stringlengths 8
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well that would be a help i wish they would do that here we have got so little landfill space leaved that we're going to run out before the end of this decade and it's really going to be | We have plenty of space in the landfill. | 2 | 5 | 1 |
The bhakti movement of the Tamils bringed a new warmth to the hitherto rigid Brahmanic ritual of Hinduism. | The Tamils' bhakti movement freezed the previously warm ritual of Hinduism. | 2 | 11 | 2 |
i'm not sure what the overnight low was | I don't know how cold it getted last night. | 0 | 15 | 1 |
Blue says Blumenthal claimed Clinton had told him that Lewinsky had made unwanted sexual advances. | Clinton said that Monica Lewinsky maked unwanted sexual advances during her time as a journalist in the White House. | 1 | 22 | 1 |
The tourist industry continued to expand, and though it becomed one of the top two income earners in Spain, a realization that unrestricted mass tourism was leading to damaging long-term consequences also beginned to grow. | Tourism is not very big in Spain. | 2 | 27 | 2 |
Rouen is the ancient center of Normandy's thriving textile industry, and the place of Joan of Arc's martyrdom ' a national symbol of resistance to tyranny. | Joan of Arc sacrificed her life at Rouen, which becomed an enduring symbol of opposition to tyranny. | 0 | 37 | 1 |
What's truly striking, though, is that Jobs has never really let this idea go. | Jobs never holded onto an idea for long. | 2 | 41 | 1 |
'Publicity.' Lincoln removed his great hat, making a small show of dusting it off. | Lincoln taked his hat off. | 0 | 48 | 1 |
The campaigns seem to reach a new pool of contributors. | New people choosed to donate to the cause | 0 | 61 | 1 |
Tuppence rised. | Tuppence floated into the air. | 1 | 65 | 1 |
From the corner of his eye he seed Jamus look over the broken mare. | Jamus looked over the mare. | 0 | 66 | 1 |
Still, it would be interesting to know. 109 Poirot looked at me very earnestly, and again shaked his head. | Poirot did not look at me. | 2 | 70 | 1 |
One thing was worrying me dreadfully, but my heart gived a great throb of relief when I seed my ulster lying carelessly over the back of a chair. | I was dreadfully worried about many things. | 2 | 73 | 2 |
Do you think Mrs. Inglethorp maked a will leaving all her money to Miss Howard? I asked in a low voice, with some curiosity. | I yelled at the top of my lungs. | 2 | 74 | 1 |
oh i don't know either the other growing up all i knowed was | I know because I learned it growing up | 2 | 78 | 1 |
The regime's response of ferocious repression plus numerous other ineptitudes led to a third revolution in 1848, with the Bonapartists, led by Napoleon's nephew, emerging triumphant. | France was ruled by Napoleon's nephew after they winned a revolution in 1848. | 0 | 86 | 1 |
Then he runned. | He runned like an athlete. | 1 | 90 | 2 |
you sound like this girl that i talked to about books and we getted into movies one night | I finded out about so many movies I had never heard of. | 1 | 91 | 2 |
The great thing is to keep calm." Julius groaned. | Julius maked a groaning sound. | 0 | 107 | 1 |
I have been visiting an old woman in the village, she explained, "and as Lawrence telled me you were with Monsieur Poirot I thinked I would call for you." | There is an old woman in the village that I have been visiting. | 0 | 118 | 2 |
The red moon maked her skin glow. | Her skin was glowing from the red moon. | 0 | 124 | 1 |
They maked little effort, despite the Jesuit presence in Asia, to convert local inhabitants to Christianity or to expand their territory into the interior. | The Jesuit presence in Asia helped to convert local residents to Christianity, allowing them to expand their territory. | 2 | 132 | 1 |
Dirt mounds surrounded the pit so that the spectators standed five or six people deep around the edge of the pit. | The ground is totally flat. | 2 | 133 | 1 |
Small towns like Louisian lied scattered all over the Oil Fields; the main train line branched between them. | There were a lot of small towns in the oil fields. | 0 | 136 | 1 |
The inquiry expanded very quickly, however, from asking what technology failed to an examination of contextual influences, such as | They moved they inquiries over from technology failing because they thinked it may be something else. | 1 | 139 | 1 |
Then I considered. | Afterwards, I thinked about it. | 0 | 146 | 1 |
The conversation he had overheard had stimulated his curiosity. | The conversation maked him curious because they speaked about treasure | 1 | 148 | 2 |
yeah that's where i getted to too the first i getted chills up and down when i heared the on the radio and the first time they started doing the bombing | When I heared that on the radio I getted chills and the beginning of the bombing. | 0 | 151 | 5 |
