#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import copy from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime,timedelta import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import numpy as np import random import pandas as pd import subprocess from pickle import dump,load from predictor.utility import msg2log from clustgelDL.auxcfg import D_LOGS,log2All from canbus.BF import BF DB_NAME="canbas" """ DB in repository. DB fields are following: """ DT="Date Time" DUMP="Dump" MATCH_KEY="Match_key" METHOD="Method" PKL="PKL" REPOSITORY="Repository" MISC="Misc" DB_COLS=[DT, DUMP, MATCH_KEY, METHOD, PKL, REPOSITORY, MISC] # number of randomly generated 'no signal' bits in bit stream INSERTED_NO_SIGNAL=5 # phy layer state SIG_ = 0 SIG_0 = 1 SIG_1 = 2 #transtions T__ = 0 # no signal to no signal SIG_ -> SIG_ T_0 = 1 # SIG_ -> SIG_0 T0_ = 2 # SIG_0 -> SIG_ T_1 = 3 # SIG_ -> SIG_1 T1_ = 4 # SIG_1 _> SIG_ T00 = 5 # SIG_0 -> SIG_0 T01 = 6 # SIG_0 -> SIG_1 T10 = 7 # SIG_1 -> SIG_0 T11 = 8 # SIG_1 -> SIG_1 TAN = 9 tr_names={T__:"no signal waveform", T_0 :"transition to zero", T0_ : "transition from zero", T_1 : "transition to one", T1_ : "transition from one", T00 : "transition zero-zero", T01 : "transition zero-one", T10 : "transition one-zero", T11 : "transition one-one", TAN : "possible anomaly" } tr_labels={T__:"**", T_0:"*0",T0_:"0*",T_1:"*1",T1_:"1*",T00:"00",T01:"01",T10:"10",T11:"11",TAN:"XX"} """ Linear interpolator for 'slope' part of waveform.""" def interpSlopeWF(fsample:float=16e+06,bitrate:float=125000.0,slope:float=0.1,left_y:float=0.0, right_y:float=1.0, f:object=None)->np.array: """ :param fsample: :param bitrate: :param slope: :param left_y: :param right_y: :param f: :return: """ n0 = int(slope * (fsample / bitrate)) x = [0, n0] y = [left_y, right_y] xnew = np.arange(0, n0, 1) yinterp = np.interp(xnew, x, y) pure = np.array([yinterp[i] for i in range(n0)] + [right_y for i in range(n0, int(fsample / bitrate))]) return pure def transitionsPng(fsample:float=16e+06,bitrate:float=125000.0,snr:float=30.0,slope:float=0.2,f:object=None): transition_list=[T__WF,T_0WF,T_1WF,T0_WF,T00WF,T01WF,T1_WF,T10WF,T11WF] # fsample = 16e+06 # bitrate = 125000.0 # slope = 0.3 SNR = 20 f = None x = np.arange(0,int(fsample / bitrate)) suffics = '.png' name="simulated_waveforms" waveform_png = Path(D_LOGS['plot'] / Path(name)).with_suffix(suffics) title="Transition Waveform( SNR={} DB, slope ={}, Fsample={} MHz, Bitrate ={} K/sec)".format( SNR, slope, fsample/10e+6, bitrate/1e+3) fig,ax_array =plt.subplots(nrows=3,ncols=3,figsize = (18,5),sharex=True, sharey=True) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5) fig.suptitle(title,fontsize=16) i=0 for ax in np.ravel(ax_array): tobj=transition_list[i](fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) tobj.genWF() auxTransitionsPng(ax, tobj, x) i=i+1 plt.savefig(waveform_png) plt.close("all") return def auxTransitionsPng(ax,tobj, x): # ln,=ax.plot(x, tobj.pure, x, tobj.signal) ln, = ax.plot(x, tobj.pure) ln, = ax.plot(x, tobj.signal) # ax[i, j].set_xlim(0, len(x) * 1 / fsample) ax.set_xlabel('time') ax.set_ylabel('Signal') ax.set_title(tobj.title) ax.grid(True) return ln class canbusWF(): """ canbus """ def __init__(self,fsample:float=16e+06,bitrate:float=125000.0,slope:float=0.1,SNR:int=3, f:object=None): self.fsample=fsample self.bitrate=bitrate self.slope=slope self.vcan_lD=1.5 self.vcan_lR=2.5 self.vcan_hR=2.5 self.vcan_hD=3.5 self.SNR=SNR # 10*math.log(Vsignal/Vnoise) self.signal=None self.pure = None self.title="" self.f =f #hist self.h_min=self.vcan_lD-0.7 self.h_max=self.vcan_hD+0.7 self.h_step=0.5 self.bins=[float(w/10) for w in range( int(self.h_min*10), int((self.h_max+self.h_step)*10), int(self.h_step *10))] self.hist = None self.density = None pass """ Additive white Gaussian noise (awgn)""" def awgn(self,signal:np.array=None): sigpower = sum([math.pow(abs(signal[i]),2) for i in range (len(signal))]) sigpower=sigpower/len(signal) noisepower = sigpower/(math.pow(10,self.SNR/10)) noise=math.sqrt(noisepower)*(np.random.uniform(-1,1,size=len(signal))) return noise def histogram(self): self.hist,_ = np.histogram(self.signal, self.bins, density=False) self.density, _ = np.histogram(self.signal, self.bins, density=True) return """ Random signal waveform shift along t-axisto simulate the random latency in bit stream. Max. shift is 10% from bit waveform period. shift_n -the number of signal samples by which the shift occurs is randomly generated. shift_direction - the direction of the shift forward or back is randomized too. """ def rndshift(self): if self.signal is None: return n,=self.signal.shape n_dist=int(n*0.1) shift_n=np.random.randint(n_dist,size=1) shift_direction = np.random.randint(3, size=1) signal_list=self.signal.tolist() if shift_direction ==0: # left shift, append for i in range(shift_n): signal_list.pop(0) signal_list.append(signal_list[-1]) elif shift_direction==1: #right shift, insert at 0 for i in range(shift_n): signal_list.pop(-1) signal_list.insert(0,signal_list[0]) elif shift_direction == 2: for i in range(shift_n): signal_list.pop(-1) signal_list.insert(0, self.vcan_lR ) del self.signal self.signal=np.array(signal_list) return class T__WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self,fsample:float=16e+06,bitrate:float=125000.0,slope:float=0.1,SNR:int=3, f:object=None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample,bitrate=bitrate,slope=0.0,SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title="Transition _->_" def genWF(self): self.pure=np.array([self.vcan_hR for i in range(int(self.fsample/self.bitrate))]) self.signal=np.add(self.pure,self.awgn(self.pure)) class T_0WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self, fsample: float = 16e+06, bitrate: float = 125000.0, slope: float = 0.1, SNR: int = 3, f: object = None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title = "Transition _->'0'" def genWF(self): self.pure = interpSlopeWF(fsample=self.fsample, bitrate=self.bitrate, slope=self.slope, left_y=self.vcan_lD, right_y=self.vcan_hD, f=self.f) self.signal = np.add(self.pure, self.awgn(self.pure)) class T_1WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self, fsample: float = 16e+06, bitrate: float = 125000.0, slope: float = 0.1, SNR: int = 3, f: object = None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title = "Transition _->'1'" def genWF(self): self.pure = interpSlopeWF(fsample=self.fsample, bitrate=self.bitrate, slope=self.slope, left_y=self.vcan_lR, right_y=self.vcan_lD, f=self.f) self.signal = np.add(self.pure, self.awgn(self.pure)) class T0_WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self, fsample: float = 16e+06, bitrate: float = 125000.0, slope: float = 0.1, SNR: int = 3, f: object = None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title = "Transition '0'->_" def genWF(self): self.pure = interpSlopeWF(fsample=self.fsample, bitrate=self.bitrate, slope=self.slope, left_y=self.vcan_hD, right_y=self.vcan_lD, f=self.f) self.signal = np.add(self.pure, self.awgn(self.pure)) class T1_WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self, fsample: float = 16e+06, bitrate: float = 125000.0, slope: float = 0.1, SNR: int = 3, f: object = None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title = "Transition '1'->_" def genWF(self): self.pure= interpSlopeWF(fsample=self.fsample, bitrate=self.bitrate, slope=self.slope, left_y=self.vcan_lD, right_y=self.vcan_lR, f=self.f) self.signal=np.add(self.pure,self.awgn(self.pure)) class T00WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self, fsample: float = 16e+06, bitrate: float = 125000.0, slope: float = 0.1, SNR: int = 3, f: object = None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title = "Transition '0'->'0'" def genWF(self): self.pure=np.array([self.vcan_hD for i in range(int(self.fsample/self.bitrate))]) self.signal=np.add(self.pure,self.awgn(self.pure)) class T11WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self, fsample: float = 16e+06, bitrate: float = 125000.0, slope: float = 0.1, SNR: int = 3, f: object = None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title = "Transition '1'->'1'" def genWF(self): self.pure=np.array([self.vcan_lD for i in range(int(self.fsample/self.bitrate))]) self.signal=np.add(self.pure,self.awgn(self.pure)) class T10WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self, fsample: float = 16e+06, bitrate: float = 125000.0, slope: float = 0.1, SNR: int = 3, f: object = None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title = "Transition '1'->'0'" def genWF(self): self.pure= interpSlopeWF(fsample=self.fsample, bitrate=self.bitrate, slope=self.slope, left_y=self.vcan_lD, right_y=self.vcan_hD, f=self.f) self.signal=np.add(self.pure,self.awgn(self.pure)) class T01WF(canbusWF): def __init__(self, fsample: float = 16e+06, bitrate: float = 125000.0, slope: float = 0.1, SNR: int = 3, f: object = None): super().__init__(fsample=fsample, bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=SNR, f=f) self.title = "Transition '0'->'1'" def genWF(self): self.pure= interpSlopeWF(fsample=self.fsample, bitrate=self.bitrate, slope=self.slope, left_y=self.vcan_hD, right_y=self.vcan_lD, f=self.f) self.signal=np.add(self.pure,self.awgn(self.pure)) """ Waveform per transition dictionary """ TR_DICT={T__: T__WF, T_0: T_0WF, T_1: T_1WF, T0_: T0_WF, T00: T00WF, T01: T01WF, T1_: T1_WF, T10: T10WF, T11: T11WF} """ Return list of following dict {'DateTime':<Date Time>, 'IF':<interface>>, 'ID':<canbus packet ID>, 'Data':<canbus packet data>, 'Packet':<ID | data> in hexa, 'bitstr_list':<list of bits> 'bit_str':<string of bits> } """ def readChunkFromCanBusDump(offset_line:int =0, chunk_size:int=128,canbusdump:str=None, f:object=None)->list: parsed_list=[] if canbusdump is None or canbusdump=="" or not Path(canbusdump).exists(): return parsed_list line_count=0 last_line=offset_line + chunk_size with open(canbusdump,'r') as fcanbus: while line_count<offset_line: line = fcanbus.readline() if not line: return parsed_list line_count+=1 while line_count<last_line: line = fcanbus.readline() if not line: return parsed_list line_count+=1 parsed_list.append(parseCanBusLine(line)) return parsed_list """This function parses string to 'DateTime', 'interface', 'packet ID' and 'packet Data'. The concatenation of two elements 'ID' and 'Data' forms an additional return element 'packet'. The packet string converts to list bit strings. Every two symbols are converted to the bit string. All return items are merged into a dictionary. """ def parseCanBusLine(line:str=None, f:object=None)->dict: if line is None: return {} aitems=line.split(' ')'\((.*?)\)',line).group(1)'(?<=#)\w+',line).group(0) aitemID=aitems[2].split('#') itemID=aitemID[0] itemIF=aitems[1] if len(itemID)%2 != 0: itemID='0'+itemID if len(itemData)%2 !=0: itemData='0'+itemData itemPacket=itemID +itemData bitstr_list =packet2bits(packet=itemPacket,f=f) bit_str=''.join(bitstr_list) """ random generation 0-INSERTED_NO_SIGNAL 'no signal' bits marked as *""" nrnd=random.randrange(0,INSERTED_NO_SIGNAL+1) insnosigb=''.join(["*" for i in range(nrnd+1)]) if len(insnosigb)>0: bit_str=bit_str+insnosigb return {'DateTime':itemDateTime,'IF':itemIF, 'ID':itemID,'Data':itemData,'Packet':itemPacket, 'bitstr_list':bitstr_list,'bit_str':bit_str} """ This function forms a list of bits string from a packet data Every two symbols (two nibbles or byte) is hex number which is converted to bit array. The function returns the list of bit strings. For example, packet is '6B6B00FF' '6B'=107 =>'1101011' '6B'=107 =>'1101011' '00'=0 =>'00000000' 'FF'=255 => '11111111' The result list contains ['1101011','1101011','00000000' ,'11111111'] """ def packet2bits(packet:str=None,f:object=None)->list: start=0 step=2 bits_list=[] for i in range(start,len(packet),step): bss="{0:b}".format(int( packet[start:start+step], 16)).zfill(8) bits_list.append(bss) start=start +step return bits_list """ Transform bit to the state, the type of waveform being be generated, according by current bit and previous state st=R(bit, prev_st). The set of states is {T__,T_0,T_1,T0_.T1_,T00,T01,T10,T11}, the current bit belongs to { '0' , '1', '*'-no signal}. """ def transitionRules(prev_state:int, current_bit:str)->(int, int): """ :param prev_state: :param current_bit: :return: """ if prev_state==SIG_: if current_bit=='0': transition=T_0 elif current_bit=='1': transition=T_1 elif current_bit=='*': transition=T__ else: transition=T__ elif prev_state==SIG_0: if current_bit == '0': transition = T00 elif current_bit == '1': transition = T01 elif current_bit == '*': transition = T0_ else: transition = T0_ elif prev_state==SIG_1: if current_bit == '0': transition = T10 elif current_bit == '1': transition = T11 elif current_bit == '*': transition = T1_ else: transition = T1_ if current_bit=='0': new_state=SIG_0 elif current_bit=='1': new_state=SIG_1 elif current_bit == '*': new_state=SIG_ else: new_state=SIG_ return transition, new_state """ Transform bit to transition according by rules transition=R(bit,prev_state), where states are { SIG_-no signal, SIG_0- zero signal, SIG_1- one signal} and transition belongs to {T__, T_0, T_1, T0_ , T00, T01, T1_, T10, T11 }. Return list of transition and new prev_state for next packet.""" def genTransition(prev_st:int=SIG_, bit_str:str=None, f:object=None)->(list,int): """ transition array generation""" transition=[] st=prev_st for i in range(len(bit_str)): tr,st=transitionRules(st, bit_str[i]) transition.append(tr) prev_st=SIG_ return transition,prev_st def logPackets(ld:list,offset_line:int=0,chunk_size:int=16): msg = "\nChunk start: {} Chunk size: {}\n".format(offset_line,chunk_size) msg2log(None,msg,D_LOGS['block']) msg = "{:<30s} {:<9s} {:^8s} {:^8s} {:<16s} ".format('Date Time','Interface','ID', 'Data','Packet') for dct in ld: msg="{:<30s} {:<9s} {:<8s} {:<8s} {:<16s} ".format(dct['DateTime'], dct['IF'], dct['ID'], dct['Data'], dct['Packet']) msg2log(None,msg,D_LOGS['block']) return """ For chunk generate list of trasitions.""" def trstreamGen(canbusdump:str="", offset_line:int=0, chunk_size:int=16, prev_state:int=SIG_, f:object=None)->list: # offset_line = offset_line # chunk_size = chunk_size # canbusdump = canbusdump transition_stream = [] ld = readChunkFromCanBusDump(offset_line=offset_line, chunk_size=chunk_size, canbusdump=canbusdump, f=f) if not ld: return transition_stream logPackets(ld=ld,offset_line=offset_line,chunk_size=chunk_size) for dct in ld: transition, prev_state = genTransition(prev_st=prev_state, bit_str=dct['bit_str'], f=f) transition_stream.append(transition) return transition_stream """ Generation of the waveforma according to the bit stream. A statistical estimate of the histogram is calculated for each waveform. At the training stage within one packet (frame), histograms are averaged over the type of bit transitions. The resulting histogram concatenated with type of the bit is added to Blooom Filter. (T.B.D. - add to DB too). At the test stage no averaging. The histogram concatenated with the type of the bit is checked with BF. If no matc there is an anomaly symptom. """ def wfstreamGen(mode:str='train',transition_stream:list=[],fsample:float=16e+6,bitrate:float=125000.0, slope:float=0.1, snr:float=20, trwf_d:dict=TR_DICT,bf:BF=None, title:str="", repository:str="", f:object=None)->dict: """ :param mode: :param transition_stream: :param fsample: :param bitrate: :param slope: :param snr: :param trwf_d: :param bf: :param title: :param f: :return: """ packet_in_stream = -1 anomaly_d={} loggedSignal = np.array([]) loggedHist = [] numberLoggedBit = 16 subtitle="Fsample={} MHz Bitrate={} Kbit/sec SNR={} Db".format(round(fsample/10e+6,3), round(bitrate/10e3,2), round(snr,0)) """ random number for logged packet in the stream """ loggedPacket=random.randrange(0,len(transition_stream)) sum_match_train = 0 sum_no_match_train = 0 sum_match_test = 0 sum_no_match_test = 0 for packet in transition_stream: packet_in_stream+=1 # here accumulated histogram per transition in following structue {transit:list} tr_hist ={T__: [], T_0: [],T0_: [],T_1: [], T1_: [],T00: [],T01: [],T10: [], T11: []} n_match_train=0 no_match_train=0 n_match_test = 0 no_match_test = 0 startLoggedBit=-1 endLoggedBit = -1 """ logged bits in the packet """ if packet_in_stream == loggedPacket: startLoggedBit=random.randrange(0,len(packet)) endLoggedBit =startLoggedBit + numberLoggedBit bit_in_packet=-1 for transit in packet: bit_in_packet+=1 cb=trwf_d[transit](fsample=fsample,bitrate=bitrate, slope=slope, SNR=snr, f=f) cb.genWF() cb.histogram() """ select signals for charting """ if bit_in_packet>=startLoggedBit and bit_in_packet<endLoggedBit: loggedSignal=np.concatenate((loggedSignal,cb.signal)) loggedHist.append(cb.hist) if mode=='train': tr_hist[transit].append(cb.hist) continue """ hist to word """ if bf is None: continue word=hex(transit).lstrip("0x")+"_" word = word + ''.join([hex(vv).lstrip("0x").rstrip("L") for vv in cb.hist.tolist()]) if not bf.check_item(word): msg="no match in DB for {} transition in {} packet".format(transit, packet_in_stream) msg2log("Warning!",msg,D_LOGS['predict']) msg2log("Warning!", msg, f) anomaly_d[packet_in_stream]={transit:tr_names[transit]} no_match_test += 1 else: msg2log(None, "Match for {} transition in {} packet".format(transit, packet_in_stream), D_LOGS['predict']) n_match_test += 1 if mode=='test': msg2log(None, "\nTest\nmatch: {} no match: {}".format(n_match_test,no_match_test), D_LOGS['predict']) if mode=='train': """ histogram averaging """ for key,val in tr_hist.items(): if not val: continue allhists=np.array(val) avehist=np.average(allhists,axis=0) if bf is None: continue word = hex(key).lstrip("0x") + "_" word = word + ''.join([hex(int(vv)).lstrip("0x").rstrip("L") for vv in avehist.tolist()]) if bf.check_item(word): msg2log(None,"Match for {} transition in {} packet".format(key,packet_in_stream),D_LOGS['train']) n_match_train+=1 else: bf.add_item(word) no_match_train+=1 msg2log(None,"\nTrain\nmatch: {} no match:{}".format(n_match_train,no_match_train),D_LOGS['train']) sum_match_train +=n_match_train sum_no_match_train +=no_match_train sum_match_test +=n_match_test sum_no_match_test +=no_match_test if mode=="train": msg2log(None, "\nTrain summary for SNR={} DB\nmatch: {} no match:{}".format(snr, sum_match_train, sum_no_match_train), D_LOGS['train']) if mode=="test": msg2log(None, "\nTest summary for SNR = {} DB\nmatch: {} no match:{}".format(snr,sum_match_test, sum_no_match_test), D_LOGS['predict']) log2All() if len(loggedSignal)>0: plotSignal(mode=mode, signal=loggedSignal, packetNumber=0, fsample=fsample, startBit=startLoggedBit, title=title, subtitle=subtitle) return anomaly_d def plotSignal(mode:str="train", signal:np.array=None, fsample:float=1.0, packetNumber:int=0, startBit:int=0, title:str="",subtitle:str=""): pass suffics = '.png' signal_png = Path(D_LOGS['plot'] / Path(title)).with_suffix(suffics) delta=1.0/fsample t=np.arange(0.0, (len(signal)-1)*delta, delta) n=min(len(t),len(signal)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 5)) ax.plot(t[:n],signal[:n], color='r') ax.set_xlabel('time') ax.set_ylabel('Signal wavefors') ax.set_title(title) ax.grid(True) plt.savefig(signal_png) plt.close("all") return """ Get number of lines in dump file. This function is executed ib the subprocess""" def file_len(fname)->int: n=-1 if Path(fname).exists(): if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): try: p = subprocess.Popen(['wc', '-l', fname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) result, err = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: # we will not raise any exception , raise IOError(err) n= -2 n= int(result.strip().split()[0]) except: pass finally: pass elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): fr=open(fname,'r') n=0 while 1: line=fr.readline() if line is None: break n+=1 fr.close() else: n=-3 return n def dict2csv(d:dict=None, folder:str="", title:str="", dset_name:str=None, match_key:str='ID', f:object=None): if d is None: msg2log(None,"No dictionary {} {} for saving".format(title,match_key),f) return if dset_name is None or len(dset_name)<1 or ".csv" not in dset_name: msg2log(None,"Dtaset name is not set correctly {}".format(dset_name),f) return df=pd.DataFrame(d) df.to_csv(dset_name) msg2log(None,"{} dictionary for {} saved in {}".format(title,match_key,dset_name),f) return def dict2pkl(d:dict=None, folder:str="", title:str="", match_key:str='ID', f:object=None)->(str,str): if d is None: msg2log(None,"No dictionary {} {} for saving".format(title,match_key),f) return file_pkl=Path(Path(folder)/Path("{}_{}".format(title,match_key))).with_suffix(".pkl") f_pkl=open(str(file_pkl),"wb") dump(d,f_pkl) msg2log(None,"{} dictionary for {} saved in {}".format(title,match_key,str(file_pkl)),f) pkl_stem=file_pkl.stem return pkl_stem, str(file_pkl) def pkl2dict( folder: str = "", title: str = "", match_key: str = 'ID', pkl_stem:str="", f: object = None): file_pkl = Path(Path(folder) / Path("{}".format(pkl_stem))).with_suffix(".pkl") if not file_pkl.exists(): msg="Serialized dictionary {} for {} -match key was not found in {} repository".format(pkl_stem, match_key,folder) msg2log(None,msg,f) return None f_pkl = open(str(file_pkl), "rb") d=load(f_pkl) msg2log(None, "{} dictionary for {} loaded from {}".format(title, match_key, str(file_pkl)), f) return d """" statistical estimation for observed data""" def mleexp(target_dict:dict=None, mleexp_dict:dict=None, n_min:int=5, title:str="Train path", f:object=None): msg="{}\n,Rare packets, no maximum likelihood estimation for exponential distribution of time gaps between " +\ " packets appearing.".format(title) msg2log(None, msg, D_LOGS['cluster']) for key,vlist in target_dict.items(): if len(vlist)<n_min: msg=f"""Packet with matched mey: {key} is rare event: {len(vlist)} appearings""" msg2log(None,msg,D_LOGS['cluster']) continue l_duration=[vlist[i]-vlist[i-1] for i in range(1,len(vlist))] n=len(l_duration) sum_items=float(sum(l_duration))/1e06 # in seconds mle_lambda=float(n)/sum_items mle_var_lambda=(mle_lambda*mle_lambda)/float(n) mleexp_dict[key]={"n":n,"mle":mle_lambda,"var":mle_var_lambda,"sample":l_duration} return def KL_decision(train_mleexp:dict=None, test_mleexp:dict=None, title:str="Anomaly packet",f:object=None)->list: trainSet=set(train_mleexp) testSet=set(test_mleexp) anomaly_list=[] chi2_1_05=3.84 for key in trainSet.intersection(testSet): anomaly_counter=0 train_val=train_mleexp[key] test_val=test_mleexp[key] lst_val=train_val['sample']+test_val['sample'] xmean=np.array(lst_val).mean() xtrain=np.array(train_val['sample']).mean() xtest = np.array(test_val['sample']).mean() ntrain=train_val['n'] ntest = test_val['n'] KL2I12=ntrain*(xtrain-xmean)*(xtrain-xmean)/xmean + ntest*(xtest-xmean)*(xtest-xmean)/xmean KLJ12 =0.5*KL2I12 + 0.5 *( ntrain * (xtrain - xmean) * (xtrain - xmean) / xtrain + ntest * (xtest - xmean) * ( xtest - xmean) / xtest) if KL2I12>chi2_1_05 or KLJ12 > chi2_1_05: anomaly_counter+=1 anomaly_list.append({'matched_key':key,"2I(1:2)":KL2I12,"J(1,2)":KLJ12, "chi2(1,0.05)":chi2_1_05, "train":train_val,"test":test_val,}) return anomaly_list def manageDB(repository:str=None, db:str=None,op:str='select',d_query:dict={}, f:object=None)->dict: file_db=Path(Path(repository)/Path(db)).with_suffix(".csv") if not file_db.exists(): createDB(file_db=file_db, f=f) if op=='select': d_res = selectDB(file_db=file_db, d_query=d_query,f=f) elif op=='insert': d_res = insertDB(file_db= file_db, d_query = d_query, f = f) pass elif op=='update': pass elif op=='log': pass else: pass return d_res def createDB(file_db:str=None, f:object=None): df=pd.DataFrame(columns=DB_COLS) df.to_csv(file_db,index=False) msg2log(None,"DB created {}".format(file_db),) return def selectDB(file_db:str=None, d_query:dict=None,f:object=None)->dict: if file_db is None or not Path(file_db).exists() or d_query is None or len(d_query)==0: return None d_res={} l_res=[] #list of dict df=pd.read_csv(file_db) for index,row in df.iterrows(): keys=list(row.keys()) if dictIndict(row,d_query,f=f): l_res.append(row) if len(l_res)>0: msg=f""" Query: {d_query} Selected: {l_res} """ msg2log(None,msg,f) d_res=dict(l_res[-1] ) # select last item in list. The item gas Series -type and so it should be casted to dict. return d_res def insertDB(file_db:str=None, d_query:dict=None,f:object=None)->dict: if file_db is None or not Path(file_db).exists() or d_query is None or len(d_query)==0: return None keys=list(d_query.keys()) d_insert={item:"" for item in DB_COLS} for item in keys: d_insert[item]=d_query[item] d_insert[DT]=
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import argparse import subprocess import json from os.path import isfile, join, basename import time import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import tempfile import sys sys.path.append( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, 'instance_generator'))) import route_gen def main(): ''' The algorithm for benchmark works as follow: For a certain number of iteration: generate instance with default generator value for each encoding inside subfolders of encoding (one folder for each encoding): start timer solve with clyngo stop timer test solution: if legal add time in a csv (S) else: add int max as time print an error message ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Benchmark ! :D') parser.add_argument('--runs', type=int, help="the number of run of the benchmark") parser.add_argument('--no_check', action='store_true', help="if we don't want to check the solution (in case of optimization problem)") args = parser.parse_args() number_of_run = args.runs print("Start of the benchmarks") encodings = [x for x in os.listdir("../encoding/")] print("Encodings to test:") for encoding in encodings: print("\t-{}".format(encoding)) results = [] costs_run = [] for i in range(number_of_run): print("Iteration {}".format(i + 1)) result_iteration = dict() cost_iteration = dict() instance, minimal_cost = route_gen.instance_generator() # we get the upper bound of the solution generated by the generator cost_iteration["Benchmark_Cost"] = minimal_cost correct_solution = True instance_temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", suffix='.lp', dir=".", delete=False) instance_temp.write(repr(instance)) instance_temp.flush() for encoding in encodings: print("Encoding {}:".format(encoding)) files_encoding = ["../encoding/" + encoding + "/" + f for f in os.listdir("../encoding/" + encoding) if isfile(join("../encoding/" + encoding, f))] start = time.time() try: if 'parallel' == encoding: clingo = subprocess.Popen(["clingo"] + files_encoding + [basename(] + ["--outf=2"] + ['-t 8compete'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: clingo = subprocess.Popen(["clingo"] + files_encoding + [basename(] + ["--outf=2"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = clingo.communicate(timeout=3600) clingo.wait() end = time.time() duration = end - start json_answers = json.loads(stdoutdata) cost = float('inf') answer = [] # we need to check all solution and get the best one for call_current in json_answers["Call"]: if "Witnesses" in call_current: answer_current = call_current["Witnesses"][-1] if "Costs" in answer_current: current_cost = sum(answer_current["Costs"]) if current_cost < cost: answer = answer_current["Value"] cost = current_cost else: cost = 0 answer = answer_current["Value"] # we append "" just to get the last . when we join latter answer = answer + [""] answer_str = ".".join(answer) answer_temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", suffix='.lp', dir=".", delete=False) answer_temp.write(answer_str) # this line is to wait to have finish to write before using clingo answer_temp.flush() clingo_check = subprocess.Popen( ["clingo"] + ["../test_solution/test_solution.lp"] + [basename(] + [ basename(] + ["--outf=2"] + ["-q"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdoutdata_check, stderrdata_check) = clingo_check.communicate() clingo_check.wait() json_check = json.loads(stdoutdata_check) answer_temp.close() os.remove( if not json_check["Result"] == "SATISFIABLE": correct_solution = False if correct_solution: result_iteration[encoding] = duration cost_iteration[encoding] = cost else: result_iteration[encoding] = sys.maxsize cost_iteration[encoding] = float("inf") print("\tSatisfiable {}".format(correct_solution)) print("\tDuration {} seconds".format(result_iteration[encoding])) print("\tBest solution {}".format(cost)) print("\tBenchmark cost {}".format(minimal_cost)) except Exception as excep: result_iteration = str(excep) cost_iteration = float('inf') results.append(result_iteration) costs_run.append(cost_iteration) instance_temp.close() os.remove(basename( df =
import os from typing import List, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd DATASET_DIR: str = "data/" # def read_air_passengers() -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]: indexes = [6, 33, 36, 51, 60, 100, 135] values = [205, 600, 150, 315, 150, 190, 620] return _add_outliers_set_datetime(
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' @File : @Desc : Input and output data function. ''' # here put the import lib import os import sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np from . import TensorData import csv from .basicutil import set_trace class File(): def __init__(self, filename, mode, idxtypes): self.filename = filename self.mode = mode self.idxtypes = idxtypes self.dtypes = None self.sep = None def get_sep_of_file(self): ''' return the separator of the line. :param infn: input file ''' sep = None fp = open(self.filename, self.mode) for line in fp: line = line.decode( 'utf-8') if isinstance(line, bytes) else line if (line.startswith("%") or line.startswith("#")): continue line = line.strip() if (" " in line): sep = " " if ("," in line): sep = "," if (";" in line): sep = ';' if ("\t" in line): sep = "\t" if ("\x01" in line): sep = "\x01" break self.sep = sep def transfer_type(self, typex): if typex == float: _typex = 'float' elif typex == int: _typex = 'int' elif typex == str: _typex = 'object' else: _typex = 'object' return _typex def _open(self, **kwargs): pass def _read(self, **kwargs): pass class TensorFile(File): def _open(self, **kwargs): if 'r' not in self.mode: self.mode += 'r' f = open(self.filename, self.mode) pos = 0 cur_line = f.readline() while cur_line.startswith("#"): pos = f.tell() cur_line = f.readline() _f = open(self.filename, self.mode) fin = pd.read_csv(f, sep=self.sep, **kwargs) column_names = fin.columns self.dtypes = {} if not self.idxtypes is None: for idx, typex in self.idxtypes: self.dtypes[column_names[idx]] = self.transfer_type(typex) fin = pd.read_csv(_f, dtype=self.dtypes, sep=self.sep, **kwargs) else: fin = pd.read_csv(_f, sep=self.sep, **kwargs) return fin def _read(self, **kwargs): tensorlist = [] self.get_sep_of_file() _file = self._open(**kwargs) if not self.idxtypes is None: idx = [i[0] for i in self.idxtypes] tensorlist = _file[idx] else: tensorlist = _file return tensorlist class CSVFile(File): def _open(self, **kwargs): f = pd.read_csv(self.filename, **kwargs) column_names = list(f.columns) self.dtypes = {} if not self.idxtypes is None: for idx, typex in self.idxtypes: self.dtypes[column_names[idx]] = self.transfer_type(typex) f = pd.read_csv(self.filename, dtype=self.dtypes, **kwargs) else: f = pd.read_csv(self.filename, **kwargs) return f def _read(self, **kwargs): tensorlist =
import logging import os import pickle import tarfile from typing import Tuple import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as sp_io import shutil from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse from scMVP.dataset.dataset import CellMeasurement, GeneExpressionDataset, _download logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ATACDataset(GeneExpressionDataset): """Loads a file from `10x`_ website. :param dataset_name: Name of the dataset file. Has to be one of: "CellLineMixture", "AdBrainCortex", "P0_BrainCortex". :param save_path: Location to use when saving/loading the data. :param type: Either `filtered` data or `raw` data. :param dense: Whether to load as dense or sparse. If False, data is cast to sparse using ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``. :param measurement_names_column: column in which to find measurement names in the corresponding `.tsv` file. :param remove_extracted_data: Whether to remove extracted archives after populating the dataset. :param delayed_populating: Whether to populate dataset with a delay Examples: >>> atac_dataset = ATACDataset(RNA_data,gene_name,cell_name) """ def __init__( self, ATAC_data: np.matrix = None, ATAC_name: pd.DataFrame = None, cell_name: pd.DataFrame = None, delayed_populating: bool = False, is_filter = True, datatype="atac_seq", ): if ATAC_data.all() == None: raise Exception("Invalid Input, the gene expression matrix is empty!") self.ATAC_data = ATAC_data self.ATAC_name = ATAC_name self.cell_name = cell_name self.is_filter = is_filter self.datatype = datatype self.cell_name_formulation = None self.atac_name_formulation = None if not isinstance(self.ATAC_name, pd.DataFrame): self.ATAC_name =
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request from flask_pymongo import PyMongo from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin import json import copy import warnings import re import pandas as pd pd.set_option('use_inf_as_na', True) import numpy as np from joblib import Memory from xgboost import XGBClassifier from sklearn import model_selection from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_classif from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest from sklearn.feature_selection import f_classif from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from eli5.sklearn import PermutationImportance from joblib import Parallel, delayed import multiprocessing from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor from import add_constant # this block of code is for the connection between the server, the database, and the client (plus routing) # access MongoDB app = Flask(__name__) app.config["MONGO_URI"] = "mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb" mongo = PyMongo(app) cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/data/*": {"origins": "*"}}) @cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) @app.route('/data/Reset', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def reset(): global DataRawLength global DataResultsRaw global previousState previousState = []\ global StanceTest StanceTest = False global filterActionFinal filterActionFinal = '' global keySpecInternal keySpecInternal = 1 global RANDOM_SEED RANDOM_SEED = 42 global keyData keyData = 0 global keepOriginalFeatures keepOriginalFeatures = [] global XData XData = [] global yData yData = [] global XDataNoRemoval XDataNoRemoval = [] global XDataNoRemovalOrig XDataNoRemovalOrig = [] global XDataStored XDataStored = [] global yDataStored yDataStored = [] global finalResultsData finalResultsData = [] global detailsParams detailsParams = [] global algorithmList algorithmList = [] global ClassifierIDsList ClassifierIDsList = '' global RetrieveModelsList RetrieveModelsList = [] global allParametersPerfCrossMutr allParametersPerfCrossMutr = [] global all_classifiers all_classifiers = [] global crossValidation crossValidation = 8 #crossValidation = 5 #crossValidation = 3 global resultsMetrics resultsMetrics = [] global parametersSelData parametersSelData = [] global target_names target_names = [] global keyFirstTime keyFirstTime = True global target_namesLoc target_namesLoc = [] global featureCompareData featureCompareData = [] global columnsKeep columnsKeep = [] global columnsNewGen columnsNewGen = [] global columnsNames columnsNames = [] global fileName fileName = [] global listofTransformations listofTransformations = ["r","b","zs","mms","l2","l1p","l10","e2","em1","p2","p3","p4"] return 'The reset was done!' # retrieve data from client and select the correct data set @cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) @app.route('/data/ServerRequest', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def retrieveFileName(): global DataRawLength global DataResultsRaw global DataResultsRawTest global DataRawLengthTest global DataResultsRawExternal global DataRawLengthExternal global fileName fileName = [] fileName = request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') global keySpecInternal keySpecInternal = 1 global filterActionFinal filterActionFinal = '' global dataSpacePointsIDs dataSpacePointsIDs = [] global RANDOM_SEED RANDOM_SEED = 42 global keyData keyData = 0 global keepOriginalFeatures keepOriginalFeatures = [] global XData XData = [] global XDataNoRemoval XDataNoRemoval = [] global XDataNoRemovalOrig XDataNoRemovalOrig = [] global previousState previousState = [] global yData yData = [] global XDataStored XDataStored = [] global yDataStored yDataStored = [] global finalResultsData finalResultsData = [] global ClassifierIDsList ClassifierIDsList = '' global algorithmList algorithmList = [] global detailsParams detailsParams = [] # Initializing models global RetrieveModelsList RetrieveModelsList = [] global resultsList resultsList = [] global allParametersPerfCrossMutr allParametersPerfCrossMutr = [] global HistoryPreservation HistoryPreservation = [] global all_classifiers all_classifiers = [] global crossValidation crossValidation = 8 #crossValidation = 5 #crossValidation = 3 global parametersSelData parametersSelData = [] global StanceTest StanceTest = False global target_names target_names = [] global keyFirstTime keyFirstTime = True global target_namesLoc target_namesLoc = [] global featureCompareData featureCompareData = [] global columnsKeep columnsKeep = [] global columnsNewGen columnsNewGen = [] global columnsNames columnsNames = [] global listofTransformations listofTransformations = ["r","b","zs","mms","l2","l1p","l10","e2","em1","p2","p3","p4"] DataRawLength = -1 DataRawLengthTest = -1 data = json.loads(fileName) if data['fileName'] == 'HeartC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.HeartC.find() target_names.append('Healthy') target_names.append('Diseased') elif data['fileName'] == 'biodegC': StanceTest = True CollectionDB = mongo.db.biodegC.find() CollectionDBTest = mongo.db.biodegCTest.find() CollectionDBExternal = mongo.db.biodegCExt.find() target_names.append('Non-biodegr.') target_names.append('Biodegr.') elif data['fileName'] == 'BreastC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.breastC.find() elif data['fileName'] == 'DiabetesC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.diabetesC.find() target_names.append('Negative') target_names.append('Positive') elif data['fileName'] == 'MaterialC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.MaterialC.find() target_names.append('Cylinder') target_names.append('Disk') target_names.append('Flatellipsold') target_names.append('Longellipsold') target_names.append('Sphere') elif data['fileName'] == 'ContraceptiveC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.ContraceptiveC.find() target_names.append('No-use') target_names.append('Long-term') target_names.append('Short-term') elif data['fileName'] == 'VehicleC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.VehicleC.find() target_names.append('Van') target_names.append('Car') target_names.append('Bus') elif data['fileName'] == 'WineC': CollectionDB = mongo.db.WineC.find() target_names.append('Fine') target_names.append('Superior') target_names.append('Inferior') else: CollectionDB = mongo.db.IrisC.find() DataResultsRaw = [] for index, item in enumerate(CollectionDB): item['_id'] = str(item['_id']) item['InstanceID'] = index DataResultsRaw.append(item) DataRawLength = len(DataResultsRaw) DataResultsRawTest = [] DataResultsRawExternal = [] if (StanceTest): for index, item in enumerate(CollectionDBTest): item['_id'] = str(item['_id']) item['InstanceID'] = index DataResultsRawTest.append(item) DataRawLengthTest = len(DataResultsRawTest) for index, item in enumerate(CollectionDBExternal): item['_id'] = str(item['_id']) item['InstanceID'] = index DataResultsRawExternal.append(item) DataRawLengthExternal = len(DataResultsRawExternal) dataSetSelection() return 'Everything is okay' # Retrieve data set from client @cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) @app.route('/data/SendtoSeverDataSet', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def sendToServerData(): uploadedData = request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') uploadedDataParsed = json.loads(uploadedData) DataResultsRaw = uploadedDataParsed['uploadedData'] DataResults = copy.deepcopy(DataResultsRaw) for dictionary in DataResultsRaw: for key in dictionary.keys(): if (key.find('*') != -1): target = key continue continue DataResultsRaw.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) DataResults.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) for dictionary in DataResults: del dictionary[target] global AllTargets global target_names global target_namesLoc AllTargets = [o[target] for o in DataResultsRaw] AllTargetsFloatValues = [] global fileName data = json.loads(fileName) previous = None Class = 0 for i, value in enumerate(AllTargets): if (i == 0): previous = value if (data['fileName'] == 'IrisC' or data['fileName'] == 'BreastC'): target_names.append(value) else: pass if (value == previous): AllTargetsFloatValues.append(Class) else: Class = Class + 1 if (data['fileName'] == 'IrisC' or data['fileName'] == 'BreastC'): target_names.append(value) else: pass AllTargetsFloatValues.append(Class) previous = value ArrayDataResults = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(DataResults) global XData, yData, RANDOM_SEED XData, yData = ArrayDataResults, AllTargetsFloatValues global XDataStored, yDataStored XDataStored = XData.copy() yDataStored = yData.copy() global XDataStoredOriginal XDataStoredOriginal = XData.copy() global finalResultsData finalResultsData = XData.copy() global XDataNoRemoval XDataNoRemoval = XData.copy() global XDataNoRemovalOrig XDataNoRemovalOrig = XData.copy() return 'Processed uploaded data set' def dataSetSelection(): global XDataTest, yDataTest XDataTest = pd.DataFrame() global XDataExternal, yDataExternal XDataExternal = pd.DataFrame() global StanceTest global AllTargets global target_names target_namesLoc = [] if (StanceTest): DataResultsTest = copy.deepcopy(DataResultsRawTest) for dictionary in DataResultsRawTest: for key in dictionary.keys(): if (key.find('*') != -1): target = key continue continue DataResultsRawTest.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) DataResultsTest.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) for dictionary in DataResultsTest: del dictionary['_id'] del dictionary['InstanceID'] del dictionary[target] AllTargetsTest = [o[target] for o in DataResultsRawTest] AllTargetsFloatValuesTest = [] previous = None Class = 0 for i, value in enumerate(AllTargetsTest): if (i == 0): previous = value target_namesLoc.append(value) if (value == previous): AllTargetsFloatValuesTest.append(Class) else: Class = Class + 1 target_namesLoc.append(value) AllTargetsFloatValuesTest.append(Class) previous = value ArrayDataResultsTest = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(DataResultsTest) XDataTest, yDataTest = ArrayDataResultsTest, AllTargetsFloatValuesTest DataResultsExternal = copy.deepcopy(DataResultsRawExternal) for dictionary in DataResultsRawExternal: for key in dictionary.keys(): if (key.find('*') != -1): target = key continue continue DataResultsRawExternal.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) DataResultsExternal.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) for dictionary in DataResultsExternal: del dictionary['_id'] del dictionary['InstanceID'] del dictionary[target] AllTargetsExternal = [o[target] for o in DataResultsRawExternal] AllTargetsFloatValuesExternal = [] previous = None Class = 0 for i, value in enumerate(AllTargetsExternal): if (i == 0): previous = value target_namesLoc.append(value) if (value == previous): AllTargetsFloatValuesExternal.append(Class) else: Class = Class + 1 target_namesLoc.append(value) AllTargetsFloatValuesExternal.append(Class) previous = value ArrayDataResultsExternal = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(DataResultsExternal) XDataExternal, yDataExternal = ArrayDataResultsExternal, AllTargetsFloatValuesExternal DataResults = copy.deepcopy(DataResultsRaw) for dictionary in DataResultsRaw: for key in dictionary.keys(): if (key.find('*') != -1): target = key continue continue DataResultsRaw.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) DataResults.sort(key=lambda x: x[target], reverse=True) for dictionary in DataResults: del dictionary['_id'] del dictionary['InstanceID'] del dictionary[target] AllTargets = [o[target] for o in DataResultsRaw] AllTargetsFloatValues = [] global fileName data = json.loads(fileName) previous = None Class = 0 for i, value in enumerate(AllTargets): if (i == 0): previous = value if (data['fileName'] == 'IrisC' or data['fileName'] == 'BreastC'): target_names.append(value) else: pass if (value == previous): AllTargetsFloatValues.append(Class) else: Class = Class + 1 if (data['fileName'] == 'IrisC' or data['fileName'] == 'BreastC'): target_names.append(value) else: pass AllTargetsFloatValues.append(Class) previous = value dfRaw = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(DataResultsRaw) # OneTimeTemp = copy.deepcopy(dfRaw) # OneTimeTemp.drop(columns=['_id', 'InstanceID']) # column_names = ['volAc', 'chlorides', 'density', 'fixAc' , 'totalSuDi' , 'citAc', 'resSu' , 'pH' , 'sulphates', 'freeSulDi' ,'alcohol', 'quality*'] # OneTimeTemp = OneTimeTemp.reindex(columns=column_names) # OneTimeTemp.to_csv('dataExport.csv', index=False) ArrayDataResults = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(DataResults) global XData, yData, RANDOM_SEED XData, yData = ArrayDataResults, AllTargetsFloatValues global keepOriginalFeatures global OrignList if (data['fileName'] == 'biodegC'): keepOriginalFeatures = XData.copy() storeNewColumns = [] for col in keepOriginalFeatures.columns: newCol = col.replace("-", "_") storeNewColumns.append(newCol.replace("_","")) keepOriginalFeatures.columns = [str(col) + ' F'+str(idx+1)+'' for idx, col in enumerate(storeNewColumns)] columnsNewGen = keepOriginalFeatures.columns.values.tolist() OrignList = keepOriginalFeatures.columns.values.tolist() else: keepOriginalFeatures = XData.copy() keepOriginalFeatures.columns = [str(col) + ' F'+str(idx+1)+'' for idx, col in enumerate(keepOriginalFeatures.columns)] columnsNewGen = keepOriginalFeatures.columns.values.tolist() OrignList = keepOriginalFeatures.columns.values.tolist() XData.columns = ['F'+str(idx+1) for idx, col in enumerate(XData.columns)] XDataTest.columns = ['F'+str(idx+1) for idx, col in enumerate(XDataTest.columns)] XDataExternal.columns = ['F'+str(idx+1) for idx, col in enumerate(XDataExternal.columns)] global XDataStored, yDataStored XDataStored = XData.copy() yDataStored = yData.copy() global XDataStoredOriginal XDataStoredOriginal = XData.copy() global finalResultsData finalResultsData = XData.copy() global XDataNoRemoval XDataNoRemoval = XData.copy() global XDataNoRemovalOrig XDataNoRemovalOrig = XData.copy() warnings.simplefilter('ignore') executeModel([], 0, '') return 'Everything is okay' def create_global_function(): global estimator location = './cachedir' memory = Memory(location, verbose=0) # calculating for all algorithms and models the performance and other results @memory.cache def estimator(n_estimators, eta, max_depth, subsample, colsample_bytree): # initialize model print('loopModels') n_estimators = int(n_estimators) max_depth = int(max_depth) model = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators, eta=eta, max_depth=max_depth, subsample=subsample, colsample_bytree=colsample_bytree, n_jobs=-1, random_state=RANDOM_SEED, silent=True, verbosity = 0, use_label_encoder=False) # set in cross-validation result = cross_validate(model, XData, yData, cv=crossValidation, scoring='accuracy') # result is mean of test_score return np.mean(result['test_score']) # check this issue later because we are not getting the same results def executeModel(exeCall, flagEx, nodeTransfName): global XDataTest, yDataTest global XDataExternal, yDataExternal global keyFirstTime global estimator global yPredictProb global scores global featureImportanceData global XData global XDataStored global previousState global columnsNewGen global columnsNames global listofTransformations global XDataStoredOriginal global finalResultsData global OrignList global tracker global XDataNoRemoval global XDataNoRemovalOrig columnsNames = [] scores = [] if (len(exeCall) == 0): if (flagEx == 3): XDataStored = XData.copy() XDataNoRemovalOrig = XDataNoRemoval.copy() OrignList = columnsNewGen elif (flagEx == 2): XData = XDataStored.copy() XDataStoredOriginal = XDataStored.copy() XDataNoRemoval = XDataNoRemovalOrig.copy() columnsNewGen = OrignList else: XData = XDataStored.copy() XDataNoRemoval = XDataNoRemovalOrig.copy() XDataStoredOriginal = XDataStored.copy() else: if (flagEx == 4): XDataStored = XData.copy() XDataNoRemovalOrig = XDataNoRemoval.copy() #XDataStoredOriginal = XDataStored.copy() elif (flagEx == 2): XData = XDataStored.copy() XDataStoredOriginal = XDataStored.copy() XDataNoRemoval = XDataNoRemovalOrig.copy() columnsNewGen = OrignList else: XData = XDataStored.copy() #XDataNoRemoval = XDataNoRemovalOrig.copy() XDataStoredOriginal = XDataStored.copy() # Bayesian Optimization CHANGE INIT_POINTS! if (keyFirstTime): create_global_function() params = {"n_estimators": (5, 200), "eta": (0.05, 0.3), "max_depth": (6,12), "subsample": (0.8,1), "colsample_bytree": (0.8,1)} bayesopt = BayesianOptimization(estimator, params, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) bayesopt.maximize(init_points=20, n_iter=5, acq='ucb') # 20 and 5 bestParams = bayesopt.max['params'] estimator = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=int(bestParams.get('n_estimators')), eta=bestParams.get('eta'), max_depth=int(bestParams.get('max_depth')), subsample=bestParams.get('subsample'), colsample_bytree=bestParams.get('colsample_bytree'), probability=True, random_state=RANDOM_SEED, silent=True, verbosity = 0, use_label_encoder=False) columnsNewGen = OrignList if (len(exeCall) != 0): if (flagEx == 1): currentColumnsDeleted = [] for uniqueValue in exeCall: currentColumnsDeleted.append(tracker[uniqueValue]) for column in XData.columns: if (column in currentColumnsDeleted): XData = XData.drop(column, axis=1) XDataStoredOriginal = XDataStoredOriginal.drop(column, axis=1) elif (flagEx == 2): columnsKeepNew = [] columns = XDataGen.columns.values.tolist() for indx, col in enumerate(columns): if indx in exeCall: columnsKeepNew.append(col) columnsNewGen.append(col) XDataTemp = XDataGen[columnsKeepNew] XData[columnsKeepNew] = XDataTemp.values XDataStoredOriginal[columnsKeepNew] = XDataTemp.values XDataNoRemoval[columnsKeepNew] = XDataTemp.values elif (flagEx == 4): splittedCol = nodeTransfName.split('_') for col in XDataNoRemoval.columns: splitCol = col.split('_') if ((splittedCol[0] in splitCol[0])): newSplitted = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", splittedCol[0]) newCol = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", splitCol[0]) if (newSplitted == newCol): storeRenamedColumn = col XData.rename(columns={ storeRenamedColumn: nodeTransfName }, inplace = True) XDataNoRemoval.rename(columns={ storeRenamedColumn: nodeTransfName }, inplace = True) currentColumn = columnsNewGen[exeCall[0]] subString = currentColumn[currentColumn.find("(")+1:currentColumn.find(")")] replacement = currentColumn.replace(subString, nodeTransfName) for ind, column in enumerate(columnsNewGen): splitCol = column.split('_') if ((splittedCol[0] in splitCol[0])): newSplitted = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", splittedCol[0]) newCol = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", splitCol[0]) if (newSplitted == newCol): columnsNewGen[ind] = columnsNewGen[ind].replace(storeRenamedColumn, nodeTransfName) if (len(splittedCol) == 1): XData[nodeTransfName] = XDataStoredOriginal[nodeTransfName] XDataNoRemoval[nodeTransfName] = XDataStoredOriginal[nodeTransfName] else: if (splittedCol[1] == 'r'): XData[nodeTransfName] = XData[nodeTransfName].round() elif (splittedCol[1] == 'b'): number_of_bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(XData[nodeTransfName], bins='auto') emptyLabels = [] for index, number in enumerate(number_of_bins): if (index == 0): pass else: emptyLabels.append(index) XData[nodeTransfName] = pd.cut(XData[nodeTransfName], bins=number_of_bins, labels=emptyLabels, include_lowest=True, right=True) XData[nodeTransfName] = pd.to_numeric(XData[nodeTransfName], downcast='signed') elif (splittedCol[1] == 'zs'): XData[nodeTransfName] = (XData[nodeTransfName]-XData[nodeTransfName].mean())/XData[nodeTransfName].std() elif (splittedCol[1] == 'mms'): XData[nodeTransfName] = (XData[nodeTransfName]-XData[nodeTransfName].min())/(XData[nodeTransfName].max()-XData[nodeTransfName].min()) elif (splittedCol[1] == 'l2'): dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.log2(XData[nodeTransfName]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XData[nodeTransfName] = dfTemp elif (splittedCol[1] == 'l1p'): dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.log1p(XData[nodeTransfName]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XData[nodeTransfName] = dfTemp elif (splittedCol[1] == 'l10'): dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.log10(XData[nodeTransfName]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XData[nodeTransfName] = dfTemp elif (splittedCol[1] == 'e2'): dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.exp2(XData[nodeTransfName]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XData[nodeTransfName] = dfTemp elif (splittedCol[1] == 'em1'): dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.expm1(XData[nodeTransfName]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XData[nodeTransfName] = dfTemp elif (splittedCol[1] == 'p2'): XData[nodeTransfName] = np.power(XData[nodeTransfName], 2) elif (splittedCol[1] == 'p3'): XData[nodeTransfName] = np.power(XData[nodeTransfName], 3) else: XData[nodeTransfName] = np.power(XData[nodeTransfName], 4) XDataNoRemoval[nodeTransfName] = XData[nodeTransfName] XDataStored = XData.copy() XDataNoRemovalOrig = XDataNoRemoval.copy() columnsNamesLoc = XData.columns.values.tolist() for col in columnsNamesLoc: splittedCol = col.split('_') if (len(splittedCol) == 1): for tran in listofTransformations: columnsNames.append(splittedCol[0]+'_'+tran) else: for tran in listofTransformations: if (splittedCol[1] == tran): columnsNames.append(splittedCol[0]) else: columnsNames.append(splittedCol[0]+'_'+tran) featureImportanceData = estimatorFeatureSelection(XDataNoRemoval, estimator) tracker = [] for value in columnsNewGen: value = value.split(' ') if (len(value) > 1): tracker.append(value[1]) else: tracker.append(value[0]), yData) yPredict = estimator.predict(XData) yPredictProb = cross_val_predict(estimator, XData, yData, cv=crossValidation, method='predict_proba') num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() inputsSc = ['accuracy','precision_weighted','recall_weighted'] flat_results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(solve)(estimator,XData,yData,crossValidation,item,index) for index, item in enumerate(inputsSc)) scoresAct = [item for sublist in flat_results for item in sublist] #print(scoresAct) # if (StanceTest): # y_pred = estimator.predict(XDataTest) # print('Test data set') # print(classification_report(yDataTest, y_pred)) # y_pred = estimator.predict(XDataExternal) # print('External data set') # print(classification_report(yDataExternal, y_pred)) howMany = 0 if (keyFirstTime): previousState = scoresAct keyFirstTime = False howMany = 3 if (((scoresAct[0]-scoresAct[1]) + (scoresAct[2]-scoresAct[3]) + (scoresAct[4]-scoresAct[5])) >= ((previousState[0]-previousState[1]) + (previousState[2]-previousState[3]) + (previousState[4]-previousState[5]))): finalResultsData = XData.copy() if (keyFirstTime == False): if (((scoresAct[0]-scoresAct[1]) + (scoresAct[2]-scoresAct[3]) + (scoresAct[4]-scoresAct[5])) >= ((previousState[0]-previousState[1]) + (previousState[2]-previousState[3]) + (previousState[4]-previousState[5]))): previousState[0] = scoresAct[0] previousState[1] = scoresAct[1] howMany = 3 #elif ((scoresAct[2]-scoresAct[3]) > (previousState[2]-previousState[3])): previousState[2] = scoresAct[2] previousState[3] = scoresAct[3] #howMany = howMany + 1 #elif ((scoresAct[4]-scoresAct[5]) > (previousState[4]-previousState[5])): previousState[4] = scoresAct[4] previousState[5] = scoresAct[5] #howMany = howMany + 1 #else: #pass scores = scoresAct + previousState if (howMany == 3): scores.append(1) else: scores.append(0) return 'Everything Okay' @app.route('/data/RequestBestFeatures', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def BestFeat(): global finalResultsData finalResultsDataJSON = finalResultsData.to_json() response = { 'finalResultsData': finalResultsDataJSON } return jsonify(response) def featFun (clfLocalPar,DataLocalPar,yDataLocalPar): PerFeatureAccuracyLocalPar = [] scores = model_selection.cross_val_score(clfLocalPar, DataLocalPar, yDataLocalPar, cv=None, n_jobs=-1) PerFeatureAccuracyLocalPar.append(scores.mean()) return PerFeatureAccuracyLocalPar location = './cachedir' memory = Memory(location, verbose=0) # calculating for all algorithms and models the performance and other results @memory.cache def estimatorFeatureSelection(Data, clf): resultsFS = [] permList = [] PerFeatureAccuracy = [] PerFeatureAccuracyAll = [] ImpurityFS = [] RankingFS = [] estim =, yData) importances = clf.feature_importances_ # std = np.std([tree.feature_importances_ for tree in estim.feature_importances_], # axis=0) maxList = max(importances) minList = min(importances) for f in range(Data.shape[1]): ImpurityFS.append((importances[f] - minList) / (maxList - minList)) estim = LogisticRegression(n_jobs = -1, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) selector = RFECV(estimator=estim, n_jobs = -1, step=1, cv=crossValidation) selector =, yData) RFEImp = selector.ranking_ for f in range(Data.shape[1]): if (RFEImp[f] == 1): RankingFS.append(0.95) elif (RFEImp[f] == 2): RankingFS.append(0.85) elif (RFEImp[f] == 3): RankingFS.append(0.75) elif (RFEImp[f] == 4): RankingFS.append(0.65) elif (RFEImp[f] == 5): RankingFS.append(0.55) elif (RFEImp[f] == 6): RankingFS.append(0.45) elif (RFEImp[f] == 7): RankingFS.append(0.35) elif (RFEImp[f] == 8): RankingFS.append(0.25) elif (RFEImp[f] == 9): RankingFS.append(0.15) else: RankingFS.append(0.05) perm = PermutationImportance(clf, cv=None, refit = True, n_iter = 25).fit(Data, yData) permList.append(perm.feature_importances_) n_feats = Data.shape[1] num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() print("Parallelization Initilization") flat_results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(featFun)(clf,Data.values[:, i].reshape(-1, 1),yData) for i in range(n_feats)) PerFeatureAccuracy = [item for sublist in flat_results for item in sublist] # for i in range(n_feats): # scoresHere = model_selection.cross_val_score(clf, Data.values[:, i].reshape(-1, 1), yData, cv=None, n_jobs=-1) # PerFeatureAccuracy.append(scoresHere.mean()) PerFeatureAccuracyAll.append(PerFeatureAccuracy), yData) yPredict = clf.predict(Data) yPredict = np.nan_to_num(yPredict) RankingFSDF = pd.DataFrame(RankingFS) RankingFSDF = RankingFSDF.to_json() ImpurityFSDF = pd.DataFrame(ImpurityFS) ImpurityFSDF = ImpurityFSDF.to_json() perm_imp_eli5PD = pd.DataFrame(permList) if (perm_imp_eli5PD.empty): for col in Data.columns: perm_imp_eli5PD.append({0:0}) perm_imp_eli5PD = perm_imp_eli5PD.to_json() PerFeatureAccuracyPandas = pd.DataFrame(PerFeatureAccuracyAll) PerFeatureAccuracyPandas = PerFeatureAccuracyPandas.to_json() bestfeatures = SelectKBest(score_func=f_classif, k='all') fit =,yData) dfscores = pd.DataFrame(fit.scores_) dfcolumns = pd.DataFrame(Data.columns) featureScores = pd.concat([dfcolumns,dfscores],axis=1) featureScores.columns = ['Specs','Score'] #naming the dataframe columns featureScores = featureScores.to_json() resultsFS.append(featureScores) resultsFS.append(ImpurityFSDF) resultsFS.append(perm_imp_eli5PD) resultsFS.append(PerFeatureAccuracyPandas) resultsFS.append(RankingFSDF) return resultsFS @app.route('/data/sendFeatImp', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def sendFeatureImportance(): global featureImportanceData response = { 'Importance': featureImportanceData } return jsonify(response) @app.route('/data/sendFeatImpComp', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def sendFeatureImportanceComp(): global featureCompareData global columnsKeep response = { 'ImportanceCompare': featureCompareData, 'FeatureNames': columnsKeep } return jsonify(response) def solve(sclf,XData,yData,crossValidation,scoringIn,loop): scoresLoc = [] temp = model_selection.cross_val_score(sclf, XData, yData, cv=crossValidation, scoring=scoringIn, n_jobs=-1) scoresLoc.append(temp.mean()) scoresLoc.append(temp.std()) return scoresLoc @app.route('/data/sendResults', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def sendFinalResults(): global scores response = { 'ValidResults': scores } return jsonify(response) def Transformation(quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5): # XDataNumericColumn = XData.select_dtypes(include='number') XDataNumeric = XDataStoredOriginal.select_dtypes(include='number') columns = list(XDataNumeric) global packCorrTransformed packCorrTransformed = [] for count, i in enumerate(columns): dicTransf = {} splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+0].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf1"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() XDataNumericCopy[i] = XDataNumericCopy[i].round() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf1"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+1].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf2"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() number_of_bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(XDataNumericCopy[i], bins='auto') emptyLabels = [] for index, number in enumerate(number_of_bins): if (index == 0): pass else: emptyLabels.append(index) XDataNumericCopy[i] = pd.cut(XDataNumericCopy[i], bins=number_of_bins, labels=emptyLabels, include_lowest=True, right=True) XDataNumericCopy[i] = pd.to_numeric(XDataNumericCopy[i], downcast='signed') for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf2"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+2].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf3"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() XDataNumericCopy[i] = (XDataNumericCopy[i]-XDataNumericCopy[i].mean())/XDataNumericCopy[i].std() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf3"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+3].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf4"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() XDataNumericCopy[i] = (XDataNumericCopy[i]-XDataNumericCopy[i].min())/(XDataNumericCopy[i].max()-XDataNumericCopy[i].min()) for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf4"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+4].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf5"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.log2(XDataNumericCopy[i]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XDataNumericCopy[i] = dfTemp for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf5"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+5].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf6"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.log1p(XDataNumericCopy[i]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XDataNumericCopy[i] = dfTemp for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf6"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+6].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf7"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.log10(XDataNumericCopy[i]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XDataNumericCopy[i] = dfTemp for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf7"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+7].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf8"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.exp2(XDataNumericCopy[i]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XDataNumericCopy[i] = dfTemp if (np.isinf(dfTemp.var())): flagInf = True for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf8"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+8].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf9"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() dfTemp = [] dfTemp = np.expm1(XDataNumericCopy[i]) dfTemp = dfTemp.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) dfTemp = dfTemp.fillna(0) XDataNumericCopy[i] = dfTemp if (np.isinf(dfTemp.var())): flagInf = True for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf9"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+9].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf10"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() XDataNumericCopy[i] = np.power(XDataNumericCopy[i], 2) for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf10"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+10].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf11"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() XDataNumericCopy[i] = np.power(XDataNumericCopy[i], 3) for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf11"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) splittedCol = columnsNames[(count)*len(listofTransformations)+11].split('_') if(len(splittedCol) == 1): d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf12"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) else: d={} flagInf = False XDataNumericCopy = XDataNumeric.copy() XDataNumericCopy[i] = np.power(XDataNumericCopy[i], 4) for number in range(1,6): quadrantVariable = str('quadrant%s' % number) illusion = locals()[quadrantVariable] d["DataRows{0}".format(number)] = XDataNumericCopy.iloc[illusion, :] dicTransf["transf12"] = NewComputationTransf(d['DataRows1'], d['DataRows2'], d['DataRows3'], d['DataRows4'], d['DataRows5'], quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, i, count, flagInf) packCorrTransformed.append(dicTransf) return 'Everything Okay' def NewComputationTransf(DataRows1, DataRows2, DataRows3, DataRows4, DataRows5, quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5, feature, count, flagInf): corrMatrix1 = DataRows1.corr() corrMatrix1 = corrMatrix1.abs() corrMatrix2 = DataRows2.corr() corrMatrix2 = corrMatrix2.abs() corrMatrix3 = DataRows3.corr() corrMatrix3 = corrMatrix3.abs() corrMatrix4 = DataRows4.corr() corrMatrix4 = corrMatrix4.abs() corrMatrix5 = DataRows5.corr() corrMatrix5 = corrMatrix5.abs() corrMatrix1 = corrMatrix1.loc[[feature]] corrMatrix2 = corrMatrix2.loc[[feature]] corrMatrix3 = corrMatrix3.loc[[feature]] corrMatrix4 = corrMatrix4.loc[[feature]] corrMatrix5 = corrMatrix5.loc[[feature]] DataRows1 = DataRows1.reset_index(drop=True) DataRows2 = DataRows2.reset_index(drop=True) DataRows3 = DataRows3.reset_index(drop=True) DataRows4 = DataRows4.reset_index(drop=True) DataRows5 = DataRows5.reset_index(drop=True) targetRows1 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant1] targetRows2 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant2] targetRows3 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant3] targetRows4 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant4] targetRows5 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant5] targetRows1Arr = np.array(targetRows1) targetRows2Arr = np.array(targetRows2) targetRows3Arr = np.array(targetRows3) targetRows4Arr = np.array(targetRows4) targetRows5Arr = np.array(targetRows5) uniqueTarget1 = unique(targetRows1) uniqueTarget2 = unique(targetRows2) uniqueTarget3 = unique(targetRows3) uniqueTarget4 = unique(targetRows4) uniqueTarget5 = unique(targetRows5) if (len(targetRows1Arr) > 0): onehotEncoder1 = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) targetRows1Arr = targetRows1Arr.reshape(len(targetRows1Arr), 1) onehotEncoder1 = onehotEncoder1.fit_transform(targetRows1Arr) hotEncoderDF1 = pd.DataFrame(onehotEncoder1) concatDF1 = pd.concat([DataRows1, hotEncoderDF1], axis=1) corrMatrixComb1 = concatDF1.corr() corrMatrixComb1 = corrMatrixComb1.abs() corrMatrixComb1 = corrMatrixComb1.iloc[:,-len(uniqueTarget1):] DataRows1 = DataRows1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) DataRows1 = DataRows1.fillna(0) X1 = add_constant(DataRows1) X1 = X1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) X1 = X1.fillna(0) VIF1 = pd.Series([variance_inflation_factor(X1.values, i) for i in range(X1.shape[1])], index=X1.columns) if (flagInf == False): VIF1 = VIF1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) VIF1 = VIF1.fillna(0) VIF1 = VIF1.loc[[feature]] else: VIF1 = pd.Series() if ((len(targetRows1Arr) > 2) and (flagInf == False)): MI1 = mutual_info_classif(DataRows1, targetRows1Arr, n_neighbors=3, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) MI1List = MI1.tolist() MI1List = MI1List[count] else: MI1List = [] else: corrMatrixComb1 = pd.DataFrame() VIF1 = pd.Series() MI1List = [] if (len(targetRows2Arr) > 0): onehotEncoder2 = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) targetRows2Arr = targetRows2Arr.reshape(len(targetRows2Arr), 1) onehotEncoder2 = onehotEncoder2.fit_transform(targetRows2Arr) hotEncoderDF2 = pd.DataFrame(onehotEncoder2) concatDF2 = pd.concat([DataRows2, hotEncoderDF2], axis=1) corrMatrixComb2 = concatDF2.corr() corrMatrixComb2 = corrMatrixComb2.abs() corrMatrixComb2 = corrMatrixComb2.iloc[:,-len(uniqueTarget2):] DataRows2 = DataRows2.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) DataRows2 = DataRows2.fillna(0) X2 = add_constant(DataRows2) X2 = X2.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) X2 = X2.fillna(0) VIF2 = pd.Series([variance_inflation_factor(X2.values, i) for i in range(X2.shape[1])], index=X2.columns) if (flagInf == False): VIF2 = VIF2.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) VIF2 = VIF2.fillna(0) VIF2 = VIF2.loc[[feature]] else: VIF2 = pd.Series() if ((len(targetRows2Arr) > 2) and (flagInf == False)): MI2 = mutual_info_classif(DataRows2, targetRows2Arr, n_neighbors=3, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) MI2List = MI2.tolist() MI2List = MI2List[count] else: MI2List = [] else: corrMatrixComb2 = pd.DataFrame() VIF2 = pd.Series() MI2List = [] if (len(targetRows3Arr) > 0): onehotEncoder3 = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) targetRows3Arr = targetRows3Arr.reshape(len(targetRows3Arr), 1) onehotEncoder3 = onehotEncoder3.fit_transform(targetRows3Arr) hotEncoderDF3 = pd.DataFrame(onehotEncoder3) concatDF3 = pd.concat([DataRows3, hotEncoderDF3], axis=1) corrMatrixComb3 = concatDF3.corr() corrMatrixComb3 = corrMatrixComb3.abs() corrMatrixComb3 = corrMatrixComb3.iloc[:,-len(uniqueTarget3):] DataRows3 = DataRows3.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) DataRows3 = DataRows3.fillna(0) X3 = add_constant(DataRows3) X3 = X3.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) X3 = X3.fillna(0) if (flagInf == False): VIF3 = pd.Series([variance_inflation_factor(X3.values, i) for i in range(X3.shape[1])], index=X3.columns) VIF3 = VIF3.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) VIF3 = VIF3.fillna(0) VIF3 = VIF3.loc[[feature]] else: VIF3 = pd.Series() if ((len(targetRows3Arr) > 2) and (flagInf == False)): MI3 = mutual_info_classif(DataRows3, targetRows3Arr, n_neighbors=3, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) MI3List = MI3.tolist() MI3List = MI3List[count] else: MI3List = [] else: corrMatrixComb3 = pd.DataFrame() VIF3 = pd.Series() MI3List = [] if (len(targetRows4Arr) > 0): onehotEncoder4 = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) targetRows4Arr = targetRows4Arr.reshape(len(targetRows4Arr), 1) onehotEncoder4 = onehotEncoder4.fit_transform(targetRows4Arr) hotEncoderDF4 = pd.DataFrame(onehotEncoder4) concatDF4 = pd.concat([DataRows4, hotEncoderDF4], axis=1) corrMatrixComb4 = concatDF4.corr() corrMatrixComb4 = corrMatrixComb4.abs() corrMatrixComb4 = corrMatrixComb4.iloc[:,-len(uniqueTarget4):] DataRows4 = DataRows4.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) DataRows4 = DataRows4.fillna(0) X4 = add_constant(DataRows4) X4 = X4.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) X4 = X4.fillna(0) if (flagInf == False): VIF4 = pd.Series([variance_inflation_factor(X4.values, i) for i in range(X4.shape[1])], index=X4.columns) VIF4 = VIF4.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) VIF4 = VIF4.fillna(0) VIF4 = VIF4.loc[[feature]] else: VIF4 = pd.Series() if ((len(targetRows4Arr) > 2) and (flagInf == False)): MI4 = mutual_info_classif(DataRows4, targetRows4Arr, n_neighbors=3, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) MI4List = MI4.tolist() MI4List = MI4List[count] else: MI4List = [] else: corrMatrixComb4 = pd.DataFrame() VIF4 = pd.Series() MI4List = [] if (len(targetRows5Arr) > 0): onehotEncoder5 = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) targetRows5Arr = targetRows5Arr.reshape(len(targetRows5Arr), 1) onehotEncoder5 = onehotEncoder5.fit_transform(targetRows5Arr) hotEncoderDF5 = pd.DataFrame(onehotEncoder5) concatDF5 = pd.concat([DataRows5, hotEncoderDF5], axis=1) corrMatrixComb5 = concatDF5.corr() corrMatrixComb5 = corrMatrixComb5.abs() corrMatrixComb5 = corrMatrixComb5.iloc[:,-len(uniqueTarget5):] DataRows5 = DataRows5.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) DataRows5 = DataRows5.fillna(0) X5 = add_constant(DataRows5) X5 = X5.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) X5 = X5.fillna(0) if (flagInf == False): VIF5 = pd.Series([variance_inflation_factor(X5.values, i) for i in range(X5.shape[1])], index=X5.columns) VIF5 = VIF5.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) VIF5 = VIF5.fillna(0) VIF5 = VIF5.loc[[feature]] else: VIF5 = pd.Series() if ((len(targetRows5Arr) > 2) and (flagInf == False)): MI5 = mutual_info_classif(DataRows5, targetRows5Arr, n_neighbors=3, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) MI5List = MI5.tolist() MI5List = MI5List[count] else: MI5List = [] else: corrMatrixComb5 = pd.DataFrame() VIF5 = pd.Series() MI5List = [] if(corrMatrixComb1.empty): corrMatrixComb1 = pd.DataFrame() else: corrMatrixComb1 = corrMatrixComb1.loc[[feature]] if(corrMatrixComb2.empty): corrMatrixComb2 = pd.DataFrame() else: corrMatrixComb2 = corrMatrixComb2.loc[[feature]] if(corrMatrixComb3.empty): corrMatrixComb3 = pd.DataFrame() else: corrMatrixComb3 = corrMatrixComb3.loc[[feature]] if(corrMatrixComb4.empty): corrMatrixComb4 = pd.DataFrame() else: corrMatrixComb4 = corrMatrixComb4.loc[[feature]] if(corrMatrixComb5.empty): corrMatrixComb5 = pd.DataFrame() else: corrMatrixComb5 = corrMatrixComb5.loc[[feature]] targetRows1ArrDF = pd.DataFrame(targetRows1Arr) targetRows2ArrDF = pd.DataFrame(targetRows2Arr) targetRows3ArrDF = pd.DataFrame(targetRows3Arr) targetRows4ArrDF = pd.DataFrame(targetRows4Arr) targetRows5ArrDF = pd.DataFrame(targetRows5Arr) concatAllDF1 = pd.concat([DataRows1, targetRows1ArrDF], axis=1) concatAllDF2 = pd.concat([DataRows2, targetRows2ArrDF], axis=1) concatAllDF3 = pd.concat([DataRows3, targetRows3ArrDF], axis=1) concatAllDF4 = pd.concat([DataRows4, targetRows4ArrDF], axis=1) concatAllDF5 = pd.concat([DataRows5, targetRows5ArrDF], axis=1) corrMatrixCombTotal1 = concatAllDF1.corr() corrMatrixCombTotal1 = corrMatrixCombTotal1.abs() corrMatrixCombTotal2 = concatAllDF2.corr() corrMatrixCombTotal2 = corrMatrixCombTotal2.abs() corrMatrixCombTotal3 = concatAllDF3.corr() corrMatrixCombTotal3 = corrMatrixCombTotal3.abs() corrMatrixCombTotal4 = concatAllDF4.corr() corrMatrixCombTotal4 = corrMatrixCombTotal4.abs() corrMatrixCombTotal5 = concatAllDF5.corr() corrMatrixCombTotal5 = corrMatrixCombTotal5.abs() corrMatrixCombTotal1 = corrMatrixCombTotal1.loc[[feature]] corrMatrixCombTotal1 = corrMatrixCombTotal1.iloc[:,-1] corrMatrixCombTotal2 = corrMatrixCombTotal2.loc[[feature]] corrMatrixCombTotal2 = corrMatrixCombTotal2.iloc[:,-1] corrMatrixCombTotal3 = corrMatrixCombTotal3.loc[[feature]] corrMatrixCombTotal3 = corrMatrixCombTotal3.iloc[:,-1] corrMatrixCombTotal4 = corrMatrixCombTotal4.loc[[feature]] corrMatrixCombTotal4 = corrMatrixCombTotal4.iloc[:,-1] corrMatrixCombTotal5 = corrMatrixCombTotal5.loc[[feature]] corrMatrixCombTotal5 = corrMatrixCombTotal5.iloc[:,-1] corrMatrixCombTotal1 = pd.concat([corrMatrixCombTotal1.tail(1)]) corrMatrixCombTotal2 = pd.concat([corrMatrixCombTotal2.tail(1)]) corrMatrixCombTotal3 = pd.concat([corrMatrixCombTotal3.tail(1)]) corrMatrixCombTotal4 = pd.concat([corrMatrixCombTotal4.tail(1)]) corrMatrixCombTotal5 = pd.concat([corrMatrixCombTotal5.tail(1)]) packCorrLoc = [] packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrix1.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrix2.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrix3.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrix4.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrix5.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixComb1.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixComb2.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixComb3.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixComb4.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixComb5.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixCombTotal1.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixCombTotal2.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixCombTotal3.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixCombTotal4.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(corrMatrixCombTotal5.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(VIF1.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(VIF2.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(VIF3.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(VIF4.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(VIF5.to_json()) packCorrLoc.append(json.dumps(MI1List)) packCorrLoc.append(json.dumps(MI2List)) packCorrLoc.append(json.dumps(MI3List)) packCorrLoc.append(json.dumps(MI4List)) packCorrLoc.append(json.dumps(MI5List)) return packCorrLoc @cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) @app.route('/data/thresholdDataSpace', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def Seperation(): thresholds = request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') thresholds = json.loads(thresholds) thresholdsPos = thresholds['PositiveValue'] thresholdsNeg = thresholds['NegativeValue'] getCorrectPrediction = [] for index, value in enumerate(yPredictProb): getCorrectPrediction.append(value[yData[index]]*100) quadrant1 = [] quadrant2 = [] quadrant3 = [] quadrant4 = [] quadrant5 = [] probabilityPredictions = [] for index, value in enumerate(getCorrectPrediction): if (value > 50 and value > thresholdsPos): quadrant1.append(index) elif (value > 50 and value <= thresholdsPos): quadrant2.append(index) elif (value <= 50 and value > thresholdsNeg): quadrant3.append(index) else: quadrant4.append(index) quadrant5.append(index) probabilityPredictions.append(value) # Main Features DataRows1 = XData.iloc[quadrant1, :] DataRows2 = XData.iloc[quadrant2, :] DataRows3 = XData.iloc[quadrant3, :] DataRows4 = XData.iloc[quadrant4, :] DataRows5 = XData.iloc[quadrant5, :] Transformation(quadrant1, quadrant2, quadrant3, quadrant4, quadrant5) corrMatrix1 = DataRows1.corr() corrMatrix1 = corrMatrix1.abs() corrMatrix2 = DataRows2.corr() corrMatrix2 = corrMatrix2.abs() corrMatrix3 = DataRows3.corr() corrMatrix3 = corrMatrix3.abs() corrMatrix4 = DataRows4.corr() corrMatrix4 = corrMatrix4.abs() corrMatrix5 = DataRows5.corr() corrMatrix5 = corrMatrix5.abs() DataRows1 = DataRows1.reset_index(drop=True) DataRows2 = DataRows2.reset_index(drop=True) DataRows3 = DataRows3.reset_index(drop=True) DataRows4 = DataRows4.reset_index(drop=True) DataRows5 = DataRows5.reset_index(drop=True) targetRows1 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant1] targetRows2 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant2] targetRows3 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant3] targetRows4 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant4] targetRows5 = [yData[i] for i in quadrant5] targetRows1Arr = np.array(targetRows1) targetRows2Arr = np.array(targetRows2) targetRows3Arr = np.array(targetRows3) targetRows4Arr = np.array(targetRows4) targetRows5Arr = np.array(targetRows5) uniqueTarget1 = unique(targetRows1) uniqueTarget2 = unique(targetRows2) uniqueTarget3 = unique(targetRows3) uniqueTarget4 = unique(targetRows4) uniqueTarget5 = unique(targetRows5) if (len(targetRows1Arr) > 0): onehotEncoder1 = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) targetRows1Arr = targetRows1Arr.reshape(len(targetRows1Arr), 1) onehotEncoder1 = onehotEncoder1.fit_transform(targetRows1Arr) hotEncoderDF1 = pd.DataFrame(onehotEncoder1) concatDF1 = pd.concat([DataRows1, hotEncoderDF1], axis=1) corrMatrixComb1 = concatDF1.corr() corrMatrixComb1 = corrMatrixComb1.abs() corrMatrixComb1 = corrMatrixComb1.iloc[:,-len(uniqueTarget1):] DataRows1 = DataRows1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) DataRows1 = DataRows1.fillna(0) X1 = add_constant(DataRows1) X1 = X1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) X1 = X1.fillna(0) VIF1 = pd.Series([variance_inflation_factor(X1.values, i) for i in range(X1.shape[1])], index=X1.columns) VIF1 = VIF1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) VIF1 = VIF1.fillna(0) if (len(targetRows1Arr) > 2): MI1 = mutual_info_classif(DataRows1, targetRows1Arr, n_neighbors=3, random_state=RANDOM_SEED) MI1List = MI1.tolist() else: MI1List = [] else: corrMatrixComb1 = pd.DataFrame() VIF1 = pd.Series() MI1List = [] if (len(targetRows2Arr) > 0): onehotEncoder2 = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) targetRows2Arr = targetRows2Arr.reshape(len(targetRows2Arr), 1) onehotEncoder2 = onehotEncoder2.fit_transform(targetRows2Arr) hotEncoderDF2 = pd.DataFrame(onehotEncoder2) concatDF2 =
pd.concat([DataRows2, hotEncoderDF2], axis=1)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json PROCESS_FILE_NAME_LIST = ["taxi_sort_01", "taxi_sort_001", "taxi_sort_002", "taxi_sort_003", "taxi_sort_004", "taxi_sort_005", "taxi_sort_006", "taxi_sort_007", "taxi_sort_008", "taxi_sort_009", "taxi_sort_0006", "taxi_sort_0007", "taxi_sort_0008", "taxi_sort_0009"] PROCESS_FILE_SUFFIX_LIST = [".csv" for _ in range(len(PROCESS_FILE_NAME_LIST))] for process_file_name, process_file_suffix in zip(PROCESS_FILE_NAME_LIST, PROCESS_FILE_SUFFIX_LIST): df = pd.read_csv(process_file_name + process_file_suffix, index_col=False) df_precinct_center =
pd.read_csv("precinct_center.csv", index_col=False)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot') target = 'scale' # IP plot_mode = 'all_in_one' obj = 'occ' # Port flow_dir = 'all' port_dir = 'sys' user_plot_pr = ['TCP'] user_plot_pr = ['UDP'] port_hist = pd.DataFrame({'A' : []}) user_port_hist = pd.DataFrame({'A' : []}) def acf(x, length=10): return np.array([1]+[np.corrcoef(x[:-i], x[i:])[0,1] \ for i in range(1, length)]) def scale_check(data_idx, plot=False): files = ['stanc', 'arcnn_f90', 'wpgan', 'ctgan', 'bsl1', 'bsl2', 'real'] names = ['stan_b', 'stan_a', 'wpgan', 'ctgan', 'bsl1', 'bsl2', 'real'] if files[data_idx] == 'real': df = pd.read_csv("./postprocessed_data/%s/day2_90user.csv" % files[data_idx]) elif files[data_idx] == 'stanc' or files[data_idx] == 'stan': df = pd.read_csv("./postprocessed_data/%s/%s_piece%d.csv" % (files[data_idx], files[data_idx], 0)) else: df = pd.read_csv("./postprocessed_data/%s/%s_piece%d.csv" % (files[data_idx], files[data_idx], 0), index_col=None) li = [df] for piece_idx in range(1, 5): df = pd.read_csv("./postprocessed_data/%s/%s_piece%d.csv" % (files[data_idx], files[data_idx], piece_idx), index_col=None, header=0) li.append(df) df = pd.concat(li, axis=0, ignore_index=True) scale_list = [] for col in ['byt', 'pkt']: scale_list.append(col) scale_list.append(str(np.min(df[col]))) scale_list.append(str(np.log(np.max(df[col])))) scale_list.append(';') print(files[data_idx], ':', (' '.join(scale_list))) def pr_distribution(data_idx, plot=False): files = ['stan','stanc', 'arcnn_f90', 'wpgan', 'ctgan', 'bsl1', 'bsl2', 'real'] names = ['stan_fwd','stan_b', 'stan_a', 'wpgan', 'ctgan', 'bsl1', 'bsl2', 'real'] if files[data_idx] == 'real': df = pd.read_csv("./postprocessed_data/%s/day2_90user.csv" % files[data_idx]) elif files[data_idx] == 'stanc' or files[data_idx] == 'stan': df = pd.read_csv("./postprocessed_data/%s/%s_piece%d.csv" % (files[data_idx], files[data_idx], 0)) else: df = pd.read_csv("./postprocessed_data/%s/%s_piece%d.csv" % (files[data_idx], files[data_idx], 0), index_col=None) li = [df] for piece_idx in range(1, 5): df =
pd.read_csv("./postprocessed_data/%s/%s_piece%d.csv" % (files[data_idx], files[data_idx], piece_idx), index_col=None, header=0)
# %% [markdown] # This python script takes audio files from "filedata" from sonicboom, runs each audio file through # Fast Fourier Transform, plots the FFT image, splits the FFT'd images into train, test & validation # and paste them in their respective folders # Import Dependencies import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy from scipy import io from import read as wavread from scipy.fftpack import fft import librosa from librosa import display import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from glob import glob import sklearn from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import os from PIL import Image import pathlib import sonicboom from joblib import Parallel, delayed # %% [markdown] # ## Read and add filepaths to original UrbanSound metadata filedata = sonicboom.init_data('./data/UrbanSound8K/') #Read filedata as written in sonicboom #Initialize empty dataframes to later enable saving the images into their respective folders train =
''' The analysis module Handles the analyses of the info and data space for experiment evaluation and design. ''' from slm_lab.agent import AGENT_DATA_NAMES from slm_lab.env import ENV_DATA_NAMES from slm_lab.lib import logger, util, viz import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import pydash as ps import shutil DATA_AGG_FNS = { 't': 'sum', 'reward': 'sum', 'loss': 'mean', 'explore_var': 'mean', } FITNESS_COLS = ['strength', 'speed', 'stability', 'consistency'] # TODO improve to make it work with any reward mean FITNESS_STD ='slm_lab/spec/_fitness_std.json') NOISE_WINDOW = 0.05 MA_WINDOW = 100 logger = logger.get_logger(__name__) ''' Fitness analysis ''' def calc_strength(aeb_df, rand_epi_reward, std_epi_reward): ''' For each episode, use the total rewards to calculate the strength as strength_epi = (reward_epi - reward_rand) / (reward_std - reward_rand) **Properties:** - random agent has strength 0, standard agent has strength 1. - if an agent achieve x2 rewards, the strength is ~x2, and so on. - strength of learning agent always tends toward positive regardless of the sign of rewards (some environments use negative rewards) - scale of strength is always standard at 1 and its multiplies, regardless of the scale of actual rewards. Strength stays invariant even as reward gets rescaled. This allows for standard comparison between agents on the same problem using an intuitive measurement of strength. With proper scaling by a difficulty factor, we can compare across problems of different difficulties. ''' # use lower clip 0 for noise in reward to dip slighty below rand return (aeb_df['reward'] - rand_epi_reward).clip(0.) / (std_epi_reward - rand_epi_reward) def calc_stable_idx(aeb_df, min_strength_ma): '''Calculate the index (epi) when strength first becomes stable (using moving mean and working backward)''' above_std_strength_sr = (aeb_df['strength_ma'] >= min_strength_ma) if above_std_strength_sr.any(): # if it achieved stable (ma) min_strength_ma at some point, the index when std_strength_ra_idx = above_std_strength_sr.idxmax() stable_idx = std_strength_ra_idx - (MA_WINDOW - 1) else: stable_idx = np.nan return stable_idx def calc_std_strength_timestep(aeb_df): ''' Calculate the timestep needed to achieve stable (within NOISE_WINDOW) std_strength. For agent failing to achieve std_strength 1, it is meaningless to measure speed or give false interpolation, so set as inf (never). ''' std_strength = 1. stable_idx = calc_stable_idx(aeb_df, min_strength_ma=std_strength - NOISE_WINDOW) if np.isnan(stable_idx): std_strength_timestep = np.inf else: std_strength_timestep = aeb_df.loc[stable_idx, 'total_t'] / std_strength return std_strength_timestep def calc_speed(aeb_df, std_timestep): ''' For each session, measure the moving average for strength with interval = 100 episodes. Next, measure the total timesteps up to the first episode that first surpasses standard strength, allowing for noise of 0.05. Finally, calculate speed as speed = timestep_std / timestep_solved **Properties:** - random agent has speed 0, standard agent has speed 1. - if an agent takes x2 timesteps to exceed standard strength, we can say it is 2x slower. - the speed of learning agent always tends toward positive regardless of the shape of the rewards curve - the scale of speed is always standard at 1 and its multiplies, regardless of the absolute timesteps. For agent failing to achieve standard strength 1, it is meaningless to measure speed or give false interpolation, so the speed is 0. This allows an intuitive measurement of learning speed and the standard comparison between agents on the same problem. ''' agent_timestep = calc_std_strength_timestep(aeb_df) speed = std_timestep / agent_timestep return speed def is_noisy_mono_inc(sr): '''Check if sr is monotonically increasing, (given NOISE_WINDOW = 5%) within noise = 5% * std_strength = 0.05 * 1''' zero_noise = -NOISE_WINDOW mono_inc_sr = np.diff(sr) >= zero_noise # restore sr to same length mono_inc_sr = np.insert(mono_inc_sr, 0, np.nan) return mono_inc_sr def calc_stability(aeb_df): ''' Find a baseline = - 0. + noise for very weak solution - max(strength_ma_epi) - noise for partial solution weak solution - 1. - noise for solution achieving standard strength and beyond So we get: - weak_baseline = 0. + noise - strong_baseline = min(max(strength_ma_epi), 1.) - noise - baseline = max(weak_baseline, strong_baseline) Let epi_baseline be the episode where baseline is first attained. Consider the episodes starting from epi_baseline, let #epi_+ be the number of episodes, and #epi_>= the number of episodes where strength_ma_epi is monotonically increasing. Calculate stability as stability = #epi_>= / #epi_+ **Properties:** - stable agent has value 1, unstable agent < 1, and non-solution = 0. - allows for drops strength MA of 5% to account for noise, which is invariant to the scale of rewards - if strength is monotonically increasing (with 5% noise), then it is stable - sharp gain in strength is considered stable - monotonically increasing implies strength can keep growing and as long as it does not fall much, it is considered stable ''' weak_baseline = 0. + NOISE_WINDOW strong_baseline = min(aeb_df['strength_ma'].max(), 1.) - NOISE_WINDOW baseline = max(weak_baseline, strong_baseline) stable_idx = calc_stable_idx(aeb_df, min_strength_ma=baseline) if np.isnan(stable_idx): stability = 0. else: stable_df = aeb_df.loc[stable_idx:, 'strength_mono_inc'] stability = stable_df.sum() / len(stable_df) return stability def calc_consistency(aeb_fitness_df): ''' Calculate the consistency of trial by the fitness_vectors of its sessions: consistency = ratio of non-outlier vectors **Properties:** - outliers are calculated using MAD modified z-score - if all the fitness vectors are zero or all strength are zero, consistency = 0 - works for all sorts of session fitness vectors, with the standard scale When an agent fails to achieve standard strength, it is meaningless to measure consistency or give false interpolation, so consistency is 0. ''' fitness_vecs = aeb_fitness_df.values if ~np.any(fitness_vecs) or ~np.any(aeb_fitness_df['strength']): # no consistency if vectors all 0 consistency = 0. elif len(fitness_vecs) == 2: # if only has 2 vectors, check norm_diff diff_norm = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(fitness_vecs, axis=0)) / np.linalg.norm(np.ones(len(fitness_vecs[0]))) consistency = diff_norm <= NOISE_WINDOW else: is_outlier_arr = util.is_outlier(fitness_vecs) consistency = (~is_outlier_arr).sum() / len(is_outlier_arr) return consistency def calc_epi_reward_ma(aeb_df): '''Calculates the episode reward moving average with the MA_WINDOW''' rewards = aeb_df['reward'] aeb_df['reward_ma'] = rewards.rolling(window=MA_WINDOW, min_periods=0, center=False).mean() return aeb_df def calc_fitness(fitness_vec): ''' Takes a vector of qualifying standardized dimensions of fitness and compute the normalized length as fitness L2 norm because it diminishes lower values but amplifies higher values for comparison. ''' if isinstance(fitness_vec, pd.Series): fitness_vec = fitness_vec.values elif isinstance(fitness_vec, pd.DataFrame): fitness_vec = fitness_vec.iloc[0].values std_fitness_vector = np.ones(len(fitness_vec)) fitness = np.linalg.norm(fitness_vec) / np.linalg.norm(std_fitness_vector) return fitness def calc_aeb_fitness_sr(aeb_df, env_name): '''Top level method to calculate fitness vector for AEB level data (strength, speed, stability)''' no_fitness_sr = pd.Series({ 'strength': 0., 'speed': 0., 'stability': 0.}) if len(aeb_df) < MA_WINDOW: logger.warn(f'Run more than {MA_WINDOW} episodes to compute proper fitness') return no_fitness_sr std = FITNESS_STD.get(env_name) if std is None: std = FITNESS_STD.get('template') logger.warn(f'The fitness standard for env {env_name} is not built yet. Contact author. Using a template standard for now.') aeb_df['total_t'] = aeb_df['t'].cumsum() aeb_df['strength'] = calc_strength(aeb_df, std['rand_epi_reward'], std['std_epi_reward']) aeb_df['strength_ma'] = aeb_df['strength'].rolling(MA_WINDOW).mean() aeb_df['strength_mono_inc'] = is_noisy_mono_inc(aeb_df['strength']).astype(int) strength = aeb_df['strength_ma'].max() speed = calc_speed(aeb_df, std['std_timestep']) stability = calc_stability(aeb_df) aeb_fitness_sr = pd.Series({ 'strength': strength, 'speed': speed, 'stability': stability}) return aeb_fitness_sr ''' Analysis interface methods ''' def save_spec(spec, info_space, unit='experiment'): '''Save spec to proper path. Called at Experiment or Trial init.''' prepath = util.get_prepath(spec, info_space, unit) util.write(spec, f'{prepath}_spec.json') def calc_mean_fitness(fitness_df): '''Method to calculated mean over all bodies for a fitness_df''' return fitness_df.mean(axis=1, level=3) def get_session_data(session): ''' Gather data from session: MDP, Agent, Env data, hashed by aeb; then aggregate. @returns {dict, dict} session_mdp_data, session_data ''' session_data = {} for aeb, body in util.ndenumerate_nonan( session_data[aeb] = body.df.copy() return session_data def calc_session_fitness_df(session, session_data): '''Calculate the session fitness df''' session_fitness_data = {} for aeb in session_data: aeb_df = session_data[aeb] aeb_df = calc_epi_reward_ma(aeb_df) util.downcast_float32(aeb_df) body =[aeb] aeb_fitness_sr = calc_aeb_fitness_sr(aeb_df, aeb_fitness_df = pd.DataFrame([aeb_fitness_sr], index=[session.index]) aeb_fitness_df = aeb_fitness_df.reindex(FITNESS_COLS[:3], axis=1) session_fitness_data[aeb] = aeb_fitness_df # form multi_index df, then take mean across all bodies session_fitness_df =
pd.concat(session_fitness_data, axis=1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Project : From geodynamic to Seismic observations in the Earth's inner core # Author : <NAME> """ Implement classes for tracers, to create points along the trajectories of given points. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from . import data from . import geodyn_analytical_flows from . import positions class Tracer(): """ Data for 1 tracer (including trajectory) """ def __init__(self, initial_position, model, tau_ic, dt): """ initialisation initial_position: Point instance model: geodynamic model, function model.trajectory_single_point is required """ self.initial_position = initial_position self.model = model # geodynamic model try: self.model.trajectory_single_point except NameError: print( "model.trajectory_single_point is required, please check the input model: {}".format(model)) point = [initial_position.x, initial_position.y, initial_position.z] self.crystallization_time = self.model.crystallisation_time(point, tau_ic) num_t = max(2, math.floor((tau_ic - self.crystallization_time) / dt)) # print(tau_ic, self.crystallization_time, num_t) self.num_t = num_t if num_t ==0: print("oups") # need to find cristallisation time of the particle # then calculate the number of steps, based on the required dt # then calculate the trajectory else: self.traj_x, self.traj_y, self.traj_z = self.model.trajectory_single_point( self.initial_position, tau_ic, self.crystallization_time, num_t) self.time = np.linspace(tau_ic, self.crystallization_time, num_t) self.position = np.zeros((num_t, 3)) self.velocity = np.zeros((num_t, 3)) self.velocity_gradient = np.zeros((num_t, 9)) def spherical(self): for index, (time, x, y, z) in enumerate( zip(self.time, self.traj_x, self.traj_y, self.traj_z)): point = positions.CartesianPoint(x, y, z) r, theta, phi = point.r, point.theta, point.phi grad = self.model.gradient_spherical(r, theta, phi, time) self.position[index, :] = [r, theta, phi] self.velocity[index, :] = [self.model.u_r(r, theta, time), self.model.u_theta(r, theta, time), self.model.u_phi(r, theta, time)] self.velocity_gradient[index, :] = grad.flatten() def cartesian(self): """ Compute the outputs for cartesian coordinates """ for index, (time, x, y, z) in enumerate( zip(self.time, self.traj_x, self.traj_y, self.traj_z)): point = positions.CartesianPoint(x, y, z) r, theta, phi = point.r, point.theta, point.phi x, y, z = point.x, point.y, point.z vel = self.model.velocity(time, [x, y, z]) # self.model.velocity_cartesian(r, theta, phi, time) grad = self.model.gradient_cartesian(r, theta, phi, time) self.position[index, :] = [x, y, z] self.velocity[index, :] = vel[:] self.velocity_gradient[index, :] = grad.flatten() def output_spher(self, i): list_i = i * np.ones_like(self.time) data_i = pd.DataFrame(data=list_i, columns=["i"]) data_time = pd.DataFrame(data=self.time, columns=["time"]) dt = np.append(np.abs(np.diff(self.time)), [0]) data_dt = pd.DataFrame(data=dt, columns=["dt"]) data_pos = pd.DataFrame(data=self.position, columns=["r", "theta", "phi"]) data_velo = pd.DataFrame(data=self.velocity, columns=["v_r", "v_theta", "v_phi"]) data_strain = pd.DataFrame(data=self.velocity_gradient, columns=["dvr/dr", "dvr/dtheta", "dvr/dphi", "dvr/dtheta", "dvtheta/dtheta", "dvtheta/dphi","dvphi/dr", "dvphi/dtheta", "dvphi/dphi"]) data = pd.concat([data_i, data_time, data_dt, data_pos, data_velo, data_strain], axis=1) return data #data.to_csv("tracer.csv", sep=" ", index=False) def output_cart(self, i): list_i = i * np.ones_like(self.time) data_i = pd.DataFrame(data=list_i, columns=["i"]) data_time = pd.DataFrame(data=self.time, columns=["time"]) dt = np.append([0], np.diff(self.time)) data_dt = pd.DataFrame(data=dt, columns=["dt"]) data_pos = pd.DataFrame(data=self.position, columns=["x", "y", "z"]) data_velo = pd.DataFrame(data=self.velocity, columns=["v_x", "v_y", "v_z"]) data_strain =
pd.DataFrame(data=self.velocity_gradient, columns=["dvx/dx", "dvx/dy", "dvx/dz", "dvy/dx", "dvy/dy", "dvy/dz", "dvz/dx", "dvz/dy", "dvz/dz"])
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, time, code import numpy as np import pickle as pickle from pandas import DataFrame, read_pickle, get_dummies, cut import statsmodels.formula.api as sm from sklearn.externals import joblib from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from djeval import * def shell(): vars = globals() vars.update(locals()) shell = code.InteractiveConsole(vars) shell.interact() def fix_colname(cn): return cn.translate(None, ' ()[],') msg("Hi, reading yy_df.") yy_df = read_pickle(sys.argv[1]) # clean up column names colnames = list(yy_df.columns.values) colnames = [fix_colname(cn) for cn in colnames] yy_df.columns = colnames # change the gamenum and side from being part of the index to being normal columns yy_df.reset_index(inplace=True) msg("Getting subset ready.") # TODO save the dummies along with yy_df categorical_features = ['opening_feature'] dummies =
import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from numpy import abs from numpy import log from numpy import sign from scipy.stats import rankdata import scipy as sp import statsmodels.api as sm from data_source import local_source from tqdm import tqdm as pb # region Auxiliary functions def ts_sum(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling sum. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series sum over the past 'window' days. """ return df.rolling(window).sum() def ts_prod(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling product. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series product over the past 'window' days. """ return df.rolling(window).prod() def sma(df, window=10): #simple moving average """ Wrapper function to estimate SMA. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series SMA over the past 'window' days. """ return df.rolling(window).mean() def ema(df, n, m): #exponential moving average """ Wrapper function to estimate EMA. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :return: ema_{t}=(m/n)*a_{t}+((n-m)/n)*ema_{t-1} """ result = df.copy() for i in range(1,len(df)): result.iloc[i]= (m*df.iloc[i-1] + (n-m)*result[i-1]) / n return result def wma(df, n): """ Wrapper function to estimate WMA. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :return: wma_{t}=0.9*a_{t}+1.8*a_{t-1}+...+0.9*n*a_{t-n+1} """ weights = pd.Series(0.9*np.flipud(np.arange(1,n+1))) result = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index) for i in range(n-1,len(df)): result.iloc[i]= sum(df[i-n+1:i+1].reset_index(drop=True)*weights.reset_index(drop=True)) return result def stddev(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling standard deviation. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series min over the past 'window' days. """ return df.rolling(window).std() def correlation(x, y, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling corelations. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series min over the past 'window' days. """ return x.rolling(window).corr(y) def covariance(x, y, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling covariance. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series min over the past 'window' days. """ return x.rolling(window).cov(y) def rolling_rank(na): """ Auxiliary function to be used in pd.rolling_apply :param na: numpy array. :return: The rank of the last value in the array. """ return rankdata(na)[-1] def ts_rank(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling rank. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series rank over the past window days. """ return df.rolling(window).apply(rolling_rank) def rolling_prod(na): """ Auxiliary function to be used in pd.rolling_apply :param na: numpy array. :return: The product of the values in the array. """ return def product(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling product. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series product over the past 'window' days. """ return df.rolling(window).apply(rolling_prod) def ts_min(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling min. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series min over the past 'window' days. """ return df.rolling(window).min() def ts_max(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate rolling min. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: a pandas DataFrame with the time-series max over the past 'window' days. """ return df.rolling(window).max() def delta(df, period=1): """ Wrapper function to estimate difference. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param period: the difference grade. :return: a pandas DataFrame with today’s value minus the value 'period' days ago. """ return df.diff(period) def delay(df, period=1): """ Wrapper function to estimate lag. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param period: the lag grade. :return: a pandas DataFrame with lagged time series """ return df.shift(period) def rank(df): """ Cross sectional rank :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :return: a pandas DataFrame with rank along columns. """ #return df.rank(axis=1, pct=True) return df.rank(pct=True) def scale(df, k=1): """ Scaling time serie. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param k: scaling factor. :return: a pandas DataFrame rescaled df such that sum(abs(df)) = k """ return df.mul(k).div(np.abs(df).sum()) def ts_argmax(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate which day ts_max(df, window) occurred on :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: well.. that :) """ return df.rolling(window).apply(np.argmax) + 1 def ts_argmin(df, window=10): """ Wrapper function to estimate which day ts_min(df, window) occurred on :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param window: the rolling window. :return: well.. that :) """ return df.rolling(window).apply(np.argmin) + 1 def decay_linear(df, period=10): """ Linear weighted moving average implementation. :param df: a pandas DataFrame. :param period: the LWMA period :return: a pandas DataFrame with the LWMA. """ try: df = df.to_frame() #Series is not supported for the calculations below. except: pass # Clean data if df.isnull().values.any(): df.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) df.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True) df.fillna(value=0, inplace=True) na_lwma = np.zeros_like(df) na_lwma[:period, :] = df.iloc[:period, :] na_series = df.values divisor = period * (period + 1) / 2 y = (np.arange(period) + 1) * 1.0 / divisor # Estimate the actual lwma with the actual close. # The backtest engine should assure to be snooping bias free. for row in range(period - 1, df.shape[0]): x = na_series[row - period + 1: row + 1, :] na_lwma[row, :] = (, y)) return pd.DataFrame(na_lwma, index=df.index, columns=['CLOSE']) def highday(df, n): #计算df前n期时间序列中最大值距离当前时点的间隔 result = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index) for i in range(n,len(df)): result.iloc[i]= i - df[i-n:i].idxmax() return result def lowday(df, n): #计算df前n期时间序列中最小值距离当前时点的间隔 result = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index) for i in range(n,len(df)): result.iloc[i]= i - df[i-n:i].idxmin() return result def daily_panel_csv_initializer(csv_name): #not used now if os.path.exists(csv_name)==False: stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY') date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"') dataset=0 for date in date_list["TRADE_DATE"]: stock_list[date]=stock_list["INDUSTRY"] stock_list.drop("INDUSTRY",axis=1,inplace=True) stock_list.set_index("TS_CODE", inplace=True) dataset = pd.DataFrame(stock_list.stack()) dataset.reset_index(inplace=True) dataset.columns=["TS_CODE","TRADE_DATE","INDUSTRY"] dataset.to_csv(csv_name,encoding='utf-8-sig',index=False) else: dataset=pd.read_csv(csv_name) return dataset def IndustryAverage_vwap(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_vwap.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average vwap data needs not to be updated.") return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average vwap data needs to be updated.") first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average vwap data is missing.") result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass VWAP = (quotations_daily_chosen['AMOUNT']*1000)/(quotations_daily_chosen['VOL']*100+1) result_unaveraged_piece = VWAP result_unaveraged_piece.rename("VWAP_UNAVERAGED",inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["VWAP_UNAVERAGED"].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_vwap.csv",encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df def IndustryAverage_close(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_close.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average close data needs not to be updated.") return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average close data needs to be updated.") first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average close data is missing.") result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass CLOSE = quotations_daily_chosen['CLOSE'] result_unaveraged_piece = CLOSE result_unaveraged_piece.rename("CLOSE_UNAVERAGED",inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["CLOSE_UNAVERAGED"].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_close.csv",encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df def IndustryAverage_low(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_low.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average low data needs not to be updated.") return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average low data needs to be updated.") first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average low data is missing.") result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass LOW = quotations_daily_chosen['LOW'] result_unaveraged_piece = LOW result_unaveraged_piece.rename("LOW_UNAVERAGED",inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["LOW_UNAVERAGED"].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_low.csv",encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df def IndustryAverage_volume(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_volume.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average volume data needs not to be updated.") return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average volume data needs to be updated.") first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average volume data is missing.") result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass VOLUME = quotations_daily_chosen['VOL']*100 result_unaveraged_piece = VOLUME result_unaveraged_piece.rename("VOLUME_UNAVERAGED",inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["VOLUME_UNAVERAGED"].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_volume.csv",encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df def IndustryAverage_adv(num): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_adv{num}.csv".format(num=num)) result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average adv{num} data needs not to be updated.".format(num=num)) return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average adv{num} data needs to be updated.".format(num=num)) first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average adv{num} data is missing.".format(num=num)) result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass VOLUME = quotations_daily_chosen['VOL']*100 result_unaveraged_piece = sma(VOLUME, num) result_unaveraged_piece.rename("ADV{num}_UNAVERAGED".format(num=num),inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["ADV{num}_UNAVERAGED".format(num=num)].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_adv{num}.csv".format(num=num),encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df #(correlation(delta(close, 1), delta(delay(close, 1), 1), 250) *delta(close, 1)) / close def IndustryAverage_PreparationForAlpha048(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha048.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average data for alpha048 needs not to be updated.") return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average data for alpha048 needs to be updated.") first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average dataset for alpha048 is missing.") result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass CLOSE = quotations_daily_chosen['CLOSE'] result_unaveraged_piece = (correlation(delta(CLOSE, 1), delta(delay(CLOSE, 1), 1), 250) *delta(CLOSE, 1)) / CLOSE result_unaveraged_piece.rename("PREPARATION_FOR_ALPHA048_UNAVERAGED",inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["PREPARATION_FOR_ALPHA048_UNAVERAGED"].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha048.csv",encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df #(vwap * 0.728317) + (vwap *(1 - 0.728317)) def IndustryAverage_PreparationForAlpha059(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha059.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average data for alpha059 needs not to be updated.") return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average data for alpha059 needs to be updated.") first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average dataset for alpha059 is missing.") result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass VWAP = (quotations_daily_chosen['AMOUNT']*1000)/(quotations_daily_chosen['VOL']*100+1) result_unaveraged_piece = (VWAP * 0.728317) + (VWAP *(1 - 0.728317)) result_unaveraged_piece.rename("PREPARATION_FOR_ALPHA059_UNAVERAGED",inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["PREPARATION_FOR_ALPHA059_UNAVERAGED"].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha059.csv",encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df #(close * 0.60733) + (open * (1 - 0.60733)) def IndustryAverage_PreparationForAlpha079(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha079.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average data for alpha079 needs not to be updated.") return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average data for alpha079 needs to be updated.") first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average dataset for alpha079 is missing.") result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass OPEN = quotations_daily_chosen['OPEN'] CLOSE = quotations_daily_chosen['CLOSE'] result_unaveraged_piece = (CLOSE * 0.60733) + (OPEN * (1 - 0.60733)) result_unaveraged_piece.rename("PREPARATION_FOR_ALPHA079_UNAVERAGED",inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["PREPARATION_FOR_ALPHA079_UNAVERAGED"].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha079.csv",encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df #((open * 0.868128) + (high * (1 - 0.868128)) def IndustryAverage_PreparationForAlpha080(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha080.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed = pd.Series(result_industryaveraged_df.index) date_list_update = date_list[~date_list.isin(date_list_existed)] if len(date_list_update)==0: print("The corresponding industry average data for alpha080 needs not to be updated.") return result_industryaveraged_df else: print("The corresponding industry average data for alpha080 needs to be updated.") first_date_update = date_list_update[0] except: print("The corresponding industry average dataset for alpha080 is missing.") result_industryaveraged_df=pd.DataFrame(index=date_list,columns=industry_list) date_list_update = date_list first_date_update=0 #building/updating dataset result_unaveraged_industry=0 for industry in pb(industry_list, desc='Please wait', colour='#ffffff'): stock_list_industry=stock_list[stock_list["INDUSTRY"]==industry] #calculating unindentralized data for ts_code in stock_list_industry.index: quotations_daily_chosen=local_source.get_quotations_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE,TS_CODE,OPEN,CLOSE,LOW,HIGH,VOL,CHANGE,AMOUNT',condition='TS_CODE = '+'"'+ts_code+'"').sort_values(by="TRADE_DATE", ascending=True) quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) quotations_daily_chosen=quotations_daily_chosen.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if x=="NULL" else x) try: #valid only in updating index_first_date_needed = date_list_existed[date_list_existed.values == first_date_update].index[0] first_date_needed = date_list_existed.loc[index_first_date_needed] quotations_daily_chosen = quotations_daily_chosen[quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_needed] except: pass OPEN = quotations_daily_chosen['OPEN'] HIGH = quotations_daily_chosen['HIGH'] result_unaveraged_piece = (OPEN * 0.868128) + (HIGH * (1 - 0.868128)) result_unaveraged_piece.rename("PREPARATION_FOR_ALPHA080_UNAVERAGED",inplace=True) result_unaveraged_piece = pd.DataFrame(result_unaveraged_piece) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='INDUSTRY',value=industry) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TRADE_DATE',value=quotations_daily_chosen["TRADE_DATE"]) result_unaveraged_piece.insert(loc=0,column='TS_CODE',value=ts_code) result_unaveraged_piece = result_unaveraged_piece[result_unaveraged_piece["TRADE_DATE"]>=first_date_update] #to lower the memory needed if type(result_unaveraged_industry)==int: result_unaveraged_industry=result_unaveraged_piece else: result_unaveraged_industry=pd.concat([result_unaveraged_industry,result_unaveraged_piece],axis=0) #indentralizing data for date in date_list_update: try: #to prevent the case that the stock is suspended, so that there's no data for the stock at some dates result_piece=result_unaveraged_industry[result_unaveraged_industry["TRADE_DATE"]==date] value=result_piece["PREPARATION_FOR_ALPHA080_UNAVERAGED"].mean() result_industryaveraged_df.loc[date,industry]=value except: pass result_unaveraged_industry=0 result_industryaveraged_df.to_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha080.csv",encoding='utf-8-sig') return result_industryaveraged_df #((low * 0.721001) + (vwap * (1 - 0.721001)) def IndustryAverage_PreparationForAlpha097(): stock_list=local_source.get_stock_list(cols='TS_CODE,INDUSTRY').set_index("TS_CODE") industry_list=stock_list["INDUSTRY"].drop_duplicates() date_list=local_source.get_indices_daily(cols='TRADE_DATE',condition='INDEX_CODE = "000001.SH"')["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) #check for building/updating/reading dataset try: result_industryaveraged_df = pd.read_csv("IndustryAverage_Data_PreparationForAlpha097.csv") result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"] = result_industryaveraged_df["TRADE_DATE"].astype(int) result_industryaveraged_df.set_index("TRADE_DATE",inplace=True) date_list_existed =
