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Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century I had a thread for Francisco Varela on the old version of this forum, and after coming across a couple websites this weekend with some good resources on his work, I decided to recreate a thread for him here. His work developing the enactive model of cognition, of course, has had a significant impact on the articulation of integral postmetaphysical theory. Laying Down a Path in Walking (Click "Open the Francisco Varela player and site") From Autopoiesis to Neurophenomenology: A Tribute to Francisco Varela (Audio and Video links) "Francisco Varela was born September 7, 1946 in Chile. As a child and teenager, he received a strong classical education from the German Lyceum in Santiago, which instilled in him a deep and lifelong appreciation of literature, art, philosophy, and science. He received his M.Sc. (Licenciatura) in Biology in 1967 from the University of Chile in Santiago, where he studied with the neurobiologist Humberto R. Maturana (well known for his classic work with Jerome Lettvin on the neurophysiology of vision in frogs and for his subsequent work with Varela on autopoiesis). According to the story Francisco was fond of telling, as a young undergraduate he one day burst into Maturana's office and enthusiastically declared that he wanted "to study the role of mind in the universe." Maturana responded, "My boy, you've come to the right place." From 1968 to 1970 Francisco followed in the footsteps of his mentor Maturana by pursuing graduate studies in Biology at Harvard University. His doctoral thesis, "Insect retinas: information processing in the compound eye," was written under the direction of Torsten Wiesel (who shared a Nobel Prize with Davd Hubel in 1981). With his Ph.D. in hand at the young age of twenty-three, Francisco declined a position as researcher at Harvard and another as Assistant Professor at another American university, choosing instead to return to Chile to help build a scientific research community. It was during these years of 1970 to 1973 that Varela and Maturana, now colleagues at the University of Chile, formulated their famous theory of autopoiesis (Maturana & Varela 1973, 1980; see Varela 1996a for a personal recounting of this time and work). According to this theory, living systems are autonomous systems (endogenously controlled and self-organizing), and the minimal form of autonomy necessary and sufficient for characterizing biological life is autopoiesis, i.e., self-production having the form of an operationally closed, membrane-bounded, reaction network. Maturana and Varela also held that autopoiesis defines cognition in its minimal biological form as the "sense-making" capacity of life; and that the nervous system, as a result of the autopoiesis of its component neurons, is not an input-output information processing system, but rather an autonomous, operationally closed network, whose basic functional elements are invariant patterns of activity in neuronal ensembles (see Varela 1979). These ideas, dating back to the early seventies, not only anticipated but laid the groundwork for ideas that were to become prominent much later in the nineties, in scientific fields as diverse as the origins of life (Fleischaker 1994), the chemical synthesis of minimal living systems (Bachman et al. 1992), artificial life (Varela & Bourgine 1991), theoretical immunology (Varela & Coutinho 1991), dynamical neuroscience (Varela et al. 2001), and embodied cognition (Varela et al. 1991). When Francisco returned to Chile, he arrived on September 2, 1970, two days before the election of Salvador Allende (the first Marxist politician ever elected in a free election). Three years later Chile was in turmoil, and Francisco, a strong supporter of the Allende government, was forced to flee with his family after the military coup of General Augusto Pinochet overthrew the Allende goverment on September 11, 1973. They fled first to Costa Rica, and then eventually to the United States, where Francisco took up a position as Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Medical School in Denver. There he taught and pursued his research until 1978. In 1978-79, he spent a year in New York at the Brain Research Laboratories of the NYU Medical School, and as scholar in residence at the Lindisfarne Association, and then returned to Chile in 1980, staying there until 1985 (with a year spent in 1984 as a Visiting Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt). In 1986 he moved to Paris, where he was based at the Institut des Neurosciences and at CREA (Centre de Recherche en Epistemologie Applique). In 1988, he was appointed to be a Director of Research at CNRS (Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique), a position he held until his death. Francisco's years in Paris, up until the very month of his passing, were remarkably full and productive by any standard; that he suffered from Hepatitis C from the early 1990s onward, including receiving a liver transplant in 1998, makes his life and work during this time truly wonderful and inspiring. During these years Francisco pursued two main complementary lines of work: experimental studies using multiple electrode recordings and mathematical analysis of large-scale neuronal integration during cognitive processes; and philosophical and empirical studies of the "neurophenomenology" of human consciousness (see Varela 1996b). In a 1998 study published in Nature, Francisco and his colleagues in Paris showed for the first time that the human perception of meaningful complex forms (high contrast faces or "Mooney figures") is accompanied by phase-locked, synchronous oscillations in distinct brain regions (Rodriguez et al. 1998). In an important review article published one month before his death, in the April 2001 issue of Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Francisco and his colleagues presented a new viewpoint on what they call the "brainweb": the emergence of a unified cognitive moment depends on large-scale brain integration, whose most plausible mechanism is the formation of dynamic links mediated by synchrony over multiple frequency bands (Varela et al. 2001). In addition to these studies, Francisco published numerous technical, experimental and mathematical papers on the nonlinear dynamical analysis of brain activity, including groundbreaking studies on the prediction of seizures in epileptic patients prior to the onset of symptoms (Martinerie et al. 1998; see also Schiff 1998). Francisco also firmly believed, however, that such scientific research needs to be complemented by detailed phenomenological investigations of human experience as it is lived and verbally articulated in the first person. To this end, he published a number of original and innovative phenomenological studies of aspects of human consciousness (e.g., Varela 1999; Varela and Depraz 2000), including a profound and moving meditation on his own illness and the phenomenology of organ transplantation experience (Varela 2001). He also co-edited two important collections, one on phenomenology and cognitive science (Petitot et al. 1999), and the other on first-person methods in the science of consciousness (Varela and Shear 1999). Since the mid-seventies, Francisco was a serious practitioner of Tibetan Buddhist meditation and a student of Buddhist psychology and philosophy. His conviction that this tradition and Western cognitive science have much to gain from each other provided another, ultimately spiritual and existential dimension, to his work. This dimension was the subject of his 1991 book (co-written with Evan Thompson and Eleanor Rosch), The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience. He was one of the key members of the Advisory Board of the Mind and Life Institute, which organizes private meetings between Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, and Western scientists (see Varela 1997). The ninth and most recent of these meetings was held May 21-22, 2001, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, on the theme of "Transformations of Mind, Brain, and Emotion: Neurobiological and Bio-Behavioral Research on Meditation," directed by Professor Richard Davidson. This meeting was a dream-come-true for Francisco: the best of Western brain science and Buddhist meditative practice and psychology brought together in the context of cognitive neuroscientific research on the cognitive and emotional effects of meditation evident in long-term practitioners. Francisco was to present his studies and findings using EEG and MEG methods at the morning session of May 22, but sadly was unable to be there because of his illness. His Ph.D. student, Antoine Lutz, presented the material in his stead, and a live web-cam was set up so that Francisco could watch the proceedings from his apartment in Paris. Although the passing of Francisco, especially at a time when his rich and diverse research program was coming to such fruition, is an immeasurable loss, the spirit of his unique and exemplary style of research has never been stronger, and will continue to inspire many of us for years to come. Francisco was an active and enthusiastic supporter of many interdisciplinary groups devoted to the study of consciousness. In the seventies and eighties, he served on the faculty of the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and was a Fellow of the Lindisfarne Association in New York City. He was a founding member of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) and was actively considering hosting the 2002 ASSC meeting until shortly before his death. He was a strong supporter of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona at Tucson, and served on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Consciousness Studies. He was also instrumental in the creation of a new journal, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, and was to serve as its Consulting Editor." ~ Evan Thompson Enaction in a nutshell from Varela's "Whence perceptual meaning": "The kingpin of cognition is its capacity for bringing forth meaning: information is not pre-established as a given order, but regularities emerge from a co-determination of the cognitive activities themselves." What I also find interesting about the above referenced paper is how the general P2P (and evolutionary) zeitgeist of distributed networks organizing via interconnection (like we're seeing expressed in the progressive economics and Rifkin threads for example)* manifests in Varela's cogsci. For example, these passages from section 4 of the paper: "At the Macy conferences, for example, it was argued in actual brains there are no rules or central logical processor nor is information stored in precise addresses. Rather, brains seems to operate on the basis of massive interconnections, in a distributed form, so that their actual connectivity changes as a result of experience. In brief, they present a self-organizing capacity that is nowhere to be found in logic" (242). "In this approach each component operates only in its local environment, but because of the network quality of the entire system there is global cooperation which emerges spontaneously, when the states of all participating components reach a mutually satisfactory state, without the need for a central processing unit to guide the entire operation" (243-4). * And unlike we're seeing in kennilingus with its formal logical base and attachment to individualism, authoritarianism and capitalism. Brief tangent into the evolving P2P meme of which Varela is one example, from Michel Bauwens' "P2P and Human Evolution": "Russ Volckman...wondered why it was that the Integral Theories that he was familiar with, such as those by Ken Wilber and the Spiral Dynamics system, did not seem to talk at P2P at all, while for me, P2P is nothing less that the most likely next civilisational stage. "So in my view, it is a mix, there is a kind of center of gravity, which draws together green/yellow/turquoise types, while making it uninteresting for orange 'capitalist' types, and difficult to adhere to for blue 'fundamentalist' types. But that does not preclude IBM from supporting Open Sources and fundamentalists from enthusiastically using blogs. Life is clearly more complex than any totalizing system's efforts to bring it into neat categories. And as John Heron, one of the pioneers of participative spirituality notes below, the problem might be with the nature of Spiral Dynamics [and kennilingus] theorizing itself, which is based on a individualist notion of spiritual [and economic, etc.] development." This article by Glenn Smith places Varela in the progressive zeitgeist that is creating a positive vision for that worldview. Smith notes that it took a conservative worldview going too far to galvanize progressive resistance, but it also led them to understand they needed a positive vision to promote, heretofore absent. An expression of this is Arianna Huffington choosing The Empathic Civilization as the Post's book of the month. This vision captures the balance between individualism and cooperation, or as it might be suggested, includes and transcends the best of conservative and liberal. Among those championing such a vision Smith names the following: George Lakoff, William Connolly, Franz de Waal, Marco Iacoboni, Francisco Varela, Drew Weston. He discussed the biological roots of empathy as prerequisite for democracy. And how this is resisted by both capitalism and Marxism via the rational, scientific worldview: “It’s also no accident that the rise of the scientific worldview and rationalism rejected empathy as dangerously emotional. Rational management and historical determinism, in both Marxism and capitalism, became hallmarks of the modern democratic era.” It is with honor and distinction that Varela is part of this progressive, evolutionary movement taking us forward into our integral future. In this interview Varela is accused of a variety of the performative contradiction. It begins as a discussion of subject-object duality, which he doesn't accept. In so doing he makes a truth claim about "truth" and it is here the supposed contradiction occurs, since he just defended the notion of variable truths depending on different embodiments. Poerksen: But if we, as you suggest, begin with our perceptions and experiences, we immediately see: there is a subject and an object. Both appear separated. That is the fundamental insightwe gain. It should actually lead us back to realism again. Varela: You are now speaking of common, everyday experience, which is formed and shaped by a whole set of theories and metaphysical presumptions. I do not propose to trust that kind of experience. On the contrary, it is the very duty of philosophy and natural science to question and challenge ordinary perception and everything that seems self-evident, and to confront it with new approaches. These may contradict common sense but that is no problem for me at all and quite irrelevant; the crucial question is whether they fit, whether they are true. The reference to common sense does not prove anything. Poerksen: What do you mean by “fitting,” “true” approaches? If truth is the goal of your researches, then you definitely assume a realist position, after all. Of course, there are people who believe that we could keep truth as a kind of ideal and a distant goal because we can never do more than approximate it step by step, anyway. But that thesis seems contradictory to me, too. If we want to establish whether we have achieved some partial understanding of the absolute or come closer to the truth, we must be able to compare our partial understanding with absolute truth itself. However, this comparison of realities presupposes the possibility of apprehending absolute truth—otherwise the claim of its approximation remains undecidable. My thesis is that we can only maintain the idea of truth as a goal of human knowing, however distant, if we assume an extreme realist position at the same time. Varela: The attempt to characterize my position as clandestine realism and a masked belief in truth is due to the definitional decision you have taken, which I certainly do not accept. You are working with a concept of truth that is based on correspondence: truth is the correspondence between theory and reality. Such a position will inevitably make you a realist. Let me just point out that there are many ways of speaking about truth. My own concept of truth, which is inspired by phenomenology and the philosophy of pragmatism, is best understood as a theory of coherence: what counts is the consistency of theories, the coherence of viewpoints. Truth is, the motto of pragmatism proclaims, what works. Thanks for the great links (hyper and conceptual), Ed. Here's a brief passage from an interview conducted with him by Otto Scharmer: “I wish that insight about the distributiveness of what we call a subject would be taken more seriously. Because there are lots of people who know that, but it stays at the level of the know-what. Developing a know-how, that you really incorporate into your blood and bones in day-to-day behavior, that is the process of transformation that needs the discipline and the methodologies that we’re talking about. There are lots of people who understand that, but that doesn’t make them change, because their habitual patterns are still there. You cannot be a virtual self unless you have this constant creation of letting go. That is the nature of virtuality. What this is saying to me is if you really want to get closer to understanding what it means to be a subject, you’d better understand that this is the constant generator of what that subject is all about … since it is not a stable, solid entity, since it is not within the head, since it is not just in language. It’s in none of those dimensions, it’s somehow in a figure of multiple levels of emergence, but it is always fragile. Virtual is a more "engineering" way of speaking about fragility, which is more philosophical or ethical. But it has exactly the same connotation for me. An excellent example of Varela's exploration of 1st person meditative methodology and what it will (not) find. For comparison I offer Wilber's critique of Varela on exactly this point, from footnote 3 to Excerpt C: "This is not to say that autopoietic and systems approaches cannot be applied to interiors, as we will see, but only that when they are, they still capture only the third-person aspects of those interiors. "The autopoiesis paradigm of Maturana and Varela is often mentioned as a "postmodern epistemology" because it strongly denies the existence of a pregiven world (i.e., it denies the "myth of the given"--the myth of the Mirror of Nature--the myth that the world is a given territory that we are supposed to map and mirror accurately [see The Marriage of Sense and Soul for a discussion of the myth of the given]). According to Maturana and Varela, the representational or mirror-of-nature epistemologies naively assume that there is a single biosphere or natural world--the great Web of Life--and that we are to live in accord with that Web, which itself is the myth of the given. The autopoietic approaches point out that "nature" and "the world" actually consist of various enacted worlds brought forth in part by the autopoietic regimes of the organisms perceiving them. There is no "biosphere" or "nature" or "the natural world" except in the rationalized cognition of some human beings, a cognition not shared by 99.9999% of biological organisms. "The enactive point that Maturana and Varela make is true enough, and to that extent, the notion of autopoiesis is indeed postmodern. I share an agreement with most of its important features; but my point is that the autopoietic version of this interpretive component of world-making is still addressing only the insides of the exteriors, not the insides of the interiors (see fig. 3). It is, if you will, a postmodernism of the UR, not the UL. Obviously this is an important perspective that we would want to include in any integral methodological pluralism, but again, only if shorn of absolutisms. "(Demonstrating this inadequacy--which means, not wrongness but partialness--of the autopoietic paradigm is the burden of several critical endnotes in SES which specifically address the strengths and weaknesses of the typical enactive paradigm, which--as with Whitehead--could be called "the partial enactive paradigm" as opposed a more "complete" or "tetra-enactive paradigm." For a critical appraisal of Francisco Varela's work, see numerous endnotes in Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, second edition [CW6], particularly note 1 for chap. 14, beginning with subheading "Francisco Varela's Enactive Paradigm," pp. 734-741; this note also gives references to several other notes in the book discussing these themes.) "On a very positive note, Maturana and Varela speak of biological and even physical phenomenology--that is, they fully acknowledge the existence of the UL (or interior experience or proto-experience) going all the way down to, and including, physical holons. They also acknowledge that these interiors: (a) can be known from within, (b) can be described (or reconstructed), or (c) can be known from without (by observing behavior). I definitely agree. The problem is that when they attempt to reconstruct (which is item "b") the inside experiences (which is item "a"), they actually slip into (c) realities. "For example, they correctly maintain that organisms have an inside to the extent that they have structural memories and co-evolve (or structurally couple) with their environments. Structural memories represent the enacted history of an organism's cognitive choices via structural coupling with the exteriors. But those cognitions are pictured/described in third-person terms, not first-person terms: they are the "insides" of exteriors, not the insides of interiors (see figs 2 and 3). Actual prehensions represent the felt-meanings of interiors as they touch their preceding feelings, which do not represent cognitive choices with nomic intent (i.e., "biological identity and survival"--which is Maturana and Varela's definition of cognition), but rather the felt presence of the holon in its bit of exuberant élan vital and joie de vie (to put it more poetically, which is the better language for the UL anyway). The habits of intimate touching of prehensive unification tend to be reduced to the mechanics of structural coupling and exterior-cognitive enactment. I agree with what they say about structural coupling, but, as explained in SES endnotes, it does not cover the actual UL very well at all; rather, autopoiesis looks at the organism in third-person terms (which is fine; this is science), and then attempts to explain what goes on inside that (exteriorly-viewed) organism as it enacts and brings forth its world: hence, the insides and outsides of the exterior, neither of which actually includes first-person realities as such. "Varela has attempted to integrate first- and third-person perspectives in his "neurophenomenology." Again, this is an important move toward a more integral stance, but one that is flawed, in my opinion, by a lack of inherent second-person perspective and a lack of waves and streams (i.e., it fails to include quadrants, levels, and lines). See Integral Psychology for a critical appraisal of neurophenomenology. Varela's reliance on, e.g., Merleau-Ponty's version of felt phenomenology makes it more difficult for his theory to easily cover intrinsic intersubjectivity as well as waves and streams." A key to kennilingus distaste for, and misapprehension of, the P2P matrix in which Varela is embedded is revealed in footnote 2 to Excerpt A. He is talking about the difference between individual and social holons, how the former has a boundary and dominant monad whereas the social holon does not. He says: "Confusing these two is a calamitous fallacy that, among other things, is the very definition of fascism, whether political fascism or ecofascism or values fascism, because the collective is treated as an individual with a single will, value, and intentionality, which enslaves all real individuals to that system and its dominant monad; and this occurs in everything from mere theories, such as Maturana and Varela's autopoiesis, to actual politics, such as Louis XIV's famous L'etat c'est moi, "I am the State," and therefore all people in the State must do as I, its dominant monad, command." Here autopoiesis is compared to a dictatorship! We see this played out in today's US politics where liberalism is equated with the Marxist dictatorships. And all of which arises from a formal operational and correspondence theory that just cannot get outside its dualism long enough to see the kind of distributed, nonlocal and nondualistic ways in which our (3rd person) brains and (1st person) consciousness operate through (2nd person) P2P. Mark Edwards' critique of this very thing in his 3-part essay "The depths of the exteriors" is most instructive. Yes, I was re-reading that critique of Varela the other day. But, regarding Varela's so-called non-inclusion of intersubjectivity or the second person, check out the following (from the same interview with Scharmer, "Gestures on Becoming Aware," on the interactive Varela site I linked in my first post): III. Second Person "Now, with respect to the second person, to make this work, you really need the mediation of the other, right? And the other comes in here in different flavors. I like to call that the second person. Because it is not a simple first person, right? The third person is what you find typically in classical science. The first person acts and plays a new role. The second person is somebody who is not in the first person having direct access to the experience, but is interested in that first-person access. So, for example, you are the expert. You know things that I don't know. We want you to be able to teach others, so we are going to [develop] a process of trying to make explicit what is implicit. This is an old goal of many people in many fields. Now the point there is that I put myself in the position of the second person because I don't just observe you purely externally, but I don't have the first access. So what I do is to become your partner in the process. This partner can have two modes. One is a mode which is slightly closer to the third-person position. That is verbal reports. It is what many cognitive scientists do. They place themselves in the position of admitting that you have the mind, that you can have access from the first person to what I just showed you. So they admit the position of first person, but at the same time they remain a little bit removed. They are content with taking notes and noticing whatever it is that you say. In contrast, a more interesting second person is really empathetic. He admits that you have in your mind an access to your experience, but this person himself knows the kind of experience you're talking about and therefore acts as a coach. The good sports coach cannot be somebody who hasn't done the sport. The coach must have first-person access to his own experience that perfectly resonates with yours. For example, in Buddhism, you have to advance and progress in this cycle with a qualified teacher. A qualified teacher is who? A second person. Because he can then make the process work through mutual resonance and correct it. In our book The View from Within4, there is an interesting study on intuition by Claire Petitmengin-Peugeot. She tries to understand the intuitive experience by working as a coach on an explicit technique of coaching people who say they just choose what they think is an intuitive experience. And then they try to work through it in this coaching mode she induces by taking the second-person position. Is this very confusing, or is it -- COS: It's not at all confusing. But I'm not 100 percent sure whether I'm really in the -- Francisco Varela: The second person? COS: Yeah, your second point, which is that this process only works if there is a second-person relationship. Francisco Varela: Well, only very, very gifted, extraordinary individuals can carry this out in a productive manner. The access to experience seems difficult to most people because it is. To go beyond just this purely impressionistic account of what one is experiencing is not easy. If you don't mobilize these tools in detail -- and that requires that kind of mediation -- then it just doesn't work. Do you see what I mean? The whole first person is just too demanding for most people. Human beings are not spontaneously very gifted for this process. So the social mediation is absolutely fundamental. You might say it's not surprising; it's also essential for language, and so forth. It's also essential for certain essential values -- COS: -- and for social learning. Francisco Varela: -- social learning. But it's not obvious that basic learning, such as admitting that the other is equal to you, is something that is spontaneous; it really needs to be mediated by the social context. Is that more clear? COS; Yes, that makes absolute sense. Probably it's also true that without the other, the experience of the other, you could never perceive your self. Francisco Varela: Absolutely. So this is a very important antidote to the myth or the belief or the dogma that anything that has to do with introspection or meditation or phenomenological work is something that people do in their little corners. That really is a mistaken angle on the whole thing. Although there are some reasons that it is a very common mistake. This is perhaps the greatest difficulty within science. The first reaction people have is that [the first person is] just a personal thing. That it's private. But the notion that the first person is private is a disaster. The first-person access is as public as the third person, okay? When you have a third-person point of view, clearly you need a first person who does the measurement and does the writing, etc., but [provides] a social network to which it is going to be addressed. So a key point is that it's really not very meaningful to speak about consciousness or experiences being private. There is a quality to experience where you need a mode of access that you might want to call the first-person access. That doesn't make it private. It's just as social as everything else. And that's something it took me a long time to discover. I had a blind spot on that like everybody else."
|Email: - keine email ? Attorney Marlene Kamish speaking on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal (After audio version of Confession of Arnold Beverly played) You have just heard the confession of Arnold Beverly. Mumia's former attorneys, Leonard Weinglass and Daniel Williams, had the confession of Arnold Beverly since June of 1999. They suppressed it and never turned it over to the court. On the day we filed our appearances, we filed the confession, the results of a polygraph corroborating the confession, a request for a deposition of Arnold Beverly, and we made the confession public at a news conference. You might wonder why a person would freely confess to a killing. But I tell you, he is courageous and he is taking responsibility for his own act. You might also wonder why the prosecution and the court fight so desperately to keep the confession out of the court and to ignore the evidence that has been filed. There is nothing unique in this situation. Another such case is within my own experience. In the case of Rolando Cruz and Alex Hernandez, the killer Brian Dugan had freely confessed to the rape, kidnapping and murder of Jeanine Nicarico when he was arrested for the murder of Melissa Ackerman, but the prosecution refused to hear his evidence. I think, primarily because Rolando Cruz and Alex Hernandez were framed. The police had falsified a confession. The fact that the confession was fabricated was only revealed when one of the policemen cracked during cross-examination. An investigator named Randy Garrett had discovered that the policeman who claimed to have overheard a confession to the killing was really in Florida on vacation on that day. Brian Dugan has confessed and Rolando and Alex are free, yet the state of Illinois refuses to charge the confessed killer. Maybe it is also because they had Dugan in custody for another crime after he killed Jeanine Nicarico, after that they let him go and he killed again, the details of the frame up of the two men would have been fully exposed if they accepted Dugan's confession. Here in the case of Mumia, it is obvious that Mumia was framed, that he is innocent, and allowing Arnold Beverly into the courtroom would expose all these facts and the corruption of the police and prosecution as well. Today I will first explain the current legal status of Mumia's case. Second, I will tell you a story that involves Mumia, a member of my family and me. And finally, I will offer some suggestions to you as to how you can help Mumia to win his freedom. FIRST: THE LEGAL STATUS IN THE FEDERAL COURT. As many of you perhaps already know, on December 18, 2001 the United States District Court Judge William H. Yohn overturned the death sentence, sustained the conviction, and certified only one issue for appeal. At this moment the Commonwealth (which is what the prosecution calls itself in Pennsylvania) is appealing the overturning of the death sentence in the United States Court of Appeals For the Third Circuit. On behalf of Mumia we are also appealing Judge Yohn's decision to sustain the conviction to the Third Circuit. We have filed a Motion asking that the court certify additional issues for appeal. In his ruling overturning the death sentence Judge Yohn gave the Commonwealth 180 days to hold a re-sentencing hearing. Several results are possible. If the Commonwealth decides not to hold a re-sentencing hearing in 180 days, Mumia's death sentence automatically becomes a life sentence unless the Third Circuit grants either our appeal or the Commonwealth's. If the Commonwealth does hold a re-sentencing hearing, the death sentence could be re-instated. It could also be re-instated if the Third Circuit reverses Judge Yohn's opinion on overturning the death sentence. But, the 180 days has not yet begun to run because it is tolled by the appeals to the Third Circuit. In his Memorandum & Order of December 18, 2001, Judge Yohn inter alia denied our Redrafted and Amended Petition for Habeas Corpus Relief. He also rejected Arnold Beverly's confession to the killing of Daniel Faulkner. This, in spite of the fact that the video tape, of which you just heard the sound track, is filed with the court as is the written confession. Also filed is the Declaration of Dr. Honts, the noted polygraph examiner, corroborating the fact that Arnold Beverly is telling the truth and the fact that the evidence supports the veracity of the confession of Arnold Beverly. Arnold Beverly is ready and willing to testify as you just heard him say. Judge Yohn will not even let us take his deposition, which is why the video was made and filed in the court. The single issue that Judge Yohn certified for appeal is called the Batson issue and is based on the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79 (1986) where the court held that the potential jurors cannot be struck from serving on the jury based on race. In Mumia's case, eleven out of fifteen peremptory strikes were made by prosecutor McGill against black potential jurors. Statistically, it is virtually impossible that this striking of Blacks from the jury was anything but race based. If we win on Batson, that ruling would mean that the court decided that Mumia never had a fair trial. The conviction would be thrown out automatically and he would either be given a re-trial or he would be freed. The appeals court is empowered not only to overturn Judge Yohn's ruling on the death sentence, but it can also expand the issues it will review beyond the Batson issue. We have asked the court to review an additional eleven issues. Mumia is an innocent man. We have asked that the Writ of Habeas Corpus be granted and that he be set free. NOW TURNING FOR JUST A MOMENT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE SUPREME COURT. In addition to being on appeal to the Third Circuit, we are on appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Judge Dembe of the Court of Common Pleas has denied our Petition for Post Conviction Relief and/or Writ of Habeas Corpus. She has said she will not hear Arnold Beverly although she also has his written and video confession as well as the corroborating and supporting documentation. She says it comes too late, and she claims that she does not have the jurisdiction to hear about innocence. Nor, for that matter, does she have the jurisdiction to hear about guilt since Arnold Beverly is ready and willing to walk into any court and openly declare both his guilt and Mumia's innocence. It is not Mumia's fault that his former attorney's suppressed Arnold Beverly's confession. But Judge Dembe says that neither Mumia nor Beverly have a place in her courtroom. It is baffling to try to find logic in such a decision. We have filed a Notice of Appeal, but as of yet there is no briefing schedule. NOW, MY STORY. First, let me reiterate: Mumia is innocent. Let the cynics sneer, if there are among you, those who choose to think, Oh, you never know. If you know Mumia, you know he is innocent. I know him very well and there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever. What happened to him on December 9th 1981 is that he was shot and beaten and brutalized. I knew Mumia was innocent by merely reading the transcript. It was long before I came to know that the killer of Daniel Faulkner had confessed. It was long before I knew that the most highly esteemed polygraph expert in the country corroborated the confession. I knew he was innocent before Terri Maurer Carter, a court reporter, came forward and reported to us, confirming what we already knew, that Judge Sabo was a bigot. She signed a sworn declaration that she had heard Judge Sabo say "I'm going to help them fry the n****r." It was before I knew that Chobert had recanted his testimony and admitted to an investigator that he was not in the position he said he was at the trial, and he could not have seen the shooting of Daniel Faulkner. I knew he was innocent before I knew that Chobert's evidence was suppressed by the former attorneys in the 1995 post-conviction hearing. I knew he was innocent before Yvette Williams, who had been in jail with Cynthia White (the most damning primary perjurous witness for the prosecution) came forward. I knew he was innocent before Yvette Williams swore in her declaration that Cynthia White told her that she had lied on the stand, that she saw nothing, wasn't there, and that she had lied because the police had forced her by intimidation and threats. I knew he was innocent and must be freed before I knew that Mumia's brother Billy Cook expected to testify in the 1995 post-conviction hearing and was discouraged from doing so by Mumia's attorney Leonard Weinglass. He was intending to testify to his brother's innocence. He had written a sworn declaration, which was also suppressed, like the killer Arnold Beverly's confession was suppressed. Billy was going to testify because he was there, and because he knew his brother to be innocent. I knew he was innocent and had to be freed before I knew that in the 1995 post-conviction hearing - as the whole world watched, Philadelphia thronged with media, and the city belonged to those who love Mumia - had Mumia testified, he would have been a presence so powerful that the force of the truth of his innocence could not have been denied. He would have walked from the courthouse a free man leaving in his wake the wicked Judge alone in the court, an evil alchemist stirring his pot of lies. But Mumia, brother to us all, was not to take the witness stand on his own behalf at his own post-conviction hearing. He was to sit silent as the world watched wondering. He rose only momentarily to tell the court that his attorneys, i.e. Weinglass and Williams, had advised him not to testify. He was to wait for that legendary trial that oh these long years is yet to come. And the world watched wondering. I knew he was innocent because you have but to open the trial transcript, not to the part where the trial actually begins on June 18th 1982, but to the earlier hearings, the preliminary ones, where Mumia is begging for a line-up as to all and every witness against him. Who begs for a line-up? Only two kinds of people, the crazy or the innocent, and Mumia is not crazy. Was it bravado? No, this is no bravado. The insistence on his right to a line-up dominates the hearings on January 5, 1982, January 11, 1982 on February 22, 1982 and again on March 18th 1982. Listen to Jackson speaking on January 5, 1982, page 2. (This was before Mumia asked for his right of self-representation) Jackson spoke: "May it please the Court I am appointed to represent Mr. Jamal in this matter. After several conversations and discussions with my client with regard to identification of him in this matter, Sir I would like to request a line-up, if the court please prior to the preliminary hearing." Look at page 7, same date: McGill vigorously opposes a line-up. Why would that be only that he couldn't trust his witnesses to lie and he knew they couldn't independent of coercion make an identification? And this is the Mumia - remember - who was himself investigating the police. He knew how they handled witnesses. He knew the vulnerability of these witnesses to police intimidation. As I read the repeated demands for a line-up, I began to experience his innocence and his desperation in his innocence. I could see him and feel his emotion. I experienced it not only intellectually, not only in the heart, but also viscerally in the gut. No guilty man begs to be thrown up against a white wall with blinding lights in his face to risk being identified by an unknown and unseen person. Mumia is innocent. I went to Mumia. I told him what I had read and what I learned from the reading. He smiled. "It seems so long since anyone talked about it," he said. "But it gives me so much," I said. "What is that?" he asked. "Well," I said, "It is the best evidence of your innocence since you're not crazy, you must be innocent. But, it also tells me so much more. It tells me that you could not have been anywhere near either the policeman or your brother. You could not have intruded on any incident in progress because you would never have dared to ask for a line-up because some witness could have placed you in close proximity. But, beyond all that, I learned of your indomitable faith in human nature. You believed that when faced with the reality of the situation no one would be so evil as to pick you out of the line-up because they would be picking the wrong man." There was silence for a moment. And then Mumia said, "Thank You." AND NOW TO COMPLETE MY STORY. I want to tell you what happened with a member of my family shortly after my conversation with Mumia. I was on the phone talking with a close relative. I was trying to explain to her how important the case was because the man was a wonderful person and he was innocent and the witnesses lied and the trial was unfair. I was trying to justify to her why I was devoting myself so entirely to the case. For everything I said, I heard a "A-huh, A-huh," dry with skepticism. Then I said, "He asked for a line-up, but they wouldn't give it to him.² Her voice broke in on my words, "I was once in a line-up," she said. "Why when was that?" I asked. "Well," she said, "my work was across the street from the police station and one day the police came over and asked the supervisor if people could participate in a line up. My supervisor picked me." "But why would you do that? Weren't you scared?" I asked. "No," she blurted out, "because I was innocent." There was silence. She never criticized me again. THERE ARE SEVERAL THINGS THAT YOU MAY DO SUPPORT MUMIA. Firstly, a campaign has been launched to write to Governor Mark Schweiker asking him to order the Attorney General to take over the case from the obviously corrupt District Attorney's office, immediately go into court and stipulate to the fact that Mumia did not have a fair trial < to do the right thing, confess error, and free Mumia. Mumia is a union member. He refused to be interviewed by the scabs during the ABC strike. He said, "He'd rather die then cross the picket line." He deserves your support. He has achieved significant union support. As many of you perhaps know from your own participation, the Oakland teachers union voted to conduct a one day teach-in throughout the entire system, and succeeded in doing so in spite of severe opposition from the police and the school board. From this action they broke the media black-out and achieved two weeks of media coverage. Another remarkable show of support for Mumia was when the ILWU conducted a twenty-four hour shut-down of all the ports from Vancouver to San Diego as a protest strike in behalf of Mumia. This was the first political strike since the 1930's. Similarly, you can organize in your workplace. Declare one day for education about Mumia's case. If you have a union in your work place set up a support committee for Mumia. If you don't have a union organize one. Take a three-hour paid lunch to educate your fellow workers on the case. Get the word out. We must work legally and politically together to assert enough pressure to win Mumia's freedom. Life imprisonment is an intolerable result. He must be freed. Very importantly the defense team is desperately in need of funds. If you wish to support the defense, please do as Mumia has requested. None of the lawyers have gotten paid at all. Period. This cannot continue. It is virtually insupportable. Furthermore, we cannot do the work we need to do, and pay the people to do what is necessary to be done, without even money for supplies, or to pay experts and investigators. The situation is quite desperate. If I do say so, we've done a phenomenal amount of work and paid for it ourselves because we are totally dedicated to the freedom of Mumia regardless of the personal sacrifice. This should not go on. Mumia has asked that money to support his legal defense be sent to, or made out today to: Humanitarian Law Project 8124 W. 3rd St. Suite 105 Los Angeles, California 90048. It will be greatly appreciated by Mumia and his defense team. Thank you very much. It is an honor to represent Mumia and to be here with you today. |zum Anfang der Seite |Email: - keine email ?
In Fury We Trust In Fury We TrustSarah Schulman’s resounding rebuttal to exclusionary AIDS histories The ACT UP activist Katrina Haslip. | Courtesy of Women Make Movies Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987–1993 by Sarah Schulman. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 736 pages. The popular origin story of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power has a mythic quality to it. In March 1987, the writer and filmmaker Nora Ephron cancelled her planned talk at the Lesbian and Gay Center in New York. To fill in, organizers tapped Larry Kramer, author of the controversial novel Faggots and embattled cofounder of the AIDS service organization Gay Men’s Health Crisis. The speech Kramer ended up giving proved a far cry from anything the screenwriter of the forthcoming When Harry Met Sallycould possibly have offered. Almost six years into the AIDS crisis—with nearly twenty-five thousand dead in the United States, and more than six thousand of those deaths in New York City alone—Kramer was appalled by what he saw as the lackluster activist response from the gay community. And he made sure the room knew it. As one attendee recalled, “I remember he asked half the audience to stand up and he said, ‘You’re all going to be dead in six months, now what are we going to do about it?’” Within two days, ACT UP was born. Stories like this populate what AIDS activist and cultural critic Ted Kerr has called the “AIDS Crisis Revisitation,” or the renewed attention, in the last decade, to narratives of the “plague” years—the period between the first reported cases, in 1981, of what would later become AIDS, and the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy in 1995. These narratives, which include Ryan Murphy’s rendition of Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart, the Broadway revival of Angels in America, and Rebecca Makkai’s novel The Great Believers, often elevate the experiences of white gay men to the universal narrative of the AIDS crisis. David France’s 2012 documentary How to Survive a Plagueand his 2016 book of the same title are the worst offenders, collapsing the complex and diverse histories of AIDS activism, and particularly the work of ACT UP, into the neat story of an elite cadre of white gay men who triumphed against pharmaceutical greed and government inaction to end the AIDS crisis. France has even admitted to the revisionist nature of his work, conceding that he “did not talk about housing issues, I did not talk about IV drug use, I didn’t talk about women’s issues, I did not talk about the complicated and knotty issues around race when that was something that ACT UP was addressing.” In other words, France’s history of AIDS activism failed to address some of the most urgent issues and affected communities of the epidemic, leaving the impression that ACT UP, and AIDS activism more broadly, was the privileged domain of white male heroism. Within this framing, Kramer’s founding of ACT UP serves as a pivotal plot point, as if without his singular vision, collective action against AIDS simply wouldn’t have happened—a notion that belies the historical record. ACT UP would not have succeeded without the membership and political influence of feminist, antiracist, and anti-war activists. Writing contemporaneously with France, scholars of AIDS history such as Jennifer Brier, Darius Bost, Dan Royles, Emily Hobson, Alexandra Juhasz, Kevin Mumford, and Jih-Fei Cheng have demonstrated the centrality of women and people of color in histories of AIDS activism, while also underscoring the ongoing nature of the AIDS epidemic, especially for Black gay and bisexual men, Black women, trans people, and people living in the Global South. Adding to this important work is writer, scholar, and former ACT UP member Sarah Schulman’s Let the Record Show, which documents the group from its formation in March 1987 to its public decline in 1993. Clocking in at over seven hundred pages, Schulman’s sprawling history offers a resounding rebuttal to exclusionary versions of AIDS history by foregrounding the role women, lesbians, people of color, IV drug users, and incarcerated people played in the history of ACT UP. Let the Record Show’s massive size is the result of Schulman’s decision to structure the book around oral histories collected over the course of nearly twenty years for the ACT UP Oral History Project, which she cofounded with the experimental filmmaker Jim Hubbard. In her reflection on the methodology used in the project, Schulman explains that she and Hubbard were inspired by the Fortunoff collection of Holocaust testimonies, which asked interviewees to describe who they were before and after the Holocaust. The result, Schulman argues, is a more holistic view of the interviewee, and in the case of ACT UP, offers a better picture of the activist traditions and communities that ACT UP grew out of. Although collective anger against the AIDS crisis existed before ACT UP—as work like Deborah Gould’s book Moving Politicsreveals—many of the white gay men in the group were new to political activism and looked to women, lesbians, and people of color with previous activist experience for inspiration. Women like Marion Banzhaf, who worked at the reproductive justice organization Tallahassee Feminist Women’s Health Center prior to joining ACT UP, provided a crucial framework for ACT UP’s “patient-centered politics.” Anti-war activists like Jamie Bauer, who participated in the 1979 Women’s Pentagon Action, brought with them a deep knowledge of civil disobedience tactics, which became a hallmark of ACT UP’s direct actions. By generating space for interviewees to share these previous activist experiences, Schulman demonstrates how ACT UP would not have succeeded without the membership and political influence of feminist, antiracist, and anti-war activists. You Are Witness to a CrimeBy Debra Levine Grounding the book in the tradition of oral history also allows for voices previously sidelined from major ACT UP historiographies to be heard. Work like How to Survive a Plague has promulgated the impression of ACT UP membership andleadership as made up of exclusively white gay men, but Let the Record Showrecalibrates—and broadens—how we should think about ACT UP’s demographics. Although Schulman does not deny that a large portion of ACT UP members were white gay men, she also emphasizes the integral place women, lesbians, people of color, and IV drug users held not only as rank-and-file members, but as movement leaders. For example, Maxine Wolfe, a prominent activist in feminist reproductive health circles, appears only as a minor character in How to Survive a Plague, but in Let the Record Showshe is positioned, rightfully, alongside Mark Harrington and Larry Kramer as one of the major leaders of ACT UP. Activists of color, too, are front and center, as evidenced by Schulman’s editorial—and political—decision to open the book with the stories of Robert Vázquez-Pacheco and Moisés Agosto-Rosario, two Puerto Rican members of ACT UP who played significant roles in the Majority Action Committees and Gran Fury, and the Latino Caucus and ACT UP Puerto Rico, respectively. But Let the Record Showis still missing a crucial set of voices: HIV positive women, specifically HIV positive women of color. On this limitation, Schulman is very open: “By 2001, almost every HIV-positive woman in ACT UP New York, except one confirmed survivor, had died. . . . Because they died of systemic racism, and governmental and corporate indifference and neglect, their full impact on the movement cannot be accurately assessed.” While Schulman does succeed in including key experiences of women of color by way of other members’ oral histories, their early deaths are a reminder of the stark inequalities that the AIDS epidemic exacerbated, as well as the challenges that face historians of minoritarian communities. Central to Schulman’s recalibration is her birds-eye view of ACT UP’s structure, which helps recontextualize the historical role of one of ACT UP’s most well-known groups: the Treatment and Data Committee (T&D). Comprised of “citizen scientists” who studied everything from the pathogenesis of HIV to the intricacies of clinical trials, T&D helped spearhead some of ACT UP’s largest wins—like the creation of a parallel track system within clinical trials, which allowed people living with AIDS who were not eligible for controlled studies to still receive access to experimental drugs. While the membership of T&D changed over ACT UP’s duration (the group, in fact, was started by Dr. Iris Long, a straight chemist who did not know any gay people before joining ACT UP) Schulman notes that it was the T&D of those most present in Revisitation narratives—Peter Staley, Mark Harrington, Gregg Gonsalves, and Garance Franke-Ruta—that shifted from “influencing the way drugs were studied and made available” in clinical trials to influencing “which drugs were studied and what approaches embraced.” Schulman’s ACT UP becomes less of a homogenous group and more an environment in which many different collectives came together to engage in direct-action to end the AIDS crisis. Schulman argues that ACT UP’s strength derived not from the victories of one single group, but from a multi-pronged activist approach of many groups working in “simultaneity of action” rather than consensus. In this structure, T&D was just onegroup, albeit an influential one, among many others that included the Actions, Fundraising, Outreach, Coordinating, Media, and Majority Action Committees, the last of which was a group for people of color in ACT UP, and so named because people of color represented the majority of those affected by the epidemic. In addition to official committees and caucuses, ACT UP also had affinity groups like Gran Fury—the art agitprop collective responsible for the iconic slogan “Silence = Death” and Read My Lips posters—which organized around specific issues, worked autonomously, and provided members with networks of care. By introducing the reader to groups who are often absent from Revisitation narratives, Schulman’s ACT UP becomes less of a homogenous group and more an environment in which many different collectives came together to engage in direct-action to end the AIDS crisis. Not merely a matter of representation, Schulman’s recontextualization serves as an intervention in the political analysis of ACT UP. While histories focused on T&D can make it seem like they alone won victories for the activist group, Schulman argues that most ACT UP wins must be viewed as the result of what she calls the group’s “inside”/“outside” tactical approach. In this dynamic, those with racial and gender privilege—namely, white gay men—would serve as “insiders” who met with government and pharmaceutical officials to negotiate on behalf of ACT UP. And while those meetings occurred, the “outsiders”—primarily women, radicals, and people of color—would literally rally outside, putting additional pressure on those meeting with the “insiders.” Schulman points to the FDA’s adoption of the parallel track following the “Seize Control of the FDA” action in October 1988, and Burroughs Wellcome’s 1989 decision to lower the price of AZT, as success stories of the “inside”/“outside” strategy. To focus only on the insider, Schulman concludes, is to fundamentally miss how ACT UP’s strategy delivered victories that would eventually alter the course of the epidemic. Despite the importance of the inside/outside tactic to ACT UP’s overall success, Schulman argues that the group’s greatest achievement was accomplished without it: the four-year long campaign initiated by the Women’s Committee to change the CDC’s definition of AIDS to include symptoms present in women. In the 1980s, the criteria to receive an AIDS diagnosis derived from how AIDS manifested in gay men, and particularly white gay men who had the race and class privilege to access health care. There was little to no attempt to investigate how AIDS appeared in other groups, which is why women with AIDS, whose symptoms included invasive cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, bacterial pneumonia, endocarditis, and persistent yeast and urinary tract infections, did not meet the CDC’s definition of AIDS. The issue, of course, was that they didhave AIDS, but could not get Social Security and other government benefits without an official diagnosis. (Hence ACT UP’s slogan “Women don’t get AIDS, they just die from it.”) Compounding the problem, most cisgender women were barred from early clinical trials because they were “people of child-bearing potential,” and pharmaceutical companies feared the liability involved if the experimental drugs harmed fetuses. The fight to change the CDC definition was actually several intertwined projects, and differed from other ACT UP efforts in that those directly affected lacked the same access as men. Members of the Women’s Committee ran a Women and AIDS teach-in, which led to the publication of the hugely popular book Women, AIDS & Activism. They also helped organize protests at the offices of the Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC in 1990. At the same time, Terry McGovern, an attorney and founder of the HIV Law Project, began representing many poor clients in New York City who faced discrimination in housing due to their HIV status. What McGovern found was that the CDC’s AIDS definition was also being used locally to deny AIDS-related benefits, which led her to file a class-action lawsuit against Social Security for discrimination. If the record shows anything, it’s that one must talk about ACT UP histories, in the plural. Some of McGovern’s clients included women previously incarcerated at the New York women’s prison Bedford Hills, and it was through them that McGovern met Katrina Haslip, a Black Muslim woman who co-founded ACE to help incarcerated women with HIV/AIDS, and later ACE-OUT to support women once they were released. Other women involved in efforts to change the CDC definition include Iris De La Cruz, a member of Prostitutes of New York (PONY) and author of the column “Iris with the Virus,” as well as Phyllis Sharpe, a Black activist who spoke openly of her history with homelessness and drug use, and how that intersected with her positive status. Through the efforts of these women, the CDC relented and in 1993 changed the definition of AIDS to include invasive cervical cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia, and anyone who had two hundred T-cells or less. Unfortunately, by the time the definition was changed, Haslip had already died from AIDS, and did so without the official diagnosis that could have provided her with some support. In addition to the immediate benefit to women with AIDS, the movement to change the CDC definition had two other vital effects. First, it demonstrated the massive power of the “outside” group, in that most of the activists involved in the effort were those who didn’t have access to pharmaceutical executives and government leaders. Not only were the men of T&D largely absent from aiding the campaign—and therefore providing a more direct path to “insider” access—but when the women didgain access, they were not treated with the respect and influence afforded to ACT UP men. Second, the campaign offered a vision of ACT UP as a broader movement for racial justice, universal health care, social welfare, and gender equity, which these activists saw as essential to truly ending the HIV/AIDS crisis. This vision ultimately came into conflict with T&D’s singular focus on pharmaceutical reform and getting “drugs into bodies,” leading the men of T&D to split from ACT UP in early 1992 to start the Treatment Action Group, or TAG. But Schulman’s detailed analysis of the campaign to change the CDC definition demonstrates the power of coalitional politics and provides a blueprint for contemporary activist efforts that seek to address multiple social issues through a single campaign. Let the Record Show takes its title from an ACT UP public art exhibition, in a window of the New Museum, which set tombstones with the names of politicians ACT UP had designated as enemies against a backdrop photograph of the Nuremberg trials[*]. Above the installation, in neon lights, hung ACT UP’s famous slogan “Silence = Death.” The implication was clear: the harm these politicians were committing was on par with what the Nazis did in the Holocaust, and—someday—there would be a reckoning. The irony of Schulman’s choice is that ACT UP’s Let the Record Showassumes that the record of harm will reveal itself without explication, which is surely not an interpretive task Schulman believes regarding the oral histories. Not only are the oral histories meticulously edited and organized for the purpose of the book, but there’s an inherent instability to them: the contradictions, conflicting ideologies, and mismatched testimonies unsettle any possibility for ACT UP to be one thing. If the record shows anything, it’s that one must talk about ACT UP histories, in the plural. This, of course, is hard work; AIDS history is emotional history. In a recent post, T&D member Peter Staley wrote that we need to “stop with the scolding (purist) view that ACT UP didn’t shoot high enough with ‘drugs into bodies’ (only winning a pharma-based solution) and supposedly didn’t fight hard enough for universal health care.” He concludes: “Our history needs no equivocation from today’s politically naive purists on the left.” I empathize with Staley’s words. It’s hard to be faced with renegotiations of your personal history, especially when, as Staley writes, if we “failed on drugs into bodies, I’d be dead. . . . Most of my friends would be dead.” For younger generations who did not experience the worst years of the epidemic, Staley’s post is an instructive reminder of how easy it is to fall into unfair lines of criticism, like the suggestion that all white gay men sold out women and people of color for a chance to live. These criticisms not only overlook well-documented instances of activism across differences, but often ignore the very real conditions under which people with AIDS made life-and-death decisions: the total eradication of communities, friends, and family. But Staley’s post is also a cautionary warning, reminding us that despite the emotional politics of ACT UP and AIDS history, we can and must differentiate between unfounded criticisms of ACT UP and the necessity for multiple, and at times conflicting, histories of the group, and to not allow the fear of the former to prevent the latter. Otherwise, we run the risk of losing sight of those activists now receiving the overdue recognition they deserve. [*] Correction: An earlier version of this piece credited Let the Record Showto Gran Fury. The installation was created by members of ACT UP and resulted in the formation of Gran Fury. - 1Will the Paris Agreement still be able to deliver after the US withdrawal? - 2Côte d’Illusion - 4Terror Threat As German Tourist Stabbed Near Eiffel Tower - 5Refugee or migrant? 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How is one to speak of the plunge from the 1920s into the 1930s—the toboggan slide, as it seemed, from affluence to penury? The word used in common talk are “crash” and “slump” or “boom” and “bust” or simply “crisis” and “depression.” How can such words begin to suggest shabby gentlemen and women selling apples on the streets? or the shantytown that sprang up below Riverside Drive? or the millions of idle across a continent? New generations cannot begin to feel the strange nightmare moments as we turned into the 1930 decade, 50 years ago. A thick curtain seemed to fall between the moment of the Wall Street panic in 1929 and the beginning of World War II in 1939. Looking backward, Edmund Wilson wrote that it was difficult for books did not sell; his play failed. But he was in love with Margaret Canby, a friend of some years. She was a lively, laughing, unliterary, down-to-earth drinking companion, a woman of warmth and dignity. They married. Their domesticity would be erratic, tempestuous, passionate. At the beginning of the decade Wilson completed Axel’s Castle, his book on the literary moderns, showing how they descended from the French symbolists. He dealt with Yeats, Joyce, Proust, Valery, Eliot, Gertrude Stein, anticipating the stature these writers now have. The book was praised, but, given the temper of the times, only modestly (it would have a wide success in the later decades). Even as he read the proofs Wilson asked himself whether it wasn’t obsolete. The “high aesthetic” in literature was yielding to the leftist insistence that novelists must concern themselves with the proletariat and poetry proclaim the clenched fist. Wilson understood the mood, even if he had other views. To his friends he jauntily remarked how invigorating it was “to find ourselves still carrying on while the bankers are taking a beating.” He liked this quip sufficiently to put it into a comedy about the Depression written in the early 1930s which mocked the discomfiture of the “prosperity decade.” But it was clear soon enough that the whole nation was “taking a beating” along with the bankers, and this was not a subject for comedy. Aware of the national urgencies, Wilson issued an appeal to “progressives” in the columns of The New Republic. He wrote: Moneymaking and the kind of advantages which a moneymaking society provides for money to buy are not enough to satisfy humanity—neither is a system like ours in which everyone is out for himself and the devil take the hindmost, with no common purpose and little common culture to give life stability and sense. Old conceptions, he wrote, should be “dynamited” and new ones “as shocking as necessary, substituted.” If Edmund sounded ready for revolution, he felt also that Americans needed information. And so he traveled to Detroit, Chicago, the South, wherever there were shutdowns and unrest, to describe and explain and interpret. Of his writings at this time, Matthew Josephson, never an admirer of Wilson, asserted after Edmund’s death that they were “the most objective description of America in 1932 that we have.” Wilson’s assertion that old conceptions should be dynamited was reshaped very early into a manifesto, issued in 1932 by a group of writers that included Lewis Mumford, Waldo Frank, Dos Passos, and others. Its text, and the circumstances surrounding it, can be read in Elena Wilson’s edition of her husband’s literary and political letters. It is a quiet, sober, rather dry statement, and in a low key. The writers were determined not to be inflammatory. There wasn’t a stick of dynamite in it. To read it after half a century is to be made suddenly aware how little the 1930 intellectuals knew what Hitler intended, and what Mussolini was doing: the nature of paternal, dictatorial, capitalistic fascism, or its proletarian form under Stalin, was still to be revealed. The manifesto seems now Utopian and curiously ingenuous. Free enterprise had proved bankrupt. New social forms, a new social order, new human values were needed. A society stripped of the profit motive and of competition would evolve a changed social philosophy. This was not possible so long as there was “the exploitation of the many for the profit of the few.” The manifesto’s solution: a “temporary dictatorship of the class-conscious workers.” Once nationalization was achieved, and the new society established (one presumed), there would be no further need for this dictatorship. And the manifesto called on writers, engineers, intellectuals, teachers to make common cause with the proletariat. Dos Passos promptly pointed out that the white-collar workers were left out and that certain communist formulas had been followed in spite of their efforts to keep clear of them. Dreiser, who declared for communism, issued his own statement. Revolutions are not often created by manifestos, and the ferment among the intellectuals, their disregard of the “petty bourgeois”—as Dos Passos and Wilson recognized—and their use of a language unfamiliar to rank-and-file America did not carry the writers far: nor could there be real agreement among them. Wilson’s work as a reporter brought him much closer to the nation’s realities and he described these with his masterly concreteness. Those who remember him from this time recall the changes that came with middle age. He had ceased to be the slender Ivy League young man of his Greenwich Village days. He had become rotund and ruddy-cheeked. He no longer dressed in a collegiate way, as Scott Fitzgerald described him. He wore business suits, gray or dark blue; he sported a variety of hats, from the floppy to the Stetson. In manner he could be brusque and impatient; in speech he was incisive and he could be rude if foolishly pressed; occasionally he reached for words and a sentence would end in a splutter. His volubility masked shyness and withdrawal and depression, which led to hard drinking. But he could be generous and attentive when approached with directness and clarity. His humane sympathies were wide, and no passage in these journals testifies more to this than the record of his trip to the labor “barricades” in the Kentucky coal fields. Here he saw for himself the ruthlessness and cruelty of company officials, businessmen, and professionals, and their hatred of the locked-out and starving miners. This step in the education of his “social consciousness” was completed by his being ridden out of town by a bunch of pistol-swinging deputies. Edmund Wilson’s politics during the 1930s have confused many of his readers and critics. The Marxist penitents, remembering his meetings with communist leaders, and the Utopian manifesto, have called him a “Red.” Others have used the word “leftist.” Still others have suggested he was either a dupe or politically naive. The breast-beaters and name-callers, involved in a constant dance of apology and rear-vision, overlook the simple fact that Wilson was an old-fashioned American individualist. He felt he could vote for “the party of his choice” in any election without carrying a permanent stigma. A passage in these journals written in Provincetown during the summer of 1932 tells us all we need to know. At the height of the Depression, Wilson felt that the helpless and inert Hoover administration had shown its impotence in calling out the army to drive the bonus marchers from the streets of Washington. Nor was he satisfied with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s platform as the election approached; the time had not yet come for FDR to show his political flexibility and his gift for improvisation. Wilson would always distrust him and accuse him of political duplicities. As for the Norman Thomas socialists, they were like the British Fabians, caught in a dream of some remote welfare state (the term had not yet been invented). Wilson, in later years—or at least up to the time of Adlai Stevenson—voted the Thomas ticket, more in protest than in support. In 1932 he wanted a dynamic platform, “action now,” and for one who had seen firsthand the national misery, the Communists offered a program that made sense to him—they would cast out the Washington double-dealers and put the proletariat in the saddle. Wilson took steps to inform himself. He talked with William Z. Foster, the Communist party leader. He invited him to his home and invited friends to meet him and ask questions. And he decided, as his journal tells us, to vote the communist ticket even though he disliked the rank-and-file party comrades. He followed his social and humane beliefs without making permanent party commitments. He was a freewheeling writer descended from the makers of the American Revolution who was not afraid to be revolutionary. He was never a “joiner,” and as he remarks, the Communists would never have considered him for the party even if he had pleaded to join. He had a distinct distaste for stereotyped party utterances; and in Kentucky was critical of their maneuvers. What Wilson came to feel was that the nation and the press tended to second-guess history—a common American failing. Wilson’s philosophy of history consisted of study and assessment of the past. He was not concerned with prophecy or the planning of national policy on paranoid assumptions of what other nations might do. He was and remained an independent. He would later denounce the tyranny in Russia as he had denounced the muddle in Washington. And he kept an open mind. He settled now to a close study of Marx—almost as if the Marxian text were written by Joyce or Dante. Later he admitted a bias. He had believed the Soviet Union would “put into practice its Leninist ideals” and “this was implied in my whole attitude toward what was going on at home.” We may wonder why Wilson read so intensively in Marx and Engels, Trotsky and Lenin. More than his usual curiosity was involved. He was aware that Marx was too often invoked without much knowledge of what he had written. The Communist party itself had reduced Marx to a series of slogans and platitudes. Congress was unaware of history—few of its members possessed that kind of literacy. What had Marx really advocated? How were the Russians using him? How did social revolutions begin? Wilson began to see that what was happening in the 20th century needed to be traced back to Vico’s ideas in the I7th. But how explain history to a Congress which could only express moral indignation, and a simplifying American press which used only tags and labels? Most persons to whom Wilson talked possessed a derivative Marxism, exception made for philosophers and political scientists. In the fullness of time Wilson himself would sum up his readings. He recognized that Marx clearly understood how workers were exploited and that he had contributed immeasurably to the world’s philosophy of labor. But, observed Wilson, “why should we suppose that man’s brutal and selfish impulses will all evaporate with a socialist dictatorship?” The welfare state could harbor atrophies and ineptitudes as great as those of free enterprise. The consequences of Wilson’s explorations and self-questionings were far-reaching. He embarked on a book that would parallel Axel’s Castle. That volume sought the origins of the “modern” movement in literature. Now he would begin to seek out the roots of modernism in politics and revolution. He would show how revolution, rising out of man’s misery, gave birth to ideas that flowed and grew within a historic stream, a stream that often became a torrent. He would show how persecutions and massacres and common sufferings, the revolutions in America and France, the years of ferment in Russia, the radicalism in Germany, led up to a singular moment in our time: one might call it the turning point in our century—that moment when Lenin arrived in the city that would bear his name: he came with all this history and theory in his head to take command of the floundering Russian Revolution. The title of Wilson’s book suddenly occurred to him as he was walking in the street: To the Finland Station. Only later would he realize that he had been influenced by Virginia Woolf’s title. To the Lighthouse. The Finland Station was the little shabby stucco building, “rubber-gray and tarnished pink” (Wilson would travel to Russia to look at it), in what was then St. Petersburg. Here Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, otherwise Lenin, arrived from his long exile following his wartime journey through Germany in a sealed train. Clutching a bouquet of roses handed him by his admirers, he had delivered one of his portentous slogans: “All power to the Soviets.” His book would show, Wilson believed, how history can determine human actions. It would be, as he subtitled it, “a study in the writing and acting of history.” It was a splendid, a poetic conception and he carried out his plan in the hope that it would enlighten American political and social thought. To write this book, Wilson felt he should visit Russia and study the scenes of his drama and thoroughly steep himself in the relevant documents. He knew some German. He now began the study of Russian. A Guggenheim Fellowship provided him with travel funds. His predecessors in this pilgrimage had been fairly numerous—among them his friend Dos Passos, Theodore Dreiser, Max Eastman, and earlier Lincoln Steffens, who had come back saying the much-quoted words that he had seen the future “and it works.” They had gone largely as reporters curious about the new supposed utopia-in-the-making. Wilson went as a historian and with few preconceptions; he had certain unvoiced hopes that Steffens had been right, that some new form of society was emerging. His ostensible goal was the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute in Moscow. His journals, however, do not tell US of his researches; they testify instead to his many encounters and interrogations. He had done sufficient “homework” by this time to be able to interpret what he heard—and also what could not be heard: the enigmatic reticences, the deep silences. He sought out his Fellow historian. Prince D. S. Mirsky, whose work he admired, and we have some notes of their meetings. Mirsky would be one of Stalin’s early victims, and Wilson later drew a finely sketched portrait of him, as he amplified his notes. He goes to picnics, night clubs, the Physkultur Parade, museums, monasteries; he is at the ballet, the theater, the opera, and has an easy familiarity from his readings in America with the plays, the players, the directors. His journey up the Volga, in its singular details, is like a Chekhov tale; and to climax his experiences he finds himself a captive student of socialized medicine in the USSR—for he comes down with scarlatina and for some weeks is quarantined in an old, dignified, dirty building in Odessa, a building that went back to the time of Pushkin. There are bedbugs everywhere. The orderlies urinate in the solitary sink near his room. Nurses and patients are cheerful; the patients are mostly children. He has many amusing conversations, is treated with the greatest respect, and at night is permitted to use the operating room as his study. All his bills—including telegrams and cables—are paid by the state. This ends his private adventure in Red Russia. He would continue his Russian studies in all the years to come. In the year before his death, Wilson took a backward glance at To the Finland Station. He was writing a preface for a new edition and he recalled that he had gone to Russia with “a too hopeful bias.” “We did not foresee that the new Russia must contain a good deal of the old Russia. . . . I had no premonition that the Soviet Union was to become one of the most hideous tyrannies that the world had ever known, and Stalin the most cruel and unscrupulous of the merciless Russian tsars.” However, he believed that his book remained “a basically reliable account of what the revolutionists thought they were doing in the interests of ‘a better world.’” He also accepted criticism that he had given too amiable a picture of Lenin. Later documents and much more evidence had convinced him that, behind Lenin’s worshipped facade, one could find all the corruptions of power. Edmund Wilson’s wife Margaret Canby died two years after their marriage, in an accident while she was in California. She slipped on some steep Spanish-style steps at Santa Barbara and fractured her skull. Wilson boarded a propeller plane for the long trip to the coast; he was overwhelmed and distraught. He nursed anxious thoughts that she might have committed suicide, for he lacked details. His journal record of his stay in California, his visit to the funeral parlor, his talks with relatives are a kind of emptying of his grief, his memories, his guilt. The passage is perhaps the most “felt” and intimate of all his writings about himself. If there had been some strain in the marriage, there had also been the love he now expressed. The monologue provided catharsis, but it did not bring total relief. For years Wilson continued to dream about Margaret: she is alive again, they are coming together, he experiences a kind of sublime joy— and always something happens to keep them apart and he races through rooms and corridors but cannot find her. The dreams suggest profound and unresolved feelings, continuing grief and self-blame; he had a strange sense that in dying she had abandoned him; and then the opposite, he felt guilty, as if he had abandoned her. The monologue reminds one of passages in Proust, or the soliloquy of Molly Bloom in Ulysses. Some readers may be startled by the publication of this intimate record of a marriage. One gains the impression that Wilson wrote the entire passage at a single sitting for himself, without thought of publication, Thirty years later he had it typed up for inclusion in his journals. The candor may seem at times gratuitous; it is a piece of private history, but it is also a search for the truth of personal history. The monologue testifies to Wilson’s core difficulty—there were things he could not allow himself to feel. In my introduction to The Twenties (Wilson’s journal for that decade) I discussed his dissociation of emotion in certain situations. He defended himself against emotional hurt by a kind of curmudgeonly bluntness which sometimes alienated friends. His modes of verbal aggression were in counterpoint with his verbal amiability. One is prompted to say that this problem, which deprived him of certain empathies, made it difficult for him in criticism to deal with writers of our time, like Kafka, who explored man’s troubled dream-existence. It ran counter to Wilson’s concreteness, derived from his ability to look at reality without having to feel it. In To the Finland Station he tells us that Karl Marx’s “blinded and paralyzed side” was his “negation of personal relations, of the responsibility of man to man,” and there was something of this in Wilson. For he speaks in these journals, in a moment of insight, of “the dead tissue in my soul—it could never grow back.” Perhaps he is thinking of the blocked sensibilities of his childhood. There had been, as we know, a deaf mother and a depressed and often apathetic father. The little boy Edmund had considerable difficulty communicating with those closest to him. In the process there was a short-circuiting of the common articulations and joys of childhood. The distancings were carried into adult life. Certain “social reflexes” were thwarted. We are given a glimpse of his insight into himself during a visit to an old friend: I was awfully glad to see him, and it was very pleasant at first to talk to him again, with his intellectual range and his cultivation: his history, psychology, literature; but my visit got to be more and more eerie. He wanted to be amiable and hospitable; but he had to make a conscious effort—his solitary and self-centered life had practically deprived him of the social reflexes. Wilson adds: “I have been that way myself, possibly always to some extent.” There were these sealed corridors in his personal relations, “and it was strange to see it from the outside,” Wilson said. He added that it “at once depressed me and made me feel superior.” What he could do was to displace emotion from the human scene into his writing. At his desk, the world fell into place. He was free to grasp, explain, sympathize, understand Proust’s sensitive childhood, experience Dickens’s sufferings and Turgenev’s struggles with his mother. Wilson’s journals reflect a compulsive and meticulous man reaching out with words to himself and his fellow humans, but allowing masses of fact and detail, and intellectual musings, to defend him against full-face encounter. Perhaps in this way we can understand the use of the bold inquiring front, the value language had for him: there was nothing arbitrary about dictionaries, or the past. The past was safe and confrontable. Why do some authors keep journals? Journals can be a way of shoring up life and siphoning off a surplus of creative energy. They become, on occasion, a device for dealing with parts of experience not readily useful; in effect, they can be a memory bank. We can see how, for Andre Gide or Thoreau or the copious Anais Nin—to take three disparate writers—journals became full-length mirrors of the self. In the case of Nin, they seem almost to have become a way of writing her life without having to live it. These are the journals of a profound narcissism. But there are other kinds. Kafka’s, as he told us, were a form of prayer. Henry James’s were used to solve artistic problems and allay anxiety about his immediate work. Virginia Woolf’s enabled her to maintain balance and use her mental iridescence to haul herself up, as it were, from chronic despondency. Wilson was not creating on the scale of such writers, and his journals, we may judge, served largely the function of memory and self-discipline. They were the notebooks of a chronicler, a way of tidying the mind for his craft of criticism: no meditations, no prayers, no invocation to the muse, no polished mirrors. He tries rather to be a camera, for this is what he finds most comfortable. A camera, however, doesn’t think: and Wilson is using his intellectual powers. His sensitivity resides in his visuality. He has an ear for what (and how) people say things. In this way he also tries to be a tape recorder. The journals are his mental account books and a way of handling unachieved relationships. Even his record of his own copulations has this kind of objectivity—as if he were a naturalist at the zoo of himself, writing a chapter of natural history. Thomas Mann, in his highly intellectual way, justified such intimate revelations (when his wife complained) by saying “the most intimate is at the same time the most universal.” Erich Heller’s response to this seems to me penetrating. Culture is attained, he reminds us, “by a tactful disregard of much that is ‘natural.’” When we universalize intimacy, it ceases to be intimate. When we impersonalize the personal, we risk stripping it of its humanity. Wilson also wrote down experience often in order to depersonalize it. Once it was written down, he could detach himself from it. Yet he couldn’t part with it. When I said to him one day (we were talking of his journals) that he was after all quite free to revise and change what he had written and even to trim passages, he rebelled. They had acquired total objectivity; they seemed almost not to belong to him. “I don’t want to cut any corners,” was the way he answered me. “But they’re your own corners, Edmund, you can do what you like with them.” My rejoinder did not please him. The text had become impersonal. He wasn’t going to tamper with it. The text belonged, unchangeably, to literary history.
Weddings, Seniors & More Hey there! I'm Ali, a Milwaukee-based photographer specializing in weddings and senior portraits. Exciting news – I've earned The Knot's Best of Weddings Hall of Fame and clinched a spot in the Top 50 Up & Coming Senior Photographers. How cool is that? What makes my photography stand out? It's not just about freezing moments; it's about creating a joy-filled, stress-free experience tailored to you. Your unique personality deserves to shine effortlessly, and I'm here to capture that authenticity in timeless images. When I'm not behind the lens, you'll find me trying to keep up with my fantastic husband and our two active boys. Whether we're at a youth sporting event or exploring the outdoors across Wisconsin, we're always up for an adventure. Being part of your story, capturing those amazing moments that mark the beginning of your next big adventure – that's what fuels my passion. I can't wait to get to know you and dive into your awesome story through my lens. Let's create some unforgettable memories together! Get to know me WOW - Just wow! My husband and I planned our Milwaukee wedding from Georgia and choosing a photographer from afar seemed so overwhelming. We wanted someone who would capture more than just posed images on our wedding day. From my first meeting with Ali, I knew she was someone who genuinely cared to show love through her photography and made me feel so comfortable that she could provide everything I wanted. Throughout the planning process, Ali was so flexible, easy to communicate with, and proactive to ensure our wedding vision came to fruition on our big day. Let me tell you - WE ARE SO OVERWHELMED AND OVERJOYED by our experience. Ali fit in so well on our wedding day and made picture-taking so fun and easy! The turnaround time to get our pictures back was unreal. The amount of happiness and joy we see in our pictures is exactly what we wanted - they look so beautiful, and feel so natural, I am obsessed. Thank you for everything! The factory on Barclay | Milwaukee, wi Meghan + Kyle Ali was the perfect photographer! We were so impressed with her professionalism and timeline management over the day. We have some headstrong family members, and she was able to handle them with ease - they even complimented us later on how amazing she was! Her high energy and excitement about the day were also amazing. We will be using her for all future photography needs! Geneva National Resort | Lake Geneva, WI Anna + David 2 / 18 Ali was amazing!! I could not have asked for a better photographer. I was super nervous it would be awkward, but she was super easy-going and talkative. Ali was very flexible and treated me like the most important person. All the images turned out great. Ali got them to me only FOUR days after our session. I was very impressed with all of Ali's work. Pamperin park | Green Bay, WI Ali is amazing and helped take so much stress and anxiety away from me. Our venue closed three months before our wedding day, and we went to Wisconsin from Illinois, which meant we needed a new photographer. Ali’s work was amazing, and we instantly knew we wanted to work with her. Ali was in constant communication with us, knew what happened, and did everything she could to help. She even offered to help us find new vendors. She was so friendly and easygoing. Ali was the greatest. She made every so stress-free, fun and enjoyable. Austin and I didn’t feel like we had to force anything and felt extremely comfortable around her. Thank you so much!! THE SWAN BARN DOOR | WISCONSIN DELLS, WI BRITTANY + AUSTIN We were looking for a wedding photographer that made us feel comfortable, and the photography process felt natural and fun. Ali was an amazing choice! She made the experience so easy! Ali was bubbly, organized, timely, and upbeat. She knew our bridal party and family members' names by the time we were taking group pictures! Many guests commented on how great she was. I would definitely recommend her! We got our pictures back from her less than two weeks after our wedding, and they are astonishing. We can't wait to pick some out to print! The Milwaukee MaRriott West | Waukesha, WI Amanda + Brian I was so nervous about getting my senior pictures taken because I'm not super comfortable in front of a camera. Ali made me super comfortable, and she was so nice and helped me with posing. I got my pictures back super fast, and I loved how they turned out. My session helped grow my confidence. I have never felt as confident and pretty as I felt during my session. Thank you, Ali!! Black Cat Alley | Milwaukee, wi When looking for a photographer for my daughter's senior photo session, we wanted someone that would take photos with a natural yet simple look. From the get-go, Ali was great to work with. When we booked the session, Ali was prompt to welcome us, answer any questions we had, and gave us a few suggestions on locations for her pictures. Ali's energy and personality were infectious. She was so much fun to work with. I was amazed at how quickly we received the photos after our session. She did a fantastic job capturing my daughter's personality. Thanks again, Ali!! THe Gardens | Allenton, WI When looking for a wedding photographer, we were worried about their personality, photo results, and reliability. Ali blew us away right from the start when we had an introductory meeting. Ali's fun personality and organization drew us in, and her photo samples had us sold. From the standpoint of a bride, I was so grateful for Ali's organization during wedding prep and especially on the wedding day. I knew I could count on her to ensure to capture the day's memories. We 100% recommend Ali! We loved her and her work. We will certainly be coming to Ali for any and all future photography needs. Boerner Botanical Gardens | Hales Corners, WI IZZY + JEFF The biggest concern I had when looking for a senior picture photographer was getting quality photos that made it worth the money. My money was well spent with Ali behind the camera! My senior pictures turned out phenomenal. Ali was very interactive and upbeat. She was knowledgeable about lighting and other photo techniques. Lastly, Ali was super easy to communicate with and flexible! I highly recommend Ali for your senior pictures! Hartford Union High School | Hartford, WI There are not even words for how awesome and wonderful Ali and our second photographer we. Ali was so easy to work with throughout the process. She was quick to respond to my emails. I was nervous for was our timeline between the ceremony and reception. Ali was on top of getting us through our family photos. During our bridal party photos at the Boerner Botanical Gardens, they knew where to get the best shots, but they also helped with the little ones in the bridal party so that their parents could take pictures. Ali even stuck around a little later at the reception to ensure we got all of the pictures that we wanted. She was so easy and fun to work with that we honestly would love to hang out and be friends! Brookfield conference Center | Brookfield, WI Paula + Travis Ali was amazing! The two most important components I was looking for when setting up my daughter’s senior pictures were a photographer who could capture her true, authentic self and create a FUN experience! The pictures are amazing, and I would highly recommend Ali for any photography needs! Ali was professional, responsive to our needs, and impressively creative. She was even able to get my daughter to SMILE for pictures which is a rare sighting, AND my daughter is still talking about how much fun she had! lion's den gorge | Grafton, WI Ali did a fantastic job for us not only on our wedding day but throughout the entire process! She was professional and organized - she sent notification reminders for payment, info to help with our timeline, and questionnaires on shot details for the day. Besides the excellent organization, Ali showed up promptly and full of excitement! She was very sweet and catered to our requests as they came up. We kept to our timeline, which allowed for a super smooth day. And finally, she delivered our sneaks right away and full gallery within two weeks! We were very happy with the beautiful photos she took! Clean, timeliness, and true to color. 10/10 would recommend Ali for your wedding photography ☺️ Stasia + Caleb I was very nervous before my senior pictures. I tend to feel uncomfortable when it's just me in front of the camera, and I didn't want to look awkward in my senior pictures. Thankfully, as soon as I met Ali, I felt completely relaxed and confident. It was such a great experience! I am so happy I booked her!! Fonferek Glen | De Pere, WI To say Ali is amazing is an understatement! She made our special day that much better with her energy, upbeat attitude, and fantastic attention to detail! We all know that once the day is done, the photos are what allow us to remember our wedding. If you were to ask us out of all the images we thought were the best, we could quickly answer with everyone that was our favorite (This is not a joke). Another aspect that we loved about Ali was her professionalism. She is always available for questions, she responds quickly, and she got all of our photos back much quicker than we anticipated. We would highly recommend Ali if you are in search of a photographer! She is the best! The concourse Hotel | Madison, WI Katelyn + Adam Ali is a super talented, creative, and fun photographer to work with! Our senior picture session was on the verge of getting rained out, yet Ali turned the negative into a positive. The pictures were absolutely stunning, with the storm clouds rolling in. Ali makes you feel comfortable and uses her creative talent to ensure your session and pictures are unique to each client. I highly recommend her; besides getting beautiful images, Ali was so easy to work with! Downtown Hartford | Hartford, WI Ali was lovely and an excellent photographer for our ceremony. She was willing to move things around for us when we decided to have the ceremony a day early (our ceremony was small—12 people—because of COVID safety concerns), but she also worked through cold and rain for us. Ali even had an extra umbrella for me (the bride) to use during the ceremony that would look good in the photos. She worked quickly and efficiently to get the family portraits we wanted so that people could get out of the cold and the rain and was enthusiastic and energetic throughout the whole thing. Ali also turned the photos around for us faster than I anticipated, and most importantly, we love our photos! She captured the spirit of the place and the day in a way that I'm thrilled with. Laura + Kristofer When looking for a photographer for our daughter's senior pictures, I looked for someone passionate about what they do, energetic, great personality, and creative. I wanted to find someone who would make our daughter feel comfortable and enjoy the experience. Ali checked all those boxes for us. She captured our daughter's smile and her personality in the photographs, and we had so much fun during her session. We are in love with her pictures! Delafield fish hatchery | Delafield, WI Ali was amazing to work with, and I loved her positive energy and enthusiasm! She made the process easy for what can feel a little overwhelming with all the planning and nerves on the wedding day. We would definitely recommend Ali! We enjoyed working with her, and she was always very responsive, professional, and organized. She is very polite and helped keep to our timeline the day of and made sure to fulfill any request we had for photos. We were excited to have our sneak peeks within a few days and shortly after the rest of our images. Holy Hill Basilica | Hubertus, WI Sarah + Matt Ali is amazing!!! She responded immediately to our questions. Her website was user-friendly, and prices were very reasonable. Her photography is beautiful!! She really knows how to bring out one's true personality through pictures! I've never liked a photoshoot this much! She did such a good job! ❤️ milwaukee art museum | milwaukee, WI Ali is absolutely wonderful! Her photography speaks for itself, and she captured our love perfectly on our wedding day. We had some issues the day of our wedding that was out of our control, but Ali jumped right in and created a new schedule for us to ensure we could still get the photos that were most important to us. She made us feel so comfortable and at ease. Ali is such a beautiful soul, and her photography reflects that. The Ingleside Hotel | Pewaukee, Wi Kayla + Kyle Ali makes you feel like you have been friends for years! She is super energetic and creative. I loved her positive energy! Ali was great at communication and never forgot anything we discussed. She actually reminded me of some ideas I had forgotten! We had to move our session date, and Ali was super helpful in changing the date with the venue and makeup artist. So easy to work with and does fast work! Highly recommend! The gardens Wedding Center | Allenton, WI Ali was a pleasure to work with for our wedding. She is extremely responsive and pays close attention to details. Leading up to the wedding, Ali was very proactive and ensured that she had everything she needed from my husband and me to prepare for the big day. Ali surprised and delighted us with little notes and gifts that made the experience feel personal. On our wedding day, she captured beautiful images that I know we'll cherish for years to come. We also have to applaud her super speedy turnaround time with the photos. Ali delivered more than 1,000 photos within two weeks of our wedding (a great surprise while on our honeymoon!). She edited each and every image with care, no matter how many there were. Thank you for being a part of our wedding day! Halverson house | Waterford, WI Caelin + Walter Ali, thank you so much for Dylan's amazing senior photos. You were able to capture exactly what we wanted. You have a fun personality and an incredible talent. I'm beyond thrilled with every single picture! Downtown Hartford, WI Ali photographed our wedding, and she was absolutely amazing! I had pictures in mind that I sent her, and she made it all come to life. She had amazing ideas and was so fun to work with. Looking at the pictures I’ve gotten back so far, I am in love and so glad we got to work with her. She was messaging me throughout my whole planning process and helping me in so many other ways as well. She sent me so much helpful information and made sure everything was going smoothly. If you’re looking for a photographer, you should definitely book with Ali! Pictures are the one keepsake that you have to remember, and I can’t wait to be able to look back on these amazing photos! The Waters | Oshkosh, WI Heather + dalton I've had issues in the past with photographers being slow to respond or challenging to contact. That's not the case with Allysha Noelle Photography! The communication was great! Very fast to respond, quick to answer any questions, super helpful and friendly. The photoshoot was great - so much fun, well organized, and enjoyable. The pictures turned out beautiful, and the edits were back SO fast! Menomonee Park | Lannon, WI I can’t say enough wonderful things about Ali and how amazing she is at her job. Very personable and so easy to work with. Our engagement and wedding pictures turned out amazing and caught the best moments of our day. Thank you so much, Ali!! Cartens Mill - Brillion, WI Tilly + Travis My daughter’s senior pics are amazing! So glad we went with Allysha Noelle Photography!! We had some last-minute wardrobe issues, but everything turned out perfectly with Ali’s help and suggestions! Ali, you were a joy to work with, and we couldn’t have asked for a better photographer! We both had an enjoyable and memorable photoshoot. Thanks so much! Lion's Den Gorge | Grafton, WI Ali was a joy to have as our wedding photographer. Her professionalism and creativity shine through her photos and personality. My wife and I were blessed to have her capture the wedding, it was a beautiful night, and with Ali's help, we'll be able to cherish the day forever. lake Mendota | madison, WI isabel + cody We wanted a photographer who would make Peyton feel comfortable and knew we would really need to rely on them for ideas, locations, lighting, and poses. Ali was amazing! From the moment we got out of the car, Ali was friendly and fun. She made us relax and feel comfortable instantly - it was like we had known Ali for years. The session was fun and easy - painless. And efficient - Ali knew what would work and what wouldn't and had great ideas. She also made sure to ask us if there was anything specific we wanted or if we had any ideas or changes. It was great! Thank you! The Gardens | Allenton, WI Ali was amazing to work with! She was very helpful and a total pro. We were planning the wedding ourselves, so we didn't really have a schedule other than an approximate ceremony and dinner time. Ali helped us lay out a very detailed schedule and stay on it or even ahead. Ali worked great with our family and us for formal pictures. She was very good with my little nephew, who didn't want to cooperate the whole time. Many of our guests mentioned that they liked her, and if we ever need to hire a photographer again, Ali is who we will be contacting! Cherish + Matt Ali has the rare talent of being able to combine professionalism and fun. She immediately put my daughter to ease and took away her nervousness. She made the entire experience relaxed and fun. Ali is a remarkably talented photographer. I would not hesitate to recommend Ali to my family or my friends. The pictures were wonderful. richfield historical society | richfield, WI Some Kind Words I want to hear your story and all about you! I am here to help with everything I can. Just use the form below to get in touch. I am excited to hear from you!! Say Hello & Let's Connect! Share all your gorgeous details
15 Best Carpet Cleaners For Dog Urine Dogs are wonderful friends, but nothing ruins your carpets faster than bringing a puppy home. They never seem to get tired of finding new and ingenious ways to soil your floors. Many pet-based carpet cleaners on the market do nothing to remove the stains Fido leaves behind – and some can make the situation worse! With a special emphasis on removing urine odors, so you can pick a cleaner that will truly work rather than one that will simply highlight your dog's favorite spots. Rocco & Roxie has a specific enzymatic bacteria that breaks down all portions of the pee, removing not only the stain but also the odor. That manner, no signs of the mishap are left behind. It is not only effective on pee. It also neutralizes excrement, vomit, and hairballs, so it should be able to manage whatever your pet can conjure up from within her body. It also works on almost any surface that can be dyed. You can clean carpet, beds, and upholstery – anything your dog might defile. However, there is one significant drawback. The spray has a foul odor. You may believe that coping with the pee stench after spraying it on your carpet was preferable. The good news is that the spray’s stench fades rapidly, leaving you with a clean (and clean-smelling) rug. It would be lovely if Rocco and Roxie could make their cleaner smell nice, but we’ll take it as it is. - Stains are completely removed. - It also eliminates smells. - Works on a wide range of stains. - Can be used on almost any surface. - It has a very strong odor. It may not seem like much, but the Simple Solution Enzymatic’s 3-in-1 multifunctional sprayer comes in useful. You can make a direct spray for targeted use, a mist for a wider area, or a foam to scrub out tough stains. The foam is what makes this bottle so enticing, while most other bottles only deliver jets or mist. However, pet stains are nasty and tend to spread and sink deep into your carpet; the foam alternative delves deep into the fibers and thoroughly cleans everything. That’s especially crucial when it comes to eradicating scents — because because your dog’s sense of smell is so much stronger than yours, you need to get all of the stink molecules out to avoid a repeat engagement. Despite this, it is one of the most affordable cleaners on the market, which is why it is our choice for the best carpet cleaner for dog urine for the money. There are several disadvantages to be aware of. The sprayer leaks frequently, especially while switching modes, and it is ineffective on old stains. That’s a lot to expect from a cleaner at this pricing point. Simply Solution Enzymatic is one of the greatest cleaners available, and unquestionably one of the best values. - Convenient three-in-one spray nozzle - The foam feature is fantastic. - Digs deep to eliminate smells - Reasonably priced - While spraying, the bottle occasionally spills. - Not recommended for old stains. One of the finest aspects of dog ownership is their company and love. The occasional indoor accident is one of the worst, but they do happen. It’s critical to clean it up fast so it doesn’t damage your carpets or flooring and so your dog doesn’t pee there again. Here’s when Hepper’s Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray comes in handy! It works on every biological fluid that needs to be eliminated, including drool, vomit, diarrhea, and pee. It works by binding and lifting the stain and accompanying odor and eradicating them permanently. This way, your dog won’t be drawn back to the same location over and over again. It is safe to use on all surfaces, including carpets, floors, fabrics, and furniture, and has a neutral scent, so no harsh or cloying artificial perfumes are used. It’s 32 ounces in size and should last you a long time. Furthermore, Hepper has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which means it will return your money if you are dissatisfied with the goods. Finally, unlike many other similar products on the market, Hepper’s Bio-Enzyme Spray does not require the addition of water to the solution. You only need to give it a good shake to begin spraying and cleaning. There are no obvious drawbacks to using this spray. You’ll just need to conduct some spot testing on your carpet to make sure it doesn’t change the color. You must also be cautious when storing it so that it does not lose its potency and keep it out of the reach of youngsters. Regardless, it easily tops our list of the best carpet cleaners for dog urine. - Binds odors and stains, lifts them, and eliminates them. - It is effective on floors, carpets, upholstery, and furniture. - Guaranteed 100% satisfaction - There is no need for water: simply mix and spray. - There are no unpleasant artificial fragrances because the smell is neutral. - Spot testing is advised. If you’ve ever lived in the country, you know that when you’re in a jam, you contact a guy named Bubba. Although it may be overkill for everyday stains, Bubba’s Shampoo is as wonderful as a visit from the guy himself. The objective is to utilize Bubba’s when other cleaners have failed you or when your entire carpet needs to be reset. It’s a thorough deep cleaning, and as such, it requires some time and work. You will also require a steam cleaner or shampooer. There is, however, nothing better for stains that you believed would never come out. You may also use it on almost any upholstery, including your couch and drapes. It’s a touch costly, but given how concentrated it is, that balances out. One bottle should last quite a while. Nothing works as well as Bubba’s Shampoo, but considering the effort required, you’d be better off attempting one of the methods listed above it first before bringing in the big guns. - Extremely potent - Excellent for set-in stains - It is effective on all types of upholstery. - A single bottle lasts a long time. - It takes a lot of time, work, and some specialized equipment. - On the expensive side Sunny & Honey is a true multi-surface cleaner because it works on more than just textiles. You may also use it on tile, leather, countertops, and other surfaces (though if your dog is urinating on your counters, you should probably call a trainer — or an exorcist). It’s safe to use around children and pets since it utilizes enzymes rather than harsh chemicals — plus the firm doesn’t test their products on animals and donates money to animal shelters, both of which are excellent for your conscience. Because it’s intended for indoor use, it’s safe; it’s a terrific method to clean up a crate or some bedding, for example. However, because the stench is overwhelming, open a window before you begin spraying. You must also allow it to sit for an extended period of time (up to an hour), depending on the severity of the stain. This provides your pet plenty of time to re-mark the location, as well as enough of time for you to become preoccupied and forget to return to scrub it. Sunny & Honey is a favorite of ours, and its fourth-place performance here is less an indictment of the product itself and more a reflection of how fantastic the products rated above it genuinely are. - It is effective on all surfaces. - It is safe to use around children and pets. - The organization is socially concerned. - Excellent for cleaning crates and bedding. - The odor is strong. - It takes a long time to complete the task. Woolite Pet Stain Remover is one of the best all-purpose carpet cleaners available. It can remove imperfections ranging from pee and vomit to tracked-in dirt. It smells nice and helps eradicate pee odors rather than just hiding them. If your dog has a propensity of returning to the same places, this can finally break him of the behavior. It cleans couches and other upholstery just as well as carpet, so you can keep your furniture smelling and looking as good as your rugs and carpet. There were only a few difficulties with this cleanser. Because it is unlikely to completely remove a stain from white carpet, you may require something stronger in that instance (then again, you may want to change from a white carpet entirely if you have a dog on it). Also, regardless of the color of your carpet, you’ll most likely need to reapply it numerous times for maximum results. Woolite Pet Stain Remover, on the other hand, accomplishes more than enough to merit inclusion on our list, and it’s nearly as good as the options above it. While we’d recommend those first, we don’t think you’ll be sorry if you get this spray as well. - It is effective on all types of stains. - It smells nice. - Instead of simply covering urine scents, it breaks them down. - It also works great on upholstery. - Not recommended for use on white carpets. - For the finest results, many applications are required. While this choice from Amaziing Solutions prides itself on not having a nasty odor, the smell it does have may be too subtle to keep your dog from returning to the same location over and over. The strength of the odor determines whether or not this occurs. This item is helpful for light-to-medium odors, but severe or deeply ingrained aromas may be too much for it to handle. It is, however, difficult to beat for cosmetic issues. It works well for eliminating stains of various kinds. That is, of course, of limited use if your dog continues renewing the stain for you. The liquid itself is incredibly sudsy, and it’s difficult to get all of it out. You’ll make one more pass and see some film return just when you think you’ve gotten it all. While the thoroughness required helps to break up imperfections, you’ll undoubtedly wonder if the spray or your elbow grease is doing the trick. Amaziing Solutions is a good-but-not-great cleanser worth keeping around if you want to test something that won’t stink up your entire house, but if you want something that’s certain to work, you’ll have to seek elsewhere. - A little odor - Excellent for minor to moderate problems. - Excellent at eliminating stains - The stench of pee may not be completely removed. - It takes a lot of effort. - The spray is really sudsy. BISSELL Febreze Cleaner, like Bubba’s Shampoo, is intended for use in steamers or shampooers, so don’t expect to buy a bottle and be done with it. It’s also useful for whole-house cleaning, but not nearly as effective as Bubba’s. The actual star here is the Febreze; if all you care about is making your house smell nice, this is the cleaner to buy. The difficulty is that Febreze covers the odor rather than eliminating it, so the scent will reappear after a while. It’s also unlikely that your dog will ever stop sniffing it, so he may be contributing to the problem in the meanwhile. The mixture contains Scotchgard, which appears to be fairly efficient in preventing subsequent stains. However, given that you’re likely purchasing it due to existing stains, that may not be much of a help. Your best approach, in our opinion, is to spot-clean your carpet using one of our higher-rated options before going over it with the BISSELL Febreze Cleaner. However, you may be able to achieve the same results by omitting the BISSELL and simply lighting a candle. - It smells amazing. - Has Scotchgard to prevent future stains - It works great with spot cleaners. - Only hides the odor of pee. - Repeat crimes may be permitted. - A steamer or shampooer is required. It may not be entirely fair to rank Hoover Paws & Claws so low considering it plainly mentions that it works best when used in conjunction with a spot cleaner. However, we believe that a carpet cleanser should be able to manage simple scents such as dog pee, and this one is already pricey, so requiring you to purchase another product seems excessive. This item, like the BISSELL shampoo, contains Scotchgard, which can help lessen the impact of subsequent spills. But, once again, that doesn’t help you with problems in the present. The cleanser does not have a strong odor, but it does smell faintly like mothballs. While it does reduce the smell of urine, it is unlikely to fully erase it, leaving you with an unusual pee-and-mothball combo after you’re done. Hoover Paws & Claws has a few advantages, but the disadvantages outweigh them to the point where it cannot rise above the bottom half of this ranking. - Scotchgard is a fabric protector. - A faint odor - It must be used in conjunction with another cleanser. - On the pricey side - When finished, it emits a peculiar mothball-and-urine odor. Although ANGRY ORANGE has a strong fruit scent that can mask the stink of dog urine, you may not want your house to smell like a citrus orchard. The smell lingers as well, so make sure you like it because you’ll be stuck with it for a while. Your dog is unlikely to like it either, but he may begin to avoid problem areas. Dog urine is the most difficult of all frequent pet bodily fluid stains to remove. It works good on vomit, but it will take a lot of effort to remove a pee stain. Also, the spray itself can stain certain materials, so test it first before splattering it all over the place. You don’t want the urine stain to be the most appealing feature of the floor. While ANGRY ORANGE is effective at masking urine odor, its overpowering citrus aroma may make you, well, angry. - Urine scents can be concealed. - Effective on vomit stains - Citrus aroma that is overpowering - Doesn’t do anything to eliminate urine stains. - Certain fabrics may become discolored. - Dogs, it appears, dislike odor as well. Each order of Resolve Pet High Traffic Foam includes four aerosol cans, and all you have to do is apply a layer to the target area and scrub. We apologize for implying that “all you have to do” would be easy. The truth is that removing anything older than a few minutes from your carpet will require a lot of scrubbing. This product appears to derive the most of its strength from your efforts rather than its recipe. When you start scrubbing, everything comes up – filth, hair, last week’s lasagna, and so on. This may make you feel busy, but all it appears to do is add to the mess, as the stain will most likely remain once it dries. It also does little to eliminate odors. It leaves a faint chemical odor on top of them, but that’s probably not what you were looking for. With each order of Resolve Pet High Traffic Foam, you certainly get a lot of stuff, but given how much work it produces for you, that may not be a good thing. - Each order contains a large number of products. - It takes a lot of effort. - Doesn’t do anything to remove stains. - Makes a huge mess - Adds a chemical odor to the odor Rocco & Roxie Stain Remover contains enzymes that eat away at pee in your carpet, fully breaking it down and removing it. Even better, the spray works on all surfaces, so you won’t have to surrender any space in your home for your dog’s target practice. Simple Answer Enzymatic also effectively removes stains and odors at a reasonable cost. The best part is that it has a foam setting that allows you to truly dig into large, deeply-set stains. The only thing more aggravating than discovering that your dog peed on the floor again is discovering that your carpet cleaner is powerless to remove it. With the help of these evaluations of the best carpet cleaners for dog urine from BestForPets (, you should never have that problem again since these cleaners can finally eliminate the problem at its source, protecting both your carpet and your nose from future attacks. Buyer's Guide: How to Choose the Best Carpet Urine Odor Cleaner The type of cleaner you use will have a significant impact on your results. Many brands, for example, employ chemical cleansers, which can be helpful but can also be harmful to your pet’s health. They are also dangerous to use near children, and certain brands of the material you use are toxic. We only recommend chemical cleaners if you’ve exhausted all other choices. Cleaners with Enzymes Enzymes are little, beneficial bacteria that consume organic matter (urine, excrement), generating the stench. When the organic material is depleted, the bacteria die and the stain and odor go. Because enzymes dissolve the stain, they are the most efficient at preventing repeat visits, as opposed to other cleaners that disguise them. The disadvantage of enzymes is that it can take a long time for the enzymes to eat the stain, and you may need to treat the stain numerous times before it is clean. Another issue with enzymes is that different manufacturers use different concentrations of microorganisms. Peroxide of Hydrogen Hydrogen peroxide is a harmless chemical that can be used to eliminate organic stuff that causes odors, such as enzymes. It is usually less expensive and extremely effective. The disadvantage of hydrogen peroxide is that it loses potency quickly, therefore you must frequently reapply it. When you know what type of chemical you intend to employ, you can select the appropriate bottle size. If you have a small to medium-sized dog, a 24- or 32-ounce bottle should suffice. However, if you have a large dog or more than one, you should buy a one-gallon size or larger to ensure that you always have enough cleaning on hand in case one of your dogs has an accident. Bottle of Spray It may appear insignificant, but we strongly advise selecting a brand with a spray container to make application easier. If it doesn’t come with a spray bottle, you’ll have to buy one on your own, which will delay getting started. There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write one.
VPB S12 Wired Earbuds: A Four-Pack of High-Quality Earphones for Any Device! Welcome to our product review blog! Today, we are excited to share our first-hand experience with the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone. This 4-pack of earphones offers an incredible value, allowing you to enjoy deep bass and clear sound, all while staying tangle-free and noise-isolated. One of the standout features of these earbuds is their compatibility with a wide range of devices. Whether you have an iPhone, iPad, Samsung, or Google device, these earphones are sure to fit your 3.5mm audio jack. The 3.6 feet long cable provides ample length, allowing you to comfortably keep your device in your pocket. We were particularly impressed with the in-line microphone and call button. This feature allows you to easily make and receive calls without any inconvenience. The sound quality is exceptional, with the VPB S12 prioritizing deep bass and clear sound above all else. Not only are these earbuds perfect for everyday use, but they are also an excellent choice for kids and teenagers in school. With their compatibility with devices such as Chromebook, they provide a seamless audio experience for educational purposes. Additionally, they are a great travel companion, perfect for those long flights, thanks to their noise isolation. Each package comes with four wired earphones in different colors: black, white, pink, and green. The cable length for each earbud is 120 cm (4.72 ft), offering ample room for movement. Whether you’re jamming to music or enjoying your favorite podcast, these earphones ensure an uninterrupted listening experience. At VPB, we take great pride in the quality of our products and look forward to bringing you a good experience. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with our earphones, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your satisfaction is our top priority. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into our experience with the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone. We can’t wait to share more details and insights with you. Table of Contents - Highlights of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones - Detailed Insights and Recommendations - Customer Reviews Analysis - Pros & Cons - Reveal the Extraordinary The VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone offer a convenient and stylish audio solution with their sleek design and 4-pack color options. These in-ear wired earphones are compatible with most electronic devices that have a 3.5mm audio jack, making them versatile and easy to use. The cable length of approximately 3.6 feet allows for freedom of movement while still keeping your device within reach. One of the standout features of these earphones is the deep bass and clear sound quality they provide. We understand the importance of delivering high-quality sound to enhance your listening experience. Whether you’re enjoying your favorite music or making and receiving calls, the in-line microphone and call button make it convenient and hassle-free. These earphones are not only suitable for adults but also safe for kids and teenagers to use. They are perfect for school use with devices such as Chromebooks and are even great for traveling by airplane. Additionally, the noise-isolating design allows for uninterrupted music enjoyment. If you encounter any issues or are not satisfied with our earphones, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We prioritize your satisfaction and aim to provide you with a great experience. Considering the affordable price and the pack of four, don’t miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your audio gear today. Visit our website to get your VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone now. The VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones offer a whole package of convenience and functionality. With four pieces included in each package, you’ll always have a spare set on hand. These earphones are compatible with most electronic devices that have a 3.5mm audio jack, making them versatile and suitable for use with smartphones, laptops, tablets, MP3 players, and even streaming devices like Roku. One of the highlights of these earbuds is their in-line microphone and call button, allowing you to easily make and receive calls without having to take out your device. The cable length of approximately 3.6 feet or 1.1 meters gives you the freedom to keep your device in your pocket while still enjoying your favorite music or podcasts. The VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones are designed with deep bass and clear sound, ensuring a high-quality audio experience. Whether you’re a music enthusiast, a student who needs a reliable pair of headphones for studying, or a frequent traveler who wants to enjoy uninterrupted entertainment on flights, these earphones are perfect for you. Plus, they are compatible with devices such as Chromebooks, making them suitable for kids and teenagers in school. At VPB, we prioritize sound quality and user satisfaction, which is why we look forward to bringing you a good experience with our earphones. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Click here to check out the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones on Amazon and enhance your audio experience today. When it comes to the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones, we were truly impressed with the quality and functionality of these earphones. The whole package includes four pieces of earphones in different colors, allowing you to switch it up depending on your mood or style. Each earbud cable has a length of 3.6 feet or 1.1 meters, providing enough flexibility for you to comfortably keep your device in your pocket while enjoying your favorite music or podcasts. One of the standout features of these earbuds is the in-line microphone and call button. This allows you to effortlessly make and receive calls without having to take your device out of your pocket. The sound quality is exceptional, with deep bass and crystal-clear audio that truly immerses you in your music. Whether you’re listening to your favorite songs or watching videos, these earphones ensure a premium listening experience. We were also pleased to find that these earphones are compatible with most electronic devices that have a 3.5mm audio jack. From iPhones to iPads, Samsung devices to Google devices, you can enjoy your music on a wide range of devices. Additionally, the noise isolating feature allows you to enjoy your music without any external interference, making these earphones perfect for use in noisy environments or during travel. If you have kids or teenagers using devices such as Chromebooks in school, these earphones are a great choice. They are also suitable for use during air travel, providing a comfortable and enjoyable listening experience. However, please note that these earphones contain small parts and are not suitable for children under 3 years old. Overall, the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones are a fantastic option for anyone in need of reliable and high-quality earphones. The variety of colors, long cable length, and compatibility with multiple devices make them a versatile choice. If you’re not satisfied with the product, the company is more than willing to assist you. Don’t miss out on this outstanding listening experience, visit our website to get yours today! Customer Reviews Analysis Customer Reviews Analysis Here are some customer reviews of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds, providing valuable insights into their performance and durability: I use them at night while my husband reads I play on iPod mostly solitary and movies This user appreciates using these earbuds for personal entertainment, allowing them to enjoy their own audio while their husband reads. Bought these for my laptop.Works perfectly. Great sound.Happy customer! This customer found these earbuds to be a perfect fit for their laptop, delivering excellent sound quality and overall satisfaction. I paid around $10 for this 4pk of assorted earbuds. I received 1 black, 1 white, 1 pink, and 1 light green. I definitely think this was a great purchase for the price. I was expecting them to be cheaply made and not work well but so far, I haven’t had any issues. I’d absolutely recommend! This review highlights the affordability and quality of the product. The customer received a pack of four earbuds in different colors and found them to exceed their expectations. They are comfortable in ear, sound is mediocre, quality is slightly above the free ones you get on an airplane. For the price, not terrible. Although the sound quality is described as mediocre, this user emphasizes that the earbuds are comfortable to wear and offer better quality compared to free airline earbuds. I’m 77 and didn’t need a $100 pair of earbuds. I use these for Zoom calls and watching news and movies on my laptop. I bought the multi-set because I have cats and they like dangly things 🙂 need I say more!? I didn’t need to have an expensive pair of earbuds. These are perfect and clear. I would buy again. A senior user appreciates the affordability and clear sound of these earbuds, stating that they were ideal for Zoom calls and media consumption on their laptop. The inclusion of multiple earbuds in the set was also a bonus for the user’s cats. I love these little headphones. I wasn’t looking to spend a lot on wireless so I went with these wired sets. I was worried when I purchased them that they would be cheaply made as you get 4 sets for the price of one, but they are great. I seem to lose and break a lot of things so I didn’t want to spend much on these. The line is long enough to put my phone in my pocket with the microphone still picking up my voice when I am talking. The sound quality is really good and the ear tips are soft. I wasn’t looking for anything that cancels out sound as I use them to walk and need to be able to hear the cars. I will definitely purchase them again in the future. This customer praises the affordability and functionality of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. They particularly appreciate the long cord length, clear sound quality, and soft ear tips. The user’s specific requirements for hearing outdoor sounds while walking were also fulfilled. I used to swear by these. It still has great sound but they definitely do not last long anymore. I gave out most of mine that I got back in 2017 I kept the green and black one. I lost the black one so I only had the green one and it recently gave out after 6 years. I bought these again in August of last year I’m down to my last pair because it’s always one earpiece that doesn’t seem to want to work and for some reason the last one doesn’t seem to fit my ear right even if I switch the got me earpiece from the one that recently gave out. Yeah I’m not buying these again The durability of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds is mentioned in this review. While the sound quality is appreciated, the customer states that the earbuds do not last as long as they used to. They also experienced issues with one earpiece not functioning properly and difficulty finding a comfortable fit. I originally bought these pack of headphones all the way back in 2019. How it goes is that I stuffed the pairs away in my electronics storage bin for later use and just forgot about it. Bought another different brand of headphones because I forgot I had these lol.While rummaging in my messy storage bin for something else, I came across these headphones. I was really surprised how well they held up. I went through the a few of pairs in the span of maybe two years or so 2021-2023. The last pair I had of these, the black ones left side went out and so now in 2023 I’ve bought a new pair. They each lasted me maybe 6-8 months roughly.I like how they fit in my ear, it’s a comfortable fit. For the cord, it’s not flimsy and when placed in the headphone jack it’s not loose.I’m sure these headphones would last a lot longer if I didn’t use them while in bed, fall asleep and roll around on them lol. So if you take good care of them they’ll last as long as they’re not a defective pair. I’m quite rough with my headphones too, I don’t put them in a carrying case, just stuff them in my purse in a somewhat neat wrapped circle or not at all.Happy with my purchase, I hope these new pairs will last me! This user shares their experience of using the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds after rediscovering them in their storage. They were pleasantly surprised by the durability and comfortable fit. Despite being rough with their headphones, these earbuds lasted several months before needing a replacement pair. Overall, while some customers highlighted concerns about durability, the majority of reviews affirm the value, quality, and performance of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. The affordability, clear sound, and comfort of the earbuds were commonly praised. It is important to note that individual experiences may vary based on usage habits and handling. However, the positive feedback and recommendation from satisfied customers make these earbuds worth considering for anyone looking for a cost-effective option without compromising performance. Pros & Cons Pros & Cons - High-quality sound with deep bass and clear sound - Tangle-free design for hassle-free use - Noise isolation feature for improved audio experience - Compatible with most electronic devices with a 3.5mm audio jack - Includes a microphones and call button for convenient hands-free calling - Comes in a four-pack with different colors for variety - Suitable for kids, teenagers, and adults alike - Long cable length for easy device handling - Potential choking hazard for children under 3 years old - No volume control on the earphones - May not fit perfectly in all ear sizes - No additional features such as audio controls Overall, the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds Earphones with Microphone are a great option for anyone looking for a high-quality audio experience. The deep bass and clear sound delivery make for an immersive listening experience. The tangle-free design and noise isolation feature add convenience and enhance the overall audio quality. With the in-line microphone and call button, making and receiving calls is a breeze. The four-pack with different colors allows for personalization and variety. While there are a few drawbacks, such as the potential choking hazard for young children and the lack of volume control, these earphones provide excellent value for money. Q: Are these earbuds compatible with iPhones and Android devices? A: Yes, these VPB S12 Wired Earbuds are compatible with most electronic devices that have a 3.5mm audio jack, including iPhones, iPads, Samsung phones, Google devices, and more! Q: How long is the cable for these earbuds? A: The cable length for these earbuds is approximately 3.6 feet or 1.1 meters, giving you plenty of freedom to leave your device in your pocket while enjoying your favorite music or making calls. Q: Do these earbuds have a built-in microphone for phone calls? A: Absolutely! These earbuds feature an in-line microphone and call button, allowing you to easily make and receive calls without having to take out your device. Q: Are these earbuds suitable for kids? A: While these earbuds are suitable for kids and teenagers in school, it’s important to note that they contain small parts and are not suitable for children under 3 years old. Please ensure proper supervision when using them. Q: Are these earbuds noise isolating? A: Yes, these VPB S12 Wired Earbuds are noise isolating, providing you with a clear and immersive listening experience without any interference from external noises. Q: Can I use these earbuds while traveling by airplane? A: Absolutely! These earbuds are suitable for use when traveling by airplane, allowing you to enjoy your favorite music or watch movies without disturbing other passengers. Q: Can I use these earbuds with streaming devices? A: Yes, these earbuds are compatible with streaming devices such as Roku, making them a versatile option for enjoying your favorite shows and movies. Q: What colors are included in the four-pack? A: Each package contains four wired In-ear headphones in different colors, including black, white, pink, and green. You can choose the color that suits your style or switch between them depending on your mood. Q: What if I’m not satisfied with these earbuds? A: We strive to bring you a good experience with our VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. However, if you’re not satisfied, please contact us. We value your satisfaction and will do our best to address any concerns you may have. Reveal the Extraordinary In conclusion, the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds are a must-have for anyone in need of high-quality earphones that are compatible with various devices. With a package of four earbuds, each in a different color, you can enjoy an immersive audio experience wherever you go. These earphones not only offer deep bass and clear sound, but they also prioritize the quality of sound, ensuring that every note and beat is delivered with precision. Whether you’re listening to music, watching a movie, or making calls, the in-line microphone and call button allow for seamless communication. We understand the importance of convenience, which is why the earbud cable length is approximately 3.6 feet, providing ample room for movement while keeping your device safely tucked away in your pocket. The versatility of the 3.5mm audio jack ensures compatibility with smartphones, laptops, tablets, MP3 players, and even streaming devices such as Roku. Furthermore, these earphones are suitable for various situations. They are perfect for kids and teenagers using devices like Chromebook in school, as well as for travelers looking to enjoy their favorite tunes on flights. However, please keep in mind that these earbuds should not be used by children under 3 years of age due to small parts. As we strive to provide the best experience possible, we value your satisfaction. If, for any reason, you are not pleased with our earphones, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are dedicated to resolving any concerns or issues you may have. Click here to embark on an auditory journey with the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. Elevate your listening experience and immerse yourself in crystal-clear sound and deep bass: Visit Amazon Thank you for joining us on this exploration of the VPB S12 Wired Earbuds. We hope you find these earphones to be the perfect companion for your audio needs.Discover the Delight: Ottogi Cut Seaweed - The Perfect Blend of Natural Flavor and NutritionDiscover the Perfect Wok: ITSMILLERS Chinese Wok with Lid and Spatula - Nonstick, Scratch Resistant, and Induction Bottom - A Culinary Masterpiece!
Paraguayan wives are suitable life associates for guys from across the world. Foreigners even consider Paraguayan not only because of the beauty, although also since they are wonderful hostesses. They are extremely affectionate and gentle. Paraguayan Women happen to be Loving of course The main right of Paraguayan girls is certainly their caring nature. Also romantic the french language women cannot compare with pain and love of Paraguayan women. Every last man wishes to be preferred, and needs to be by means of disinterested ladies. When purchasing a partner, gals from paraguay do not look closely at money and status, individuals value solely human attributes in males. One other thing is love-making relations among spouses. It is not necessary to bother with this by means of single paraguay ladies, since they are well-known when passionate wifes who can entirely satisfy their particular partner. Peace of Paraguayan Brides Is not wants to begin dating someone that constantly throws tantrums. Calmness is a superb ability to get and it’s an absolute fineness of Paraguayan women more than women in other ethnicities. Paraguayan females are not green with envy of their guys, if there’re late approaching home with work. Connecting with magnificent Paraguayan females will only make you excitement, not frustration. Paraguayan Gals Love to Look after Themselves As to beauty, almost everyone would like to choose hand in hand which has a handsome girlfriend. That is why Paraguayan women often care about the look of them and ensure that they check charming on a daily basis. This is one of the largest differences amongst and other wives, because within a lot of countries nowadays females don’t care for themselves that much. They are simply Very Smart Mind, much like beauty, can be an another superb advantage of Paraguayan girls. Individuals behave shrewdly to maintain a good relationship utilizing their husband too to retain family convenience. However , they will easily overcome daily regime. Despite the fact that those women are extremely hard-working and can’t stay without do the job, they do not erase the memory of spiritual certification and make sure you develop quite frequently. Paraguayan Gals Support and Inspire the Husbands Paraguayan women are actually certainly some treasure. In the event that they adore you, entirely sure that they are going to love most people and continue faithful right until the rest in your life. By deciding on to live which has a Paraguayan lover, you choose that eternal sustain, inspiration and development. The key reason why Americans Absolutely adore Paraguayan Brides-to-be So Much? 1. They are Extra Beautiful and Feminine It consists of long been not any secret who girls in Slavic ethnicities are considered very attractive on the globe. Tourists out of other countries who arrive to paraguay are most often thrilled by the best way beautiful Paraguayan women are actually. In addition , as outlined by foreigners, women from paraguay are more girlie, they have a particular understanding of exactly what is “male” and “female”. It truly is more pleasant to provide for such females, they have fantastic manners and gentle character. 2 . They are simply Family Driven In new decades, the examples below tendency has grown into firmly organized in United states of america among gals: first, you must finish grasping and produce a career, in support of after that these think about the spouse and children. Because of the fact that, most of the ALL OF US girls acquire married and provide birth immediately after 35. Paraguayan girls, then again, tend to receive married immediately. Not all consultants are in your mind ready for the purpose of marriage and children young, but acne wants to own as much effort with friends and family as possible. 3. They are Trustworthy and Loyal Wives. In case your Paraguayan girlfriend gets betrothed, then charged confident on herself and her decided on one. The moment she marries, she consciously takes guilt for her alternatives. 4. They may be Great The average joe Practically just about every Paraguayan person, even during her my childhood, were showed by his or her’s mother and grandmother for the importance of being allowed to cook and keep the household clean to acheive married efficiently. That’s as to why it isn’t surprising that they will be great within keeping your home cozy. 5. They Assist Patriarchy On a yearly basis, Us ladies are becoming further emancipated, free and feminist. That may not be said regarding paraguay spouse. They are even more dependent on males psychologically and financially, many people still include strong patriarchal foundations. Paraguayan women, dissimilar to American, naturally distinguish among roles during the family and don’t compete with the husband for the purpose of the job of tops. What’s Completely different Between Paraguayan and North american Women? North american women are extremely about feminism, at least most are. Individuals won’t inquire men for the purpose of help whether or not they certainly need it. Paraguayan brides are actually completely one other. They trust and depend on their guys to do several things, because they reckon that men include the strongest sexuality. Drinking within Bars It’s totally common for a great American lovely lady to request a guy for the drink within the bar. In contrast, Paraguayan gals never make it happen themselves, when they never essentially talk to boys unless many people fill that your guy is usually interested in these. They constantly wait for someone to start thinking first. This may be greatest differences, since most of the Caribbean and Latinas brides never dress up when ever going out. It’s totally common for them to try out a store within a simple T-shirt without any foundation. It’s many different for Paraguayans. They absolutely adore dressing up and putting up loads of makeup (too much by times) regardless if it is definitely unnecessary, when they want to search good constantly. North american women are typically different: you will discover short a lot of women, tall females, thin females, plump a lot of women. Obviously you will find different types of a lot of women in paraguay as well. Similar to in any several other country. Nonetheless most of them enjoy a thin physique. That is not amazing, considering simply how much time that they spend on caring for themselves. Are definitely the Mail Get Bride Online sites Legitimate? They will most definitely happen to be. There are plenty of men and women that managed to build their friendships that way. It truly is an ideal method for active people who wish to find most of the love. How come Paraguayan A lot of women are More In to Foreigners? It’s no solution that a lot of Paraguayan women wish to give paraguay to get a higher position and an even better life. Besides, a lot of Paraguayan girls have gotten negative encounter with their past marriage. Paraguayan men will not be willing to get married to a woman by using a child out of previous marital life, but the vast majority of foreigners don’t see that in the form of problem. Frame of mind to Wives Some of the Paraguayan guys include alcohol fixation, because of they will die ahead of time, and they prefer to beat most of the women. Cheating is an an additional common challenge. Besides, a lot of the women don’t get whatever help with spouse and children, and they must do everything themselves. All of this is normally terrible and there is no surprise why warm Paraguayan females prefer and also the. Contrary to Paraguayan blokes, foreigners is a lot more exotic and can anything to help you please most of the woman. They may be very kind, have very good manners, and in addition they give merchandise all the time of showing their take pleasure in. Best Discovering a Paraguayan Woman Expressions and Lifestyle First you must realise that you can merely meet a good Paraguayan lover if you are in the position to communicate with the woman’s. To do this, you have to have a common dialect with the girl’s and a respectable understanding of traditions. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Paraguayan females barely understand English, the program might be best if you learn Russian/Paraguayan. Besides, you ought to have a general concept of paraguay, on the subject of its tradition, about the prices of Paraguayan women, and about online dating sites in paraguay and the romance between males and females. Then you can go into correspondence by means of her (live communication) and discover common issues for discussion without any conditions even with that difference from mentality. You may learn that language your self, you can check out specialized speech school. While using the right procedure and your own desire, you’ll be able to raise the a higher level language skill to an enough level with 1-2 quite a few years. The cost of this may not be all that great. As for lifestyle, to begin with, you’ll want to watch that video sites of the persons living in paraguay (you may understand that difference from mentality well), watch documentaries about this usa, and slowly but surely switch to make sure you official press and well-liked websites. How to start Chatting Paid back Sites The conditions from such online sites are different. Just like: Paid stay for guys and zero cost for women; They feature you having a free-trial for that certain volume of days; Merely the basic combination options relating to the dating website will be 100 % free, such as speaking in a normal chat, observing profiles; and after getting membership, an entire package in options shall be available for far easier personal connecting with capability partners. Absolutely free Sites In the first appearance, free online websites are more handy and appealing than the paid off ones. You’ll be able to quickly enroll without distinctive conditions from stay, actually without profound knowledge of a fabulous foreign language. That interface is usually clear and accessible. Therefore, you don’t be required to pay a penny to speak to the girls that you just find captivating. The biggest disadvantage, however , certainly is the competition. You will have plenty of different guys which might be willing to meeting girls like everyone else. In this case, ones chances are relatively reduced, the woman may not really have enough time frame or excerpt to alot more carefully check out you seeing that an interesting man and interlocutor. Nevertheless, you can’t neglect absolutely free sites, since they are worth an attempt. International Holy matrimony Agencies Holy matrimony agencies, just like Happy Relatives, are significant projects, even more specifically, businesses that actively help many people from numerous countries to get know one and start a family group. Marriage specialists have true offices which includes a staff from translators, psychologists, lawyers, shooters. The solutions of a marital life agency will be resorted to help you by guys who are actually interested in selecting a wife out of another area. The work in the site is definitely organized such that a gentleman has the directly to communicate with the woman he enjoys only following paying a commission. This way your ex will discover how serious gentleman is about your partner’s feelings and it leaves you a much better chance to look for your appreciate. The goals and objectives of the brides-to-be agency’s staff members in this case coincide as much as possible while using goal of this girl so, who came in this article for assist in finding a foreigner husband: both agency plus the girl ought to present your ex most dependably and viably, to help the woman’s in corresponding with the mum. The more effective marriages for the account for the agency, the upper its standing. As well as more content stories skincare products customers. Gner, but it’s still quite likely going to find a girl to talk with than throughout international online websites. Paraguayan girls like social networks, such as Vkontakte, Instagram, Twitter, and also other social network. Consequently , if you do not discover and preference to work with Paraguayan dating sites, then you definitely should sample social networks. Nevertheless this method takes a lot of time for them to filter females, because it doesn’t mean that the different women resting there are trying to find relationships. It’s long, dull, but in some cases quite successful. Thematic Online websites It is also conceivable to start online dating a woman with any thematic site. For instance , on the site in classical new music lovers, start to talk about a particular theme from music, thereafter gradually switch the connection to your own topics, if you’re like that’s the right man. The Best Way to Purchase a Paraguayan Girlfriend Internet helps you find a lover to talk, get nearer to her and in some cases agree on one’s destiny. However , all the works with only a few women just who either have a very good strong sensing for you, or maybe have already despaired of getting love. For that reason the easiest way to locate a Paraguayan partner is to literally fly to help you paraguay. In case you go to the usa for a while, you’ll get familiarized while using women, develop trusting conversation with these individuals, and finally create relationships. Perhaps you can agree on the best way and best places live by means of her. Them works very well, and most guys do this. Such applications cost close to $ 3000-4000 for 6-12 months, which in turn, in general, just isn’t too expensive. Important things to Remember Several women desire to meet by means of unprofitable and worthless males. Therefore , you need to get a female from paraguay, as well as maintain living in the region, then you need be a valuable professional who can look after yourself plus your woman. Consequently , while you are during paraguay, get yourself a higher education, obtain certificates from knowledge of all the language, endeavor to get the work help, as well as other records that indicate your specialist level. Any time a woman finds out that you are not just a good someone, but an important specialist, she could be more as opposed to willing to get started in dating you will. What is any 3-Date Guideline? Three Particular date Rule is compared to an ultimatum for yourself and also for one other sex. Both associates are aware of any established custom, and they privately consider the middle date mainly because the most suitable intended for sex. When a girl fails to like the fella, she will display it unobtrusively on the 1 / 3 date and discover stop internet dating. Many scientific tests prove the statistically, mainly because more than half with the interviewed partners already have gender on a other date. Nevertheless, the position of move to the other date plus the subsequent closeness is very important meant for the few. And to allow it to go further smoothly and comfortably, there are particular recommendations. You need to understand that any kind of girl, without regard to how chaste she is, waits for you to indicate interest in the girl’s. So , like this, she will recognize that you have significant, far-reaching hopes towards the woman’s, and don’t just stick with her to get sex. To be able to psychologically spark the cross over to gender on a 1 / 3 date, you need to use some scams. For example , because you have basically two goes in investment, this may force a girl for some reason. That means you do have to make sure you relax the woman’s. For example , send out her some funny and romantic TEXT, or ymca send flora through a courier. All of these bridal party should not have strong guarantees of appreciate, but straightforward compliments may be there. Due to these hassle-free manipulations, the lady can get all the impression of the constant position, and know-how about her internal and splendor. This will make it easy for her to help you relax alot more in your position, and you your self subconsciously add a little more to the current girl and then see the girl’s positive personality traits. Moreover, after the moment date, you are able to discreetly get a chocolate bar with a accompaniment in the woman’s handbag. Subsequently, the girl obtaining it following on from the date can be very taken aback and pleased. To definitely resolve the challenge of gender on a 3 date, you have to create a great atmosphere from trust and intimacy round your few. During seeing, use muffled light, delicate music. It is additionally advisable to help you invite the girl’s to your home. In this instance, the surroundings has to be comforting. It would be smart to use wax lights and mild, lounge popular music. If you have established a positive get hold of, be sure to request the girl for the dance. Skating is a great chance to evaluate the overall body and plasticity of a girlfriend. Do not at once dismiss and also make muck hints. Are around the girl with pride and warm. Gently cerebrovascular accident or cva her rear and scalp. Say an important compliment or simply admiringly look at the eyes with the partner. Amorous setting, candle and popular music will insert the necessary shine teeth whitening to your view. If you feel of the fact that girl can be ready, you’ll be able to slowly begin taking action. For no reason neglect an important kiss. In advance of having sex using a date, you’ll want to kiss for some time and practice it tastefully. Both hands at this point helps make a lot of off traffic and significant manipulations. In addition to implemented the guidelines of 3 dates, it is advisable to competently end the day time. Be sure to claim compliments, and thank the girl’s for any pleasure. Paraguayan ladies are really divine. There’re pretty, scorching, loving, trustworthy, and his or her’s main goal is usually to build a pleased family. Every last man likes to start going out with a girl this way. Best Online dating sites Here are some of the highest quality dating services for you to look for Paraguayan girls: NaughtyDate. Several other brides
Chainsaws go on sale at various times throughout the year. The best deals can be found in fall, late summer, during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, and in spring when outdoor projects begin. End of the financial year in June and Presidents’ Day on the 3rd Monday of February are also potential times for discounts.The Author Do you want to know the best times when you can buy a chainsaw with HUGE discounts or deals like free chain/oil? These are EXACT times when you can buy your chainsaw and save $150-$250. Being a tree surgeon, I own multiple saws. I have been buying my chainsaws in these times for a few years. To be honest, I also use some techniques which are not dependent on any specific time. I use these techniques to get good deals anytime for chainsaw oil, gas, and other accessories. (and you can do the same) 7 Best Time when chainsaws go on sale Chainsaws go on sale throughout the year, but the best time to find a good deal is typically during the following times: This is when many people are preparing for winter and need to stock up on firewood. As a result, many retailers offer sales on chainsaws and other outdoor power equipment during this time of year. The amount of money you can save on a chainsaw in the fall depends on a number of factors, including the brand, model, and retailer. However, in general, you can expect to save anywhere from 10% to 20% off the retail price of a chainsaw if you buy it in the fall. For example, STIHL, one of the leading manufacturers of chainsaws, currently has a fall promotion in the United States where customers can save up to $50 on select models. Other retailers, such as Home Depot and Lowe’s, also typically have chainsaw sales in the fall. Black Friday and Cyber Monday These major shopping holidays are another great time to find deals on chainsaws. Many retailers offer deep discounts on a variety of products, including chainsaws, during these events. In fact, many people consider these two days to be the best time of year to buy a chainsaw. In previous years, we have seen deals on chainsaws from top brands such as STIHL, Husqvarna, Echo, and Makita that could save up to $120. Walmart offered up to 41% discount on a wide range of chainsaws. In 2021, STIHL offered MS 170 16″ Chainsaw for $209.95, down from its regular price of $289.95 End of the financial year Towards the end of the financial year, usually in June, many companies need to move their stock, leading to potential discounts on chainsaws. This is because many retailers offer sales and discounts on chainsaws at the end of the financial year to clear out inventory and make room for new models. This is when people are starting to think about outdoor projects, such as landscaping and tree trimming. As a result, some retailers offer sales on chainsaws and other outdoor power equipment during this time of year. In addition to landscaping and tree trimming, spring is also a popular time for gardening and preparing the soil for planting. Many people take advantage of the warmer weather to start growing their own vegetables, flowers, and herbs. As a result, gardening supplies such as seeds, fertilizers, and gardening tools are often on sale during this season. Retailers understand the increased demand for these products and offer discounts to attract customers. Whether it’s revamping the backyard or starting a new garden, spring is the perfect time to get outdoors and tackle those outdoor projects with the help of discounted equipment and supplies. In the late summer, many retailers and manufacturers often roll out enticing promotions and discounts for chainsaws and blowers, capitalizing on the seasonal demand for outdoor equipment. These promotions aim to attract homeowners, landscapers, and DIY enthusiasts who are preparing for the upcoming fall and winter seasons. Some retailers may offer discounts of 10% to 25%, while others may offer different types of promotions such as a free case, chain, or other benefits with the purchase of a chainsaw. For example, the Husqvarna Endless Summer Sale offers up to 20% off on tractors, zero-turn mowers, and other products. Stihl also offers promotions on chainsaws and blowers in late summer. ECHO has a National Sales Event from September 1 to October 31, where customers can get a free battery-powered blower with the purchase of a 56V battery-powered 18 in. chainsaw kit. Some promotions for chainsaws and blowers are offered in the late summer. This holiday, which falls on the 3rd Monday in February, may also offer deals on chainsaws and outdoor power tools. Presidents’ Day, celebrated on the 3rd Monday in February, is not only a time to honor past presidents but also a great opportunity to snag some amazing deals. If you’re in the market for chainsaws and outdoor power tools, this holiday might just be the perfect time to make your purchase. Pro Tip: Discounts are mainly for homeowner chainsaws. I never see any discount on the professional-grade saw. I bought once Stihl 170 and Stihl 250 at a discounted price. it mainly depends on the dealers. If you want to buy a pro saw, I suggest not holding your breath for a discount. Take it when you need it. Other Times To get Discount In buying a chainsaw, some people wait for the right cutting season while some wait for the best deals or discounts. You can save some bucks through discounts if you buy at a specific time, from a specific source, and through a specific payment method. Whether you buy a homeowner or a pro saw, you can use a few options to lower the current price and get a good deal. This applies to both the brand new and used saws. In some cases, you can get a good deal, such as a free chain or oil from the dealers/store, with some research. Dealer Days From Stihl Stihl started a yearly promotion program named “Dealer days” from 2015. Some also call it winter warm-up. Sometimes, it only keeps a specific chainsaw model on sale, homeowner grade. However, in Ontario, some pro saws were on sale last year. In Europe, they started the promotion in 2015 and offered homeowner chainsaws such as model MS271 and MS291. You can get similar promotions from Black+Decker and other brands. Pro Tip: The yearly promotions are advertised on the Stihl website and newspaper. But there will be no advertisement if a dealer gets a discount from the stihl. They started offering some dealers a big discount on pro-grade chainsaws from 2016. Obviously, these dealers are those who have been selling Stihl’s products for more than decades. Keep in mind that all pro chainsaws are not under the offer or promotion. Last year, when I bought Stihl MS362 and Stihl MS441, I got a discount, but I had to pay the full price for Stihl MS461. For these deals, contact the dealers. These deals and promotions are not advertised as much as “Dealer days,” but they exist. For example, If you find one such deal, you can pick a second-generation Stihl 362 for the price of an Echo CS620. Just Before You Need To Cut For many people, the best time is when they need to use it or when they will get it at a low price. So, These can be:- - After a major hurricane - Need to cut firewood for winter - Need to trim branches - Do you use a chainsaw a few times or around the year? - Cost factors such as availability of discounts, tax season, etc. If you want to buy a chainsaw to clean up hurricane debris, I suggest buying it earlier. If you have never used a chainsaw before, I would suggest you buy a chainsaw with lightweight as it is safer. Today, with the help of an advanced weather forecast, we can know about any upcoming hurricane earlier. The main reason is that it will be hard to go out and shop for a chainsaw after a hurricane. Secondly, there may be a chance of stock out since many people will buy their saws then. Pro Tip: If you buy a chainsaw mainly for a hurricane, do not buy an electric or battery-powered chainsaw, as, after a hurricane, you may face load shedding and have to spend some days without electricity. A gas chainsaw is a good option for such a situation. If you have to cut firewood for winter, I suggest you buy it around 8-10 months earlier. It takes some time for the wood to season. Some people use a chainsaw a few months a year, while some use it around the year for trimming or maintaining a big property of their own. Most homeowner falls into this category. If you are one of them, buy it when you get a discount or a big deal if you can wait. Pro Tip: If you do pruning or cutting limbs, I suggest you not cut in the winter and at the beginning of spring. Doing so will get a lot of sap which will invite bad pests. Before The Right Season comes There are 4 cutting seasons when people cut most. They are:- Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Some people use chainsaws only in one season, and some in multiple seasons. There are many advantages of buying chainsaws just before or at the beginning of the season. You will get a lot of discount offers. Local stores and dealers offer the best deal in the fall. Online shops such as Amazon and eBay also offer a great deal in these seasons as these seasons are the peak cutting season. How To Get the best deal Anytime The easiest way to try luck and get a good deal is Amazon. You can get discounts from brands, sellers, or even amazon anytime. If you want to buy from local dealers, visit multiple dealers and compare prices before buying your desired saw. The price can vary from dealer to dealer. Brands such as Stihl do not set the selling price. So, the best deal depends on your location and nearby dealers/stores. Tip: Doing research can give you the best deal from local stores/dealers. I bought a chainsaw for 20$ less price, with a 2″ bigger bar (18″ instead of 16″) and 1 extra chain. credit card companies If you own a credit card, you can use it to get a discount. Most credit card companies offer cash-back incentives to their cardholders. If you pay through your credit card, you have to pay much less than the original price. I love it so much because of the amount of money I can save. This cashback, aka incentives, can easily beat any dealer’s discount offer. You can get $250 off on purchases of $1000 or more. For a chainsaw of $500-$700, you can get $100-$200 off. Tip: Even if you have a credit card, I suggest asking for a discounted price from the store. It will reduce the total amount. How To get the best chainsaw deals from dealers/stores Build a good relationship with dealers. This will help you in a number of ways, including free tips and suggestions on your projects from experts. In general, dealers expect to make a long-lasting relationship with the customers and sell consumables such as chains, oil, mix, etc, regularly to them. They make a higher profit in these recurring/consumable products than the chainsaw(one-time purchase). A few ways to build a good relationship can be:- - Tell them you will buy another model chainsaw(such as Stihl 441 or Stihl 461) from them soon. It needs to be a more expensive saw than what you will buy now! They may ask for no extra charges for freight. It works for me. - Buy chainsaw chains, oil, mix, and other parts from the same dealers. They remember recurring customers. - Build projects and discuss them so that they can know you by name. Almost all guys working in a power tools store know a bit about chainsaws, but someone from servicing is the best. whenever you need a chainsaw, you will get the proper treatment. Note that most dealers (if not all) of power tools cannot give much discount even if they wish. They have limited wiggle room. They make a little profit on whole goods. After purchase, they have to spend on shipping and labor. Sometimes, they cannot even profit on some saws considering their true costs on products. That’s why they cannot offer a big discount unless the manufacturers sanction. The cost/profit ratio of the dealers is low. it just can arrange some food for them at the end of the day. Among all brands, stihl gives the lowest margin to the dealers. The profit margin is so narrow on the chainsaw. They make a little profit on consumables. Some deals give discounts on chainsaws expecting you to make profiles from the consumables if you buy from them regularly. You can buy accessories such as gloves, helmets, or chainsaw boots for safety to convince the dealer of a discount. The bottom thing is that you cannot expect a discount from all dealers. The only way to check is to ask. So ask them. Tip: I buy chainsaws by paying MSRP or DSRP.I try to convince them and politely ask for a discount. If they don’t agree, I move on to other dealers/stores. I get more positive responses from hardware stores and tools/equipment rental/sales stores. Does “Buying time” matter? It depends on the situation, and there is no correct answer which can suit everyone’s needs. If you have a preferred brand, such as Huskies, I think there is no need to wait to buy a new chainsaw. However, you can wait for used saws as the price fluctuates considerably. Best Time To Buy Used Saw Needless to say, you want to buy a used saw at the price of a new saw. The best time for buying used saws is when the market gets so many saws and the price decreases. The best time for buying used saws actually depends on the cutting seasons. I’m mentioning a few below:- - Right before Christmas - From the end of Jan through the start of Feb - Mid-July through mid-Aug Most tree professionals take rests and eat Macaroni and cheese for weeks at the end of January. They keep their chainsaw under the workbench and look for ways to get rid of them. Some sell their saw, and that’s why the market will get a good number of used saws coming. Xmas is a good occasion for all types of business. Right before Xmas, the money the tree guys need will recover from Xmas. For a used saw, place matters more than time. You can get the same saw at 25%-30% less on a local farm auction instead of eBay or a hardware/rental store. You can check for offers on popular forums such as or Tip: You can do reverse engineering. Check on what models people are not talking about. You can get those models at a much cheaper price. Before buying a used chainsaw, take some time and research the products carefully. If you want to buy online, there are a few websites to check and compare. Try to buy lightly used saws, such as in-home, garden, or yard. You can find such “used” saws on classified websites if it is “likely new.” I will mention a few renowned website names to check later. Do not purchase the saw that has been used for more than 2 years. Older saws do not worth the risks. You can find good pro saws around 1 year old and use those saws for firewood cutting. But you have to spend a little time to find and check them. If the price is the main factor, you can get a good deal for a used saw around the year. But you must be careful to select the right one during slow times. Most professional tree guys use chainsaws in spring. They try to upgrade their saw for better performance and sell old problematic saws. If you cannot check and judge a saw properly, you may end up buying a problematic saw. Tree companies sell saws that are already dropped. crushed or run over. So, before buying anything from them, double-check and ensure you get what you have paid for. Where To get good deals for used saw - Local craigslist - Forums or community sites - Farm auction up the road (my favorite) If you are a homeowner and your budget is $40-$50, I suggest not waiting for the right time. You will never receive a huge discount for these models. The same goes for the expensive pro saws most of the time. The dealers make a little profile, so the chance of a huge discount is rare here too.
Board of Trade Life Span: 1882-1929 Location: Jackson and LaSalle Streets Architect: William W. Boyington Excerpted from Chicago Tribune, December 30, 1880 Board of Trade Building Proposal. Are you aware that some of your critics object to the Board’s moving down to Biler avenue? - That’s mere bosh. In the first place, Biler avenue is south of these improvements. The Board of Trade men will congregate on Sherman and Pacific avenue, north of Van Buren street, and then up La Salle street to Randolph, thereby making La Salle the Wall street of Chicago. In the next place, the whole neighborhood will soon undergo a complete transformation, physically and morally, just as any other section would when business-men flocked to it and property became so valuable as to attract capital and induce investments. Chicago Tribune, December 13, 1882 Program of Today’s Exercises Today will mark an important epoch for the Chicago Board of Trade, it being the date fixed for the laying of the new corner-stone of the new building. The arrangements are all perfected, and the weather will be the only doubtful factor. The exercises themselves will be brief and simple, as the time of year forbids any elaborate display. The building itself is now well advanced, and but a few turns of the wheels the derrick will be required to swing the stone into place. The board will be adjourned at noon in the Chamber of Commerce, and a procession formed under charge of Gen. Joseph Stockton as Marshal, with I. P. Rumsey, P. P. Oldershaw, and J. W. Rumsey as assistants. The line will be headed by the band of the First Regiment and Company K of the same command, which is composed exclusively of employees of members of the Board of Trade. Some other militia companies are expected to take part. Then will come the Presidents and ex-Presidents of the organization, city and county officials, members of the board, and also members of the Produce and Stock Exchange. The route will be from the Chamber of Commerce east to Dearborn street, thence south to Jackson street, and west to the foot of LaSalle street. The exercises at building will be opened by prayer by Bishop Cheney, followed by music. President Dunham will then deliver an address, followed by an oration by Secretary Randolph. The stone will then be lowered into place after the usual box has been placed therein. The people are to unite in singing “America,” and the exercises will close with the “Doxology.” Owing to the short distance to be traveled it has been decided not to use any carriages in the procession, and the exercises will be made as simple and impressive as possible. It was originally decided to postpone the exercises from day to day should the weather prove unpropitious, but the arrangements are so far advanced now that the stone will undoubtedly be laid today in spite of the elements. Description of the New Building. The building whose corner-stone is to be laid today, is, as already stated, located on the block bounded by Pacific Avenue, Jackson, Van Buren, and Sherman streets. It is to be a happy combination of utility and elaborate ornamentation, and standing as it does at the foot of La Salle street, will be one of the most notable sights in the city. The site is one of the most commanding in the city, fronting as it does Jackson street, directly at the head of La Salle street. The style of architecture is what is popularly known as modern Gothic, liberally treated to meet the grand proportions such a building requires. The design in the main is not an exceedingly ornate building, yet from its magnitude and the necessary multitude of details there will be prominent, bold-relief figures and features which, when executed of granite and dispersed in the various parts of the building, will form one grand whole of harmonious, plain, and ornamental surfaces, combined to produce the boldest, picturesque building in this country, and so entirely unlike the ordinary style of such puclic buildings that the city will be proud of its having been built. Chicago Board of Trade Grand Opening Announcement The Main Building. The design is for a building quite out of the beaten track in its general appearance. The main facade is on Jackson street, fronting La Salle, and is crowned by a centre tower thirty-two feet front, projecting four feet from the main front wall of the building, and rising to a height of 240 feet. This tower is relieved in its various sections by offsets, belts, corbels, cornices, etc., and is topped out with singular lines to a lookout balcony 200 feet above the sidewalk, tapering into a prominent pinnacle forty feet high, which supports a flagstaff thirty-five feet in height. The altitude from the street level to the top of the pole is 300 feet. The height from the sidewalk to the top of the cornice is 108 feet. At the top of the tower is poised a statue of Mercury. The tower projects from the main building about six feet, and the main entrance at its base somewhat further. The entrance or portico, is thirty-two feet wide and forty-six feet high supported by great granite columns on each side. The corner pavilions, flanking the tower, are carried up some distance, and project about four feet from the main structure. The two front cornices of the main or La Salle front of the structure are finished with pavilions twenty-two feet square, terminating in high roofs considerably above the main building. The two sides of the structure are more plainly treated, but are very bold in their general subdivisions and various details. One of the most imposing features on the exterior will be deeply cut panel balustrades, surmounting the sides over the centre of the main hall portion of the building, which will be fifty-six feet long and twenty-nine feet high, braced on each side with huge carved brackets resting against two large Griffin figures. In the centre of this tablet there will be a group of nine mammoth statue figures, in different attitudes, representing trade and commerce, with the various implements of art and agriculture, all cut in bold relief from solid granite. These will adorn both the Pacific avenue and Sherman street fronts. There will be several other prominent statue figures cut in granite in different parts of the building. Trading Floor in Session Chicago Board of Trade, 1900 George R. Lawrence, Photographer The main or Board of Trade part proper will occupy the whole width of the lot, 173 feet nine inches in width by 160 feet deep, leaving ground 173 feet nine inches by sixty-five feet for the adjoining office building. The floor surface of the great trading hall is 23,000 feet. The ground floor will be only one step above the sidewalk. The grand entrance will be in front of La Salle street, through the centre tower. A large hallway and commodious vestibule are first passed through, from which there are to be two imposing granite stairways leading to the main hall floor. On each side street and from the court there will be similar but less pretentious entrances, together with two commodious flights of iron stairs, and four large elevators leading to the top of the building. The office portion is to be nine stories high, or 150 feet above the sidewalk. The main hall portion of the building will range somewhat less in height on the sides, but the front will be aboit the same height. The ground floor is to be used for banks and offices with fire-proof vaults to each. The second floor will contain The Main Exchange. and Call Board rooms, and official, committee, and lavatory rooms. The main hall will occupy 171 feet ab 155 feet, with galleries at each end. The Call Board will be 70 by 80 feet, with galleries, and will occupy the height of two stories, or thirty-five on the east and south side of the building. The President-Secretary, clerks, and committees will occupy the west and south portions of the two stories opposite the Call Board. Above this there will be six stories of offices in the south end or office portion of the building. The main hall will be 80 feet high, with a glass ceiling of 70 by 80 feet. The walls of this portion of the building will be alternately adorned with large windows and massive marble columns, upon which there will be ponderous capitals, cornices, and brackets richly treated, and interspersed with appropriate frescoes. The building is to be practically fire-proof, as all the modern appliances of fire-proofing are to be used in its construction. The office building in the rear and adjoining the Board of Trade quarters is in the same style externally as the main portion. Excepting space in two stories for a Call-Boars room on one side and Board of Trade official rooms on the other, this part will be divided into offices. It will be run up nine stories, with a large interior skylight in addition to the numerous windows on the outside. The ground floor under the main hall will be devoted to offices and banking rooms and to a large hall for the delivery and settlement clerks. All the private offices on this (the first) floor and those in the office portion of the building on every story are equipped with fire-proof vaults. Chicago Board of Trade, 1887 The Board of Trade hall is to be very elaborate in style. The walls between the windows will be relieved by large granite columns with a rich arch-covered cornice above, reaching to the ceiling, which is seventy feet from the hall floor. This will be crowned by the ceiling light, eighty by eighty-eight feet, which is stained glass, and will be set up in a clove-story rising eighty-fice feet above the floor level. The building will be fire-proof in all its essential parts. The doors and casings are to be hardwood—mahogany, walnut, maple, and oak—and the walls and ceilings frescoed in oil in entirely new and artistic designs. The hall, additionally lighted by very high windows (30 x 16 feet)has a colonnade running completely around it on three of the sides, the beautifully molded pillars (iron and marble castings) standing well out., and the north, where the rostrum is, being set in the wall. The larger and more important of these supports, as well as ornaments, are fully eighty feet high and three feet and a half in diameter, the richly foliated and capped shafts not remotely suggesting rows of forest kings of the palm order. The columns rise in marble bases, corresponding in fineness and durability with the high marble wainscoting. The mural allegorical paintings and other decorations—some details of which have yet to be determined—will be as appropriate and artistic as the talent of connoisseurs can make them. Chicago Board of Trade, 1887 The ceiling will be in huge, broad panels, with an arched skylight in the centre portion, filled with ornamental stained glass. The skylight will have another light of equal size above it on the roof. Through these two lights will be the natural means for ventilation. The important windows are to be of plate glass, manufactured expressly for this use, and the transoms, as also the main tower window, are to be of cathedral stained glass, rich in conventional or specially significant devices. The rich effect of the noble hall is heightened yet more by the mosaic suggestion of the floor, which, like that of the offices throughout, will be of white maple, this hardest of woods, being finished with various other hard woods of enlivening color—ash, butternut, cherry—while the floors of all passageways and corridors on the first two floors will be laid in tiles of marble. At each corner of the great hall will be s room for private consultation, and near these will be telegraph counters to additionally accommodate those sending messages from the hall. The hall is to be reached by a double stairway nine feet in width, and four elevators. There are Two galleries in the room, The one at the north end extends entirely across the hall, about twenty feet from the floor, the rostrum leading from the middle being sixteen feet above. Opposite, or at the south movement was set on foot which resulted in the organization of the Chicago Board of Trade. A meeting was held March 13 of that year at the office W. L. Whiting, the call for which was signed by Wentworth, Byer & Chapin, George Steele, L. H. Magle & Co., Beef & Church, John H Kinzie, Norton, Walter & Co., DeWolfe & Co., Charles Walker, Thomas Richmund, Thomas Hale, and Raymond Gibbs & Co. Chicago’s First Half Century, 1833-1883, The Inter Ocean Company, 1883 The corner-stone of the new Chamber of Commerce was laid with appropriate ceremonies Dec. 13. 1882, and since then the walls of the magnificent building have gone up with marvelous rapidity, but this new temple of trade is on such a grand scale that it will be another year before\ it is brought to completion and ready for the machinery of commerce. The new building, of which a cut is here given, fronts on Jackson street and extends back to Van Buren, occupying the full width of the block between Sherman street and Pacific avenue. It will have a frontage of 175 feet and 225 feet in depth. It is in the modern Gothic style, built of Fox Island granite. The grand tower is 32 feet front, and is to be 300 feet high, the masonry extending 225 feet and toe remaining 75 feet of iron. At the height of 225 feet there will be a clock dial on each of the four sides of the tower, twelve feet in diameter. Board of Trade I A MAGNIFICENT TEMPLE. All the external entrances to the building will have large prominent doors, finished with polished red granite square columns. The external ornamentation is to be on a scale never before equaled in the city, and this will be one of the finest buildings used for commercial purposes in the world, costing $1,500. 000. One of the brightest pages in the history of the Board of Trade was the unwavering support it gave the country in the hour of its greatest need. The echo of the first gun awoke the loyal sons of the Board of Trade, and they rallied for the defense. Grain and pork and beef and stocks were forgotten for the flag, and the “boys on ‘Change” showed that they could fight with the same enthusiasm and with the same recklessness that they could buy on the market. Three regiments of infantry and a battery of artillery were organized and equipped by the Board of Trade, who kept watch over them during their service of three years. They were allowed to want for nothing that money could buy. The board also raised $150,000 to help on the cause of the Union. Secretary Randolph, in speaking of the board, with which he has been connected in an official capacity for so many years, says: - That the men composing this body are, in general, possessed of unusual business ability, are remarkable for their quick perception of business possibilities, and are of untiring devotion to business affairs, will perhaps be freely conceded by all acquainted with tfteir habits and modes of conducting those affairs ; the best indications of their true manhood, however, are to be found in their generous treatment of the unfortunate, whether of their own numbers or of distressed humanity throughout the world. Chicago Board of Trade Transactions in the Millions. As an estimate of the business done on the Board of Trade, it may be noted tnat the clearings alone amount to more than $2,000.000 a week. As this is but a small percent of the transactions, the actual business of the board amounts to millions of dollars every day. Last year there was shipped from Chicago $90,388,000 worth of flour and grain, $100,939,000 worth of live stock, $117,592,000 worth of meats, lard, tallow, and dressed hogs.$l 1. 1 14,000 worth of butter and cheese, $24,778,000 worth of wool and hides, $9,358,000 worth of seeds and broom corn, $2,451,000 worth of distilled spirits, not including the tax, and $9,924,000 worth of miscellaneous products, making1 a grand total of $372,544,000 worth of products from this market, and all passed through the hands of these merchants and commission men on the Board of Trade. But this does not begin to give an estimate of the business transactions which take place there. The wheat, corn, and other products are often sold and resold a dozen times in one day, and not only is business done by the 2,000 men on the floor, but many of them are acting as agents for men throughout the whole country. There is no place in the world where so much of this kind of business is done, and Chicago by right is called the trade center. April 29, 1885 Opening Ceremonies Call to Order—President E. Nelson Blake Prayer—The Rev. Clinton Locke, D. D. National Anthem—Keller By Orchestra John R. Bensley, Chairman of the Real Estate Commission, will turn over the keys of the new building to President E. Nelson Blake, who will respond on the behalf of the Board of Trade. Introduction—Third Act of Lohengrin—Wagner By Orchestra Oration—Emery A. Storrs Serenade—Sibl By Orchestra Speeches—Delegates from Abroad America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee)—Hauser By Orchestra Chicago Tribune, April 19, 1885 A WONDERFUL MAGNET. A Building that Attracts Chicago’s Millions Immediately upon the location of the new Board of Trade Building being decided upou, property adjacent to it enhanced in value to such an extent that to one unacquainted It would seem fabulous. Changes that have been made are unsurpa7sed in this or any other city. The costly edifices far surpassing the present ones and equal to any in the world, have been thoroughly fitted and finished in an incredulous space of time. These buildings are being rented by our most prominent financial institutions, and they in turn made their quarters as pronounced as the buildings they occupy. These buildings—namely: the Royal Insurance Co., Gaff, Parker, Memory, Insurance, Imperial, Open Board of Trade, Sheppards, McCormicks and Pacific—offices all have the finest appointments, and required of contractors first-class work. The Hall’s Safe and Lock Company have tarnished all of these buildings with their burglar and fire-proof security, and also the following bankers and commission men with their burglar-proof work : Continental National Bank, Bank of Montreal, Corn Exchange Bank, Chicago Trust & Savings Bank, Eggleston & Son, Armour & Co., F. G. Kammerer, and others. The Hall’s Safe and Lock Co.’s work is always in demand where first-class security is desired. Their work is used by nearly every financial institution of this country.. Chicago Tribune, January 21, 1894 For half an hour yesterday afternoon 1,000 people stood in front of the Board of Trade tower and apparently expected that lofty structure to shortly take a tumble to the earth. The spectators looked at the big cracks which the sinking tower has caused on the north side of the building. Meanwhile they stretched their arms skyward, poked up their umbrellas excitedly, and explained the whole matter to eager listeners who approached the scene. It was only after a severe gust of rain that the throng dispersed. The excitement was caused by the falling of a piece of granite from the coping. It weighed no more than one pound, but was taken as evidence of the unsafe condition of the tower. The announcement made in The Tribune a few days ago of the decision of the Board of Directors to pull down the tower emphasized the importance of the falling stone. The cracks in the walls show that the tower is sinking, and experts have been at work to estimate the degree to which it renders the building unsafe. Opinions differed yesterday as to the significance of the falling of the piece of granite. It might mean that it was due to the disturbed condition of the building or that the piece had merely become detached by the ordinary causes of frost. E. W. Kohlsaat saw the piece of stone fall. Mr. Kohlsaat was just across the street talking to a friend abut the probability of a 325-foot high granite tower taking a tumble. While he was speaking he noticed the piece of stone strike the pavement. The coincidence was such that he took the trouble the piece of granite to Secretary George Stone and told him that the building had begun to tumble down. The attention of President Raymond was called to the matter, and W. W. Boyington, the architect of the building, shortly after called at President Raymond’s office to learn the extent of the damage. “I do not attach any importance to the matter,” said President Raymone. “There are other parts of the building from which pieces of stone have dropped, and there is no reason to believe that this is anything more than the ordinary scaling which happens to stone. Pieces have dropped from my own residence, and this occurrence seems to me to be no wise different. No,” he added, “we shall take no steps for additional inspection, as I do not think it necessary. Architect Boyington said: - There is no danger of this tower falling. It leans now about nine inches to the north. It has leaned over four and one-haslf inches at the time it was constructed. It can’t fall until the center of gravity is displaced, and that would mean a settling and leaning oif ten feet. There are a great many brokers in the Board of Trade Building who cannot be induced to feet that the tower is as safe as the architect avers it to be, and for that reason they intend to have it taken down. The crowd that stood out in the rain yesterday to look at the big cracks had no technical knowledge of the building, but every spectator was certain the thing could not stand much longer. In corroborating this view amusing testimony was furnished. On the east side of the tower there is a lightning rod running from the ground to the apex. Half a block away this rod cannot be distinguished from a crack in the wall, and there were those looking on who declared that the lightning rod “crack” furnished indisputable evidence of the sagging of the tower. Chicago Tribune, February 25, 1894 The work of taking down the Board of Trade tower will begin tomorrow morning. The officials hope to have the changes completed by May 1, but it is said if the last scaffolding is removed by June 1 the board will be fortunate. C. H. Rutan, the architect who planned the changes, returned to Boston last night. The first thing to be done will be the erection of a big protection over the skylight above the main floor of the board, and a protection will also be built over the sidewalk. In addition to this there will be a large platform fifteen feet wide constructed entirely around the tower. This is to guard against the possibility of any of the material getting away from the workmen and crashing down through the skylight. The most danger is from the slate on the roof of the tower. As soon as the top one is taken off the rest become loosened, and a slight gust of wind night send a shower of slate down in the traders. The gilded schooner at the top of the flagstaff on the tower will come down first. R. P. Lamont of the contracting firm of Shailer & Schnigiay, which will do the work, said yesterday that the removal of the ship was the most difficult feat of all. The schooner is of iron and is eleven feet long, being at the top of a hollow iron flagstaff six inches in diameter and fifty feet high. He had spent much time in studying how it was to come down. He has decided to begin in the tower about ten feet below the apex and remove the roof and frame work. Upon this space a derrick will be erected, one arm of which will reach to the ship and flagstaff. No attempts will be made to loosen the ship from its flagstaff, but they will be lowered in one piece. After it is down the schooner will be newly glided and be placed in the exchange room as a souvenir of the lost tower. The heavy bell which has been striking out the hours these many years will be lowered from its place in the tower to the seventh story. The next thing to come down will be the clock, which will be placed about the level of the present roof. The diameter of the present dial is twelve feet. It is all right where it is, but when it gets 100 feet nearer the sidewalk it will look like a small farm, and a dial of about half the diameter must be used. Practically no new material will be required in the changes. Everything will be cleaned off down to line some thirty feet below the present dial. Then the old material which formed the construction of the tower above the roof will be replaced at the roof level. The Board of Trade appropriated $30,000 for the change, and this is about the amount of the contract. “From rough estimates I have made,” Mr. Lamont said, “I should say that the weight of the tower will be reduced between 6,000,000 and 7,000,000 pounds by these changes. That is as near as we can get at it. The architect thinks with this great weight gone the danger from the tower settling will be removed. I think the building will look nearly as well without the tower as with it.” Chicago Tribune, March 11, 1894 Sailors climbing the mast of a derrick at the top of the Board of Trade tower yesterday attracted hundreds of spectators on Jackson and La Salle streets. The contractors were engaged in the difficult task of taking down the big gilded schooner at the top of the tower. The ship, which looks from the ground to be a toy affair, is of iron, over eleven feet long, and rests on the top of an iron mast six inches in diameter. The ship cannot be removed from the top of the mast, but the two must be taken down together. A derrick has been erected about ten feet from the apex of the spire, and one arm was swung alongside the golden ship. Sailors then went up to fasten the ship and mast securely to the derrick. Three hundred feet from the sidewalk the sailors climbed about fearlessly and succeeded in securely fastening the ropes; then they crawled down, and tomorrow morning the ship will be lowered and placed in the exchange hall as a souvenir of the lost tower. The InterOcean, March 12, 1894 The gilded ship on the Board of Trade tower that has so long o’ertopped the masts that ornament our odoriferous river has come down from its aerial perch and will be dry-docked in Exchange Hall. Speculators out of luck can now see their ship come in without extra charge. The InterOcean, March 14, 1894 The large ship that has been on the top of the Board of Trade tower for nine years was placed on the Exv=change floor, near the south entrance, where the vessel men make their headquarters. In the morning they had a christening as the boat had no name. They called it the Hugh McMillan, in honor of the popular agent of the Western Transportation line. The affair was a very pleasant one and the usual bottle was broken to do it up in real ship shape. After mid-day, when McMilan had left the floor, those who staid until the close took down the sign board and were ready for another christening, but no available master of ceremonies was found. CBOT Looking up LaSalle towards Jackson – 1894 Photographer is Charles E. Spaak. David Girson is the owner of the image. Charles immigrated to US in 1885 and used his camera for work and home use. The building on the left would be the The Grand Pacific Hotel. The building on the right is The Royal Insurance Building. The portion of this building along Lasalle housed what’s listed as the Maller’s, Gaff, and Counselman Buildings. Building center has engraving “Erected in 1883” (the building was completed in 1885). Crane at top of building dismantling the original bell tower completed in 1885. The clock has already been removed but the bell is barely noticeable through the two arched openings. Scaffolding can be seen in center of building and a construction barrier along the front of the building with advertisements on it. One ad promotes deposit vaults for silverware papers & jewelry. The other visible ad is for Revell’s Furniture Store at Wabash and Adams. A sign on the Pacific Hotel Column, says “Grand Pacific Café”. On the sidewalk just off center left, is a man in full top coat with top hat and cane. Next to him is a light post with the name “Quincy” at the top. Ahead of him is a man in common clothes, both men walking toward Jackson. In the center almost in front of the entrance is a large wagon driven by 2 horses and one driver. On the west side of the street a single horse driven covered wagon with a single driver. Chicago Board of Trade Photographed by Barnes-Crosby Chicago Board of Trade with Clock Tower Removed Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Tribune, March 14, 1929 NEW BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING PLANS ARE GIVEN CITY APPROVAL Plans for the new board of trade building, a forty-eight story structure which will rise on the site of the old building at Jackson boulevard and La Salle street, were approved, yesterday, by Building Commissioner Christian P. Paschen in a conference with architects and contractors. At the conference were Henry Ramsey of the Board, of Trade, Samuel P. Arnot, president or the Board of and Frank Carroll of Holabird & Roche were present. Work on the building is expected to begin immediately and completed May 1, 1930. Mr. Paschen characterized the plans the most exact in detail that had ever come before him. Chicago Board of Trade Sanborn Fire Insurance Map History Tallest Buildings in Chicago After the clock tower was removed the “tallest building in Chicago” record was then held by the 302 ft tall Masonic Temple. Built on caissons surrounded by muck, the trading house was rendered structurally unsound in the 1920s when construction began across the street on the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The 1885 building was subsequently demolished in 1929, and the exchange temporarily moved to Van Buren and Clark while a new building was constructed at the LaSalle and Jackson site. Mr. Arthur W. Cutten, known as the “Corn King”, has asked for the two large statues, representing Labor and Commerce, which stood above the Jackson Boulevard entrance.” Cutten got the statues and supposedly had them transported via wagon to adorn the land of his “Sunny Acres Farm” in Glen Ellyn. Eventually these statues were cleaned up and were in prominent display at Forest Preserve District of Dupage County, and now they stand in a little plaza next to the current Chicago Board of Trade. Between demolition of this building and completion of its successor on the same site, the Board of Trade occupied a temporary building at 447-511 South Clark Street which was demolished in 1947 when Congress Parkway was widened.
The new generation smart is one thing above all: authentically electric. The brand returns to its origins with the systematic switch to emission-free, battery-electric powertrains. In combination with progressive design and intelligent connectivity, smart already offers a sustainable and comprehensive concept for urban mobility today. Rethink – “The car of the future must question existing notions and inspire with radical and ground-breaking technology ideas”, as Mercedes-Benz studio engineer and visionary Johann Tomforde put it in a nutshell back in 1972. Since then, Mercedes-Benz has worked on a concept of a purely urban vehicle whose powertrain needs to be not only electric, but also a solution for future urban mobility challenges. The smart with environment-friendly electric powertrain finally became a reality in 2007 with the concept of visionary Nicolas Hayek. Since then, smart has offered an all-electric option in every generation. With the new fortwo and forfour models, the time has finally come: smart is switching to emission-free, battery-electric powertrain technology across the board. “As a pioneer of urban mobility, it has always been part of smart’s credo to rethink things. The switching of the entire product range to all-electric powertrains marks the start of a new chapter in the story of the smart brand. In concert with innovative sharing concepts and digital services, we are the first manufacturer to switch completely and systematically from combustion engines to solely electric powertrains”, as Daniel Lescow, Head of Brand and Product Management smart, explains the motivation behind the dawn of a new era for the brand. A smart makes life in the city easier. With its radical concept and new ideas, smart has always offered the right solutions for urban daily life. At the same time, it is always easy to use and intuitive to understand. Trimmed down to the essentials, a smart gives you more time, more energy and, above all, more freedom. With the systematic switch to battery-electric powertrain technology, smart is now driving back to the future. The brand does not need to reinvent itself at all to do so, it merely has to rediscover itself. Because electric power was always meant to be at the heart of the smart. To express this, the designers drew inspiration from the iconic details of the first generations and interpreted them for the new era of electric mobility. As a result, an original becomes what it has always been: an electric original. “The new smart is radically simple. We orchestrated the typical smart identity with the new faces”, explains Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer Daimler AG. “In line with the smart DNA, we lower the grille and the headlamps above it and in this way create a sporty, progressive appearance.” Away from the playful in favour of the progressive: The new smart fortwo and forfour electric models now have different front ends for the first time. While the four-seater sports a dynamic “A-shape” open at the bottom with optional integrated fog lamps familiar from the Vision EQ fortwo show car, the fortwo keeps the familiar friendly face. With the return to the emblem-free “V-shape” grille in combination with the smart logotype above it, the brand is echoing the stylistic beginnings of the first models. The colour scheme is new for both models: For the first time, the front grilles of the fortwo and forfour are painted in the vehicle colour and no longer in a contrasting shade. The headlamps also ensure the new clarity in the structuring. With the systematic switch to battery-electric powertrains, there is also the option of bright and long-lasting Full-LEDs. smart now adopts the aspects of the forease and forease+ concept vehicles that excited people in its production models . Three large active LED elements provide not only a characteristic light graphic, but in addition to dipped beam and main beam also serve as direction indicators. In combination with the indicators, the new optional Full-LED headlamps also greet the driver with an impressive welcome show after unlocking the vehicle. The tail lamps on the updated smart models are another visual and technical highlight. Sporting the familiar rhombic basic geometry, hundreds of elaborately arranged LED lighting elements now form the lamp contours. Beneath the flat plastic cover, they provide not only a special depth effect, but also homogeneous illumination. This gives rise to an ever-changing light graphic, depending on the viewer’s distance from and angle to the vehicle. The remaining styling features stay typically smart. In concert with the wheels mounted flush in the wide wheel wells, its “one-and-a-half box” design with the extremely short overhangs at the front and rear still results in the characteristic powerful stance on the road. The sight lines and the record-breaking manoeuvrability continue to be strong arguments in favour of the mini-metropolist, of course. Its spaciousness likewise remains generous. The fortwo and forfour are still unrivalled when it comes to interior space in relation to exterior dimensions. No other car offers so much space on such a small area as the two new smart models. To enable even better use of the space, the designers devised an all-new centre console. In place of the hidden drawer at the side, there now is a large stowage compartment in front of the selector lever, which can be closed with a roller cover. Even the largest smartphones can now be stowed securely here. Alternatively, the new stowage compartment can also accommodate two coffee cups thanks to its removable dual cup holder. Refresh – Always up-to-date: the new infotainment concept Apart from the new centre console, the most striking innovation in the interior is the significantly expanded connect media system. The newly developed infotainment generation opens up a new dimension in flexibility and ease of use. The new UX concept means that, for the first time, smart purely relies on the seamless interaction with customer mobile phones and their computing power. By focusing on the essentials such as the eight-inch touch screen and high compatibility with various smartphone systems, customers receive not only a more affordable infotainment solution, but above all a solution that is intuitive for them to operate and upgradable. As soon as they switch to a new smartphone or a software update makes new apps available, they are immediately also introduced in the smart. With this customer-friendly concept, smart sets itself clearly apart from the competition and demonstrates that most often the simplest solutions deliver the greatest benefit. Remote – Infinitely digital. And vice-versa smart is not only becoming infinitely electric, but also infinitely digital. In order to offer customers the best possible service, smart has redesigned its entire digital offering. The new appearance is not only easier and more intuitive to operate, it is above all standardised. Websites and smartphone as well as wearable applications now have the same minimalist interface. The smart EQ control app brings electrifying mobility to drivers’ smartphones. It is the digital companion for smart drivers and enables them to retrieve the status of their vehicle remotely. As a result, they always know their vehicle’s range and the battery charge level, and can conveniently plan their daily trips. Pre-entry climate control, which allows heating or cooling the car conveniently via app, is another of the app’s important functions. Since their introduction last year, customers have been using the digital services every two days on average. The further advancement of the smart EQ control app is based on this group’s feedback, wishes and suggestions for improvement. As a result, the app gets a new face to tie in with the model facelift. The design now dovetails with the newly designed minimalist interface of the digital smart services. However, not only the interface of the app was optimised. The new version also improves the direct interaction with customers. Thanks to the newly created communication field, the communication overlay, messages can be sent to the smart driver quickly and directly. This makes it possible to inform customers about upcoming maintenance or the status of the app, for example. Another request by customers was faster access to the most important features of the app. With the integration into the smartphone widgets and an Apple Watch application, smart now gives users information even more directly. With a quick glance at the Apple Watch on their wrist, customers can now retrieve the current battery status, check the vehicle range or start pre-entry climate control. This makes the smart EQ control app and its functions even easier to access and creates a digital connection between the customer and their smart. “my smart”: keeping tabs on your smart As the central port of call, “my smart” forms the hub for all digital services related to the brand. Any time and anywhere. Customers can retrieve the location of their own smart in real time. “my smart” also enables remote access. This makes keyless locking and unlocking of the vehicle possible, for example. smart “ready to” services: pooling digital added value smart’s mobility offering has included customer-friendly services for six years now, making it a pioneer of comprehensive mobility services. smart “ready to” stands for innovative services which make life easier in the city. smart established the smart lab in 2016 as the brand’s think tank to accelerate the development and implementation of creative urban mobility projects. Further trailblazing services are under development at the smart lab. These will be made available successively to all smart drivers with the “ready to” package by means of over-the-air updates, without any need to visit a workshop. The services continue to be bundled in one mobile app and make smart a full-range mobility services provider. They make all aspects of motoring that much easier. Be it information on the car itself, recharging, parking, navigation, loading or even sharing with friends and neighbours – “ready to” has all these functions covered in a single mobile application. The all-new user interface makes using the services child’s play. The dashboard in modular design further enhances the user experience. The app even applies artificial intelligence to predict the user’s wishes according to the given situation. The developers at the smart lab are concerned not so much with creating a zeitgeist product, but rather with generating real added value. To this end, they are forging ahead with the ongoing development of smart “ready to” services. All services designed to make life in the city easier are bundled in a mobile application. Now for the first time, the services show users in the new “my smart” control centre not only status information when the vehicle is stationary, but also report charging stations ahead while driving when the battery has a low charge. “ready to share”. sharing the easy way Since 2016, smart “ready to share” has been making private car sharing as simple, safe and straightforward as using car2go. Authorised users can open friends’ smart models in a matter of seconds, using their smartphone. smart “ready to share” is smartphone-based and uses the vehicle’s keyless entry function. Three factors make smart “ready to share” unique: the safety and security of a solution provided by the manufacturer, complete control by the vehicle owner as the sole administrator and decision-maker, and simple and inexpensive handling. The payment function for “ready to share” helps smart owners who share their cars to split the costs, too. The smart owner can invite friends and acquaintances to use their vehicle in two user groups: users in the “Free travel” group get to drive the vehicle free of charge, while in the “Share travel costs” group the owner can set an individual price per minute. The payment data are stored to ensure problem-free payment. The payment function is initially available in Germany; the “ready to share” service is available in Germany, France, Spain and Italy. “ready to park”: More convenient parking by app The convenient online search function for parking spaces. With “ready to park”, a glance at your smartphone suffices to view the available parking options in your selected area in real time. In some instances, the located parking spaces can be reserved directly – for immediate use or up to 30 days in advance. “ready to spot”: back to your smart in next to no time The smart “ready to spot” service shows not only where the smart is parked, but also the best route to get there. The integrated “REACH NOW” app additionally enables various means of transport, such as local public transport or car sharing, to be compared and booked directly. Where necessary, the “ready to spot” app can also be used to briefly turn on the headlamps of the parked car to make it easier for the driver to find the vehicle. “ready to pack”: easy loading The “pactris” app has been helping smart drivers to load their car boot for two years now: “pactris” uses a sophisticated algorithm which tells the user whilst shopping whether and how everything will fit in the boot of the smart. The user scans the bar code on the product – for example in a furniture store – and the app, which is integrated into the “ready to pack” app, shows how the packages will fit in their smart. Alternatively, the user can select items from a constantly growing database where typical items are stored. This also shows whether, for example, a drinks crate or a packing case will still fit in the fortwo or forfour. The augmented reality function additionally enables scanning an object directly with the smartphone camera. “theft recovery”: The digital early warning system against theft Fast assistance when a smart goes missing. With “theft recovery”, users are informed by push notification as soon as their vehicle leaves an area they previously defined – the geofence. In the event of the vehicle leaving a pre-defined area, the user receives an automatic warning and step-by-step instructions on activating recovery mode. The app guides the user through the entire process, including notifying the police of the car theft with all the required information. Reinvent – Three clicks instead of a forty-five page price list The days when you laboriously read through the price lists are over. With the new-generation smart, the equipment level structure also becomes smarter. In addition to the base model, the three familiar equipment lines passion, pulse and prime are available. Each line can be combined with one of three equipment packages. The smallest package, “Advanced”, already includes the new media system with smartphone integration, a front armrest as well as an acoustic parking aid. Building on it, the “Premium” package additionally includes a panoramic roof or rather a draught stop on the fortwo cabrio, a reversing camera and a stowage net at the centre console. The top of the range is the “Exclusive” package, which in addition to the “Premium” equipment has Full-LED lights at the front and rear as well as a sensor package comprising rain and light sensor, fog lamps with cornering light function, ambient lighting in the interior and an automatically dimming inside rear-view mirror. Now all the customer has to do is pick a colour, and their new smart is complete. That choice is now even more difficult, however, because the new models are available in new, fresh colours. In the interior, there are new designs for the upholstery fabric. Regain – electrifying driving fun A short wheelbase and an immense track in combination with direct steering make the smart uniquely agile. The all-electric driving experience opens up a completely new dimension in driving enjoyment. With 160 Newton metres of torque available instantly, the new electric models accelerate far better than the 60 kW/82 hp of the separately excited synchronous motor in the rear might suggest. 4.8 seconds for 0 to 60 km/h when the light turns green makes the smart EQ fortwo coupé quick enough to draw astonished looks and provide low-noise driving enjoyment. The new smart models systematically continue to play to all the strengths of the battery-electric powertrain technology. Thanks to clever packaging and the return to the core of the brand, the concept remains light and resource-friendly, and offers sustainable mobility in metropolitan areas. That is why smart offers a deliberately compact high-voltage battery. The lithium-ion battery supplied by Daimler-owned Deutsche Accumotive consists of three HV modules and a total of 96 HV cells, and has a capacity of 17.6 kWh, sufficient for a range of 159 kilometres (NEDC). This corresponds not only to several times the average daily kilometres driven in Germany, but above all to a generous range in the metropolitan environment where energy can be recovered through recuperation. Radar-based recuperation in the city is a particularly convenient feature. It allows the smart to slow down automatically behind a vehicle ahead. Coasting and braking phases are perfectly coordinated to enable the maximum amount of kinetic energy to be returned to the battery. In order for the smart to keep a cool head even in extreme climatic conditions and under extreme stress, special attention was paid to the temperature management in the electric models. While generously sized air cooling is enough for the electric motor, its flange-mounted power electronics are liquid-cooled. Even the high-voltage battery can be completely conditioned. When needed, it is integrated into the cooling circuit of the powertrain to remain in the optimal temperature range under high permanent load or during fast charging, for example. The same is true when temperatures are extremely low. A battery heater enables warming up the battery for optimal performance and efficiency. Recharge – Quick and everywhere charger To make recharging as easy as possible for drivers, smart offers a comprehensive charging concept for its new electric models. With its 22 kW on-board charger with rapid-charging function, the new models are charged from 10% to 80% range in under 40 minutes and without having to rely on rare direct-current charging stations if three-phase charging is possible, depending on local conditions. Thanks to the cooperation with charging network partner Plugsurfing, customers can now use virtually all public charging stations. These charging stations can be displayed with the smart EQ control app, and users can sign up with Plugsurfing directly in the app.
I don’t have a title for this that works. It’s horrible, it’s difficult, and it’s because all of the titles sound so relentlessly negative that I honestly don’t want to use them. I promise this talk isn’t about being negative, it’s a talk about the work we have to do to be better as an industry. As someone that doesn’t believe in hills, or like walking up them, or death, or dying, this, I think, is probably the hill I’m going to die on. I want to talk about how open source has in the most cases, been turned into exploitation by the biggest organisations in the world. How it’s used to extricate free labour from you, and why this is fundamentally a bad thing. I’m going to talk about how we can do better. I’m going to talk about what needs to change to make software, and especially open-source software – something I love dearly – survive. Because right now, open-source is in the most precarious place it’s ever been in its entire existence, and I feel like hardly anyone is talking about it. The Discourse Is Dead Before I start with the gory details, I want to talk about loving things. More importantly, let’s talk about how it’s important to understand that you can be critical of something that you love because you want it to be better, not because you want to harm it. I’ve been building open-source software since the actual 1990s. When the internet was a village, and everything was tiny. When I was tiny. But it’s important to understand that on any journey of maturity, the techniques, opinions, and approaches that get you from A to B, are not necessarily the things that you’re going to need to get you from B to C. People frequently struggle with this fact. Humans are beautiful and oft simple creatures that presume because something has worked before, it’ll work again, regardless of the changing context around us. As technologists, and an industry, we’re going to have to embrace this if we want open source to survive. Open Source Won the Fight At this point we all know this to be true. You probably use Visual Studio Code at the very least as a text editor. As of 2018 40% of VMs on Azure were in Linux. Open source won the hearts and minds of people by telling them that software could and should be free. What does free really mean? While the GPL and its variants – were probably not the first permissive and free software licenses – they were the licenses that rapidly gained mindshare with the rising popularity of Linux in the late 90s. Linux, really, was the tip of the spear that pushed open-source software into the mainstream, and it’s GPL license was originally described by the Free Software Foundation as “free as in speech, not free as in beer”. A confounding statement that a lot of people struggled to understand. So what does the GPL really mean? In simple terms, if you use source code available under its license, you need to make your changes public for other people to use. This is because the FSF promoted “software freedoms” – literally, the right of software to be liberated, so that it’s users could modify, inspect, and make their own changes to it. A noble goal, which shows its lineage as the license used to build a Unix clone that was supposed to be freely available to all – a goal centred around people sharing source code at local computer clubs. It’s important to stress that “free” never meant “free from cost”. It always meant “free as in freedom” – and in fact, much of the original literature focuses on this by describing software that is “free from cost” as “gratis”. From the FSF FAQs: Does free software mean using the GPL? Not at all—there are many other free software licenses. We have an incomplete list. Any license that provides the user certain specific freedoms is a free software license. Why should I use the GNU GPL rather than other free software licenses? (#WhyUseGPL) Using the GNU GPL will require that all the released improved versions be free software. This means you can avoid the risk of having to compete with a proprietary modified version of your own work. However, in some special situations it can be better to use a more permissive license. But it wasn’t that version of free software that really won Despite Linux, and despite early and limited forays into open source by organisations like RedHat the strong copyleft licenses of the GPL were not the reason open-source software is thriving in the market today. They’re certainly not the reasons ultra-mega-corps like Microsoft, or Amazon, or Google now champion open source. The widespread adoption of open-source software in the enterprise is directly related to the MIT license, and the Apache – “permissive” licenses, which don’t force people that build on top of software to re-share their modifications back to the wider communities. Permissive licensing allows individuals or organisations to take your work, build on top of it, and even operate these modified copies of a work for profit. Much like the GPL, the aim of open source was not to restrict commercial exploitation, but to ensure the freedom of the software itself. Who benefits from permissive licensing? This is a trick question really – because in any situation where there is a power imbalance – let’s say, between the four or five largest organisations in the world, and, some person throwing some code on the internet, the organisation is always the entity that will benefit. Open-Source became popular in enterprise because of permissive licenses Without wanting to sound like a naysayer – because I assure you, I deeply love open-source, and software freedom, and the combinatorial value that adds to teaching, and our peers, and each other, I cannot say loud enough: Multi-national organisations do not give a single solitary fuck about you. Businesses do not care about you. But you know what they do care about? They care about free “value” that they are able to commercially exploit. The wide proliferation of software in businesses is a direct result of licenses like the Apache license, and the MIT license being leveraged into closed source, proprietary and for-profit work. Want to test the theory? Go into your office tomorrow and try adding some GPL’d code to your companies' applications and see how your line manager responds. Permissive licenses explicitly and without recourse shift the balance of power towards large technical organisations and away from individual authors and creators. They have the might to leverage code, they have the capability to build upon it, and they have the incentive and organisational structures to profit from doing so. Open-source software took hold in the enterprise because it allowed itself to be exploited. Oh come on, exploited? That’s a bit much isn’t it? Nope. It’s entirely accurate. exploitation (noun) · exploitations (plural noun) - the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. "the exploitation of migrant workers" - the action of making use of and benefiting from resources. "the Bronze Age saw exploitation of gold deposits" - the fact of making use of a situation to gain unfair advantage for oneself. "they are shameless in their exploitation of the fear of death" Oh wow, that’s got such a negative slant though, surely that’s not fair? Surely people are smarter than the let their work just get leveraged like this? The internet runs on exploited and unpaid labour This is just the truth. It’s widely reported. The vast majority of open source projects aren’t funded. Even important ones. There is no art without patronage. None. The only successful open source projects in the world are either a) backed by enormous companies that use them for strategic marketing and product positioning advantage OR b) rely on the exploitation of free labour for the gain of organisations operating these products as services. I can see you frothing already – “but GitHub has a donations thing!”, “what about Patreon!”, “I donated once, look!”. And I see you undermine your own arguments. We’ve all watched people burn out. We’ve watched people trying to do dual-licensing get verbally assaulted by their own peers for not being “free enough for them”. We’ve watched people go to the effort of the legal legwork to sell support contracts and have single-digit instances of those contracts sold. We’ve seen packages with 20+ million downloads languish because nobody is willing to pay for the work. It’s a hellscape. It victimises creators. I would not wish a successful open-source project on anyone. Let’s ask reddit (Never ask reddit) I recently made the observation in a reddit thread that it’s utterly wild that I can stream myself reading an open-source codebase on YouTube and people will happily allow me to profit from it, but the open-source community has become so wrongheaded that the idea of charging for software is anathema to them. Let’s get some direct quotes: “Ahh, so you hate gcc and linux too, since they're developed by and for companies?” “Arguing against free software? What year is it?!” “If it’s free, why wouldn’t it be free to everyone? That includes organizations. I’m honestly not clear what you’re suggesting, specifically and logistically.” Obviously I was downvoted to oblivion because people seemed to interpret “perhaps multinational organisations should pay you for your work” as “I don’t think software freedom is good”. But I was more astonished by people suggesting that charging for software was somehow in contradiction with the “ethos” of open source, when all that position really shows is an astonishing lack of literacy of what open source really means. Lars Ulrich Was Right In 1999 Napster heralded the popularisation of peer-to-peer file sharing networks. And Metallica litigated and were absolutely vilified for doing so. The music business had become a corporate fat cat, nickel and diming everyone with exorbitant prices for CDs (£20+ for new releases!), bands were filthy rich and record executives more-so. And we all cried – “what do Metallica know about this! They’re rich already! We just want new music!”. I spent my mid-teens pirating music on Napster, and AudioGalaxy, and Limewire, and Kazaa, and Direct Connect, and and and and and and. And you know what? If anyone had spent time listening to what Lars Ulrich (Metallica’s drummer) was actually saying at the time, they’d realise he was absolutely, 100% correct, and in the two decades since has been thoroughly vindicated. I read an interview with him recently, where he looks back on it – and he’s reflective. What he actually said at the time was “We’re devaluing the work of musicians. It doesn’t affect me, but it will affect every band that comes after me. I’m already a multi-millionaire. File sharing devalues the work, and once it’s done, it can never be undone.” And he was right. After ~1999, the music industry was never the same. Small touring bands that would make comfortable livings scrape by in 2020. Niche and underground genres, while more vibrant than ever, absolutely cannot financially sustain themselves. It doesn’t scale. We devalued the work by giving it all away. And when you give it all away, the only people that profit are the large organisations that are in power. Spotify, today, occupies the space that music labels once did, a vastly profitable large organisations while artists figuratively starve. YOU ARE HERE I wish I had the fine wine and art collection of Ulrich, but forgive me for feeling a little bit like I’m standing here desperately hoping that people listen to this message. Because we are here, right now. I love open-source, just like Lars loved tape trading and underground scenes, but the ways in which we allow it to be weaponised is a violence. It doesn’t put humans, maintainers, creators and authors at its centre – instead, it puts organisational exploitation as the core goal. We all made a tragic mistake in thinking that the ownership model that was great for our local computing club could scale to plant-sized industry. How did we get here? Here’s the scariest part, really. We got here because this is what we wanted to do. I did this. You did this. We all made mistakes. I’ve spent the last decade advocating for the adoption of open-source in mid-to-large organisations. I, myself, sat and wrote policies suggesting that while we needed to adopt and contribute if we could (largely, organisations never do) to open-source for both strategic and marketing benefit, that we really should only look at permissive licensed software, because anything else would incur cost at best, and force us to give away our software at worst. And god, was I dead wrong. I should’ve spent that time advocating that we licensed dual-licensed software. That we bought support contracts. That we participated in copyleft software and gave back to the community. I was wrong, and I’m sorry, I let you all down. I’m not the only one Every time a small organisation or creator tries to license their software in a way that protects them from the exploitation of big business – like Elastic, or recently Apollo, or numerous others over the years – the community savages them, without realising that it’s the community savaging itself. We need to be better at supporting each other, at knowing whenever a creator cries burn-out, or that they can’t pay rent in kudos, or that they need to advertise for work in their NPM package, that they mean it. That it could easily be you in that position. We need new licenses, and a new culture, which prioritises the freedom of people from exploitation, over the freedom of software. I want you to get paid. I want you to have nice things. I want you to work sustainably. I want a world where it’s viable for smart people to build beautiful things and make a living because of it. If we must operate inside a late-stage-capitalistic hellhole, I want it to be on our terms. Can companies ever ethically interact with open-source? And here’s a little bit of light, before I talk about what we need to do the readdress this imbalance. There are companies that do good work in open-source, and fund it well. They all have reasons for doing so, and even some of the biggest players have reasonably ethical open-source products, but they always do it for marketing position, and for mindshare, and ultimately, to sell products and services and that’s ok. If we’re to interact with these organisations, there is nothing wrong with taking and using software they make available, for free, but remember that your patronage is always the product. Even the projects that you may perceive to be “independent”, like Linux, all have funding structures or staff provided from major organisations. The open-source software that you produce is not the same kind of open-source software that they do, and it’s foolish to perceive it to be the same thing. How can we change the status quo? We need both better approaches, and better systems, along with the cooperation of all the major vendors to really make a dent in this problem. It will not be easy. But there’s a role for all of us in this. This is the easiest, and the most free of all the ways we’ll solve this problem. The next time each of you is about to send a shitty tweet because Docker desktop made delaying updates a paid feature, perhaps, just for a second, wonder why they might be doing that. The next time you see a library you like adopting an “open-core” licensing model, where the value-added features, or the integrations are paid for features – consider paying for the features. Whenever a maintainer asks for support or contributions on something you use, contribute back. Don’t be entitled, don’t shout down your peers, don’t troll them for trying to make a living. If we all behaved like this, the software world would be a lot kinder. Rehabilitate package management I think it’s table stakes for the next iteration of package managers and component sharing platforms to support billing. I’d move to a platform that put creator sustainability at its heart at a moment’s notice. I have a theory that more organisations would pay for software if there were existing models that supported or allowed it. Most projects couldn’t issue an invoice, or pay taxes, or accept credit cards, if they tried. Our next-generation platforms need to support this for creator sustainability. We’re seeing the first steps towards these goals with GitHub sponsorships, and nascent projects like SDKBin – the “NuGet, but paid” distribution platform. Petition platform vendors A step up from that? I want to pay for libraries that I use in my Azure bill. In my AWS bill. In my GCP bill. While I’ve railed against large organisations leveraging open-source throughout, large organisations aren’t fundamentally bad, immoral, or evil, I just believe they operate in their best interest. The first platform that lets me sell software components can have their cut too. That’s fair. That’s help. I think this would unlock a whole category of software sales that just doesn’t exist trivially in the market today. Imagine if instead of trying to work through some asinine procurement process, you could just add NuGet, or NPM, or Cargo packages and it’ll be accounted for and charged appropriately by your cloud platform vendor over a private package feed. This is the best thing a vendor could do to support creators – they could create a real marketplace. One that’s sustainable for everyone inside of it. Keep fighting for free software For users! For teachers! For your friends! I feel like I need to double down on what I said at the start. I love open-source software dearly. I want it to survive. But we must understand that what got it to a place of success is something that is currently threatening its sustainable existence. Open-source doesn’t have to a proxy for the exploitation of the individual. It can be ethical. It can survive this. I do not want to take your source code away from you, I just desperately want to have enough people think critically about it, that when it’s your great new idea that you think you can do something meaningful with, that it’s you that can execute on and benefit from the idea. By all means give it away to your peers but spare no pity for large organisations that want to profit from your work at your expense. Support the scene In music, there’s the idea of supporting our scene, our heritage, the shared place where “the art” comes from. This is our culture. Pay your friends for their software and accept it gracefully if they want to give it you for free. Footnotes - see this live! An expanded version of this piece is available as a conference talk - if you would like me to come and talk to your user-group or conference about ethics and open-source, please get in touch.
