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http://render.fineartamerica.com/images/rendered/search/print/images/artworkimages/medium/1/vesuvio-bakery-in-new-york-city-christopher-oakley.jpg | Vesuvio Bakery In New York City Original by Christopher Oakley | 400 | 313 | 0.394322 | 4,000,207,815,501,448,000 | 0.000034 | 0.141947 | 9.255627 |
http://ugc-01.cafemomstatic.com/gen/constrain/500/500/80/2011/11/21/14/5a/na/poh1ec7lgc.jpg | gingerbread house | 500 | 375 | 0.33049 | 4,855,791,428,735,752,000 | 0.000073 | 0.032643 | 9.025686 |
http://image.invaluable.com/housePhotos/westbridge/31/413331/H3847-L40549856.jpg | Graham Norwell Cabin in Winter Landscape | 750 | 366 | 0.323664 | 7,234,253,485,262,219,000 | 0 | 0.525718 | 9.109652 |
Easter-Party-Ideas-12. | 1,500 | 1,500 | 0.320635 | 6,524,439,575,260,403,000 | 0.000025 | 0.122014 | 9.41509 |
a tour of my craft shed while it s organized, craft rooms, home decor, organizing | 720 | 845 | 0.292653 | 8,673,508,137,911,273,000 | 0.001506 | 0.045297 | 9.114237 |
The Tiny Apple Blossom Cottage 001 | 600 | 402 | 0.30945 | -4,763,924,341,312,549,000 | 0.000483 | 0.05155 | 9.383251 |
Fotografía Porcelain dolls in Prague market, sold as souvenirs | 500 | 334 | 0.305041 | 1,433,037,091,292,768,800 | 0.029764 | 0.106138 | 9.327944 |
Seamless pattern with tangerines, a mandarin half and a slice of mandarin on a white background. | 450 | 450 | 0.39288 | 3,921,443,066,728,830,000 | 0.000045 | 0.2441 | 9.064308 |
http://www.elenifourli.gr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/jamie-olivers-cotton-cheesecake-with-honey-plums-30763-2.jpg | jamie-olivers-cotton-cheesecake-with-honey-plums-30763-2 | 1,500 | 1,000 | 0.305643 | -2,857,098,621,227,510,300 | 0.000028 | 0.066681 | 9.388714 |
The Man in the Snowstorm - Tara Turner | 564 | 423 | 0.303936 | -2,803,959,724,743,433,700 | 0.000002 | 0.22556 | 9.002991 |
A Rosylea design, hand knitted in North Yorkshire. 4-6 cup tea cosy £23 each including recorded delivery p&p. Any colour available. www.facebook.com/RosyleaVintageHome | 236 | 299 | 0.306782 | -5,327,865,383,247,281,000 | 0.00005 | 0.309735 | 9.911829 |
A 4 layer cake sits on a circular table under a canopy of hanging flowers in a room with a dance floor | 643 | 443 | 0.371501 | 4,339,080,171,235,455,000 | 0.000004 | 0.080126 | 9.109264 |
Bear Naked Food Victoria Sandwich Sponge with Roasted Strawberries | 800 | 1,200 | 0.32204 | -7,439,695,233,120,052,000 | 0.000034 | 0.119005 | 9.007388 |
http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/15100000/Taylor-Kinney-mason-lockwood-15143553-303-320.jpg | Mason Lockwood images Taylor Kinney wallpaper and background photos | 303 | 320 | 0.306645 | -9,028,289,072,936,243,000 | 0.151576 | 0.179309 | 9.227379 |
afternoon tea bus tour london | 500 | 350 | 0.315329 | -3,728,065,136,189,098,000 | 0.001388 | 0.079514 | 9.086 |