from turtle import TPen, color import numpy as np import pandas as pd import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import sklearn.metrics as metrics from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Flatten, Dropout def get_ace_values(temp_list): ''' This function lists out all permutations of ace values in the array sum_array For example, if you have 2 aces, there are 4 permutations: [[1,1], [1,11], [11,1], [11,11]] These permutations lead to 3 unique sums: [2, 12, 22] of these 3, only 2 are <=21 so they are returned: [2, 12] ''' sum_array = np.zeros((2**len(temp_list), len(temp_list))) # This loop gets the permutations for i in range(len(temp_list)): n = len(temp_list) - i half_len = int(2**n * 0.5) for rep in range(int(sum_array.shape[0]/half_len/2)): #⭐️ shape[0] 返回 numpy 数组的行数 sum_array[rep*2**n : rep*2**n+half_len, i] = 1 sum_array[rep*2**n+half_len : rep*2**n+half_len*2, i] = 11 # Only return values that are valid (<=21) # return list(set([int(s) for s in np.sum(sum_array, axis=1) if s<=21])) #⭐️ 将所有 'A' 能组成总和不超过 21 的值返回 return [int(s) for s in np.sum(sum_array, axis=1)] #⭐️ 将所有 'A' 能组成的点数以 int 类型返回(有重复和超过 21 点的值) def ace_values(num_aces): ''' Convert num_aces, an int to a list of lists For example, if num_aces=2, the output should be [[1,11],[1,11]] I require this format for the get_ace_values function ''' temp_list = [] for i in range(num_aces): temp_list.append([1,11]) return get_ace_values(temp_list) def func(x): ''' 判断玩家起手是否为 21 点 ''' if x == 21: return 1 else: return 0 def make_decks(num_decks, card_types): ''' Make a deck -- 根据给定副数洗好牌 input: num_decks -> 牌副数 card_types -> 单副牌单个花色对应的牌值 output: new_deck -> 一副牌对应牌值 ''' new_deck = [] for i in range(num_decks): for j in range(4): # 代表黑红梅方 new_deck.extend(card_types) #⭐️ extend() 函数用于在列表末尾一次性追加另一个序列中的多个值 random.shuffle(new_deck) return new_deck def total_up(hand): ''' Total up value of hand input: <list> hand -> 当前手牌组合 output: <int> -> 计算当前手牌的合法值 ''' aces = 0 # 记录 ‘A’ 的数目 total = 0 # 记录除 ‘A’ 以外数字之和 for card in hand: if card != 'A': total += card else: aces += 1 # Call function ace_values to produce list of possible values for aces in hand ace_value_list = ace_values(aces) final_totals = [i+total for i in ace_value_list if i+total<=21] # ‘A’ 可以是 1 也可以是 11,当前牌值不超过 21 时,取最大值 -- 规则❗️ if final_totals == []: return min(ace_value_list) + total else: return max(final_totals) def model_decision_old(model, player_sum, has_ace, dealer_card_num, hit=0, card_count=None): ''' Given the relevant inputs, the function below uses the neural net to make a prediction and then based on that prediction, decides whether to hit or stay —— 将玩家各参数传入神经网络模型,如果预测结果大于 0.52, 则 hit, 否则 stand input: model -> 模型(一般指 NN 模型) player_sum -> 玩家当前手牌和 has_ace -> 玩家发牌是否有 'A' dealer_card_num -> 庄家发牌(明牌)值 hit -> 玩家是否‘要牌’ card_count -> 记牌器 return: 1 -> hit 0 -> stand ''' # 将需要进入神经网络模型的数据统一格式 # [[18 0 0 6]] input_array = np.array([player_sum, hit, has_ace, dealer_card_num]).reshape(1, -1) # 二维数组变成一行 (1, n) cc_array = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([card_count]) input_array = np.concatenate([input_array, cc_array], axis=1) # input_array 作为输入传入神经网络,使用预测函数后存入 predict_correct # [[0.10379896]] predict_correct = model.predict(input_array) if predict_correct >= 0.52: return 1 else: return 0 def model_decision(model, card_count, dealer_card_num): ''' Given the relevant inputs, the function below uses the neural net to make a prediction and then based on that prediction, decides whether to hit or stay —— 将玩家各参数传入神经网络模型,如果预测结果大于 0.52, 则 hit, 否则 stand input: model -> 模型(一般指 NN 模型) card_count -> 记牌器 dealer_card_num -> 庄家发牌(明牌)值 return: 1 -> hit 0 -> stand ''' # 将需要进入神经网络模型的数据统一格式 cc_array_bust = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([card_count]) input_array = np.concatenate([cc_array_bust, np.array(dealer_card_num).reshape(1, -1)], axis=1) # input_array 作为输入传入神经网络,使用预测函数后存入 predict_correct # [[0.10379896]] predict_correct = model.predict(input_array) if predict_correct >= 0.52: return 1 else: return 0 def create_data(type, dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results, action_results=None, new_stack=None, games_played=None, card_count_list=None, dealer_bust=None): ''' input: type -> 0: naive 版本 1: random 版本 2: NN 版本 dealer_card_feature -> 所有游戏庄家的第一张牌 player_card_feature -> 所有游戏玩家所有手牌 player_results -> 玩家输赢结果 action_results -> 玩家是否要牌 new_stack -> 是否是第一轮游戏 games_played -> 本局第几轮游戏 card_count_list -> 记牌器 dealer_bust -> 庄家是否爆牌 return: model_df -> dealer_card: 庄家发牌(明牌) player_total_initial: 玩家一发牌手牌和 Y: 玩家一“输”、“平”、“赢”结果(-1, 0, 1) lose: 玩家一“输”、“不输”结果(1, 0) has_ace: 玩家一发牌是否有'A' dealer_card_num: 庄家发牌(明牌)牌值 correct_action: 判断是否是正确的决定 hit?: 玩家一发牌后是否要牌 new_stack: 是否是第一轮游戏 games_played_with_stack: 本局第几轮游戏 dealer_bust: 庄家是否爆牌 blackjack?: 玩家起手是否 21 点 2 ~ 'A': 本轮游戏记牌 ''' model_df = pd.DataFrame() # 构造数据集 model_df['dealer_card'] = dealer_card_feature # 所有游戏庄家的第一张牌 model_df['player_total_initial'] = [total_up(i[0][0:2]) for i in player_card_feature] # 所有游戏第一个玩家前两张牌的点数和(第一个玩家 -- 作为数据分析对象❗️) model_df['Y'] = [i[0] for i in player_results] # 所有游戏第一个玩家输赢结果(第一个玩家 -- 作为数据分析对象❗️) if type == 1 or type == 2: player_live_action = [i[0] for i in action_results] model_df['hit?'] = player_live_action # 玩家在发牌后是否要牌 has_ace = [] for i in player_card_feature: if ('A' in i[0][0:2]): # 玩家一发牌有 ‘A’,has_ace 列表追加一个 1 has_ace.append(1) else: # 玩家一发牌无 ‘A’,has_ace 列表追加一个 0 has_ace.append(0) model_df['has_ace'] = has_ace dealer_card_num = [] for i in model_df['dealer_card']: if i == 'A': # 庄家第一张牌是 ‘A’,dealer_card_num 列表追加一个 11 dealer_card_num.append(11) else: # 庄家第一张牌不是 ‘A’,dealer_card_num 列表追加该值 dealer_card_num.append(i) model_df['dealer_card_num'] = dealer_card_num lose = [] for i in model_df['Y']: if i == -1: # 玩家输,lose 列表追加一个 1,e.g. [1, 1, ...] lose.append(1) else: # 玩家平局或赢,lose 列表追加一个 0,e.g. [0, 0, ...] lose.append(0) model_df['lose'] = lose if type == 1: # 如果玩家要牌且输了,那么不要是正确的决定; # 如果玩家不动且输了,那么要牌是正确的决定; # 如果玩家要牌且未输,那么要牌是正确的决定; # 如果玩家不动且未输,那么不要是正确的决定。 correct = [] for i, val in enumerate(model_df['lose']): if val == 1: # 玩家输 if player_live_action[i] == 1: # 玩家采取要牌动作(玩家一输了 val = 1,玩家二采取了要牌动作 action = 1 有什么关系❓) correct.append(0) else: correct.append(1) else: if player_live_action[i] == 1: correct.append(1) else: correct.append(0) model_df['correct_action'] = correct # Make a new version of model_df that has card counts ❗️ card_count_df = pd.concat([ pd.DataFrame(new_stack, columns=['new_stack']), # 所有游戏是否是开局第一轮游戏 pd.DataFrame(games_played, columns=['games_played_with_stack']), # 所有游戏是本局内的第几轮 pd.DataFrame.from_dict(card_count_list), # 所有游戏记牌后结果 pd.DataFrame(dealer_bust, columns=['dealer_bust'])], axis=1) # 所有游戏庄家是否爆牌 model_df = pd.concat([model_df, card_count_df], axis=1) model_df['blackjack?'] = model_df['player_total_initial'].apply(func) # 将各模型数据保存至 data 文件夹下 # model_df.to_csv('./data/data' + str(type) + '.csv', sep=' ') # 统计玩家一的所有输、赢、平的次数 # -1.0 199610 # 1.0 99685 # 0.0 13289 # Name: 0, dtype: int64 # 312584 count = pd.DataFrame(player_results)[0].value_counts() print(count, sum(count)) return model_df def play_game(type, players, live_total, dealer_hand, player_hands, blackjack, dealer_cards, player_results, action_results, hit_stay=0, multiplier=0, card_count=None, dealer_bust=None, model=None): ''' Play a game of blackjack (after the cards are dealt) input: type -> 0: naive 版本 1: random 版本 2: NN 版本 players -> 玩家人数 live_total -> 玩家发牌手牌和 dealer_hand -> 庄家发牌(明牌 + 暗牌) player_hands -> 玩家发牌(两张) blackjack -> set(['A', 10]) dealer_cards -> 牌盒中的牌 player_results -> np.zeros((1, players)) action_results -> np.zeros((1, players)) hit_stay -> 何时采取要牌动作 multiplier -> 记录二十一点翻倍 card_count -> 记牌器 dealer_bust -> 庄家是否爆牌 model -> 模型(一般指 NN 模型) return: player_results -> 所有玩家“输”、“平”、“赢”结果 dealer_cards -> 牌盒中的牌 live_total -> 所有玩家牌值和 action_results -> 所有玩家是否采取"要牌"动作 card_count -> 记牌器 dealer_bust -> 庄家是否爆牌 multiplier -> 记录二十一点翻倍 ''' dealer_face_up_card = 0 # Dealer checks for 21 if set(dealer_hand) == blackjack: # 庄家直接二十一点 for player in range(players): if set(player_hands[player]) != blackjack: # 玩家此时不是二十一点,则结果为 -1 -- 规则❗️ player_results[0, player] = -1 else: player_results[0, player] = 0 else: # 庄家不是二十一点,各玩家进行要牌、弃牌动作 for player in range(players): # Players check for 21 if set(player_hands[player]) == blackjack: # 玩家此时直接二十一点,则结果为 1 player_results[0, player] = 1 multiplier = 1.25 else: # 玩家也不是二十一点 if type == 0: # Hit only when we know we will not bust -- 在玩家当前手牌点数不超过 11 时,才决定拿牌 while total_up(player_hands[player]) <= 11: player_hands[player].append(dealer_cards.pop(0)) card_count[player_hands[player][-1]] += 1 # 记下玩家此时要的牌 if total_up(player_hands[player]) > 21: # 拿完牌后再次确定是否爆牌,爆牌则结果为 -1 player_results[0, player] = -1 break elif type == 1: # Hit randomly, check for busts -- 以 hit_stay 是否大于 0.5 的方式决定拿牌 if (hit_stay >= 0.5) and (total_up(player_hands[player]) != 21): player_hands[player].append(dealer_cards.pop(0)) card_count[player_hands[player][-1]] += 1 # 记下玩家此时要的牌 action_results[0, player] = 1 live_total.append(total_up(player_hands[player])) # 玩家要牌后,将点数和记录到 live_total if total_up(player_hands[player]) > 21: # 拿完牌后再次确定是否爆牌,爆牌则结果为 -1 player_results[0, player] = -1 elif type == 2: # Neural net decides whether to hit or stay # -- 通过 model_decision 方法给神经网络计算后,决定是否继续拿牌 if 'A' in player_hands[player][0:2]: # 玩家起手有 ‘A’ ace_in_hand = 1 else: ace_in_hand = 0 if dealer_hand[0] == 'A': # 庄家起手有 ‘A’ dealer_face_up_card = 11 else: dealer_face_up_card = dealer_hand[0] while (model_decision_old(model, total_up(player_hands[player]), ace_in_hand, dealer_face_up_card, hit=action_results[0, player], card_count=card_count) == 1) and (total_up(player_hands[player]) != 21): player_hands[player].append(dealer_cards.pop(0)) card_count[player_hands[player][-1]] += 1 # 记下玩家此时要的牌 action_results[0, player] = 1 live_total.append(total_up(player_hands[player])) # 玩家要牌后,将点数和记录到 live_total if total_up(player_hands[player]) > 21: # 拿完牌后再次确定是否爆牌,爆牌则结果为 -1 player_results[0, player] = -1 break card_count[dealer_hand[-1]] += 1 # 记录庄家第二张发牌 # Dealer hits based on the rules while total_up(dealer_hand) < 17: # 庄家牌值小于 17,则继续要牌 dealer_hand.append(dealer_cards.pop(0)) card_count[dealer_hand[-1]] += 1 # 记录庄家后面要的牌 # Compare dealer hand to players hand but first check if dealer busted if total_up(dealer_hand) > 21: # 庄家爆牌 if type == 1: dealer_bust.append(1) # 记录庄家爆牌 for player in range(players): # 将结果不是 -1 的各玩家设置结果为 1 if player_results[0, player] != -1: player_results[0, player] = 1 else: # 庄家没爆牌 if type == 1: dealer_bust.append(0) # 记录庄家没爆牌 for player in range(players): # 将玩家牌点数大于庄家牌点数的玩家结果置为 1 if total_up(player_hands[player]) > total_up(dealer_hand): if total_up(player_hands[player]) <= 21: player_results[0, player] = 1 elif total_up(player_hands[player]) == total_up(dealer_hand): player_results[0, player] = 0 else: player_results[0, player] = -1 if type == 0: return player_results, dealer_cards, live_total, action_results, card_count elif type == 1: return player_results, dealer_cards, live_total, action_results, card_count, dealer_bust elif type == 2: return player_results, dealer_cards, live_total, action_results, multiplier, card_count def play_stack(type, stacks, num_decks, card_types, players, model=None): ''' input: type -> 0: naive 版本 1: random 版本 2: NN 版本 stacks -> 游戏局数 num_decks -> 牌副数目 card_types -> 纸牌类型 players -> 玩家数 model -> 已经训练好的模型(一般指 NN 模型) output: dealer_card_feature -> 所有游戏庄家的第一张牌 player_card_feature -> 所有游戏玩家所有手牌 player_results -> 所有玩家“输”、“平”、“赢”结果 action_results -> 所有玩家是否采取"要牌"动作 new_stack -> 是否是第一轮游戏 games_played_with_stack -> 本局第几轮游戏 card_count_list -> 记牌器 dealer_bust -> 庄家是否爆牌 bankroll -> 本局结束剩余筹码 ''' bankroll = [] dollars = 10000 # 起始资金为 10000 dealer_card_feature = [] player_card_feature = [] player_live_total = [] player_results = [] action_results = [] dealer_bust = [] first_game = True prev_stack = 0 stack_num_list = [] new_stack = [] card_count_list = [] games_played_with_stack = [] for stack in range(stacks): games_played = 0 # 记录同局游戏下有几轮 # Make a dict for keeping track of the count for a stack card_count = { 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 'A': 0 } # 每新开一局时,temp_new_stack 为 1 # 同局游戏下不同轮次,temp_new_stack 为 0 # 第一局第一轮,temp_new_stack 为 0 if stack != prev_stack: temp_new_stack = 1 else: temp_new_stack = 0 blackjack = set(['A', 10]) dealer_cards = make_decks(num_decks, card_types) # 根据给定牌副数洗牌 while len(dealer_cards) > 20: # 牌盒里的牌不大于 20 张就没必要继续用这副牌进行游戏 -- 规则⭐️ curr_player_results = np.zeros((1, players)) curr_action_results = np.zeros((1, players)) dealer_hand = [] player_hands = [[] for player in range(players)] live_total = [] multiplier = 1 # Record card count cc_array_bust = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([card_count]) # 直接从字典构建 DataFrame # Deal FIRST card for player, hand in enumerate(player_hands): # 先给所有玩家发第一张牌 player_hands[player].append(dealer_cards.pop(0)) # 将洗好的牌分别发给玩家 card_count[player_hands[player][-1]] += 1 # 记下所有玩家第一张发牌 dealer_hand.append(dealer_cards.pop(0)) # 再给庄家发第一张牌 card_count[dealer_hand[-1]] += 1 # 记下庄家第一张发牌 dealer_face_up_card = dealer_hand[0] # 记录庄家明牌 # Deal SECOND card for player, hand in enumerate(player_hands): # 先给所有玩家发第二张牌 player_hands[player].append(dealer_cards.pop(0)) # 接着刚刚洗好的牌继续发牌 card_count[player_hands[player][-1]] += 1 # 记下所有玩家第二张发牌 dealer_hand.append(dealer_cards.pop(0)) # 再给庄家发第二张牌 if type == 0: curr_player_results, dealer_cards, live_total, curr_action_results, card_count = play_game( 0, players, live_total, dealer_hand, player_hands, blackjack, dealer_cards, curr_player_results, curr_action_results, card_count=card_count) elif type == 1: # Record the player's live total after cards are dealt live_total.append(total_up(player_hands[player])) # 前 stacks/2 局,玩家在发牌后手牌不是 21 点就继续拿牌; # 后 stacks/2 局,玩家在发牌后手牌不是 21 点不继续拿牌。 if stack < stacks/2: hit = 1 else: hit = 0 curr_player_results, dealer_cards, live_total, curr_action_results, card_count, \ dealer_bust = play_game(1, players, live_total, dealer_hand, player_hands, blackjack, dealer_cards, curr_player_results, curr_action_results, hit_stay=hit, card_count=card_count, dealer_bust=dealer_bust) elif type == 2: # Record the player's live total after cards are dealt live_total.append(total_up(player_hands[player])) curr_player_results, dealer_cards, live_total, curr_action_results, multiplier, \ card_count = play_game(2, players, live_total, dealer_hand, player_hands, blackjack, dealer_cards, curr_player_results, curr_action_results, temp_new_stack=temp_new_stack, games_played=games_played, multiplier=multiplier, card_count=card_count, model=model) # Track features dealer_card_feature.append(dealer_hand[0]) # 将庄家的第一张牌存入新的 list player_card_feature.append(player_hands) # 将每个玩家当前手牌存入新的 list player_results.append(list(curr_player_results[0])) # 将各玩家的输赢结果存入新的 list if type == 1 or type == 2: player_live_total.append(live_total) # 将 所有玩家发牌后的点数和 以及 采取要牌行动玩家的点数和 存入新的 list action_results.append(list(curr_action_results[0])) # 将玩家是否采取要牌行动存入新的 list(只要有一个玩家要牌,action = 1) # Update card count list with most recent game's card count # 每新开一局时,new_stack 添加一个 1 # 同局游戏下不同轮次,new_stack 添加一个 0 # 第一局第一轮,new_stack 添加一个 0 if stack != prev_stack: new_stack.append(1) else: # 记录本次为第一局游戏 new_stack.append(0) if first_game == True: first_game = False else: games_played += 1 stack_num_list.append(stack) # 记录每次游戏是否是新开局 games_played_with_stack.append(games_played) # 记录每局游戏的次数 card_count_list.append(card_count.copy()) # 记录每次游戏记牌结果 prev_stack = stack # 记录上一局游戏局数 if type == 0: return dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results elif type == 1: return dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results, action_results, new_stack, games_played_with_stack, card_count_list, dealer_bust elif type == 2: return dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results, action_results, bankroll def step(type, model=None, pred_Y_train_bust=None): ''' 经过 stacks 局游戏后将数据记录在 model_df input: type -> 0: naive 版本 1: random 版本 2: NN 版本 model -> 已经训练好的模型(一般指 NN 模型) return: model_df -> 封装好数据的 DataFrame ''' if type == 0 or type == 1: nights = 1 stacks = 50000 # 牌局数目 elif type == 2: nights = 201 stacks = 201 # 牌局数目 bankrolls = [] players = 1 # 玩家数目 num_decks = 1 # 牌副数目 card_types = ['A', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10] for night in range(nights): if type == 0: dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results = play_stack( 0, stacks, num_decks, card_types, players) model_df = create_data( 0, dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results) elif type == 1: dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results, action_results, new_stack, \ games_played_with_stack, card_count_list, dealer_bust = play_stack( 1, stacks, num_decks, card_types, players) model_df = create_data( 1, dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results, action_results, new_stack, games_played_with_stack, card_count_list, dealer_bust) elif type == 2: dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results, action_results, bankroll = play_stack( 2, stacks, num_decks, card_types, players, model, pred_Y_train_bust) model_df = create_data( 2, dealer_card_feature, player_card_feature, player_results, action_results) return model_df def train_nn_ca(model_df): ''' Train a neural net to play blackjack input: model_df -> 模型(一般指 random 模型) return: model -> NN 模型(预测是否是正确决定) pred_Y_train -> correct_action 的预测值 actuals -> correct_action 的实际值 ''' # Set up variables for neural net feature_list = [i for i in model_df.columns if i not in [ 'dealer_card', 'Y', 'lose', 'correct_action', 'dealer_bust', 'dealer_bust_pred', 'new_stack', 'games_played_with_stack', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 'A', 'blackjack?']] # 将模型里的数据按矩阵形式存储 train_X = np.array(model_df[feature_list]) train_Y = np.array(model_df['correct_action']).reshape(-1, 1) # 二维数组变成一列 (n, 1) # Set up a neural net with 5 layers model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(16)) model.add(Dense(128)) model.add(Dense(32)) model.add(Dense(8)) model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='sgd'), train_Y, epochs=200, batch_size=256, verbose=1) # train_X 作为输入传入神经网络,使用预测函数后存入 pre_Y_train # train_Y 作为输出实际值,转变格式后存入 actuals # [[0.4260913 ] # [0.3595919 ] # [0.24476886] # ... # [0.2946579 ] # [0.39343864] # [0.27353495]] # [1 0 0 ... 0 1 0] pred_Y_train = model.predict(train_X) actuals = train_Y[:, -1] # 将二维数组将为一维 return model, pred_Y_train, actuals def train_nn_ca2(model_df): ''' Train a neural net to PREDICT BLACKJACK Apologize for the name, it started as a model to predict dealer busts Then I decided to predict blackjacks instead but neglected to rename it input: model_df -> 模型(一般指 random 模型) return: model_bust -> NN 模型(预测玩家初始是否 21 点) pred_Y_train_bust -> blackjack? 的预测值 actuals -> blackjack? 的实际值 ''' # Set up variables for neural net feature_list = [i for i in model_df.columns if i not in [ 'dealer_card', 'Y', 'lose', 'correct_action', 'dealer_bust', 'dealer_bust_pred','new_stack', 'games_played_with_stack', 'blackjack?']] train_X_bust = np.array(model_df[feature_list]) train_Y_bust = np.array(model_df['correct_action']).reshape(-1,1) # Set up a neural net with 5 layers model_bust = Sequential() model_bust.add(Dense(train_X_bust.shape[1])) model_bust.add(Dense(128)) model_bust.add(Dense(32, activation='relu')) model_bust.add(Dense(8)) model_bust.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) model_bust.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='sgd'), train_Y_bust, epochs=200, batch_size=256, verbose=1) pred_Y_train_bust = model_bust.predict(train_X_bust) actuals = train_Y_bust[:, -1] return model_bust, pred_Y_train_bust, actuals def comparison_chart(data, position): ''' 绘制多模型数据分析图 input: data -> 数据集 position -> dealer / player ''' fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6)), height=data['random'].values, color='blue', width=0.3, label='Random'), height=data['naive'].values, color='orange', width=0.3, label='Naive'), height=data['smart'].values, color='red', width=0.3, label='Smart') ax.set_ylabel('Probability of Tie or Win', fontsize=16) if position == 'dealer': ax.set_xlabel("Dealer's Card", fontsize=16) plt.xticks(np.arange(2, 12, 1.0)) elif position == 'player': ax.set_xlabel("Player's Hand Value", fontsize=16) plt.xticks(np.arange(4, 21, 1.0)) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fname= './img/' + position + '_card_probs_smart', dpi=150) def comparison(model_df_naive, model_df_random, model_df_smart): ''' 多个模型数据分析 input: model_df_naive -> naive 模型 model_df_random -> random 模型 model_df_smart -> NN 模型 output: ./img/dealer_card_probs_smart -> 模型对比:按庄家发牌(明牌)分组,分析玩家“不输”的概率 ./img/player_card_probs_smart -> 模型对比:按玩家发牌分组,分析玩家“不输”的概率 ./img/hit_frequency -> 模型对比:按玩家发牌分组,对比 naive 模型与 NN 模型玩家“要牌”的频率 ./img/hit_frequency2 -> 针对玩家发牌为 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 的数据,按庄家发牌分组,分析玩家“要牌”的频率 ''' # 模型对比:按庄家发牌(明牌)分组,分析玩家“不输”的概率 # 保守模型 data_naive = 1 - (model_df_naive.groupby(by='dealer_card_num').sum()['lose'] / model_df_naive.groupby(by='dealer_card_num').count()['lose']) # 随机模型 data_random = 1 - (model_df_random.groupby(by='dealer_card_num').sum()['lose'] / model_df_random.groupby(by='dealer_card_num').count()['lose']) # 新模型 data_smart = 1 - (model_df_smart.groupby(by='dealer_card_num').sum()['lose'] / model_df_smart.groupby(by='dealer_card_num').count()['lose']) data = pd.DataFrame() data['naive'] = data_naive data['random'] = data_random data['smart'] = data_smart comparison_chart(data, 'dealer') # 模型对比:按玩家发牌分组,分析玩家“不输”的概率 # 保守模型 data_naive = 1 - (model_df_naive.groupby(by='player_total_initial').sum()['lose'] / model_df_naive.groupby(by='player_total_initial').count()['lose']) # 随机模型 data_random = 1 - (model_df_random.groupby(by='player_total_initial').sum()['lose'] / model_df_random.groupby(by='player_total_initial').count()['lose']) # 新模型 data_smart = 1 - (model_df_smart.groupby(by='player_total_initial').sum()['lose'] / model_df_smart.groupby(by='player_total_initial').count()['lose']) data =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re from datetime import datetime import numpy as np from decimal import Decimal import as sio import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm import glob from decimal import Decimal import datajoint as dj from pipeline import (reference, subject, acquisition, stimulation, analysis, intracellular, extracellular, behavior, utilities) from pipeline import extracellular_path as path # ================== Dataset ================== # Fixex-delay fixed_delay_xlsx = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(path, 'FixedDelayTask', 'SI_table_2_bilateral_perturb.xlsx'), index_col =0, usecols='A, P, Q, R, S', skiprows=2, nrows=20) fixed_delay_xlsx.columns = ['subject_id', 'genotype', 'date_of_birth', 'session_time'] fixed_delay_xlsx['sex'] = 'Unknown' fixed_delay_xlsx['sess_type'] = 'Auditory task' fixed_delay_xlsx['delay_duration'] = 2 # Random-long-delay random_long_delay_xlsx = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(path, 'RandomDelayTask', 'SI_table_3_random_delay_perturb.xlsx'), index_col =0, usecols='A, P, Q, R, S', skiprows=5, nrows=23) random_long_delay_xlsx.columns = ['subject_id', 'genotype', 'date_of_birth', 'session_time'] random_long_delay_xlsx['sex'] = 'Unknown' random_long_delay_xlsx['sess_type'] = 'Auditory task' random_long_delay_xlsx['delay_duration'] = np.nan # Random-short-delay random_short_delay_xlsx = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(path, 'RandomDelayTask', 'SI_table_3_random_delay_perturb.xlsx'), index_col =0, usecols='A, F, G, H, I', skiprows=42, nrows=11) random_short_delay_xlsx.columns = ['subject_id', 'genotype', 'date_of_birth', 'session_time'] random_short_delay_xlsx['sex'] = 'Unknown' random_short_delay_xlsx['sess_type'] = 'Auditory task' random_short_delay_xlsx['delay_duration'] = np.nan # Tactile-task tactile_xlsx = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(path, 'TactileTask', 'Whisker_taskTavle_for_paper.csv'), index_col =0, usecols= [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], skiprows=1, nrows=30) tactile_xlsx.columns = ['subject_id', 'genotype', 'date_of_birth', 'sex', 'session_time'] tactile_xlsx = tactile_xlsx.reindex(columns=['subject_id', 'genotype', 'date_of_birth', 'session_time', 'sex']) tactile_xlsx['sess_type'] = 'Tactile task' tactile_xlsx['delay_duration'] = 1.2 # Sound-task 1.2s sound12_xlsx = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(path, 'Sound task 1.2s', 'OppositeTask12_for_paper.csv'), index_col =0, usecols= [0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], skiprows=1, nrows=37) sound12_xlsx.columns = ['subject_id', 'genotype', 'date_of_birth', 'sex', 'session_time'] sound12_xlsx = sound12_xlsx.reindex(columns=['subject_id', 'genotype', 'date_of_birth', 'session_time', 'sex']) sound12_xlsx['sess_type'] = 'Auditory task' sound12_xlsx['delay_duration'] = 1.2 # concat all 5 meta_data =
pd.concat([fixed_delay_xlsx, random_long_delay_xlsx, random_short_delay_xlsx, tactile_xlsx, sound12_xlsx])
import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd from loguru import logger from sklearn import model_selection from utils import dataset_utils default_settings = { 'data_definition_file_path': 'dataset.csv', 'folds_num': 5, 'data_random_seed': 1509, 'train_val_fraction': 0.8, 'train_fraction': 0.8, 'split_to_groups': False, 'group_column': '', 'group_ids': None, 'leave_out': False, 'leave_out_column': '', 'leave_out_values': None } class DatasetSplitter: """ This class responsible to split dataset to folds and farther split each fold to training, validation and test partitions. Features: - samples for each internal group in dataset are split in the same manner between training, validation and test partitions. - samples that belong to fold leave-out will be presented only in test partition for this fold. """ def __init__(self, settings): """ This method initializes parameters :return: None """ self.settings = settings self.dataset_df = None self.groups_df_list = None self.train_df_list = None self.val_df_list = None self.test_df_list = None def load_dataset_file(self): """ This method loads dataset file :return: None """ if self.settings['data_definition_file_path']:"Loading dataset file {0}".format(self.settings['data_definition_file_path'])) self.dataset_df = dataset_utils.load_dataset_file(self.settings['data_definition_file_path'])"Dataset contains {0} entries".format(self.dataset_df.shape[0])) else:"Data definition file path is not specified") def set_training_dataframe(self, training_df, fold_num): """ This method sets training dataframe :param training_df: training dataframe :param fold_num: fold number to set training dataframe for :return: None """ self.train_df_list[fold_num] = training_df"Training dataframe with {0} entries is set for fold {1}".format(training_df.shape[0], fold_num)) def set_validation_dataframe(self, validation_df, fold_num): """ This method sets training dataframe :param validation_df: training dataframe :param fold_num: fold number to set training dataframe for :return: None """ self.val_df_list[fold_num] = validation_df"Validation dataframe with {0} entries is set for fold {1}".format(validation_df.shape[0], fold_num)) def set_test_dataframe(self, test_df, fold_num): """ This method sets training dataframe :param test_df: training dataframe :param fold_num: fold number to set training dataframe for :return: None """ self.test_df_list[fold_num] = test_df"Test dataframe with {0} entries is set for fold {1}".format(test_df.shape[0], fold_num)) def set_custom_data_split(self, train_data_files, val_data_files, test_data_files): """ This method sets training, validation and test dataframe lists according to custom lists of training, validation and test files defined in the settings. :return: None """"Loading custom lists of training validation and test files") self.train_df_list = [dataset_utils.load_dataset_file(data_file) for data_file in train_data_files] self.val_df_list = [dataset_utils.load_dataset_file(data_file) for data_file in val_data_files] self.test_df_list = [dataset_utils.load_dataset_file(data_file) for data_file in test_data_files] def split_dataset(self): """ This method first split dataset to folds and farther split each fold to training, validation and test partitions :return: None """ # Create lists to hold dataset partitions self.train_df_list = [None] * self.settings['folds_num'] self.val_df_list = [None] * self.settings['folds_num'] self.test_df_list = [None] * self.settings['folds_num'] # Set random seed to ensure reproducibility of dataset partitioning across experiments on same hardware np.random.seed(self.settings['data_random_seed']) # Split dataset to groups if self.settings['split_to_groups']: self.split_dataset_to_groups() else: self.groups_df_list = [self.dataset_df] # Permute entries in each group self.groups_df_list = [group_df.reindex(np.random.permutation(group_df.index)) for group_df in self.groups_df_list] # Split dataset to folds and training, validation and test partitions for each fold if self.settings['leave_out']: # Choose unique leave-out values for each fold if self.settings['leave_out_values'] is None: self.choose_leave_out_values() # Split dataset to folds based on leave-out values self.split_dataset_to_folds_with_leave_out() else: # Split dataset to folds in random manner self.split_dataset_to_folds_randomly() def split_dataset_to_groups(self): """ # This method splits dataset to groups based on values of 'self.group_column'. # Samples in each group are split in same manner between training, validation and test partitions. # This is important, for example, to ensure that each class (in classification problem) is represented # in training, validation and test partition. """"Dividing dataset to groups based on values of '{0}' dataset column".format(self.settings['group_column'])) # Get groups identifiers if self.settings['group_ids'] is None: group_ids = self.dataset_df[self.settings['group_column']].unique() else: group_ids = self.settings['group_ids']"Dataset groups are: {0}".format(group_ids)) # Split dataset to groups self.groups_df_list = [self.dataset_df[self.dataset_df[self.settings['group_column']] == unique_group_id] for unique_group_id in group_ids] for group_idx, group_df in enumerate(self.groups_df_list):"Group {0} contains {1} samples".format(group_ids[group_idx], group_df.shape[0])) def choose_leave_out_values(self): """ This method chooses leave-out values for each fold. Leave-out values calculated based on values of 'self.leave_out_column'. Dataset entries which 'self.leave_out_column' value is one of calculated leave-out values for specific fold will present only in test partition for this fold. :return: None """"Choosing leave-out values for each fold from unique values of '{0}' dataset column".format(self.settings['leave_out_column'])) # Get unique values for dataset leave-out column unique_values = self.dataset_df[self.settings['leave_out_column']].unique()"Unique values for column {0} are: {1}".format(self.settings['leave_out_column'], unique_values)) # Check that number of unique leave-out values are greater or equal to number of folds if len(unique_values) < self.settings['folds_num']: logger.error("Number of unique leave-out values are smaller than number of required folds") sys.exit(1) # Get list of unique leave-out values for each fold if self.settings['folds_num'] > 1: self.settings['leave_out_values'] = np.array_split(unique_values, self.settings['folds_num']) else: self.settings['leave_out_values'] = [np.random.choice(unique_values, int(len(unique_values) * (1 - self.settings['train_val_fraction'])), replace=False)] for fold in range(0, self.settings['folds_num']):"Leave out values for fold {0} are: {1}".format(fold, self.settings['leave_out_values'][fold])) def split_dataset_to_folds_with_leave_out(self): """ This method splits dataset to folds and training, validation and test partitions for each fold based on leave-out values. Samples in each group are split in same manner between training, validation and test partitions. Leave-out values will be presented only in test partition of corresponding fold. """"Split dataset to folds and training, validation and test partitions for each fold based on leave-out values") for fold in range(0, self.settings['folds_num']): groups_train_df_list = list() groups_val_df_list = list() groups_test_df_list = list() for group_idx, group_df in enumerate(self.groups_df_list): group_test_df = group_df[group_df[self.settings['leave_out_column']].isin(self.settings['leave_out_values'][fold])] if group_test_df.shape[0] == 0: logger.warning("Group {0} hasn't any of leave out values: {1}".format(group_idx, self.settings['leave_out_values'][fold])) else: groups_test_df_list.append(group_test_df) group_train_val_df = group_df[~group_df[self.settings['leave_out_column']].isin(self.settings['leave_out_values'][fold])] if group_train_val_df.shape[0] == 0: logger.warning("All samples of group {0} is in one of leave out values: {1}".format(group_idx, self.settings['leave_out_values'][fold])) else: train_split_idx = int(group_train_val_df.shape[0] * self.settings['train_fraction']) groups_train_df_list.append(group_train_val_df.iloc[0:train_split_idx]) groups_val_df_list.append(group_train_val_df.iloc[train_split_idx:]) self.train_df_list[fold] = pd.concat(groups_train_df_list) self.val_df_list[fold] = pd.concat(groups_val_df_list) self.test_df_list[fold] = pd.concat(groups_test_df_list) # Print number of examples in training, validation and test for each fold self.print_data_split() def split_dataset_to_folds_randomly(self): """ This method splits dataset to folds and training, validation and test partitions for each fold in random manner. Samples in each group are split in same manner between training, validation and test partitions. """"Split dataset to folds and training, validation and test partitions for each fold randomly") # For one fold regime data will be divided according to training-validation fraction and training fraction # defined in settings. # For multiple folds regime data will be divided with use of sklearn module and according to training # fraction defined in settings if self.settings['folds_num'] == 1: groups_train_df_list = list() groups_val_df_list = list() groups_test_df_list = list() for group_df in self.groups_df_list: train_val_split_idx = int(group_df.shape[0] * self.settings['train_val_fraction']) group_train_val_df = group_df.iloc[0:train_val_split_idx] groups_test_df_list.append(group_df.iloc[train_val_split_idx:]) train_split_idx = int(group_train_val_df.shape[0] * self.settings['train_fraction']) groups_train_df_list.append(group_train_val_df.iloc[0:train_split_idx]) groups_val_df_list.append(group_train_val_df.iloc[train_split_idx:]) self.train_df_list[0] = pd.concat(groups_train_df_list) self.val_df_list[0] = pd.concat(groups_val_df_list) self.test_df_list[0] = pd.concat(groups_test_df_list) else: # Split each group to multiple folds kf_list = list() kf = model_selection.KFold(n_splits=self.settings['folds_num'], shuffle=True, random_state=self.settings['data_random_seed']) for group_df in self.groups_df_list: kf_list.append(kf.split(group_df)) # Combine group splits to folds for fold in range(0, self.settings['folds_num']): fold_split = [next(kf_list[idx]) for idx in range(len(kf_list))] groups_train_df_list = list() groups_val_df_list = list() groups_test_df_list = list() for group_idx, group_df in enumerate(self.groups_df_list): group_train_val_df = group_df.iloc[fold_split[group_idx][0]] groups_test_df_list.append(group_df.iloc[fold_split[group_idx][1]]) train_split_idx = int(group_train_val_df.shape[0] * self.settings['train_fraction']) groups_train_df_list.append(group_train_val_df.iloc[0:train_split_idx]) groups_val_df_list.append(group_train_val_df.iloc[train_split_idx:]) self.train_df_list[fold] = pd.concat(groups_train_df_list) self.val_df_list[fold] = pd.concat(groups_val_df_list) self.test_df_list[fold] =
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import functools import warnings from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype import scipy.sparse import sklearn.utils from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer class InputValidator: """ Makes sure the input data complies with Auto-sklearn requirements. Categorical inputs are encoded via a Label Encoder, if the input is a dataframe. This class also perform checks for data integrity and flags the user via informative errors. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.valid_pd_enc_dtypes = ['category', 'bool'] # If a dataframe was provided, we populate # this attribute with the column types from the dataframe # That is, this attribute contains whether autosklearn # should treat a column as categorical or numerical # During fit, if the user provided feature_types, the user # constrain is honored. If not, this attribute is used. self.feature_types = None # type: Optional[List[str]] # Whereas autosklearn performed encoding on the dataframe # We need the target encoder as a decoder mechanism self.feature_encoder = None self.target_encoder = None self.enc_columns = [] # type: List[int] # During consecutive calls to the validator, # track the number of outputs of the targets # We need to make sure y_train/y_test have the # same dimensionality self._n_outputs = None # Add support to make sure that the input to # autosklearn has consistent dtype through calls. # That is, once fitted, changes in the input dtype # are not allowed self.features_type = None # type: Optional[type] self.target_type = None # type: Optional[type] def register_user_feat_type(self, feat_type: Optional[List[str]], X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Incorporate information of the feature types when processing a Numpy array. In case feature types is provided, if using a pd.DataFrame, this utility errors out, explaining to the user this is contradictory. """ if hasattr(X, "iloc") and feat_type is not None: raise ValueError("When providing a DataFrame to Auto-Sklearn, we extract " "the feature types from the DataFrame.dtypes. That is, " "providing the option feat_type to the fit method is not " "supported when using a Dataframe. Please make sure that the " "type of each column in your DataFrame is properly set. " "More details about having the correct data type in your " "DataFrame can be seen in " "" "/api/pandas.DataFrame.astype.html") elif feat_type is None: # Nothing to register. No feat type is provided # or the features are not numpy/list where this is required return # Some checks if feat_type is provided if len(feat_type) != X.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Array feat_type does not have same number of ' 'variables as X has features. %d vs %d.' % (len(feat_type), X.shape[1])) if not all([isinstance(f, str) for f in feat_type]): raise ValueError('Array feat_type must only contain strings.') for ft in feat_type: if ft.lower() not in ['categorical', 'numerical']: raise ValueError('Only `Categorical` and `Numerical` are ' 'valid feature types, you passed `%s`' % ft) # Here we register proactively the feature types for # Processing Numpy arrays self.feature_types = feat_type def validate( self, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], is_classification: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Wrapper for feature/targets validation Makes sure consistent number of samples within target and features. """ X = self.validate_features(X) y = self.validate_target(y, is_classification) if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "The number of samples from the features X={} should match " "the number of samples from the target y={}".format( X.shape[0], y.shape[0] ) ) return X, y def validate_features( self, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: """ Wrapper around sklearn check_array. Translates a pandas Dataframe to a valid input for sklearn. """ # Make sure that once fitted, we don't allow new dtypes if self.features_type is None: self.features_type = type(X) if self.features_type != type(X): raise ValueError("Auto-sklearn previously received features of type {} " "yet the current features have type {}. Changing the dtype " "of inputs to an estimator is not supported.".format( self.features_type, type(X) ) ) # Do not support category/string numpy data. Only numbers if hasattr(X, "dtype") and not np.issubdtype(X.dtype.type, np.number): raise ValueError( "When providing a numpy array to Auto-sklearn, the only valid " "dtypes are numerical ones. The provided data type {} is not supported." "".format( X.dtype.type, ) ) # Pre-process dataframe to make them numerical # Also, encode numpy categorical objects if hasattr(X, "iloc") and not scipy.sparse.issparse(X): # Pandas validation provide extra user information X = self._check_and_encode_features(X) if scipy.sparse.issparse(X): X.sort_indices() # sklearn check array will make sure we have the # correct numerical features for the array # Also, a numpy array will be created X = sklearn.utils.check_array( X, force_all_finite=False, accept_sparse='csr' ) return X def validate_target( self, y: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], is_classification: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Wrapper around sklearn check_array. Translates a pandas Dataframe to a valid input for sklearn. """ # Make sure that once fitted, we don't allow new dtypes if self.target_type is None: self.target_type = type(y) if self.target_type != type(y): raise ValueError("Auto-sklearn previously received targets of type {} " "yet the current target has type {}. Changing the dtype " "of inputs to an estimator is not supported.".format( self.target_type, type(y) ) ) # Target data as sparse is not supported if scipy.sparse.issparse(y): raise ValueError("Unsupported target data provided" "Input targets to auto-sklearn must not be of " "type sparse. Please convert the target input (y) " "to a dense array via scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.todense(). " ) # No Nan is supported if np.any(pd.isnull(y)): raise ValueError("Target values cannot contain missing/NaN values. " "This is not supported by scikit-learn. " ) if not hasattr(y, "iloc"): y = np.atleast_1d(y) if y.ndim == 2 and y.shape[1] == 1: warnings.warn("A column-vector y was passed when a 1d array was" " expected. Will change shape via np.ravel().", sklearn.utils.DataConversionWarning, stacklevel=2) y = np.ravel(y) # During classification, we do ordinal encoding # We train a common model for test and train # If an encoder was ever done for an estimator, # use it always # For regression, we default to the check_array in sklearn # learn. This handles numerical checking and object conversion # For regression, we expect the user to provide numerical input # Next check will catch that if is_classification or self.target_encoder is not None: y = self._check_and_encode_target(y) # In code check to make sure everything is numeric if hasattr(y, "iloc"): is_number = np.vectorize(lambda x: pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(x)) if not np.all(is_number(y.dtypes)): raise ValueError( "During the target validation (y_train/y_test) an invalid" " input was detected. " "Input dataframe to autosklearn must only contain numerical" " dtypes, yet it has: {} dtypes.".format( y.dtypes ) ) elif not np.issubdtype(y.dtype, np.number): raise ValueError( "During the target validation (y_train/y_test) an invalid" " input was detected. " "Input to autosklearn must have a numerical dtype, yet it is: {}".format( y.dtype ) ) # sklearn check array will make sure we have the # correct numerical features for the array # Also, a numpy array will be created y = sklearn.utils.check_array( y, force_all_finite=True, accept_sparse='csr', ensure_2d=False, ) # When translating a dataframe to numpy, make sure we # honor the ravel requirement if y.ndim == 2 and y.shape[1] == 1: y = np.ravel(y) if self._n_outputs is None: self._n_outputs = 1 if len(y.shape) == 1 else y.shape[1] else: _n_outputs = 1 if len(y.shape) == 1 else y.shape[1] if self._n_outputs != _n_outputs: raise ValueError('Number of outputs changed from %d to %d!' % (self._n_outputs, _n_outputs)) return y def is_single_column_target(self) -> bool: """ Output is encoded with a single column encoding """ return self._n_outputs == 1 def _check_and_get_columns_to_encode( self, X: pd.DataFrame, ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[str]]: # Register if a column needs encoding enc_columns = [] # Also, register the feature types for the estimator feature_types = [] # Make sure each column is a valid type for i, column in enumerate(X.columns): if X[column] in self.valid_pd_enc_dtypes: if hasattr(X, "iloc"): enc_columns.append(column) else: enc_columns.append(i) feature_types.append('categorical') # Move away from np.issubdtype as it causes # TypeError: data type not understood in certain pandas types elif not is_numeric_dtype(X[column]): if X[column] == 'object': raise ValueError( "Input Column {} has invalid type object. " "Cast it to a valid dtype before using it in Auto-Sklearn. " "Valid types are numerical, categorical or boolean. " "You can cast it to a valid dtype using " "pandas.Series.astype. " "If working with string objects, the following " "tutorial illustrates how to work with text data: " "".format( # noqa: E501 column, ) ) elif pd.core.dtypes.common.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype( X[column].dtype ): raise ValueError( "Auto-sklearn does not support time and/or date datatype as given " "in column {}. Please convert the time information to a numerical value " "first. One example on how to do this can be found on " "".format( column, ) ) else: raise ValueError( "Input Column {} has unsupported dtype {}. " "Supported column types are categorical/bool/numerical dtypes. " "Make sure your data is formatted in a correct way, " "before feeding it to Auto-Sklearn.".format( column, X[column], ) ) else: feature_types.append('numerical') return enc_columns, feature_types def _check_and_encode_features( self, X: pd.DataFrame, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]: """ Interprets a Pandas Uses .iloc as a safe way to deal with pandas object """ # Start with the features enc_columns, feature_types = self._check_and_get_columns_to_encode(X) # If there is a Nan, we cannot encode it due to a scikit learn limitation if len(enc_columns) > 0: if np.any(pd.isnull(X[enc_columns].dropna(axis='columns', how='all'))): # Ignore all NaN columns, and if still a NaN # Error out raise ValueError("Categorical features in a dataframe cannot contain " "missing/NaN values. The OrdinalEncoder used by " "Auto-sklearn cannot handle this yet (due to a " "limitation on scikit-learn being addressed via: " "" ) elif np.any(pd.isnull(X)): # After above check it means that if there is a NaN # the whole column must be NaN # Make sure it is numerical and let the pipeline handle it for column in X.columns: if X[column].isna().all(): X[column] = pd.to_numeric(X[column]) # Make sure we only set this once. It should not change if not self.feature_types: self.feature_types = feature_types # This proc has to handle multiple calls, for X_train # and X_test scenarios. We have to make sure also that # data is consistent within calls if enc_columns: if self.enc_columns and self.enc_columns != enc_columns: raise ValueError( "Changing the column-types of the input data to Auto-Sklearn is not " "allowed. The estimator previously was fitted with categorical/boolean " "columns {}, yet, the new input data has categorical/boolean values {}. " "Please recreate the estimator from scratch when changing the input " "data. ".format( self.enc_columns, enc_columns, ) ) else: self.enc_columns = enc_columns if not self.feature_encoder: self.feature_encoder = make_column_transformer( (preprocessing.OrdinalEncoder(), self.enc_columns), remainder="passthrough" ) # Mypy redefinition assert self.feature_encoder is not None # The column transformer reoders the feature types - we therefore need to change # it as well def comparator(cmp1, cmp2): if ( cmp1 == 'categorical' and cmp2 == 'categorical' or cmp1 == 'numerical' and cmp2 == 'numerical' ): return 0 elif cmp1 == 'categorical' and cmp2 == 'numerical': return -1 elif cmp1 == 'numerical' and cmp2 == 'categorical': return 1 else: raise ValueError((cmp1, cmp2)) self.feature_types = sorted( self.feature_types, key=functools.cmp_to_key(comparator) ) if self.feature_encoder: try: X = self.feature_encoder.transform(X) except ValueError as e: if 'Found unknown categories' in e.args[0]: # Make the message more informative raise ValueError( "During fit, the input features contained categorical values in columns" "{}, with categories {} which were encoded by Auto-sklearn automatically." "Nevertheless, a new input contained new categories not seen during " "training = {}. The OrdinalEncoder used by Auto-sklearn cannot handle " "this yet (due to a limitation on scikit-learn being addressed via:" "" "".format( self.enc_columns, self.feature_encoder.transformers_[0][1].categories_, e.args[0], ) ) else: raise e # In code check to make sure everything is numeric if hasattr(X, "iloc"): is_number = np.vectorize(lambda x:
import functools import json import os from multiprocessing.pool import Pool from typing import List, Tuple, Type, Any import pprint import abc import luigi import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import torchbearer from torchbearer import Trial from tqdm import tqdm import gc from import ( preprocess_interactions_data_frame, InteractionsDataset, ) from mars_gym.evaluation.propensity_score import FillPropensityScoreMixin from mars_gym.evaluation.metrics.fairness import calculate_fairness_metrics from mars_gym.utils import files from mars_gym.utils.files import get_test_set_predictions_path, get_params_path from mars_gym.evaluation.metrics.offpolicy import ( eval_IPS, eval_CIPS, eval_SNIPS, eval_doubly_robust, ) from mars_gym.evaluation.metrics.rank import ( mean_reciprocal_rank, average_precision, precision_at_k, ndcg_at_k, personalization_at_k, prediction_coverage_at_k, ) from import ( TorchModelTraining, load_torch_model_training_from_task_id, ) from mars_gym.evaluation.policy_estimator import PolicyEstimatorTraining from import FasterBatchSampler, NoAutoCollationDataLoader from mars_gym.utils.reflection import load_attr, get_attribute_names from mars_gym.utils.utils import parallel_literal_eval, JsonEncoder from mars_gym.utils.index_mapping import ( create_index_mapping, create_index_mapping_from_arrays, transform_with_indexing, map_array, ) class BaseEvaluationTask(luigi.Task, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): model_task_class: str = luigi.Parameter( default="mars_gym.simulation.interaction.InteractionTraining" ) model_task_id: str = luigi.Parameter() offpolicy_eval: bool = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False) task_hash: str = luigi.Parameter(default="none") @property def cache_attr(self): return [""] @property def task_name(self): return self.model_task_id + "_" + self.task_id.split("_")[-1] @property def model_training(self) -> TorchModelTraining: if not hasattr(self, "_model_training"): class_ = load_attr(self.model_task_class, Type[TorchModelTraining]) self._model_training = load_torch_model_training_from_task_id( class_, self.model_task_id ) return self._model_training @property def n_items(self): return self.model_training.n_items def output(self): return luigi.LocalTarget( os.path.join( files.OUTPUT_PATH, "evaluation", self.__class__.__name__, "results", self.task_name, ) ) def cache_cleanup(self): for a in self.cache_attrs: if hasattr(self, a): delattr(self, a) def _save_params(self): with open(get_params_path(self.output().path), "w") as params_file: json.dump( self.param_kwargs, params_file, default=lambda o: dict(o), indent=4 ) class EvaluateTestSetPredictions(FillPropensityScoreMixin, BaseEvaluationTask): # TODO transform this params in a dict params direct_estimator_class: str = luigi.Parameter(default="") direct_estimator_negative_proportion: int = luigi.FloatParameter(0) direct_estimator_batch_size: int = luigi.IntParameter(default=500) direct_estimator_epochs: int = luigi.IntParameter(default=50) direct_estimator_extra_params: dict = luigi.DictParameter(default={}) eval_cips_cap: int = luigi.IntParameter(default=15) policy_estimator_extra_params: dict = luigi.DictParameter(default={}) num_processes: int = luigi.IntParameter(default=os.cpu_count()) fairness_columns: List[str] = luigi.ListParameter(default=[]) rank_metrics: List[str] = luigi.ListParameter(default=[]) only_new_interactions: bool = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False) only_exist_items: bool = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False) only_exist_users: bool = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False) def get_direct_estimator(self, extra_params: dict) -> TorchModelTraining: assert self.direct_estimator_class is not None estimator_class = load_attr( self.direct_estimator_class, Type[TorchModelTraining] ) attribute_names = get_attribute_names(estimator_class) params = { key: value for key, value in self.model_training.param_kwargs.items() if key in attribute_names } return estimator_class(**{**params, **extra_params}) #TODO We need change it @property def direct_estimator(self): if not hasattr(self, "_direct_estimator"): self._direct_estimator = self.get_direct_estimator( {**{ "project": self.model_training.project, "learning_rate": 0.0001, "test_size": 0.0, "epochs": self.direct_estimator_epochs, "batch_size": self.direct_estimator_batch_size, "loss_function": "bce", "loss_function_params": {}, "observation": "All Data", "negative_proportion": self.direct_estimator_negative_proportion, "policy_estimator_extra_params": {}, "metrics": ["loss"], "seed": 51, }, **self.direct_estimator_extra_params} ) return self._direct_estimator @property def policy_estimator(self) -> PolicyEstimatorTraining: if not hasattr(self, "_policy_estimator"): self._policy_estimator = PolicyEstimatorTraining( project=self.model_training.project, data_frames_preparation_extra_params=self.model_training.data_frames_preparation_extra_params, **self.policy_estimator_extra_params, ) return self._policy_estimator def requires(self): if self.offpolicy_eval: return [self.direct_estimator, self.policy_estimator] return [] @property def item_column(self) -> str: return @property def available_arms_column(self) -> str: return self.model_training.project_config.available_arms_column_name @property def propensity_score_column(self) -> str: return self.model_training.project_config.propensity_score_column_name def get_item_index(self)-> List[str]: indexed_list = list(self.model_training.index_mapping[].keys()) indexed_list = [x for x in indexed_list if x is not None and str(x) != 'nan'] return indexed_list def get_catalog(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[str]: indexed_list = self.get_item_index() test_list = list(df["sorted_actions"]) test_list.append(indexed_list) all_items = sum(test_list, []) unique_items = list(np.unique(all_items)) return unique_items def run(self): os.makedirs(self.output().path) # df: pd.DataFrame = preprocess_interactions_data_frame( # pd.read_csv( # get_test_set_predictions_path(self.model_training.output().path) # ), # self.model_training.project_config, # ) # .sample(10000) df: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv( get_test_set_predictions_path(self.model_training.output().path), dtype = { : "str"} ) # .sample(10000) df["sorted_actions"] = parallel_literal_eval(df["sorted_actions"]) df["prob_actions"] = parallel_literal_eval(df["prob_actions"]) df["action_scores"] = parallel_literal_eval(df["action_scores"]) df["action"] = df["sorted_actions"].apply( lambda sorted_actions: str(sorted_actions[0]) ) with Pool(self.num_processes) as p: print("Creating the relevance lists...") # from IPython import embed; embed() df["relevance_list"] = list( tqdm( p.starmap( _create_relevance_list, zip( df["sorted_actions"], df[], df[], ), ), total=len(df), ) ) if self.model_training.metadata_data_frame is not None: df = pd.merge( df,
pd.read_csv(self.model_training.metadata_data_frame_path, dtype = { : "str"})
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jul 27 10:23:59 2021 @author: alber """ import re import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import spacy import pickle import lightgbm as lgb import imblearn from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.semi_supervised import ( LabelPropagation, LabelSpreading, SelfTrainingClassifier, ) from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier from sklearn.metrics import classification_report # from nltk.corpus import stopwords # from nltk import ngrams from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer # from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE, BorderlineSMOTE, ADASYN from statsmodels.stats.inter_rater import cohens_kappa from import get_files, file_presistance from common.config import ( PATH_POEMS, PATH_RESULTS, PATH_AFF_LEXICON, PATH_GROUND_TRUTH ) nlp = spacy.load("es_core_news_md") stemmer = SnowballStemmer("spanish") def _getReport( y_test, y_pred, y_pred_proba, target_names, using_affective = "yes", semantic_model = "", classification_model = "" ): """ TODO Parameters ---------- y_test : TYPE DESCRIPTION. y_pred : TYPE DESCRIPTION. target_names : TYPE DESCRIPTION. using_affective : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is "yes". semantic_model : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is "". classification_model : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is "". Returns ------- df_metrics_iter : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ ### 1. Standard Metrics report = classification_report( y_test, y_pred, target_names = target_names, output_dict = True ) df_metrics_iter = pd.DataFrame( { 'category': [category], 'using_affective': [using_affective], 'semantic_model': [semantic_model], 'classification_model': [classification_model], 'n_class_0': [report[f'{category}_0']['support']], 'n_class_1': [report[f'{category}_1']['support']], 'precision_class_0': [report[f'{category}_0']['precision']], 'precision_class_1': [report[f'{category}_1']['precision']], 'recall_class_0': [report[f'{category}_0']['recall']], 'recall_class_1': [report[f'{category}_1']['recall']], 'f1_class_0': [report[f'{category}_0']['f1-score']], 'f1_class_1': [report[f'{category}_1']['f1-score']], 'precision_weighted': [report['weighted avg']['precision']], 'recall_weighted': [report['weighted avg']['recall']], 'f1_weighted': [report['weighted avg']['f1-score']] } ) ### 2. Cohen's Kappa # Make Dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({"A": y_test, "B": y_pred}) # Switch it to three columns A's answer, B's answer and count of that combination df = df.value_counts().reset_index() # Check compliance if len(df) < 4: df_aux = pd.DataFrame({'A': [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], 'B': [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] }) df = df.merge(df_aux, how="outer").fillna(0) # Make square square = df.pivot(columns="A",index="B").values # Get Kappa dct_kappa = cohens_kappa(square) kappa_max = dct_kappa['kappa_max'] kappa = dct_kappa['kappa'] df_metrics_iter['kappa'] = [kappa] df_metrics_iter['kappa_max'] = [kappa_max] ### 3. AUC y_pred_proba = np.asarray([x if str(x) != 'nan' else 0.0 for x in y_pred_proba]) fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve( y_test, y_pred_proba, pos_label=1 ) auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) df_metrics_iter['auc'] = [auc] return df_metrics_iter # ============================================================================= # 1. Prepare Data # ============================================================================= ### Load Sonnets Features # Load Data file_to_read = open(f"{PATH_RESULTS}/dct_sonnets_input_v5", "rb") dct_sonnets = pickle.load(file_to_read) file_to_read.close() # Only DISCO if False: dct_sonnets = {x:y for x,y in dct_sonnets.items() if x <= 4085} # Sonnet Matrix list_original_sentence = [ 'enc_text_model1', 'enc_text_model2', 'enc_text_model3', 'enc_text_model4', 'enc_text_model5' ] list_semantic_models = [ 'enc_text_model1', 'enc_text_model2', 'enc_text_model3', 'enc_text_model4', 'enc_text_model5', # 'enc_text_model_hg_bert_max', # 'enc_text_model_hg_bert_span', # 'enc_text_model_hg_bert_median', 'enc_text_model_hg_bert_avg_w', # 'enc_text_model_hg_bert_sp_max', # 'enc_text_model_hg_bert_sp_span', # 'enc_text_model_hg_bert_sp_median', 'enc_text_model_hg_bert_sp_avg_w', # 'enc_text_model_hg_ro_max', # 'enc_text_model_hg_ro_span', # 'enc_text_model_hg_ro_median', # 'enc_text_model_hg_ro_avg_w' ] # General Variables dct_metrics_all_models = {} df_meta = pd.concat( [ pd.DataFrame({"index": [item["index"]], "text": [item["text"]]}) for key, item in dct_sonnets.items() ] ) df_affective = pd.concat([item["aff_features"] for key, item in dct_sonnets.items()]).fillna(0) # Load psycho names df_names = pd.read_csv(f"{PATH_GROUND_TRUTH}/variable_names_en.csv", encoding="latin-1") list_names = list(df_names["es_name"].values) list_aff = [ "concreteness", "context availability", "anger", "arousal", "disgust", "fear", "happinness", "imageability", "sadness", "valence", ] ### Load Ground Truth if False: df_gt = pd.read_csv(f"{PATH_GROUND_TRUTH}/poems_corpus_all.csv") df_gt = df_gt[df_gt['index'].isin(list(dct_sonnets.keys()))] df_gt = df_gt.rename(columns={"text": "text_original"}) df_gt.columns = [str(x).rstrip().lstrip() for x in list(df_gt.columns)] ### Get Subsample from GT df_add = pd.DataFrame() for category in list_names: if category in list_aff: continue try: df_iter = df_gt.groupby(category).apply(lambda s: s.sample(2)) except: continue df_add = df_add.append(df_iter) df_add = df_add.drop_duplicates() # New GT (without data used in training) df_gt = df_gt[~df_gt["index"].isin(df_add["index"])].copy() df_add.to_csv("train_dataset.csv", index=False) df_gt.to_csv("test_dataset.csv", index=False) else: df_add =
# import sys # sys.path.append('JEMIPYC') # from array_check_function_global import df,dfn,dfv,dfx,dfnx,dfvx import pandas as pd import numpy as np tab = '__' # no-extension , number of parameters is not limited, 2 or 3, whatever you want. # ex) df(A,B,C,D,...,Z...) # of course you just put one parameter. def df(*x): pd.reset_option('display.max_columns') pd.reset_option('display.max_rows') leng = len(x) df_concat = [] for i in range(leng): row=len(x[0]) blank = ['']*row blank = pd.DataFrame(blank,columns=[tab]) xx = pd.DataFrame(x[i]) if(i==0): df_concat = xx else: df_concat = pd.concat([df_concat,blank,xx], axis=1) df_concat.replace(np.nan, '', inplace=True) display(df_concat) def dfn(*x): pd.reset_option('display.max_columns') pd.reset_option('display.max_rows') leng = len(x) df_concat = [] for i in range(leng): row=len(x[0]) blank = ['']*row tabn = '{'+str(i+1)+'}' blank = pd.DataFrame(blank,columns=[tabn]) xx = pd.DataFrame(x[i]) if(i==0): df_concat = pd.concat([xx,blank], axis=1) else: df_concat = pd.concat([df_concat,xx,blank], axis=1) df_concat.replace(np.nan, '', inplace=True) display(df_concat) def dfv(*x): pd.reset_option('display.max_columns') pd.reset_option('display.max_rows') leng = len(x) df_concat = [] for i in range(leng): xs = x[i] row=len(x[0]) blank = ['']*row if((i+1)!=leng): # print(i) vname = x[-1][i] # print(vname) tabv = "<("+str(vname)+")" blank = pd.DataFrame(blank,columns=[tabv]) xx = pd.DataFrame(x[i]) if(i==0): df_concat = pd.concat([xx,blank], axis=1) else: df_concat = pd.concat([df_concat,xx,blank], axis=1) # print(df_concat) df_concat.replace(np.nan, '', inplace=True) display(df_concat) # extension def dfx(*x):
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datapackage as dp import as pio import plotly.offline as offline from plots import ( hourly_plot, stacked_plot, price_line_plot, price_scatter_plot, merit_order_plot, filling_level_plot, ) results = [r for r in os.listdir("results") if "plots" not in r] country = "DE" # shadow prices sorted = {} unsorted = {} for r in results: path = os.path.join("results", r, "output", "shadow_prices.csv") sprices = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=[0], parse_dates=True)[ country + "-electricity" ] sorted[r] = sprices.sort_values().values unsorted[r] = sprices.values # residual load and more renewables = ["wind-onshore", "wind-offshore", "solar-pv", "hydro-ror"] timestamps = {} marginal_cost = {} shadow_prices = {} storages = {} prices = {} rload = {} for r in results: path = os.path.join("results", r, "output", country + "-electricity.csv") country_electricity_df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=[0], parse_dates=True) country_electricity_df["rload"] = country_electricity_df[ ("-").join([country, "electricity-load"]) ] - country_electricity_df[ [("-").join([country, i]) for i in renewables] ].sum( axis=1 ) rload[r] = country_electricity_df["rload"].values timestamps[r] = country_electricity_df.index if country == "DE": path = os.path.join("results", r, "input", "datapackage.json") input_datapackage = dp.Package(path) dispatchable = input_datapackage.get_resource("dispatchable") df = pd.DataFrame( df = df.set_index("name") # select all storages and sum up storage = [ ss for ss in [ "DE-" + s for s in ["hydro-phs", "hydro-reservoir", "battery"] ] if ss in country_electricity_df.columns ] storages[r] = country_electricity_df[storage].sum(axis=1) marginal_cost[r] = df path = os.path.join("results", r, "output", "shadow_prices.csv") shadow_prices[r] = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=[0], parse_dates=True)[ "DE-electricity" ] storages[r] =
pd.concat([storages[r], shadow_prices[r]], axis=1)
from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pytest import pandas.util._test_decorators as td from pandas.core.dtypes.base import _registry as ea_registry from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_categorical_dtype, is_interval_dtype, is_object_dtype, ) from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import ( CategoricalDtype, DatetimeTZDtype, IntervalDtype, PeriodDtype, ) from pandas import ( Categorical, DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Index, Interval, IntervalIndex, MultiIndex, NaT, Period, PeriodIndex, Series, Timestamp, cut, date_range, notna, period_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.arrays import SparseArray from pandas.tseries.offsets import BDay class TestDataFrameSetItem: @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ["int32", "int64", "float32", "float64"]) def test_setitem_dtype(self, dtype, float_frame): arr = np.random.randn(len(float_frame)) float_frame[dtype] = np.array(arr, dtype=dtype) assert float_frame[dtype] == dtype def test_setitem_list_not_dataframe(self, float_frame): data = np.random.randn(len(float_frame), 2) float_frame[["A", "B"]] = data tm.assert_almost_equal(float_frame[["A", "B"]].values, data) def test_setitem_error_msmgs(self): # GH 7432 df = DataFrame( {"bar": [1, 2, 3], "baz": ["d", "e", "f"]}, index=Index(["a", "b", "c"], name="foo"), ) ser = Series( ["g", "h", "i", "j"], index=Index(["a", "b", "c", "a"], name="foo"), name="fiz", ) msg = "cannot reindex from a duplicate axis" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df["newcol"] = ser # GH 4107, more descriptive error message df = DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, (4, 4)), columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"]) msg = "incompatible index of inserted column with frame index" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): df["gr"] = df.groupby(["b", "c"]).count() def test_setitem_benchmark(self): # from the vb_suite/frame_methods/frame_insert_columns N = 10 K = 5 df = DataFrame(index=range(N)) new_col = np.random.randn(N) for i in range(K): df[i] = new_col expected = DataFrame(np.repeat(new_col, K).reshape(N, K), index=range(N)) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_setitem_different_dtype(self): df = DataFrame( np.random.randn(5, 3), index=np.arange(5), columns=["c", "b", "a"] ) df.insert(0, "foo", df["a"]) df.insert(2, "bar", df["c"]) # diff dtype # new item df["x"] = df["a"].astype("float32") result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("float64")] * 5 + [np.dtype("float32")], index=["foo", "c", "bar", "b", "a", "x"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # replacing current (in different block) df["a"] = df["a"].astype("float32") result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("float64")] * 4 + [np.dtype("float32")] * 2, index=["foo", "c", "bar", "b", "a", "x"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) df["y"] = df["a"].astype("int32") result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("float64")] * 4 + [np.dtype("float32")] * 2 + [np.dtype("int32")], index=["foo", "c", "bar", "b", "a", "x", "y"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_setitem_empty_columns(self): # GH 13522 df = DataFrame(index=["A", "B", "C"]) df["X"] = df.index df["X"] = ["x", "y", "z"] exp = DataFrame(data={"X": ["x", "y", "z"]}, index=["A", "B", "C"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, exp) def test_setitem_dt64_index_empty_columns(self): rng = date_range("1/1/2000 00:00:00", "1/1/2000 1:59:50", freq="10s") df = DataFrame(index=np.arange(len(rng))) df["A"] = rng assert df["A"].dtype == np.dtype("M8[ns]") def test_setitem_timestamp_empty_columns(self): # GH#19843 df = DataFrame(index=range(3)) df["now"] = Timestamp("20130101", tz="UTC") expected = DataFrame( [[Timestamp("20130101", tz="UTC")]] * 3, index=[0, 1, 2], columns=["now"] ) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_setitem_wrong_length_categorical_dtype_raises(self): # GH#29523 cat = Categorical.from_codes([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2], ["a", "b", "c"]) df = DataFrame(range(10), columns=["bar"]) msg = ( rf"Length of values \({len(cat)}\) " rf"does not match length of index \({len(df)}\)" ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df["foo"] = cat def test_setitem_with_sparse_value(self): # GH#8131 df = DataFrame({"c_1": ["a", "b", "c"], "n_1": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]}) sp_array = SparseArray([0, 0, 1]) df["new_column"] = sp_array expected =
Series(sp_array, name="new_column")
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from numba import njit from datetime import datetime import pytest from itertools import product from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit import vectorbt as vbt from vectorbt.generic import nb seed = 42 day_dt = np.timedelta64(86400000000000) df = pd.DataFrame({ 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4, np.nan], 'b': [np.nan, 4, 3, 2, 1], 'c': [1, 2, np.nan, 2, 1] }, index=pd.DatetimeIndex([ datetime(2018, 1, 1), datetime(2018, 1, 2), datetime(2018, 1, 3), datetime(2018, 1, 4), datetime(2018, 1, 5) ])) group_by = np.array(['g1', 'g1', 'g2']) @njit def i_or_col_pow_nb(i_or_col, x, pow): return np.power(x, pow) @njit def pow_nb(x, pow): return np.power(x, pow) @njit def nanmean_nb(x): return np.nanmean(x) @njit def i_col_nanmean_nb(i, col, x): return np.nanmean(x) @njit def i_nanmean_nb(i, x): return np.nanmean(x) @njit def col_nanmean_nb(col, x): return np.nanmean(x) # ############# ############# # class TestAccessors: def test_shuffle(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.shuffle(seed=seed), pd.Series( np.array([2.0, np.nan, 3.0, 1.0, 4.0]), index=df['a'].index, name=df['a'].name ) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df['a'].vbt.shuffle(seed=seed).values, nb.shuffle_1d_nb(df['a'].values, seed=seed) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.shuffle(seed=seed), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2., 2., 2.], [np.nan, 4., 1.], [3., 3., 2.], [1., np.nan, 1.], [4., 1., np.nan] ]), index=df.index, columns=df.columns ) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_value", [-1, 0., np.nan], ) def test_fillna(self, test_value): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.fillna(test_value), df['a'].fillna(test_value)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.fillna(test_value), df.fillna(test_value)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_n", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ) def test_bshift(self, test_n): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.bshift(test_n), df['a'].shift(-test_n)) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df['a'].vbt.bshift(test_n).values, nb.bshift_nb(df['a'].values, test_n) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.bshift(test_n), df.shift(-test_n)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_n", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ) def test_fshift(self, test_n): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.fshift(test_n), df['a'].shift(test_n)) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df['a'].vbt.fshift(test_n).values, nb.fshift_1d_nb(df['a'].values, test_n) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.fshift(test_n), df.shift(test_n)) def test_diff(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.diff(), df['a'].diff()) np.testing.assert_array_equal(df['a'].vbt.diff().values, nb.diff_1d_nb(df['a'].values)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.diff(), df.diff()) def test_pct_change(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.pct_change(), df['a'].pct_change(fill_method=None)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(df['a'].vbt.pct_change().values, nb.pct_change_1d_nb(df['a'].values)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.pct_change(), df.pct_change(fill_method=None)) def test_ffill(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.ffill(), df['a'].ffill()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.ffill(), df.ffill()) def test_product(self): assert df['a'].vbt.product() == df['a'].product() np.testing.assert_array_equal(df.vbt.product(), df.product()) def test_cumsum(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.cumsum(), df['a'].cumsum()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.cumsum(), df.cumsum()) def test_cumprod(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal(df['a'].vbt.cumprod(), df['a'].cumprod()) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.vbt.cumprod(), df.cumprod()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None])) ) def test_rolling_min(self, test_window, test_minp): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_min(test_window, minp=test_minp), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).min() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_min(test_window, minp=test_minp), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).min() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_min(test_window), df.rolling(test_window).min() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None])) ) def test_rolling_max(self, test_window, test_minp): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_max(test_window, minp=test_minp), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).max() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_max(test_window, minp=test_minp), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).max() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_max(test_window), df.rolling(test_window).max() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None])) ) def test_rolling_mean(self, test_window, test_minp): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_mean(test_window, minp=test_minp), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_mean(test_window, minp=test_minp), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_mean(test_window), df.rolling(test_window).mean() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp,test_ddof", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None], [0, 1])) ) def test_rolling_std(self, test_window, test_minp, test_ddof): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_std(test_window, minp=test_minp, ddof=test_ddof), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_std(test_window, minp=test_minp, ddof=test_ddof), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_std(test_window), df.rolling(test_window).std() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp,test_adjust", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None], [False, True])) ) def test_ewm_mean(self, test_window, test_minp, test_adjust): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.ewm_mean(test_window, minp=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust), df['a'].ewm(span=test_window, min_periods=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.ewm_mean(test_window, minp=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust), df.ewm(span=test_window, min_periods=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.ewm_mean(test_window), df.ewm(span=test_window).mean() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp,test_adjust,test_ddof", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None], [False, True], [0, 1])) ) def test_ewm_std(self, test_window, test_minp, test_adjust, test_ddof): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.ewm_std(test_window, minp=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust, ddof=test_ddof), df['a'].ewm(span=test_window, min_periods=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.ewm_std(test_window, minp=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust, ddof=test_ddof), df.ewm(span=test_window, min_periods=test_minp, adjust=test_adjust).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.ewm_std(test_window), df.ewm(span=test_window).std() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp", [1, 3] ) def test_expanding_min(self, test_minp): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_min(minp=test_minp), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).min() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_min(minp=test_minp), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).min() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_min(), df.expanding().min() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp", [1, 3] ) def test_expanding_max(self, test_minp): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_max(minp=test_minp), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).max() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_max(minp=test_minp), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).max() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_max(), df.expanding().max() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp", [1, 3] ) def test_expanding_mean(self, test_minp): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_mean(minp=test_minp), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_mean(minp=test_minp), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).mean() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_mean(), df.expanding().mean() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp,test_ddof", list(product([1, 3], [0, 1])) ) def test_expanding_std(self, test_minp, test_ddof): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_std(minp=test_minp, ddof=test_ddof), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_std(minp=test_minp, ddof=test_ddof), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).std(ddof=test_ddof) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_std(), df.expanding().std() ) def test_apply_along_axis(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.apply_along_axis(i_or_col_pow_nb, 2, axis=0), df.apply(pow_nb, args=(2,), axis=0, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.apply_along_axis(i_or_col_pow_nb, 2, axis=1), df.apply(pow_nb, args=(2,), axis=1, raw=True) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_window,test_minp", list(product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, None])) ) def test_rolling_apply(self, test_window, test_minp): if test_minp is None: test_minp = test_window pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.rolling_apply(test_window, i_col_nanmean_nb, minp=test_minp), df['a'].rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_apply(test_window, i_col_nanmean_nb, minp=test_minp), df.rolling(test_window, min_periods=test_minp).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_apply(test_window, i_col_nanmean_nb), df.rolling(test_window).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.rolling_apply(3, i_nanmean_nb, on_matrix=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [2.75, 2.75, 2.75], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] ]), index=df.index, columns=df.columns ) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_minp", [1, 3] ) def test_expanding_apply(self, test_minp): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.expanding_apply(i_col_nanmean_nb, minp=test_minp), df['a'].expanding(min_periods=test_minp).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_apply(i_col_nanmean_nb, minp=test_minp), df.expanding(min_periods=test_minp).apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_apply(i_col_nanmean_nb), df.expanding().apply(nanmean_nb, raw=True) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.expanding_apply(i_nanmean_nb, on_matrix=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [2.2857142857142856, 2.2857142857142856, 2.2857142857142856], [2.4, 2.4, 2.4], [2.1666666666666665, 2.1666666666666665, 2.1666666666666665] ]), index=df.index, columns=df.columns ) ) def test_groupby_apply(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.groupby_apply(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3]), i_col_nanmean_nb), df['a'].groupby(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3])).apply(lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values)) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.groupby_apply(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3]), i_col_nanmean_nb), df.groupby(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3])).agg({ 'a': lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values), 'b': lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values), 'c': lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values) }), # any clean way to do column-wise grouping in pandas? ) def test_groupby_apply_on_matrix(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.groupby_apply(np.asarray([1, 1, 2, 2, 3]), i_nanmean_nb, on_matrix=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2., 2., 2.], [2.8, 2.8, 2.8], [1., 1., 1.] ]), index=pd.Int64Index([1, 2, 3], dtype='int64'), columns=df.columns ) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_freq", ['1h', '3d', '1w'], ) def test_resample_apply(self, test_freq): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.resample_apply(test_freq, i_col_nanmean_nb), df['a'].resample(test_freq).apply(lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values)) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.resample_apply(test_freq, i_col_nanmean_nb), df.resample(test_freq).apply(lambda x: nanmean_nb(x.values)) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.resample_apply('3d', i_nanmean_nb, on_matrix=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2.28571429, 2.28571429, 2.28571429], [2., 2., 2.] ]), index=pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='3D'), columns=df.columns ) ) def test_applymap(self): @njit def mult_nb(i, col, x): return x * 2 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.applymap(mult_nb), df['a'].map(lambda x: x * 2) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.applymap(mult_nb), df.applymap(lambda x: x * 2) ) def test_filter(self): @njit def greater_nb(i, col, x): return x > 2 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.filter(greater_nb), df['a'].map(lambda x: x if x > 2 else np.nan) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.filter(greater_nb), df.applymap(lambda x: x if x > 2 else np.nan) ) def test_apply_and_reduce(self): @njit def every_nth_nb(col, a, n): return a[::n] @njit def sum_nb(col, a, b): return np.nansum(a) + b assert df['a'].vbt.apply_and_reduce(every_nth_nb, sum_nb, apply_args=(2,), reduce_args=(3,)) == \ df['a'].iloc[::2].sum() + 3 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.apply_and_reduce(every_nth_nb, sum_nb, apply_args=(2,), reduce_args=(3,)), df.iloc[::2].sum().rename('apply_and_reduce') + 3 ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.apply_and_reduce( every_nth_nb, sum_nb, apply_args=(2,), reduce_args=(3,), wrap_kwargs=dict(time_units=True)), (df.iloc[::2].sum().rename('apply_and_reduce') + 3) * day_dt ) def test_reduce(self): @njit def sum_nb(col, a): return np.nansum(a) assert df['a'].vbt.reduce(sum_nb) == df['a'].sum() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(sum_nb), df.sum().rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(sum_nb, wrap_kwargs=dict(time_units=True)), df.sum().rename('reduce') * day_dt ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(sum_nb, group_by=group_by), pd.Series([20.0, 6.0], index=['g1', 'g2']).rename('reduce') ) @njit def argmax_nb(col, a): a = a.copy() a[np.isnan(a)] = -np.inf return np.argmax(a) assert df['a'].vbt.reduce(argmax_nb, to_idx=True) == df['a'].idxmax() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(argmax_nb, to_idx=True), df.idxmax().rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df.vbt.reduce(argmax_nb, to_idx=True, flatten=True, group_by=group_by), pd.Series(['2018-01-02', '2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', index=['g1', 'g2']).rename('reduce') ) @njit def min_and_max_nb(col, a): out = np.empty(2) out[0] = np.nanmin(a) out[1] = np.nanmax(a) return out pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.reduce( min_and_max_nb, to_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max'])), pd.Series([np.nanmin(df['a']), np.nanmax(df['a'])], index=['min', 'max'], name='a') ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce( min_and_max_nb, to_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max'])), df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(np.asarray([np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x)]), index=['min', 'max']), axis=0) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce( min_and_max_nb, to_array=True, group_by=group_by, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max'])), pd.DataFrame([[1.0, 1.0], [4.0, 2.0]], index=['min', 'max'], columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) @njit def argmin_and_argmax_nb(col, a): # nanargmin and nanargmax out = np.empty(2) _a = a.copy() _a[np.isnan(_a)] = np.inf out[0] = np.argmin(_a) _a = a.copy() _a[np.isnan(_a)] = -np.inf out[1] = np.argmax(_a) return out pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.reduce( argmin_and_argmax_nb, to_idx=True, to_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'])), pd.Series([df['a'].idxmin(), df['a'].idxmax()], index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'], name='a') ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce( argmin_and_argmax_nb, to_idx=True, to_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'])), df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(np.asarray([x.idxmin(), x.idxmax()]), index=['idxmin', 'idxmax']), axis=0) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce(argmin_and_argmax_nb, to_idx=True, to_array=True, flatten=True, order='C', group_by=group_by, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'])), pd.DataFrame([['2018-01-01', '2018-01-01'], ['2018-01-02', '2018-01-02']], dtype='datetime64[ns]', index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'], columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.reduce(argmin_and_argmax_nb, to_idx=True, to_array=True, flatten=True, order='F', group_by=group_by, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'])), pd.DataFrame([['2018-01-01', '2018-01-01'], ['2018-01-04', '2018-01-02']], dtype='datetime64[ns]', index=['idxmin', 'idxmax'], columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) def test_squeeze_grouped(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.squeeze_grouped(i_col_nanmean_nb, group_by=group_by), pd.DataFrame([ [1.0, 1.0], [3.0, 2.0], [3.0, np.nan], [3.0, 2.0], [1.0, 1.0] ], index=df.index, columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) def test_flatten_grouped(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.flatten_grouped(group_by=group_by, order='C'), pd.DataFrame([ [1.0, 1.0], [np.nan, np.nan], [2.0, 2.0], [4.0, np.nan], [3.0, np.nan], [3.0, np.nan], [4.0, 2.0], [2.0, np.nan], [np.nan, 1.0], [1.0, np.nan] ], index=np.repeat(df.index, 2), columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.flatten_grouped(group_by=group_by, order='F'), pd.DataFrame([ [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, np.nan], [4.0, 2.0], [np.nan, 1.0], [np.nan, np.nan], [4.0, np.nan], [3.0, np.nan], [2.0, np.nan], [1.0, np.nan] ], index=np.tile(df.index, 2), columns=['g1', 'g2']) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_name,test_func,test_func_nb", [ ('min', lambda x, **kwargs: x.min(**kwargs), nb.nanmin_nb), ('max', lambda x, **kwargs: x.max(**kwargs), nb.nanmax_nb), ('mean', lambda x, **kwargs: x.mean(**kwargs), nb.nanmean_nb), ('median', lambda x, **kwargs: x.median(**kwargs), nb.nanmedian_nb), ('std', lambda x, **kwargs: x.std(**kwargs, ddof=0), nb.nanstd_nb), ('count', lambda x, **kwargs: x.count(**kwargs), nb.nancnt_nb), ('sum', lambda x, **kwargs: x.sum(**kwargs), nb.nansum_nb) ], ) def test_funcs(self, test_name, test_func, test_func_nb): # numeric assert test_func(df['a'].vbt) == test_func(df['a']) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt), test_func(df).rename(test_name) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt, group_by=group_by), pd.Series([ test_func(df[['a', 'b']].stack()), test_func(df['c']) ], index=['g1', 'g2']).rename(test_name) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal(test_func(df).values, test_func_nb(df.values)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt, wrap_kwargs=dict(time_units=True)), test_func(df).rename(test_name) * day_dt ) # boolean bool_ts = df == df assert test_func(bool_ts['a'].vbt) == test_func(bool_ts['a']) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(bool_ts.vbt), test_func(bool_ts).rename(test_name) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(bool_ts.vbt, wrap_kwargs=dict(time_units=True)), test_func(bool_ts).rename(test_name) * day_dt ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_name,test_func", [ ('idxmin', lambda x, **kwargs: x.idxmin(**kwargs)), ('idxmax', lambda x, **kwargs: x.idxmax(**kwargs)) ], ) def test_arg_funcs(self, test_name, test_func): assert test_func(df['a'].vbt) == test_func(df['a']) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt), test_func(df).rename(test_name) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( test_func(df.vbt, group_by=group_by), pd.Series([ test_func(df[['a', 'b']].stack())[0], test_func(df['c']) ], index=['g1', 'g2'], dtype='datetime64[ns]').rename(test_name) ) def test_describe(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.describe(), df['a'].describe() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.describe(percentiles=None), df.describe(percentiles=None) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.describe(percentiles=[]), df.describe(percentiles=[]) ) test_against = df.describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)), test_against ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1), group_by=group_by), pd.DataFrame({ 'g1': df[['a', 'b']].stack().describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)).values, 'g2': df['c'].describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)).values }, index=test_against.index) ) def test_drawdown(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.drawdown(), df['a'] / df['a'].expanding().max() - 1 ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.drawdown(), df / df.expanding().max() - 1 ) def test_drawdowns(self): assert type(df['a'].vbt.drawdowns) is vbt.Drawdowns assert df['a'].vbt.drawdowns.wrapper.freq == df['a'].vbt.wrapper.freq assert df['a'].vbt.drawdowns.wrapper.ndim == df['a'].ndim assert df.vbt.drawdowns.wrapper.ndim == df.ndim def test_to_mapped_array(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array().values, np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 4., 3., 2., 1., 1., 2., 2., 1.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array().col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array().idx_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 3, 4]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array(dropna=False).values, np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., np.nan, np.nan, 4., 3., 2., 1., 1., 2., np.nan, 2., 1.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array(dropna=False).col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( df.vbt.to_mapped_array(dropna=False).idx_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) ) def test_zscore(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( df['a'].vbt.zscore(), (df['a'] - df['a'].mean()) / df['a'].std(ddof=0) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.zscore(), (df - df.mean()) / df.std(ddof=0) ) def test_split(self): splitter = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=2) (train_df, train_indexes), (test_df, test_indexes) = df['a'].vbt.split(splitter) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( train_df, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0], [np.nan, 4.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( train_indexes[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( test_df, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [4.0, np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( test_indexes[i], target[i] ) (train_df, train_indexes), (test_df, test_indexes) = df.vbt.split(splitter) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( train_df, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 1.0, np.nan, 1.0], [2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0, np.nan, 3.0, 3.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1), columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([ (0, 'a'), (0, 'b'), (0, 'c'), (1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (1, 'c') ], names=['split_idx', None]) ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( train_indexes[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( test_df, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [4.0, 2.0, 2.0, np.nan, 1.0, 1.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1), columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([ (0, 'a'), (0, 'b'), (0, 'c'), (1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (1, 'c') ], names=['split_idx', None]) ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( test_indexes[i], target[i] ) def test_range_split(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df['a'].vbt.range_split(n=2)[0], pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1., 4.], [2., np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04', '2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( df['a'].vbt.range_split(n=2)[1][i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df['a'].vbt.range_split(range_len=2)[0], pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1., 2., 3., 4.], [2., 3., 4., np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_2', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04', '2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_3', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( df['a'].vbt.range_split(range_len=2)[1][i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df['a'].vbt.range_split(range_len=2, n=3)[0], pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1., 3., 4.], [2., 4., np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1, 2], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04', '2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_2', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( df['a'].vbt.range_split(range_len=2, n=3)[1][i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df['a'].vbt.range_split(range_len=3, n=2)[0], pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1., 3.], [2., 4.], [3., np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=3, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03', '2018-01-04', '2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( df['a'].vbt.range_split(range_len=3, n=2)[1][i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.range_split(n=2)[0], pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0], [2.0, 4.0, 2.0, np.nan, 1.0, 1.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1), columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([ pd.Int64Index([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx'), pd.Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='object') ]) ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04', '2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( df.vbt.range_split(n=2)[1][i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.range_split(start_idxs=[0, 1], end_idxs=[2, 3])[0], pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 2.0], [2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, np.nan], [3.0, 3.0, np.nan, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=3, step=1), columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([ pd.Int64Index([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx'), pd.Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='object') ]) ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-02', '2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( df.vbt.range_split(start_idxs=[0, 1], end_idxs=[2, 3])[1][i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.range_split(start_idxs=df.index[[0, 1]], end_idxs=df.index[[2, 3]])[0], pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 2.0], [2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, np.nan], [3.0, 3.0, np.nan, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=3, step=1), columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([ pd.Int64Index([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx'), pd.Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='object') ]) ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-02', '2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( df.vbt.range_split(start_idxs=df.index[[0, 1]], end_idxs=df.index[[2, 3]])[1][i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df.vbt.range_split(start_idxs=df.index[[0]], end_idxs=df.index[[2, 3]])[0], pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 1.0, np.nan, 1.0], [2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0, np.nan, 3.0, 3.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1), columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([ pd.Int64Index([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx'), pd.Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='object') ]) ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( df.vbt.range_split(start_idxs=df.index[[0]], end_idxs=df.index[[2, 3]])[1][i], target[i] ) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: df.vbt.range_split() with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: df.vbt.range_split(start_idxs=[0, 1]) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: df.vbt.range_split(end_idxs=[2, 4]) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: df.vbt.range_split(min_len=10) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: df.vbt.range_split(n=10) def test_rolling_split(self): (df1, indexes1), (df2, indexes2), (df3, indexes3) = df['a'].vbt.rolling_split( window_len=4, set_lens=(1, 1), left_to_right=False) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df1, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, 2.0], [2.0, 3.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-02', '2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( indexes1[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df2, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [3.0, 4.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( indexes2[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df3, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [4.0, np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( indexes3[i], target[i] ) (df1, indexes1), (df2, indexes2), (df3, indexes3) = df['a'].vbt.rolling_split( window_len=4, set_lens=(1, 1), left_to_right=True) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df1, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, 2.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( indexes1[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df2, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2.0, 3.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( indexes2[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df3, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [3.0, 4.0], [4.0, np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03', '2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04', '2018-01-05'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( indexes3[i], target[i] ) (df1, indexes1), (df2, indexes2), (df3, indexes3) = df['a'].vbt.rolling_split( window_len=4, set_lens=(0.25, 0.25), left_to_right=[False, True]) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df1, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1.0, 2.0], [2.0, np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( indexes1[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df2, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [3.0, 3.0] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [ pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None), pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_1', freq=None) ] for i in range(len(target)): pd.testing.assert_index_equal( indexes2[i], target[i] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df3, pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [4.0, 4.0], [np.nan, np.nan] ]), index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1), columns=pd.Int64Index([0, 1], dtype='int64', name='split_idx') ) ) target = [