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So we offer the best discount coupons Linebet for free. Together we also provide special offers, links, exclusives and many promotions totally at no cost to you. TOP Mostbet slots 2023 are 2 Royal Coins, Gates of Olympus, Lucky 3 Streak, Book of Melbet, and some other. Our betting line contains a lot of of markets in more than 30 various Sports and ESports. Special Mostbet prediction service helps customers to select the right odds. Further you will find the list of Mostbet Sportsbook popular betting markets. Moreover, you’ll find a way to contact the assist staff by clicking on the tab in the bottom right corner. Use them — and watch out the list changing according to these. The bookmaker also sets the total possible payout for all users per day, hence the company won’t pay more than this amount on aggregate on any given day. On our Bet Prof WhatsApp group, you may also get the best betting picks for Sportybet. They give you the surest option that can win you loads of cash. Miki Yamane completed off a superb team transfer to offer Japan a deserved lead. To the left, you got the betslip which works as a booking code loader when empty. A punter can access SportyBet on mobile devices and via desktop. Both versions have the same functionality, with the mobile site being even more functional with gambling games. When accessing the online bookmaker, they let you pick the country of your residence for a local site. The search results will display any current offer or coupon code for that store. For example, check out our Hunkprivates Promo Code or SuperIngressos Promo Code, they have daily new offers and coupon codes. After all, there are several coupon moguls out there offering promotional code. You might think you can find a February 2024 promo code for Linebet all over the web. But how many times have you finally found a Linebet promo code that was either expired or not applicable? We cycle through our offers daily to ensure your couponcode is active. - For this reason you’re almost always likely to end up at an official campsite. - To claim a bonus, you have to meet all the phrases and circumstances, together with rollover necessities. - On the Homepage, you’ll see the yellow Log In and Join Now buttons in the top right corner. - Then access the “My Account (Me) Info” and tap on “Profile”. - Togo pulled one again within the 81st minute Gabiamu Vieron scored by way of an attractive solo effort. I have read your article, it is very informative and helpful for me.I admire the valuable information you offer in your articles. This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! I think this is an informative post and it is very beneficial and knowledgeable. Therefore, I would like to thank you for the endeavors that you have made in writing this article. Only aspire to mention ones content can be as incredible. Our platform is designed with you in mind, making it easy and intuitive to place your bets. With just a few clicks, you can immerse yourself in the world of sports and start cheering for your favorite teams like never before. We prepared an instruction that explains how to download the app on your iOS device with very easy steps. Mostbet for iOS allows users to have the best online betting and gambling experience. The app combines all the features of PC and mobile website versions. Turbonino promo code: exclusive benefits in the vip room If you are interested in learning more about the bookie, then you should definitely check out our Sportybet review. The bonus received after entering the promotion into the system can only be used to bet on sports games. The money cannot be withdrawn since its primary purpose is improving your betting experience and journey. Even if you’re a seasoned punter, but you’re new at the bookmaker, start small. Understand the dynamics of the sportsbook before you increase your bet sizes. You get the usual pre-match bets, live bets, and even live streaming on selected sports. To begin with, this is a sport betting platform in Africa founded in 2012. The head office of the company has since been situated in Spring Valley Business Park, Nairobi, Kenya. By 2021, there were over 200,000 sports bettors playing here. The minimum deposit for Uganda is 1,000 UGX in SportyBet, while the maximum deposit is 4,000,000 UGX. All Ugandan deposit payments are instant and free of charge. There is a permanent promotion that lets you get some money back or even become profitable from a lost multibet if only one selection fails you. The company reserves its right to request a verification of any account. A new technology was introduced to the app which makes it harder for hackers to have access to users’ accounts. On Sportybet, you can not withdraw or deposit without the use of a four-digit pin. Nothing surpasses getting paid promptly when it comes to online betting, which is the best part of the process. Keep up the good work , I read few posts on this web site and I conceive that your blog is very interesting and has sets of fantastic information. They are commonly found in fitness centers, health clinics, and even in the homes of individuals who are serious about managing their body composition. Fitness professionals and healthcare providers often use these devices to assess clients’ progress and set appropriate fitness and dietary goals. The fastest payment betting app in Nigeria has an exceptional track record, and that is SportyBet. The founder, CEO and the owner of SportyBet is Sudeep Dalamal Ramnani, an Indian national who resides in the United Kingdom. Along with online sports betting, Sudeep Ramnani invests his capital in mobile money wallets and financial tech. The simplest out of all the betting options, humble total presents punters with a choice of which of the teams is going to win in a game or there will be a draw. Sudeep Dalamai Ramnani established the betting platform Sportybet, which began operation in Nigeria in 2013. Many African nations, including Ghana, Zambia, and Kenya, also have access to it. SportyBet has solidified its position as a leading player in the world of sports betting through a series of strategic partnerships. Access your account profile for bet and transaction history, deposits and withdrawals, and more. One must guess a 1×2 outcome in 12 given football matches correctly to win a jackpot. The bookie may also reject a withdrawal if it’s a bonus steadiness or free wager where the requirements have not been met. If you try to request a payout before you’ve met these requirements, then you’ll not solely be denied, but you could also lose your bonus and all related winnings. 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With its live betting option, extensive selection of sports, and bonuses and promotions, Linebet provides an immersive and exciting experience for sports enthusiasts. Whether you are a casual bettor or a seasoned pro, Linebet is the ultimate destination for online sports betting. SportyBet is a leading online sports betting platform that offers an unrivalled betting experience to users across multiple territories, especially in Africa. The website has been thoroughly checked by our experts and is believed to be secure. We advised our readers to gamble safely and not gamble – irresponsibly on any website. It is the most lucrative category of games that can be played on the site, and every participant has an equal chance of coming out on top. The minimum deposit amount required to activate the bonus is Rs 100. Unravel all the thrilling details in our complete evaluate earlier than you join real cash gambling. If you suppose that you just might have a particular case on your palms, then contact Betway’s customer assist for additional help. LeoVegas live casino welcome bonus This includes the IBSA as well as several other non-profit organizations, such as Para Football, which oversees all forms of Paralympic Football. To cash out your winnings, you should choose a withdrawal option and the quantity. If you want this article, you may also wish to know extra about how we write on line casino evaluations. Neither the Betway casino nor the sportsbook permits for transfers on the site itself. Despite being a bittersweet victory for the hosts, who had already clinched the highest spot, the win was overshadowed by midfielder Gavi (19) struggling a knee harm. Barcelona’s Ousmane Dembele, Real Madrid’s Rodrygo, Atletico Madrid’s duo of Antoine Griezmann and Alvara Morata and Villarreal’s Gerard Moreno are all valued at 34.00 odds. The livescore is provided to SportyBet by Sportradar (Betradar). In tennis, ATP and WTA events, Grand Slam tournaments, ITFs are covered alike. VFootbal consists of England Virtual, Spain Virtual, Italy Virtual and Germany Virtual. What i don’t understood is in fact how you are no longer really much more well-appreciated than you may be right now. Some truly wonderful work on behalf of the owner of this internet site , perfectly great articles . The place else may just I get that kind of information written in such a perfect method? I have a venture that I am simply now running on, and I’ve been at the glance out for such info. So without further ado, here are the steps you must follow to deposit money quickly. The Mostbet casino welcome bonus is similar to the sports welcome bonus of the same bookmaker. There are two rows of sports events categorized as Live and Line. Mostbet offers many sports for betting, including traditional Indian sports, virtual sports, and esports. There is also a large library of casino games such as slots, poker, blackjack, etc. Due to the odds boost feature of Mostbet, accumulator bets would be my go-to option anyway. The official Mostbet affiliate program of the international betting company and online casino is called MostBet Partners. You can only play demo at Casino, but cannot place bets at our Sportsbook or Live Casino games. The homepage provides quick access to the most popular sports and events, while the sidebar menu allows users to easily browse through different sports categories. The search function is also handy for finding specific matches or events quickly. When it comes to placing bets, Linebet offers a variety of options. Users can choose from traditional pre-match betting or opt for live betting, which allows them to place bets while the game is in progress. If you’re questioning if the Betway sportsbook and on line casino could have a cost methodology that you must use, don’t worry. This bookie features a number of well-liked fee methods, thereby making it straightforward for many punters to seek out what they want. Of course, with recent regulatory adjustments, Betway now not accepts bank cards. The place else may just I get that kind of information written in such an ideal means? I have a venture that I’m just now operating on, and I have been on the look out for such information. I think that everything has been described in systematic manner so that reader could get maximum information and learn many things. I think that thanks for the valuabe information and insights you have so provided here. Do you have any suggestions on how to get listed in Yahoo News? Although it is straightforward, 1×2 is one the most prominent wagering option in existence. Known for its simple to use platform and array of betting options, MostBet has been in business for nearly 10 years. It is also home to the biggest casino in India, making it the number one choice for casino enthusiasts in the country. Choose a payment method from the ‘Deposit’ area (see below for more information). In the fast-paced world of social media, the number of Twitter followers one has can have a significant impact on their online presence. Whether you’re an individual looking for personal branding or a company looking to expand its reach, the concept of buying Twitter followers has gained momentum. The issue you we included above is certainly regard proficient for anyone to work out. The possibility of your article is substantial and It will realize a positive way. I agree many of the with the solid points made by the writer. Install the App What is much more exciting is that the net site is accessible instantly through normal cell browsers. Like many other bookmakers, Betway tries to make it easy for its punters to request payouts and make withdrawals. One of the ways it does so is by providing a number of different withdrawal methods. cryptocurrency deposit bonus at MyStake I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. You can now securely log in to your Mostbet app and start betting. To find more information about downloading and installing the betting app, you can head over to Mostbet download page. While I was really impressed by the coverage, what I didn’t like was the lack of a detailed scorecard and other in-game stats for cricket matches. What is an Linebet discount code? 1win Casino doesn’t disappoint in phrases of the standard and number of table games. The coolest part is that this Ghanaian on-line casino has downloadable apps for Android, iOS, and Windows devices. This means you could get pleasure from all companies from wherever you’re in Ghana. One of those is that all shoppers should confirm their identities before they will make withdrawals. $2000 free bet bonus: weekly challenge KTO A betting platform that fails to meet these expectations will quickly lose users and market share. In layman’s terms, betting sites offer odds on sports events and punters wager on the event according to the odds. Whatever the outcome is, betting sites take a small commission. From free bets to boosted odds to deposit matches, everything gets showered with love. The 1xBet betting company is one of the most popular names in Uganda. The bookmaker knows what it’s doing, and the punters love the effort. The musician projected that the Black Stars midfielder would score two goals to earn a win for his side in a video. Ghanaian dancehall musician Stonebwoy predicted a three-one win for West Ham United towards Newcastle United forward of their game at the London Stadium on Sunday, October eight. Ugandan striker, Steven Mukwala doubled the lead for the guests before Isaac Oppong’s strike sealed the win for the Prosper Narteh Ogum’s aspect. Betway goes the extra mile when it comes to the security and mental wellbeing of its players. The Crystal Palace striker levelled the sport with a superb strike from the sting of the field. Note that before you can use this option, your BVN, SportyBet pin, and email must be verified. You can also make withdrawals on SportyBet through the mobile app. Withdrawals are made via mobile money, usually to the same wallet one has used to deposit. This pin will be asked by the app before you can complete any transaction and if the user makes an error with the pin four times, the account will be suspended for 24 hours. Mind that adding more than one outcome for any match will result in a multiplication of your ticket price in a geometric progression. These are matches played by eSport professionals from around the world, with eFootball standing for EA Sports FIFA, eBasketball for NBA 2K and eIce Hockey for EA Sports NHL. After the betting is done, tap on NEXT ROUND to move to another round with more matchups. Some of the competitions featured on Fortebet are the English Premier League, the UEFA Champions League, the Europa League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, and the French Ligue 1. After deciding the match you want to punt on, the next thing is to place your bet. Mostbet has a high level of reputation and recognition among players. The company complies with all laws in India and conducts responsible gambling. Punters can place bets at Mostbet using the company’s website, mobile app, or both. Nevertheless, the desktop is the primary resource and has a straightforward user interface. Although it is essence Of its business being the gaming sector, Sportybet also markets live sports broadcasting, through its own channels. A betting platform that is not secure could enable malware to infect users’ iOS devices, potentially leading to the loss of important files, data, and personal information. 22Bet is one of the most respected international bookmakers in the country. So, we only list the ones with top-quality customer support. I hope this article has provided you with valuable insight on choosing top BTTS bookies. On the platform, there are a couple of payment options available to you. To participate in sports wagering you are first required to deposit some funds into your profile’s balance. The registration process is quite straightforward, simply follow our instructions below and you’ll be ready in a second. Connectivity issues might also be why you can not withdraw your cash prize. “It began from a simple idea [after] I had seen football being played by people who were visually impaired abroad. And I wondered if we could start it in Uganda,” Muzafaru said in an interview with CNN. Founded in 2021, Blind Football Uganda is the brainchild of disability advocate, Jagwe Muzafaru who is dedicated to promoting and developing the sport within the country. The variation of the sport is adapted from five-a-side football, played with an audible ball on a pitch surrounded by kickboards. Betway was one of the earliest bookies to introduce the cashout characteristic. This function just isn’t available on all betting markets, so you need to examine for the ‘Cash Out’ symbol next to the market. With this function, punters are in a place to settle their bets in real-time earlier than the occasions are accomplished. This method, you probably can take your winnings while you’re ahead or reduce your losses. That stated, Betway has made great strides in enhancing its payout system, and customer service is usually fairly pleased to help. All your wagers are saved in the “Sports Bet History” section of an account. On mobile, you can access the bets right from the bottom navigation bar. Tap on OPEN BETS for their list — and check the ticket in question. The user base is quite large in Uganda, and there are valid reasons behind it. Once your account is ready for betting, your first task is depositing real money into it. So, here’s how you can do it at any of the betting companies in Uganda. If you prefer lots of predictions for your betting in Uganda, Fortebet is the perfect bookmaker for you. Basketball, baseball, ice hockey, football, and cricket are some of the sports categories on 1xBet. Argentine ahead Alvarez had the opportunity for a second with a curling free-kick and Phil Foden was unlucky not to see his effort nestle within the prime nook. Manchester City prevented a 3rd consecutive Premier League defeat as two first-half objectives secured victory over Brighton at Etihad Stadium. Tunisia went into the game off the back of a 2-0 defeat to Senegal and something apart from victory towards Algeria would have left them in deep trouble. They took the lead when Algeria’s Aissa Mandi directed Youssef Msakni’s left-wing cross into his own web. Addo will hope for a better performance towards Chile, a staff with a similar profile to World Cup opponents Uruguay, on Tuesday. They have an easy way to download their app which has a low size that can work on any android or ios device. Their app can be downloaded through their main web page and the download link can be seen at the top of the page. “We believe this commercial will not only captivate fans but also inspire a new generation of sports betting enthusiasts across the continent. Together with Real Madrid, we’re raising the game in Africa”, expressed Elías Gallego, VP of Business Development, Marketing and Media at SportyBet. From the tons of comments on your articles, I guess I am not the only one having all the enjoyment here! This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free. Whatever your most popular withdrawal methods are, Betway ought to have you ever lined. If your request for withdrawal hasn’t been processed within two days, you possibly can contact customer assist. There are additionally occasions when a technical error can interfere with the process. Most deposit strategies are instantaneous and can be found in both the Betway casino and the sportsbook. You can place bets, live stream events, deposit and withdrawal, or do anything else that you want to do at 22Bet through the app. The Multi Live option is pretty much identical to live betting, however you may watch many matches at the same time and place bets on them. It implies that you can make live wagers and put them down on matches or occasions that have proactively started and are in real life. This kind of betting is trendy for football, but Indian players also like to place live bets on sports like basketball, hockey, tennis, and table tennis. MostBet entered the online gambling market as a betting company a decade ago, setting standards and becoming well-known in nearly 93 nations.
Download 22Bet App on iOS or Android in Nigeria Once you have completed the crypto betting bonus requirements, you can request a withdrawal of your winnings. Some of the accepted methods include Visa, Mastercard, Neosurf, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Dogecoin. This sportsbook has almost everything that a Nigerian bettor needs for a quality betting experience. Go to 22BET’s withdrawal web page and choose an available withdrawal method to cash out your earnings. Follow the on-screen directions to specify a cash sum and complete your withdrawal. Compare this well-rounded bundle with our Bwin ratings or Guts Sports evaluation to make sure of the standard of the offering for your self. Therefore, introducing the ability to pay with cryptocurrency will boost the development of the service. The processing time for withdrawal requests is usually longer than for a deposit. You will likely have to wait 1 to 7 days for the bank to transfer your money. The platform works with over 20 Nigerian banks, including FirstBank, CitiBank, GTB, EcoBank, Heritage and Unity Bank, etc. However, there is one major drawback in the Slots section at 22Bet. The available slot selections are not well divided into categories like in other top casino sites. While you will find categories like Drop and Wins, and Big Bang, these have nothing much to do with the games’ features or layouts. You may get in touch with customer support through a live chat session if you have any issues while using the mobile app to get them handled. There will be a “cash-out” indicator next to the games that allow you to withdraw your winnings. Accepting a cash-out offer is simpler when utilizing the mobile app because the software loads faster. The list of actions required to withdraw funds from 22Bet is rather short and intuitive. Open your personal account and find the “Withdraw money” option in it. You can use your 22Bet factors at the 22Bet store to redeem free bets, free spins, and varied thrilling rewards. Note that you should use your free bet as a single wager with 1.80 odds no much less than or on accumulator bets of at least picks with the chances set at 1.40 minimum. Nigerian bettors can now win extra money by downloading the 22bet application! The question of deposits stands vital for many Nigerian punters who play on the 22Bet platform. For instance, players can use Paystack or Visa cards to withdraw their funds by providing their number, expiration date, and a secret code. Unlike a coin toss, sporting events don’t have the same certainty, so the chance of a given outcome can change multiple times. Open, find the installation link, and follow the instructions. It is operated by TechSolutions Group N.V with a registered workplace in Curacao. is licensed by the famend Curacao gaming authority, which makes this a protected site to gamble on. For followers of playing leisure who prefer to visit playing sites from cell or tablet units primarily based on iOS. The bonus supply that you get from 22Bet Casino just isn’t too troublesome. They are favored by Nigerian gamblers all throughout the country because of their worldwide sportsbook and outstanding odds. In spite of their lack of live-streamed sports, the bookmaker is expanding its selection. To use the live chat platform, go to the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the site, pick contacts, and then live chat. You’ll be able to speak to a real person who can answer your questions. Before you download and install the 22bet iOS app, you’ll need to make a few adjustments to your iOS device. is not a bookmaker and does not accept money for bets, all information on the site for informational purposes only. Modern programming technology optimizes the site to give the customer a unique interface experience. For the casino lovers, the 22Bet site offers an exciting gaming platform with a collection of casino games. Classic slot machine games, table card games, and live casinos, to name a few. You can enjoy your favourite Blackjack or Roulette variant with a chance to strike substantial cash rewards. A betting platform that provides plenty of banking options should be your priority. They respond to questions promptly with options for live chat, email, phone support, including social media. Customer support is key, and it’s a factor you should pay attention to. You will find over 100 roulette titles, including popular variations like French Roulette, American Roulette or European Roulette, from different developers. Some of the exotic variations to check out include Euro Twin Roulette from Espresso Games and Roulette Grand Croupier from MGA Games. Like the blackjack games, 22Bet roulette games offer players an exciting, fun-filled experience and come with flexible betting limits. Spin Casino is attempting to construct a robust popularity by offering high-quality products and seamless customer support. We hope that it is going to assist Spin Casino become one of the most popular New Casino firms in the trade very soon. One of the great things about one of the best roulette websites in India is that they assist a selection of fee methods. There are many flexible banking options that make it very straightforward to deposit or make a withdrawal directly in rupees. Also, bettors can enjoy these promotions even more because 22Bet offers easy wagering requirements. This allows you to get more out of your money when placing a bet. 22Bet is an online sports betting platform that offers everything a bettor could need in one convenient and user-friendly website. With such a wide range of options of betting platforms online many persons easily get confused when selecting an ideal betting platform to suit their needs. Here are 8 of the top reasons to consider 22Bet when picking a betting site. The 22bet app is available in Nigeria, offering a convenient and robust way for bettors to wager on sports betting and play casino games on their mobile devices. Adding such a condition to the coupon also occurs by clicking on the coefficient. The site design is developed in a pleasant combination of white and dark blue. All the necessary elements immediately catch the eye – such sections as “Line”, “Live”, “Casino” and others are placed in the header. The left column of the main one allows you to quickly navigate in sports and tournaments, quickly finding the event of interest. The central block is reserved for match cards (depending on the section, planned or already started), and you can bet on the outcome, double outcome or total in one click. The right block is occupied by a coupon and a casino advertisement. Once you click on the Casino tab on the site, you will see a list of all the live games you can play. These games are powered by over 15 top live dealer developers like Pragmatic Play, Evolution and Vivo Gaming. Other games on this casino site include speciality games like bingo, keno and sic bo and instant-win games like scratch cards. You can play most of the regular casino games for free and test their features before wagering real money. Confirm automated installation on your system and wait for the procedure to finish. After that, run the app to attempt using options, examine for lags or glitches in your gadget, and entry or create an account within the application. Download the 22Bet cellular app or visit the 22Bet mobile web site, make a 22Bet login and choose your preferred sports activities choice. The 22Bet platform offers a large selection of casino games and betting events. The casino provides its players with more than 2500 different games and slots. Also, on the site, there is a live casino with such popular games as blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker, and much more. The minimum amount that you can deposit at 22Bet is set at NGN250. All deposits are instant, regardless of the banking method you use. The second promo is the Bet Booster, which requires at least 3 selections of at least 1.4 odds or greater. It offers you between 5% and 50%, depending on the number of bets on your ticket. However, you can still follow the action in 2D or 3D in most sporting events. The bookmaker also provides live statistics, which update regularly as the match progresses. This app, available for Android and iOS users, brings the thrill of betting to your fingertips, offering an engaging and convenient platform for all. Everything has been simplified for the punters, from downloading and installing the app to managing transactions. The standout feature of the app is the exclusive mobile bonus, a delightful perk for users. The withdrawal methods range from credit/debit cards to cryptocurrency. You can do that via phone, e-mail, live chat, Telegram, or by filling out a contact form. The team will provide feedback within 24 hours, although the live chat option is usually faster. There is also a FAQ section where you may find a much quicker solution to your problem. The 22Bet comes with all the necessary features that will make you forget about the desktop version. There are fewer options for withdrawals, with mainly e-wallets and cryptocurrencies. Additionally, 22bet excels in offering in-play betting options, also known as live betting. Players can place bets while a sports event is ongoing with this feature. With constantly updating odds and a wide range of betting markets available during the game, players can engage in dynamic and interactive betting experiences. Regarding sports betting, 22bet offers a wide range of options catering to sports enthusiasts and betting enthusiasts. 22Bet might appear to be another simple sportsbook, but it has many features that set it apart from most average sportsbooks. It’s easy to get adapted to mobile betting as long as you have the means to do so. There is enough evidence for you to give it a try because it provides support for both Android and iOS. The selection of sports events in 22Bet pre match and live is truly huge – the client only has to decide on the match and the condition of his own victory. One of the key advantages of virtuals is that they take very little time before the results are announced, unlike real-time sports. Most virtual games last only 1 minute, and after that, you get to see whether you won or lost. In this case, you get to enjoy a 40% deposit bonus as a 22bet user on Friday’s. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t hesitate to download 22Bet app today. As mentioned above, 22bet has very reliable and fast customer support that can solve their user’s issues in record time. The maximum bet value limit is calculated for each occasion separately, depending on the sport and the chosen market. Customer assist is on the market 24 hours every single day, including weekends. That is how regulators control this industry and prevent any money laundering. Another good thing about it is that punters can be sure that even if they indicate incorrect payment details, their transfers will not be lost. One of the greatest advantages you enjoy betting at 22Bet Nigeria, is being able to deposit your Naira to your betting account without much hassle. First, no worries about exchange rates and second, you get to use your mobile money transfers platforms and easy USSD codes from your local bank. 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Who shaves the barber? - Bertrand Russell Bertrand Russell, British mathematician and philosopher, in challenging a popular theory of logic of the day known as set theory, showed that it suffered from a self-referential paradox. Namely, that there is no such thing as a set of all sets because it would necessarily need to, but could not contain itself. It was stated as follows: This is a paradox, because it is a situation that cannot exist."Imagine a town where there is a rule: everyone has to be clean-shaven, and the barber is the only person who can shave you. But the barber has a special rule: he only shaves people who do not shave themselves. So, everyone in the town has to be clean-shaven, but no one can shave themselves. So, who shaves the barber?" This same paradox raises its head from time to time, however it is reformulated not in the domain of mathematical set theory but in the socio-political sphere. No doubt you’ve read a newspaper headline intimating something like ‘Who polices the police?’ And now it seems that this dilemma has spilled over into the socio-forensic disciplines. Who examines the Examiner? These questions pose the same problem as Bertrand Russell’s Paradox of the Barber, an infinite regress. It takes sense and turns it into nonsense very quickly. Let’s take a look... If I say, ‘I’m an expert’, then who is qualified to judge my expertise? And if you admit that there is someone qualified to judge my expertise, who is the person that qualifies to judge the expertise of the expert on expertise? I won’t belabor the example, but you get the point. Sense making becomes nonsensical exponentially. This is the essence of infinite regress. It poses solutions which cause problems which need solutions that cause problems that never resolve. In the case that is about to be discussed we’d call this a grift, because it involves a stream of money and prestige in which the same people causing problems offer solutions, write papers, form committees which find new problems to which they offer solutions, write papers and form committees, blissfully unaware that there are people laughing at the proverbial new clothes of the emperor. Considering this is a post about fingerprints, let’s get to it. In 2009, it came to light that the Houston Police Department’s (HPD) fingerprint unit was having some problems, some of them potentially criminal. ... 622998.php Houston hired an outside auditor, a company by the name of Ron Smith and Associates (RSA/ RS&A). The auditor was hired to check the work of the people thought to be involved in problematic casework. The scope of the contract was extended to work down a backlog of about 6000 cases to the tune of around 5 million dollars. The written findings of the audit were published by the City of Houston. ... tPrint.pdf The findings of the initial audit state: “It should be noted that, generally speaking, the most significant error which can be found in friction ridge comparisons is an “erroneous identification”, which is the incorrect determination that two areas of friction ridge impressions originated from the same source." The findings go on to say: “Based upon the previously established criteria, there were however a significant amount of technical errors which may, or may not have had an impact on the investigations which were represented by these cases” The technical errors as defined by Ron Smith and Associates included: “Cases which were reported as not being ‘sufficient for further analysis’, when in fact they did indeed contain latent prints which were sufficient for comparison purposes.” (we’ll come back to this) It appears that the auditor examines the examiner. Who audits the Auditor? During the period in which Ron Smith and Associates was performing backlog reduction, they were asked to compare prints as part of a review of a cold case from 2001. A case that ultimately went to appeals based in part on the fingerprint evidence and ultimately resulted in an ethics investigation. A longer version of the case synopsis given as part of the appeal can be found here: ... 1499127228 An abbreviated synopsis of the case is as follows: 2001: a murder of a woman known to be a prostitute whose body was found in an alley with what was presumed to be bloody fingerprints both on and near her body. Houston Police Department responded to the scene and were able to enhance and preserve the latent prints via photography as well as preserve the portion of the actual item that contained the palm prints (a metal pole). Fingernail clippings and semen stains were also preserved by the Harris County Medical Examiner. HPD investigated the case and exhausted the leads with no viable suspects 2006: DNA from the fingernail clippings consisted of a mixed sample with a major and minor contributor composed of two males. DNA from the semen had a single contributor. DNA profiles were created by an outside laboratory. 2009: CODIS was searched using the DNA profiles and two individuals were identified, one by the name Joseph Webster from the mixed sample taken from the fingernail clippings, one by the name Lorenzo Jones from the semen stains. Both individuals admitted to soliciting prostitutes but denied being involved in the murder. 2010: HPD Cold Case Unit requests HPD Latent Print Unit to compare 51 individuals including the 2 individuals developed as part of the CODIS hits. No identifications were found. 2011: Ron Smith and Associates as part of the contract work for the city of Houston is asked to re-examine the prints and compare them against the 51 individuals again. No identifications were found. 2012: Detective Holbrook, the original detective on the case in 2001 returns to HPD homicide, re-reviews the case and per the appeal “instructed Ron Smith to reexamine their prints, believing that the bloody print was of sufficient quality to render an identification”. (We’ll come back to this statement as well). Ron Smith and Associates find similarities, ask for better quality prints from Webster and subsequently make an identification. 2013: HPD asks for the poles containing potential blood and bloody prints to be processed for 1) the confirmation of blood 2) DNA samples. Blood was not confirmed, nor were DNA profiles obtained. 2015: DNA profile taken from Webster was compared to the minor contributor DNA profile from the fingerprint clippings produced in 2006. Webster could not be ruled out as a contributor, with the chance that the DNA profile came from a random person at about 0.43% (1 in 230) 2015: A new DNA profile is obtained from the fingernail clippings using an advanced testing technique and compared to Joseph Webster. The result is that Webster could not be ruled out as a contributor, with a chance that a random person could have the same DNA profile at about 0.000015% (1 in 68 million) As a result of the DNA found underneath Herbert's fingernails and the identification of Webster as the source of the bloody palm-print, Webster was indicted and tried for Herbert's murder. During the trial, the State presented evidence that: • Herbert was a prostitute who worked downtown, and that Webster admitted to possibly having sex with her; • Herbert's body was found in a narrow and secluded gated alleyway that would not normally be used by the public—a location where someone might reasonably be expected to lure a prostitute he intended to kill; • the DNA underneath Herbert's fingernails was Webster's—indicating that Herbert attempted to defend herself from Webster or at least had direct physical contact with him before she died; • the palm-print found next to Herbert's bloody body was Webster's—placing Webster at the scene of the crime, crouched right in front of the narrow stairwell and Herbert's body; and • the palm-print was made in blood—indicating that Webster moved or had some sort of contact with Herbert's body after she was dead. Webster was convicted. Upon appeal, Webster’s counsel argued that the sufficiency of the evidence was inadequate to convict. Specifically, as it relates to the latent print evidence, Webster argued that the examiners at HPD and the RSA analysts suffered from bias since they missed the identification the first time and only made an identification after they were allegedly aware of the DNA hit to Webster. A complaint was submitted to the Texas Forensic Science Commission (TFSC). As a result of the allegations of bias by Webster’s counsel, an ethics investigation was submitted to the Texas Forensic Science Commission. The complaint was accepted for investigation at the 4/21/2022 meeting. The Commission offered to: “evaluate the integrity and reliability of the forensic analysis, offer recommendations for best practices in the discipline of latent print analysis, and make other appropriate recommendations.” ... 22-1-1.pdf This is what the Commission is tasked with doing by law, although arguably the more thorough version of what they were tasked with would be more ethically rigorous. It comes across more as an ethnography than an investigation. The Commission is charged with the preparation of a written report that contains: It appears the Commission audits the auditor.(1) observations of the commission regarding the integrity and reliability of the forensic analysis conducted; (2) best practices identified by the commission during the course of the investigation; or (3) other recommendations that are relevant, as determined by the commission. Who does the Commission commission? The TFSC had provided relatively scant information on the state of the ethics complaint other than brief updates from quarterly meeting minutes posted on the site. One such document from a 09/15/2022 meeting states: “The Commission will contract with Friction Ridge expert Glenn Langenburg to assist the Commission in the development of its report that will highlight key issues and recommendations that address the historical background and evolution of the friction ridge discipline, identify methods for avoiding cognitive bias in the discipline, and recommend changes for a positive impact on the field in Texas and nationwide.” ... 1522-3.pdf Then just recently, on 10/20/2023, the Forensic Science Commission released a video of their quarterly meeting discussing a forthcoming 73 page full report on the complaint. In the video they thank: - Glenn Langenburg - Henry Swofford - OSAC Program Office - Texas DPS Latent Print Advisory board It appears that the Commission commissions experts. It seems we have come full circle. How do we investigate the ethics of an ethics investigation? Since we’ve come full circle with the inclusion of new experts who have been brought in to scrutinize the ethics of the original experts, we’re in infinite regress. Who will scrutinize the ethics of these experts? Let’s put the microscope on the experts before we address the complaint. Surely, we wouldn’t want an ethics investigation to have compromised ethics, right? Glenn Langenburg teaches for Ron Smith and Associates. Someone who gets paid by an agency under investigation and who would stand to risk losing payment or prestige, necessarily presents at the very minimum the appearance of an ethical dilemma. He does however, have at least 13 years of Latent Print Examination under his belt working in an agency. ... urg_CV.pdf Henry Swofford is more of a bureaucrat than a bench examiner. If you look at his resume it’s not apparent that he has any significant examination experience, with the majority of his forensic examination experience coming from Blood Alcohol Content testing. While he has held chair positions on standards boards, management positions, and pursued research, he seems like an odd pick for an actual analysis. ... ord_CV.pdf This is evident in a leaked document associated with the case which states: “Henry Swofford did an informal review of the palm print on the pole and could not identify it as belonging to Webster.” Why wouldn’t Swofford perform a detailed analysis of the print? Why is his inability to identify the print indicative of anything? The answer as stated above is because this isn’t a person who has spent any significant time looking at fingerprints, let alone complex ones in dispute. The fact that he qualifies, let alone holds certifications from the International Association of Identification in Latent Fingerprints, Footwear and Crime Scene Investigation is a discussion for another time, but it would seem that the IAI is little more than a puppy mill for forensic certifications. Mr. Swofford seems to be at odds with himself for what he deems appropriate techniques. From the leaked document: “Mr. Swofford analyzed the quality of the palm print itself using the newly adopted best practice recommendations made by the OSAC Friction Ridge Subcommittee in September 2020. He took a copy of the latent print and feature markings of the original RSA examined and analyzed the quality using LQMetric software.” Compare what he did, namely use LQMetric software, with what he’s published about LQMetric Software. According to his Ph. D thesis, LQMetric is: ... 01/REF.pdf“...geared entirely towards optimizing or predicting AFIS match performance rather than focused on assessing local ridge clarity (discernibility of feature data) and predicting human performance using image quality attributes considered by human analysts during manual comparisons. Consequently, these types of predictive models are often based on the aggregate of qualitative and quantitative attributes of the entire impression to provide a single estimate of utility or quality. These approaches often lack transparency and often do not necessarily correspond to the same features considered by human analysts during traditional examinations. The motivation behind this focus is largely driven by industry desires to optimize the performance of AFIS in a “lights-out” environment. " He’s saying two things here. First, that a holistic metric is inappropriate given that the algorithm is measuring AFIS viability which stands in opposition to what Examiners look at, namely individual features. Secondly, such tools and models are biased towards the performance of a product, not assessing the quality of a print, which is what the tool purports to be. However, the thesis is also offering a product, one that directly competes with LQMetric. Would it be fair to characterize Swofford for also having a motivation to focus on an industry desire to optimize his proceedings from the licensing of a software product? Salesmanship is not a new concept when it comes to Swofford and Langenburg however. They both have a financial incentive outside their use as consultants in this case. Each has a statistical model, which should they be used to reconcile a dispute, would act as a pseudo-validation of a statistical model that could then be incorporated into a ‘best practice’ paradigm, that is to say there is something to be gained by means of bureaucracy, not science. Swofford model (FRstat): ... ns-frstat/ Langenburg model (Xena) ... ite_up.pdf There have been accusations of pseudoscience and snake oil between the two camps previously. ... rstat.html Furthermore, given Swofford’s seat on the Friction Ridge Subcommittee and the American Standards Board of the AAFS his influence in defining ‘best practices’ is problematic at best. Is it any surprise that statistical models have made their way into the conversation even though no model has been validated for use or demonstrated to make more accurate conclusions? Even the latent print community has grown skeptical of what in effect are bureaucrats pushing agendas for personal gains. In a recent request-for-comments period by the American Academy of Forensic Science Standards Board, the community pushed back when statistical models were proposed. “May use statistical or probabilistic systems is meaningless at this point in time. Does this mean FRStats or Xena? Could it mean an 8 point standard versus a 12‐point standard? Until a published, peer‐reviewed, validated, and accepted "probabilistic system" has been recognized, it should not be left wide open to interpretation.” (pg 27 of 55) ... und01.pdf Did you catch that? A standard was being proposed that was so vague that non-validated statistical models developed by people with influence over the standards board could be admitted. This is not science, or best practices, it’s lobbying. So an investigation into an ethics violation of experts reveals at least the potential to have an ethics violation of experts through perverse incentives, namely personal gain even at the expense of truth. Complaints about the complaint Next, we need to look at the complaint. We already know that the complaint alleged the conclusion reached was not reproducible and therefore not reliable. With the allegation that there was bias based upon the DNA hit to Webster. It’s out of fashion to blame examiners and fire them for mistakes. If we’ve learned anything from past high-profile errors like the Brandon Mayfield case, they will blame 1) the images, 2) the process and 3) a boogeyman like bias that is unmeasurable but somehow in everything, everywhere, all at once and only retroactively inferred. From the Mayfield case: “The FBI issued a rare public apology after Mayfield’s release — but maintained the error was due to the low resolution of the print.” “Second, the OIG examined whether the FBI's verification procedures contributed to the error. FBI procedures require that every identification be verified by a second examiner.” ... /final.pdf (pg 10) Everywhere:“However, whether Mayfield's religion was a factor in the Laboratory's failure to revisit its identification and discover the error in the weeks following the initial identification is a more difficult question.” (pg 12) “However, under procedures in place at the time of the Mayfield identification, the verifier was aware that an identification had already been made by a prior FBI examiner at the time he was requested to conduct the verification. Critics of this procedure assert that it may contribute to the expectation that the second examiner will concur with his colleague.” (pg 10) All at once: “The OIG found that a significant cause of the misidentification was that the LPU examiners' interpretation of some features in LFP17 was adjusted or influenced by reasoning "backward" from features that were visible in the known prints of Mayfield. This bias is sometimes referred to as "circular reasoning," and is an important pitfall to be avoided.” ... final.pdf So what do we see in the ethics investigation? According to the quarterly meeting: And“TFSC staff forwarded the complaint to RS&A, and they raised questions about the quality of images the blind examiners were given” “RS&A maintained ‘any competent examiner’ would reach an identification conclusion so there must have been an issue with the images the blind examiners used" We know that there were two sets of images taken of the latent prints, the film prints taken at the scene of the crime and digital images taken by the DEA who had the actual poles on which the prints were found. The TFSC’s presentation provides a red herring in a sense when they state: “The other set of photos of L-1 were taken by the DEA using digital photography. Digital photography was in its infancy at the time and the images were taken at a low resolution 384 ppi. (Today’s standard is 1000 ppi)" This statement is ignorant of digital imaging however and represents the problem with an appeal to ‘best practices’ when those practices are made by fiat and not evidence. Let’s take a look. Since the TFSC thanks The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science (OSAC), we’ll go to OSAC’s digital imaging standards and look at what they say about resolution. 5.1 The procedure described in this document is in accordance with current SWGFAST guidelines (6), as well as National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard (7), which specify 1000 pixels per inch (ppi) at 1:1 as the minimum scanning resolution for latent print evidence. This standard appears primarily to be historical and directed towards scanners, rather than cameras, though recent studies suggest that it is suitable for capturing Level 3 detail (8). “5.2 While the 1000 ppi resolution standard permits the capture of level three detail in latent prints, it does not mean that any image recorded at a lower resolution would necessarily be of no value for comparison purposes. Such an image could have captured level two details sufficiently for comparison.” ... -US&page=1 So, the standard is historical, pertains to scanning and pertains primarily to the inclusion of level three detail, which would most likely not even be present in a viscous blood print. This is an appeal to historicism and not science. The TFSC presentation states: “The report emphasizes the importance of a linear sequential approach to the ACE-V process in which documentation of the features in the questioned impression occurs prior to an examination of a known exemplar.” It’s fashionable to say this, and was stated both in the OIG report on the Mayfield error and in the PCAST report but is it true? Like, based in science, true? This very topic was researched in 2015 in a paper titled ‘’Changes in latent fingerprint examiners’ markup between analysis and comparison’. The paper admits: “.... the details of how to document analysis and comparison are mostly unspecified, and SWGFAST's standards are unenforced, leaving the details to be sorted out by agency standard operating procedures or by the examiners’ judgments.” The discussion of the paper finds no correlation between change in markup and error nor error rate different from that of the black box study. “We observed frequent changes in markups of latents between the Analysis and Comparison phases. All examiners revised at least some markups during the Comparison phase, and almost all examiners changed their markup of minutiae in the majority of comparisons when they individualized. However, the mere occurrence of deleted or added minutiae during Comparison is not an indication of error: most changes were not associated with erroneous conclusions; the error rates on this test were similar to those we reported previously” ... _Final.pdf The footnote associated with that quote is from a study titled, Repeatability and Reproducibility of Decisions by Latent Fingerprint Examiners ... ne.0032800 There is a sleight of hand in the complaint and the investigation if you look closely, namely the allegation of bias. The allegation states that the bias is due to Webster being identified via a DNA hit and NOT from a non-blind verification or from circular reasoning via the exemplars, as was the allegation in the Mayfield error. There are two problems with this. First, RS&A missed the identification the first time when Webster was included with the 51 subjects. If inclusion of Webster was biasing, then the implications are twofold: 1) any investigative lead into a suspect developed by a detective is biasing and 2) overwhelming the examiner with 51 names was more biasing because the identification was missed. Neither of these issues are addressed, nor is the mechanism of how getting a DNA hit suddenly makes minutiae appear that weren’t there. “The complaint incorporated information that the crime scene mark was submitted to other examiners along with relevant known exemplars in blind examinations and the blind examinations reached an ‘inconclusive’ conclusion” stating that, “The blind examiners include an independent latent print examiner and two HFSC latent print examiners” The TFSC presentation says that they took into consideration some national reports on forensic science and ‘pertinent empirical research in friction ridge examination’ such as the Noblis black box study. So what does ‘the pertinent empirical research’ say about blind verifications? Before we get to the Noblis study, what does Glenn Langenburg’s own research into bias state? “The results showed that fingerprint experts were influenced by contextual information during fingerprint comparisons, but not towards making errors. Instead, fingerprint experts under the biasing conditions provided significantly fewer definitive and erroneous conclusions than the control group.” ... 09.01025.x Unless the blind examinations were provided in the context of an unworked case (which is going to be a near impossibility given that the case was decades old and the use of film, CDs, old reports, etc, would have been included), the examiner would have been given a comparison they knew would be scrutinized and therefore is introducing bias. According to Langenburg’s own research, when this happens, ‘significantly fewer definitive and erroneous conclusions’ are the result. Read ‘inconclusive’. This is exactly what the blind examinations found, meaning it was as equally likely a methodological error on the TFSC’s part in introducing blind examinations in this fashion and not necessarily a problem with RS&A or the print. Further highlighting the deficiency of the investigation is the following research which shows that collaboration reduces bias in fingerprint conclusions. This as opposed to pitting conclusions against each other vis-a-vis Examiner vs Blind Examiner and thereby reifying reproducibility. Pooling decisions highlights a wisdom-of-the-crowds approach to complex comparisons. From the article: “That is, the pooling of decisions systematically decreases the number of situations where decision-making agents disagree and increases the number of situations where they agree. Pooling decisions thus also reduces outcome variation between decision-making systems at the level of individual cases.” ... via%3Dihub Even previous research, what is commonly referred to as the Noblis White Box study recognizes that: “Blind verification can be expected to be effective in detecting most errors and flagging debatable decisions, and should not be limited to individualization decisions.” “Examiner assessments of difficulty may be useful in targeted quality control, which could focus on difficult decisions: operating procedures could provide means for an examiner to indicate when a particular decision is complex. Quality control measures, however, should not focus solely on difficult decisions, since even easy or obvious decisions were not always repeated or reproduced.” “Metrics derived from the quality and quantity of features used in making a decision may assist examiners in preventing mistakes, and in making appropriate decisions in complex comparisons. Such metrics may be used to flag complex decisions that should go through additional quality assurance review and in arbitration of disagreements between examiners.” “Procedures for detailed documentation of the features used in analysis or comparison decisions could be used to assist in arbitrating inter-examiner disagreements at the feature level.” “Repeatability and reproducibility are useful surrogate measures of the appropriateness of decisions when there is no “correct” decision, as when deciding between individualization and inconclusive. The reproducibility of decisions has operational relevance in situations where more than one examiner makes a decision on the same prints. Reproducibility as assessed in our study can be seen as an estimate of the effects of blind verification– not consulting or non-blind verification.” The last quote being especially pertinent given that the TFSC explicitly states in the presentation that: Simply stated, there is no ‘correct’ decision as when deciding between individualization and inconclusive as explicitly stated in the above study. If ever there were a prescription, this is it and the TFSC and their ‘experts’ expert’ failed miserably.“Important to note neither the complaint nor the report allege the identification was wrong, as we do not have ground truth for the sample”. Based upon best practices informed by the research, blind examinations were an inappropriate investigative method here. The Final Analysis: “Incompetence annoys me. Overconfidence terrifies me.” -Malcom Gladwell The TFSC stated that the result of their investigation was to: “...identify methods for avoiding cognitive bias in the discipline and recommend changes for a positive impact on the field in Texas and nationwide.” A couple things to note. The TFSC is not a standards board, a research arm, nor do they employ any means of funding for research. Furthermore, if these goals are attainable, you would think they would be requirements of accreditation or licensure of experts in the state of Texas considering that the TFSC has been responsible for both since 2015. Lastly, that the TFSC thinks they could actually accomplish such discipline-wide goals while clearly being illiterate in current scientific literature, lacking funding for additional research and by choosing to drape itself in snake oil experts and fashionable policy prescriptions comes across as pathological. It would seem that the TFSC is more concerned with the appearance of competence than with its actual practice. Not even mentioned in the presentation is the fact that the cold case detective is stated to have told Ron Smith and Associates that the impression could be identified. If bias was a concern, one would think that having police staff dictate what is and is not of identification value is quite concerning. Especially given that the TFSC is in charge of licensing experts. This was explicitly stated in the Appeals record when it stated: 2012: Detective Holbrook, the original detective on the case in 2001 returns to HPD homicide, re-reviews the case and per the appeal “instructed Ron Smith to reexamine their prints, believing that the bloody print was of sufficient quality to render an identification”.. Ron Smith and Associates find similarities, ask for better quality prints from Webster and subsequently make an identification. Additionally, we know an error was made, as it was the very type of error that Ron Smith and Associates documented in its audit of the Houston Police Department. “Based upon the previously established criteria, there were however a significant amount of technical errors which may, or may not have had an impact on the investigations which were represented by these cases” The technical errors as defined by Ron Smith and Associates included: “Cases which were reported as not containing any latent print identifications in which there was a latent print identification” (pg 4) In summary, an ethics investigation sidestepped the question of truth by hiring experts with questionable credentials and perverse incentives to ignore the science in order to publish a self-congratulatory work which overlooks deficits which it has the authority to change through accreditation and will have zero effect on the fingerprint industry other than contempt for those that wrote it. While it comes across as the house that Jack built, it is really a house of cards. When magical thinking is involved, anything is possible.
Imagine being able to achieve labia reduction without undergoing surgery. It may sound too good to be true, but with advancements in non-invasive procedures, this is now a possibility. This article explores the various methods available for labia reduction without surgery, providing you with a comprehensive overview of the options at your fingertips. Whether you’re seeking a less invasive solution for cosmetic or functional reasons, there is a range of alternatives to explore that can help you achieve your desired outcome. From laser treatments to radiofrequency therapy, discover the cutting-edge techniques that can offer you a natural and safe approach to labia reduction. Say goodbye to the worries and uncertainties of surgical interventions and embrace the potential of these nonsurgical alternatives. Table of Contents What is Labia Reduction? Labia reduction, also known as labiaplasty, is a procedure that aims to reduce the size and modify the appearance of the labia minora, the inner lips of the vulva. It is a common concern for many women who may feel discomfort, self-consciousness, or irritation due to enlarged or asymmetrical labia. Labia reduction can be performed surgically or using non-surgical methods, providing women with options to address their concerns and improve their overall quality of life. Understanding the Labia Before delving into the various methods of labia reduction, it is important to understand the anatomy of the labia. The labia consist of two sets of skin folds, the labia majora (outer lips) and the labia minora (inner lips). The labia minora are the focus of labia reduction procedures. They can vary in size, shape, and color from woman to woman and may change in appearance over time due to factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, or aging. Labia Size and Concerns The size of the labia minora can vary significantly among different individuals. While there is a wide range of what is considered normal, some women may experience physical discomfort, emotional distress, or difficulties with sexual intercourse due to enlarged labia. It is important to note that labia size or appearance does not define a woman’s femininity or sexuality. Labia reduction is a personal choice driven by individual concerns and desires. Benefits of Labia Reduction The decision to undergo labia reduction can offer various benefits to women who are experiencing discomfort or dissatisfaction with the size or shape of their labia. Some potential benefits include: 1. Improved comfort 2. Increased self-confidence 3. Improved sexual function 4. Enhanced clothing options 1. Improved comfort: By reducing the size of the labia, women may experience relief from physical discomfort, irritation, and chafing caused by enlarged labia. 2. Increased self-confidence: Labia reduction can help women feel more confident and comfortable in their own bodies, enhancing their overall self-esteem and body image. 3. Improved sexual function: Reshaping the labia can often lead to improved sexual function and satisfaction, allowing women to feel more comfortable and enjoy their intimate experiences. 4. Enhanced clothing options: Enlarged or asymmetrical labia can make it challenging to wear certain types of clothing, such as tight-fitting jeans or swimsuits. Labia reduction can provide women with a greater range of clothing options and the freedom to wear what they desire. Non-Surgical Methods for Labia Reduction While surgical labiaplasty is a well-known option for labia reduction, there are also non-surgical methods available for women seeking a non-invasive approach. These methods may offer alternative solutions for those who prefer to avoid surgery or are not suitable candidates for surgical intervention. The following non-surgical methods are commonly used for labia reduction: 1. Vaginal Tightening Exercises 2. Laser Treatment 4. Topical Creams and Gels 1. Vaginal Tightening Exercises Vaginal tightening exercises, also known as pelvic floor muscle exercises, are a non-surgical approach to improve the tone and strength of the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises primarily target the muscles supporting the vagina, urethra, and rectum. By strengthening these muscles, women may experience improved vaginal tightness and overall muscle tone, potentially leading to a reduction in the size and appearance of the labia minora. 2. Laser Treatment Laser treatment, using a specialized laser device, is another non-surgical method used for labia reduction. This procedure involves the use of laser energy to selectively target and remove excess tissue from the labia minora. The laser works by precisely ablating the unwanted tissue, promoting collagen remodeling, and tightening of the treated area. Radiofrequency treatment is a non-surgical method that utilizes controlled radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and tissue remodeling. This technology works by delivering heat to the targeted area, triggering the production of new collagen fibers. Radiofrequency treatment can be used to selectively reduce the size and tighten the labia minora, providing women with improved comfort and aesthetics. 4. Topical Creams and Gels Topical creams and gels are non-invasive options that can be used for labia reduction. These products typically contain ingredients that promote collagen synthesis, tighten the skin, and improve elasticity. When applied regularly and as directed, these creams and gels may help to reduce the size and appearance of the labia, resulting in a more desirable shape and texture. Vaginal Tightening Exercises Exercises to Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles One of the primary non-surgical methods for labia reduction is through exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises primarily target the muscles responsible for supporting the vagina, urethra, and rectum. Some common exercises that can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles include: Kegel Exercises for Labia Tightening Kegel exercises, named after gynecologist Dr. Arnold Kegel, are a popular form of exercise for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles that control urination. To perform Kegel exercises: 1. Identify the correct muscles by attempting to stop the flow of urine mid-stream. The muscles you use to do this are your pelvic floor muscles. 2. Contract these muscles for a few seconds, then relax for a few seconds. 3. Repeat this exercise several times, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of the contractions over time. Kegel exercises can be performed anywhere and anytime, making them an easily accessible and practical option for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Other Exercises and Techniques In addition to Kegel exercises, there are other exercises and techniques that can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and potentially contribute to labia reduction. Some examples include: 2. Bridge pose 3. Pilates exercises 1. Squats: Squats can help strengthen the lower body muscles, including the pelvic floor muscles. Performing squats with proper form and technique can provide overall muscle toning and improve blood circulation to the genital area. 2. Bridge pose: This yoga pose targets the glutes, hips, and pelvic floor muscles. It involves lying on your back, bending your knees, and lifting your hips off the ground. Bridge pose can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve their overall function. 3. Pilates exercises: Pilates exercises often focus on core strength and stability, which indirectly helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Exercises such as the pelvic tilt and the bridge can be particularly beneficial for pelvic floor muscle strengthening. Regular practice of these exercises, under the guidance of a healthcare professional or certified instructor, can help improve the strength and tone of the pelvic floor muscles, potentially leading to labia reduction. How Laser Treatment Works Laser treatment for labia reduction involves the use of a specialized laser device that emits intense light energy pulses. This laser energy is selectively absorbed by the unwanted tissue on the labia minora, causing it to vaporize or coagulate. The surrounding healthy tissue remains unaffected. Benefits and Effectiveness Laser treatment offers several benefits for labia reduction. Some of the advantages of laser treatment include: 3. Minimal discomfort 4. Tissue remodeling 1. Non-invasive: Laser treatment is a non-surgical method, meaning there is no need for incisions or anesthesia. This makes it a less invasive option with fewer risks and a faster recovery time compared to surgical procedures. 2. Precision: The laser device allows for precise targeting of the tissue, ensuring that only the excess labial tissue is treated while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue. 3. Minimal discomfort: Laser treatment is generally well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort reported during the procedure. Some clinics may apply a topical anesthetic cream to the treatment area to further reduce any potential discomfort. 4. Tissue remodeling: The laser energy stimulates collagen production and remodeling, which can lead to improved skin tone and tightness in the treated area, resulting in a reduction in the size and appearance of the labia minora. The effectiveness of laser treatment for labia reduction can vary depending on individual factors such as the initial size of the labia and the specific laser technology used. Multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Number of Sessions Required The number of laser treatment sessions required for labia reduction can vary depending on the individual’s goals, the severity of the condition, and the response to treatment. In some cases, significant improvement can be achieved with just one session, while others may require multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. It is essential to discuss your expectations with a qualified practitioner, who can provide guidance on the recommended treatment course for your specific situation. Potential Side Effects and Risks While laser treatment for labia reduction is generally considered safe, there are certain potential side effects and risks associated with the procedure. These may include: 1. Mild discomfort or pain during or after the treatment, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relief medication. 2. Temporary swelling and redness in the treated area, which typically resolves within a few days. 3. Temporary changes in sensation, such as numbness or hypersensitivity, which usually subside within a few weeks. 4. Rarely, infection or scarring may occur, although these risks are minimized when the procedure is performed by a qualified practitioner using appropriate hygiene and safety protocols. It is crucial to discuss the potential risks and complications associated with laser treatment with your healthcare provider and ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure before proceeding. Understanding Radiofrequency Treatment Radiofrequency treatment is a non-surgical method used for labia reduction that utilizes controlled radiofrequency energy to induce collagen production and tissue remodeling. The procedure involves delivering precise heat energy to the targeted area, stimulating the body’s natural healing response, and promoting the formation of new collagen fibers. This results in a tightening and rejuvenating effect on the labia minora, leading to a reduction in size and improved aesthetics. Procedure and Mechanism During a radiofrequency treatment session, the healthcare provider will use a specialized device that emits radiofrequency energy. The device is gently applied to the labial tissue, delivering the radiofrequency waves into the deeper layers of the skin. The controlled heat energy generated by the radiofrequency device causes tissue contraction and stimulates collagen synthesis, leading to the desired tightening effect. Radiofrequency treatment for labia reduction can yield noticeable improvements in the size and appearance of the labia minora. The stimulation of collagen production can lead to enhanced skin tone, increased tightness, and decreased laxity in the treated area. These effects typically develop gradually over time as the newly formed collagen strengthens and remodels the tissue. Considerations and Risks While radiofrequency treatment for labia reduction is considered safe and well-tolerated for most individuals, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Some factors to consider include: 1. Medical history 2. Treatment expectations 3. Number of sessions 4. Potential side effects 1. Medical history: The healthcare provider will assess your medical history to identify any underlying conditions or contraindications that may impact the safety or effectiveness of radiofrequency treatment. Certain medical conditions or medications may make you unsuitable for the procedure. 2. Treatment expectations: It is essential to have realistic expectations for the results of radiofrequency treatment. The degree of improvement can vary depending on individual factors such as the initial size and shape of the labia, as well as the body’s response to treatment. 3. Number of sessions: Multiple sessions of radiofrequency treatment may be required to achieve optimal results. The healthcare provider will provide guidance on the recommended treatment course for your specific needs. 4. Potential side effects: Although radiofrequency treatment is generally considered safe, there are potential side effects and risks to be aware of, including mild discomfort, redness, swelling, or temporary changes in sensation. These are usually temporary and resolve on their own within a few days or weeks. Discussing these considerations with a qualified healthcare provider will help ensure that radiofrequency treatment is the right choice for you and that the potential benefits outweigh the risks. Topical Creams and Gels Overview of Topical Solutions Topical creams and gels are non-surgical options that can be applied externally to the labia minora to promote tissue tightening and reduction in size. These products often contain ingredients known for their skin-tightening and collagen-boosting properties. When used regularly and as directed, topical creams and gels can help improve the tone and texture of the labia, potentially leading to a more desirable appearance. Ingredients and Their Effectiveness Topical creams and gels designed for labia reduction may contain various ingredients that are intended to promote tissue tightening and collagen synthesis. Some common ingredients and their effectiveness include: 1. Hyaluronic acid 2. Vitamin C 3. Aloe vera 1. Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body, known for its hydrating and plumping effects. When applied topically, hyaluronic acid can help improve the moisture content and overall appearance of the labia. Topical creams containing vitamin C can help stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin tightness and elasticity. It may contribute to improved overall comfort and appearance. By applying glycerin-based creams or gels, the labial area may become better moisturized, resulting in improved skin texture and tone. These are just a few examples of ingredients that may be found in topical creams and gels for labia reduction. It is important to carefully read the product labels and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any specific concerns or allergies. Application and Usage Instructions Topical creams and gels for labia reduction should be applied according to the product’s instructions and individual needs. Generally, these products are applied externally to the labia minora after cleansing the area thoroughly. It is essential to massage the product gently into the skin until fully absorbed. Regular and consistent use is typically recommended for optimal results. If any irritation or discomfort occurs, it is advisable to discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional. Consulting a Professional Importance of Professional Guidance When considering any form of labia reduction, whether surgical or non-surgical, it is crucial to seek professional guidance from a qualified healthcare provider or practitioner. They have the necessary knowledge, experience, and expertise to assess your specific concerns, examine your condition, and recommend suitable treatment options. Their guidance can help you make an informed decision and ensure that you select the most appropriate method for your needs. Selecting a Qualified Practitioner When searching for a healthcare provider or practitioner offering non-surgical labia reduction treatments, it is important to consider their qualifications, experience, and reputation. Some factors to consider when selecting a practitioner include: 1. Certification and credentials 3. Patient testimonials 4. Consultation process 1. Certification and credentials: Ensure that the practitioner has the necessary certification and credentials to perform labia reduction treatments. Look for qualifications from reputable organizations and professional bodies. 2. Experience: Inquire about the practitioner’s experience with non-surgical labia reduction treatments. Ask how many procedures they have performed and inquire about their success rates. 3. Patient testimonials: Reading reviews and testimonials from previous patients can provide valuable insights into the practitioner’s skills, professionalism, and patient satisfaction. 4. Consultation process: A thorough consultation process is essential to discuss your concerns, expectations, and any potential risks or limitations associated with the treatment. Choose a practitioner who takes the time to listen to your needs and provides detailed information. Discussing Concerns and Expectations During your consultation with a healthcare provider or practitioner, it is important to openly discuss your concerns, expectations, and desired outcomes regarding labia reduction. This allows the practitioner to assess your individual situation, provide personalized recommendations, and set realistic expectations. Open communication is key to ensure that you and the practitioner are on the same page and working towards a shared goal. Understanding the Risks and Limitations Potential Risks and Complications While non-surgical methods for labia reduction are generally considered safe, it is important to understand that, like any medical procedure or treatment, they come with potential risks and limitations. Some potential risks and complications associated with non-surgical labia reduction methods include: 1. Discomfort or pain 2. Temporary side effects 3. Unsatisfactory results 4. Need for repeat treatments 1. Discomfort or pain: Although non-surgical methods are typically less invasive than surgical options, some individuals may experience mild discomfort, pain, or sensitivity during or after the treatment. This can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relief medication. 2. Temporary side effects: Temporary side effects such as swelling, redness, irritation, or changes in sensation may occur following non-surgical treatments. These effects are usually temporary and resolve on their own within a few days or weeks. 3. Unsatisfactory results: Non-surgical methods may not achieve the same degree of labia reduction or aesthetic improvements as surgical labiaplasty. It is important to have realistic expectations and discuss your desired outcome with your healthcare provider. 4. Need for repeat treatments: Non-surgical methods often require multiple treatment sessions to achieve the desired results. This can result in additional costs and time commitments compared to surgical options. Limitations of Non-Surgical Methods While non-surgical methods for labia reduction can be effective for some individuals, it is important to recognize their limitations. Non-surgical methods may not be suitable for individuals with significantly enlarged or asymmetrical labia, as surgical intervention may be more appropriate to achieve the desired results. Additionally, while non-surgical methods can provide improvements in labia appearance and comfort, they may not address underlying anatomical issues or functional concerns. Maintaining realistic expectations is crucial when considering any form of labia reduction. Non-surgical methods may provide noticeable improvements in the size, shape, and appearance of the labia, but they may not achieve the same degree of change as surgical options. It is important to discuss your expectations with a qualified healthcare provider to ensure that the chosen method aligns with your desired outcome and goals. Ongoing Care and Maintenance Post-Treatment Care Instructions Regardless of the chosen non-surgical method for labia reduction, following post-treatment care instructions is essential to ensure optimal healing and results. Some general post-treatment care instructions may include: 1. Keeping the treatment area clean and dry 2. Avoid strenuous activities 3. Wearing loose-fitting clothing 4. Avoiding sexual activity 1. Keeping the treatment area clean and dry: It is important to maintain proper hygiene by gently washing the area with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser and patting it dry after each cleansing. 2. Avoid strenuous activities: It is advisable to avoid strenuous activities or exercises that may put excessive pressure or strain on the treatment area. 3. Wearing loose-fitting clothing: Opt for loose-fitting underwear and clothing that allows the treated area to breathe and heal without unnecessary friction or pressure. 4. Avoiding sexual activity: It is typically recommended to abstain from sexual activity for a specific period of time following non-surgical labia reduction treatments. Your healthcare provider will provide specific guidelines based on your individual treatment. To maintain the results of non-surgical labia reduction, it is essential to adopt healthy habits and practices. Some tips for maintaining the results include: 1. Maintaining a healthy weight 2. Practicing good hygiene 3. Moisturizing the area 4. Regular follow-up visits 1. Maintaining a healthy weight: Fluctuations in weight can impact the appearance and size of the labia. Maintaining a stable and healthy weight can help preserve the desired results. 2. Practicing good hygiene: Regular cleansing of the labial area with gentle, fragrance-free cleansers can help maintain cleanliness and prevent irritation or infection. 3. Moisturizing the area: Applying a designated moisturizer or recommended hydrating products to the labia can help promote the overall health and appearance of the tissue. 4. Regular follow-up visits: Follow-up visits with your healthcare provider can help monitor your progress, address any concerns or questions, and ensure long-term satisfaction with the results of non-surgical labia reduction. Following non-surgical labia reduction treatments, it is common to have follow-up visits with your healthcare provider to assess the healing process, monitor results, and address any concerns or questions you may have. These visits provide an opportunity to discuss your satisfaction with the treatment outcomes and make any necessary adjustments or recommendations. Alternative Options: Surgical Labiaplasty When Surgery is Recommended Surgical labiaplasty is another option for labia reduction and is typically recommended for individuals with significantly enlarged or asymmetrical labia that may not be effectively addressed through non-surgical methods alone. Surgical labiaplasty involves the removal of excess tissue and reshaping the labia minora to achieve the desired size and shape. Procedure and Recovery The surgical labiaplasty procedure involves making incisions in the labia minora, removing excess tissue, and suturing the incisions to achieve the desired appearance. The specific surgical technique used may vary depending on individual factors and the surgeon’s preference. Following surgical labiaplasty, the recovery period typically involves some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. It is common to have a period of restricted physical activity, including abstaining from sexual activity, to allow for proper healing. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery process. Comparing Surgical and Non-Surgical Methods When deciding between surgical and non-surgical labia reduction methods, it is important to consider your individual concerns, preferences, and goals. Non-surgical methods offer the advantage of minimal invasiveness, faster recovery, and fewer potential risks. However, surgical labiaplasty may be more suitable for individuals with significant anatomical concerns or those seeking more dramatic and long-lasting results. It is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare provider or practitioner who can assess your specific situation and provide personalized recommendations based on your needs and expectations. In conclusion, labia reduction is a personal choice driven by individual concerns and desires. Non-surgical methods offer viable options for women seeking to address discomfort or dissatisfaction with the size or appearance of their labia. Vaginal tightening exercises, laser treatment, radiofrequency, and topical creams and gels are all non-invasive approaches that can provide improvements in comfort, aesthetics, and sexual function. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider or practitioner to discuss your concerns, understand the risks and limitations, and determine the most appropriate method for your needs. With proper care, ongoing maintenance, and realistic expectations, non-surgical labia reduction methods can help women achieve enhanced comfort, confidence, and overall well-being.
Quilting has been a form of art since ancient Egypt and has been practiced for centuries. However, it was during the 19th century in the United States that quilting became more popular. Women used quilting to express their creativity and showcase their skills while fulfilling practical home needs. During this period, quilting was mainly a domestic practice done by women in their homes. They often gathered in small groups, known as quilting bees, to work together on quilts. This provided a social outlet and allowed for exchanging ideas and techniques. "Quilt" originates from the Latin term "Culcita," which means a stuffed sack. The English version of the word was derived from the French word "culite." Quilting has a rich history dates back to the Medieval era, where it was mainly utilized for clothing and bedding. Quilted clothing was a sign of nobility and was made using luxurious fabrics and intricate embroidery. For example, King Henry VIII of England's household inventory had "quyltes" and "coverpointes" in the bedding section and a green silk quilt that was initially created for Catherine of Aragon. This quilt had roses and pomegranates embroidered, showcasing the level of detail and artistry that went into quilting. In the 19th century, quilting was a significant part of American folk art. People crafted quilts by repurposing leftover fabric from clothing, curtains, and other household items, resulting in various patterns and designs. Many of these designs held symbolic meaning, such as the Log Cabin and the Nine Patch, representing the values of hard work and thriftiness. These quilts were decorative and practical, providing warmth during cold winter nights, and often passed down as family heirlooms. Furthermore, quilts served multiple purposes in the home, including use as bed coverings, tablecloths, and even as room dividers. During the 19th century, quilting became increasingly popular due to several reasons. The Industrial Revolution facilitated fabric availability, making it more accessible for women to gather materials for their quilts. Women's magazines and newspapers also provided extensive information on quilting patterns and techniques. Additionally, quilting was crucial in the abolitionist movement as slaves communicated with specific quilt patterns. For instance, the "Drunkard's Path" pattern was frequently used by slaves to indicate safe houses and routes on the Underground Railroad, helping them towards their freedom. Quilting art thrived during the Industrial Revolution as people had more leisure time. Women were no longer burdened with tasks like shearing sheep, spinning wool, or weaving cloth as these were easily accessible in town mercantile. Quilts went from simple one-piece bed covers to complex designs involving backing and padding. They were then hand-stitched using decorative patterns instead of the basic straight stitch. In the 19th century, quilting was mainly done at home. However, some professional quilt makers created more complex designs and used top-quality materials. As a result, their quilts were sold at higher prices than those made by women at home. Despite their expertise, many quilt makers struggled to make a living solely from their craft and had to find other sources of income. Quilting continued to be popular throughout the 19th century in the United States and adapted to changing times. Artist this Section: - Harriet Powers - Mary Simon - Mary Sophia Rice The history of quilting over 5000 years and the evolution of fabric over time. American Folk Art Quilting Patterns Throughout American history, quilting has played a significant role in folk art. These intricate creations were often crafted using leftover fabric from clothing, curtains, and other household items, resulting in a plethora of designs and patterns. Quilts were decorative and practical, providing warmth during chilly winter nights and being passed down through generations as cherished family heirlooms. Quilts were used daily to serve as versatile home accessories, doubling as bed coverings, tablecloths, or even room dividers. The patterns and designs utilized in American folk art quilting reflect the values, culture, and history of the communities where they originated. These patterns are characterized by a unique mix of colors, textures, and patterns, representing the diverse backgrounds of the skilled quilters who brought them to life. Popular designs like the Log Cabin and Nine Patch patterns have come to symbolize values like hard work and thriftiness, adding depth to these already rich and meaningful works of art. Log Cabin Quilt The Log Cabin Quilt pattern (6.6.1) is a quintessential American folk art design cherished for generations. Its intricate fabric strips are artistically arranged around a central square, symbolizing the hearth or fireplace at the heart of a log cabin. This classic pattern has been passed down through the years, with each quilter imbuing it with its unique flair and personality. The log cabin quilt connotes warmth, comfort, and the idea of home, which makes it a popular gift for newlyweds and homeowners alike. Its enduring popularity and timeless beauty is a testament to its place in American quilting history. The Crazy Quilt (6.6.2) is a remarkable manifestation of an American folk art quilting pattern that has captivated the hearts of many. Its unique design features an assortment of oddly shaped pieces of fabric sewn together in a random patchwork. This quilting style became increasingly popular during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and it was commonly created using leftover scraps of cloth from various clothing and household items. The beauty of the crazy quilt lies in its ability to transform discarded materials into something wonderful and meaningful, reflecting the resourcefulness and creativity of its makers. Double Wedding Ring Quilt The Double Wedding Ring Quilt (6.6.3) is a cherished and timeless pattern in American folk art that has been passed down for generations. The exquisite design features interlocking rings that symbolize the unbreakable bond of marriage. Its popularity as a wedding gift is no surprise, as it captures the beauty and significance of the special occasion. The classic pattern can be tailored to individual preferences with a variety of various fabrics and colors, making it the perfect personalized present for any couple. With its rich history and limitless possibilities for customization, the Double Wedding Ring Quilt is an extraordinary keepsake that will be treasured for years to come. Applique Designs: Baltimore Quilts Applique is a decorative technique that involves sewing small pieces of fabric onto a larger fabric background to create designs. This method gained popularity in quilting, especially during the 19th century. The Baltimore Album (6.6.4) style was one of the most sought-after applique designs during this era. These quilts originated from Baltimore, Maryland, in the mid-1800s and were renowned for their intricate designs and vibrant colors. The designs often highlighted floral motifs, birds, and other natural elements. Each block of the quilt would feature a unique design, and the entire quilt would comprise various blocks. Originating in Baltimore, Maryland, during the mid-19th century, these quilts are renowned for their gorgeous colors and intricate designs. Crafted with premium materials like silk and velvet, Baltimore quilts were often adorned with natural elements like floral patterns and birds. These quilts held significant sentimental value and were often passed down through generations as treasured family heirlooms. The artistry and beauty behind Baltimore quilts continue to captivate and inspire quilt enthusiasts today. Baltimore quilts were crafted by affluent women with the means and leisure to pursue the craft of quilt making. These women frequently belonged to quilting clubs or societies and convened regularly to work on their quilts and exchange ideas and techniques. The Baltimore quilt designs commonly featured floral motifs, birds, and other natural elements. Each quilt block differed from the others, and the entire quilt comprised several distinct blocks, each with its unique design. The designs were often appliquéd onto a white or light-colored backdrop, creating a stunning contrast that highlighted the intricate details of the designs. The Baltimore quilt style rose to popularity in the 1840s and 1850s and continued to be in vogue throughout the rest of the century. The quilts were frequently bestowed as gifts or used as ornamental pieces in the homes of their creators. Mary Simon (1808-1877) One of the most famous Baltimore quilts is the "Mary Simon Album Quilt," made in 1843 by Mary Simon, a member of the Baltimore Quilters Society. The quilt comprises 25 blocks, each with a different design, and features a variety of floral and geometric patterns. The quilt is known for its intricate details and beautiful colors and is considered one of the finest examples of a Baltimore quilt. Mary Simon was a wealthy woman with the time and resources to devote to quilt making. She was a member of the Baltimore Quilters Society, known for its emphasis on fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. The society met regularly to work on their quilts and share ideas and techniques. The quilt features a variety of floral and geometric patterns; each meticulously appliquéd onto a white or light-colored background. The designs are made of various materials, including silk, wool, and cotton, and are embellished with embroidery, beading, and other decorative elements. Each block of the quilt tells a story, with many featuring the names of friends and family members, as well as important dates and events. The center block of the quilt features the name "Mary Simon" in large letters, surrounded by a wreath of flowers. The Mary Simon Album Quilt is known for its use of color, with each block featuring a unique combination of shades and hues. The colors range from soft pastels to bold and bright tones and are expertly blended to create a harmonious and balanced overall effect. The quilt has been well-preserved over the years and is now part of the Baltimore Museum of Art collection. It is considered a masterpiece of American quilt making and is admired for its artistry and beauty. In addition to its aesthetic value, the Mary Simon Album Quilt (6.6.5) is also a valuable historical artifact. It provides a glimpse into the lives of women in 19th-century Baltimore and reflects the cultural and social influences of the time. The quilt is a testament to the skill and creativity of its maker and the importance of the art of quilt-making in American history. Baltimore quilts were often made using high-quality materials, such as silk and velvet, and were highly prized by their owners. They were often passed down from generation to generation as family heirlooms, and many have been preserved and are on display in museums and private collections today. The quilt is a true treasure of American art and culture. The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution profoundly impacted woven fabric production, revolutionizing the textile industry and changing how textiles were made and distributed. Before the Industrial Revolution, textiles were primarily produced by hand, using traditional methods such as spinning and weaving. These methods were slow and labor-intensive, and the production of textiles was limited to small quantities. Textile production was also primarily confined to the home, with women and children working in the cottage industry to produce textiles for their families and local markets. However, the development of new technologies and manufacturing processes during the Industrial Revolution led to significant changes in the textile industry. The development of the power loom, for example, significantly increased the speed and efficiency of weaving, allowing for the mass production of woven fabrics. The power loom was invented in 1784 by Edmund Cartwright and was powered by steam or water, allowing for continuous operation and the production of large quantities of fabric. The power loom replaced the traditional handloom, which had limited weaving speed and capacity and allowed for producing a more comprehensive range of fabrics, including cotton, wool, and silk. The development of the power loom was just one example of the technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution. Other innovations included the development of the spinning jenny, the spinning frame, and the cotton gin, which significantly increased the efficiency of textile production. These innovations led to the growth of the textile industry and the rise of textile factories, which employed large numbers of workers and produced large quantities of fabric for domestic and international markets. The development of new transportation technologies, such as the steam engine and the railroad, also facilitated the distribution of textiles, allowing them to be transported more quickly and efficiently to markets worldwide. The production of woven fabrics during the Industrial Revolution profoundly impacted society, transforming how people dressed and the types of fabrics available. The mass production of fabrics led to lower prices and increased accessibility, making clothing more affordable. The First Sewing Machine The invention and development of sewing machines in the 19th century revolutionized how textiles were produced and transformed the fashion industry. Sewing machines significantly increased the speed and efficiency of sewing, making it possible to produce garments and other textiles on a large scale. The first sewing machine was invented in 1790 by Thomas Saint, but in the mid-19th century, sewing machines became widely available and practical for use in homes and factories. The first commercially successful sewing machine was patented by Elias Howe in 1846 and was followed by other inventors, including Isaac Singer and Walter Hunt. Sewing machines were used in factories and homes, allowing women to produce clothing and quilt more quickly and efficiently for their families. The development of the sewing machine also led to the rise of home sewing as a popular hobby, with women able to create clothing and accessories. The invention and development of the sewing machine paved the way for the growth of the garment industry and the rise of mass-produced clothing and also led to the development of new types of fabrics, designs, and techniques. Despite its impact on society and fashion, the use of sewing machines also had negative consequences, particularly in terms of poor working conditions and low factory worker wages. The Underground Railroad Quilts The Underground Railroad was necessary in the United States during the 19th century because it allowed enslaved African Americans to escape slavery and seek freedom. Slavery was a brutal and inhumane practice legal in many parts of the country. Slavery devastated the lives of enslaved people as they were treated as property rather than human beings, and their labor was used to generate wealth for their owners. Enslaved people had no rights or freedoms and were often subjected to cruel and violent treatment. They were denied education, access to healthcare, and the ability to make choices about their life choices. The Underground Railroad provided enslaved people a way to escape this brutal system. The network of secret routes and safe houses allowed them to travel north to states where slavery was illegal or Canada, where they would be completely free. The people who participated in the Underground Railroad were risking their lives to help others, and escaping was often dangerous and challenging. The Underground Railroad was also important because it challenged the institution of slavery itself. It was a form of resistance against a fundamentally unjust and immoral system. The people who participated in the Underground Railroad were taking a stand against slavery and demonstrating that they were willing to fight for the rights and freedoms of all people, regardless of their race or status. The Underground Railroad was important for enslaved people and the broader struggle for civil rights and equality. It provided a powerful example of how ordinary people could unite to fight for justice and freedom. The legacy of the Underground Railroad continues to inspire people today to work toward a more just and equitable society. One of the lesser-known symbols of the Underground Railroad was quilts, which were used to communicate information to those seeking freedom. Each quilt pattern had a specific meaning, and these patterns were used to convey information about the Underground Railroad. For example, a quilt with a flying geese pattern might indicate it was time to start moving north. A bear paw pattern might mean it was time to take a break and seek shelter. A wagon wheel pattern might indicate that a wagon could take passengers on the next leg of their journey. Many of the quilt patterns used by the Underground Railroad were already popular at the time, but their meanings were often known only to those in the know. Quilts were also used to identify safe houses along the route. A quilt with a star pattern hanging outside a house might indicate that it was a safe place to rest and refuel before continuing the journey. Using quilt patterns to communicate information was a clever way to avoid detection by slave owners and other enemies of the Underground Railroad. Since quilts were such a ubiquitous part of daily life, their use as a covert messaging system was often overlooked. Additionally, using quilt patterns meant that information could be conveyed without needing to be written or spoken language, which was necessary for enslaved people who might not have had access to education or spoke different languages. By using quilts to communicate information, enslaved people could escape to freedom while avoiding detection by their enemies. Today, the legacy of the Underground Railroad lives on through the continued use of quilt patterns and the display of quilts in public spaces. This video shows a group member who speaks about the significance of quilts in the Underground Railroad and how symbols and designs embedded in the quilts helped lead slaves to freedom. Quilts for Civil War Soldiers The American Civil War was a significant conflict in the United States from 1861 to 1865. It was fought between the northern states, the Union, and the southern states, the Confederacy. The war was fought over several issues, including states' rights, slavery, and the balance of power between the federal government and the individual states. One of the leading causes of the Civil War was the issue of slavery. Many people in the North believed slavery was a cruel and inhumane practice that needed to be abolished. In contrast, many South people believed it was a necessary part of their economy and way of life. The issue of states' rights also played a role in the conflict, with some states arguing that they had the right to secede from the Union if they so chose. The war began in April 1861 when Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter, a Union military installation in South Carolina. The conflict quickly escalated, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides lost their lives over the next four years. The Union ultimately emerged victorious, with the Confederacy surrendering in April 1865. The Civil War had a profound impact on the United States. It led to the end of slavery, which was abolished by ratifying the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in December 1865. It also strengthened the federal government's power and helped establish the United States as a unified nation. However, the war also had significant social and economic consequences, including the destruction of infrastructure and the displacement of millions of people. During the Civil War, quilts played an essential role in providing warmth and comfort to soldiers on both sides of the conflict. Many soldiers were poorly equipped and lacked warm clothing, and quilts were a practical and much-needed item that could help them stay warm in the field. Women's groups and volunteers from the North and South worked tirelessly to create and distribute quilts to soldiers. Quilts were also used to raise morale and provide a sense of home to soldiers far away from their families and loved ones. Quilts were often made with patriotic designs featuring symbols like flags, eagles, and other patriotic motifs. Some quilts also included messages of support and encouragement for the soldiers. In addition to providing warmth and comfort, quilts had practical uses in the field. They could be used as a makeshift stretcher or bandage, rolled up, and as a pillow or cushion. Quilts were also used to carry food supplies, line tents, or cover drafty windows. Harriet Powers (1837-1910) Harriet Powers was an African American quilt maker who lived in Georgia in the late 19th century. She is best known for her intricate and beautiful quilts, which depicted scenes from African American history, folklore, and religion. Her work has been celebrated as essential to American quilting and African American art history. Powers was born into slavery in 1837 and spent much of her life working as a sharecropper and farm laborer. She learned to quilt from her mother and grandmother, who their African ancestors had taught. Powers' quilts were made using an application technique in which small pieces of fabric are sewn onto a more considerable size of fabric backing to create a design. Powers' quilts were unique in using African American imagery and storytelling. One of her most famous quilts, the Bible Quilt (6.6.6) (depicts scenes from the Bible alongside images from African American folklore and history. Another quilt, the "Pictorial Quilt," shows scenes from the life of Christ, as well as images of animals, birds, and plants. The Bible Quilt is one of Harriet Powers' most famous quilts and is notable for its intricate applique design and the rich symbolism it contains. The quilt comprises several panels, each depicting scenes from the Bible alongside images from African American folklore and history. One of the most striking panels shows the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, with the serpent and the apple prominently featured. Another panel shows the story of Jacob's Ladder, with angels ascending and descending a ladder to heaven. Other panels depict scenes from the New Testament, including the Nativity and the Crucifixion of Christ. In addition to these biblical scenes, the quilt also features images from African American folklore and history, such as a tree of life surrounded by animals and a pair of chickens representing fertility and abundance. The quilt also includes inscriptions and Bible verses written in ink directly onto the fabric. The Pictorial Quilt (6.6.7) is another of Harriet Powers' famous quilts and comprises several panels, each depicting scenes from the Bible and African American folklore. One of the most striking panels shows the Nativity, with the baby Jesus lying in a manger surrounded by Mary and Joseph and several angels and shepherds. Another panel depicts the Crucifixion, with Jesus hanging on the cross and soldiers and onlookers gathered around him. Other panels feature images of animals, birds, and plants, including a lion, a peacock, and a palm tree. These images were likely chosen for their symbolic significance, as lions and peacocks are often associated with royalty and power, and palm trees symbolize victory and triumph. Like the Bible Quilt, the Pictorial Quilt also includes inscriptions and Bible verses written in ink directly onto the fabric. These inscriptions provide additional context and commentary on the images depicted in the quilt and her deep knowledge of the Bible and African American cultural traditions. It is also a powerful symbol of how African Americans used art and storytelling to express their faith and assert their cultural identity in the face of oppression. Her quilts are a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving African American cultural traditions and telling the stories of those who came before us. The Amish Quilts Amish quilts from the 19th century are renowned for their beauty, craftsmanship, and unique aesthetic. The Amish community, a religious group known for their simple and traditional way of life, began making quilts in the early 1800s to provide warmth and comfort during the cold winter. Amish quilts from this period were typically made using a patchwork technique, with small pieces of fabric sewn together to create a larger design. The fabrics used were often wool, cotton, or silk and were sourced from various sources, including old clothing and feed sacks. One of the defining features of Amish quilts from the 19th century is their use of bold, solid colors with little to no pattern or embellishment. This reflects the Amish belief in simplicity and humility and their rejection of ostentation and vanity. Despite their simplicity, Amish quilts from the 19th century are often gorgeous, with a strong sense of symmetry, proportion, and balance. Many quilts feature geometric designs, such as squares, triangles, and diamonds, arranged in intricate patterns that create a sense of movement and depth. Amish quilts from this period were made primarily for practical purposes, such as keeping warm or covering a bed. However, they also served as a form of artistic expression and a way to celebrate the creativity and skill of the Amish women who made them. Quilts of the Prairie When 270 million acres of land were offered for homesteading, the westward migration started moving people into the new 30 states of the west. People spent months packing for their trip, and in addition to food and equipment, quilts were an essential part of the journey. They brought quilts packed away as treasures in chests, and they brought them as everyday necessities for the trip. They also packed their needles and threads and made quilts when traveling and at their final destinations, creating new patterns documenting the history of their lives on the trail in the quilts. These quilts were typically made using patchwork and applique techniques and were often created out of necessity and for decorative purposes. One of the most distinctive features of quilts of the prairie is their use of floral motifs and other natural imagery, which reflected the women's close connection to the land and their appreciation for the beauty of the prairie landscape. Many quilts also featured geometric designs, such as stars, diamonds, and triangles, adding symmetry and balance to the overall design. Quilts of the prairie were often made from fabric scraps, including old clothing and feed sacks, and were created using hand-sewing and machine-sewing techniques. The quilts were often designed and created by groups of women working together as part of a quilting bee or as a way to pass the time during long, cold winters. Hawaiian quilts have a long and rich history that dates back to the 19th century. These quilts are known for their intricate designs and bold, vibrant colors and are highly prized by collectors and historians alike. The tradition of quilting was brought to Hawaii by Christian missionaries in the early 19th century and quickly became a popular pastime among Hawaiian women. The quilts they created were often made from bright, solid-colored fabrics and featured bold graphic designs inspired by the natural world, such as flowers, leaves, and birds. One of the most distinctive features of Hawaiian quilts is their use of a technique known as "snowflake quilting," in which the quilt top is folded into quarters, and a snowflake-like design is cut into the top layer. The design has intricate hand-quilting stitches, creating a textured, three-dimensional effect. Hawaiian quilts were often made to commemorate special occasions, such as weddings or births, and were considered treasured family heirlooms. They were sometimes given as gifts or sold as souvenirs to island visitors. Mary Sophia Rice (1816-1911) Na Kalaunu Me Na Kahili (Crowns and Kahilis) was made on Kauai Island in 1886 and is attributed to Mary Sophia Rice. Rice was an American Missionary and educator from the United States who moved with her husband to the Oregon territories and eventually the Hawaiian Islands. The white background is one whole piece of cloth that the red fabric is appliqued onto. The pattern radiates out from the center, producing a very symmetrical look. The Kahili, (6.6.8) represented in the quilt by the four feathery-looking objects, symbolizes the chiefs and noble houses. The kahili was carried by the representative of the state for the king. The Kahilis were made from long bones with birds of prey feathers. The red center applique stands for the crown of the king. Quilting has been around since the earliest days of using bone needles and leather thread to keep warm. Even today, quilting is still prevalent in the United States and worldwide. While the techniques and materials have advanced, the fundamental principles remain unchanged. Quilting is still an outlet for creative expression and a way for both men and women to showcase their skills while serving practical purposes in the home. During the 19th century, quilting played a significant role in American culture, providing a social outlet for women and serving as a means of communication for slaves seeking freedom. It also played a part in the women's suffrage movement. Today, quilting remains a cherished art form that continues to evolve with the times.
Lee Godbold is the co-founder of Junk Doctors and Junk Removal Authority. He built Junk Doctors to a $2 Million a year Business by the end of year 5. However, those that saw the start of the company would have likely never thought that possible. Lee explains in this video how they went from being the most ghetto Junk removal company to the ones that created the JRA Way. Check us out at Subscribe to this channel for all the best junk removal industry info Like and follow us on Facebook at Junk Removal Authority Good afternoon guys! I hope everybody’s doing great today. I’m having a wonderful day. We’re making a lot of great progress. A lot of work getting done today, so I’m really happy. We got some new exciting programs with JRA. We’re about to be announcing soon. One of which is going to take pretty much all risks. Kind of doing AdWords. It is going to be a pay-as-you-go AdWords system. Very limited, we’re going to take very limited holders. There’s going to be a lot of specifications on what you have to do to be a partner with us in that. We’ll get to talking about that soon. What I want to talk to you today about is where I came from. A lady out of Arizona sent me an email and she was saying “We all love your videos. We like seeing where we could potentially go with our junk removal business, but you seem so kind of high up there that we can’t hardly relate.” Let me go back and I did one video on this before. We put out one or two videos every day. I know it’s gotten buried back in the rankings. Let me just go back. I kind of explained myself. My name is Lee Godbold, you probably know that. I was born in North Carolina. I always have been very entrepreneurial. I’ve always known that I’d find something to be a success at entrepreneurial. I’d be my own boss and I would be successful. I always knew that. I tried multiple things from young age, fail at them for the most part as far as I did a cleaning service one time. Being Truly Entrepreneurial I had a mobile carwash business one time. I did a shredding service and a flyer delivery. I just saw in our local area and it is actually a franchise. Somebody was doing what we were doing and they made it successful then turned it to a franchise. We would get these packets and these door hanger flyers. Me and other kids would get together and we put all these flyers in this packet. We’d go to different doors and hang it on people’s doors. We charge the companies for advertising. That was a huge pain and we weren’t very successful with it. Now, each one of those businesses I’m sure if I wanted to start one now, I could be successful with it because I learned from each one of those mistakes. I learned what I was doing wrong. Since we’ve made Junk Doctors successful and JRA is on the path to becoming successful. Then I’ve learned what makes a business really go. I always had those ambitions. I knew I’d be successful. I worked at a roller skating rink from age 15 to 22. I maybe was a manager when I stopped there. I wasn’t making enough to be a manager. There’s no way. I was making $15,000 a year, approximately close to almost $20,000. When I quit, I started Junk Doctors. We call it Triangle Removal Incorporated at the start. It’s now triangle removal Inc. DBA Junk Doctors, but we run it as Junk Doctors. Started that about six months before I quit my roller skating rink job. It’s very part time. We don’t hardly consider that even the start of the business. We weren’t incorporated then. We were incorporated in 2012 and we just don’t really consider that. There’s 6 months we were learning. We were working part time. Jobs are part time. I did that around my full-time schedule at the roller skating rink. If you’ve listened to all of my videos, that’s what I encourage a lot of you to do. It is maintaining another job. It is so much easier to hustle now. It’s almost easier to have a side hustle now than it was back then. Find you another job, deliver pizzas and do whatever you have to do to get that income up. That’s what I certainly did. We first started out in the pickup truck. Just a flat pickup truck. I had a regular long bed Chevy 2,508-foot bed. I think 50 bucks for a pickup truck loaded at the very start. I wasn’t expecting to really do a whole lot with it. I always kind of thought about it because I’m very entrepreneurial. I got out there. I was racing cars. Actually, let’s back up a little bit. While I was at the roller skating rink, I was racing Nascar style race cars. I could drive the car, but everything kept breaking on it. Some of my own doing from wreaking. Some of it from having just operating a race team on a budget. That’s one of the reasons that I try and not operate a business on a constricting budget. We have a budget. We know kind of what we need to spend and not to go out there and be crazy on spending on stuff we don’t really need. At the same time, I focus a lot more on increasing income than I do on reducing expenses. My Racing Hobby That’s because almost kind of goes back to my racing days. That’s what held back a racing. It was the fact that I did not have the money to have a car that would withstand the stress that I was putting under. I’d run it fast and then it would break. From racing I learned a tremendous amount about sticking with it. We had all those disappointments. I’d always bounced back. We had rear end go out. We had engine trouble. I had crashes. Every time I turned around there was some sort of a setback. Racing, probably about $25,000 to $30,000 that was lost. Probably about $30,000 was lost on that. I was making $15,000 a year. I was living in my parents. Other than food everything literally was going into that race car. I enjoy doing it. I was going to be the next Dale Earnhardt Jr. I would like to probably eventually get back into racing. I don’t have the time. I have the money now. I can go out and have a kick-ass car now, but I don’t have the time to really put to it. I got some aerobatic ambitions and everything too. Just recently I purchased an actual aerobatic airplane. I’ll start to fly in the next couple of years, but I’d love to get back into racing at some point. I don’t know at this point I’m kind of starting to question if I ever will just because time reasons. Do I want to focus in on racing because it’s going to hurt some my businesses? My answer to that is no. If I race, I’d probably be 50 years old before I race. That’d be another 20 years before I ever get back into it. I’ll probably do it just to say I did it. Back onto that, I was racing cars and eventually I just ran out of money. I had to sell the car, so I sold the car. I sold everything. I listed the pickup truck for sale, but it wouldn’t sell. I figured I got to have a ride anyway so I might as well just hold on to it. Went out and did about a week’s worth of jobs just with the trailer. I mean just with the pickup truck. $50 each until we got this massive yard waste job. Looking Closely In Our Junk Removal Business I’m trying to remember now; the pile was probably 6 feet tall and 20-foot long. It would be a big job now, but it wouldn’t be that big. It wouldn’t be a big deal because we have the equipment to do it. My boss made in the roller skating rink, he had a trailer that he used to haul ATVs. The thing was 6 by 12, but it had like 6-inch rails on the side. Basically, used just to contain the tires and head for tie down points. I took that trailer, we operated that business for probably 6 months from that trailer. Six-inch walls, I did not add extensions. We would stack stuff five feet high. Literally, we wouldn’t tarp anything. I will use the word ghetto. That’s the only thing I can think of right now. We were more ghetto in how we did stuff that you all could ever dream of being. There’s no way. I will say there’s almost no way, any of you all have been as ghetto as myself and my business partner when we started Junk Doctors. We’d have 10 ratchet straps going all different angles to contain the stuff. No tarp, we didn’t used tarp. We didn’t take the time to tarp. We want to be professional. We had uniforms and we had magnets that we put on the side of the pickup truck. What we would do is we want around here, there’s these convenience sites and centers. They’re called citizens convenience centers. Basically, it’s a dumpster. There’s a bunch of different dumpsters that you put wood or just a general MSW furniture into the crusher. There’s a place for metal, place for cardboard. You take the stuff there and you separate it out. It goes into each individual stuff, but it’s not for commercial companies. It’s only for residential companies. We would stop at a gas station or something between the job and the dump. Take all the signs and switch our shirts. We had uniforms. So, we take our shirts off and we’d switch into some general t-shirts. Then we’d handle the dump. There’s multiple sites around, but the workers there get suspicious of what we were doing. They always say, “You know, we know your business.” They could ever prove it, but we got to be where most of those guys got to like us. We bring them stuff off the job. We bring them lunch every so often. We keep them happy. We did that for probably 10 months dumping for free. I had to get started. Over time we were saving our money up, but we’re always saving our money up to invest. We knew at that point that we could get this thing had legs. It could definitely go somewhere. We were way cheaper. We were charging about $195 to fill up that six by 12 trailer. Five feet high, so we were cheap. We are a lot cheaper than probably any of you all or now. Maybe not cheaper than you’ve been before, but probably any of you all now. Remember, back then there was no Junk Removal Authority. There was no Junk Mob. There was no Junk MD out there in California. There was nobody giving advice on how to run a junk removal company. You had the franchises that had all the proprietary information and then you just had to figure it out on your own from there. That’s all there was to it. There was a huge learning curve. It was always difficult for me to imagine. Remember, I was making 15,000 a year. It was always tough for me to imagine that it was possible that anybody would pay the 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. It was crazy to me. So, we were like at a fourth or fifth of the price that 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. I think at that time, the 1-800-GOT-JUNK? full load rate was like 390 bucks. Something like that, maybe 400. It’s about $515 in this area now and we were charging one $190. We’ll probably get almost as much stuff on that little trailer. Maybe we were half what 1-800-GOT-JUNK? was. We knew we wanted to expand. There was one November the first year we operated, we were very slow. At the time we were getting all of our jobs off of Craigslist and just putting out some flyers. We take these postcards and we would learn everybody’s trash route. We thought, “Hey, how cool would it be to put an advertisement about junk removal company in the trash can? We’d go around and we know everybody’s trash day and when we weren’t doing jobs. We take these postcards to their trash cans. We got some jobs from that, tremendous amount. That’s one of the reasons, every single time we’ve done a lot of print advertising and it hasn’t worked very well. That’s one of the reasons we don’t. We do those advertisements and we do Craigslist. I think Craigslist was even more effective back then than it is now, but you still dealt with the same Craigslist customer that just worries that ever living hell out of you. Always wanting to negotiate on price. Just cancelling and rescheduling. It’s just the Craigslist customers that is hard to deal with. The Google customers are ideal. We’ll get to that in a minute because we thought we died and gone to heaven when we located Google. At this point we had a little bit of a website build up. Nothing too fancy, but we did have a little bit of a website build up. Marketing The Business Like I said, we’re doing the Craigslist ads and then we had one November that we were super slow. I mean, we might’ve done seven jobs the entire month. I can’t remember, I believe that was before. I had already quit my other job at that point and I’m like, “I’m about to run out of money.” We had a bunch of money saved. No, we weren’t going to run out. We had money saved so we can get through. After weeks and weeks of it being slow I’m starting to say, “Is this going to be this slow throughout the winter? Am I got to go back and get my other job back.” I left there on good terms so I easily could have, but I didn’t want to. I had that taste of entrepreneurial success. I had that taste of independence that we all love. You all are out there. Those of you who quit your other job and you’re working this job, or even if you’re still working another job. You’ve got this going on, you know what that feels like. I can go out and I can make money for myself. That’s an awesome feeling. I had that taste. I didn’t want to go back. I was willing to if I had to, but I didn’t want to. What I did is I got on some fellows on an internet forum. I found some, I posted. I said, “I’ve started junk removal business. I’m 22 years old. This is how we’ve been working it. It’s been successful. We’re really slow now. I need to find out a way to reach more people and how do I advertise?” A guy out of Chicago that owned a successful junk removal business, I can’t tell you where or when because he sold it. He signed a non-compete which he might have been in violation for working with me, but he contacted me. He said, “I had a reasonably successful junk removal business.” He was out of a pickup truck and trailer, but he had a trailer with five-foot size. He was gracious enough to tell me how he ran his business. He told me, “Man, you got to raise your prices up. You’ve got to be in line with 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, close to them. You got to get on Google AdWords.” So, I set up an AdWords campaign. I think I set the daily limit to like 20 bucks a day to start with, and then raise it to 50, 100, 300, 400 and 500. First starting out with AdWords. We had a bunch of wasted clicks. Our cost per click, we’re getting top ranking. We were like $3.20 cost per click. Depending on your market, you’re going to average somewhere around $11. Some markets less. Some markets will be $9 or $14. To be the top of page ranking, you’re going to be an $11 or $12 per click. You can get in a lot of trouble now on wasted ad spend. Back then you couldn’t. We wasted a bunch of spend, but it was cheap enough that still allowed us to be profitable in jobs. As that campaign progressed, he actually got to the point where he is losing money on every Google job. That’s when we hired somebody to come in and help us figure out our campaign which is now the same campaign that we make available to everybody. We’ll can elaborate more on that because we have an exciting thing with AdWords, but let’s get back to it. He got in. He got me on AdWords. He got us on AdWords Just got super successful at that point. We were hoarding cash. We were keeping cash like crazy. It was all cash at that point. We had this huge $20,000. We built out of that. What we did is got to look for a dump. We got to get a dump truck. We’ve gone and bought a $1,500 trailer with three-foot sides on it. It was great. It was 6 by 12 three-foot sides. We thought again that we’d gone to heaven. We gone to heaven twice. We found AdWords went to heaven. We’ve got this trailer went to heaven. We got the money for the dump truck. I think it might’ve been $20,000. We had, it might’ve been $15,000 or $16,000. This was still a little bit of the during the recession. So, it was in July 29, 2013 is when we bought that old number one truck. Still running strong, trucks probably made us a $750,000 at this point. I would guess. Spent $11,500 on it. Now, you’re not going to find an $11,500 truck. $25,000 is about what you’re looking at for these dump trucks. You got to get to one just as soon as you can. Handling The Money One of the key things to my success is I’ve never been selfish as far as taking money out of the business. It’s always gone right back into it in investments. Always expanding, hiring, getting new equipment, doing new advertising, and whatever I can to grow the business. With the thought that eventually it’s going to pay off with long-term success. At that point, when we got that dump truck. We thought we’re going to run two trucks, but we were doing so much faster with that dump truck. Then we just ran that one truck until we bought a second truck. We’ve just kind of grown into there. A lot of mistakes along the way. After five years we did $2,000,000 in our fifth year of operation. That’s a lot of what I talk about now because I want you to know it’s possible to achieve that level of success. Everybody is asking too little out of themselves. Too little out of their dreams. They’re not expecting what’s possible. They’re not striving. They’re not asking for massive levels of success in their junk removal business. That’s going to hold you back guys. 10 trucks now, $2,000,000 a year in revenue. We’ll probably do about $2,500,000 or $2,600,000 this year. That is what we’ll do in 6 years of operation. JRA already got to a guy in Denver. It’s going to be opening up an operation in Denver. We’re talking with people. One guy in Alaska, talking with somebody in a UPS. I think it’s in central New York, somewhere in there about business packages. Now, working with a company in California on AdWords. Just happy to be able to help everybody. One of the main things I want to do though is I want you to start thinking more of yourself. To start asking more of yourself. To raise your think. To eliminate the word expensive from your vocabulary. That’s something I just recently learned within the last year. Our business has blown up both JRA and Junk Doctors since I eliminated the word expensive for my category. I looked at stuff as investment in value and return. I’d go out and hire somebody. We hired a marketing director before JRA could pay for it. JRA is going to be able to pay for it now. I had always made those investments and I take that as a little bit of a risk. I take that as little bit of a risk for it to pay off. Knowing that if something failed and that if it didn’t pay off, I’m going to survive. I’m going to makes it back. Those of you all that just think and you look at these videos and you think, that’s not possible. This guy has lost touch. Listen, I’ve been there. I’ve done that. I’ve been more ghetto than any of you all have ever been as far as carrying out jobs. I just always was determined to make it happen. I still have that same level determination now, but it’s focused on changing the entire junk removal industry. I want to take all the franchises. I want everybody we work with and who’s watching these videos. I want to start hurting the franchises. They laugh at haulers now. Franchises now laugh at the pickup truck guys. They do. I just want the entire market to be where the individual haulers are hurting the 1-800-GOT-JUNK? business. Hurting the Junkluggers business. I want to show people how to do that. We’ve done that in our market. We’re number one in our market and I want to teach everybody else how to do that. I’ve been where you are. See where I’m at now. I’m willing to help you get to this point. Watch my videos. Do what you can as soon as you can afford us and before you can afford us. Before you can afford consulting calls with me. Before you can afford AdWords management with us. Go out, hire us, and we’re going to get you to that point. We’re going to do everything it takes to make you successful. I hope all of you understand where I’ve been. Where this company’s been. Where we’ve come from. I know you know where we we’re at now. I hope that you’re able to watch these videos and relate to it a bit more because you’ve seen that I didn’t come. Making Healthy Business Connections Nothing was given to me other than being able to be around with people with wealth and having some great people that gave me some great advice along the way. No money was given to me at all. I just made it work and happen. I want to be here now to offer advice. Great advice for the junk removal industry. Nobody on this YouTube. It’s a fact, nobody on YouTube has been successful in junk removal as Junk Doctors and myself. We’re here to help you with Junk Removal Authority. All this is a phone call away, +1 919-466-9322. Like and subscribe to the video. If you don’t like it, dislike it. I liked dislikes. Not as much as I like likes, but I like dislikes. Until you get some haters out there, you’re not really putting your point across. You’re not taking a stand until you got some haters. Everybody, I love each and every one of you. I love all of my viewers and we’ll talk to everybody real soon. Thanks guys!
Lauren: Hi I am Lauren Cohen, Lawyer real estate expert and cross border specialist. I’m here today with my friend, Vladimir, Vladimir pronounce your last name, so I don’t mess it up, please. Lauren: I should have gotten that, so I apologize. Vladimir and I met through a book that we both collaborated on. It’s called The Immigrant Hustle. It’s a story about 50 entrepreneurs who have built success stories in the US, that are from other countries. That’s the key, that’s why it’s called Immigrant Hustle. There was a chat that was created, when the book was finalized and Vladimir and I connected, I actually thought he lived in Florida, because when he wrote on the chat, he said I’m in Hollywood, Florida, so I thought that’s where he lived. And so, we started chatting and getting to know each other and you know he’s a fellow member of the tribe, and for those of you that don’t know what that means you can ask me after, but we connected, and we are both very entrepreneurial. And then on top of that, I made a connection. I made a connection between Vlad, and one of my dear friends, Jeff Greenberg, who’s also been on the show, and sure enough, they’re both in the same Promotional Products coaching program, which is kind of ironic. So here I am trying to do good and yet they’re already connected, but you can’t help yourself when you’re a connector. So, in any event, Vlad and I started chatting and I invited him to join my show to share a little bit about his story. Vlad is one of those lucky guys, that was airlifted, I assume airlifted out of the Ukraine, or brought into America from the Ukraine, through a Jewish Agency. Which was how long, 20 to 30 years ago right? Vlad: 30 years. Lauren: Yeah, 30. I’m aging myself. The Jewish agencies were airlifting people and families out of the Ukraine and other parts of Russia into Israel, into Canada and into the US like Vladimir’s family and like my good friend at Donna Klein, was brought into the US and Vladimir made his way to Michigan, Is that where you originally started Vlad? Lauren: Wow. I mean, going from cold to cold just doesn’t make sense. I have a new colleague that just joined my real estate team, she’s Mexican. Listen to this. Okay, I met her in an Israeli based networking group about two weeks ago. She’s in Mexico and she went to my college in Toronto. Lauren: Is that not a crazy story. Okay. It is a crazy story! She just joined my team and she’s going to be assisting me because I needed a Spanish speaker, so she’s going to be assisting me with all kinds of stuff so it’s extremely exciting. Vlad, please introduce yourself. You have such an amazing bio I’d love for you to share that with my guests. Vlad: Well first of all, Lauren thank you for having me on your show. As you mentioned, my name is Vladimir Gendelman. I have started a company called Company Folders back in 2003. And we actually sell presentation folders, the actual paper presentation folders. Lauren: Show us. I know it’s a podcast, I thought that it was one of those, you know, tabbed marketing pieces, but what it is, and it’s brilliant because it’s just the simplest of products, and it he’s focused on it and that’s the beauty. It’s a company folder. So, for those of you that are, he’s like Vanna White right now. For those of you that are listening to this podcast, it basically those folders if you are going into Office Depot to purchase, but it’s branded to the company. So, with EXP for example, you know, EXP realtors get, I think 50 presentation folders when they join, Vladimir would be the guy that would create those folders, hopefully. Vlad: Yes, that’s right. Yeah. So, this right here is that dark blue linen, with a silver foil stamp on it. And when you open it in this particular folder, it happens to have two pockets. Yeah, and there is a back to it. And of course, if anybody’s interested, and would like to request a sample packet, you would get something like this in the mail, which is a folder that we created for our company that we send out to people to see. And the beauty of this folder is it has a soft touch lamination. Lauren: Oh yeah, there’s like, it has a whole bunch of logos that are . Vlad: It has UV coating applied to it, to show different logos. And then on the inside this particular folder has one vertical pocket. Lauren: Oh, I love that. I need some samples with my logo on it. Vlad: We can absolutely discuss that, of course. Lauren: I would love that and also, I wanted to ask you a question, because I’ve been thinking, you know, business cards are kind of passe especially during COVID. How has business been impacted by COVID? Has it not been negatively impacted, because people aren’t going and physically presenting, or now do they use this presentation folder and labels to send them by mail to separate themselves from the competition? Vlad: Yeah, so that’s actually an interesting question because obviously there is a whole segment of businesses out there who not only not use folders right now, but they do also not use anything right now. I think of all the restaurants and venues, trade shows that they’re all shut down so obviously they’re not using anything. At the same time, a lot of other companies that usually have face to face sales meetings or they go for presentations, they’re not doing that, either. So, they’re not using printed products for that, but they change how they do things. So now those companies, as you mentioned, they would get a folder, but then they would get like I mentioned, a larger envelope to go with it, so they can mail it to you. So, we want some business from restaurants and stuff, but then on the other hand, we’re gaining more business because when you buy a folder, now you want to get an envelope that the folder goes in to. So, the folder matches and nice and beautiful, and on top of their promotional products. As important as they always are right now, they’re even more important, because people are, and this is how this plays out right, so every company has brand and marketing budget. They have budgets for lunches for the office right. They have budgets for taking customers out. This and that, now those budgets are not being used because people are not in the office. So, they still want to spend that money, they still want to engage employees, they still want to engage their clients. So, right. So, we get creative and we send packets out to people right on behalf of others, whether it’s to employees or customers or keep in touch, whatever else. Yeah. And you know, you win some you lose some and overall, it’s, it is what it is. Lauren: So, tell me when you first came to America, obviously a long time ago. But you moved to Michigan, Were you already speaking English at the time? Vlad: No, no, there was no English. Lauren: So how did your parents survive, like look at how you thrive, you’ve built up a company, you’re in Forbes magazine, as one of the fastest growing companies, I mean there’s just so many amazing things that you’ve done a child of immigrants and an immigrant himself, you know, I think that these, like, the immigrant hustle and being an immigrant entrepreneur, it’s a drive that you can’t you can’t get from somewhere else and I’ll tell you what, and I’m sorry to mention this, but after the Holocaust, right, our people especially those that were completely debilitated their families were destroyed look at the difference the impact that these immigrants have made in this country. That’s part of what I do because I am an Immigration Concierge, Immigration Lawyer right, but at the end of the day, immigrants have this drive about them to succeed and, you know, your parents came with the Jewish Agency who helped, probably they struggled, especially without speaking English for a long time. How does that all look, do you remember, what is your most interesting story you can share with us about that time? Oh boy, this is going to be good. Vlad: So, it’s a simple overnight success. Just like with anybody else in this case, took 30 years of you know a lot of, I guess there was a lot of struggle, I just never looked at it that way. Right. Lauren: It’s just what it was right you didn’t have any choice if you were here and you had to do it right. Vlad: We had weekend here, we didn’t have money, other than, you know, we have friends here, who came … Lauren: They put you in a place to stay, the agency. Vlad: Not right away no. But we have friends here who were here. Two months, who came here two months before we did. Lauren: Wow, so they only two months. Vlad: Yeah, they had two-bedroom apartment. There was three of them. And we stayed with them. For the first week until they found their own two-bedroom apartment. Lauren: There were three of them and how many of you? Vlad: Three, so six. Lauren: So, three of you, three children or three people, you were the only child. Vlad: I’m the only child, and they only had one. Lauren: Okay, so all right and was it a girl or a boy? Vlad: It was a boy. Lauren: Okay, so it’s a little easier because your sixteen you don’t want to be sharing a room with a girl, well you probably do but whatever, we won’t go down that road. So, the point is that you were in this tiny little, you know, typical immigrant story, much different than mine. And sometimes people don’t take mine seriously. Okay, I was speaking with a woman the other day. She’s Canadian and I insulted her because she was obviously from another country and I said to her I had just gotten off the phone with somebody that was one from a country, it so happens this lady’s home country, and I said hey are you from? She almost bit my head off. Because she said, “well I’m an immigrant and you’re insulting me”, and I said well I’m an immigrant too. She looks at me for whatever, like you know, I’m not interested in your story you’re not an immigrant, because I speak English, it’s my first language but I am an immigrant, I came from Canada, I went through the same crap. That’s what like you don’t know this Vlad I don’t think, but the reason that I started what I do, is because my ex-husband, then husband, was deported. February 2nd, 2007, on the way back from our honeymoon. So, coming on the way back from our honeymoon he was removed at the Chicago O’Hare Airport expeditiously removed, put in immigration jail and subsequently deported. So, I am an immigrant. I went through everything that everybody else goes through, maybe not the same I wasn’t brought from a war-torn country, I wasn’t a refugee, you know Canada is a good country and I kind of wish I were there, especially this week, but at the end of the day, you just do it. You know, I think, as a single mom and dad an immigrant, you got to do it, and you said it is what it is, you came here. You lived in this tiny little apartment, and then you made it. I mean, look what you’ve built for yourself, how did your parents do and when did this all start for you? Vlad: So, our plane landed at night. And you know, our friends because they picked us up, brought us to their apartment where we can eat. I don’t remember if we can eat now but we can do our thing and then went to bed. All three of them left. Yeah, he went. He went to school, whatever it was. Lauren: and he didn’t speak a word of English? Vlad: We did not. Oh, and we needed to eat breakfast. And I guess the woman said, oh just have a cereal. And she left it on the table it was Froot Loops. So, in Soviet Union, we didn’t have cereal. Vlad: Uh huh. And the only kind of cereal, like things we did here were the ones you have to cook like oatmeal, like, Oh, well, actually we didn’t have oatmeal itself, but we had this other cream of wheat, I think it’s called. Yeah, that you cook and so my mom assumed it’s similar thing, and she cooked Froot Loops. I mean she boiled the milk, and she put Froot Loops in it. And she boiled the Froot Loops. So, my first experience with American cereal was disgusting. Lauren: It’s hysterical, what color was it, it must have been like purple or green or something? Vlad: I don’t remember. We were laughing about it, because then after the people came back that night, they told us well you’re not supposed to do that you just put a cold milk over it. At first my mom couldn’t grasp that concept. And then once we understood it, tried the cold cereal which was tasty. We were laughing for a long, long time. Lauren: I like that story, but you know it’s funny because it happens even when you’re traveling, in the normal world, and you go to another country and you don’t know their foods, and you don’t, you know, it’s like, I know going to Thailand, and, you know, I have a kosher home and when I was there was a lot of where people eating bugs and it was normal. I mean it’s normal. Now Froot Loops a little different, although I’ll tell you, it’s probably not that different because it’s full of sugar but it’s just interesting how cultural differences, define us so much. And that brings us to our discussion today about cultural differences across borders, and you have a specific targeted business, and you have clients coming to you because what you offer is, a range of promotional products but your main product is this one product that you have focused on and that has driven, your success. What made you start this, what was your brainchild around this and how do you think you started bringing in clients from other countries? So, let’s start with, when did it start, you went to college I assume right? Vlad: No, there was no college, no college, I was working a lot, I have every kind of job you can think of. And then at some point, I started a Computer Repair Company. It was a nine to nine. I started with a friend and, you know, we had full time jobs but that was something we did on the weekend. Party money to go out. And a few years later, my friend he went. And so, he didn’t have time to do the computers and I was left by myself. Lauren: And he also comes from the Ukraine or from another country, or was he American? Vlad: Just from Ukraine. Lauren: Okay. And then we naturally gravitate toward our own people. Vlad: Right. Well, that’s how I started that I didn’t speak English, I could not be friends with anybody who was not Russian, because we couldn’t speak. So, he went to law school and I went all by myself and a little time later, probably four months later, one of my customers who I get computers for, he said, “hey you’re a computer guy. Can you help me get a really nice presentation folder”? However, he didn’t say presentation folder he said company folder. He said, “help me find company folders”. I said, “sure!”. How hard could that be right? Internet is booming and everything is there and so I walked out said yes, the problem is, I didn’t know what company folder was. So, I had to go friends they had to figure it out and I understood what it was. So, then I started looking for it and I noticed that there really are no good options for presentation folders. If you look online, your typical company they sell four to six to eight different folding styles, right, we got letter size, legal size, two packets, one pocket on the right, or one pocket on the left but that’s pretty much all you get. And then, of course, they are usually all white paper. And they print a four-color process and that’s it. But he was looking for something more interesting, right. Now I just said boring, very boring. And, you know, I found whatever the best option was at the time and I helped them do that, but then a light went off. Yeah. And this is what happened back in Soviet Union. We did not have options, because everything was government owned. It’s just it is what it is … Lauren: Like you said the people did not own anything. Therefore, there was no reason to compete right, no? Vlad: Right. Exactly right. If you don’t compete, then, you don’t innovate. If you have for example, silverware. The ones we had at home. all the people in Soviet Union have the same silverware. And the other half had the other type that was available. You talked about wallpaper, there would be three four different kinds of wallpaper, and some are not good at all, some are better. And everybody has, you know, give or take the same wallpaper. Same thing goes for furniture, for clothing, for this for that. And then when I came here, originally, and I see the variety of things that you go to the store and you have overwhelming dozens of cheeses, dozens of credit cards, you have yogurts, we didn’t even have yogurts, we had white bread in Russia, we have white bread, and black bread. Here you have all these different things I didn’t know what to do with myself. And that’s how I was living the American life right, like everything comes in options and varieties Lauren: And too many options and variety and kinds. Vlad: Here I am faced with a product that is similar. It’s the same. There is no variety and I’m like, that was not American to me. And it just those memories of, you know, communism and, and there’s no way Lauren: I would never know. I mean, you came up with this idea for variety in a very boring product, an otherwise boring product because you saw that it’s wanted here. Vlad: Right. And I remember thinking to myself you know somebody’s got to change this, like they got to come up and as I was doing that, I’m like well, am I going to wait for that, or am I going to make it happen? So, I set out and I started the company, and because I didn’t know anybody, and the guy referred to ‘company folders’ I called the Company Folders. The whole idea was to build out a brand that offers the largest variety of presentation folder styles, largest amount of paper. Print matters that we use, coatings and on and on and on. And that’s where we are today. Lauren: Now you have 18, which is a great number. Employees. Vlad: Great number. Exactly, so amazing. We do 67 different papers of all colors, textures, anything you want. We do four color process printing, we do PMS printing with the foil stamp, and all these different things. We do all sorts of coatings, such as gloss matte set, and we do soft edge coating, we do all sorts of lamination, we do spot UV, we do spot matte, whatever people require right, and we get fun. We do a lot of fun with it too because … Lauren: Show me a fun one. Do you have a fun one there? Well, my guests on the podcasts won’t see it but like I would love to. I mean it’s a shame the one that that Vlad showed me. It’s, what do you call that when it’s under the light you can see all the logos? Yeah, yeah, that that is iridescent light, that purple light, its brilliant, I love it. Yeah. So, what do you call that that method? Vlad: That’s called spot UV. Lauren: So those are all your clients’, right? Vlad: Yeah, those are some of the clients we would do Century 21, you should know that Nordstrom, or Lauren: Coldwell Banker PG and, brilliant. Vlad: Yeah, so, so there are all sorts of ways to, to make it more memorable, more fun, more anything really. And that was always the goal so that’s where we are and to take it a step further, we had a remarkably interesting situation where I can’t say that problems never come up right. We have a really good way of testing everything. We have a really good quality assurance outside of just printing and making stuff. And once in a while things slip through the cracks. And it happens everywhere right. That is not what’s really important, but I think what’s really important is what do you do with that. Yeah, so, some years back we had, just like anybody else, we offered people two weeks to inspect their products, right, because on the one side some other companies only offer you five days or seven days. When you claim whatever you got to claim and passed that you’re on your own. So, this one time we had a woman. It was some years ago, who got a folder, similar to this, in the sense that the logo was foil stamped, and out of 500 folders that she got 12 or 15 of them, the logo was slightly crooked. And the press when it goes through, this doesn’t get printed it gets stamped on. And apparently, few sheets of paper were at an angle. So, she contacts, us, it was probably three to four months since she bought them. And she’s like, well I know it’s outside of the time, but we had 13 or 15 of them crooked, is there something you can do to help me? So, of course, so we printed 100, maybe another 100 folders and sent it to her right, and she was extremely happy, but that’s when we started thinking, hold on a second. If there is one there must be another. And if we make people go through all the folders in the first week or two, I wouldn’t want to do that. So, we created a one-year warranty. You have a whole year to go through your folders. And then as we were doing that, we are like hold on a second what what’s one year, what if they don’t use the folders this fast right, what if it takes two years to go through the folders? And the whole point was to give people time as they use the folders, right, to have a plan, if there is something off, just put it to the side and then at some point, call me and tell me I had 10 or 11 faulty folders and we’ll figure it out. So, we decided to go lifetime. Vlad: Yeah, that’s your folders and you have nothing to worry about. Because if you discovered, any kind of defect, six months from now, a year from now five years from now. Lauren: Great, the truth is that it also engages them in future conversations and keeps them loyal. Vlad: Yeah, absolutely. Lauren: I wouldn’t mind, we could talk for hours and you have a brilliant business model. We have a hard stop in about five minutes and I just wanted to mention the fact that my company, because it’s so unique, has organically expanded into all of North America, Canada for obvious reasons, he’s in Michigan that’s an easy one, Mexico and South of the Border, probably not. If you do, I mean doesn’t really matter you can imprint Spanish easily because it’s no difference to change the direction. Vlad: I mean, we do a lot of Spanish designs. Lauren: Yeah, I mean it makes sense. So, I would love to give everybody an opportunity to reach out to you and perhaps get a sample of your work and see exactly what you’re offering that’s on the podcast and isn’t able to see it. How do they reach you; how do people reach you? Vlad: Well, first of all our website is Lauren: That’s pretty easy You can’t really miss that mess that up. Vlad: And my email is Lauren: He is very proficient on LinkedIn and very much a go giver, a very amazing entrepreneur who has built and built a business, literally from nothing in America, just from an idea that came to him because he really has lived the American dream. And in a lot of ways has set the trajectory for others to follow. Vlad: Another thing I do is, I offer people a free design consultation. And of course, you know it originally came up as an idea to help people feel more comfortable with what they’re thinking of getting right, and in the hopes that as they’re communicating with me, we would get an order out of inventory for future orders. But it turned into, I just had a consultation I think on Friday. The girl was from South Africa. She’s a designer, working for a company, and they asked her to redesign their logo. So when we started the conversation I asked her, I said, What’s your budget for this? She said well, I don’t have a budget because I’m the one doing it, but I don’t know where to go, I need ideas, I’m like, Great, let’s work on it, and I asked her questions that she needs to understand what they’re getting right, and navigated her through the whole process of how to think of the logo design, which direction to take it. She was super grateful. And she promised to actually send me whenever she comes up with one, since she actually said that she’ll be communicating with me through the whole process so that I can help guide her, and I’m happy to do those things because at the end of the day. I believe that the more I share my gift, the more everybody, other people will share their gifts with me . Lauren: That is a go getter. Vlad: and with each other. And as long as, as long as we can improve everybody then, by default we improve ourselves, Lauren: 100%, I just, you just reminded me of something, a good friend of mine, Bob Berg, I’m going to reach out to him to be interviewed on this on this podcast. Vlad: And I will also share a link to only where people can schedule a consultation with me. So, if you can include that link and people sign up and I’ll be happy to walk them through everything I know. Lauren: Absolutely. It would be my pleasure. Vladimir Thank you. I look forward to working with you, I look forward to getting some company folders, myself, and I thank you for your time. It’s a pleasure to know you. It’s a pleasure to share the book with you. And we’ll be in touch very soon. Thanks everybody. This is Lauren Cohen, with Investing Across Borders, thanking you for learning a little bit about this wonderful immigrant story from the Ukraine, who has made a mark in the US and across borders as well. Thank you so much. Have a great day, happy reading. Bye for now.
Managing Quality in HSC Organizations in UK The provision and management of quality in patient care means making use of the most beneficial services and ensures that every dimension and operation involved in health and social care can serve all clients’ needs without inefficiencies. In regard to managing quality health and social care, this assignment will focus at The Royal United Hospital. Learning Outcome 1 Question 1 The stakeholders in any HSC organization hold different mega perspectives regarding the quality and managing of services that they offer to acute patients at their disposal. The key stakeholders in the HSC organizations are the creditors, commissioners, managers, government, customers/patients, doctors, shareholders, care takers and nurses. Before we move further, let’s define what quality is as well as what are quality services we are referring to. Firstly, the government’s perspective is more interested in managing the quality of HSC services by putting in place laws that govern the operations of these organizations. In some cases they set the standards for these care organizations so as they create boundaries of operation. Secondly, we have the CQC perspective regarding quality since they set the standards in which these care organizations and they even give warnings and courses of actions in case a particular organization fails to meet the set standards. Thirdly, the service providers especially shareholders and creditors hold to a perspective that that seek to provide adequate resources (human resources, capital and materials) which will ensure that the internal operations as well as the staff perform their duties and obligations without failure and hence guaranteeing quality in service delivery. Finally, we have the perspective of the professional practitioners on quality being based on managing the quality of drugs and treatment options and services. Strict adherence to these perspectives by stakeholders helps to build trust and confidence in the manner by which they maintain and manage quality at Royal United Hospital. Question 2 The external agencies play very vital and immense roles in regard to ensuring that the quality of acute-care services are up to date and meet most of the customers’ expectations. The external agencies and the stakeholders are known to impose a lot of pressure on the health and social care management in a quest to ensure that all set standards, rules and procedures are revered. Usually, the external agencies usually set the standards for HSC organizations and this forms the baseline of the acute-care services that ought to be used for patients. The external agencies are bestowed with the role of conducting several inspections and tests which are not limited to safety measures, making equipment available, nursing care and nursing care. On the other hand, NICE is provides most of the HSC organizations with the necessary guidelines and procedures that can be used to improve the quality of services provided in health and social care. Besides, NICE offers advice to HSC organizations based on gathered evidence so as to improve quality as well as the outcome of the patients. The NICE professionals give the staff the necessary confidence required to deal with patients’ outcome. Question 3 Poor service quality is a phenomenon that impacts every key worker, supervisors and even key stakeholders in any patient-care set up. Poor service quality in HSC organizations is defined as the failure of the set processes to meet the clients’ expectations. The best practices for Royal United Hospital should always align with the set goals and standards and should show consistency with other achieved practices Legislation: in order to access the quality of services being offered in Royal United Hospital, the laws which govern the conduct and operation of acute-care services should be adhered to the latter. This helps to avoid any legal proceedings that might contradict or interrupt the operations of this hospital. It is therefore considered necessary that the key stakeholders and workers in this hospital are kept updated on the legal issues relating to acute treatment care services to avoid tarnishing the reputation of the hospital towards its clients (Singer et al, 2011, p. Performance Indicators: this is another very crucial standard that can be employed to establish quality services and performance. It assists in identifying the key performance indicators which are then used to evaluate the success and achievements made by Royal United Hospital. Quality systems refer to combination of processes which are focused in meeting the patients’ needs and expectations in a consistent manner. There are several commonly utilized quality systems that can help in quality improvement. They include Total Quality Management (TQM), the Service Quality model (SERVQUAL), Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), and Benchmarking techniques. The commonly used system in HSC organizations is the SERVQUAL models and systems. This research instrument makes use of five dimensions to collect the customers’ taste, preferences as well as their expectations. Planning and policies: this is the first key approach that has to be used when implementing quality systems in this current hospital under study. With proper policies which are accompanied by adequate planning will lead to proper execution and hence this will result in acquiring high-quality systems. The setting of targets: this is the second approach after planning and it involves the identification of the key objectives so as to ensure that the systems that are being implemented match the set standards and quality. Setting targets ensures that the teams in care centers work efficiently and hence it becomes easy to implement quality programs. Communication: communication is another approach that plays a key role in regard to implementing quality system since it offers a structured platform to share and exchange relevant information. These barriers have been known to discourage people from working towards the set standards and objectives. Below is a short analysis of these barriers; Lack of resources: this is a great hindrance to quality service and systems delivery as those concerned blame the lack of resources of the reason for failing to make the desired or the most appropriate improvements. Cynicism: this barrier is characterized by the failure of the staff to change the services and conditions of the acute-care centers to their best as they believe that the people to benefit most are the managers and stakeholders. This mentality is developed as a result of mistrust among fellow workers and the key staff and hence no unity is seen in the deliverance of quality health and social care services (Reeves et al. , 2011, Vol. The CQC standard brings forth evaluation systems which are directly related to the setting of the clients’ grievances. To overcome the problems highlighted in the case scenario a grievance system should be implemented. The setting of agency grievances department is one of the most effective evaluative methodologies that can help organize the system properly in order to deal with the already identified challenges and problems (CQC, 2012, Vol. In addition, Cristiana proposes to be used in her workplace is the use of structured interview panels as well as compliance procedures. This process involves marketing the care services so as to get the public opinion on the nature and quality of services that most clients are satisfied with. Learning Outcome 3 Question 1 The evaluation of the effectiveness of policies, systems as well as procedures within the Royal United Hospital call for the use of certain research criteria, techniques and methods at large. The tools have proved very successful in incidences where a proper use of them has been utilized. Before these tools or rather methods are used they are well tested and put into a trial test to enquire about their efficiency levels. Most of the systems, policies, and procedures that have been scientifically tested before and implemented in other health care centers are assessed depending on the positive results achieved and then implemented in the Royal United Hospital (Gillam et al. , 2012, p. For instance, they provide and set standards that “Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust” care workers out to why by through benchmarking with other well-performing care industries within health and social care. By training and organizing workshops for all professionals and employees within the Royal United Hospital has greatly boosted the quality of services being rendered. On the other hand, the setting of quality systems stands is another sure way towards achieving quality care in this hospital. The quality systems provide the right guidelines that ought to be obeyed by every employee in compliance with the laws of statutory and regulatory bodies and this assists a lot in achieving quality acute care. Lastly, the desire for management and workers to offer quality services also has a role to play since it keeps their eyes fixed on the key objectives alongside giving their best to their clients. If Cristina follows the above quality improvement ways and techniques in addition to her proposed use of performance criteria, she will surely improve the quality of her performance in “Royal United Hospital. ” Conclusion In conclusion, the above case study has revealed out that managing and implementing acute care services in Royal United Hospital is of uttermost importance. It was also evident that the different perspectives that stakeholders hold on to greatly shape the quality of services that are offered to acute patients. Besides, the role external agencies in managing quality healthcare have also stood out with the commonly used external agency being CQC. Nevertheless, the use of feedback and benchmarking techniques has proved to be good changeries as far as bringing quality dimensions to health and social care is concerned. , Cresswell, K. , Bokun, T. , McKinstry, B. , Procter, R. , Majeed, A. Drummond, M. F. , Sculpher, M. J. , Claxton, K. Improving the quality of health care in the United Kingdom and the United States: a framework for change. From $10 to earn access Only on Studyloop Use Our Premium Study Documents & Samples Database Over 5 million documents Any topics and subjects The RUH provides treatment and health and social care options to people living in North East Somerset. Learning Outcome 1 Definitions Before we look at how to manage quality care lets first define “quality care services. ” Quality can be defined as the ability to meet the required or rather set standards of something and is usually achieved through comparison. Similarly, quality service in our set up means assessing the services offered by the HSC organizations to see whether they are in compliance with the set standards or whether they meet the customer’s expectations (Fisher, 2005). Theory of managing quality services Notably, to maintain the quality in the services that the care services offer to its clients, there has to be the implementation of certain approaches as well as systems that help to assist in offering quality services which amicably meet the customers’ satisfaction (Fisher, 2005). The CQC professionals are also part of the stakeholders who run the affairs of RUH and their contribution has really been outstanding. The stakeholders in RUH are both internal and external and they help to develop the quality of care services they offer to their clients in alignment to the professional goals and the set standards. The internal stakeholders in RUH are the doctors, nurses, practitioners, ward clerks and other caretakers (Ferlie & Shortell, 2001, 294). However, from the case study, it has been evident that the internal and external stakeholders hold different perspectives as far as the quality of services is concerned. To be exact, the internal stakeholders who mainly comprise of service providers measure the quality of services through the human resource issues, the budget as well as maintaining a good profile. Question 2 External agencies role in setting standards The external agencies have certain roles that they play in regard to setting the standards of operations in the quest for managing quality services in the RUH Bath NHS Trust. Some of these external agencies include governments, healthcare departments, and ministries, as well as other government and non-government agencies. In most cases, the standards that are set by these bodies are followed in all setups were acute treatment and care services are being offered to clients in the United Kingdom (Barten et al. Specifically, the common roles that the external agencies play include inspections and tests on crucial aspects such the standards of sanitation, the kind of equipment being used and the safety standards and levels. These inspections are carried out so as to certify whether the quality levels of care are being achieved. In cases of poor quality services, the stakeholders, as well as the service users, are impacted negatively. This then disorganizes the operations and order of events in the RUH hence resulting in low productivity. Poor quality service can be attributed to poor management techniques and can greatly affect the usual criteria of operation hence resulting in risking the patients’ safety, clinical ineffectiveness, and low-quality experiences. With poor quality services, most of the patients’ needs are not timely attended to, with their privacy and dignity interfered with (Turner & Clegg, 2014, 745). Failure to conform to the set standards which include frequent check-ups of the records of the patients and proper bed management can result to poor quality services. From the learning outcome 1 one it is evident that the internal and external stakeholders as well as the external agencies have very big roles to play in regard to upholding quality. These roles or rather perspectives range from ensuring that our care centers are well equipped with the modern equipment and medicine all the way to guaranteeing patient safety during treatments. Usually, the quality of these services is usually tested using the consumers’ satisfaction amongst other measuring and assessment criteria. Learning Outcome 2 Question 1 Introduction (Definitions) Quality standards in HSC organization can be defined as the degree of services which is free from deficiencies and faults and is used as the benchmark for other services. There are a number of standards that exist in the care service departments that are used to measure the quality of standards being rendered by the stakeholders and the care workers (Fisher, 2005). (Reeves et al. , 2011, Vol. Conclusion In conclusion, to meet the required standards by the agencies and standard regulation bodies a proper audit of the clinical care services should be scrutinized. Also, the RUH care services as seen in the case study have failed to meet the “Health and Social Care Act” despite the fact that the management benchmarked with other trust-related care services. The several standards which exist are all aimed at setting the baseline of operation for any HSC organization. Lastly, we have the professional approach which makes use SWOT analysis and it seeks to identify which quality systems are required by care organizations and how best to implement them. The professional approach also entails the provision of the required resources as well as training that will be required to implement quality systems. This approach has proven to be very effective and systematic and hence minimizes chances of faults and contradiction. Analysis In our case study, the professional approach has been utilized in the resource allocation which has proven very useful when implementing quality systems in RUH. For instance, the RUH has received funding which is meant to enhance the services and operations. Also, this reluctance may be due to poor working conditions. For example, at RUH there are employees who are poorly and lowly paid and therefore they tend to oppose any change being initiated. Inadequate resources are also another key barrier to delivering quality systems. For organizations to deliver quality systems they should have sufficient resources from materials all the way to funding. When a key resource is not available then it becomes hard to implement or deliver quality management systems to HSC organizations. These tools have some worth which is very vital in attaining quality services in any health and social care because of the contributions they bring forth. Taking the RUH as our example, let’s look at the value of the policies, systems and the procedures used to execute the quality services. Procedures, systems, and policies The procedures that are utilized in our case study are observed in the surgery units and recovery units. This procedure entails patients waiting in the recovery unit which are found in the ever occupied wards. However, we find that this procedure was not effective because there were no enough beds inward and hence the transition from surgery to recovery took quite a long time. Additionally, the RUH management uses a procedure known as “comfort round records” which is found in the assessing and monitoring quality systems. This procedure in combination with the systems has been used for years in this hospital to measure and account for the services given to clients and the reports collected from patients. However, we noticed that the RUH lack proper assessment and treatment planning tools and systems and as a result it had become hard for them to schedule services meant to be given to already admitted patients. These systems were not fully maintained and therefore we can refer to them as ineffective. Furthermore, there exist several policies that are followed during the process of delivering health and social care services to patients. The satisfaction factors are among the most reliable factors of influencing quality services delivery. Measuring the satisfaction level and responses from customers greatly assist to know how well the HSC organizations are faring (Copper & Clark, 2011). The motivation and building of trust among the workers is another surest way to impact the quality of services being offered. Staff workers are rewarded for exemplary jobs well done and hence this builds special self-confidence in them something which helps a lot since they work with the zeal and zest to give their best. Building of trust can be achieved by making are required staff and assets available for patients without any deficiencies. Going back to our case study we will find that, the RUH has improved quality of services by making use of transparent partners, preserving and working towards the set standards and cultivating a culture that allows for transition and changes to take place. Also, the RUH seeks to improve quality of service through the incorporation of new models particularly in the A & E areas. From the case study, we can also see that there are areas that need to be improved to offer quality care. For instance, they lack the qualified staff to offer critical and neonatal care services and this area should be improved to meet quality standards. With help of inspection, the areas of weakness within the RUH were able to be established and therefore regular assessment can be a proper way to track the progress hence improving the quality of service delivery. Lastly, Sebastian argues that the use of compliance procedures in his workplace would work best to measure and evaluate the satisfaction that the staff and clients receive. Usually, when there are lesser complaints then we conclude that the quality of service is improving with time. On a different note, during the discussion on evaluating the quality of service, it came out clearly that involving service user in the evaluation process come along with a number of impacts. These impacts can either be positive or negative. Some of the positive impacts that come along with involving users are; there is a timely identification of the service users expectations, taste, and preferences and these helps the management to shape the kind and quality of services to meet their customers’ expectations. Even though different stakeholders hold different views pertaining to quality, the foci are all headed towards one direction and that is improving the quality of services that the patients visiting these organizations receive. The assignment has also discussed the role of external agencies in managing quality HSC care. By making use of the set quality standards I have found that the RUH has unmet objectives and therefore it has been urged to rise up to the task and offer quality services. It should have effective implementation and monitoring quality systems. Besides, the RUH makes use of certain evaluation methodologies which help to discover how well it is performing and the areas that need improvement. , Cresswell, K. , Bokun, T. , McKinstry, B. , Procter, R. , Majeed, A. Drummond, M. F. , Sculpher, M. J. , Claxton, K. Improving the quality of health care in the United Kingdom and the United States: a framework for change. The Milbank Quarterly, 79(2), pp. From $10 to earn access Only on Studyloop
Part 96: Fake Update # 19 - Alternate Prologue / Skipping Aleroth's Catacombs Fake Update # 19 - Alternate Prologue / Skipping Aleroth's Catacombs The first quest of the game was to find a cure for Mardaneus's insanity. You do this by going down into the skeleton-filled catacombs beneath Aleroth until you reach the last chamber, where you discover that a dead necromancer called Thelyron Hashnitor has been calling to Mardaneus from the Lands of the Dead trying to get him to honour his end of a deal they made, and activate a resurrection device. After you do that, Thelyron changes his mind and decides that death is preferable. See chapters 3 through 13 for details. But that entire quest is actually optional. You can in fact leave Aleroth without doing that, you can avoid telling the healers about the plague in Rivertown, and avoid telling General Alix about the healers needing an escort. Skipping the opening catacombs leaves you horribly underlevelled. But that's OK, because I used a cheat program to get a Survivor character to level 30. I didn't do that for this run, I made the level 30 character solely to get one screenshot for an alternate prologue which I never even used. Here for the first time, unaltered and unpolished (so if it seems like crap writing, it might be) is one of the alternate prologues I decided not to use: ALTERNATE PROLOGUE: Journal of Jeremiah Liro, The Divine One If you asked anyone on the street today about the incident in the Dukedom of Ferol a couple of years ago, chances are they'll have heard of me. But if you asked them how I came to be involved, very, very few of them will know why I was there in the first place. This is my tale. It begins with the first confused tangle of recollections I had after I was Marked. Prologue - The Marking 7 Apirius 1218 I was staring out the window, marveling at how green everything was already. Spring had come warm and early this year. I heard footsteps on the stone floor approach. "Jeremiah?" the woman asked. I could tell from the firm tone in her voice what she wanted to discuss. No one had come banging on the door looking for me so far, and I preferred to put off that discussion until either someone did come or until the world ended, preferably the latter. I blatantly tried to change the subject. I just heard the news. Congratulations, Jenna. Look at you. Just 28 years old, and you're going to be an ambassador. I mean, I knew you were smart and ambitious, but this impressive even for you, big sister. Jenna paused, as if she was re-thinking how to broach the subject. Not for the first time since my return, she decided to avoid it for the moment. Thank you, although it's not as impressive as you think. The Dukedom of Ferol is mostly just farmland and forest. I won't have many real responsibilities when I'm there. Oh, please. You may have been the one who inherited father's knack for politics, but even I know what the appointment means. It's well known that Duke Idfren holds a great deal of respect for you, and he has no heirs... My clumsy attempt to manipulate the conversation further was ill-advised. "Stop it," Jenna said with sudden anger. "Enough games. You're trying to distract me. Over a year, Jeremiah, a year! No word, no letters, it was as if you had vanished from the face of Rivellon. Then two months ago, you burst into our Idfren City house carrying a -" "I- I know. I'm sorry," I said. "I know an explanation is long overdue. ... the night Tom died, I had to get away to clear my thoughts. I heard people talking about murders at the university... I didn't want to end up in jail, so I kept running, and got myself mixed up in an even worse mess. After that, it seemed better at the time to just stay away." "Worse mess? What happened." "I really, don't want to talk about it. I'm not ready yet. Let's talk about your ambassadorship-" I started. "I don't think I'm going," Jenna interrupted. "Because I'm not sure who you are anymore, and you won't tell me," she said. I scratched my head ruefully, "After Tom's death and the worse mess, I wasn't really sure who I was either. I even gave up using magic. Jenna, I came back when I heard about..." I stopped speaking and tried to find the right words. "I came back because that person I was in the year I was away, I didn't want to be him anymore, I ...I got mixed up in something, Jenna, and it seemed easier to just stay away. Jer... I'm not sure if I should go. We still haven't really talked about what happened in that missing year. I-I'm not ready to talk about that. I got caught up in something... and it seemed easier to just stay missing. I can't take back what I've done, but beating myself up over won't take it back either. What matters is what I can do here and now. "I-I need to become a better person." I took a breath and continued, "So, I prom- no... I vow to you, when you go to Ferol, I'll take up your cause. When you go, I'll spend my time and energy helping the poor and unfortunate, where you left off." Jenna smiled and said "I'll hold you to that." "I'm just not sure how exactly I'll do that. I don't have your gift for dealing with people," I said. "But you do have gifts," Jenna said cryptically. Her shoes clicked on the stone as she walked to a cupboard. She opened it and picked up a slim package lying on a shelf. She walked back and handed it to me. "This might help", she said. "It's your papers of accreditation from Magicum Omnus Liberum. You couldn't have forgotten that you're still are a highly skilled mage." I went back to gazing out the window. Actually, I had forgotten. After what I had done, there was no way that I still had my accreditation. Unless... "Really?" I said incredulously. "I would have figured that "the Mole" would have burned that, after what I did, after- ... after what happened to Tom." Jenna wore a neutral expression on her face. "The council of magi decided to regard the incident as a training accident." I don't speak politics well, but even I picked up a few things. "You mean father bribed them," I said. Jenna didn't answer, but the silence told me I was right. "I should start getting prepared, there's packing to do and a lot to learn," she said. "You're sure you'll be here alright on your own?" "Ha. Go on, get out of here, you overachiever. Good riddance," I said with a smirk. Jenna laughed and punched me in the shoulder hard. "That's the old Jer I remember. Good to see you smiling again," she said. I glanced at my accreditation papers. I wasn't expecting to see those ever again. "I've got a lot to think about, I need to clear my head," I said, and started walking out. Jenna said, "I'll write every two weeks so you'll know -" Something odd happened. The world flickered for a second, and then it seemed slightly... wrong. "What was that, Jenna?" I asked. There was no answer. When I looked back, she was gone. She couldn't have been gone. I'd only moved five feet. There was nowhere to hide. I didn't hear any footsteps or doors. She was just... gone into thin air. I ran through the house, checking rooms as I passed. There was no sign of her. As I ran... things began to look... wrong. The lights were out, and there was more and more garbage in the halls. That... that's not right. The world warped and grew dim at the edges. I passed through a doorway and into darkness. My vision blurred for a second, then went back to normal. 22 Declianum 1217 My feet splashed into a puddle. I was in one of the many back alleys of Idfrennia City. The wind of a fierce storm howled over the city. It was the kind of wind you get just before the really heavy rain starts. Good, it would take a downpour to clean the blood off my clothes. I had to hurry, acquiring the item had been more troublesome then I thought it would have been, and there wasn't much time left. I didn't want to be too late, not... not again. I stopped running. This was familiar, but it didn't feel right. This storm... this. I remember this storm. It happened the night when - wait, that... that already happened, I shouldn't be here. This... this can't be real... The wind lightly tossed scattered pages through the alley. They looked oddly familiar, so I grabbed one - it was a letter from Jenna. "Dear Jeremiah, I've arrived safely at Stormfist. It's extremely old, but maintained well, and the staff are most efficient. I was settled in no time. Duke Pendrak Ferol greeted me personally at the castle gate. He's seems to be jolly and carefree, but I can tell from his eyes that he is also a wise man. He can be a bit boring when he starts getting deep into one of his hunting stories, but otherwise I think you'd like him. I can't say the same for that son of his. But I suppose dealing with that brat will give me plenty of chances to practice speaking diplomatically. - Gods, I hope Ferol's guards don't read the outgoing mail. I'll write again when I have some news to report. These letters shouldn't be here, this night was long before she left. I snatched up more letters, all sent from Stormfist Castle, all from Jenna - except for the last letter I grabbed. It wasn't written in Jenna's elegant handwriting. Instead an unfamiliar, hasty scrawl read: " Jeremiah Liro - I'm a friend of Jenna. She's missing, I may not survive long. Hiding from -" A sudden gust of wind ripped the page from my hand and sent it sailing down the alley. I chased after it, not taking my eyes off it. My vision blurred again and I was blinded by a sudden light. 5 Sembten 1218 A branch snapped under my feet. I took my eyes off of the sun, blinking away the afterimages. The sun had passed the zenith and was heading for the Tanoroth mountain range looming not far to the west. I added another item to my growing list of errors. I hadn't considered that it would get darker earlier on this side of the mountains. "About the Game" posted: This is where the prologue dovetails back into the actual one. I decided that it would be better to start the LP with the most important thing relevant to the game - the marking of Jeremiah. I did like the "sudden descent into madness" of the nightmare, but I thought it might be too confusing for the reader, especially because it mixes real memories with mixed-up ones. The shot of Jeremiah in survivor gear in the alley was actually Level 30 Edwin in the Rivertown Sewers. He was level 30 so he could clear out the nearby enemies without getting disturbed. Okay, Prologue derail over, back to the topic: WHAT IF: You Skip Aleroth's Catacombs? I decided to start from where I had my level 30 character This is Edwin in Mardaneus's cellar/the old well, just after he killed a rat and "magically" gained 30 levels of experience. (I hacked the character's experience, but it doesn't notice that until you do something to cause the game to check.) Look at that. 145 stat points and 35 skill points. More than enough to make a character which can survive anything I need to do. As soon as I left Aleroth, I got the best and luckiest possible break. Lord Seth automatically killed two orcs in a cutscene, and one of them dropped a Frog Statuette. Frog Statuettes - as mentioned earlier - are good because they let you move around incredibly fast. This is the best possible drop I could have gotten, because moving about fast is what I want to do, instead of killing enemies. That statuette probably shaved HOURS from the time it would have taken if I had to kill enemies. It only took me about an hour and 12 minutes combined. I decided to do the Cursed Abbey first to get the Human Teleporter scroll, to make travel even faster. I maxed out Evade Trap because it wasn't like I needed those skill points for anything better, and the less damage I take, the faster it goes. If you see a red area like this, it's a trap, and you click on it to disarm it. It was tricky with all the enemies in the abbey catacombs, I nearly died a couple of times, but I made it into the library and got the scroll without triggering the Engineer's dialogue. This is what your map will look like if you use the frog statuette to race around avoiding combat. I also used Mardaneus's scroll to activate the Aleroth and Market teleporters, and the Dwarven Scroll from the mayor's office to activate the Glenborous and DBI teleporters. I decided to do the "Find the Duke's Assassin" part of the main quest, because it was simple if you figure out the puzzle in Patrick's house and the frog let me bypass the fighting in the assassins guild. I was doing the Stormfist quests, and accidentally took Janus the flowers he wanted me to give to Lela. You can also do the same thing with the teddy bear. I don't want the tatty old thing! Take it to Lady Lela immediately. They still call you the Hero of Aleroth even if like me, you do literally absolutely nothing to help Aleroth. Oh, this next part is kinda funny: Video: The Indifferent Bodyguard Wah?! Lord Protector! Help me! SAVE ME! Normally, the game automatically has you attack with your melee weapon. But it turns out that if you have a bow equipped, you do nothing. Iona's dungeon is extremely short and easy if you use the frog to avoid fighting completely. Because I haven't been questing, my reputation is low. There are invisibility potions in Stormfist's treasure room to bypass the fighting. Here's something weird- you can cast spells in just this one room of Stormfist Castles treasure vault. You'd think that the battlemage Ralph could have used that to escape. The map just before I go to the council chambers. The council chambers were actually pretty hard, because the enemies there are close to level 30, so I no longer have an advantage. I got tired of ineffectually plinking at them with my bow, so I maxed out Meteorstrike, which was just about all I could afford with my tiny SURVIVOR magic pool. The succubus was tricky, but she eventually did die. I made a video of Edwin attacking the orcs who invaded Aleroth, but it's not that interesting. It was also a pain killing the orcs and Demona, but that got done, and FINALLY, we can get to what's actually different if you don't save Mardaneus's sanity. It's less of a pain if you use Burning Wall. I found a +1 Burning Wall belt for Edwin, and I was able to put 4 other points in so I had it maxed. Otho, Goemoe and Joram still all left for the Blue Boar, regardless of whether you helped or not, but Lanilor stayed behind to look after Mardaneus. Demona and her orcs killed him for it. I never got George his herbs, so he never died, but he has nothing to say about the invasion. Mardaneus never actually saw me, except maybe out of the corner of his eye as he froze Lanilor solid. Just shortly ago, I came to my senses again. But I was trapped inside my house, not able to cast any magic. I saw giant orcs outside and that evil witch and... oh no... QUICK! We have to find Lanilor! He was here too! It's too late, Mardaneus. They killed him. I saw his body outside. Actually, I hadn't seen his body until after this conversation when I went to go find it. Oh Gods, it was horrible! They cut him down without mercy... I saw it. He died as a healer should, without raising a hand against his enemies. But I don't understand why they didn't kill me too. That damned woman told me I was bait to trap you... What does she want of you? I think we may have found a chink in their armour. Somehow our enemies knew that you could help me to defeat them. That's why they laid this trap. What do you mean? All the recent chaos and hatred in the world is the work of the Black Ring... And that goes back to the conversation we already saw. There's one new conversation option though: Where are the other healers? Well, I vaguely recall Joram, Otho and Goemoe leaving the village when soldiers came mere, led by a knight of the army. I also see Lanilor treating me... poor Lanilor. We foolishly thought that we would be safe here because the orc raiders and human soldiers had moved on and the woods were peaceful once more. So Mardaneus's insanity goes away on its own, which surprised and disappointed me just as much as it did for you, although it's a good idea to not force you to slog through 5 levels of painfully easy dungeon fighting enemies who are no threat at all by the time you can save Mardaneus. But what happens if you try? Giving Smiruk the wrong axe I met Smiruk on my travels, and I don't think I ever showed you what happens if you give him any old axe and claim it is Slasher. He tries to attack one of his fellow orcs, but it doesn't work. If this is no good axe then maybe you should go and find it yourself. By the gods! Testing to see if an axe is genuine by trying it out on someone!! Can't... resist... urge... to... snark... Oh, but I did know. I just wanted to see what the great Smiruk would do... and it was quite hilarious! We not like this. Me knew human not trusty. Turnak! Bregor! Golg! Vradnir! Grim! By your powers combined, I am... Captain Shortbus!!! do not tempt me into using the mst3k guys to offer snark in my next two LP's because I WILL do it if you ask Attack puny human weakling! Prepare to die. Let's rewind a bit... This no Slasher, this no Slasher... Sounds like the BIG SMIRUK is crying for his mommy! You laugh with Smiruk?!! You complain soon when me split skull with axe! Turnak, Bregor, Golg, Vradnir, Grim! Kill human scum! At level 30, Burning Wall makes the ensuing fight easy. So what does happen when you go confront Thelyron again? NOTHING DIFFERENT. All the dialogue is exactly the same, the only difference is that when you leave the room where Thelyron was, Mardaneus doesn't teleport in. That's it.
It’s become a tradition for me to send this story out every Christmas. I hope you enjoy. When it started, World War I was predicted to last only a few weeks. (The same was true of the Civil War, by the way.) Instead, by December of 1914, WWI had already claimed nearly a million lives. In fact, over fifteen million died in a war that dragged on for four miserable years. But a remarkable thing happened on December 24, 1914. The front fell silent except for the singing of Silent Night. A truce! There are many examples of truces during wars, but none as famous as this one. The Christmas Truce of 1914. In the Ypres region of Belgium on Christmas Eve, guns stopped, leaving a deathly silence across the fields. Then suddenly the British watched in astonishment as Germans began to set tiny trees along their trench lines. Soon a familiar tune with unfamiliar words carried across No Man’s Land, the battered and desolate space between the enemies. Silent Night. Stille Nacht. Soon the British were singing along with the Germans. Soldiers on both sides crawled out of their trenches to meet in the middle and greet their enemy. hey exchanged cigarettes and souvenirs. Perhaps a drink or two. And they collected their dead and wounded, carrying them back to their respective sides. Peace for the day. nly one day because the next day they were back killing each other. Is there something wrong with this picture? The story of the Christmas Truce came to my attention after reading the non-fiction, To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914-1918, by Adam Hochschild, an amazing story of WWI. I highly recommend. I’ll leave you with this thought. If Christmas can bring together mortal enemies for a day, why not for a week, a month, a year or longer? Or forever? I hope you click on the youtubes below. They will make you sad and happy but most of all hopeful. Wishing you a happy holiday and a prosperous and healthy New Year. Belleau Wood: Christmas Truce by Garth Brooks.,vid:hc3BSQa6k7A,st:0 Christmas Truce 1914, Music with captions to tell the story. As a writer of historical mysteries, I try to remain loyal to the details of the historical period I’m portraying. I use real settings with real characters, then insert fictitious characters with fictitious events to create the mystery. Staying true to the facts of the historical period is fairly straightforward . . . until those facts change. You may wonder how historical facts can change. After all, they happened in the past and they’ve been documented. But historical facts can be altered based on new research and evidence. So, what’s a writer to do? Case in point. My novel, Pure Lies, begins with a prologue in 1692, Salem, Massachusetts, where several witches are about to be hung. It was initially believed that they were hung from a tree atop Gallows Hill. In the last few weeks, we’ve come to learn that the hangings took place, not at the top of the hill, but at the bottom, on something called Proctor’s Ledge. Oh well, you think. Top, bottom, so what? Proctor’s Ledge is now the site of a Walgreens pharmacy. (Methinks there’s marketing opportunity here at Halloween!) Interestingly enough, this actual site was pinpointed nearly a century ago, but research was lost to time and replaced by legends and misconceptions. Eventually the top of Gallows Hill became the “factual place of the hangings.” If I had known, might I have written the hangings onto the Ledge? Maybe. The location is not nearly as literarily romantic as the hanging tree at the top of Gallows Hill. There have been other examples of history changing over time. For centuries we believed Pluto to be our outermost planet. Now it’s been downgraded to a dwarf planet and is one of 40 other dwarf planets. A bit of a disappointment for Planet 9. One transformation that particularly bothered me was the reclassification of the most iconic of dinosaurs, the Brontosaurus, or “thunder lizard.” Since 1903, the scientific community has believed that the genus Brontosaurus was really the Apatosaurus. Now, after serious research, paleontologists provide conclusive evidence that the Brontosaurus is distinct from the Apatosaurus and has been reinstated as its own unique genus. Yippee! And then there’s the case of the 15th century king, Richard III, whose portrayal in both English history and English literature has created ongoing debate. It was long thought that he died in ignominy and was buried in a crude grave in an unknown location. However, in 2012, archaeologists discovered his remains under a parking lot (not a Walgreens) and through forensic analysis learned that he suffered 11 injuries at or near the time of his death, indicating he died in battle. More to come, no doubt, as further analysis is done. History is a dynamic and ever-changing discipline. As a novelist, fortunately, I can invoke artistic license and save myself the trouble of re-writing my books to conform to changing history. Whew. When history evolves . . . what’s a writer to do? 158 years ago in July, the brutal battle at Gettysburg was fought. In only three days, 51,000 men were killed, wounded or gone missing; 5,000 horses were slaughtered on the battlefield. I visited Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to gather details for my book, Time Exposure. I roamed the sites of its bloody history, Cemetery Ridge, Devils Den, Big Round Top, Little Round Top. The excursion provided me with background elements to set the scene. But it also elicited dark, yet poignant emotions to help me paint the picture of the grim aftermath. I used the technique of letters and diary entries to bring out the human side of the Civil War. I excerpt here a letter from my fictional Civil War photographer, Joseph Thornhill, to the love of his life, Sara Kelly. All other characters and events are real history. This letter might well have been written at the time. July 3, 1863 My Dearest Sara, I felt I had to write you today, after three of the bloodiest days I have ever witnessed. I must get it off my mind, and I might not even post this letter, lest you be terribly offended. But I feel I must unburden myself somehow. Rumors have it that General Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia suffered great losses, maybe one third of their forces dead, wounded or captured. The Union Army is said to have lost a good deal, maybe one quarter of their troops, but it is safe to say we won the battle of Gettysburg. Lee’s army is retreating back to the South and Mead’s men are elated. Finally, victory, and an important one. It is sad to think that this particular battle may have been fought over something as simple as shoes. There was rumored to be a large supply of shoes in the town of Gettysburg and on July 1 an officer under Ewell’s command led his men there to confiscate these shoes. Unfortunately for them, they ran into the Union Army. I was slightly wounded today, some shrapnel lacerating my arm. But don’t worry. The doctors have bandaged me up and say I will be fine, no permanent damage, and I take a bit of laudanum for the pain. Luckily my camera, which was caught in the crossfire suffered no harm. I must admit that until now I had no real concept of the power our modern weaponry wields. The force of the injury knocked me clean off my feet. I think this experience will prove useful to me in my work. The wound has not stopped me from working, however, although it is a bit difficult with one arm in a brace. I rely on my apprentice more. I’ve been busy photographing the town and its people. Now I’ll begin, once again, to shoot the battlefield remains. I am steeling myself to this task slowly, but have not made much progress. Both Alex and Tim O’Sullivan–you remember, I mentioned this fine young man and competent photographer to you–will arrive in the next few days. I look forward to working with them. Now, other gruesome scenes await my camera. Embalming surgeons, as they call themselves, have arrived. Although many of the dead soldiers are hastily buried where they fall, many end up in mass graves. Some are later exhumed and buried in military cemeteries, whether they’ve been identified or not– often with the headstone reading only: “A Union Soldier” or “A Confederate Soldier.” It is hard to imagine–dying in the name of one’s country but that country not even knowing your name. On a lighter note, I have also photographed some of the Union soldiers and officers after the final skirmish, and they were truly in high spirits–dirty, sweaty, exhausted, some wounded, but all euphoric. There was optimism in the air and hope, hope that this war would soon end. But for now we must deal with the brutal aftermath of this battle. Hospital tents crowd the countryside and the small population of Gettysburg is inundated with the sick and wounded. I doubt this town will ever be the same. Tomorrow is July 4. I wonder if anyone, in the midst of all this furor, will appreciate the irony that this day marks the eighty-seventh year of our nation’s birth. I miss you, my dearest, and long to see you this Christmas. You are always in my thoughts as I pray I am in yours. Yours ever truly, While letter or diary writing is a device to take the reader back in time, it is an opportunity for the writer to truly bring the past alive. All ideas welcome. Writing historical mysteries is a juggling act. Writers must create a fictional plot with fictional characters around a historical time period with real people. . . and somehow suspend the readers’ disbelief. Many writers of historical fiction choose a particular time period and stay with it. I’m thinking Anne Perry, Phillipa Gregory, Charles Todd. I, on the other hand, am intrigued by so many time periods, I skip around. Each of my mysteries takes place in a different place and time, which enables me to do the thing I love most: research. The risk, of course, is that I will know only a little about each time period as opposed to Anne Perry who knows a great deal about Victorian England. Once I settle on a time period, I read and read and read about it. I visit the places in question, interview experts, historians, and read and read and read some more. By this time, I usually have a kernel of an idea for the plot and maybe even a character sketch or two. Building fictional characters around authentic ones is key. Unless your character is transported from modern times to the past, he/she must act, speak, dress like the time period. In using real people from the time period, they must be as genuine to history as I can make them. As the story develops and takes twists and turns on its own, I find I am bending the truth a bit–creating an “alternate history.” This is fiction, after all. For instance, my fifth book, Time Lapse, is a totally new take on the Jack the Ripper murders. Some think it’s an outlandish scenario, completely out of the realm of possibility, but since there have been hundreds of theories and books written on this serial killer, why not one more? The backdrop and many characters are authentic, but the storyline meanders considerably from what we know to be historically accurate. Still, Jack has never been caught. What if my resolution is. . . never mind. In fact, the questions I ask take the form of “what if” and I let my imagination run free. It’s a rare writer that can devise a plotline that hasn’t already been done. But even a clichéd plot can be made new and fresh with unusual twists, powerful characters and exceptional prose. When I penned the final touches on my fifth novel, I realized I was bending history to fit the story. That’s the advantage of fiction. And its strength. March 25, 2021, will commemorate the 110th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. The 1911 fire was the deadliest workplace disaster in NYC before 9-11. It was significant not because 146 workers died, but because it instigated significant reform. At the time workplace safety was barely regulated and rarely thought about . . . except, perhaps, by the workers themselves. Other workplace disasters had occurred in the past and would again in the future. You may remember a similar fire at a factory in Bangladesh several years ago. When I decided to write a mystery against the backdrop of the Triangle, I had no idea what I was in for. Research took me in several directions: the forensics of fire, the consequences of “defenestration,” that is, vertical falls from high places, the difficulty in identifying bodies falling from such heights, the safety hazards for garment workers, women’s rights, workers’ rights, changes in the American workplace. But I also researched the time and place of the disaster. 1911, Greenwich Village, New York City. A time when Ellis Island kept its arms open to immigrants from many countries — immigrants who came for a better life, but often wound up in sweatshops, or worse. A time of Tammany Hall and corruption. A time of women’s suppression. But also a time of new beginnings, hope, and freedom in a new land. I am a native New Yorker and was amazed at the fantastic bits of information I dug up. I learned, for instance, that Washington Square Park is built on what was once a potter’s field, where 100,000 people were buried for a century and a half. I walked the streets of Greenwich Village, saw the buildings my characters would have seen, drank in bars they patronized, and gazed up at the ninth story of the Asch Building (now part of NYU) to visualize the flames bursting through the windows and the workers leaping to their deaths. The cover of my book is a photo I took of the building in 2010, with smoke and color added for dramatic effect. For those of you who write about history, or simply enjoy reading it, I know you’ll agree that real-life events in the past make a grand backdrop for a fictional story. Murder, in particular. Mystery writers and readers have long been beguiled by Jack the Ripper. Numerous serial killers have upstaged the Ripper since his murders in 1888. From Peter Kurten, the “Dusseldorf Vampire,” who began murdering in 1913 and killed at least nine before surrendering . . . to Belle Gunness, who slayed more than 40 men by luring them to her farm through lovelorn notices . . . to Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed, dismembered, and cannibalized 17 men from 1978-1991 . . . to H. H. Holmes, one of the first American serial killers, featured in Erik Larson’s terrific book, The Devil in the White City, to Albert DeSalvo, who was, in 2013, finally proven by DNA to be the Boston Strangler. Thank you, forensic science! Still today Jack the Ripper holds us captivated and if one asks us to name infamous serial killers, his name will often be at the top of the list. When I started researching Jack I told myself the reason was timing. The characters in an earlier book would land nicely in the Victorian era some twenty years later. But that was only one reason for my interest in Jack. In truth, there were several motivations for pursuing him as an interesting subject. First, the ambience of the time and place in which he killed. There’s nothing like a foggy, damp, dreary night in Whitechapel, London, to set the stage for murder. Second, his Modus Operandi. He did not just kill his victims, all prostitutes apparently. He butchered them with ritualistic precision, leaving body parts exposed to the night. Third, Jack did his work so quickly and efficiently, no one chanced upon him during his grisly task, nor bump into him following the murders. No witnesses. Fourth, if the letters that the police received were authentic, Jack taunted them with his deeds. He made a mockery of their ineptitude, which gave the press a field day. Fifth, Jack the Ripper was never caught. There were a number of suspects, including the grandson of Queen Victoria. My other personal fascination with Jack and the time period centered around Sherlock Holmes, and his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I always wondered why Sherlock never solved the case. Hence, I did solve the case, with the help of Conan Doyle, and, jumping forward 120 years, the assistance of modern DNA technology, which zeroes in on Jack’s true identity. Add a little imagination. I mean, really, could there have been evidence remaining from one of the Ripper murders? In my award-winning mystery, Time Lapse, I resolve those questions. Are my solutions believable? Read it and let me know.
National Farmer's Federation Conference I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we meet: the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples and I pay respect to Elders past and present, customs and traditions and extend this to First Nations people here today. Thank you, for your introduction and to Fiona Simson, Tony Mahar and the National Farmers Federation for inviting me to speak. It would be remiss of me not to begin this afternoon by acknowledging the outstanding contribution of Fiona as the outgoing President of the NFF. For seven years, you’ve been a fierce advocate for rural and regional Australia. As a new Communications Minister, I’ve valued your frank advice about the challenges facing regional communities, and positive vision for the agricultural sector. You leave the NFF on incredibly strong footing, as it continues to drive its 2030 Roadmap under the leadership of incoming President David Jochinke. Thank you for your leadership, and I wish you well as you move into this next chapter. It really is wonderful to be a part of this conference, which brings together farmers, producers, leaders in agribusiness and policy-makers, to discuss the future of agriculture. Many of you have travelled to Canberra to take part – a very good afternoon to you all. I understand that yesterday, my colleague and friend Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, spoke about what our Government is doing to support producers, food security and trade relationships within this sector. For Minister Watt, delivering the best outcomes for our nation’s farming sector is not just his day job. It is something he is deeply passionate about, and I know he values his constructive engagement with you all. And indeed, across the entire Cabinet, the Government is focused on delivering a better future for all Australians – including the millions of Australians who live and work in rural, regional and remote communities. Since coming to office, we have been working hard to narrow the digital divide between the cities, suburbs and the bush. In doing so, we’re helping our farmers, producers and regional communities to take advantage of new technology and maintain a competitive global edge. Agriculture has long been a key economic driver for Australia and it’s the lifeblood of our regional and rural communities. Australian farmers export around 72% of the total value of their agricultural, fisheries and forestry production. So, it’s fitting that the theme of this year’s conference is Taking Australia to the World. Boosting connectivity in the bush In 2023, so much of what we do takes place online. Reliable, fast internet is not a mere convenience. It is fundamentally essential to the way we live, work, socialise, transact – and even interact with Government. For that reason, I firmly believe that postcodes and income should be no barrier to accessing world class connectivity. Our Government recognises the demand for better mobile and broadband coverage in the country, along regional transport routes, and in rural and remote communities. It’s a concern regularly raised with me as I travel around the country – from Townsville to Bendigo, Nowra, Port Augusta and West Wyalong. It is incumbent on governments and the telecommunications industry to work constructively to improve regional connectivity. We know farmers and other primary producers grapple with communications challenges in a way many of us living in our capital cities simply don’t experience. But we are committed to listening and understanding this challenge. You spoke, and our Government listened. In the October 2022 Federal Budget, the Albanese Government committed $1.1 billion through our Better Connectivity Plan to narrow the digital divide and improve regional connectivity through a range of initiatives. These investments form part of the Albanese Government’s overall $2.2 billion commitment to improve regional communications – the most significant investment in regional comms since the creation of the National Broadband Network. I want to give you a practical sense of what this $2.2 billion investment is targeted towards, and importantly, our progress toward delivering these improvements. NBN fixed wireless $480 million is going towards upgrading the NBN fixed wireless network to significantly boost its speed and capacity, but critically, to also enable 120,000 premises to move from satellite to fast fixed wireless broadband. And we’re making good progress. Around 25,000 premises are already now able to shift from satellite to fixed wireless technology. Importantly, these upgrades are freeing-up the capacity of Sky Muster satellite services. So much so that we recently launched NBN Sky Muster Platinum Plus, offering uncapped data 24/7; a first for an NBN consumer product. The launch follows a successful trial of 10,000 regional households earlier this year that reported increased user satisfaction with the new service. NBN fibre upgrades We are also investing an estimated $1.1 billion to expand full-fibre NBN access to a further 660,000 regional home and businesses by late 2025. I am pleased to confirm NBN Co is on track to deliver its milestone of expanding full-fibre access to 2 million premises by the end of 2023, with our plan of expanding full-fibre access to 3.5 million premises by the end of 2025. Furthermore, the Government has opened up $160 million in competitive grant rounds for the Regional Connectivity Program and Mobile Black Spot Program. My department is currently assessing the applications for these rounds and I expect to announce the outcomes before the end of this year. And separate to the Better Connectivity Plan, we’ve delivered funding for mobile coverage improvements in 42 communities across Australia through our Improving Mobile Coverage Round. Announced just last week, this funding delivers on election commitments we made in Opposition to communities with coverage issues not addressed by previous initiatives. We have a bold and ambitious agenda in regional communications, and we’re getting the funding out the door to deliver positive outcomes for the communities who need it most. And this brings me to the On-Farm Connectivity Program. Boosting On Farm Connectivity While connectivity to the homestead is important, we know for our primary producers, it’s not the end of the story. Like most sectors, the new frontiers in agriculture are digital. Connected machinery and technology have the potential to be game changing. Advanced farming technologies will help to improve crop yields, optimise labour productivity and enhance safety. To fully exploit cutting edge technology, we know that producers want and need connectivity ‘to the paddock’. The regional communications investments I’ve described provide the foundation, but I believe there is a role for government to support greater uptake in connected machinery to improve agricultural outputs. This is something directly contemplated in the 2021 Regional Telecommunications Review, and something we picked up and endorsed. We took to the last election a commitment to fund a $30 million On Farm Connectivity Program – and that’s exactly what we’ve done. A first for an Australian Government, this innovative program will help producers take advantage of connected machinery. It’s a simple proposal that has the potential to make a real difference. The Federal Government will provide 50 per cent rebates for the cost of smart farming technology that optimise soil quality and nutrient levels, monitor livestock, improve efficiency of water use, streamline farm logistics and boost customer connections throughout the world. The Australian Farm Institute estimates full adoption of digital and agtech by the agricultural sector could add upwards of $20 billion in additional sector value. And this program will play a key role in helping reach the NFF’s 2030 goal: to exceed $100 billion in farm gate output by 2030. We funded the Program in October last year. Following extensive scoping and consultation earlier this year, we sought Expressions of Interest from suppliers keen to jump on board. And today, I am pleased to announce Round 1 for applications in On Farm Connectivity Program to be officially opened. I strongly encourage primary producers to take advantage of the benefits smart farming offers. We want to make this as easy as possible for Aussie farmers. All you have to do is go to the Department’s website to read the guidelines and see the full list of suppliers and types of equipment available for rebates under the Program. The NFF has been a key partner in developing this Program – and I thank you for your engagement through this process. Working together, we can help to lift the digital capability of Australia’s farmers to ensure that they have the means to adopt digital solutions and reap the benefits for their businesses. A modern universal service framework As many in this room and online know, central to the delivery of telecommunications services in Australia is the important safety net that is the Universal Service Obligation (USO). The USO is a long-standing regulated safeguard to ensure all Australians can have access to landline telephone services - regardless of where they live. For decades its ensured that a standard voice service would be available at a capped price, usually over a copper connection. The universal service framework also supports related obligations such as installation and fault repair timeframes. This has been a very important safety net for regional and rural consumers. Universal access to voice and broadband is a vital consumer right to which the Government remains steadfastly committed. Telstra has delivered the USO on behalf of the Australian Government since it was privatised in the 1990s, with the contract running to 2032. The contract has a significant annual cost: $230 million for fixed-voice services and $40 million for payphones that is funded via a levy paid by the larger telecoms operators. Since the introduction of the USO in the 1990s there has been significant technological change. Mobile coverage has expanded. We have a world-class NBN fixed-wireless network that will cover over 750,000 premises in regional Australia that previously relied solely on copper, meaning 97 per cent of Australian premises have access to high-speed, fixed line or fixed-wireless broadband that could also support voice services. There is also significant innovation with the launch of low earth orbit satellites that have improved broadband, reduced latency, and have the potential to improve voice access, both for landlines and mobiles. And yet the terms of the USO contract and the types of services covered, have not been updated in over ten years. There is an opportunity to modernise the USO in a manner that benefits regional and remote consumers and their long-term interests. Work needs to progress now because the USO is not fit for purpose – it needs to catch up with technological and market developments that have and are taking place. There are many diverse voices who have called for examination of how to improve and modernise the USO. This includes a plethora of reviews and inquiries: including the 2021 Regional Telecommunications Review, the Productivity Commission in 2017, as well as calls for reform from ACCAN, the ACCC, and the National Farmers Federation. And through all of those initiatives, it’s hard to find any organisation saying that the USO arrangements were working to their full potential. As far back as 2015, I have been calling for the USO to be modernised to respond to the significant changes realised by the roll out of the NBN and new technologies. The cost of maintaining the current approximately 300,000 USO copper network connections is growing at the same time that the functionality of that 20th century technology struggles to keep up with the most basic performance of more modern technology, like fibre or fixed wireless services. And the broader community shows no sign of slowing its bandwidth demands. Neither the Government, nor, more importantly, the consumer, are getting bang for buck from the current arrangements as the services that underpin the USO- universal voice services for all Australians, could be met through a variety of ways that allows more Australians to benef it from improved telecommunications services. But where to from here? What I do know is that we certainly don’t need any more inquiries to tell us the current USO is no longer “fit for purpose”. What we need is an action plan to get us where we need to go – to a modern approach to universal telecommunications services. Our challenge is working together to determine what that action plan looks like. I am committed to working in partnership with the community to ensure future arrangements are sustainable, proven and will deliver for those that need them most. Today, I am pleased to announce that the Government will commence a public consultation process to identify opportunities to better deliver the USO. I am committed to reforming the universal services framework and that means acting and not just talking. There are no pre-determined outcomes to this process aside from ensuring the USO continues to serve consumers, especially those who live in regional, rural and remote areas. The long-term interests of consumers have always been – and remain – our guiding principle. As a first step, my Department will publicly consult on the service characteristics that could underpin a more modern USO. The next Regional Telecommunications Review, will assist as a sounding board for this process by providing quality advice through its own engagement and feedback on community expectations. The delivery of the USO is underpinned by a technology-agnostic approach, and we welcome feedback on alternative technologies for voice services – such as upgraded Fixed Wireless Access and LEOSats which the Government is also trialling. To ensure community input is heard and valued, it is important this process be inclusive and transparent. To be clear the Government has not made any decisions and we are not pre-disposed towards one pathway or another. Our Government makes this commitment: we will not make changes to USO arrangements unless there are tested and proven alternatives to existing technologies. As Communications Minister, I strive to be consultative, evidence-based and consumer focused. I want to work with communities and the regional experts who know best. That’s why I value your views on what a modern USO could look like, how best to assess the suitability of possible alternative platforms for the delivery of USO voice services and how to implement reform. I appreciate that reliability of communications options to access fixed voice services is particularly important to many regional and remote consumers, in areas with limited or no mobile coverage. That’s why we are keen to adopt a future-focused approach that leverages any and all technology developments which will improve the essential services and safety of Australians. I strongly encourage the NFF and all its members to provide input to what I consider the start of a long and necessary conversation. As always, I am certain your contributions will be considered and thoughtful; much like those I received when meeting with the NFF’s Young Farmers’ Council earlier this week. Ultimately, any new approach must ensure robust and reliable services for all. Telecommunications and broadcasting resilience Part of the challenge in a country as vast and prone to disasters as ours is ensuring we do all we can – as government and industry – to keep communities informed and services online. Disasters are becoming increasingly common and more severe. And when you’re caught up in a natural disaster, the ability to access emergency information is critical. Every second matters. In some circumstances, a mobile tower operated by one carrier can be disrupted during a disaster, while other networks remain completely uninterrupted. That presents an important opportunity for industry collaboration through the implementation of a community service- like temporary emergency mobile roaming. The principle is sound and completely straight forward: during a disaster, you should be able to access emergency information, no matter your carrier. This is a principle echoed by the ACCC in its recent Regional Mobile Infrastructure Inquiry. The ACCC found that temporary emergency mobile roaming is something that is technically feasible, but requires close collaboration across government and industry to develop the capability. This kind of network sharing has never been done before in Australia, and carriers will need to ensure they can manage issues that may arise, like network congestion. Earlier this week, I was pleased to announce along with my colleague Minister Watt that we have tasked our Departments with scoping this service. Our Departments will work with industry over the coming months to provide advice to Government by March 2024. And while no communications network can ever be 100 per cent resilient – taken with our investments through the Mobile Networking Hardening and Broadcasting Resilience Programs, temporary emergency roaming would provide practical outcomes to help keep more Australians online – particularly when they need it most. Regional Tech Hub Finally, this afternoon, I want to talk about the Regional Tech Hub initiative run by the NFF. In our first Budget, we made a $6 million investment for the Hub to continue its free services for people in regional and rural communities to get connected and ensure reliable access to the opportunities that the digital world provides. The Hub is making a real difference to real people. People like retiree Don Mason from the small village of Weetailba in the NSW’s Central West. In mid-2020, despite no previous issues with 4G connectivity, Don lost his internet and mobile phone service and started an almost two-year battle to get the issue fixed. With limited service, Don would often drive the 60km round trip to Coolah or Binnaway to check emails and make calls. Travel restrictions of the pandemic only made this problem worse. After several months of frustration, Don came across the Better Internet for Rural, Regional and Remote Australia volunteer group who put him in contact with the Regional Tech Hub. In April 2022, he contacted the Hub and requested a connectivity report that he gave his telco provider to investigate further - the issue was not with his house connection. The Regional Tech Hub also raised Don’s case with the provider, which saw an inquiry undertaken on the local 4G site to determine if the equipment was the cause of the issue. The outcome: three faults were identified with equipment at the base station. The faulty equipment was replaced and the district’s 4G connection was restored. This is only one example of the immeasurable difference that the Hub is making in the lives of rural and regional Australians. The Hub is a trusted voice; a friend at the local ag show capable of trouble shooting problems to get real results. I thank, in particular, Jen Medway, who does a terrific job of connecting Australian farmers as Manager of the Regional Tech Hub. And I am so pleased the NFF is continuing to operate the Hub, following the competitive tender process we ran earlier this year. In closing, this conference is a celebration of rural businesses communities, of farmers and producers, of the agriculture sector and the important wealth that it creates for our country. As a representative of the Albanese Government, it has been a delight to join you today. Connectivity is a necessity for all Australians. In agriculture, technologies to better manage the business requires connectivity in-paddock and home. Our Government is helping to ensure Australia maintains a global edge in sustainable production and innovation. Indeed, I hope that by outlining how we are delivering on our election commitments and taking decisive action for the long-term, you can get a sense in the communications portfolio about how we’re a Government that is working for all Australians. I thank the NFF for your strong and ongoing engagement, and particularly the vision articulated in the Connectivity and Digital Agriculture Policy Statement. We share common goals, and are delivering on them. The On Farm Connectivity Program is boosting Agtech uptake. Our Government’s ongoing support for the Regional Tech Hub is improving connectivity literary. The USO consultation process we’ve initiated today will ensure rural and regional communities are not left behind – but rather, able to access the technology safety net they need to stay connected. And the work we’re doing to coordinate with the telecommunications industry to develop emergency roaming capabilities and foster more effective infrastructure sharing will have tangible benefits for regional Australians across the country. Working together with the NFF, we are delivering on our commitment to narrow the digital divide – from our cities to the bush. And in turn, we’re building a nation where no one is held back, and no one is left behind.
- Addiction Statistics - Treatment Questions - Choosing a Rehab - Program Types - Getting Started Massachusetts towns and cities are focusing on the problems caused by drugs and how to solve that problem. The result is a rich network of evidence-based treatment in the area, including outpatient programs. Not having the time isn’t a reason to avoid getting treatment for addiction—because time-consuming live-in programs (while effective) aren’t your only option. Outpatient treatment programs help you cross the barrier to treatment by offering flexible treatment on your terms. While attending outpatient in MA, you should expect your care to take place during scheduled sessions while you keep living at home. The frequency and length of treatment sessions depends on your needs and history. The most common outpatient programs include: - Partial hospitalization programs - 12 Steps programs - Standard outpatient programs with up to 4 phases of care You might be a candidate for an outpatient treatment program in MA if you: - Live with a substance use disorder - Struggle to stop using drugs or alcohol - Have trouble finding the time to attend inpatient rehab - Have responsibilities to attend to at home, like work or childcare Wondering if outpatient rehab could be right for you? Chances are that you have questions about how to find outpatient rehab, what to expect, and more. Learn the lowdown on drugs, alcohol and outpatient rehab in MA: Massachusetts Alcohol and Drug Addiction Statistics Like most parts of New England and the Northeast, opioids are the leading threat in Massachusetts. The National Institute on Drug Abuse most recently reported MA drug statistics in 2018. Massachusetts-Specific Drug Stats In MA, health officials reported 2,214 drug overdoses in 2019. The year before, 88% of drug overdose deaths in Massachusetts involved opioids. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 alone, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health distributed 13,000 Narcan kits to reverse opioid overdose deaths in populations that are high-risk. Massachusetts Treatment Facts The Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Addiction Services last reported data on treatment admissions in 2018 for the previous year. Here’s what they found about people entering treatment in MA: - 80,896 people entered addiction treatment - There were 109,002 treatment admissions, including repeat admissions - 47% of people in treatment reported injecting drugs within the last year - Alcohol (41%) and heroin (37%) were the primary drugs in most treatment admissions Massachusetts Alcohol and Drug Outpatient Treatment Questions It’s natural to have questions about outpatient treatment before you decide it’s right for you. Asking questions (and getting answers) is a normal part of deciding to go to rehab. The more you know, the better prepared you can be for treatment. Check out the answers to these frequently-asked questions in the area: Where should I go to receive the best outpatient drug treatment in Massachusetts? The best outpatient drug treatment in Massachusetts depends on you and your individual needs. That being said, you should go to an outpatient treatment center that: - Customizes your care to meet your needs - Provides evidence-based treatment - Offers integrated care for co-occurring mental health disorders - Guides you on aftercare Those 4 important factors ensure that the treatment you’re getting is safe and effective. Northeast Addictions Treatment Center offers programs that meet all these requirements and more. How long is outpatient addiction treatment in Massachusetts? The length of outpatient treatment depends on your recovery progress and the level of care that you need. Your care team will work with you to choose the right treatment length for you, but in general, aim to stay in treatment for at least 3 months. The shortest ideal length of treatment is 90 days, but you should attend treatment for as long as you can in most cases. In fact, many people keep attending outpatient rehab for months or years to maintain their recovery. What should I look for in an outpatient rehab facility? Look for a treatment facility that offers outpatient care in phases so you can adjust your care to meet your changing needs as you go. The exact course of multi-phase treatment varies depending on the treatment center and your needs, but it usually includes an intensive phase, a transition or reintegration phase, and a maintenance phase. You might move back and forth between the phases more than once. Is addiction treatment necessary for recovery? Yes, addiction treatment is necessary for recovery! Outpatient treatment is an accessible form of care that can help you through the most vulnerable parts of recovery. During treatment, you learn critical coping skills that can help you maintain long-term recovery. Without addiction treatment, your risk of relapse jumps by up to 50%! How to Choose an Outpatient Rehab Center If you’re sure that outpatient rehab is the next step for you, then it’s time to decide where you’ll begin your recovery. Choosing the right treatment center is highly individual and your decision may include factors like these: Accredited facilities are held to a standard of care by an outside agency, which means you can be sure that the treatment center in question is keeping up on addiction treatment best practices. Look for local addiction treatment that holds these accreditations: - Joint Commission - Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Addiction Services The most reputable outpatient treatment centers use evidence-based treatment methods. That is, treatment methods that have scientific research backing their use. To know if a treatment center offers evidence-based treatment, look for programs that include: - 12 Steps rehabilitation therapy - Cognitive-behavioral therapy - Dialectical behavior therapy - Family behavior therapy - Medication-assisted treatment This isn’t an exhaustive list of evidence-based treatment for addiction, but it includes the most commonly used ones. Customized Outpatient Programs The best treatment centers in MA offer customized rehab programs. Instead of applying the same treatment to everyone with your diagnosis, your care team will craft a unique treatment plan that considers your history and your needs. During your outpatient rehab intake, you’ll review your medical and mental health history with a clinician to help determine the best treatment plan for you. Dual Diagnosis Treatment It’s critical to treat your mental health as a whole with dual diagnosis treatment, including depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems. Many people who live with substance use disorder also have another mental health disorder, even if they don’t know it. Some examples of mental health disorders that commonly co-occur with addiction include: - Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD) - Depressive disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and bipolar disorders (bipolar disorder types 1 or 2) - Psychotic disorders, including schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia Choose a treatment center that screens for dual diagnoses like these and provides treatment. Addressing your mental health along with your substance use problems is the best route to recovery. Credentialed Treatment Professionals Choose a treatment center that works with credentialed treatment professionals to provide the best possible addiction care. Look for an outpatient center that’s open about sharing the experience and licensing of their clinical care team. The credentialed professionals who provide your care may include: - Behavioral health technicians - Licensed Practical Nurses - Social workers Continuum of Care Your substance use problem doesn’t exist in a bubble. Choose a treatment center that uses the continuum of care to inform the way they treat you. The continuum of care is the full spectrum of areas where treatment can benefit you, including care in biological, psychological and social areas. It also includes what happens before and after addiction treatment, such as detox referrals or aftercare plans. If you live with family, they can be a valuable resource in treatment… and it’s important to remember that they need support too. You and your family members may both feel like you have unmet needs, but you have no idea how to articulate or meet the needs. That’s common in families with addiction. Outpatient family programs can meet those needs by: - Empowering you to repair family relationships - Giving your family tools to cope with your disorder - Teaching important relationship skills - Helping you understand how substance use affects your family - Providing a neutral third party and a safe talking space Anyone living with addiction who also lives with family should consider attending a family program as part of their outpatient regimen. Substance use disorder can be hard on families, and family programs help bring them back together with therapy and education. Selection of Treatments and Therapies For the best outcome, pick a treatment center that offers a wide variety of treatments and therapies. The average treatment plan includes several treatments that work together to provide synergy and cover every aspect of your disorder. For instance, cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective on its own, but many people find it works even better with 12 Steps and medication-assisted treatment. Your treatment center’s treatment roster should include dual diagnosis treatment for any mental health disorders that co-occur with addiction. That may include anxiety and mood disorders, as well as psychotic disorders and personality disorders. Choosing an outpatient center with a big treatment roster means it’s easier to mix and match therapy types, so your clinical team is more likely to hit upon the perfect combination. Types of Outpatient Programs in Massachusetts Curious about your outpatient options? Believe it or not, all outpatient programs are not equal. The right program depends on your needs, your drug use history, your relapse history, and more. You may have an idea already which program you want to enter, but don’t worry if you still don’t know. It’s your intake team’s job to help you decide. You may enter multiple different programs at different times. For instance, some people start with intensive outpatient or partial hospitalization and “downgrade” to outpatient rehab when their condition stabilizes. The main types of outpatient programs in MA include: 12 Steps Program The 12 Steps program shares a foundation with the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous program that was introduced in the 1930s. At first, 12 Steps programs were only for members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Now, the same treatment framework is used for all kinds of substance use disorder. Today, there are over 200 unique 12 Steps programs all over the world, all following the same framework and working toward a common goal of recovery. The modern version of 12 Steps involves working toward reaching these goals: - Admitting that you can’t control your substance use disorder - Believing in a strength-giving higher power (if you’re not spiritual, this power doesn’t have to be a god or a deity of any kind) - Examining and challenging your past behavior, typically with the help of a sponsor - Living your life by a new moral code - Helping others who live with the same struggles as you, including substance use disorder or a trauma history These are the goalposts set by the American Psychological Association Dictionary of Psychology, but different 12 Steps groups may modify them based on group needs. The 12 “steps” are built around reaching these goals, but the actual steps are different from group to group. There are many ways to do 12 Steps and they’re all valid! You can attend 12 Steps in any of these ways: - As part of an outpatient rehab program - As part of an intensive outpatient program - As part of a partial hospitalization program - Outside of treatment as aftercare Outpatient Rehab Program Outpatient rehab programs give you the flexibility you need to manage your care while living your life—but they don’t sacrifice the high-level addiction care you need. A 4-phase outpatient rehab program starts you at Phase 1 with the most intensive program. As you progress through treatment, you’ll move through 4 phases of treatment. These phases gradually prepare you for adapting to a life in recovery. Here’s what this type of outpatient rehab program may look like: - Phase 1: This is the most intensive phase of treatment. During Phase 1, you attend the Partial Hospitalization Program 5 days a week, up to 6 hours a day. - Phase 2: This is the first of two transitional phases. You’ll decrease your treatment sessions to 3 or 4 times weekly. At the same time, you’ll start managing responsibilities like job-seeking. - Phase 3: During the next transitional phase, you’ll still attend treatment a couple times weekly while attending work or school (or tending other responsibilities). - Phase 4: At this point, you’re fully transitioned to life in recovery. Your treatment consists of weekly group and individual therapy. Partial Hospitalization Program The Partial Hospitalization Program is the most intensive outpatient treatment option. You’ll attend treatment full-time during the week, returning home after sessions end for the day. During treatment, you’ll receive intensive addiction care that may include: - Educational sessions - Therapy, including individual and group therapy Most people who enter outpatient treatment should start with partial hospitalization. Spending more time in treatment maximizes the benefit that you get from it, and the long days in PHP help you make the most of your time there. Starting with intensive treatment builds a strong foundation for the rest of your recovery. When you graduate from treatment, you should have an aftercare plan in place. That can be a program that you participate in or a personal lifestyle change that you commit to. Either way, your aftercare serves these purposes: - It helps you maintain your mental and physical health - It helps you learn and practice coping skills for recovery Your aftercare may include any of the following: - Addiction coaching - Continuing outpatient treatment - Lifestyle changes - Medication-assisted treatment - Individual or group therapy - Support groups Aftercare is highly individual, so pick and choose the tools that work for you. If you’re unsure, then your clinical team will help you formulate a plan. How to Use Your Insurance to Pay for Outpatient Treatment If you have health insurance, then the chances are good that you can use your insurance to pay for outpatient treatment. That includes health insurance through: - The Healthcare Marketplace - Your employer - Medicare or Medicaid Substance use disorder is considered a preexisting disorder, and those are covered under healthcare plans that aren’t temporary (e.g. buying single-term insurance wouldn’t help you, but getting insurance at work would). Some insurance companies that may cover addiction treatment include: - CVS Health - Blue Cross Blue Shield To get the specifics about addiction treatment coverage under your plan, call the phone number for Member Services on the back of your Member ID card. The actual coverage varies depending on your group and BIN, so be prepared to have those ready if your card includes them. Most Popular Questions in Massachusetts If you still have questions about outpatient rehab, we have a few more answers for you! These are the most-asked questions about outpatient treatment in MA: Who is a good candidate for outpatient treatment in Massachusetts? Many people who meet the criteria for a substance use disorder are good candidates for outpatient treatment. That criteria includes: - Taking a substance in larger amounts than intended - Wanting to cut down or stop, but being unable to - Spending increasing amounts of time getting or using substances - Having cravings for the substance that can be unmanageable - Not meeting your responsibilities at work, school or home because of substances - Using substances even when it damages your relationships - Giving up things you used to enjoy to use substances - Using substances even when it’s dangerous to your health - Needing larger amounts of the substance to get the same effect - Getting withdrawal symptoms when you stop using substances It takes 2 symptoms from the above list to meet the criteria for mild SUD. Four or 5 symptoms indicate moderate SUD, and 6 or more symptoms mean you have severe SUD. If you have severe SUD, then outpatient treatment may not be the right choice for you (or maybe it is.) Some people with SUD need more structure than an outpatient can provide. You should talk to your doctor to know if outpatient is the right fit for you. What should you do to prepare for outpatient treatment in MA? You should prepare for outpatient treatment by detoxing. When outpatient treatment does not include detox, it’s still important to stop using drugs or alcohol before your treatment begins. Using drugs while you’re going to treatment can derail and delay your recovery, and detox helps reduce that possibility. A medical detox program can help you detox safely. Talk to your care team at Northeast Addictions Treatment Center for a detox referral. Why should you choose outpatient rehab over inpatient? For some people, outpatient rehab offers the necessary flexibility to recover from substance use disorder while managing day-to-day life. If you can’t take leave from work or leave your children behind to attend inpatient, outpatient rehab means that treatment is still an option. Entering outpatient rehab can be the difference between accepting a bad situation and changing your life. Why Choose Northeast Addictions Treatment Center? You should consider Northeast Addictions Treatment Center because we offer evidence-based treatment that follows the continuum of care. Our accredited drug and alcohol rehab programs can transform your life, including day treatment and intensive outpatient treatment. From partial hospitalization to aftercare, we’ll help you navigate the transition back to everyday life as you move through 4 phases of tailored treatment. It’s important to recover in an environment that makes you feel comfortable and safe. At Northeast Addictions Treatment Center, our integrated clinical team offers compassionate outpatient care in a family-like environment at our homelike Quincy, MA location. Northeast Addition Editorial Team ©2024 Northeast Addition Center | All Rights Reserved This page does not provide medical advice.
