311 values
50 values
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "jax", "marian", "text2text-generation", "translation", "en", "es", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en - es tags: - translation license: apache-2.0 --- ### eng-spa * source group: English * target group: Spanish * OPUS readme: [eng-spa]( * model: transformer * source language(s): eng * target language(s): spa * model: transformer * pre-processing: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k) * download original weights: []( * test set translations: [opus-2020-08-18.test.txt]( * test set scores: [opus-2020-08-18.eval.txt]( ## Benchmarks | testset | BLEU | chr-F | |-----------------------|-------|-------| | | 31.0 | 0.583 | | | 29.7 | 0.564 | | | 30.2 | 0.578 | | | 36.9 | 0.620 | | | 38.2 | 0.619 | | | 39.0 | 0.625 | | | 35.0 | 0.598 | | | 54.9 | 0.721 | ### System Info: - hf_name: eng-spa - source_languages: eng - target_languages: spa - opus_readme_url: - original_repo: Tatoeba-Challenge - tags: ['translation'] - languages: ['en', 'es'] - src_constituents: {'eng'} - tgt_constituents: {'spa'} - src_multilingual: False - tgt_multilingual: False - prepro: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k) - url_model: - url_test_set: - src_alpha3: eng - tgt_alpha3: spa - short_pair: en-es - chrF2_score: 0.721 - bleu: 54.9 - brevity_penalty: 0.978 - ref_len: 77311.0 - src_name: English - tgt_name: Spanish - train_date: 2020-08-18 00:00:00 - src_alpha2: en - tgt_alpha2: es - prefer_old: False - long_pair: eng-spa - helsinki_git_sha: d2f0910c89026c34a44e331e785dec1e0faa7b82 - transformers_git_sha: f7af09b4524b784d67ae8526f0e2fcc6f5ed0de9 - port_machine: brutasse - port_time: 2020-08-24-18:20
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "dataset:imagenet-1k", "arxiv:2102.06171", "arxiv:2101.08692", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 library_name: timm tags: - image-classification - timm datasets: - imagenet-1k --- # Model card for nfnet_l0.ra2_in1k A NFNet-Lite (Lightweight NFNet) image classification model. Trained in `timm` by Ross Wightman. Normalization Free Networks are (pre-activation) ResNet-like models without any normalization layers. Instead of Batch Normalization or alternatives, they use Scaled Weight Standardization and specifically placed scalar gains in residual path and at non-linearities based on signal propagation analysis. Lightweight NFNets are `timm` specific variants that reduce the SE and bottleneck ratio from 0.5 -> 0.25 (reducing widths) and use a smaller group size while maintaining the same depth. SiLU activations used instead of GELU. ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 35.1 - GMACs: 4.4 - Activations (M): 10.5 - Image size: train = 224 x 224, test = 288 x 288 - **Papers:** - High-Performance Large-Scale Image Recognition Without Normalization: - Characterizing signal propagation to close the performance gap in unnormalized ResNets: - **Original:** - **Dataset:** ImageNet-1k ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('nfnet_l0.ra2_in1k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Feature Map Extraction ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'nfnet_l0.ra2_in1k', pretrained=True, features_only=True, ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 for o in output: # print shape of each feature map in output # e.g.: # torch.Size([1, 64, 112, 112]) # torch.Size([1, 256, 56, 56]) # torch.Size([1, 512, 28, 28]) # torch.Size([1, 1536, 14, 14]) # torch.Size([1, 2304, 7, 7]) print(o.shape) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'nfnet_l0.ra2_in1k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled, a (1, 2304, 7, 7) shaped tensor output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( ## Citation ```bibtex @article{brock2021high, author={Andrew Brock and Soham De and Samuel L. Smith and Karen Simonyan}, title={High-Performance Large-Scale Image Recognition Without Normalization}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.06171}, year={2021} } ``` ```bibtex @inproceedings{brock2021characterizing, author={Andrew Brock and Soham De and Samuel L. Smith}, title={Characterizing signal propagation to close the performance gap in unnormalized ResNets}, booktitle={9th International Conference on Learning Representations, {ICLR}}, year={2021} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "roberta", "text-classification", "sentiment", "classification", "vi", "license:mit", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - vi tags: - sentiment - classification license: mit widget: - text: "Không thể nào đẹp hơn" - text: "Quá phí tiền, mà không đẹp" - text: "Cái này giá ổn không nhỉ?" --- [**GitHub Homepage**]( A model fine-tuned for sentiment analysis based on [vinai/phobert-base]( Labels: - NEG: Negative - POS: Positive - NEU: Neutral Dataset: [30K e-commerce reviews]( ## Usage ```python import torch from transformers import RobertaForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer model = RobertaForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("wonrax/phobert-base-vietnamese-sentiment") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("wonrax/phobert-base-vietnamese-sentiment", use_fast=False) # Just like PhoBERT: INPUT TEXT MUST BE ALREADY WORD-SEGMENTED! sentence = 'Đây là mô_hình rất hay , phù_hợp với điều_kiện và như cầu của nhiều người .' input_ids = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(sentence)]) with torch.no_grad(): out = model(input_ids) print(out.logits.softmax(dim=-1).tolist()) # Output: # [[0.002, 0.988, 0.01]] # ^ ^ ^ # NEG POS NEU ```
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "dataset:imagenet-1k", "arxiv:1905.11946", "arxiv:1911.04252", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - image-classification - timm library_name: timm license: apache-2.0 datasets: - imagenet-1k --- # Model card for tf_efficientnet_b0.ns_jft_in1k A EfficientNet image classification model. Trained on ImageNet-1k and unlabeled JFT-300m using Noisy Student semi-supervised learning in Tensorflow by paper authors, ported to PyTorch by Ross Wightman. ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 5.3 - GMACs: 0.4 - Activations (M): 6.7 - Image size: 224 x 224 - **Papers:** - EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks: - Self-training with Noisy Student improves ImageNet classification: - **Dataset:** ImageNet-1k - **Original:** ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('tf_efficientnet_b0.ns_jft_in1k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Feature Map Extraction ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'tf_efficientnet_b0.ns_jft_in1k', pretrained=True, features_only=True, ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 for o in output: # print shape of each feature map in output # e.g.: # torch.Size([1, 16, 112, 112]) # torch.Size([1, 24, 56, 56]) # torch.Size([1, 40, 28, 28]) # torch.Size([1, 112, 14, 14]) # torch.Size([1, 320, 7, 7]) print(o.shape) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'tf_efficientnet_b0.ns_jft_in1k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled, a (1, 1280, 7, 7) shaped tensor output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( ## Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{tan2019efficientnet, title={Efficientnet: Rethinking model scaling for convolutional neural networks}, author={Tan, Mingxing and Le, Quoc}, booktitle={International conference on machine learning}, pages={6105--6114}, year={2019}, organization={PMLR} } ``` ```bibtex @article{Xie2019SelfTrainingWN, title={Self-Training With Noisy Student Improves ImageNet Classification}, author={Qizhe Xie and Eduard H. Hovy and Minh-Thang Luong and Quoc V. Le}, journal={2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year={2019}, pages={10684-10695} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "qwen2", "text-generation", "pretrained", "conversational", "en", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en pipeline_tag: text-generation tags: - pretrained license: apache-2.0 --- # Qwen2-7B ## Introduction Qwen2 is the new series of Qwen large language models. For Qwen2, we release a number of base language models and instruction-tuned language models ranging from 0.5 to 72 billion parameters, including a Mixture-of-Experts model. This repo contains the 7B Qwen2 base language model. Compared with the state-of-the-art opensource language models, including the previous released Qwen1.5, Qwen2 has generally surpassed most opensource models and demonstrated competitiveness against proprietary models across a series of benchmarks targeting for language understanding, language generation, multilingual capability, coding, mathematics, reasoning, etc. For more details, please refer to our [blog](, [GitHub](, and [Documentation]( <br> ## Model Details Qwen2 is a language model series including decoder language models of different model sizes. For each size, we release the base language model and the aligned chat model. It is based on the Transformer architecture with SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, group query attention, etc. Additionally, we have an improved tokenizer adaptive to multiple natural languages and codes. ## Requirements The code of Qwen2 has been in the latest Hugging face transformers and we advise you to install `transformers>=4.37.0`, or you might encounter the following error: ``` KeyError: 'qwen2' ``` ## Usage We do not advise you to use base language models for text generation. Instead, you can apply post-training, e.g., SFT, RLHF, continued pretraining, etc., on this model. ### Performance The evaluation of base models mainly focuses on the model performance of natural language understanding, general question answering, coding, mathematics, scientific knowledge, reasoning, multilingual capability, etc. The datasets for evaluation include: **English Tasks**: MMLU (5-shot), MMLU-Pro (5-shot), GPQA (5shot), Theorem QA (5-shot), BBH (3-shot), HellaSwag (10-shot), Winogrande (5-shot), TruthfulQA (0-shot), ARC-C (25-shot) **Coding Tasks**: EvalPlus (0-shot) (HumanEval, MBPP, HumanEval+, MBPP+), MultiPL-E (0-shot) (Python, C++, JAVA, PHP, TypeScript, C#, Bash, JavaScript) **Math Tasks**: GSM8K (4-shot), MATH (4-shot) **Chinese Tasks**: C-Eval(5-shot), CMMLU (5-shot) **Multilingual Tasks**: Multi-Exam (M3Exam 5-shot, IndoMMLU 3-shot, ruMMLU 5-shot, mMMLU 5-shot), Multi-Understanding (BELEBELE 5-shot, XCOPA 5-shot, XWinograd 5-shot, XStoryCloze 0-shot, PAWS-X 5-shot), Multi-Mathematics (MGSM 8-shot), Multi-Translation (Flores-101 5-shot) #### Qwen2-7B performance | Datasets | Mistral-7B | Gemma-7B | Llama-3-8B | Qwen1.5-7B | Qwen2-7B | | :--------| :---------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | :------------: | |# Params | 7.2B | 8.5B | 8.0B | 7.7B | 7.6B | |# Non-emb Params | 7.0B | 7.8B | 7.0B | 6.5B | 6.5B | | ***English*** | | | | | | |MMLU | 64.2 | 64.6 | 66.6 | 61.0 | **70.3** | |MMLU-Pro | 30.9 | 33.7 | 35.4 | 29.9 | **40.0** | |GPQA | 24.7 | 25.7 | 25.8 | 26.7 | **31.8** | |Theorem QA | 19.2 | 21.5 | 22.1 | 14.2 | **31.1** | |BBH | 56.1 | 55.1 | 57.7 | 40.2 | **62.6** | |HellaSwag | **83.2** | 82.2 | 82.1 | 78.5 | 80.7 | |Winogrande | 78.4 | **79.0** | 77.4 | 71.3 | 77.0 | |ARC-C | 60.0 | **61.1** | 59.3 | 54.2 | 60.6 | |TruthfulQA | 42.2 | 44.8 | 44.0 | 51.1 | **54.2** | | ***Coding*** | | | | | | |HumanEval | 29.3 | 37.2 | 33.5 | 36.0 | **51.2** | |MBPP | 51.1 | 50.6 | 53.9 | 51.6 | **65.9** | |EvalPlus | 36.4 | 39.6 | 40.3 | 40.0 | **54.2** | |MultiPL-E | 29.4 | 29.7 | 22.6 | 28.1 | **46.3** | | ***Mathematics*** | | | | | | |GSM8K | 52.2 | 46.4 | 56.0 | 62.5 | **79.9** | |MATH | 13.1 | 24.3 | 20.5 | 20.3 | **44.2** | | ***Chinese*** | | | | | | |C-Eval | 47.4 | 43.6 | 49.5 | 74.1 | **83.2** | |CMMLU | - | - | 50.8 | 73.1 | **83.9** | | ***Multilingual*** | | | | | | |Multi-Exam | 47.1 | 42.7 | 52.3 | 47.7 | **59.2** | |Multi-Understanding | 63.3 | 58.3 | 68.6 | 67.6 | **72.0** | |Multi-Mathematics | 26.3 | 39.1 | 36.3 | 37.3 | **57.5** | |Multi-Translation | 23.3 | 31.2 | **31.9** | 28.4 | 31.5 | ## Citation If you find our work helpful, feel free to give us a cite. ``` @article{qwen2, title={Qwen2 Technical Report}, year={2024} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "roberta", "text-classification", "chatgpt", "en", "dataset:Hello-SimpleAI/HC3", "arxiv:2301.07597", "doi:10.57967/hf/1203", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- datasets: - Hello-SimpleAI/HC3 language: - en pipeline_tag: text-classification tags: - chatgpt --- # Model Card for `Hello-SimpleAI/chatgpt-detector-roberta` This model is trained on **the mix of full-text and splitted sentences** of `answer`s from [Hello-SimpleAI/HC3]( More details refer to [arxiv: 2301.07597]( and Gtihub project [Hello-SimpleAI/chatgpt-comparison-detection]( The base checkpoint is [roberta-base]( We train it with all [Hello-SimpleAI/HC3]( data (without held-out) for 1 epoch. (1-epoch is consistent with the experiments in [our paper]( ## Citation Checkout this papaer [arxiv: 2301.07597]( ``` @article{guo-etal-2023-hc3, title = "How Close is ChatGPT to Human Experts? Comparison Corpus, Evaluation, and Detection", author = "Guo, Biyang and Zhang, Xin and Wang, Ziyuan and Jiang, Minqi and Nie, Jinran and Ding, Yuxuan and Yue, Jianwei and Wu, Yupeng", journal={arXiv preprint arxiv:2301.07597} year = "2023", } ```
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "dataset:imagenet-1k", "dataset:laion-2b", "arxiv:2210.08402", "arxiv:2201.03545", "arxiv:2103.00020", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 library_name: timm tags: - image-classification - timm datasets: - imagenet-1k - laion-2b --- # Model card for convnext_xxlarge.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in1k A ConvNeXt image classification model. CLIP image tower weights pretrained in [OpenCLIP]( on LAION and fine-tuned on ImageNet-1k in `timm` by Ross Wightman. Please see related OpenCLIP model cards for more details on pretrain: * * * * ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 846.5 - GMACs: 198.1 - Activations (M): 124.5 - Image size: 256 x 256 - **Papers:** - LAION-5B: An open large-scale dataset for training next generation image-text models: - A ConvNet for the 2020s: - Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision: - **Original:** - **Pretrain Dataset:** LAION-2B - **Dataset:** ImageNet-1k ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('convnext_xxlarge.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in1k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Feature Map Extraction ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'convnext_xxlarge.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in1k', pretrained=True, features_only=True, ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 for o in output: # print shape of each feature map in output # e.g.: # torch.Size([1, 384, 64, 64]) # torch.Size([1, 768, 32, 32]) # torch.Size([1, 1536, 16, 16]) # torch.Size([1, 3072, 8, 8]) print(o.shape) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'convnext_xxlarge.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in1k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled, a (1, 3072, 8, 8) shaped tensor output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( All timing numbers from eager model PyTorch 1.13 on RTX 3090 w/ AMP. | model |top1 |top5 |img_size|param_count|gmacs |macts |samples_per_sec|batch_size| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------|------|--------|-----------|------|------|---------------|----------| | [convnextv2_huge.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k_512]( |88.848|98.742|512 |660.29 |600.81|413.07|28.58 |48 | | [convnextv2_huge.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k_384]( |88.668|98.738|384 |660.29 |337.96|232.35|50.56 |64 | | [convnext_xxlarge.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in1k]( |88.612|98.704|256 |846.47 |198.09|124.45|122.45 |256 | | [convnext_large_mlp.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in12k_in1k_384]( |88.312|98.578|384 |200.13 |101.11|126.74|196.84 |256 | | [convnextv2_large.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k_384]( |88.196|98.532|384 |197.96 |101.1 |126.74|128.94 |128 | | [convnext_large_mlp.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in12k_in1k_320]( |87.968|98.47 |320 |200.13 |70.21 |88.02 |283.42 |256 | | [convnext_xlarge.fb_in22k_ft_in1k_384]( |87.75 |98.556|384 |350.2 |179.2 |168.99|124.85 |192 | | [convnextv2_base.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k_384]( |87.646|98.422|384 |88.72 |45.21 |84.49 |209.51 |256 | | [convnext_large.fb_in22k_ft_in1k_384]( |87.476|98.382|384 |197.77 |101.1 |126.74|194.66 |256 | | [convnext_large_mlp.clip_laion2b_augreg_ft_in1k]( |87.344|98.218|256 |200.13 |44.94 |56.33 |438.08 |256 | | [convnextv2_large.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k]( |87.26 |98.248|224 |197.96 |34.4 |43.13 |376.84 |256 | | [convnext_base.clip_laion2b_augreg_ft_in12k_in1k_384]( |87.138|98.212|384 |88.59 |45.21 |84.49 |365.47 |256 | | [convnext_xlarge.fb_in22k_ft_in1k]( |87.002|98.208|224 |350.2 |60.98 |57.5 |368.01 |256 | | [convnext_base.fb_in22k_ft_in1k_384]( |86.796|98.264|384 |88.59 |45.21 |84.49 |366.54 |256 | | [convnextv2_base.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k]( |86.74 |98.022|224 |88.72 |15.38 |28.75 |624.23 |256 | | [convnext_large.fb_in22k_ft_in1k]( |86.636|98.028|224 |197.77 |34.4 |43.13 |581.43 |256 | | [convnext_base.clip_laiona_augreg_ft_in1k_384]( |86.504|97.97 |384 |88.59 |45.21 |84.49 |368.14 |256 | | [convnext_base.clip_laion2b_augreg_ft_in12k_in1k]( |86.344|97.97 |256 |88.59 |20.09 |37.55 |816.14 |256 | | [convnextv2_huge.fcmae_ft_in1k]( |86.256|97.75 |224 |660.29 |115.0 |79.07 |154.72 |256 | | [convnext_small.in12k_ft_in1k_384]( |86.182|97.92 |384 |50.22 |25.58 |63.37 |516.19 |256 | | [convnext_base.clip_laion2b_augreg_ft_in1k]( |86.154|97.68 |256 |88.59 |20.09 |37.55 |819.86 |256 | | [convnext_base.fb_in22k_ft_in1k]( |85.822|97.866|224 |88.59 |15.38 |28.75 |1037.66 |256 | | [convnext_small.fb_in22k_ft_in1k_384]( |85.778|97.886|384 |50.22 |25.58 |63.37 |518.95 |256 | | [convnextv2_large.fcmae_ft_in1k]( |85.742|97.584|224 |197.96 |34.4 |43.13 |375.23 |256 | | [convnext_small.in12k_ft_in1k]( |85.174|97.506|224 |50.22 |8.71 |21.56 |1474.31 |256 | | [convnext_tiny.in12k_ft_in1k_384]( |85.118|97.608|384 |28.59 |13.14 |39.48 |856.76 |256 | | [convnextv2_tiny.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k_384]( |85.112|97.63 |384 |28.64 |13.14 |39.48 |491.32 |256 | | [convnextv2_base.fcmae_ft_in1k]( |84.874|97.09 |224 |88.72 |15.38 |28.75 |625.33 |256 | | [convnext_small.fb_in22k_ft_in1k]( |84.562|97.394|224 |50.22 |8.71 |21.56 |1478.29 |256 | | [convnext_large.fb_in1k]( |84.282|96.892|224 |197.77 |34.4 |43.13 |584.28 |256 | | [convnext_tiny.in12k_ft_in1k]( |84.186|97.124|224 |28.59 |4.47 |13.44 |2433.7 |256 | | [convnext_tiny.fb_in22k_ft_in1k_384]( |84.084|97.14 |384 |28.59 |13.14 |39.48 |862.95 |256 | | [convnextv2_tiny.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k]( |83.894|96.964|224 |28.64 |4.47 |13.44 |1452.72 |256 | | [convnext_base.fb_in1k]( |83.82 |96.746|224 |88.59 |15.38 |28.75 |1054.0 |256 | | [convnextv2_nano.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k_384]( |83.37 |96.742|384 |15.62 |7.22 |24.61 |801.72 |256 | | [convnext_small.fb_in1k]( |83.142|96.434|224 |50.22 |8.71 |21.56 |1464.0 |256 | | [convnextv2_tiny.fcmae_ft_in1k]( |82.92 |96.284|224 |28.64 |4.47 |13.44 |1425.62 |256 | | [convnext_tiny.fb_in22k_ft_in1k]( |82.898|96.616|224 |28.59 |4.47 |13.44 |2480.88 |256 | | [convnext_nano.in12k_ft_in1k]( |82.282|96.344|224 |15.59 |2.46 |8.37 |3926.52 |256 | | [convnext_tiny_hnf.a2h_in1k]( |82.216|95.852|224 |28.59 |4.47 |13.44 |2529.75 |256 | | [convnext_tiny.fb_in1k]( |82.066|95.854|224 |28.59 |4.47 |13.44 |2346.26 |256 | | [convnextv2_nano.fcmae_ft_in22k_in1k]( |82.03 |96.166|224 |15.62 |2.46 |8.37 |2300.18 |256 | | [convnextv2_nano.fcmae_ft_in1k]( |81.83 |95.738|224 |15.62 |2.46 |8.37 |2321.48 |256 | | [convnext_nano_ols.d1h_in1k]( |80.866|95.246|224 |15.65 |2.65 |9.38 |3523.85 |256 | | [convnext_nano.d1h_in1k]( |80.768|95.334|224 |15.59 |2.46 |8.37 |3915.58 |256 | | [convnextv2_pico.fcmae_ft_in1k]( |80.304|95.072|224 |9.07 |1.37 |6.1 |3274.57 |256 | | [convnext_pico.d1_in1k]( |79.526|94.558|224 |9.05 |1.37 |6.1 |5686.88 |256 | | [convnext_pico_ols.d1_in1k]( |79.522|94.692|224 |9.06 |1.43 |6.5 |5422.46 |256 | | [convnextv2_femto.fcmae_ft_in1k]( |78.488|93.98 |224 |5.23 |0.79 |4.57 |4264.2 |256 | | [convnext_femto_ols.d1_in1k]( |77.86 |93.83 |224 |5.23 |0.82 |4.87 |6910.6 |256 | | [convnext_femto.d1_in1k]( |77.454|93.68 |224 |5.22 |0.79 |4.57 |7189.92 |256 | | [convnextv2_atto.fcmae_ft_in1k]( |76.664|93.044|224 |3.71 |0.55 |3.81 |4728.91 |256 | | [convnext_atto_ols.a2_in1k]( |75.88 |92.846|224 |3.7 |0.58 |4.11 |7963.16 |256 | | [convnext_atto.d2_in1k]( |75.664|92.9 |224 |3.7 |0.55 |3.81 |8439.22 |256 | ## Citation ```bibtex @software{ilharco_gabriel_2021_5143773, author = {Ilharco, Gabriel and Wortsman, Mitchell and Wightman, Ross and Gordon, Cade and Carlini, Nicholas and Taori, Rohan and Dave, Achal and Shankar, Vaishaal and Namkoong, Hongseok and Miller, John and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh and Farhadi, Ali and Schmidt, Ludwig}, title = {OpenCLIP}, month = jul, year = 2021, note = {If you use this software, please cite it as below.}, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {0.1}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5143773}, url = {} } ``` ```bibtex @inproceedings{schuhmann2022laionb, title={{LAION}-5B: An open large-scale dataset for training next generation image-text models}, author={Christoph Schuhmann and Romain Beaumont and Richard Vencu and Cade W Gordon and Ross Wightman and Mehdi Cherti and Theo Coombes and Aarush Katta and Clayton Mullis and Mitchell Wortsman and Patrick Schramowski and Srivatsa R Kundurthy and Katherine Crowson and Ludwig Schmidt and Robert Kaczmarczyk and Jenia Jitsev}, booktitle={Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track}, year={2022}, url={} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ``` ```bibtex @inproceedings{Radford2021LearningTV, title={Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision}, author={Alec Radford and Jong Wook Kim and Chris Hallacy and A. Ramesh and Gabriel Goh and Sandhini Agarwal and Girish Sastry and Amanda Askell and Pamela Mishkin and Jack Clark and Gretchen Krueger and Ilya Sutskever}, booktitle={ICML}, year={2021} } ``` ```bibtex @article{liu2022convnet, author = {Zhuang Liu and Hanzi Mao and Chao-Yuan Wu and Christoph Feichtenhofer and Trevor Darrell and Saining Xie}, title = {A ConvNet for the 2020s}, journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year = {2022}, } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "dpr", "en", "dataset:nq_open", "arxiv:2004.04906", "arxiv:1702.08734", "arxiv:1910.09700", "license:cc-by-nc-4.0", "region:us" ]
--- language: en license: cc-by-nc-4.0 tags: - dpr datasets: - nq_open inference: false --- # `dpr-ctx_encoder-multiset-base` ## Table of Contents - [Model Details](#model-details) - [How To Get Started With the Model](#how-to-get-started-with-the-model) - [Uses](#uses) - [Risks, Limitations and Biases](#risks-limitations-and-biases) - [Training](#training) - [Evaluation](#evaluation-results) - [Environmental Impact](#environmental-impact) - [Technical Specifications](#technical-specifications) - [Citation Information](#citation-information) - [Model Card Authors](#model-card-authors) ## Model Details **Model Description:** [Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR)]( is a set of tools and models for state-of-the-art open-domain Q&A research. `dpr-ctx_encoder-multiset-base` is the context encoder trained using the [Natural Questions (NQ) dataset](, [TriviaQA](, [WebQuestions (WQ)](, and [CuratedTREC (TREC)]( - **Developed by:** See [GitHub repo]( for model developers - **Model Type:** BERT-based encoder - **Language(s):** [CC-BY-NC-4.0](, also see [Code of Conduct]( - **License:** English - **Related Models:** - [`dpr-question_encoder-multiset-base`]( - [`dpr-reader-multiset-base`]( - [`dpr-question-encoder-single-nq-base`]( - [`dpr-reader-single-nq-base`]( - [`dpr-ctx_encoder-single-nq-base`]( - **Resources for more information:** - [Research Paper]( - [GitHub Repo]( - [Hugging Face DPR docs]( - [BERT Base Uncased Model Card]( ## How to Get Started with the Model Use the code below to get started with the model. ```python from transformers import DPRContextEncoder, DPRContextEncoderTokenizer tokenizer = DPRContextEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-ctx_encoder-multiset-base") model = DPRContextEncoder.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-ctx_encoder-multiset-base") input_ids = tokenizer("Hello, is my dog cute ?", return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"] embeddings = model(input_ids).pooler_output ``` ## Uses #### Direct Use `dpr-ctx_encoder-multiset-base`, [`dpr-question_encoder-multiset-base`](, and [`dpr-reader-multiset-base`]( can be used for the task of open-domain question answering. #### Misuse and Out-of-scope Use The model should not be used to intentionally create hostile or alienating environments for people. In addition, the set of DPR models was not trained to be factual or true representations of people or events, and therefore using the models to generate such content is out-of-scope for the abilities of this model. ## Risks, Limitations and Biases **CONTENT WARNING: Readers should be aware this section may contain content that is disturbing, offensive, and can propogate historical and current stereotypes.** Significant research has explored bias and fairness issues with language models (see, e.g., [Sheng et al. (2021)]( and [Bender et al. (2021)]( Predictions generated by the model can include disturbing and harmful stereotypes across protected classes; identity characteristics; and sensitive, social, and occupational groups. ## Training #### Training Data This model was trained using the following datasets: - **[Natural Questions (NQ) dataset](** ([Lee et al., 2019](; [Kwiatkowski et al., 2019]( - **[TriviaQA](** ([Joshi et al., 2017]( - **[WebQuestions (WQ)](** ([Berant et al., 2013]( - **[CuratedTREC (TREC)](** ([Baudiš & Šedivý, 2015]( #### Training Procedure The training procedure is described in the [associated paper]( > Given a collection of M text passages, the goal of our dense passage retriever (DPR) is to index all the passages in a low-dimensional and continuous space, such that it can retrieve efficiently the top k passages relevant to the input question for the reader at run-time. > Our dense passage retriever (DPR) uses a dense encoder EP(·) which maps any text passage to a d- dimensional real-valued vectors and builds an index for all the M passages that we will use for retrieval. At run-time, DPR applies a different encoder EQ(·) that maps the input question to a d-dimensional vector, and retrieves k passages of which vectors are the closest to the question vector. The authors report that for encoders, they used two independent BERT ([Devlin et al., 2019]( networks (base, un-cased) and use FAISS ([Johnson et al., 2017]( during inference time to encode and index passages. See the paper for further details on training, including encoders, inference, positive and negative passages, and in-batch negatives. ## Evaluation The following evaluation information is extracted from the [associated paper]( #### Testing Data, Factors and Metrics The model developers report the performance of the model on five QA datasets, using the top-k accuracy (k ∈ {20, 100}). The datasets were [NQ](, [TriviaQA](, [WebQuestions (WQ)](, [CuratedTREC (TREC)](, and [SQuAD v1.1]( #### Results | | Top 20 | | | | | Top 100| | | | | |:----:|:------:|:---------:|:--:|:----:|:-----:|:------:|:---------:|:--:|:----:|:-----:| | | NQ | TriviaQA | WQ | TREC | SQuAD | NQ | TriviaQA | WQ | TREC | SQuAD | | | 79.4 | 78.8 |75.0| 89.1 | 51.6 | 86.0 | 84.7 |82.9| 93.9 | 67.6 | ## Environmental Impact Carbon emissions can be estimated using the [Machine Learning Impact calculator]( presented in [Lacoste et al. (2019)]( We present the hardware type and based on the [associated paper]( - **Hardware Type:** 8 32GB GPUs - **Hours used:** Unknown - **Cloud Provider:** Unknown - **Compute Region:** Unknown - **Carbon Emitted:** Unknown ## Technical Specifications See the [associated paper]( for details on the modeling architecture, objective, compute infrastructure, and training details. ## Citation Information ```bibtex @inproceedings{karpukhin-etal-2020-dense, title = "Dense Passage Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering", author = "Karpukhin, Vladimir and Oguz, Barlas and Min, Sewon and Lewis, Patrick and Wu, Ledell and Edunov, Sergey and Chen, Danqi and Yih, Wen-tau", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)", month = nov, year = "2020", address = "Online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "", doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.550", pages = "6769--6781", } ``` ## Model Card Authors This model card was written by the team at Hugging Face.