pd.DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='split_0', freq=None)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import spacy from import STOP_WORDS from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize from itertools import groupby import copy import re import sys import textstat # Method to create a matrix with contains only zeroes and a index starting by 0 def create_matrix_index_zeros(rows, columns): arr = np.zeros((rows, columns)) for r in range(0, rows): arr[r, 0] = r return arr # Method to get all authors with a given number of texts. Used in chapter 5.1 to get a corpus with 100 Texts for 25 # authors def get_balanced_df_all_authors(par_df, par_num_text): author_count = par_df["author"].value_counts() author_list = [] df_balanced_text = pd.DataFrame(columns=['label_encoded', 'author', 'genres', 'release_date', 'text']) for i in range(0, len(author_count)): if author_count[i] >= par_num_text and not author_count.index[i] == "Gast-Rezensent": author_list.append(author_count.index[i]) texts = [par_num_text for i in range(0, len(author_count))] for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): if row['author'] in author_list: if texts[author_list.index(row['author'])] != 0: d = {'author': [row['author']], 'genres': [row['genres']], 'release_date': [row['release_date']], 'text': [row['text']]} df_balanced_text = df_balanced_text.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d), ignore_index=True) texts[author_list.index(row['author'])] -= 1 if sum(texts) == 0: break # Label encoding and delete author column after dic_author_mapping = author_encoding(df_balanced_text) df_balanced_text['label_encoded'] = get_encoded_author_vector(df_balanced_text, dic_author_mapping)[:, 0] df_balanced_text.drop("author", axis=1, inplace=True) # Print author mapping in file original_stdout = sys.stdout with open('author_mapping.txt', 'w') as f: sys.stdout = f print(dic_author_mapping) sys.stdout = original_stdout for i in range(0, len(author_list)): print(f"Autor {i+1}: {par_num_text - texts[i]} Texte") return df_balanced_text # Method to get a specific number of authors with a given number of texts. Used later on to get results for different # combinations of authors and texts def get_balanced_df_by_texts_authors(par_df, par_num_text, par_num_author): author_count = par_df["author"].value_counts() author_list = [] df_balanced_text = pd.DataFrame(columns=['label_encoded', 'author', 'genres', 'release_date', 'text']) loop_count, loops = 0, par_num_author while loop_count < loops: if author_count[loop_count] >= par_num_text and not author_count.index[loop_count] == "Gast-Rezensent": author_list.append(author_count.index[loop_count]) # Skip the Author "Gast-Rezensent" if its not the last round and increase the loops by 1 elif author_count.index[loop_count] == "Gast-Rezensent": loops += 1 loop_count += 1 texts = [par_num_text for i in range(0, len(author_list))] for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): if row['author'] in author_list: if texts[author_list.index(row['author'])] != 0: d = {'author': [row['author']], 'genres': [row['genres']], 'release_date': [row['release_date']], 'text': [row['text']]} df_balanced_text = df_balanced_text.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d), ignore_index=True) texts[author_list.index(row['author'])] -= 1 if sum(texts) == 0: break # Label encoding and delete author column after dic_author_mapping = author_encoding(df_balanced_text) df_balanced_text['label_encoded'] = get_encoded_author_vector(df_balanced_text, dic_author_mapping)[:, 0] df_balanced_text.drop("author", axis=1, inplace=True) # Print author mapping in file original_stdout = sys.stdout with open('author_mapping.txt', 'w') as f: sys.stdout = f print(dic_author_mapping) sys.stdout = original_stdout for i in range(0, len(author_list)): print(f"Autor {i+1}: {par_num_text - texts[i]} Texte") return df_balanced_text # Feature extraction of the feature described in chapter 5.6.1 def get_bow_matrix(par_df): nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") d_bow = {} d_bow_list = [] function_pos = ["ADP", "AUX", "CONJ", "CCONJ", "DET", "PART", "PRON", "SCONJ"] for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) tokens = [word for word in tokens if not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit and word.lemma_ not in STOP_WORDS and word.pos_ not in function_pos] for word in tokens: try: d_bow["bow:"+word.lemma_.lower()] += 1 except KeyError: d_bow["bow:"+word.lemma_.lower()] = 1 d_bow_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_bow)) d_bow.clear() return pd.DataFrame(d_bow_list) # Feature extraction of the feature described in chapter 5.6.2 def get_word_n_grams(par_df, n): nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") d_word_ngram = {} d_word_ngram_list = [] function_pos = ["ADP", "AUX", "CONJ", "CCONJ", "DET", "PART", "PRON", "SCONJ"] for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) tokens = [word for word in tokens if not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit and word.lemma_ not in STOP_WORDS and word.pos_ not in function_pos] tokens = [token.lemma_.lower() for token in tokens] for w in range(0, len(tokens)): if w + n <= len(tokens): try: d_word_ngram["w" + str(n) + "g" + ":" + '|'.join(tokens[w:w + n])] += 1 except KeyError: d_word_ngram["w" + str(n) + "g" + ":" + '|'.join(tokens[w:w + n])] = 1 d_word_ngram_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_word_ngram)) d_word_ngram.clear() return pd.DataFrame(d_word_ngram_list) # Feature extraction of the feature described in chapter 5.6.3 def get_word_count(par_df): arr_wordcount = np.zeros((len(par_df), 1)) nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") only_words = [] for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) for t in tokens: if not t.is_punct and not t.is_space: only_words.append(t) arr_wordcount[index] = len(only_words) only_words.clear() return pd.DataFrame(data=arr_wordcount, columns=["word_count"]) # Feature extraction of the feature described in chapter 5.6.4 with some variations # Count all word lengths individually def get_word_length_matrix(par_df): nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") d_word_len = {} d_word_len_list = [] for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) tokens = [word for word in tokens if not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit] for word in tokens: try: d_word_len["w_len:"+str(len(word.text))] += 1 except KeyError: d_word_len["w_len:"+str(len(word.text))] = 1 d_word_len_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_word_len)) d_word_len.clear() return pd.DataFrame(d_word_len_list) # Count word lengths and set 2 intervals def get_word_length_matrix_with_interval(par_df, border_1, border_2): arr_wordcount_with_interval = np.zeros((len(par_df), border_1 + 2)) nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) for word in tokens: if len(word.text) <= border_1 and not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit: arr_wordcount_with_interval[index, len(word.text) - 1] += 1 elif border_1 < len( word.text) <= border_2 and not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit: arr_wordcount_with_interval[index, -2] += 1 elif not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit: arr_wordcount_with_interval[index, -1] += 1 word_length_labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, border_1+1)] word_length_labels.append(f"{border_1+1}-{border_2}") word_length_labels.append(f">{border_2}") return pd.DataFrame(data=arr_wordcount_with_interval, columns=word_length_labels) # Count word lengths and sum all above a defined margin def get_word_length_matrix_with_margin(par_df, par_margin): arr_wordcount_with_interval = np.zeros((len(par_df), par_margin + 1)) nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) for word in tokens: if len(word.text) <= par_margin and not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit: arr_wordcount_with_interval[index, len(word.text) - 1] += 1 elif par_margin < len(word.text) and not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit: arr_wordcount_with_interval[index, -1] += 1 word_length_labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, par_margin+1)] word_length_labels.append(f">{par_margin}") return pd.DataFrame(data=arr_wordcount_with_interval, columns=word_length_labels) # Count the average word length of the article def get_average_word_length(par_df): arr_avg_word_len_vector = np.zeros((len(par_df), 1)) nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): symbol_sum = 0 words = 0 tokens = nlp(row['text']) for word in tokens: if not word.is_punct and not word.is_space and not word.is_digit: symbol_sum += len(word.text) words += 1 arr_avg_word_len_vector[index, 0] = symbol_sum / words return pd.DataFrame(data=arr_avg_word_len_vector, columns=["avg_word_length"]) # Feature extraction of the feature described in chapter 5.6.5 def get_yules_k(par_df): d = {} nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") arr_yulesk = np.zeros((len(par_df), 1)) for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) for t in tokens: if not t.is_punct and not t.is_space and not t.is_digit: w = t.lemma_.lower() try: d[w] += 1 except KeyError: d[w] = 1 s1 = float(len(d)) s2 = sum([len(list(g)) * (freq ** 2) for freq, g in groupby(sorted(d.values()))]) try: k = 10000 * (s2 - s1) / (s1 * s1) arr_yulesk[index] = k except ZeroDivisionError: pass d.clear() return pd.DataFrame(data=arr_yulesk, columns=["yulesk"]) # Feature extraction of the feature described in chapter 5.6.6 # Get a vector of all special characters def get_special_char_label_vector(par_df): nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") special_char_label_vector = [] for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) for t in tokens: chars = ' '.join([c for c in t.text]) chars = nlp(chars) for c in chars: if c.is_punct and c.text not in special_char_label_vector: special_char_label_vector.append(c.text) return special_char_label_vector # Get a matrix of all special character by a given vector of special chars def get_special_char_matrix(par_df, par_special_char_label_vector): nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") arr_special_char = np.zeros((len(par_df), len(par_special_char_label_vector))) for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) for t in tokens: chars = ' '.join([c for c in t.text]) chars = nlp(chars) for c in chars: if c.text in par_special_char_label_vector: arr_special_char[index, par_special_char_label_vector.index(c.text)] += 1 return arr_special_char # Feature extraction of the feature described in chapter 5.6.7 # Get the char-affix-n-grams by a defined n def get_char_affix_n_grams(par_df, n): d_prefix_list, d_suffix_list, d_space_prefix_list, d_space_suffix_list = [], [], [], [] d_prefix, d_suffix, d_space_prefix, d_space_suffix = {}, {}, {}, {} nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) for w in range(0, len(tokens)): # Prefix if len(tokens[w].text) >= n + 1: try: d_prefix["c" + str(n) + "_p: " + tokens[w].text.lower()[0:n]] += 1 except KeyError: d_prefix["c" + str(n) + "_p: " + tokens[w].text.lower()[0:n]] = 1 # Suffix if len(tokens[w].text) >= n + 1: try: d_suffix["c" + str(n) + "_s: " + tokens[w].text.lower()[-n:]] += 1 except KeyError: d_suffix["c" + str(n) + "_s: " + tokens[w].text.lower()[-n:]] = 1 d_prefix_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_prefix)) d_suffix_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_suffix)) d_prefix.clear() d_suffix.clear() for i in range(0, len(row['text'])): if row['text'][i] == " " and i + n <= len(row['text']) and i - n >= 0: # Space-prefix try: d_space_prefix["c" + str(n) + "_sp: " + row['text'].lower()[i:n + i]] += 1 except KeyError: d_space_prefix["c" + str(n) + "_sp: " + row['text'].lower()[i:n + i]] = 1 # Space-suffix try: d_space_suffix["c" + str(n) + "_ss: " + row['text'].lower()[i - n + 1:i + 1]] += 1 except KeyError: d_space_suffix["c" + str(n) + "_ss: " + row['text'].lower()[i - n + 1:i + 1]] = 1 d_space_prefix_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_space_prefix)) d_space_suffix_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_space_suffix)) d_space_prefix.clear() d_space_suffix.clear() df_pre = pd.DataFrame(d_prefix_list) df_su = pd.DataFrame(d_suffix_list) df_s_pre = pd.DataFrame(d_space_prefix_list) df_s_su = pd.DataFrame(d_space_suffix_list) df_affix = pd.concat([df_pre, df_su, df_s_pre, df_s_su], axis=1) return df_affix # Get the char-word-n-grams by a defined n def get_char_word_n_grams(par_df, n): d_whole_word_list, d_mid_word_list, d_multi_word_list = [], [], [] d_whole_word, d_mid_word, d_multi_word = {}, {}, {} match_list = [] nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_sm") for index, row in par_df.iterrows(): tokens = nlp(row['text']) for w in range(0, len(tokens)): # Whole-word if len(tokens[w].text) == n: try: d_whole_word["c" + str(n) + "_ww: " + tokens[w].text.lower()] += 1 except KeyError: d_whole_word["c" + str(n) + "_ww: " + tokens[w].text.lower()] = 1 # Mid-word if len(tokens[w].text) >= n + 2: for i in range(1, len(tokens[w].text) - n): try: d_mid_word["c" + str(n) + "_miw: " + tokens[w].text.lower()[i:i + n]] += 1 except KeyError: d_mid_word["c" + str(n) + "_miw: " + tokens[w].text.lower()[i:i + n]] = 1 d_whole_word_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_whole_word)) d_mid_word_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_mid_word)) d_whole_word.clear() d_mid_word.clear() # Multi-word # ignore special character trimmed_text = re.sub(r'[\s]+', ' ', re.sub(r'[^\w ]+', '', row['text'])) match_list.clear() for i in range(1, n - 1): regex = r"\w{" + str(i) + r"}\s\w{" + str(n - 1 - i) + r"}" match_list += re.findall(regex, trimmed_text.lower()) for match in match_list: try: d_multi_word["c" + str(n) + "_mw: " + match] += 1 except KeyError: d_multi_word["c" + str(n) + "_mw: " + match] = 1 d_multi_word_list.append(copy.deepcopy(d_multi_word)) d_multi_word.clear() df_ww = pd.DataFrame(d_whole_word_list) df_miw = pd.DataFrame(d_mid_word_list) df_mw =
from __future__ import division import configparser import logging import os import re import time from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.interpolate as itp from joblib import Parallel from joblib import delayed from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pyplanscoring.core.dicomparser import ScoringDicomParser from pyplanscoring.core.dosimetric import read_scoring_criteria, constrains, Competition2016 from pyplanscoring.core.dvhcalculation import Structure, prepare_dvh_data, calc_dvhs_upsampled, save_dicom_dvhs, load from pyplanscoring.core.dvhdoses import get_dvh_max from pyplanscoring.core.geometry import get_axis_grid, get_interpolated_structure_planes from pyplanscoring.core.scoring import DVHMetrics, Scoring, Participant # TODO extract constrains from analytical curves class CurveCompare(object): """ Statistical analysis of the DVH volume (%) error histograms. volume (cm 3 ) differences (numerical–analytical) were calculated for points on the DVH curve sampled at every 10 cGy then normalized to the structure's total volume (cm 3 ) to give the error in volume (%) """ def __init__(self, a_dose, a_dvh, calc_dose, calc_dvh, structure_name='', dose_grid='', gradient=''): self.calc_data = '' self.ref_data = '' self.a_dose = a_dose self.a_dvh = a_dvh self.cal_dose = calc_dose self.calc_dvh = calc_dvh self.sampling_size = 10/100.0 self.dose_samples = np.arange(0, len(calc_dvh)/100, self.sampling_size) # The DVH curve sampled at every 10 cGy self.ref_dvh = itp.interp1d(a_dose, a_dvh, fill_value='extrapolate') self.calc_dvh = itp.interp1d(calc_dose, calc_dvh, fill_value='extrapolate') self.delta_dvh = self.calc_dvh(self.dose_samples) - self.ref_dvh(self.dose_samples) self.delta_dvh_pp = (self.delta_dvh / a_dvh[0]) * 100 # prepare data dict # self.calc_dvh_dict = _prepare_dvh_data(self.dose_samples, self.calc_dvh(self.dose_samples)) # self.ref_dvh_dict = _prepare_dvh_data(self.dose_samples, self.ref_dvh(self.dose_samples)) # title data self.structure_name = structure_name self.dose_grid = dose_grid self.gradient = gradient def stats(self): df = pd.DataFrame(self.delta_dvh_pp, columns=['delta_pp']) print(df.describe()) @property def stats_paper(self): stats = {} stats['min'] = self.delta_dvh_pp.min().round(1) stats['max'] = self.delta_dvh_pp.max().round(1) stats['mean'] = self.delta_dvh_pp.mean().round(1) stats['std'] = self.delta_dvh_pp.std(ddof=1).round(1) return stats @property def stats_delta_cc(self): stats = {} stats['min'] = self.delta_dvh.min().round(1) stats['max'] = self.delta_dvh.max().round(1) stats['mean'] = self.delta_dvh.mean().round(1) stats['std'] = self.delta_dvh.std(ddof=1).round(1) return stats # def get_constrains(self, constrains_dict): # ref_constrains = eval_constrains_dict(self.ref_dvh_dict, constrains_dict) # calc_constrains = eval_constrains_dict(self.calc_dvh_dict, constrains_dict) # # return ref_constrains, calc_constrains def eval_range(self, lim=0.2): t1 = self.delta_dvh < -lim t2 = self.delta_dvh > lim ok = np.sum(np.logical_or(t1, t2)) pp = ok / len(self.delta_dvh) * 100 print('pp %1.2f - %i of %i ' % (pp, ok, self.delta_dvh.size)) def plot_results(self, ref_label, calc_label, title): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ref = self.ref_dvh(self.dose_samples) calc = self.calc_dvh(self.dose_samples) ax.plot(self.dose_samples, ref, label=ref_label) ax.plot(self.dose_samples, calc, label=calc_label) ax.set_ylabel('volume [cc]') ax.set_xlabel('Dose [Gy]') ax.set_title(title) ax.legend(loc='best') def test_real_dvh(): rs_file = r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/competition_2017/All Required Files - 23 Jan2017/RS.' rd_file = r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/competition_2017/All Required Files - 23 Jan2017/RD.' rp = r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/competition_2017/All Required Files - 23 Jan2017/RP.' # dvh_file = r'/media/victor/TOURO Mobile/COMPETITION 2017/Send to Victor - Jan10 2017/Norm Res with CT Images/RD.' f = r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/competition_2017/All Required Files - 23 Jan2017/PlanIQ Criteria TPS PlanIQ matched str names - TXT Fromat - Last mod Jan23.txt' constrains_all, scores_all, criteria = read_scoring_criteria(f) dose = ScoringDicomParser(filename=rd_file) struc = ScoringDicomParser(filename=rs_file) structures = struc.GetStructures() ecl_DVH = dose.GetDVHs()'ggplot') st = time.time() dvhs = {} for structure in structures.values(): for end_cap in [False]: if structure['id'] in ecl_DVH: # if structure['id'] in [37, 38]: if structure['name'] in list(scores_all.keys()): ecl_dvh = ecl_DVH[structure['id']]['data'] ecl_dmax = ecl_DVH[structure['id']]['max'] * 100 # to cGy struc_teste = Structure(structure, end_cap=end_cap) # struc['planes'] = struc_teste.planes # dicompyler_dvh = get_dvh(structure, dose) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_figheight(12) fig.set_figwidth(20) dhist, chist = struc_teste.calculate_dvh(dose, up_sample=True) max_dose = get_dvh_max(chist) ax.plot(dhist, chist, label='Up sampled - Dmax: %1.1f cGy' % max_dose) fig.hold(True) ax.plot(ecl_dvh, label='Eclipse - Dmax: %1.1f cGy' % ecl_dmax) dvh_data = prepare_dvh_data(dhist, chist) txt = structure['name'] + ' volume (cc): %1.1f - end_cap: %s ' % ( ecl_dvh[0], str(end_cap)) ax.set_title(txt) # nup = get_dvh_max(dicompyler_dvh['data']) # plt.plot(dicompyler_dvh['data'], label='Software DVH - Dmax: %1.1f cGy' % nup) ax.legend(loc='best') ax.set_xlabel('Dose (cGy)') ax.set_ylabel('volume (cc)') fname = txt + '.png' fig.savefig(fname, format='png', dpi=100) dvhs[structure['name']] = dvh_data end = time.time() print('Total elapsed Time (min): ', (end - st) / 60) def test_spacing(root_path): """ # TEST PLANIQ RS-DICOM DATA if z planes are not equal spaced. :param root_path: root path """ root_path = r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/STRUCTURES' structure_files = [os.path.join(root, name) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path) for name in files if name.endswith(('.dcm', '.DCM'))] eps = 0.001 test_result = {} for f in structure_files: structures = ScoringDicomParser(filename=f).GetStructures() for key in structures: try: all_z = np.array([z for z in structures[key]['planes'].keys()], dtype=float) all_sorted_diff = np.diff(np.sort(all_z)) test = (abs((all_sorted_diff - all_sorted_diff[0])) > eps).any() test_result[structures[key]['name']] = test except: print('Error in key:', key) b = {key: value for key, value in test_result.items() if value == True} return test_result def test_planes_spacing(sPlanes): eps = 0.001 all_z = np.array([z for z in sPlanes], dtype=float) all_sorted_diff = np.diff(np.sort(all_z)) test = (abs((all_sorted_diff - all_sorted_diff[0])) > eps).any() return test, all_sorted_diff def test_upsampled_z_spacing(sPlanes): z = 0.1 ordered_keys = [z for z, sPlane in sPlanes.items()] ordered_keys.sort(key=float) ordered_planes = np.array(ordered_keys, dtype=float) z_interp_positions, dz = get_axis_grid(z, ordered_planes) hi_res_structure = get_interpolated_structure_planes(sPlanes, z_interp_positions) ordered_keys = [z for z, sPlane in hi_res_structure.items()] ordered_keys.sort(key=float) t, p = test_planes_spacing(hi_res_structure) assert t is False def eval_constrains_dict(dvh_data_tmp, constrains_dict): mtk = DVHMetrics(dvh_data_tmp) values_tmp = OrderedDict() for ki in constrains_dict.keys(): cti = mtk.eval_constrain(ki, constrains_dict[ki]) values_tmp[ki] = cti return values_tmp def get_analytical_curve(an_curves_obj, file_structure_name, column): an_curve_i = an_curves_obj[file_structure_name.split('_')[0]] dose_an = an_curve_i['Dose (cGy)'].values an_dvh = an_curve_i[column].values # check nonzero idx = np.nonzero(an_dvh) # remove 0 volumes from DVH dose_range, cdvh = dose_an[idx], an_dvh[idx] return dose_range, cdvh def calc_data(row, dose_files_dict, structure_dict, constrains, calculation_options): idx, values = row[0], row[1] s_name = values['Structure name'] voxel = str(values['Dose Voxel (mm)']) gradient = values['Gradient direction'] dose_file = dose_files_dict[gradient][voxel] struc_file = structure_dict[s_name] # get structure and dose dicom_dose = ScoringDicomParser(filename=dose_file) struc = ScoringDicomParser(filename=struc_file) structures = struc.GetStructures() structure = structures[2] # set end cap by 1/2 slice thickness calculation_options['end_cap'] = structure['thickness'] / 2.0 # set up sampled structure struc_teste = Structure(structure, calculation_options) dhist, chist = struc_teste.calculate_dvh(dicom_dose) dvh_data = struc_teste.get_dvh_data() # Setup DVH metrics class and get DVH DATA metrics = DVHMetrics(dvh_data) values_constrains = OrderedDict() for k in constrains.keys(): ct = metrics.eval_constrain(k, constrains[k]) values_constrains[k] = ct values_constrains['Gradient direction'] = gradient # Get data return pd.Series(values_constrains, name=voxel), s_name def calc_data_all(row, dose_files_dict, structure_dict, constrains, an_curves, col_grad_dict, delta_mm=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), end_cap=True, up_sample=True): idx, values = row[0], row[1] s_name = values['Structure name'] voxel = str(values['Dose Voxel (mm)']) gradient = values['Gradient direction'] dose_file = dose_files_dict[gradient][voxel] struc_file = structure_dict[s_name] # get structure and dose dicom_dose = ScoringDicomParser(filename=dose_file) struc = ScoringDicomParser(filename=struc_file) structures = struc.GetStructures() structure = structures[2] # set up sampled structure struc_teste = Structure(structure) struc_teste.set_delta(delta_mm) dhist, chist = struc_teste.calculate_dvh(dicom_dose) # get its columns from spreadsheet column = col_grad_dict[gradient][voxel] adose_range, advh = get_analytical_curve(an_curves, s_name, column) # use CurveCompare class to eval similarity from calculated and analytical curves cmp = CurveCompare(adose_range, advh, dhist, chist, s_name, voxel, gradient) ref_constrains, calc_constrains = cmp.get_constrains(constrains) ref_constrains['Gradient direction'] = gradient calc_constrains['Gradient direction'] = gradient ref_series = pd.Series(ref_constrains, name=voxel) calc_series = pd.Series(calc_constrains, name=voxel) return ref_series, calc_series, s_name, cmp def test11(delta_mm=(0.2, 0.2, 0.1), plot_curves=False): # TEST DICOM DATA structure_files = ['/home/victor/Downloads/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/STRUCTURES/Spheres/Sphere_02_0.dcm', '/home/victor/Downloads/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/STRUCTURES/Cylinders/Cylinder_02_0.dcm', '/home/victor/Downloads/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/STRUCTURES/Cylinders/RtCylinder_02_0.dcm', '/home/victor/Downloads/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/STRUCTURES/Cones/Cone_02_0.dcm', '/home/victor/Downloads/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/STRUCTURES/Cones/RtCone_02_0.dcm'] structure_name = ['Sphere_02_0', 'Cylinder_02_0', 'RtCylinder_02_0', 'Cone__02_0', 'RtCone_02_0'] dose_files = [ r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS/Linear_AntPost_0-4_0-2_0-4_mm_Aligned.dcm', r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS/Linear_AntPost_1mm_Aligned.dcm', r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS/Linear_AntPost_2mm_Aligned.dcm', r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS/Linear_AntPost_3mm_Aligned.dcm', r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS/Linear_SupInf_0-4_0-2_0-4_mm_Aligned.dcm', r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS/Linear_SupInf_1mm_Aligned.dcm', r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS/Linear_SupInf_2mm_Aligned.dcm', r'/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS/Linear_SupInf_3mm_Aligned.dcm'] # Structure Dict structure_dict = dict(zip(structure_name, structure_files)) # dose dict dose_files_dict = { 'Z(AP)': {'0.4x0.2x0.4': dose_files[0], '1': dose_files[1], '2': dose_files[2], '3': dose_files[3]}, 'Y(SI)': {'0.4x0.2x0.4': dose_files[4], '1': dose_files[5], '2': dose_files[6], '3': dose_files[7]}} sheets = ['Sphere', 'Cylinder', 'RtCylinder', 'Cone', 'RtCone'] col_grad_dict = {'Z(AP)': {'0.4x0.2x0.4': 'AP 0.2 mm', '1': 'AP 1 mm', '2': 'AP 2 mm', '3': 'AP 3 mm'}, 'Y(SI)': {'0.4x0.2x0.4': 'SI 0.2 mm', '1': 'SI 1 mm', '2': 'SI 2 mm', '3': 'SI 3 mm'}} # grab analytical data sheet = 'Analytical' ref_path = '/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/analytical_data.xlsx' df = pd.read_excel(ref_path, sheetname=sheet) mask = df['CT slice spacing (mm)'] == '0.2mm' df = df.loc[mask] # Constrains to get data # Constrains constrains = OrderedDict() constrains['Total_Volume'] = True constrains['min'] = 'min' constrains['max'] = 'max' constrains['mean'] = 'mean' constrains['D99'] = 99 constrains['D95'] = 95 constrains['D5'] = 5 constrains['D1'] = 1 constrains['Dcc'] = 0.03 # Get all analytical curves out = '/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/analytical_dvh.obj' an_curves = load(out) res = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, verbose=11)( delayed(calc_data_all)(row, dose_files_dict, structure_dict, constrains, an_curves, col_grad_dict, delta_mm=delta_mm) for row in df.iterrows()) ref_results = [d[0] for d in res] calc_results = [d[1] for d in res] sname = [d[2] for d in res] curves = [d[3] for d in res] df_ref_results = pd.concat(ref_results, axis=1).T.reset_index() df_calc_results = pd.concat(calc_results, axis=1).T.reset_index() df_ref_results['Structure name'] = sname df_calc_results['Structure name'] = sname ref_num = df_ref_results[df_ref_results.columns[1:-2]] calc_num = df_calc_results[df_calc_results.columns[1:-2]] delta = ((calc_num - ref_num) / ref_num) * 100 res = OrderedDict() lim = 3 for col in delta: count = np.sum(np.abs(delta[col]) > lim) rg = np.array([round(delta[col].min(), 2), round(delta[col].max(), 2)]) res[col] = {'count': count, 'range': rg} test_table = pd.DataFrame(res).T print(test_table) if plot_curves: for c in curves: c.plot_results() def test22(delta_mm=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), up_sample=True, plot_curves=True): ref_data = '/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/analytical_data.xlsx' struc_dir = '/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/STRUCTURES' dose_grid_dir = '/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/DVH-Analysis-Data-Etc/DOSE GRIDS' # # ref_data = r'D:\Dropbox\Plan_Competit st = 2 snames = ['Sphere_10_0', 'Sphere_20_0', 'Sphere_30_0', 'Cylinder_10_0', 'Cylinder_20_0', 'Cylinder_30_0', 'RtCylinder_10_0', 'RtCylinder_20_0', 'RtCylinder_30_0', 'Cone_10_0', 'Cone_20_0', 'Cone_30_0', 'RtCone_10_0', 'RtCone_20_0', 'RtCone_30_0'] structure_path = [os.path.join(struc_dir, f + '.dcm') for f in snames] structure_dict = dict(zip(snames, structure_path)) dose_files = [os.path.join(dose_grid_dir, f) for f in [ 'Linear_AntPost_1mm_Aligned.dcm', 'Linear_AntPost_2mm_Aligned.dcm', 'Linear_AntPost_3mm_Aligned.dcm', 'Linear_SupInf_1mm_Aligned.dcm', 'Linear_SupInf_2mm_Aligned.dcm', 'Linear_SupInf_3mm_Aligned.dcm']] # dose dict dose_files_dict = { 'Z(AP)': {'1': dose_files[0], '2': dose_files[1], '3': dose_files[2]}, 'Y(SI)': {'1': dose_files[3], '2': dose_files[4], '3': dose_files[5]}} col_grad_dict = {'Z(AP)': {'0.4x0.2x0.4': 'AP 0.2 mm', '1': 'AP 1 mm', '2': 'AP 2 mm', '3': 'AP 3 mm'}, 'Y(SI)': {'0.4x0.2x0.4': 'SI 0.2 mm', '1': 'SI 1 mm', '2': 'SI 2 mm', '3': 'SI 3 mm'}} # grab analytical data out = '/home/victor/Dropbox/Plan_Competition_Project/pyplanscoring/testdata/analytical_dvh.obj' an_curves = load(out) df = pd.read_excel(ref_data, sheetname='Analytical') dfi = df.ix[40:] mask0 = dfi['Structure Shift'] == 0 dfi = dfi.loc[mask0] # Constrains to get data # Constrains constrains = OrderedDict() constrains['Total_Volume'] = True constrains['min'] = 'min' constrains['max'] = 'max' constrains['mean'] = 'mean' constrains['D99'] = 99 constrains['D95'] = 95 constrains['D5'] = 5 constrains['D1'] = 1 constrains['Dcc'] = 0.03 # GET CALCULATED DATA # backend = 'threading' res = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, verbose=11)( delayed(calc_data_all)(row, dose_files_dict, structure_dict, constrains, an_curves, col_grad_dict, delta_mm=delta_mm, up_sample=up_sample) for row in dfi.iterrows()) ref_results = [d[0] for d in res] calc_results = [d[1] for d in res] sname = [d[2] for d in res] curves = [d[3] for d in res] df_ref_results = pd.concat(ref_results, axis=1).T.reset_index() df_calc_results = pd.concat(calc_results, axis=1).T.reset_index() df_ref_results['Structure name'] = sname df_calc_results['Structure name'] = sname ref_num = df_ref_results[df_ref_results.columns[1:-2]] calc_num = df_calc_results[df_calc_results.columns[1:-2]] delta = ((calc_num - ref_num) / ref_num) * 100 res = OrderedDict() lim = 3 for col in delta: count = np.sum(np.abs(delta[col]) > lim) rg = np.array([round(delta[col].min(), 2), round(delta[col].max(), 2)]) res[col] = {'count': count, 'range': rg} test_table =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # License: BSD """ Toolset working with yahoo finance data Module includes functions for easy access to YahooFinance data """ import urllib.request import numpy as np import requests # interaction with the web import os # file system operations import yaml # human-friendly data format import re # regular expressions import pandas as pd # pandas... the best time series library out there import datetime as dt # date and time functions import io from .extra import ProgressBar dateTimeFormat = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S" def parseStr(s): ''' convert string to a float or string ''' f = s.strip() if f[0] == '"': return f.strip('"') elif f=='N/A': return np.nan else: try: # try float conversion prefixes = {'M':1e6, 'B': 1e9} prefix = f[-1] if prefix in prefixes: # do we have a Billion/Million character? return float(f[:-1])*prefixes[prefix] else: # no, convert to float directly return float(f) except ValueError: # failed, return original string return s def getQuote(symbols): """ get current yahoo quote Parameters ----------- symbols : list of str list of ticker symbols Returns ----------- DataFrame , data is row-wise """ # for codes see: if not isinstance(symbols,list): symbols = [symbols] header = ['symbol','last','change_pct','PE','time','short_ratio','prev_close','eps','market_cap'] request = str.join('', ['s', 'l1', 'p2' , 'r', 't1', 's7', 'p', 'e' , 'j1']) data = dict(list(zip(header,[[] for i in range(len(header))]))) urlStr = '' % (str.join('+',symbols), request) try: lines = urllib.request.urlopen(urlStr).readlines() except Exception as e: s = "Failed to download:\n{0}".format(e); print(s) for line in lines: fields = line.decode().strip().split(',') #print fields, len(fields) for i,field in enumerate(fields): data[header[i]].append( parseStr(field)) idx = data.pop('symbol') return
from __future__ import division from functools import wraps import pandas as pd import numpy as np import time import csv, sys import os.path import logging from .ted_functions import TedFunctions from .ted_aggregate_methods import TedAggregateMethods from base.uber_model import UberModel, ModelSharedInputs class TedSpeciesProperties(object): """ Listing of species properties that will eventually be read in from a SQL db """ def __init__(self): """Class representing Species properties""" super(TedSpeciesProperties, self).__init__() self.sci_name = pd.Series([], dtype='object') self.com_name = pd.Series([], dtype='object') self.taxa = pd.Series([], dtype='object') self.order = pd.Series([], dtype='object') self.usfws_id = pd.Series([], dtype='object') self.body_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype='object') self.diet_item = pd.Series([], dtype='object') self.h2o_cont = pd.Series([], dtype='float') def read_species_properties(self): # this is a temporary method to initiate the species/diet food items lists (this will be replaced with # a method to access a SQL database containing the properties #filename = './ted/tests/TEDSpeciesProperties.csv' filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'tests/TEDSpeciesProperties.csv') try: with open(filename,'rt') as csvfile: # csv.DictReader uses first line in file for column headings by default dr = pd.read_csv(csvfile) # comma is default delimiter except csv.Error as e: sys.exit('file: %s, %s' (filename, e)) print(dr) self.sci_name = dr.ix[:,'Scientific Name'] self.com_name = dr.ix[:,'Common Name'] self.taxa = dr.ix[:,'Taxa'] self.order = dr.ix[:,'Order'] self.usfws_id = dr.ix[:,'USFWS Species ID (ENTITY_ID)'] self.body_wgt= dr.ix[:,'BW (g)'] self.diet_item = dr.ix[:,'Food item'] self.h2o_cont = dr.ix[:,'Water content of diet'] class TedInputs(ModelSharedInputs): """ Required inputs class for Ted. """ def __init__(self): """Class representing the inputs for Ted""" super(TedInputs, self).__init__() # Inputs: Assign object attribute variables from the input Pandas DataFrame self.chemical_name = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="chemical_name") # application parameters for min/max application scenarios self.crop_min = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="crop") self.app_method_min = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="app_method_min") self.app_rate_min = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="app_rate_min") self.num_apps_min = pd.Series([], dtype="int", name="num_apps_min") self.app_interval_min = pd.Series([], dtype="int", name="app_interval_min") self.droplet_spec_min = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="droplet_spec_min") self.boom_hgt_min = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="droplet_spec_min") self.pest_incorp_depth_min = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="pest_incorp_depth") self.crop_max = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="crop") self.app_method_max = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="app_method_max") self.app_rate_max = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="app_rate_max") self.num_apps_max = pd.Series([], dtype="int", name="num_app_maxs") self.app_interval_max = pd.Series([], dtype="int", name="app_interval_max") self.droplet_spec_max = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="droplet_spec_max") self.boom_hgt_max = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="droplet_spec_max") self.pest_incorp_depth_max = pd.Series([], dtype="object", name="pest_incorp_depth") # physical, chemical, and fate properties of pesticide self.foliar_diss_hlife = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="foliar_diss_hlife") self.aerobic_soil_meta_hlife = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="aerobic_soil_meta_hlife") self.frac_retained_mamm = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="frac_retained_mamm") self.frac_retained_birds = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="frac_retained_birds") self.log_kow = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="log_kow") self.koc = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="koc") self.solubility = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="solubility") self.henry_law_const = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="henry_law_const") # bio concentration factors (ug active ing/kg-ww) / (ug active ing/liter) self.aq_plant_algae_bcf_mean = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="aq_plant_algae_bcf_mean") self.aq_plant_algae_bcf_upper = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="aq_plant_algae_bcf_upper") self.inv_bcf_mean = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="inv_bcf_mean") self.inv_bcf_upper = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="inv_bcf_upper") self.fish_bcf_mean = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="fish_bcf_mean") self.fish_bcf_upper = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="fish_bcf_upper") # bounding water concentrations (ug active ing/liter) self.water_conc_1 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="water_conc_1") # lower bound self.water_conc_2 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="water_conc_2") # upper bound # health value inputs # naming convention (based on listing from OPP TED Excel spreadsheet 'inputs' worksheet): # dbt: dose based toxicity # cbt: concentration-based toxicity # arbt: application rate-based toxicity # 1inmill_mort: 1/million mortality (note initial character is numeral 1, not letter l) # 1inten_mort: 10% mortality (note initial character is numeral 1, not letter l) # others are self explanatory # dose based toxicity(dbt): mammals (mg-pest/kg-bw) & weight of test animal (grams) self.dbt_mamm_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_1inmill_mort") self.dbt_mamm_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_1inten_mort") self.dbt_mamm_low_ld50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_low_ld50") self.dbt_mamm_rat_oral_ld50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_1inten_mort") self.dbt_mamm_rat_derm_ld50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_rat_derm_ld50") self.dbt_mamm_rat_inhal_ld50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_rat_inhal_ld50") self.dbt_mamm_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_sub_direct") self.dbt_mamm_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_sub_indirect") self.dbt_mamm_1inmill_mort_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_1inmill_mort_wgt") self.dbt_mamm_1inten_mort_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_1inten_mort_wgt") self.dbt_mamm_low_ld50_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_low_ld50_wgt") self.dbt_mamm_rat_oral_ld50_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_1inten_mort_wgt") self.dbt_mamm_rat_derm_ld50_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_rat_derm_ld50_wgt") self.dbt_mamm_rat_inhal_ld50_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_rat_inhal_ld50_wgt") self.dbt_mamm_sub_direct_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_sub_direct_wgt") self.dbt_mamm_sub_indirect_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_mamm_sub_indirect_wgt") # dose based toxicity(dbt): birds (mg-pest/kg-bw) & weight of test animal (grams) self.dbt_bird_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_1inmill_mort") self.dbt_bird_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_1inten_mort") self.dbt_bird_low_ld50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_low_ld50") self.dbt_bird_hc05 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_hc05") self.dbt_bird_hc50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_hc50") self.dbt_bird_hc95 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_hc95") self.dbt_bird_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_sub_direct") self.dbt_bird_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_sub_indirect") self.mineau_sca_fact = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="mineau_sca_fact") self.dbt_bird_1inmill_mort_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_1inmill_mort_wgt") self.dbt_bird_1inten_mort_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_1inten_mort_wgt") self.dbt_bird_low_ld50_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_low_ld50_wgt") self.dbt_bird_hc05_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_hc05_wgt") self.dbt_bird_hc50_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_hc50_wgt") self.dbt_bird_hc95_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_hc95_wgt") self.dbt_bird_sub_direct_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_sub_direct_wgt") self.dbt_bird_sub_indirect_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_bird_sub_indirect_wgt") self.mineau_sca_fact_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="mineau_sca_fact_wgt") # dose based toxicity(dbt): reptiles, terrestrial-phase amphibians (mg-pest/kg-bw) & weight of test animal (grams) self.dbt_reptile_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_1inmill_mort") self.dbt_reptile_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_1inten_mort") self.dbt_reptile_low_ld50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_low_ld50") self.dbt_reptile_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_sub_direct") self.dbt_reptile_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_sub_indirect") self.dbt_reptile_1inmill_mort_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_1inmill_mort_wgt") self.dbt_reptile_1inten_mort_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_1inten_mort_wgt") self.dbt_reptile_low_ld50_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_low_ld50_wgt") self.dbt_reptile_sub_direct_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_sub_direct_wgt") self.dbt_reptile_sub_indirect_wgt = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="dbt_reptile_sub_indirect_wgt") # concentration-based toxicity (cbt) : mammals (mg-pest/kg-diet food) self.cbt_mamm_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_1inmill_mort") self.cbt_mamm_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_1inten_mort") self.cbt_mamm_low_lc50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_low_lc50") self.cbt_mamm_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_sub_direct") self.cbt_mamm_grow_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_grow_noec") self.cbt_mamm_grow_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_grow_loec") self.cbt_mamm_repro_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_repro_noec") self.cbt_mamm_repro_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_repro_loec") self.cbt_mamm_behav_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_behav_noec") self.cbt_mamm_behav_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_behav_loec") self.cbt_mamm_sensory_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_sensory_noec") self.cbt_mamm_sensory_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_sensory_loec") self.cbt_mamm_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_mamm_sub_indirect") # concentration-based toxicity (cbt) : birds (mg-pest/kg-diet food) self.cbt_bird_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_1inmill_mort") self.cbt_bird_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_1inten_mort") self.cbt_bird_low_lc50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_low_lc50") self.cbt_bird_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_sub_direct") self.cbt_bird_grow_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_grow_noec") self.cbt_bird_grow_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_grow_loec") self.cbt_bird_repro_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_repro_noec") self.cbt_bird_repro_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_repro_loec") self.cbt_bird_behav_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_behav_noec") self.cbt_bird_behav_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_behav_loec") self.cbt_bird_sensory_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_sensory_noec") self.cbt_bird_sensory_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_sensory_loec") self.cbt_bird_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_bird_sub_indirect") # concentration-based toxicity (cbt) : reptiles, terrestrial-phase amphibians (mg-pest/kg-diet food) self.cbt_reptile_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_1inmill_mort") self.cbt_reptile_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_1inten_mort") self.cbt_reptile_low_lc50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_low_lc50") self.cbt_reptile_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_sub_direct") self.cbt_reptile_grow_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_grow_noec") self.cbt_reptile_grow_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_grow_loec") self.cbt_reptile_repro_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_repro_noec") self.cbt_reptile_repro_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_repro_loec") self.cbt_reptile_behav_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_behav_noec") self.cbt_reptile_behav_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_behav_loec") self.cbt_reptile_sensory_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_sensory_noec") self.cbt_reptile_sensory_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_sensory_loec") self.cbt_reptile_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_reptile_sub_indirect") # concentration-based toxicity (cbt) : invertebrates body weight (mg-pest/kg-bw(ww)) self.cbt_inv_bw_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_1inmill_mort") self.cbt_inv_bw_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_1inten_mort") self.cbt_inv_bw_low_lc50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_low_lc50") self.cbt_inv_bw_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_sub_direct") self.cbt_inv_bw_grow_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_grow_noec") self.cbt_inv_bw_grow_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_grow_loec") self.cbt_inv_bw_repro_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_repro_noec") self.cbt_inv_bw_repro_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_repro_loec") self.cbt_inv_bw_behav_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_behav_noec") self.cbt_inv_bw_behav_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_behav_loec") self.cbt_inv_bw_sensory_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_sensory_noec") self.cbt_inv_bw_sensory_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_sensory_loec") self.cbt_inv_bw_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_bw_sub_indirect") # concentration-based toxicity (cbt) : invertebrates body diet (mg-pest/kg-food(ww)) self.cbt_inv_food_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_1inmill_mort") self.cbt_inv_food_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_1inten_mort") self.cbt_inv_food_low_lc50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_low_lc50") self.cbt_inv_food_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_sub_direct") self.cbt_inv_food_grow_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_grow_noec") self.cbt_inv_food_grow_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_grow_loec") self.cbt_inv_food_repro_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_repro_noec") self.cbt_inv_food_repro_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_repro_loec") self.cbt_inv_food_behav_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_behav_noec") self.cbt_inv_food_behav_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_behav_loec") self.cbt_inv_food_sensory_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_sensory_noec") self.cbt_inv_food_sensory_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_sensory_loec") self.cbt_inv_food_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_food_sub_indirect") # concentration-based toxicity (cbt) : invertebrates soil (mg-pest/kg-soil(dw)) self.cbt_inv_soil_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_1inmill_mort") self.cbt_inv_soil_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_1inten_mort") self.cbt_inv_soil_low_lc50 = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_low_lc50") self.cbt_inv_soil_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_sub_direct") self.cbt_inv_soil_grow_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_grow_noec") self.cbt_inv_soil_grow_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_grow_loec") self.cbt_inv_soil_repro_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_repro_noec") self.cbt_inv_soil_repro_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_repro_loec") self.cbt_inv_soil_behav_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_behav_noec") self.cbt_inv_soil_behav_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_behav_loec") self.cbt_inv_soil_sensory_noec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_sensory_noec") self.cbt_inv_soil_sensory_loec = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_sensory_loec") self.cbt_inv_soil_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="cbt_inv_soil_sub_indirect") # application rate-based toxicity (arbt) : mammals (lbs active ingredient/Acre) self.arbt_mamm_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_mamm_mort") self.arbt_mamm_growth = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_mamm_growth") self.arbt_mamm_repro = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_mamm_repro") self.arbt_mamm_behav = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_mamm_behav") self.arbt_mamm_sensory = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_mamm_sensory") # application rate-based toxicity (arbt) : birds (lbs active ingredient/Acre) self.arbt_bird_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_bird_mort") self.arbt_bird_growth = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_bird_growth") self.arbt_bird_repro = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_bird_repro") self.arbt_bird_behav = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_bird_behav") self.arbt_bird_sensory = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_bird_sensory") # application rate-based toxicity (arbt) : reptiles (lbs active ingredient/Acre) self.arbt_reptile_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_reptile_mort") self.arbt_reptile_growth = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_reptile_growth") self.arbt_reptile_repro = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_reptile_repro") self.arbt_reptile_behav = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_reptile_behav") self.arbt_reptile_sensory = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_reptile_sensory") # application rate-based toxicity (arbt) : invertebrates (lbs active ingredient/Acre) self.arbt_inv_1inmill_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_inv_1inmill_mort") self.arbt_inv_1inten_mort = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_inv_1inten_mort") self.arbt_inv_sub_direct = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_inv_sub_direct") self.arbt_inv_sub_indirect = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_inv_sub_indirect") self.arbt_inv_growth = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_inv_growth") self.arbt_inv_repro = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_inv_repro") self.arbt_inv_behav = pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_inv_behav") self.arbt_inv_sensory =
pd.Series([], dtype="float", name="arbt_inv_sensory")
import pandas as pd import json import streamlit as st import as px from PIL import Image #Membuka file json with open ("kode_negara_lengkap.json") as file : data = json.load (file) #Menjadikan file json sebagai dataframe df_json = pd.DataFrame(data) #Membuka file csv df =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, StratifiedKFold from sklearn import svm from sklearn import metrics def classification(latent_code, random_seed=42, ten_fold=False): tumour_type =
pd.read_csv('data/PANCAN/GDC-PANCAN_both_samples_tumour_type.tsv', sep='\t', index_col=0)
from datetime import datetime from io import StringIO import itertools import numpy as np import pytest import pandas.util._test_decorators as td import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DataFrame, Index, MultiIndex, Period, Series, Timedelta, date_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm class TestDataFrameReshape: def test_stack_unstack(self, float_frame): df = float_frame.copy() df[:] = np.arange( stacked = df.stack() stacked_df = DataFrame({"foo": stacked, "bar": stacked}) unstacked = stacked.unstack() unstacked_df = stacked_df.unstack() tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked, df) tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked_df["bar"], df) unstacked_cols = stacked.unstack(0) unstacked_cols_df = stacked_df.unstack(0) tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked_cols.T, df) tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked_cols_df["bar"].T, df) def test_stack_mixed_level(self): # GH 18310 levels = [range(3), [3, "a", "b"], [1, 2]] # flat columns: df = DataFrame(1, index=levels[0], columns=levels[1]) result = df.stack() expected = Series(1, index=MultiIndex.from_product(levels[:2])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # MultiIndex columns: df = DataFrame(1, index=levels[0], columns=MultiIndex.from_product(levels[1:])) result = df.stack(1) expected = DataFrame( 1, index=MultiIndex.from_product([levels[0], levels[2]]), columns=levels[1] ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # as above, but used labels in level are actually of homogeneous type result = df[["a", "b"]].stack(1) expected = expected[["a", "b"]] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_not_consolidated(self, using_array_manager): # Gh#34708 df = DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, np.NaN], "y": [3.0, 4, np.NaN]}) df2 = df[["x"]] df2["y"] = df["y"] if not using_array_manager: assert len(df2._mgr.blocks) == 2 res = df2.unstack() expected = df.unstack() tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_unstack_fill(self): # GH #9746: fill_value keyword argument for Series # and DataFrame unstack # From a series data = Series([1, 2, 4, 5], dtype=np.int16) data.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("x", "a"), ("x", "b"), ("y", "b"), ("z", "a")] ) result = data.unstack(fill_value=-1) expected = DataFrame( {"a": [1, -1, 5], "b": [2, 4, -1]}, index=["x", "y", "z"], dtype=np.int16 ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # From a series with incorrect data type for fill_value result = data.unstack(fill_value=0.5) expected = DataFrame( {"a": [1, 0.5, 5], "b": [2, 4, 0.5]}, index=["x", "y", "z"], dtype=float ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # GH #13971: fill_value when unstacking multiple levels: df = DataFrame( {"x": ["a", "a", "b"], "y": ["j", "k", "j"], "z": [0, 1, 2], "w": [0, 1, 2]} ).set_index(["x", "y", "z"]) unstacked = df.unstack(["x", "y"], fill_value=0) key = ("<KEY>") expected = unstacked[key] result = Series([0, 0, 2], index=unstacked.index, name=key) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) stacked = unstacked.stack(["x", "y"]) stacked.index = stacked.index.reorder_levels(df.index.names) # Workaround for GH #17886 (unnecessarily casts to float): stacked = stacked.astype(np.int64) result = stacked.loc[df.index] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) # From a series s = df["w"] result = s.unstack(["x", "y"], fill_value=0) expected = unstacked["w"] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_fill_frame(self): # From a dataframe rows = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]] df = DataFrame(rows, columns=list("AB"), dtype=np.int32) df.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("x", "a"), ("x", "b"), ("y", "b"), ("z", "a")] ) result = df.unstack(fill_value=-1) rows = [[1, 3, 2, 4], [-1, 5, -1, 6], [7, -1, 8, -1]] expected = DataFrame(rows, index=list("xyz"), dtype=np.int32) expected.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("A", "a"), ("A", "b"), ("B", "a"), ("B", "b")] ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # From a mixed type dataframe df["A"] = df["A"].astype(np.int16) df["B"] = df["B"].astype(np.float64) result = df.unstack(fill_value=-1) expected["A"] = expected["A"].astype(np.int16) expected["B"] = expected["B"].astype(np.float64) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # From a dataframe with incorrect data type for fill_value result = df.unstack(fill_value=0.5) rows = [[1, 3, 2, 4], [0.5, 5, 0.5, 6], [7, 0.5, 8, 0.5]] expected = DataFrame(rows, index=list("xyz"), dtype=float) expected.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("A", "a"), ("A", "b"), ("B", "a"), ("B", "b")] ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_fill_frame_datetime(self): # Test unstacking with date times dv = date_range("2012-01-01", periods=4).values data = Series(dv) data.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("x", "a"), ("x", "b"), ("y", "b"), ("z", "a")] ) result = data.unstack() expected = DataFrame( {"a": [dv[0], pd.NaT, dv[3]], "b": [dv[1], dv[2], pd.NaT]}, index=["x", "y", "z"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = data.unstack(fill_value=dv[0]) expected = DataFrame( {"a": [dv[0], dv[0], dv[3]], "b": [dv[1], dv[2], dv[0]]}, index=["x", "y", "z"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_fill_frame_timedelta(self): # Test unstacking with time deltas td = [Timedelta(days=i) for i in range(4)] data = Series(td) data.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("x", "a"), ("x", "b"), ("y", "b"), ("z", "a")] ) result = data.unstack() expected = DataFrame( {"a": [td[0], pd.NaT, td[3]], "b": [td[1], td[2], pd.NaT]}, index=["x", "y", "z"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = data.unstack(fill_value=td[1]) expected = DataFrame( {"a": [td[0], td[1], td[3]], "b": [td[1], td[2], td[1]]}, index=["x", "y", "z"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_fill_frame_period(self): # Test unstacking with period periods = [ Period("2012-01"), Period("2012-02"), Period("2012-03"), Period("2012-04"), ] data = Series(periods) data.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("x", "a"), ("x", "b"), ("y", "b"), ("z", "a")] ) result = data.unstack() expected = DataFrame( {"a": [periods[0], None, periods[3]], "b": [periods[1], periods[2], None]}, index=["x", "y", "z"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = data.unstack(fill_value=periods[1]) expected = DataFrame( { "a": [periods[0], periods[1], periods[3]], "b": [periods[1], periods[2], periods[1]], }, index=["x", "y", "z"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_fill_frame_categorical(self): # Test unstacking with categorical data = Series(["a", "b", "c", "a"], dtype="category") data.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("x", "a"), ("x", "b"), ("y", "b"), ("z", "a")] ) # By default missing values will be NaN result = data.unstack() expected = DataFrame( { "a": pd.Categorical(list("axa"), categories=list("abc")), "b": pd.Categorical(list("bcx"), categories=list("abc")), }, index=list("xyz"), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # Fill with non-category results in a ValueError msg = r"'fill_value=d' is not present in" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): data.unstack(fill_value="d") # Fill with category value replaces missing values as expected result = data.unstack(fill_value="c") expected = DataFrame( { "a": pd.Categorical(list("aca"), categories=list("abc")), "b": pd.Categorical(list("bcc"), categories=list("abc")), }, index=list("xyz"), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_tuplename_in_multiindex(self): # GH 19966 idx = MultiIndex.from_product( [["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, 3]], names=[("A", "a"), ("B", "b")] ) df = DataFrame({"d": [1] * 9, "e": [2] * 9}, index=idx) result = df.unstack(("A", "a")) expected = DataFrame( [[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]], columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ ("d", "a"), ("d", "b"), ("d", "c"), ("e", "a"), ("e", "b"), ("e", "c"), ], names=[None, ("A", "a")], ), index=Index([1, 2, 3], name=("B", "b")), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "unstack_idx, expected_values, expected_index, expected_columns", [ ( ("A", "a"), [[1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2]], MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)], names=["B", "C"] ), MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("d", "a"), ("d", "b"), ("e", "a"), ("e", "b")], names=[None, ("A", "a")], ), ), ( (("A", "a"), "B"), [[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]], Index([3, 4], name="C"), MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ ("d", "a", 1), ("d", "a", 2), ("d", "b", 1), ("d", "b", 2), ("e", "a", 1), ("e", "a", 2), ("e", "b", 1), ("e", "b", 2), ], names=[None, ("A", "a"), "B"], ), ), ], ) def test_unstack_mixed_type_name_in_multiindex( self, unstack_idx, expected_values, expected_index, expected_columns ): # GH 19966 idx = MultiIndex.from_product( [["a", "b"], [1, 2], [3, 4]], names=[("A", "a"), "B", "C"] ) df = DataFrame({"d": [1] * 8, "e": [2] * 8}, index=idx) result = df.unstack(unstack_idx) expected = DataFrame( expected_values, columns=expected_columns, index=expected_index ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_preserve_dtypes(self): # Checks fix for #11847 df = DataFrame( { "state": ["IL", "MI", "NC"], "index": ["a", "b", "c"], "some_categories": Series(["a", "b", "c"]).astype("category"), "A": np.random.rand(3), "B": 1, "C": "foo", "D": pd.Timestamp("20010102"), "E": Series([1.0, 50.0, 100.0]).astype("float32"), "F": Series([3.0, 4.0, 5.0]).astype("float64"), "G": False, "H": Series([1, 200, 923442], dtype="int8"), } ) def unstack_and_compare(df, column_name): unstacked1 = df.unstack([column_name]) unstacked2 = df.unstack(column_name) tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked1, unstacked2) df1 = df.set_index(["state", "index"]) unstack_and_compare(df1, "index") df1 = df.set_index(["state", "some_categories"]) unstack_and_compare(df1, "some_categories") df1 = df.set_index(["F", "C"]) unstack_and_compare(df1, "F") df1 = df.set_index(["G", "B", "state"]) unstack_and_compare(df1, "B") df1 = df.set_index(["E", "A"]) unstack_and_compare(df1, "E") df1 = df.set_index(["state", "index"]) s = df1["A"] unstack_and_compare(s, "index") def test_stack_ints(self): columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(itertools.product(range(3), repeat=3))) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(30, 27), columns=columns) tm.assert_frame_equal(df.stack(level=[1, 2]), df.stack(level=1).stack(level=1)) tm.assert_frame_equal( df.stack(level=[-2, -1]), df.stack(level=1).stack(level=1) ) df_named = df.copy() return_value = df_named.columns.set_names(range(3), inplace=True) assert return_value is None tm.assert_frame_equal( df_named.stack(level=[1, 2]), df_named.stack(level=1).stack(level=1) ) def test_stack_mixed_levels(self): columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ ("A", "cat", "long"), ("B", "cat", "long"), ("A", "dog", "short"), ("B", "dog", "short"), ], names=["exp", "animal", "hair_length"], ) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4), columns=columns) animal_hair_stacked = df.stack(level=["animal", "hair_length"]) exp_hair_stacked = df.stack(level=["exp", "hair_length"]) # GH #8584: Need to check that stacking works when a number # is passed that is both a level name and in the range of # the level numbers df2 = df.copy() df2.columns.names = ["exp", "animal", 1] tm.assert_frame_equal( df2.stack(level=["animal", 1]), animal_hair_stacked, check_names=False ) tm.assert_frame_equal( df2.stack(level=["exp", 1]), exp_hair_stacked, check_names=False ) # When mixed types are passed and the ints are not level # names, raise msg = ( "level should contain all level names or all level numbers, not " "a mixture of the two" ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df2.stack(level=["animal", 0]) # GH #8584: Having 0 in the level names could raise a # strange error about lexsort depth df3 = df.copy() df3.columns.names = ["exp", "animal", 0] tm.assert_frame_equal( df3.stack(level=["animal", 0]), animal_hair_stacked, check_names=False ) def test_stack_int_level_names(self): columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ ("A", "cat", "long"), ("B", "cat", "long"), ("A", "dog", "short"), ("B", "dog", "short"), ], names=["exp", "animal", "hair_length"], ) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4), columns=columns) exp_animal_stacked = df.stack(level=["exp", "animal"]) animal_hair_stacked = df.stack(level=["animal", "hair_length"]) exp_hair_stacked = df.stack(level=["exp", "hair_length"]) df2 = df.copy() df2.columns.names = [0, 1, 2] tm.assert_frame_equal( df2.stack(level=[1, 2]), animal_hair_stacked, check_names=False ) tm.assert_frame_equal( df2.stack(level=[0, 1]), exp_animal_stacked, check_names=False ) tm.assert_frame_equal( df2.stack(level=[0, 2]), exp_hair_stacked, check_names=False ) # Out-of-order int column names df3 = df.copy() df3.columns.names = [2, 0, 1] tm.assert_frame_equal( df3.stack(level=[0, 1]), animal_hair_stacked, check_names=False ) tm.assert_frame_equal( df3.stack(level=[2, 0]), exp_animal_stacked, check_names=False ) tm.assert_frame_equal( df3.stack(level=[2, 1]), exp_hair_stacked, check_names=False ) def test_unstack_bool(self): df = DataFrame( [False, False], index=MultiIndex.from_arrays([["a", "b"], ["c", "l"]]), columns=["col"], ) rs = df.unstack() xp = DataFrame( np.array([[False, np.nan], [np.nan, False]], dtype=object), index=["a", "b"], columns=MultiIndex.from_arrays([["col", "col"], ["c", "l"]]), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, xp) def test_unstack_level_binding(self): # GH9856 mi = MultiIndex( levels=[["foo", "bar"], ["one", "two"], ["a", "b"]], codes=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]], names=["first", "second", "third"], ) s = Series(0, index=mi) result = s.unstack([1, 2]).stack(0) expected_mi = MultiIndex( levels=[["foo", "bar"], ["one", "two"]], codes=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]], names=["first", "second"], ) expected = DataFrame( np.array( [[np.nan, 0], [0, np.nan], [np.nan, 0], [0, np.nan]], dtype=np.float64 ), index=expected_mi, columns=Index(["a", "b"], name="third"), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_to_series(self, float_frame): # check reversibility data = float_frame.unstack() assert isinstance(data, Series) undo = data.unstack().T tm.assert_frame_equal(undo, float_frame) # check NA handling data = DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, np.NaN], "y": [3.0, 4, np.NaN]}) data.index = Index(["a", "b", "c"]) result = data.unstack() midx = MultiIndex( levels=[["x", "y"], ["a", "b", "c"]], codes=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]], ) expected = Series([1, 2, np.NaN, 3, 4, np.NaN], index=midx) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # check composability of unstack old_data = data.copy() for _ in range(4): data = data.unstack() tm.assert_frame_equal(old_data, data) def test_unstack_dtypes(self): # GH 2929 rows = [[1, 1, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 1, 3, 4], [2, 2, 3, 4]] df = DataFrame(rows, columns=list("ABCD")) result = df.dtypes expected = Series([np.dtype("int64")] * 4, index=list("ABCD")) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # single dtype df2 = df.set_index(["A", "B"]) df3 = df2.unstack("B") result = df3.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("int64")] * 4, index=MultiIndex.from_arrays( [["C", "C", "D", "D"], [1, 2, 1, 2]], names=(None, "B") ), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # mixed df2 = df.set_index(["A", "B"]) df2["C"] = 3.0 df3 = df2.unstack("B") result = df3.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("float64")] * 2 + [np.dtype("int64")] * 2, index=MultiIndex.from_arrays( [["C", "C", "D", "D"], [1, 2, 1, 2]], names=(None, "B") ), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) df2["D"] = "foo" df3 = df2.unstack("B") result = df3.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("float64")] * 2 + [np.dtype("object")] * 2, index=MultiIndex.from_arrays( [["C", "C", "D", "D"], [1, 2, 1, 2]], names=(None, "B") ), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # GH7405 for c, d in ( (np.zeros(5), np.zeros(5)), (np.arange(5, dtype="f8"), np.arange(5, 10, dtype="f8")), ): df = DataFrame( { "A": ["a"] * 5, "C": c, "D": d, "B": date_range("2012-01-01", periods=5), } ) right = df.iloc[:3].copy(deep=True) df = df.set_index(["A", "B"]) df["D"] = df["D"].astype("int64") left = df.iloc[:3].unstack(0) right = right.set_index(["A", "B"]).unstack(0) right[("D", "a")] = right[("D", "a")].astype("int64") assert left.shape == (3, 2) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) def test_unstack_non_unique_index_names(self): idx = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("a", "b"), ("c", "d")], names=["c1", "c1"]) df = DataFrame([1, 2], index=idx) msg = "The name c1 occurs multiple times, use a level number" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.unstack("c1") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.T.stack("c1") def test_unstack_unused_levels(self): # GH 17845: unused codes in index make unstack() cast int to float idx = MultiIndex.from_product([["a"], ["A", "B", "C", "D"]])[:-1] df = DataFrame([[1, 0]] * 3, index=idx) result = df.unstack() exp_col = MultiIndex.from_product([[0, 1], ["A", "B", "C"]]) expected = DataFrame([[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], index=["a"], columns=exp_col) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) assert (result.columns.levels[1] == idx.levels[1]).all() # Unused items on both levels levels = [[0, 1, 7], [0, 1, 2, 3]] codes = [[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 0, 2]] idx = MultiIndex(levels, codes) block = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2) df = DataFrame(np.concatenate([block, block + 4]), index=idx) result = df.unstack() expected = DataFrame( np.concatenate([block * 2, block * 2 + 1], axis=1), columns=idx ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) assert (result.columns.levels[1] == idx.levels[1]).all() # With mixed dtype and NaN levels = [["a", 2, "c"], [1, 3, 5, 7]] codes = [[0, -1, 1, 1], [0, 2, -1, 2]] idx = MultiIndex(levels, codes) data = np.arange(8) df = DataFrame(data.reshape(4, 2), index=idx) cases = ( (0, [13, 16, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8, 11], [np.nan, "a", 2], [np.nan, 5, 1]), (1, [8, 11, 1, 4, 12, 15, 13, 16], [np.nan, 5, 1], [np.nan, "a", 2]), ) for level, idces, col_level, idx_level in cases: result = df.unstack(level=level) exp_data = np.zeros(18) * np.nan exp_data[idces] = data cols = MultiIndex.from_product([[0, 1], col_level]) expected = DataFrame(exp_data.reshape(3, 6), index=idx_level, columns=cols) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cols", [["A", "C"], slice(None)]) def test_unstack_unused_level(self, cols): # GH 18562 : unused codes on the unstacked level df = DataFrame([[2010, "a", "I"], [2011, "b", "II"]], columns=["A", "B", "C"]) ind = df.set_index(["A", "B", "C"], drop=False) selection = ind.loc[(slice(None), slice(None), "I"), cols] result = selection.unstack() expected = ind.iloc[[0]][cols] expected.columns = MultiIndex.from_product( [expected.columns, ["I"]], names=[None, "C"] ) expected.index = expected.index.droplevel("C") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_long_index(self): # PH 32624: Error when using a lot of indices to unstack. # The error occurred only, if a lot of indices are used. df = DataFrame( [[1]], columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples([[0]], names=["c1"]), index=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]], names=["i1", "i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", "i6", "i7"], ), ) result = df.unstack(["i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", "i6", "i7"]) expected = DataFrame( [[1]], columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]], names=["c1", "i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", "i6", "i7"], ), index=Index([0], name="i1"), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_multi_level_cols(self): # PH 24729: Unstack a df with multi level columns df = DataFrame( [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [["B", "C"], ["B", "D"]], names=["c1", "c2"] ), index=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [[10, 20, 30], [10, 20, 40]], names=["i1", "i2", "i3"] ), ) assert df.unstack(["i2", "i1"]).columns.names[-2:] == ["i2", "i1"] def test_unstack_multi_level_rows_and_cols(self): # PH 28306: Unstack df with multi level cols and rows df = DataFrame( [[1, 2], [3, 4], [-1, -2], [-3, -4]], columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples([["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]]), index=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ ["m1", "P3", 222], ["m1", "A5", 111], ["m2", "P3", 222], ["m2", "A5", 111], ], names=["i1", "i2", "i3"], ), ) result = df.unstack(["i3", "i2"]) expected = df.unstack(["i3"]).unstack(["i2"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_nan_index1(self): # GH7466 def cast(val): val_str = "" if val != val else val return f"{val_str:1}" def verify(df): mk_list = lambda a: list(a) if isinstance(a, tuple) else [a] rows, cols = df.notna().values.nonzero() for i, j in zip(rows, cols): left = sorted(df.iloc[i, j].split(".")) right = mk_list(df.index[i]) + mk_list(df.columns[j]) right = sorted(map(cast, right)) assert left == right df = DataFrame( { "jim": ["a", "b", np.nan, "d"], "joe": ["w", "x", "y", "z"], "jolie": ["a.w", "b.x", " .y", "d.z"], } ) left = df.set_index(["jim", "joe"]).unstack()["jolie"] right = df.set_index(["joe", "jim"]).unstack()["jolie"].T tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) for idx in itertools.permutations(df.columns[:2]): mi = df.set_index(list(idx)) for lev in range(2): udf = mi.unstack(level=lev) assert udf.notna().values.sum() == len(df) verify(udf["jolie"]) df = DataFrame( { "1st": ["d"] * 3 + [np.nan] * 5 + ["a"] * 2 + ["c"] * 3 + ["e"] * 2 + ["b"] * 5, "2nd": ["y"] * 2 + ["w"] * 3 + [np.nan] * 3 + ["z"] * 4 + [np.nan] * 3 + ["x"] * 3 + [np.nan] * 2, "3rd": [ 67, 39, 53, 72, 57, 80, 31, 18, 11, 30, 59, 50, 62, 59, 76, 52, 14, 53, 60, 51, ], } ) df["4th"], df["5th"] = ( df.apply(lambda r: ".".join(map(cast, r)), axis=1), df.apply(lambda r: ".".join(map(cast, r.iloc[::-1])), axis=1), ) for idx in itertools.permutations(["1st", "2nd", "3rd"]): mi = df.set_index(list(idx)) for lev in range(3): udf = mi.unstack(level=lev) assert udf.notna().values.sum() == 2 * len(df) for col in ["4th", "5th"]: verify(udf[col]) def test_unstack_nan_index2(self): # GH7403 df = DataFrame({"A": list("aaaabbbb"), "B": range(8), "C": range(8)}) df.iloc[3, 1] = np.NaN left = df.set_index(["A", "B"]).unstack(0) vals = [ [3, 0, 1, 2, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 4, 5, 6, 7], ] vals = list(map(list, zip(*vals))) idx = Index([np.nan, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], name="B") cols = MultiIndex( levels=[["C"], ["a", "b"]], codes=[[0, 0], [0, 1]], names=[None, "A"] ) right = DataFrame(vals, columns=cols, index=idx) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) df = DataFrame({"A": list("aaaabbbb"), "B": list(range(4)) * 2, "C": range(8)}) df.iloc[2, 1] = np.NaN left = df.set_index(["A", "B"]).unstack(0) vals = [[2, np.nan], [0, 4], [1, 5], [np.nan, 6], [3, 7]] cols = MultiIndex( levels=[["C"], ["a", "b"]], codes=[[0, 0], [0, 1]], names=[None, "A"] ) idx = Index([np.nan, 0, 1, 2, 3], name="B") right = DataFrame(vals, columns=cols, index=idx) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) df = DataFrame({"A": list("aaaabbbb"), "B": list(range(4)) * 2, "C": range(8)}) df.iloc[3, 1] = np.NaN left = df.set_index(["A", "B"]).unstack(0) vals = [[3, np.nan], [0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [np.nan, 7]] cols = MultiIndex( levels=[["C"], ["a", "b"]], codes=[[0, 0], [0, 1]], names=[None, "A"] ) idx = Index([np.nan, 0, 1, 2, 3], name="B") right = DataFrame(vals, columns=cols, index=idx) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) def test_unstack_nan_index3(self, using_array_manager): # GH7401 df = DataFrame( { "A": list("aaaaabbbbb"), "B": (date_range("2012-01-01", periods=5).tolist() * 2), "C": np.arange(10), } ) df.iloc[3, 1] = np.NaN left = df.set_index(["A", "B"]).unstack() vals = np.array([[3, 0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4], [np.nan, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]) idx = Index(["a", "b"], name="A") cols = MultiIndex( levels=[["C"], date_range("2012-01-01", periods=5)], codes=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]], names=[None, "B"], ) right = DataFrame(vals, columns=cols, index=idx) if using_array_manager: # INFO(ArrayManager) with ArrayManager preserve dtype where possible cols = right.columns[[1, 2, 3, 5]] right[cols] = right[cols].astype(df["C"].dtype) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) def test_unstack_nan_index4(self): # GH4862 vals = [ ["Hg", np.nan, np.nan, 680585148], ["U", 0.0, np.nan, 680585148], ["Pb", 7.07e-06, np.nan, 680585148], ["Sn", 2.3614e-05, 0.0133, 680607017], ["Ag", 0.0, 0.0133, 680607017], ["Hg", -0.00015, 0.0133, 680607017], ] df = DataFrame( vals, columns=["agent", "change", "dosage", "s_id"], index=[17263, 17264, 17265, 17266, 17267, 17268], ) left = df.copy().set_index(["s_id", "dosage", "agent"]).unstack() vals = [ [np.nan, np.nan, 7.07e-06, np.nan, 0.0], [0.0, -0.00015, np.nan, 2.3614e-05, np.nan], ] idx = MultiIndex( levels=[[680585148, 680607017], [0.0133]], codes=[[0, 1], [-1, 0]], names=["s_id", "dosage"], ) cols = MultiIndex( levels=[["change"], ["Ag", "Hg", "Pb", "Sn", "U"]], codes=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]], names=[None, "agent"], ) right = DataFrame(vals, columns=cols, index=idx) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) left = df.loc[17264:].copy().set_index(["s_id", "dosage", "agent"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(left.unstack(), right) @td.skip_array_manager_not_yet_implemented # TODO(ArrayManager) MultiIndex bug def test_unstack_nan_index5(self): # GH9497 - multiple unstack with nulls df = DataFrame( { "1st": [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2], "2nd": date_range("2014-02-01", periods=6, freq="D"), "jim": 100 + np.arange(6), "joe": (np.random.randn(6) * 10).round(2), } ) df["3rd"] = df["2nd"] - pd.Timestamp("2014-02-02") df.loc[1, "2nd"] = df.loc[3, "2nd"] = np.nan df.loc[1, "3rd"] = df.loc[4, "3rd"] = np.nan left = df.set_index(["1st", "2nd", "3rd"]).unstack(["2nd", "3rd"]) assert left.notna().values.sum() == 2 * len(df) for col in ["jim", "joe"]: for _, r in df.iterrows(): key = r["1st"], (col, r["2nd"], r["3rd"]) assert r[col] == left.loc[key] def test_stack_datetime_column_multiIndex(self): # GH 8039 t = datetime(2014, 1, 1) df = DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4], columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples([(t, "A", "B")])) result = df.stack() eidx = MultiIndex.from_product([(0, 1, 2, 3), ("B",)]) ecols = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(t, "A")]) expected = DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4], index=eidx, columns=ecols) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_stack_partial_multiIndex(self): # GH 8844 def _test_stack_with_multiindex(multiindex): df = DataFrame( np.arange(3 * len(multiindex)).reshape(3, len(multiindex)), columns=multiindex, ) for level in (-1, 0, 1, [0, 1], [1, 0]): result = df.stack(level=level, dropna=False) if isinstance(level, int): # Stacking a single level should not make any all-NaN rows, # so df.stack(level=level, dropna=False) should be the same # as df.stack(level=level, dropna=True). expected = df.stack(level=level, dropna=True) if isinstance(expected, Series): tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) else: tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) df.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( df.columns.to_numpy(), names=df.columns.names ) expected = df.stack(level=level, dropna=False) if isinstance(expected, Series): tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) else: tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) full_multiindex = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("B", "x"), ("B", "z"), ("A", "y"), ("C", "x"), ("C", "u")], names=["Upper", "Lower"], ) for multiindex_columns in ( [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 4], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0], [2], [4], ): _test_stack_with_multiindex(full_multiindex[multiindex_columns]) if len(multiindex_columns) > 1: multiindex_columns.reverse() _test_stack_with_multiindex(full_multiindex[multiindex_columns]) df = DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3), columns=full_multiindex[[0, 1, 3]]) result = df.stack(dropna=False) expected = DataFrame( [[0, 2], [1, np.nan], [3, 5], [4, np.nan]], index=MultiIndex( levels=[[0, 1], ["u", "x", "y", "z"]], codes=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 3, 1, 3]], names=[None, "Lower"], ), columns=Index(["B", "C"], name="Upper"), dtype=df.dtypes[0], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ordered", [False, True]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("labels", [list("yxz"), list("yxy")]) def test_stack_preserve_categorical_dtype(self, ordered, labels): # GH13854 cidx = pd.CategoricalIndex(labels, categories=list("xyz"), ordered=ordered) df = DataFrame([[10, 11, 12]], columns=cidx) result = df.stack() # `MultiIndex.from_product` preserves categorical dtype - # it's tested elsewhere. midx = MultiIndex.from_product([df.index, cidx]) expected = Series([10, 11, 12], index=midx) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ordered", [False, True]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels,data", [ (list("xyz"), [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]), (list("zyx"), [14, 15, 12, 13, 10, 11]), ], ) def test_stack_multi_preserve_categorical_dtype(self, ordered, labels, data): # GH-36991 cidx = pd.CategoricalIndex(labels, categories=sorted(labels), ordered=ordered) cidx2 = pd.CategoricalIndex(["u", "v"], ordered=ordered) midx = MultiIndex.from_product([cidx, cidx2]) df = DataFrame([sorted(data)], columns=midx) result = df.stack([0, 1]) s_cidx = pd.CategoricalIndex(sorted(labels), ordered=ordered) expected = Series(data, index=MultiIndex.from_product([[0], s_cidx, cidx2])) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_stack_preserve_categorical_dtype_values(self): # GH-23077 cat = pd.Categorical(["a", "a", "b", "c"]) df = DataFrame({"A": cat, "B": cat}) result = df.stack() index = MultiIndex.from_product([[0, 1, 2, 3], ["A", "B"]]) expected = Series( pd.Categorical(["a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "c"]), index=index ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index, columns", [ ([0, 0, 1, 1], MultiIndex.from_product([[1, 2], ["a", "b"]])), ([0, 0, 2, 3], MultiIndex.from_product([[1, 2], ["a", "b"]])), ([0, 1, 2, 3], MultiIndex.from_product([[1, 2], ["a", "b"]])), ], ) def test_stack_multi_columns_non_unique_index(self, index, columns): # GH-28301 df = DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns).fillna(1) stacked = df.stack() new_index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(stacked.index.to_numpy()) expected = DataFrame( stacked.to_numpy(), index=new_index, columns=stacked.columns ) tm.assert_frame_equal(stacked, expected) stacked_codes = np.asarray( expected_codes = np.asarray( tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(stacked_codes, expected_codes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("level", [0, 1]) def test_unstack_mixed_extension_types(self, level): index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("A", 0), ("A", 1), ("B", 1)], names=["a", "b"]) df = DataFrame( { "A": pd.array([0, 1, None], dtype="Int64"), "B": pd.Categorical(["a", "a", "b"]), }, index=index, ) result = df.unstack(level=level) expected = df.astype(object).unstack(level=level) expected_dtypes = Series( [df.A.dtype] * 2 + [df.B.dtype] * 2, index=result.columns ) tm.assert_series_equal(result.dtypes, expected_dtypes) tm.assert_frame_equal(result.astype(object), expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("level", [0, "baz"]) def test_unstack_swaplevel_sortlevel(self, level): # GH 20994 mi = MultiIndex.from_product([[0], ["d", "c"]], names=["bar", "baz"]) df = DataFrame([[0, 2], [1, 3]], index=mi, columns=["B", "A"]) = "foo" expected = DataFrame( [[3, 1, 2, 0]], columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("c", "A"), ("c", "B"), ("d", "A"), ("d", "B")], names=["baz", "foo"] ), ) = "bar" result = df.unstack().swaplevel(axis=1).sort_index(axis=1, level=level) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_fill_frame_object(): # GH12815 Test unstacking with object. data = Series(["a", "b", "c", "a"], dtype="object") data.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("x", "a"), ("x", "b"), ("y", "b"), ("z", "a")] ) # By default missing values will be NaN result = data.unstack() expected = DataFrame( {"a": ["a", np.nan, "a"], "b": ["b", "c", np.nan]}, index=list("xyz") ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # Fill with any value replaces missing values as expected result = data.unstack(fill_value="d") expected = DataFrame( {"a": ["a", "d", "a"], "b": ["b", "c", "d"]}, index=list("xyz") ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_timezone_aware_values(): # GH 18338 df = DataFrame( { "timestamp": [pd.Timestamp("2017-08-27 01:00:00.709949+0000", tz="UTC")], "a": ["a"], "b": ["b"], "c": ["c"], }, columns=["timestamp", "a", "b", "c"], ) result = df.set_index(["a", "b"]).unstack() expected = DataFrame( [[pd.Timestamp("2017-08-27 01:00:00.709949+0000", tz="UTC"), "c"]], index=Index(["a"], name="a"), columns=MultiIndex( levels=[["timestamp", "c"], ["b"]], codes=[[0, 1], [0, 0]], names=[None, "b"], ), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_stack_timezone_aware_values(): # GH 19420 ts = date_range(freq="D", start="20180101", end="20180103", tz="America/New_York") df = DataFrame({"A": ts}, index=["a", "b", "c"]) result = df.stack() expected = Series( ts, index=MultiIndex(levels=[["a", "b", "c"], ["A"]], codes=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 0]]), ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dropna", [True, False]) def test_stack_empty_frame(dropna): # GH 36113 expected = Series(index=MultiIndex([[], []], [[], []]), dtype=np.float64) result = DataFrame(dtype=np.float64).stack(dropna=dropna) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dropna", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("fill_value", [None, 0]) def test_stack_unstack_empty_frame(dropna, fill_value): # GH 36113 result = ( DataFrame(dtype=np.int64).stack(dropna=dropna).unstack(fill_value=fill_value) ) expected = DataFrame(dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_single_index_series(): # GH 36113 msg = r"index must be a MultiIndex to unstack.*" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): Series(dtype=np.int64).unstack() def test_unstacking_multi_index_df(): # see gh-30740 df = DataFrame( { "name": ["Alice", "Bob"], "score": [9.5, 8], "employed": [False, True], "kids": [0, 0], "gender": ["female", "male"], } ) df = df.set_index(["name", "employed", "kids", "gender"]) df = df.unstack(["gender"], fill_value=0) expected = df.unstack("employed", fill_value=0).unstack("kids", fill_value=0) result = df.unstack(["employed", "kids"], fill_value=0) expected = DataFrame( [[9.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.0]], index=Index(["Alice", "Bob"], name="name"), columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ ("score", "female", False, 0), ("score", "female", True, 0), ("score", "male", False, 0), ("score", "male", True, 0), ], names=[None, "gender", "employed", "kids"], ), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_stack_positional_level_duplicate_column_names(): # columns = MultiIndex.from_product([("x", "y"), ("y", "z")], names=["a", "a"]) df = DataFrame([[1, 1, 1, 1]], columns=columns) result = df.stack(0) new_columns = Index(["y", "z"], name="a") new_index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(0, "x"), (0, "y")], names=[None, "a"]) expected = DataFrame([[1, 1], [1, 1]], index=new_index, columns=new_columns) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) class TestStackUnstackMultiLevel: def test_unstack(self, multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data): # just check that it works for now ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data unstacked = ymd.unstack() unstacked.unstack() # test that ints work ymd.astype(int).unstack() # test that int32 work ymd.astype(np.int32).unstack() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "result_rows,result_columns,index_product,expected_row", [ ( [[1, 1, None, None, 30.0, None], [2, 2, None, None, 30.0, None]], ["ix1", "ix2", "col1", "col2", "col3", "col4"], 2, [None, None, 30.0, None], ), ( [[1, 1, None, None, 30.0], [2, 2, None, None, 30.0]], ["ix1", "ix2", "col1", "col2", "col3"], 2, [None, None, 30.0], ), ( [[1, 1, None, None, 30.0], [2, None, None, None, 30.0]], ["ix1", "ix2", "col1", "col2", "col3"], None, [None, None, 30.0], ), ], ) def test_unstack_partial( self, result_rows, result_columns, index_product, expected_row ): # check for regressions on this issue: # # make sure DataFrame.unstack() works when its run on a subset of the DataFrame # and the Index levels contain values that are not present in the subset result = DataFrame(result_rows, columns=result_columns).set_index( ["ix1", "ix2"] ) result = result.iloc[1:2].unstack("ix2") expected = DataFrame( [expected_row], columns=MultiIndex.from_product( [result_columns[2:], [index_product]], names=[None, "ix2"] ), index=Index([2], name="ix1"), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_multiple_no_empty_columns(self): index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(0, "foo", 0), (0, "bar", 0), (1, "baz", 1), (1, "qux", 1)] ) s = Series(np.random.randn(4), index=index) unstacked = s.unstack([1, 2]) expected = unstacked.dropna(axis=1, how="all") tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked, expected) def test_stack(self, multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data): ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data # regular roundtrip unstacked = ymd.unstack() restacked = unstacked.stack() tm.assert_frame_equal(restacked, ymd) unlexsorted = ymd.sort_index(level=2) unstacked = unlexsorted.unstack(2) restacked = unstacked.stack() tm.assert_frame_equal(restacked.sort_index(level=0), ymd) unlexsorted = unlexsorted[::-1] unstacked = unlexsorted.unstack(1) restacked = unstacked.stack().swaplevel(1, 2) tm.assert_frame_equal(restacked.sort_index(level=0), ymd) unlexsorted = unlexsorted.swaplevel(0, 1) unstacked = unlexsorted.unstack(0).swaplevel(0, 1, axis=1) restacked = unstacked.stack(0).swaplevel(1, 2) tm.assert_frame_equal(restacked.sort_index(level=0), ymd) # columns unsorted unstacked = ymd.unstack() unstacked = unstacked.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False) restacked = unstacked.stack() tm.assert_frame_equal(restacked, ymd) # more than 2 levels in the columns unstacked = ymd.unstack(1).unstack(1) result = unstacked.stack(1) expected = ymd.unstack() tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = unstacked.stack(2) expected = ymd.unstack(1) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = unstacked.stack(0) expected = ymd.stack().unstack(1).unstack(1) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # not all levels present in each echelon unstacked = ymd.unstack(2).loc[:, ::3] stacked = unstacked.stack().stack() ymd_stacked = ymd.stack() tm.assert_series_equal(stacked, ymd_stacked.reindex(stacked.index)) # stack with negative number result = ymd.unstack(0).stack(-2) expected = ymd.unstack(0).stack(0) # GH10417 def check(left, right): tm.assert_series_equal(left, right) assert left.index.is_unique is False li, ri = left.index, right.index tm.assert_index_equal(li, ri) df = DataFrame( np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3), index=list("abab"), columns=["1st", "2nd", "3rd"], ) mi = MultiIndex( levels=[["a", "b"], ["1st", "2nd", "3rd"]], codes=[np.tile(np.arange(2).repeat(3), 2), np.tile(np.arange(3), 4)], ) left, right = df.stack(), Series(np.arange(12), index=mi) check(left, right) df.columns = ["1st", "2nd", "1st"] mi = MultiIndex( levels=[["a", "b"], ["1st", "2nd"]], codes=[np.tile(np.arange(2).repeat(3), 2), np.tile([0, 1, 0], 4)], ) left, right = df.stack(), Series(np.arange(12), index=mi) check(left, right) tpls = ("a", 2), ("b", 1), ("a", 1), ("b", 2) df.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tpls) mi = MultiIndex( levels=[["a", "b"], [1, 2], ["1st", "2nd"]], codes=[ np.tile(np.arange(2).repeat(3), 2), np.repeat([1, 0, 1], [3, 6, 3]), np.tile([0, 1, 0], 4), ], ) left, right = df.stack(), Series(np.arange(12), index=mi) check(left, right) def test_unstack_odd_failure(self): data = """day,time,smoker,sum,len Fri,Dinner,No,8.25,3. Fri,Dinner,Yes,27.03,9 Fri,Lunch,No,3.0,1 Fri,Lunch,Yes,13.68,6 Sat,Dinner,No,139.63,45 Sat,Dinner,Yes,120.77,42 Sun,Dinner,No,180.57,57 Sun,Dinner,Yes,66.82,19 Thu,Dinner,No,3.0,1 Thu,Lunch,No,117.32,44 Thu,Lunch,Yes,51.51,17""" df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data)).set_index(["day", "time", "smoker"]) # it works, #2100 result = df.unstack(2) recons = result.stack() tm.assert_frame_equal(recons, df) def test_stack_mixed_dtype(self, multiindex_dataframe_random_data): frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data df = frame.T df["foo", "four"] = "foo" df = df.sort_index(level=1, axis=1) stacked = df.stack() result = df["foo"].stack().sort_index() tm.assert_series_equal(stacked["foo"], result, check_names=False) assert is None assert stacked["bar"].dtype == np.float_ def test_unstack_bug(self): df = DataFrame( { "state": ["naive", "naive", "naive", "active", "active", "active"], "exp": ["a", "b", "b", "b", "a", "a"], "barcode": [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3], "v": ["hi", "hi", "bye", "bye", "bye", "peace"], "extra": np.arange(6.0), } ) result = df.groupby(["state", "exp", "barcode", "v"]).apply(len) unstacked = result.unstack() restacked = unstacked.stack() tm.assert_series_equal(restacked, result.reindex(restacked.index).astype(float)) def test_stack_unstack_preserve_names(self, multiindex_dataframe_random_data): frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data unstacked = frame.unstack() assert == "first" assert unstacked.columns.names == ["exp", "second"] restacked = unstacked.stack() assert restacked.index.names == frame.index.names @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["stack", "unstack"]) def test_stack_unstack_wrong_level_name( self, method, multiindex_dataframe_random_data ): # GH 18303 - wrong level name should raise frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data # A DataFrame with flat axes: df = frame.loc["foo"] with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="does not match index name"): getattr(df, method)("mistake") if method == "unstack": # Same on a Series: s = df.iloc[:, 0] with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="does not match index name"): getattr(s, method)("mistake") def test_unstack_level_name(self, multiindex_dataframe_random_data): frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data result = frame.unstack("second") expected = frame.unstack(level=1) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_stack_level_name(self, multiindex_dataframe_random_data): frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data unstacked = frame.unstack("second") result = unstacked.stack("exp") expected = frame.unstack().stack(0) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = frame.stack("exp") expected = frame.stack() tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_stack_unstack_multiple( self, multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data ): ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data unstacked = ymd.unstack(["year", "month"]) expected = ymd.unstack("year").unstack("month") tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked, expected) assert unstacked.columns.names == expected.columns.names # series s = ymd["A"] s_unstacked = s.unstack(["year", "month"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(s_unstacked, expected["A"]) restacked = unstacked.stack(["year", "month"]) restacked = restacked.swaplevel(0, 1).swaplevel(1, 2) restacked = restacked.sort_index(level=0) tm.assert_frame_equal(restacked, ymd) assert restacked.index.names == ymd.index.names # GH #451 unstacked = ymd.unstack([1, 2]) expected = ymd.unstack(1).unstack(1).dropna(axis=1, how="all") tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked, expected) unstacked = ymd.unstack([2, 1]) expected = ymd.unstack(2).unstack(1).dropna(axis=1, how="all") tm.assert_frame_equal(unstacked, expected.loc[:, unstacked.columns]) def test_stack_names_and_numbers( self, multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data ): ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data unstacked = ymd.unstack(["year", "month"]) # Can't use mixture of names and numbers to stack with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="level should contain"): unstacked.stack([0, "month"]) def test_stack_multiple_out_of_bounds( self, multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data ): # nlevels == 3 ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data unstacked = ymd.unstack(["year", "month"]) with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="Too many levels"): unstacked.stack([2, 3]) with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="not a valid level number"): unstacked.stack([-4, -3]) def test_unstack_period_series(self): # GH4342 idx1 = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-01", "2013-01", "2013-02", "2013-02", "2013-03", "2013-03"], freq="M", name="period", ) idx2 = Index(["A", "B"] * 3, name="str") value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] idx = MultiIndex.from_arrays([idx1, idx2]) s = Series(value, index=idx) result1 = s.unstack() result2 = s.unstack(level=1) result3 = s.unstack(level=0) e_idx = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-01", "2013-02", "2013-03"], freq="M", name="period" ) expected = DataFrame( {"A": [1, 3, 5], "B": [2, 4, 6]}, index=e_idx, columns=["A", "B"] ) = "str" tm.assert_frame_equal(result1, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(result2, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(result3, expected.T) idx1 = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-01", "2013-01", "2013-02", "2013-02", "2013-03", "2013-03"], freq="M", name="period1", ) idx2 = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-12", "2013-11", "2013-10", "2013-09", "2013-08", "2013-07"], freq="M", name="period2", ) idx = MultiIndex.from_arrays([idx1, idx2]) s = Series(value, index=idx) result1 = s.unstack() result2 = s.unstack(level=1) result3 = s.unstack(level=0) e_idx = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-01", "2013-02", "2013-03"], freq="M", name="period1" ) e_cols = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-07", "2013-08", "2013-09", "2013-10", "2013-11", "2013-12"], freq="M", name="period2", ) expected = DataFrame( [ [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 2, 1], [np.nan, np.nan, 4, 3, np.nan, np.nan], [6, 5, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], ], index=e_idx, columns=e_cols, ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result1, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(result2, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(result3, expected.T) def test_unstack_period_frame(self): # GH4342 idx1 = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2014-01", "2014-02", "2014-02", "2014-02", "2014-01", "2014-01"], freq="M", name="period1", ) idx2 = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-12", "2013-12", "2014-02", "2013-10", "2013-10", "2014-02"], freq="M", name="period2", ) value = {"A": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "B": [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]} idx = MultiIndex.from_arrays([idx1, idx2]) df = DataFrame(value, index=idx) result1 = df.unstack() result2 = df.unstack(level=1) result3 = df.unstack(level=0) e_1 = pd.PeriodIndex(["2014-01", "2014-02"], freq="M", name="period1") e_2 = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-10", "2013-12", "2014-02", "2013-10", "2013-12", "2014-02"], freq="M", name="period2", ) e_cols = MultiIndex.from_arrays(["A A A B B B".split(), e_2]) expected = DataFrame( [[5, 1, 6, 2, 6, 1], [4, 2, 3, 3, 5, 4]], index=e_1, columns=e_cols ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result1, expected) tm.assert_frame_equal(result2, expected) e_1 = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2014-01", "2014-02", "2014-01", "2014-02"], freq="M", name="period1" ) e_2 = pd.PeriodIndex( ["2013-10", "2013-12", "2014-02"], freq="M", name="period2" ) e_cols = MultiIndex.from_arrays(["A A B B".split(), e_1]) expected = DataFrame( [[5, 4, 2, 3], [1, 2, 6, 5], [6, 3, 1, 4]], index=e_2, columns=e_cols ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result3, expected) def test_stack_multiple_bug(self): # bug when some uniques are not present in the data GH#3170 id_col = ([1] * 3) + ([2] * 3) name = (["a"] * 3) + (["b"] * 3) date = pd.to_datetime(["2013-01-03", "2013-01-04", "2013-01-05"] * 2) var1 = np.random.randint(0, 100, 6) df = DataFrame({"ID": id_col, "NAME": name, "DATE": date, "VAR1": var1}) multi = df.set_index(["DATE", "ID"]) = "Params" unst = multi.unstack("ID") down = unst.resample("W-THU").mean() rs = down.stack("ID") xp = unst.loc[:, ["VAR1"]].resample("W-THU").mean().stack("ID") = "Params" tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, xp) def test_stack_dropna(self): # GH#3997 df = DataFrame({"A": ["a1", "a2"], "B": ["b1", "b2"], "C": [1, 1]}) df = df.set_index(["A", "B"]) stacked = df.unstack().stack(dropna=False) assert len(stacked) > len(stacked.dropna()) stacked = df.unstack().stack(dropna=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(stacked, stacked.dropna()) def test_unstack_multiple_hierarchical(self): df = DataFrame( index=[ [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], ], columns=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]], ) df.index.names = ["a", "b", "c"] df.columns.names = ["d", "e"] # it works! df.unstack(["b", "c"]) def test_unstack_sparse_keyspace(self): # memory problems with naive impl GH#2278 # Generate Long File & Test Pivot NUM_ROWS = 1000 df = DataFrame( { "A": np.random.randint(100, size=NUM_ROWS), "B": np.random.randint(300, size=NUM_ROWS), "C": np.random.randint(-7, 7, size=NUM_ROWS), "D": np.random.randint(-19, 19, size=NUM_ROWS), "E": np.random.randint(3000, size=NUM_ROWS), "F": np.random.randn(NUM_ROWS), } ) idf = df.set_index(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]) # it works! is sufficient idf.unstack("E") def test_unstack_unobserved_keys(self): # related to GH#2278 refactoring levels = [[0, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3]] codes = [[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 0, 2]] index = MultiIndex(levels, codes) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 2), index=index) result = df.unstack() assert len(result.columns) == 4 recons = result.stack() tm.assert_frame_equal(recons, df) @pytest.mark.slow def test_unstack_number_of_levels_larger_than_int32(self): # GH#20601 df = DataFrame( np.random.randn(2 ** 16, 2), index=[np.arange(2 ** 16), np.arange(2 ** 16)] ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="int32 overflow"): df.unstack() def test_stack_order_with_unsorted_levels(self): # GH#16323 def manual_compare_stacked(df, df_stacked, lev0, lev1): assert all( df.loc[row, col] == df_stacked.loc[(row, col[lev0]), col[lev1]] for row in df.index for col in df.columns ) # deep check for 1-row case for width in [2, 3]: levels_poss = itertools.product( itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2], width), repeat=2 ) for levels in levels_poss: columns = MultiIndex(levels=levels, codes=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]]) df = DataFrame(columns=columns, data=[range(4)]) for stack_lev in range(2): df_stacked = df.stack(stack_lev) manual_compare_stacked(df, df_stacked, stack_lev, 1 - stack_lev) # check multi-row case mi = MultiIndex( levels=[["A", "C", "B"], ["B", "A", "C"]], codes=[np.repeat(range(3), 3), np.tile(range(3), 3)], ) df = DataFrame( columns=mi, index=range(5), data=np.arange(5 * len(mi)).reshape(5, -1) ) manual_compare_stacked(df, df.stack(0), 0, 1) def test_stack_unstack_unordered_multiindex(self): # GH# 18265 values = np.arange(5) data = np.vstack( [ [f"b{x}" for x in values], # b0, b1, .. [f"a{x}" for x in values], # a0, a1, .. ] ) df = DataFrame(data.T, columns=["b", "a"]) = "first" second_level_dict = {"x": df} multi_level_df = pd.concat(second_level_dict, axis=1) multi_level_df.columns.names = ["second", "first"] df = multi_level_df.reindex(sorted(multi_level_df.columns), axis=1) result = df.stack(["first", "second"]).unstack(["first", "second"]) expected = DataFrame( [["a0", "b0"], ["a1", "b1"], ["a2", "b2"], ["a3", "b3"], ["a4", "b4"]], index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("a", "x"), ("b", "x")], names=["first", "second"] ), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_preserve_types( self, multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data ): # GH#403 ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data ymd["E"] = "foo" ymd["F"] = 2 unstacked = ymd.unstack("month") assert unstacked["A", 1].dtype == np.float64 assert unstacked["E", 1].dtype == np.object_ assert unstacked["F", 1].dtype == np.float64 def test_unstack_group_index_overflow(self): codes = np.tile(np.arange(500), 2) level = np.arange(500) index = MultiIndex( levels=[level] * 8 + [[0, 1]], codes=[codes] * 8 + [np.arange(2).repeat(500)], ) s = Series(np.arange(1000), index=index) result = s.unstack() assert result.shape == (500, 2) # test roundtrip stacked = result.stack() tm.assert_series_equal(s, stacked.reindex(s.index)) # put it at beginning index = MultiIndex( levels=[[0, 1]] + [level] * 8, codes=[np.arange(2).repeat(500)] + [codes] * 8, ) s = Series(np.arange(1000), index=index) result = s.unstack(0) assert result.shape == (500, 2) # put it in middle index = MultiIndex( levels=[level] * 4 + [[0, 1]] + [level] * 4, codes=([codes] * 4 + [np.arange(2).repeat(500)] + [codes] * 4), ) s = Series(np.arange(1000), index=index) result = s.unstack(4) assert result.shape == (500, 2) def test_unstack_with_missing_int_cast_to_float(self, using_array_manager): # df = DataFrame( { "a": ["A", "A", "B"], "b": ["ca", "cb", "cb"], "v": [10] * 3, } ).set_index(["a", "b"]) # add another int column to get 2 blocks df["is_"] = 1 if not using_array_manager: assert len(df._mgr.blocks) == 2 result = df.unstack("b") result[("is_", "ca")] = result[("is_", "ca")].fillna(0) expected = DataFrame( [[10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0], [np.nan, 10.0, 0.0, 1.0]], index=Index(["A", "B"], dtype="object", name="a"), columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("v", "ca"), ("v", "cb"), ("is_", "ca"), ("is_", "cb")], names=[None, "b"], ), ) if using_array_manager: # INFO(ArrayManager) with ArrayManager preserve dtype where possible expected[("v", "cb")] = expected[("v", "cb")].astype("int64") expected[("is_", "cb")] = expected[("is_", "cb")].astype("int64") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_with_level_has_nan(self): # GH 37510 df1 = DataFrame( { "L1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "L2": [3, 4, 1, 2], "L3": [1, 1, 1, 1], "x": [1, 2, 3, 4], } ) df1 = df1.set_index(["L1", "L2", "L3"]) new_levels = ["n1", "n2", "n3", None] df1.index = df1.index.set_levels(levels=new_levels, level="L1") df1.index = df1.index.set_levels(levels=new_levels, level="L2") result = df1.unstack("L3")[("x", 1)].sort_index().index expected = MultiIndex( levels=[["n1", "n2", "n3", None], ["n1", "n2", "n3", None]], codes=[[0, 1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 0, 1]], names=["L1", "L2"], ) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_stack_nan_in_multiindex_columns(self): # GH#39481 df = DataFrame( np.zeros([1, 5]), columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ (0, None, None), (0, 2, 0), (0, 2, 1), (0, 3, 0), (0, 3, 1), ], ), ) result = df.stack(2) expected = DataFrame( [[0.0, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, 0.0, 0.0], [np.nan, 0.0, 0.0]], index=Index([(0, None), (0, 0), (0, 1)]), columns=Index([(0, None), (0, 2), (0, 3)]), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_multi_level_stack_categorical(self): # GH 15239 midx = MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ ["A"] * 2 + ["B"] * 2, pd.Categorical(list("abab")), pd.Categorical(list("ccdd")), ] ) df = DataFrame(np.arange(8).reshape(2, 4), columns=midx) result = df.stack([1, 2]) expected = DataFrame( [ [0, np.nan], [np.nan, 2], [1, np.nan], [np.nan, 3], [4, np.nan], [np.nan, 6], [5, np.nan], [np.nan, 7], ], columns=["A", "B"], index=MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ [0] * 4 + [1] * 4, pd.Categorical(list("aabbaabb")), pd.Categorical(list("cdcdcdcd")), ] ), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_stack_nan_level(self): # GH 9406 df_nan = DataFrame( np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2), columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("A", np.nan), ("B", "b")], names=["Upper", "Lower"] ), index=Index([0, 1], name="Num"), dtype=np.float64, ) result = df_nan.stack() expected = DataFrame( [[0.0, np.nan], [np.nan, 1], [2.0, np.nan], [np.nan, 3.0]], columns=Index(["A", "B"], name="Upper"), index=MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(0, np.nan), (0, "b"), (1, np.nan), (1, "b")], names=["Num", "Lower"] ), ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_unstack_categorical_columns(self): # GH 14018 idx =