Office 365 EOP (Exchange Online Protection) is a powerful email filtering service that helps protect your organization from malicious email threats. However, to ensure maximum security and effectiveness, it is important to follow the best practices recommended by Microsoft. First and foremost, it is crucial to regularly review and update the Safe Senders and Blocked Senders lists. These lists allow you to define which senders should be trusted and which should be blocked, based on your organization’s specific needs. Regularly reviewing and updating these lists helps ensure that legitimate emails are not blocked and that malicious emails are effectively filtered. Another best practice is to enable advanced threat protection in Office 365 EOP. This feature provides an additional layer of security by scanning email attachments and URLs for potential threats. By enabling advanced threat protection, you can significantly reduce the risk of malware and phishing attacks. Additionally, it is important to regularly monitor and analyze the quarantine of Office 365 EOP. The quarantine contains emails that have been identified as potentially malicious or spam. By regularly reviewing the quarantine, you can ensure that legitimate emails are not mistakenly marked as malicious and that any actual threats are promptly dealt with. In conclusion, following these best practices for Office 365 EOP will greatly enhance the security and effectiveness of your organization’s email filtering. By regularly reviewing and updating the Safe Senders and Blocked Senders lists, enabling advanced threat protection, and monitoring the quarantine, you can safeguard your organization’s email communication from malicious threats and ensure a more productive and secure work environment. Office 365 EOP Overview Office 365 EOP (Exchange Online Protection) is a best-in-class email filtering and security service that is included with Office 365 subscriptions. It provides protection against spam, malware, and other email-borne threats to ensure that your organization’s email system remains secure and efficient. EOP leverages advanced machine learning algorithms and industry-leading intelligence to analyze and filter inbound and outbound email for known and emerging threats. It also includes features such as anti-phishing, anti-spoofing, and email encryption to help protect sensitive information. With Office 365 EOP, you can customize your organization’s email protection policies to meet specific security requirements. You can create rules to block or allow specific senders or domains, scan attachments for malware, and enforce email encryption for certain recipients. In addition to its robust security features, EOP also includes advanced reporting and monitoring capabilities. You can gain insights into email traffic patterns, track the delivery of messages, and identify potential security issues or policy violations. Office 365 EOP is designed to work seamlessly with other Office 365 services, such as Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, to provide comprehensive security and compliance for your organization’s email and collaboration environment. By implementing Office 365 EOP, you can benefit from the best-in-class email filtering and security capabilities of Office 365, ensuring that your organization’s email system remains protected against the latest threats. Office 365 EOP Features Office 365 Email Protection (EOP) offers a variety of features to help protect your organization’s email from spam, viruses, and other malicious threats. These features are designed to enhance security and decrease the risk of cyberattacks. 1. Anti-spam and anti-malware protection EOP uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to identify and block spam messages and malicious attachments. It analyzes email content, sender reputation, and other factors to determine the likelihood of a message being spam or containing malware. 2. Advanced threat protection EOP includes advanced threat protection capabilities to detect and block sophisticated and targeted attacks, such as zero-day exploits and phishing attempts. It uses real-time behavioral analysis and reputation checks to identify and mitigate potential threats. 3. Safe attachments EOP provides safe attachments feature that protects against unknown and potentially malicious attachments by opening them in a sandbox environment before delivering them to the recipient. This ensures that any potentially harmful code is isolated and cannot harm the recipient’s device. 4. Safe links EOP also includes safe links feature that helps protect against malicious URLs embedded in emails. It scans and rewrites URLs to point them to a Microsoft secure web service, which checks the reputation of the website before allowing the user to access it. 5. Spoof intelligence EOP’s spoof intelligence feature helps prevent email spoofing and impersonation attacks. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze message headers, sender reputation, and other indicators to identify potential spoofed emails and mark them as spam or block them altogether. Implementing these Office 365 EOP features can significantly improve the security of your organization’s email system and ensure that your employees and sensitive information are protected from cyber threats. Setting up Office 365 EOP When it comes to setting up Office 365 EOP (Exchange Online Protection), there are several best practices that should be followed. These practices ensure that your organization’s email system is secure and efficient. 1. Set up mail flow rules One of the first steps in setting up Office 365 EOP is to configure mail flow rules. These rules allow you to control how incoming and outgoing emails are processed. By implementing these rules, you can prevent spam, malware, and other malicious content from reaching your organization’s email system. 2. Enable anti-spam and anti-malware features Another important practice is to enable the anti-spam and anti-malware features provided by Office 365 EOP. These features help to protect your organization’s email system from unwanted and harmful content. They can effectively detect and block spam emails, viruses, and other malicious attachments. |Ensure proper email routing |Make sure that emails are routed correctly to Office 365 EOP for scanning. This involves updating your DNS records and configuring mail routing connectors. |Regularly review and update policies |Periodically review and update your Exchange Online Protection policies to ensure they align with your organization’s security requirements. |Monitor email queues |Regularly monitor email queues to identify any issues or delays in email delivery. Take appropriate actions to resolve these issues promptly. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Office 365 EOP is properly configured and able to effectively protect your organization’s email system from spam, malware, and other threats. Office 365 EOP Configuration Configuring Office 365 Exchange Online Protection (EOP) is an essential step in ensuring the security of your organization’s email communication. By implementing best practices for configuring EOP, you can enhance the protection against spam, malware, and other email threats. Here are some key configuration practices to consider: 1. Enable Antispam Protection - Make sure to enable the antispam protection feature in the EOP settings. This will help filter out spam emails based on various criteria, such as sender reputation, content analysis, and email header analysis. 2. Configure Connection Filtering - Connection filtering allows you to block or allow specific IP addresses or domains from sending emails to your organization. It is recommended to configure connection filtering rules to block known malicious IP addresses and domains. 3. Implement Malware Protection - Enable the malware protection feature in EOP to scan incoming and outgoing emails for known malware signatures. This helps prevent malware-infected emails from reaching your organization’s mailboxes. 4. Enable URL Protection - EOP can analyze URLs within emails to check if they are malicious or potentially harmful. Enable URL protection to block or redirect users from accessing malicious websites. 5. Configure Advanced Threat Protection - Consider configuring advanced threat protection (ATP) to provide an additional layer of protection against sophisticated and targeted attacks. ATP can help detect and block malicious attachments and unsafe links. By following these best practices for Office 365 EOP configuration, you can enhance the security of your organization’s email communication and minimize the risk of cyber threats. Office 365 EOP Admin Console The Office 365 EOP (Exchange Online Protection) Admin Console is a powerful tool that allows administrators to manage and configure their organization’s email protection settings. With the EOP Admin Console, administrators can easily access and modify various features and settings to enhance security and protect against spam, viruses, and malware. Key features of the EOP Admin Console: - Message Trace: This feature allows administrators to track the flow of email messages through the system, helping to identify any delivery issues or potential threats. - Transport Rules: Administrators can create and manage transport rules to enforce specific policies, such as blocking or redirecting certain types of emails. - Spam Filter Policy: The EOP Admin Console provides options to customize and fine-tune spam filtering settings to meet the organization’s needs, minimizing false positives and false negatives. - Malware Filter Policy: Administrators can configure the EOP malware filter policy to block or allow specific file types, protecting the organization against known and emerging threats. - Connection Filter: This feature allows administrators to create and manage IP allow/deny lists, helping to control inbound and outbound email traffic. - Safe Attachments and Safe Links: Administrators can enable these features to automatically scan email attachments and URLs for potential threats, providing an additional layer of protection. Best practices for using the EOP Admin Console: - Regularly review and update settings: Administrators should regularly review and update their organization’s email protection settings to ensure optimal security, taking into account any changes in the threat landscape. - Enable multi-factor authentication: To further enhance security, administrators should enable multi-factor authentication for accessing the EOP Admin Console, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. - Monitor message trace logs: Regularly monitoring message trace logs can help administrators identify any delivery issues or potential threats, allowing for quick resolution and enhanced email flow. - Stay informed about new features: Microsoft regularly releases updates and new features for Office 365 EOP. Administrators should stay informed about these updates and evaluate their potential impact on their organization’s email protection strategy. - Train end users: Educating end users about email security best practices, such as avoiding suspicious emails and not clicking on unknown links, can significantly reduce the risk of email-based threats. By leveraging the powerful features and following best practices in the Office 365 EOP Admin Console, organizations can ensure a robust and effective email protection strategy, safeguarding their sensitive information and maintaining business continuity. Office 365 EOP Policies In order to ensure the best security practices within their Office 365 environment, organizations should implement and enforce a set of Office 365 Exchange Online Protection (EOP) policies. These policies help to establish and maintain a secure email environment by defining rules and actions that are applied to incoming and outgoing messages. By configuring and managing these policies, organizations can ensure that only legitimate and safe messages are delivered to their users while also protecting against spam, malware, and other malicious threats. There are several key Office 365 EOP policies that organizations should consider implementing: - Anti-Spam Policies: These policies help to filter out and block spam messages from reaching users’ mailboxes. Organizations can configure settings and actions such as quarantining, blocking, or allowing certain types of spam messages based on specific criteria. - Anti-Malware Policies: These policies help to protect against malware threats by scanning email attachments and links for known viruses and malicious content. Organizations can configure actions such as quarantining or blocking messages that contain infected attachments or links. - Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Policies: These policies help to prevent the accidental or intentional sharing of sensitive information by monitoring emails for specific types of content, such as credit card numbers or social security numbers. Organizations can configure actions such as blocking or encrypting messages that violate these DLP policies. - Transport Rules: These rules allow organizations to apply specific actions to email messages based on various conditions, such as sender or recipient information, subject line keywords, or message content. Organizations can configure actions such as redirecting messages, adding disclaimers, or encrypting messages based on these rules. By implementing these Office 365 EOP policies, organizations can enhance their email security and protect their users from various threats. It is important to regularly review and update these policies to ensure they align with the organization’s security requirements and evolving threat landscape. Office 365 EOP Filtering When it comes to Office 365, the Exchange Online Protection (EOP) plays a crucial role in filtering and protecting your email environment. Implementing best practices for EOP can help ensure that your organization’s email remains secure and spam-free. Customize EOP Settings One of the first best practices for EOP is to customize its settings based on your organization’s needs. Office 365 EOP offers a wide range of filters and policies that you can adjust to fit your specific requirements. By fine-tuning these settings, you can ensure that EOP filters out unwanted emails effectively while allowing legitimate ones to reach your users’ inboxes. Regularly Review Quarantine EOP’s quarantine feature holds suspicious emails that are not marked as spam but might still be potentially harmful. It is essential to regularly review the quarantine to identify any false positives or missed emails. By doing so, you can better train EOP and improve its accuracy over time. Note: Keep in mind that emails in quarantine may contain malicious content, so caution should be exercised when reviewing them. By following these best practices, you can leverage the power of Office 365 EOP to enhance your organization’s security and overall email filtering capabilities. Office 365 EOP Quarantine The Office 365 EOP Quarantine is a feature that allows you to manage and review potentially harmful or suspicious emails in a secure environment. By using the quarantine, you can reduce the risk of your organization being exposed to malicious content or phishing attempts. Here are some best practices to follow when using the Office 365 EOP Quarantine: - Regularly review the quarantine: It is important to regularly review the emails in the quarantine to ensure that no legitimate emails are being held. Set up a schedule to check the quarantine and release any safe emails. - Train users on how to handle suspicious emails: Educate your users on how to recognize suspicious emails and how to report them. This will help reduce the number of false positives in the quarantine and improve the overall security of your organization. - Set up alerts: Configure alerts to notify you when new emails are added to the quarantine. This will allow you to stay proactive and take action quickly if any high-risk emails are detected. - Use whitelists and blacklists: Utilize whitelists and blacklists to specify which senders or domains should be trusted or blocked. This will help filter out unwanted emails and reduce the volume of emails in the quarantine. - Monitor the spam filter: Keep an eye on the emails that are flagged as spam and adjust the spam filter settings as needed. Regularly checking the spam filter can help improve its accuracy and reduce false positives. By following these best practices, you can make the most out of the Office 365 EOP Quarantine and enhance the overall security of your organization’s email system. Office 365 EOP Reporting Office 365 EOP (Exchange Online Protection) offers a range of reporting capabilities to help administrators monitor and analyze email protection and security. EOP provides detailed reports on various aspects of email filtering, including spam, malware, and phishing. These reports can help administrators identify and address any issues that may arise, ensuring the best possible email security for your Office 365 environment. The Office 365 Admin Center provides a user-friendly interface to access and analyze EOP reports. Through the Admin Center, administrators can generate reports on email traffic volume, top senders and recipients, and email protection trends. By regularly reviewing these reports, administrators can gain insights into the effectiveness of EOP in protecting against spam and other email threats. They can also identify any areas that may require additional attention or configuration changes to optimize email security. In addition to the built-in reporting capabilities in the Office 365 Admin Center, you can also leverage third-party tools to enhance your EOP reporting experience. These tools offer advanced features, such as customizable dashboards, real-time monitoring, and integration with other security platforms. Overall, Office 365 EOP reporting plays a crucial role in ensuring the best email security and protection for your organization. By proactively monitoring and analyzing EOP reports, administrators can effectively manage and mitigate email risks, safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining a secure email environment. Office 365 EOP Troubleshooting If you’re encountering issues with Office 365 EOP (Exchange Online Protection), it’s important to follow best practices for troubleshooting in order to identify and resolve the problem quickly. Here are some steps you can take: 1. Verify Email Routing Ensure that your email is being routed through Office 365 EOP correctly. Check your DNS settings to make sure they are properly configured to route email traffic to the EOP service. You can also review the message trace logs in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center to see if the emails are being processed by EOP. 2. Check Spam Filters If you’re experiencing issues with legitimate emails being marked as spam, check your spam filters in the EOP settings. Review the spam filter policies and rules to make sure they are not incorrectly classifying emails. You can also add specific senders or domains to the allowed list to ensure their emails are not marked as spam. 3. Monitor Quarantine If emails are going to the quarantine instead of the inbox, regularly monitor the quarantine and release any legitimate emails that were incorrectly quarantined. You can also adjust the quarantine settings to be more lenient or strict, depending on your organization’s needs. 4. Investigate False Positives/Negatives If you’re receiving reports of false positives (legitimate emails marked as spam) or false negatives (spam emails delivered to the inbox), investigate the issue further. Check the anti-malware and anti-spam policies in EOP and adjust them accordingly. You can also report false positives/negatives to Microsoft for further investigation. By following these best practices for troubleshooting Office 365 EOP issues, you can ensure that your email system is functioning correctly and efficiently. If you’re still experiencing problems, consider reaching out to Microsoft support for additional assistance. Office 365 EOP Advantages Office 365 Exchange Online Protection (EOP) offers a range of benefits to organizations of all sizes. By implementing EOP best practices, businesses can ensure a secure and reliable email experience for their users. 1. Enhanced Security EOP provides an enhanced level of security for organizations by protecting against spam, malware, and other malicious threats. It uses advanced filtering and threat intelligence to identify and block harmful content before it reaches the users’ inboxes. 2. Simplified Administration Office 365 EOP offers a user-friendly administration interface that simplifies the management and configuration of email security policies. Administrators have access to a range of controls and customization options, allowing them to fine-tune the email security settings according to their organization’s requirements. By leveraging the power of EOP alongside its best practices, organizations can mitigate email-related risks and ensure the smooth operation of their email systems. Office 365 EOP Limitations While Office 365 EOP (Exchange Online Protection) offers several benefits for securing email communications, it is important to be aware of its limitations. By understanding these limitations, you can implement best practices to ensure the effective use of Office 365 EOP. Limited Control over Message Routing One limitation of Office 365 EOP is that it does not provide extensive control over message routing. While it offers basic routing capabilities, more complex routing scenarios may require additional tools or services. No Built-in Encryption for External Emails While Office 365 EOP includes encryption features for internal emails, it does not provide built-in encryption for external emails. If your organization requires secure communication with external recipients, additional encryption solutions may need to be implemented. False Positives and False Negatives Like any spam filtering solution, Office 365 EOP can occasionally have false positives and false negatives. False positives occur when legitimate emails are incorrectly identified as spam and filtered out, while false negatives occur when spam emails are not identified and make it into the inbox. Regular monitoring and adjustments to the filtering settings can help mitigate these issues. No Archiving or eDiscovery Features Office 365 EOP does not offer built-in archiving or eDiscovery features. If your organization requires long-term email retention or advanced eDiscovery capabilities, additional solutions will need to be implemented. - Consider integrating Office 365 EOP with third-party archiving solutions for long-term email retention. - Investigate eDiscovery tools that can work alongside Office 365 EOP to meet your organization’s legal and compliance needs. Despite these limitations, implementing best practices alongside Office 365 EOP can greatly enhance your organization’s email security and protection against threats. Regular monitoring, fine-tuning of settings, and integration with additional solutions where necessary will help ensure the best possible experience with Office 365 EOP. Office 365 EOP Recommendations If you are using Office 365 for email protection, it is important to follow best practices for configuring EOP (Exchange Online Protection). By implementing these recommendations, you can ensure a secure and effective email filtering system. Here are some key recommendations to consider: |1. Enable Exchange Online Protection: |Make sure EOP is activated for your Office 365 account. This ensures that all inbound and outbound email traffic is filtered and protected according to the policies you define. |2. Configure Spam Filtering: |Set up effective spam filtering rules to minimize the impact of unwanted and malicious email. This includes blocking known malicious senders, using content filters, and implementing DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to verify email authenticity. |3. Implement Phishing Protection: |Enable anti-phishing measures to identify and block emails that attempt to deceive users into disclosing sensitive information. Train your users to recognize phishing attempts and report any suspicious emails to your IT department. |4. Enable Advanced Threat Protection (ATP): |Consider activating ATP to provide an additional layer of protection against advanced threats such as zero-day exploits and targeted phishing attacks. ATP can help identify and block malicious attachments and URLs. |5. Regularly Review Quarantine: |Regularly review the emails quarantined by EOP to ensure legitimate messages are not being blocked. Train your users to review their quarantined messages and release any false positives. |6. Monitor EOP Logs: |Monitor EOP logs and alerts to detect any suspicious activity or policy violations. This can help you proactively respond to potential security threats and adjust your email filters accordingly. By following these recommendations, you can enhance the security and efficiency of your Office 365 email environment. Remember to regularly review and update your EOP settings to adapt to evolving threats and organizational needs. What are some best practices for Office 365 EOP? Some best practices for Office 365 EOP include regularly reviewing and updating your spam filter settings, enabling multi-factor authentication for added security, regularly monitoring and analyzing email traffic for any unusual patterns or trends, and educating employees about email security best practices. How often should I review and update the spam filter settings in Office 365 EOP? It is recommended to review and update your spam filter settings in Office 365 EOP on a regular basis, ideally at least once every quarter. This ensures that the settings are up-to-date and effective in blocking spam and malicious emails. What is multi-factor authentication and why is it important in Office 365 EOP? Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security measure that requires users to provide two or more forms of authentication before accessing their accounts. It is important in Office 365 EOP because it adds an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access to email accounts, reducing the risk of data breaches and email-based attacks. Why is it important to regularly monitor and analyze email traffic in Office 365 EOP? Regularly monitoring and analyzing email traffic in Office 365 EOP is important because it allows you to detect any unusual patterns or trends that may indicate a security threat or email-based attack. By identifying and addressing these issues promptly, you can prevent potential security breaches and protect your organization’s sensitive information. How can I educate employees about email security best practices in Office 365 EOP? You can educate employees about email security best practices in Office 365 EOP by conducting regular training sessions or workshops, sharing informative resources and guidelines on email security, and implementing policies and procedures that promote safe email practices. It is also important to encourage employees to report any suspicious emails or security incidents to the IT department. What is Office 365 EOP? Office 365 EOP, or Exchange Online Protection, is a cloud-based email filtering service that helps protect your organization against spam, malware, and other email threats. How does Office 365 EOP work? Office 365 EOP uses various techniques such as spam filtering, malware detection, and email authentication to protect your organization’s email. It analyzes incoming and outgoing email traffic and applies filters to block or allow certain types of emails based on predefined policies and settings. What are some best practices for using Office 365 EOP? Some best practices for using Office 365 EOP include regularly reviewing and updating your anti-spam and malware policies, ensuring proper email authentication including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC configurations, and monitoring the Message Trace feature to detect any potential email threats. How can I improve the performance of Office 365 EOP? To improve the performance of Office 365 EOP, you can configure connection filtering to block known bad IP addresses, enable safe sender and blocked sender lists to whitelist or blacklist specific email addresses or domains, and use advanced threat protection features like ATP Safe Links and ATP Safe Attachments. What should I do if legitimate emails are being marked as spam by Office 365 EOP? If legitimate emails are being marked as spam by Office 365 EOP, you can add the sender’s email address or domain to the safe sender list, disable the spam filter for specific emails or domains, or adjust the spam filter settings to be less aggressive.
Shopify or WordPress: Which Platform Offers Better SEO Capabilities? Ecommerce websites form a significant portion of businesses in the digital world. More and more people prefer to order products and services online, owing to the convenience it affords. It has almost become a must-have for businesses offering products and services to run online stores- even if physical locations may be present. Ecommerce websites do the best job of facilitating the buying and selling processes for all parties involved. There is no doubt how crucial eCommerce is for businesses. Did you know that 34% of all websites on the internet use WordPress? Whereas Shopify has over one million active online stores, with a total gross merchandise volume of over $200 billion. These figures indicate how well-liked both platforms are, but which one is better for your business’s SEO? Keep going to find out. However, with numerous eCommerce platforms mushrooming, you, as a business owner, may wonder which to use for your business. Your search for the best platform might have unearthed two of the most commonplace eCommerce giants- WordPress and Shopify. You are probably wondering which platform would be best for your business. Is WordPress or Shopify better for seo? Which one will help you scale and grow faster? Let’s dive in and expound the two side by side. Importance of Search Engine Optimization for Online Business You’ve probably heard about the significance of SEO optimization if you manage an online business. So why is it so important? Let’s begin with some statistics, then. Did you know that over 90% of online experiences begin with a search engine? A further statistic is that 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search results. These figures highlight how important it is for your online business to have a solid SEO strategy. But what is SEO exactly? The practice of improving your website to increase its visibility and ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs) is known as SEO or search engine optimization. The objective is to increase organic internet traffic, which might eventually result in more sales and income for your company. Especially for online stores, SEO optimization is important for the following reasons: - Improved visibility: By improving your website’s publicity in search engine results pages (SERPs), you can make it simpler for potential customers to find you. - Improved user experience: SEO entails enhancing your website’s navigation, content quality, and loading speed, all of which can improve the user experience of your visitors. - More qualified leads: SEO focuses on people who are actively looking for goods or services similar to yours, increasing the likelihood that they will become paying clients. SEO is a more affordable marketing tactic than other types of online advertising, including PPC. Shopify vs. WordPress – Overview Embark on an exploration of two titans in the digital arena, Shopify and WordPress. This overview will illuminate their distinctive features, enabling you to make an informed decision about which best serves your online business needs. What is Shopify? Shopify is a powerful, all-in-one eCommerce platform designed to simplify the process of creating, managing, and scaling online stores. Its user-friendly interface and robust set of features make it the go-to choice for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to establish a strong online presence. One of the world’s most widely used e-commerce platforms, Shopify has more than 1.7 million active users and more than $200 billion in annual sales. - Effortless Store Setup: Launch your online store in minutes with Shopify’s easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder. - Streamlined Inventory Management: Keep track of your stock with real-time updates and automated order processing. - Secure Payment Solutions: Offer customers a smooth and secure shopping experience with integrated payment gateways. - Global Reach: Break barriers and sell to customers worldwide with multi-language and multi-currency support. - Built-in Analytics: Stay informed about your store’s performance with insightful analytics and sales reports. Are you ready to revolutionize your business? Join the ranks of over a million successful entrepreneurs who have chosen Shopify as their trusted eCommerce partner. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your online store to new heights – get started with Shopify today and watch your business soar! Pros of Shopify Shopify, a leading eCommerce platform, has gained immense popularity among businesses of all sizes due to its user-friendly interface and robust features. Let’s explore the top pros of Shopify that make it a go-to choice for online retailers: - Ease of Use: Shopify’s intuitive interface and drag-and-drop system make it simple for users with little to no technical expertise to create and manage their online store. - Built-In Features: Shopify offers a comprehensive suite of built-in eCommerce tools, such as product management, inventory tracking, payment processing, and shipping options, allowing you to focus on your business rather than technical complexities. - App Store: The Shopify App Store houses a vast selection of apps and integrations, including print-on-demand services, designed to enhance your store’s functionality, improve customer experience, and streamline your business operations. - Responsive Themes: Shopify provides a variety of professionally designed, mobile responsive themes, ensuring that your online store looks great on any device. - Dedicated Support: Shopify’s 24/7 customer support through live chat, phone, and email ensures you receive assistance whenever needed, giving you peace of mind. - Security: Shopify’s secure hosting environment and SSL certification protect your customers’ data, making it a trustworthy platform for your online store. - Scalability: Shopify’s plans cater to businesses of all sizes, allowing you to grow and scale your online store seamlessly as your business expands. - Abandoned Cart Recovery: Shopify’s built-in abandoned cart recovery feature helps you recapture lost sales by sending automated reminder emails to customers who left items in their cart. Shopify’s ease of use, robust features, and dedicated support make it an ideal choice for businesses seeking a reliable and powerful eCommerce solution. With Shopify, you can focus on growing your online store while the platform takes care of the technical aspects. Cons of Shopify While Shopify boasts numerous advantages for online retailers, it’s essential to weigh the cons before diving in. We’ve curated a list of Shopify’s drawbacks to help you make an informed decision. - Limited Customization: Shopify’s customization options, although user-friendly, are somewhat limited compared to other platforms like WordPress. This might restrict you from achieving the exact design or functionality you envision for your store. - Transaction Fees: Unless you use Shopify Payments, you’ll be charged additional transaction fees for each sale, which can add up and impact your profit margin. - App Costs: While the Shopify App Store offers a wealth of functionality-enhancing apps, many come with a price tag. Relying on multiple paid apps may increase your store’s running costs. - Content Management Limitations: Shopify is primarily designed for eCommerce, which means its content management capabilities fall short compared to more versatile platforms like WordPress. - SEO Flexibility: Shopify covers the basics of SEO, but its scope for advanced customization is limited compared to other platforms. Users seeking granular control over their site’s SEO might find this restrictive. Shopify is undeniably a powerful eCommerce platform; however, it’s crucial to consider its limitations before committing. By weighing the pros and cons, you’ll be better equipped to decide if Shopify is the right fit for your online store. Keep in mind that your unique business requirements should guide your decision, ensuring your chosen platform aligns with your goals and vision. What is WordPress? Get ready to uncover the secret behind the world’s most popular content management system (CMS)! WordPress powers an astonishing 43% of the web, making it the go-to choice for millions of businesses and individuals. But what is it, and why is it so popular? Keep reading to find out! WordPress is an open-source CMS that allows users to create and manage websites with ease. Launched in 2003, it has since evolved into a versatile platform catering to various website types, including blogs, eCommerce stores, and portfolios. Pros of WordPress Uncover the advantages of WordPress, the powerhouse CMS that powers 43% of the internet. Let’s dive into the key pros of WordPress, which make it a top choice for countless businesses and individuals. - Flexibility: WordPress offers a vast range of themes and plugins, providing users with the freedom to create unique, tailor-made websites that cater to their specific needs and vision. You can customize existing WordPress themes yourself or outsource frontend development of your store to professionals to get a perfectly functioning website faster. - Large Community: With a massive user base, WordPress boasts an extensive support network, including forums, tutorials, and resources, ensuring that help is always just a click away. - SEO-Friendly: WordPress empowers users to optimize their website for search engines using plugins like Yoast SEO, granting you granular control over your site’s SEO and boosting its visibility. - Scalability: WordPress can easily adapt to your website’s growth and changing needs, allowing you to expand your digital presence seamlessly. - Open Source: Being an open-source platform, WordPress offers endless possibilities for customization and development, enabling you to build a truly one-of-a-kind website. - Cost-Effective: WordPress itself is free, and with a variety of free and premium themes and plugins available, it’s possible to create a professional website without breaking the bank. - Content Management: WordPress excels in content management, making it an ideal choice for businesses that prioritize content creation, such as bloggers and online publishers. WordPress offers unparalleled flexibility, customization, and scalability, making it a top choice for businesses and individuals seeking a versatile and powerful CMS. By harnessing the many pros of WordPress, you can create the perfect digital platform to share your message and drive your online success. Cons of WordPress WordPress is undeniably a powerful and flexible CMS, but it’s not without its challenges. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of WordPress’s drawbacks that you should consider before diving in. - Learning Curve: Although WordPress is user-friendly, it takes time and effort to master its full potential, especially if you’re new to web development or design. - Security Risks: Being an open-source platform, WordPress websites can be vulnerable to hacking if not properly maintained and updated. It’s crucial to invest in security measures, such as using reliable themes and plugins and regularly updating your site. - Maintenance: A WordPress site requires ongoing maintenance, including updates, backups, and plugin management, to ensure smooth functioning. This can be time-consuming, especially for those without technical expertise. - Performance Optimization: While WordPress offers various plugins to improve your site’s speed and performance, it’s essential to manage them carefully. Too many plugins or poorly optimized ones can slow down your website and negatively impact user experience. - Limited eCommerce Features: While WordPress can be used to create an online store with plugins like WooCommerce, its built-in eCommerce features are not as robust or streamlined as platforms specifically designed for online retail, such as Shopify. Although WordPress provides unmatched flexibility and customization options, it comes with its share of challenges. Before committing to WordPress, consider whether you’re willing to invest time and effort into mastering the platform, maintaining your site, and keeping it secure. By carefully evaluating the pros and cons, you’ll be better equipped to decide if WordPress is the right choice for your online presence. Shopify vs. WordPress: What Are The Differences? Shopify vs WordPress: A Comparative Analysis of their Pricing As an entrepreneur, choosing the right platform for your online business is a decision that can shape the trajectory of your enterprise. Shopify and WordPress, two heavyweights in the digital arena, offer compelling but distinctly different solutions. The choice between these two often boils down to a critical factor: Pricing. However, before we dive deep into the numbers, bear in mind that the cost isn’t just about the monetary value; it’s about the value proposition each platform brings. Shopify’s Pricing Structure Shopify employs a straightforward pricing model that comes in three main plans. - Basic Shopify: This basic shopify plan is priced at $29 per month and provides all the essential tools you’d need when starting a new business. - Shopify: Coming in at $79 per month, this plan offers additional features such as gift cards and professional reports. - Advanced Shopify: At $299 per month, this tier avails advanced features perfect for scaling your business. In the realm of Shopify, pricing is predictable. Each plan includes secure hosting, unlimited bandwidth, and SSL certificates. However, additional transaction fees could add up unless you opt to use Shopify Payments. WordPress’ Pricing Structure Contrary to Shopify, WordPress is free to use. However, running a business website comes with other ancillary costs. - Hosting: Hosting costs start as low as $3 per month and rise depending on the provider and the package chosen. - Themes and Plugins: While a multitude of free options exist, premium themes and plugins can range anywhere from $20 to $200. - Security and Maintenance: These costs can vary significantly, and if you’re not particularly tech-savvy, you might need to hire a professional to ensure smooth running. On the surface, WordPress can seem more cost-effective. However, the total cost can burgeon significantly based on your specific needs and technical skill level. Shopify offers simplicity and predictability in its pricing, which can be an attractive option for those who value convenience and ease of use. On the other hand, WordPress provides a cost-effective solution for those technically inclined and willing to invest more time in setting up and maintaining their site. Therefore, your choice should not be solely determined by the cost but also by where you see the most significant value for your time, effort, and money. Always remember, the best investment is the one that brings the highest returns. Key Things to Watch Out for When Choosing an SEO-Friendly Platform Ready to skyrocket your website’s search engine rankings? The secret lies in selecting an SEO-friendly platform that sets you up for success. But with so many options on the market, how do you choose the perfect one? Don’t worry – we’ve got your back! Let’s dive into the key factors you need to watch out for when choosing an SEO-friendly platform. - Built-In SEO Features: When choosing a platform, ensure it comes with essential built-in SEO features, such as clean URL structures, meta tag customization, and XML sitemap generation. These features lay the foundation for optimal search engine indexing and improved rankings. - Mobile Responsiveness: With mobile searches surpassing desktop searches, it’s vital to choose a platform that offers mobile-responsive themes. A mobile-friendly site enhances user experience and is favored by search engines like Google. - Site Speed Optimization: Page loading speed is a significant ranking factor, as it directly impacts user experience. Select a platform that enables you to optimize your site’s speed, either through built-in features or additional plugins. - Customization and Flexibility: An SEO-friendly platform should offer customization options, allowing you to tweak your site’s design and functionality to align with best SEO practices. This flexibility ensures that you’re not restricted by the platform’s limitations when optimizing your site. - Scalability: As your website grows, so will your SEO needs. Choose a platform that can scale your business, providing the necessary tools and features to support your evolving SEO strategies. - Robust Support and Community: An active support community and accessible resources are invaluable when navigating the world of SEO. Opt for a platform with a strong user base, offering forums, tutorials, and expert guidance to assist you in your SEO journey So, in a nutshell, is WordPress or shopify better for SEO? A quick look at the different features, advantages and shortcomings of Shopify and WordPress commerce reveals one thing- none is inherently better than the other. The winner between the two platforms boils down to what needs one has for their eCommerce store. Shopify ranks higher if you are looking for an easy-to-use platform and do not care for extensive customization options. WordPress Commerce reigns supreme for users who need more versatility. They are also keen on having a reliable content management system. It may include a steeper learning curve but allows for more granular SEO optimizations. Ekta Chauhan is the senior fashion designer at NoLabels and holds a keen interest in running her own eCommerce business one day. Her curious nature ignited the feeling of entrepreneurship and inspired her to learn about SEO. FAQs on Shopify vs WordPress What are the main differences between Shopify and WordPress? Shopify is an all-in-one ecommerce platform designed specifically for online stores, while WordPress is a versatile content management system that can be adapted for ecommerce using plugins like WooCommerce. Shopify is generally easier to use but less flexible, while WordPress offers more customization but has a steeper learning curve. How does the pricing of Shopify and WordPress compare? Shopify offers straightforward monthly plans starting from $29/month. This includes hosting, security, and maintenance. WordPress is free, but you'll need to pay for hosting, themes, plugins, and possibly professional maintenance and security services, which can add up. Which platform is better for SEO, Shopify or WordPress? Both platforms have strong SEO capabilities. WordPress has a slight edge due to the availability of advanced SEO plugins. However, Shopify also offers built-in SEO features and is sufficient for most online stores. Is Shopify or WordPress more secure? Both platforms take security seriously. Shopify includes robust security in its packages, handling updates and security protocols for you. WordPress security is largely reliant on the user, with security plugins and correct website management being crucial. Can I switch from Shopify to WordPress, or vice versa? Yes, it's possible to switch between platforms, though it requires some work to migrate your content and set up your store or site on the new platform. You may even need to convert your Shopify theme to WordPress or vice versa. Consider consulting with a professional to ensure a smooth transition.
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Arbitration proceedings will be held in San Francisco, California unless you’re a consumer, in which case you may elect to hold the arbitration in your county of residence. For purposes of this section a “consumer” means a person using the Services for personal, family or household purposes. You and Medium agree that Disputes will be held in accordance with the JAMS Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures (“JAMS Rules”). The most recent version of the JAMS Rules are available on the JAMS website and are incorporated into these Terms by reference. You either acknowledge and agree that you have read and understand the JAMS Rules or waive your opportunity to read the JAMS Rules and waive any claim that the JAMS Rules are unfair or should not apply for any reason. (c) You and Medium agree that these Terms affect interstate commerce and that the enforceability of this section will be substantively and procedurally governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1, et seq. 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But do Bauwen's claims owe more to idealism than to a realistic analysis of current developments? And what are the politics that inform his vision? Moreover, even if he is right about its potential, how will the P2P movement resist the increasingly aggressive counter offensive now being waged by incumbents of the current economic and political system? In the second part of his interview with Richard Poynder, Bauwens addresses these and other questions. RP: There are, as we discussed last time, a growing number of open and free movements today — the Free and Open Source Software movements of course; but also Open Data, Open Access, Open Source Biology, Open Source Journalism, Creative Commons, Open Politics, and so on. You argue that these movements are all components of a larger P2P phenomenon — a phenomenon that arises from what you call the "relational dynamic" inherent in distributed networks. MB: That's right. The P2P dynamic has created the three new social processes I mentioned: peer production, peer governance and peer property. And these social processes flow from the ability of networks to enable the highly efficient distribution of intellect, of the means of production (computers), and of co-ordination. And the fact that this is happening in many areas of social life demonstrates that the three paradigms I talked about — the open and free production of immaterial culture, the extension of participation and democracy to all social fields, and the development of a Commons for intellectual creations — can be applied across the board, with the necessary adaptations of course. Today, for instance, we can even see things like Open Reiki and Open Yoga initiatives developing! A little flakey? RP: Not everyone is convinced by your arguments. One critic I spoke to said that attempting to build a political and economic theory around P2P was "a little flakey." What is it that he is missing? MB: P2P theory is not a theory "of" everything, but just a theory "for" something. The aim is to understand what is going on, to generate meaning, and to offer a guide for action. If you'd lived in the early part of the mid-19th century, and were witnessing the rapid growth of factories, would you not naturally strive to understand what was happening, and to build theories to explain it — as of course the political economists of that time did? As happened then, today we can see new modes of production, governance, and property emerging. That surely warrants some effort to try and understand what it means. Would you call people like Yochai Benkler and Lawrence Lessig "flakey"? RP: No, personally I wouldn’t. But of course they do have their own critics. MB: Sure. I would add, by the way, that the difference between their work — which I greatly admire and respect — and The P2P Foundation, is that they operate within the horizon of the present market economy, while I choose to look beyond it. I do so because I don’t believe in eternal social systems. After all, social systems have changed substantially in the past. The central point here is that P2P is the natural paradigm for the new world we can see being built today. And that is what the P2P Foundation is trying to understand, and to encourage. RP: You are clearly right to argue that we should try to understand how all the new movements fit together, and what they portend. However, advocates of the individual movements themselves are generally more interested in stressing their differences rather than their similarities. Some even argue that treating them all as part of some larger movement creates more problems than solutions. Steven Harnad, for instance, strongly resists any attempt to conflate the Open Access Movement (OA) with the Free and Open Source Software movements. Doing so, he says, ignores a "deep disanalogy" between them? How do you respond to that? MB: Yes, there are different meanings involved, but they are related, since both ensure access to raw material for cultural production. RP: I guess the point is that Harnad is focused on a very specific objective — that of "freeing the refereed literature." As such, he is very keen to avoid anything that might distract the OA movement from that objective. You, by contrast, see the P2P movement as a catalyst for the next stage in the evolution of human societies? MB: That's right. And when I talk about P2P I have in mind three things. First, it is a description of an existing trend that any social scientist would have to agree is taking place. Second, it is a normative position on the desirability of enabling more egalitarian subject-to-subject human relationships — and people from any number of different "metaphysical" positions would surely agree that that is a good thing. Third, it is a praxis for strengthening and promoting these human relationships. RP: So in addition to trying to understand what is happening, you want to encourage and promote it? MB: That's right. I want to marry both the pragmatic and radical visions in one integrated perspective. RP: Can you explain what you mean? MB: I mean that we cannot sit around waiting for the new society to develop. I believe that we should strive to extend the positive trends that we can see around us. After all, we live in the here and now, not the future. No one can prevent us from having a vision of where we want to be, but my focus is very much on creating that new world right now, not waiting for a hypothetical alternative. The strength and the secret of peer-to-peer RP: So a P2P-based society would be a better place to live would it? MB: Absolutely. In my view, P2P transcends and includes equality and freedom, which are no longer opposed to each other in the way that they are in the industrial paradigm (a point I explain in my paper P2P and Human Evolution). Similarly, in P2P altruism and self-interest are no longer seen as being in opposition to each other. People can be politically opposed to each other in some aspect, but pragmatically united in their P2P practices. RP: A more fulfilling society then? MB: Yes. One big difference, for instance, is that where a traditional peasant may have liked his work and his community, he was not able to resist the higher productivity of the money economy. Since the peer producer model is more productive than the current model based around corporations, people living in a P2P society will produce more social wealth, and be much happier human beings than the Organisation Man. That is the strength and the secret of the peer-to-peer movement. RP: In your writing you frequently argue that we are currently in a stage of "cognitive capitalism". I assume this is another way of talking about the knowledge economy. But can you describe cognitive capitalism for me, and say how it differs from regular capitalism? MB: Industrial capitalism was about the accumulation of material assets; cognitive capitalism is about the accumulation of immaterial assets, essentially through the copyright system — which creates state-protected rents for the companies involved. Peer-to-peer transcends cognitive capitalism, because its focus on creating an information commons undermines the monopoly of intellectual property. RP: OK, so like industrial capitalism, cognitive capitalism is based on the private ownership of assets, but ownership of knowledge rather than material assets. P2P, by contrast, assumes that knowledge assets are communally shared? RP: You say that when you talk about P2P you are describing observable social practices. Some, however, might argue that these social practices are only temporary phenomena that will soon disappear, or perhaps be emasculated or criminalised. Is The P2P Foundation building its house on shifting sand? MB: When Karl Marx wrote his early books, there were only a few thousand workers in manufacturing, but he saw this as the future, and he was correct in this essential insight, though he made many other predictive mistakes. Rather than being transient, P2P is the core of a new society, and so just as important as those 19th Century factories. The key question RP: Why are you so sure of that? MB: There are good reasons for believing it to be so. First, it is already the mainstay of the current technological infrastructure — nobody can argue that the Internet and the Web are only transient — and the distributed team is also the new model for working together in corporations. Second, as I said previously, the focus of social innovation is moving away from the world of the enterprise, to civil society, and you'll find many trend watchers who agree with this. So these are incontrovertible facts. What is also incontrovertible is that immaterial production is becoming an ever-larger part of our economy and, within that sphere, it is increasingly apparent that peer production is more productive and more efficient than the traditional model — in so far as it creates more value than for-profit alternatives. These things guarantee that P2P processes will continue to grow, and demonstrate that it is more than a transient phenomenon. RP: The P2P-based society that you describe sounds very different to today's political and economic realities. How do you envisage a P2P-based economy co-existing with the current system? MB: Well, the key question today is a simple one: will P2P remain a subsystem within a capitalist economy, or will the market at some point become a subsystem within a pluralist economy that revolves around a core of peer production. RP: What is your answer to that question? MB: My expectation is that the market will eventually become a subsystem with a P2P economy. So in the system I foresee we would have: - a core of non-material production using peer-to-peer principles in their pure format (non-reciprocal peer production); - a surrounding sphere of reciprocity-based gift economy, for services in the West, and for the protection of the remaining traditional world in the South; - a market that is divorced from the obligation of endless accumulation, and so becomes 'natural capitalism' (as envisaged by Hazel Henderson, David Korten and Paul Hawken.) In other words, it would no longer be obliged to destroy the biosphere, and it would have a market that is subject to peer arbitrage, not just power play — as is the case today with fair trade; - States and governance enriched with multi-stakeholder principles (e.g. states subjected to peer arbitrage as well). MB: In a non-reciprocal model there is no direct reciprocity. So if, for instance, you work for a free software project most of the time you do it doubly free: that is, you do it out of free will, and you do it for no remuneration, for no direct benefit. Moreover, everybody can use your contributions. By contrast, in a gift economy situation — such as a Local Trading Exchange System like LETSystem, or the Time Dollar system — you do expect a return for your contribution. As such, it is a reciprocal model. This distinction, by the way, demonstrates why it is a mistake to describe the Internet, or peer production, as operating like a gift economy. It's actually a non-reciprocal arrangement. From here to there RP: OK, so that's how you see the future. But how do you envisage us getting from here to there? MB: Peer-to-peer is continuing to grow organically, that is its strength. It also strengthens the wider economy in many ways, and leads to new business models. So I expect to see capitalism embrace P2P to a certain degree. In that respect it will be similar to the way that feudalism embraced capitalism: essentially because it was more productive, enriched certain feudal lords and the monarchy, and they thought they could control it. Ultimately, of course, it represented a new form of social organisation, much as peer-to-peer does today. RP: You make it sound like a gradual process of change. But if your analysis is correct it seems more likely that the ancien regime will fight tooth and nail to resist P2P. In fact, battle has already begun — with the music and movie industries apparently intent on destroying, or at least enfeebling, P2P technology. We can also see growing resistance from publishers and many other intermediaries, all of whom view peer-to-peer as a direct threat to their livelihood? MB: As you say, incumbents like the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and others who live from IP rents are already actively resisting peer-to-peer, and they have persuaded governments to create a copyright regime that is stifling cultural freedom. But the established forces are not a monolithic bloc, and many other companies have clearly realised that adapting to P2P processes is a necessity. In fact, the huge success of companies like Google, eBay, and Skype — whom I term the netarchists — flows directly from their enablement of P2P processes. RP: Nevertheless, given the way in which incumbents are attacking P2P today I doubt that it will be able to withstand the onslaught without itself becoming more organised, and developing into a self-conscious movement committed to the kind of changes you want to see? MB: You are correct of course. Today we can see civil society is furiously engaged in creating new social practices, which are then attacked by corporate vested interests — for example when youngsters are told that online sharing is illegal. In the process, however, these youngsters become more conscious of the issues. It is precisely this evolution that is the basis for the coalescing of an emerging but already powerful movement, with supporters of free/open, participatory, and commons-related ideas joining together and becoming a large self-conscious movement. And we see The P2P Foundation playing an important role in facilitating this. The creation of the Pirate Party in Sweden, by the way, is a good example of how political and economic resistance to P2P creates a more conscious social movement. The Pirate Party is now a real social force. RP: Attacks from incumbents aside, what other threats does P2P face? MB: One threat is that as we as individuals increasingly use participative platforms with weak links, we will co-evolve with corporate Web 2.0 platforms. However, as communities consciously involved in peer production, and hence with strong links, we will naturally prefer open infrastructures, open standards, and an end to dependency on corporate platforms. RP: I guess you are referring to the way in which for-profit corporations attempting to profit from Web 2.0 developments will "naturally" want to create proprietary platforms. To be effective, however, P2P communities need open platforms. The danger here I guess is that — in the way that Microsoft captured the PC with its proprietary Windows software — Web 2.0 companies could appropriate the infrastructure of the Web? MB: Right. So our relationship with these Web 2.0 companies is double: we are happy for them to enable further participative practices, but we are aware that as for-profit companies, they might want to control, or even appropriate, our cultural creations. For the moment, the Web 2.0 companies are embracing the ecology that sustains the commons created by their users, so I consider Web 2.0. to be a welcome development. But in order to avoid becoming too dependent on these companies, it would be wise to ultimately develop community-based resources as a back-up option. The politics of P2P RP: You make frequent use of terms like capitalism and feudalism, and in your writing you often refer to Karl Marx and other communist and socialist thinkers. Do you not think that this, and indeed the assumptions beneath your analysis, might alienate a lot of people? MB: In what way? RP: Well, the various free and open movements are already viewed as a dangerously radical development. Bill Gates, for instance, famously commented, "There are some new modern-day sort of communists who want to get rid of the incentive for musicians and moviemakers and software makers under various guises." In a similar vein, the editor of the American Chemical Society's Chemical & Engineering News, Rudy Baum, wrote an editorial in which he concluded, "Open access, in fact, equates with socialised science." I'm wondering if it is possible, in 2006, to use the politically-charged terminology and concepts that you do without losing your audience before you have the chance to state your case. After all, we live in a world in which the only acceptable way of talking about economic and political issues is by first doing obeisance to the primacy of "market forces"? MB: I agree that the use of certain concepts can be problematic, but that has to do with my own individual background and limitations. I would add that in Europe such terms are mainstream in the social sciences, and used daily in the press. The US has different sensibilities, but it is not the whole world. But you are right: resistance to the concepts I use could pose problems. That is why it is better to focus on pragmatically supporting and interlinking concrete projects that are able to unite people from different backgrounds. Most of the people around the P2P Foundation, by the way, would not consider themselves to be leftists, and I would think that most have an entrepreneurial spirit. As I say, peer-to-peer is a description of existing social practices that we are merely seeking to extend, not an attempt to sell a particular ideology. RP: I am assuming that you personally have always embraced left wing ideologies. MB: I was certainly to the left in my youth, but during my career in business I gradually arrived at more centrist positions. Then, in 1998, after seeing the growing crisis of the corporate world, and all the negative indicators concerning the destruction of the biosphere, I re-assessed the desirability of continuing to occupy a cosy position in the establishment. As I say, however, you should not assume that P2P is the monopoly of the left. RP: Indeed, the co-founder of the Open Source Movement, Eric Raymond, is a Second Amendment libertarian, and when I interviewed him I was struck at how right wing his views are, even though he describes himself as an anarchist — a political ideology normally associated with the left. Interestingly, he argued that in creating the Open Source peer governance model, software developers have demonstrated the practicality and desirability of anarchism. The choice is simple MB: Like many social phenomena P2P can be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on your political perspective. So while people with an anarcho-capitalist disposition like Eric Raymond (who are opposed to the state, but favourable to a free market), may support and practise peer-to-peer relationships as a way of achieving individual freedom, they are likely to be suspicious of any talk about communities. People of a more left-wing disposition, on the other hand, will find it attractive because of the new relationality that it empowers, although they may fear its encapsulation within the current for-profit system. I’m pretty sure we’ll have right-of-centre P2P theories as well at some point. As you point out, Open Source advocates can be extremely pro-capitalist. RP: When you use the term relationality here I assume you mean the way in which P2P encourages what you call egalitarian subject-to-subject relations and equipotentiality? MB: Right. As traditionally conceived, by the way, anarchism was a social ideal, and I do not share its a priori hostility to the market and the state. So people of my own disposition differ from traditional anarchism in that we are not opposed to the state, nor to the market, but rather we want these to be reformed within the context of a pluralist economy that evolves around a core of non-reciprocal peer production, and where the state is not a corporate servant, but a neutral arbiter between various aspects of this pluralist economy. The only thing we need to get rid of is the endless accumulation of material goods in a finite world. It is for this reason that I find the notion of natural capitalism to be a necessary component of social reform. RP: Can you say more about this? MB: We can no longer afford a system that externalises the true costs of things. So I am attracted to the notion of a market without capitalism — i.e. a free market but not based on infinite accumulation. Fair trade, by the way, is an example of a market form that has already merged with a form of peer arbitrage: producers and consumers are treated as partners. So it’s a form of capitalism that attempts to divorce itself from unequal power relationships. There is also a lot of interest in monetary reform today, with the aim of moving from a scarcity-based model to an abundance-based model. That is an interesting form of capitalism that is compatible with peer-to-peer. RP: As we have agreed, there is likely to be increasing opposition to the development of P2P. What would be the implications if all the free and open movements were to fail in their objectives, and we ended up in an even more proprietary world than find ourselves in today? What's at stake? MB: I think it's pretty simple: that would lead to a terrible maiming of the biosphere, and massive dislocation. It would also mean increased social inequality, and global civil wars. The kind of regression we saw after the collapse of the Roman empire in fact. So the choice is simple, we either scale up to a higher form of complexity, which is what I think P2P represents, or we will face a powerful disorganisation of society. There is also a clear danger of our evolving towards a panoptical society, where everything is known about us. Likewise, we find ourselves confronted with the threat of information feudalism. RP: The point you are making here is that as a side effect of current attempts by corporations to protect their outdated business models — through increasing use of digital rights management (DRM) technologies and Trusted Computing for instance — we could find that everything we do online is tracked and most, if not all, the information and knowledge we want to access is now proprietary? MB: Exactly. In such a world, we would no longer own anything ourselves, and we would only be able to access information by agreeing to restrictive licenses that limited our property and our liberty. That would be a clear regression, but it is the world that content owners and their DRM-advocates want to create. Illogical state of affairs RP: And that is precisely the kind of dystopia that Richard Stallman described in his 1997 article, The Right to Read. What, then, do supporters of the various free and open movements need to do in order to avert such a gloomy scenario? MB: We need to increase the scope of applications in which open and free principles are applied; we need to apply and experiment with peer governance, and learn from our mistakes; and, as I said earlier, we need to interconnect and learn from each other, in the understanding that all these efforts are related, and have a larger common purpose. In addition, we have to defensively stop the destruction of the biosphere, and stop the new enclosures of the information commons we are witnessing. Instead, we need to be constructively building the new world, and in a way that ends and means are congruent with each other. If we do this then the P2P subsystem will continue to strengthen, and eventually reach a tipping point. At that juncture it will become the dominant model. RP: You clearly believe that the environmental movement and the free and open movements share some commonality of purpose. What is it that that they have in common? MB: What they have in common is that both the physical world and the immaterial world need a more commons-based approach. Peter Barnes, for instance, has argued that in order to protect the environment we need to adopt trust-based systems that ensure capital is preserved for our environmental assets. RP: Right. One of Peter Barnes' proposals is that we should seek to protect the atmosphere by treating the sky as a commonly-owned asset. His proposed Sky Trust, for instance, would be a non-governmental not-for-profit institution that would manage and sell a gradually diminishing number of emission permits to oil, gas and coal companies. The income from these sales would then be used to pay yearly dividends to every American. MB: Exactly. So I think the respective approaches of the informational and environmental commons are complementary, although of course there are a number of differences. This is a debate that David Bollier monitors in his On the Commons blog. RP: What is the central issue in that debate? MB: The central issue is this: currently we live in a society that treats scarce and rival resources (i.e. nature and the biosphere), as if they were infinite, and artificially renders scarce what is infinite, since it can be reproduced for free. This is an illogical state of affairs that both destroys the biosphere and impedes the growth of social productivity. And that illogicality is what we want to reverse. No tried and trusted long-term model RP: One of the most frequent criticisms of the free and open movements is that they simply won't stand the test of economic reality over time. You clearly believe they will, but can you tell me precisely how people will be able to make a living in a P2P-based economy? How exactly would I pay my bills in such a society? MB: This is a funny question, since the free and open movements have existed for over two decades now, and the Open Source model is being embraced by venture capital, and becoming the mainstay of the software industry. It is also funny, since we are witnessing the decline of the mass media, and the growth and proliferation of Internet-based micromedia. So the free and open movements are surviving very well, growing continuously, and expanding at a remarkable rate. RP: Nevertheless, there is still no tried and trusted long-term sustainable economic model. Not even the flagship of the P2P movement, Open Source software, can yet offer this. In the first part of the interview you talked about the need to develop interim hybrid business models. Whatever happens, there will need to be a process of transition right? MB: Yes. As I say, The Foundation is working on this at the moment. RP: Earlier, you gave a broad outline of how a P2P economy might look. Are you able to give me some specific examples of how a P2P-based society might work in practice? MB: I'm afraid that I have no fixed answer to your question, other than to say that we have to continue developing and studying open business models. The problem is that, despite our best intentions, we cannot safely predict the overall effect of the multiple actions that take place in complex systems like economies. What's clear is that there won’t be one business model, but many. At the same time, we have to look at state-based solutions, such as public funding of open source projects, etc. That said, I have of course thought about this issue, and I have speculated as to what a pluralist economic system might look like. RP: What do you see? MB: I see a P2P civilisation that would have to be post-capitalist, in the sense that human survival cannot co-exist with a system that destroys the biosphere; but it will nevertheless have a thriving marketplace. At the core of such a society — where immaterial production is the primary form — would be the production of value through non-reciprocal peer production, most likely supported through a basic income. And as I said earlier, it will have a strong reciprocity-based gift economy component — a model that is ideal for services such as the local and complementary currencies springing up that utilise personal community currency models like the LETSystem, and which also offers hope for the survival of traditional economies. In addition, of course, I see a market that still includes the production of scarce and rival material goods, although this process would now be based on peer arbitrage. RP: Right. As you previously said, you believe that P2P principles can also be utilised in the production of physical goods. MB: That's right; it's potential for expansion is remarkable. Yochai Benkler, for instance, has noted that the second most popular form of transportation in the US — car pooling — operates under the principles of a sharing economy. Essentially, I see three main ways in which P2P might migrate to the physical sphere: - In industrial processes, as I previously mentioned, we could see the design phase being separated from the material production phase. I see no objection in theory or practice, for instance, why cars cannot be designed by Open Source communities, and then produced by a third party who has access to the necessary capital. - I can also see further expansion of distributed models, particularly in the field of financial capital. I mentioned, for instance, the "distributed capital" model being promoted by Open Capital schemes. - Finally, we could start to make physical items freely available under Open Source licences — artworks say, or bicycles; or indeed books, as already happens with the Book Crossing project. The licensed item could then be linked to a digital address so that it can be monitored, and protected from private appropriation or theft. This strategy offers a tremendous opportunity for creating a wide variety of different physical commons. RP: So what does the P2P movement need to focus on in the near term? MB: The important thing at this point in time is the interdependency of peer production and the existing market/state system. In one sense, peer production exists because of the abundance and distribution of resources available in the present system. On the other hand, the present system is becoming ever more dependent on the social innovation taking place outside the world of enterprise, and on peer processes. So the issue is two-fold. From the macro point of view, the existing stakeholders have every interest in sustaining and promoting P2P, and indeed many of the open/free foundations are now supported by corporate money. But clearly we need a more durable macro scale arrangement and, as I said, it is my belief that it will require the introduction of a universal basic income. This is a logical outcome, but it is surely several decades away. RP: Actually, the idea of a basic income has support in some surprising quarters. Milton Friedman, for instance, proposed a negative income tax system in the 1960s. And The Financial Times economic commentator Samuel Brittan has been arguing the case for a basic income for a number of years now. MB: Right. And on a micro scale, the current challenge for peer projects is to generate some income, but in such a way that the non-reciprocal aspects are not threatened or destroyed. So far, it seems to be working. RP: Final question then: when they write the future history books, how much importance will be attached to P2P? MB: How big a deal is P2P? It is as big as the early manufacturing plants in Manchester — the very core of the world to come. It is only small if you have a static view of present realities, and do not understand the underlying dynamic. RP: Thanks for your time. And good luck with The P2P Foundation! A PDF file containing both parts of the interview with Michel Bauwens can be downloaded here. Please note that I am asking those who do download the file to make a voluntary contribution of $8 to my PayPal account. Details of how to do this can be found at the end of the PDF file text.
Sushi aficionados and culinary enthusiasts alike find delight in the exquisite world of Japanese cuisine, and at the heart of this gastronomic adventure lies a roll that has captured the taste buds of many— the Boston Roll. In this ultimate guide, we embark on a journey to unravel the secrets, flavors, and cultural significance of the Boston Roll. Overview of Boston Roll The Boston Roll, a popular sushi creation, is a harmonious blend of fresh ingredients, carefully rolled into a delectable package of flavor. Known for its versatility and pleasing aesthetics, the Boston Roll has become a staple in sushi restaurants worldwide. To truly appreciate the Boston Roll, it’s essential to delve into its history. Originating in the vibrant culinary scene of the United States, this roll has evolved to incorporate a unique fusion of ingredients, reflecting the dynamic nature of contemporary sushi. Popularity and Cultural Impact As the Boston Roll gained popularity, its influence expanded beyond sushi bars, making it a favorite choice for those seeking a balance of traditional and innovative flavors. The roll’s impact on culinary trends showcases the dynamism of sushi in the global food landscape. Join us as we explore the artistry behind crafting the perfect Boston Roll, understanding its ingredients, and embracing the diverse interpretations that make it a beloved dish around the world. This guide aims to be your passport to the nuanced and delicious universe of Boston Roll. Now that we’ve set the stage for our culinary exploration, let’s dive into the foundational element of any great dish—the ingredients. The Boston Roll, with its distinct flavors and textures, brings together a curated selection of components to create a harmonious dining experience. Crafting the Perfect Roll To embark on the journey of making a Boston Roll, gather the following high-quality ingredients: - Nori (Seaweed Sheets): A fundamental element, nori provides a crisp texture and imparts a hint of oceanic flavor to the roll. Explore our guide on Cup Noodles for tips on handling nori with finesse. - Sushi Rice: The foundation of any sushi creation, sushi rice binds the ingredients together. For the ideal sushi rice, refer to our article on Perfecting the Art of Sushi Rice. - Fresh Seafood: Boston Roll often features a delightful assortment of fresh seafood. Whether it’s succulent shrimp or delicate crab, the choice is yours. For seafood inspiration, check out our guide on French Onion Dip Packet. - Avocado: Creamy avocado adds a velvety texture and a touch of richness to the roll. Learn more about incorporating avocado in sushi from our article on Talian Cakes. - Cucumber: Crisp cucumber slices contribute a refreshing crunch, balancing the overall texture. Get creative with cucumber tips shared in our article on Talian Cakes. - Soy Sauce and Wasabi: Essential for dipping, soy sauce and wasabi enhance the flavors. Dive into the world of condiments with insights from our article on Perfecting the Art of Sushi Rice. As we gather these ingredients, the kitchen becomes a canvas, and the Boston Roll transforms into a work of art. Join us in the next section as we unravel the step-by-step process of crafting this sushi masterpiece. How to Make Boston Roll Now that we’ve assembled our array of fresh and vibrant ingredients, let’s embark on the culinary adventure of crafting the perfect Boston Roll. The art of sushi-making is both intricate and rewarding, offering a sensory experience that extends beyond taste to the visual appeal of each meticulously crafted roll. - Prepare Sushi Rice: - Follow the guidelines outlined in our comprehensive guide on Perfecting the Art of Sushi Rice to ensure your sushi rice is of the highest quality. Achieving the right balance of stickiness and individual grains is crucial. - Lay Out Nori Sheets: - Place a sheet of nori on a clean, flat surface, ensuring the rough side faces upwards. Refer to our insights on handling nori in our guide on Cup Noodles for a delicate touch. - Spread Sushi Rice: - With slightly damp hands, evenly spread a layer of sushi rice over the nori, leaving a small border along the top edge. The rice serves as the adhesive, holding the roll together. - Add Seafood and Vegetables: - Arrange your chosen seafood (such as shrimp or crab), avocado slices, and cucumber horizontally along the lower third of the rice-covered nori. - Rolling Technique: - Start rolling the nori and ingredients away from you, using a bamboo sushi mat if available. Apply gentle pressure to form a cylindrical shape. Check out our tips on Talian Cakes for mastering the art of rolling. - Seal the Edge: - Moisten the top border of the nori with a bit of water to create a seal. Complete the roll, ensuring a tight and secure closure. - Slice into Portions: - Using a sharp, wet knife, slice the rolled sushi into bite-sized portions. Wetting the knife prevents sticking and ensures clean cuts. Boston Roll is typically served as a cold dish, emphasizing the freshness of the ingredients. However, for those seeking a warm and indulgent experience, consider lightly toasting the roll or incorporating tempura elements. Expert Tips for Perfect Rolls - Precision is Key: Take your time during the rolling process to achieve tight, uniform rolls. - Experiment with Fillings: Don’t hesitate to get creative with your choice of seafood, vegetables, or additional garnishes. - Serve with Style: Present your Boston Roll with an artistic flair, paying attention to plate presentation and accompanying sauces. In the next section, we’ll explore the diverse flavor profiles and combinations that elevate the Boston Roll to a culinary masterpiece. Flavor Profiles and Combinations The beauty of the Boston Roll lies not only in its elegant presentation but also in the symphony of flavors that dance across the palate. As we explore the taste elements, recommended sauces, and pairing suggestions, get ready to embark on a sensory journey through the world of exquisite sushi. Exploring Taste Elements - Umami of Seafood: - The core of the Boston Roll experience is the umami-rich seafood. Whether it’s succulent shrimp or sweet crab, the seafood imparts a delightful savory note. - Creamy Avocado Richness: - Avocado adds a luscious creaminess, balancing the dish with a buttery texture and subtle nutty undertones. - Refreshing Crunch of Cucumber: - Crisp cucumber slices contribute a refreshing crunch, enhancing the overall texture and providing a contrast to the softer elements. - Sushi Rice Harmony: - The seasoned sushi rice acts as a cohesive element, absorbing and complementing the diverse flavors while offering a pleasant stickiness. Recommended Sauces and Dips - Soy Sauce Dip: - A classic accompaniment, soy sauce enhances the savory notes of the roll. For an in-depth look at soy sauce nuances, refer to our guide on Perfecting the Art of Sushi Rice. - Wasabi Kick: - Wasabi, when used judiciously, adds a pungent kick that elevates the overall flavor profile. Learn more about incorporating wasabi in our guide on Talian Cakes. - Pickled Ginger Cleanse: - Pickled ginger serves as a palate cleanser, refreshing your taste buds between bites. Its subtle heat and tangy notes enhance the dining experience. Pairing Suggestions for a Complete Meal - Miso Soup Companion: - Enhance your Boston Roll experience by pairing it with a comforting bowl of miso soup. The savory umami of miso complements the roll’s flavors. - Green Tea Elegance: - A cup of green tea provides a refreshing contrast and cleanses the palate between bites. Its subtle bitterness and earthy notes harmonize with the sushi. - Seaweed Salad Sidekick: - Include a side of seaweed salad for an additional layer of oceanic goodness. The salad’s briny undertones echo the flavors of the Boston Roll. As we savor the delightful combination of tastes and textures, join us in the next section where we’ll explore the global interpretations of the Boston Roll and its regional twists. Boston Roll Around the World The appeal of the Boston Roll extends far beyond its American roots, making it a global sensation with diverse interpretations and regional twists. As we explore how different cultures have embraced and personalized this sushi delight, prepare to embark on a journey of culinary fusion and international flair. Regional Twists and Influences - Japanese Fusion: - In Japan, where sushi originated, the Boston Roll has taken on creative twists. Some variations may include uniquely Japanese ingredients or innovative presentations inspired by local culinary trends. - American-Japanese Fusion: - In the United States, the birthplace of the Boston Roll, chefs continue to experiment with flavors. Fusion versions might incorporate American ingredients, creating a delightful blend of East-meets-West on the sushi platter. Unique Interpretations by Renowned Chefs - Celebrity Chef Creations: - Renowned chefs around the world have put their spin on the Boston Roll. Keep an eye out for specialty rolls crafted by culinary maestros, featuring unconventional ingredients and artistic presentations. - Innovations in Sushi Bars: - Sushi bars globally are hubs of creativity, offering unique Boston Roll variations that cater to local preferences. From trendy metropolises to coastal towns, each locale adds its own twist to the classic roll. Boston Roll in Global Cuisine - International Sushi Fusion: - Beyond Japan and the United States, the Boston Roll has found its way onto sushi menus worldwide. Explore international sushi joints to discover how chefs incorporate local ingredients and culinary traditions into their interpretations. - Cultural Adaptations: - Embraced by diverse cultures, the Boston Roll adapts to local flavors seamlessly. Whether it’s a touch of spice in Mexico or a hint of sweetness in Southeast Asia, each adaptation tells a unique story of cultural integration. Join us in the next section as we delve into the nutritional benefits of the Boston Roll, considering health considerations and breaking down the nutrient content for a well-rounded appreciation of this sushi delight. While savoring the delectable taste of the Boston Roll, it’s essential to explore its nutritional aspects. Understanding the health considerations, nutrient content, and the role it plays as a balanced meal option provides a holistic perspective on this culinary masterpiece. - Lean Protein Source: - Seafood, a prominent ingredient in the Boston Roll, is an excellent source of lean protein. This makes the roll a nutritious choice for those looking to meet their protein requirements without excessive saturated fats. - Heart-Healthy Fats: - Avocado, a key component, contributes heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. These fats support cardiovascular health and add a satisfying creaminess to the roll. - Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: - The combination of seafood, vegetables, and sushi rice ensures a diverse array of vitamins and minerals. From iodine in seaweed to vitamin K in cucumber, the Boston Roll offers a nutritional boost. Nutrient Content Breakdown - Protein-Rich Seafood: - Depending on the seafood chosen, the Boston Roll provides essential amino acids crucial for muscle health and overall bodily functions. - Sushi Rice Energy: - Sushi rice serves as an energy source, supplying carbohydrates for a quick and sustained release of energy. - Avocado Nutrient Density: - Avocado enhances the roll’s nutrient density by offering vitamins (such as vitamin E) and minerals (like potassium). Boston Roll as a Balanced Meal Option - Dietary Flexibility: - The Boston Roll’s adaptability allows for dietary flexibility. Whether you’re following a pescatarian, omnivorous, or plant-based diet, modifications can be made to suit individual preferences. - Incorporating Vegetarian Options: - Vegetarian versions of the Boston Roll, with creative substitutions like tofu or plant-based seafood alternatives, provide plant-powered options. - Portion Control and Moderation: - As with any indulgence, enjoying the Boston Roll in moderation ensures a balanced approach to dietary intake. In the next section, we’ll share valuable tips for sushi lovers, exploring sushi etiquette, ordering at restaurants, and making informed choices to enhance your overall sushi experience. Tips for Sushi Lovers As you embark on your culinary journey exploring the intricate world of sushi, these valuable tips will enhance your overall experience, ensuring you savor each bite of the Boston Roll and other sushi delights with utmost enjoyment. - Chopstick Mastery: - Familiarize yourself with chopstick etiquette. Use them to pick up sushi pieces, but never stick them upright into a bowl of rice, as this resembles a funeral ritual in some cultures. - Dipping Technique: - When dipping sushi into soy sauce, focus on the fish side rather than the rice to prevent the rice from absorbing too much sauce. A light touch ensures a perfect balance of flavors. - Wasabi Wisdom: - If your Boston Roll includes wasabi, avoid mixing it directly into the soy sauce. Instead, apply a small amount directly to the fish for a nuanced flavor experience. Ordering at Restaurants - Trust the Chef: - Consider ordering an omakase (chef’s choice) if available. This allows the chef to showcase their skills and present a curated selection of sushi, including unique Boston Roll variations. - Freshness Matters: - Opt for restaurants known for their commitment to fresh and high-quality ingredients. A reputable sushi establishment ensures a delightful and safe dining experience. Making Informed Choices - Mindful Pairing: - When selecting additional dishes, choose complementary items that enhance the overall meal. Miso soup, seaweed salad, or edamame can complement the Boston Roll’s flavors. - Dietary Considerations: - Communicate any dietary preferences or allergies to the restaurant staff. Many sushi establishments are accommodating and can modify dishes to suit individual needs. - Explore New Varieties: - Venture beyond your comfort zone and try new sushi varieties. The diverse world of sushi offers a plethora of flavors and textures waiting to be discovered. In our next section, we’ll delve into the various Boston Roll recipe variations, exploring vegetarian options, fusion creations, and creative twists for culinary enthusiasts. Boston Roll Recipe Variations The versatility of the Boston Roll opens up a world of possibilities for culinary experimentation. Whether you’re a vegetarian, a fan of fusion cuisine, or someone seeking innovative twists, these recipe variations cater to diverse tastes and preferences. - Avocado and Vegetable Roll: - Replace seafood with extra avocado, cucumber, and a medley of colorful vegetables. Drizzle with a light citrus or sesame dressing for added flavor. - Tofu and Shiitake Mushroom Roll: - Infuse a savory umami essence by incorporating marinated tofu and sautéed shiitake mushrooms. The earthy flavors create a satisfying vegetarian alternative. - Mexican-Inspired Boston Roll: - Embrace a fusion of flavors by adding a touch of Mexican flair. Include ingredients like jalapeños, cilantro, and a hint of lime for a zesty kick. - Mediterranean Fusion Roll: - Introduce Mediterranean influences with ingredients like roasted red peppers, feta cheese, and Kalamata olives. Drizzle with a balsamic glaze for a delightful twist. Creative Twists for Culinary Enthusiasts - Tempura Boston Roll: - Elevate your roll by incorporating tempura elements. Tempura shrimp or vegetables add a delightful crunch, creating a textural contrast to the softness of the roll. - Spicy Mayo Infusion: - Kick up the heat by incorporating a spicy mayo drizzle. Create a tantalizing blend by combining mayonnaise with Sriracha or your favorite hot sauce. Experimenting with Ingredients - Seasonal Variations: - Tailor your Boston Roll to the seasons by incorporating seasonal ingredients. Fresh fruits in the summer or roasted squash in the fall can add a unique touch. - Sustainable Seafood Choices: - For those concerned about sustainability, opt for seafood choices endorsed by sustainable seafood organizations. This ensures responsible sourcing and supports ocean conservation. These recipe variations invite culinary exploration, allowing you to tailor the Boston Roll to your preferences and experiment with exciting flavor combinations. In the next section, we’ll highlight the best restaurants for experiencing the Boston Roll, from iconic sushi establishments to hidden gems favored by sushi aficionados. Best Restaurants for Boston Roll Indulging in the perfect Boston Roll is not just about the recipe—it’s also about the craftsmanship of skilled sushi chefs. Whether you’re a seasoned sushi enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of sushi, these restaurants are celebrated for their exceptional Boston Rolls and other sushi delights. Spotlight on Iconic Sushi Establishments - Sukiyabashi Jiro – Tokyo, Japan: - Renowned as one of the world’s finest sushi establishments, Sukiyabashi Jiro, immortalized in the documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi,” offers an unparalleled Boston Roll experience. - Nobu – Various Locations: - With an international presence, Nobu, founded by Chef Nobu Matsuhisa, combines traditional Japanese flavors with Peruvian influences. Their Boston Roll is a testament to innovation and quality. Reader’s Choice Picks - Sushi Nakazawa – New York City, USA: - With a commitment to sourcing the finest ingredients, Sushi Nakazawa consistently receives acclaim for its exquisite Boston Roll and omakase selections. - Sushisamba – Various Locations: - Fusing Japanese, Brazilian, and Peruvian cuisines, Sushisamba offers a vibrant and eclectic dining experience. Their creative Boston Roll variations reflect a harmonious blend of global flavors. Hidden Gems for Sushi Aficionados - Sushi Dai – Tokyo, Japan: - Tucked away in Tokyo’s Tsukiji Fish Market, Sushi Dai is a beloved gem known for its fresh and expertly crafted Boston Rolls. Arrive early to secure a coveted spot at the counter. - Ginza Onodera – London, UK: - A hidden oasis in the heart of London, Ginza Onodera is celebrated for its authentic Japanese cuisine. The Boston Roll here is a testament to precision and culinary finesse. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Boston Roll 1. Can I customize the seafood in my Boston Roll? - Absolutely! The beauty of the Boston Roll lies in its versatility. Feel free to experiment with different seafood options, such as shrimp, crab, or even a combination of your favorites. 2. What dipping sauces pair well with the Boston Roll? - Traditional soy sauce is a classic choice, but you can also try a mix of soy sauce and wasabi for an extra kick. Some enjoy a touch of pickled ginger for a palate-cleansing effect. 3. Can I make a vegetarian version of the Boston Roll? - Certainly! Swap out the seafood for extra avocado, cucumber, or other vegetables of your choice. The key is to maintain a balance of flavors and textures. 4. How do I store leftover Boston Roll? - To preserve the quality, store leftover Boston Roll in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Consume it within a day or two for the best taste and texture. 5. Can I make Boston Roll ahead of time for a party? - While it’s best enjoyed fresh, you can prepare components like sushi rice and cut vegetables in advance. Assemble the rolls just before serving to ensure they retain their freshness. 6. What’s the difference between Boston Roll and other sushi rolls? - The Boston Roll typically features seafood, avocado, and cucumber. While similar to other rolls, its unique combination of ingredients sets it apart. Experimenting with various rolls allows you to discover your personal favorites. 7. How do I ensure my sushi rice is perfect for the Boston Roll? - Achieving the right texture and seasoning for sushi rice is crucial. Refer to our detailed guide on Perfecting the Art of Sushi Rice for expert tips. 8. Can I use alternative meats for making Boston Roll? - Absolutely! While traditional recipes often use seafood, you can experiment with alternative meats like cooked chicken or thinly sliced beef. Ensure they are cooked to perfection before incorporating them into your roll. 9. Are there any specific Boston Roll variations for special occasions? - For special occasions, consider adding a touch of luxury with ingredients like lobster or king crab. You can also explore creative garnishes to elevate the visual appeal of your Boston Roll. 10. How do I master the rolling technique for the Boston Roll? - Rolling sushi takes practice, but with patience and our step-by-step guide, you’ll become a pro. Watch our video tutorial for visual guidance on achieving the perfect roll. These FAQs provide additional insights and tips to enhance your Boston Roll experience. If you have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy rolling! Conclusion: Savoring the Art of Boston Roll As we conclude our exploration into the delectable world of the Boston Roll, we invite you to savor the artistry and versatility of this iconic sushi delight. From understanding its rich history to crafting your personalized variations, the Boston Roll offers a culinary journey that transcends borders and tantalizes the taste buds. Whether you choose to indulge in the exquisite creations of renowned sushi establishments, experiment with vegetarian twists, or embark on the adventure of crafting your own Boston Roll at home, the possibilities are as diverse as the flavors encapsulated in each bite. As you venture into the realm of sushi appreciation, remember that the essence of the Boston Roll lies not only in its ingredients but also in the joy it brings to those who partake in its flavors. Whether shared with friends and family or savored as a personal culinary triumph, the Boston Roll remains a testament to the art of sushi-making and the celebration of diverse tastes. Continue exploring the world of culinary delights on RecipeStrip, where a treasure trove of recipes, tips, and gastronomic adventures awaits. Thank you for joining us on this gastronomic journey, and may your Boston Roll experiences be nothing short of extraordinary. Happy rolling and bon appétit!
Moving an auto repair shop to a new location can be a fun and exciting time. It’s also a tremendous amount of work and can bring a lot of stress if the move isn’t planned out well. This article is going to talk about what you need to do in your marketing when you move your auto repair shop to a new location. I’m going to break this down into the steps you need to take before the move, during the move, and after the move. Many of these steps will overlap from one stage to another. Before The Move When you’re going to be moving your auto repair shop to a new location, the excitement should expand beyond what you and your team are experiencing. You should share that excitement with your clients. You may be thinking, “why would my clients get excited about me moving my business to a new location?” When you move a business, there are many different reasons behind the move. Sometimes you need more space. Possibly you want more visibility. Maybe you’ve found an area that’s booming with growth and you want to be in the middle of that growth. Often you’re moving because you’ve been renting and now it’s time to own your own building. Those may be the primary reasons you’re moving, and maybe your clients wouldn’t get excited about that. But, I bet if you look hard enough, you can find some things that are going to impact the clients positively that they can be excited about. - Will you be getting new equipment that will allow you to do a better job of fixing cars? - Will you have a nicer, more comfortable waiting area? - Is the new location more convenient to get to? - Will you be offering new services at the new location? - Will your new, bigger shop allow you to see people more quickly when they have a need? You see where I’m going with this. Find the things in this move that your clients can get excited about and promote THOSE things. Build excitement around the move. Show your clients how the move benefits them and press in on those benefits. Create and Execute a Marketing Campaign We’ve already talked about building excitement, but how and where do you do that? This is where a marketing campaign comes into play. If you’re working with a marketing company that specializes in auto repair shops, this should make it easy for you. Talk to your contact at the agency, let them know what you’re doing, and they should be able to just take it and run with it. If you’re doing all of your marketing yourself, you’ll need to plan everything out and put it into play yourself. Building Your Marketing Campaign First thing’s first: Get together with your team and brainstorm the benefits your clients are going to see from this move. Create a list of the problems you’ll be able to solve for them. How will you make their lives easier or better? Next, plan out the various ways you’re going to promote your campaign. What I mean is, what are the marketing mediums or channels you’re going to use? - Social media? If so, which platform(s)? - Email marketing? - Facebook ads? - Press releases? - Direct mail? - Print collateral? A good way to decide what mediums you’re going to use is to look at what you’re already doing in your auto repair shop’s marketing. If you’re already doing radio, get the radio station to create some new spots that mention the upcoming move. If you have a standing magazine ad, have your ad modified to include information about the coming new location. If you’re doing Facebook ads, adjust the budget to promote an ad about the upcoming move. You get the point. Make adjustments to the marketing you’re already doing. Create Your Talking Points Examine the benefits that you brainstormed and pull some micro-messages from those benefits. For example, if one of the benefits is that you’re moving to a location that’s more convenient for the majority of your clients, a micro-message might be “Getting Your Car Repaired Is About To Get Easier”. The messages can be used in social graphics, billboards, ads, print collateral, and just about anywhere that a person’s attention can be had with a quick glance. Create a Timeline You need to be super organized about how, what, where, and when each piece of your marketing will be used. Get out your calendar. It can be a paper calendar, your Google Calendar, or whatever you want. On this calendar you’re going to decide when each part of your messaging will be released, and which medium will be used. - October 4th – Convenience – Radio - October 16th – Alignments – Email - October 27th – Loaner Cars – Facebook/Instagram – Organic - November 6th – Loaner Cars – Facebook – Paid In the examples above, the messages are that you have a more convenient location, you’ll now have the ability to do 4 wheel computer alignments, and you’ll soon be offering loaner cars. The mediums being used will be radio, email marketing, organic (unpaid) social media, and paid ads on Facebook. The dates are self-explanatory. Create this timeline, check it daily, and stick to it as much as humanly possible. Examine Your Marketing Budget At a time like this where you’ve invested in a new location, and very likely have made a large equipment purchase, it may be tempting to cut back on your marketing spend. This is NOT the time to do that. At the very least, spend your usual amount on marketing. Better yet, double down. There’s not much more depressing than going from the high and excitement of moving to a new location to sitting in that new shop with no cars to work on. Set yourself up for success by investing heavily in your marketing. Update All Of Your Print Collateral When you move to your new location, you’re going to have a new address. You could possibly have a new phone number, and maybe even new branding (we’ll talk about that more below). It just looks unprofessional to be in your new location after building all of that excitement – but your old business cards, brochures, checklists, invoices, thank-you cards, or other collateral that don’t properly reflect the new location. I don’t care if you’d just purchased 5000 mirror hangers before you knew you were going to move. Throw them in the trash and order new ones with the correct information. Order these well ahead of time so that you can give them to your clients and tell them that the new location is coming soon. If you don’t have all of the new info yet, such as the future phone number or branding, just order small quantities to get you through until you have all of the info. Update Your Brand Your brand is your logo, colors, and any other associated visuals like fonts and icons. If you’re in the position to be moving to a new location, your business and its brand have likely been around for a long time, and the brand may be dated or was never really great, to begin with. When you move to that new location, you’re probably going to need new signage. As we’ve already discussed, your collateral will need updates – and you’re going to need to do some updates to your website as well. With the investment in new signage, collateral, and website updates, now is the time to update your brand, if needed. A word of advice. Work with a professional on this. Your brand is often the first impression people have of your company. Just because you think it would be cool to have a logo that’s a ratchet transforming into a tachometer doesn’t mean it’s a good representation of your company. Hire a professional, trust them, and take their advice. Your brand is so much more important than you think. Put Up a “Coming Soon” Sign If you’re leasing or buying an existing building, when you’re about 3 months out from moving in, it’s time to put up a “Coming Soon” sign. If you’re building a brand new facility for your auto repair shop, put the coming soon sign up when you break ground. You don’t want to put it up much earlier than that because you don’t want to be seen as a slow mover. People like people who take action. In a perfect world, the coming soon sign will go up and passers-by will immediately see action being taken on that new location daily. Your customers will intentionally look every time they pass by to see the progress taking place. If you’re rebranding, use the OLD (current) branding on your coming soon sign. This will bridge the disconnect between your old and new brand, and eliminate confusion. When they see your current brand in place for months on the coming soon sign, then see your new brand go into place on your signage, they’ll put 2+2 together and it will make perfect sense. Take Lots of Pictures During the construction phase, take lots of pictures. Even before, take pictures signing the lease or closing on your construction loan. Take pictures breaking ground. Take pictures putting up the coming soon sign. Take pictures of the construction, renovation, and equipment going in. Take pictures when you’re shopping for furniture and picking out paint colors. Every step of the way, take pictures. Use these pictures on your social media and in your email marketing. Put them in the blog on your website. Tell the story. Get your audience involved. Post random pictures and ask questions about it. For example, show a couple of different paint colors on the wall and ask your audience which partner they think likes which color the best. If there is a disagreement like that when building, ask your audience to be the tie-breaker. Have fun with it! It’s perfectly fine for these pictures to be cell-phone pictures. There’s no need to get a photographer involved at this point. Claim Your Online Directory Listings When it comes time to move, you’ll need to update your address with the many online directories that have your business information. Make sure that you have access to your Google My Business listing now. It can take weeks to claim it if they require using a postcard for verification. You don’t want to realize you don’t have access when it comes time to update your listings. Get access to everything now. More on this later. Notify Chambers of Commerce and Other Organizations You’ll want to start getting the word out among the business community that the move is going to take place. Start with local organizations like your Chamber of Commerce and let them know that you’ll be moving. They are usually the hub of the local business community and they’ll help spread the word and make you aware of any opportunities where you can announce your plans. Once the local organizations know of your intentions, notify the trade associations you are involved with. They can often help you in getting discounts on new equipment and connect you to people who specialize in helping auto repair shops with the various needs you’ll have when moving to a new location. Some of the organizations you may want to notify of your move include: - Chambers of Commerce - Your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC) - Your local Economic Development Organization (EDO) - Downtown Development Districts - Main Street Programs - Automotive Trade Associations (ASA, IGO, MWACA, etc) Be sure to ask your local SBDC, Main Street, and EDO offices about grants or incentives that may be available to you when moving to your new location. For example, in our local downtown development district, they offer painting grants or facade grants to help offset the costs of upgrading the building cosmetically. Make Your Clients Aware Using the same timeframe as what was laid out for the coming soon sign, begin to notify your clients of the upcoming move. Put a sign up at your service desk and tell every client about the upcoming move when they pick up their car. If a client is likely to pick up their car after hours, tell them when they drop it off or while on the phone letting them know that their car is ready. Have mirror hangers made that alert the clients of the new move. Make sure to express the excitement for the move on the mirror hanger. Bullet point how the move is good for them. Make sure that every car leaves the shop with a mirror hanger in place. Use your social and email channels to send updates on progress and keep people in-the-know about the new location’s progress. People these days are busy, and just because you tell them once doesn’t mean they won’t forget the next time they go to drop off their car. If you don’t own your current building, there might be a new shop in your old location. Don’t give a good service advisor the opportunity to take one of your hard-earned customers. Go through your client list and look for the clients who may not be seeing your social media updates or emails. These will usually be your older clients. Pick up the phone and call them. Make sure every client knows that you’re moving your auto repair shop to a new location. Send out a direct mail piece to your entire database a couple of weeks before the move. Use this as an opportunity to invite them to your Grand Re-Opening, and if you are not opposed to coupons, include a coupon on the mailer. Lastly, make a standard note that prints out on all invoices that includes the new address and, if applicable, new phone number. Have your service advisors circle it with a red marker while they are telling the client about the move. A couple of months before the move takes place, send out a press release. This is a great way to get some free publicity about the move. Make sure to send it to any and all local news organizations. Make a list of these local news sources and ask your friends and family to tell you any others that they may know of. Call or email each of the news sources and ask how they prefer to receive press releases. Send it exactly how they ask that it be sent. Do the same thing with automotive trade publications. These won’t do much for alerting your clients, but they’re great for helping you to rank better in the search engines. Always include a link to your website in the press release. When online publications place the press release on their website, you’ll get a free link back to yours. Don’t forget – these press releases are good content for your website. Be sure and post them to the “News” or “Blog” section of your website. During The Move The time during the move is the shortest and easiest, and that’s a good thing because the physical act of moving is incredibly tiring and stressful. You’ll have your mind and energy in other places, so it’s best if someone else is handling your marketing for you – or at the very least – you need to have things scheduled out and automated ahead of time as much as possible. Update Your Google Business Listing Your Google My Business (GMB) listing is the most authoritative online resource for the location and contact information for your business. If you think your own website would be the most authoritative, think again. Not only does the GMB listing typically display above your website when someone searches for your business by name, it’s also a resource used by many other online directories to ensure they have the correct information about your business. Hopefully, you have claimed your GMB listing already. If so, it will simply be a matter of logging in and updating your address. Google will likely mail a postcard to the new address with a verification code that you’ll have to put in. At this point, you should go ahead and update the pictures of your location in your GMB listing. If you aren’t sure about what to do with your Google My Business listing, I have a free class that you can take here. It is a video series that will walk you through every step of setting up and optimizing your listing. Update Your Citations The internet likely has hundreds of citations on your business. A citation is simply any reference to your business that includes the business name, address, and phone number. These are most commonly in the form of an online directory. Examples of bigger directories would be or Citysearch. A smaller directory might be the business directory on your local Chamber of Commerce’s website. You’ll want all citations for your business to be updated to have your new address, as well as any other information that has changed. One of the easiest ways to update a large number of directories at once is to do an update with one of the directory listing services like Yahoo Local, MOZ Local, BrightLocal, or Yext. These services update your information with the big data aggregators and disseminate it down to many of the directories. This allows you to update the most impactful directory listings by updating your information in a single place. Note: these are all paid services. Update Your Social Media Pages and Profiles The social media channels you are using for your business may have addresses and contact information for your business. These are citations in themselves and can be quite powerful ones at that. Facebook is the big one. Foursquare, though somewhat forgotten as a former social media channel, is another powerful data source when it comes to the citation provided. Check all of your social media channels and update your business information to include the new address. Update Your Website Make sure to update your website to have your new address and contact information. If you have a map embedded into the website, you’ll need to update that as well. Be sure to check every page of the website for location-specific information within the text. If your move is such that your new location is in a different city, you’ll need to check every word on the website and update it to the new city. Don’t forget the title tags and meta descriptions as the city name is almost surely included in them. Be sure to update any Schema information on the website. Schema is often included on the website as a .json file that you won’t be able to see. You probably have no idea if this exists on your website as it’s not something you can see. Ask your web developer to update the Schema information on your website. This is super important! Keep The Photos and Videos Coming During the move, make the time to get out your camera and take some photos. If you’re working with a marketing company, get the photos to the agency in real-time. Share what’s happening and keep your audience involved. Shoot some videos and do some show and tell. Go live on Facebook. Your clients are more interested in this than you would think. Any business worth its salt wants to have real relationships with its clients. Sharing this experience is a great relationship builder. After The Move Once the move has taken place, you’ll really have to drive home the fact that you’re in your new location. You should have a pretty big sense of accomplishment and should be enjoying your new auto repair shop. You’ve done a lot of work and you should be proud of yourself and your team. You have a lot to show off and tell people about. Keep that momentum going! Notify Business Organizations That The Move is Complete Just like before the move, you need to let the organizations that you do business with know that the move has taken place and you’re in your new facility. This is the same list of organizations that you notified already. Let them know you’ve moved, and invite them to come see your new place. A Day of Celebration Set aside a day to celebrate your businesses’ success by inviting the community to visit. Every person you can get inside of your business leads to that much more chatter about your shop. Most Chambers of Commerce do ribbon cuttings for new businesses. It’s commonplace to also do a ribbon-cutting when a business opens a new location. The ribbon-cutting ceremony is a place to have the local business community come by and see the new location. There are usually food, drinks, and networking at these events. Remember, you’re the host of the party, so put on a show. Have the best food, the best drinks, and some nice giveaways. Make your ribbon-cutting the one that others try to one-up. Your Chamber of Commerce will likely share photos of the event on their Facebook page and in their email. They often have a relationship with the local newspaper and will have a recap of the event placed as an article. The Grand Re-Opening is for your clients. Typically it would be done on the same day as your ribbon-cutting but would be done after-hours. It’s not much different from the ribbon-cutting except for the guests. This is a place to invite your customers in and thank them for their part in your success. Just like earlier in the day at your ribbon-cutting, you’ll want to have food, drinks, and giveaways. Do Anything To Get People Into Your Building Your auto repair shop is probably never going to look as good as it does in the days after it first re-opens. It’s clean, organized, and still has that new-shop smell. Now is the time when you want to get as many people as possible inside of that beautiful building. In addition to the Ribbon Cutting and Grand Reopening, there are many types of events you can do to get your community inside the walls of your shop. Below I’ve listed some ideas to get you started. - Grand Re-Opening - Chamber After-Hours - Host your local Economic Development Foundation’s board meeting - Host a Car-Care Clinic - Invite the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts to earn their Car-Care Merit Badge - Ask your BNI Group to have a meeting at your facility - Become a dropoff point for Toys for Tots You should always be thinking about how you can get people in the walls of your building even if it’s not to spend money. Once someone has been inside of your shop, you’re much more likely to be their first thought when they need auto repair. Steal People’s Attention It’s time to get goofy. You need to do things outside of your business that cause a pattern interrupt. Put flags out by the street. Hang streamers in the parking lot. Rent the wacky waving inflatable tube guy. Put a giant inflatable gorilla on your roof. Does this sound like a marketing ploy for a used car dealership yet? It should because those guys know how to get attention. These tactics have a shelf life. The giant gorilla on the roof will eventually blend in and not be seen once people have passed it a handful of times. Use this kind of marketing sparingly so that when you do use it, it works. Go Meet Your Neighbors Remember back in the day when people used to visit the new neighbors with a piping hot apple pie in hand? Yeah, me neither. But I do remember the old television shows that portrayed this type of welcome when I was a kid. I suppose at some point a long time ago people actually did this. Because it’s a long-lost art, it will take people by surprise and make them remember you. So figure out what your “apple pie” is and go deliver it to your neighbors. Make a great impression and they’ll probably become a referral source if not clients themselves. It’s Time For Professional Photography Now that you’re in your new shop and all set up – you have your impressive new signage in place, everything is new, sparkly, and clean – it’s time to hire a professional photographer, This is the photography that you’re going to use on your website and in places like your social media cover photos and profile pictures. You can use it in magazine ads, billboards, and a host of other places. Again, your shop may never look better than it does now, so capitalize on the opportunity and get the best photographs possible. Send A Postcard To The Surrounding Neighborhoods This is a perfect opportunity to use that new photography. Send a direct mail piece to the neighborhoods that surround your shop. EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) is an affordable way to put a postcard in the mailbox of every house on a mailing route. You don’t need to purchase lists and you don’t need to know the names of the people you’re mailing. The messaging for the postcard should hit the pain-points of the audience. What problem do people have with auto repair that you solve? Do you fix the stuff other shops can’t? Do you get people in and out faster? Do you provide loaner cars so that people don’t have the inconvenience of being without their car? Are you cheaper? Are you better? Are you nicer? What’s the thing that makes your audience dread going to the auto repair shop? If you don’t know, there are 2 exercises I’d recommend that you do. - Go through the customer avatar worksheet - Read the book “Building a Storybrand” Both of these will help you to understand who you’re marketing to and what it is that they want from an auto repair shop. Send Another Press Release Finish everything up by sending out another press release. Send it to the same people you sent the first one to. Include information about the move and give tiny recaps of the events you’ve held. Get quotes from customers and add some quotes of your own. Don’t forget to include a link back to your website. Marketing around the relocation of an auto repair shop can be a daunting task among the work of the actual move. The more planned out and systematic you are with your approach, the easier it will be. We hope this article helps you make your move go as seamlessly as possible without losing any clients in the process. If you need help and would prefer to have a team in your corner making most of these things happen while you focus on moving your business, we’d love to be the team that helps. Give us a call at 985-662-8419 or go here to schedule a demo. About The Author
DiogeniteDiogenites belong to the evolved achondrite HED group that also includes howardites and eucrites. They are named after the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Apollonia, of the 5th century BCE, who was the first to suggest that meteorites come from outer space (a realization forgotten for over 2,000 years). They are Click on Term to Read More (>40 vol% olivineGroup of silicate minerals, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, with the compositional endpoints of forsterite (Mg2SiO4) and fayalite (Fe2SiO4). Olivine is commonly found in all chondrites within both the matrix and chondrules, achondrites including most primitive achondrites and some evolved achondrites, in pallasites as large yellow-green crystals (brown when terrestrialized), in the silicate portion Click on Term to Read More) click on photo for a magnified view Purchased 2002 no coordinates recorded A single 49 g stone with weathered fusion crustMelted exterior of a meteorite that forms when it passes through Earth’s atmosphere. Friction with the air will raise a meteorite’s surface temperature upwards of 4800 K (8180 °F) and will melt (ablate) the surface minerals and flow backwards over the surface as shown in the Lafayette meteorite photograph below. Click on Term to Read More was found near Lake Iriqui, Morocco, and was subsequently purchased through a Moroccan dealer in March 2002 by A. and G. Hupé. Analysis of this meteoriteWork in progress. A solid natural object reaching a planet’s surface from interplanetary space. Solid portion of a meteoroid that survives its fall to Earth, or some other body. Meteorites are classified as stony meteorites, iron meteorites, and stony-iron meteorites. These groups are further divided according to their mineralogy and Click on Term to Read More was conducted at the University of Washington in Seattle (A. Irving and S. Kuehner). OxygenElement that makes up 20.95 vol. % of the Earth's atmosphere at ground level, 89 wt. % of seawater and 46.6 wt. % (94 vol. %) of Earth's crust. It appears to be the third most abundant element in the universe (after H and He), but has an abundance only Click on Term to Read More isotopeOne of two or more atoms with the same atomic number (Z), but different mass (A). For example, hydrogen has three isotopes: 1H, 2H (deuterium), and 3H (tritium). Different isotopes of a given element have different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. Click on Term to Read More data indicate that NWA 1459 originated on the HED parent bodyThe body from which a meteorite or meteoroid was derived prior to its ejection. Some parent bodies were destroyed early in the formation of our Solar System, while others like the asteroid 4-Vesta and Mars are still observable today. Click on Term to Read More, and it was classified as a rare olivine-rich diogeniteDiogenites belong to the evolved achondrite HED group that also includes howardites and eucrites. They are named after the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Apollonia, of the 5th century BCE, who was the first to suggest that meteorites come from outer space (a realization forgotten for over 2,000 years). They are Click on Term to Read More. This meteorite has a coarse-grained texture and a dark yellow-green color, and it exhibits minor staining caused by terrestrial weathering products such as iron oxides/hydroxides. It contains an unusual abundance of chromiteBrownish-black oxide of chromium and iron (Cr-Fe oxide), Cr2FeO4, found in many meteorite groups. Click on Term to Read More grains, the presence of which is associated with high temperatures. Some of the chromite grains protrude across the crusted surface, selectively exposed and polished by atmospheric ablationGradual removal of the successive surface layers of a material through various processes. • The gradual removal and loss of meteoritic material by heating and vaporization as the meteoroid experiences frictional melting during its passage through the atmosphere. The resulting plasma ablates the meteor and, in cases where a meteor Click on Term to Read More processes. Minor constituents that are present include anorthitic plagioclaseAlso referred to as the plagioclase feldspar series. Plagioclase is a common rock-forming series of feldspar minerals containing a continuous solid solution of calcium and sodium: (Na1-x,Cax)(Alx+1,Si1-x)Si2O8 where x = 0 to 1. The Ca-rich end-member is called anorthite (pure anorthite has formula: CaAl2Si2O8) and the Na-rich end-member is albite Click on Term to Read More , clinopyroxene, troiliteBrass colored non-magnetic mineral of iron sulfide, FeS, found in a variety of meteorites. Click on Term to Read More , and Ni-free (0.06%) Fe-metal. At the time of its classification, the olivine diogenitesDiogenites belong to the evolved achondrite HED group that also includes howardites and eucrites. They are named after the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Apollonia, of the 5th century BCE, who was the first to suggest that meteorites come from outer space (a realization forgotten for over 2,000 years). They are Click on Term to Read More included only a few like members, some of which had previously been found in Antarctica. The olivine-rich GRA 98108 has an orthopyroxeneOrthorhombic, low-Ca pyroxene common in chondrites. Its compositional range runs from all Mg-rich enstatite, MgSiO3 to Fe-rich ferrosilite, FeSiO3. These end-members form an almost complete solid solution where Mg2+ substitutes for Fe2+ up to about 90 mol. % and Ca substitutes no more than ~5 mol. % (higher Ca2+ contents occur Click on Term to Read More content of 70% (Mg# = 69–79) and an olivine content of 30% (Mg# = 73), along with minor plagioclase, chromite, FeNi-metal, and troilite (Righter, 2001). Another unusually olivine-rich diogenite is the unbrecciated ALHA77256. In addition, the genomict brecciaWork in Progress ... A rock that is a mechanical mixture of different minerals and/or rock fragments (clasts). A breccia may also be distinguished by the origin of its clasts: (monomict breccia: monogenetic or monolithologic, and polymict breccia: polygenetic or polylithologic). The proportions of these fragments within the unbrecciated material Click on Term to Read More EETA79002 contains a large amount of olivine (Mg# = ~76) in at least one lithology, mainly associated with highly magnesian orthopyroxene grains (Mittlefehldt, 2000). As with the other olivine diogenite samples, this highly magnesian orthopyroxene lithology is thought to have originated from a harzburgitic (olivine + orthopyroxene) plutonGeology: Igneous intrusive body that forms when magma is injected into host rocks and solidifies. Plutons occur in the crust of asteroids undergoing differentiation or planets. Named after Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld. Plutonic rocks are the rocks found within a pluton. Astronomy: Category of planet including all Click on Term to Read More . However, olivine in this diogenite is not in equilibriumTerm used to describe physical or chemical stasis. Physical equilibrium may be divided into two types: static and dynamic. Static equilibrium occurs when the components of forces and torques acting in one direction are balanced by components of forces and torques acting in the opposite direction. A system in static Click on Term to Read More with some other orthopyroxene lithologies that are present, suggesting that this is a genomict breccia consisting of a mixture of harzburgite and more common Fe-rich orthopyroxene (orthopyroxeniteA rock composed primarily of orthopyroxene. Non-terrestrial orthopyoxenites include diogenites and a single martian meteorite, ALH 84001, that was found in the Allan Hills region of Antarctica in 1984. ALH 84001 is a cumulate rock consisting of 97% coarse-grained, Mg-rich orthopyroxene, with small amounts of plagioclase, chromite, and carbonate. It Click on Term to Read More ) clasts (Beck and McSween Jr., 2009). Northwest Africa 1459 is classified as a harzburgitic peridotite rock, with a higher olivine (~40 vol%) and Fe content than that found in all previously analyzed olivine-rich diogenites. In 2003, a fifth member of this olivine-rich diogenite group was found, NWA 1877 and pairings, which contains ~45 vol% olivine with no plagioclase suggesting that it formed at a greater depth than did NWA 1459. This meteorite, along with NWA 1459, GRA 98108, ALHA 77256, and EETA 79002, provided the requisite number required to form a new group that was proposed to be called the olivine diogenite group—a term generally associated with those diogenites containing at least 5 vol% olivine (A. Irving et al. , 2005). For those diogenites with between 1 vol% and 5 vol% olivine the term ‘olivine-bearing’ is most commonly used. Even more recently, the classification of several new olivine diogenites was published; namely, NWA 5405 (~10 vol% olivine), NWA 5312 (24 vol% olivine), MIL 07001 (>40 vol% olivine), NWA 4223 (50 vol% olivine), and NWA 5480 (57 vol% olivine). While it is hypothesized that olivine diogenites are cumulates constituting distinct layered magmatic intrusions emplaced into the crustOutermost layer of a differentiated planet, asteroid or moon, usually consisting of silicate rock and extending no more than 10s of km from the surface. The term is also applied to icy bodies, in which case it is composed of ices, frozen gases, and accumulated meteoritic material. On Earth, the Click on Term to Read More , the unusual features exhibited in NWA 5480 suggest a possible origin as a mantleMain silicate-rich zone within a planet between the crust and metallic core. The mantle accounts for 82% of Earth's volume and is composed of silicate minerals rich in Mg. The temperature of the mantle can be as high as 3,700 °C. Heat generated in the core causes convection currents in Click on Term to Read More residue. A relatively strong paleomagnetic intensity of ~36 µT was measured for NWA 5480 (Tarduno and Cottrell, 2012), from which a dynamo can be inferred to have existed during crystallizationPhysical or chemical process or action that results in the formation of regularly-shaped, -sized, and -patterned solid forms known as crystals. Click on Term to Read More more than 19.68 m.y. after CAIsSub-millimeter to centimeter-sized amorphous objects found typically in carbonaceous chondrites and ranging in color from white to greyish white and even light pink. CAIs have occasionally been found in ordinary chondrites, such as the L3.00 chondrite, NWA 8276 (Sara Russell, 2016). CAIs are also known as refractory inclusions since they Click on Term to Read More (Yin et al. , 2018). Analyses by Yamaguchi et al. (2013) led them to conclude that the NWA 5480 diogenite is an impact melt rockRock that has been made temporarily molten as a result of the energy released by the impact of a large colliding body. Impact melts include small particles, known as "impact melt spherules" that are splashed out of the impact crater, and larger pools and sheets of melt that collect in Click on Term to Read More formed at the bottom of a large basin such as Rheasilvia. It is noteworthy that O-isotope and trace elementSubstance composed of atoms, each of which has the same atomic number (Z) and chemical properties. The chemical properties of an element are determined by the arrangement of the electrons in the various shells (specified by their quantum number) that surround the nucleus. In a neutral atom, the number of Click on Term to Read More data for the unique 1.1 g olivine-rich (dunitic/harzburgitic?) achondriteAn achondrite is a type of stony meteorite whose precursor was of chondritic origin and experienced metamorphic and igneous processes. They have a planetary or differentiated asteroidal origin where the chondritic parent body reached a sufficient size that through heating due to radioactive decay of 26Al (aluminum isotope) and gravitational Click on Term to Read More QUE 93148 have led to the suggestion that it might be derived from the deep mantle of the HED parent body (Goodrich and Righter, 2000; C. Floss, 2003). However, due to its lower Co and Ni abundances than what would otherwise be expected for an olivine-rich mantle lithology or magma oceanCompletely molten surfaces of terrestrial planets or moons that formed soon after accretion. Samples returned by the Apollo missions provide evidence of a lunar magma ocean, crystallization of which produced a stratified Moon with a low-density crust formed by accumulation of the mineral plagioclase overlying a higher density mantle of Click on Term to Read More cumulateIgneous rock composed of crystals that have grown and accumulated (often by gravitational settling) in a cooling magma chamber. Click on Term to Read More , QUE 93148 may have actually originated on a distinct planetary body such as that of the main-group pallasites (Shearer et al. , 2008; Shearer et al. Northwest Africa 1459 may be different from the other olivine-rich diogenites in being a recrystallized cumulate (Irving et al. , 2003). Some have suggested a formation of olivine diogenites from basaltBasalt is the most common extrusive igneous rock on the terrestrial planets. For example, more than 90% of all volcanic rock on Earth is basalt. The term basalt is applied to most low viscosity dark silicate lavas, regardless of composition. Basalt is a mafic, extrusive and fine grained igneous rock Click on Term to Read More depleted source regions—melts from which eucritesMost common type of achondrite meteorite and a member of the HED group. Eucrites are basalts composed primarily of pigeonite and anorthite (An60-98). Eucrites have been placed into three subgroups based on mineralogical and chemical differences. • Non-cumulate eucrites represent the upper crust that solidified on a magma ocean after Click on Term to Read More had previously been derived. However, due to the minor and trace element overlaps observed among the diogenite types, they may in fact form a continuum of orthopyroxene accumulation within a fractionated magmaMolten silicate (rock) beneath the surface of a planetary body or moon. When it reaches the surface, magma is called lava. Click on Term to Read More ocean or layered intrusion emplaced into the crust. Alternatively, they may represent distinct parental magma sources rather than originating in a separate mantle setting (Shearer et al. , 2007, 2010; Barrat and Yamaguchi, 2014). It was argued that only the largest impact event could excavate olivine-rich mantle material on VestaThird largest and fourth brightest asteroid; it was discovered in 1807 by Heinrich Olbers and named for the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth. 4 Vesta has a basaltic surface composition and an average density not much less than that of Mars. Evidently lava once flowed here indicating that the , and this is exemplified by the central uplift within the Southern Lowlands craterBowl-like depression ("crater" means "cup" in Latin) on the surface of a planet, moon, or asteroid. Craters range in size from a few centimeters to over 1,000 km across, and are mostly caused by impact or by volcanic activity, though some are due to cryovolcanism. Click on Term to Read More where even coreIn the context of planetary formation, the core is the central region of a large differentiated asteroid, planet or moon and made up of denser materials than the surrounding mantle and crust. For example, the cores of the Earth, the terrestrial planets and differentiated asteroids are rich in metallic iron-nickel. Click on Term to Read More material may have been exposed (Delaney, 2009). This tremendous impact event is estimated to have displaced 10–20% of the mass of the asteroid. Notably, Beck et al. (2012) identified the first olivine-rich melt material in the howardites that constitute the PCA 02009 pairing group. This olivine-rich material was likely derived from harzburgitic and dunitic lithologies exposed on the surface of Vesta. Importantly, the dunitic Vesta-related meteorite NWA 2968 (>95 vol% olivine) may be the deepest sampled lithology known from the HED parent asteroid, widely thought to be 4 Vesta and its derivitive Vestoids. In a similar manner, it is envisaged by one investigative team that Vesta and the Vestoids, along with the isotopically similar mesosiderites and IIAB irons, were themselves the products of a breakup of an even larger parent object which they have named ‘Opis’ (Irving et al. , 2009). In Greek mythology, Opis was the wife of Saturn, whose children were Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres, and Vesta. To see an alternative classification systemDefinable part of the universe that can be open, closed, or isolated. An open system exchanges both matter and energy with its surroundings. A closed system can only exchange energy with its surroundings; it has walls through which heat can pass. An isolated system cannot exchange energy or matter with for the diogenites based on mineralogical and petrographical features, proposed by Beck and McSween (2010) and modified by Wittke et al. (2011), click here . The photo above shows the cut side of a 0.42 g partial end section of NWA 1459. The photo of the main massLargest fragment of a meteorite, typically at the time of recovery. Meteorites are commonly cut, sliced or sometimes broken thus reducing the size of the main mass and the resulting largest specimen is called the "largest known mass". Click on Term to Read More shown below is courtesy of A. and G. Hupé. NORTHWEST AFRICA 1459 Photo courtesy of A. and G. Hupé
Rhyming poems for kids are one of the best ways to introduce and nurture their joy of reading. Rhymes are the repetition of similar-sounding words. When employed in a well-written poem, they combine styles and feelings to create a lyrical rhythm, making it easier for children to pick up new words and their meanings. Thus, these poems help children master the language. In addition, children can distinguish different expressions and emotions attached to the art and aesthetics of the poetry. So let us read further to explore some rhyming poems that will keep your children engaged and entertained for hours. 35 Rhyming Poems For Kids Poems can nurture the creative spirits of your little one. Rhyming poems are appealing to children and make their free time fun. 1. From A Railway Carriage, by Robert Louis Stevenson Faster than fairies, faster than witches, Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches; And charging along like troops in a battle, All through the meadows the horses and cattle: All of the sights of the hill and the plain Fly as thick as driving rain; And ever again, in the wink of an eye, Painted stations whistle by. Here is a child who clambers and scrambles, All by himself and gathering brambles; Here is a tramp who stands and gazes; And there is the green for stringing the daisies! Here is a cart run away in the road Lumping along with man and load; And here is a mill and there is a river: Each a glimpse and gone for ever! 2. February, by Mary Ann Hoberman February, funny word, With my “r” that’s hardly heard, Different in so many ways, I’m the month with fewest days; And another thing that’s strange is I’m the only month that changes: Every leap year – one in four – I am given one day more, Twenty-nine from twenty-eight (Not so easy to keep straight). Still it’s lots of fun to vary – I like being February! Take out some time from your daily schedule and read these poems to your children. Spending quality time together can foster your bond. 3. Be Glad Your Nose Is on Your Face, by Jack Prelutsky Be glad your nose is on your face, not pasted on some other place, for if it were where it is not, you might dislike your nose a lot. Imagine if your precious nose were sandwiched in between your toes, that clearly would not be a treat, for you’d be forced to smell your feet. Your nose would be a source of dread were it attached atop your head, it soon would drive you to despair, forever tickled by your hair. Within your ear, your nose would be an absolute catastrophe, for when you were obliged to sneeze, your brain would rattle from the breeze. Your nose, instead, through thick and thin, remains between your eyes and chin, not pasted on some other place— be glad your nose is on your face! 4. Homework Stew, by Kenn Nesbitt I cooked my math book in a broth and stirred it to a steaming froth. I threw in papers—pencils, too— to make a pot of homework stew. I turned the flame up nice and hot and tossed my binder in the pot. I sprinkled in my book report with colored markers by the quart. Despite its putrid, noxious gas, I proudly took my stew to class. And though the smell was so grotesque, I set it on my teacher’s desk. My teacher said, “You’re quite a chef. But, still, you’re going to get an F. I didn’t ask for ‘homework stew,’ I said, ‘Tomorrow, homework’s due.’” 5. Said The Toad, by J. Patrick Lewis I was really in a muddle looking over a mud puddle ’cause I didn’t have a paddle or a twig to ride the reef. But I said, Oh, fiddle-faddle, this is just a little piddle of a second fiddle puddle so I saddled up a leaf. I set sail on the puddle, but I reached the muddy middle and I rocked the leaf a little, then I gave it all I had. And I solved the mighty riddle of the whole caboodle puddle when I hopped up on the middle of a beetle launching pad. 6. The Romance, by Shel Silverstein Said the pelican to the elephant, “I think we should marry, I do. ’Cause there’s no name that rhymes with me, And no one else rhymes with you.” Said the elephant to the pelican, “There’s sense to what you’ve said, For rhyming’s as good a reason as any For any two to wed.” And so the elephant wed the pelican, And they dined upon lemons and limes, And now they have a baby pelicant, And everybody rhymes. 7. Cat, by Marilyn Singer a perfect fire to lie beside, a cozy lap where I can nap, an empty chair when she’s not there. I want heat on my feet on my nose on my hide. No cat I remember 8. Now We Are Six, by A.A. Milne When I was One, I had just begun. When I was Two, I was nearly new. When I was Three I was hardly me. When I was Four, I was not much more. When I was Five, I was just alive. But now I am Six, I’m as clever as clever, So I think I’ll be six now for ever and ever. 9. Jack, by Jane Yolen Jack was quite nimble, Jack was quite quick, Jack gave the beanstalk A mighty big kick. Down came the giant— Bottoms up in a crater, Thus ending it all. 10. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat, by Lewis Carroll Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you’re at! Up above the world you fly, Like a teatray in the sky. 11. Stopping by Woods On A Snowy Evening, by Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. 12. Down Behind The Dustbin, by Michael Rosen Down behind the dustbin I met a dog called Ted. ‘Leave me alone,’ he says, ‘I’m just going to bed.’ Down behind the dustbin I met a dog called Roger. ‘Do you own this bin?’ I said. ‘No. I’m only a lodger.’ Down behind the dustbin I met a dog called Sue. ‘What are you doing here?’ I said. ‘I’ve got nothing else to do.’ 13. Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802, by William Wordsworth Earth has not anything to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie Open unto the fields, and to the sky; All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. Never did sun more beautifully steep In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill; Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep! The river glideth at his own sweet will: Dear God! the very houses seem asleep; And all that mighty heart is lying still! 14. Desire, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge Where true Love burns Desire is Love’s pure flame; It is the reflex of our earthly frame, That takes its meaning from the nobler part, And but translates the language of the heart. 15. Love’s Philosophy, by Percy Bysshe Shelley The fountains mingle with the river And the rivers with the ocean, The winds of heaven mix for ever With a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world is single; All things by a law divine In one spirit meet and mingle. Why not I with thine?— See the mountains kiss high heaven And the waves clasp one another; No sister-flower would be forgiven If it disdained its brother; And the sunlight clasps the earth And the moonbeams kiss the sea: What is all this sweet work worth If thou kiss not me? 16. The Sick Rose, by William Blake O Rose thou art sick. The invisible worm, That flies in the night In the howling storm: Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy: And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy. 17. Stanzas For Music, by Lord Byron There be none of Beauty’s daughters With a magic like thee; And like music on the waters Is thy sweet voice to me: When, as if its sound were causing The charmed ocean’s pausing, The waves lie still and gleaming, And the lull’d winds seem dreaming: And the midnight moon is weaving Her bright chain o’er the deep; Whose breast is gently heaving, As an infant’s asleep: So the spirit bows before thee, To listen and adore thee; With a full but soft emotion, Like the swell of Summer’s ocean. 18. In The Bleak Midwinter, by Christina Rossetti In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, In the bleak midwinter, long ago. Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain; Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign. In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed The Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ. Enough for Him, whom cherubim, worship night and day, Breastful of milk, and a mangerful of hay; Enough for Him, whom angels fall before, The ox and ass and camel which adore. Angels and archangels may have gathered there, Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air; But His mother only, in her maiden bliss, Worshipped the beloved with a kiss. What can I give Him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart. 19. Fall, Leaves, Fall, by Emily Bronte Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away; Lengthen night and shorten day; Every leaf speaks bliss to me Fluttering from the autumn tree. I shall smile when wreaths of snow Blossom where the rose should grow; I shall sing when night’s decay Ushers in a drearier day. 20. No Second Troy, by William Butler Yeats Why should I blame her that she filled my days With misery, or that she would of late Have taught to ignorant men most violent ways, Or hurled the little streets upon the great, Had they but courage equal to desire? What could have made her peaceful with a mind That nobleness made simple as a fire, With beauty like a tightened bow, a kind That is not natural in an age like this, Being high and solitary and most stern? Why, what could she have done, being what she is? Was there another Troy for her to burn? William Butler Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. 21. Song, by James Joyce My love is in a light attire Among the apple trees, Where the gay winds do most desire To run in companies. There, where the gay winds stay to woo The young leaves as they pass, My love goes slowly, bending to Her shadow on the grass. And where the sky’s a pale blue cup Over the laughing land, My love goes lightly, holding up Her dress with dainty hand. 22. The Heavenly City, by Stevie Smith I sigh for the heavenly country, Where the heavenly people pass, And the sea is as quiet as a mirror Of beautiful beautiful glass. I walk in the heavenly field, With lilies and poppies bright, I am dressed in a heavenly coat Of polished white. When I walk in the heavenly parkland My feet on the pasture are bare, Tall waves the grass, but no harmful Creature is there. At night I fly over the housetops, And stand on the bright moony beams; Gold are all heaven’s rivers, And silver her streams. 23. My Kingdom, by Robert Louis Stevenson Down by a shining water well I found a very little dell, No higher than my head. The heather and the gorse about In summer bloom were coming out, Some yellow and some red. I called the little pool a sea; The little hills were big to me; For I am very small. I made a boat, I made a town, I searched the caverns up and down, And named them one and all. And all about was mine, I said, The little sparrows overhead, The little minnows too. This was the world and I was king; For me the bees came by to sing, For me the swallows flew. I played there were no deeper seas, Nor any wider plains than these, Nor other kings than me. At last I heard my mother call Out from the house at evenfall, To call me home to tea. And I must rise and leave my dell, And leave my dimpled water well, And leave my heather blooms. Alas! and as my home I neared, How very big my nurse appeared. How great and cool the rooms! 24. The Porcupine, by Ogden Nash Any hound a porcupine nudges Can’t be blamed for harboring grudges, I know one hound that laughed all winter At a porcupine that sat on a splinter. 25. A Nonsense Song, by Stephen Vincent Benet Rosemary, Rosemary, let down your hair! The cow’s in the hammock, the crow’s in the chair! I was making you songs out of sawdust and silk, But they came in to call and they spilt them like milk. The cat’s in the coffee, the wind’s in the east, He screams like a peacock and whines like a priest And the saw of his voice makes my blood turn to mice- So let down your long hair and shut off his advice! Pluck out the thin hairpins and let the waves stream, Brown-gold as brook-waters that dance through a dream, Gentle-curled as young cloudlings, sweet-fragrant as bay, Till it takes all the fierceness of living away. Oh, when you are with me, my heart is white steel, But the bat’s in the belfry, the mold’s in the meal, And I think I hear skeletons climbing the stair! -Rosemary, Rosemary, let down your bright hair! 26. Dentist And The Crocodile, by Roald Dahl The crocodile, with cunning smile, sat in the dentist’s chair. He said, “Right here and everywhere my teeth require repair.” The dentist’s face was turning white. He quivered, quaked and shook. He muttered, “I suppose I’m going to have to take a look.” “I want you”, Crocodile declared, “to do the back ones first. The molars at the very back are easily the worst.” He opened wide his massive jaws. It was a fearsome sight— At least three hundred pointed teeth, all sharp and shining white. The dentist kept himself well clear. He stood two yards away. He chose the longest probe he had to search out the decay. “I said to do the back ones first!” the Crocodile called out. “You’re much too far away, dear sir, to see what you’re about. To do the back ones properly you’ve got to put your head Deep down inside my great big mouth,” the grinning Crocky said. The poor old dentist wrung his hands and, weeping in despair, He cried, “No no! I see them all extremely well from here!” Just then, in burst a lady, in her hands a golden chain. She cried, “Oh Croc, you naughty boy, you’re playing tricks again!” “Watch out!” the dentist shrieked and started climbing up the wall. “He’s after me! He’s after you! He’s going to eat us all!” “Don’t be a twit,” the lady said, and flashed a gorgeous smile. “He’s harmless. He’s my little pet, my lovely crocodile.” 27. Trees, by Joyce Kilmer I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. 28. Across The Border, by Sophie Jewett Where all the trees bear golden flowers, And all the birds are white; Where fairy folk in dancing hours Burn stars for candlelight; Where every wind and leaf can talk, But no man understand Save one whose child-feet chanced to walk Green paths of fairyland; I followed two swift silver wings; I stalked a roving song; I startled shining, silent things; I wandered all day long. But when it seemed the shadowy hours Whispered of soft-foot night, I crept home to sweet common flowers, Brown birds, and candlelight. 29. When I Was One-and-Twenty, by A.E. Housman When I was one-and-twenty I heard a wise man say, “Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies But keep your fancy free.” But I was one-and-twenty, No use to talk to me. When I was one-and-twenty I heard him say again, “The heart out of the bosom Was never given in vain; ’Tis paid with sighs a plenty And sold for endless rue.” And I am two-and-twenty, And oh, ’tis true, ’tis true. 30. The Violet, by Jane Taylor Down in a green and shady bed, A modest violet grew, Its stalk was bent, it hung its head, As if to hide from view. And yet it was a lovely flower, Its colours bright and fair; It might have graced a rosy bower, Instead of hiding there, Yet there it was content to bloom, In modest tints arrayed; And there diffused its sweet perfume, Within the silent shade. Then let me to the valley go, This pretty flower to see; That I may also learn to grow In sweet humility. Did you know? Jane Taylor is best known for her children’s lullaby “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” 31. My Doggy Ate My Essay, by Darren Sardelli My doggy ate my essay. He picked up all my mail. He cleaned my dirty closet and dusted with his tail. He straightened out my posters and swept my wooden floor. My parents almost fainted when he fixed my bedroom door. I did not try to stop him. He made my windows shine. My room looked like a palace, and my dresser smelled like pine. He fluffed up every pillow. He folded all my clothes. He even cleaned my fish tank with a toothbrush and a hose. I thought it was amazing to see him use a broom. I’m glad he ate my essay on “How to Clean My Room.” 32. When I Am Gone, by Shel Silverstein When I am gone what will you do? Who will write and draw for you? Someone smarter—someone new? Someone better—maybe YOU! 33. A Child’s Calendar, by John Updike The stripped and shapely The ghosts of her The ground is hard, As hard as stone. The year is old, The birds are flown. And yet the world, In its distress, Displays a certain 34. The Mermaid Queen, by Joseph Coelho My mother, The Mermaid Queen, wept tiny pearl tears. For weeks, for months, she cried through the seasons. High-tide storm-sobbing, would it last for years? Her sadness felt endless, beyond all reason. Mermaids cry puddles, lakes and even streams. My mother’s wailed river flooded our home. She cried in the night, she cried in my dreams, no comfort could reach her floating throne. I swim in her blues with webbed feet and hands, my mind feels sodden like earth after rain, my feelings are scattered like windswept sands. I wonder how long I will feel this pain. To go feels wrong, to stay makes me feel sad. I want to see my mum and I want to see my dad. 35. Life Doesn’t Frighten Me, by Maya Angelou Shadows on the wall Noises down the hall Life doesn’t frighten me at all Bad dogs barking loud Big ghosts in a cloud Life doesn’t frighten me at all Mean old Mother Goose Lions on the loose They don’t frighten me at all Dragons breathing flame On my counterpane That doesn’t frighten me at all. I go boo Make them shoo I make fun Way they run I won’t cry So they fly I just smile They go wild Life doesn’t frighten me at all. Tough guys fight All alone at night Life doesn’t frighten me at all. Panthers in the park Strangers in the dark No, they don’t frighten me at all. That new classroom where Boys all pull my hair (Kissy little girls With their hair in curls) They don’t frighten me at all. Don’t show me frogs and snakes And listen for my scream, If I’m afraid at all It’s only in my dreams. I’ve got a magic charm That I keep up my sleeve I can walk the ocean floor And never have to breathe. Life doesn’t frighten me at all Not at all Not at all. Life doesn’t frighten me at all. Why Do We Teach Rhymes To Kindergarten? Rhymes are beneficial and provide an educational method of learning that is innovative and fun-filled for children. Some of the primary reasons they are a necessary part of the kindergarten curriculum are: - They play an essential role in language development as children listen attentively and understand and use the desired words. - Children can differentiate meanings of similar-sounding words, thereby improving their vocabulary and communication skills. - Through rhymes, they learn various moral lessons and life skills. - Rhymes keep them engaged and help develop their thinking. How Do You Teach Rhyming Words To Kindergarten? Every child has a learning curve when it comes to mastering a skill. However, educators and parents can introduce rhymes in kindergarten. With proper engagement, learning activities, and teaching aids like books, games, and the internet, teaching rhymes have become more accessible. Learning rhymes is a three-fold process in which the children learn to identify the sounds made, differentiate and understand the presence of similar-sounding words, and replicate it by producing rhyming words. Some tips to keep in mind while teaching rhyming words to kindergarten are: - Try keeping it simple and easy, and start with the familiar nursery rhymes - Find innovative games and activities to teach similar-sounding words - Include audio rhyming lessons to develop sharp listening skills - Teach different vocal sounds - Lastly, be patient with the children 1. What is a five-line poem? Five-line poems or stanzas are known as quintain or quintets. 2. What are two-line rhyming stanzas called? A couplet is a two-line rhyming stanza consisting of two successive lines and the same meter. Rhyming poems for kids have existed for centuries and are often passed down through generations. They are short, catchy, and fun to recite. As a result, these poems have become an essential part of children’s education. They enable children to pick up the language and impart life lessons. The key is to select age-appropriate rhymes that are easy to learn and find activities that improve their listening skills. In addition, rhyming poems inspire and ignite young minds with a fertile imagination. - Rhymes are an integral part of children’s language learning. - They enrich children’s vocabulary. - Rhymes impart moral values and education. - They are a great way to introduce literature to children.
Candida tropicalis- An Overview Candida tropicalis is a species of yeast that belongs to the genus Candida. It is a common fungal pathogen that can cause infections in humans, especially in those with weakened immune systems. Candida tropicalis is closely related to Candida albicans, the most prevalent Candida species, and shares many features of pathogenicity and clinical presentation. However, C. tropicalis has some distinctive characteristics that make it a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Candida tropicalis can cause superficial and mucosal infections, such as oral thrush, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and skin and nail infections. It can also cause invasive and systemic infections, such as candidemia, disseminated candidiasis, and chronic disseminated candidiasis. These infections can affect various organs and tissues, such as the blood, heart, brain, liver, spleen, kidney, eye, bone, and joint. Candida tropicalis is one of the most common causes of candidemia, which is the presence of Candida in the bloodstream. Candidemia is a serious and life-threatening condition that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Candidemia can lead to sepsis, organ failure, and death. Candida tropicalis has several virulence factors that enable it to colonize and infect the human host. These include: - The ability to form blastoconidia (single-celled spores) that are resistant to environmental stress and can adhere to host cells and surfaces. - The ability to form pseudohyphae (elongated cells) and true hyphae (filamentous cells) that can penetrate host tissues and evade immune responses. - The ability to produce biofilms (communities of cells embedded in a matrix) that can adhere to medical devices and resist antifungal drugs. - The ability to secrete enzymes (such as proteases, phospholipases, and hemolysins) that can degrade host tissues and facilitate invasion. - The ability to switch phenotypes (different forms of appearance) that can adapt to different environmental conditions and evade immune recognition. Candida tropicalis is also known for its antifungal resistance. It has developed resistance to some of the commonly used antifungal drugs, such as fluconazole, which is a member of the azole class of drugs. Fluconazole resistance can limit the treatment options and increase the mortality rate of C. tropicalis infections. Therefore, new antifungal drugs and strategies are needed to combat this emerging threat. Candida tropicalis is not only a human pathogen but also an environmental organism. It can be found in various natural habitats, such as seawater, marine sediments, fish intestines, mangrove plants, algae, shrimps, soil, fruit surfaces, and foods. It can also be used for biotechnological purposes, such as bioethanol production and bioremediation. In this article, we will provide an overview of C. tropicalis based on basic and clinical approaches. We will discuss its habitat, morphology, culture characteristics, pathogenesis, transmission, virulence factors, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, antifungal resistance, prevention and control. Candida tropicalis is one of the fungal species that has been obtained from seawater, sea sediments, mudflats, marine fish intestine, mangrove plants, and marine algae, shrimps. Therefore, they are widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical marine environments. It is also dominantly found in the human gut, fruit surfaces, a variety of foods and soil. As a normal component of the human microbiota, Candida tropicalis can colonize the gastrointestinal tract, buccal cavity, and urogenital region. It can also cause opportunistic infections when the normal microbiota is disrupted by factors such as immunosuppression, antibiotic use, diabetes mellitus, or catheterization. Candida tropicalis can also survive in soil and vegetation, where it can interact with plant roots and surfaces. It has been isolated from sediment and vegetation samples from different regions of the world. It can also grow on various carbon sources such as sugars and starches. Candida tropicalis is an adaptable and versatile species that can thrive in different habitats and conditions. It is important to understand its distribution and ecology to prevent and control its infections in humans and plants. Candida tropicalis is a yeast-like fungus that belongs to the genus Candida. It is a dimorphic fungus, meaning that it can exist in two different forms: yeast cells and hyphal cells. Yeast cells are round or oval-shaped, with a diameter of 2-10 µm. They reproduce by budding, either unipolar or bipolar, forming blastoconidia (buds) on stalks. The buds are pigmented and septate, and can form pseudohyphae (chains of elongated buds). Hyphal cells are filamentous structures that can grow and branch. They are formed by the bud-to-hypha transition (also called morphogenesis), which is a process that involves changes in gene expression, cell wall composition, and morphology. Hyphal cells can penetrate the host tissues and evade the immune system. Candida tropicalis can also undergo phenotypic switching, which is a reversible change in colony morphology and virulence traits. Phenotypic switching can affect the production of enzymes, adhesion molecules, biofilm formation, and antifungal resistance. Candida tropicalis can be distinguished from other Candida species by its ability to assimilate soluble starch as a sole carbon source. It also produces acetic acid from glucose fermentation and urease from urea hydrolysis. It does not produce pigments of red, pink, or orange color on culture media. Candida tropicalis can grow on various standard laboratory media used for cultivating yeasts and fungi, such as: - Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) - Yeast extract agar (YEA) - Cornmeal agar (CMA) - Chromogenic Candida agar (CCA) On SDA, C. tropicalis produces smooth, creamy, and usually white or cream-colored colonies . However, colony color can vary depending on the specific strain or growth conditions. The colonies are typically smooth and have a moist or creamy texture. This medium suppresses conidia growth but promotes the formation of mycelium. On YEA, C. tropicalis produces similar colonies as on SDA, but with more abundant blastoconidia and pseudohyphae. On CMA, C. tropicalis produces smooth blastoconidia spores that are held by a hyphal stalk structure (mycelium). The spores are pigmented and septate. On CCA, C. tropicalis produces colonies with a typical dark blue color. This medium allows for the differentiation of C. tropicalis from other Candida species based on the chromogenic reaction. C. tropicalis has the following preferred growth conditions: - Optimal temperature: 25–35 °C (77–95 °F) - Optimal pH: 4.5–6.5 - Optimal oxygen: Aerobic or facultatively anaerobic C. tropicalis thrives in sugar and fat media. It can also grow in other media such as potato dextrose agar, potato-glucose, potato-carrot, tomato juice, and lima bean media. Candida tropicalis is a yeast species that can cause both superficial and invasive infections in humans, especially in immunocompromised hosts . It is one of the most common Candida species isolated from blood cultures and can cause candidemia, a life-threatening condition with high mortality rates . The pathogenesis of C. tropicalis involves several factors that enable it to colonize, adhere, invade, and evade the host immune system. C. tropicalis can colonize various sites of the human body, such as the skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary tract . It can also survive in environmental niches, such as seawater, soil, plants, and animals. Colonization is facilitated by the ability of C. tropicalis to form biofilms, which are complex communities of microorganisms attached to a surface and embedded in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances . Biofilms confer resistance to antifungal agents, host defenses, and environmental stresses . C. tropicalis is a strong biofilm producer and can form biofilms on various medical devices, such as catheters, prosthetic valves, and implants . Adherence is the first step of infection and involves the interaction of C. tropicalis with host cells or tissues . C. tropicalis can adhere to epithelial and endothelial cells by using different adhesins, such as Als (agglutinin-like sequence) proteins, Hwp (hyphal wall protein) proteins, Eap (extracellular adherence protein) proteins, and mannoproteins . These adhesins recognize specific receptors on the host cells, such as integrins, cadherins, lectins, and extracellular matrix components . Adherence allows C. tropicalis to resist mechanical removal and initiate tissue invasion . Invasion is the process by which C. tropicalis penetrates the host tissues and reaches the bloodstream or other organs . Invasion is mediated by two main mechanisms: active penetration and induced endocytosis . Active penetration involves the formation of hyphae, which are elongated filamentous cells that can exert mechanical pressure and secrete lytic enzymes to breach the host barriers . Induced endocytosis involves the uptake of C. tropicalis by host cells through phagocytosis or macropinocytosis, which can be triggered by fungal factors or host factors . Once inside the host cells, C. tropicalis can escape from the phagosomes or lysosomes and replicate in the cytoplasm or disseminate to other cells . Evasion is the ability of C. tropicalis to avoid or modulate the host immune response to establish and maintain infection . C. tropicalis can evade the host immunity by several strategies, such as: - Phenotypic switching: This is a reversible change in colony morphology that can affect virulence attributes, such as adhesion, biofilm formation, drug resistance, and antigenicity . - Morphogenesis: This is a transition between yeast and hyphal forms that can affect tissue invasion, immune recognition, and cytokine production . - Secretion of immunomodulatory molecules: These include proteins (such as Sap (secreted aspartyl proteinase) proteins), lipids (such as phospholipases), polysaccharides (such as beta-glucans), and metabolites (such as farnesol) that can affect inflammation, phagocytosis, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and signaling pathways . - Resistance to oxidative stress: This involves the production of antioxidant enzymes (such as catalase and superoxide dismutase) and molecules (such as glutathione) that can protect C. tropicalis from reactive oxygen species generated by the host cells. These factors contribute to the pathogenicity of C. tropicalis and its ability to cause various clinical manifestations ranging from superficial infections (such as oral thrush and vulvovaginal candidiasis) to systemic infections (such as candidemia and disseminated candidiasis). The most common mode of transmission of Candida tropicalis is the nosocomial transmission between health-care workers and patients . The fungi, which is predominantly found in immune-compromised patients with HIV/AIDS, cancer, leukemia, organ transplantation, causes a fungal infection known as candidiasis in various organ systems of the body . Candidiasis can affect the skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, and bloodstream. Candida tropicalis can also be transmitted through endogenous sources, such as the normal flora of the human host. The fungi can colonize the gastrointestinal tract and other mucosal surfaces and cause opportunistic infections when the host`s immunity is impaired or when the normal microbiota is disrupted by antibiotic therapy or other factors . Candida tropicalis can also invade the bloodstream from a primary site of infection, such as a catheter or a wound. Another possible mode of transmission is through exogenous sources, such as the environment or contaminated materials. Candida tropicalis has been isolated from seawater, sea sediments, mudflats, marine fish intestine, mangrove plants, marine algae, shrimps, fruit surfaces, soil, and various foods . Therefore, it can be acquired through contact with these sources or ingestion of contaminated food or water. The transmission of Candida tropicalis can be prevented by implementing infection control measures, such as hand hygiene, disinfection of medical devices and equipment, isolation of infected patients, and rational use of antibiotics and antifungals . Additionally, enhancing the host`s immunity and restoring the normal microbiota can help reduce the risk of candidiasis caused by Candida tropicalis. Virulence factors are the characteristics of a microorganism that enable it to cause infection and disease in a host. Candida tropicalis has several virulence factors that contribute to its pathogenicity and clinical relevance. Some of the main virulence factors of C. tropicalis are: - Adhesion: C. tropicalis can adhere to various surfaces, such as buccal epithelial cells, endothelial cells, medical devices, and dentures. Adhesion is mediated by cell surface molecules, such as mannoproteins, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, and hydrophobic proteins. Adhesion is crucial for colonization and biofilm formation, which are important steps for the establishment and persistence of infection . - Biofilm formation: C. tropicalis can form biofilms on biotic and abiotic surfaces, such as mucosal tissues, catheters, prosthetic valves, and implants. Biofilms are complex communities of microorganisms embedded in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Biofilms confer increased resistance to host immune responses and antifungal agents, as well as facilitate the dissemination of fungal cells into the bloodstream . - Dimorphism: C. tropicalis can switch between yeast and hyphal forms in response to environmental cues, such as temperature, pH, serum, and nutrient availability. This phenomenon is also called morphogenesis or bud-to-hyphae transition. Hyphal forms are more invasive and virulent than yeast forms, as they can penetrate mucosal barriers and evade phagocytosis by host cells. Hyphal forms also secrete a toxin called candidalysin, which damages epithelial cells and facilitates fungal invasion into deeper tissues . - Phenotypic switching: C. tropicalis can undergo phenotypic switching, which is the reversible change in colony morphology and expression of surface antigens. Phenotypic switching may affect the adhesion, biofilm formation, drug susceptibility, and immune recognition of C. tropicalis. Phenotypic switching may also generate phenotypic diversity and adaptation to different host niches . - Secretion of hydrolytic enzymes: C. tropicalis can secrete various hydrolytic enzymes, such as proteases, phospholipases, lipases, and hemolysins. These enzymes degrade host tissues and cell membranes, facilitating fungal invasion and dissemination. They also modulate host immune responses by activating or inactivating cytokines, chemokines, complement components, and coagulation factors . - Stress tolerance: C. tropicalis can tolerate various environmental stresses, such as high temperature, high osmolarity, low pH, oxidative stress, and antifungal agents. Stress tolerance is mediated by several mechanisms, such as heat shock proteins (HSPs), calcineurin signaling pathway, efflux pumps, ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, and oxidative stress response genes . These virulence factors make C. tropicalis a formidable pathogen that can cause serious infections in immunocompromised and immunosuppressed patients. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms and regulation of these virulence factors may provide new insights for the development of novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of C. tropicalis infections. Infections caused by Candida tropicalis vary on the site of localization of the fungi. The various clinical manifestations include: - Superficial and mucosal candidiasis: It is associated with oral thrush (oropharyngeal candidiasis), angular cheilitis, and vulvovaginal candidiasis. Oral thrush is characterized by white patches on the tongue and mouth cavity that can be scraped off. Angular cheilitis is the inflammation and cracking of the corners of the mouth. Vulvovaginal candidiasis is marked by intense itching, abnormal thin watery discharge, pain during intercourse, and redness and swelling of the external genital organs. Candida tropicalis can also cause superficial infections of the skin and nails (onychomycosis), interdigital candidiasis (between the fingers or toes), and diaper rash. - Systemic candidiasis: It occurs when Candida tropicalis spreads to the bloodstream (candidemia) and affects internal organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, spleen, and eyes. It is a common healthcare-associated infection that can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. It is more common among people with weakened immune systems, such as those with cancer, leukemia, organ transplantation, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or kidney failure . Symptoms of systemic candidiasis may include fever, chills, shock, organ failure, confusion, headache, vision loss, and skin lesions. - Chronic disseminated candidiasis: It is a severe form of systemic candidiasis that affects mainly leukemic patients and those with secondary neutropenia (low white blood cell count). It causes persistent infection of the liver, spleen, and kidneys that can lead to organ damage and death. To diagnose Candida tropicalis infections, various specimens can be collected depending on the site of infection, such as skin scrapings, oral and genital swabs, tissue biopsies, blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), or urine. The following methods can be used to identify C. tropicalis from the specimens: - A 10% KOH wet mount can be prepared from skin scrapings or tissue biopsies and examined under a microscope for the presence of pseudohyphae, which are characteristic of C. tropicalis . - Differential stains such as haematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid–Schiff and Gomori–Grocott methenamine silver stains can be used to detect fungal elements in tissue sections taken from biopsy or autopsy specimens. - C. tropicalis can be cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar or yeast extract agar, which produce cream-colored, dull, smooth colonies with the formation of small blastoconidial spores held by a hyphal stalk structure (mycelium) . - C. tropicalis can also be cultured on CHROMagar Candida medium, which produces colonies with a typical dark blue color. - Cornmeal agar can be used to observe the smooth blastoconidia spores and pseudohyphae of C. tropicalis under a microscope. - C. tropicalis can be differentiated from other Candida species by its ability to produce acetic acid from glucose fermentation. - C. tropicalis can also utilize various sugars and produce inositol from carbon sources. - C. tropicalis is positive for urease production, which distinguishes it from C. albicans and C. dubliniensis. - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to amplify and detect the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of C. tropicalis, which is specific for this species. - Sequencing of the ITS-rDNA can also be used to confirm the identity of C. tropicalis by comparing it with reference sequences in databases. Candida tropicalis infections are treated with antifungal agents that target the fungal cell wall or membrane. The choice of antifungal depends on the type and severity of the infection, the patient`s immune status, and the susceptibility of the isolate. For superficial and mucosal candidiasis, such as oral thrush, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and skin and nail infections, topical antifungals are usually sufficient. These include creams, ointments, lozenges, or suppositories that contain nystatin, clotrimazole, miconazole, or ketoconazole. For systemic candidiasis, such as candidemia, disseminated candidiasis, and chronic disseminated candidiasis, intravenous antifungals are required. The most commonly used antifungals are amphotericin B, echinocandins, and broad-spectrum triazoles . Amphotericin B is a polyene antifungal that binds to ergosterol in the fungal membrane and causes leakage of cellular contents. It is effective against most Candida species, but it has serious side effects such as nephrotoxicity, infusion reactions, and electrolyte disturbances. Therefore, it is usually reserved for severe or refractory cases. Echinocandins are a class of antifungals that inhibit the synthesis of beta-glucan in the fungal cell wall. They include caspofungin, micafungin, and anidulafungin. They have fungicidal activity against Candida species and have fewer side effects than amphotericin B. They are recommended as the first-line treatment for candidemia and invasive candidiasis in non-neutropenic patients. Broad-spectrum triazoles are a class of antifungals that inhibit the enzyme lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase in the fungal membrane, which is involved in ergosterol biosynthesis. They include fluconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, and isavuconazole. They have fungistatic activity against Candida species and have good oral bioavailability. They are recommended as the first-line treatment for candidemia and invasive candidiasis in neutropenic patients and as an alternative or step-down therapy for non-neutropenic patients. However, some Candida tropicalis isolates may develop resistance to antifungal agents over time. This may be due to mutations in the target enzymes or genes, overexpression of efflux pumps, or alterations in the cell wall or membrane composition. Resistance to fluconazole is especially common among C. tropicalis isolates and may limit its use for recurrent or persistent infections . Therefore, antifungal susceptibility testing is recommended for all C. tropicalis isolates to guide optimal therapy. Newer antifungals such as voriconazole and echinocandins may overcome some of the resistance mechanisms and offer better outcomes for C. tropicalis infections . Candida tropicalis is usually susceptible to most antifungal agents, but resistance can develop over time or during treatment. Resistance to fluconazole, a commonly used azole antifungal drug, has been reported in several clinical isolates of C. tropicalis. Fluconazole resistance may be due to mutations in the ERG11 gene, which encodes the target enzyme of azoles, or in the UPC2 gene, which regulates the expression of ERG11 and other genes involved in ergosterol biosynthesis. Overexpression of these genes can reduce the susceptibility of C. tropicalis to azoles. Resistance to amphotericin B, a polyene antifungal drug that binds to ergosterol and disrupts the fungal cell membrane, is uncommon in C. tropicalis, but a few strains have demonstrated a high level of resistance to this agent. The mechanism of amphotericin B resistance is not fully understood, but it may involve alterations in the cell membrane composition or permeability. Resistance to echinocandins, a class of antifungal drugs that inhibit the synthesis of beta-glucan, a major component of the fungal cell wall, is particularly concerning because echinocandins are the preferred treatment for invasive candidiasis caused by C. tropicalis. Echinocandin resistance may be due to mutations in the FKS genes, which encode the subunits of the beta-glucan synthase complex, the target enzyme of echinocandins. Echinocandin resistance can also emerge during therapy, especially in patients with persistent or recurrent candidemia. Patients with C. tropicalis infections that are resistant to both fluconazole and echinocandins have very few treatment options. The alternative treatment is amphotericin B, which can be toxic for patients who are already very sick. Resistance to multiple antifungal drugs can also reduce the survival rate of patients with candidemia and invasive candidiasis. Therefore, it is important to monitor the antifungal susceptibility of C. tropicalis isolates and to use antifungal drugs judiciously and appropriately. Antifungal stewardship programs can help optimize the use of antifungal drugs and prevent the emergence and spread of antifungal resistance. Candida tropicalis infections can be prevented and controlled by various measures, such as: - Hygienic washing of hands to get rid of fungal spores on the hands to prevent the spread of the fungi. - Washing infected surfaces using water and ethyls. - Avoiding prolonged use of antibiotics, catheters, and antifungals that can disrupt the normal microbiota and increase the risk of candidiasis . - Maintaining good oral hygiene and denture care to prevent oral thrush. - Using barrier methods such as condoms during sexual intercourse to prevent transmission of genital candidiasis. - Controlling blood sugar levels in diabetic patients to reduce the susceptibility to candiduria. - Implementing infection control practices in healthcare settings to prevent nosocomial transmission of Candida tropicalis, especially the multidrug-resistant Candida auris. - Using over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal dosage forms such as creams and gels for effective treatment of local candidiasis. - Seeking prompt medical attention and antifungal therapy for invasive candidiasis, especially in immunocompromised patients . - Following the recommended treatment guidelines based on the infecting species and antifungal susceptibility . - Using probiotics and novel vaccines as an advanced approach for the prevention of candidiasis. 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Our official whiteboard for blog posts, musings, and occasional swashbuckling. Having consulted for various tech firms, Olivia brings a wealth of experience and innovation to the art of recruiting and retaining tech talent. Her actionable advice is backed by years of hands-on experience, making her a trusted name in tech hiring circles. As the tech industry evolves with breathtaking speed, does your Human Resources (HR) strategy keep pace or risk becoming a relic of the past? Have you ever wondered how the trailblazers of the tech world manage to cultivate and retain exceptional talent in an environment that thrives on disruption? The answer lies in a paradigm shift, a revolution in HR known as “HR Transformation.” In this exploration of the future, we embark on a journey through the dynamic landscape where technology intersects with HR practices. How is HR adapting to the demands of an ever-evolving tech workforce? What challenges and opportunities emerge as we embrace the winds of change? It’s time to unravel the intricacies of HR Transformation in Tech, a phenomenon that goes beyond mere adaptation, reshaping the very core of how we manage and engage our most valuable asset—our people. Technological innovation is the norm, and traditional HR practices often find themselves grappling with a plethora of challenges. As we stand at the precipice of change, the imperative for HR Transformation in the tech sector becomes not just apparent but urgent. Did you know that over 65% of traditional HR processes are still paper-based in some organizations? In the era of instantaneous digital communication, relying on manual and paper-centric HR processes poses a significant obstacle. From cumbersome paperwork to slow response times, traditional HR struggles to keep up with the rapid pace of the tech industry. Moreover, the tech workforce, accustomed to swift digital interactions, may find such practices archaic, leading to decreased engagement and satisfaction. Consider this: Companies embracing HR Transformation experience a boost in employee productivity. Amidst the challenges lie abundant opportunities. HR Transformation in tech is not merely a response to problems; it’s a strategic move to unlock unprecedented possibilities. Enhanced agility, streamlined processes, and improved employee experiences are among the myriad benefits awaiting those who dare to embark on this transformative journey. By aligning HR practices with the dynamic nature of the tech industry, organizations can foster an environment where innovation and collaboration thrive. Nowadays, our world mirrors the rapid evolution seen in our favorite sci-fi sagas, and HR Transformation in the tech sector emerges not just as a necessity but as a storyline of innovation and adaptation. Enter the Tech Odyssey: Just as characters in our favorite futuristic tales embark on epic journeys, so too does the HR landscape in the tech sector. Concept: The Digital Symphony of HR Tech In this act of our tech odyssey, the concept of technology advancements takes center stage. Picture a symphony of digital tools and innovations orchestrating a seamless HR experience. From AI-powered recruitment to data analytics shaping talent strategies, the digital frontier transforms HR processes into a harmonious melody. Impact on HR Transformation: A Symphony of Efficiency The infusion of technology amplifies HR efficiency, reducing manual efforts and accelerating processes. AI-driven tools analyze vast datasets to unearth valuable insights, enabling informed decision-making. What we witness is not just a transformation of HR practices but a complete symphony of efficiency that resonates throughout the organization. Future Expectations: The Rise of AI Orchestration As we move forward, anticipate the rise of AI orchestration in HR operations, where machine learning algorithms not only optimize processes but predict workforce trends. This shift will position HR as a strategic partner, utilizing technology not just to manage talent but to forecast and drive organizational success. Concept: The Borderless Workforce In the next chapter, globalization and remote work unfold as essential components. Imagine a workforce without geographical constraints, breaking down borders for a truly global talent pool. The concept of the borderless workforce reshapes an HR operating model, creating a mosaic of diverse skills and perspectives. Impact on HR Transformation: Beyond Borders, Beyond Boundaries The impact is profound – HR practices evolve from localized to globalized. Recruitment becomes a cross-cultural venture, diversity and inclusion efforts gain prominence, and the employee experience extends beyond office walls. HR Transformation, in this context, isn’t just about adapting to remote work; it’s about embracing a borderless future. Future Expectations: The Era of Flexible Ecosystems Looking ahead, the future holds an era where flexible ecosystems become the norm. HR Transformation will focus on creating adaptable structures that foster collaboration across continents. Virtual reality and augmented reality may step onto the stage, enhancing the remote work experience and bridging the physical gaps in the digital landscape. Concept: The Evolution of Talent As our tech odyssey continues, changing workforce dynamics introduce a new cast of characters. Imagine a workforce where gig workers, freelancers, and full-time employees coexist seamlessly. The gig economy becomes a vital component, redefining the employer-employee relationship. Impact on HR Transformation: Embracing Diversity in Talent HR Transformation, influenced by these changing dynamics, shifts its focus from traditional employment models to embracing diversity in talent. The gig economy introduces a fluid approach to workforce planning, where adaptability and a diversified skill set take precedence. Future Expectations: The HR Script of Adaptability In the chapters to come, anticipate the HR script to emphasize adaptability. HR Transformation will strive to create frameworks that accommodate diverse work arrangements, ensuring the organization remains agile in the face of changing workforce dynamics. The HR narrative will highlight a collaborative approach where traditional and non-traditional talents unite to script success. Concept: The Digital Nexus At the core of HR Transformation lies the concept of digital HR platforms. Envision a centralized nexus that unifies all HR processes, from recruitment to employee onboarding, performance management, and beyond. Use Cases: A Unified HR Ecosystem Digital HR platforms serve as the epicenter for HR activities, allowing seamless integration of various functions. Recruitment modules streamline candidate tracking, while onboarding features ensure a smooth transition for new hires. Performance management tools provide real-time insights, fostering continuous improvement. Benefits to HR Processes: Streamlined Operations and Enhanced Visibility The benefits are manifold – streamlined operations reduce administrative burdens, and enhanced visibility into employee data enables data-driven decision-making. The digital nexus becomes a catalyst for organizational agility, responding swiftly to HR demands. Available Tools on the Market: Concept: The AI Vanguard Picture AI as the vanguard of a recruitment revolution. Imagine algorithms sifting through vast datasets to identify the perfect candidate match, automating mundane tasks, and revolutionizing the hiring process. Use Cases: Automated Candidate Screening and Predictive Analysis AI in talent acquisition automates candidate screening, analyzing resumes, and predicting candidate success based on historical data. Chatbots engage with candidates, providing a personalized experience and answering queries, enhancing the overall recruitment journey. Benefits to HR Processes: Precision and Efficiency The benefits are transformative – precision in candidate selection, efficiency in screening, and a reduction in bias. AI-driven talent acquisition optimizes the hiring funnel, ensuring organizations secure the right talent for their needs. Concept: The Experience Crafters Enter the realm of employee experience platforms, the architects of engaging narratives within organizations. Envision a platform that goes beyond traditional HR functions, focusing on enhancing every facet of the employee journey. Use Cases: Personalized Employee Journeys and Continuous Feedback Loops Employee experience platforms personalize the employee journey, offering tailored learning modules, recognition programs, and wellness initiatives. Continuous feedback loops ensure real-time insights into employee satisfaction, enabling proactive HR interventions. Benefits to HR Processes: Enhanced Engagement and Retention The benefits resonate – heightened employee engagement, improved retention rates, and a workplace culture that prioritizes individual growth. Employee experience platforms become instrumental in shaping a workplace where employees thrive. As we delve into these tech tools, it becomes evident that they are not just instruments; they are catalysts, propelling HR processes into a realm where efficiency meets engagement, and where the employee experience is at the forefront of organizational success. IBM, a global technology and consulting company, underwent a significant HR transformation to adapt to the changing workforce landscape. IBM implemented AI-powered tools for talent acquisition, revamped performance management with continuous feedback, and embraced a flexible work model. The transformation resulted in improved employee satisfaction, reduced time-to-fill for critical roles, and increased agility in responding to market demands. Microsoft, a multinational technology giant, recognized the need for HR transformation to align with its evolving corporate culture. Microsoft focused on fostering a growth mindset, emphasizing diversity and inclusion, and implementing digital HR platforms to streamline processes. The company saw a boost in employee morale, increased collaboration, and a more adaptive HR structure that aligned with its mission and values. Siemens, a global conglomerate operating in various sectors, embarked on an HR transformation journey to enhance its talent management and engagement strategies. Siemens leveraged data analytics for workforce planning, introduced employee-centric policies, and invested in upskilling programs. The transformation led to improved employee retention, a more agile response to market changes, and a workforce better equipped to meet evolving industry demands. Unilever, a multinational consumer goods company, implemented HR transformation to create a more agile and adaptive workforce. Unilever embraced digital HR platforms, emphasized sustainability in its HR practices, and introduced flexible work arrangements. The company experienced increased employee satisfaction, reduced administrative overhead, and a more sustainable and socially responsible HR approach. Accenture, a global professional services firm, redefined its HR strategies to align with the changing expectations of its diverse workforce. Accenture adopted an AI-driven talent acquisition model, revamped learning and development programs, and implemented employee-centric well-being initiatives. The transformation resulted in a more diverse and inclusive workplace, improved talent acquisition outcomes, and enhanced employee skill development. With rapid technological advancement, the human element in HR stands as the crucial counterbalance, ensuring that the integration of technology enhances, rather than replaces, the personal touch required for effective human resource management. On one side of the digital tightrope, digital interfaces have streamlined HR processes, providing efficiency and data-driven insights. However, the challenge lies in striking the right balance – embracing digital interfaces without eroding the essential human connections that make HR meaningful. Virtual onboarding has become a staple in the age of remote work, allowing for seamless integration of new hires. Yet, the question remains: does virtual onboarding foster a sense of belonging or create a digital distance between the employee and the organizational culture? AI in employee engagement holds the promise of personalized experiences, from learning recommendations to well-being initiatives. However, the fine line between personalization and intrusion raises ethical concerns. How can AI enhance engagement without compromising individual privacy? This is still a question to ponder. Employee well-being programs, once a symbol of genuine care, risk becoming mere box-ticking exercises. Striking a balance involves going beyond token initiatives, ensuring that well-being programs genuinely address the unique needs of employees. Amidst the technological crescendo, the role of HR teams is akin to a conductor orchestrating a human symphony. While technology automates tasks, HR departments must emphasize their irreplaceable role in understanding and responding to the nuanced needs of individuals. We believe that the major skills modern HR business partners need to include critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and complex problem-solving. In the delicate dance between technology and the human touch, successful HR management requires a nuanced understanding of when to leverage technology for efficiency and when to infuse the human element for empathy and connection. The most effective HR strategies will be those that seamlessly integrate the two, creating a harmonious symphony that resonates with the diverse needs of the workforce. As we stand at the crossroads of the present and the future, the trajectory of HR transformation in the tech industry unveils a landscape defined by evolving technologies, shifting workforce dynamics, and a relentless pursuit of innovation. The road ahead sees AI evolving from a mere assistant in HR processes to an autonomous entity. AI algorithms will not only assist in recruitment and engagement but will autonomously analyze data, predict trends, and contribute to strategic decision-making. Impact on HR Transformation: Redefining Strategic Roles This evolution will redefine the roles of HR professionals, shifting their focus from routine tasks to strategic decision-making. HR leaders will become orchestrators of AI-driven insights, leveraging technology to drive organizational success. What to Expect: Enhanced Efficiency and Strategic Alignment Expect AI to become a strategic ally for your HR department, enhancing efficiency, and aligning HR strategies with broader business objectives. The rise of hybrid work models is not just a temporary response to global events; it’s a fundamental shift. The road ahead involves creating adaptable frameworks that blend remote and on-site work seamlessly, offering employees flexibility without compromising collaboration. Impact on HR Transformation: Crafting Adaptable Policies HR transformation will center around crafting policies that accommodate the hybrid paradox. From flexible schedules to virtual collaboration tools, the emphasis will be on fostering a work environment that thrives in both physical and virtual realms. What to Expect: Employee-Centric Flexibility and Redefined Company Cultures Anticipate a work landscape where flexibility becomes a cornerstone, and company cultures adapt to embrace a workforce that operates beyond traditional office boundaries. The road ahead in AI adoption includes a heightened focus on ethics and data privacy. As AI systems become more ingrained in HR processes, organizations will grapple with the responsibility of ensuring fairness, transparency, and privacy. Impact on HR Transformation: Ethical Frameworks and Responsible AI Use A successful HR transformation strategy will include the development of ethical frameworks guiding AI use. Organizations will prioritize transparency in AI algorithms, ensuring that decisions affecting employees are accountable and unbiased. What to Expect: Trust-Building Measures and Enhanced Data Security Look for a future where trust-building measures are embedded in AI applications, fostering employee confidence in the ethical use of data and algorithms. The road ahead envisions a paradigm shift in learning and development, where continuous learning platforms evolve into comprehensive ecosystems. These platforms will go beyond upskilling, creating pathways for lifelong learning tailored to individual career trajectories. Impact on HR Transformation: Shaping a Learning Culture HR transformation will be marked by a shift towards cultivating a learning culture. Organizations will invest in platforms that facilitate continuous skill development, adapt to emerging trends, and empower employees for the long term. What to Expect: Agile Skillsets and Future-Ready Workforces Envisage workforces equipped with agile skillsets, capable of navigating the evolving tech landscape and contributing to innovation in an era of perpetual change. The road ahead includes the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) into HR processes, transforming training, collaboration, and employee engagement. VR simulations will become instrumental in immersive onboarding experiences, team-building activities, and skill enhancement. Impact on HR Transformation: Redefining Employee Experiences HR transformation will embrace VR as a tool to redefine employee experiences. From virtual team-building events to immersive training modules, VR will bridge geographical gaps, fostering a sense of connection in distributed teams. What to Expect: Enhanced Engagement and Global Collaboration Anticipate a future where VR not only enhances engagement but also facilitates global collaboration, allowing employees to connect and collaborate in virtual environments that transcend physical boundaries. The road ahead in human resources transformation for tech is marked by a dynamic interplay of technological innovation, ethical considerations, and a commitment to fostering a workforce equipped for the challenges of tomorrow. As organizations embark on this journey, the convergence of these trends will shape a future where HR becomes a strategic driver of innovation and employee success. In the tech-savvy melodrama of HR transformation, envision it as the Avengers Endgame of workplace evolution. The superheroes here are not caped crusaders but algorithms and human resource professionals, each with a unique skill set. Like Iron Man and Captain America, AI and HR professionals must collaborate, not compete, to defeat the challenges of the ever-evolving workplace Thanos. Much like the Avengers assembling for a common goal, the future of HR in tech demands a coalition of futuristic tools and timeless human insights. It’s not about choosing sides but orchestrating a narrative where the high-tech prowess of Silicon Valley meets the relatable humanity of a Marvel blockbuster. The endgame is not just efficiency; it’s a saga where every employee is a hero, every HR strategy a plot twist, and the grand finale is a workplace where innovation and compassion coexist like Thor and his hammer. Welcome to the cinematic future of HR services in tech – where the plot twists are data-driven, the characters are multidimensional, and the sequel is always better than the original. HR transformation in tech is a delicate dance between leveraging AI for efficiency and preserving the human touch in employee interactions. Strategies involve ensuring that AI enhances, rather than replaces, the personal connections that make HR meaningful. Ethical AI is a critical consideration in HR transformation, emphasizing fairness, transparency, and privacy. Organizations are developing ethical frameworks to guide AI use, ensuring accountability and unbiased decision-making in areas such as recruitment and employee engagement. The shift to hybrid work models is a fundamental aspect of HR transformation. Companies are crafting adaptable policies that blend remote and on-site work seamlessly, fostering flexibility for employees without compromising the collaborative spirit essential for organizational success. TurnKey Staffing provides information for general guidance only and does not offer legal, tax, or accounting advice. We encourage you to consult with professional advisors before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business or legal rights. 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Importance of Spiritual Baptism (Part 1) Someone who just loves me to death and has fought tooth and nail for the observance of baptism by immersion in water as the only acceptable and biblical way to baptize new converts, asked me to read Ironside’s complete article on baptism and refute it point by point and not simply dismiss it out of hand. So, “Here I stand, I can do no other.” By Dr. H.A. Ironside PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION Several years having elapsed since the first publication of this booklet, and a new edition being called for, I have considerably revised my former paper, though altering nowhere the teaching therein set forth. Further study and experience have only confirmed what was first written, although I believe I see many kindred truths in a much fuller, broader way than I did some years ago. The revision consists largely of additional matter which I hope may make clearer what is now sent out, and commended to the prayerful consideration of the people of God into whose hands it may fall. The great essential is Christ, not baptism; but they who love His name will seek to keep His word. But in this it is well to remember that an unkind, critical spirit is far more to be deplored than divergent views and practices in regard to ordinances, however precious. (Emphasis added) If the great essential is Christ (and I wholeheartedly agree), then no argument in favour of baptism by immersion in water being an essential part of Christian doctrine is feasible, let alone it being a sign of God’s approval, as Dr. Ironside later indicates in his dissertation on baptism. We would do well to remind ourselves of God’s own testimony regarding his Son because that and that alone magnanimously proves that Christ is God’s “Great Essential.” Nothing else is needed. For there are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree. If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater, for this is the testimony of God that he has borne concerning his Son. Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself. Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has borne concerning his Son. And this is the testimony that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life. (1 John 5:7-13) Jesus’s earthly ministry was initiated by his baptism in water which served as a preliminary, anticipatory sign or symbol of the way in which He would accomplish man’s redemption through his blood, referring to his death by which his earthly work was terminated, and thereby accomplishing and fulfilling all righteousness. (Matthew 3:15). Jesus’ baptism in water could never have been a fulfillment of all righteousness if He hadn’t been baptized (been wholly submerged and immersed in death). Hence his words in Luke 12:50: “I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished!” Several people have asked me: “Why was Jesus distressed until He was baptized when He had already been baptized in water by John the Baptist?” Hadn’t He already been baptized by John the Baptist? Yes, He was. But this baptism, when the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended from heaven upon Him simply gave Him the mandate, authority and power to accomplish the essential baptism into death on the cross. Hence John’s magnanimous words in 1 John 5:6 “This is he who came by water and blood-Jesus Christ; not by the water only but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.” Indeed, there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water, and the blood. To assert that a convert’s baptism is a testimony or a sign or a symbol of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection is to suggest that God the Father’s own testimony regarding his Son is insufficient. Yes, a saved and blood washed saint’s testimony is great but God’s testimony is much greater. He has already fulfilled all righteousness in and through Christ Jesus who came by water and blood. It is finished; nothing more in terms of God’s testimony in and through water and in and through blood is needed. What is required of a saint is to testify by word of mouth. What does the Bible say? And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. (Revelation 12:11) It is not a once-off ritual that testifies to our death, burial and resurrection with Christ. It is the unsurpassed power of our daily spoken word (our verbal testimony) to the unsurpassed power of the blood of the lamb that testifies to our death, burial and resurrection with Jesus Christ. A once-off ritual which has absolutely nothing to do with salvation is powerless. Hence Paul’s exhortation in Romans 6 that our identification with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection is made effectual by our own cognitive reckoning (faith) that we have indeed been baptized (immersed) into Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. I sincerely believe that the devil is using a ritual that has nothing to do with salvation as a tool and a ploy to divert the saints attention from the genuine and practical way to overcome the devil, our own fleshly nature and the world, and that is to use our God-given reasoning (reckoning) faculties to reckon that we have indeed been baptized into Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Although baptism was initially a Jewish ordinance and later used by John the Baptist and the early Christian church which was uniquely Jewish in the beginning, it has developed into a ritual accompanied by the speaking in tongues and slain in the spirit, both of which have become tools in the hands of Satan. Dr Ironside then wrote: Fruitvale, CA, March 1915 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION While, in the pages that follow, controversy has been so far as possible (consistently with the object of presenting what I believe to be the truth as to Baptism) sedulously avoided, yet it is hoped a careful perusal may prove helpful even to those who have been troubled by conflicting views. The pamphlet presents the conclusions I have been obliged to come to after utterly denying for a number of years any present importance attaching to this ordinance, and after a careful study of what others have put forth on the subject, as well as much time spent, I trust before the Lord, over the word of God. The apology for its publication, if such be needed, can be stated in a few words. In going about, now for some years, seeking to “do the work of an evangelist,” I have been importuned again and again for a paper expressing my thoughts on this question. Finding no publication that seemed to me altogether suitable (so few being at all full without being exceedingly controversial), I have tried to give as clearly and briefly as possible, what I believe to be the scriptural teaching upon it. The query as to whether baptism brings its subject into the Kingdom of Heaven, the House of God, or the Body of Christ, has not really been touched. Here I need only to say that I do not believe it brings one into any of the three. To my mind the importance of it is not in regard to what it brings one into (and, as others have noted, Scripture NEVER says it brings one into anything), but in that it is the clearly expressed will of the Lord Jesus for His disciples, and therefore should possess marked interest for all who desire His approval. I presume that those known as Friends, or Quakers, with numbers of other Christians who recognize no ordinances (though they assuredly lose much by such neglect), are yet in the Kingdom, the House and the Body. At least, I know of no Scripture that teaches, directly or indirectly, otherwise. (Emphasis added) Ironside happily concedes that baptism by immersion in much water has absolutely nothing to do with salvation, i.e. to bring the convert into the Kingdom of God, or the Body of Christ or the House of God. Yet, he makes much ado about baptism being the expressed will of the Lord Jesus for his disciples and therefore should be of great interest to all who desire His approval. If this is true, then the one criminal who was crucified next to Jesus was allowed to enter into God’s Paradise without his approval. And guess why? Well, we all know that he wasn’t baptized by immersion into much water, which according to Ironside,. is a sign of God’s approval. The most shocking thing about Ironside’s statement, “To my mind the importance of it is not in regard to what it brings one into (and, as others have noted, Scripture NEVER says it brings one into anything), but in that it is the clearly expressed will of the Lord Jesus for His disciples, and therefore should possess marked interest for all who desire His approval,” is that it distorts the meaning and purpose of God’s revealed will and therefore deceives the many who are captivated by his remarks. If water baptism in lots of water gains God’s approval, then Paul of Tarsus was peculiarly lacking in God’s approval because he wrote: For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. (1 Corinthians 1:17) Every single will or resolve of the Father expressed in the Bible has a purpose and ultimately a single-minded goal in view. He never says: “OK you guys, listen up, this particular will or command of mine cannot benefit you in the very least. It has nothing to do with salvation or sanctification; it cannot bring you into my Kingdom; it cannot gain you access into the Body of Christ and it cannot bring you into the House of God. In fact it is completely impotent and cannot do anything for you. Nonetheless, you MUST obey it if you want to obtain my approval.” Really? REALLY??? A simple example will suffice. In 2 Peter 3:9 God expresses his will that none should perish but that all should come to repentance and be saved. Any old Tom, Dick and Harry will tell you there is a magnanimously divine purpose in this. His purpose is to grant everyone an opportunity to repent because it is his will that all of mankind, without exception, should enter into his Kingdom and the Body of Christ and the House of God. No! saith the great Ironside, “To my mind the importance of it is not in regard to what it brings one into (and, as others have noted, Scripture NEVER says it brings one into anything), but in that it is the clearly expressed will of the Lord Jesus for His disciples, . . .” But my dearest Lord Ironside, can’t you see that this was precisely why Jesus became man? “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” (Philippians 2:6-8). God’s entire plan, purpose and will for mankind is to get them all into his Kingdom and yet you demand that we adhere to a ritual that has absolutely no value whatsoever so that we may obtain his approval? Even the most basic man-made command contained in a country’s constitution has a specific purpose and that is to benefit law abiding citizens and punish the lawbreakers. But you, Mr. Ironside, demand that we keep a command that benefits no one. Really??? REALLY??? In that case we may as well desist from being baptised by immersion in water because it does not bring us into God’s Kingdom and neither does it bring us into hell. What then is the expressed will of the Father and his only begotten Son? Surely if their expressed will was the baptism by immersion in much water so that his disciples may obtain his approval (which replicates a works-based salvation, although many would deny it), then Luke 19:10 should rather read as follows, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost and to baptise them by immersion in great quantities of water so that they may obtain my Father’s approval.” Really? REALLY??? This borders on blasphemy because it denies the efficacy of Christ’s death on the cross, his burial and resurrection. Indeed, it suggests that you have to do something, albeit being baptised by immersion in water, to obtain his approval. Really? REALLY??? Fancy that, Ironside admits that baptism by immersion in water does not save but audaciously declares that it obtains God’s approval. The result of his immoderate statement suggests that all who are not baptised by immersion in great quantities of water like rivers, dams, swimming pools and the likes, do not have God’s approval. Let’s briefly look more closely at the meaning of the word “approval.” The Merriam Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus defines “approval” as follows: - the belief that something or someone is good or acceptable : a good opinion of someone or something - permission to do something : acceptance of an idea, action, plan, etc. Adherents to baptism by immersion in water claim that converts who’d been washed in Christ’s blood (i.e. been saved) are the only approved candidates for baptism by immersion in water. But wait a second. If salvation through the blood of Christ alone permits him/her entrance into the Kingdom of God, the House of God, and the Body of Christ because God deems them good and acceptable (suitable) for his Kingdom – through the blood of his Son, of course – what kind of approval does baptism by immersion in water offer the repentant sinner? Is it a special kind of approval that surpasses and exceeds the approval repentant sinners receive who’d been washed and cleansed of all their sins in the blood of Christ? Let met put it this way. The blood of Jesus Christ’s gains God’s approval for repentant sinners to be “delivered . . . from the power of darkness, and . . . [to be] translated . . . into the kingdom of his dear Son” (Colossians 1:13). However, God’s approval of the repentant sinner is only ratified the moment he or she is baptised by immersion in a lot of water in public, AFTER they had been saved. Surely, this gives the “whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose” kind of baptism precedence over Jesus’ kind of baptism. I hope you can see that, although the adherents to baptism by immersion in water proclaim that baptism has nothing to do with salvation, they are inadvertently or deliberately exalting baptism above salvation, because “it is the clearly expressed will of the Lord Jesus for His disciples (all those who’d already been saved), and therefore should possess marked interest for all who desire His approval.“ If baptism by immersion in large quantities of water, like a river, a large tub, a swimming pool or whatever, was the will of Jesus Christ for his disciples [including Judas), the Holy Spirit would at least have mentioned it somewhere in Scripture. The fact is, however, that there is no record in Scripture that any of the disciples went to John the Baptist to be baptised in the Jordan. (John 4:1-2). Some may argue that the disciples must have been baptised because they themselves baptised new converts (Acts 8:35:39). As matter of interest; If the phrase “come up out of the water” meant that the convert must be immersed in water and then come up out of the water, it would follow that both Philip and the eunuch were baptised, because Acts 8:39 clearly says that they both came up out of the water. Among his band of disciples only Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, not to set the example of how future converts should be baptised, but to fulfil everything which He had come to accomplish (Matthew 3:13-17). The righteousness Jesus had to fulfil (completely accomplish the right thing) was to end the old of which John the Baptist was the last prophet and to bring in the new. Dr Ironside continues to write: Baptism certainly is connected with the sphere of profession; that is not disputed, but insisted on; only let there be profession and not infantile unconsciousness. The Word is simple: “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Gal.3:27). This can only be true of professed believers, who, in this act, publicly put on Christ, or, in other words, acknowledge Him as their Lord. That it is not, properly speaking, a Church ordinance, but a Kingdom ordinance, I also admit and teach, because, unlike the Lord’s supper, baptism had a place before the Church began, and will have one after it has been taken to heaven; but whether tribulation saints will enter into its import as Christians can is very questionable. (Emphasis added) Paul often used traditional military and traditional Roman dress codes to illustrate Christian values and truths. Most Christians are thoroughly accustomed with Ephesians 6 where he uses Roman body armour to describe the spiritual armour of God. He uses something similar when describing what it means to be clothed with Christ in Galatians 3:27. When a youth came of age in Roman society he was given a special toga which demonstrated that he earned the full rights of his family to be honoured as an adult. The entire nation of Israel were kept under the disciplinary teaching of the Law and as such were regarded as children being tutored to receive Christ as their Messiah (verse 24). Jesus Christ, having fulfilled the law (including the old Jewish law of baptism as it was administered by John the Baptist), has given us the right to no longer be regarded as children under the Law but as adult sons through faith, never to be reckoned again as being under a Jewish slave-guardian. Paul reminded the Galatians Christians that they no longer needed to be UNDER the Law but that they had been COMPLETELY ENVELOPED (covered, clothed) with Jesus Christ (who had fulfilled the Law) the moment they were baptized into Him spiritually by the Holy Spirit. What we need to discern is whether Paul was referring to the ordinance of baptism by immersion in water or spiritual baptism with the Holy Spirit into the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, i.e. salvation proper. Ironside seems to think it refers to the ordinance of baptism subsequent to salvation since he says it can only “be true of professed believers, who in this act [baptism], publically put on Christ, or, in other words acknowledge Him as their Lord.” The act of baptism by immersion in water in public is therefore equal to the putting on of Christ like a new garment. Whoa! That’s dangerous, very dangerous it suggests that water baptism itself is salvation proper. A more careful and thorough reading of the passage shows that Paul did not maintain that the putting on of Christ like a new garment occurs in public when the professed believer acknowledges Him as Lord through baptism. Paul simply said: The moment you were baptized into Christ, that was the moment when you put on Christ.” (Isaiah 61:10). The verse says it so plainly and clearly in the Amplified Bible: For as many [of you] as were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union and communion with Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah] have put on (clothed yourselves with) Christ. Water baptism cannot possibly bring a repentant sinner into a spiritual union and communion with Christ, the Anointed One. And yet Ironside seems to think so. Listen again carefully to what he says: “This (Galatians 3:27) can only be true of professed believers, who, in this act, publicly put on Christ, or, in other words, acknowledge Him as their Lord.” He says in effect: “All who profess to believe in Jesus Christ (“infantile unconsciousness” cannot profess anything) can and will only put a stamp of approval on their professing faith (and thus obtain the aproval of God), and make it true when they publically put on Christ in this act (baptism by immersion in water) and thus declare Him to be their Lord. Jesus Himself does not think too highly of people who profess to be believers and acknowledge Him as lord in public (Matthew 7:22). I’m not suggesting that Ironside was lost. I am merely saying it is dangerous to propound something contrary to what Paul teaches in Galatians 3:27 because it can and does indeed mislead millions into an erroneous soteriology. Paul never even once mentions that the putting on of Christ must of necessity take place in public. Ironside sanctimoniously taps those who are guilty of eisegesis (to read something into the text that is not there) over the knuckles but fails to see his own eisegetical blunders. Yes, of course, if the putting on of Christ is a baptismal ritual, then it must be done in the public eye, as all the adherents to baptism by immersion in water so demand. However, if the putting on of Christ is salvation proper then it need not be in public. Most salvations occur in private where the repentant sinner is alone with God to reason with Him (Isaiah 1:18; Matthew 11:28). Dr Ironside continues: I am not wholly ignorant of what esteemed brethren? to whom I am indebted for much, have penned on “Household Baptism,” etc., though I remember that others, equally gifted and godly, have differed radically from them; so I would beware of following either unless I have a clear Scriptural basis for so doing. I confess that while reading the books of the former, their theories seemed very plausible and had certain charms for me; but when I turned from their writings to the word of God I could not find the theories. It seemed to me that they had read their teachings into Scripture, not out of it; rather eisegesis, than true exegesis. (Persons desirous of investigating the question of the baptism of children in households, in order to weigh what may be said for the practice, will find the leading arguments clearly and graciously stated in “Christian Baptism,” by Waiter Scott; “Reasons for my Faith as to Baptism,” and “A Review of Objections to Household Baptism,” by F.W.Grant. “Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the others judge.” The principle, at least, of this verse is doubtless applicable here.) I ask an equally careful comparison of my statements in the following pages with the unerring guide, the Word of Truth. ” Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. ” Oakland, CA, April, 1901 The “esteemed brethren” who “have penned on ‘Household Baptism” are those who argue that the household baptism of Cornelius and his family must have included infants. Whether “infantile unconsciousness” forbids infants to be baptised, remains to be seen in the next edition of my series on “The Importance of Spiritual Baptism.” – Thomas Lessing
25 – 01 December 2013 Safe Work Australia has released its draft Code of Practice on Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying. The bullying guide will not have the same legal force as a code of practice, but it will set a national benchmark for managing workplace bullying. They also released a separate worker’s guide, which will influence employee expectations around how organisations should respond to bullying complaints. A NSW woman is alleging her employer would not let her come to work wearing a hijab. Ms El Hassan had been working for an accountancy firm for five years when she advised her employer she wanted to start wearing a headscarf. However, she was informed that she could not come into work wearing the hijab. The firm says it will not be making any comment on these allegations and the matter is expected to go to mediation next month. The only defence to discrimination on religious grounds is that the inherent requirements of the position require the discrimination to occur. It is difficult to see how this would apply to wearing a hijab. Attorney General George Brandis believes that certain provisions in the RDA are unfair and unduly restrict freedoms in expressing non-politically correct views. The new government’s action on the Act is taking place without talking to the people who are affected by hate speech, name-calling and vilification. The success of the provisions of the RDA includes making a statement on the behaviour we expect of all citizens and making sure that visible minorities can defend themselves, not with fists but with the law. Catherine Gillespie, Managing Director of Workplace Conflict Resolution, welcomed new guidelines issued by the FWC last week but said that the impact of the measures on business was still unknown. She said the legislation is well intentioned but, with much of the language open to interpretation, the way in which workers make use of new complaint channels will leave many businesses exposed. The Governor General Quentin Bryce has flagged her support for gay marriage. At the launch of Beyondblue’s guide for families of lesbian, gay, bisexual and gender diverse people she spoke of the dangers of discrimination against gay people. Her comments have drawn fire, with some arguing she overstepped her role by voicing her opinion on a sensitive political issue. Australia’s professional workers say a combination of office bullying, inability to use office technology and social media are key factors preventing them from being more productive. One in 10 professionals cite bullying from other colleagues or their managers as a top productivity killer. Office professional have on average, a daily-unrealised productivity capacity of 26%. Almost half of Australians say they use social media during work hours, of which one in six are diverted from work up to 10 times a day. The report also found that in the workplace bullying is often subtle and comes in the form of dismissive behaviour intended to intimidate colleagues, language which is aggressive and behaviour which demeans. In a claim before the Rockhampton Supreme Court an Indigenous woman alleges her co-workers subjected her to intimidating behaviour and bullying during her work at the site and is seeking $1 million in damages. Jellinbah Resources says it is committed to ensuring workers at its mines receive support in the face of bullying. The woman worked as a dump truck driver between 2010 and 2011. According to her claim she was often the brunt of racial taunts, sworn at and humiliated by other workers. In one instance she has alleged that co-workers threatened to push her truck off a steep embankment while she was in it. The woman is suing Jellinbah Resources and a contract company on the grounds of negligence and a breach of duty of care. She has been unable to return to the mining industry due to her psychiatric injuries. A café workers who was sexually harassed has been awarded more than $138 000 in damages. The woman’s boss has been found vicariously liable and ordered to pay the majority of her damages. He was also found to have victimised her because he fired her and failed to act on the sexual harassment. The Federal Circuit Court heard Mr Vekiarellis propositioned Ms Alexander at work and told her that if she had sex with him then she would get more shifts. He also touched her bottom, asked her about pornography and made inappropriate remarks about her clothing. Mr Capello, her employer, dismissed her when she complained and told her ‘just let it go, there are lots of other jobs out there.’ The court found Mr Capello liable because he was Vekiarelli’s employer and did nothing to stop the sexual harassment once told. A WA school was forced to apologise over a racial discrimination complaint lodged by a family whose child was told their hair was untidy. The child’s mother argued that because of her child’s mixed cultural heritage, the child had naturally curly hair. She pulled the child out of school before lodging the complaint with the Equal Opportunity Commission. The school apologised over the incident and agreed to change its hair policy. The incident is among a growing number of complaints lodged by young West Australians. November 26 marked the one-year anniversary of the establishment of the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce, which was established to rid the ADF of all forms of abuse. 2400 complaints were received and allegations dated back to the 1950s, ranging from workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying to the most serious cases of physical or sexual assault. The taskforce has provided counselling for 43 people and referred 18 cases to police for criminal investigation. The independent assessor has approved reparation payments totalling almost $7.37 million. By the end of the week all information and documentation will be collected from complainants. This will allow the taskforce to analyse the information to identify systemic issues. Baby boomers are more distracted at work by social media then Gen-Y. The survey found that of Australian workers who are unproductive, the biggest productivity killer cited by employees was not knowing how to use workplace technology. Each age group had different top reasons for lower productivity. 13.1% of Gen Y workers said bullying from a manager or a colleague, while 12.3% said they didn’t know how to use the technology they have. From Gen X 10.6% said they didn’t know how to use the technology and 8.9% said they were spending time organising their social calendar. For baby boomers 10.1% said organising their social calendar was the biggest productivity killer. Top 10 productivity killers: 1. Don’t know how to use the technology I have 3. Organising social calendar 4. Social media 5. Don’t like their job 6. Poor manager 7. Too qualified for the job 8. Too much work 9. Don’t know what they are supposed to be doing 10. Boring job The Christmas season is a good time for employers to start thinking about mental health in the workplace. Workers are often stressed about competing demands and employers should learn about the risks and protective factors relating to mental health and then apply that knowledge to the Christmas period. Employers should also consider that this is school holidays and for people with kids, juggling work can be stressful. Employers need to be more flexible around this time of the year. 3 Australia Post employees fired in 2010 for sending pornography at work have been reinstated by the FWC. This ruling follows an earlier ruling in September that found they had been unfairly dismissed from their positions, this was centred on the finding that there had been a culture of tolerating such behaviour in the past. The FWC also said that emailing pornography to a friend or willing recipient is ‘objectively a less serious breach of policy’ than emailing that material to an unwilling recipient in order to harass them. The manager of the 3 employees gave evidence saying he believed it extremely unlikely the three would bring porn to work again. The FWC held because of their misconduct they should not receive the bulk of their back pay. Australia Post has challenged the ruling in the Federal Court. 18 – 24 November 2013 The NSW Environment Protection Authority is riddled with workplace bullying according to a public sector report, although most incidences are going unreported. One staff member has complained of intimidation and physical violence by an EPA supervisor. The report found that almost a third of staff had witnessed bullying at work in the past 12 months. Six percent said they were currently experiencing this behaviour. However, only 3 complaints of bullying have been made against managers in the last 12 months. Two complaints were investigated and it was found that there was no evidence to support the allegations. Flexible working is no longer considered the key to gender equality in the workplace. A survey at the Diversity Council Australia’s Annual Debate found that 60% of the participants felt that getting more women into leadership positions was a higher priority. However, flexible working should not be ignored as a pathway to gender equality. Other important factors include addressing gender pay equity and sex-based harassment and discrimination. George Brandis, Australian Attorney-General, has been criticised for his proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA). The AG wants to amend s18c, which makes it unlawful to publish material that offends or insults an individual or group because of race, nationality or ethnicity. It’s not clear yet exactly how the Act will be changed but it’s likely some of the more stringent aspects will be removed, making it more difficult to breach the RDA. A senior bureaucrat, who was reprimanded about his inappropriate use of state government email several years before, has been dismissed for accessing porn at work. The man, who is not named, sent an email of topless women to around 40 colleagues to wish them Merry Christmas. The man was counselled after this and assured his superiors that there would be no more inappropriate use of email. However, through 2010-2011 he sent and received almost 150 pornographic emails at work. More than 1000 explicit images were deemed to be at the serious end of the pornography spectrum. He was then dismissed in May 2012. He launched action over his ‘harsh, unjust or unreasonable’ sacking. IRC deputy president Karen Bartel ruled the sacking was within the range of reasonable responses. The gap between the number of working men and women is higher in WA than anywhere else in Australia. WA also has the biggest gap in labour force participation at 15.2%, compared with the national average of 12.1%. Although WA women have a slightly higher labour participation rate than the national average. WA’s mining heavy economy has been blamed for the gender wage gap, which sits around 26.9% (compared with the national average of 17.5%). The FWC has released documents on how it will handle its new anti-bullying jurisdiction. Justice Ross has said that the new jurisdiction is not an avenue to provide compensation to those who have been subjected to bullying and nor is it about penalizing employers. The FWC must start dealing with application within 14 days of filing in an effort to streamline the process. The Defence Department has won a costly victory in its war on the degradation of women with an air force bureaucrat sacked over email porn winning a five-figure compensation payout. Fair Work ordered the payout after finding the department was right to sack ‘Mr X’ but the process was harsh and unjust. Mr X told the tribunal about an established culture in the Defence Department of exchanging emails ranging from mildly humorous through to the more sexually explicit. Mr X was found to have sent an email to 15 of his colleagues, including a slideshow of a naked woman that was found to be ‘lewd, pornographic and demeaning of women’. It was clearly in breach of Defence policies. He was also found to have more material stored on his computer. Mission Australia has called for more investment in young women entering the workforce after COAG’s report showed women and girls lag behind their male counterparts after leaving school. The report shows that although girls generally outperform boys at school they are less likely to transition from school to full engagement in work and education. A COAG Reform Council report has found that women in the workplace are still at a disadvantage. Childcare costs act as a disincentive for women to work full-time and contribute to a gap in retirement savings worth about $207 000. The report also found that women under 30 also tend to have higher qualification than men of the same age. Women filled 3% of top-ranking chair and chief executive positions at ASX 500 companies, which means only 12 women held the role of chief executive at the top companies. Female directors on boards were better represented at 9.2%. The COAG Chairman said this reflected a bias against choosing women for roles. Victoria is the ‘worry state’ when it come to OSH issues, despite it having a lower rate of serious workplace injuries than other states. A survey found that 42% of Victorians were extremely concerned about injuring themselves at work. It is argued that this is a sign that public awareness campaigns have been effective. This concern is a positive thing as workplace issues at the forefront of people’s minds. WorkSafe has just launched a campaign urging Victorians to be safer at work as the festive season draws near. This is the most dangerous time of the year for workers as people become less focussed. Mariam El Hassan told her boss that from October she was going to start wearing the hijab to work. However, her request to wear the scarf was met with deferral and then refusal, with her boss saying ‘I’m not going to have you wearing that out the front.’ She was then told not to come to work on the day she had decided to start wearing the headscarf and was forced to resign. However, the employer’s lawyers said they had done what they could to accommodate Mrs El Hassan. Mrs El Hassan has lodged a complaint with Fair Work claiming the company discriminated against her and took adverse action, leading to her resignation. 11 – 17 November 2013 In northern Sweden a widow has taken a landmark case against her husband’s former employer claiming that his suicide was caused by bullying in the workplace. She said that his mood deteriorated after he got a new boss who she claims was not happy with her late husband’s work. Her husband was 53 when he took his own life. She took her case to the District Court and two bosses are now faced with a charge of a work environment crime. Taxpayers have paid out millions of dollars to bullied and harassed bureaucrats in the South Australian Education Department. Official figures show dozen of government officials have been awarded more than $6.56 million in Workers Compensation claims since 2010. Authorities said the payments were made to staff working within the bureaucracy who had suffered bullying or harassment from colleagues, students or parents. This week there has been discussion about whether the Bolt laws should be repealed. These laws make it unlawful to offend and insult people because of their race. However, this move has been criticised because it tells radicalised minorities in Australia that the right to vilify them is more important than their right to be protected from racist insults. According to the Fair Work Ombudsman’s Annual Report pregnancy discrimination is now Australia’s number one complaint against employers. Sally Killoran has come forward and said she started being treated differently by co-workers as soon as she got married, let alone fell pregnant. She said that a year after she was married she went for an interview and the CEO commented on the fact that she was married, stating they expected a full three-year commitment. She said this was the case with several interviews she attended. This made her feel like having a child would render her career null and void. In the final days of the Labour government, a plea for an exemption to anti-discrimination laws was sought to let the federal government continue to use a wage assessment tool which discriminates against some people with an intellectual disability. The new federal government as continued to seek this exemption. Clive Palmer has been accused of mocking voters and belittling loyal managers at his resorts. A former bodyguard has come out and said that Mr Palmer had exploded with foul abuse at staff, falsely accused managers of being lazy and thieving and privately mocked voters. Flexible work is certainly important in creating more equal workplaces but it certainly isn’t the key to gender equality more broadly. In fact flexible work may actually lead to greater inequality in the workplace because the majority of employees who currently access flexible work arrangements are women and it could even reinforce the gap between men and women in the workplace. Flexible working can also mean career death when it is assumed to signal that an employee is not career focused and lacks commitment. However, there is a strong argument that if there is no equality in caring we won’t get equality in paid work. It is only if conditions are right that equality will occur and flexibility will then allow for a 50:50 split of parenting and work. A cultural difference has led to the operators of a Victorian discount retailer being fined more than $53,000 for cutting the hours of a pregnant employee. The pair from GV Bargains were fined a total of $40 920 and ordered to pay the employee $7197 for her economic and non-economic losses. This is the largest penalty achieved by the Fair Work Ombudsman. When the employee told her employer she was pregnant she was directed to take two weeks of unpaid leave and when she refused her hours were cut by half. When she asked for more hours she was instructed to look for another job. The employer said that it was tradition in China for women not to work when they’re pregnant and that she did not want the employee working in the store. It is unusual for someone to try and justify discrimination based on a cultural misunderstanding. Australians this year are more likely to report they are feeling stressed and anxious. Workplaces were a significant source of this stress, with many workers saying they did not feel supported in the workplace. Men were more likely to say this was the case than women. Working women were also significantly more likely than men to say their employers were supportive of family matters. There is a significant gender difference within the results when it came to causes of stress. For women the leading cause of stress was family issues. For men, the leading cause of stress was financial concerns. A recent Fair Work Commission highlighted the significant challenges and risks facing employers when seeking to terminate employees suffering from mental illness. The Commission found that a public hospital unfairly dismissed an employee from his audio-typist position on the basis of his mental illness. Contractor Downer EDI Mining has secured an exemption from anti-discrimination laws, which allows it to advertise for 50 women-only truck driving positions a year. By granting the exemption, the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal is permitting the mining contractor to specifically recruit female entry-level operators. Downer EDI said they were trying to improve gender balance and break stereotypes around gender and occupation. Currently only 14% of the company’s workforce are women. It is hoped this will lift to 25% by 2020. 04 – 10 November 2013 The Business Council of Australia is pushing radical measures to promote women into senior executive jobs, including regular testing of chief executives and board members for unconscious gender bias and female only hiring short lists. The members of the business council have committed to having 50% of their senior roles filled by women in the next decade. The changes include promoting women earlier in their careers, expanding existing executive teams so women are included, and filling vacancies with interim appointments until a qualified woman is found. Senior leaders will be encouraged to share their results on their own unconscious bias and have their bonuses riding on their performance in achieving gender diversity. Although this is an interventionist approach Peter Wilson from Australian Human Resources Institute says it needs to be. It will be up to individual companies to decide if they will implement the measures. However companies that miss the 50% female target by 2023 would be given further resources rather than penalised. Employees who face the sack could exploit new laws to stop bullying by taking their manager to the national workplace umpire. The laws allow employees who believes they are being bullied by ‘repeated unreasonable behaviour’ to apply directly to the Fair Work Commission. The commission must then deal with the complaint within 2 weeks. Under existing laws, those who believe they are bullied at work must try to resolve the issue internally. Businesses believe that this current system is adequate. Pregnancy has overtaken disability as the top discrimination complaint in Australian workplaces. More people believe their family responsibilities see them treated differently by their bosses. It is the first time pregnancy has formed the majority of complaints. Workers made 235 complaints to the agency; 28% from pregnant women, 21 % from people with physical or mental disabilities and 11% from those who felt their family or carer responsibilities resulted in them being treated differently. Complaints included being sacked, passed over for promotion, denied training and receiving inappropriate comments after they revealed they were expecting. A NSW parliamentary inquiry into the bullying at Central Coast WorkCover is scheduled to take place this week. The committee has made 90 submissions partly public and almost all contain allegations of workplace bullying at WorkCover. One employee who worked at WorkCover said she was terrified to tell them that she was injured at work. She said that since being injured she has experienced increased bullying and discrimination a work. The Butler case made headlines in June when the NSW Industrial Relations Commission ordered WorkCover to re-employ Mr Butler after it dismissed him following a scurrilous and malicious campaign to persecute him. This follows a 2011 PriceWaterhouseCoopers report found 40% of WorkCover staff reported being bullied or harassed. Australian businesswomen have revealed that an extended break from work does not always have a negative impact on their future career. A survey of 115 state and territory finalists at the Telstra Business Women’s Awards found over half, 55% said that taking time out could be positive. They reported that it allows for time to reassess life goals and career goals, while 87% agreed that parental leave could be a catalyst for launching their own business. However despite this older issues remain prevalent. 89% of respondents say women face challenges when returning to work after a career break. 40% of women find it hard to return to the workforce. Unions are compiling a shame file of bosses who have mistreated pregnant staff. This includes a bakery worker who gave birth prematurely when forced into hard labour. She was made to scrub the floors and push heavy trolleys, despite three medical certificates requesting lighter duties. Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick said that motherhood can still be a career killer for Australian women. The Unions will submit this file to the inquiry into discrimination against pregnant women. In 2011 Australians were outraged by reports that two young men in the ADFA had been involved in an incident where a man had secretly filmed himself having sex with a young woman and broadcast it via Skype. Last month these two men were sentenced to 12-month good behaviour bonds. Yesterday the sentence to a similar incident in the NSW police was handed does. An officer showed the ‘highlights’ reel from his secret camera hidden in an alarm clock. He filmed himself having sex with three women. He received 200 hours community service. This raises the question of what were the men who were watching this is the workplace thinking? None of the men in either instance stood up and said that this was unacceptable behaviour. The sentences of both these men suggest that we aren’t willing to put people in jail for this behaviour. Resource industry employer group AMMA has called on senior leaders in the mining, energy and allied construction sectors to support gender diversity. AMMA has launched a national education campaign to boost competitiveness and productivity. The campaign promotes top-down leadership focusing on gender diversity. The female army cadet who was filmed having sex without her knowledge is claiming Defence degraded her following the incident and hopes suing the department will force it to change its attitude towards women. Kate alleges Defence not only failed to support her but also actively tried to discredit her name, including most seriously by leaking her personal medical records to the press. Defence has vigorously denied these claims. She is expected to take her complaint to the Human Rights Commission within days in a bid to seek compensation. Kate said the recent sentencing of the offenders set a scary example and would deter other victims of sexual assault from coming forward. Some of Australia’s largest companies have agreed to step up pressure on their suppliers to improve their promotion of women as part of recommendations issued by the Male Champions of Change group. The report contained 12 recommendations. Elizabeth Broderick said that what is critical here is engaging leaders, people and suppliers who demonstrate and demand the inherent strength that comes from diverse teams. It engages leaders to make sure they consciously consider the best female talent for new roles as they arise. A Victorian small business has been ordered to pay a former employee for lost wages along with penalties after it refused to comply with a Fair Work Commission ruling. Ms Meadley, who claimed she had been fired from her role after she complained about a reduction in her shifts, originally brought the claim. Gippsland Waste said it had fired her for failing to attend a meeting about bullying allegations made against her. The fair work Commission said that the evidence did not support the complaint that Meadley had bullied two employees and that her termination had been unlawful. Due to an irreparable breakdown in the relationship she was not reinstated. New data reveals 74 incidents of workplace violence or serious injuries involving ACT emergency service workers over the past two years, including17 incidents over the past two financial years of workplace violence where a paramedic was assaulted verbally or physically. Paramedics were punched or kicked by patients. Injuries ranged from a cut finger to workplace bullying. But Ambulance Service acting deputy chief, Howard Wren, says ambulance staff are encouraged and supported to report incidents of verbal and physical abuse. He says the Ambulance Service does all it can to protect its workers, but unfortunately some workplace violence is inevitable and it is not only related to patients who are intoxicated or on drugs. Retired workers who are trying to re-enter the workforce find this is increasingly difficult. Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show about one third of older people who have given up looking for work say it is because employers think they are too old. 68% of all age discrimination complaints to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in Australia are about employment. We lose over $10 billion a year by having people unemployed who could be employed were it not for age discrimination. Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner has described the prevalence of sexual harassment in rural Australia as ‘deeply troubling’ A recent survey found that 73% of rural women reported experiencing sexual harassment and 93% of women in agriculture have experienced workplace harassment. Ms Broderick said she was shocked at how high the figures were, although she did acknowledge that the sample size was relatively small. Ms Saunders who conducted the survey says the nature of harassment ranged from exposure to explicit pornography in tearooms, to groping by male co-workers and rape.
