall Preserve is part of a mosaic of protected parcels that cover approximately 20,000 acres within the Blue Ridge Escarpment of the Southern Appalachians. With its abrupt rise in elevation and abundant rainfall, the Southern Blue Ridge Escarpment is one of the most ecologically important areas in the eastern U.S. The preserve was designated as an Important Bird Area by the Audubon Society; 114 different bird species have been observed on the preserve. There is a variety of natural plant communities, including hardwood uplands, Virginia pine succession forest stands, saturated southerm shrublands and open-water lakes. There is also a majestic waterfall along the trails. The Cherokee called the Blue Ridge Mountains the "Blue Wall." Standing at The Nature Conservancy's Blue Wall Preserve, looking 1,400 feet up the Southern Blue Ridge Escarpment to views of Hogback Mountain and surrounding peaks, one can see how the preserve earned its nickname. This 575-acre preserve, named for this view, is part of a larger collection of 22,000 acres of conserved land that provide clean drinking water, quiet recreation and protection of ecological diversity in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. We are working on eradicating invasive plant species on the Blue Wall Preserve, including Chinese privet, kudzu, multiflora rose, English ivy, princess tree and Tree of Heaven. We also maintain a partnership with the Palmetto Conservation Foundation (PCF), which helps us update kiosk information and maintain trails. The PCF has established a part of the Palmetto Trail crossing South Carolina on the Blue Wall Preserve. The Nature Conservancy is grateful to the Duke Energy Water Resources Fund for supporting road repairs at Blue Wall that improve water quality and benefit people and nature. Northeast Greenville County View Directions | Open in Maps Explore our work in this region From Greenville/Hwy 25: From the intersection of Hwy 25 and Hwy 11, head east on Hwy 11 towards Gowensville. Drive approximately 9.5 miles and turn left onto Oak Grove Road. This is roughly 1 mile past the entrance of the Cliffs of Glassy development. Go approximately 5.5 miles on Oak Grove Road and turn sharply left onto Lake Road, just past the Oak Grove Baptist Church. Follow Lake Road for approximately 1.2 miles and come to a dead end at stop sign. Turn left onto Lakeshore Road. Go 0.4 miles and turn left onto Dug Hill Road. At 0.2 miles, turn left onto Pennell Road Please park in the upper parking area and walk down Pennell Road to the Palmetto Trail and kiosk. From I-26: Exit I-26 onto SC Hwy 14 (Exit No. 1). Follow SC Hwy 14 west towards Landrum for 2.6 miles. Turn right onto Mountain View Road. Go approximately 1 mile to a stop sign. Continue straight through the stop sign onto Belue Mill Road. Drive approximately 1 mile and turn right onto Oak Grove Road at the fire station. Follow Oak Grove Road approximately 0.9 miles. Turn right onto Lake Road. Drive approximately 1.2 miles and come to a dead end at stop sign. Turn left onto Lakeshore Drive. At 0.2 miles, turn left onto Pennell Road. The preserve is located in northeast Greenville County near Lake Lanier and minutes from Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve. Ample parking is available at the parking area located on Pennell Rd. Please be advised that the next parking area available for the Palmetto Trail access is ~ 10 miles. Part of the trail near the ponds on Blue Wall Preserve is collapsing. This section of trail has been flagged. Please use caution when hiking through this area to avoid stepping in holes. We will repair the trail as soon as possible. Palmetto Trail at Blue Wall: Enjoy a 2.7-mile easy one-way hike along the Blue Wall Passage of the Palmetto Trail. Those wishing to continue on the Palmetto Trail to Vaughn's Gap will encounter a more strenuous 1.5-mile hike upon leaving the Blue Wall Preserve. Waterfall Trail: 1 mile up the Palmetto Trail from the Pennell Rd. parking area, hikers have the opportunity to take a 0.7-mile hike around the north side of the pond for a nice view of a waterfall. This trail joins back up with the Palmetto Trail at the south end of the pond. The public is invited to enjoy the preserve during the daylight hours. While at the preserve we ask you to please respect the site and follow these guidelines: Stay on designated trails Keep pets on a leash and clean up after them No camping, fires or cookouts No bicycling No use of motorized vehicles Dispose of all trash (no dumping) Do not disturb wildlife or plants No drug or alcohol use No horseback riding Birds Observed on the Preserve: Canada goose, turkey vulture, American crow, blue-headed vireo, red-eyed vireo, broad-winged hawk, wood thrush, mourning dove, brown thrasher, chimney swift, Carolina wren, ruby-throated hummingbird, downy woodpecker, Carolina chickadee, pileated woodpecker, tufted titmouse, Acadian flycatcher, American goldfinch, eastern phoebe, northern parula, blue jay, black-throated blue warbler, scarlet tanager, yellow-rumped warbler, American redstart, worm-eating warbler, oven bird, Louisiana waterthrush, hooded warbler, Eastern towhee, rose-breasted grosbeak, northern cardinal and red-winged blackbird.
5 monumental works in the magnificent JW Marriott Venice park. An event held in conjunction with the 56th Venice Biennale. Copies of the catalogue, "Mostra Sculture nel Parco" (Sculptures in the Park Exhibition) will be distributed at the JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa. This highly appreciated volume contains all the images and critical texts referring to the sculptures scattered around the park. The catalogue, published in Italian and English, contains a large number of images of the presentation of the exhibition and the inauguration of the gallery in the beautiful setting of Isola delle Rose, at the presence of art historian and critic, Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.