MultiIndex.from_product([["A"], [0, 1]])
from flowsa.common import WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD from flowsa.flowbyfunctions import assign_fips_location_system from flowsa.location import US_FIPS import math import pandas as pd import io from flowsa.settings import log from string import digits YEARS_COVERED = { "asbestos": "2014-2018", "barite": "2014-2018", "bauxite": "2013-2017", "beryllium": "2014-2018", "boron": "2014-2018", "chromium": "2014-2018", "clay": "2015-2016", "cobalt": "2013-2017", "copper": "2011-2015", "diatomite": "2014-2018", "feldspar": "2013-2017", "fluorspar": "2013-2017", "fluorspar_inports": ["2016", "2017"], "gallium": "2014-2018", "garnet": "2014-2018", "gold": "2013-2017", "graphite": "2013-2017", "gypsum": "2014-2018", "iodine": "2014-2018", "ironore": "2014-2018", "kyanite": "2014-2018", "lead": "2012-2018", "lime": "2014-2018", "lithium": "2013-2017", "magnesium": "2013-2017", "manganese": "2012-2016", "manufacturedabrasive": "2017-2018", "mica": "2014-2018", "molybdenum": "2014-2018", "nickel": "2012-2016", "niobium": "2014-2018", "peat": "2014-2018", "perlite": "2013-2017", "phosphate": "2014-2018", "platinum": "2014-2018", "potash": "2014-2018", "pumice": "2014-2018", "rhenium": "2014-2018", "salt": "2013-2017", "sandgravelconstruction": "2013-2017", "sandgravelindustrial": "2014-2018", "silver": "2012-2016", "sodaash": "2010-2017", "sodaash_t4": ["2016", "2017"], "stonecrushed": "2013-2017", "stonedimension": "2013-2017", "strontium": "2014-2018", "talc": "2013-2017", "titanium": "2013-2017", "tungsten": "2013-2017", "vermiculite": "2014-2018", "zeolites": "2014-2018", "zinc": "2013-2017", "zirconium": "2013-2017", } def usgs_myb_year(years, current_year_str): """ Sets the column for the string based on the year. Checks that the year you picked is in the last file. :param years: string, with hypthon :param current_year_str: string, year of interest :return: string, year """ years_array = years.split("-") lower_year = int(years_array[0]) upper_year = int(years_array[1]) current_year = int(current_year_str) if lower_year <= current_year <= upper_year: column_val = current_year - lower_year + 1 return "year_" + str(column_val) else:"Your year is out of scope. Pick a year between %s and %s", lower_year, upper_year) def usgs_myb_name(USGS_Source): """ Takes the USGS source name and parses it so it can be used in other parts of Flow by activity. :param USGS_Source: string, usgs source name :return: """ source_split = USGS_Source.split("_") name_cc = str(source_split[2]) name = "" for char in name_cc: if char.isupper(): name = name + " " + char else: name = name + char name = name.lower() name = name.strip() return name def usgs_myb_static_variables(): """ Populates the data values for Flow by activity that are the same for all of USGS_MYB Files :return: """ data = {} data["Class"] = "Geological" data['FlowType'] = "ELEMENTARY_FLOWS" data["Location"] = US_FIPS data["Compartment"] = "ground" data["Context"] = None data["ActivityConsumedBy"] = None return data def usgs_myb_remove_digits(value_string): """ Eliminates numbers in a string :param value_string: :return: """ remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) return_string = value_string.translate(remove_digits) return return_string def usgs_myb_url_helper(*, build_url, **_): """ This helper function uses the "build_url" input from, which is a base url for data imports that requires parts of the url text string to be replaced with info specific to the data year. This function does not parse the data, only modifies the urls from which data is obtained. :param build_url: string, base url :param config: dictionary, items in FBA method yaml :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: list, urls to call, concat, parse, format into Flow-By-Activity format """ return [build_url] def usgs_asbestos_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[4:11]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data.columns) > 12: for x in range(12, len(df_data.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data[col_name] if len(df_data. columns) == 12: df_data.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['asbestos'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_asbestos_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity"] product = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['asbestos'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Exports and reexports:": product = "exports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['asbestos'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) elif str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "nan": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system(dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_barite_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data = io.BytesIO(resp.content), sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[7:14]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data. columns) == 11: df_data.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['barite'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_barite_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['barite'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:3": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Crude, sold or used by producers:": product = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:2": product = "exports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['barite'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--" or \ str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "(3)": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_bauxite_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[6:14]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if len(df_data_one. columns) == 11: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['bauxite'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_bauxite_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Production", "Total"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['bauxite'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Production": prod = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption, as shipped:": prod = "import" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Exports, as shipped:": prod = "export" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" flow_amount = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD else: data["FlowAmount"] = flow_amount data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_beryllium_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T4') df_raw_data_two =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_1 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[6:9]).reindex() df_data_1 = df_data_1.reset_index() del df_data_1["index"] df_data_2 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[12:12]).reindex() df_data_2 = df_data_2.reset_index() del df_data_2["index"] if len(df_data_2.columns) > 11: for x in range(11, len(df_data_2.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_2[col_name] if len(df_data_1. columns) == 11: df_data_1.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] if len(df_data_2. columns) == 11: df_data_2.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['beryllium'], year)) for col in df_data_1.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_1[col] for col in df_data_2.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_2[col] frames = [df_data_1, df_data_2] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_beryllium_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["United States6", "Mine shipments1", "Imports for consumption, beryl2"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['beryllium'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): prod = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption, beryl2": prod = "imports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) product = df.iloc[index][ "Production"].strip().translate(remove_digits) data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Thousand Metric Tons" data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_boron_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[8:8]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] df_data_two = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[21:22]).reindex() df_data_two = df_data_two.reset_index() del df_data_two["index"] df_data_three = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[27:28]).reindex() df_data_three = df_data_three.reset_index() del df_data_three["index"] if len(df_data_one. columns) == 11: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] df_data_two.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] df_data_three.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['boron'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] del df_data_two[col] del df_data_three[col] frames = [df_data_one, df_data_two, df_data_three] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_boron_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["B2O3 content", "Quantity"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['boron'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "B2O3 content" or \ df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Quantity": product = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Colemanite:4": des = "Colemanite" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Ulexite:4": des = "Ulexite" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" if des == name: data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product else: data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product + " " + des data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--" or \ str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "(3)": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) elif str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_chromium_call(*, resp, year, **_): """" Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[4:24]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data. columns) == 12: df_data.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] elif len(df_data. columns) == 13: df_data.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5", "space_6"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['chromium'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_chromium_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Secondary2", "Total"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['chromium'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Imports:": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Secondary2": product = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:": product = "exports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['chromium'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--" or \ str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "(3)": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_clay_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_ball =, sheet_name='T3') df_data_ball = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_ball.loc[19:19]).reindex() df_data_ball = df_data_ball.reset_index() del df_data_ball["index"] df_raw_data_bentonite =, sheet_name='T4 ') df_data_bentonite = pd.DataFrame( df_raw_data_bentonite.loc[28:28]).reindex() df_data_bentonite = df_data_bentonite.reset_index() del df_data_bentonite["index"] df_raw_data_common =, sheet_name='T5 ') df_data_common = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_common.loc[40:40]).reindex() df_data_common = df_data_common.reset_index() del df_data_common["index"] df_raw_data_fire =, sheet_name='T6 ') df_data_fire = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_fire.loc[12:12]).reindex() df_data_fire = df_data_fire.reset_index() del df_data_fire["index"] df_raw_data_fuller =, sheet_name='T7 ') df_data_fuller = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_fuller.loc[17:17]).reindex() df_data_fuller = df_data_fuller.reset_index() del df_data_fuller["index"] df_raw_data_kaolin =, sheet_name='T8 ') df_data_kaolin = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_kaolin.loc[18:18]).reindex() df_data_kaolin = df_data_kaolin.reset_index() del df_data_kaolin["index"] df_raw_data_export =, sheet_name='T13') df_data_export = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_export.loc[6:15]).reindex() df_data_export = df_data_export.reset_index() del df_data_export["index"] df_raw_data_import =, sheet_name='T14') df_data_import = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_import.loc[6:13]).reindex() df_data_import = df_data_import.reset_index() del df_data_import["index"] df_data_ball.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "value_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "value_2"] df_data_bentonite.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "value_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "value_2"] df_data_common.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "value_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "value_2"] df_data_fire.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "value_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "value_2"] df_data_fuller.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "value_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "value_2"] df_data_kaolin.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "value_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "value_2"] df_data_export.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "value_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "value_2", "space_5", "extra"] df_data_import.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "value_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "value_2", "space_5", "extra"] df_data_ball["type"] = "Ball clay" df_data_bentonite["type"] = "Bentonite" df_data_common["type"] = "Common clay" df_data_fire["type"] = "Fire clay" df_data_fuller["type"] = "Fuller’s earth" df_data_kaolin["type"] = "Kaolin" df_data_export["type"] = "export" df_data_import["type"] = "import" col_to_use = ["Production", "type"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['clay'], year)) for col in df_data_import.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_import[col] del df_data_export[col] for col in df_data_ball.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_ball[col] del df_data_bentonite[col] del df_data_common[col] del df_data_fire[col] del df_data_fuller[col] del df_data_kaolin[col] frames = [df_data_import, df_data_export, df_data_ball, df_data_bentonite, df_data_common, df_data_fire, df_data_fuller, df_data_kaolin] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_clay_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Ball clay", "Bentonite", "Fire clay", "Kaolin", "Fuller’s earth", "Total", "Grand total", "Artificially activated clay and earth", "Clays, not elsewhere classified", "Clays, not elsewhere classified"] dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["type"].strip() == "import": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["type"].strip() == "export": product = "exports" else: product = "production" if str(df.iloc[index]["Production"]).strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" if product == "production": data['FlowName'] = \ df.iloc[index]["type"].strip() + " " + product data["Description"] = df.iloc[index]["type"].strip() data["ActivityProducedBy"] = df.iloc[index]["type"].strip() else: data['FlowName'] = \ df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() + " " + product data["Description"] = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data["ActivityProducedBy"] = \ df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['clay'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--" or \ str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "(3)" or \ str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "(2)": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_cobalt_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T8') df_raw_data_two =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_1 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[6:11]).reindex() df_data_1 = df_data_1.reset_index() del df_data_1["index"] df_data_2 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[23:23]).reindex() df_data_2 = df_data_2.reset_index() del df_data_2["index"] if len(df_data_2.columns) > 11: for x in range(11, len(df_data_2.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_2[col_name] if len(df_data_1. columns) == 12: df_data_1.columns = ["Production", "space_6", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] if len(df_data_2. columns) == 11: df_data_2.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['cobalt'], year)) for col in df_data_1.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_1[col] for col in df_data_2.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_2[col] frames = [df_data_1, df_data_2] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_cobalt_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name row_to_use = ["United Statese, 16, 17", "Mine productione", "Imports for consumption", "Exports"] dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): prod = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "United Statese, 16, 17": prod = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption": prod = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports": prod = "exports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) product = df.iloc[index][ "Production"].strip().translate(remove_digits) data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Thousand Metric Tons" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['cobalt'], year) data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) remove_rows = ["(18)", "(2)"] if data["FlowAmount"] not in remove_rows: dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_copper_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_1 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[12:12]).reindex() df_data_1 = df_data_1.reset_index() del df_data_1["index"] df_data_2 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[30:31]).reindex() df_data_2 = df_data_2.reset_index() del df_data_2["index"] if len(df_data_1. columns) == 12: df_data_1.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] df_data_2.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production", "Unit"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['copper'], year)) for col in df_data_1.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_1[col] for col in df_data_2.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_2[col] frames = [df_data_1, df_data_2] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_copper_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) product = df.iloc[index][ "Production"].strip().translate(remove_digits) data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) if product == "Total": prod = "production" elif product == "Exports, refined": prod = "exports" elif product == "Imports, refined": prod = "imports" data["ActivityProducedBy"] = "Copper; Mine" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['copper'], year) data["Description"] = "Copper; Mine" data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_diatomite_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[7:10]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if len(df_data_one.columns) == 10: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['diatomite'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_diatomite_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity", "Exports2", "Imports for consumption2"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports2": prod = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption2": prod = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Quantity": prod = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Thousand metric tons" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['diatomite'], year) data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_feldspar_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_two =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_two = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[4:8]).reindex() df_data_two = df_data_two.reset_index() del df_data_two["index"] df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[10:15]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if len(df_data_two. columns) == 13: df_data_two.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "unit", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "unit", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['feldspar'], year)) for col in df_data_two.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_two[col] del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_two, df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_feldspar_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity", "Quantity3"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports, feldspar:4": prod = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:4": prod = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Production, feldspar:e, 2": prod = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Nepheline syenite:": prod = "production" des = "Nepheline syenite" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['feldspar'], year) data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name if name == des: data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod else: data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod + " " + des dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_fluorspar_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') if year in YEARS_COVERED['fluorspar_inports']: df_raw_data_two =, sheet_name='T2') df_raw_data_three =, sheet_name='T7') df_raw_data_four =, sheet_name='T8') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[5:15]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if year in YEARS_COVERED['fluorspar_inports']: df_data_two = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[7:8]).reindex() df_data_three = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_three.loc[19:19]).reindex() df_data_four = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_four.loc[11:11]).reindex() if len(df_data_two.columns) == 13: df_data_two.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "not_1", "space_2", "not_2", "space_3", "not_3", "space_4", "not_4", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] if len(df_data_three.columns) == 9: df_data_three.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_4", "space_2", "not_1", "space_3", "year_5", "space_4", "not_2"] df_data_four.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_4", "space_2", "not_1", "space_3", "year_5", "space_4", "not_2"] if len(df_data_one. columns) == 13: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "unit", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['fluorspar'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] if year in YEARS_COVERED['fluorspar_inports']: for col in df_data_two.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_two[col] for col in df_data_three.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_three[col] for col in df_data_four.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_four[col] df_data_one["type"] = "data_one" if year in YEARS_COVERED['fluorspar_inports']: # aluminum fluoride # cryolite df_data_two["type"] = "data_two" df_data_three["type"] = "Aluminum Fluoride" df_data_four["type"] = "Cryolite" frames = [df_data_one, df_data_two, df_data_three, df_data_four] else: frames = [df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_fluorspar_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity", "Quantity3", "Total", "Hydrofluoric acid", "Metallurgical", "Production"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:3": prod = "exports" des = name elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:3": prod = "imports" des = name elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Fluorosilicic acid:": prod = "production" des = "Fluorosilicic acid:" if str(df.iloc[index]["type"]).strip() == "data_two": prod = "imports" des = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() elif str(df.iloc[index]["type"]).strip() == \ "Aluminum Fluoride" or \ str(df.iloc[index]["type"]).strip() == "Cryolite": prod = "imports" des = df.iloc[index]["type"].strip() if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['fluorspar'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_gallium_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[5:7]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data.columns) > 11: for x in range(11, len(df_data.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data[col_name] if len(df_data.columns) == 11: df_data.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['gallium'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_gallium_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Production, primary crude", "Metal"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['gallium'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Production, primary crude": product = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Kilograms" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['gallium'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]).strip() == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) elif str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "nan": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_garnet_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_two =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_two = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[4:5]).reindex() df_data_two = df_data_two.reset_index() del df_data_two["index"] df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[10:14]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if len(df_data_one.columns) > 13: for x in range(13, len(df_data_one.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_one[col_name] del df_data_two[col_name] if len(df_data_two. columns) == 13: df_data_two.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "unit", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "unit", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['garnet'], year)) for col in df_data_two.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_two[col] del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_two, df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_garnet_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:2": prod = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption: 3": prod = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Crude production:": prod = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['garnet'], year) data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_gold_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[6:14]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data.columns) == 13: df_data.columns = ["Production", "Space", "Units", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['gold'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_gold_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity", "Exports, refined bullion", "Imports for consumption, refined bullion"] dataframe = pd.DataFrame() product = "production" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Quantity": product = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Exports, refined bullion": product = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption, refined bullion": product = "imports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "kilograms" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['gold'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_graphite_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[5:9]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data. columns) == 13: df_data.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "Unit", "space_6", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['graphite'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_graphite_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantiy", "Quantity"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['graphite'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:": product = "exports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['graphite'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) elif str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "nan": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_gypsum_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[7:10]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if len(df_data_one.columns) > 11: for x in range(11, len(df_data_one.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_one[col_name] if len(df_data_one.columns) == 11: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['gypsum'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_gypsum_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity", "Imports for consumption"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['gypsum'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption": prod = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Quantity": prod = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_iodine_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[6:10]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data. columns) == 11: df_data.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] elif len(df_data. columns) == 13: df_data.columns = ["Production", "unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5", "space_6"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['iodine'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_iodine_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Production", "Quantity, for consumption", "Exports2"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['iodine'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Imports:2": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Production": product = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports2": product = "exports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['iodine'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) elif str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_iron_ore_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[7:25]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data. columns) == 12: df_data.columns = ["Production", "Units", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production", "Units"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['ironore'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_iron_ore_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name row_to_use = ["Gross weight", "Quantity"] dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Production:": product = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:": product = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:": product = "imports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Thousand Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = "Iron Ore " + product data["Description"] = "Iron Ore" data["ActivityProducedBy"] = "Iron Ore" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['ironore'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_kyanite_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[4:13]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if len(df_data_one. columns) == 12: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "unit", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['kyanite'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_kyanite_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity", "Quantity2"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['kyanite'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Exports of kyanite concentrate:3": prod = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption, all kyanite minerals:3": prod = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Production:": prod = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_lead_url_helper(*, year, **_): """ This helper function uses the "build_url" input from, which is a base url for data imports that requires parts of the url text string to be replaced with info specific to the data year. This function does not parse the data, only modifies the urls from which data is obtained. :param build_url: string, base url :return: list, urls to call, concat, parse, format into Flow-By-Activity format """ if int(year) < 2013: build_url = ('' 'palladium/production/atoms/files/myb1-2016-lead.xls') elif int(year) < 2014: build_url = ('' 'palladium/production/atoms/files/myb1-2017-lead.xls') else: build_url = ('' 'palladium/production/s3fs-public/media/files/myb1-2018-lead-advrel.xlsx') url = build_url return [url] def usgs_lead_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[8:15]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data.columns) > 12: for x in range(12, len(df_data.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data[col_name] if len(df_data. columns) == 12: df_data.columns = ["Production", "Units", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production", "Units"] if int(year) == 2013: modified_sy = "2013-2018" col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(modified_sy, year)) elif int(year) > 2013: modified_sy = "2014-2018" col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(modified_sy, year)) else: col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['lead'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_lead_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name row_to_use = ["Primary lead, refined content, " "domestic ores and base bullion", "Secondary lead, lead content", "Lead ore and concentrates", "Lead in base bullion"] import_export = ["Exports, lead content:", "Imports for consumption, lead content:"] dataframe = pd.DataFrame() product = "production" for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in import_export: if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Exports, lead content:": product = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption, lead content:": product = "imports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["ActivityProducedBy"] = df.iloc[index]["Production"] if int(year) == 2013: modified_sy = "2013-2018" col_name = usgs_myb_year(modified_sy, year) elif int(year) > 2013: modified_sy = "2014-2018" col_name = usgs_myb_year(modified_sy, year) else: col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['lead'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_lime_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_two =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_1 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[16:16]).reindex() df_data_1 = df_data_1.reset_index() del df_data_1["index"] df_data_2 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[28:32]).reindex() df_data_2 = df_data_2.reset_index() del df_data_2["index"] if len(df_data_1.columns) > 12: for x in range(12, len(df_data_1.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_1[col_name] del df_data_2[col_name] if len(df_data_1. columns) == 12: df_data_1.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] df_data_2.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['lime'], year)) for col in df_data_1.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_1[col] for col in df_data_2.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_2[col] frames = [df_data_1, df_data_2] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_lime_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Total", "Quantity"] import_export = ["Exports:7", "Imports for consumption:7"] name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: prod = "production" for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:7": prod = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:7": prod = "imports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) product = df.iloc[index][ "Production"].strip().translate(remove_digits) data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Thousand Metric Tons" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['lime'], year) data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name if product.strip() == "Total": data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod elif product.strip() == "Quantity": data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_lithium_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[6:8]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if len(df_data_one.columns) > 11: for x in range(11, len(df_data_one.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_one[col_name] if len(df_data_one. columns) == 11: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['lithium'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_lithium_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Exports3", "Imports3", "Production"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['lithium'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports3": prod = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Imports3": prod = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Production": prod = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_magnesium_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[7:15]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data. columns) == 12: df_data.columns = ["Production", "Units", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['magnesium'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_magnesium_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Secondary", "Primary", "Exports", "Imports for consumption"] dataframe = pd.DataFrame() name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports": product = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Secondary" or \ df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Primary": product = "production" + " " + \ df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['magnesium'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) elif str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_manganese_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[7:9]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data.columns) > 12: for x in range(12, len(df_data.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data[col_name] if len(df_data. columns) == 12: df_data.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['manganese'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_manganese_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Production", "Exports", "Imports for consumption"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['manganese'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Production": product = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports": product = "exports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['manganese'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--" or \ str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "(3)": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_ma_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param args: dictionary, arguments specified when running ('year' and 'source') :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T2') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[6:7]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data.columns) > 9: for x in range(9, len(df_data.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data[col_name] if len(df_data. columns) == 9: df_data.columns = ["Product", "space_1", "quality_year_1", "space_2", "value_year_1", "space_3", "quality_year_2", "space_4", "value_year_2"] elif len(df_data. columns) == 9: df_data.columns = ["Product", "space_1", "quality_year_1", "space_2", "value_year_1", "space_3", "quality_year_2", "space_4", "value_year_2"] col_to_use = ["Product"] col_to_use.append("quality_" + usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['manufacturedabrasive'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_ma_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param args: dictionary, used to run ('year' and 'source') :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Silicon carbide"] name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) product = df.iloc[index][ "Product"].strip().translate(remove_digits) if product in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data['FlowName'] = "Silicon carbide" data["ActivityProducedBy"] = "Silicon carbide" data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" col_name = ("quality_" + usgs_myb_year( YEARS_COVERED['manufacturedabrasive'], year)) col_name_array = col_name.split("_") data["Description"] = product + " " + col_name_array[0] data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_mica_call(*, resp, source, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[4:6]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name if len(df_data_one. columns) == 12: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['mica'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_mica_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['mica'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Production, sold or used by producers:": prod = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_molybdenum_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[7:11]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data. columns) == 11: df_data.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['molybdenum'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_molybdenum_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Production", "Imports for consumption", "Exports"] dataframe = pd.DataFrame() name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports": product = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Production": product = "production" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['molybdenum'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_nickel_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T10') df_data_1 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[36:36]).reindex() df_data_1 = df_data_1.reset_index() del df_data_1["index"] df_raw_data_two =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_2 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_two.loc[11:16]).reindex() df_data_2 = df_data_2.reset_index() del df_data_2["index"] if len(df_data_1.columns) > 11: for x in range(11, len(df_data_1.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_1[col_name] if len(df_data_1. columns) == 11: df_data_1.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] if len(df_data_2.columns) == 12: df_data_2.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['nickel'], year)) for col in df_data_1.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_1[col] for col in df_data_2.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_2[col] frames = [df_data_1, df_data_2] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_nickel_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Ores and concentrates3", "United States, sulfide ore, concentrate"] import_export = ["Exports:", "Imports for consumption:"] name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: prod = "production" for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:": prod = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:": prod = "imports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits) product = df.iloc[index][ "Production"].strip().translate(remove_digits) data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['nickel'], year) if product.strip() == \ "United States, sulfide ore, concentrate": data["Description"] = \ "United States, sulfide ore, concentrate Nickel" data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod elif product.strip() == "Ores and concentrates": data["Description"] = "Ores and concentrates Nickel" data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--" or \ str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "(4)": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_niobium_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[4:19]).reindex() df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] if len(df_data.columns) > 13: for x in range(13, len(df_data.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data[col_name] if len(df_data. columns) == 13: df_data.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "Unit_1", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['niobium'], year)) for col in df_data.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data[col] return df_data def usgs_niobium_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Total imports, Nb content", "Total exports, Nb content"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['niobium'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:": product = "exports" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Metric Tons" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['niobium'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--" or \ str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "(3)": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_peat_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ """Calls the excel sheet for nickel and removes extra columns""" df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[7:18]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] if len(df_data_one.columns) > 12: for x in range(12, len(df_data_one.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_one[col_name] if len(df_data_one.columns) == 12: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "Unit", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['peat'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] frames = [df_data_one] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_peat_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Production", "Exports", "Imports for consumption"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['peat'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Production": prod = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption": prod = "import" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports": prod = "export" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Thousand Metric Tons" data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_perlite_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[6:6]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] df_data_two = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[20:25]).reindex() df_data_two = df_data_two.reset_index() del df_data_two["index"] if len(df_data_one. columns) == 12: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] df_data_two.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['perlite'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] del df_data_two[col] frames = [df_data_one, df_data_two] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_perlite_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity", "Mine production2"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['perlite'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Mine production2": prod = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:3": prod = "import" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports:3": prod = "export" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Thousand Metric Tons" data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_phosphate_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[7:9]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] df_data_two = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[19:21]).reindex() df_data_two = df_data_two.reset_index() del df_data_two["index"] if len(df_data_one.columns) > 12: for x in range(11, len(df_data_one.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_one[col_name] del df_data_two[col_name] if len(df_data_one. columns) == 12: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] df_data_two.columns = ["Production", "unit", "space_1", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['phosphate'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] del df_data_two[col] frames = [df_data_one, df_data_two] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_phosphate_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Gross weight", "Quantity, gross weight"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe = pd.DataFrame() col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['phosphate'], year) for df in df_list: for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Marketable production:": prod = "production" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption:3": prod = "import" if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: product = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "Thousand Metric Tons" data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "W": data["FlowAmount"] = WITHDRAWN_KEYWORD data["Description"] = des data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name data['FlowName'] = name + " " + prod dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_platinum_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_1 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[4:9]).reindex() df_data_1 = df_data_1.reset_index() del df_data_1["index"] df_data_2 = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data.loc[18:30]).reindex() df_data_2 = df_data_2.reset_index() del df_data_2["index"] if len(df_data_1. columns) == 13: df_data_1.columns = ["Production", "space_6", "Units", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] df_data_2.columns = ["Production", "space_6", "Units", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] elif len(df_data_1. columns) == 12: df_data_1.columns = ["Production", "Units", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] df_data_2.columns = ["Production", "Units", "space_1", "year_1", "space_2", "year_2", "space_3", "year_3", "space_4", "year_4", "space_5", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['platinum'], year)) for col in df_data_1.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_1[col] del df_data_2[col] frames = [df_data_1, df_data_2] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_platinum_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["Quantity", "Palladium, Pd content", "Platinum, includes coins, Pt content", "Platinum, Pt content", "Iridium, Ir content", "Osmium, Os content", "Rhodium, Rh content", "Ruthenium, Ru content", "Iridium, osmium, and ruthenium, gross weight", "Rhodium, Rh content"] dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for df in df_list: previous_name = "" for index, row in df.iterrows(): if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Exports, refined:": product = "exports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == \ "Imports for consumption, refined:": product = "imports" elif df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() == "Mine production:2": product = "production" name_array = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip().split(",") if product == "production": name_array = previous_name.split(",") previous_name = df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() name = name_array[0] if df.iloc[index]["Production"].strip() in row_to_use: data = usgs_myb_static_variables() data["SourceName"] = source data["Year"] = str(year) data["Unit"] = "kilograms" data['FlowName'] = name + " " + product data["Description"] = name data["ActivityProducedBy"] = name col_name = usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['platinum'], year) if str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) == "--": data["FlowAmount"] = str(0) else: data["FlowAmount"] = str(df.iloc[index][col_name]) dataframe = dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True) dataframe = assign_fips_location_system( dataframe, str(year)) return dataframe def usgs_potash_call(*, resp, year, **_): """ Convert response for calling url to pandas dataframe, begin parsing df into FBA format :param url: string, url :param resp: df, response from url call :param year: year :return: pandas dataframe of original source data """ df_raw_data_one =, sheet_name='T1') df_data_one = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[6:8]).reindex() df_data_one = df_data_one.reset_index() del df_data_one["index"] df_data_two = pd.DataFrame(df_raw_data_one.loc[17:23]).reindex() df_data_two = df_data_two.reset_index() del df_data_two["index"] if len(df_data_one.columns) > 12: for x in range(12, len(df_data_one.columns)): col_name = "Unnamed: " + str(x) del df_data_one[col_name] del df_data_two[col_name] if len(df_data_one. columns) == 12: df_data_one.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] df_data_two.columns = ["Production", "space_1", "space_2", "year_1", "space_3", "year_2", "space_4", "year_3", "space_5", "year_4", "space_6", "year_5"] col_to_use = ["Production"] col_to_use.append(usgs_myb_year(YEARS_COVERED['potash'], year)) for col in df_data_one.columns: if col not in col_to_use: del df_data_one[col] del df_data_two[col] frames = [df_data_one, df_data_two] df_data = pd.concat(frames) df_data = df_data.reset_index() del df_data["index"] return df_data def usgs_potash_parse(*, df_list, source, year, **_): """ Combine, parse, and format the provided dataframes :param df_list: list of dataframes to concat and format :param source: source :param year: year :return: df, parsed and partially formatted to flowbyactivity specifications """ data = {} row_to_use = ["K2O equivalent"] prod = "" name = usgs_myb_name(source) des = name dataframe =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from rulelist.datastructure.attribute.nominal_attribute import activation_nominal, NominalAttribute class TestNominalAttribute(object): def test_normal(self): dictdata = {"column1" : np.array(["below50" if i < 50 else "above49" for i in range(100)]), "column2" : np.ones(100)} test_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=dictdata) input_name = "column1" input_max_operators = 1 input_minsupp = 0 expected_number_items = 2 expected_cardinality_operator = {1: 2} output_attribute = NominalAttribute(input_name, test_dataframe[input_name], input_max_operators,input_minsupp) actual_number_items= len(output_attribute.items) actual_cardinality_operator = output_attribute.cardinality_operator pd.testing.assert_series_equal(output_attribute.values, test_dataframe[input_name]) assert expected_number_items == actual_number_items assert expected_cardinality_operator == actual_cardinality_operator def test_onlyonevalue(self): dictdata = {"column1" : np.array(["below100" for i in range(100)]), "column2" : np.ones(100)} test_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=dictdata) input_name = "column1" input_max_operators = 1 input_minsupp = 0 expected_number_items = 1 expected_cardinality_operator = {1: 1} expected_n_cutpoints = 3 output_attribute = NominalAttribute(input_name, test_dataframe[input_name], input_max_operators,input_minsupp) actual_number_items= len(output_attribute.items) actual_cardinality_operator = output_attribute.cardinality_operator pd.testing.assert_series_equal(output_attribute.values, test_dataframe[input_name]) assert expected_number_items == actual_number_items assert expected_cardinality_operator == actual_cardinality_operator class TestActivationNominal(object): def test_left_interval(self): dictdata = {"column1" : np.array(["below50" if i < 50 else "above49" for i in range(100)]), "column2" : np.ones(100)} test_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=dictdata) input_attribute_name = "column1" input_category = "below50" expected_vector = pd.Series(name= "column1", data = [True if i < 50 else False for i in range(100)]) actual_vector = activation_nominal(test_dataframe,input_attribute_name,input_category)
pd.testing.assert_series_equal(actual_vector, expected_vector, check_exact=True)
#! -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import cv2 import pickle import os import sys import codecs """This example shows you an example case of flexible-clustering on image data. In this example, it uses sub data from cifar-10 image collection. The clustering setting is - Matrix setting - 1st layer(level=0): dense matrix(feature=100) by PCA - 2nd layer(level=1): original matrix(feature=3072) - Clustering setting - 1st layer(level=0): KMeans(n=10) - 2nd layer(level=1): KMeans(n=3) """ def unpickle(file): with open(file, 'rb') as fo: dict = pickle.load(fo, encoding='bytes') return dict ROOT_IMAGES_DIR = "./images/cifar-10-batches-py" data_batch_1 = "data_batch_1" data_meta = "batches.meta" image_file = unpickle(os.path.join(ROOT_IMAGES_DIR, data_batch_1)) meta_file = unpickle(os.path.join(ROOT_IMAGES_DIR, data_meta)) import sys sys.path.append("..") from flexible_clustering_tree.interface import FlexibleClustering from flexible_clustering_tree.models import FeatureMatrixObject, MultiFeatureMatrixObject, ClusteringOperator, MultiClusteringOperator label_index2label = {i: label for i, label in enumerate(meta_file[b'label_names'])} matrix_index2label = {i: str(label_index2label[label_index]) for i, label_index in enumerate(image_file[b'labels'])} original_feature_matrix = image_file[b'data'] limit_of_sample = 1000 sampled_original_feature_matrix = original_feature_matrix[:limit_of_sample] sampled_matrix_index2label = {i: str(label_index2label[label_index]) for i, label_index in enumerate(image_file[b'labels']) if i < limit_of_sample} # feature decomposition with PCA. We set this matrix as 1st layer(level=0) from sklearn.decomposition.pca import PCA dense_sampled_original_feature_matrix = PCA(n_components=100).fit_transform(sampled_original_feature_matrix) f_obj_1st = FeatureMatrixObject(0, dense_sampled_original_feature_matrix) # set matrix object f_obj_2nd = FeatureMatrixObject(1, sampled_original_feature_matrix) multi_f_obj = MultiFeatureMatrixObject([f_obj_1st, f_obj_2nd], sampled_matrix_index2label) # set clustering algorithm from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from hdbscan import HDBSCAN c_obj_1st = ClusteringOperator(level=0, n_cluster=10, instance_clustering=KMeans(n_clusters=10)) c_obj_2nd = ClusteringOperator(level=1, n_cluster=3, instance_clustering=KMeans(n_clusters=3)) multi_c_obj = MultiClusteringOperator([c_obj_1st, c_obj_2nd]) # run flexible clustering with max depth = 5 flexible_clustering_runner = FlexibleClustering(max_depth=3) index2cluster_id = flexible_clustering_runner.fit_transform(x=multi_f_obj, multi_clustering_operator=multi_c_obj) # generate html page with collapsible tree with"animal_example.html", "w") as f: f.write(flexible_clustering_runner.clustering_tree.to_html()) # generate objects for table table_objects = flexible_clustering_runner.clustering_tree.to_objects() import pandas print(
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import TensorBoard import tensorflow as tf import keras from keras.datasets import mnist from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation from keras import backend as K from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, normalize import pandas as pd import numpy as np import constants #this file is responsible for getting and formatting the data used to create a new prediction. #connect to the database and load in the model db = constants.DATABASES['production'] engine_string = "postgresql+psycopg2://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}".format( user = db['USER'], password = db['PASSWORD'], host = db['HOST'], port = db['PORT'], database = db['NAME'] ) model = tf.keras.models.load_model('model_predictFutureCandle.model') #function to normalize inputs def scale_linear_bycolumn(rawpoints, high=1.0, low=0.0): mins = np.min(rawpoints, axis=0) maxs = np.max(rawpoints, axis=0) rng = maxs - mins return high - (((high - low) * (maxs - rawpoints)) / rng) #pulls in the data for the next prediction and formats it. def prepareData(curr_Pair): #pull in the data and format it by taking the mean between the asking and bid price engine = create_engine(engine_string) data =
pd.read_sql_table(curr_Pair, engine)
# %% import os import sys from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime, timedelta from glob import glob from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile # data wrangling import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd import numpy as np import requests from urllib.error import HTTPError # data maniuplation from convertbng.util import convert_lonlat # logging from shapely.geometry import Point import con_checks as con import geo_checks as geo # %% timestr ="%Y_%m_%d") src_home = Path('./OpenNaPTAN/src/') data_home = Path('./OpenNaPTAN/data/') base_path = (f'{os.getcwd()}') download_home = str(os.path.join(Path.home(), "Downloads")) naptan_csv_url = '' naptan_xml_url = '' # config options pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 5)
# coding:utf-8 # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2016-2020 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import logging from datetime import datetime import numpy import pandas as pd import pymongo from pandas import DataFrame from czsc.Data.financial_mean import financial_dict from czsc.Utils import util_log_info from czsc.Utils.trade_date import util_get_real_date, trade_date_sse, util_date_valid, util_date_stamp, \ util_date_str2int, util_date_int2str # uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/factor' # client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri) from czsc.Setting import CLIENT QA_DATABASE = CLIENT.quantaxis FACTOR_DATABASE = CLIENT.factor def util_code_tostr(code): """ explanation: 将所有沪深股票从数字转化到6位的代码,因为有时候在csv等转换的时候,诸如 000001的股票会变成office强制转化成数字1, 同时支持聚宽股票格式,掘金股票代码格式,Wind股票代码格式,天软股票代码格式 params: * code -> 含义: 代码 类型: str 参数支持: [] """ if isinstance(code, int): return "{:>06d}".format(code) if isinstance(code, str): # 聚宽股票代码格式 '600000.XSHG' # 掘金股票代码格式 'SHSE.600000' # Wind股票代码格式 '600000.SH' # 天软股票代码格式 'SH600000' code = code.upper() # 数据库中code名称都存为大写 if len(code) == 6: return code if len(code) == 8: # 天软数据 return code[-6:] if len(code) == 9: return code[:6] if len(code) == 11: if code[0] in ["S"]: return code.split(".")[1] return code.split(".")[0] raise ValueError("错误的股票代码格式") if isinstance(code, list): return util_code_tostr(code[0]) def util_code_tolist(code, auto_fill=True): """ explanation: 将转换code==> list params: * code -> 含义: 代码 类型: str 参数支持: [] * auto_fill-> 含义: 是否自动补全(一般是用于股票/指数/etf等6位数,期货不适用) (default: {True}) 类型: bool 参数支持: [True] """ if isinstance(code, str): if auto_fill: return [util_code_tostr(code)] else: return [code.upper()] elif isinstance(code, list): if auto_fill: return [util_code_tostr(item) for item in code] else: return [item.upper() for item in code] def now_time(): return str(util_get_real_date(str( - datetime.timedelta(days=1)), trade_date_sse, -1)) + \ ' 17:00:00' if < 15 else str(util_get_real_date( str(, trade_date_sse, -1)) + ' 15:00:00' def fetch_future_day( code, start=None, end=None, format='pandas', collections=QA_DATABASE.future_day ): """ :param code: :param start: :param end: :param format: :param collections: :return: pd.DataFrame columns = ["code", "date", "open", "close", "high", "low", "position", "price", "trade"] """ start = '1990-01-01' if start is None else str(start)[0:10] end ='%Y-%m-%d') if end is None else str(end)[0:10] code = util_code_tolist(code, auto_fill=False) if util_date_valid(end): _data = [] cursor = collections.find( { 'code': { '$in': code }, "date_stamp": { "$lte": util_date_stamp(end), "$gte": util_date_stamp(start) } }, {"_id": 0}, batch_size=10000 ) if format in ['dict', 'json']: return [data for data in cursor] for item in cursor: _data.append( [ str(item['code']), float(item['open']), float(item['high']), float(item['low']), float(item['close']), float(item['position']), float(item['price']), float(item['trade']), item['date'] ] ) # 多种数据格式 if format in ['n', 'N', 'numpy']: _data = numpy.asarray(_data) elif format in ['list', 'l', 'L']: _data = _data elif format in ['P', 'p', 'pandas', 'pd']: _data = DataFrame( _data, columns=[ 'code', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'position', 'price', 'trade', 'date' ] ).drop_duplicates() _data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(_data['date']) _data = _data.set_index('date', drop=False) else: logging.error( "Error fetch_future_day format parameter %s is none of \"P, p, pandas, pd , n, N, numpy !\" " % format ) return _data else: logging.warning('Something wrong with date') def fetch_financial_report(code=None, start=None, end=None, report_date=None, ltype='EN', db=QA_DATABASE): """ 获取专业财务报表 :parmas code: 股票代码或者代码list report_date: 8位数字 ltype: 列名显示的方式 :return DataFrame, 索引为report_date和code """ if isinstance(code, str): code = [code] if isinstance(report_date, str): report_date = [util_date_str2int(report_date)] elif isinstance(report_date, int): report_date = [report_date] elif isinstance(report_date, list): report_date = [util_date_str2int(item) for item in report_date] collection = num_columns = [item[:3] for item in list(financial_dict.keys())] CH_columns = [item[3:] for item in list(financial_dict.keys())] EN_columns = list(financial_dict.values()) filter = {} projection = {"_id": 0} try: if code is not None: filter.update( code={ '$in': code } ) if start or end: start = '1990-01-01' if start is None else str(start)[0:10] end ='%Y-%m-%d') if end is None else str(end)[0:10] if not util_date_valid(end): util_log_info('Something wrong with end date {}'.format(end)) return if not util_date_valid(start): util_log_info('Something wrong with start date {}'.format(start)) return filter.update( report_date={ "$lte": util_date_str2int(end), "$gte": util_date_str2int(start) } ) elif report_date is not None: filter.update( report_date={ '$in': report_date } ) collection.create_index([('report_date', -1), ('code', 1)]) data = [ item for item in collection.find( filter=filter, projection=projection, batch_size=10000, # sort=[('report_date', -1)] ) ] if len(data) > 0: res_pd = pd.DataFrame(data) if ltype in ['CH', 'CN']: cndict = dict(zip(num_columns, CH_columns)) cndict['code'] = 'code' cndict['report_date'] = 'report_date' res_pd.columns = x: cndict[x]) elif ltype is 'EN': endict = dict(zip(num_columns, EN_columns)) endict['code'] = 'code' endict['report_date'] = 'report_date' try: res_pd.columns = x: endict[x]) except Exception as e: print(e) if res_pd.report_date.dtype == numpy.int64: res_pd.report_date = pd.to_datetime( res_pd.report_date.apply(util_date_int2str) ) else: res_pd.report_date = pd.to_datetime(res_pd.report_date) return res_pd.replace(-4.039810335e+34, numpy.nan).set_index( ['report_date', 'code'], # drop=False ) else: return None except Exception as e: raise e def fetch_future_bi_day( code, start=None, end=None, limit=2, format='pandas', collections=FACTOR_DATABASE.future_bi_day ): """ :param code: :param start: :param end: :param limit: 如果有limit,直接按limit的数量取 :param format: :param collections: :return: pd.DataFrame columns = ["code", "date", "value", "fx_mark"] """ code = util_code_tolist(code, auto_fill=False) filter = { 'code': { '$in': code } } projection = {"_id": 0} if start or end: start = '1990-01-01' if start is None else str(start)[0:10] end ='%Y-%m-%d') if end is None else str(end)[0:10] if not util_date_valid(end): logging.warning('Something wrong with date') return filter.update( date_stamp={ "$lte": util_date_stamp(end), "$gte": util_date_stamp(start) } ) cursor = collections.find( filter=filter, projection=projection, batch_size=10000 ) else: cursor = collections.find( filter=filter, projection=projection, limit=limit, sort=[('date', -1)], batch_size=10000 ) _data = [] if format in ['dict', 'json']: _data = [data for data in cursor] # 调整未顺序排列 if not(start or end): _data = _data[::-1] return _data for item in cursor: _data.append( [ str(item['code']), item['date'], str(item['fx_mark']), item['fx_start'], item['fx_end'], float(item['value']) ] ) if not (start or end): _data = _data[::-1] # 多种数据格式 if format in ['n', 'N', 'numpy']: _data = numpy.asarray(_data) elif format in ['list', 'l', 'L']: _data = _data elif format in ['P', 'p', 'pandas', 'pd']: _data = DataFrame( _data, columns=[ 'code', 'date', 'fx_mark', 'fx_start', 'fx_end', 'value' ] ).drop_duplicates() _data['date'] =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: HYPJUDY 2019/4/15 Decoupling Localization and Classification in Single Shot Temporal Action Detection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operations used by Decouple-SSAD """ import pandas as pd import pandas import numpy as np import numpy import os import tensorflow as tf from os.path import join #################################### TRAIN & TEST ##################################### def abs_smooth(x): """Smoothed absolute function. Useful to compute an L1 smooth error. Define as: x^2 / 2 if abs(x) < 1 abs(x) - 0.5 if abs(x) > 1 We use here a differentiable definition using min(x) and abs(x). Clearly not optimal, but good enough for our purpose! """ absx = tf.abs(x) minx = tf.minimum(absx, 1) r = 0.5 * ((absx - 1) * minx + absx) return r def jaccard_with_anchors(anchors_min, anchors_max, len_anchors, box_min, box_max): """Compute jaccard score between a box and the anchors. """ int_xmin = tf.maximum(anchors_min, box_min) int_xmax = tf.minimum(anchors_max, box_max) inter_len = tf.maximum(int_xmax - int_xmin, 0.) union_len = len_anchors - inter_len + box_max - box_min jaccard = tf.div(inter_len, union_len) return jaccard def loop_condition(idx, b_anchors_rx, b_anchors_rw, b_glabels, b_gbboxes, b_match_x, b_match_w, b_match_labels, b_match_scores): r = tf.less(idx, tf.shape(b_glabels)) return r[0] def loop_body(idx, b_anchors_rx, b_anchors_rw, b_glabels, b_gbboxes, b_match_x, b_match_w, b_match_labels, b_match_scores): num_class = b_match_labels.get_shape().as_list()[-1] label = b_glabels[idx][0:num_class] box_min = b_gbboxes[idx, 0] box_max = b_gbboxes[idx, 1] # ground truth box_x = (box_max + box_min) / 2 box_w = (box_max - box_min) # predict anchors_min = b_anchors_rx - b_anchors_rw / 2 anchors_max = b_anchors_rx + b_anchors_rw / 2 len_anchors = anchors_max - anchors_min jaccards = jaccard_with_anchors(anchors_min, anchors_max, len_anchors, box_min, box_max) # jaccards > b_match_scores > -0.5 & jaccards > matching_threshold mask = tf.greater(jaccards, b_match_scores) matching_threshold = 0.5 mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(jaccards, matching_threshold)) mask = tf.logical_and(mask, b_match_scores > -0.5) imask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int32) fmask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32) # Update values using mask. # if overlap enough, update b_match_* with gt, otherwise not update b_match_x = fmask * box_x + (1 - fmask) * b_match_x b_match_w = fmask * box_w + (1 - fmask) * b_match_w ref_label = tf.zeros(tf.shape(b_match_labels), dtype=tf.int32) ref_label = ref_label + label b_match_labels = tf.matmul(tf.diag(imask), ref_label) + tf.matmul(tf.diag(1 - imask), b_match_labels) b_match_scores = tf.maximum(jaccards, b_match_scores) return [idx + 1, b_anchors_rx, b_anchors_rw, b_glabels, b_gbboxes, b_match_x, b_match_w, b_match_labels, b_match_scores] def default_box(layer_steps, scale, a_ratios): width_set = [scale * ratio for ratio in a_ratios] center_set = [1. / layer_steps * i + 0.5 / layer_steps for i in range(layer_steps)] width_default = [] center_default = [] for i in range(layer_steps): for j in range(len(a_ratios)): width_default.append(width_set[j]) center_default.append(center_set[i]) width_default = np.array(width_default) center_default = np.array(center_default) return width_default, center_default def anchor_box_adjust(anchors, config, layer_name, pre_rx=None, pre_rw=None): if pre_rx == None: dboxes_w, dboxes_x = default_box(config.num_anchors[layer_name], config.scale[layer_name], config.aspect_ratios[layer_name]) else: dboxes_x = pre_rx dboxes_w = pre_rw anchors_conf = anchors[:, :, -3] # anchors_conf=tf.nn.sigmoid(anchors_conf) anchors_rx = anchors[:, :, -2] anchors_rw = anchors[:, :, -1] anchors_rx = anchors_rx * dboxes_w * 0.1 + dboxes_x anchors_rw = tf.exp(0.1 * anchors_rw) * dboxes_w # anchors_class=anchors[:,:,:config.num_classes] num_class = anchors.get_shape().as_list()[-1] - 3 anchors_class = anchors[:, :, :num_class] return anchors_class, anchors_conf, anchors_rx, anchors_rw # This function is mainly used for producing matched ground truth with # each adjusted anchors after predicting one by one # the matched ground truth may be positive/negative, # the matched x,w,labels,scores all corresponding to this anchor def anchor_bboxes_encode(anchors, glabels, gbboxes, Index, config, layer_name, pre_rx=None, pre_rw=None): num_anchors = config.num_anchors[layer_name] num_dbox = config.num_dbox[layer_name] # num_classes = config.num_classes num_classes = anchors.get_shape().as_list()[-1] - 3 dtype = tf.float32 anchors_class, anchors_conf, anchors_rx, anchors_rw = \ anchor_box_adjust(anchors, config, layer_name, pre_rx, pre_rw) batch_match_x = tf.reshape(tf.constant([]), [-1, num_anchors * num_dbox]) batch_match_w = tf.reshape(tf.constant([]), [-1, num_anchors * num_dbox]) batch_match_scores = tf.reshape(tf.constant([]), [-1, num_anchors * num_dbox]) batch_match_labels = tf.reshape(tf.constant([], dtype=tf.int32), [-1, num_anchors * num_dbox, num_classes]) for i in range(config.batch_size): shape = (num_anchors * num_dbox) match_x = tf.zeros(shape, dtype) match_w = tf.zeros(shape, dtype) match_scores = tf.zeros(shape, dtype) match_labels_other = tf.ones((num_anchors * num_dbox, 1), dtype=tf.int32) match_labels_class = tf.zeros((num_anchors * num_dbox, num_classes - 1), dtype=tf.int32) match_labels = tf.concat([match_labels_other, match_labels_class], axis=-1) b_anchors_rx = anchors_rx[i] b_anchors_rw = anchors_rw[i] b_glabels = glabels[Index[i]:Index[i + 1]] b_gbboxes = gbboxes[Index[i]:Index[i + 1]] idx = 0 [idx, b_anchors_rx, b_anchors_rw, b_glabels, b_gbboxes, match_x, match_w, match_labels, match_scores] = \ tf.while_loop(loop_condition, loop_body, [idx, b_anchors_rx, b_anchors_rw, b_glabels, b_gbboxes, match_x, match_w, match_labels, match_scores]) match_x = tf.reshape(match_x, [-1, num_anchors * num_dbox]) batch_match_x = tf.concat([batch_match_x, match_x], axis=0) match_w = tf.reshape(match_w, [-1, num_anchors * num_dbox]) batch_match_w = tf.concat([batch_match_w, match_w], axis=0) match_scores = tf.reshape(match_scores, [-1, num_anchors * num_dbox]) batch_match_scores = tf.concat([batch_match_scores, match_scores], axis=0) match_labels = tf.reshape(match_labels, [-1, num_anchors * num_dbox, num_classes]) batch_match_labels = tf.concat([batch_match_labels, match_labels], axis=0) return [batch_match_x, batch_match_w, batch_match_labels, batch_match_scores, anchors_class, anchors_conf, anchors_rx, anchors_rw] def in_conv(layer, initer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=5)): net = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=layer, filters=1024, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=initer) out = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=net, filters=1024, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same', activation=None, kernel_initializer=initer) return out def out_conv(layer, initer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=5)): net = tf.nn.relu(layer) out = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=net, filters=1024, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=initer) return out ############################ TRAIN and TEST NETWORK LAYER ############################### def get_trainable_variables(): trainable_variables_scope = [ for a in tf.trainable_variables()] trainable_variables_list = tf.trainable_variables() trainable_variables = [] for i in range(len(trainable_variables_scope)): if ("base_feature_network" in trainable_variables_scope[i]) or \ ("anchor_layer" in trainable_variables_scope[i]) or \ ("predict_layer" in trainable_variables_scope[i]): trainable_variables.append(trainable_variables_list[i]) return trainable_variables def base_feature_network(X, mode=''): # main network initer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=5) with tf.variable_scope("base_feature_network" + mode): # ----------------------- Base layers ---------------------- # [batch_size, 128, 1024] net = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=X, filters=512, kernel_size=9, strides=1, padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=initer) # [batch_size, 128, 512] net = tf.layers.max_pooling1d(inputs=net, pool_size=4, strides=2, padding='same') # [batch_size, 64, 512] net = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=net, filters=512, kernel_size=9, strides=1, padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=initer) # [batch_size, 64, 512] net = tf.layers.max_pooling1d(inputs=net, pool_size=4, strides=2, padding='same') # [batch_size, 32, 512] return net def main_anchor_layer(net, mode=''): # main network initer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=5) with tf.variable_scope("main_anchor_layer" + mode): # ----------------------- Anchor layers ---------------------- MAL1 = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=net, filters=1024, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=initer) # [batch_size, 16, 1024] MAL2 = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=MAL1, filters=1024, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=initer) # [batch_size, 8, 1024] MAL3 = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=MAL2, filters=1024, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding='same', activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=initer) # [batch_size, 4, 1024] return MAL1, MAL2, MAL3 def branch_anchor_layer(MALs, name=''): MAL1, MAL2, MAL3 = MALs with tf.variable_scope("branch_anchor_layer" + name): BAL3 = out_conv(in_conv(MAL3)) # [batch_size, 4, 1024] BAL3_expd = tf.expand_dims(BAL3, 1) # [batch_size, 1, 4, 1024] BAL3_de = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(BAL3_expd, 1024, kernel_size=(1, 4), strides=(1, 2), padding='same') # [batch_size, 1, 8, 1024] BAL3_up = tf.reduce_sum(BAL3_de, [1]) # [batch_size, 8, 1024] MAL2_in_conv = in_conv(MAL2) BAL2 = out_conv((MAL2_in_conv * 2 + BAL3_up) / 3) # [batch_size, 8, 1024] MAL2_expd = tf.expand_dims(BAL2, 1) # [batch_size, 1, 8, 1024] MAL2_de = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(MAL2_expd, 1024, kernel_size=(1, 4), strides=(1, 2), padding='same') # [batch_size, 1, 16, 1024] MAL2_up = tf.reduce_sum(MAL2_de, [1]) # [batch_size, 16, 1024] MAL1_in_conv = in_conv(MAL1) BAL1 = out_conv((MAL1_in_conv * 2 + MAL2_up) / 3) # [batch_size, 16, 1024] return BAL1, BAL2, BAL3 # action or not + conf + location (center&width) # Anchor Binary Classification and Regression def biClsReg_predict_layer(config, layer, layer_name, specific_layer): num_dbox = config.num_dbox[layer_name] with tf.variable_scope("biClsReg_predict_layer" + layer_name + specific_layer): anchor = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=layer, filters=num_dbox * (1 + 3), kernel_size=3, padding='same', kernel_initializer= tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=5)) anchor = tf.reshape(anchor, [config.batch_size, -1, (1 + 3)]) return anchor # action or not + class score + conf + location (center&width) # Action Multi-Class Classification and Regression def mulClsReg_predict_layer(config, layer, layer_name, specific_layer): num_dbox = config.num_dbox[layer_name] ncls = config.num_classes with tf.variable_scope("mulClsReg_predict_layer" + layer_name + specific_layer): anchor = tf.layers.conv1d(inputs=layer, filters=num_dbox * (ncls + 3), kernel_size=3, padding='same', kernel_initializer= tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed=5)) anchor = tf.reshape(anchor, [config.batch_size, -1, (ncls + 3)]) return anchor #################################### TRAIN LOSS ##################################### def loss_function(anchors_class, anchors_conf, anchors_xmin, anchors_xmax, match_x, match_w, match_labels, match_scores, config): match_xmin = match_x - match_w / 2 match_xmax = match_x + match_w / 2 pmask = tf.cast(match_scores > 0.5, dtype=tf.float32) num_positive = tf.reduce_sum(pmask) num_entries = tf.cast(tf.size(match_scores), dtype=tf.float32) hmask = match_scores < 0.5 hmask = tf.logical_and(hmask, anchors_conf > 0.5) hmask = tf.cast(hmask, dtype=tf.float32) num_hard = tf.reduce_sum(hmask) # the meaning of r_negative: the ratio of anchors need to choose from easy negative anchors # If we have `num_positive` positive anchors in training data, # then we only need `config.negative_ratio*num_positive` negative anchors # r_negative=(number of easy negative anchors need to choose from all easy negative) / (number of easy negative) # the meaning of easy negative: all-pos-hard_neg r_negative = (config.negative_ratio - num_hard / num_positive) * num_positive / ( num_entries - num_positive - num_hard) r_negative = tf.minimum(r_negative, 1) nmask = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(pmask), dtype=tf.float32) nmask = nmask * (1. - pmask) nmask = nmask * (1. - hmask) nmask = tf.cast(nmask > (1. - r_negative), dtype=tf.float32) # class_loss weights = pmask + nmask + hmask class_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=anchors_class, labels=match_labels) class_loss = tf.losses.compute_weighted_loss(class_loss, weights) # correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(anchors_class, 2), tf.argmax(match_labels, 2)) # accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, dtype=tf.float32)) # loc_loss weights = pmask loc_loss = abs_smooth(anchors_xmin - match_xmin) + abs_smooth(anchors_xmax - match_xmax) loc_loss = tf.losses.compute_weighted_loss(loc_loss, weights) # conf loss weights = pmask + nmask + hmask # match_scores is from jaccard_with_anchors conf_loss = abs_smooth(match_scores - anchors_conf) conf_loss = tf.losses.compute_weighted_loss(conf_loss, weights) return class_loss, loc_loss, conf_loss #################################### POST PROCESS ##################################### def min_max_norm(X): # map [0,1] -> [0.5,0.73] (almost linearly) ([-1, 0] -> [0.26, 0.5]) return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-1.0 * X)) def post_process(df, config): class_scores_class = [(df['score_' + str(i)]).values[:].tolist() for i in range(21)] class_scores_seg = [[class_scores_class[j][i] for j in range(21)] for i in range(len(df))] class_real = [0] + config.class_real # num_classes + 1 # save the top 2 or 3 score element # append the largest score element class_type_list = [] class_score_list = [] for i in range(len(df)): class_score = np.array(class_scores_seg[i][1:]) * min_max_norm(df.conf.values[i]) class_score = class_score.tolist() class_type = class_real[class_score.index(max(class_score)) + 1] class_type_list.append(class_type) class_score_list.append(max(class_score)) resultDf1 = pd.DataFrame() resultDf1['out_type'] = class_type_list resultDf1['out_score'] = class_score_list resultDf1['start'] = df.xmin.values[:] resultDf1['end'] = df.xmax.values[:] # append the second largest score element class_type_list = [] class_score_list = [] for i in range(len(df)): class_score = np.array(class_scores_seg[i][1:]) * min_max_norm(df.conf.values[i]) class_score = class_score.tolist() class_score[class_score.index(max(class_score))] = 0 class_type = class_real[class_score.index(max(class_score)) + 1] class_type_list.append(class_type) class_score_list.append(max(class_score)) resultDf2 = pd.DataFrame() resultDf2['out_type'] = class_type_list resultDf2['out_score'] = class_score_list resultDf2['start'] = df.xmin.values[:] resultDf2['end'] = df.xmax.values[:] resultDf1 = pd.concat([resultDf1, resultDf2]) # # append the third largest score element (improve little and slow) class_type_list = [] class_score_list = [] for i in range(len(df)): class_score = np.array(class_scores_seg[i][1:]) * min_max_norm(df.conf.values[i]) class_score = class_score.tolist() class_score[class_score.index(max(class_score))] = 0 class_score[class_score.index(max(class_score))] = 0 class_type = class_real[class_score.index(max(class_score)) + 1] class_type_list.append(class_type) class_score_list.append(max(class_score)) resultDf2 = pd.DataFrame() resultDf2['out_type'] = class_type_list resultDf2['out_score'] = class_score_list resultDf2['start'] = df.xmin.values[:] resultDf2['end'] = df.xmax.values[:] resultDf1 =
pd.concat([resultDf1, resultDf2])
import os import subprocess from glob import glob import argparse import sys from em import molecule from em.dataset import metrics from mpi4py import MPI from mpi4py.futures import MPICommExecutor from concurrent.futures import wait from scipy.spatial import cKDTree import numpy as np import pandas as pd import traceback import random import json from json import encoder from skimage.measure import regionprops from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt, gaussian_filter from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, PDBIO def convert(o): if isinstance(o, np.generic): return o.item() raise TypeError # Intersección de mapas simulados de pedazos con original # Si hay traslape debe anotarse # Obtiene mapa anotado según label, tipo float # Revisa pedazos no asociados, utiliza holgura, hace una pasada # obtiene stats # Lo guarda en disco def annotateSample(map_id, indexes, df, fullness,columns, output_dir): map_path =[indexes[0], columns['map_path']] annotated_path = os.path.join(output_dir,map_path.replace('.','_gt.')) contourLvl = float([indexes[0], columns['contourLevel']]) map_to_annotate = molecule.Molecule(map_path, recommendedContour=contourLvl) data_map = map_mask = map_to_annotate.getContourMasks()[1] result = {} result['map_path'] = map_path result['contourLevel'] = contourLvl result['total'] = map_to_annotate.getVolume()[1] # Set to 0 all voxels outside contour level, otherwise fill with a marker marker = 10000 data_map[np.logical_not(map_mask)] = 0 data_map[map_mask] = marker labels = [] chain_label_id_dict = {} print('Tagging em map {}'.format(os.path.basename(map_path))) for i in indexes: segment_path =[i, columns['subunit_path']] if os.path.exists(segment_path): segment_label = int(float([i, columns['chain_label']])) chain_label_id_dict[[i,columns['chain_label']]] =[i,columns['chain_id']] segment_map = molecule.Molecule(segment_path, recommendedContour=0.001) segment_mask = segment_map.getContourMasks()[1] print("Number of voxels in segment {}".format(np.sum(segment_mask))) masks_intersec = np.logical_and(map_mask, segment_mask) print("Number of voxels in intersection {}".format(np.sum(masks_intersec))) data_map[masks_intersec] = segment_label labels.append(segment_label) print("Chain {}, voxels {}".format(segment_label,segment_map.getVolume()[1])) print(" Matching {} of {} voxels".format(np.sum(masks_intersec), np.sum(segment_mask))) else: return ValueError('There is a problem getting segments for {}'.format(aligned_path)) # Get non assigned voxels dim1,dim2,dim3 = np.where(data_map == marker) nonassigned_points = np.array(list(map(list,zip(dim1,dim2,dim3)))) # Get assigned voxels coords dim1,dim2,dim3 = np.where(np.logical_and((data_map != marker), (data_map != 0))) # Combine list of indexes into a list of points in 3D space assigned_points = list(map(list,zip(dim1,dim2,dim3))) print("Asigned voxels : {}".format(len(assigned_points))) print("Non asigned voxels : {}".format(len(nonassigned_points))) print("Total number of voxels: {}".format(map_to_annotate.getVolume()[1])) # If any voxel remain if (len(nonassigned_points) > 0) & (len(assigned_points)>0): # Create KDTree with assigned points tree = cKDTree(assigned_points) # Search for nearest point d,i = tree.query(nonassigned_points) neighbors_index =[i].astype(int) # Use voxels inside fullnes value only mask = d <= fullness mask_inv = np.logical_not(mask) points_to_reassign = nonassigned_points[mask] points_to_discard = nonassigned_points[mask_inv] neighbors_index = neighbors_index[mask] d1_i, d2_i, d3_i = neighbors_index[:,0], neighbors_index[:,1], neighbors_index[:,2] # Replace values in map with search result values_to_map = data_map[d1_i,d2_i,d3_i] for point,value in zip(points_to_reassign,values_to_map): data_map[point[0],point[1],point[2]] = value # Set voxels outside fullness value to 0 for point in points_to_discard: data_map[point[0],point[1],point[2]] = 0 result['voxels_reasigned'] = np.sum(mask) result['voxels_discarted'] = np.sum(mask_inv) else: print(" No more voxels to assign") result['voxels_reasigned'] = 0 result['voxels_discarted'] = 0 dim1,dim2,dim3 = np.where(data_map == marker) if len(dim1)>0: print("there shuldnt be markers in array of labels.. check this {}".format(os.path.basename(map_path))) # print labels voxels_dict = {} for l in labels: voxels_dict[l]=np.sum(data_map==l) filename = map_path.replace(str(map_path[-4:]), '_'+chain_label_id_dict[l]+'.npy') map_masked = np.copy(data_map) print("Voxels for label {} :{}".format(l, voxels_dict[l])) map_masked[data_map==l] = 1.0 map_masked[data_map!=l] = 0.0 print("saved volume of {}".format(map_masked.sum())), map_masked) print("saved {}".format(filename)) # Compute euler numbers euler_dict = {} for region in regionprops(data_map.astype(np.int32)): euler_dict[region.label] = region.euler_number # Save map result['euler_segments'] = json.dumps(euler_dict, default=convert) result['voxels_assigned'] = json.dumps(voxels_dict, default=convert) result['tag_path'] = annotated_path result['map_id'] = map_id map_to_annotate.setData(data_map) return result def annotatePoints(df, i, output_path, number_points=3, gaussian_std=3): output_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id','map_path','contourLevel','subunit', 'tagged_path', 'number_points','tagged_points_path']) #print("aa{}".format(df.iloc[i]['tagged_path'])) tagged_map = molecule.Molecule(df.iloc[i]['tagged_path'], 0.001).getEmMap().data() #print("unique",np.unique(tagged_map)) for region in regionprops(tagged_map.astype(np.int32)): label = int(region.label) region_gt = np.copy(tagged_map) region_gt[ region_gt != label ] = 0.0 region_gt[ region_gt == label ] = 1.0 #print("number",np.sum(region_gt==1.0)) #print("in label {}".format(label)) basename = df.iloc[i]['id']+'_'+str(label)+'.npy' region_path = os.path.join(output_path,basename) #print("pathh {}".format(region_path)) distance = distance_transform_edt(region_gt) distance[distance != 1] = 0 index_x, index_y, index_z = np.where(distance == 1) chosen_indexes = np.random.choice(len(index_x), number_points, replace=False) #print("indexes:",chosen_indexes) index_x = index_x[chosen_indexes] index_y = index_y[chosen_indexes] index_z = index_z[chosen_indexes] point_array = np.zeros_like(region_gt) point_array[index_x,index_y,index_z] = 1.0 point_array = gaussian_filter(point_array, gaussian_std),point_array) #print("saved {}".format(np.sum(point_array))) output_df = output_df.append({'id':df.iloc[i]['id'], 'map_path':df.iloc[i]['map_path'], 'contourLevel':df.iloc[i]['contourLevel'], 'subunit':label, 'tagged_path':df.iloc[i]['tagged_path'], 'number_points':number_points, 'tagged_points_path':region_path}, ignore_index=True) #print("output_df: ", output_df) return output_df def compute_adjacency(df, i): # Get EM map id map_id = df.iloc[i]['id'] # Get pdb path and chain id pdb_path = df.iloc[i]['pdb_path'] chain = df.iloc[i]['fitted_entries'] # Create parser and get readed object parser = PDBParser(PERMISSIVE = True, QUIET = True) pdb_obj = parser.get_structure(chain, pdb_path) # Compute dictionary to translate chain id (letter) to chain label (number) chain_id_list = [chain._id for chain in pdb_obj.get_chains()] chain_label_list = [i for i in range(1,len(chain_id_list)+1)] dict_label_id_chain = dict(zip(chain_id_list,chain_label_list)) # Create dictionaries to store coords and kdtree for each chain dict_chain_kdtree = dict() # Create dictionary to store final adjency data adjacency_dict = dict() # Compute kdtree for each chain and assign it along with their coords to the corresponding chain label in dict for c in pdb_obj.get_chains(): ca_coord_list = [atom.coord for atom in c.get_atoms() if"CA"] chain_id = print("get {} atoms for chain {}".format(len(ca_coord_list), chain_id)) if len(ca_coord_list) == 0: continue else: kdtree = cKDTree(ca_coord_list) dict_chain_kdtree[dict_label_id_chain[chain_id]] = kdtree # Loop over chains again to compute adjacency (if exists an atom from other chain at a distance of 4 o less Angstroms ) for c in dict_chain_kdtree.keys(): # Get atoms coords for current chain from dict current_chain_adjacency_dict = dict() current_kdtree = dict_chain_kdtree[c] # For every other chain, loop atoms to find adjacency or until atom list is empty. for c_i in dict_chain_kdtree.keys(): if c == c_i: continue else: print("Comparing {} against {}".format(c,c_i)) # Get kdtree to compare with chain_kdtree = dict_chain_kdtree[c_i] # Get adjacent atoms within radius of 4 Angstroms adjacent_atoms = current_kdtree.query_ball_tree(chain_kdtree, r=5) number_adjacencies = np.sum([len(adjacent) for adjacent in adjacent_atoms]) if number_adjacencies > 0: current_chain_adjacency_dict[c_i] = 1 else: current_chain_adjacency_dict[c_i] = 0 adjacency_dict[c] = current_chain_adjacency_dict label_id_chain = json.dumps(dict_label_id_chain, default=convert) adjacency = json.dumps(adjacency_dict, default=convert) return pd.Series( [map_id, label_id_chain, adjacency], index=['map_id','chain_id_to_label','adjacency']) def mapMetricsCompute(row,match_dict): map_id = row['id'] tagged_path = row['tagged_path'] contour = 0.001 compare_path = match_dict[map_id] sample = molecule.Molecule(tagged_path, contour) labeled = molecule.Molecule(compare_path, contour) iou = metrics.intersection_over_union(sample, labeled) h = metrics.homogenity(sample, labeled) p = metrics.proportion(sample, labeled) c = metrics.consistency(sample, labeled) return pd.Series( [map_id, row['map_path'], tagged_path, row['contourLevel'], compare_path, iou, h, p, c ], index=['id', 'map_path','tagged_path', 'contourLevel', 'reference_path', 'iou', 'homogenity', 'proportion', 'consistency']) def doParallelTagging(df, fullness, gt_path, columns): unique_id_list = df[columns['id']].unique().tolist() # Construct dataframe to store results output_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id','map_path','contourLevel','tagged_path','subunits','matched_subunits','voxels','voxels_matched','voxels_discarted','voxels_reassigned','voxels_assigned','euler_segments']) print("Spawn procecess...") comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() with MPICommExecutor(comm, root=0, worker_size=size) as executor: if executor is not None: futures = [] # For each map, perform annotation for i in unique_id_list: subunit_indexes = df.loc[df[columns['id']]==i].index.tolist() futures.append(executor.submit(annotateSample,i, subunit_indexes, df, fullness, columns, gt_path)) wait(futures) for f in futures: try: res = f.result() map_id = res['map_id'] voxels_assigned = json.loads(res['voxels_assigned']) euler_segments = json.loads(res['euler_segments']) voxels_reassigned = res['voxels_reasigned'] voxels_discarted = res['voxels_discarted'] tagged_path = res['tag_path'] map_path = res['map_path'] contour = res['contourLevel'] voxels_num = res['total'] print("Received {}".format(res)) # Get number of segments matched segments_matched = 0 voxels_matched = 0 for key in voxels_assigned.keys(): matched_num = voxels_assigned[key] if matched_num > 0: segments_matched+=1 voxels_matched += matched_num #'tagged_path', 'subunits','matched_subunits', 'voxels', 'voxels_matched', 'matched_per_segment' output_df = output_df.append({'id':map_id, 'map_path':map_path, 'contourLevel':contour, 'tagged_path':tagged_path, 'subunits':len(voxels_assigned.keys()), 'matched_subunits':segments_matched, 'voxels':voxels_num, 'voxels_matched':voxels_matched, 'voxels_discarted':voxels_discarted, 'voxels_reassigned':voxels_reassigned, 'voxels_assigned':voxels_assigned, 'euler_segments':euler_segments}, ignore_index=True) except ValueError as error: print("Error asignating segments for {}".format(map_id)) return output_df def doParallelAdjacency(df): id_list = df.index.tolist() print("Spawn procecess...") comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() output_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['map_id','chain_id_to_label', 'adjacency']) ''' with MPICommExecutor(comm, root=0, worker_size=size) as executor: if executor is not None: futures = [] # For each map, perform annotation for i in id_list: futures.append(executor.submit(compute_adjacency,df,i)) wait(futures) for f in futures: try: res = f.result() print("Received {}".format(res)) output_df = output_df.append(res, ignore_index=True) except Exception as error: print(traceback.format_exc()) ''' for i in id_list: res = compute_adjacency(df,i) output_df = output_df.append(res, ignore_index=True) return output_df def doParallelExtremePointAnnotation(df, output_path): indexes = df.index.tolist() output_df =
pd.DataFrame(columns=['id','map_path','contourLevel','subunit', 'tagged_path', 'number_points','tagged_points_path'])
""" Evaluates the model. """ import argparse import matplotlib as mpl # do not use Qt/X that require $DISPLAY, must be called before importing pyplot mpl.use('Agg') import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from prepare_training_data import load_indexes, load_transformers import plots def evaluate_model(data_dir, model_dir): evaluation_dir = model_dir + '/evaluation' ix = load_indexes(data_dir) predictions = pd.read_csv(model_dir + '/output-data/predictions.csv') instr_family_le, scaler, _ = load_transformers(model_dir) training_history = pd.read_csv(evaluation_dir + '/learning_curves.csv') final_metrics =
pd.read_csv(evaluation_dir + '/final_metrics.csv', index_col=0)
"""Тесты для таблицы с торгуемыми ценными бумагами.""" from datetime import date import pandas as pd import pytest from import ports from import events from import base, securities from poptimizer.shared import col TICKER_CASES = ( ("GAZP", 0), ("SNGSP", 1), ("WRONG", None), ("AAPL-RM", None), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ticker, answer", TICKER_CASES) def test_ticker_type(ticker, answer): """Проверка, что тикер соответствует обыкновенной акции.""" if answer is None: with pytest.raises(securities.WrongTickerTypeError, match=ticker): securities._ticker_type(ticker) else: assert securities._ticker_type(ticker) is answer @pytest.fixture(scope="function", name="table") def create_table(): """Создает пустую таблицу для тестов.""" id_ = base.create_id(ports.SECURITIES) return securities.Securities(id_) def test_update_cond(table): """Обновление происходит всегда при поступлении события.""" assert table._update_cond(object()) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_load_and_format_df(table, mocker): """Данные загружаются и добавляется колонка с названием рынка.""" fake_gateway = mocker.AsyncMock() fake_gateway.return_value = pd.DataFrame([1, 2]) table._gateway = fake_gateway df = await table._load_and_format_df( "m1", "b1", lambda index: 1 + index * 2, ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( df, pd.DataFrame( [[1, "m1", 1], [2, "m1", 3]], columns=[0, col.MARKET, col.TICKER_TYPE], ), ) fake_gateway.assert_called_once_with(market="m1", board="b1") @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_prepare_df(table, mocker): """Данные загружаются объединяются и сортируются.""" dfs = [
pd.DataFrame([1, 4], index=["AKRN", "RTKMP"])
# Copyright (c) 2019, MD2K Center of Excellence # - <NAME> <<EMAIL>>, <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import numpy as np import pandas as pd from geopy.distance import great_circle from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, PandasUDFType from import GroupedData from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, DoubleType, IntegerType from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull from shapely.geometry.multipoint import MultiPoint from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from cerebralcortex.algorithms.utils.mprov_helper import CC_MProvAgg from cerebralcortex.algorithms.utils.util import update_metadata from cerebralcortex.core.datatypes import DataStream from import Metadata def impute_gps_data(ds, accuracy_threashold:int=100): """ Inpute GPS data Args: ds (DataStream): Windowed/grouped DataStream object accuracy_threashold (int): Returns: DataStream object """ schema = ds._data.schema @pandas_udf(schema, PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP) def gps_imputer(data): data = data.sort_values('localtime').reset_index(drop=True) data['latitude'][data.accuracy > accuracy_threashold] = np.nan data['longitude'][data.accuracy > accuracy_threashold] = np.nan data = data.fillna(method='ffill').dropna() return data # check if datastream object contains grouped type of DataFrame if not isinstance(ds._data, GroupedData): raise Exception( "DataStream object is not grouped data type. Please use 'window' operation on datastream object before running this algorithm") data = ds._data.apply(gps_imputer) results = DataStream(data=data, metadata=Metadata()) metadta = update_metadata(stream_metadata=results.metadata, stream_name="gps--org.md2k.imputed", stream_desc="impute GPS data", module_name="cerebralcortex.algorithms.gps.clustering.impute_gps_data", module_version="1.0.0", authors=[{"Azim": "<EMAIL>"}]) results.metadata = metadta return results def cluster_gps(ds: DataStream, epsilon_constant:int = 1000, km_per_radian:int = 6371.0088, geo_fence_distance:int = 30, minimum_points_in_cluster:int = 1, latitude_column_name:str = 'latitude', longitude_column_name:str = 'longitude'): """ Cluster GPS data - Algorithm used to cluster GPS data is based on DBScan Args: ds (DataStream): Windowed/grouped DataStream object epsilon_constant (int): km_per_radian (int): geo_fence_distance (int): minimum_points_in_cluster (int): latitude_column_name (str): longitude_column_name (str): Returns: DataStream object """ centroid_id_name = 'centroid_id' features_list = [StructField('centroid_longitude', DoubleType()), StructField('centroid_latitude', DoubleType()), StructField('centroid_id', IntegerType()), StructField('centroid_area', DoubleType())] schema = StructType(ds._data._df.schema.fields + features_list) column_names = [ for a in schema.fields] def reproject(latitude, longitude): from math import pi, cos, radians earth_radius = 6371009 # in meters lat_dist = pi * earth_radius / 180.0 y = [lat * lat_dist for lat in latitude] x = [long * lat_dist * cos(radians(lat)) for lat, long in zip(latitude, longitude)] return np.column_stack((x, y)) def get_centermost_point(cluster: np.ndarray) -> object: """ Get center most point of a cluster Args: cluster (np.ndarray): Returns: """ try: if cluster.shape[0]>=3: points_project = reproject(cluster[:,0],cluster[:,1]) hull = ConvexHull(points_project) area = hull.area else: area = 1 except: area = 1 centroid = ( MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.x, MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.y) centermost_point = min(cluster, key=lambda point: great_circle(point, centroid).m) return list(centermost_point) + [area] @pandas_udf(schema, PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP) @CC_MProvAgg('gps--org.md2k.phonesensor--phone', 'gps_clustering', 'gps--org.md2k.clusters', ['user', 'timestamp'], ['user', 'timestamp']) def gps_clustering(data): if data.shape[0] < minimum_points_in_cluster: return
pd.DataFrame([], columns=column_names)
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import arrow import pandas as pd import requests import json from functools import reduce # RU-1: European and Uralian Market Zone (Price Zone 1) # RU-2: Siberian Market Zone (Price Zone 2) # RU-AS: Russia East Power System (2nd synchronous zone) # Handling of hours: data at t on API side corresponds to # production / consumption from t to t+1 BASE_EXCHANGE_URL = '' MAP_GENERATION_1 = { 'P_AES': 'nuclear', 'P_GES': 'hydro', 'P_GRES': 'unknown', 'P_TES': 'fossil fuel', 'P_BS': 'unknown', 'P_REN': 'renewables' } MAP_GENERATION_2 = { 'aes_gen': 'nuclear', 'ges_gen': 'hydro', 'P_tes': 'fossil fuel' } RENEWABLES_RATIO = { 'RU-1': {'solar': 0.5, 'wind': 0.5}, 'RU-2': {'solar': 1.0, 'wind': 0.0} } FOSSIL_FUEL_RATIO = { 'RU-1': {'coal': 0.060, 'gas': 0.892, 'oil': 0.004, 'unknown': 0.044}, 'RU-2': {'coal': 0.864, 'gas': 0.080, 'oil': 0.004, 'unknown': 0.052}, 'RU-AS': {'coal': 0.611, 'gas': 0.384, 'oil': 0.005, 'unknown': 0.00} } exchange_ids = {'RU-AS->CN': 764, 'RU->MN': 276, 'RU-2->MN': 276, 'RU->KZ': 785, 'RU-1->KZ': 2394, 'RU-2->KZ': 344, 'RU-2->RU-1': 139, 'RU->GE': 752, 'RU-1->GE': 752, 'AZ->RU': 598, 'AZ->RU-1': 598, 'BY->RU': 321, 'BY->RU-1': 321, 'RU->FI': 187, 'RU-1->FI': 187, 'RU-KGD->LT': 212, 'RU-1->UA-CR': 5688, 'UA->RU-1': 880} # Each exchange is contained in a div tag with a "data-id" attribute that is unique. tz = 'Europe/Moscow' def fetch_production(zone_key='RU', session=None, target_datetime=None, logger=None) -> list: """Requests the last known production mix (in MW) of a given country.""" if zone_key == 'RU': # Get data for all zones dfs = {} for subzone_key in ['RU-1', 'RU-2', 'RU-AS']: data = fetch_production(subzone_key, session, target_datetime, logger) df =
import pandas as pd from primus.category import OneHotEncoder def test_fit_transform_HaveHandleUnknownValueAndUnseenValues_ExpectAllZeroes(): train = pd.DataFrame({'city': ['Chicago', 'Seattle']}) test = pd.DataFrame({'city': ['Chicago', 'Detroit']}) expected_result = pd.DataFrame({'city_1': [1, 0], 'city_2': [0, 0]}, columns=['city_1', 'city_2']) print("\ntrain\n", train) print("test\n", test) print("expected \n", expected_result) enc = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='value') result = print("result\n", result)
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(expected_result, result)