DTS-X29 Reindeer Redware Covered Pot | 530 | 673 | 0.342391 | 8,274,875,474,882,971,000 | 0.000001 | 0.111451 | 9.010273 |
Easter bunnies and Easter eggs | 278 | 208 | 0.307517 | 5,557,994,880,526,287,000 | 0.000315 | 0.050147 | 9.256912 |
Beautiful dessert table arrangement with glass jars and ceramic cups | 730 | 487 | 0.307743 | 8,514,938,559,785,538,000 | 0.000026 | 0.089382 | 9.138481 |
ToyCandy Wagon.png | 250 | 250 | 0.318988 | 6,691,496,871,537,124,000 | 0.000974 | 0.064701 | 9.120078 |
Pretty pink and gold princess baby shower party! See more party planning ideas at CatchMyParty.com! | 736 | 981 | 0.338989 | 2,704,195,133,052,475,000 | 0.000021 | 0.305656 | 9.632223 |
Martlets Christmas cards - Bandstand in the snow | 600 | 428 | 0.367947 | -1,121,047,031,902,126,000 | 0.000114 | 0.127161 | 9.104359 |
twin doll girl knitting pattern | 247 | 296 | 0.317936 | -7,902,504,485,899,488,000 | 0.000385 | 0.137953 | 9.227644 |
http://travel.smart-guide.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Vienna-Christmas-Market-Sweets.jpg | Vienna Christmas Market Sweets | 610 | 458 | 0.313874 | 2,749,364,804,177,573,400 | 0.000367 | 0.128258 | 9.11064 |
"Gorgeous Antique Kestner 174 Bisque Doll 21.5"" in Crispy Whites" | 230 | 230 | 0.328193 | -9,182,956,452,120,975,000 | 0.000218 | 0.188609 | 9.277412 |
Spring Mill Spring Jigsaw Puzzle | 900 | 1,200 | 0.342302 | 7,565,906,798,092,884,000 | 0.000004 | 0.132676 | 9.148123 |
Sweet isolated on a white background. Colorful confections the best gift for the Stock Illustration | 180 | 180 | 0.308555 | -3,393,011,182,826,210,000 | 0.000193 | 0.177621 | 9.090895 |
http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/clubpenguin/images/6/68/Fruit_frenzy_background.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/480?cb=20150301155939 | File:Fruit frenzy background.png | 480 | 480 | 0.392481 | -5,226,672,349,406,836,000 | 0.005118 | 0.125873 | 9.018927 |
James Tissot (French, 1836–1902). Jesus Sits by the Seashore and Preaches, 1886–96. Opaque watercolor over graphite on gray wove paper, 103⁄16 x 79⁄16 in. (25.9 × 19.2 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Purchased by public subscription, 00.159.109 | 236 | 321 | 0.311504 | -7,309,709,564,781,018,000 | 0.000049 | 0.120686 | 9.137629 |
Jar with fresh jam and fruits in the garden | 240 | 240 | 0.325375 | -3,830,463,469,933,676,500 | 0.002068 | 0.04296 | 9.016699 |
How To Paint A Tropical Beach With Palm Trees In Acrylic By JM Lisondra | 1,280 | 720 | 0.35244 | 4,123,698,046,299,196,400 | 0.000186 | 0.035122 | 9.143137 |
Watermelon Still Life | 534 | 420 | 0.309005 | -3,284,123,568,955,983,400 | 0.000038 | 0.232191 | 9.158348 |
Kitchen Nook For Example Crossword: 595 Best Food Backgrounds And Clipart Images On Pinterest | 410 | 512 | 0.35292 | 3,915,529,599,573,442,600 | 0.00007 | 0.044949 | 9.249456 |