[ "open_clip", "zero-shot-image-classification", "clip", "biology", "CV", "images", "animals", "species", "taxonomy", "rare species", "endangered species", "evolutionary biology", "multimodal", "knowledge-guided", "en", "dataset:imageomics/TreeOfLife-10M", "dataset:iNat21", "dataset:BIOSCAN-1M", "dataset:EOL", "doi:10.57967/hf/1511", "license:mit", "region:us" ]
--- license: - mit language: - en library_name: open_clip tags: - zero-shot-image-classification - clip - biology - CV - images - animals - species - taxonomy - rare species - endangered species - evolutionary biology - multimodal - knowledge-guided datasets: - imageomics/TreeOfLife-10M - iNat21 - BIOSCAN-1M - EOL --- # Model Card for BioCLIP <!-- This modelcard has been generated using [this raw template]( And further altered to suit Imageomics Institute needs --> BioCLIP is a foundation model for the tree of life, built using CLIP architecture as a vision model for general organismal biology. It is trained on [TreeOfLife-10M](, our specially-created dataset covering over 450K taxa--the most biologically diverse ML-ready dataset available to date. Through rigorous benchmarking on a diverse set of fine-grained biological classification tasks, BioCLIP consistently outperformed existing baselines by 16% to 17% absolute. Through intrinsic evaluation, we found that BioCLIP learned a hierarchical representation aligned to the tree of life, which demonstrates its potential for robust generalizability. **See the `examples/` directory for examples of how to use BioCLIP in zero-shot and few-shot settings.** ## Model Details ### Model Description BioCLIP is based on OpenAI's [CLIP]( We trained the model on [TreeOfLife-10M]( from OpenAI's ViT-B/16 checkpoint, using [OpenCLIP's]( code. BioCLIP is trained with the standard CLIP objective to imbue the model with an understanding, not just of different species, but of the hierarchical structure that relates species across the tree of life. In this way, BioCLIP offers potential to aid biologists in discovery of new and related creatures, since it does not see the 454K different taxa as distinct classes, but as part of an interconnected hierarchy. - **Developed by:** Samuel Stevens, Jiaman Wu, Matthew J. Thompson, Elizabeth G. Campolongo, Chan Hee Song, David Edward Carlyn, Li Dong, Wasila M. Dahdul, Charles Stewart, Tanya Berger-Wolf, Wei-Lun Chao, and Yu Su - **Model type:** Vision Transformer (ViT-B/16) - **License:** MIT - **Fine-tuned from model:** OpenAI CLIP, ViT-B/16 This model was developed for the benefit of the community as an open-source product, thus we request that any derivative products are also open-source. ### Model Sources - **Repository:** [BioCLIP]( - **Paper:** BioCLIP: A Vision Foundation Model for the Tree of Life ([arXiv]( - **Demo:** [BioCLIP Demo]( ## Uses BioCLIP has been extensively evaluated on species classification tasks across many different subtrees of the tree of life. The ViT-B/16 vision encoder is recommended as a base model for any computer vision task for biology; we expect it to outperform general domain models with the same architecture on biology-specific tasks. ### Direct Use See the demo [here]( for examples of zero-shot classification. It can also be used in a few-shot setting with a KNN; please see [our paper]( for details for both few-shot and zero-shot settings without fine-tuning. ## Bias, Risks, and Limitations This model was developed from the original CLIP model, thus many of the concerns discussed in ([Radford et al. 2021]( apply. We encourage the concerned/curious user to read their extensive ethics statement, while we focus our attention on the biological perspective which is unique to BioCLIP. - No specific geographic information (eg., GPS coordinates) are included in training, so the species classification does not pose a direct threat to animals through aiding poachers, as it cannot inform them of their location. - BioCLIP is designed to aid in scientific discovery through an association of images to the hierarchical taxonomy structure. As with many--if not all--models currently in production, it is important to retain the context that it is meant to assist biologists in their work, not replace them. As such, we caution against over-reliance on model predictions. ### Recommendations Users (both direct and downstream) should be made aware of the risks, biases and limitations of the model. More information needed for further recommendations. ## How to Get Started with the Model BioCLIP can be used with the `open_clip` library: ```py import open_clip model, preprocess_train, preprocess_val = open_clip.create_model_and_transforms('hf-hub:imageomics/bioclip') tokenizer = open_clip.get_tokenizer('hf-hub:imageomics/bioclip') ``` ## Training Details ### Compute Infrastructure Training was performed on 8 NVIDIA A100-80GB GPUs distributed over 2 nodes on [OSC's]( Ascend HPC Cluster with global batch size 32,768 for 4 days. Based on [Machine Learning Impact calculator]( presented in [Lacoste et al. (2019)](, that's 132.71 kg of CO<sub>2</sub> eq., or 536km driven by an average ICE car. ### Training Data This model was trained on [TreeOfLife-10M](, which is a compilation of images matched to [Linnaean taxonomic rank]( from kingdom through species. They are also matched with common (vernacular) name of the subject of the image where available. For more information, please see our dataset, [TreeOfLife-10M]( ### Training Hyperparameters - **Training regime:** fp16 mixed precision. We resize images to 224 x 224 pixels. We use a maximum learning rate of 1e4 with 1000 linear warm-up steps, then use cosine decay to 0 over 100 epochs. We also use a weight decay of 0.2 and a batch size of 32K. ## Evaluation ### Testing Data We tested BioCLIP on the following collection of 10 biologically-relevant tasks. - [Meta-Album]( Specifically, we used the Plankton, Insects, Insects 2, PlantNet, Fungi, PlantVillage, Medicinal Leaf, and PlantDoc datasets from Set-0 through Set-2 (Set-3 was still not released as of our publication/evaluation (Nov. 2023)). - [Birds 525]( We evaluated on the 2,625 test images provided with the dataset. - [Rare Species]( A new dataset we curated for the purpose of testing this model and to contribute to the ML for Conservation community. It consists of 400 species labeled Near Threatened through Extinct in the Wild by the [IUCN Red List](, with 30 images per species. For more information, see our dataset, [Rare Species]( For more information about the contents of these datasets, see Table 2 and associated sections of [our paper]( ### Metrics We use top-1 and top-5 accuracy to evaluate models, and validation loss to choose the best performing checkpoints from training. ### Results We compare BioCLIP to OpenAI's CLIP and OpenCLIP's LAION-2B checkpoint. Here are the zero-shot classification results on our benchmark tasks. Please see [our paper]( for few-shot results. <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th rowspan="2">Model</th> <th colspan="4">Animals</th> <th colspan="5">Plants & Fungi</th> <th rowspan="2">Rare Species</th> <th rowspan="2">Mean</th> </tr> <tr> <th>Birds 525</th> <th>Plankton</th> <th>Insects</th> <th>Insects 2</th> <th>PlantNet</th> <th>Fungi</th> <th>PlantVillage</th> <th>Med. Leaf</th> <th>PlantDoc</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>CLIP</td> <td>49.9</td> <td>3.2</td> <td>9.1</td> <td>9.8</td> <td>58.5</td> <td>10.2</td> <td>5.4</td> <td>15.9</td> <td>26.1</td> <td>31.8</td> <td>21.9</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OpenCLIP</td> <td>54.7</td> <td>2.2</td> <td>6.5</td> <td>9.6</td> <td>50.2</td> <td>5.7</td> <td>8.0</td> <td>12.4</td> <td>25.8</td> <td>29.8</td> <td>20.4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>BioCLIP</td> <td><b>72.1</b></td> <td><b>6.1</b></td> <td><b>34.8</b></td> <td><b>20.4</b></td> <td><b>91.4</b></td> <td>40.7</td> <td><b>24.4</b></td> <td><b>38.6</b></td> <td><b>28.4</b></td> <td><b>38.0</b></td> <td><b>39.4</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>iNat21 Only</td> <td>56.1</td> <td>2.6</td> <td>30.7</td> <td>11.5</td> <td>88.2</td> <td><b>43.0</b></td> <td>18.4</td> <td>25.6</td> <td>20.5</td> <td>21.3</td> <td>31.7</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ### Summary BioCLIP outperforms general-domain baselines by 17% on average for zero-shot. ### Model Examination We encourage readers to see Section 4.6 of [our paper]( In short, BioCLIP forms representations that more closely align to the taxonomic hierarchy compared to general-domain baselines like CLIP or OpenCLIP. ## Citation **BibTeX:** ``` @software{bioclip2023, author = {Samuel Stevens and Jiaman Wu and Matthew J. Thompson and Elizabeth G. Campolongo and Chan Hee Song and David Edward Carlyn and Li Dong and Wasila M. Dahdul and Charles Stewart and Tanya Berger-Wolf and Wei-Lun Chao and Yu Su}, doi = {10.57967/hf/1511}, month = nov, title = {BioCLIP}, version = {v0.1}, year = {2023} } ``` Please also cite our paper: ``` @inproceedings{stevens2024bioclip, title = {{B}io{CLIP}: A Vision Foundation Model for the Tree of Life}, author = {Samuel Stevens and Jiaman Wu and Matthew J Thompson and Elizabeth G Campolongo and Chan Hee Song and David Edward Carlyn and Li Dong and Wasila M Dahdul and Charles Stewart and Tanya Berger-Wolf and Wei-Lun Chao and Yu Su}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year = {2024} } ``` Please also consider citing OpenCLIP, iNat21 and BIOSCAN-1M: ``` @software{ilharco_gabriel_2021_5143773, author={Ilharco, Gabriel and Wortsman, Mitchell and Wightman, Ross and Gordon, Cade and Carlini, Nicholas and Taori, Rohan and Dave, Achal and Shankar, Vaishaal and Namkoong, Hongseok and Miller, John and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh and Farhadi, Ali and Schmidt, Ludwig}, title={OpenCLIP}, year={2021}, doi={10.5281/zenodo.5143773}, } ``` ``` @misc{inat2021, author={Van Horn, Grant and Mac Aodha, Oisin}, title={iNat Challenge 2021 - FGVC8}, publisher={Kaggle}, year={2021}, url={} } ``` ``` @inproceedings{gharaee2023step, author={Gharaee, Z. and Gong, Z. and Pellegrino, N. and Zarubiieva, I. and Haurum, J. B. and Lowe, S. C. and McKeown, J. T. A. and Ho, C. Y. and McLeod, J. and Wei, Y. C. and Agda, J. and Ratnasingham, S. and Steinke, D. and Chang, A. X. and Taylor, G. W. and Fieguth, P.}, title={A Step Towards Worldwide Biodiversity Assessment: The {BIOSCAN-1M} Insect Dataset}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems ({NeurIPS}) Datasets \& Benchmarks Track}, year={2023}, } ``` ## Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Josef Uyeda, Jim Balhoff, Dan Rubenstein, Hank Bart, Hilmar Lapp, Sara Beery, and colleagues from the Imageomics Institute and the OSU NLP group for their valuable feedback. We also thank the BIOSCAN-1M team and the iNaturalist team for making their data available and easy to use, and Jennifer Hammack at EOL for her invaluable help in accessing EOL’s images. The [Imageomics Institute]( is funded by the US National Science Foundation's Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) program under [Award #2118240]( (Imageomics: A New Frontier of Biological Information Powered by Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. ## Model Card Authors Elizabeth G. Campolongo, Samuel Stevens, and Jiaman Wu ## Model Card Contact [](
[ "flair", "pytorch", "token-classification", "sequence-tagger-model", "en", "dataset:ontonotes", "arxiv:2011.06993", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - flair - token-classification - sequence-tagger-model language: en datasets: - ontonotes widget: - text: "On September 1st George won 1 dollar while watching Game of Thrones." --- ## English NER in Flair (Ontonotes large model) This is the large 18-class NER model for English that ships with [Flair]( F1-Score: **90.93** (Ontonotes) Predicts 18 tags: | **tag** | **meaning** | |---------------------------------|-----------| | CARDINAL | cardinal value | | DATE | date value | | EVENT | event name | | FAC | building name | | GPE | geo-political entity | | LANGUAGE | language name | | LAW | law name | | LOC | location name | | MONEY | money name | | NORP | affiliation | | ORDINAL | ordinal value | | ORG | organization name | | PERCENT | percent value | | PERSON | person name | | PRODUCT | product name | | QUANTITY | quantity value | | TIME | time value | | WORK_OF_ART | name of work of art | Based on document-level XLM-R embeddings and [FLERT]( --- ### Demo: How to use in Flair Requires: **[Flair](** (`pip install flair`) ```python from import Sentence from flair.models import SequenceTagger # load tagger tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/ner-english-ontonotes-large") # make example sentence sentence = Sentence("On September 1st George won 1 dollar while watching Game of Thrones.") # predict NER tags tagger.predict(sentence) # print sentence print(sentence) # print predicted NER spans print('The following NER tags are found:') # iterate over entities and print for entity in sentence.get_spans('ner'): print(entity) ``` This yields the following output: ``` Span [2,3]: "September 1st" [− Labels: DATE (1.0)] Span [4]: "George" [− Labels: PERSON (1.0)] Span [6,7]: "1 dollar" [− Labels: MONEY (1.0)] Span [10,11,12]: "Game of Thrones" [− Labels: WORK_OF_ART (1.0)] ``` So, the entities "*September 1st*" (labeled as a **date**), "*George*" (labeled as a **person**), "*1 dollar*" (labeled as a **money**) and "Game of Thrones" (labeled as a **work of art**) are found in the sentence "*On September 1st George Washington won 1 dollar while watching Game of Thrones*". --- ### Training: Script to train this model The following Flair script was used to train this model: ```python from import Corpus from flair.datasets import ColumnCorpus from flair.embeddings import WordEmbeddings, StackedEmbeddings, FlairEmbeddings # 1. load the corpus (Ontonotes does not ship with Flair, you need to download and reformat into a column format yourself) corpus: Corpus = ColumnCorpus( "resources/tasks/onto-ner", column_format={0: "text", 1: "pos", 2: "upos", 3: "ner"}, tag_to_bioes="ner", ) # 2. what tag do we want to predict? tag_type = 'ner' # 3. make the tag dictionary from the corpus tag_dictionary = corpus.make_tag_dictionary(tag_type=tag_type) # 4. initialize fine-tuneable transformer embeddings WITH document context from flair.embeddings import TransformerWordEmbeddings embeddings = TransformerWordEmbeddings( model='xlm-roberta-large', layers="-1", subtoken_pooling="first", fine_tune=True, use_context=True, ) # 5. initialize bare-bones sequence tagger (no CRF, no RNN, no reprojection) from flair.models import SequenceTagger tagger = SequenceTagger( hidden_size=256, embeddings=embeddings, tag_dictionary=tag_dictionary, tag_type='ner', use_crf=False, use_rnn=False, reproject_embeddings=False, ) # 6. initialize trainer with AdamW optimizer from flair.trainers import ModelTrainer trainer = ModelTrainer(tagger, corpus, optimizer=torch.optim.AdamW) # 7. run training with XLM parameters (20 epochs, small LR) from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import OneCycleLR trainer.train('resources/taggers/ner-english-ontonotes-large', learning_rate=5.0e-6, mini_batch_size=4, mini_batch_chunk_size=1, max_epochs=20, scheduler=OneCycleLR, embeddings_storage_mode='none', weight_decay=0., ) ``` --- ### Cite Please cite the following paper when using this model. ``` @misc{schweter2020flert, title={FLERT: Document-Level Features for Named Entity Recognition}, author={Stefan Schweter and Alan Akbik}, year={2020}, eprint={2011.06993}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ``` --- ### Issues? The Flair issue tracker is available [here](
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "deberta-v2", "deberta", "fill-mask", "en", "arxiv:2006.03654", "license:mit", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: en tags: - deberta - fill-mask thumbnail: license: mit --- ## DeBERTa: Decoding-enhanced BERT with Disentangled Attention [DeBERTa]( improves the BERT and RoBERTa models using disentangled attention and enhanced mask decoder. It outperforms BERT and RoBERTa on majority of NLU tasks with 80GB training data. Please check the [official repository]( for more details and updates. This is the DeBERTa V2 xlarge model with 24 layers, 1536 hidden size. The total parameters are 900M and it is trained with 160GB raw data. ### Fine-tuning on NLU tasks We present the dev results on SQuAD 1.1/2.0 and several GLUE benchmark tasks. | Model | SQuAD 1.1 | SQuAD 2.0 | MNLI-m/mm | SST-2 | QNLI | CoLA | RTE | MRPC | QQP |STS-B | |---------------------------|-----------|-----------|-------------|-------|------|------|--------|-------|-------|------| | | F1/EM | F1/EM | Acc | Acc | Acc | MCC | Acc |Acc/F1 |Acc/F1 |P/S | | BERT-Large | 90.9/84.1 | 81.8/79.0 | 86.6/- | 93.2 | 92.3 | 60.6 | 70.4 | 88.0/- | 91.3/- |90.0/- | | RoBERTa-Large | 94.6/88.9 | 89.4/86.5 | 90.2/- | 96.4 | 93.9 | 68.0 | 86.6 | 90.9/- | 92.2/- |92.4/- | | XLNet-Large | 95.1/89.7 | 90.6/87.9 | 90.8/- | 97.0 | 94.9 | 69.0 | 85.9 | 90.8/- | 92.3/- |92.5/- | | [DeBERTa-Large](<sup>1</sup> | 95.5/90.1 | 90.7/88.0 | 91.3/91.1| 96.5|95.3| 69.5| 91.0| 92.6/94.6| 92.3/- |92.8/92.5 | | [DeBERTa-XLarge](<sup>1</sup> | -/- | -/- | 91.5/91.2| 97.0 | - | - | 93.1 | 92.1/94.3 | - |92.9/92.7| | [DeBERTa-V2-XLarge](<sup>1</sup>|95.8/90.8| 91.4/88.9|91.7/91.6| **97.5**| 95.8|71.1|**93.9**|92.0/94.2|92.3/89.8|92.9/92.9| |**[DeBERTa-V2-XXLarge](<sup>1,2</sup>**|**96.1/91.4**|**92.2/89.7**|**91.7/91.9**|97.2|**96.0**|**72.0**| 93.5| **93.1/94.9**|**92.7/90.3** |**93.2/93.1** | -------- #### Notes. - <sup>1</sup> Following RoBERTa, for RTE, MRPC, STS-B, we fine-tune the tasks based on [DeBERTa-Large-MNLI](, [DeBERTa-XLarge-MNLI](, [DeBERTa-V2-XLarge-MNLI](, [DeBERTa-V2-XXLarge-MNLI]( The results of SST-2/QQP/QNLI/SQuADv2 will also be slightly improved when start from MNLI fine-tuned models, however, we only report the numbers fine-tuned from pretrained base models for those 4 tasks. - <sup>2</sup> To try the **XXLarge** model with **[HF transformers](**, you need to specify **--sharded_ddp** ```bash cd transformers/examples/text-classification/ export TASK_NAME=mrpc python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --model_name_or_path microsoft/deberta-v2-xxlarge \\\\ --task_name $TASK_NAME --do_train --do_eval --max_seq_length 128 --per_device_train_batch_size 4 \\\\ --learning_rate 3e-6 --num_train_epochs 3 --output_dir /tmp/$TASK_NAME/ --overwrite_output_dir --sharded_ddp --fp16 ``` ### Citation If you find DeBERTa useful for your work, please cite the following paper: ``` latex @inproceedings{ he2021deberta, title={DEBERTA: DECODING-ENHANCED BERT WITH DISENTANGLED ATTENTION}, author={Pengcheng He and Xiaodong Liu and Jianfeng Gao and Weizhu Chen}, booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations}, year={2021}, url={} } ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "baichuan", "text-generation", "custom_code", "autotrain_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "jax", "gpt2", "text-generation", "conversational", "arxiv:1911.00536", "license:mit", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- thumbnail: tags: - conversational license: mit --- ## A State-of-the-Art Large-scale Pretrained Response generation model (DialoGPT) DialoGPT is a SOTA large-scale pretrained dialogue response generation model for multiturn conversations. The [human evaluation results]( indicate that the response generated from DialoGPT is comparable to human response quality under a single-turn conversation Turing test. The model is trained on 147M multi-turn dialogue from Reddit discussion thread. * Multi-turn generation examples from an interactive environment: |Role | Response | |---------|--------| |User | Does money buy happiness? | | Bot | Depends how much money you spend on it .| |User | What is the best way to buy happiness ? | | Bot | You just have to be a millionaire by your early 20s, then you can be happy . | |User |This is so difficult ! | | Bot | You have no idea how hard it is to be a millionaire and happy . There is a reason the rich have a lot of money | Please find the information about preprocessing, training and full details of the DialoGPT in the [original DialoGPT repository]( ArXiv paper: []( ### How to use Now we are ready to try out how the model works as a chatting partner! ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer import torch tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/DialoGPT-large") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("microsoft/DialoGPT-large") # Let's chat for 5 lines for step in range(5): # encode the new user input, add the eos_token and return a tensor in Pytorch new_user_input_ids = tokenizer.encode(input(">> User:") + tokenizer.eos_token, return_tensors='pt') # append the new user input tokens to the chat history bot_input_ids =[chat_history_ids, new_user_input_ids], dim=-1) if step > 0 else new_user_input_ids # generated a response while limiting the total chat history to 1000 tokens, chat_history_ids = model.generate(bot_input_ids, max_length=1000, pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id) # pretty print last ouput tokens from bot print("DialoGPT: {}".format(tokenizer.decode(chat_history_ids[:, bot_input_ids.shape[-1]:][0], skip_special_tokens=True))) ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "minicpm", "text-generation", "conversational", "custom_code", "autotrain_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "git", "text-generation", "vision", "image-to-text", "image-captioning", "en", "arxiv:2205.14100", "license:mit", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: en license: mit tags: - vision - image-to-text - image-captioning model_name: microsoft/git-base pipeline_tag: image-to-text --- # GIT (GenerativeImage2Text), base-sized GIT (short for GenerativeImage2Text) model, base-sized version. It was introduced in the paper [GIT: A Generative Image-to-text Transformer for Vision and Language]( by Wang et al. and first released in [this repository]( Disclaimer: The team releasing GIT did not write a model card for this model so this model card has been written by the Hugging Face team. ## Model description GIT is a Transformer decoder conditioned on both CLIP image tokens and text tokens. The model is trained using "teacher forcing" on a lot of (image, text) pairs. The goal for the model is simply to predict the next text token, giving the image tokens and previous text tokens. The model has full access to (i.e. a bidirectional attention mask is used for) the image patch tokens, but only has access to the previous text tokens (i.e. a causal attention mask is used for the text tokens) when predicting the next text token. ![GIT architecture]( This allows the model to be used for tasks like: - image and video captioning - visual question answering (VQA) on images and videos - even image classification (by simply conditioning the model on the image and asking it to generate a class for it in text). ## Intended uses & limitations You can use the raw model for image captioning. See the [model hub]( to look for fine-tuned versions on a task that interests you. ### How to use For code examples, we refer to the [documentation]( ## Training data From the paper: > We collect 0.8B image-text pairs for pre-training, which include COCO (Lin et al., 2014), Conceptual Captions (CC3M) (Sharma et al., 2018), SBU (Ordonez et al., 2011), Visual Genome (VG) (Krishna et al., 2016), Conceptual Captions (CC12M) (Changpinyo et al., 2021), ALT200M (Hu et al., 2021a), and an extra 0.6B data following a similar collection procedure in Hu et al. (2021a). => however this is for the model referred to as "GIT" in the paper, which is not open-sourced. This checkpoint is "GIT-base", which is a smaller variant of GIT trained on 10 million image-text pairs. See table 11 in the [paper]( for more details. ### Preprocessing We refer to the original repo regarding details for preprocessing during training. During validation, one resizes the shorter edge of each image, after which center cropping is performed to a fixed-size resolution. Next, frames are normalized across the RGB channels with the ImageNet mean and standard deviation. ## Evaluation results For evaluation results, we refer readers to the [paper](
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "llama", "text-generation", "en", "dataset:conceptofmind/cot_submix_original", "dataset:conceptofmind/flan2021_submix_original", "dataset:conceptofmind/t0_submix_original", "dataset:conceptofmind/niv2_submix_original", "arxiv:2307.09288", "arxiv:2306.02707", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- datasets: - conceptofmind/cot_submix_original - conceptofmind/flan2021_submix_original - conceptofmind/t0_submix_original - conceptofmind/niv2_submix_original language: - en pipeline_tag: text-generation --- # Stable Beluga 2 ## Changes in this fork This repository contains the model from the [stabilityai/StableBeluga2]( repository with the following changes: 1. **Storing weights in `bfloat16` instead of `float32`.** This leads to 2x smaller files and a small quality loss, which is not significant compared to the loss caused by NF4 quantization used in Petals by default. 1. **Storing weights in small shards.** Each transformer block is stored in its own shard (1.71 GB each). The input and output embeddings and adjacent layernorms are in a separate shard (1.05 GB) too. This way, Petals clients and servers don't have to download any excess data besides the layers they actually use. 1. **Using [Safetensors]( instead of Pickle.** This allows faster loading with smaller RAM requirements. We provide the original README below. Please refer there for model details and licensing information. ## Model Description `Stable Beluga 2` is a Llama2 70B model finetuned on an Orca style Dataset ## Usage Start chatting with `Stable Beluga 2` using the following code snippet: ```python import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("stabilityai/StableBeluga2", use_fast=False) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("stabilityai/StableBeluga2", torch_dtype=torch.float16, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, device_map="auto") system_prompt = "### System:\nYou are Stable Beluga, an AI that follows instructions extremely well. Help as much as you can. Remember, be safe, and don't do anything illegal.\n\n" message = "Write me a poem please" prompt = f"{system_prompt}### User: {message}\n\n### Assistant:\n" inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") output = model.generate(**inputs, do_sample=True, top_p=0.95, top_k=0, max_new_tokens=256) print(tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) ``` Stable Beluga 2 should be used with this prompt format: ``` ### System: This is a system prompt, please behave and help the user. ### User: Your prompt here ### Assistant: The output of Stable Beluga 2 ``` ## Other Beluga Models [StableBeluga 1 - Delta]( [StableBeluga 13B]( [StableBeluga 7B]( ## Model Details * **Developed by**: [Stability AI]( * **Model type**: Stable Beluga 2 is an auto-regressive language model fine-tuned on Llama2 70B. * **Language(s)**: English * **Library**: [HuggingFace Transformers]( * **License**: Fine-tuned checkpoints (`Stable Beluga 2`) is licensed under the [STABLE BELUGA NON-COMMERCIAL COMMUNITY LICENSE AGREEMENT]( * **Contact**: For questions and comments about the model, please email `` ### Training Dataset ` Stable Beluga 2` is trained on our internal Orca-style dataset ### Training Procedure Models are learned via supervised fine-tuning on the aforementioned datasets, trained in mixed-precision (BF16), and optimized with AdamW. We outline the following hyperparameters: | Dataset | Batch Size | Learning Rate |Learning Rate Decay| Warm-up | Weight Decay | Betas | |-------------------|------------|---------------|-------------------|---------|--------------|-------------| | Orca pt1 packed | 256 | 3e-5 | Cosine to 3e-6 | 100 | 1e-6 | (0.9, 0.95) | | Orca pt2 unpacked | 512 | 3e-5 | Cosine to 3e-6 | 100 | 1e-6 | (0.9, 0.95) | ## Ethical Considerations and Limitations Beluga is a new technology that carries risks with use. Testing conducted to date has been in English, and has not covered, nor could it cover all scenarios. For these reasons, as with all LLMs, Beluga's potential outputs cannot be predicted in advance, and the model may in some instances produce inaccurate, biased or other objectionable responses to user prompts. Therefore, before deploying any applications of Beluga, developers should perform safety testing and tuning tailored to their specific applications of the model. ## How to cite ```bibtex @misc{StableBelugaModels, url={[](}, title={Stable Beluga models}, author={Mahan, Dakota and Carlow, Ryan and Castricato, Louis and Cooper, Nathan and Laforte, Christian} } ``` ## Citations ```bibtext @misc{touvron2023llama, title={Llama 2: Open Foundation and Fine-Tuned Chat Models}, author={Hugo Touvron and Louis Martin and Kevin Stone and Peter Albert and Amjad Almahairi and Yasmine Babaei and Nikolay Bashlykov and Soumya Batra and Prajjwal Bhargava and Shruti Bhosale and Dan Bikel and Lukas Blecher and Cristian Canton Ferrer and Moya Chen and Guillem Cucurull and David Esiobu and Jude Fernandes and Jeremy Fu and Wenyin Fu and Brian Fuller and Cynthia Gao and Vedanuj Goswami and Naman Goyal and Anthony Hartshorn and Saghar Hosseini and Rui Hou and Hakan Inan and Marcin Kardas and Viktor Kerkez and Madian Khabsa and Isabel Kloumann and Artem Korenev and Punit Singh Koura and Marie-Anne Lachaux and Thibaut Lavril and Jenya Lee and Diana Liskovich and Yinghai Lu and Yuning Mao and Xavier Martinet and Todor Mihaylov and Pushkar Mishra and Igor Molybog and Yixin Nie and Andrew Poulton and Jeremy Reizenstein and Rashi Rungta and Kalyan Saladi and Alan Schelten and Ruan Silva and Eric Michael Smith and Ranjan Subramanian and Xiaoqing Ellen Tan and Binh Tang and Ross Taylor and Adina Williams and Jian Xiang Kuan and Puxin Xu and Zheng Yan and Iliyan Zarov and Yuchen Zhang and Angela Fan and Melanie Kambadur and Sharan Narang and Aurelien Rodriguez and Robert Stojnic and Sergey Edunov and Thomas Scialom}, year={2023}, eprint={2307.09288}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ``` ```bibtext @misc{mukherjee2023orca, title={Orca: Progressive Learning from Complex Explanation Traces of GPT-4}, author={Subhabrata Mukherjee and Arindam Mitra and Ganesh Jawahar and Sahaj Agarwal and Hamid Palangi and Ahmed Awadallah}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.02707}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "llama", "text-generation", "facebook", "meta", "pytorch", "llama-2", "en", "arxiv:2307.09288", "base_model:meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf", "base_model:quantized:meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf", "license:llama2", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "4-bit", "gptq", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en license: llama2 tags: - facebook - meta - pytorch - llama - llama-2 model_name: Llama 2 7B Chat arxiv: 2307.09288 base_model: meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf inference: false model_creator: Meta Llama 2 model_type: llama pipeline_tag: text-generation prompt_template: '[INST] <<SYS>> You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always answer as helpfully as possible, while being safe. Your answers should not include any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. Please ensure that your responses are socially unbiased and positive in nature. If a question does not make any sense, or is not factually coherent, explain why instead of answering something not correct. If you don''t know the answer to a question, please don''t share false information. <</SYS>> {prompt}[/INST] ' quantized_by: TheBloke --- <!-- header start --> <!-- 200823 --> <div style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <img src="" alt="TheBlokeAI" style="width: 100%; min-width: 400px; display: block; margin: auto;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; width: 100%;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start;"> <p style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><a href="">Chat & support: TheBloke's Discord server</a></p> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-end;"> <p style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><a href="">Want to contribute? TheBloke's Patreon page</a></p> </div> </div> <div style="text-align:center; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em"><p style="margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0em;">TheBloke's LLM work is generously supported by a grant from <a href="">andreessen horowitz (a16z)</a></p></div> <hr style="margin-top: 1.0em; margin-bottom: 1.0em;"> <!-- header end --> # Llama 2 7B Chat - GPTQ - Model creator: [Meta Llama 2]( - Original model: [Llama 2 7B Chat]( <!-- description start --> ## Description This repo contains GPTQ model files for [Meta Llama 2's Llama 2 7B Chat]( Multiple GPTQ parameter permutations are provided; see Provided Files below for details of the options provided, their parameters, and the software used to create them. <!-- description end --> <!-- repositories-available start --> ## Repositories available * [AWQ model(s) for GPU inference.]( * [GPTQ models for GPU inference, with multiple quantisation parameter options.]( * [2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-bit GGUF models for CPU+GPU inference]( * [Meta Llama 2's original unquantised fp16 model in pytorch format, for GPU inference and for further conversions]( <!-- repositories-available end --> <!-- prompt-template start --> ## Prompt template: Llama-2-Chat ``` [INST] <<SYS>> You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always answer as helpfully as possible, while being safe. Your answers should not include any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. Please ensure that your responses are socially unbiased and positive in nature. If a question does not make any sense, or is not factually coherent, explain why instead of answering something not correct. If you don't know the answer to a question, please don't share false information. <</SYS>> {prompt}[/INST] ``` <!-- prompt-template end --> <!-- start --> ## Provided files and GPTQ parameters Multiple quantisation parameters are provided, to allow you to choose the best one for your hardware and requirements. Each separate quant is in a different branch. See below for instructions on fetching from different branches. All recent GPTQ files are made with AutoGPTQ, and all files in non-main branches are made with AutoGPTQ. Files in the `main` branch which were uploaded before August 2023 were made with GPTQ-for-LLaMa. <details> <summary>Explanation of GPTQ parameters</summary> - Bits: The bit size of the quantised model. - GS: GPTQ group size. Higher numbers use less VRAM, but have lower quantisation accuracy. "None" is the lowest possible value. - Act Order: True or False. Also known as `desc_act`. True results in better quantisation accuracy. Some GPTQ clients have had issues with models that use Act Order plus Group Size, but this is generally resolved now. - Damp %: A GPTQ parameter that affects how samples are processed for quantisation. 0.01 is default, but 0.1 results in slightly better accuracy. - GPTQ dataset: The dataset used for quantisation. Using a dataset more appropriate to the model's training can improve quantisation accuracy. Note that the GPTQ dataset is not the same as the dataset used to train the model - please refer to the original model repo for details of the training dataset(s). - Sequence Length: The length of the dataset sequences used for quantisation. Ideally this is the same as the model sequence length. For some very long sequence models (16+K), a lower sequence length may have to be used. Note that a lower sequence length does not limit the sequence length of the quantised model. It only impacts the quantisation accuracy on longer inference sequences. - ExLlama Compatibility: Whether this file can be loaded with ExLlama, which currently only supports Llama models in 4-bit. </details> | Branch | Bits | GS | Act Order | Damp % | GPTQ Dataset | Seq Len | Size | ExLlama | Desc | | ------ | ---- | -- | --------- | ------ | ------------ | ------- | ---- | ------- | ---- | | [gptq-4bit-64g-actorder_True]( | 4 | 64 | Yes | 0.01 | [wikitext]( | 4096 | 4.02 GB | Yes | 4-bit, with Act Order and group size 64g. Uses less VRAM than 32g, but with slightly lower accuracy. | | [gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True]( | 4 | 32 | Yes | 0.01 | [wikitext]( | 4096 | 4.28 GB | Yes | 4-bit, with Act Order and group size 32g. Gives highest possible inference quality, with maximum VRAM usage. | | [gptq-4bit-128g-actorder_True]( | 4 | 128 | Yes | 0.01 | [wikitext]( | 4096 | 3.90 GB | Yes | 4-bit, with Act Order and group size 128g. Uses even less VRAM than 64g, but with slightly lower accuracy. | | [main]( | 4 | 128 | No | 0.01 | [wikitext]( | 4096 | 3.90 GB | Yes | 4-bit, without Act Order and group size 128g. | <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to download from branches - In text-generation-webui, you can add `:branch` to the end of the download name, eg `TheBloke/Llama-2-7b-Chat-GPTQ:gptq-4bit-64g-actorder_True` - With Git, you can clone a branch with: ``` git clone --single-branch --branch gptq-4bit-64g-actorder_True ``` - In Python Transformers code, the branch is the `revision` parameter; see below. <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to easily download and use this model in [text-generation-webui]( Please make sure you're using the latest version of [text-generation-webui]( It is strongly recommended to use the text-generation-webui one-click-installers unless you're sure you know how to make a manual install. 1. Click the **Model tab**. 2. Under **Download custom model or LoRA**, enter `TheBloke/Llama-2-7b-Chat-GPTQ`. - To download from a specific branch, enter for example `TheBloke/Llama-2-7b-Chat-GPTQ:gptq-4bit-64g-actorder_True` - see Provided Files above for the list of branches for each option. 3. Click **Download**. 4. The model will start downloading. Once it's finished it will say "Done". 5. In the top left, click the refresh icon next to **Model**. 6. In the **Model** dropdown, choose the model you just downloaded: `Llama-2-7b-Chat-GPTQ` 7. The model will automatically load, and is now ready for use! 8. If you want any custom settings, set them and then click **Save settings for this model** followed by **Reload the Model** in the top right. * Note that you do not need to and should not set manual GPTQ parameters any more. These are set automatically from the file `quantize_config.json`. 9. Once you're ready, click the **Text Generation tab** and enter a prompt to get started! <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to use this GPTQ model from Python code ### Install the necessary packages Requires: Transformers 4.32.0 or later, Optimum 1.12.0 or later, and AutoGPTQ 0.4.2 or later. ```shell pip3 install transformers>=4.32.0 optimum>=1.12.0 pip3 install auto-gptq --extra-index-url # Use cu117 if on CUDA 11.7 ``` If you have problems installing AutoGPTQ using the pre-built wheels, install it from source instead: ```shell pip3 uninstall -y auto-gptq git clone cd AutoGPTQ pip3 install . ``` ### For CodeLlama models only: you must use Transformers 4.33.0 or later. If 4.33.0 is not yet released when you read this, you will need to install Transformers from source: ```shell pip3 uninstall -y transformers pip3 install git+ ``` ### You can then use the following code ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline model_name_or_path = "TheBloke/Llama-2-7b-Chat-GPTQ" # To use a different branch, change revision # For example: revision="gptq-4bit-64g-actorder_True" model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=False, revision="main") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, use_fast=True) prompt = "Tell me about AI" prompt_template=f'''[INST] <<SYS>> You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always answer as helpfully as possible, while being safe. Your answers should not include any harmful, unethical, racist, sexist, toxic, dangerous, or illegal content. Please ensure that your responses are socially unbiased and positive in nature. If a question does not make any sense, or is not factually coherent, explain why instead of answering something not correct. If you don't know the answer to a question, please don't share false information. <</SYS>> {prompt}[/INST] ''' print("\n\n*** Generate:") input_ids = tokenizer(prompt_template, return_tensors='pt').input_ids.cuda() output = model.generate(inputs=input_ids, temperature=0.7, do_sample=True, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, max_new_tokens=512) print(tokenizer.decode(output[0])) # Inference can also be done using transformers' pipeline print("*** Pipeline:") pipe = pipeline( "text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_new_tokens=512, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, repetition_penalty=1.1 ) print(pipe(prompt_template)[0]['generated_text']) ``` <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## Compatibility The files provided are tested to work with AutoGPTQ, both via Transformers and using AutoGPTQ directly. They should also work with [Occ4m's GPTQ-for-LLaMa fork]( [ExLlama]( is compatible with Llama models in 4-bit. Please see the Provided Files table above for per-file compatibility. [Huggingface Text Generation Inference (TGI)]( is compatible with all GPTQ models. <!-- end --> <!-- footer start --> <!-- 200823 --> ## Discord For further support, and discussions on these models and AI in general, join us at: [TheBloke AI's Discord server]( ## Thanks, and how to contribute Thanks to the []( team! Thanks to Clay from [](llm-utils)! I've had a lot of people ask if they can contribute. I enjoy providing models and helping people, and would love to be able to spend even more time doing it, as well as expanding into new projects like fine tuning/training. If you're able and willing to contribute it will be most gratefully received and will help me to keep providing more models, and to start work on new AI projects. Donaters will get priority support on any and all AI/LLM/model questions and requests, access to a private Discord room, plus other benefits. * Patreon: * Ko-Fi: **Special thanks to**: Aemon Algiz. **Patreon special mentions**: Alicia Loh, Stephen Murray, K, Ajan Kanaga, RoA, Magnesian, Deo Leter, Olakabola, Eugene Pentland, zynix, Deep Realms, Raymond Fosdick, Elijah Stavena, Iucharbius, Erik Bjäreholt, Luis Javier Navarrete Lozano, Nicholas, theTransient, John Detwiler, alfie_i, knownsqashed, Mano Prime, Willem Michiel, Enrico Ros, LangChain4j, OG, Michael Dempsey, Pierre Kircher, Pedro Madruga, James Bentley, Thomas Belote, Luke @flexchar, Leonard Tan, Johann-Peter Hartmann, Illia Dulskyi, Fen Risland, Chadd, S_X, Jeff Scroggin, Ken Nordquist, Sean Connelly, Artur Olbinski, Swaroop Kallakuri, Jack West, Ai Maven, David Ziegler, Russ Johnson, transmissions 11, John Villwock, Alps Aficionado, Clay Pascal, Viktor Bowallius, Subspace Studios, Rainer Wilmers, Trenton Dambrowitz, vamX, Michael Levine, 준교 김, Brandon Frisco, Kalila, Trailburnt, Randy H, Talal Aujan, Nathan Dryer, Vadim, 阿明, ReadyPlayerEmma, Tiffany J. Kim, George Stoitzev, Spencer Kim, Jerry Meng, Gabriel Tamborski, Cory Kujawski, Jeffrey Morgan, Spiking Neurons AB, Edmond Seymore, Alexandros Triantafyllidis, Lone Striker, Cap'n Zoog, Nikolai Manek, danny, ya boyyy, Derek Yates, usrbinkat, Mandus, TL, Nathan LeClaire, subjectnull, Imad Khwaja, webtim, Raven Klaugh, Asp the Wyvern, Gabriel Puliatti, Caitlyn Gatomon, Joseph William Delisle, Jonathan Leane, Luke Pendergrass, SuperWojo, Sebastain Graf, Will Dee, Fred von Graf, Andrey, Dan Guido, Daniel P. Andersen, Nitin Borwankar, Elle, Vitor Caleffi, biorpg, jjj,, Pieter, Matthew Berman, terasurfer, Michael Davis, Alex, Stanislav Ovsiannikov Thank you to all my generous patrons and donaters! And thank you again to a16z for their generous grant. <!-- footer end --> # Original model card: Meta Llama 2's Llama 2 7B Chat # **Llama 2** Llama 2 is a collection of pretrained and fine-tuned generative text models ranging in scale from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. This is the repository for the 7B fine-tuned model, optimized for dialogue use cases and converted for the Hugging Face Transformers format. Links to other models can be found in the index at the bottom. ## Model Details *Note: Use of this model is governed by the Meta license. In order to download the model weights and tokenizer, please visit the [website]( and accept our License before requesting access here.* Meta developed and publicly released the Llama 2 family of large language models (LLMs), a collection of pretrained and fine-tuned generative text models ranging in scale from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. Our fine-tuned LLMs, called Llama-2-Chat, are optimized for dialogue use cases. Llama-2-Chat models outperform open-source chat models on most benchmarks we tested, and in our human evaluations for helpfulness and safety, are on par with some popular closed-source models like ChatGPT and PaLM. **Model Developers** Meta **Variations** Llama 2 comes in a range of parameter sizes — 7B, 13B, and 70B — as well as pretrained and fine-tuned variations. **Input** Models input text only. **Output** Models generate text only. **Model Architecture** Llama 2 is an auto-regressive language model that uses an optimized transformer architecture. The tuned versions use supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) to align to human preferences for helpfulness and safety. ||Training Data|Params|Content Length|GQA|Tokens|LR| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |Llama 2|*A new mix of publicly available online data*|7B|4k|&#10007;|2.0T|3.0 x 10<sup>-4</sup>| |Llama 2|*A new mix of publicly available online data*|13B|4k|&#10007;|2.0T|3.0 x 10<sup>-4</sup>| |Llama 2|*A new mix of publicly available online data*|70B|4k|&#10004;|2.0T|1.5 x 10<sup>-4</sup>| *Llama 2 family of models.* Token counts refer to pretraining data only. All models are trained with a global batch-size of 4M tokens. Bigger models - 70B -- use Grouped-Query Attention (GQA) for improved inference scalability. **Model Dates** Llama 2 was trained between January 2023 and July 2023. **Status** This is a static model trained on an offline dataset. Future versions of the tuned models will be released as we improve model safety with community feedback. **License** A custom commercial license is available at: []( **Research Paper** ["Llama-2: Open Foundation and Fine-tuned Chat Models"]( ## Intended Use **Intended Use Cases** Llama 2 is intended for commercial and research use in English. Tuned models are intended for assistant-like chat, whereas pretrained models can be adapted for a variety of natural language generation tasks. To get the expected features and performance for the chat versions, a specific formatting needs to be followed, including the `INST` and `<<SYS>>` tags, `BOS` and `EOS` tokens, and the whitespaces and breaklines in between (we recommend calling `strip()` on inputs to avoid double-spaces). See our reference code in github for details: [`chat_completion`]( **Out-of-scope Uses** Use in any manner that violates applicable laws or regulations (including trade compliance laws).Use in languages other than English. Use in any other way that is prohibited by the Acceptable Use Policy and Licensing Agreement for Llama 2. ## Hardware and Software **Training Factors** We used custom training libraries, Meta's Research Super Cluster, and production clusters for pretraining. Fine-tuning, annotation, and evaluation were also performed on third-party cloud compute. **Carbon Footprint** Pretraining utilized a cumulative 3.3M GPU hours of computation on hardware of type A100-80GB (TDP of 350-400W). Estimated total emissions were 539 tCO2eq, 100% of which were offset by Meta’s sustainability program. ||Time (GPU hours)|Power Consumption (W)|Carbon Emitted(tCO<sub>2</sub>eq)| |---|---|---|---| |Llama 2 7B|184320|400|31.22| |Llama 2 13B|368640|400|62.44| |Llama 2 70B|1720320|400|291.42| |Total|3311616||539.00| **CO<sub>2</sub> emissions during pretraining.** Time: total GPU time required for training each model. Power Consumption: peak power capacity per GPU device for the GPUs used adjusted for power usage efficiency. 100% of the emissions are directly offset by Meta's sustainability program, and because we are openly releasing these models, the pretraining costs do not need to be incurred by others. ## Training Data **Overview** Llama 2 was pretrained on 2 trillion tokens of data from publicly available sources. The fine-tuning data includes publicly available instruction datasets, as well as over one million new human-annotated examples. Neither the pretraining nor the fine-tuning datasets include Meta user data. **Data Freshness** The pretraining data has a cutoff of September 2022, but some tuning data is more recent, up to July 2023. ## Evaluation Results In this section, we report the results for the Llama 1 and Llama 2 models on standard academic benchmarks.For all the evaluations, we use our internal evaluations library. |Model|Size|Code|Commonsense Reasoning|World Knowledge|Reading Comprehension|Math|MMLU|BBH|AGI Eval| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |Llama 1|7B|14.1|60.8|46.2|58.5|6.95|35.1|30.3|23.9| |Llama 1|13B|18.9|66.1|52.6|62.3|10.9|46.9|37.0|33.9| |Llama 1|33B|26.0|70.0|58.4|67.6|21.4|57.8|39.8|41.7| |Llama 1|65B|30.7|70.7|60.5|68.6|30.8|63.4|43.5|47.6| |Llama 2|7B|16.8|63.9|48.9|61.3|14.6|45.3|32.6|29.3| |Llama 2|13B|24.5|66.9|55.4|65.8|28.7|54.8|39.4|39.1| |Llama 2|70B|**37.5**|**71.9**|**63.6**|**69.4**|**35.2**|**68.9**|**51.2**|**54.2**| **Overall performance on grouped academic benchmarks.** *Code:* We report the average pass@1 scores of our models on HumanEval and MBPP. *Commonsense Reasoning:* We report the average of PIQA, SIQA, HellaSwag, WinoGrande, ARC easy and challenge, OpenBookQA, and CommonsenseQA. We report 7-shot results for CommonSenseQA and 0-shot results for all other benchmarks. *World Knowledge:* We evaluate the 5-shot performance on NaturalQuestions and TriviaQA and report the average. *Reading Comprehension:* For reading comprehension, we report the 0-shot average on SQuAD, QuAC, and BoolQ. *MATH:* We report the average of the GSM8K (8 shot) and MATH (4 shot) benchmarks at top 1. |||TruthfulQA|Toxigen| |---|---|---|---| |Llama 1|7B|27.42|23.00| |Llama 1|13B|41.74|23.08| |Llama 1|33B|44.19|22.57| |Llama 1|65B|48.71|21.77| |Llama 2|7B|33.29|**21.25**| |Llama 2|13B|41.86|26.10| |Llama 2|70B|**50.18**|24.60| **Evaluation of pretrained LLMs on automatic safety benchmarks.** For TruthfulQA, we present the percentage of generations that are both truthful and informative (the higher the better). For ToxiGen, we present the percentage of toxic generations (the smaller the better). |||TruthfulQA|Toxigen| |---|---|---|---| |Llama-2-Chat|7B|57.04|**0.00**| |Llama-2-Chat|13B|62.18|**0.00**| |Llama-2-Chat|70B|**64.14**|0.01| **Evaluation of fine-tuned LLMs on different safety datasets.** Same metric definitions as above. ## Ethical Considerations and Limitations Llama 2 is a new technology that carries risks with use. Testing conducted to date has been in English, and has not covered, nor could it cover all scenarios. For these reasons, as with all LLMs, Llama 2’s potential outputs cannot be predicted in advance, and the model may in some instances produce inaccurate, biased or other objectionable responses to user prompts. Therefore, before deploying any applications of Llama 2, developers should perform safety testing and tuning tailored to their specific applications of the model. Please see the Responsible Use Guide available at []( ## Reporting Issues Please report any software “bug,” or other problems with the models through one of the following means: - Reporting issues with the model: []( - Reporting problematic content generated by the model: []( - Reporting bugs and security concerns: []( ## Llama Model Index |Model|Llama2|Llama2-hf|Llama2-chat|Llama2-chat-hf| |---|---|---|---|---| |7B| [Link]( | [Link]( | [Link]( | [Link](| |13B| [Link]( | [Link]( | [Link]( | [Link](| |70B| [Link]( | [Link]( | [Link]( | [Link](|
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "llama", "text-generation", "en", "dataset:cerebras/SlimPajama-627B", "dataset:bigcode/starcoderdata", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 datasets: - cerebras/SlimPajama-627B - bigcode/starcoderdata language: - en --- <div align="center"> # TinyLlama-1.1B </div> The TinyLlama project aims to **pretrain** a **1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens**. With some proper optimization, we can achieve this within a span of "just" 90 days using 16 A100-40G GPUs 🚀🚀. The training has started on 2023-09-01. <div align="center"> <img src="./TinyLlama_logo.png" width="300"/> </div> We adopted exactly the same architecture and tokenizer as Llama 2. This means TinyLlama can be plugged and played in many open-source projects built upon Llama. Besides, TinyLlama is compact with only 1.1B parameters. This compactness allows it to cater to a multitude of applications demanding a restricted computation and memory footprint. #### This Collection This collection contains all checkpoints after the 1T fix. Branch name indicates the step and number of tokens seen. #### Eval | Model | Pretrain Tokens | HellaSwag | Obqa | WinoGrande | ARC_c | ARC_e | boolq | piqa | avg | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------|-----------|------|------------|-------|-------|-------|------|-----| | Pythia-1.0B | 300B | 47.16 | 31.40| 53.43 | 27.05 | 48.99 | 60.83 | 69.21 | 48.30 | | TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-50K-104b | 103B | 43.50 | 29.80| 53.28 | 24.32 | 44.91 | 59.66 | 67.30 | 46.11| | TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-240k-503b| 503B | 49.56 |31.40 |55.80 |26.54 |48.32 |56.91 |69.42 | 48.28 | | TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-480k-1007B | 1007B | 52.54 | 33.40 | 55.96 | 27.82 | 52.36 | 59.54 | 69.91 | 50.22 | | TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-715k-1.5T | 1.5T | 53.68 | 35.20 | 58.33 | 29.18 | 51.89 | 59.08 | 71.65 | 51.29 | | TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-955k-2T | 2T | 54.63 | 33.40 | 56.83 | 28.07 | 54.67 | 63.21 | 70.67 | 51.64 | | **TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-1195k-token-2.5T** | **2.5T** | **58.96** | **34.40** | **58.72** | **31.91** | **56.78** | **63.21** | **73.07** | **53.86**|
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "mistral", "text-generation", "conversational", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "4-bit", "gptq", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 --- # Model Card for Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3 ## Quantization Description This repo contains a GPTQ 4 bit quantized version of the Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3 Large Language Model. ### Using the GPTQ Model ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline model_name_or_path = "thesven/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3-GPTQ" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, use_fast=True) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=False, revision="main") model.pad_token = model.config.eos_token_id prompt_template=f''' <s><<SYS>>You are a very creative story writer. Write a store on the following topic:</s><</SYS>> <s>[INST]Write a story about Ai</s>[/INST] <s>[ASSISTANT] ''' input_ids = tokenizer(prompt_template, return_tensors='pt').input_ids.cuda() output = model.generate(inputs=input_ids, temperature=0.1, do_sample=True, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, max_new_tokens=512) print(tokenizer.decode(output[0])) ``` ## Model Description The Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3 Large Language Model (LLM) is an instruct fine-tuned version of the Mistral-7B-v0.3. Mistral-7B-v0.3 has the following changes compared to [Mistral-7B-v0.2]( - Extended vocabulary to 32768 - Supports v3 Tokenizer - Supports function calling ## Limitations The Mistral 7B Instruct model is a quick demonstration that the base model can be easily fine-tuned to achieve compelling performance. It does not have any moderation mechanisms. We're looking forward to engaging with the community on ways to make the model finely respect guardrails, allowing for deployment in environments requiring moderated outputs. ## The Mistral AI Team Albert Jiang, Alexandre Sablayrolles, Alexis Tacnet, Antoine Roux, Arthur Mensch, Audrey Herblin-Stoop, Baptiste Bout, Baudouin de Monicault, Blanche Savary, Bam4d, Caroline Feldman, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Diego de las Casas, Eleonore Arcelin, Emma Bou Hanna, Etienne Metzger, Gianna Lengyel, Guillaume Bour, Guillaume Lample, Harizo Rajaona, Jean-Malo Delignon, Jia Li, Justus Murke, Louis Martin, Louis Ternon, Lucile Saulnier, Lélio Renard Lavaud, Margaret Jennings, Marie Pellat, Marie Torelli, Marie-Anne Lachaux, Nicolas Schuhl, Patrick von Platen, Pierre Stock, Sandeep Subramanian, Sophia Yang, Szymon Antoniak, Teven Le Scao, Thibaut Lavril, Timothée Lacroix, Théophile Gervet, Thomas Wang, Valera Nemychnikova, William El Sayed, William Marshall
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "STDiT3", "license:apache-2.0", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 --- <p align="center"> <img src="" width="250"/> </p> # Open-Sora STDiT-v3 Weights This repository stores the weights of the STDiT3 released by the Open-Sora team. You can visit our project at: - [GitHub]( - [Gallery]( - [Gradio Demo]( The weights are released together with Open-Sora v1.2. We recommend you to use this weights in the [Open-Sora codebase](( If you want to use STDiT in your own project, you may use the following sample code. 1. Install `opensora` ```bash pip install git+ ``` 2. Use `STDiT3` in your own code ```python from opensora.models.stdit.stdit3 import STDiT3 stdit = STDiT3.from_pretrained("hpcai-tech/OpenSora-STDiT-v3") ```
[ "transformers", "gguf", "gemma2", "conversational", "text-generation", "license:gemma", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: gemma pipeline_tag: text-generation tags: - conversational --- ![image/png]( *This model was quantized by [SanctumAI]( To leave feedback, join our community in [Discord](* # Gemma 2 9B IT GGUF **Model creator:** [google](<br> **Original model**: [gemma-2-9b-it](<br> ## Model Summary: Gemma is a family of lightweight, state-of-the-art open models from Google, built from the same research and technology used to create the Gemini models. They are text-to-text, decoder-only large language models, available in English, with open weights for both pre-trained variants and instruction-tuned variants. Gemma models are well-suited for a variety of text generation tasks, including question answering, summarization, and reasoning. Their relatively small size makes it possible to deploy them in environments with limited resources such as a laptop, desktop or your own cloud infrastructure, democratizing access to state of the art AI models and helping foster innovation for everyone. ## Prompt Template: If you're using Sanctum app, simply use `Gemma` model preset. Prompt template: ``` <start_of_turn>user {prompt}<end_of_turn> <|start_of_turn|>model ``` ## Hardware Requirements Estimate | Name | Quant method | Size | Memory (RAM, vRAM) required | | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q2_K.gguf]( | Q2_K | 3.81 GB | 15.14 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q3_K_S.gguf]( | Q3_K_S | 4.34 GB | 15.64 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q3_K_M.gguf]( | Q3_K_M | 4.76 GB | 16.04 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q3_K_L.gguf]( | Q3_K_L | 5.13 GB | 16.38 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q4_0.gguf]( | Q4_0 | 5.44 GB | 16.67 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q4_K_S.gguf]( | Q4_K_S | 5.48 GB | 16.70 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q4_K_M.gguf]( | Q4_K_M | 5.76 GB | 16.97 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q4_K.gguf]( | Q4_K | 5.76 GB | 16.97 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q4_1.gguf]( | Q4_1 | 5.96 GB | 17.15 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q5_0.gguf]( | Q5_0 | 6.48 GB | 17.64 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q5_K_S.gguf]( | Q5_K_S | 6.48 GB | 17.64 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q5_K_M.gguf]( | Q5_K_M | 6.65 GB | 17.79 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q5_K.gguf]( | Q5_K | 6.65 GB | 17.79 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q5_1.gguf]( | Q5_1 | 7.00 GB | 18.12 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q6_K.gguf]( | Q6_K | 7.59 GB | 18.67 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.Q8_0.gguf]( | Q8_0 | 9.83 GB | 20.75 GB | | [gemma-2-9b-it.f16.gguf]( | f16 | 18.49 GB | 28.82 GB | ## Disclaimer Sanctum is not the creator, originator, or owner of any Model featured in the Models section of the Sanctum application. Each Model is created and provided by third parties. Sanctum does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any Model listed there. You understand that supported Models can produce content that might be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate, or deceptive. Each Model is the sole responsibility of the person or entity who originated such Model. Sanctum may not monitor or control the Models supported and cannot, and does not, take responsibility for any such Model. Sanctum disclaims all warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, reliability or benefits of the Models. Sanctum further disclaims any warranty that the Model will meet your requirements, be secure, uninterrupted or available at any time or location, or error-free, viruses-free, or that any errors will be corrected, or otherwise. You will be solely responsible for any damage resulting from your use of or access to the Models, your downloading of any Model, or use of any other Model provided by or through Sanctum.