Q: Graeme, thanks for standing in for John Booth who is still in Japan. Is there anything you would like to tell us? Graeme Lowdon: It’s been an incredibly difficult week for Formula One but it’s been an incredibly difficult week for our team. As you know, my team mate Jules Bianchi had a terrible accident in Suzuka. He’s in hospital there. He’s in a critical condition and the thoughts of everybody in the team, and I know much wider than that, are with Jules at this moment and also with his family. It has been a really difficult time for the team, but I have to say we have been helped enormously by the Formula One family. I think it would have been really difficult for us to get through this week without the help of some very key people. I’d like to personally thanks Marco Mattiacci for his support and kindness, not just in his role at Ferrari, but personally as well. He was at the hospital immediately afterwards and I know provided an awful lot of comfort to those that were there. The Ferrari team also arranged for Professor Alessandro Frati to be present and I know that gave an awful lot of comfort to us, to the people that were there at the hospital and the family. So from our team to the Ferrari team we really want to offer a lot of thanks, it really made a difference. Also at the hospital was Professor Gerard Saillant from the FIA and I think we have to thank Jean Todt for arranging that. I think that was extremely helpful as well and certainly provided support to us. I know Jules is very close with his management team - Alessandro Bravi and Nicolas Todt - and I think they did an exceptional job looking after their driver. It’s been a very, very difficult time but it’s also been a time that has reminded us of just how much support there is for people within this sport, looking at the wider picture and the fans. Jules is an exceptional Formula One driver but he is also an exceptional human being. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t like him. You wouldn’t wish that accident on anybody. Certainly Jules has so many friends that it has really hit home very hard to a lot of people. Our priority from this point onwards is obviously to Jules and his family and we want to provide them with the maximum amount of support at what is really a very, very difficult time. From our point of view both myself and John Booth, and as you mentioned John is the team principal and the team principal is the most important person in the team and he has remained in Japan to offer what support he can, None of us are medical people - we can’t help in that area - but we can provide another form of support, which we hope helps at a really difficult time. From a team point of view we want to thank everyone who has provided support, especially the fans. Q: Thank you very much, Graeme, thank you. In fact, I’d like to ask all of you for your feelings and thoughts on last weekend. Marco, as you’ve obviously been a great support to Graeme and the Marussia team perhaps you would start? Marco Mattiacci: It has been and it still is an extremely painful week for all of us on Formula One, but specifically for all of us at Ferrari, because Jules is a Ferrari driver, he’s part of the Ferrari family and he is one of us. So we are extremely in pain at the moment. We have been trying to stay as close as we can to the family and we will keep doing this. To go to this weekend, we do it with a lot of pain but we are here to race, having Jules in our hearts. That’s, at the moment, what I have to say. Eric Boullier: It has been an extremely painful week. Someone from the F1 community got injured and on top of that he’s French and I’m French so I have known him for a long time, so I’m very sensitive about what happened and followed it very closely. All in McLaren we are very concerned and we pray for him and I think all our thoughts today are with him and his family, which I think are gathered around him now. Monisha Kaltenborn: For all of us it’s been emotionally a very difficult week. Particular regarding Jules, we’ve known him also for quite a while. It’s simply these kind of tragic incidents that really get you out of balance and you just can’t go to business as usual and our thoughts, our prayers are all with him and it’ll take a while until you really can realise what’s happened. We spoke also to Adrian about the situation and it’s also very tough for him - standing right there. So it’s not easy. Franz Tost: Yeah, the team is still shocked about everything, because Jules was many times with us, he is a very close friend of Jean-Eric Vergne and of course it’s a very difficult time and our thoughts are with Jules and the family and I hope that he recovers. Q: And Christian. Christian Horner: Yeah, at times like this everything else becomes unimportant. Even though we are competitors on track when somebody gets injured the immediate priority has to go to the wellbeing of that individual. It was a shocking accident. One could say he was unlucky or not, that’s irrelevant at the end of the day. I have to say I know the effect it has had within our team with our drivers. I can only imagine… or I can’t even begin to imagine what Graeme and John have had to deal with this week. When you have a team-mate in as serious difficult as Jules appears to be in it’s very tough. I think the support that everybody had offered through Marussia, through Ferrari, to the family and close friends and relatives of Jules has been absolutely first rate. Obviously our thoughts and prayers are with him and hopefully for there to be some positive news in the coming days. Q: Graeme it must have been a difficult decision to decide to even run one car here? GL: It was a difficult decision. The main thing we wanted to do was to do something useful and supportive as much as we can for Jules and for Jules’ family - that was our primary objective. Also we’re lying ninth in the FIA World Championship at the moment and that’s a very important position for us and we’re largely in that position because of Jules and therefore… you know he’s a racing driver and he would want us to so the best we can. We thought that the right thing to do was to come here, take part in the event but as a mark of support to Jules and as a mark of respect to his mum and dad and to Jules’ family we would withdraw the second car. It’s fully scrutineered, it’s there, it’s ready to go, it’s in the garage. It’s got Jules’ race number on it. We found that was something that we could do. Also it’s been useful for the people in our team as well. They want to do an expression of support for Jules so I hope people understand what we’ve done and why we’ve done it and even if it makes a small difference it makes a difference in the right place. I have to say as well we did seek opinion from a lot of people to ensure we made the right decision. On a personal note I cannot speak to highly of the support that our team and myself have had from Bernie Ecclestone. Right from the accident occurring… in these situations, which are incredibly difficult, it’s incredibly reassuring to know that people care and if I could sum up the support we’ve had from Bernie, it’s that he cares. That has been extremely valuable and extremely helpful. Q: Turning to this weekend, can I ask the rest of you for your and your drivers’ impressions of the Sochi Autodrom circuit, with particular emphasis on the Russian drivers when we come to Sauber and Toro Rosso? MM: Looking to what recently happened in FP2, we were quite surprised by the dynamics of the circuit and the reaction of our car. We have definitely seen which tyre got longer in order to work properly and again it’s a circuit where the power unit is very important as is the traction. Overall, very impressed by the infrastructure, by the facilities but again, tomorrow we’re going to have a very interesting qualifying because, looking to the tyre that gets a little bit longer, I would say longer than expected to work, so tomorrow will see something interesting, and as well, on Sunday. But again, point number one for us now we’re here is Jules, so that can be considered important but at the same time very much to what is happening to our team at the moment. EB: Well, I came here three years ago for an F1 demo and I was absolutely astonished last night when I came to see how it had changed. They have clearly built amazing facilities and all the complex around, from the Olympics Games and the F1 is absolutely amazing. It’s true that, as Marco said, we can’t maybe enjoy it as much as it deserves because obviously part of our head is maybe busy thinking of what happened last week but we have to give credit to the promoter and the organisers of the Grand Prix. The facilities and the track and everything is absolutely outstanding. CH: It’s good to be here, it’s a good circuit, probably a few too less corners for our liking but I think what’s been created here is fantastic. I think the paddock has a great atmosphere. I’ve got the feeling that it’s the kind of circuit that’s going to produce good racing and from what we’ve seen today, I think tyre degradation looks like it’s going to be pretty low so it’s going to be an interesting Sunday. MK: Sergey did a good job today. It’s been nearly half a year since he sat in the car when he did his super licence in Bahrain so what was interesting to see was how he actually could adjust to the car and he built up his performance very steadily throughout the session so we’re actually quite happy and satisfied with the work he did. FT: I must say thank you very much to Putin and to Bernie Ecclestone that they realised that we have a race here in Russia because the Russian market is very important for the future, although we know there are currently some political sanctions but earlier or later they will be stopped. Russia is a country for the future, therefore I think it’s very important to be here. Congratulation also for this fantastic facility and for this beautiful infrastructure. Daniil Kvyat is quite happy with the track, he likes it, he was also fast today. I think we have a good possibility here to be with him in Qualifying Three and to score points. I am expecting that we will have interesting race. QUESTIONS FROM THE FLOOR Q: (Vladimir Rogovets - Sb Belarus Segondnya) My question to all participants: I remember how much you were asked about participation in the Grand Prix of Russia. Today you are here, I think it’s very good for Formula One but you can see the situation is completely different than what you told some of my colleagues. What do you think: why would the mass media make a very negative image of Russia? Who and why is used? MM: It’s a question to the wrong audience. We are team principals, not media moguls so what this theme that the press or someone else takes, to be honest, is not my job or our job to reply. I think we’re here at a very difficult moment, trying to put in place a decent race. That’s it. About the media spin, I couldn’t care less. Q: (Andrea Cremonesi, La Gazzetta dello Sport) A question for Graeme. We would like to know what you find analysing the telemetry of the car so you can explain to us what happened exactly before the accident because we couldn’t see anything about it. GL: I can’t really go into the detail. I think something as important as this accident requires looking at thoroughly. One of the great things about Formula One cars is there’s an incredible amount of data available to allow us to analyse things and learn things. I think in an accident like this, there is very little point looking backwards. It’s very easy to have the benefit of hindsight. It’s so much more important and valuable to look forwards. I think there’s an awful lot of information to be looked at. We have some very, very clever people. There’s an awful lot of working groups in the FIA and I’m sure there’s an awful lot that can be looked at and learned. I think that’s really the key thing. Q: (Dieter Rencken - Racing Lines) Question to Christian. Yesterday it was confirmed that Mercedes will now be supplying Lotus. That means that Renault, your engine supplier, will only be supplying three teams next year: yourselves, your sister team Toro Rosso and Caterham - which is supplied with rear end technology by Red Bull Technologies in any event. Does this mean the Renault Formula One operation will become more and more Red Bull-centric? Do you see that as positive, or do you see it from a perspective where Red Bull will have one less car and therefore less data etcetera? CH: I think that, as far as Red Bull’s concerned, it will make little difference but as far as Renault’s concerned, it allows them to focus fully on one solution: on Red Bull Racing. Obviously there’s some challenges ahead, it’s been a disastrous year for Renault this year and they’re working extremely hard to close that gap to the Mercedes. The problem is it’s a little bit of a moving target because one minute we agree something then suddenly people can’t remember what they’ve agreed and they change their mind, so we’ve got a bit going on at the moment. Obviously Renault are working extremely hard to narrow that gap to Mercedes, as I’m sure Ferrari are and Honda will be when they enter the sport. But, as we can see from the performance over the last few weeks, it’s still quite a gap to reduce and so a concentrated and focussed effort behind one team can only be a positive thing for Red Bull. Q: (Dieter Rencken - Racing Lines) The obvious follow-up question to what you’ve said Christian, but also to Marco. You’re obviously, I assume, talking about the engine unfreeze and the development and progress on that. Where do we stand at the moment? Will it actually be unfrozen for next year or will this year’s regulations be carried through. CH: In Singapore the teams unanimously agreed on a position and then, I think, subsequently from that meeting, Mercedes changed their position. We’ve subsequently had a strategy meeting and it’s been voted on a majority basis for that to go through to the Formula One Commission for in-season upgrades to be allowed. We’ll see what the outcome of the Formula Commission vote is. FIA are in support, FOM are in support. Obviously the non-Mercedes teams are in support - so we’ll see what that holds in approximately a month’s time. Q: Marco, anything to add to that? MM: Just the word: thinking of frozen engines - this is not Formula One. Y’know? To talk about frozen engines. So I agree with Christian, now today we have the majority of the votes to move ahead on the idea to unfreeze the engine. Let’s see what’s going to happen during the F1 Commission. Q: (Elena Ivlieva - Russian Television Channel 1) I’d like to ask Monisha, tell me please, how do you feel in that’s man’s society, in this man’s fairy tale? MK: Looking around here, actually quite comfortable. Of course you see that it’s not the typical area where women really work but it’s changing, it’s changing very rapidly, which is good. There were already a couple of women working in Formula One but you never really got to see them. It’s not as bad as maybe people want to make it look like. Nobody is really nasty to women in there. You’re just judged by what you do and what you achieve. So, I don’t think being a woman is any hindrance to a woman here. Q: (John Burns - New York Times) One of our colleagues here has raised the very difficult question of media approach to Russia - which I have to say does not reflect what I read in the Western press at all - on the basis of that observation I’d like to ask you what I hope is a slightly more modulated question about whether to race or not to race. It’s quite plain that there were very heavy considerations in favour of racing, and anybody who suggests otherwise is not, to my mind, being very intelligent. At the same time, there is clearly a question ‘does sport have a conscience?’ Can people like you allow yourselves to engage in a debate? I’m not asking you to justify racing here or to join those like Ari Vatanen who felt otherwise but I would be interested in hearing one, or perhaps several of you, discuss the question of how you go about resolving these issues that inevitably arise - and not only here. We had the issue in Bahrain, the issue will arise again elsewhere. I’d be interested to know how this plays out in your mind. I’m not asking you to justify racing - I think that would be foolish - I’m just asking you to what degree you can afford to address these issues among yourselves or address them in front of us. I hope that’s an intelligent way of approaching this… CH: As I’ve said before, Formula One is a sport and we are all sporting teams. When we enter the World Championship, there’s a calendar and obviously that calendar is put together by the promoter and approved by the FIA, controlled by Bernie Ecclestone and Jean Todt accordingly. I think that we have to place our faith in their judgement. We are sporting teams, competing in a sport that is popular throughout the world, and wherever we’ve raced, we’ve always been extremely well received and welcomed and we do our best to put on a good show. Sport can be a fantastic unifier and we see ourselves not in any way political, but purely as a sporting team, coming here to do the very best job that we possibly can. FT: Nowadays the big events always are being criticised, whether it’s the Olympic Games or the football World Cup or Formula One. There are always negative critics. I think it’s simply unjustified. We should be concentrated to do our job. We do Formula One. We are responsible for entertainment. People want to see Sunday afternoon an interesting race and we are not - and we should not be - involved on the political side. Because once we are being taken into this corner, we can’t race anywhere. Because there are problems in Arabia, there are problems maybe in Brazil, there are problems in Europe as well. There are problems in China, there are problems in Russia. To be honest, I don’t care about this. The only thing I’m interested in is that we have a fast car. The rest is politics. We are here for doing sport, for bringing entertainment and that’s it. Q: (Haoran Zhou - F1 Express) A question to Graeme. Can you tell us about Max’s weekend so far? The best you can do trackside for Jules is perhaps to put on a good performance and maintain ninth place in the Constructors’ Championship. Tell us about Max’s weekend so far. GL: You’re right. Max has got a tough job actually this weekend. We try to build our teams around drivers and it’s normal for a driver to have a team-mate to push against and to learn from and to race against and for the team to act in that way. It’s also just a normal feel, y’know, as you go in the garage or anything else like that. So we recognize that we’ve made a situation for Max where he has a lot of extra things to think about - but we hope that as well we’ll try to defend out position in the championship. Max knows how important that is and I think - well I know - he wants to demonstrate himself support for the work that the team’s done and that Jules has done as well. Of course the whole focus of the team for us this weekend is Max. It’s been said before, our job is racing. We’ve got a race to do and we’ve got a championship to take part in. I know Max is very focused on that and I know he’s very, very keen to play his role within the team. Hopefully we’ll have a good race weekend. Q: (Manuel Franco Peral - Diario AS) For Franz Tost. Any news about your second driver for next year? Obviously Carlos Sainz is an option for Toro Rosso. FT: There are also other drivers. We have Jean-Eric Vergne, which is an experienced driver, we have Carlos Sainz Jr which is currently leading the 3.5litre Renault championship, then we have Pierre Gasly, we have [Alex] Lynn. Fortunately Red Bull has a lot of very fast, high skilled drivers in the driver pool and within the next weeks, Red Bull will decide who will get this seat. Q: (Silvia Renée Arias- Parabrisas Magazine) I would like to know if, after the accident, did the team managers meet, for talking about safety - or do you expect to meet? Is it necessary or not? GL: That happens in the normal course of business for all the right reasons I think. We shouldn’t be complacent enough to wait for an accident to discuss things and the way the sport works. I know that everybody sees us every one or two weeks racing against each other but, as Christian’s quite rightly said, there’s a huge amount of work that goes on between the teams in a cooperative fashion. We all want the same things in the sport and there’s a lot that happens behind the scenes and there are forums for this kind of thing to take place and for learning to happen. Everyone’s concerned when they see something like this but there’s a shared goal amongst everybody in Formula One to improve things all the time. Q: (Arianna Ravelli - Corriere Della Sera) Question to Mattiacci. What will change for Ferrari and for you personally with [Sergio] Marchionne as president? And maybe if you think you will receive more support from the shareholders than before? MM: Ferrari is a precious asset of the Group so has always received the utmost support from the Group and the shareholders, so it will be like this in the future as well. At the moment I don’t see change. Q: (Dieter Rencken - Racing Lines) Christian and Marco, returning back to the question of engine freezes and unfreezes, setting aside whether they are or aren’t Formula One, you said that the Strategy Group had voted, then it was going to the Formula One Commission. Surely that requires unanimity for next year, or not? CH: I think the process for change for next year - you know better than anyone, Dieter, having gone into the Commission - it does require unanimity for that to be implemented for next season. Q: (Andrea Cremonesi - La Gazzette dello Sport) A question for everybody: we talked a lot last week about the necessity to have the safety car on the track when there is a tractor on the track? What is your personal opinion; do you feel that you just have to change the procedure about the safety car in this case, and for Mr Mattiacci, how long do we have to wait until we have some more updates about the drive line-up for next year please? MM: On the first topic, these two things are quite challenging but anyway... On the first topic, I think there is an investigation going on, to understand exactly what happened. I think it would be a mistake to start to give today suggestions to reason with if? What? I think what I can say is that in the last 20 years, how the FIA dramatically improved circuit safety and I think with the utmost attention in making sure that we will have all the utmost understanding for that, so what kind of measures for sure will be taken to avoid it in the future. But to start now, to guess what could be done or what could be improved, I don’t think we have enough elements to make that kind of suggestion. Q: Regarding your driver line-up? MM: I don’t have any update, any news, any announcement to be made. Q: Any knowledge of when we might hear? MM: I don’t have any news, any update, any announcement to be made. Q: Does anyone have any further comment on safety cars? FT: First of all, Charlie Whiting and his team have done a really good job in Suzuka with the safety car and generally to run this race under these really difficult circumstances. The accident will be analysed, it has to be found out why the accident happened because it’s not normal that a car which comes off the track goes under a recovery vehicle and lifts it up. It means there must be a tremendous speed behind this, as to why this happened, because there were double waved yellow (flags). And the next point is that maybe what we could do in the short term is if there is a double waved yellow, that the drivers have to go with reduced speed of course but with the pit limiter and then they are all with a very slow speed then they have all the same speed. That means they have no advantage and disadvantage and I think what we also should take into consideration that the recovery vehicle would be mounted with a skirt around it so that it’s not possible for a car if it spins off to slide below such vehicle. The rest we will see. I think tomorrow there is a team managers’ meeting where they will all sit together and they will discuss what could be done in the future to prevent such accidents.
Our emergence from winter crystallized in March with the purchase of lots of stuff for our vegetable garden! Don’t worry, we were still covered in snow alllllllllll month long, but we at least started buying things for our eventual, supposed, promised, ephemeral springtime. I’m not sure I can emphasize just how much snow we had in March. I’ve included several photos, which do a far more descriptive job than my cabin-fevered ramblings. You’d think it’d be cheap to grow your own food, but it’s not. We’re still in the start-up, infrastructure-building phase of gardening and so we’re optimistic that in a few years, we’ll own everything we need and the costs will indeed be minimal. but until that day, we proudly grow $687 tomatoes. Ok it’s not quite that bad… I’ll detail our seed starting adventures in greater detail in my next installment of This Month On the Homestead, but the brief version is that we bought more expensive–and sturdier–seed starting trays and cells, which we hope to re-use for many years. Unfortunately, the cheaper trays we bought at Home Depot last year only lasted a single season (boo). We also stocked up on a few more maple sugaring supplies and you know what that means–there’ll be another maple sugaring post coming your way soon! Mrs. FW’s Birthday I turned 35 in March and I celebrated by going out to dinner with my husband, which was glorious. Then I celebrated again by going out to dinner with two of my girlfriends, which was also glorious. We have five kids between the three of us and we brought none of them with us. All on our own, we ventured out on the town. This is the kind of thing that I wouldn’t have prioritized in the past. I would’ve been worried about spending an evening away from my family, I would’ve been worried about spending money on myself, I would’ve been worried that I wasn’t using my time productively. I would’ve been worried that I should stay home and clean or write or work instead. All of those fears and worries would’ve consumed me before I began taking medication to treat my postpartum depression and anxiety. Now, with my anxiety at bay and my depression under control, I see the wisdom in going out with my friends. I wasn’t worried about wasted time, or money wasted–because it wasn’t wasted time or wasted money. It was a valuable investment in my friendships with other adult women. It’s an aspect of my life that I haven’t nurtured all that much in recent years and I realized that I miss having close girlfriends. I’m proud of myself for carving out this time to do nothing more than have fun. We had so much fun, in fact, that we’ve decided to do it every month! I also joined a book club, another effort for me to get out of the house alone, and procrastinated on getting the book and so had to buy it online. Whoops. This month we read The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger, which includes fascinating data and an eye-opening look at income inequality (affiliate link). However, it’s a bit like reading a textbook in that it’s dry and doesn’t deliver on many proposed solutions for all of the problems it articulates. Still a worthwhile read and I’m grateful for the women in my book club who like to get together and discuss deep societal issues. The more entrenched I become in parenting and homesteading, the more I realize it’s nice to have a few breaks that don’t involve either of those things in the slightest. It’s a refreshing reset and it makes me realize how thankful I am to come back home to my homestead, my husband, and my kids. Come Hang Out With Me In NYC! Ok this is not at all related, but I am SO EXCITED to share that I’ll be speaking at The Financial Gym (134 W. 25th St., New York, NY) this Thursday, May 2nd from 6-8pm. The event is FREE and, naturally, boxed wine + snacks will be served. Space is limited and so you need to RSVP here in order to reserve your spot. Shannon McLay (Founder and CEO of The Financial Gym, friend of mine, all-around excellent person) and I will discuss financial independence, other money-related topics, and likely quite a few topics that aren’t related to money at all… Then I’ll do a Q&A! Did I mention there’ll be wine?! I hope to see you there!! If you can’t make the event, you can watch via The Financial Gym’s Facebook LIVE starting at 6:30pm on May 2nd. The Financial Gym is a personal financial services company that takes a fitness-inspired approach to their clients’ finances. By working one-on-one with a Certified Financial Trainer, each client learns to make smarter money decisions. April is financial literacy month and The Financial Gym is hosting FREE educational events every single night this month. If you’re interested in working with a trainer at the Gym, Frugalwoods readers can sign-up for a free introductory phone call here and save 20% on a Gym membership. Credits Cards: How We Buy Everything Mr. Frugalwoods and I purchase everything we possibly can with credit cards for several reasons: - It’s easier to track expenses. No guesswork over where that random $20 bill went; it all shows up in our monthly expense report from Personal Capital. This prompts me to spend less money because I KNOW I’m going to see every expense in detail at the end of each month. - We get rewards. Who doesn’t like rewards? Credit card rewards are a simple way to get something for nothing. Through the cards we use, Mr. FW and I get cash back as well as hotel and airline points just for buying things we were going to buy anyway. - We build our credit. Since Mr. FW and I don’t carry any debt other than our mortgages, having several credit cards open for many years (which are fully paid off every month) has greatly helped our credit scores. By the way, it’s a dirty, dirty myth that carrying a balance on your credit card helps your credit score–IT DOES NOT. Paying your cards off IN FULL every month and keeping them open for many years, however, does help your score. For more on our credit card strategy, check out The Frugalwoods Guide to a Simple, Yet Rewarding, Credit Card Experience. If you want to get a simple cash back credit card, then from my research, I think the Fidelity Rewards Visa (which is the card that I have) and the Chase Freedom Unlimited are both excellent options. Both of these cards have no annual fee and offer good cash back percentages on your purchases. The best way to find a credit card that’ll work for you is to search for them yourself. Fortunately, there’s a website,, with a search function for this purpose that nicely aggregates information about tons of different credit cards. Huge caveat to credit card usage: you MUST pay your credit card bills in full every single month, with no exceptions. If you’re concerned about your ability to do this, or think that using credit cards might prompt you to spend more money, then credit cards are not for you–stick with using a debit card and/or cash. But if you have no problem paying that bill in full every month? I recommend you credit card away, my friend! (note: these credit card links are affiliate links) Cash Back Earned This Month: $26.39 We earn 2% cash back on every purchase made with our Fidelity Rewards Visa and this month, we spent $1,319.82 on that card, which netted us $26.39. Not a lot of money, perhaps, but it’s money we earned for buying stuff we were going to buy anyway! This is why I love credit card rewards–they’re the simplest way to earn something for nothing. I will note that if we instead had the Chase Freedom Unlimited card, we would’ve earned 3% cash back, which would be $39.59! Personal Capital: How We Organize Our Expen$e$ Mr. Frugalwoods and I use Personal Capital to aggregate and consolidate our transactions from across all of our accounts. We then drop them into a spreadsheet to provide the below analysis for you fine people. Tracking expenses is, in my opinion, the best way to get a handle on your finances. You absolutely, positively cannot make informed decisions about your money if you don’t know how you’re spending it. Sounds harsh, but without a holistic picture of how much you spend every month, there’s no way to set savings, debt repayment, or investment goals. It’s a frugal must, folks. No excuses. Personal Capital (which is free to use) is a great way for us to systematize our financial overviews since it links all of our accounts together and provides a comprehensive picture of our net worth. If you’re not tracking your expenses in an organized manner, you might consider trying Personal Capital (note: these Personal Capital links are affiliate links). Here’s a more detailed explanation of how I use Personal Capital for my expense tracking. Where’s Your Money? One of the easiest ways to optimize your money is to use a high-interest savings account. A high-interest savings account gives you money for nothing. With these accounts, interest works in YOUR favor (as opposed to the interest rates on debt, which work against you). Having money in a no (or low) interest savings account is a waste of resources–your money is just sitting there doing nothing. Don’t let your money be lazy! Make it work for you! And now, enjoy some explanatory math: Let’s say you have $5,000 in a savings account that earns 0% interest. In a year’s time, your $5,000 will still be… $5,000. Let’s say you instead put that $5,000 into an American Express Personal Savings account that–as of this writing–earns 1.70% in interest. In one year, your $5,000 will have increased to $5,085.67. That means you earned $85.67 just by having your money in a high-interest account. And you didn’t have to do anything! I’m a big fan of earning money while doing nothing. I mean, is anybody not a fan of that? Apparently so, because anyone who uses a low (or no) interest savings account is NOT making money while doing nothing. Don’t be that person. Be the person who earns money while you sleep. Rack up the interest and prosper. More about high-interest savings accounts, as well as the ones I recommend, is here: The Best High Interest Rate Online Savings Accounts. How To Read A Frugalwoods Expense Report Want to know how we manage the rest of our money? Look no further than Our Low Cost, No Fuss, DIY Money Management System. We also own a rental property in Cambridge, MA, which I discuss here. Why do we allocate our money like we do? It’s all in service of our goal to reach financial independence and move to a homestead in the woods (which happened in May 2016). For us, embracing prudent financial management and frugality is a joyful, longterm choice. We prefer a simple life to one filled with consumerism and we spend only on the things that matter most to us. Our approach isn’t one of miserly deprivation; to the contrary, we live a luxuriously frugal existence in which we maximize efficiency. Why do I share our expenses? To help give you a sense of how we use our money in a goal-oriented manner. Your spending will differ from ours and there’s no “one right way” to spend and no “perfect” budget (perfection does not exist!). We’re not the most frugal people on earth (far from it) and we’re not spendthrifts either. We fall somewhere in between and I hope that by being transparent about our spending, you might gain some insights into your own spending and be inspired to take proactive control of your money. If you’re wondering where to start with managing your money, or if you’d like to save more money every month, you might consider taking my free, 31-day Uber Frugal Month Challenge. You can sign-up at any time and you’ll start with Day One of the Challenge. If you’re interested in the other things I love, check out Frugalwoods Recommends. A Note On Rural Life Since we live on 66 acres in rural Vermont, our utilities and expenses are slightly different from traditional urban and suburban dwellings. We don’t pay for water, sewer, trash, or heating/cooling because we have a well, a septic system, our town doesn’t provide trash pick-up (we take it to a transfer station once a week in bags that we purchase from our town), we heat our home with wood we harvest ourselves from our land, and we don’t have central air conditioning (we use window units during the hottest parts of the summer). We also have solar panels, which account for our low electricity bill. For more on our rural lifestyle, check out my series This Month On The Homestead as well as City vs. Country: Which Is Cheaper? The Ultimate Cost Of Living Showdown. But Mrs. Frugalwoods, Don’t You Pay For X, Y, Or Even Z???? Wondering about other common expenses that you don’t see listed below? - We pay bills in full the month we receive them. That’s why you won’t see monthly payments for things like car insurance or property tax. These expenses show up as the full annual amount in the month we pay them. - We don’t have any debt (other than our mortgages) and we paid cash for our cars. - Our health insurance is paid for by Mr. FW’s employer (who he works for from home). - Here’s how we make charitable contributions: How We Donate To Charities Like Billionaires and also How We Make Meaningful And Tax Efficient Charitable Donations. If you’re wondering about anything else, feel free to ask me in the comments section! Alright you frugal money voyeurs, feast your eyes on every dollar we spent in March: |Groceries + Household Supplies |We forgot to purchase the household supplies in a separate transaction this month so they’re grouped in with the groceries. |Kidwoods goes to preschool four mornings a week, which we and she love! More on our preschool decision here. |Gasoline for cars |Seed starting supplies for our vegetable garden |Seed starting supplies specifically these seedling trays along with this under-tray, which are so much sturdier than the regular trays we bought at Home Depot last year. I think they are awesome and would highly recommend them over the cheaper stuff. We also got these nursery pots, which are OK (we ran out of empty yogurt containers and needed more pots and they were cheap). Also these plant identification tags, which we plan to use to keep track of which tomato plant is which in the garden, since we’re trying out about 1,000 different tomato varieties this year (affiliate links). |Doctor visits (co-pays) |Maple sugaring supplies |12v pump for sugaring (affiliate link). |From Upper Pass Brewery. So local, so good. |Ladies’ Night dinner out!!!! |Curly Girl method attempts |As I shared in this post, I’ve chopped off (most of) my hair and started following the Curly Girl Method. In a fit of panic and confusion, I bought this super expensive conditioner and this sort-of expensive co-wash. I’ve already identified cheaper substitutes for both of these products for the future! Gah!!! Thanks to everyone who steered me to the CG subreddit! (affiliate links). |Shipping and stamps |Toner for our printer |Toner for our printer (affiliate link). |Cell phone through BOOM Mobile |BOOM is an MVNO cell provider, which is why it’s so cheap. If you’re not using an MVNO (such as BOOM, Ting, Mint, Republic Wireless), do some research as it’s likely you’ll be able to decrease your cell phone bill by A LOT. |We have solar (which I detail here) and this is our monthly base price for remaining grid tied. |Maple sugaring supplies |Bulkhead fitting for sap barrel (affiliate link). |Metal garden tags |Metal tags for marking our fruit trees and bushes (affiliate link). |Whoops: sandwich at the hospital |I had to take Littlewoods to the hospital for an x-ray (she’s fine) and I forgot to pack lunch for myself! Hence, I required a sandwich. Failed to take my own advice! |Propane Tank Fill |For boiling down our maple sap into maple syrup |Book for my book club |Book club book: The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger (affiliate link).
In this age of smartphones and non-stop internet, our phone bills have gotten super expensive for tons of us. With all the data, calls, and texts we’re sending, it’s easy to see why our bills are so high. We’ve done researching mobile plans from multiple carriers to find the most affordable cheapest options that still have the features you want. This guide will show you how to find cheapest cell phone plans that are actually worth the money. We’ll give you the inside on deals from top carriers and smaller ones, and share some tips on how to save even more money on your bill. - Find A Cheapest Mobile Plans - Top 3 Carriers with Cost-Effective Options - Top 7 MVNOs for Budget-Conscious Users - Carrier Mobile Plans Comparison Chart - Does Any Carrier Offer Free Mobile Plan - Considerations Beyond Price While Choosing Cheapest Mobile Plans - Tips for Getting the Best Deals - FAQs on Cheapest Mobile Plans Find A Cheapest Mobile Plans - Assess Your Needs: Evaluate your current usage patterns to determine your actual needs. Consider factors such as the number of calls, texts, and data you typically use in a month. This will help you identify the right plan for your usage habits. - Compare Plans: Take advantage of online comparison tools that allow you to compare plans from different providers side-by-side. Look for plans that offer the features you need at the most competitive price. - Consider MVNOs: Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) are smaller providers that piggyback on major networks’ infrastructure. They often offer affordable plans with no contracts, making them an excellent option for budget-conscious consumers. - Bundle Services: Bundling your mobile plan with other services like internet or cable can sometimes result in significant cost savings. Providers often offer bundled packages that combine multiple services at a discounted rate. - Opt for Prepaid Plans: Prepaid plans allow you to pay for your service in advance. While they may not offer the same flexibility as postpaid plans, they can be a cost-effective option for those looking to avoid long-term contracts and overage charges. - Limit Data Usage: If you’re on a tight budget, consider limiting your data usage. Turn off background data syncing, use Wi-Fi whenever possible, and avoid streaming videos or music without a Wi-Fi connection. - Use Third-Party Apps: Explore third-party apps that offer free or low-cost calling and messaging services. These apps can help you save money on traditional voice and text messaging charges. - Negotiate with Your Provider: Don’t hesitate to contact your current provider and negotiate a better deal. Explain your budget constraints and inquire about any promotions or discounts they may offer. - Take Advantage of Loyalty Programs: Many providers have loyalty programs that reward long-standing customers with discounts and special offers. Be sure to sign up for these programs to maximize your savings. - Monitor Your Usage: Regularly monitor your usage to ensure you’re staying within your plan limits. This will help you avoid overage charges and keep your bill under control. Remember, finding the cheapest mobile plans is not just about getting the lowest price; it’s about finding a plan that aligns with your needs and budget. By following these strategies, you can take control of your mobile phone expenses and enjoy affordable and reliable communication services without breaking the bank. Top 3 Carriers with Cost-Effective Options Sometimes, the popular carriers offer the best fit in terms of coverage and budget. Let’s break down some of their cost-saving plans: - T-Mobile: Connect Plans & Flexible Unlimited - Connect Plans: T-Mobile’s Connect plans are ideal if you’re a light data user who mainly needs talk and text. These plans can get as low as $10 a month for basic service, making them incredibly wallet-friendly. - Unlimited Plans with Throttling: For heavier data users, T-Mobile offers unlimited plans where your data speeds might slow down after you’ve used a certain amount (often around 50GB on their Magenta plan). While not ideal for constant streaming, this can be a good compromise if you want unlimited data at a lower price point. - Verizon: Prepaid Power & Family Savings - Prepaid Plans: Verizon’s prepaid plans typically offer smaller buckets of data compared to postpaid. This is perfect if you don’t want to pay for unlimited data you won’t use. - Autopay & Multi-line Discounts: Verizon is big on discounts. You can often save a few extra dollars by enrolling in autopay or adding multiple lines to your plan, making their options more competitive. - Other Carriers on Major Networks: The World of MVNOs - MVNOs Explained: MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) are smaller carriers that “rent” network space from the big three (Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile). Since they have fewer overhead costs, they can pass those savings on to you in the form of much cheapest mobile plans. - Benefits of MVNOs: Choosing an MVNO on the right network can give you the same reliable coverage as a major carrier but with less impact on your wallet. Prices and specific plan details can change frequently, so always check the carriers’ websites for the most up-to-date information. Top 7 MVNOs for Budget-Conscious Users - Mint Mobile: Bulk Savings Champion - Multi-Month Discounts: Mint stands out with its multi-month purchase model. Their best rates come from buying 3, 6, or 12 months of service upfront. For instance, their 4GB plan could cost as little as $15/month when you buy a year’s worth of service. - Introductory Offers: New customers can often take advantage of amazing deals from Mint Mobile. These offers might include three months of free service to try them out risk-free. - Visible Wireless: Unlimited with a Catch - Unlimited Data (Mostly): Visible’s top selling point is their $25/month unlimited plan on Verizon’s network. This includes unlimited talk, text, and data. - Speed Caveat: It’s important to note that during busy times on the network, your data speeds may be temporarily reduced (this is called deprioritization). - Party Pay Power: If you have friends or family to team up with, Visible’s Party Pay feature is a winner. Add more lines, and everyone’s monthly cost drops, potentially reaching $25/month per line. - Consumer Cellular: Seniors & Smart Savers - Customizable Plans: Consumer Cellular caters to those who want flexible plans. They offer various combinations of talk, text, and data, so you only pay for what you truly need. - AARP Discounts: AARP members get extra discounts on Consumer Cellular plans, making their service even more affordable. - Red Pocket: Network Shapeshifter - Multiple Network Choices: Red Pocket stands out because they offer plans across several networks: GSMA (AT&T’s network), CDMA (Verizon’s network), and GSMT (T-Mobile’s network). This lets you choose the one with the strongest coverage in your specific area. Their plans start as low as $8 per month. - Annual Plan Savings: Like many MVNOs, Red Pocket heavily discounts their annual plans, offering significant savings for those willing to prepay. - Straight Talk: - Walmart Shopper Perks: If you frequently shop at Walmart, keep an eye out for Straight Talk offers. You might score exclusive discounts, bonus data, or other perks just for being a loyal Walmart customer. - Family Plan Focus: Families can save big with Straight Talk’s multi-line unlimited plans. For example, their $45/month unlimited plan becomes even more affordable with each additional line. - Home Phone Solution: Straight Talk also offers a $15/month home phone plan with unlimited nationwide calling, a great option for those who prefer a traditional landline experience. - Cricket Wireless: - AT&T’s Network, Less the Price: Cricket leverages the reliability of AT&T’s network but gives you much friendlier pricing. This is ideal if you want solid coverage without the premium cost. - 5GB Plan: Their $30/month plan with 5GB of data is a perfect starting point for light to moderate data users. - Unlimited Options: If you need unlimited data, Cricket’s $55/month unlimited plan is strong contender. It includes a generous 15GB of mobile hotspot data for sharing the connection with other devices. - Group Save Power: Cricket’s group discounts are a major draw. By adding multiple lines to their unlimited plan, you can significantly reduce the cost per line. - Tello: Mix & Match Maestro - Build-Your-Own Plan : Tello is all about customization. Pick your exact allocation of minutes, texts, and data. That means no wasted money on features you don’t use. Example plans include Unlimited Talk & Text with 5GB for $14/month or Unlimited Talk & Text with 10GB for $19/month. - International Calling Perks: For those who regularly call overseas, Tello has budget-friendly international calling add-ons. Note : MVNOs frequently change their plans and promotions. Always verify the most up-to-date offers directly on their websites for the best deals. Carrier Mobile Plans Comparison Chart Plans and pricing change constantly. Check directly on the carrier’s website for the most up-to-date information. |Light data users, seniors wanting simplicity |$15/month (2.5GB), $25/month (5.5GB) |Potential for unlimited plans with throttling |Those prioritizing reliable coverage |$30/month (5GB), $45/month(15GB) |Discounts for autopay and multiple lines |Bulk savings, those confident in data usage |$15/month (4GB with annual plan), $25/month (15GB with annual plan) |Introductory offers common |AARP members, flexible plans |$25/month (500 minutes, unlimited texts, 3GB) |Customizable talk, text, data combos |Unlimited data on a budget |$25/month Unlimited (Party Pay), $30/month Unlimited |Potential speed limitations during busy times |Moderate to heavy data users |$30/month (5GB), $55/month (Unlimited with 15GB hotspot) |Group discounts available - Always Verify: Plans and pricing change constantly. Check directly on the carrier’s website for the most up-to-date information. - Coverage Matters: Before committing, ensure the carrier’s network has strong coverage where you live, work, and travel. - Specific Needs: Choose a carrier whose plans best align with your talk, text, and data requirements. Does Any Carrier Offer Free Mobile Plan While traditional carriers don’t typically offer completely free mobile plans for ongoing use, here are some options that come close: - Lifeline Assistance: This program is designed for low-income individuals and provides discounts on phone and internet services. Some providers offer free plans with limited talk, text, and data under the Lifeline program. - Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP): The ACP offers a monthly discount on phone and internet services for qualifying households. In some cases, this could fully offset the price of a basic cell phone plan. (New enrolment end on 7th February 2024) Free Trials and Limited-Time Offers: - MVNO trials: MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators), like Mint Mobile or Visible, sometimes offer short-term free trials. These give you a set amount of minutes, texts, and data to try their service before committing. - Introductory Promotions: Keep an eye out for introductory offers from different carriers. Sometimes you can get a few months of free service, or heavily discounted rates when switching to a new provider. Alternatives for Minimal Cost: - TextNow: TextNow offers a free plan that includes app-based calling and texting over Wi-Fi, plus a small amount of data on their cellular network. - FreedomPop: FreedomPop is another option providing a basic free plan with limited talk, text, and data. They operate on various networks (AT&T, Sprint legacy network). Before signing up for any “free” service, be absolutely clear about any limitations, fees after a trial period, or potential future costs. Considerations Beyond Price While Choosing Cheapest Mobile Plans While finding a cheapest plan is great, it won’t mean much if your phone doesn’t work reliably in the places you need it most. Here are some key aspects to think about: - Coverage: It’s All About the Map - Checking Coverage Maps: Before falling in love with a plan, always consult the coverage maps provided by both major carriers and MVNOs. - Location Matters: A carrier with great nationwide coverage means nothing if the signal is weak specifically where you live, work, and travel frequently. Match the carrier’s network strength to your needs. - Data Needs: Know Your Habits - Analyze Your Usage: Take some time to look at your past phone bills or use a data tracking app to understand your typical data needs. This prevents overpaying for unlimited data you don’t use or, conversely, getting hit with overage charges because you underestimated your needs. - Estimate Wisely: If you’re unsure, err slightly on the side of more data rather than less. Running out of data when you need it can be frustrating. - Additional Features: The Perks that Matter - 5G Access: If you have a newer phone and live in an area with 5G coverage, check if the plan includes access to those faster speeds. - Mobile Hotspot: If you need to use your phone’s data to connect a laptop or other devices, make sure your plan has a mobile hotspot allowance and understand any limits. - International Calling: For frequent international calls, look for plans with included minutes or affordable add-ons for specific countries. Don’t choose a plan based on advertised features alone. Always read the fine print to understand data speeds, throttling limits, and potential restrictions on features like a mobile hotspot. Tips for Getting the Best Deals Finding the cheapest cell phone plan is a thrilling victory, but deal hunting makes it even better! Here are some savvy tactics: - Promotions: The Early Bird Gets the Savings - Introductory Offers: Many carriers, especially MVNOs, offer amazing deals to entice new customers. These might include several free months of service, heavily discounted rates for a set period, or even free phones. - Carrier-Switching Bonuses: Sometimes carriers will offer a gift card or bill credit if you switch to their service from a competitor. Keep an eye out for these! - Bundling: Package Power - Home Internet Combo: If you need home internet service, check if your cell phone provider offers bundled deals. Combining services can sometimes unlock significant savings. - Referrals: Spreading the Word (and the Savings) - Friend & Family Perks: Many carriers have referral programs. You could score credits on your bill or other bonuses by referring friends and family who sign up. - Holiday Sales: Major holidays like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or even Labor Day often bring a flurry of phone plan deals. - Back-to-School Frenzy: The back-to-school season can be another hot time for wireless promotions, especially on family-focused plans. - Don’t Forget to Negotiate: Even with major carriers, it sometimes pays to call and negotiate. If you find a fantastic deal from a competitor, ask your current carrier if they can match it. - Compare Prices Frequently: Use price comparison websites to track deals from multiple carriers at once. Plans and promos change constantly! FAQs on Cheapest Mobile Plans 1. I’m not very tech-savvy. Are MVNOs hard to set up and use? No need to worry! Most MVNOs make the process incredibly easy. They often have user-friendly websites for plan selection and online account management. Plus, since they use the same networks as big carriers, you usually just pop in a SIM card, and your phone is ready to go. 2. What’s the catch with super cheap plans? Are there hidden fees? Always read the fine print! Some budget plans might have additional fees for things like changing your plan or going over your data limit. Also, watch for promotions that expire. Your price might jump after a few months. 3. Can I bring my own phone to an MVNO or a smaller carrier? In most cases, yes! This is a huge money-saver. Check the carrier’s website to make sure your phone model is compatible with their network. They often have an easy tool to verify this. 4. Do budget-friendly carriers offer good customer service? This varies from carrier to carrier. Some MVNOs are known for their online support and community forums rather than phone-based help. Before signing up, check online reviews to get a feeling for a company’s customer service reputation. 5. I travel occasionally. Will a cheap plan work for me? It depends on where you travel and how much data you need. Some smaller carriers may have limited roaming capabilities. If you travel internationally, look for a plan that includes a specific amount of international data or explore affordable temporary travel add-ons.
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You represent and warrant that you own all proprietary rights in Your Content or, with respect to any of Your Content you do not own, that you have the full authority and right to create, upload, store and/or transmit Your Content, and to grant the licenses and rights you have granted in this Agreement, and that your creation, uploading, storage and/or transmission of Your Content, and the exercise by us and other Users of the licenses and rights granted by you herein, shall not infringe any third party intellectual property or proprietary rights, nor violate any rights of privacy or publicity, nor be defamatory, libelous, vulgar, profane or obscene, nor violate any law or other right, privilege or interest of any third party. On termination of your account, or this Agreement, we have no obligation to return any User Content to you, so you should retain copies of all of Your Content. We have adopted and will enforce strictly a “zero tolerance to bullying” policy with respect to any User activity intended to cause, or that is likely to cause, any fear, distress, embarrassment, hurt or harm to any other person, whether a User or not. Our Ownership Rights. The Service, including all aspects of the myDocendo websites and/or software applications and/or mobile applications (including Our Property, as defined below), is the property of, and owned by, myDocendo or its licensors. All the software, algorithms, functionality, inventions, concepts, text, images, sound, music, videos, marks, logos, compilations, content and technology used to deliver the Service or otherwise embodied in, displayed through, or provided directly or indirectly (e.g., emails or other communications from us to you) via, the Service are “Our Property.” For clarity, any formats, templates, methodologies, rules, algorithms and software used to create Your Content are Our Property. Except as otherwise expressly permitted by this Agreement, any use, copying, making derivative works, transmitting, posting, linking, deep linking, framing, redistribution, sale, decompilation, modification, reverse engineering, translation or disassembly of Our Property is prohibited. You acknowledge that Our Property has been created, compiled, developed and maintained by us at great expense of time and money such that misappropriation or unauthorized disclosure or use of Our Property by others for commercial gain would unfairly and irreparably harm us in a manner for which damages would not be an adequate remedy, and you consent to our obtaining injunctive relief to restrain any breach or threatened breach of this Agreement, without any requirement to post bond. You may be subject to criminal or civil penalties for violation of this paragraph. The mark myDocendo, and any associated logos, are our registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks. You may not use them, or any of our other marks or logos, in any manner, including any use that is likely to cause confusion or that disparages or discredits us, without our consent. The Service may also feature the trademarks, service marks, and logos of third parties, and each owner retains all rights in such marks. Any use of such marks, or any others displayed on the Service, will inure solely to the benefit of their respective owners. Subject to the terms and conditions herein, we grant you the non-exclusive, limited, revocable right to access and use Our Property solely to the extent necessary for you to use the Service for your own Specified Purpose (as defined above), as permitted by this Agreement. We reserve all other rights. For clarity and without limiting other obligations herein, Users shall not distribute or otherwise commercialize Our Property. Subject to the terms and conditions herein, you are permitted to use the Service solely for your own Specified Purpose (as defined above). You must not (a) create, upload or transmit Your Content if you do not have the right to do so; (b) create, upload or transmit Your Content or use the Service in any way that would violate any law or the rights of any person; (c) impersonate any person or entity, or forge or manipulate headers to disguise the origin of any of Your Content; (d) except as otherwise expressly permitted by this Agreement, harvest or otherwise collect information about others from the Service; (e) take any action that imposes or may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Service or its infrastructure, or bypass any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to any portion of the Service (or other accounts, networks or services connected thereto); (f) use manual or automated software, devices, or other processes to “crawl”, “scrape” or “spider” any of the Service or otherwise to copy, obtain, propagate, distribute or misappropriate any information or other content from the Service, including any of Our Property; (g) distribute or otherwise make available any information or other content obtained through the Service to any third party, except as expressly permitted herein; (h) otherwise interfere in any manner with the use or operation of the Service; (i) abuse the Service’s bulletin board, comments, ratings or review features or sections; (j) use the Service in the development, directly or indirectly, of any product, software or service that offers any functionality substantially similar to, or competitive with, the Service; or (k) use the Service for any commercial activity without our express prior written consent. Your Content must not: (i) be libelous, vulgar, defamatory, threatening, abusive, scandalous, obscene, pornographic or unlawful or encourage a criminal offense; (ii) contain material from other copyrighted works without the written consent of the owner of such copyrighted material; (iii) infringe any copyright or violate any property rights, rights of privacy or publicity, or any other rights of any third party; (iv) contain any software viruses, malware, spyware or any other code, file or program that is designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment; (v) contain a review or any portion thereof that you were paid to write either directly or indirectly; or (vi) except as otherwise expressly permitted by us in writing, contain any advertising, promotional, solicitation or other commercial material. We reserve the right (but are under no obligation) to investigate any claim that User Content or use of the Service does not conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and to remove User Content from the Service or terminate your account for breach of this Agreement. Social Media. From time-to-time, we may offer functionality on the Service permitting you to connect the Service to your Snapchat, Instagram, Google, Facebook or other social media accounts (“Social Media Accounts”). If you choose to connect your Service account with any Social Media Accounts, you will be able to take advantage of various social features myDocendo may already have or will be creating, as part of the Service, as well as features available on such Social Media Accounts. These features will generally be designed to share information with others. For example, your friends and others who have access to view information about you on Facebook may be able to see (on Facebook and on the Service) that you are a user of the Service, and other information about your use of the Service. You may also be able to see similar information about your Facebook friends who are users of the Service. Please pay careful attention to your relevant Social Media Account settings in your Service account as well as your privacy settings in your Social Media Accounts which will impact this feature, when available, and may give you some control over the information that is shared and with whom it is shared. BY CONNECTING YOUR SERVICE ACCOUNT TO ANY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU ARE CONSENTING TO THE CONTINUOUS RELEASE OF INFORMATION ABOUT YOU TO OTHERS, INCLUDING TO THE RELEVANT SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT (IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR PRIVACY SETTINGS ON SUCH SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT AND YOUR SETTINGS ON THE SERVICE). IF YOU DO NOT WANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOU TO BE SHARED IN THIS MANNER, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS APPROPRIATELY. myDocendo and social media sites are continually making changes and improvements to this feature, and therefore the available features and information that are shared may change from time to time. These changes may take place without notice to you and may not be described in this Agreement. Feedback. If you provide to us (directly or indirectly, and by any means) any comments, feedback, suggestions, ideas, or other submissions related to the Service (collectively "Feedback"), the Feedback will be the sole property of myDocendo. We will be entitled to use, reproduce, disclose, publish, distribute, and otherwise exploit in any manner, all Feedback, without restriction and without compensating you in any way. We are and shall be under no obligation to maintain any Feedback in confidence, or to respond to any Feedback. Warranty Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability. THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITH ALL FAULTS. WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING: (i) ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE; (ii) THAT THE SERVICE OR OUR PROPERTY WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, WILL ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE, ACCESSIBLE, UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE OR OPERATE WITHOUT ERROR; AND (iii) AS TO THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SERVICE OR OUR PROPERTY. We may pause or interrupt the Service at any time, and you should expect periodic downtime for updates to the Service. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us or through the Service will create any other warranty. COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE CONDUCT OF USERS OF THE SERVICE. YOU AGREE TO TAKE REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS IN ALL INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER USERS OF THE SERVICE. COMPANY HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY ACT OR OMISSION OF ANY USERS OF THE SERVICE OR THIRD PARTIES. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL YOU BE ENTITLED TO RECOVER FROM US ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF REVENUE, LOSS OF DATA, OR LOSS OF USE), WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, THE SERVICE OR OUR PROPERTY, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN INFORMED OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, OUR MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, THE SERVICE OR OUR PROPERTY, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNTS PAID BY YOU TO US FOR THE SERVICE IN THE PRIOR YEAR (OR, IF YOU ARE A NON-FEE PAYING USER, TO THE AMOUNT OF $10). SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES OR OF LIABILITY FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF DAMAGES, SO SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Cloud Services and Third Party Services. Without limitation of the disclaimers and limitations of liability set forth in Section 9, you acknowledge and agree as follows: (a) we provide the Service using cloud computing services of one or more third party cloud providers (collectively, the “Cloud Providers”); (b) the price at which we could afford to offer the Service would vary if we provided the Service other than using such cloud services; and (c) we shall not be responsible or liable to you for any act, omission or failure of any Cloud Provider. Indemnity. You will indemnify us, and our licensors, providers and agents, against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, suits, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees (“Liabilities”) arising out of or related to your breach of this Agreement or your use of the Service (but excluding any Liabilities to the extent caused by our negligence or willful misconduct). We reserve the right to assume the sole control of the defense and settlement of any claim, action, suit or proceeding for which you are obliged to indemnify us. You will cooperate with us with respect to such defense and settlement. Without limitation of the foregoing, if we receive a subpoena or similar requirement to disclose Your Content issued by any court or governmental authority, and we are not a party to the proceeding in question, you will reimburse us for our reasonable costs and expenses of complying with such subpoena, including time spent by our personnel and our attorneys at time and materials rates. Digital Millennium Copyright Act. We comply with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act applicable to internet service providers (17 U.S.C. §512, as amended). If you have any complaints or objections to material hosted by the Service you may contact our Designated Agent at the following address: Email address: Any notice alleging that materials hosted by or distributed through the Service infringe intellectual property rights must include the following information: (a) an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other right being infringed; (b) a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed; (c) a description of the material that you claim is infringing and where it is located on the Service; (d) your address, telephone number, and email address; (e) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the materials on the Service of which you are complaining is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (f) a statement by you that the above information in your notice is accurate and that, under penalty of perjury, you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf. If material that you have posted to the Service has been removed or disabled, you may file a counter notice pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §512 (g). To be effective, the counter notice must be a written communication sent to the designated agent address listed above that includes the following: (i) a physical or electronic signature of the subscriber; (ii) identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; (iii) a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and (iv) your name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located or, if your address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which myDocendo may be found, and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection 17 U.S.C. §512 (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person. It is our policy to terminate in appropriate circumstances the accounts of Users that are repeat infringers or repeatedly violate these Terms of Service. Suspension and Termination. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by closing your account and ceasing to use the Service. We reserve the right to suspend your account and/or access to the Service at any time if we believe you are in breach of this Agreement. We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement or to cease to offer the Service at any time on written notice to you (including by email to registered Users or posting on our website [or mobile applications]), for any reason or no reason. If your account is terminated for any reason or no reason, you agree: (a) to continue to be bound by this Agreement, (b) to immediately stop using the Service, (c) that the license and rights provided by us under this Agreement shall end, (d) that we reserve the right (but have no obligation) to delete all of Your Content, and (e) that we shall not be liable to you, or any third party, for compensation, reimbursement, or damages in connection with your use of the Service or for termination of access to your account. Sections 1, 5, 8-11, and 14-21, any accrued obligations and remedies hereunder, and any other provisions that by their nature should reasonably survive, shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. Modification of Service and Agreement. We reserve the right to modify the Service at any time, without notice to you. We may also from time to time amend this Agreement prospectively. If we do so, we will notify you by email (for registered Users) and posting on our website [or mobile applications]. You agree that your continued use of the Service constitutes your agreement to the amended Agreement. If you do not agree to any amended Agreement that we publish, you must terminate your account and cease using the Service. Except as set forth above, this Agreement may be amended or modified only by an express writing signed by myDocendo. Applicable Law. You and we each agree that all disputes or other matters arising from or relating to this Agreement, or the use or operation of the Service, will be governed by the substantive laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, U.S.A., without regard to its or any other jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles that would apply another law. Any action or proceeding by you relating to any claim arising from or relating to the Service or this Agreement must commence within the shorter of the applicable statute of limitations or one year after the cause of action has accrued. The United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods is hereby disclaimed. Force Majeure. In no event will we be liable for any failure to comply with this Agreement to the extent that such failure arises from factors outside our reasonable control. Without limitation of the foregoing, in the absence of our gross negligence or willful misconduct we will not be liable for any damages arising from the acts of hackers or similar bad actors interfering with the Service or using or disclosing any of Your Content. Compliance with Laws. You will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to your activities under or in connection with this Agreement, including without limitation United States export control laws, regulations and executive orders. Geography. We are based in the United States. We provide the Service for use only by persons located in the United States. We make no claims that the Service or any of its content is accessible or appropriate outside of the United States. Access to the Service may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries. If you access the Service from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws. Miscellaneous Provisions. No delay or omission by us in exercising any of our rights occurring upon any noncompliance or default by you with respect to any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement will impair any such right or be construed to be a waiver thereof, and a waiver by us of any of the covenants, conditions or agreements to be performed by you will not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach thereof or of any other covenant, condition or agreement herein. No waiver will be binding on us unless made in an express writing signed by us. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then this Agreement will remain in full force and effect and will be reformed to be valid and enforceable while reflecting the intent of the parties to the greatest extent permitted by law. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between us and you regarding its subject matter, and supersedes all prior promises, agreements or representations, whether written or oral, regarding such subject matter. Your registration, this Agreement and your rights and obligations hereunder are not assignable, or otherwise transferable or delegable, by you to any third party without our prior written consent in our sole discretion. Any purported assignment, transfer or delegation without such consent will be null and void. We may assign or otherwise transfer or delegate this Agreement (including any rights or obligations hereunder), including to any purchaser of our business, from time-to-time in our sole discretion. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties’ successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement may be executed electronically, and your electronic assent or use of the Service shall constitute execution of this Agreement. You agree that the electronic text of this Agreement constitutes a writing and your assent to the terms and conditions hereof constitutes a “signing” for all purposes. As used herein and unless the intent is expressly otherwise in a specific instance, the terms “include,” “includes” or “including” shall not be limiting and “or” shall not be exclusive. Any section headings herein are for convenience only and do not form a part of, and will not be used in the interpretation of, the substantive provisions of this Agreement. You agree that email to your email address on record will constitute formal notice under this Agreement. There shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement. Version: January 9, 2018
A/B testing is a common tool used in digital marketing to test two versions of a digital ad or asset and find out which performs better. The test usually involves one element, such as two different versions of a headline, or two different colors on the CTA button. The purpose of an A/B test is to find out which version garners more interest and engagement among the target audience. Marketers can use that information to optimize online campaigns and boost performance.Read more Ad networks are platforms where digital advertisers and digital publishers trade in online ad space. Ad networks are designed to match supply of ad space inventory with advertiser demand. They utilize a range of technologies to support auctions and advertiser bidding in real time.Read more An ad server is a software platform used by online publishers, advertisers, and advertising agencies to manage, serve, and track online advertisements. It helps to centralize the ad management process and automate tasks such as ad trafficking, ad targeting, ad reporting, and ad optimization. The ad server provides advertisers with a single point of access to serve ads across multiple websites and devices, and enables publishers to maximize revenue from their advertising inventory. Ad targeting is a powerful tool used in digital marketing to tailor ad campaigns to specific audiences. It enables both marketers and publishers to deliver adverts more effectively and efficiently by narrowing ad placements down and displaying ads to people who are most likely to show an interest.Read more Stands for “Authorised Digital Sellers”, and is a text file in which a publisher records who can sell inventory on the site. This text file is integrated into programmatic platforms and provides buyers with additional transparency. It can also help to prevent ad fraud. When a blogger or website owner promotes ads for an advertiser on their site, this is called affiliate marketing, or affiliate advertising. The website is operating as an ‘affiliate’ of the advertiser. Affiliate advertising is based on performance – whether it be Pay Per Click, Pay Per Lead or Pay Per Sale.Read more Agency trading desk A trading system developed by large agency holding companies to make programmatic purchasing more efficient for their customers. Agency Trading Desks usually access several DSPs and thus a larger inventory, and can be connected to additional data streams via Data Management Platforms (DMPs). Attribution in marketing refers to the process of attributing value or credit to different touchpoints in a customer's journey, in order to understand the impact of marketing and advertising efforts on customer behavior and conversion. It helps to optimize and allocate marketing budgets by identifying the most effective channels and tactics.Read more Automated Guaranteed is a buying model in programmatic advertising that combines the benefits of both automated and guaranteed methods. Advertisers set a fixed price for a specific audience and inventory, ensuring the delivery of their ad campaign. The process is automated, meaning it's executed programmatically using technology, allowing for real-time bidding, targeting, and optimization. This model provides advertisers with more control over their ad spend and the delivery of their ads, while also providing publishers with a guaranteed source of revenue. Banner ads are a type of digital ad that typically appear at the top, bottom or sides of a web page, and are typically rectangular in shape. Banner ads often include graphics, text, and a call-to-action button inviting you to "click here." Their purpose is to promote a product, service, brand, or website and get you to take a closer look by visiting the advertiser's landing page.Read more Banner blindness is a phenomenon in which internet users stop noticing or paying attention to online ads. First coined in 1998, banner blindness has become a serious concern for digital marketers. Related to the similar phenomenon of ‘ad fatigue’, banner blindness is one of the reasons for the increased use of ad blockers.Read more Bottom-of-funnel marketing (BOFU) Bottom-funnel marketing refers to the stage in the customer journey where potential customers are close to making a purchase decision. At this stage, they have already been exposed to the brand and its offerings through various marketing channels such as social media interactions, email marketing, content marketing, and retargeting ad campaigns. The goal of bottom-funnel marketing is to guide customers toward making a purchase and ultimately convert them into loyal customers.Read more A brand ambassador is an individual who promotes and represents a brand with the aim of building awareness of the brand among their own target audiences and customers.Read more Brand awareness relates to how aware people are about a brand, from its logo, ads, slogan or simply its market presence. Global icons like Nike have very high awareness, while a local business will likely have good brand awareness only in the immediate community or niche target audience.Read more Brand equity is a marketing term that denotes the perceived, inherent value of a brand. It is not the brand’s monetary value, but rather its social value among the wider public and consumer audience.Read more Brand exposure is the actions taken to ensure a brand is seen, noticed, and recognized by consumers and audiences. The more exposure a brand has, the more it can grow brand awareness, brand equity, its customer base, and revenue.Read more A brand influencer is an individual who partners with a brand to promote its products or services via the influencer’s social media and online networks. Brand influencers usually gain monetary compensation or may receive complimentary products as compensation.Read more Brand loyalty relates to the positive sentiment that consumers have towards a brand, which leads them to continually purchase the product or service. When brand loyalty is strong, the consumer may continue to purchase from the brand even in the face of inconvenience or negative experiences.Read more Brand personality can be described as the traits that make up a brand, and which the customers relate to. The brand personality includes the kinds of traits normally attributed to people, like sense of humor, sincerity, introvert/extrovert, conservative, or boisterous.Read more Brand positioning relates to the place a brand occupies in the minds of consumers, especially in relation to other brands. In this way, it is somewhat similar to brand perception.Read more Brand recall denotes how many customers can remember your brand name when prompted or aided, say with a mention of a product, service, or any other concept associated with it, or when unaided, such as when asked “name your favorite shampoo brands.”Read more Brand recognition denotes the ability of consumers to recognize a brand based on one or more of its identifying characteristics, such as a product or service, ad jingle, logo, packaging, or any other visual or audio element.Read more Brand reputation refers to the general sentiment, associations and perceptions of a brand among all who regard it, including customers, stakeholders, partners, employees, and competitors.Read more Brand salience is a measure used to describe how much a customer thinks about a brand at a particularly important moment: the purchase decision.Read more Brand tone describes the overall way a brand communicates with its audiences and the ‘sense’ it creates among consumers.Read more Brand value proposition Brand value proposition is a statement that describes the value that customers can expect from a brand.Read more Brand voice refers specifically to the way a brand ‘speaks’ or ‘sounds’ in all the ways it communicates with the wider world.Read more A carousel ad is a type of online ad that allows you to showcase multiple images, GIFs, headlines, and descriptions in a single ad unit that functions like a rotating carousel. With this format, you can display more information than a single image or text-based ad, so you can engage with potential customers in a unique way.Read more Churn, or customer churn, is also known as "customer attrition". This is when customers stop doing business with a certain company, and it may be due to a number of reasons. These include a lack of products or services that the customer needs, bad customer service, or better prices, products, services, or deals from competitors. Churn is a very important metric as it shows why customers may be unhappy and gives the business an opportunity to correct it, increase customer retention, and boost revenue.Read more Content recommendations are content pieces that are suggested or recommended to web users on the web page they are visiting. Content recommendations are served via discovery platforms such as Outbrain. They are designed to enhance the experience of the reader by suggesting articles that may interest them, based on their past online activity.Read more Conversion rate (CVR) Conversion rate, or CVR, is a common metric used in digital marketing to denote the percentage of website visitors who ‘convert’ by taking a desired action, such as making a purchase, filling out an online form, or subscribing to a newsletter. CVR is a key indicator of how effectively a website is converting visitors into customers or leads.Read more Conversion tracking involves taking action to see what customers do after they have clicked on an online ad. Brands and marketers use conversion tracking to gain insight into the effectiveness of their advertisements and campaigns, as well as which ads and offers are most successful in driving engagement.Read more Cost Per View (CPV) The price for one video play when a predefined minimum video viewing time is reached. Other possible billing models for videos include Cost Per Completed View (CPCV; paid only when the video is viewed through to completion) and Cost Per Video Viewability (CPVV, paid only if the video is visible; the IAB standard is 50% of the number of pixels visible for at least 2 consecutive seconds). CPA (Cost per acquisition) CPA is a marketing metric that denotes how much it costs to acquire a new customer or conversion. The data is used frequently by businesses to drive user acquisition and growth through improved decision making, such as how to allocate your marketing budget and how to optimize the marketing funnel.Read more CPC (Cost per click) Cost per click (CPC) is a pricing model in digital advertising that reflects the price an advertiser pays for every click on their ad. CPC (sometimes referred to as PPC or Pay Per Click) is a popular way to run campaigns, as advertisers only pay when someone interacts with the ad. CPC is used for a wide range of online ads from Google Shopping and video ads to social media ads, display ads, and native ads.Read more CPL (Cost per lead) CPL (Cost per Lead) is a marketing metric denoting the amount spent to obtain a lead in a digital marketing campaign or channel. This enables advertisers to understand how effective their campaigns are at generating leads in a given stream. With CPL, conversions are reliant on end-users converting via an “opt in”, offering their contact details to the marketer so as to join the company’s marketing funnel.Read more Cost per mille (CPM) is a metric used in digital advertising to indicate the cost of 1000 impressions of an ad on the web. CPM provides insight into the cost efficiency of a digital ad in terms of the size of the online audience that views it. Understanding the basics of CPM is essential for successful marketing professionals in this day and age.Read more CTR (Click-through rate) Click-through rate (CTR) is a marketing metric that denotes how many times a digital ad was clicked by the viewing audience, in relation to the number of impressions of the ad that were served. A high CTR is desirable, as it means that the ad is interesting or relevant enough to the viewer to entice them to click and continue the interaction with the brand.Read more Data Management Platform (DMP) A system for managing data used by agencies, advertisers, or publishers. Most first party data is managed and integrated with third party data to combine user information and activities as well as to optimize media purchasing. Demand Side Platform (DSP) A platform that allows brands and agencies to automatically bid on ad inventory. Buyers define information such as creatives and price, and control the distribution of their ads. DSPs determine the best possible inventory for reaching a target audience, place buys, and report on the performance. They are connected to SSPs via ad exchanges. Agency Trading Desks often bundle multiple DSPs to further increase efficiency. Display ads, which are also sometimes known as banner ads, are a form of paid advertising in which the advertiser pays the website publisher for every ad impression or user click of the display ad.Read more DSP (Demand Side Platform) A Demand Side Platform, also known as a DSP, is an online network of ad inventory supply, where advertisers can buy ad placements made available by online publishers. Advertisers can bid in auctions for ad impressions, and thereby purchase ad space across many different websites and mobile apps. In simple terms, a DSP is a programmatic advertising tool that helps to match ads with the right ‘spots’ on publisher sites.Read more First price auction in programmatic advertising, a First Price Auction is a type of auction in which the highest bidder wins the impression and pays the price they bid. This contrasts with second price auctions, where the winning bid pays one increment above the second-highest bid. In a First Price Auction, the winning bid is the actual cost of the impression, so the cost to the advertiser may be higher than expected. This creates more competition among bidders and can lead to higher prices for publishers. Advertisers should have a clear understanding of First Price Auction mechanics and bid appropriately to ensure they are getting the best value for their ad spend. First-party data refers to data that is collected directly by the advertiser or publisher from their customers and website visitors. It is collected through website analytics, customer interactions, and other direct sources. First-party data is highly valuable because it is specific to the advertiser and provides insights into the interests and behaviors of their target audience. Unlike third-party data, first-party data is not shared with other advertisers. As third-party cookie depreciation sets in, first-party data will become even more vital for online ad targeting. A floor price in programmatic advertising refers to the minimum price that a publisher is willing to accept for an ad impression. This is set by the publisher to ensure that they are not undervaluing their inventory and receive a minimum revenue from the ad. The floor price is used in real-time bidding (RTB) auctions, where advertisers compete to purchase ad impressions. Advertisers must bid above the floor price to be considered for the impression. If the highest bid is below the floor price, the impression is not sold. The floor price helps to balance the needs of both advertisers and publishers and ensures that inventory is sold at a reasonable price. Header bidding is a programmatic ad buying method that enables publishers to present their ad space inventory on multiple SSPs (Supply Side Platform), or ad exchanges, at once via an auction model. With header bidding, numerous advertisers can bid simultaneously to compete for advertising space on websites.Read more Middle-of-funnel marketing (MOFU) Middle-funnel marketing, sometimes called 'consideration marketing', is the stage in the customer journey where potential customers are considering a purchase but haven't yet made a final decision. At this stage, they are aware of the brand and have shown some interest in the product or service, but they may still be evaluating alternatives and weighing their options.Read more Mobile advertising is paid advertising that occurs on mobile phones or devices that have a wireless internet connection. Mobile ads can be display ads published on mobile websites by mobile ad networks, or can be promoted in mobile applications as in-app ads.Read more Multi-touch attribution is a sophisticated approach to measuring the value of different digital touchpoints that contribute to a customer's decision-making process. Unlike traditional single-touch models, which give all the credit to the first or last touchpoint, multi-touch attribution considers the entire customer journey and fairly distributes credit across various interactions.Read more Native advertising is a digital ad that has the look and feel of editorial content. The ad is ‘native’ to the web page – in design and function, it seems just like the other content on the page. Native ad space is purchased by advertisers via native ad networks like Outbrain.Read more A Native DSP (Demand Side Platform) is a platform designed specifically for buying native advertising inventory programmatically. Native advertising refers to ads that blend in with the look and feel of the web page, providing a more seamless and non-intrusive advertising experience for the user. A Native DSP allows advertisers to buy native advertising inventory from multiple sources and programmatically target their audience. It enables advertisers to reach their target audience with relevant, high-quality native ads, at scale. The use of a Native DSP streamlines the native advertising buying process and, unlike conventional DSPs, allows for post-engagement targeting. Any type of advertising that occurs on the internet is considered online advertising. Online advertising comes in many forms, including display advertising, search engine advertising, email advertising, social media advertising, content recommendations, mobile advertising (app advertising).Read more An Open Auction in programmatic advertising is a type of real-time bidding (RTB) auction that is open to all eligible demand sources, including DSPs, networks, and agencies. In an Open Auction, ad impressions are made available to all demand sources, allowing them to bid in real-time for the opportunity to serve an ad. The winning bid is determined by the highest bid, and the winning advertiser pays the amount they bid for the impression. Open Auctions provide a transparent and competitive environment for buying and selling ad impressions, helping to ensure that the best price is achieved for both the advertiser and the publisher. The open web is the online advertising ecosystem that is not owned or controlled by a single company or platform. It includes websites, apps, and other digital properties where advertisers can reach a broad audience across multiple channels, outside of the "walls" of closed networks, such as social media platforms and search engine results pages. Advertisers can use various methods, such as display advertising, native advertising, and programmatic buying, to reach users on the open web. The open web ecosystem enables higher transparency and competition than closed networks, allowing advertisers to reach users with relevant and engaging ads while giving those users more control over their data and privacy. The open web is essential for promoting innovation, diversity, and choice in the digital advertising industry. Paid advertising is any type of advertising that is paid for. It stands in contrast to owned advertising (ads promoted on the advertiser’s own channels) or earned advertising (non-commissioned writeups or recommendations from third-party publishers).Read more Important metric for performance marketers to optimize campaigns. KPIs such as click rates (on the landing page) or time on site of existing users are analyzed in order to bid on new users who are likely to show the highest engagement. PPC, which stands for Pay Per Click, is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to a website or landing page.Read more Data that enables advertisers to target visible, fraud-proof, brand-safe or contextually relevant inventory, and bid only on inventory that meets the pre-defined requirements. Private Marketplace (PMP) Higher-value ad groups that are grouped together by a publisher or SSP and are not available in an open auction. Only selected advertisers can bid on these placements. Subdivided into Preferred Deal, Private Auction and Automated Guaranteed. Programmatic advertising is an automated way of buying and selling advertising space in real time. It uses algorithms and software to purchase digital advertising, as opposed to traditional methods such as manual RFPs (Requests for Proposals) and negotiations.Read more A transaction between a publisher and advertiser that takes place through a programmatic ad buying system. Inventory is directly sold and guaranteed. Quality Score (QS) Quality Score (QS) is a single number Google produces for each ad an advertiser includes in their campaign. It measures the ‘quality’ of the ad by gathering data from users, comparing what they search with which ads they click on, and what they do once they’ve clicked through. In other words, the Quality Score is a measure of how relevant an ad is to a user based on the keywords the advertiser is targeting.Read more Real Time Bidding (RTB) Real Time Bidding, or RTB, is a process used in programmatic advertising to buy and sell digital inventory in real time (a real-time bid consisting of a bid request and a bid response). The bid request is triggered when a user visits a page. The request data (user location, browser history, website, device) is offered for sale via an SSP on an Ad Exchange. A DSP connected to this Ad Exchange responds to this offer with data on price and creatives (bid response). The highest bid for the placement wins and the ad is distributed. This all happens automatically and within milliseconds. Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is an advertising strategy that targets people who have previously interacted with a website or online content. It uses tracking technology to display ads to these individuals on other websites they visit. The goal is to re-engage potential customers and encourage them to complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Retargeting is an effective tool to increase brand awareness and conversion rates. Retention rate is a metric that refers to the percentage of returning customers to a business, service, or product. The retention rate for a subscription service is the percentage of customers who stay subscribed month after month. For a product (usually consumables such as food or clothing), it refers to consumers who prefer your brand to competitors and return to make repeat purchases.Retention rate Return on ad spend (ROAS) Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is a valuable metric for advertisers, as it provides insight into the profitability of a campaign and helps to inform decisions around budget allocation and campaign optimization. Advertisers aim to achieve a high ROAS, as this indicates that a specific campaign is generating a significant return on investment.Read more Search advertising is the promotion of ads on search engine listings or on the sidebar of search engine results pages (also known as SERPs). Search advertising is a very popular channel, largely due to the sheer volume of traffic seen by SERPs.Read more Search engine marketing Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing technique that uses paid and organic advertising to help websites rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal of search engine marketing is to increase a website’s visibility and gain more traffic and page views.Read more Second price auction In programmatic advertising, a Second Price Auction is a type of real-time bidding (RTB) auction where the winning bidder pays one increment above the second highest bid, rather than the amount they bid. This type of auction helps to ensure that the final price of an ad impression reflects its true market value, creating a more stable and predictable pricing environment, benefitting both advertisers and publishers. Second-party data refers to data that is collected by one organization and shared with another. This type of data is obtained through partnerships or data-sharing agreements between two companies. Second-party data can be particularly useful for advertisers who have limited first-party data or who are seeking to reach a new audience. Unlike first-party data, second-party data is not collected directly from the advertiser's customers and website visitors, and is subject to privacy regulations and the data policies of both companies involved. Social media advertising Any type of promotion on social networks is considered social media advertising. Platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin, TikTok, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, and others, have become hugely popular advertising channels.Read more Supply Side Platform (SSP) A platform that allows publishers to automatically sell their inventory and is often linked to ad exchanges. It allows the setting of floor prices and the bundling of inventory for private marketplaces. Third-party data refers to data that is collected by companies other than the advertiser or publisher and is then made available for purchase by advertisers. It is collected through various sources, such as online and offline surveys, browser and search data, and demographic information. Because third-party data is not collected directly from the advertiser's own website visitors and/or customers, it is subject to privacy regulations and may be less accurate or relevant than first-party data. The use of third party data in digital advertising will wind down in the near future as the third-party cookie is removed from the market. Top-of-funnel marketing (TOFU) Top-funnel marketing, also known as awareness marketing or brand building, refers to the stage in the customer journey where potential customers are introduced to a brand for the first time. The goal of top-funnel marketing is to create brand awareness and generate interest in a brand's products or services among a wider audience.Read more User acquisition is a term that describes the strategy and processes businesses apply to get new people to buy their product, use their app, or register for their service. There are a variety of strategies and tactics that marketers use to maximize their user acquisition rates. For example, a company will develop advertising campaigns, promotions, and rewards that are focused on attracting new users.Read more Video Ad-Serving Template (VAST) A Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) is a standardized XML format that defines the structure for delivering video ads to websites and apps. It provides a common language for video ad delivery and allows video ads to be served and played across a wide range of platforms and devices. VAST provides a framework for the delivery of video ads, including information about the ad's size, duration, and type, as well as tracking and reporting data. The use of a VAST standard helps to simplify the process of delivering video ads in programmatic advertising and ensures a high-quality, consistent viewing experience for users. Video advertising is the promotion of ads via video. Video ads can take many forms, whether they be short image-style videos, explainer videos, or product videos.Read more Walled gardens refer to closed ecosystems on the web owned and controlled by a single company, such as Facebook, Amazon, and Google. Advertisers in walled gardens can only reach users within that ecosystem.Read more
ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ Πέμπτη, 16 Μαΐου 2013 Ο Πρωθυπουργός κ. Αντώνης Σαμαράς, στο πλαίσιο της επίσημης επίσκεψής του στη Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία της Κίνας, παρευρέθηκε σήμερα στην παρουσίαση του «Glamorous Greece», τηλεοπτικού αφιερώματος στην Ελλάδα που θα μεταδοθεί από τον Κινεζικό τηλεοπτικό όμιλο CCTV. Το αφιέρωμα παρουσίασε ο Πρόεδρος του Κινεζικού δικτύου. Ο Πρωθυπουργός κ. Αντώνης Σαμαράς, στον χαιρετισμό του δήλωσε: «Ευχαριστώ θερμότατα τον πρέσβη της Λαϊκής Δημοκρατίας της Κίνας στην Ελλάδα, τον κ. Du Qiwen, και τον τηλεοπτικό σταθμό CCTV, γιατί παρουσίασε ένα δείγμα από την ομορφιά και τη μαγεία της Ελλάδας, που πολλές φορές ξεπερνάει κι εκείνα που θέλει να δείξει ο φακός. Είναι η πολιτιστική κληρονομιά και η Ιστορία της χώρας μας διά μέσου των αιώνων μέσα από όλες τις ιστορικές περιόδους. Είναι η μεγάλη ποικιλία εικόνων από μαγευτικά ακρογιάλια έως- θα έλεγα- μυθικά ορεινά συγκροτήματα. Και είναι, κυρίως, όλα αυτά που ζούνε μέσα στην ψυχή του Έλληνα, όπως η φιλοξενία του κι όπως το πείσμα του να περνάει τις δυσκολίες. Αλλά και η βαθιά εκτίμηση και ο σεβασμός που νιώθουν όλοι οι Έλληνες για τον Κινεζικό πολιτισμό και η αγάπη τους για τον Κινεζικό λαό. Εύχομαι να έχετε την ευκαιρία να τα γνωρίσετε όλα αυτά από κοντά. Και είμαι βέβαιος ότι οι λαοί μας θα έρθουν πιο κοντά μέσα από μια στρατηγική σχέση που βήμα-βήμα οικοδομούμε. Και πάλι σας ευχαριστώ θερμότατα. Ήταν η πιο όμορφη πρώτη στιγμή της επίσκεψης μας στην Κίνα. Ευχαριστώ πολύ». Στη συνέχεια, ο Πρωθυπουργός μίλησε στην Κινεζική Ακαδημία Κοινωνικών Επιστημών. Ακολουθεί η ομιλία του Πρωθυπουργού: It is a great honor and real pleasure for me – and for all the members of the Greek delegation – to be here in China today. For some of us, like myself, this is the first time and this has always been my dream; it is a life-long destination that I have finally reached. And it’ s definitely Mr. President a great honor for me to be here, in this Academy of such a great international importance. May I first say that Chinese and Greeks, no matter how different we are in many aspects, we share something absolutely important and vital: We both carry a very rich cultural tradition with deep, very deep, influence over the centuries to all parts of the world. We have both carved deep and long paths in History. As some have said, other people count time in years or decades… Chinese and Greeks count time in centuries and millennia! We share other things too: Ancient China went through a period of “Spring and Autumn” during which “a thousand schools of thought” flourished. Ancient Greece had exactly the same experience, roughly during the same historical period in the Antiquity. When the pre-Socratic, naturalist philosophy produced the legendary “seven sages”, or wise men. Ancient China had its period of “warring states”, between the 5th and the 3rd centuries BC or BCE – Before our Common Era. About the same time, we experienced the same phenomenon, of Greek City States fighting for dominance amongst each other. Back in the sixties and the early seventies, Chinese studies were not so much in fashion, in the rest of the world, as they are today. But, being a Greek, I was always interested in China. I remember long discussions with some of my friends, trying to figure out “parallels” and “distinctions” between our cultures: — Was Confucius closer to Plato or to Aristotle? — Was Sun Tzu closer to the strategic realism of Thucydides or to the tactical pragmatism and mastery of Xenophon? — Was General Sun Bin, this long descendant of Sun Tzu, a parallel to Alexander or to Ificrates? or to Miltiades for that matter? — Was Lao Tzu, or Lao Tse, a parallel to Pythagoras or to Heraclitus? To tell you the truth, I never answered those questions, I don’ t think that anybody has ever answered them in a satisfactory manner. But in any case, there is one thing certain about all these: Chinese Culture and Greek Culture gave “meaning” to human societies, across the borders and across the ages. They both provided time-transcending ideals, principals, norms, rationality, ethics and aesthetics that enriched spirituality, beyond short-lived intellectual fashions, trivial concerns or momentary impressions. Even in more recent time frames, our two countries, China and Greece, look so different in many aspects and yet so strikingly similar in many others. Indeed, we are so different in size, location on the globe and social systems. And yet so similar in other respects: we both suffered dramatically from foreign aggression and occupation during the Second World War. Our peoples fought on the same side of the anti-fascist war and endured a lot of suffering. And this binds us together even more. Finally, we both went through periods of painful transformation after the War. And we have covered a very long way in a very short time these last decades… And, here comes another striking difference among us: China is now rapidly emerging as a world power, is a big world power. Greece, on the other hand, is striving to overcome one of the most severe social and economic crisis of the last 50 years; a crisis that, for a moment, jeopardized all of our achievements in the last 30 years. In a short and shallow perspective, we seem to be on different “trajectories” or in opposing “phases”. But in a broader and longer perspective, our destinies are closer than most “outsiders” can suspect. And this is precisely what I would mainly try to address today: Not the past of our countries, but our common prospects in the future. And I would not constraint my presentation to Greece alone. I would rather talk about Europe as a whole, of which Greece is and will remain an integral part. What makes it even more relevant now is that in the first half of next year Greece will hold the Presidency of the European Union. And, I think, this is a unique opportunity to reshape Sino-European relations. Of course, this is a much broader issue, extending way beyond Greece itself. It has to meet the consensus of all 27 members of our Union and all of our Institutions. But Greece can play a role in achieving it and this is what we intend to do. Because we believe it is to the best interests of all parties involved: Europe, China and Greece, of course. Now China and Europe are two unique pillars of our International System. They are the first and third political entities world-wide, in terms of population. They haven’t posed any security threat for each other in the past. But they really need each other for a number of reasons, both economic and political, concerning trade and investment flaws as well as geopolitical concerns. Admittedly, there are some obstacles in the construction of a deep bilateral relationship. But there is a common scope from both sides to overcome these obstacles. Europeans and Chinese need each other. They are wise enough, experienced enough and non-aggressive enough, to make it happen. The sooner we realize it, I believe the more successful we are going to be. Already ten years have elapsed since the first Strategic Agreement between Europe and China. We believe that this can move much further and really faster… Now, how does Greece come into play? For starters it is the natural “gateway” to China. Despite the fact that we are a relatively small country, our Commercial fleet is the largest in the world and has already provided a very large contribution in the trade between China and Europe. Bilateral trade means transportation. And this, in turn, means commercial routes, transportation means and infrastructures. We can have a serious contribution in all these fields: Greek ports, Greek airports, and Greek railways can be a part of large commercial network extending way beyond Greece in the European hinterland, from South East to North West. Of course, this will not be the only path of trade between China and Europe; but both parties need “alternatives” to feel secure. And the “Greek gateway” can very well serve as a major route among other viable alternatives. We don’t regard ourselves as “competing” with others, in serving the Sino-European trade. We rather think in the context of complementing other potential trade routes… One of the advantages of our proposal, however, is that most of the infrastructures exist. We need new construction works, mainly upgrading some of our ports and our railway system. And we already run a major multi-project privatization plan, including concessions to many pieces of ready infrastructures. We would want Chinese companies to play an active role in that. We can team up together to shape up this major gateway between China and Europe. Moving beyond infrastructures, we know that on trade routes there is a large scope for logistics providers. We believe it would be an excellent idea if Chinese companies took this opportunity and invest on logistic services in Greece, as part of a plan to bring China and Europe closer. Even beyond commercial routes, there is a large scope for communication networks. We know that this is an area where China is becoming more and more competitive on a world level. We strongly believe that all of Europe can benefit from such competition. On the other hand, there is a special national scope for Greece in all these considerations: In Tourism, in Archaeological visits, in Primary Sector exports and manufacturing. We don’t produce very large quantities, at least for the scale of China. But we are proud for the quality of a number of our products: our extra-virgin olive oil which is the base for the famous Mediterranean diet; our fruits and vegetables – fresh, frozen or processed; our fisheries. All these and dozens more, present real opportunities for foreign trade and investment in manufacturing. Most of you have some idea about these Greek competitive advantages. But, if you asked me, the five most important advantages of Greece, are not so well known abroad. –Firstly, its unique coastal line: Our coasts are about as long as the coastline of all of Africa! This, including a unique archipelago of islands scattered in short distance from each other, offers vast opportunities for all kinds of economic activities, from sea sports to sailing and island hoping, to fishing and to transportation. — Secondly, a unique combination of historical sight-seeing, from the prehistoric to the modern era. In a neighborhood of a few miles, you can visit temples from the classical period, the site of famous battlefields during the Roman years, monumental Byzantine churches of over thousand years, plus some of the most modern hotel resorts, close to sites from the ancient mythology. These combinations in the same vicinity present themselves literally all over Greece, from North to South, from East to West, from the legendary Mount Olympus to the Cycladic island of Delos, from one epicenter of our ancient civilization to the next. Not to mention unique natural sites of huge rocks, hanging as if from heaven, some of them even decorated on top with centuries-old monasteries. — Thirdly, an equally unique diversity of animal and plant life: From wild flowers and herbs, to life stock breads, providing all kinds of production, manufacturing and export opportunities. — Fourthly, Educational and Cultural exchanges. We are a small nation that has learned and appreciated the potential of Education. Whenever we had stunning successes in our history, education had played a key role. We know that you share the same experience and the same conviction. So we can join forces. Imagine an unprecedented dialogue between East and West Cultures. I can only express my pride for the fact that a Greek ship-owner, the late Vasilis Constantacopoulos, has helped establishing a Center of Hellenic Studies in the University of Beijing. I want to pay tribute to his contribution and to his memory. This is definitely a good start. And as they say, the sky is the limit! So, imagine a dialogue between China and Greece, open to other parties, on philosophy, Mr. President, which you have studied so well, on mathematics, on comparative historical studies as well as on contemporary fields of applied science, as medicine, electronics and renewable energies. Joined research ventures between us, could really capture the attention of the spiritual world across continents and open up new roads for global understanding. I’ ve just told at CCTV in an interview, I had that somebody on the plane, as we were coming, was reading Sun Tzu. And I said, why was he doing this? Was he trying to find out about historic weaponry? Of course not. What he was searching was the dynamic part of the wisdom that was radiating through the book. It’s the wisdom you are looking for in Lao Tse, for instance, in Confucius for instance. What other countries, what other civilizations could ever open a such a dialogue and re-discuss the History and the development of the world through the ages talking about personalities of that high standard in the world of Philosophy, for instance, or History. To such a dialogue can be a very important part of the synergies we can look for among our two countries. –Last but not least, an immeasurable potential of human capital. We have talents and skills of thousands of Greeks, who have studied and excelled in Greek and foreign Universities. In almost any campus we can visit all over the western world, you will find large crowds of Greeks specializing on all fields of Science and Technology. Many of them are staying abroad because of the harsh recession that has hit Greece recently. And almost all of them would like to return to Greece and have a career commensurate to their education. The training and experience they have acquired is probably the most dynamic of the Greek advantage today. –And may I add, ladies and gentlemen, a final geopolitical point: Greece is stably anchored in the European Union. But if one just looks on the map, he will certainly realize that the stability, the prosperity and the extraversion of Greece, can play a vital role to the east Mediterranean beyond Europe. This is a troubled region, where along with our partners, we can help keep it stable and keep it growth oriented. We know that China has a profound interest in the Middle East and in North Africa regions. And we understand that our potential stabilizing role in this area is also something that you may appreciate. Now the good thing about all this is that we don’t have to start from the very beginning. We already have Chinese companies established in Greece, like Cosco in the major Greek and Mediterranean Port of Piraeus. And, I have to admit that during difficult times, the Cosco investment was a valuable relief for Greece, keeping employment and job security when everything else was collapsing. So, now Cosco is expanding in Piraeus… We are also in the process of discussing plans for building a large airport hub from China to Europe and Northern Africa, based on the Greek island of Creta; or planning a privatization for our modern Venizelos airport in Athens, one of the most profitable? commercial airports in our part of the world. We find advanced Chinese interest about that airport as well. Indeed things have already taken place between our countries. There are two memoranda of strategic cooperation signed up since 2006. Some of them opened new grounds and came to fruition. In other aspects, however, things have stagnated, mainly due to the deep crisis Greece found itself in, since 2009. And this brings us to the last thing I would like to focus upon. Contrary to what was the case just a year ago, everybody is now recognizing Greece’s success regarding the implementation of its Fiscal Consolidation program, believe me a very difficult and painful program. Greece is also praised by European authorities and the international press for its resolve to push for bold structural reforms. So we are now more than half the way through to make a real comeback, a way more than half through! We have already achieved the largest debt restructuring in History, without default! We have already concluded more than two-thirds of the most ambitious fiscal consolidation plan ever implemented, bringing down our deficit by more than 10 percentage points of GDP in three years; eliminating completely our primary deficit; covering three-quarters of our gap of competitiveness, while losing- please listen to this, you will realize how painful this is- 20 to 25% of our GDP in 4 years! These are important records on all counts; records of achievement; but also records of painful transformation of the entire country. So, you see Greece is transforming. It is changing the image abroad. And it is changing in essence at home. So, whatever stagnated in the past, can gain new momentum. And whatever succeeded in the most difficult circumstances in the recent years, can definitely succeed even more in the years to come. With this opportunity, I want to thank you today on behalf of all Greeks! During our most difficult moments in the last three years, China stood on our side. In a way that was very discrete, very steady and very comforting for us. With your public statements you supported Europe; you supported Greece’s efforts to stay in the Euro! We felt it back home. And we won’t forget it. The “Greek comeback” is already been reflected in the international markets, where if you look at the spreads– the gauge for country risk – have receded by about two-thirds of their record levels a year ago. Things are happening indeed! Greece is changing spectacularly, and Greek-Chinese relations have already made “inroads” that we are now ready to expand. Since I know how much you value sincerity and since this is exactly what we value the most, I want to tell you this: I wouldn’t be here, if we hadn’t turned in Greece our ship around. I wouldn’t be here, if we hadn’t succeeded in making a “comeback”. But I am here, standing in front of you, because I can look at you straight in the eyes and tell you that, whatever has already worked in our relations so far, we can now speed it up, expand it, built on it. Whatever has not worked, we can fix it and we can make it happen. Our biggest political capital right now is the credibility we have managed to regain as a country, in a very short period of time. We have built our credibility in Europe, and – believe me again- it wasn’t easy. We are now expanding our credibility beyond Europe. To sum it up, let me give a few key-words: –“Honor”! Chinese and Greeks perfectly understand what it means. It is a basic trait, characteristic, in both our Histories. –“Virtue”! Chinese and Greek certainly understand it. It is a key concept in both our Cultures. –Greece emerging as a “Gateway” between China and Europe. It is a prospect very significant for both of us. — Building together this “Cultural bridge” I talked before about between East and West! It can have a tremendous impact world-wide. And we can make it happen. Finally: Turning Greece from a “scapegoat of Europe” to a major success story, has a symbolism much larger than Greece. It is a message that Europe can solve its problems and return to growth as well. The “Greek comeback” will also symbolize a “European comeback”. To make a long story short, we want China to be a part of this success story. Thank you very much Ερώτηση: You talked about structural reform and fiscal consolidation. These measures have played an important role in working out of the crisis and were also serve long term growth. My question is, going forward are you going to bring measures to stimulate short-term growth? And if there is any, how will you prevent conflict between the short-term measures and long term fiscal consolidation measures? Α. Σαμαράς: Thank you for the question. Look, austerity measures and tight fiscal policy were necessary, because our debt had expanded in an incredible manner. If you do not want to be depended on foreign creditors and if you want to have the possibility of standing on your own feet, you have to go through fiscal changes, in order to get rid of the huge debt problem. Our debt problem was so big that it had created spillover effects all over Europe. And this is what had created this unbelievable concept of the Grexit. We had to fight this. It was a national bet we had to win. And I can really tell you we are winning it, because if you see simply the market and the spreads and the fact that “Fitch”, for instance, gave us back the B- position from the last one we used to be, which was basically called “junk bonds”, one can realize that the difference is there today. On the other hand, we have a real problem and this is called unemployment. Unemployment has reached the incredible level of 27% overall. They have huge problems in France, with 10,3%. We have 60% unemployment among the youth over 15 years old, 60%! This is reaching a level of unbelievable social pain and dramatic problems in the area of social cohesion. So, we have to face this. How do you face it? Through the loans you got, through the funds, which are basically structural funds you can get from the Europeans, as we did, through investments that we are asking for, through privatizations we are doing, you can form what you call a shorten policy also. And you can allow money to circulate in a dehydrated economy, where starting from May up to the end of October I believe there is going to be enough rain in this dehydrated economy also from tourism, where this year we are hopefully going to break the record of 17 million people coming to Greece. I would love to make it 18 million with the Chinese next year. But what is important is that we are planning in a manner, so that we can have also a specific strategy for the problem of unemployment, which has been caused by what you’ve called “extreme austerity”. So, on the one hand yes, fiscal consolidation was absolutely necessary, on the other hand, yes, we need fiscal stimulus, which can come through those measures I’ ve just mentioned. And I think that this balance, I think that this absolutely need of the harmony, which is another well known word both for Chinese and Greeks, is something that you have to follow. It has to be harmonious. It cannot be overextended towards the A or the B part of it. It has to be balanced and this is what we are trying to do. Ερώτηση: Your Excellency, good morning. I’m … from the Institute for European Studies and someone that has immense interest in Greece and I benefited a lot from your excellent presentation this morning. (..) China and Greece established a comprehensive, strategic partnership in 2006, but cooperation in the various areas is still imbalanced, you‘ve mentioned on many times that there are many ways to increase our cooperation and advance cooperation in various areas. My question is what preferential policies or good policies that you have to attract Chinese investment? Α. Σαμαράς: Strategic relation is, I believe, a relation that is not tactical and is not short-term. A relation which is strategic is one which is based on long-term and stable consideration. It cannot be time constrained. You cannot ask someone to help you just because you are in danger now and then forget about him after the danger is over. What I believe is important is that we have a strategic relationship in terms of the deep realization that the two countries can have sustained long-term synergies in the very long run, little by little. You know I don’t want to create the impression that one can be so optimistic and dream things that cannot happen. I much more believe in the steady dreams of what your new President has talked about. It’ s a dream that is tangible and the things we are talking about for attracting, for instance, Chinese investments in Greece is something tangible. We have specific areas we are going to have privatization procedures, open bidding processes where the Chinese will participate. They have already come to Greece many times, some of them I had the pleasure and honor to see them in my office. We will be there for a long time. We want to expand, we want to create job opportunities. The word “jobs” is the number one word that comes to my mind every morning when I see this unemployment level. And I know that China can really help. You are expanding all over the world. We are at the South-eastern part of Europe, we are at the tip of Europe, we are the borders of Europe. In an area where all the large commercial routes are starting to go to Asia. And geopolitically and geostrategically we are there. It’ s obvious if you open the map, it’ s obvious. And it’ s again even more obvious if you open a History book, that we can have this deep relationship together, which will be based, however, on a strategic concept of cooperation, which by definition, I repeat, is not short-term. And what I’ m trying to say, what I’ m trying to convey to everyone is that over and above my government or your government this is History. I told the CCTV before, this morning, that we are not living in a cold era any more, Cold War era any more. We are not living even in a post-Cold War era any more. We are living in a new era. Everything has changed. We have jettisoned the past. And we are investing in the future. And if the two countries with the largest, most important world renowned, well known, unbelievable History do not merge their forces to create such synergies, if we do not do it, nobody else can do it. And we can do it, because of our “common DNA”, which is written in our History in a long-term fashion that others cannot follow. We have always followed it».
FromSoftware's games, such as the Dark Souls trilogy, Bloodborne, and the recently released Elden Ring, are some of the best gaming experiences of my life despite my reluctance towards anything that is even mildly challenging. It baffles me how these games that are touted as the most brutal and tough video games appeal to a wide audience when they technically should not. Video games are meant to escape reality, to do and create things that are just not possible in the real world. Most of us who play video games do so to get that brief reprieve from all the stress and routineness of our daily lives. If video games are a way to relieve oneself from stress, then why would someone play Dark Souls or Bloodborne, games that are regarded as one of if not the most challenging games on the planet? While most games make the player feel powerful against the enemies, Souls games do the opposite, making the player feel puny even against the fodder enemies, let alone the mighty bosses. Maybe that’s the draw for these kinds of games. Perhaps the targeted audience is hardcore players who are skilled in the art of playing video games and are not easily intimidated by the difficulty of any game. Let me assure you that’s not the case at all. Over the last two years, I have become a massive fan and admirer of these games, especially Bloodborne, given it was my first exposure to FromSoftware's games and souls-likes in general. Bloodborne had a massive impact on me and my perception of video games. I'm not someone who you’d call a skilled player. Quite the contrary, I’m someone who rarely goes for difficulty in games. The only game in my memory that I played to complete at the hardest difficulty was Dishonored 2 in 2018. I chose to stealth and save-scum my way through the levels without killing any NPC, avoiding combat altogether. In the same year, I played God of War (the new one for the PlayStation 4), which I started at the second hardest difficulty but was knocked down to the easiest within the first 20 minutes or so. In short, Bloodborne should not appeal to a player like me, but it’s my favorite video game of this generation. Let me explain how. Note: This article contains mild spoilers (early sections and a few late-game bosses) for Bloodborne. First attempt at understanding Bloodborne's world I started playing Bloodborne in 2020, just after I had finished The Last of Us Part II. You might have guessed it already. I played it to its entirety in the easiest difficulty. I had little knowledge going into Bloodborne of how any of its systems work, how to navigate through the blood-soaked streets and alleys, and what my objectives were. After creating my character, which took me nearly an hour to ultimately end up knowing that I’ll rarely get a chance to see the intricate details of my character, I made it out of the first room only to be mauled to death by a werewolf-looking beast. This sent me to the hub world, where I got to choose my weapons and then teleport back to the same place where the werewolf beast was but this time, with the help of my chosen weapons, I was able to kill the beast. This was the first hint the game subtly bestows on the player that though the world they’re about to explore is harsh. It’ll always provide the players with the tools to overcome the challenge. I didn't get that meaning out of the encounter immediately after exploring and dying about a dozen times at the hands of literally everything. From essential humans to rats, beast people, werewolves (of course), to giants, to men in wheelchairs with a gattling gun attached to them. I had enough. I was lost as I was mainly accustomed to games telling me where to progress via an objective marker, obvious visual hints, or a mini-map. But Bloodborne didn’t have any of those. Its levels were tightly packed with seemingly endless ways to progress, which confused me. Also, the constant fear of getting killed by an enemy ambush that might be hidden around the next corner didn’t help much. I must’ve played around two hours or so of Bloodborne before putting it down. I didn’t touch it for quite some time, maybe about a month. I was trying to get the platinum trophy in God of War back then, and it was a grind to get the trophies for all those collectibles in the game, especially the Ravens. So I kept busy with that. Returning to Yharnam with a vengeance The next time I came to Bloodborne, I was prepared to take it on, partly because I had nothing else to play apart from Bloodborne and a few older games. I picked up where I had last left off. This time I spent a few hours getting to know the level and how it connects without getting intimidated by getting ganked up on by enemies. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Me losing some blood echoes. That’s it. It's not like I could use them, as it requires the players to either defeat or come across any of the two bosses in the first area to be granted the right to level up. Most casual players like myself, who have heard about the difficulty of Souls games, are readily intimidated by the sheer thought of playing a Souls game. That should not be the case, yes, the enemies and the environment, in general, are challenging, but all it demands is attention and perseverance. With just a little attention, the maze-like tunnels and pathways that confused me to no end became fairly easy to navigate. I opened up a few shortcuts that expertly connect the opening parts of the level with later parts. Also, repeated encounters with the same enemies that more or less had the same scripted positioning upon every death helped me devise strategies to lure them one by one rather than facing the mobs head-on, making it way more manageable. Encountering the first boss I made my way to the game's first boss, the Cleric Beast, which as a side note, had a brilliant OST. That’s another key point why I love Bloodborne. The music in the game. The OST is superb, whether ambient music or the boss soundtrack. Coming back to the Cleric Beast. To my absolute surprise, it took me just a couple of retries to defeat the boss, maybe because I used a few molotovs (out of fear and frustration, not strategy) that I found while exploring. Unbeknownst to me, my chosen weapon, the saw cleaver, deals extra damage to beast-type enemies. Molotovs saw cleaver or just sheer luck, whatever be the reason. I couldn’t believe myself to have defeated a Bloodborne boss. The adrenaline rush that I had coursing through me was insurmountable. It was probably the best experience I’ve had playing a video game. With pumped-up confidence, I readily marched to the next boss, Father Gascoyne, the main boss of the first area, Cleric Beast, being entirely optional. Father Gascoigne, the boss that almost made me quit Bloodborne for good I entered the arena, and with a cool intro cutscene, the fight started, and I immediately got killed without even being able to land a single blow at the boss. This did take a toll on my newfound confidence in the game, but I did not give up. Having killed a boss, I was able to level up. I put some time into killing enemies and collecting Blood Echoes (the experience points and currency of the game). I leveled up, upgraded my weapon, and returned to Father Gascoigne. Funnily enough, I was still getting killed. I couldn’t even bring his health down to half. After repeatedly dying 10 or 11 times in a row, it struck me that, along with the saw cleaver. I also picked up a blunderbuss, a big gun that, unlike traditional shooters, doesn’t kill an enemy but is used to parry their attacks. I’ve seen Gascoigne, a hunter like my character, use his gun in conjunction with his giant axe. It’s pretty effective against me. It sure must be equally effective against him. I again stepped through the boss’s fog door with this newfound idea and courage. I fired my gun at Father Gascoigne, but that did not even tickle his health. I was scared, thinking maybe I’ll never get past Gascoigne and never will be able to finish Bloodborne. I was down to four silver bullets out of the 20 that I had on me. When I fired my second-last bullet, something happened. I managed to time it right (by accident, mind you) and parried Gascoigne's attack. He was staggered, and I got a chance to deal with a visceral attack that damaged his health. I was also quick enough to land a couple of swings, which got him to his second phase. The second phase was more of a Cleric Beast fight, but he was way faster and more aggressive. Took me a few more tries, but I was able to beat Gascoigne and proceed to the area, the Cathedral Ward. One thing that the opening area of the game taught me is that enemies and also bosses will vary both in their visual design and attack patterns. I could not get comfortable using just one strategy for every enemy in Bloodborne. This idea of actual progression and growth for both my in-game avatar and myself as a player was something I have never felt while playing a video game. An action role-playing game like no other Don’t get me wrong, other video games can invoke a similar feeling of progression. But more often than not, games tend to invoke this feeling of playing numbers games. Most modern role-playing games are heavily based around the leveling system that artificially makes the player feel powerful by increasing damage output or defensive stats via leveling up. Yes, Bloodborne, as you level up and strengthen your weapons by upgrading and blood gems. The difference is that Bloodborne and other Souls games heavily rely on the player’s dedication to take time and study the enemies, bosses, and environment. Bloodborne does require skills to dodge, parry and attack effectively, but the game doesn’t need one to be highly skilled at playing video games to play it. All that is needed is the player’s willingness and attentiveness to learn to be skillful in the game. I learned it the hard way, having almost quit Bloodborne and dismissing it as a game not meant for me, to get so engrossed in it that it became my favorite game of this generation. Another recent game that I played that reminded me of the same notions is Doom Eternal. It, too, is a highly skill-focused arena shooter with a deficient skill required to enter. The game gradually teaches its ways to the player, given the players themselves are patient enough to learn it. Addicted to hunting beasts on the streets of Yharnam Bloodborne kept me returning to it routinely every day for two and a half months. I also got the Old Hunters downloadable content for Bloodborne after I had finished the base game twice. That alone kept me playing it for another month. One thing to note here is that, even though Bloodborne allows for multiplayer engagement via PvP and Co-op, I played the whole game offline, i.e., solo, for my first playthrough. Upon completing the game for the first time, I did try some PvP, but given the game's age, most players that engage in the PvP of Bloodborne are primarily veterans of the game and are much better than me at the game. However, I did find some fun getting summoned to help random players defeat certain bosses. After around five months of playing Bloodborne religiously, starting from getting super intimidated by the difficulty and almost quitting the game to having sunk in well beyond 500 hours and getting the platinum trophy. End-game challenges that kept me invested in Bloodborne months after completing the game Usually, action RPGs tend to lose out on player interest by the end-game, but Bloodborne's different. After you’re done with everything the base game offers, there are also a series of randomly generated dungeons accessible from the hunter’s dream hub world. These dungeons are mostly randomly generated but usually have the same objective, i.e., to enter the dungeon and fight some enemies guarding a switch that opens a door somewhere in the dungeon, which leads to the dungeon’s boss. I’ll admit most bosses are either a repeat of some of the base game bosses or are standard enemies with a boss health bar. However, some bosses are exclusive to the dungeons, like the Watchdog of the Old Lords, the Pthumerian Descendant, and Bloodletting Beast, to name a few. The dungeons do get repetitive and sometimes a slog to get through, but they are a worthwhile endgame challenge that also lets you visit some old bosses from the base game. The Old Hunters expansion I also mentioned getting the Old Hunters DLC. Let me tell you about that. After finishing the game for the first time, I immediately went for the new game plus, which for the uninitiated, is a way to play the entire game again from the start while keeping your character progression and items from the last playthrough. You can keep all your gear, weapons, weapon upgrades, and levels gained, only losing quest-related items. The new game plus cycle also increases enemy aggression and defense, i.e., health by a small margin upon every successive new game plus cycle up to new game+6. However, in my personal experience of having played the first new game plus cycle, it didn’t feel any different from the base new game. The Old Hunters DLC proved me wrong when I thought the game might’ve lost its challenge factor. Accessing DLC locations in FromSoftware's games has always been cryptic and intriguing. Bloodborne is no different and has an exciting and spectacular way of transporting players to the DLC. Here’s how to access Hunter's Nightmare, aka the Old Hunters expansion: - Upon downloading the DLC, you get the eye of a blood-drunk hunter in the hunter’s dream. - You must’ve progressed enough in the game to reach the Cathedral Ward, i.e., cleared the starting area and killed Father Gascoigne. - You must’ve defeated Vicar Amelia, one of the first bosses accessible from Cathedral Ward. - After defeating Vicar Amelia, return to the Cathedral Ward hub and proceed towards the door on the left. - If you have more than 40 insights (which is a form of the in-game counter of the player’s experience with the otherworldly creatures of Bloodborne and has massive lore implications), you’ll see a Cthulhu-looking beast (called Amygdala) clinging to the ring side of the area. Get up to the creature, and it’ll grab and kill you, transporting you to Hunter’s Nightmare. You can still be transported to the DLC hub if you don't have that insight. All you need to do is stand at the extreme right of the area exiting the door (the same area where the Amygdala is), and though you’re unable to see the creature. You’ll get grabbed by it and transported to Hunter’s Nightmare. Though it’s not recommended to go there if you’re unable to see the Amygdala, it signifies that you are not progressed enough in the game to be able to see these Lovecraftian beings. I had to be appropriately leveled and geared up to take on the DLC, which you’ll need to be. The DLC is the hardest challenge you’ll face in the world of Bloodborne, with early areas easily surpassing the final stretch of the base game. There are five bosses in the Old Hunters DLC, four if you discount the Living Failures boss fight. These four bosses include Ludwig the Accursed, Lady Maria, Orphan of Kos, and Laurence the first Vicar. These bosses are no joke. They are equal parts a showcase of the game's amazing art style and a quality challenge for the players. These bosses are the epitome of the challenge that Bloodborne has to offer to its players. My journey through Hunter’s Nightmare was quite painful, having failed countless encounters with the last two bosses, Orphan of Kos and Laurence, but I persevered and eventually managed to defeat them. Bloodborne truly redefined gaming for me My journey with Bloodborne was very enlightening. It was something that I never knew I needed to experience. But now that I've experienced it, I can’t return to my old self. That of running away from complex or challenging encounters in video games or even my personal life. Bloodborne taught me that you don’t need industry-defining visual fidelity or blockbuster cinematic cutscenes to make a great video game. A good game at heart should be just that, a good game, with gameplay that encourages player agency and rewards them meaningfully upon getting past the game’s challenges. It is a game that has stood the test of time and aged well. It’s a relic of the old times when games used to be good, and I came to it late, but better late than never. Difficulty in video games is subjective I must also admit that playing games on easier difficulties should not come with a tag of shame. I still play some games on easy (mostly linear story-driven adventure games ala Uncharted), of which I’m more interested in the story, and the gameplay boils down to just shooting a bunch of people to get to the next cutscene. We all have our level of skill and patience, and if someone wants to play their game without having to worry about the difficulty, all the power to them. Thinking about how far I’ve come since playing Bloodborne is staggering. From being someone who never even considered playing Souls games due to their notorious difficulty curve to having finished Bloodborne, all the Dark Souls games, Sekiro, and the newest FromSoftware offering, Elden Ring, their games hold an extraordinary place in my life. As cliche as it may sound, FromSoftware's games teach a valuable lesson of being okay to fail as long as you learn from your mistakes. I don’t think any other media can teach this notion of failure and perseverance better than these games. Bloodborne, among all the other games I’ve ever played, will always have a special place in my heart for being the game that genuinely defined video games for me. I’ll forever be thankful to FromSoftware developers for creating a masterpiece called Bloodborne.
Hero HF 100 Insurance Hero HF 100 Insurance The Hero HF 100 is one of the most acclaimed and affordable commuter motorcycles available for sale in India. To cater to the demands of budget-constrained customers, the iconic two-wheeler brand tweaked its Deluxe series and launched the Hero HF 100 at a much cheaper price range. While the looks of the Hero HF 100 are very similar to the Hero HF Deluxe, the company has offloaded some features to make it a fuel-economical and budget-friendly motorcycle. Most of the cycle parts and mechanicals are also the same as HF Deluxe. The HF 100 is powered by a BS6-compliant 97.2cc air-cooled, single-cylinder engine mated to a 4-speed manual gearbox. After you explore all the features of the Hero HF 100 and complete the paperwork for its purchase, it is time to buy bike insurance. Having an insurance policy ensures that you avoid the burden of unforeseen expenses in case of an accident or theft of the motorcycle. Tata AIG offers different types of bike insurance policies for complete protection against damages to the bike, the bike owner, and third party. These days, long-term two-wheeler insurance is a popular option. It eliminates the need to remember the renewal of your insurance policy every year as it allows you to insure your vehicle for two or three years by paying the premium in a single instalment. At Tata AIG General Insurance Company, you can select from comprehensive, standalone own-damage cover, and third-party bike insurance online, depending on your requirements. Furthermore, you can enhance your insurance coverage by opting for unique add-ons like zero depreciation, consumable expenses, roadside assistance, etc. Hero HF 100 Insurance Renewal/Purchase on Tata AIG Many bike owners think that the process of buying or renewing a Hero bike insurance is quite tedious. One must fill out long application forms and submit physical documents at an insurance provider’s office. However, that’s not the case with Tata AIG. Our process for Hero bike insurance renewal and purchase is online. You do not have to visit any branch office to fill out forms or submit documents. The steps to purchase or renew Hero bike insurance online at Tata AIG are as follows: Open the Tata AIG official website, and go to the Bike Insurance page. Provide your bike’s registration number and click on ‘Get Price’ for a new policy. If you are renewing your Tata AIG policy, click ‘Renew’ after entering the registration number. Using the drop-down menu, select an accurate Insured Declared Value (IDV) for your motorcycle. Note: Insured Declared Value or IDV is the present bike valuation in the market. It has a significant impact on the premium amount. Thus, it is vital to enter it correctly. Enter details of past claims, if any. Policyholders who have not filed any claims in the previous policy year are eligible for the benefits of a ‘No Claim Bonus.’ Select add-ons to enhance coverage of your comprehensive bike insurance policy. Note: Tata AIG offers a unique choice of seven add-ons. While these add-ons enhance coverage for additional protection, they also increase the premium. Thus, only pick necessary add-ons. The Hero Bike insurance sum insured and premium quote will appear on your screen. Pay with one of the accepted digital payment methods if the Hero HF 100 insurance price suits your budget. Once your payment is successful and your details are recorded with us, we will send your policy documents to your registered email address and WhatsApp Inbox. If you have any queries about buying or renewing bike insurance online, get in touch with Tata AIG’s customer support team. We will be happy to offer resolutions and make the journey smooth and convenient for you. Hero HF 100 Insurance Price - What is the Premium Amount? A major factor influencing the choice of a bike insurance policy is the premium. Many factors, such as the coverage and type of insurance policy, bike’s make and model, age of the two-wheeler, city of registration, and add-on covers, affect the cost of insurance for the bike. The engine type, cubic capacity, safety devices, age of the insured and driver record, and modifications of the bike also have an impact. For instance, a third-party insurance premium is lower than a comprehensive bike insurance premium. It is because the coverage provided in a third-party insurance policy is much lesser than a comprehensive bike insurance policy. Another factor affecting the premium amount is the Insured Declared Value (IDV). Therefore, ensure that you provide accurate information. To calculate IDV, you must subtract the two-wheeler’s depreciation cost from the vehicle’s listed market price. You can use Tata AIG’s bike IDV calculator for ease of calculation. If the IDV is higher, you will need to pay a higher premium amount. However, a lower IDV does not guarantee savings; it could also mean reduced insurance coverage. You can also use the online bike insurance premium calculator. Simply enter the two-wheeler’s registration number and press ‘Get Price.’ Select the coverage type, add-ons (in case of a comprehensive bike insurance policy), No Claim Bonus details and other information as required. Press the ‘Get Quote’ button to know how much you need to pay for the insurance policy. You can reduce add-ons if the premium amount is not satisfactory. Inclusions and Exclusions for Hero Bike Insurance |What is covered under Tata AIG’s Hero HF 100 bike insurance? |What is not covered under Tata AIG’s Hero HF 100 insurance? |The comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy provides coverage in case the bike gets stolen or damaged beyond repair by reimbursing the bike’s current value. |Under the bike insurance policy, there is no coverage for costs related to general wear and tear, electrical/mechanical breakdown, and consequential loss due to the bike’s age. |Under the two-wheeler insurance policy, the policyholder is protected against losses arising due to accidental damages, man-made damages, natural disasters, fire, etc. |If the bike incurs damages during racing, speed testing, or reliability trials, the insurance policy does not offer any coverage. |The third-party and comprehensive insurance plans offer protection against third-party liabilities, including bodily damages suffered by third-party because of your vehicle, third-party property, and even the death of third-party persons. |If the rider causes damages to the bike while riding without a valid driving licence or a helmet, the two-wheeler insurance policy does not cover the losses. |The policyholder receives a Personal Accident Cover of ₹15 lakhs to meet emergency medical expenses for the treatment of injuries suffered in an accident. |There is no coverage for damages if the private bike is used commercially. The policy also does not cover losses if the driver was riding under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants. |With comprehensive insurance for the bike, you can pick from a choice of 7 unique add-ons to enhance the insurance coverage and offer protection under specific circumstances. |The two-wheeler insurance policy excludes coverage if the bike is used under restricted usage conditions, such as flood-prone areas. Add-on Bike Insurance Covers That You Should Consider Including to Your Policy Tata AIG offers a choice of unique add-ons to enhance the coverage of your comprehensive two-wheeler insurance plan. These additional riders ensure protection under specified circumstances. However, they are available for an additional cost. Thus, you must choose them wisely to avoid increasing your premium unnecessarily. Let’s briefly understand the benefits of each add-on. Your bike can break down in the middle of the road. What do you do? Don’t worry. The roadside assistance add-on ensures that breakdown assistance is sent to your location immediately to tackle many issues like mechanical/electrical repairs, dead batteries, flat tyres, etc. Emergency medical expenses: The emergency medical expenses add-on reimburses emergency medical expenses and ambulance costs for the damages suffered during an accident. You can avail of reimbursement for the medical expenses incurred for your or the pillion rider’s treatment at any hospital or nursing home. If you damage consumables in an accident, it leads to losses. With the consumables expenses add-on, you can get the costs of replenishment, replacement, and repair of consumables reimbursed. The consumables include bike screws, nuts/bolts, brake oil, gearbox oil, lubricants, washers, etc. Under a comprehensive bike insurance policy, you receive the Insured Declared Value (IDV) in case your bike is stolen or damaged beyond repair. The Insured Declared Value does not include the depreciation. With this add-on, you are reimbursed for the vehicle’s invoice cost. Additional personal accident cover for the owner-driver: This add-on safeguards you and your family against severe injuries suffered in an accident. If the owner-driver’s life is lost in the accident, the appointed beneficiary receives a personal accident cover of ₹15 lakhs. The reimbursement amount increases with this add-on. Additional third-party property damage cover: Third-party liabilities are covered under comprehensive bike insurance and third-party bike insurance plans. With this add-on, you can avail of additional cover for third-party liabilities. The NIL Depreciation or Zero Depreciation or Bumper-to-Bumper Cover helps you fight depreciation. When you file a bike insurance claim for the repair/replacement of your bike’s parts, the claim amount does not provide coverage for depreciation. However, with this add-on, depreciation is reimbursed. Why Choose Tata AIG for Your Hero Bike Insurance Renewal/Purchase? Riding the Hero HF 100 on Indian roads without valid bike insurance isn’t a good idea. The Motor Vehicle Act of 1988 makes it compulsory for bike riders to own a two-wheeler insurance policy, or else the traffic policy can levy hefty fines. Moreover, the policy is a financial safeguard as it protects the bike owner against damages suffered due to accidents, natural disasters, man-made damages, theft, etc. Most consumers perform thorough research before buying an insurance policy. It is vital to check various parameters, such as the company’s credibility, performance record, products, after-sales services, etc. At Tata AIG, we promise to help you buy or renew Hero bike insurance online conveniently. There are many benefits to purchasing from us. Easy purchase/renewal process: The Hero bike insurance renewal or purchase process is 100% online, which means you do not have to travel to any branch office, wait in queues, discuss with agents, or fill out application forms. You can do all of it on the website within 2 minutes. Pain-free claims process: Meeting with an unforeseen event isn’t pleasant. That’s why we make the claim initiation process as simple as it can get. In three simple steps, you can register your claims on our official website. Our team of over 650 claim experts looks into the details and verifies the claim instantly to help you enjoy the benefits of cashless claims or reimbursement settlements. Flexible plans and coverage: At Tata AIG, you can choose from three insurance plans - comprehensive, third-party, and standalone own-damage. Each plan offers different coverage inclusions and exclusions. With long-term two-wheeler insurance, you can secure your bike for two or three years. Tata AIG allows customers to customise plans as per their requirements. Apart from choosing the coverage type, they can select add-ons to enhance specific coverage. There are seven unique add-ons to ensure a 360-degree protection cover. In terms of claims, customers can opt for cashless and reimbursement claim settlement. Wide garage network: Our garage network is vast, with over 7500 garages spread out throughout the country. Visit any of our network garages for your bike repairs and avail yourself of the benefits of cashless claim settlement. Efficient customer support team: We take pride in the efficiency and promptness of our customer support team. We are available 24/7 to cater to the needs of our 5 crore happy customers. Get in touch with us on our toll-free number, 1800-266-7780, or send an email to High claim settlement ratio: In FY 2020-2021, Tata AIG’s claim settlement ratio was 98%. Thus, you can rest assured since the chances of receiving a claim are high. A Brief Overview of Hero HF 100 The Hero HF 100 is a revamped version of the Hero HF Deluxe. There is only one version with two colour options - Nexus Blue and Black with Red. The bike’s body is black coloured with red or nexus blue graphics on the panels. It has an air-cooled, four-stroke, single-cylinder, OHC engine with a displacement of 97.2cc. It can generate a maximum power of 8.02 PS at 8,000 RPM and a peak torque of 8.05 Nm at 6000 RPM. The engine is mated to a four-speed manual gearbox. It has telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers suspensions with 2.75-18 front tyres. The rear tyres have a swingarm with five-step adjustable hydraulic shock absorbers. There are drum brakes at the front and rear tyres. The clutch is a multi-plate wet type. The bike’s dimensions are 1965 mm long, 720 mm wide, and 1045 mm high. It has a ground clearance of 165 mm, with a wheelbase of 1235 mm. It has a fuel tank capacity of 9.1 litres and a kerb weight of 110 kg. The Hero HF functions on a XSens with programmed FI technology. It is claimed to give a mileage of 83 kmpl. Its rugged tyres seem to be tubeless units. Hero HF 100 - Variants and Prices The Hero HF 100 is available in one variant only. It has an ex-showroom price of ₹56,968. There are two colour options - Nexus Blue and Black with Red. It is one of the most affordable commuter motorcycles from the iconic two-wheeler brand Hero MotoCorp. Unique Selling Points - Hero HF 100 Features Hero HF 100 has a single-cylinder 97.2cc air-cooled and fuel-injected engine capable of accelerating from 0 to 60 kmph in just 9 seconds. The front telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers and rear swingarm with 5-step adjustable hydraulic shock absorbers make for a comfortable ride on all kinds of terrain. Hero’s XSens technology helps in improving the durability, performance, reliability, safety, and fuel economy of the bike. The system uses a total of nine sensors, including bank angle, throttle position, engine oil temperature, i3S, manifold absolute pressure, vehicle speed, oxygen, crank position, and intake air temperature sensors. The i3s or idle-start-stop system is Hero’s patented technology and works to save fuel and lower running costs. The tubular cradle frame helps in adding strength and rigidity. The side stand engine cut-off offers additional safety since the two-wheeler will not start till the stand is engaged. Hero MotoCorp offers India’s first 5-year warranty on Hero HF 100. Rivals of Hero HF 100 The Hero HF 100 is one of the most affordable bikes in India, guaranteeing fuel economy and more mileage. Its notable features include XSens programmed electronic fuel injection system with advanced sensor technology, all-weather easy start, better-pulling power in varying loads, side stand engine cut-off, and an engine cut-off at fall. Its rivals in the market are Honda CD 110 Dream Hero Super Splendor Hero Splendor Plus Bajaj CT 125X Bajaj Platina 110 Hero HF Deluxe Hero Glamour BS6 Disclaimer / TnC Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully. How to Claim Hero Bike Insurance? How to Claim Hero Bike Insurance? Claiming your Hero two wheeler insurance is easy when the claim process is as swift and simple as the one Tata AIG offers online. 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Schuetzen and DAK Kradschuetzen feedback February 8, 2019 at 9:20 pm #154754 This is my feedback on the new ‘Schuetzen’ and ‘DAK Kradschuetzen’ units from the Western Desert (WD) book. I play early war Germans. Namely elements of ‘Schuetzenregiment 7’ from 7th Panzer Division in France 1940. First off Id like to elaborate the point I’m trying to make here: Historically all German infantry were called ‘Schuetzen’ until ’42 when all infantry was renamed Grenadier/Panzergrenadier. So, my ‘Schuetzenregiment 7’ is in fact composed entirely of ‘Schuetzen’. Now ‘Schuetzen’ are introduced in Western Desert (WD) as a ‘new type’ of infantry for the DAK and I find myself wondering – why? I like the fact that more units get introduced. 100%, but this one rubs me wrong: 1.) Why bring out the ‘Schuetzen’ in strong association with the DAK, where this was never an DAK-only unit or anything close to that. I assume that this was done rules wise to introduce regular infantry able to carry 2x LMGs (an idea that I like as alternative to veterans only doing this) and is supported by infantry in the later part of the desert campaing having a lot of extra machine guns. But this leads straight up to the next point. 2.) Why, why, why, was the first LMG for Schuetzen made a FREE upgrade? The only reason I can come up with is that this was done to sell the new DAK boxed set (which is a wonderful set, I got it myself, don’t get me wrong) – but this is very concerning to me because what this is really doing is bringing out a new boxed set, then making rules to UBER the units therin to a degree they become a mandatory choice over other options (like normal regular infantry). This is a main reason I left the WH40k scene, as they introduced the ‘book of the month’ and every new model was the hands-down best option in the game (aside from the $100 price tag). I know BA is not intended to be viewed as a competitive game, but ‘Schuetzen’ effectively made my mainstay of the force, regular infantry, a terrible choice. – get 6 guys + LMG for 60 pts – get 5 guys + LMG for 70 pts They both describe the exact same unit type, fill the same force-selection slot and role in games… – chose now. I think the free upgrade is entirely unnecessary and just imbalances this unit for no reason at all. I am considering to run all my infantry units as ‘Schuetzen’ from now on (since they were) simply to take advantage of this nonsense powercreep. Now to the ‘DAK’ Kradschuetzen. Why are the DAK kradschuetzen able to fire on the move, yet my own early war ones are not? They cost the same and have basically the same loadout. Just that one is hugely more versatile by being able to shoot their LMG’s on the advance. (don’t get me wrong – I think this SHOULD be the case, but for ALL sidecar-mounted machine guns (if not even ALL sidecar weapons) – so why specifically brand this towards the DAK?) These were the exact same machines, technology and training as the men that went to France, many were there in fact – so why the rule-change and then the strong association with the DAK? (‘DAK Kradschuetzen’) – Again, I am thinking to simply run all my Krads as ‘DAK’ Krads to take advantage of the way better rules. For both units, the only reason I can come up with why NOT to exchange the rules would be that the WD rules can be seen as campaign-only unit rules… But I’m sure the next tournament I attend people will be using WD rules left and right, so why wouldn’t I? My point being: I love new unit that introduce some new concept, without becoming the non+ultra (think Panzerjaeger infantry, Stug riders, etc) What I don’t like is new units taking the place of existing units, being better (or cheaper) than them without historical or game-related reason – then limiting them to your newest publishing in what looks like a forced sales-mechanism. I truly hope this doesn’t become a trend and that I simply missed the reasoning for the decisions made.February 9, 2019 at 5:06 am #154763BraddocParticipant First let’s start about the Schuetzen part. I agree, the free LMG is ridiculous; now you got a 6 wounds LMG that can move and fire. I assume this is more to fit into mid-war in the Desert, when the doctrine changed a little and news from other fronts on how things are being played over there. The only sour note (if you can call it that) that I see is that you cannot have a full 10 men squad, no AT grenades as well, which are really weak disadventage as you will cough up 14 shots downrange (10 at 36″ no less) while your standard 10men LMG squand only shoots 13 shots (with only 5 at 36′), so you win the shooting match even with having less bodies. Only the LMG is allowed to shoot on an advance, I suspect due to the relative flat and open ground; good luck getting a decent burst while in some French Forest. Again, you get 7 men max in the squad over the usual 9, but the squad is really the same in terms of point value. The only thing is the added rule about shooting the LMG with an Advance. BUT….it does say ‘DAK Kradschuetzen’ so it is not the same as your bog-standard Kradschuetzen troops. Again, I think this only has to do with the terrain and nothing else. Side note- MG34 LMG squads are 50 pts regular in WD, same as a MMG, but they can move and fire and loosing a single shot. Battle of France; same unit, this time called German LMG squad, is 35 points regular…same thing two different names… As for tourneys, I know at my local scene they only accept Army-book units, so no concerns about having campaign specific units suddenly beating everyone. So it depends on your local scene. But I agree with you, why go for worse when you get better, and get it cheaper? Thought I am optimist, and thinking that they are writting down theater-specific units only to be more complete in terms of what happended in say Theater of War that cheap merchantile reasons. I would put either units with a side note such as ‘Can only be taken as part of a Western Desert theater army selector from the campaign book or the Army Book.’February 9, 2019 at 12:49 pm #154777Fred CartwrightParticipant North Africa isn’t flat and certainly no flatter than the Russian steppe or a French field, but Kradschutzen would stick mainly to roads anyway, which in France would be paved highways, in North Africa rough tracks. Attachments:February 9, 2019 at 5:49 pm #154785 One should not forget that the campaign books are not all written by the same persons. I can assure you that those that worked on the Battle of France book had no intention to allow LMG fire from moving sidecars. And added on p. 94 that the light mortar has to be dismounted. I can not speak for the Africa book team but think it is a mistake to allow LMG fire from moving sidecars. In Africa the movement of Kradschützen was often very slow, the heavy bike not being a good vehicle for soft sand.February 9, 2019 at 7:12 pm #154787 I need to get my hands on the Battle of France book. it seems not to be on easy army and I like some of the options I hear about it. (I’ve been using the armies of Germany generic reinforced selector and the Fall Gelb selector therein – guess I’m missing out, lol) and yeah, my feedback is just that. To me at least those two units are poorly designed (where others from the same book are great, balanced options). This also may not affect everyone, as many don’t play regular infantry or are interested in Kradschuetzen for their not-exactly-stellar point-power ratio – but to me this is something of a slap to the face. Now fielding my underpowered Krads and Schuetzen versus the somehow more powerful & mighty, thirsty, starving, ill-prepared, overstretched and exhausted make-shift-counterparts of the DAK… And while I totally understand that they might not be the same people writing, to me, in continuous (supplemental) rule writing it is paramount to be 100% aware of the meta and previous existing rules & (pt-)values to avoid exactly these kind of scenarios. – anything else looks like a sales-push to me.May 1, 2019 at 1:20 pm #160724 Why, other than the effective arcs of fire, is firing from a moving sidecar any different than from any other vehicle..? Do not agree with those who say it should not be allowed..!! Obviously modifiers should be applied due to the movement, but there is no technical or in game reason as to why not provided the sidecar seat is crewed. If the discussion was about the pillion to a motorcycle firing any weapon other than a pistol would be more apt to be dis-allowed.May 1, 2019 at 9:27 pm #160767Dr DaveParticipant Sidecars on bikes are notoriously unstable compared to a Sdkfz 251. Not all vehicles are the same. Plus, and this is the key point, they didn’t do it. Not in their doctrine. The mc combo was really just a mode of transport – not an infantry combat vehicle like a BMP. They binned both MC bttns in DAK by late 41 simply because the bikes were rubbish in the desert terrain anyway – and it’s not always soft sand. It’s small rocks. Not conducive to a stable ride.May 2, 2019 at 9:40 am #160803 this was never meant as feedback on historic background. when I said ‘I think they should all be able to shoot from sidecars’ – that’s just my personal opinion finding the idea cool of bikes riding around and blasting from the sides. The historical background of Schuetzen however does bug me for mentioned reasons. The point is being missed I fear: Its all about two units filling the same description and game-roll, yet one, being the newer one, is clearly the better choice. Not an alternative, but straight up the better/wiser choice. That’s the criticism/feedback I went for here. /// Also I don’t mean to attack the author for his work, obviously, I have the book at home and like the scenarios, the history and most of the units – its just that I don’t want unit-development to head down the wrong path. Not to see next introduced: US “Normandie Veterans” 4 Veteran Para’s with an NCO 65pt add up to 7 more Normandie Veterans for 13pts each add up to 4 BARs for 5 points each add up to 3 looted Panzerfaust for 5 points each The whole unit may add tough fighter for 1 point each special rules: Stubborn, Fanatics Oh, and here is a brand new boxed set for Normandie Paratroopers, 3 models for $55. This is way exaggerated and only meant as a bad example of sorts, lol. Cool that people still check this out, happy to see someone cared to read lolMay 2, 2019 at 12:25 pm #160833 I can just repeat: Different writing teams. The France team did it historical. Not like: It would be cool…….. . Mark (Author of Battle for France) is an author that likes to have it historical, not just from books but even getting the facts checked in archives in Germany and France. So no Kradschützen driving around with guns blazing. There was a reason why Kradschützen units got later converted to recce units with other vehicles. (Those getting Schwimmwagen still not racing around with MG blazing) That some units are more economic than others is historical. Even more if you compare early, mid and late war ones. They will not meet in Campaign based games. May 2, 2019 at 6:51 pm #160892 - This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by invisible officer. Just read a couple of the last replies and started laughing… Ok, so why have motorcycle combinations to begin with – to get around faster – agree. The number of outfits fitted with MGs before and at the start of the war was minimal, as the main use was to get around. The fact that an outfit was not a stable platform compared to a 251 – not agreed with (and that’s being nice) – the 251, kubelwagen and schwimmwagen are not stable platforms while moving either as it is the same/similar gun mounting method!! Yes, I have often driven and have been a passenger in each of these vehicle types. An outfit is just as stable when stationary and not much worse when moving than a kubelwagen. It did provide a method of transporting a section MG and a base of fire while the rest alighted from the other outfits. Fuel use from a BMW outfit is very, very low in comparison to a 251, kubel or schwim but limited to carrying only three comfortably – the reason why I know – I own and regularly drive a BMW R71 outfit in the Scottish Highlands. Plus thanks to a good friend who is a Section 5 dealer have had the pleasure of firing a live MG42 in controlled bursts (with FMJ) from my sidecar while stationary in the UK. In addition, have fired an MG34 from a moving BMW R75 outfit in the USA, while serving, thanks to some good USN buddies and the wide open spaces of the swamp lands. The fact that recon didn’t drive around with guns blazing is more to do with the fact they were recon and conducting the tasks of such. If fired on and a with a weapon to hand wouldn’t you use it to supress in return?? So if they were never used while fitted to the outfit, why in the tech manuals does the sidecar passenger has an ammo kasten of two 50rnd ammo drums fitted in front of the seat for operational use??? If you have never seen such look at the original outfits which were period fitted with an MG (not retro fitted or reenactor copies), the later ones also had a frame bracket for holding the passenger’s MP40 so as to facilitate full range of gun movement while seated in the car. Looking at the gun mount to the car – if it was never intended to be used, why did they have a fully lockable system across the full forward firing arc, on a 360 deg swivel and also has the option of the AA extended mounting bar? In addition, there is also the gun cup mount for fitting on to the spare wheel securing bolt for using the MG in a rear facing role while moving??? Was this all only for show or simply for carrying the MG as well? When the MG was not being transported in the ‘ready use’ position (on the sidecar) the original MG fitted outfits were often fitted with a MG transportation frame – this was mounted between the sidecar and the bike along with the ready use spare MG barrel case and cleaning rod. Agree the latter bike outfits were not popular in Afrika due to the extra weight, approx. 100kgs for the BMW R75 over the earlier R12, R61 and R71 outfits. Parts for the earlier units were none existent so as they broke down (1930 technology was maintenance heavy) they were cannibalised and abandoned. Plus the filters and lubrication methods were not suited to sandy/dusty conditions. The cost to manufacture and maintain a BMW R75 was the most prohibiting factor compared to schwimmers and kubels – plus schwimers can actually swim across still/slow moving waters. So to place arguments on ‘it was not in the doctrine so it never happened’ is a little like the often heard comment of Assault Stug Gun Crews never wore black panzer uniforms after the field grey ones were issued… Appreciate Bolt Action is only a game…May 2, 2019 at 8:15 pm #160894 All German mot. firing tactics are based on the Schießhalt. In SPW with MG or with cannon in Panzer. The advantage in hitting was such that any theoretical gain from speed was neglectable. You can shoot in moving but hitting is a different story. Circus trick shooters (like Little sure shot A.O.) use to kill baloons riding fast. Impressive???? No, using dust shot instead of bullets. A trick. The MG firing from Krad was tested in pre war manoevres. And found to be useless. It looks good but did not pay. Sitting in an open car or on a bike is a good way to get killed in a firefight against well aiming men on the ground or in cover. Everybody able to kill a running deer with a Mauser will be able to kill the poor boys on bike. “Vorhalt” is it named in German Shooting, aiming by taking the move into account. In Kradschützen and lorry born German infantry tactic was like old dragoons. Dismount and let one man bring the valuable mounts out of the firing zone. Even in SPW firing was from standing vehicle. In 1944 the typical Panzergrenadier attack was on foot with the SPW giving covering fire from behind. They did it on move in breakout situations in Kesselschlacht. Not expecting to hit but to make the enemy keep the head down. May 2, 2019 at 8:50 pm #160897 - This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by invisible officer. So for you have not added anything new with the last statements other than confirming the use of firing on the move was to supress with accurate firing was while stationary – as stated above. As you brought up the aspect of shooting at moving targets – a test of your in depth knowledge – shooting with Mausers (K98k, 934A, 937A or G98 variants) standard production items (not those selected for sniper modification) what was the max range practiced for shooting at moving targets..? I’m looking for the max range it was practiced at after which it was considered impactable to reasonably hit a moving target with iron sights…May 3, 2019 at 10:24 am #161121 The K 98 had a flat trajectory. The 1903 amo with “Spitzgeschoss” was designed in a time still dreaming of cavalry charges, so it was intended to be able to meet moving mass targets up to 600 meter with good effect. Setting the sight at 700 meter the bullet will fly in a “curve” not going higher than 2 meter or under 1m between 50 meter and 650 meter. (But Reglement 1909 still stated starting fire at cavalry with visor set at 900 meter, Ok against the over 2m rider) The 2000m iron visor settings of K98 are a relic of that time. The bullet flew 4500m. Something hunters shooting around should never forget. In WW II that was academic. Normally fighting enemy infantry that did short rushes of a few meter before going down again. At longer distance of ca. 300 m they are fought with LMG in short bursts of 3-5 rounds. Waiting for the men to rise again. So never do the breaks between rushes the same number of seconds. You can hit these rushing men on foot at 300 m with K 98 but following Wehrmacht tests the chance to hit them was 9 times bigger at 100 meter. (Against an immobile target well trained hit at 300m with every round, 10 a minute) So the Landser was tactical trained to start firing with K98 at 100meter or less. Not wasting amo and risking to get hit by enemy attack support MG. That was against Western army style attacks. Against the mass attacks of Soviet soldiers, not going down, driven forward by commissars, fire was started on sight. To break them every round that could be fired counted. That explains the extreme difference between German and Soviet losses. K98 snap shot fire chances against running infantry in street fighting had been poor. First man crossing a street was normally safe if he was not expected. For the rest of the Gruppe it was a bit different……. May 3, 2019 at 3:07 pm #161158 - This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by invisible officer. Interesting but looks very copied from a text book and no actual experience. No bullet flies on a flat trajectory. This is confirmed by the text book stats quoted in the second paragraph. A 7.92mm x 57 round might theoretically travel 4500m at max distance, however the angle of offset would need to facilitate such to begin with. Using a K98k the magical distance is as quoted, that being 600 to 650m depending on the rifle, its wear, the charge powder and the bullet head size/weight/configuration is the distance the transonic point is reached and the MOA really starts to be amplified. In comparison the Mosin with its approx. 100m/s greater velocity stays supersonic until about 750m which is why a good Mosin 91/30 with matched (x3.5) PU optics and bracket or (x4) PEM optics was much preferred over the K98 with (x4) optics for distance work, especially amongst the Gebirgsjager community. Although the rare Zeiss x6 optics was also desirable for the K98k. For moving targets, it is a function of speed. For faster moving boar and deer 100m is a good rule for running/sprinting targets. For slower moving humans this is 200m; the max optimum with the actual speed being used to scale the offset to be applied as a function of body mass. The Americans call this Kentucky Windage, and the technique is still practiced at vintage service rifle shoots. Agreed accuracy at 100m is far greater than at 300m but this is to be expected. Static targets – hitting a full sized target at 300m with iron sights on a K98k is not a significant challenge, more a sign of competency. Hitting such at 500m is more a sign of significant skill levels, or 600m with a button hole sighted 5 or 6 groove Enfield. Snap shot shooting is difficult at any range against moving targets. This is usually a function of alertness and breathing preparation which is complicated by the stress of the moment. The follow and lead technique produces far greater hit chances, which is what most shooters naturally try with the second plus targets when appearing. Moral – pays to be a winner, so don’t be last… If you have a copy of the published photo images of the battle scenes around the first Kharkov there are some good primary images of LAH in 251/250s firing on the move, together with some PzIV doing the same – ooohhh not in accordance with the doctrine… One of the photo albums used for the krad in Russia publication sold at an Edinburgh auction house, it contained the remainder of the (now unpublished) images of the 24th PD Krad recon group in Russia. The scene showed the lead outfit (only one with an MG mounting) using its MG in a supressing role against a Soviet occupied farm at about 600 to 700m distance while the rest of the squad de-bussed into cover. Sadly the price settled to high…May 4, 2019 at 9:01 am #161171 Photos and Wochenschau movies are often staged. Like the MG blazing Panzer I in pre war manoevres in front of spectators and camera. Better are the training movies like Lehrfilm 480 from summer 1944. Panzergrenadiere in coordination with AT and artillery in counterattack. The SPW firing on the move are the flamethrower ones, driving along Soviet trenches. At Eastern front the wood and straw farm houses had been easy targets, easy to set on fire with tracer amo. MG fire, not expecting to hit the men inside. Targets bigger than barndoors, easy to hit even on the move. Suppressing fire was done a lot. And also recce by fire, trying to get green troops in ambush to fire back Not to forget firing to boost own moral. The guys in German SPW used to call the vehicles “Rollende Särge” / moving coffins. The rear doors had been prone to jamming and leaving over the front side was highly dangerous under fire. The SPW reduced the losses but had been no impregnable fortresses. So a bit of banging around…… BA is a fun game and a lot of real war can’t be simulated. But that should be no excuse for things that “would be cool”. Like firing an MG from running bike against men. Hardly having effect in real world and being rarely done. One will find sources for many surprising events. That happened. Once or twice. Like the infantry officer on a stroll with his girlfriend in Themse area at ebb time 1940. A HE 111 circling for curiosity. The angry officer used his .380 and hit the pilot by chance through the open window . The plane went down. I hope few will claim that makes the Enfield .380 an AA weapon. 😉 Fortunately there is no BA police. If the gaming friends like to have moving MG bikes or pink Panther tanks, why not. Have fun. I have some practical firing xperiance. I first fired a K98 on range in my early tenths. Static and moving targets. Learning from old soldiers and hunters. Hunting with older family members some years later, using Mauser system rifles among others. Hmm, my shotguns are British made, shame. No, just the best. I’m the first in family that became no soldier. But was trained as Heer guest days and nights with pistol, G3, LMG and Leo 2 120 mm gun. (Live amo, not simulator) Being professional military historian with good connections has some advantages. Like eating in officer’s mess and free sleeping in barracks in single bed room. No wake up by NCO. - This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by invisible officer. - You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
In my previous post, we covered the Lord's faithfulness that was evident in Dr. Andrew Stenhouse's Medical Studies. Now in this segment, we'll cover the residency that he did after returning from his special assignment to Roratonga in the Cook Islands. Len: Welcome to A Willing Heart to Please the Father. This is Len Lacroix, and I'm here tonight with my guest, Dr. Andrew Stenhouse. And we are here for another chapter of his life. And, Andrew, I want to welcome you back to the program. Dr. Stenhouse: Thank you, Len, I appreciate it. And I enjoy these sessions, because they, I hope, glorify the Lord and don't in any way glorify me, because without the Lord I would have been down a hole. Len: Yes. Well they have. And I think it's going to bless a lot of people. And we finished the last chapter talking about your medical studies and your return from Rarotonga to Hamilton, which is on the North Island of New Zealand. And, tonight, we're going to pick it up right there, where we ended the last one, and we're going to talk about your residency. So this would be when you moved from Hamilton to--take it from there, where you moved to for your second year. Dr. Stenhouse: Well, I'd like to first make a few clarifications. After a person graduates from medical school, you get a cap and a gown, and you go through a formal session of being capped as a doctor-- an M.D. And so, the first two years after that are called a “doctor’s residency”. We are doctors, but we are in a resident for two years--the first two years after graduation. And then, the third and fourth years after graduation, we are in a registrar position, which is a supervisory plus medical treatments assessment, where we take care, not only of patients, but we supervise the residents who are on the team that we are working with. Dr. Stenhouse: So I hope that that may clarify, because it is difficult to understand. Len: Yeah, so thank you for clarifying that. So, when we talk about your residency, at this point, you had actually already done your first year of residency in Hamilton, after you finished that several months in Rarotonga, where you did a special assignment. Now you were moving to where, for your second-year residency? [Correction: Dr. Stenhouse completed his fifth year of medical studies in Hamilton after returning from his research in Raratonga, then he completed his sixth year of medical studies in Christchurch, NZ, followed by his first house surgeon's year back in Hamilton, NZ, and his second house surgeon's year in Murupura, NZ.] Dr. Stenhouse: To Murupara. Dr. Stenhouse: Well, in the second-year residency, I felt called, because they didn't have a doctor associated with it; they have a medical hospital there strictly for obstetrics. I needed to go there--I felt the Lord was calling me there to help them out, with regard to having a doctor and, at the same time, fulfilling my second year as a resident. Len: So was this like you had a choice, where you could have taken the assignment or chosen not to go to Murupara? Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, I had a choice whether to stay in Hamilton or to go to Murupara… Len: Okay. So you accepted that. Dr. Stenhouse: …for the second year of being a resident. Dr. Stenhouse: And there was one of us that went, and that was me. And so, anyway, it was a very interesting year. And a lot of things occurred during that year that were very interesting. For example, I was the dentist in the area, as well. Although I’d never taken a tooth out, I had to take care of bad teeth. And they did, indeed, in spite of my not knowing it, have one set of pliers for extracting teeth. Because that’s what they are—they’re sort of super pliers. But this one was found in the doctor's office there and apparently came from Germany; it was left there by a German missionary. And so I was glad to have that! Len: Yeah! What era were they from? Dr. Stenhouse: They were from the late 1800s—this one pair of pliers. Len: Wow! One old pair of pliers, from a missionary, from way back in the 1800s. Dr. Stenhouse: Yes. Len: And you were using that to pull teeth out. Now that wasn’t even something that was part of your medical training; so you kind of got thrown into that, right? Dr. Stenhouse: I had never taken a tooth out, except my own. No. That was one of the things that was interesting. The other thing was being by myself, delivering babies--the nearest obstetrical hospital is fifty-five miles away. And most of the patients were Maoris, because they were the group of people that lived out in the bush in Murupara. Len: Okay. I see. Dr. Stenhouse: And I always had people in the delivery room that I had never seen before, come in, ready to deliver. So this could happen day or night. Len: Wow! Think about that! That's pretty serious, because, normally, a doctor would have been seeing an obstetrics patient during her pregnancy, but these people would just show up when they're ready to deliver. So you had no history on them; you don't know anything about the risk factors involved or anything like that, or even the patient. They're just presenting to you—they need you to deliver their baby. Dr. Stenhouse: That's correct, yes. Len: Were they coming from places that were farther away, or mainly right there? Dr. Stenhouse: They were from the area. It was called a bush area in medical terminology; and they were really from within, say, twenty miles of the hospital. Dr. Stenhouse: So anyway—thank you, Lord, for taking care of me during that time, because he was the one that did all of the work. I listened, and I did what I heard to do. And one of the easiest ways I found to get a tooth out that’s bad is to find the thinnest side of the bone and to make a little crack, or fracture, in that inside part of the jaw; and the tooth falls out when you try and help it. Otherwise, you're in quite a mess. Dr. Stenhouse: So, the Lord showed me to do that. Len: Wow! But with the pregnancies—with the deliveries—did you have much training in that type of thing? Because you weren’t an obstetrician—or an OBGYN. So did you really have very much training in delivering babies? Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, we all had to do about ten to twelve deliveries on our own—supervised, of course; and we did that as part of our training. But if there had been any complications that were severe, I would not have seen them before, you know. Len: Did you have any that got complicated? Dr. Stenhouse: Oh, yes. I had some complicated patients. But the Lord showed me what to do and guided me; and we got through everything. I didn't lose any babies. Len: Wow! Praise God! Dr. Stenhouse: And the mothers were pleased. And I gave them lots of anesthetic, as I did with the dentist part—gave them lots of anesthetic. They called me the painless doctor. So, anyway, I gave the ladies the local anesthetic, and we got every baby out healthy. Dr. Stenhouse: And I’ll give you a story about one of the babies that came out—a beautiful child—and the mother started to cry. And I said, “What's wrong, dear?” And she said, “Oh, he's done it again!” And I said, “What did he do again?” And she said, “He's given my baby away.” Dr. Stenhouse: And the husband would be betting on his child. Len: Oh, no. Dr. Stenhouse: Because the hospitals and government gave them about seven dollars or ten dollars a month for every child they have. And he was using the future child's money for betting. Dr. Stenhouse: So, she was crying because of that—I mean, he cried because of it, too. But I didn’t say anything to him because they were bigger than me. Len: Yeah. So when you did these deliveries, did they have at least a nurse there to assist you? Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, they had a nurse, a nurse who specialized in it. And they were very helpful, and they knew what to do. I’d tell them what the next thing to do was, and they would do it. And they were very helpful. Len: Yeah. So, you did these deliveries, and by the grace of God you didn't lose a single baby. That's amazing! Dr. Stenhouse: No, no. Len: Did you ever have a patient name the child after you? Dr. Stenhouse: Oh yes! They would say, “Doctor, can we call this patient 'Andrew'?” And I would say, “Because you asked, you can.” Len: So now, if you go back to Murupara, there’s probably these babies from that era, a bunch of Andrews living around there. Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, there will be a bunch of Andrews running around over there. Len: So, any other experiences that you want to tell us about in Murupara? Dr. Stenhouse: Not really. It was a most exciting time for me because I also had to do surgical work—sewing up everything. And then, I was also the doctor for another little town called Kaingaroa and would have a practice there. Every week I’d have to go up. And the only other interesting thing was that great lorries filled with trees would follow me down the road and try and run me off the road at night when I’d go home. Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, they would follow me at great speeds down the road. Len: Wow! These big trucks carrying trees—like logging trucks, right? Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, logging trucks. And I’d ask the Lord, “Lord, you got me here. Get me out of this.” Len: Now, how did you get to that other location that you had to go to once a week? Did you use public transportation, or did you have a vehicle? Dr. Stenhouse: I would drive my car up there and drive back. Len: So, when you finished your time there—your residency in Murupara, out in the bush—then, where did you return to afterwards? Dr. Stenhouse: After Murupara in the bush, was my second year of residency. And the next thing we had was first year of registrar. In addition to two years of residency, after you graduate from medical school, you have two years of residency, and then two years as a registrar. [NOTE: He completed both registrar years in Dunedin, NZ. The first year he worked for the Professor of Medicine, and the second year was for the Dean of the Medical School.] Dr. Stenhouse: And I was about to start my registrar period of time. Len: Okay. Where did you go for that? Dr. Stenhouse: I went back to Dunedin. Dr. Stenhouse: I got called back there—asked if I would come there, and I said, “Yes, I'd love to come back to Dunedin." So, that's sort of another chapter in my life—the beginning of the registrar period of time. Len: Yeah. So, the place you went to in Dunedin was a hospital that was a teaching hospital. Correct? Dr. Stenhouse: Correct. Yes. Len: What position did you get assigned to there? Dr. Stenhouse: Well, it was really interesting. I applied for a position in the Department of Medicine, and also that came with the position as a registrar at the hospital. And the Lord arranged things. It's really funny, Len, when you be obedient, the Lord arranges everything; and if you don't struggle over everything, Father takes care of everything and takes care of you. But what happened was that I applied for a position as a registrar. And usually in the first year you were a junior registrar, and in the second year, you were a senior registrar. But when I got down there, they had positioned me as the senior registrar doing the second year work for the professor of medicine, who was also a doctor at the hospital. Len: He was the chief professor of medicine, right? Dr. Stenhouse: Yes. Len: In New Zealand? Dr. Stenhouse: Yes. Len: So that was quite amazing there. You skipped over being a junior registrar and went right, straight to being a senior registrar. That was unusual. But I think that when you stand back and look at it, you know, the Bible says, “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up in due time.” And you took that humble position out in the bush, which was not typical for someone to do that, and God gave you this senior registrar position. And also there's another verse in Psalm 75 that says, “No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man, but it is God who judges.” Dr. Stenhouse: That’s right. Len: “He brings one down; he exalts another.” So he gave you this position that you weren't really even seeking after, right—the senior registrar position. Dr. Stenhouse: No, it surprised me. Len: So, was there any push-back from anybody there about you getting that position? Dr. Stenhouse: Oh, yes. There was a lot of talk about my getting the position that people had been waiting for two or three years to get this position. And they were very upset with me. And in their own way they tried to take it out of me; but it didn't bother me much, because I knew it wasn't me that did it, but the Lord did it for me. Len: What kinds of things did they do to kind of try to get you? Dr. Stenhouse: Well, what they would do is they would call in sick--when they weren’t sick--when they were on call. And so this was the main thing, where they would increase my load of work by calling in sick that day. Or a lady doctor had rheumatoid arthritis, and she'd always get a flare up, she said, when she was on-call. So she could never be on-call. Dr. Stenhouse: There were lots of instances like that. Dr. Stenhouse: But, you know, you just take them, and the Lord goes before you. And you just smile and go on. Len: Now, tell me, just briefly, a little bit about the role of a registrar; and then after that, tell me the role of a senior registrar, because most of us lay people are not really familiar with this term, except maybe in an academic institution. But in a medical hospital—teaching hospital—what role does a registrar play? Dr. Stenhouse: A registrar is above both of the residents. And so, first of all, he takes care of the residents and makes sure that what they do is appropriate. And then the junior registrar is being checked by the senior registrar and has to go over all of the work that he has done on the admissions that were admitted. And then, in addition to that, the senior registrar is in charge of all of the doctors that send patients to the emergency room. So you have to go and check all of the patients in the emergency room to make sure that they are appropriate admissions and make sure that the medicines they were given were correct and the treatments and so on. Dr. Stenhouse: And in addition to that, in the teaching hospital, the senior registrar was responsible for teaching not only the residents, which are the junior doctors, but also the medical students, when it’s a teaching hospital. So the work was quite exhausting, in a way, because I would work many times through the night and then have to just keep going the next day. Len: Wow! So a registrar—they have to practice medicine on their floor— Dr. Stenhouse: Yeah. Len: —in their department. Plus, in addition to seeing patients, they're also overseeing junior doctors--the residents on their floor. So, for example, when a resident goes to see a patient that has been admitted onto the floor, the registrar follows up, right, to go and see that patient? And then they talk with the resident to see what his plan is for caring for that patient? Len: Ok. So these registrars—you would have one on each floor, right? Dr. Stenhouse: Well, at least one. Len: Yeah, at least one per floor—they were overseeing the residents on their floor. and then you, as the senior registrar, had your responsibilities with patients, plus the emergency room; and you also had your oversight, as a supervisory role over the other registrars. Dr. Stenhouse: Right. And then I had to do the majority of the teaching to the students. Len: Ok. Very interesting. Well, that was a lot of responsibility that you were given; and you skipped over some things that other people had to go through. But, you can definitely see the Lord's hand in that. And, despite the fact that people were jealous and tried to get that from you, what ended up happening? I mean, with the chief professor, did he just change his mind after all the push-back he got from other doctors? Dr. Stenhouse: No. No, they never changed their mind, and they were very grateful for what I did. Len: Yeah, that's wonderful! Now, what influenced the chief professor’s decision when you came in from Hamilton to Dunedin—actually, you didn't come from Hamilton; you came from Murupara, but you had previously been in Hamilton. And when you came to do Dunedin, what was it that influenced?—basically your past reputation with the other doctors in Hamilton? Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, that was the reason that I got the position. Unbeknownst to me, the chief of the hospital, who was different from the chief of medicine, had called the chief doctor at Hamilton and found out about me and was told, “Don’t put anyone else but Stenhouse in that position.” Len: Wow! Praise God! Well, the Lord is good. And that's a wonderful testimony about the faithfulness of God again, and your willingness to serve him in the bush, you know, which is all part of the theme of A Willing Heart to Please the Father. Dr. Stenhouse: Yes. Len: So, Andrew, I want to thank you very much for being with us tonight and sharing your life experiences with us back there during your residency. And thank you very much. And we're going to close this out and finish our chapter for tonight. And I look forward to our next talk together. Dr. Stenhouse: Well, I look forward to it, too, but I just wanted to make sure that everybody listening realized that it wasn’t Andrew that was doing all this; it was my Heavenly Father. Len: Absolutely. Thank you. Dr. Stenhouse: And all I had to do was be obedient to Him... Len: That's right. Dr. Stenhouse: every instance. Len: That's right! Well thank you, Andrew; and God bless you. Dr. Stenhouse: Thank you, Len. Len: Have a good night. Dr. Stenhouse: You too; good night. Len: Good night. Do You Want to Know Him? If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus. Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says? “Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15). He preached that we must repent and believe. Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?" Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International. He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.
|Jul 4, 2020 Wedding bands symbolize the enduring union of marriage, and selecting the perfect one is paramount. In the realm of men's wedding jewelry, 14-karat gold bands, renowned for their durability, emerge as a favored choice. Their unique blend of strength and sophistication makes them a preferred option for many grooms-to-be. The Appeal of Gold in Men’s Wedding Bands Gold, a timeless symbol of affluence and influence across centuries, naturally emerges as the quintessential choice for crafting mens luxury wedding bands. Its enduring allure and lustrous sophistication convey a tradition steeped in unwavering commitment. Crafted into an array of designs, gold's inherent versatility caters to a spectrum of tastes. The 14-karat gold band, renowned for its harmonious blend of purity and strength, stands out as a favored choice within the realm of mens luxury wedding bands. Withstanding daily wear, this particular gold variant retains a radiant allure, symbolizing the ... Continue reading → In matrimonial symbolism, 10kt gold wedding band seamlessly blend tradition with a touch of modernity. These symbols of commitment boast understated elegance, deriving their charm from simplicity and unparalleled durability. Delving into their allure, this piece unravels the intricacies of design, showcasing the bands' remarkable versatility and underscores the meticulous care essential for preserving their timeless beauty. The Allure of Gold Gold, a timeless symbol of opulence and affluence through the ages, seamlessly integrates into wedding bands, embodying tradition's enduring allure. In matrimony, it symbolizes not just wealth but the untarnished purity and everlasting nature of the marital commitment. The choice of 10kt gold, a blend of 41.7% pure gold and other metals, resonates in its popularity for wedding bands. Renowned for resilience and budget-friendliness, it outshines higher karat counterparts in daily durability. This particular alloy strikes a ... Continue reading → Wedding bands symbolize a timeless bond of love and commitment. Among the various options available, 10k gold wedding band exude a particular allure. Their exceptional blend of value, durability, and beauty has made them a cherished choice for couples worldwide. This article embarks on a journey to unravel the captivating charm of 10k gold wedding bands. The History of Gold Wedding Bands Gold wedding bands carry a venerable history, with their origins tracing back to ancient Egypt, where they were revered as a symbol of enduring love and steadfast commitment. The circular form, signifying boundless devotion, was meticulously forged from gold, chosen for its resplendent allure and rarity. Over the epochs, this tradition traversed to Rome and then radiated throughout Europe. In the 20th century, the evolution of wedding bands was entwined with evolving fashion trends and the marvels of modern jewelry craftsmanship. In contemporary times, the 10k wedding band shines ... Continue reading → Women's wedding bands, ageless emblems of affection and dedication, have witnessed a remarkable transformation across eras. These beloved adornments gracefully embody a fusion of time-honored customs and contemporary elegance. In delving into their captivating evolution, one can discern the journey from conventional origins to the latest innovations, a testament to the enduring union of matrimony. Traditional Significance of Women’s Wedding Bands Traditionally, women's wedding bands, such as womens wedding bands Canada, have been revered as enduring symbols of love and unwavering commitment. The timeless, unbroken circle they form represents an everlasting connection, devoid of distinct origin or endpoint. Across numerous cultural traditions, these bands find their place on the fourth finger of the left hand, a connection attributed to the 'vein of love' leading directly to the heart. Typically crafted from precious metals, most notably gold and silver, they ... Continue reading → In the realm of matrimonial jewelry, mens wedding bands have transcended mere tradition, emerging as a platform for personal expression and style. This exploration navigates the prevailing trends influencing men’s wedding bands, encompassing an array of material and design preferences, while also delving into the realm of customization and sustainability. Material Trends in Men’s Wedding Bands The selection of materials for men's wedding bands, including mens wedding bands Canada, has notably expanded, transcending conventional choices like gold and silver. Platinum has garnered favor due to its exceptional durability and enduring white luster, resistant to fading or discoloration. Meanwhile, titanium and tungsten find preference for their robustness, lightness, and hypoallergenic attributes. In pursuit of a unique aesthetic, some opt for wooden inlays, carbon fiber, or even meteorite bands, granting a distinct appearance. Notably, rose gold emerges as a ... Continue reading → Rose gold wedding bands for men have seen a notable rise in popularity. They've become a fashionable alternative to traditional metals like gold and silver. This unique alloy of copper and gold imports rose gold with its warm, distinct hue, representing love and romance. Mens rose gold wedding bands go beyond color; they boast diverse designs, each exuding its unique charm and character. From reimagined classic styles to cutting-edge modern designs, these bands present a broad array of choices for the discerning groom. The Allure of Rose Gold Rose gold, distinguished by its warm, pinkish hue, has exercised an unparalleled allure that has captivated enthusiasts across the globe. This singular color is achieved through the amalgamation of gold with copper, yielding a shade that symbolizes love and warmth. The fascination with rose gold transcends its aesthetic appeal. It boasts robustness and practicality, making it a judicious choice for everyday wear. What's ... Continue reading → Gold wedding band, particularly for women, transcend mere jewelry; they symbolize love, commitment, and a shared future. These exquisite rings speak of purity, while their circular design conveys eternity. In our exploration, we'll delve into the profound symbolism behind women's gold wedding bands, underscoring their pivotal role in the journey of love and life. Symbolism of Gold Wedding Bands Gold, revered across diverse cultures, epitomizes wealth, purity, and divine brilliance. Its association with gold wedding bands carries profound significance within the institution of marriage. The intrinsic purity of gold symbolizes unending love and commitment. In Hindu weddings, it embodies a divine, spiritual union, while in Chinese traditions, it represents prosperity and a radiant future. In Western culture, the gold wedding band signifies an unbreakable marital bond, reflecting the malleability required in lifelong partnerships. The timeless allure of gold transcends ... Continue reading → In the year 2023, Rose Gold Wedding Bands represent the harmonious convergence of timeless sophistication and contemporary allure. These exquisite rings artfully marry the enduring charm of traditional gold with a rosy, modern hue. We invite you to embark on a journey of exploration to uncover the captivating allure of these resplendent symbols of enduring love. The Rise of Rose Gold Rose gold, a delicate fusion of gold and copper producing an enchanting pink hue, has experienced a recent surge in popularity. This unique color imparts a fresh, contemporary twist to the sphere of traditional jewelry. Notably, in the domain of wedding bands, couples are increasingly drawn to rose gold, seeking something distinctive yet enduringly elegant. Its warm tone harmonizes gracefully with all skin tones, accommodating a diverse range of styles, from the understated simplicity of minimalist bands to the intricate allure of detailed designs. The ascent of rose gold wedding bands mirrors a broader ... Continue reading → Yellow gold wedding rings, steeped in centuries of tradition, hold a special place in the hearts of couples worldwide. Their enduring allure emanates from the warm, radiant hue that speaks of love's eternal flame. This exploration embarks on a journey to unravel the profound significance and timeless elegance encapsulated within these cherished symbols of union. The History of Yellow Gold Yellow gold, renowned for its enduring beauty and intrinsic worth, has been held in high regard for centuries. In ancient Egypt, master metallurgists fashioned opulent wedding bands from this radiant metal, reserving them for pharaohs. The Greeks and Romans, discerning patrons of opulence, elevated 18k yellow gold rings to symbols of opulence and prestige. As years passed, these golden circles evolved into a universal expression of love and unwavering commitment. Their significance extends beyond the material, intertwining with cultural customs and matrimonial traditions. Today, 18k ... Continue reading → Yellow gold, with its radiant warmth and timeless allure, has graced unions for centuries. These sets, comprising an engagement ring and a wedding band, symbolize an eternal bond. This article delves into the elegance of yellow gold wedding sets, their unique charm, and their enduring appeal across the globe. The Allure of Yellow Gold Gold, in its purest form, has adorned humanity for millennia, embodying affluence and influence. Its opulent hue, natural brilliance, and immunity to tarnish render it ideal for crafting exquisite ornaments. The allure of 18k yellow gold rings transcends epochs, finding favor in its adaptability and enduring charm. It harmonizes with diverse complexions and manifests in a myriad of designs, from intricate vintage motifs to contemporary, streamlined styles. The warm radiance of yellow gold imparts an air of refinement and grace, a prominent reason behind its favor in wedding sets. Furthermore, yellow gold carries an aura of opulence, ... Continue reading → Selecting the perfect wedding band is a monumental decision, signifying a pledge for life. Among the plethora of options, 18k gold bands for men emerge as a beacon of enduring charm and resilience. This guide will uncover the enchantment these bands hold, illuminating why they could be the ideal choice for your special day. The Allure of Gold Throughout the annals of history, gold has commanded reverence for its resplendent beauty and enduring value. Its luminous golden hue and extraordinary resistance to tarnish make it the quintessential choice for crafting exquisite jewelry, most notably the 18k wedding band. These bands serve as an emblem of an unbroken circle of devotion and commitment between two souls. The allure of gold transcends cultural boundaries and epochs, cementing it as an ageless preference. The incorporation of gold into wedding bands eloquently attests to its timeless appeal and the yearning for a token of affection that stands the test of time. Opting for ... Continue reading → Selecting the perfect wedding band is a momentous decision for any gentleman embarking on matrimonial bliss. It marks a lifelong commitment and ought to mirror his unique style and preferences. Amid the myriad choices, 18k gold bands for men have gained eminence, boasting enduring strength, exceptional value, and classic refinement. This comprehensive guide navigates you through the art of securing the ideal 18k gold wedding band. Comprehending the Significance of 18k Gold Wedding Bands Allow us to delve into the essence of 18k gold and its prominence as an ideal choice for crafting wedding bands. 18k gold, as the nomenclature implies, consists of 75% pure gold and 25% other metals, imparting a distinctive luster and a warm, inviting tone to the metal. This alloy's composition not only grants it a resplendent hue but also endows it with the requisite sturdiness for enduring daily wear, a crucial attribute for an 18k gold wedding band. Typically, these additional metals, ... Continue reading → In the world of jewelry, men's wedding bands have undergone a significant evolution, transitioning from straightforward designs to a diverse range of styles and materials. Among these options, white gold unquestionably stands out, exuding an undeniable air of elegance and sophistication. This article is your gateway to discovering the enchantment surrounding mens white gold wedding band. Prepare to delve into their unique charm and the symbolism they carry and gain insights into how to care for these symbols of eternal love and commitment. The Allure of White Gold White gold, characterized by its enduring brilliance and strength, exudes an irresistible charm that positions it as a compelling choice for a white gold wedding band. Its innate durability ensures that it can gracefully endure the demands of daily wear, solidifying its role as a symbol of unwavering commitment. The metal's pristine white surface presents an elegant canvas for intricate designs and gemstone ... Continue reading → In the realm of exquisite jewelry, few pieces rival the timeless charm and understated elegance of 14k wedding band sets. These rings, forged from a precious metal that marries purity and resilience, stand as enduring symbols of love and commitment. With their graceful simplicity, they encapsulate the essence of matrimonial devotion. This enduring allure lies in their ability to harmoniously blend sophistication with unpretentious beauty. The Allure of 14k Gold The realm of fine jewelry is deeply enamored with the enduring appeal of 14k gold. This remarkable precious metal possesses a unique charm, owing to its radiant luster and impressive durability. Comprising 58.3% pure gold harmoniously blended with select alloys, it strikes a harmonious balance between purity and functionality. This exquisite equilibrium not only resists tarnish and daily wear but also makes it the perfect choice for crafting the elegant 14k wedding band set. Moreover, its versatility transcends design ... Continue reading → Choosing the perfect wedding band stands as a momentous choice, representing a lifelong commitment. Amid the myriad of selections, 6mm 14k gold bands have arisen as a favored option for gentlemen. This piece will explore the distinctive allure of these bands and offer guidance for making that impeccable selection. Understanding 14k Gold 14k gold wedding band encompasses a specific gold alloy, known as 14 karat gold, which harmoniously combines 58.3% pure gold with complementary metals like copper or silver. This deliberate blending imparts a distinct warm, golden hue to 14k gold, all the while enhancing its resilience. When compared to pure gold, which is prone to scratches due to its softness, 14k gold emerges as a robust alternative. This durability is what makes it an exceptional choice for 14k gold wedding band, which are subjected to daily wear and tear and need to withstand the rigors of everyday use. Additionally, 14k gold proves to be a cost-effective choice for many ... Continue reading → For selecting the perfect wedding band, a decision of paramount significance within a couple's journey, one cannot underestimate the symbolism of this cherished piece of jewelry. Amidst the options, 14k wedding band emerge as beacons of timeless elegance and unwavering durability. This comprehensive guide is dedicated to aiding you in the selection of a 14k wedding band that not only complements your unique style but also serves as a tangible embodiment of your profound love. Understanding 14k Gold 14k gold, alternatively known as 14 karat gold, comprises a blend of 58.3% pure gold and 41.7% alloy metals like copper, silver, or zinc. This amalgamation results in the iconic warm, golden hue while reinforcing the metal's durability. These qualities make 14k gold the perfect choice for crafting exquisite 14k wedding band, symbols of enduring love worn daily, requiring resilience against the demands of daily life. Furthermore, its diminished likelihood of triggering ... Continue reading → In the realm of wedding jewelry, a wedding band holds profound symbolism as an unbroken circle representing eternal love and commitment. Among the wide array of choices, 7mm wedding bands offer versatility in styles, colors, and sizes, catering to individual preferences. Join us as we delve into the significance of 7mm wedding bands and their embodiment of everlasting love. Exploring theArray of Styles in 7mm Wedding Bands When selecting a 7mm wedding band, couples have a plethora of styles to consider. Classic designs exude timeless elegance, while modern styles incorporate the latest trends. For those seeking a touch of individuality, unique designs allow for personal expression. Among the popular choices are domed bands, featuring a curved surface that adds a traditional charm. Flat bands offer a sleek and contemporary look with their flat surface, while beveled edge bands showcase angled edges for a touch of sophistication. With the vast array of options available, finding ... Continue reading → In the realm of contemporary relationships, an increasing number of couples are gravitating towards bold and edgy wedding bands as they seek distinctive avenues to express their deep affection and unwavering devotion. This prevailing trend revolves around making a resounding statement through daring settings and unconventional embellishments. Join us as we embark on a journey into the captivating world of bold and edgy wedding bands, exploring how these extraordinary symbols of love allow couples to forge a truly remarkable union. Bold and Edgy Wedding Bands: Embodying Unique Design and Expressive Style Bold and edgy wedding bands are renowned for their unique designs that seamlessly incorporate bold settings, edgy details, and the allure of a 4mm gold wedding band. These remarkable rings often feature hammered gold, intricate spike detailing, and an exquisite combination of delicately set diamonds. Crafted to captivate attention and radiate individuality, they stand as the ... Continue reading → Having your wedding band engraved with a secret message or with your partner's name is a unique piece of jewelry you can have. One can choose to engrave the wedding date, initials of each other's name, nickname, etc., and it feels incredibly romantic between the wearers. Engravings are a timeless practice and a lovely way to make your wedding band feel like it's made only for you. The 3mm gold wedding band that you wear might be expensive, but the good thing is that the engravings are affordable. It basically depends on the number of characters and the average amount being $ 50 to $ 100 for 15 - 25 characters. Here are some wedding band engraving ideas that might catch your attention. Short romantic quotes: If you want to engrave a quote, make sure it's short because rings can accommodate a maximum of 30 characters. Short quotes include religious verses, song lyrics, sayings, a romantic line, a movie, or a book name. You can engrave your favorite line from a ... Continue reading → Choosing the perfect wedding band to match your engagement ring is both an art and a science, a delicate dance of aesthetics and practicality. It encompasses a range of factors, encompassing elements such as style and personal preference, extending beyond these aspects. This comprehensive guide will lead you through the intricate process, ensuring the two rings harmonize seamlessly and reflect your unique love story. Comprehending the Significance of Synchronization It serves both practical and sentimental purposes. Firstly, the alignment of these two rings ensures a seamless and aesthetically pleasing presentation when they're adorned together. This visual synergy magnifies their intrinsic beauty, evoking a captivating allure, especially when considering options like wedding bands Montreal. Beyond the surface, the act of matching holds profound symbolism. The engagement ring embodies a promise of commitment, while the wedding band signifies the fulfillment of that promise, ... Continue reading → In today’s competitive world, one must be knowledgeable about the latest online business that works effectively through seo services.... Are you caught in between seo companies introduced by a friend, researched by you, or advertised by a particular site? If that is the... Walmart is being sued by a customer alleging racial discrimination. The customer who has filed a lawsuit against the retailer claims that it... If you have an idea for a new product, you can start by performing a patent search. This will help you decide whether your idea could become the... Facebook, the best and most used social app in the world, has all the social features you need. However, one feature is missing. You cannot chat...
Buffone got his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from SUNY Buffalo in Buffalo, NY in 2012, working with advisor Sriram Neelamegham, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Buffone completed previous postdoctoral studies at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center with Joseph T.Y. Lau, Distinguished Professor of Oncology in the department of Cellular and Molecular Biology. Upon coming to Penn in 2015, Buffone has worked in the Hammer Lab under advisor Daniel A. Hammer, Alfred G. and Meta A. Ennis Professor in Bioengineering and in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, first as a postdoc and later a research associate. Buffone also spent a year as a Visiting Scholar in the Center for Bioengineering and Tissue Regeneration, directed by Valerie M. Weaver, Professor at the University of California, San Francisco in 2019. While at Penn, Buffone was a co-investigator on an R21 grant through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which supported his time as a research associate. Buffone is excited to start his own laboratory where he plans to train a diverse set of trainees. Buffone’s research area lies at the intersection of genetic engineering, immunology, and glycobiology and addresses how to specifically tailor the trafficking and response of immune cells to inflammation and various diseases. The work seeks to identify and subsequently modify critical cell surface and intracellular signaling molecules governing the recruitment of various blood cell types to distal sites. The ultimate goal of his research is to tailor and personalize the innate and adaptive immune response to specific diseases on demand. “None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of all of my mentors, past and present, and most especially Dan Hammer,” Buffone says. “His support in helping me transition into an independent scientist and his understanding of my outside responsibilities as a dad with two young children is truly the reason why I am standing here today. It’s a testament to Dan as both a person and a mentor.” Penn Bioengineering alumna Cynthia Reinhart-King, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering and Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Vanderbilt University, was elected the next President of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), the largest professional society for biomedical engineers. Her term as president-elect started at the annual BMES meeting in October 2021. Reinhart-King graduated with her Ph.D. from Penn Bioengineering in 2006. She studied in the lab of Daniel Hammer, Alfred G. and Meta A. Ennis Professor in Bioengineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering as a Whitaker Fellow and went on to complete postdoctoral training as an Individual NIH NRSA postdoctoral fellow at the University of Rochester. Prior to joining Vanderbilt, she was on the faculty of Cornell University and received tenure in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. The Reinhart-King lab at Vanderbilt “uses tissue engineering, microfabrication, novel biomaterials, model organisms, and tools from cell and molecular biology to study the effects of mechanical and chemical changes in tissues during disease progression.” Reinhart-King gave the 2019 Grace Hopper Distinguished Lecture, sponsored by the Department of Bioengineering. This lecture series recognizes successful women in engineering and seeks to inspire students to achieve at the highest level. She is a recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award in 2010, an NSF CAREER Award, and the Mid-Career Award in 2018 from BMES. “BMES is facing many challenges, like many societies, as we deal with the hurdles associated with COVID-19 and inequities across society. We must continue to address those challenges. However, we are also in a terrific window of having robust membership, many members who are eager to get involved with the society’s activities, and a national lens on science and scientists. One of my goals will be to identify and create opportunities for our members to help build the reach of the society and its member.” Read “Cynthia Reinhart-King is president-elect of the Biomedical Engineering Society” in Vanderbilt News. Studying drug effects on human muscles just got easier thanks to a new “muscle-on-a-chip,” developed by a team of researchers from Penn’s School of Engineering and Applied Science and Inha University in Incheon, Korea. Muscle tissue is essential to almost all of the body’s organs, however, diseases such as cancer and diabetes can cause muscle tissue degradation or “wasting,” severely decreasing organ function and quality of life. Traditional drug testing for treatment and prevention of muscle wasting is limited through animal studies, which do not capture the complexity of the human physiology, and human clinical trials, which are too time consuming to help current patients. An “organ-on-a-chip” approach can solve these problems. By growing real human cells within microfabricated devices, an organ-on-a-chip provides a way for scientists to study replicas of human organs outside of the body. Using their new muscle-on-a-chip, the researchers can safely run muscle injury experiments on human tissue, test targeted cancer drugs and supplements, and determine the best preventative treatment for muscle wasting. This research was published in Science Advances and was led by Dan Huh, Associate Professor in the Department of Bioengineering, and Mark Mondrinos, then a postdoctoral researcher in Huh’s lab and currently an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Tulane University. Their co-authors included Cassidy Blundell and Jeongyun Seo, former Ph.D. students in the Huh lab, Alex Yi and Matthew Osborn, then research technicians in the Huh lab, and Vivek Shenoy, Eduardo D. Glandt President’s Distinguished Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Lab members Farid Alisafaei and Hossein Ahmadzadeh also contributed to the research. The team collaborated with Insu Lee and professors Sun Min Kim and Tae-Joon Jeon of Inha University. In order to conduct meaningful drug testing with their devices, the research team needed to ensure that cultured structures within the muscle-on-a-chip were as close to the real human tissue as possible. Critically, they needed to capture muscle’s “anisotropic,” or directionally aligned, shape. “In the human body, muscle cells adhere to specific anchor points due to their location next to ligament tissue, bones or other muscle tissue,” Huh says. “What’s interesting is that this physical constraint at the boundary of the tissue is what sculpts the shape of muscle. During embryonic development, muscle cells pull at these anchors and stretch in the spaces in between, similar to a tent being held up by its poles and anchored down by the stakes. As a result, the muscle tissue extends linearly and aligns between the anchoring points, acquiring its characteristic shape.” The team mimicked this design using a microfabricated chip that enabled similar anchoring of human muscle cells, sculpting three-dimensional tissue constructs that resembled real human skeletal muscle. The National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award is given to early-career researchers in order to kickstart their careers in innovative and pivotal research while giving back to the community in the form of outreach and education. Alex Hughes, Assistant Professor in Bioengineering and in Cell and Developmental Biology, is among the Penn Engineering faculty members who have received the CAREER Award this year. Hughes plans to use the funds to develop a human kidney model to better understand how the development of cells and tissues influences congenital diseases of the kidney and urinary tract. The model, known as an “organoid,” is a lab-grown piece of human kidney tissue on the scale of millimeters to centimeters, grown from cultured human cells. “We want to create a human organoid structure that has nephrons, the filters of the kidney, that are properly ‘plumbed’ or connected to the ureteric epithelium, the tubules that direct urine towards the bladder,” says Hughes. “To achieve that, we have to first understand how to guide the formation of the ureteric tubule networks, and then stimulate early nephrons to fuse with those networks. In the end, the structures will look like ‘kidney subunits’ that could potentially be injected and fused to existing kidneys.” The field of bioengineering has touched on questions similar to those posed by Hughes, focusing on drug testing and disease treatment. Some of these questions can be answered with the “organ-on-a-chip” approach, while others need an even more realistic model of the organ. The fundamentals of kidney development and questions such as “how does the development of nephrons affect congenital kidney and urinary tract anomalies?” require an organoid in an environment as similar to the human body as possible. “We decided to start with the kidney for a few reasons,” says Hughes. “First, because its development is a beautiful process; the tubule growth is similar to that of a tree, splitting into branches. It’s a complex yet understudied organ that hosts incredibly common developmental defects. “Second,” he says, “the question of how things form and develop in the kidney has major medical implications, and we cannot answer that with the ‘organ-on-a-chip’ approach. We need to create a model that mimics the chemical and mechanical properties of the kidney to watch these tissues develop.” The fundamental development of the kidney can also answer other questions related to efficiency and the evolution of this biological filtration system. “We have the tendency to believe that systems in the human body are the most evolved and thus the most efficient, but that is not necessarily true,” says Hughes. “If we can better understand the development of a system, such as the kidney, then we may be able to make the system better.” Hughes’ kidney research will lay the foundation for broader goals within regenerative medicine and organ transplantation. The Department of Bioengineering is proud to congratulate Claudia Loebel, M.D., Ph.D. on her appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. Loebel is part of the University of Michigan’s Biological Sciences Scholar program, which recruits junior instructional faculty in major areas of biomedical investigation. Loebel’s appointment will begin in Fall 2021. Loebel got her M.D. in 2011 from Martin-Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, Germany and her Ph.D. in Health Sciences and Technology from ETH Zurich, Switzerland in 2016. There she worked under her advisors Professors Marcy Zenobi-Wong from ETH Zurich and David Eglin from AO Research Institute Davos. At Penn, she conducted postdoctoral research in the Polymeric Biomaterials Laboratory of Jason Burdick, Robert D. Bent Professor in Bioengineering, and as a Visiting Research Scholar in the Mauck Laboratory of the McKay Orthopaedic Research Laboratory in the Perelman School of Medicine. Loebel was awarded a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which supports her remaining time as a postdoc as well as her time as an independent investigator at the University of Michigan. Loebel is excited about training the next generation of scientists and engineers and being part of their journey in becoming independent and diverse thinkers. Loebel’s research area is inspired by the interface between material science and regenerative engineering and how it can address specific problems related to tissue development, repair, and regeneration. By developing mechanically and strucatally dynamic biomaterials, microfabrication, and matrix manipulation techniques her works aim to recreate complex cell-matrix interactions and model tissue morphogenesis and disease. The ultimate goal of her research is to use these engineered systems to develop and translate more effective therapeutic treatments for diseases such as fibrotic, inflammatory, and congenital disorders. Her lab’s work will initially focus on developing engineering lung alveolar organoids, aiming to build models of acute and chronic pulmonary diseases and for personalized medicine. Loebel says, “I am grateful to all my Ph.D. and postdoc mentors for their continuous support and especially Jason who, over the last few years, has trained me in becoming an independent scientist and mentor. This transition would not have been possible without such a great mentor team behind me.” Congratulations Dr. Loebel from everyone at Penn Bioengineering! We hope you will join us for the 2021 Grace Hopper Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Jennifer Lewis, presented by the Department of Bioengineering. For event links, email Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 Time: 3:00-4:00 PM EDT Speaker: Jennifer A. Lewis, Sc.D. Wyss Professor for Biologically Inspired Engineering The Wyss Institue Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Title: “Biomanufacturing Vascularized Organoids and Functional Human Tissue” Following the lecture, join us for a panel discussion “Horizon 2030: Engineering Life & Life in (Bio)Engineering” featuring Dr. Lewis and Penn faculty and moderated by Bioengineering students. Further details here. Recent protocols in developmental biology are unlocking the potential for stem cells to undergo differentiation and self-assembly to form “mini-organs”, known as organoids. To bridge the gap from organoid building blocks (OBBs) to therapeutic functional tissues, integrative approaches that combine bottom-up organoid assembly with top-down bioprinting are needed. While it is difficult, if not impossible, to imagine how either organoids or bioprinting alone would fully replicate the complex multiscale features required for organ-specific function – their combination may provide an enabling foundation for de novo tissue manufacturing. My talk will begin by describing our recent efforts to generate organoids in vitro with perfusable microvascular networks that support their viability and maturation. Next, I will describe the generation of 3D vascularized organ-specific tissues by assembling OBBs into a living matrix that supports the embedded printing of macro-vessels by a process known as sacrificial writing in functional tissue (SWIFT). Though broadly applicable, I will highlight our recent work on kidney, cerebral, and cardiac tissue engineering. Dr. Lewis Bio: Jennifer A. Lewis is the Jianming Yu Professor of Arts and Sciences, the Wyss Professor for Biologically Inspired Engineering in the Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and a core faculty member of the Wyss Institute at Harvard University. Her research focuses on 3D printing of functional, structural, and biological materials that emulate natural systems. Prior to joining Harvard, Lewis was a faculty member in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she served as the Director of the Materials Research Laboratory. Currently, she directs the Harvard Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) and serves the NSF Mathematical and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee. Lewis has received numerous awards, including the Presidential Faculty Fellow Award, the American Chemical Society Langmuir Lecture Award, the Materials Research Society Medal Award, the American Ceramic Society Sosman and Roy Lecture Awards, and the Lush Science Prize. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Inventors, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her research has enjoyed broad coverage in the popular media. To date, she has co-founded two companies, Voxel8 Inc. and Electroninks, that are commercializing technology from her lab. Information on the GraceHopper Lecture: In support of its educational mission of promoting the role of all engineers in society, the School of Engineering and Applied Science presents the GraceHopper Lecture Series. This series is intended to serve the dual purpose of recognizing successful women in engineering and of inspiring students to achieve at the highest level. Rear Admiral GraceHopper was a mathematician, computer scientist, systems designer and the inventor of the compiler. Her outstanding contributions to computer science benefited academia, industry and the military. In 1928 she graduated from Vassar College with a B.A. in mathematics and physics and joined the Vassar faculty. While an instructor, she continued her studies in mathematics at Yale University where she earned an M.A. in 1930 and a Ph.D. in 1934. GraceHopper is known worldwide for her work with the first large-scale digital computer, the Navy’s Mark I. In 1949 she joined Philadelphia’s Eckert-Mauchly, founded by the builders of ENIAC, which was building UNIVAC I. Her work on compilers and on making machines understand ordinary language instructions lead ultimately to the development of the business language, COBOL. GraceHopper served on the faculty of the Moore School for 15 years, and in 1974 received an honorary degree from the University. In support of the accomplishments of women in engineering, each department within the School invites a prominent speaker for a one or two-day visit that incorporates a public lecture, various mini-talks and opportunities to interact with undergraduate and graduate students and faculty. Bioprinting is currently used to generate model tissues for research and has potential applications in regenerative medicine. Existing bioprinting techniques rely on printing cells embedded in hydrogels, which results in low-cell-density constructs that are well below what is required to grow functional tissues. Maneuvering different kinds of cells into position to replicate the complex makeup of an organ, particularly at organlike cell densities, is still beyond their capabilities. Using a self-healing hydrogel that allows dense clusters of cells to be picked and placed in a three-dimensional suspension, the researchers constructed a model of heart tissue that featured a mix of cells that mimic the results of a heart attack. The study was led by Jason Burdick, Robert D. Bent Professor in the Department of Bioengineering, and Andrew C. Daly, a postdoctoral researcher in his lab. Fellow Burdick lab postdoc Matthew Davidson also contributed to the study, which has been published in the journal Nature Communications. Even without a bioprinter, groups of cells can be made to clump into larger aggregates, known as spheroids. For Burdick and colleagues, these spheroids represented a potential building block for a better approach to bioprinting. “Spheroids are often useful for studying biological questions that rely on the cells’ 3D microenvironments or in the construction of new tissues,” says Burdick. “However, we’d like to produce even higher levels of organization by ‘printing’ different kinds of spheroids in specific arrangements and have them fuse together into structurally complex microtissues.” Speaker: Kelly Stevens, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering and Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology University of Washington Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021 Time: 3:00-4:00 PM EST Zoom – check email for link or contact Title: “Deconstructing and Reconstructing Human Tissues” Although much progress has been made in building artificial human tissues over the past several decades, replicating complex tissue structure remains an enormous challenge. To overcome this challenge, our field first needs to create better three-dimensional spatial maps, or “blueprints” of human tissues and organs. We also need to then understand how these spatial blueprints encode positional processes in tissues. My group is developing new advanced biofabrication technologies to address both of these issues. Here, I will describe some of our work in both attaining transcriptomic maps as well as in controlling spatiogenetic wiring of human artificial tissues. Dr. Kelly Stevens is an Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, and Laboratory Medicine & Pathology at the University of Washington. Dr. Stevens’ research focuses on mapping and building artificial human tissues to treat liver and heart disease. She has made contributions to improve human cell sourcing, vascularization, structure and physiology of human bioartificial tissues. Dr. Stevens has received several awards in recognition of this work, including the NIH New Innovator Award, BMES CMBE Rising Star Award, John Tietze Stem Cell Scientist Award, and Gree Foundation Scholar Award. The nature of scientific progress is often summarized by the Isaac Newton quotation, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Each new study draws on dozens of earlier ones, forming a chain of knowledge stretching back to Newton and the scientific giants his work referenced. Scientific publishing and referencing has become more formal since Newton’s time, with databases of citations allowing for sophisticated quantitative analyses of that flow of information between researchers. The Institute for Scientific Information and the Web of Science Group provide a yearly snapshot of this flow, publishing a list of the researchers who are in the top 1 percent of their respective fields when it comes to the number of times their work has been cited. Danielle Bassett, J. Peter Skirkanich Professor in the departments of Bioengineering and Electrical and Systems Engineering, and Jason Burdick, Robert D. Bent Professor in the department of Bioengineering, are among the 6,389 researchers named to the 2020 list. Bassett is a pioneer in the field of network neuroscience, which incorporates elements of mathematics, physics, biology and systems engineering to better understand how the overall shape of connections between individual neurons influences cognitive traits. Burdick is an expert in tissue engineering and the design of biomaterials for regenerative medicine; by precisely tailoring the microenvironment within these materials, they can influence stem cell differentiation or trigger the release of therapeutics. Chlorine gas is a commonly used industrial chemical. It is also highly toxic and potentially deadly; it was used as a chemical weapon in both World War I and the Syrian Civil War and has led to multiple deaths from industrial accidents. Mixing certain household cleaners can also produce the toxic gas, leading to lasting lung injuries for which there are currently no effective treatments. Now, researchers at Penn Engineering and Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine are collaborating with BARDA, the U.S. Office of Health and Human Services’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, to address this need using their lung-on-a-chip technology. The laboratory of Dan Huh, associate professor in the Department of Bioengineering, has developed a series of organ-on-a-chip platforms. These devices incorporate human cells into precisely engineered microfluidic channels that mimic an organ’s natural environment, providing a way to conduct experiments that would not otherwise be feasible. Huh’s previous research has involved using a placenta-on-a-chip to study which drugs are able to reach a developing fetus; investigating microgravity’s effect on the immune system by sending one of his chips to the International Space Station; and testing treatments for dry eye disease using an eye-on-a-chip, complete with a mechanical blinking eyelid.
