5276502 is the solution
2538 * 2079
-28801476 is the answer
Tell me what 6226 * -4626 is
Sure, the solution is: 9828
Please solve the following equation for me: 5777 + 4051
The answer to -7433 / -7937 is 0.9365
Give me the solution for -7433 / -7937
The answer to -6763 + -1357 is -8120
Tell me what -6763 + -1357 is
7681759 is the solution to -7309 * -1051
What is the answer to -7309 * -1051
Tell me what 5710 - -2893 is
-3186 - -6425
Sure, the solution is: -9003
Please solve the following equation for me: 167 - 9170
The answer to -8795 / -809 is 10.87145
What is the answer to -8795 / -809
4131 is the answer
Tell me what -2820 - -6951 is
Please solve the following equation for me: -9474 - -1465
0.217 is the solution to -286 / -1318
Please solve the following equation for me: -286 / -1318
The answer to 4821 * -2844 is -13710924
What is the answer to 4821 * -2844
Give me the solution for 5562 - -3685
5253 is the solution to 1418 - -3835
1418 - -3835
Sure, the solution is: 8388042
Tell me what 2418 * 3469 is
2001 is the solution
9057 - 7056
-3237 is the solution to 3620 + -6857
Give me the solution for 3620 + -6857
22515348 is the solution
Give me the solution for 4679 * 4812
9317 / -8847
5616 is the answer
What is the answer to -2436 + 8052
-8618 is the solution to -9311 - -693
-9311 - -693
-12884404 is the answer
Tell me what -3902 * 3302 is
Sure, the solution is: -5119
Give me the solution for 653 - 5772
The answer to 4675 - -2706 is 7381
Tell me what 4675 - -2706 is
Sure, the solution is: 6760
Tell me what 3982 - -2778 is
The answer to -4455 * 2785 is -12407175
Give me the solution for -4455 * 2785
Sure, the solution is: 4978
What is the answer to -2844 - -7822
Sure, the solution is: 0.37439
1997 / 5334
-10027 is the solution to -9812 + -215
-9812 + -215
8531 is the answer
What is the answer to 6327 - -2204
459 - -5117
The answer to -5631 * -5751 is 32383881
-5631 * -5751
926 is the answer
Give me the solution for 9627 - 8701
The answer to 4663 + 3483 is 8146
What is the answer to 4663 + 3483
559 is the answer
Please solve the following equation for me: 95 + 464
The answer to -1229 / 9508 is -0.12926
-1229 / 9508
The answer to -2637 + -4588 is -7225
Please solve the following equation for me: -2637 + -4588
11161 is the answer
Give me the solution for 6919 - -4242
5.56607 is the solution
Give me the solution for 5939 / 1067
14451 is the answer
Tell me what 9367 - -5084 is
Sure, the solution is: -0.51886
Please solve the following equation for me: 4305 / -8297
Sure, the solution is: 5987
6578 - 591
Sure, the solution is: -985
150 + -1135
44535852 is the solution to -6477 * -6876
Please solve the following equation for me: -6477 * -6876
0.61171 is the solution to -3261 / -5331
Give me the solution for -3261 / -5331
52604530 is the solution to -6551 * -8030
Tell me what -6551 * -8030 is
-7581 + -6707
The answer to -6704 + -5511 is -12215
What is the answer to -6704 + -5511
Sure, the solution is: -2.17565
What is the answer to 4521 / -2078
The answer to -9803 - 2751 is -12554
Tell me what -9803 - 2751 is
The answer to -5626 - 924 is -6550
Please solve the following equation for me: -5626 - 924
-0.72909 is the solution to 7191 / -9863
Please solve the following equation for me: 7191 / -9863
-12934 is the answer
What is the answer to -7907 - 5027
-42805026 is the solution
-5247 * 8158
-4359 is the answer
-1602 - 2757
-0.46597 is the solution to -4149 / 8904
Give me the solution for -4149 / 8904
Please solve the following equation for me: -970 / -7633
Sure, the solution is: 5857
714 - -5143
-12098 is the solution
Please solve the following equation for me: -6837 + -5261
-6186 is the solution
Give me the solution for 3542 + -9728
28052433 is the solution
What is the answer to 5373 * 5221
-2.37426 is the solution to 9573 / -4032
What is the answer to 9573 / -4032
15271 is the solution
Tell me what 7004 - -8267 is
Tell me what -7527 * 9748 is
The answer to -9006 + 4132 is -4874
Please solve the following equation for me: -9006 + 4132
-6282 is the answer
Please solve the following equation for me: 2653 - 8935
-9772 is the solution
What is the answer to -4708 + -5064
-10298 is the answer
Give me the solution for -3592 + -6706
Sure, the solution is: 48322103
-9017 * -5359
18231 is the solution
9300 + 8931
The answer to -505 * 8529 is -4307145
Give me the solution for -505 * 8529
7973 / 6160
Give me the solution for -7221 * 5866
5394 * -8638
Please solve the following equation for me: 4987 - -5608
Sure, the solution is: 0.25296
Tell me what 747 / 2953 is
17.74374 is the solution to -9209 / -519
Tell me what -9209 / -519 is
Sure, the solution is: 0.40504
Tell me what -3293 / -8130 is
Sure, the solution is: 4483
-3800 - -8283
Please solve the following equation for me: 3256 - -7141
Tell me what -5649 - -9931 is
79370676 is the answer
What is the answer to 9042 * 8778
The answer to 3088 * -4519 is -13954672
Tell me what 3088 * -4519 is
The answer to -6592 + 8219 is 1627
Give me the solution for -6592 + 8219
The answer to -6822 * 9259 is -63164898
What is the answer to -6822 * 9259
Tell me what 5365 - 5808 is
-2906 is the solution
Tell me what 3895 - 6801 is
Sure, the solution is: -7737
What is the answer to 2225 + -9962
What is the answer to -3990 - -7357
-3446352 is the solution to -936 * 3682
Tell me what -936 * 3682 is
What is the answer to -3882 + -7516
11207 is the solution
4563 - -6644
The answer to 3539 * -5336 is -18884104
Give me the solution for 3539 * -5336
-7612 is the solution to -154 - 7458
Please solve the following equation for me: -154 - 7458
The answer to -3375 * -4788 is 16159500
Give me the solution for -3375 * -4788
40620378 is the answer
Please solve the following equation for me: 8058 * 5041
The answer to 1320 * 5387 is 7110840
Tell me what 1320 * 5387 is
The answer to -5643 / -6444 is 0.8757
Tell me what -5643 / -6444 is