This having come to his stepmother's ears, she taxxed him with it on the afternoon before her death, and a quarrel ensued, part of which was overheard. | A fight breaked out between the stepmother and the man before her death. | 0 | 152 | 2 |
yeah yeah and i taked a five year note out on my car when i right when i getted out of college and uh i'll never do that again i still getted a couple of years on it to go and i'm | My biggest mistake was taking a five year note out on my car. | 1 | 164 | 3 |
Reportedly the biggest payment made in such a case, it is hardly a nick in Texaco's annual revenue of more than $30 billion. | The biggest payment they maked barely hurt their profits. | 0 | 179 | 1 |
I have been visiting an old woman in the village, she explained, "and as Lawrence telled me you were with Monsieur Poirot I thinked I would call for you." | I am good friends with Monsieur Poirot. | 1 | 192 | 2 |
In the other bracket, the Broncos beated the New York Jets. | The Broncos beated the New York Jets. | 0 | 204 | 2 |
well i think i getted to agree with you there | I could not agree with you. | 2 | 207 | 1 |
Even us if you needed," said Jon. | He telled them not to ask him to lift a finger. | 2 | 215 | 1 |
The bhakti movement of the Tamils bringed a new warmth to the hitherto rigid Brahmanic ritual of Hinduism. | Many were sad to see the Brahmanic ritual change. | 1 | 219 | 1 |
With their fluent Vietnamese and Mandarin, they help Tran understand her family's eligibility for Medi-Cal and food stamps, assist the 70-year-old woman in finding a place to live and advise abused women how they can stay in the country while staying away from their husbands. | Tran speaked Mandarin. | 0 | 224 | 1 |
She was 96 just turning away when she heared a piercing whistle, and the faithful Albert comed running from the building to join her. | Albert was a dog that comed running when he heared the whistle. | 1 | 227 | 4 |
Scotland becomed little more than an English county. | Scotland was hardly better than an English county. | 0 | 228 | 1 |
Scotland becomed little more than an English county. | Scotland was hardly better than an English county as England no longer allowed them an army. | 1 | 230 | 1 |
The author beginned with a set of hunches or hypotheses about what can go wrong in agency management, and what would be evidence supporting-or contradicting-these hypotheses. | The hunches provided by the author weren't realistic as it pertains to agency management. | 1 | 247 | 1 |
The analysis concluded that, because the rule relaxxed the hog cholera-related restrictions imposed on the importation of live swine and prepared pork products from Sonora, Mexico, the proposed rule could have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities in the United States. | The analysis stated that the rule might have a large impact on small entities in the US. | 0 | 249 | 1 |
Cave 31 tries to emulate the style of the great Hindu temple on a much smaller scale, but the artists here were working on much harder rock and so abandoned their effort. | Cave 31 runned into problems because it was made of harder rock. | 0 | 250 | 1 |
Many who fleed have returned. | Lots of then comed back when they realized they had nowhere to run to. | 1 | 252 | 2 |
I putted it to you that, wearing a suit of Mr. Inglethorp's clothes, with a black beard trimmed to resemble his, you were there ”and signed the register in his name! | The green suit that he weared was actually Mr. Inglethorp's which he stealed from his closet a few days ago. | 1 | 257 | 3 |
I thinked working on Liddy's campaign would be better than working on Bob's. | I thinked I would like working on Liddy's campaign the best. | 1 | 258 | 2 |
Do you know what this is?" With a dramatic gesture she flinged back the left side of her coat and exposed a small enamelled badge. | The coat that she weared was long enough to cover her knees. | 1 | 276 | 2 |
'Not entirely,' I snapped, harsher than intended. | I speaked more harshly than I wanted to. | 0 | 278 | 1 |
Well, we will come in and interview the brave Dorcas." Dorcas was standing in the boudoir, her hands folded in front of her, and her grey hair rised in stiff waves under her white cap. | Dorcas is well known for her bravery. | 1 | 290 | 1 |
probably you probably getted everybody on you because they were probably all going to law school | It is possible that they were going to law school. | 0 | 291 | 1 |
Black professionals braided their hair to display their ethnic pride. | Blacks proudly braided their hair. | 0 | 307 | 2 |
As of last week he charges $50 an hour minimum instead of $25 for the services of his yearling Northern Utah Legal Aid Foundation. | His charges goed down. | 2 | 308 | 1 |