from selenium import webdriver from import Options from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys import requests import time from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd from urllib import parse from config import ENV_VARIABLE from os.path import getsize fold_path = "./crawler_data/" page_Max = 100 def stripID(url, wantStrip): loc = url.find(wantStrip) length = len(wantStrip) return url[loc+length:] def Kklee(): shop_id = 13 name = 'kklee' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + \ str(p) + "&sort_by=&order_by=&limit=24" # # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 25): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//a[%i]/div[@class='Product-info']/div[1]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='col-xs-12 ProductList-list']/a[%i]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.lstrip("/products/") find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//a[%i]/div[1]/div[1]" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip(')"') except: i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//a[%i]/div[@class='Product-info']/div[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//a[%i]/div[@class='Product-info']/div[3]" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$') except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//a[%i]/div[@class='Product-info']/div[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Wishbykorea(): shop_id = 14 name = 'wishbykorea' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if(close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + str(p) # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) print(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 17): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='collection_item'][%i]/div/div/label" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='collection_item'][%i]/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') page_id = page_link.replace("", "").replace("&ca=727", "") find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='collection_item'][%i]/a/div" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip('")') except: i += 1 if(i == 17): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='collection_item'][%i]/div[@class='collection_item_info']/div[2]/label" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') ori_price = "" except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='collection_item'][%i]/div[@class='collection_item_info']/div[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 17): p += 1 continue if(sale_price == "0"): i += 1 if(i == 17): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 17): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Aspeed(): shop_id = 15 name = 'aspeed' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if(close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + \ str(p) + "&sort_by=&order_by=&limit=72" # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 73): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[1]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.lstrip("/products/") find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a/div[1]/div[1]" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip(')"') except: i += 1 if(i == 73): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$') except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 73): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 73): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Openlady(): shop_id = 17 name = 'openlady' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + \ str(p) # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 17): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[@class='item_block item_block_y'][%i]/div[@class='item_text']/p[@class='item_name']/a[@class='mymy_item_link']" % (i,)).text page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[@class='item_block item_block_y'][%i]/div[@class='item_text']/p[@class='item_name']/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.query page_id = page_id.replace("&id=", "") except: close += 1 break try: pic_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[@class='item_block item_block_y'][%i]/div[@class='item_img']/a[@class='mymy_item_link']/img[@src]" % (i,)).get_attribute("src") except: i += 1 if(i == 17): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[@class='item_block item_block_y'][%i]/div[@class='item_text']/p[@class='item_amount']/span[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$ ') ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[@class='item_block item_block_y'][%i]/div[@class='item_text']/p[@class='item_amount']/span[1]" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$ ') except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[@class='item_block item_block_y'][%i]/div[@class='item_text']/p[@class='item_amount']/span[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$ ') ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 17): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 17): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Azoom(): shop_id = 20 name = 'azoom' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if(close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + \ str(p) + "&sort_by=&order_by=&limit=24" # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 24): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[1]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.strip("/products/") find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a/div[1]/div[1]" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip('")') except: i += 1 if(i == 24): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-item'][%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div/div" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 24): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 24): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Roxy(): shop_id = 21 name = 'roxy' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + \ str(p) # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 65): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-container product-thumb'][%i]/div[@class='product-thumb-info']/p[@class='product-title']/a" % (i,)).text page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-container product-thumb'][%i]/div[@class='product-thumb-info']/p[@class='product-title']/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') page_id = stripID(page_link, "default=") except: close += 1 break try: pic_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-container product-thumb'][%i]/div[@class='product-img']/a[@class='img-link']/picture[@class='main-picture']/img[@data-src]" % (i,)).get_attribute("data-src") except: i += 1 if(i == 65): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-container product-thumb'][%i]//span[@class='special-price']//span[@class='price-dollars']" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.replace('TWD', "") ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-container product-thumb'][%i]//span[@class='old-price']//span[@class='price-dollars']" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.replace('TWD', "") except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='product-container product-thumb'][%i]//span[@class='price-dollars']" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.replace('TWD', "") ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 65): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 65): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Shaxi(): shop_id = 22 name = 'shaxi' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + str(p) try: chrome.get(url) except: break i = 1 while(i < 49): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[1]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.lstrip("/products/") find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div[1]/div" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip(')"') except: i += 1 if(i == 49): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$') except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 49): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 49): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Cici(): shop_id = 23 name = 'cici' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + str(p) try: chrome.get(url) except: break i = 1 while(i < 49): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[1]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.lstrip("/products/") find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div[1]/div" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip(')"') except: i += 1 if(i == 49): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$') except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 49): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 49): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Amesoeur(): shop_id = 25 name = 'amesour' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + \ str(p) # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 25): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/a/div[2]/div/div[1]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[2]/ul/li[%i]/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') page_id = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[2]/ul/li[%i]/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('product-id') find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/a/div[1]/div" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip(')"') except: i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/a/div[2]/div/div[3]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/a/div[2]/div/div[2]" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$') except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//li[%i]/a/div[2]/div/div[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Singular(): shop_id = 27 name = 'singular' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break i = 1 offset = (p-1) * 50 url = "" + \ str(offset) + "&price=0%2C10000&sort=createdAt-desc" # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) while(i < 51): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rm<PASSWORD>1ca3'][%i]/div[2]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 # print(i, "title") break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rmq-3ab81ca3'][%i]//a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.lstrip("/product/") pic_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rm<PASSWORD>1ca3'][%i]//img" % (i,)).get_attribute('src') sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rmq-3ab81ca3'][%i]/div[3]/div[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$ ') ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rm<PASSWORD>3'][%i]/div[3]/div[1]/span/s" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$ ') ori_price = ori_price.split() ori_price = ori_price[0] except: i += 1 if(i == 51): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 51): p += 1 chrome.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN) time.sleep(1) df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Folie(): shop_id = 28 name = 'folie' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + \ str(p) + "&sort_by=&order_by=&limit=24" # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 25): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[1]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.lstrip("/products/") find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div[1]/div[1]" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip(')"') except: i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[2]" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$') except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Corban(): shop_id = 29 name = 'corban' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break i = 1 offset = (p-1) * 50 url = "" + \ str(offset) + "&price=0%2C10000&sort=createdAt-desc&tags=ALL%20ITEMS" try: chrome.get(url) except: break while(i < 51): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rmq-3ab81ca3'][%i]/div[2]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rmq-3ab81ca3'][%i]//a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.lstrip("/product/") pic_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rm<PASSWORD>'][%i]//img" % (i,)).get_attribute('src') sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rm<PASSWORD>3'][%i]/div[3]/div[2]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$ ') ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='rm<PASSWORD>3'][%i]/div[3]/div[1]/span/s" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$ ') except: i += 1 if(i == 51): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 51): p += 1 chrome.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN) time.sleep(1) df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def Gmorning(): shop_id = 30 name = 'gmorning' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll = pd.DataFrame() # 存放所有資料 close = 0 while True: if (close == 1): chrome.quit() break url = "" + \ str(p) + "&sort_by=&order_by=&limit=24" # 如果頁面超過(找不到),直接印出completed然後break跳出迴圈 try: chrome.get(url) except: break time.sleep(1) i = 1 while(i < 25): try: title = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div[2]/div/div[1]" % (i,)).text except: close += 1 break try: page_link = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a[@href]" % (i,)).get_attribute('href') make_id = parse.urlsplit(page_link) page_id = make_id.path page_id = page_id.lstrip("/products/") find_href = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div[1]/div[1]" % (i,)) bg_url = find_href.value_of_css_property('background-image') pic_link = bg_url.lstrip('url("').rstrip(')"') except: i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 continue try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') ori_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[2]" % (i,)).text ori_price = ori_price.strip('NT$') except: try: sale_price = chrome.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[%i]/product-item/a/div/div/div[2]/div[1]" % (i,)).text sale_price = sale_price.strip('NT$') sale_price = sale_price.split() sale_price = sale_price[0] ori_price = "" except: i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 continue i += 1 if(i == 25): p += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "title": [title], "page_link": [page_link], "page_id": [page_id], "pic_link": [pic_link], "ori_price": [ori_price], "sale_price": [sale_price] }) dfAll = pd.concat([dfAll, df]) dfAll = dfAll.reset_index(drop=True) save(shop_id, name, dfAll) upload(shop_id, name) def July(): shop_id = 31 name = 'july' options = Options() # 啟動無頭模式 options.add_argument('--headless') # 規避google bug options.add_argument('--disable-gpu') options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors') options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=5566") chrome = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='./chromedriver', chrome_options=options) p = 1 df = pd.DataFrame() # 暫存當頁資料,換頁時即整併到dfAll dfAll =
""" dataset = AbstractDataset() """ from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict import json from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm import random def make_perfect_forecast(prices, horizon): prices = np.array(prices).reshape(-1, 1) forecast = np.hstack([np.roll(prices, -i) for i in range(0, horizon)]) return forecast[:-(horizon-1), :] def load_episodes(path): # pass in list of filepaths if isinstance(path, list): if isinstance(path[0], pd.DataFrame): # list of dataframes? return path else: # list of paths episodes = [Path(p) for p in path] print(f'loading {len(episodes)} from list') csvs = [pd.read_csv(p, index_col=0) for p in tqdm(episodes) if p.suffix == '.csv'] parquets = [pd.read_parquet(p) for p in tqdm(episodes) if p.suffix == '.parquet'] eps = csvs + parquets print(f'loaded {len(episodes)} from list') return eps # pass in directory elif Path(path).is_dir() or isinstance(path, str): path = Path(path) episodes = [p for p in path.iterdir() if p.suffix == '.csv'] else: path = Path(path) assert path.is_file() and path.suffix == '.csv' episodes = [path, ] print(f'loading {len(episodes)} from {}') eps = [pd.read_csv(p, index_col=0) for p in tqdm(episodes)] print(f'loaded {len(episodes)} from {}') return eps def round_nearest(x, divisor): return x - (x % divisor) from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class AbstractDataset(ABC): def get_data(self, cursor): # relies on self.dataset return OrderedDict({k: d[cursor] for k, d in self.dataset.items()}) def reset(self, mode=None): # can dispatch based on mode, or just reset # should return first obs using get_data return self.get_data(0) def setup_test(self): # called by energypy.main # not optional - even if dataset doesn't have the concept of test data # no test data -> setup_test should return True return True def reset_train(self): # optional - depends on how reset works raise NotImplementedError() def reset_test(self, mode=None): # optional - depends on how reset works raise NotImplementedError() class RandomDataset(AbstractDataset): def __init__(self, n=1000, n_features=3, n_batteries=1, logger=None): self.dataset = self.make_random_dataset(n, n_features, n_batteries) self.test_done = True # no notion of test data for random data self.reset() def make_random_dataset(self, n, n_features, n_batteries): np.random.seed(42) # (timestep, batteries, features) prices = np.random.uniform(0, 100, n*n_batteries).reshape(n, n_batteries, 1) features = np.random.uniform(0, 100, n*n_features*n_batteries).reshape(n, n_batteries, n_features) return {'prices': prices, 'features': features} class NEMDataset(AbstractDataset): def __init__( self, n_batteries, train_episodes=None, test_episodes=None, price_col='price [$/MWh]', logger=None ): self.n_batteries = n_batteries self.price_col = price_col train_episodes = load_episodes(train_episodes) self.episodes = { 'train': train_episodes, # our random sampling done on train episodes 'random': train_episodes, 'test': load_episodes(test_episodes), } # want test episodes to be a multiple of the number of batteries episodes_before = len(self.episodes['test']) lim = round_nearest(len(self.episodes['test'][:]), self.n_batteries) self.episodes['test'] = self.episodes['test'][:lim] assert len(self.episodes['test']) % self.n_batteries == 0 episodes_after = len(self.episodes['test']) print(f'lost {episodes_before - episodes_after} test episodes due to even multiple') # test_done is a flag used to control which dataset we sample from # it's a bit hacky self.test_done = True self.reset() def reset(self, mode='train'): if mode == 'test': return self.reset_test() else: return self.reset_train() def setup_test(self): # called by energypy.main self.test_done = False self.test_episodes_idx = list(range(0, len(self.episodes['test']))) return self.test_done def reset_train(self): episodes = random.sample(self.episodes['train'], self.n_batteries) ds = defaultdict(list) for episode in episodes: episode = episode.copy() prices = episode.pop(self.price_col) ds['prices'].append(prices.reset_index(drop=True).values.reshape(-1, 1, 1)) ds['features'].append(episode.reset_index(drop=True).values.reshape(prices.shape[0], 1, -1)) # TODO could call this episode self.dataset = { 'prices': np.concatenate(ds['prices'], axis=1), 'features': np.concatenate(ds['features'], axis=1), } return self.get_data(0) def reset_test(self): episodes = self.test_episodes_idx[:self.n_batteries] self.test_episodes_idx = self.test_episodes_idx[self.n_batteries:] ds = defaultdict(list) for episode in episodes: episode = self.episodes['test'][episode].copy() prices = episode.pop(self.price_col) ds['prices'].append(prices.reset_index(drop=True)) ds['features'].append(episode.reset_index(drop=True)) # TODO could call this episode self.dataset = { 'prices': pd.concat(ds['prices'], axis=1).values, 'features':
pd.concat(ds['features'], axis=1)
import os import tempfile from StringIO import StringIO import numpy as np import numpy.testing as npt import pandas as pd import pytest import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import yaml from pandas.util import testing as pdt from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import RegressionResultsWrapper from .. import regression from ...exceptions import ModelEvaluationError from ...utils import testing @pytest.fixture def test_df(): return pd.DataFrame( {'col1': range(5), 'col2': range(5, 10)}, index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) @pytest.fixture def groupby_df(test_df): test_df['group'] = ['x', 'y', 'x', 'x', 'y'] return test_df def test_fit_model(test_df): filters = [] model_exp = 'col1 ~ col2' fit = regression.fit_model(test_df, filters, model_exp) assert isinstance(fit, RegressionResultsWrapper) def test_predict(test_df): filters = ['col1 in [0, 2, 4]'] model_exp = 'col1 ~ col2' fit = regression.fit_model(test_df, filters, model_exp) predicted = regression.predict( test_df.query('col1 in [1, 3]'), None, fit) expected = pd.Series([1., 3.], index=['b', 'd']) pdt.assert_series_equal(predicted, expected) def test_predict_ytransform(test_df): def yt(x): return x / 2. filters = ['col1 in [0, 2, 4]'] model_exp = 'col1 ~ col2' fit = regression.fit_model(test_df, filters, model_exp) predicted = regression.predict( test_df.query('col1 in [1, 3]'), None, fit, ytransform=yt) expected = pd.Series([0.5, 1.5], index=['b', 'd']) pdt.assert_series_equal(predicted, expected) def test_predict_with_nans(): df = pd.DataFrame( {'col1': range(5), 'col2': [5, 6,, 8, 9]}, index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) with pytest.raises(ModelEvaluationError): regression.fit_model(df, None, 'col1 ~ col2') fit = regression.fit_model(df.loc[['a', 'b', 'e']], None, 'col1 ~ col2') with pytest.raises(ModelEvaluationError): regression.predict( df.loc[['c', 'd']], None, fit) def test_rhs(): assert regression._rhs('col1 + col2') == 'col1 + col2' assert regression._rhs('col3 ~ col1 + col2') == 'col1 + col2' def test_FakeRegressionResults(test_df): model_exp = 'col1 ~ col2' model = smf.ols(formula=model_exp, data=test_df) fit = fit_parameters = regression._model_fit_to_table(fit) wrapper = regression._FakeRegressionResults( model_exp, fit_parameters, fit.rsquared, fit.rsquared_adj) test_predict = pd.DataFrame({'col2': [0.5, 10, 25.6]}) npt.assert_array_equal( wrapper.predict(test_predict), fit.predict(test_predict)) pdt.assert_series_equal(wrapper.params, fit.params, check_names=False)
pdt.assert_series_equal(wrapper.bse, fit.bse, check_names=False)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import seaborn as sns import numpy as np from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap import pandas as pd from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from src.Utils.Fitness import Fitness class Graphs: def __init__(self,objectiveNames,data,save=True,display=False,path='./Figures/'): self.objectiveNames = objectiveNames = data = save self.path = path self.display = display self.CheckIfPathExist() def CheckIfPathExist(self): p = self.path.split('/') p = p[:-1] p = '/'.join(p) pathExist = os.path.exists(p) if not pathExist : os.mkdir(p) def dataTSNE(self): = self.ChangeAlgoNames( fig = sns.relplot(,['x'],['y'],col='algorithm',kind='scatter',col_wrap=4,height=8.27, aspect=17/8.27) if self.display: if fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def findGlobalParetoFront(self,dataSet,pop): print('find global pareto front') fitness = Fitness('horizontal_binary', ['support','confidence','cosine'], len(pop) ,dataSet.shape[1]) fitness.ComputeScorePopulation(pop,dataSet) scores = fitness.scores print(scores) paretoFront = [] isParetoFrontColumn = [] for p in range(len(scores)): dominate = True for q in range(len(scores)): if fitness.Domination(scores[p], scores[q]) == 1: dominate = False isParetoFrontColumn.append(False) break if dominate: paretoFront.append(p) isParetoFrontColumn.append(True) paretoFront = np.array(paretoFront) return paretoFront def getRulesFromFiles(self,dataSet,data): rules = [] pop = [] files = os.listdir('D:/ULaval/Maitrise/Recherche/Code/Experiments/MUSHROOM/Rules/0/') for file in files: f = open('D:/ULaval/Maitrise/Recherche/Code/Experiments/MUSHROOM/Rules/0/'+file,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(len(lines)): if(i%2==0): ind = np.zeros(dataSet.shape[1]*2) line = lines[i] line = line[1:len(line)-2] line = line.split("' '") line = [l.replace("'", "") for l in line] for li in range(len(line)): obj = line[li] obj = obj[1:len(obj)-1] obj = obj.split(' ') obj= [ x for x in obj if x!=''] if(li==0): for item in obj: ind[int(item)] = 1 if(li==2): for item in obj: ind[int(item)+dataSet.shape[1]] = 1 pop.append(ind) pop = np.array(pop) paretoFront = self.findGlobalParetoFront(dataSet,pop) pop = pop[paretoFront] pop = [list(x) for x in pop] isInParetoFront = [] for i in range(len(data)): line = list(np.array(data.loc[i])[1:]) isInPareto = False for ind in pop: if(ind == line): isInPareto = True if isInPareto: isInParetoFront.append(True) else: isInParetoFront.append(False) return isInParetoFront def dataTSNEFromFile(self,dataSet): = pd.read_csv('D:/ULaval/Maitrise/Recherche/Code/Experiments/MUSHROOM/0/TestedIndividuals/49.csv',index_col=0) isParetoFrontColumn = self.getRulesFromFiles(dataSet, = self.ChangeAlgoNames( print( algorithms =['algorithm'] ='algorithm',axis=1)['isInParetoFront'] = isParetoFrontColumn = TSNE(n_components=2, learning_rate='auto', init='random').fit_transform(np.asarray(,dtype='float64')) transformed = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(list(algorithms),[:,0],[:,1],isParetoFrontColumn)),columns=['algorithm','x','y','isInParetoFront']) transformed = transformed.drop_duplicates() = transformed print( fig = sns.relplot(,['x'],['y'],col='algorithm',kind='scatter',col_wrap=4,height=8.27, aspect=17/8.27,hue='isInParetoFront') self.path = 'D:/ULaval/Maitrise/Recherche/Code/Experiments/MUSHROOM/0/TestedIndividuals/graph' if True: if True: fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def GraphNbRules(self): plt.cla() plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) sns.barplot(x='algorithm', y='nbRules', plt.xticks(rotation=70) plt.tight_layout() if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def GraphDistances(self): plt.cla() plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) sns.barplot(x='algorithm', y='distances', plt.xticks(rotation=70) plt.tight_layout() if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def GraphCoverages(self): plt.cla() plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) sns.barplot(x='algorithm', y='coverages', plt.xticks(rotation=70) plt.tight_layout() if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def GraphAverageCoverages(self,p,algName,nbIter): plt.cla() plt.clf() nbRepeat = len(os.listdir(p)) - 2 data = [] for i in range(nbRepeat): print(i) df = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/Coverages.csv', index_col=0) for nameIndex in range(len(algName)): # data.append([algName[nameIndex],float(df.loc[(df['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]) & (df['i'] == nbIter-1)]['coverages'])]) data.append([algName[nameIndex], float( df.loc[df['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]].head(1)['coverages'])]) df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['algorithm','coverages']) df = df.sort_values(by=['coverages'],ascending=False) df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) df = self.ChangeAlgoNames(df) print(df) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) sns.barplot(x='algorithm', y='coverages', data=df) plt.xticks(rotation=70) plt.tight_layout() if true: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def GraphAverageNBRules(self,p,algName,nbIter): plt.cla() plt.clf() nbRepeat = len(os.listdir(p)) - 2 data = [] for i in range(nbRepeat): print(i) df = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/NbRules/'+str(nbIter-1)+'.csv', index_col=0) for nameIndex in range(len(algName)): data.append([algName[nameIndex],float(df.loc[df['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['nbRules'])]) df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['algorithm','nbRules']) df = df.sort_values(by=['nbRules'],ascending=False) df = self.ChangeAlgoNames(df) print(df) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) sns.barplot(x='algorithm', y='nbRules', data=df) plt.xticks(rotation=70) plt.tight_layout() if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def GraphAverageExecutionTime(self,p,algName,nbIter): plt.cla() plt.clf() nbRepeat = len(os.listdir(p)) - 2 data = [] for i in range(nbRepeat): print(i) df = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/ExecutionTime.csv', index_col=0) for nameIndex in range(len(algName)): for j in range(nbIter): data.append([algName[nameIndex], float(df.loc[(df['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]) & (df['i'] == j)]['execution Time'])]) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['algorithm', 'execution Time']) df = df.sort_values(by=['execution Time'], ascending=False) df = self.ChangeAlgoNames(df) print(df) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) sns.barplot(x='algorithm', y='execution Time', data=df) plt.xticks(rotation=70) plt.tight_layout() if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def GraphAverageDistances(self, p, algName,nbIter): plt.cla() plt.clf() nbRepeat = len(os.listdir(p)) - 2 data = [] for i in range(nbRepeat): print(i) df = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/Distances.csv', index_col=0) for nameIndex in range(len(algName)): # data.append([algName[nameIndex], float(df.loc[(df['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]) & (df['i'] == nbIter-1) ]['distances'])]) data.append([algName[nameIndex], float( df.loc[df['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]].head(1)['distances'])]) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['algorithm', 'distances']) df = df.sort_values(by=['distances'], ascending=False) df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) df = self.ChangeAlgoNames(df) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) sns.barplot(x='algorithm', y='distances', data=df) plt.xticks(rotation=70) plt.tight_layout() if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path + ".png") def GraphExecutionTime(self): plt.cla() plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) = self.ChangeAlgoNames( sns.lineplot(x='i',y='execution Time',hue='algorithm',style='algorithm', fig.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path+".png") def GraphScores(self): plt.cla() plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_xlim3d(0, 1) ax.set_ylim3d(0, 1) #a Changer si on a une IM avec un interval de definition autre ax.set_zlim3d(0, 1) ax.set_xlabel(self.objectiveNames[0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.objectiveNames[1]) ax.set_zlabel(self.objectiveNames[2]) for alg in ax.scatter([][self.objectiveNames[0]],[][self.objectiveNames[1]],[][self.objectiveNames[2]], label=alg) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path+".png") def ChangeAlgoNames(self,df): df = df.replace('custom','Cambrian Explosion') df = df.replace('mohsbotsarm', 'Bee Swarm') df = df.replace('moaloarm', 'Antlion') df = df.replace('modearm', 'Differential Evolution') df = df.replace('mossoarm', 'Social Spider') df = df.replace('modaarm', 'Dragonfly') df = df.replace('mowoaarm', 'Whale') df = df.replace('mogsaarm', 'Gravity Search') df = df.replace('hmofaarm', 'Firefly') df = df.replace('mofpaarm', 'Flower Polination') df = df.replace('mososarm', 'Symbiotic') df = df.replace('mowsaarm', 'Wolf') df = df.replace('mocatsoarm', 'Cat') df = df.replace('mogeaarm', 'Gradient') df = df.replace('nshsdearm', 'NSHSDE') df = df.replace('mosaarm', 'Simulated Annealing') df = df.replace('motlboarm', 'Teaching Learning') df = df.replace('mopso', 'Particle Swarm') df = df.replace('mocssarm', 'Charged System') df = df.replace('nsgaii', 'NSGAII') df = df.replace('mocsoarm', 'Cockroach') return df def getAverage(self): nbRepeat = 50 dataset = 'RISK' mesureFolder = 'LeaderBoard' dfArray = [] avgArray = [] for i in range(nbRepeat): p = 'D:/ULaval/Maitrise/Recherche/Code/Experiments/' + dataset + '/' p = p +str(i)+'/'+ mesureFolder+'/49.csv' df = pd.read_csv(p,index_col=1) if(i>0): fdf = fdf + df else: fdf = df fdf = fdf/nbRepeat fdf = fdf.sort_values(by=['support'],ascending=False) print(fdf) def Graph3D(self): plt.cla() plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') x =[:, 0] y =[:, 1] z =[:, 2] ax.set_xlabel(self.objectiveNames[0]) ax.set_ylabel(self.objectiveNames[1]) ax.set_zlabel(self.objectiveNames[2]) ax.scatter(x, y, z) if self.display: else: plt.close(fig) if fig.savefig(self.path+".png") plt.close() def GraphNBRulesVsCoverages(self,algName,p,graphType,nbIter): plt.cla() plt.clf() nbRepeat = len(os.listdir(p)) - 2 data = [] for i in range(nbRepeat): print(i) dfNbRules = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/NbRules/' + str(nbIter - 1) + '.csv', index_col=0) dfCoverages = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/Coverages.csv', index_col=0) # dfCoverages = dfCoverages[dfCoverages['i']==float(nbRepeat-1)] for nameIndex in range(len(algName)): data.append([algName[nameIndex], float(dfNbRules.loc[dfNbRules['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['nbRules']),float( dfCoverages.loc[dfCoverages['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]].head(1)['coverages'])]) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['algorithm', 'nbRules','coverages']) df = df.sort_values(by=['nbRules'], ascending=False) coverages = df.groupby(['algorithm']) coverages = coverages['coverages'].agg( ['mean', 'std']).sort_values(by=['mean'], ascending=False) coverages = coverages.rename(columns={'mean':'covMean','std':'covStd'}) nbRules = df.groupby(['algorithm']) nbRules = nbRules['nbRules'].agg( ['mean', 'std']).sort_values(by=['mean'], ascending=False) nbRules = nbRules.rename(columns={'mean': 'nbRulesMean', 'std': 'nbRulesStd'}) df = pd.concat([coverages,nbRules],axis=1) df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) df = self.ChangeAlgoNames(df) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = sns.scatterplot(x='nbRulesMean', y='covMean', hue='algorithm', style='algorithm',data=df) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) if fig.savefig(self.path+'GraphNBRulesVsCoverages' + ".png") def GraphSCCVsCoverage(self,algName,p,graphType,nbIter): plt.cla() plt.clf() nbRepeat = len(os.listdir(p)) - 2 data = [] for i in range(nbRepeat): print(i) dfCoverages = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/Coverages.csv', index_col=0) # dfCoverages = dfCoverages[dfCoverages['i'] == float(nbRepeat - 1)] dfScores = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/LeaderBoard/'+ str(nbIter - 1)+'.csv', index_col=0) for nameIndex in range(len(algName)): data.append([algName[nameIndex], float(dfCoverages.loc[dfCoverages['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]].head(1)['coverages']),float( dfScores.loc[dfScores['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['support']),float( dfScores.loc[dfScores['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['confidence']),float( dfScores.loc[dfScores['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['cosine'])]) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['algorithm', 'coverages','support','confidence','cosine']) df = df.sort_values(by=['coverages'], ascending=False) support = df.groupby(['algorithm']) support = support['support'].agg( ['mean', 'std']).sort_values(by=['mean'], ascending=False) support = support.rename(columns={'mean':'supportMean','std':'supportStd'}) confidence = df.groupby(['algorithm']) confidence = confidence['confidence'].agg( ['mean', 'std']).sort_values(by=['mean'], ascending=False) confidence = confidence.rename(columns={'mean': 'confidenceMean', 'std': 'confidenceStd'}) cosine = df.groupby(['algorithm']) cosine = cosine['cosine'].agg( ['mean', 'std']).sort_values(by=['mean'], ascending=False) cosine = cosine.rename(columns={'mean': 'cosineMean', 'std': 'cosineStd'}) coverages = df.groupby(['algorithm']) coverages = coverages['coverages'].agg( ['mean', 'std']).sort_values(by=['mean'], ascending=False) coverages = coverages.rename(columns={'mean': 'coveragesMean', 'std': 'coveragesStd'}) df = pd.concat([support,confidence,cosine,coverages],axis=1) df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) df = self.ChangeAlgoNames(df) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(17, 5), sharey=True) ax = sns.scatterplot(ax=axes[0],x='coveragesMean', y='supportMean', hue='algorithm', style='algorithm',data=df) ax.get_legend().remove() ax =sns.scatterplot(ax=axes[1], x='coveragesMean', y='confidenceMean', hue='algorithm', style='algorithm', data=df) ax.get_legend().remove() ax =sns.scatterplot(ax=axes[2], x='coveragesMean', y='cosineMean', hue='algorithm', style='algorithm', data=df) ax.get_legend().remove() plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) if fig.savefig(self.path+'GraphCoveragesVsSCC' + ".png") def GraphSCCVsNBRules(self,algName,p,graphType,nbIter): plt.cla() plt.clf() nbRepeat = len(os.listdir(p)) - 2 data = [] for i in range(nbRepeat): print(i) dfNbRules = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/NbRules/' + str(nbIter - 1) + '.csv', index_col=0) dfScores = pd.read_csv(p + str(i) + '/LeaderBoard/'+ str(nbIter - 1)+'.csv', index_col=0) for nameIndex in range(len(algName)): data.append([algName[nameIndex], float(dfNbRules.loc[dfNbRules['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['nbRules']),float( dfScores.loc[dfScores['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['support']),float( dfScores.loc[dfScores['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['confidence']),float( dfScores.loc[dfScores['algorithm'] == algName[nameIndex]]['cosine'])]) df =
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['algorithm', 'nbRules','support','confidence','cosine'])
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2020 ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes # author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pytest import os import xarray as xr import numpy as np import pandas as pd import datetime TESTS_HOME = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) TESTS_DATA = os.path.join(TESTS_HOME, "testdata") # oisst data from 2003 to 2004 included for small region oisst = os.path.join(TESTS_DATA, "") # oisst data from 2003 to 2004 included for all land region land = os.path.join(TESTS_DATA, "") # threshold and seasonal avg calculated using Eric Olivier MHW code on two points of OISST region subset for same period 2003-2004 # point1 lat=-42.625, lon=148.125 # point2 lat=-41.625, lon=148.375 oisst_clim = os.path.join(TESTS_DATA,"") oisst_clim_nosmooth = os.path.join(TESTS_DATA,"") relthreshnorm = os.path.join(TESTS_DATA, "") @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def oisst_ts(): ds = xr.open_dataset(oisst) return ds.sst @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def landgrid(): ds = xr.open_dataset(land) return ds.sst @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def clim_oisst(): ds = xr.open_dataset(oisst_clim) return ds @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def clim_oisst_nosmooth(): ds = xr.open_dataset(oisst_clim_nosmooth) return ds @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def dsnorm(): ds = xr.open_dataset(relthreshnorm) return ds.stack(cell=['lat','lon']) @pytest.fixture def oisst_doy(): a = np.arange(1,367) b = np.delete(a,[59]) return np.concatenate((b,a)) @pytest.fixture def tstack(): return np.array([ 16.99, 17.39, 16.99, 17.39, 17.3 , 17.39, 17.3 ]) @pytest.fixture def filter_data(): a = [0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0] time = pd.date_range('2001-01-01', periods=len(a)) array = pd.Series(a, index=time) idxarr = pd.Series(data=np.arange(len(a)), index=time) bthresh = array==1 st = pd.Series(index=time, dtype='float64').rename('start') end = pd.Series(index=time, dtype='float64').rename('end') events = pd.Series(index=time, dtype='float64').rename('events') st[5] = 1 st[16] = 11 st[24] = 20 end[5] = 5 end[16] = 16 end[24] = 24 events[1:6] = 1 events[11:17] = 11 events[20:25] =20 st2 = st.copy() end2 = end.copy() events2 = events.copy() st2[24] = np.nan end2[16] = np.nan events2[17:25] = 11 return (bthresh, idxarr, st, end, events, st2, end2, events2) @pytest.fixture def join_data(): evs = pd.Series(np.arange(20)).rename('events') evs2 = evs.copy() evs2[1:8] = 1 evs2[12:19] = 12 joined = set([(1,7),(12,18)]) return (evs, evs2, joined) @pytest.fixture def rates_data(): d = { 'index_start': [3.], 'index_end': [10.], 'index_peak': [8.], 'relS_first': [2.3], 'relS_last': [1.8], 'intensity_max': [3.1], 'anom_first': [0.3], 'anom_last': [0.2]} df =
import re from collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd def empty_data(mapping_rows: list, row: pd.DataFrame): return all([True if mapping_row not in row or row.get(mapping_row)=='' else False for mapping_row in mapping_rows]) def merge_spreadsheets(workbook: str, merge_field: str) -> pd.DataFrame: # parse dataset df =
pd.read_excel(workbook, sheet_name=None)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # /usr/bin/env python """ Date: 2020/3/17 13:06 Desc: 期货-中国-交易所-会员持仓数据接口 大连商品交易所、上海期货交易所、郑州商品交易所、中国金融期货交易所 采集前 20 会员持仓数据; 建议下午 16:30 以后采集当天数据, 避免交易所数据更新不稳定; 郑州商品交易所格式分为三类 大连商品交易所有具体合约的持仓排名, 通过 futures_dce_position_rank 获取 20171228 20100825 """ import datetime import json import re import warnings import zipfile from io import BytesIO from io import StringIO import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from akshare.futures import cons from akshare.futures.requests_fun import ( requests_link ) from akshare.futures.symbol_var import chinese_to_english, find_chinese from akshare.futures.symbol_var import ( symbol_varieties ) calendar = cons.get_calendar() rank_columns = ['vol_party_name', 'vol', 'vol_chg', 'long_party_name', 'long_open_interest', 'long_open_interest_chg', 'short_party_name', 'short_open_interest', 'short_open_interest_chg'] intColumns = ['vol', 'vol_chg', 'long_open_interest', 'long_open_interest_chg', 'short_open_interest', 'short_open_interest_chg'] def get_rank_sum_daily(start_day="20200721", end_day="20200723", vars_list=cons.contract_symbols): """ 采集四个期货交易所前5、前10、前15、前20会员持仓排名数据 注1:由于上期所和中金所只公布每个品种内部的标的排名,没有公布品种的总排名; 所以函数输出的品种排名是由品种中的每个标的加总获得,并不是真实的品种排名列表 注2:大商所只公布了品种排名,未公布标的排名 :param start_day: 开始日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 或 YYYYMMDD 或 datetime.date对象 为空时为当天 :param end_day: 结束数据 format:YYYY-MM-DD 或 YYYYMMDD 或 datetime.date对象 为空时为当天 :param vars_list: 合约品种如RB、AL等列表 为空时为所有商品 :return: pd.DataFrame 展期收益率数据(DataFrame): symbol 标的合约 string var 商品品种 string vol_top5 成交量前5会员成交量总和 int vol_chg_top5 成交量前5会员成交量变化总和 int long_open_interest_top5 持多单前5会员持多单总和 int long_open_interest_chg_top5 持多单前5会员持多单变化总和 int short_open_interest_top5 持空单前5会员持空单总和 int short_open_interest_chg_top5 持空单前5会员持空单变化总和 int vol_top10 成交量前10会员成交量总和 int ... date 日期 string YYYYMMDD """ start_day = cons.convert_date(start_day) if start_day is not None else end_day = cons.convert_date(end_day) if end_day is not None else cons.convert_date( cons.get_latest_data_date( records = pd.DataFrame() while start_day <= end_day: print(start_day) if start_day.strftime('%Y%m%d') in calendar: data = get_rank_sum(start_day, vars_list) if data is False: print(f"{start_day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}日交易所数据连接失败,已超过20次,您的地址被网站墙了,请保存好返回数据,稍后从该日期起重试") return records.reset_index(drop=True) records = records.append(data) else: warnings.warn(f"{start_day.strftime('%Y%m%d')}非交易日") start_day += datetime.timedelta(days=1) return records.reset_index(drop=True) def get_rank_sum(date="20200727", vars_list=cons.contract_symbols): """ 抓取四个期货交易所前5、前10、前15、前20会员持仓排名数据 注1:由于上期所和中金所只公布每个品种内部的标的排名, 没有公布品种的总排名; 所以函数输出的品种排名是由品种中的每个标的加总获得, 并不是真实的品种排名列表 注2:大商所只公布了品种排名, 未公布标的排名 :param date: 日期 format: YYYY-MM-DD 或 YYYYMMDD 或 datetime.date对象 为空时为当天 :param vars_list: 合约品种如 RB, AL等列表 为空时为所有商品 :return: pd.DataFrame: 展期收益率数据 symbol 标的合约 string var 商品品种 string vol_top5 成交量前5会员成交量总和 int vol_chg_top5 成交量前5会员成交量变化总和 int long_open_interest_top5 持多单前5会员持多单总和 int long_open_interest_chg_top5 持多单前5会员持多单变化总和 int short_open_interest_top5 持空单前5会员持空单总和 int short_open_interest_chg_top5 持空单前5会员持空单变化总和 int vol_top10 成交量前10会员成交量总和 int ... date 日期 string YYYYMMDD """ date = cons.convert_date(date) if date is not None else if date.strftime('%Y%m%d') not in calendar: warnings.warn('%s非交易日' % date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) return None dce_var = [i for i in vars_list if i in cons.market_exchange_symbols['dce']] shfe_var = [i for i in vars_list if i in cons.market_exchange_symbols['shfe']] czce_var = [i for i in vars_list if i in cons.market_exchange_symbols['czce']] cffex_var = [i for i in vars_list if i in cons.market_exchange_symbols['cffex']] big_dict = {} if len(dce_var) > 0: data = get_dce_rank_table(date, dce_var) if data is False: return False big_dict.update(data) if len(shfe_var) > 0: data = get_shfe_rank_table(date, shfe_var) if data is False: return False big_dict.update(data) if len(czce_var) > 0: data = get_czce_rank_table(date, czce_var) if data is False: return False big_dict.update(data) if len(cffex_var) > 0: data = get_cffex_rank_table(date, cffex_var) if data is False: return False big_dict.update(data) records = pd.DataFrame() for symbol, table in big_dict.items(): table = table.applymap(lambda x: 0 if x == '' else x) for symbol_inner in set(table['symbol']): var = symbol_varieties(symbol_inner) if var in vars_list: table_cut = table[table['symbol'] == symbol_inner] table_cut['rank'] = table_cut['rank'].astype('float') table_cut_top5 = table_cut[table_cut['rank'] <= 5] table_cut_top10 = table_cut[table_cut['rank'] <= 10] table_cut_top15 = table_cut[table_cut['rank'] <= 15] table_cut_top20 = table_cut[table_cut['rank'] <= 20] big_dict = {'symbol': symbol_inner, 'variety': var, 'vol_top5': table_cut_top5['vol'].sum(), 'vol_chg_top5': table_cut_top5['vol_chg'].sum(), 'long_open_interest_top5': table_cut_top5['long_open_interest'].sum(), 'long_open_interest_chg_top5': table_cut_top5['long_open_interest_chg'].sum(), 'short_open_interest_top5': table_cut_top5['short_open_interest'].sum(), 'short_open_interest_chg_top5': table_cut_top5['short_open_interest_chg'].sum(), 'vol_top10': table_cut_top10['vol'].sum(), 'vol_chg_top10': table_cut_top10['vol_chg'].sum(), 'long_open_interest_top10': table_cut_top10['long_open_interest'].sum(), 'long_open_interest_chg_top10': table_cut_top10['long_open_interest_chg'].sum(), 'short_open_interest_top10': table_cut_top10['short_open_interest'].sum(), 'short_open_interest_chg_top10': table_cut_top10['short_open_interest_chg'].sum(), 'vol_top15': table_cut_top15['vol'].sum(), 'vol_chg_top15': table_cut_top15['vol_chg'].sum(), 'long_open_interest_top15': table_cut_top15['long_open_interest'].sum(), 'long_open_interest_chg_top15': table_cut_top15['long_open_interest_chg'].sum(), 'short_open_interest_top15': table_cut_top15['short_open_interest'].sum(), 'short_open_interest_chg_top15': table_cut_top15['short_open_interest_chg'].sum(), 'vol_top20': table_cut_top20['vol'].sum(), 'vol_chg_top20': table_cut_top20['vol_chg'].sum(), 'long_open_interest_top20': table_cut_top20['long_open_interest'].sum(), 'long_open_interest_chg_top20': table_cut_top20['long_open_interest_chg'].sum(), 'short_open_interest_top20': table_cut_top20['short_open_interest'].sum(), 'short_open_interest_chg_top20': table_cut_top20['short_open_interest_chg'].sum(), 'date': date.strftime('%Y%m%d') } records = records.append(pd.DataFrame(big_dict, index=[0])) if len(big_dict.items()) > 0: add_vars = [i for i in cons.market_exchange_symbols['shfe'] + cons.market_exchange_symbols['cffex'] if i in records['variety'].tolist()] for var in add_vars: records_cut = records[records['variety'] == var] var_record = pd.DataFrame(records_cut.sum()).T var_record['date'] = date.strftime('%Y%m%d') var_record.loc[:, ['variety', 'symbol']] = var records = records.append(var_record) return records.reset_index(drop=True) def get_shfe_rank_table(date=None, vars_list=cons.contract_symbols): """ 上海期货交易所前 20 会员持仓排名数据明细 注:该交易所只公布每个品种内部的标的排名,没有公布品种的总排名 数据从20020107开始,每交易日16:30左右更新数据 :param date: 日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 或 YYYYMMDD 或 datetime.date对象 为空时为当天 :param vars_list: 合约品种如RB、AL等列表 为空时为所有商品 :return: pd.DataFrame rank 排名 int vol_party_name 成交量排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) vol 该会员成交量 int vol_chg 该会员成交量变化量 int long_party_name 持多单排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) long_open_interest 该会员持多单 int long_open_interest_chg 该会员持多单变化量 int short_party_name 持空单排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) short_open_interest 该会员持空单 int short_open_interest_chg 该会员持空单变化量 int symbol 标的合约 string var 品种 string date 日期 string YYYYMMDD """ date = cons.convert_date(date) if date is not None else if date <, 1, 7): print("shfe数据源开始日期为20020107,跳过") return {} if date.strftime('%Y%m%d') not in calendar: warnings.warn('%s非交易日' % date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) return {} url = cons.SHFE_VOL_RANK_URL % (date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) r = requests_link(url, 'utf-8') try: context = json.loads(r.text) except: return {} df = pd.DataFrame(context['o_cursor']) df = df.rename( columns={'CJ1': 'vol', 'CJ1_CHG': 'vol_chg', 'CJ2': 'long_open_interest', 'CJ2_CHG': 'long_open_interest_chg', 'CJ3': 'short_open_interest', 'CJ3_CHG': 'short_open_interest_chg', 'PARTICIPANTABBR1': 'vol_party_name', 'PARTICIPANTABBR2': 'long_party_name', 'PARTICIPANTABBR3': 'short_party_name', 'PRODUCTNAME': 'product1', 'RANK': 'rank', 'INSTRUMENTID': 'symbol', 'PRODUCTSORTNO': 'product2'}) if len(df.columns) < 3: return {} df = df.applymap(lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x) df = df.applymap(lambda x: None if x == '' else x) df['variety'] = df['symbol'].apply(lambda x: symbol_varieties(x)) df = df[df['rank'] > 0] for col in ['PARTICIPANTID1', 'PARTICIPANTID2', 'PARTICIPANTID3', 'product1', 'product2']: try: del df[col] except: pass get_vars = [var for var in vars_list if var in df['variety'].tolist()] big_dict = {} for var in get_vars: df_var = df[df['variety'] == var] for symbol in set(df_var['symbol']): df_symbol = df_var[df_var['symbol'] == symbol] big_dict[symbol] = df_symbol.reset_index(drop=True) return big_dict def _czce_df_read(url, skip_rows, encoding='utf-8', header=0): """ 郑州商品交易所的网页数据 :param header: :type header: :param url: 网站 string :param skip_rows: 去掉前几行 int :param encoding: utf-8 or gbk or gb2312 :return: pd.DataFrame """ headers = { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36", "Host": "", "Cookie": "XquW6dFMPxV380S=CAaD3sMkdXv3fUoaJlICIEv0MVegGq5EoMyBcxkOjCgSjmpuovYFuTLtYFcxTZGw; XquW6dFMPxV380T=5QTTjUlA6f6WiDO7fMGmqNxHBWz.hKIc8lb_tc1o4nHrJM4nsXCAI9VHaKyV_jkHh4cIVvD25kGQAh.MvLL1SHRA20HCG9mVVHPhAzktNdPK3evjm0NYbTg2Gu_XGGtPhecxLvdFQ0.JlAxy_z0C15_KdO8kOI18i4K0rFERNPxjXq5qG1Gs.QiOm976wODY.pe8XCQtAsuLYJ.N4DpTgNfHJp04jhMl0SntHhr.jhh3dFjMXBx.JEHngXBzY6gQAhER7uSKAeSktruxFeuKlebse.vrPghHqWvJm4WPTEvDQ8q", } r = requests_link(url, encoding, headers=headers) data = pd.read_html(r.text, match='.+', flavor=None, header=header, index_col=0, skiprows=skip_rows, attrs=None, parse_dates=False, thousands=', ', encoding="gbk", decimal='.', converters=None, na_values=None, keep_default_na=True) return data def get_czce_rank_table(date="20200727", vars_list=cons.contract_symbols): """ 郑州商品交易所前 20 会员持仓排名数据明细 注:该交易所既公布了品种排名, 也公布了标的排名 :param date: 日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 或 YYYYMMDD 或 datetime.date对象 为空时为当天 :param vars_list: 合约品种如RB、AL等列表 为空时为所有商品, 数据从20050509开始,每交易日16:30左右更新数据 :return: pd.DataFrame rank 排名 int vol_party_name 成交量排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) vol 该会员成交量 int vol_chg 该会员成交量变化量 int long_party_name 持多单排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) long_open_interest 该会员持多单 int long_open_interest_chg 该会员持多单变化量 int short_party_name 持空单排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) short_open_interest 该会员持空单 int short_open_interest_chg 该会员持空单变化量 int symbol 标的合约 string var 品种 string date 日期 string YYYYMMDD """ date = cons.convert_date(date) if date is not None else if date <, 10, 8): print("CZCE可获取的数据源开始日期为 20151008, 请输入合适的日期参数") return {} if date.strftime('%Y%m%d') not in calendar: warnings.warn('%s非交易日' % date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) return {} if date >=, 10, 8): url = f"{date.year}/{date.isoformat().replace('-', '')}/FutureDataHolding.xls" r = requests.get(url) temp_df = pd.read_excel(BytesIO(r.content)) temp_pinzhong_index = [item + 1 for item in temp_df[temp_df.iloc[:, 0].str.contains("合计")].index.to_list()] temp_pinzhong_index.insert(0, 0) temp_pinzhong_index.pop() temp_symbol_index = temp_df.iloc[temp_pinzhong_index, 0].str.split(" ", expand=True).iloc[:, 0] symbol_list = [re.compile(r"[0-9a-zA-Z_]+").findall(item)[0] for item in temp_symbol_index.values] temp_symbol_index_list = temp_symbol_index.index.to_list() big_dict = {} for i in range(len(temp_symbol_index_list)-1): inner_temp_df = temp_df[temp_symbol_index_list[i]+2: temp_symbol_index_list[i+1]-1] inner_temp_df.columns = ["rank", "vol_party_name", "vol", "vol_chg", "long_party_name", "long_open_interest", "long_open_interest_chg", "short_party_name", "short_open_interest", "short_open_interest_chg", ] inner_temp_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) big_dict[symbol_list[i]] = inner_temp_df inner_temp_df = temp_df[temp_symbol_index_list[i+1]+2:-1] inner_temp_df.columns = ["rank", "vol_party_name", "vol", "vol_chg", "long_party_name", "long_open_interest", "long_open_interest_chg", "short_party_name", "short_open_interest", "short_open_interest_chg", ] inner_temp_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) big_dict[symbol_list[-1]] = inner_temp_df new_big_dict = {} for key, value in big_dict.items(): value["symbol"] = key value["variety"] = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z_]+").findall(key)[0] new_big_dict[key] = value return new_big_dict def get_dce_rank_table(date="20200727", vars_list=cons.contract_symbols): """ 大连商品交易所前 20 会员持仓排名数据明细 注: 该交易所既公布品种排名, 也公布标的合约排名 :param date: 日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 或 YYYYMMDD 或 对象, 为空时为当天 :param vars_list: 合约品种如 RB、AL等列表为空时为所有商品, 数据从 20060104 开始,每交易日 16:30 左右更新数据 :return: pandas.DataFrame rank 排名 int vol_party_name 成交量排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) vol 该会员成交量 int vol_chg 该会员成交量变化量 int long_party_name 持多单排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) long_open_interest 该会员持多单 int long_open_interest_chg 该会员持多单变化量 int short_party_name 持空单排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) short_open_interest 该会员持空单 int short_open_interest_chg 该会员持空单变化量 int symbol 标的合约 string var 品种 string date 日期 string YYYYMMDD """ date = cons.convert_date(date) if date is not None else if date <, 1, 4): print(Exception("大连商品交易所数据源开始日期为20060104,跳过")) return {} if date.strftime('%Y%m%d') not in calendar: warnings.warn('%s非交易日' % date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) return {} vars_list = [i for i in vars_list if i in cons.market_exchange_symbols['dce']] big_dict = {} for var in vars_list: url = cons.DCE_VOL_RANK_URL % (var.lower(), var.lower(), date.year, date.month - 1, list_60_name = [] list_60 = [] list_60_chg = [] rank = [] texts = requests_link(url).content.splitlines() if not texts: return False if len(texts) > 30: for text in texts: line = text.decode("utf-8") string_list = line.split() try: if int(string_list[0]) <= 20: list_60_name.append(string_list[1]) list_60.append(string_list[2]) list_60_chg.append(string_list[3]) rank.append(string_list[0]) except: pass table_cut = pd.DataFrame({'rank': rank[0:20], 'vol_party_name': list_60_name[0:20], 'vol': list_60[0:20], 'vol_chg': list_60_chg[0:20], 'long_party_name': list_60_name[20:40], 'long_open_interest': list_60[20:40], 'long_open_interest_chg': list_60_chg[20:40], 'short_party_name': list_60_name[40:60], 'short_open_interest': list_60[40:60], 'short_open_interest_chg': list_60_chg[40:60] }) table_cut = table_cut.applymap(lambda x: x.replace(',', '')) table_cut = _table_cut_cal(table_cut, var) big_dict[var] = table_cut.reset_index(drop=True) return big_dict def get_cffex_rank_table(date="20200427", vars_list=cons.contract_symbols): """ 中国金融期货交易所前 20 会员持仓排名数据明细 注:该交易所既公布品种排名,也公布标的排名 :param date: 日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 或 YYYYMMDD 或 datetime.date对象 为空时为当天 :param vars_list: 合约品种如RB、AL等列表 为空时为所有商品, 数据从20100416开始,每交易日16:30左右更新数据 :return: pd.DataFrame rank 排名 int vol_party_name 成交量排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) vol 该会员成交量 int vol_chg 该会员成交量变化量 int long_party_name 持多单排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) long_open_interest 该会员持多单 int long_open_interest_chg 该会员持多单变化量 int short_party_name 持空单排序的当前名次会员 string(中文) short_open_interest 该会员持空单 int short_open_interest_chg 该会员持空单变化量 int symbol 标的合约 string var 品种 string date 日期 string YYYYMMDD """ vars_list = [i for i in vars_list if i in cons.market_exchange_symbols['cffex']] date = cons.convert_date(date) if date is not None else if date <, 4, 16): print(Exception("cffex数据源开始日期为20100416,跳过")) return {} if date.strftime('%Y%m%d') not in calendar: warnings.warn('%s非交易日' % date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) return {} big_dict = {} for var in vars_list: # print(var) # var = "IF" url = cons.CFFEX_VOL_RANK_URL % (date.strftime('%Y%m'), date.strftime('%d'), var) r = requests_link(url, encoding='gbk') if not r: return False if '网页错误' not in r.text: try: temp_chche = StringIO(r.text.split('\n交易日,')[1]) except: temp_chche = StringIO(r.text.split('\n交易日,')[0][4:]) # 20200316开始数据结构变化,统一格式 table = pd.read_csv(temp_chche) table = table.dropna(how='any') table = table.applymap(lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x) for symbol in set(table['合约']): table_cut = table[table['合约'] == symbol] table_cut.columns = ['symbol', 'rank'] + rank_columns table_cut = _table_cut_cal(pd.DataFrame(table_cut), symbol) big_dict[symbol] = table_cut.reset_index(drop=True) return big_dict def _table_cut_cal(table_cut, symbol): """ 表格切分 :param table_cut: 需要切分的表格 :type table_cut: pandas.DataFrame :param symbol: 具体合约的代码 :type symbol: str :return: :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ var = symbol_varieties(symbol) table_cut[intColumns + ['rank']] = table_cut[intColumns + ['rank']].astype(int) table_cut_sum = table_cut.sum() table_cut_sum['rank'] = 999 for col in ['vol_party_name', 'long_party_name', 'short_party_name']: table_cut_sum[col] = None table_cut = table_cut.append(pd.DataFrame(table_cut_sum).T, sort=True) table_cut['symbol'] = symbol table_cut['variety'] = var table_cut[intColumns + ['rank']] = table_cut[intColumns + ['rank']].astype(int) return table_cut def futures_dce_position_rank(date: str = "20160104") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 大连商品交易日每日持仓排名-具体合约 :param date: 指定交易日; e.g., "20200511" :type date: str :return: 指定日期的持仓排名数据 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ date = cons.convert_date(date) if date is not None else if date.strftime('%Y%m%d') not in calendar: warnings.warn('%s非交易日' % date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) return {} url = "" headers = { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Content-Length": "160", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Referer": "", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36", } payload = { "memberDealPosiQuotes.variety": "a", "memberDealPosiQuotes.trade_type": "0", "contract.contract_id": "a2009", "contract.variety_id": "a", "year": date.year, "month": date.month - 1, "day":, "batchExportFlag": "batch", } r =, payload, headers=headers) big_dict = dict() with zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(r.content), "r") as z: for i in z.namelist(): file_name = i.encode('cp437').decode('GBK') try: data = pd.read_table(, header=None, sep="\t").iloc[:-6] if len(data) < 12: # 处理没有活跃合约的情况 big_dict[file_name.split("_")[1]] = pd.DataFrame() continue start_list = data[data.iloc[:, 0].str.find("名次") == 0].index.tolist() data = data.iloc[start_list[0]:, data.columns[data.iloc[start_list[0], :].notnull()]] data.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) start_list = data[data.iloc[:, 0].str.find("名次") == 0].index.tolist() end_list = data[data.iloc[:, 0].str.find("总计") == 0].index.tolist() part_one = data[start_list[0]: end_list[0]].iloc[1:, :] part_two = data[start_list[1]: end_list[1]].iloc[1:, :] part_three = data[start_list[2]: end_list[2]].iloc[1:, :] temp_df = pd.concat([part_one.reset_index(drop=True), part_two.reset_index(drop=True), part_three.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1, ignore_index=True) temp_df.columns = ["名次", "会员简称", "成交量", "增减", "名次", "会员简称", "持买单量", "增减", "名次", "会员简称", "持卖单量", "增减"] temp_df["rank"] = range(1, len(temp_df) + 1) del temp_df["名次"] temp_df.columns = ["vol_party_name", "vol", "vol_chg", "long_party_name", "long_open_interest", "long_open_interest_chg", "short_party_name", "short_open_interest", "short_open_interest_chg", "rank"] temp_df["symbol"] = file_name.split("_")[1] temp_df["variety"] = file_name.split("_")[1][:-4].upper() temp_df = temp_df[["long_open_interest", "long_open_interest_chg", "long_party_name", "rank", "short_open_interest", "short_open_interest_chg", "short_party_name", "vol", "vol_chg", "vol_party_name", "symbol", "variety"]] big_dict[file_name.split("_")[1]] = temp_df except UnicodeDecodeError as e: try: data = pd.read_table(, header=None, sep="\\s+", encoding="gb2312", skiprows=3) except: data = pd.read_table(, header=None, sep="\\s+", encoding="gb2312", skiprows=4) start_list = data[data.iloc[:, 0].str.find("名次") == 0].index.tolist() end_list = data[data.iloc[:, 0].str.find("总计") == 0].index.tolist() part_one = data[start_list[0]: end_list[0]].iloc[1:, :] part_two = data[start_list[1]: end_list[1]].iloc[1:, :] part_three = data[start_list[2]: end_list[2]].iloc[1:, :] temp_df = pd.concat([part_one.reset_index(drop=True), part_two.reset_index(drop=True), part_three.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1, ignore_index=True) temp_df.columns = ["名次", "会员简称", "成交量", "增减", "名次", "会员简称", "持买单量", "增减", "名次", "会员简称", "持卖单量", "增减"] temp_df["rank"] = range(1, len(temp_df) + 1) del temp_df["名次"] temp_df.columns = ["vol_party_name", "vol", "vol_chg", "long_party_name", "long_open_interest", "long_open_interest_chg", "short_party_name", "short_open_interest", "short_open_interest_chg", "rank"] temp_df["symbol"] = file_name.split("_")[1] temp_df["variety"] = file_name.split("_")[1][:-4].upper() temp_df = temp_df[["long_open_interest", "long_open_interest_chg", "long_party_name", "rank", "short_open_interest", "short_open_interest_chg", "short_party_name", "vol", "vol_chg", "vol_party_name", "symbol", "variety"]] big_dict[file_name.split("_")[1]] = temp_df return big_dict def futures_dce_position_rank_other(date="20160104"): date = cons.convert_date(date) if date is not None else if date.strftime('%Y%m%d') not in calendar: warnings.warn('%s非交易日' % date.strftime('%Y%m%d')) return {} url = "" payload = { "memberDealPosiQuotes.variety": "c", "memberDealPosiQuotes.trade_type": "0", "year": date.year, "month": date.month-1, "day":, "contract.contract_id": "all", "contract.variety_id": "c", "contract": "", } r =, data=payload) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") symbol_list = [item["onclick"].strip("javascript:setVariety(").strip("');") for item in soup.find_all(attrs={"class": "selBox"})[-3].find_all("input")] big_df = dict() for symbol in symbol_list: payload = { "memberDealPosiQuotes.variety": symbol, "memberDealPosiQuotes.trade_type": "0", "year": date.year, "month": date.month-1, "day":, "contract.contract_id": "all", "contract.variety_id": symbol, "contract": "", } r =, data=payload) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") contract_list = [item["onclick"].strip("javascript:setContract_id('").strip("');") for item in soup.find_all(attrs={"name": "contract"})] if contract_list: if len(contract_list[0]) == 4: contract_list = [symbol + item for item in contract_list] for contract in contract_list: payload = { "memberDealPosiQuotes.variety": symbol, "memberDealPosiQuotes.trade_type": "0", "year": date.year, "month": date.month - 1, "day":, "contract.contract_id": contract, "contract.variety_id": symbol, "contract": "", } r =, data=payload) temp_df =
# %% from selenium import webdriver from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC import pandas as pd import sys from allensdk.api.queries.image_download_api import ImageDownloadApi from allensdk.config.manifest import Manifest import logging import os from tqdm import tqdm # %% def get_gene_by_id(results_df, ExperimentID): gene_name = results_df["Gene Symbol"][ results_df["ExperimentID"] == ExperimentID ].iloc[0] print( "You are requesting for downloading brain lices of " + gene_name + " (" + ExperimentID + ")", file=sys.stderr, flush=True, ) print( 'The downloaded brain lices will be placed in the dir "' + gene_name + '".', file=sys.stderr, flush=True, ) return gene_name # %% def search_by_keywords(keywords, outfile): # create a browser driver = webdriver.Chrome() # create a result DataFrame to store results result = pd.DataFrame() # the index of necessary columns in the table column_index = [1, 2, 3, 6] for ii, keyword in enumerate(keywords): url = "" + keyword driver.get(url) # make sure the page is correcly loaded using explict wait try: element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "slick-column-name")) ) except: print( "An exception occurred: an element could not be found.\nThe Internet speed may be too slow." ) driver.quit() exit() # get header at the first loop # if ii == 0: # use selenium to find the header elements = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("slick-column-name") header = [] for element in elements: header.append(element.text) if len(header) == 8: header = [header[i] for i in column_index] else: raise Exception("Something went wrong when accessing the header.") # user selenium to find the search results in the cells of the table elements = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name("div[row]") rows = [] for element in elements: if element.text: rows.append([element.text.split("\n")[i - 1] for i in column_index]) # If the search result is present, make it a dataframe if rows: table = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=header) table.insert(0, "Keyword", keyword) # If no search result, make an empty dataframe else: table = pd.DataFrame([keyword], columns=["Keyword"]) # concatenate the search results of each keyword result = pd.concat([result, table], ignore_index=True) # print the search results print(result) driver.quit() result.to_csv(outfile) return result # %% def download_brain_slice(df): # create an image download API image_api = ImageDownloadApi() format_str = ".jpg" # You have probably noticed that the AllenSDK has a logger which notifies you of file downloads. # Since we are downloading ~300 images, we don't want to see messages for each one. # The following line will temporarily disable the download logger. logging.getLogger("allensdk.api.api.retrieve_file_over_http").disabled = True # get parameters path, downsample, indices = ask_parameters_for_downloading(df) print( "Downloads initiated", end="...", file=sys.stderr, flush=True, ) for index in indices: # from indices, get experiment id and gene symbol from df exp_id = df["Experiment"][index] # set the dirname as the gene symbol dirname = df["Gene Symbol"][index] plane = df["Plane"][index] section_data_set_id = exp_id section_image_directory = os.path.join(path, dirname) # get the image ids for all of the images in this data set section_images = image_api.section_image_query( section_data_set_id ) # Should be a dicionary of the features of section images section_image_ids = [ si["id"] for si in section_images ] # Take value of 'id' from the dictionary # Create a progress bar pbar_image = tqdm(total=len(section_image_ids), desc=dirname + " " + plane) for section_image_id in section_image_ids: file_name = str(section_image_id) + format_str file_path = os.path.join(section_image_directory, file_name) Manifest.safe_make_parent_dirs(file_path) # Check if the file is already downloaded, which happens if the downloads have been interrupted. saved_file_names = os.listdir(section_image_directory) if file_name in saved_file_names: pass else: image_api.download_section_image( section_image_id, file_path=file_path, downsample=downsample ) pbar_image.update() pbar_image.close() # re-enable the logger logging.getLogger("allensdk.api.api.retrieve_file_over_http").disabled = False print( "Downloads completed.", file=sys.stderr, flush=True, ) # %% def read_previous_results(infile): result =
pd.read_csv(infile, index_col=0)
#%% import numpy as np import pandas as pd from orderedset import OrderedSet as oset #%% wals = pd.read_csv('ISO_completos.csv').rename(columns={'Status':'Status_X_L'}) wals_2 = pd.read_csv('ISO_completos_features.csv').rename(columns={'Status':'Status_X_L'}) wiki_merged = pd.read_csv('Wikidata_Wals_IDWALS.csv') wiki = pd.read_csv('wikidata_v3.csv') #%% #region IMPLODE #los agrupo por ISO y le pido que ponga todos lso valores en una lista country_imploded = wiki.groupby(wiki['ISO']).countryLabel.agg(list) #%% #defini una función porque voy a hacer esto muchas veces def implode(df,index_column,data_column): """ index_column = valor en común para agrupar (en este caso es el ISO), string data_column = datos que queremos agrupar en una sola columna, string """ return df.groupby(df[index_column])[data_column].agg(list) #%% #lo hice para todas las columnas y lo guarde en una lista agrupadas = [] for column in wiki.columns.values: if column != 'ISO': agrupadas.append(implode(wiki,'ISO',column)) #%% #ahora armo un df con las series que ya estan agrupadas df_imploded = pd.concat(agrupadas, axis=1).rename( columns={'languageLabel':'wiki_name', 'countryLabel':'wiki_country', 'country_ISO':'wiki_countryISO', 'Ethnologe_stastusLabel':'wiki_Status', 'number_of_speaker':'num_speakers', 'coordinates':'wiki_lang_coord', 'population':'country_population'}) #endregion #%% #region COLLAPSE #Voy a pasar cada lista del DF a un set, para quedarme con los valores únicos #Luego reemplazo esa entrada por el set, además si el valor es uno solo lo agrego como string #y no como lista df_test = df_imploded.copy() column = df_test['wiki_name'] new_column = [] for index, item in column.items(): values = list(oset(item)) if len(values) == 1: new_column.append(values[0]) else: new_column.append(values) #%% def notna(list): return [x for x in list if str(x) != 'nan'] #defino una función para hacer esto muchas veces def group_idem_oset(df,column_name): """Para sacar valores unicos dentro de las listas que quedaron """ new_column = [] for index, item in df[column_name].items(): values = notna(list(oset(item))) #hace un set de todos los valores de la fila if len(values) == 1: new_column.append(values[0]) #si hay un unico valor lo reemplaza directamente elif not values: new_column.append(np.nan) #si es una lista vacía pone un 0 else: new_column.append(values) #si hay varios valores distintos los conservamos return new_column #%% #y lo hago para todas las columnas del df nuevo collapsed = [] for column_name in df_test.columns.values: new_column = pd.Series(group_idem_oset(df_test,column_name),name=column_name, index=df_test.index) collapsed.append(new_column) df_collapsed =
pd.concat(collapsed, axis=1)
"""Project Palette functions for palette project """ from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter.constants import END import tkinter.messagebox as msgbox import os import webbrowser from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd from PIL import Image import requests if __name__ == "__main__": from data import * else: from import * def get_path(path): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path) def open_url(url): try: except webbrowser.Error as exp: msgbox.showerror("Error", f"Cannot open the browser!\n{exp}") except Exception: return def save_new_csv(entry_1, entry_2, entry_3): path_now = os.getcwd() filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( initialdir=path_now, title="Save", filetypes=(("Data files", "*.csv"), ("all files", "*.*")), defaultextension=".csv", ) if filename == "": return else: data = { "FEATURE_1": entry_1.get(), "FEATURE_2": entry_2.get(), "FEATURE_3": entry_3.get(), } df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0]) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, encoding="utf-8") def open_csv(entry_1, entry_2, entry_3): filename = "" path_now = os.getcwd() filename = filedialog.askopenfilename( title="Find your data", filetypes=(("Data files", "*.csv"), ("all files", "*.*")), initialdir=path_now, ) if filename == "": return else: if os.path.isfile(filename): entry_1.delete(0, END) entry_2.delete(0, END) entry_3.delete(0, END) try: df =
pd.read_csv(filename, nrows=1)
import os import sys import argparse import numpy as np import pandas as pd import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tqdm import tqdm import torch import torch.nn.functional as TF import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn from import DataLoader sys.path.append('../') # from torchlib.transforms import functional as F from torchlib.datasets.factory import FactoryDataset from torchlib.datasets.datasets import Dataset from torchlib.datasets.fersynthetic import SyntheticFaceDataset from torchlib.attentionnet import AttentionNeuralNet, AttentionGMMNeuralNet from torchlib.classnet import ClassNeuralNet from aug import get_transforms_aug, get_transforms_det # METRICS import sklearn.metrics as metrics from argparse import ArgumentParser def arg_parser(): """Arg parser""" parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--project', metavar='DIR', help='path to projects') parser.add_argument('--projectname', metavar='DIR', help='name projects') parser.add_argument('--pathdataset', metavar='DIR', help='path to dataset') parser.add_argument('--namedataset', metavar='S', help='name to dataset') parser.add_argument('--pathnameout', metavar='DIR', help='path to out dataset') parser.add_argument('--filename', metavar='S', help='name of the file output') parser.add_argument('--model', metavar='S', help='filename model') parser.add_argument('--breal', type=str, default='real', help='dataset is real or synthetic') parser.add_argument('--name-method', type=str, default='attnet', help='which neural network') parser.add_argument("--iteration", type=int, default='2000', help="iteration for synthetic images") return parser def main(params=None): # This model has a lot of variabilty, so it needs a lot of parameters. # We use an arg parser to get all the arguments we need. # See above for the default values, definitions and information on the datatypes. parser = arg_parser() if params: args = parser.parse_args(params) else: args = parser.parse_args() # Configuration project = args.project projectname = args.projectname pathnamedataset = args.pathdataset pathnamemodel = args.model pathproject = os.path.join( project, projectname ) namedataset = args.namedataset breal = args.breal name_method = args.name_method iteration = args.iteration fname = args.name_method fnet = { 'attnet': AttentionNeuralNet, 'attgmmnet': AttentionGMMNeuralNet, 'classnet': ClassNeuralNet, } no_cuda=False parallel=False gpu=0 seed=1 brepresentation=True bclassification_test=True brecover_test=False imagesize=64 kfold = 5 nactores = 10 idenselect = np.arange(nactores) + kfold * nactores # experiments experiments = [ { 'name': namedataset, 'subset':, 'status': breal }, { 'name': namedataset, 'subset': FactoryDataset.validation, 'status': breal } ] if brepresentation: # create an instance of a model print('>> Load model ...') network = fnet[fname]( patchproject=project, nameproject=projectname, no_cuda=no_cuda, parallel=parallel, seed=seed, gpu=gpu, ) cudnn.benchmark = True # load trained model if network.load( pathnamemodel ) is not True: print('>>Error!!! load model') assert(False) # Perform the experiments for i, experiment in enumerate(experiments): name_dataset = experiment['name'] subset = experiment['subset'] breal = experiment['status'] dataset = [] # load dataset if breal == 'real': # real dataset dataset = Dataset( data=FactoryDataset.factory( pathname=pathnamedataset, name=namedataset, subset=subset, idenselect=idenselect, download=True ), num_channels=3, transform=get_transforms_det( imagesize ), ) else: # synthetic dataset dataset = SyntheticFaceDataset( data=FactoryDataset.factory( pathname=pathnamedataset, name=namedataset, subset=subset, idenselect=idenselect, download=True ), pathnameback='~/.datasets/coco', ext='jpg', count=iteration, num_channels=3, iluminate=True, angle=45, translation=0.3, warp=0.2, factor=0.2, transform_data=get_transforms_aug( imagesize ), transform_image=get_transforms_det( imagesize ), ) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64, shuffle=False, num_workers=10 ) print("\ndataset:", breal) print("Subset:", subset) print("Classes", print("size of data:", len(dataset)) print("num of batches", len(dataloader)) # if method is attgmmnet, then the output has representation vector Zs # otherwise, the output only has the predicted emotions, and ground truth if name_method == 'attgmmnet': # representation Y_labs, Y_lab_hats, Zs = network.representation(dataloader, breal) print(Y_lab_hats.shape, Zs.shape, Y_labs.shape) reppathname = os.path.join(pathproject, 'rep_{}_{}_{}.pth'.format(namedataset, subset, breal)){'Yh': Y_lab_hats, 'Z': Zs, 'Y': Y_labs}, reppathname) print('save representation ...', reppathname) else: Y_labs, Y_lab_hats= network.representation( dataloader, breal ) print("Y_lab_hats shape: {}, y_labs shape: {}".format(Y_lab_hats.shape, Y_labs.shape)) reppathname = os.path.join( pathproject, 'rep_{}_{}_{}.pth'.format(namedataset, subset, breal ) ) { 'Yh':Y_lab_hats, 'Y':Y_labs }, reppathname ) print( 'save representation ...', reppathname ) # if calculate the classification result, accuracy, precision, recall and f1 if bclassification_test: tuplas=[] print('|Num\t|Acc\t|Prec\t|Rec\t|F1\t|Set\t|Type\t|Accuracy_type\t') for i, experiment in enumerate(experiments): name_dataset = experiment['name'] subset = experiment['subset'] breal = experiment['status'] real = breal rep_pathname = os.path.join( pathproject, 'rep_{}_{}_{}.pth'.format( namedataset, subset, breal) ) data_emb = torch.load(rep_pathname) Yto = data_emb['Y'] Yho = data_emb['Yh'] yhat = np.argmax( Yho, axis=1 ) y = Yto acc = metrics.accuracy_score(y, yhat) precision = metrics.precision_score(y, yhat, average='macro') recall = metrics.recall_score(y, yhat, average='macro') f1_score = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall) print( '|{}\t|{:0.3f}\t|{:0.3f}\t|{:0.3f}\t|{:0.3f}\t|{}\t|{}\t|{}\t'.format( i, acc, precision, recall, f1_score, subset, real, 'topk' )) cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y, yhat) # label = ['Neutral', 'Happiness', 'Surprise', 'Sadness', 'Anger', 'Disgust', 'Fear', 'Contempt'] # cm_display = metrics.ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cm, display_labels=label).plot() print(cm) print(f'save y and yhat to {real}_{subset}_y.npz') np.savez(os.path.join(pathproject, f'{real}_{subset}_y.npz'), name1=yhat, name2=y) #|Name|Dataset|Cls|Acc| ... tupla = { 'Name':projectname, 'Dataset': '{}({})_{}'.format( name_dataset, subset, real ), 'Accuracy': acc, 'Precision': precision, 'Recall': recall, 'F1 score': f1_score, } tuplas.append(tupla) # save df =
import json import pandas as pd import argparse #Test how many points the new_cut_dataset has parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--dataset_path', default="new_dataset.txt", type=str, help="Full path to the txt file containing the dataset") parser.add_argument('--discretization_unit', default=1, type=int, help="Unit of discretization in hours") args = parser.parse_args() filename = args.dataset_path discretization_unit = args.discretization_unit with open(filename, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) print(len(data['embeddings'])) print(
import os import sys import joblib # sys.path.append('../') main_path = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0] + '/covid19_forecast_ml' import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from datetime import datetime, timedelta from tqdm import tqdm from Dataloader_v2 import BaseCOVDataset from LSTNet_v2 import LSTNet_v2 import torch from import Dataset, DataLoader import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Training model') parser.add_argument('--GT_trends', default=None, type=str, help='Define which Google Trends terms to use: all, related_average, or primary (default)') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=3, type=int, help='Speficy the bath size for the model to train to') parser.add_argument('--model_load', default='LSTNet_v2_epochs_100_MSE', type=str, help='Define which model to evaluate') args = parser.parse_args() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------- Test functions ---------------------------------------- def predict(model, dataloader, min_cases, max_cases): model.eval() predictions = None for i, batch in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader, start=1),leave=False, total=len(dataloader)): X, Y = batch Y_pred = model(X).detach().numpy() if i == 1: predictions = Y_pred else: predictions = np.concatenate((predictions, Y_pred), axis=0) predictions = predictions*(max_cases-min_cases)+min_cases columns = ['forecast_cases'] df_predictions = pd.DataFrame(predictions, columns=columns) return df_predictions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------- Data paths --------------------------------------------- data_cases_path = os.path.join('data','cases_localidades.csv') data_movement_change_path = os.path.join('data','Movement','movement_range_colombian_cities.csv') data_GT_path = os.path.join('data','Google_Trends','trends_BOG.csv') data_GT_id_terms_path = os.path.join('data','Google_Trends','terms_id_ES.csv') data_GT_search_terms_path = os.path.join('data','Google_Trends','search_terms_ES.csv') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------- Load data ---------------------------------------------- ### Load confirmed cases for Bogota data_cases = pd.read_csv(data_cases_path, usecols=['date_time','location','num_cases','num_diseased']) data_cases['date_time'] =
pd.to_datetime(data_cases['date_time'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module is designed for the use with the coastdat2 weather data set of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. A description of the coastdat2 data set can be found here: SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2019 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ __copyright__ = "<NAME> <<EMAIL>>" __license__ = "MIT" import os import pandas as pd import pvlib from import eq_ from windpowerlib.wind_turbine import WindTurbine from reegis import coastdat, feedin, config as cfg import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) def feedin_wind_sets_tests(): fn = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, "tests", "data", "test_coastdat_weather.csv", ) wind_sets = feedin.create_windpowerlib_sets() weather = pd.read_csv(fn, header=[0, 1])["1126088"] data_height = cfg.get_dict("coastdat_data_height") wind_weather = coastdat.adapt_coastdat_weather_to_windpowerlib( weather, data_height ) df =
import pandas as pd import os def _1996(data_dir): from . import sgf_table_sums file = "96data35.txt" ids = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(data_dir, "government-ids.xls"), dtype={"ID Code": str, "State": str}, ) ids["State"] = ids["State"].str.strip() map_id = dict(zip(ids["ID Code"], ids["State"])) map_id["00000000000000"] = "United States" map_id["09000000000000"] = "District of Columbia" t = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, file), header=None, index_col=None) t["Government Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][0:14] for i in t.index] t["Item Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][14:17] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = [t.loc[i, 0][17:29] for i in t.index] t["Survery Year"] = [t.loc[i, 0][29:31] for i in t.index] t["Year of Data"] = [t.loc[i, 0][31:33] for i in t.index] t["Origin"] = [t.loc[i, 0][33:35] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = t["Amount"].map(int) t["Government Name"] = t["Government Code"].map(map_id) regions = list(set(t["Government Name"])) regions.sort() cols = ["Category"] cols.extend(regions) table = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) for n, row in enumerate(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology.keys()): table.loc[n, "Category"] = row for region in regions: table.loc[n, region] = t[ (t["Government Name"] == region) & ( t["Item Code"].isin(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology[row]) == True ) ]["Amount"].sum() table = pd.melt(table, id_vars="Category", var_name="State") table["year"] = "1996" table["units"] = "thousands of us dollars (USD)" # typing table["Category"] = table["Category"].map(str) table["State"] = table["State"].map(str) table["value"] = table["value"].map(int) table["year"] = table["year"].map(str) table["units"] = table["units"].map(str) return table def _1997(data_dir): from . import sgf_table_sums file = "97data35.txt" ids = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(data_dir, "government-ids.xls"), dtype={"ID Code": str, "State": str}, ) ids["State"] = ids["State"].str.strip() map_id = dict(zip(ids["ID Code"], ids["State"])) map_id["00000000000000"] = "United States" map_id["09000000000000"] = "District of Columbia" t = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, file), header=None, index_col=None) t["Government Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][0:14] for i in t.index] t["Item Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][14:17] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = [t.loc[i, 0][17:29] for i in t.index] t["Survery Year"] = [t.loc[i, 0][29:31] for i in t.index] t["Year of Data"] = [t.loc[i, 0][31:33] for i in t.index] t["Origin"] = [t.loc[i, 0][33:35] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = t["Amount"].map(int) t["Government Name"] = t["Government Code"].map(map_id) regions = list(set(t["Government Name"])) regions.sort() cols = ["Category"] cols.extend(regions) table = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) for n, row in enumerate(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology.keys()): table.loc[n, "Category"] = row for region in regions: table.loc[n, region] = t[ (t["Government Name"] == region) & ( t["Item Code"].isin(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology[row]) == True ) ]["Amount"].sum() table = pd.melt(table, id_vars="Category", var_name="State") table["year"] = "1997" table["units"] = "thousands of us dollars (USD)" # typing table["Category"] = table["Category"].map(str) table["State"] = table["State"].map(str) table["value"] = table["value"].map(int) table["year"] = table["year"].map(str) table["units"] = table["units"].map(str) return table def _1998(data_dir): from . import sgf_table_sums file = "98data35.txt" ids = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(data_dir, "government-ids.xls"), dtype={"ID Code": str, "State": str}, ) ids["State"] = ids["State"].str.strip() map_id = dict(zip(ids["ID Code"], ids["State"])) map_id["00000000000000"] = "United States" map_id["09000000000000"] = "District of Columbia" t = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, file), header=None, index_col=None) t["Government Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][0:14] for i in t.index] t["Item Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][14:17] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = [t.loc[i, 0][17:29] for i in t.index] t["Survery Year"] = [t.loc[i, 0][29:31] for i in t.index] t["Year of Data"] = [t.loc[i, 0][31:33] for i in t.index] t["Origin"] = [t.loc[i, 0][33:35] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = t["Amount"].map(int) t["Government Name"] = t["Government Code"].map(map_id) regions = list(set(t["Government Name"])) regions.sort() cols = ["Category"] cols.extend(regions) table = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) for n, row in enumerate(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology.keys()): table.loc[n, "Category"] = row for region in regions: table.loc[n, region] = t[ (t["Government Name"] == region) & ( t["Item Code"].isin(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology[row]) == True ) ]["Amount"].sum() table = pd.melt(table, id_vars="Category", var_name="State") table["year"] = "1998" table["units"] = "thousands of us dollars (USD)" # typing table["Category"] = table["Category"].map(str) table["State"] = table["State"].map(str) table["value"] = table["value"].map(int) table["year"] = table["year"].map(str) table["units"] = table["units"].map(str) return table def _1999(data_dir): from . import sgf_table_sums file = "99state35.txt" ids = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(data_dir, "government-ids.xls"), dtype={"ID Code": str, "State": str}, ) ids["State"] = ids["State"].str.strip() map_id = dict(zip(ids["ID Code"], ids["State"])) map_id["00000000000000"] = "United States" map_id["09000000000000"] = "District of Columbia" t = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, file), header=None, index_col=None) t["Government Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][0:14] for i in t.index] t["Origin"] = [t.loc[i, 0][17:19] for i in t.index] t["Item Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][21:24] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = [t.loc[i, 0][24:35] for i in t.index] t["Survery Year"] = 99 t["Year of Data"] = 99 t["Amount"] = t["Amount"].map(int) t["Government Name"] = t["Government Code"].map(map_id) regions = list(set(t["Government Name"])) regions.sort() cols = ["Category"] cols.extend(regions) table = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) for n, row in enumerate(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology.keys()): table.loc[n, "Category"] = row for region in regions: table.loc[n, region] = t[ (t["Government Name"] == region) & ( t["Item Code"].isin(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology[row]) == True ) ]["Amount"].sum() table = pd.melt(table, id_vars="Category", var_name="State") table["year"] = "1999" table["units"] = "thousands of us dollars (USD)" # typing table["Category"] = table["Category"].map(str) table["State"] = table["State"].map(str) table["value"] = table["value"].map(int) table["year"] = table["year"].map(str) table["units"] = table["units"].map(str) return table def _2000(data_dir): from . import sgf_table_sums file = "00state35.txt" ids = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(data_dir, "government-ids.xls"), dtype={"ID Code": str, "State": str}, ) ids["State"] = ids["State"].str.strip() map_id = dict(zip(ids["ID Code"], ids["State"])) map_id["00000000000000"] = "United States" map_id["09000000000000"] = "District of Columbia" t = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, file), header=None, index_col=None) t["Government Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][0:14] for i in t.index] t["Item Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][14:17] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = [t.loc[i, 0][17:29] for i in t.index] t["Survery Year"] = [t.loc[i, 0][29:31] for i in t.index] t["Year of Data"] = [t.loc[i, 0][31:33] for i in t.index] t["Origin"] = [t.loc[i, 0][33:35] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = t["Amount"].map(int) t["Government Name"] = t["Government Code"].map(map_id) regions = list(set(t["Government Name"])) regions.sort() cols = ["Category"] cols.extend(regions) table = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) for n, row in enumerate(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology.keys()): table.loc[n, "Category"] = row for region in regions: table.loc[n, region] = t[ (t["Government Name"] == region) & ( t["Item Code"].isin(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology[row]) == True ) ]["Amount"].sum() table = pd.melt(table, id_vars="Category", var_name="State") table["year"] = "2000" table["units"] = "thousands of us dollars (USD)" # typing table["Category"] = table["Category"].map(str) table["State"] = table["State"].map(str) table["value"] = table["value"].map(int) table["year"] = table["year"].map(str) table["units"] = table["units"].map(str) return table def _2001(data_dir): from . import sgf_table_sums file = "01state35.txt" ids = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(data_dir, "government-ids.xls"), dtype={"ID Code": str, "State": str}, ) ids["State"] = ids["State"].str.strip() map_id = dict(zip(ids["ID Code"], ids["State"])) map_id["00000000000000"] = "United States" map_id["09000000000000"] = "District of Columbia" t = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, file), header=None, index_col=None) t["Government Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][0:14] for i in t.index] t["Item Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][14:17] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = [t.loc[i, 0][17:29] for i in t.index] t["Survery Year"] = [t.loc[i, 0][29:31] for i in t.index] t["Year of Data"] = [t.loc[i, 0][31:33] for i in t.index] t["Origin"] = [t.loc[i, 0][33:35] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = t["Amount"].map(int) t["Government Name"] = t["Government Code"].map(map_id) regions = list(set(t["Government Name"])) regions.sort() cols = ["Category"] cols.extend(regions) table = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) for n, row in enumerate(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology.keys()): table.loc[n, "Category"] = row for region in regions: table.loc[n, region] = t[ (t["Government Name"] == region) & ( t["Item Code"].isin(sgf_table_sums.sums_new_methodology[row]) == True ) ]["Amount"].sum() table = pd.melt(table, id_vars="Category", var_name="State") table["year"] = "2001" table["units"] = "thousands of us dollars (USD)" # typing table["Category"] = table["Category"].map(str) table["State"] = table["State"].map(str) table["value"] = table["value"].map(int) table["year"] = table["year"].map(str) table["units"] = table["units"].map(str) return table def _2002(data_dir): from . import sgf_table_sums file = "02state35.txt" ids = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(data_dir, "government-ids.xls"), dtype={"ID Code": str, "State": str}, ) ids["State"] = ids["State"].str.strip() map_id = dict(zip(ids["ID Code"], ids["State"])) map_id["00000000000000"] = "United States" map_id["09000000000000"] = "District of Columbia" t = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, file), header=None, index_col=None) t["Government Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][0:14] for i in t.index] t["Item Code"] = [t.loc[i, 0][14:17] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = [t.loc[i, 0][17:29] for i in t.index] t["Survery Year"] = [t.loc[i, 0][29:31] for i in t.index] t["Year of Data"] = [t.loc[i, 0][31:33] for i in t.index] t["Origin"] = [t.loc[i, 0][33:35] for i in t.index] t["Amount"] = t["Amount"].map(int) t["Government Name"] = t["Government Code"].map(map_id) regions = list(set(t["Government Name"])) regions.sort() cols = ["Category"] cols.extend(regions) table =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import os.path import math from IPython.display import display,clear_output import random import scipy.stats as st from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder import sklearn.preprocessing as sk import sklearn.model_selection as skm from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier,AdaBoostClassifier,GradientBoostingClassifier from xgboost import XGBClassifier from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score,roc_auc_score,f1_score,precision_score,recall_score,cohen_kappa_score,log_loss from scalarpy.pre_process import preprocess import ipywidgets as widgets from yellowbrick.classifier import ROCAUC from yellowbrick.classifier import PrecisionRecallCurve from yellowbrick.classifier import ClassificationReport from yellowbrick.classifier import ClassPredictionError from yellowbrick.classifier import ConfusionMatrix from yellowbrick.classifier import DiscriminationThreshold from yellowbrick.model_selection import LearningCurve from yellowbrick.model_selection import CVScores from yellowbrick.model_selection import FeatureImportances from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV import pickle import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') def highlight_max(s): ''' highlight the maximum in a Series green. ''' is_max = s == s.max() return ['background-color: yellow' if v else '' for v in is_max] def highlight_min(s): ''' highlight the maximum in a Series green. ''' is_min = s == s.min() return ['background-color: yellow' if v else '' for v in is_min] class classifier: ''' build_classifier(dataset,target=None,preprocess_data=True,classifiers="all",ignore_columns=None,train_size=0.8,random_state=42,impute_missing=True,handle_outliers=True,encode_data=True,normalize=True, numerical_imputation="mean",categorical_imputation="mode",cat_thresh=10, outlier_method="iqr",outlier_threshold=2,outlier_strategy="replace_lb_ub",outlier_columns="all", encoding_strategy="one_hot_encode",high_cardinality_encoding="frequency",encode_drop_first=True,ordinal_map=None,encoding_categorical_features="auto",encode_map=None, normalization_strategy="min_max", hyperparameter_tunning="best",param_grid="auto",cv=10,n_iter=10, hyperparameter_scoring="accuracy",n_jobs=1, verbose=1) ''' def __init__(self,dataset,target=None,preprocess_data=True,classifiers="all",ignore_columns=None,train_size=0.8,random_state=42,impute_missing=True,handle_outliers=True,encode_data=True,normalize=True,sort="accuracy", numerical_imputation="mean",categorical_imputation="mode",cat_thresh=10, outlier_method="iqr",outlier_threshold=2,outlier_strategy="replace_lb_ub",outlier_columns="all", encoding_strategy="one_hot_encode",high_cardinality_encoding="frequency",encode_drop_first=True,ordinal_map=None,encoding_categorical_features="auto",encode_map=None, handle_imbalance=False,resampling_method="smote", normalization_strategy="min_max", hyperparameter_tunning="best",param_grid="auto",cv=10,n_iter=10, hyperparameter_scoring="accuracy",n_jobs=1, verbose=1): self.train_size=train_size self.random_state=random_state self.classifiers=classifiers self.pd=preprocess_data self.sort=sort self.handle_imbalance=handle_imbalance self.resampling_method=resampling_method self.hyperparameter_tunning=hyperparameter_tunning self.param_grid=param_grid self.n_iter=n_iter self.n_jobs=n_jobs self.hyperparameter_scoring=hyperparameter_scoring if(preprocess_data): self.pp=preprocess(dataset,target,ignore_columns=ignore_columns) self.pp.preprocess_data(impute_missing,handle_outliers,encode_data,normalize, numerical_imputation,categorical_imputation,cat_thresh, outlier_method,outlier_threshold,outlier_strategy,outlier_columns, encoding_strategy,high_cardinality_encoding,encode_drop_first,ordinal_map,encoding_categorical_features,encode_map, normalization_strategy,verbose) def auto_classify(self,verbose=1): if(data[].nunique()>2): self.c_type="multi_class" else: self.c_type="binary" X=data.drop(,axis=1) y=data[] self.X_train, self.X_test, self.y_train, self.y_test=skm.train_test_split(X,y,train_size=self.train_size,random_state=self.random_state) if(self.handle_imbalance): self.X_train,self.y_train=self.pp.handle_imbalance(self.X_train,self.y_train,self.resampling_method,verbose) #Logistic Regression self.models={} if(verbose): print("Part-2 Building the models...") classifiers=self.classifiers if(classifiers=="all" or ("lr" in classifiers)):,self.y_train) self.models["Logistic Regression"] #Ridge Classififer if(classifiers=="all" or ("rc" in classifiers)): self.rc=RidgeClassifier(),self.y_train) self.models["Ridge Classifier"]=self.rc #KNN if(classifiers=="all" or ("knn" in classifiers)): self.knn=KNeighborsClassifier(),self.y_train) self.models["K Neighbors Classifier"]=self.knn #Decision Tree if(classifiers=="all" or ("dt" in classifiers)): self.dt=DecisionTreeClassifier(),self.y_train) self.models["Decision Tree Classifier"]=self.dt #SVM if(classifiers=="all" or ("svm" in classifiers)): self.svm=SVC(kernel="linear"),self.y_train) self.models["Linear SVM"]=self.svm #Navie Bayes if(classifiers=="all" or ("nb" in classifiers)): self.nb=GaussianNB(),self.y_train) self.models["Navie Bayes"]=self.nb #Random Forest if(classifiers=="all" or ("rf" in classifiers)): self.rf=RandomForestClassifier(),self.y_train) self.models["Random Forest Classifier"]=self.rf #ADA Boost if(classifiers=="all" or ("adb" in classifiers)): self.adb=AdaBoostClassifier(),self.y_train) self.models["AdaBoost Classifier"]=self.adb #GBM if(classifiers=="all" or ("gbm" in classifiers)): self.gbm=GradientBoostingClassifier(),self.y_train) self.models["Gradient Boosting Classifier"]=self.gbm #XGBOOST if(classifiers=="all" or ("xgb" in classifiers)): self.xgb=XGBClassifier(),self.y_train) self.models["Extreme Boosting Classifier"]=self.xgb #lGBM if(classifiers=="all" or ("lgbm" in classifiers)): self.lgb=LGBMClassifier(),self.y_train) self.models["Light Gradient Boosting Classifier"]=self.lgb if(verbose): print(30*"=") print("Part-3 Evaluating Model Performance") #Evaluate Models score_grid=pd.DataFrame() for key,model in self.models.items(): y_pred=model.predict(self.X_test) accuracy=accuracy_score(self.y_test,y_pred) auc=roc_auc_score(self.y_test,y_pred) precision=precision_score(self.y_test,y_pred) recall=recall_score(self.y_test,y_pred) f1=f1_score(self.y_test,y_pred) kappa=cohen_kappa_score(self.y_test,y_pred) logloss=log_loss(self.y_test,y_pred) score_dict={"Model":key,"Accuracy":accuracy,"AUC_ROC":auc,"Precision":precision, "Recall":recall,"F1 Score":f1,"Kappa":kappa,"Log Loss":logloss} score_grid=score_grid.append( score_dict,ignore_index=True,sort=False) self.score_grid=score_grid.set_index('Model') if(self.hyperparameter_tunning=="best"): if(verbose): print(30*"=") print("Part-4 Tunning Hyperparameters") best=self.score_grid.sort_values(by="Accuracy",ascending=False).iloc[0,:].name tg=self.tune_model(m_model=best,param_grid=self.param_grid,,n_iter=self.n_iter,scoring=self.hyperparameter_scoring,n_jobs=self.n_jobs) tune_grid=
import argparse import numpy as np import pandas import utils parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("data_path", type=str, help="path to csv file") utils.add_arguments(parser, ["output"]) args = parser.parse_args() data_path = args.data_path out_path = args.output df = pandas.read_csv(data_path) aggregate_dict = { "data_dir": df["data_dir"].iloc[0], "hyperparameter_keys": [], "hyperparameter_values": [], "n_trials": [], "did_all_trial_complete": [], "mean_loss": [], "min_loss": [], } hyperparameter_value_combinations = df["hyperparameter_values"].unique() for value_combination in hyperparameter_value_combinations: dfv = df[df["hyperparameter_values"] == value_combination] n_trials = len(dfv) did_all_trial_complete = np.all(dfv["did_trial_complete"]) losses = dfv["validation_loss"] loss_mean = losses.mean() loss_min = losses.min() aggregate_dict["hyperparameter_keys"].append(dfv["hyperparameter_keys"].iloc[0]) aggregate_dict["hyperparameter_values"].append(value_combination) aggregate_dict["n_trials"].append(n_trials) aggregate_dict["did_all_trial_complete"].append(did_all_trial_complete) aggregate_dict["mean_loss"].append(loss_mean) aggregate_dict["min_loss"].append(loss_min) aggregate_df =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Description ---------- Some simple classes to be used in sklearn pipelines for pandas input Informations ---------- Author: <NAME> Maintainer: Email: <EMAIL> Copyright: Credits: License: Version: Status: in development """ import numpy, math, scipy, pandas import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import zscore from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin # from IPython.display import clear_output from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.preprocessing import ( # MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, KBinsDiscretizer, KernelCenterer, QuantileTransformer, ) from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from scipy import stats from .metrics import eval_information_value class ReplaceValue(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Description ---------- Replace all values of a column by a specific value. Arguments ---------- feature_name: str name of the column to replace value: Value to be replaced replace_by: Value to replace active: boolean This parameter controls if the selection will occour. This is useful in hyperparameters searchs to test the contribution in the final score Examples ---------- >>> replace = ReplaceValue('first_col','val','new_val') >>> replace.fit_transform(X,y) """ def __init__(self, feature_name, value, replace_by, active=True): = active self.feature_name = feature_name self.value = value self.replace_by = replace_by def fit(self, X, y): return self def transform(self, X): if not return X else: return self.__transformation(X) def __transformation(self, X_in): X = X_in.copy() X[self.feature_name] = X[self.feature_name].replace(self.value, self.replace_by) return X class OneFeatureApply(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Description ---------- Apply a passed function to all elements of column Arguments ---------- feature_name: str name of the column to replace apply: str String containing the lambda function to be applied active: boolean This parameter controls if the selection will occour. This is useful in hyperparameters searchs to test the contribution in the final score Examples ---------- >>> apply = OneFeatureApply(feature_name = 'first_col',apply = 'np.log1p(x/2)') >>> apply.fit_transform(X_trn,y_trn) """ def __init__(self, feature_name, apply="x", active=True, variable="x"): self.feature_name = feature_name self.apply = eval("lambda ?: ".replace("?", variable) + apply) = active def fit(self, X, y): return self def transform(self, X): if not return X else: return self.__transformation(X) def __transformation(self, X_in): X = X_in.copy() X[self.feature_name] = self.apply(X[self.feature_name]) return X class FeatureApply(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Description ---------- Apply a multidimensional function to the features. Arguments ---------- apply: str String containing a multidimensional lambda function to be applied. The name of the columns must appear in the string inside the tag <>. Ex. `apply = "np.log(<column_1> + <column_2>)" ` destination: str Name of the column to receive the result drop: bool The user choose if the old features columns must be deleted. active: boolean This parameter controls if the selection will occour. This is useful in hyperparameters searchs to test the contribution in the final score Examples ---------- >>> apply = FeatureApply( destination = 'result_column', apply = 'np.log1p(<col_1> + <col_2>)') >>> apply.fit_transform(X_trn,y_trn) """ def __init__(self, apply="x", active=True, destination=None, drop=False): self.apply = apply = active self.destination = destination self.drop = drop def fit(self, X, y): return self def transform(self, X): if not return X else: return self.__transformation(X) def __transformation(self, X_in): X = X_in.copy() cols = list(X.columns) variables = self.__get_variables(self.apply, cols) len_variables = len(variables) new_column = self.__new_column(self.apply, X) if self.drop: X = X.drop(columns=variables) if self.destination: if self.destination == "first": X[variables[0]] = new_column elif self.destination == "last": X[variables[-1]] = new_column else: if type(self.destination) == str: X[self.destination] = new_column else: print( '[Warning]: <destination> is not a string. Result is on "new_column"' ) X["new_column"] = new_column else: if len_variables == 1: X[variables[0]] = new_column else: X["new_column"] = new_column return X def __findall(self, string, pattern): return [i for i in range(len(string)) if string.startswith(pattern, i)] def __remove_duplicates(self, x): return list(dict.fromkeys(x)) def __get_variables(self, string, checklist, verbose=1): start_pos = self.__findall(string, "<") end_pos = self.__findall(string, ">") prop_variables = self.__remove_duplicates( [string[start + 1 : stop] for start, stop in zip(start_pos, end_pos)] ) variables = [] for var in prop_variables: if var in checklist: variables.append(var) else: if verbose > 0: print("[Error]: Feature " + var + " not found.") return variables def __new_column(self, string, dataframe): cols = list(dataframe.columns) variables = self.__get_variables(string, cols, verbose=0) function = eval( "lambda " + ",".join(variables) + ": " + string.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") ) new_list = [] for ind, row in dataframe.iterrows(): if len(variables) == 1: var = eval("[row['" + variables[0] + "']]") else: var = eval( ",".join(list(map(lambda st: "row['" + st + "']", variables))) ) new_list.append(function(*var)) return new_list class Encoder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Description ---------- Encodes categorical features Arguments ---------- drop_first: boll Whether to get k-1 dummies out of k categorical levels by removing the first level. active: boolean This parameter controls if the selection will occour. This is useful in hyperparameters searchs to test the contribution in the final score """ def __init__(self, active=True, drop_first=True): = active self.drop_first = drop_first def fit(self, X, y=None): return self def transform(self, X): if not return X else: return self.__transformation(X) def __transformation(self, X_in): return pd.get_dummies(X_in, drop_first=self.drop_first) class OneHotMissingEncoder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ """ def __init__(self, columns, suffix="nan", sep="_", dummy_na=True, drop_last=False): """ """ self.columns = columns self.suffix = suffix self.sep = sep self.any_missing = None self.column_values = None self.last_value = None self.dummy_na = dummy_na self.drop_last = drop_last def transform(self, X, **transform_params): """ """ X_copy = X.copy() final_columns = [] for col in X_copy.columns: if col not in self.columns: final_columns.append(col) else: for value in self.column_values[col]: col_name = col + self.sep + str(value) if ( self.drop_last and value == self.last_value[col] and (not self.any_missing[col]) ): pass # dropping else: final_columns.append(col_name) X_copy[col_name] = (X_copy[col] == value).astype(int) if self.any_missing[col]: if self.dummy_na and not self.drop_last: col_name = col + self.sep + "nan" final_columns.append(col_name) X_copy[col_name] = pd.isnull(X_copy[col]).astype(int) return X_copy[final_columns] def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """ """ self.any_missing = {col: (pd.notnull(X[col]).sum() > 0) for col in self.columns} self.column_values = { col: sorted([x for x in list(X[col].unique()) if pd.notnull(x)]) for col in self.columns } self.last_value = {col: self.column_values[col][-1] for col in self.columns} return self class MeanModeImputer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Description ---------- Not documented yet Arguments ---------- Not documented yet """ def __init__(self, features="all", active=True): self.features = features = active def fit(self, X, y=None): if self.features == "all": self.features = list(X.columns) # receive X and collect its columns self.columns = list(X.columns) # defining the categorical columns of X self.numerical_features = list(X._get_numeric_data().columns) # definig numerical columns of x self.categorical_features = list( set(list(X.columns)) - set(list(X._get_numeric_data().columns)) ) self.mean_dict = {} for feature_name in self.features: if feature_name in self.numerical_features: self.mean_dict[feature_name] = X[feature_name].mean() elif feature_name in self.categorical_features: self.mean_dict[feature_name] = X[feature_name].mode()[0] return self def transform(self, X, y=None): if not return X else: return self.__transformation(X, y) def __transformation(self, X_in, y_in=None): X = X_in.copy() for feature_name in self.features: new_list = [] if X[feature_name].isna().sum() > 0: for ind, row in X[[feature_name]].iterrows(): if pd.isnull(row[feature_name]): new_list.append(self.mean_dict[feature_name]) else: new_list.append(row[feature_name]) X[feature_name] = new_list return X class ScalerDF(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """""" def __init__(self, max_missing=0.0, active=True): = active self.max_missing = max_missing def fit(self, X, y=None): return self def transform(self, X): if not return X else: return self.__transformation(X) def __transformation(self, X_in): X = X_in.copy() scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(copy=True, feature_range=(0, 1)) try: ind = np.array(list(X.index)).reshape(-1, 1) ind_name = df = pd.concat( [ pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(X), columns=list(X.columns)), pd.DataFrame(ind, columns=[ind_name]), ], 1, ) X = df.set_index("Id") except: X = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(X), columns=list(X.columns)) return X def _dataframe_transform(transformer, data): if isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame)): return pd.DataFrame( transformer.transform(data), columns=data.columns, index=data.index ) else: return transformer.transform(data) class MinMaxScaler(preprocessing.MinMaxScaler): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def transform(self, X): return _dataframe_transform(super(), X) class StandardScaler(preprocessing.StandardScaler): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def transform(self, X): return _dataframe_transform(super(), X) class RobustScaler(preprocessing.RobustScaler): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def transform(self, X): return _dataframe_transform(super(), X) class DataFrameImputer(TransformerMixin): def __init__(self): """ Impute missing values. Columns of dtype object are imputed with the most frequent value in column. Columns of other types are imputed with mean of column. """ def fit(self, X, y=None): self.fill = pd.Series( [ X[c].value_counts().index[0] if X[c].dtype == np.dtype("O") else X[c].mean() for c in X ], index=X.columns, ) return self def transform(self, X, y=None): return X.fillna(self.fill) class EncoderDataframe(TransformerMixin): """""" def __init__(self, separator="_", drop_first=True): self.numerical_features = None self.categorical_features = None self.separator = separator self.drop_first = drop_first # def fit(self, X, y=None): # receive X and collect its columns self.columns = list(X.columns) # defining the categorical columns of X self.numerical_features = list(X._get_numeric_data().columns) # definig numerical columns of x self.categorical_features = list( set(list(X.columns)) - set(list(X._get_numeric_data().columns)) ) # make the loop through the columns new_columns = {} for col in self.columns: # if the column is numerica, append to new_columns if col in self.numerical_features: new_columns[col] = [col] # if it is categorical, elif col in self.categorical_features: # get all possible categories unique_elements = X[col].unique().tolist() # drop the last if the user ask for it if self.drop_first: unique_elements.pop(-1) # make a loop through the categories new_list = [] for elem in unique_elements: new_list.append(elem) new_columns[col] = new_list self.new_columns = new_columns return self def transform(self, X, y=None): X_ = X.reset_index(drop=True).copy() # columns to be transformed columns = X_.columns # columns fitted if list(columns) != self.columns: print( "[Error]: The features in fitted dataset are not equal to the dataset in transform." ) list_df = [] for col in X_.columns: if col in self.numerical_features: list_df.append(X_[col]) elif col in self.categorical_features: for elem in self.new_columns[col]: serie = pd.Series( list(map(lambda x: int(x), list(X_[col] == elem))), name=str(col) + self.separator + str(elem), ) list_df.append(serie) return