https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.media-allrecipes.com%2Fuserphotos%2F543994.jpg | Candy-Coated Chocolates Cookie Mix In A Jar chef_sara | 250 | 250 | 0.322146 | -8,104,593,141,512,203,000 | 0.000153 | 0.128163 | 9.105827 |
Funny and extravagant senior man posing on colored background - Youthful old man in the sixties having fun and partying Archivio Fotografico | 450 | 300 | 0.351548 | -8,501,613,322,555,272,000 | 0.003155 | 0.363758 | 9.014838 |
http://cdn.wdwmagic.com/imgstore/ElementGalleryItems/resorts/Fullsize/Disneys-Beach-Club-Resort_Full_9112.jpg?width=2280&quality=60&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true | Beach Club Resort holiday decorations 2009 | 1,024 | 683 | 0.310811 | -1,739,588,094,213,035,000 | 0.000016 | 0.16545 | 9.096283 |
Gumball Machine Colored Pencil for Instruction | 600 | 800 | 0.398728 | 1,061,197,384,230,078,000 | 0 | 0.097391 | 9.012056 |
Cartoon colorful desserts seamless pattern | 338 | 338 | 0.346552 | 882,353,675,246,417,200 | 0.000489 | 0.111091 | 9.003309 |
Chocolate naked cake with chocolate buttercream and mixed berries | 480 | 429 | 0.342466 | 523,073,377,006,640,450 | 0.000017 | 0.140956 | 9.131384 |
baby short sleeve dress in size 3 months | 340 | 270 | 0.31094 | -5,448,523,450,367,769,000 | 0.000081 | 0.240355 | 9.074499 |
Holy Cards for Children: Christ Child | 236 | 380 | 0.322422 | -4,155,036,492,144,958,500 | 0.000009 | 0.090729 | 9.027245 |
http://img1.etsystatic.com/011/0/5668105/il_340x270.427270725_o6o6.jpg | vintage florida orange juice beach 1947 advertisement | 340 | 270 | 0.369873 | -3,064,147,017,831,805,000 | 0.000019 | 0.263301 | 9.037289 |
"Espresso With a Twist 6 x 6"" oil on canvas panel" | 1,000 | 995 | 0.321988 | 8,987,627,353,972,762,000 | 0.000012 | 0.037506 | 9.097799 |
shrove: Golden pancakes on a blue plate. Traditional Russian dish on Shrove Tuesday Stock Photo | 450 | 300 | 0.320762 | -1,746,165,400,829,484,000 | 0.000101 | 0.072277 | 9.20459 |
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http://ak1.ostkcdn.com/images/products/8994027/84/284/Stamped-White-Pillowcase-Doll-Kit-Chicken-Scratch-Hearts-P16198855.jpg | Stamped White Pillowcase Doll Kit-Chicken Scratch Hearts | 1,200 | 1,200 | 0.333797 | 9,042,451,618,516,985,000 | 0.006479 | 0.031401 | 9.449423 |
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8yGyvGiXMRA/VIsLZs6yHBI/AAAAAAABd6s/Hv4RV_pzCNM/s1600/185.JPG | An Old Fashioned Christmas in the Other Half of the Living Room, Part 5 ,Christmas Home Tour 2014 | 1,118 | 1,600 | 0.310695 | -1,374,077,862,285,415,700 | 0.000224 | 0.060438 | 9.24169 |
Worship of Venus 1519 | 300 | 297 | 0.309534 | -4,408,576,152,472,827,400 | 0.004474 | 0.432255 | 9.06843 |
http://i.pinimg.com/236x/48/3e/84/483e843547375043058359ed55f7fa51.jpg | An OldFashioned Christmas by butterfliesdaydreams on Etsy, $55.00 | 236 | 354 | 0.304591 | 6,543,964,200,688,370,000 | 0.000033 | 0.07425 | 9.076937 |