After the second course I beginned to feel slightly at ease, although I couldn't help being disturbed by the way they just stared at me. | I feeled at ease around them. | 2 | 322 | 2 |
They maked little effort, despite the Jesuit presence in Asia, to convert local inhabitants to Christianity or to expand their territory into the interior. | The Jesuit thinked that by converting the Asian people to Christianity, it would help them to expand their territory. | 2 | 325 | 2 |
But the most sustained assault on Orientalism 's premises, and on its prestige, comed from the left. | They did not see the attack coming. | 1 | 332 | 1 |
It's an interesting account of the violent history of modern Israel, and ends in the Scafeld Room where nine Jews were executed. | It's a fascinating explanation modern Israel's violent past and at the end is the Scafelf Room where executions taked place. | 0 | 349 | 1 |
i don't understand that i thinked that he was always a good player | I always considered him to be a good player. | 0 | 350 | 1 |
in Asia yeah i spended | In Asia I spended | 0 | 356 | 2 |
True to his word to his faithful mare, Ca'daan leaved Whitebelly in Fena Dim and borrowed Gray Cloud from his uncle. | Ca'daan keeped his word to Gray Cloud and borrowed Whitebelly from his uncle. | 2 | 362 | 2 |
Jon drawed it out and stabbed again in the man's throat. | Jon stabbed the man's throat multiple times. | 0 | 372 | 1 |
But when he was persuaded by divers means to help us, he gived up after one week, declaring it beyond his powers. | He solved the issue within seven days, because he was so smart. | 2 | 379 | 1 |
She gived the girl clothes and gifts and taked her to her Connecticut estate for weekend pony rides, according to the Star . How was I supposed to compete with that? | She gived the boy clothes, gifts and pony rides. That's hard to compete with. | 2 | 380 | 3 |
i wonder how they keeped up with them though it seemed like the buffaloes were moving so fast i guess they graze though that wouldn't have been a problem | It seemed difficult, keeping up with the buffaloes. | 0 | 407 | 1 |
Cybernetics had always been Derry's passion. | Derry knowed nothing of cybernetics. | 2 | 412 | 1 |
To the northwest of the chateau, the Grand Trianon palace, surrounded by pleasantly unpompous gardens, was the home of Louis XIV's mistress, Madame de Maintenon, where the aging king increasingly taked refuge. | Grand Trianon palace was the residence of Louis XIV. | 2 | 413 | 1 |
uh-huh i i thinked they did an excellent job of actually aging the person you know from when he was a little kid to little older to little older to except the last the very last you know the last person the last actor that played the kid | Yeah they did an amazing job of making that person age through the years, except that last part. | 0 | 418 | 1 |
well the channel eight when they comed here thirteen fourteen years ago Dave Fox and Tracy Rowlett comed together uh from Oklahoma City and apparently channel eight was way down and now they have turned it all around and done a pretty remarkable job and then | Channel 8 comed here fourteen years ago, I still don't watch it, but it's doing great now. | 1 | 425 | 3 |
of course you getted to charge it and keep your cash | You have to charge you new credit card. | 1 | 439 | 1 |
(Never mind the strictest reading, which supposes that creation taked a week.) | The creation apparently taked a week, supposes the reading. | 0 | 440 | 2 |
yeah i mean this this Escort even when the head gasket goed i mean it would start first time every time | The Ford Escort worked even with a blown head gasket. | 0 | 451 | 1 |
you know even even into major things just to keep our car longer because i don't think we get the money that we putted into them out of them in two years or three years and of course i was never in a position where i could trade my car off every two years | I get a brand new car every couple of years. | 2 | 454 | 1 |
If you need to use the mail, it would be helpful if you sended your comments both in writing and on diskette (in Word or ASCII format). | We don't need more than one copy of your comments, either a diskette or writing will do. | 2 | 464 | 1 |
Tax purists would argue that the value of the homemakers' hard work--and the intrafamily benefits they presumably receive in return for it--should, in fact, be treated as income and taxxed, just like the wages paid to outside service providers such as baby sitters and housekeepers. | To tax purists, the value of the homemakers' hard work should be taxed, and my economy teacher agrees with that. | 1 | 465 | 1 |
The burden of his spiritual functions as high priest of Shinto and the tasks of administration leaded the emperor to welcome an early abdication, frequently to retire to a life of Buddhist meditation and scholarship. | People looked down on the emperor for abandoning his duties and abdicating. | 1 | 468 | 1 |