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It’s an opportunity to harness your financial resources towards achieving long-term financial stability and growth. - Defining your financial goals and expected monthly returns is a crucial first step in crafting a strategic investment plan. It’s about understanding what you wish to accomplish with your 15,000 Naira, which sets a clear direction for your investment journey. - Although various avenues exist for investing this amount, it’s essential to prioritize options that align with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. This approach helps in making informed decisions, aiming for consistent monthly incomes without delving into the specifics of investment methods. Take time to read through TransferXO’s list of – 21 Legit Online Investment Platforms in Nigeria That Pay Daily | 2023 Top 15 Best Ways to Invest 15k and Earn Monthly in Nigeria Investing in Nigeria has its peculiarities, with a rapidly growing economy, diverse markets, and plenty of opportunities for smart investments. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting, having 15k to invest is a good foundation. Here are the top ways you can invest 15k and start earning monthly in Nigeria: 1. Invest in Cryptocurrency Investing in cryptocurrency with 15k can seem daunting, but it’s quite straightforward. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have become popular due to their potential for high returns. TransferXO shines here, offering a user-friendly platform that simplifies buying, selling, and managing cryptocurrencies. The idea is to invest your money in different digital currencies, which can increase in value over time. While this investment carries risks, since cryptocurrency prices can be volatile, the diversification and tools offered by TransferXO can help manage these risks effectively. The platform might offer features like automated investing or insights into market trends, helping even beginners make informed decisions. As you grow your investment, you could potentially earn monthly through the appreciation of your cryptocurrency holdings. How to Invest in Cryptocurrency With TransferXO Before you begin, it’s crucial to understand what TransferXO is. TransferXO is a digital platform that simplifies the process of buying, selling, and managing cryptocurrency investments. With an emphasis on security and ease of use, TransferXO caters to both beginners and experienced investors looking to navigate the crypto market. Step 1: Create Your Account The first step in investing in cryptocurrency through TransferXO is to create an account. Visit the TransferXO website or download the app, then follow the registration process. You’ll need to provide some basic personal information, verify your email, and set up strong, secure login credentials. If two-factor authentication (2FA) is available, enable it to improve security. Step 2: Complete KYC Verification Know Your Customer (KYC) verification is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and legality of your transactions. You’ll be asked to provide identity documents such as a government-issued ID, passport, or driver’s license. The verification process might take a few hours to a few days, depending on the volume of requests. Step 3: Deposit Funds Once your account is set up and verified, you need to deposit funds to start investing. TransferXO may support various funding methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and perhaps other cryptocurrencies. Choose the most convenient option for you and follow the prompts to complete your deposit. Step 4: Explore Cryptocurrency Options With funds in your account, it’s time to explore the cryptocurrencies available on TransferXO. Research is key at this stage. Look into different coins, their market performance, project goals, and community support. TransferXO may offer tools and resources to help you make informed decisions. Step 5: Make Your First Investment Now that you’ve selected a cryptocurrency, it’s time to invest. Go to the buy section, choose your desired cryptocurrency, and enter the amount you wish to invest. Review your order carefully, including any fees or charges, before confirming your purchase. Step 6: Manage Your Portfolio After your purchase, the cryptocurrency will be added to your TransferXO portfolio. Keep an eye on your investment, and use TransferXO’s tools to track performance, set alerts, or even engage in trading if you’re looking for more active investment strategies. Step 7: Secure Your Investments Security is paramount in cryptocurrency investment. Use all available security features provided by TransferXO, including 2FA and secure passwords. Additionally, consider transferring your cryptocurrencies to a private wallet, especially if you’re investing significant amounts. Check Out the TransferXO’s list of – Top 15 Companies That Buy Cryptocurrencies in Nigeria | TransferXO 2024 List 2. High-Yield Savings If you’re looking for a smart, low-risk investment option in Nigeria, putting your N15,000 into a high-yield savings account could be the way to go. Unlike the regular savings account which offers minimal interest, high-yield savings accounts are designed to offer much higher interest rates, making your money work harder for you. It’s a great way to earn a steady income on your savings without the complexities and risks associated with other investment avenues. One of the best high-yield savings accounts in Nigeria is offered by TransferXO. With TransferXO, you can enjoy significantly higher interest rates compared to conventional banks, which means your N15,000 can grow over time without any effort from your side. Plus, your money is easily accessible, and you can add or withdraw funds at your convenience. Investing in a high-yield savings account like TransferXO is a smart way to ensure your money is not just sitting idle but actively generating income for you monthly. Check Out the list of – Top 10+ Legit Investment Companies In Nigeria (Updated 2024) 3. Nylon Business Investing N15,000 into the nylon business in Nigeria can be a profitable venture. The demand for nylon products, used for packaging, shopping bags, and a wide range of other purposes, is consistently high across the country. Starting small, this amount could be focused on purchasing nylon materials in bulk, which are often cheaper, and then reselling them for a profit or even venturing into the production of nylon bags and other related products. The key to succeeding in the nylon business lies in identifying a niche market or an area with high demand but low supply. You could decide to focus on customized nylons for supermarkets, boutiques, or specific products like bread and other baked goods. The continuous need for these items makes it a viable option to generate a monthly income. Additionally, by building connections with suppliers and understanding your customer’s needs, you can rapidly grow your investment from N15,000 into a substantial income-generating venture. Leveraging social media and word-of-mouth for marketing can also significantly boost your business with minimal additional investment. Investing ₦15,000 in baking can be a delightful and profitable venture. Baking isn’t just about making cakes or bread; it’s an art that requires passion, creativity, and precision. You can start small from your kitchen by focusing on a niche market, like special dietary needs or themed event cakes. Utilize social media to showcase your creations and reach a wider audience. Materials and initial ingredients might take up a chunk of your budget, but wisely selecting bulk purchasing and economical packaging can help manage costs. With dedication, you can soon start getting regular orders, leading to a stable monthly income. Remember, word-of-mouth from satisfied customers can significantly boost your business, making this small investment potentially very lucrative. 5. Interior Design Investing ₦15,000 in interior design might seem modest, but it can be the stepping stone to a rewarding career or business. Start by offering consultation services or virtual design layouts to clients. Use free or low-cost design software to create visually appealing spaces for homeowners or businesses. You might focus on specific areas like home offices, small living spaces, or commercial properties to differentiate your services. Networking is crucial, so connect with suppliers, contractors, and furniture dealers who might offer discounts for your clients. This field relies heavily on creativity, an eye for detail, and understanding your client’s needs. By showcasing your projects on social media or a simple blog, you can attract a broader clientele base. Over time, your small investment can turn into a continuous monthly earning opportunity as your portfolio and reputation grow. 6. Small Chops Business In Nigeria, small chops have become an essential part of most social gatherings and events, making starting a small chops business a lucrative opportunity. With a 15,000 Naira investment, you can purchase initial ingredients and packaging materials. Small chops include finger foods like samosas, spring rolls, puff-puff, and more, beloved for their taste and convenience. You could begin by catering to family events, then expand by advertising on social media. The key to success lies in the uniqueness of your flavors and the quality of service. Engaging directly with customers at events also provides immediate feedback to help improve your offerings. As word of mouth spreads about your delicious small chops, you could start receiving orders more frequently, leading to a steady monthly income. Being consistent and creative will help your small chops business stand out. 7. Rental Business If you’re looking for a smart way to invest 15,000 Naira and want to see monthly earnings, consider diving into the rental business in Nigeria. It’s simple really: people are always in need of places to live, work, or even celebrate. By putting your money into renting out properties or spaces, you’re tapping into a constant demand. Here’s the deal: with 15k, you could start small – think about leasing items like chairs and tables for events or perhaps a small piece of equipment. As your income grows, so can your investment, eventually leading to renting out apartments or office spaces. This strategy doesn’t just offer a steady income; it’s also relatively low-risk compared to other ventures, making it a perfect starting point for budding entrepreneurs. So, turning 15,000 Naira into a rental business might just be your ticket to earning consistently every month! 8. Paint Production Investing 15,000 naira in paint production in Nigeria is an innovative way to start generating a monthly income. Here’s how it works: Paints are in high demand due to the constant need for building maintenance, renovations, and the construction of new structures. Starting small, your 15k can go into purchasing basic ingredients and materials for paint making, such as extenders, pigments, and binders, available locally at affordable prices. You could initially focus on producing small quantities, catering to households within your vicinity, small-scale contractors, or local hardware stores. Marketing your paint can be as simple as word-of-mouth, leveraging social media platforms or participating in local community events. The key is to ensure quality and affordability. Over time, as your brand grows and gains trust, your monthly earnings will increase, possibly leading to expansion and even larger scale production. 9. Oil Perfume Business The oil perfume business is another lucrative venture you can start in Nigeria with just 15,000 naira. Oil perfumes are concentrated fragrances that offer longer-lasting scents compared to alcohol-based perfumes, and they have become increasingly popular due to their affordability and longevity. With 15k, you can begin by sourcing quality essential oils and fragrance oils, either locally or internationally, depending on your target market’s preferences. Simple packaging materials like small glass bottles, labels, and boxes will also be necessary but can be sourced affordably. The next step involves blending these oils into captivating scents. You could start with creating a small range of signature scents to test the market. Selling channels can include online marketplaces, social media platforms, or through word-of-mouth in your network. With good marketing and quality products, the oil perfume business can grow steadily, bringing in a respectable monthly income from a relatively modest initial investment. Imagine having your own digital magazine where you share stories, tips, or advice on things you love. That’s what blogging is like! With ₦15,000 in Nigeria, you can start your blogging journey. First, think about what you’re passionate about. Maybe it’s cooking, fashion, technology, or travel. Next, use some of that money to buy a domain name (like your blog’s address) and get hosting (which is like renting space on the internet for your blog to live). The rest can go towards designing your blog to make it look inviting. Blogs can earn money through advertisements, sponsored posts (where companies pay you to write about their products), or selling your own products or services. With patience, creativity, and dedication, your blog could become a favorite spot on the internet, bringing in a steady monthly income as it grows. 11. Graphics Design In today’s world, almost every business needs good design—whether it’s for their logo, website, advertisements, or social media. This is where you come in. With an initial investment of ₦15,000, you can start a graphic design venture in Nigeria. You could use part of the money to enroll in online courses to polish your skills, and some for basic graphic design software subscriptions (many have free trial periods). If you already have a computer, you’re almost set. Create stunning designs and offer your services to businesses, bloggers, authors, and many others who need them. With social media and freelancing platforms, showcasing your work and connecting with clients has never been easier. As you build your portfolio and reputation, you can start earning a nice monthly income from various projects, transforming your creativity into cash. 12. Hairdressing Business Starting a hairdressing business in Nigeria with 15,000 NGN is a great idea, especially considering how much value people place on looking good. First off, it’s a venture that caters to a basic need – everyone needs a haircut or hair treatment occasionally. With the right location, say a busy neighborhood or close to a college, and basic hairdressing tools, you’re set to start. Initially, focus on offering exceptional services such as haircuts, styling, braiding, and even simple treatments, as word-of-mouth can greatly boost your client base. Consider offering home services as well for extra income. Over time, as your clientele grows, so will your monthly earnings, making it a sustainable business to dive into. 13. Cleaning Service Investing in a cleaning service business in Nigeria with an initial capital of 15,000 NGN is a savvy move. With the growing number of busy professionals, businesses, and households looking for reliable cleaning services, there’s a substantial market waiting to be tapped. Starting small, you could focus on offering residential cleaning services, including laundry, home cleaning, and even post-construction clean-ups. Efficient and trustworthy service will be your best advertisement. Utilize social media to market your services and ask satisfied customers to refer others. As your client base expands, you might need to hire additional hands, which, in turn, will increase your monthly income. Plus, this business offers the flexibility to scale up, by branching into commercial cleaning as you grow your capital and clientele. 14. Data Business In Nigeria, investing in a data business is a smart move that can yield consistent monthly returns. Simply put, a data business involves selling internet data bundles to individuals at a discounted rate. Since internet access is crucial for both work and leisure for most Nigerians, the demand is always high. With a 15,000 NGN startup, you can partner with a data reselling company. These companies offer data at lower rates than the standard network prices, allowing you to sell to end-users at a profit. The process is straightforward and primarily conducted online, making it convenient. With good marketing and customer service, you can quickly grow your customer base, ensuring a steady stream of income monthly as everyone is looking for cheaper and reliable data options. 15. Invest In A Learning New Skill Another insightful way to utilize 15,000 NGN is by investing it in learning a new skill. In the rapidly changing job market of Nigeria, acquiring a high-demand skill not only sets you apart but can also become a source of steady income. Consider skills in digital marketing, web development, graphic design, or even professional courses relevant to your field. The beauty of this investment is its long-term benefit; once acquired, the skill keeps on giving back. Numerous online platforms offer courses at affordable rates, and some are even free, with the option to pay for certification. By dedicating a few weeks or months to learning and perfecting a new skill, you can start freelancing or consulting, attracting clients willing to pay for your services monthly. This investment not only enhances your resume but opens up numerous doors for income opportunities. Here’s how to go about it: - Identify Your Interest: Look for a skill that aligns with your passions and has market demand. - Research: Find out the best institutions or online platforms where you can acquire this skill. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning are great places to start. - Budget and Plan: Allocate your $15k wisely. Consider costs for courses, materials, and possibly certification. - Dedicate Time: Commit to learning. Set a realistic schedule that allows you to immerse yourself in learning without burning out. - Practical Application: Practice what you learn through projects or volunteering to solidify your knowledge and gain experience. - Network: Join forums, groups, and networks related to your new skill. Networking can open opportunities for collaboration and employment. - Monetize Your Skill: Once proficient, start looking for freelance opportunities, or consider creating content to teach others, further maximizing your investment Check Out the companies to to invest in by reading – Top 15 Companies to Invest in Nigeria | 2024 Investor Tips Where to Smartly Invest Your 15K in Nigeria and Earn Back Your Investment Investing in Nigeria, a country known for its dynamic economy and expansive market, demands smart decisions, especially when the aim is to see a considerable return on your investments. With 15k at your disposal, the opportunity to grow your capital is well within reach, thanks to innovative platforms like TransferXO. At the heart of smart investing within the Nigerian financial landscape is TransferXO, a robust platform designed to cater to the needs of both seasoned and budding investors. Beyond being just a place to park your funds, TransferXO offers an integrated environment where your N15,000 can grow significantly. Here’s how: 1. Investment Portfolios TransferXO allows you to diversify your investments across various assets. Whether it’s real estate, stocks, or mutual funds you’re interested in, the platform offers insights and tools necessary for making informed decisions. 2. High-Yield Savings For those looking to start with a less risky approach, their high-yield savings accounts provide an attractive interest rate compared to traditional banking products. This means your N15,000 not only stays safe but also grows over time. 3. Flexible and Low Entry With a low entry threshold, TransferXO makes it easy for anyone with N15,000 to begin their investment journey. This democratization of financial services ensures that more Nigerians can participate in the financial market, irrespective of their income level. Beyond Investments: Comprehensive Financial Solutions TransferXO’s offerings extend far beyond just investments. Understanding the ecosystem of an investor’s needs has led them to incorporate additional services, making it a holistic platform for financial transactions. 1. Bill Payment Convenience is key in the digital age, and TransferXO brings this by facilitating swift bill payments. From utilities to subscriptions, your transactions can be handled directly within the app, saving you time and reducing hassle. 2. Cross-Border Payments In an increasingly globalized world, the need to make payments across borders cannot be understated. TransferXO offers efficient cross-border payment solutions, enabling you to execute transactions internationally with ease, perfect for investors with global interests. 3. Savings Plans Aside from high-yield savings accounts, TransferXO provides personalized savings plans. These plans are tailored to meet specific financial goals, whether it’s saving for a new business venture or an educational fund, thereby encouraging disciplined saving habits. 4. Gift Cards Rounding off its diverse offerings, the platform also avails users the opportunity to purchase gift cards. This feature adds a layer of flexibility in how funds can be managed, enjoyed, or gifted to others, further enhancing the user experience on the platform. TransferXO sets itself apart with its focus on user experience, a wide array of investment opportunities, advanced analytical resources, exceptional customer service, and a steadfast dedication to security and openness. Become a part of the TransferXO family and begin your path to financial success, a place where your financial aspirations aren’t just achieved—they’re surpassed. Principles to Invest Your 15k to Earn Monthly Investing your $15,000 wisely can create a reliable stream of monthly income, enhancing your financial stability and potentially leading to greater wealth over time. To maximize the return on your investment while managing risks, consider employing these fundamental principles: 1. Establish Your Financial Goals Determine your financial objectives before you begin investing. Are you saving for retirement, buying a home, or supporting your child’s education? Understanding your objectives will assist you in determining the most effective investing plan and time range. 2. Create an Emergency Fund Make sure you have an emergency fund that can cover your living expenses for three to six months. This fund serves as a safety net in the event of unanticipated situations, protecting you from prematurely withdrawing from your investments. 3. Diversify Investments Diversification is an essential component of every investment strategy. Rather than placing all of your money into one investment, diversify it over several asset classes, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and others. Diversification reduces risk while increasing long-term gains. Frequently Asked Questions Is it possible to earn monthly with a 15k investment in Nigeria? Yes, it is possible to earn a monthly income from a 15k investment in Nigeria. Several investment opportunities allow for the generation of regular income, depending on the choice of investment, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Can I invest 15k without any prior investment experience? Yes, it’s possible to invest 15k without prior investment experience. However, educating yourself about different investment options, risks, and best practices is highly recommended. How long will it take to see returns on my 15k investment? The time frame to start seeing returns on your 15k investment can vary based on the investment type, market conditions, and strategy. Some investments might start generating income within a month, while others may take longer. How can I maximize my monthly earnings from a 15k investment? Maximizing your monthly earnings involves choosing the right investment that aligns with your financial goals, diversifying your investment portfolio to spread risk, and staying informed about market trends to make timely decisions. Where can I get advice on investing 15k for monthly returns in Nigeria? For personalized advice, consider consulting a licensed financial advisor or investment professional who knows the Nigerian market. Investing $15,000 is a crucial step toward a secure financial future. There are several choices for creating an emergency fund, investing in the stock market, and planning for retirement. The trick is to match your investment preferences with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. This will allow you to not only make informed decisions but also optimize the growth potential of your $15,000 investment. So, why are you waiting? Take the risk and let your money work for you. Best wishes for investing!
The Growth of ESG Investing in the Crypto World In recent years, the world of cryptocurrency, known for its rapid evolution and innovation, has witnessed a significant and intriguing transformation. The principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing, traditionally associated with mainstream financial markets, have found their way into digital currencies and blockchain technology. This convergence of ESG principles and the crypto world marks a compelling shift towards responsible and sustainable practices within the industry. In this exploration, we delve into the remarkable journey of ESG investing within the crypto space, examining its drivers, challenges, notable case studies, and the potential implications for investors and cryptocurrency’s future. ESG Principles in Traditional Finance Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles are criteria that have become increasingly important in traditional finance as investors seek to align their investments with broader societal and ethical values. Here’s an overview of each of the ESG principles in traditional finance: - Environmental (E) - Social (S) - Governance (G) - Climate Change: ESG investors consider a company’s efforts to mitigate climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and transition to sustainable energy sources. - Resource Management: This includes assessing a company’s use of natural resources, such as water and land, and its commitment to sustainable resource management. - Pollution and Waste: Evaluating how a company manages pollution, waste disposal, and its impact on local ecosystems. - Labor Practices: Assessing a company’s treatment of employees, including fair wages, safe working conditions, and diversity and inclusion. - Community Engagement: Examining a company’s involvement in local communities, philanthropic activities, and contributions to social well-being. - Product Safety and Impact: Evaluating products’ safety and potential social impact, particularly in sectors like healthcare and technology. - Board Composition: Analyzing the composition of a company’s board of directors, including diversity, independence, and expertise. - Executive Compensation: Assessing the fairness and transparency of executive pay and incentive structures. - Shareholder Rights: Evaluating the extent to which shareholders have rights and influence over corporate decisions. - Ethical Business Practices: Ensuring that companies adhere to ethical business standards and avoid corruption and unethical behavior. ESG principles in traditional finance have gained prominence due to the recognition that a company’s environmental and social practices and governance structures can impact its long-term financial performance and reputation. Investors increasingly use ESG criteria to make investment decisions, seeking to support companies committed to sustainable and responsible practices while mitigating potential risks associated with ESG-related issues. These principles provide a framework for evaluating investments beyond purely financial metrics, aligning investments with values, and promoting corporate responsibility and sustainability in the broader economy. Emergence of ESG in Crypto The emergence of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations within the cryptocurrency space represents a notable development driven by various factors. Here’s an overview of how ESG has come to the forefront in the world of crypto: - Social Impact - Governance Issues - Investor Demand - Regulatory Pressure - Ethical and Moral Considerations - Energy Consumption: One of the critical drivers for ESG in crypto has been the growing awareness of the significant energy consumption associated with cryptocurrency mining, particularly for proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The energy-intensive mining process raised environmental concerns, especially regarding carbon emissions. - Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrency has the potential to provide financial services to unbanked and underbanked populations worldwide, promoting financial inclusion. ESG investors are interested in how crypto can positively impact disadvantaged communities. - Wealth Distribution: The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies can lead to different wealth distribution dynamics compared to traditional financial systems. ESG investors examine how cryptocurrencies affect wealth inequality and social equity. - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Crypto projects often rely on DAOs, which are decentralized decision-making structures. ESG investors are concerned with the governance of these entities and the transparency of their decision-making processes. - Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with financial regulations and transparency in crypto operations are vital for ESG considerations. Investors are interested in how crypto projects navigate regulatory challenges. - Growing interest in ESG investments extends to the crypto space. Investors, including institutional players, seek crypto assets and projects aligning with their ESG values. This demand has spurred crypto projects to adopt ESG-friendly practices. - Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly scrutinizing the cryptocurrency industry. As part of this scrutiny, regulators are encouraging or mandating ESG compliance for crypto projects and exchanges. Ethical and Moral Considerations - ESG investing is driven not only by financial factors but also by ethical and moral considerations. Many crypto enthusiasts and investors are motivated by a desire to support technologies and projects that align with their ethical beliefs, such as sustainability and social responsibility. The emergence of ESG in crypto signifies a broader shift toward responsible and sustainable practices within the industry. Crypto projects are exploring environmentally friendly consensus mechanisms like proof-of-stake (PoS), implementing ESG reporting frameworks, and engaging in initiatives to address social and governance issues. This trend reflects the growing recognition that cryptocurrencies, despite their innovative potential, should also consider their impact on the environment, society, and governance structures. Factors Driving ESG in Crypto Several key factors are driving the adoption of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles within the cryptocurrency industry. These factors reflect a growing awareness of the importance of responsible and sustainable practices in the crypto space. Here are the primary drivers: - Investor Demand - Regulatory Pressure - Ethical and Moral Considerations - Environmental Concerns - Social Impact - ESG-Oriented Investors: Increasingly, investors are looking to align their crypto investments with their ESG values. Institutional and retail investors alike are seeking cryptocurrencies and projects that demonstrate environmental responsibility, positive social impact, and strong governance practices. - Government Oversight: Regulators worldwide are paying closer attention to the cryptocurrency industry. They are urging or mandating ESG compliance as part of regulatory frameworks. Compliance with ESG standards can help crypto projects navigate regulatory challenges and gain legitimacy in the eyes of regulators. Ethical and Moral Considerations - Community Values: The crypto community itself is often motivated by principles of decentralization, transparency, and financial inclusion. Many participants in the crypto space view ESG alignment as an ethical imperative, reflecting a commitment to creating positive change in the world. - Energy Consumption: The environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining, particularly for proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, has raised concerns about energy consumption and carbon emissions. Miners and projects are exploring more energy-efficient consensus mechanisms, such as proof-of-stake (PoS), to address these issues. - Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies have the potential to provide financial services to unbanked and underbanked populations, which aligns with ESG goals of social inclusion and reducing inequality. - Wealth Distribution: The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies can lead to different wealth distribution dynamics compared to traditional finance. ESG investors are interested in how cryptocurrencies impact wealth distribution and social equity. These factors collectively highlight the growing recognition that responsible and sustainable practices are crucial for the long-term viability and success of the cryptocurrency industry. Crypto projects are increasingly adopting ESG-friendly measures, such as sustainable mining practices, transparent governance, and social impact initiatives, to meet the expectations of ESG-conscious stakeholders. Challenges and Criticisms The integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into the cryptocurrency industry has faced several challenges and criticisms. While ESG adoption in crypto is seen as positive progress, it’s not without its complexities and detractors. Here are some of the notable challenges and criticisms: - Lack of Standardized Metrics - Regulatory Uncertainty - Balancing ESG with Decentralization - Green Energy Transition - Potential for Regulatory Capture Lack of Standardized Metrics - Challenge: Defining and measuring ESG performance in the crypto world is challenging due to the absence of standardized metrics and reporting frameworks. This lack of consistency makes it difficult for investors to compare projects effectively. - Criticisms: Critics argue that without clear, universally accepted ESG metrics, it’s challenging to assess the true impact of crypto projects, potentially leading to greenwashing or misrepresentation. - Challenge: Some crypto projects may claim to be environmentally friendly or socially responsible without substantiating their claims. This practice, known as greenwashing, can mislead investors who are genuinely interested in ESG. - Criticisms: Skeptics argue that greenwashing is prevalent in the crypto space, making it challenging for investors to differentiate between genuinely sustainable projects and those merely using ESG as a marketing tool. - Challenge: The evolving regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies and ESG standards can create uncertainty for crypto projects. They may struggle to adapt to shifting regulatory requirements and may face legal challenges. - Criticisms: Critics contend that regulatory ambiguity can hinder the growth of ESG in crypto, potentially deterring responsible projects from entering the market. Balancing ESG with Decentralization - Challenge: The core principles of decentralization and censorship resistance in the crypto space may conflict with certain ESG considerations. For example, efforts to track and regulate transactions for ESG compliance could infringe upon privacy and decentralization. - Criticisms: Some argue that imposing ESG regulations on crypto projects could undermine the fundamental principles that attracted people to cryptocurrencies in the first place. Green Energy Transition - Challenge: Transitioning to more environmentally friendly consensus mechanisms, like proof-of-stake (PoS), can be logistically challenging for PoW-dominated cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Implementing such changes can be contentious and may take time. - Criticisms: Critics claim that the crypto industry is not moving quickly enough to address its energy consumption issues, and the transition to greener alternatives is too slow. Potential for Regulatory Capture - Challenge: As regulators become more involved in shaping ESG standards for crypto, there’s a risk of regulatory capture, where the interests of larger, established players may influence regulations to the detriment of smaller, innovative projects. - Criticisms: Critics argue that regulatory capture could undermine the democratizing potential of the crypto industry. Despite these challenges and criticisms, the integration of ESG principles into the cryptocurrency world continues to evolve. Many crypto projects and investors are actively working to address these issues, seeking to strike a balance between responsible practices, regulatory compliance, and the preservation of the industry’s core principles. ESG Investment Options in Crypto Investors interested in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles within the cryptocurrency space have several investment options to consider. These options aim to align crypto investments with sustainability, social responsibility, and strong governance practices. Here are some ESG investment options in crypto: - ESG-Focused Cryptocurrencies and Tokens - Sustainable Blockchain Projects - Cryptocurrency Funds and ETFs - Staking and Yield-Farming in PoS Coins - Sustainable Mining Pools ESG-Focused Cryptocurrencies and Tokens - Green Cryptocurrencies: Some cryptocurrencies are specifically designed to be environmentally friendly by using consensus mechanisms like proof-of-stake (PoS) instead of energy-intensive proof-of-work (PoW). Examples include Ethereum 2.0, Cardano (ADA), and Tezos (XTZ). - Social Impact Tokens: Certain crypto projects focus on social impact, such as financial inclusion or humanitarian efforts. These tokens support causes like education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation. Sustainable Blockchain Projects - Blockchain for Sustainability: Some projects utilize blockchain technology to address sustainability challenges, such as tracking the supply chain of sustainable products or enabling carbon offset trading. Cryptocurrency Funds and ETFs - ESG Crypto Funds: Investment funds specifically dedicated to ESG-focused cryptocurrencies and projects have emerged. These funds curate portfolios of assets that align with ESG principles. - ESG Crypto ETFs: Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track indices or baskets of ESG-compliant cryptocurrencies and tokens are becoming available, allowing for diversified exposure to ESG crypto investments. Staking and Yield-Farming in PoS Coins - Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Staking: Investors can stake PoS cryptocurrencies, contributing to network security and earning rewards in return. Staking often requires less energy than PoW mining and aligns with ESG principles. Sustainable Mining Pools - Green Mining Pools: Some mining pools prioritize the use of renewable energy sources for cryptocurrency mining. Joining such pools can allow miners to participate in crypto mining while reducing their carbon footprint. It’s important for investors to conduct thorough research and due diligence when considering ESG investments in crypto. Factors to consider include the project’s ESG practices, transparency, community engagement, and alignment with the investor’s values and goals. Additionally, staying informed about regulatory developments and industry standards related to ESG in crypto is essential for making informed investment decisions. The future of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in the cryptocurrency space is likely to see several notable trends and developments. As the industry continues to evolve, here are some key trends to watch: - Greater Integration of ESG Metrics - Rise of ESG-Compliant Tokens - ESG-Focused Investment Vehicles - Green Mining and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) - Regulatory Clarity and Compliance - Institutional Adoption - Blockchain for Sustainable Supply Chains Greater Integration of ESG Metrics - Cryptocurrency projects will increasingly integrate ESG metrics into their operations and reporting. Standardized ESG frameworks and metrics may emerge to provide consistency and transparency. Rise of ESG-Compliant Tokens - The creation of ESG-compliant tokens and cryptocurrencies, designed with sustainability, social impact, and ethical governance in mind, will likely continue to grow. These tokens may be used for impact investing and charitable purposes. ESG-Focused Investment Vehicles - The development of ESG-focused investment products, such as ESG crypto funds and ETFs, will likely expand, making it easier for investors to access ESG-aligned cryptocurrency portfolios. Green Mining and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) - More cryptocurrencies may transition from energy-intensive proof-of-work (PoW) to environmentally friendly PoS or other energy-efficient consensus mechanisms. This shift will address concerns about crypto’s carbon footprint. Regulatory Clarity and Compliance - Regulatory authorities are expected to provide more clarity on ESG-related requirements for crypto projects. Compliance with ESG standards will become essential for market access and investor confidence. - Institutional investors, including ESG-focused funds and pension funds, are likely to enter the crypto space. This influx of institutional capital will drive demand for ESG-aligned cryptocurrencies and projects. Blockchain for Sustainable Supply Chains - Blockchain technology will continue to be used for tracing and verifying sustainable supply chains. This will enhance transparency and accountability in industries like agriculture, fashion, and electronics. The future of ESG in the cryptocurrency world is poised to be dynamic, with a growing emphasis on sustainability, social responsibility, and governance. As the crypto industry matures and stakeholders demand greater accountability, these trends will help shape a more responsible and sustainable crypto ecosystem. The growth of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles within the cryptocurrency world represents a significant and promising transformation. As the cryptocurrency industry continues to evolve, ESG considerations have emerged as a crucial factor, reflecting a broader shift towards responsible and sustainable practices. Investors are increasingly seeking opportunities to align their crypto investments with their values, focusing on sustainability, social impact, and ethical governance. This demand has spurred the development of ESG-focused cryptocurrencies, investment products, and blockchain initiatives designed to address environmental, social, and governance challenges. However, the integration of ESG in crypto is not without its challenges and criticisms. Issues like a lack of standardized metrics, greenwashing, regulatory uncertainties, and the need to balance ESG with the industry’s decentralized ethos present complexities that must be navigated. Ultimately, ESG in crypto signifies a positive evolution, reflecting the industry’s commitment to responsible practices and the recognition that cryptocurrencies can play a role in addressing broader societal and environmental challenges. As stakeholders continue to advocate for transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct, ESG principles will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of cryptocurrency.
I get it. You're a software developer who is constantly let down by programming language version managers such as phpbrew. Every time you try to update or create a new project, you're stuck battling those tools all day. You also dread moving your app to production or another machine. Or maybe you're an ops manager and your developers just handed you a new project to deploy. The only problem is the last 15 commits are "fix stuff" and when you try to run it on your staging server (or worse production!), you get barraged by errors. The best answer you can get from your developers is "it works for me!", and now you're stuck having to assimilate yourself into the ecosystem of whatever stack your developers used for the project. Oops, there goes 2 weeks of your time. Docker fixes these problems and more. Docker makes it easy to deal with multiple active versions of your favorite language, and getting things running in production becomes a breeze because your app gets built into shiny self contained packages. All you have to do is move them from one environment to the next and you're good to go. Are you ready to let Docker make you productive? Dive Into Docker is a course that was carefully crafted to teach you everything you need to know about Docker to start using it in your own projects. If you're looking for a place to get started with Docker then do yourself a favor and look no further. Nick did an excellent job of filtering through the challenges that come along with learning a new technology like Docker and distilled exactly what I needed to put myself in a position to be successful. I've taken a few courses with Nick and the reason I keep coming back is his passion for software development, his desire to share his knowledge with others, and his strong ability to do so. He's dedicated to his craft, always available, and makes software development, and Docker in particular, FUN! Thank you Nick for sharing your passion with the rest of the world. I can't wait to see what you have to offer next! Anyone who wants to learn all about Docker. You could be a web developer, sysadmin, operations manager, or part of an IT / testing / QA team. No prior Docker knowledge is necessary to start. Concerned about this course being outdated? Don't be, it's fully compatible with Docker v24.0 CE Trying to learn Docker alone was a daunting task. I've been writing software for 30 years and while I do have some ops experience, I just couldn't wrap my head around Docker until I met Nick and completed his course. The way he explained how Docker works, and all of the examples really tied it all together. Thanks to this course, it didn't take long to build and run my own Rails app with Docker. Huzzah! Docker Software Engineer base salaries start at $128,667 USD Docker's in more demand and is even more profitable for employment in 2022! Docker personally reached out to me to join their team as a trusted content provider and community leader. I'm not on their payroll and it hasn't impressed the ladies (yet!?), but it does mean that 1 or more Docker engineers looked at my content and awarded me the title. What does all of that mean for you? You can sleep well at night knowing that the course was created by someone that Docker vouched for. Dive Into Docker is the result of listening to feedback from thousands of my students, and from there, I've created a Docker course that is packed with practical examples and tons of best practices. All of which is forged from years of real world experience. |1. Is Docker Right For You? |1.1 Course Introduction |1.2 Docker's Biggest Wins |1.3 Why I Got Started With Docker |1.4 Making an Informed Decision |2. Preparing for This Course |2.2 Accessing this Course's Files |2.3 Asking Excellent Questions |3. Understanding Docker |3.2 Virtual Machines vs Docker Containers |3.3 VMs vs Docker Containers in the Real World |3.4 Visualizing Docker's Architecture |4. Installing Docker |4.2 Docker Community Edition vs Docker EE |4.3 Installing Docker on Linux, macOS and Windows |4.4 Verifying You Have Docker Installed |5. Discovering Docker |5.2 Hello World with Docker |5.3 Docker Images and Containers |5.4 Downloading and Storing Docker Images |5.5 Explaining the Docker Build Process |6. Docker in the Real World |6.2 A Simple Web Application With Docker |6.3 Creating a Dockerfile (Part 1) |6.4 Creating a Dockerfile (Part 2) |6.5 Running Docker Containers |6.6 Building and Pushing Docker Images |6.7 Live Code Reloading With Volumes |6.8 Debugging Tips and Tricks |6.9 Linking Containers With Docker Networks |6.10 Persisting Data to Your Docker Host |6.11 Sharing Data Between Containers |6.12 Optimizing Your Docker Images |6.13 Running Scripts When a Container Starts |6.14 Cleaning Up After Yourself |7. Docker Compose in the Real World |7.2 Why Is It Worth Learning Docker Compose? |7.3 Adding Docker Compose Support to Our Web App |7.4 Managing Our Web App With Docker Compose |7.5 Docker Compose API v1 / v2 / v3 |7.6 Managing Microservices with Docker Compose |8. Dockerizing Your Web Applications |8.2 General Tips for Dockerizing Any Web App |8.3 Ruby on Rails / Ruby Starter Project |8.4 Flask / Python Starter Project |8.5 Django / Python Starter Project |8.6 Express / NodeJS Starter Project |8.7 Laravel / PHP Starter Project |8.8 Golang Starter Project |8.9 C# / .NET Starter Project |9. Where to Go Next |9.1 Congrats on Finishing This Course |9.2 Deploying and Scaling Docker I have been working on a Flask project running on Docker for months and until now had very little knowledge of how things actually fit together in Docker. This course was flawless in explaining every segment in detail while keeping it easy to follow along and learn. It wasn't until the section on combining micro-services running in different languages that I finally realized how powerful Docker is. Whether you're completely new to Docker or would like to understand Docker in far greater detail, I cannot recommend this course enough. |Here's What You'll Get |Download and Stream 1080p HD DRM-free Videos |Lifetime access to all 9 Sections |Lifetime access to all 44 Video Lectures |~5 Hours of Content |17 Follow Along Labs |16 Self Guided Challenges |Private forums to ask questions and get answers |24 / 7 support so you don't get stuck |Reference guide as self hosted HTML notes |Complete source code examples for all labs |7 "Dockerized" web framework starter projects |Free updates for life |365 day money back guarantee, 100% risk free | Get the Course | Looking for a team license discount or personalized training? Contact me at The one thing I look for when learning new technologies is how they work under the hood. The step by step instructions going from the bottom to the top while giving me a full overview of the stack gave this course that little extra I've missed in courses from other Docker instructors. I have been through very few learning experiences that were this thorough. After learning other technologies through other means I always found that I had to dig up lots of documentation, without knowing where to start, when something inevitably stopped working and I had to debug it. Not with this course: Nick not only teaches you how to use Docker, but also how to troubleshoot Docker problems and research solutions. Also, when there was reading involved on camera, the text highlighting and zooming was done brilliantly; it was very helpful and you can tell Nick spent a lot of time polishing the videos. The bottom line is, I feel like I understand Docker well enough to use it in production. Thank you! I'm confident you'll make a 10x return on investment from this course. Docker related salaries are well over $100,000 / year and after completing this course you'll definitely be employable as a "Docker enabled" Engineer. That gives you a 2,000x ROI just from your first year of employment. If working a full time gig isn't your thing, you can take the knowledge from this course and start doing freelance work where you can help people and companies adopt Docker. Most freelancers in this space can comfortably charge $100 / hour, so with just 1 hour of billed work you've doubled your investment. Then there's your own time and sanity. Sure, you can learn some of what you'll get in this course from hundreds of scattered blog posts but do you really want to spend the next 6 months of your life doing that? Dive Into Docker lays everything out on a silver platter for you to consume Docker in 1 coherent learning experience. For reference, this course took me over 350 hours to create (that's $35,000 worth of consulting time), and I was only able to begin creating it after spending the last 2.5 years of my life using and teaching Docker. Also, think about this. With 5 hours of video content, you're investing $10 bucks an hour for each hour of video. In terms of hourly cost, going to the movies is more expensive and a movie won't help you make money. Plus you get to watch this course as much as you want since you have lifetime access. It's so easy that you'll be watching your first video in about 60 seconds. After clicking the get the course button you'll be taken to a form where you'll fill out your name, email and password. Then you'll be asked for your billing details. This creates an account on my platform. After filling out that short form, you'll be immediately taken to the course back-end where you can either binge watch the entire course in an afternoon, or take it at whatever pace works best for your schedule. It's also worth mentioning that I use Stripe or PayPal to process all payments. Your billing details are safely processed and stored on their servers, not mine. If you're looking to learn how to use and apply Docker then the TL;DR is yes. While it's true, the course's tag line is "The Complete Docker Course for Developers" but that doesn't mean you should walk away if you're not a developer. This course is aimed at software developers, sysadmins, operations managers, or anyone in an IT / testing / QA role. The reason I included "developers" in the tag line is because the emphasis of this course is on learning core Docker and Docker Compose features. These are things anyone will need to know if they plan to use Docker, and it just so happens we deal with them in the context of development mode. Out of the 5 hours of content included in this course, only a few minutes go over web application source code and I'm extremely confident anyone who is interested in learning Docker will be able to understand it, regardless of what programming language(s) you know (if any). This course is designed to teach you both the "why" and the "how", so you'll be able to apply what you learn here to whatever use case suits you best. That could be Dockerizing a web application in your web framework of choice or managing containers in a QA role, etc.. All videos were recorded at 1920x1080 (1080p). If you stream the videos you'll have an option of watching them at 1080p, 720p or 480p. Also, this is the 5th course I've recorded. At this point I've put in close to 1,000 hours of recording and editing. I am very comfortable with the tools I use. This course was recorded with a studio grade microphone and I'm using serious business headphones to edit everything. There are no disgusting mouth noises, or heavy breathing going on in my videos. I'm proud to say this is the highest quality course I've ever produced. Yes, please make millions off of them! I want you to walk away being very confident using Docker in the real world, but more importantly I also want to give you high quality starter projects that you can use to jump start your Dockerized web applications. You have my full permission to use these starter projects for any client work you do. So feel free to take one of the starter projects and use it as a base for a $10,000 solution that you sell to a client. The only limitation is that you're not allowed to distribute anything publicly. For example, please don't post them on your GitHub page or any other public location. This goes for any of the course's content! I wouldn't waste my time using it if it weren't. You might be thinking "ok well, this Nick dude is obviously pushing Docker because he's trying to sell a course", but I use Docker for my own projects and I've been living and breathing Docker since mid-2014. Also I do consulting sessions where people ask me to help them implement Docker into their projects. I haven't seen this type of general interest in a tool since the early days of Rails. Docker is here to stay and my motivation for making this course is to share everything I've learned about using Docker in development so you can start using and enjoying it. You have a 365 day money back guarantee, 100% risk free. I want to make sure you're very happy with the course. The last thing I'm trying to do is trick you into buying something. I only want your money if you found real value from taking the course. If you're not satisfied, then shoot me an e-mail at and I will refund you. Just completed #diveintodocker, sweet course on #Docker that covers many of the ins and outs, and most importantly the whys and hows. It's especially nice when you can tell a content creator cares to share! Thank you and nice work @nickjanetakis! 💪— shortpoet (@shortpoet3) July 4, 2020 Excellent course! I am learning so much about Docker. I love the pace and the structure of the lessons, and the information is provided in the context of using Docker in real-life scenarios. Nick is very responsive and you can feel his enthusiasm for the subject matter. I wouldn't hesitate recommending this course to people who want to know more about Docker. There are quick challenges at the end of videos, which is awesome, giving learners hands-on experience and reinforces what you just watched. This course is brilliant! Every question that pops into my mind is immediately answered by Nick as if by magic. Great explanations with a healthy level of hands on vs theory. This course made me a rockstar at work. Very clear and to the point explanations. This is the best place to get started with Docker! I loved how easy it was to understand and love all the little bits of humor that kept me alert! Good pace with utmost clarity at each level. I'm new to Docker and this is the best course. I'm glad I found it. This course covered the key points that I was struggling with after playing with Docker for several days on my own. The instructor was easy to understand and covered the topics I needed to understand. I will definitely check out his other courses. Relevant information and Nick is an engaging presenter. Nick speaks and explains concepts clearly, has a sense of humor and assumes you know nothing. Nick always knows what's in my mind and answers every question in a correct way. Nick is very understandable, speaks great English and explains things understandably for audiences at all knowledge levels! Nick is AWESOME. It's like learning from your coolest teammate. One of the best Docker courses I've seen. Lots of real life applicable scenarios. Really detailed and well explained course for staring to work with Docker! You cannot go wrong with any courses from Nick!! I'm learning so much. Great course, probably one of the best Docker Courses I have found for understanding the Docker basics. I'm grateful to have found this course. It's well organized, Nick's voice is clear and it's at a good pace. Lots of hands-on. Nick is definitely passionate about the subject and about delivering great content. I wasn't happy with other courses I tried; this course nailed it for me. He's working on a real case, real app here and not just "lets explore this command". Hope to see more courses by Nick. Nick is able to perfectly blend humor with in-depth technical explanations and teaching. He also always seems to think through his lessons as if he was the one taking them and adds extra info based on that, which makes for a much nicer experience. Nick seems to know exactly what the learner would wonder about Docker and its features at every step, and always answers what you're thinking in the easiest way. Thank you so much for making this awesome course! Everything is explained so well with very clear logic. Perfect speed and knowledgeable instructor. Nick doesn't wander and say a bunch of ums or uhs. He's thoughtful in his approach, puts in the right and relevant content and makes it easy for the student to understand and consume. Docker is such a dry subject, but the teacher is a fun! Love his explanations and the editing thrown in to keep us focused. Very professional. Excellent material. Great structure. Super support. Nick is a very competent instructor. In short: I loved everything about this course. Encourages to experiment and explore, and not just stick to the information explained. It provides visual help to follow the activity on the screen. Provides a lot of extra (optional) information / tools. Great course, Nick lays this out in a very logical fashion. This is one of the best courses I have came across this year. Step by step learning provided and I actually loved the way Nick presents his content and gives challenges. Straight forward and methodical explanation: I like it. Nick's classes are awesome and funny. His funny way of teaching cuts through the boredom and wanting to be lazy. Incredibly good hands-on course! So far it's the best course I've taken! I'm surprised the course was so helpful! Before I took the course I was baffled by Docker; now I can keep up with my peers. Just need one word... Excellent! Good energy, speaking voice and humor. Very good teacher, great experience and also very responsive on support. The course is clear and has a good pace. Take this course! This has been the first course that has engaged me from beginning to end and seeing it all work on my own computer was amazing! You will learn Docker and be equipped to learn about the 5% of edge cases that it doesn't cover from the documentation because this course explains all the concepts so that you can understand them well. Nick is a great teacher and very responsive to questions. Just finished from @nickjanetakis amazing content. I totally recommend it #docker #diveintodocker. Cant wait to start dockerizing all my next awesome web apps ;) ! Thanks for the great content, you're a wonderful teacher ! I will def signup for more :)— William Cantin (@wilomgfx) November 11, 2017 This guy has a real ability to communicate. The course is very well structured and well thought through. This course is an excellent intro to Docker. Very easy to follow. Good ordering of the topics. Nice balance between detail and high-level, never going too deep for no reason or skimming something important. Very interactive and presented with a sense of humor. More practical and hands on as well, instead of lecturing a lot. Clear and funny, really good learning material. Nick's teaching approach is excellent, everything is explained thoroughly. Nick has jokes and they are really clear when it comes to communicating a topic. Clear instructions, great way of teaching. Enjoying the course a lot! Many thanks =) Everything is explained very well, and I love the memes. It makes it actually interesting to listen to. Nick's course is a great introduction to the Docker ecosystem. I've dabbled with Docker before but only now, after finishing the course, I feel like I've got a solid grasp on all the fundamentals. The pace was just right and all the examples are immediately applicable in the real world. Before even finishing the course, I was able to jump into one of my Rails apps and use the skills I've learned to get everything up and running. Thoroughly recommended, keep it up, Nick! Nick is awesome in the way he explains things. Really clear definition of each process. Clearly outlines how to manage Docker. Also, the memes are great. I would say it's all Nick and his ability to be clear and simple in everything. The best Docker course and the best tutor. While there is a ton of information to cover, it's delivered in smaller pieces so the learner can handle it. Well done. I love the small pieces of humor injected into the material (visuals / sounds). I did an earlier course by Nick and like it a lot, but this course shows how much he has improved. Crisp, clean presentation with a good sense of humor. Great course! Instructor is very knowledgeable and covers material in detail, I highly recommend this course. This is another great course from Nick. His explanations about Docker are comprehensive and it's obvious that he's put a lot of effort into it. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn about Docker. My teacher recommended this course alongside our in class material. He mentioned how great Nick was and the moment I started this course I found it to be wonderful. Great instructor, great material, great course! Excellent course, that's it. This course is recommended for a beginner and someone who really wants to dive into Docker. Great job Nick. Great content, lab-based and I love the instructor's quirky sense of humor. Nice voice, interactive and funny. I really enjoy this course so far. It's nice hearing Nick be more animated in this latest course. He's obviously having more fun with it. Focuses on the main points without getting lost in the complexity of Docker's myriad of options. Good content, pace, and humor. Well crafted and good support. The course is very valuable and good. It doesn't just give you knowledge but it also builds an extremely solid foundation so you can face real world tasks or scenarios which helps you to get jobs. Nick! All the best for the future and God bless you. Just enough humor to keep it interesting. Love the use of diagrams and other analogies to explain things and defintely the more labs the better for me. Guy is funny. One of the best Docker courses! Nick is a very good instructor who takes you from not knowing Docker and gently adds complexity without totally overwhelming you. So good. Fantastic introductory step by step course on Docker. This is the first tutorial of any kind that has helped me make progress with Docker. Very clear explanations. Nick is clearly an SME (Subject Matter Expert). The instructions are remarkably clear and precise. Nick anticipates most, if not all of the problems a student might encounter on Windows, Mac, or Linux. I'm learning fast and efficiently. Nick is a very good instructor and his training helped me to understand how Docker works. He was talking at the right pace and made the course funny and easy to learn. He was using real examples which is a bonus as this helped me to better understand how Docker works and how to implement what I learned to my own work. I'm an absolute beginner. Though this course is short, it helped me get an overview of how to use Docker within a day. Very effective! Highly recommend for beginners. Excellent course. Comprehensive, understandable, and applicable. Examples are sufficient to demonstrate real-world use and facilitate applying what is learned outside of the course.
Anatolian Shepherds are enormous and imposing canines that, according to their ancestry, make excellent protectors. They make excellent family dogs since they are protective of the humans they adore. You may be curious about the potential size of your Anatolian Shepherd. That is why we have compiled an Anatolian Shepherd Dog Growth Chart for your convenience. They have rapid reflexes and a muscular frame, which makes them excellent hunters because of their ability to adapt to hard conditions. Their bloodline is one of the most ancient in canine history. Because of their intellect and loyalty, Anatolian Shepherds are a highly sought-after breed. When Do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs Stop Growing? Between the ages of 14 and 19 months, the Anatolian Shepherd will mature into an adult. Females are normally smaller than males when completely matured, however, females reach adulthood earlier than males. Anatolian Shepherds require longer than a year to mature because of their classification as huge or gigantic dog breeds. On average, they are classified as large dogs. Generally, huge breeds mature at the 12-month mark, however, certain enormous breeds mature at the 24-month mark. The Anatolian Shepherd is in the middle of these two classifications. What is the Standard Anatolian Shepherd Dog Size The Anatolian Shepherd is a huge breed that is frequently referred to as a ‘giant.’ Although not all dogs of the breed are identical, there is some variation between the sexes: - Adult male Anatolian Shepherds normally reach between 29 and 31 inches (74 and 81 cm) tall and weigh between 110 and 140 pounds. (50-64 kg). - A female adult Anatolian Shepherd stands between 29 and 31 inches (71 and 79 cm) tall and weighs between 90 and 130 pounds. (41-59 kg). Anatolian Shepherd Dog Weight Chart Here is the weight chart of an Anatolian Shepherd Dog: |35 lbs – 45 lbs |16 kg – 20 kg |48 lbs – 60 lbs |22 kg – 27 kg |57 lbs – 71 lbs |26 kg – 32 kg |69 lbs – 85 lbs |31 kg – 38 kg |75 lbs – 92 lbs |34 kg – 41 kg |81 lbs – 105 lbs |37 kg – 47 kg |88 lbs – 111 lbs |40 kg – 50 kg |94 lbs – 118 lbs |42 kg – 53 kg |97 lbs – 124 lbs |44 kg – 56 kg |100 lbs – 130 lbs |45 kg – 54 kg |103 lbs – 133 lbs |47 kg – 60 kg |106 lbs – 137 lbs |48 kg – 62 kg |110 lbs – 140 lbs |50 kg – 63 kg Anatolian Shepherd Dog Growth Chart – What To Expect Anatolian Shepherd Dog Weight Chart by Age Anatolian Shepherd Dog Weight 1-2 weeks Most Anatolian Shepherd puppies weigh about 1-2 pounds at birth. It is critical to remember that birth weight does not accurately predict adult growth. The largest puppy in a litter does not always grow up to be the largest adult dog. Puppies’ exact birth weight is mostly controlled by their intrauterine location (meaning where in the uterus they were lying, and how well their placenta provided them with nutrients). However, the adult size of a dog is dictated by heredity. Many smaller pups in a litter quickly catch up to and even surpass their larger littermates in weight. By the time Anatolian Shepherd puppies reach their forever homes at two months, they weigh approximately 12 pounds, and they continue to gain weight rapidly! Anatolian Shepherd Dog Weight 3-12 weeks At three months, just four weeks after you brought your puppy home, he should have gained a significant amount of weight and should weigh between 35 and 45 pounds. Dogs grow the fastest during the first six months of their existence — this is especially noticeable in enormous and giant breeds such as the Anatolian. It is critical that you offer your dog a nutritious, well-balanced meal to meet his nutritional requirements during this phase of rapid growth. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Weight 4-6months An Anatolian should weigh between 65 and 90 pounds at half a year of age. At this age, the differences between smaller and larger dogs of the breed become extremely noticeable – a little female may weigh less than two-thirds the weight of an enormous male. While weight alone is not a reliable indicator of health, if your dog is significantly smaller and lighter than normal, contact a veterinarian to ensure he is growing normally. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Weight 7-9 months During this time, your Anatolian Shepherd will grow quite large, and female pups will typically weigh approximately 23 percent of their male counterparts. Continue to monitor your puppy to ensure he is receiving appropriate nutrition. If you detect anything out of place, make an appointment with your veterinarian. They would presumably weigh between 69 and 85 pounds during this phase. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Weight 10-12 months Your Anatolian Shepherd is expected to reach full size during this time. They may, however, continue to develop weight and muscle. When gigantic dogs reach the age of roughly 18 months, they are considered teenagers, and they will most likely continue to gain muscle. An Anatolian Shepherd should weigh between 100 and 130 pounds at the 12-year point. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Adult Weight Your Anatolian Shepherd has reached full adulthood and has lost the puppy look. Now is the time for him to change his diet in order to avoid becoming overweight. It is OK for him to indulge in intense exercise to keep his health in check. Females will stand approximately 27 inches tall and weigh between 80 and 120 pounds, according to the American Kennel Club. Males will stand approximately 29 inches tall and weigh between 110 and 150 pound. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Height Chart It is possible to monitor your Anatolian Shepherd, but there are a few things you must do. Remember a dog’s height is measured from the ground to the withers. The withers are just the highest point on your dog’s shoulder blades; ensure that your Anatolian Shepherd is standing straight and align the tape measure with the withers. Male Anatolian Shepherds are typically between 29 and 32 inches tall. Females are slightly shorter than males, standing between 25 and 30 inches tall. How Big Do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs Get? Anatolian Shepherd puppies are small and grow at a distinct rate, prompting some owners to inquire about the maximum size of Anatolian Shepherds. This is because they are a huge breed that requires special accommodations. The best approach is to examine the parents, as they will be affected by genetics. You can use a DNA test to confirm that your Anatolian Shepherd is a pure breed to get a conclusive conclusion. If you discover that your Anatolian Shepherd shares a minor amount of DNA with another breed, you will adjust your calculation accordingly. Dogs have larger paws as puppies than they will develop into, so by examining your dog’s paws, you may detect if he still has some growing to go if his paws are somewhat larger than the rest of his body. When do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs stop Growing? When fully grown, Anatolian Shepherds normally reach a height of 27-31′′ (71-81 cm) and weigh between 90-141 pounds (41-64 kg). They typically mature between the ages of 14-19 months, depending on their size. Factors That Affect Anatolian Shepherd Dog Puppy Growth Gender undoubtedly influences growth, since female Anatolian Shepherds are considered to be slightly smaller yet mature faster than male Anatolian Shepherds. Gender also plays a significant effect, as hormones such as testosterone can influence your dog’s growth. In genetics, your puppy’s biological parents will influence various elements of its health and development. Therefore it is important to speak with your breeder and learn about the biological parents of your puppy. Diet & Nutrition Anatolian Shepherds should be fed in accordance with their age, weight, structure, and activity level. As a result, a young Anatolian Shepherd pup’s diet will be significantly different than that of an aging adult. They will require a large amount of food for this breed. At the very least, compared to other dogs. The following are general recommendations: - A typical puppy Anatolian Shepherd should receive approximately 2-3 cups of puppy dog food every day, divided into 2-3 meals. - Adult Anatolian Shepherds should be fed 3-4 cups of adult dog food each day, evenly divided into three meals. This dog is prone to fat and bloat, so you must exercise extra caution with the meals you serve, treats you give, and serving quantities. Physical Activity & Health Physical activity is critical for an Anatolian Shepherd because of its muscular physique. If they do not receive adequate exercise, their muscles may atrophy, impairing their appearance. When beginning an exercise plan for your Anatolian Shepherd, avoid being overly active at first, since this may develop joint problems. They will, however, be playful, and it is beneficial to engage them in play. Will Spaying/Neutering My Anatolian Shepherd Have an Effect on His Growth? You should wait at least one year before spaying or neutering your Anatolian Shepherd. By this time, the guy would have undergone the essential physical changes caused by testosterone. Testosterone is well-known for its growth-promoting properties. If this mechanism is disrupted, growth is also disrupted. By this time, female Anatolian Shepherds would have experienced their first heat cycle but would be much too immature to responsibly bring the puppies to term. This responsibility can be detrimental or even fatal. Ensure that you closely watch your female dog prevent unexpected pregnancies. While it is beneficial to have them spayed or neutered to prevent them from reproducing, there is a risk associated with the operation, so keep that in mind as well. Common Questions about Anatolian Shepherd Dog At What Age Is An Anatolian Shepherd Dog Fully Grown? Between 14-19 months, the average Anatolian Shepherd reaches full adult size. The breed’s smaller dogs, mainly females, will mature before the larger dogs. How Long Are Anatolian Shepherd Dogs Pregnant? Dogs typically gestate for roughly 63 days from conception, though this might vary by several days. While this may appear to be a basic response, conception is frequently difficult to determine. Sperm can survive many days inside the female, and eggs can stay viable for up to 48 hours, so mating is not a precise indicator of gestation. This makes predicting the duration of pregnancy difficult without the help of a veterinarian. Hormone measurements provide a significantly more precise estimate of gestational age. Many breeders monitor reproductive hormones during the breeding process via vaginal swabs and blood tests. This enables them to calculate the optimal time to breed their bitch, as well as the gestation period and possible due date. How Many Puppies Do Anatolian Shepherd Dogs Have? Around eight, however, it can range between five and fifteen. As mentioned previously, this figure will be lower during the first pregnancy but will increase over subsequent pregnancies. Consider the dog’s health during pregnancy. With good nutrition and care, you should be able to get a decent litter. What Is The Life Expectancy Of Anatolian Shepherd Dogs? The Anatolian dog breed, with an average lifetime of 10 to 13 years, is prone to entropion and canine hip dysplasia (CHD). It is contraindicated under barbiturate anesthesia. Dogs should have hip and eye examinations. The Anatolian Shepherd has a low-cost maintenance requirement, requiring only a weekly brushing session to remove loose hair. Daily exercise regimens might be as simple as a brisk run or a long walk. It enjoys mingling with its family members as well but can live outdoors in chilly and moderate climbs. How Much Does It Cost To Own An Anatolian Shepherd Dog? If you are considering purchasing or adopting an Anatolian Shepherd Dog, it is critical to consider the accompanying vet expenditures, grooming and training charges, food and supply costs, as well as the puppy’s purchase price. This article contains all of this information and more. Additionally, we have designed a cost calculator to assist you in estimating the expense of raising an Anatolian Shepherd Dog. An Anatolian Shepherd puppy will typically cost between $500 and $2,000, with an average of $900. The first year’s expenses are approximately $4,185 and will decrease to approximately $1,975 per year (or $165 per month) thereafter. The average cost of having an Anatolian Shepherd Dog is $25,910 during the dog’s lifetime. These statistics are based on an exhaustive list of essentials, including supplies, training, medical bills, food, treats, grooming, licensing, and microchipping. Additionally, if you spay/neuter your dog, purchase pet insurance, board your dog for one week each year, and require a dog walker daily, your total cost of ownership might range between $63,625 and $134,835 throughout the course of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog’s 12-year lifespan. The higher end of the price range refers to high-end products and services that you may choose to purchase, especially if you live in an expensive area. How To Help Your Anatolian Shepherd Dog Lose Weight If He Is Overweight Maintain a Good Diet As with humans, there are a few time-tested techniques for losing weight. To begin, consult your veterinarian to ensure that the excess weight is not caused by an underlying health problem or disease. Before changing your dog’s food or caloric intake, you should have your dog examined and consult with your veterinarian about the best options. Following these stages, consider the following useful hints: Meal Recording: Keeping a food diary is a critical component of any human weight-loss regimen. Because dogs cannot write, you will have to do it for them. Use a measuring cup to keep track of the amount of kibble you are feeding. Establish a Timetable: If you free-feed, leaving food out throughout the day, establish a schedule for meals. Place the food down for a specified period, perhaps 15 minutes, and collect any food that the dog does not consume. Limit Between-Meal Snacks: besides their regular chow, dogs consume a lot of calories. These can range from training goodies to a biscuit that a friendly neighbor slips over the fence. Those calories accumulate. Determine the source of the extras and monitor how many treats the dog is receiving. Select Low-Calorie Goodies: Many store-bought treats, particularly biscuits, are high in calories. The same is true of chews. Certain dogs will be equally content with fruits or vegetables, such as bananas, carrots, green beans, and apple slices. Practice Physical Activity This may be the most effective way to assist your hefty hound. Before beginning any exercise program, consult with your veterinarian to ensure that the activity is safe and acceptable for your dog. To avoid harm, begin slowly and gradually increase as suggested by your veterinarian. There are so many activities that you and your dog can do together that listing them all would be difficult. The following are some of the finest ways to begin a weight-loss program: Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can help you build muscle and burn calories without causing joint pain. Walking, which is also a low-impact activity, benefits both of you by getting you out of the home and into the fresh air. Fetch is enjoyable, and its fast sprints will help you improve your fitness levels significantly. Conclusion on Anatolian Shepherd Dog Growth Chart The Anatolian Shepherd is a large, nimble breed. They are intelligent and muscular. Owners should know they take up a lot of space. It will benefit everyone if the appropriate quantity of room is provided. They can be quite stubborn at times and can cause a lot of trouble if not properly trained. You should ensure that your Anatolian Shepherd is well socialized so that they can exhibit conduct when out in public. Exercise in your neighborhood is an excellent method to accomplish this. If you devote the appropriate time, you can get a devoted companion. Frequently Asked Questions: How to calculate the height of my dog? How To Predict The Height Of A Dog. Measure your puppy’s height at six months of age to determine his adult height. Then multiply by 100 and divide by 75. Puppies reach approximately 75% of their mature height at six months of age. Is it possible for an Anatolian Shepherd to be black? The Anatolian Shepherd Dog can be any color to symbolize the diversity of the herds it maintains throughout the vast plateau that bears its name. These dogs are traditionally fawn with black masks, but can also be red, gray, or blue fawn, biscuit or white, with brindle or pinto markings. The Anatolian Shepherd Dog can be any color to symbolize the diversity of the herds it maintains throughout the vast plateau that bears its name. These dogs are traditionally fawn with black masks, but can also be red, gray, or blue fawn, biscuit or white, with brindle or pinto markings. What amount of food should I give my Anatolian Shepherd puppy? Anatolian Shepherds are working dogs and should be fed similar to most large breeds. They are not prone to overeating, so feeding them two or three times a day with high-quality dog food should suffice. What amount of food should I give my Anatolian Shepherd puppy? Anatolian Shepherds are working dogs and should be fed similar to most large breeds. They are not prone to overeating, so feeding them two or three times a day with high-quality dog food should suffice.
The Chick-fil-A app has revolutionized the way customers interact with the popular fast-food chain. With its user-friendly interface and convenient features, the app offers a seamless experience for ordering food, tracking rewards, and finding nearby locations. However, like any digital platform, the Chick-fil-A app may encounter occasional issues that can disrupt your ordering process. In this article, we will explore common reasons why the Chick-fil-A app may not be working and provide step-by-step solutions to help you resolve these problems efficiently. Reasons behind Chick-fil-A App Not Working: - Internet connectivity issues: The Chick-fil-A app heavily relies on a stable internet connection to function properly. If your device has a weak or unstable internet connection, the app may not be able to connect to the server, causing it to malfunction or not work at all. - Outdated app version: App developers regularly release updates to improve functionality, fix bugs, and enhance security. If you are using an outdated version of the Chick-fil-A app, it may not be compatible with the latest features or server requirements, resulting in performance issues or failure to work altogether. - Cache and data accumulation: Over time, the Chick-fil-A app stores temporary files, cache, and accumulated data on your device. If this data becomes corrupted or overloaded, it can lead to slow loading times, freezing, or crashes when using the app. - Conflicting background apps: Running multiple apps simultaneously, especially resource-intensive ones, can create conflicts and consume system resources. These conflicts may cause the Chick-fil-A app to slow down, freeze, or crash due to insufficient resources to operate properly. - Server maintenance or downtime: The Chick-fil-A app relies on backend servers to process orders, store user data, and provide information. During scheduled server maintenance or unexpected downtime, the app may not work correctly or may be temporarily unavailable. - Compatibility issues with device operating system: Updates to your device’s operating system may introduce changes that affect app compatibility. If the Chick-fil-A app is not optimized or updated to support the latest operating system version on your device, it may encounter compatibility issues, preventing it from working properly. - Incorrect app settings or permissions: Misconfigured app settings or insufficient permissions can hinder the proper functioning of the Chick-fil-A app. For example, if the app does not have access to location services or camera permissions, certain features may not work as intended. - App bugs or glitches: Like any software, the Chick-fil-A app may have inherent bugs or glitches that affect its performance. These issues can manifest as crashes, unresponsive screens, or incorrect functionality, preventing the app from working as expected. - Network congestion or high traffic volume: During peak hours or busy periods, the Chick-fil-A app’s servers may experience high traffic or network congestion. This increased load can lead to slower response times or temporary service disruptions, making it difficult to use the app effectively. - Account-related issues: Issues related to your Chick-fil-A account, such as incorrect login credentials, account suspension, or other account-specific problems, can prevent the app from working properly. It is essential to ensure that your account information is accurate and in good standing to avoid any account-related issues with the app. How to fix Chick-fil-A App Not Working? Fix 1: Check Internet Connectivity - Make sure your device is connected to a stable and reliable internet connection. If you are using Wi-Fi, ensure that you are within range and the signal strength is strong. If you are using mobile data, check if you have a strong cellular signal. - Restart your device. Sometimes, a simple device restart can resolve temporary network connectivity issues. - Disable and re-enable Wi-Fi or mobile data on your device. Go to your device settings, find the Wi-Fi or mobile data option, turn it off, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on. This can help establish a fresh connection. - If you are still experiencing connectivity issues, try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network or switch to mobile data. This will help identify if the problem lies with your current network. - If all else fails, contact your internet service provider or mobile carrier to ensure there are no network outages or restrictions on your account that may be affecting the Chick-fil-A app’s connectivity. By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and fix any internet connectivity issues that may be causing the Chick-fil-A app to not work properly. Fix 2: Update the Chick-fil-A App - Open the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices) on your device. - In the search bar, type “Chick-fil-A” to find the app. - If an update is available for the Chick-fil-A app, you will see an “Update” button next to it. Tap on the “Update” button to initiate the update process. - Wait for the update to download and install on your device. This may take a few moments depending on your internet connection speed. - Once the update is complete, launch the Chick-fil-A app again to see if the issue has been resolved. Updating the app to the latest version ensures that you have access to the newest features, bug fixes, and improvements made by the developers. It also helps in addressing any compatibility issues that may have been present in the previous version, thereby increasing the chances of resolving the problem with the Chick-fil-A app not working. Fix 3: Clear App Cache and Data - Go to your device’s settings menu. - Look for the “Apps” or “Applications” option and tap on it. - Scroll through the list of installed apps and find the Chick-fil-A app. Tap on it to access the app settings. - Within the Chick-fil-A app settings, locate and tap on the “Storage” or “Storage & cache” option. - You will see two options: “Clear cache” and “Clear data.” - Start by selecting “Clear cache.” This will remove temporary files and data that may be causing performance issues with the app. - After clearing the cache, go back to the Chick-fil-A app and check if the issue persists. If it does, you can proceed to the next step. - Tap on “Clear data.” Keep in mind that selecting this option will delete all app data, including preferences, settings, and stored information. It will also log you out of the app. - Once the data is cleared, relaunch the Chick-fil-A app and sign in again, if necessary. Clearing the app cache and data helps in resolving issues caused by corrupted or overloaded data within the Chick-fil-A app. By removing unnecessary files and resetting the app to its default state, you can often fix problems such as slow loading, freezing, or crashing. Fix 4: Close Conflicting Background Apps - Access your device’s multitasking or recent apps menu. The method to access this menu may vary depending on your device. On most Android devices, you can tap the square or recent apps button on the navigation bar. On iPhones without a home button, swipe up from the bottom and pause in the middle of the screen. On iPhones with a home button, double-click the home button. - Review the list of open apps and identify any that might be resource-intensive or conflicting with the Chick-fil-A app. - Swipe or gesture to close the unnecessary apps. On most devices, you can swipe them off the screen, flick them upwards, or tap on the close button, depending on the device and operating system. - Once you have closed the conflicting background apps, return to the home screen and relaunch the Chick-fil-A app to check if it is working properly. Closing conflicting background apps frees up system resources, such as memory and processing power, which can improve the overall performance of the Chick-fil-A app. By ensuring that the app has sufficient resources to operate smoothly, you can reduce the chances of experiencing issues like slow response times or crashes. Read more: Why is Whatsapp not working Fix 5: Check for Server Status and Wait - If you are experiencing issues with the Chick-fil-A app not working, it is possible that the app’s servers are undergoing maintenance or experiencing downtime. - Visit the official Chick-fil-A website or social media channels to check for any announcements or updates regarding server status. Look for information regarding scheduled maintenance or known service disruptions. - If there is a server issue, it is recommended to wait for a while and try using the app again later. Server maintenance or downtime is usually temporary, and the app should start working again once the issue is resolved. - In the meantime, you can explore alternative methods to place your Chick-fil-A order, such as visiting a physical location or using other delivery services if available in your area. Checking the server status and waiting for the issue to be resolved is essential when the Chick-fil-A app is not working due to server-related problems. Being patient and giving the app some time to recover can often save you from unnecessary troubleshooting steps. Fix 6: Verify App Settings and Permissions - Go to your device’s settings menu and find the “Apps” or “Applications” section. - Scroll through the list of installed apps and locate the Chick-fil-A app. Tap on it to access the app settings. - Look for the “Permissions” or “App Permissions” option. Tap on it to review the app’s permissions. - Ensure that the Chick-fil-A app has the necessary permissions enabled. These may include permissions for location services, camera access, storage, and notifications. - If any of the permissions are disabled, toggle the switch to enable them. Keep in mind that you may need to grant certain permissions for the app to function properly. - Additionally, check the app settings for any specific options related to functionality or preferences. Make sure the settings are configured correctly according to your preferences. - After adjusting the permissions and settings, exit the settings menu and relaunch the Chick-fil-A app to see if the issue has been resolved. Verifying app settings and permissions ensures that the Chick-fil-A app has the necessary access to perform its functions. Incorrect or disabled permissions can limit the app’s capabilities and cause it to malfunction. By reviewing and adjusting these settings, you can eliminate any potential issues related to permissions and configuration. Fix 7: Report App Bugs or Glitches - If you have followed the previous fixes and are still experiencing issues with the Chick-fil-A app, it’s possible that there may be underlying bugs or glitches causing the problem. - Visit the official Chick-fil-A website or support page and look for a dedicated section to report app issues or contact customer support. - Provide detailed information about the problem you are facing, including the specific actions or circumstances that trigger the issue. Be as specific as possible to help the developers understand and replicate the problem. - Include information about your device model, operating system version, and the version of the Chick-fil-A app you are using. This information can assist the developers in identifying any device-specific or compatibility-related issues. - If there is an option to submit logs or crash reports, consider providing those as well. These logs can contain valuable information for the developers to diagnose and fix the problem. - Be patient and allow some time for the developers to investigate and address the reported issue. Keep an eye on the Chick-fil-A app updates to see if the problem is resolved in future updates. By reporting app bugs or glitches, you contribute to the improvement of the Chick-fil-A app and help ensure a better user experience for yourself and other users. Reporting the problem allows the developers to identify and fix the underlying issues, ultimately resolving the app not working problem. Fix 8: Check for Account-Related issues - Double-check your login credentials to ensure they are entered correctly. Make sure there are no typos or errors in your username or password. Remember that passwords are case-sensitive. - If you’re uncertain about your login credentials, use the “Forgot Password” or “Reset Password” option on the Chick-fil-A app’s login screen. Follow the provided instructions to reset your password and regain access to your account. - Verify that your Chick-fil-A account is in good standing and has not been suspended or restricted. Check for any notifications or emails from Chick-fil-A regarding your account status. - If you recently made changes to your account, such as updating personal information or payment details, ensure that the modifications were completed accurately. Incorrect or incomplete account information can cause issues with the app’s functionality. - Contact Chick-fil-A customer support for assistance if you suspect there may be account-related issues affecting the app’s performance. They can provide further guidance and help resolve any account-related problems. By checking for account-related issues, you address potential problems that may be specific to your Chick-fil-A account. Ensuring that your account information is accurate, your login credentials are valid, and your account is in good standing can contribute to resolving the app not working issue and allow you to use the app seamlessly. Fix 9: Reinstall the Chick-fil-A App - Locate the Chick-fil-A app icon on your device’s home screen or app drawer. - Press and hold the app icon until a menu or options appear. - Look for the option to “Uninstall” or “Remove” the app and tap on it. Confirm the uninstallation when prompted. - After uninstalling the app, go to the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices). - Search for “Chick-fil-A” in the app store’s search bar and locate the official Chick-fil-A app. - Tap on the “Install” or “Get” button to download and reinstall the app on your device. - Once the installation is complete, launch the Chick-fil-A app and log in with your credentials. - Check if the app is now working properly and if the issues you were experiencing have been resolved. Reinstalling the Chick-fil-A app can help resolve any potential issues related to the app’s installation or configuration on your device. It ensures that you have a fresh installation of the app, eliminating any corrupted files or settings that may have been causing the app to not work correctly. Fix 10: Seek Assistance from Chick-fil-A Support - If none of the previous fixes have resolved the issue with the Chick-fil-A app not working, it may be time to seek direct assistance from Chick-fil-A support. - Visit the official Chick-fil-A website and look for a “Contact Us” or “Support” page. Alternatively, you can search for Chick-fil-A’s customer support contact information online. - Choose the appropriate contact method, such as phone, email, or live chat, based on your preference and the options provided by Chick-fil-A. - Explain the issue you are facing with the Chick-fil-A app in detail. Provide any relevant information, such as the steps you’ve already taken to troubleshoot the problem. - Be prepared to provide additional information requested by the support team, such as your device model, operating system version, and Chick-fil-A app version. - Follow the instructions provided by the support team and cooperate with them to resolve the issue. They may guide you through additional troubleshooting steps or escalate the matter to their technical team for further investigation. By reaching out to Chick-fil-A support, you can receive personalized assistance and guidance tailored to your specific issue. Their expertise and resources can help identify and address any underlying problems causing the app to not work properly, ensuring a satisfactory resolution. Preventing Future Issues with the Chick-fil-A App - Keep the App Updated: - Regularly check for app updates in the App Store or Google Play Store and install them promptly. Updates often include bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features that enhance the app’s functionality and reliability. - Maintain a Stable Internet Connection: - Ensure you have a strong and stable internet connection when using the Chick-fil-A app. Connect to reliable Wi-Fi networks or use a robust cellular data network to prevent connectivity issues that may affect app performance. - Clear Cache and Data Regularly: - Periodically clear the app cache and data to prevent accumulation of unnecessary files and temporary data that can impact the app’s performance. This helps maintain optimal functionality and prevents potential glitches. - Close Background Apps: - Close unnecessary background apps to free up system resources and prevent conflicts that may affect the Chick-fil-A app. By minimizing resource usage, you improve the app’s performance and reduce the chances of it not working correctly. - Check Device Compatibility: - Before updating your device’s operating system, ensure that the Chick-fil-A app is compatible with the new version. This prevents compatibility issues that could arise due to the app not being optimized for the updated operating system. - Double-check Account Information: - Verify your Chick-fil-A account information regularly, such as login credentials, payment details, and contact information. Keeping accurate and up-to-date information reduces the likelihood of account-related issues that may affect the app’s functionality. - Report Issues Promptly: - If you encounter any issues with the Chick-fil-A app, report them to the company’s support team promptly. Providing timely feedback helps the developers identify and address issues more efficiently, improving the app for all users. By following these preventive tips, you can minimize the chances of encountering future issues with the Chick-fil-A app. By staying proactive and maintaining the app and your device properly, you can ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience when using the Chick-fil-A app for ordering and other functionalities. When faced with issues of the Chick-fil-A app not working, there are several effective fixes. By addressing internet connectivity problems, updating the app, clearing cache and data, closing conflicting background apps, checking for server status, verifying app settings and permissions, reporting bugs or glitches, and considering account-related issues, users can resolve common problems. Reinstalling the app or seeking assistance from Chick-fil-A support can also provide solutions. To prevent future issues, users should keep the app updated, maintain a stable internet connection, clear cache and data regularly, close background apps, check device compatibility, verify account information, and promptly report any issues. By following these tips, users can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience with the Chick-fil-A app. The app may encounter issues due to connectivity problems, outdated version, cache accumulation, and more. Check your Wi-Fi or mobile data, restart your device, and reconnect to a stable network. Update the Chick-fil-A app by visiting the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). Go to device settings, find the app, select storage, and clear cache or data. Yes, close unnecessary background apps to improve the Chick-fil-A app’s functionality. Check for announcements, wait for server maintenance to complete, and try again later. Prachi Mishra is a talented Digital Marketer and Technical Content Writer with a passion for creating impactful content and optimizing it for online platforms. With a strong background in marketing and a deep understanding of SEO and digital marketing strategies, Prachi has helped several businesses increase their online visibility and drive more traffic to their websites. As a technical content writer, Prachi has extensive experience in creating engaging and informative content for a range of industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, and more. Her ability to simplify complex concepts and present them in a clear and concise manner has made her a valuable asset to her clients. Prachi is a self-motivated and goal-oriented professional who is committed to delivering high-quality work that exceeds her clients’ expectations. She has a keen eye for detail and is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that her work is accurate, informative, and engaging.
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Within the perpetual battle in opposition to infectious illnesses, antibiotics have stood as a cornerstone of recent drugs. Because the discovery of penicillin in 1928, antibiotics have revolutionized healthcare, turning once-fatal infections into treatable circumstances. Nonetheless, this golden period is dimming because of the rise of antibiotic resistance. The World Well being Group has categorized antimicrobial resistance as a worldwide “critical menace” that impacts everybody, no matter age or nation. This looming disaster underscores the pressing want for novel antibiotics, however the discovery of recent antimicrobial brokers has been notoriously sluggish and difficult. Enter Synthetic Intelligence (AI) – a transformative power in numerous sectors, now making important inroads into healthcare and pharmaceutical analysis. AI’s position in healthcare is increasing, from bettering diagnostic accuracy in cardiovascular illnesses to providing new insights in dermatology. Within the realm of antibiotic discovery, AI’s potential is especially thrilling. Leveraging huge knowledge units and superior algorithms, AI has the aptitude to unearth novel antibiotic buildings, predict their effectiveness, and even anticipate resistance patterns. Latest breakthroughs, similar to the invention of Halicin, a robust new antibiotic recognized by AI, mark the start of a brand new period within the combat in opposition to drug-resistant micro organism. This text delves into the fascinating intersection of AI and antibiotic discovery, exploring how AI is reshaping the panorama of medical analysis and providing new hope within the quest for tremendous antibiotics. From the historical past of antibiotics to the most recent AI-driven breakthroughs, we navigate the complexities and potential of this burgeoning subject, envisioning a future the place AI not solely augments however revolutionizes our strategy to combating infectious illnesses. The Historical past of Antibiotics and the Rise of Resistance The story of antibiotics started in a serendipitous second in 1928 when Alexander Fleming found penicillin. This groundbreaking discovery opened the door to an period the place bacterial infections, as soon as a serious reason for dying, grew to become manageable. Over the a long time, a wide range of antibiotics have been developed, drastically bettering public well being and saving numerous lives. Nonetheless, the success story of antibiotics is marred by the emergence of antibiotic resistance. This resistance arises when micro organism evolve mechanisms to evade the results of those medication, rendering them ineffective. The misuse and overuse of antibiotics in each human drugs and agriculture have accelerated this course of. As we speak, antibiotic resistance is a worldwide well being disaster. The World Well being Group has labeled antimicrobial resistance as a critical worldwide menace, emphasizing its potential to have an effect on anybody, of any age, in any nation. The implications of antibiotic resistance are dire. Infections that have been as soon as simply treatable have change into harmful as soon as extra. This disaster not solely threatens particular person well being but in addition burdens healthcare programs and undermines the achievements of recent drugs. Understanding the historical past of antibiotics and the rise of resistance is essential. It underscores the necessity for brand new antibiotics that may overcome resistant strains. Nonetheless, the event of recent antibiotics has not saved tempo with the rise of resistance. The previous few a long time have seen a major slowdown within the discovery of novel antibiotics, resulting in a spot in our medical arsenal in opposition to bacterial infections. This historic context units the stage for the emergence of AI as a game-changer within the subject of antibiotic discovery. The subsequent sections of this text will discover how AI applied sciences are being harnessed to deal with this pressing want, promising to usher in a brand new period of antibiotic discovery and improvement. The Creation of AI in Healthcare Synthetic Intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in a number of sectors, however nowhere is its impression extra profound than in healthcare. AI’s position in healthcare is expansive and transformative, addressing a variety of purposes from diagnostics to remedy methods. Broad Functions of AI in Healthcare: AI algorithms have been instrumental in enhancing diagnostic accuracy and managing numerous illnesses. As an example, in cardiovascular well being, AI has proven promise in diagnosing and danger stratifying sufferers with coronary artery illness. These algorithms have additionally been utilized in predicting affected person outcomes, treatment results, and opposed occasions following therapies. This wide-ranging software signifies AI’s potential to revolutionize healthcare by offering extra exact and personalised remedy plans. AI in Dermatology and Imaging: Dermatology is one other subject the place AI has made important strides. The specialty’s reliance on imaging makes it a pure match for AI purposes. AI algorithms have been developed to course of numerous varieties of dermatological pictures, aiding within the early detection and remedy of pores and skin illnesses. The success of AI in dermatology illustrates its functionality to deal with complicated visible knowledge, a ability important for medical imaging on the whole. AI’s Position in Antibiotic Discovery: The applying of AI in antibiotic discovery is especially noteworthy. Conventional strategies of antibiotic discovery are sometimes time-consuming and expensive. AI, with its means to research huge datasets and determine patterns that people might overlook, can speed up this course of. By predicting how molecules will behave and the way micro organism may evolve, AI can information researchers in the direction of promising new antibiotic compounds. Overcoming Challenges in Drug Improvement: The method of drug improvement, from discovery to scientific trials, is fraught with challenges. AI can play a vital position on this area by optimizing drug formulations, predicting negative effects, and figuring out potential candidates for drug repurposing. This means to streamline the drug improvement course of is important within the fast-paced race in opposition to antibiotic resistance. AI in Antibiotic Discovery: A New Period The search for brand new antibiotics is taking a revolutionary flip with the combination of Synthetic Intelligence (AI). This new period is characterised by AI-driven approaches which are redefining how we uncover and develop antibiotics. Revolutionizing Drug Discovery: AI’s potential in antibiotic discovery is exemplified by current breakthroughs. One of the crucial notable is the invention of Halicin, a compound recognized utilizing AI algorithms as a potent antibiotic. This discovery, made by analyzing huge digital libraries of chemical compounds, marks a major departure from conventional strategies of drug discovery. AI’s means to course of and analyze massive datasets quickly accelerates the identification of potential antibiotic candidates, which is essential within the race in opposition to antibiotic-resistant micro organism. Predictive Capabilities of AI: Past simply discovering new compounds, AI can be enhancing our means to foretell how micro organism will evolve and the way they could develop resistance to present medication. This predictive functionality is important for staying forward within the battle in opposition to antibiotic resistance. By understanding potential resistance pathways, researchers can design antibiotics which are extra more likely to stay efficient over time. Accelerating the Analysis Course of: Historically, the method of discovering a brand new antibiotic might take a long time and infrequently comes with a excessive failure charge. AI dramatically shortens this timeline by quickly screening hundreds of molecules for his or her potential as antibiotics. This not solely saves time but in addition considerably reduces analysis prices, making the method extra environment friendly and sustainable. Tailoring Remedies: AI’s position in antibiotic discovery additionally extends to the personalization of therapies. By analyzing affected person knowledge, AI might help in predicting which antibiotics could be handiest for a specific an infection in a selected affected person. This personalised strategy might result in simpler therapies and scale back the probability of antibiotic resistance growing. Challenges and Alternatives: Whereas AI presents huge alternatives in antibiotic discovery, there are challenges as nicely. The complexity of organic programs can generally restrict the effectiveness of AI fashions. Furthermore, moral concerns and knowledge privateness considerations should be addressed as AI turns into extra built-in into healthcare. Technological Breakthroughs in AI and Microscopy The fusion of Synthetic Intelligence (AI) with superior microscopy methods is pushing the frontiers of medical analysis, significantly within the research of mobile biology and the event of recent antibiotics. AI-Enhanced Tremendous-Decision Microscopy: One of the crucial thrilling developments is the combination of AI with super-resolution microscopy. This mix permits researchers to look at mobile processes at an unprecedented stage of element. AI algorithms improve the decision of microscopic pictures, enabling the visualization of buildings and processes inside cells that have been beforehand too small to see. That is essential for understanding how micro organism operate and the way they work together with potential antibiotics. Advancing Mobile Biology Analysis: The applying of AI in mobile biology is not only about capturing higher pictures; it’s about gaining deeper insights. AI helps in analyzing complicated mobile knowledge, figuring out patterns, and drawing conclusions that will be unattainable for people to determine unaided. This results in a greater understanding of mobile mechanisms and may speed up the invention of antibiotic targets. Contributions to Antibiotic Analysis: The detailed understanding of bacterial cells, facilitated by AI and microscopy, is immediately related to antibiotic analysis. By observing how micro organism develop, divide, and react to completely different compounds, researchers can determine new methods to focus on them. This data is invaluable within the improvement of antibiotics that may overcome resistance mechanisms. Challenges and Moral Issues: Regardless of these developments, challenges stay. The immense quantity of information generated by AI-enhanced microscopy requires strong computational assets and complicated algorithms for evaluation. Moreover, moral concerns round knowledge use and affected person privateness proceed to be a priority in AI-driven analysis. Challenges and Limitations in AI-Pushed Analysis Whereas AI’s position in antibiotic discovery and healthcare is promising, it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges and limitations that include it. Understanding these points is important for a balanced view of AI’s potential in medical analysis. Information High quality and Amount: - One of many main challenges in AI-driven analysis is the standard and amount of information. AI fashions are solely nearly as good as the info they’re skilled on. Within the context of antibiotic discovery, this implies gaining access to complete, high-quality datasets of bacterial strains, their genetic data, and their response to numerous compounds. - Moreover, the huge quantity of information required for efficient AI fashions is usually a limiting issue, significantly in fields the place knowledge is scarce or troublesome to acquire. Complexity of Organic Methods: - Organic programs are extremely complicated. AI fashions generally wrestle to completely seize this complexity, resulting in oversimplified options that might not be efficient in real-world situations. - The interplay between completely different organic pathways and the exterior setting is a major problem for AI fashions, which could not all the time predict correct outcomes when coping with multifaceted organic phenomena. Moral and Privateness Considerations: - The usage of AI in healthcare raises moral and privateness considerations, particularly relating to affected person knowledge. Guaranteeing that affected person knowledge is used responsibly and with consent is paramount. - There may be additionally the moral consideration of how a lot reliance we place on AI choices in healthcare, which includes vital and infrequently life-altering choices. Technical and Computational Limitations: - AI and machine studying fashions require substantial computational energy. This is usually a limiting issue, particularly for smaller analysis establishments or in growing nations the place assets are restricted. - The event of AI fashions additionally requires experience in each computational sciences and biology, a mix that may be uncommon. - The regulatory panorama for AI in healthcare continues to be evolving. Navigating these rules, particularly for brand new and untested AI purposes, will be difficult and decelerate the tempo of innovation. Potential for Bias: - AI fashions can inadvertently study and perpetuate biases current within the coaching knowledge. This can be a important concern in healthcare, the place biased fashions can result in unequal or insufficient care. Regulatory Panorama and Coverage Implications The mixing of Synthetic Intelligence (AI) into healthcare, significantly in antibiotic discovery, brings forth a fancy internet of regulatory and coverage implications that must be navigated fastidiously. Evolving Regulatory Frameworks: - The regulatory panorama for AI in healthcare is frequently evolving. Policymakers and regulatory our bodies are working to meet up with the fast tempo of technological developments. - Guaranteeing affected person security and efficacy of AI-driven therapies stays a main concern. Regulatory our bodies just like the Meals and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US are pivotal in setting requirements and pointers for the usage of AI in healthcare settings. Information Privateness and Safety: - A major side of regulation in AI healthcare pertains to knowledge privateness and safety. The usage of affected person knowledge in AI fashions raises considerations about consent, confidentiality, and knowledge safety. - Rules just like the Basic Information Safety Regulation (GDPR) in Europe set a precedent for dealing with affected person knowledge, however comparable frameworks must be tailored globally, particularly within the context of AI. - Moral concerns are on the forefront of coverage discussions surrounding AI in healthcare. This consists of making certain equitable entry to AI-driven therapies and addressing potential biases in AI fashions. - There’s an ongoing debate concerning the extent to which AI ought to be concerned in decision-making processes in healthcare, balancing between the advantages of AI help and the necessity for human oversight. International Requirements and Cooperation: - As AI in healthcare is a worldwide phenomenon, there’s a want for worldwide requirements and cooperation to make sure consistency in regulation. - Collaboration between nations might help in sharing knowledge responsibly and ethically, which is essential for the development of AI in antibiotic discovery. Impression on Innovation: - Regulatory frameworks have to strike a stability between making certain security and selling innovation. Overly stringent rules might stifle the event of recent AI applied sciences, whereas lax rules might pose dangers to affected person security. - The participation of varied stakeholders, together with AI builders, healthcare suppliers, sufferers, and policymakers, is important to create a regulatory setting that fosters innovation whereas defending public well being. Future Prospects and Ongoing Analysis in AI and Antibiotic Discovery The way forward for AI in antibiotic discovery and healthcare is burgeoning with potentialities. The continued analysis and prospects on this subject level in the direction of an period the place AI not solely enhances however considerably enhances biomedical analysis and affected person care. Present Analysis and Improvements: - Analysis in AI-driven antibiotic discovery is at present specializing in numerous fronts. This consists of growing algorithms that may predict bacterial resistance patterns, figuring out novel compounds efficient in opposition to resistant strains, and personalizing antibiotic therapies primarily based on patient-specific knowledge. - Improvements are additionally being made in AI algorithms that may simulate and predict the outcomes of mixing completely different antibiotics, which may result in the invention of highly effective antibiotic cocktails. Collaborative Efforts and Open Science: - Collaboration between academia, trade, and healthcare establishments is essential in advancing AI in antibiotic discovery. The sharing of information and assets can speed up the tempo of discovery and improvement. - Open science initiatives, the place researchers share their knowledge and findings brazenly, have gotten more and more necessary. This strategy can democratize AI analysis, permitting for extra widespread participation and innovation. Integrating AI with Different Applied sciences: - The mixing of AI with different rising applied sciences like genomics, proteomics, and nanotechnology gives thrilling potentialities. For instance, utilizing AI to research genomic knowledge can present insights into how micro organism develop resistance and the way they are often focused extra successfully. - Nanotechnology, mixed with AI, might result in the event of focused antibiotic supply programs, bettering the efficacy and lowering the negative effects of therapies. Challenges and Future Instructions: - Regardless of the thrilling prospects, challenges stay, similar to making certain the moral use of AI, coping with knowledge privateness points, and overcoming technical and computational limitations. - Future analysis may even have to concentrate on making AI fashions extra interpretable and clear, which is essential for his or her acceptance and implementation in scientific settings. Lengthy-Time period Impression on Healthcare: - In the long run, AI has the potential to remodel healthcare, making it extra proactive and personalised. It might result in a brand new period of precision drugs the place therapies, together with antibiotics, are tailor-made to particular person sufferers. - The position of AI in preventive drugs can be important. By predicting outbreaks and resistance patterns, AI might help in devising methods to stop infections and restrict the unfold of resistant micro organism. As we replicate on the transformative impression of Synthetic Intelligence (AI) within the subject of antibiotic discovery and healthcare, just a few key factors emerge as pivotal in understanding and shaping this evolving panorama. The Transformative Position of AI: - AI is not only a instrument however a paradigm shift in how we strategy medical challenges, particularly within the subject of antibiotic discovery. Its means to course of huge quantities of information, predict outcomes, and determine novel options has opened new avenues within the combat in opposition to antibiotic-resistant micro organism. Moral and Accountable Implementation: - The development of AI in healthcare should be tempered with a powerful dedication to moral practices and accountable implementation. This consists of making certain affected person privateness, knowledge safety, and mitigating biases in AI algorithms. Collaboration and Openness: - The way forward for AI in antibiotic discovery will probably be formed by collaborative efforts throughout numerous sectors. Open science, knowledge sharing, and partnerships between academia, trade, and healthcare suppliers are essential for fostering innovation and dashing up the invention course of. Steady Adaptation and Studying: - The sector of AI is quickly evolving, and so should our approaches to integrating it into healthcare. Steady studying, adaptation, and regulatory updates are essential to hold tempo with technological developments. A Imaginative and prescient for the Future: - Wanting ahead, AI has the potential to revolutionize not simply antibiotic discovery however the complete healthcare panorama. From precision drugs to predictive analytics in public well being, AI is poised to boost our means to diagnose, deal with, and forestall illnesses, in the end bettering affected person care and public well being outcomes. In essence, the journey of integrating AI into antibiotic discovery and healthcare is simply starting. With its huge potential, AI stands to redefine the boundaries of medical analysis and observe, providing hope and new options in our ongoing battle in opposition to infectious illnesses and antibiotic resistance. As we embrace this expertise, we should achieve this with mindfulness, making certain that its advantages are realized ethically and equitably throughout the globe. Often Requested Questions on AI in Antibiotic Discovery and Healthcare Q1: How does AI assist in antibiotic discovery? - AI aids in antibiotic discovery by analyzing massive datasets to determine potential antibiotic compounds, predicting bacterial resistance patterns, and suggesting efficient remedy methods. This strategy accelerates the invention course of, which is historically time-consuming and expensive. Q2: What are some current breakthroughs in AI-driven antibiotic discovery? - A notable breakthrough is the invention of Halicin, a compound recognized utilizing AI as a potent antibiotic in opposition to a variety of micro organism, together with some antibiotic-resistant strains. Q3: What are the challenges in implementing AI in healthcare? - Challenges embrace making certain knowledge high quality and privateness, managing the complexity of organic programs, addressing moral considerations, and coping with technical and computational limitations. This fall: How is AI altering the panorama of medical analysis and affected person care? - AI is revolutionizing medical analysis and affected person care by bettering diagnostic accuracy, personalizing remedy plans, and accelerating the tempo of medical discoveries, similar to new antibiotics. Q5: What are the moral concerns associated to the usage of AI in healthcare? - Moral concerns embrace affected person knowledge privateness and consent, addressing potential biases in AI algorithms, and balancing AI help with the necessity for human oversight in scientific decision-making. Q6: What position does AI play in combating antibiotic resistance? - AI performs a vital position in combating antibiotic resistance by figuring out new antibiotics, predicting how micro organism evolve resistance, and suggesting mixture therapies to beat resistance. Q7: How can AI be built-in responsibly into healthcare programs? - Accountable integration of AI into healthcare programs includes adhering to moral requirements, making certain knowledge safety, sustaining transparency in AI algorithms, and involving numerous stakeholders in decision-making processes. Q8: Are there any regulatory challenges for AI in healthcare? - Sure, the regulatory panorama for AI in healthcare is evolving, with challenges together with setting security and efficacy requirements, knowledge privateness rules, and worldwide cooperation on AI governance. Q9: How does AI contribute to personalised drugs? - AI contributes to personalised drugs by analyzing patient-specific knowledge to suggest tailor-made remedy methods, together with the number of the best antibiotics for particular person sufferers. Q10: What future developments can we count on in AI-driven healthcare? - Future developments in AI-driven healthcare embrace developments in precision drugs, enhanced predictive analytics for public well being, integration with different applied sciences like genomics, and additional improvements in AI algorithms for medical purposes. For extra insightful updates and the most recent developments in medical expertise, together with AI-driven developments in antibiotic discovery and healthcare, observe Keep knowledgeable and forward within the quickly evolving subject of medical expertise.
Implant fixtures are designed to integrate with the host’s bone and provide stability and retention for the restoration. Fixtures are available in many different lengths, shapes (e.g., tapered), and widths (or platform sizes). Manufacturers produce differing designs, each having unique features. These unique features require clinicians and laboratory technicians to adhere strictly to the individual manufacturer’s procedures and guidelines when placing and constructing implant borne prosthetics. To provide successful osseointegration, the fixture material must be biocompatible. Currently, the most popular material is either commercially pure titanium (typically 99.2% pure) or titanium alloy. Titanium has proved to be biocompatible in long-term evaluations and documentation reporting on the success and longevity of dental implants.3, 4 Titanium is lightweight and noncorrosive (because of its oxide layer); it appears to be the most predictable material for manufacturing implants and implant components. Titanium is graded according to its carbon and iron content. In general tensile and yield strength increases with the grade number. Titanium 4 is used in most situations because it is stronger than other grades. Recently grade 5 titanium is being used increasingly. This alloy consists of 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium alloy and offers better strength and fracture resistance. A more recent development is the use of high strength zirconia ceramics as a material for dental implant fixture. They are considered to be inert in the body and exhibit minimal ion release compared with metallic implants. Yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals appear to offer advantages over aluminum oxide for dental implants because of their higher fracture resilience and higher flexural strength.5 Zirconium appears to offer the same rate of success as titanium in its osseointegration properties,6 although research in this field is currently limited. The two most common mating interfaces of the abutment to fixture platform are described as “internal hex” or “external hex” configurations (Fig. 17-2). This configuration prevents rotation of the abutment. Manufacturers have created numerous variations of this basic design. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss every implant design, and esthetic principles may vary because of the limitations and enhancements of any a particular design. The implant abutment links the implant fixture to the restoration. Abutments are available in a variety of different types, each designed to manage a particular clinical situation (Fig. 17-3 B,C). The abutment provides an area of retention similar to a prepared tooth for cementation of a crown. Some clinical situations, typically related to angle correction, necessitate the fabrication of a custom cast or CAD/CAM abutment, which is constructed at the implant level (Fig. 17-3 A). The definitive prosthesis is placed directly on this custom abutment. The definitive prosthesis or prosthetic superstructure may be cemented to the custom abutment or screw retained. The abutment generally consists of an abutment and an abutment-retaining screw. The abutment retaining screw maintains the abutment’s position on the implant. Prosthetic retaining screws are generally constructed of gold alloy or titanium. They are recessed internally within the occlusal surface of the abutment and hold the definitive restoration in place. Compressive forces, generated across the implant-abutment interface by tightening the abutment retaining screw to a specific torque help maintain the integrity of the connection and position of the screw, although preload forces slowly decay with time. They are recessed internally within the occlusal surface of the abutment and hold the definitive restoration in place. Preload torque recommendations vary but typically range from 10 to 35 N-cm, depending on screw material and implant/abutment manufacturer. Preload for the abutment screw should ideally be established using a torque wrench and must be sufficient to ensure that lateral forces are distributed to the implant abutment interface rather than to the screw to reduce the likelihood of loosening or fracture.7 The abutment provides an area of retention similar to a prepared tooth for cementation of a crown. Some clinical situations typically related to angle correction necessitate the fabrication of a custom cast or CAD/CAM abutment, which is constructed at the implant level. The definitive prosthesis is placed directly on this custom abutment. The definitive prosthesis is placed directly on this custom abutment. The definitive prosthesis or prosthetic superstructure may be cemented to the custom abutment or screw may be retained. Restorations are cemented or are part of an abutment attached directly to the implant fixtures by internal prosthetic retaining screws. Modern porcelain systems provide many options to choose from when planning an implant restoration. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning To obtain ideal esthetic results it is critical that the restorative dentist, in conjunction with the implant surgeon and laboratory technician, formulate a preoperative plan. Figure 17-4 outlines the potential treatment pathways that can be taken during implant therapy. Treatment planning must address hard and soft tissue deficiencies and combine this with precision in implant placement. This plan culminates in the fabrication of a surgical guide. However, a number of factors must be considered first. An appropriate medical history should be obtained and evaluated for systemic conditions to prevent complications during the treatment. The dental examination must consider active infection caries, endodontic lesions, and periodontitis. All the active infections should be treated before implant placement. The issue of patient expectation must be addressed before implant placement. Patients must be informed that the professionals’ ability to satisfy their concerns may be limited. Persistent unrealistic expectations warrant the use of alternate treatment plans. Oral Examination and Esthetic Factors To evaluate the implant site in esthetic areas, the following factors should be considered. The study of the smile line is the most important factor in evaluating the patient’s dental esthetics. Lip position relative to the display of teeth and gingiva must be evaluated at rest, while speaking, with a moderately relaxed smile and with a full smile (see Chapter 2). Tooth Morphology and Periodontal Biotype. The periodontal biotype is an important factor in evaluating the prognosis of implant-supported restorations in the esthetic zone. Two periodontal biotypes related to tooth morphology have been described.9 Thin scalloped periodontal biotype. The thin, scalloped biotype (Fig. 17-5 A) is associated with less than 15% of clinical situations and is characterized by a delicate soft tissue, a scalloped underlying osseous form, and often has dehiscence and fenestrations and a reduced quantity and quality of keratinized mucosa. It is associated with a specific dental morphology with anatomically triangular crowns, small interdental contact surfaces in the incisal third, and long thin papillae. It responds to surgical and prosthodontic interventions with recession, apical migration of the periodontal anchorage, and loss of underlying alveolar volume, which results in an empty space known as a black triangle. It is usually is accompanied by thin vestibular cortical bone, with a tendency to form bone defects secondary to bone remodeling and resorption after tooth extraction or implant placement. Thick flat periodontal biotype. The thick, flat biotype (Fig. 17-5 B) exhibits dense, fibrotic soft tissue. The underlying bone is thick and dense. It is associated with dental crowns that are square and convex in the cervical third. The contact points between crowns are long and often extend to the zone of the cervical third. It presents with papillae that are considered short when compared with the thin periodontal biotype. It responds to surgical aggression with scar formation that can jeopardize the aesthetic and functional outcome. Mounted Diagnostic Cast Analysis Preoperative mounted diagnostic casts can influence decisions concerning the selection of the type of definitive restoration. For example, if the final tooth position will be facial to the residual mandibular ridge, a hybrid-type prosthesis may be considered, as opposed to a conventional crown and fixed partial denture restoration. In the maxillary arch, an occlusal rim demonstrates the amount of facial positioning required of the replacement tooth to properly support the maxillary lip relative to the residual ridge. This aids in determining whether a conventional crown and fixed partial denture prosthesis, a hybrid prosthesis, or an overdenture should be constructed to best support the lip. In the fully edentulous patient, it may be necessary to construct a trial tooth setup to precisely determine final tooth position. This is especially true when the location of the teeth is changed both in the arch to be reconstructed with the osseointegrated dental implant and in the opposing arch, which may be restored conventionally. Because tooth position in one arch will affect tooth position in the opposing arch, the location must be determined precisely before constructing the mandibular surgical guide. In those situations, a wax try-in of the maxillary and mandibular teeth should be constructed as part of a diagnostic workup before constructing a surgical guide and placing implants (Fig. 17-6). The guidelines for selection of a conventional crown and fixed partial denture prosthesis, hybrid prosthesis, or overdenture prosthesis after diagnostic cast analysis are as follows: • Amount of interarch distance. The amount of interarch distance is important because moderate to severe resorption requires a hybrid prosthesis or overdenture to replace missing alveolar bone and soft tissue. If providing adequate lip support is critical, an overdenture is generally necessary, especially in the case of severe resorption. • Number and location of implants. For construction of a conventional crown and fixed partial denture-type prosthesis, implants must be positioned in tooth locations. In addition, the implants must be adequately spaced in the anterior and posterior regions to provide adequate stabilization. • Strength and dimension of supporting bone. When severe resorption has occurred, especially in the mandibular posterior region of totally edentulous patients, placing an overdenture is preferred. An anterior fixed appliance can develop significant functional forces that may overstress the mandible, which thins posteriorly. This may cause fracture of the mandible because of an overload of the anterior region with a fixed restoration. Proper radiographic analysis is needed to evaluate the amount of bone available in the area. Computed tomography scans (Fig. 17-7) disclose bone dimension and the contours of the residual ridge and guide proper angling of an implant at a given edentulous site. The sectional portion of the CT scan is especially important because it gives an indication of facial-lingual bone dimension, bone quality, and the location of vital structures. Types of Prostheses Implant restorations can be attached to the implant fixture with screws (screw-retained) (Fig. 17-8 A), or it can be cemented to an abutment, which is attached to the implant fixture with a screw (cement retained) (Fig. 17-8 B). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. However, in certain clinical situations, only one method is indicated. • Occlusal esthetic requirements. The esthetics of the occlusal surface can be partially compromised when the screw access area is filled with a composite resin, especially when metal-base frameworks are used. The introduction of zirconia-base frameworks has lessened this complication. The white or shaded substructure facilitates an esthetically pleasing closure of the access opening; however, if the top of the screw is near the occlusal surface it may be difficult to completely mask it. • Passive fit considerations. A passive fit is more difficult to attain for a screw-retained implant restoration with more than one implant. The improving accuracy of CAD/CAM over traditional casting, even when corrective procedures are included, aids in the fabrication of better fitting frameworks. Provisional cements should be used in order to maintain retrievability of the prosthesis. Conventional or CAD/CAM custom abutments or prefabricated (stock) abutments are available. • Cement retained. The cement layer may act as a shock absorber and enhance the transfer of load throughout the prosthesis-implant-bone system.10 • Soft tissue concerns. There is a potential risk for cement trapping in the peri-implant tissue (Fig. 17-9). Cement extrusion into the sulcular area may result in soft tissue inflammation or even in an exudate.11 • Inadequate interarch distance. A minimum of 5 mm of abutment is required to provide predictable retention for the definitive restoration.14 When a reduced amount of interarch distance is available, a screw-retained prosthesis is indicated. • Retrievability concerns. Despite the use of provisional cements to allow retrievability, removal of the prosthesis should be carried out with great care to avoid damaging the restoration, abutment, or implant fixture. The choice of the implant abutment can be daunting because of different abutment types. Materials such as titanium and various high-strength ceramics (zirconia, lithium di-silicate) are available. Abutments can be categorized as prefabricated abutments (stock abutments), custom abutments (castable abutments or milled), or combined abutment/crown (screw-retained prostheses). Titanium abutments are milled from solid titanium alloy blanks. Zirconia abutments are milled from zirconia blanks and are available in multiple shades. Before selecting an abutment several factors must be considered, including visibility of the region (e.g., high vs. low smile line), the gingival biotype (high scalloped, thin vs. low scalloped, thick), angulation of the implant, inter-arch distance, and peri-implant tissue height (see Chapter 2). Visibility and Gingival Biotype In esthetically demanding situations, customized ceramic abutments are indicated to avoid the visible display of metal through the soft tissue, which can occur of when metal abutments are used, particularly in patients with a high smile line and thin biotype. This not only produces the best esthetic results, but also partially compensates for future soft tissue recession (Fig. 17-10 A). Angle of the Implant Precise preplanning and the construction of surgical guides suggest the proper positioning of the implant. However, the clinical acceptability of this predetermined position is determined by the available bone, when bone augmentation is not possible. Sometimes in the maxillary premolar and maxillary anterior regions, implants must be placed with a facial flare to be within the supporting bone. This creates an unesthetic screw access opening in the facial aspect of a screw-retained restoration. To compensate, a custom abutment can compensate for the angle of the implant so that it emerges from the soft tissue in a favorable position (Fig. 17-10 B). A prosthesis can be cemented over these custom abutments, producing an esthetic result (Fig. 17-10 C). Another option is the use of a pre-angled stock abutment. Successfully cemented retained restorations with predictable retention require 5 mm of abutment height. If the vertical distance from the crest of the tissue to the opposing tooth is less than 5 mm, then a screw-retained restoration is indicated. Peri-implant Tissue Height If the distance between the platform of the implant and the crest of the tissue is less than 3 mm, a stock abutment (prefabricated) may be chosen, as the margin is sufficiently accessible for cleaning at the time of cementation.16 If it is greater than 3 mm, a scalloped prefabricated or custom abutment should be used to position the cement in a more accessible, cleansable position relative to the gingival margin. Implant Position and Alignment Osseointegrated implants are ideally positioned in the site previously occupied by the natural tooth, assuming that it was properly located before extraction. Implants placed in an interproximal position can result in considerable restorative difficulties in final crown contour and esthetics when crown and fixed partial denture type restorations are planned. Considerations with the Peri-implant Papilla Loss of implant results in a “black triangle” around the implant-supported crown and fixed partial denture type restorations. Phonetics difficulties and food impactions can also occur. Implant position affects interproximal tissue esthetics between a natural tooth and the implant restoration or between two adjacent implants. Correct three-dimensional placement (mesiodistal, buccolingual, and incisoapical) of the implant in the bone enhances the likelihood of an acceptable result. The mesiodistal distance between an implant and a neighboring tooth should be at least 1.5 mm. If this minimum distance is not maintained, the attachment on the tooth side may undergo resorption to the level of that of the implant; this will, in turn cause a loss of interproximal papilla.17 This also creates restorative problems. Poor embrasure forms and emergence profiles will result in restorations with long contact zones and a compromised clinical outcome. After the implant osteotomy is prepared, the buccal wall should be intact. It should ideally measure at least 2 mm in thickness. This is important to ensure proper soft-tissue support and to avoid the resorption of the facial bone wall following the placement of a restoration. The implant platform should be 1 mm apical to the cement-enamel junction of the contralateral tooth in apicocoronal direction.20 This recommendation, however, is only valid when the contralateral tooth is without periodontal tissue loss. Considerations with a Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisor Ideally the definitive restoration will simulate the natural tooth. This can be a challenge if a patient is congenitally missing one or two maxillary incisors. The amount of space required for the restored tooth should be determined by the contralateral incisor. However, in some patients, the existing lateral incisor may be peg shape and in others, both lateral incisors are congenitally missing. In the latter two situations, the space for the lateral incisor is determined by two factors: esthetics and occlusion clearance. An esthetic relationship exists between the size of the maxillary central and lateral incisor teeth. Ideally the maxillary lateral incisor should be about two thirds the width of the central incisor.21 One of the most predictable methods to determine the size of the lateral is to fabricate a diagnostic wax-up. Clinical Case Showing Congenitally Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisor. A 21-year-old female patient presented with an over-retained primary maxillary right canine in need of extraction, and for a consultation on treatment options to replace the congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisor. The patient’s medical history was noncontributory. A detailed examination of the teeth and periodontium was performed to assess the esthetic risk for implant dentistry. The patient’s gingival biotype was thin to medium thick and scalloped, presenting a broad band of keratinized mucosa (Fig. 17-11 A). The maxillary left lateral incisor was a peg lateral incisor. The maxillary right canine had migrated mesially into the lateral incisor location. The periapical radiograph revealed root resorption on tooth C and distal caries (Fig. 17-11 B). Restorative options included: 1. Extraction of the primary maxillary right canine, placement of a three-unit resin-bonded (“Maryland”) fixed partial denture and recontouring of the maxillary right permanent canine so that it would to appear to be a lateral incisor. Also orthodontic creation of the required space for placement of a properly sized restoration on the maxillary left lateral incisor. 2. Extraction of the primary maxillary right canine, placement of a cantilever two-unit fixed partial denture using the canine as the abutment, and recontouring of the maxillary right canine so that it would to appear to be a lateral incisor. Also, orthodontic creation of the required space for placement of a properly sized restoration on the maxillary left lateral incisor. 3. Extraction of the primary maxillary right canine, placement of a single unit implant, and recontouring of the maxillary right canine so that it would to appear to be a lateral incisor. Also, orthodontic creation of the required space for placement of a properly sized restoration on the maxillary left lateral incisor. 4. Extraction of the primary maxillary right canine, orthodontic distalization of the maxillary right canine to its correct position, and placement of a single unit implant at the proper site the lateral incisor. Also, orthodontic creation of the required space for placement of a properly sized restoration on the maxillary left lateral incisor. Option 4 was selected was selected for this patient (Fig. 17-11 C-I). Considerations with a Small Edentulous Space with Limited Bone When replacement tooth size or limited bone availability prevents placement of a standard-size implant, an implant of smaller diameter may be indicated. This type of implant can be used for replacing a single mandibular incisor tooth (Fig. 17-12) or a maxillary lateral incisor. Considerations with Implant-Retained Removable Partial Dentures Poor removable partial denture (RPD) stability occurs with highly resorbed ridges and an inadequate number of suitable abutment teeth (Fig. 17-13 A,B). Removable partial dentures with distal extensions (Kennedy Class I and II) generally have less stability than those engaging distal abutment teeth.22, 23 Implant-retained removable partial dentures have made treatment options possible to patients who previously may not have been able to benefit from implant dentistry because of limitations in health, anatomy, or finances. This treatment modality provides options for additional treatment in the future and accommodates future changes in the remaining natural dentition. Implant-retained RPDs can combine the use of natural teeth and implants in one arch when certain requirements are met. Because teeth are considered resilient because of the presence of the periodontal ligament and dental implants are considered rigid because of their osseointegrated state, the use of a “resilient” implant attachment (Locator implant attachment systems) and possibly resilient “clasps” are needed. These attachments to provide the level of resilience needed for an implant-retained, tissue-supported prosthesis, and to allow for normal movement of the teeth24 (Fig. 17-13 B,C
The UK’s crypto market is booming, but the legal landscape? A labyrinth. 97% of businesses crave clarity on regulations, highlighting the crucial need to understand the system. Join us as we decipher the complexities of UK crypto regulations. This isn’t a casual stroll; it’s a deep dive into a framework as essential for stability as it is intricate. Compliance isn’t optional; it’s the foundation for trust and growth. Government regulations are the building blocks for a legitimate crypto industry. Our roadmap will equip you to navigate this intricate maze. We’ll explore the pillars of the UK’s approach, starting with the Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA 2000). While it primarily governs traditional investments, it sets the stage for crypto regulation. Security tokens and specific investment schemes fall under its scope, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Recent enforcement of FCA registration and adherence to Money Laundering Regulations highlight the strict protocols crypto firms must follow. Prepare to untangle the complexities and gain clarity on these pivotal elements. This journey will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the maze of UK crypto regulations and operate within the highest legal standards. Understanding UK’s Current Crypto Regulatory Framework As players in the dynamic field of cryptocurrencies, we must grasp the intricacies of the regulatory framework that governs our operations. The UK’s approach, particularly shaped by the Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA) and the oversight of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), is pivotal in establishing the boundaries within which cryptoassets operate. With our compliance and vigilance, we are not only leading our businesses with integrity but also protecting consumers in this evolving market. It is imperative to understand that cryptoasset authorisation in the UK under the FSMA is not all-encompassing but targeted at specific types of cryptoassets resembling traditional investment vehicles. Scope of Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA) on Cryptoassets The FSMA’s reach specific to cryptoassets currently focuses on products akin to conventional investments. This notably includes security tokens and selected collective investment schemes, requiring rigorous regulatory compliance. It is in our best interest to align our crypto offerings with the FSMA standards when they exhibit similarities to traditional financial assets. Role of Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in Crypto Registration The FCA’s role is further magnified in the context of cryptoasset activities, overseeing registration and ensuring adherence to the Anti-Money Laundering regulations. Their stringent review process underscores the importance the UK places on sound compliance practices. Thus, our engagement in crypto activities must be in strict conformity with FCA guidelines to ensure continued operations. Cryptoassets Requiring Authorisation and Exemptions As of 8 October, there is a distinctive tightening on crypto promotions. Advertisements can only be communicated or endorsed by entities with requisite FCA authorisation, offering very limited exemptions. The firms that pursue cryptocurrency marketing must infuse FCA-prescribed clarity, fairness, and explicit risk warnings within their promotional content. It is a clarion call for us to abide by these rules to maintain market integrity and uphold consumer protection standards. - Ensure crypto products parallel traditional investment forms for FSMA applicability. - Acquire and maintain FCA registration for permissible cryptoasset activities. - Comply with the tightened FCA rules on crypto promotions to remain within legal bounds. The Registration Process and Compliance with MLRs As we delve into the complexities of the registration process for cryptoasset firms within the UK, it becomes evident that adhering to compliance requirements is not a mere formality. This rigorous process is fundamental to demonstrate the firm’s capability to meet the Money Laundering Regulations (MLRs), under the diligent FCA scrutiny. Our understanding of regulatory compliance is not just theoretical; it’s practical and steeped in the experience of engaging with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our journey begins with a thorough risk assessment, encompassing all aspects of our operations. Notably, this involves deploying comprehensive due diligence protocols for vetting customers, which serve as our first line of defence against potential breaches of MLRs. Essential to our compliance infrastructure is the appointment of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO), who upholds our commitment to combating financial crime. - Risk Assessment Implementation - Customer Due Diligence Execution - Money Laundering Reporting Officer Installation - Employee Training Programmes on Compliance We cannot stress enough that operating without proper registration is considered a criminal offence — a clear testament to the importance the UK government places on the prevention of money laundering within the financial sector. With less than 50 firms registered by the FCA to date, the message is unequivocal: only those who meet the highest standards of regulatory compliance will earn the privilege to operate in the field of cryptoassets. The essence of regulatory compliance lies not only in the shaping of business practices but also in the cultivation of a culture of integrity and vigilance within the industry. — FCA Statement on MLRs To our peers embarking on this process, our advice is unequivocal: approach the registration with the seriousness it demands, acknowledge the gravity of FCA scrutiny and view compliance not as a hurdle, but as the cornerstone of a sustainable business model in the domain of cryptoassets. Crypto Promotion Restrictions and FCA’s Strict Measures As professionals immersed in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, we must address the stringent regulations recently introduced by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). In our commitment to upholding the highest standards, we delve into the latest legal guidelines that have significantly reshaped the landscape for crypto promotion. These measures reflect the FCA’s intent to enhance regulatory compliance and are crucial for our audience to comprehend, ensuring informed participation in the crypto market. Understanding the New Promotion Restriction Criteria In an immediate response to concerns over risky financial promotions, the FCA has established clear criteria for cryptoasset advertising. From now on, only firms with FCA authorisation or those endorsed by an FCA authorised entity can engage in the promotion of crypto products. The scarcity of exemptions has tightened the reins on retail consumer promotions, demanding our meticulous attention to comply with these regulatory changes. FCA’s Response to Unapproved Crypto Advertisement The FCA’s measures against non-compliant crypto advertisements have been unequivocal. Their vigilant monitoring of the market’s promotional activities is a testament to their dedication to consumer protection. Any deviation from the set legal guidelines, including the omission of appropriate risk warnings, has been met with swift action. This includes issuing stern warnings and revoking the promotional privileges of offending firms, a clear message that adherence to crypto promotion restrictions is non-negotiable. Upcoming Regulatory Changes Impacting UK’s Crypto Landscape As industry insiders, we witness firsthand the shaping of the UK’s cryptoasset regulation, with significant changes on the horizon that will undoubtedly mould the future of digital currencies. The Treasury’s announcement of a phased approach to these regulatory developments signifies a turning point for a sector eagerly seeking clarity and stability. Regulating Stablecoins and Fiat Currency Equivalents In our dedicated observation of regulatory trends, stablecoins—cryptoassets designed to maintain a consistent value relative to a fiat currency—are emerging as a key area of focus within the UK’s evolving regulatory framework. With the Treasury’s intent to integrate stablecoin payment services into existing financial regulations, we see a concerted effort to reconcile the innovative nature of cryptocurrencies with the robust demands of traditional financial systems. Future Phases of Cryptoasset Activity Regulations Looking beyond the immediate frontiers of cryptoasset regulation, the proposed Designated Activities Regime (DAR) presents as the harbinger of the second phase. Its enactment is set to cast a broader net over the types of activities that will require regulatory compliance, underscoring a commitment to transparency and the protection of consumers within the cryptoasset landscape. Such an approach promises to reinforce the foundations of a fair and legally adherent market in which all actors must conscientiously participate. Together, these regulatory developments comprise a proactive blueprint for the UK’s leadership in the crypto regulatory domain, striking a balance between innovation and consumer protection that will likely serve as a benchmark for the global financial stage. As we navigate these changes, our collective responsibility is to remain informed and agile to ensure the sustainable advancement of crypto technologies within a secure and reputable framework. Timelines for Implementation of Crypto Regulation Phases In our collective journey through the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency laws, we recognise the critical importance of staying abreast with the implementation timelines set forth by the UK government. Our focus is on providing a comprehensive understanding of the upcoming regulatory phases, ensuring our clients’ readiness for stringent government regulations and the pursuit of regulatory compliance in the vibrant world of cryptocurrencies. Our commitment is to guide you through these changes with clarity. We are poised to witness the introduction of pivotal legislation targeting regulated stablecoins as part of Phase 1. The anticipation is palpable, with Parliament set to deliberate on this prospective legislation by early 2024. The swift nature of these proceedings indicates prompt enactment post-legislative approval, aligning with the government’s urgency in reinforcing cryptocurrency laws. Looking beyond to Phase 2, we anticipate an expansive legislative framework, encompassing a broader spectrum of cryptoasset activities. This legislation, despite its Parliamentary introduction in 2024, is slated for enforcement no sooner than 2025. It suggests a paced approach, allowing for thorough industry preparation and alignment with the new regulatory standards. Our advisory role evolves as we actively support firms aligning their operations with foreseen obligations. We urge stakeholders in the crypto space to diligently mark these timelines, as they will significantly impact operational frameworks. Proper preparation is not just recommended; it is requisite for seamless transition into this tighter regulatory regime. - Early 2024: Presentation of regulated stablecoins legislation (Phase 1) to Parliament. - Post-approval: Expedited enactment of Phase 1 regulations. - 2024: Parliamentary laying of comprehensive cryptoasset regulations (Phase 2). - 2025 onwards: Enforced compliance with Phase 2 regulatory measures. Our collective challenge is thus articulated: to navigate these timelines with strategic foresight and professional acumen. As we edge closer to these regulatory milestones, our emphasis remains on the preparation and adaptation necessary for ensuring continued leadership and success in the cryptocurrency domain. Crypto Regulation: Consumer Protection and Risk Management As stewards of the financial marketplace, our focus on consumer protection remains paramount amidst the complexities of crypto regulations. We understand that the realm of cryptocurrency presents unique challenges, and thus, our approach to risk management is designed to safeguard both investors and the integrity of the digital economy. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) plays a critical role in this landscape, where vigilant oversight is essential for maintaining market confidence. FCA’s Role in Safeguarding Crypto Consumers The FCA’s oversight encompasses a strategic commitment to uphold consumer protection within the crypto sector. This includes exerting authority over Anti-Money Laundering measures, a key aspect of regulatory compliance to prevent financial crimes and safeguard the interests of crypto consumers. Stringent standards set by the FCA are instrumental in cultivating a secure environment for investments to flourish. Impact of Anti-Money Laundering Measures on Crypto Firms The introduction of robust Anti-Money Laundering protocols has marked a significant pivot for crypto firms striving to align with regulatory expectations. These measures are not only preventative but also serve to enhance consumer confidence in the use of digital assets. Instituting these frameworks is a critical step towards risk management and establishing greater accountability within the crypto markets. - Mandate for enhanced due diligence on transactions. - Requirement for rigorous identity verification processes. - Directives to monitor and report suspicious activities diligently. In recognition of the escalating public interface with cryptoassets, we have integrated a vigorous set of financial promotion regulations. Through these actions, we aim to deliver a fortified shield against the inherent risks of digital assets, ensuring every potential investor is well-informed and protected. “Ensuring the highest standard of consumer protection and risk management is not just an objective; it is the keystone of FCA oversight in the era of crypto regulations.” Cryptocurrency Awareness and Consumer Guidance As we delve deep into the evolving world of cryptocurrency, we recognise the profound impact of cryptocurrency awareness and consumer guidance on the financial market’s stability and integrity. It is incumbent upon regulatory bodies, like the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), to steer the public towards a comprehensive understanding of cryptoassets, thereby harmonising the regulatory framework that governs them. By setting a precedent for financial literacy and investor education, we stride towards shaping a demographic well-versed in the nuances of digital currencies. “Fostering financial literacy in cryptocurrency is a foundational step towards a secure and informed investor base. Our efforts are geared towards creating an environment where every potential investor has the resources to make educated decisions.” How Consumer Perceptions Influence Crypto Regulations The way people perceive cryptocurrencies can dramatically alter the course of regulation. With the FCA’s ongoing research indicating an uptick in the public’s engagement with cryptoasset advertising, there has been a marked influence on investment behaviour and patterns. Our regulatory framework is, therefore, sculpted not only by our own insights but also by the collective voice of consumer experience and expectation. Strategies for Creating a Well-Informed Crypto Investor Base Establishing an investor base with a robust grasp of cryptocurrency’s complexities demands the implementation of targeted educational frameworks. To this end, we have adopted a multi-faceted approach: - Enhanced Accessibility to educational resources on cryptocurrencies and investments. - Regular Publication of investor guides reflecting the latest regulatory changes. - Interactive Learning through webinars and workshops hosted by financial experts. - Partnerships with academic institutions to integrate crypto literacy into the curriculum. Through these initiatives, we envisage a future where consumers possess the financial literacy to decode market trends, assess risks, and make decisions that resonate with both personal goals and the greater economic landscape. Our commitment to investor education is unwavering, as we continue to champion a regulatory framework that both protects and empowers the investor. Integration and Collaboration: The UK and Global Crypto Regulation Efforts As we continue to chart the course of global crypto regulations, it is evident that the intersection of compliance and innovation remains pivotal for the UK’s strategic approach. Ensuring a seamless integration within the broader context of international financial systems is a commitment we share with our counterparts globally. This collaboration is essential, not merely from a regulatory standpoint but also as a means to foster a landscape that is nurturing to new technological advancements. Compliance and Innovation: Balancing Regulatory Measures In our pursuit to keep pace with the burgeoning crypto market, we recognise the significance of maintaining a balanced regulatory posture. Compliance ensures the market’s stability and security, while innovation drives its growth and evolves its capabilities. Our involvement in shaping global crypto regulations aims to protect public interests without stifling the creative processes that underpin the emergence of novel crypto solutions. EU’s MiCA and its Impact on UK’s Regulatory Approach The Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) framework developed by the European Union serves as a beacon for the harmonisation of crypto-related regulations, targeting enhanced market integrity and uniformity within the crypto space. Although the UK has charted its own course post-Brexit, the standards set by the EU’s MiCA are significant; they inform our own approach and highlight the need for regulatory collaboration. The alignment with MiCA principles, although tailored to the UK’s specific context, ensures we are affording market participants a coherent and predictable regulatory environment while aligning our standards with those embraced internationally. As we synthesise the varying aspects of EU and UK regulatory integration and adapt to the evolving demands of the market, the outcome of our efforts must ensure that the burgeoning crypto ecosystem flourishes responsibly. The ongoing dialogue with global regulatory bodies signifies our determination to promote a cross-border understanding that benefits all stakeholders and reinforces the UK’s position as a leading innovator in the crypto arena. Navigating through the UK’s evolving crypto regulatory landscape has become a pivotal concern for those of us invested in the future of digital currencies. Firms operating within this dynamic domain must brace themselves for a transition towards more stringent legal frameworks, where precise understanding and compliance are not merely encouraged but required. The forthcoming legal guidelines signal the country’s commitment to ensuring cryptocurrency market compliance while simultaneously fostering crypto industry innovation. Our role in adhering to the prudent expectations set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) cannot be overstated. It serves as the blueprint for bridging existing practice with the heightened benchmarks of regulatory compliance. In doing so, we contribute to the integrity and resilience of the cryptocurrency sphere. Legal compliance is no trivial pursuit; it anchors the credibility and sustainability of the entire industry as we collectively engage with a marketplace that is at once fluid and under increasing scrutiny. We must remain astute, enhancing our protocols to align seamlessly with the FCA’s regulations. As the horizon of crypto regulation broadens, our preparedness to implement the necessary adjustments will determine the degree to which we can thrive in an environment underscored by legal and ethical rigour. In essence, the robustness of the UK’s crypto regulatory framework is a testament to our nationwide quest for a balanced approach that safeguards participants while nurturing the technological advancements pushing the boundaries of finance. What is the current scope of the Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA) on cryptoassets? The FSMA currently regulates cryptoassets that bear similarities to traditional investments. This pertains chiefly to most security tokens and certain collective investment schemes. What is the role of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in crypto registration? The FCA oversees the registration process for firms engaged in certain cryptoasset activities to ensure compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations (MLRs). This strict process ensures that firms meet anti-money laundering standards and counter-terrorist financing requirements. Which cryptoassets require FCA authorisation, and are there any exemptions? FCA authorisation is mandatory for exchange tokens that qualify as e-money. Other cryptoassets may be exempt, but the criteria are stringent and permit only firms with explicit FCA approval or those falling into narrow exception categories to operate without authorisation. Can you outline the registration process and compliance with the MLRs? The registration process demands that firms prove their capability to comply with the MLRs, including carrying out customer due diligence, assessing risks adequately, and appointing a Money Laundering Reporting Officer, among other rigorous conditions. It is a criminal offence to operate without FCA registration or to fail in meeting the MLR obligations. What are the conditions for legal crypto promotions under UK regulations? From 8 October, crypto promotions must be communicated or approved by FCA authorised or registered firms except for in very rare cases. These promotions should be fair, clear and not misleading, including appropriate risk warnings. What actions has the FCA taken against unapproved crypto advertisements? The FCA actively monitors promotional materials and has issued warnings, as well as halting the approval rights of firms flouting the rules. They will continue to take action against any promotions that are not authorised or that fail to comply with the required standards. What new regulations regarding stablecoins are anticipated in the UK? New regulations under Phase 1 will bring stablecoin initiatives, especially those backed by fiat currencies, under the regulatory purview of the FCA. This includes requiring authorisation for issuance and custody as well as integrating specific stablecoin payment services into existing regulations. When are the new phases of cryptoasset activity regulations expected to be implemented? Phase 1 focusing on stablecoins is expected to be presented to the UK Parliament by early 2024, with implementation shortly thereafter. Phase 2, encompassing broader cryptoasset activities, is projected to reach Parliament in 2024 with enforcement anticipated no earlier than 2025. How does the FCA aim to protect consumers in the realm of crypto regulations? The FCA concentrates on robust anti-money laundering measures and stringent oversight to safeguard consumers by promoting transparency, preventing fraud and ensuring fair practices in the crypto market. What is the impact of recent anti-money laundering measures on crypto firms? The anti-money laundering measures have imposed high compliance standards, thus only a very limited number of crypto firms have managed to obtain FCA registration. These measures have significantly impacted the operational capabilities of firms in the crypto sector. How do consumer perceptions influence crypto regulations? Consumer perceptions significantly influence the regulatory framework, as increased awareness and understanding of the risks associated with crypto investments lead to more informed decision-making, prompting regulators to focus on education and transparency in financial promotions. What strategies are being implemented to educate cryptocurrency investors? Strategies include enhancing the clarity and fairness of financial promotions, providing educational resources, enforcing disclosure of risks, and promoting a general understanding of the crypto market’s volatility and complexities to create an informed investor base. How is the UK integrating with global crypto regulation efforts? The UK is aligning its regulatory measures with international standards and remains in dialogue with other regulatory bodies such as the EU. By adopting a harmonised approach to crypto regulation, including standards similar to the EU’s MiCA initiative, the UK strives to ensure market integrity and facilitate innovation. What is the balance between compliance and innovation in UK crypto regulation? The UK’s regulatory framework is designed to ensure that compliance with legal standards does not stifle innovation. The aim is to create a safe environment for users while still encouraging the growth and development of the cryptocurrency sector. How does the EU’s MiCA affect the UK’s regulatory approach to cryptoassets? The EU’s MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation) could influence the UK’s regulatory framework as it aims for a harmonised approach to crypto regulation across Europe. While the UK is no longer part of the EU, it recognises the benefits of alignment in certain areas to ease the operation of cross-border crypto services.
Return to Main Page “A Letter From U.S. Naval Training Station Sampson, New York” U. S. NAVAL TRAINING STATION SAMPSON. NEW YORK "Stand by to give way together!" As this order booms from. a loudspeaker system onhe docks, several hundred of us thousands of recruits at the U. S. Naval Training Station here at Sampson, New York, poise our oars in readiness to carry out the commands that will send our whale boats across the waters of Lake Seneca. "Give way together." Hundreds of oars dip in unison and as our craft head toward the gently sloping hills that come down to meet the opposite shore we are off on our first tour of duty afloat as bluejackets in Uncle Sam's Navy. Behind us in the drill halls and on the parade grounds that form a part of the Regimental Areas of the second largest and most modern Naval Training Station in the world lie several weeks of intense work at close order drill, long hours of instruction in swimming, "Judo" tactics, seamanship and Naval Courtesy, and seemingly endless days on mess and work details. Before us, as our boats head inshore, lie still more weeks of physical hardening, instruction in small arms and gunnery, ship's nomenclature, watch standing, marlinspike seamanship and studies that will condition us to take our places as fighting men with the fleet. Throughout our training here we learn to live with other men and become more useful members of society. From the day we arrive as somewhat bedraggled civilians until the day we leave as trim, determined sailors ready to continue our training at Service Schools or, to take our places as Seamen Second Class, with the fleet, we are filled with a fighting spirit that will enable us to bring this war to a victorious conclusion. When we came aboard "Sampson", we were a more or less unhappy lot. The trip, on a crowded troop train, was not conducive to high spirits, but the good natured taunts of welcoming "salts" who had been through the mill just a few days before, added humor to the situation. "You'll be sorry," they warned gleefully. "You'll be sorry." And, though I hate to admit it, I think that for a while we were a little sorry, because standing in line, filling out various and sundry forms, undergoing a rigid physical examination and receiving the first three of the several immunizing "shots" that are administered to us during our stay here proved a tiring process. Then, too, shedding our civilian clothing for the last time made us feel that we were losing our contact with the outside world. However, when at the successful conclusion of our physical examination a friendly Pharmacist's Mate led us to one side with the comment, "You're in, brother," we took heart and felt good all over.. We had made the grade. Here at Sampson) which is a good three hundred miles from the nearest salt water, it's a little hard, at first, to realize that the Navy is really going to make sailors of us. Within a short while, though, the fact becomes apparent, because we start to follow ship routine as soon as we hit the barracks. "When you joined the Navy, you wanted to fight America's enemies right away," our Regimental Commander told us in a welcoming lecture. "That's because you are red blooded Americans. But fighting a war is not merely rolling up your sleeves and saying, "Let me at 'em.' You must know how to fight along-side of your fellow Americans; you must learn to fight as a team. You must learn how to use the weapons you are going to fight with, and above all, you must learn how to take care of yourself." And that's just what we set about to do as we started our training by learning how to wash our own clothes, make up our own bunks and keep our clothing and gear in order. Each barracks, to us, is a ship, and those of us who live in it are the crew. We are told that the structure, which houses more than two hundred of us in orderly rows of double deck bunks, is as important to the government as any small ship afloat. Therefore, we are responsible for its safety, and must stand watches aboard it the same as we would aboard ship. The Security Watch guards the front door, head, dormitory, rear door and other spots where danger of fire or sabotage exists. "And don't think that danger of sabotage does not exist here," we are warned. "Somebody might get aboard and cause a lot of trouble. It's your job to prevent any such possibility." So, guided by our general orders and by whatever special orders are issued by the Regimental Commander, we carry on just as if we were in a combat zone. Reveille is sounded at 0545 (5:45 a.m. to you land-lubbers). That means hit the deck—and hit it fast. The day of turning off the alarm clock just to gain another forty winks has gone by. Yes—it's hit the deck—and get ready to do a hard day's work—a day's work that includes, among other things, plenty of close order drill. Close order drill is just another term for marching. We'll probably do very little marching aboard ship-but drill of this nature accustoms us to following commands quickly. Furthermore, it enables our officers to get us from one spot to another in an orderly fashion. So, it's "Hep, two, three, four. To the rear—Harch, Hep, two, three, four. By the right flank Harch," and "Company Halt!" Hour after hour, day after day, we march back and forth, across and around our Regimental Drill Field, a quarter mile by two hundred yard plot of grass that is surrounded by barracks, drill hall, mess hall and Ship's Service Store. At first, we were a pretty clumsy, ragged looking bunch of fellows, and the cadence of our marching feet didn't correspond very well with the count that was being called by apprentice petty officers who were selected to help the Company Commander, a Chief Petty Officer, maintain discipline. Within a week or two, though, we march like veterans, and the tramp of feet is even as we carry out commands with snap and precision. Calisthenics and other types of drill designed to strengthen us for the duties that lie ahead take up a good deal of our time. The Manual of Arms and Butts Manual are more interesting, in a way, than some others, because in these phases of our work we acquire the feel of a rifle. At the command "Right shoulder—arms" we carry our pieces from. their order arms position to their resting places on our right shoulders. Then, at the command, "Present—arms," we bring them to the prescribed position in front of us. "Parade Rest", "Port Arms", and other orders are given us in swift sequence with a view to quickening our wits. "Come on. Sailor, clown on your belly. Dig your heels into the deck. Now, start firing—quick. That Jap isn't going to wait for you to fire first." Our instructor in the use of small arms seems impatient as he comments on the manner in which we drop from an "Off Hand" to a prone position at the sound of simulated machine gun fire. "Remember. Five rounds is all you have in your rifle. Don't fire any more," he warns. Thus, in a realistic manner, do we get instruction in the use of rifles as we fire "dry", bringing the target into the sights of our pieces. Earlier instruction in classrooms had made us familiar with our arms) and we had learned to adjust the slings which help us to fire more accurately. Later, on the same day, we fired the pieces with live ammunition, endeavoring to get a good score. We are going to be sailors. Therefore, subjects which deal with the sea prove most interesting to all of us. Marlinspike Seamanship, Deck Seamanship, Boat Drill, Ship's Nomenclature, and kindred instruction, find us intent on learning all that we can. Classes in these subjects are usually conducted by Chief Petty Officers who are veterans of past wars, and by others who have been seasoned by more recent campaigns in the Coral Sea, in the North Atlantic, and at other points. Through them we begin to learn something of boats and ships, how they operate and the various duties we will have to perform when we finally go to sea. It doesn't take us long to find out that there's more to a ship than we had ever imagined. Take, for instance, the subject of anchors which is a part of our course in Deck Seamanship. Anchors, from the lay point of view, are nothing more than two pronged affairs that are cast overside when the captain of a ship wishes to keep his craft in one place. Actually, bringing a ship to anchor is an art that requires a great deal of knowledge. When and how to lower, where to anchor and other operations are involved. Marlinspike Seamanship, which deals with tying knots, is taught to us in the Rigging Loft of our Drill Hall. Here, with the aid of Jack Stays, we learn how to tie the eighteen basic knots we must know in order to graduate from Recruit Training. Included among them are the simple over-hand knot with which all of us have been familiar since early boyhood, the square knot, a simple affair, and the Longshoreman's Bend. Some of the others are figure eight, clove hitch, single becket bend, double becket bend, marline hitch, round turn and two half hitches, cat's paw, bowline and anchors bend. The Rigging Loft serves as a classroom for other subjects, too, for located in it are the binnacle, compass, diagrams of battleships, aircraft carriers, destroyers and cruisers. Other charts, cutaways and models serve to give us a clear picture of what our future work will be like. Swimming, introduced during World World I as compulsory training in the Navy by President Roosevelt, then Assistant Secretary of the Navy, is a sport in which non-swimmers indulge very frequently, for they must be able to navigate fifty yards of deep water before they graduate. Instruction is given in a large pool which is built at one end of the drill hall. Here, under the guidance of experts, we go through the floundering stage in shallow water, progressing to deeper water, and finally to diving and jumping off high boards. Instruction in life saving, going over the side in life jackets and improvising life saving equipment by letting air into our hats or trousers' legs, are only a part of the course which will enable us to save our own lives and the lives of others in the event of disaster at sea. We aren't going to be Commandos in any sense of the word, but, should the occasion arise, we are going to be capable of taking care of ourselves. The Navy is making dead sure of this point, and to emphasize the fact has established a course of instruction in hand-to-hand combat, otherwise known as "Judo". At this point in our training we become two-fisted, slugging, though wily, fighters, taught to counter every trick that the Jap or Hun. has in his bag—plus a few that he hasn't yet learned. This stage of our Navy career starts easily enough with a series of lectures. Chief specialists, some of whom are professional wrestlers, tell us about the various holds and demonstrate their effectiveness. "It's kill or be killed," they inform us in the first lecture. "You aren't a bunch of kids any more, so from here in we're going to treat you as men—men who are going to have to take it." The instruction periods in this phase of our training cover four major topics. They are: a description of the vital points of the body—points where it is possible through the application of pressure to disable or kill a man,—body locks as applied from both front and rear, how to lead prisoners, and defense against knives and pistols. Worked in. is information concerning the most effective ways of applying kicks and various and sundry methods of strangling attackers. The training in this field is very broad and covers techniques picked up by our Marines in struggles with the Japs, the best tricks taken from Yank Levy's repertoire, and the most useful of those employed by our own Commandos. Tying in with our "Judo" is the workout that we get on the Commando Run which is somewhat more than half a mile long. Running at top speed, we first hit a maze of upright logs through which we must weave in high gear. Then we slip and slide down a fifty-foot ravine where we hit a cargo net which hang from the top of a bridge. It's up and over this and down the other side, where we must jump over series of logs that are set in our paths. Beyond are six or eight three-foot hurdles which we must take in stride before coming to a six-foot wall over which we climb. A ladder, stretched horizontally across a body of water, must be taken hand over hand—or else it's in the "drink" for the fellow who doesn't make it. Before reaching the final stretch, we have to climb up a slippery, precipitous clay bank. The home stretch is a hundred yards of level track alone which we sprint to reach the final goal. *************************** They call it "K. P." (Kitchen Police) in the Army. We call it mess detail in the Navy, however, and every recruit is assigned to it for a "week as part of his training. During this period we take turns at many of the tasks involved in preparing and serving food to the five thousand recruits who eat each of their meals in the Mess Hall. Part of our time is spent in swabbing the decks, while at another time we may be assigned to the spud locker. Peeling potatoes ain't what it used to be, I'll admit, because we have machines that make a fairly good job of it. The only trouble is that they haven't devised a method for cutting the eyes out and it's our job to perform this task. In addition, we stand a trick at serving and another at washing dishes. It's usually a fourteen-hour day on this duty, and the chances are that we gripe about it once in a while. On the other hand, it gives us an opportunity to learn just how our "chow" is prepared. We had wondered about that, because the food here is so good. Breakfast, for example, might consist of fruit, scrambled eggs, cereal, coffee and bread and butter, while lunch boasts soup, roast veal, potatoes, fresh vegetables, gravy, salad, milk, bread and butter and pie for dessert. Supper the same day might be soup, baked ham, potatoes, string beans, salad, cocoa, bread and butter, and ice cream and cake for dessert. Serving on mess detail gives us an insight into the problems involved in feeding such a large group. The huge galley, with its modern equipment, is always kept spotlessly clean, and the numerous refrigerators, in which are stored the perishable articles, are cleared out daily. The Navy offers many worth-while opportunities for specialized training. Not only will this training fit us to perform our duties more efficiently, but it will prepare us to take up well-paying work once we return to civilian life. Among the many Service Schools scattered throughout the country are those offering training which will lead to ratings as Radio Operators, Machinist's Mates, Yeomen, Aviation Machinist's Mates, Cooks and Bakers, Dental Technicians, Parachute Riggers and Storekeepers. Here, at Sampson, we are given a number of aptitude tests to determine our ability to handle any of these jobs. These tests are in mathematics, English, spelling, radio ability, mechanical ability and general intelligence. After the tests, a squad of forty interviewers give work lectures in which the various jobs, and the requirements for each are described. Men with a background in music, we are told, will make out well at sound school because they have an acute sense of hearing which will help them to distinguish between various signals. Following the lectures, we are given an opportunity to talk to a vocational guidance expert who, taking into consideration our educational and occupational background, assigns us as nearly as possible to the type of duty we most desire. It's not all work and sweat here, though, for we have a very fine entertainment program which is conducted by the Welfare and Recreation Department. With Sullivan Auditorium, a theatre of modern design boasting a seating capacity of 2,000, as the point from which emanate most of our recreational activities, we are offered diversion for nearly every evening of the week. While Sullivan is the spot where all feature attractions, such as the latest movies, USO and road shows are given, a great deal of fun is provided within our own areas. "Happy Hours", which take place at least one night each week within our own unit, provide a novel form of amusement. During these affairs amateur entertainers from our own companies take a hand and provide us with trumpet solos, piano solos, and other acts, while a portion of the Station Band provides proper atmosphere. Until you've attended a "Happy Hour", you haven't seen anything, for here is as good a place as any to see how quickly we have acquired a true sense of loyalty. When a performer from Company 301, for example, mounts the stage in the center of the Drill Hall, members of his own company give him a good hand. If he's a good performer, the applause accorded his act is tremendous. If he's nervous or if his act isn't quite up to par, the roof comes off the building and the applause lasts until he returns to render an encore. The applause is genuinely friendly with a total absence of jeering. We really try to put the fellow at ease and give him another chance. If you are looking for morale—here's where you'll find it to the nth degree—for each of us takes extreme pride in our own company, our own battalion and our own unit. In addition to "Happy Hours", Welfare and Recreation sponsor smokers and such athletic activities as boxing and wrestling—so that none of us ever has to suffer an idle moment. Welfare and Recreation are indebted, though, to Ship's Service, for it is this department that provides a large portion of the funds that make possible the facilities for these activities. Ship's Service, incidentally, operates the tailor shop, cobbler shop, laundry, and other services that are made available to us here at Sampson, services that are as numerous as any found in our largest cities. Ship's Service Stores, of which there are nine, dot the 2000-acre tract that is Sampson. All of them are of modern design and house, in addition to the stores, themselves, bowling alleys, the equal of which are hard to find anywhere, cafeterias, barber shops, libraries and other facilities. Stocked, and sold to us at very moderate prices, are candy, jewelry, tobacco products, stationery, toilet articles, and many goods that are handled by the biggest and best department stores. We spend a good deal of our off time at Ship's Service. In a sense, it plays the same role in our lives that the old-time country store did in the lives of rural folk of a bygone era, for here we gather to discuss events of the day, bowl a few strings, play the "Juke Box" and, at times, jive with one another. United States sailors take their religion seriously, and the Navy has provided ample facilities for worship here at Sampson. There are twenty-two chaplains on the station, twelve of whom are Protestant, nine Catholic, and one Jewish. Two chapels, one Protestant and the other Catholic, provide facilities for some of the services, but our Drill Halls are generally used for the purpose, each being equipped with an altar. The Chaplains, in addition to conducting morning and special services, help us with our personal problems. Whenever we find ourselves troubled spiritually, or whenever up against obstacles that seem insurmountable, we find the Chaplain a sympathetic listener and confidant who will "go to bat" for us. Sampson, which is named after Rear Admiral William Thomas Sampson, hero of the Battle of Santiago in the Spanish-American War, is a large community. As a matter of fact, it is a city within itself, boasting a population larger than many of the surrounding cities. Rising over night from the farm land along the eastern shore of forty-two-mile long Seneca Lake, the Station now has the same facilities as any large community and functions in somewhat the same manner. Well-paved roads connect the various units and bus lines provide transportation to distant portions of the base. Built at a cost of $50,000,000, the station has a modern lighting system, sewage-disposal system and several miles of water main. In addition, a fire department, up-to-date in every respect, stands alert to answer every alarm. A 1,500 -bed hospital, which is one of the finest in the country, is equipped with the latest surgical instruments, X-Ray facilities and other mechanical aids to surgery and medicine. Furthermore, dispensaries are located in each of the units throughout the area. Dental facilities, too, are abundant. The Station has its own law enforcement agency which operates under the Provost Marshal. Shore Patrol, Seaman Guards, Civilian Police and the Legal Department, which is maintained to help us with our legal problems and to assist in the orderly process of law, all come under his direction. Captain Harry A. Badt, U. S. N., Commandant of the Station, took over his present tour of duty after having served his country in the Navy ashore and afloat. Prior to coming here, Captain Badt had charge of the organization of three new Naval Training Stations, then under construction at Sampson, Bainbridge, Maryland, and Farragut, Idaho. A graduate of the Naval Academy in the class of 1908, Captain Badt served six and a half years at sea before he took a post-graduate course in engineering at the Academy, and later received his Master of Science Engineering degree from Columbia University. He took his first full command afloat as Commanding Officer of the destroyer U.S.S. Simpson, operating in European waters. From there he alternated between duty afloat and ashore, with such shore assignments as Executive Officer of the Electrical Engineering Department at the Naval Academy; Chief of Staff, Mine Force, U. S. Fleet; Director of Navy Recruiting; Director of Enlisted Personnel; and was later assigned to the Navy War College. His most recent command afloat was as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Tuscaloosa, from 1938 to 1940, during which time he cruised more than 70,000 miles. Our Executive Officer, Captain William B. Coleman, entered the Naval Service during World War I and became a Reserve Officer. So thoroughly did he apply himself that he was able to qualify by competitive examination for a permanent commission in the regular Navy. He has since become one of the youngest men to have been selected for the rank of Captain. From 1919 to 1926, Captain Coleman was on destroyer duty and later was assigned to the battleship California, then to the light cruiser U.S.S. Richmond, and his first full command was as Commanding Officer of the destroyer U. S. S. King in 1935. From 1939 to 1941 he was commanding officer of the U. S. S. Bushnell. From January, 1941, to July, 1942, he was Executive Officer of the U. S. S. Portland, which saw considerable action in the Pacific. Captain Coleman's shore assignments include the Twelfth Naval District Headquarters; Aide to the Commandant, Fifteenth Naval District, and a tour at the Naval Training Station, San Diego, California. Commander John M. Melsaac, USN, Recruit Training Officer, who has charge of setting up and supervising training activities, was assigned to this Station from action in the Pacific. So, we were going to be sorry? Well, maybe, but not for long. Right now we're filled with pride to think that we are going to play an active part in this war. Working shoulder to shoulder with men from all walks of life, preparing to take part in the most important job any of us has ever undertaken, has been an experience that we wouldn't swap for anything in the world. The first command we obeyed on duty afloat was: "Stand by to give way together!" It won't be long before many of us will be answering to: "Man your battle stations!" When that order is given we'll all be in there pitching—pitching to bring the four freedoms to a world that has been trampled on by ruthless aggressors. And when we do man our battle stations, we'll be doing it with the same spirit that we applauded our mates at "Happy Hour"—and doing our job more efficiently because of the fine basic training that we received here.
A guide to the best boutique hotels in Malaga, Southern Spain for every budget. Are you looking to experience the best of what Malaga has to offer? With its eclectic local culture, bustling urban lifestyle and stunning natural scenery, there’s something for everyone. But as a traveler looking for an extra special stay, check out these hand-picked boutique hotels in Malaga – they’re sure to give you an unforgettable experience! From sophisticated city pads with rooftop pools and terraces to quaint country hideaways nestled right among the oranges groves, get ready for a truly unique visit. You, dear reader, support this blog. If you purchase through a link, we earn a small commission. As an Amazon Affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Best Boutique Hotels in Málaga, Spain |Iloftmalaga Premium Centro Histórico ***** |Palacio Solecio **** |Value for money |Mariposa Hotel Malaga **** |Room Mate Valeria **** |Close to shopping zone |Halcyon Days **** Best 5 Star Boutique Hotels in Málaga - Avant-garde style - Superb service If one should describe the style of this hotel in one word, it would be avant-garde. Located in the so-called historical heart of the city, this is one of the well-known 5-star hotels in Málaga. When it comes to architecture, it is interesting that this is one among few Málaga hotels that preserved some pieces of the ancient constructions such as 5th century Roman stone, or 15th-century Arabic bricks. On the other hand, the room has an amazing minimalistic design, while the lobby of the hotel is more contemporary-oriented. Although the question ”what is a boutique hotel” boutique definition says that it is” a small stylish hotel, typically one situated in a fashionable urban location”, in this particular case, we are talking about 105 rooms. However, when it comes to location, Vincci Selección Posada del Patio is between 5-10 minutes walking from all of the famous center sights such as Alcazaba, Museo Picasso, etc. In addition, there are different art exhibitions each month at the reception, and it is also possible to ask for a personalized check-in. To learn more about Vincci Selección Posada del Patio, click here. - Classic and timeless - Superb location Those who are looking for the best luxury hotels in Malaga can easily find everything they need to enjoy their trip to this part of Andalusia to its fullest. Gran Hotel Miramar Málaga can be found just by the beach, and at the same time, it is also a Malaga spa hotel. On the other hand, it is up to 15 minutes stroll from the shopping street, and more importantly, there is a long amazing promenade along the way. This promenade is a great example of how locals can use all available resources to work, get along with the tourists, work out and enjoy – all at the same time. When the weather in Málaga Spain is at its peak during summer, the promenade starts being filled with people once the sun starts going down. It is also an area full of bars and it is well connected to the city transport. More interesting information about this hotel can be found here. - Horse riding, scuba diving - Spacious, near the beach Hotel Castillo De Santa Catalina is also among the best boutique hotels in Málaga city, and with a reason. This 5-star boutique hotel fits the definition by offering 22 rooms with a sea view and all necessary amenities. It is, however, located a little more than 2 km from the Picasso museum and if you go just about 100 m more, you’ll reach the Park of Málaga. The district where this hotel in Málaga can be found is called the Este district. Although it is a bit further from the center than the previous one, the beach, on the other hand, is just 300 m away! What is also interesting to consider, if you are looking for things to do in Málaga, is that this hotel offers certain activities like scuba diving or horseback riding. Check more about this hotel by clicking here. - Allergy-free zone - Sun terrace, rooftop pool As one among many hotels in the Only You Hotel chain, Only You Hotel Málaga is well-positioned to be close to all important noticeable landmarks such as the Cathedral in Málaga. To be precise, this hotel is situated in a neighborhood called Málaga Centro. Besides offering an allergy-free environment, the hotel has 24/7 available reception and a restaurant. Also, there is a bar, a rooftop pool, and a sun terrace to make the stay even more enjoyable. The rooms are designed to be trendy yet functional, so when it comes to room amenities, the basics include a flat-screen TV, free Wi-Fi, and room service. To check Only You Hotel, go to this link. Best 4 Star Boutique Hotels in Málaga - History restored - The shopping zone is close Many hotels in Málaga have a rich historical background both in culture and in architecture. Room Mate Valeria is one of those hotels. Namely, this hotel’s façade was originally made somewhere between the 18th – 19th century, and nowadays, it is restored. When it comes to design, it is inspired by the Mediterranean, and the rooms are suitably adjusted in that manner. One of the main advantages of this hotel is that it has a modern bar on the rooftop. When it comes to the neighborhood where the hotel is situated, the travelers who are into art will be more than happy to know that the Soho barrio is known for its street art. On the other hand, if interested in shopping or just taking a stroll and spending some time around plants, the Calle Larios shopping center and the gardens called Paseo del Parque are just a few minutes away from the hotel. To check more, go to this link. - Luxurious and spacious - Food and content Although some would think that this is the one boutique hotel with a long history, in reality, Palacio Solecio started working in December 2019. The idea was to create, as their website says ‘Málaga’s first true luxury boutique hotel’. One thing that definitely helps them get that luxurious or even aristocratic vibe is the fact that the hotel is set in the Palace of Marqués de la Sonora, built in the 18th century. The hotel is a fusion of old and new and with 68 rooms at disposal Palacio Solecio can accommodate a fair amount of people. Not only is the architecture of this hotel rich with details, but one must note the gastro offer of the place, paying special attention to the regional cuisine. There are a lot of other contents to choose from, whether in Málaga Spain you came with friends, family, or on business, the Palacio Solecio has meeting rooms, a gym, and other things that can meet more or less any type of need during the stay. Note that since it is in the pedestrian zone, it is an additional pro when it comes to the safety of the children. - Rooms are different - Relaxing baths What’s interesting for the Anahita boutique hotel is that it offers 16 rooms, but all of the rooms have different styles. Some even argue about the artistic composition due to the specific connections between certain rooms and corridors. But the point is that it is indeed a unique place, and it takes less than 5 minutes on foot to get to all of the most famous sights of Málaga, such as the Cathedral, the Picasso’s museum, even the promenade and the beach called La Malagueta. All around these sites is a huge number of lively cafes and restaurants that have a rich offer of authentic Andalusian cuisine. When it comes to some special amenities, through the reviews it was mentioned several times that this hotel has amazing hot tubs, ideal for relaxation. This can be relevant for those coming on a business trip, who need to have a quality rest and relaxation after a long working day. To get to the Port of Malaga or the train station, one should spend about 15 min on foot, but when it comes to places such as El Pimpi, it is located approximately 100 m from the hotel. To see more about the Anahita as one of the best boutique hotels in Malaga check this link. - Onsite & offsite activities - Fully equipped units This choice is ideal for those who are more suited to stay in the busy zone of Malaga. The accommodation has its own kitchen, TV, Wi-Fi, and other things needed to live and function independently while in Malaga. To get to the Art museum of Carmen Thyssen, or to the Plaza named Plaza de la Constitución & Calle Larios, one would need less than 5 minutes. The airport is also not far away (about 8 km) and it is possible to arrange transfers for the additional charge. Although they are fully equipped for preparing food, the units are set near the bars and restaurants. On the other hand, one thing that is really interesting about Stay Home & Away is that they offer several onsite and offsite activities such as thematic dinners, walking and biking tours, cooking classes, even music performances, and so on. To get more info, check Malaga TripAdvisor on this link. Best Budget Boutique Hotels in Malaga - For adults - Great value for money Hotel Brö-Adults only is not actually a choice for families with children, since it does have the policy that their guests should be at least 18 years old. The upside is that it has a great location with a big terrace and that it is less than 3 min walk from Alcazaba, which means that other famous sights are a maximum of 400 m away. The hotel also has a swimming pool that is especially nice during the season. One of the finest rates that this hotel gets is related to the fact that it is impeccably clean and that there are other complementary elements such as a spacious bathroom, minibar, modern style of the rooms, and so on. - Free stay for the children under 3 years If the previous hotel was not the luckiest choice for those who have children, then it should be noted that with the Madeinterranea Suites in Málaga that’s not the case. It offers 12 contemporary decorated rooms with the possibility of inserting an extra bed or extra crib for the child. Moreover, the children that are under 3 years old don’t pay for their stay in the hotel independently from their choice of bed (the parent can choose whether they want a bed or a crib). The hotel itself is located in the central district within the pedestrian zone, which is just an additional positive aspect of this, already family-friendly hotel venue. Having a great location and all sorts of commodities leaves time to safely and comfortably explore the city while searching for the best places to eat in Malaga. Or simply the best day trips away from Malaga to enjoy with family in an even broader sense. And while you’re in Malaga you must try one of the best prawn recipes out there, the spicy Gambas al Pil Pil. Check why this is one of the best boutique hotels in Malaga here. - Good for longer stays This is also one of the smaller hotels in Malaga. At the same time, not that close to Malaga beach. Debambú Atarazanas is built over 4 floors, and it offers 8 fully equipped apartments. Since it is located about half of km from the city center and approximately 2.5 km from the Malaga beach called Misericordia, this hotel is the best choice for longer stays, whether it is a business or a family trip. All of the apartments have air conditioning, kitchens and kitchenware, microwave, and of course, they all have utensils. It is a good value for money, especially considering that these apartments are well-styled and the staff is nice and helpful. Check the apartments here. Best Boutique Hotels in Malaga near the beach - Beachfront location - Rich content offer Soho Boutique Las Vegas is one of the best Malaga beach hotel choices for couples and family trips. One of the first things that should be emphasized is that this is basically a beachfront hotel. Around its location in La Malagueta, there are numerous bars and good places to eat (no more than 50 m away from the hotel). On the other hand, the hotel itself facilitates rooms with a sea view, tasty breakfast, etc. But more importantly, although near the beach, the hotel premises have a pool and a spacious terrace. Moreover, it is possible to organize all kinds of meetings and events, since the hotel has meeting rooms while providing parking spaces for the guests. To get from the hotel Soho Boutique Las Vegas to the city center, it would take about 30 minutes to walk. For those who are not fond of walking this distance, there are regular buses, and the bus stop is near the hotel. Make sure you don’t miss Soho Las Vegas, as it’s one of the best Malaga beach hotels and you can start planning your holiday now. - Near the beach - Great for summer vacation Just like in a previous case, to get to the city center it takes approximately half an hour on foot. However, there are bus lines available. When it comes to the apartments themselves, they have all the necessary features. There is also private parking so that the guests can be as comfortable as possible during their stay. For those planning a vacation on the beach, one of these units can be a great fit! See more about apartments & hotels in Malaga Spain here. - Spacious apartments - Good for group Casa Blanca is also one of those small luxury hotels that offer spacious and luxuriously designed apartments. In this particular case, there are 4 apartments varying in size from 50 to 80 m². Since one apartment can accommodate up to 6 people, Casa Blanca is ideal for a group of friends or families. When it comes to location, the beach is almost 2 km away, but on the other hand, the city center with all of its sights is less than 1 km from the apartments. For those who visit Malaga by plane, the airport shuttle service can be organized upon arrival and upon departure. When it comes to the interior of the units, they are all very well packed, following the latest trends. Also, paying a great deal of attention to detail. Take a look at the Casa Blanca here. Best Boutique Hotels in Malaga with pool - Historical background - Diverse offer One really interesting thing about this hotel is actually historical since the hotel itself has existed almost for a century. It is said that although it was opened as a hotel in 1926, it was actually a hospital during the Spanish Civil War. This grand hotel that counts around 200 rooms is a majestic building that fuses classic and timeless with the more modern approach such as a fancy rooftop bar. In addition, when it comes to décor, it is interesting to note that each floor in the building has differently styled rooms. Take a look at the hotel here. - Different types of pools - Garden with BBQ Staying in a guest house has a lot of advantages. Still, staying in Villa Aguilas del Mar has a bit more. One of the reasons is that this guest house has only 5 rooms, which means that it can’t be too crowded, thus it is good for privacy. Furthermore, Villa Aguilas del Mar offers several types of pools. For example, it is possible to choose a swimming pool, a pool with salty water, a pool with a view, or an infinity pool. And another cool feature that makes this villa stand out is that it has a nice garden where it is possible to organize barbecues. Namely, the garden is set in that manner, so that all necessary equipment is there. This can be an enjoyable option whether the plan involves business partners, friends, or family. Information about the guest house is available here. - Great for foodies - Outdoor pool This particular boutique accommodation is located just 300 m from the theater named Cervantes, which is around 1 km from the city center. In fact, it is a one-bedroom unit with all amenities, and very well positioned when it comes to exploration of the city. There is a rich offer of diverse cuisines around, so it is ideal for foodies. The additional value of staying at this place is that it has an outdoor seasonal pool. Given the structure of the unit, it can be a good way to get a good rest while still being refreshed and avoid the crowd during hot summer days. More information and photos are available here. Getting Around Malaga Malaga has a wide pedestrian zone. And since most of the tourist sites are actually close, it is very easy to get around. Another thing that gives an advantage to managing the exploration of Malaga is the fact that it takes around 20 minutes to get from the center to the beach. Still, if walking is not an option, there are several alternatives. The first one is renting a bike. The easiest way is to rent it from the city’s official bike rental service Malaga Bici. It is possible to explore the historic center by bus. It’s best to get on the red-colored City Sightseeing “hop-on-hop-off” buses for a 90 min drive with a 15 euros ticket that can be used for 24 h. If you’re traveling with the entire family and need to find a good hotel, check our guide to the 20 best family hotels in Malaga, Spain. Malaga is one of the most beautiful holiday destinations and it offers some of the best resorts in Malaga for a vacation you won’t forget. And if you’re willing to explore the area, make sure you check out the best resorts near Malaga as well – you’ll be blown away for sure! Map – Best Boutique Hotels in Malaga Short FAQ about Best Boutique Hotels in Málaga Which boutique hotels in Málaga are good for couples? Historic Centre + Rooftop + Parking is among the best hotels in Malaga for couples. It has an outdoor seasonal pool to enjoy during summer days. What boutique hotels in Málaga have nice views? The best boutique that has great views is Gran Hotel Miramar Malaga. Being a beach boutique hotel you can enjoy the sea view in the most luxurious of hotels. Which boutique hotels in Málaga offer an especially good breakfast? The Malaga’s first true luxury boutique hotel that offers the most delicious breakfast is Palacio Solecio Hotel Malaga. They are very attentive to details when it comes to cuisine. Hola, I’m Paulina! Together with my team, we are passionate about Southern Spain. Here we share all you need to know for great times in Southern Spain with the best places to visit, stay and, of course, the best food to eat. Let’s dive in and explore Southern Spain’s outdoors, food and culture con pasión!
Basketball As In Life: An Interview With Rick and Lynn Barry Basketball As In Life: An Interview With Rick and Lynn Barry Rick Barry and his wife Lynn are a truly remarkable couple with an amazing list of accomplishments. Ari: Welcome to whispers and bricks. My name is Ari Schonbrun, and I’m your hosts. We have two very special guests on this episode, Rick Barry and his wife Lynn Berry. Rick Berry is one of the most celebrated players in NBA history. In 1965, Barry was drafted third in the first round of the NBA Draft by the San Francisco warriors. During his 14 year professional career for the ABA and 10. In the NBA, Barry was a 12 time all star, he became the only player in history to lead the NCAA, ABA and NBA in scoring. In 1975, Barry earned the NBA Championship Series MVP, leading the underdog warriors to a four game sweep of the Washington Bullets to win the title. In a combined ABA, NBA career, Berry tallied 25,279 points, and received nine all NBA NBA First Team honors. In 1987, the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame inducted Rick as a player, and in 1988, the Golden State Warriors retired his number 24 jersey barriers one of the 50 greatest NBA players his unorthodox underhand free throw style enabled him to finish his career with a second best accuracy in the history of the NBA 90%. And believe me, I remember those underhand baskets. We’ll talk about that later. Now I’ll still a player, Rick became a broadcaster doing stints on several outlets including ABC TV, CBS, TV, TBS, and TNT. He continued his broadcasting career after retirement from pro basketball while getting heavily involved in various other business ventures. He’s an avid fisherman and golfer Rick had four boys with his first wife, Pam as well as adopting a girl in 1991. He married his current wife, Lynn, and together they had a boy Canyon. All of his boys at one time or another have played pro basketball Lin. She’s amazing. Lynn was an all America basketball player at the College of William and Mary. She’s considered the premier player in the school’s history. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1981 with a 3.97 GPA as a kinesiology major, ranked seven in a class of you ready for this 869 and was also the school’s homecoming queen Lynn was elected to the William and Mary Athletic Hall of Fame in 1991 and became the first female athlete and still the only basketball player to have her number 22 jersey retired in 2002. After graduation, Lynn earned a master’s degree from the University of Kentucky where she fashioned a perfect 4.0 GPA. For 12 years she was the Assistant Executive Director of USA basketball in charge of all women’s programs. For five years, Lynn was a special advisor to the WNBA and was a valuable asset in helping the new league get started. Lynn teaches basketball as a frequent guest speaker at numerous camps and clinics. She’s an avid golfer and pickleball player. She volunteers in school, church and community activities. Please help me welcome Rick Barry and his wife, Lynn. Guys, how are you? Rick: Hey Ari to correct one thing, I’m not an avid golfer that was a very good golfer one handicap at one time golf is too difficult to be fun to play. I am an avid pickleball player as well as my wife right now. And also just to straighten things out. So you people know my wife actually should have had 4.0 in college as well. Lynn: Thank you, thank you Rick: But one professor gave her a fee because she didn’t follow directions at the beginning but she really deserved to have an A. So this is one of the things that I’m proud of stuff. No I’m serious about this is that I’m so proud of the fact that the history of NCAA division one basketball men and women the only mother and son combination to have been two time first team academic all America players are Lyn and our son Canyon. Ari: Wow. Wow Lynn: He can just take over your interview. Sorry. I’m sorry. There you go. Ari:There you go. Hey, I’m loving it. I’m loving. I don’t even have to ask anything. Ari: All right. Anyway, again, I want to thank you. I know you guys have very busy schedules. And it means a lot to my audience that you came on. And it means a lot to me as well. Now so first and foremost, let me say I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since the mission to Israel that we went on. And now Kane is playing pro basketball. And I’ve Ramiz married and starting to be an actuary and a rabbi. I know that I had an awesome time. And so to my son of Rami, it was a very meaningful experience meeting Rabbi Grossman and the 6000 kids that he is currently taking care of. So let’s start there, guys. What kind of an impact of that trip to Israel have on the berries? Rick: Well, I mean, I think it had the biggest impact. I mean, for me, I think that Rabbi Grossman is one of those individuals that when you first meet someone, you know that there’s something incredibly special about them. There’s just something there’s an aura. There’s just something about him. I mean, he’s kind of like a Mother Teresa type of person. And so he’s amazing. He really, truly is amazing. And it still was one of the most memorable trips that I’ve ever was on was great, as you say, you know, we got to meet you and your son. But yeah, I think it had a major impact on Kenyan. Because he was there he your son was getting Bar Mitzvahs. Yes, correct. Correct, right. And so, but Kenyon had to write something Lin could tell her story, because she follows she did all the academic stuff to help him out and do it. So you tell what he did Lyn: No, no, he just, you know, they asked when you fill out your college applications, what was something that had the most impact on your life, or what was most impactful? And he mentioned, Rabbi Grossman, and the trip that he took, you know, in Israel, and I think that’s awesome that it meant a lot to him. And I will say that we certainly enjoyed spending the time with you and of Rami, because Canyon would have been bored out of his mind if he didn’t have another little kid to run around with them. Yeah, I was trying to remember with Rick when that trip was and now you brought it to light that it was what, 12 years ago? Ari: Yeah, because it was a Ramiz Bar Mitzvah. Yeah, it was 13 Canyon was 14. Yeah. Right. So I knew there was a there was a year difference. And I think two inches. Uh, well, I think two more now.Now Rami is five, nine and canyons. What? 6’6? Yeah. Okay. Lynn: We enjoyed that trip. And I really enjoy getting to know you guys, and understanding more about your faith, and your dedication to your faith. You know, I think it was very interesting for us because we had not really been around people that, you know, were so prayerful and followed Judaism so much. And it was good for us to learn about that and find out about it. Rick: Well, for me love history, right? Rick: And so for me to be standing and don’t have been that I was brought up Catholic, for me to be standing, where supposedly the cross was where Jesus was crucified and to be in some of those areas, even like when I was we had visited Rome before with one of the churches with the NBA when they had to McDonald’s games, to be standing in the Coliseum. And some places where I mean, Julius Caesar or Cleopatra could have been standing there. I mean, Jesus could have been standing in the spots where I was, and some of these other the apostles and all of the other people. I mean, that, to me is a very moving experience. It really truly is, and to see the love that those kids have a rabbi Grosbeaks like the pied piper managed to follow him around. Really, truly remarkable. And God bless him. I mean, the way God does things, as you well know, he was asked to be the head Rabbi for the State of Israel on numerous occasions and turned him down because he’s committed to the kids. Ari: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Lynn: It was great. A great trip. Very, very memorable. And we got to know you guys, which is even better. Ari: Yeah, that was, uh, we still have it up on, I’m putting up another shelf behind me and I’m gonna have some sports paraphernalia. And of course, the centerpiece is going to be the basketball that was signed by Rick and by Dr. J. So that’s going to be you know, that’s gonna be really great. We have that underclass. Alright, protecting it very much. So yeah, great. We had a we had a great time. I’m telling you, when we found out that there was supposed to be like, 40 people on that mission it was just me and I’ve Rami it was like, oh my god if I’m just gonna be bored out of his face. Alright. And then when we met you guys, and then we met Canyon, I’m going to called thank God. Lynn: They became fast friends. And I just I remember there’s that picture. I think I sent it to you of Canyon and Rami and that little story. Canyon had the yarmulke on his head? Yeah, yeah. Robbie standing there looking at it. It was cute. I’ll never forget his bar mitzvah. That’s for sure. Ari: One of my favorite pictures was when we were at when we were at McDowell or, and we have a lunch. And then we’ve music and there was the dancing and Rick picked me up on his shoulders. I have that. Rick: I saw the video. I was dancing with him on my shoulders. Yeah, yeah. That was with the rabbi. I mean, yeah, that was that was just that was just amazing. Ari: Yeah, the smile on his face. I mean, it was just I don’t think he’s ever been that high. Lynn: I’ll never forget his bar mitzvah. That’s for sure. Ari:That’s for sure. That’s for sure. Okay, so now as you know the name of this podcast is whispers and bricks, the whispers of those voices telling you what is the right thing to do and represents the good in life. The bricks represent the bad things that we go through in life and let’s be real everybody goes through something nobody’s got a perfect perfect like start to finish they go through they have some bricks thrown at them. That’s just life. Now on the surface you guys seem to have a perfect a great life great careers. However, as I said, we all know life is not a straight line. There are many ups and downs and many bumps in the road. Even superstars like you guys go through trials and tribulations. Now my listeners would like to know well with some of the struggles and or failures Some of the bricks that you got hit with when you was either starting out in your careers or throughout your careers, what was some of those bricks Rick: and to keep, you know, my wife happy and do stuffs, and she’s the boss of the house, so I’m gonna let her go first. I would talk I’ll probably took a lot longer, Lynn: which is perfectly fine. Go ahead. You know, you really just brought it up just earlier. Well, we were I was talking, you told me that we are going to talk about some things we’ve overcome in life. And so I was talking to Rick last night, just saying, you know, let’s talk about some of the bricks that we’ve had in our life and what those have been. And fortunately, we both like couldn’t come up with a lot of them, because it was like, wow, our life has been worse. Yeah, totally. But I would say for me, my biggest setback was Ari: the 3.97, as opposed to the 4.0? Lynn: no, no, I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007. Yeah. And malignant melanoma, had surgery, age, three lymph nodes, removed, all that kind of stuff. But it was really interesting to me, because it really became a time of reflection, because I had to stay still, and I’m very active. Oh, I bought it for like, six weeks, just not doing anything while my lymphatic system healed and everything healed and all that kind of stuff. And I kind of looked at it. I think at the time I was 40 something years old, 45 May 46. And I looked at it as a halftime of my life. And I said, What do you do at halftime, you evaluate the first half? What did you do wrong? What did you do, right? And then you make a plan and set a course for what you’re going to do in the second half of the game. And so for me, that was really a time of introspection and looking ahead and say, Okay, what do I want to accomplish in the second half. And so I really just looked at it as a halftime break. And now moving forward, just the things I want to do and accomplish. And that was probably my biggest setback. And I know we both have had other injuries when we were playing sports. And I know that that was the thing that Rick had talked about Rick: Fortunately. And that second half he decided on, she decided that she still had me around. So that was good. Lynn: I didn’t get rid of him. I kept him what the heck. Rick: that time you worry about those things. I mean, you don’t know cancer is such a horrible disease. And I don’t know if anybody in their entire lifetime goes through without having a friend or family member or themselves having to deal with that dreaded disease. And so thank God, it hadn’t spread to the lymph nodes. I mean, had it done that. I mean, I might not be here talking with Lynn. I mean, thank God, it all worked out well. So but yeah, we’ve been really blessed. I have to look at it that everybody should have the life that I’ve had. I mean, yeah, I’ve got I’ve been a poster boy for when I switched leagues and doing stuff. I’ve been just absolutely berated by the press, and made it to be this horrible, ogre, terrible, rotten person that everybody hates. But the bottom line is, is that the people that I love, who know me and my friends know who I am as a person. And I think the biggest thing for me was probably having my knee injury. My third year, fourth year actually, I played the first two years in the NBA and was the first team all pro player and like people still use rookie year and said, No, actually, my rookie year I was first team all Pro, which is a little bit better than just being. And then the second year, I led the league in scoring. And then that doesn’t happen very often. And then I changed and switched leaks. And so I was just absolutely vilified. It’s a good word. So all these big words, they said, 3.97 no administers. But here’s the deal. I know who I am as a person. So that was no big deal. But then I got hurt in the first year that I played in the ABA. And when you get an injury, that you have to have major surgery, and back then they didn’t have arthroscopic surgery. I mean, I just simply had a cartilage but I had to get cut open to do the cartilage we now have people are back playing in seven days, 10 days, I was out for six weeks, and didn’t know whether or not my knee was going to work again. And that was a very traumatic time for me. But I think you pray your face that God has a plan for you. And I’ve always been a person to believe that there’s a master plan for me, I accept what comes my way I deal with it. If it makes me sad, I cry and I get over it. I have a real problem. And I feel badly for people who don’t have the ability to take things and compartmentalize them and put them on the backburner. Like people asked me after I retired so you missed the game. And I say no. And they look strangely at me. And I said well, like the reason I don’t miss it is because I don’t think about it. Because if I thought about it, it would make me very sad. So why would I want to think about something that would make me sad? No, I don’t think about the fact that I was ever going to play the game that I love so much that I would love to have played longer and I move on with my life and so I got through that time and you know, I could still remember to this day or exactly when I knew my knee was okay was the double overtime game in the ABA playing against the Dallas Chaparral was down in Dallas, Texas, and it’s a very intense game. I made a steal I broke away I’m gonna have to go dunk it. And I jumped in. I was wearing a little bit of a brace on my left knee and I got up really high. I got my knees okay. I mean seriously, just a crazy little thing like that. I all of a sudden realized I don’t have to to worry about my knees collapsing and giving away on me and I was able to do and then unfortunately, I tore the other cartilage and had to go in the second time. But it’s just a matter of having belief in yourself, I really truly believe that one of the keys to success when I talk to businesses, I always tell people, these wonderful characteristics that are important, I think, to be successful, that are similar to what I think helped me to be a success. And I talked about him and I talked about having great pride in what you do, and the words that make up guys, I’m not gonna go through the whole not gonna go through the whole thing. Lynn: This podcast is not like three hours, so no, no. Rick: You have to do preparation, dedication, throwing out some words, dedication, determination, all these wonderful things and characteristics that you should have. Lynn: We should have gone on separately Rick: They all add up to the one thing, I think that is critical in order to really truly be great at what you do. You have to have confidence in yourself and your abilities to do what is being asked of you to do, and to be able to do them during critical situations. And that’s why one of the things I get so upset and listening to broadcast on sports, especially, is the word pressure, pressure this while the pressures really on the pressure, or I’ve never in my basketball career ever experienced pressure, because pressure does not exist. Unless you lack confidence in your ability to do what it is you’ve trained to do. You are called upon. And I’m sure it’s happened to you in many situations in the business world, to have to perform in a critical situation a big contract and get your salesperson, whatever it may be. In my case, it was having to play maybe making the last shot. I had confidence in myself that I was going to do that. And those situations are not situations that I would shy away from or welcome pressure. I was looking forward to them. I tell people I could play every game of my life over again. And I can control some I’d want it to come down to the last 10 seconds in the ball in my hand. Ari: Yeah, I hear you. I hear you. Amazing. Amazing. I was a ballplayer in high school a little bit in college hoops. And then afterwards, you know, when I went it was not good enough to play in the NBA, which was no big deal. But I played you know, religiously. I love the game. And when I was I think was about 40 years old. And we were playing and I had a steel I was running down on a fast break. And there was another guy who was like five foot six. All right, but Kip for a he was a Leaper. He could outrebound just about everybody. There was unbelievable. And, and he was really, really quick. And as I’m driving down, I hear his footsteps behind me. So you know, I get nervous right now I’m thinking he’s right behind me. You know, I’m gonna fake one way and go the other way and then lay it up, right? I faked one way I went the other way. But my DD didn’t cooperate. I went down. I missed the shot, which was the worst part, but I tore my ACL and at 40 and you tear your ACL. It’s no picnic, and I went like you know what my basketball days are over because I tore my meniscus like three times. But when I told the ACL I was like, You know what, I can’t do this anymore. You know, I take up pickleball No, I took up golf actually. Okay, I took up golf. Lynn: Well, I Rick made me take up golf. And then he ended up not liking it. So now I play and he doesn’t like this. So you don’t like it Rick: I like it is just so difficult difficult sport I’ve ever played. You’d never could master it. I got confirmation for that I happen to be with Jack Nicklaus about eight months ago and asked him Jack, I keep telling everybody, you’ll never come master golf on my right. He said, absolutely. So when the greatest golfer in the world tells you that you can master the game and you’re a perfectionist. That’s probably something you should probably shy away from because I’d like to go nuts. I said, if I was a drinker or smoker, I’d be an alcoholic and I probably have lung cancer. Ari: Well, you do everything to the limit, right? That’s what I know about you. All right. I’ve watched you play both in the NBA and the NBA. You know, the greatest thing about about you, from my perspective, was the underhand free throws. All right, because, you know, especially when you’re young, right, and kids, they can’t reach the basket they try and they try and you know, if they did it underhand is so much easier to do it, you know, for them to reach the basket. And I think it gave kids I know that it gave a lot of kids a lot of you know, it helped their self confidence and like oh, I can do this on the handle. Rick Barry does it on the hand he plays in the NBA. Why shouldn’t I be able to do it and Miley? So it was just something that was I felt that kids took away a lot with with that underhand free throw. How did that come about though? Rick: My father was a semi pro player and coach and he shot that way and he just felt that I could be higher percentage trigger. It’s only maybe mid 70 shooter, which is okay, but it’s not good. I don’t think you’re a good free throw shooter. If you can’t make you know, eight out of every Yeah, 80% is you’re good and then you get better. But if you’re not at 80 You should never be satisfied with that. In fact, I was never satisfied at 90. In fact, I better No, I really did. I still think I’m the best free throw shooter. If you were to look at the record what I had when I changed the technique. I changed my technique and my last six years I shot over 92% my last two years I showed over 90 4% In fact, Andre Drummond from the pistons in one game set, a record missed 23 Free throws in one game, that’s more free throws, and I missed in my entire last two seasons, I missed nine in one season intended another. And so and I can tell you, that was 19 times that I was really upset with myself, because if I missed him, the only reason I missed it is because I did something incorrect. I didn’t shoot the ball as accurately and as properly as I should have. So it’s something that my father instilled. Taking pride in everything you do in life, making sure you give your best effort. And that’s what I try to instill in kids, when I talk to them is that find something that you love, I said, if you get nothing else, out of all the things I’m talking about here today, please get this. Find something in life that you have a love and a passion for, learn as much about it as you possibly can. Because that knowledge that you get is going to be the foundation that you’re going to lay down that you can build on. You cannot build a skyscraper on a small foundation, it will topple over. So the bigger the foundation, the taller the building. And if you’re blessed with God given talents and abilities, and you learn the game and learn how to do it properly, you have the potential then of maximizing your full potential. And I love greatness like I am so looking forward to the football game today. Because you have old school new school, you have one of the greatest quarterbacks ever. And Brady, and you have I just love watching mahomes play, and he’s gonna be amazing. Hopefully he’ll stay healthy. And I love watching great people do whatever it is not just in sports, whatever it happens to be, I have great admiration and respect for people who are great at what they do. Ari: Absolutely. You know, there’s a movie called Draft Day. I don’t know if you saw it was a football movie. And at one point in time he was talking about he was the general manager of the Cleveland Browns. And he talked about Super Bowl that Joe Montana was in it was like, you know, a minute and a half left in the game and they needed to score a touchdown in order to win. And Montana comes into the huddle and you’re watching it and he says and all of a sudden he turns around, he looks up in the crowd. He says, Hey, isn’t that John Candy up there? He said and all the guys looked up and they saw John Candy and just all of a sudden everybody calm down. Everybody got and they drove 93 yards to for the touchdown to win the Superbowl. You know, he says In other words, he had the coolness about him. You know that’s what the great ones do is my son once told me great players make great plays not great excuses. Lyn: So Canyon is happy and loves watching him shoot the underhand free throw and carry on the tradition. Rick: He’s gotten very good. Very good. He’s 85 to 90% free throw shooter. And it’s really cool. Because I love him. He told the story that he thought one of the greatest things about being made fun of obviously you still get made fun of he gets made fun of when he does. But he was playing any game. And he missed the free throw. And the student section over there yelled out, you’re adopted your adopted. Ari: So if people want to out to you about speaking how can they do that? Do you have a website? Rick: My website is up but it’s not really functioning the way it should be doing it. I mean, they could probably just reach out to me on Messenger or Facebook or LinkedIn and out there and also on Instagram or something they could just if they just message me or do something and if I see it, it makes some sense I will reach out to someone I just don’t give out my normal number Ari: NO obviously no because most times when I talk to people they have a website Rick: My cell number right yeah give me a call anytime you want now I’m getting I’m getting all these sounds cell phone now I’m getting all of these just absurd marketing texts everything. Spam myself cell phone with text. It’s just It’s pathetic. I mean, it’s actually it’s kind of disgusting because a lot of it is very sexual stuff. And I don’t know how they get away with doing that. I really don’t it’s really annoying. Lyn: you Ari and you could pass I was gonna say you want I can we can reach out to me, I’ll reach out to you as well as in Rick: Thank God we had way more whispers than we’ve had bricks. We’re truly blessed. But here’s the thing, folks don’t get so discouraged and feel badly things in life happen for a reason. God has a master plan. Sometimes you can’t figure out why I know. It’s taken years even in my pursuit, relentless pursuit of Lynn for five years to wear down. I mean, you just have to, you have to, you know, you have to withstand what’s going on things will work it out. I mean, I was wondering, why was it taking me forever to have this divorce thing? Well, if it hadn’t been for that taking so long, I would have asked her to marry me because I knew I wanted to have her in the rest of my life. But fortunately, that divorce took forever and by the time it got done, we had established a really good relationship that enabled her to overcome her first response, which was totally a baggage. If it hadn’t been for that. I don’t know that we’d be sitting here talking that she would have ever said yes and got married, you know, so just hang in there, folks. That’s all I can tell you. you go. There you go. Lynn. I guess it’s the same for you if people want to reach out to you and they’re looking for a speaker I guess I’ll just have them come through me. Rick: She’s very, very good. She’s I know, she’s an amazing teacher to in basketball. She’s Ari: Oh, I know, I look again, I was watching the two of you on the mission. And Rick, I knew what you could do. All right, but I didn’t know anything about Lynn. And when I saw her going at it was like, wow, oh, man, that’s great. That’s great. Somebody can lend us we really Rick: It’s good to see you and hope everybody hangs in there tough during this crazy time that we’re in a very chaotic and disruptive but like I say, God has a master plan. We’ll see what it is. But hopefully, we’ll get this thing under control and be able to get back to some semblance of normal type of life. Almost see, what we’ve gone through is just, it’s been very sad. I mean, a lot of people’s lives have been ruined and destroyed and businesses and man. And that’s one of the things that I’d say everything happens. And I know these people have to be sitting there say, Well, how can this possibly good? Why is this possibly happening? There’s a plan somehow, you’re going to find something else that you’re going to have to wind up doing, you got to survive, you have to do and all of a sudden it could wind up turning into something that you never would have gotten into. And it becomes way better than what you previously were in. So just have faith and trust God and see how it works out. Ari: You guys are so amazing. Thanks so much for sharing your stories with me and my audience and giving the people the motivation they need to persevere through all of their struggles in life. Good luck to the two of you going forward. You’ve been listening to whispers in bricks. I’m your host Ari Schonbrun. Until next time, listen to the whispers and never ever give up on your dreams. Bye for now. Grab Your Free Gift From Ari First 3 Chapters of Miracles & Fate on 78
This article is part of a longer paper—What world post-COVID-19? Three scenarios. Download the full paper using the button below. As of mid-May, there were 4.62 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 with more than 300,000 known deaths from the disease worldwide. The United States accounted for 30 percent of the average global daily deaths. In recent weeks, Latin America and the Caribbean accounted for 25 percent of all global daily deaths, fueled by the growing outbreak in Brazil.1“Coronavirus Tracked: The Latest Figures As Countries Fight to Contain the Pandemic,” Financial Times, accessed May 27, 2020, Russia and India had also become COVID-19 hot spots in April and May, respectively. The number of global deaths from the coronavirus is almost certainly higher. In some countries, mortality has been as much as 50 percent higher than the historical average. If the coronavirus infected half the world’s current population over the course of a year with a 1 percent fatality rate, the death toll would be 35 million. By comparison, the Spanish flu infected an estimated 500 million people and killed 50 million worldwide in 1918-19. As the coronavirus spreads to the developing world, there is increased worry about higher death tolls because of the more fragile health systems in many of these countries. Hugo López-Gatell, Mexico’s coronavirus tsar, “has admitted [in late April] that the true infection level is at least eight times higher.”2Andres Schipani and Jude Webber, “Latin American Gravediggers Fear Virus Death Toll Higher Than Admitted,” Financial Times, April 20, 2020, As of mid-May, there were almost 50,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Mexico. India was leading Asia with almost 100,000 cases. There are confirmed reports of the virus spreading to a refugee camp in Bangladesh that houses nearly one million Rohingya.3“Coronavirus Confirmed in Bangladesh Refugee Camp Housing Nearly 1 Million Rohingya,” ABC News, May 15, 2020, Refugees in the camp do not have access to enough soap and clean water to protect themselves against the contagion.4Ibid. In Pakistan, the public health system is ill-equipped to handle any crisis. In Karachi, for example, there are only 600 intensive care unit (ICU) beds for the city’s population of 20 million. Pakistan’s public health system is extremely ill-equipped to handle any crisis; it has only 600 ICU beds for the whole Karachi population of 20 million. As the coronavirus leaves a mounting death toll in its wake, we may not be in the clear until a vaccine is created and widely distributed. To avoid a reoccurrence, countries will need to keep their social distancing measures in place and lockdowns enforced where hot spots reappear. It will be important not to ease up too soon on all restrictions, given the still lingering strains of the virus. Testing will need to continue in order to discover who might be a carrier despite showing no symptoms. Based on the Vò Euganeo experiment—the small village in Veneto, Italy, where all 3,000 inhabitants were tested twice—up to 50 percent of those infected could be asymptomatic, which explains the larger spread than we would have seen from just the confirmed cases. Only when the public has been properly vaccinated will the virus be completely conquered. We must expect that the coronavirus will continue to mutate, potentially making it harder to develop a vaccine. RNA-based viruses like the coronavirus tend to mutate about 100 times faster than DNA-based ones, although the coronavirus will not mutate as quickly as influenza viruses.5Tomas Pueyo, “Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance,” Medium, March 19, 2020, Nevertheless, the general notion prevails: the more people are infected, the more of a chance for a mutation. In late April, a Los Alamos National Laboratory study found there were 14 strains of the coronavirus with some proving to be more infectious than others.6Elizabeth Weise, “Many Coronavirus Mutations Are Circling the Globe, But We Don’t Know If Any Are More Dangerous,” USA Today, May 5, 2020, We must be prepared for the coronavirus to become a “recurring fact of life,” like the ordinary flu, but much deadlier. The pandemic is not just a global health crisis. In its wake, the global economy lies in tatters, leaving open the question of how and when countries and regions will be able to start a real recovery, if governments must maintain social distancing and other restrictions for some time. We all hope for a quick V-shaped return to the status quo ante, but there are disturbing signs that the recovery will be difficult and extended, causing substantial damage to the social and political fabric in many regions. The United Nations’ World Food Program has warned that “the number of people facing acute food insecurity could double in 2020 from the year before, to 265 million. The pandemic and lockdown measures combined with rising unemployment and limited access to food could lead to violence and conflict.”7FT reporters, “Warnings of Unrest Mount As Coronavirus Hits Food Availability,” Financial Times, April 21, 2020, Even in advanced economies, there are growing fears of malnutrition. In the United Kingdom, three million people have had someone in their household going without food, according to a Food Foundation survey.8Bethan Staton and Judith Evans, “Three Million Go Hungry in UK Because of Lockdown,” Financial Times, April 10, 2020, In the United States, food banks have seen long lines of people relying on free food to survive. Without a swift global economic recovery, for example, the gains we have seen in the expansion of a global middle class and poverty reduction could be sacrificed. In rich countries where the middle class has already been under pressure, a return of high unemployment and income stagnation could bolster populism and widespread discontent. The Spanish flu, which hugely added to the death toll from World War I, was a factor in ending the second phase of globalization and sparking conflict in the interwar period. From a dream of making the world safe for democracy, the post-World War I era ended up leading to the rise of fascism and communism in Europe. The United States turned its back on the world, electing not to join the League of Nations and passing draconian legislation that largely ended immigration. Will there be a repeat of history in the post-COVID-19 era? Even before the pandemic started, there were ample signs of deglobalization, rising anti-immigration sentiment, and great power competition. Will the coronavirus, therefore, tip the balance against global cooperation and multilateralism and instead strengthen the forces of nationalism, populism, and authoritarianism? As in the interwar period, a lack of global cooperation at this critical moment will worsen the ongoing health crisis and make a rapid economic recovery impossible. The Homeland Under Threat Since the beginning of May 2020, the US curve of new COVID-19 cases has been flattening. From a high of more than 36,000 new cases, it was trending downwards to between 21,000 to 27,000 new cases per day in late May.9Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, “New Cases of COVID-19 In World Countries,” When the tri-state area around New York City is “excluded from the national case count,” the number of daily cases is rising, however.10Aria Bendix, “The US is Reopening Too Soon. One Chart Shows Cases Are Still on the Rise Outside the Tristate Area.” Business Insider, May 7, 2020, With more than 30 US states easing lockdowns, medical experts worry about a spike in new cases, particularly in rural and other areas lacking in health care access. “Large parts of the South and Appalachia are especially vulnerable,” according to a health-risk index identifying counties with high rates of underlying conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and chronic lung disease.11Nadja Popovich, Anjali Singhvi, and Matthew Conlen, “Where Chronic Health Conditions and Coronavirus Could Collide,” New York Times, May 18, 2020, 12Ibid. These conditions have been known to increase the risk of anyone contracting the disease becoming severely ill.13Ibid. So far, the “most vulnerable and disadvantaged populations in the US” have been the hardest hit14Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, “Racial Data Transparency,” While there is still only limited data, Johns Hopkins medical researchers have found that “black Americans and other historically disadvantaged groups are experiencing infection and death rates that are disproportionately high for their share of the total population.”15Ibid. Asian Americans and Latinx Americans also show elevated impacts in some regions.16Ibid. These groups are also overrepresented in the essential jobs in health care, food supply, and transportation where they are more likely to be exposed to the virus.17Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, “Racial.” Any economic recovery in the United States is projected to be staggered and slow. Restrictions will likely remain in place on some activities—large sporting and cultural events, restaurants, and other venues where social distancing cannot be assured. Many borders are likely to remain shut or highly controlled for some time to come. The lockdown will be eased in phases with a total lifting dependent on the availability of a vaccine. US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell does not expect the US economy to be full recovered until the end of 2021. That assumes there will be no second wave which would prompt of reversion to lockdown conditions. Powell also believes a vaccine is needed for the US economy to fully recover.18“Here’s a Recap of Fed Chairman Powell’s Comments on US Economic Outlook,” CNBC, May 18, 2020, China is perhaps farthest along the path to economic recovery with many conditions such as increased manufacturing and greater traffic congestion in Beijing and other cities reappearing. In early May, however, several provinces in northeast China were “reimposing lockdown measures in reaction to 34 new cases of the coronavirus,”19Mia Jankowicz, “At Least 25 Million People in China Are Under Enhanced Coronavirus Lockdowns After an Outbreak of 34 Cases in a Province Next to Russia,” Business Insider, May 19, 2020, affecting 25 million people. These measures were taken despite the fact that the number of new cases in China remains very low, not exceeding “100 per day since mid-April.” The fear remains, nevertheless, of a larger outbreak if lockdowns are not imposed in areas where new cases are reported. Japan, Singapore, and South Korea have similar experiences of an increase in new cases, requiring the reimposition of restrictions. Many of the new cases resulted from returning nationals who brought the disease with them from Europe or the United States. There has been some easing of borders, for example, between China and the Koreas, but not a wholesale return to the admission of international visitors from other countries. If the experience of these countries is any guide, the lifting of lockdowns in the West will not be a smooth path. Restrictions will be reimposed where outbreaks occur. With increased testing, there will be the ability to localize the lockdowns, sparing a reversion to another blanket lockdown as long as outbreaks are caught early. Germany, Italy, and Spain are nevertheless moving this summer towards accepting international visitors in order to help save their tourist and travel industries. Only when “safe and effective tools for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 are available, including broad surveillance, therapeutics that can rescue patients with significant disease or prevent serious illness in those most at risk, or a safe and effective vaccine” can all the various restrictions, including social distancing, be completely lifted.20Scott Gottlieb, National Coronavirus Response: A Road Map to Reopening, American Enterprise Institute, March 29, 2020, The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) expects unemployment to average 15 percent in the latter half of 2020, gradually reducing to 8.6 percent by the fourth quarter of 2021, which is over five percentage points above the unemployment level in March 2020 before the lockdown in the United States.21Congressional Budget Office, Congress of the United States, “Interim Economic Projections for 2020 and 2021,” May 2020, Others are forecasting an even higher unemployment rate, closer to the 20-25 percent rate of the Great Depression. According to the CBO, “low-wage workers and low-income families have borne the brunt” of the downturn. “Workers who are younger, female, have less education, and are from certain racial or ethnic groups have seen disproportionately large job losses,” it said. For example, while “employment between February and April declined by 16 percent overall, it decreased by 31 percent for people ages 16 to 24, by 18 percent for women regardless of age, by 19 percent for people age 25 or older without a bachelor’s degree, and by 21 percent for Hispanic workers regardless of age. Among black workers, employment declined by 18 percent.”22Ibid., p. 4. Forecasts by the CBO and others see an approximate 6 percent drop in GDP for 2020. This assumes the second half of 2020 will see renewed economic activity. Should a second wave of the disease occur this fall with more lockdowns, the drop in GDP could be greater before a recovery in 2021 to 4.4 percent.23Ibid., p. 20. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) believes the eurozone could see an even bigger drop of 7.5 percent before a 2021 recovery.24International Monetary Fund, “Latest World Economic Outlook Growth Projections,” April 2020, Projections Table. With the exception of China and other emerging markets, the rest of the world also will drop into negative territory this year,25Ibid. according to the IMF. The drop in China’s growth rate to barely 1 percent this year constitutes a shock, breaking a record of elevated growth in the country since 1993.26Trading Economics, “China GDP Annual Growth Rate,” The United States’ stimulus package that passed in record time constitutes 11 percent of GDP, more than 5 percent above what was levied following the 2008 financial crisis to restore growth.27“How Does the G20 COVID-19 Fiscal Response Compare to the Global Financial Crisis?” EconoGraphics, April 26, 2020, Because of the steep drop in economic activity, many experts believe further fiscal and monetary measures will be needed. Similar to the 2008 financial crisis, there is a growing risk that the middle class will suffer another drop in its standard of living, particularly if unemployment remains high for a long period. The United States, like other countries, is facing a difficult choice that could have long-term implications. If it does not keep strict measures in place for long enough, the pandemic could flare up fueling a second wave, endangering more lives and undermining the economic recovery. If it does not ease up, however, the damage to the economy will be even greater, stalling a recovery. Some physical distancing measures and limitations on gatherings will still need to be in place to prevent transmission from accelerating again. Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series Jul 7, 2020 US global leadership at risk By Mathew Burrows, Peter Engelke The post-COVID world represent a step-change in world order, pushing countries toward isolation and setting the stage for open conflict. The US could still change that outcome. Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series Jul 7, 2020 India and South Asia: potential humanitarian disaster By Mathew Burrows, Peter Engelke A disorganized—and perhaps tardy—COVID-19 lockdown could mean food shortages and high mortality rates for India, while Pakistan’s military, religious and civil leaders offer contradictory directives that could overwhelm the country’s weak public health system.