1000 Images About Hansel And Gretel On Pinterest Candy | 236 | 236 | 0.327413 | -7,901,121,528,856,554,000 | 0.000015 | 0.139843 | 9.485955 |
Baby boy shower cookies | 498 | 665 | 0.342284 | -6,877,646,420,890,131,000 | 0.000039 | 0.148756 | 9.881456 |
92604292e Nautical Baby Shower Cookies | Cookie Connection | 750 | 1,000 | 0.363434 | 5,622,908,890,001,904,000 | 0.000176 | 0.113392 | 9.239809 |
Good-Food-things-every-guest-hopes-a-wedding-will-have | 720 | 480 | 0.295516 | 2,681,267,671,139,286,000 | 0.000267 | 0.108161 | 9.103952 |
http://gedektetafel.net/images/greengate_green.jpg | GreenGate servies | 300 | 300 | 0.337479 | -8,281,690,907,037,050,000 | 0.000609 | 0.093886 | 9.070253 |
pretty shabby chic #pastel #kitchen decorated for Christmas pink and green chairs | 427 | 640 | 0.338362 | -3,141,029,873,806,699,000 | 0.001158 | 0.082519 | 9.000246 |
http://i.pinimg.com/236x/db/dd/b3/dbddb3c65fcda4754d52e3a1e0637671.jpg | Kit's Birthday Dress / Clothes for American Girl by Farmcookies, $42.00 | 236 | 354 | 0.338011 | -7,870,599,998,838,908,000 | 0.000188 | 0.216636 | 9.117843 |
Load image into Gallery viewer, VEGGIE COOKIE PLATTER | 220 | 219 | 0.325967 | -8,688,095,841,909,189,000 | 0.000013 | 0.023702 | 9.276207 |
Beatrix Potter Peter Rabbit In Watering Can Coin Bank Mib 1995 | 180 | 180 | 0.31782 | 1,800,689,078,029,810,400 | 0.000032 | 0.121671 | 9.012386 |
Car nut Ben Levy, 29, spent months painstakingly transforming his Volkswagen 1957 Splitscreen into his personal watering hole. Pictured: Ben enjoying a pint outside his mobile pub | 962 | 641 | 0.347455 | -7,985,174,352,543,669,000 | 0.001324 | 0.1377 | 9.090275 |
Huda Handmade Rag Doll 40cm-No One Else Have The Same As Yours | 768 | 1,024 | 0.305235 | 4,261,712,038,948,744,000 | 0.001357 | 0.510672 | 9.083575 |
Pin for Later: This Tea Party Birthday Is the Sweetest Theme We've Ever Seen! | 600 | 900 | 0.355994 | -1,248,282,194,842,818,800 | 0.000155 | 0.060141 | 9.233894 |
These cute Valentine's Day Cookies are topped with fondant and edible beads. Want to learn how to make Fondant? It's Easy and will save you lots of money! Find out more here | 502 | 640 | 0.306973 | 673,771,807,554,558,300 | 0.001203 | 0.102823 | 9.078137 |
Day of Dead Sugar Skull Cookies | 340 | 270 | 0.331801 | -8,260,752,533,896,023,000 | 0.001132 | 0.093976 | 9.150751 |
LONDON, GREAT BRITAIN - SEPTEMBER 15, 2017: The Three Magi on the satined glass of St Jamess Church, Clerkenwell. | 370 | 450 | 0.304927 | 3,150,495,442,310,763,000 | 0.00003 | 0.143507 | 9.069647 |
Nutella and cheese grilled on bread. | 320 | 320 | 0.309582 | 216,669,753,160,585,280 | 0.000932 | 0.055639 | 9.051155 |
Grapefruit-angel-food-cake-slice | 640 | 581 | 0.340296 | -1,393,454,807,704,062,500 | 0.000013 | 0.051583 | 9.060682 |
Traditional market wooden food stall full of food with flags, crates. City park, street lamp and trees. Sky with clouds and sun. Leisure time in summer city park. Vector illustration flat style Stock Vector - 120319557 | 450 | 359 | 0.346247 | 2,997,813,439,154,791,400 | 0.001121 | 0.174064 | 9.123695 |