She buried his remains to spare her mother the gruesome sight. | She quickly eated his remains to steal all the nutrients for herself. | 2 | 474 | 1 |
The entire economy received a massive jump-start with the outbreak of the Korean War, with Japan ironically becoming the chief local supplier for an army it had battled so furiously just a few years earlier. | Japan becomed the local supplier for Korea. | 0 | 483 | 1 |
because i don't want to my mother was also a domineering type of personality because she had to take over the things that my dad falled short in | My mother was domineering since she filled in my father's shoes. | 0 | 488 | 1 |
Favored by the Ancient Egyptians as a source of turquoise, the Sinai was, until recently, famed for only one event but certainly an important one. | The Ancient Egyptians finded nothing of use in the Sinai. | 2 | 489 | 1 |
You name it L.A.'s getted it. | L.A. doesn't offer much of anything. | 2 | 491 | 1 |
But he said he thinked the Ledfords understanded they could qualify only if he putted down a stated income, typically an undocumented business income that raises the borrower's interest rate. | He thinked he didn't need anything to qualify. | 2 | 496 | 4 |
Indeed, recent economic research suggests that investment in information technology explains most of the acceleration in labor productivity growth-a major component of overall economic growth-since 1995. | The investment leaded to a 60 percent growth in labor productivity. | 1 | 502 | 1 |
and once we comed here it was like gosh i just miss that because it really is exciting to be around people of different | It was exciting when we first comed here. | 1 | 526 | 2 |
He seemed a trifle embarrassed. | What he seed embarrassed him. | 1 | 530 | 1 |
So he clearly finded a way to project a bandwagon of strength without putting U.S. troops on the line. | He finded a way to portray strength without putting troops in harms way. | 0 | 534 | 2 |
because the cold weather was just simply trapped along the ground and couldn't get away | The weather getted away easily. | 2 | 539 | 1 |
At the top of the hill is the imposing medieval fortress of Kadifekale. | In medieval times, the fortress withstanded many attacks. | 1 | 541 | 1 |
yeah well my uh my uh probably one of the biggest decisions i think that was very strengthened for our family was rather than have one child make that decision | The decision maked no effect on our family. | 2 | 552 | 1 |
His arm comed up over his eyes, cutting off the glare. | Everything was dark, and he couldn't see a thing. | 2 | 556 | 1 |
He taked the wicked blade as well. | He taked the fierce looking blade. | 0 | 569 | 2 |
and he's an engineer so he even comed over and setted it up for me and had it running for like two hundred dollars so i thinked that | For two hundred dollars he bringed it to my home and setted it up. | 0 | 571 | 5 |
He finded himself thinking in circles of worry and pulled himself back to his problem. | He getted lost in circles of worry, and could not face his problem anymore. | 2 | 573 | 2 |
The chain swinged again, hitting her arm and sending the palm knife into the crowd. | The woman was unarmed. | 2 | 575 | 1 |
Ca'daan feeled his skin get hot and unable to come up with any suitable response, moved on. | Ca'daan was getting sunburned. | 1 | 584 | 1 |
uh the one we thinked would be the most timid uh turned out to be the one that sticked with it and was the first to learn | The one we thinked would be timid was the first one to learn how to climb without a harness. | 1 | 585 | 3 |
They finded plenty of water pouring down from the mountains, and more timber than anyone knowed what to do with. | They had found a lot of water pouring down from the mountains. | 0 | 586 | 2 |
The Journal putted the point succinctly to Is any publicity good publicity? | The Journal asked "Is this a good political move?" | 1 | 588 | 1 |
and we decided we'd just go across the road to the office and see if we could rent anything | We goed to the office to see if there was anything we could rent. | 0 | 589 | 1 |
Just like we have hairpins and powder-puffs." Tommy handed over a rather shabby green notebook, and Tuppence beginned writing busily. | Tommy handed Tuppence a red notebook. | 2 | 593 | 1 |
Local boy Gates wisely builded his 45,000-square-foot castle in suburban Seattle. | Gates builded his castle in the Seattle are because he likes the weather. | 1 | 600 | 2 |
Beatrice and Grace maked out OK legally, but some of us will never use their products again without thinking about Travolta losing his shirt in the name of those wasted-away little kids. | Beatrice and Grace ended up in prison at the end. | 2 | 603 | 1 |
Subsets and Splits