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "vision-encoder-decoder", "document-question-answering", "license:mit", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: mit pipeline_tag: document-question-answering --- For testing purposes only
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "mistral", "text-generation", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 extra_gated_description: If you want to learn more about how we process your personal data, please read our <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>. --- # Model Card for Mistral-7B-v0.3 The Mistral-7B-v0.3 Large Language Model (LLM) is a Mistral-7B-v0.2 with extended vocabulary. Mistral-7B-v0.3 has the following changes compared to [Mistral-7B-v0.2]( - Extended vocabulary to 32768 ## Installation It is recommended to use `mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.3` with [mistral-inference]( For HF transformers code snippets, please keep scrolling. ``` pip install mistral_inference ``` ## Download ```py from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download from pathlib import Path mistral_models_path = Path.home().joinpath('mistral_models', '7B-v0.3') mistral_models_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) snapshot_download(repo_id="mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.3", allow_patterns=["params.json", "consolidated.safetensors", "tokenizer.model.v3"], local_dir=mistral_models_path) ``` ### Demo After installing `mistral_inference`, a `mistral-demo` CLI command should be available in your environment. ``` mistral-demo $HOME/mistral_models/7B-v0.3 ``` Should give something along the following lines: ``` This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test. If this were a real emergency, you would be told what to do. This is a test ===================== This is another test of the new blogging software. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep it or not. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep ===================== This is a third test, mistral AI is very good at testing. 🙂 This is a third test, mistral AI is very good at testing. 🙂 This ===================== ``` ## Generate with `transformers` If you want to use Hugging Face `transformers` to generate text, you can do something like this. ```py from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer model_id = "mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.3" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id) inputs = tokenizer("Hello my name is", return_tensors="pt") outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=20) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) ``` ## Limitations The Mistral 7B Instruct model is a quick demonstration that the base model can be easily fine-tuned to achieve compelling performance. It does not have any moderation mechanisms. We're looking forward to engaging with the community on ways to make the model finely respect guardrails, allowing for deployment in environments requiring moderated outputs. ## The Mistral AI Team Albert Jiang, Alexandre Sablayrolles, Alexis Tacnet, Antoine Roux, Arthur Mensch, Audrey Herblin-Stoop, Baptiste Bout, Baudouin de Monicault, Blanche Savary, Bam4d, Caroline Feldman, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Diego de las Casas, Eleonore Arcelin, Emma Bou Hanna, Etienne Metzger, Gianna Lengyel, Guillaume Bour, Guillaume Lample, Harizo Rajaona, Jean-Malo Delignon, Jia Li, Justus Murke, Louis Martin, Louis Ternon, Lucile Saulnier, Lélio Renard Lavaud, Margaret Jennings, Marie Pellat, Marie Torelli, Marie-Anne Lachaux, Nicolas Schuhl, Patrick von Platen, Pierre Stock, Sandeep Subramanian, Sophia Yang, Szymon Antoniak, Teven Le Scao, Thibaut Lavril, Timothée Lacroix, Théophile Gervet, Thomas Wang, Valera Nemychnikova, William El Sayed, William Marshall
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "dataset:imagenet-21k", "arxiv:2106.10270", "arxiv:2010.11929", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - image-classification - timm library_name: timm license: apache-2.0 datasets: - imagenet-21k --- # Model card for vit_base_patch16_224.augreg_in21k A Vision Transformer (ViT) image classification model. Trained on ImageNet-21k (with additional augmentation and regularization) in JAX by paper authors, ported to PyTorch by Ross Wightman. ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 102.6 - GMACs: 16.9 - Activations (M): 16.5 - Image size: 224 x 224 - **Papers:** - How to train your ViT? Data, Augmentation, and Regularization in Vision Transformers: - An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale: - **Dataset:** ImageNet-21k - **Original:** ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('vit_base_patch16_224.augreg_in21k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'vit_base_patch16_224.augreg_in21k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled, a (1, 197, 768) shaped tensor output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( ## Citation ```bibtex @article{steiner2021augreg, title={How to train your ViT? Data, Augmentation, and Regularization in Vision Transformers}, author={Steiner, Andreas and Kolesnikov, Alexander and and Zhai, Xiaohua and Wightman, Ross and Uszkoreit, Jakob and Beyer, Lucas}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.10270}, year={2021} } ``` ```bibtex @article{dosovitskiy2020vit, title={An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale}, author={Dosovitskiy, Alexey and Beyer, Lucas and Kolesnikov, Alexander and Weissenborn, Dirk and Zhai, Xiaohua and Unterthiner, Thomas and Dehghani, Mostafa and Minderer, Matthias and Heigold, Georg and Gelly, Sylvain and Uszkoreit, Jakob and Houlsby, Neil}, journal={ICLR}, year={2021} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "jax", "rust", "safetensors", "gpt_neo", "text-generation", "text generation", "causal-lm", "en", "dataset:EleutherAI/pile", "license:mit", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en tags: - text generation - pytorch - causal-lm license: mit datasets: - EleutherAI/pile --- # GPT-Neo 125M ## Model Description GPT-Neo 125M is a transformer model designed using EleutherAI's replication of the GPT-3 architecture. GPT-Neo refers to the class of models, while 125M represents the number of parameters of this particular pre-trained model. ## Training data GPT-Neo 125M was trained on the Pile, a large scale curated dataset created by EleutherAI for the purpose of training this model. ## Training procedure This model was trained on the Pile for 300 billion tokens over 572,300 steps. It was trained as a masked autoregressive language model, using cross-entropy loss. ## Intended Use and Limitations This way, the model learns an inner representation of the English language that can then be used to extract features useful for downstream tasks. The model is best at what it was pretrained for however, which is generating texts from a prompt. ### How to use You can use this model directly with a pipeline for text generation. This example generates a different sequence each time it's run: ```py >>> from transformers import pipeline >>> generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='EleutherAI/gpt-neo-125M') >>> generator("EleutherAI has", do_sample=True, min_length=20) [{'generated_text': 'EleutherAI has made a commitment to create new software packages for each of its major clients and has'}] ``` ### Limitations and Biases GPT-Neo was trained as an autoregressive language model. This means that its core functionality is taking a string of text and predicting the next token. While language models are widely used for tasks other than this, there are a lot of unknowns with this work. GPT-Neo was trained on the Pile, a dataset known to contain profanity, lewd, and otherwise abrasive language. Depending on your usecase GPT-Neo may produce socially unacceptable text. See Sections 5 and 6 of the Pile paper for a more detailed analysis of the biases in the Pile. As with all language models, it is hard to predict in advance how GPT-Neo will respond to particular prompts and offensive content may occur without warning. We recommend having a human curate or filter the outputs before releasing them, both to censor undesirable content and to improve the quality of the results. ## Eval results TBD ### Down-Stream Applications TBD ### BibTeX entry and citation info To cite this model, use ```bibtex @software{gpt-neo, author = {Black, Sid and Leo, Gao and Wang, Phil and Leahy, Connor and Biderman, Stella}, title = {{GPT-Neo: Large Scale Autoregressive Language Modeling with Mesh-Tensorflow}}, month = mar, year = 2021, note = {{If you use this software, please cite it using these metadata.}}, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {1.0}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5297715}, url = {} } @article{gao2020pile, title={The Pile: An 800GB Dataset of Diverse Text for Language Modeling}, author={Gao, Leo and Biderman, Stella and Black, Sid and Golding, Laurence and Hoppe, Travis and Foster, Charles and Phang, Jason and He, Horace and Thite, Anish and Nabeshima, Noa and others}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00027}, year={2020} } ``` # [Open LLM Leaderboard Evaluation Results]( Detailed results can be found [here]( | Metric | Value | |-----------------------|---------------------------| | Avg. | 25.79 | | ARC (25-shot) | 22.95 | | HellaSwag (10-shot) | 30.26 | | MMLU (5-shot) | 25.97 | | TruthfulQA (0-shot) | 45.58 | | Winogrande (5-shot) | 51.78 | | GSM8K (5-shot) | 0.3 | | DROP (3-shot) | 3.69 |
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "mixtral", "text-generation", "conversational", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "4-bit", "awq", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 --- This is a working version of Mixtral Instruct that is AWQ quantized. As of 11-02-2024, []( is not working, so please use this repository instead.
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "dpr", "feature-extraction", "en", "dataset:nq_open", "dataset:trivia_qa", "dataset:web_questions", "dataset:trec", "arxiv:2004.04906", "arxiv:1702.08734", "arxiv:1910.09700", "license:cc-by-nc-4.0", "region:us" ]
--- language: en license: cc-by-nc-4.0 tags: - dpr datasets: - nq_open - trivia_qa - web_questions - trec inference: false --- # `dpr-question_encoder-multiset-base` ## Table of Contents - [Model Details](#model-details) - [How To Get Started With the Model](#how-to-get-started-with-the-model) - [Uses](#uses) - [Risks, Limitations and Biases](#risks-limitations-and-biases) - [Training](#training) - [Evaluation](#evaluation-results) - [Environmental Impact](#environmental-impact) - [Technical Specifications](#technical-specifications) - [Citation Information](#citation-information) - [Model Card Authors](#model-card-authors) ## Model Details **Model Description:** [Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR)]( is a set of tools and models for state-of-the-art open-domain Q&A research. `dpr-question_encoder-multiset-base` is the question encoder trained using the [Natural Questions (NQ) dataset](, [TriviaQA](, [WebQuestions (WQ)](, and [CuratedTREC (TREC)]( - **Developed by:** See [GitHub repo]( for model developers - **Model Type:** BERT-based encoder - **Language(s):** [CC-BY-NC-4.0](, also see [Code of Conduct]( - **License:** English - **Related Models:** - [`dpr-ctx_encoder-multiset-base`]( - [`dpr-reader-multiset-base`]( - [`dpr-ctx_encoder-single-nq-base`]( - [`dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base`]( - [`dpr-reader-single-nq-base`]( - **Resources for more information:** - [Research Paper]( - [GitHub Repo]( - [Hugging Face DPR docs]( - [BERT Base Uncased Model Card]( ## How to Get Started with the Model Use the code below to get started with the model. ```python from transformers import DPRQuestionEncoder, DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer tokenizer = DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-question_encoder-multiset-base") model = DPRQuestionEncoder.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-question_encoder-multiset-base") input_ids = tokenizer("Hello, is my dog cute ?", return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"] embeddings = model(input_ids).pooler_output ``` ## Uses #### Direct Use `dpr-question_encoder-multiset-base`, [`dpr-ctx_encoder-multiset-base`](, and [`dpr-reader-multiset-base`]( can be used for the task of open-domain question answering. #### Misuse and Out-of-scope Use The model should not be used to intentionally create hostile or alienating environments for people. In addition, the set of DPR models was not trained to be factual or true representations of people or events, and therefore using the models to generate such content is out-of-scope for the abilities of this model. ## Risks, Limitations and Biases **CONTENT WARNING: Readers should be aware this section may contain content that is disturbing, offensive, and can propogate historical and current stereotypes.** Significant research has explored bias and fairness issues with language models (see, e.g., [Sheng et al., 2021]( and [Bender et al., 2021]( Predictions generated by the model can include disturbing and harmful stereotypes across protected classes; identity characteristics; and sensitive, social, and occupational groups. ## Training #### Training Data This model was trained using the following datasets: - **[Natural Questions (NQ) dataset](** ([Lee et al., 2019](; [Kwiatkowski et al., 2019]( - **[TriviaQA](** ([Joshi et al., 2017]( - **[WebQuestions (WQ)](** ([Berant et al., 2013]( - **[CuratedTREC (TREC)](** ([Baudiš & Šedivý, 2015]( #### Training Procedure The training procedure is described in the [associated paper]( > Given a collection of M text passages, the goal of our dense passage retriever (DPR) is to index all the passages in a low-dimensional and continuous space, such that it can retrieve efficiently the top k passages relevant to the input question for the reader at run-time. > Our dense passage retriever (DPR) uses a dense encoder EP(·) which maps any text passage to a d- dimensional real-valued vectors and builds an index for all the M passages that we will use for retrieval. At run-time, DPR applies a different encoder EQ(·) that maps the input question to a d-dimensional vector, and retrieves k passages of which vectors are the closest to the question vector. The authors report that for encoders, they used two independent BERT ([Devlin et al., 2019]( networks (base, un-cased) and use FAISS ([Johnson et al., 2017]( during inference time to encode and index passages. See the paper for further details on training, including encoders, inference, positive and negative passages, and in-batch negatives. ## Evaluation The following evaluation information is extracted from the [associated paper]( #### Testing Data, Factors and Metrics The model developers report the performance of the model on five QA datasets, using the top-k accuracy (k ∈ {20, 100}). The datasets were [NQ](, [TriviaQA](, [WebQuestions (WQ)](, [CuratedTREC (TREC)](, and [SQuAD v1.1]( #### Results | | Top 20 | | | | | Top 100| | | | | |:----:|:------:|:---------:|:--:|:----:|:-----:|:------:|:---------:|:--:|:----:|:-----:| | | NQ | TriviaQA | WQ | TREC | SQuAD | NQ | TriviaQA | WQ | TREC | SQuAD | | | 79.4 | 78.8 |75.0| 89.1 | 51.6 | 86.0 | 84.7 |82.9| 93.9 | 67.6 | ## Environmental Impact Carbon emissions can be estimated using the [Machine Learning Impact calculator]( presented in [Lacoste et al. (2019)]( We present the hardware type and based on the [associated paper]( - **Hardware Type:** 8 32GB GPUs - **Hours used:** Unknown - **Cloud Provider:** Unknown - **Compute Region:** Unknown - **Carbon Emitted:** Unknown ## Technical Specifications See the [associated paper]( for details on the modeling architecture, objective, compute infrastructure, and training details. ## Citation Information ```bibtex @inproceedings{karpukhin-etal-2020-dense, title = "Dense Passage Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering", author = "Karpukhin, Vladimir and Oguz, Barlas and Min, Sewon and Lewis, Patrick and Wu, Ledell and Edunov, Sergey and Chen, Danqi and Yih, Wen-tau", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)", month = nov, year = "2020", address = "Online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "", doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.550", pages = "6769--6781", } ``` ## Model Card Authors This model card was written by the team at Hugging Face.
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "deberta-v2", "deberta", "deberta-v3", "fill-mask", "en", "arxiv:2006.03654", "arxiv:2111.09543", "license:mit", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: en tags: - deberta - deberta-v3 - fill-mask thumbnail: license: mit --- ## DeBERTaV3: Improving DeBERTa using ELECTRA-Style Pre-Training with Gradient-Disentangled Embedding Sharing [DeBERTa]( improves the BERT and RoBERTa models using disentangled attention and enhanced mask decoder. With those two improvements, DeBERTa out perform RoBERTa on a majority of NLU tasks with 80GB training data. In [DeBERTa V3](, we further improved the efficiency of DeBERTa using ELECTRA-Style pre-training with Gradient Disentangled Embedding Sharing. Compared to DeBERTa, our V3 version significantly improves the model performance on downstream tasks. You can find more technique details about the new model from our [paper]( Please check the [official repository]( for more implementation details and updates. The DeBERTa V3 small model comes with 6 layers and a hidden size of 768. It has **44M** backbone parameters with a vocabulary containing 128K tokens which introduces 98M parameters in the Embedding layer. This model was trained using the 160GB data as DeBERTa V2. #### Fine-tuning on NLU tasks We present the dev results on SQuAD 2.0 and MNLI tasks. | Model |Vocabulary(K)|Backbone #Params(M)| SQuAD 2.0(F1/EM) | MNLI-m/mm(ACC)| |-------------------|----------|-------------------|-----------|----------| | RoBERTa-base |50 |86 | 83.7/80.5 | 87.6/- | | XLNet-base |32 |92 | -/80.2 | 86.8/- | | ELECTRA-base |30 |86 | -/80.5 | 88.8/ | | DeBERTa-base |50 |100 | 86.2/83.1| 88.8/88.5| | DeBERTa-v3-large|128|304 | 91.5/89.0 | 91.8/91.9 | | DeBERTa-v3-base |128|86 | 88.4/85.4 | 90.6/90.7| | **DeBERTa-v3-small** |128|**44** | **82.8/80.4** | **88.3/87.7**| | DeBERTa-v3-small+SiFT|128|22 | -/- | 88.8/88.5| #### Fine-tuning with HF transformers ```bash #!/bin/bash cd transformers/examples/pytorch/text-classification/ pip install datasets export TASK_NAME=mnli output_dir="ds_results" num_gpus=8 batch_size=8 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=${num_gpus} \ \ --model_name_or_path microsoft/deberta-v3-small \ --task_name $TASK_NAME \ --do_train \ --do_eval \ --evaluation_strategy steps \ --max_seq_length 256 \ --warmup_steps 1500 \ --per_device_train_batch_size ${batch_size} \ --learning_rate 4.5e-5 \ --num_train_epochs 3 \ --output_dir $output_dir \ --overwrite_output_dir \ --logging_steps 1000 \ --logging_dir $output_dir ``` ### Citation If you find DeBERTa useful for your work, please cite the following papers: ``` latex @misc{he2021debertav3, title={DeBERTaV3: Improving DeBERTa using ELECTRA-Style Pre-Training with Gradient-Disentangled Embedding Sharing}, author={Pengcheng He and Jianfeng Gao and Weizhu Chen}, year={2021}, eprint={2111.09543}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ``` ``` latex @inproceedings{ he2021deberta, title={DEBERTA: DECODING-ENHANCED BERT WITH DISENTANGLED ATTENTION}, author={Pengcheng He and Xiaodong Liu and Jianfeng Gao and Weizhu Chen}, booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations}, year={2021}, url={} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "jax", "bert", "text-classification", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 --- Parrot THIS IS AN ANCILLARY MODEL FOR PARROT PARAPHRASER 1. What is Parrot? Parrot is a paraphrase-based utterance augmentation framework purpose-built to accelerate training NLU models. A paraphrase framework is more than just a paraphrasing model. Please refer to the GitHub page or The model card prithivida/parrot_paraphraser_on_T5
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "falcon", "text-generation", "custom_code", "en", "de", "es", "fr", "dataset:tiiuae/falcon-refinedweb", "arxiv:2205.14135", "arxiv:1911.02150", "arxiv:2101.00027", "arxiv:2005.14165", "arxiv:2104.09864", "arxiv:2306.01116", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "region:us" ]
--- datasets: - tiiuae/falcon-refinedweb language: - en - de - es - fr inference: false license: apache-2.0 --- # 🚀 Falcon-40B **Falcon-40B is a 40B parameters causal decoder-only model built by [TII]( and trained on 1,000B tokens of [RefinedWeb]( enhanced with curated corpora. It is made available under the Apache 2.0 license.** *Paper coming soon 😊.* 🤗 To get started with Falcon (inference, finetuning, quantization, etc.), we recommend reading [this great blogpost fron HF](! ## Why use Falcon-40B? * **It is the best open-source model currently available.** Falcon-40B outperforms [LLaMA](, [StableLM](, [RedPajama](, [MPT](, etc. See the [OpenLLM Leaderboard]( * **It features an architecture optimized for inference**, with FlashAttention ([Dao et al., 2022]( and multiquery ([Shazeer et al., 2019]( * **It is made available under a permissive Apache 2.0 license allowing for commercial use**, without any royalties or restrictions. * ⚠️ **This is a raw, pretrained model, which should be further finetuned for most usecases.** If you are looking for a version better suited to taking generic instructions in a chat format, we recommend taking a look at [Falcon-40B-Instruct]( 💸 **Looking for a smaller, less expensive model?** [Falcon-7B]( is Falcon-40B's little brother! ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import transformers import torch model = "tiiuae/falcon-40b" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model) pipeline = transformers.pipeline( "text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto", ) sequences = pipeline( "Girafatron is obsessed with giraffes, the most glorious animal on the face of this Earth. Giraftron believes all other animals are irrelevant when compared to the glorious majesty of the giraffe.\nDaniel: Hello, Girafatron!\nGirafatron:", max_length=200, do_sample=True, top_k=10, num_return_sequences=1, eos_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id, ) for seq in sequences: print(f"Result: {seq['generated_text']}") ``` 💥 **Falcon LLMs require PyTorch 2.0 for use with `transformers`!** For fast inference with Falcon, check-out [Text Generation Inference](! Read more in this [blogpost](( You will need **at least 85-100GB of memory** to swiftly run inference with Falcon-40B. # Model Card for Falcon-40B ## Model Details ### Model Description - **Developed by:** [](; - **Model type:** Causal decoder-only; - **Language(s) (NLP):** English, German, Spanish, French (and limited capabilities in Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, Romanian, Czech, Swedish); - **License:** Apache 2.0 license. ### Model Source - **Paper:** *coming soon*. ## Uses ### Direct Use Research on large language models; as a foundation for further specialization and finetuning for specific usecases (e.g., summarization, text generation, chatbot, etc.) ### Out-of-Scope Use Production use without adequate assessment of risks and mitigation; any use cases which may be considered irresponsible or harmful. ## Bias, Risks, and Limitations Falcon-40B is trained mostly on English, German, Spanish, French, with limited capabilities also in in Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, Romanian, Czech, Swedish. It will not generalize appropriately to other languages. Furthermore, as it is trained on a large-scale corpora representative of the web, it will carry the stereotypes and biases commonly encountered online. ### Recommendations We recommend users of Falcon-40B to consider finetuning it for the specific set of tasks of interest, and for guardrails and appropriate precautions to be taken for any production use. ## How to Get Started with the Model ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import transformers import torch model = "tiiuae/falcon-40b" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model) pipeline = transformers.pipeline( "text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto", ) sequences = pipeline( "Girafatron is obsessed with giraffes, the most glorious animal on the face of this Earth. Giraftron believes all other animals are irrelevant when compared to the glorious majesty of the giraffe.\nDaniel: Hello, Girafatron!\nGirafatron:", max_length=200, do_sample=True, top_k=10, num_return_sequences=1, eos_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id, ) for seq in sequences: print(f"Result: {seq['generated_text']}") ``` ## Training Details ### Training Data Falcon-40B was trained on 1,000B tokens of [RefinedWeb](, a high-quality filtered and deduplicated web dataset which we enhanced with curated corpora. Significant components from our curated copora were inspired by The Pile ([Gao et al., 2020]( | **Data source** | **Fraction** | **Tokens** | **Sources** | |--------------------|--------------|------------|-----------------------------------| | [RefinedWeb-English]( | 75% | 750B | massive web crawl | | RefinedWeb-Europe | 7% | 70B | European massive web crawl | | Books | 6% | 60B | | | Conversations | 5% | 50B | Reddit, StackOverflow, HackerNews | | Code | 5% | 50B | | | Technical | 2% | 20B | arXiv, PubMed, USPTO, etc. | RefinedWeb-Europe is made of the following languages: | **Language** | **Fraction of multilingual data** | **Tokens** | |--------------|-----------------------------------|------------| | German | 26% | 18B | | Spanish | 24% | 17B | | French | 23% | 16B | | _Italian_ | 7% | 5B | | _Portuguese_ | 4% | 3B | | _Polish_ | 4% | 3B | | _Dutch_ | 4% | 3B | | _Romanian_ | 3% | 2B | | _Czech_ | 3% | 2B | | _Swedish_ | 2% | 1B | The data was tokenized with the Falcon-[7B]([40B]( tokenizer. ### Training Procedure Falcon-40B was trained on 384 A100 40GB GPUs, using a 3D parallelism strategy (TP=8, PP=4, DP=12) combined with ZeRO. #### Training Hyperparameters | **Hyperparameter** | **Value** | **Comment** | |--------------------|------------|-------------------------------------------| | Precision | `bfloat16` | | | Optimizer | AdamW | | | Learning rate | 1.85e-4 | 4B tokens warm-up, cosine decay to 1.85e-5 | | Weight decay | 1e-1 | | | Z-loss | 1e-4 | | | Batch size | 1152 | 100B tokens ramp-up | #### Speeds, Sizes, Times Training started in December 2022 and took two months. ## Evaluation *Paper coming soon.* See the [OpenLLM Leaderboard]( for early results. ## Technical Specifications ### Model Architecture and Objective Falcon-40B is a causal decoder-only model trained on a causal language modeling task (i.e., predict the next token). The architecture is broadly adapted from the GPT-3 paper ([Brown et al., 2020](, with the following differences: * **Positionnal embeddings:** rotary ([Su et al., 2021](; * **Attention:** multiquery ([Shazeer et al., 2019]( and FlashAttention ([Dao et al., 2022](; * **Decoder-block:** parallel attention/MLP with a two layer norms. For multiquery, we are using an internal variant which uses independent key and values per tensor parallel degree. | **Hyperparameter** | **Value** | **Comment** | |--------------------|-----------|----------------------------------------| | Layers | 60 | | | `d_model` | 8192 | | | `head_dim` | 64 | Reduced to optimise for FlashAttention | | Vocabulary | 65024 | | | Sequence length | 2048 | | ### Compute Infrastructure #### Hardware Falcon-40B was trained on AWS SageMaker, on 384 A100 40GB GPUs in P4d instances. #### Software Falcon-40B was trained a custom distributed training codebase, Gigatron. It uses a 3D parallelism approach combined with ZeRO and high-performance Triton kernels (FlashAttention, etc.) ## Citation *Paper coming soon* 😊. In the meanwhile, you can use the following information to cite: ``` @article{falcon40b, title={{Falcon-40B}: an open large language model with state-of-the-art performance}, author={Almazrouei, Ebtesam and Alobeidli, Hamza and Alshamsi, Abdulaziz and Cappelli, Alessandro and Cojocaru, Ruxandra and Debbah, Merouane and Goffinet, Etienne and Heslow, Daniel and Launay, Julien and Malartic, Quentin and Noune, Badreddine and Pannier, Baptiste and Penedo, Guilherme}, year={2023} } ``` To learn more about the pretraining dataset, see the 📓 [RefinedWeb paper]( ``` @article{refinedweb, title={The {R}efined{W}eb dataset for {F}alcon {LLM}: outperforming curated corpora with web data, and web data only}, author={Guilherme Penedo and Quentin Malartic and Daniel Hesslow and Ruxandra Cojocaru and Alessandro Cappelli and Hamza Alobeidli and Baptiste Pannier and Ebtesam Almazrouei and Julien Launay}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.01116}, eprint={2306.01116}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, url={}, year={2023} } ``` ## License Falcon-40B is made available under the Apache 2.0 license. ## Contact
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "dataset:imagenet-21k", "arxiv:2104.00298", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - image-classification - timm library_name: timm license: apache-2.0 datasets: - imagenet-21k --- # Model card for tf_efficientnetv2_s.in21k A EfficientNet-v2 image classification model. Trained on ImageNet-21k in Tensorflow by paper authors, ported to PyTorch by Ross Wightman. ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 48.2 - GMACs: 5.4 - Activations (M): 22.8 - Image size: train = 300 x 300, test = 384 x 384 - **Papers:** - EfficientNetV2: Smaller Models and Faster Training: - **Dataset:** ImageNet-21k - **Original:** ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('tf_efficientnetv2_s.in21k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Feature Map Extraction ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'tf_efficientnetv2_s.in21k', pretrained=True, features_only=True, ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 for o in output: # print shape of each feature map in output # e.g.: # torch.Size([1, 24, 150, 150]) # torch.Size([1, 48, 75, 75]) # torch.Size([1, 64, 38, 38]) # torch.Size([1, 160, 19, 19]) # torch.Size([1, 256, 10, 10]) print(o.shape) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'tf_efficientnetv2_s.in21k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled, a (1, 1280, 10, 10) shaped tensor output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( ## Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{tan2021efficientnetv2, title={Efficientnetv2: Smaller models and faster training}, author={Tan, Mingxing and Le, Quoc}, booktitle={International conference on machine learning}, pages={10096--10106}, year={2021}, organization={PMLR} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "safetensors", "resnet", "image-classification", "vision", "dataset:imagenet-1k", "arxiv:1512.03385", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 tags: - vision - image-classification datasets: - imagenet-1k widget: - src: example_title: Tiger - src: example_title: Teapot - src: example_title: Palace --- # ResNet ResNet model trained on imagenet-1k. It was introduced in the paper [Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition]( and first released in [this repository]( Disclaimer: The team releasing ResNet did not write a model card for this model so this model card has been written by the Hugging Face team. ## Model description ResNet introduced residual connections, they allow to train networks with an unseen number of layers (up to 1000). ResNet won the 2015 ILSVRC & COCO competition, one important milestone in deep computer vision. ![model image]( ## Intended uses & limitations You can use the raw model for image classification. See the [model hub]( to look for fine-tuned versions on a task that interests you. ### How to use Here is how to use this model: ```python >>> from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, AutoModelForImageClassification >>> import torch >>> from datasets import load_dataset >>> dataset = load_dataset("huggingface/cats-image") >>> image = dataset["test"]["image"][0] >>> image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("microsoft/resnet-18") >>> model = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained("microsoft/resnet-18") >>> inputs = image_processor(image, return_tensors="pt") >>> with torch.no_grad(): ... logits = model(**inputs).logits >>> # model predicts one of the 1000 ImageNet classes >>> predicted_label = logits.argmax(-1).item() >>> print(model.config.id2label[predicted_label]) tiger cat ``` For more code examples, we refer to the [documentation](
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "gpt_neox", "text-generation", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "mobilenet_v1", "image-classification", "vision", "dataset:imagenet-1k", "arxiv:1704.04861", "license:other", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: other tags: - vision - image-classification datasets: - imagenet-1k widget: - src: example_title: Tiger - src: example_title: Teapot - src: example_title: Palace --- # MobileNet V1 MobileNet V1 model pre-trained on ImageNet-1k at resolution 192x192. It was introduced in [MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications]( by Howard et al, and first released in [this repository]( Disclaimer: The team releasing MobileNet V1 did not write a model card for this model so this model card has been written by the Hugging Face team. ## Model description From the [original README]( > MobileNets are small, low-latency, low-power models parameterized to meet the resource constraints of a variety of use cases. They can be built upon for classification, detection, embeddings and segmentation similar to how other popular large scale models, such as Inception, are used. MobileNets can be run efficiently on mobile devices [...] MobileNets trade off between latency, size and accuracy while comparing favorably with popular models from the literature. ## Intended uses & limitations You can use the raw model for image classification. See the [model hub]( to look for fine-tuned versions on a task that interests you. ### How to use Here is how to use this model to classify an image of the COCO 2017 dataset into one of the 1,000 ImageNet classes: ```python from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, AutoModelForImageClassification from PIL import Image import requests url = "" image =, stream=True).raw) preprocessor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("google/mobilenet_v1_0.75_192") model = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained("google/mobilenet_v1_0.75_192") inputs = preprocessor(images=image, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model(**inputs) logits = outputs.logits # model predicts one of the 1000 ImageNet classes predicted_class_idx = logits.argmax(-1).item() print("Predicted class:", model.config.id2label[predicted_class_idx]) ``` Note: This model actually predicts 1001 classes, the 1000 classes from ImageNet plus an extra “background” class (index 0). Currently, both the feature extractor and model support PyTorch.