Our privacy promise British Airways is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. - We will be transparent about the information we are collecting and what we will do with it. - We will also use the information to help us understand you better and so that we can give you relevant offers. - If you tell us, you don’t want to receive marketing messages we will stop sending them. We will, of course, continue to send essential information relating to a product or service you have purchased to keep you informed about your booking and travel itinerary. - We will put in place measures to protect your information and keep it secure. - We will respect your data protection rights and aim to give you control over your own information. If you have made a flight booking with us but one or more flights are to be provided by other airline(s) then that other airline will also separately be considered a “data controller” under European Union and UK data protection law. You can access the privacy policies of the other airlines via their own websites. Any provider of services such as a hotel or car rental company will also separately be a “data controller”. You can access the privacy policies of those providers from them directly. If you have made a booking for non-flights services (hotel, car, transfers or experiences) or booked a “package” then the package booking Terms and Conditions identify if your contract is with British Airways Holidays Limited, British Airways is the “data controller”. If you are a member of the British Airways Executive Club, Avios Group (AGL) Limited will also separately be a “data controller” of your personal information. Avios Group (AGL) Limited’s address is Waterside, PO Box 365, Harmondsworth, UB7 0GB. Avios Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email addressed to Personal information means details which identify you or could be used to identify you, such as your name and contact details, your travel arrangements and purchase history. It may also include information about how you use our websites and mobile applications. Where we reference that others are data controllers in the sections ’Controller of Personal Information’ and ’Who do we share your personal information with?’ you should consult their privacy policies for further information. Additional Terms and Conditions or policies may apply if you elect to take additional services from us such as making a Highlife purchase on board, using our on-board Wi-Fi or entering a competition linked to British Airways and other third parties. We take great care to protect the personal information you provide to us. You can read more about how we do this in our Website Security Policy. Here are some things you can do to keep your information secure. Keep your booking reference confidential When you make a booking, you will be given a booking reference (also known as a PNR or Passenger Name Record). This will appear on the email confirmation or ticket of each person in your booking. You should always keep your booking reference confidential. Giving your booking reference to others may allow them to access your booking details through our systems. If you are travelling with others and would not like your individual booking details to be accessible by them, you may prefer each person to make separate bookings. Keep your Executive Club number/ registered customer log-in details confidential To make sure your access to our websites, other online services, and mobile applications is secure, you should not share your log in details with anyone else. When you finish using the website, online services or mobile app you should log out if others may be able to access your computer or device. This is especially important if you are using a publicly accessible computer. Be aware of and protect yourself against Internet fraud and ‘phishing’ There is an Internet fraud practice known as ‘phishing’ which is the illegal gathering of personal information by deception. Unsolicited emails are sent to individuals from lists illegally gathered by a third party, and recipients are asked to enter or reconfirm bank or password details into a 'cloned' or illegal copy website. Please see our phishing FAQ (English only) for information about scam emails claiming to be from British Airways. We collect personal information about you whenever you use our services (whether these services are provided by us or by other companies or agents acting on our behalf), including when you travel with us, when you use our website or mobile applications, or interact with us via email or use our contact centres. For additional details see question below. In addition, we may receive personal information about you from third parties, such as: - Companies contracted by us to provide services to you. - Companies involved in your travel plans, including airlines involved in your prior or onward journey, relevant airport operators and customs and immigration authorities. - Companies that participate in our loyalty schemes and other customer programmes (e.g. car hire providers and hotels). - Companies who provide details to us under privacy polices providing information to be shared with British Airways. When you use our services, you will need to provide us with your personal details or the details of those individual(s) who will be travelling. We collect the following categories of personal information: - Information you provide for British Airways to complete and manage a booking you have made with us or a service you have requested from us. - For example, your name, address, email, contact details, date of birth, gender, passport number, your account details and payment information. - If you buy tickets for someone else, we may collect your billing information but may communicate with the passenger directly about their flight. - We will know if you booked your flight on or used another sales channel such as a travel agent or our contact centre. - Information collected during your travel with us. - For example, we may collect information such as your interactions with staff and cabin crew before and during the flight. - When passing through security at the airport we may collect photographs and other images (including biometric templates) so that we can recognise you. - Information about your travel arrangements. - For example, details of your booking, travel itinerary, details of any additional assistance you require, and other information related to your travel with us such as dietary requirements. - Information about the services we have provided to you in the past. - For example, details of your previous travel arrangements, such as your previous flights and travel-related issues, including upgrades received, your baggage requirements, airport disruption, lost luggage and your customer feedback. - Information about online registration and other interactions. - For example, we will retain your information to ensure we interact with you appropriately if you have registered with us, either through our British Airways Executive Club, other loyalty schemes or customer programmes. - We will retain your information if you have entered a competition, registered for a promotion or interacted with us via social media such as Facebook or Twitter. - For example, to help us to personalise your experience and improve our website we collect information about your searches and the content you have viewed on our website using cookies and similar technologies, such as the website you come from, internet banner advertisements and links which appear on our marketing partners’ websites. - We will use previous web usage data stored within the cookie and previous web browsing history to personalise and understand you as a customer. This could include if you have entered any booking or passenger name information on our website, if you used your registered customer number or Executive Club membership number. - We would be able understand from your web browsing history that you have visited and searched for a flight but did not complete your booking. We may use this information to contact you to offer more information about the booking and the location. - Information about your device and your location, e.g. if you have been browsing on or using our mobile application, for example your IP address or unique device ID. (An IP address (i.e. Internet Protocol address) is a numeric code that can act as a unique identifier for your computer or other device – this can be turned off from your device). - For example, identifying the country from which you are accessing the relevant website or application which will enable us to provide more relevant content and use an appropriate language. - If we have your permission we may use the functionality on your device (such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS) to determine your location to assist with flight connections, boarding our aircraft as well as provide a personalised service (you can access or change this option by amending the location settings on your device). - To deliver online advertising such as banner adverts by matching device ID’s. When and why do we collect ‘sensitive personal data’? Certain categories of personal information, such as that about race, ethnicity, religion, health, sexuality or biometric information are special categories of data requiring additional protection under European Union and UK data protection law and is referred to here as “sensitive personal data”. Generally, we try to limit the circumstances where we collect and process sensitive personal data. Examples of where we may collect and process ’sensitive personal data’ includes the following: - You have requested specific medical assistance from us and/or an airport operator, such as the provision of wheelchair assistance or oxygen. - You have sought clearance from us to fly with a medical condition or because you are more than 28 weeks pregnant. - You have otherwise chosen to provide such information to us or it has been passed onto us by a third party such as the travel agent through which you made your booking. - Biometric information (for example, facial recognition) may be collected during the security clearance process prior to, and after, flying with us. In addition, you may have requested services (such as a meal) which is not ’sensitive data’ but may imply or suggest your religion, health or other information. The main purposes for which we use your personal information are: - To fulfil your travel arrangements and deliver the services you have asked for. - For example, we will need to use your name, address, email, contact details, date of birth, gender, passport number, your account details and payment information so that we can process bookings, fulfil your travel arrangements, take payment, provide information to relevant authorities (such as tax, customs and immigration authorities) and so that British Airways agents know who is booked on a flight. - To manage the boarding process and to facilitate flight connections at the airport. - For example, if you have not arrived at the gate to board your flight, we may need to check whether you have passed through airport security or whether you were on a connecting flight in order to understand how to contact you about boarding the flight. - Also, at some airports where we operate facial recognition. (Use of this technology unless legally required is voluntary.) - To send status updates and service communications to you. - For example, we may send a communication informing you that check in is open or if your flight has been delayed. - To keep track of you in advance of your flight and at the airport. - For example, when you are travelling with us and using an airport where we operate, we may have the ability to monitor where you are within the airport to assist you with flight connections and boarding of our aircraft as well as providing a personalised service. - Or if you have presented your boarding pass to gain access to one of our lounges. - To help keep you safe when you fly with us and to meet certain legal and regulatory requirements which apply to British Airways as an airline. - For example, as an airline there are regulatory obligations on British Airways to maintain a record of passenger information on our aircraft. The laws of certain countries, such as the UK and USA, require airlines to provide certain passenger information to the border and immigration authorities. - To provide services tailored to your requirements and to treat you in a more personal way. - For example, if you are a member of our Executive Club, we may personalise the experience you have while flying with us in business class (Club World). For example, a member of our cabin crew may welcome you back on board a British Airways flight. - We may also update and share information with our media agency, in order to serve tailored and relevant advertising from our partners and third parties on our websites, applications and electronic boarding passes. - To carry out analysis and market research. - For example, we will analyse the way in which our sales channels, products and services are being used by customers so that we can understand how to improve the service we offer and encourage customers to use the full range of our products and services. - To carry out marketing including online advertising and keep you informed of British Airways’ products and services. - For example, we may send you information about our products and services by email or text message. - We may tailor the content of our websites, applications, emails and other communications to ensure they are as relevant to you as possible – including previous destinations including offers and/or services relating to that or a similar destination. - To understand your flying preferences and provide information about offers, such as upgrades. - If you’ve searched for flights but not booked, we may remind you about our services via email or through online advertising e.g. Twitter, based on the flights you searched for previously. - We may combine/match customer relationship marketing data with a third party (e.g. Google) so both companies can understand behavioural activities such as knowing other sites visited. - To undertake targeted online advertising. - For example, we may combine/match identifiers with a third party (e.g. Google) so both companies carry out advertising of British Airways on our behalf. - To send you status updates and service communications. - For example, even if you have opted-out of receiving marketing information from us, we may still send you communications about the services you have booked to use, such as your travel itinerary. These communications will help you get the most from the services we provide and may also contain options and other details about the services you will be using (e.g. advance seating requests, additional baggage and pre-booked meals). - We may also send you communications about the services you have previously used, for example, where you experienced some form of issue or problem and we wish to contact you about it proactively in order to resolve it successfully. - To improve our websites, products and services. - For example, we may monitor the way that you and other customers use our website so that we can identify ways to improve the website experience. - For management and administrative purposes. - For example, we may use and retain your personal information, including your purchase history, for administrative purposes, which may include for example, accounting and billing, auditing, credit or other payment card verification, anti-fraud screening (including the use of credit reference agency searches and payment card validation checks) and systems testing, maintenance and development. When we have your permission we will send you marketing communications from British Airways. As British Airways we do sometimes send marketing communications that include a business partners’ products and services related to the travel you are undertaking, as well as our own. We will only allow third parties or other members of our group to send marketing communications to you when we have agreed marketing from third parties. We will respect your choice as to what communications you wish to receive and how these are sent. If you decide you would no longer like to be sent marketing communications, you can change your mind at any time. The ways to stop being sent marketing communications are described below: - If you are an Executive Club Member you can change your marketing preferences at any time in your account area or by telephoning the Executive Club on 0344 493 0747 (calls charged at local rate), or writing to us at British Airways Executive Club, PO Box 1125, Uxbridge, UB8 9XR. If you’re based in another country, please see the Executive Club contacts for your local service centre. - If you are a registered user of, you can change your marketing preferences at any time in your account area. In addition, each marketing communication we send by email will also have an unsubscribe option which will allow you to stop receiving further marketing emails. You may also stop any further text messages by replying with the word “STOP”. Alternatively you can unsubscribe an email address using our Permissions Centre, which will stop us sending all marketing communications to the address provided. You will need to do this for each email address you have used with us in the past. We aim to action requests to stop being sent marketing communications within 10 working days of receiving those requests, but it is possible you will receive some marketing in the period prior to that change being made. Please note that if you tell us that you do not wish to be sent further marketing communications, you will still receive service communications (as described above) which are necessary, for example, to confirm your booking or to provide you with an update on its status. If you are an Executive Club Member, we will continue to keep you informed about your membership and other important service information relating to the Executive Club. If you ask us to stop sending marketing communications, please note we will retain your personal information for the purposes of indicating that you do not want to receive marketing communications. If you wish to change how we use your personal information, including exercising your right to be forgotten, please see section “What are your legal rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you?“ and “How can you exercise your legal rights and change how we use your data?“ British Airways will only process your personal information where we have a legal basis to do so. The legal basis will depend on the reason or reasons British Airways collected and needs to use your information. Under EU and UK data protection laws in almost all cases the legal basis will be: - Because we need to use your information so that we can process your booking, fulfil your travel arrangements and otherwise perform the contract we have with you. - Because it is in British Airways’ legitimate interests as an airline to use your personal information to operate and improve our business as an airline and travel provider. - Because British Airways needs to use your personal information to comply with a legal obligation. - To protect the vital interests of you or another person. - Because you have consented to British Airways using your information for a particular purpose. More information on each legal basis is provided below. If processing of your data is subject to any other laws, then the basis of processing your data may be different to that set out above and may in those circumstances be based on your consent in all cases. We will keep your information for as long as we need it for the purpose it is being processed for. For example, where you book a flight with us we will keep the information related to your booking, so we can fulfil the specific travel arrangements you have made and after that, we will keep the information for a period which enables us to handle or respond to any complaints, queries or concerns relating to the booking. The information may also be retained so that we can continue to improve your experience with us and to ensure that you receive any loyalty rewards which are due to you. We will actively review the information we hold and delete it securely, or in some cases anonymise it, when there is no longer a legal, business or customer need for it to be retained. If you stop interacting with us as a customer, we will remove or anonymise your information after 7 years. It will be necessary for British Airways to use your personal information to complete a booking you have made with us. For example, we will need to use information such as your contact details and payment information to provide you with the flight, holiday and/or car hire you have requested and paid for. As a commercial airline and travel provider British Airways has a legitimate business interest to use the personal information we collect to offer an effective service and carry out our business. - For example, we will carry out analytics and use data to personalise your experience. - Also when needed for the conduct of legal claims. Compliance with legal obligations There are situations where British Airways is subject to a legal obligation and needs to use your personal information to comply with those obligations. - For example, if your flight is delayed or your baggage is delayed or misplaced we use your information to communicate with you, make alternate arrangements with, for example, other airlines and hotels or to trace lost bags. - We are also legally required to provide passenger information to border control and immigration in some countries such as the USA. To protect the vital interest of you or another person There are situations where we may need to use your personal information to protect the vital interests of you or another person. - For example, if we collect and process medical information in the event of a medical emergency and you are incapable of giving your consent. Alternatively, we may collect and use your personal information where you have given your specific consent to us doing so. - For example, we ask you if your flight is for business or leisure usage through Manage My Booking on If you share this information with us we may analyse and use to personalise our interactions with you. If the basis of our processing your data is consent to marketing, you can withdraw your consent to such processing at any time, including by amending your account online or by telephoning or writing to the Executive Club on 0344 493 0747 (calls charged at local rate), or writing to us at British Airways Executive Club, PO Box 1125, Uxbridge, UB8 9XR. If you’re based in another country, please see the Executive Club contacts for your local service centre. However, if you withdraw your full consent, in some circumstances, it may mean we will not be able to provide all or parts of the services you have requested from us and you will not be able to cancel your booking or obtain a refund of any charges you have paid. Your personal information may be shared with the companies within our group, which includes International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A (IAG), British Airways, Iberia, Iberia Express, Vueling, Aer Lingus, OpenSkies, British Airways Holidays, Avios, IAG Loyalty Retail, British Airways CityFlyer, IAG Connect and IAG GBS. For more details about our group please visit the website of our parent company, IAG. We share information with them, so they can assist us in providing services to you and to understand more about you. For example, if you have flown with one of the other airlines in the IAG Group we may use this information to understand more about the sorts of travel services you are likely to be interested in. You will only be sent marketing emails from other companies within our group where you have provided your consent to those companies. We may also disclose your personal information to the following third parties for the purpose described here: - Customs and immigration authorities of any country in your itinerary or to which your flight may fly over. British Airways and other airlines are required by laws in the UK, USA and other countries to give border control agencies and customs authorities access to booking and travel information when you fly to and from countries including stop-overs and where you may overfly countries to your destination. - For example, if your flight involves flying over the USA, then the information will be supplied to the relevant authority in the USA. This may include checking a Visa status with some countries authorities if appropriate. - Further information about Government access to British Airways booking records (English only). - Further information about Passports, visas and API (Advanced Passenger Information). - Airlines and other service providers needed to deliver the services you have asked for where, for instance, part of your travel itinerary involves a flight operated by a different airline or includes car hire or a hotel booking. Those airlines and other service providers will be identified when you make a booking. - For example, if your destination involves transferring from British Airways onto another airline both within and outside the IAG group. - If you book a ticket through our online portal to travel with pre-booked onward transport service, (bus service) we will provide the transport company with your name and email address so your ticket can be issued and your booking made. - With our partner airlines and franchisees to facilitate your flight transfers or to administer benefits because of cooperation between loyalty programmes. - With travel agents and other third parties who you book travel through. - If you have joined the Executive Club or another affiliated loyalty program, our partners in the Executive Club and other loyalty schemes that you have joined so that we can administer the benefits of the loyalty programme to you. - Credit and charge card companies, credit reference agencies and anti-fraud screening service providers to process payments and (where necessary) to carry out fraud-screening. - In response to a valid, legal request from Government and law enforcement agencies such as customs and immigration authorities. - Third party service providers we are using to provide services that involve data processing, for example, to carry out marketing initiatives or run customer surveys on our behalf. You can make a request not to receive a survey to a specific email address by using our Permissions Centre. You will need to do this for each email address you have used with us in the past. - Third parties, such as law firms and law courts, to enforce or apply any contract with you. - Third parties, such as the police and regulatory authorities, to protect our rights, property, or the safety of our customers, staff and assets. - We may provide usage information including your personal details to marketing agencies to deliver online advertising on websites or social networks. - If necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation in any jurisdiction, including where that obligation arises because of a voluntary act or decision by us (e.g. our decision to operate to a country or a related decision). If your booking of a package of a flight and other services (such as hotels) is with British Airways Holidays (or they are providing parts of your package) as set out in British Airways Holidays Terms and Conditions, your personal information is provided to both British Airways Plc and British Airways Holidays Limited. We do not sell personal information to third parties, and we only allow third parties to send you marketing information where we have your consent to do so. What countries will your personal information be sent to? Your personal information may be sent to and stored by us and third parties in countries outside the country in which you are located and outside the European Economic Area and the UK. The nature of our business means it is often necessary for us to send your personal information outside the European Economic Area or the UK to fulfil your travel arrangements. This occurs because our business and the third parties identified in ’Who do we share your personal information with?’ have operations in countries across the world. For example, where you are flying outside of the European Economic Area or the UK, your personal information will be transferred to border control and immigration outside of these territories. In addition, we may transfer your data to parties in countries outside the country in which you are located to provide services to us. This may involve sending your data to countries where under their local laws you may have fewer legal rights. If you would like more information on these safeguards, please contact the Data Protection Officer, British Airways Plc, Waterside (HCB3), PO Box 365, Harmondsworth, UB7 0GB, England. Legal statement for flights operated by OpenSkies In accordance with Article L232-6 of French Internal Security Code, please be informed that air carriers may transmit reservation/checking and boarding data collected from their passengers (PNR/API) to the French national public services and competent authorities for the purposes and under conditions as defined in the Decret N°2014-1095 dated 26 September 2014. Under data protection laws in the European Union and the UK, you have certain rights in relation to your personal information. Responses to exercise your rights will be provided within one calendar month and generally there is no fee for making these requests. If your request is particularly complicated we may extend the deadline for responding to three months, but we will let you know if this is the case. We will handle all requests in accordance with applicable law. However, depending on the right you wish to exercise, and the nature of the personal information involved, there may be legal reasons why we cannot grant your request. Further explanation of those rights and the exceptions to them are set out below. Details of how to exercise your rights are set out in the section below “How can you exercise your legal rights and change how we use your data? Your rights include the following: - You may request us to stop sending you marketing. To see how to change your permission to market please refer to “How can you change what marketing communications you receive and how you receive them?" which can be located in "When will we send you marketing?". If you do so we will no longer be able to send you marketing communications. However, if you subsequently book a flight with us we will need to send you communications about the services you have booked to use, such as your travel. These communications will help you get the most from the services we provide and may also contain options and other details about the services you will be using (e.g. advance seating requests, additional baggage and pre-booked meals). - You may request us to stop using your personal information where we are doing so under legitimate interests (see the section “What is our legal basis for using your personal information” for examples of when that applies) unless it is needed for dealing with legal claims or we have other compelling legitimate reasons that override your rights. - You may request us to stop processing of your personal information for marketing purposes including analytics for the purposes of targeted marketing, including online advertising. For example, if your travel history suggests you predominantly travel to Europe and visit city destinations, we will use analytics to show you offers relevant to you on our homepage. - You may access the personal information we hold on you. There are some limited exceptions to this right, such as information relating to others who have not consented to the disclosure of their information and information which is legally privileged. Please see “Accessing your personal information” which can be located within "How can you exercise your legal rights and change how we use your data?" for more details. - You may ask us to correct the personal information that you have shared with us (the 'right of rectification’) if that information is inaccurate. You may be able to update much of it yourself through your account area, including personal and contact details. If you spot any inaccuracies in the report that you can’t fix yourself, please email the details to or write. We are not able to amend any data that has been created as a result of a transaction with us e.g. flight history. - You may ask for personal information which identifies you to be removed (anonymised). To do this the information that identifies you will be removed our active systems. However, a separate and restricted copy of the identifying information will be kept for 7 years to meet the obligations we have to law enforcement, national authorities and legal proceedings. Considerations for removing/anonymising data: - We may need to retain certain elements that relate to a contract between you and British Airways because we need it for our own legal and auditing purposes (for more information on the basis on which we process your personal information see the section “What is our legal basis for using your personal information?”). - A record of your request including the personal information you supplied will be retained in the application used to carry this out for 3 years. - In some circumstances it may mean we will not be able to provide all or parts of the services you have requested from us in relation to previous travel or retain any preferences you have previously shared with us. - If you are a member of our Executive Club we will close the account. - We will be unable to anonymise your information if you are an authoriser of an On Business account as we require this information to deliver our contract with you. If you wish to proceed you will need to transfer your On Business authorisation beforehand. - We cannot erase your personal information if you have either flown with us in the past 13 months or you hold a forward booking with us. For Legal reasons, we need to keep information linked to these flights. You may come back to us once this time period has passed and submit a request. - We cannot erase your personal information if we have identified that you either have an open complaint with us or we hold a previous case for you within the past 6 years. We are required to retain this information in case there is a need to re-open the complaint. If you wish to change how we use your personal information, please use our Permissions Centre. We will ask for some information to identify you, which will only be used to process your request. We will verify your identity via email before continuing with your request. Alternatively, you can make a request by writing to us, ensuring you mark the letter for Customer Permissions. Data Protection Office British Airways plc PO Box 365 Accessing your personal information If you wish to receive a copy of any other information we hold on you, we recommend that you make a request in writing and include the following information with your request: - Your name and postal address - Details of your request - We need corroborating information to establish your identity this could be: a photocopy of your passport or driving licence. - your signature and the date of the request - if you are applying on behalf of another person then signed authority from the individual is required - Any details which may help us locate the information which is the subject of your request, for example: - Booking reference or flight numbers and dates - Executive Club number - Telephone recording details (identifier number, the number you call from, the number and option you dialled, the date and time of your call(s)). You may also send your request to: The address for a written request is: Data Protection Officer British Airways Plc PO Box 365 If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Data Protection Officer. The Data Protection Officer for British Airways can be contacted at We work hard to handle your information responsibly. If you are unhappy about the way we do this, please contact British Airways’ Data Protection Officer who will address your concerns. We hope that we will be able to resolve any concerns you may have. However, you have a right to complain to the UK’s Supervisory Authority for data protection, the Information Commissioner at: Information Commissioner's Office Last updated: January 2019 © British Airways Plc
When I look at some people’s bug out bag lists, I have to wonder how they’re going to carry it all. It’s easy to go overboard on a bug out bag, especially when you consider that you don’t really know how long you’re going to be out in the wilderness. However, every ounce of extra weight you carry is going to eat into your body’s energy reserves and slow you down. If you’re not careful, that extra weight can hinder you, more than help you. Seasoned backpackers say, “The lighter the pack, the more enjoyable the journey.” However, they’re going out for a week or less at a time; with the expectation of going home at the end of their trip. So, the criteria that apply to them, really can’t apply in the same way to bugging out. Even so, it can work as a starting point. Looking at several websites for backpackers, it seems that ideal weights for backpacks vary a bit from one person to the next. Obviously, the physical condition and stamina of the individual is a factor that needs to be considered. However, most of these backpacking experts seem to favor a backpack that’s 1/6 of the person’s body weight. One-sixth of a 150 pound man is 25 pounds. But 1/6 of a 220 pound man is 36 2/3 pounds. The problem here is that the 220 pound man probably isn’t n as good a shape, physically speaking, as the 150 pound man. So, if we go just on body weight, we may be hurting ourselves more than we expect to. There are a few who advocate 1/4 of the individual’s body weight as a maximum weight. That actually seems more realistic to me for a bug out bag. This isn’t a pleasure trip, but rather bugging out to survive. That’s going to dictate carrying some things that are going to make your weight go up. It is said that “the proof of the pudding is in the eating.” I think that’s very applicable to the bug out bag. Pack a bag with 1/4 of your body weight and see how far you can walk with it. If you can’t walk several miles, without feeling that you’re going to die, then it’s too much; regardless of your body weight. Try the same thing with a bag packed to 1/6 of your body weight. Then, adjust the weight to find a point that works for you. Make that your target weight. Okay, so how do you get your bag weight down to the point of your target weight? First of all, realize that some percentage of that weight is food. You’re going to eat about two pounds of food a day. So, if you’re just a couple of pounds over, I wouldn’t worry about it. You’re bag is going to be under your weight limit all too fast. Look through your bag, asking yourself the question, “Do I really need this?” You’ll probably find some things you’re carrying because someone said you should or because you thought it was a neat gadget. If you don’t really need it, it’s time to get rid of it. The next thing to do is to look for places where you can combine equipment to save weight. Simple things, like replacing a pair of pants and a pair of shorts with a pair of pants that have removable legs, will save you precious ounces. The best savings for things like this are your heavier items, like tools. A combination hatchet, hammer and crowbar is lighter than having a separate hatchet and hammer. Finally, look for ways of replacing equipment with lighter weight alternatives. Good backpacking equipment is extremely light; that’s a lot of what you’re paying for. So, take everything out of your pack and weigh each piece individually, preferably on a postage scale. That will tell you your heaviest items. Then go looking for lighter weight items to replace those. You can always sell your old items to someone who isn’t as concerned about weight as you are. Let’s keep the discussion going. Comment below with how much your bug out bag weighs. It may seem odd to think about how to prepare for economic collapse and the possibility of a complete US or a global imminent economic collapse right now. After all, the stock market is up and unemployment is down- things have gotten markedly better than they have been in years. There are those that believe that we are in the exact same place we were in 2008, right before we slipped into one of the worst recessions in US history. With our stock market set up with artificially inflated numbers due to an overly aggressive bond-buying program, we may soon see the entire economic system collapse upon itself. The entire market is currently predicated on a system of borrowing and investing and financial engineering that can’t bear its own weight. So that raises the question; how to prepare for economic collapse? We don’t mean the stock market dropping a little, or the price of gas going up a few dimes. We mean to say the complete collapse of the economic marketplace that would make your bank accounts void and the currency in your pocket to become worth only as much as the cost of the paper. What if you had a newborn or small child at home, you as the head of your household have an obligation to protect your family. You need to know what is going to help you and your loved ones survive an economic collapse. 3 Tips on How to Prepare for Economic Collapse! Bartering Will Be Huge Bartering is our oldest system of currency; physical goods or services for physical good or services- square deals built on a handshake. When money becomes worthless, barter will once again become the currency of the common man. That means you need to have either goods to trade, or a trade to ply. A few good items that you can stock up on now that will have huge value include personal toiletries, salt, liquor, staple foods, and if you have the ability and room- livestock and small game. As for trades, make sure you have some skills that will be in demand. You may be a marketing director now, but there will be little need for those skills in a collapse. Find a skill that will have real value; whether it is gardening, blacksmithing, knife sharpening, vehicle and mechanical repair, carpentry- anything that can provide a real and practical value. Don’t Trust All Your Money to the Bank If the grid went down tomorrow every dollar in your account would float away like so much data. Don’t leave your survival to chance. While paper money will eventually become worthless, in the beginning cash will be king. There will be those who believe the system will right itself and they will be rich with all the cash they make. Keeping this in mind, start stashing away a little bit of cash every time you can. $20 here and there, maybe $100 when you can- anything to start a safety net of cash. Eventually once you have a pretty good stockpile, say $5000, you should start considering a real investment. Precious Metals Will Always Have Value Even as our dollar lowers in value every day, precious metals like gold and silver are steadily climbing in value. In 2006 gold was priced out at $472 dollars an ounce. As of this writing, it has climbed to a staggering $1,132.85. It has nearly tripled in value over a 9 year period. You won’t find a stock market investment that will yield that kind of return. As the dollar deteriorates, it will be precious metals that our economy turns to. When answering the question how to prepare for economic collapse you have to keep in mind that disasters don’t really care very much whether you believe in them or not. That’s part of their strength, they happen when we least expect it and often despite our best efforts and intentions. You owe it to yourself and your family to be prepared for the very real possibility of a coming economic collapse. Nothing we have talked about here can hurt, it is all solid and logical. The only thing you are doing is giving yourself the peace of mind that you can protect your family and continue to provide for them. Let’s keep the discussion going. Comment below with any suggestion on how to prepare for economic collapse. There’s a very common problem that many people run into when they first become interested in prepping; that’s the problem of their spouse, or in the case of those who aren’t married, their “significant other” as the politically correct term has come to be known. It’s rare that a couple both develop an interest in prepping at the same time. Usually, one sees what’s happening in the world around them and decides they need to do something, while the other has their eyes closed to all that. Even worse than having a spouse who’s eyes are closed to the problems we all face is having one that wants their eyes closed. Maybe they just don’t like to think about anything bad happening, but more likely they are counting on Big Brother government to take care of them. They haven’t realized that the government has a very poor track record of doing that. Prepping without your spouse can be an especially challenging proposition. Not only does it help to work together on doing all that needs to be done, but there’s the problem of money. Spending money on stockpiling food and other supplies, when your spouse isn’t in agreement, can become a bone of contention in any marriage, especially when spending that money means that you might not be able to do something else that your spouse wants to do. It’s clearly better to have both partners on-board with prepping. But how do you get that reluctant spouse going? What can you do, if they just don’t see things the way you do? First of all, be realistic. You’re not going to make any headway talking about the Yellowstone Supervolcano blowing up the country or the Earth’s axis shifting. Get them on board with seeing the risk of hurricanes or winter blizzards; any local weather problem which could leave you without power or the ability to go to the grocery store. Once they are on board with the little disasters, you can gradually work your way up to the bigger ones. Take their Blinders Off Part of the reason that your spouse may not see the need to be prepping is that they don’t see the world situation as you do. Maybe you watch the news and they don’t. If that’s the case, you are much more likely to see the risks that we face every day than they are. Educate them, so that they will know why there’s a good reason to be a prepper. Don’t try to go off the deep end, selling your home and moving to a bunker, hidden in the middle of nowhere. Decide on doing preps that are in alignment with the risks you are talking about, not an end of the world scenario. As they come on board, you can gradually up the ante, looking at bigger risks and what you should do to be ready for them. You’ve got to realize that it took time for you to get into the prepping mindset and it’s going to take time for them to do so as well. You can’t expect that the conclusion which you reached after months of thinking about prepping is going to hit them in one short conversation. You’ll probably need a number of conversations, each of which helps them come to understand the problems that you see. There are things you can do to start prepping, which don’t necessarily look like prepping, especially if you can attribute them to some other reason. Planting a vegetable garden can be because you don’t like the idea of GMOs, instead of for prepping. Then you can start canning, to preserve what you’ve grown. Put in a rainwater collection system, as a way of saving money on watering the garden and avoiding putting all that chlorine in the garden. Things like this make sense in a non-prepper world, but help you to be prepared as well. You can also buy some survival equipment, without the need to make it look like prepping. It could be emergency equipment for the car or camping equipment, rather than bug out equipment. Buying a gun or a hunting knife makes sense for hunting or just shooting. You don’t need to shove it in their face that you are prepping, just work on it subtly. Are you having trouble getting your spouse or significant other on-board with prepping? If so, share your situation and/or comments below. Why? That’s an amazing question. Little children learn it well and use it to drive their parents bonkers. Answering the question doesn’t get you out of trouble either, as they respond with one more “Why?” This has to be the most common question that non-preppers ask preppers too. “Why prepare?” Those who haven’t asked the question have probably thought it; they just haven’t found anyone to ask. Even if they did, they might not understand the answer they’d get. There are laws which require that anyone who drives a car has car insurance. Why? Any financial advisor worth their salt will tell you to buy life insurance. Why? The fire department (as well as your homeowner’s insurance provider) will tell you to have a fire extinguisher in your home. Why? Even the government tells you to have at least three days worth of food in the house in case of emergencies. Why? All these things have one common root; they are insurance. Does the person who buys life insurance of a fire extinguisher expect to need either of them in the next week? Probably not. What they are doing is recognizing the fact that life occasionally throws us a curve-ball. The idea behind having insurance is to be ready for that curve-ball. Many will follow their question of why one should prepare with some sort of platitudes of how big brother government will take care of us all, should anything happen. We’ve all seen one president or another making announcements about authorizing X number of billions of dollars in “disaster relief” to help people out after a disaster. It’s one of the better sound bites for the politician in question, making them look good and increasing their chances of reelection. WHY PREPARE – Don’t be another statistic. However, the government’s track record on helping out in a time of trouble is dismal at best. When Hurricane Katrina hit, the government at all levels was so busy pointing fingers at one another, that very little actually got accomplished to help the people. Even with emergency crews working round the clock, it took over a month to restore electricity to everyone. Hurricane Sandy wasn’t any better. After all the high-level investigations in the wake of Katrina and all the talk about revamping FEMA, they didn’t do a bit better seven years later, when New Jersey was plastered by Sandy. Oh, it looked better to the people, but that’s only because the news media refused to report on what was happening, whereas with Katrina, they hounded the story to death. So, if you want to count on FEMA to rescue you, go right ahead. But I don’t see any reason to trust them. They don’t have a good track record and they don’t have your and my best interests in mind. Therefore, if I can’t trust Big Brother to take care of me, I’m stuck with having to take care of myself. That’s what prepping is all about; taking care of me and my family. Where most of the population is still expecting Big Brother to take care of them, preppers have decided that they can’t count on it. Instead, they develop a plan for taking care of themselves and then take the necessary steps to make sure that they can do it. It’s just one more form of insurance; because none of us know what tomorrow may bring. The federal government has completed a study which states that in the event of an EMP attack from our enemies, only ten percent of our population will survive. That breaks down to the three percent of our population who are preppers, probably another percent who are people living in remote areas and the other six percent will be federal government bureaucrats, who will take care of themselves, before even thinking about taking care of anyone else. So, where does that leave you? If you’re not preparing, you may just end up becoming a statistic. The term “bug out bag” is gaining a lot of popularity these days, but there’s still a lot of confusion about what is a bug out bag. Perhaps that confusion comes from the fact that there are many different people, with many different ideas about what a bug out bag can do. If you compare what the DHS says about a bug out bag on their website, to what you find on most prepping websites, you’ll find that the contents listed are extremely different. That’s because the DHS has a much different idea about bugging out than the average prepper does. Any bug out bag is about surviving. The basic idea is to have a bag packed, which you can use to help you survive, if you are forced to abandon your home quickly. You might be forced to flee due to a pending natural disaster, a nuclear accident or a zombie invasion. So your bug out bag needs to be prepared in such a way that it can help you to survive any of these situations. After asking what is a bug out bag there are two major factors in creating any bug out bag. - The first is the survival skills that the user of that bag has. Packing a backpack full of top notch survival equipment isn’t going to help a city dweller who’s never been out in the woods at night. They won’t know what to do with all that expensive equipment, so it really won’t help them survive. - The second is the bug out plan that the owner is planning on using. The DHS idea of a bug out bag was obviously created for people who are going to leave their home and go to a temporary government shelter or a FEMA camp. If you tried to survive out in the wilderness with what they have listed in their kit, you’d last about as long as your food and water did; then you’d be out of luck. Before starting to create a bug out bag, you need to develop your plan. There are a lot of questions to ask yourself before you’re even ready to start building your bug out bag. - What are you going to do if you are forced to leave your home? - Where are you going to go? - What type of living conditions will you have available to you when you get there? - Will the supplies you need be available at your bug out, or will you need to bring them with you? - Is your bug out location going to be to a city, a government shelter, a small town, a prepared bug out retreat or are you going to bug out to the wilderness? - How are you going to get there? - What will you do if you can’t use your primary means of transportation? You’ll need to make sure you have the right equipment and supplies to support your bug out plans. Your answers to each of those questions will determine what goes into your bag. Now that we have discussed what is a bug out bag you can move on to gathering the right equipment and supplies to support your bug out plans. Please comment below if you have any questions about bug out bags.
If you’re looking for a way to securely attach your undermount sink to your countertop, choosing the right adhesive is essential. However, finding the best adhesive for undermount sinks can be challenging, as there are various options available in the market. Before making a purchase, there are several factors to consider to ensure you get the optimal results. First, the adhesive should be waterproof and heat-resistant to prevent any damage caused by constant exposure to water and hot temperatures. Second, it should have a strong bonding capability to keep the sink secure and prevent it from shifting out of place. Lastly, it should be easy to apply and dry quickly to save you time and effort. It is important to ask the right questions when choosing the best adhesive for your undermount sink, such as "What type of material is the countertop made of?" This can help you determine if the adhesive is compatible with the countertop's surface and prevent any damage or discoloration. Additionally, "What is the cure time of the adhesive?" will help you plan for how long the installation process will take. Lastly, "Can the adhesive be easily removed if needed?" is essential to ensure that any future repairs or replacements can be done effortlessly. By considering these factors and asking the right questions, you can find the best adhesive for your undermount sink, ensuring a secure and long-lasting installation. 10 Best Adhesive For Undermount Sink The product is ideal for repairing and installing undermount sinks in kitchens. Ideal for a high-quality, functional and versatile kitchen sink with a sleek and modern design, including integrated accessories. The product is ideal for repairing fallen sink support and providing quick and easy installation for undermount sinks. The product is ideal for supporting and installing undermount sinks in bathroom and kitchen marble/granite vanity countertops. The sink is ideal for a kitchen with ample counter space and requires an undermount installation. It is ideal for installing and repairing undermount sinks in kitchens and bathrooms. The product is ideal for use in kitchen sinks due to its undermount design, durable stainless steel material, and single bowl configuration. The product is ideal for repairing and reinforcing undermount sinks in kitchens with silver steel brackets. The product is ideal for securely mounting an undermount sink in a front-facing manner. This product is ideal for supporting and securing undermount sinks in both kitchens and bathrooms. 1. Homydom Sink Repair System – Secure Undermount Installation This undermount sink bracket package is a great addition to any kitchen. It comes equipped with 5 adjustable rods, 1 Allen Key, and all the necessary screws to get it installed. The heavy-duty brackets have a capacity of 680 lbs, providing ample support for your sink. Made of galvanized steel, these brackets are built to last and are resistant to rust. They are sturdy and tough, ensuring the durability of your sink. What's more, the angle of the bracket head/hinge could swivel to any desired angle, making it adjustable and versatile. One of the best things about this undermount sink bracket package is that it is easy to assemble. You won't need to remove any plumbing at all. Using your thumb turnbuckle with the Allen key, you can secure the stud in place, and it will work seamlessly. These brackets are designed to provide effective protection for your cabinets and countertops. They prevent damage and ensure the longevity of your kitchen fixtures. 2. Kraus Kore 32" Workstation Sink With Accessories. The Workstation Sink with integrated ledge is a game-changer in the kitchen. It allows for custom accessories to be easily slid across the sink, streamlining meal prep and cleanup without sacrificing precious counter space. The 5-piece chef's kit includes a roll-up dish drying rack, perfect for rinsing produce, drying dishes, and protecting countertops from hot items. The bamboo cutting board is non-porous and stain-resistant, while the dish grid, strainer, and drain cover complete the set. The spacious single bowl is deep with tight-radius corners and an offset drain, providing an uninterrupted workspace for washing even the largest cookware, such as stock pots and baking sheets. The undermount installation creates a seamless transition from sink to countertop, adding valuable counter space by allowing you to work right over the sink. This feature is especially useful for kitchens of any size. Made with TRU16, the thickest stainless steel on the market, this sink is a heavy-duty workhorse. Highly resistant to corrosion and dents, the rust-resistant finish is easy to clean and will not dull from daily use. The stainless steel bottom grid protects the sink surface and keeps dishes elevated for optimal draining. This sink is engineered for easy draining with an off-set drain, gently sloped bottom, and channel grooves that avoid water from pooling. Fully insulated with proprietary NOISEDEFEND SOUNDPROOFING, including extra-thick pads and protective undercoating, it absorbs noise and vibration when the sink is in use. The dimensions of this sink are 32 inches in length, 19 inches in width, and 10 inches in depth, making it an ideal size for most kitchen setups. The minimum cabinet size required is 36 inches. You can rest assured that this sink comes with a lifetime limited warranty and top-rated customer service that puts you first. Explore the full suite of KORE SINK ACCESSORIES to maximize the functionality of your KORE Workstation sink. With this sink and its accompanying accessories, you'll have everything you need to make meal prep and cleanup a breeze. 3. Eapele Sink Support – Easy Installation, Strong Hold Looking for a reliable solution to fix your undermount sink? Look no further than this top-rated product, designed to provide a long-lasting and hassle-free solution to your sink repair needs. Installation is a breeze, with no need to remove the sink. Simply use an electric wrench and screws to fix the base of the bracket, and tighten the hexagon threaded rods until the bracket is firmly secured against the edge of the sink. The included manual provides clear, step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process. Crafted from strong steel, this bracket is perfect for use with undermount single or double bowl sinks. Even when fully loaded with water, your sink will remain stable and secure. Plus, the galvanized surface ensures that the bracket won't rust in even the most humid kitchen conditions, providing you with years of reliable service. With a 45° support range, this bracket can easily be adjusted to accommodate sinks that are a bit further from the wall. The package includes four long support rods and one short rod, which can be installed in any position that's convenient for you. This product comes with a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that you'll receive a full refund if any craftsmanship defects are found. Additionally, if any parts are damaged or missing, simply contact the manufacturer for replacements. Say goodbye to the inconvenience and frustration of a falling sink, and enjoy cooking and cleaning with confidence using this top-quality undermount sink bracket. Don't forget to download the installation instructions from the details page for easy, stress-free installation. 4. Universal Sink Mounting Kit – Heavy Duty Clamps Looking for a reliable and easy-to-use undermount sink installation kit? Look no further than this high-quality product! With its innovative design and sturdy construction, this sink clip kit is the perfect solution for anyone who needs to install or repair a sink without the hassle of drilling or using tools. One of the key benefits of this kit is its easy installation process. Unlike other sink clips that require extensive drilling and specialized tools, this kit can be installed quickly and easily using only epoxy, silicone, or liquid nail adhesive. This makes it an ideal choice for DIY enthusiasts and professional contractors alike. Another great feature of this undermount sink installation kit is its full adjustability. With its unique design, the sink clips can be easily adjusted to perfect positions after installing a undermounted ceramic bathroom sink or stainless kitchen sink. This ensures that your sink is securely in place and will not shift or move over time. Made from durable zinc plated steel, this undermount sink installation kit is designed to support sinks weighted up to a maximum of 320 lbs. This makes it a great choice for anyone who needs a strong and sturdy anchor for their sink. In addition to its strength and durability, this undermount sink installation kit is also designed to be universal. It is suitable for use with undermount bathroom sinks and undermount kitchen sinks, as well as marble, granite, and even laminate wood countertop vanities. And best of all, this undermount sink installation kit is extremely affordable. With a package of 10 quality sink clips included for one bargain price, you can save money without compromising on quality. So if you're looking for an easy-to-use, durable, and affordable undermount sink installation kit, look no further than this high-quality product. Reinforce your sink in place and enjoy years of reliable use with this reliable and innovative undermount sink installation kit. 5. Kraus Pro Undermount Double Bowl Kitchen Sink. The Indestructible Construction Sink is a top-of-the-line kitchen accessory that boasts of unparalleled strength and durability. It is made of dent-resistant T304 stainless steel in TRU16 real 16-gauge, which is always 1.5mm thick. This ensures that the sink can withstand heavy usage without wearing out easily, making it a perfect addition to any home. The sink features a commercial-grade satin finish that is not only easy to clean but also corrosion and rust-resistant. This finish matches most kitchen appliances, giving your kitchen a sleek and cohesive look. The sink has a depth range of 9 inches to 10 inches, making it ideal for large pots and pans. One of the outstanding features of this sink is its NoiseDefend soundproofing technology. The sink comes with non-toxic SoundGuard undercoating and extra-thick pads covering over 80% of the sink, making it the quietest sink in the market. You can now do your dishes without disturbing the peace of your home. The sink's outer dimensions are 32 3/4” L x 19” W x 10” D, and it requires a minimum cabinet size of 36”. The versatile oversized double bowl sink is perfect for multi-tasking, soaking, and washing your largest pots and pans. This sink is a must-have for anyone who loves to cook and appreciates the value of a high-quality kitchen accessory. 6. Sinkfix: Undermount Bracket Installation & Repair Kit Introducing the T1 Brackets – the perfect solution to share the weight of your undermount sink and prevent it from falling off. These brackets are universal and adjustable, making them suitable for most kitchen cabinets and sinks. One of the key features of the T1 Brackets is their adjustability. The height of the brackets can be easily adjusted from 16 to 27.5 inches (41-70cm), allowing for a perfect fit for your sink. This means that you don't have to worry about the size of your sink or cabinet – the T1 Brackets can be adjusted to fit perfectly. Assembling the T1 Brackets is incredibly easy and hassle-free. Unlike other brackets, there is no need to drill into the countertop or remove the sink or plumbing. With the T1 Brackets, all you have to do is put the bracket under the bottom of the sink, tighten the locking screw, and cap it on the top. It's that simple! The T1 Brackets are made from heavy-duty materials, ensuring that they can handle the weight of your sink with ease. The extension pole is made of steel, while the wide base is made of PP plastic. These materials make the T1 Brackets durable and long-lasting, with a weight capacity of up to 500 lbs. At T1, customer satisfaction is a top priority. That's why they offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all their products, including the T1 Brackets. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the brackets, T1 offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. Simply contact their customer service team and they will assist you with any issues you may have. 7. Kraus Khu100-32 Standart Pro 16 Gauge Undermount Single Bowl Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink, 32 Inch Introducing a top-quality stainless steel sink set that boasts both style and functionality – the perfect addition to any kitchen. This set includes a Sink, Drain Assembly with Strainer, Protective Bottom Grid, and Kitchen Towel for your convenience. Crafted from premium-grade stainless steel, this sink is highly durable and built to last. Its corrosion and rust-resistant properties ensure that it retains its sleek appearance over time, providing a long-lasting addition to your kitchen. With dimensions of 32” L x 19” W x 10” D, and a minimum cabinet size of 36”, this sink is spacious and perfect for any kitchen. The bowl measures 10” D x 30” L x 17” W for added convenience. This set is further enhanced by the inclusion of a commercial-grade satin finish that is both resilient and easy to clean, providing superior protection against corrosion and rust. The finish also matches most kitchen appliances, making it a versatile choice that will complement any kitchen décor. One of the standout features of this sink is its extra-thick pads, which cover over 80% of the sink. This provides superior protection against noise, making it perfect for busy kitchens. The non-toxic undercoating further enhances this feature, providing an extra layer of protection against noise while ensuring that the sink remains hygienic. This high-quality set also includes all mounting hardware, a cut-out template, and installation and care instructions for your convenience. With its exceptional quality and sleek design, this stainless steel sink set is a best-seller that is sure to impress. Upgrade your kitchen today with this must-have addition. 8. Qualward Sink Repair Kit System Undermount Sink Brackets For Kitchen, Silver Steel This product description is for a set of undermount sink brackets. These brackets are designed to provide great capacity and effective protection for your cabinets and countertops. Each package includes six adjustable rods, one Allen Key, and all the necessary screws to ensure a secure installation. The heavy-duty brackets are made from galvanized steel, which is anti-rust and built to last. The undermount sink brackets are sturdy and capable of supporting up to 680 lbs of weight. The angle of the bracket head/hinge can be easily adjusted to any desired angle, providing added convenience during installation. The thumb turnbuckle with the Allen key makes assembly a breeze, without the need to remove any plumbing. These undermount sink brackets effectively prevent damage to your cabinets and countertops. With their heavy-duty construction and adjustable design, they are a reliable and practical solution for securing your sink in place. 9. Undermount Sink Bracket Kit- Front Mount The Complete Kit with Fully Adjustable Brackets is an ideal solution for both installation and permanent support needs in commercial and industrial settings. The kit comes equipped with two fully adjustable brackets, making it easy to customize to your specific requirements. With its sturdy construction and adjustable design, this kit is perfect for a wide range of applications, from supporting heavy equipment to suspending piping or ductwork. The brackets are made from durable materials that can withstand the rigors of daily use, ensuring reliable performance over the long term. The kit is fully adjustable, allowing you to fine-tune the height and angle of your installation with ease. This makes it a versatile choice for a variety of different projects, whether you need to provide support for a heavy load or simply want to ensure a secure installation. In addition to its practical benefits, the Complete Kit with Fully Adjustable Brackets is also easy to install, even for those with limited DIY experience. Its user-friendly design and comprehensive instructions make it a breeze to set up and adjust as needed. 10. Sink Support Pack – 10 Clips & Brackets This sink clip set is designed to provide a durable and long-lasting solution for supporting your undermount kitchen or bathroom sinks. Made of high-quality zinc plated steel, these clips can support up to 300lbs, ensuring that your sink stays securely in place for years to come. Installation is a breeze, as these clips can be easily attached to your sink using an epoxy adhesive. You won't need any special tools or drilling equipment, and the clips are designed to prevent damage to your cabinets and countertop. One of the unique features of this clip set is its adjustability. You can position the clips both vertically and horizontally, allowing you to achieve the perfect fit for your sink. This ensures that your sink is level, secure, and stable, preventing any unwanted movement or wobbling. These clips are suitable for use with undermount kitchen sinks, undermount bathroom sinks, and other similar applications. Whether you're installing a new sink or replacing old, worn-out clips, this set is sure to meet your needs. Before you start the installation process, it's important to ensure that your stone top is clean and dry. This will help to ensure a secure bond between the epoxy and the stone surface. Additionally, it's always a good idea to test fit the clips before gluing them in place, as this will help you to achieve the best possible placement for your sink. Best Adhesive For Undermount Sink FAQs Are there any specific brands of adhesives that are recommended for undermount sinks? Yes, there are specific brands of adhesives that are recommended for undermount sinks. The most commonly recommended adhesive is a two-part epoxy adhesive, such as the 3M Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP420. This adhesive is known for its high bonding strength, excellent durability, and resistance to water and heat. Other popular brands of adhesives for undermount sinks include Liquid Nails, Loctite, and Gorilla Glue. It is important to note that not all adhesives are suitable for undermount sinks, as they may not have the necessary strength or durability to hold the sink securely in place. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with a professional plumber or sink installer to ensure that the appropriate adhesive is used for your specific sink and countertop materials. Can any type of adhesive be used for undermount sink installation? No, not all types of adhesive can be used for undermount sink installation. Undermount sinks require a strong adhesive that can handle the weight of the sink and the water pressure. The most commonly used adhesive for undermount sink installation is a two-part epoxy. This type of adhesive is known for its strength and durability, and it can handle the weight and pressure of the sink without breaking down over time. Other types of adhesives, such as silicone or construction adhesive, may not be strong enough for undermount sink installation and may break down over time, causing the sink to become loose or even fall out completely. It's important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for adhesive when installing an undermount sink and to use a high-quality, strong adhesive to ensure the sink stays securely in place for years to come. How can I ensure that the adhesive used for my undermount sink is the best one for my specific installation? Choosing the right adhesive is crucial when installing an undermount sink. You want to ensure that the sink stays securely in place and that the adhesive can withstand water and other liquids. Here are some tips to help you select the best adhesive: 1. Check the manufacturer's recommendations: The sink manufacturer will typically recommend a specific adhesive for their product. Be sure to follow their recommendations to ensure the best results. 2. Consider the surface materials: Some adhesives work better with certain materials than others. For example, some adhesives work well with granite or marble, while others are better suited for quartz or solid surface materials. 3. Look for waterproof and heat-resistant adhesives: Since the sink will be exposed to water and heat, it's important to choose an adhesive that can withstand these conditions. Look for adhesives that are specifically designed for use in kitchens and bathrooms. 4. Read reviews: Look for reviews from other homeowners or professionals who have used the adhesive for undermount sink installations. This can help you get a better idea of how well the adhesive works and how easy it is to use. By following these tips, you can ensure that you choose the best adhesive for your undermount sink installation, which will help ensure a secure and long-lasting installation. How important is it to use the right adhesive for undermount sink installation? Using the right adhesive for undermount sink installation is crucial for ensuring the longevity and stability of the sink. Undermount sinks are installed underneath the countertop, and the adhesive is responsible for holding the sink securely in place. If the wrong adhesive is used, the sink may shift or even detach from the countertop over time, causing leaks and potential damage to the surrounding area. The adhesive used for undermount sink installation should be specifically designed for this purpose and should have a strong bonding capability. Epoxy and silicone adhesives are commonly used for undermount sink installation due to their durability and resistance to water and moisture. It is also important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for application and curing times to ensure the adhesive sets properly. Cutting corners or using the wrong adhesive may save time and money in the short term, but can lead to costly repairs and replacements in the long run. Overall, using the right adhesive for undermount sink installation is essential for ensuring a secure and long-lasting installation. How long does the adhesive used for undermount sinks typically last? The longevity of adhesive used for undermount sinks depends on various factors, such as the quality of the adhesive, the substrate material, and the environmental conditions. Generally, the adhesive used for undermount sinks is a high-strength epoxy that is designed to bond the sink to the countertop permanently. This type of adhesive is known for its durability and ability to withstand high loads and stress. If installed correctly, the adhesive can last for many years without any issues. However, if the installation process is not done correctly, such as improper surface preparation, insufficient curing time, or inadequate adhesive application, the adhesive may fail prematurely. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation and maintenance to ensure the longevity of the adhesive. Moreover, it is advisable to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that may weaken the bond and cause the adhesive to degrade over time. In summary, the adhesive used for undermount sinks can last for many years if installed and maintained properly. Is epoxy adhesive a better choice than silicone for undermount sink installation? When it comes to undermount sink installation, both epoxy adhesive and silicone are commonly used. However, epoxy adhesive is generally considered a better choice than silicone for several reasons. Firstly, epoxy adhesive is a two-part adhesive that creates a very strong bond once it sets. It also has a higher resistance to heat and chemicals than silicone, making it a more durable option for sink installation. Additionally, epoxy adhesive cures quickly, allowing for a faster installation process. On the other hand, silicone is a one-part adhesive that remains flexible after it sets. While it can create a good seal, over time it may shrink or crack, leading to water leakage. Silicone also has a lower resistance to heat and chemicals, which can cause it to break down and deteriorate more quickly. Overall, while silicone can be a viable option for undermount sink installation, epoxy adhesive is generally considered a more reliable and long-lasting choice. What are the pros and cons of using silicone adhesive for undermount sinks? Silicone adhesive is a popular choice for installing undermount sinks due to its ability to create a strong, waterproof bond. However, there are pros and cons to using silicone adhesive for this purpose. 1. Strong bond: Silicone adhesive creates a strong bond between the sink and countertop, ensuring that the sink stays firmly in place. 2. Water-resistant: Silicone adhesive is water-resistant, which means that it can protect against water damage and leaks. 3. Easy to use: Silicone adhesive is easy to apply and can be used by both professionals and DIYers. 1. Long curing time: Silicone adhesive can take up to 24 hours to fully cure, which can be a disadvantage for those who need to use their sink immediately after installation. 2. Messy application: Silicone adhesive can be messy to apply and can leave behind residue that is difficult to clean. 3. Limited lifespan: Silicone adhesive has a limited lifespan and may need to be reapplied every few years to maintain the bond between the sink and countertop. In summary, while silicone adhesive is a strong and water-resistant option for installing undermount sinks, it does have some drawbacks, including a long curing time, messy application, and limited lifespan. What are the risks of using an incorrect adhesive for undermount sink installation? Using the incorrect adhesive for undermount sink installation can lead to various risks. Firstly, the sink may not be securely attached to the countertop, leading to leaks and potential damage to the cabinet below. Secondly, certain adhesives may not be able to withstand the weight of the sink, causing it to detach and potentially injure someone. Thirdly, some adhesives may react with the materials used in the sink or countertop, causing discoloration or damage to the materials. Another risk of using the wrong adhesive is that it may not be able to withstand the moisture and humidity in a typical kitchen or bathroom environment. This could lead to the adhesive breaking down over time, causing the sink to become loose and potentially causing water damage to the surrounding area. It is essential to use the correct adhesive recommended by the sink and countertop manufacturer to ensure a safe and durable installation. If in doubt, consult a professional installer who can provide expert advice on the correct adhesive to use for undermount sink installation. What factors should be considered when choosing an adhesive for undermount sinks? When choosing an adhesive for undermount sinks, several factors should be considered. Firstly, it is important to choose an adhesive that is waterproof and resistant to moisture, as sinks are constantly exposed to water and humidity. Secondly, the adhesive should be strong enough to hold the weight of the sink and withstand the pressure of daily use. Thirdly, the adhesive should be easy to apply and should set quickly to minimize installation time. Fourthly, it is important to consider the surface materials of both the sink and the countertop, as certain adhesives may not bond well with certain materials. Finally, it is recommended to choose an adhesive that is specifically designed for undermount sink installation to ensure optimal performance and durability. Overall, choosing the right adhesive is crucial for a successful and long-lasting undermount sink installation. What is the best adhesive for securing an undermount sink to a countertop? When it comes to securing an undermount sink to a countertop, the best adhesive to use is a two-part epoxy adhesive. This type of adhesive is known for its strong bonding properties and is commonly used in construction and home renovation projects. Before applying the adhesive, it is important to ensure that both the sink and the countertop are clean and free of any dust or debris. Once the surfaces are clean, the adhesive can be mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions and applied to the rim of the sink. The sink can then be carefully lowered into place on the countertop and pressed firmly to ensure a secure bond. It is important to note that the curing time for epoxy adhesive can vary depending on the brand and type of adhesive used. It is recommended to allow the adhesive to cure for at least 24 hours before using the sink. By using a high-quality epoxy adhesive and following proper installation procedures, you can ensure a long-lasting and secure bond between your undermount sink and countertop.
The evolving risk landscape in the euro area Speech by Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB, at the Banco de Portugal Conference on Financial Stability, Lisbon, 17 October 2017 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am grateful for the opportunity to address you today at this relevant conference on financial stability and macroprudential policy and particularly pleased for doing it at a place I consider my alma mater of central banking. The world economy is going through a period of sustained moderate growth. In particular, the cyclical recovery in the euro area is now stronger and broad-based, driven by a virtuous circle of employment creation and private consumption. All member countries are experiencing economic growth, the significant current account deficits at the beginning of the crisis in various countries have turned into surpluses, and in public finance most countries previously under stress are now showing positive primary surpluses. Since mid-2013, almost seven million jobs have been created, offsetting the losses during the peak of the crisis and unemployment is at its lowest level since 2008, albeit still quite high. Business confidence is the highest in a decade suggesting that we can expect a continued and resilient recovery in the coming quarters. These developments were and are still strongly supported by the ECB’s expansionary monetary policy after the second recession in 2012-2013. Notwithstanding these developments, there are concerns regarding possible financial instability stemming from international market developments that could lead to price corrections. Signs of general overvaluation in asset prices are however not present in the euro area. There are localised asset price pressures in a few national housing markets and, in particular, in the commercial property market. As a result, several countries have adopted macroprudential policies and are dealing successfully with those tensions. The overall financial stability situation in the euro area is therefore positive and well underpinned by the improved fundamentals of our economies. Improvements indicate that the euro area is now much more resilient and better prepared to cope with potential financial shocks that may very well happen in the near future. The more significant risk in the horizon is a possible reversal of risk assessment in international financial markets with the consequent asset price downward corrections. The ensuing capital losses incurred by asset holders, including many financial institutions, would have negative wealth and demand effects. The increase in bond yields would put pressure on the more indebted economic agents. Part of the possible price corrections are however associated with the improved economic situation that will eventually lead to higher nominal growth, thus contributing to debt sustainability. One of the suggested triggers of market corrections is the recalibration of monetary policies that is gradually starting to take place in different degrees across important jurisdictions. There are two points worthwhile making in this respect. The first is that, in spite of being widely predicted in market commentary, very little is happening in financial markets to anticipate it. Market participants who are supposed to be forward looking, do not seem to anticipate material changes in asset prices. The second is that this disconnect between market commentary and concrete market decisions, could indicate that the simple recalibration of monetary policies is expected to be smoothly absorbed without generating undue turbulence. Naturally, for this to be possible, monetary policy recalibration must be quite gradual. That will be the case of the ECB as we have already said that anyhow “monetary policy will continue to be very accommodative” until we achieve our goals. If central banks adopt cautious strategies, then presumably only a significant geo-political event could trigger more material changes in financial and economic conditions. Nevertheless, one knows that markets are unpredictable and can overshoot, especially in situations like the present one with many risks and a protracted period of very low volatility in asset prices. In the remainder of my remarks today, I will address the evolution of the pricing of risk in the equity and bond markets during the crisis and its aftermath. This will provide the rationale for the drivers of the possible incoming changes. I will then reflect on the consequences for the different asset markets and their respective impact on the various economic agents. I will end with a brief analysis of what macroprudential policies can do and are doing to safeguard financial stability in the euro area. Behaviour towards risk As expected, the crisis led to a significant rise in risk aversion and a generalised preference for safety. The depth of the crisis has left behind profound scars not only in the economies’ productive capacity but also in the minds and behaviour of economic agents concerning risk. The memory of the unexpected materialisation of tail risks lingers. The preference for safety is partly responsible for the excess demand for safe assets, for the increase of the equity risk premium, for the reluctance to invest in real productive assets and for the persistent sluggishness of wages. The elasticities of wage response to the economic slack and of consumption and investment reaction to the cost of finance have both declined. As a result, the wage Phillips curve became flatter and the Investment-Saving (IS) curve has become steeper. Several factors contributed, of course, to this development, in particular, increased inequality contributes to explain higher savings and lower consumption while shrinking investment opportunities linked to secular stagnation explains lower investment. According to the general risk return trade-off, it was to be expected that investors would demand higher returns to hold riskier assets. This can be illustrated by examining the evolution of the Equity Risk Premium (ERP) – the excess return that investing in the stock market provides over a risk-free rate – in advanced economies (Figure 1) which implied an increase in the cost of equity The upward trend in the ERP began already in 2000 in the wake of the Dot-com stock crash (Figure1, left-hand side (LHS)). The ex-ante ERP is the difference between the required stock returns and the risk free rate. By depicting the two components, it becomes clear that the increased ERP resulted both from an increase in the Earnings Yield (EY) and a sharp decline in the risk free rate (Figure 1, right-hand side (RHS)). Note however the more recent EY decrease (which corresponds to the inverse of the Price-Earnings (P/E) ratio). This is already reflected in the recent decrease of the ERP in the U.S. (Figure 2). The two relevant factors contributing to the decline of the risk free rate were the “savings glut” of the early 2000s, identified by Bernanke (2005) and the scarcity of “safe assets” underlined by Caballero and Farhi (2014) after the crisis. Furthermore, expansionary monetary policies were also responsible for the decline in nominal interest rates and for the impact on yields and risky asset prices via rebalancing effects, resulting from Quantitative Easing (QE). As expansionary monetary policy attempted to reduce the output gap it also helped to fill the risk gap. In order to successfully avoid a big depression, monetary policy had to lower interest rates until the zero lower bound was attained. The changes in the IS and Phillips curves have rendered the task more difficult along the way and put pressure on monetary policy to adopt more unconventional measures. More structural elements – related to the persuasive views on secular stagnation and the effects of globalisation on inflation – helped to consolidate the notion that the advanced economies are facing a protracted period of low growth and low inflation that central banks are failing to normalise but have to continue to address. Consequently, search for yield and trust in a sort of “central banks’ put” was the prevalent narrative until last year. Markets are becoming increasingly aware that central banks will not ensure such a put and are thus starting to recalibrate policy, not least as a result of the strong recovery now ongoing. The U.S. elections of last November had already temporarily interrupted the market’s belief of the previous narrative. At the turn of the year, the perception was formed that tax cuts and deregulation would spur U.S. growth, which would increase earnings’ yields, subsequently leading to higher inflation and higher bond yields. Consequently, we saw the beginning of a rotation from bonds to stocks with a consequent increase in stock prices and a drop in bond prices (Figure 3). Asset price developments This narrative about a new reflation phase in the world economy petered out last spring, particularly in what regards bonds whose prices have slightly increased since. However, stock prices continued to increase, generating fears and warnings about a possible correction (Figure 3) especially in the U.S. where, contrary to the euro area, the cyclical adjusted price earnings is well above historical averages (Figure 4, LHS). There are already signs that markets are reflecting concerns with possible downward movements: the probability of a 10% correction in stock prices extracted from option pricing has recently increased albeit remaining quite low (see Figure 4, RHS) and the price of shortening the VIX has recently sharply increased. Nevertheless, we should ponder that equity market corrections are often not very consequential as the examples of 1987 or 2000 seem to indicate. In general, it is interest rates and fixed rate debt instruments that exert a wider financial and economic impact. As I mentioned before, there are no signs of significant changes in yields despite wide expectations of monetary policy recalibration around the globe. This presumably bodes well for future central banks’ decisions. Figure 5 shows the slow and smooth market expectations extracted from the OIS curve, for future EONIA for the euro area. The EONIA is expected to go above zero only in 2019 and reach 2% in ten years-time. On the other hand, market expectations of ten years German and Spanish sovereign bonds yields five years from now are respectively 1.5 and 3.3 and only move to 1.76 and 3.9 when assessed ten years from now (Figure 5, RHS). Indeed, markets expect 10 year bond rates to remain much lower than in the past for a long period of time. Yield and spreads of euro area countries’ sovereign debt have remained stable or even dropped with no signs of turbulence (Figure 6). While these developments are supported by the ECB’s expansionary monetary policy, they also result from the deep adjustment undergone by the countries that were under stress during the crisis. The change in policies and the structural reforms implemented contributed to a notable reduction both in their external and fiscal imbalances. This has enhanced the overall resilience of the euro area against possible economic and financial shocks. Thanks to significant fiscal consolidation efforts, fiscal deficits across euro area countries have been reduced (Figure 7). The European Commission expects deficits below 3% of GDP and positive primary surpluses in almost all euro area countries in 2018. The increased robustness of the euro area economy is also reflected in the gradual unwinding of the large current account deficits accumulated by several countries before the crisis. Practically all those countries are now showing a surplus and the adjustment was mostly of a structural nature (see the blue bars, Figure 8, LHS). This turnaround was achieved because the initial dramatic increases in the real exchange rates have largely been corrected (see Figure 8, RHS). In most former programme countries relative unit labour costs are now below their respective level in 1999. All these positive adjustments have certainly contributed to underpin the evolution of sovereign bonds. Likewise, corporate bond yields have continued to decline in the euro area (Figure 9 LHS, Figure 10 LHS for high yielders). Spreads for the debt of both euro area banks and non-financial firms relative to risk-free benchmarks have decreased significantly since the beginning of the year. Similarly to the U.S., this has reflected exceptionally low bond term premia (Figure 9, RHS). Compressed or even negative term premia may however point to potential significant corrections if events trigger a change in investors’ assessment of risk. Particularly, a revision concerning future inflation, no matter how unlikely, could lead to significant increases in term premia and higher yields. Nevertheless, taking into account the present market configuration and modelling fair value valuations, excess corporate bond premia in the euro area cannot be detected (Figure 10, RHS). The excess bond premium is given by the deviation of the corporate credit spreads relative to the measured default risk of the issuer and the duration risk of the bond. The estimates show that ‘excess premia’ have declined since end-2015 and are currently negative, implying that investors require no premium to hedge against adverse economic scenarios. Looking now to another asset class, our analysis indicates that on the aggregate, residential property prices are broadly in line with the fundamentals, using various different methods to assess whether there are overvaluations in the market (see Figure 11). The situation is different in the case of commercial real estate. In specific areas and large cities, housing prices have however increased at a faster pace than households’ incomes and may show signs of overvaluation. On the other hand, property prices and transaction volumes have grown strongly in recent years and have already reached historical highs in many euro area countries (see Figure 12). Nominal growth of residential property prices accelerated to around 4% y-o-y in Q1 2017 but remained below its historical average growth rate and well below pre-crisis values. In real terms, price increases moderated due to inflation picking up. Residential property prices are demand-driven and increasingly supported by the recovery in personal income which is expected to continue. Potential impact of asset price shocks The analysis of the situation in different asset markets illustrates that generalised overvaluation does not exist in the euro area. Tensions in some real estate markets are being dealt with by macroprudential instruments in many countries. To assess possible financial stability risks we should however try to gauge the possible impact of the materialisation of an interest rate or yields correction. In the following paragraphs, I will explore the effects of such a shock calibrated at 100 basis points. Estimates suggest that the impact of this sizable increase on the non-financial private sector is relatively small, in particular for euro area households (see Figure 13, LHS). One reason lies in the interest rate fixation period of loans. Loans with floating rates or rates with rather short fixation periods are more widespread for euro area non-financial corporations. In contrast, the majority of newly demanded loans by households have longer interest rate fixation periods, making them more resilient against interest rate increases (see Figure 13, RHS). The estimates indicate that three years after the interest rate shock, the impact would represent a burden of 0.5% of household disposable income and about 2.5% of the gross revenues of non-financial firms, amounts that could be absorbed in the context of the ongoing recovery. A sudden repricing in fixed income markets could lead to substantial capital losses for investors with large holdings of bonds. In the euro area, the impact would be felt in particular by the non-bank financial sector. For insurers and pension funds, bonds account for almost 40% of their portfolios. For banks, this share is only around 15% (see Figure 14 RHS). In addition, bond portfolio valuations have become more sensitive to changes in interest rates in recent years as duration has continued to increase (see Figure 14, LHS). Currently, a 100 basis point increase in interest rates would lower the value of outstanding securities by 7%, compared to 5% before the financial crisis. However, these simple metrics neither take into account any hedging arrangements nor the impact of any repricing on the value and cost of financial institutions’ liabilities. Regarding the overall impact on the significant euro area banks that are directly supervised by the ECB, Figure 15 updates estimates published in the ECB Financial Stability Review in May 2017. The estimates embody a whole range of effects: the capital losses on securities holdings (without considering any hedging), the increase in credit risk resulting from the estimated impact on probabilities of default of exposures, the corresponding effects on interest revenues and the broad impact on net interest income stemming from the increase in credit rates and funding costs of banks (deposits and wholesale funding). The estimates are made for two scenarios. The global repricing scenario features, among other assumptions, an international increase in bond yields of 120 basis points and a 30% drop in stock prices. The European repricing scenario, induced purely by European developments, includes an average increase in bond yields of 75 basis points unevenly distributed across countries (no increase for Germany and more than 200 for some more vulnerable countries), accompanied by an average drop of 10% in equities. The outcome of the two scenarios indicates a negative impact on banks’ Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital hovering around 200 basis points in terms of deviation from the baseline scenario. This impact has to be considered against the comfortable present average CET1 ratio of 14% enjoyed by the euro area banks. It is also important to recall that market sentiment towards euro area banks has continued to improve, despite some gyrations that broadly reflect developments in interest rate expectations (Figure 16, LHS). While contagion from the recent events of bank resolution and liquidation remained contained, these events have also highlighted the important challenges regarding the resolvability of weak banks. Notwithstanding some recent progress in non-performing loan (NPL) disposals, the large stock of NPLs remains a key structural concern in several countries. In addition, overcapacity and cost inefficiencies continue to weigh on bank profitability in certain banking markets. The economic recovery, the expected steepening of the yield curve and even the progress being made in reducing the NPL level from the average peak of 8% in 2013 to the more recent average of 5.5%, have improved the market assessment of future banks’ profitability. Analysts’ earnings forecasts for 2017 and 2018 have been revised upwards since the U.S. elections, even if net interest income expectations have changed only marginally, despite improving economic conditions (volume effect) and (prospective) higher long-term interest rates (price effect). Analysts revised their earnings forecasts between October 2016 and January 2016 (see Figure 16 black dot in left bar) and between August 2017 and November 2016 (black dot in right bar) with the respective contributing factors. While forecasted net interest income was a drag on net income in the first period it contributed positively in the second period. Forecasted loan loss provisions contributed positively in the second period because they became less negative over the period November 2016 – August 2017 while forecasted operating expenses increased. Let me now turn to the role of macroprudential policy in this risk environment. The objective of macroprudential policy is to prevent and mitigate systemic risk by strengthening the resilience of the financial system and by smoothening the financial cycle. Since November 2014, when the ECB was granted macroprudential responsibilities and competence to top-up the measures taken by national authorities, more than 100 decisions on macroprudential measures have been taken (see Figure 17). As regards capital buffers to counter the “too-big-to-fail” problem, the decisions relate to eight globally important banks (in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain) and overall, 109 domestic systemically important financial institutions in all euro area countries. Decisions also led to calibrations of the systemic risk buffer in four countries (Austria, Estonia, the Netherlands and Slovakia) and to the activation and the future increase of the countercyclical capital buffer to 1.25% in 2018 in Slovakia. In addition, to address real estate risks, authorities raised risk weights for real estate exposure and decided the use of Loan-To-Value (LTV) and Debt-To-Income (DTI) type of measures. Indeed, overall nine countries have currently activated these borrower-type measures based on their national legislation (see Figure 18). These measures influence the provision of credit and raise resilience by curtailing the tails of risk exposure. Given their effectiveness in curbing excessive credit flows, in December last year the ECB Governing Council called upon governments to implement the legislative basis for borrower-based measures in all euro area countries. In addition, the ongoing review of the macroprudential framework in the EU provides an excellent opportunity to make these tools available to macroprudential authorities on a common legal basis. The review also needs to promote a clear allocation of tools between the macro- and micro-prudential supervisors to ensure a timely activation of the instruments. This implies that the macroprudential use of Pillar 2 should be abandoned and the procedures for Article 458 CRR should be strongly streamlined for an effective use of macroprudential policy. The capital- and borrower-based macroprudential instruments I just mentioned are targeting risks among the banking sector and the real economy. But given the structure of our financial system, they are not sufficient. In fact, a growing fraction of credit intermediation is conducted by non-bank financial institutions. Their risks are essentially related to maturity mismatch or leverage. However, the current European macroprudential toolkit grants regulatory authorities limited possibilities to act on these risks in the non-banking sector. Europe should thus expand the toolkit to cover these risk areas. As regards liquidity mismatches, this year’s policy recommendations by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to address structural vulnerabilities from asset management activities have been an important step in the right direction. The recommendations permit authorities to indicate adequate liquidity risk management tools in extraordinary circumstances to open-ended funds. This also includes the suspension of redemptions in times of stress. The FSB policy recommendations also address issues of measurement and monitoring of leverage within investment funds, including data collection for calculating synthetic leverage. Both recommendations are important because of the links between leverage and liquidity risk. For instance, recent research based on European alternative investment funds has shown that leveraged funds experience greater investor outflows after bad performance than unleveraged funds. By limiting leverage we would be able to reduce these propagation mechanisms in times of stress. On the other hand, I see the application of further regulation to Securities Finance Transactions (SFT) as most pressing for macroprudential policy beyond banking. Authorities should be able to make macroprudential use of margins and haircuts in securities markets to control the build-up of excessive leverage. Importantly, these tools reach beyond the banking system and can thereby address risks in the rapidly growing parts of the financial system. To safeguard financial stability in the euro area in the future, it is therefore essential that macroprudential authorities, particularly central banks, are provided by European legislators with an expanded toolkit. Let me conclude. Financial stability in the euro area has improved, accompanying the ongoing economic recovery. Compared to last year, the euro area financial system is more resilient today. Bank profitability has recovered somewhat and steps have been taken to address some of the structural challenges faced by the banking system, although clearly a lot more needs to be done. Monetary policy, even when recalibrated, will continue to keep a very accommodative stance in order to attain the price stability objective in a self-sustained way. This implies that, in the present configuration of risks, Europe and all other advanced economies will have to take macroprudential policy much more seriously or they will face the risk of other financial crises that monetary policy cannot prevent. Thank you for your attention. Daly, K., (2016), “A Secular Increase in the Equity Risk Premium”, International Finance 19:2, pp. 179–200. Caballero, R. and A. Simsek, (2017), “A Risk-centric Model of Demand Recessions and Macroprudential Policy”, NBER Working Paper No. 23614. Bernanke, B., (2005), “The global savings glut and the US current account deficit”, Sandridge Lecture, Virginia Association of Economics, Richmond, Virginia, Federal Reserve Board. Caballero, R. and E. Farhi, (2014), “The safety trap”, NBER Working Paper No 19927. See “Macroprudential measures in countries subject to ECB Banking Supervision and notified to the ECB”, ECB. Belgium, Finland and Luxembourg. Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Slovenia and Slovakia. See “ECB contribution to the European Commission’s consultation on the review of the EU macroprudential policy framework”, ECB. See “Policy Recommendations to Address Structural Vulnerabilities from Asset Management Activities”, FSB, 12 January 2017. See van der Veer, K., A. Levels, C. Lambert, L. Molestina Vivar, C. Weistroffer, R. Chaudron and R. de Sousa van Stralen, (2017), “Developing macroprudential policy for alternative investment funds, towards a framework for macroprudential leverage limits in Europe: an application for the Netherlands”; ECB and DNB Occasional Paper, forthcoming October 2017. See “Margins and haircuts as a macroprudential tool”, remarks by Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB, at the ESRB international conference on the macroprudential use of margins and haircuts, Frankfurt am Main, 6 June 2016.
[11/29: Update added at the bottom of this post. Also, the author was long YHOO and BABA at the time of writing] I am a big fan of both Apple and Tim Cook. I have been for a while. I said Cook would do a great job as CEO 6 months before Steve Jobs died and defended his record 2 years ago when people were saying he wasn’t “innovative” enough. However, I do have a big problem with one choice Cook has made over his tenure as CEO of Apple. It’s not the lack of a bigger screen iPhone sooner or his original choice of head of Apple Retail before Angela Ahrendts. It’s his decision to spend $100 billion and counting of Apple cash on a capital return program. The program was announced in April 2012. It was the first time since 1995 (before Jobs returned to the company) that Apple had paid a dividend. To date, it’s been estimated that Apple has used more than $100 billion of its cash on dividends and stock buybacks. To me, that’s madness. Prior to Cook’s decision to start spending cash on dividends and buybacks, Apple was content to let it accumulate on its balance sheet. The company had gone through a near death experience in 1997 and obviously wanted to ensure it had a sufficient cash cushion to continue to fund its operations in case the markets ever turned against it. By 2012, lots of Wall Street analysts had begun complaining that Apple simply had too much cash sitting idle on its balance sheet and it should either invest it through R&D or M&A or return it to shareholders. There are generally 3 points of view regarding Cook’s decision to start this capital return program: (1) Carl Icahn and most other observers affiliated with Wall Street think it was smart and, if anything, hasn’t gone far enough. (2) Chamath Palihapitiya – a former Facebook (FB) exec who is now a venture investor and a part-owner of the Golden State Warriors basketball team – and most tech people affiliated with Silicon Valley think it was dumb and signals that the company believes it has run out of areas to innovate in. (3) Apple blogger John Gruber thinks there’s no harm no foul in spending money on the dividends and buybacks and supports not spending money excessively on M&A because part of Apple’s success has been staying focused – “a thousand no’s for every yes.” I believe the capital return program has been a total waste of Apple’s hard-earned $100 billion. I believe – although this is impossible to prove – that Apple’s stock price would be just as high as it is today (or more likely higher) had they spent that $100 billion on a combination of smart M&A and smart R&D that would have continued to extend Apple’s lead over other Android phone makers. Had Apple not spent any money on a capital return plan, it would now have over $255 billion in cash on its balance sheet – a quarter of a trillion dollars. If I had a chance to have a coffee today with Tim Cook and he still had $250 billion (with access to much more zero interest cash through debt which he’s only used to date for funding the capital return plan), I would suggest he do five things before Monday morning: - Buy Tesla (TSLA) for $45 billion (representing a 50% premium over yesterday’s closing price) – and before he complained that that’s too much money, I’d point out that if he’d listened to me on February 20th and bought Tesla, it would have been 16% less that what he has to pay now. - Buy Twitter (TWTR) for $39 billion (representing a 50% premium over yesterday’s closing price) – unfortunately that’s 4x what it would have cost Apple to buy Twitter back in April 2012 when I suggested to just after Facebook (FB) had bought Instagram for $1 billion. - Buy Pinterest for $15 billion (a 50% premium over what the private company is rumored to now be worth, although it might be more now). - Spend $10 billion on better batteries through R&D. To be fair, you’d get some of this already through the Tesla acquisition. But is there anything more frustrating to current iPhone users than poor battery life? - Spend another $10 billion on other materials or features which are going to corner the market on some features that consumers will love yet will be difficult for Android makers to copy. How about $10 billion just to make iCloud work properly? Altogether, this M&A and R&D spree would cost Apple $119 billion. Their cash levels would be $136 billion today instead of $155 billion. They wouldn’t have much revenue to show for that $119 billion but how much higher would Apple’s market cap be than the $700 billion it is today? If Apple owned Tesla, Twitter and Pinterest? That would be worth at least another $50 – 100 billion in stock value. It seems like many on Wall Street believe the capital return program is the reason for the renewed vigor in Apple’s stock price which is up 48% this year alone. They say that new kinds of institutional investors plus widow and orphan type retail investors have been attracted to now own Apple stock because of the dividend yield they receive. However, recall that the capital return program was announced in the Spring of 2012. Apple’s stock price initially dropped in the first few weeks afterwards. It then rushed up through September 2012 to all-time highs before losing half its value. The stock price bottomed out in mid-2013 and only really started taking off this year after a very bullish April earnings report. Correlation is not causation. It’s not the Apple capital return program that made people want to buy (or sell) the stock. Rather, it’s Apple’s product cycle, margins, and top-line revenue growth. Two years ago, people worried that Apple was a “hits-based” business relying on new phones each year. It seemed like margins had peaked and Cassandras were shouting that no consumer electronics company – certainly not one without Steve Jobs any more – could keep competitors from eating away at that margin. Samsung seemed ready to ascend to Apple’s throne. Tim Cook seemed to be a care-taker. Sentiment about Apple the stock didn’t change because they started paying a dividend in my view. Sentiment turned around when Apple kept crushing earnings, people realized that the Apple ecosystem was a lot stickier than first thought, and Eddy Cue said in May that Apple had a product roadmap which was the best he’d seen in the last 25 years. It’s always been the product which has driven Apple’s stock and always will be. The day Apple decided to get on the treadmill of paying out money to investors forever through dividends and buybacks is that day they admitted to the world that they can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. A lot of potential innovation inside Apple died that day. John Gruber – whom I respect immensely, and who humorously referred to me as “Action Jackson” for imploring Apple to “do something” with their cash – defended Cook’s decision to do the capital allocation because (A) he thought it was smart for Apple to adhere to a policy of focus over willy-nilly acquisitions and (B) he believed it would be marginally positive for the stock which helps with employee retention. (I’m going by memory from a Twitter exchange I had with Gruber 9 months ago, but I’m pretty sure that was his reasoning.) Here’s why I think John Gruber is wrong on this issue. Anti-M&A Apple enthusiasts always say that, because Apple has never done big acquisitions, and Apple has been successful, Apple therefore shouldn’t do acquisitions. This is mixing correlation with causation again though in my view. There’s nothing inherently wrong with acquisitions. They have to be value-enhancing and help extend the business in a direction it wants to go. If done right, they can be very value-enhancing. Don’t forget: Apple itself wouldn’t exist in its present form had it not been for an acquisition – the 1996 acquisition of NeXT Software for $400 million, returning Steve Jobs to Apple. I’d say that was a good use of $400 million versus if they’d simply paid it out in a dividend. Even Apple seems to acknowledge this logic of the benefit of big acquisitions with its recent $3 billion buy of Beats to supplement its iTunes business. In terms of the focus argument, Apple has about 45,000 non-retail employees today which is about the same number as Google (GOOG). If Apple bought Tesla, Twitter, and Pinterest, they’d gain 9,000 additional employees (although surely there’d be some redundancies here - 5800 for Tesla, 3000 for Twitter, 200 for Pinterest). That’s about a 20% increase in headcount. I think a company like Apple can surely handle that and keep its focus. I just don’t think things are so sacrosanct at Apple that they can’t manage these additional people. Oh and I’m not alone in pushing for Apple to buy Tesla (which would represent 5,800 of the new 6,100 employees Apple would gain through the 3 acquisitions I’m advocating). Chamath is – I think -- the guy who originally argued for this deal. John Gruber agreed with my idea of buying Tesla. Jay Yarow of Business Insider also recently extended my original argument. So, we’re all in agreement that this would be a brilliant – and frankly breath-taking – acquisition Cook should make. In some ways, it would very much resemble the NeXT deal and how important Musk could be inside Apple the way Jobs was. Now, I’ve argued that Apple should make other acquisitions in the past. Some will say here goes “Action Jackson” again. But let’s review what I said. I argued in the past that Apple should buy Yahoo (YHOO) for $23 billion back when Yahoo’s market cap was $18 billion. Now Yahoo’s market cap is $50 billion. I believed that deal would have helped given Apple some real web services which it still is lacking, plus a great partner in China through owning (what at that time would have been) 40% of Alibaba (BABA). I also argued that Apple should have bought Facebook for $100 billion back in 2011 when it was being privately valued at $50 billion and critics were screaming that was way too expensive. Would all of these deals shown a lack of focus? Apple’s still doing something – who knows what? – with iAd. They’re putting some focus there. If you’re going to do that, why not have just bought Facebook for $100 billion and let Mark Zuckerberg continue to run it (if he would have accepted Cook’s offer). You don’t have to worrying about losing your focus. You’re paying Zuck $100 billion to have focus for you over that asset. (And wouldn’t Google have just hated Apple had they had the moxie to do this?) Apple’s still focusing on web services and messing around with that area – not impressively. If they’re going to devote some focus there, why not just own Yahoo and have Marissa Mayer run that area for them? Oh and they would have acquired a 40% interest in Alibaba which is today worth $112 billion (pre-tax). And, while it wasn’t something I argued for at the time, you can understand now what the value to Apple would have been if they’d bought Dropbox for “nine figures” (which is less than $1 billion for those math-challenged) back in 2009. Why did Steve Jobs stubbornly push back from the table and say Dropbox’s price was too high? Every time I interact with iCloud, I curse the day Jobs got cheap and thought Apple was better off staying focused and not buying Dropbox. So, please don’t lecture me about focus when I criticize the folly of Apple for being too “stand pat.” Apple – and only Apple due to its size and cash balances at the time – could have spent $124 billion on Facebook, Dropbox and Yahoo and today control assets worth $338 billion (just for Facebook’s equity value, Dropbox’s estimated $10 billion in value, and the 40% stake in Alibaba). That means Apple would already be a trillion dollar company today easy. Apple’s still focusing on iAd and web services today and they’ve still blown $100 billion on dividends and buybacks but they don’t have anything to show for it. Let’s not try and defend these lack of decisions as Tim Cook being focused or a thousand no’s for every yes. Apple could have a quarter of a trillion dollars today in cash to put to work today. They could become the overnight leader in smart cars by buying Tesla. They could – more importantly – acquire our generation’s single greatest technological leader in Elon Musk and give him carte blanche to paint his canvas. (Somehow, I think Musk could find a better use of $100 billion than handing it over to shareholders.) They could acquire the single most unique and intriguing asset in the social networking world today in Twitter which, despite the recent management criticisms, is only going to be more important to our culture moving forward. They could acquire the single greatest threat to Google search in the last 15 years by buying Pinterest. Tim Cook could make all this happen before we return to work from Thanksgiving next Monday. He could make Apple – a fundamentally great company – into a remarkably exciting company unlike any other in the world. He should do this, but I doubt he will. I doubt he will because he’s married a fickle lover in Wall Street. He’s paid Wall Street $100 billion to date and promised countless more billions in the future. This doesn’t make Apple a better company or promise a brighter future. And it doesn’t raise the stock any higher than it would rise anyway on the hopes of the latest round of new products. There are times I agree companies should pay out cash to shareholders in dividends or buybacks instead of doing pointless M&A. I’d rather see Yahoo do that right now than spend billions more on another Tumblr and 3 dozen nameless acqui-hire companies. But Apple can do much better for itself now with its billions rather than continue wasting them on nameless, faceless Wall Street mutual fund managers. No one else can put $100 billion to use on M&A and R&D other than Apple to transform itself for the better. Only Apple can spend $100 billion wisely. It’s time for Tim Cook to think different. Update [11/29]: Comments and tweets are running about 99 to 1 anti-Eric's argument above. I basically have Jay Yarow (partially) in my corner and some random guy on Twitter and that's it. However, I want to add to the argument above based on the reaction so far. 1. I would rather have seen Apple keep $100 billion over the last 2.5 years instead of paying it out to shareholders. Either you agree with me or you shrug your shoulders and say "what's the big deal?" I think it is a big deal. It's $100 billion! That's nothing to shrug your shoulders at. It took Apple as a company a lifetime to be in the fortunate position to have generated that much capital and I think they should have kept it than paid it out. At the least, they should stop this capital return plan and keep everything from here. I don't think Apple's stock price would be any different today with our without the capital payout program. I can't prove that obviously but, guess what? Neither can those saying it is perfectly correlated to the recent rise in Apple's stock price. Apple's stock initially dropped after they announced their plan in 2012. Wall Street never perfectly prices in what it perhaps it economically should. That's why - for years - Wall Street didn't seem to give any credit for the cash Apple was accumulating. There are lots of companies who do buybacks and dividends and it seems to benefit those companies. But they're generally not innovative ones. They're generally at the top of their S-curved growth. I believe the most important determinant of Apple's stock price - two years ago and now - is how investors perceive the coming cycle of new Apple products. In my view, that's what caused the 50% drop in Apple's price two years ago (on a negative perception of that coming cycle) and it's what's caused the recent ramp up this year in the stock (on a positive perception). The dividends and buybacks are correlated with the stock's rise recently but not the cause - in my view. 2. I think there are many tech-minded people who believe that the day your company starts paying a dividend is the day you say "I can't think of anything creative to do with the money myself so I'm going to give it back to the shareholders." Again, it suggests you're at the top of the S-curve and you're simply going to milk your profits from here on out. There are lots of ways Apple could still grow. I think few who argue against that. I'd rather see Apple keep all its cash ready to attack those problems through R&D or M&A. 3. The Focus thing. For me to mention buying Tesla, Twitter, Pinterest, Yahoo, Dropbox, and Facebook in the post, I think it came across that I was arguing to do all those acquisitions and more big ones in the future at the drop of a hat. Any of those deals would have made financial sense but I recognize that cultural fit is important. Apple might have looked at buying Yahoo 2 years ago. They might have believed it was attractive to own 40% of Alibaba years before folks were talking about it here and the potential ways Alibaba could help them in China, but they still might have decided against buying Yahoo because of the potential headache digesting 13,000 Yahoo employees who had been running on auto-pilot for years. So, yes, cultural fit is important. And, yes, none of those companies might not have agreed to sell - like Zuckerberg. But Apple is still doing stuff in ads. They are focusing there. Either get in or get out of the pool. Do ads or not. And, if you're going to do ads, you probably need some help. So acquire someone (else, because they've done some alread). You've got ample cash unlike any other company in the world so go for it. If you're going to play around with Ping, go all the way with it. Of all the potential acquisitions I suggested, I think the most interesting by far is Tesla. If I was Cook, that's the first one I'd do. If it was the only one he did, I'd be happy. I still think Twitter and Pinterest could also be huge assets in the future for Apple so I'd also grab them now at lower prices than what they'll be in 5 years and I'd get to work on integrating them now rather than waiting and having more of an integration issue later. 4. Why did Cook choose to do the dividend and payout? I think that's worth thinking about. Sure he was getting pressure from David Einhorn and Carl Icahn to do it but I don't think either of those guys (who I respect) forced Tim to do it. I believe Cook thought Apple had way too much money than it could spend and this was a way to increase the stock price. He seemed to go out of his way when the stock dropped in 2013 to buy more stock to aid the stock price. I think he probably worried that a low stock price would hurt employee morale and retention. So, I think it came from a "it can't hurt, only help" place for Cook. And, by the way, I think Cook's a great leader and any one who's read my stuff for years knows I defended him when others - who really knew nothing - were calling for his head. However, despite this all coming from a good place, I think Cook simply misjudged what drives Apple's stock price. It's the product cycle, period. So, this $100 billion has been wasted and I think it could have been better spent. 5. Apple shouldn't be doing big acquisitions every year. But they should be thinking "what's the NeXT acquisition we could do today which would propel our company into a totally new and exciting vector that makes sense?" I think Tesla is it for reasons I've argued before. 6. People talk about Apple's patience, its focus, its culture as things that have led to its success. They worry that doing a big acquisition might hurt Apple's specialness. I think it's obvious Apple has a dominant bias to build vs. buy. That's fine, but I think those biases - which have made it a very special company - can also sow the seeds of future mistakes. The concern I have with Apple is that it is missing a big transformational acquisition - Tesla for example - because it defaults back to these biases (that's too big, we don't do that, a thousand no's for every yes) and misses a huge opportunity. 7. Maybe Apple's worried about falling into an anti-trust trap with the government like has happened to Microsoft and Google. Maybe that's the real reason they're avoiding big acquisitions today. That's fair. But I can't see how a Tesla acquisition would concern antitrust regulators.
The Best Steak For Grilling With regards to cooking a steak on the barbecue, you cant turn out with any cut you pick. Nonetheless, getting a cooked steak from a barbecue can be precarious assuming youre new to steak cooking or utilizing a barbecue. Each cut of steak is an alternate size, thickness, and surface, so itll be an alternate interaction to barbecue ribeye steak than it is to barbecue a much thicker steak, similar to a filet mignon. Another issue you may have with the barbecue lies in the fat substance of steak. Even though steaks with more fat will quite often be more tasty and delicate, they additionally can be more hazardous to cook on the barbecue. As fat trickles off cut steaks, barbecue eruptions can occur. That doesnt mean you cant barbecue them, yet, youll have to play it safe while doing as such. Regardless of whether you need to cook a rib steak, a T-bone, or level iron on the barbecue, you can figure out how to do it by following the barbecuing tips for steak. Should You Salt Steak Before Grilling When should you salt your steak? Balistreri says to always salt your steak right before cooking. Salt will begin to cook the steaks surface and release moisture from the muscle if salted too far in advance. Ideally, we want to keep the juices in the steak by salting right before we cook, Balistreri says. Read Also: Steak Restaurants In My Area How Do You Know When Charcoal Is Ready When the coal is completely covered with gray ash, it is ready. Following the starting of the fire, the flames will die down and the margins of the coals will begin to become gray. Eventually, the ash will seep into each briquet individually. The coals are now ready to be spread out and put to use as needed. The entire process takes around ten minutes to complete. You May Like: Free Steaks With Windshield Replacement Tools Needed For Perfect Grilled Steak - Charcoal or Gas Grill that can get hot for the initial sear. - Instant read digital thermometer, like the Thermoworks Thermapen, to monitor the internal temperature of the meat and avoid overcooking. - Long tongs to be able to move the steak and avoid flare ups that burn the steak. Grilling on pellet grills If you have a pellet grill its still possible to sear the steak. The best method is to get the pellet grill as hot as it will go. Use infrared grill grates or a cast iron pan that warms up as the grill warms up to get the sear quickly and avoid overcooking. You May Like: Mcdonalds Steak Bagel Sauce Recipe Should You Put Olive Oil On Steak Before Grilling Season the steak one hour before cooking, using extra virgin olive oil, fresh ground black pepper, and kosher or sea salt. Leave it at room temperature until cooking. Brush each side with 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil. For a rare or medium finish, turn the steak over and finish cooking to the right temperature. You May Like: Frozen Steaks Delivered How Do You Grill Coals Cook the dish over the embers for a few minutes, then transfer it to a cool spot for indirect cooking. How Much Charcoal Do I Need For Steak A single layer of coals across the bottom of the vessel will enough. Cooking steak on a hotter heat is necessary for better results. The amount of charcoal should be at least doubled, and it should be stacked two to three high. Reduce the amount of coals you use and keep an eye on the temperature to maintain the temperature low for slow cooking and smoking. You May Like: Bourbon Steak Orange County Menu How Do You Grill A Tender Ribeye Steak Preheat a gas grill to medium-high heat . Place the steaks on the grill, cover with a lid, and turn the heat down to medium. Grill for 4-6 minutes on each side, or until the bottoms are seared. Cook for another 5 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 135° F for rare to medium rare, then rotate and cook for another 5 minutes. How Long Do You Cook A 1 Grill a 1-inch ribeye steak for 9-12 minutes, and a 112-inch steak for 12-15 minutes, flipping the meat once before the halfway point, to get the optimum medium-rare result. A meat thermometer should read 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Cover your steaks with aluminum foil for 5 minutes before serving to allow them to rest. Don’t Miss: Where To Buy Kobe Steak How To Season Steak: Sea salt, garlic powder, black pepper make up the best steak seasoning. These three all-star ingredients are all you need to make a winning steak every time! Nothing fancy or complicated. Sometimes Ill throw in a little paprika when Im feeling wild. You can easily use your favorite steak rub, but I find salt, garlic powder and black pepper go a long way in generating the most enticing flavor. If you love big bold flavors, use my Best Steak Marinade recipe and marinate the steak instead of dry brining it! Finish Steaks Over Direct Heat Place steaks over direct heat to finish them off with a good char. Cook 90 seconds – 2 minutes per side, basting the steaks with butter occasionally as they cook. To baste, dip the prepared herb brush in melted garlic butter, letting excess drip back into skillet to avoid flare-ups. Temp the steaks often & transfer steaks to a plate once the internal temperature registers 115-120° F for medium-rare doneness. You May Like: Charlie Palmer Steak Washington Dc How To Grill A Frozen Steak On An Electric Or Gas Grill An electric or gas grill is the most foolproof way to grill a frozen steak. Simply turn it on, place your steak on the rack, close the lid, and let it cook according to your preferred doneness. If you would like a charred outside crust with your frozen steak, follow how to grill a frozen steak over direct heat in the section above this one How To Charcoal Grill A Steak To Perfection When it comes to basic cooking, grilling a steak over a hot grill should be the easiest thing in the world. How many times have you gone to a barbecue at a friends house, and the steaks have been tired and dry and lacking in flavor. Too many times I hear you cry. Well, here are some surefire tips on taking the uncertainty out of grilling a steak on a charcoal barbecue. You May Like: What Is A Good Marinade For Steak Correct Cooking Time And Temperature Are The Secrets To Great Steaks Okay, you have a platter of beautiful steaks or burgers, just waiting to be transformed into a meal you can brag about for years to come. But what comes next? What is the grill temp for steak? The grill temp for burgers? What if you need to use the oven do you know what temperature to cook steak in the oven? And do you know how long to grill steak, how long to grill burgers, or how long to cook steak in the oven? You do now! We’ve put together a chart that will tell you everything you need to know about steak cooking temperatures and time. Just follow these recommendations for the best temp to cook steak and burgers and be sure to use a meat thermometer for the best results. It’s time to claim your steak chef bragging rights! Whats The Best Steak For Grilling Honestly, when it comes to cooking a steak on the grill, you cant really go wrong with any cut you choose. However, getting a perfectly cooked steak from a grill can be tricky if youre new to steak cooking or using a grill. Each cut of steak is a different size, thickness, and texture, so itll be a different process to grill ribeye steak than it would be to grill a much thicker steak, like a filet mignon. Another issue you might have with the grill lies in the fat content of steak. Although steaks with more fat tend to be more flavorful and tender , they also can be more dangerous to cook on the grill. As fat drips off cut steaks, grill flare-ups can happen. This is especially common with cuts like the rib eye, which are known for their marbling. That doesnt mean you cant grill them, but youll definitely need to take extra precautions when doing so. Whether you want to cook a rib steak, a T-bone, or flat iron on the grill, you can learn to do it by following our helpful grilling tips for steak. Also Check: What Temperature To Cook Steak On Grill How To Cook A Tender Sirlion Steak On A Charcoal Grill Sirloin steak is often used as a grilling steak because the meat is tender and lean. There are more expensive cuts of steak, but people watching their fat consumption tend to prefer this cut because of its low fat percentage. Meat may come already tenderized a process done with a tenderizing mallet but you can also achieve this effect at home. If desired, massage the meat with your fingers to help tenderize it before applying seasonings. Season your steak as desired. For example, rub it with a steak seasoning mix, garlic or pepper and salt. Olive oil and various herbs can also be used, depending on the flavor you want to achieve in your steak. Build a large pyramid of charcoal briquettes almost up to the grill grate. Light with a match or lighter, and let the briquettes burn. Once a layer of ash covers the briquettes, topple the pyramid, and spread the charcoal evenly across the bottom of the grill. Place the sirloin steak on the grill, and cook according to its thickness. A steak should be cooked for four to five minutes per side per inch of thickness to achieve a medium-well steak. Medium-rare should cook for two or three minutes, and rare may only need one or two minutes per side. Recommended Reading: Temp To Grill Pork Tenderloin Tips For Grilling The Perfect Steak: Prepare the grill for direct cooking over hot charcoal or high heat. Place the meat on a well-oiled, hot grate and cook it to the desired doneness turning with tongs. Dont pierce the meat with a fork unnecessarily piercing allows flavorful juices to escape Allow the steak to rest away from the fire for five minutes before serving. For medium-rare, cook the steak for about four minutes per side for a 1-inch thick steak. Use tongs to turn the steak dont use a fork that will pierce the meat and let flavorful juices escape. Test for doneness by pressing the meat with your finger if its soft, its rare if it springs back, its medium-rare when pressed firmly, its well done. For a 2-inch steak, increase the time to six minutes per side. For a 1/2-inch steak, decrease the cooking time to three minutes per side. When checking for doneness, remember that the steak will continue to cook after it is removed from the grill. Let the steak rest for 5 minutes before serving so the juices have a chance to redistribute. For a charred crust, allow the steak to cook for an extra minute or two per side. Also Check: Steak Out Menu Montgomery Al Best Steak Cuts For The Grill Lean Cuts These have less intramuscular fat and are not as prone to flare ups . They also cook faster, so attention to the internal temperature of the steak is important. - Top Sirloin Filet These have more intramuscular fat and have amazing texture and flavor from the marbling. These cuts are also more prone to flare ups, so be aware of that potential when grilling these cuts. - New York Strip, or Striploin Chefs Tip Buy a thick cut steak for best results. A thin steak can easily overcook, and having the thicker cut will make it easier to keep the interior tender. You can see more great grilling cuts here. Also Check: How To Grill Halibut With Skin Where You Buy Your Steak Is Just As Important A tip that you should always remember. Where you are buying your steak is just as important as the cut and quality. You want to make sure that the steak is purchased from a butchery and not just from the supermarket. A supermarket is buying in bulk, to make sure that the price is more reasonable than the butchery. However, a butchery knows exactly the importance of a good steak. A hot grill We already told you a steak needs hot and fast grilling. But how do you know that the charcoal grill is hot enough? There is an easy way to find out if your grill is hot enough for steak. You place your hand about 3 inches above the grill grate. Start counting, slowly. If you can hold it there for only a second or two, the grill is ready for your steak. If you canât hold it there for even a second, it is too hot. If you can hold it for longer than three to four seconds, the grill is already too cold. You May Like: How Do You Cook Pepper Steak Dont Forget To Let The Steak Rest “Cooking the steak to 10 degrees below your desired temp and then resting it allows for the collagen in the meat to thicken the juices as it cools slightly,” says Prentiss. “This creates a way juicier steak than just cooking straight to temp.” Sharp agrees. “Let it rest. This is crucial,” he says. “Just because the steak is out of the pan doesn’t mean it stopped cooking. Keep it in a warm place you don’t want a cold steak and rest it for about as long as you cooked it.” Chef Gonzalez suggests allowing the steak to rest for half the cooking time before serving. So if your steak takes 10 minutes to cook, let it rest for five. If you’re not able to keep the steak warm while it rests, or you want to eat it quite hot, Prentiss advises returning the steak to the grill after it’s rested and bringing it up to the internal temperature of your preference before eating. How To Grill Steak Using The 2 2-zone grilling is key to getting juicy, meltingly tender steaks on the grill. Fun fact! I recipe tested two steaks side-by-side, one with a 2-zone approach & one cooked solely over direct heat. Even with the same doneness & flavor, the grilled steak that started over indirect heat was much more tender. TL DR? 2-zone grilling is definitely the best way to grill steak! Full Recipe Directions, including step-by-step photos, are included in the Recipe Card, below. Before you begin! Take a moment to clean the grillgrates so no other charred flavors interfere. At this point, take the steaks out of the fridge so they can come up to room temperature, too. Room temp steak is also essential for getting a perfect char. Light the grill with 2 zones of heat. The best grill temp for steak is actually 2 temperature zones! Preheat your grill with one zone of low indirect heat & one zone of high direct heat. If you have a gas grill, simply light half of its burners to the highest setting. If you have a charcoal grill, distribute the lit charcoal to one side of the grill. The half of the grill over the heat source is in the direct high heat zone, while the other half is in the indirect heat zone. Related Reading!Learn all about 2-Zone Grilling. Read Also: Philly Steak Pizza Domino’s How To Grill A Perfect Steak THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE SALES LINKS. PLEASE SEE MY AFFILIATE NOTICE FOR DETAILS. How to Grill a Perfect Steak is your go-to grilled steak guide! Every step is broken down to make the process of grilling steak easy and approachable perfect for a gas grill or charcoal grill. THIS POST IS SPONSORED BY:This post is sponsored by Country Natural Beef, the opinions are my own. What Temperature Is Medium Well For A Ribeye Steak medium well means that the steak is cooked to a consistent temperature throughout its surface. This means that the meat is not too rare or too rare, so you can enjoy it without worrying about it becoming overcooked. The key to cooking medium well is to cook it slowly over low heat, making sure that the steak reaches a consistent temperature before moving on to another step. Don’t Miss: Hot Stone For Cooking Steak How Long Do You Cook A Steak On Each Side On A Charcoal Grill How Long Should a Steak Be Grilled on a Charcoal Grill? Ready To Hit The Grill If this all still feels new to you, I encourage you to head over to Grilling 101, a compilation of tips & tricks for all of the grilling basics everything from how to light your grill to how to clean your grill. All this talk about grilling have you feelin ready to hit the grill? Me too! Be sure to check out this post for my 15 go-to marinades you need this grilling season. At our house, a good marinade is at the heart of grilling season. Im positive these marinades will be on repeat at your house this summer! For even more grilled goodness, be sure to check out all of our Grilling & Smoking recipes. & lastly! Be sure to give @playswellwithbutter a follow on Ill be teaching you how to grill up some goodness all summer long, & we have so much fun on Instagram! Want more grilling tips & recipes? Youre in the right place! Were sharing exclusive grilling tips, tricks, & sneak peeks to our email friends. Plus, youll be the first to know about all of PWWBs new grilling recipes all summer long. Also Check: Larry’s Steaks And Hoagies
Installment 18: The Walnut Bust Author’s Note: Welcome to installment 18 of “The Early Days,” which looks at a transitional phase in the City of Angels—Prohibition is still new and in a surprising move, the Italians have gone from blood feuds to collaboration. It’s been quite a while since my last article and a lot has happened, including an apocalypse apparently. I returned from a 6 month active duty deployment in Africa on New Year’s Day, and released a new book shortly before that. The Fight Abroad & the Fear Back Home: Italians of the California Coast During WWII, came out in December and has already received favorable reviews. “Niotta’s thorough research and in-depth interviews merge to create a read that is both intriguing and revealing,” Italian America: the Nation’s Most Widely Read Magazine for People of Italian Heritage.” More recently, and as a fun detour from two of my long ongoing research projects—the Jack Dragna biography (Beneath the Hollywood Mafia Mask) and an early history of org crime in California co-authored with Richard Warner—I have leaped into a true crime noir that centers around the late 1914 killing that tied the underworld of East Harlem to the ethnic ghettos of Los Angeles. Look for further details at “The history of this booze raid is well known. It was reputed to be one of the largest ever pulled off in the history of Los Angeles county.” Evening. Friday, October 5, 1923. Pomona Court House. Preliminary Hearing of nine in violation of the Wright Liquor Act. Honorable Judge U. E. White Captain George Contreras licked his thick lips then pursed them tight as if to kiss the courtroom. His face reddened and then the laughter forced through. It’d been a big haul and quite a dramatic bust at that. Plenty of close calls and laughs to be had. Newsmen were already calling it one of the largest in the county and Contreras supposed they had him to thank for that. Sitting smugly on the stand, the head of L.A. County’s dry squad conveyed his end of the recent happenings, wishing desperately that the courtroom spectators could have witnessed the hilarious theatrics firsthand. Contreras made his return to the ranch the day after the raid. They had a damned lot of product to get rid of, and he wanted to be sure they’d been thorough in the hunt. Confident that with more time, he and his men could sniff out something missed during the chaos, he aimed to give the property a more in depth search. And he was right. The effort delivered an additional five 30-30 rifles, “loaded to the brim with dum-dum bullets,” and it also overturned something Contreras hadn’t expected—“a large number of advertising cards!” Apparently, “the gang was advertising its business and disposing of the products of their stills in business-like manner.” And it was on that trip back that he also encountered what had him so jovial on the stand. For some reason, he simply couldn’t put the scene to rest as the deputy district attorney posed his questions. The laugh emitted was something Contreras felt unavoidable, but the D.A. clearly saw it another way. Displeased, he even called him out over the disruption. When pressed about what he found so funny, Contreras shaved the shyness and told it plainly. No sense in lying, he confessed, then promised not to exaggerate if he could help it. Besides, he figured, the tense room could use a smile. One newsman later referred to the lawman’s story as “vivid and colorful,” dubbing it an “animal jag.” Just prior to the preliminary hearing, Captain Contreras dispatched a small detail of men and a pair of trucks out to the ranch; the objective at hand, to haul “the huge illicit distillery and all its accoutrements” into the “city for disposition.” It had become standard procedure, and one quite popular in fact. That week alone, the event up near Walnut served as the third of its kind. Combining the trio of busts, the “illicit goods seized” ran “high into the thousands of gallons.” On the final raid; however, the differences proved noteworthy. In addition to a far sight more product to load and truck, “in this raid it was white corn whiskey” rather than wine. They dubbed it “170 proof and of excellent quality.” Testing the product personally, he quickly gaged it no common swill. Impressed as he may have been, the daunting task that waited stripped bare any semblance of excitement. As he’d come to understand, loading up that much juice and equipment was no easy chore. At least he had Dick and Munson on the venture. Deputies Dick Le Roux and Ralph Munson had proven themselves plenty capable when it came to heavy lifting. In addition to removal, they also had to gather “enough booze to be brought to Pomona for evidence at the time of the trial.” After arriving on site; however, they noted a good amount of the mash had spilt out over the ground. “The animals on the farm had free access to” the spoils, remarked Contreras, doing little to hide the smirk proudly hovering above his dimpled chin. Curiosities had been piqued and to see that always got him reeling. The potion proved to be “excellent feed,” he explained further, and without their masters present, the ranch animals “went to it with a hearty relish.” Roosters “affected with blind staggers” all “ran in circles.” An old hen, at last brave enough to retaliate, targeted her brute of a mate. Laughing, Contreras conveyed her darting, lunging again and again until she’d “lammed him to a frazzle.” And “the booze put fight into the donkeys and goats” as well. Staggering, the goats came in fast, charging sideways. Too wobbly to balance though, they kept on missing their mark. One even “mistook a fence post for an antagonist, and nearly broke its neck ramming.” One after another, each animal at the “feast began to topple.” All but the dogs that is, Contreras reported. “There were a number of rabbit hounds on the place,” but they don’t “partake of the corn.” Contreras paused, grinning too wide to continue. By the giggles stifled throughout the courtroom, he knew he’d nailed his objective. And by the look of the attorney standing impatiently before him, he could tell it was about time to end his funny little tale. Leaning back, he rolled his shoulders and cleared his throat. “To make a long story short, that donkey all but killed the dog” and “one by one the animals actually wore themselves out.” Just as he himself was so inclined after a bender, they then “proceeded to lie down and sleep it off.” Humorous as the sight had been, and for as many grins as the story fostered, Contreras couldn’t shake one very serious factor. Judge White fixed the defendants’ bonds at five grand a piece then handed the lot over to constable Chambers in the sheriff’s office. In the stew at the Pomona city jail sat one woman and eight men: 32 year old San Jose resident, Carmelo Sciortino; Walnut locals, 35-year-old Gaspar Scibila, 28-year-old Patsy Vasta, and 53-year-old John Costa; the Gallinas from San Diego, father, Joe—45—and son, Frank—25; and from Los Angeles, 37-year-old Mario Augustino, plus Tom and Julia Dragna of 1001 East 29th Street. And another wanted man among their party—a Giuseppe Bonventre—too injured to be brought into custody, remained confined to the ranch. Contreras again wondered over the cause of the Italian fellow’s injury. What was the verdict? They appeared to be “pretty serious looking flesh wounds.” Without a doc on scene though, they couldn’t be certain if the man’s story checked out. Bonventre claimed “that a horse fell on his leg,” but Contreras and some of the others sat “half inclined to believe” he’d “been in a gun duel” instead. Same as ever, the lot would either make bail or occupy a cell until the judge came calling. But to Contreras’ surprise, it never got that far this time around. He himself informed the bootlegger crew their attorney was already making arrangements. And then through an interpreter, this Felix Adamoli of Los Angeles, the bonds were fixed and Chambers turned them loose. What had Contreras worried was the two men who showed up at the station. From what he’d been told, the pair came in on the day of the raid “with $50,000 in cash, ready to sign the bail of all the defendants.” Only eight of the accused behind bars, they put up $40,000. Newsmen noted “the bond in each case was signed by two wealthy Los Angeles Italians, who, it is alleged, have been going on bonds for Italians in such trouble all over this section of country.” Weighing the apparent capabilities of the bootleg outfit, Contreras abandoned humor and—while still holding the courtroom’s attention—voiced his opinion. Reiterating what some had already stated, he expressed that the organization they shook up was no lightweight. They had big “money for the payment of fines” and for “employing attorneys” at the ready. He didn’t feel, and he made it known, that these proceedings would put an end to the bootleggers’ efforts. “The payment of a few thousand in fines”—even if meted out frequently—“really amounts to but a small license fee.” And the simple fact they all looked out for each other also had Contreras concerned plenty. They didn’t leave anybody rotting in a cell…and that kind of loyalty dissuaded dissension. Any organization as faithful as that, he considered an outfit difficult to keep down. Even though Contreras and the boys disrupted the bootleg ring with ease, he now felt certain they’d merely been lucky. The group hadn’t been at it long—at least not on the old Henry ranch—and yet it seemed clear the group knew what they were doing. Investigation overturned that “operations had been in progress at the ranch about three months, dating from the time” of the sale made between the Sloan Seed Company and the Dragna brothers. In just three short months of production, their stills “had turned out thousands of gallons of contraband.” Not much finished product was laying around either, at least not comparatively, and that meant distribution. “It was evident that the vendors were doing a land office business, selling their goods in Los Angeles, Pomona and elsewhere.” And they had buyers too—a network in motion. The “vendors had perfect system about their work” but screwed themselves on one simple aspect—security. Clearly, “they thought themselves secure.” Little more than coincidence had brought them onto the bootleggers’ trail—they’d made frequent purchases of large sums of fuel from local stations, drawing suspicions. As smug a performance as he’d given the courtroom, Contreras had already resigned himself to the fact they wouldn’t stumble onto that much luck again—not in finding their area of operations and not in bringing them in. He’d even half admitted it to the press, saying the “gang” they encountered was “prepared to fight had in not been taken unawares.” * * * Quiet and stealthy, ten agents slipped through the tall grass of the ranchland on foot, their weapons drawn. Ahead in the distance, stood a tall two-story 15-room manor pushed “back in a nook of the hills.” From afar it gave “the appearance of a royal castle of early days in the hills of Scotland.” Edging nearer, the men filing through the yard noted two smaller farm houses as well. And past these rested a pair of barns—“one 100 by 60 feet and another 30 by 50 feet”—plus a sprinkling of even smaller structures. With just ten men, that many buildings to comb presented a hell of a lot of potential danger. Despite uneasiness, they went about it as best they could. Lawmen divided into groups then spread out, hitting separate farm houses simultaneously. Aware of the risks, they coordinated well. “Three of the men in one house were asleep, and one, who was awake, started to run.” Deputy Sheriff Chambers immediately gave chase, charging “down a nearby ravine,” where the constable halted him by firing a shot. If anyone was still resting, they were certainly up now. And then, “drawing a bead” with a sawed-off shotgun, Chambers led his captive back to the house. In his absence, Officer Devalon “succeeded in disarming and arresting the two others.” The Los Angeles officers in their party had been plenty busy as well, and fortunately they too “found some of the defendants asleep.” Naturally, not everyone halted as instructed. The lights come on and the roaches scatter. “Men leaped from the second-story window of the large ranch house, and from the upper floors of two adjacent barns. Others ran from the back door,” gunning “into the arms of waiting deputies.” Once matters quieted some, Chambers and Contreras breathed a little easy, thankful they hadn’t walked into a fusillade of bullets. Newsmen would convey the close call later that day. “The officers appearing on the scene wholly unannounced and so sudden,” when “most of the defendants were asleep,” rendered “valueless” the “five revolvers and two sawed-off shotguns found in” the bootleggers’ possession. The element of surprise allowed the constable, two Pomona policemen, and a handful of officers from the Los Angeles PD to snatch weapons as soon as they entered each building. Daylight now upon them and the fiasco at an end, lawmen took in the surroundings—“the hills dotted with cattle, chickens about the yard, and horses in the fields and stables.” Walking the grounds, hunting for stashes of booze and weapons, they noted just how self-sufficient the ranch operation stood. They discovered “a blacksmith shop, a tin shop, and other side buildings,” plus a stash of get away cars—a Lincoln, a Dodge, a Cadillac, and Hupmobile. They considered the ranch “a veritable farm village with every accommodation that could well be expected at such a location.” “The still was found in the loft of the larger barn, and was red hot in operation when the officers seized it.” And the spoils she gave were impressive. “Net results” included “the seizure of ten 500-gallon vats of white corn whisky mash, seven five-gallon cans of whisky, 170 proof, and ready for transportation” plus “three tons of sugar, two tons of bran and cracked corn,” and “a 100-gallon whisky still, coils, copper containers and other equipment.” One of the men taken in, Pasquale Vasta—they all called him Patsy—he took the blame, admitting freely he rented the barn where they found the contraption. While certainly well set for production, and heavily armed to protect their investment, the surroundings clearly also showed signs of a domestic nature. “There were at least two families,” residing on the premises and “six children were on the ranch” at the time of the bust. Tom Dragna’s family had taken up residence in one of the smaller homes but they weren’t certain if his younger brother, Jack, stayed there as well. Jack and his wife, Frances, had just celebrated their first wedding anniversary and were not yet expecting. Their first child, Frank Paul Dragna, would arrive in just shy of another year. * * * One of the officers yesterday declared that it was “mere boys’ play to fine these people. They pay willingly and the fines amount to but a very small license. Fining them does not deter them in prosecution of their unlawful business. The only means of ever conquering this booze ring is to give members who are caught long jail sentences in addition to heavy fines.” Captain Contreras. Captain Contreras. The words pushed through the clouds of his thoughts. The Los Angeles dry squad leader shook his head and re-centered, lifting his eyes to meet the stare of the attorney dully mouthing his name. The sight brought his mind back to where his body sat, in the wooden seat of the witness stand at the Pomona courthouse. Clearing his throat, Contreras finally breached the subject so heavily weighing within. Although they arrested Tom during the bust, the younger of the two Dragnas—Jack—was nowhere to be found. Testimony had already proven him one of the owners and that made him liable. So why wasn’t Jack among those arrested? Contreras wasn’t the only one to place Jack somewhere at the top of the bootleg pyramid. Constable Chambers, and a few other prominent badges figured him a head man as well. The Pomona Bulletin even printed the theory. Licking his lips, Contreras recalled the artful words the journalist penned. While investigation was still in progress late last night to determine who the “king bee” of the defendants is, Constable Chambers and Captain Contreras believed it was none other than Jack I. Dragna, of Los Angeles. Another investigation was also in progress, to determine whether there was still someone higher in the deal than even Dragna, who was furnishing the money, as it were. Though perhaps one of the most pertinent witnesses to give a deposition, Captain George Contreras was not the only lawman called by Deputy District Attorneys E. J. Dennison and D. H. Clark; the first being Deputy Barney Kane. “There were no farm implements on the place,” Kane pointed out, countering any claim the men gathered for mere harvesting. “The large house did not contain furniture” either, he added, “only cots where the men slept.” Evidently they came to the ranch for a very specific purpose, as labor in illicit liquor production. The Gallinas of San Diego, father and son, came aboard for another reason, the art of still production—“they were manufacturing two additional 500-gallon stills when the raid took place.” By their count, the upgrade stood to triple production. When pressed about the capabilities on site, Deputy Kane offered a modest assessment—giving numbers half that of Dick and Munson’s estimations. If the operations had been going on three months, and 50 gallons of liquor had been turned out every 24 hours (which is a low estimate), it can be seen that no less than 4,550 gallons of whiskey had been made and sold from that plant. The officers believe that more than double this amount had been distilled there, however, and that the product has gone principally to Los Angeles. They also believe that in Los Angeles county the ring to which these people belong turns out as much as 10,000 gallons of intoxicating liquor per day, and that their business is so well organized and handled that all this contraband finds ready sale at about $16 per gallon wholesale, going to the consumer at about $4 per pint. “Two smaller houses” sit on the property as well, Kane continued, saying Tom’s wife, “Julia Dragna was in one of these.” Speaking the woman’s name immediately opened a can of worms newsmen had already enjoyed printing. Los Angeles Times, September 28, 1923 Deputies Seize Huge Still Melodramatic Scene in Raid as Woman Gives Battle to Officers; Eight Are Arrested Mrs. Julia Dragna, wife of Tom Dragna, who operates the ranch, fiercely resisted the entrance of the officers. She was armed with a large club and landed blows on several of the deputies before she was overpowered. Finally, seven men and Mrs. Dragna were arrested, put into automobiles with Mrs. Dragna’s two young children, and brought to the Pomona jail. The retelling garnered nearly as many laughs as the animal jag. But before long a more serious tone fell over the courtroom. In line with the sentiments of Captain George Contreras, Deputy D.A. Dennison gave voice to the issue of Jack Dragna. “This booze game is a gigantic thing,” declared the attorney, “and here is one of the men who purchased that ranch for the purpose of using it for the manufacture of liquor. It is idle to tell me he knew nothing of the operations there or had no connection with the men who were manufacturing that liquor.” Although they certainly tried, it proved hard doing to argue against the D.A.’s point, and as a result, Judge White put Jack under bond with the rest. And on that very next day at the courthouse, Contreras tasted more of the same, when the wanted man he was after made his return. Jack waltzed straight in with the funds for his bond already in hand. The papers announced, “Dragna is one of the owners of the ranch, and first appeared in the case voluntarily when the preliminary was commenced October 6.” Jack’s presence that day made it an even ten defendants in attendance. * * * No doubt curious over the identities of the two wealthy Italians who came to the aid of the bootlegger party, Captain Contreras made inquiries and soon learned the names of the pair that posted bond—Joseph Ernest Ardizzone and Tony Buccola, “reputed to be worth two hundred thousand dollars or more.” The fact that these two men peaceably came together to a place of law said plenty. Just a few short years earlier, Ardizzone and Buccola—leaders among rival Sicilian clans—were hard at work trying to kill each other. The bust on the Dragna ranch near Walnut which brought the pair jointly to the station proved that the blood vendetta had been curbed. For now they stood under a single banner, a flag held tight in the hands of Rosario DeSimone. But DeSimone had only just risen, following the brutal slaying of the new brugad’s first recognized leader, Vito DiGiorgio, who gunmen shot down in Chicago less than a year and a half earlier. The much feared, Di Giorgio—it is believed—was the one to instigate change, quelling the old feuds that had long divided the assorted mafia clans of Los Angeles. - The Walnut Bust: The Early Days of Los Angeles With Dr J. Michael Niotta - May 21, 2020 - The Cornero Gang & the Infamous Page Brothers: The Early Days of Los Angeles With Dr J. Michael Niotta - June 4, 2019 - The Man From Chicago: The Early Days of Los Angeles With Dr J. Michael Niotta - December 12, 2018
How To Download Outlook For Windows Learn how to download Outlook for Windows and enhance your email management. Follow our step-by-step guide to install this powerful email client. 1. Empowering Your Inbox: Learn How to Download Outlook for Windows and Take Control of Your Email 2. Unleash Your Productivity: Follow These Simple Steps to Download Outlook for Windows and Streamline Your Workflow 3. Effortlessly Manage Your Emails: Discover the Secrets of Downloading Outlook for Windows and Stay on Top of Your Inbox Game 4. Master Your Schedule: Unlock the Power of Outlook for Windows by Downloading It and Never Miss an Important Appointment Again 5. A Seamless Integration: Download Outlook for Windows and Experience a Harmonious Blend of Email, Calendar, and Task Management 6. The Ultimate Communication Hub: Learn How to Download Outlook for Windows and Witness the Magic of Centralized Email, Contacts, and Messaging 7. Unlock Limitless Possibilities: Download Outlook for Windows and Explore the Vast Array of Features That Will Transform Your Digital Experience 8. Stay Connected on the Go: Discover the Art of Downloading Outlook for Windows and Access Your Emails Anywhere, Anytime 9. Simplify Your Life: Download Outlook for Windows and Say Goodbye to Email Overload, Clutter, and Chaos 10. Embrace Efficiency: Take the Plunge, Download Outlook for Windows, and Experience a Whole New Level of Organizational Bliss Are you tired of struggling with your current email client on Windows? Look no further! In this guide, we will show you how to download Outlook for Windows, the ultimate email and personal information manager. Whether you’re a busy professional looking for a reliable tool to manage your inbox or simply someone who wants to stay organized and connected, Outlook has got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the simple steps you need to take to bring Outlook’s powerful features right to your fingertips! Microsoft Outlook is a popular email client and personal information manager that many people rely on for their daily communication and organization needs. If you’re looking to download Outlook for Windows, this article will guide you through the process step by step. Step 1: Check System Requirements Before you begin downloading Outlook, it’s important to ensure that your computer meets the necessary system requirements. Microsoft recommends having a computer with at least 1 GHz processor speed, 2 GB of RAM, and 3 GB of available disk space. Additionally, your operating system should be Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7 Service Pack 1. Confirming these requirements will ensure a smooth installation process. Step 2: Access the Microsoft Website To download Outlook for Windows, go to the official Microsoft website. Open your preferred web browser and type in Microsoft Outlook download in the search bar. Click on the official Microsoft link that appears in the search results to access the Outlook download page. Step 3: Select and Download Office Suite Once you’re on the Outlook download page, you’ll notice that Outlook is part of the Microsoft Office suite. To download Outlook, you’ll need to download the entire Office suite. Click on the Buy Office or Try for free button, depending on your preference. If you choose the free trial option, you’ll have access to all Office applications, including Outlook, for a limited period of time. Step 4: Sign in with Microsoft Account To proceed with the download, you’ll need to sign in with your Microsoft account. If you don’t have one, you can create a new account by clicking on the Create a new account link. Enter your credentials and follow the instructions to sign in or create a new account. This step is crucial as it allows you to access your Outlook emails and other Office services seamlessly. Step 5: Choose Install Option After signing in, you’ll be presented with different installation options. Select the one that suits your needs and click on the corresponding button. You may choose to install Office for home, business, or educational purposes, depending on your requirements. This step ensures that you download the appropriate version of Outlook for your specific needs. Step 6: Download and Install Once you’ve selected the installation option, the download process will begin automatically. The time required for the download will depend on your internet connection speed. Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file and double-click on it to start the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of Outlook and the rest of the Office suite. Step 7: Activate Outlook After the installation is complete, you’ll need to activate your copy of Outlook. Launch the application and sign in with your Microsoft account if prompted. Follow the activation prompts, enter your product key if required, and complete the activation process. This step ensures that you have a fully functional and licensed version of Outlook on your Windows computer. Step 8: Customize Outlook Settings Once Outlook is activated, take some time to customize the settings according to your preferences. Explore the various options available in the settings menu to personalize your email client. You can configure email accounts, set up signatures, create rules and filters, and much more. Customizing these settings will enhance your Outlook experience and make it tailored to your needs. Step 9: Import Data If you’re transitioning from another email client to Outlook, it’s essential to import your data. Outlook provides an easy way to import emails, contacts, and other information from various sources. Simply navigate to the File tab, select Open & Export, and choose the appropriate import option for your needs. Follow the prompts to import your data into Outlook seamlessly. Step 10: Start Using Outlook With everything set up and your data imported, you’re now ready to start using Outlook on your Windows computer. Take some time to explore the features and functionalities offered by Outlook, such as managing multiple email accounts, organizing your inbox, scheduling appointments, and setting reminders. With its comprehensive suite of tools, Outlook is designed to help you stay productive and organized in your personal and professional life. Empowering Your Inbox: Learn How to Download Outlook for Windows and Take Control of Your Email Email has become an integral part of our lives, but managing it efficiently can be a daunting task. Enter Outlook for Windows a powerful email client that can revolutionize the way you handle your inbox. Fortunately, downloading Outlook for Windows is a straightforward process that anyone can accomplish. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to unlock the full potential of Outlook and empower your email experience. Unleash Your Productivity: Follow These Simple Steps to Download Outlook for Windows and Streamline Your Workflow Are you tired of wasting time searching for important emails or struggling to keep up with your ever-growing inbox? It’s time to embrace productivity and download Outlook for Windows. To get started, visit the official Microsoft website and locate the download page for Outlook. Once there, click on the Download button and select the appropriate version for your operating system. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process, and voila! You’re now ready to take control of your email and streamline your workflow. Effortlessly Manage Your Emails: Discover the Secrets of Downloading Outlook for Windows and Stay on Top of Your Inbox Game With Outlook for Windows, managing your emails becomes a breeze. After downloading and installing the application, launch it and follow the setup wizard to configure your email account. Whether you use Gmail, Yahoo, or any other email provider, Outlook supports them all. Simply enter your email address and password, and Outlook will automatically detect the necessary settings. Once configured, you can say goodbye to cluttered inboxes and hello to a well-organized email paradise. Take advantage of features like customizable folders, rules, and filters to effortlessly manage your emails and stay on top of your inbox game. Master Your Schedule: Unlock the Power of Outlook for Windows by Downloading It and Never Miss an Important Appointment Again Outlook for Windows is not just an email client it’s also a powerful calendar tool. By downloading Outlook, you gain access to a comprehensive scheduling system that will revolutionize the way you manage your appointments. Once you have installed the application, navigate to the calendar tab and start creating events, setting reminders, and even inviting others to your meetings. With Outlook’s intuitive interface and seamless integration with your email, staying on top of your schedule has never been easier. Say goodbye to missed appointments and hello to a more organized and punctual you. A Seamless Integration: Download Outlook for Windows and Experience a Harmonious Blend of Email, Calendar, and Task Management One of the greatest advantages of downloading Outlook for Windows is its seamless integration of email, calendar, and task management. Gone are the days of switching between multiple applications to handle different aspects of your digital life. With Outlook, everything is neatly consolidated in one place. From composing and sending emails to scheduling appointments and managing tasks, Outlook offers a harmonious blend of functionalities that will transform the way you work. Experience the convenience of having all your essential tools at your fingertips with a single download of Outlook for Windows. The Ultimate Communication Hub: Learn How to Download Outlook for Windows and Witness the Magic of Centralized Email, Contacts, and Messaging Downloading Outlook for Windows not only empowers your email and calendar management but also transforms your computer into the ultimate communication hub. With Outlook, you can centralize your email, contacts, and messaging in one convenient location. Seamlessly switch between composing emails, accessing your contact list, and engaging in real-time conversations with colleagues or friends. Outlook’s user-friendly interface and powerful features make it the go-to platform for efficient communication. Say goodbye to juggling multiple applications and hello to a streamlined and hassle-free communication experience. Unlock Limitless Possibilities: Download Outlook for Windows and Explore the Vast Array of Features That Will Transform Your Digital Experience When you download Outlook for Windows, you unlock a world of possibilities. This feature-packed application goes beyond email and calendar management, offering a vast array of features that will transform your digital experience. From advanced search capabilities and customizable themes to intelligent email sorting and robust security measures, Outlook has it all. Discover the full potential of this powerhouse application by exploring its various settings and options. Get ready to embark on a journey of limitless possibilities with Outlook for Windows. Stay Connected on the Go: Discover the Art of Downloading Outlook for Windows and Access Your Emails Anywhere, Anytime In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected is essential. With Outlook for Windows, you can access your emails anywhere, anytime. Once you have downloaded and configured the application on your computer, you can synchronize it with your mobile devices. Download the Outlook app on your smartphone or tablet, log in with your account credentials, and voila! Your emails, calendar events, and contacts are now at your fingertips, no matter where you are. Embrace the art of downloading Outlook for Windows and never miss an important email again. Simplify Your Life: Download Outlook for Windows and Say Goodbye to Email Overload, Clutter, and Chaos Email overload, cluttered inboxes, and chaotic digital lives we’ve all been there. But with Outlook for Windows, you can simplify your life and regain control. By downloading Outlook, you open the door to a world of organization, efficiency, and peace of mind. Take advantage of features like focused inbox, email rules, and intelligent sorting to declutter your inbox and regain control over your digital life. Say goodbye to email overload and chaos, and say hello to a simplified and more productive you. Embrace Efficiency: Take the Plunge, Download Outlook for Windows, and Experience a Whole New Level of Organizational Bliss If you’re ready to take your organizational skills to the next level, it’s time to embrace efficiency and download Outlook for Windows. With its powerful features, seamless integration, and user-friendly interface, Outlook is the ultimate tool for streamlining your digital life. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, unleash the full potential of Outlook, and experience a whole new level of organizational bliss. The possibilities are endless, and with Outlook by your side, success is just a click away. Once upon a time, in the digital kingdom of Windows, there lived a young and curious soul named Alex. Alex had recently heard about a powerful tool called Outlook that could help him manage his emails, calendars, and contacts all in one place. Intrigued by its capabilities, Alex set out on a quest to learn how to download Outlook for Windows. With a determined spirit, Alex consulted the wise elders of the internet for guidance. They revealed the following steps, which Alex jotted down eagerly: - Open a web browser and visit the official Microsoft website. - Navigate to the Downloads section and search for Outlook for Windows. - Click on the download link and wait patiently as the file begins to download. - Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file on your computer. - Double-click on the file to initiate the installation process. - Follow the on-screen instructions, carefully reading each step before proceeding. - Choose your preferred installation options, such as the language and installation location. - Click Next and allow the installation wizard to work its magic. - Wait patiently as Outlook installs on your computer, marveling at the progress bar. - Once the installation is complete, click Finish to close the wizard and launch Outlook. Alex’s heart swelled with joy as Outlook gracefully appeared on the screen, ready to be personalized and put to use. The journey to download Outlook for Windows had been a success! Reflecting on the experience, Alex couldn’t help but admire the creative voice and tone used in the step-by-step instructions. The use of bullet points and numbering brought clarity and organization to the process, making it easy to follow along. The story-like narrative made the task more enjoyable and engaging, turning what could have been a mundane procedure into an exciting adventure. With Outlook now at his fingertips, Alex embarked on a new chapter of productivity, armed with the knowledge acquired during the quest to download this powerful tool. And so, the tale of Alex and Outlook for Windows came to a close, leaving behind a trail of efficiency and accomplishment. Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to learn about how to download Outlook for Windows! We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights and guidance on how to successfully install this powerful email management tool on your computer. Now, let’s summarize what we have covered so far: In the first paragraph, we discussed the importance of Outlook for Windows and how it can enhance your productivity by organizing your emails, calendars, contacts, and tasks in one place. We also highlighted the various features and benefits that make Outlook a popular choice among professionals and individuals alike. The second paragraph delved into the step-by-step process of downloading Outlook for Windows. We started by emphasizing the need to ensure that your computer meets the system requirements for running Outlook smoothly. Then, we walked you through the official Microsoft website, where you can find the latest version of Outlook. We also explained how to select the appropriate edition based on your needs and provided tips for a seamless installation. Lastly, in the third paragraph, we addressed common issues that users might encounter during the download and installation process. We emphasized the importance of troubleshooting and seeking support from Microsoft’s customer service or community forums, should you face any difficulties. Additionally, we recommended keeping your Outlook software up to date for optimal performance and security. We hope that this article has been informative and has empowered you to download Outlook for Windows effortlessly. Remember, Outlook is not just an email client; it’s a comprehensive tool that can help you stay organized, manage your time efficiently, and improve your overall productivity. So, go ahead and embrace the power of Outlook! Should you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to explore our blog for more resources or leave a comment below. Happy emailing! Here are some common questions people also ask about how to download Outlook for Windows: Can I download Outlook for Windows for free? Unfortunately, Outlook is not available for free. It is a part of Microsoft Office suite which requires a subscription or purchase. However, you may find trial versions or limited functionality versions online. How do I download Outlook for Windows 10? To download Outlook for Windows 10, you can follow these steps: - Open the Microsoft Store on your Windows 10 device. - Search for Outlook in the search bar. - Select the version of Outlook you want to download. - Click on the Install or Get button to begin the download and installation process. - Once the download is complete, you can launch Outlook and set up your email accounts. Is there a way to download Outlook for Windows 7? Yes, Outlook is compatible with Windows 7. To download Outlook for Windows 7, you can visit the official Microsoft website or authorized resellers to purchase the Microsoft Office suite that includes Outlook. Once purchased, you can follow the installation instructions provided. Can I download Outlook for Windows on multiple devices? Yes, depending on your Microsoft Office subscription plan, you can usually download and install Outlook for Windows on multiple devices. This allows you to access your emails, calendar, and other Outlook features on different computers or devices. How large is the Outlook for Windows download? The size of the Outlook for Windows download can vary depending on the version and any updates available. It is generally recommended to have sufficient storage space on your device before initiating the download. You can check the system requirements provided by Microsoft to determine the approximate download size. Remember, downloading Outlook for Windows requires a valid Microsoft Office subscription or purchase. Make sure to visit trusted sources and follow official instructions to ensure a safe and legitimate download. Video How To Download Outlook For Windows
Sidebar: Analyzing Amnesia Throughout human history, countless metaphors have emerged to encapsulate the foundational experience of recalling the past. As outlined in a 1980 paper on the subject by APS Past President Henry L. Roediger, III, these metaphors can be as far ranging as a subway map of interconnected experiences, Plato’s wax tablet, and “melodies on a piano” that gesture toward the way our memories can change over time. More recently, indie rock musician Andrew Bird’s 2012 song “Lazy Projector” characterized the mind as a “forgetting, embellishing, lying machine” that can cause two people to recall the same relationship completely differently. Even when focusing solely on empirical findings, psychological scientists position their understanding of memory through metaphor as well, Roediger added, often through drawing parallels between mental and physical behaviors. Terms such as “recollection” and “open-mindedness” arise from this kind of thinking, as did Freud’s comparatively ornate conception of conscious and unconscious memory as a house with two rooms managed by a discerning doorkeeper who can repress certain thoughts from conscious awareness. Regardless of the particular metaphor used, Roediger wrote, the way we talk about memory generally positions the mind as a physical space and the memories we “store” in it as physical objects that can be lost, found, or broken. Memory processes are also often equated with the most modern technology of the time, causing our understanding of memory to morph alongside the development of increasingly precise tools—from wax tablets, to projectors, to computers. Although none of these metaphors offer a perfect analogy for how memory actually works, Roediger continued, they can nonetheless help laypeople and scientists alike to conceptualize complex phenomena in everyday terms. Heightened awareness of memory’s malleability may have led to an overcorrection in favor of the idea that our memories simply cannot be trusted. Recently, memory metaphors have been employed as a way of demonstrating the unreliability—or “malleability”—of our memories. Decades of evidence suggest that our memories can be altered in both subtle and extreme ways, said Nicholas B. Diamond (University of Pennsylvania) in an interview with the Observer, but heightened awareness of these findings may have led to an overcorrection in favor of the idea that our memories simply cannot be trusted. “Just as the science of perceptual illusions should not necessarily be taken to call into question the veracity of what you’re seeing at every moment, the science of false memory should not be taken to entirely undermine the reliability of a person’s recollection without pointing to specific, evidence-based factors,” Diamond said. An unreliable start Beyond the everyday experience of forgetting names or what we had for breakfast, there is, of course, significant experimental evidence of our imperfect memories. In one study, Shazia Akhtar (University of London) and colleagues found that nearly 40% of 6,313 participants claimed that the earliest memory they could recall was formed when they were 2 years old or even younger. This is highly improbable, given that humans generally struggle to recall experiences from this preverbal period of development, even when it comes to highly unique events such as the birth of a sibling, Akhtar and colleagues explained in a 2018 Psychological Science article. Participants who reported that their first memory occurred between 2 and 5 years of age tended to mention more detailed events such as family holidays, starting school, or even dreams. Participants with improbably early memories, on the other hand, often reported impressions of experiences typical of very early childhood, such as being pushed in a stroller or feeling sad, without necessarily referring to a specific event. These more impressionistic memories of typical early-childhood experiences may result from people grasping onto the image of an object or action from later experience, photographs, or stories about their early life, the researchers suggested. “Such episodic-memory-like mental representations come, over time, to be recollectively experienced when they come to mind, and so for the individual, they quite simply are ‘memories,’ memories that their content indicates date to a particular time: infancy,” Akhtar and colleagues explained. “Indeed, in the constructive view of memory, all memories contain some degree of fiction.” Visit the APS archive for much more on eyewitness memory and wrongful convictions. Featured content includes: - 2021 supplemental issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest by APS Fellows John T. Wixted, Gary L. Wells, Elizabeth F. Loftus, and Brandon L. Garrett - April 2022 PSPI Live webinar with Judge Jed Rakoff and John T. Wixted (the webinar recording is also available on APS’s YouTube channel, under the PSPI Playlist). - Interview with Wixted in a November 2021 episode of Under the Cortex, the APS podcast. Research also indicates that the way we interpret our existing memories can be intentionally manipulated after the fact. In a pair of 2019 studies in Clinical Psychological Science, Lawrence Patihis (University of Southern Mississippi) and colleagues asked 500 people to write about childhood memories of their mothers. Participants who responded to prompts about negative moments—in which their mother demonstrated an absence of love, warmth, and other supportive behaviors—reported fewer loving memories and current feelings of love for their mothers than those who responded to positive prompts. These self-reported effects lasted an average of 4 weeks but began to fade back to normal by 8 weeks after the experiment. “Love for one’s parents has been a timeless and precious part of the human experience throughout history,” Patihis and colleagues wrote. “That memory of love is malleable is an uncomfortable but important finding.” This malleability allows us to reconstruct memories in a way that may help people maintain a consistent life narrative, Akhtar and colleagues suggested in their Clinical Psychological Science article. Using impressionistic memories to extend this narrative into the early stages of our lives may even support a positive self-image and social interactions, the researchers added. The ability to “make and remake” memory is also a huge part of how we learn, a phenomenon APS Fellow Lynn Nadel (University of Arizona) discussed in his 2018 Fred Kavli Keynote address at the 30th APS Annual Convention in San Francisco. This allows us to integrate new information with our existing knowledge—but each time a memory is reactivated, it is also at risk of being rewritten in a way that may not accurately reflect the past. Memory on trial In a 2002 study led by Kimberley A. Wade (Victoria University of Wellington), researchers were able to convince 10 out of 20 participants to agree that they had taken a fictional hot air balloon ride as a child using fake photographs and guided-imagery exercises. Far more seriously, as discussed by APS Fellow Michael P. Toglia (Cornell University) and Garrett L. Berman (Roger Williams University) in the September/October 2021 issue of the Observer, misidentification of suspects by eyewitnesses—particularly non-White suspects misidentified by White witnesses—has been shown to be one of the leading causes of known wrongful convictions for violent crimes in the United States. One of the most straightforward ways to rule yourself out as a suspect in a criminal case is to provide investigators with a solid alibi—an explanation for where you were at the time of the crime, supported by evidence and eyewitness accounts. In a 2021 Psychological Science study of 51 adults, Elizabeth Laliberte (University of Melbourne) and colleagues put participants’ memory for “where” and “when” to the test using a GPS tracking app. A week later, participants self-reported their locations incorrectly 36% of the time despite being given four options to choose from, one of which was guaranteed to be correct. The malleable nature of memory can also contribute to false confessions, wrote Julia Shaw (University of Bedfordshire) and Stephen Porter (University of British Columbia) in a 2015 Psychological Science article. Using leading interview techniques, including false evidence allegedly provided by a childhood caregiver, Shaw and Porter were able to convince 70% of 60 participants with no history of police contact to report believing that they had committed a serious theft or had assaulted someone when they were 11 to 14 years old. Participants were provided with a narrative of the fictional event alongside real memories of their childhood and were pressured to recall the experience over the course of three interview sessions. “In the context of a highly suggestive interview, people can quite readily generate rich false memories of committing crime,” Shaw and Porter wrote. “The kind of research presented here is essential in the quest to help prevent memory-related miscarriages of justice.” Trust, but verify Even as the “memory wars” surrounding these and other possible memory errors play out in courtrooms and other venues worldwide, it can be difficult to determine the actual prevalence of misremembering under real-world conditions, Diamond told the Observer. Diamond and colleagues explored that prevalence by analyzing 74 participants’ recollections of two verifiable events at Baycrest hospital in Ontario, Canada. The first group of 34 participants took part in a standardized mask-fitting procedure for hospital staff during the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak. The remaining 40 participants experienced a staged tour of a small art exhibition on the hospital’s ground floor. In both cases, participants were invited days to years later to share their memories of the event with a researcher who encouraged them to volunteer additional details using general statements such as, “Is there anything else you can tell me about this event?” The memories were recorded and scored based on whether each detail constituted a specific episodic memory and whether the researchers could objectively verify that the event had occurred as recalled. Mask-fit participants, most of whom were interviewed years after the fact, recalled a total of 61 unique details about the event, with an average of 23 details reported per person. Tour participants, some of whom spoke with researchers just days later, recalled 209 unique details. Tour participants ages 19 to 35 recalled an average of 79 details, whereas participants ages 65 to 75 recalled an average of 52. Despite the significant decline in the number of details recalled by participants who were older or whose interviews took place later, one finding was consistent across groups: The vast majority of verifiable details that participants freely reported in the interviews were accurate. In fact, the lowest accuracy of any group was 93%, on average, for older tour participants, and no participant in any group was found to be less than 70% accurate. “Consistent with centuries of past work, participants in our study forgot a great deal of information, and they recalled fewer and fewer details with greater retention intervals (e.g., 2 years vs. 2 days) and in older age,” Diamond explained. The accuracy of information that participants did recall was very high, however, suggesting that when people aren’t pressed for details in a leading manner, they’re likely to share only information they are confident they can remember. “As we forget, we’re more likely to omit information than make it up,” Diamond summarized. Unclouding the past While many researchers continue to wrestle with the extent to which our memories can be relied on, others are exploring how this malleability can be harnessed to improve well-being. Conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression are both accompanied by memory impairments, explained Maryam Piltan (Tarbiat Modarres University) and colleagues in a 2021 Clinical Psychological Science article. PTSD is most commonly defined by the presence of intrusive memories related to a traumatic event, the researchers continued, but it has also been shown to cloud patients’ memories of events unrelated to that trauma. Hierarchical theories of memory suggest that recollections of our past may be organized on two levels: At the top of the hierarchy are general memories about different categories of events, such as “going to the grocery store” or “birthday parties”; beneath these, we store specific memories of individual instances of these events, like “going to the grocery store this morning” or “my 31st birthday party.” Amnesia, the loss of some or all of one’s memories, has become so common in fiction, it’s basically a cliché. Although movies like The Bourne Identity and Total Recall can take creative license with the concept, the clinical diagnosis of amnesia should be far more standardized. Unfortunately, this consistency is sometimes lacking in practice, as Ivan Mangiulli (KU Leuven) and colleagues revealed in a 2021 article in Clinical Psychological Science. Mangiulli and colleagues reviewed the cases of 128 people who were described as having “dissociative amnesia” in English-language journals between 2000 and 2020. This term generally refers to memory loss that appears to occur without any specific physical cause, such as a head injury, possibly following a traumatic event. Some patients were evaluated using neuroimaging and other proven diagnostic measures. Others were described as having dissociative amnesia on the basis of self-reports, even if they did not meet all of the prerequisites for the condition laid out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. “Dissociative amnesia, as sketched in these case studies, appeared to be a rather elastic and openly defined construct that described various types of memory loss,” Mangiulli and colleagues wrote. “Without proper examination that rules out differential diagnosis and alternative explanations, the diagnostic label of dissociative amnesia as currently known may be deceiving.” In separate research, McKenna M. Garland (University of Tulsa) and colleagues zeroed in on anterograde amnesia, a difficulty or inability to store new information, through a Psychological Science study of seven patients with damage to their medial temporal lobes. The patients and their caregivers reported on the patients’ personality five times over the span of a year following their injury. Personality assessments were made using the Big Five Inventory, which scores participants on neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Patients and caregivers were found to have significantly different perceptions of patients’ current personalities—but not of patients’ personalities before their brain injury. “The amnesic patients maintained a keen sense of who they were before their brain injury but were stuck in the past, in that they failed to form an accurate perception of who they are now,” Garland and colleagues wrote. “We interpret our findings to indicate that the ability to form new declarative memories is not required for maintaining a stable sense of self but may be important for updating one’s sense of self over time.” According to this theory, attempting not to think about a traumatic memory may hinder individuals’ access not only to that memory in particular but to an entire store of specific memories, said Piltan and colleagues. “Attempts to avoid the trauma memory can overgeneralize to all autobiographical memories such that individuals begin to experience difficulty in retrieving specific memories of other single-incident events from their personal past,” Piltan and colleagues wrote. The clarity of individuals’ autobiographical memories is highly predictive of long-term PTSD severity, and improving this process may also lead to better outcomes for patients, added coauthor Caitlin Hitchcock in an interview with the Observer. The researchers demonstrated the relationship among memory inflexibility, lack of specificity, and PTSD through a study of 43 people who had experienced a serious car accident in Tehran, Iran. After being admitted to Sina Hospital, half of these participants had symptoms severe enough for a clinical diagnosis of PTSD. In addition to being assessed for symptoms of PTSD, participants completed the Alternating Instructions Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT-AI). In this test, individuals are asked to retrieve specific or general memories from their past in response to positive, negative, or neutral cue words. Participants who were diagnosed with PTSD had more incorrect responses when asked to retrieve specific memories than those who did not have clinically significant levels of PTSD despite also experiencing a car accident. The PTSD group also had more difficulty alternating between recall of specific and general memories during mixed trials. Participants without PTSD performed similarly to a community sample of participants who had not experienced an accident on measures of memory specificity, but they had worse memory flexibility. “Memories from our past play a key role in how we think about ourselves and the world around us, so improving the ability to access autobiographical memories of different levels of detail and emotional valence may help to promote balanced and flexible views about the self and world,” Hitchcock said. In a related study, Piltan, Hitchcock, and colleagues, including lead author Ali Reza Moradi (Kharazmi University), explored this theory by investigating how a memory-flexibility intervention called MemFlex might be used to improve outcomes for people with PTSD. In this proof-of-concept study, the researchers worked with a different group of 43 people in Iran who had survived car accidents and had PTSD. All participants completed the AMT-AI and were assessed for symptoms of PTSD before being split into two groups: one that received the MemFlex intervention and another that served as a waitlist control group. Although both groups received ongoing therapy and medication to manage their PTSD, the MemFlex group also received a paper workbook of eight autobiographical-memory exercises. Similar to the AMT-AI, these exercises involved journaling about positive and neutral memories that were general or specific in nature. At this point, a researcher met with the participants in person to explain how memory inflexibility relates to PTSD, help them practice the exercises, and encourage them to complete two exercise sessions per week over a period of 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, the researchers collected the workbooks and participants in both groups completed the AMT-AI and PTSD symptom measures again. They were also tested at a follow-up appointment approximately 3 months later. Participants in the MemFlex group performed better on the AMT-AI. More importantly, 70% had a clinically meaningful reduction in PTSD symptoms, compared to just 40% of those in the control condition. After completing their follow-up appointment, control participants were also given the opportunity to complete the MemFlex intervention. “Training someone to flexibly move between specific events and generalized representations of the past may help to constrain overly generalized, negative beliefs,” the researchers wrote. MemFlex has a number of advantages over other commonly used PTSD interventions, Hitchcock added. The intervention is low cost, can be delivered digitally or as a workbook to people without internet access, and is still effective when provided by someone without any training in psychology. Additionally, it allows patients to confront the symptoms of PTSD without having to revisit traumatic memories. “MemFlex focuses on improving access to positive memories from your own life, and individuals who have completed the intervention have told us that they like that the focus is purely on increasing the positive,” Hitchcock said. As her work and that of other researchers demonstrates, it’s certainly reasonable to question the reliability of our memories. Traumatic experiences and the fog of time alike can cloud the particulars of events, as well as how we felt about those events when they were happening. But the same malleability that allows challenging experiences to cast a shadow over our past can also be harnessed to build a brighter future. This article was initially published in the print edition of the May/June 2022 Observer under the title, “Past Imperfect.” Feedback on this article? Email or scroll down to comment. Akhtar, S., Justice, L. V., Morrison, C. M., & Conway, M. A. (2018). Fictional first memories. Psychological Science, 29(10), 1612–1619. Diamond, N. B., Armson, M. J., & Levine, B. (2020). The truth is out there: Accuracy in recall of verifiable real-world events. Psychological Science, 31(12), 1544–1556. Garland, M. M., Vaidya, J. G., Tranel, D., Watson, D., & Feinstein, J. S. (2021). Who are you? The study of personality in patients with anterograde amnesia. Psychological Science, 32(10), 1649–1661. Laliberte, E., Yim, H., Stone, B., & Dennis, S. J. (2021). The fallacy of an airtight alibi: Understanding human memory for “where” using experience sampling. Psychological Science, 32(6), 944–951. Mangiulli, I., Otgaar, H., Jelicic, M., & Merckelbach, H. (2021). A critical review of case studies on dissociative amnesia. Clinical Psychological Science, 10(2), 191–211. Moradi, A. R., Piltan, M., Choobin, M. H., Azadfallah, P., Watson, P., Dalgleish, T., & Hitchcock, C. (2021). Proof of concept for the autobiographical memory flexibility (MemFlex) intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(4), 686–698. Patihis, L., Cruz, C. S., & Herrera, M. E. (2019). Changing current appraisals of mothers leads to changes in childhood memories of love toward mothers. Clinical Psychological Science, 7(5), 1125–1143. Piltan, M., Moradi, A. R., Choobin, M. H., Azadfallah, P., Eskandari, S., & Hitchcock, C. (2021). Impaired autobiographical memory flexibility in Iranian trauma survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(2), 294–301. Roediger, H. L. (1980). Memory metaphors in cognitive psychology. Memory & Cognition, 8(3), 231–246. Shaw, J., & Porter, S. (2015). Constructing rich false memories of committing crime. Psychological Science, 26(3), 291–301. Wade, K. A., Garry, M., Read, J. D., & Lindsay, D. S. (2002). A picture is worth a thousand lies: Using false photographs to create false childhood memories. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 9(3), 597–603.
Lisa Michels, General Counsel and regulatory affairs expert at Regulatory Compliance Associates® Inc., discusses regulatory strategies for software as a medical device (SaMD), artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. She presents insights on working with regulatory bodies on novel devices such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and algorithms. When powerful new technologies emerge, unbridled excitement often reigns. The possibilities are endless and markets are undoubtedly huge. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in medicine are at an early stage and the potential to improve medical care is solidifying. Many opportunities are being pursued including enhancing and supporting the decision-making process of physicians, individualizing patient care with precision medicine and using near real-time information to improve care. AI in Healthcare Early ideas such as wearables that monitor activity levels or heart rate have been on the market for some time and have mixed results as tools for patient health management. Technology platforms such as Watson from IBM have shown amazing capabilities. AI- related applications have progressed to a point where formal medical device development is occurring, but challenges remain. Innovators are often fearless and can be blind to the real risks and business difficulties to commercialize emerging technology. On the other hand, the mainstream medical device community can perceive that innovation exposes threat of the long-timelines, high-costs and painful failures. The reality is probably in between both extremes and risk can be mitigated with a deliberate approach to regulatory strategy. Regulatory requirements require transparency and regulators need to understand how and why a result came about. Many AI applications are a black box with little transparency and daunting complexities. AI applications can produce valid conclusions that are counter intuitive to those which individuals or even teams of experts derive. Traditionally to gain marketing clearance for a medical device, substantial equivalence to a predicate device needs to be demonstrated. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Regulators review and clear a device as a system that will not change without considerable deliberation; in fact, manufacturers go to great lengths to ensure that a device manufactured years after initial clearances demonstrates the same performance as the original device. However, one of the more powerful aspects of some AI applications is that the accuracy of output information can continually improve with continued use. This will produce a perpetually dynamic system by design. There are solutions to this dynamic situation. Making applications as seamless as possible is where the challenges and opportunities are. Independent demonstration of the safety and effectiveness of the dynamic system through the Pre-Market Approval (PMA) process could be necessitated, albeit this regulatory path is much more costly, complex and difficult. The FDA and industry has since finalized a new medical device user fee agreement that lays out the application process and expectations regarding medical devices being submitted for regulatory approval. The agreement calls for: - A new digital health unit overseeing Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) and software inside of medical devices (SiMD) - Opportunities to support 510(k), premarket approval and clearance pathways tailored to SaMD, SiMD, and take into account real world evidence - Participation in international harmonization efforts for digital health initiatives 1. Strategy begins with build your case, if regulators cannot or do not yet understand a technology, they will struggle to establish ways to assess the safety and effectiveness of your product. - Find clinical and regulatory information throughout the world that is supportive of what you are trying to achieve. If negative information is uncovered, do not ignore it; instead, address it. - Do not plan on submitting a “black box.” Spend the time to develop ways to communicate how and why a particular result comes about. - Seek related credible sources, publications, guidance documents and experts, reference them, and utilize them. 2. Plan on early and frequent meetings with regulatory authorities. Gaining regulatory clearances for emerging technologies benefits from building solid working relationships with regulatory bodies. These relationships are built over a series of meetings that begin early in the development process, aiding both parties as they learn together. These early collaboration meetings provide a venue for industry to explore new ideas through regulatory communication. Based on working with many novel products, we recommend the following considerations, particularly in working with the FDA. - Start with a solid pre-submission package. Make certain to follow established guidelines for pre-submissions, setting the tone that your organization has done its homework. Additionally, a complete pre-submission package enables regulators to prepare for the meeting and identify the appropriate experts needed. - Be ready for questions surrounding mechanism of action. In traditional medical devices, a key component of the submission surrounds the mechanism of action, or how the device is perceived to work. Be prepared to explain what your novel technology does and how it does it. - Prepare for the meeting. Before the meeting or teleconference, identify your question areas and structure your questions to get the specific information needed without using open-ended formats. Avoid introducing new information that the FDA is not prepared to discuss. - Set an open tone during the meeting. Be transparent about the information you have and the areas that are lacking. In early development cycles, gaps exist and it is important to be candid so you get accurate early feedback. Set aside any fears that your organization is setting precedent by not having complete information and instead, work to close those gaps as you progress through the product development process. - Set specific but realistic expectations for meetings. Your device is novel and that means regulators have not seen anything like it before. Expect regulators will have questions that will be challenging to answer. Remember, agencies can only provide feedback on what you have presented–what your device is currently– and not what you hope it will be in the future. - At all times, be professional and seek to understand their questions. Early collaboration around emerging technologies is a two-way street. When you provide information the FDA needs, they will provide direction to guide your product development. And remember, the agency is a resource. Be open to the answers you receive, so your processes can evolve and improve. There are cultural differences that exist between the Silicon Valley visionaries that are pushing novel technologies forward versus the deliberately cautious, stepwise approach taken by traditional medical device development teams. In advance of nearly any new, disruptive technology being adopted by broader medical establishments and nearly always in advance of solid profitability. These teams of brilliant visionaries must still possess the regulatory assets needed to receive FDA approval. Data science has been embraced by many regulatory agencies and included in traditional medical device development organizations. - Build effective multidisciplinary teams by addressing cultural divides. When building regulated medical products based on AI, organizations will benefit from vertical structures. Software engineers must connect with key leaders from the company early in the development cycle. - Building SaMD medical device products requires deep subject matter expertise. Combining subject matter with technical expertise and embracing the multidisciplinary approach drives innovation, making it possible to accurately model the vision, answer the key questions and realistically hold leaders accountable for results. Team evolution needs to be intentional and designed. - If you are unable to set the joint domain early, one side dominates, and it becomes a challenge to bring in world-class experts from the other side. Top people recognize such unbalance and the byproduct that they will not achieve the parity in authority and respect. Regulatory Compliance Software Creating solid regulatory affairs teams with prior experience in addressing uncertainty surrounding quality systems and regulatory approval, specifically: - Members who understand quality management system compliance for ISO 13485 & 21 CFR 820. - Members with a focused subject matter expertise in the AI/machine learning space and the mindset/ability required to work in a highly complex multidisciplinary environment. - Regulatory expertise introducing and gaining FDA clearance or approval for new technologies and with the intention and ability to communicate with the developers. - Direct expertise developing software for medical devices and developing and managing quality systems for software development. - Where clinical trial work is required, the CRO and strategic regulatory experts need to work closely together to generate the type of clinical data that supports the safety and effectiveness of the underlying product. Also the regulatory team needs to develop and conduct the studies in ways that bring transparency and simplify the “black box” aspects of the product. - Embrace and enforce the multidisciplinary approach. - Break down the problem and bring subject matter experts to the table to solve each. - Beware of thinking you can do all. Inventors and software developers are uniquely brilliant but not necessarily the best at navigating regulatory challenges. - Don’t assume the person with the most RA experience should lead the FDA strategy. The RA and especially QA mindset can limit creativity and curiosity that propels novel technologies forward. QA is a support mechanism to the RA strategy. - Leverage working with RA SMEs experienced in emerging technologies and with prior nontraditional submissions. About RCA’s Medical Device Consulting Services The regulatory compliance process surrounding the medical device industry involves a strict adherence to pre/post market information throughout a device’s life-cycle. Even a single compliance issue you have can turn into a significant effect on your business. Regulatory Compliance Associates medical device consultants can help guide you through any stage of this strategic process, with capabilities during product development through the regulatory clearance/approval of your product. Our team of over 500 medical device consulting Experts — including former FDA officials and regulatory compliance leaders in the field of medical device regulation — will work with your company to create a quality assurance and regulatory compliance approach tailored to your products and regulatory needs. Regulatory Compliance Associates works with international Fortune 100 companies, venture capital start ups, and companies of all sizes and shapes. our compliance enforcement solutions for law firms include remediation for warning letters, FDA 483’s, import bans or consent decrees. Very few regulatory compliance services have the same regulatory compliance expertise in a variety of medical fields. For medical device manufacturers, technology can be a double-edged sword. The innovative technologies that elevate the quality of life for patients can also be used to potentially undermine the organization using the device. The consequences can affect the device itself if Regulatory Compliance Associates medtech consultants do not implement good IoT cybersecurity and FDA cybersecurity protocols. At Regulatory Compliance Associates, we offer a wide variety of services for medical devices security to help ensure that your product is protected from cyber-attacks. With a well-planned design, along with full visibility of product development and the supply chain, Regulatory Compliance Associates medical device consultant Experts can help strengthen your device’s cybersecurity. We partner with medical device companies in each phase of the design cycle, including protecting inputs from threat exposure and hardening outputs for regulatory compliance & FDA submission approval of your medical technology. Regulatory affairs is Regulatory Compliance Associates® backbone, and we handle more submissions in a month than many manufacturers do in a lifetime. Our regulatory compliance consulting Experts have experience working with the FDA, global regulatory bodies and / or agencies, and notified bodies worldwide. Therefore, you can count on us for in-depth and up-to-date insights which increase speed-to-market. As a trusted regulatory affairs consultant, our FDA veterans and industry experts represent Regulatory Compliance Associates® as one of the top medical device consulting firms. We’re here to help you navigate the difficulties associated with new product submissions. Regulatory Compliance Associates® medical device consulting company has expertise in both the approval process and post-approval support. - New Product Approval - Post-Approval Support - Outsourced Staffing - EU MDR - Combination Products Increasingly, life science companies are feeling the pressure of greater scrutiny by regulators, and responding by developing sustainable compliance strategies. Whether it’s preparing for an audit, developing a response to an FDA finding, or remediation to an adverse event, Regulatory Compliance Associates® can help. Our network of over 500 medical device consultant & FDA, MHRA & EMA veterans are industry professionals offers a unique blend of expertise. This allows Regulatory Compliance Associates® to handle both simple and complex regulatory compliance challenges within medical device consulting companies. - Gap Assessments - Internal Audits - Employee Training - Notified Body Response - Data Integrity Regulatory Compliance Associates® Quality Assurance consulting includes quality system assessments, strategy, implementations, and identification of quality metrics to ensure continuous improvement, aligning with your business needs and goals. Each Regulatory Compliance Associates® medical device consultant is a quality expert with experience spanning major corporations and start-ups. We know firsthand how to achieve, maintain, and improve quality, and we excel in transferring this knowledge to your organization. In the medical devices field, quality assurance (QA) is more than merely ensuring the quality of a finished product. You need the tools to monitor and regulate every process from the design of a new product to continued quality compliance as the device is sent to market. At Regulatory Compliance Associates®, we offer you the quality assurance services you need to monitor these processes and ensure quality compliance every step of the way. With more than 20 years experience working with medical device consulting companies, Regulatory Compliance Associates® trusted medical device quality assurance consultant team is fully equipped to handle your unique QA needs. - 21 CFR 210 - 21 CFR 211 - Outsourced Staffing - Facility Validation - Equipment Validation - Quality Metrics Regulatory Compliance Associates® is widely recognized within medical device consulting companies & the life science industry for remediation support. Regulatory Compliance Associates® ability to help companies successfully resolve complex regulatory challenges have a proven track record of success. Our medical device consulting services include significant experience with the development of responses to 483 Observations, Warning Letters, Untitled Letters and Consent Decrees. - Regulatory Action - Regulatory Compliance - Regulatory Enforcement - Warning Letter - 483 Observation - Oversight Services Our value goes beyond the initial response by helping companies successfully execute their action plans, develop an improved compliance culture tailored to the needs of their business, and ultimately move beyond the regulatory action to emerge as a stronger business. We negotiate difficult demands of remediation with insight and the clear advantage of our medical device consultant expertise and experience that makes partnering with Regulatory Compliance Associates® a competitive differentiator in the remediation space. - Quality System - Technical File - Design History File - Data Integrity Whether it’s a strategy, a technical plan, or project, Regulatory Compliance Associates® medical device consultancy can help ensure a successful project. Regulatory Compliance Associates® medical device strategy consulting can deliver your project on time, on budget, and you’re never embroiled in a costly mistake. Our medical device consultant Experts are industry Experts are here to provide the unique insight you need before an M&A deal, through a staffing crisis and in every area of your product’s development and life cycle. As the trusted medical device manufacturing consultants of thousands of companies around the world, we have the knowledge and expertise needed to deliver exceptional results to your business — no matter your size or unique needs. - Manufacturing Optimization - Product Lifecycle Management - Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) - Due Diligence - Device Vigilance - Risk Management Plan - Product Complaints - Medical Information About Regulatory Compliance Associates Regulatory Compliance Associates® (RCA) provides medical device consulting to the following industries for resolution of life science challenges: - Life Sciences - Biologic & Biotechnology - Sterile compounding - Medical device - Lab Testing We understand the complexities of running a life science business and possess areas of expertise that include every facet of R&D, operations, regulatory affairs, quality, and manufacturing. We are used to working on the front lines and thriving in the scrutiny of FDA, Health Canada, MHRA and globally-regulated companies. As your partners, we can negotiate the potential minefield of regulatory compliance and regulatory due diligence with insight, hindsight, and the clear advantage of our unique expertise and experience. - Founded in 2000 - Headquartered in Wisconsin (USA) - Expertise backed by over 500 industry subject matter experts - Acquired by Sotera Health in 2021 About Sotera Health The name Sotera Health was inspired by Soteria, the Greek goddess of safety, and reflects the Company’s unwavering commitment to its mission, Safeguarding Global Health®. Sotera Health Company, along with its three best-in-class businesses – Sterigenics®, Nordion® and Nelson Labs®, is a leading global provider of mission-critical end-to-end sterilization solutions and lab testing and advisory services for the healthcare industry. With a combined tenure across our businesses of nearly 200 years and our industry-recognized scientific and technological expertise, we help to ensure the safety of over 190 million patients and healthcare practitioners around the world every year. We are a trusted partner to more than 5,800 customers in over 50 countries, including 40 of the top 50 medical device companies and 8 of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies. Commitment to Quality Our Certificate of Registration demonstrates that our Quality Management System meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, an internationally recognized standard of quality. To begin the Regulatory Compliance Associates® scoping process today, please enter your information in the blue form below and click the submit button at the bottom of the webpage.
The debate over whether instruments hold their value over time has been a topic of interest for many music enthusiasts and collectors. Instruments, especially those made by reputable brands, are often considered to be investments that can appreciate in value over time. However, this is not always the case, and there are many factors that can affect an instrument’s value. In this article, we will explore the durability of instruments and whether they hold their value over time. We will also discuss the factors that can impact an instrument’s value, such as condition, age, and rarity. Whether you’re a musician or a collector, this article will provide you with valuable insights into the world of musical instruments and their value. The durability of instruments is an important factor to consider when making a purchase. While some instruments may be built to last and retain their value over time, others may not hold up as well. Factors such as the quality of materials and craftsmanship, regular maintenance and upkeep, and the frequency of use can all impact the longevity of an instrument. It is important to research and consider these factors before making a purchase to ensure that the instrument will be a worthwhile investment in the long run. Additionally, it’s also important to note that the value of an instrument can also be affected by market demand and the availability of similar instruments on the market. Factors Affecting Instrument Value Impact on Value The materials used in the construction of an instrument can have a significant impact on its value. Premium materials, such as high-quality woods, metals, and synthetic materials, are often associated with better sound quality and longer lifespan, resulting in higher value. Conversely, instruments made from lower quality materials may not hold their value as well over time. In addition to affecting value, the durability of the materials used in an instrument can also impact its lifespan. Instruments made from more durable materials are less likely to experience wear and tear over time, which can affect their sound quality and overall performance. On the other hand, instruments made from less durable materials may require more frequent repairs or replacements, which can be costly and reduce their overall value. When considering the materials used in an instrument, it is important to take into account not only their impact on value and durability, but also their impact on sound quality. For example, a guitar made from a high-quality wood like spruce or maple may have a brighter and more resonant sound than a guitar made from a less expensive wood like basswood. Similarly, a violin made from a high-quality spruce top and maple back may have a warmer and more resonant sound than a violin made from less premium materials. Ultimately, the materials used in an instrument can have a significant impact on its value and lifespan. While premium materials may come with a higher price tag, they can also result in a better sound quality and longer lifespan, making them a worthwhile investment for serious musicians and collectors. Construction techniques play a significant role in determining the value and longevity of musical instruments. These techniques are responsible for the quality, durability, and performance of the instrument, which directly impacts its value over time. In this section, we will discuss the construction techniques that affect the value of musical instruments. The choice of materials, craftsmanship, and design are some of the primary factors that influence the value of an instrument. High-quality materials, such as spruce and maple, are often used in the construction of stringed instruments like violins and cellos. These materials not only enhance the sound quality but also contribute to the overall durability of the instrument. In addition to the choice of materials, the skill and expertise of the craftsman also impact the value of the instrument. The craftsman’s attention to detail, precision, and dedication to the craft can significantly influence the quality and longevity of the instrument. Instruments made by renowned luthiers or craftsmen are often highly valued due to their exceptional craftsmanship and rarity. Furthermore, the design of the instrument also plays a crucial role in determining its value. A well-designed instrument not only provides better sound quality but also enhances the playing experience. The innovative design and engineering of modern instruments have contributed to their increased value over time. The longevity of an instrument is another crucial factor that affects its value over time. Instruments that are built to last and can withstand the test of time are highly valued by musicians and collectors alike. Factors such as the choice of materials, construction techniques, and regular maintenance can significantly impact the lifespan of an instrument. For example, a violin that is constructed with high-quality wood and using traditional construction techniques, such as hand-carving and varnishing, is likely to have a longer lifespan than an instrument that is mass-produced using cheaper materials and assembly line techniques. Additionally, regular maintenance, such as tuning and cleaning, can help extend the life of the instrument and maintain its value over time. In conclusion, the construction techniques used in the manufacturing of musical instruments play a crucial role in determining their value over time. Factors such as the choice of materials, craftsmanship, design, and longevity all contribute to the overall value of the instrument. Understanding these factors can help musicians and collectors make informed decisions when investing in musical instruments. Maintenance and Care The maintenance and care of an instrument play a crucial role in determining its value over time. Proper maintenance can significantly impact the instrument’s longevity, functionality, and aesthetic appeal, all of which contribute to its overall value. In this section, we will discuss the importance of maintenance and care for instrument value and provide tips for maintaining an instrument’s condition. A well-maintained instrument is more likely to retain its value over time. Neglecting maintenance can lead to costly repairs, decreased functionality, and even irreparable damage. On the other hand, regular maintenance can help prevent issues before they arise, ensuring that the instrument remains in good condition and continues to perform optimally. As a result, investing in regular maintenance can help preserve an instrument’s value and ensure it remains a valuable asset for years to come. Maintaining an instrument’s condition requires regular attention and care. Here are some tips for keeping your instrument in good shape: - Regular cleaning: Cleaning your instrument after each use is essential to prevent the buildup of dirt, dust, and debris. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe down the instrument and remove any excess moisture. - Lubrication: Lubricating moving parts can help prevent friction and wear. Use a high-quality lubricant designed specifically for your instrument. - Proper storage: Store your instrument in a safe, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Consider investing in a protective case to help shield your instrument from damage. - Regular check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with a professional repair person to ensure that your instrument is functioning correctly and to identify any potential issues before they become serious problems. By following these tips, you can help maintain your instrument’s value over time and ensure that it continues to perform at its best. In the world of musical instruments, brand reputation plays a significant role in determining an instrument’s value. A well-established brand with a history of producing high-quality instruments can significantly impact the resale value of an instrument. Instruments from brands like Gibson, Fender, and Steinway are highly sought after and tend to hold their value well over time. Perception of Quality Brand reputation is closely tied to the perception of quality. A brand that is known for producing high-quality instruments will be associated with a higher level of craftsmanship and attention to detail. This perception of quality can impact the instrument’s value, even if the instrument is not of the highest quality. Additionally, a brand with a strong reputation may be more likely to invest in research and development, resulting in innovative new designs and features that further enhance the instrument’s value. In this way, a brand’s reputation can have a lasting impact on the value of an instrument over time. Instrument Types and Value Retention Acoustic guitars are popular musical instruments that are widely used in various genres of music. These guitars are made with different types of wood, and the quality of the wood used determines the durability and value retention of the instrument. Well-made acoustic guitars, such as those made by famous brands like Martin and Gibson, can retain their value over time if they are properly maintained. However, the value of acoustic guitars can also depreciate quickly if they are not well-maintained or if they are made with low-quality materials. Pianos are complex musical instruments that require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition. The value of a piano depends on various factors, including its age, condition, and brand. High-quality pianos made by reputable brands like Steinway and Yamaha can retain their value over time if they are well-maintained. However, pianos that are not well-maintained or that are made with low-quality materials can quickly lose their value. Violins are highly valued musical instruments that are made with meticulous attention to detail. The value of a violin depends on various factors, including its age, maker, condition, and sound quality. Well-made violins, such as those made by famous luthiers like Stradivari and Giuseppe Guarneri, can retain their value over time if they are properly maintained. However, the value of violins can also depreciate quickly if they are not well-maintained or if they are made with low-quality materials. Electric instruments, such as guitars, keyboards, and amplifiers, are an essential part of many musical genres. They are known for their versatility and ability to produce a wide range of sounds. But do these instruments hold their value over time? Electric guitars are a popular choice among musicians due to their unique sound and versatility. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles, and are made from different materials such as wood, metal, and plastic. While some electric guitars are made to be durable and long-lasting, others may not hold up well over time. One factor that affects the durability of electric guitars is their construction. Guitars that are made with high-quality materials and craftsmanship tend to be more durable and retain their value better over time. Additionally, guitars that have been well-maintained and cared for are more likely to retain their value. Another factor that can affect the value of electric guitars is their brand and model. Some brands and models are more sought after by musicians and collectors, and therefore tend to hold their value better over time. Electric keyboards come in a variety of types, including synthesizers, digital pianos, and organs. Like electric guitars, the durability of electric keyboards can vary depending on their construction and maintenance. Keyboards that are made with high-quality materials and craftsmanship tend to be more durable and retain their value better over time. Additionally, keyboards that have been well-maintained and cared for are more likely to retain their value. Another factor that can affect the value of electric keyboards is their brand and model. Some brands and models are more sought after by musicians and collectors, and therefore tend to hold their value better over time. Electric amplifiers are an essential part of many musicians’ setups. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, and are made from different materials such as wood, metal, and plastic. Like electric guitars and keyboards, the durability of electric amplifiers can vary depending on their construction and maintenance. Amplifiers that are made with high-quality materials and craftsmanship tend to be more durable and retain their value better over time. Additionally, amplifiers that have been well-maintained and cared for are more likely to retain their value. Another factor that can affect the value of electric amplifiers is their brand and model. Some brands and models are more sought after by musicians and collectors, and therefore tend to hold their value better over time. In conclusion, the durability of electric instruments, such as guitars, keyboards, and amplifiers, can vary depending on their construction, maintenance, and brand/model. While some instruments may hold their value better over time, others may not. It is important for musicians and collectors to consider these factors when purchasing or selling electric instruments. Instrument Value: Perception vs. Reality When it comes to the perception of instrument value, the brand name plays a significant role. People tend to associate certain brands with high-quality instruments, and this perception can greatly influence the value that they hold. For example, a guitar made by a well-known brand like Gibson or Fender is likely to be perceived as having a higher value than a similar guitar made by an unknown brand. Another factor that contributes to the perception of instrument value is its aesthetics. The appearance of an instrument can greatly affect how it is perceived by others. For example, a violin with a beautiful, intricate design is likely to be perceived as having a higher value than a plain-looking violin. The sound quality of an instrument is also an important factor in determining its value. People tend to associate instruments with certain sounds, and the perception of an instrument’s sound quality can greatly influence its value. For example, a guitar with a rich, full-bodied sound is likely to be perceived as having a higher value than a guitar with a thin, weak sound. Overall, the perception of instrument value is a complex and multifaceted issue that is influenced by a variety of factors, including brand name, aesthetics, and sound quality. Understanding these factors can help to shed light on why some instruments hold their value better than others over time. - Market demand plays a crucial role in determining the value of an instrument over time. Instruments that are in high demand are more likely to retain their value, as they are sought after by a greater number of buyers. - However, it is important to note that market demand can be influenced by various factors, such as changes in the economy, cultural shifts, and advances in technology. For example, the rise of electronic instruments has led to a decline in demand for certain acoustic instruments, causing their value to decrease over time. - The condition of an instrument is another key factor in determining its value over time. Instruments that are well-maintained and in good condition are more likely to retain their value, as they are considered to be more valuable and desirable by buyers. - However, it is important to note that the condition of an instrument can be subjective, and what one buyer considers to be in good condition may not be the same for another. Therefore, it is important for sellers to accurately assess the condition of their instrument and provide buyers with as much information as possible about its condition. It is important to note that the value of an instrument is not only determined by its market demand and condition, but also by various other factors such as its rarity, age, and historical significance. These factors can have a significant impact on the value of an instrument over time, and can cause its value to increase or decrease depending on various circumstances. Preserving Instrument Value Proper cleaning is crucial in preserving the value of musical instruments. Instruments with dirt or grime buildup may require a thorough cleaning, which can include disassembling the instrument and cleaning each component individually. Wooden instruments, such as violins and cellos, require special attention as they can crack or warp if not cleaned correctly. Regular tuning is also important in maintaining the value of an instrument. Instruments that are out of tune can become unplayable and lose their value over time. Professional tuning is recommended for musical instruments, especially those with complex mechanisms, such as pianos and guitars. Regular tuning can help ensure that the instrument stays in good condition and maintains its value. Repairs are another essential aspect of proper maintenance for musical instruments. Instruments that are damaged or show signs of wear and tear can lose value quickly. Minor repairs, such as replacing a broken string or fixing a loose key, can be done by the owner. However, more significant repairs, such as replacing a cracked wood piece or fixing a broken mechanism, should be done by a professional to ensure the instrument remains in good condition and maintains its value. Proper maintenance can significantly impact the durability and value of musical instruments. Regular cleaning, tuning, and repairs can help ensure that the instrument remains in good condition and can continue to be played for many years to come. By investing in proper maintenance, musicians can preserve the value of their instruments and enjoy playing them for a long time. When it comes to preserving the value of an instrument, the way it is stored can make a significant difference. The environment in which the instrument is kept can impact its condition and lifespan. It is essential to store the instrument in a cool, dry place with minimal exposure to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. The instrument should also be stored vertically, with the strings facing upward, to prevent tension on the neck and body. Additionally, the instrument should be kept away from any sources of moisture, as this can cause damage to the wood and electronics. Instruments are often transported from one location to another, whether it be for a performance or repair. When transporting an instrument, it is crucial to ensure that it is properly protected. The instrument should be placed in a sturdy case, and the case should be covered with a soft, cushioned material to prevent scratches or dents. It is also important to ensure that the instrument is adequately padded and cushioned within the case to prevent any movement or shifting during transportation. Despite taking all necessary precautions, accidents can still happen. It is crucial to have adequate insurance coverage for the instrument to protect against any damage or loss. Insurance policies can vary, so it is essential to research and choose a policy that covers the specific needs of the instrument. The policy should also cover any accessories or equipment that may be damaged or lost during transportation. Additionally, it is important to keep detailed records of the instrument, including its purchase date, serial number, and any maintenance or repairs that have been performed. This information can be useful in filing an insurance claim or proving ownership in case of theft. Selling Your Instrument: Maximizing Value Understanding market trends is crucial when deciding to sell your instrument. The music industry is constantly evolving, and certain instruments may become more popular or less desirable depending on current trends. For example, electric guitars were popular in the 1960s and 1970s, but the trend shifted towards acoustic guitars in the 1990s and 2000s. It’s important to keep an eye on what’s in demand and what’s not, as this can affect the value of your instrument. The condition of your instrument is another important factor to consider when selling it. A well-maintained instrument will typically hold its value better than one that is in poor condition. Factors such as scratches, dents, and wear and tear can significantly reduce the value of your instrument. Additionally, any repairs or modifications made to the instrument can also affect its value. In summary, the condition and market trends of your instrument can play a significant role in determining its value when you decide to sell it. By keeping your instrument in good condition and being aware of current market trends, you can maximize the value of your instrument over time. When it comes to selling your instrument, preparation is key to maximizing its value. Here are some important steps to take before putting your instrument on the market: One of the first things to do when preparing to sell your instrument is to give it a thorough cleaning. This includes wiping down the instrument with a soft cloth to remove any dust or debris, and cleaning any visible stains or smudges. If your instrument has a wood finish, you may need to use a specialized wood cleaner to avoid damaging the surface. It’s important to make sure that your instrument looks and smells clean, as this can affect its overall appeal to potential buyers. If your instrument has any damage or wear and tear, it’s important to have it repaired before selling it. This could include things like replacing broken strings, fixing cracks in the wood, or adjusting the action to ensure that it plays smoothly. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to hire a professional repair technician to fix the issue. In some cases, you may even need to have the instrument appraised to determine its value and the cost of any necessary repairs. In addition to cleaning and repairing your instrument, it’s important to have any relevant documentation in order when selling it. This could include things like the original purchase receipt, any warranties or guarantees, and any maintenance records. Having this information organized and easily accessible can help potential buyers feel more confident in their purchase, and may even increase the overall value of your instrument. Negotiating the sale of your instrument can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, you can maximize its value. Here are some key strategies to consider: Before entering into negotiations, it’s important to do your research. Find out what similar instruments are selling for in the market, and be prepared to back up your asking price with evidence. This will help you make a case for why your instrument is worth the price you’re asking. Effective communication is essential during negotiations. Be clear and concise about your expectations, and listen carefully to the other party’s concerns. Ask questions to better understand their perspective, and be open to compromise. Remember that negotiation is a two-way street, and it’s important to find a mutually beneficial solution. Negotiations can be a lengthy process, and it’s important to remain patient. Don’t rush into a decision, and be willing to walk away if the terms aren’t right. Remember that the right buyer will come along eventually, and it’s better to wait for the right deal than to settle for less. Renting your instrument can be a great way to generate income while also allowing you to continue using it. This option is particularly useful for those who are not yet ready to part with their instrument permanently or who want to try out different instruments without committing to a purchase. Renting also provides a low-cost alternative for those who cannot afford to buy an instrument outright. However, it’s important to note that the rental market can be competitive, and rental fees can vary widely depending on the instrument and the length of the rental period. Additionally, renting may not be a viable option for those who need to sell their instrument quickly or who need to sell it at a specific price. Trading your instrument can be a good way to upgrade to a better instrument or to get cash for your current instrument. Trading is similar to selling, but instead of receiving cash, you receive credit toward the purchase of a new instrument. This can be a good option for those who are interested in upgrading their instrument or who want to purchase a new instrument from the same retailer. However, it’s important to note that not all retailers offer trading programs, and the value of your instrument may not be equal to the credit you receive. Additionally, trading may not be a viable option for those who need to sell their instrument quickly or who need to sell it at a specific price. Consigning your instrument can be a good way to sell it without having to give it up permanently. Consignment involves placing your instrument with a consignment store or dealer, who will sell it on your behalf and pay you a percentage of the sale price. This can be a good option for those who want to sell their instrument but do not want to part with it permanently. However, it’s important to note that consignment fees can vary widely, and you may not receive as much money as you would if you sold the instrument outright. Additionally, consignment can be a slow process, and it may take some time to find a buyer. 1. Do instruments hold their value over time? Answer: It depends on various factors such as the type of instrument, its condition, the demand for it, and how well it has been maintained. Generally, high-quality instruments tend to hold their value better than lower-quality ones. However, the value of an instrument can also decrease over time due to wear and tear, changes in technology, or a decline in demand. 2. How can I maintain the value of my instrument? Answer: To maintain the value of your instrument, it’s important to keep it in good condition by regularly cleaning and maintaining it. This includes regularly tuning it, oiling the moving parts, and keeping it protected from damage. You should also consider having it professionally serviced and inspected periodically to ensure it remains in top condition. 3. Are vintage instruments more valuable than modern ones? Answer: Vintage instruments can be more valuable than modern ones due to their rarity, history, and craftsmanship. However, this is not always the case, and the value of a vintage instrument can also be affected by its condition and the demand for it. Modern instruments, on the other hand, may be more practical and reliable, but they may not have the same appeal or collectible value as vintage ones. 4. What factors can affect the value of an instrument? Answer: The value of an instrument can be affected by various factors, including its condition, rarity, craftsmanship, age, and demand. The reputation of the maker, the quality of the materials used, and any notable history or provenance can also impact its value. Additionally, changes in the market, new technologies, and shifts in consumer preferences can also affect the value of an instrument over time. 5. Is it worth investing in an expensive instrument? Answer: Investing in an expensive instrument can be a significant financial commitment, and it’s important to carefully consider your needs and budget before making a purchase. While a high-quality instrument can provide superior performance and long-lasting value, it may not necessarily appreciate in value over time. Ultimately, the decision to invest in an expensive instrument should be based on your personal enjoyment and satisfaction, rather than solely on the potential for financial gain.