http://img.allw.mn/content/uz/oz/kcja6_flower_house_garden_cottage_yard.jpg | flower,house,garden,cottage,yard, | 467 | 700 | 0.314943 | 6,523,526,647,023,809,000 | 0.002302 | 0.034225 | 9.132156 |
These Heart-Shaped Cherry Hand Pies are the perfect snack. Each hand pie is filled with sweet cherry pie filling sandwiched in between a flaky pie crust, then baked to perfection. | 820 | 550 | 0.34874 | -2,845,524,601,854,388,700 | 0.000753 | 0.244033 | 9.018682 |
Grapefruit Marmalade Recipe | 205 | 205 | 0.341016 | 885,958,494,613,886,200 | 0.002044 | 0.049889 | 9.236494 |
Limoges France Peint Main Hand-Painted Porcelain Vegetable Cart, Signed with Maker's Mark, Trinket Box | 180 | 180 | 0.34048 | 1,517,128,405,502,167,000 | 0.000209 | 0.100838 | 9.074793 |
"Stunning 24"" French Long-Face Jumeau ""Bebe Triste"" by Carrier-Belleuse size 11" | 230 | 230 | 0.334277 | -1,948,033,935,807,969,500 | 0.000532 | 0.261758 | 9.590379 |
Brough_Superior_SS80_%281936%29.jpg | 1,024 | 610 | 0.330932 | 5,008,834,013,447,136,000 | 0.000071 | 0.100993 | 9.062685 |
Hobby Ideen Frauen - Hobby For Women Painting - Lista De Hobby Videos - - Holly Hobbie, Mary May, Arte Country, Retro Kids, Dream Doll, Vintage Drawing, Sweet Pic, Cartoon Pics, Woman Painting | 236 | 324 | 0.302577 | 6,797,400,466,032,569,000 | 0.000007 | 0.198726 | 9.011698 |
http://www.recipegraze.com/photos/4545.jpg | Banana Bread Pancakes with Nutella | 275 | 275 | 0.303335 | 1,616,529,690,722,045,400 | 0.006581 | 0.061868 | 9.021074 |
neon cake and flowers on table | 1,040 | 1,300 | 0.301966 | 8,691,103,329,324,961,000 | 0.000005 | 0.081872 | 9.210737 |
http://res.cloudinary.com/culturemap-com/image/upload/ar_1:1,c_fill,g_faces:center,w_1200/v1494907387/photos/214605_original.jpg | Fluff Bake Bar Ugly Sweater Christmas Cookies | 1,200 | 1,200 | 0.32118 | -2,878,443,140,564,771,000 | 0.000001 | 0.162954 | 9.042011 |
Colin Firth | 462 | 461 | 0.303067 | 2,232,754,020,545,238,800 | 0.000443 | 0.17266 | 9.46909 |
Bearded man in sunglasses and leather jacket looking at the camera while sitting on a motorcycle on the road. Behind him is a row of tires. | 450 | 300 | 0.349958 | -6,991,674,839,023,225,000 | 0.000289 | 0.264647 | 9.109179 |
oj: Denver, Colorado, USA-March 16, 2016. Dessert table with Easter cake decorated with traditional Easter Peeps. | 450 | 300 | 0.31541 | -5,351,356,043,642,168,000 | 0.000039 | 0.092298 | 9.078749 |
Rag Doll handmade toy fabric doll Little Red Riding Hood personalized Rag Doll Soft Doll | 340 | 270 | 0.3028 | 5,777,838,637,862,027,000 | 0.000101 | 0.082542 | 9.535147 |
"""BELTON-TYPE BISQUE HEAD FASHION DOLL FOR THE FRENCH MARKET 14""""""" | 1,200 | 1,600 | 0.312015 | -2,877,149,721,275,943,400 | 0.000017 | 0.095701 | 9.126374 |