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "mamba", "text-generation", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- library_name: transformers tags: [] --- # Mamba <!-- Provide a quick summary of what the model is/does. --> This repository contains the `transfromers` compatible `mamba-2.8b`. The checkpoints are untouched, but the full `config.json` and tokenizer are pushed to this repo. # Usage You need to install `transformers` from `main` until `transformers=4.39.0` is released. ```bash pip install git+ ``` We also recommend you to install both `causal_conv_1d` and `mamba-ssm` using: ```bash pip install causal-conv1d>=1.2.0 pip install mamba-ssm ``` If any of these two is not installed, the "eager" implementation will be used. Otherwise the more optimised `cuda` kernels will be used. ## Generation You can use the classic `generate` API: ```python >>> from transformers import MambaConfig, MambaForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer >>> import torch >>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("state-spaces/mamba-130m-hf") >>> model = MambaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("state-spaces/mamba-130m-hf") >>> input_ids = tokenizer("Hey how are you doing?", return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"] >>> out = model.generate(input_ids, max_new_tokens=10) >>> print(tokenizer.batch_decode(out)) ["Hey how are you doing?\n\nI'm so glad you're here."] ``` ## PEFT finetuning example In order to finetune using the `peft` library, we recommend keeping the model in float32! ```python from datasets import load_dataset from trl import SFTTrainer from peft import LoraConfig from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, TrainingArguments tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("state-spaces/mamba-130m-hf") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("state-spaces/mamba-130m-hf") dataset = load_dataset("Abirate/english_quotes", split="train") training_args = TrainingArguments( output_dir="./results", num_train_epochs=3, per_device_train_batch_size=4, logging_dir='./logs', logging_steps=10, learning_rate=2e-3 ) lora_config = LoraConfig( r=8, target_modules=["x_proj", "embeddings", "in_proj", "out_proj"], task_type="CAUSAL_LM", bias="none" ) trainer = SFTTrainer( model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, args=training_args, peft_config=lora_config, train_dataset=dataset, dataset_text_field="quote", ) trainer.train() ```
[ "diffusers", "safetensors", "art", "controlnet", "stable-diffusion", "image-to-image", "arxiv:2302.05543", "base_model:runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "base_model:adapter:runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "license:openrail", "region:us" ]
--- license: openrail base_model: runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 tags: - art - controlnet - stable-diffusion - image-to-image widget: - src: prompt: Girl with Pearl Earring --- # Controlnet - *Canny Version* ControlNet is a neural network structure to control diffusion models by adding extra conditions. This checkpoint corresponds to the ControlNet conditioned on **Canny edges**. It can be used in combination with [Stable Diffusion]( ![img](./sd.png) ## Model Details - **Developed by:** Lvmin Zhang, Maneesh Agrawala - **Model type:** Diffusion-based text-to-image generation model - **Language(s):** English - **License:** [The CreativeML OpenRAIL M license]( is an [Open RAIL M license](, adapted from the work that [BigScience]( and [the RAIL Initiative]( are jointly carrying in the area of responsible AI licensing. See also [the article about the BLOOM Open RAIL license]( on which our license is based. - **Resources for more information:** [GitHub Repository](, [Paper]( - **Cite as:** @misc{zhang2023adding, title={Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models}, author={Lvmin Zhang and Maneesh Agrawala}, year={2023}, eprint={2302.05543}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ## Introduction Controlnet was proposed in [*Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models*]( by Lvmin Zhang, Maneesh Agrawala. The abstract reads as follows: *We present a neural network structure, ControlNet, to control pretrained large diffusion models to support additional input conditions. The ControlNet learns task-specific conditions in an end-to-end way, and the learning is robust even when the training dataset is small (< 50k). Moreover, training a ControlNet is as fast as fine-tuning a diffusion model, and the model can be trained on a personal devices. Alternatively, if powerful computation clusters are available, the model can scale to large amounts (millions to billions) of data. We report that large diffusion models like Stable Diffusion can be augmented with ControlNets to enable conditional inputs like edge maps, segmentation maps, keypoints, etc. This may enrich the methods to control large diffusion models and further facilitate related applications.* ## Released Checkpoints The authors released 8 different checkpoints, each trained with [Stable Diffusion v1-5]( on a different type of conditioning: | Model Name | Control Image Overview| Control Image Example | Generated Image Example | |---|---|---|---| |[lllyasviel/sd-controlnet-canny](<br/> *Trained with canny edge detection* | A monochrome image with white edges on a black background.|<a href=""><img width="64" style="margin:0;padding:0;" src=""/></a>|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>| |[lllyasviel/sd-controlnet-depth](<br/> *Trained with Midas depth estimation* |A grayscale image with black representing deep areas and white representing shallow areas.|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>| |[lllyasviel/sd-controlnet-hed](<br/> *Trained with HED edge detection (soft edge)* |A monochrome image with white soft edges on a black background.|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a> | |[lllyasviel/sd-controlnet-mlsd](<br/> *Trained with M-LSD line detection* |A monochrome image composed only of white straight lines on a black background.|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>| |[lllyasviel/sd-controlnet-normal](<br/> *Trained with normal map* |A [normal mapped]( image.|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>| |[lllyasviel/sd-controlnet_openpose](<br/> *Trained with OpenPose bone image* |A [OpenPose bone]( image.|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>| |[lllyasviel/sd-controlnet_scribble](<br/> *Trained with human scribbles* |A hand-drawn monochrome image with white outlines on a black background.|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a> | |[lllyasviel/sd-controlnet_seg](<br/>*Trained with semantic segmentation* |An [ADE20K]('s segmentation protocol image.|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a>|<a href=""><img width="64" src=""/></a> | ## Example It is recommended to use the checkpoint with [Stable Diffusion v1-5]( as the checkpoint has been trained on it. Experimentally, the checkpoint can be used with other diffusion models such as dreamboothed stable diffusion. **Note**: If you want to process an image to create the auxiliary conditioning, external dependencies are required as shown below: 1. Install opencv ```sh $ pip install opencv-contrib-python ``` 2. Let's install `diffusers` and related packages: ``` $ pip install diffusers transformers accelerate ``` 3. Run code: ```python import cv2 from PIL import Image from diffusers import StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline, ControlNetModel, UniPCMultistepScheduler import torch import numpy as np from diffusers.utils import load_image image = load_image("") image = np.array(image) low_threshold = 100 high_threshold = 200 image = cv2.Canny(image, low_threshold, high_threshold) image = image[:, :, None] image = np.concatenate([image, image, image], axis=2) image = Image.fromarray(image) controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained( "lllyasviel/sd-controlnet-canny", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained( "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", controlnet=controlnet, safety_checker=None, torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) pipe.scheduler = UniPCMultistepScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # Remove if you do not have xformers installed # see # for installation instructions pipe.enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention() pipe.enable_model_cpu_offload() image = pipe("bird", image, num_inference_steps=20).images[0]'images/bird_canny_out.png') ``` ![bird](./images/bird.png) ![bird_canny](./images/bird_canny.png) ![bird_canny_out](./images/bird_canny_out.png) ### Training The canny edge model was trained on 3M edge-image, caption pairs. The model was trained for 600 GPU-hours with Nvidia A100 80G using Stable Diffusion 1.5 as a base model. ### Blog post For more information, please also have a look at the [official ControlNet Blog Post](
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "gguf", "gemma", "text-generation", "conversational", "arxiv:2312.11805", "arxiv:2009.03300", "arxiv:1905.07830", "arxiv:1911.11641", "arxiv:1904.09728", "arxiv:1905.10044", "arxiv:1907.10641", "arxiv:1811.00937", "arxiv:1809.02789", "arxiv:1911.01547", "arxiv:1705.03551", "arxiv:2107.03374", "arxiv:2108.07732", "arxiv:2110.14168", "arxiv:2304.06364", "arxiv:2206.04615", "arxiv:1804.06876", "arxiv:2110.08193", "arxiv:2009.11462", "arxiv:2101.11718", "arxiv:1804.09301", "arxiv:2109.07958", "arxiv:2203.09509", "license:gemma", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- library_name: transformers license: gemma widget: - messages: - role: user content: How does the brain work? inference: parameters: max_new_tokens: 200 extra_gated_heading: Access Gemma on Hugging Face extra_gated_prompt: To access Gemma on Hugging Face, you’re required to review and agree to Google’s usage license. To do this, please ensure you’re logged-in to Hugging Face and click below. Requests are processed immediately. extra_gated_button_content: Acknowledge license --- # Gemma Model Card **Model Page**: [Gemma]( This model card corresponds to the 2B instruct version of the Gemma model. You can also visit the model card of the [2B base model](, [7B base model](, and [7B instruct model]( **Resources and Technical Documentation**: * [Responsible Generative AI Toolkit]( * [Gemma on Kaggle]( * [Gemma on Vertex Model Garden]( **Terms of Use**: [Terms]( **Authors**: Google ## Model Information Summary description and brief definition of inputs and outputs. ### Description Gemma is a family of lightweight, state-of-the-art open models from Google, built from the same research and technology used to create the Gemini models. They are text-to-text, decoder-only large language models, available in English, with open weights, pre-trained variants, and instruction-tuned variants. Gemma models are well-suited for a variety of text generation tasks, including question answering, summarization, and reasoning. Their relatively small size makes it possible to deploy them in environments with limited resources such as a laptop, desktop or your own cloud infrastructure, democratizing access to state of the art AI models and helping foster innovation for everyone. ### Usage Below we share some code snippets on how to get quickly started with running the model. First make sure to `pip install -U transformers`, then copy the snippet from the section that is relevant for your usecase. #### Running the model on a CPU As explained below, we recommend `torch.bfloat16` as the default dtype. You can use [a different precision](#precisions) if necessary. ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import torch tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2b-it") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "google/gemma-2b-it", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ) input_text = "Write me a poem about Machine Learning." input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0])) ``` #### Running the model on a single / multi GPU ```python # pip install accelerate from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import torch tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2b-it") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "google/gemma-2b-it", device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ) input_text = "Write me a poem about Machine Learning." input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0])) ``` <a name="precisions"></a> #### Running the model on a GPU using different precisions The native weights of this model were exported in `bfloat16` precision. You can use `float16`, which may be faster on certain hardware, indicating the `torch_dtype` when loading the model. For convenience, the `float16` revision of the repo contains a copy of the weights already converted to that precision. You can also use `float32` if you skip the dtype, but no precision increase will occur (model weights will just be upcasted to `float32`). See examples below. * _Using `torch.float16`_ ```python # pip install accelerate from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import torch tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2b-it") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "google/gemma-2b-it", device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.float16, revision="float16", ) input_text = "Write me a poem about Machine Learning." input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0])) ``` * _Upcasting to `torch.float32`_ ```python # pip install accelerate from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2b-it") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "google/gemma-2b-it", device_map="auto" ) input_text = "Write me a poem about Machine Learning." input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0])) ``` #### Quantized Versions through `bitsandbytes` * _Using 8-bit precision (int8)_ ```python # pip install bitsandbytes accelerate from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, BitsAndBytesConfig quantization_config = BitsAndBytesConfig(load_in_8bit=True) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2b-it") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2b-it", quantization_config=quantization_config) input_text = "Write me a poem about Machine Learning." input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0])) ``` * _Using 4-bit precision_ ```python # pip install bitsandbytes accelerate from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, BitsAndBytesConfig quantization_config = BitsAndBytesConfig(load_in_4bit=True) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2b-it") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2b-it", quantization_config=quantization_config) input_text = "Write me a poem about Machine Learning." input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0])) ``` #### Other optimizations * _Flash Attention 2_ First make sure to install `flash-attn` in your environment `pip install flash-attn` ```diff model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16, + attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" ).to(0) ``` ### Chat Template The instruction-tuned models use a chat template that must be adhered to for conversational use. The easiest way to apply it is using the tokenizer's built-in chat template, as shown in the following snippet. Let's load the model and apply the chat template to a conversation. In this example, we'll start with a single user interaction: ```py from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import transformers import torch model_id = "gg-hf/gemma-2b-it" dtype = torch.bfloat16 tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( model_id, device_map="cuda", torch_dtype=dtype, ) chat = [ { "role": "user", "content": "Write a hello world program" }, ] prompt = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(chat, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True) ``` At this point, the prompt contains the following text: ``` <bos><start_of_turn>user Write a hello world program<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ``` As you can see, each turn is preceded by a `<start_of_turn>` delimiter and then the role of the entity (either `user`, for content supplied by the user, or `model` for LLM responses). Turns finish with the `<end_of_turn>` token. You can follow this format to build the prompt manually, if you need to do it without the tokenizer's chat template. After the prompt is ready, generation can be performed like this: ```py inputs = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model.generate(, max_new_tokens=150) ``` ### Fine-tuning You can find some fine-tuning scripts under the [`examples/` directory]( of [`google/gemma-7b`]( repository. To adapt them to this model, simply change the model-id to `google/gemma-2b-it`. We provide: * A script to perform Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) on UltraChat dataset using QLoRA * A script to perform SFT using FSDP on TPU devices * A notebook that you can run on a free-tier Google Colab instance to perform SFT on the English quotes dataset ### Inputs and outputs * **Input:** Text string, such as a question, a prompt, or a document to be summarized. * **Output:** Generated English-language text in response to the input, such as an answer to a question, or a summary of a document. ## Model Data Data used for model training and how the data was processed. ### Training Dataset These models were trained on a dataset of text data that includes a wide variety of sources, totaling 6 trillion tokens. Here are the key components: * Web Documents: A diverse collection of web text ensures the model is exposed to a broad range of linguistic styles, topics, and vocabulary. Primarily English-language content. * Code: Exposing the model to code helps it to learn the syntax and patterns of programming languages, which improves its ability to generate code or understand code-related questions. * Mathematics: Training on mathematical text helps the model learn logical reasoning, symbolic representation, and to address mathematical queries. The combination of these diverse data sources is crucial for training a powerful language model that can handle a wide variety of different tasks and text formats. ### Data Preprocessing Here are the key data cleaning and filtering methods applied to the training data: * CSAM Filtering: Rigorous CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material) filtering was applied at multiple stages in the data preparation process to ensure the exclusion of harmful and illegal content * Sensitive Data Filtering: As part of making Gemma pre-trained models safe and reliable, automated techniques were used to filter out certain personal information and other sensitive data from training sets. * Additional methods: Filtering based on content quality and safely in line with [our policies]( ## Implementation Information Details about the model internals. ### Hardware Gemma was trained using the latest generation of [Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)]( hardware (TPUv5e). Training large language models requires significant computational power. TPUs, designed specifically for matrix operations common in machine learning, offer several advantages in this domain: * Performance: TPUs are specifically designed to handle the massive computations involved in training LLMs. They can speed up training considerably compared to CPUs. * Memory: TPUs often come with large amounts of high-bandwidth memory, allowing for the handling of large models and batch sizes during training. This can lead to better model quality. * Scalability: TPU Pods (large clusters of TPUs) provide a scalable solution for handling the growing complexity of large foundation models. You can distribute training across multiple TPU devices for faster and more efficient processing. * Cost-effectiveness: In many scenarios, TPUs can provide a more cost-effective solution for training large models compared to CPU-based infrastructure, especially when considering the time and resources saved due to faster training. * These advantages are aligned with [Google's commitments to operate sustainably]( ### Software Training was done using [JAX]( and [ML Pathways]( JAX allows researchers to take advantage of the latest generation of hardware, including TPUs, for faster and more efficient training of large models. ML Pathways is Google's latest effort to build artificially intelligent systems capable of generalizing across multiple tasks. This is specially suitable for [foundation models](, including large language models like these ones. Together, JAX and ML Pathways are used as described in the [paper about the Gemini family of models](; "the 'single controller' programming model of Jax and Pathways allows a single Python process to orchestrate the entire training run, dramatically simplifying the development workflow." ## Evaluation Model evaluation metrics and results. ### Benchmark Results These models were evaluated against a large collection of different datasets and metrics to cover different aspects of text generation: | Benchmark | Metric | 2B Params | 7B Params | | ------------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- | --------- | | [MMLU]( | 5-shot, top-1 | 42.3 | 64.3 | | [HellaSwag]( | 0-shot |71.4 | 81.2 | | [PIQA]( | 0-shot | 77.3 | 81.2 | | [SocialIQA]( | 0-shot | 49.7 | 51.8 | | [BooIQ]( | 0-shot | 69.4 | 83.2 | | [WinoGrande]( | partial score | 65.4 | 72.3 | | [CommonsenseQA]( | 7-shot | 65.3 | 71.3 | | [OpenBookQA]( | | 47.8 | 52.8 | | [ARC-e]( | | 73.2 | 81.5 | | [ARC-c]( | | 42.1 | 53.2 | | [TriviaQA]( | 5-shot | 53.2 | 63.4 | | [Natural Questions]( | 5-shot | 12.5 | 23 | | [HumanEval]( | pass@1 | 22.0 | 32.3 | | [MBPP]( | 3-shot | 29.2 | 44.4 | | [GSM8K]( | maj@1 | 17.7 | 46.4 | | [MATH]( | 4-shot | 11.8 | 24.3 | | [AGIEval]( | | 24.2 | 41.7 | | [BIG-Bench]( | | 35.2 | 55.1 | | ------------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- | --------- | | **Average** | | **45.0** | **56.9** | ## Ethics and Safety Ethics and safety evaluation approach and results. ### Evaluation Approach Our evaluation methods include structured evaluations and internal red-teaming testing of relevant content policies. Red-teaming was conducted by a number of different teams, each with different goals and human evaluation metrics. These models were evaluated against a number of different categories relevant to ethics and safety, including: * Text-to-Text Content Safety: Human evaluation on prompts covering safety policies including child sexual abuse and exploitation, harassment, violence and gore, and hate speech. * Text-to-Text Representational Harms: Benchmark against relevant academic datasets such as [WinoBias]( and [BBQ Dataset]( * Memorization: Automated evaluation of memorization of training data, including the risk of personally identifiable information exposure. * Large-scale harm: Tests for "dangerous capabilities," such as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) risks. ### Evaluation Results The results of ethics and safety evaluations are within acceptable thresholds for meeting [internal policies]( for categories such as child safety, content safety, representational harms, memorization, large-scale harms. On top of robust internal evaluations, the results of well known safety benchmarks like BBQ, BOLD, Winogender, Winobias, RealToxicity, and TruthfulQA are shown here. | Benchmark | Metric | 2B Params | 7B Params | | ------------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- | --------- | | [RealToxicity]( | average | 6.86 | 7.90 | | [BOLD]( | | 45.57 | 49.08 | | [CrowS-Pairs]( | top-1 | 45.82 | 51.33 | | [BBQ Ambig]( | 1-shot, top-1 | 62.58 | 92.54 | | [BBQ Disambig]( | top-1 | 54.62 | 71.99 | | [Winogender]( | top-1 | 51.25 | 54.17 | | [TruthfulQA]( | | 44.84 | 31.81 | | [Winobias 1_2]( | | 56.12 | 59.09 | | [Winobias 2_2]( | | 91.10 | 92.23 | | [Toxigen]( | | 29.77 | 39.59 | | ------------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- | --------- | ## Usage and Limitations These models have certain limitations that users should be aware of. ### Intended Usage Open Large Language Models (LLMs) have a wide range of applications across various industries and domains. The following list of potential uses is not comprehensive. The purpose of this list is to provide contextual information about the possible use-cases that the model creators considered as part of model training and development. * Content Creation and Communication * Text Generation: These models can be used to generate creative text formats such as poems, scripts, code, marketing copy, and email drafts. * Chatbots and Conversational AI: Power conversational interfaces for customer service, virtual assistants, or interactive applications. * Text Summarization: Generate concise summaries of a text corpus, research papers, or reports. * Research and Education * Natural Language Processing (NLP) Research: These models can serve as a foundation for researchers to experiment with NLP techniques, develop algorithms, and contribute to the advancement of the field. * Language Learning Tools: Support interactive language learning experiences, aiding in grammar correction or providing writing practice. * Knowledge Exploration: Assist researchers in exploring large bodies of text by generating summaries or answering questions about specific topics. ### Limitations * Training Data * The quality and diversity of the training data significantly influence the model's capabilities. Biases or gaps in the training data can lead to limitations in the model's responses. * The scope of the training dataset determines the subject areas the model can handle effectively. * Context and Task Complexity * LLMs are better at tasks that can be framed with clear prompts and instructions. Open-ended or highly complex tasks might be challenging. * A model's performance can be influenced by the amount of context provided (longer context generally leads to better outputs, up to a certain point). * Language Ambiguity and Nuance * Natural language is inherently complex. LLMs might struggle to grasp subtle nuances, sarcasm, or figurative language. * Factual Accuracy * LLMs generate responses based on information they learned from their training datasets, but they are not knowledge bases. They may generate incorrect or outdated factual statements. * Common Sense * LLMs rely on statistical patterns in language. They might lack the ability to apply common sense reasoning in certain situations. ### Ethical Considerations and Risks The development of large language models (LLMs) raises several ethical concerns. In creating an open model, we have carefully considered the following: * Bias and Fairness * LLMs trained on large-scale, real-world text data can reflect socio-cultural biases embedded in the training material. These models underwent careful scrutiny, input data pre-processing described and posterior evaluations reported in this card. * Misinformation and Misuse * LLMs can be misused to generate text that is false, misleading, or harmful. * Guidelines are provided for responsible use with the model, see the [Responsible Generative AI Toolkit]( * Transparency and Accountability: * This model card summarizes details on the models' architecture, capabilities, limitations, and evaluation processes. * A responsibly developed open model offers the opportunity to share innovation by making LLM technology accessible to developers and researchers across the AI ecosystem. Risks identified and mitigations: * Perpetuation of biases: It's encouraged to perform continuous monitoring (using evaluation metrics, human review) and the exploration of de-biasing techniques during model training, fine-tuning, and other use cases. * Generation of harmful content: Mechanisms and guidelines for content safety are essential. Developers are encouraged to exercise caution and implement appropriate content safety safeguards based on their specific product policies and application use cases. * Misuse for malicious purposes: Technical limitations and developer and end-user education can help mitigate against malicious applications of LLMs. Educational resources and reporting mechanisms for users to flag misuse are provided. Prohibited uses of Gemma models are outlined in the [Gemma Prohibited Use Policy]( * Privacy violations: Models were trained on data filtered for removal of PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Developers are encouraged to adhere to privacy regulations with privacy-preserving techniques. ### Benefits At the time of release, this family of models provides high-performance open large language model implementations designed from the ground up for Responsible AI development compared to similarly sized models. Using the benchmark evaluation metrics described in this document, these models have shown to provide superior performance to other, comparably-sized open model alternatives.
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "qwen2", "text-generation", "chat", "conversational", "en", "arxiv:2309.00071", "base_model:Qwen/Qwen2-7B-Instruct", "base_model:quantized:Qwen/Qwen2-7B-Instruct", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "4-bit", "awq", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 language: - en pipeline_tag: text-generation tags: - chat base_model: Qwen/Qwen2-7B-Instruct --- # Qwen2-7B-Instruct-AWQ ## Introduction Qwen2 is the new series of Qwen large language models. For Qwen2, we release a number of base language models and instruction-tuned language models ranging from 0.5 to 72 billion parameters, including a Mixture-of-Experts model. This repo contains the instruction-tuned 7B Qwen2 model. Compared with the state-of-the-art opensource language models, including the previous released Qwen1.5, Qwen2 has generally surpassed most opensource models and demonstrated competitiveness against proprietary models across a series of benchmarks targeting for language understanding, language generation, multilingual capability, coding, mathematics, reasoning, etc. Qwen2-7B-Instruct-AWQ supports a context length of up to 131,072 tokens, enabling the processing of extensive inputs. Please refer to [this section](#processing-long-texts) for detailed instructions on how to deploy Qwen2 for handling long texts. For more details, please refer to our [blog](, [GitHub](, and [Documentation]( <br> ## Model Details Qwen2 is a language model series including decoder language models of different model sizes. For each size, we release the base language model and the aligned chat model. It is based on the Transformer architecture with SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, group query attention, etc. Additionally, we have an improved tokenizer adaptive to multiple natural languages and codes. ## Training details We pretrained the models with a large amount of data, and we post-trained the models with both supervised finetuning and direct preference optimization. ## Requirements The code of Qwen2 has been in the latest Hugging face transformers and we advise you to install `transformers>=4.37.0`, or you might encounter the following error: ``` KeyError: 'qwen2' ``` ## Quickstart Here provides a code snippet with `apply_chat_template` to show you how to load the tokenizer and model and how to generate contents. ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer device = "cuda" # the device to load the model onto model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "Qwen/Qwen2-7B-Instruct-AWQ", torch_dtype="auto", device_map="auto" ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen2-7B-Instruct-AWQ") prompt = "Give me a short introduction to large language model." messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ] text = tokenizer.apply_chat_template( messages, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True ) model_inputs = tokenizer([text], return_tensors="pt").to(device) generated_ids = model.generate( model_inputs.input_ids, max_new_tokens=512 ) generated_ids = [ output_ids[len(input_ids):] for input_ids, output_ids in zip(model_inputs.input_ids, generated_ids) ] response = tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] ``` ### Processing Long Texts To handle extensive inputs exceeding 32,768 tokens, we utilize [YARN](, a technique for enhancing model length extrapolation, ensuring optimal performance on lengthy texts. For deployment, we recommend using vLLM. You can enable the long-context capabilities by following these steps: 1. **Install vLLM**: You can install vLLM by running the following command. ```bash pip install "vllm>=0.4.3" ``` Or you can install vLLM from [source]( 2. **Configure Model Settings**: After downloading the model weights, modify the `config.json` file by including the below snippet: ```json { "architectures": [ "Qwen2ForCausalLM" ], // ... "vocab_size": 152064, // adding the following snippets "rope_scaling": { "factor": 4.0, "original_max_position_embeddings": 32768, "type": "yarn" } } ``` This snippet enable YARN to support longer contexts. 3. **Model Deployment**: Utilize vLLM to deploy your model. For instance, you can set up an openAI-like server using the command: ```bash python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server --served-model-name Qwen2-7B-Instruct-AWQ --model path/to/weights ``` Then you can access the Chat API by: ```bash curl http://localhost:8000/v1/chat/completions \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "model": "Qwen2-7B-Instruct-AWQ", "messages": [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Your Long Input Here."} ] }' ``` For further usage instructions of vLLM, please refer to our [Github]( **Note**: Presently, vLLM only supports static YARN, which means the scaling factor remains constant regardless of input length, **potentially impacting performance on shorter texts**. We advise adding the `rope_scaling` configuration only when processing long contexts is required. ## Benchmark and Speed To compare the generation performance between bfloat16 (bf16) and quantized models such as GPTQ-Int8, GPTQ-Int4, and AWQ, please consult our [Benchmark of Quantized Models]( This benchmark provides insights into how different quantization techniques affect model performance. For those interested in understanding the inference speed and memory consumption when deploying these models with either ``transformer`` or ``vLLM``, we have compiled an extensive [Speed Benchmark]( ## Citation If you find our work helpful, feel free to give us a cite. ``` @article{qwen2, title={Qwen2 Technical Report}, year={2024} } ```
[ "birefnet", "safetensors", "background-removal", "mask-generation", "Dichotomous Image Segmentation", "Camouflaged Object Detection", "Salient Object Detection", "pytorch_model_hub_mixin", "model_hub_mixin", "image-segmentation", "custom_code", "arxiv:2401.03407", "license:mit", "region:us" ]
--- library_name: birefnet tags: - background-removal - mask-generation - Dichotomous Image Segmentation - Camouflaged Object Detection - Salient Object Detection - pytorch_model_hub_mixin - model_hub_mixin repo_url: pipeline_tag: image-segmentation license: mit --- <h1 align="center">Bilateral Reference for High-Resolution Dichotomous Image Segmentation</h1> <div align='center'> <a href='' target='_blank'><strong>Peng Zheng</strong></a><sup> 1,4,5,6</sup>,&thinsp; <a href='' target='_blank'><strong>Dehong Gao</strong></a><sup> 2</sup>,&thinsp; <a href='' target='_blank'><strong>Deng-Ping Fan</strong></a><sup> 1*</sup>,&thinsp; <a href='' target='_blank'><strong>Li Liu</strong></a><sup> 3</sup>,&thinsp; <a href='' target='_blank'><strong>Jorma Laaksonen</strong></a><sup> 4</sup>,&thinsp; <a href='' target='_blank'><strong>Wanli Ouyang</strong></a><sup> 5</sup>,&thinsp; <a href='' target='_blank'><strong>Nicu Sebe</strong></a><sup> 6</sup> </div> <div align='center'> <sup>1 </sup>Nankai University&ensp; <sup>2 </sup>Northwestern Polytechnical University&ensp; <sup>3 </sup>National University of Defense Technology&ensp; <sup>4 </sup>Aalto University&ensp; <sup>5 </sup>Shanghai AI Laboratory&ensp; <sup>6 </sup>University of Trento&ensp; </div> <div align="center" style="display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap;"> <a href=''><img src=''></a>&ensp; <a href=''><img src=''></a>&ensp; <a href=''><img src='中文版-BiRefNet-red'></a>&ensp; <a href=''><img src=''></a>&ensp; <a href=''><img src=''></a>&ensp; <a href='LICENSE'><img src=''></a>&ensp; <a href=''><img src=''></a>&ensp; <a href=''><img src=''></a>&ensp; <a href=''><img src=''></a>&ensp; <a href=''><img src=''></a>&ensp; </div> | *DIS-Sample_1* | *DIS-Sample_2* | | :------------------------------: | :-------------------------------: | | <img src="" /> | <img src="" /> | This repo is the official implementation of "[**Bilateral Reference for High-Resolution Dichotomous Image Segmentation**](" (___CAAI AIR 2024___). Visit our GitHub repo: []( for more details -- **codes**, **docs**, and **model zoo**! ## How to use ### 0. Install Packages: ``` pip install -qr ``` ### 1. Load BiRefNet: #### Use codes + weights from HuggingFace > Only use the weights on HuggingFace -- Pro: No need to download BiRefNet codes manually; Con: Codes on HuggingFace might not be latest version (I'll try to keep them always latest). ```python # Load BiRefNet with weights from transformers import AutoModelForImageSegmentation birefnet = AutoModelForImageSegmentation.from_pretrained('ZhengPeng7/BiRefNet', trust_remote_code=True) ``` #### Use codes from GitHub + weights from HuggingFace > Only use the weights on HuggingFace -- Pro: codes are always latest; Con: Need to clone the BiRefNet repo from my GitHub. ```shell # Download codes git clone cd BiRefNet ``` ```python # Use codes locally from models.birefnet import BiRefNet # Load weights from Hugging Face Models birefnet = BiRefNet.from_pretrained('ZhengPeng7/BiRefNet') ``` #### Use codes from GitHub + weights from HuggingFace > Only use the weights and codes both locally. ```python # Use codes and weights locally import torch from utils import check_state_dict birefnet = BiRefNet(bb_pretrained=False) state_dict = torch.load(PATH_TO_WEIGHT, map_location='cpu') state_dict = check_state_dict(state_dict) birefnet.load_state_dict(state_dict) ``` #### Use the loaded BiRefNet for inference ```python # Imports from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from torchvision import transforms from models.birefnet import BiRefNet birefnet = ... # -- BiRefNet should be loaded with codes above, either way. torch.set_float32_matmul_precision(['high', 'highest'][0])'cuda') birefnet.eval() def extract_object(birefnet, imagepath): # Data settings image_size = (1024, 1024) transform_image = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(image_size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) image = input_images = transform_image(image).unsqueeze(0).to('cuda') # Prediction with torch.no_grad(): preds = birefnet(input_images)[-1].sigmoid().cpu() pred = preds[0].squeeze() pred_pil = transforms.ToPILImage()(pred) mask = pred_pil.resize(image.size) image.putalpha(mask) return image, mask # Visualization plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(extract_object(birefnet, imagepath='PATH-TO-YOUR_IMAGE.jpg')[0]) ``` > This BiRefNet for standard dichotomous image segmentation (DIS) is trained on **DIS-TR** and validated on **DIS-TEs and DIS-VD**. ## This repo holds the official model weights of "[<ins>Bilateral Reference for High-Resolution Dichotomous Image Segmentation</ins>](" (_CAAI AIR 2024_). This repo contains the weights of BiRefNet proposed in our paper, which has achieved the SOTA performance on three tasks (DIS, HRSOD, and COD). Go to my GitHub page for BiRefNet codes and the latest updates: :) #### Try our online demos for inference: + Online **Single Image Inference** on Colab: [![Open In Colab](]( + **Online Inference with GUI on Hugging Face** with adjustable resolutions: [![Hugging Face Spaces](]( + **Inference and evaluation** of your given weights: [![Open In Colab](]( <img src="" /> ## Acknowledgement: + Many thanks to @fal for their generous support on GPU resources for training better BiRefNet models. + Many thanks to @not-lain for his help on the better deployment of our BiRefNet model on HuggingFace. ## Citation ``` @article{BiRefNet, title={Bilateral Reference for High-Resolution Dichotomous Image Segmentation}, author={Zheng, Peng and Gao, Dehong and Fan, Deng-Ping and Liu, Li and Laaksonen, Jorma and Ouyang, Wanli and Sebe, Nicu}, journal={CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research}, year={2024} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "onnx", "safetensors", "deberta-v2", "text-classification", "zero-shot-classification", "en", "dataset:multi_nli", "dataset:facebook/anli", "dataset:fever", "dataset:lingnli", "dataset:alisawuffles/WANLI", "arxiv:2104.07179", "arxiv:2111.09543", "license:mit", "model-index", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en license: mit tags: - text-classification - zero-shot-classification datasets: - multi_nli - facebook/anli - fever - lingnli - alisawuffles/WANLI metrics: - accuracy pipeline_tag: zero-shot-classification model-index: - name: DeBERTa-v3-large-mnli-fever-anli-ling-wanli results: - task: type: text-classification name: Natural Language Inference dataset: name: MultiNLI-matched type: multi_nli split: validation_matched metrics: - type: accuracy value: 0,912 verified: false - task: type: text-classification name: Natural Language Inference dataset: name: MultiNLI-mismatched type: multi_nli split: validation_mismatched metrics: - type: accuracy value: 0,908 verified: false - task: type: text-classification name: Natural Language Inference dataset: name: ANLI-all type: anli split: test_r1+test_r2+test_r3 metrics: - type: accuracy value: 0,702 verified: false - task: type: text-classification name: Natural Language Inference dataset: name: ANLI-r3 type: anli split: test_r3 metrics: - type: accuracy value: 0,64 verified: false - task: type: text-classification name: Natural Language Inference dataset: name: WANLI type: alisawuffles/WANLI split: test metrics: - type: accuracy value: 0,77 verified: false - task: type: text-classification name: Natural Language Inference dataset: name: LingNLI type: lingnli split: test metrics: - type: accuracy value: 0,87 verified: false --- # DeBERTa-v3-large-mnli-fever-anli-ling-wanli ## Model description This model was fine-tuned on the [MultiNLI](, [Fever-NLI](, Adversarial-NLI ([ANLI](, [LingNLI]( and [WANLI]( datasets, which comprise 885 242 NLI hypothesis-premise pairs. This model is the best performing NLI model on the Hugging Face Hub as of 06.06.22 and can be used for zero-shot classification. It significantly outperforms all other large models on the [ANLI benchmark]( The foundation model is [DeBERTa-v3-large from Microsoft]( DeBERTa-v3 combines several recent innovations compared to classical Masked Language Models like BERT, RoBERTa etc., see the [paper]( ### How to use the model #### Simple zero-shot classification pipeline ```python from transformers import pipeline classifier = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="MoritzLaurer/DeBERTa-v3-large-mnli-fever-anli-ling-wanli") sequence_to_classify = "Angela Merkel is a politician in Germany and leader of the CDU" candidate_labels = ["politics", "economy", "entertainment", "environment"] output = classifier(sequence_to_classify, candidate_labels, multi_label=False) print(output) ``` #### NLI use-case ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification import torch device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu") model_name = "MoritzLaurer/DeBERTa-v3-large-mnli-fever-anli-ling-wanli" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) premise = "I first thought that I liked the movie, but upon second thought it was actually disappointing." hypothesis = "The movie was not good." input = tokenizer(premise, hypothesis, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt") output = model(input["input_ids"].to(device)) # device = "cuda:0" or "cpu" prediction = torch.softmax(output["logits"][0], -1).tolist() label_names = ["entailment", "neutral", "contradiction"] prediction = {name: round(float(pred) * 100, 1) for pred, name in zip(prediction, label_names)} print(prediction) ``` ### Training data DeBERTa-v3-large-mnli-fever-anli-ling-wanli was trained on the [MultiNLI](, [Fever-NLI](, Adversarial-NLI ([ANLI](, [LingNLI]( and [WANLI]( datasets, which comprise 885 242 NLI hypothesis-premise pairs. Note that [SNLI]( was explicitly excluded due to quality issues with the dataset. More data does not necessarily make for better NLI models. ### Training procedure DeBERTa-v3-large-mnli-fever-anli-ling-wanli was trained using the Hugging Face trainer with the following hyperparameters. Note that longer training with more epochs hurt performance in my tests (overfitting). ``` training_args = TrainingArguments( num_train_epochs=4, # total number of training epochs learning_rate=5e-06, per_device_train_batch_size=16, # batch size per device during training gradient_accumulation_steps=2, # doubles the effective batch_size to 32, while decreasing memory requirements per_device_eval_batch_size=64, # batch size for evaluation warmup_ratio=0.06, # number of warmup steps for learning rate scheduler weight_decay=0.01, # strength of weight decay fp16=True # mixed precision training ) ``` ### Eval results The model was evaluated using the test sets for MultiNLI, ANLI, LingNLI, WANLI and the dev set for Fever-NLI. The metric used is accuracy. The model achieves state-of-the-art performance on each dataset. Surprisingly, it outperforms the previous [state-of-the-art on ANLI]( (ALBERT-XXL) by 8,3%. I assume that this is because ANLI was created to fool masked language models like RoBERTa (or ALBERT), while DeBERTa-v3 uses a better pre-training objective (RTD), disentangled attention and I fine-tuned it on higher quality NLI data. |Datasets|mnli_test_m|mnli_test_mm|anli_test|anli_test_r3|ling_test|wanli_test| | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | |Accuracy|0.912|0.908|0.702|0.64|0.87|0.77| |Speed (text/sec, A100 GPU)|696.0|697.0|488.0|425.0|828.0|980.0| ## Limitations and bias Please consult the original DeBERTa-v3 paper and literature on different NLI datasets for more information on the training data and potential biases. The model will reproduce statistical patterns in the training data. ## Citation If you use this model, please cite: Laurer, Moritz, Wouter van Atteveldt, Andreu Salleras Casas, and Kasper Welbers. 2022. ‘Less Annotating, More Classifying – Addressing the Data Scarcity Issue of Supervised Machine Learning with Deep Transfer Learning and BERT - NLI’. Preprint, June. Open Science Framework. ### Ideas for cooperation or questions? If you have questions or ideas for cooperation, contact me at m{dot}laurer{at}vu{dot}nl or [LinkedIn]( ### Debugging and issues Note that DeBERTa-v3 was released on 06.12.21 and older versions of HF Transformers seem to have issues running the model (e.g. resulting in an issue with the tokenizer). Using Transformers>=4.13 might solve some issues.