pd.concat(list_df, 1)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer as lbc from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox data = lbc() clm = np.array(data['feature_names']) df_x = pd.DataFrame(data['data']) df_y =
from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from numba import njit import vectorbt as vbt from tests.utils import record_arrays_close from vectorbt.generic.enums import range_dt, drawdown_dt from vectorbt.portfolio.enums import order_dt, trade_dt, log_dt day_dt = np.timedelta64(86400000000000) example_dt = np.dtype([ ('id', np.int64), ('col', np.int64), ('idx', np.int64), ('some_field1', np.float64), ('some_field2', np.float64) ], align=True) records_arr = np.asarray([ (0, 0, 0, 10, 21), (1, 0, 1, 11, 20), (2, 0, 2, 12, 19), (3, 1, 0, 13, 18), (4, 1, 1, 14, 17), (5, 1, 2, 13, 18), (6, 2, 0, 12, 19), (7, 2, 1, 11, 20), (8, 2, 2, 10, 21) ], dtype=example_dt) records_nosort_arr = np.concatenate(( records_arr[0::3], records_arr[1::3], records_arr[2::3] )) group_by = pd.Index(['g1', 'g1', 'g2', 'g2']) wrapper = vbt.ArrayWrapper( index=['x', 'y', 'z'], columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ndim=2, freq='1 days' ) wrapper_grouped = wrapper.replace(group_by=group_by) records = vbt.records.Records(wrapper, records_arr) records_grouped = vbt.records.Records(wrapper_grouped, records_arr) records_nosort = records.replace(records_arr=records_nosort_arr) records_nosort_grouped = vbt.records.Records(wrapper_grouped, records_nosort_arr) # ############# Global ############# # def setup_module(): vbt.settings.numba['check_func_suffix'] = True vbt.settings.caching.enabled = False vbt.settings.caching.whitelist = [] vbt.settings.caching.blacklist = [] def teardown_module(): vbt.settings.reset() # ############# ############# # class TestColumnMapper: def test_col_arr(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( records['a'].col_mapper.col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.col_mapper.col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) ) def test_get_col_arr(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.col_mapper.get_col_arr(), records.col_mapper.col_arr ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped['g1'].col_mapper.get_col_arr(), np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped.col_mapper.get_col_arr(), np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) ) def test_col_range(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( records['a'].col_mapper.col_range, np.array([ [0, 3] ]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.col_mapper.col_range, np.array([ [0, 3], [3, 6], [6, 9], [-1, -1] ]) ) def test_get_col_range(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.col_mapper.get_col_range(), np.array([ [0, 3], [3, 6], [6, 9], [-1, -1] ]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped['g1'].col_mapper.get_col_range(), np.array([[0, 6]]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped.col_mapper.get_col_range(), np.array([[0, 6], [6, 9]]) ) def test_col_map(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( records['a'].col_mapper.col_map[0], np.array([0, 1, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records['a'].col_mapper.col_map[1], np.array([3]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.col_mapper.col_map[0], np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.col_mapper.col_map[1], np.array([3, 3, 3, 0]) ) def test_get_col_map(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.col_mapper.get_col_map()[0], records.col_mapper.col_map[0] ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.col_mapper.get_col_map()[1], records.col_mapper.col_map[1] ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped['g1'].col_mapper.get_col_map()[0], np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped['g1'].col_mapper.get_col_map()[1], np.array([6]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped.col_mapper.get_col_map()[0], np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped.col_mapper.get_col_map()[1], np.array([6, 3]) ) def test_is_sorted(self): assert records.col_mapper.is_sorted() assert not records_nosort.col_mapper.is_sorted() # ############# ############# # mapped_array = records.map_field('some_field1') mapped_array_grouped = records_grouped.map_field('some_field1') mapped_array_nosort = records_nosort.map_field('some_field1') mapped_array_nosort_grouped = records_nosort_grouped.map_field('some_field1') mapping = {x: 'test_' + str(x) for x in pd.unique(mapped_array.values)} mp_mapped_array = mapped_array.replace(mapping=mapping) mp_mapped_array_grouped = mapped_array_grouped.replace(mapping=mapping) class TestMappedArray: def test_config(self, tmp_path): assert vbt.MappedArray.loads(mapped_array.dumps()) == mapped_array / 'mapped_array') assert vbt.MappedArray.load(tmp_path / 'mapped_array') == mapped_array def test_mapped_arr(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array['a'].values, np.array([10., 11., 12.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.values, np.array([10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 13., 12., 11., 10.]) ) def test_id_arr(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array['a'].id_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.id_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) ) def test_col_arr(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array['a'].col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) ) def test_idx_arr(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array['a'].idx_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.idx_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) ) def test_is_sorted(self): assert mapped_array.is_sorted() assert mapped_array.is_sorted(incl_id=True) assert not mapped_array_nosort.is_sorted() assert not mapped_array_nosort.is_sorted(incl_id=True) def test_sort(self): assert mapped_array.sort().is_sorted() assert mapped_array.sort().is_sorted(incl_id=True) assert mapped_array.sort(incl_id=True).is_sorted(incl_id=True) assert mapped_array_nosort.sort().is_sorted() assert mapped_array_nosort.sort().is_sorted(incl_id=True) assert mapped_array_nosort.sort(incl_id=True).is_sorted(incl_id=True) def test_apply_mask(self): mask_a = mapped_array['a'].values >= mapped_array['a'].values.mean() np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array['a'].apply_mask(mask_a).id_arr, np.array([1, 2]) ) mask = mapped_array.values >= mapped_array.values.mean() filtered = mapped_array.apply_mask(mask) np.testing.assert_array_equal( filtered.id_arr, np.array([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal(filtered.col_arr, mapped_array.col_arr[mask]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(filtered.idx_arr, mapped_array.idx_arr[mask]) assert mapped_array_grouped.apply_mask(mask).wrapper == mapped_array_grouped.wrapper assert mapped_array_grouped.apply_mask(mask, group_by=False).wrapper.grouper.group_by is None def test_map_to_mask(self): @njit def every_2_nb(inout, idxs, col, mapped_arr): inout[idxs[::2]] = True np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.map_to_mask(every_2_nb), np.array([True, False, True, True, False, True, True, False, True]) ) def test_top_n_mask(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.top_n_mask(1), np.array([False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, False]) ) def test_bottom_n_mask(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.bottom_n_mask(1), np.array([True, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, True]) ) def test_top_n(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.top_n(1).id_arr, np.array([2, 4, 6]) ) def test_bottom_n(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.bottom_n(1).id_arr, np.array([0, 3, 8]) ) def test_to_pd(self): target = pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [10., 13., 12., np.nan], [11., 14., 11., np.nan], [12., 13., 10., np.nan] ]), index=wrapper.index, columns=wrapper.columns ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['a'].to_pd(), target['a'] ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.to_pd(), target ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.to_pd(fill_value=0.), target.fillna(0.) ) mapped_array2 = vbt.MappedArray( wrapper, records_arr['some_field1'].tolist() + [1], records_arr['col'].tolist() + [2], idx_arr=records_arr['idx'].tolist() + [2] ) with pytest.raises(Exception): _ = mapped_array2.to_pd() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['a'].to_pd(ignore_index=True), pd.Series(np.array([10., 11., 12.]), name='a') ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.to_pd(ignore_index=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [10., 13., 12., np.nan], [11., 14., 11., np.nan], [12., 13., 10., np.nan] ]), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.to_pd(fill_value=0, ignore_index=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [10., 13., 12., 0.], [11., 14., 11., 0.], [12., 13., 10., 0.] ]), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array_grouped.to_pd(ignore_index=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [10., 12.], [11., 11.], [12., 10.], [13., np.nan], [14., np.nan], [13., np.nan], ]), columns=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) ) def test_apply(self): @njit def cumsum_apply_nb(idxs, col, a): return np.cumsum(a) np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array['a'].apply(cumsum_apply_nb).values, np.array([10., 21., 33.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array.apply(cumsum_apply_nb).values, np.array([10., 21., 33., 13., 27., 40., 12., 23., 33.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array_grouped.apply(cumsum_apply_nb, apply_per_group=False).values, np.array([10., 21., 33., 13., 27., 40., 12., 23., 33.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( mapped_array_grouped.apply(cumsum_apply_nb, apply_per_group=True).values, np.array([10., 21., 33., 46., 60., 73., 12., 23., 33.]) ) assert mapped_array_grouped.apply(cumsum_apply_nb).wrapper == \ mapped_array.apply(cumsum_apply_nb, group_by=group_by).wrapper assert mapped_array.apply(cumsum_apply_nb, group_by=False).wrapper.grouper.group_by is None def test_reduce(self): @njit def mean_reduce_nb(col, a): return np.mean(a) assert mapped_array['a'].reduce(mean_reduce_nb) == 11. pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.reduce(mean_reduce_nb), pd.Series(np.array([11., 13.333333333333334, 11., np.nan]), index=wrapper.columns).rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.reduce(mean_reduce_nb, fill_value=0.), pd.Series(np.array([11., 13.333333333333334, 11., 0.]), index=wrapper.columns).rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.reduce(mean_reduce_nb, fill_value=0., wrap_kwargs=dict(dtype=np.int_)), pd.Series(np.array([11., 13.333333333333334, 11., 0.]), index=wrapper.columns).rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.reduce(mean_reduce_nb, wrap_kwargs=dict(to_timedelta=True)), pd.Series(np.array([11., 13.333333333333334, 11., np.nan]), index=wrapper.columns).rename('reduce') * day_dt ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.reduce(mean_reduce_nb), pd.Series([12.166666666666666, 11.0], index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('reduce') ) assert mapped_array_grouped['g1'].reduce(mean_reduce_nb) == 12.166666666666666 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped[['g1']].reduce(mean_reduce_nb), pd.Series([12.166666666666666], index=pd.Index(['g1'], dtype='object')).rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.reduce(mean_reduce_nb), mapped_array_grouped.reduce(mean_reduce_nb, group_by=False) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.reduce(mean_reduce_nb, group_by=group_by), mapped_array_grouped.reduce(mean_reduce_nb) ) def test_reduce_to_idx(self): @njit def argmin_reduce_nb(col, a): return np.argmin(a) assert mapped_array['a'].reduce(argmin_reduce_nb, returns_idx=True) == 'x' pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.reduce(argmin_reduce_nb, returns_idx=True), pd.Series(np.array(['x', 'x', 'z', np.nan], dtype=object), index=wrapper.columns).rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.reduce(argmin_reduce_nb, returns_idx=True, to_index=False), pd.Series(np.array([0, 0, 2, -1], dtype=int), index=wrapper.columns).rename('reduce') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.reduce(argmin_reduce_nb, returns_idx=True, to_index=False), pd.Series(np.array([0, 2], dtype=int), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('reduce') ) def test_reduce_to_array(self): @njit def min_max_reduce_nb(col, a): return np.array([np.min(a), np.max(a)]) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['a'].reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max'])), pd.Series([10., 12.], index=pd.Index(['min', 'max'], dtype='object'), name='a') ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max'])), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [10., 13., 10., np.nan], [12., 14., 12., np.nan] ]), index=pd.Index(['min', 'max'], dtype='object'), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, fill_value=0.), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [10., 13., 10., 0.], [12., 14., 12., 0.] ]), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(to_timedelta=True)), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [10., 13., 10., np.nan], [12., 14., 12., np.nan] ]), columns=wrapper.columns ) * day_dt ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array_grouped.reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [10., 10.], [14., 12.] ]), columns=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True), mapped_array_grouped.reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, group_by=False) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, group_by=group_by), mapped_array_grouped.reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped['g1'].reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True), pd.Series([10., 14.], name='g1') ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array_grouped[['g1']].reduce(min_max_reduce_nb, returns_array=True), pd.DataFrame([[10.], [14.]], columns=pd.Index(['g1'], dtype='object')) ) def test_reduce_to_idx_array(self): @njit def idxmin_idxmax_reduce_nb(col, a): return np.array([np.argmin(a), np.argmax(a)]) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['a'].reduce( idxmin_idxmax_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, returns_idx=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max']) ), pd.Series( np.array(['x', 'z'], dtype=object), index=pd.Index(['min', 'max'], dtype='object'), name='a' ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.reduce( idxmin_idxmax_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, returns_idx=True, wrap_kwargs=dict(name_or_index=['min', 'max']) ), pd.DataFrame( { 'a': ['x', 'z'], 'b': ['x', 'y'], 'c': ['z', 'x'], 'd': [np.nan, np.nan] }, index=pd.Index(['min', 'max'], dtype='object') ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.reduce( idxmin_idxmax_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, returns_idx=True, to_index=False ), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [0, 0, 2, -1], [2, 1, 0, -1] ]), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array_grouped.reduce( idxmin_idxmax_reduce_nb, returns_array=True, returns_idx=True, to_index=False ), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [0, 2], [1, 0] ]), columns=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) ) def test_nth(self): assert mapped_array['a'].nth(0) == 10. pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.nth(0), pd.Series(np.array([10., 13., 12., np.nan]), index=wrapper.columns).rename('nth') ) assert mapped_array['a'].nth(-1) == 12. pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.nth(-1), pd.Series(np.array([12., 13., 10., np.nan]), index=wrapper.columns).rename('nth') ) with pytest.raises(Exception): _ = mapped_array.nth(10) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.nth(0), pd.Series(np.array([10., 12.]), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('nth') ) def test_nth_index(self): assert mapped_array['a'].nth(0) == 10. pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.nth_index(0), pd.Series( np.array(['x', 'x', 'x', np.nan], dtype='object'), index=wrapper.columns ).rename('nth_index') ) assert mapped_array['a'].nth(-1) == 12. pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.nth_index(-1), pd.Series( np.array(['z', 'z', 'z', np.nan], dtype='object'), index=wrapper.columns ).rename('nth_index') ) with pytest.raises(Exception): _ = mapped_array.nth_index(10) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.nth_index(0), pd.Series( np.array(['x', 'x'], dtype='object'), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ).rename('nth_index') ) def test_min(self): assert mapped_array['a'].min() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().min() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.min(), mapped_array.to_pd().min().rename('min') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.min(), pd.Series([10., 10.], index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('min') ) def test_max(self): assert mapped_array['a'].max() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().max() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.max(), mapped_array.to_pd().max().rename('max') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.max(), pd.Series([14., 12.], index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('max') ) def test_mean(self): assert mapped_array['a'].mean() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().mean() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.mean(), mapped_array.to_pd().mean().rename('mean') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.mean(), pd.Series([12.166667, 11.], index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('mean') ) def test_median(self): assert mapped_array['a'].median() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().median() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.median(), mapped_array.to_pd().median().rename('median') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.median(), pd.Series([12.5, 11.], index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('median') ) def test_std(self): assert mapped_array['a'].std() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().std() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.std(), mapped_array.to_pd().std().rename('std') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.std(ddof=0), mapped_array.to_pd().std(ddof=0).rename('std') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.std(), pd.Series([1.4719601443879746, 1.0], index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('std') ) def test_sum(self): assert mapped_array['a'].sum() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().sum() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.sum(), mapped_array.to_pd().sum().rename('sum') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.sum(), pd.Series([73.0, 33.0], index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('sum') ) def test_count(self): assert mapped_array['a'].count() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().count() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.count(), mapped_array.to_pd().count().rename('count') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.count(), pd.Series([6, 3], index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object')).rename('count') ) def test_idxmin(self): assert mapped_array['a'].idxmin() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().idxmin() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.idxmin(), mapped_array.to_pd().idxmin().rename('idxmin') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.idxmin(), pd.Series( np.array(['x', 'z'], dtype=object), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ).rename('idxmin') ) def test_idxmax(self): assert mapped_array['a'].idxmax() == mapped_array['a'].to_pd().idxmax() pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.idxmax(), mapped_array.to_pd().idxmax().rename('idxmax') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped.idxmax(), pd.Series( np.array(['y', 'x'], dtype=object), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ).rename('idxmax') ) def test_describe(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['a'].describe(), mapped_array['a'].to_pd().describe() ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.describe(percentiles=None), mapped_array.to_pd().describe(percentiles=None) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.describe(percentiles=[]), mapped_array.to_pd().describe(percentiles=[]) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)), mapped_array.to_pd().describe(percentiles=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array_grouped.describe(), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [6., 3.], [12.16666667, 11.], [1.47196014, 1.], [10., 10.], [11.25, 10.5], [12.5, 11.], [13., 11.5], [14., 12.] ]), columns=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object'), index=mapped_array.describe().index ) ) def test_value_counts(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['a'].value_counts(), pd.Series( np.array([1, 1, 1]), index=pd.Float64Index([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], dtype='float64'), name='a' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['a'].value_counts(mapping=mapping), pd.Series( np.array([1, 1, 1]), index=pd.Index(['test_10.0', 'test_11.0', 'test_12.0'], dtype='object'), name='a' ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array.value_counts(), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0] ]), index=pd.Float64Index([10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0], dtype='float64'), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array_grouped.value_counts(), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [2, 0], [1, 0] ]), index=pd.Float64Index([10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0], dtype='float64'), columns=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) ) mapped_array2 = mapped_array.replace(mapped_arr=[4, 4, 3, 2, np.nan, 4, 3, 2, 1]) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array2.value_counts(sort_uniques=False), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0] ]), index=pd.Float64Index([4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, None], dtype='float64'), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array2.value_counts(sort_uniques=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0] ]), index=pd.Float64Index([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, None], dtype='float64'), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array2.value_counts(sort=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [2, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0] ]), index=pd.Float64Index([4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, np.nan], dtype='float64'), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array2.value_counts(sort=True, ascending=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0, 0] ]), index=pd.Float64Index([1.0, np.nan, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], dtype='float64'), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array2.value_counts(sort=True, normalize=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [0.2222222222222222, 0.1111111111111111, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.1111111111111111, 0.1111111111111111, 0.0], [0.1111111111111111, 0.0, 0.1111111111111111, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.1111111111111111, 0.0], [0.0, 0.1111111111111111, 0.0, 0.0] ]), index=pd.Float64Index([4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, np.nan], dtype='float64'), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( mapped_array2.value_counts(sort=True, normalize=True, dropna=True), pd.DataFrame( np.array([ [0.25, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.125, 0.125, 0.0], [0.125, 0.0, 0.125, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.125, 0.0] ]), index=pd.Float64Index([4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0], dtype='float64'), columns=wrapper.columns ) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_nosort", [False, True], ) def test_indexing(self, test_nosort): if test_nosort: ma = mapped_array_nosort ma_grouped = mapped_array_nosort_grouped else: ma = mapped_array ma_grouped = mapped_array_grouped np.testing.assert_array_equal( ma['a'].id_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( ma['a'].col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0]) ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma['a'].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a'], dtype='object') ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( ma['b'].id_arr, np.array([3, 4, 5]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( ma['b'].col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0]) ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma['b'].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['b'], dtype='object') ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( ma[['a', 'a']].id_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( ma[['a', 'a']].col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma[['a', 'a']].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'a'], dtype='object') ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( ma[['a', 'b']].id_arr, np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( ma[['a', 'b']].col_arr, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma[['a', 'b']].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') ) with pytest.raises(Exception): _ = ma.iloc[::2, :] # changing time not supported pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma_grouped['g1'].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') ) assert ma_grouped['g1'].wrapper.ndim == 2 assert ma_grouped['g1'].wrapper.grouped_ndim == 1 pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma_grouped['g1'].wrapper.grouper.group_by, pd.Index(['g1', 'g1'], dtype='object') ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma_grouped['g2'].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['c', 'd'], dtype='object') ) assert ma_grouped['g2'].wrapper.ndim == 2 assert ma_grouped['g2'].wrapper.grouped_ndim == 1 pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma_grouped['g2'].wrapper.grouper.group_by, pd.Index(['g2', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma_grouped[['g1']].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') ) assert ma_grouped[['g1']].wrapper.ndim == 2 assert ma_grouped[['g1']].wrapper.grouped_ndim == 2 pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma_grouped[['g1']].wrapper.grouper.group_by, pd.Index(['g1', 'g1'], dtype='object') ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma_grouped[['g1', 'g2']].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype='object') ) assert ma_grouped[['g1', 'g2']].wrapper.ndim == 2 assert ma_grouped[['g1', 'g2']].wrapper.grouped_ndim == 2 pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ma_grouped[['g1', 'g2']].wrapper.grouper.group_by, pd.Index(['g1', 'g1', 'g2', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) def test_magic(self): a = vbt.MappedArray( wrapper, records_arr['some_field1'], records_arr['col'], id_arr=records_arr['id'], idx_arr=records_arr['idx'] ) a_inv = vbt.MappedArray( wrapper, records_arr['some_field1'][::-1], records_arr['col'][::-1], id_arr=records_arr['id'][::-1], idx_arr=records_arr['idx'][::-1] ) b = records_arr['some_field2'] a_bool = vbt.MappedArray( wrapper, records_arr['some_field1'] > np.mean(records_arr['some_field1']), records_arr['col'], id_arr=records_arr['id'], idx_arr=records_arr['idx'] ) b_bool = records_arr['some_field2'] > np.mean(records_arr['some_field2']) assert a ** a == a ** 2 with pytest.raises(Exception): _ = a * a_inv # binary ops # comparison ops np.testing.assert_array_equal((a == b).values, a.values == b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a != b).values, a.values != b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a < b).values, a.values < b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a > b).values, a.values > b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a <= b).values, a.values <= b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a >= b).values, a.values >= b) # arithmetic ops np.testing.assert_array_equal((a + b).values, a.values + b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a - b).values, a.values - b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a * b).values, a.values * b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a ** b).values, a.values ** b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a % b).values, a.values % b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a // b).values, a.values // b) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a / b).values, a.values / b) # __r*__ is only called if the left object does not have an __*__ method np.testing.assert_array_equal((10 + a).values, 10 + a.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((10 - a).values, 10 - a.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((10 * a).values, 10 * a.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((10 ** a).values, 10 ** a.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((10 % a).values, 10 % a.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((10 // a).values, 10 // a.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((10 / a).values, 10 / a.values) # mask ops np.testing.assert_array_equal((a_bool & b_bool).values, a_bool.values & b_bool) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a_bool | b_bool).values, a_bool.values | b_bool) np.testing.assert_array_equal((a_bool ^ b_bool).values, a_bool.values ^ b_bool) np.testing.assert_array_equal((True & a_bool).values, True & a_bool.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((True | a_bool).values, True | a_bool.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((True ^ a_bool).values, True ^ a_bool.values) # unary ops np.testing.assert_array_equal((-a).values, -a.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((+a).values, +a.values) np.testing.assert_array_equal((abs(-a)).values, abs((-a.values))) def test_stats(self): stats_index = pd.Index([ 'Start', 'End', 'Period', 'Count', 'Mean', 'Std', 'Min', 'Median', 'Max', 'Min Index', 'Max Index' ], dtype='object') pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.stats(), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 2.25, 11.777777777777779, 0.859116756396542, 11.0, 11.666666666666666, 12.666666666666666 ], index=stats_index[:-2], name='agg_func_mean' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.stats(column='a'), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 3, 11.0, 1.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 'x', 'z' ], index=stats_index, name='a' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array.stats(column='g1', group_by=group_by), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 6, 12.166666666666666, 1.4719601443879746, 10.0, 12.5, 14.0, 'x', 'y' ], index=stats_index, name='g1' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['c'].stats(), mapped_array.stats(column='c') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array['c'].stats(), mapped_array.stats(column='c', group_by=False) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped['g2'].stats(), mapped_array_grouped.stats(column='g2') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mapped_array_grouped['g2'].stats(), mapped_array.stats(column='g2', group_by=group_by) ) stats_df = mapped_array.stats(agg_func=None) assert stats_df.shape == (4, 11) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(stats_df.index, mapped_array.wrapper.columns) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(stats_df.columns, stats_index) def test_stats_mapping(self): stats_index = pd.Index([ 'Start', 'End', 'Period', 'Count', 'Value Counts: test_10.0', 'Value Counts: test_11.0', 'Value Counts: test_12.0', 'Value Counts: test_13.0', 'Value Counts: test_14.0' ], dtype='object') pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mp_mapped_array.stats(), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 2.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25 ], index=stats_index, name='agg_func_mean' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mp_mapped_array.stats(column='a'), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 ], index=stats_index, name='a' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mp_mapped_array.stats(column='g1', group_by=group_by), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 6, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 ], index=stats_index, name='g1' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mp_mapped_array.stats(), mapped_array.stats(settings=dict(mapping=mapping)) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mp_mapped_array['c'].stats(settings=dict(incl_all_keys=True)), mp_mapped_array.stats(column='c') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mp_mapped_array['c'].stats(settings=dict(incl_all_keys=True)), mp_mapped_array.stats(column='c', group_by=False) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mp_mapped_array_grouped['g2'].stats(settings=dict(incl_all_keys=True)), mp_mapped_array_grouped.stats(column='g2') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( mp_mapped_array_grouped['g2'].stats(settings=dict(incl_all_keys=True)), mp_mapped_array.stats(column='g2', group_by=group_by) ) stats_df = mp_mapped_array.stats(agg_func=None) assert stats_df.shape == (4, 9) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(stats_df.index, mp_mapped_array.wrapper.columns) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(stats_df.columns, stats_index) # ############# ############# # class TestRecords: def test_config(self, tmp_path): assert vbt.Records.loads(records['a'].dumps()) == records['a'] assert vbt.Records.loads(records.dumps()) == records / 'records') assert vbt.Records.load(tmp_path / 'records') == records def test_records(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( records.records, pd.DataFrame.from_records(records_arr) ) def test_recarray(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal(records['a'].recarray.some_field1, records['a'].values['some_field1']) np.testing.assert_array_equal(records.recarray.some_field1, records.values['some_field1']) def test_records_readable(self): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( records.records_readable, pd.DataFrame([ [0, 'a', 'x', 10.0, 21.0], [1, 'a', 'y', 11.0, 20.0], [2, 'a', 'z', 12.0, 19.0], [3, 'b', 'x', 13.0, 18.0], [4, 'b', 'y', 14.0, 17.0], [5, 'b', 'z', 13.0, 18.0], [6, 'c', 'x', 12.0, 19.0], [7, 'c', 'y', 11.0, 20.0], [8, 'c', 'z', 10.0, 21.0] ], columns=pd.Index(['Id', 'Column', 'Timestamp', 'some_field1', 'some_field2'], dtype='object')) ) def test_is_sorted(self): assert records.is_sorted() assert records.is_sorted(incl_id=True) assert not records_nosort.is_sorted() assert not records_nosort.is_sorted(incl_id=True) def test_sort(self): assert records.sort().is_sorted() assert records.sort().is_sorted(incl_id=True) assert records.sort(incl_id=True).is_sorted(incl_id=True) assert records_nosort.sort().is_sorted() assert records_nosort.sort().is_sorted(incl_id=True) assert records_nosort.sort(incl_id=True).is_sorted(incl_id=True) def test_apply_mask(self): mask_a = records['a'].values['some_field1'] >= records['a'].values['some_field1'].mean() record_arrays_close( records['a'].apply_mask(mask_a).values, np.array([ (1, 0, 1, 11., 20.), (2, 0, 2, 12., 19.) ], dtype=example_dt) ) mask = records.values['some_field1'] >= records.values['some_field1'].mean() filtered = records.apply_mask(mask) record_arrays_close( filtered.values, np.array([ (2, 0, 2, 12., 19.), (3, 1, 0, 13., 18.), (4, 1, 1, 14., 17.), (5, 1, 2, 13., 18.), (6, 2, 0, 12., 19.) ], dtype=example_dt) ) assert records_grouped.apply_mask(mask).wrapper == records_grouped.wrapper def test_map_field(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( records['a'].map_field('some_field1').values, np.array([10., 11., 12.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.map_field('some_field1').values, np.array([10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 13., 12., 11., 10.]) ) assert records_grouped.map_field('some_field1').wrapper == \ records.map_field('some_field1', group_by=group_by).wrapper assert records_grouped.map_field('some_field1', group_by=False).wrapper.grouper.group_by is None def test_map(self): @njit def map_func_nb(record): return record['some_field1'] + record['some_field2'] np.testing.assert_array_equal( records['a'].map(map_func_nb).values, np.array([31., 31., 31.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal(, np.array([31., 31., 31., 31., 31., 31., 31., 31., 31.]) ) assert == \, group_by=group_by).wrapper assert, group_by=False).wrapper.grouper.group_by is None def test_map_array(self): arr = records_arr['some_field1'] + records_arr['some_field2'] np.testing.assert_array_equal( records['a'].map_array(arr[:3]).values, np.array([31., 31., 31.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.map_array(arr).values, np.array([31., 31., 31., 31., 31., 31., 31., 31., 31.]) ) assert records_grouped.map_array(arr).wrapper == \ records.map_array(arr, group_by=group_by).wrapper assert records_grouped.map_array(arr, group_by=False).wrapper.grouper.group_by is None def test_apply(self): @njit def cumsum_apply_nb(records): return np.cumsum(records['some_field1']) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records['a'].apply(cumsum_apply_nb).values, np.array([10., 21., 33.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records.apply(cumsum_apply_nb).values, np.array([10., 21., 33., 13., 27., 40., 12., 23., 33.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped.apply(cumsum_apply_nb, apply_per_group=False).values, np.array([10., 21., 33., 13., 27., 40., 12., 23., 33.]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_grouped.apply(cumsum_apply_nb, apply_per_group=True).values, np.array([10., 21., 33., 46., 60., 73., 12., 23., 33.]) ) assert records_grouped.apply(cumsum_apply_nb).wrapper == \ records.apply(cumsum_apply_nb, group_by=group_by).wrapper assert records_grouped.apply(cumsum_apply_nb, group_by=False).wrapper.grouper.group_by is None def test_count(self): assert records['a'].count() == 3 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records.count(), pd.Series( np.array([3, 3, 3, 0]), index=wrapper.columns ).rename('count') ) assert records_grouped['g1'].count() == 6 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records_grouped.count(), pd.Series( np.array([6, 3]), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ).rename('count') ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_nosort", [False, True], ) def test_indexing(self, test_nosort): if test_nosort: r = records_nosort r_grouped = records_nosort_grouped else: r = records r_grouped = records_grouped record_arrays_close( r['a'].values, np.array([ (0, 0, 0, 10., 21.), (1, 0, 1, 11., 20.), (2, 0, 2, 12., 19.) ], dtype=example_dt) ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r['a'].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a'], dtype='object') ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r['b'].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['b'], dtype='object') ) record_arrays_close( r[['a', 'a']].values, np.array([ (0, 0, 0, 10., 21.), (1, 0, 1, 11., 20.), (2, 0, 2, 12., 19.), (0, 1, 0, 10., 21.), (1, 1, 1, 11., 20.), (2, 1, 2, 12., 19.) ], dtype=example_dt) ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r[['a', 'a']].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'a'], dtype='object') ) record_arrays_close( r[['a', 'b']].values, np.array([ (0, 0, 0, 10., 21.), (1, 0, 1, 11., 20.), (2, 0, 2, 12., 19.), (3, 1, 0, 13., 18.), (4, 1, 1, 14., 17.), (5, 1, 2, 13., 18.) ], dtype=example_dt) ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r[['a', 'b']].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') ) with pytest.raises(Exception): _ = r.iloc[::2, :] # changing time not supported pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r_grouped['g1'].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') ) assert r_grouped['g1'].wrapper.ndim == 2 assert r_grouped['g1'].wrapper.grouped_ndim == 1 pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r_grouped['g1'].wrapper.grouper.group_by, pd.Index(['g1', 'g1'], dtype='object') ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r_grouped['g2'].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['c', 'd'], dtype='object') ) assert r_grouped['g2'].wrapper.ndim == 2 assert r_grouped['g2'].wrapper.grouped_ndim == 1 pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r_grouped['g2'].wrapper.grouper.group_by, pd.Index(['g2', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r_grouped[['g1']].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') ) assert r_grouped[['g1']].wrapper.ndim == 2 assert r_grouped[['g1']].wrapper.grouped_ndim == 2 pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r_grouped[['g1']].wrapper.grouper.group_by, pd.Index(['g1', 'g1'], dtype='object') ) pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r_grouped[['g1', 'g2']].wrapper.columns, pd.Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype='object') ) assert r_grouped[['g1', 'g2']].wrapper.ndim == 2 assert r_grouped[['g1', 'g2']].wrapper.grouped_ndim == 2 pd.testing.assert_index_equal( r_grouped[['g1', 'g2']].wrapper.grouper.group_by, pd.Index(['g1', 'g1', 'g2', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) def test_filtering(self): filtered_records = vbt.Records(wrapper, records_arr[[0, -1]]) record_arrays_close( filtered_records.values, np.array([(0, 0, 0, 10., 21.), (8, 2, 2, 10., 21.)], dtype=example_dt) ) # a record_arrays_close( filtered_records['a'].values, np.array([(0, 0, 0, 10., 21.)], dtype=example_dt) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( filtered_records['a'].map_field('some_field1').id_arr, np.array([0]) ) assert filtered_records['a'].map_field('some_field1').min() == 10. assert filtered_records['a'].count() == 1. # b record_arrays_close( filtered_records['b'].values, np.array([], dtype=example_dt) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( filtered_records['b'].map_field('some_field1').id_arr, np.array([]) ) assert np.isnan(filtered_records['b'].map_field('some_field1').min()) assert filtered_records['b'].count() == 0. # c record_arrays_close( filtered_records['c'].values, np.array([(8, 0, 2, 10., 21.)], dtype=example_dt) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( filtered_records['c'].map_field('some_field1').id_arr, np.array([8]) ) assert filtered_records['c'].map_field('some_field1').min() == 10. assert filtered_records['c'].count() == 1. # d record_arrays_close( filtered_records['d'].values, np.array([], dtype=example_dt) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( filtered_records['d'].map_field('some_field1').id_arr, np.array([]) ) assert np.isnan(filtered_records['d'].map_field('some_field1').min()) assert filtered_records['d'].count() == 0. def test_stats(self): stats_index = pd.Index([ 'Start', 'End', 'Period', 'Count' ], dtype='object') pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records.stats(), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 2.25 ], index=stats_index, name='agg_func_mean' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records.stats(column='a'), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 3 ], index=stats_index, name='a' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records.stats(column='g1', group_by=group_by), pd.Series([ 'x', 'z', pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), 6 ], index=stats_index, name='g1' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records['c'].stats(), records.stats(column='c') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records['c'].stats(), records.stats(column='c', group_by=False) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records_grouped['g2'].stats(), records_grouped.stats(column='g2') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( records_grouped['g2'].stats(), records.stats(column='g2', group_by=group_by) ) stats_df = records.stats(agg_func=None) assert stats_df.shape == (4, 4) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(stats_df.index, records.wrapper.columns) pd.testing.assert_index_equal(stats_df.columns, stats_index) # ############# ############# # ts = pd.DataFrame({ 'a': [1, -1, 3, -1, 5, -1], 'b': [-1, -1, -1, 4, 5, 6], 'c': [1, 2, 3, -1, -1, -1], 'd': [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] }, index=[ datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2020, 1, 2), datetime(2020, 1, 3), datetime(2020, 1, 4), datetime(2020, 1, 5), datetime(2020, 1, 6) ]) ranges = vbt.Ranges.from_ts(ts, wrapper_kwargs=dict(freq='1 days')) ranges_grouped = vbt.Ranges.from_ts(ts, wrapper_kwargs=dict(freq='1 days', group_by=group_by)) class TestRanges: def test_mapped_fields(self): for name in range_dt.names: np.testing.assert_array_equal( getattr(ranges, name).values, ranges.values[name] ) def test_from_ts(self): record_arrays_close( ranges.values, np.array([ (0, 0, 0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 2, 3, 1), (2, 0, 4, 5, 1), (3, 1, 3, 5, 0), (4, 2, 0, 3, 1) ], dtype=range_dt) ) assert ranges.wrapper.freq == day_dt pd.testing.assert_index_equal( ranges_grouped.wrapper.grouper.group_by, group_by ) def test_records_readable(self): records_readable = ranges.records_readable np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_readable['Range Id'].values, np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_readable['Column'].values, np.array([ 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_readable['Start Timestamp'].values, np.array([ '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-01-03T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-01-05T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-01-04T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000000' ], dtype='datetime64[ns]') ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_readable['End Timestamp'].values, np.array([ '2020-01-02T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-01-04T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-01-06T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-01-06T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-01-04T00:00:00.000000000' ], dtype='datetime64[ns]') ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( records_readable['Status'].values, np.array([ 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Open', 'Closed' ]) ) def test_to_mask(self): pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges['a'].to_mask(), ts['a'] != -1 ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( ranges.to_mask(), ts != -1 ) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( ranges_grouped.to_mask(), pd.DataFrame( [ [True, True], [False, True], [True, True], [True, False], [True, False], [True, False] ], index=ts.index, columns=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ) ) def test_duration(self): np.testing.assert_array_equal( ranges['a'].duration.values, np.array([1, 1, 1]) ) np.testing.assert_array_equal( ranges.duration.values, np.array([1, 1, 1, 3, 3]) ) def test_avg_duration(self): assert ranges['a'].avg_duration() == pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00') pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.avg_duration(), pd.Series( np.array([86400000000000, 259200000000000, 259200000000000, 'NaT'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]'), index=wrapper.columns ).rename('avg_duration') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges_grouped.avg_duration(), pd.Series( np.array([129600000000000, 259200000000000], dtype='timedelta64[ns]'), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ).rename('avg_duration') ) def test_max_duration(self): assert ranges['a'].max_duration() == pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00') pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.max_duration(), pd.Series( np.array([86400000000000, 259200000000000, 259200000000000, 'NaT'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]'), index=wrapper.columns ).rename('max_duration') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges_grouped.max_duration(), pd.Series( np.array([259200000000000, 259200000000000], dtype='timedelta64[ns]'), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ).rename('max_duration') ) def test_coverage(self): assert ranges['a'].coverage() == 0.5 pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.coverage(), pd.Series( np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, np.nan]), index=ts2.columns ).rename('coverage') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.coverage(), ranges.replace(records_arr=np.repeat(ranges.values, 2)).coverage() ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.replace(records_arr=np.repeat(ranges.values, 2)).coverage(overlapping=True), pd.Series( np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, np.nan]), index=ts2.columns ).rename('coverage') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.coverage(normalize=False), pd.Series( np.array([3.0, 3.0, 3.0, np.nan]), index=ts2.columns ).rename('coverage') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.replace(records_arr=np.repeat(ranges.values, 2)).coverage(overlapping=True, normalize=False), pd.Series( np.array([3.0, 3.0, 3.0, np.nan]), index=ts2.columns ).rename('coverage') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges_grouped.coverage(), pd.Series( np.array([0.4166666666666667, 0.25]), index=pd.Index(['g1', 'g2'], dtype='object') ).rename('coverage') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges_grouped.coverage(), ranges_grouped.replace(records_arr=np.repeat(ranges_grouped.values, 2)).coverage() ) def test_stats(self): stats_index = pd.Index([ 'Start', 'End', 'Period', 'Coverage', 'Overlap Coverage', 'Total Records', 'Duration: Min', 'Duration: Median', 'Duration: Max', 'Duration: Mean', 'Duration: Std' ], dtype='object') pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.stats(), pd.Series([ pd.Timestamp('2020-01-01 00:00:00'), pd.Timestamp('2020-01-06 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('6 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00'), 1.25, pd.Timedelta('2 days 08:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('2 days 08:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('2 days 08:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('2 days 08:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00') ], index=stats_index, name='agg_func_mean' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.stats(column='a'), pd.Series([ pd.Timestamp('2020-01-01 00:00:00'), pd.Timestamp('2020-01-06 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('6 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00'), 3, pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00') ], index=stats_index, name='a' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges.stats(column='g1', group_by=group_by), pd.Series([ pd.Timestamp('2020-01-01 00:00:00'), pd.Timestamp('2020-01-06 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('6 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('5 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00'), 4, pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('3 days 00:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('1 days 12:00:00'), pd.Timedelta('1 days 00:00:00') ], index=stats_index, name='g1' ) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges['c'].stats(), ranges.stats(column='c') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges['c'].stats(), ranges.stats(column='c', group_by=False) ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges_grouped['g2'].stats(), ranges_grouped.stats(column='g2') ) pd.testing.assert_series_equal( ranges_grouped['g2'].stats(), ranges.stats(column='g2', group_by=group_by) ) stats_df = ranges.stats(agg_func=None) assert stats_df.shape == (4, 11)
pd.testing.assert_index_equal(stats_df.index, ranges.wrapper.columns)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import copy from datetime import datetime import time import pickle import random import pandas as pd import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import pathlib from sklearn import preprocessing as sk_pre from base_config import get_configs _MIN_SEQ_NORM = 10 class Dataset(object): """ Builds training, validation and test datasets based on `````` type Attributes: Methods: """ def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self._data_path = os.path.join(self.config.data_dir, self.config.datafile) self.is_train = self.config.train self.seq_len = self.config.max_unrollings # read and filter data_values based on start and end date = pd.read_csv(self._data_path, sep=' ', dtype={'gvkey': str}) try:['date'] = pd.to_datetime(['date'], format="%Y%m%d") self.start_date = pd.to_datetime(self.config.start_date, format="%Y%m%d") self.end_date =
pd.to_datetime(self.config.end_date, format="%Y%m%d")
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import assetallocation_arp.models.ARP as arp # Parameters TIMES_LAG=3 settings=arp.dataimport_settings("Settings") # Change the universe of markets that is being used markets="Leverage_MATR" # All "Leverage_all_markets" / Minimalist "Leverage_min" # Leverage/scaling of individual markets sleverage ="v" #Equal(e) / Normative(n) / Volatility(v) / Standalone(s) def signal (index): sig=pd.DataFrame() for column in index: sig1= index[column].ewm(alpha=2/15).mean()/index[column].ewm(alpha=2/30).mean()-1 sig2= index[column].ewm(alpha=2/30).mean()/index[column].ewm(alpha=2/60).mean()-1 sig3= index[column].ewm(alpha=2/60).mean()/index[column].ewm(alpha=2/120).mean()-1 #sig[column]=(sig1/sig1.ewm(alpha=1/30).std()+sig2/sig2.ewm(alpha=1/30).std()+sig3/sig3.ewm(alpha=1/30).std())/3 sig[column]=(sig1/sig1.rolling(window=90).std()+sig2/sig2.rolling(window=90).std()+sig3/sig3.rolling(window=90).std())/3 # S-curve cut out for large movement, alternative curve without cutoff: sig[column]=2/(1+math.exp(-2*sig[column]))-1 sig[column]=sig[column]*np.exp(-1*sig[column].pow(2)/6)/(math.sqrt(3)*math.exp(-0.5)) sig=arp.discretise(sig,"weekly") sig=sig.shift(TIMES_LAG,freq="D") return sig # Import data future=pd.read_pickle("Future data.pkl") index=
from __future__ import print_function import unittest from unittest import mock from io import BytesIO, StringIO import random import six import os import re import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd from . import utils as test_utils import dataprofiler as dp from dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder import StructuredColProfiler, \ UnstructuredProfiler, UnstructuredCompiler, StructuredProfiler, Profiler from dataprofiler.profilers.profiler_options import ProfilerOptions, \ StructuredOptions, UnstructuredOptions from dataprofiler.profilers.column_profile_compilers import \ ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler, ColumnStatsProfileCompiler, \ ColumnDataLabelerCompiler from dataprofiler import StructuredDataLabeler, UnstructuredDataLabeler from dataprofiler.profilers.helpers.report_helpers import _prepare_report test_root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) def setup_save_mock_open(mock_open): mock_file = BytesIO() mock_file.close = lambda: None mock_open.side_effect = lambda *args: mock_file return mock_file class TestStructuredProfiler(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUp(cls): test_utils.set_seed(seed=0) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): test_utils.set_seed(seed=0) cls.input_file_path = os.path.join( test_root_path, 'data', 'csv/aws_honeypot_marx_geo.csv' ) cls.aws_dataset = pd.read_csv(cls.input_file_path) profiler_options = ProfilerOptions() profiler_options.set({'data_labeler.is_enabled': False}) with test_utils.mock_timeit(): cls.trained_schema = dp.StructuredProfiler( cls.aws_dataset, len(cls.aws_dataset), options=profiler_options) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnStatsProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) def test_bad_input_data(self, *mocks): allowed_data_types = (r"\(<class 'list'>, " r"<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>, " r"<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>\)") bad_data_types = [1, {}, np.inf, 'sdfs'] for data in bad_data_types: with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r"Data must either be imported using " r"the data_readers or using one of the " r"following: " + allowed_data_types): StructuredProfiler(data) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnStatsProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_correlation') def test_list_data(self, *mocks): data = [[1, 1], [None, None], [3, 3], [4, 4], [5, 5], [None, None], [1, 1]] with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) # test properties self.assertEqual("<class 'list'>", profiler.file_type) self.assertIsNone(profiler.encoding) self.assertEqual(2, profiler.row_has_null_count) self.assertEqual(2, profiler.row_is_null_count) self.assertEqual(7, profiler.total_samples) self.assertEqual(5, len(profiler.hashed_row_dict)) self.assertListEqual([0, 1], list(profiler._col_name_to_idx.keys())) self.assertIsNone(profiler.correlation_matrix) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 1}, profiler.times) # validates the sample out maintains the same visual data format as the # input. self.assertListEqual(['5', '1', '1', '3', '4'], profiler.profile[0].sample) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnStatsProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_correlation') def test_pandas_series_data(self, *mocks): data = pd.Series([1, None, 3, 4, 5, None, 1]) with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) # test properties self.assertEqual( "<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>", profiler.file_type) self.assertIsNone(profiler.encoding) self.assertEqual(2, profiler.row_has_null_count) self.assertEqual(2, profiler.row_is_null_count) self.assertEqual(7, profiler.total_samples) self.assertEqual(5, len(profiler.hashed_row_dict)) self.assertListEqual([0], list(profiler._col_name_to_idx.keys())) self.assertIsNone(profiler.correlation_matrix) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 1}, profiler.times) # test properties when series has name = 'test' profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) self.assertEqual( "<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>", profiler.file_type) self.assertIsNone(profiler.encoding) self.assertEqual(2, profiler.row_has_null_count) self.assertEqual(2, profiler.row_is_null_count) self.assertEqual(7, profiler.total_samples) self.assertEqual(5, len(profiler.hashed_row_dict)) self.assertListEqual(['test'], list(profiler._col_name_to_idx.keys())) self.assertIsNone(profiler.correlation_matrix) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnStatsProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_correlation') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._merge_correlation') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_chi2') def test_add_profilers(self, *mocks): data = pd.DataFrame([1, None, 3, 4, 5, None, 1]) with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profile1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data[:2]) profile2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data[2:]) # test incorrect type with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, '`StructuredProfiler` and `int` are ' 'not of the same profiler type.'): profile1 + 3 # test mismatched profiles profile2._profile.pop(0) profile2._col_name_to_idx.pop(0) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Cannot merge empty profiles."): profile1 + profile2 # test mismatched profiles due to options profile2._profile.append(None) profile2._col_name_to_idx[0] = [0] with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'The two profilers were not setup with the ' 'same options, hence they do not calculate ' 'the same profiles and cannot be added ' 'together.'): profile1 + profile2 # test success profile1._profile = [1] profile1._col_name_to_idx = {"test": [0]} profile2._profile = [2] profile2._col_name_to_idx = {"test": [0]} merged_profile = profile1 + profile2 self.assertEqual(3, merged_profile._profile[ merged_profile._col_name_to_idx["test"][0]]) self.assertIsNone(merged_profile.encoding) self.assertEqual( "<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>", merged_profile.file_type) self.assertEqual(2, merged_profile.row_has_null_count) self.assertEqual(2, merged_profile.row_is_null_count) self.assertEqual(7, merged_profile.total_samples) self.assertEqual(5, len(merged_profile.hashed_row_dict)) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 2}, merged_profile.times) # test success if drawn from multiple files profile2.encoding = 'test' profile2.file_type = 'test' merged_profile = profile1 + profile2 self.assertEqual('multiple files', merged_profile.encoding) self.assertEqual('multiple files', merged_profile.file_type) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnStatsProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._get_correlation') def test_stream_profilers(self, *mocks): mocks[0].return_value = None data = pd.DataFrame([ ['test1', 1.0], ['test2', None], ['test1', 1.0], [None, None], [None, 5.0], [None, 5.0], [None, None], ['test3', 7.0]]) # check prior to update with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data[:3]) self.assertEqual(1, profiler.row_has_null_count) self.assertEqual(0, profiler.row_is_null_count) self.assertEqual(3, profiler.total_samples) self.assertEqual(2, len(profiler.hashed_row_dict)) self.assertIsNone(profiler.correlation_matrix) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 1}, profiler.times) # check after update with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profiler.update_profile(data[3:]) self.assertIsNone(profiler.encoding) self.assertEqual( "<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>", profiler.file_type) self.assertEqual(5, profiler.row_has_null_count) self.assertEqual(2, profiler.row_is_null_count) self.assertEqual(8, profiler.total_samples) self.assertEqual(5, len(profiler.hashed_row_dict)) self.assertIsNone(profiler.correlation_matrix) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 2}, profiler.times) def test_correct_unique_row_ratio_test(self): self.assertEqual(2999, len(self.trained_schema.hashed_row_dict)) self.assertEqual(2999, self.trained_schema.total_samples) self.assertEqual(1.0, self.trained_schema._get_unique_row_ratio()) def test_correct_rows_ingested(self): self.assertEqual(2999, self.trained_schema.total_samples) def test_correct_null_row_ratio_test(self): self.assertEqual(2999, self.trained_schema.row_has_null_count) self.assertEqual(1.0, self.trained_schema._get_row_has_null_ratio()) self.assertEqual(0, self.trained_schema.row_is_null_count) self.assertEqual(0, self.trained_schema._get_row_is_null_ratio()) self.assertEqual(2999, self.trained_schema.total_samples) def test_correct_duplicate_row_count_test(self): self.assertEqual(2999, len(self.trained_schema.hashed_row_dict)) self.assertEqual(2999, self.trained_schema.total_samples) self.assertEqual(0.0, self.trained_schema._get_duplicate_row_count()) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) def test_correlation(self, *mock): # Use the following formula to obtain the pairwise correlation # sum((x - np.mean(x))*(y-np.mean(y))) / # np.sqrt(sum((x - np.mean(x)**2)))/np.sqrt(sum((y - np.mean(y)**2))) profile_options = dp.ProfilerOptions() profile_options.set({"correlation.is_enabled": True}) # data with a sole numeric column data = pd.DataFrame([1.0, 8.0, 1.0, -2.0, 5.0]) with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([[1.0]]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 1, 'correlation': 1}, profiler.times) # data with one column with non-numeric calues data = pd.DataFrame([1.0, None, 1.0, None, 5.0]) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([[1]]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # data with two columns, but one is numerical data = pd.DataFrame([ ['test1', 1.0], ['test2', None], ['test1', 1.0], [None, None]]) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) # Even the correlation with itself is NaN because the variance is zero expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan] ]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # data with multiple numerical columns data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [3, 2, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 7, 2], 'b': [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 8], 'c': [1, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2, 6, 8, 1, 2]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1.0, -0.26559388521279237, 0.26594894270403086], [-0.26559388521279237, 1.0, -0.49072329], [0.26594894270403086, -0.49072329, 1.0] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # data with multiple numerical columns, with nan values data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [np.nan, np.nan, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 7, 2], 'b': [10, 11, np.nan, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 8], 'c': [1, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2, 6, 8, np.nan, np.nan]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1, -0.28527657, 0.18626508], [-0.28527657, 1, -0.52996792], [0.18626508, -0.52996792, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # data with multiple numerical columns, with nan values in only one # column data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [np.nan, np.nan, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 7, 2], 'b': [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 8], 'c': [1, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2, 6, 8, 1, 2]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.03673504, 0.22844891], [0.03673504, 1, -0.49072329], [0.22844891, -0.49072329, 1]]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # data with only one numerical columns without nan values data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [3, 2, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 7, 2]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([[1]]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # data with no numeric columns data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['hi', 'hi2', 'hi3'], 'b': ['test1', 'test2', 'test3']}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # data with only one numeric column # data with no numeric columns data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['hi', 'hi2', 'hi3'], 'b': ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'], 'c': [1, 2, 3]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # Data with null rows data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [None, 2, 1, np.nan, 5, np.nan, 4, 10, 7, np.nan], 'b': [np.nan, 11, 1, 'nan', 2, np.nan, 6, 3, 9, np.nan], 'c': [np.nan, 5, 3, np.nan, 7, np.nan, 6, 8, 1, None]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) # correlation between [2, 1, 5, 4, 10, 7], # [11, 1, 2, 6, 3, 9], # [5, 3, 7, 6, 8, 1] expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1, -0.06987956, 0.32423975], [-0.06987956, 1, -0.3613099], [0.32423975, -0.3613099, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # Data with null rows and some imputed values data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [None, np.nan, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, np.nan, 2], 'b': [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, np.nan, 3, np.nan, 8], 'c': [1, 5, 3, 5, np.nan, 2, 6, 8, np.nan, 2]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) # correlation between [*38/7*, *38/7*, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 2], # [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, *11/2*, 3, 8], # [1, 5, 3, 5, *4*, 2, 6, 8, 2] expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1, -0.03283837, 0.40038038], [-0.03283837, 1, -0.30346637], [0.40038038, -0.30346637, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) def test_merge_correlation(self, *mocks): # Use the following formular to obtain the pairwise correlation # sum((x - np.mean(x))*(y-np.mean(y))) / # np.sqrt(sum((x - np.mean(x)**2)))/np.sqrt(sum((y - np.mean(y)**2))) profile_options = dp.ProfilerOptions() profile_options.set({"correlation.is_enabled": True}) # merge between two existing correlations data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [3, 2, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 7, 2], 'b': [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 8], 'c': [1, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2, 6, 8, 1, 2]}) data1 = data[:5] data2 = data[5:] with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profile1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1, options=profile_options) profile2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data2, options=profile_options) merged_profile = profile1 + profile2 expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1.0, -0.26559388521279237, 0.26594894270403086], [-0.26559388521279237, 1.0, -0.49072329], [0.26594894270403086, -0.49072329, 1.0] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, merged_profile.correlation_matrix) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 2, 'correlation': 2}, merged_profile.times) # merge between an existing corr and None correlation (without data) with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profile1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(None, options=profile_options) profile2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) # TODO: remove the mock below when merge profile is update with mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._add_error_checks'): merged_profile = profile1 + profile2 expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1.0, -0.26559388521279237, 0.26594894270403086], [-0.26559388521279237, 1.0, -0.49072329], [0.26594894270403086, -0.4907239, 1.0] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, merged_profile.correlation_matrix) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 1, 'correlation': 1}, merged_profile.times) # Merge between existing data and empty data that still has samples data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 4, np.nan, None, np.nan], 'b': [5, 7, 1, np.nan, np.nan, 'nan']}) data1 = data[:3] data2 = data[3:] profile1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1, options=profile_options) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1, -0.78571429], [-0.78571429, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profile1.correlation_matrix) profile2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data2, options=profile_options) merged_profile = profile1 + profile2 np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, merged_profile.correlation_matrix) def test_correlation_update(self): profile_options = dp.ProfilerOptions() profile_options.set({"correlation.is_enabled": True}) # Test with all numeric columns data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [3, 2, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 7, 2], 'b': [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 8], 'c': [1, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2, 6, 8, 1, 2]}) data1 = data[:5] data2 = data[5:] with test_utils.mock_timeit(): profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1, options=profile_options) profiler.update_profile(data2) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1.0, -0.26559388521279237, 0.26594894270403086], [-0.26559388521279237, 1.0, -0.4907239], [0.26594894270403086, -0.4907239, 1.0] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) self.assertDictEqual({'row_stats': 2, 'correlation': 2}, profiler.times) # Test when there's a non-numeric column data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [3, 2, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 7, 2], 'b': [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 8], 'c': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']}) data1 = data[:5] data2 = data[5:] profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1, options=profile_options) profiler.update_profile(data2) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1.0, -0.26559388521279237, np.nan], [-0.26559388521279237, 1.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # Data with multiple numerical and non-numeric columns, with nan values in only one column # NaNs imputed to (9+4+10)/3 data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [7, 2, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, np.nan, np.nan], 'b': [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3, 9, 8], 'c': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'], 'd': [1, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2, 6, 8, 1, 2]}) data1 = data[:5] data2 = data[5:] profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1, options=profile_options) profiler.update_profile(data2) expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [ 1, 0.04721482, np.nan, -0.09383408], [ 0.04721482, 1, np.nan,-0.49072329], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [-0.09383408, -0.49072329, np.nan, 1]] ) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # Data with null rows, all null rows are dropped data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [np.nan, 2, 1, None, 5, np.nan, 4, 10, 7, 'NaN'], 'b': [np.nan, 11, 1, np.nan, 2, np.nan, 6, 3, 9, np.nan], 'c': [np.nan, 5, 3, np.nan, 7, None, 6, 8, 1, np.nan]}) data1 = data[:5] data2 = data[5:] profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1, options=profile_options) profiler.update_profile(data2) # correlation between [2, 1, 5, 4, 10, 7], # [11, 1, 2, 6, 3, 9], # [5, 3, 7, 6, 8, 1] expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1, -0.06987956, 0.32423975], [-0.06987956, 1, -0.3613099], [0.32423975, -0.3613099, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) # Data with null rows and some imputed values data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [None, np.nan, 1, 7, 5, 9, 4, 10, 'nan', 2], 'b': [10, 11, 1, 4, 2, 5, 'NaN', 3, None, 8], 'c': [1, 5, 3, 5, np.nan, 2, 6, 8, None, 2]}) data1 = data[:5] data2 = data[5:] profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1, options=profile_options) profiler.update_profile(data2) # correlation between [*13/3*, *13/3*, 1, 7, 5] # [10, 11, 1, 4, 2] # [1, 5, 3, 5, *7/2*] # then updated with correlation (9th row dropped) between # [9, 4, 10, 2], # [5, *16/3*, 3, 8], # [2, 6, 8, 2] expected_corr_mat = np.array([ [1, -0.16079606, 0.43658332], [-0.16079606, 1, -0.2801748], [0.43658332, -0.2801748, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, profiler.correlation_matrix) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) def test_chi2(self, *mocks): # Empty data = pd.DataFrame([]) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) self.assertIsNone(profiler.chi2_matrix) # Single column data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "n", "n", "y"]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) expected_mat = np.array([1]) self.assertEqual(expected_mat, profiler.chi2_matrix) data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["y", "maybe", "y", "y", "n", "n", "maybe"], 'c': ["n", "maybe", "n", "n", "n", "y", "y"]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.309924, 0.404638], [0.309924, 1, 0.548812], [0.404638, 0.548812, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler.chi2_matrix) # All different categories data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["a", "maybe", "a", "a", "b", "b", "maybe"], 'c': ["d", "d", "g", "g", "g", "t", "t"]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.007295, 0.007295], [0.007295, 1, 0.015609], [0.007295, 0.015609, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler.chi2_matrix) # Identical columns data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'c': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"]}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler.chi2_matrix) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) def test_merge_chi2(self, *mocks): # Merge empty data data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["y", "maybe", "y", "y", "n", "n", "maybe"], 'c': ["n", "maybe", "n", "n", "n", "y", "y"]}) profiler1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(None) profiler2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) with mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._add_error_checks'): profiler3 = profiler1 + profiler2 expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.309924, 0.404638], [0.309924, 1, 0.548812], [0.404638, 0.548812, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler3.chi2_matrix) data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["y", "maybe", "y", "y", "n", "n", "maybe"], 'c': ["n", "maybe", "n", "n", "n", "y", "y"]}) data1 = data[:4] data2 = data[4:] profiler1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1) profiler2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data2) profiler3 = profiler1 + profiler2 expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.309924, 0.404638], [0.309924, 1, 0.548812], [0.404638, 0.548812, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler3.chi2_matrix) # All different categories data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["a", "maybe", "a", "a", "b", "b", "maybe"], 'c': ["d", "d", "g", "g", "g", "t", "t"]}) data1 = data[:4] data2 = data[4:] profiler1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1) profiler2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data2) profiler3 = profiler1 + profiler2 expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.007295, 0.007295], [0.007295, 1, 0.015609], [0.007295, 0.015609, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler3.chi2_matrix) # Identical columns data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'c': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"]}) data1 = data[:4] data2 = data[4:] profiler1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1) profiler2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data2) profiler3 = profiler1 + profiler2 expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler3.chi2_matrix) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler', spec=StructuredDataLabeler) def test_update_chi2(self, *mocks): # Update with empty data data1 = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["y", "maybe", "y", "y", "n", "n", "maybe"], 'c': ["n", "maybe", "n", "n", "n", "y", "y"]}) data2 = pd.DataFrame({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1) profiler.update_profile(data2) expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.309924, 0.404638], [0.309924, 1, 0.548812], [0.404638, 0.548812, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler.chi2_matrix) data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["y", "maybe", "y", "y", "n", "n", "maybe"], 'c': ["n", "maybe", "n", "n", "n", "y", "y"]}) data1 = data[:4] data2 = data[4:] profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1) profiler.update_profile(data2) expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.309924, 0.404638], [0.309924, 1, 0.548812], [0.404638, 0.548812, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler.chi2_matrix) # All different categories data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["a", "maybe", "a", "a", "b", "b", "maybe"], 'c': ["d", "d", "g", "g", "g", "t", "t"]}) data1 = data[:4] data2 = data[4:] profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1) profiler.update_profile(data2) expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 0.007295, 0.007295], [0.007295, 1, 0.015609], [0.007295, 0.015609, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler.chi2_matrix) # Identical columns data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'b': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"], 'c': ["y", "y", "y", "y", "n", "n", "n"]}) data1 = data[:4] data2 = data[4:] profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1) profiler.update_profile(data2) expected_mat = np.array([ [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1] ]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_mat, profiler.chi2_matrix) def test_correct_datatime_schema_test(self): profile_idx = self.trained_schema._col_name_to_idx["datetime"][0] profile = self.trained_schema.profile[profile_idx] col_schema_info = \ profile.profiles['data_type_profile']._profiles["datetime"] self.assertEqual(2999, profile.sample_size) self.assertEqual(col_schema_info.sample_size, col_schema_info.match_count) self.assertEqual(2, profile.null_count) six.assertCountEqual(self, ['nan'], profile.null_types) self.assertEqual(['%m/%d/%y %H:%M'], col_schema_info['date_formats']) def test_correct_integer_column_detection_src(self): profile_idx = self.trained_schema._col_name_to_idx["src"][0] profile = self.trained_schema.profile[profile_idx] col_schema_info = profile.profiles['data_type_profile']._profiles["int"] self.assertEqual(2999, profile.sample_size) self.assertEqual(col_schema_info.sample_size, col_schema_info.match_count) self.assertEqual(3, profile.null_count) def test_correct_integer_column_detection_int_col(self): profile_idx = self.trained_schema._col_name_to_idx["int_col"][0] profile = self.trained_schema.profile[profile_idx] col_schema_info = profile.profiles['data_type_profile']._profiles["int"] self.assertEqual(2999, profile.sample_size) self.assertEqual(col_schema_info.sample_size, col_schema_info.match_count) self.assertEqual(0, profile.null_count) def test_correct_integer_column_detection_port(self): profile_idx = self.trained_schema._col_name_to_idx["srcport"][0] profile = self.trained_schema.profile[profile_idx] col_schema_info = profile.profiles['data_type_profile']._profiles["int"] self.assertEqual(2999, profile.sample_size) self.assertEqual(col_schema_info.sample_size, col_schema_info.match_count) self.assertEqual(197, profile.null_count) def test_correct_integer_column_detection_destport(self): profile_idx = self.trained_schema._col_name_to_idx["destport"][0] profile = self.trained_schema.profile[profile_idx] col_schema_info = profile.profiles['data_type_profile']._profiles["int"] self.assertEqual(2999, profile.sample_size) self.assertEqual(col_schema_info.sample_size, col_schema_info.match_count) self.assertEqual(197, profile.null_count) def test_report(self): report = self.assertListEqual(list(report.keys()), [ 'global_stats', 'data_stats']) self.assertListEqual( list(report['global_stats']), [ "samples_used", "column_count", "row_count", "row_has_null_ratio", 'row_is_null_ratio', "unique_row_ratio", "duplicate_row_count", "file_type", "encoding", "correlation_matrix", "chi2_matrix", "profile_schema", "times" ] ) flat_report = report_options={"output_format": "flat"}) self.assertEqual(test_utils.get_depth(flat_report), 1) with mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.helpers.report_helpers' '._prepare_report') as pr_mock: report_options={"output_format": 'pretty'}) # Once for global_stats, once for each of 16 columns self.assertEqual(pr_mock.call_count, 17) def test_report_schema_and_data_stats_match_order(self): data = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]], columns=["a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "d"]) profiler_options = ProfilerOptions() profiler_options.set({'data_labeler.is_enabled': False}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data=data, options=profiler_options) report = schema = report["global_stats"]["profile_schema"] data_stats = report["data_stats"] expected_schema = {"a": [0, 2], "b": [1, 3], "c": [4], "d": [5]} self.assertDictEqual(expected_schema, schema) # Check that the column order in the report matches the column order # In the schema (and in the data) for name in schema: for idx in schema[name]: # Use min of column to validate column order amongst duplicates col_min = data.iloc[0, idx] self.assertEqual(name, data_stats[idx]["column_name"]) self.assertEqual(col_min, data_stats[idx]["statistics"]["min"]) def test_pretty_report_doesnt_cast_schema(self): report = report_options={"output_format": "pretty"}) # Want to ensure the values of this dict are of type list[int] # Since pretty "prettifies" lists into strings with ... to shorten expected_schema = {"datetime": [0], "host": [1], "src": [2], "proto": [3], "type": [4], "srcport": [5], "destport": [6], "srcip": [7], "locale": [8], "localeabbr": [9], "postalcode": [10], "latitude": [11], "longitude": [12], "owner": [13], "comment": [14], "int_col": [15]} self.assertDictEqual(expected_schema, report["global_stats"]["profile_schema"]) def test_omit_keys_with_duplicate_cols(self): data = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]], columns=["a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "d"]) profiler_options = ProfilerOptions() profiler_options.set({'data_labeler.is_enabled': False}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data=data, options=profiler_options) report ={ "omit_keys": ["data_stats.a.statistics.min", "data_stats.d.statistics.max", "data_stats.*.statistics.null_types_index"]}) # Correctness of schema asserted in prior test schema = report["global_stats"]["profile_schema"] data_stats = report["data_stats"] for idx in range(len(report["data_stats"])): # Assert that min is absent from a's data_stats and not the others if idx in schema["a"]: self.assertNotIn("min", data_stats[idx]["statistics"]) else: self.assertIn("min", report["data_stats"][idx]["statistics"]) # Assert that max is absent from d's data_stats and not the others if idx in schema["d"]: self.assertNotIn("max", report["data_stats"][idx]["statistics"]) else: self.assertIn("max", report["data_stats"][idx]["statistics"]) # Assert that null_types_index not present in any self.assertNotIn("null_types_index", report["data_stats"][idx]["statistics"]) def test_omit_cols_preserves_schema(self): data = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]], columns=["a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "d"]) omit_cols = ["a", "d"] omit_idxs = [0, 2, 5] omit_keys = [f"data_stats.{col}" for col in omit_cols] profiler_options = ProfilerOptions() profiler_options.set({'data_labeler.is_enabled': False}) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data=data, options=profiler_options) report ={"omit_keys": omit_keys}) for idx in range(len(report["data_stats"])): if idx in omit_idxs: self.assertIsNone(report["data_stats"][idx]) else: self.assertIsNotNone(report["data_stats"][idx]) # This will keep the data_stats key but remove all columns report ={"omit_keys": ["data_stats.*"]}) for col_report in report["data_stats"]: self.assertIsNone(col_report) def test_report_quantiles(self): report_none = report_options={"num_quantile_groups": None}) report = self.assertEqual(report_none, report) for col in report["data_stats"]: if col["column_name"] == "int_col": report_quantiles = col["statistics"]["quantiles"] break self.assertEqual(len(report_quantiles), 3) report2 = report_options={"num_quantile_groups": 1000}) for col in report2["data_stats"]: if col["column_name"] == "int_col": report2_1000_quant = col["statistics"]["quantiles"] break self.assertEqual(len(report2_1000_quant), 999) self.assertEqual(report_quantiles, { 0: report2_1000_quant[249], 1: report2_1000_quant[499], 2: report2_1000_quant[749], }) def test_report_omit_keys(self): # Omit both report keys manually no_report_keys = report_options={"omit_keys": ['global_stats', 'data_stats']}) self.assertCountEqual({}, no_report_keys) # Omit just data_stats no_data_stats = report_options={"omit_keys": ['data_stats']}) self.assertCountEqual({"global_stats"}, no_data_stats) # Omit a global stat no_samples_used = report_options={"omit_keys": ['global_stats.samples_used']}) self.assertNotIn("samples_used", no_samples_used["global_stats"]) # Omit all keys nothing = report_options={"omit_keys": ['*']}) self.assertCountEqual({}, nothing) # Omit every data_stats column empty_data_stats_cols = report_options={"omit_keys": ['global_stats', 'data_stats.*']}) # data_stats key still present, but all columns are None self.assertCountEqual({"data_stats"}, empty_data_stats_cols) self.assertTrue(all([rep is None for rep in empty_data_stats_cols["data_stats"]])) # Omit specific data_stats column no_datetime = report_options={"omit_keys": ['data_stats.datetime']}) self.assertNotIn("datetime", no_datetime["data_stats"]) # Omit a statistic from each column no_sum = report_options={"omit_keys": ['data_stats.*.statistics.sum']}) self.assertTrue(all(["sum" not in rep["statistics"] for rep in no_sum["data_stats"]])) def test_report_compact(self): report = report_options={ "output_format": "pretty" }) omit_keys = [ "data_stats.*.statistics.times", "data_stats.*.statistics.avg_predictions", "data_stats.*.statistics.data_label_representation", "data_stats.*.statistics.null_types_index", "data_stats.*.statistics.histogram" ] report = _prepare_report(report, 'pretty', omit_keys) report_compact = report_options={"output_format": "compact"}) self.assertEqual(report, report_compact) def test_profile_key_name_without_space(self): def recursive_test_helper(report, prev_key=None): for key in report: # do not test keys in 'data_stats' as they contain column names # neither for 'ave_predictions' and 'data_label_representation' # as they contain label names # same for 'null_types_index' if prev_key not in ['data_stats', 'avg_predictions', 'data_label_representation', 'null_types_index', 'categorical_count']: # key names should contain only alphanumeric letters or '_' self.assertIsNotNone(re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', str(key))) if isinstance(report[key], dict): recursive_test_helper(report[key], key) _report = recursive_test_helper(_report) def test_data_label_assigned(self): # only use 5 samples trained_schema = dp.StructuredProfiler(self.aws_dataset, samples_per_update=5) report = has_non_null_column = False for i in range(len(report['data_stats'])): # only test non-null columns if report['data_stats'][i]['data_type'] is not None: self.assertIsNotNone(report['data_stats'][i]['data_label']) has_non_null_column = True if not has_non_null_column: "Dataset tested did not have a non-null column and therefore " "could not validate the test.") def test_text_data_raises_error(self): text_file_path = os.path.join( test_root_path, 'data', 'txt/sentence-10x.txt' ) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'Cannot provide TextData object' ' to StructuredProfiler'): profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(dp.Data(text_file_path)) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_correlation') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_chi2') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.StructuredProfiler.' '_update_row_statistics') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.StructuredColProfiler') def test_sample_size_warning_in_the_profiler(self, *mocks): # structure data profile mock sdp_mock = mock.Mock() sdp_mock.clean_data_and_get_base_stats.return_value = (None, None) mocks[0].return_value = sdp_mock data = pd.DataFrame([1, None, 3, 4, 5, None]) with self.assertWarnsRegex(UserWarning, "The data will be profiled with a sample " "size of 3. All statistics will be based on " "this subsample and not the whole dataset."): profile1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, samples_per_update=3) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnStatsProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_correlation') def test_min_col_samples_used(self, *mocks): # No cols sampled since no cols to sample empty_df = pd.DataFrame([]) empty_profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(empty_df) self.assertEqual(0, empty_profile._min_col_samples_used) # Every column fully sampled full_df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) full_profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(full_df) self.assertEqual(3, full_profile._min_col_samples_used) # First col sampled only twice, so that is min sparse_df = pd.DataFrame([[1, None, None], [1, 1, None], [1, None, 1]]) sparse_profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(sparse_df, min_true_samples=2, samples_per_update=1) self.assertEqual(2, sparse_profile._min_col_samples_used) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.StructuredProfiler.' '_update_profile_from_chunk') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') def test_min_true_samples(self, *mocks): empty_df = pd.DataFrame([]) # Test invalid input msg = "`min_true_samples` must be an integer or `None`." with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(empty_df, min_true_samples="Bloop") # Test invalid input given to update_profile profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(empty_df) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): profile.update_profile(empty_df, min_true_samples="Bloop") # Test None input (equivalent to zero) profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(empty_df, min_true_samples=None) self.assertEqual(None, profile._min_true_samples) # Test valid input profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(empty_df, min_true_samples=10) self.assertEqual(10, profile._min_true_samples) def test_save_and_load(self): datapth = "dataprofiler/tests/data/" test_files = ["csv/guns.csv", "csv/iris.csv"] for test_file in test_files: # Create Data and StructuredProfiler objects data = dp.Data(os.path.join(datapth, test_file)) options = ProfilerOptions() options.set({"correlation.is_enabled": True}) save_profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) # store the expected data_labeler data_labeler = save_profile.options.data_labeler.data_labeler_object # Save and Load profile with Mock IO with mock.patch('') as m: mock_file = setup_save_mock_open(m) with mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'DataLabeler', return_value=data_labeler): load_profile = dp.StructuredProfiler.load("mock.pkl") # validate loaded profile has same data labeler class self.assertIsInstance( load_profile.options.data_labeler.data_labeler_object, data_labeler.__class__) # only checks first columns # get first column first_column_profile = load_profile.profile[0] self.assertIsInstance( first_column_profile.profiles['data_label_profile'] ._profiles['data_labeler'].data_labeler, data_labeler.__class__) # Check that reports are equivalent save_report = test_utils.clean_report( load_report = test_utils.clean_report( np.testing.assert_equal(save_report, load_report) def test_save_and_load_no_labeler(self): # Create Data and UnstructuredProfiler objects data = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3], columns=["a"]) profile_options = dp.ProfilerOptions() profile_options.set({"data_labeler.is_enabled": False}) save_profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(data, options=profile_options) # Save and Load profile with Mock IO with mock.patch('') as m: mock_file = setup_save_mock_open(m) with mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'DataLabeler'): load_profile = dp.StructuredProfiler.load("mock.pkl") # Check that reports are equivalent save_report = test_utils.clean_report( load_report = test_utils.clean_report( self.assertDictEqual(save_report, load_report) # validate both are still usable after save_profile.update_profile(pd.DataFrame({"a": [4, 5]})) load_profile.update_profile(pd.DataFrame({"a": [4, 5]})) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnStatsProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_correlation') def test_string_index_doesnt_cause_error(self, *mocks): dp.StructuredProfiler(pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3]], index=["hello"])) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnStatsProfileCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'ColumnDataLabelerCompiler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.' 'StructuredProfiler._update_correlation') def test_dict_in_data_no_error(self, *mocks): # validates that _update_row_statistics does not error when trying to # hash a dict. profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(pd.DataFrame([[{'test': 1}], [None]])) self.assertEqual(1, profiler.row_is_null_count) self.assertEqual(2, profiler.total_samples) def test_duplicate_columns(self): data = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]], columns=["a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "d"]) profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) # Ensure columns are correctly allocated to profiles in list expected_mapping = {"a": [0, 2], "b": [1, 3], "c": [4], "d": [5]} self.assertDictEqual(expected_mapping, profiler._col_name_to_idx) for col in profiler._col_name_to_idx: for idx in profiler._col_name_to_idx[col]: # Make sure every index that a column name maps to represents # A profile for that named column self.assertEqual(col, profiler._profile[idx].name) # Check a few stats to ensure calculation with data occurred # Initialization ensures column ids and profile ids are identical for col_idx in range(len(profiler._profile)): col_min = data.iloc[0, col_idx] col_max = data.iloc[1, col_idx] col_sum = col_min + col_max self.assertEqual(col_min, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["min"]) self.assertEqual(col_max, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["max"]) self.assertEqual(col_sum, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["sum"]) # Check that update works as expected new_data = pd.DataFrame([[100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]], columns=["a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "d"]) profiler.update_profile(new_data) self.assertDictEqual(expected_mapping, profiler._col_name_to_idx) for col in profiler._col_name_to_idx: for idx in profiler._col_name_to_idx[col]: # Make sure every index that a column name maps to represents # A profile for that named column self.assertEqual(col, profiler._profile[idx].name) for col_idx in range(len(profiler._profile)): col_min = data.iloc[0, col_idx] col_max = new_data.iloc[0, col_idx] col_sum = col_min + col_max + data.iloc[1, col_idx] self.assertEqual(col_min, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["min"]) self.assertEqual(col_max, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["max"]) self.assertEqual(col_sum, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["sum"]) def test_unique_col_permutation(self, *mocks): data = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]], columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"]) perm_data = pd.DataFrame([[4, 3, 2, 1], [8, 7, 6, 5]], columns=["d", "c", "b", "a"]) # Test via add first_profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) perm_profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(perm_data) profiler = first_profiler + perm_profiler for col_idx in range(len(profiler._profile)): col_min = data.iloc[0, col_idx] col_max = data.iloc[1, col_idx] # Sum is doubled since it was updated with the same vals col_sum = 2 * (col_min + col_max) self.assertEqual(col_min, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["min"]) self.assertEqual(col_max, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["max"]) self.assertEqual(col_sum, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["sum"]) # Test via update profiler = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) profiler.update_profile(perm_data) for col_idx in range(len(profiler._profile)): col_min = data.iloc[0, col_idx] col_max = data.iloc[1, col_idx] # Sum is doubled since it was updated with the same vals col_sum = 2 * (col_min + col_max) self.assertEqual(col_min, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["min"]) self.assertEqual(col_max, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["max"]) self.assertEqual(col_sum, profiler._profile[col_idx]. profile["statistics"]["sum"]) def test_get_and_validate_schema_mapping(self): unique_schema_1 = {"a": [0], "b": [1], "c": [2]} unique_schema_2 = {"a": [2], "b": [0], "c": [1]} unique_schema_3 = {"a": [0], "b": [1], "d": [2]} msg = "Columns do not match, cannot update or merge profiles." with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): dp.StructuredProfiler._get_and_validate_schema_mapping( unique_schema_1,unique_schema_3) expected_schema = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2} actual_schema = dp.StructuredProfiler. \ _get_and_validate_schema_mapping(unique_schema_1, {}) self.assertDictEqual(actual_schema, expected_schema) expected_schema = {0: 2, 1: 0, 2: 1} actual_schema = dp.StructuredProfiler. \ _get_and_validate_schema_mapping(unique_schema_1, unique_schema_2) self.assertDictEqual(actual_schema, expected_schema) dupe_schema_1 = {"a": [0], "b": [1, 2], "c": [3, 4, 5]} dupe_schema_2 = {"a": [0], "b": [1, 3], "c": [2, 4, 5]} dupe_schema_3 = {"a": [0, 1], "b": [2, 3, 4], "c": [5]} four_col_schema = {"a": [0], "b": [1, 2], "c": [3, 4, 5], "d": [6]} msg = ("Different number of columns detected for " "'a', cannot update or merge profiles.") with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): dp.StructuredProfiler._get_and_validate_schema_mapping( dupe_schema_1, dupe_schema_3) msg = ("Different column indices under " "duplicate name 'b', cannot update " "or merge unless schema is identical.") with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): dp.StructuredProfiler._get_and_validate_schema_mapping( dupe_schema_1, dupe_schema_2) msg = "Attempted to merge profiles with different numbers of columns" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): dp.StructuredProfiler._get_and_validate_schema_mapping( dupe_schema_1, four_col_schema) expected_schema = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5} actual_schema = dp.StructuredProfiler. \ _get_and_validate_schema_mapping(dupe_schema_1, dupe_schema_1) self.assertDictEqual(actual_schema, expected_schema) @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.data_labeler_column_profile." "DataLabelerColumn.update") @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.column_profile_compilers." "ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler.diff") @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.column_profile_compilers." "ColumnStatsProfileCompiler.diff") @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.column_profile_compilers." "ColumnDataLabelerCompiler.diff") def test_diff(self, *mocks): # Data labeler compiler diff mocks[0].return_value = { 'statistics': { 'avg_predictions': { 'a': 'unchanged' }, 'label_representation': { 'a': 'unchanged' } }, 'data_label': [[], ['a'], []] } # stats compiler diff mocks[1].return_value = { 'order': ['ascending', 'descending'], 'categorical': 'unchanged', 'statistics': { 'all_compiler_stats': 'unchanged' } } # primitive stats compiler diff mocks[2].return_value = { 'data_type_representation': { 'all_data_types': 'unchanged' }, 'data_type': 'unchanged', 'statistics': { 'numerical_statistics_here': "unchanged" } } data1 = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [5, 6]], columns=["a", "b"]) data2 = pd.DataFrame([[4, 3], [8, 7], [None, None], [9, 10]], columns=["a", "b"]) options = dp.ProfilerOptions() options.structured_options.correlation.is_enabled = True profile1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1, options=options) options2 = dp.ProfilerOptions() options2.structured_options.correlation.is_enabled = True profile2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data2, options=options2) expected_diff = { 'global_stats': { 'samples_used': -2, 'column_count': 'unchanged', 'row_count': -2, 'row_has_null_ratio': -0.25, 'row_is_null_ratio': -0.25, 'unique_row_ratio': 'unchanged', 'duplicate_row_count': -0.25, 'file_type': 'unchanged', 'encoding': 'unchanged', 'correlation_matrix': np.array([[1.11022302e-16, 3.13803955e-02], [3.13803955e-02, 0.00000000e+00]], dtype=np.float), 'chi2_matrix': np.array([[ 0. , -0.04475479], [-0.04475479, 0. ]], dtype=np.float), 'profile_schema': [{}, {'a': 'unchanged', 'b': 'unchanged'}, {}]}, 'data_stats': [ { 'column_name': 'a', 'data_type': 'unchanged', 'data_label': [[], ['a'], []], 'categorical': 'unchanged', 'order': ['ascending', 'descending'], 'statistics': { 'numerical_statistics_here': 'unchanged', 'all_compiler_stats': 'unchanged', 'avg_predictions': {'a': 'unchanged'}, 'label_representation': {'a': 'unchanged'}, 'sample_size': -2, 'null_count': -1, 'null_types': [[], [], ['nan']], 'null_types_index': [{}, {}, {'nan': {2}}], 'data_type_representation': { 'all_data_types': 'unchanged' } } }, { 'column_name': 'b', 'data_type': 'unchanged', 'data_label': [[], ['a'], []], 'categorical': 'unchanged', 'order': ['ascending', 'descending'], 'statistics': { 'numerical_statistics_here': 'unchanged', 'all_compiler_stats': 'unchanged', 'avg_predictions': {'a': 'unchanged'}, 'label_representation': {'a': 'unchanged'}, 'sample_size': -2, 'null_count': -1, 'null_types': [[], [], ['nan']], 'null_types_index': [{}, {}, {'nan': {2}}], 'data_type_representation': { 'all_data_types': 'unchanged' } } } ] } diff = profile1.diff(profile2) expected_corr_mat = expected_diff["global_stats"].pop("correlation_matrix") diff_corr_mat = diff["global_stats"].pop("correlation_matrix") expected_chi2_mat = expected_diff["global_stats"].pop("chi2_matrix") diff_chi2_mat = diff["global_stats"].pop("chi2_matrix") np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_corr_mat, diff_corr_mat) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(expected_chi2_mat, diff_chi2_mat) self.assertDictEqual(expected_diff, diff) @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.data_labeler_column_profile." "DataLabelerColumn.update") def test_diff_type_checking(self, *mocks): data = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [5, 6]], columns=["a", "b"]) profile = dp.StructuredProfiler(data) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, '`StructuredProfiler` and `str` are not of ' 'the same profiler type.'): profile.diff("ERROR") @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.data_labeler_column_profile." "DataLabelerColumn.update") def test_diff_with_different_schema(self, *mocks): data1 = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [5, 6]], columns=["G", "b"]) data2 = pd.DataFrame([[4, 3, 1], [8, 7, 3], [None, None, 1], [9, 1, 10]], columns=["a", "b", "c"]) # Test via add profile1 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data1) profile2 = dp.StructuredProfiler(data2) expected_diff = { 'global_stats': { 'file_type': 'unchanged', 'encoding': 'unchanged', 'samples_used': -2, 'column_count': -1, 'row_count': -2, 'row_has_null_ratio': -0.25, 'row_is_null_ratio': 'unchanged', 'unique_row_ratio': 'unchanged', 'duplicate_row_count': 'unchanged', 'correlation_matrix': None, 'chi2_matrix': None, 'profile_schema': [{'G': [0]}, {'b': 'unchanged'}, {'a': [0], 'c': [2]}]}, 'data_stats': [] } self.assertDictEqual(expected_diff, profile1.diff(profile2)) @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.data_labeler_column_profile." "DataLabelerColumn.update") @mock.patch('dataprofiler.profilers.profile_builder.DataLabeler') @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.column_profile_compilers." "ColumnPrimitiveTypeProfileCompiler.diff") @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.column_profile_compilers." "ColumnStatsProfileCompiler.diff") @mock.patch("dataprofiler.profilers.column_profile_compilers." "ColumnDataLabelerCompiler.diff") @mock.patch("sys.stderr", new_callable=StringIO) def test_logs(self, mock_stderr, *mocks): options = StructuredOptions() options.multiprocess.is_enabled = False # Capture logs of level INFO and above with self.assertLogs('DataProfiler.profilers.profile_builder', level='INFO') as logs: StructuredProfiler(pd.DataFrame([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), options=options) # Logs to update user on nulls and statistics self.assertEqual(['INFO:DataProfiler.profilers.profile_builder:' 'Finding the Null values in the columns... ', 'INFO:DataProfiler.profilers.profile_builder:' 'Calculating the statistics... '], logs.output) # Ensure tqdm printed progress bar self.assertIn('#' * 10, mock_stderr.getvalue()) # Clear stderr mock_stderr.truncate(0) # Now tqdm shouldn't be printed dp.set_verbosity(logging.WARNING) StructuredProfiler(pd.DataFrame([[0, 1], [2, 3]])) # Ensure no progress bar printed self.assertNotIn('#' * 10, mock_stderr.getvalue()) def test_unique_row_ratio_empty_profiler(self): profiler = StructuredProfiler(pd.DataFrame([])) self.assertEqual(0, profiler._get_unique_row_ratio()) class TestStructuredColProfilerClass(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): test_utils.set_seed(seed=0) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): test_utils.set_seed(seed=0) cls.input_file_path = os.path.join( test_root_path, 'data', 'csv/aws_honeypot_marx_geo.csv' ) cls.aws_dataset =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.util.testing as tm import pandas.compat as compat ############################################################### # Index / Series common tests which may trigger dtype coercions ############################################################### class CoercionBase(object): klasses = ['index', 'series'] dtypes = ['object', 'int64', 'float64', 'complex128', 'bool', 'datetime64', 'datetime64tz', 'timedelta64', 'period'] @property def method(self): raise NotImplementedError(self) def _assert(self, left, right, dtype): # explicitly check dtype to avoid any unexpected result if isinstance(left, pd.Series): tm.assert_series_equal(left, right) elif isinstance(left, pd.Index): tm.assert_index_equal(left, right) else: raise NotImplementedError self.assertEqual(left.dtype, dtype) self.assertEqual(right.dtype, dtype) def test_has_comprehensive_tests(self): for klass in self.klasses: for dtype in self.dtypes: method_name = 'test_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(self.method, klass, dtype) if not hasattr(self, method_name): msg = 'test method is not defined: {0}, {1}' raise AssertionError(msg.format(type(self), method_name)) class TestSetitemCoercion(CoercionBase, tm.TestCase): method = 'setitem' def _assert_setitem_series_conversion(self, original_series, loc_value, expected_series, expected_dtype): """ test series value's coercion triggered by assignment """ temp = original_series.copy() temp[1] = loc_value tm.assert_series_equal(temp, expected_series) # check dtype explicitly for sure self.assertEqual(temp.dtype, expected_dtype) # .loc works different rule, temporary disable # temp = original_series.copy() # temp.loc[1] = loc_value # tm.assert_series_equal(temp, expected_series) def test_setitem_series_object(self): obj = pd.Series(list('abcd')) self.assertEqual(obj.dtype, np.object) # object + int -> object exp = pd.Series(['a', 1, 'c', 'd']) self._assert_setitem_series_conversion(obj, 1, exp, np.object) # object + float -> object exp = pd.Series(['a', 1.1, 'c', 'd']) self._assert_setitem_series_conversion(obj, 1.1, exp, np.object) # object + complex -> object exp = pd.Series(['a', 1 + 1j, 'c', 'd']) self._assert_setitem_series_conversion(obj, 1 + 1j, exp, np.object) # object + bool -> object exp = pd.Series(['a', True, 'c', 'd']) self._assert_setitem_series_conversion(obj, True, exp, np.object) def test_setitem_series_int64(self): obj =
pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
import pandas as pd import os,sys import re import torch inp_path = r'/home/tiwarikajal/embeddingdata' out_path = r'/home/tiwarikajal/data/' error = [] df =
pd.DataFrame(columns=['year', 'Company', 'embeddings1a', 'embeddings7'])
import mysql.connector import pandas as pd class MySQLInterface: def __init__(self, server, username, password, dbname): self.server = server self.username = username self.password = password self.dbname = dbname def __connect(self): try: self.cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=self.username, password=self.password, host=self.server, database=self.dbname) return True except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(err) return False def select(self, query): if(not self.__connect()): return None try: output = [] cursor = self.cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor: inner_list = [] for val in row: inner_list.append(str(val).strip()) output.append(inner_list) cursor.close() self.cnx.close() return
import pandas as pd def generate_train(playlists): # define category range cates = {'cat1': (10, 50), 'cat2': (10, 78), 'cat3': (10, 100), 'cat4': (40, 100), 'cat5': (40, 100), 'cat6': (40, 100),'cat7': (101, 250), 'cat8': (101, 250), 'cat9': (150, 250), 'cat10': (150, 250)} cat_pids = {} for cat, interval in cates.items(): df = playlists[(playlists['num_tracks'] >= interval[0]) & (playlists['num_tracks'] <= interval[1])].sample( n=1000) cat_pids[cat] = list( playlists = playlists.drop(df.index) playlists = playlists.reset_index(drop=True) return playlists, cat_pids def generate_test(cat_pids, playlists, interactions, tracks): def build_df_none(cat_pids, playlists, cat, num_samples): df = playlists[playlists['pid'].isin(cat_pids[cat])] df = df[['pid', 'num_tracks']] df['num_samples'] = num_samples df['num_holdouts'] = df['num_tracks'] - df['num_samples'] return df def build_df_name(cat_pids, playlists, cat, num_samples): df = playlists[playlists['pid'].isin(cat_pids[cat])] df = df[['name', 'pid', 'num_tracks']] df['num_samples'] = num_samples df['num_holdouts'] = df['num_tracks'] - df['num_samples'] return df df_test_pl = pd.DataFrame() df_test_itr = pd.DataFrame() df_eval_itr = pd.DataFrame() for cat in list(cat_pids.keys()): if cat == 'cat1': num_samples = 0 df = build_df_name(cat_pids, playlists, cat, num_samples) df_test_pl = pd.concat([df_test_pl, df]) # all interactions used for evaluation df_itr = interactions[interactions['pid'].isin(cat_pids[cat])] df_eval_itr = pd.concat([df_eval_itr, df_itr]) # clean interactions for training interactions = interactions.drop(df_itr.index) print("cat1 done") if cat == 'cat2': num_samples = 1 df = build_df_name(cat_pids, playlists, cat, num_samples) df_test_pl = pd.concat([df_test_pl, df]) df_itr = interactions[interactions['pid'].isin(cat_pids[cat])] # clean interactions for training interactions = interactions.drop(df_itr.index) df_sample = df_itr[df_itr['pos'] == 0] df_test_itr = pd.concat([df_test_itr, df_sample]) df_itr = df_itr.drop(df_sample.index) df_eval_itr = pd.concat([df_eval_itr, df_itr]) print("cat2 done") if cat == 'cat3': num_samples = 5 df = build_df_name(cat_pids, playlists, cat, num_samples) df_test_pl = pd.concat([df_test_pl, df]) df_itr = interactions[interactions['pid'].isin(cat_pids[cat])] # clean interactions for training interactions = interactions.drop(df_itr.index) df_sample = df_itr[(df_itr['pos'] >= 0) & (df_itr['pos'] < num_samples)] df_test_itr = pd.concat([df_test_itr, df_sample]) df_itr = df_itr.drop(df_sample.index) df_eval_itr = pd.concat([df_eval_itr, df_itr]) print("cat3 done") if cat == 'cat4': num_samples = 5 df = build_df_none(cat_pids, playlists, cat, num_samples) df_test_pl = pd.concat([df_test_pl, df]) df_itr = interactions[interactions['pid'].isin(cat_pids[cat])] # clean interactions for training interactions = interactions.drop(df_itr.index) df_sample = df_itr[(df_itr['pos'] >= 0) & (df_itr['pos'] < num_samples)] df_test_itr = pd.concat([df_test_itr, df_sample]) df_itr = df_itr.drop(df_sample.index) df_eval_itr = pd.concat([df_eval_itr, df_itr]) print("cat4 done") if cat == 'cat5': num_samples = 10 df = build_df_name(cat_pids, playlists, cat, num_samples) df_test_pl = pd.concat([df_test_pl, df]) df_itr = interactions[interactions['pid'].isin(cat_pids[cat])] # clean interactions for training interactions = interactions.drop(df_itr.index) df_sample = df_itr[(df_itr['pos'] >= 0) & (df_itr['pos'] < num_samples)] df_test_itr =
pd.concat([df_test_itr, df_sample])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import io import re import argparse import itertools import collections as col import operator as op import pickle as pck import pandas as pd def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--agp-file', '-a', type=str, dest='agp', help='AGP assembly layout file generated by Bionano tool set for hybrid assembly.' ) parser.add_argument( '--fasta-file', '-f', type=str, dest='fasta', help='FASTA file containig scaffold sequences generated by Bionano tool set for hybrid assembly.' ) parser.add_argument( '--dummy-fasta', '-d', type=str, dest='dummy', help='FASTA sequence for dummy contig used to avoid empty output files.' ) parser.add_argument('--no-fasta-cache', action='store_true', default=False, dest='no_fasta_cache') parser.add_argument( '--bed-file', '-b', type=str, dest='bed', help='Contig-to-reference alignments (unfiltered) of original contigs used as input to hybrid scaffolding.' ) parser.add_argument( '--assembly-index', '-fai', type=str, dest='index', help='FASTA index file of original assembly, used to verify scaffolded contig length.' ) parser.add_argument( '--output', '-o', type=str, dest='output', help='Specify output prefix (directories will be created). Default: $PWD/bng_hybrid', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bng_hybrid') ) args = parser.parse_args() return args def compute_scaffold_layout(agp_layout, fasta_seqs, layout_cache): if layout_cache is None: fasta_layout = compute_scaffold_sequence_stats(agp_layout, fasta_seqs) else: if os.path.isfile(layout_cache): with pd.HDFStore(layout_cache, 'r') as hdf: fasta_layout = hdf['/cache'] else: fasta_layout = compute_scaffold_sequence_stats(agp_layout, fasta_seqs) with pd.HDFStore(layout_cache, 'w') as hdf: hdf.put('cache', fasta_layout, format='fixed') return fasta_layout def match_agp_to_fasta(agp_row, sequence_part): get_nuc_counts = op.itemgetter(*('A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'a', 'c', 'g', 't', 'N', 'n')) orient_map = { '+': 1, '-': -1 } seq_stats = col.Counter(sequence_part) if agp_row['comp_type'] == 'N': # inserted sequence gap entity = ( agp_row['object_name'], 'gap', agp_row['comp_number'], agp_row['object_start'] - 1, agp_row['object_end'], int(agp_row['comp_name_OR_gap_length']), 0, # orientation 'gap', -1, # component start, end, complete -1, -1, *get_nuc_counts(seq_stats) ) elif agp_row['comp_type'] == 'W': # assembled WGS contig contig_name = agp_row['comp_name_OR_gap_length'] if '_subseq_' in contig_name: contig_name, subseq = contig_name.split('_subseq_') start, end = subseq.split(':') start = int(start) - 1 end = int(end) else: start = 0 end = len(sequence_part) orientation = orient_map[agp_row['comp_orient_OR_linkage_evidence']] # BUG / FIXME # this should check if the contig is scaffolded start to end; # it is trivially always the same length as the respective sequence # part, so the below condition will always be 1 complete = 1 if (end - start) == len(sequence_part) else 0 comp_length = agp_row['object_end'] - (agp_row['object_start'] - 1) assert comp_length == len(sequence_part) == (end - start), \ 'Length mismatch: {} / {} / {}'.format(comp_length, len(sequence_part), end - start) entity = ( agp_row['object_name'], 'sequence', agp_row['comp_number'], agp_row['object_start'] - 1, agp_row['object_end'], (end - start), orientation, contig_name, start, end, complete, *get_nuc_counts(seq_stats) ) else: raise ValueError('Unexpected component type: {}'.format(agp_row)) return entity def compute_scaffold_sequence_stats(agp_layout, fasta_seqs): get_nuc_counts = op.itemgetter(*('A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'a', 'c', 'g', 't', 'N', 'n')) scaffold_idx = agp_layout['object_name'].str.match('Super-Scaffold') scaffolds = sorted(set(agp_layout.loc[scaffold_idx, 'object_name'].values)) fasta_entities = [] for scf in scaffolds: scf_seq = fasta_seqs[scf] seq_stats = col.Counter(scf_seq) fasta_entities.append( ( 'scaffold', 'self', 0, 0, len(scf_seq), len(scf_seq), 0, scf, 0, len(scf_seq), 1, *get_nuc_counts(seq_stats) ) ) for idx, row in agp_layout.loc[agp_layout['object_name'] == scf, :].iterrows(): row_entity = match_agp_to_fasta(row, scf_seq[row['object_start']-1:row['object_end']]) fasta_entities.append(row_entity) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records( fasta_entities, columns=[ 'object', 'component', 'order', 'start', 'end', 'length', 'orientation', 'name', 'component_start', 'component_end', 'component_complete', 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'a', 'c', 'g', 't', 'N', 'n' ] ) return df def load_assembly_contig_sizes(file_path): columns = ['contig_name', 'contig_size'] df = pd.read_csv( file_path, sep='\t', header=None, names=columns, usecols=columns, index_col=None ) return df def read_fasta_file(fasta_path): current_scf = None current_seq = '' seq_store = dict() with open(fasta_path, 'r') as fasta: for line in fasta: if line.startswith('>'): if current_scf is not None: seq_store[current_scf] = current_seq current_seq = '' scaffold = line.strip().strip('>') current_scf = scaffold continue current_seq += line.strip() if current_seq: seq_store[current_scf] = current_seq return seq_store def load_fasta_scaffolds(fasta_path, seq_cache): if seq_cache is None: seq_store = read_fasta_file(fasta_path) else: if os.path.isfile(seq_cache): with open(seq_cache, 'rb') as cache: seq_store = pck.load(cache) else: seq_store = read_fasta_file(fasta_path) with open(seq_cache, 'wb') as cache: pck.dump(seq_store, cache) return seq_store def fill_in_gap_coordinates(fasta_layout): rows = [] starts = [] ends = [] for idx in fasta_layout.loc[fasta_layout['component'] == 'gap', :].index.values: rows.append(idx) starts.append([idx-1, 'end']) ends.append([idx+1, 'start']) fasta_layout.loc[rows, 'start'] = starts fasta_layout.loc[rows, 'end'] = ends return fasta_layout def parse_agp_layout(agp_path): agp_header = [ 'object_name', 'object_start', 'object_end', 'comp_number', 'comp_type', 'comp_name_OR_gap_length', 'comp_start_OR_gap_type', 'comp_end_OR_linkage', 'comp_orient_OR_linkage_evidence' ] df = pd.read_csv(agp_path, sep='\t', comment='#', names=agp_header) # hopfully, all AGP files are simple in structure assert len(set(df['comp_type'].values).union(set(['W', 'N']))) == 2, 'Unexpected component type' assert df['comp_end_OR_linkage'].str.match('([0-9]+|yes)').all(), 'Unexpected linkage type' assert df['comp_start_OR_gap_type'].str.match('([0-9]+|scaffold)').all(), 'Unexpected gap type' return df def compute_bng_contig_support(agp_layout): supported = [] unsupported = [] contig_names = [] contig_to_scaffold = col.defaultdict(list) scaffold_to_contig = col.defaultdict(list) unsupported_broken = col.Counter() for idx, row in agp_layout.iterrows(): if row['comp_type'] == 'N': continue else: contig_name = row['comp_name_OR_gap_length'] if 'subseq' in contig_name: contig_name = contig_name.split('_subseq_')[0] if 'Super-Scaffold' not in row['object_name']: # unscaffolded sequence if 'subseq' in row['comp_name_OR_gap_length']: # happens that multiple fragments of a contig # appear as unsupported / unscaffolded for # whatever reason unsupported_broken[contig_name] += 1 supported.append(0) unsupported.append(int(row['comp_end_OR_linkage'])) else: contig_to_scaffold[contig_name].append(row['object_name']) scaffold_to_contig[row['object_name']].append(contig_name) supported.append(int(row['comp_end_OR_linkage'])) unsupported.append(0) contig_names.append(contig_name) df = pd.DataFrame( [contig_names, supported, unsupported], index=[ 'contig_name', 'BNG_supported', 'BNG_unsupported' ] ) df = df.transpose() contig_counts = df['contig_name'].value_counts() df = df.groupby('contig_name')[['BNG_supported', 'BNG_unsupported']].sum() df['contig_name'] = df.index.values df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df['contig_breaks'] = df['contig_name'].apply(lambda x: contig_counts[x] - 1) # no clue why, but some contigs are broken despite being unsupported # cluster10_contig_270_subseq_1:79636_obj # cluster10_contig_270_subseq_79637:120374_obj # ---> cluster10_contig_270 120374 # so fix that here df.loc[df['BNG_supported'] == 0, 'contig_breaks'] = 0 # now fix cases where a single contig has several BNG unsupported # fragments, which would otherwise be counted multiple times for ctg, broken_count in unsupported_broken.most_common(): if broken_count < 2: break # count several "unsupported" fragments as one unsupported_breaks = broken_count - 1 counted_breaks = int(df.loc[df['contig_name'] == ctg, 'contig_breaks']) if counted_breaks > 0: # avoids clash/duplicates together with first fix df.loc[df['contig_name'] == ctg, 'contig_breaks'] -= unsupported_breaks return df, contig_to_scaffold, scaffold_to_contig def parse_contig_alignments(bed_path): bed_columns = [ 'chrom', 'start', 'end', 'contig', 'mapq', 'strand' ] df =
pd.read_csv(bed_path, sep='\t', names=bed_columns, header=None)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # **<NAME> - Tracking Data Assignment** # # Sunday 11th October 2020 # # --- # In[1]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime # imports required by data prep functions import json # Laurie's libraries import scipy.signal as signal import matplotlib.animation as animation # removing annoying matplotlib warnings import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) import re import os from collections import Counter, defaultdict # plotting import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pd.options.display.max_rows = 500 pd.options.display.max_columns = 500 signalityRepo = r'2019/Tracking Data/' movieRepo = r'Movies/' # # **1)** Data Preparation Functions # In[2]: def initialise_dic_tracks(df_homePlayers, df_awayPlayers): """ Initialises dictionaries for both home and away player locations """ dic_home_tracks = {} dic_away_tracks = {} for homePlayer in df_homePlayers.playerIndex: for xy in ['x','y']: dic_home_tracks[f'Home_{homePlayer}_{xy}'] = [] for awayPlayer in df_awayPlayers.playerIndex: for xy in ['x','y']: dic_away_tracks[f'Away_{awayPlayer}_{xy}'] = [] return dic_home_tracks, dic_away_tracks # In[3]: def populate_df_tracks(homeAway, homeAway_tracks, playersJerseyMapping, dic_tracks, df_players): """ For a given team (home OR away), will transform the JSON track data to produce a dataframe just like Laurie's """ lst_playerJerseys = df_players.jersey_number.values # iterating through frames for home/away team for n, frame in enumerate(homeAway_tracks): lst_playerJerseysPerFrame = [] for player in frame: jersey_number = player.get('jersey_number') playerIndex = playersJerseyMapping[jersey_number] x,y = player.get('position', [np.nan, np.nan]) # keeping track of jerseys that have a position for that frame lst_playerJerseysPerFrame.append(jersey_number) dic_tracks[f'{homeAway}_{playerIndex}_x'].append(x) # flipping the y axis to make the data sync with Laurie's plotting methods dic_tracks[f'{homeAway}_{playerIndex}_y'].append(-1*y) # list of jerseys that aren't in the frame lst_playerJerseysNotInFrame = list(set(lst_playerJerseys) - set(lst_playerJerseysPerFrame)) # adding the jerseys that aren't in frame and providing an x,y position of nan, nan for jersey_number in lst_playerJerseysNotInFrame: playerIndex = playersJerseyMapping[jersey_number] x,y = [np.nan, np.nan] dic_tracks[f'{homeAway}_{playerIndex}_x'].append(x) dic_tracks[f'{homeAway}_{playerIndex}_y'].append(y) # transforming tracking dic to a tracking dataframe df_tracks = pd.DataFrame(dic_tracks) return df_tracks # In[4]: def to_single_playing_direction(home,away): """ Switches x and y co-ords with negative sign in the second half Requires the co-ords to be symmetric about 0,0 (i.e. going from roughly -60 to +60 in the x direction and -34 to +34 in the y direction) """ for team in [home,away]: second_half_idx = team.Period.idxmax(2) columns = [c for c in team.columns if c[-1].lower() in ['x','y']] team.loc[second_half_idx:,columns] *= -1 return home,away # In[5]: def shoot_direction(gk_x_position): """ Produces either 1 (L2R) or -1 (R2L) based on GK position """ if gk_x_position > 0: # shooting right-to-left return -1 else: # shotting left-to-right return 1 # In[6]: def parse_raw_to_df(signalityRepo, rootFileName, interpolate=True): """ Takes raw root of a match string e.g. 20190930.Hammarby-Örebrö and transforms it into 4 dataframes: 1) home players 2) away players 3) home tracking 4) away tracking """ lst_df_home = [] lst_df_away = [] for half in ['.1','.2']: # producing filename prefix (just need to add either "-info_live.json" or "-tracks.json") fileNamePrefix = rootFileName + half # load info ## looks like the info JSON is duplicated between the two halves with open(os.path.join(signalityRepo, f'{fileNamePrefix}-info_live.json')) as f: info = json.load(f) # load tracks with open(os.path.join(signalityRepo, f'{fileNamePrefix}-tracks.json')) as f: tracks = json.load(f) # unpacking info ## looks like .1 and .2 files are duplicated, so just looking at the .1 (first half file) if half == '.1': matchId = info.get('id') venueId = info.get('venueId') timeStart = info.get('time_start') pitchLength, pitchWidth = info.get('calibration').get('pitch_size') homeTeam = info.get('team_home_name') awayTeam = info.get('team_away_name') # unpacking players homePlayers = info.get('team_home_players') awayPlayers = info.get('team_away_players') homeLineup = info.get('team_home_lineup') awayLineup = info.get('team_away_lineup') homeLineupSwitch = {homeLineup[i]:i for i in homeLineup} awayLineupSwitch = {awayLineup[i]:i for i in awayLineup} # putting player metadata in dataframe df_homePlayers =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' TopQuant-TQ极宽智能量化回溯分析系统2019版 Top极宽量化(原zw量化),Python量化第一品牌 by Top极宽·量化开源团队 2019.01.011 首发 网站: QQ群: Top极宽量化总群,124134140 文件名 默认缩写:import topquant2019 as tk 简介:Top极宽量化·常用量化系统参数模块 ''' # import sys, os, re import arrow, bs4, random import numexpr as ne # # import reduce #py2 from functools import reduce # py3 import itertools import collections # # import cpuinfo as cpu import psutil as psu from functools import wraps import datetime as dt import pandas as pd import os import copy # import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tushare as ts # import talib as ta import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.colors from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures import as_completed # import multiprocessing # import pyfolio as pf from pyfolio.utils import (to_utc, to_series) # import backtrader as bt import backtrader.observers as btobv import backtrader.indicators as btind import backtrader.analyzers as btanz import backtrader.feeds as btfeeds # from backtrader.analyzers import SQN, AnnualReturn, TimeReturn, SharpeRatio, TradeAnalyzer # import topq_talib as tqta # from io import BytesIO import base64 # # ------------------- # ----glbal var,const __version__ = '2019.M1' sgnSP4 = ' ' sgnSP8 = sgnSP4 + sgnSP4 # corlst = ['#0000ff', '#000000', '#00ff00', '#0000FF', '#8A2BE2', '#A52A2A', '#5F9EA0', '#D2691E', '#FF7F50', '#6495ED', '#DC143C', '#00FFFF', '#00008B', '#008B8B', '#B8860B', '#A9A9A9', '#006400', '#BDB76B', '#8B008B', '#556B2F', '#FF8C00', '#9932CC', '#8B0000', '#E9967A', '#8FBC8F', '#483D8B', '#2F4F4F', '#00CED1', '#9400D3', '#FF1493', '#00BFFF', '#696969', '#1E90FF', '#B22222', '#FFFAF0', '#228B22', '#FF00FF', '#DCDCDC', '#F8F8FF', '#FFD700', '#DAA520', '#808080', '#008000', '#ADFF2F', '#F0FFF0', '#FF69B4', '#CD5C5C', '#4B0082', '#FFFFF0', '#F0E68C', '#E6E6FA', '#FFF0F5', '#7CFC00', '#FFFACD', '#ADD8E6', '#F08080', '#E0FFFF', '#FAFAD2', '#90EE90', '#D3D3D3', '#FFB6C1', '#FFA07A', '#20B2AA', '#87CEFA', '#778899', '#B0C4DE', '#FFFFE0', '#00FF00', '#32CD32', '#FAF0E6', '#FF00FF', '#800000', '#66CDAA', '#0000CD', '#BA55D3', '#9370DB', '#3CB371', '#7B68EE', '#00FA9A', '#48D1CC', '#C71585', '#191970', '#F5FFFA', '#FFE4E1', '#FFE4B5', '#FFDEAD', '#000080', '#FDF5E6', '#808000', '#6B8E23', '#FFA500', '#FF4500', '#DA70D6', '#EEE8AA', '#98FB98', '#AFEEEE', '#DB7093', '#FFEFD5', '#FFDAB9', '#CD853F', '#FFC0CB', '#DDA0DD', '#B0E0E6', '#800080', '#FF0000', '#BC8F8F', '#4169E1', '#8B4513', '#FA8072', '#FAA460', '#2E8B57', '#FFF5EE', '#A0522D', '#C0C0C0', '#87CEEB', '#6A5ACD', '#708090', '#FFFAFA', '#00FF7F', '#4682B4', '#D2B48C', '#008080', '#D8BFD8', '#FF6347', '#40E0D0', '#EE82EE', '#F5DEB3', '#FFFFFF', '#F5F5F5', '#FFFF00', '#9ACD32'] # @ # Names = ['', 'Ticks', 'MicroSeconds', 'Seconds', 'Minutes','Days', 'Weeks', 'Months', 'Years', 'NoTimeFrame'] timFrames = dict(Ticks=bt.TimeFrame.Ticks, MicroSeconds=bt.TimeFrame.MicroSeconds, Seconds=bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, Minutes=bt.TimeFrame.Minutes , Days=bt.TimeFrame.Days, Weeks=bt.TimeFrame.Weeks, Months=bt.TimeFrame.Months, Years=bt.TimeFrame.Years, NoTimeFrame=bt.TimeFrame.NoTimeFrame) # rdat0 = '/TQDat/' rdatDay = rdat0 + "day/" rdatDayInx = rdatDay + "inx/" rdatDayEtf = rdatDay + "etf/" # rdatMin0 = rdat0 + "min/" rdatTick0 = rdat0 + "tick/" rdatReal0 = rdat0 + "real/" # ohlcLst = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close'] ohlcVLst = ohlcLst + ['volume'] # ohlcDLst = ['date'] + ohlcLst ohlcDVLst = ['date'] + ohlcVLst # ohlcDExtLst = ohlcDVLst + ['adj close'] ohlcBTLst = ohlcDVLst + ['openinterest'] # backtrader # # ----kline tq10_corUp, tq10_corDown = ['#7F7F7F', '#17BECF'] # plotly tq09_corUp, tq09_corDown = ['#B61000', '#0061B3'] tq08_corUp, tq08_corDown = ['#FB3320', '#020AF0'] tq07_corUp, tq07_corDown = ['#B0F76D', '#E1440F'] tq06_corUp, tq06_corDown = ['#FF3333', '#47D8D8'] tq05_corUp, tq05_corDown = ['#FB0200', '#007E00'] tq04_corUp, tq04_corDown = ['#18DEF5', '#E38323'] tq03_corUp, tq03_corDown = ['black', 'blue'] tq02_corUp, tq02_corDown = ['red', 'blue'] tq01_corUp, tq01_corDown = ['red', 'lime'] # tq_ksty01 = dict(volup=tq01_corUp, voldown=tq01_corDown, barup=tq01_corUp, bardown=tq01_corDown) tq_ksty02 = dict(volup=tq02_corUp, voldown=tq02_corDown, barup=tq02_corUp, bardown=tq02_corDown) tq_ksty03 = dict(volup=tq03_corUp, voldown=tq03_corDown, barup=tq03_corUp, bardown=tq03_corDown) tq_ksty04 = dict(volup=tq04_corUp, voldown=tq04_corDown, barup=tq04_corUp, bardown=tq04_corDown) tq_ksty05 = dict(volup=tq05_corUp, voldown=tq05_corDown, barup=tq05_corUp, bardown=tq05_corDown) tq_ksty06 = dict(volup=tq06_corUp, voldown=tq06_corDown, barup=tq06_corUp, bardown=tq06_corDown) tq_ksty07 = dict(volup=tq07_corUp, voldown=tq07_corDown, barup=tq07_corUp, bardown=tq07_corDown) tq_ksty08 = dict(volup=tq08_corUp, voldown=tq08_corDown, barup=tq08_corUp, bardown=tq08_corDown) tq_ksty09 = dict(volup=tq09_corUp, voldown=tq09_corDown, barup=tq09_corUp, bardown=tq09_corDown) tq_ksty10 = dict(volup=tq10_corUp, voldown=tq10_corDown, barup=tq10_corUp, bardown=tq10_corDown) # ------------------- # -------------------- class TQ_bar(object): ''' 设置TopQuant项目的各个全局参数 尽量做到all in one ''' def __init__(self): # ----rss.dir # # BT回测核心变量Cerebro,缩::cb self.cb = None # # BT回测默认参数 self.prjNm = '' # 项目名称 self.cash0 = 100000 # 启动最近 10w self.trd_mod = 1 # 交易模式:1,定量交易(默认);2,现金额比例交易 self.stake0 = 100 # 定量交易,每次交易数目,默认为 100 手 self.ktrd0 = 30 # 比例交易,每次交易比例,默认为 30% # 数据目录 self.rdat0 = '' # 产品(股票/基金/期货等)数据目录 self.rbas0 = '' # 对比基数(指数等)数据目录 # self.pools = {} # 产品(股票/基金/期货等)池,dict字典格式 self.pools_code = {} # 产品代码(股票/基金/期货等)池,dict字典格式 # # ------bt.var # 分析模式: 0,base基础分析; 1, 交易底层数据分析 # pyfolio专业图表分析,另外单独调用 self.anz_mod = 1 self.bt_results = None # BT回测运行结果数据,主要用于分析模块 # self.tim0, self.tim9 = None, None # BT回测分析起始时间、终止时间 self.tim0str, self.tim9str = '', '' # BT回测分析起始时间、终止时间,字符串格式 # # ---------------------- # ----------top.quant.2019 def tq_init(prjNam='TQ01', cash0=100000.0, stake0=100): # def _xfloat3(x): return '%.3f' % x # ---------- # # 初始化系统环境参数,设置绘图&数据输出格式'seaborn-whitegrid'); pd.set_option('display.width', 450) # pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3g' % x) pd.set_option('display.float_format', _xfloat3) np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # 取消科学计数法 #as_num(1.2e-4) # # # 设置部分BT量化回测默认参数,清空全局股票池、代码池 qx = TQ_bar() qx.prjName, qx.cash0, qx.stake0 = prjNam, cash0, stake0 qx.pools, qx.pools_code = {}, {} # # return qx # def plttohtml(plt, filename): # # 转base64 figfile = BytesIO() plt.savefig(figfile, format='png') figdata_png = base64.b64encode(figfile.getvalue()) # 将图片转为base64 figdata_str = str(figdata_png, "utf-8") # 提取base64的字符串,不然是b'xxx' # 保存为.html html = '<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,{}\"/>'.format(figdata_str) if filename is None: filename = 'result' + '.html' with open(filename + '.html', 'w') as f: f.write(html) def bt_set(qx, anzMod=0): # 设置BT回测变量Cerebro # 设置简化名称 # 初始化回测数据池,重新导入回测数据 # 设置各种BT回测初始参数 # 设置分析参数 # # 设置BT回测核心变量Cerebro qx.cb = bt.Cerebro() # # 设置简化名称, = bt.analyzers, # bt:backtrader,ema:indicators,p:param # # 初始化回测数据池,重新导入回测数据 pools_2btdata(qx) # # 设置各种BT回测初始参数 # # 设置交易默认参数 qx.trd_mod = 1 qx.ktrd0 = 30 qx.cb.addsizer(bt.sizers.FixedSize, stake=qx.stake0) # # # 设置分析参数 qx.cb.addanalyzer(, _name="Returns") qx.cb.addanalyzer(, _name='DW') # SharpeRatio夏普指数 qx.cb.addanalyzer(, _name='SharpeRatio') # VWR动态加权回报率: Variability-Weighted Return: Better SharpeRatio with Log Returns qx.cb.addanalyzer(, _name='VWR') qx.cb.addanalyzer(SQN) # qx.cb.addanalyzer(, _name='AnnualReturn') # 年化回报率 # 设置分析级别参数 qx.anz_mod = anzMod if anzMod > 0: qx.cb.addanalyzer(, _name='TradeAnalyzer') # cerebro.addanalyzer(TimeReturn, timeframe=timFrames['years']) # cerebro.addanalyzer(SharpeRatio, timeframe=timFrames['years']) # # qx.cb.addanalyzer(, _name='pyfolio') # return qx def bt_anz(qx): # 分析BT量化回测数据 print('\nanz...') # dcash0, dval9 =, dget = dval9 - dcash0 # kret=dval9/dcash0*100 kget = dget / dcash0 * 100 # strat = qx.bt_results[0] anzs = strat.analyzers # # # dsharp=anzs.SharpeRatio.get_analysis()['sharperatio'] dsharp = anzs.SharpeRatio.get_analysis()['sharperatio'] if dsharp == None: dsharp = 0 # if qx.anz_mod > 1: trade_info = anzs.TradeAnalyzer.get_analysis() # dw = anzs.DW.get_analysis() max_drowdown_len = dw['max']['len'] max_drowdown = dw['max']['drawdown'] max_drowdown_money = dw['max']['moneydown'] # -------- print('\n-----------anz lv# 1 ----------') print('\nBT回测数据分析') print('时间周期:%s 至 %s' % (qx.tim0str, qx.tim9str)) # print('%s终止时间:%s'% (sgnSP4,qx.tim9str)) print('==================================================') print('起始资金 Starting Portfolio Value: %.2f' % dcash0) print('资产总值 Final Portfolio Value: %.2f' % dval9) print('利润总额 Total Profit: %.2f' % dget) print('ROI投资回报率 Return on Investment: %.2f %%' % kget) print('==================================================') # print('夏普指数 SharpeRatio : %.2f' % dsharp) print('最大回撤周期 max_drowdown_len : %.2f' % max_drowdown_len) print('最大回撤 max_drowdown : %.2f' % max_drowdown) print('最大回撤(资金) max_drowdown_money : %.2f' % max_drowdown_money) print('==================================================\n') # if qx.anz_mod > 1: print('\n-----------anz lv# %d ----------\n' % qx.anz_mod) for dat in anzs: dat.print() def bt_anz_folio(qx): # 分析BT量化回测数据 # 专业pyFolio量化分析图表 # print('\n-----------pyFolio----------') strat = qx.bt_results[0] anzs = strat.analyzers # xpyf = anzs.getbyname('pyfolio') xret, xpos, xtran, gross_lev = xpyf.get_pf_items() # # xret.to_csv('tmp/x_ret.csv',index=True,header=None,encoding='utf8') # xpos.to_csv('tmp/x_pos.csv',index=True,encoding='utf8') # xtran.to_csv('tmp/x_tran.csv',index=True,encoding='utf8') # xret, xpos, xtran = to_utc(xret), to_utc(xpos), to_utc(xtran) # # 创建瀑布(活页)式分析图表 # 部分图表需要联网现在spy标普数据, # 可能会出现"假死"现象,需要人工中断 pf.create_full_tear_sheet(xret , positions=xpos , transactions=xtran , benchmark_rets=xret ) # ''' 【ps,附录:专业pyFolio量化分析图表图片函数接口API】 有关接口函数API,不同版本差异很大,请大家注意相关细节 def create_full_tear_sheet(returns, positions=None, transactions=None, market_data=None, benchmark_rets=None, slippage=None, live_start_date=None, sector_mappings=None, bayesian=False, round_trips=False, estimate_intraday='infer', hide_positions=False, cone_std=(1.0, 1.5, 2.0), bootstrap=False, unadjusted_returns=None, set_context=True): pf.create_full_tear_sheet( #pf.create_returns_tear_sheet( test_returns ,positions=test_pos ,transactions=test_txn ,benchmark_rets=test_returns #, live_start_date='2004-01-09' ) ''' # def pools_get4fn(fnam, tim0str, tim9str, fgSort=True, fgCov=True): ''' 从csv文件,数据读取函数,兼容csv标准OHLC数据格式文件 【输入参数】 fnam:csv数据文件名 tim0str,tim9str:回测起始时间,终止时间,字符串格式 fgSort:正序排序标志,默认为 True 【输出数据】 data:BT回测内部格式的数据包 ''' # skiprows=skiprows,header=header,parse_dates=True, index_col=0, # df = pd.read_hdf(fnam, index_col=1, parse_dates=True, key='df', mode='r') # df = pd.DataFrame(df) # df.set_index('candle_begin_time', inplace=True) # print(df) df = pd.read_csv(fnam, index_col=0, parse_dates=True) df.sort_index(ascending=fgSort, inplace=True) # True:正序 df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') # tim0 = None if tim0str == '' else dt.datetime.strptime(tim0str, '%Y-%m-%d') tim9 = None if tim9str == '' else dt.datetime.strptime(tim9str, '%Y-%m-%d') # prDF(df) # xxx # df['openinterest'] = 0 if fgCov: data = bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname=df, fromdate=tim0, todate=tim9) else: data = df # return data def pools_get4df(df, tim0str, tim9str, fgSort=True, fgCov=True): ''' 从csv文件,数据读取函数,兼容csv标准OHLC数据格式文件 【输入参数】 fnam:csv数据文件名 tim0str,tim9str:回测起始时间,终止时间,字符串格式 fgSort:正序排序标志,默认为 True 【输出数据】 data:BT回测内部格式的数据包 ''' # skiprows=skiprows,header=header,parse_dates=True, index_col=0, # df = pd.read_hdf(fnam, index_col=1, parse_dates=True, key='df', mode='r') # df = pd.DataFrame(df) # df.set_index('candle_begin_time', inplace=True) # print(df) # prDF(df) # xxx # if fgCov: df['openinterest'] = 0 df.sort_index(ascending=fgSort, inplace=True) # True:正序 df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') # tim0 = None if tim0str == '' else dt.datetime.strptime(tim0str, '%Y-%m-%d') tim9 = None if tim9str == '' else dt.datetime.strptime(tim9str, '%Y-%m-%d') data = bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname=df, fromdate=tim0, todate=tim9) else: # Create a Data Feed tim0 = None if tim0str == '' else dt.datetime.strptime(tim0str, '%Y-%m-%d') tim9 = None if tim9str == '' else dt.datetime.strptime(tim9str, '%Y-%m-%d') data = bt.feeds.GenericCSVData( timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, compression=1, dataname=df, fromdate=tim0, todate=tim9, nullvalue=0.0, dtformat=('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), tmformat=('%H:%M:%S'), datetime=0, open=1, high=2, low=3, close=4, volume=5, openinterest=-1, reverse=False) # # print(data) # data.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') return data def prepare_data(symbol, fromdt, todt, datapath=None): """ :param symbol: :param datapath: None :param fromdt: :param todt: :return: # prepare 1m backtesting dataq """ # df9path = f'..//data//{symbol}_1m_{mode}.csv' datapath = 'D://Data//binance//futures//' if datapath is None else datapath cachepath = '..//data//' filename = f'{symbol}_{fromdt}_{todt}_1m.csv' if os.path.exists(cachepath+filename): # check if .//Data// exist needed csv file df = pd.read_csv(cachepath+filename) df['openinterest'] = 0 df.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True) # True:正序 df.index =
pd.to_datetime(df.index, format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from prereise.gather.solardata.helpers import get_plant_id_unique_location from prereise.gather.solardata.nsrdb.nrel_api import NrelApi def retrieve_data(solar_plant, email, api_key, year="2016"): """Retrieve irradiance data from NSRDB and calculate the power output using a simple normalization. :param pandas.DataFrame solar_plant: plant data frame. :param str email: email used to `sign up <>`_. :param str api_key: API key. :param str year: year. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with *'Pout'*, *'plant_id'*, *'ts'* and *'ts_id'* as columns. Values are power output for a 1MW generator. """ # Identify unique location coord = get_plant_id_unique_location(solar_plant) api = NrelApi(email, api_key) data =
pd.DataFrame({"Pout": [], "plant_id": [], "ts": [], "ts_id": []})
#################### # Import Libraries #################### import os import sys from PIL import Image import cv2 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.metrics import Accuracy from pytorch_lightning import loggers from pytorch_lightning import seed_everything from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import LearningRateMonitor, ModelCheckpoint import torch import torch.nn as nn from import Dataset, DataLoader from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn import model_selection import albumentations as A import timm from omegaconf import OmegaConf import glob from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from nnAudio.Spectrogram import CQT1992v2, CQT2010v2 from scipy import signal #################### # Utils #################### def get_score(y_true, y_pred): score = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred) return score def load_pytorch_model(ckpt_name, model, ignore_suffix='model'): state_dict = torch.load(ckpt_name, map_location='cpu')["state_dict"] new_state_dict = {} for k, v in state_dict.items(): name = k if name.startswith(str(ignore_suffix)+"."): name = name.replace(str(ignore_suffix)+".", "", 1) # remove `model.` new_state_dict[name] = v model.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False) return model class CWT(nn.Module): def __init__( self, wavelet_width, fs, lower_freq, upper_freq, n_scales, size_factor=1.0, border_crop=0, stride=1 ): super().__init__() self.initial_wavelet_width = wavelet_width self.fs = fs self.lower_freq = lower_freq self.upper_freq = upper_freq self.size_factor = size_factor self.n_scales = n_scales self.wavelet_width = wavelet_width self.border_crop = border_crop self.stride = stride wavelet_bank_real, wavelet_bank_imag = self._build_wavelet_kernel() self.wavelet_bank_real = nn.Parameter(wavelet_bank_real, requires_grad=False) self.wavelet_bank_imag = nn.Parameter(wavelet_bank_imag, requires_grad=False) self.kernel_size = self.wavelet_bank_real.size(3) def _build_wavelet_kernel(self): s_0 = 1 / self.upper_freq s_n = 1 / self.lower_freq base = np.power(s_n / s_0, 1 / (self.n_scales - 1)) scales = s_0 * np.power(base, np.arange(self.n_scales)) frequencies = 1 / scales truncation_size = scales.max() * np.sqrt(4.5 * self.initial_wavelet_width) * self.fs one_side = int(self.size_factor * truncation_size) kernel_size = 2 * one_side + 1 k_array = np.arange(kernel_size, dtype=np.float32) - one_side t_array = k_array / self.fs wavelet_bank_real = [] wavelet_bank_imag = [] for scale in scales: norm_constant = np.sqrt(np.pi * self.wavelet_width) * scale * self.fs / 2.0 scaled_t = t_array / scale exp_term = np.exp(-(scaled_t ** 2) / self.wavelet_width) kernel_base = exp_term / norm_constant kernel_real = kernel_base * np.cos(2 * np.pi * scaled_t) kernel_imag = kernel_base * np.sin(2 * np.pi * scaled_t) wavelet_bank_real.append(kernel_real) wavelet_bank_imag.append(kernel_imag) wavelet_bank_real = np.stack(wavelet_bank_real, axis=0) wavelet_bank_imag = np.stack(wavelet_bank_imag, axis=0) wavelet_bank_real = torch.from_numpy(wavelet_bank_real).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) wavelet_bank_imag = torch.from_numpy(wavelet_bank_imag).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) return wavelet_bank_real, wavelet_bank_imag def forward(self, x): x = x.unsqueeze(dim=0) border_crop = self.border_crop // self.stride start = border_crop end = (-border_crop) if border_crop > 0 else None # x [n_batch, n_channels, time_len] out_reals = [] out_imags = [] in_width = x.size(2) out_width = int(np.ceil(in_width / self.stride)) pad_along_width = np.max((out_width - 1) * self.stride + self.kernel_size - in_width, 0) padding = pad_along_width // 2 + 1 for i in range(3): # [n_batch, 1, 1, time_len] x_ = x[:, i, :].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) out_real = nn.functional.conv2d(x_, self.wavelet_bank_real, stride=(1, self.stride), padding=(0, padding)) out_imag = nn.functional.conv2d(x_, self.wavelet_bank_imag, stride=(1, self.stride), padding=(0, padding)) out_real = out_real.transpose(2, 1) out_imag = out_imag.transpose(2, 1) out_reals.append(out_real) out_imags.append(out_imag) out_real =, axis=1) out_imag =, axis=1) out_real = out_real[:, :, :, start:end] out_imag = out_imag[:, :, :, start:end] scalograms = torch.sqrt(out_real ** 2 + out_imag ** 2) return scalograms[0] #################### # Config #################### conf_dict = {'batch_size': 8,#32, 'epoch': 30, 'height': 512,#640, 'width': 512, 'model_name': 'efficientnet_b0', 'lr': 0.001, 'drop_rate': 0.0, 'drop_path_rate': 0.0, 'data_dir': '../input/seti-breakthrough-listen', 'model_path': None, 'output_dir': './', 'seed': 2021, 'snap': 1} conf_base = OmegaConf.create(conf_dict) #################### # Dataset #################### class G2NetDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, df, transform=None, conf=None, train=True): self.df = df.reset_index(drop=True) self.dir_names = df['dir'].values self.labels = df['target'].values self.wave_transform = [ CQT1992v2(sr=2048, fmin=20, fmax=1024, hop_length=8, bins_per_octave=8, window='flattop'), CQT1992v2(sr=2048, fmin=20, fmax=1024, hop_length=8, bins_per_octave=8, window='blackmanharris'), CQT1992v2(sr=2048, fmin=20, fmax=1024, hop_length=8, bins_per_octave=8, window='nuttall'), CWT(wavelet_width=8,fs=2048,lower_freq=20,upper_freq=1024,n_scales=384,stride=8)] #self.wave_transform = CQT1992v2(sr=2048, fmin=10, fmax=1024, hop_length=8, bins_per_octave=8, window='flattop') #self.wave_transform = CQT1992v2(sr=2048, fmin=20, fmax=1024, hop_length=1, bins_per_octave=14, window='flattop') #self.wave_transform = CQT2010v2(sr=2048, fmin=10, fmax=1024, hop_length=32, n_bins=32, bins_per_octave=8, window='flattop') self.stat = [ [0.013205823003608798,0.037445450696502146], [0.009606230606511236,0.02489221471650526], # 10000 sample [0.009523397709568962,0.024628402379527688], [0.0010164694150735158,0.0015815201992169022]] # 10000 sample # hop lengthは変えてみたほうが良いかも self.transform = transform self.conf = conf self.train = train def __len__(self): return len(self.df) def apply_qtransform(self, waves, transform): #print(waves.shape) #waves = np.hstack(waves) #print(np.max(np.abs(waves), axis=1)) #waves = waves / np.max(np.abs(waves), axis=1, keepdims=True) #waves = waves / np.max(waves) waves = waves / 4.6152116213830774e-20 waves = torch.from_numpy(waves).float() image = transform(waves) return image def __getitem__(self, idx): img_id = self.df.loc[idx, 'id'] file_path = os.path.join(self.dir_names[idx],"{}/{}/{}/{}.npy".format(img_id[0], img_id[1], img_id[2], img_id)) waves = np.load(file_path) label = torch.tensor([self.labels[idx]]).float() image1 = self.apply_qtransform(waves, self.wave_transform[0]) image1 = image1.squeeze().numpy().transpose(1,2,0) image1 = cv2.vconcat([image1[:,:,0],image1[:,:,1],image1[:,:,2]]) image1 = (image1-self.stat[0][0])/self.stat[0][1] image1 = cv2.resize(image1, (self.conf.width, self.conf.height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) image2 = self.apply_qtransform(waves, self.wave_transform[1]) image2 = image2.squeeze().numpy().transpose(1,2,0) image2 = cv2.vconcat([image2[:,:,0],image2[:,:,1],image2[:,:,2]]) image2 = (image2-self.stat[1][0])/self.stat[1][1] image2 = cv2.resize(image2, (self.conf.width, self.conf.height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) image3 = self.apply_qtransform(waves, self.wave_transform[2]) image3 = image3.squeeze().numpy().transpose(1,2,0) image3 = cv2.vconcat([image3[:,:,0],image3[:,:,1],image3[:,:,2]]) image3 = (image3-self.stat[2][0])/self.stat[2][1] image3 = cv2.resize(image3, (self.conf.width, self.conf.height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) image4 = self.apply_qtransform(waves, self.wave_transform[3]) image4 = image4.squeeze().numpy().transpose(1,2,0) image4 = cv2.vconcat([image4[:,:,0],image4[:,:,1],image4[:,:,2]]) image4 = (image4-self.stat[3][0])/self.stat[3][1] image4 = cv2.resize(image4, (self.conf.width, self.conf.height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #if self.transform is not None: # image = self.transform(image=image)['image'] image1 = torch.from_numpy(image1).unsqueeze(dim=0) image2 = torch.from_numpy(image2).unsqueeze(dim=0) image3 = torch.from_numpy(image3).unsqueeze(dim=0) image4 = torch.from_numpy(image4).unsqueeze(dim=0) return image1, image2, image3, image4, label #################### # Data Module #################### class SETIDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): def __init__(self, conf): super().__init__() self.conf = conf # OPTIONAL, called only on 1 GPU/machine(for download or tokenize) def prepare_data(self): pass # OPTIONAL, called for every GPU/machine def setup(self, stage=None, fold=None): if stage == 'test': #test_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.conf.data_dir, "sample_submission.csv")) #test_df['dir'] = os.path.join(self.conf.data_dir, "test") #self.test_dataset = G2NetDataset(test_df, transform=None,conf=self.conf, train=False) df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.conf.data_dir, "training_labels.csv")) df['dir'] = os.path.join(self.conf.data_dir, "train") # cv split skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=self.conf.seed) for n, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(skf.split(df, df['target'])): df.loc[val_index, 'fold'] = int(n) df['fold'] = df['fold'].astype(int) train_df = df[df['fold'] != fold] self.valid_df = df[df['fold'] == fold] self.valid_dataset = G2NetDataset(self.valid_df, transform=None,conf=self.conf, train=False) # ==================================================== # Inference function # ==================================================== def inference(models, test_loader): tk0 = tqdm(enumerate(test_loader), total=len(test_loader)) raw_probs = [[] for i in range(len(models))] probs = [] probs_flattop = [] probs_blackmanharris = [] probs_nuttall = [] probs_cwt = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i, (images) in tk0: images1 = images[0].cuda() images2 = images[1].cuda() images3 = images[2].cuda() images4 = images[3].cuda() avg_preds = [] flattop = [] blackmanharris = [] nuttall = [] cwt = [] for mid, model in enumerate(models): y_preds_1 = model(images1) y_preds_2 = model(images2) y_preds_3 = model(images3) y_preds_4 = model(images4) y_preds = (y_preds_1 + y_preds_2 + y_preds_3 + y_preds_4)/4 avg_preds.append(y_preds.sigmoid().to('cpu').numpy()) flattop.append(y_preds_1.sigmoid().to('cpu').numpy()) blackmanharris.append(y_preds_2.sigmoid().to('cpu').numpy()) nuttall.append(y_preds_3.sigmoid().to('cpu').numpy()) cwt.append(y_preds_4.sigmoid().to('cpu').numpy()) #raw_probs[mid].append(y_preds.sigmoid().to('cpu').numpy()) avg_preds = np.mean(avg_preds, axis=0) flattop = np.mean(flattop, axis=0) blackmanharris = np.mean(blackmanharris, axis=0) nuttall = np.mean(nuttall, axis=0) cwt = np.mean(cwt, axis=0) probs.append(avg_preds) probs_flattop.append(flattop) probs_blackmanharris.append(blackmanharris) probs_nuttall.append(nuttall) probs_cwt.append(cwt) #for mid in range(len(models)): # raw_probs[mid] = np.concatenate(raw_probs[mid]) probs = np.concatenate(probs) probs_flattop = np.concatenate(probs_flattop) probs_blackmanharris = np.concatenate(probs_blackmanharris) probs_nuttall = np.concatenate(probs_nuttall) probs_cwt = np.concatenate(probs_cwt) return probs, probs_flattop, probs_blackmanharris, probs_nuttall, probs_cwt#, raw_probs #################### # Train #################### def main(): conf_cli = OmegaConf.from_cli() conf = OmegaConf.merge(conf_base, conf_cli) print(OmegaConf.to_yaml(conf)) seed_everything(2021) # get model path model_path = [] for i in range(5): target_model = glob.glob(os.path.join(conf.model_dir, f'fold{i}/ckpt/*epoch*.ckpt')) scores = [float(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(i))[0].split('=')[-1]) for i in target_model] model_path.append(target_model[scores.index(max(scores))]) models = [] for ckpt in model_path: m = timm.create_model(model_name=conf.model_name, num_classes=1, pretrained=False, in_chans=1) m = load_pytorch_model(ckpt, m, ignore_suffix='model') m.cuda() m.eval() models.append(m) # make oof oof_df = pd.DataFrame() oof_df_flattop =
import gradio as gr import pickle import os import pandas as pd import json import urllib.parse from stats import create_pdf from pycaret.classification import * welcome_message = """ Hello ! Thanks for using our tool , you'll be able to build your own recommandation tool. You'll be able to find out if you like or not a song just giving its name , we analyse it for you and we tell you if it's your taste or not. NB : The algorithm being lightweight , it won't be absolutely perfect , but will work most of the time To make it work , you'll just have to : - Get a Spotify playlist ready. This playlist will cointain at least 100 songs ( you can have more but only the 100 first will be used ). Try to use the BEST songs in your opinion so the algorithm will perfectly know what you like The 'Liked songs' playlist can't work because it is private ( don't worry about privacy , we don't even have servers to store your data , it will then remain private and on your computer ) You will have to give us its ID Just copy its link. It will look like this[ID]?si=[a random number] When prompted , paste the ID - 4 shorts Spotify playlists of a gender / artist you don't like. Try to use different genders so the algorithm will better know what you don't like. And don't worry ! You don't have to create these playlist. You can just use the "This is [name of the artist]" playlists made by Spotify , or type the name of the gender you don't like and take the first playlist. Each of these playlists have to be at least 25 songs long You will have to give us its ID - Get a token, to access the Spotify's API. To do so, visit this link : Click on "Get Token", log in and then copy the token in a file called tokent.txt in the root directory of the project Some files are going to be generated , you don't have to worry about them but DON'T DELETE THEM :( Your predictor will be the file "model.sav" in the data folder, with other files. You can't read it but once generated , you can run If you want to make a new one with new data , just re-run this script , everything will be done for you. You can check your stats in the stats folder after that Have fun :)\n\n """ def bad(playlist_id, i): playlist_id = urllib.parse.quote(str(playlist_id).replace(" ", "")) stream = os.popen( f'curl -X "GET" "{playlist_id}/tracks?fields=items(track(id%2Cname))?limit=25" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"') data = try: data = json.loads(data)["items"] songs_ids = "" for track in data: songs_ids += track["track"]["id"] + "," songs_ids = songs_ids[:-1] stream = os.popen( f'curl -X "GET" "{songs_ids}" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"') data = with open(f"data/bad{i}.json", "w") as f: f.write(data) except KeyError: return "\n\n\nYour token has expired , create a new one :\n\n\n" except IndexError: return "\n\n\nWe didn't find the playlist you were looking for\n\n\n" try: os.mkdir("data") except FileExistsError: pass try: os.mkdir("stats") except FileExistsError: pass def get_stats(liked_Playlist, disliked_Playlist_1, disliked_Playlist_2, disliked_Playlist_3, disliked_Playlist_4): global token, done_getting # Get data try: # Get token with open("token.txt", "r") as f: token ="\n", "") # Get the data from the liked playlist playlist_id = urllib.parse.quote(liked_Playlist.replace(" ", "")) stream = os.popen( f'curl -X "GET" "{playlist_id}/tracks?fields=items(track(id%2Cname))" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"') data = try: data = json.loads(data)["items"] songs_ids = "" for track in data: songs_ids += track["track"]["id"] + "," songs_ids = songs_ids[:-1] stream = os.popen( f'curl -X "GET" "{songs_ids}" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"') data = with open("data/good.json", "w") as f: f.write(data) # Get the data from the disliked playlists bad(disliked_Playlist_1, 1) bad(disliked_Playlist_2, 2) bad(disliked_Playlist_3, 3) bad(disliked_Playlist_4, 4) done_getting = True except KeyError: return """\n\n Your token has expired , create a new one : If you refreshed / created your token within the last hour , make sure you have the good ID \n\n\n""" except FileNotFoundError: return """ FileNotFoundError : There is no token file To create one , visit this page : Log in to your spotify Account , do not check any scope, and then copy what's in "OAuth Token" field into a file called "token.txt" in the root directory of the project """ # Clean and process data if done_getting: with open("data/good.json", "r") as f: liked = json.load(f) try: liked = pd.DataFrame(liked["audio_features"]) liked["liked"] = [1] * 100 except ValueError: return "\n\nYour 'liked' playlist wasn't long enough. It has to be at least 100 songs long." with open("data/bad1.json", "r") as f: disliked = json.load(f) bad1 = pd.DataFrame(disliked['audio_features'][:25]) with open("data/bad2.json", "r") as f: disliked = json.load(f) bad2 = pd.DataFrame(disliked['audio_features'][:25]) with open("data/bad3.json", "r") as f: disliked = json.load(f) bad3 = pd.DataFrame(disliked['audio_features'][:25]) with open("data/bad4.json", "r") as f: disliked = json.load(f) bad4 = pd.DataFrame(disliked['audio_features'][:25]) try: bad1["liked"] = [0] * 25 except ValueError: return "\n\n'Disliked' playlist n.1 wasn't long enough. It has to be at least 25 songs long." try: bad2["liked"] = [0] * 25 except ValueError: return "\n\n'Disliked' playlist n.2 wasn't long enough. It has to be at least 25 songs long." try: bad3["liked"] = [0] * 25 except ValueError: return "\n\n'Disliked' playlist n.3 wasn't long enough. It has to be at least 25 songs long." try: bad4["liked"] = [0] * 25 except ValueError: return "\n\n'Disliked' playlist n.4 wasn't long enough. It has to be at least 25 songs long." # Modelling data =
pd.concat([liked, bad1, bad2, bad3, bad4])
import web import pandas as pd import numpy as np import common import os import click def hydro_op_chars_inputs_(webdb, project, hydro_op_chars_sid, balancing_type_project): rows = webdb.where("inputs_project_hydro_operational_chars", project=project, hydro_operational_chars_scenario_id=hydro_op_chars_sid, balancing_type_project=balancing_type_project).list() if rows: return pd.DataFrame(rows) else: raise common.NoEntriesError(f"Table inputs_project_hydro_operational_chars has no entries for project={project}, hydro_op_chars_scenario_id={hydro_op_chars_sid}, balancing_type_project={balancing_type_project}") def hydro_op_chars_inputs(webdb, scenario, project): hydro_op_chars_scenario_id = get_hydro_ops_chars_sceanario_id(webdb, scenario, project) balancing_type_project = get_balancing_type(webdb, scenario) return hydro_op_chars_inputs_(webdb, project, hydro_op_chars_scenario_id, balancing_type_project) def get_capacity(webdb, scenario, project): capacity_scenario_id = get_project_specified_capacity_scenario_id(webdb, scenario) return common.get_field(webdb , "inputs_project_specified_capacity", "specified_capacity_mw", project=project, project_specified_capacity_scenario_id=capacity_scenario_id) def get_project_specified_capacity_scenario_id(webdb, scenario): return common.get_field(webdb, "scenarios", "project_specified_capacity_scenario_id", scenario_name=scenario) def get_temporal_scenario_id(webdb, scenario): return common.get_field(webdb, "scenarios", "temporal_scenario_id", scenario_name=scenario) def get_balancing_type(webdb, scenario): temporal_scenario_id = get_temporal_scenario_id(webdb, scenario) return common.get_field(webdb, "inputs_temporal_horizons", "balancing_type_horizon", temporal_scenario_id=temporal_scenario_id) def get_temporal_start_end_table(conn, scenario): temporal_id = get_temporal_scenario_id(conn, scenario) temporal = conn.where("inputs_temporal_horizon_timepoints_start_end", temporal_scenario_id=temporal_id).list() return temporal def get_power_mw_dataset(webdb, scenario, project): scenario_id = common.get_field(webdb, 'scenarios', "scenario_id", scenario_name = scenario) rows = webdb.where("results_project_dispatch", scenario_id=scenario_id, project=project, operational_type='gen_hydro').list() return pd.DataFrame(rows) def adjust_mean_const(b, min_, max_): """ adjusts values in b such that original average of b remains as it is but every value of b lied between corresponding min_ and max_ """ def adjust(c): c1 = c.copy() less, more, between = c < min_, c > max_, (c >= min_) & (c <= max_) if less.sum() and more.sum(): #print("+-"*5) c1[less] += (c1[more]- max_[more]).sum()/less.sum() c1[more] = max_[more] elif more.sum(): #print("+"*5) c1[between] += (c1[more] - max_[more]).sum()/between.sum() c1[more] = max_[more] elif less.sum(): #print("-"*5) c1[between] -= (min_[less] - c1[less]).sum()/between.sum() c1[less] = min_[less] #print(c.mean(), c1.mean()) return c1 c1 = adjust(b) #printcols(c1, min_, max_) n = 0 while n <20 and not np.all((c1 >= min_) & (c1 <= max_)): #print(f"iteration {n}..") c1 = adjust(c1) #printcols(c1, min_, max_) n += 1 if n ==20: print("Failed to adjust mean") #print(b.mean(), c1.mean()) return c1 def printcols(*cols): for i, args in enumerate(zip(*cols)): print(f"{i:3d}", " ".join([f"{arg:5f}" for arg in args])) def get_projects(webdb, scenario): proj_ops_char_sc_id = common.get_field(webdb, "scenarios", "project_operational_chars_scenario_id", scenario_name=scenario ) rows = webdb.where("inputs_project_operational_chars", project_operational_chars_scenario_id=proj_ops_char_sc_id, operational_type="gen_hydro") return [row['project'] for row in rows] def reduce_size(webdb, df, scenario): tmp1 = get_temporal_start_end_table(webdb, scenario) horizon = [] for row in df.to_dict(orient="records"): x = row['timepoint'] horizon.append([p['horizon'] for p in tmp1 if x >= p['tmp_start'] and x <= p['tmp_end']][0]) df['horizon'] = horizon grouped = df.groupby('horizon').mean() grouped.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) return grouped def adjusted_mean_results(webdb, scenario1, scenario2, project): cols = ["balancing_type_project", "horizon", "period", "average_power_fraction","min_power_fraction", "max_power_fraction"] df = hydro_op_chars_inputs(webdb, scenario2, project) power_mw_df = get_power_mw_dataset(webdb, scenario1, project) capacity = get_capacity(webdb, scenario1, project) cuf = power_mw_df['power_mw']/capacity min_, max_ = [df[c] for c in cols[-2:]] if len(cuf) > len(min_): power_mw_df = reduce_size(webdb, power_mw_df, scenario2) cuf = power_mw_df['power_mw']/capacity avg = adjust_mean_const(cuf, min_, max_) results = df[cols] del results['average_power_fraction'] results['average_power_fraction'] = avg return results def get_hydro_ops_chars_sceanario_id(webdb, scenario, project): pocs_id = common.get_field(webdb, "scenarios", "project_operational_chars_scenario_id", scenario_name=scenario) return common.get_field(webdb, "inputs_project_operational_chars", "hydro_operational_chars_scenario_id", project_operational_chars_scenario_id=pocs_id, project = project) def write_results_csv(results, project, subscenario, subscenario_id, csv_location, description): csvpath = common.get_subscenario_csvpath(project, subscenario, subscenario_id, csv_location, description) cols = ["balancing_type_project", "horizon", "period", "average_power_fraction","min_power_fraction", "max_power_fraction"] on = 'horizon' common.merge_in_csv(results, csvpath, cols, on) return subscenario, subscenario_id def hydro_op_chars(scenario1, scenario2, csv_location, database, gridpath_rep, project, update_database, description): webdb = common.get_database(database) projects = get_projects(webdb, scenario1) if project: projects = [project]#projects[:1] subscenario = "hydro_operational_chars_scenario_id" for project_ in projects: print(f"Computing data for {project_}") subscenario_id = get_hydro_ops_chars_sceanario_id(webdb, scenario2, project_) results = adjusted_mean_results(webdb, scenario1, scenario2, project_) write_results_csv(results, project_, subscenario, subscenario_id, csv_location, description) if update_database: common.update_subscenario_via_gridpath(subscenario, subscenario_id, project_, csv_location, database, gridpath_rep) @click.command() @click.option("-s1", "--scenario1", default="toy1_pass1", help="Name of scenario1") @click.option("-s2", "--scenario2", default="toy1_pass2", help="Name of scenario2") @click.option("-c", "--csv_location", default="csvs_toy", help="Path to folder where csvs are") @click.option("-d", "--database", default="../toy.db", help="Path to database") @click.option("-g", "--gridpath_rep", default="../", help="Path of gridpath source repository") @click.option("--project", default=None, help="Run for only one project") @click.option("--update_database/--no-update_database", default=False, help="Update database only if this flag is True") @click.option("-m", "--description", default="rpo50S3_all", help="Description for csv files.") def main(scenario1, scenario2, csv_location, database, gridpath_rep, project, update_database, description ): hydro_op_chars(scenario1, scenario2, csv_location, database, gridpath_rep, project, update_database, description) def dbtest(): webdb = common.get_database("/home/vikrant/programming/work/publicgit/gridpath/mh.db") scenario1 = "rpo30_pass1" scenario2 = 'rpo30_pass2' project = 'Koyna_Stage_3' adjusted_mean_results(webdb, scenario1, scenario2, project) def test_1(): datapath = "/home/vikrant/programming/work/publicgit/gridpath-0.8.1/gridpath/db/csvs_mh/project/opchar/hydro_opchar/hydro-daily-limits-rpo30.xlsx" project = 'Koyna_Stage_1' hydro_dispatch =
pd.read_excel(datapath, sheet_name=project, nrows=365)
"""Interactions with rainfall and river data.""" import numpy as np import pandas as pd __all__ = ["get_station_data"] def get_station_data(filename, station_reference): """Return readings for a specified recording station from .csv file. Parameters ---------- filename: str filename to read station_reference station_reference to return. >>> data = get_station_data('resources/wet_day.csv) """ frame =
import datetime import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt _repos_csv = [] _issues_csv = [] CSV_FPATH = Path('/home/lucas.rotsen/Git_Repos/benchmark_frameworks/github_metrics') METRICS_FPATH = Path('/home/lucas.rotsen/Git_Repos/benchmark_frameworks/metrics/raw') def load_csv(file): return pd.read_csv(file, sep=',') def get_files(): global _repos_csv, _issues_csv csv_files = list(CSV_FPATH.glob('*.csv')) for file in csv_files: if 'issues' in _issues_csv.append(file) else: _repos_csv.append(file) # TODO: avaliar e calcular métricas para o CSV consolidado def consolidate_repos_csv(): dfs = [load_csv(repo_csv) for repo_csv in _repos_csv] consolidated_df =
# Test for evaluering af hvert forecast og sammenligning mellem forecast import pandas as pd import numpy as np from numpy.random import rand from numpy import ix_ from itertools import product import chart_studio.plotly as py import chart_studio import plotly.graph_objs as go import statsmodels.api as sm'Emborg', api_key='<KEY>') np.random.seed(1337) # Predictions from each forecast data = pd.read_csv('Data/All_Merged.csv') # , parse_dates=[0], date_parser=dateparse data.isna().sum() data.fillna(0, inplace=True) data = data.set_index('date') data = data.loc[~data.index.duplicated(keep='first')] data = data.drop('2018-10-29') # Forecasts LSTM = pd.read_csv('Data/LSTM_Pred.csv', index_col=0) LSTM = LSTM.loc[~LSTM.index.duplicated(keep='first')] LSTM = LSTM.iloc[:-11, :] LSTM = LSTM.drop('2018-10-29') LSTM_NS = pd.read_csv('Data/LSTM_Pred_NoSent.csv', index_col=0) LSTM_NS = LSTM_NS.loc[~LSTM_NS.index.duplicated(keep='first')] LSTM_NS = LSTM_NS.iloc[:-11, :] LSTM_NS = LSTM_NS.drop('2018-10-29') ARIMA = pd.read_csv('Data/ARIMA_Pred.csv', index_col=0) ARIMA = ARIMA.iloc[:-11, :] ARIMA_NS = pd.read_csv('Data/ARIMA_Pred_NoSent.csv', index_col=0) ARIMA_NS = ARIMA_NS.iloc[:-11, :] XGB = pd.read_csv('Data/XGB_Pred.csv', index_col=0) XGB = XGB.loc[~XGB.index.duplicated(keep='first')] XGB = XGB.iloc[1:, :] XGB = XGB.drop('2018-10-29') XGB_NS = pd.read_csv('Data/XGB_Pred_nosenti.csv', index_col=0) XGB_NS = XGB_NS.loc[~XGB_NS.index.duplicated(keep='first')] XGB_NS = XGB_NS.iloc[1:, :] XGB_NS = XGB_NS.drop('2018-10-29') AR1 = pd.read_csv('Data/AR1.csv', index_col=0) AR1 = AR1.iloc[:-11, :] VAR = pd.read_csv('Data/VAR_pred.csv', index_col=0) VAR = VAR.loc[~VAR.index.duplicated(keep='first')] VAR = VAR[VAR.index.isin(LSTM.index)]['price'] VAR_NS = pd.read_csv('Data/VAR_pred_nosenti.csv', index_col=0) VAR_NS = VAR_NS.loc[~VAR_NS.index.duplicated(keep='first')] VAR_NS = VAR_NS[VAR_NS.index.isin(LSTM.index)]['price'] # Price for the forecasting period price = data[data.index.isin(LSTM.index)] price = price[['price']] ARIMA.index = price.index ARIMA_NS.index = price.index XGB.index = price.index XGB_NS.index = price.index colors = [ '#1f77b4', # muted blue '#ff7f0e', # safety orange '#2ca02c', # cooked asparagus green '#d62728', # brick red '#9467bd', # muted purple '#8c564b', # chestnut brown '#e377c2', # raspberry yogurt pink '#7f7f7f', # middle gray '#bcbd22', # curry yellow-green '#17becf' # blue-teal ] # Combined Forecast DataFrame fc = pd.DataFrame() fc = price fc = fc.merge(AR1[['forecast']], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc = fc.merge(ARIMA[['forecast']], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc = fc.merge(ARIMA_NS[['forecast']], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc = fc.merge(VAR, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc = fc.merge(VAR_NS, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc = fc.merge(XGB, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc = fc.merge(XGB_NS, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc = fc.merge(LSTM[['LSTM']], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc = fc.merge(LSTM_NS[['LSTM']], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) # fc = fc.merge(XGB_NS, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) fc.columns = ['Price', 'AR1', 'ARIMAX', 'ARIMAX_NS', 'VAR', 'VAR_NS', 'XGB', 'XGB_NS', 'LSTM', 'LSTM_NS'] # fc.to_csv(r'Data\All_Forecasts.csv') fig = go.Figure() n = 0 for key in fc.columns: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=fc.index, y=fc[key], mode='lines', name=key, line=dict(color=colors[n % len(colors)]))) n = n + 1 fig.update_layout(yaxis=dict(title='USD'), xaxis=dict(title='date')) py.plot(fig, filename='price_all_fc') # Actual price actual = fc[['Price']] fc = fc.iloc[:, 1:] # Error metrics def RMSE(fc, actual): actual = actual.values fc = fc.values losses = fc - actual RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(losses ** 2, axis=0)) return (RMSE) def MAE(fc, actual): actual = actual.values fc = fc.values losses = fc - actual MAE = np.mean(np.abs(losses), axis=0) return (MAE) def residual_bar_plot(fc_1, fc_2, actuals, name1, name2): df = pd.DataFrame(fc_1.values - actuals.values) df[name2] = fc_2.values - actuals.values df.columns = [name1,name2] df.hist() print(name1) print(round(sm.tsa.stattools.adfuller(df[name1])[1],4)) print(round(sm.stats.stattools.jarque_bera(df[name1])[1],4)) print(name2) print(round(sm.tsa.stattools.adfuller(df[name2])[1],4)) print(round(sm.stats.stattools.jarque_bera(df[name2])[1],4)) residual_bar_plot(fc[['ARIMAX']], fc[['ARIMAX_NS']], actual, 'ARIMA', 'ARIMA_NS') residual_bar_plot(fc[['LSTM']], fc[['LSTM_NS']], actual, 'LSTM', 'LSTM_NS') residual_bar_plot(fc[['VAR']], fc[['VAR_NS']], actual, 'VAR', 'VAR_NS') residual_bar_plot(fc[['XGB']], fc[['XGB_NS']], actual, 'XGB', 'XGB_NS') name1 = 'ARIMAX' fc_1 = fc[['ARIMAX']] # split_date = '2019-05-01' # fc = fc.loc[fc.index >= split_date] # actual = actual.loc[actual.index >= split_date] rmse = RMSE(fc, actual) mae = MAE(fc, actual) print(pd.DataFrame(rmse).to_latex()) # <NAME> testing dm_result = list() done_models = list() models_list = fc.columns for model1 in models_list: for model2 in models_list: if model1 != model2: dm_result.append(dm_test(fc[[model1]], fc[[model2]], actual)) dm_result = pd.DataFrame(dm_result) # dm_result['t-stat'] = np.abs(dm_result['t-stat']) dm_result = dm_result.loc[~np.abs(dm_result['t-stat']).duplicated(keep='first')] dm_result['t-stat'] = round(dm_result['t-stat'],2) dm_result['p-value'] = round(dm_result['p-value'],4) print(dm_result.to_latex()) # <NAME> cw1 = cw_test(ARIMA, ARIMA_NS, actual) print(cw1) cw2 = cw_test(LSTM[['LSTM']], LSTM_NS[['LSTM']], actual) print(cw2) cw3 = cw_test(XGB[['est']], XGB_NS[['est']], actual) print(cw3) cspe_plot(fc[['XGB_NS']], fc[['XGB']], actual) # Model Confidence Set # # Wrap data and compute the Mean Absolute Error MCS_data = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[fc.AR1, fc.ARIMAX, fc.ARIMAX_NS, fc.LSTM, fc.LSTM_NS, fc.VAR, fc.VAR_NS, fc.XGB, fc.XGB_NS, actual.Price], columns=['AR1','ARIMAX', 'ARIMAX_NS', 'LSTM', 'LSTM_NS','VAR','VAR_NS','XGB','XGB_NS', 'Actual']) losses = pd.DataFrame() for model in MCS_data.columns: #['ARIMA', 'ARIMA_NS', 'LSTM', 'LSTM_NS']: losses[model] = np.abs(MCS_data[model] - MCS_data['Actual']) losses=losses.iloc[:,:-1] mcs = ModelConfidenceSet(losses, 0.1, 3, 1000).run() mcs.included mcs.pvalues # Forecast combinations fc.columns[1:] l1 = fc.columns[1:].values l2 = ['ARIMAX', 'VAR', 'XGB','LSTM'] l3 = ['ARIMAX_NS', 'VAR_NS', 'XGB_NS','LSTM_NS'] comb_results = pd.DataFrame([[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0]]) comb_results.index = ['All','S','NS'] comb_results.columns = ['Equal', 'MSE', 'Rank', 'Time(1)','Time(7)'] l_list = [l1,l2,l3] i = 0 for l in l_list: print(l) pred = fc[l] # Combinations eq = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=pred, weights="equal") #bgw = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=fc[fc.columns[1:]], weights="BGW") mse = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=pred, weights="MSE") rank = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=pred, weights="rank") time = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=pred, weights="time") time7 = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=pred, weights="time", window=7) time14 = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=pred, weights="time", window=14) time30 = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=pred, weights="time", window=30) time60 = fc_comb(actual=actual, fc=pred, weights="time", window=60) comb_results.iloc[i,0] = MAE(eq, actual) comb_results.iloc[i,1] = MAE(mse, actual) comb_results.iloc[i,2] = MAE(rank, actual) comb_results.iloc[i,3] = MAE(time, actual) comb_results.iloc[i,4] = MAE(time7, actual) i = i + 1 print(round(comb_results,2).to_latex()) rank = pd.DataFrame(rank) rank.columns = ['Rank'] eq =
from __future__ import annotations import logging import os import numpy as np import json import warnings import sys import shutil from datetime import timedelta import pandas as pd import pickle import copy import yaml import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss import torch.nn.functional as F import torchmetrics from omegaconf import OmegaConf, DictConfig import operator import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.utilities.types import _METRIC from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, Callable from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from autogluon.core.utils.utils import default_holdout_frac from autogluon.core.utils.loaders import load_pd from autogluon.common.utils.log_utils import set_logger_verbosity from autogluon.common.utils.utils import setup_outputdir from .constants import ( LABEL, BINARY, MULTICLASS, REGRESSION, Y_PRED, Y_PRED_PROB, Y_TRUE, LOGITS, FEATURES, AUTOMM, AUTOMM_TUTORIAL_MODE, UNIFORM_SOUP, GREEDY_SOUP, BEST, MIN, MAX, TEXT, ) from .data.datamodule import BaseDataModule from .data.infer_types import infer_column_problem_types from .data.preprocess_dataframe import MultiModalFeaturePreprocessor from .utils import ( create_model, create_and_save_model, init_df_preprocessor, init_data_processors, select_model, compute_score, average_checkpoints, infer_metrics, get_config, LogFilter, apply_log_filter, save_pretrained_models, convert_checkpoint_name, save_text_tokenizers, load_text_tokenizers, modify_duplicate_model_names, assign_feature_column_names, turn_on_off_feature_column_info, ) from .optimization.utils import ( get_metric, get_loss_func, ) from .optimization.lit_module import LitModule from .optimization.lit_distiller import DistillerLitModule from .. import version as ag_version logger = logging.getLogger(AUTOMM) class AutoMMModelCheckpoint(pl.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint): """ Class that inherits pl.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint. The purpose is to resolve the potential issues in lightning. - Issue1: It solves the issue described in For ddp_spawn, the checkpoint_callback.best_k_models will be empty. Here, we resolve it by storing the best_models to "SAVE_DIR/best_k_models.yaml". """ def _update_best_and_save( self, current: torch.Tensor, trainer: "pl.Trainer", monitor_candidates: Dict[str, _METRIC] ) -> None: super(AutoMMModelCheckpoint, self)._update_best_and_save(current=current, trainer=trainer, monitor_candidates=monitor_candidates) self.to_yaml() class AutoMMPredictor: """ AutoMMPredictor can predict the values of one dataframe column conditioned on the rest columns. The prediction can be either a classification or regression problem. The feature columns can contain image paths, text, numerical, and categorical features. """ def __init__( self, label: str, problem_type: Optional[str] = None, eval_metric: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, verbosity: Optional[int] = 3, warn_if_exist: Optional[bool] = True, enable_progress_bar: Optional[bool] = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- label Name of the column that contains the target variable to predict. problem_type Type of prediction problem, i.e. is this a binary/multiclass classification or regression problem (options: 'binary', 'multiclass', 'regression'). If `problem_type = None`, the prediction problem type is inferred based on the label-values in provided dataset. eval_metric Evaluation metric name. If `eval_metric = None`, it is automatically chosen based on `problem_type`. Defaults to 'accuracy' for binary and multiclass classification, 'root_mean_squared_error' for regression. path Path to directory where models and intermediate outputs should be saved. If unspecified, a time-stamped folder called "AutogluonAutoMM/ag-[TIMESTAMP]" will be created in the working directory to store all models. Note: To call `fit()` twice and save all results of each fit, you must specify different `path` locations or don't specify `path` at all. Otherwise files from first `fit()` will be overwritten by second `fit()`. verbosity Verbosity levels range from 0 to 4 and control how much information is printed. Higher levels correspond to more detailed print statements (you can set verbosity = 0 to suppress warnings). If using logging, you can alternatively control amount of information printed via `logger.setLevel(L)`, where `L` ranges from 0 to 50 (Note: higher values of `L` correspond to fewer print statements, opposite of verbosity levels) warn_if_exist Whether to raise warning if the specified path already exists. enable_progress_bar Whether to show progress bar. It will be True by default and will also be disabled if the environment variable os.environ["AUTOMM_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BAR"] is set. """ if eval_metric is not None and not isinstance(eval_metric, str): eval_metric = if eval_metric is not None and eval_metric.lower() in ["rmse", "r2", "pearsonr", "spearmanr"]: problem_type = REGRESSION if os.environ.get(AUTOMM_TUTORIAL_MODE): verbosity = 1 # don't use 3, which doesn't suppress in .load(). enable_progress_bar = False if verbosity is not None: set_logger_verbosity(verbosity, logger=logger) self._label_column = label self._problem_type = problem_type.lower() if problem_type is not None else None self._eval_metric_name = eval_metric self._validation_metric_name = None self._output_shape = None self._save_path = path self._ckpt_path = None self._pretrained_path = None self._config = None self._df_preprocessor = None self._column_types = None self._data_processors = None self._model = None self._resume = False self._verbosity = verbosity self._warn_if_exist = warn_if_exist self._enable_progress_bar = enable_progress_bar if enable_progress_bar is not None else True @property def path(self): return self._save_path @property def label(self): return self._label_column @property def problem_type(self): return self._problem_type # This func is required by the abstract trainer of TabularPredictor. def set_verbosity(self, verbosity: int): set_logger_verbosity(verbosity, logger=logger) def fit( self, train_data: pd.DataFrame, config: Optional[dict] = None, tuning_data: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, time_limit: Optional[int] = None, save_path: Optional[str] = None, hyperparameters: Optional[Union[str, Dict, List[str]]] = None, column_types: Optional[dict] = None, holdout_frac: Optional[float] = None, teacher_predictor: Union[str, AutoMMPredictor] = None, seed: Optional[int] = 123, ): """ Fit AutoMMPredictor predict label column of a dataframe based on the other columns, which may contain image path, text, numeric, or categorical features. Parameters ---------- train_data A dataframe containing training data. config A dictionary with four keys "model", "data", "optimization", and "environment". Each key's value can be a string, yaml file path, or OmegaConf's DictConfig. Strings should be the file names (DO NOT include the postfix ".yaml") in automm/configs/model, automm/configs/data, automm/configs/optimization, and automm/configs/environment. For example, you can configure a late-fusion model for the image, text, and tabular data as follows: config = { "model": "fusion_mlp_image_text_tabular", "data": "default", "optimization": "adamw", "environment": "default", } or config = { "model": "/path/to/model/config.yaml", "data": "/path/to/data/config.yaml", "optimization": "/path/to/optimization/config.yaml", "environment": "/path/to/environment/config.yaml", } or config = { "model": OmegaConf.load("/path/to/model/config.yaml"), "data": OmegaConf.load("/path/to/data/config.yaml"), "optimization": OmegaConf.load("/path/to/optimization/config.yaml"), "environment": OmegaConf.load("/path/to/environment/config.yaml"), } tuning_data A dataframe containing validation data, which should have the same columns as the train_data. If `tuning_data = None`, `fit()` will automatically hold out some random validation examples from `train_data`. time_limit How long `fit()` should run for (wall clock time in seconds). If not specified, `fit()` will run until the model has completed training. save_path Path to directory where models and intermediate outputs should be saved. hyperparameters This is to override some default configurations. For example, changing the text and image backbones can be done by formatting: a string hyperparameters = "model.hf_text.checkpoint_name=google/electra-small-discriminator model.timm_image.checkpoint_name=swin_small_patch4_window7_224" or a list of strings hyperparameters = ["model.hf_text.checkpoint_name=google/electra-small-discriminator", "model.timm_image.checkpoint_name=swin_small_patch4_window7_224"] or a dictionary hyperparameters = { "model.hf_text.checkpoint_name": "google/electra-small-discriminator", "model.timm_image.checkpoint_name": "swin_small_patch4_window7_224", } column_types A dictionary that maps column names to their data types. For example: `column_types = {"item_name": "text", "image": "image_path", "product_description": "text", "height": "numerical"}` may be used for a table with columns: "item_name", "brand", "product_description", and "height". If None, column_types will be automatically inferred from the data. The current supported types are: - "image_path": each row in this column is one image path. - "text": each row in this column contains text (sentence, paragraph, etc.). - "numerical": each row in this column contains a number. - "categorical": each row in this column belongs to one of K categories. holdout_frac Fraction of train_data to holdout as tuning_data for optimizing hyper-parameters or early stopping (ignored unless `tuning_data = None`). Default value (if None) is selected based on the number of rows in the training data and whether hyper-parameter-tuning is utilized. teacher_predictor The pre-trained teacher predictor or its saved path. If provided, `fit()` can distill its knowledge to a student predictor, i.e., the current predictor. seed The random seed to use for this training run. Returns ------- An "AutoMMPredictor" object (itself). """ pl.seed_everything(seed, workers=True) if self._config is not None: # continuous training config = self._config config = get_config( config=config, overrides=hyperparameters, ) if self._resume or save_path is None: save_path = self._save_path else: save_path = os.path.expanduser(save_path) if not self._resume: save_path = setup_outputdir( path=save_path, warn_if_exist=self._warn_if_exist, ) logger.debug(f"save path: {save_path}") if tuning_data is None: if self._problem_type in [BINARY, MULTICLASS]: stratify = train_data[self._label_column] else: stratify = None if holdout_frac is None: val_frac = default_holdout_frac(len(train_data), hyperparameter_tune=False) else: val_frac = holdout_frac train_data, tuning_data = train_test_split( train_data, test_size=val_frac, stratify=stratify, random_state=np.random.RandomState(seed), ) column_types, problem_type, output_shape = \ infer_column_problem_types( train_df=train_data, valid_df=tuning_data, label_columns=self._label_column, problem_type=self._problem_type, provided_column_types=column_types, ) logger.debug(f"column_types: {column_types}") logger.debug(f"image columns: {[k for k, v in column_types.items() if v == 'image_path']}") if self._column_types is not None and self._column_types != column_types: warnings.warn( f"Inferred column types {column_types} are inconsistent with " f"the previous {self._column_types}. " f"New columns will not be used in the current training." ) # use previous column types to avoid inconsistency with previous numerical mlp and categorical mlp column_types = self._column_types if self._problem_type is not None: assert self._problem_type == problem_type, \ f"Inferred problem type {problem_type} is different from " \ f"the previous {self._problem_type}" if self._output_shape is not None: assert self._output_shape == output_shape, \ f"Inferred output shape {output_shape} is different from " \ f"the previous {self._output_shape}" if self._df_preprocessor is None: df_preprocessor = init_df_preprocessor(, column_types=column_types, label_column=self._label_column, train_df_x=train_data.drop(columns=self._label_column), train_df_y=train_data[self._label_column], ) else: # continuing training df_preprocessor = self._df_preprocessor config = select_model( config=config, df_preprocessor=df_preprocessor, ) if self._data_processors is None: data_processors = init_data_processors( config=config, df_preprocessor=df_preprocessor, ) else: # continuing training data_processors = self._data_processors data_processors_count = {k: len(v) for k, v in data_processors.items()} logger.debug(f"data_processors_count: {data_processors_count}") if self._model is None: model = create_model( config=config, num_classes=output_shape, num_numerical_columns=len(df_preprocessor.numerical_feature_names), num_categories=df_preprocessor.categorical_num_categories ) else: # continuing training model = self._model if self._validation_metric_name is None or self._eval_metric_name is None: validation_metric_name, eval_metric_name = infer_metrics( problem_type=problem_type, eval_metric_name=self._eval_metric_name, ) else: validation_metric_name = self._validation_metric_name eval_metric_name = self._eval_metric_name validation_metric, minmax_mode, custom_metric_func = get_metric( metric_name=validation_metric_name, problem_type=problem_type, num_classes=output_shape, ) loss_func = get_loss_func(problem_type) if time_limit is not None: time_limit = timedelta(seconds=time_limit) # set attributes for saving and prediction self._problem_type = problem_type # In case problem type isn't provided in __init__(). self._eval_metric_name = eval_metric_name # In case eval_metric isn't provided in __init__(). self._validation_metric_name = validation_metric_name self._save_path = save_path self._config = config self._output_shape = output_shape self._column_types = column_types self._df_preprocessor = df_preprocessor self._data_processors = data_processors self._model = model # save artifacts for the current running, except for model checkpoint, which will be saved in _fit() # need to assign the above attributes before setting up distillation if teacher_predictor is not None: teacher_model, critics, baseline_funcs, soft_label_loss_func, \ teacher_df_preprocessor, teacher_data_processors = \ self._setup_distillation( teacher_predictor=teacher_predictor, ) else: teacher_model, critics, baseline_funcs, soft_label_loss_func,\ teacher_df_preprocessor, teacher_data_processors = None, None, None, None, None, None self._fit( train_df=train_data, val_df=tuning_data, df_preprocessor=df_preprocessor, data_processors=data_processors, model=model, config=config, loss_func=loss_func, validation_metric=validation_metric, validation_metric_name=validation_metric_name, custom_metric_func=custom_metric_func, minmax_mode=minmax_mode, teacher_model=teacher_model, critics=critics, baseline_funcs=baseline_funcs, soft_label_loss_func=soft_label_loss_func, teacher_df_preprocessor=teacher_df_preprocessor, teacher_data_processors=teacher_data_processors, max_time=time_limit, save_path=save_path, ckpt_path=self._ckpt_path, resume=self._resume, enable_progress_bar=self._enable_progress_bar, ) return self def _setup_distillation( self, teacher_predictor: Union[str, AutoMMPredictor], ): """ Prepare for distillation. It verifies whether the student and teacher predictors have consistent configurations. If teacher and student have duplicate model names, it modifies teacher's model names. Parameters ---------- teacher_predictor The teacher predictor in knowledge distillation. Returns ------- teacher_model The teacher predictor's model. critics The critics used in computing mutual information loss. baseline_funcs The baseline functions used in computing mutual information loss. soft_label_loss_func The loss function using teacher's logits as labels. df_preprocessor The teacher predictor's dataframe preprocessor. data_processors The teacher predictor's data processors. """ logger.debug("setting up distillation...") if isinstance(teacher_predictor, str): teacher_predictor = AutoMMPredictor.load(teacher_predictor) # verify that student and teacher configs are consistent. assert self._problem_type == teacher_predictor._problem_type assert self._label_column == teacher_predictor._label_column assert self._eval_metric_name == teacher_predictor._eval_metric_name assert self._output_shape == teacher_predictor._output_shape assert self._validation_metric_name == teacher_predictor._validation_metric_name # if teacher and student have duplicate model names, change teacher's model names # we don't change student's model names to avoid changing the names back when saving the model. teacher_predictor = modify_duplicate_model_names( predictor=teacher_predictor, postfix="teacher", blacklist=self._config.model.names, ) critics, baseline_funcs = None, None if self._config.distiller.soft_label_loss_type == "mean_square_error": soft_label_loss_func = nn.MSELoss() elif self._config.distiller.soft_label_loss_type == "cross_entropy": soft_label_loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown soft_label_loss_type: {self._config.distiller.soft_label_loss_type}" ) # turn on returning column information in data processors self._data_processors = turn_on_off_feature_column_info( data_processors=self._data_processors, flag=True, ) teacher_predictor._data_processors = turn_on_off_feature_column_info( data_processors=teacher_predictor._data_processors, flag=True, ) logger.debug( f"teacher preprocessor text_feature_names: {teacher_predictor._df_preprocessor._text_feature_names}" ) logger.debug( f"teacher preprocessor image_path_names: {teacher_predictor._df_preprocessor._image_path_names}" ) logger.debug( f"teacher preprocessor categorical_feature_names: {teacher_predictor._df_preprocessor._categorical_feature_names}" ) logger.debug( f"teacher preprocessor numerical_feature_names: {teacher_predictor._df_preprocessor._numerical_feature_names}" ) logger.debug( f"student preprocessor text_feature_names: {self._df_preprocessor._text_feature_names}" ) logger.debug( f"student preprocessor image_path_names: {self._df_preprocessor._image_path_names}" ) logger.debug( f"student preprocessor categorical_feature_names: {self._df_preprocessor._categorical_feature_names}" ) logger.debug( f"student preprocessor numerical_feature_names: {self._df_preprocessor._numerical_feature_names}" ) return ( teacher_predictor._model, critics, baseline_funcs, soft_label_loss_func, teacher_predictor._df_preprocessor, teacher_predictor._data_processors, ) def _fit( self, train_df: pd.DataFrame, val_df: pd.DataFrame, df_preprocessor: MultiModalFeaturePreprocessor, data_processors: dict, model: nn.Module, config: DictConfig, loss_func: _Loss, validation_metric: torchmetrics.Metric, validation_metric_name: str, custom_metric_func: Callable, minmax_mode: str, teacher_model: nn.Module, critics: nn.ModuleList, baseline_funcs: nn.ModuleList, soft_label_loss_func: _Loss, teacher_df_preprocessor: MultiModalFeaturePreprocessor, teacher_data_processors: dict, max_time: timedelta, save_path: str, ckpt_path: str, resume: bool, enable_progress_bar: bool, ): if teacher_df_preprocessor is not None: df_preprocessor = [df_preprocessor, teacher_df_preprocessor] if teacher_data_processors is not None: data_processors = [data_processors, teacher_data_processors] train_dm = BaseDataModule( df_preprocessor=df_preprocessor, data_processors=data_processors, per_gpu_batch_size=config.env.per_gpu_batch_size, num_workers=config.env.num_workers, train_data=train_df, val_data=val_df, ) optimization_kwargs = dict( optim_type=config.optimization.optim_type, lr_choice=config.optimization.lr_choice, lr_schedule=config.optimization.lr_schedule, lr=config.optimization.learning_rate, lr_decay=config.optimization.lr_decay, end_lr=config.optimization.end_lr, lr_mult=config.optimization.lr_mult, weight_decay=config.optimization.weight_decay, warmup_steps=config.optimization.warmup_steps, ) metrics_kwargs = dict( validation_metric=validation_metric, validation_metric_name=validation_metric_name, custom_metric_func=custom_metric_func, ) is_distill = teacher_model is not None if is_distill: task = DistillerLitModule( student_model=model, teacher_model=teacher_model, matches=config.distiller.matches, critics=critics, baseline_funcs=baseline_funcs, hard_label_weight=config.distiller.hard_label_weight, soft_label_weight=config.distiller.soft_label_weight, temperature=config.distiller.temperature, hard_label_loss_func=loss_func, soft_label_loss_func=soft_label_loss_func, **metrics_kwargs, **optimization_kwargs, ) else: task = LitModule( model=model, loss_func=loss_func,, 'optimization.efficient_finetune'), **metrics_kwargs, **optimization_kwargs, ) logger.debug(f"validation_metric_name: {task.validation_metric_name}") logger.debug(f"minmax_mode: {minmax_mode}") checkpoint_callback = AutoMMModelCheckpoint( dirpath=save_path, save_top_k=config.optimization.top_k, verbose=True, monitor=task.validation_metric_name, mode=minmax_mode, save_last=True, ) early_stopping_callback = pl.callbacks.EarlyStopping( monitor=task.validation_metric_name, patience=config.optimization.patience, mode=minmax_mode ) lr_callback = pl.callbacks.LearningRateMonitor(logging_interval="step") model_summary = pl.callbacks.ModelSummary(max_depth=1) callbacks = [checkpoint_callback, early_stopping_callback, lr_callback, model_summary] tb_logger = pl.loggers.TensorBoardLogger( save_dir=save_path, name="", version="", ) num_gpus = ( config.env.num_gpus if isinstance(config.env.num_gpus, int) else len(config.env.num_gpus) ) if num_gpus < 0: # In case config.env.num_gpus is -1, meaning using all gpus. num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() if num_gpus == 0: # CPU only training warnings.warn( "Only CPU is detected in the instance. " "AutoMMPredictor will be trained with CPU only. " "This may results in slow training speed. " "Consider to switch to an instance with GPU support.", UserWarning, ) grad_steps = max(config.env.batch_size // ( config.env.per_gpu_batch_size * config.env.num_nodes ), 1) precision = 32 # Force to use fp32 for training since fp16-based AMP is not available in CPU. # Try to check the status of bf16 training later. else: grad_steps = max(config.env.batch_size // ( config.env.per_gpu_batch_size * num_gpus * config.env.num_nodes ), 1) precision = config.env.precision if precision == 'bf16' and not torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(): warnings.warn('bf16 is not supported by the GPU device / cuda version. ' 'Consider to use GPU devices with version after Amphere (e.g., available as AWS P4 instances) ' 'and upgrade cuda to be >=11.0. ' 'Currently, AutoGluon will downgrade the precision to 32.', UserWarning) precision = 32 if num_gpus <= 1: strategy = None else: strategy = config.env.strategy blacklist_msgs = ["already configured with model summary"] log_filter = LogFilter(blacklist_msgs) with apply_log_filter(log_filter): trainer = pl.Trainer( gpus=num_gpus, auto_select_gpus=config.env.auto_select_gpus if num_gpus != 0 else False, num_nodes=config.env.num_nodes, precision=precision, strategy=strategy, benchmark=False, deterministic=config.env.deterministic, max_epochs=config.optimization.max_epochs, max_steps=config.optimization.max_steps, max_time=max_time, callbacks=callbacks, logger=tb_logger, gradient_clip_val=1, gradient_clip_algorithm="norm", accumulate_grad_batches=grad_steps, log_every_n_steps=10, enable_progress_bar=enable_progress_bar, fast_dev_run=config.env.fast_dev_run, val_check_interval=config.optimization.val_check_interval, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*does not have many workers which may be a bottleneck. " "Consider increasing the value of the `num_workers` argument` " ".* in the `DataLoader` init to improve performance.*" ) warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", "Checkpoint directory .* exists and is not empty." ) task, datamodule=train_dm, ckpt_path=ckpt_path if resume else None, # this is to resume training that was broken accidentally ) if trainer.global_rank == 0: self._top_k_average( model=model, save_path=save_path, minmax_mode=minmax_mode, is_distill=is_distill, config=config, val_df=val_df, validation_metric_name=validation_metric_name, trainer=trainer, ) else: sys.exit( f"Training finished, exit the process with global_rank={trainer.global_rank}..." ) def _top_k_average( self, model, save_path, minmax_mode, is_distill, config, val_df, validation_metric_name, trainer, ): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_path, 'best_k_models.yaml')): with open(os.path.join(save_path, 'best_k_models.yaml'), 'r') as f: best_k_models = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader) os.remove(os.path.join(save_path, 'best_k_models.yaml')) else: # In some cases, the training ends up too early (e.g., due to time_limit) so that there is # no saved best_k model checkpoints. In that scenario, we won't perform any model averaging. best_k_models = None last_ckpt_path = os.path.join(save_path, "last.ckpt") if is_distill: prefix = "student_model." else: prefix = "model." if best_k_models: if config.optimization.top_k_average_method == UNIFORM_SOUP: f"Start to fuse {len(best_k_models)} checkpoints via the uniform soup algorithm." ) ingredients = top_k_model_paths = list(best_k_models.keys()) else: top_k_model_paths = [ v[0] for v in sorted( list(best_k_models.items()), key=lambda ele: ele[1], reverse=(minmax_mode == MAX), ) ] if config.optimization.top_k_average_method == GREEDY_SOUP: # Select the ingredients based on the methods proposed in paper # "Model soups: averaging weights of multiple fine-tuned models improves accuracy without # increasing inference time", monitor_op = {MIN: operator.le, MAX:}[minmax_mode] f"Start to fuse {len(top_k_model_paths)} checkpoints via the greedy soup algorithm." ) ingredients = [top_k_model_paths[0]] self._model = self._load_state_dict( model=model, path=top_k_model_paths[0], prefix=prefix, ) best_score = self.evaluate(val_df, [validation_metric_name])[validation_metric_name] for i in range(1, len(top_k_model_paths)): cand_avg_state_dict = average_checkpoints( checkpoint_paths=ingredients + [top_k_model_paths[i]], ) self._model = self._load_state_dict( model=self._model, state_dict=cand_avg_state_dict, prefix=prefix, ) cand_score = self.evaluate(val_df, [validation_metric_name])[validation_metric_name] if monitor_op(cand_score, best_score): # Add new ingredient ingredients.append(top_k_model_paths[i]) best_score = cand_score elif config.optimization.top_k_average_method == BEST: ingredients = [top_k_model_paths[0]] else: raise ValueError( f"The key for 'optimization.top_k_average_method' is not supported. " f"We only support '{GREEDY_SOUP}', '{UNIFORM_SOUP}' and '{BEST}'. " f"The provided value is '{config.optimization.top_k_average_method}'." ) else: # best_k_models is empty so we will manually save a checkpoint from the trainer # and use it as the main ingredients trainer.save_checkpoint(os.path.join(save_path, "model.ckpt")) ingredients = [os.path.join(save_path, "model.ckpt")] top_k_model_paths = [] # Average all the ingredients avg_state_dict = average_checkpoints( checkpoint_paths=ingredients, ) self._model = self._load_state_dict( model=model, state_dict=avg_state_dict, prefix=prefix, ) if is_distill: avg_state_dict = self._replace_model_name_prefix( state_dict=avg_state_dict, old_prefix="student_model", new_prefix="model", ) checkpoint = {"state_dict": avg_state_dict}, os.path.join(save_path, "model.ckpt")) # clean old checkpoints + the intermediate files stored for per_path in top_k_model_paths: if os.path.isfile(per_path): os.remove(per_path) if os.path.isfile(last_ckpt_path): os.remove(last_ckpt_path) def _predict( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict, list], ret_type: str, requires_label: bool, ) -> torch.Tensor: data = self._data_to_df(data) # For prediction data with no labels provided. if not requires_label: data_processors = copy.deepcopy(self._data_processors) data_processors.pop(LABEL, None) else: data_processors = self._data_processors num_gpus = ( self._config.env.num_gpus if isinstance(self._config.env.num_gpus, int) else len(self._config.env.num_gpus) ) if num_gpus < 0: num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() if num_gpus == 0: # CPU only prediction warnings.warn( "Only CPU is detected in the instance. " "AutoMMPredictor will predict with CPU only. " "This may results in slow prediction speed. " "Consider to switch to an instance with GPU support.", UserWarning, ) precision = 32 # Force to use fp32 for training since fp16-based AMP is not available in CPU else: precision = self._config.env.precision if precision == 'bf16' and not torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(): warnings.warn('bf16 is not supported by the GPU device / cuda version. ' 'Consider to use GPU devices with version after Amphere or upgrade cuda to be >=11.0. ' 'Currently, AutoGluon will downgrade the precision to 32.', UserWarning) precision = 32 if num_gpus > 1: strategy = "dp" # If using 'dp', the per_gpu_batch_size would be split by all GPUs. # So, we need to use the GPU number as a multiplier to compute the batch size. batch_size = self._config.env.per_gpu_batch_size_evaluation * num_gpus else: strategy = None batch_size = self._config.env.per_gpu_batch_size_evaluation predict_dm = BaseDataModule( df_preprocessor=self._df_preprocessor, data_processors=data_processors, per_gpu_batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=self._config.env.num_workers_evaluation, predict_data=data, ) task = LitModule( model=self._model, ) blacklist_msgs = [] if self._verbosity <= 3: # turn off logging in prediction blacklist_msgs.append("Automatic Mixed Precision") blacklist_msgs.append("GPU available") blacklist_msgs.append("TPU available") blacklist_msgs.append("IPU available") blacklist_msgs.append("LOCAL_RANK") log_filter = LogFilter(blacklist_msgs) with apply_log_filter(log_filter): evaluator = pl.Trainer( gpus=num_gpus, auto_select_gpus=self._config.env.auto_select_gpus if num_gpus != 0 else False, num_nodes=self._config.env.num_nodes, precision=precision, strategy=strategy, benchmark=False, enable_progress_bar=self._enable_progress_bar, deterministic=self._config.env.deterministic, logger=False, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*does not have many workers which may be a bottleneck. " "Consider increasing the value of the `num_workers` argument` " ".* in the `DataLoader` init to improve performance.*" ) outputs = evaluator.predict( task, datamodule=predict_dm, ) if ret_type == LOGITS: logits = [ele[LOGITS] for ele in outputs] ret = elif ret_type == FEATURES: features = [ele[FEATURES] for ele in outputs] ret = else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown return type: {ret_type}") return ret @staticmethod def _logits_to_prob(logits: torch.Tensor): assert logits.ndim == 2 prob = F.softmax(logits.float(), dim=1) prob = prob.detach().cpu().float().numpy() return prob def evaluate( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict, list], metrics: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_pred: Optional[bool] = False, ): """ Evaluate model on a test dataset. Parameters ---------- data A dataframe, containing the same columns as the training data metrics A list of metric names to report. If None, we only return the score for the stored `_eval_metric_name`. return_pred Whether to return the prediction result of each row. Returns ------- A dictionary with the metric names and their corresponding scores. Optionally return a dataframe of prediction results. """ logits = self._predict( data=data, ret_type=LOGITS, requires_label=True, ) metric_data = {} if self._problem_type in [BINARY, MULTICLASS]: y_pred_prob = self._logits_to_prob(logits) metric_data[Y_PRED_PROB] = y_pred_prob y_pred = self._df_preprocessor.transform_prediction(y_pred=logits, inverse_categorical=False) y_pred_transformed = self._df_preprocessor.transform_prediction(y_pred=logits, inverse_categorical=True) y_true = self._df_preprocessor.transform_label_for_metric(df=data) metric_data.update({ Y_PRED: y_pred, Y_TRUE: y_true, }) if metrics is None: metrics = [self._eval_metric_name] results = {} for per_metric in metrics: if self._problem_type != BINARY and per_metric.lower() in ["roc_auc", "average_precision"]: raise ValueError( f"Metric {per_metric} is only supported for binary classification." ) score = compute_score( metric_data=metric_data, metric_name=per_metric.lower(), ) results[per_metric] = score if return_pred: return results, self.as_pandas(data=data, to_be_converted=y_pred_transformed) else: return results def predict( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict, list], as_pandas: Optional[bool] = True, ): """ Predict values for the label column of new data. Parameters ---------- data The data to make predictions for. Should contain same column names as training data and follow same format (except for the `label` column). as_pandas Whether to return the output as a pandas DataFrame(Series) (True) or numpy array (False). Returns ------- Array of predictions, one corresponding to each row in given dataset. """ logits = self._predict( data=data, ret_type=LOGITS, requires_label=False, ) pred = self._df_preprocessor.transform_prediction(y_pred=logits) if as_pandas: pred = self.as_pandas(data=data, to_be_converted=pred) return pred def predict_proba( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict, list], as_pandas: Optional[bool] = True, as_multiclass: Optional[bool] = True, ): """ Predict probabilities class probabilities rather than class labels. This is only for the classification tasks. Calling it for a regression task will throw an exception. Parameters ---------- data The data to make predictions for. Should contain same column names as training data and follow same format (except for the `label` column). as_pandas Whether to return the output as a pandas DataFrame(Series) (True) or numpy array (False). as_multiclass Whether to return the probability of all labels or just return the probability of the positive class for binary classification problems. Returns ------- Array of predicted class-probabilities, corresponding to each row in the given data. When as_multiclass is True, the output will always have shape (#samples, #classes). Otherwise, the output will have shape (#samples,) """ assert self._problem_type in [BINARY, MULTICLASS], \ f"Problem {self._problem_type} has no probability output." logits = self._predict( data=data, ret_type=LOGITS, requires_label=False, ) prob = self._logits_to_prob(logits) if not as_multiclass: if self._problem_type == BINARY: prob = prob[:, 1] if as_pandas: prob = self.as_pandas(data=data, to_be_converted=prob) return prob def extract_embedding( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict, list], as_pandas: Optional[bool] = False, ): """ Extract features for each sample, i.e., one row in the provided dataframe `data`. Parameters ---------- data The data to extract embeddings for. Should contain same column names as training dataset and follow same format (except for the `label` column). as_pandas Whether to return the output as a pandas DataFrame (True) or numpy array (False). Returns ------- Array of embeddings, corresponding to each row in the given data. It will have shape (#samples, D) where the embedding dimension D is determined by the neural network's architecture. """ features = self._predict( data=data, ret_type=FEATURES, requires_label=False, ) features = features.detach().cpu().numpy() if as_pandas: features = pd.DataFrame(features, index=data.index) return features def _data_to_df(self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict, list]): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): return data if isinstance(data, (list, dict)): data = pd.DataFrame(data) elif isinstance(data, str): data = load_pd.load(data) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'The format of data is not understood. ' f'We have type(data)="{type(data)}", but a pd.DataFrame was required.' ) return data def as_pandas( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict, list], to_be_converted: np.ndarray, ): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): index = data.index else: index = None if to_be_converted.ndim == 1: return pd.Series(to_be_converted, index=index, name=self._label_column) else: return