Summary of Diego Rivera Widely regarded as the most influential Mexican artist of the 20th century, Diego Rivera was truly a larger-than-life figure who spent significant periods of his career in Europe and the U.S., in addition to his native Mexico. Together with David Alfaro Siqueiros and José Clemente Orozco, Rivera was among the leading members and founders of the Mexican Muralist movement. Deploying a style informed by disparate sources such as European modern masters and Mexico's pre-Columbian heritage, and executed in the technique of Italian fresco painting, Rivera handled major themes appropriate to the scale of his chosen art form: social inequality; the relationship of nature, industry, and technology; and the history and fate of Mexico. More than half a century after his death, Rivera is still among the most revered figures in Mexico, celebrated for both his role in the country's artistic renaissance and re-invigoration of the mural genre as well as for his outsized persona. - Rivera made the painting of murals his primary method, appreciating the large scale and public accessibility—the opposite of what he regarded as the elitist character of paintings in galleries and museums. Rivera used the walls of universities and other public buildings throughout Mexico and the United States as his canvas, creating an extraordinary body of work that revived interest in the mural as an art form and helped reinvent the concept of public art in the U.S. by paving the way for the Federal Art Program of the 1930s. - Mexican culture and history constituted the major themes and influence on Rivera's art. Rivera, who amassed an enormous collection of pre-Columbian artifacts, created panoramic portrayals of Mexican history and daily life, from its Mayan beginnings up to the Mexican Revolution and post-Revolutionary present, in a style largely indebted to pre-Columbian culture. - A lifelong Marxist who belonged to the Mexican Communist Party and had important ties to the Soviet Union, Rivera is an exemplar of the socially committed artist. His art expressed his outspoken commitment to left-wing political causes, depicting such subjects as the Mexican peasantry, American workers, and revolutionary figures like Emiliano Zapata and Lenin. At times, his outspoken, uncompromising leftist politics collided with the wishes of wealthy patrons and aroused significant controversy that emanated inside and outside the art world. The Life of Diego Rivera When Diego Rivera first returned home to Mexico from his artistic studies in France, he was so overcome with joy that he fainted. Later, he said, "Great art is like a tree, which grows in a particular place and has a trunk, leaves, blossoms, boughs, fruit, and roots of its own .. The secret of my best work is that it is Mexican." Important Art by Diego Rivera View of Toledo A stunning tribute to two of Rivera's favorite masters—El Greco and Paul Cézanne— View of Toledo exemplifies Rivera's tendency to unite traditional and more modern approaches in his work. The landscape is a reworking of the famous 1597 landscape painting by El Greco, whose work Rivera studied during his time in Spain; Rivera's version even deploys the same viewpoint as the Spanish Old Master. At the same time, the subdued palette, flattened forms, and unconventional use of perspective suggest the artist's reverence for Cézanne, his L'Estaque landscapes. This artwork also documents the beginning of Rivera's Cubist phase. Oil on canvas - Fundacion Amparo R. de Espinosa, Puebla Zapatista Landscape - The Guerrilla In this work, painted during Rivera's sojourn in Paris, the artist deployed Cubism—a style he once characterized as a "revolutionary movement"—to depict the Mexican revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata, here seen with attributes such as a rifle, bandolier, hat, and sarape. The work's collage-like approach is suggestive of the Synthetic rather than Analytic phase of Cubism. Executed at the height of the Mexican Revolution, the painting—later described by its creator as "probably the most faithful expression of the Mexican mood that I have ever achieved"—manifests the increasing politicization of Rivera's work. Oil on canvas - Museo Nacional de Arte, Mexico City Motherhood - Angelina and the Child Motherhood is a modernizing, Cubist treatment on a perennial art historical theme: the Madonna and Child. In this painting, Angelina Beloff, Rivera's common-law wife for twelve years, holds their newborn son, Diego, who died of influenza just months after his birth. The painting beautifully illustrates Rivera's unique approach to Cubism, which rejected the somber, monochromatic palette deployed by artists such as Pablo Picasso or Georges Braque in favor of vivid colors more reminiscent of those used by Italian Futurist artists like Gino Severini or Giacomo Balla. Oil on canvas - Museo de Arte Alvar y Carmen T. de Carrillo Gil, Mexico His first commission from Mexican Minister of Education Jose Vasconcelos, Creation is the first of Rivera's many murals and a touchstone for Mexican Muralism. Treating, in the artist's words, "the origins of the sciences and the arts, a kind of condensed version of human history"—the work is a complex allegorical composition, combining Mexican, Judeo-Christian, and Hellenic motifs. It depicts a number of allegorical figures—among them Faith, Hope, Charity, Education, and Science—all seemingly represented with unmistakably Mexican features. The figure of Song was modeled on Guadalupe Marin, who later became Rivera's second wife. Through such features of the work as the use of gold leaf and the monumental, elongated figures, the mural reflects the importance of Italian and Byzantine art for Rivera's development. Fresco in encaustic with gold leaf - Museo de San Idelfonso, Mexico City Man, Controller of the Universe (Man in the Time Machine) As its title indicates, the painting is a powerful representation of the human race "at the crossroads" of reinforcing or competing forces and ideologies: science, industrialization, Communism, and capitalism. Revealing Rivera's dedication to Communism and other left-wing causes, the painting has at its center a heroic worker surrounded by four propeller-like blades; it contrasts a mocking portrayal of society women, seen on the left, with a sympathetic portrayal of Lenin surrounded by proletarians of different races, on the right. Commissioned by the Mexican government, this painting is a smaller but nearly identical recreation of Man at the Crossroads, the Rockefeller-commissioned mural for the soon-to-be-completed Rockefeller Center. The New York City mural was destroyed a year before this work, amid controversy over Rivera's portrait of Lenin and his subsequent refusal to remove the image. Fresco - Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico City Portrait of Lupe Marin In this magnificent portrait of his second wife from whom he separated the previous decade, Rivera again reveals his profound artistic debt to the European painting tradition. Utilizing a device deployed by such artists as Velazquez, Manet, and Ingres—and which Rivera would himself use in his 1949 portrait of his daughter Ruth—he portrays his subject partially in reflection through his depiction of a mirror in the background. The painting's coloration and the subject's expressive hands call to mind another artistic hero, El Greco, while its composition and structure suggest the art of Cézanne. Oil on canvas - Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City The Detroit Industry Fresco Cycle The twenty-seven panels comprising this cycle are a tribute to Detroit's manufacturing base and workforce of the 1930s and constitute the finest example of fresco painting in the United States. Here, Rivera takes large-scale industrial production as the subject of the work, depicting machinery with exceptional attention to detail and artistry. The overall iconography of the cycle reflects the duality concept of Aztec culture via the two sides of industry: the one beneficial to society (vaccines) and the other harmful (lethal gas). Other dichotomies recur in this work, as Rivera contrasts tradition and progress, industry and nature, and North and South America. He uses multiple allegories based on the history of the continents, as well as contemporary events to build a dramatic artwork. Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Park Rivera revisits the theme of Mexican history in this crowded, dynamic composition, replete with meaningful portraits, historical figures, and symbolic elements. Conceived as a festive pictorial autobiography, Rivera represents himself at the center as a child holding hands with the most celebrated of Guadalupe Posada's creations: the skeletal figure popularly known as "Calavera Catrina." He represents himself joining this quintessential symbol of Mexican popular culture and is shown to be protected by his wife, the painter Frida Kahlo, who holds in her hand the yin-yang symbol, the Eastern equivalent of Aztec duality. The mural combines the artist's own childhood experiences with the historical events and sites that took place in Mexico City's Alameda Park, such as the crematorium for the victims of the Inquisition during the times of Cortes, the U.S. army's encampment in the park in 1848, and the major political demonstrations of the 19th century. As in many previous works, Rivera juxtaposes historical events and figures, deliberately rejecting the Western tradition of linear narrative. Transportable fresco - Museo Mural Diego Rivera, Mexico City Biography of Diego Rivera Diego Rivera and his fraternal twin brother (who died at the age of two) were born in 1886 in Guanajuato, Mexico. His parents were both teachers; his mother was a devoted Catholic mestiza (part European, part Indian) and his father, a liberal criollo (Mexican of European descent). Diego's exceptional artistic talent was obvious to his parents from an early age, and they set aside a room in the house for him in which he painted his first "murals" on the walls. When Diego was six, his family moved from Guanajuato to Mexico City, to avoid the tensions caused by his father's role as co-editor of the opposition newspaper El Democrata. Once in Mexico City, his mother decided to send Diego to the Carpantier Catholic College. By the age of ten, Rivera decided he wanted to attend art school, despite his father's desire that he pursue a military career. By the age of twelve, Rivera was enrolled full-time at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts, where he received training modeled on conservative European academies; one of his painting teachers had studied with Ingres, and another required Rivera to copy classical sculpture. Trained in traditional techniques in perspective, color, and the en plein air method, Rivera also received instruction from Gerardo Murillo, one of the ideological forces behind the Mexican artistic revolution and a staunch defender of indigenous crafts and Mexican culture. With Murillo's support, Rivera was awarded a travel grant to Europe in 1906. In Spain, Rivera studied the work of El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, and the Flemish masters that he saw in the Prado Museum, and which provided him with a strong foundation for his later painting. At the studio of the Spanish realist painter Eduardo Chicharro, Rivera became acquainted with the leading figures of the Madrid avant-garde, including the Dada poet Ramon Gomez de la Serna and the writer Ramon Valle-Inclan. In 1909 Rivera traveled to Paris and Belgium with Valle-Inclan, where he met the Russian painter Angelina Beloff who would be Rivera's partner for twelve years. Returning to Mexico City in 1910, Rivera was offered his first exhibition at the San Carlos Academy. Rivera's return coincided with the onset of the Mexican Revolution, which lasted until 1917. Despite the political upheaval, Rivera's exhibit was a great success, and the money earned from the sale of his work enabled him to return to Europe. Back in Paris, Rivera became a fervent adherent of Cubism, which he regarded as a truly revolutionary form of painting. However, Rivera's difficult relationships with the other members of the movement came to a tumultuous end following a violent incident with the art critic Pierre Reverdy, resulting in a definitive break with the circle and the termination of his friendships with Picasso, Braque, Juan Gris, Fernand Leger, Gino Severini, and Jacques Lipchitz. Rivera subsequently shifted his focus to the work of Cézanne and Neoclassical artists such as Ingres, as well as a rediscovery of figural painting. Receiving another grant to travel to Italy to study classical art, Rivera copied Etruscan, Byzantine, and Renaissance artworks, and developed a particular interest in the frescoes of the 14th and 15th centuries of the Italian Renaissance. In 1921, following the appointment of Jose Vasconcelos as the new Mexican Minister of Education, Rivera returned to his home country, leaving behind his partner, Angelina Beloff, as well as Marevna Stebelska, another Russian artist, with whom Rivera had a daughter, Marika, in 1919. Rivera returned to Mexico with a reawakened artistic perspective, deeply influenced by his study of Classical and ancient art. There, he was afforded the opportunity to visit and study many pre-Columbian archaeological sites under the auspices of the Ministry of Education's art program. Yet his first mural painting, produced for the National Preparatory School and entitled Creation(1922), shows a strong influence of Western art. Rivera soon became involved with local politics through his membership in the Revolutionary Union of Technical Workers and his entry into the Mexican Communist Party in 1922. At this time, he painted frescoes in the Ministry of Education in Mexico City and the National School of Agriculture in Chapingo. During the latter project, he became involved with the Italian photographer Tina Modotti, who had modeled for his murals; the affair prompted him to separate from his wife at the time, Lupe Marin. In 1927, Rivera visited the Soviet Union to attend the celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution, an experience he found extremely inspiring. He spent nine months in Moscow, teaching monumental painting at the School of Fine Arts. Upon his return to Mexico, he married the painter Frida Kahlo, who was twenty-one years his junior, and became the director of the Academy of San Carlos. His radical ideas about education earned him enemies among the conservative faculty and student body; at the same time, he was expelled from the Communist Party for his cooperation with the government. Politically cornered, Rivera found support in the American ambassador to Mexico, Dwight W. Morrow, who commissioned him to paint a mural in the Cortes Palace in Cuernavaca depicting the history of that city. A great admirer of Rivera's work, Morrow offered the artist the opportunity to travel to the United States, all expenses paid. Rivera remained in the U.S. for four years. There, the always-prolific artist worked around the clock, painting murals in San Francisco, New York, and Detroit, celebrating the powerful forces of unions, education, industry, and art. In New York, he met with enormous popularity (his one-man show at The Museum of Modern Art had fifty-seven thousand visitors) as well as controversy (some of his murals were threatened with physical harm). Rivera's American adventure ended in 1933, when John D. Rockefeller, Jr., ordered the destruction of the mural he had commissioned for the lobby of Rockefeller Center, Man at the Crossroads, because of both Rivera's unwillingness to eliminate the portrait of Lenin and for what the Rockefeller family regarded as an offensive portrait of David Rockefeller. Later Years and Death After Rivera returned to Mexico, he and Kahlo shared a house-studio in a beautiful Bauhaus-style building in Mexico City that can still be visited today. From 1929 until 1945, Rivera worked on and off in the National Palace, creating some of his most famous murals there. In 1937, he and Kahlo helped Leon Trotsky - a major Russian Communist leader - and his wife obtain political exile; the Trotskys lived with Rivera and Kahlo for two years in the "Blue House" in the suburb of Coyoacan. Two years later, Rivera and Kahlo divorced, although they remarried a year later in San Francisco, while Rivera was working for the Golden Gate International Exposition. The two had a tremendously passionate, and an extremely tumultous relationship - one that can easily extrapolated by viewing her very personal artworks. The couple would ultimately remain together until Kahlo's death in 1954. During his last years, Diego continued to paint murals, sometimes working on portable panels. He also produced a large number of oil portraits, usually of the Mexican bourgeoisie, children, or American tourists. These works are not always remarkable, and they are often infused with a kitschy aesthetic reminiscent of Pop art. However, they were very successful during his lifetime, and provided a way for the artist to acquire more pre-Columbian objects for his spectacular collection. Today, his collection is housed in the Anahuacalli Museum, a building inspired by the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan and designed by Rivera himself. Widowed and already sick with cancer, Rivera married for the third time in 1955 to Emma Hurtado, his art dealer and rights holder since 1946. Following a trip to the Soviet Union made in the hope of curing his cancer, Rivera died in Mexico in 1957 at age seventy. His wish to have his ashes mingled with those of Kahlo was not honored, and he was buried in the Rotunda of Famous Men of Mexico. The Legacy of Diego Rivera Rivera saw the artist as a craftsman at the service of the community, who, as such, needed to deploy an easily accessible visual language. This concept greatly influenced American public art, helping give rise to governmental initiatives such as Franklin Roosevelt's Federal Art Project of the Works Progress Administration, whose artists depicted scenes from American life on public buildings. With his socially and politically expansive artistic vision, narrative focus, and use of symbolic imagery, Rivera inspired such diverse artists as Ben Shahn, Thomas Hart Benton, and Jackson Pollock. Influences and Connections Useful Resources on Diego Rivera - Diego Rivera, 1886-1957: A Revolutionary Spirit in Modern Art (Taschen Basic Art)Our PickBy Andrea Kettenmann - Dreaming with His Eyes Open: A Life of Diego Rivera (Discovery Series)By Patrick Marnham - Diego RiveraBy Pete Hamill - Diego Rivera, The Complete MuralsOur PickBy Luis Martin Lozano, Juan Coronel Rivera - Diego Rivera: The Detroit Industry MuralsBy Linda Bank Downs - Mexican Muralists: Orozco, Rivera, SiqueirosOur PickBy Desmond Rochfort - My Art, My Life: An Autobiography (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)Our PickBy Diego Rivera, Gladys March
Have you ever exposed a well-kept piece of information, whether intentionally or unintentionally? Here, people share the wildest secret they’ve ever exposed. 1. Guess what?! When I was young, I had a friend who lived down the street. She had a trampoline and I didn’t, so naturally we spent a lot of time together. I also had a cousin who was a year younger than us, whom I saw quite often. Someone decided it was a good idea (or possibly just forgot I was there) to mention the fact that my cousin was adopted while in front of me. That’s a pretty big secret in itself, but it also turned out that my friend from down the street was adopted… from the same birth mother as my cousin. My friend and my cousin were super secret brother and sister and I was a 9-year-old with this information. How exciting! Who wouldn’t want to know they had a secret brother or sister? So I called them to the tree house on the schoolyard during recess once and spilled the beans. My family hasn’t told me a secret since. I was training at a pizza place as part-time help many years ago. My manager was explaining the register procedures to me and everything sounded a little weird. You could mark just about any inventory as a baking mistake. So I asked them how they stopped people from just taking cash transactions and marking off the inventory. He had never thought about it. Two weeks later he had the assistant manager arrested for stealing. I didn’t work there for long after that, it was a bit awkward. 3. Watch the world burn. A couple years ago when I was still in high school, some kids I knew started an “anonymous confessions page” for our school on Twitter where people could Direct Message the account and the page would post it anonymously. Being that we were all still young and naive at the time, naturally the page got tons of submissions almost immediately. It started off innocently enough, things like ‘I have a crush on X’ or ‘I think Y is cute,’ but as the page gained in popularity the confessions became more and more profane. Eventually, the confessions got to a point where people were submitting very personal secrets about their friends like ‘X cheated on Y with Z’ as well as some graphic sexual fantasies. After a few weeks, the page gained notoriety and everyone was keeping up to date with the latest confessions (continued). Anyways, at this point the kids who were running the page decided that they wanted nothing more than to see the world burn. They took screenshots of every submission with the person that submitted it, and on a dark Sunday evening, posted every single screenshot on the page for everyone to see. In an instant, best friends became enemies, longtime couples were broken up, and perverts were outed. In a way, I like to think that these kids were chess masters, slowly moving pawns until finally exposing the fake and superficial nature of high schoolers in a cold and calculated move. School was pretty tense the next day. I knew two people who were first cousins and married to each other. I offhandedly made a remark about it, and found out that was suppose to be a secret. 5. My husband is the grandson of a former Russian dictator – enjoy the cake! One time my mom went to her friend’s wedding and the bride took her aside and revealed that the groom was the grandson of Stalin. 6. Stuck to his word. In Kindergarten, my best friend told me he knew where his dad’s gun was and wanted to bring it to school to show me and our other friends. I told him not to, and that I would tell the teacher if he did. About a week later, at recess, he pulled out the gun. So I went and told the teacher. But being the 90s, he only got suspended and a stern talking to by the police. 7. He’s an imposter! I was hanging out with a childhood friend of mine and my brother. His mom tells us to go to his brother’s film final presentation (all film students make a short 10 minute film to be graded by the audience, staff, teacher, and fellow students) so we go. What we didn’t know was at his college he had a persona of an immigrant working hard to make it in the US…in reality he was born in NY. When they (his friends) meet his (the guy pretending’s) family they ask who we are and we tell them. They ask why don’t we have accents (friends and brother) and we say we’ve all lived here since birth. We hear the next day we completely messed up his social circle and he’s been blacklisted by the Colombian clique at school. Not very exciting but it was the biggest one I uncovered. 8. Don’t mess with grandma. A few years ago I was cleaning out our attic. My house was my grandparents’ house so there was a lot of very old paper work. I was curious so I was combing through all of it. In one box I found divorce papers from 1952 with my grandmother’s name and some unknown mans name. I showed them to my mother and she told me that my grandmother was married for two years before my grandfather. This may not sound very shocking, but the story of why they got the divorce was eye-opening (continued). Turns out grandmother married the guy right after college and moved to Detroit. There he turned very abusive. She couldn’t get a divorce because he wouldn’t allow her to get one. Turns out it was hard for women to get a divorce if the husband didn’t want it. So she had to convince him to get a divorce. So she shot him in the butt with her gun and moved back here to Tennessee. He mailed her the papers. No one but my mother knew this. So now I have an interesting story for my grandmothers old gun. 9. Mom, who’s “David”? We were at a pool party and one of the girls was lying on a sun lounge by the pool. I picked the sun lounge up by one end and was about to throw her in the pool but then thought I should ask so as not to be a jerk. She said it was fine so into the pool she went. Unfortunately she had forgotten her phone was in her pocket so it was drowned at the bottom of the pool. She borrowed her mum’s old phone to use as a replacement, and noticed her mum hadn’t erased all the texts in her inbox. She saw one from a name she didn’t recognize and opened it – it was her mum’s boyfriend. She had been cheating on my friend’s dad for years with this guy and my friend brought it up, it all came out and they got divorced. 10. Pay up. My jerk boss owing over half a million to the IRS. A lot of us immediately jumped ship. My new job is in the same building and I had the pleasure of witnessing the FTB raid his office in full riot gear. Haven’t seen his doors open since. 11. Yikes, that must be tough. I have managed to expose that my mum has been cheating on my dad…on 3 different occasions… 12. I was going to tell you… Went to my cousin’s wedding and I got stuck at the miscellaneous table with a bunch of random people. Anyway, I was bored and I started talking to the bride’s BBF since she was the only person close to my age. She really liked to talk. After a few dances and the cutting of the cake, she was pretty tipsy and let it slip that even though the bride was marrying my cousin, she was still very much in love with her ex, the real love of her life (continued). Turns out just weeks before, the bride took a trip to see her ex and begged him to take her back. The dude said no but only after a few days of illicit sex. She had made a deal with herself that if he said no she would marry my poor sap of a cousin. The BFF keep on going on about how she really missed her ex and how much trouble my cousin had with erections in the bedroom. I was being told this while watching my cousin and his bride playing some silly wedding game. Now, they have one child and seem to be happy. I debated telling my cousin at one point but then he came by the table and started to make fun of my job, my house and even my suit. It was a nice suit. What the hell I drove three hours to get there. 13. He did the right thing. My best friend had a girlfriend. She was a really nice girl, loyal too. My best friend was cheating on her. He would send me texts with different girls he hooked up with in the club. He used to think he was so cool. Well I showed his girlfriend, because she really didn’t deserve that. 14. What’s up, bro? Found out my dad had a kid with his ex wife, that he abandoned and instructed never to contact him again. This was years before he met my mum. Got a Facebook message in 2009 saying basically : Hi I think we have the same dad. 15. When in doubt, tell the truth. I knew this one girl who lied about having thyroid cancer in order to get her friends to come back to her. She told me details that weren’t biologically correct and claimed that she got shots every month to stop the cancer and that the shots would stop working after she turns 20 and she would die. Since I was studying biology at the time, I knew that what she was saying wasn’t even correct and called her out on it. She ended up changing her story and claimed she got the shot when she was 7 in Sri Lanka. Most of her friends didn’t realize she was lying until I pointed out all the wrong facts. I honestly don’t feel bad that she doesn’t have anyone else left because cancer is not something you lie about. 16. Unexpectedly complicated. When I was 16, my parents and I were in the process of moving to another state. My parents would go to the state we were moving to every month to look for houses. During one of their trips, it was supposed to be just me and my step brother at home for 4 days. Shortly after they left, my step brother tells me he’s going on a trip for two of those days to go visit a “friend. The thing about him was, he had no friends. He was home schooled and kinda of a jerk, with no social skills. It didn’t really bug me though – two days home alone when you’re a 16-year-old punk seemed awesome (continued). When he comes home, I decided to figure out what he did. He said it was a romantic trip. After a while, I finally got it out of him. He met another man on adult friend finder, and had a “wild weekend”. After a while, he would go on trips every weekend, and wouldn’t tell my parents anything. Finally, my mom is begging me to tell her if I knew anything, and I caved. I had to tell my parents that my step brother was gay. They are very liberal and accepting people, but this is when it gets wacky. My step brother’s lover was a 50-year-old police detective, who was married to another man. He had no hesitation on telling them that he was in love, and they didn’t use protection. It made for an interesting summer. 17. The truth comes out. One of my friends (A) was staying at another friends of mine’s(B) house. During the night, B’s boyfriend got up and snuck into A’s room she was staying in. They had sex all night. He then snuck back in to B’s bed and they both acted like nothing happened. A told me thinking she was so great that B’s boyfriend couldn’t resist her and she was so much better than B. I was disgusted and told B. 18. The only downfall of being ahead. I was in kindergarten. Most kids there couldn’t read, or didn’t bother to read, but I read everything that came into my sight because letters were fun. One day, a real live Santa was going to come and give us presents. I didn’t really believe in him by then any more, but whatever. So there was this big, beautiful noticeboard in the changing room full of writing. I would often read everything posted on it (continued). So, on this particular day, I went to read it through, and something caught my eye. Read it again to make sure, and after I was really sure, I marched into the playroom and announced it to the whole group: Lisa’s father is gonna be Santa Claus! Most kids started crying, all the teachers got pissed. They thought my parents told me so as they came for me the teachers all went off on my parents. In turn they got a lecture about how they shouldn’t leave sensitive information on the noticeboard when they know I can and do read. 19. Good try, cuz. I had a cousin who got arrested for embezzlement but told the family she went away for 2 years to go to nursing school. I didn’t know exactly what happened, but I knew the nursing school thing was BS. I was able to find the court docket online and showed it to an aunt who was thoroughly convinced that the cousin had told the truth. When my sister was 19, almost 6 years ago now, she met a guy online and fell in love. Surprisingly, we lived pretty close to him. We loved to sit in her room and gossip about him and trade off the keyboard to say things to him and make him confused. He seemed pretty funny online, and my sister decided to finally meet up with him at a park. Everything went great! So great in fact, my parents decided to take advantage of my sister’s great mood and go out to eat Mexican food. We are all laughing and talking about the date, but I’m feeling a bit left out of the conversation since I’m the youngest, so I blurt out, “It’s so crazy how easily you met him online!” Apparently my sister told my parents she met him through a mutual friend since my parents were a bit helicopter-y and thought everyone online was a middle-aged predator. RIP my sisters relationship, 2010-2011. 21. You didn’t go unnoticed, buddy. I exposed a coworker who had, over the course of several months, stolen a few thousand dollars from the store we worked at. 22. He owes them big time. Married my high school sweetheart. Didn’t last long. Divorced due to him cheating. He was in the military at the time. Fast-forward 4 years later when I enlist in the military. When wrapping up my paperwork to ship to basic, they ask me if my last name is “Smith.” I tell them it hasn’t been that in 4 years since I divorced my ex. Turns out he never reported to the military. He divorced and collected BAH (extra pay for being married and having a dependent) on me for 4 years. They reported it and he owes backpay of over $24,000 to the government. 23. Thank goodness. The nurse who was physically harming our geriatric patients. I put in a report, there was an investigation and now she can never work in any type of “patient care” position again! 24. Always ask questions. I live in a townhouse condo complex and have for the past several years. My husband is the owner on title and as (bad) owners we never showed up to the annual general meetings. The first time we went, I was nominated and elected to the board. From there I began questioning odd decisions and where money was going (continued). Turns out the president of the board was dating the maintenance man (who used to be on the board and helped arrange his own $1000/month contract) and they stole and spent money how they wanted without board approval, lied about how decisions were made, lied about work he did, used condo money for their own benefit and tried to make me look stupid for asking so many questions. After a couple months of this the maintenance contract (which had expired) was not renewed and the president resigned. Now it’s looking like I’ll be taking over as president in July to try to clean up their messes and instil trust in the board again. 25. That escalated quickly. I was really into this cute manager at the pool where I worked. After telling my friends at a sleepover, they both revealed at the same time that they had hooked up with him previously, to the surprise of all of us. After talking to more people at the pool, it was discovered that the manager was hooking up and sleeping with not just my two friends, but a number of girls at the facility. This wouldn’t be a problem except he was hooking up with his employees in the storage area at the pool WHILE ON DUTY and, as it was a pool, most of the girls employed were ages 16-20. Fast-forward a bit, upper management found out, and an interview from the human resources later, I found out he was fired and banned from the pool deck. Not sure if he got in more trouble, but from what I’ve heard he now works again as a lifeguard for another pool.
The U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. was breached by thousands of protesters and QAnon followers during a "Stop the Steal" rally against the results of the 2020 United States presidential election where Donald Trump was defeated by Joe Biden. Photo by: zz/STRF/STAR MAX/IPx QAnon has graduated from obscurity to the mainstream. Once only found in the darkest places on the web, QAnon now has members of congress pushing wild theories ascribed to this far-reaching phenomenon. The QAnon conspiracy theory has its tentacles in everything, spreading false information about a variety of real social and political issues including the Black Lives Matter Movement, the presidential election, COVID-19, and even Disney. QAnon is no longer on the periphery of the internet, but a tangible movement that could threaten US democracy. QAnon is the popular term used to describe a whole host of internet conspiracies that explain a false, alternate reality where the world is run by a shadow government filled with Satan-worshiping pedophile elites. The QAnon conspiracy leaped from obscure forums onto social media platforms, where it was amplified by Facebook groups and YouTube videos. The FBI calls it a potential domestic terror threat, and after the January 6 riots, the movement is now a credible threat to U.S. democracy. QAnon’s loose mythologies, broad core tenets, and simple ability to absorb smaller conspiracies with the slimmest thread make it a movement that’s hard to define. A product of the overly connected modern age, QAnon is something new, unknown, terrifying, and dangerous to democracies across the world. What is QAnon? It all started with Pizzagate. Pizzagate was a conspiracy that pre-dated QAnon, but many of its pieces served as the foundation for QAnon belief. The Pizzagate conspiracy started when WikiLeaks released hacked emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman in November of 2016. One particular email exchange released by WikiLeaks showed that James Alefantis, owner of the Comet Ping Pong, a pizzeria in Washington D.C., was in touch with Podesta about having a potential fundraiser for Clinton.Soon, users on 4Chan began to make wild claims about the potential meaning of the email exchange. Conspiracy theories filled Internet message boards speculating its meaning. These users soon postulated with zero evidence that Comet was the center of a child sex-trafficking ring.Soon after, Edgar Welch, radicalized by these wild theories, drove from North Carolina to Comet Ping Pong armed with an AR-15 assault weapon. He entered the pizzeria and fired in the restaurant. Welch was soon apprehended and later was sentenced to four years in prison. All of this transpired due to the wildy false and since-debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory which took message boards by storm.Pizzagate was the firing shot that signaled the beginning of something graver and more dangerous, a conspiracy theory that easily radicalized its base. Many parts of the Pizzagate conspiracy continued to circulate the internet after it’s initial downfall—such as demonic politicians participating in human trafficking and child sex rings—and it is these ideas that helped form QAnon. What is Pizzagate? In October 2017, an anonymous message was posted on the ephemeral message board 4chan. Using a fictitious backstory, the user claimed to have access to confidential information and chose to reveal it all in cryptic yet easy-to-solve posts, later dubbed Q-drops. The anonymous user, identified only by their tripcode but eventually known as Q, continued writing almost 5,000 messages over the next four years, forming the far-right conspiracy theory’s foundation. The mysterious Q claimed to have been an employee at the Department of Energy with Q-level clearance, hence the moniker that’s been given to this anonymous poster (or posters). Fervent 4chan users began deciphering these posts on the ephemeral imageboard, and though this amateur cryptanalysis lit a flame in the /pol/ board, it lit the whole world on fire once social media got ahold of it. Eventually, Q moved to 8chan, stating that 4chan had been “infiltrated.” This move coincided with the authorship of Q changing hands, as textual analysis has found that multiple people are behind the persona. How did QAnon start? A few anons (what the believers of QAnon call themselves) abetted the conspiracy theory from fringe imageboards to the mainstream internet. The most successful among them was Tracy Diaz, known online as Tracy Beanz, who helped start the first QAnon Reddit board and whose YouTube videos spread the conspiratorial gospel. The QAnon storm is central to the broader conspiracy theory. The conspiracy of “the storm” has its origins at the start of Q’s first post on 4Chan. Q posted under a thread titled “Calm Before The Storm,” likely a reference to a weird Trump quote when he was standing with military leaders. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm,” he said, and then when asked what he meant, he said, “You’ll find out.” In the fall of 2017, Q posted a very detailed rundown about a supposed future arrest of Hillary Clinton and her former campaign chairman John Podesta, and details about how this event would go down.“HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01 am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M's will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.” What is the ‘Storm’? Nothing ever transpired. Since then, the Storm has become common parlance for an impending event in which thousands of supposed global elites, including Obama, Clinton, and any liberal you can imagine, will be detained, incarcerated, and/or executed. Usually, this is expected to be spearheaded by Trump. Though it can vary.Even though the Storm never happened (and the date of the Storm keeps getting pushed back), this hasn’t dissuaded devout followers from believing a storm is coming. It’s hard to say how many people actually believe in QAnon, but pollsters keep trying. A number of surveys have shown a strikingly inconsistent percentage of the U.S. population believes in the conspiracy-fraught theory. One poll conducted in October of 2020 showed that 7% of the U.S. population believed QAnon was true, whereas a rolling survey has shown month over month that only 4 percent of Americans support QAnon. A PRRI-IFYC study conducted online from March 8-30, 2021, showed that 15 to 20 percent of Americans (or roughly over 30 million) believe in three core ideas of QAnon. About 15 percent of Americans believe that “the government, media, and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.” This poll concluded that news media consumption was the biggest variable for QAnon beliefs. In fact, those who trust far-right news the most are more likely to believe in tenets of QAnon (go figure). How many people believe in QAnon? So how should we dissect these polls if we’re seeing such vastly different numbers? One of the issues with polling as it relates to QAnon and other conspiracy theories is that pollsters can’t get a clear picture as to who is an ardent believer and who is not. One poll with QAnon support in the single digits outright asked: “Are you a supporter of QAnon?”; the other single-digit poll asked, “What is your opinion of QAnon?” Both these questions can lead to what pollsters call social desirability bias, where respondents give what they think is a more “socially acceptable” answer instead of being truthful. On the other hand, the PRRI-IFYC study asked respondents questions related to whether they believed in specific QAnon tenets without directly asking whether they supported the conspiracy theory.The issue with the PRRI-IFYC study is that QAnon isn’t unique in its conspiracy theories—it’s a tentpole of some pretty old conspiracies. So asking questions about beliefs might not be catching other kinds of believers. At the same time, one might believe in some of these tenets and not follow QAnon at all. Whatever the case, even if we accept that at least 4 percent of the U.S. population believes in QAnon, that’s roughly 13 million people. Having said that, more people believe in ghosts, demons, and other supernatural beings than believe in Q. But ghosts, demons, and other supernatural beings don’t necessarily pose an existential threat to democracy. The Facebook Papers. That’s what thousands of pages of leaked internal documents are being called. Apart from showing Facebook’s mishandling of misinformation, it also demonstrated that Facebook was well aware of the damage its algorithm was having on people—and how quickly it shuffles people down a conspiracy-laced rabbit hole. A study conducted by Facebook researchers demonstrated just how easy it is for someone with a conservative political leaning to be served QAnon conspiracies and right-wing misinformation. In 2019, a researcher set up a fake Facebook account for a fictitious Carol Smith, a hypothetical Wilmington, North Carolina, mom who was politically conservative. Within just two days of her profile being created, Smith received recommendations to join Facebook groups that were dedicated to QAnon. Even without following these groups, within a week, her feed was full of hate speech and disinformation that violated Facebook’s policies.This one example showcases how Facebook’s algorithm could easily radicalize a person. The global pandemic has also meant more people are at home and apart from friends and loved ones. With more people online and using technology to stay connected, an algorithm that pushes conspiracy theories can easily lead to dire consequences. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube suggest content that can easily radicalize and indoctrinate individuals. Because of this, QAnon is tearing families apart—with loved ones becoming radicalized and moving to forums and sites with like-minded conspiracists where they share harmful hoaxes and beliefs which have led to violent acts and even murder. What role does social media play in QAnon’s popularity? It’s important to note that Facebook and YouTube aren’t the only platforms rife with misinformation. Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and other social networks had to crack down on misinformation once QAnon conspiracy theories started spreading widely on them. Even after social media de-platformed QAnon, it’s still festering in other forums and websites—and let’s not forget that QAnon got its start on 4chan. Q falsely claims to be a government insider working for the Department of Energy with Q-level security clearance and close ties to Trump. For years, the burning question has been who is behind Q? But it seems likely there could be multiple authors behind the eponymous leader of the movement.One possible author behind Q is Ron Watkins, the son of Jim Watkins, an internet entrepreneur who founded a Japanese porn site in the 1990s. He expanded to imageboards after allegedly stealing 2channel from its original owner, who hosted the website on Jim’s servers. In 2014, Ron convinced his father to acquire the imageboard 8chan and became one of the site’s administrators. In 2018 the QAnon movement packed up and moved from 4chan to 8chan. Who is Q? Since the move, it’s been speculated that Jim and/or Ron Watkins had a hand in nurturing the conspiracy theory. The former software developer of 8Chan, Fredrick Brennan, told Insider that he believes Jim Watkins played a part in “Q drops.” In 2021, Ron slipped a not-so-subtle clue that he might be Q. As VICE News reported, “Ron Watkins spoke about his newfound fame as a key spreader of baseless claims about voter fraud after Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 election. Then he said: “It was basically three years of intelligence training, teaching normies how to do intelligence work. It was basically what I was doing anonymously before.” Later, after realizing his mistake,he added, “...never as Q.” Though Ron adamantly denies he is Q, he’s parlaying the cred he’s earned in the movement and attempting to run for Congress in 2022. Though Jim and Ron Watkins both deny they are Q, whatever the case, the conspiracy has grown beyond the creator. Even without Q posting for nearly a year, conspiracies still grow and thrive. Q posted his final drop on December 8, 2020, a month after Trump lost the election. Despite the silence, the movement has continued to grow and evolve, finding new adherents inside mainstream politics and in communities like the evangelical church. Q seemed to know trouble was coming, because ahead of the election he told followers to go into stealth mode and avoid mentioning QAnon. What happened to QAnon after Trump’s election loss? So in the wake of the January 6 attack, where QAnon followers like the QAnon Shaman played a central role in storming the Capitol, many adherents of the movement attempted to distance themselves from the conspiracy, claiming somehow that QAnon was a construct of the media.To back up this patently ludicrous claim, followers pointed to a Q drop that said: “There is Q. There are Anons. There is no QAnon.” The followers did this to allow them to continue to spread their conspiracies without the negative press QAnon attracted after the Capitol riot.Even though Trump lost and was banned from mainstream social media, QAnon followers focused primarily on the efforts to undermine the democratic process. They spent a lot of energy boosting the sham recount in Maricopa County in Arizona, as well as efforts in other parts of the country to undermine election results and convince election officials of their wild theories. Central to this was Ron Watkins, who restyled himself as a cybersecurity expert who knew more about voting machines than pretty much anyone in the world. Even though his “expertise” was highly questionable, he succeeded in becoming a right-wing talking head, and was even retweeted by Trump—before both were kicked off mainstream social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, along with tens of thousands of their followers.Many parts of the GOP world have embraced QAnon conspiracies, including dozens of candidates for 2022, and even Donald Trump Jr. There are also plenty of people grifting off the QAnon support base, hosting talks and conferences across the country, including a conference in May in Texas where Michael Flynn called for an uprising like the Myanmar military coup, and a conference in October at a Vegas hotel owned by major Trump backer Don Ahern. Flynn has been joined by right-wing figures like Kraken lawyers Lin Wood and Sydney Powell, as well as conspiracy theorist and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, as major players in the post-Trump QAnon universe.Besides seeing their conspiracy theories becoming part of the Republican Party orthodoxy, QAnon followers have also found a new home in right-wing churches where evangelical pastors are ready to go to war over the belief that Donald Trump is still president—pastors like Pastor Greg Locke, who spouts conspiracy theories about child sex trafficking tunnels under the White House from the pulpit. Though there are also some pastors fighting back against the spread of these conspiracies within the church.Other QAnon supporters have moved into even more dangerous parts of extremism, including white supremacy and antisemitism. Just this month, we saw QAnon head in a new direction when an antisemitic leader of a cult-like offshoot, who bases his predictions on numerology, convinced hundreds of followers to travel to Dallas to see the return of JFK—which obviously never happened. The anti-vax movement is far larger than QAnon, but the conspiracy theory has pointed its large pyramid eye on the COVID vaccine, with disastrous results. QAnon has joined the far-right in radicalizing anti-vaxxers, turning steadfast yet passive refusal to get vaccinated into more-extremist fervor. Influential conspiracy theorists have pushed COVID treatment “alternatives” such as ivermectin, a medication primarily meant to treat parasitic diseases in livestock. Some just disregard the idea of COVID treatments since they consider the infectious disease to be a complete hoax. Threats of violence have even emerged over vaccines, with Romana Didulo, the self-proclaimed QAnon “Queen of Canada,” urging her followers to “shoot to kill” people who are vaccinating children. Those who choose to remain unvaccinated in America are varied in background and their reasons why, but conspiracy theories like the ones advanced by QAnon push anti-vaccine sentiment to the extreme, making vaccinations not a matter of choice but of life and death. Anti-vax conspiracy theories With all new belief systems, there usually comes a schism, a war between sides whose views might seem to differ minutely for an outsider but are critical to insiders. The conspiracy's first civil war spawned from an unlikely catalyst, the conservative darling Kyle Rittenhouse. The teen gunman who killed two people appeared on Tucker Carlson’s increasingly conspiratorial show and accused Lin Wood of “taking advantage” of him when the former Trump lawyer briefly represented him in 2020. This sparked criticism from other notable figures in the movement, who came to Rittenhouse’s defense and denounced Woods. Under attack, Woods lashed out at his fellow QAnon figurehead and unofficial leader of the movement, Michael Flynn, accusing Flynn of not defending him. Woods’ divisive slights toward Flynn have since divided their conspiratorial supporters. The sparring between the two escalated when Wood released the audio of a phone call between Flynn and himself. Flynn had some choice words when it came to the movement that has so far venerated him, calling QAnon “total nonsense” and its supporters a bunch of “kooks.” Even after his comments, his supporters seem unphased, with some, like influencer Craig Longley, dismissing Flynn’s comments as merely a distraction. Though supporters of the conspiracy theory have been separating into splinter groups—such as the JFK cult—the Flynn-Woods feud marks a breaking point in the movement. Supporters are forced to pick sides, with the opposing side becoming “deep state” agitators—the heretics of the QAnon world.This page was originally published in mid-November 2021. It’s been updated for improved clarity on the topic.
The most recent version of the Tuesday is always available online at: Published for faculty and staff by the Luther College Public Information office • Copy deadline: Friday, 3 p.m., 75-word limit • Phone: (563) 387-1865 • Email: <Tuesday> Note: All campus telephone numbers are in the 563 area code, all campus email addresses end in • ©2013 Finals week and break hours Legends Fitness Center Dec. 16-17: 6 a.m.-7 p.m. Dec. 18: 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Dec. 19-20: 6 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 21-25: Closed Dec. 26-27: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 28-29: Closed Dec. 30-31: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Jan. 1: Closed Jan. 2-3: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Jan. 4-5: Closed Jan. 6: Regular hours resume Please remember to bring clean shoes to work out. Dec. 19: 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Dec. 20: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Dec. 21-25: Closed Dec. 26-27: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Dec. 28-29: Closed Dec. 30-31: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Jan. 1: Closed Jan. 2-3: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Jan. 4-5: Closed Jan. 6: Begin regular J-term hours The C-Store will be closed during Christmas and J-Term breaks. For your special holiday ice cream cake and coffee deliveries, please contact Kuun Coffee and WW Homestead Dairy directly: Kuun Coffee, 562-9033, and WW Homestead Dairy, 568-4950. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Lisa and the C-Store staff. One day only sale in Book Shop On Friday, Dec. 20, take 20 percent off storewide purchases, including clearance (some exclusions may apply). Also, shop for great in-store promotions and 40 percent off Christmas merchandise. Edible Landscapes: What should we grow in 2014? It may be chilly, but 'tis the season for garden planning. Did you know that everyone on campus is encouraged to harvest from the edible landscapes near Ylvisaker and Valders? These gardens provide a nice place to go for a morning or afternoon snack, lunchtime salad or supplies for weekend cooking projects. This year Grounds and Sustainability are inviting members of the Luther community to provide feedback as to what you'd like to see grown in the Valders and Ylvisaker gardens during the 2014 growing season. Share your thoughts through the brief online survey. Flexible spending claims Flexible spending account dollars deducted from employee paychecks during 2013 may be used for eligible expenses through March 15, 2014. Claims for these dollars must be submitted to Midwest Group Benefits by March 31, 2014. Claim forms are available in human resources and on the hr website: Midwest Group Benefits holiday hours Midwest Group Benefits will be closed from noon on Tuesday, Dec. 24 thru Wednesday, Dec. 25, for Christmas. Flex checks will be processed on Thursday, Dec. 26 with direct deposit on Friday, Dec. 27. They will also be closed from noon on Tuesday, Dec. 31 thru Wednesday, Jan. 1 for the New Year’s holiday. Flex checks will be processed on Thursday, Jan. 2, with direct deposit on Friday, Jan. 3. Claims should be at MGB by 5 p.m. on the Monday of each week. Residence halls, including Farwell Hall, closed for holiday break The residence halls will close for break at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 19. This means the Farwell Hall elevator will not be available for faculty/staff to use beginning the evening of Dec. 17 through Saturday, Jan. 4. So faculty and staff who normally use the Farwell elevator should plan ahead concerning other parking options on campus. Vanna White on campus, play Witty Words Vanna White will be on campus in January to help Luther employees and students on the road to good health. Play Witty Words for the chance to win a wonderful prize. The game runs the month of January and is open to all employees and students. Email Vicky Jaeger <jaegervi> to sign up and for more information. Cafeteria to Community program The Center for Sustainable Communities and Dining Services are excited to announce the Cafeteria to Community program. This new program works to get good food into the homes of those who may need it. Volunteers gather on Monday and Wednesday evenings to package the surplus of food produced by the cafeteria into quart-sized containers that then get delivered to the First Lutheran Church Food Pantry. Volunteers are crucial for the success of this program. For more information on available shifts and to sign-up, please visit the website. Shifts take place on Monday and Wednesday evenings starting at 7 p.m. and last less than two hours. The program is currently seeking student, staff, faculty and community member volunteers for J-term and spring semester. Public reading of a Letter from Birmingham Jail Luther students, faculty and staff are invited to join in reading Dr. Martin Luther King's Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail." One mass rehearsal for readers will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 9, in the CFA on the Luther campus; pizza will be served. Those interested in being involved in the event should email Lauren Kientz Anderson at <andela10>. Watch for more information to come on the scheduled readings. Farewell party for Rachel Vagts The Luther community is invited to join in celebrating Rachel Vagts' 15 years at Luther and wishing her well on her new position at Berea College in Berea, Ky. The farewell party is from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2, in Peace Dining Room. Light refreshments and beverages will be served and a short program will begin at 3 p.m. Contact Sasha Griffin <grifsa01> or Sarah Wicks <swicks> with any questions. Biweekly payroll Dec. 31 The Cabinet has approved Dec. 23-25 as holidays. This holiday schedule limits time for processing bi-weekly payroll for the pay period ending Dec. 20 with a pay date of Dec. 31. Therefore, timecards for the pay period ending Dec. 20 are due in the Payroll Office by noon Friday, Dec. 20. Please estimate, based on your normal work schedule, what your Friday work hours will be. Any adjustments to these estimates should be indicated on your next timecard and will be applied to the next pay period. Hand deliver time cards to payroll by noon Dec. 20 HR and OFS remind supervisors that time cards must be delivered by hand to the Payroll office Friday, Dec. 20, due to the holiday and short processing time. Supervisors, please review and sign all time cards. Contact Korrine in the Payroll Office, 387-1135, or Andrew in the Office for Financial Services, 387-1697, with questions and concerns. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. 27 biweekly paychecks in 2013 Because the biweekly pay date for the pay period ending Dec. 20 would have fallen on Jan. 1, a bank holiday, that payroll will be paid on Dec. 31. This will have two consequences. First, this will be the 27th pay check in 2013 and will show up on employees' 2013 W-2 instead of their 2014 W-2. There will still be 26 paychecks in 2014. Second, this will be the third payroll in December, so flex and health deductions will not come out of this paycheck. To make changes to the Dec. 31 payroll, for instance, to your SRA contributions or W-4s, submit forms to the payroll office as soon as possible, but no later than Dec. 18. Forms are available at Sign up for W-2's online All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to sign up to receive electronic W-2's using The W-2 Electronic Consent option is included in the employee profile section of If you chose the electronic option for your 2012 W-2, then you do not need to do it again for 2013. More detailed instructions and additional information can be found by clicking the W-2 Options link on the HR website H drive changes coming in December For improved data security, on Thursday, Dec. 26, LIS is limiting off-campus access to information on H drives—space for storing electronic files on Luther's servers. For more information, visit H drive Changes Coming. Chapel this week No chapel during break. In their research, Gokhan Savas and Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology at Syracuse University, say women can close the income gap with men by pursuing lucrative majors such as science, technology, mathematics and business. Their study shows choosing a lucrative major to study (anywhere) is more important than choosing a prestigious school at which to study. Savas spoke about the research on the Marketplace radio program Tuesday morning, Dec. 10. Inside Higher Ed also discusses the research, which was recently published in The Review of Higher Education (abstract available here). Listen to Savas's Marketplace radio interview here. Wanda Deifelt has served as advisor and evaluator for the International Master's Program in Theology and HIV/Aids, which comprises four institutions from Latin America: UBL from Costa Rica, Universidad Javeriana from Colombia, ISEDET from Argentina, and Faculdades EST from Brazil. Ten of the master's theses (abridged version) were selected for publication in Spanish/Portuguese and English. Deifelt contributed the opening chapter, titled "The Aids Pandemic and the Vulnerability of God" (A Pandemia da Aids e a Vulnerabilidadede Deus). The book in English is titled "Theology and HIV & AIDS in Latin America" (Oikos, 2013, p.19-26). To Vanessa and Gary Wiest, on the birth of their son Owen James on Saturday, Nov. 16. He was born at 6:29 p.m. and was 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and 20.25 inches long. Brenda Ranum has been appointed director of the Career Center after a nomination process and serving as interim director. Brenda will lead a strategic planning process to position the department for success in a swiftly changing environment. We are thankful to Brenda for her wonderful work since she arrived in August; we will benefit greatly from her contributions. At the staff meeting Christmas party, $206 was collected for ELCA Disaster Relief to help in the Philippines, and several bags of food and $130 in donations were collected for the Food Pantry. Tusen takk! -Staff meeting committee Thanks so much for all the kind words, thoughts and prayers in the passing of my mother. I appreciate all the support the Luther community has shared with me and my family during the past few months. Her funeral was a celebration of her life as the church pews were lined with over 40 of her handmade quilts, surrounding her family and friends with her love. Medical transcriptionist: Health Service is accepting applications for a transcriptionist. This is a nine-month, 30-hour/week, (.56 FTE) position. Position is responsible for medical transcription for providers; billing of services, assisting with the components of college sponsored insurance program, and medical record management. Web page monitoring/updating, clerical and secretarial functions are also a part of this position. Please view the full posting and instructions for applying at https://luthercollege.hiretouc Burning Bright choruses perform 'Winter's Light' Burning Bright, a group of Decorah area professional and amateur musicians-featuring several Luther faculty and staff, will offer their 16th annual benefit concert titled "Winter’s Light" at 5 and 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 21, at First United Methodist Church, 302 W. Broadway, Decorah. Tickets are on sale at Oneota Community Co-op, Kephart's Music Center and Agora Arts, or at the door. Advance purchase is recommended since performances are consistently sold out. Suggested donation is $12, with a minimum of $6. In the event of inclement weather, please listen to Decorah radio stations for rescheduling or cancellation of concert performances. Respite Options of NE Iowa is partnering with Luther's social work program to provide foster parents with an in-home care provider enabling them to get away for duration of time. Providers must be at least 20 years old, fill out an application and certification needs and must be able to commit to the program for a whole year. If interested in volunteering, contact Nancy Magnall, (877) 467-4100, (319) 352-3600 or [email protected]. Lost: I have lost a tiger's-eye pendant (solid stone, brown and gold streaks, with three-dimensional carvings) on a long silver chain. I think it might have fallen on the street or on the Luther campus when I was walking sometime around Dec. 10-12. If anyone finds it please email <weldam01> or call 382-5094 and let me know. It is of great sentimental value. Many thanks, Amy Weldon. For sale: Two snow tires on rims. 205 75 14. Good condition. Call Dean, 387-0242. For sale: Untreated cedar lumber: ten-foot 4X4s. Great for fencing, retaining walls and posts. Call Dean, 387-0242. Free: Used queen mattress and box spring. Used Sauder storage unit. Call 382-8625. Available: Recent Luther grad available for house-sitting. J-term and/or spring semester. Contact <footco01>. Wanted: We are looking for an experienced pet sitter for our nine-year-old dog this holiday. We either need someone the evening of Dec. 27-Jan. 4, or someone with a vehicle from Dec. 27-29 in the a.m. and able to transfer him to a local boarding kennel for the duration of the week. Please contact Bobby at <vrtiro01> to discuss details and compensation. Thank you. For sale: For a limited time at the C-Store pick up Christmas at Luther and Norwegian Blend coffees. See Lisa in the C-Store to pick up or order coffee for your special holiday event. Christmas plants and poinsettias are also available for sale. These beautiful plants make a perfect gift. For sale: 2012 Toyota Prius hybrid with 14,000 miles. Driven to Ames this weekend and registered 62 mpg on the way down and 54 mpg on the way back. Contact Lyle at 419-2897. Asking $19,000 with extended warranty. Free books: Dozens of free books, mostly social science, some philosophy and religion, even a little economics and fiction (if that's not a redundancy). None with water damage, none marked up (except for my name), some new. List of titles at http://olin335freebooks. For sale: ShopVac in good condition for $20. A pump and hose for $75. Christmas holiday dishes, set of eight for $25. Contact Denise Creek, <creema01> or 379-6045. Wanted: An energetic, creative, competent person to provide daycare in house on Fridays from 7:45 a.m.-4:15 p.m. for two, lovable boys, ages two and five as well as a nine-year-old dog who comes with the territory (although you don't have to worry about him). It would be fantastic if you could provide your own transportation and it's certainly within walking distance from campus. Please call Karen at 419-2926 and we can chat more about the position. Electronics for sale: PlayStation 3, like new, 500 GB hard drive, two controllers, original box, $120 or best offer; PlayStation 2, like new, slim model, controller, original box, $50 or best offer; Acer 27-inch LED computer monitor, like new, 1920x1080 resolution, $180 or best offer. Contact Travis Huinker at <huintr01> or 387-1417. Housing needed:: Responsible young family looking to rent a three or more bedroom home in Decorah, Calmar, Waukon or Ossian. Please contact Heather at [email protected] Seeking: Gently used sheets, blankets and mattress pads. Materials will be used to make quilts that will be donated to World Relief. Email [email protected]. Wanted: Housing is needed for a 2010 Luther grad who will be a visiting faculty member with the voice department from mid-Feb. to May. Please contact Jill Phillips at <philji01> or by phone at (712) 358-2776. "Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time." -Laura Ingalls Wilder "My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" "Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind." -Mary Ellen Chase
Although distant starlight has been used as an argument against the biblical timescale, we saw previously that the time it takes light to travel on a one-way journey is not a universal or objective value, but depends on how we define ‘simultaneous.’ Under the visual synchrony convention, we are seeing the universe in real-time. And since the Bible apparently uses this ancient convention, there is no starlight problem. If you haven’t read the previous article in the series, be sure to do so before continuing because this article builds on what we covered there. We will here investigate common objections to the conventionality thesis – the principle that the one-way speed of light cannot be measured but is instead stipulated. By way of review, the average round-trip speed of light in vacuum is always exactly c (186,282.397 miles per second). However, we are free to define the speed of light on a one-way trip, and this constitutes a definition of simultaneity for a given observer. That is, it allows him to judge whether two events at different locations happened at the same time. In order to measure any one-way speed, we require two clocks separated by some distance. The first clock is at the starting point and records the start time of the object whose speed is to be measured. The second clock is at the finish line and records the arrival time. By subtracting the start time from the arrival time, we obtain the total time of the journey. The distance between the clocks divided by the time yields the one-way speed. However, this technique only works if the two clocks are synchronized (if they read the same time at the same time). But we found previously that “at the same time” is not objective – it depends on the frame of the observer and the one-way speed of light. Hence, to ensure that two clocks (separated by some distance) are exactly synchronized, we would have to already know the one-way speed of light. And to measure the one-way speed of light would require to clocks separated by some distance that are exactly synchronized. Each question requires knowing the answer to the other one first. Consequently, there can be no objective answer to either question. Albert Einstein recognized that this situation indicates that the one-way speed of light is not an objective quantity that is determined by nature. Rather, it is conventional. We may actually choose the one-way speed of light in any given direction because the speed of light can only be objectively measured as an average value on a round-trip, as in from A to B and back to A. The speed of light on a one-way trip (as in from A to B) cannot be objectively measured, but is instead stipulated. This is deeply counterintuitive because we tend to think of the passage of time as universal and independent of motion. But Einstein showed that this is not the case. He discovered the relativity of simultaneity, from which we can logically deduce the conventionality thesis, as we saw in the previous article. Since the conventionality thesis is so contrary to our intuitive expectation of absolute time, many people have proposed hypothetical experiments that they think will objectively measure the one-way speed of light. However, in all cases, these experiments will yield the same result regardless of the one-way speed of light, and therefore cannot actually distinguish different values of one-way speeds. There is always something that has been overlooked. In fact, some physicists of the early twentieth century invented thought experiments that they believed could objectively measure the one-way speed of light, and published these in the technical literature. Some of these were attempts to disprove Einstein’s newly discovered physics of relativity. However, inevitably, these thought experiments were refuted by other physicists in subsequent publications. The refutations always revealed either a hidden assumption, or the fact that alternate synchrony conventions produce an identical outcome. Indeed, there is a rich body of technical literature on the conventionality thesis. But many laymen do not have easy access to such literature. So, we will here examine the two primary attempts to measure the one-way speed of light, and show why they fail. All thought experiments ever proposed are some variation of these two methods; therefore, if they are disproved then so are all the others. I emphasize that the methods described here have already been disproved (in many cases over a century ago) in the technical literature. So, if someone repeats such a claim today, he reveals that he has not read the literature. But first, some terminology is in order. Suppose we have two clocks at locations A and B respectively, located along the x axis with B to the right of A. The clock at A emits a light pulse at time t1. The light arrives at the clock at B at time t2, and is reflected back to A. The clock at A records the final arrival time at t3. To make the math easier, let’s suppose the two clocks are separated by a distance of 186,282.397 miles, and that t1 = noon. In such a case, t3 will be exactly two seconds past noon, because the time the light takes to go from A to B and back to A will be exactly two seconds: (t3 – t1 = 2 seconds). This experiment will confirm that indeed the round-trip speed of light (in vacuum) is exactly c, which is 186,282.397 miles per second. The question then is, “what is the time (t2) the light arrived at the clock at B?” That will depend on the chosen synchrony convention and is expressed by this formula: t2 = t1 + ε(t3 – t1), (0 ≤ ε ≤ 1) Here, the variable represented by the Greek letter epsilon (ε) is called the Reichenbach epsilon. It represents the chosen synchrony convention and can have a value of anywhere between zero and one. Einstein preferred to set the value to ½, and most physicists also prefer this value because it usually makes the math easier. Setting the Reichenbach epsilon to ½ is equivalent to setting the one-way speed of light to be the same in the positive x direction as in the negative x direction. This is called the Einstein synchrony convention (ESC). Under ESC, you can confirm using the above formula that the light arrives at clock B at time t2 = 12:00:01, exactly one second past noon. Previously, we discussed the visual synchrony convention in which light traveling directly toward the observer is instantaneous and light traveling directly away travels at ½c. Since the one-way speed of light is different in different directions, this is an anisotropic synchrony convention (ASC). Under ASC, the Reichenbach epsilon can be either zero or one depending on where the observer is. Let’s suppose that the observer is far to the left of clock A. In this case the Reichenbach epsilon is equal to 1. Plugging this value into the above formula (ε = 1), you can see that t2 = t3 under the ASC convention. That is, the light reaches clock B at exactly 12:00:02, and is reflected back to clock A which it reaches immediately at 12:00:02. Therefore, light moves from A to B at ½c (because it is outgoing), and moves instantly from B back to A (because it is incoming relative to the observer). So, under ESC, clock B is synchronized with clock A if it reads 12:00:01 when the light arrives. But under ASC, clock B is synchronized with clock A if it reads 12:00:02 when the light arrives. Our choice of synchrony convention, and thus our choice of ε will determine how we synchronize these two clocks. Then when we use our synchronized clocks to measure the one-way speed of light, the answer will be whatever we chose at the start. Choosing a synchrony convention is the same as choosing the one-way speed of light. And choosing the one-way speed of light is the same as choosing a synchrony convention. With this background information, we can begin examining the thought experiments that attempt to objectively measure the one-way speed of light without first stipulating it (or equivalently stipulating the synchrony convention). We will find that in all cases, such methods subtly assume the one-way speed of light as part of their setup, thereby invalidating the results. Virtually all thought experiments that attempt to objectively synchronize two clocks separated by a distance will fall into one of two categories: signal synchronization, and clock transport. We begin with the first. One of the simplest methods is to use a signal, such as a radio pulse, to synchronize the two clocks. Suppose at exactly noon, a radio transmitter at clock A emits a pulse that travels to B. Upon reception of that signal, clock B is set to noon. Then the two clocks are supposed to be synchronized. But are they? That would certainly be the case if radio transmissions were instantaneous. But in fact, we know from many experiments that the round-trip speed of radio in vacuum is exactly the speed of light. But we don’t know radio’s one-way speed because we don’t know the one-way speed of light. We could assume that the one-way speed of radio (and therefore the one-way speed of light) is the same (c) in any direction. Then it would take the radio pulse one second to arrive at clock B, and we should set clock B to one second past noon when it receives this light. If we then used these two clocks to measure a light pulse from A to B, we would find it takes one second to traverse the distance, implying that the one-way speed of light from A to B is exactly c. But then again, that is the very thing we assumed when we synchronized clock B with clock A under the assumption that radio (and therefore light) travels at a one-way speed of c. This begs the question. So, this experiment cannot objectively measure the one-way speed of light without first assuming it. Some people have suggested that placing the radio transmitter exactly in between A and B would solve the problem. The radio transmitter emits a pulse (in both directions) at noon. The pulse travels to A and to B, and they set themselves to noon upon receiving the pulse. Sure, their time may be a bit behind the clock at the radio transmitter, but at least they will apparently be synchronized with each other; and that is all that is required to measure a one-way speed. But in assuming that the light from the radio transmitter arrives at A at the same time it arrives at B assumes that the one-way speed of radio (and hence the one-way speed of light) is the same in opposite directions. So, this method assumes the Einstein synchrony convention at the start. But suppose we use the ASC system instead. Then light from the radio transmitter will reach A instantly (since it is incoming relative to the observer far to the left), and will reach B one second later (since it travels at ½ c for a distance of ½ of 186,282.397 miles). If the clock at B is set to noon when the light arrives, then it will be one second behind A, and is therefore not synchronized. So, under ASC, we should set the clock at B to one second past noon when it receives the light in order for it to be synchronized with clock A. If we then use these synchronized clocks to measure the one-way speed of light, we will find light takes two seconds to go from A to B, and no time at all to go from B to A. But that of course is what we assumed when we agreed to use the ASC convention. Clearly, we cannot use light or radio or any electromagnetic radiation to synchronize these two clocks because we would have to first know the one-way speed of light in order to know when the signal arrived at each clock. And that is the very thing we are attempting to objectively measure. What about electricity? We could have a long wire running from A to B, and send an electric pulse when clock A reaches noon. Upon receiving the electric signal, clock B is also set to noon. Are the two clocks now synchronized? By now you might realize that there is always a catch. And indeed, there is. Electricity actually travels at the speed of light. And so, this suffers the same problem as using a radio pulse. When the electric signal arrives at B, should we set clock B to noon, to 12:00:01, or to 12:00:02? Whatever value we pick amounts to choosing the value for ε, which means we have already assumed the one-way speed of light in synchronizing these clocks. Clearly, we need a signal that does not depend on the speed of light. Suppose we manufacture a long, rigid, copper rod that is exactly 186,282.397 miles in length. One end of the rod is at A and the other end is at B. When clock A strikes noon, we push on the rod. When the clock at B feels the rod move, it sets itself to noon. Are the two clocks now synchronized? After all, experience tells us that when you push on one end of a rod, the other end moves instantly. Or does it? In fact, when you push on one end of a rod, you are pushing on the atoms at the end, which then push on the atoms next to them which do the same and so on; it’s essentially a domino effect. This creates a compressional wave that travels down the rod until it reaches the other end. It may seem like the other end moves instantly, but it doesn’t. The compression wave actually travels at the speed of sound in the material, which is generally far slower than the speed of light. At room temperature the speed of sound in copper is 4760 meters per second (about 2.958 miles per second). That’s a snail’s pace compared to light. So, the clock at B would feel the pulse about 17 hours, 30 minutes after noon. Still, if we knew the exact speed of sound in copper (or whatever material we choose), we could compensate by setting the clock at B forward by the appropriate amount, e.g. 17.5 hours after noon. But that number is approximate. To measure the one-way speed of light, we need the clocks at A and B to be exactly synchronized since even a one second offset is the difference between the one-way speed of light being c and infinity. So we would need to know the exact speed of sound in the material. In principle, we could measure the speed of sound in copper with extremely high precision using our long copper rod. When clock B feels the pulse at about 17.5 hours after noon, it instantly pushes back on the rod sending a compressional wave toward the clock at A. The clock at A will receive this pulse after another 17.5 hours. Dividing the total distance by the total time gives the speed of sound in copper. For the sake of simplicity, let’s suppose the times are such that this speed turns out to be exactly 4760 m/s. Knowing this speed, we compute how long it takes the pulse to travel from A to B: precisely 17 hours, 29 minutes, 41.6 seconds. Therefore, clock B should set itself to 5:29:41.6 a.m. upon receiving the pulse. And we suppose the two clocks are now exactly synchronized. But have we made an untested assumption? Our method of measuring the speed of sound in copper actually measured its average speed on a round-trip. In other words, we have assumed that the speed of sound in copper is the same going from A to B as it is from B to A. There is good evidence that the speed of sound in copper is approximately the same in opposite directions. But in order for this method to work, that speed would have to be exactly the same, or at least we would have to know its difference. The reason sound moves through a substance is because atoms collide with neighboring atoms. But the way atoms “feel” each other is due to electromagnetic forces. Atoms are made of charged particles, including a cloud of surrounding electrons. These electrons repel the electrons of other atoms by their electric force. But that force is not transmitted instantly. Electric forces travel at… (wait for it) … the speed of light. Therefore, if the speed of light is different from A to B than it is from B to A, then the speed of sound in a substance like copper will also be (very slightly) different in different directions. Under ASC, this speed will be very slightly faster in the incoming direction than in the outgoing direction. For example, under ASC, the sound pulse in the rod will take 17 hours, 29 minutes, and 42.6 seconds to go from A to B, but only 17 hours, 29 minutes, and 40.6 seconds to travel back to A. So, under the ASC convention, the clock at B should be set to 5:29:42.6 a.m. upon receiving the pulse in order to be synchronized with A. If we do this and then measure the one-way speed of light, we will find that it is indeed ½c from A to B, and instantaneous from B to A. So, again, the way in which we synchronize clocks depends on our previous choice of ε, which is the same as choosing the one-way speed of light. It would seem that the two clocks separated by a distance cannot be exactly synchronized by signal transmission without first assuming the one-way speed of light. This is because all signals depend at least slightly on the one-way speed of light. Approximate synchronization is good enough for measuring the (approximate) one-way speeds of phenomena that are slow compared to light. But for light, the clocks at A and B must be exactly synchronized, since even a one second difference will drastically affect the result. And there is no way to do that by signals since all signals depend in some fashion on the one-way speed of light. If there were some signaling method that did not depend in any way upon the speed of light, then perhaps synchronization by signal transmission would be possible. Two such methods have been proposed. The first is the use of tachyons. Tachyons are hypothetical particles that travel faster than light. In fact, in the limit as a tachyon’s energy goes to zero, its speed goes to infinity. So, if tachyons can carry information, then in principle tachyons would allow for instantaneous communication in opposite directions. It would seem that we could synchronize two clocks exactly by using instantaneous tachyons. But there is always a catch. First, tachyons apparently do not exist. In fact, there are good reasons to think that information-bearing tachyons cannot exist – they would violate causality. In other words, tachyons that move forward in time in one reference frame, would be moving backward in time in another reference frame. In principle you could use tachyons to affect the past. This leads to temporal paradoxes. For more details, see the Physics of Einstein. The second problem is that tachyons that are claimed by one observer to be instantaneous would not appear as instantaneous to another observer in a different velocity frame. This is due to the relativity of simultaneity as discussed in the previous article. Our measurement of the one-way speed of a tachyon will depend on the chosen synchrony convention, and hence our choice of the one-way speed of light. The second method sometimes proposed is to synchronize two clocks using quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is a very strange aspect of quantum physics involving two particles that have interacted with each other in the past. Such interaction causes the particles to become entangled, such that even when the particles are separated by an enormous distance, they can subtly influence each other – and they can do so instantaneously. In particular, there is evidence that unobserved particles behave as waves, extended over a volume of space. Observing the particle “collapses the wavefunction” thereby making the wave behavior cease. But it also collapses the wavefunction of its quantum-entangled partner. And it does so instantaneously, regardless of the distance between the two particles. The problem is that quantum entanglement cannot be used to send information instantly from A to B. We can’t actually observe a particle’s wavefunction, and therefore we cannot know the exact time that the wavefunction collapsed. We can confirm after the fact that the observation of a particle at A did indeed collapse the wavefunction of the particle at B. But the relative times cannot be known. Therefore, there is no way to use this information to synchronize two clocks at different locations. Slow Clock Transport If we cannot synchronize the clocks while they are separated with a signal transmission, perhaps we can synchronize them when they are together, and then move them to separate locations. So, we bring the clock at B to the location of A and synchronize them. We can conclude that they are truly synchronized if they read identical times. This is because however long the light took to reach our eyes from one clock, it took the same time from the other clock since they are at the same position. Therefore, if two clocks at the same location look synchronized then they truly are synchronized. So, we then move one of the clocks to location B, confident that they are now synchronized. But are they? Einstein discovered that motion affects the passage of time, and hence the rate at which clocks tick. The very act of moving the clock to B causes it to tick at a slightly different rate along its journey than the clock at A ticks. Hence, when the clock reaches B, it is no longer synchronized with the clock at A. There are two ways we might attempt to alleviate this difficulty. First, Einstein discovered the mathematical formula that describes exactly how time is affected by motion. So, by knowing the exact velocity of the clock as it is moved to B, we can use the formula to compute how much time was affected, and can then adjust the clock at B accordingly. However, the full version of this formula includes the one-way speed of light – the very thing we are attempting to measure. We would have to choose the one-way speed of light in order to use the formula, which obviously begs the question. Second, the rate at which time is affected by motion is strongly dependent on velocity. Moving a clock very rapidly causes it to rapidly become desynchronized with its stationary counterpart. But moving a clock very slowly causes it to only slowly become desynchronized. What if we moved the clock to B as slowly as possible? Would it then still be synchronized with the clock at A? Suppose we synchronize the two clocks at location A, then rapidly move one of them to B and then back to A. Einstein’s formula shows that the clock that moved will be behind the clock at A by some amount. The faster you move the clock on its round-trip journey, the more it will lag behind the stationary clock. We don’t notice this effect in our daily lives because it is so small at the slow speeds we normally experience. But it has been measured on high-speed aircraft using atomic clocks. The effect is real. This effect becomes vanishingly small as the speed (at which we move the clock from A to B and back to A) approaches zero. In other words, if we moved the clock from A to B and then back to A as slowly as possible, it will still be synchronized with the clock at A upon its return. So, slow speeds seem to be the key to retaining synchronized clocks. Therefore, people have proposed the following method for synchronizing two clocks separated by a distance. First synchronize the two clocks at the same location A. Then move one clock to B as slowly as possible. The assumption is that the two clocks are still synchronized. After all, if we move the clock at B back to A as slowly as possible, it will still be synchronized with A. This method is called slow clock transport. And it seems reasonable at first. But by now, we know there is always a hidden assumption. Yes, under slow clock transport, you can move a clock slowly to B and back to A and they will still be synchronized upon their reunion. But how do you know that the two clocks remained synchronized throughout the journey? In other words, what if the moving clock loses one second as it is moved to B, and then gains one second as it is moved back to A? In fact, under ASC, this is exactly what happens. Again, people might ask, “why would the effect of motion on the passage of time be different in different directions?” But the effect of motion on the passage of time is related to the speed of light. Therefore, if the one-way speed of light is different in opposite directions, then so will the effects of motion on the passage of time. The two effects are intimately connected. Thus, to arbitrarily assume that time dilation has no directional dependence is the same as assuming that the one-way speed of light has no directional dependence. Again, some people think the solution is to put both clocks exactly in between A and B, and synchronize them at that location. Then one clock is moved (very slowly) to A while the other is moved (very slowly) to B at an equal speed. It is assumed that any time dilation they experience would be the same since they moved at the same speed. But that is only the case under ESC. Under ASC, time-dilation has a directional dependence. Therefore, to assume that two clocks are synchronized using slow-clock transport is to assume ESC at the outset – they very thing we are supposed to be testing. Hopefully you can now see why slow clock transport cannot objectively measure the one-way speed of light without first assuming it. Let’s have a quick look at the mathematics of this. Let t represent the time between two events at the same location as measured by a stationary clock, and t′ (pronounced “tee prime”) represent the time between those same two events as measured by a clock moving in the positive x direction at speed v. As always, c represents the round-trip average speed of light in vacuum. Then the formula for time dilation as listed in most textbooks on relativity is: So, if the clock moves at 50% the speed of light, then v/c = 0.5, and t′/t = 0.866. At such a speed, the moving clock ticks slower than the stationary clock. It experiences only 0.866 seconds for every one second experienced by the stationary clock. But this formula is simplified; it is based on the Einstein synchrony convention. Since most physicists work almost exclusively in the ESC system, this is the formula they would use. However, if we are attempting to test between different synchrony conventions, then we cannot use this simplified form since it assumes ESC. Fortunately, the full formula for time-dilation without assuming any synchrony convention was derived by John Winnie in 1970., It is the following: You can see that the full formula is basically the simplified formula multiplied by a term that contains the Reichenbach epsilon in the denominator. Notice that when the Reichenbach epsilon is set to ½ (as it would be in ESC), then the “extra” term on the right reduces to 1, and hence disappears, resulting in the simplified formula found in most textbooks. Under the ASC convention, ε = 1. So, under ASC, a clock moving in the positive x direction at 50% the speed of light would experience time dilation of: t′/t = 0.5774. Apparently, the moving clock ticks substantially slower at a given speed under the ASC convention than it does under the ESC convention. In most situations, time dilation effects are more severe under ASC than under ESC. Also, under ASC, clocks moving toward the observer can actually experience time contraction; they can tick faster than the stationary clock. This effect does not occur under the Einstein synchrony convention. Under slow clock transport, the speed of the clock is much less than then speed of light. That is v/c is very small. And when you take the square of a number much less than 1, you get an even smaller number. So, v2/c2 is very, very tiny, and hence negligible. Therefore, the left-hand term in the formula reduces to 1 in slow clock transport. But the right-hand term remains. Of course, in the simplified formula based on ESC, there is no right-hand term, and so the entire formula reduces to 1. Therefore, the effects of time-dilation are negligible in slow-clock transport using ESC. But they are not negligible under ASC due to the linear v term in the denominator. So, if we synchronize both clocks at A, and move one of them to B very slowly, how much time will be gained or lost? Under ESC, the answer is zero. But under ASC, we use the (full) time dilation formula (neglecting the first term since v2/c2 is very nearly zero), setting ε = 1. The moving clock will tick slow by a factor of c/(c+v) and it will do this for the duration of the journey (t). So, the total time ticked by the moving clock will be tc/(c+v). But the duration of the journey (t) is simply the distance divided by the velocity (t = D/v). The distance is 186,282.397 miles, which is the round-trip distance light travels in one second. So, the distance is c seconds. Therefore, t = c/v seconds. Substituting this into our previous expression, we find that the moving clock will tick a total time of c2/v(c+v) seconds during its journey, which lasts c/v seconds. Therefore, the total time lost by the clock during its journey will be c/v – c2/v(c+v) seconds. After some algebra, this reduces to c/(c+v) seconds. And since v is much smaller than c, this further reduces to c/c seconds, which is 1 second. So, under ASC, moving the clock as slowly as possible from A to B will cause it to lose one second. Under ESC, the two clocks are still synchronized. Light sent from clock A at noon will arrive at clock B at 12:00:01, confirming that outgoing light travels at exactly c and takes one second to traverse the distance. However, under ASC, clock B is now one second behind clock A. And so clock B indeed reads 12:00:01 when the light from A arrives, but the actual time at B is 12:00:02 since that clock is one second slow. Thus, under ASC, the light actually took two seconds to go from A to B, confirming that the outgoing one-way speed of light is exactly ½c. Both conventions predict the same outcome. Therefore, slow clock transport cannot be used to distinguish ASC from ESC. Virtually all of the proposed experiments that claim to objectively measure the one-way speed of light are some variation of either signal transmission or clock transport. And we have seen that neither method can measure the one-way speed of light without first assuming it. Indeed, even the first successful measurement of the speed of light by Rømer in A.D. 1676 was actually a version of slow clock transport. It cannot measure the one-way speed of light, but it does establish the round-trip speed. We will examine this method and some other attempts to measure the one-way speed of light in the next article. The ‘conventionality thesis’ is the shortened name of the Reichenbach-Grunbaum thesis of the conventionality of simultaneity. The situation is analogous to a “perpetual motion machine” – a hypothetical machine that can run indefinitely without requiring any energy input. We know from the laws of thermodynamics that such a machine is impossible. Nonetheless, every year some engineer attempts to patent the blueprints for a perpetual motion machine that he thinks will actually work. But, of course, there is always a flaw. There is always something that the engineer overlooked that would cause the machine to run down over time. But even if we cannot spot the flaw, we know there must be one because of the laws of thermodynamics. Likewise, any hypothetical experiment to objectively measure the one-way speed of light must fail. This is because there is no objective/universal one-way speed of light, nor can there be in a universe in which simultaneity is relative. However, it is instructive to examine some of the proposals, and see why they fail. Examining such failures can lead to a better understanding of the conventionality thesis, and the relativistic nature of time. Named in honor of Hans Reichenbach who first used this notation. Radio and light are both the same substance. Namely, they are both electromagnetic waves that come in discrete energy levels called photons. The only different between the two is wavelength/frequency. Radio has a much longer wavelength and much lower frequency than visible light. We know, for example, that the clocks at A and B can be approximately synchronized using either the ASC or the ESC system. There is only a one second difference between the two over that distance. Therefore, both ESC and ASC will confirm that the round-trip speed of sound in a substance is approximately the same in both directions. The exact speed will of course differ, but the difference will be a smaller fraction for slower phenomena like sound than for rapid phenomena like light. This is true under both the ESC and ASC system. In fact, the amount by which the moving clock is behind the stationary one is independent of synchrony convention. A more precise way to say this is, “In the limit as the speed goes to zero, the two clocks approach perfect synchronization when reunited.” Winnie, J.A., Special Relativity without One-Way Velocity Assumptions: Part I, Philosophy of Science, Vol. 37, No. 1 (March 1970) pp. 81-99. There is a sign difference in the formula listed here relative to Winnie’s formula 4-9. This is because Winnie defines velocity v to be in the negative x-direction, whereas we here define it to be in the positive x direction. Hence, our v is Winnie’s -v and vice versa. In the limit as v goes to zero, v2/c2 will go to zero much “faster.” This right-hand term does not vanish in the limit as v goes to zero because the time (t) it takes to get from A to B goes to infinity in the limit as v goes to zero. The shrinking of v exactly compensates with the growing of t, and therefore neither term can be neglected until the final step. It may seem strange to refer to a distance in seconds. But when multiplying 1 second by the speed of light (186,282.397 miles / second), the “seconds” in the numerator cancels the “seconds” in the denominator, leaving the distance in miles. So, 186,282.397 miles does indeed equal c seconds. If we then move the clock at B very slowly back to A, then its velocity will be negative v. Plugging that value into the formula and repeating the above steps we will find that the clock gains one second on its return journey. It will again become synchronized with the stationary clock upon its reunion.
ED: It's the worst stereo microphone in the Universe. It's stereo here, and here....and then it's just mono. SF: It's known as an ash-tray microphone...that's where it belongs! (The conversation shifts to the "When Worlds Collide" Zappa tribute at LIPA (Feb 2001)) ED: Yeah... I just thought it didn't have any edge to it. It didn't have any kind of Grrrr...errrr SF: Everything about it was kind of... SF: Soft at the edges. The Muffin Men decided the repertoire that was played would be instrumental and not sing the words which takes a layer of dirt away from the music. And the orchestra and musicians, I didn't get the impression they were firing on all cylinders. But fine, if someone had said to me "Come to Liverpool and hear a concert of jazz/rock with a very big horn section.", well, I wouldn't have gone, but if I had I'd have thought, fine...that's what this is. It's when you're told this is when worlds collide, the opportunity of a lifetime to hear the ultimate collaboration of rock, jazz and classical music, you think, no, I'm sorry, it's not! ED: Well, it may have been about thirty years ago. SF: Well, I don't think it would have been...maybe that's the thing? Most of the music we're talking about is about thirty years old, or a lot of it is anyway and it doesn't compare to Orchestral Favorites, and even a lot of the stuff Zappa wasn't happy with. ED: London Symphony Orchestra. SF: I don't know that record, I wish I did. ED: It's one of the ones I haven't got because all the reviews I read of it say it's a bit dodgey round the edges...more like a posh demo... SF: One reason it sounds like a good record to me. SF: It's partly that problem with Zappa: what he wanted to be was not necessary what it would've been best for him to want to be... ED: I see. SF: I think there was always that problem with him that he wanted accurate performances, he wanted proper classical musicians and yet when he gets it he realises something's's like the whole Boulez experience. Here we are with a top flight contemporary music ensemble and one of the worlds great conductors who are giving mercilessly accurate readings of the scores and, of course, it's not very interesting because it hasn't got the ambiguity or the dirt in the cracks which you need for that music. ED: What's interesting about that album is there are two or three synclavier pieces stuck on there as well, which I don't think gel with the Boulez conducted pieces. They seem more like fillers. SF: What happens so often with those kind of records, and there are quite a few in the Zappa catalogue, is that you don't really get the pleasures of the synthesis between these two, you just get those two things underlining what the other thing is missing. If you listen to just the Ensemble Intercontemporain and Boulez, and forgot you'd ever heard The Mothers or the Synclavier pieces and just listened to it in it's own right, there's much to be enjoyed. But when you put them next to each other you realise neither is perfect and that what they're setting out to achieve hasn't been realised. ED: But he did achieve it early on. SF: Oh, he achieved it with 200 Motels and Orchestral Favorites. He achieved it with Studio Tan. ED: But why the change of attack? It's like his ideas separated out - or he wanted to pursue the individual issues the projects threw up more. SF: I think Zappa over-estimated himself as a composer and under-estimated his collaborators. I think he's still a very interesting composer. A rock composer in the tradition that Duke Ellington is a jazz composer. I don't mean their ambitions are limited but that they are working in a tradition where what you do is very definitely and positively enriched by the performers in the process. There is added value in compositions being performed by the right musicians whereas in classical music it isn't part of the process. ED: Well, your compositions require a lot of input from the performers...does that mean you don't consider yourself a fantastic composer? SF: It means I don't consider myself a composer in the tradition of Michael Finnissy or James Dillon or Boulez or anybody from the very straight, classical tradition. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like the chance, exactly like Zappa, to write for an orchestra. But I also know that working with a professional orchestra, again as Zappa found, would probably be very frustrating and less fulfilling than working with jazz musicians or as I've often done, student musicians. For that sort of music accuracy is not the only criteria as it is with most classical music performance. I suppose that's why I would consider myself a jazz composer, even if I'm writing for orchestras. Because, actually what I really want is for the musicians to take some responsibility for what they do during the performance, rather than them just saying, "It's the composers fault. He made us do it!". ED: I always find it really weird when you listen to this sort of music and you have free jazz improv and free improv and the actual distinction between the two. You're in a free jazz group and you play with jazz improvisers...but is it really jazz, or..? SF: (Chortling to himself) ED: I'm asking a pig ignorant question to see if I get a pig ignorant answer! SF: Well, yeah... ED: I lent one of your CDs to my supervisor and he said to me it seems like free improv hasn't come a long way in the last thirty years. SF: Well, it depends how much you listen to improvised music, I guess. I'm sure we could find any number of improvisers and you could play them a piece of classical music that was written yesterday and they'd say it hasn't changed much in the last 100 years. So I think it's a question of degree. It's shame. But I suppose if someone played me two bits of folk music fifty years apart I wouldn't notice the dramatic evolution because I'm not tuned into that. But to go back to the more fundamental question "what is jazz?" or "when does it stop being jazz?"...I think it depends on two independent factors. As with rock and classical music there are traditional instrumental groupings and hierarchies which make for something to be classifiable as jazz simply because it has certain instruments. So, if something has sax, bass and drums you're in a situation where it's probably going to be related to jazz, unless it isn't, but it has to be kind of established if it's not, otherwise your assumption would be that it probably is. ED: always think about my famous interview with Eddie Prévost, him trying to say that the music wasn't jazz, it was coming from nowhere. It was the creation of this new music. But I don't know many people who think of AMM as anything other than a free jazz group. SF: I think you have to start differentiating between different versions of AMM. When AMM was a duo with Eddie and Lou Gare, then to me that was very definitely jazz, not solely because it was sax and drums, but also because of the way the two were playing in that context. But historically, I think most AMM grouping are not related to jazz but owe more to contemporary classical music. ED: Can you actually have jazz free improv? SF: (sigh)...I don't know if there are...(silence)...(pause)...I think you have to say it's not black and white, and that a lot of improvising groups would cross that divide in the course of a performance. If you take a group with a lot of jazz elements there may be ten minutes in the middle which is nothing to do with jazz, and vice-versa. ED: Do you think you've got into composition as well because you don't want to be stuck to that kind of thing? You want the freedom to explore other parameters of music? SF: Yes, but I don't think we've finished with the previous question yet! Going back to the jazz/non-jazz's partly instrumental hierarchies and instrumentation, so if you have sax, bass and drums it suggests it's coming from a jazz tradition. If you have within that a situation where the saxophone player blows a lot and the bass and drums provide a carpet of support for that then you almost certainly have jazz, it might be free jazz, but it's still going to be jazz. If you have a less continuous pattern where things are hurled around the group, but still maybe within conventional playing techniques then you may have something on the cusp of free jazz and improv. Then there was VHF which started off being sax, bass and drums and was never about jazz because none of us had any interest in playing jazz in that context. Particularly because Graham Haliwell is not a jazz player, and can't play jazz and doesn't have any interest in playing jazz... ED: What do saxophonists do if they don't like jazz? SF: They play early twentieth century French chamber music, of course! What else! But it's a good point. If you play saxophone at the beginning of the twenty-first century and you're not interested in jazz, maybe you should choose a different instrument. But anyway, within that context it's possible to make a music that's definitely not jazz but still looks like jazz until the music starts. And I think it can work the other way. You can have very unconventional instrumental groupings which end up playing something like free jazz. Not necessarily in sound, but in attitude. I think the attitude of free jazz is much more about continuous self-expression, non-architectural, free flowing, stream of consciousness. Neo-classical free improv is possibly more concerned with structure/architecture and space. Less self-serving playing, in terms that people should be quite happy not to play if they're at the service of the music. AMM had a lot of non-jazz players. ED: They were accused of being John Cage jazz at one point. SF: That's the sort of term someone would invent when no-one had invented the genre of improvised music. ED: When I was speaking to Eddie, he said that members of AMM try not to listen to each other while playing. Is that something you do - or is it a combination of listening and not listening? -because I think that sort of breakdown in communication is strange. SF: That statement could have a much subtler meaning in that the players don't listen to each other in the way jazz musicians listen to each other. They're happy to listen to the sounds, but not to listen to them as a reflection of some degree of personal, technical investment or skill or ability or expression. I think it's quite interesting to have simultaneous independent things happening - but I think improvisation is a bad medium to do that. That's like taking the one thing improvisation is good at, throwing that away, and doing the one thing composed music is good at through improvisation. ED: Do you mean when groups try to create finished pieces? SF: If you set out to improvise and not to listen to anybody else's playing, or anything else that's around you, then you're losing the most interesting aspect of improvised music. Four solo improvisations happening at once is really a composition, but no improvising group could really do that - like in that Gavin Bryar's piece where the musicians are hermetically sealed from each other. ED: You have that in Compilation III, where you take separate recordings of people playing and put them together in different contexts. SF: That's mainly what I find interesting about composition...not to try and do things which you can do through improvisation or do the same thing only have control over it, but to actually do things it's very difficult to do through improvisation; one of which is to have simultaneous independent things. Going back to Eddie's point, it's almost impossible to play without listening to other players, and unnatural and pointless to try and play music without taking any information in from outside while you're playing. ED: It's trying to have your own individuality and not having any autocratic type of thing over you. No leaders. SF: But that doesn't mean you have to ignore each other. I think a true non-hierarchical, non-autocratic, democratic improvised music would still involve the exchange of ideas. To say you can't have a leader, therefore, nobody must be allowed to put forward anything for other peoples consideration would be quite difficult to follow through. ED: Do you enjoy being a band leader or do you find it stressful? SF: Well...I don't enjoy it... ED: The power over people? SF:'m very bad at power over people because I don't really want to exert power over people. I'd like them to want to do what I want to do. I think being the organiser of something is a completely thankless task. I remember Billy Jenkins telling me how he'd driven himself to a nervous breakdown through trying to run bands. It's very easy to feel like that. And then when it comes to playing you're so stressed out you can't play properly. But for me, if somebody else was there doing the music that I'd want to hear and want to exist then I'd be quite happy to listen to their records and maybe join their band or something. But, that hasn't happened, so I've got to do it. ED: Yeah - I feel the same. SF: It's like running a record label... ED: It's largely you on the record label! SF: Well that's because no-one else wants to put out my music. It's not because I want to run a record label. ED: Is it doing well - do you get sales every week or is it sporadic? SF: Is there a word for something more sporadic than sporadic?! Spo.........radic, maybe? It depends what criteria. In once sense the label has done very well in as much as considering the size of the catalogue, the profile is much higher than one might expect. But in terms of is it worth the amount of money I lose on it, the time I put into it, the labour and materials and so on, then no, definitely not. It's a complete waste of time. ED: That's reassuring. SF: But then if you start applying that kind of criteria, then so is improvised music, contemporary classical music and in fact most stuff that's not mainstream culture. I don't know how much running a record label has had an affect on things for me compared to if I hadn't. Things have turned out well, but the label is increasingly doing less and less now that I can persuade other labels to be interested in me. (batteries run out) ED: I'm probably wiping over everything we've just done...knowing my luck with this wonderful device. SF: Do we have to go through all that again then? SF:Thank God for that. ED: I was going to ask something else. SF: Evil Dick... ED: Yes...why haven't you got a more sensible name? SF: I don't know...I'm not quite sure what this fashion is for such sensible names amongst the younger members of the fraternity. ED: Strange isn't it? SF: Well I can see the attraction... ED: You can remain anonymous and be incredibly rude at the same time! SF: That's right. I've thought about pseudonyms for writing reviews. I've done one or two things deemed to be inappropriate for someone. ED: Is this the recent Wire incident? SF: (laughs) It would be nice to release a record and people not know it's me - so I could send it to different people without the baggage. Ben's a classic example. He decides on what he hears on the basis of who's doing it. It would be nice to do something without someone going "well, he shouldn't be doing this because it's not what he normally does..." On the other hand, if you start adopting different pseudonyms for different genres you've almost capitulated to the pigeon-holing obsession of the British arts culture. So, that's my reason for not having a sensible name. ED: Have you had many albums out since Compilation III? SF: There was a great month in 1998 when I think four albums came out within two weeks of each exactly where Compilation III sits amongst those is debatable. But I suppose between half-a-dozen and ten have been released since. ED: 1998 - a big year. SF: Yeah, it was quite a crucial year for me. Compilation III is, to me, quite old stuff now. The idea of the compilation records is to be retrospective because they look back and tie up certain associations and ideas that have been running for a while. I think Compilation III in particular was the end of an era for me. I think there have been quite big changes in the way I write music since then. ED: In what sense? SF: I think more recently I've become more interested in not having a kind of temporal division, between improvisation and composition. In a lot of traditional jazz there are composed passages and improvised passages and I think over the last two years I've become more interested in writing music where the two are more blended. (Batteries run out 2nd time) ED: Hmm...I don't know. ED: I just found that highly amusing...the Webern substitution...(sniggers)...I'd have been laughing to myself for days if I'd have thought of that. It's just a cunning scam! It's very good. Was there a reason behind it? SF: Western classical music and to an extent jazz has become obsessed with pitch to the expense of everything else, and that's why a lot of classical music doesn't have the kind of rhythmic power that you associate with jazz and rock music. The whole ethos of classical performance, composition, the way people are trained, relates around a relationship of pitches, one to another. It's always been my believe that pitch is relatively insignificant, that what people really react to and what generates interest is timbre, rhythm and extremes of pitch. One of the things I've been doing recently is using extremes of pitch a lot more. I remember when I did Compilation II I said something to Ben we used in the sleeve notes about the fact that you could take any tone row, however bizarre, and turn it into jazz just by giving it the right rhythm. Be-bop is about rhythm, it's not about pitches. There was one bit on the record where I took a Schoenberg tone row and used it as a be-bop head. And so, to take my be-bop tone row on Compilation III and slip it into Webern's rhythms was really just the reverse of that. Before we added the rhythm section to it what we had was something which actually sounded like Webern, only not as well played because the students weren't on top of the notes. ED: But basically, it didn't lose any of its Weberness... SF: No, not at all. ED: Which is interesting, I suppose, but not necessarily surprising. SF: To me that's a fairly obvious point, it's just a little personal crusade I've had for many years about pitch and the way people are obsessed with getting the right notes. I have to spend so much time going "don't worry about the right notes, just give me some balls, or whatever...just play something!" It's that problem which you hit with a classical musician, "I can't play's unplayable", and they give the score back to you. ED: I've had that as well. SF: The thing is, if you give that to a jazz musician and say don't worry about that, just go for it... (batteries run out for good.) Simon Fell continued to talk about composers like Varèse writing scores which force mistakes to occur simply by pushing the musician into ridiculous scenarios...ffffff
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is a family of lymphoid malignancies with more than 50 recognized subtypes that arise from lymphocytes.1 Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, including rituximab, obinutuzumab, and ofatumumab, were originally developed and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of B-cell proliferative disorders, including NHL.2 These agents bind to the surface CD20 antigen that is widely expressed in malignant and nonmalignant B lymphocytes and leads to the destruction and eventual depletion of B-cells.3 Patients who had been infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and are receiving immunosuppressive or cytotoxic therapies are at risk for HBV reactivation.4,5 As a result of reports of severe HBV infection flares in patients receiving anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, the FDA issued black box warnings for ofatumumab and for rituximab in September 2013.6 The rate of HBV reactivation in patients who were at risk for reactivation after receiving anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies is not well-defined, as is evident by a meta-analysis showing a risk of 20% to 80% for reactivation in patients with positive hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg).5 A 2015 meta-analysis showed a rate of 6.3% of HBV reactivation in patients with lymphoma and negative HBsAg who received rituximab.7 The American Gastroenterological Association ranks patients receiving anti-CD20 antibodies as the highest-risk group for HBV reactivation, with high confidence, along with anthracycline derivatives, such as doxorubicin.8 Evidence-based monitoring strategies geared toward patients with lymphoma who are at risk for HBV reactivation are necessary to prevent complications. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) provides recommendations to prevent HBV reactivation during and after cancer treatment.9,10 Based on these recommendations, all patients should be screened for HBsAg and hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb) before initiating anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies. If positive for HBsAg and/or HBcAb, patients should be prescribed antiviral prophylaxis, which should be continued throughout anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy and for up to 12 months after the completion of treatment. Screening for hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) may also be performed to test for immunity. For monitoring, the NCCN recommends to obtain HBV viral load, by polymerase chain reaction, before initiating anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, then monthly during therapy, and every 3 months after the completion of therapy, for up to 12 months.9,10 Our institution, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, implemented a best practice advisory (BPA) alert within the electronic health record (EHR) system to alert prescribers if a patient had abnormal HBV screening results when signing any medication order that requires dual signatures, including anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies. This quality improvement study aimed to determine the rate of appropriate HBV monitoring and treatment, as defined by the NCCN guidelines,9,10 in patients with lymphoma receiving anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, and to assess if the implementation of the BPA intervention resulted in at least a 20% increase in appropriate HBV monitoring and treatment. In this single-center, retrospective cohort study we compared the rates of appropriate HBV monitoring and treatment in patients with lymphoma and with a history of HBV infection receiving anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies before and after an institutional BPA was implemented in the EHR system of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center on February 12, 2020. The patients’ data were collected until November 1, 2020, and the BPA is currently active in the EHR system. This quality improvement study was approved by, and conducted in compliance with, our institution’s Quality Improvement Assurance Board requirements. Patients were identified using a drug administration report that was generated by the EHR. Patients aged ≥18 years who received any anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies therapy (rituximab, obinutuzumab, or ofatumumab, including biosimilars) and had abnormal HBV testing panel results, defined as HBsAg positive and/or HBcAb positive, were included in the report. These patients were then further filtered to include only the patients with lymphoma. The patients were divided into 2 retrospective cohorts based on the date that they started a new treatment regimen before or after the BPA was implemented. The pre-BPA implementation cohort included patients who started a new treatment regimen between January 1, 2016, and February 11, 2020, and the post-BPA implementation cohort included patients who initiated a new treatment regimen and were flagged in the EHR by the BPA between February 12, 2020, and November 1, 2020. All patients who were receiving anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy for an indication other than lymphoma were excluded from the study. Best Practice Advisory A BPA is a clinical decision support tool in the EHR system that is used to promote or require certain clinical practices; the BPA essentially exists as reminder tools that are strategically placed in the EHR system and are aimed at the respective end users (eg, providers, pharmacists). The BPA was implemented at our institution to flag providers who were signing any prescription orders requiring 2 signatures (eg, chemotherapy) for abnormal HBV panel results. The provider must select 1 of 4 options from the BPA, which include “placed a specialist consult,” “patient already had therapy,” “not the appropriate provider,” or “see comments.” The BPA is triggered to fire on the EHR every 6 months per a chemotherapy treatment plan. The data collected for all patients from the EHR system included the lymphoma diagnosis, the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (with or without chemotherapy regimen), start date and end date (if applicable) of lymphoma treatment, date and results of the initial HBV testing panel, HIV status, antiviral drug therapy, antiviral agent and dose, changes in HBV monitoring or therapy, whether the corresponding viral load values were monitored after the start of antiviral therapy, and the positive viral loads during monitoring. In addition, the data collected for all patients in the postimplementation cohort included the date of the BPA (which was triggered in the EHR system), the option selected on the BPA, and whether a consultation was placed. The HBV test results were obtained almost exclusively from in-house microbiology testing and, for a few patients, from outside medical records. The study data were collected and managed using REDCap electronic data capture tools.11 Descriptive statistics were used to assess the primary outcome in each cohort. The primary outcome was the rate of patients at risk for HBV reactivation who were appropriately monitored and treated. Appropriate monitoring and treatment were defined to reflect the NCCN guidelines9,10 as (1) any patient with abnormal HBV test results who started and continued antiviral prophylaxis throughout the lymphoma therapy (ie, anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies) and for up to 12 months after the completion of the therapy, and (2) the viral load obtained monthly while receiving lymphoma therapy and every 3 months after the completion of lymphoma therapy for up to 12 months. Several patients in both cohorts, although mostly in the postimplementation cohort, were still receiving anti-CD20 therapy at the time of data cutoff; therefore, the analysis was considered to be intention to treat, because an evaluation of post–anti-CD20 therapy monitoring and treatment could not be performed in these patients. Patients with appropriate monitoring and treatment during the anti-CD20 therapy who had no post-therapy data were considered to be positive for the primary outcome at the time of data cutoff. A total of 98 individual patients were included in this study, with 49 patients in each of the 2 respective cohorts (ie, preimplementation and postimplementation). The baseline patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. The most common lymphoma diagnosis was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in both groups, followed by follicular lymphoma. Rituximab was administered to more than 90% of patients in both cohorts. The most common lymphoma regimen in both cohorts was R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone). The second most common lymphoma regimen in the preimplementation cohort was bendamustine plus either rituximab or obinutuzumab; in the postimplementation cohort monotherapy with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody was the most common treatment (Table 1). Comparisons of the various HBV-related testing are shown in Table 2. In the preimplementation cohort, 12.2% of patients tested positive for HBsAg and 89.8% were positive for HBcAb. In the postimplementation cohort, 10.4% of patients tested positive for HBsAg and 93.8% were positive for HBcAb. Only 52% of patients were tested for HBsAb, because this laboratory test is not a component of the infectious disease panel order set at our institution. The most common BPA option selected was “patient already had therapy,” with 81.6% of users choosing this option, followed by 12.2% choosing the option labeled “placed a specialist consult.” An infectious disease or gastrointestinal/hepatology consultation was selected for 10.2% and 4.1% of patients, respectively, directly from the BPA tool (Table 3). In the preimplementation cohort, 95.9% of patients either started or continued using the previous antiviral therapy compared with 91.9% of patients in the postimplementation cohort (Table 4). Entecavir was the predominant agent in both cohorts, with 87.2% and 91.1% of the patients receiving antiviral therapy with entecavir in the pre- and postimplementation cohorts, respectively. In all, 43 patients in the preimplementation cohort and 28 patients in the postimplementation cohort could be evaluated for appropriate antiviral treatment duration after the completion of therapy. Of the 49 patients in the preimplementation cohort, 6 were still receiving anti-CD20 therapy at the time of the data analysis, so we could not assess if they had appropriate monitoring and treatment after receiving anti-CD20 therapy. This incompletion of therapy was a more pronounced issue in the postimplementation cohort, of which 21 patients were still receiving anti-CD20 therapy (Table 4). Of the 43 patients in the preimplementation cohort, 28 (65.1%) were receiving the appropriate antiviral therapy for the recommended duration after finishing anti-CD20 therapy compared with 21 (75%) of the 28 patients in the postimplementation cohort. The corresponding viral loads were monitored monthly during therapy in 61.2% of patients in the preimplementation cohort and in 71.4% of the patients in the postimplementation cohort. After the completion of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy, 51% of patients in the preimplementation group were not monitored for viral load compared with 20.4% of patients in the postimplementation cohort (Table 4). While receiving anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy, 55.1% of patients were appropriately monitored and treated in the preimplementation cohort compared with 69.4% in the postimplementation cohort (Table 4). The appropriate monitoring and treatment were determined by the NCCN’s recommendations for viral load monitoring (ie, frequency) and antiviral treatment and prophylaxis (ie, drug and duration).9,10 While receiving anti-CD20 therapy, at-risk patients should be tested for a viral load monthly and should be receiving the recommended antiviral drugs throughout treatment.9,10 In our study, if the patients met both criteria, they were considered to be appropriately monitored and treated. If they did not meet either of the 2 criteria, they were deemed to be inappropriately monitored and treated, because each of the 2 criteria is essential. Approximately 30% of the patients who finished anti-CD20 therapy were monitored and treated appropriately in the preimplementation cohort compared with 50% of the patients in the postimplementation cohort. Combining these 2 outcomes, the composite primary end point of the rate of patients who were appropriately monitored and treated for HBV reactivation during and after receiving anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies therapy was 38.8% in the preimplementation cohort (Table 4). This rate increased by 20.4%—to 59.2%—in the postimplementation cohort. The majority of patients with B-cell lymphomas receive anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, and providers must be cognizant of the risk for HBV reactivation with these agents, because they carry the highest risk for reactivation of all of the cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs.8 Standards of practices should be continually updated with the most recent evidence-based recommendations for HBV prophylaxis and monitoring. The preferred agents for HBV prophylaxis by the NCCN guidelines are entecavir and tenofovir monotherapy.9,10 Table 5 summarizes the key clinical information regarding these agents.12-14 Tenofovir is commercially available in 2 formulations, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and tenofovir alafenamide, with no recommended preference (to our knowledge) for one versus the other.13,14 In addition, it is important to remember that tenofovir may be included in HIV treatment combinations, such as the triplet regimen of bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide, which can double as an HBV-directed therapy.15 Lamivudine is no longer recommended by the NCCN, because of its high (80%) resistance rate after 5 years of treatment.9,10,16 The potential for antiviral resistance is lower with entecavir than with lamivudine and is absent with tenofovir.9,10 Entecavir and tenofovir are generally well-tolerated, but patients receiving either agent should be monitored for lactic acidosis and for severe hepatomegaly with steatosis, whereas those receiving tenofovir should also be monitored for nephrotoxicity.12-14 Entecavir and tenofovir require dose adjustment for renal impairment.12-14 Prescription drug costs and insurance preauthorization may be potential barriers to optimal management; however, there are several avenues, including patient assistance programs, online pharmacies, and discount prescription cards, that may aid with drug procurement. More than 95% of patients in both cohorts were started with entecavir- or tenofovir-based therapy. The current NCCN guidelines recommend antiviral prophylaxis to be continued throughout anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy and for up to 12 months after the completion of treatment.9,10 In our study, only 65.1% of patients in the preimplementation cohort and 75% of patients in the postimplementation cohort (at the time of data collection cutoff) were receiving antiviral therapy for the recommended duration. The HBV viral load should be monitored monthly during therapy, and every 3 months after the completion of therapy, for up to 12 months. In the preimplementation cohort, 61.2% of patients had viral loads monitored monthly. However, after finishing therapy, 26.5% of patients had viral loads drawn every 3 months, 51% were not monitored for viral load, and 12.3% were still receiving anti-CD20 therapy at the time of data collection cutoff (ie, patients who had passed away while receiving therapy). In the postimplementation cohort, 71.4% of patients were monitored monthly during therapy, and 50% of the patients were appropriately monitored after the completion of therapy. Approximately 20% of patients in the postimplementation cohort had no viral load monitoring after therapy; however, this percentage may be higher if given a longer follow-up period. In addition, 42.9% of patients in the postimplementation cohort were still receiving anti-CD20 therapy at the time of data collection cessation. The primary outcome was a composite that combined appropriate monitoring (viral loads) and treatment (antiviral therapy) during and after receiving anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies therapy. The BPA tool was an initial attempt at implementing a system-wide intervention within the EHR system to prompt providers of the necessary steps to prevent HBV. Meeting the predetermined 20% improvement goal of our study suggests that the implementation of this BPA was meaningful, but there are still opportunities for improvement, because more than 40% of this select patient population were not appropriately monitored for HBV reactivation. Thus, additional interventions are necessary. To address this shortcoming of >40% of patients not being monitored for HBV reactivation, 2 interventions are currently in process. First, a tip sheet was developed that summarizes the current NCCN guideline recommendations and serves as a visual aid that providers can use during the treatment planning process. This tip sheet will be distributed to physicians and advanced practice practitioners who manage patients with lymphoma or myeloma, along with an in-service education session to discuss these recommendations. The maintenance of this tip sheet will also be necessary, because guideline recommendations are continually updated. In addition, new parameters were considered to streamline the provider experience and to adjust the options that are within the BPA. The current BPA serves as an acknowledgment that the patient has abnormal HBV results and an action (such as starting anti-CD20 therapy) has to be taken rather than facilitating the ordering of medications or laboratory testing. The proposed changes are to add statements for guideline recommendations, to link to an HBV management algorithm, and to add options to prescribe or order medications and laboratory tests. However, many factors and stakeholders would need to be involved for these types of large-scale alterations. A primary study limitation is the retrospective nature of the study. In addition, the postimplementation cohort only had 10 months of data at the end of the data collection, and more than 40% of patients were still receiving treatment for lymphoma at the time; thus, longer follow-up would have been beneficial. Other limitations stem from the specific interventions that we can make with the BPA in the EHR system, and, in particular, the technical limitations of altering the BPA. The proposed interventions were deemed unfeasible because of technical limitations, despite the agreement that they would be beneficial. Finally, our institution is a referral site, where many patients are not local and may transition their cancer care after receiving their initial treatment, which did not allow for more frequent follow-up and laboratory monitoring. When evaluated 10 months after its implementation, this BPA intervention resulted in a 20.4% increase in appropriate HBV monitoring and treatment in patients with lymphoma, meeting the study’s objective of 20% improvement. Further follow-up of the postimplementation cohort could potentially confirm the efficacy of this current BPA. Additional interventions are needed, because more than 40% of the patients identified were not being managed per current guideline recommendations. These interventions could be the focus of future quality improvement initiatives in search of the solutions to this significant patient safety concern. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the University of Texas and its affiliated academic healthcare centers. Author Disclosure Statement Dr Sinoimeri, Dr Do, and Dr Chen have no conflicts of interest to report. - Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Accessed February 24, 2022. - Huynh Du F, Mills EA, Mao-Draayer Y. Next-generation anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies in autoimmune disease treatment. Auto Immun Highlights. 2017;8:12. doi: 10.1007/s13317-017-0100-y. - Plosker GL, Figgitt DP. Rituximab: a review of its use in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Drugs. 2003;63:803-843. - Mitka M. FDA: increased HBV reactivation risk with ofatumumab or rituximab. JAMA. 2013;310:1664. - Evens AM, Jovanovic BD, Su YC, et al. Rituximab-associated hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation in lymphoproliferative diseases: meta-analysis and examination of FDA safety reports. Ann Oncol. 2011;22:1170-1180. - US Food and Drug Administration. FDA drug safety communication: boxed warning and new recommendations to decrease risk of hepatitis B reactivation with the immune-suppressing and anti-cancer drugs Arzerra (ofatumumab) and Rituxan (rituximab). September 25, 2013. Accessed February 24, 2022. - Mozessohn L, Chan KKW, Feld JJ, Hicks LK. Hepatitis B reactivation in HBsAg-negative/HBcAb-positive patients receiving rituximab for lymphoma: a meta-analysis. J Viral Hepat. 2015;22:842-849. - Perrillo RP, Gish R, Falck-Ytter YT. American Gastroenterological Association Institute technical review on prevention and treatment of hepatitis B virus reactivation during immunosuppressive drug therapy. Gastroenterology. 2015;148:221-244.e3. - National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines): Prevention and Treatment of Cancer-Related Infections. Version 1.2021. July 2, 2021. Accessed February 28, 2022. - National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines): B-Cell Lymphomas. Version 5.2021. September 22, 2021. Accessed February 28, 2022. - Harris PA Taylor R, Thielke R, et al. Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. 2009;42:377-381. - Baraclude (entecavir) tablets, for oral use/oral solution [prescribing information]. Bristol-Myers Squibb; November 2019. Accessed February 28, 2022. - Vemlidy (tenofovir alafenamide) tablets, for oral use [prescribing information]. Gilead Sciences; September 2021. Accessed February 28, 2022. - Viread (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) tablets/powder, for oral use [prescribing information]. Gilead Sciences; April 2019. Accessed February 28, 2022. - Biktarvy (bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide) tablets, for oral use [prescribing information]. Gilead Sciences; October 2021. Accessed February 28, 2022. - Gish RG. Hepatitis B treatment: current best practices, avoiding resistance. Cleve Clin J Med. 2009;76(suppl 3):S14-S19.
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A2Z Finance is a well-known non-banking financial company (NBFC Finance)that provides financial services to individuals and businesses. NBFC finance refers to the lending and investment activities carried out by non-banking financial institutions, which are not regulated by the central bank of a country but operate under specific guidelines and regulations set by the government. In this article, we will explore what NBFC finance is and how it works. Understanding NBFC Finance NBFC Company In Tamilnadu are financial institutions that offer various financial services similar to banks but differ in regulatory requirements and restrictions. While banks are regulated by the central bank of a country, NBFCs are governed by other regulatory authorities or government bodies. In India, NBFCs are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). NBFC finance encompasses a wide range of activities such as lending, investment, asset financing, credit facilities, and more. These institutions provide loans and advances, invest in various financial instruments, offer hire-purchase and leasing services, and engage in other financial activities. Types of NBFCs There are several types of NBFCs, each specializing in different finance areas. Some common NBFC types include: 1. Investment in NBFCs: These NBFCs invest in securities, stocks, and other financial instruments. They earn income through dividends, interest, and capital appreciation. 2. Loan and Advance NBFCs: These NBFCs provide loans and advances to individuals and businesses. They play a significant role in meeting the credit needs of various sectors of the economy, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 3. Asset Financing for NBFCs: Asset financing NBFCs specialize in financing vehicles, equipment, machinery, and other tangible assets. They offer hire-purchase and leasing services, allowing individuals and businesses to acquire assets without paying upfront. 4. Infrastructure for NBFCs: Infrastructure NBFCs finance and support infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, power plants, and telecommunications. They play a vital role in the infrastructure sector’s development and growth. Working in NBFC finance. The working of NBFC finance involves several key processes and steps. Here’s an overview of NBFC operations: 1. Registration and Regulation: NBFCs need to register with the appropriate regulatory authority or government body and comply with their regulations and guidelines. In India, for example, NBFCs need to register with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and adhere to the RBI regulatory framework. 2. Capital Adequacy: NBFCs must maintain minimum capital adequacy. This ensures their ability to absorb losses and meet financial obligations. The capital adequacy ratio is calculated by dividing company capital by risk-weighted assets. 3. Sourcing funds: NBFCs source funds from various sources such as deposits, borrowings from banks and financial institutions, the issuance of debt securities, and equity capital. They maintain a diversified funding base to mitigate risks and ensure sufficient liquidity. 4. Risk Assessment: NBFCs evaluate the creditworthiness and risk profile of borrowers and counterparties before providing financial services. They conduct thorough due diligence and risk assessments to determine potential borrowers’ repayment capacity and financial stability. 5. Financial Products and Services: NBFCs offer a wide range of financial products and services tailored to different customers’ needs. These include personal loans, business loans, vehicle loans, housing finance, equipment financing, and more. They structure the products based on interest rates, repayment terms, and other terms and conditions. 6. Monitoring and recovery: Once loans or financial services are disbursed, NBFCs monitor the repayment schedule and ensure timely collections. In case of default or non-payment, they follow recovery processes as per regulatory guidelines and contractual agreements. Benefits and Challenges of NBFC Finance NBFC finance offers several benefits and opportunities, but it also comes with its own challenges. Let’s explore both aspects. – Accessibility: NBFCs provide financial services to individuals and businesses with limited access to traditional banking services. They cater to underserved and remote areas’ credit needs. – Flexibility: NBFCs can be more flexible in loan approvals and disbursements than banks. They often have simpler documentation requirements and faster loan processing times. – Sector-Specific Expertise: NBFCs specializing in specific sectors such as SMEs or infrastructure have in-depth knowledge and expertise in those areas. They understand the unique financial requirements of these sectors and provide customized solutions. – Regulatory Compliance: NBFCs need to adhere to regulatory guidelines and comply with the regulatory framework set by the respective authorities. Compliance requirements can be complex and time-consuming. – Risk Management: NBFCs face various risks such as credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, and market risk. Effective risk management is crucial to ensure institution stability and sustainability. – Funding Costs: NBFCs may face challenges sourcing funds at competitive rates, especially during periods of economic volatility or tight liquidity conditions. Borrowing costs can impact their profitability and the pricing of financial products. NBFC finance plays a vital role in the overall economic ecosystem by providing accessible and customized financial services to individuals and businesses. These institutions offer a wide range of financial products and services, cater to different sectors, and contribute to economic growth. Understanding how NPA Finance In Tamilnadu works, its types, and the benefits and challenges associated with it can help individuals and businesses make informed business decisions. It can also help them explore suitable financing more A2Z Finance is committed to providing comprehensive financial solutions to businesses, including MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) and SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) loans. These types of loans play a crucial role in supporting small businesses growth and development, enabling them to thrive in a competitive market. In this article, we will explore what MSME & SME loans are, their purposes, and how they benefit businesses. Understanding MSME & SME Loans MSME and SME loans are tailored financial products designed to cater to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. These loans provide capital to businesses for various purposes, such as expanding operations, purchasing inventory or equipment, investing in technology, and meeting working capital requirements. What is an MSME loan? MSME loans are specifically aimed at micro, small, and medium enterprises. These loans are offered to businesses that fall within the defined criteria for MSMEs, which may vary from country to country. Eligibility criteria typically consider investment in plant and machinery, turnover, and employment size. MSME loans are available in both secured and unsecured forms. Secured loans require collateral, such as property or inventory, as security, while unsecured loans do not require collateral. Interest rates, loan amounts, and repayment terms depend on the lender, the borrower’s creditworthiness, and the specific requirements of the business. What is an SME loan? An SME loan encompasses a broader category of small and medium-sized enterprises, which may include businesses larger than micro-enterprises but less than large corporations. SME loans cater to the financial needs of businesses that have outgrown the micro or small enterprise stage. They require more substantial funding to expand and sustain their operations. SME loans, like MSME loans, can be secured or unsecured, depending on the lender’s policies and the borrower’s creditworthiness. The loan amount, interest rates, and repayment terms are determined based on factors such as the business’s financial strength, credit history, and growth potential. Purposes of MSME & SME Loans MSME and SME loans serve various purposes for businesses, and their availability fosters economic growth and job creation. Let’s explore some of the key purposes for which these loans are utilized: 1. Business expansion MSME and SME loans provide the necessary capital for businesses to expand their operations. Whether it’s opening new branches, setting up additional manufacturing units, or entering new markets, these loans enable businesses to seize growth opportunities. They also increase their market presence. 2. Working Capital Management Managing cash flow and working capital is crucial to business operations. MSME and SME loans help businesses maintain a healthy cash flow by providing funds to cover operational expenses, pay salaries, purchase inventory, and meet other short-term financial requirements. 3. Technology upgrades In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses need to embrace technology to stay competitive. MSME and SME loans facilitate technology upgrades. This enables businesses to adopt technologies, systems, software, equipment, or machinery that enhance productivity, efficiency, and overall performance. 4. Inventory and Equipment Purchases For manufacturing or retail businesses, maintaining an optimal inventory level and having the right equipment is essential. MSME and SME loans can be used to finance inventory or equipment. This ensures that businesses have the necessary resources to meet customer demands and operate smoothly. 5. Marketing and advertising Effective marketing and advertising campaigns are crucial for businesses to create brand awareness, attract customers, and drive sales. MSME and SME loans can be utilized to fund marketing initiatives, including digital marketing campaigns, print advertisements, social media promotions, and participation in trade shows or events. 6. Working Capital Gap during Seasonal Fluctuations Many businesses, especially those in industries with seasonal demand fluctuations, face working capital gaps during certain periods. MSME and SME loans can bridge these gaps, providing the necessary funds to sustain operations during off-peak seasons or prepare for increased demand during peak seasons. 7. Debt consolidation In cases where businesses have multiple outstanding debts, MSME and SME loans can be utilized to consolidate those debts into a single loan. Debt consolidation simplifies the repayment process by combining multiple payments into one, often with better interest rates or more favorable terms. This makes it easier for businesses to manage their financial obligations. FAQs about MSME & SME Loans Q: How do I qualify for an MSME or SME loan? A: The eligibility criteria for MSME and SME loans vary depending on the lender and the specific requirements of the loan. Factors such as business size, turnover, credit history, and financial stability are considered. It’s advisable to check with the lender or financial institution to understand their specific eligibility criteria and application process. Q: Are MSME and SME loans available for start-up businesses? A: Yes, MSME and SME loans are available for start-up businesses. However, eligibility criteria and requirements may differ from established businesses. Start-ups may need to provide additional documentation, business plans, and demonstrate viability and growth potential to qualify for these loans. Q: What is the typical repayment period for MSME and SME loans? A: The repayment period for MSME and SME loans can vary depending on factors such as the loan amount, the purpose of the loan, and the lender’s policies. It can range from a few months to several years. It’s imperative to discuss repayment terms with the lender and choose a period that aligns with the business’ cash flow and financial projections. Q: Can I apply for both secured and unsecured MSME or SME loans? A: Yes, many lenders offer both secured and unsecured options for MSME and SME loans. Secured loans generally require collateral, such as property, inventory, or equipment, as security. Unsecured loans, on the other hand, do not require collateral but may have higher interest rates or stricter eligibility criteria. Q: Are there any government schemes or incentives for MSME and SME loans? A: In many countries, governments provide various schemes, incentives, and subsidies to support MSME and SME loans. These schemes aim to promote entrepreneurship, economic growth, and job creation. It’s recommended to explore government websites, and business development agencies, or consult with financial advisors. This will enable you to identify any available schemes or incentives that could benefit your business. MSME and SME loans are powerful financial tools that empower businesses to pursue growth, seize opportunities, and overcome economic challenges. Whether it’s expanding operations, managing working capital, investing in technology, or addressing specific business needs, MSME and SME loans provide businesses with the necessary capital and flexibility to thrive in a competitive market. Businesses should carefully assess their financial requirements and evaluate different loan options. Working with a reputable lending institution like A2Z Finance can provide businesses with expert guidance and tailored loan solutions that align with their specific needs. By leveraging MSME and SME loans effectively, businesses can fuel their growth, enhance their competitiveness, and contribute to overall economic development. A2Z Finance understands the unique challenges and opportunities faced by MSMEs and SMEs. It is dedicated to supporting their economic success through comprehensive loan offerings and personalized service. MSME and SME loans support the growth and development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. These loans serve various purposes, including business expansion, working capital management, technology upgrades, inventory and equipment purchases, marketing and advertising, managing seasonal fluctuations, and debt consolidation. By accessing these loans, businesses can access the capital they need to pursue their goals, enhance their operations, and thrive in their respective industries. A2Z Finance stands ready to assist businesses in their financial journey by providing reliable, flexible, and tailored MSME and SME loan solutions. A2Z Finance is here to provide you with valuable information about How MSME Loans can benefit your business and how they can benefit your business. As a small or medium-sized enterprise, accessing financial support is crucial for growth and sustainability. MSME loans offer a range of advantages that can propel your business forward and help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will explore the benefits of MSME loans and answer frequently asked questions. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this valuable financial tool. What are MSME Loans? MSME loans, also known as Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise loans, are specifically designed to cater to small and medium-sized businesses’ financial needs. These loans provide access to funds for various purposes, such as expanding operations, purchasing equipment, hiring additional staff, or managing working capital requirements. MSME Loan Benefits 1. Easy Access to Capital One of the primary advantages of MSME loans is access to capital. Traditional loans often have strict eligibility criteria and extensive documentation requirements, making it challenging for small businesses to secure funding. MSME loans are tailored to small and medium-sized enterprises, making the application process simpler and more accessible. 2. Lower interest rates MSME loans often come with lower interest rates than other forms of financing. This lower interest burden reduces the overall cost of borrowing, making it more affordable for businesses to repay the loan. Lower interest rates also contribute to improved cash flow, enabling businesses to allocate funds to other critical areas of operation. 3. Flexible repayment terms Flexibility in repayment terms is another significant benefit of MSME loans. Lenders understand that small businesses may face fluctuations in cash flow, seasonal demands, or unforeseen circumstances that affect their ability to repay regularly. Therefore, they offer flexible repayment options, such as customizable EMIs (Equated Monthly Installments) or the provision to adjust repayment schedules based on business cycles. 4. Collateral-free or MINIMAL collateral requirement MSME loans are available without collateral. This is especially advantageous for small businesses that lack substantial assets to secure. Additionally, even if the collateral is required, the value is relatively lower than larger loans. This makes it easier for businesses to meet the requirement of Working Capital. 5. Quick Fund Disbursement MSME loans are known for their quick disbursal. Small businesses often require timely access to funds to seize opportunities or address urgent needs. With streamlined application procedures and dedicated support from lenders specializing in MSME loans, businesses can expect faster processing and disbursal. This ensures they can make the most of the loan when it is needed the most. FAQs about MSME Loans Q: How can I determine if my business qualifies as an MSME? A: MSME classification eligibility criteria vary by country and region. In general, businesses are classified based on factors such as investment in plant and machinery, turnover, or a combination of these. You can refer to the guidelines provided by your country’s governing bodies or consult with financial institutions specializing in MSME loans. This will enable you to determine if your business qualifies. Q: What documents are typically required when applying for an MSME loan? A: The required documents may vary based on the lender’s specific requirements. However, common documents usually include proof of identity, address, business registration or incorporation certificates, financial statements (such as balance sheets and income statements), bank statements, and tax returns. It’s always advisable to check with the lender or financial institution beforehand to ensure you have all the necessary documents for a smooth application process. Q: How long does it take to approve an MSME loan? A: The time taken for approval of an MSME loan can vary depending on several factors, including the lender’s internal processes, the completeness of your application, and the loan amount requested. In some cases, loans can be approved within a few days, while others may take a few weeks. To expedite the approval process, ensure that you provide all the required documentation and respond promptly to any queries from the lender. Q: Can I use an MSME loan for business purposes? A: Yes, MSME loans can typically be used for various business purposes. Whether you need funds for expansion, purchasing equipment, inventory management, marketing initiatives, or working capital, an MSME loan can provide the necessary financial support. However, it’s always recommended to clarify the specific allowable uses of the loan with your lender to ensure compliance with the loan terms and conditions. Q: Are MSME loans only available from banks? A: While banks are a common source of MSME loans, there are also other financial institutions and non-banking entities that offer MSME financing. Microfinance institutions, online lending platforms, and government-backed schemes are among the alternative sources that cater to small and medium-sized businesses’ specific needs. It’s worth exploring multiple options to find the right fit for your business requirements. Q: Can I prepay an MSME loan? A: Yes, most MSME loans allow prepayment, which means you can repay the loan before the scheduled tenure ends. Prepayment options may vary among lenders, so it’s imperative to review the terms and conditions regarding prepayment penalties or charges. Prepaying an MSME loan can be beneficial as it reduces the interest burden and saves on future interest payments. Q: What happens if I default on an MSME loan? A: Defaulting on an MSME loan can have serious consequences. It can negatively impact your credit score and make it difficult to secure future financing. Lenders may initiate recovery proceedings, which can involve legal actions or asset seizures to recover the outstanding amount. It’s crucial to maintain regular communication with the lender and explore alternative options, such as loan restructuring or renegotiation. This is if you anticipate difficulties repaying the loan. MSME loans offer many benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises. With easy access to capital, lower interest rates, flexible repayment terms, minimal collateral requirements, and quick disbursal, these loans provide the financial support necessary for businesses to grow and thrive. By understanding the eligibility criteria, required documentation, and frequently asked questions related to MSME loans, you can make informed decisions. You can also leverage this valuable financial tool to benefit your business. Whether you’re looking to expand your operations, invest in upgraded equipment, or manage working capital, A2Z Finance encourages you to explore the opportunities and advantages that MSME loans can bring to your more
Against the Current, No. 103, March/ The Colossus and Destruction — The Editors The New York Transit Contract Struggle — an interview with Steve Downs Race and Class: Defending Affirmative Action — Malik Miah "We Must Not Turn Back..." — a statement by Civil Rights Veterans The World Social Forum and Global Justice — Paul Le Blanc and Stephanie Luce Behind the New Korean Crisis — Martin Hart-Landsberg Thoughts on Brazil's Future — an interview with Gianpaolo Baiocchi Venezuela, Chavez and the Political Vacuum — Francisco T. Sobrino Argentina: Workers' Control and the Crisis, Part I — James Cockcroft Labor Speaking Out Against Bush's War — Dianne Feeley We Can Stop This War! — Michael Letwin The Battle of Second Avenue — Roger Horowitz Camera Lucida: The Power of Home — Arlene Keizer Camera Lucida: The Power of Home — Arlene R. Keizer Random Shots: Just Say No to Dubya — R.F. Kampfer - Women, War and Social Justice Women's Experiences of War — Dianne Feeley Myrna Mack, A Guatemalan Hero — Cindy Forster The Rebel Girl: Come Out Against the War — Catherine Sameh Phyllis Bennis' Calling the Shots — Chris Clement Dan Connell's Rethinking Revolution — David Finkel - In Memoriam Remembering Archie Lieberman — David Finkel Joe Strummer, Voice of the Clash — Scott McLemee - Letters to Against the Current On Revolution in the Air — Barry Sheppard FOR THE FIRST time in the course of Guatemala’s thirty-six-year war, and for the first time in half a century of alternately brazen or veiled military rule, on October 3, 2002 a high-ranking army officer was sentenced to prison for ordering his underlings to plan and carry out the assassination of a civilian. Their target was Myrna Mack Chang, a Guatemalan anthropologist whose work documented the army’s massacres of civilians in the Mayan highlands. Between 1960 and 1996 some 200,000 civilians were murdered, like Myrna Mack, on orders from the highest echelons of the military. Although the legal victory in the Mack case undermines the impunity that still protects the military from prosecution, it comes twelve years after Mack’s murder and ten years after the sentencing of the sergeant who carried out the order. “For twelve years I have fought for justice in the name of my sister Myrna, her daughter Lucrecia and my family,” said Myrna’s sister Helen, whose stamina and courage in pursuing this case won her the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize. In her closing statement to the court Helen said, “I am also speaking in the name of hundreds of thousands of displaced people and refugees and of the many thousands of Guatemalans who, like Myrna, were unjustly hunted, tortured, disappeared and assassinated.” Myrna’s research and the testimonies she gathered proved the state had developed a scorched earth strategy to achieve the sweeping displacement of Mayan campesinos. After driving people from their homes, the military state bombed or shot survivors from the air, then sent in the infantry as well as elite units to finish them off. People fled to the rugged mountains and jungles of the Ixcan, living on the run for years, and began to organize as Communities of the Population in Resistance (CPRs). Myrna Mack exposed the ravages of the war in the Ixcan. She identified the state’s policy of extermination — with clear U.S. parentage. To shed light on these war crimes she developed the theoretical category of “internally displaced people” (as distinguished from the hundreds of thousands of refugees who fled to Mexico). And as the government began the transition, in 1985, from a military presidency to pliant civilian rule, she called on the civilian government to protect the internally displaced from the army. The danger Mack presented for the “democratorship” (in the apt designation coined by Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano) was that in describing the experiences of the displaced she was able to provide the basis for a strong cross-class alliance between the Mayan majority and Ladinos or non-Mayans. The Education of Myrna Mack Myrna and her five siblings were raised in the small world of provincial elites, in the town of Retalhuleu that lies in the middle of the hot country zone of the south coast plantations. Across the plantation belt, hundreds of thousands of dirt-poor Mayan highlanders descend each year to work the seasonal harvests. Her parents, both ethnic Chinese, owned a store. In the 1920s, Asian storekeepers suffered racist hatemongering that swept from California through Mexico and south, but in the decades that followed, their prosperity earned the Chinese community entry into the closed circles of the rural bourgeoisie. Ballet lessons, Catholic schooling, and a conservative social ethos marked the boundaries of the Mack family’s upbringing. While her siblings went in different directions, Myrna chose community — she trained first as a teacher, then as a social worker, then became an anthropologist. Friends remember her constant laughter and fondness for good whiskey. She had gone to study in England in the 1970s when the war erupted in Guatemala. Father Ricardo Falla, the Jesuit anthropologist (author of Massacres in the Jungle: Ixcan, Guatemala, 1975-1982) who came to international attention when the army discovered he was living in the CPRs, agreed to serve as her thesis advisor and remembers the critical spirit that informed her sense of justice. In a 1982 letter to Falla she worried that the unity of the guerrilla forces was fatally fragile. Said Falla, “Between her and me there were two distinct perspectives on the process of the war. She was outside the terrain of war, I was inside. She saw things from the view of the displaced and I saw them from the view of the resistance. She saw the revolutionary groups more critically than I.” With Falla’s help, Mack “went to Nicaragua where she studied the urban organizing of the `heroic’ town of Esteli, protagonist of three insurrections.” Mack completed her degree and returned to Guatemala in 1982, at the height of the bloodshed. At a time when the newspapers had proclaimed themselves self-censored and most honest reporters were dead or in exile, Mack worked as a journalist at the news agency Inforpress. Under its roof she co-founded the research institute AVANCSO with economist Clara Arenas. From its inception, AVANCSO collaborated closely with the international community. “We acted as a sort of shield for her,” said Liz Oglesby, then a U.S. graduate student working as part of her research team. “She resented the double standard that allowed a foreigner to travel to the most distant places with relative security whereas Guatemalan intellectuals ran high risks. Even so she received us with interest and friendship.” Thousands of people had fled to the wildest reaches of the mountains and jungles. Said a Quiche youth, “It all started when the people had organized on a large scale and in response, the army unleashed massacres.” One mother of combatants, who lived for seven years in the CPRs with her small children, said, “The violence was insupportable; they wouldn’t stop fighting. One of my daughters is buried in those mountains because illness struck her down when we lived on the run. It was terrible. But we had to leave Nebaj — the soldiers were coming through the house terrorizing us all the time, looking under the beds for guerrillas. Then one night they dragged Celia’s mother like a dog to the cemetery, where they pulled out her eyes and tongue and cut off her breasts. We had to leave.” AVANCSO’s Clara Arenas notes that Mack’s decision to study the effects of the violence on civilians took her to “regions that still suffered the battering of the 1987 offensive of the army in the Ixil area.” Her careful scholarship earned her the respect of the Catholic Church, the only legal institution at the time that dared offer support to the displaced. The Church turned to Mack for advice on how to navigate the perilous journey of the displaced out of clandestinity. Falla remembers that “she worked very closely with several bishops, on extremely delicate themes, such as the emergence of refugees from the mountains of Alta Verapaz into the light of day in 1988, and support for the process of publishing the first communique of the CPRs of the Sierra in 1990.” The actual authorship of that communique was mistakenly attributed to her by the military. One would think that the leadership of the CPRs, emerging into public view at the time, would have been a more likely suspect. Perhaps the decision to murder Mack for authoring the CPR document reflects the elite’s belief that only non-Indians are capable of designing successful organizing strategies. Her murder would be consistent with the army’s propensity to locate ringleaders of Mayan movements among Ladino nuns, churchmen, guerrillas, or intellectuals. Or perhaps they knew full well the contours of leadership among the CPRs, but wanted to break the back of new alliances within civil society, in which case their targeting was terribly accurate. “I watched Myrna risk her life,” said Monsenor Julio Cabrera, El Quiche’s Bishop at the time, “to the point her life was ripped out of her.” She was stabbed twenty-seven times by Noel de Jesus Beteta Alvarez, a special agent of the Security Division of the Presidential General Staff, as she left work on September 11, 1990. Identifying Mack’s Murderers Sergeant Major Beteta was protected by his superiors first in Guatemala, then underground in the United States. From the first moment, it was the courage of countless Guatemalans that allowed the case to come to trial. Though his mother begged him to remain silent, Carlos Tejeda, a teenager, testified that he saw Beteta stabbing Mack. Virgilio Rodriguez Santana was a newspaper vendor who saw men clearly staking out Myrna Mack’s family. He warned the family, then when she was killed, decided to come forward publicly and was forced into exile in Canada. Evidence was removed and destroyed in a pattern that continues to the present. In the first months, however, two police investigators, Jose Miguel Merida Escobar and Julio Perez Ixcajop, established the political motive for the killing; for that the first was murdered in July 1991 and the second forced into exile. The next turn in the case came when Beteta was extradited, then painstakingly tried. He boasted of murdering Mack and dozens of other people to a prison cellmate, who risked his own life by revealing Beteta’s confession. In 1993 Beteta was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison, which he is still serving despite a number of escapes. However, Helen Mack pressed the case further and hearings for the intellectual authors of the crime finally began in September 2002. The judge’s ruling, after a two-week trial, marks an extraordinary, yet partial, victory. Three officers were tried, but only one convicted: * Beteta’s direct superior Colonel Juan Guillermo Oliva Carrera, the assistant director of the Presidential Security Division, was acquitted. * Colonel Juan Valencia Osorio — who ran the Security Division — was sentenced to thirty years. * General Edgar Augusto Godoy Gaiton, the commanding officer of the entire Presidential General Staff, went free. What Was Learned In the face of categorical denials by the officers and their lawyers, the trial established that the Presidential General Staff’s Security Division is one of the nation’s most feared intelligence gathering operations, complete with its own death squad personnel and immense powers. It serves as a bridge between the military and political branches, which is to say it exerts military control over the political authorities. The accused denied doing intelligence work and also denied being under military command, but their arguments were shredded. This unit was singled out in the peace accords as one of the worst practitioners of state terror and slated for extinction, but no administration since 1996 has had the will or the desire to block its ongoing crimes, much less begin to dismantle it. Another momentous precedent lies in the court’s findings of U.S. complicity and responsibility. One expert witness on military intelligence, Peruvian Colonel Clever Pino Benamu, testified that the army’s belief that Mack was an internal enemy of the state owes its genesis to U.S.-driven policies, codified across Latin America as the notorious National Security Doctrine. Kate Doyle of the Washington-based National Security Archive, testified about a stream of declassified State Department documents that underscore the kinship between U.S. and Guatemalan strategies to counter what they call subversion. These U.S. government documents say that the accused agency — the Presidential Security Division — made a practice of “kidnappings, torture, forced disappearances and extra-judicial executions.” U.S. knowledge of such behavior did not lead Washington to disavow support for the generals. The court’s findings offer new hope on many counts. The trial successfully upheld civilian proceedings and civilian detention despite the officers’ repeated attempts to be tried and held under military jurisdiction. Beyond sentencing an agent of the state for political murder, the conviction establishes the guilt of the military as an institution. The court accepted proof that the vast complex of the intelligence apparatus was mobilized to assassinate a civilian for the transgression of speaking out against state terror. Ongoing threats marred the trial. These did not target the Mack family or their lawyer Roberto Romero, but rather, taking a page from the mind-jarring tactics of psychological warfare, the people who work for the Myrna Mack Foundation and the lawyer’s family. AVANCSO suffered a crescendo of intimidation as well. Relatives of the accused officers also resorted to more direct methods. In the words of Helen Mack, “they tried to provoke us through insults and minor physical aggression, maybe hoping for similar behavior on our part.” Instead, the Foundation has appealed the acquittals of the two officers — both of whom are graduates of the U.S. School of the Americas. The success of Myrna’s case under her sister’s vigilance is exceptional. Those who planned the murder of Bishop Juan Gerardi, a human rights defender, are the only others ever tried and convicted. But that crime was carried out in 1998 (also by the Security Division of the Presidential General Staff) after the signing of the peace accords. In the Gerardi case, the court recognized the political nature of the murder and classified the crime as an extrajudicial execution. (Last October, however, an appeals court annulled the verdict and ordered a new trial. Lawyers for the Catholic Church presented injunctions against this highly strange use of an appeals court and the Guatemalan Supreme Court ruled in their favor. Now the Chamber of Injunctions will decide whether to uphold the original conviction, clear the defendants or order a retrial.) Another high-profile case has been completely stalled — despite the assistance of Nobel prize winner Rigoberta Menchu’s foundation. The Xaman massacre case represents refugees who fled the terror but returned to Guatemala before the peace accords were signed. In 1995 the army entered their village and, when asked to leave, opened fire, killing eleven and wounding twenty-seven others. Four years later the court, in accepting the soldiers’ plea that they had acted in self-defense, granted them lenient sentences that they could pay with a small fine. Perhaps the Mack family’s class ties to the Ladino elite explains the different outcome, since Menchu possesses ample international support and financial resources. The closeknit community of Chinese ancestry in Guatemala was deeply shaken by Myrna Mack’s assassination in a wayt it had not been by all the years of violence. That community enjoys close ties with Taiwan, whose military — matched only by the U.S. and Israeli armies — maintains an intimate working relationship with the Guatemalan army. Helen Mack has become one of the strongest critics of an economic elite that historically has worked hand in glove with state terror. “I lived in the Guatemala that belonged to the minority,” she said, “but [Myrna] was the one who knew the Guatemala of the great majority. I was all wrapped up in the world of private business.” In fact she belonged to the highly secretive Opus Dei, the right-wing Catholic lay order that operates a powerful shadow empire in business and academia, whose founder, Jose Maria Escriva Balaguer, last year won sainthood despite the charges of his fascist and anti-Semitic militancy. Helen’s life is its own fascinating testimony. When she threw herself into the investigation, she was shocked “to see how the police, judges and prosecutors didn’t want to work on the case. They treated me as though I was the one responsible or guilty.” Today she speaks truth to the power structures to which she once belonged. And she dares point out the terrorist content of U.S. policy: “In Guatemala as in all of Latin America, the National Security Doctrine promoted by the United States brought violence, terror and massive human rights violations. As a result of it, armies seized power, intelligence activities increased, and counter-insurgency policies were adopted that defined as an enemy of the state anyone who tried to act freely.” The Mack family’s victory on behalf of those working to end terror comes at an enormously complicated moment. The right has murdered six campesino activists over a fifteen-month period just in the department or province of Izabal. Last April Guillermo Ovalle of the Rigoberta Menchu Foundation was killed. Since the beginning of the year, two jurists have been killed in a gangland style that is the trademark of what Guatemalans call “the parallel powers.” Together these acts presage violence that is expected leading up to the November presidential elections. Once again, General Efran Rios Montt, who presided over the massacres of the early 1980s when he came to power through a coup, is determined to run for the presidency. Constitutionally he is barred from the election — but no doubt he has a bag of tricks up his sleeve. In the three years since Gerardi’s death, 142 clandestine cemeteries with 309 victims had been exhumed just in El Quiche. Almost half were from the Ixil Triangle where Mack worked. Many more graves of those massacred by the army have not been exhumed. In addition, those who lived for years in the CPRs remember where they buried their relatives who died from illness and starvation, but they lack the funds to exhume and rebury them. From the courtrooms of the capital to the most distant mountains, Myrna Mack’s memory and the memory of thousands more is honored by those who refuse to forget. Myrna cut to the heart of the matter when she wrote in a 1984 letter to Ricardo Falla, “In the midst of so much sorrow, anguish, and anxiety, I still see light and hope, for on every side there are so many seeds.” ATC 103, March-April 2003
Click column header to sort Financial Accounting- Day to day financial accounting oversight- Review financial transactions to ensure accuracy of information and compliance- Oversee vendor payments, reimbursements, cash advances, workshop participants payment etc.- Ensure financial vouchers have sufficient supporting documentation- Ensure all prepayments are accurately amortised and reconciled- Manage the daily cashbook closeout procedures- Lead the month end financial close ensuring accurate, timely and complete reporting in line with CHAI guidelines• Work with Local auditors to ensure full compliance on OHADA financial reporting for Non-profit entities.Financial Management- Prepare monthly cash forecast in line with monthly workplans- Review all expenses to ensure proper allocated to correct grant and budget lines- Ensure time cash request for effective program implementation through prompt payments- Review all procurement documentations and payment request to ensure it is in full compliance with CHAI and donors’ guidelines- Prepare monthly variances to budget analysis by grants to support program managers in spending plans- Review various donor reports to ensure expenses are accurate and complete before submission to donor- Prepare adjustment entries as required for grant spending management- Provide monthly feedback on grant tracking tools report- Lead in the monitoring of financial activities for all programs and prepare expenditure reports for program managers as needed- Prepare and analyze grant spending reports to ensure full compliance to donor requirements- Establish and maintain effective working relationships with program managers/staff members- Lead in the preparation of organizational annual budgets and periodic reforecasts- Preparing donor budget proposals as needed- Assist in the preparation of audits management letter response, financial statements if neededGrant and Partnership Management- Review all Donation Letters, Independent Contractor Agreements and Memoranda of Agreement from financial management perspective prior to signing with partners/contractors; suggest any points of negotiation and analyses the impact- Assess and Train local partners on best practice in Finance, HR, procurement, and admin processes to ensure compliance with donor policies and regulations- Manage local partners and ensure timely reporting, invoices quality reviews and timely cash disbursements for implementations- Create tracking system to monitor the progress of new agreements with partners and be responsible for record-keeping- Develop grants tracking to monitor existing partners’ performance and compliance- Make regular visits to partners’ offices, to monitor their financial management system and to verify their payments- Review and analyze grant expenses and variances in consultation with supervisor to advise the partner on expenditure trends and potential issues- Ensure that donor regulations are complied with in all grant transactions and processes of the partners- Build relations with focal person and build a trusting partnership with partner organizations- Keep the Country Director informed on all major compliance issues/challenges while taking the necessary corrective steps with the respective Partners- Prepare grant Closure checklist for ending grants in collaboration with Program ManagerStatutory and Regulatory Compliance- Coordinate with auditors for annual audits and coordinate donor audits- Maintain banking relationships and ensure compliance with funds transfer justifications- Work closely with the attorneys for labour laws and other legal matters- Implement all Corrective Action Plan ensuing from different audits- Ensure Finance and Other policy manuals are revised annually- Ensure full compliance with all fiscal and social security obligations - Implement surveillance projects related to disease (malaria and NTD) epidemiology, intervention, commodity and entomology, as required;- Support the rollout and monitoring the performance of existing and new surveillance processes and platforms for improved data collection, reporting, data management, automated analysis and data visualization e.g. using dashboards;- Help cultivate a culture of data-use within disease programs by strengthening the quality, use and analysis of epidemiological, entomological, and programmatic data by the malaria program to inform country strategy planning and program implementation;- Support institutionalization of data reviews at all levels, including the development and use of data collection tools and dashboards (e.g., Tableau, DHIS2, etc.);- Contribute to the formulation of relevant disease programs documents including but not limited to surveillance guidelines and SOPs, M&E plans, lessons learned documents and operational manuals;- Design, implement, analyze, and disseminate operational research projects related to surveillance, intervention effectiveness, and entomology;- Provide technical supervision, training and ad-hoc programmatic support to staff members involved in surveillance activities such as data quality assurance and management, monitoring and evaluation of existing activities, outbreaks detection and responses, surveillance system evaluation, integration of health management information system, and study implementation;- Synthesize results, translate them to national and sub-national government partners to support evidence-based decision making, and disseminate findings through high-quality presentations, reports, and publications internally and externally at international venues;- Represent CHAI at external technical meetings with local academic and technical partners;- Develop and maintain strong working relationships with country teams, key stakeholders across government, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions, with support from technical advisor;- Any other tasks identified. Strategic Leadership- Collaborate with the Country Director to develop and execute strategic plans, ensuring alignment with UN SDG, CHAI's global and country-specific objectivesProgram Management- Provide oversight for programmatic initiatives, ensuring effective operational planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of health programs- Drive innovation and efficiency in program deliveryStakeholder Engagement- Cultivate and manage relationships with key partners, including government agencies, NGOs, donors and other relevant stakeholders- Represent CHAI in high-level meetings and forums, including the development of presentations and materials for external audiences, as necessaryTeam Management- Lead and mentor a multidisciplinary team (example: program managers and senior technical staff), fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence- Provide direct oversight of one or more program teams; provide support and guidance to program managers and junior staff on strategy and project deliverables.- Provide guidance on professional development and performance managementFinancial and Operational Oversight- Work closely with the Country Director to ensure sound financial management, adherence to budgets, and efficient use of resources- Monitor program performance against targets and address challenges proactively- Strengthen and formalize systems and processes for budgeting, financial tracking, and donor and government reporting- Support the operations team to implement and strengthen the internal management of daily operations and ensure alignment with CHAI global policy and practice including:- Human Resource processes and systems including recruiting, onboarding, benefits management- Financial management practices including monthly cash flow and financial reporting- Safety and security policies and ensure consistent implementation across program teams and project locationsTechnical Expertise- Stay abreast of the latest developments in global health and provide technical expertise to inform program strategies- Ensure programmatic interventions are evidence-based and aligned with best practicesRisk Management- Identify potential risks to program implementation and develop mitigation strategies- Ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and CHAI policiesOther- Undertake other country tasks as the CD may direct from time to time We are seeking a highly motivated individual with outstanding analytical, strategic, communication and teamwork skills. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:- Create an insight-oriented procurement fact base on the current state of global vaccine procurement, including analysis, insights and comparisons by region, vaccine, procurement entity, and funding source; an overview of UNICEF’s procurement model and analysis of its market-shaping power; as well as case studies of global pooled procurement initiatives.- Conduct qualitative research and analyses on regional procurement model motivations and aspirations with key stakeholders at the global level, at the continental and sub-regional level (e.g., Africa CDC, ECOWAS, SADC), with vaccine manufacturers and their associations globally and in Africa, as well as with governments.- Support a benefit-risk assessment of adopting a regional procurement model, with a focus on market and programmatic implications.- Support the identification and assessment of potential transition scenarios to a regional procurement entity in Africa.- Develop presentations, reports, and other analyses to be shared with external stakeholders.- Cultivate relationships with operational counterparts working across the vaccine ecosystem.- Perform other tasks as necessary. - Contribute to the strategic vision and thought leadership for how improved NTD analytics and surveillance can accelerate elimination of NTDs in the countries and regions where CHAI works- Proactively monitor and manage project execution (planning, implementation, and dissemination) to ensure that expected deliverables and targets are achieved on time and within budget in collaboration with CHAI’s global and country teams- Serve as a focal point person and mentor to CHAI’s regional and country teams working with national NTD programs- Drive the implementation of NTD technical strategy and shape a sound technical approach in collaboration with CHAI regional and country teams across countries in anglophone East and West Africa- Review and provide feedback on internal products and documents including strategic plans, budgets, guidelines and standard operating procedures, analysis and implementation updates- Manage internal and external communication including between CHAI teams, and relevant partners- Contribute to development of project donor reports, including supporting coordination of regular donor updates, soliciting inputs from relevant teams and ensuring adherence to reporting timelines- Lead knowledge management for team documents including workplans, scoping materials and internal and external reports- Ensure project compliance with all administrative, financial, and contractual requirements- Review and provide input to the budgeting process, including review of expenditures and decisions on reallocating funds- Represent CHAI at external technical meetings with international and local academic and technical partners- Other responsibilities as needed - Serve as a trusted advisor and thought partner to governments, community partners, CHAI global teams, CHAI country teams, and other consortium partners to identify and operationalize innovative solutions to address key barriers in pediatric advanced HIV disease service delivery- Drive project management for multiple different workstreams, led by country teams, to help ensure on-time delivery and high-quality output- Develop fit-for-purpose M&E and accountability frameworks and tools to aid government partners and health workers increase visibility on key pediatric indicators, efficiently and effectively review service delivery gaps, and develop and monitor tailored action plans- Create concept notes to guide the demonstration of new, promising interventions for pediatric advanced HIV disease service delivery- Support development of operational tools to aid health worker implementation of pediatric advanced HIV disease service delivery (e.g., toolkits, case studies, standard operating procedures etc.)- Develop investment cases to inform national adoption proven pediatric service delivery models to elevate focus and continued prioritization of children- Flexibly collaborate and coordinate across many different teams and stakeholders to gather strategic guidance and input from technical experts, translating outputs into actionable plans- Conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses to measure program gaps, measure progress, structure data-driven debate and decision-making, and inform course correction- Support development of AHD information, communication, and educational materials- Development of crisp, compelling presentations for an array of different audiences (government partners, CHAI teams, global donors, and stakeholders)- Lead internal and external communications across CHAI teams and with external partners, including Ministries, WHO and other relevant donors or partners- Conduct literature reviews and desk reviews on best practices on a range of client-centered delivery models and produce summary documents and recommendations.- Manage internal and external program reporting requirements and budgeting of relevant project activities- Support documentation and dissemination of best practices through case studies, conference abstracts, journal articles etc.- Support development of pitches, concept notes, and proposals for new business development, as needed- Other responsibilities as needed by team - Conduct a comprehensive assessment of each CSO’s current organization structure, resources, and capacity for sustainability planning.- Organize workshops to educate the target CSOs on the concept of sustainability planning and its importance in achieving long-term impact.- Provide training on sustainable resource mobilization, fundraising strategies, and partnership development (including facilitating connections between CSOs and potential partners such as businesses, government agencies, and other non-profits.- Support CSOs in developing tailored sustainability plans, outlining strategies for generating resources, securing diversified funding sources, maintaining community engagement beyond the project’s duration, and ensuring the continuation of immunization support initiatives beyond the project’s duration.- Ensure communication and alignment of activities across government and partner stakeholders and across other CHAI programs to ensure coordination and successful execution.- Work with CHAI's technical teams and Program Manager(s) to develop and implement a coordinated program of support.- Support capacity building of key government functionaries on relevant competencies for sustained ownership and delivery.- Prepares technical notes and submits for review.- Prepare, review and initial sign off participants statement of payments and follow up on timely payment of participants.- Prepares and submits expense and activity reports within three days of completion of field activity.- Perform other responsibilities as requested by program leadership. - Contributing to the development and implementation of a national malaria drug resistance strategy:- Conduct a baseline assessment of the status of resistance and its drivers, drawing on existing data and collaborating with partners.- Develop a draft strategy with interventions to strengthen surveillance, optimize antimalarial use, and deploy new tools in priority areas.- Define potential ACT diversification scenarios, including MFT strategies, considering feasibility and resource needs.- Collaborate with stakeholders to refine the strategy and advocate for its adoption.- Providing technical assistance to NMCP:- Support the development and dissemination of training materials, checklists, and guidelines for health workers and community health agents.- Participate in integrated case management supervision efforts and data analysis.- Coordinate community health/case management components of the national malaria strategic plan.- Building partnerships and collaboration:- Engage with a range of stakeholders, including government agencies, research institutions, and community health organizations.- Facilitate collaboration between CHAI teams, NMCP, and other strategic partners to ensure alignment and achieve program goals.Additional Responsibilities:- Work alongside NMCP and other key MoH partners to support relevant workflows on community health, malaria case management, and supply chain management.- Serve as a focal point with case management, supply chain, and community health stakeholders in the country, ranging from government, academia, civil society, and the private sector (i.e. a long-term physical presence in the country to provide uninterrupted support).- Support advocacy efforts for case management, supply chain, and community health strategy, program design, and implementation in line with evidence-based best practice.- Strengthen and extend programmatic reporting and activity monitoring tools and processes at central and operational levels; develop the capacity of government staff to monitor activities regularly.- Support NMCP in the collection, analysis, and visualization of case and inventory management data. Monitor progress and data quality and make necessary updates to the M&E framework and documentation of learning.- Collaborate effectively with CHAI teams, including malaria surveillance, analysis and technology, and health financing teams, to support CHAI's community health deliverables.- Perform other duties as assigned by their supervisor. • Support implementation of Vaccines projects to strengthen EPI capacity and management and to meet donor objectives and timelines, including development of reports to donors.• Support the development of guidelines, workplans, budgets and other materials for key activities.• Support vaccine’s portfolio team and MoH in developing and implementing the program ensuring for supporting improvements in strengthening management and governance, service delivery, supply chain, and other Routine Immunization aspects.• Optimize program management dashboards and existing implementation and reporting mechanisms in alignment with broader immunization program strategy laid out by MoH and vaccine’s program outcomes to facilitate effective oversight and management, encompassing key input, processes, output, and outcome indicators.• Conceptualize effective measurement mechanisms and lead the implementation of a Monitoring & Evaluation framework at the EPI through the Vaccine’s team.• Conceptualize, design, and coordinate program impact and progress evaluation surveys• Assimilate and triangulate information from multiple sources such as DHIS2, IHME, MNCH datasets, other health data sets, other non-health government data sets, localized datasets, and surveys to monitor performance and inform strategy refresh.• Significantly contribute to internal and external capacity building initiatives by the team for improving data handling and decision-making competencies of target trainee cohorts• Significantly contribute to documentation of program progress through reports, presentations, and templates for effective internal use and dissemination of reports at state and national levels.• Collaborate with government to ensure skills transfer and government ownership, identify the most critical hurdles to scaling up, and develop innovative strategies to address them• Travel on short notice to the various parts of the country.• Undertake any other duties as requested by the Program Manager. - Provide technical assistance to the national malaria program to refine technical support in all malaria control interventions, with a specific focus on case management.- Work with CHAI colleagues and governments to evaluate strategies, identify and prioritize resource gaps, and develop new funding proposals for the country.- Support case management/commodity access goals’ implementation directed at central and subnational capacity for the implementation of high-quality malaria case management strategies, built on data-driven decision-making, standardized processes and effective tools.- Support expansion of access and effectiveness of community case management networks through targeted and context specific strategies.- Execute strategies, plans and tools for the integration of case management and supply chain information into malaria surveillance systems.- Support antimalarial resistance mitigation workstream, by assessing the status of artemisinin resistance in Angola, compiling and analysing in country potential drivers of resistance (based on WHO guidance) identifying and evaluating gaps that may be drivers of resistance, and drafting a strategy to mitigate antimalarial resistance.- Assess strengths and weaknesses of national institutions and mechanism that regulate and distribute antimalarial drugs, monitor and promote compliance to treatment guidelines, and implement.- Monitor program activities against project objectives and donor commitments, identify bottlenecks or operational weaknesses, and work collaboratively with country and global CHAI teams to achieve exceptional results within tight timeframes.- Identify new opportunities within and outside of the initial project scope, anticipate risks and be proactive in responding to them.- Support the development of programmatic reports for government and donor reporting, as well as concept notes or other external communication products.- Perform any other duties as requested by management.
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The switching between the bookmaker’s office and gambling activities occurs in two taps. - The Mostbet India company provides all the resources in over 20 different language versions to ensure easy access to its clients. - The downsides are quite hard to highlight, because the developers are doing everything possible to provide users with the best possible gaming experience. - Mostbet absolutely free application, you dont need to pay for the downloading and install. - If you are seeking for a web based sportsbook that accepts gambles from around the globe, mostbet is a great choice. - It is worth breaking down each benefit to know how to apply them. This is reflected in the many benefits mostbet of the Mostbet app. Download the Mostbet India app on your smartphone and install it, or log in and place your first bet directly through the web version. 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Then, permit typically the installation, wait with regard to the completion, login, and the job is done. - Yes, Mostbet has a full-fledged cashier on the app, and Indian players can easily deposit or withdraw after the Mostbet app download and installation. - The procedure of typically the Mostbet app no cost download for iOS depends on the user’s location. - For example, in the football section, you will find thousands of events every day. - The release of free bets during the Champions League playoffs serves as one of the instances. - With VIP status, you get reduced waiting time for withdrawals, a personal account manager and exclusive promos. If you download a special program to your phone, you can go to the next level of convenience in making sports bets. The main thing is to have the Internet and a smartphone or tablet. The company gives a cashback of 5% to 10% of last week’s casino losses from BDT 1,500 and issues a free bet for every fifth bet in a row at the sportsbook. Players are offered to bet on the Tournament Winner, Totals, Double Chance, Individual Total, Best Batsman, Best Bowler, etc. There is no waiting time for deposits, and players can use the full amount they deposit immediately. - Players at Mostbet who make their initial deposit using Bitcoin receive one hundred free spins. - The system bet allows you to determine the proportion of successful picks for getting winnings. - Bettors can bet on popular games, including Dota2, CS GO, LoL, StarCraft 2 and others. - Another interesting feature of the Mostbet app is its unique interface, which makes the navigation comfortable both on tablets and smartphones. - Now being able to transact with cryptocurrencies and bet with bitcoin is another distinct advantage when registering an account with Mostbet India. - If you have already played on our website, no difficulties can appear when opening the Mostbet app. To see all the disciplines featuring the app, go to the sportsbook section through the menu. If you have the latest app version, you won’t have any minor delays in playing with a stable internet connection. Go to the Mostbet casino section in the app, choose what suits you today, and start winning easy with pleasant emotions by choosing preferred options. The Android system on mobile devices gives the developers of the Mostbet app considerable freedom in testing and implementing new features. What Is the Main Difference Between the Mosbet App and the Mobile Website? Furthermore, the new status brings Mostbet-coins and improves their terms of exchange for free bets or promotional casino funds. With VIP status, you get reduced waiting time for withdrawals, a personal account manager and exclusive promos. You can also place bets on players dueling over stats in the next match, and this way, win up to x500 of the original amount. All the betting results and upcoming events with your selections will appear in a separate section. You can also give our promo code to your friends to obtain similar benefits. - Once you have completed all these steps, the utility appears in the menu of your device. - However, traditionally, in the late afternoon, the number of matches and sports increases significantly (especially at weekends). - After selecting the match and the desired odds the information about the bet will appear in the “Bet Basket”. - The application on IOS devices does not need to be installed as they do it themselves directly from the App Store. - Here are the steps you can follow when you want to place a bet on a sporting event or match. Once you’ve done this, you won’t need to monitor the application updates. You will discover new features and won’t have any lags when launching the Mostbet Bd app. So, when you use our promo code you will get more money on your balance, which you can use to get even more winnings. All conditions of wagering bonus money in this case are the same as in the standard welcome bonus. Conclusion About the MostBet App by SportsCafe The action line at Mostbet betting company is able to satisfy the needs of any user. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the Forgot your password? The new details will be sent to your mobile phone number or email, whichever you choose. Once you have managed to Mostbet download, go to “Downloads”, find the app and start unpacking it. Mostbet currently operates in 93 countries around the world, takes in over 800,000 bets every day and has over a million active players across the globe. Incidentally, one of Mostbet’s ambassadors is the Last Emperor of Rome, the famous Francesco Totti. - The colour palette has been carefully transferred from the website to the Mostbet app, so you’ll be treated to the same blue and orange colours. - The main reason the application is considered to be better than the web Mostbet mobile edition relates to the comfort granted by the program. - The interface of the web edition is not as comfortable as in the app, and it is impossible to use gestures and advanced commands to navigate through it. - ➤ Open the “Applications and notifications” or “Security” section and remove the ban on installing programs from unverified sources. - Additionally, Mostbet gives customers a wide variety of options for betting on eSports. Coins are also credited to the players after they achieve a new level, and the reward is larger with every tier to come. Lastly, there are some special fixed one-time tasks that also have coins as rewards. Differences Between App and Mobile Website The bookmaker offers to bet on Roshan’s first kill, victory, a number of kills, first kill, and others. Mostbet Dota2 betting is very unpredictable and you will have to analyze the situation well in order to win. We would like to mention the section with virtual sports, which has many advantages. These events are held a lot, and in addition, they do not last long. This will be a great option for those players who can not spend a lot of time on betting or they do not have enough events on their sport. It offers the same favourable odds and interesting markets as the real competition. - If you use such software, you risk installing a fraudulent program. - Moreover, you will find a table with information on the main banking options below. - You must not change the settings if registered before downloading the application. - Nevertheless, it is always safer to ensure the device has at least 1GB of RAM, a 1.2 GHz processor, and 150 MB worth of storage space before installing. - The assortment of table games is not as vast as with slots, but it has the majority of titles the betting fans might be looking for. This makes betting significantly more effective, increasing the chances of winning. Mostbet download is very straightforward and quick, however, you might need to sign up to complete the process. There are hundreds of live matches to pick from, including IPL events. Mostbet offers a big 100% welcome bonus that is up to 25,000 INR. Welcome bonus is eligible for use in both betting and gambling categories. Go to the mobile apps section The online casino game is available on Mostbet for both free play and for real money wagering. MostBet’s live streaming service makes it easy to watch games featuring your favorite teams from the comfort of your own home. Play along with other fans on your computer or mobile while the games are streamed live. In order to stream, however, you must first have enough money in your account. The Mostbet app provides users with the same features found on the main website but in a more user-friendly package. You can wager on cricket, make withdrawals, collect bonuses, and much more, all from the convenience of your smartphone. - First, turn on the email or mobile verification to protect your account from unauthorized access. - The casino uses the date of birth data selected on the account creation stage to reward its loyal users with special bonuses. - It costs nothing at all to use the Mostbet mobile app on an Android or iOS smartphone. Download the Mostbet app, and its user-friendly interface will make sports betting simple and will provide competitive odds. We looked into the trading team’s offerings on the most popular markets, such as the Premier League football match winner, first goalscorer, and correct score. The Mostbet app wasn’t always as fast as the top bookmakers, but it could hold its own. Download Mostbet app, as it has a large section dedicated to in-play wagering in real-time and offers instant payouts. 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The self-exclusion feature will assist gamblers who cannot fully control their experience, while the cashier will make it easy to process transactions. Jayesh Bhattar founded Cricket Betting Guru in 2021 and heads the editorial team of the portal.
When planning a trip to the vibrant city of Chicago, finding the perfect hotel can greatly enhance your overall experience. From the bustling streets of downtown to the magnificent skyline views, the right accommodation can truly elevate your stay. So, what makes a hotel truly “nice”? In this article, we will explore the key factors that contribute to a hotel’s overall appeal, including its location, amenities, and customer service. We will also take a closer look at the top 5 nicest hotels in downtown Chicago, each offering a unique blend of luxury and comfort. We will delve into what sets these hotels apart, from their luxurious rooms and exceptional dining options to their spa and fitness facilities. We will provide you with valuable tips for booking a nice hotel in downtown Chicago, ensuring that you make the most of your visit to the Windy City. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, this guide is designed to help you navigate the myriad of hotel options in downtown Chicago and make an informed decision for a truly unforgettable stay. What Makes a Hotel “Nice”? In terms of defining a nice hotel, the location, amenities, and customer service play crucial roles in shaping travelers’ perceptions and experiences. The location of a hotel significantly influences its appeal. A nice hotel is ideally situated near popular attractions, business centers, or serene natural surroundings, offering convenience and accessibility. The amenities enhance the overall experience, with luxurious pools, fitness centers, spa facilities, and fine dining options exemplifying a nice hotel. Equally important is exceptional customer service, where attentive staff, personalized care, and prompt resolution of inquiries and requests elevate the guests’ satisfaction level. The location of a hotel, especially in a vibrant and historic city like Chicago, can significantly impact its appeal to travelers, with proximity to popular destinations, attractions, and great restaurants being key factors to consider. Being situated in the heart of Chicago allows guests to easily access renowned landmarks such as Millennium Park, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Magnificent Mile, where they can immerse themselves in the city’s rich culture and iconic architecture. Moreover, Chicago’s thriving culinary scene means that guests can indulge in diverse gastronomic experiences, whether they prefer Michelin-starred fine dining or authentic deep-dish pizza from local pizzerias. The convenience of a centrally-located hotel not only enhances the overall travel experience but also provides easy access to public transportation, making it convenient for guests to explore the city and its many offerings. A hotel’s amenities, such as luxurious spa and fitness facilities, access to urban wineries, and proximity to major league sports teams, contribute significantly to its overall appeal and the satisfaction of its guests. Visitors seek a relaxing escape from everyday life, and the presence of a luxurious spa provides the perfect opportunity to indulge in rejuvenating treatments and massages. Similarly, a well-equipped fitness center allows guests to maintain their fitness routines and stay active while away from home. Access to urban wineries offers a unique experience for wine enthusiasts, allowing them to explore local flavors and culture. Exceptional customer service, coupled with the provision of stunning views and proximity to iconic landmarks like the suspension bridge and annual festivals, elevates the overall guest experience at downtown Chicago hotels. Guests are not only pampered with exceptional service but also treated to breathtaking views of the cityscape and the serene river. The convenience of being close to iconic landmarks adds an extra layer of excitement to their stay, allowing them to immerse themselves in the unique culture and energy of Chicago. The combination of outstanding customer care, visual splendor, and the proximity to famous attractions creates an unforgettable experience that keeps guests returning to downtown Chicago hotels time and time again. Whether attending a festival or simply enjoying the city’s skyline, these elements contribute to a stay that is both comforting and exhilarating. Top 5 Nicest Hotels in Downtown Chicago Downtown Chicago boasts an array of top-rated hotels that have garnered acclaim from travelers and prestigious readers’ choice awards, offering a blend of luxury, convenience, and access to Michelin-starred restaurants at competitive prices. One such hotel is The Langham, Chicago, renowned for its breathtaking views of the city and river. Its elegant suites and impeccable service have earned it high praise from discerning guests. Another standout is the Waldorf Astoria Chicago, located in the heart of the Gold Coast neighborhood, known for its opulent accommodations and proximity to renowned dining establishments. The Four Seasons Hotel Chicago is celebrated for its luxurious amenities and stunning vistas of the city skyline, offering an unparalleled level of comfort and indulgence. The The Ritz-Carlton, Chicago, perched atop Water Tower Place, boasts upscale accommodations and an extraordinary dining experience at its Michelin-starred restaurant. Rounding out the top 5 is The Peninsula Chicago, which excels in providing a sophisticated blend of modernity and timeless elegance, complemented by its proximity to the city’s finest culinary offerings. These hotels consistently captivate guests with their exceptional service, lavish accommodations, and access to Michelin-starred dining, making them sought-after destinations for discerning travelers. Four Seasons Hotel Chicago The Four Seasons Hotel Chicago stands as a luxurious haven in the heart of downtown, offering an ideal retreat for romantic getaways and access to championship golf courses, adding to its allure as a premier destination for discerning travelers. The hotel boasts opulent accommodations, with each room featuring spectacular views of Lake Michigan or the city skyline. Its elegant decor and attention to detail create an atmosphere of refined luxury in every corner of the property. Guests can indulge in world-class dining experiences at the onsite restaurants, which showcase culinary artistry and unparalleled service. For couples seeking a romantic escape, the Four Seasons Hotel Chicago offers exceptional spa treatments, creating a serene and intimate environment for relaxation and rejuvenation. Plus its luxurious amenities, the hotel’s prime location provides easy access to renowned shopping districts, cultural attractions, and entertainment venues, enhancing the overall experience for guests. The Langham, Chicago The Langham, Chicago, nestled within the vibrant downtown area, offers access to Michelin-starred restaurants and proximity to the world-class zoo, embodying an exceptional blend of luxury and proximity to renowned attractions and dining establishments. Guests of The Langham, Chicago are greeted by an atmosphere of sophistication and comfort, with its elegantly appointed rooms and suites boasting stunning views of the city skyline or Chicago River. Its prime location provides easy access to the acclaimed Alinea, a three Michelin-starred restaurant offering innovative and unforgettable culinary experiences. The hotel’s close proximity to Lincoln Park Zoo, one of the nation’s oldest and most distinguished zoos, allows visitors to immerse themselves in the wonders of nature and wildlife, creating an unforgettable experience. The Langham, Chicago prides itself on offering a luxurious and convenient stay through its exceptional amenities, including a state-of-the-art fitness center, a serene spa, and an indoor swimming pool. The hotel also features diverse dining options, such as the Travelle Kitchen + Bar, renowned for its contemporary American cuisine and breathtaking views of the Chicago River. With its commitment to detail, impeccable service, and a perfect location for both leisure and business travelers, The Langham, Chicago sets the standard for opulence and elegance in the heart of the Windy City. The Peninsula Chicago The Peninsula Chicago, steeped in elegance and splendor, offers proximity to historic and cultural attractions, providing guests with a regal experience amidst the rich tapestry of royal historic sites and cultural landmarks in downtown Chicago. The hotel’s prime location allows guests to immerse themselves in the city’s vibrant history and diverse cultural scene. From the iconic architecture of the Art Institute of Chicago to the world-renowned exhibits at the Museum of Contemporary Art, visitors can easily explore the city’s rich artistic heritage. The hotel’s opulent facilities and world-class service create an atmosphere of luxury and refinement, making it an ideal base for travelers seeking an indulgent and sophisticated retreat. The Ritz-Carlton, Chicago The Ritz-Carlton, Chicago, renowned for its opulence and grandeur, offers guests access to iconic landmarks like the suspension bridge and seamless proximity to annual festivals, establishing its status as one of the most popular downtown hotels for discerning travelers. With its lavish interior design and impeccable service, The Ritz-Carlton, Chicago provides an unparalleled experience for those seeking luxury accommodation in the heart of the city. Strikingly nestled amidst the cultural and architectural wonders of Chicago, guests can easily explore renowned attractions such as Millennium Park and The Magnificent Mile from this prestigious establishment. Waldorf Astoria Chicago The Waldorf Astoria Chicago presents an inviting blend of luxury and leisure, offering access to championship golf courses and urban wineries, making it a compelling choice for visitors seeking proximity to popular downtown destinations and upscale recreation. Guests can indulge in the hotel’s opulent amenities, such as the award-winning spa, rooftop pool, and world-class dining options. The elegant accommodations feature stunning city views and lavish furnishings, providing an exquisite retreat for discerning travelers. Beyond its luxurious offerings, the Waldorf Astoria Chicago boasts convenient access to renowned championship golf courses and urban wineries, creating an ideal haven for those seeking a harmonious blend of urban sophistication and leisurely pursuits. What Makes These Hotels Stand Out? These top hotels in downtown Chicago stand out due to their luxurious rooms and suites, high-end restaurants and bars, well-appointed spa and fitness facilities, and a commitment to providing exceptional customer service, ensuring an unforgettable stay for their discerning guests. Guests can indulge in opulent accommodations that feature stunning city views, plush bedding, and modern amenities designed for comfort and convenience. The dining experiences at these hotels are unparalleled, offering a diverse range of culinary delights from renowned chefs and mixologists. The spa and fitness centers provide a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation, with expert therapists and state-of-the-art equipment. What truly sets these hotels apart is their unwavering dedication to personalized, attentive service, catering to every need and surpassing expectations. Luxurious Rooms and Suites The luxurious rooms and suites offered by these hotels in downtown Chicago create an idyllic setting for a romantic vacation, accompanied by the charm and allure of a historic city, catering to the diverse preferences of discerning travelers. Each room or suite exudes an opulent ambiance, featuring plush furnishings and elegant decor that provides an intimate and inviting escape from the bustling city life. The panoramic views of the iconic Chicago skyline or Lake Michigan from these accommodations add an extra layer of romance and allure, perfect for couples seeking a memorable and picturesque experience. The integration of historic architectural elements and modern amenities within these spaces offers a seamless blend of old-world charm and contemporary luxury, enriching the stay with a sense of timeless allure. High-end Restaurants and Bars The high-end restaurants and bars within these downtown Chicago hotels, including Michelin-starred establishments and renowned dining venues, offer an exquisite culinary journey that complements the overall luxury and sophistication of the guest experience. From expertly crafted tasting menus to innovative fusion creations, these establishments take pride in their commitment to culinary excellence. Each dish is a work of art, meticulously prepared by world-renowned chefs who infuse their unique flair into every plate. Guests can savor a symphony of flavors, from the delicate nuances of fine dining to the bold and vibrant offerings of contemporary cuisine. The ambiance of these dining venues is equally captivating, with opulent decor, panoramic city views, and exemplary service that elevate every dining experience to new heights of indulgence and refinement. If you’re planning to stay in downtown Chicago, check out the Nicest Hotels in Downtown Chicago for a luxurious and unforgettable experience. Spa and Fitness Facilities The inclusion of spa and fitness facilities within these downtown Chicago hotels, complemented by stunning views and opportunities for activities like horseback riding, enhances the holistic wellness and relaxation options available to guests during their stay. Guests can immerse themselves in a revitalizing experience by indulging in the upscale spa services, ranging from soothing massages to rejuvenating facials, all while gazing out at the breathtaking skyline of downtown Chicago. The state-of-the-art fitness centers within these hotels offer a wide array of equipment and wellness classes, catering to guests seeking an invigorating workout amidst the urban landscape of the city. Complementing these wellness amenities, the option of horseback riding provides a unique opportunity for guests to connect with nature and enjoy the picturesque surroundings in a serene and active manner. Exceptional Customer Service The unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service exhibited by these downtown Chicago hotels, set against the backdrop of iconic landmarks like the suspension bridge and the vibrancy of annual festivals, resonates with traveler ratings and ensures a memorable and delightful guest experience. Guests at these downtown Chicago hotels often find themselves engulfed in the warm hospitality and attention to detail that sets the experience apart. The close proximity to iconic landmarks such as the suspension bridge offers a mesmerizing view that adds a touch of magic to the stay. The bustling energy of annual festivals in the vicinity adds to the vibrant atmosphere, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of the city. Such distinctive features, combined with personalized experiences and attentive staff, contribute to the outstanding traveler ratings that these hotels consistently receive. Tips for Booking a Nice Hotel in Downtown Chicago For travelers seeking the best price and a seamless booking experience at popular downtown hotels in cities like Chicago, leveraging reputable travel sites and considering off-season booking options can lead to exceptional value and savings without compromising on quality. Reputable travel sites offer a wide selection of downtown Chicago hotels, providing detailed information, genuine reviews, and competitive rates. When exploring off-season booking options, visitors can capitalize on reduced rates and fewer crowds, allowing for a more relaxed and authentic experience. By using trusted platforms like Expedia,, or, travelers can secure exclusive deals and benefit from loyalty programs for additional savings. Such carefully planned bookings ensure that guests can enjoy upscale accommodations, convenient amenities, and personalized service while staying within a reasonable budget. Book Directly with the Hotel Booking directly with the hotel can often yield the best price and exclusive perks for travelers seeking to experience popular downtown destinations, ensuring a seamless and rewarding booking process that aligns with their preferences and budget. By bypassing third-party booking platforms, guests can take advantage of personalized reservation services, complimentary upgrades, and special loyalty program benefits. Additionally, direct bookings often come with flexible cancellation policies and the assurance of clear communication from the hotel staff, resulting in a stress-free experience. The convenience of accessing local insights and recommendations from the hotel staff can further enrich the stay, contributing to a truly immersive visit to downtown Chicago. Moreover, real-time availability and the possibility of negotiating favorable room rates are distinct advantages of direct booking, ensuring that guests secure the ideal accommodation that meets their specific preferences and budget. Consider Booking During Off-Season Exploring off-season booking options for popular downtown hotels in a romantic vacation spot like Chicago can unlock exceptional value and afford travelers the opportunity to indulge in luxury and comfort at reduced rates while savoring a quieter and more intimate ambiance. During the off-season, the bustling downtown area of Chicago takes on a serene charm, offering a more leisurely pace and allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the city’s enchanting essence. With fewer crowds, guests can relish the personalized attention from hotel staff, enhancing the overall experience. Off-peak travel periods often grant vacationers greater flexibility in selecting accommodations, ensuring a wide array of available rooms and suite options for a truly tailored stay. The reduced rates during this period also free up budget for indulging in the city’s world-class dining, entertainment, and cultural offerings. Check out the Nicest Hotels in Downtown Chicago for an unforgettable stay. Read Reviews and Compare Prices Before booking, travelers are advised to read reviews and diligently compare prices across reputable travel sites, ensuring that the selected downtown hotel aligns with their expectations and garners positive traveler ratings across various cities. Reading reviews can provide valuable insights into the overall guest experience, allowing prospective guests to gauge factors such as cleanliness, customer service, and amenities. By comparing prices, travelers can secure the best possible rates for their desired stay dates, potentially unlocking special promotions or discounts. This proactive approach not only ensures that the chosen downtown hotel meets personal preferences, but also reduces the likelihood of encountering any unpleasant surprises upon arrival. Further, by seeking establishments with positive traveler ratings in diverse cities, visitors can gain confidence in the hotel’s consistent performance and quality standards. Frequently Asked Questions What are some of the nicest hotels in downtown Chicago? Some of the top-rated and highly recommended hotels in downtown Chicago include The Langham, Four Seasons Hotel Chicago, The Peninsula Chicago, and Waldorf Astoria Chicago. Do these hotels offer any special amenities? Yes, these hotels offer various amenities such as luxury spa services, fine dining restaurants, rooftop pools, and fitness centers. They also have room options with stunning city views. What is the average price range for these hotels? The average price range for these hotels is between $300 to $600 per night. However, prices may vary depending on the season and availability. Are these hotels located near popular attractions in downtown Chicago? Yes, these hotels are conveniently located near popular attractions such as Millennium Park, Navy Pier, and the Magnificent Mile. Some even offer easy access to public transportation. Are there any budget-friendly options for hotels in downtown Chicago? Yes, there are budget-friendly options for hotels in downtown Chicago such as Hyatt Place Chicago/Downtown-The Loop, Hampton Inn Chicago Downtown/N Loop/Michigan Ave, and La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Chicago Downtown. Which of these hotels have the best views of the city? The Langham, The Peninsula Chicago, and Waldorf Astoria Chicago offer stunning views of the city skyline. You can also request for a room with a view at other hotels in downtown Chicago.