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "aquila", "text-generation", "custom_code", "autotrain_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "internlm2", "feature-extraction", "custom_code", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "xverse", "text-generation", "custom_code", "autotrain_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "aquila", "text-generation", "custom_code", "autotrain_compatible", "region:us" ]
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[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "camembert", "fill-mask", "th", "arxiv:1907.11692", "arxiv:1801.06146", "arxiv:1808.06226", "arxiv:2101.09635", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: th widget: - text: "ผู้ใช้งานท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติ<mask>มีกว่าสามล้านคน<pad>" --- # WangchanBERTa base model: `wangchanberta-base-att-spm-uncased` <br> Pretrained RoBERTa BASE model on assorted Thai texts (78.5 GB). The script and documentation can be found at [this repository]( <br> ## Model description <br> The architecture of the pretrained model is based on RoBERTa [[Liu et al., 2019]]( <br> ## Intended uses & limitations <br> You can use the pretrained model for masked language modeling (i.e. predicting a mask token in the input text). In addition, we also provide finetuned models for multiclass/multilabel text classification and token classification task. <br> **Multiclass text classification** - `wisesight_sentiment` 4-class text classification task (`positive`, `neutral`, `negative`, and `question`) based on social media posts and tweets. - `wongnai_reivews` Users' review rating classification task (scale is ranging from 1 to 5) - `generated_reviews_enth` : (`review_star` as label) Generated users' review rating classification task (scale is ranging from 1 to 5). **Multilabel text classification** - `prachathai67k` Thai topic classification with 12 labels based on news article corpus from The detail is described in this [page]( **Token classification** - `thainer` Named-entity recognition tagging with 13 named-entities as described in this [page]( - `lst20` : NER NER and POS tagging Named-entity recognition tagging with 10 named-entities and Part-of-Speech tagging with 16 tags as described in this [page]( <br> ## How to use <br> The getting started notebook of WangchanBERTa model can be found at this [Colab notebook]( <br> ## Training data `wangchanberta-base-att-spm-uncased` model was pretrained on assorted Thai text dataset. The total size of uncompressed text is 78.5GB. ### Preprocessing Texts are preprocessed with the following rules: - Replace HTML forms of characters with the actual characters such asnbsp;with a space and \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\<br /> with a line break [[Howard and Ruder, 2018]]( - Remove empty brackets ((), {}, and []) than sometimes come up as a result of text extraction such as from Wikipedia. - Replace line breaks with spaces. - Replace more than one spaces with a single space - Remove more than 3 repetitive characters such as ดีมากกก to ดีมาก [Howard and Ruder, 2018]]( - Word-level tokenization using [[Phatthiyaphaibun et al., 2020]]( ’s `newmm` dictionary-based maximal matching tokenizer. - Replace repetitive words; this is done post-tokenization unlike [[Howard and Ruder, 2018]]( since there is no delimitation by space in Thai as in English. - Replace spaces with <\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_>. The SentencePiece tokenizer combines the spaces with other tokens. Since spaces serve as punctuation in Thai such as sentence boundaries similar to periods in English, combining it with other tokens will omit an important feature for tasks such as word tokenization and sentence breaking. Therefore, we opt to explicitly mark spaces with <\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_>. <br> Regarding the vocabulary, we use SentencePiece [[Kudo, 2018]]( to train SentencePiece unigram model. The tokenizer has a vocabulary size of 25,000 subwords, trained on 15M sentences sampled from the training set. The length of each sequence is limited up to 416 subword tokens. Regarding the masking procedure, for each sequence, we sampled 15% of the tokens and replace them with<mask>token.Out of the 15%, 80% is replaced with a<mask>token, 10% is left unchanged and 10% is replaced with a random token. <br> **Train/Val/Test splits** After preprocessing and deduplication, we have a training set of 381,034,638 unique, mostly Thai sentences with sequence length of 5 to 300 words (78.5GB). The training set has a total of 16,957,775,412 words as tokenized by dictionary-based maximal matching [[Phatthiyaphaibun et al., 2020]](, 8,680,485,067 subwords as tokenized by SentencePiece tokenizer, and 53,035,823,287 characters. <br> **Pretraining** The model was trained on 8 V100 GPUs for 500,000 steps with the batch size of 4,096 (32 sequences per device with 16 accumulation steps) and a sequence length of 416 tokens. The optimizer we used is Adam with the learning rate of $3e-4$, $\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\beta_1 = 0.9$, $\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\beta_2= 0.999$ and $\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\epsilon = 1e-6$. The learning rate is warmed up for the first 24,000 steps and linearly decayed to zero. The model checkpoint with minimum validation loss will be selected as the best model checkpoint. As of Sun 24 Jan 2021, we release the model from the checkpoint @360,000 steps due to the model pretraining has not yet been completed <br> **BibTeX entry and citation info** ``` @misc{lowphansirikul2021wangchanberta, title={WangchanBERTa: Pretraining transformer-based Thai Language Models}, author={Lalita Lowphansirikul and Charin Polpanumas and Nawat Jantrakulchai and Sarana Nutanong}, year={2021}, eprint={2101.09635}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "internlm", "feature-extraction", "custom_code", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "diffusers", "lora", "text-to-image", "arxiv:2311.05556", "base_model:stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", "base_model:adapter:stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", "license:openrail++", "region:us" ]
--- library_name: diffusers base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 tags: - lora - text-to-image license: openrail++ inference: false --- # Latent Consistency Model (LCM) LoRA: SDXL Latent Consistency Model (LCM) LoRA was proposed in [LCM-LoRA: A universal Stable-Diffusion Acceleration Module]( by *Simian Luo, Yiqin Tan, Suraj Patil, Daniel Gu et al.* It is a distilled consistency adapter for [`stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0`]( that allows to reduce the number of inference steps to only between **2 - 8 steps**. | Model | Params / M | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------| | [lcm-lora-sdv1-5]( | 67.5 | | [lcm-lora-ssd-1b]( | 105 | | [**lcm-lora-sdxl**]( | **197M** | ## Usage LCM-LoRA is supported in 🤗 Hugging Face Diffusers library from version v0.23.0 onwards. To run the model, first install the latest version of the Diffusers library as well as `peft`, `accelerate` and `transformers`. audio dataset from the Hugging Face Hub: ```bash pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade diffusers transformers accelerate peft ``` ***Note: For detailed usage examples we recommend you to check out our official [LCM-LoRA docs](*** ### Text-to-Image The adapter can be loaded with it's base model `stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0`. Next, the scheduler needs to be changed to [`LCMScheduler`]( and we can reduce the number of inference steps to just 2 to 8 steps. Please make sure to either disable `guidance_scale` or use values between 1.0 and 2.0. ```python import torch from diffusers import LCMScheduler, AutoPipelineForText2Image model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0" adapter_id = "latent-consistency/lcm-lora-sdxl" pipe = AutoPipelineForText2Image.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16") pipe.scheduler = LCMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config)"cuda") # load and fuse lcm lora pipe.load_lora_weights(adapter_id) pipe.fuse_lora() prompt = "Self-portrait oil painting, a beautiful cyborg with golden hair, 8k" # disable guidance_scale by passing 0 image = pipe(prompt=prompt, num_inference_steps=4, guidance_scale=0).images[0] ``` ![](./image.png) ### Inpainting LCM-LoRA can be used for inpainting as well. ```python import torch from diffusers import AutoPipelineForInpainting, LCMScheduler from diffusers.utils import load_image, make_image_grid pipe = AutoPipelineForInpainting.from_pretrained( "diffusers/stable-diffusion-xl-1.0-inpainting-0.1", torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16", ).to("cuda") # set scheduler pipe.scheduler = LCMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # load LCM-LoRA pipe.load_lora_weights("latent-consistency/lcm-lora-sdxl") pipe.fuse_lora() # load base and mask image init_image = load_image("").resize((1024, 1024)) mask_image = load_image("").resize((1024, 1024)) prompt = "a castle on top of a mountain, highly detailed, 8k" generator = torch.manual_seed(42) image = pipe( prompt=prompt, image=init_image, mask_image=mask_image, generator=generator, num_inference_steps=5, guidance_scale=4, ).images[0] make_image_grid([init_image, mask_image, image], rows=1, cols=3) ``` ![]( ## Combine with styled LoRAs LCM-LoRA can be combined with other LoRAs to generate styled-images in very few steps (4-8). In the following example, we'll use the LCM-LoRA with the [papercut LoRA](TheLastBen/Papercut_SDXL). To learn more about how to combine LoRAs, refer to [this guide]( ```python import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, LCMScheduler pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", variant="fp16", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ).to("cuda") # set scheduler pipe.scheduler = LCMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # load LoRAs pipe.load_lora_weights("latent-consistency/lcm-lora-sdxl", adapter_name="lcm") pipe.load_lora_weights("TheLastBen/Papercut_SDXL", weight_name="papercut.safetensors", adapter_name="papercut") # Combine LoRAs pipe.set_adapters(["lcm", "papercut"], adapter_weights=[1.0, 0.8]) prompt = "papercut, a cute fox" generator = torch.manual_seed(0) image = pipe(prompt, num_inference_steps=4, guidance_scale=1, generator=generator).images[0] image ``` ![]( ### ControlNet ```python import torch import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLControlNetPipeline, ControlNetModel, LCMScheduler from diffusers.utils import load_image image = load_image( "" ).resize((1024, 1024)) image = np.array(image) low_threshold = 100 high_threshold = 200 image = cv2.Canny(image, low_threshold, high_threshold) image = image[:, :, None] image = np.concatenate([image, image, image], axis=2) canny_image = Image.fromarray(image) controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained("diffusers/controlnet-canny-sdxl-1.0-small", torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16") pipe = StableDiffusionXLControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained( "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", controlnet=controlnet, torch_dtype=torch.float16, safety_checker=None, variant="fp16" ).to("cuda") # set scheduler pipe.scheduler = LCMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # load LCM-LoRA pipe.load_lora_weights("latent-consistency/lcm-lora-sdxl") pipe.fuse_lora() generator = torch.manual_seed(0) image = pipe( "picture of the mona lisa", image=canny_image, num_inference_steps=5, guidance_scale=1.5, controlnet_conditioning_scale=0.5, cross_attention_kwargs={"scale": 1}, generator=generator, ).images[0] make_image_grid([canny_image, image], rows=1, cols=2) ``` ![]( <Tip> The inference parameters in this example might not work for all examples, so we recommend you to try different values for `num_inference_steps`, `guidance_scale`, `controlnet_conditioning_scale` and `cross_attention_kwargs` parameters and choose the best one. </Tip> ### T2I Adapter This example shows how to use the LCM-LoRA with the [Canny T2I-Adapter](TencentARC/t2i-adapter-canny-sdxl-1.0) and SDXL. ```python import torch import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLAdapterPipeline, T2IAdapter, LCMScheduler from diffusers.utils import load_image, make_image_grid # Prepare image # Detect the canny map in low resolution to avoid high-frequency details image = load_image( "" ).resize((384, 384)) image = np.array(image) low_threshold = 100 high_threshold = 200 image = cv2.Canny(image, low_threshold, high_threshold) image = image[:, :, None] image = np.concatenate([image, image, image], axis=2) canny_image = Image.fromarray(image).resize((1024, 1024)) # load adapter adapter = T2IAdapter.from_pretrained("TencentARC/t2i-adapter-canny-sdxl-1.0", torch_dtype=torch.float16, varient="fp16").to("cuda") pipe = StableDiffusionXLAdapterPipeline.from_pretrained( "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", adapter=adapter, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16", ).to("cuda") # set scheduler pipe.scheduler = LCMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # load LCM-LoRA pipe.load_lora_weights("latent-consistency/lcm-lora-sdxl") prompt = "Mystical fairy in real, magic, 4k picture, high quality" negative_prompt = "extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, glitch, deformed, mutated, ugly, disfigured" generator = torch.manual_seed(0) image = pipe( prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, image=canny_image, num_inference_steps=4, guidance_scale=1.5, adapter_conditioning_scale=0.8, adapter_conditioning_factor=1, generator=generator, ).images[0] make_image_grid([canny_image, image], rows=1, cols=2) ``` ![]( ## Speed Benchmark TODO ## Training TODO
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "safetensors", "esm", "fill-mask", "license:mit", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: mit widget: - text: "MQIFVKTLTGKTITLEVEPS<mask>TIENVKAKIQDKEGIPPDQQRLIFAGKQLEDGRTLSDYNIQKESTLHLVLRLRGG" --- ## ESM-2 ESM-2 is a state-of-the-art protein model trained on a masked language modelling objective. It is suitable for fine-tuning on a wide range of tasks that take protein sequences as input. For detailed information on the model architecture and training data, please refer to the [accompanying paper]( You may also be interested in some demo notebooks ([PyTorch](, [TensorFlow]( which demonstrate how to fine-tune ESM-2 models on your tasks of interest. Several ESM-2 checkpoints are available in the Hub with varying sizes. Larger sizes generally have somewhat better accuracy, but require much more memory and time to train: | Checkpoint name | Num layers | Num parameters | |------------------------------|----|----------| | [esm2_t48_15B_UR50D]( | 48 | 15B | | [esm2_t36_3B_UR50D]( | 36 | 3B | | [esm2_t33_650M_UR50D]( | 33 | 650M | | [esm2_t30_150M_UR50D]( | 30 | 150M | | [esm2_t12_35M_UR50D]( | 12 | 35M | | [esm2_t6_8M_UR50D]( | 6 | 8M |
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "llama", "text-generation", "en", "dataset:wikipedia", "arxiv:2305.09781", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 language: - en datasets: - wikipedia pipeline_tag: text-generation --- ## Model description This is a LLaMA-like model with only 160M parameters trained on Wikipedia and part of the C4-en and C4-realnewslike datasets. No evaluation has been conducted yet, so use it with care. The model is mainly developed as a base Small Speculative Model in the [SpecInfer]( paper. ## Citation To cite the model, please use ```bibtex @misc{miao2023specinfer, title={SpecInfer: Accelerating Generative LLM Serving with Speculative Inference and Token Tree Verification}, author={Xupeng Miao and Gabriele Oliaro and Zhihao Zhang and Xinhao Cheng and Zeyu Wang and Rae Ying Yee Wong and Zhuoming Chen and Daiyaan Arfeen and Reyna Abhyankar and Zhihao Jia}, year={2023}, eprint={2305.09781}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "jax", "rust", "safetensors", "gpt2", "text-generation", "en", "arxiv:1910.09700", "license:mit", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: en license: mit --- # GPT-2 XL ## Table of Contents - [Model Details](#model-details) - [How To Get Started With the Model](#how-to-get-started-with-the-model) - [Uses](#uses) - [Risks, Limitations and Biases](#risks-limitations-and-biases) - [Training](#training) - [Evaluation](#evaluation) - [Environmental Impact](#environmental-impact) - [Technical Specifications](#technical-specifications) - [Citation Information](#citation-information) - [Model Card Authors](#model-card-authors) ## Model Details **Model Description:** GPT-2 XL is the **1.5B parameter** version of GPT-2, a transformer-based language model created and released by OpenAI. The model is a pretrained model on English language using a causal language modeling (CLM) objective. - **Developed by:** OpenAI, see [associated research paper]( and [GitHub repo]( for model developers. - **Model Type:** Transformer-based language model - **Language(s):** English - **License:** [Modified MIT License]( - **Related Models:** [GPT-2](, [GPT-Medium]( and [GPT-Large]( - **Resources for more information:** - [Research Paper]( - [OpenAI Blog Post]( - [GitHub Repo]( - [OpenAI Model Card for GPT-2]( - [OpenAI GPT-2 1.5B Release Blog Post]( - Test the full generation capabilities here: ## How to Get Started with the Model Use the code below to get started with the model. You can use this model directly with a pipeline for text generation. Since the generation relies on some randomness, we set a seed for reproducibility: ```python from transformers import pipeline, set_seed generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='gpt2-xl') set_seed(42) generator("Hello, I'm a language model,", max_length=30, num_return_sequences=5) ``` Here is how to use this model to get the features of a given text in PyTorch: ```python from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2Model tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2-xl') model = GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2-xl') text = "Replace me by any text you'd like." encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt') output = model(**encoded_input) ``` and in TensorFlow: ```python from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, TFGPT2Model tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2-xl') model = TFGPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2-xl') text = "Replace me by any text you'd like." encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='tf') output = model(encoded_input) ``` ## Uses #### Direct Use In their [model card about GPT-2](, OpenAI wrote: > The primary intended users of these models are AI researchers and practitioners. > > We primarily imagine these language models will be used by researchers to better understand the behaviors, capabilities, biases, and constraints of large-scale generative language models. #### Downstream Use In their [model card about GPT-2](, OpenAI wrote: > Here are some secondary use cases we believe are likely: > > - Writing assistance: Grammar assistance, autocompletion (for normal prose or code) > - Creative writing and art: exploring the generation of creative, fictional texts; aiding creation of poetry and other literary art. > - Entertainment: Creation of games, chat bots, and amusing generations. #### Misuse and Out-of-scope Use In their [model card about GPT-2](, OpenAI wrote: > Because large-scale language models like GPT-2 do not distinguish fact from fiction, we don’t support use-cases that require the generated text to be true. > > Additionally, language models like GPT-2 reflect the biases inherent to the systems they were trained on, so we do not recommend that they be deployed into systems that interact with humans unless the deployers first carry out a study of biases relevant to the intended use-case. We found no statistically significant difference in gender, race, and religious bias probes between 774M and 1.5B, implying all versions of GPT-2 should be approached with similar levels of caution around use cases that are sensitive to biases around human attributes. ## Risks, Limitations and Biases **CONTENT WARNING: Readers should be aware this section contains content that is disturbing, offensive, and can propogate historical and current stereotypes.** #### Biases Significant research has explored bias and fairness issues with language models (see, e.g., [Sheng et al. (2021)]( and [Bender et al. (2021)]( The training data used for this model has not been released as a dataset one can browse. We know it contains a lot of unfiltered content from the internet, which is far from neutral. Predictions generated by the model can include disturbing and harmful stereotypes across protected classes; identity characteristics; and sensitive, social, and occupational groups. For example: ```python from transformers import pipeline, set_seed generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='gpt2-xl') set_seed(42) generator("The man worked as a", max_length=10, num_return_sequences=5) set_seed(42) generator("The woman worked as a", max_length=10, num_return_sequences=5) ``` This bias will also affect all fine-tuned versions of this model. Users (both direct and downstream) should be made aware of the risks, biases and limitations of the model. #### Risks and Limitations When they released the 1.5B parameter model, OpenAI wrote in a [blog post]( > GPT-2 can be fine-tuned for misuse. Our partners at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies’ Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism (CTEC) found that extremist groups can use GPT-2 for misuse, specifically by fine-tuning GPT-2 models on four ideological positions: white supremacy, Marxism, jihadist Islamism, and anarchism. CTEC demonstrated that it’s possible to create models that can generate synthetic propaganda for these ideologies. They also show that, despite having low detection accuracy on synthetic outputs, ML-based detection methods can give experts reasonable suspicion that an actor is generating synthetic text. The blog post further discusses the risks, limitations, and biases of the model. ## Training #### Training Data The OpenAI team wanted to train this model on a corpus as large as possible. To build it, they scraped all the web pages from outbound links on Reddit which received at least 3 karma. Note that all Wikipedia pages were removed from this dataset, so the model was not trained on any part of Wikipedia. The resulting dataset (called WebText) weights 40GB of texts but has not been publicly released. You can find a list of the top 1,000 domains present in WebText [here]( #### Training Procedure The model is pretrained on a very large corpus of English data in a self-supervised fashion. This means it was pretrained on the raw texts only, with no humans labelling them in any way (which is why it can use lots of publicly available data) with an automatic process to generate inputs and labels from those texts. More precisely, it was trained to guess the next word in sentences. More precisely, inputs are sequences of continuous text of a certain length and the targets are the same sequence, shifted one token (word or piece of word) to the right. The model uses internally a mask-mechanism to make sure the predictions for the token `i` only uses the inputs from `1` to `i` but not the future tokens. This way, the model learns an inner representation of the English language that can then be used to extract features useful for downstream tasks. The texts are tokenized using a byte-level version of Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) (for unicode characters) and a vocabulary size of 50,257. The inputs are sequences of 1024 consecutive tokens. ## Evaluation The following evaluation information is extracted from the [associated paper]( #### Testing Data, Factors and Metrics The model authors write in the [associated paper]( that: > Since our model operates on a byte level and does not require lossy pre-processing or tokenization, we can evaluate it on any language model benchmark. Results on language modeling datasets are commonly reported in a quantity which is a scaled or ex- ponentiated version of the average negative log probability per canonical prediction unit - usually a character, a byte, or a word. We evaluate the same quantity by computing the log-probability of a dataset according to a WebText LM and dividing by the number of canonical units. For many of these datasets, WebText LMs would be tested significantly out- of-distribution, having to predict aggressively standardized text, tokenization artifacts such as disconnected punctuation and contractions, shuffled sentences, and even the string <UNK> which is extremely rare in WebText - occurring only 26 times in 40 billion bytes. We report our main results...using invertible de-tokenizers which remove as many of these tokenization / pre-processing artifacts as possible. Since these de-tokenizers are invertible, we can still calculate the log probability of a dataset and they can be thought of as a simple form of domain adaptation. #### Results The model achieves the following results without any fine-tuning (zero-shot): | Dataset | LAMBADA | LAMBADA | CBT-CN | CBT-NE | WikiText2 | PTB | enwiki8 | text8 | WikiText103 | 1BW | |:--------:|:-------:|:-------:|:------:|:------:|:---------:|:------:|:-------:|:------:|:-----------:|:-----:| | (metric) | (PPL) | (ACC) | (ACC) | (ACC) | (PPL) | (PPL) | (BPB) | (BPC) | (PPL) | (PPL) | | | 8.63 | 63.24 | 93.30 | 89.05 | 18.34 | 35.76 | 0.93 | 0.98 | 17.48 | 42.16 | ## Environmental Impact Carbon emissions can be estimated using the [Machine Learning Impact calculator]( presented in [Lacoste et al. (2019)]( The hardware type and hours used are based on information provided by one of the model authors on [Reddit]( - **Hardware Type:** 32 TPUv3 chips - **Hours used:** 168 - **Cloud Provider:** Unknown - **Compute Region:** Unknown - **Carbon Emitted:** Unknown ## Technical Specifications See the [associated paper]( for details on the modeling architecture, objective, and training details. ## Citation Information ```bibtex @article{radford2019language, title={Language models are unsupervised multitask learners}, author={Radford, Alec and Wu, Jeffrey and Child, Rewon and Luan, David and Amodei, Dario and Sutskever, Ilya and others}, journal={OpenAI blog}, volume={1}, number={8}, pages={9}, year={2019} } ``` ## Model Card Authors This model card was written by the Hugging Face team.
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "llama", "text-generation", "facebook", "meta", "pytorch", "llama-3", "conversational", "en", "arxiv:2407.21783", "arxiv:2312.06674", "arxiv:2204.05862", "arxiv:2308.01263", "base_model:meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B", "base_model:finetune:meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B", "license:llama3.1", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en pipeline_tag: text-generation base_model: meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B tags: - facebook - meta - pytorch - llama - llama-3 license: llama3.1 extra_gated_prompt: >- ### LLAMA 3.1 COMMUNITY LICENSE AGREEMENT Llama 3.1 Version Release Date: July 23, 2024 "Agreement" means the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, distribution and modification of the Llama Materials set forth herein. "Documentation" means the specifications, manuals and documentation accompanying Llama 3.1 distributed by Meta at "Licensee" or "you" means you, or your employer or any other person or entity (if you are entering into this Agreement on such person or entity’s behalf), of the age required under applicable laws, rules or regulations to provide legal consent and that has legal authority to bind your employer or such other person or entity if you are entering in this Agreement on their behalf. "Llama 3.1" means the foundational large language models and software and algorithms, including machine-learning model code, trained model weights, inference-enabling code, training-enabling code, fine-tuning enabling code and other elements of the foregoing distributed by Meta at "Llama Materials" means, collectively, Meta’s proprietary Llama 3.1 and Documentation (and any portion thereof) made available under this Agreement. "Meta" or "we" means Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (if you are located in or, if you are an entity, your principal place of business is in the EEA or Switzerland) and Meta Platforms, Inc. (if you are located outside of the EEA or Switzerland). 1. License Rights and Redistribution. a. Grant of Rights. You are granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, non-transferable and royalty-free limited license under Meta’s intellectual property or other rights owned by Meta embodied in the Llama Materials to use, reproduce, distribute, copy, create derivative works of, and make modifications to the Llama Materials. b. Redistribution and Use. i. If you distribute or make available the Llama Materials (or any derivative works thereof), or a product or service (including another AI model) that contains any of them, you shall (A) provide a copy of this Agreement with any such Llama Materials; and (B) prominently display “Built with Llama” on a related website, user interface, blogpost, about page, or product documentation. If you use the Llama Materials or any outputs or results of the Llama Materials to create, train, fine tune, or otherwise improve an AI model, which is distributed or made available, you shall also include “Llama” at the beginning of any such AI model name. ii. 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If, on the Llama 3.1 version release date, the monthly active users of the products or services made available by or for Licensee, or Licensee’s affiliates, is greater than 700 million monthly active users in the preceding calendar month, you must request a license from Meta, which Meta may grant to you in its sole discretion, and you are not authorized to exercise any of the rights under this Agreement unless or until Meta otherwise expressly grants you such rights. 3. Disclaimer of Warranty. UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE LLAMA MATERIALS AND ANY OUTPUT AND RESULTS THEREFROM ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, AND META DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, BOTH EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE APPROPRIATENESS OF USING OR REDISTRIBUTING THE LLAMA MATERIALS AND ASSUME ANY RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE OF THE LLAMA MATERIALS AND ANY OUTPUT AND RESULTS. 4. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL META OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, PRODUCTS LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT, FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, EVEN IF META OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY OF THE FOREGOING. 5. Intellectual Property. a. No trademark licenses are granted under this Agreement, and in connection with the Llama Materials, neither Meta nor Licensee may use any name or mark owned by or associated with the other or any of its affiliates, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing and redistributing the Llama Materials or as set forth in this Section 5(a). Meta hereby grants you a license to use “Llama” (the “Mark”) solely as required to comply with the last sentence of Section 1.b.i. You will comply with Meta’s brand guidelines (currently accessible at ). All goodwill arising out of your use of the Mark will inure to the benefit of Meta. b. Subject to Meta’s ownership of Llama Materials and derivatives made by or for Meta, with respect to any derivative works and modifications of the Llama Materials that are made by you, as between you and Meta, you are and will be the owner of such derivative works and modifications. c. If you institute litigation or other proceedings against Meta or any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Llama Materials or Llama 3.1 outputs or results, or any portion of any of the foregoing, constitutes infringement of intellectual property or other rights owned or licensable by you, then any licenses granted to you under this Agreement shall terminate as of the date such litigation or claim is filed or instituted. You will indemnify and hold harmless Meta from and against any claim by any third party arising out of or related to your use or distribution of the Llama Materials. 6. Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement will commence upon your acceptance of this Agreement or access to the Llama Materials and will continue in full force and effect until terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions herein. Meta may terminate this Agreement if you are in breach of any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, you shall delete and cease use of the Llama Materials. Sections 3, 4 and 7 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement will be governed and construed under the laws of the State of California without regard to choice of law principles, and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement. The courts of California shall have exclusive jurisdiction of any dispute arising out of this Agreement. ### Llama 3.1 Acceptable Use Policy Meta is committed to promoting safe and fair use of its tools and features, including Llama 3.1. If you access or use Llama 3.1, you agree to this Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”). The most recent copy of this policy can be found at []( #### Prohibited Uses We want everyone to use Llama 3.1 safely and responsibly. You agree you will not use, or allow others to use, Llama 3.1 to: 1. Violate the law or others’ rights, including to: 1. Engage in, promote, generate, contribute to, encourage, plan, incite, or further illegal or unlawful activity or content, such as: 1. Violence or terrorism 2. Exploitation or harm to children, including the solicitation, creation, acquisition, or dissemination of child exploitative content or failure to report Child Sexual Abuse Material 3. Human trafficking, exploitation, and sexual violence 4. The illegal distribution of information or materials to minors, including obscene materials, or failure to employ legally required age-gating in connection with such information or materials. 5. Sexual solicitation 6. Any other criminal activity 3. Engage in, promote, incite, or facilitate the harassment, abuse, threatening, or bullying of individuals or groups of individuals 4. Engage in, promote, incite, or facilitate discrimination or other unlawful or harmful conduct in the provision of employment, employment benefits, credit, housing, other economic benefits, or other essential goods and services 5. Engage in the unauthorized or unlicensed practice of any profession including, but not limited to, financial, legal, medical/health, or related professional practices 6. Collect, process, disclose, generate, or infer health, demographic, or other sensitive personal or private information about individuals without rights and consents required by applicable laws 7. Engage in or facilitate any action or generate any content that infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any third-party rights, including the outputs or results of any products or services using the Llama Materials 8. Create, generate, or facilitate the creation of malicious code, malware, computer viruses or do anything else that could disable, overburden, interfere with or impair the proper working, integrity, operation or appearance of a website or computer system 2. Engage in, promote, incite, facilitate, or assist in the planning or development of activities that present a risk of death or bodily harm to individuals, including use of Llama 3.1 related to the following: 1. Military, warfare, nuclear industries or applications, espionage, use for materials or activities that are subject to the International Traffic Arms Regulations (ITAR) maintained by the United States Department of State 2. Guns and illegal weapons (including weapon development) 3. Illegal drugs and regulated/controlled substances 4. Operation of critical infrastructure, transportation technologies, or heavy machinery 5. Self-harm or harm to others, including suicide, cutting, and eating disorders 6. Any content intended to incite or promote violence, abuse, or any infliction of bodily harm to an individual 3. Intentionally deceive or mislead others, including use of Llama 3.1 related to the following: 1. Generating, promoting, or furthering fraud or the creation or promotion of disinformation 2. Generating, promoting, or furthering defamatory content, including the creation of defamatory statements, images, or other content 3. Generating, promoting, or further distributing spam 4. Impersonating another individual without consent, authorization, or legal right 5. Representing that the use of Llama 3.1 or outputs are human-generated 6. Generating or facilitating false online engagement, including fake reviews and other means of fake online engagement 4. Fail to appropriately disclose to end users any known dangers of your AI system Please report any violation of this Policy, software “bug,” or other problems that could lead to a violation of this Policy through one of the following means: * Reporting issues with the model: []( * Reporting risky content generated by the model: * Reporting bugs and security concerns: * Reporting violations of the Acceptable Use Policy or unlicensed uses of Meta Llama 3: extra_gated_fields: First Name: text Last Name: text Date of birth: date_picker Country: country Affiliation: text Job title: type: select options: - Student - Research Graduate - AI researcher - AI developer/engineer - Reporter - Other geo: ip_location By clicking Submit below I accept the terms of the license and acknowledge that the information I provide will be collected stored processed and shared in accordance with the Meta Privacy Policy: checkbox extra_gated_description: The information you provide will be collected, stored, processed and shared in accordance with the [Meta Privacy Policy]( extra_gated_button_content: Submit --- # Model Details Llama Guard 3 is a Llama-3.1-8B pretrained model, fine-tuned for content safety classification. Similar to previous versions, it can be used to classify content in both LLM inputs (prompt classification) and in LLM responses (response classification). It acts as an LLM – it generates text in its output that indicates whether a given prompt or response is safe or unsafe, and if unsafe, it also lists the content categories violated. Llama Guard 3 was aligned to safeguard against the MLCommons standardized hazards taxonomy and designed to support Llama 3.1 capabilities. Specifically, it provides content moderation in 8 languages, and was optimized to support safety and security for search and code interpreter tool calls. Below is a response classification example for Llama Guard 3. <p align="center"> <img src="llama_guard_3_figure.png" width="800"/> </p> In order to produce classifier scores, we look at the probability for the first token, and use that as the “unsafe” class probability. We can then apply score thresholding to make binary decisions. # Hazard Taxonomy and Policy The model is trained to predict safety labels on the 14 categories shown below, based on the [MLCommons taxonomy]( of 13 hazards, as well as an additional category for Code Interpreter Abuse for tool calls use cases <table align="center"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2">Hazard categories</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>S1: Violent Crimes</td> <td>S2: Non-Violent Crimes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>S3: Sex-Related Crimes</td> <td>S4: Child Sexual Exploitation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>S5: Defamation</td> <td>S6: Specialized Advice</td> </tr> <tr> <td>S7: Privacy</td> <td>S8: Intellectual Property</td> </tr> <tr> <td>S9: Indiscriminate Weapons</td> <td>S10: Hate</td> </tr> <tr> <td>S11: Suicide &amp; Self-Harm</td> <td>S12: Sexual Content</td> </tr> <tr> <td>S13: Elections</td> <td>S14: Code Interpreter Abuse</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> **S1 - Violent Crimes** Responses that enable, encourage, or endorse the commission of violent crimes, including: (1) unlawful violence toward people (ex: terrorism, genocide, murder, hate-motivated violent crimes, child abuse, assault, battery, kidnapping) and (2) unlawful violence toward animals (ex: animal abuse) **S2 - Non-Violent Crimes** Responses that enable, encourage, or endorse the commission of non-violent crimes, including: (1) personal crimes (ex: labor trafficking, threats, intimidation, hate-motivated non-violent crimes), (2) financial crimes (ex: fraud, scams, money laundering), (3) property crimes (ex: theft, arson, vandalism), (4) drug crimes (ex: creating or using regulated substances), (5) weapons crimes (ex: producing unlicensed firearms), and (6) cyber crimes (ex: hacking) **S3 - Sex-Related Crimes** Responses that enable, encourage, or endorse the commission of sex-related crimes, including: (1) sex trafficking, (2) sexual assault (ex: rape), (3) sexual harassment (physical, verbal, or visual), and (4) prostitution **S4 - Child Sexual Exploitation** Responses that contain, describe, enable, encourage, or endorse the sexual abuse of children **S5 - Defamation** Responses that are both verifiably false and likely to injure a living person’s reputation **S6 - Specialized Advice** Responses that contain specialized financial, medical, or legal advice, or that indicate dangerous activities or objects are safe **S7 - Privacy** Responses that contain sensitive, nonpublic personal information that could undermine someone’s physical, digital, or financial security **S8 - Intellectual Property** Responses that may violate the intellectual property rights of any third party **S9 - Indiscriminate Weapons** Responses that enable, encourage, or endorse the creation of indiscriminate weapons, including: (1) chemical weapons (ex: nerve gas), (2) biological weapons (ex: anthrax), (3) radiological weapons (ex: cobalt bombs), (4) nuclear weapons (ex: fission bombs), and (5) high-yield explosive weapons (ex: cluster munitions) **S10 - Hate** Responses that demean or dehumanize people on the basis of their sensitive, personal characteristics (i.e., race, color, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, and/or serious disease) **S11 - Suicide &amp; Self-Harm** Responses that enable, encourage, or endorse acts of intentional self-harm, including: (1) suicide, (2) self-injury (ex: cutting), and (3) disordered eating **S12 - Sexual Content** Responses that contain erotica **S13 - Elections** Responses that contain factually incorrect information about electoral systems and processes, including in the time, place, or manner of voting in civic elections **S14 - Code Interpreter Abuse** Responses that seek to abuse code interpreters, including those that enable denial of service attacks, container escapes or privilege escalation exploits # Supported languages Llama Guard 3 supports content safety for the following languages : English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai. # Usage > [!IMPORTANT] > > This repository corresponds to half-precision version of the model. A 8-bit precision version is also provided, please visit [meta-llama/Llama-Guard-3-8B-INT8]( Llama Guard 3 can be directly used with `transformers`. It is only supported since `transformers` version 4.43. ```python import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM model_id = "meta-llama/Llama-Guard-3-8B" device = "cuda" dtype = torch.bfloat16 tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=dtype, device_map=device) def moderate(chat): input_ids = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(chat, return_tensors="pt").to(device) output = model.generate(input_ids=input_ids, max_new_tokens=100, pad_token_id=0) prompt_len = input_ids.shape[-1] return tokenizer.decode(output[0][prompt_len:], skip_special_tokens=True) moderate([ {"role": "user", "content": "I forgot how to kill a process in Linux, can you help?"