pd.DataFrame(to_be_converted, index=index, columns=self.class_labels)
# Ref: #/ import streamlit as st import json import requests # import sys # import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import re from datetime import datetime as dt from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport from streamlit_pandas_profiling import st_profile_report from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # Initial setup st.set_page_config(layout="wide") with open('./env_variable.json','r') as j: json_data = json.load(j) #SLACK_BEARER_TOKEN = os.environ.get('SLACK_BEARER_TOKEN') ## Get in setting of Streamlit Share SLACK_BEARER_TOKEN = json_data['SLACK_BEARER_TOKEN'] DTC_GROUPS_URL = ('') #st.write(json_data['SLACK_BEARER_TOKEN']) @st.cache def load_users_df(): # Slack API User Data endpoint = "" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(json_data['SLACK_BEARER_TOKEN'])} response_json =, headers=headers).json() user_dat = response_json['members'] # Convert to CSV user_dict = {'user_id':[],'name':[],'display_name':[],'real_name':[],'title':[],'is_bot':[]} for i in range(len(user_dat)): user_dict['user_id'].append(user_dat[i]['id']) user_dict['name'].append(user_dat[i]['name']) user_dict['display_name'].append(user_dat[i]['profile']['display_name']) user_dict['real_name'].append(user_dat[i]['profile']['real_name_normalized']) user_dict['title'].append(user_dat[i]['profile']['title']) user_dict['is_bot'].append(int(user_dat[i]['is_bot'])) user_df = pd.DataFrame(user_dict) # Read dtc_group hosted in github dtc_groups = pd.read_csv(DTC_GROUPS_URL) user_df = user_df.merge(dtc_groups, how='left', on='name') return user_df @st.cache def load_channel_df(): endpoint2 = "" data = {'types': 'public_channel,private_channel'} # -> CHECK: API Docs headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(SLACK_BEARER_TOKEN)} response_json =, headers=headers, data=data).json() channel_dat = response_json['channels'] channel_dict = {'channel_id':[], 'channel_name':[], 'is_channel':[],'creator':[],'created_at':[],'topics':[],'purpose':[],'num_members':[]} for i in range(len(channel_dat)): channel_dict['channel_id'].append(channel_dat[i]['id']) channel_dict['channel_name'].append(channel_dat[i]['name']) channel_dict['is_channel'].append(channel_dat[i]['is_channel']) channel_dict['creator'].append(channel_dat[i]['creator']) channel_dict['created_at'].append(dt.fromtimestamp(float(channel_dat[i]['created']))) channel_dict['topics'].append(channel_dat[i]['topic']['value']) channel_dict['purpose'].append(channel_dat[i]['purpose']['value']) channel_dict['num_members'].append(channel_dat[i]['num_members']) channel_df = pd.DataFrame(channel_dict) return channel_df @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_msg_dict(user_df,channel_df): endpoint3 = "" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(SLACK_BEARER_TOKEN)} msg_dict = {'channel_id':[],'msg_id':[], 'msg_ts':[], 'user_id':[], 'latest_reply':[],'reply_user_count':[],'reply_users':[],'github_link':[],'text':[]} for channel_id, channel_name in zip(channel_df['channel_id'], channel_df['channel_name']): print('Channel ID: {} - Channel Name: {}'.format(channel_id, channel_name)) try: data = {"channel": channel_id} response_json =, data=data, headers=headers).json() msg_ls = response_json['messages'] for i in range(len(msg_ls)): if 'client_msg_id' in msg_ls[i].keys(): msg_dict['channel_id'].append(channel_id) msg_dict['msg_id'].append(msg_ls[i]['client_msg_id']) msg_dict['msg_ts'].append(dt.fromtimestamp(float(msg_ls[i]['ts']))) msg_dict['latest_reply'].append(dt.fromtimestamp(float(msg_ls[i]['latest_reply'] if 'latest_reply' in msg_ls[i].keys() else 0))) ## -> No reply: 1970-01-01 msg_dict['user_id'].append(msg_ls[i]['user']) msg_dict['reply_user_count'].append(msg_ls[i]['reply_users_count'] if 'reply_users_count' in msg_ls[i].keys() else 0) msg_dict['reply_users'].append(msg_ls[i]['reply_users'] if 'reply_users' in msg_ls[i].keys() else 0) msg_dict['text'].append(msg_ls[i]['text'] if 'text' in msg_ls[i].keys() else 0) ## -> Censor message contains tokens text = msg_ls[i]['text'] github_link = re.findall('(?:https?://)?(?:www[.])?github[.]com/[\w-]+/?', text) msg_dict['github_link'].append(github_link[0] if len(github_link) > 0 else None) except: print('====> '+ str(response_json)) msg_df =
import pandas as pd import random import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from shapely.geometry.polygon import LinearRing, Polygon, Point from maxrect import get_intersection, get_maximal_rectangle, rect2poly from vertical_adhesion import * def get_min_max(input_list): ''' get minimum and maximum value in the list :param input_list: list of numbers :return: min, max ''' min_value = input_list[0] max_value = input_list[0] for i in input_list: if i > max_value: max_value = i elif i < min_value: min_value = i return min_value, max_value def adhesion_structure_horizontal(file_name): gcode = open(file_name) lines = gcode.readlines() # get inner wall extruder = 0 layer = 0 is_inner_wall = 0 inner_walls = [] layer_count = 0 all_layers = [] set = "" for l in lines: if "T0" in l: extruder = 0 elif "T1" in l: extruder = 1 elif ";LAYER:" in l: layer = int(l.split(":")[1].strip()) if ";TYPE:WALL-INNER" in l: is_inner_wall = 1 elif is_inner_wall == 1 and ";TYPE:" in l: is_inner_wall = 0 if is_inner_wall == 1: if len(inner_walls) == 0: set += l inner_walls.append([layer, extruder, set]) else: if inner_walls[-1][0] == layer and inner_walls[-1][1] == extruder: set += l inner_walls[-1][2] = set else: set = l inner_walls.append([layer, extruder, set]) # inner_walls.append([layer, extruder, l]) all_layers.append([layer, extruder]) if ";LAYER_COUNT:" in l: layer_count = int(l.split(":")[-1].strip()) # get multimaterial layers layers_drop_dups = [] for i in all_layers: if i not in layers_drop_dups: layers_drop_dups.append(i) layer_df = pd.DataFrame(layers_drop_dups, columns=['layer', 'extruder']) layer_df = layer_df.groupby(['layer']).size().reset_index(name='count') multi_layers_number = [] for i in range(len(layer_df)): if layer_df.iloc[i]['count'] > 1: multi_layers_number.append(layer_df.iloc[i]['layer']) first_or_last = [] excluded_layers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, layer_count - 1, layer_count - 2, layer_count - 3, layer_count - 4, layer_count - 5] for i in excluded_layers: multi_layers_number.remove(i) # get inner walls of multimaterial layers multi_inner_walls = [] for i in range(len(inner_walls)): if inner_walls[i][0] in multi_layers_number: # if the layer contains two materials multi_inner_walls.append(inner_walls[i]) flag = 0 points_0 = [] points_1 = [] # for i in range(len(infills)): # points_0 = [] # points_1 = [] # print(infills) # get outer wall is_outer_wall = 0 extruder = 0 layer = 0 set = "" outer_walls = [] for l in lines: if "T0" in l: extruder = 0 elif "T1" in l: extruder = 1 elif ";LAYER:" in l: layer = int(l.split(":")[1].strip()) if layer in multi_layers_number: if ";TYPE:WALL-OUTER" in l: is_outer_wall = 1 elif is_outer_wall == 1 and ";" in l: is_outer_wall = 0 if is_outer_wall == 1: # outer_walls.append([layer, extruder, l]) if len(outer_walls) == 0: set += l outer_walls.append([layer, extruder, set]) else: if outer_walls[-1][0] == layer and outer_walls[-1][1] == extruder: set += l outer_walls[-1][2] = set else: set = l outer_walls.append([layer, extruder, set]) set = "" # plt.plot(x_values, y_values, 'ro') # plt.plot(a_x, a_y, 'bo') # plt.plot(b_x, b_y, 'go') # inner_walls_df = pd.DataFrame(multi_inner_walls, columns=['layer', 'extruder', 'commands']) outer_walls_df = pd.DataFrame(outer_walls, columns=['layer', 'extruder', 'commands']) # for i in range(len(outer_walls_df)): # print(outer_walls_df.iloc[i]['commands']) # polygons_x_list = [] # polygons_y_list = [] polygons_list = [] for i in range(len(outer_walls)): commands = outer_walls[i][2].split("\n") extruder = outer_walls[i][1] polygons_list.append(get_polygons_of_wall(commands)) outer_walls_df['polygons'] = polygons_list polygons_list = [] for i in range(len(multi_inner_walls)): commands = multi_inner_walls[i][2].split("\n") extruder = multi_inner_walls[i][1] polygons_list.append(get_polygons_of_wall(commands)) inner_walls_df['polygons'] = polygons_list stitches_per_layer = [] dist = 0.4 # nozzle diameter, the maximum gap to find adjacent points ''' #---------------------------------------------- i = 10 current_outer_walls_df = outer_walls_df.loc[outer_walls_df['layer'] == i] current_inner_walls_df = inner_walls_df.loc[inner_walls_df['layer'] == i] adjacency_set = [] # first material polygons_0 = current_outer_walls_df.iloc[0]['polygons'] # second material polygons_1 = current_outer_walls_df.iloc[1]['polygons'] # inner polygons inner_polygon_0 = current_inner_walls_df.iloc[0]['polygons'] inner_polygon_1 = current_inner_walls_df.iloc[1]['polygons'] pairs = [] print(inner_polygon_0) print(inner_polygon_1) all_the_points = [] for poly in inner_polygon_0: for point in poly: all_the_points.append(point) for poly in inner_polygon_1: for point in poly: all_the_points.append(point) print(all_the_points) inner_x = [] inner_y = [] #for point in all_the_points: # find material 0 - material 1 pairs for j in range(len(polygons_0)): for k in range(len(polygons_1)): pairs.append([j, k]) # print(pairs) adjacency = [] for j in range(len(pairs)): p_0 = polygons_0[pairs[j][0]] p_1 = polygons_1[pairs[j][1]] for k in range(len(p_0)): for l in range(len(p_1)): if math.hypot(p_0[k][0] - p_1[l][0], p_0[k][1] - p_1[l][1]) <= dist: # print(math.hypot(p_0[k][0] - p_1[l][0], p_0[k][1] - p_1[l][1])) if p_0[k] not in adjacency: adjacency.append(p_0[k]) if p_1[l] not in adjacency: adjacency.append(p_1[l]) if len(adjacency) != 0: adjacency_set.append(adjacency) adjacency = [] # print(adjacency_set) ''' for i in multi_layers_number: current_outer_walls_df = outer_walls_df.loc[outer_walls_df['layer'] == i] current_inner_walls_df = inner_walls_df.loc[inner_walls_df['layer'] == i] adjacency_set = [] # first material polygons_0 = current_outer_walls_df.iloc[0]['polygons'] # second material polygons_1 = current_outer_walls_df.iloc[1]['polygons'] # inner polygons inner_polygon_0 = current_inner_walls_df.iloc[0]['polygons'] inner_polygon_1 = current_inner_walls_df.iloc[1]['polygons'] pairs = [] #print(polygons_0) #print(polygons_1) # find material 0 - material 1 pairs for j in range(len(polygons_0)): for k in range(len(polygons_1)): pairs.append([j, k]) # print(pairs) adjacency = [] for j in range(len(pairs)): p_0 = polygons_0[pairs[j][0]] p_1 = polygons_1[pairs[j][1]] for k in range(len(p_0)): for l in range(len(p_1)): if math.hypot(p_0[k][0] - p_1[l][0], p_0[k][1] - p_1[l][1]) <= dist: # print(math.hypot(p_0[k][0] - p_1[l][0], p_0[k][1] - p_1[l][1])) if p_0[k] not in adjacency: adjacency.append(p_0[k]) if p_1[l] not in adjacency: adjacency.append(p_1[l]) if len(adjacency) != 0: adjacency_set.append(adjacency) adjacency = [] # print(adjacency_set) stitches = ";TYPE:STITCH\n" for j in range(len(adjacency_set)): adj_points = adjacency_set[j] x_min = 0 y_min = 0 x_max = 0 y_max = 0 x_values = [] y_values = [] # print(adj_points) for k in range(len(adj_points)): x_values.append(adj_points[k][0]) y_values.append(adj_points[k][1]) x_min, x_max = get_min_max(x_values) y_min, y_max = get_min_max(y_values) fair_dist = 3 fair_dist_to_outer = 1.2 # direction = 0 # 0: horizontal, 1: vertical if x_max - x_min < y_max - y_min: direction = 0 else: direction = 1 if direction == 0: # horizontal alignment x_min -= fair_dist x_max += fair_dist y_min += fair_dist_to_outer y_max -= fair_dist_to_outer elif direction == 1: # vertical alignment x_min += fair_dist_to_outer x_max -= fair_dist_to_outer y_min -= fair_dist y_max += fair_dist stitch_x, stitch_y = generate_adjacent_stitch(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, direction) stitch = generate_full_infill_for_horizontal_stitch(stitch_x, stitch_y, direction) stitches += stitch stitches_per_layer.append([i, stitches]) stitch_df =
pd.DataFrame(stitches_per_layer, columns=['layer', 'stitch'])
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import numpy as np import pandas as pd from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import optuna import pickle from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from tqdm import tqdm import os code_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # leaked_df = pd.read_csv(f'{code_path}/../input/leaked_data_all.csv', parse_dates=['timestamp']) with open(f'{code_path}/../prepare_data/leak_data_drop_bad_rows.pkl', 'rb') as f: leaked_df = pickle.load(f).rename(columns={'meter_reading': 'leaked_meter_reading'}) # leaked_df = pd.read_feather(f'{code_path}/../input/leak_data.feather').rename(columns={'meter_reading': 'leaked_meter_reading'}) leaked_df = leaked_df[['building_id','meter','timestamp', 'leaked_meter_reading']] leaked_df = leaked_df.query('timestamp>=20170101') building_meta = pd.read_csv(f"{code_path}/../input/building_metadata.csv") leaked_df = leaked_df.merge(building_meta[['building_id', 'site_id']], on='building_id', how='left') leaked_df = leaked_df.query('~(meter==0 & site_id==0)') # leaked_df = leaked_df.query('site_id==[2,4,15]') # leaked_df = leaked_df.query('105<=building_id<=564 | 656<=building_id') test = pd.read_csv(f"{code_path}/../input/test.csv", parse_dates=['timestamp']) i = 1 for mul in tqdm(['05', '10', '15']): submission_s1 = pd.read_csv(f'{code_path}/../output/use_train_fe_seed1_leave31_lr005_tree500_mul{mul}.csv') # submission_s2 = pd.read_csv(f'{code_path}/../output/use_train_fe_seed2_leave31_lr005_tree500_mul{mul}.csv') # submission_s3 = pd.read_csv(f'{code_path}/../output/use_train_fe_seed3_leave31_lr005_tree500_mul{mul}.csv') # test[f'pred{i}'] = (submission_s1['meter_reading'] + submission_s2['meter_reading'] + submission_s3['meter_reading']) / 3 test[f'pred{i}'] = submission_s1['meter_reading'] i += 1 # del submission_s1, submission_s2, submission_s3 # for name in ['fe2_lgbm', 'submission_tomioka', 'submission_half_and_half', 'submission_distill', 'submission_TE_50000tree_seed1_mul075']: for name in ['submission_half_and_half', 'submission_simple_data_cleanup']:#, 'use_train_fe_seed1_leave15_lr001_tree20000_mul05']:#, 'fe2_lgbm']: print(i, end=' ') test[f'pred{i}'] = pd.read_csv(f'{code_path}/../external_data/{name}.csv')['meter_reading'] i += 1 test[f'pred{i}'] = np.exp(1) - 1 i += 1 test = test.merge(leaked_df, on=['building_id', 'meter', 'timestamp'], how='left') N = test.columns.str.startswith('pred').sum() print(N) test_sub = test.copy() test = test[~test['leaked_meter_reading'].isnull()] test2017 = test.query('timestamp<20180101') test2018 = test.query('20180101<=timestamp') def preproceeding(submission, N): submission.loc[:,'pred1':'leaked_meter_reading'] = np.log1p(submission.loc[:,'pred1':'leaked_meter_reading']) g = submission.groupby('meter') sub_sub = [dict(), dict(), dict(), dict()] leak_sub = [dict(), dict(), dict(), dict()] leak_leak = [0,0,0,0] for meter in [3,2,1,0]: for i in tqdm(range(1,N+1)): leak_sub[meter][i] = sum(-2 * g.get_group(meter)['leaked_meter_reading'] * g.get_group(meter)[f'pred{i}']) for j in range(1,N+1): if i > j: sub_sub[meter][(i,j)] = sub_sub[meter][(j,i)] else: sub_sub[meter][(i,j)] = sum(g.get_group(meter)[f'pred{i}'] * g.get_group(meter)[f'pred{j}']) leak_leak[meter] = (sum(g.get_group(meter)['leaked_meter_reading'] ** 2)) return sub_sub, leak_sub, leak_leak def optimization(meter, sub_sub, leak_sub, leak_leak, length, W): # global count_itr # if count_itr%1000 == 0: print(count_itr, end=' ') # count_itr += 1 loss_total = 0 for i, a in enumerate(W, 1): for j, b in enumerate(W, 1): loss_total += a * b * sub_sub[meter][(i, j)] for i, a in enumerate(W, 1): loss_total += leak_sub[meter][i] * a loss_total += leak_leak[meter] return np.sqrt(loss_total / length) def make_ensemble_weight(focus_df, N): sub_sub, leak_sub, leak_leak = preproceeding(focus_df.copy(), N) np.random.seed(1) score = [list(), list(), list(), list()] weight = [list(), list(), list(), list()] for meter in [0,1,2,3]: f = partial(optimization, meter, sub_sub, leak_sub, leak_leak, len(focus_df.query(f'meter=={meter}'))) for i in tqdm(range(1000000)): W = np.random.rand(N) to_zero = np.arange(N) np.random.shuffle(to_zero) W[to_zero[:np.random.randint(N)]] = 0 W /= W.sum() W *= np.random.rand() * 0.3 + 0.8 score[meter].append(f(W)) weight[meter].append(W) score[meter] = np.array(score[meter]) weight[meter] = np.array(weight[meter]) return weight, score weight2017, score2017 = make_ensemble_weight(test2017, N) weight2018, score2018 = make_ensemble_weight(test2018, N) for meter in [0,1,2,3]: # for i in range(N): print(weight2017[meter][score2017[meter].argmin()]) print() # for meter in [0,1,2,3]: # print(score2017[meter].min()) # print(weight2017[meter][score2017[meter].argmin()].sum()) # print() for meter in [0,1,2,3]: # for i in range(N): print(weight2018[meter][score2018[meter].argmin()]) print() # for meter in [0,1,2,3]: # print(score2018[meter].min()) # print(weight2018[meter][score2018[meter].argmin()].sum()) # print() def new_pred(test, weight, score, N): pred_new = list() for meter in [0,1,2,3]: test_m = test.query(f'meter=={meter}') ensemble_m = sum([np.log1p(test_m[f'pred{i+1}']) * weight[meter][score[meter].argmin()][i] for i in range(N)]) pred_new.append(ensemble_m) pred_new =
import pytz import pytest import dateutil import warnings import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta from itertools import product import pandas as pd import pandas._libs.tslib as tslib import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.errors import PerformanceWarning from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import cdate_range from pandas import (DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex, Series, Timestamp, Timedelta, date_range, TimedeltaIndex, _np_version_under1p10, Index, datetime, Float64Index, offsets, bdate_range) from pandas.tseries.offsets import BMonthEnd, CDay, BDay from pandas.tests.test_base import Ops START, END = datetime(2009, 1, 1), datetime(2010, 1, 1) class TestDatetimeIndexOps(Ops): tz = [None, 'UTC', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'US/Eastern', 'dateutil/Asia/Singapore', 'dateutil/US/Pacific'] def setup_method(self, method): super(TestDatetimeIndexOps, self).setup_method(method) mask = lambda x: (isinstance(x, DatetimeIndex) or isinstance(x, PeriodIndex)) self.is_valid_objs = [o for o in self.objs if mask(o)] self.not_valid_objs = [o for o in self.objs if not mask(o)] def test_ops_properties(self): f = lambda x: isinstance(x, DatetimeIndex) self.check_ops_properties(DatetimeIndex._field_ops, f) self.check_ops_properties(DatetimeIndex._object_ops, f) self.check_ops_properties(DatetimeIndex._bool_ops, f) def test_ops_properties_basic(self): # sanity check that the behavior didn't change # GH7206 for op in ['year', 'day', 'second', 'weekday']: pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda x: getattr(self.dt_series, op)) # attribute access should still work! s = Series(dict(year=2000, month=1, day=10)) assert s.year == 2000 assert s.month == 1 assert == 10 pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: s.weekday) def test_asobject_tolist(self): idx = pd.date_range(start='2013-01-01', periods=4, freq='M', name='idx') expected_list = [Timestamp('2013-01-31'), Timestamp('2013-02-28'), Timestamp('2013-03-31'), Timestamp('2013-04-30')] expected = pd.Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name='idx') result = idx.asobject assert isinstance(result, Index) assert result.dtype == object tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) assert == assert idx.tolist() == expected_list idx = pd.date_range(start='2013-01-01', periods=4, freq='M', name='idx', tz='Asia/Tokyo') expected_list = [Timestamp('2013-01-31', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2013-02-28', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2013-03-31', tz='Asia/Tokyo'), Timestamp('2013-04-30', tz='Asia/Tokyo')] expected = pd.Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name='idx') result = idx.asobject assert isinstance(result, Index) assert result.dtype == object tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) assert == assert idx.tolist() == expected_list idx = DatetimeIndex([datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 2), pd.NaT, datetime(2013, 1, 4)], name='idx') expected_list = [Timestamp('2013-01-01'), Timestamp('2013-01-02'), pd.NaT, Timestamp('2013-01-04')] expected = pd.Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name='idx') result = idx.asobject assert isinstance(result, Index) assert result.dtype == object tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) assert == assert idx.tolist() == expected_list def test_minmax(self): for tz in # monotonic idx1 = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02', '2011-01-03'], tz=tz) assert idx1.is_monotonic # non-monotonic idx2 = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', pd.NaT, '2011-01-03', '2011-01-02', pd.NaT], tz=tz) assert not idx2.is_monotonic for idx in [idx1, idx2]: assert idx.min() == Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz) assert idx.max() == Timestamp('2011-01-03', tz=tz) assert idx.argmin() == 0 assert idx.argmax() == 2 for op in ['min', 'max']: # Return NaT obj = DatetimeIndex([]) assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, op)()) obj = DatetimeIndex([pd.NaT]) assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, op)()) obj = DatetimeIndex([pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT]) assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, op)()) def test_numpy_minmax(self): dr = pd.date_range(start='2016-01-15', end='2016-01-20') assert np.min(dr) == Timestamp('2016-01-15 00:00:00', freq='D') assert np.max(dr) == Timestamp('2016-01-20 00:00:00', freq='D') errmsg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported" tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, errmsg, np.min, dr, out=0) tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, errmsg, np.max, dr, out=0) assert np.argmin(dr) == 0 assert np.argmax(dr) == 5 if not _np_version_under1p10: errmsg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported" tm.assert_raises_regex( ValueError, errmsg, np.argmin, dr, out=0) tm.assert_raises_regex( ValueError, errmsg, np.argmax, dr, out=0) def test_round(self): for tz in rng = pd.date_range(start='2016-01-01', periods=5, freq='30Min', tz=tz) elt = rng[1] expected_rng = DatetimeIndex([ Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 01:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 02:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 02:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), ]) expected_elt = expected_rng[1] tm.assert_index_equal(rng.round(freq='H'), expected_rng) assert elt.round(freq='H') == expected_elt msg = pd.tseries.frequencies._INVALID_FREQ_ERROR with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg): rng.round(freq='foo') with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg): elt.round(freq='foo') msg = "<MonthEnd> is a non-fixed frequency" tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, rng.round, freq='M') tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, elt.round, freq='M') # GH 14440 & 15578 index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.0015'], tz=tz) result = index.round('ms') expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.002000'], tz=tz) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) for freq in ['us', 'ns']: tm.assert_index_equal(index, index.round(freq)) index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.00149'], tz=tz) result = index.round('ms') expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.001000'], tz=tz) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.001501031']) result = index.round('10ns') expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2016-10-17 12:00:00.001501030']) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(): ts = '2016-10-17 12:00:00.001501031' pd.DatetimeIndex([ts]).round('1010ns') def test_repeat_range(self): rng = date_range('1/1/2000', '1/1/2001') result = rng.repeat(5) assert result.freq is None assert len(result) == 5 * len(rng) for tz in index = pd.date_range('2001-01-01', periods=2, freq='D', tz=tz) exp = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2001-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2001-01-02', '2001-01-02'], tz=tz) for res in [index.repeat(2), np.repeat(index, 2)]: tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) assert res.freq is None index = pd.date_range('2001-01-01', periods=2, freq='2D', tz=tz) exp = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2001-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2001-01-03', '2001-01-03'], tz=tz) for res in [index.repeat(2), np.repeat(index, 2)]: tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) assert res.freq is None index = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2001-01-01', 'NaT', '2003-01-01'], tz=tz) exp = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2001-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2001-01-01', 'NaT', 'NaT', 'NaT', '2003-01-01', '2003-01-01', '2003-01-01'], tz=tz) for res in [index.repeat(3), np.repeat(index, 3)]: tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) assert res.freq is None def test_repeat(self): reps = 2 msg = "the 'axis' parameter is not supported" for tz in rng = pd.date_range(start='2016-01-01', periods=2, freq='30Min', tz=tz) expected_rng = DatetimeIndex([ Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:30:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:30:00', tz=tz, freq='30T'), ]) res = rng.repeat(reps) tm.assert_index_equal(res, expected_rng) assert res.freq is None tm.assert_index_equal(np.repeat(rng, reps), expected_rng) tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, np.repeat, rng, reps, axis=1) def test_representation(self): idx = [] idx.append(DatetimeIndex([], freq='D')) idx.append(DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01'], freq='D')) idx.append(DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02'], freq='D')) idx.append(DatetimeIndex( ['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02', '2011-01-03'], freq='D')) idx.append(DatetimeIndex( ['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 10:00', '2011-01-01 11:00' ], freq='H', tz='Asia/Tokyo')) idx.append(DatetimeIndex( ['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 10:00', pd.NaT], tz='US/Eastern')) idx.append(DatetimeIndex( ['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 10:00', pd.NaT], tz='UTC')) exp = [] exp.append("""DatetimeIndex([], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')""") exp.append("DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', " "freq='D')") exp.append("DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02'], " "dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')") exp.append("DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02', '2011-01-03'], " "dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')") exp.append("DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00:00+09:00', " "'2011-01-01 10:00:00+09:00', '2011-01-01 11:00:00+09:00']" ", dtype='datetime64[ns, Asia/Tokyo]', freq='H')") exp.append("DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00:00-05:00', " "'2011-01-01 10:00:00-05:00', 'NaT'], " "dtype='datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]', freq=None)") exp.append("DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00:00+00:00', " "'2011-01-01 10:00:00+00:00', 'NaT'], " "dtype='datetime64[ns, UTC]', freq=None)""") with pd.option_context('display.width', 300): for indx, expected in zip(idx, exp): for func in ['__repr__', '__unicode__', '__str__']: result = getattr(indx, func)() assert result == expected def test_representation_to_series(self): idx1 = DatetimeIndex([], freq='D') idx2 =
DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01'], freq='D')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ __date: 2021/05/12 __author: ssfang __corporation: OriginQuantum __usage: """ import os import re import time import threading from queue import Queue from datetime import datetime import yaml import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
import os import sys import pdb import bdb import click import logging import signal import hashlib import inspect import traceback import pandas as pd from subir import Uploader from .browser_interactor import BrowserInteractor from .user_interactor import UserInteractor, Interaction from .pilot import Pilot from .maneuver import Maneuver, Position, InteractQueueManeuver, BreakManeuver from .base import MenuOption, ControlMode, ControlAction, Ordnance from .error import RaspadorDidNotCompleteManuallyError, RaspadorInvalidManeuverError, RaspadorInvalidPositionError, RaspadorInteract, RaspadorSkip, RaspadorSkipOver, RaspadorSkipUp, RaspadorSkipToBreak, RaspadorQuit, RaspadorUnexpectedResultsError from .style import Format, Styled from .parser import Parser from data_layer import Redshift as SQL from typing import Dict, List, Optional, TypeVar, Generic, Union from enum import Enum from io_map import IOMap class Raspador(IOMap): browser: BrowserInteractor user: UserInteractor configuration: Dict[str, any] flight_logs: List[pd.DataFrame] def __init__(self, browser: Optional[BrowserInteractor]=None, user: Optional[UserInteractor]=None, configuration: Dict[str, any]=None, interactive: Optional[bool]=None): self.configuration = configuration if configuration else {} self.browser = browser if browser else BrowserInteractor() self.user = user if user else UserInteractor(driver=self.browser.driver) self.flight_logs = [pd.DataFrame()] if interactive is not None: self.user.interactive = interactive @property def description(self) -> str: return @property def name(self) -> str: return type(self).__name__ @property def flight_log(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.flight_logs[-1] @flight_log.setter def flight_log(self, flight_log: pd.DataFrame): self.flight_logs[-1] = flight_log @property def top_maneuvers_report(self) -> pd.DataFrame: report = self.flight_log[['maneuver', 'option', 'result']].groupby(['maneuver', 'option', 'result']).size() return report @property def top_errors_report(self) -> pd.DataFrame: report = self.flight_log[self.flight_log.error != ''][['error', 'maneuver']].groupby(['error', 'maneuver']).size() return report def scrape(self): if not self.flight_log.empty: self.user.present_report(report=self.top_maneuvers_report, title='Mission Report') self.user.present_report(self.top_errors_report, title='Error Report') self.save_log() unexpected_results = list(filter(lambda r: r not in ['Completed', ''], self.flight_log.result.unique())) if unexpected_results: unexpected_results_error = RaspadorUnexpectedResultsError(unexpected_results=unexpected_results) if self.user.interactive: self.user.present_message('Unexpected results.', error=unexpected_results_error) else: raise unexpected_results_error self.flight_logs.append(
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import orca from urbansim_templates import utils def test_parse_version(): assert utils.parse_version('0.1.0.dev0') == (0, 1, 0, 0) assert utils.parse_version('0.115.3') == (0, 115, 3, None) assert utils.parse_version('3.1.dev7') == (3, 1, 0, 7) assert utils.parse_version('5.4') == (5, 4, 0, None) def test_version_greater_or_equal(): assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('2.0', '0.1.1') == True assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('0.1.1', '2.0') == False assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('2.1', '2.0.1') == True assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('2.0.1', '2.1') == False assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('1.1.3', '1.1.2') == True assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('1.1.2', '1.1.3') == False assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('1.1.3', '1.1.3') == True assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('1.1.3.dev1', '1.1.3.dev0') == True assert utils.version_greater_or_equal('1.1.3.dev0', '1.1.3') == False ############################### ## get_df @pytest.fixture def df(): d = {'id': [1,2,3], 'val1': [4,5,6], 'val2': [7,8,9]} return pd.DataFrame(d).set_index('id') def test_get_df_dataframe(df): """ Confirm that get_df() works when passed a DataFrame. """ df_out = utils.get_df(df) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df, df_out) def test_get_df_str(df): """ Confirm that get_df() works with str input. """ orca.add_table('df', df) df_out = utils.get_df('df') pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df, df_out) def test_get_df_dataframewrapper(df): """ Confirm that get_df() works with orca.DataFrameWrapper input. """ dfw = orca.DataFrameWrapper('df', df) df_out = utils.get_df(dfw) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df, df_out) def test_get_df_tablefuncwrapper(df): """ Confirm that get_df() works with orca.TableFuncWrapper input. """ def df_callable(): return df tfw = orca.TableFuncWrapper('df', df_callable) df_out = utils.get_df(tfw) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df, df_out) def test_get_df_columns(df): """ Confirm that get_df() limits columns, and filters out duplicates and invalid ones. """ dfw = orca.DataFrameWrapper('df', df) df_out = utils.get_df(dfw, ['id', 'val1', 'val1', 'val3']) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df[['val1']], df_out) def test_get_df_unsupported_type(df): """ Confirm that get_df() raises an error for an unsupported type. """ try: df_out = utils.get_df([df]) except ValueError as e: print(e) return ############################### ## all_cols def test_all_cols_dataframe(df): """ Confirm that all_cols() works with DataFrame input. """ cols = utils.all_cols(df) assert sorted(cols) == sorted(['id', 'val1', 'val2']) def test_all_cols_orca(df): """ Confirm that all_cols() works with Orca input. """ orca.add_table('df', df) cols = utils.all_cols('df') assert sorted(cols) == sorted(['id', 'val1', 'val2']) def test_all_cols_extras(df): """ Confirm that all_cols() includes columns not part of the Orca core table. """ orca.add_table('df', df) orca.add_column('df', 'newcol', pd.Series()) cols = utils.all_cols('df') assert sorted(cols) == sorted(['id', 'val1', 'val2', 'newcol']) def test_all_cols_unsupported_type(df): """ Confirm that all_cols() raises an error for an unsupported type. """ try: cols = utils.all_cols([df]) except ValueError as e: print(e) return ############################### ## get_data @pytest.fixture def orca_session(): d1 = {'id': [1, 2, 3], 'building_id': [1, 2, 3], 'tenure': [1, 1, 0], 'age': [25, 45, 65]} d2 = {'building_id': [1, 2, 3], 'zone_id': [17, 17, 17], 'pop': [2, 2, 2]} d3 = {'zone_id': [17], 'pop': [500]} households = pd.DataFrame(d1).set_index('id') orca.add_table('households', households) buildings = pd.DataFrame(d2).set_index('building_id') orca.add_table('buildings', buildings) zones = pd.DataFrame(d3).set_index('zone_id') orca.add_table('zones', zones) orca.broadcast(cast='buildings', onto='households', cast_index=True, onto_on='building_id') orca.broadcast(cast='zones', onto='buildings', cast_index=True, onto_on='zone_id') def test_get_data(orca_session): """ General test - multiple tables, binding filters, extra columns. """ df = utils.get_data(tables = ['households', 'buildings'], model_expression = 'tenure ~ pop', filters = ['age > 20', 'age < 50'], extra_columns = 'zone_id') assert(set(df.columns) == set(['tenure', 'pop', 'age', 'zone_id'])) assert(len(df) == 2) def test_get_data_single_table(orca_session): """ Single table, no other params. """ df = utils.get_data(tables = 'households') assert(len(df) == 3) def test_get_data_bad_columns(orca_session): """ Bad column name, should be ignored. """ df = utils.get_data(tables = ['households', 'buildings'], model_expression = 'tenure ~ pop + potato') assert(set(df.columns) == set(['tenure', 'pop'])) def test_update_column(orca_session): """ General test. Additional tests to add: series without index, adding column on the fly. """ table = 'buildings' column = 'pop' data = pd.Series([3,3,3], index=[1,2,3]) utils.update_column(table, column, data) assert(orca.get_table(table).to_frame()[column].tolist() == [3,3,3]) def test_update_column_incomplete_series(orca_session): """ Update certain values but not others, with non-matching index orders. """ table = 'buildings' column = 'pop' data = pd.Series([10,5], index=[3,1]) utils.update_column(table, column, data) assert(orca.get_table(table).to_frame()[column].tolist() == [5,2,10]) def test_add_column_incomplete_series(orca_session): """ Add an incomplete column to confirm that it's aligned based on the index. (The ints will be cast to floats to accommodate the missing values.) """ table = 'buildings' column = 'pop2' data =
pd.Series([10,5], index=[3,1])
import PyPDF2 import csv from pathlib import Path import io import pandas import numpy from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter from pdfminer.layout import LAParams from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage def Cpk(usl, lsl, avg, sigma , cf, sigma_cf): cpu = (usl - avg - (cf*sigma)) / (sigma_cf*sigma) cpl = (avg - lsl - (cf*sigma)) / (sigma_cf*sigma) cpk = numpy.min([cpu, cpl]) return cpl,cpu,cpk def convert_pdf_to_txt(path): rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager() retstr = io.BytesIO() codec = 'utf-8' laparams = LAParams() device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, codec=codec, laparams=laparams) fp = open(path, 'rb') interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device) password = "" maxpages = 0 caching = True pagenos = set() for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fp, pagenos, maxpages=maxpages, password=password, caching=caching, check_extractable=True): interpreter.process_page(page) text = retstr.getvalue() fp.close() device.close() retstr.close() return text def filename_extraction(inp_filename): raw = inp_filename.split('_') dev = raw[1] volt = raw[2] temp = raw[3] condition = raw[4]+raw[5]+raw[6]+raw[7] return dev,volt,temp,condition ############################### User inputs ############################################### path_of_files = r'C:\Users\vind\OneDrive - Cypress Semiconductor\documents\python_codes\EYE_DIAG_ANALYZER\pdf_ccg3pa2_tt' pathlist = Path(path_of_files).glob('**/*.pdf') output_filename = 'out' automated_data_collection = 'yes' #'no' cpl_matrix = [] cpu_matrix = [] cpk_matrix = [] ################################# Program Begins ######################################### if automated_data_collection == 'no': with open(output_filename +'raw'+ '.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvfile: mywriter1 = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, dialect='excel', fieldnames=['rise_time_average', 'rise_time_minimum', 'rise_time_maximum', 'fall_time_average', 'fall_time_minimum', 'fall_time_maximum', 'bit_rate_average', 'bit_rate_minimum', 'bit_rate_maximum', 'voltage_swing_average', 'voltage_swing_minimum', 'voltage_swing_maximum', 'filename']) mywriter1.writeheader() for files in pathlist: ###################### extracting only measurement page of the pdf file ########################################## print( pdfFileObj = open(files,'rb') pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj) pdfWriter = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter() pdfReader.getNumPages() pageNum = 3 pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(pageNum) pdfWriter.addPage(pageObj) pdfOutput = open('temp.pdf', 'wb') pdfWriter.write(pdfOutput) pdfOutput.close() ######################### pdf to text conversion ################################ x= convert_pdf_to_txt('temp.pdf') text_extracted = x.split() counter_list = list(enumerate(text_extracted, 1)) rise_time_average = (counter_list[91])[1] fall_time_average = (counter_list[93])[1] bit_rate_average = (counter_list[97])[1] rise_time_minimum = (counter_list[145])[1] fall_time_minimum = (counter_list[147])[1] bit_rate_minimum = (counter_list[151])[1] rise_time_maximum = (counter_list[156])[1] fall_time_maximum = (counter_list[158])[1] bit_rate_maximum = (counter_list[162])[1] voltage_swing_average = (counter_list[131])[1] voltage_swing_minimum = (counter_list[170])[1] voltage_swing_maximum = (counter_list[174])[1] data_raw = [float(rise_time_average), float(rise_time_minimum), float(rise_time_maximum), float(fall_time_average), float(fall_time_minimum), float(fall_time_maximum), float(bit_rate_average), float(bit_rate_minimum), float(bit_rate_maximum), float(voltage_swing_average), float(voltage_swing_minimum), float(voltage_swing_maximum),] print(data_raw) mywriter2 = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', dialect = 'excel') mywriter2.writerow(data_raw) ################## Analysis begins ##########################################
pandas.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
import pandas as pd from evaluate.calculator import ( RecallCalculator, PrecisionCalculator, EmptyReportError, ) import pytest from unittest.mock import patch, Mock from import ( Report, PrecisionReport, RecallReport ) from tests.common import create_precision_report_row from io import StringIO class TestPrecisionCalculator: def test_calculatePrecision_NoReportsRaisesEmptyReportError(self): columns = ["sample", "query_probe_header", "ref_probe_header", "classification"] df =
from set_figure_defaults import FigureDefaults import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sn from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor import operator import warnings import pickle import sklearn as sklearn def plot_heatmap(corrMatrix, title = '', vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, ticklabels=False): """ Plots a correlation matrix as a labeled heatmap. Parameters: corrMatrix (df): Correlation matrix title (str, optional): Title of the plot annot (boolean, optional): Show the value of each matrix cell in the plot. """ if cmap == None: cmap_heatmap = "icefire" else: cmap_heatmap = cmap sn.heatmap(corrMatrix, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap_heatmap, square=True, xticklabels=ticklabels, yticklabels=ticklabels, rasterized=True) plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('./Results/'+title+'.png', dpi=300) plt.savefig('./Results/'+title+'.pdf') #plt.savefig('./Results/'+title+'.svg') def plot_RF_test(y_test, y_pred, title = None, xlabel = 'Measured $\log_2(MIC)$', ylabel = 'Predicted $\log_2(MIC)$', legend = ['Ideal', 'Result'], groups = None, saveas = None): """ Plots the results of predicting test set y values using the random forest model. 3 Parameters: y_test (df): Experimental test set y values. y_pred (df): Predicted test set y values. title (str, optional): Title of the plot xlabel (str, optional) ylabel (str, optional) legend (str (2,), optional) """ sn.set_palette('colorblind') def_color = 'k'#np.array(sn.color_palette())[0,:] #fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) ##fig.set_figheight(5) ##fig.set_figwidth(5) if groups is not None: groups_obj = pd.concat([y_test, y_pred], axis=1).groupby(groups) cmap=plt.get_cmap('tab10') for name, group in groups_obj: # Works only for groups with numeric names that are max cmap length: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) ax.plot(group.iloc[:,0], group.iloc[:,1], marker=".", linestyle="", label=int(name), color = cmap.colors[int(name)]) #ax.legend() else: sn.scatterplot(x=y_test.values.ravel(),y=y_pred.values.ravel(), color=def_color) #ax.scatter(y_test,y_pred, color = 'red', marker='.') ax_max = 10 if np.max(y_test.values)>ax_max: ax_max = np.max(y_test).values ax_min = 0 if np.min(y_test.values)<ax_min: ax_min = np.min(y_test.values) plt.plot([ax_min, ax_max], [ax_min, ax_max], '--', color='black') #plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', 'box') if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.tight_layout() if (saveas is None) and (title is not None): plt.savefig(title+'.pdf') plt.savefig(title+'.svg') plt.savefig(title+'.png', dpi=300) elif (saveas is not None): plt.savefig(saveas+'.pdf') plt.savefig(saveas+'.svg') plt.savefig(saveas+'.png', dpi=300) def splitAndScale(X, y, test_size, random_state = None): """ Splits the data into train and test sets. Scales the train and test sets using a StandardScaler (sklearn). The datasets are being scaled separately to avoid "leaking" information from train to test set. Parameters: X (df): X data to be split and scaled (features in columns, samples in rows) y (df): y data to be split and scaled (one column, samples in rows) test_size (float): Proportion of the test size from the original data. Returns: X_train_scaled (df): X data of the train set X_test_scaled (df): X data of the test set y_train_scaled (df): y data of the train set y_test_scaled (df): y data of the test set scaler_train (StandardScaler): StandardScaler that is needed for scaling the train set back to initial units. scaler_test (StandardScaler): StandardScaler that is needed for scaling the test set back to initial units. random_state (int, optional): Seed for train test split. """ X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = test_size, random_state = random_state) # Scale. scaler_test = preprocessing.StandardScaler() scaler_train = preprocessing.StandardScaler() test_scaled = X_test.copy() test_scaled[y_test.columns[0]] = y_test.values train_scaled = X_train.copy() train_scaled[y_train.columns[0]] = y_train.values test_scaled = pd.DataFrame(scaler_test.fit_transform(test_scaled), columns=test_scaled.columns, index=test_scaled.index) train_scaled = pd.DataFrame(scaler_train.fit_transform(train_scaled), columns=train_scaled.columns, index=train_scaled.index) X_train_scaled = train_scaled.iloc[:,:-1] y_train_scaled = train_scaled.iloc[:,[-1]]#y_train# X_test_scaled = test_scaled.iloc[:,:-1] y_test_scaled = test_scaled.iloc[:,[-1]]#y_test# return X_train_scaled, X_test_scaled, y_train_scaled, y_test_scaled, scaler_train, scaler_test def define_scale(X_train, y_train): scaler_train = preprocessing.StandardScaler() train_scaled = X_train.copy() train_scaled[y_train.columns[-1]] = y_train.values train_scaled = pd.DataFrame(scaler_train.fit_transform(train_scaled), columns=train_scaled.columns, index=train_scaled.index) X_train_scaled = train_scaled.iloc[:,:-1] y_train_scaled = train_scaled.iloc[:,[-1]] return X_train_scaled, y_train_scaled, scaler_train def scale(X_data, y_data, scaler): data_scaled = X_data.copy() data_scaled[y_data.columns[-1]] = y_data.values data_scaled = pd.DataFrame(scaler.transform(data_scaled), columns=data_scaled.columns, index=data_scaled.index) X_data_scaled = data_scaled.iloc[:,:-1] y_data_scaled = data_scaled.iloc[:,[-1]] return X_data_scaled, y_data_scaled def inverseScale(X_data, y_data, scaler): datasets_scaled = X_data.copy() datasets_scaled[y_data.columns[-1]] = y_data.values datasets_unscaled = pd.DataFrame(scaler.inverse_transform(datasets_scaled), columns=datasets_scaled.columns, index = datasets_scaled.index) X_data_unscaled = datasets_unscaled.iloc[:,:-1] y_data_unscaled = datasets_unscaled.iloc[:,[-1]] return X_data_unscaled, y_data_unscaled def RF_feature_analysis(X, y, groups = None, groups_only_for_plotting = False, test_indices = None, test_proportion = 0.1, top_n = 5, n_estimators = 100, max_depth = None, min_samples_split = 2, min_samples_leaf = 1, max_features = 'auto', bootstrap = True, i='', random_state = None, sample_weighing = True, plotting = True, saveas = None, title = True, max_samples = None): """ Splits 'X' and 'y' to train and test sets so that 'test_proportion' of samples is in the test set. Fits a (sklearn) random forest model to the data according to RF parameters ('n_estimators', 'max_depth', 'min_samples_split', 'min_samples_leaf', 'max_features', 'bootstrap'). Estimates feature importances and determines 'top_n' most important features. A plot and printouts for describing the results. Parameters: X (df): X data (features in columns, samples in rows) y (df): y data (one column, samples in rows) test_proportion (float, optional): Proportion of the test size from the original data. top_n (float, optional): The number of features in output 'top_feature_weights' n_estimators (int, optional): Number of trees in the forest max_depth (int, optional): Maximum depth of the tree min_samples split (int, optional): minimum number of samples required to split an internal node (could also be a float, see sklearn documentation) min_samples_leaf (int, optional): The minimum number od samples to be at a leaf node (could also be a float, see sklearn documentation) max_features (str, float, string, or None, optional): The number of features to consider when looking for the best split (see the options in sklearn documentation, 'sqrt' means max number is sqrt(number of features)) bootstrap (boolean, optional): False means the whole dataset is used for building each tree, True means bootstrap of samples is used TO DO: Add value range that works for 5K dataset i (int, optional): Optional numeric index for figure filename. random_state (int, optional): Seed for train test split. Returns: feature_weights (df): weights of all the features top_feature_weights (df): weights of the features with the most weight regressor (RandomForestRegressor) RF regressor R2 (float): R2 value of the prediction for the test set. """ if test_proportion == 0: # Use the whole dataset for both training and "testing". X_train = X.copy() X_test = X.copy() y_train = y.copy() y_test = y.copy() elif test_proportion == None: # Assume X and y are lists with two datasets... # Use dataset 0 as train and dataset 1 as test. X_train = X[0].copy() X_test = X[1].copy() y_train = y[0].copy() y_test = y[1].copy() else: # Split into test and train sets, and scale with StandardScaler. if test_indices is None: if groups is not None: if groups_only_for_plotting == False: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_proportion, random_state=random_state, stratify=groups) else: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_proportion, random_state=random_state) #shufflesplit = sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=test_proportion, random_state=random_state) #X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = shufflesplit.split(X, y, groups=groups) else: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_proportion, random_state=random_state) else: #X_test = X.copy() # Are these needed? #y_test = y.copy() # Are these needed? X_test = X[test_indices].copy() y_test = y[test_indices].copy() #X_train = X.copy() #y_train = y.copy() X_train = X[~test_indices].copy() y_train = y[~test_indices].copy() #print(y_test) if sample_weighing: #sample_weight = np.divide(1,y_train.iloc[:,0]+0.1) #sample_weight = np.abs(y_train.iloc[:,0]-8.5) #sample_weight = np.abs(y_train.iloc[:,0]-4.1) sample_weight = y_train.copy() sample_weight[y_train<=3] = 5 sample_weight[y_train>=8] = 5 sample_weight[(y_train>3)&(y_train<8)] = 1 sample_weight = sample_weight.squeeze() else: sample_weight = None #print(sample_weight) #X_train_s, X_test_s, y_train_s, y_test_s, scaler_train, scaler_test = scale(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) # Uncomment this part if you want to upsample the data. # This works only with class data. For that, you need to modify splitAndScale function and input y. #smote = SMOTE() #print(y_train_s.shape) #plot_2d_space(X_train_s, y_train_s, 'Original PCA') #X_train_s, y_train_s = smote.fit_sample(X_train_s, y_train_s) #print(y_train_s.shape, X_train_s.shape) #plot_2d_space(X_train_s, y_train_s, 'SMOTE over-sampling') #y_smogn = y_train_s.copy().join(X_train_s).reset_index(drop=True) #print(y_smogn.columns.get_loc('log(MIC)')) #print(y_smogn) #data_smogn = smogn.smoter(data = y_smogn, y = 'log(MIC)', # samp_method = 'extreme', under_samp = True, # rel_xtrm_type='both', rel_thres = 0.9, rel_method = 'auto', # rel_coef = 0.8)#, rel_ctrl_pts_rg = [[2,1,0], [8,1,0], [128,0,0]]) #print(data_smogn) #y_train_s = data_smogn.iloc[:,0] #X_train_s = data_smogn.iloc[:,1::] #plot_2d_space(X_train_s, y_train_s, 'Smogned PCA') # Fit and estimate feature importances. regressor = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = n_estimators, max_depth = max_depth, min_samples_split = min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf = min_samples_leaf, max_features = max_features, bootstrap = bootstrap, n_jobs = -2, criterion='mse', max_samples = max_samples, random_state=random_state) #regressor = RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs = -2, criterion='mse') #print(X_train.shape, y_train.shape),np.ravel(y_train), sample_weight = sample_weight) R2, RMSE, y_pred = predict_plot_RF(regressor, X_test, y_test, plotting=plotting, title=title, groups = groups, saveas = saveas) feature_weight = regressor.feature_importances_ #print('Feature weights for RF with ' + str(X.shape[1]+1) + ' features: ', feature_weight) ''' y_pred = regressor.predict(X_test) y_pred = pd.Series(data=y_pred, index=y_test.index) #y_pred = y_pred.round() # MIC are exponents of two. feature_weight = regressor.feature_importances_ #print('Feature weights for RF with ' + str(X.shape[1]+1) + ' features: ', feature_weight) #regressor.score(X_test_s, y_test_s) # Transform back to the original units. #X_test, y_test, y_pred = inverseScale(X_test_s, y_test_s, y_pred_s, scaler_test) R2 = sklearn.metrics.r2_score(y_test, y_pred) mse = sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred) RMSE = np.sqrt(mse) #y_pred = np.exp2(y_pred) # Exponential data didn't look good in the plot. #y_test = np.exp2(y_test) if plotting is True: if title is not None: title_temp = 'Results/log_MIC RF with ' + str(X_train.shape[1]) + ' features'+str(i) else: title_temp = None if groups is not None: plot_RF_test(y_test, y_pred, title = title_temp, groups=groups.loc[y_test.index], saveas = saveas) else: plot_RF_test(y_test, y_pred, title = title_temp, groups=None, saveas = saveas) ''' # Sort the features by importance. features = np.array(list(X_train.columns)) #print('Features set : ', features) assert len(features) == len(feature_weight) i = 0 l_dict = [] while i < len(feature_weight): l_dict.append({features[i]:feature_weight[i]}) i += 1 res = sorted(zip(features, feature_weight), key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True) # Let's take the top features from the original set. top_features = [i[0] for i in res[:top_n]] #print('Top ', top_n, ' of the given features: ', top_features) # Let's put features into two small dataframes. feature_weights = pd.DataFrame(feature_weight.reshape((1,len(feature_weight))), columns = features, index = [0]) top_feature_weights = feature_weights.loc[:, top_features].copy() #pd.DataFrame((feature_weights.loc[0,top_features].values).reshape((1, len(top_features))), columns = top_features, index = [0]) scaler_test = None return feature_weights, top_feature_weights, regressor, R2, RMSE, scaler_test, X_test, y_test, y_pred, X_train, y_train def predict_plot_RF(regressor, X_test, y_test, plotting=True, title=None, groups = None, saveas = '', ): y_pred = regressor.predict(X_test) if y_test is None: y_pred = pd.DataFrame(y_pred, index=X_test.index, columns=['log2mic']) R2 = None mse = None RMSE = None else: y_pred = pd.DataFrame(data=y_pred, index=y_test.index, columns=['log2mic']) R2 = sklearn.metrics.r2_score(y_test, y_pred) mse = sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred) RMSE = np.sqrt(mse) #y_pred = np.exp2(y_pred) # Exponential data didn't look good in the plot. #y_test = np.exp2(y_test) if plotting is True: if title is not None: title_temp = 'Results/log_MIC RF with ' + str(X_test.shape[1]) + ' features' else: title_temp = None if groups is not None: plot_RF_test(y_test, y_pred, title = title_temp, groups=groups.loc[y_test.index], saveas = saveas) else: plot_RF_test(y_test, y_pred, title = title_temp, groups=None, saveas = saveas) return R2, RMSE, y_pred def save_to_csv_pickle(dataset, filename, join_with = None, index=True): """ Saves any dataset to a csv file and picklefile with the given filename. Parameters: dataset (any pickle and to_csv compatible type): dataset to be saved into file filename (str): filename used for both csv and pickle file """ dataset.to_csv(filename + '.csv', index=index) picklefile = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(dataset,picklefile) picklefile.close() if join_with is not None: (join_with.join(dataset)).to_csv(filename + '.csv', index=index) def save_to_pickle(dataset, filename): """ Saves any dataset to a csv file and picklefile with the given filename. Parameters: dataset (any pickle and to_csv compatible type): dataset to be saved into file filename (str): filename used for both csv and pickle file """ picklefile = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(dataset,picklefile) picklefile.close() def fetch_pickle(filename): """ Fetches any variable saved into a picklefile with the given filename. Parameters: filename (str): filename of the pickle file Returns: variable (any pickle compatible type): variable that was saved into the picklefile. """ with open(filename, 'rb') as picklefile: variable = pickle.load(picklefile) return variable def fetch_pickled_HO(filename): """ Fetches random forest regression hyperparamaters saved into a picklefile and returns each hyperparameter. Parameters: filename (str): Filename of the pickle file. An example of the variable that is expected to be stored in the pickle file: pickled_variable = {'bootstrap': True,\n", 'max_depth': 18,\n", 'max_features': 'sqrt',\n", 'min_samples_leaf': 1,\n", 'min_samples_split': 2,\n", 'n_estimators': 300} Returns: n_estimators (int, optional): Number of trees in the forest max_depth (int, optional): Maximum depth of the tree min_samples split (int, optional): minimum number of samples required to split an internal node (could also be a float, see sklearn documentation) min_samples_leaf (int, optional): The minimum number od samples to be at a leaf node (could also be a float, see sklearn documentation) max_features (str, float, string, or None, optional): The number of features to consider when looking for the best split (see the options in sklearn documentation, 'sqrt' means max number is sqrt(number of features)) bootstrap (boolean, optional): False means the whole dataset is used for building each tree, True means bootstrapping of samples is used """ ho = fetch_pickle(filename) bootstrap = ho['bootstrap'] max_depth = ho['max_depth'] max_features = ho['max_features'] min_samples_leaf = ho['min_samples_leaf'] min_samples_split = ho['min_samples_split'] n_estimators = ho['n_estimators'] return n_estimators, max_depth, min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf, max_features, bootstrap def read_molecule_excel(filename, sheet_smiles_y_id = 'SMILES', column_smiles = 'SMILES ', column_y = 'MIC VALUE (Y VALUE)', column_id = 'No.', column_class = 'Class', column_name = 'NAME', sheet_features = ['1k','2k','3k','4k','5k','300'], start_column_features = 2): """ Reads molecule ID, output to be optimized, and features from the given sheets of the given Excel file, and outputs them as a single DataFrame. Parameters: filename (str): Filename of the dataset Excel file. sheet_smiles_y_idx (str,optional): To do column_smiles (str,optional): To do column_y (str,optional): To do column_id (str,optional): To do sheet_features ([str],optional): To do start_column_features (int,optional): To do Returns: dataset_original (df): Dataframe with molecules on each row, and columns in this order: [Idx, y value, feature0, feature1, ...] """ datasets = pd.read_excel(filename, sheet_name = [sheet_smiles_y_id].extend( sheet_features), na_values='na', convert_float = False) if column_class is not None: dataset_original = (datasets[sheet_smiles_y_id]).loc[:, [column_id, column_name, column_class, column_smiles, column_y]] else: dataset_original = (datasets[sheet_smiles_y_id]).loc[:, [column_id, column_name, column_smiles, column_y]] for i in range(len(sheet_features)): dataset_original = pd.concat([dataset_original, datasets[sheet_features[i] ].iloc[:, start_column_features::]], axis=1) return dataset_original # Old version, might still be in use somewhere. Doesn't have regressors as output. ''' def analyze_RF_for_multiple_seeds(list_X, list_y, ho_params = None, n_seeds = 20, save_pickle = False, bar_plot = True, groups = None, groups_only_for_plotting = False, test_proportion = 0.21, top_n = 20, plotting=True): n_datasets = len(list_X) # Let's repeat y stratification. At the same, let's create a dataset for # RF hyperparameter optimization. R2_all2 = np.zeros((n_seeds,n_datasets)) RMSE_all2 = np.zeros((n_seeds,n_datasets)) top_features_all2 = [[None]*n_seeds]*n_datasets features_all2 = [[None]*n_seeds]*n_datasets X_tests = [[None]*n_seeds]*n_datasets y_tests = [[None]*n_seeds]*n_datasets X_trains = [[None]*n_seeds]*n_datasets y_trains = [[None]*n_seeds]*n_datasets filenames = ['X_tests_imp', 'y_tests_imp', 'X_tests', 'y_tests', 'X_trains_imp', 'y_trains_imp', 'X_trains', 'y_trains'] for j in range(n_datasets): if ho_params is not None: n_estimators = ho_params[j]['n_estimators'] max_depth = ho_params[j]['max_depth'] min_samples_split = ho_params[j]['min_samples_split'] min_samples_leaf = ho_params[j]['min_samples_leaf'] max_features = ho_params[j]['max_features'] bootstrap = ho_params[j]['bootstrap'] for i in range(n_seeds): if ho_params is None: feature_weights, top_feature_weights, regressor, R2, RMSE, scaler_test, X_test, y_test, y_pred, X_train, y_train = RF_feature_analysis( list_X[j], list_y[j], groups=groups, groups_only_for_plotting = groups_only_for_plotting, test_indices = None, test_proportion = test_proportion, top_n = top_n, i='', random_state = i, sample_weighing = False, plotting=plotting) else: feature_weights, top_feature_weights, regressor, R2, RMSE, scaler_test, X_test, y_test, y_pred, X_train, y_train = RF_feature_analysis( list_X[j], list_y[j], groups=groups, groups_only_for_plotting = groups_only_for_plotting, test_indices = None, test_proportion = test_proportion, top_n = top_n, i='', random_state = i, sample_weighing = False, n_estimators=n_estimators, max_depth=max_depth, min_samples_split=min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf, max_features=max_features, bootstrap=bootstrap, plotting=plotting) R2_all2[i,j] = R2 RMSE_all2[i,j] = RMSE top_features_all2[j][i] = top_feature_weights.copy() features_all2[j][i] = feature_weights.copy() X_tests[j][i] = X_test.copy() y_tests[j][i] = y_test.copy() X_trains[j][i] = X_train.copy() y_trains[j][i] = y_train.copy() #if (i == 0) and (j==0): # top_feature_weights2 = top_feature_weights #if (i == 0) and (j==1): # top_feature_weights_imp2 = top_feature_weights_imp print('R2 and RMSE for dataset ', j, ': ', R2_all2[:,j], RMSE_all2[:,j]) print('Mean: ', np.mean(R2_all2[:,j]), np.mean(RMSE_all2[:,j])) print('Std: ', np.std(R2_all2[:,j]), np.std(RMSE_all2[:,j])) print('Min: ', np.min(R2_all2[:,j]), np.min(RMSE_all2[:,j])) print('Max: ', np.max(R2_all2[:,j]), np.max(RMSE_all2[:,j])) if save_pickle == True: # Pickles for HO: if j == 0: save_to_pickle(X_tests, filenames[2]) save_to_pickle(y_tests, filenames[3]) save_to_pickle(X_trains, filenames[6]) save_to_pickle(y_trains, filenames[7]) if j == 1: save_to_pickle(X_tests, filenames[0]) save_to_pickle(y_tests, filenames[1]) save_to_pickle(X_trains, filenames[4]) save_to_pickle(y_trains, filenames[5]) # Plot the results. Compare feature weights of two methods. E.g., here the top # 50 feature weights of FilteredImportant dataset are compared to the top 50 # feature weights of the Filtered dataset. if (bar_plot == True) and (n_datasets>1): compare_features_barplot(top_features_all2[0][0], top_features_all2[1][0]) return R2_all2, RMSE_all2, top_features_all2, features_all2, X_tests, y_tests, X_trains, y_trains ''' def analyze_RF_for_multiple_seeds(list_X, list_y, ho_params = None, n_seeds = 20, save_pickle = False, bar_plot = True, groups = None, groups_only_for_plotting = False, test_proportion = 0.21, top_n = 20, plotting=True, saveas = None, title=True): n_datasets = len(list_X) # Let's repeat y stratification. At the same, let's create a dataset for # RF hyperparameter optimization. R2_all2 = np.zeros((n_seeds,n_datasets)) RMSE_all2 = np.zeros((n_seeds,n_datasets)) top_features_all2 = [] features_all2 = [] X_tests = [] y_tests = [] X_trains = [] y_trains = [] regressors = [] filenames = ['X_tests_imp', 'y_tests_imp', 'X_tests', 'y_tests', 'X_trains_imp', 'y_trains_imp', 'X_trains', 'y_trains'] for j in range(n_datasets): if ho_params is not None: n_estimators = ho_params[j]['n_estimators'] max_depth = ho_params[j]['max_depth'] min_samples_split = ho_params[j]['min_samples_split'] min_samples_leaf = ho_params[j]['min_samples_leaf'] max_features = ho_params[j]['max_features'] bootstrap = ho_params[j]['bootstrap'] max_samples = ho_params[j]['max_samples'] top_features_temp = [] features_temp = [] X_tests_temp = [] y_tests_temp = [] X_trains_temp = [] y_trains_temp = [] regressors_temp = [] if title is not None: title_temp = True else: title_temp = None for i in range(n_seeds): if saveas is not None: saveas_temp = saveas+str(i) else: saveas_temp = saveas if ho_params is None: feature_weights, top_feature_weights, regressor, R2, RMSE, scaler_test, X_test, y_test, y_pred, X_train, y_train = RF_feature_analysis( list_X[j], list_y[j], groups=groups, groups_only_for_plotting = groups_only_for_plotting, test_indices = None, test_proportion = test_proportion, top_n = top_n, i='', random_state = i, sample_weighing = False, plotting=plotting, saveas = saveas_temp, title = title_temp) else: feature_weights, top_feature_weights, regressor, R2, RMSE, scaler_test, X_test, y_test, y_pred, X_train, y_train = RF_feature_analysis( list_X[j], list_y[j], groups=groups, groups_only_for_plotting = groups_only_for_plotting, test_indices = None, test_proportion = test_proportion, top_n = top_n, i='', random_state = i, sample_weighing = False, n_estimators=n_estimators, max_depth=max_depth, min_samples_split=min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf, max_features=max_features, bootstrap=bootstrap, plotting=plotting, saveas = saveas_temp, title = title_temp, max_samples = max_samples) R2_all2[i,j] = R2 RMSE_all2[i,j] = RMSE top_features_temp.append(top_feature_weights.copy()) features_temp.append(feature_weights.copy()) X_tests_temp.append(X_test.copy()) y_tests_temp.append(y_test.copy()) X_trains_temp.append(X_train.copy()) y_trains_temp.append(y_train.copy()) regressors_temp.append(regressor) top_features_all2.append(top_features_temp) features_all2.append(features_temp) X_tests.append(X_tests_temp) y_tests.append(y_tests_temp) X_trains.append(X_trains_temp) y_trains.append(y_trains_temp) regressors.append(regressors_temp) print('R2 and RMSE for dataset ', j, ': ', R2_all2[:,j], RMSE_all2[:,j]) print('Mean: ', np.mean(R2_all2[:,j]), np.mean(RMSE_all2[:,j])) print('Std: ', np.std(R2_all2[:,j]), np.std(RMSE_all2[:,j])) print('Min: ', np.min(R2_all2[:,j]), np.min(RMSE_all2[:,j])) print('Max: ', np.max(R2_all2[:,j]), np.max(RMSE_all2[:,j])) if save_pickle == True: # Pickles for HO: if j == 0: save_to_pickle(X_tests, filenames[2]) save_to_pickle(y_tests, filenames[3]) save_to_pickle(X_trains, filenames[6]) save_to_pickle(y_trains, filenames[7]) if j == 1: save_to_pickle(X_tests, filenames[0]) save_to_pickle(y_tests, filenames[1]) save_to_pickle(X_trains, filenames[4]) save_to_pickle(y_trains, filenames[5]) # Plot the results. Compare feature weights of two methods. E.g., here the top # 50 feature weights of FilteredImportant dataset are compared to the top 50 # feature weights of the Filtered dataset. if (bar_plot == True) and (n_datasets>1): compare_features_barplot(top_features_all2[0][0], top_features_all2[1][0]) return R2_all2, RMSE_all2, top_features_all2, features_all2, X_tests, y_tests, X_trains, y_trains, regressors def compare_features_barplot(feature_weights1, feature_weights2, filename_fig = None, title=None): features_to_append = feature_weights2.copy() rf_features_for_plots = feature_weights1.copy() rf_features_for_plots = rf_features_for_plots.append(features_to_append, sort=False, ignore_index = True) rf_features_for_plots=pd.melt(rf_features_for_plots.reset_index(), value_vars=rf_features_for_plots.columns, id_vars = 'index') plt.figure() sn.barplot(x='value', y='variable', hue='index', data = rf_features_for_plots) if title is not None: plt.title(title) if filename_fig is not None: plt.savefig(filename_fig+'.png') plt.savefig(filename_fig+'.pdf') plt.savefig(filename_fig+'.svg') return None # The following functions are meant for functionalizing the feature selection code. Not used in this file. def clean_mics(dataset, y_column): # Replace e.g. '>128' with 128*2 in y data (in column 2). idx = dataset[dataset.iloc[:,y_column].str.find('>')==0].index y_column_label = dataset.columns[y_column] dataset.loc[idx,y_column_label] = dataset.loc[idx,y_column_label].str[1::] dataset.loc[:,y_column_label] = np.double(dataset.loc[:,y_column_label]) # Approximate "MIC>X" values with the next highest available MIC value (2*X). dataset.loc[idx, y_column_label] = dataset.loc[idx, y_column_label]*2 # Drop rows with y data nan, and columns with any nan. dataset = dataset.dropna(axis=0, how='all', subset=[y_column_label]) dataset = dataset.dropna(axis=1, how='any') if (y_column_label != 'MIC VALUE (Y VALUE)') and (y_column_label != 'log2mic'): warnings.warn('Dataset is not as expected. Check that everything is ok.') return dataset def logmic(dataset, y_column): # First, take log from Y feature. dataset.iloc[:,y_column] = np.log2(dataset.iloc[:,y_column]) return dataset def corrMatrix(dataset, y_column, corrMethod='spearman'): corrMatrix = dataset.iloc[:,y_column::].corr(method=corrMethod) return corrMatrix def var_filtering(dataset, y_column, variance_limit=0.1, plotCorrMatrix = True, corrMethod = 'spearman'): corrMatrixInitial = dataset.iloc[:,y_column::].corr(method=corrMethod) if plotCorrMatrix == True: plot_heatmap(corrMatrixInitial, 'Initial dataset: ' + str(corrMatrixInitial.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') print('Initial dataset: ' + str(corrMatrixInitial.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') # Drop constant features (note: this goes through also the No., SMILES, and y # value columns but it shouldn't be a problem because they are not constants) # Not needed anymore after variance filtering is implemented. # dataset = dataset.drop(columns=dataset.columns[(dataset == dataset.iloc[0,:]).all()]) # Drop almost constant features (do not check No, SMILES, y value columns). idx_boolean = [False]*(y_column) idx_boolean.append(True) idx_boolean.extend(((np.var(dataset.iloc[:,(y_column+1)::])/np.mean(dataset.iloc[:,(y_column+1)::]))>variance_limit).values) #Numpy booleans here instead of python booleans, is it ok? corrMatrixVar = dataset.iloc[:,idx_boolean].corr(method=corrMethod) if plotCorrMatrix == True: plot_heatmap(corrMatrixVar, 'After dropping constant or almost constant descriptors: ' + str(corrMatrixVar.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') print('After dropping constant or almost constant descriptors: ' + str(corrMatrixVar.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') return corrMatrixInitial, corrMatrixVar def cor_filtering(dataset, y_column, filterWithCorrMatrix = False, corrMatrixForFiltering = None, plotCorrMatrix = True, corrMethod = 'spearman', corr_limit1 = 0.9, corr_limit2 = 0.05): # Full correlation matrix with corrMatrixForFiltering taken into account. if filterWithCorrMatrix == False: corrMatrix = dataset.iloc[:,y_column::].corr(method=corrMethod)#'pearson')# else: corrMatrix = (dataset.loc[:,corrMatrixForFiltering.columns]).corr(method=corrMethod)# if plotCorrMatrix == True: plot_heatmap(corrMatrix, 'After dropping constant or almost constant descriptors: ' + str(corrMatrix.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') print('After dropping constant or almost constant descriptors: ' + str(corrMatrix.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') ''' # See which features correlate with Y more than others. corrMatrixImportant = corrMatrix.loc[:,(np.abs(corrMatrix.iloc[0,:])>0.01).values] plot_heatmap(corrMatrixImportant) # --> Still a lot of correlating features. ''' # Next, we want to drop features correlating too much with each other. # Mask upper triangle to drop only the other one of each two correlated features. corr_limit = corr_limit1 # Final value: 0.95 tri_corrMatrix = pd.DataFrame(np.triu(corrMatrix,1), index = corrMatrix.index, columns = corrMatrix.columns) # List column names of highly correlated features. to_drop = [c for c in tri_corrMatrix.columns if any(np.abs(tri_corrMatrix[c]) > corr_limit)] # And drop them. corrMatrixCorX = corrMatrix.drop(columns = to_drop, index = to_drop) if plotCorrMatrix == True: plot_heatmap(corrMatrixCorX, 'After filtering out highly correlated descriptors (limit ' + str(corr_limit) + ': ' + str(corrMatrixCorX.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') print('After filtering out highly correlated descriptors (limit ' + str(corr_limit) + ': ' + str(corrMatrixCorX.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') # See again which of the remaining features correlate with Y. corr_limit = corr_limit2 # Final values: 0.025 corrMatrixCor = corrMatrixCorX.loc[(np.abs( corrMatrixCorX.iloc[0,:])>corr_limit).values,(np.abs( corrMatrixCorX.iloc[0,:])>corr_limit).values] if plotCorrMatrix == True: plot_heatmap(corrMatrixCor, 'Correlation with Y higher than ' + str(corr_limit) + ': ' + str(corrMatrixCor.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors')#, True) print('Correlation with Y higher than ' + str(corr_limit) + ': ' + str(corrMatrixCor.shape[0]-1) + ' descriptors') # --> results in top75 features. return corrMatrix, corrMatrixCorX, corrMatrixCor def pick_xy_from_columnlist(dataset, columnlist): y = pd.DataFrame(dataset.loc[:,columnlist[0]]) X = dataset.loc[:,columnlist[1::]] return X, y def pick_xy_from_corrmatrix(dataset, corrMatrix): X,y = pick_xy_from_columnlist(dataset, corrMatrix.columns) return X, y def define_groups_yvalue(y): # RF with y value stratification. groups_yvalue = y.copy() groups_yvalue[y<3] = 1 groups_yvalue[y>6] = 3 groups_yvalue[(y>=3)&(y<=6)] = 2 groups_yvalue = groups_yvalue.squeeze() return groups_yvalue def dropHighErrorSamples(y, X, dataset, groups = None, rmse_lim = 3.5): # 1 sample at a time as a test set for 10 seeds. This will be utilized for # dropping the moleculest with the largest test set error. R2_all1 = np.zeros((y.shape[0],10)) RMSE_all1 = np.zeros((y.shape[0],10)) top_feature_weights_all1 = [[None]*10]*y.shape[0] for i in range(10): for j in range(y.shape[0]): test_indices = y.index == y.index[j] feature_weights_1, top_feature_weights_all1[j][i], regressor1, R21, RMSE1, scaler_test1, X_test1, y_test1, y_pred1, X_train1, y_train1 = RF_feature_analysis( X, y, groups=None, test_indices = test_indices, test_proportion = 0.2, top_n = 15, i='', random_state = i, sample_weighing = False, plotting = False) print(R21, RMSE1) print(top_feature_weights_all1[j][i].columns) # R2 should not be used for 1 sample. To do: remove R2_all1[j,i] = R21 RMSE_all1[j,i] = RMSE1 print('R2 and RMSE with single-molecule test sets: ', R2_all1, RMSE_all1) print('Mean: ', np.mean(R2_all1), np.mean(RMSE_all1)) print('Std: ', np.std(R2_all1), np.std(RMSE_all1)) print('Min: ', np.min(R2_all1), np.min(RMSE_all1)) print('Max: ', np.max(R2_all1), np.max(RMSE_all1)) single_mol_rmse = np.mean(RMSE_all1, axis=1) print('There are ', np.sum(single_mol_rmse>rmse_lim), ' molecules with RMSE>', rmse_lim, '. These will be dropped from the analysis.') print(dataset.loc[single_mol_rmse>=rmse_lim, ['no', 'name', 'log2mic']])#, 'Class']]) X = X[single_mol_rmse<rmse_lim] y = y[single_mol_rmse<rmse_lim] dataset_new = dataset[single_mol_rmse<rmse_lim] if groups is not None: groups = groups[single_mol_rmse<rmse_lim] else: groups = None return X, y, dataset_new, groups if __name__ == "__main__": #plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12}) #plt.rcParams.update({'font.sans-serif': 'Arial', '': 'sans-serif'}) mystyle = FigureDefaults('nature_comp_mat_dc') ############################################################################### # BLOCK 0: INPUT VARIABLES ############################################################################### # Dataset #dataset_original = pd.read_excel(r'./03132020 5K descriptors of 101 COE.xlsx', # na_values='na', convert_float = False) filename = '07032020 updates 5k descriptors classes.xlsx' y_column = 4 # The code assumes features start after y data column. dataset_original = read_molecule_excel(filename, column_class='Class')#'Simplified Class') seed = 8 test_proportion = 0.1 # Pickle files that contain round 1 optimized hyperparameters for random forest # regression (will be needed in block 2 of the code). pickle_ho_incorr_features = 'HO_result_5K_incorrelated_features' pickle_ho_incorr_features_imp = 'HO_result_5K_incorrelated_important_features' # Pickle files that contain round 2 optimized hyperparameters for random forest # regression (will be needed in block 3 of the code). pickle_ho_incorr_features2 = 'HO_result_5K_incorrelated_features_ho1' pickle_ho_incorr_features_imp2 = 'HO_result_5K_incorrelated_important_features_ho1' ############################################################################### # BLOCK 1: DATA FILTERING ############################################################################### # Filtering data utilizing correlation matrices. Removing constant and almost # constant values. Scaling to 0 mean and unit variance. Y data is treated as # log2(Y). ''' plot_heatmap(dataset_original.iloc[:,y_column::].corr(), title = 'Starting point: ' + str(dataset_original.shape[1]-y_column-1) + ' features') ''' dataset = dataset_original.copy() # Replace e.g. '>128' with 128*2 in y data (in column 2). idx = dataset[dataset.iloc[:,y_column].str.find('>')==0].index dataset.iloc[idx,y_column] = dataset.iloc[idx,y_column].str[1::] dataset.iloc[:,y_column] = np.double(dataset.iloc[:,y_column])*2 # Drop rows with y data nan, and columns with any nan. dataset = dataset.dropna(axis=0, how='all', subset=[dataset.columns[y_column]]) dataset = dataset.dropna(axis=1, how='any') if dataset.columns[y_column] != 'MIC VALUE (Y VALUE)': warnings.warn('Dataset is not as expected. Check that everything is ok.') # Initial correlation matrix. # --> A lot of ones there. --> needs filtering. # Also different scales in the dataset --> needs scaling. corrMatrixInitial = dataset.iloc[:,y_column::].corr() '''plot_heatmap(corrMatrixInitial, title = 'After dropping NaNs: ' + str(corrMatrixInitial.shape[0]-1) + ' features') ''' # First, take log from Y feature. dataset.iloc[:,y_column] = np.log2(dataset.iloc[:,y_column]) # Drop constant features (note: this goes through also the No., SMILES, and y # value columns but it shouldn't be a problem because they are not constants) dataset = dataset.drop(columns=dataset.columns[(dataset == dataset.iloc[0,:]).all()]) # Drop almost constant features (do not check No, SMILES, y value columns). idx_boolean = [True]*(y_column+1) idx_boolean.extend(((np.var(dataset.iloc[:,(y_column+1)::])/np.mean(dataset.iloc[:,(y_column+1)::]))>0.1).values) dataset = dataset.iloc[:,idx_boolean] # Spearman might be affected by certain scaling operations, showing # correlations where it doesn't exist. RF is not affected by scaling. # So let's not use it for now. ''' # Scale the whole dataset. (It doesn't actually seem to affect correlation # matrix. TO DO: Check and remove if true.) dataset_scaled = dataset.copy() # Remove the mean and scale to unit variance. scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler() #Other tested options: PowerTransformer()#MinMaxScaler() # Scale. dataset_scaled.iloc[:,(y_column+1)::] = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform( dataset_scaled.iloc[:,(y_column+1)::]), columns=dataset_scaled.iloc[:,(y_column+1)::].columns, index=dataset_scaled.iloc[:,(y_column+1)::].index) # Full correlation matrix corrMatrix = dataset_scaled.iloc[:,y_column::].corr(method='spearman')#'pearson')# plot_heatmap(corrMatrix, 'After dropping constant or almost constant features: ' + str(corrMatrix.shape[0]-1) + ' features') ''' # Full correlation matrix corrMatrix = dataset.iloc[:,y_column::].corr(method='spearman')#'pearson')# '''plot_heatmap(corrMatrix, 'After dropping constant or almost constant features: ' + str(corrMatrix.shape[0]-1) + ' features') ''' ''' # See which features correlate with Y more than others. corrMatrixImportant = corrMatrix.loc[:,(np.abs(corrMatrix.iloc[0,:])>0.01).values] plot_heatmap(corrMatrixImportant) # --> Still a lot of correlating features. ''' # Next, we want to drop features correlating too much with each other. # Mask upper triangle to drop only the other one of each two correlated features. corr_limit = 0.9 # Final value: 0.95 tri_corrMatrix = pd.DataFrame(np.triu(corrMatrix,1), index = corrMatrix.index, columns = corrMatrix.columns) # List column names of highly correlated features. to_drop = [c for c in tri_corrMatrix.columns if any(np.abs(tri_corrMatrix[c]) > corr_limit)] # And drop them. corrMatrixFiltered = corrMatrix.drop(columns = to_drop, index = to_drop) '''plot_heatmap(corrMatrixFiltered, 'After filtering out highly correlated features (limit ' + str(corr_limit) + ': ' + str(corrMatrixFiltered.shape[0]-1) + ' features') ''' # See again which of the remaining features correlate with Y. corr_limit = 0.05 # Final values: 0.025 corrMatrixFilteredImportant = corrMatrixFiltered.loc[(np.abs( corrMatrixFiltered.iloc[0,:])>corr_limit).values,(np.abs( corrMatrixFiltered.iloc[0,:])>corr_limit).values] '''plot_heatmap(corrMatrixFilteredImportant, 'Correlation with Y higher than ' + str(corr_limit) + ': ' + str(corrMatrixFilteredImportant.shape[0]-1) + ' features')#, True) # --> results in top75 features. ''' ############################################################################### # BLOCK 2: RF WITHOUT HO ############################################################################### # Let's do Random Forest for purpose of selecting most important features. ############################################################################### # Default RF for the FilteredImportant features (top 75): # Data # We are not using dataset_scaled because scaling needs to be done separately # for train and test sets. y_imp = pd.DataFrame(dataset.loc[:,corrMatrixFilteredImportant.columns[0]]) X_imp = dataset.loc[:,corrMatrixFilteredImportant.columns[1::]] y =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.util.testing as tm import pytest import as web pytestmark = pytest.mark.stable class TestEurostat(object): def test_get_ert_h_eur_a(self): # Former euro area national currencies vs. euro/ECU # annual data (ert_h_eur_a) df = web.DataReader( "ert_h_eur_a", "eurostat", start=pd.Timestamp("2009-01-01"), end=pd.Timestamp("2010-01-01"), ) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) header = df.columns.levels[0][0] currencies = ["Italian lira", "Lithuanian litas"] df = df[header] df = df["Average"][currencies] exp_col = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [currencies, ["Annual"]], names=["CURRENCY", "FREQ"] ) exp_idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(["2009-01-01", "2010-01-01"], name="TIME_PERIOD") values = np.array([[1936.27, 3.4528], [1936.27, 3.4528]]) expected = pd.DataFrame(values, index=exp_idx, columns=exp_col) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_get_sts_cobp_a(self): # Building permits - annual data (2010 = 100) df = web.DataReader( "sts_cobp_a", "eurostat", start=
"""Module for running decoding experiments.""" from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd from joblib import Parallel, delayed from sklearn.model_selection import BaseCrossValidator import pte_decode def run_experiment( feature_root: Union[Path, str], feature_files: Union[ Path, str, list[Path], list[str], list[Union[Path, str]] ], n_jobs: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> list[Optional[pte_decode.Experiment]]: """Run prediction experiment with given number of files.""" if not feature_files: raise ValueError("No feature files specified.") if not isinstance(feature_files, list): feature_files = [feature_files] if len(feature_files) == 1 or n_jobs in (0, 1): return [ _run_single_experiment( feature_root=feature_root, feature_file=feature_file, **kwargs, ) for feature_file in feature_files ] return [ Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_run_single_experiment)( feature_root=feature_root, feature_file=feature_file, **kwargs ) for feature_file in feature_files ) ] # type: ignore def _run_single_experiment( feature_root: Union[Path, str], feature_file: Union[Path, str], classifier: str, label_channels: Sequence[str], target_begin: Union[str, int, float], target_end: Union[str, int, float], optimize: bool, balancing: Optional[str], out_root: Union[Path, str], use_channels: str, feature_keywords: Sequence, cross_validation: BaseCrossValidator, plot_target_channels: list[str], scoring: str = "balanced_accuracy", artifact_channels=None, bad_epochs_path: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, pred_mode: str = "classify", pred_begin: Union[int, float] = -3.0, pred_end: Union[int, float] = 2.0, use_times: int = 1, dist_onset: Union[int, float] = 2.0, dist_end: Union[int, float] = 2.0, excep_dist_end: Union[int, float] = 0.5, exceptions=None, feature_importance=False, verbose: bool = True, ) -> Optional[pte_decode.Experiment]: """Run experiment with single file.""" import pte # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from py_neuromodulation import ( nm_analysis, ) # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel print("Using file: ", feature_file) # Read features using py_neuromodulation nm_reader = nm_analysis.Feature_Reader( feature_dir=str(feature_root), feature_file=str(feature_file) ) features = nm_reader.feature_arr settings = nm_reader.settings sidecar = nm_reader.sidecar # Pick label for classification try: label = _get_column_picks( column_picks=label_channels, features=features, ) except ValueError as error: print(error, "Discarding file: {feature_file}") return None # Handle bad events file bad_epochs_df = pte.filetools.get_bad_epochs( bad_epochs_dir=bad_epochs_path, filename=feature_file ) bad_epochs = bad_epochs_df.event_id.to_numpy() * 2 # Pick target for plotting predictions target_series = _get_column_picks( column_picks=plot_target_channels, features=features, ) features_df = get_feature_df(features, feature_keywords, use_times) # Pick artifact channel if artifact_channels: artifacts = _get_column_picks( column_picks=artifact_channels, features=features, ).to_numpy() else: artifacts = None # Generate output file name out_path = _generate_outpath( out_root, feature_file, classifier, target_begin, target_end, use_channels, optimize, use_times, ) dist_end = _handle_exception_files( fullpath=out_path, dist_end=dist_end, excep_dist_end=excep_dist_end, exception_files=exceptions, ) side = "right" if "R_" in str(out_path) else "left" decoder = pte_decode.get_decoder( classifier=classifier, scoring=scoring, balancing=balancing, optimize=optimize, ) # Initialize Experiment instance experiment = pte_decode.Experiment( features=features_df, plotting_target=target_series, pred_label=label, ch_names=sidecar["ch_names"], decoder=decoder, side=side, artifacts=artifacts, bad_epochs=bad_epochs, sfreq=settings["sampling_rate_features"], scoring=scoring, feature_importance=feature_importance, target_begin=target_begin, target_end=target_end, dist_onset=dist_onset, dist_end=dist_end, use_channels=use_channels, pred_mode=pred_mode, pred_begin=pred_begin, pred_end=pred_end, cv_outer=cross_validation, verbose=verbose, ) experiment.save_results(path=out_path) # experiment.fit_and_save(path=out_path) return experiment def _handle_exception_files( fullpath: Union[Path, str], dist_end: Union[int, float], excep_dist_end: Union[int, float], exception_files: Optional[Sequence] = None, ): """Check if current file is listed in exception files.""" if exception_files: if any(exc in str(fullpath) for exc in exception_files): print("Exception file recognized: ", Path(fullpath).name) return excep_dist_end return dist_end def _generate_outpath( root: Union[Path, str], feature_file: Union[Path, str], classifier: str, target_begin: Union[str, int, float], target_end: Union[str, int, float], use_channels: str, optimize: bool, use_times: int, ) -> Path: """Generate file name for output files.""" if target_begin == 0.0: target_begin = "trial_begin" if target_end == 0.0: target_end = "trial_begin" target_str = "_".join(("decode", str(target_begin), str(target_end))) clf_str = "_".join(("model", classifier)) ch_str = "_".join(("chs", use_channels)) opt_str = "yes_opt" if optimize else "no_opt" feat_str = "_".join(("feats", str(use_times * 100), "ms")) out_name = "_".join((target_str, clf_str, ch_str, opt_str, feat_str)) return Path(root, out_name, feature_file, feature_file) def get_feature_df( data: pd.DataFrame, feature_keywords: Sequence, use_times: int = 1 ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract features to use from given DataFrame.""" column_picks = [ col for col in data.columns if any(pick in col for pick in feature_keywords) ] used_features = data[column_picks] # Initialize list of features to use features = [ used_features.rename( columns={col: col + "_100_ms" for col in used_features.columns} ) ] # Use additional features from previous time points # use_times = 1 means no features from previous time points are # being used for use_time in np.arange(1, use_times): features.append( used_features.shift(use_time, axis=0).rename( columns={ col: col + "_" + str((use_time + 1) * 100) + "_ms" for col in used_features.columns } ) ) # Return final features dataframe return
pd.concat(features, axis=1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import click import pandas as pd from src.libs.bookmaker import BookMaker from sqlalchemy import create_engine import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() @click.command() @click.option('--model', default='mlp_1') @click.option('--strategy', default='value_bet_0.5') def main(model='mlp_1', strategy='value_bet_0.5'): """ :param bet_file: :return: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3''Load bets: model={model}, strategy={strategy}'.format(model=model, strategy=strategy)) db = create_engine("mysql://root@localhost/football_data") bet = pd.read_sql(sql="select MATCH_ID, bH, bD, bA from match_bet where MODEL = '{model}' and STRATEGY = '{strategy}'" .format(model=model, strategy=strategy), con=db) matches =
pd.read_sql(sql="select MATCH_ID, BbAvH, BbAvD, BbAvA, FTR from matches", con=db)
# Do some analytics on Shopify transactions. import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timedelta class Analytics: def __init__(self, filename: str, datetime_now, refund_window: int): raw = pd.read_csv(filename) clean = raw[raw['Status'].isin(['success'])] # Filter down to successful transactions only. # Filter down to Sales only. sales = clean[clean['Kind'].isin(['sale'])].rename(columns={'Amount': 'Sales'}) refunds = clean[clean['Kind'].isin(['refund'])] # Filter down to Refunds only. # Make a table with total refunds paid for each 'Name'. total_refunds = refunds.groupby('Name')['Amount'].sum().reset_index(name='Refunds') # Join the Sales and Refunds tables together. sales_and_refunds =
pd.merge(sales, total_refunds, on='Name', how='outer')
#web scrapping libraries from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import requests from selenium import webdriver from import ChromeDriverManager from import Options #data processing libraries import fsspec import os import folium import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from pyproj import CRS, Transformer import utm import rasterio as rio from rasterio import features from rasterio import warp from rasterio import windows from rasterio.enums import Resampling import torch.nn as nn from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #planetary computer libraries from pystac_client import Client from pystac.extensions.raster import RasterExtension as raster import planetary_computer as pc from pystac.extensions.eo import EOExtension as eo from import BlobClient import stackstac import traceback import sys sys.path.append('/content') from src.utils import normalized_diff BANDS_10M = ['AOT', 'B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'WVP'] BANDS_20M = ['B05', 'B06', 'B07', 'B8A', 'B11', "B12"] EMPTY_METADATA_DICT = { "mean_viewing_azimuth": np.nan, "mean_viewing_zenith": np.nan, "mean_solar_azimuth": np.nan, "mean_solar_zenith": np.nan, "sensing_time": pd.NaT } BAD_USGS_COLS = ["Instantaneous computed discharge (cfs)_x", "Instantaneous computed discharge (cfs)_y"] class USGS_Water_DB: """A custom class for storing for querying the data portal and storing data to Pandas DataFrame format. """ def __init__(self, verbose=False): """Initializes the class to create web driver set source url. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool Sets the verbosity of the web scrapping query. """ self.source_url = '' self.verbose = verbose self.create_driver() def create_driver(self): chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install(), options=chrome_options) self.driver = driver def get_station_df(self): soup = self.get_url_text(self.source_url) js = str(soup.findAll('script')[6]) marker_text_raw = js.split('L.marker')[1:-1] self.station_df = pd.concat([self.get_marker_info(m) for m in marker_text_raw]).reset_index(drop=True) def get_url_text(self, url): self.driver.get(url) result = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False) if result.status_code==200: if self.verbose: print(f'Data found at {url}!') soup = bs(result.text, 'html.parser') return soup else: if self.verbose: print(f'{url} response not 202!') return None def process_soup(self, soup): data_raw = str(soup).split('\n') data_raw = [elem for elem in data_raw if not ('#' in elem)] data_split = [d.split('\t') for d in data_raw] y = (i for i,v in enumerate(data_split) if ('' in v)) stop = next(y) cols = data_split[0] units = data_split[1] columns = [f'{c} ({u})' if ' ' not in u else f'{c}' for c,u in zip(cols,units) ] data = data_split[2:stop] df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns) return df def get_marker_info(self, marker_text): site_no = marker_text.split('site_no=')[1].split('>')[0].replace('"','') point = [float(p) for p in marker_text.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(',')] lat = point[0] lon = point[1] site_name = marker_text.split('<hr>')[1].split('<br')[0] df = pd.DataFrame([{'site_no':site_no,'site_name':site_name,'Latitude':lat,'Longitude':lon}]) return gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df.Longitude,df.Latitude)) class USGS_Station: """A custom class for storing USGS Station data. Specific functions collect station instantaneous and modeled discharge and suspended sediment concentration. """ def __init__(self, site_no, instantaneous=False, verbose=False, year_range=np.arange(2013,2022)): """Initializes the USGS_Station class based on user-provided parameters. Parameters ---------- site_no : str The 8 digit USGS station site number that is zero padded. instantaneous : bool Sets data query for instantaneous recorded data only. verbose : bool Sets the query verbosity. year_range : numpy int array Numpy array of year range to search. """ self.site_no = site_no self.instantaneous = instantaneous self.verbose = verbose self.year_range = year_range self.create_driver() def create_driver(self): chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install(), options=chrome_options) def get_water_url(self, attribute, year): pcode_list = {'discharge':'00060',\ 'turbidity':'63680',\ 'temperature':'00010',\ 'dissolved_oxygen':'00300',\ 'ssd':'99409'} url_header = '' timestep = 'uv' period = f'{year}_all' l = {'url_header':url_header, 'site_no':self.site_no, 'timestep':timestep} l['period'] = period l['pcode'] = pcode_list[attribute] url = f"{l['url_header']}site_no={l['site_no']}&pcode={l['pcode']}&period={l['period']}&timestep={l['timestep']}&format=rdb&is_verbose=y" return url def get_url_text(self, url): self.driver.get(url) result = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False) if result.status_code==200: if self.verbose: print('Data found!') soup = bs(result.text, 'html.parser') return soup else: if self.verbose: print('Data does not exist') return None def process_soup(self,soup,attribute): #might need to update this method to include instantaneous measurements if ((self.instantaneous) & (attribute=='ssd')): data_raw = str(soup).split('Discrete (laboratory-analyzed)')[1].split('\n') data_raw = [elem for elem in data_raw if not (' data' in elem)] else: data_raw = str(soup).split('\n') data_raw = [elem for elem in data_raw if not ('#' in elem)] #could use regex here.. data_split = [d.split('\t') for d in data_raw] y = (i for i,v in enumerate(data_split) if ('' in v)) stop = next(y) cols = data_split[0] units = data_split[1] columns = [f'{c} ({u})' if ' ' not in u else f'{c}' for c,u in zip(cols,units) ] data = data_split[2:stop] df =
pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Feb 18 14:22:56 2021 @author: KRS1BBH """ from ImportFilter import Importfile import pandas as pd import os, glob #get path of directory script is executed from dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) #nuk Filelist=[dirname+'/testdata/NuK/LotResultSummaryAll.csv'] product='test' recipe='test' equipment='NuK' data_object_nuk=pd.DataFrame() for file in Filelist: file_object_nuk=Importfile(equipment,product,recipe,file) file_object_nuk.read_data() data_object_nuk=data_object_nuk.append( #smv Filelist=[dirname+"/testdata/SmV/TEST.REC"] product='test' recipe='test' equipment='SmV' data_object_smv=pd.DataFrame() for file in Filelist: file_object_smv=Importfile(equipment,product,recipe,file) file_object_smv.read_data() data_object_smv=data_object_smv.append(, ignore_index=True) #elli Filelist=[dirname+"/testdata/Elli/test.txt"] product='test' recipe='test' equipment='Elli' data_object_elli=
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import numpy from pandas import DataFrame, Series, pivot_table from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import * from matplotlib import pyplot from pylie.methods.methods import hlinkage_to_treematrix from pylie.plotting import plot_matrix from pylie.model.liedataframe import LIEDataFrame, lie_deltag from pylie.model.lieseries import LIESeries from pylie.model.liebase import LIEDataFrameBase logger = logging.getLogger('pylie') DEFAULT_SCAN_COLUMN_NAMES = {'case': 'case', 'poses': 'poses', 'alpha': 'alpha', 'beta': 'beta', 'gamma': 'gamma', 'vdw': 'vdw', 'coul': 'coul', 'dg_calc': 'dg_calc', 'ref_affinity': 'ref_affinity', } class LIEScanDataFrame(LIEDataFrameBase): """ Perform an alpha/beta grid scan for provided cases. This function will systematically scan alpha/beta parameter space. The range of values for alpha and beta can be set to arbitrary start, stop and step size values. the gamma parameter is set to a fixed value. By default, an alpha/beta range between 0 and 1 with a step size of 0.01 is sampled. NOTE: the default step size is set to 0.01. Be carefull with setting smaller step sizes in particular for larger datasets where the number of scan combinations may easily explode resulting in long calculation times. The function expects Pandas DataFrame or Series objects as input. As such, the scan can be performed on a single case (a Series) or multiple cases (a DataFrame) in wich the latter may be multiple cases single pose or multiple cases multiple poses. The scan results are returned as a LIEScanDataFrame with the calculated dG values for each alpha/beta scan combination (columns) for each case (rows). Columns headers are tuples of alpha/beta values. """ _class_name = 'scan' _column_names = DEFAULT_SCAN_COLUMN_NAMES def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Class __init__ method Check input data: - Needs to be of type Pandas DataFrame or Series and contain at least <NAME> (vdw), Coulomb (coul) and Pose (poses) columns. Arguments --------- :param dataframe: 'vdw' and 'coul' data to perform the scan on. :ptype dataframe: LIEDataFrame :param max_combinations: Maximum number of alpha/beta parameter combinations that are allowed to be sampled. A safety measure to prevent long computation times. :ptype max_combinations: int, default 100000000. """ super(LIEScanDataFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _init_custom_finalize(self, **kwargs): self._declare_scan_parameters() @property def _constructor(self): return LIEScanDataFrame def _pivot_data(self, column): """ Create matrix of VdW and Coul values for every pose of every case. Use a pivot table to collect VdW and Coul values as matrix from a DataFrame. Make new (1,1) array for VdW and Coul values from a Series (only one pose). @params string column: DataFrame column name to create pivot table for @return Pivot table as new Pandas DataFrame """ if type( == LIEDataFrame: pivot =
pivot_table(, values=column, index=['case'], columns=['poses'])
"""Tests various time series functions which are used extensively in tcapy """ __author__ = 'saeedamen' # <NAME> / <EMAIL> # # Copyright 2017 Cuemacro Ltd. - http// / @cuemacro # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal from tcapy.util.timeseries import TimeSeriesOps from tcapy.util.customexceptions import * from test.config import * ticker = 'EURUSD' start_date = '20 Apr 2017' finish_date = '07 Jun 2017' def test_vlookup(): """Runs a test for the VLOOKUP function which is used extensively in a lot of the metric construction """ dt = pd.date_range(start='01 Jan 2018', end='05 Jan 2018', freq='1min') rand_data = np.random.random(len(dt)) df_before = pd.DataFrame(index=dt, columns=['rand'], data=rand_data) millseconds_tests = [100, 500] # Try perturbing by nothing, then 100 and 500 milliseconds for millseconds in millseconds_tests: df_perturb = pd.DataFrame(index=dt - timedelta(milliseconds=millseconds), columns=['rand'], data=rand_data) # Do a VLOOKUP (which should give us all the previous ones) - take off the last point (which would be AFTER # our perturbation) search, dt_search = TimeSeriesOps().vlookup_style_data_frame(dt[0:-1], df_perturb, 'rand') df_after = pd.DataFrame(index=dt_search + timedelta(milliseconds=millseconds), data=search.values, columns=['rand']) # check the search dataframes are equal assert_frame_equal(df_before[0:-1], df_after, check_dtype=False) # in this case, our lookup series doesn't overlap at all with our range, so we should get back and exception dt_lookup = pd.date_range(start='30 Dec 2017', end='31 Dec 2018', freq='1min') df_perturb = pd.DataFrame(index=dt + timedelta(milliseconds=millseconds), columns=['rand'], data=rand_data) exception_has_been_triggered = False try: search, dt_search = TimeSeriesOps().vlookup_style_data_frame(dt_lookup, df_perturb, 'rand') except ValidationException: exception_has_been_triggered = True assert (exception_has_been_triggered) def test_filter_between_days_times(): """Runs a test for the filter by time of day and day of the week, on synthetically constructed data and then checks that no data is outside those time windows """ from tcapy.analysis.tradeorderfilter import TradeOrderFilterTimeOfDayWeekMonth dt = pd.date_range(start='01 Jan 2018', end='05 Jan 2018', freq='1min') df = pd.DataFrame(index=dt, columns=['Rand'], data=np.random.random(len(dt))) df = df.tz_localize('utc') trade_order_filter = TradeOrderFilterTimeOfDayWeekMonth(time_of_day={'start_time': '07:00:00', 'finish_time': '17:00:00'}, day_of_week='mon') df = trade_order_filter.filter_trade_order(trade_order_df=df) assert (df.index[0].hour >= 7 and df.index[-1].hour <= 17 and df.index[0].dayofweek == 0) def test_remove_consecutive_duplicates(): """Tests that consecutive duplicates are removed correctly in time series """ dt =
pd.date_range(start='01 Jan 2018', end='05 Jan 2018', freq='30s')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Feb 16 23:11:56 2017 @author: Flamingo """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime import copy import sys sys.path.append('../TOOLS') from IJCAI2017_TOOL import * #%% readin shop data HOLI = pd.read_csv('../additional/HOLI.csv') HOLI = HOLI.set_index(['DATE'],drop = True) HOLI_TAB = HOLI.transpose() HOLI_TAB.columns = [str((datetime.datetime.strptime('20150626','%Y%m%d') + datetime.timedelta(days=x)).date()) for x in range( HOLI_TAB.shape[1])] #%% readin shop data PAYNW = pd.read_csv('../data/user_pay_new.csv') VIENW = pd.read_csv('../data/user_view_new.csv') PAYNW_SHOP_DATE = PAYNW.groupby(['SHOP_ID','DATE'],as_index = False).sum() PAYNW_SHOP_DATE = PAYNW_SHOP_DATE[['SHOP_ID','DATE','Num_post']] #PAYNW_TAB_FIX = pd.read_csv('FillOctober.csv') #PAYNW_TAB_FIX['DATE'] = [ (lambda x:str(datetime.datetime.strptime('2015/06/26','%Y/%m/%d').date() ) ) (x) for x in PAYNW_TAB_FIX['DATE']] # #PAYNW_SHOP_DATE = pd.concat([PAYNW_SHOP_DATE ,PAYNW_TAB_FIX],axis = 0) # # #PAYNW_SHOP_DATE = PAYNW_SHOP_DATE.drop_duplicates(subset = ['SHOP_ID','DATE'], keep = 'last') #PAYNW_SHOP_DATE = PAYNW_SHOP_DATE.sort_values(by = ['SHOP_ID','DATE']) PAYNW_SHOP_DATE.reset_index(level=0) PAYNW_TAB = pd.pivot_table(PAYNW_SHOP_DATE, values=['Num_post'], index=['SHOP_ID'],columns=['DATE'], aggfunc=np.sum) #PAYNW_TAB = pd.pivot_table(PAYNW, values=['Num_post'], index=['SHOP_ID'],columns=['DATE'], aggfunc=np.sum) PAYNW_TAB = pd.concat( [PAYNW_TAB[PAYNW_TAB.columns[0:169:1]], pd.DataFrame({'A':[np.nan],},index=np.arange(1,2001)),PAYNW_TAB[PAYNW_TAB.columns[169::1]] ], axis = 1) PAYNW_TAB.columns = [str((datetime.datetime.strptime('20150626','%Y%m%d') + datetime.timedelta(days=x)).date()) for x in range( PAYNW_TAB.shape[1])] PAYNW_TAB['2015-12-12'] = PAYNW_TAB['2015-12-13'] PAYNW_TAB_T = PAYNW_TAB.transpose() #%% shop_related_features SHOP_INFO = pd.read_csv("../external/SHOP_FEATURES_0221.csv",low_memory=False) SHOP_SC = ['SC00'] SHOP_SD = map(lambda x:'SD'+ str(x).zfill(2), np.arange(5)) SHOP_SE = map(lambda x:'SE'+ str(x).zfill(2), np.arange(1)) SHOP_SF = map(lambda x:'SF'+ str(x).zfill(2), np.arange(1)) SHOP_SG = map(lambda x:'SG'+ str(x).zfill(2), np.arange(4)) SHOP_SH = map(lambda x:'SH'+ str(x).zfill(2), np.arange(2)) SHOP_SI = [(lambda x:('SI'+ str(x).zfill(2))) (x) for x in range(10)] SHOP_SJ = map(lambda x:'SJ'+ str(x).zfill(2), np.arange(15)) SHOP_columns = SHOP_SC + SHOP_SD + SHOP_SE + SHOP_SF + SHOP_SG + SHOP_SH + SHOP_SI + SHOP_SJ #%% TRN_N = 21 TST_N = 14 TST_PAD_N = 14 + 4 end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2016-10-31','%Y-%m-%d') day_N = 494 date_list = [str((end_date- datetime.timedelta(days=x)).date()) for x in range(day_N)] date_list.reverse() #%% TRAIN = pd.DataFrame() train_date_zip = zip(date_list[0:day_N-(TRN_N+TST_N)+1],date_list[TRN_N-1:day_N-TST_N+1],date_list[TRN_N:day_N-TST_N+2], date_list[TRN_N+TST_N-1:day_N]) train_date_zip_df =