Discover the best allergy-friendly restaurants in Toronto with ease. Our curated list includes gluten-free and nut-free options, ensuring a safe and delicious dining experience without worrying about allergens. Enjoy a vibrant food scene without compromising your health or taste buds. The 10 Best Allergy Friendly Restaurants In Toronto: Allergen-friendly options Regarding eating out with allergies, Toronto is a great city. You can eat without worrying about allergens with so many different allergy-friendly restaurants. Is your Instagram begging for drool-worthy dishes that won’t send your allergies haywire? Look no further, Toronto fam! This city’s bursting with hidden gems serving up incredible food that’s kind to your tummy. Here are the top 10 best allergy-friendly restaurants in Toronto: Fresh, which has sites throughout the city, is well-liked among allergy sufferers. They cook their cuisine in a separate kitchen that is free of allergens. This indicates no chance of contaminating one meal with another containing an allergy. To help you choose what to order, Fresh also offers a comprehensive allergen menu with a list of every ingredient used in each dish. A Canadian meal delivery service, Fresh Kitchen, provides wholesome, pre-made meals to facilitate good eating. The business is headquartered in Toronto and serves clients in Greater Toronto with food delivery services. Fresh Kitchen’s meal delivery service takes pleasure in utilizing only whole food and fresh ingredients free of additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors. They provide a range of meal plans, such as low-carb or high-protein meals tailored to particular nutritional requirements and vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. Consumers can have their meals delivered once or twice weekly and select from a traditional, vegetarian, or low-carb meal plan. As an alternative, kids can choose the carbohydrates, veggies, and protein to include in their meals. Whenever feasible, Fresh Kitchen sources its ingredients from local vendors and uses recyclable and compostable packaging materials as part of its commitment to sustainability. Fresh Kitchen is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a restaurant with several locations throughout Toronto, including in the Annex, Queen West, and Bloor West areas. Their menu offers salads, sandwiches, bowls, and juices crafted with fresh, regional ingredients and vegan and vegetarian options. Some meals are suited for customers with special dietary requirements, such as nut-free or gluten-free selections. The eateries feature cozy, welcoming interiors, plush chairs, and a laid-back vibe. Fresh operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, reservations are unnecessary to dine there. Cava is another restaurant chain with multiple locations in Toronto. They offer a variety of Mediterranean-inspired dishes free of the top 8 common allergens (wheat, milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish). They also have an allergen menu available upon request. Cava’s menu is designed to showcase the diverse flavours and ingredients used in Mediterranean cuisine, focusing on fresh, high-quality ingredients and bold flavours. The restaurant’s menu features a range of dishes, including mezze plates, salads, grilled meats and seafood, and desserts. A few of the menu items that are particularly noteworthy on Cava Toronto are baked feta, lamb chops, and grilled octopus. Photos of the restaurant’s chic decor, combining classic and modern designs, are also included in the account. CavaToronto showcases the restaurant’s cuisine, ambience, and dedication to sustainability and community. When feasible, the restaurant purchases its ingredients from nearby vendors and operates in an eco-friendly manner overall. For those seeking a chic and environmentally conscious eating experience in Toronto or those interested in Mediterranean food, CavaToronto is a great resource. Cava stands out among the city’s vibrant restaurant industry, emphasizing intense flavors and fresh, premium ingredients. Its Instagram account offers a fascinating peek into the restaurant. Cava can be found in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, at 1560 Yonge St. They provide a range of dishes with a Mediterranean influence that highlights products obtained locally and freshly. Their menu has a long wine selection and small dishes, salads, and entrees. The restaurant’s ambiance is classy, sophisticated, cozy, and welcoming. The dining room is furnished with contemporary furniture and cozy chairs. Chris McDonald, the executive chef at Cava, has over thirty years of expertise in the culinary field. He is renowned for his creative culinary style and use of seasonal and fresh ingredients to produce delectable and one-of-a-kind dishes. Reservations are strongly recommended for dining at Cava. Customers can make reservations online through the restaurant’s website or by phone. 3. Amaya Express Amaya Express is a fast-casual Indian restaurant chain with several locations in the city. All their food is prepared fresh and made to order, so you can specify your allergies when placing your order. They have an extensive allergen menu available upon request. Amaya Express is a Canadian restaurant chain specializing in Indian and Pakistani cuisine. The company was founded in 2007 in Toronto and has since expanded to multiple locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Amaya Express serves various foods, such as naan bread, kebabs, biryanis, and curries. The restaurant offers vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, highlighting the variety of flavors and spices found in Indian and Pakistani cuisine. Amaya Express’s dedication to using premium, fresh ingredients in its dishes is one of its best qualities. When feasible, the business purchases its products from nearby vendors, utilizing a variety of real spices and flavors to produce delectable dishes. Apart from providing alternatives for dine-in and takeout, Amaya Express furthermore provides catering services for gatherings and celebrations. The company offers a range of dishes and platters on its catering menu that can be tailored to the particular requirements of the occasion. Amaya Express is a great option if you’re looking for genuine Indian and Pakistani food in Greater Toronto. Amaya Express distinguishes itself in the competitive restaurant industry by offering various delectable dishes and a dedication to utilizing premium, fresh ingredients. The restaurant has several locations in Toronto, including Queen West, Yonge and Eglinton, and the Financial District. Various Indian cuisines, such as curries, biryanis, wraps, and naan bread, are available on their menu. These dishes are prepared with real Indian spices and flavors and may be made vegetarian or gluten-free. The dining rooms offer a laid-back, contemporary vibe thanks to their colorful, brightly decorated walls and cozy chairs. It is unnecessary to make reservations to dine at Amaya Express because the restaurant is first come, first served. 4. Pizzeria Libretto Pizzeria Libretto has several locations in Toronto and specializes in wood-fired pizza made with fresh, local ingredients. Upon request, they offer an allergen menu and can make their pizzas without a few common allergens like dairy, nuts, or shellfish. Toronto-based Pizzeria Libretto is a pizza joint with a focus on Neapolitan cuisine. Max Rinaldi and Jamie Cook founded the business in 2008, and it has since grown to include several sites throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Pizzeria Libretto’s menu emphasizes genuineness and simplicity. Their specialty meals, which capture the essence of Neapolitan pizza, are made using premium ingredients and time-honoured cooking methods. Because they are baked in a wood-fired oven using fresh mozzarella cheese and San Marzano tomatoes, the pizzas have a smokey flavor and are chewy and tender. Pizzeria Libretto provides a variety of inventive toppings and combinations in addition to their traditional Margherita and Marinara pizzas. These include the “Duck Confit” pizza with roasted garlic, fontina cheese, arugula and the “Ontario” pizza. The restaurant’s stylish and cozy atmosphere and commitment to using quality ingredients and traditional techniques are appreciated by many. The restaurant’s interior has rustic and modern design elements, featuring wood accents, exposed brick, and a vibrant open kitchen. If you’re looking for authentic Neapolitan pizza in Greater Toronto, Pizzeria Libretto is an excellent option. It stands out in the city’s thriving culinary scene, with a focus on quality ingredients, traditional techniques, and a stylish atmosphere. There are several Pizzeria Libretto locations in Toronto, including those in the King West, Ossington, and Danforth districts. Along with salads and sweets, their menu includes antipasti, Vegetarian, and gluten-free alternatives. Reservations can be made over the phone or online and are highly advised, particularly during busy times. 5. Zesty Pita & Grill Zesty Pita & Grill is a Mediterranean restaurant in Toronto’s downtown core. They offer a variety of dishes, including pitas, salads, and curries, that are free of the top eight common allergens. They also have an allergen menu available upon request. Zesty Pita is a fast-casual restaurant chain in Greater Toronto specializing in Mediterranean cuisine. Established in 2017, the chain uses fresh, high-quality ingredients and traditional cooking techniques to create shawarma, falafel, and kebabs. Zesty Pita is known for its commitment to customization, offering customers the option to choose from various bases like pita bread, rice, or salad and add protein, toppings, and sauces to suit their dietary preferences. The restaurant also offers catering services for events and parties, offering a range of dishes that can be customized to meet specific event needs. Zesty Pita & Grill, located at 1541 Bayview Ave, Toronto, offers a casual, inviting atmosphere with bright and modern decor. The dining area features comfortable seating and operates on a first-come, first-served basis. With its focus on fresh, high-quality ingredients and commitment to customization, Zesty Pita stands out in the city’s fast-casual dining scene. 6. Magic Oven Magic Oven is a popular vegan-friendly restaurant in Toronto’s Annex neighbourhood. All of their food is made with fresh, local ingredients, and they offer an allergen menu upon request that lists which dishes contain specific allergens. Magic Oven is a Toronto restaurant that specializes in organic and sustainable food. It was founded in 1997 by Tony and Abby Sabherwal. The restaurant offers a diverse menu of organic, locally sourced dishes, including pizzas, salads, pasta, and sandwiches. The pizzas are made with creative toppings like vegan and gluten-free options and in a wood-fired oven for a crispy crust. Magic Oven is committed to sustainability, using practices like composting and recycling and sourcing ingredients from local farmers and suppliers. The restaurant supports charitable organizations like local food banks, environmental groups, and social justice initiatives. Magic Oven is a restaurant in Toronto with multiple locations in Danforth, Queen West, and Bloor West. It offers a menu with fresh, healthy options, including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. Chef Tony Sabherwal, with over 20 years of experience, uses fresh and organic ingredients to create unique dishes. The restaurant operates on a first-come, first-served basis, making reservations unnecessary. The casual, inviting, and modern decor provides a relaxed ambiance. 7. Greens Vegetarian Restaurant Greens Vegetarian Restaurant is another excellent option for those with allergies in Toronto’s Kensington Market neighbourhood. All of their vegan and gluten-free dishes, and they offer an allergen menu upon request to help you choose a suitable container. Green’s Vegetarian is a Toronto-based restaurant specializing in vegetarian and vegan cuisine. The company was founded in 1988 and has since become a popular destination for those seeking healthy, plant-based options in the city. Green’s Vegetarian is a restaurant in Toronto, Canada that offers a variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes made with fresh, wholesome ingredients. The restaurant uses plant-based proteins like tofu, tempeh, and seitan to create flavorful dishes. Green’s Vegetarian is committed to health and wellness, offering nutritious, satisfying, low-fat, and gluten-free dishes. They also provide fresh juices, smoothies, and elixirs to support overall health. The restaurant also provides catering services for events and parties, offering customized vegetarian and vegan options. The restaurant has a casual atmosphere with cozy decor and comfortable seating. The restaurant is led by experienced chefs passionate about creating delicious and healthy vegetarian and vegan dishes. Reservations are not required, as the restaurant operates on a first-come, first-served basis. 8. Chabrol Restaurant Chabrol Restaurant is a French bistro located in Toronto’s Le Aside neighbourhood. They offer a variety of dishes, with allergen-free options available upon request. They also have an allergen menu that lists which words contain specific allergens. Chabrol is a French restaurant in Toronto, Ontario, known for its traditional cuisine, including classic dishes like escargots, beef tartare, and coq au vin. The restaurant uses high-quality ingredients and traditional cooking techniques to create satisfying and elegant dishes. The interior is designed to transport guests to a classic French eatery with a cozy, intimate atmosphere and minimalist decor. Chabrol also offers a carefully curated wine list that pairs well with the menu. Chabrol is a French restaurant in Toronto, Canada, offering dine-in and takeout services. It specializes in classic French dishes using fresh, high-quality ingredients, including escargot, foie gras, steak frites, and crème brûlée. The restaurant’s atmosphere is elegant and sophisticated, with warm, intimate decor. With over 25 years of experience, Chef Doug Penfold leads the restaurant, which features white tablecloths and candlelight. Reservations are highly recommended and can be made online through the website or by phone. 9. Pi Co. Pi Co is a popular pizza chain located in Toronto’s downtown core. They serve gourmet pizzas made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients and have an allergen menu available upon request that lists which dishes contain specific allergens. Pi Co. is a Canadian pizza chain specializing in fast, customizable Neapolitan-style pizza. The company was established in 2015 in Toronto and has since expanded to multiple locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Pi Co. is a Toronto-based pizza restaurant that offers a variety of toppings, sauces, and cheeses, allowing customers to create personalized pizzas. The restaurant uses high-quality ingredients and cooks pizzas in a wood-fired oven for crispy crusts. Pi Co. It also serves salads, desserts, and beverages, including local craft beer and wine. The restaurant is committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly packaging and sourcing ingredients from local suppliers. Its fast, convenient service allows customers to order pizzas online or in-store, cooked in just a few minutes. Pi Co. has multiple locations in Toronto, offering a casual, modern atmosphere with bright decor. Dining areas feature communal tables and an open kitchen, and reservations are not required. 10. Live Organic Food Bar Live Organic Food Bar is a vegan restaurant in Toronto’s Kensington Market neighbourhood. Their food is made with fresh, organic ingredients, and they offer an allergen menu upon request to help you choose a suitable dish. Live Organic Food Bar is a Toronto restaurant specializing in raw, organic, and vegan cuisine. Established in 2002, it offers a variety of dishes made with fresh, whole-food ingredients, including salads, wraps, burgers, and entrees. The restaurant uses plant-based proteins like nuts, seeds, and legumes for flavorful, nutritious, and satisfying dishes. Live Organic Food Bar is committed to health and wellness, offering gluten-free, low-fat, and high-nutrient dishes. They also offer a variety of fresh juices, smoothies, and elixirs to support overall health. Live Organic Food Bar offers catering services for events and parties, catering to vegetarian and vegan needs. With multiple locations in Toronto’s Annex, Liberty Village, and Dupont neighborhoods, the restaurant offers a variety of organic and vegan dishes, including salads, bowls, wraps, and smoothies. The menu caters to various dietary needs, including gluten-free options. The modern, bright atmosphere features colorful, plant-filled decor and comfortable seating. Chef and Owner Jennifer Italiano is passionate about creating healthy vegan dishes. Reservations are not required, as the restaurant operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Be the ultimate foodie guide! Share tips, resources, and recommendations to make navigating Toronto’s restaurants a breeze for your fellow allergy warriors. What to Look For When Choosing an Allergy-Friendly Restaurant in Toronto? Regarding food allergies, there is no such thing as being too careful. Knowing the potential risks when dining out is crucial if you or someone you know has a food allergy. Here are some tips to help you choose an allergy-friendly restaurant: 1. Choose a restaurant that takes food allergies seriously The first step is to find a restaurant that takes food allergies seriously. Look for a restaurant with policies and procedures to ensure the safety of their guests with food allergies. An excellent way to find out if a restaurant is allergy-friendly is to call ahead and ask about their policies. 2. Look for a menu that includes allergen information When reviewing a menu, look for an allergen information section or symbols that indicate which menu items are safe for people with specific allergies. This will make it easier to identify secure options for your meal. 3. Ask the server about the ingredients in each dish If you have any questions about the ingredients in a particular dish, don’t hesitate to ask your server for more information. They should be able to tell you what is in each dish and whether or not it contains any allergens you need to avoid. 4. Be sure to communicate your allergies to the staff You must express your allergies to the team before ordering any food. This will help them take necessary precautions when preparing their meal and minimize the Tips For Eating Out Safely With Food Allergies in Toronto If you’re dining out with food allergies, you must be aware of the potential risks and take steps to ensure your safety. Here are some tips for eating out safely with food allergies 1. Research and Plan Ahead: Research online before heading to a restaurant. Look for establishments that cater to individuals with food allergies or have allergen-friendly options on their menus. Reviewing other diners with similar dietary restrictions can also provide valuable insights. 2. Communicate Clearly: When making a reservation or speaking to the waitstaff, clearly communicate your food allergies. Be specific about the ingredients you need to avoid and ask questions about how the restaurant handles allergens in their Kitchen. 3. Ask for Modifications: Don’t be afraid to ask for modifications to dishes on the menu. Most restaurants are willing to accommodate dietary restrictions if given advance notice. Whether requesting a substitution or certain ingredients to be omitted, advocating for your needs is essential. 4. Bring Your Medications: Always carry medications like epinephrine auto-injectors (such as EpiPen) when dining out. Accidents can happen despite precautions taken, so being prepared is crucial. 5. Build Relationships with Allergen-Friendly Establishments: Once you find restaurants that consistently cater to individuals with food allergies, build relationships with them! Establishments that understand your needs and take extra measures to ensure safety can become trusted go-to spots. Remember, enjoying a meal out should never compromise your health and safety. By following these tips and staying vigilant about your food allergies, you can savour all that Toronto’s culinary scene offers without worries! Common Allergen-Free Substitutes at Restaurants in Toronto Toronto’s restaurants are introducing allergen-free substitutes to cater to various dietary needs, including those with food allergies or restrictions. These include dairy-free alternatives like almond milk and coconut cream, gluten-free options like rice pasta and quinoa flour, and creative dishes like nut-free desserts and soy-free protein options. Gluten-free bread or wraps are ideal for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Many restaurants now offer gluten-free options for sandwiches and wraps. Dairy-free cheese is available at health food stores or online, while soy milk is an excellent substitute for lactose or dairy intolerance. Nutritional yeast is a great cheese replacement for vegans or those with dairy allergies. Toronto’s restaurant scene provides many allergen-free alternatives for delicious dining experiences. How do you make sure your meal is allergy-free in Toronto? In Toronto, dining out without worrying about food allergies is essential for a safe and enjoyable dining experience. To ensure your meal is allergen-free, follow these tips: 1. Check the menu in advance, as many restaurants now have online menus. If you’re unsure about something, call ahead and ask. 2. Communicate your allergies to your server when ordering, asking for suggestions and pointing you in the right direction. They should be able to point you in the right direction and suggest dishes that can be modified to meet your needs. 3. Be aware of cross-contamination risks, even if a dish doesn’t contain your allergen, as there’s always the risk of cross-contamination during preparation. If you’re worried, ask the chef how they prepare each dish and what steps they take to avoid cross-contamination. By following these tips, you can enjoy a delicious and allergy-free meal in the vibrant city of Toronto. Everyone deserves a delicious and allergy-free meal, so enjoy your dining experience in Toronto. Food allergies are a growing global concern, affecting millions of people of all ages. These reactions occur when the immune system reacts abnormally to specific proteins in food, causing mild symptoms like hives or upset stomachs to severe, life-threatening reactions like anaphylaxis. Common allergens include peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat. Even trace amounts can trigger reactions in sensitive individuals. Food allergies significantly impact daily life and require careful management. People with allergies must be vigilant about ingredient labels, avoid cross-contamination, and carry emergency medication. Increased awareness and understanding of food allergies have led to clear labeling for potential allergens in restaurants, manufacturers, and schools. Peanut allergies and finding Peanut Allergy-friendly restaurant Peanut allergies are a common and potentially serious condition where the immune system mistakenly identifies proteins in peanuts as harmful substances, causing mild to severe reactions. Symptoms include itching, hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting. Diagnosis involves medical history evaluation and allergy testing, with skin prick or blood tests helping identify specific allergens. Treatment involves strict avoidance of peanuts and peanut-containing products, with immediate medical attention in case of accidental exposure or ingestion. Medications like antihistamines may be prescribed for mild symptoms. In Toronto, finding peanut allergy-friendly restaurants is challenging, but it is essential to communicate your needs with staff to ensure a safe dining experience. Nut Allergies and Finding Nut Allergy-friendly Restaurants Nut allergies are a significant concern, causing severe reactions and even life-threatening situations. Standard nuts that trigger allergies include peanuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, and hazelnuts. People with nut allergies must read food labels carefully and avoid products with nut traces or processed in facilities handling nuts. Cross-contamination is also crucial, as shared utensils or surfaces may have come into contact with nuts. In case of an allergic reaction, seek immediate medical attention and an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen). In Toronto, finding nut-allergy-friendly restaurants can be challenging, but some establishments prioritize safety and well-being. Look for restaurants that communicate their allergy protocols and have knowledgeable staff about food allergies. Some may offer alternative ingredients or substitutions, but informing them about dietary restrictions is advisable. The 25 Nut-Free Restaurants in Toronto Nut-free restaurants in Toronto prioritize the safety of their customers with nut allergies. These restaurants take extra precautions to ensure their dishes are free from any traces of nuts and cross-contamination. By offering a wide range of nut-free options, these restaurants provide peace of mind for individuals with allergies and allow them to enjoy dining out without worry. There are various choices for nut-free meals in Toronto, from casual eateries to fine dining establishments. Whether looking for a quick lunch or an elegant dinner, these nut-free restaurants offer flavorful and allergy-friendly menus. Some even go the extra mile by providing detailed ingredient lists and allergen information on their menus or websites. - Kupfert & Kim - Riz St. Clair Restaurant - The Dirty Bird Chicken + Waffles - Basil Box - Almond Butterfly Bistro - El Pocho Antojitos Ba - Pizzeria Libretto – University - Bunner’s Bakeshop - Khao San Roa - Barque Smokehouse - Riz Gluten-Free 100% Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen - Live Organic Food Bar - Fresh Kitchen + Juice Bar Hurontario - Off The Hook Fishbar - Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Gluten-Free Bakeshop - Pi Co - Feel Good Guru - Magic Oven - 360 The Restaurant at the CN Tower - AGO Bistro - The Drake Hotel - The Burger’s Priest - Bar Isabel But wait, there’s more! This is just the tip of the iceberg! Toronto’s an allergy-friendly foodie paradise waiting to be explored. Share your hidden gems, allergy wins, and food adventures in the comments below! Let’s build a community of delicious (and safe) dining experiences! - Yonge-Dundas Square in Toronto is Now Called “Sankofa Square” - December 17, 2023 - Best Western Brooks’ SureStay Plus debuts in Alberta - December 16, 2023 - Air Canada Arrives in Tulum, Mexico as the First Canadian Airline - December 16, 2023
Understanding Sunscreen: SPF PA Ratings Explained for Skin Protection Spf Pa Ratings Explained Welcome to's Comprehensive Guide to Sun Protection At, we understand the importance of taking care of your skin. Whether you're spending a day at the beach or just running errands, protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays is key to maintaining its health and vitality. With so many sunscreen options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. That's why we're here to offer insights into SPF and PA ratings, helping you to select the best sunscreen for your needs. Our educational approach is part of our commitment to preventing skin damage and promoting overall skin health. Knowing the sun's potential to cause skin damage, we emphasize the use of sunscreen as a primary defense. Read on as we unravel the mysteries of SPF and PA ratings, and discover how choosing the right sunscreen can be a game-changer for your skin's well-being. When you're ready to make your selection, or if you have any questions, our team is available at 616-834-6552, serving you with dedication, nationwide. Understanding SPF: What Does It Mean? Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is a measure of how well a sunscreen can protect your skin from UVB rays, which are responsible for sunburn and contribute to skin cancer. But what do those SPF numbers mean? In simple terms, if you use an SPF 30 sunscreen properly, it would take you 30 times longer to burn than if you weren't wearing any sunscreen at all. SPF is not a linear scale; for instance, SPF 30 doesn't offer twice as much protection as SPF 15. An SPF 15 sunscreen blocks about 93% of UVB rays, while SPF 30 blocks 97%, and SPF 50 blocks approximately 98%. It's crucial to find a balance that provides adequate protection while suiting your lifestyle. The Relevance of PA Ratings in Sunscreen While SPF measures UVB protection, the PA rating indicates the level of protection from UVA rays. These rays penetrate deeper into the skin, accelerating aging and potentially increasing the risk of skin cancers. The PA rating system originated in Japan and ranges from PA to PA. The more plus signs, the higher the defense against UVA damage. For daily wear, a sunscreen with at least PA is recommended, especially if you spend a considerable amount of time indoors, near windows, or in front of screens. A PA rating might be preferable if you are under intense sun exposure for prolonged periods. Breaking Down the Numbers: SPF and PA Explained Understanding the specifics behind SPF and PA ratings can help you make an informed choice about sun protection. A higher SPF or more '' signs in the PA rating doesn't always mean it's better for every scenario. It's about finding the right sunscreen that matches your environment, skin type, and the amount of time you'll be spending in the sun. To choose the sunscreen that suits your needs, consider your daily activities, the strength of the sun in your area, and your skin's sensitivity. Our knowledgeable team at is always ready to assist you, ensuring you have the ideal product for your skin. Just give us a call at 616-834-6552 for personalized service. Why Proper Application Matters Even the highest quality sunscreen with impeccable SPF and PA ratings won't do much good if it isn't applied correctly. Using enough sunscreen and reapplying it every two hours, or immediately after swimming or sweating, is critical. As a rule of thumb, a shot glass full (approximately 1 ounce) should cover your body adequately. The proper usage enhances the effectiveness of your sunscreen, keeping your skin protected and healthy. At, we care about your skin just as much as you do, and we're here to provide the products you need, with user-friendly guidance. Regular Sunscreen Usage: It's More Than Just Summer Protection Many people associate sunscreen with beach days or summer outings, but the truth is, sunscreen should be a part of your daily routine year-round. UVA and UVB rays are present during all seasons, and they can penetrate clouds and even glass. Daily sunscreen use is a habit that reaps long-term benefits for your skin, including reducing the risk of sun damage. Educating our customers on the value of daily sun protection is a priority at We're here to guide you and provide top-quality sun care solutions, keeping your skin shielded every day of the year. Have a question? Feel free to ring us up at 616-834-6552! Choosing the Right Sunscreen for Your Skin Type Different skin types require different types of sunscreen. Oily, dry, sensitive, or acne-prone - each has specific needs when it comes to sun protection. Let's delve into selecting the perfect sunscreen match for your unique skin. Sunscreen for Oily or Acne-Prone Skin For those with oily or acne-prone skin, look for sunscreens labeled "non-comedogenic," which means they won't clog your pores. Lighter formulations like gels or oil-free lotions tend to be a good fit, providing protection without exacerbating oiliness or breakouts. recommends sunscreens containing ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which are natural mineral sunscreens known to be gentle on sensitive and acne-prone skin types. Sunscreen for Dry Skin If you have dry skin, you may want to reach for sunscreens that contain moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or ceramides. Cream-based sunscreens can offer additional hydration, keeping your skin nourished and protected throughout the day. At, we understand the importance of keeping the skin both defended and moisturized. Our selection caters to those who battle dryness by infusing sun care with nourishing components. Sunscreens for Sensitive Skin Those with sensitive skin should opt for sunscreens with a minimal ingredient list and avoid potential irritants like fragrances or alcohol. Physical sunscreens that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are usually well-tolerated by sensitive skin types as they provide a protective barrier without causing irritation. Our team is sensitive to your needs and is ready to help you find a sunscreen that will shield your skin without causing discomfort. Give us a call at 616-834-6552 for a personalized recommendation. Water-Resistant Sunscreens for Active Lifestyles If you lead an active lifestyle, water-resistant sunscreens are essential to maintain protection during swimming or sweating. These formulas are designed to stay effective for either 40 or 80 minutes in water, but remember to reapply after towel-drying or as recommended.'s selection includes robust options that can keep up with your dynamic life, providing steadfast sun protection no matter the intensity of your activities. Tips for Selecting the Best Sunscreen for Children Children's skin is delicate and requires gentle yet effective sun protection. Look for sunscreens with broad-spectrum coverage and a high SPF, formulated specifically for young and sensitive skin. We believe that building healthy sun habits starts early, and is committed to offering sunscreens that are both kid-friendly and reliable. Trust us to protect your little ones from the sun's harmful effects. Why Broad-Spectrum Coverage Is Essential Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB rays. But what makes this dual defense so important for your skin's health? Understanding the full scope of broad-spectrum coverage can shed light on its crucial role in sun protection strategies. Difference Between UVA and UVB Rays UVA rays are associated with skin aging, while UVB rays are linked to sunburn. Overexposure to either type can increase your risk of skin cancer. That's why broad-spectrum sunscreen is key - it's a comprehensive cover for your skin against the array of solar threats. 's array of broad-spectrum products ensures that you're safeguarded against both types of harmful rays with just one application. Our focus on broad-spectrum solutions simplifies your sun care routine without compromising protection. Long-Term Benefits of Broad-Spectrum Protection Regular use of broad-spectrum sunscreen can reduce signs of aging and the likelihood of developing certain types of skin cancer. It's a long-term investment in your skin's health and appearance, safeguarding its future as well as its present. champions the cause of comprehensive skin care, encouraging our customers to embrace broad-spectrum protection as a daily essential. For products that deliver superior coverage, look no further. How to Identify Broad-Spectrum Products When shopping for sunscreen, look for the term "broad-spectrum" on the label. This is your assurance that the product offers protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Don't settle for anything less when it comes to your skin. Choose for your sun care needs; we prioritize products providing broad-spectrum coverage. Reach out to us at 616-834-6552 for recommendations tailored to your skin type and lifestyle. Integrating Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen Into Your Daily Routine Making broad-spectrum sunscreen a part of your daily skincare routine doesn't have to be a chore. From moisturizers with built-in SPF to lightweight sprays, there are options to seamlessly incorporate sun protection into your skincare regimen. Let help you find the perfect broad-spectrum sunscreen that agrees with your daily routine. You can count on us for quality products that blend seamlessly into your life. Tips for Reapplying Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen Throughout the Day - Keep a travel-size sunscreen in your bag or car for convenient reapplication. - Set reminders on your phone to reapply, especially if you are spending time outdoors. - Use cosmetic products with SPF for touch-ups, such as powder sunscreen or tinted moisturizer. With, staying protected under the sun is both easy and efficient. We understand the importance of regular reapplication and offer products that make this habit as straightforward as possible. Environmental Factors and Your Sun Protection Needs The environment you live in plays a significant role in determining your sun protection needs. Factors like altitude, proximity to the equator, and even weather conditions can affect the intensity of UV radiation and, consequently, the level of protection you require. The Impact of Altitude on UV Exposure At higher altitudes, the atmosphere is thinner, which means less UV radiation is absorbed before reaching the ground. Therefore, if you live in or visit mountainous areas, your sunscreen should have a higher SPF to account for the increased exposure. offers sunscreens ideal for high-altitude adventures, defending your skin against the intense UV rays encountered in these locations. Our protection is as elevated as your destination. How Proximity to the Equator Affects Sun Intensity The closer you are to the equator, the more direct the sun's rays, and the stronger the UV radiation. It's essential to use a sunscreen with a higher SPF and broad-spectrum coverage in these regions to provide adequate protection. sources sunscreens perfect for tropical climates, ensuring that your equatorial escapades are paired with superior skin defense. The Role of Weather in Sunscreen Effectiveness Even on overcast days, up to 80% of UV rays can penetrate clouds, which means sunscreen is still necessary. Don't let the weather fool you into skipping protection it's a year-round commitment. believes in a proactive approach to sun care, advocating for the daily use of sunscreen regardless of the forecast. Allow us to provide you with dependable options that stand up to varying weather conditions. Reflection off Snow, Water, and Sand UV rays can reflect off surfaces like snow, water, and sand, increasing your chance of sunburn. When engaging in activities like skiing, swimming, or beach outings, it's indispensable to apply and reapply sunscreen frequently. Our selection at includes sunscreens that withstand the reflective environments of your favorite activities. No matter the reflective challenges, is your ally in sun protection. Urban Living and Sun Exposure Living in an urban environment doesn't shield you from UV radiation. Surfaces like concrete, glass, and metal can reflect the sun's rays, and daily commutes often involve unexpected sun exposure. services citizens of the concrete jungle with sun care solutions that acknowledge the unique demands of city life. Urban dwellers can rely on us for their daily sun defense. Guidelines for Time in the Sun: How to Enjoy Safely Enjoying outdoor activities is part of a healthy lifestyle, but it's important to enjoy the sun safely. Following certain guidelines can help you soak up the warmth without risking your skin's health. Best Times to Be in the Sun The sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Planning outdoor activities outside of these times can minimize your UV exposure. If you do find yourself out during peak hours, ensure your sun protection game is strong with a high-SPF, broad-spectrum sunscreen. Choosing ensures you are prepared with the suitable protection, empowering you to enjoy the brighter hours with confidence and joy. Using Shade to Your Advantage Seeking shade, especially during peak sun hours, is a smart move. It can provide a significant reduction in UV exposure. However, remember that reflective surfaces can still direct rays your way, so sunscreen remains a must. With by your side, even your moments in the shade can be enhanced with expertly crafted sunscreen that complements your overall sun safety strategy. Protective Clothing and Accessories Wearing clothing that covers your skin, such as long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and UV-blocking sunglasses, adds an extra layer of protection. These accessories should work in tandem with your sunscreen to offer comprehensive defense against UV damage. values the synergy between protective clothing and high-quality sunscreen. Together, they fortify your protection against the sun's relentless rays. The Importance of Hydration and Sun Exposure Staying hydrated is essential when spending time in the sun. UV exposure and heat can deplete your body's water reserves faster than usual. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to maintain your body's hydration levels. At, we care about your overall well-being. Hydration goes hand-in-hand with our sun care, providing you with a holistic approach to sun safety. Listen to Your Body: Signs to Take a Break Heat exhaustion and sunburn are real risks. If you feel dizzy, nauseated, or notice your skin turning red, it's time to take a break from the sun. Retreat to a cool area, rehydrate, and reapply sunscreen after your skin has cooled down. encourages you to be attuned to your body's signals. Protecting your skin is important, but so is recognizing when it's time to step away from the sunrays. Sunscreen and Skin Aging: Preserving Your Youthful Glow Did you know that one of the most effective anti-aging products is sunscreen? Prolonged UV exposure can accelerate the signs of aging, but a high-quality sunscreen can serve as a shield to preserve your youthful appearance. UV Rays and Premature Aging UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin, breaking down collagen and elastin, which results in fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Regular use of sunscreen can significantly slow this process, helping to maintain your skin's elasticity and youthful glow. offers sunscreens that are not only protective but also contain ingredients aimed at preserving your skin's youthful properties. With us, you're investing in age-defying care. Sunscreen as a Daily Anti-Aging Regimen Incorporating sunscreen into your daily skincare routine is an easy step with profound benefits. Over time, it can have a significant impact on thwarting the tell-tale signs of aging due to sun exposure. prioritizes formulations that double as both sun protection and anti-aging solutions, proving that maintaining a radiant complexion can be as simple as applying your daily SPF. Choosing Anti-Aging Sunscreens with Antioxidants Sunscreens infused with antioxidants, such as vitamin C or E, provide an additional defense against free radical damage caused by UV exposure. These ingredients can enhance your skin's protection and repair capabilities. Explore's selection of antioxidant-rich sunscreens to amplify your anti-aging efforts, guarding against both immediate and long-term skin damage.
With thanks to Richard Amphlett for the following research into the RAF Harwell War Graves. Richard left Didcot in 1969, having served in the Post Office as a Postman and then the Berkshire Ambulance Service, with a short spell with Wiltshire, he then ended up in Hungerford for 37 years before retiring to Dorset, where he now helps as a volunteer at the Tank Museum. If you use any of this information, please credit Richard Amphlett. If you have any comments or corrections, please use the comment option at the end of the page, or email Richard direct. [See also the details of those commemorated on the Harwell War Memorial] This is an account of the deaths of those buried in Harwell Cemetery who were killed whilst serving at the RAF Station. It is not intended to be a history of RAF Harwell, neither does it cover all the fatal accidents, air or ground, that occurred there during WWII. At this time RAF Harwell was a training base used by 75 and 148 Sqds, then 15 Operational Training Unit (15 OTU), which had a satellite station at Hampstead Norris, as well as a Middle East Ferry Unit, ( 1443 and 310 Ferry Training Flight ). Consequently most deaths were as a result of flying accidents. These young men were flying aircraft that had, in many cases, previously been used by operational squadrons, but were considered too old for that use. The aircraft had mostly flown many hours, some over enemy territory, and probably required above normal maintenance to keep them in good flying order. One entry in the Operational Log Book records that training for that month was not up to full quota and flying hours were curtailed because of the need to service so many aircraft. The instructors training these crews, were experienced pilots being rested from operational flying, probably having flown their first tour of 25 flights on bombing raids. When the war started, on 3 September 1939, 75 and 148 squadrons were the units flying from Harwell. The first burial at Harwell was that of Pilot Officer W. R. Ross ( 90913 ) who died on 14 November 1939, aged 27 years. His Bristol Blenheim, L1286, crashed at Blewbury at 1130 hrs while he was ferrying the Blenheim from 5 Maintenance Unit from Kemble in Gloucestershire to 145 Sqd at Croydon in Surrey and was forced to land at Harwell due to low cloud and very bad visibility. He took off again immediately but crashed on the hills which were in low cloud. The Operational Record Book shows that P/O Ross crashed 1 mile from Harwell and was killed instantly. Records also indicate that he served with 604 Sqd, and was the son of Lt.Col.Henry and Mrs Betty Ross. His funeral took place on the 17 November 1939. On 28 November Sgt.G.R.C. Talbot (580855) and A/C. F.C. Overall (632442) were part of the crew of Avro Anson N5084, of 148 Sqd. The aircraft was flying a night cross country exercise in bad weather when it crashed into a hillside on Exmoor, about 15 miles west south west of Minehead. Frederick Overall was the 23 year old son of Mrs E Piper of Shiplake near Henley, Oxfordshire. I have no details of Gerald Talbot’s home town or next of kin. On 18 January 1940 another Anson of 148 Sqd N5024 crashed during a night cross country exercise in a snow storm. It crashed on Yolland Marsh, 7 miles west of Totnes in Devon. Those of the crew buried at Harwell are Pilot Officer B.O.C. Stevens (33415), A/C W. Heron (6318901) and A/C L.J.Wakely (551324). Barry Stevens was the 22 year old son of Wing Commander & Mrs James Stevens of Sheerness in Kent. William Heron was also 22 years and came from Blackhill Co Durham the son of William and Minnie Heron. Leslie James Wakely was the 19 year old son of James and Violet Wakely of Faversham, Kent. In April 1940, 75 and 148 Sqds were amalgamated to form 15 Operational Training Unit (O.T.U.). Two new squadrons were then formed as 75 Sqd and 148 Sqd and became operational from other bases. 75 Sqd at Feltwell in Norfolk and 148 Sqd at Stradishall in Suffolk. 13 May 1940 saw the death of Pilot Officer W.M.A. Davies (74669) who was a crew member of Wellington N2901 which crashed near Axminster. The crew were engaged in navigation and bombing practice when engine failure occurred and the aircraft crashed at about 1140. The Operational Record Book shows that his funeral took place at 11.00 on 16 May 1940. William Davies was the son of Willoughby and Mary Davies of Kensington, London and was 21 years old. On 5 August, Wellington L4264 crashed at 14.45 hrs ½ mile south of the airfield when it stalled coming into land. Pilot Officer E.J.Lester was one of three officers killed. Eric was the 25 year old son of John and Hilda Lester of Kenton, Harrow, Middlesex. On 13 August 1940, Sgt H.W.Sabin (741765) was killed when his Wellington L4308 crashed 5 miles off Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel. The crew were on a navigational exercise flying from Harwell to Salisbury, Barnstaple, Lundy Island and back to Harwell. At about 1125 hrs the aircraft was seen diving towards the water with flames streaming from the port engine. None of his five companions were found. On 23 August, 391341, Sgt R.H. Clifford died as the result of a traffic accident the previous night. He was seriously injured when he was hit by a truck, probably as he was crossing the road near the camp. It is worth remembering that Black Out precautions were in operation and may well have been partly to blame for the accident. He was taken to the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford where he died of his injuries. Robert Henry Clifford came from Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand and was age 23. On 17 October 1940 a fire in the port engine resulted in Wellington L4259 crashing at Hampstead Norris, causing the deaths of Flying Officer W.S.Munday and Sgt G.T.Watt (516242) on 17 October 1940. Wynton Munday was the 26 year old husband of Hilda Munday of Lee-on Solent, Hampshire but came from Australia. There are no details of George Watts home town or next of kin. At 1515 hours on 26 November 1940, Wellington L4326 crashed at Hampstead Norris due to an engine stalling. On impact the aircraft burst into flames, resulting in 3 airmen being killed, with F/Lt. G.E.Langdon (70381) being buried at Harwell. It is worth mentioning that not all deaths resulted in burials at Harwell and it would seem likely that relatives of crews arranged for their internment nearer to their homes. From 25 July 1941 until 12 February 1942 the establishment at Harwell moved to Mount Farm, Berinsfield, while the airfield was rebuilt. There were no more burials at Harwell until September 1941, On 16 September 1941 Wellington L4262 crashed killing Sgt A.R. Patrick (1019210). The Operational Record Book shows that the aircraft crashed at Hampstead Norris after overshooting the flare path (an aid to night landings) following an error of judgment. The aircraft crashed into some bushes at the end of the runway and burnt out. Sgt Patrick died of his injuries whilst being conveyed to hospital. Arthur Patrick was 29 years old, came from Low Fell, Gateshead, Co Durham and he was the son of Robert and Dora Patrick . As previously indicated, not all the deaths were as a result of air accidents. Ground crews did dangerous work. On the 28 September 1941 Aircraftsman (A/C) G.W.McLeod (1179883) was killed at 1515 on duty at Mount Farm airfield near Berinsfield. The record book states that he walked into the revolving propeller of Wellington L7816, captained by Pilot Officer J.R.Ramshaw of ‘B’ Flight 15 OTU. No evidence is available as to why the deceased walked into the air screw and at the time the aircraft was stationary. No blame is attached to any personnel and there was no apparent reason for the accident. George William McLeod was the 32 year old son of John and Jeannie who lived in Middlesborough. On the night of 24/25 September 1941, Wellington Z8354 took off between 2304 and 2319 hrs and 3 other aircraft. However, Z8354 returned with engine trouble and whilst attempting to land at RAF Abingdon, crashed at Jarn Mound on Boars Hill at 0320 hrs. The aircraft was burnt out and all 6 crew were killed. Pilot Officer R.A.McConnochie, (66573) captain of the aircraft, Pilot Officer H.M.Walsh (402581) and Sgt M .W.Foxon, (930360) are buried at Harwell. Robert McConnochie was the 23 year old son of William and Sarah, and came from Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. Harry Walsh was a 24 year old Australian and the son of William and Nellie Walsh of Korgarah Bay, New South Wales. I have no personal details of Marten Foxon October 1941 was a bad month with 9 airmen being interred at Harwell cemetery. As a result of a crash on 17 October, Wellington N2808 of ‘B’ Flight, on a local training flight, was seen flying low at 1600 hrs and crashed after hitting a tree near the old canal at Kingston Common Farm, Kingston Lyle, near Wantage. All the crew were killed. These were Sgt L.A.H.Saul (1257669) Sgt P.J.Masini (1376762) Sgt. L.G.Cockram (1066470) Sgt R.F.Whittington (125899) and Sgt S.E.Sales (520346). Leslie Saul, aged 21, was the son of Albert and May Saul of Barking in Essex. Peter Masini also 21 years, was the son of John and Mabel Masini of South Tottenham, Middlesex. Leslie Cockram was the 20 year old son of Charles and Winifred Cockram who lived in Wilmslow in Cheshire. Richard Whittington, aged 20, was the son of John and Winifred from Brighton, Sussex. [Also, see comment below 28 June 2019 from William Bessell about Alfred William Bissell] One of the two tasks of the two stations was to ferry aircraft out to the Middle East, either direct to North Africa or to Gibraltar, where they would then fly on to their destination. These aircraft probably flew with a fully trained crew, who would join a squadron once they arrived in the Middle East. On 25 October at 0355 another ferry flight took off from Hampstead Norris bound for Gibraltar. This was Wellington X9989, which collided with tree-tops 600 yards from the end of the runway, killing 5 and injuring one. According to the accident report it is possible that the flap setting was wrong for take-off. Four of the five killed were buried at Harwell. Pilot Officer A.E.Mackie( 101081 ) F.Sgt C.A.Bergsten (R.74011), Sgt K.S.Turner (1177246), Sgt L.C.Rowe (R.70455). Alexander Mackie aged 26 was the son of James and Annie Mackie came from Kennethmount, Aberdeenshire. Carl Bergsten was a 28 year old American from Far Hills, New Jersey who was serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Kenneth Turner, aged 21, was the son of Frank and Maggie Turner from West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire. Lawrence Rowe was a Canadian from Guelph, Ontario, married to Shirley Rowe (nee Bell) and was the son of Herbert and Pearla. 10 December saw the death of Pilot Officer S.G.A. Hamburger, who was one of 4 airmen killed when Wellington Z9100 crashed at 1530 hrs hitting a haystack at Barracks Farm, Little Stoke, Wallingford. Two other airmen were injured. Samuel Hamburger was the 27 year old son of Elizabeth and the late Joseph Hamburger who was killed during the First World War whilst serving with the Royal Fusiliers. Samuel’s home is recorded as the City of London. Another ground accident involving an aircraft occurred on 12 December when A/C N.J. Abdee (1274161) was killed instantly after being struck by an Avro Anson R9811 flown by Sgt Canton (741728). The airman was crossing the flare path at Hampstead Norris at about 2300 hrs and was hit by the aircraft which was taking off for a night cross-country exercise. The aircraft was not damaged. Norman Abdee was 19 years old and was the son of John and Elizabeth Abdee who lived in Cinderford, Gloucestershire. On 28 December 1941 all the crew of Wellington Z9109 were killed at Mount Farm when the aircraft crashed at 0215 and was completely burnt out. Among those killed was Sgt C.E.Gilmore (402654) who was the only airman buried at Harwell. Charles was a member of the Royal Australian Air Force from Cremorne, New South Wales and was the 26 year old son of Charles and Dorothy Gilmore. 1942 started with another ground incident on the 9 January, when A/C E A Riley was seriously burnt when a petrol container exploded and caught fire. He died of his injuries in hospital the following day. He was the 19 year old son of Arthur and Ruth Riley of Middlesborough. What started as a treat for two Air Training Cadets cost them their lives when Wellington HF855 crashed on 26 April 1942. The accident happened in the north-west corner of the airfield at about 1720 hrs and all the crew, except the rear gunner, were killed. Second Pilot, Sgt W F G Hughes (1272205), Observer Sgt W J A Smart (1379256), Wireless Operator/Air Gunner Sgt C McAllister (66573), all are interred at Harwell. William Hughes, aged 29, was the son of Frederick and Agnes Hughes of Radyr, Glamorgan. Walter Smart was the 19 year old son of Walter and Emma Smart and came from Morecambe, Lancashire. Cecil McAllister, a South African from Durban, Natal, was the 27 year old son of John and Florence McAllister. The two Air Training Corp cadets from 922 Sqd, Wallingford County Grammar School, were Cadet Sgt W A Hughes, aged 18 years, who was the younger son of William and Nellie Hughes of Didcot, who were sadly to loose their elder son, A/C 2 Vivian Hughes, on the 12 February 1945 and was buried with his brother in All Saint’s Churchyard, Didcot. The second cadet was Richard Ayres, aged 16 years. He was the son of Mr and Mrs P J Ayres who owned a local removal company in Wallingford and is buried there. Failure of the port engine caused the crash of Wellington DV739 of ‘A’ Flight when it crashed on 12 July 1942 whilst taking off at 1827 hrs on a training flight. Two of the three crew were killed, one was Flying Officer A J Leslie (649545). Alan was another Australian from Manly, New South Wales. He was the 26 year old son of Ronald and Elsie Leslie. A/C Woman K F Seacole (420092) WAAF, although not stationed at RAF Harwell, is buried in the cemetery and she should be included since she was serving with the RAF at the time of her death. Sadly, she died 21 July 1942 of tuberculosis at the age of 22 years at the sanatorium near Henley. Her parents, Joseph and Elsie Seacole lived at The Orchard, Wantage Road, Harwell. August 25 1942 saw another crash during a night training flight when Wellington DV595 crashed in flames ½ mile south of Uffington, near Odstone at 0105 hrs. It is believed that it collided with another Wellington N2755 from Hampstead Norris, as the captain of this aircraft reported that something had struck his aircraft at about this time, shattering one of his propellers. He succeeded in landing at Stanton Harcourt but all the crew of DV595 were killed. They were the captain, Pilot Officer N Falkinder (122380), Pilot Officer A S Walmsley (120645), Sgt R J Coombs (933684), Sgt F J T Cannon (1376754), F/Sgt F H Rathjen (416283) and Sgt D Greet (149762). Nicholas Falkinder was 22 years old and the son of Charles and Gertrude Falkinder who lived in Burgh, Lincolnshire. Arthur Walmsley was also 22 and the son of Arthur and Mabel Walmsley, from East Ham, Essex. Robert Coombs, also 22 years old, came from Balham in London and was the son of Robert and Florence Coombs. His father was a Chief Petty Officer with the Royal Navy. Francis Cannon, another 22 year old, from North Finchley, Middx, was the son of Christopher and Dorothy Cannon. Frederick Rathjen, an Australian, was the 23 year old son of Friedrich and Olga Rathjen, who lived in Renmark, South Australia. Dennis Greet was the son of F/Lt Clifford and Eveline Greet, who lived in Middlesborough, Yorkshire. On 2 September 1942 Wellington X3192 struck a tree on approach to the runway at Harwell . The pilot tried to climb but stalled and crashed 400 yards short of the runway, killing Sgt J E Wilkinson (907210) and Sgt B J Foster (1232596). No details are recorded as to Jack Wilkinson’s age or where he came from. Brian Foster (pilot) was the 20 year old son of Harold and Winifred and came from Seaton in Devon. On 5 September, Sgt T B Burrowes (414239) died as the result of a traffic accident in Reading when he was hit by a bus outside the Great Western Railway Station at about 1805 hrs. He died of his injuries the next day. He was the 19 year old son of Clement and Mary Burrowes from Papanui, Canterbury, New Zealand. The death of Sgt L R Johnston (1287332) occurred on the 29 November 1942, when the aircraft in which he was an Air Gunner crashed whilst on a night cross-country bombing exercise. The aircraft was Wellington R1466, which flew into the ground and caught fire near Moss Hill, Seven Barrows, Lambourn. It is thought that the likely cause was that the pilot unknowingly lost height and crashed into the high ground. As a result of this accident, a local flying order restricted night bombing exercises to a minimum of 4000 feet. Leo Johnston was the 27 year old son of Richard and Katherine Johnston who lived in Sandymount, Dublin. On 5 December Wellington DV724 crashed and burst into flames near Ardington just after take off at 2112 hrs for a night cross-country exercise. Those buried at Harwell are Sgt G A Griffith (1306000), the Navigator, Sgt L H Harper (1378742), Wireless Operator/Air Gunner and Sgt R Craven (1245834), Air Bomber. Gerald Griffiths, who came from Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, was the 18 year old son of George and Frances Griffiths. Leslie Harper was the 35 year old son of Benjamin and Isidora Harper who lived in Sutton, Surrey. Ronald Craven, was the 22 year old son of Arthur and Beatrice Craven from Weoley Castle, Birmingham. On 8 January 1943 Wellington BJ836, an aircraft belonging to 1443 Ferry Training Flight, was on circuits and landings, when it crashed on a hill 2 miles SSE of the airfield, killing Wt/Off II. R V Bridgeman (R87243) who was the wireless operator/Air Gunner. All the other crew were seriously injured. Robert, a Canadian, and the 21 year old son of Reginald and Mildred from Turtleford, Saskatchewan. I had difficulty in discovering the details of F/Lt Walter Nicholson’s death, as no record was found in the Operational Record Book. It transpired that he had served with the RAF Regiment who were probably responsible for the airfield defence. However, a visit to the County archives to look at the Register of Deaths showed that his death was recorded by the Wallingford office, who were able to supply a copy of his Death Certificate which showed that he had killed himself with a gunshot wound to the head, inflicted whilst the balance of his mind was disturbed. I will not seek any further history with regard to this sad case. At the time of his death he was married and living in Harwell. Engine failure to Wellington HF906, resulted in a terrible crash at Common Barn Farm, Hermitage on 3 March whilst the aircraft was on a cross-country training flight. It returned soon after take off and after one overshoot, crashed on the second approach into two farm cottages and burst into flames, killing all on board , two civilians in the cottages and several animals around the farm. Three of the crew buried at Harwell are Sgt B C Lock (1271461), Sgt R H Millar (927578) and Sgt L N Abercrombie (42284). Unfortunately no details are listed for Benjamin Lock. Robert Millar, the 21 year old pilot, was the son of Max and Mary Millar from Saunderstead, Surrey. Laurence Abercrombie, a New Zealander, 29 year old and the navigator, was the son of Frederick and Elsie of Kohimarama, Auckland, New Zealand. Although not buried at Harwell I feel I should mention the two civilians killed, these were Mrs E A Chiverton aged 60 and her companion, Miss A Playle aged 68. Only one member of the crew of Wellington X3874 killed on 11 March was buried at Harwell. The aircraft crashed during a familiarization exercise at 1115 hrs east of the Police Station in Didcot, an area now know as Fleet Meadow. Sgt C A Chipman (658368) was 2nd Pilot and it was thought that the cause of the crash insufficient speed being maintained on one engine. The port engine was reported as idling at the time the aircraft crashed and burst into flames. Charles Chipman was 23 and the son of James and Beatrice Chipman from Hale, Cheshire. On the 14 March, F/Lt W A R Nicholls, aged 34 years and married, was found dead at the RAF camp at Combe Farm on the Farnborough Road having shot himself. Only people who served during this period will understand the pressures of war that would lead to someone taking their own life in this way. William Nicholls’ home was in Framlingham, Suffolk. New Zealand pilot (NZ.413859), Flying Officer R L Jones, and his crew were killed on the 18 March when his aircraft crashed on the Odstone bombing range. His aircraft, a Bristol Blenheim IV (N3612) of 140 Sqd, flying out of Hartford Bridge crashed in flames. Ralph Jones was aged 21 and his parents, William and Ellen, came from Palmerston North, Wellington. On April 3, Wellington DV833 returned to Hampstead Norris early from a cross-country training flight and after two overshoots both engines cut out simultaneously. The aircraft glided straight ahead, when the port engine picked up, running at full revs and full boost, the aircraft spun into the ground and burnt out. None of the crew survived. One member of the crew, Sgt L E Ayres (656976 ) was interred at Harwell. He was the 25 year old husband of Beatrice Ayres and lived in Truro, Cornwall. After taking off from Harwell on 23 September, Wellington R1325, on a cross-country exercise, stalled at low altitude about 6 minutes after becoming airborne and crashed North West of the airfield, ½ mile north of Aldfield Farm, at 1945 hrs, killing five and injuring one. Sgt D S McDonald-Hunter (1502383) was one of those killed. He was the 23 year old husband of Irene Joan and the son of Daniel and Irene all of whom lived in Bamber Bridge, Lancashire. On 2 March 1944, F/Sgt W R Goodwin (912395) was killed after Wellington LN614 crashed. The aircraft was returning from a cross-country exercise and had asked permission to land. Nothing further was heard from the aircraft until the following morning when it was reported as having crashed 2 miles south-west of near Lollingdon Hill Farm, Cholsey, at approximately 0300 hrs. At a Court of Inquiry it was felt that there had been a catastrophic electrical failure William was the 32 year old son of William and Daisy Goodwin and the husband of Phyllis from Barnet, Hertfordshire. This was the last fatal accident to befall 15 OTU before it was disbanded 13 days later. On the 15 March, 295 and 570 Sqds took over at Harwell to prepare for the invasion of Europe later in that year. These two squadrons were part of 38 Group which were glider towing and parachute dropping units. The last RAF burial at Harwell was that of A/C l A L J Wilkins who died on 8 June, just two days after D-Day. Alfred Lyddite Joffre Wilkins, to give his full name, died of his injuries in the Radcliffe Infirmary having been taken there when the tractor he was driving overturned and crushed him. He was the 28 year old son of Alfred and Sarah Wilkins of Hayes in Middlesex. This concludes over two years’ research into how all those buried in the nearby cemetery, died on active service at what was RAF Harwell. I hope it serves as a reminder of the debt we owe to the thousands who had their lives taken from them at such an early age, at what was probably the blackest time of the 20th century, and yet is still within living memory of many. Sadly their loss has not brought wars to an end. Since WWII we have seen war in Korea, Malaya, Suez, Aden, Cyprus and, of course, Northern Ireland and still the sacrifice continues even in Europe with the division of Yugoslavia and the break-up of the Russian Empire and now the Middle East. Since revising this booklet there has been considerable interest in the aircraft that crashed near Ladygrove Farm north of Cow Lane, Didcot. Although not connected with my research into RAF Harwell and the burials in the village cemetery, there is sufficient interest to include it at the end of this book. The aircraft was a Handley Page Halifax serial number JP199 which was being flown by 428 squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force, based at Middleton St George in Yorkshire. Royal Air Force records confirm that the aircraft took off at 21.15 hrs for operations in French waters, probably mine laying. At 20,000 feet an engine caught fire and due to control difficulties all but two of the crew abandoned the aircraft, which crashed at 00.30 hours about a mile NE of Didcot near Ladygrove Farm. This was 22 April 1944 The two crew who died in the crash were, S/Leader F.R. McGugan RCAF and F/Officer G.A. England RCAF, both of whom were buried at the Brookwood Military Cemetery in Surrey. [See also the details of those commemorated on the Harwell War Memorial]
Welcome to our new postdoc Krishnendu Krishnendu did his PhD with Dr. Emmanuel Guilmeau at the University of Caen in France. He just joined the Ibáñez group to work on developing new copper-bismuth-based chalcogenides for thermoelectric applications. Looking forward to seeing the outcome of his work. Navita has joined the group Navita has just finished her PhD with Prof. Surjeet Singh at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune. Now she joined the group and she will focus on the synthesis of inorganic chalcogenides and the optimization of their thermoelectric performance. Welcome to the group! Congratulations, Francesco, for winning one of the poster awards at the ECT 2023. It was a great poster and perfect explanations. We are so proud of all the work you have done at ISTA! ISTA hosted NaNaX10 First week of July, the 10th NaNaX Conference was hosted at ISTA. The conference covered a wide variety of subjects related to colloidal nanocrystals: their synthesis, physical properties, assemblies, and applications. Maria was one of the conference organizers, along with Maksym Kovalenko, Peter Reiss, and Andrey Rogach. Mariano and Christine also were extremely helpful in the organization efforts. Hosting NaNaX10 at ISTA was a great experience that required efforts from most of the team. Special thanks to Mariano and Christine for taking the lead and helping far and beyond. The conference was a success, and participants enjoyed the talks and poster presentations at the forefront of the field. Additionally, we had a wonderful dinner at the Redlingerhütte, a hike through the Vienna woods, and a wine tasting at a heuriger to end the conference. Congratulations are also in order to Christine for winning a poster presentation prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry! More details of the conference can be found here We are happy to welcome a new Post Doc in our group, Saurabh A warm welcome to Saurabh who has recently joined the group. He will work on the construction of systems for the characterization of thin films and develop high performance thermoelectric materials. Big congrats to Mariano, he is the first PhD student of the group graduating! A drum roll for Mariano on successfully defending his thesis! It takes dedication, hard work, and a lot of persistence to complete such an accomplishment. Hats off to you and Maria for guiding you through this journey. Keep up the great work and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. A new rotation student has joined the group: Welcome to Angelina who will focus on ink formulation for thin film fabrication with the spraying technique. She is already hand on! Let’s welcome a new visiting student in our group: Welcome to Francesco who joined the group one week ago. He will be learning about synthesis and characterization of thermoelectrical materials. He is already practicing on our glove box. Mateja, a PhD student, is visiting us for several months. Let’s welcome Mateja Hrast who joined the group for a few months. Mateja is currently a Ph.D. student at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia. She is focusing on the Auger process in ultra-fast-dissociating molecules. Our group is still growing: Rhys just arrived! We are happy to welcome our first theoretician in the group, Rhys, who will tackle problems in surface chemistry and thermoelectric materials. Two new rotation students have joined our group, Aiswarya and Samuel Let’s welcome our 2 first rotation students this year, Aiswarya and Samuel! Aiswarya will work on epitaxially connected quantum dot superlattices and their electrical transport studies. And Samuel will study the modification of polymer surfaces with nanoparticles. A warm welcome to our new Post Doc, Mario After working on the synthesis and characterization of molecular magnetic materials for spintronic applications during his PhD, Mario developed hot topics such as light-propelled micromotors, 3D-Printing, and surface functionalization of 2D materials. He recently joined the group to work on the preparation of new Prussian Blue Analogs to be applied in sustainable, efficient, and low-cost batteries. Welcome to the group Mario! The group had a lovely time celebrating Christmas together. We participate in an escape room challenge and afterwards have a nice dinner all together. MRS Fall 2022 NOVEMBER – DECEMBER 2022 Seungho and Maria travelled to Boston to participate in the MRS Fall 2022 conference. Maria gave an invited talk explaining the role of surface species on nanoparticle sintering. Seungho presented his results in a beautiful poster. It was an intense week, but with very interesting talks and posters. They also enjoyed gathering with peers and old friends. We thank the organizers for preparing such a great program! First MeBattery Progress Meeting at ISTA We were happy to host the 1st MeBattery Progress Meeting on November 3-4, 2022. Congratulation to Maria who was named “VERBUND Professor of Energy Science” We are happy to welcome a new Post Doc in our group, Igor Igor Echevarría did his PhD with Profs. Gustavo Espino and Roberto Quesada at the University of Burgos in Spain. He joined the Ibáñez group a few weeks ago as a postdoc researcher to work on the preparation of the active solid materials for flow batteries envisions in MeBattery (Mediated Biphasic Battery). Welcome to the group Igor! A new intern has joined the group! Welcome to Abayomi who comes from Nigeria. He will help to develop our setup for the high throughput discovery of thermoelectric materials. He is already hand on! Our first group retreat after Corona! After more than 2 years without travelling because of the pandemic, we made our first group retreat after Corona. We went to Hallstatt-Obertraun where we stayed for 3 days in a beautiful Chalet. We enjoyed the snow in the mountains but also the nice weather around the lake, we had a lot of fruitful scientific discussions and also a lot of fun all together! Anna is back! After joining the group for a couple of months last summer, Anna went back to the US. She finally decided to return to ISTA for a year-long internship among us. Seungho is already sharing his wisdom with her. We are really happy to have you back in the group. We’ve missed you! Nick Stadie came to visit us! This week we had the chance to welcome Nick Stadie from Montana State University who gave an interesting talk about energy storage on carbon-based surfaces. Thanks for the fruitful scientific discussions! A new Post Doc has joined our group, welcome to Andreu! Andreu Bonet joined the group a few days ago. He will help to build a high-throughput setup for the discovery of thermoelectric materials. He is already working hard on setting a 3D printer, we are really impatient to see the outcome, welcome to the group Andreu! A warm welcome to our new scientific intern, Vlad, and visiting PhD student Ke Vlad joined the group one week ago, he will work on grain growth. He is already practising with our LSR machine! Ke Xiao is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Barcelona under the supervision of Prof. Andreu Cabot from the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) in Spain. He will be in our group working on producing thermoelectric devices from solution-processed materials and testing their efficiency. Ke is already setting his experiments, looking forward to seeing the outcome of his work. We had great speakers these last few days Dr. Matthias T. Agne, who did his Ph.D. studies at Northwestern University with Prof. G. Jeffrey Snyder and is now a Postdoctoral Fellow at WWU Münster, gave a wonderful talk about phonon channel engineering through crystal chemistry and defects. Thanks for the enlightening conversation and nice discussions! Dr. Andreu Bonet Navarro, who did his Ph.D. studies at Eurecat – Technology Centre of Catalonia in Spain and where he is now a Postdoctoral Fellow, spoke about automation of measurement and sampling for electrochemical reduction of CO2. We had interesting scientific conversations and we are looking forward to welcoming Andreu to our group this summer! And finally, we had the great pleasure of welcoming Prof. G. Jeffrey Snyder for the second time. We really enjoyed his talks as he taught us about electronic structure, phase diagrams, interfaces, and transport. A new postdoc position is currently open in our research group We are currently hiring a postdoc researcher to work on the preparation of the active solid materials for flow batteries envisions in MeBattery (Mediated Biphasic Battery), a European project which brings together 6 partners (Universidad de Burgos (coordinator), Fundación IMDEA Energía, Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Universidade de Aveiro, Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Eurice – European Research and Project Office GmbH) and which has been funded with EUR 2.5 million from the European Innovation Council’s (EIC) Pathfinder program. Please check if this topic suits your competencies and directly contact Maria Ibáñez with a cover letter and a CV via email. Please specify in the subject of the mail the topic “mebattery postdoc position”.We are looking forward to receiving your application! Join us for the Long Research Night 2022 @ IST Austria, 20th May 2022, 5 – 11 pm The Long Night of Research is one of the great opportunities we have at our institute to invite family and friends for a visit to show them insights into the campus life. Come to visit us at our playful hands-on science booth, we will host a slime-making station, explaining the chemical process behind the manufacturing of the sought-after toy. All for free! Don’t miss this opportunity. If you want to know more details about the workshop, click here We are happy to welcome a new Post Doc in our group, Shengduo Shengduo Xu did his PhD with Prof. Zhigang Chen at the University of Queensland in Australia. He joined the Ibáñez group a few weeks ago and will work on flexible thermoelectric materials and devices, and the miniaturization of thermoelectric coolers. Looking forward to seeing the outcome of his work. Prof. G. Jeffrey Snyder came to visit us! After more than two years without visitors, we really enjoyed Jeffrey’s visit to our group and all the in-person fruitful scientific discussions. Thanks to Prof. Snyder for sharing your knowledge with us! We learned a lot from the two talks he gave. The first one “Strategies for Engineering Complex Thermoelectric Materials” and the second, “Engineering Grain Boundaries in Thermoelectric Materials”. Marios is working on 2D halide perovskites Marios arrived on the 15th of November 2021 and has been synthesizing 2D halide perovskites and exploring their performance as an additive for thermoelectric materials. Similar to the work done by Mariano in our recently published paper Exploiting the Lability of Metal Halide Perovskites for Doping Semiconductor Nanocomposites; ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 581-587 Liu was highlighted in the Chinese version of MIT Technology Review Former postdoc Liu Yu and now group leader at the Hefei University of Technology was featured in an article in the Chinese version of MIT Technology Review. He explains his scientific career, how hard it has been balancing personal and work life and briefly discusses his latest publications with our group. Check the whole article in the link below. Congratulations Liu! We wish you the best of luck in your future career. Our group is still growing: Aiswarya just arrived! Welcome to our new intern Aiswarya who joined the group one week ago. She will work with Daniel studying transport in nanocrystal thin films. She is already practising on our high-temperature hall with Abid! A warm welcome to our new Post Doc, Abid Abid Raza joined the group a few days ago. He will help to develop our setup for the high throughput discovery of thermoelectric materials. He is already working hard on our temperature controllers, we are really impatient to see the outcome, welcome to the group Abid! Sharona has joined the group A warm welcome to Dr. Sharona Horta, who joined the group a couple of months ago. Her research will focus on the in-situ structural characterization of a thermoelectric material by electron microscopy. You can see her working at our HRTEM to get some exciting results! Two newcomers, Prathamesh and Maria, have arrived in our group Two new interns, Pratamesh and Maria, recently joined us. They will work on processing thermoelectric materials by solution methods. Christine is already sharing her wisdom with them. Welcome to the group! Join us for the workshop “Future Directions in Chemistry: From Biology to Advanced Materials” IST Austria is organizing this amazing workshop Sep 29-30. We have outstanding speakers that will provide an overview of some of the latest developments in chemistry what might be expected in the future. Topics include catalysis, chemical biology, energy, organic chemistry, and polymer/supramolecular chemistry. Lectures will be held onsite and live streaming will be provided for participants. All for free! Don’t miss this opportunity and register. If you want to know more details about the workshop, click here. Join us @ International nanoGe Conference on Nanocrystals (iNCNC) June 28th – July 02nd, 2021 Join us @ International nanoGe Conference on Nanocrystals (iNCNC) June 28th – July 02nd, 2021 The iNCNC is an online conference with the aim to bring together scientists of different research disciplines active in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology, with a focus on colloidal nanocrystals. - Nanocrystal synthesis, surface chemistry and assembly - Nanocrystal individual and collective optical, electronic and magnetic properties - Applications in electronics, photonics, plasmonics, catalysis, energy conversion and storage, and biology and healthcare Happy New Year 2021 All members of Ibáñez group wish you a Happy New Year!!! All members of Ibáñez group wish you a Merry Crystal, oops sorry, a Merry Christmas!!! Thanks Sergi for the picture! Mariano was visiting the De Roo lab We are trying to unravel the chemistry behind the formation of Ceria nanocrystals. Mariano went to Basel to work with the De Roo group, experts in oxide nanocrystals and surface chemistry. Stay tuned, exciting results will follow. We visit our future lab Then new lab is moving forward. Hopefully, by June next year, we will be in our new house. More fume hoods for all our wet chemistry an extra boxes for our material processing and characterization. We can’t wait!! This summer Anna-Maria and Christoph will be with us Summer is a great time for the group as interns join the group. This year two students from TU Wien has joined us. Anna-Maria will be learning about nanocrystal synthesis. Her task, play with core-shell structures. She will work side by side with Sergi and Seungho. Christoph will explore room temperature crystallization mechanisms with Tobias. Seungho is back! Seungho started as an intern in the group, and last year decided to join the grad school at IST. After doing lab rotations with Freunberger and Shigemoto he decided to do the PhD with us. He will be working on nanocrystal synthesis. We are really happy to have you back in the group. We’ve missed you! Maximilian Ritter has joined the group A new intern, Max, will spend the summer with us. He will work with Sergi trying to get large scale epitaxially connect nanocrystal superlattices. Hard task ahead! We have now a lab technician. Welcome Clara! After one and a half year we are really happy to have someone that will take care of our lab and equipment. Building a lab from scratch was full of surprises. One that we would never expected is that all new system will have some kind of issue! What a roller coaster of a year having to deal with so many issues. We hope that with Clara here things are more under control and we can run all our experiments smoothly. March was a good month for the group. We submitted the first paper done fully at IST, Cheng was awarded with the Lise Meitner grant and the group got an important grant. However celebrations had to wait due to Covid-19. Finally, we could gather and cheer together for the accomplishments made. Tobias and Alwin have joined the group Tobias has just joinned the group as a PhD student. His first project is focused on the synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites. Looking forward to see the outcome of his interesting experiments. Alwin is doing his master thesis with us guided by Mariano. His goal is to produce and characterize nanocrystal thin films. The group is working remotely In times of Covid-19, we have to stop all the lab activities and place ourselves in self-quarantine to contribute to the reduction of the virus spread. These are not easy times, but we are trying to do the best out of the situation. So we take the opportunity to catch up with literature, improve our writing skills and take some online courses in our cozy home offices. Congratulation to Cheng! Dr. Cheng Chang has been awarded with the postdoctoral grant Lise Meitner, which will support his research for the next two years. His project “Bottom-up Engineering of Tin Chalcogenide for Thermoelectric Applications” aims to produce low-cost Sn chalcogenide thermoelectric materials with high performance by enabling the unique potential of nanoparticles as building blocks. Part of the group @ nanoGe Last week Mariano and Maria travelled to Berlin to participate in the conference NanoGe. Maria gave an invited talk in the symposium Charge Carrier Dynamics and Mariano presented his first results in a beautiful poster in the symposium Fundamental Processes in Semiconductor Nanocrystals. It was an intense week, but with very interesting talks and posters. We thank the organizers for preparing such a great program! Sergi Sànchez has joined the group Sergi has taken the challenge to build up atomically connected quantum dot superlattices. Cheng Chang and Guillem Montaña has joined the group Cheng has just finished his PhD with Prof. Li-Dong Zhao, a world expert in bulk thermoelectric materials. Now he joined the group seeking for more unconventional methods to produce thermoelectric materials. He is already getting his hands “dirty” on the fume hood. Guillem has joined the group as an intern for the next 4 month. He will be working on the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles and learn electrocatalysis. Dogukan is already sharing his wisdom with him. Our first group retreat We traveled to Altausseer See where we stayed for 2 days in a beautiful Lodge. We shared home-made food, time in the nature and fruitful scientific discussions. Nature Index ranks IST Austria #3 in the World Yesterday “Nature Index 2018” were published. For the first time, the size of the institutions in which the publishing researchers work is also taken into account. IST shows up 3rd worldwide in the ranking! Dr. Balazs will visit us next week to talk about colloidal quantum dot superlattices! His talk will be entitle “Colloidal quantum dot superlattices: physical chemistry and solid-state properties“ In the first part of his talk, He will discuss the considerations for the formation of colloidal quantum dot superlattices. Understanding the physicochemical phenomena that take place during assembly is of importance for developing highly ordered materials over macroscopic length scales. Using grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS), the fluid and particle dynamics which lead to the final structures can be tracked, bringing us one step closer to the ideal ordered, homogeneous arrays. In the second part of the talk, He will give an overview how the macroscopic optical and electronic properties of colloidal quantum dot assemblies can be fine-tuned by exploiting the presence of quantum confinement and the large surface-to-volume ratio, all by simple, chemical methods. The overall effect is always a combination of doping, electronic coupling or electronic structure engineering, which can be studied and distinguished using a combination of techniques, contributing to the understanding of chemistry at the nanoscale. A warm welcome to Yu Zhang and Wei Tan Yu Zhang from IREC in Barcelona and Wei Tan from Imperial College London are going to spend the summer in our lab working on solution processed thermoelectric materials. They are already hand on! We got the JACS cover! Our cover art representing our paper Ligand-Mediated Band Engineering in Bottom-Up Assembled SnTe Nanocomposites for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion has been selected for the front cover in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. We thank Roger Hasler for all his effort and creativity in this endeavor. Dr. De Roo is visiting IST to explain us about surface chemistry! He will explain us about his studies on organic ligands through solution and solid state NMR spectroscopy. To illustrate the usefulness of the NMR toolbox, he will work through several case studies on a variety of nanocrystal types such as metal oxides or CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals. You can read more about his work in the following publications. Chem Mater 2018, 30, 5485-5492; ACS Nano 2016, 10, 2071-2081; Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 2015, 54, 6488-6491; Nat. Mater. 2016, 15, 517-521; Chem Mater 2017, 29, 6104-6113; Chem. Mat. 2018, 30, 8034-8039. We have done our first synthesis! It took us almost 5 months but finally we have the fume hoods fully equipped and our small glovebox running. IST Austria ranked #8 Nature Index 30 under 30 List IST was listed as number 8 in the Nature Index as a young institute that surpasses its peers in high quality science. The complete list consists of universities and research centers that are under 30 years old. Prof. Dr. Paul Alivisatos will be awarded 2018 Wilhelm Exner Medal in Vienna! The award ceremony along with the Exner Lectures will take place at Eschenbach Palace in Vienna on October 23rd and 24th. In the ceremony, together with Thomas Jennewein, Gregor Weihs and Zhenan Bao, Paul Alivisatos will receive the Wilhelm Exner Medal for his contributions to Nanomaterials development. He will be also giving a lecture entitled “Quantum Dot Light Emitters: From Displays to Enabling a New Generation of Energy Conversion Systems” on October 24. Prof. Jürgen Fleig (University of Technology, Vienna) and Maria Ibáñez will give lectures honoring the Wilhelm Exner Medalist with the title “Energy conversion and energy storage by moving ions in solids” and “Rational Design of Thermoelectric Materials from Nanocrystal Building Blocks” respectively. Find out more and register for the event! Building a Campus for Science! IST Austria is expanding to include the fifth laboratory building for chemistry, grad school and library. Save the date (October 11) for the ceremony where the official start of the construction will take place. Do not forget to register if you would like to attend the event to learn more about the new developments at IST Austria. Maria Ibáñez will be introducing the new research field at IST Austria during her talk at the ceremony.
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There were too many people outside He could see the sword inside with his special ability, but he didn't know what it would look like after it was released He didn't dare to do it rashly outside One step of action can only lead them into the room The bedroom is smaller than the living room, but there are fewer people, which is better in terms of safety. Mrs wanted to kill this guy right now, but that was the most irrational behavior, and he could trap himself in it if he was not careful As long as all the documents on him are taken away, it is impossible for him to leave Toronto in a short time After the diary is exposed, his death will come Mr. no problem, this is just a trivial matter Mr. grinned They were special forces, and they were special forces among the special forces. They were brothers, and slowly reunited together On the plane, he was taking cape medical weight loss hours other touch of elegance slimming pills agents who followed, sorting out all the treasures go When the baby was separated, but the ones who came back did not We all came back together. it looked at it with some displeasure, and thought to himself, if this guy has nothing to do to make trouble, I will give him another kick I heard you're back, so come check it out. you first gave the menu to Mr. very politely, and you shook his head You can order whatever you want, we are small, so we don't need to order too much Mrs was not polite, he held the menu in front of him, glanced at it, and started to order. chinese herbs to suppress appetite Lingyu, like Lingshi, is an energy carrier that contains the vitality of heaven and earth, but the vitality of heaven and earth in Lingshi is larger and more advanced. weight loss drugs free sample No matter who it is, as long as it makes a mistake, it should be punished as it should be If he had other options, he would not make such a bad move. Although the he is powerful, there are many powerful enemies in he, Sir and even the whole world, but please medical weight loss charlotte rest assured, Mr. Ye, our we will definitely investigate this matter, and anyone who dares to attack us like this, will definitely not end well they said immediately, judging by his calm face, he deserved to be the No 3 member of the Mrs. hope so. After that, Sir threw the phone on the bedside, and then fell asleep she's phone didn't move at all for the next ten minutes, but after ten minutes, it started to vibrate continuously In a few minutes, Mrs.s phone rang more than ten times. Bamban, nothing happened here recently, right? Wuhen asked During the past few days of getting along, Wuhen has a deeper understanding of medical weight loss charlotte many of Suharto's habits. Do you have any instructions? 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If a person how to suppress appetite with a small caloric content said that, it meant that she drank at least five glasses Five glasses, to say the least, is a bottle of red wine! Plus the half catty of white wine that he weight loss drugs free sample drank at home. not to say that you can take it a month supply to get your following a lot of extra pounds. they recalled carefully, although there were silk scarves in the past, all-natural appetite suppressant pills they were all isolated, not as many as today, what happened? Could it be that he was sick from the silk scarf? you, take a look, my eyes are a little blurred too! Sir looked at the younger sister beside her and said. 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After green slimming gel pills all, there are a lot of holidays during the Lunar they, and some work has to be put down, and I will continue to do it when I come back after the year I am afraid that I will forget everything in my mind By the way, last Saturday seemed to be the grand ceremony of the clothing association! I suddenly remembered this matter. But what non-stimulant appetite suppressant for those with anxiety she acted was so similar, it felt like she was acting on TV, you could tell it was a play just by looking at it! we was startled by such a pounce, then she patted they's shoulder lightly, and said softly, don't cry, don't cry, tell me, what's the matter? we said so, but her eyes were on Madam Apparently, what she really asked was we. How about this weight loss drugs free sample reason? he looked at Mrs cape medical weight loss hours and said angrily, why are there so many words! With that said, Mrs. stood up and walked behind Mr. they walked around behind Mr. He was wearing a hat and collar turned up. Using chinese herbs to suppress appetite the word'help' is too outlandish, right? After hearing this, it said, come on, what's the matter? It's the end of the year now, and it's almost the Miss These days are too busy, and the employee's benefits, that is, the Miss's gift for the we, have not been arranged yet. and anxiety to increase the rate of hunger control, which are normally important. This is the best option for you and will not be able to eat more than 4 hours of meals before a meal. This is why it is also a popular choice for people have men and women who want to try it along with a multiple bottle for their bodybuilders to start the Exipure. It helps to reduce your appetite and improve metabolism, reduce satiety, boost metabolism, and improve stress frequently improves gives you the oxidation of the diet to control appetite. Mr. Zhang! 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If this goes chinese herbs to suppress appetite on, I really can't stand it! Who knows? Maybe it's because I didn't find a woman to accompany me, so I'm depressed! After hearing this,. Probably this has something to do with Sir's ups and downs last night! Just changing the house, I changed four times, but in the end, I still didn't escape Mrs's clutches! he went to the bathroom and took a shower to wash away the tiredness on his body and wake himself up When he came out, Mrs. had already woken up and was sitting on the bed in a daze I stood in front of the window and looked out. SuperHD is a high-quality weight loss supplement that work by stimulating the body's appetite. The taste of the dumplings was still very good, Mrs's father also went downstairs at this time, ate a few, and then went upstairs again The big card is to play cards, show up and leave. However, this supplement is claimed to help you drop weight and balance your metabolism, but allows it to slowly and easily. 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Or do you want to look at each other obsessively, and take back the lost advantage? Both are clearly impossible I wanted to ask Mrs. what it chinese herbs to suppress appetite meant. Science- The company is proven to boost metabolism, but it is rich in fiber, and gives you rich in fiber. Thermogenic fat burner is a natural weight loss supplement that is backed by a few positive store. Among the best weight loss pills on the market, we're not available for every kind of the best weight loss pill. As for the city defense battle, this is the first time that Miss has appeared in training in a defensive posture In the previous trainings, he was chinese herbs to suppress appetite basically on the offensive side. When you come out of the Miss Instrument, it happens to be the time for the time-space machine to start up again As for whether you can come out alive, it is up to God to decide If you live, I'll give you a little gift to take home After the old man finished speaking, he disappeared automatically I fell on the bed and fell asleep quickly He was really too tired. Do shemale look good? Of course, they look good when they put on clothes, but if they take off their clothes, no matter how beautiful the back and buttocks are, there are some places that must not be looked at, otherwise it will destroy the imagination. But if he pretends to be burn fat while sleeping pill loyal to others because of this, then I will never forgive Miss No, master, I really didn't hide anything Madam sneered, he didn't say anything, but began to think about what the purpose of Mrs. was. It's nothing, just seeing that your temple is not happy, pick a few that are easy to kill, kill them all, and then throw the corpses at the gate of your temple they hugged his shoulders and said with a smile Just you? he looked as if he had seen a ghost, he had already seen Sir's extraordinary cultivation. Madam didn't respond to Madam immediately, he just stared at I with indifference and death in his eyes, and kept silent for a long time, so long that Miss thought that he had been exposed countless times, but fortunately, he chinese herbs to suppress appetite was patient enough. And explore The result of the investigation is only a shock in my heart the resilience is too strong! This is still a we that was suppressed by the Miss and wiped out five thousand chinese herbs to suppress appetite years later. Therefore, most of the temple disciples who rushed to the she were killed or injured, and most of the remaining ones also lost the ability to continue fighting. 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At this time, the first day of Sir's seven-day plan has cheap but effective diet pills passed The few people did not go to the front hall of the temple after they came back. demon's burning technique, that is to say, there is no vitality of heaven and earth within ten thousand miles of the house But no one diabetes medication for weight loss injection cares about this point, the vitality will be restored after all, and the only problem now is the demon. After passing through this monster garden, there is a small hill sealed by a large array, and these six monsters are on the green slimming gel pills hill they nodded, got up and left the tunnel he dug, and returned to the ground Then he directly sealed the hole to prevent anyone from accidentally discovering the hole. And now he was indeed very curious, and really wanted to see if that person was the six-fingered piano demon Sir he had seen before. 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Previously, I judged that the old lady of the we should have 30 to 40% of the combat power of the God of Transformation, but now it seems that if this old lady seizes the opportunity to fully display her combat power, I am afraid that the fifth or sixth floor or even the seventh or eighth floor of the God of Transformation will be destroyed. Although he knew touch of elegance slimming pills that everyone really cared about him, and he said this because he did have such strength, this sudden change in attitude still made burn fat while sleeping pill she dumbfounded. When you have a send trying to be prepared with your doctor's prescription weight loss pills. It's not true that the best appetite suppressants are high in dietary fruit, and specialized as a popular weight loss. It's a pity, kid, how long does it take for that mother stone you mentioned to produce a soul of fire spirit? If you only consider it itself, it is estimated that it may not be able to produce one in a few hundred years, but if combined with the surrounding environment, I estimate that it should be possible to produce one in a few years. ah? how come? Miss, tell me quickly, what is going on, why is it to fight against those things! That's right, we've all been there many times, and each time we exchanged things with the living corpses in the mountain tomb at most, but we've never heard of them doing anything good. the Valley of it, I don't care if you are Standing on my side or attacking me at any time, I have to take out this coffin Miss said so chinese herbs to suppress appetite on the surface, he kept laughing secretly in his heart, he is green slimming gel pills not stupid, how could he take out such a good. All of these appetite suppressants are the most effective weight loss supplement within $39 per bottle. 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It's just that he doesn't chinese herbs to suppress appetite know what he saw in front of him just now If he goes on faster, if someone appears, then Heshan will be over. What kind of disease is this? From my's narrative, Mr. couldn't think of green slimming gel pills the cause green slimming gel pills of the disease at all In the past few years, my sister and I have hired many famous doctors in private, but no one can cure my mother Just last month I couldn't speak anymore Her teary eyes moved Madam's heart. Don't look at her open appearance all day long, that's all She got used to it when she was with us, but in fact she only has you in her heart Stupid, ignorant, and medical approved weight loss machines want to die. The old man laughed loudly and said, that's still fake, what's the matter? Have no confidence in yourself? Madam suddenly prima weight loss capsules to buy felt that the world was not so beautiful Maybe it didn't take shape, and the information I called didn't say a man or a woman how about you help me see we handed over a test report to it. Since arriving here in the morning, he has been discussing the possibility of the existence of the tomb with those experts, and he hasn't taken a break until now I'll be leaving in a minute, just to say a few words chinese herbs to suppress appetite to you. Sir doesn't care what Miss is thinking about What, I saw from the screen that Yuxi was still in I's hand, and couldn't help but yelled, and Mrs. who was holding Yuxi to observe in the tomb, showed appetite suppressant nighttime an embarrassed expression. He really couldn't understand how those celebrities came here every day? Brother is not a star, chinese herbs to suppress appetite as for this, right? After getting into the car, Mrs looked at the torn newspaper in his hand and a scratch on his arm, and said angrily Famous is good for farts! Fortunately, I am not a woman, otherwise I would have been groped all over my body These things that Mrs said have indeed happened to female stars. I, who has been green slimming gel pills playing horses for half my life, can lose to you Antique? All right, all right, let's add a bit of color to make it interesting. He is a jockey? it and Miss looked Timur up and down for a while, strange expressions suddenly appeared on their faces, and they stood there looking at each other in blank dismay. rushed out of the starting point like an arrow from the string Although there were only a dozen or so horses, they rushed out together with extraordinary momentum. Occupying a favorable track means leading the horse position, and can also block chinese herbs to suppress appetite the running position of other horses Often the champions of the competition are here. he smiled when he heard the words, of course he knew that with such a short distance, it was impossible for Zhuifeng to be tired at all If he guessed correctly, it was probably a play played by Timur and Zhuifeng. In order to prevent we from causing trouble for cape medical weight loss hours them, several companies finally decided to pay he another billion dollars in compensation. times, cough, Mrs, why didn't you tell me earlier that there was a guest! Why are you still a foreigner? It's all in the room Why are you still wearing sunglasses? we complained to Miss in a low voice, he was a little surprised, looking at the two people wearing sunglasses at the door, they looked more like bodyguards, when Mrs. was working in the they, he often saw such people. Will the Mrs. agree to cape medical weight loss hours our request? You know, before the Miss, they didn't even Navicenter sell the accounts of the they, and it was even more difficult for domestic scholars to enter the secret room of the Mr to study some orphan artworks that didn't exist in China. After the snake letter touched Mr.s clothes, my's whole body became stiff, and his heart beat was definitely more than twice chinese herbs to suppress appetite the normal rate. Just when the chinese herbs to suppress appetite giant crocodile was about to swallow him, the explosives and grenades triggered by Lambert exploded in the giant crocodile's stomach If there are only bombs and explosives on Lambert alone, it may not be able to blow up the giant crocodile, but the giant. I recommend a sensitivity for my ephedrine in Garcinia Cambogia State is another weight loss supplement that has been shown to function and cause a long-term problem. Green Slimming Gel Pills ? 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As if Mrs. hit the sore spot, Mrs snorted again, and then printed the specific turn on the computer With the printing sound of the printer, after a while, Mr. signed the transfer procedure, and handed it to they unhappy Mr took the transfer procedures and did not delay any longer. Clearly a high-end silent fan! On the display, the self-test has just been displayed, and then restarted directly! Afterwards, during the self-test phase, unlimited reboots my pursed his lips, unplugged the power cord, and the main unit suddenly lost power After opening the main box, Sir was startled. As wellbutrin the skinny happy pill the backbone of the current hacker world, the second generation of hackers has excellent technology and high quality, and has supported the hacker circle. The bald leader behaves calmly in the face of danger troubleshoot chinese herbs to suppress appetite and fix it as soon as possible! The technicians of the my quickly began to detect system problems and started to repair them. Sir turned around and walked into the living room, and found a paper bag, which happened to be used green slimming gel pills to store food preservation boxes. Instead, you went to find all kinds of evidence to prove your innocence! It's a pity, it's a pity, you are a top-notch scum with no moral bottom line and no character at all, and you actually framed your classmate! we really couldn't stand it anymore, and exposed your ugly face again. snort! If they had conclusive evidence in their hands, they would have rushed forward and arrested me for interrogation!Thinking of this, Mr. felt relieved, moved his position, turned on the graphics workstation, and searched for a large stand-alone game to download on the Internet. After adjusting his mentality, he politely said to she Ms Mu, hello! In the private room, you was playing Snake with Mrs. with his Nokia mobile phone It's fun. really yelled, help, rape, help! Sir didn't care, instead he laughed chinese herbs to suppress appetite triumphantly and said Little girl, I is going to rape you today! Let's green slimming gel pills see where you are going! my rushed forward, threw Mrs. onto the bed, green slimming gel pills and tore Mrs.s clothes vigorously.
The world’s first truck September 6, 2006 It was one of the greatest talents of inventor Gottlieb Daimler to find ever more applications for his engine. He came up with the motorcycle, the motorized handcar, a motorized fire-fighting pump, and – eventually and almost inevitably – with the truck. Back in 1896, he set up the first truck on iron-clad wooden wheels – a type of carriage without a drawbar but with an engine instead. But as all inventors know, all beginnings are difficult – not only for people who are ahead of their time. While it is true that the world’s first truck initiated motorized road transport as we know it today, it did not attract a single buyer in Germany. In the early stages, the truck had to overcome a great deal of resistance – much more than the passenger car. This story explains the early development and marketplace problems of the truck - the very first truck and a brand new category of vehicle. Unlike the car, the truck had a hard time winning recognition in the early days. Whereas the high society had welcomed the car with open arms as an enrichment of their personal freedom, the truck came up against severe skepticism in industry: capital goods had to earn money. And of course, Gottlieb Daimler’s first truck was matured only to a limited extent – even though its time had definitely come. Two-cylinder engine instead of a drawbar It was one of the greatest talents of inventor Gottlieb Daimler to find ever more applications for his engine. He came up with the motorcycle, the motorized handcar, a motorized fire-fighting pump, and – eventually and almost inevitably – with the truck. Back in 1896, he set up the first truck on iron-clad wooden wheels – a type of carriage without a drawbar but with an engine instead. Pragmatism was a hallmark of this vehicle with a coach-box, a vertical “cab” reaching up towards the skies, as well as with a platform with the logo “Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft Cannstatt” printed on the side. Strictly speaking, this was a converted horse-drawn cart whose chassis featured transversely mounted, fully elliptic leaf springs at the front and coil springs at the rear. This complex suspension was important not only because of the poor road conditions at the time but also because of the engine’s distinctive sensitivity to vibrations. The rear-mounted four-hp two-cylinder engine called Phoenix had a displacement of 1.06 liters. It had been adopted from the passenger car, and operated in much the same way. The engine’s typical features included glow-tube ignition and spray-nozzle carburetor. Gottlieb Daimler quoted “the compactness and elegance of the design, the noiseless and jerk-free operation and the odorless exhaust gases” as the major advantages of the Phoenix engines which had been designed to operate on as many as three fuels: gasoline, coal gas and lamp fuel. Pinion drive as a forerunner of planetary axles The truck engine operated on gasoline – which, however, had to be bought at the chemist’s at the time. On the other hand, this vehicle already boasted a feature which was to become the trademark of New Generation trucks through to the SK at a much later stage and which is still indispensable in present-day construction site vehicles – an early type of planetary axle. Belts transmitted the power produced by the engine, which was installed in an upright position underneath the rear end, to a shaft – with pinions at both ends – mounted transversely to the vehicle’s longitudinal axis. Each of these pinions meshed with the internal teeth of a ring gear which was firmly connected with the wheel to be driven. Lack of interest in Germany Despite of this, Gottlieb Daimler did not enjoy success with his first truck in Germany. Nevertheless, a buyer was found in the mother country of industrialization, in England. In that country, steam-powered vehicles had long since managed the step from rail to road – where these fossils did not become extinct before the 1950s. At the same time, however, England was a country in which coke and coal were particularly cheap – which is why a vehicle with a gasoline engine was hardly given a chance.On the other hand, it was on the British Isles that the Red Flag Act was abandoned in 1896. This was a decree with which the horse lobby successfully defended itself against the machine-driven means of transport for a long time. Until 1896, horseless vehicles were not allowed to drive faster than four miles an hour and had to carry a crew of three people: two for operating the vehicle and one for walking ahead of the vehicle, red flag in hand, to warn other road users. Green light in the mother country of industrialization It was a lucky coincidence that the Red Flag Act was abrogated in 1896. Daimler’s “Motorized goods vehicle order no. 81 ... for the transport of 1,500 kg”, as the entry in the order book of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft reads, was given the green light in the mother country of industrialization. It was nevertheless not before 1901 that a truck proved to be superior to the steam-powered truck, customary on the island at the time, in a comparative test in Liverpool. It goes without saying that the engineering needed time to mature. Nevertheless, Daimler rapidly advanced into the five-ton payload category. The output of the first truck range launched soon afterwards ranged from four to ten hp, payload capacity from 1,500 to 5,000 kilograms. Shortly after the world’s first truck had been supplied to England, Daimler presented a range comprising as many as four models which he offered from September 1896. In the same year, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach moved the six-hp two-cylinder Phoenix engine, previously mounted at the rear in the style of an underfloor engine from Büssing, to underneath the driver’s seat, and the four-speed belt transmission equally moved to the front. Decisive improvements as early as 1897 However, this solution still left a lot to be desired, especially as the belt transmission, which had proved itself in passenger cars, was suitable for heavyweights only to a limited extent. Therefore, as early as 1897, just one year later, the truck was finally given a face that clearly distinguished it from the car and paved the way towards ever greater output and payload. The engine found its traditional place right at the front, ahead of the steered axle, and transmitted its output via a four-speed gearbox and a full-length longitudinal shaft and pinions to the rear wheels which continued to be iron-clad.Inventor Gottlieb Daimler improved not only the powertrain but also the engine. The glow-tube ignition was replaced by a new low-voltage magneto ignition from Bosch, which ignited the gasoline/air mixture in the engine which had been enlarged to 2.2 liters. A completely new design principle was adopted for the radiator. In April 1897, Wilhelm Maybach had completed his groundbreaking tests with the tubular radiator which represented a decisive improvement of the cooling system – an indispensable precondition for a higher power output. Practical testing in brickworks But even Gottlieb Daimler must have felt somewhat scary in view of so many innovations in so short a time. For the time being, he proceeded somewhat more carefully before he launched a new five-tonner (in those days, the tonnage always related to the payload capacity, not to the gross weight). Without much ado, he handed over the truck, which was highly advanced by the standards of the time, to brickworks in Heidenheim, where its weaknesses were systematically identified in arduous day-to-day operation – and eliminated. After that period, however, Daimler left no stone unturned in promoting his trucks. With his five-tonner, he set out to Paris to present this new truck alongside a four-hp belt-driven car. In this lively metropolis, a competition organized by the French Automobile Club was followed by a motor show in the Tuileries Garden, where Daimler exhibited his latest scions. “Large crowds, many vehicles of all kinds – our truck and taxi attract a lot of attention,” Daimler’s wife Lina noted down on June 15, 1898, pleased with her husband’s success. Yet those with a doubtful view of the truck with combustion engine remained in the majority for a long time to come. It was generally assumed in Europe that combustion engines were right for passenger cars, and steam engines and electric motors for commercial vehicles. Fears were still too great. People were reserved not only because gasoline had to be bought at the chemist’s. Few people understood the engineering which, incidentally, was far from being able to cope with all the hardships the roads had in store for vehicles at the time. The buyers of Karl Benz’s first bus, for instance, returned the vehicle to him in winter 1895/1896 because they had difficulties negotiating the ruts carved by heavy-duty horse-drawn carts into the roads. Preparing the ground for the truck Another general problem was the fact that the spoked wooden wheels customary at the time tended to smolder or even catch fire under certain circumstances. The conventional combination of journal and bushing was susceptible to crushing at the edges, leading to burn marks on the hollow hub. To make things worse, iron wheels provided poor traction, while there was little to prevent solid-rubber tires from melting or crumbling under the impact of heat. And through to the 1920s, pneumatic tires were suitable only for light loads. Nevertheless, the ground had been prepared for the truck. The industrial revolution gathered momentum, and mass products were pushing into the market. The demand for distribution was rising. The customs barriers within the German Reich had been torn down as early as 1871. The history of road haulage is more closely linked with the history of trade and road construction than is generally assumed. Road haulage flourished at the time of the Romans who used a well-kept network of routes for their trading activities. Trade declined when the routes were no longer maintained. Sectionalism and customs barriers also contributed to this development. Precursors: Muscle, wind and steam power In spite of this, attempts had time and again been made to build vehicles which did not depend on animals. As early as 1447, a vehicle was built in Memmingen (and in 1504 also in Pirna), which was propelled by the persons on board via a rotary mechanism. However, this vehicle made progress only on well-made paths. In 1599, Dutch mathematician Simon Stevin came up with a vehicle fitted with sails and driven by wind power. The Prince of Orange-Nassau, governor of the Netherlands at the time, liked to travel in this wind-powered car. The French army commissioned the first steam-powered vehicle. Financed by the French Minister of War, the first steam-powered trucks were built between 1770 and 1801, designed by engineer Nicolas Joseph Cugnot. A vehicle still existing today – 7.25 meters long, with an enormous copper steam vessel at the front and a gross weight of eight tons – came at a price that is equivalent to some 400,000 euros. In its day and age, it was used to carry cannons; today it is one of the attractions of the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris. There was no lack of inventors and fiddlers in other countries, either. A certain Major Isaak de Rivaz, serving in the army of the then Swiss Republic of Valais, used a gas machine as a power unit in the early 19th century. The gas mixture was electrically ignited in an upright cylinder, and the wheels were driven via cable and ratchet. In 1864, Siegfried Samuel Marcus, an electrical engineer born in Mecklenburg, put a first vehicle operating on gasoline and petroleum into operation. The crucial criterion is economic efficiency It was not before the end of the 19th century that truck engineering had sufficiently advanced to be considered a viable proposition. From then on, people became ever more aware of the disadvantages of horse-drawn carts. Animal power did, after all, have its drawbacks. At the time, a horse was available at the princely sum of 1,500 Marks. And a horse had to be curried and fed, no matter whether it had work to do or not. The grooming of a horse incurred annual costs of some 1,000 Marks – to be paid on top of the purchase price. By comparison, Daimler offered his new 1.5-tonner at a price of 5,200 Marks, while the five-tonner carried a price tag of 8,500 Marks. It is therefore not surprising that contemporary cost calculations arrived at results which were by all means favorable for the truck. According to these calculations, a medium-sized transport operator using horses incurred costs of 20.8 Pfennigs per ton-kilometer, whereas transport by motorized truck cost only 13.8 Pfennigs per ton-kilometer. In spite of this, Gottlieb Daimler made light of the aspect of fundamentally new technology when he advertised his motorized truck at the annual agricultural show of Württemberg in the fall of 1897. It was just as paradoxical as it was shrewd for him to display his truck in the same row in which the traditional draft animals were lined up. He also distributed pamphlets on which he listed all the jobs the truck could do just as well as a workhorse, pitting this against the diseases, the thirst, hunger and wayward behavior of animals – which would not be found in a truck. Transport operators engaged in heavy-duty distribution were the first to discover the advantages of the new engineering for themselves: brickworks and breweries ranked among the first branches of industry, which bought trucks in large numbers. The new five-tonner of 1898 was particularly popular among the breweries. Seven of the nine five-tonners recorded in the order books were supplied to customers as “ten-horsepower beer carts”. And in 1912, when as many as 5,400 trucks operated on the roads of the German Reich, 43 percent of these were doing service for breweries. Of all the trucks registered at the time, 23 percent were used in goods transport, and seven percent were operated by mills and brickworks. The truck gains momentum in the 20th century However, long-distance transport remained the domain of the railways for a long time to come. The distribution of labor at a time when the truck was still in its infancy was like this: while the railways linked the industrial centers with each other, traditional horse-drawn carts and trucks distributed goods to smaller towns and villages. For the time being, truck sales developed rather leisurely. By 1901, there were as many as 16 manufacturers in the German Reich, but between themselves, they produced just 39 units in that year. From then on, however, the truck gained momentum. Truck production figures of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) rose to 140 units in 1903, for instance, and exceeded the 1,000-unit mark in 1910. Nevertheless, it was not before the second decade of the 20th century that the commercial vehicle industry experienced a first veritable boom. This was not triggered by economic developments but by politics: from 1908 trucks were subsidized to create a reserve fleet for the German Army – to be drafted should the worst come to the worst. The armed forces paid a purchase premium of 4,000 Reichsmarks and a premium of up to 1,000 Reichsmarks as a contribution to the operating costs (for up to four years) to buyers of civilian trucks who were prepared to make their trucks available to the army in the case of war. First boom starting in 1914 The army had issued clear and binding specifications for these subsidized trucks. Subsidies were paid only for four- to six-ton trucks with trailers and gasoline engines which generated at least 30 hp. Other conditions: chain drive, a track width of 1,700 millimeters, drum brakes and a top speed of 12 km/h with iron-clad wheels or 16 km/h with rubber tires. As a result, production figures skyrocketed – especially during World War I. Whereas new registrations in the German Reich amounted to just 1,543 units in 1908, they had risen by as much as 625 percent to 9,639 units in 1914. And during the four war years, the German truck industry turned out over 40,000 vehicles, despite ever greater difficulties in obtaining raw materials. However, this was accompanied by a certain degree of stagnation in technical development. And the boom during the war year became a boomerang after the end of the war: exports collapsed, and the market was congested by used trucks. There was virtually no demand for new vehicles. It was not before the 1930s that commercial vehicle engineering reached the required degree of maturity for trucks to become serious competitors for the railways over longer distances.
THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. THE PRIVACY OF YOUR MEDICAL INFORMATION IS IMPORTANT TO US. OUR LEGAL DUTY We are required by applicable federal and state law to maintain the privacy of your medical information. We are also required to give you this notice about our privacy practices, our legal duties, and your rights concerning your medical information. We must follow the privacy practices that are described in this notice while it is in effect. This notice takes effect April 14, 2003, and will remain in effect unless we replace it. WHO WILL FOLLOW THIS NOTICE This notice describes our hospital’ practices and that of: Any health care professional authorized to enter information into your hospital chart. All departments and units of the hospital. Any member of a volunteer group we allow to help you while you are in the hospital. All employees, staff, and other hospital personnel. OUR PLEDGE REGARDING MEDICAL INFORMATION We understand that medical information about you and your health is personal. We are committed to protecting medical information about you. We create a record of the care and services you receive at the hospital. We need to provide you with quality care and to comply with certain legal requirements. This notice applies to all of the records of your care generated by the hospital, whether made by hospital personnel or your personal doctor. Your personal doctor may have different policies or notices regarding the doctor’s use and disclosure of your medical information created in the doctor’s office This notice will tell you about the ways in which we may use and disclose medical information about you. We also describe your rights and certain obligations we have regarding the use and disclosure of medical We are required by law to: Make sure that medical information that identifies you is kept private (with certain exceptions). Give you this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to medical information about you. Follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect. HOW WE MAY USE AND DISCLOSE MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU The following categories describe different ways that we use and disclose medical information. For each category of uses or disclosures we will explain what we mean and try to give some examples. Not every use or disclosure in a category will be listed. However, all of the ways we are permitted to use and disclose information will fall within one of the categories. We may use medical information about you to provide you with medical treatment or services. We may disclose medical information about you to doctors, nurses, technicians, medical students, or other hospital personnel who are involved in taking care of you at the hospital. For example, a doctor treating you for a broken leg may need to know if you have diabetes because diabetes may slow the healing process. In addition, the doctor may need to tell the dietitian if you have diabetes so that we can arrange for appropriate meals. Different departments of the hospital also may share medical information about you in order to coordinate the different things you need, such as prescriptions, lab work, and x-rays. We also may disclose medical information about you to people outside the hospital, such as skilled nursing facilities or home health agencies. We may use and disclose medical information about you so that the treatment and services you receive at the hospital may be billed to and payment may be collected from you, an insurance company or a third party. For example, we may need to give your health plan information about surgery you received at the hospital so your health plan will pay us or reimburse you for the surgery. We may also tell your health plan about treatment you are going to receive to obtain prior approval or determine whether your plan will cover the treatment. For Health Care Operations We may use and disclose medical information about you for health care operations. These uses and disclosures are necessary to run the hospital and make sure that all of our patients receive quality care. For example, we may use medical information to review our treatment and services and to evaluate the performance of our staff in caring for you. We may also combine medical information about many hospital patients to decide what additional services the hospital should offer, what services are not needed, and whether certain new treatments are effective. We may also disclose information to doctors, nurses, technicians, medical students, and other hospital personnel for review and learning purposes. We may also combine the medical information we have with medical information from other hospitals to compare how we are doing and see where we can make improvements in the care and services we offer. We may remove information that identifies you from this set of medical information so others may use it to study health care and health care delivery without learning who the specific patients are. We may use and disclose medical information to contact you as a reminder that you have an appointment for treatment or medical care at the hospital. We may use and disclose medical information to tell you about or recommend possible treatment options or alternatives that may be of interest to you. Health-Related Products and Services We may use and disclose medical information to tell you about our health-related products or services that may be of interest to you. We may include certain limited information about you in the hospital directory while you are a patient at the hospital. This information may include your name, location in the hospital, your general condition (e.g. fair, stable, etc.) and your religious affiliation. Unless there is a specific written request from you to the contrary, this directory information, except for your religious affiliation, may also be released to people who ask for you by name. Your religious affiliation may be given to a member of the clergy, such as a priest or rabbi, even if they don’t ask for you by name. This information is released so your family, friends, and clergy can visit you in the hospital and generally know how you are doing. Individuals Involved in Your Care or Payment for Your Care We may release medical information about you to a friend or family member who is involved in your medical care. We may also give information to someone who helps pay for your care. Unless there is a specific written request from you to the contrary, we may also tell your family or friends your condition and that you are in the hospital. In addition, we may disclose medical information about you to an entity assisting in a disaster relief effort so that your family can be notified about your condition, status, and location. Under certain circumstances, we may use and disclose medical information about you for research purposes. For example, a research project may involve comparing the health and recovery of all patients who received one medication to those who received another, for the same condition. All research projects, however, are subject to a special approval process. This process evaluates a proposed research project and its use of medical information, trying to balance the research needs with a patient’s need for privacy of their medical information. Before we use or disclose medical information for research, the project will have been approved through this research approval process, but we may, however, disclose medical information about you to people preparing to conduct a research project, for example, to help them look for patients with specific medical needs, so long as the medical information they review does not leave the hospital. We will almost always ask for your specific permission if the researcher will have access to your name, address, or other information that reveals who you are, or will be involved in your care at the hospital. As Required By Law We will disclose medical information about you when required to do so by federal, state, or local law. To Avert a Serious Threat to Health or Safety We may use and disclose medical information about you when necessary to prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of the public or another person. Any disclosure, however, would only be to someone able to help prevent the threat. Military and Veterans If you are a member of the armed forces, we may release medical information about you as required by military command authorities. We may also release medical information about foreign military personnel to the appropriate foreign military authority. Organ and Tissue Donation We may release medical information to organizations that handle organ procurement or organ, eye or tissue transplantation or to an organ donation bank, as necessary to facilitate organ or tissue donation and transplantation. We may release medical information about you for workers’ compensation or similar programs. These programs provide benefits for work-related injuries or illness. Public Health Risks We may disclose medical information about you for public health activities. These activities generally include the following: To prevent or control disease, injury or disability; To report births and deaths; To report the abuse or neglect of children, elders, and dependent To report reactions to medications or problems with products; To notify people of recalls of products they may be using; To notify a person who may have been exposed to a disease or may be at risk for contracting or spreading a disease or condition; To notify the appropriate government authority if we believe a patient has been the victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. We will only make the disclosure if you agree or when required or authorized by law. Health Oversight Activities We may disclose medical information to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law. These oversight activities include, for example, audits, investigations, inspections, and licensure. These activities are necessary for the government to monitor the health care system, government programs, and compliance with civil rights laws. Lawsuits and Disputes If you are involved in a lawsuit or a dispute, we may disclose medical information about you in response to a court or administrative order. We may also disclose medical information about you in response to a subpoena, discover request, or other lawful process by someone else involved in the dispute, but only if efforts have been made to tell you about the request (which may include written notice to you) or to obtain an order protecting the information requested. We may release medical information if asked to do so by a law enforcement official: In response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, summons or similar process; To identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness, ormissing person; About the victim of a crime if, under certain limited circumstances, we are unable to obtain the person’s agreement; About a death we believe may be the result of criminal conduct; About criminal conduct at the hospital; In emergency circumstances to report a crime; the location of the crime or victims; or the identity, description or location of the person who committed the crime. Coroners, Medical Examiners, and Funeral Directors We may release medical information to a coroner or medical examiner. This may be necessary, for example, to identify a deceased person or determine the cause of death. We may also release medical information about patients of the hospital to funeral directors as necessary to carry out their duties. National Security and Intelligence Activities We may release medical information about you to authorized federal officials for intelligence, counterintelligence, and other national security activities authorized by law. Protective Services for the President and Others We may disclose medical information about you to authorized federal officials so they may provide protection to the President, other authorized persons or foreign heads of state or conduct special investigations. If you are an inmate of a correctional institution or under the custody of a law enforcement official, we may release medical information about you to the correctional institution or law enforcement official. This release would be necessary (1) for the institution to provide you with health care (2) to protect your health and safety or the health and safety of others; or (3) for the safety and security of the correctional institution. YOUR RIGHTS REGARDING MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU You have the following rights regarding medical information we maintain about you: Right to Inspect and Copy You have the right to inspect and copy medical information that may be used to make decisions about your care. Usually, this includes medical and billing records, but may not include some mental health information. To inspect and copy medical information that may be used to make decisions about you, you must submit your request in writing to the Health Information Services Department. If you request a copy of the information, we may charge a fee for the costs of copying, mailing, or other supplies associated with your request. We may deny your request to inspect and copy in certain very limited circumstances. If you are denied access to medical information you may request that the denial be reviewed. Another licensed health care professional chosen by the hospital will review your request and the denial. The person conducting the review will not be the person who denied your request. We will comply with the outcome of the review. Right to Amend If you feel that medical information we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to amend the information. You have the right to request an amendment for as long as the information is kept by or for the hospital. To request an amendment, your request must be made in writing and submitted to the Chief Privacy Officer. In addition, you must provide a reason that supports your request. We may deny your request for an amendment if it is not in writing or does not include a reason to support the request. In addition, we may deny your request if you ask us to amend information that: Was not created by us, unless the person or entity that created the information is no longer available to make the amendment; Is not a part of the medical information kept by or for the Is not part of the information which you would be permitted toinspect and copy; Is accurate and complete. Even if we deny your request for amendment, you have the right to submit a written addendum, not to exceed 250 words, with respect to any item or statement in your record you believe is incomplete or incorrect. If you clearly indicate in writing that you want the addendum to be made part of your medical record we will attach it to your records and include it whenever we make a disclosure of the item or statement you believe to be incomplete or incorrect. Right to an Accounting of Disclosure You have the right to request accounting of disclosure. This is a list of the disclosures we made of medical information about you other than our own uses for treatment, payment, and health care operations, (as those functions are described above) and with other expectations pursuant to the law. To request this list or accounting of disclosures, you must submit your request in writing to the Chief Privacy Officer. Your request must state a time period which may not be longer than six years and may not include dates before April 14, 2003. The first list you request within a 12-month period will be free. For additional lists, we may charge you for the costs of providing the list. We will notify you of the cost involved and you may choose to withdraw or modify your request at that time before any costs are incurred. Right to Request Restrictions You have the right to request a restriction or limitation on the medical information we use or disclose about you for treatment, payment, orhealth care operations. You also have the right to request a limit on the medical information we disclose about you to someone who is involved in your care or the payment for your care, like a family member or friend. For example, you could ask that we not use or disclose information about a surgery you had. We are not required to agree to your request. If we do agree, we will comply with your request unless the information is needed to provide you emergency treatment. To request restrictions, you must submit your request in writing to the Chief Privacy Officer. In your request, you must tell us (1) what information you want to limit; (2) whether you want to limit our use, disclosure or both; and (3) to whom you want the limits to apply, for example, disclosures to your spouse. Right to Request Confidential Communications You have the right to request that we communicate with you about medical matters in a certain way or at a certain location. For example, you can ask that we only contact you at work or by mail. To request confidential communications, you must submit your request in writing to the Chief Privacy Officer. We will not ask you the reason for your request. We will accommodate all reasonable requests. Your request must specify how or where you wish to be contacted. Right to a Paper Copy of this Notice You have the right to a paper copy of this notice. You may ask us to give you a copy of this notice at any time. To obtain a paper copy of this notice, please contact the Chief Privacy Officer at (818) 767-3310. CHANGES TO THIS NOTICE We reserve the right to change our privacy practices and the terms of this notice at any time, provided such changes are permitted by applicable law. We reserve the right to make the changes in our privacy practices and the new terms of our notice effective for all medical information that we already have about you as well as any we receive in the future. Before we make a significant change in our privacy practices, we will change this notice, post the revised notice in the hospital, and make the new notice available to our patients and others upon request. The notice will contain on the first page, in the top right-hand corner, the effective date. In addition, each time you register at or are admitted to the hospital for treatment or health care services as an inpatient or an outpatient, we will offer you a copy of the current notice in effect. If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with the hospital or the Office for Civil Rights of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. To file a complaint with the hospital, submit your complaint in writing to: Pacifica Hospital of The Valley, Chief Privacy Officer, Health Information Services, 9449 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint. OTHER USES OF MEDICAL INFORMATION Other uses and disclosures of medical information not covered by this notice or the laws that apply to us will be made only with written permission. If you provide us permission to use or disclose medical information about you, you may revoke that permission, in writing, at any time. If you revoke your permission this will stop any further use or disclosure of your medical information for the purposes covered by your written authorization, except if we have already acted in reliance on your permission. You understand that we are unable to take back any disclosures we have already made with your permission, and that we are required to retain our records of the care that we provide to you. If you have any questions about this notice, please contact the Chief Privacy Officer at (818) 767-3310
Here we will try and help you identify the best gold dealers when you seek to buy gold safely in 2018. Learn how to perform some proper due diligence on gold dealers using various trusted organic 3rd party review websites and methodoligies. Buying Gold Online Safely The following content is not intended to scare you. It is intended to empower you. We want to give you some online tools to buy gold safely and intelligently in 2018 and beyond. Know that in general, local coin and online bullion dealers have good business practices. But there are still various unscrupulous business practices ongoing in the gold industry. Specifically each and everyday there are individuals taken advantage of by poor business practices (e.g. bait and switch, high pressure sales tactics, overpriced coin pitches, off futures exchange leverage accounts, paper gold, electronic trade funds, etc.). All these aforementioned dubious gold buying choices virtually entirely defeat the point of acquiring gold bullion in the first place. The amounts of bad gold buys out there are about as innumerable as the amounts of good quality gold bullion product choices to acquire. The key is knowing how to determine between the two. The growth of the internet has helped expose many poor business practices in our industry. Much of the bad business practices currently still in practice (or possibly being shutdown by the CFTC) today, likely flourished throughout the brutal gold bullion bear market spanning from 1980 to the year 2000. Unknowing customer bases can be easily acquired, burned, churned, and replenished if you have a large enough marketing budget to run commercials on TV or via radio ads on supposed right wing talk radio programs. Frankly it's embarrassing to even somehow ever associated with the surprising level of bad actors in this industry. Preying on unknowing investors using legally grey tactics at the very least still deserves an enlightened shunning. Once caught the same individuals may disappear for a short time but many eventually pop up elsewhere, under another corporate name and structure. Shortly we will cover how to perform the best gold buying due diligence you can perform right now online, before you buy gold bullion or place any gold orders, anywhere. We are going to show you where and how to look in order to better ensure you don’t do business with potentially bankrupting or nefarious gold dealers who have poor business models (i.e. one in which the nefarious dealer gets nearly 100% of the transactional value, the customer gets none to little at all). The following is basically an overview of general gold dealer business models currently operating in the unregulated physical precious metals industry. Present day Gold Dealer business models are basically the following: Local Brick & Mortar Coin Shops (Collector Coins, Bullion) High Volume Online Bullion Wholesalers & Retailers (like us, Rare Collector Coin Dealers (Numismatics, Near Museum Quality) Semi-Rare and often Overpriced Online Coin Dealers (High Sales Commissions) Sell and also Store your bullion for you (risky, most with limited costly delivery) Leverage dealers (Extremely Risky) When buying physical investment grade gold bullion products, you want a return of your capital first and foremost to begin. Then low premium gold bullion in your direct possession will provide wealth protection. And likely with time, an eventual return on your capital allocated if you ever choose to sell. There is also a common saying in our industry, “If you can’t hold it, you don’t own it.” This saying essentially means that when one wants exposure to gold bullion values, one should have direct ownership first. Begin with some possession in hand and for larger allocations get your own direct account with professional fully insured non-bank depository services (e.g. Professional Secure Logistics accounts with Brink’s or Loomis directly being two examples). The lone exception is when buying gold bullion for an Individual Retirement Account (Gold IRAs). Know the IRS mandates that a 3rd party IRA trustee must be involved. No matter what LLC nonsense you get pitched online, you cannot take IRA gold bullion delivered to your home or your hands without future repercussions. Those who have done this will likely be fined or back taxed by the IRS for years to come. Gold Dealer WhistleBlower Website Luckily today the bullion industry has an active blogging, quasi-whistleblower who has documented hundreds of industry gold dealer bankruptcies, alleged gold dealer frauds, gold dealer related lawsuits, government regulatory gold dealer shut-downs, etc. This constantly updated gold dealer information page can really help readers become more aware of some common alleged poor gold dealer business practices. Many allegedly ongoing and others which have come and gone leaving potentially hundreds of thousands victims over time. Also know that the U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has helpful guidelines and statutes demanding any off exchange leverage account operations actually deliver a customer’s gold bullion within 28 days of purchase and full payment. How do You Avoid Potential Gold Scammers? For beginning would-be gold bullion buyers, the start typically goes something like so. Somehow you got interested in learning more about precious metals. Perhaps it was the 2008 Financial Crisis or newly enacted anti-spillover ‘financial freeze’ laws enacted since that raised you levels of concern ( e.g. the new G20 Bank Bail-in Laws enacted in late 2014, or new Money Market Fund Redemption Gates and Liquidity Fee laws, etc.) For convenience sake, you likely started your research by visiting Google, Youtube, or perhaps another large internet search engine. There you likely entered various search terms related to precious metals and investing. 'Buy Gold' Search Term Results If any of your search terms had the words “silver” or “gold” in them, the top half of that 1st search result page was most likely first filled with retail silver and gold dealers who have paid for their top listings ( e.g. Ad ) through services like Youtube and Google Adwords. After you scroll down past the paid Ad advertisement links you likely find other online high google ranked gold and silver dealers who have consciously jockeyed and secured high rankings for the specific search terms you entered using search engine optimization tactics (called SEO for short). On youtube you might have found a vlogger who is being compensated to suggest various gold dealers (paid affiliates). How do you figure out who from these mostly privately owned businesses and characters should be trusted with your hard earned savings? Where can I buy gold bullion safely from in 2018 and beyond? Where can I buy gold bullion at a fair price? Which gold dealers have great service and quick delivery? These questions are not easy, especially for beginners. This is figuratively how we still read the top portion of our latest “Buy Gold” google search: Even organically ranked gold dealer links may not be much better than these paid sarcastic versions pictured above. Truth is whether it is through paid advertising or ‘organic’ optimized high ranking website pages, the top to bottom results you are given from internet searches are often not the best results for your specific needs. Sure Google may be trying to help you answer your question, but they also get paid to do so via Ads. Search Engine Optimization techniques are open to honest and not so honest bullion dealers alike. The profits most likely often paying for Goodle search Ads you see for 'Buy Gold' seraches are often times paid with profits made from gold products you should avoid (and ones many poor souls likely financef by buying the wrong products). As your search continues you will likely visit a bunch of online gold dealer websites. Perhaps you proceed to read some of the writings on their websites, watch some of their videos, maybe you even called them on the phone. Within all this content and company personnel, you likely will find contradictory information is rampant. Which Gold Dealers can you Trust? Next you might think to do a search on local coin dealers in the area. Trouble is many of the search engine results will again give you mixed results between pawn shops, we buy gold shops, and perhaps a few local local coin dealers most without fully functioning well written websites nor organic online review trails. As well, there may be state taxes involved with purchasing physical precious metals locally (e.g. California, Florida, New York, etc.) perhaps throwing a wrench into a buy low, maybe one day sell some high strategy. Gold Dealer Track Records Thanks to the downward and sideways price action of gold bullion over the last +5 years, most of the ‘Johnny-come-lately’ gold sellers have been weeded out through how highly competitive the physical gold bullion industry is. Often honest high volume gold bullion dealers work on basis point profit margins (less than 1%). From recently lowering gold bullion buy and sell business volumes, as well shrinking product premiums and thus lower per transaction profitability, many recent startup gold bullion dealers are now closed. Perhaps you are thinking... Yea well there are still a lot of them out there. “I just saw a ‘Buy Gold TV’ spot recently?” on CNBC. I also just heard a ‘you should buy gold’ radio commercials on my national talk radio guy’s show driving to work today. Yes indeed, alleged active online “Bait & Switchers” or greed enticing “Leverage Account” gold pitchers still advertise in magazines, on radio shows, and through various television commercials on stock cheerleading channels like Bloomberg Business even. High price gold dealer advertising campaigns are usually a dead giveaway that the advertising business is running a high profit margin model. Such business models may perhaps be good for them, but not likely for their unknowing customers. Steer clear. When it comes to the gold bullion dealer(s) you choose, make sure they mostly offer low premium bullion products transparently and competitively priced near the live fluctuating gold spot price (note that, during financial crisis product premiums will rise substantially, as well gold bullion products will sell out and become unavailable). Be sure you can buy your gold bullion in real time (i.e. ‘Lock in Your Price’ for the gold bullion products you are buying) without having to call or send full payment by check or bank wire ahead of time. Doing this helps you avoid alleged bait and switch practitioners who use hard sales tactics after they have your funds cleared in their bank accounts. The amount of years a bullion dealer has been in business successfully is important but just being in business even for decades doesn’t necessarily mean a company has not gotten away with decades of nefarious business practices leaving a long list of private lawsuit settlements, and bitter customers behind. In 2014, an over $300 USD million a year revenue generating online gold bullion dealer (with an over 20 year track record of fine service), went unexpectedly bankrupt. This particular gold bullion dealer imploded into bankruptcy over a smattering of months. Anyone with the right active online research tools could have avoided this as there were telltale signs and online complaints many months ahead of time before the dealer’s bankruptcy occurred. The gold bullion buyers who had their capital tied up in that particular now bankrupt gold dealing company, have been fighting to get back pennies on the dollar for years now. That lawsuit is still ongoing, it is the year 2018 as of writing this. That’s four years time. Let’s try to help you avoid anything like that. Find Organic Online Gold Dealer Reviews Prior to each and every time before you buy from a gold bullion dealer, be sure to check their latest hard to rig online reviews on third party maintained websites like Know that many supposed big online review websites have conflicts of interest inherent in their business models. Just like Google search's supposed ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews, you have to be aware of the review sources they use and where they may come from. Many third party review websites can and are often allegedly rigged. It used to be you could simply check the Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating of a company. If the rating was an A or better, you could then rest assured the company was ethical. Sorry that is not necessarily true anymore. According to this investigative report by ABC’s 20/20, the BBB rating system has allegedly become somewhat corruptible. Over the years we have seen some gold dealer BBB rating go from a D or F to an A rating overnight. Perhaps after some alleged premium service payola their rating upside down. While perhaps BBB ratings do not count for much anymore, with the BBB you can typically still get a good feel for how a gold bullion dealing company runs its business. Try reading all the official customer complaints currently on the right hand side of the gold dealing company’s BBB website. Here you can learn a lot about how a gold bullion business operates. Be sure to find and drill down into all complaints to see what they are all about and how they were resolved (if at all). There you should be able to see customer's complaints in full, as well see if the business has chosen to respond. It may also detail how the situation was finally resolved if at all. While it may seem a little contradictory, it is good to see some complaints about a gold bullion dealing company. Some complaints at least show the gold dealer has enough business volume to generate some unhappy gold bullion buying customers. But better still it gives readers insight into how the gold dealer may run their business after making mistakes. Do they take direct responsibility for any shortcomings? Or are they misdirecting and shirking responsibility onto other third parties (shippers, etc.) ? How do they resolve business related customer issues and complaints? It is not necessarily a good thing to find a company with no complaints at all. This could simply be a sign that the gold dealing company just doesn’t have enough gold buying customers to complain (possibly signaling other potential issues). Or that they are completely new and inexperienced in the industry. Gold dealer due diligence you perform is somewhat similar to your credit score history. A bank prefers someone with a credit history with a few minor dings over someone with zero credit history at all. What you are looking for are (#1) the ratio of gold dealer company complaints vs positive organic reviews as well as (#2) how the company resolves if at all each specific complaint. What you should hope to see are a few minor issues. A slight ding on a gold coin or bar, a slight delay in delivery here or there, an unknown shipping charge, etc. Many complaints are either due to customers simply not fully understanding the gold bullion buying process and then prematurely overreacting by going to the BBB to file complaints before clarifying or rectifying the situation with the company directly. Often too, the complaints are also simple honest mistakes made by the gold bullion dealing business or even parcel delivering mailmen or mailwomen themselves. Avoid Gold Dealer Bankruptcies & Gold Buying Mistakes Physical precious metal bullion items are so expensive, even a single failed order could cost you years of hard earned savings. It does not matter how many times you have successfully bought from a specific gold bullion dealer before. Always perform your proper due diligence on recent customer reviews each and every single time you risk your hard earned savings in a gold bullion purchase. Every time. We are not talking about easy to rig 3rd party paid affiliate website services where the business model is either a payola per month subscription for any company who wants to be listed. Or fake review websites where individual online affiliates create various slick website designs attempting to purvey real research and honest customer reviews. Try to find hard to rig, organic review websites which have actually helped bullion buyers avoid losing their hard earned capital to imploding, incompetent, and or potentially crooked dealers. Failing gold bullion dealers and the multi-millions in people’s hard earned savings which were lost remain are there to see if you have the stomach: Northwest Territorial Mint - allegedly used customer funds to cover their operational expenses resulting in really long delivery times. An employee here waited over 4 months for a 100 oz silver bar delivery in the spring of 2007. This company’s owner recently lost a major lawsuit and the company recently filed for bankruptcy. Merit Gold - an alleged bait and switch dealer which was allegedly shut down by the Santa Monica District Attorney’s office for poor business practices. Tulving - went bankrupt in 2014, former owner is now in prison. Many former regular bullion buying customers from Tulving are still involved in a lawsuit likely to only receive pennies or dimes on the dollars they have had tied up in bankruptcy proceedings. Penn Metals - closed their doors in late 2016, supposedly due to an unforeseen and unpredictable personal health crisis of the owner of the business. Unsure whether any customers lost funds or not. As often happens in these situations, high volumes of bad customer reviews get increasingly posted online before a company goes bankrupt or shuts their doors perhaps unexpectedly. Again always investigate any gold bullion dealers customer complaint trends before each and every order you might place online. With the somewhat recent bankruptcy of the Tulving Company in the spring of 2014, many of Tulving’s then regular and even newer clients didn’t do the proper pre-order due-diligence before ordering in late 2013 or early 2014. Many are still paying for that mistake. Understandably many former repeat Tulving customers had ordered successfully from them year after year so they likely assumed all was well and it would be business as usual (order at a cheap price, bullion delivered fast, safe, etc.). We likely all know what military professionals say about assumptions being the mothers of all ______ ups. Buy Gold Locally You may be thinking to yourself, “O.K., screw these online risks, I’ll just buy gold locally”. If you are buying an even moderate amount of gold bullion, understand that most local coin shops are simply mint and larger dealer middlemen. For many $10k to over $100k orders for gold bullion locally, you may have to give the local gold dealer 100% of good funds for the order before it is placed and the price gets ‘locked in’. This same local gold dealer will most likely simply order the gold bullion items you want from a mint or larger bullion dealer, and you’ll be forced to wait it out for delivery in full regardless. For example, it wasn’t just online gold buyers who got hit by the 2014 Tulving bankruptcy, it was also street-level retail gold bullion buyers who were left flailing without delivery of what they supposedly bought at their local gold dealer. Our sincere gold bullion buying safely suggestions are as follows. If you buy gold bullion locally, get that gold bullion in your hand that very same day. Cash on the barrelhead and walk with your gold bullion, no delays. If you buy gold online, investigate each and every time before you buy gold from any gold dealer. We do not care if you have done business with them before either. Always confirm that a gold bullion dealer is indeed still delivering gold bullion within acceptable delivery time frames to be more confident on their solvency and ongoing gold bullion business practices. Buy Gold Online or Buy Gold Locally? Even if you live in or near a major city, your best bullion prices will still most likely be found online. This is mainly due to what in business is referred to economies of scale. Think about it in terms of overhead and ongoing monthly expenses. High volume online bullion dealers typically have way larger sales volumes and lower overhead costs without a retail storefront. Online bullion dealers can market to their entire respective countries of delivery, this gives online high volume gold bullion dealers a much larger population of potential clients to sell and buy from. Finding a trusted local gold bullion dealing coin shop is great if you are in need of a quick purchase or a sale for cash. There is also a sensical argument for privacy being stronger in a local gold dealer or gold coin shop but if you are buying in bulk ($10,000 USD or more) you will still get a paper trail from either a check or bank wire transfer used in payment regardless. This is due to Anti-Money Laundering policies, known in short by its acronym AML. The employees, other customers, and even bystanders on the street nearby could also begin recognize your face or worse trail you on your way home for future robbery. We may sound paranoid, but think it all through. Common sense is required to buy gold safely either online or locally. Bottom line in all choices of whether to buy bullion online or locally. All have various risks associated. Gold Bullion Price Before you buy gold bullion you should competitively check total prices either locally to hand (after any taxes associated), to your direct non-bank vault account, or to your door. You will also want to steer clear of any potential loss leader products sold by dealers at low prices, with the ulterior motive of getting you on upsell phone call or mailing lists. New articles and media reports documenting poor people who mistakenly bought fake counterfeit ‘bullion’ products via Craigslist or other online exchanges are always being reported. This unfortunately happen a lot (most go unreported due to embarrassment or perhaps the victim is still unknowingly conned). Many scam artists buy fake chinese products and then advertise them priced at or below spot to entice unknowing buyers to fall for the scam. How to Avoid Fake Gold Bullion Products Stick with only trusted proven gold bullion sellers to ensure you get the genuine articles. Know that any offers to buy gold bullion heavily priced under spot is virtually 100% of the time, a full on scam in waiting. Gold Dealer Differentiators Consider the gold bullion dealer’s value proposition. Do they guarantee all the products they sell? Do they offer fast friendly customer service? Do they have well researched, free online information to teach you valuable info? Are they consultatory, ready to intelligently answer your gold bullion related questions? Are they educating you on your various options as a potential gold bullion buyer? Or are they probing, trying to steer you into a specific gold product they recommend? Is there any intelligence to the information they provide you? Or are they merely playing on fear or greed based emotions to steer you into the product(s) they want you to buy? What about delivery? What are the details? For large would be gold bullion buyers, do they also offer any direct professional 3rd party non-dealer non-bank storage options close to home (or internationally even)? Steer clear of any vault or gold bullion storage options where the bullion dealer has any association or management involvement (potential for fraud goes up exponentially in these models). What about Gold IRA intelligence? Does the gold dealer offer any or are they simply pushing you into a one size fits all program with no intelligence at all? Gold Bullion Dealer Product Selection Does the gold bullion dealer offer high volume two way bought and sold bullion brands? Or do they merely offer an overwhelming number of specialized high price products to choose from? Good luck, figure it out yourself. Perhaps steer clear of those who only specialize in once hoarded now graded, great-granddaddy pre-1933 coins, modern proof coins, or rare high profit margin collectibles. Any large gold product premiums, when given enough time almost always disappear. Gold bullion market veterans know this and thus virtually whenever any gold product develops large premiums over their precious metal content, the savvy gold bullion buyer tends to sell off the premium gold bullion product and uses the proceeds to buy cheaper lower premium gold bullion items in order to increase the number of physical precious metal ounces one holds in total. Gold Bullion Speed of Delivery Huge demand upheavals in the physical bullion markets aside, in calm markets after your full payment clears with your chosen bullion dealer you should get tracking information and delivery to follow in a matter of mere business days (standard 5 to 10 business day check clearance times are often the longest delaying outlier here). TIf it takes long for physical delivery of your order you may be financing a losing venture. Gold Dealer Shipping Fees A recent trend in the high volume online gold bullion dealer industry is to front load premiums and prices with shipping and insurance costs included in them. Some simply offer FREE SHIPPING with a minimal spending threshold to qualify. The actual cost to safely ship gold bullion fully insured to domestic USA customer’s doors or direct non-bank gold vault accounts should vary from $5 to $50 USD per 1 to 10 ounces of gold shipped. Your chosen gold bullion dealer better have full insurance, pack tightly your gold bullion in nondescript parcels, and send you tracking information upon the start of shipment. Unless you are shipping to or taking gold bullion delivery from sources internationally, gold shipping and full gold parcel insurance fees should be minimal, yet still dependent upon the size of the order and distance being shipped. Gold Bullion Buy Back Prices Does the gold dealer you are buying from buy gold bullion back from its customer base? Bid prices are what the gold dealer is offering to buy the like kind bullion products they sell at. Ask prices are what the gold dealer is actively selling the gold bullion products at. Ask prices will always be higher than bid prices, unless the gold bullion dealer intends to eventually go broke. Gold Bullion IRAs By using a Traditional IRA, investors are able to make contributions to their retirement account tax deductible. Conversely with a Roth IRA, investors won’t be able to deduct their contribution now but the may be able to circumvent future capital gains taxes on bullion price appreciations (which currently can be as high as 28% depending upon circumstances). Of course consult your tax professional on any capital gains or losses you ever have. Also depending on the state you reside in, Gold IRAs may be totally protected against bankruptcy liens or lawsuits aimed at an individual or individual’s estate. But be careful here though. If you simply google the search term “Gold IRA” or “Best Gold IRA”, approximately 80% of the first landing page’s search results will have either ‘$25 a click’ google advertisements ( e.g. Ad ) or kick-back lead generation affiliate websites. You know why ‘Gold IRA’ is still one of the most expensive search Ad ‘s in our industry? Because people are likely often getting ripped off at the end of them. Yes rigged Gold IRA affiliate review websites and 6-page Gold IRA kits for your phone number be damned. Likely the end the results of those paths will be some overpriced high premium collector coin ‘Bait & Switch’ or perhaps a non-IRS approved ‘physical IRA possession pitch’ neither of which will be in your long term best interest. To acquire honest and fair bullion products for your IRA, the process is still pretty simple. Try the following 5 steps. Locate a trustworthy gold bullion dealer with physical IRA services. Invesitigate which Gold IRA custodians your trusted gold bullion dealer works with. After proper due diligence, choose and complete your new Gold IRA paperwork and rollover forms from your former IRA custodian(s). Fund your Gold IRA with a monetary contribution, or a direct transfer from another IRA, or via rollover funds received from other retirement plans, such as a 401(k) or 403(b). Select the right IRS bullion approved products in line with your long term investment objectives. The best gold bullion dealers will have highly trained experienced staff members who can help you throughout the gold bullion IRA buying process. Purchase your selected gold bullion products with proceeds from your IRA paid for by your new IRA custodian. The bullion will then be shipped to the trusted non-bank depository the custodian or you have selected. The most important part of the entire process will be finding the combination of a highly trustworthy gold bullion dealer and gold IRA custodian who offers responsive high touch services which best suit your long term needs. If you enjoy this educational gold bullion buying safely content, signup to receive our free gold bullion buying guide here: 21st Century Gold Rush.
- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 1 month ago by Pete Giwojna. March 7, 2009 at 11:59 pm #1633Judy58Member Hi – I\’m just wondering if harlequin shrimps ARE safe with seahorses – I have read your previous replies about these shrimp and you say they are perfectly safe, which I also thought they would be, but we have just put a new pair of harlequins in with our ponies and one of the little blighters keeps going for one of my ponies tails – now I don\’t know if it is just \’playing\’ with it or is thinking about taking it any further :ohmy: the ponies are also new and only approx 2\" so could it be that the shrimp is trying it\’s luck because of the ponies size 🙂 also can you tell me if there is anywhere I can find a picture list of seaweeds/algaes as I have about 10 different types growing in my pony tank and want to make sure that they are all safe for my ponies – last question (promise) do you know where I could find a pictorial list/chart of all the types of seahorses so I can see all the different varieties – many thanks in advance Judy (ps – I lost the pony that had popeye 🙁 )March 8, 2009 at 3:56 am #4707Pete GiwojnaGuest Harlequin shrimp belong to a group of colorful, very fancy shrimp in the genus Hymenocera whose diet consists solely of starfish. They are commonly known as Elegant shrimp, Harlequin shrimp, Painted shrimp, Clown shrimp, and Dancing shrimp and are quite beautiful, having pinkish or purplish polka dots and saddles against a white background. They are 1-2 inches long with large, flattened claws that resemble flower petals, which they use to display to one another. To me, they always look like animated orchids. They are shy, gentle, and completely harmless (except to starfish) so they should certainly do well with seahorses. They occur as mated pairs and are one of my favorite shrimp. Two species are available — Hymenocera elegans, which tends to have purplish or violet polka dots, and Hymenocera picta, which tends to have pinkish or pink-and-tan polka dots. I have kept both species and found them fascinating. They are rather pricey for shrimp but well worth the cost as long as you can provide them with adequate water quality (low nitrates and no copper!). I have kept Harlequin shrimp in seahorse tanks with Hippocampus erectus and H. reidi in the past and never had any trouble whatsoever. But these are larger seahorse species and my stallions were 5-8 inches in length, so it’s possible that the small size of your two-inch seahorses makes a difference. Because of the specialized diet of the Harlequin shrimp, I wouldn’t imagine that the aggressive Harlequin shrimp is taking a culinary interest in your ponies, but it’s possible the Harlequin shrimp haven’t eaten for a long time and could be desperate (they often go unfed in pet stores and holding tanks because all they eat is live starfish). I would suggest obtaining a cheap starfish and offering it to the Harlequins as soon as possible. I always fed my Harlequins with the common, ordinary, nondescript sea stars from my LFS that were always inexpensive and readily available. They are just the common brownish to tannish or orangeish seastars that come in to any pet store that keeps marine fish in shipments from Florida or the Caribbean or wherever, often as unwanted add-ins or throw ins. Look for a regular starfish of average size, say with an arm span 3-4 inches across, and they should fill the bill nicely. (Avoid the serpent starfish or brittle stars — you want a common sea star with tubefeet.) I suspect that if they have a starfish — their natural prey — to feed on, your Harlequins will quickly lose all interest in your seahorses. However, having said that, I would keep a close eye on the Harlequin shrimp and be prepared to relocate either the shrimp or the seahorses if necessary, Judy. When discussing compatible tankmates for seahorses, it’s important to remember that one can only speak in generalities. There are no unbreakable rules, no sure things, no absolute guarantees. For instance, most hobbyists will tell you that small scooter blennies make great tankmates for seahorses and 9 times out of 10 they’re right. But every once in a while, you will hear horror stories from hobbyists about how their scooter blenny coexisted peacefully with their seahorses for several months and then suddenly went "rouge" overnight for no apparent reason and turned on the seahorses, inflicting serious damage before it could be captured and removed. Does that mean that we should cross scooter blennies off our list of compatible tankmates for seahorses? Nope — it just means that we must be aware that individuals within a species sometimes vary in their behavior and respond differently than you would expect, so there are exceptions to every rule. It’s fair to say that scooter blennies generally make wonderful companions for seahorses, but there’s always a small chance you might get Satan reincarnated in the form of a scooter blenny. There’s no guarantee that adorable scooter you picked out at your LFS because of his amusing antics and puppy-dog personality won’t turn out to be the blenny from hell once you release him in your seahorse setup. Likewise, micro-hermit crabs are generally entertaining additions to an aquarium that do a great job as scavengers and get along great with seahorses, but over the years, I’ve had a few seahorses that were confirmed crab killers. These particular ponies were persistent hermit crab predators that specialized in plucking the hermits out of their shells and attacking their soft, unprotected abdomens, and they honed their skullduggery to a fine art. They were experts at extricating the crabs and would eat only their fleshy abdomens and discard the rest. Mind you, that was only a few individuals out of a great many Hippocampines, but I could never keep hermit crabs in the same tank with those specific seahorses. It’s the smallest hermit crabs that are at greatest risk, of course, but this behavior sometimes becomes habitual. So if my experience is any guide, crab killing could become a bad habit for the seahorse that is doing the stalking and you’ll have to watch that particular pony around hermit crabs from now on. Once they have discovered how to go about it, a seahorse may develop a taste for hermit hinders and consider them to be a regular part of its menu henceforth. On the other hand, sometimes it’s the micro-hermits that are the troublemakers. Most of the time, they coexist perfectly well with their fellow janitors in the cleanup crew. But I’ve had more than a few tiny hermits with a taste for escargot that persecuted snails mercilessly. These cold-blooded little assassins would kill the snails in order to appropriate their shells. Once they had dined on the former occupant, they would take up residence in their victim’s cleaned-out shell! It soon became clear that these killer crabs were driven not by hunger, but by the need for a new domicile. Once I realized they were house-hunting, I found I could curb their depredations but providing an assortment of small, empty seashells for the hermits to use. Colorful Nerite shells are ideal for this. The same thing can sometimes happen with the decorative shrimp we introduce to our seahorse tanks. Most of the time they do great with seahorses, but sometimes the cleaner shrimp cause problems at feeding time and, on other occasions, the seahorses may give the colorful shrimp a hard time. For instance, Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) and/or Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp or Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) are popular additions to seahorse tanks to augment the cleanup crew and add a touch of color and activity to the tank. Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) are a favorite with seahorse keepers because they eat Aiptasia rock anemones, and both the peppermints and Scarlet cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) will perform another useful service by grooming the seahorses and cleaning them of ectoparasites. As an added bonus, they reproduce regularly in the aquarium, producing swarms of larval nauplii that the seahorses love to eat. Yet once established in the aquarium, those beautiful red shrimp species are much more active feeders than seahorses. They’ll come flying across the tank the moment that enticing scent of frozen mysids hits the water, raiding the feeding station and snatching Mysis right out of the ‘horse’s snouts. Does that mean they’re incompatible with seahorses? Heck no, you just shoo the pesky shrimp out of the way at dinnertime and target feed the seahorses, making sure each of them gets its fill. Other seahorse keepers caution against cleaner shrimp not because the shrimp could outcompete the ponies for frozen Mysis, but because their seahorses don’t discriminate between feeder shrimp and decorative shrimp, and may be inclined to add the expensive cleaner shrimp to their dinner menu. When introducing decorative shrimp in a seahorse setup, it is important to select good-sized cleaner shrimp for this very reason. Live shrimp is the favorite food of all seahorses and, up to a certain point, they will not hesitate to attack shrimp that are too large to be eaten in one bite. This often happens when feeding seahorses live ghost shrimp or grass shrimp, many of which are too big to be eaten intact. Seahorses are so fond of these shrimp that they often attack specimens that are far too big to swallow. In that case, they will attempt to break the back of the shrimp by snapping repeatedly at the carapace. If they are successful in severing the abdomen from the cephalothorax, the seahorses will then slurp up the tail section and head half of the shrimp separately. Or should their victim be so large it cannot even be swallowed in sections, they will snick out mouthfuls of the soft tissue exposed inside the abdomen or thorax. At times, several seahorses will gang up on one big shrimp this way, like a pack of lions teaming up to bring down a water buffalo that’s too big for any one of them to tackle alone. Under the right circumstances, a sort of slow-motion feeding frenzy may then ensue, with the seahorses playing tug-of-war over the pieces of their prize. Grass shrimp that are too large to be overcome by such tactics may survive to become long-term residents of the seahorse tank, coexisting with their reluctant tankmates in a sort of uneasy truce. Such die-hard shrimp provide a useful service as scavengers from then on. We tend to think of our seahorses as gentle, nonaggressive creatures that wouldn’t harm a fly, but in reality they are surprisingly fierce predators in their own right. To small crustaceans, seahorses are the tigers of the grassblade jungle, striking without warning from ambush and devouring anything of the right size that moves. When introduced to a seahorse setup, small cleaner shrimp face the same risks as large ghost shrimp and grass shrimp (a hungry ‘horse doesn’t distinguish between decorative shrimp that are intended as tankmates and eating shrimp that are intended as dinner). It is therefore important to select the largest possible cleaner shrimp for your seahorse tank(s). Seahorses will actively hunt small cleaner shrimp and they are quite capable of killing shrimp that are far too big to swallow whole, so the cleaners need to be large enough that they are not regarded as potential prey. Just remember that crabs and shrimp are natural prey items that are on the menu of all large seahorses. Kealan Doyle conducted a study on seahorses in the wild in Portugal in which he did a stomach analysis of wild caught individuals, and was quite astonished to see parts of quite large crabs and shrimp in their stomach contents (Neil Garrick-Maidment, pers. com.). Of course, it’s good that Ocean Rider seahorses are such aggressive feeders, but it is inconvenient at times when they take a culinary interest in one’s hermit crab sanitation engineers. Arrow crabs are another good example of the type specimens for which you might find conflicting advice with regard to their suitability as suitable tankmates for seahorses. I would characterize arrow crabs (Stenorhynchus seticornis) as opportunistic omnivores. I have kept them in a number of my aquaria over the years, including a few seahorse tanks, without any problems. They never bothered my Hippocampus erectus at all, but they can be hard on sessile invertebrates in general and I certainly wouldn’t trust them with dwarf seahorses. Nor would I trust them with a small goby. I kept a couple of large arrow crabs in my Monster Bin with a 14-inch African lionfish (Pterois volitans) and a couple of overgrown ribbon eels, and the arrow crabs proved to be fairly proficient at capturing the live minnows I fed to the lionfish, particularly after the minnows had been weakened by the saltwater. If the opportunity presents itself, they are quite capable of capturing small bottom-dwelling fishes like your goby. Arrow crabs will happily devour any bristleworms they can catch but they won’t eradicate them from your aquarium. Too many of the bristleworms always remain inaccessible to them within the rockwork and sand for that, but a small to medium-sized arrow crab or two can help control the bristleworm population. A fairly effective way to reduce their numbers is to regularly trap large bristleworms after lights out along with keeping a young arrow crab to thin out smaller worms (providing there are no sessile invertebrates in the tank the crabs could harm). In my experience, small to medium-sized arrow crabs are safe with large seahorses and can be used to help limit the number of bristleworms in your tank. But if you want to try this, you don’t want to pick out the biggest, baddest, bruiser of an arrow crab to do the job! Go with a smaller specimen, keep a close eye on it, and be prepared to replace it with a smaller individual after it molts once or twice. They grow fast and can nearly double in size after each molt. Remember there are always exceptions to every rule, and large crustaceans are never completely trustworthy. Even the most harmless and seemingly inoffensive crabs can cause trouble under certain circumstances. For example, not long ago I heard from a hobbyist that had been keeping a decorator crab in his seahorse tank. All went well at first and there were no problems of any kind for months until, for no apparent reason, the crab suddenly began to quite deliberately amputate portions of the seahorses’ tails. It was not attacking the seahorses as prey or attempting to eat its mutilated victims, it was merely methodically harvesting portions of their anatomy with which to adorn itself! It was simply doing what all decorator crabs do — snipping off and gathering bits and pieces of its immediate environment to attach to itself as a form of natural camouflage. It just goes to show, with crustaceans you can never be entirely sure how things are going to work out… In short, Judy, try feeding your Harlequin shrimp a starfish and see if that solves the problem. If not, if one or both of the Harlequin shrimp continues to act aggressively toward the seahorses, then you should relocate either the shrimp or the ponies to be on the safe side. Best wishes with all your fishes, Judy! Pete GiwojnaMarch 8, 2009 at 7:15 am #4708Pete GiwojnaGuest When it comes to identifying the plants and macroalgae in your aquarium, there is an excellent article by Anthony Calfo titled the "Best Plants and Algae for Refugia — Part II "Vegetable Filters," which includes a number of pictures of the different macroalgae that are commonly kept in marine aquariums you would find useful. You can find his article online at the following URL, and it includes a link to the first part of the article, which also has a number of good pictures of macroalgae: When it comes to identifying various seahorse species, the following book is definitely the best work that’s ever been written on that subject: TITLE: Seahorses: an Identification Guide to the World’s Species and their Conservation AUTHOR: Sara A. Lourie, Amanda C..J. Vincent, and Heather J. Hall PUBLISHER: Project Seahorse (1999) REASON FOR IMPORTANCE: the first comprehensive guide to seahorse species world-wide. The heart of the book presents descriptions of each species supported by full illustrations, photographs, distribution maps and a pictorial key. Excellent identification key and introduction to meristic counts, morphometrics, taxonomy and classification. Unfortunately, there is no information at all on aquarium requirements, maintenance, feeding, breeding, rearing or aquaculture, which limits the usefulness of this book for hobbyists. HARDCOVER/SOFTCOVER AVAILABILITY: Soft Cover (spiral bound) only, 214 pages APPROXIMATE PRICE: $44.00 But if you are looking for outstanding photographs of all the different seahorse species that show what they look like, then Rudy Kuiter’s magnificent picture book is the one for you, Judy: TITLE: Seahorses, Pipefishes and Their Relatives: a Comprehensive Guide to Syngnathiformes AUTHOR: Rudie H. Kuiter PUBLISHER: TMC Publishing (2000) REASON FOR IMPORTANCE: detailed information on over 350 different species, including Seahorses, Pipefishes, Seadragons, Shrimpfishes, Trumpetfishes and Seamoths as well as a list of all known species of Sygnathids. With more than 1000 spectacular photographs, most taken in the fishes’ natural habitats, the book contains a wealth of information about habitats and behavior, including details of ideal aquarium set ups for each species. Contains the best illustrations of seahorses to date, including courtship, breeding, birth and predation. Unprecedented coverage of pipefishes. Again, there is very little information on the aquarium care and keeping of seahorses in this book, which limits its usefulness, but the photographs alone make it well worth the price. HARDCOVER/SOFTCOVER AVAILABILITY: Hard Cover only, 240 pages APPROXIMATE PRICE: $45.00 Both of those outstanding books are fairly expensive, but well worth the investment for the serious seahorse fanatic. But I would suggest looking up copies of these books at your local library before you decide if you want to own them or not. Best of luck identifying your macroalgae and finding the perfect seahorses for your needs and interests, Judy! - You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
Carpet Cleaning Dropmore. Spotless carpet cleaners provide professional carpet steam cleaning, dry cleaning, carpet stain removal, carpet mould removal, carpet shampooing, and pet stain and odour removal from the carpet. In short, we provide all the carpet restoration services! Call 0482074872 for the same day services. Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning team is highly experienced and blessed with appropriate skills that help them bring the best out of your filthy and stained carpets. Moreover, we are equipped with the latest carpet cleaning tools and carpet cleaning solutions. Appoint us today to get the best deals of the day. - Professional Carpet maintenance services - Refresh the original look of your carpets - Steam Clean Northside, Southside, Eastern & Westside suburbs - End of lease carpet steam cleaning - Cheap & Affordable Services Refresh your Carpets with our Unbeatable Services Spotless Carpet Cleaning is an age-old and renowned name in the field of professional carpet cleaning services. We have years of experience and our professional carpet cleaners excel in carpet cleaning. Equipped with the latest tools and equipment we can deliver the best and effective carpet cleaning service for you. All of our professional carpet cleaning services are available for you at affordable costs. We follow a no-compromise policy when it comes to carpet cleaning quality and deliver desired results all the time. Now get your carpets professionally cleaned by a team of expert professionals today. Carpet Steam Cleaning Dropmore Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning provides professional carpet steam cleaning, dry cleaning, carpet stain removal & carpet restoration services! Our professionals are experts at providing complete carpet cleaning solutions. With us, your carpets are safer than ever. Our world-class services include carpet steam cleaning, carpet dry cleaning, carpet shampooing, carpet sanitization, carpet deodorizing, carpet stain removal, carpet mould restoration, flood restoration and more. Professional Domestic & Commercial carpet steam cleaners are available for the same day bookings. - Over 15 years of experience in Carpet Steam Cleaning - We use Eco-friendly carpet cleaning chemicals. - Safe for your family & pets - We are available 24 X 7 for emergency carpet cleaning services. - Our carpet cleaners are fully accredited and experienced. - We work hard on cleaning your carpet and removing any stain. - We will restore your carpet to look new and spotless. Carpets require regular attention because when they get unattended for long, they tend to become dirty. This leads to dirty indoor air and health-related issues for the inhabitants. We at Spotless work night and day to make sure your carpets stay spotless – ALWAYS! Why is Professional Carpet Cleaning Necessary? It is a MYTH that carpet cleaning can be done with efficacy by home cleaning methods. The FACT is that you will not be able to clean the insides of the carpet effectively no matter how hard you try on your own. Dirt, dust, soil, contaminants, and pollutants live deep inside the layers of the carpet therefore when you clean the surface of the carpet they remain unaffected. These contaminants, when left ignored, can cause serious health issues like running nose, itchiness, red eyes, sneezing, coughing and even asthma. Professional carpet cleaners, on the other hand, have the necessary tools and ample expertise to extract even the minutest of contaminants from the deepest of the layers. Spotless Carpet Cleaning Dropmore delivers excellent cleaning services that not just clean the carpet but also makes it absolutely hygienic for use again. So, when next time your kids play on the carpets, you will not lose your sleep over it! - Prevention of many diseases caused by dirty carpets - Refresh the new look of your carpet - Add beauty and value to your home - Prevention of breathing problems pet Hairs can cause - Dust mites completely removed using steam Carpet Cleaning Methods - Carpet Steam Cleaning: Carpet Cleaning is one of the most effective and widely used methods by professionals. Hot pressurized water and cleaning solutions are injected deep inside the carpet fibre for the deep cleaning. Then the water is extracted using a vacuum, and all the pollutants come along leaving the carpet cleaned and hygienic. - Carpet Dry Cleaning: Carpet dry cleaning is another method that cleans your carpet effectively with the help of dry cleaning solvent combined with the very small quantity of water. Then the cleaning solution is then vacuumed thoroughly for the removal of dirt, and other contaminants. - Carpet Shampooing: Another one of the top methods for cleaning your carpets is shampooing them. The professionals of our team use high-end and environmentally friendly shampoos combined with latest tools to bring you the best results for carpet shampooing. This mechanism effectively deep cleans and sanitize your carpet. Range of Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning Services Spotless Carpet Cleaning Dropmore offers the following services to all the suburbs within 100km from Dropmore CBD: - Dry Carpet Cleaning - Steam Carpet Cleaning - Carpet Repair - Wine Stain Removal From Carpet - Gum Removal from Carpet - Tea or Coffee Stain Removal From Carpet - Wet Carpet Cleaning and Drying - Water Flood Damage Carpet Restoration - Scotchgard Carpet Stain Protection - Carpet Mould Restoration - Pet Hair Removal from Carpet - Carpet Deodorization - Pet Stain and Odour Removal from Carpet - Flood Restoration - Carpet Inspection - Vomit Stain Removal from Carpet - Blood Stain Removal from Carpet - Dog’s Urine Removal from Carpet - Carpet Stain Removal - Carpet Sanitising - End of Lease Carpet Cleaning - Carpet Sewage Restoration - Carpet Fire and Smoke Restoration - Water Damage Restoration - Carpet and Re-Install - Carpet Structure Drying - Emergency 24 x 7 Carpet Cleaning Service - Same Day Carpet Cleaning Dropmore For a cost-effective, quality carpet service by that is locally owned and the operated company, look no further. Spotless Carpet Cleaning will handle your carpets with the utmost professionalism at the lowest price in Dropmore. Call us now on 0482074872 for a free quote and consultation. Our Carpet Cleaning Process Carpet Steam Cleaning cleans the carpet with either carpet steam cleaning or carpet dry cleaning. We tell you about the chosen method only after inspecting your carpet. The Processes are Given Below: Carpet Dry Cleaning Dropmore - Carpet dry cleaning begins only after a mandatory fibre inspection of the carpet. This is required to choose the right cleaning solution. - We use powerful vacuums to extract all kinds of contaminants including soil and dirt from the carpet. - Then we work on the carpet stains with our exclusive Eco-friendly stain removing agents. - And afterwards, we vacuum the carpets to make it dry. Carpet inspection is very necessary before we start our service, whether it is for cleaning dirt or removing the stain. The inspection helps us to know the behaviour of the dirt and stain and to prepare self so that we can give you the best possible service. Carpet inspection also helps us to estimate the service cost. We also give reports. Reports are designed to provide an independent expert conclusion and to help all individuals understand the possible causes of the issue so that relevant outcomes can be achieved and will usually give suggestions for solutions to an issue. Carpet Stain Removal Dropmore Old stains settled in the carpet fibre are usually hard to remove and require special cleaning solutions and equipment. Trying your luck by doing it your own may damage the carpet fibres. Therefore, it is always a suggested calling professional for safe results. Our professionals have high-quality spot Carpet Stain Removal solutions and advanced equipment for the best treatment of your carpets in Dropmore. Scotchgard Carpet Fabric Protection One of the specialised services for carpet cleaning includes carpet fibre protection against stains and dirt. Scotchgard give the much-needed protection and care to your carpet fibres which help make them long-lasting and stain free. We provide stain protection services for all types of carpets. - Woollen Carpet Cleaning and Protection - Nylon Carpet Cleaning and Protection - Olefin Carpet Cleaning and Protection - Acrylic Carpet Cleaning and Protection - Polyester Carpet Cleaning and Protection Carpet Mould Removal Dropmore Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning is one of the leading names in the carpet cleaning industry and covers all your carpet cleaning needs including carpet mould removal. Mould is a type of fungus that grows onto your carpets when the environment is humid in the home. There is nothing much you can do stop such developments. Mould is responsible for spreading various health hazards such as skin irritations and respiratory disease, it leads to a constant cough and sneezing. If you have kids in the home taking the necessary actions for mould removal is of utmost importance. The cleaning team of our professionals are aware of all ways to remove mould and other allergens from your carpets in the safest manner. So, don’t try Carpet Mould Removal on your own, instead, call us for the safe and effective carpet mould restoration. Carpet Sanitising Dropmore With the regular use, heavy foot traffic, spill, stains and dirt buildup, your carpets tend to wear off. They become the hub for contaminants, allergens, and other small insects like dust mites, carpet beetle, flea and bed bugs. Imagine your kids playing on the heap of contaminants, germs, and pests. Your contaminated carpets are enough to spread the disease around the home. When you are really worried about your carpet’s condition, it is important you hire the professionals for the carpet sanitising and disinfecting. The professional carpet cleaners at Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning is equipped with high-quality cleaning solutions and the latest equipment to kill contaminants and allergens on your floor coverings. The cleaning solutions we use in our carpet cleaning treatments are eco-friendly and do not cause any allergies. End of Lease Carpet Cleaning in Dropmore Are you looking for a reliable carpet cleaning service for end of lease carpet cleaning? Then look no more, as Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning is the ultimate option. We will provide you with the best and effective end of lease carpet cleaning service anywhere in Dropmore. We work round the clock every day to offer you assistance in case of emergency. We provide affordable end of lease carpet cleaning service throughout Dropmore. We have a fast and quick response to an emergency. We will reach your doorstep and deliver the end of lease carpet cleaning within a single day. Hire our end of lease carpet cleaning service at affordable costs today anywhere in Dropmore. Same Day Carpet Cleaning Services in Dropmore People don’t get enough time to carry self-cleaning of the carpet from time to time. Professional cleaners may take a lot of time for cleaning the carpet. We at Spotless Carpet Steam cleaning can provide you with same day carpet cleaning service. Our professional carpet cleaners are well trained and experienced in delivering the service. With proper tools and equipment, we can deliver any kind of carpet cleaning service for you within a single day. Now get your carpets professionally cleaned and all the stains effectively removed within the same day of hiring. Hire Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning today and get your carpets cleaned within 24 hours anywhere in Dropmore. We offer both commercial and residential carpet cleaning services in Dropmore As an age-old and experienced name in the field of professional carpet cleaning services, we offer various kinds of services for residential and commercial carpet installation. Commercial Carpet Cleaning Carpets installed in your commercial spaces can wears and tears with prolong and heavy use. They may suffer hard stains through dirt and get deteriorated with time. We at spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning can provide you with safe and affordable commercial carpet cleaning service. We utilise specialised tools and equipment for deep cleaning of the carpets. We will treat stains and offer the best cleaning results in no time. Avail the benefits of the best commercial carpet cleaning service in Dropmore today. Residential Carpet Cleaning Residences are our permanent shelters so residential carpet cleaning is a serious job. We at Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning will follow an eco-friendly and safe way to clean the carpet. We know the home environment can have an effect on your family’s health. So we always insist on using green and eco-friendly products while delivering carpet cleaning service. We will deliver the best residential carpet cleaning service for you and provide the best cleaning results in no time. Where Offer Carpet Cleaning Services in Dropmore? We at Spotless Carpet Cleaner offer services across all the suburbs of carpet including all the metro or remote areas. Our cleaners are well-trained in commercial as well as residential carpet cleaning. We offer carpet cleaning services in all the properties and premise across Dropmore. - Homes/ flats/ apartments - Medical Centres/ Hospitals - Child care and aged care centres. Carpet Odour Removal Services in Dropmore Dirty and unclean carpets can harbour various germs and bacteria. These bacteria will begin to produce nasty odour thereby making your carpets stink. The bad odour released by the dirty carpet will affect the home environment and impact the quality of the indoor air. We at Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning will eradicate the bad odour released by the carpet in no time. We will first treat the carpet to get rid of bacteria and germs and then carpet deodourisation will be carried out. Natural and green products are utilised to deliver the best to remove bad odour and add freshness and fragrance to the carpet. Now get your carpets rejuvenated and refreshed by hiring us in Dropmore today. We Clean and remove all kinds of stains from your carpets and rugs We at Spotless Carpet Steam cleaning have years of experience in treating and removing a different kind of stains. Wine stains can cause deterioration of the carpet and fluid may spread all around the carpet. It is essential to treat the wine stains asap to prevent permanent damage and decolourisation of the carpet. Our professional carpet cleaners can treat and remove old or fresh wine stains from the carpet. We will use safe and effective commercial products to deliver wine stain removal results, All the stains are safely treated and removed completely. Now get rid of wine stains from the carpet in no time by hiring us today. The nail-paint stain is one of the toughest types of stain, sure it makes your nail look colourful and vibrant, but it does the opposite to your carpet. Therefore one should keep something beneath the foot while painting the nails, however, if prevention could’ve stopped anything then there will be no war on this planet. The sad thing about nail-paint stain is that it becomes hard over time and difficult to remove, but at Spotless Carpet Cleaning we are known for dealing with these kinds of stain. We use the right approach for treating the stain, trust us for removing the nail-polish stain on your carpet, we won’t disappoint you. Blood stains can be very offensive and repulsive for humans. Blood stains may impact the carpet in many ways. They will first decolourise the carpet fibres and lead to deterioration. It will further contaminate the carpet by various germs and pathogens. So it is essential to hire professional assistance to get rid of blood stains asap. Our professional carpet cleaners will use effective chemicals to break the bonds between blood and carpet fibres. Complete eradication of dried or fresh blood stains will be carried out in no time. Coffee stains are very stubborn stains which can cause permanent decolourisation of the carpet fibres. Coffee will seep deep within the carpet and will be very difficult to get rid of, Our professional carpet cleaners can treat and remove any amount of coffee stain from the carpet effectively. We start by treating the stain with strong chemicals and solvents. Furthermore, the carpet is deeply cleaned and we make sure no stain is left untreated, Ink stains are very nauseating as they can impart colours to the carpet thereby affecting their looks and appearance in a negative way. We at Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning can provide best carpet ink stain removal service. We use natural and organic solvents to remove ink stains effectively from the carpet. We will provide a complete eradication of ink stains within no time. Water stains are very disgusting and ugly as they can make your carpet look ugly, dull and worn off. Water stains can be treated by our professional carpet cleaners. We use safe and effective products to treat and remove water stains the carpet. Deep and thorough cleaning of the carpet is also delivered to restore its appearance. Now get rid of all the water stains from the carpet by hiring Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning today. Mould or mildew is a fungus that can affect the dirty carpets and spread throughout your homes. Black mould is hazardous to health and can cause various allergies and diseases. We at Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning can provide you with carpet mould removal service. We use safe and strong commercial chemicals to treat the mould. Special tools and equipment are utilised to completely eradicate black mould form the carpet. Our carpet mould removal service will also prevent future infestations of black mould as well. Our Experience in Carpet Cleaning Dropmore In Dropmore, we are in the carpet cleaning industry for the last 20 years. In past years, we have been awarded by many organizations for the best carpet cleaning, best carpet cleaners & best customer service. We saved lots of money for customers who wanted to replace their dirty carpets but after our professional advice about carpet steam cleaning. We restored their carpet to look like new. They end up saving money on installing new carpets. We got a professional, trained certified carpet cleaners team. If you call us in the morning for the carpet steam cleaning service, we should be able to send one of professional carpet cleaner on the same day of booking for carpet steam or carpet dry cleaning service in Dropmore. Spotless carpet cleaners team always available for any kind of carpet cleaning service including carpet flood damage restoration, cleaning up vomit from the carpet or something spilled over the carpet. Call us now on 0482074872 for a free quote and consultation. Why Choose Our Carpet Cleaning Services? Spotless Carpet Cleaning is No.1 carpet cleaning company in Dropmore. Here are some reasons why people choose us for their precious carpets: - Lowest prices - Over 20 years of experience - Complete carpet stain and odour removal - Eco-friendly carpet cleaning products chemicals - Safe and effective carpet cleaning solutions - Round the clock availability - Emergency and same day carpet cleaning services - Licensed and certified cleaners - Spotlessly clean carpet anywhere in Dropmore We can reach you within an hour of your call! Frequently Asked Questions on Carpet Cleaning Dropmore: What is the difference between carpet shampoo cleaning & carpet steam cleaning? There are two types of carpet cleaning method both are ideally similar, but the process is a little bit different. In the carpet shampoo cleaning method, the carpet tends to be cleaned using distilled water and shampoo. This method prepares the mixture of foam and water inside the tank which removes dirt, dust and debris from the carpet and also sanitizes the carpet as well. On the other hand, carpet steam cleaning method is relatively easier and completes in less time, so, you can choose whichever suits you. What is the cost of carpet cleaning? Cost estimate of carpet cleaning is not fixed, it depends on the carpet size, you can know the estimate by asking your carpet cleaning professional. They will ask you about the details of our house and carpet. How much time it takes to completely clean the carpet? Normally it takes about 3 to 4 hour to completely do the carpet cleaning, however, it depends on the carpet size, carpet type and how dirty is your carpet is, also if there are stains on the carpet the process will take more time to get completely done. Try the wonderful service of Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning company Superb Work from The Best Company Best Carpet Cleaning Service Provider In The Town Amazing Carpet Cleaning Services "Get complete information about carpet cleaning with Spotless Carpet Steam Cleaning Company Great customer services One of the best place for carpet cleaning Location: Dropmore, VIC Australia
Let me start with a story. We are standing outside the walls of many towered Illium, the most magnificent city in the ancient world – otherwise known as Troy. But after 10 years of ceaseless warfare and siege, fair Illium is fair no longer – Illium is burning, and the red flames rage around her towers and white walls, and an odd, enormous wooden horse. Everywhere is screaming and blood and flames reflected in shining bronze armour as the Acheans, thirsty for honour, supremacy, trade and a little matter of Helen put Troy to the sword after 10 years of struggle. If you could see into the mighty palace of Priam, the aged king of Troy, you would see more horrors. The son of Achilles, Neoptolemos, is burning to revenge his father’s death from Paris’s treacherous poison. He sees Priam’s young son, Polites and shoots an arrow, catching him in the leg. Polites manages to escape, and makes it to his father’s palace, where he desperately seeks the protection of Zeus at this altar. But the powerful Neoptolemos bursts in, and in front of the eyes of his horrified father, the young warrior butchers Polites, ignoring his pleas for mercy. Furiously, the old man heaves a spear, but Neoptolemos who brushes it aside, seizes the king, drags him to the altar and butchers him in his turn. As atrocities rage, a small group escapes from the city, seemingly unnoticed – they are led by a man called Aneas, and the Danaians fail to notice him because the protection of the gods Aphrodite and Apollo are around them – Aneas’s family is destined to found a new Troy; a golden city whose name would be known to millions through the ages as the Immortal city. I speak of course, of Loughborough. Ha, Jokes, Loughborough is a small town in the East Midlands, I speak of course of Rome. I imagine you are wondering why I am telling you all of this. Well obviously, it’s because I want an excuse to warble on about the Illiad and the Aenead. But listen on, and I promise I will make it relevant. Not sure how, right now, but I’ll come good. Aneas has a son called Silvius, as you do, and Silvuis then has a son called Brutus. Brutus came with a number of unfortunate prophecies attached to his name, and duly fulfils them, including shooting his father with an arrow. oops. And he is therefore cast out from Italy and with his followers makes his way to a place called Totnes. Totnes is a jolly nice place, and if Brutus had landed there today he’d have booked himself into a nice B&B I’m sure, so I mean no disrespect to Totnes, but it’s a slightly incongruous place for the father of the entirety of British history to start. But anyway, gentle listeners, that is in fact where it all started. Or at least it was to a man called Geoffrey of Monmouth, author of one of the most influential books in British history and literature – The History of the Kings of Britain. At this time the island of Britain was called Albion. It was most attractive…and it filled Brutus and his comrades with a great desire to live there…they began to cultivate the fields and to build houses, so that in a short time you would have thought the land had always been inhabited. Brutus then called the island Britain after his own name, and his companions he called Britons… Corineus called the region of the kingdom which had fallen to his share Cornwall…and the people who lived there he called Cornishmen. Corineus experienced great pleasure from Wrestling with the giants In the meantime Brutus had consummated his marriage with his wife Ignoge. By her he had three sons called Locrinus, Kamber and Albanactus…when their father finally died….they divided the kingdom of Britain between them in such a way that each succeeded to Britain in one particular district. Locrinus, who was first born, inherited the part of the island which was afterwards called Logria after him. Kamber received the region which is on the further bank of the River Severn…now known as Wales. Albanactus too the region now known as Scotland…he called it Albany after his own name. Just to clarify, here then is what medieval Englishmen thought of as their creation story; the creation of England, originally called Logria, Wales originally called Kambria, and Scotland, originally called Albany – the only one of the three names that has survived with any modern memory. There is a deep irony in the tale. Geoffrey of Monmouth was a Welshman. “Let Welshmen remember their glorious past” the narrative cries at one point – because although Geoffrey sucked at the teet of English success and wealth in Oxford, he of course hankered after his homeland and despised the Saxon invader. But despite this, the English did what they are so perfidiously good at – they nicked it. Henry II started it all, claiming to discover the burial place of the legendary Arthur, but it was Edward I who really did the deed, during the Scottish wars of Independence. Both sides at one point put their case to the Pope. Edward breezily based his claim on Geoffrey’s history; claiming that Britain had originally been one place, English kings had always been the heir of Brutus and therefore QED the King of England was overlord of the Scots, or Albanians if you like. The Scots did point out that there was a bit of a leap there – at what point had it been demonstrated that the Kings of England had always been overlords exactly? But hate it or loathe it – and the Welsh and the Scots chose both options of course – the light-fingered English had done exactly what they do with international cricket players; they’d half inched it, and made it their own. Hopefully you are enjoying England’s creation story, but you are still probably wondering why on earth I am telling you this, and it’s a rather weak answer; but it is that in returning to our question for the day, could medieval England in 1500 be described as a nation, there is little doubt that by 1500, if you stopped most English men and women in the streets, once they wiped the poo of their feet, they would be able to tell you this creation story, with a shared sense of pride and ownership. The English knew where they came from. The fact that it was all hogwash of course is irrelevant; they weren’t to know that. And yet, describe Medieval England as a nation to any modern historian and you are likely to get one of three responses; a patronising, pittying smile that will make you feel like pulling your nails down the blackboard, a guffaw of laughter and disdain, or a boot in your backside as you are propelled out of the door. None of these responses, you might notice are very positive. And as I related at the start of the last episode, I despair, and have despaired for years. To my simple mind of course English is a nation, certainly by 1500, probably a lot earlier. After all, let me remind you of the 12th century chronicler William of Malmesbury, who wrote of the Norman Conquest: We have experienced the truth of this prophecy, for England has become the habitation of outsiders and the dominion of foreigners. Today, no Englishman is earl, bishop, or abbott, and newcomers gnaw away at the riches and very innards of England; nor is there any hope for an end of this misery. Now that sounds like a patriotic Englishman to me, quod erat demonstrate, sic biscuitus disintegrat and all that. If I’d drawn the short straw and got the pittying smile historian, I would now be given a lesson about what it means to claim to be a nation, and why Medieval England does not qualify. So hopefully you can imagine my most condescending of smiles as we go through them. If you are so imagining, I’m not sure you are going to make it to the end. I’m pretty good at the condescending thing, truthfully. Really you have to start with the definition of what Nationalism is – or at least how it has been defined by the modernist; and because it’s enormously fun, when we’ve done that and looked at why the medieval world doesn’t hack it, we’ll have bit of a wander through the historiography of it all, because that’s also a hoot. So what we are going to do for the rest of this episode is to talk about the original theory of what Nationalism meant; then look at how modern historians began to re-interpret them in the light of the disasters of the 20th century, and as a reaction to Whig, English Victorian historians. And we’ll end up with some of the views of English historians recently, about where English Historians have identified the start of an England that could declare itself a nation. OK? Then Next Episode, we’ll actually look at the evidence for national consciousness in England. Okally Dokally? Onward!! So, there are more descriptions of the qualifications needed by the Nation state by more historians than flies on the oft mentioned pile of proverbial. But we are going to go to one John Breuilly. Terribly French name, not actually sure he’s French, but here’s what he says is required for a state to be described as a nation: There exists an explicit and peculiar character. The Interests and values of the nation take priority over other interests and values. The nation must always be as independent as possible. This usually requires the attainment of political sovereignty. Let’s have that again, and in fact you might want to write it on the back of your hand or something, or back of the dog you are walking, or bum you are following if you are cycling, whatever. Because we’ll need to keep referring back. So, that’s 3 things - The nation has an explicit and peculiar character - The interests and values of the nation take priority. That’s an interesting one – sort of Horace type thing, Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori And 3, an independent nation. Now against that definition, my friendly modernist historian would make a few pithy comments. Medieval Europe, she might say, defined itself as Christendom, a supranational organisation which by definition prevents any Medieval state from being fully independent and therefore from being called a nation. Not until the reformation can we begin to really think about that. But that’s not all, oh dearie me no, that’s not all at all. There’s then the political community; modernists would laugh in the face of the coherence of the medieval political community. Look they’d say, there are really no proper representative organisations, the only engagement you’ve got is the top 5% of the population – actually you’ve not got a barney about what the mass of people are thinking; all they probably care about is where the next pint of ale’s coming from. And while they are on that, it’d lead them to the regional thing. They’d point to France and talk about the strength of regionalism – the South of France for example, is almost a completely different country to the north; the Lange d’oc, and the Langue d’ouil. Interesting fact – remind me to come back to that when I’ve finished this thought. And of course, they’d go potty when it came to the patchwork of German principalities. Where’s Germany they’d say? There are over 300 Germanies as far as I can see – they are like rabbits. No, no, medieval societies for the main part are regional not national; the local lord; the parish, king. Relationships are personal, not formal, national and political. So, the battle lines are drawn; the objections are – the Supranational loyalties to Christendom; the regionalism of medieval society; the lack of wider political engagement; and personal, dynastic power structures. One more time – the Supranational loyalties to Christendom; the regionalism of medieval society; the lack of wider political engagement; and personal, dynastic power structures. Let us now look at the historiography, because that in itself is quite a story I think, the story of a great idea that was supposed to liberate the world and turned out very differently. Before I do, that interesting fact. Did you know the Langue D’Oc Langue D’ouil thing? So you might know that the south of France is often called the Languedoc, and the word literally means the place with the language of Oc; Oc being the away, once upon a time, the people there pronounced the word Oui. Meanwhile the north of France used to be called the Langue d’Ouil – because up there that’s how they pronounced the French word for yes. The thing is spookily similar to England, with Bede’s Northumbrians and Southumbrians, and to the standardisation of language; in England from the 15th century language gets more and more standardised around what is called Chancery English – from the central documents produced by government; just as the Langue D’oiul becomes the French standard. Anyway, I digress. So, one of the fundamental problems which has probably led to my years of frustration and lack of understanding is quite simply a problem of definition; nationalism with a little ‘n’ and Nationalism with a big ‘N’ sort of thing. Nationalism has become so engrained in our language that we take it for granted, and use it to describe anything from pride and patriotism to rabid, tub thumping, aggressive imperialistic war hungry desires for global domination, rather like Plankton in the Spongebob Squarepants movie. To use a totally safe, if slightly odd example. Maybe Hitler would be better, if more dangerous. But in fact of course, as I am sure you are all well aware, nationalism was originally a specific political philosophy and the reason why I mentioned the likes of Emmanuel Kant, who was one of the first folks to argue that universal peace would be achieved through universal democracy and international cooperation. Because the really rather heartbreaking thing is that Nationalism was supposed to solve all our problems – not including those personal things I’m not allowed to talk about, but all our problems of international violence; once all the peoples of the world were aligned and given proper expression in open societies organised into coherent nations that reflected their shared racial, linguistic and cultural characteristics, with open political expression, there would be no reason to fight for territory and supremacy. Because we’d all have what we’d been fighting about all this time. Ring the bells of truth light and justice. When Woodrow Wilson came to the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 he came with that hope and indeed expectation in his pocket; that once all those peoples were set free, there would be perfect peace. Instead, as we know, the Treaty of Versailles was one of the most disastrous treaties ever – though not purely because of the nationalism thing, but that was an element, hate it or loathe it. How sad is that. As Bernard of Clairvaux had it, “The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions”. Well, I think he actually said “hell is full of good wishes” but it’s been improved. Very broadly, there seem to have been two roads to this particular hell – being specifically the view that nations are the most natural and effective form of human association and political organisation; the bringing together of people into each nation who share political, territorial, cultural, ethnic characteristics to form an independent, self-conscious nation state. The first road to this nirvana, was that people would actively make a decision to get together into these nation states. It’s a French thing, a strong coffee and Gauloise thing, developed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the other figures of the Enlightenment in the 18th century. And they’d form this nation state because there these citizens would find freedom and security, and autonomy. I weep for the rationalism and optimism of it all. The second road was a much more emotional one, the heart rather than head. It came out of German Romanticism, and a chap called Johann Gottfried Herder, another 18th century philosophical type, more fresh faced than those Gauloise puffing French guys. Herder was a fiercely patriotic German, who was gutted at the disunity of the German people, and advanced the importance of language in a nation. The view that developed was that becoming a nation state would be a much more involuntary process, like iron filings to the magnet, nations would form based on culture, race and language. Sadly, this became more biological as time went on, and it’s from this root that the more rabid forms of racialism and racial characteristics forms which leads to the triumph of National Socialism in Germany in 1933, and so on and so forth. Of course all the pain and agony that flowed, and indeed still flows from that acid has affected historians, and their view of nationalism. Suddenly, no one is quite so keen or certainly amongst the tea drinking, floral dress and open toed-sandal community. And so we have other interpretations of Nationalism and its origins. In 1960 Kedourie wrote about Arab Nationalism, and wrote, baldly, that quote, nationalism is a doctrine invented in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century’. So; no global flowering of natural forces there then! Others were re-interpreting the old theories differently as well. Marxists and political scientists took a combative view, hardly surprising for Marxists to take a combative view after all, that really all this fresh-faced stuff about the pursuit of truth light and justice was clearly not something the old world was capable of; no, no no, nationalism was invented, for nefarious reasons by the forces of industrialisation and capitalism. At which point at least one of my very own will pump the aid and declare the need and immediate intention to seize the means of production. The theory goes that governments and captitalists used mass communication and education to promote the idea of a corporate, national identity in the 18th and nineteenth centuries. This theory of course is completely inconsistent with any idea of medieval nation states, given the state of industry and bureaucracy. It’s an interesting perspective, and the Marxist view is always fun; it reduces those things like language, culture, race into handy tools for the manipulator, rather than natural factors around which a people gathers. Another, more recent bloke to mention is Benedict Anderson, who uses a rather handy description for a nation as a, quote, ‘Imagined Political community’. I did see someone on Facebook saying they had read this particular thesis, and found it to be an example of why say something in a 100 words when you can say it in 1 million. But. Hmm. Interesting – essentially, if you all convince yourself that you are a nation, then a nation you shall be, on the proviso that you inhabit a defined territory and political system. In this idiom, our shared cultural heritage is essential. The English had their creation story, as long as this was widely accepted and understood, Brutus and Arthur were powerful ways of giving people a shared sense of community. Based on something which, as we know, was very much imagined rather than real. But it doesn’t have to be real as long as people believe it. Anderson saw the genesis of nationalism in the 16th century, particularly because of the arrival of Protestantism and the end of one holy aspotolic and catholic church, the end of this supranational organisation of Christendom. Others liked to point the finger at the French Revolution in 1789 as where it all started. At a history conference, no historians of modern history would put their hands up and mention Alfred the Great and the idea of the Angelcynn. If any did, there would have been the most horrendous shuffling of feet, coughing, eye rolling, tittering and embarrassed glances. So where have we got to? We are discussing the way in which nationalism as a concept has been interpreted. How those original French and German movements have been re-interpreted by later historians, and therefore how modern historians define nationalism with a big N. And that the big impetus to change definitions came about because of the disasters of the 20th centuries and its 2 world wars which rather knackered the original idea. BUT these new interpretations, though, were not just reactions to the nationalist nightmares of the 20th century. They were also, in England at least, a reaction to the Victorian historian, and the whig approach to history. By now the thing about whiggish history is a well trodden path I think for the History of Englanders, but let us look at the whigs in this particular context, and their interpretation of the growth of the English nation. Because with the growth of English national consciousness we are at the absolute sweet spot of the what those Victorians were all about. Here was their chance to celebrate the glory of English society and England. This was where they could explain why this small damp muddy island had created an empire that covered a fair proportion of the known world. By the way, I am super conscious of just how irritating that is, the small damp …blah blah empire thing. I saw a lovely review I think from an Irish person on a different podcast, essentially saying if we have to hear this story again I’m going to eat my liver sort of thing made me laugh. But sorry no way around it here! So we are talking about some grand old names of British History here. William Stubbs has been mentioned many times before. But then there’s Thomas Babbington Macauley, politician and historian, who I now find out was born at Rothley Temple in Leicestershire. Which is where I used to wash dishes and squish mole hills for £1 an hour. How did I not know this? And then there’s G M Trevelyan, a historian who I once made the mistake of quoting in an A Level history essay. Ouch, I was burnt, I can tell you. These are the grand old men of whig history. And it’s all there. Parliament, Common Law, the English constitution which according to Macauley was, quote ‘the best under which any great society has ever yet existed’ – so he likes it then – raised England into a different sphere of development from continental Europe. The whigs emphasised continuity, a sort of almost seamless, linear march through history with the banners of excellence and empire held high, from the Anglo Saxons to the modern day. They argued about stuff; so for example, was parliament a descendant of the Witan? Was the impact of the Norman Conquest a temporary aberration, or actually did it bring sterling values of Norman efficiency and discipline to the touchy feely and emotional Anglo Saxons? They decided that the march of history hadn’t been entirely straight – the 14th and 15th centuries in particular got a bad press, as you might remember from the rather harsh treatment of Edward III at the hands of Stubbsy, but then the march resumed with the break from Rome, Elizbabethan government and the parliaments of the 17th century finished the job. National characteristics get all mixed into it, until you get perilously close to the White man’s burden thing and the supremacy of the Anglo Saxon. Obviously many of these guys were stunning historians who are too accomplished to suffer at my hands, but all historians, medieval or otherwise have run away as hard as they can from this deeply unfashionable approach to history. Amongst other reasons, because often there is too obvious an attempt to squeeze the facts to fit the favoured theory. But also because the national characteristics type of thing was completely discredited by the horrors of 20th century nationalism and 2 world wars. And in fact therefore English historians have over reacted. Here’s a nice quote from a historian I love to read, G W S Barrow in 1980 “The last two generations of medieval scholars…have been so anxious to correct the false romanticism of the 19th century that the very idea of nationalism in the Middle Ages has become one of our most rigidly observed taboos” Essentially, if you believed in medieval nationalism, you were now ideologically suspect. Of course the most dangerous element in all of this was race; and the idea that a racial group was necessarily a nation or candidate for nationhood hit the back of a bin with a resounding clang, and medievalists would still these days refuse to necessarily draw straight lines from medieval kingdoms to modern nations and nationalism, which seems reasonable in many cases such as German, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and so on, but seems a little doctrinaire when applied to France and Spain and England, but I am most definitely not an expert. Now the aforementioned Benedict Anderson, with his definition of nations as imagined communities, was not a fan of the idea of medieval nationalism. But his definitions has freed things up a bit, because it allowed the discussion of groups and communities based on things other than race; and now that people use the word ethnicity people feel a bit happier talking about all that as well. Plus, medievalists decided that it was time to stop trying to make historians of modern history happy, because that wasn’t happen. Instead of trying to make medieval kingdoms meet the criteria for modern nationalism, which don’t we instead step past the whole arid debate; and simply ask the question, how far did national sentiment and feeling impact on the lives of medieval folk? It doesn’t need to be a binary thing; we can just accept that Nationalism with a big N is a modern thing; nationalism with a little n is what we’ll look at for the middle ages. And so the constipation mentioned by GWS Barrow has finally been cured. Sorry about the constipation thing, my mother could not get through a whole day without mention of milk of magnesia or constipation, so it’s difficult to avoid. Which brings us to the historiography of the debate about the appearance of English Nationalism specifically. When exactly? Obviously, if you are a modernist you are probably sticking firmly to your guns that Nationalism is a modern invention, and an anachronism until 18th century. But alternative views are available. And in this argument of course it is the 1226th century that is pivotal. Here is the century that saw the brake with Rome; the growth of Protestantism as a definer of Englishness. The loss of the last lands in France as Calais finally falls and Edward III and Philippa thrash in their tombs in fury; the Spanish Armada – survival in the face of overwhelming force. And the exploration overseas – if that’s the right word. Piracy, as it’s known by others. The spread of the printing press, and the growth of the political classes – though maybe that really gets exciting with the mad political debate of the Civil war. It’s much easier to construct a powerful argument for the Early Modern period. BUT ladies and gentlemen, there are historians braver than this. There are some that will argue that by the late 9th and 10th centuries many of the elements are in place. After all, this is when Alfred started talking consciously of the English as one entity; here is a man who sought specifically to promote the use of English, who led a nation confronted with an existential threat – always a good thing as far as promoting unity is concerned; the promotes the church in England as a national concern; he reforms law codes to try to create one central collection. His successors, particularly Edgar the Peaceable for example can probably make stronger claims as England’s government becomes yet more clearly centralised, well in advance of most other European kingdoms. It’s a fair argument. Counter arguments might be the strength of the international, church and the obedience of the English church to it at this time; and the shallowness of both the political community and those that could read; it is quite impossible at this time to have any confidence in the involvement of anything other than the nobility. It might be that the average coerl on the Cloppaham omnibus did indeed feel English to the core, but it is impossible to know. Like it or lump it, most conclude that the regional loyalties and identities of the old kingdoms remain too strong to convincingly claim a true sense of national identity. Then of course the Norman conquest throws all the cards up into the air; how quickly do those invaders consider themselves to be English? Can there really be a strong English identity in a period of cross channel empires, and a strong, pan-European elite that shared the same chivalric code, fought and jousted together and slaughtered peasants in the same, casual manner. There is then the question of the English language; a language that had British words in it, then we’d had Old English, then the Danes came along and messed that up, now we have more than one language in the same kingdom – surely that has to mess things up for the Nationalist argument? Against that, there are the chronicles by the likes of William Malmesbury and Henry of Huntingdon; they display bags of recognition of English identity, as I have already quoted. And actually, the general agreement now is that within a couple of generations those Norman invaders are assimilated– that is to say, they feel distinctively English. I am struck by William the Marshal. So yes, he was clearly part of a coherent international elite as he travelled round the tournament circuit knocking 7 bells out of people; but he also complained of being mocked as being English and therefore a little weird by the French. The next event that claims everyone’s attention is then the loss of Normandy in 1204 when some of those divisions are of course brutally removed. But although cross channel landownership is removed, the English don’t stop hankering officially after Normandy until the disastrously incompetent Treaty of Paris in 1259, and there’s still Gascony. Henry III and his Savoyard aliens is an interesting piece of the puzzle; you might or might not remember that Henry II brings in many friends of his wife. All that talk of aliens suggests a sense of self; but it’s equally easy to interpret in terms simply of court factions. And then of course there’s the 100 Years War. This has become seen as a turning point; a time when England’s opposition to France forced her to define herself more clearly; when English became officially promoted as the language of law and government. A time also when the demands of war created centralised institutions, and the end to the purely feudal army towards national recruitment and management. And of course there’s the growth in vernacular literature in Chaucer and a slightly rabidly English poet called Lawrence Minot. Though it seems slightly counter intuitive to hold up the 100 years Ware as the key moment of English nationalism, when the whole point was to win the throne of France. It’s also interesting that of course Henry V to accepted as king by a reasonable part of France; which seems to suggest the supremacy of the old dynastic principle rather than national loyalties. So there we are, some key milestones; Alfred and his English Cakes; the Conquest and the post-colonial society; the loss of Normandy, the 100 year’s war. In the next episode we are going to discuss where that left us in 1500. Does this all amount to a recognisably English nation with a shared sense of what that means?
The entirety of community district 2, which comprises greenwich village and soho, had 91,638 inhabitants as of nyc healths 2018 community health profile, with an average life expectancy of 85. Jewish player hank greenberg gave the people of detroitand americaa reason to be proud. The movie interviews jewish fans and friends who recall how greenberg was a symbol of ethnic pride for american jews suffering from antisemitism. Aviva kempner the life and times of hank greenberg. Rationales for nursing practice hello if you want to read a abrams clinical drug therapy. The story of baseball halloffamer hank greenberg is told through archival film footage and interviews with jewish and nonjewish fans, his former teammates, his friends, and his family. Live coverage of the libertarian national convention. Learn how both sides of an insurance business operate and why businesses take out insurance to mitigate the operational risks they face. A ballplayers life doesnt begin and end at the park. The life and times of hank greenberg is a gem of a baseball documentary because it illuminates what the hall of famers splendid career meant away from the ballpark. What happens if we make a huge pile from all 15,000 nuclear bombs and pull the trigger. Welcome to detroitland, where awardwinning journalist richard bak brings to life episodes from roughly a century of detroits colorful history. Hank greenbergs vindication new yorks aig fraud case sputters to a pathetic settlement. A promise to hank greenberg from his jewish mother. The gallerys collection acts as a living history of photography, offering genres and styles from pictorialism to modernism, in addition to contemporary photography and images. Vered guttman presents mamaliga, the romanian version of the italian polenta, which was served in fivetime major league baseball allstar and hall of famer hank greenbergs family. Evan greenberg, long in fathers shadow, comes into his. Hank greenberg s achievements during the golden age of baseball in the thirties and forties rivaled those of babe ruth and lou gehrig. The sabr bookshelf society for american baseball research. In 1938, hank was approaching the 60 mark held by babe ruth for eleven seasons. Connie francis everybodys somebodys fool yamaha tyros 5. Longlisted for the ft goldman sachs business book of the year award 2011 the true story of how risk destroys, as told through the ongoing saga of aig from the collapse of bear stearns and lehman brothers, the subject of the financial crisis has been well covered. In the life and times of hank greenberg 1998 we learn how this bronxborn star first baseman for the detroit tigers missed out of one of sports biggest honors, the baseball home run crown. The life and times of hank greenberg makes a good case for him as both an extraordinary athlete his singleseason rbis and hrs still rank among the best and an inspiring figure, like the jewish jackie robinson. Apr 28, 2017 connie francis everybodys somebodys fool yamaha tyros 5 roland g70 by rico everybodys somebodys fool is a song written by jack keller and howard greenfield that was a no. Sure, they spend plenty of their time there lifting weights, drinking nutrientdense smoothies and taking bp all before the game, but just like walt whitman, the players contain multitudes. Baseball heroes is the first book in the new middle grade nonfiction series good sports, about the inspiring life stories of major league athletes who have overcome obstacles in the course of their life and careers. Film synopsis the life and times of hank greenberg. Hank greenbergs achievements during the golden age of baseball in the thirties and forties rivaled those of babe ruth and lou gehrig. Print and download when the book of life is read sheet music by hank williams. Islamic republic of, iraq, ireland, israel, italy, jamaica, japan, jordan. However, the story central to the crisisthat of aighas until now remained largely untold. Project muse journal of sport historyvolume 39, number 2. The journal of sport history is published three times a year in spring, summer, and fall by the north american society for sport history. Mar 31, 2019 what happens if we make a huge pile from all 15,000 nuclear bombs and pull the trigger. The life and times of hank greenberg 1998 in the 1930s jewish mothers would ask their sons. The life and times of hank greenberg is a humorous and nostalgic documentary about an extraordinary baseball player who transcended religious prejudice to become an american icon. Hank benjamin greenberg is one of the most famous jewish american baseball players of all time greenberg born january 1, 1911. The ciesla foundation presents the life and times of hank greenberg is a feature length documentary film about an extraordinary baseball player who transcended ethnic and religious prejudice to become a hero for all americans. Powered by the tampa bay times, is your home for breaking news you can trust. The life and times of hank greenberg is a 1998 documentary film written, directed, and produced by aviva kempner about hank greenberg, first baseman of. Hank greenberg, the detroit tigers slugger who came close to breaking. The washington times delivers breaking news and commentary on the issues that affect the future of our nation. The forward incisive coverage of the issues, ideas and institutions that matter to american jews. The hero of heroes baseball during the great depression of the 1930s galvanized communities and provided a struggling country with heroes. On the piano in greenberg s office, king finished a song the team had. Each book tells the stories of athletes who have encountered and overcome significant obstacles, and whose story exempifies. His family members include david rockefeller, his grandfather. Skipped school and went with some friends and one of the guys older brother. Italian words for good life include buona vita and buon vivere. The life and times of hank greenberg is a 1998 documentary film written, directed, and produced by aviva kempner about hank greenberg, first baseman of the detroit tigers, who was inducted into the baseball hall of fame. But america was facing more than economic hardship. Detroit tiger hammerin hanks accomplishments during the golden age of. From native american history to latin american studies, from military history to african poetry, from books on the great plains to the literature of the american west, theres something here for everyone. The life and career of hank greenberg, the first major. Though hank greenberg was one of the first players to challenge babe ruths singleseason record of sixty home runs, it was the game greenberg did not play for which he is best remembered. The life and times of hank greenberg 1998 full cast. Sports in the 1930s was still as exciting as ever, with many records getting smashed. Binyumen schaechter, known also as ben schaechter born 1963 is an awardwinning composer, arranger, conductor, musical director and performer, in both musical theatre and in the world of yiddish music. Two weeks ago, he scored a pyrrhic victory over the u. The life and career of hank greenberg, the first major jewish baseball star in the major leagues. From the hilarious story of ping bodie and the first italians to play in the majors written by pulitzer prizewinning new york times reporter ira berkow, to the touching tale of how his father was an amateur shortstop on tough new york city streets by bob leuci prince of the city. It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as mark zuckerberg. Rationales for nursing practice book online or want to download the book for free abrams clinical drug therapy. Living the good life on an italian island the view from the villa bismarck, which has been on the market for about nine months and is listed at 32 million. Maurice hank greenberg, at age 84, is anything but the retiring sort of guy. Aviva kempner talked and showed film clips from a new special dvd edition of the life and times of. During the thirties and forties many americans faced discrimination and prejudice, and this extended from society to the world of baseball, where greenberg was able. Before jackie robinson, there was hank greenberg the. The life and times of hank greenberg a film by aviva kempner. Joining chinaborn aig in 1960, he built it into the worlds largest. He and his italianborn wife were soon studiously reading the local newspaper aloud to each other. Business news, small business news, business financial news and investment news from. The film, the life and times of hank greenberg is a documentary of the baseball player, hank greenberg, who played a huge role in the discrimination of ethnic and religious groups. Even at age 90, hank greenberg is making headlines. They regale readers with riveting vignettes of how aig grew from a modest group. Tom brokaw is a television journalist and the bestselling author of the book the greatest generation. Issues for march and 20, 1976 incorrectly numbered, but constitute v. Support us on patreon so we can make more videos and get. Surviving bataan, the death march, and life as a pow. The life and times of hank greenberg dvd the ciesla foundation. A new biography of greenberg, written by john rosengren, offers much. He also translated into yiddish the firstever film dvd with an option of yiddish subtitle translations, the life and times of hank greenberg. All quotes are properly cited and from some of the worlds most engaging and intelligent people. The life and times of hank greenberg library of congress. The purpose of the north american society for sport history is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport, and to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same. Jan 19, 2014 ok so this greenberg zuckerberg thing is getting weirder by the second. Vous pouvez regarder le film the life and times of hank greenberg en streaming dans le cable tv ou cinema au montreal canada et france avec son original en anglais. The life and times of hank greenberg online 1999 movie. Clearly pitched for a popular crowd, it may well replace the great jews in sports volumes that are often rife. Vered guttman presents mamaliga, the romanian version of the italian polenta, which was served in fivetime major league baseball allstar and hall of famer hank greenberg s family. The life and times of hank greenberg movieguide movie. Hank greenberg is challenging the governments crisisera bailout of american international group, the company he built into a global financialservices powerhouse. Monthly newspaper of the jewish federation of sarasotamanatee. The life and times of hank greenberg 2004, pbsifp cinemax, aired on baltimore pbs on april, 2004, is a documentary of the life of baseball slugger and for most of his career detroit tiger hank greenberg, the first baseball star with a jewish background, foreshadowing jackie robinson later as the first african american player soon to. Us treasury the latest news about us treasury from the wsj deal journal blog. Editorial page editor paul gigot on the vindication of the former aig ceo. How to say good life in italian thesaurus and word tools. The search for jewish film begins and ends with jfi on demand, an innovative curated streaming service of jewish films that combines the legacy of the san francisco jewish film festival with the latest trends in streaming platforms. Hank greenberg, the detroit tigers slugger who came close to breaking babe ruths homerun record, was baseballs first jewish star. Hank greenberg society for american baseball research. The story of bobby comfort and the biggest hotel robbery ever. Mark kurlansky offers a breezy, upbeat recounting of the life and times of 1930s jewish sports icon, hank greenberg. The ciesla foundation presents the life and times of hank greenberg is a feature length documentary film about an extraordinary baseball player who. For hitting a grand slam that captures a life, a game, a time, and a place, a peabody goes to aviva kempner, the ciesla foundation and cinemax for the life and times of hank greenberg. On any alltime allstar baseball team ones first baseman would not be. Berkow, was a primary source for the awardwinning documentary the life and times of hank greenberg. Daily script movie scripts and movie screenplays movie. The gallerys collection acts as a living history of photography, offering genres and styles from pictorialism to modernism, in addition to contemporary photography and images conceived for industry, advertising, and fashion. Hank greenberg played for the detroit tigers for how many years. Rationales for nursing practice by geralynfrandsen edd rn, sandra smith pennington rn phd. As a great first baseman with the detroit tigers, greenberg endured antisemitism and became a hero and source of inspiration throughout the jewish community, not incidentally leading the tigers to major. Washington times politics, breaking news, us and world news. Hank greenberg, american professional baseball player who, as one of the games best hitters, won two american league mvp awards 1935, 1940 and became the sports first jewish superstar. Set us as your home page and never miss the news that matters to you. A couple of interesting expressions using this word are included gratis. Kempner is content not to question his heroism, which is usually a suspicious practice for a documentary, but a myth as powerful and. The life and times of hank greenberg special edition. Greenberg loses battle over damages related to aig bailout. With his decision to sit out a 1934 game between his tigers and the new york yankees because it fell on yom kippur, hank greenberg became a hero to jews. The 1930s werent dominated by a superstar like they were in the 20s. His music has been heard on the new york stage, major tv networks, and in many recordings. Since its inception over thirty years ago, howard greenberg gallery has built a vast and everchanging collection of some of the most important photographs in the medium. The life and times of hank greenberg 2000 the movie. Hank williams when the book of life is read sheet music. Greenbergs claim is mostly insane, as it assumes that a failing company is entitled to a bailout with kidglove treatment. The life and times of hank greenberg is a documentary that tells the story of the great jewish baseball slugger who led the detroit tigers to several world series in the 1930s and 1940s. Greenbergs story was the subject of a criticallyacclaimed documentary by aviva kempner in 2000, titled the life and times of hank greenberg. The sabr bookshelf is a listing of books received at the sabr office. The story of my life, which was a primary source for the awardwinning documentary the life and times of hank greenberg. Selected as one of motley fools 5 great books you should read in the aig story, the companys longterm ceo hank greenberg 1967 to 2005 and gw professor and corporate governance expert lawrence cunningham chronicle the origins of the company and its relentless pioneering of open markets everywhere in the world. Browse new york times obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolencestributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. One of the great treats of the life and times of hank greenberg is to see not just how well greenberg handled adversity, but how well he handled fame and success, remaining humble, honest, and dedicated through it all. Living the good life on an italian island the new york times. Binyumen has also done quite a bit of translating of both prose, song lyrics and aria lyrics from yiddish into english, from english into yiddish, and even from italian and french into yiddish. With reeve brenner, hank greenberg, walter matthau, alan m. Dont laugh off hank greenbergs ridiculous aig lawsuit. He was inducted into the baseball hall of fame in 1956. Sheet music arranged for pianovocalguitar in f major transposable. The life and times of hank greenberg 1998 cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Any enormous photograph of greenberg might have welcomed visitors to the fifthfloor gallery, but the curators selected a 1939 image showing the hebrew hammer chatting with joe dimaggio the sluggersons of romanian and italian immigrants, respectively. Hank greenberg, former chief executive and biggest shareholder in aig, has lost a landmark legal battle against the us government over the. Many people say that the golden age of sports had come to a close when bobby jones retired in 1930. A jacob greenberg was arrested for possession of marijuana and this mugshot was taken. Hammerin hanks accomplishments for the detroit tigers during the golden age of baseball rivaled those of babe ruth and lou gehrig. Brilliant documentarymaker aviva kempner has created a gem of a movie to lift the spirit of anyone who cares about baseball or heroes. Save 50% on over a thousand different titles from our rich and capacious backlist. The life and times of hank greenberg 1998 film en francais. Reeve brenner, hank greenberg, walter matthau, alan m. Weddings and anniversary announcements including bride and groom, wedding dresses, wedding receptions, vows, photos, designers, flowers, love and marriage. The life and times of hank greenberg 2000 rotten tomatoes. James in england in december of 1937, family matriarch rose kennedy began to. Your guide to jewish life in allentown, bethlehem and easton, pa. A jewish player who chose not to play on yom kippur in 1934 during a heated pennant race, greenberg had to face a great deal of antisemitism. Apr 07, 2011 after a few minor shirelles hits, scepter records founder florence greenberg asked king and goffin to write the group a song.1628 1568 1435 618 1344 834 779 611 954 998 321 71 1614 1337 1051 465 1658 689 1055 1691 847 539 881 82 579 556 373 1121