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Sure! To kill a process in Linux, you can use the kill command followed by the process ID (PID) of the process you want to terminate."}, ]) ``` # Training Data We use the English data used by Llama Guard [1], which are obtained by getting Llama 2 and Llama 3 generations on prompts from the hh-rlhf dataset [2]. In order to scale training data for new categories and new capabilities such as multilingual and tool use, we collect additional human and synthetically generated data. Similar to the English data, the multilingual data are Human-AI conversation data that are either single-turn or multi-turn. To reduce the model’s false positive rate, we curate a set of multilingual benign prompt and response data where LLMs likely reject the prompts. For the tool use capability, we consider search tool calls and code interpreter abuse. To develop training data for search tool use, we use Llama3 to generate responses to a collected and synthetic set of prompts. The generations are based on the query results obtained from the Brave Search API. To develop synthetic training data to detect code interpreter attacks, we use an LLM to generate safe and unsafe prompts. Then, we use a non-safety-tuned LLM to generate code interpreter completions that comply with these instructions. For safe data, we focus on data close to the boundary of what would be considered unsafe, to minimize false positives on such borderline examples. # Evaluation **Note on evaluations:** As discussed in the original Llama Guard paper, comparing model performance is not straightforward as each model is built on its own policy and is expected to perform better on an evaluation dataset with a policy aligned to the model. This highlights the need for industry standards. By aligning the Llama Guard family of models with the Proof of Concept MLCommons taxonomy of hazards, we hope to drive adoption of industry standards like this and facilitate collaboration and transparency in the LLM safety and content evaluation space. In this regard, we evaluate the performance of Llama Guard 3 on MLCommons hazard taxonomy and compare it across languages with Llama Guard 2 [3] on our internal test. We also add GPT4 as baseline with zero-shot prompting using MLCommons hazard taxonomy. Tables 1, 2, and 3 show that Llama Guard 3 improves over Llama Guard 2 and outperforms GPT4 in English, multilingual, and tool use capabilities. Noteworthily, Llama Guard 3 achieves better performance with much lower false positive rates. We also benchmark Llama Guard 3 in the OSS dataset XSTest [4] and observe that it achieves the same F1 score but a lower false positive rate compared to Llama Guard 2. <div align="center"> <small> Table 1: Comparison of performance of various models measured on our internal English test set for MLCommons hazard taxonomy (response classification).</small> | | **F1 ↑** | **AUPRC ↑** | **False Positive<br>Rate ↓** | |--------------------------|:--------:|:-----------:|:----------------------------:| | Llama Guard 2 | 0.877 | 0.927 | 0.081 | | Llama Guard 3 | 0.939 | 0.985 | 0.040 | | GPT4 | 0.805 | N/A | 0.152 | </div> <br> <table align="center"> <small><center>Table 2: Comparison of multilingual performance of various models measured on our internal test set for MLCommons hazard taxonomy (prompt+response classification).</center></small> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="8"><center>F1 ↑ / FPR ↓</center></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> <td><center>French</center></td> <td><center>German</center></td> <td><center>Hindi</center></td> <td><center>Italian</center></td> <td><center>Portuguese</center></td> <td><center>Spanish</center></td> <td><center>Thai</center></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Llama Guard 2</td> <td><center>0.911/0.012</center></td> <td><center>0.795/0.062</center></td> <td><center>0.832/0.062</center></td> <td><center>0.681/0.039</center></td> <td><center>0.845/0.032</center></td> <td><center>0.876/0.001</center></td> <td><center>0.822/0.078</center></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Llama Guard 3</td> <td><center>0.943/0.036</center></td> <td><center>0.877/0.032</center></td> <td><center>0.871/0.050</center></td> <td><center>0.873/0.038</center></td> <td><center>0.860/0.060</center></td> <td><center>0.875/0.023</center></td> <td><center>0.834/0.030</center></td> </tr> <tr> <td>GPT4</td> <td><center>0.795/0.157</center></td> <td><center>0.691/0.123</center></td> <td><center>0.709/0.206</center></td> <td><center>0.753/0.204</center></td> <td><center>0.738/0.207</center></td> <td><center>0.711/0.169</center></td> <td><center>0.688/0.168</center></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <table align="center"> <small><center>Table 3: Comparison of performance of various models measured on our internal test set for other moderation capabilities (prompt+response classification).</center></small> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th colspan="3">Search tool calls</th> <th colspan="3">Code interpreter abuse</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> <td><center>F1 ↑</center></td> <td><center>AUPRC ↑</center></td> <td><center>FPR ↓</center></td> <td><center>F1 ↑</center></td> <td><center>AUPRC ↑</center></td> <td><center>FPR ↓</center></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Llama Guard 2</td> <td><center>0.749</center></td> <td><center>0.794</center></td> <td><center>0.284</center></td> <td><center>0.683</center></td> <td><center>0.677</center></td> <td><center>0.670</center></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Llama Guard 3</td> <td><center>0.856</center></td> <td><center>0.938</center></td> <td><center>0.174</center></td> <td><center>0.885</center></td> <td><center>0.967</center></td> <td><center>0.125</center></td> </tr> <tr> <td>GPT4</td> <td><center>0.732</center></td> <td><center>N/A</center></td> <td><center>0.525</center></td> <td><center>0.636</center></td> <td><center>N/A</center></td> <td><center>0.90</center></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> # Application As outlined in the Llama 3 paper, Llama Guard 3 provides industry leading system-level safety performance and is recommended to be deployed along with Llama 3.1. Note that, while deploying Llama Guard 3 will likely improve the safety of your system, it might increase refusals to benign prompts (False Positives). Violation rate improvement and impact on false positives as measured on internal benchmarks are provided in the Llama 3 paper. # Quantization We are committed to help the community deploy Llama systems responsibly. We provide a quantized version of Llama Guard 3 to lower the deployment cost. We used int 8 [implementation]( integrated into the hugging face ecosystem, reducing the checkpoint size by about 40% with very small impact on model performance. In Table 5, we observe that the performance quantized model is comparable to the original model. <table align="center"> <small><center>Table 5: Impact of quantization on Llama Guard 3 performance.</center></small> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="2"><br /> <p><span>Task</span></p> </td> <td rowspan="2"><br /> <p><span>Capability</span></p> </td> <td colspan="4"> <p><center><span>Non-Quantized</span></center></p> </td> <td colspan="4"> <p><center><span>Quantized</span></center></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><span>Precision</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>Recall</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>F1</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>FPR</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>Precision</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>Recall</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>F1</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>FPR</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3"> <p><span>Prompt Classification</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>English</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.952</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.943</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.947</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.057</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.961</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.939</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.950</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.045</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><span>Multilingual</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.901</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.899</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.900</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.054</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.906</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.892</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.899</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.051</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><span>Tool Use</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.884</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.958</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.920</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.126</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.876</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.946</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.909</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.134</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3"> <p><span>Response Classification</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>English</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.947</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.931</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.939</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.040</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.947</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.925</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.936</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.040</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><span>Multilingual</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.929</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.805</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.862</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.033</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.931</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.785</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.851</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.031</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><span>Tool Use</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.774</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.884</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.825</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.176</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.793</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.865</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.827</span></p> </td> <td> <p><span>0.155</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> # Get started Llama Guard 3 is available by default on Llama 3.1 [reference implementations]( You can learn more about how to configure and customize using [Llama Recipes]( shared on our Github repository. # Limitations There are some limitations associated with Llama Guard 3. First, Llama Guard 3 itself is an LLM fine-tuned on Llama 3.1. Thus, its performance (e.g., judgments that need common sense knowledge, multilingual capability, and policy coverage) might be limited by its (pre-)training data. Some hazard categories may require factual, up-to-date knowledge to be evaluated (for example, S5: Defamation, S8: Intellectual Property, and S13: Elections) . We believe more complex systems should be deployed to accurately moderate these categories for use cases highly sensitive to these types of hazards, but Llama Guard 3 provides a good baseline for generic use cases. Lastly, as an LLM, Llama Guard 3 may be susceptible to adversarial attacks or prompt injection attacks that could bypass or alter its intended use. Please feel free to [report]( vulnerabilities and we will look to incorporate improvements in future versions of Llama Guard. # Citation ``` @misc{dubey2024llama3herdmodels, title = {The Llama 3 Herd of Models}, author = {Llama Team, AI @ Meta}, year = {2024} eprint = {2407.21783}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, primaryClass = {cs.AI}, url = {} } ``` # References [1] [Llama Guard: LLM-based Input-Output Safeguard for Human-AI Conversations]( [2] [Training a Helpful and Harmless Assistant with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback]( [3] [Llama Guard 2 Model Card]( [4] [XSTest: A Test Suite for Identifying Exaggerated Safety Behaviors in Large Language Models](
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "vits", "text-to-audio", "text-to-speech", "ar", "dataset:mozilla-foundation/common_voice_17_0", "dataset:wasmdashai/db-arabic-f1-nn", "license:afl-3.0", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- datasets: - mozilla-foundation/common_voice_17_0 - wasmdashai/db-arabic-f1-nn language: - ar license: afl-3.0 pipeline_tag: text-to-speech --- # Model Card for Model ID ## Model Details ### Model Description <!-- Provide a longer summary of what this model is. --> An advanced text-to-speech (TTS) system specifically designed for the Arabic language, built on the VITS architecture and utilizing the pre-trained weights from Facebook's vits ara model. The model is capable of: Generating natural and realistic speech: Producing high-quality Arabic speech that closely mimics human voices, preserving intonation and linguistic nuances. Understanding colloquial text: Processing text written in various Arabic dialects, including idiomatic expressions and local vocabulary. Model Details VITS (Variational Inference with adversarial learning for end-to-end Text-to-Speech) is an end-to-end speech synthesis model that predicts a speech waveform conditional on an input text sequence. It is a conditional variational autoencoder (VAE) comprised of a posterior encoder, decoder, and conditional prior. A set of spectrogram-based acoustic features are predicted by the flow-based module, which is formed of a Transformer-based text encoder and multiple coupling layers. The spectrogram is decoded using a stack of transposed convolutional layers, much in the same style as the HiFi-GAN vocoder. Motivated by the one-to-many nature of the TTS problem, where the same text input can be spoken in multiple ways, the model also includes a stochastic duration predictor, which allows the model to synthesise speech with different rhythms from the same input text. ## Usage MMS-TTS is available in the 🤗 Transformers library from version 4.33 onwards. To use this checkpoint, first install the latest version of the library: ``` pip install transformers[torch] ``` Then, run inference with the following code-snippet: ```python from transformers import VitsModel, AutoTokenizer import torch model = VitsModel.from_pretrained("wasmdashai/vits-ar") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("wasmdashai/vits-ar") text = "السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة ما الجديد ؟ " inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt") with torch.no_grad(): full_generation =model(**inputs) full_generation_waveform = full_generation.waveform.cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) from IPython.display import Audio Audio(full_generation_waveform, rate=model.config.sampling_rate) ``` ## Contact You can also email us at ## مجموعة نماذج توليد اللهجات العربية ### مقدمة يسرنا أن نعلن عن إصدار مجموعة من نماذج توليد اللهجات العربية قريبًا. تم تصميم هذه النماذج باستخدام تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المتقدمة لتقديم تجربة طبيعية وواقعية في تحويل النص إلى كلام (Text-to-Speech) بمختلف اللهجات العربية. ### جدول النماذج | **اللهجة** | **اسم النموذج** | **الوصف** | **تاريخ الإصدار المتوقع** | **مستوى جودة الصوت** | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------|----------------------| | اللغة العربية | [vits-ar]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة اليمنية بتفاصيل دقيقة. | متوفر | متوسط | | اللهجة اليمنية | [vits-ar-ye]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة اليمنية بتفاصيل دقيقة. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة السعودية | [vits-ar-sa]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة السعودية بجودة عالية وتفاصيل دقيقة. | متوفر | متوسط | | اللهجة المصرية | [vits-ar-eg]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة المصرية بأسلوب طبيعي وسلس. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة اللبنانية | [vits-ar-lb]( | نموذج متخصص في اللهجة اللبنانية لتوليد كلام بتفاصيل دقيقة وواقعية. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة المغربية | [vits-ar-ma]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة المغربية بقدرة على فهم المصطلحات المحلية.| قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة الإماراتية | [vits-ar-ae]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة الإماراتية بواقعية وتفاصيل دقيقة. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة الأردنية | [vits-ar-jo]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة الأردنية بإتقان للتفاصيل الصوتية. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة العراقية | [vits-ar-iq]( | نموذج لتوليد الكلام باللهجة العراقية بدقة في نطق الكلمات والتعابير الشائعة. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة السورية | [vits-ar-sy]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة السورية بوضوح وصوت طبيعي. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة الفلسطينية | [vits-ar-ps]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة الفلسطينية بتفاصيل دقيقة. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة السودانية | [vits-ar-sd]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة السودانية مع فهم المفردات المحلية. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة الجزائرية | [vits-ar-dz]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة الجزائرية بدقة وجودة عالية. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة التونسية | [vits-ar-tn]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة التونسية بإتقان للتفاصيل المحلية. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة الليبية | [vits-ar-ly]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة الليبية بدقة وواقعية في النطق. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة البحرينية | [vits-ar-bh]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة البحرينية بجودة صوت عالية. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة العمانية | [vits-ar-om]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة العمانية بدقة ووضوح في النطق. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة القطرية | [vits-ar-qa]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة القطرية بتفاصيل دقيقة وواقعية. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة الكويتية | [vits-ar-kw]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة الكويتية بجودة عالية ووضوح. | قريباً | متوسط | | اللهجة الموريتانية | [vits-ar-mr]( | نموذج لتحويل النص إلى كلام باللهجة الموريتانية بتفاصيل دقيقة وواقعية. | قريباً | متوسط | ### التفاصيل الفنية تعتمد جميع النماذج على بنية VITS، وهي نموذج شامل لتحويل النص إلى كلام يتيح توليد موجات صوتية واقعية بناءً على المدخلات النصية. تحتوي النماذج على محولات لتحليل النص وتوليد الكلام بناءً على خصائص الصوت المحلية لكل لهجة. ### الترقيات المستقبلية سيتم تقديم تحديثات منتظمة لتحسين جودة الصوت وزيادة كفاءة فهم اللهجات المختلفة. تابعونا لمعرفة المزيد حول تواريخ الإطلاق الدقيقة لكل نموذج. ## Acknowledgements This implementation is based on [tts-arabic](, [VITS](, [Finetune VITS]( and [Bert-VITS2]( We appreciate their awesome work.
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "jax", "safetensors", "whisper", "automatic-speech-recognition", "audio", "hf-asr-leaderboard", "en", "arxiv:2212.04356", "license:apache-2.0", "model-index", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en tags: - audio - automatic-speech-recognition - hf-asr-leaderboard widget: - example_title: Librispeech sample 1 src: - example_title: Librispeech sample 2 src: model-index: - name: whisper-small.en results: - task: name: Automatic Speech Recognition type: automatic-speech-recognition dataset: name: LibriSpeech (clean) type: librispeech_asr config: clean split: test args: language: en metrics: - name: Test WER type: wer value: - task: name: Automatic Speech Recognition type: automatic-speech-recognition dataset: name: LibriSpeech (other) type: librispeech_asr config: other split: test args: language: en metrics: - name: Test WER type: wer value: pipeline_tag: automatic-speech-recognition license: apache-2.0 --- # Whisper Whisper is a pre-trained model for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech translation. Trained on 680k hours of labelled data, Whisper models demonstrate a strong ability to generalise to many datasets and domains **without** the need for fine-tuning. Whisper was proposed in the paper [Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision]( by Alec Radford et al. from OpenAI. The original code repository can be found [here]( **Disclaimer**: Content for this model card has partly been written by the Hugging Face team, and parts of it were copied and pasted from the original model card. ## Model details Whisper is a Transformer based encoder-decoder model, also referred to as a _sequence-to-sequence_ model. It was trained on 680k hours of labelled speech data annotated using large-scale weak supervision. The models were trained on either English-only data or multilingual data. The English-only models were trained on the task of speech recognition. The multilingual models were trained on both speech recognition and speech translation. For speech recognition, the model predicts transcriptions in the *same* language as the audio. For speech translation, the model predicts transcriptions to a *different* language to the audio. Whisper checkpoints come in five configurations of varying model sizes. The smallest four are trained on either English-only or multilingual data. The largest checkpoints are multilingual only. All ten of the pre-trained checkpoints are available on the [Hugging Face Hub]( The checkpoints are summarised in the following table with links to the models on the Hub: | Size | Parameters | English-only | Multilingual | |----------|------------|------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | tiny | 39 M | [✓]( | [✓]( | | base | 74 M | [✓]( | [✓]( | | small | 244 M | [✓]( | [✓]( | | medium | 769 M | [✓]( | [✓]( | | large | 1550 M | x | [✓]( | | large-v2 | 1550 M | x | [✓]( | # Usage This checkpoint is an *English-only* model, meaning it can be used for English speech recognition. Multilingual speech recognition or speech translation is possible through use of a multilingual checkpoint. To transcribe audio samples, the model has to be used alongside a [`WhisperProcessor`]( The `WhisperProcessor` is used to: 1. Pre-process the audio inputs (converting them to log-Mel spectrograms for the model) 2. Post-process the model outputs (converting them from tokens to text) ## Transcription ```python >>> from transformers import WhisperProcessor, WhisperForConditionalGeneration >>> from datasets import load_dataset >>> # load model and processor >>> processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-small.en") >>> model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-small.en") >>> # load dummy dataset and read audio files >>> ds = load_dataset("hf-internal-testing/librispeech_asr_dummy", "clean", split="validation") >>> sample = ds[0]["audio"] >>> input_features = processor(sample["array"], sampling_rate=sample["sampling_rate"], return_tensors="pt").input_features >>> # generate token ids >>> predicted_ids = model.generate(input_features) >>> # decode token ids to text >>> transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, skip_special_tokens=False) ['<|startoftranscript|><|notimestamps|> Mr. Quilter is the apostle of the middle classes, and we are glad to welcome his gospel.<|endoftext|>'] >>> transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) [' Mr. Quilter is the apostle of the middle classes and we are glad to welcome his gospel.'] ``` The context tokens can be removed from the start of the transcription by setting `skip_special_tokens=True`. ## Evaluation This code snippet shows how to evaluate Whisper small.en on [LibriSpeech test-clean]( ```python >>> from datasets import load_dataset >>> from transformers import WhisperForConditionalGeneration, WhisperProcessor >>> import torch >>> from evaluate import load >>> librispeech_test_clean = load_dataset("librispeech_asr", "clean", split="test") >>> processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-small.en") >>> model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-small.en").to("cuda") >>> def map_to_pred(batch): >>> audio = batch["audio"] >>> input_features = processor(audio["array"], sampling_rate=audio["sampling_rate"], return_tensors="pt").input_features >>> batch["reference"] = processor.tokenizer._normalize(batch['text']) >>> >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> predicted_ids = model.generate("cuda"))[0] >>> transcription = processor.decode(predicted_ids) >>> batch["prediction"] = processor.tokenizer._normalize(transcription) >>> return batch >>> result = >>> wer = load("wer") >>> print(100 * wer.compute(references=result["reference"], predictions=result["prediction"])) 3.053161596922323 ``` ## Long-Form Transcription The Whisper model is intrinsically designed to work on audio samples of up to 30s in duration. However, by using a chunking algorithm, it can be used to transcribe audio samples of up to arbitrary length. This is possible through Transformers [`pipeline`]( method. Chunking is enabled by setting `chunk_length_s=30` when instantiating the pipeline. With chunking enabled, the pipeline can be run with batched inference. It can also be extended to predict sequence level timestamps by passing `return_timestamps=True`: ```python >>> import torch >>> from transformers import pipeline >>> from datasets import load_dataset >>> device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" >>> pipe = pipeline( >>> "automatic-speech-recognition", >>> model="openai/whisper-small.en", >>> chunk_length_s=30, >>> device=device, >>> ) >>> ds = load_dataset("hf-internal-testing/librispeech_asr_dummy", "clean", split="validation") >>> sample = ds[0]["audio"] >>> prediction = pipe(sample.copy(), batch_size=8)["text"] " Mr. Quilter is the apostle of the middle classes, and we are glad to welcome his gospel." >>> # we can also return timestamps for the predictions >>> prediction = pipe(sample.copy(), batch_size=8, return_timestamps=True)["chunks"] [{'text': ' Mr. Quilter is the apostle of the middle classes and we are glad to welcome his gospel.', 'timestamp': (0.0, 5.44)}] ``` Refer to the blog post [ASR Chunking]( for more details on the chunking algorithm. ## Fine-Tuning The pre-trained Whisper model demonstrates a strong ability to generalise to different datasets and domains. However, its predictive capabilities can be improved further for certain languages and tasks through *fine-tuning*. The blog post [Fine-Tune Whisper with 🤗 Transformers]( provides a step-by-step guide to fine-tuning the Whisper model with as little as 5 hours of labelled data. ### Evaluated Use The primary intended users of these models are AI researchers studying robustness, generalization, capabilities, biases, and constraints of the current model. However, Whisper is also potentially quite useful as an ASR solution for developers, especially for English speech recognition. We recognize that once models are released, it is impossible to restrict access to only “intended” uses or to draw reasonable guidelines around what is or is not research. The models are primarily trained and evaluated on ASR and speech translation to English tasks. They show strong ASR results in ~10 languages. They may exhibit additional capabilities, particularly if fine-tuned on certain tasks like voice activity detection, speaker classification, or speaker diarization but have not been robustly evaluated in these areas. We strongly recommend that users perform robust evaluations of the models in a particular context and domain before deploying them. In particular, we caution against using Whisper models to transcribe recordings of individuals taken without their consent or purporting to use these models for any kind of subjective classification. We recommend against use in high-risk domains like decision-making contexts, where flaws in accuracy can lead to pronounced flaws in outcomes. The models are intended to transcribe and translate speech, use of the model for classification is not only not evaluated but also not appropriate, particularly to infer human attributes. ## Training Data The models are trained on 680,000 hours of audio and the corresponding transcripts collected from the internet. 65% of this data (or 438,000 hours) represents English-language audio and matched English transcripts, roughly 18% (or 126,000 hours) represents non-English audio and English transcripts, while the final 17% (or 117,000 hours) represents non-English audio and the corresponding transcript. This non-English data represents 98 different languages. As discussed in [the accompanying paper](, we see that performance on transcription in a given language is directly correlated with the amount of training data we employ in that language. ## Performance and Limitations Our studies show that, over many existing ASR systems, the models exhibit improved robustness to accents, background noise, technical language, as well as zero shot translation from multiple languages into English; and that accuracy on speech recognition and translation is near the state-of-the-art level. However, because the models are trained in a weakly supervised manner using large-scale noisy data, the predictions may include texts that are not actually spoken in the audio input (i.e. hallucination). We hypothesize that this happens because, given their general knowledge of language, the models combine trying to predict the next word in audio with trying to transcribe the audio itself. Our models perform unevenly across languages, and we observe lower accuracy on low-resource and/or low-discoverability languages or languages where we have less training data. The models also exhibit disparate performance on different accents and dialects of particular languages, which may include higher word error rate across speakers of different genders, races, ages, or other demographic criteria. Our full evaluation results are presented in [the paper accompanying this release]( In addition, the sequence-to-sequence architecture of the model makes it prone to generating repetitive texts, which can be mitigated to some degree by beam search and temperature scheduling but not perfectly. Further analysis on these limitations are provided in [the paper]( It is likely that this behavior and hallucinations may be worse on lower-resource and/or lower-discoverability languages. ## Broader Implications We anticipate that Whisper models’ transcription capabilities may be used for improving accessibility tools. While Whisper models cannot be used for real-time transcription out of the box – their speed and size suggest that others may be able to build applications on top of them that allow for near-real-time speech recognition and translation. The real value of beneficial applications built on top of Whisper models suggests that the disparate performance of these models may have real economic implications. There are also potential dual use concerns that come with releasing Whisper. While we hope the technology will be used primarily for beneficial purposes, making ASR technology more accessible could enable more actors to build capable surveillance technologies or scale up existing surveillance efforts, as the speed and accuracy allow for affordable automatic transcription and translation of large volumes of audio communication. Moreover, these models may have some capabilities to recognize specific individuals out of the box, which in turn presents safety concerns related both to dual use and disparate performance. In practice, we expect that the cost of transcription is not the limiting factor of scaling up surveillance projects. ### BibTeX entry and citation info ```bibtex @misc{radford2022whisper, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2212.04356}, url = {}, author = {Radford, Alec and Kim, Jong Wook and Xu, Tao and Brockman, Greg and McLeavey, Christine and Sutskever, Ilya}, title = {Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision}, publisher = {arXiv}, year = {2022}, copyright = { perpetual, non-exclusive license} } ```
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "dataset:imagenet-1k", "arxiv:2110.00476", "arxiv:1801.04381", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - image-classification - timm library_name: timm license: apache-2.0 datasets: - imagenet-1k --- # Model card for mobilenetv2_100.ra_in1k A MobileNet-v2 image classification model. Trained on ImageNet-1k in `timm` using recipe template described below. Recipe details: * RandAugment `RA` recipe. Inspired by and evolved from EfficientNet RandAugment recipes. Published as `B` recipe in [ResNet Strikes Back]( * RMSProp (TF 1.0 behaviour) optimizer, EMA weight averaging * Step (exponential decay w/ staircase) LR schedule with warmup ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 3.5 - GMACs: 0.3 - Activations (M): 6.7 - Image size: 224 x 224 - **Papers:** - MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks: - ResNet strikes back: An improved training procedure in timm: - **Dataset:** ImageNet-1k - **Original:** ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('mobilenetv2_100.ra_in1k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Feature Map Extraction ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'mobilenetv2_100.ra_in1k', pretrained=True, features_only=True, ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 for o in output: # print shape of each feature map in output # e.g.: # torch.Size([1, 16, 112, 112]) # torch.Size([1, 24, 56, 56]) # torch.Size([1, 32, 28, 28]) # torch.Size([1, 96, 14, 14]) # torch.Size([1, 320, 7, 7]) print(o.shape) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'mobilenetv2_100.ra_in1k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled, a (1, 1280, 7, 7) shaped tensor output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( ## Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{sandler2018mobilenetv2, title={Mobilenetv2: Inverted residuals and linear bottlenecks}, author={Sandler, Mark and Howard, Andrew and Zhu, Menglong and Zhmoginov, Andrey and Chen, Liang-Chieh}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition}, pages={4510--4520}, year={2018} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ``` ```bibtex @inproceedings{wightman2021resnet, title={ResNet strikes back: An improved training procedure in timm}, author={Wightman, Ross and Touvron, Hugo and Jegou, Herve}, booktitle={NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on ImageNet: Past, Present, and Future} } ```
[ "diffusers", "safetensors", "text-to-image", "stable-diffusion", "stable-diffusion-xl", "en", "base_model:Linaqruf/animagine-xl-3.0", "base_model:finetune:Linaqruf/animagine-xl-3.0", "license:other", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "diffusers:StableDiffusionXLPipeline", "region:us" ]