Summer fruits and flowers seamless pattern. Fun and bright food background. Vector illustration Ilustração | 450 | 450 | 0.353784 | -2,027,241,952,110,823,000 | 0.000045 | 0.185037 | 9.243986 |
Easter - cocopop nests_Student friendly Easy Easter recipes in student flat | 3,888 | 2,592 | 0.333391 | -617,982,162,561,815,000 | 0.000179 | 0.12314 | 9.16411 |
http://img.scoop.it/Fe_f1ZPXjQxKiJOCKirTVzl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVvK0kTmF0xjctABnaLJIm9 | 7 fermented foods you should be eating | Lets Be Social | Scoop.it | 467 | 309 | 0.322314 | 2,892,888,886,196,729,000 | 0.000427 | 0.104611 | 9.08042 |
Valentine Linzer Cookies Recipe — Dishmaps | 2,563 | 1,922 | 0.370972 | -5,201,729,678,912,956,000 | 0.000256 | 0.057294 | 9.326801 |
Custom order Waldorf doll with big set of clothes and accessories | 1,588 | 1,376 | 0.33177 | 5,122,201,373,191,376,000 | 0.000726 | 0.055871 | 9.137487 |
MORNING SET MENU 1,350円 | 1,000 | 750 | 0.354459 | 797,930,165,662,825,000 | 0.001254 | 0.036603 | 9.206408 |
Gingerbread man PDF PATTERN amigurumi by SuperCuteDesignShop | 236 | 234 | 0.384156 | -727,284,701,510,978,300 | 0.000012 | 0.354488 | 9.240334 |
Toy Baking Set, Waldorf toy, toy kitchen, all natural with Beeswax Finish - Over 25 Piece Set | 340 | 270 | 0.339503 | -5,408,604,320,805,785,000 | 0.000023 | 0.085309 | 9.728955 |
How to Draw a Realistic Cupcake with Colored Pencils and Neocolor | 337 | 250 | 0.348982 | 4,904,119,440,563,714,000 | 0.000027 | 0.151722 | 9.098118 |
1950s - HEKA - Stunning Collector's Red Roses Cotton Skirt - W27.5 (70cm) | 300 | 300 | 0.325649 | 6,780,435,259,802,841,000 | 0.000638 | 0.174339 | 9.098652 |
Duff Goldman's cake decorating tips | 236 | 236 | 0.350464 | -841,264,002,273,292,200 | 0.01306 | 0.018543 | 9.087965 |
"""Beautiful Factory Original 17"""" Composition Doll `~ not played with""" | 362 | 362 | 0.3137 | -716,013,038,411,984,900 | 0.000293 | 0.168783 | 9.271614 |
This pretty blue gazebo is fully enclosed and has a matching blue picnic table outside. | 701 | 501 | 0.305357 | 3,193,107,132,615,867,000 | 0.001264 | 0.039776 | 9.131489 |
40s Ford Woody Wagon | 720 | 404 | 0.335044 | 1,741,567,616,950,660,000 | 0.000144 | 0.092685 | 9.021646 |
Tea Party Dress | 340 | 270 | 0.316821 | 8,310,834,855,032,268,000 | 0.000006 | 0.0904 | 9.365973 |
"""Elegant Tinted Bisque Antique Lady with Regal Hairstyle 22"""" in Silk Costume""" | 230 | 230 | 0.31001 | -1,447,023,300,338,639,000 | 0.000007 | 0.17948 | 9.10034 |
Cute kids with cake and candies vector material 04 | 280 | 235 | 0.320636 | -4,511,683,871,486,522,400 | 0.000805 | 0.112997 | 9.458984 |
prendergast_maurice_may_day_central_park_1901 | 640 | 439 | 0.341642 | 4,054,231,355,478,173,700 | 0.000001 | 0.49383 | 9.1268 |
roulade: biscuit roulade with butter cream and fresh berries Stock Photo | 450 | 300 | 0.309211 | -6,793,329,533,984,889,000 | 0.000309 | 0.085083 | 9.046808 |
Subsets and Splits