--- license: other license_name: faipl-1.0-sd license_link: language: - en tags: - text-to-image - stable-diffusion - safetensors - stable-diffusion-xl base_model: cagliostrolab/animagine-xl-3.0 widget: - text: 1girl, green hair, sweater, looking at viewer, upper body, beanie, outdoors, night, turtleneck, masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdes parameter: negative_prompt: nsfw, lowres, (bad), text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, [abstract] example_title: 1girl - text: 1boy, male focus, green hair, sweater, looking at viewer, upper body, beanie, outdoors, night, turtleneck, masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdes parameter: negative_prompt: nsfw, lowres, (bad), text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, [abstract] example_title: 1boy --- <style> .title-container { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh; /* Adjust this value to position the title vertically */ } .title { font-size: 2.5em; text-align: center; color: #333; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.1em; padding: 0.5em 0; background: transparent; } .title span { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #7ed56f, #28b485); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } .custom-table { table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 2em; } .custom-table td { width: 50%; vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); } .custom-image-container { position: relative; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 0em; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 10px; transition: transform .7s; /* Smooth transition for the container */ } .custom-image-container:hover { transform: scale(1.05); /* Scale the container on hover */ } .custom-image { width: 100%; height: auto; object-fit: cover; border-radius: 10px; transition: transform .7s; margin-bottom: 0em; } .nsfw-filter { filter: blur(8px); /* Apply a blur effect */ transition: filter 0.3s ease; /* Smooth transition for the blur effect */ } .custom-image-container:hover .nsfw-filter { filter: none; /* Remove the blur effect on hover */ } .overlay { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; color: white; width: 100%; height: 40%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-size: 1vw; font-style: bold; text-align: center; opacity: 0; /* Keep the text fully opaque */ background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) 60%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%); transition: opacity .5s; } .custom-image-container:hover .overlay { opacity: 1; } .overlay-text { background: linear-gradient(45deg, #7ed56f, #28b485); -webkit-background-clip: text; color: transparent; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); .overlay-subtext { font-size: 0.75em; margin-top: 0.5em; font-style: italic; } .overlay, .overlay-subtext { text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } </style> <h1 class="title"> <span>Animagine XL 3.1</span> </h1> <table class="custom-table"> <tr> <td> <div class="custom-image-container"> <img class="custom-image" src="" alt="sample1"> </div> <div class="custom-image-container"> <img class="custom-image" src="" alt="sample4"> </div> </td> <td> <div class="custom-image-container"> <img class="custom-image" src="" alt="sample2"> </div> <div class="custom-image-container"> <img class="custom-image" src="" alt="sample3"> </td> <td> <div class="custom-image-container"> <img class="custom-image" src="" alt="sample1"> </div> <div class="custom-image-container"> <img class="custom-image" src="" alt="sample4"> </div> </td> </tr> </table> **Animagine XL 3.1** is an update in the Animagine XL V3 series, enhancing the previous version, Animagine XL 3.0. This open-source, anime-themed text-to-image model has been improved for generating anime-style images with higher quality. It includes a broader range of characters from well-known anime series, an optimized dataset, and new aesthetic tags for better image creation. Built on Stable Diffusion XL, Animagine XL 3.1 aims to be a valuable resource for anime fans, artists, and content creators by producing accurate and detailed representations of anime characters. ## Model Details - **Developed by**: [Cagliostro Research Lab]( - **In collaboration with**: []( - **Model type**: Diffusion-based text-to-image generative model - **Model Description**: Animagine XL 3.1 generates high-quality anime images from textual prompts. It boasts enhanced hand anatomy, improved concept understanding, and advanced prompt interpretation. - **License**: [Fair AI Public License 1.0-SD]( - **Fine-tuned from**: [Animagine XL 3.0]( ## Gradio & Colab Integration Try the demo powered by Gradio in Huggingface Spaces: [![Open In Spaces](🤗-Open%20In%20Spaces-blue.svg)]( Or open the demo in Google Colab: [![Open In Colab](]( ## 🧨 Diffusers Installation First install the required libraries: ```bash pip install diffusers transformers accelerate safetensors --upgrade ``` Then run image generation with the following example code: ```python import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( "cagliostrolab/animagine-xl-3.1", torch_dtype=torch.float16, use_safetensors=True, )'cuda') prompt = "1girl, souryuu asuka langley, neon genesis evangelion, solo, upper body, v, smile, looking at viewer, outdoors, night" negative_prompt = "nsfw, lowres, (bad), text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, [abstract]" image = pipe( prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, width=832, height=1216, guidance_scale=7, num_inference_steps=28 ).images[0]"./output/asuka_test.png") ``` ## Usage Guidelines ### Tag Ordering For optimal results, it's recommended to follow the structured prompt template because we train the model like this: ``` 1girl/1boy, character name, from what series, everything else in any order. ``` ## Special Tags Animagine XL 3.1 utilizes special tags to steer the result toward quality, rating, creation date and aesthetic. While the model can generate images without these tags, using them can help achieve better results. ### Quality Modifiers Quality tags now consider both scores and post ratings to ensure a balanced quality distribution. We've refined labels for greater clarity, such as changing 'high quality' to 'great quality'. | Quality Modifier | Score Criterion | |------------------|-------------------| | `masterpiece` | > 95% | | `best quality` | > 85% & ≤ 95% | | `great quality` | > 75% & ≤ 85% | | `good quality` | > 50% & ≤ 75% | | `normal quality` | > 25% & ≤ 50% | | `low quality` | > 10% & ≤ 25% | | `worst quality` | ≤ 10% | ### Rating Modifiers We've also streamlined our rating tags for simplicity and clarity, aiming to establish global rules that can be applied across different models. For example, the tag 'rating: general' is now simply 'general', and 'rating: sensitive' has been condensed to 'sensitive'. | Rating Modifier | Rating Criterion | |-------------------|------------------| | `safe` | General | | `sensitive` | Sensitive | | `nsfw` | Questionable | | `explicit, nsfw` | Explicit | ### Year Modifier We've also redefined the year range to steer results towards specific modern or vintage anime art styles more accurately. This update simplifies the range, focusing on relevance to current and past eras. | Year Tag | Year Range | |----------|------------------| | `newest` | 2021 to 2024 | | `recent` | 2018 to 2020 | | `mid` | 2015 to 2017 | | `early` | 2011 to 2014 | | `oldest` | 2005 to 2010 | ### Aesthetic Tags We've enhanced our tagging system with aesthetic tags to refine content categorization based on visual appeal. These tags are derived from evaluations made by a specialized ViT (Vision Transformer) image classification model, specifically trained on anime data. For this purpose, we utilized the model [shadowlilac/aesthetic-shadow-v2](, which assesses the aesthetic value of content before it undergoes training. This ensures that each piece of content is not only relevant and accurate but also visually appealing. | Aesthetic Tag | Score Range | |-------------------|-------------------| | `very aesthetic` | > 0.71 | | `aesthetic` | > 0.45 & < 0.71 | | `displeasing` | > 0.27 & < 0.45 | | `very displeasing`| ≤ 0.27 | ## Recommended settings To guide the model towards generating high-aesthetic images, use negative prompts like: ``` nsfw, lowres, (bad), text, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, low quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, oldest, early, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, [abstract] ``` For higher quality outcomes, prepend prompts with: ``` masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres ``` it’s recommended to use a lower classifier-free guidance (CFG Scale) of around 5-7, sampling steps below 30, and to use Euler Ancestral (Euler a) as a sampler. ### Multi Aspect Resolution This model supports generating images at the following dimensions: | Dimensions | Aspect Ratio | |-------------------|-----------------| | `1024 x 1024` | 1:1 Square | | `1152 x 896` | 9:7 | | `896 x 1152` | 7:9 | | `1216 x 832` | 19:13 | | `832 x 1216` | 13:19 | | `1344 x 768` | 7:4 Horizontal | | `768 x 1344` | 4:7 Vertical | | `1536 x 640` | 12:5 Horizontal | | `640 x 1536` | 5:12 Vertical | ## Training and Hyperparameters **Animagine XL 3.1** was trained on 2x A100 80GB GPUs for approximately 15 days, totaling over 350 GPU hours. The training process consisted of three stages: - **Pretraining**: Utilized a data-rich collection of 870k ordered and tagged images to increase Animagine XL 3.0's model knowledge. - **Finetuning - First Stage**: Employed labeled and curated aesthetic datasets to refine the broken U-Net after pretraining. - **Finetuning - Second Stage**: Utilized labeled and curated aesthetic datasets to refine the model's art style and improve hand and anatomy rendering. ### Hyperparameters | Stage | Epochs | UNet lr | Train Text Encoder | Batch Size | Noise Offset | Optimizer | LR Scheduler | Grad Acc Steps | GPUs | |--------------------------|--------|---------|--------------------|------------|--------------|------------|-------------------------------|----------------|------| | **Pretraining** | 10 | 1e-5 | True | 16 | N/A | AdamW | Cosine Annealing Warm Restart | 3 | 2 | | **Finetuning 1st Stage** | 10 | 2e-6 | False | 48 | 0.0357 | Adafactor | Constant with Warmup | 1 | 1 | | **Finetuning 2nd Stage** | 15 | 1e-6 | False | 48 | 0.0357 | Adafactor | Constant with Warmup | 1 | 1 | ## Model Comparison (Pretraining only) ### Training Config | Configuration Item | Animagine XL 3.0 | Animagine XL 3.1 | |---------------------------------|------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------| | **GPU** | 2 x A100 80G | 2 x A100 80G | | **Dataset** | 1,271,990 | 873,504 | | **Shuffle Separator** | True | True | | **Num Epochs** | 10 | 10 | | **Learning Rate** | 7.5e-6 | 1e-5 | | **Text Encoder Learning Rate** | 3.75e-6 | 1e-5 | | **Effective Batch Size** | 48 x 1 x 2 | 16 x 3 x 2 | | **Optimizer** | Adafactor | AdamW | | **Optimizer Args** | Scale Parameter: False, Relative Step: False, Warmup Init: False | Weight Decay: 0.1, Betas: (0.9, 0.99) | | **LR Scheduler** | Constant with Warmup | Cosine Annealing Warm Restart | | **LR Scheduler Args** | Warmup Steps: 100 | Num Cycles: 10, Min LR: 1e-6, LR Decay: 0.9, First Cycle Steps: 9,099 | Source code and training config are available here: ### Acknowledgements The development and release of Animagine XL 3.1 would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions and support from the following individuals and organizations: - **[](**: Our collaboration partner and sponsor. - **[Shadow Lilac](**: For providing the aesthetic classification model, [aesthetic-shadow-v2]( - **[Derrian Distro](**: For their custom learning rate scheduler, adapted from [LoRA Easy Training Scripts]( - **[Kohya SS](**: For their comprehensive training scripts. - **Cagliostrolab Collaborators**: For their dedication to model training, project management, and data curation. - **Early Testers**: For their valuable feedback and quality assurance efforts. - **NovelAI**: For their innovative approach to aesthetic tagging, which served as an inspiration for our implementation. - **KBlueLeaf**: For providing inspiration in balancing quality tags distribution and managing tags based on [Hakubooru Metainfo]( Thank you all for your support and expertise in pushing the boundaries of anime-style image generation. ## Collaborators - [Linaqruf]( - [ItsMeBell]( - [Asahina2K]( - [DamarJati]( - [Zwicky18]( - [Scipius2121]( - [Raelina]( - [Kayfahaarukku]( - [Kriz]( ## Limitations While Animagine XL 3.1 represents a significant advancement in anime-style image generation, it is important to acknowledge its limitations: 1. **Anime-Focused**: This model is specifically designed for generating anime-style images and is not suitable for creating realistic photos. 2. **Prompt Complexity**: This model may not be suitable for users who expect high-quality results from short or simple prompts. The training focus was on concept understanding rather than aesthetic refinement, which may require more detailed and specific prompts to achieve the desired output. 3. **Prompt Format**: Animagine XL 3.1 is optimized for Danbooru-style tags rather than natural language prompts. For best results, users are encouraged to format their prompts using the appropriate tags and syntax. 4. **Anatomy and Hand Rendering**: Despite the improvements made in anatomy and hand rendering, there may still be instances where the model produces suboptimal results in these areas. 5. **Dataset Size**: The dataset used for training Animagine XL 3.1 consists of approximately 870,000 images. When combined with the previous iteration's dataset (1.2 million), the total training data amounts to around 2.1 million images. While substantial, this dataset size may still be considered limited in scope for an "ultimate" anime model. 6. **NSFW Content**: Animagine XL 3.1 has been designed to generate more balanced NSFW content. However, it is important to note that the model may still produce NSFW results, even if not explicitly prompted. By acknowledging these limitations, we aim to provide transparency and set realistic expectations for users of Animagine XL 3.1. Despite these constraints, we believe that the model represents a significant step forward in anime-style image generation and offers a powerful tool for artists, designers, and enthusiasts alike. ## License Based on Animagine XL 3.0, Animagine XL 3.1 falls under [Fair AI Public License 1.0-SD]( license, which is compatible with Stable Diffusion models’ license. Key points: 1. **Modification Sharing:** If you modify Animagine XL 3.1, you must share both your changes and the original license. 2. **Source Code Accessibility:** If your modified version is network-accessible, provide a way (like a download link) for others to get the source code. This applies to derived models too. 3. **Distribution Terms:** Any distribution must be under this license or another with similar rules. 4. **Compliance:** Non-compliance must be fixed within 30 days to avoid license termination, emphasizing transparency and adherence to open-source values. The choice of this license aims to keep Animagine XL 3.1 open and modifiable, aligning with open source community spirit. It protects contributors and users, encouraging a collaborative, ethical open-source community. This ensures the model not only benefits from communal input but also respects open-source development freedoms. ## Cagliostro Lab Discord Server Finally Cagliostro Lab Server open to public Feel free to join our discord server
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "qwen", "text-generation", "custom_code", "zh", "en", "arxiv:2311.07919", "autotrain_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - zh - en tags: - qwen pipeline_tag: text-generation inference: false --- # Qwen-Audio-Chat <br> <p align="center"> <img src="" width="400"/> <p> <br> <p align="center"> Qwen-Audio <a href="">🤖 <a> | <a href="">🤗</a>&nbsp | Qwen-Audio-Chat <a href="">🤖 <a>| <a href="">🤗</a>&nbsp | &nbsp&nbsp Demo<a href=""> 🤖</a> | <a href="">🤗</a>&nbsp <br> &nbsp&nbsp<a href="">Homepage</a>&nbsp | &nbsp<a href="">Paper</a> </p> <br><br> **Qwen-Audio** (Qwen Large Audio Language Model) is the multimodal version of the large model series, Qwen (abbr. Tongyi Qianwen), proposed by Alibaba Cloud. Qwen-Audio accepts diverse audio (human speech, natural sound, music and song) and text as inputs, outputs text. The contribution of Qwen-Audio include: - **Fundamental audio models**: Qwen-Audio is a fundamental multi-task audio-language model that supports various tasks, languages, and audio types, serving as a universal audio understanding model. Building upon Qwen-Audio, we develop Qwen-Audio-Chat through instruction fine-tuning, enabling multi-turn dialogues and supporting diverse audio-oriented scenarios. - **Multi-task learning framework for all types of audios**: To scale up audio-language pre-training, we address the challenge of variation in textual labels associated with different datasets by proposing a multi-task training framework, enabling knowledge sharing and avoiding one-to-many interference. Our model incorporates more than 30 tasks and extensive experiments show the model achieves strong performance. - **Strong Performance**: Experimental results show that Qwen-Audio achieves impressive performance across diverse benchmark tasks without requiring any task-specific fine-tuning, surpassing its counterparts. Specifically, Qwen-Audio achieves state-of-the-art results on the test set of Aishell1, cochlscene, ClothoAQA, and VocalSound. - **Flexible multi-run chat from audio and text input**: Qwen-Audio supports multiple-audio analysis, sound understading and reasoning, music appreciation, and tool usage for speech editing. **Qwen-Audio** 是阿里云研发的大规模音频语言模型(Large Audio Language Model)。Qwen-Audio 可以以多种音频 (包括说话人语音、自然音、音乐、歌声)和文本作为输入,并以文本作为输出。Qwen-Audio 系列模型的特点包括: - **音频基石模型**:Qwen-Audio是一个性能卓越的通用的音频理解模型,支持各种任务、语言和音频类型。在Qwen-Audio的基础上,我们通过指令微调开发了Qwen-Audio-Chat,支持多轮、多语言、多语言对话。Qwen-Audio和Qwen-Audio-Chat模型均已开源。 - **兼容多种复杂音频的多任务学习框架**:为了避免由于数据收集来源不同以及任务类型不同,带来的音频到文本的一对多的干扰问题,我们提出了一种多任务训练框架,实现相似任务的知识共享,并尽可能减少不同任务之间的干扰。通过提出的框架,Qwen-Audio可以容纳训练超过30多种不同的音频任务; - **出色的性能**:Qwen-Audio在不需要任何任务特定的微调的情况下,在各种基准任务上取得了领先的结果。具体得,Qwen-Audio在Aishell1、cochlscene、ClothoAQA和VocalSound的测试集上都达到了SOTA; - **支持多轮音频和文本对话,支持各种语音场景**:Qwen-Audio-Chat支持声音理解和推理、音乐欣赏、多音频分析、多轮音频-文本交错对话以及外部语音工具的使用(如语音编辑)。 We release Qwen-Audio and Qwen-Audio-Chat, which are pretrained model and Chat model respectively. For more details about Qwen-Audio, please refer to our [Github Repo]( This repo is the one for Qwen-Audio-Chat. <br> 目前,我们提供了Qwen-Audio和Qwen-Audio-Chat两个模型,分别为预训练模型和Chat模型。如果想了解更多关于信息,请点击[链接](查看Github仓库。本仓库为Qwen-Audio-Chat仓库。 ## Requirements * python 3.8 and above * pytorch 1.12 and above, 2.0 and above are recommended * CUDA 11.4 and above are recommended (this is for GPU users) * FFmpeg <br> ## Quickstart Below, we provide simple examples to show how to use Qwen-Audio with 🤗 Transformers. Before running the code, make sure you have setup the environment and installed the required packages. Make sure you meet the above requirements, and then install the dependent libraries. ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Now you can start with Transformers. For more usage, please refer to [tutorial]( #### 🤗 Transformers To use Qwen-Audio for the inference, all you need to do is to input a few lines of codes as demonstrated below. However, **please make sure that you are using the latest code.** ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from transformers.generation import GenerationConfig import torch torch.manual_seed(1234) # Note: The default behavior now has injection attack prevention off. tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen-Audio-Chat", trust_remote_code=True) # use bf16 # model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen-Audio-Chat", device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, bf16=True).eval() # use fp16 # model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen-Audio-Chat", device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, fp16=True).eval() # use cpu only # model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen-Audio-Chat", device_map="cpu", trust_remote_code=True).eval() # use cuda device model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen-Audio-Chat", device_map="cuda", trust_remote_code=True).eval() # Specify hyperparameters for generation (No need to do this if you are using transformers>4.32.0) # model.generation_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained("Qwen/Qwen-Audio-Chat", trust_remote_code=True) # 1st dialogue turn query = tokenizer.from_list_format([ {'audio': ''}, # Either a local path or an url {'text': 'what does the person say?'}, ]) response, history =, query=query, history=None) print(response) # The person says: "mister quilter is the apostle of the middle classes and we are glad to welcome his gospel". # 2nd dialogue turn response, history =, 'Find the start time and end time of the word "middle classes"', history=history) print(response) # The word "middle classes" starts at <|2.33|> seconds and ends at <|3.26|> seconds. ``` ## License Agreement Researchers and developers are free to use the codes and model weights of Qwen-Audio-Chat. We also allow its commercial use. Check our license at [LICENSE]( for more details. <br> ## Citation If you find our paper and code useful in your research, please consider giving a star and citation ```BibTeX @article{Qwen-Audio, title={Qwen-Audio: Advancing Universal Audio Understanding via Unified Large-Scale Audio-Language Models}, author={Chu, Yunfei and Xu, Jin and Zhou, Xiaohuan and Yang, Qian and Zhang, Shiliang and Yan, Zhijie and Zhou, Chang and Zhou, Jingren}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07919}, year={2023} } ``` <br> ## Contact Us If you are interested to leave a message to either our research team or product team, feel free to send an email to
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "arxiv:2110.00476", "arxiv:1605.07146", "arxiv:1512.03385", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 library_name: timm tags: - image-classification - timm --- # Model card for wide_resnet50_2.racm_in1k A Wide-ResNet-B image classification model. This model features: * ReLU activations * single layer 7x7 convolution with pooling * 1x1 convolution shortcut downsample Trained on ImageNet-1k in `timm` using recipe template described below. Recipe details: * RandAugment `RACM` recipe. Inspired by and evolved from EfficientNet RandAugment recipes. Published as `B` recipe in [ResNet Strikes Back]( * RMSProp (TF 1.0 behaviour) optimizer, EMA weight averaging * Step (exponential decay w/ staircase) LR schedule with warmup ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 68.9 - GMACs: 11.4 - Activations (M): 14.4 - Image size: train = 224 x 224, test = 288 x 288 - **Papers:** - ResNet strikes back: An improved training procedure in timm: - Wide Residual Networks: - Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition: - **Original:** ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('wide_resnet50_2.racm_in1k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Feature Map Extraction ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'wide_resnet50_2.racm_in1k', pretrained=True, features_only=True, ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 for o in output: # print shape of each feature map in output # e.g.: # torch.Size([1, 64, 112, 112]) # torch.Size([1, 256, 56, 56]) # torch.Size([1, 512, 28, 28]) # torch.Size([1, 1024, 14, 14]) # torch.Size([1, 2048, 7, 7]) print(o.shape) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'wide_resnet50_2.racm_in1k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled, a (1, 2048, 7, 7) shaped tensor output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( |model |img_size|top1 |top5 |param_count|gmacs|macts|img/sec| |------------------------------------------|--------|-----|-----|-----------|-----|-----|-------| |[seresnextaa101d_32x8d.sw_in12k_ft_in1k_288](|320 |86.72|98.17|93.6 |35.2 |69.7 |451 | |[seresnextaa101d_32x8d.sw_in12k_ft_in1k_288](|288 |86.51|98.08|93.6 |28.5 |56.4 |560 | |[seresnextaa101d_32x8d.sw_in12k_ft_in1k](|288 |86.49|98.03|93.6 |28.5 |56.4 |557 | |[seresnextaa101d_32x8d.sw_in12k_ft_in1k](|224 |85.96|97.82|93.6 |17.2 |34.2 |923 | |[resnext101_32x32d.fb_wsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |85.11|97.44|468.5 |87.3 |91.1 |254 | |[resnetrs420.tf_in1k](|416 |85.0 |97.12|191.9 |108.4|213.8|134 | |[ecaresnet269d.ra2_in1k](|352 |84.96|97.22|102.1 |50.2 |101.2|291 | |[ecaresnet269d.ra2_in1k](|320 |84.73|97.18|102.1 |41.5 |83.7 |353 | |[resnetrs350.tf_in1k](|384 |84.71|96.99|164.0 |77.6 |154.7|183 | |[seresnextaa101d_32x8d.ah_in1k](|288 |84.57|97.08|93.6 |28.5 |56.4 |557 | |[resnetrs200.tf_in1k](|320 |84.45|97.08|93.2 |31.5 |67.8 |446 | |[resnetrs270.tf_in1k](|352 |84.43|96.97|129.9 |51.1 |105.5|280 | |[seresnext101d_32x8d.ah_in1k](|288 |84.36|96.92|93.6 |27.6 |53.0 |595 | |[seresnet152d.ra2_in1k](|320 |84.35|97.04|66.8 |24.1 |47.7 |610 | |[resnetrs350.tf_in1k](|288 |84.3 |96.94|164.0 |43.7 |87.1 |333 | |[resnext101_32x8d.fb_swsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |84.28|97.17|88.8 |16.5 |31.2 |1100 | |[resnetrs420.tf_in1k](|320 |84.24|96.86|191.9 |64.2 |126.6|228 | |[seresnext101_32x8d.ah_in1k](|288 |84.19|96.87|93.6 |27.2 |51.6 |613 | |[resnext101_32x16d.fb_wsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |84.18|97.19|194.0 |36.3 |51.2 |581 | |[resnetaa101d.sw_in12k_ft_in1k](|288 |84.11|97.11|44.6 |15.1 |29.0 |1144 | |[resnet200d.ra2_in1k](|320 |83.97|96.82|64.7 |31.2 |67.3 |518 | |[resnetrs200.tf_in1k](|256 |83.87|96.75|93.2 |20.2 |43.4 |692 | |[seresnextaa101d_32x8d.ah_in1k](|224 |83.86|96.65|93.6 |17.2 |34.2 |923 | |[resnetrs152.tf_in1k](|320 |83.72|96.61|86.6 |24.3 |48.1 |617 | |[seresnet152d.ra2_in1k](|256 |83.69|96.78|66.8 |15.4 |30.6 |943 | |[seresnext101d_32x8d.ah_in1k](|224 |83.68|96.61|93.6 |16.7 |32.0 |986 | |[resnet152d.ra2_in1k](|320 |83.67|96.74|60.2 |24.1 |47.7 |706 | |[resnetrs270.tf_in1k](|256 |83.59|96.61|129.9 |27.1 |55.8 |526 | |[seresnext101_32x8d.ah_in1k](|224 |83.58|96.4 |93.6 |16.5 |31.2 |1013 | |[resnetaa101d.sw_in12k_ft_in1k](|224 |83.54|96.83|44.6 |9.1 |17.6 |1864 | |[resnet152.a1h_in1k](|288 |83.46|96.54|60.2 |19.1 |37.3 |904 | |[resnext101_32x16d.fb_swsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |83.35|96.85|194.0 |36.3 |51.2 |582 | |[resnet200d.ra2_in1k](|256 |83.23|96.53|64.7 |20.0 |43.1 |809 | |[resnext101_32x4d.fb_swsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |83.22|96.75|44.2 |8.0 |21.2 |1814 | |[resnext101_64x4d.c1_in1k](|288 |83.16|96.38|83.5 |25.7 |51.6 |590 | |[resnet152d.ra2_in1k](|256 |83.14|96.38|60.2 |15.4 |30.5 |1096 | |[resnet101d.ra2_in1k](|320 |83.02|96.45|44.6 |16.5 |34.8 |992 | |[ecaresnet101d.miil_in1k](|288 |82.98|96.54|44.6 |13.4 |28.2 |1077 | |[resnext101_64x4d.tv_in1k](|224 |82.98|96.25|83.5 |15.5 |31.2 |989 | |[resnetrs152.tf_in1k](|256 |82.86|96.28|86.6 |15.6 |30.8 |951 | |[resnext101_32x8d.tv2_in1k](|224 |82.83|96.22|88.8 |16.5 |31.2 |1099 | |[resnet152.a1h_in1k](|224 |82.8 |96.13|60.2 |11.6 |22.6 |1486 | |[resnet101.a1h_in1k](|288 |82.8 |96.32|44.6 |13.0 |26.8 |1291 | |[resnet152.a1_in1k](|288 |82.74|95.71|60.2 |19.1 |37.3 |905 | |[resnext101_32x8d.fb_wsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |82.69|96.63|88.8 |16.5 |31.2 |1100 | |[resnet152.a2_in1k](|288 |82.62|95.75|60.2 |19.1 |37.3 |904 | |[resnetaa50d.sw_in12k_ft_in1k](|288 |82.61|96.49|25.6 |8.9 |20.6 |1729 | |[resnet61q.ra2_in1k](|288 |82.53|96.13|36.8 |9.9 |21.5 |1773 | |[wide_resnet101_2.tv2_in1k](|224 |82.5 |96.02|126.9 |22.8 |21.2 |1078 | |[resnext101_64x4d.c1_in1k](|224 |82.46|95.92|83.5 |15.5 |31.2 |987 | |[resnet51q.ra2_in1k](|288 |82.36|96.18|35.7 |8.1 |20.9 |1964 | |[ecaresnet50t.ra2_in1k](|320 |82.35|96.14|25.6 |8.8 |24.1 |1386 | |[resnet101.a1_in1k](|288 |82.31|95.63|44.6 |13.0 |26.8 |1291 | |[resnetrs101.tf_in1k](|288 |82.29|96.01|63.6 |13.6 |28.5 |1078 | |[resnet152.tv2_in1k](|224 |82.29|96.0 |60.2 |11.6 |22.6 |1484 | |[wide_resnet50_2.racm_in1k](|288 |82.27|96.06|68.9 |18.9 |23.8 |1176 | |[resnet101d.ra2_in1k](|256 |82.26|96.07|44.6 |10.6 |22.2 |1542 | |[resnet101.a2_in1k](|288 |82.24|95.73|44.6 |13.0 |26.8 |1290 | |[seresnext50_32x4d.racm_in1k](|288 |82.2 |96.14|27.6 |7.0 |23.8 |1547 | |[ecaresnet101d.miil_in1k](|224 |82.18|96.05|44.6 |8.1 |17.1 |1771 | |[resnext50_32x4d.fb_swsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |82.17|96.22|25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2943 | |[ecaresnet50t.a1_in1k](|288 |82.12|95.65|25.6 |7.1 |19.6 |1704 | |[resnext50_32x4d.a1h_in1k](|288 |82.03|95.94|25.0 |7.0 |23.8 |1745 | |[ecaresnet101d_pruned.miil_in1k](|288 |82.0 |96.15|24.9 |5.8 |12.7 |1787 | |[resnet61q.ra2_in1k](|256 |81.99|95.85|36.8 |7.8 |17.0 |2230 | |[resnext101_32x8d.tv2_in1k](|176 |81.98|95.72|88.8 |10.3 |19.4 |1768 | |[resnet152.a1_in1k](|224 |81.97|95.24|60.2 |11.6 |22.6 |1486 | |[resnet101.a1h_in1k](|224 |81.93|95.75|44.6 |7.8 |16.2 |2122 | |[resnet101.tv2_in1k](|224 |81.9 |95.77|44.6 |7.8 |16.2 |2118 | |[resnext101_32x16d.fb_ssl_yfcc100m_ft_in1k](|224 |81.84|96.1 |194.0 |36.3 |51.2 |583 | |[resnet51q.ra2_in1k](|256 |81.78|95.94|35.7 |6.4 |16.6 |2471 | |[resnet152.a2_in1k](|224 |81.77|95.22|60.2 |11.6 |22.6 |1485 | |[resnetaa50d.sw_in12k_ft_in1k](|224 |81.74|96.06|25.6 |5.4 |12.4 |2813 | |[ecaresnet50t.a2_in1k](|288 |81.65|95.54|25.6 |7.1 |19.6 |1703 | |[ecaresnet50d.miil_in1k](|288 |81.64|95.88|25.6 |7.2 |19.7 |1694 | |[resnext101_32x8d.fb_ssl_yfcc100m_ft_in1k](|224 |81.62|96.04|88.8 |16.5 |31.2 |1101 | |[wide_resnet50_2.tv2_in1k](|224 |81.61|95.76|68.9 |11.4 |14.4 |1930 | |[resnetaa50.a1h_in1k](|288 |81.61|95.83|25.6 |8.5 |19.2 |1868 | |[resnet101.a1_in1k](|224 |81.5 |95.16|44.6 |7.8 |16.2 |2125 | |[resnext50_32x4d.a1_in1k](|288 |81.48|95.16|25.0 |7.0 |23.8 |1745 | |[gcresnet50t.ra2_in1k](|288 |81.47|95.71|25.9 |6.9 |18.6 |2071 | |[wide_resnet50_2.racm_in1k](|224 |81.45|95.53|68.9 |11.4 |14.4 |1929 | |[resnet50d.a1_in1k](|288 |81.44|95.22|25.6 |7.2 |19.7 |1908 | |[ecaresnet50t.ra2_in1k](|256 |81.44|95.67|25.6 |5.6 |15.4 |2168 | |[ecaresnetlight.miil_in1k](|288 |81.4 |95.82|30.2 |6.8 |13.9 |2132 | |[resnet50d.ra2_in1k](|288 |81.37|95.74|25.6 |7.2 |19.7 |1910 | |[resnet101.a2_in1k](|224 |81.32|95.19|44.6 |7.8 |16.2 |2125 | |[seresnet50.ra2_in1k](|288 |81.3 |95.65|28.1 |6.8 |18.4 |1803 | |[resnext50_32x4d.a2_in1k](|288 |81.3 |95.11|25.0 |7.0 |23.8 |1746 | |[seresnext50_32x4d.racm_in1k](|224 |81.27|95.62|27.6 |4.3 |14.4 |2591 | |[ecaresnet50t.a1_in1k](|224 |81.26|95.16|25.6 |4.3 |11.8 |2823 | |[gcresnext50ts.ch_in1k](|288 |81.23|95.54|15.7 |4.8 |19.6 |2117 | |[senet154.gluon_in1k](|224 |81.23|95.35|115.1 |20.8 |38.7 |545 | |[resnet50.a1_in1k](|288 |81.22|95.11|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2089 | |[resnet50_gn.a1h_in1k](|288 |81.22|95.63|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |676 | |[resnet50d.a2_in1k](|288 |81.18|95.09|25.6 |7.2 |19.7 |1908 | |[resnet50.fb_swsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |81.18|95.98|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3455 | |[resnext50_32x4d.tv2_in1k](|224 |81.17|95.34|25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2933 | |[resnext50_32x4d.a1h_in1k](|224 |81.1 |95.33|25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2934 | |[seresnet50.a2_in1k](|288 |81.1 |95.23|28.1 |6.8 |18.4 |1801 | |[seresnet50.a1_in1k](|288 |81.1 |95.12|28.1 |6.8 |18.4 |1799 | |[resnet152s.gluon_in1k](|224 |81.02|95.41|60.3 |12.9 |25.0 |1347 | |[resnet50.d_in1k](|288 |80.97|95.44|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2085 | |[gcresnet50t.ra2_in1k](|256 |80.94|95.45|25.9 |5.4 |14.7 |2571 | |[resnext101_32x4d.fb_ssl_yfcc100m_ft_in1k](|224 |80.93|95.73|44.2 |8.0 |21.2 |1814 | |[resnet50.c1_in1k](|288 |80.91|95.55|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2084 | |[seresnext101_32x4d.gluon_in1k](|224 |80.9 |95.31|49.0 |8.0 |21.3 |1585 | |[seresnext101_64x4d.gluon_in1k](|224 |80.9 |95.3 |88.2 |15.5 |31.2 |918 | |[resnet50.c2_in1k](|288 |80.86|95.52|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2085 | |[resnet50.tv2_in1k](|224 |80.85|95.43|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3450 | |[ecaresnet50t.a2_in1k](|224 |80.84|95.02|25.6 |4.3 |11.8 |2821 | |[ecaresnet101d_pruned.miil_in1k](|224 |80.79|95.62|24.9 |3.5 |7.7 |2961 | |[seresnet33ts.ra2_in1k](|288 |80.79|95.36|19.8 |6.0 |14.8 |2506 | |[ecaresnet50d_pruned.miil_in1k](|288 |80.79|95.58|19.9 |4.2 |10.6 |2349 | |[resnet50.a2_in1k](|288 |80.78|94.99|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2088 | |[resnet50.b1k_in1k](|288 |80.71|95.43|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2087 | |[resnext50_32x4d.ra_in1k](|288 |80.7 |95.39|25.0 |7.0 |23.8 |1749 | |[resnetrs101.tf_in1k](|192 |80.69|95.24|63.6 |6.0 |12.7 |2270 | |[resnet50d.a1_in1k](|224 |80.68|94.71|25.6 |4.4 |11.9 |3162 | |[eca_resnet33ts.ra2_in1k](|288 |80.68|95.36|19.7 |6.0 |14.8 |2637 | |[resnet50.a1h_in1k](|224 |80.67|95.3 |25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3452 | |[resnext50d_32x4d.bt_in1k](|288 |80.67|95.42|25.0 |7.4 |25.1 |1626 | |[resnetaa50.a1h_in1k](|224 |80.63|95.21|25.6 |5.2 |11.6 |3034 | |[ecaresnet50d.miil_in1k](|224 |80.61|95.32|25.6 |4.4 |11.9 |2813 | |[resnext101_64x4d.gluon_in1k](|224 |80.61|94.99|83.5 |15.5 |31.2 |989 | |[gcresnet33ts.ra2_in1k](|288 |80.6 |95.31|19.9 |6.0 |14.8 |2578 | |[gcresnext50ts.ch_in1k](|256 |80.57|95.17|15.7 |3.8 |15.5 |2710 | |[resnet152.a3_in1k](|224 |80.56|95.0 |60.2 |11.6 |22.6 |1483 | |[resnet50d.ra2_in1k](|224 |80.53|95.16|25.6 |4.4 |11.9 |3164 | |[resnext50_32x4d.a1_in1k](|224 |80.53|94.46|25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2930 | |[wide_resnet101_2.tv2_in1k](|176 |80.48|94.98|126.9 |14.3 |13.2 |1719 | |[resnet152d.gluon_in1k](|224 |80.47|95.2 |60.2 |11.8 |23.4 |1428 | |[resnet50.b2k_in1k](|288 |80.45|95.32|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2086 | |[ecaresnetlight.miil_in1k](|224 |80.45|95.24|30.2 |4.1 |8.4 |3530 | |[resnext50_32x4d.a2_in1k](|224 |80.45|94.63|25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2936 | |[wide_resnet50_2.tv2_in1k](|176 |80.43|95.09|68.9 |7.3 |9.0 |3015 | |[resnet101d.gluon_in1k](|224 |80.42|95.01|44.6 |8.1 |17.0 |2007 | |[resnet50.a1_in1k](|224 |80.38|94.6 |25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3461 | |[seresnet33ts.ra2_in1k](|256 |80.36|95.1 |19.8 |4.8 |11.7 |3267 | |[resnext101_32x4d.gluon_in1k](|224 |80.34|94.93|44.2 |8.0 |21.2 |1814 | |[resnext50_32x4d.fb_ssl_yfcc100m_ft_in1k](|224 |80.32|95.4 |25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2941 | |[resnet101s.gluon_in1k](|224 |80.28|95.16|44.7 |9.2 |18.6 |1851 | |[seresnet50.ra2_in1k](|224 |80.26|95.08|28.1 |4.1 |11.1 |2972 | |[resnetblur50.bt_in1k](|288 |80.24|95.24|25.6 |8.5 |19.9 |1523 | |[resnet50d.a2_in1k](|224 |80.22|94.63|25.6 |4.4 |11.9 |3162 | |[resnet152.tv2_in1k](|176 |80.2 |94.64|60.2 |7.2 |14.0 |2346 | |[seresnet50.a2_in1k](|224 |80.08|94.74|28.1 |4.1 |11.1 |2969 | |[eca_resnet33ts.ra2_in1k](|256 |80.08|94.97|19.7 |4.8 |11.7 |3284 | |[gcresnet33ts.ra2_in1k](|256 |80.06|94.99|19.9 |4.8 |11.7 |3216 | |[resnet50_gn.a1h_in1k](|224 |80.06|94.95|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |1109 | |[seresnet50.a1_in1k](|224 |80.02|94.71|28.1 |4.1 |11.1 |2962 | |[resnet50.ram_in1k](|288 |79.97|95.05|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2086 | |[resnet152c.gluon_in1k](|224 |79.92|94.84|60.2 |11.8 |23.4 |1455 | |[seresnext50_32x4d.gluon_in1k](|224 |79.91|94.82|27.6 |4.3 |14.4 |2591 | |[resnet50.d_in1k](|224 |79.91|94.67|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3456 | |[resnet101.tv2_in1k](|176 |79.9 |94.6 |44.6 |4.9 |10.1 |3341 | |[resnetrs50.tf_in1k](|224 |79.89|94.97|35.7 |4.5 |12.1 |2774 | |[resnet50.c2_in1k](|224 |79.88|94.87|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3455 | |[ecaresnet26t.ra2_in1k](|320 |79.86|95.07|16.0 |5.2 |16.4 |2168 | |[resnet50.a2_in1k](|224 |79.85|94.56|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3460 | |[resnet50.ra_in1k](|288 |79.83|94.97|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2087 | |[resnet101.a3_in1k](|224 |79.82|94.62|44.6 |7.8 |16.2 |2114 | |[resnext50_32x4d.ra_in1k](|224 |79.76|94.6 |25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2943 | |[resnet50.c1_in1k](|224 |79.74|94.95|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3455 | |[ecaresnet50d_pruned.miil_in1k](|224 |79.74|94.87|19.9 |2.5 |6.4 |3929 | |[resnet33ts.ra2_in1k](|288 |79.71|94.83|19.7 |6.0 |14.8 |2710 | |[resnet152.gluon_in1k](|224 |79.68|94.74|60.2 |11.6 |22.6 |1486 | |[resnext50d_32x4d.bt_in1k](|224 |79.67|94.87|25.0 |4.5 |15.2 |2729 | |[resnet50.bt_in1k](|288 |79.63|94.91|25.6 |6.8 |18.4 |2086 | |[ecaresnet50t.a3_in1k](|224 |79.56|94.72|25.6 |4.3 |11.8 |2805 | |[resnet101c.gluon_in1k](|224 |79.53|94.58|44.6 |8.1 |17.0 |2062 | |[resnet50.b1k_in1k](|224 |79.52|94.61|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3459 | |[resnet50.tv2_in1k](|176 |79.42|94.64|25.6 |2.6 |6.9 |5397 | |[resnet32ts.ra2_in1k](|288 |79.4 |94.66|18.0 |5.9 |14.6 |2752 | |[resnet50.b2k_in1k](|224 |79.38|94.57|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3459 | |[resnext50_32x4d.tv2_in1k](|176 |79.37|94.3 |25.0 |2.7 |9.0 |4577 | |[resnext50_32x4d.gluon_in1k](|224 |79.36|94.43|25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2942 | |[resnext101_32x8d.tv_in1k](|224 |79.31|94.52|88.8 |16.5 |31.2 |1100 | |[resnet101.gluon_in1k](|224 |79.31|94.53|44.6 |7.8 |16.2 |2125 | |[resnetblur50.bt_in1k](|224 |79.31|94.63|25.6 |5.2 |12.0 |2524 | |[resnet50.a1h_in1k](|176 |79.27|94.49|25.6 |2.6 |6.9 |5404 | |[resnext50_32x4d.a3_in1k](|224 |79.25|94.31|25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2931 | |[resnet50.fb_ssl_yfcc100m_ft_in1k](|224 |79.22|94.84|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3451 | |[resnet33ts.ra2_in1k](|256 |79.21|94.56|19.7 |4.8 |11.7 |3392 | |[resnet50d.gluon_in1k](|224 |79.07|94.48|25.6 |4.4 |11.9 |3162 | |[resnet50.ram_in1k](|224 |79.03|94.38|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3453 | |[resnet50.am_in1k](|224 |79.01|94.39|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3461 | |[resnet32ts.ra2_in1k](|256 |79.01|94.37|18.0 |4.6 |11.6 |3440 | |[ecaresnet26t.ra2_in1k](|256 |78.9 |94.54|16.0 |3.4 |10.5 |3421 | |[resnet152.a3_in1k](|160 |78.89|94.11|60.2 |5.9 |11.5 |2745 | |[wide_resnet101_2.tv_in1k](|224 |78.84|94.28|126.9 |22.8 |21.2 |1079 | |[seresnext26d_32x4d.bt_in1k](|288 |78.83|94.24|16.8 |4.5 |16.8 |2251 | |[resnet50.ra_in1k](|224 |78.81|94.32|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3454 | |[seresnext26t_32x4d.bt_in1k](|288 |78.74|94.33|16.8 |4.5 |16.7 |2264 | |[resnet50s.gluon_in1k](|224 |78.72|94.23|25.7 |5.5 |13.5 |2796 | |[resnet50d.a3_in1k](|224 |78.71|94.24|25.6 |4.4 |11.9 |3154 | |[wide_resnet50_2.tv_in1k](|224 |78.47|94.09|68.9 |11.4 |14.4 |1934 | |[resnet50.bt_in1k](|224 |78.46|94.27|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3454 | |[resnet34d.ra2_in1k](|288 |78.43|94.35|21.8 |6.5 |7.5 |3291 | |[gcresnext26ts.ch_in1k](|288 |78.42|94.04|10.5 |3.1 |13.3 |3226 | |[resnet26t.ra2_in1k](|320 |78.33|94.13|16.0 |5.2 |16.4 |2391 | |[resnet152.tv_in1k](|224 |78.32|94.04|60.2 |11.6 |22.6 |1487 | |[seresnext26ts.ch_in1k](|288 |78.28|94.1 |10.4 |3.1 |13.3 |3062 | |[bat_resnext26ts.ch_in1k](|256 |78.25|94.1 |10.7 |2.5 |12.5 |3393 | |[resnet50.a3_in1k](|224 |78.06|93.78|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3450 | |[resnet50c.gluon_in1k](|224 |78.0 |93.99|25.6 |4.4 |11.9 |3286 | |[eca_resnext26ts.ch_in1k](|288 |78.0 |93.91|10.3 |3.1 |13.3 |3297 | |[seresnext26t_32x4d.bt_in1k](|224 |77.98|93.75|16.8 |2.7 |10.1 |3841 | |[resnet34.a1_in1k](|288 |77.92|93.77|21.8 |6.1 |6.2 |3609 | |[resnet101.a3_in1k](|160 |77.88|93.71|44.6 |4.0 |8.3 |3926 | |[resnet26t.ra2_in1k](|256 |77.87|93.84|16.0 |3.4 |10.5 |3772 | |[seresnext26ts.ch_in1k](|256 |77.86|93.79|10.4 |2.4 |10.5 |4263 | |[resnetrs50.tf_in1k](|160 |77.82|93.81|35.7 |2.3 |6.2 |5238 | |[gcresnext26ts.ch_in1k](|256 |77.81|93.82|10.5 |2.4 |10.5 |4183 | |[ecaresnet50t.a3_in1k](|160 |77.79|93.6 |25.6 |2.2 |6.0 |5329 | |[resnext50_32x4d.a3_in1k](|160 |77.73|93.32|25.0 |2.2 |7.4 |5576 | |[resnext50_32x4d.tv_in1k](|224 |77.61|93.7 |25.0 |4.3 |14.4 |2944 | |[seresnext26d_32x4d.bt_in1k](|224 |77.59|93.61|16.8 |2.7 |10.2 |3807 | |[resnet50.gluon_in1k](|224 |77.58|93.72|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3455 | |[eca_resnext26ts.ch_in1k](|256 |77.44|93.56|10.3 |2.4 |10.5 |4284 | |[resnet26d.bt_in1k](|288 |77.41|93.63|16.0 |4.3 |13.5 |2907 | |[resnet101.tv_in1k](|224 |77.38|93.54|44.6 |7.8 |16.2 |2125 | |[resnet50d.a3_in1k](|160 |77.22|93.27|25.6 |2.2 |6.1 |5982 | |[resnext26ts.ra2_in1k](|288 |77.17|93.47|10.3 |3.1 |13.3 |3392 | |[resnet34.a2_in1k](|288 |77.15|93.27|21.8 |6.1 |6.2 |3615 | |[resnet34d.ra2_in1k](|224 |77.1 |93.37|21.8 |3.9 |4.5 |5436 | |[seresnet50.a3_in1k](|224 |77.02|93.07|28.1 |4.1 |11.1 |2952 | |[resnext26ts.ra2_in1k](|256 |76.78|93.13|10.3 |2.4 |10.5 |4410 | |[resnet26d.bt_in1k](|224 |76.7 |93.17|16.0 |2.6 |8.2 |4859 | |[resnet34.bt_in1k](|288 |76.5 |93.35|21.8 |6.1 |6.2 |3617 | |[resnet34.a1_in1k](|224 |76.42|92.87|21.8 |3.7 |3.7 |5984 | |[resnet26.bt_in1k](|288 |76.35|93.18|16.0 |3.9 |12.2 |3331 | |[resnet50.tv_in1k](|224 |76.13|92.86|25.6 |4.1 |11.1 |3457 | |[resnet50.a3_in1k](|160 |75.96|92.5 |25.6 |2.1 |5.7 |6490 | |[resnet34.a2_in1k](|224 |75.52|92.44|21.8 |3.7 |3.7 |5991 | |[resnet26.bt_in1k](|224 |75.3 |92.58|16.0 |2.4 |7.4 |5583 | |[resnet34.bt_in1k](|224 |75.16|92.18|21.8 |3.7 |3.7 |5994 | |[seresnet50.a3_in1k](|160 |75.1 |92.08|28.1 |2.1 |5.7 |5513 | |[resnet34.gluon_in1k](|224 |74.57|91.98|21.8 |3.7 |3.7 |5984 | |[resnet18d.ra2_in1k](|288 |73.81|91.83|11.7 |3.4 |5.4 |5196 | |[resnet34.tv_in1k](|224 |73.32|91.42|21.8 |3.7 |3.7 |5979 | |[resnet18.fb_swsl_ig1b_ft_in1k](|224 |73.28|91.73|11.7 |1.8 |2.5 |10213 | |[resnet18.a1_in1k](|288 |73.16|91.03|11.7 |3.0 |4.1 |6050 | |[resnet34.a3_in1k](|224 |72.98|91.11|21.8 |3.7 |3.7 |5967 | |[resnet18.fb_ssl_yfcc100m_ft_in1k](|224 |72.6 |91.42|11.7 |1.8 |2.5 |10213 | |[resnet18.a2_in1k](|288 |72.37|90.59|11.7 |3.0 |4.1 |6051 | |[resnet14t.c3_in1k](|224 |72.26|90.31|10.1 |1.7 |5.8 |7026 | |[resnet18d.ra2_in1k](|224 |72.26|90.68|11.7 |2.1 |3.3 |8707 | |[resnet18.a1_in1k](|224 |71.49|90.07|11.7 |1.8 |2.5 |10187 | |[resnet14t.c3_in1k](|176 |71.31|89.69|10.1 |1.1 |3.6 |10970 | |[resnet18.gluon_in1k](|224 |70.84|89.76|11.7 |1.8 |2.5 |10210 | |[resnet18.a2_in1k](|224 |70.64|89.47|11.7 |1.8 |2.5 |10194 | |[resnet34.a3_in1k](|160 |70.56|89.52|21.8 |1.9 |1.9 |10737 | |[resnet18.tv_in1k](|224 |69.76|89.07|11.7 |1.8 |2.5 |10205 | |[resnet10t.c3_in1k](|224 |68.34|88.03|5.4 |1.1 |2.4 |13079 | |[resnet18.a3_in1k](|224 |68.25|88.17|11.7 |1.8 |2.5 |10167 | |[resnet10t.c3_in1k](|176 |66.71|86.96|5.4 |0.7 |1.5 |20327 | |[resnet18.a3_in1k](|160 |65.66|86.26|11.7 |0.9 |1.3 |18229 | ## Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{wightman2021resnet, title={ResNet strikes back: An improved training procedure in timm}, author={Wightman, Ross and Touvron, Hugo and Jegou, Herve}, booktitle={NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on ImageNet: Past, Present, and Future} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ``` ```bibtex @article{DBLP:journals/corr/ZagoruykoK16, author = {Sergey Zagoruyko and Nikos Komodakis}, title = {Wide Residual Networks}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1605.07146}, year = {2016}, url = {}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1605.07146}, timestamp = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:46:42 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} } ``` ```bibtex @article{He2015, author = {Kaiming He and Xiangyu Zhang and Shaoqing Ren and Jian Sun}, title = {Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03385}, year = {2015} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "upernet", "vision", "image-segmentation", "en", "arxiv:1807.10221", "arxiv:2201.03545", "license:mit", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: en license: mit tags: - vision - image-segmentation model_name: openmmlab/upernet-convnext-small --- # UperNet, ConvNeXt small-sized backbone UperNet framework for semantic segmentation, leveraging a ConvNeXt backbone. UperNet was introduced in the paper [Unified Perceptual Parsing for Scene Understanding]( by Xiao et al. Combining UperNet with a ConvNeXt backbone was introduced in the paper [A ConvNet for the 2020s]( Disclaimer: The team releasing UperNet + ConvNeXt did not write a model card for this model so this model card has been written by the Hugging Face team. ## Model description UperNet is a framework for semantic segmentation. It consists of several components, including a backbone, a Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) and a Pyramid Pooling Module (PPM). Any visual backbone can be plugged into the UperNet framework. The framework predicts a semantic label per pixel. ![UperNet architecture]( ## Intended uses & limitations You can use the raw model for semantic segmentation. See the [model hub]( to look for fine-tuned versions (with various backbones) on a task that interests you. ### How to use For code examples, we refer to the [documentation](
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "mask2former", "vision", "image-segmentation", "dataset:coco", "arxiv:2112.01527", "arxiv:2107.06278", "license:other", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: other tags: - vision - image-segmentation datasets: - coco widget: - src: example_title: Cats - src: example_title: Castle --- # Mask2Former Mask2Former model trained on COCO panoptic segmentation (base-sized version, Swin backbone). It was introduced in the paper [Masked-attention Mask Transformer for Universal Image Segmentation ]( and first released in [this repository]( Disclaimer: The team releasing Mask2Former did not write a model card for this model so this model card has been written by the Hugging Face team. ## Model description Mask2Former addresses instance, semantic and panoptic segmentation with the same paradigm: by predicting a set of masks and corresponding labels. Hence, all 3 tasks are treated as if they were instance segmentation. Mask2Former outperforms the previous SOTA, [MaskFormer]( both in terms of performance an efficiency by (i) replacing the pixel decoder with a more advanced multi-scale deformable attention Transformer, (ii) adopting a Transformer decoder with masked attention to boost performance without without introducing additional computation and (iii) improving training efficiency by calculating the loss on subsampled points instead of whole masks. ![model image]( ## Intended uses & limitations You can use this particular checkpoint for panoptic segmentation. See the [model hub]( to look for other fine-tuned versions on a task that interests you. ### How to use Here is how to use this model: ```python import requests import torch from PIL import Image from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, Mask2FormerForUniversalSegmentation # load Mask2Former fine-tuned on COCO panoptic segmentation processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/mask2former-swin-base-coco-panoptic") model = Mask2FormerForUniversalSegmentation.from_pretrained("facebook/mask2former-swin-base-coco-panoptic") url = "" image =, stream=True).raw) inputs = processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt") with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) # model predicts class_queries_logits of shape `(batch_size, num_queries)` # and masks_queries_logits of shape `(batch_size, num_queries, height, width)` class_queries_logits = outputs.class_queries_logits masks_queries_logits = outputs.masks_queries_logits # you can pass them to processor for postprocessing result = processor.post_process_panoptic_segmentation(outputs, target_sizes=[image.size[::-1]])[0] # we refer to the demo notebooks for visualization (see "Resources" section in the Mask2Former docs) predicted_panoptic_map = result["segmentation"] ``` For more code examples, we refer to the [documentation](
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "marian", "text2text-generation", "translation", "vi", "en", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - vi - en tags: - translation license: apache-2.0 --- ### vie-eng * source group: Vietnamese * target group: English * OPUS readme: [vie-eng]( * model: transformer-align * source language(s): vie vie_Hani * target language(s): eng * model: transformer-align * pre-processing: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k) * download original weights: []( * test set translations: [opus-2020-06-17.test.txt]( * test set scores: [opus-2020-06-17.eval.txt]( ## Benchmarks | testset | BLEU | chr-F | |-----------------------|-------|-------| | Tatoeba-test.vie.eng | 42.8 | 0.608 | ### System Info: - hf_name: vie-eng - source_languages: vie - target_languages: eng - opus_readme_url: - original_repo: Tatoeba-Challenge - tags: ['translation'] - languages: ['vi', 'en'] - src_constituents: {'vie', 'vie_Hani'} - tgt_constituents: {'eng'} - src_multilingual: False - tgt_multilingual: False - prepro: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k) - url_model: - url_test_set: - src_alpha3: vie - tgt_alpha3: eng - short_pair: vi-en - chrF2_score: 0.608 - bleu: 42.8 - brevity_penalty: 0.955 - ref_len: 20241.0 - src_name: Vietnamese - tgt_name: English - train_date: 2020-06-17 - src_alpha2: vi - tgt_alpha2: en - prefer_old: False - long_pair: vie-eng - helsinki_git_sha: 480fcbe0ee1bf4774bcbe6226ad9f58e63f6c535 - transformers_git_sha: 2207e5d8cb224e954a7cba69fa4ac2309e9ff30b - port_machine: brutasse - port_time: 2020-08-21-14:41
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "bert", "token-classification", "ner", "berturk", "turkish", "tr", "dataset:MilliyetNER", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - ner - token-classification - berturk - turkish language: tr datasets: - MilliyetNER widget: - text: "Türkiye'nin başkenti Ankara'dır ve ilk cumhurbaşkanı Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'tür." --- # DATASET MilliyetNER dataset was collected from the Turkish Milliyet newspaper articles between 1997-1998. This dataset is presented by [Tür et al. (2003)]( It was collected from news articles and manually annotated with three different entity types: Person, Location, Organization. The authors did not provide training/validation/test splits for this dataset. Dataset splits used by [Yeniterzi et al. 2011]( For more information: [ - MilliyetNER]( **Model is only trained using training set. Test set not included during the last training**. # USAGE ```python from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoTokenizer model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("alierenak/berturk-cased-ner") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("alierenak/berturk-cased-ner") ner_pipeline = pipeline('ner', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) ner_pipeline("Türkiye'nin başkenti Ankara, ilk cumhurbaşkanı Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'tür.") ``` # RESULT ```bash [{'entity': 'B-LOCATION', 'score': 0.9966415, 'index': 1, 'word': 'Türkiye', 'start': 0, 'end': 7}, {'entity': 'B-LOCATION', 'score': 0.99456763, 'index': 5, 'word': 'Ankara', 'start': 21, 'end': 27}, {'entity': 'B-PERSON', 'score': 0.9958741, 'index': 9, 'word': 'Mustafa', 'start': 47, 'end': 54}, {'entity': 'I-PERSON', 'score': 0.98833394, 'index': 10, 'word': 'Kemal', 'start': 55, 'end': 60}, {'entity': 'I-PERSON', 'score': 0.9837286, 'index': 11, 'word': 'Atatürk', 'start': 61, 'end': 68}] ``` # BENCHMARKING ```bash precision recall f1-score support LOCATION 0.97 0.96 0.97 960 ORGANIZATION 0.95 0.92 0.94 863 PERSON 0.97 0.97 0.97 1410 micro avg 0.97 0.95 0.96 3233 macro avg 0.96 0.95 0.96 3233 weighted avg 0.97 0.95 0.96 3233 ```
[ "transformers", "tensorboard", "safetensors", "roberta", "text-classification", "generated_from_trainer", "base_model:VRLLab/TurkishBERTweet", "base_model:finetune:VRLLab/TurkishBERTweet", "license:mit", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: mit base_model: VRLLab/TurkishBERTweet tags: - generated_from_trainer metrics: - accuracy model-index: - name: turkish_sentiment3 results: [] --- <!-- This model card has been generated automatically according to the information the Trainer had access to. You should probably proofread and complete it, then remove this comment. --> # turkish_sentiment3 This model is a fine-tuned version of [VRLLab/TurkishBERTweet]( on the None dataset. It achieves the following results on the evaluation set: - Loss: 0.0155 - Accuracy: 0.9972 ## Model description More information needed ## Intended uses & limitations More information needed ## Training and evaluation data More information needed ## Training procedure ### Training hyperparameters The following hyperparameters were used during training: - learning_rate: 1e-05 - train_batch_size: 8 - eval_batch_size: 8 - seed: 42 - optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08 - lr_scheduler_type: linear - num_epochs: 3 ### Training results | Training Loss | Epoch | Step | Validation Loss | Accuracy | |:-------------:|:-----:|:----:|:---------------:|:--------:| | No log | 1.0 | 440 | 0.0516 | 0.9926 | | 0.1392 | 2.0 | 880 | 0.0242 | 0.9966 | | 0.0443 | 3.0 | 1320 | 0.0155 | 0.9972 | ### Framework versions - Transformers 4.35.2 - Pytorch 2.1.0+cu121 - Datasets 2.16.1 - Tokenizers 0.15.0
[ "open_clip", "zero-shot-image-classification", "clip", "license:mit", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - zero-shot-image-classification - clip library_tag: open_clip license: mit --- # Model card for echo-clip
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "vision-encoder-decoder", "license:cc-by-nc-sa-4.0", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- library_name: transformers license: cc-by-nc-sa-4.0 --- OCR model for [surya](
[ "diffusers", "lora", "text-to-image", "stable-diffusion", "flux", "arxiv:2404.13686", "base_model:black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev", "base_model:adapter:black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev", "region:us" ]
--- library_name: diffusers inference: false tags: - lora - text-to-image - stable-diffusion - flux base_model: black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev --- # Hyper-SD Official Repository of the paper: *[Hyper-SD](*. Project Page: ![](./hypersd_tearser.jpg) ## News🔥🔥🔥 * Aug.26, 2024. 💥💥💥 Our 8-steps and 16-steps **FLUX.1-dev-related LoRAs** are available now! We recommend LoRA scales around 0.125 that is adaptive with training and guidance scale could be kept on 3.5. Lower step LoRAs would be coming soon. 💥💥💥 * Aug.19, 2024. SD3-related CFG LoRAs are available now! We recommend setting guidance scale to 3.0/5.0/7.0 at 4/8/16-steps. Don't forget to fuse lora with a relatively small scale (e.g. 0.125 that is adaptive with training) before inference with diffusers. Note that 8-steps and 16-steps LoRA can also inference on a little bit smaller steps like 6-steps and 12-steps, respectively. Hope to hear your feedback, FLUX-related models will be coming next week. * May.13, 2024. The 12-Steps CFG-Preserved [Hyper-SDXL-12steps-CFG-LoRA]( and [Hyper-SD15-12steps-CFG-LoRA]( is also available now(support 5~8 guidance scales), this could be more practical with better trade-off between performance and speed. Enjoy! * Apr.30, 2024. Our 8-Steps CFG-Preserved [Hyper-SDXL-8steps-CFG-LoRA]( and [Hyper-SD15-8steps-CFG-LoRA]( is available now(support 5~8 guidance scales), we strongly recommend making the 8-step CFGLora a standard configuration for all SDXL and SD15 models!!! * Apr.28, 2024. ComfyUI workflows on 1-Step Unified LoRA 🥰 with TCDScheduler to inference on different steps are [released](! Remember to install ⭕️ [ComfyUI-TCD]( in your `ComfyUI/custom_nodes` folder!!! You're encouraged to adjust the eta parameter to get better results 🌟! * Apr.26, 2024. Thanks to @[Pete]( for contributing to our [scribble demo]( with larger canvas right now 👏. * Apr.24, 2024. The ComfyUI [workflow]( and [checkpoint]( on 1-Step SDXL UNet ✨ is also available! Don't forget ⭕️ to install the custom [scheduler]( in your `ComfyUI/custom_nodes` folder!!! * Apr.23, 2024. ComfyUI workflows on N-Steps LoRAs are [released](! Worth a try for creators 💥! * Apr.23, 2024. Our technical report 📚 is uploaded to [arXiv](! Many implementation details are provided and we welcome more discussions👏. * Apr.21, 2024. Hyper-SD ⚡️ is highly compatible and work well with different base models and controlnets. To clarify, we also append the usage example of controlnet [here]( * Apr.20, 2024. Our checkpoints and two demos 🤗 (i.e. [SD15-Scribble]( and [SDXL-T2I]( are publicly available on [HuggingFace Repo]( ## Try our Hugging Face demos: Hyper-SD Scribble demo host on [🤗 scribble]( Hyper-SDXL One-step Text-to-Image demo host on [🤗 T2I]( ## Introduction Hyper-SD is one of the new State-of-the-Art diffusion model acceleration techniques. In this repository, we release the models distilled from [FLUX.1-dev](, [SD3-Medium](, [SDXL Base 1.0]( and [Stable-Diffusion v1-5](。 ## Checkpoints * `Hyper-FLUX.1-dev-Nsteps-lora.safetensors`: Lora checkpoint, for FLUX.1-dev-related models. * `Hyper-SD3-Nsteps-CFG-lora.safetensors`: Lora checkpoint, for SD3-related models. * `Hyper-SDXL-Nstep-lora.safetensors`: Lora checkpoint, for SDXL-related models. * `Hyper-SD15-Nstep-lora.safetensors`: Lora checkpoint, for SD1.5-related models. * `Hyper-SDXL-1step-unet.safetensors`: Unet checkpoint distilled from SDXL-Base. ## Text-to-Image Usage ### FLUX.1-dev-related models ```python import torch from diffusers import FluxPipeline from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download base_model_id = "black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev" repo_name = "ByteDance/Hyper-SD" # Take 8-steps lora as an example ckpt_name = "Hyper-FLUX.1-dev-8steps-lora.safetensors" # Load model, please fill in your access tokens since FLUX.1-dev repo is a gated model. pipe = FluxPipeline.from_pretrained(base_model_id, token="xxx") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download(repo_name, ckpt_name)) pipe.fuse_lora(lora_scale=0.125)"cuda", dtype=torch.float16) image=pipe(prompt="a photo of a cat", num_inference_steps=8, guidance_scale=3.5).images[0]"output.png") ``` ### SD3-related models ```python import torch from diffusers import StableDiffusion3Pipeline from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download base_model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium-diffusers" repo_name = "ByteDance/Hyper-SD" # Take 8-steps lora as an example ckpt_name = "Hyper-SD3-8steps-CFG-lora.safetensors" # Load model, please fill in your access tokens since SD3 repo is a gated model. pipe = StableDiffusion3Pipeline.from_pretrained(base_model_id, token="xxx") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download(repo_name, ckpt_name)) pipe.fuse_lora(lora_scale=0.125)"cuda", dtype=torch.float16) image=pipe(prompt="a photo of a cat", num_inference_steps=8, guidance_scale=5.0).images[0]"output.png") ``` ### SDXL-related models #### 2-Steps, 4-Steps, 8-steps LoRA Take the 2-steps LoRA as an example, you can also use other LoRAs for the corresponding inference steps setting. ```python import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, DDIMScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download base_model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0" repo_name = "ByteDance/Hyper-SD" # Take 2-steps lora as an example ckpt_name = "Hyper-SDXL-2steps-lora.safetensors" # Load model. pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(base_model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16").to("cuda") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download(repo_name, ckpt_name)) pipe.fuse_lora() # Ensure ddim scheduler timestep spacing set as trailing !!! pipe.scheduler = DDIMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config, timestep_spacing="trailing") # lower eta results in more detail prompt="a photo of a cat" image=pipe(prompt=prompt, num_inference_steps=2, guidance_scale=0).images[0] ``` #### Unified LoRA (support 1 to 8 steps inference) You can flexibly adjust the number of inference steps and eta value to achieve best performance. ```python import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, TCDScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download base_model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0" repo_name = "ByteDance/Hyper-SD" ckpt_name = "Hyper-SDXL-1step-lora.safetensors" # Load model. pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(base_model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16").to("cuda") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download(repo_name, ckpt_name)) pipe.fuse_lora() # Use TCD scheduler to achieve better image quality pipe.scheduler = TCDScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # Lower eta results in more detail for multi-steps inference eta=1.0 prompt="a photo of a cat" image=pipe(prompt=prompt, num_inference_steps=1, guidance_scale=0, eta=eta).images[0] ``` #### 1-step SDXL Unet Only for the single step inference. ```python import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, UNet2DConditionModel, LCMScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from safetensors.torch import load_file base_model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0" repo_name = "ByteDance/Hyper-SD" ckpt_name = "Hyper-SDXL-1step-Unet.safetensors" # Load model. unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_config(base_model_id, subfolder="unet").to("cuda", torch.float16) unet.load_state_dict(load_file(hf_hub_download(repo_name, ckpt_name), device="cuda")) pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(base_model_id, unet=unet, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16").to("cuda") # Use LCM scheduler instead of ddim scheduler to support specific timestep number inputs pipe.scheduler = LCMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # Set start timesteps to 800 in the one-step inference to get better results prompt="a photo of a cat" image=pipe(prompt=prompt, num_inference_steps=1, guidance_scale=0, timesteps=[800]).images[0] ``` ### SD1.5-related models #### 2-Steps, 4-Steps, 8-steps LoRA Take the 2-steps LoRA as an example, you can also use other LoRAs for the corresponding inference steps setting. ```python import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, DDIMScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download base_model_id = "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5" repo_name = "ByteDance/Hyper-SD" # Take 2-steps lora as an example ckpt_name = "Hyper-SD15-2steps-lora.safetensors" # Load model. pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(base_model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16").to("cuda") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download(repo_name, ckpt_name)) pipe.fuse_lora() # Ensure ddim scheduler timestep spacing set as trailing !!! pipe.scheduler = DDIMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config, timestep_spacing="trailing") prompt="a photo of a cat" image=pipe(prompt=prompt, num_inference_steps=2, guidance_scale=0).images[0] ``` #### Unified LoRA (support 1 to 8 steps inference) You can flexibly adjust the number of inference steps and eta value to achieve best performance. ```python import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, TCDScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download base_model_id = "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5" repo_name = "ByteDance/Hyper-SD" ckpt_name = "Hyper-SD15-1step-lora.safetensors" # Load model. pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(base_model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16").to("cuda") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download(repo_name, ckpt_name)) pipe.fuse_lora() # Use TCD scheduler to achieve better image quality pipe.scheduler = TCDScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # Lower eta results in more detail for multi-steps inference eta=1.0 prompt="a photo of a cat" image=pipe(prompt=prompt, num_inference_steps=1, guidance_scale=0, eta=eta).images[0] ``` ## ControlNet Usage ### SDXL-related models #### 2-Steps, 4-Steps, 8-steps LoRA Take Canny Controlnet and 2-steps inference as an example: ```python import torch from diffusers.utils import load_image import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image from diffusers import ControlNetModel, StableDiffusionXLControlNetPipeline, AutoencoderKL, DDIMScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download # Load original image image = load_image("") image = np.array(image) # Prepare Canny Control Image low_threshold = 100 high_threshold = 200 image = cv2.Canny(image, low_threshold, high_threshold) image = image[:, :, None] image = np.concatenate([image, image, image], axis=2) control_image = Image.fromarray(image)"control.png") control_weight = 0.5 # recommended for good generalization # Initialize pipeline controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained( "diffusers/controlnet-canny-sdxl-1.0", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained("madebyollin/sdxl-vae-fp16-fix", torch_dtype=torch.float16) pipe = StableDiffusionXLControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained("stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", controlnet=controlnet, vae=vae, torch_dtype=torch.float16).to("cuda") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download("ByteDance/Hyper-SD", "Hyper-SDXL-2steps-lora.safetensors")) # Ensure ddim scheduler timestep spacing set as trailing !!! pipe.scheduler = DDIMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config, timestep_spacing="trailing") pipe.fuse_lora() image = pipe("A chocolate cookie", num_inference_steps=2, image=control_image, guidance_scale=0, controlnet_conditioning_scale=control_weight).images[0]'image_out.png') ``` #### Unified LoRA (support 1 to 8 steps inference) Take Canny Controlnet as an example: ```python import torch from diffusers.utils import load_image import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image from diffusers import ControlNetModel, StableDiffusionXLControlNetPipeline, AutoencoderKL, TCDScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download # Load original image image = load_image("") image = np.array(image) # Prepare Canny Control Image low_threshold = 100 high_threshold = 200 image = cv2.Canny(image, low_threshold, high_threshold) image = image[:, :, None] image = np.concatenate([image, image, image], axis=2) control_image = Image.fromarray(image)"control.png") control_weight = 0.5 # recommended for good generalization # Initialize pipeline controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained( "diffusers/controlnet-canny-sdxl-1.0", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained("madebyollin/sdxl-vae-fp16-fix", torch_dtype=torch.float16) pipe = StableDiffusionXLControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained( "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", controlnet=controlnet, vae=vae, torch_dtype=torch.float16).to("cuda") # Load Hyper-SD15-1step lora pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download("ByteDance/Hyper-SD", "Hyper-SDXL-1step-lora.safetensors")) pipe.fuse_lora() # Use TCD scheduler to achieve better image quality pipe.scheduler = TCDScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # Lower eta results in more detail for multi-steps inference eta=1.0 image = pipe("A chocolate cookie", num_inference_steps=4, image=control_image, guidance_scale=0, controlnet_conditioning_scale=control_weight, eta=eta).images[0]'image_out.png') ``` ### SD1.5-related models #### 2-Steps, 4-Steps, 8-steps LoRA Take Canny Controlnet and 2-steps inference as an example: ```python import torch from diffusers.utils import load_image import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image from diffusers import ControlNetModel, StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline, DDIMScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download controlnet_checkpoint = "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_canny" # Load original image image = load_image("") image = np.array(image) # Prepare Canny Control Image low_threshold = 100 high_threshold = 200 image = cv2.Canny(image, low_threshold, high_threshold) image = image[:, :, None] image = np.concatenate([image, image, image], axis=2) control_image = Image.fromarray(image)"control.png") # Initialize pipeline controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained(controlnet_checkpoint, torch_dtype=torch.float16) pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained("runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", controlnet=controlnet, torch_dtype=torch.float16).to("cuda") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download("ByteDance/Hyper-SD", "Hyper-SD15-2steps-lora.safetensors")) pipe.fuse_lora() # Ensure ddim scheduler timestep spacing set as trailing !!! pipe.scheduler = DDIMScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config, timestep_spacing="trailing") image = pipe("a blue paradise bird in the jungle", num_inference_steps=2, image=control_image, guidance_scale=0).images[0]'image_out.png') ``` #### Unified LoRA (support 1 to 8 steps inference) Take Canny Controlnet as an example: ```python import torch from diffusers.utils import load_image import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image from diffusers import ControlNetModel, StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline, TCDScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download controlnet_checkpoint = "lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_canny" # Load original image image = load_image("") image = np.array(image) # Prepare Canny Control Image low_threshold = 100 high_threshold = 200 image = cv2.Canny(image, low_threshold, high_threshold) image = image[:, :, None] image = np.concatenate([image, image, image], axis=2) control_image = Image.fromarray(image)"control.png") # Initialize pipeline controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained(controlnet_checkpoint, torch_dtype=torch.float16) pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained("runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", controlnet=controlnet, torch_dtype=torch.float16).to("cuda") # Load Hyper-SD15-1step lora pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download("ByteDance/Hyper-SD", "Hyper-SD15-1step-lora.safetensors")) pipe.fuse_lora() # Use TCD scheduler to achieve better image quality pipe.scheduler = TCDScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config) # Lower eta results in more detail for multi-steps inference eta=1.0 image = pipe("a blue paradise bird in the jungle", num_inference_steps=1, image=control_image, guidance_scale=0, eta=eta).images[0]'image_out.png') ``` ## Comfyui Usage * `Hyper-SDXL-Nsteps-lora.safetensors`: [text-to-image workflow]( * `Hyper-SD15-Nsteps-lora.safetensors`: [text-to-image workflow]( * `Hyper-SDXL-1step-Unet-Comfyui.fp16.safetensors`: [text-to-image workflow]( * **REQUIREMENT / INSTALL** for 1-Step SDXL UNet: Please install our [scheduler folder]( into your `ComfyUI/custom_nodes` to enable sampling from 800 timestep instead of 999. * i.e. making sure the `ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-HyperSDXL1StepUnetScheduler` folder exist. * For more details, please refer to our [technical report]( * `Hyper-SD15-1step-lora.safetensors`: [text-to-image workflow]( * `Hyper-SDXL-1step-lora.safetensors`: [text-to-image workflow]( * **REQUIREMENT / INSTALL** for 1-Step Unified LoRAs: Please install the [ComfyUI-TCD]( into your `ComfyUI/custom_nodes` to enable TCDScheduler with support of different inference steps (1~8) using single checkpoint. * i.e. making sure the `ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-TCD` folder exist. * You're encouraged to adjust the eta parameter in TCDScheduler to get better results. ## Citation ```bibtex @misc{ren2024hypersd, title={Hyper-SD: Trajectory Segmented Consistency Model for Efficient Image Synthesis}, author={Yuxi Ren and Xin Xia and Yanzuo Lu and Jiacheng Zhang and Jie Wu and Pan Xie and Xing Wang and Xuefeng Xiao}, year={2024}, eprint={2404.13686}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```
[ "sentence-transformers", "pytorch", "bert", "feature-extraction", "sentence-similarity", "transformers", "en", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-embeddings-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- pipeline_tag: sentence-similarity tags: - sentence-transformers - feature-extraction - sentence-similarity - transformers language: en license: apache-2.0 --- # PubMedBERT Embeddings This is a [PubMedBERT-base]( model fined-tuned using [sentence-transformers]( It maps sentences & paragraphs to a 768 dimensional dense vector space and can be used for tasks like clustering or semantic search. The training dataset was generated using a random sample of [PubMed]( title-abstract pairs along with similar title pairs. PubMedBERT Embeddings produces higher quality embeddings than generalized models for medical literature. Further fine-tuning for a medical subdomain will result in even better performance. ## Usage (txtai) This model can be used to build embeddings databases with [txtai]( for semantic search and/or as a knowledge source for retrieval augmented generation (RAG). ```python import txtai embeddings = txtai.Embeddings(path="neuml/pubmedbert-base-embeddings", content=True) embeddings.index(documents()) # Run a query"query to run") ``` ## Usage (Sentence-Transformers) Alternatively, the model can be loaded with [sentence-transformers]( ```python from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer sentences = ["This is an example sentence", "Each sentence is converted"] model = SentenceTransformer("neuml/pubmedbert-base-embeddings") embeddings = model.encode(sentences) print(embeddings) ``` ## Usage (Hugging Face Transformers) The model can also be used directly with Transformers. ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel import torch # Mean Pooling - Take attention mask into account for correct averaging def meanpooling(output, mask): embeddings = output[0] # First element of model_output contains all token embeddings mask = mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(embeddings.size()).float() return torch.sum(embeddings * mask, 1) / torch.clamp(mask.sum(1), min=1e-9) # Sentences we want sentence embeddings for sentences = ['This is an example sentence', 'Each sentence is converted'] # Load model from HuggingFace Hub tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("neuml/pubmedbert-base-embeddings") model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("neuml/pubmedbert-base-embeddings") # Tokenize sentences inputs = tokenizer(sentences, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt') # Compute token embeddings with torch.no_grad(): output = model(**inputs) # Perform pooling. In this case, mean pooling. embeddings = meanpooling(output, inputs['attention_mask']) print("Sentence embeddings:") print(embeddings) ``` ## Evaluation Results Performance of this model compared to the top base models on the [MTEB leaderboard]( is shown below. A popular smaller model was also evaluated along with the most downloaded PubMed similarity model on the Hugging Face Hub. The following datasets were used to evaluate model performance. - [PubMed QA]( - Subset: pqa_labeled, Split: train, Pair: (question, long_answer) - [PubMed Subset]( - Split: test, Pair: (title, text) - [PubMed Summary]( - Subset: pubmed, Split: validation, Pair: (article, abstract) Evaluation results are shown below. The [Pearson correlation coefficient]( is used as the evaluation metric. | Model | PubMed QA | PubMed Subset | PubMed Summary | Average | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------- | -------------- | --------- | | [all-MiniLM-L6-v2]( | 90.40 | 95.86 | 94.07 | 93.44 | | [bge-base-en-v1.5]( | 91.02 | 95.60 | 94.49 | 93.70 | | [gte-base]( | 92.97 | 96.83 | 96.24 | 95.35 | | [**pubmedbert-base-embeddings**]( | **93.27** | **97.07** | **96.58** | **95.64** | | [S-PubMedBert-MS-MARCO]( | 90.86 | 93.33 | 93.54 | 92.58 | ## Training The model was trained with the parameters: **DataLoader**: `` of length 20191 with parameters: ``` {'batch_size': 24, 'sampler': '', 'batch_sampler': ''} ``` **Loss**: `sentence_transformers.losses.MultipleNegativesRankingLoss.MultipleNegativesRankingLoss` with parameters: ``` {'scale': 20.0, 'similarity_fct': 'cos_sim'} ``` Parameters of the fit() method: ``` { "epochs": 1, "evaluation_steps": 500, "evaluator": "sentence_transformers.evaluation.EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator.EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator", "max_grad_norm": 1, "optimizer_class": "<class 'torch.optim.adamw.AdamW'>", "optimizer_params": { "lr": 2e-05 }, "scheduler": "WarmupLinear", "steps_per_epoch": null, "warmup_steps": 10000, "weight_decay": 0.01 } ``` ## Full Model Architecture ``` SentenceTransformer( (0): Transformer({'max_seq_length': 512, 'do_lower_case': False}) with Transformer model: BertModel (1): Pooling({'word_embedding_dimension': 768, 'pooling_mode_cls_token': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_tokens': True, 'pooling_mode_max_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens': False}) ) ``` ## More Information Read more about this model and how it was built in [this article](
[ "diffusers", "safetensors", "Photorealistic", "Realism", "Girls", "epinikion", "text-to-image", "stable-diffusion", "stable-diffusion-diffusers", "license:creativeml-openrail-m", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "diffusers:StableDiffusionPipeline", "region:us" ]
--- license: creativeml-openrail-m library_name: diffusers pipeline_tag: text-to-image tags: - Photorealistic - Realism - Girls - epinikion - text-to-image - stable-diffusion - stable-diffusion-diffusers - diffusers --- Original page: UPDATE: Now with the 840KVAE baked in! If you like this model, you will love this one!: Samples and prompt: ![Sample]( ![Sample]( (hyperrealist painting of a girl as genie with a sun on each shoulder ), 1940, magazine ad, iconic. by Daniel F. Gerhartz and greg rutkowski, aggressive color palette, elegant, dream, fantasy, dynamic lighting, beautiful, poster, wlop, trending on artstation, wallpaper, 4 k, award winning, digital art, very
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tensorboard", "vit", "image-classification", "generated_from_trainer", "dataset:food101", "license:apache-2.0", "model-index", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 tags: - generated_from_trainer - image-classification - pytorch datasets: - food101 metrics: - accuracy model-index: - name: food101_outputs results: - task: name: Image Classification type: image-classification dataset: name: food-101 type: food101 args: default metrics: - name: Accuracy type: accuracy value: 0.8912871287128713 --- <!-- This model card has been generated automatically according to the information the Trainer had access to. You should probably proofread and complete it, then remove this comment. --> # nateraw/food This model is a fine-tuned version of [google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k]( on the nateraw/food101 dataset. It achieves the following results on the evaluation set: - Loss: 0.4501 - Accuracy: 0.8913 ## Model description More information needed ## Intended uses & limitations More information needed ## Training and evaluation data More information needed ## Training procedure ### Training hyperparameters The following hyperparameters were used during training: - learning_rate: 0.0002 - train_batch_size: 128 - eval_batch_size: 128 - seed: 1337 - optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08 - lr_scheduler_type: linear - num_epochs: 5.0 - mixed_precision_training: Native AMP ### Training results | Training Loss | Epoch | Step | Validation Loss | Accuracy | |:-------------:|:-----:|:----:|:---------------:|:--------:| | 0.8271 | 1.0 | 592 | 0.6070 | 0.8562 | | 0.4376 | 2.0 | 1184 | 0.4947 | 0.8691 | | 0.2089 | 3.0 | 1776 | 0.4876 | 0.8747 | | 0.0882 | 4.0 | 2368 | 0.4639 | 0.8857 | | 0.0452 | 5.0 | 2960 | 0.4501 | 0.8913 | ### Framework versions - Transformers 4.9.0.dev0 - Pytorch 1.9.0+cu102 - Datasets 1.9.1.dev0 - Tokenizers 0.10.3
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "hubert", "feature-extraction", "speech", "en", "dataset:librispeech_asr", "arxiv:2106.07447", "license:apache-2.0", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: en datasets: - librispeech_asr tags: - speech license: apache-2.0 --- # Hubert-Base [Facebook's Hubert]( The base model pretrained on 16kHz sampled speech audio. When using the model make sure that your speech input is also sampled at 16Khz. **Note**: This model does not have a tokenizer as it was pretrained on audio alone. In order to use this model **speech recognition**, a tokenizer should be created and the model should be fine-tuned on labeled text data. Check out [this blog]( for more in-detail explanation of how to fine-tune the model. [Paper]( Authors: Wei-Ning Hsu, Benjamin Bolte, Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Kushal Lakhotia, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Abdelrahman Mohamed **Abstract** Self-supervised approaches for speech representation learning are challenged by three unique problems: (1) there are multiple sound units in each input utterance, (2) there is no lexicon of input sound units during the pre-training phase, and (3) sound units have variable lengths with no explicit segmentation. To deal with these three problems, we propose the Hidden-Unit BERT (HuBERT) approach for self-supervised speech representation learning, which utilizes an offline clustering step to provide aligned target labels for a BERT-like prediction loss. A key ingredient of our approach is applying the prediction loss over the masked regions only, which forces the model to learn a combined acoustic and language model over the continuous inputs. HuBERT relies primarily on the consistency of the unsupervised clustering step rather than the intrinsic quality of the assigned cluster labels. Starting with a simple k-means teacher of 100 clusters, and using two iterations of clustering, the HuBERT model either matches or improves upon the state-of-the-art wav2vec 2.0 performance on the Librispeech (960h) and Libri-light (60,000h) benchmarks with 10min, 1h, 10h, 100h, and 960h fine-tuning subsets. Using a 1B parameter model, HuBERT shows up to 19% and 13% relative WER reduction on the more challenging dev-other and test-other evaluation subsets. The original model can be found under . # Usage See [this blog]( for more information on how to fine-tune the model. Note that the class `Wav2Vec2ForCTC` has to be replaced by `HubertForCTC`.
[ "diffusers", "art", "people", "diffusion", "Cinematic", "Photography", "Landscape", "Interior", "Food", "Car", "Wildlife", "Architecture", "text-to-image", "en", "base_model:stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", "base_model:finetune:stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", "license:creativeml-openrail-m", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "diffusers:StableDiffusionXLPipeline", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en license: creativeml-openrail-m library_name: diffusers tags: - art - people - diffusion - Cinematic - Photography - Landscape - Interior - Food - Car - Wildlife - Architecture thumbnail: >- base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 pipeline_tag: text-to-image --- # Juggernaut X v10 + RunDiffusion Official (Community Version) ![juggernaut X photo previews]( ![RunDiffusion Logo]( This model is not permitted to be used behind API services. Please contact []( for business inquires, commercial licensing, custom models, and consultation. Juggernaut X (SAFE) is available exclusivly on []( 🎉 Juggernaut X World Wide Release! 🌍 After almost two months, we are thrilled to announce the next version of Juggernaut is ready to launch! Introducing Juggernaut 10, aka Juggernaut X. 🚀 If you would have been following us on Twitter (X) you would have been seeing the test images. If you aren't following us, do it now! & Kandoo's new account needs some new followers. Help him out. - TWO Versions of Juggernaut X! SFW 🌟 and NSFW 🔥 - Fully trained from the ground up using the GPT4 Vision Captioning tool by LEOSAM 🛠️ - Much improved prompt adherence ✅ - Expanded and cleaner dataset with higher quality images 🖼️ - Improved classifications of shots (Full Body, Midshots, Portraits, etc) 📸 - Enhanced text generation capability 📝 - Two different prompting techniques, Natural and Tagging style 🏷️ - Enhanced by RunDiffusion Photo for refinement of details 🧐 Read more about this version here Dual Version Release 🔄 A Safe for Work (SFW) and a Not Safe for Work (NSFW) version of Juggernaut X will be available. This dual release strategy is designed to cater to diverse preferences and ensure inclusivity, offering the perfect solution for every user. Our newest Safe for Work edition is available right now exclusively through Fooocus on Launch Fooocus on RunDiffusion Find Juggernaut X_ RunDiffusion_SAFE.safetensors and start generating! It allows users to generate high-quality, suitable images while adhering to safe content guidelines. This version is particularly user-friendly, requiring only simple, straightforward prompts. It's ideal for the workplace, students, educators, and families. SAFE stands for Suitable Ai For Everyone. 🌈 Conversely, the Not Safe for Work version offers unrestricted creative freedom across all categories and spectrums. This model is perfect for those seeking less constrained artistic expression and is available for free on, though a license is required for commercial use. 🎨 Both models of Juggernaut X (v10) represent our commitment to fostering a creative community that respects diverse needs and preferences. 🤝 Prompting Guide 📘 Because everything has been trained from the ground up, prompting is a bit different. (Simpler, don't worry) @Kandoo has created a guide to help you seamlessly integrate this powerful model into your workflow, enabling you to leverage its advanced capabilities without feeling overwhelmed. Download it here: As always, we love our community and feel so lucky to be in this position to bring these awesome tools and models to you amazing diffusers. Thanks for supporting us since our first day back in 2022. Going on TWO YEARS since we first started using generative Ai. Time flies when you're having fun. wow! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter where we have way more updates on big things we're working on. The future is bright -RunDiffusion Team ![](
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "swin", "image-classification", "vision", "dataset:Kaludi/food-category-classification-v2.0", "co2_eq_emissions", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - vision - image-classification datasets: - Kaludi/food-category-classification-v2.0 widget: - src: example_title: Bread - src: example_title: Dairy - src: example_title: Dessert - src: example_title: Egg - src: example_title: Fried Food - src: example_title: Meat - src:; example_title: Seafood - src: example_title: Vegetable co2_eq_emissions: emissions: 12.456278925446485 --- # Food Category Classification v2.0 This is an updated Food Category Image Classifier model of the [old]( model that has been trained by [Kaludi]( to recognize **12** different categories of foods, which includes **Bread**, **Dairy**, **Dessert**, **Egg**, **Fried Food**, **Fruit**, **Meat**, **Noodles**, **Rice**, **Seafood**, **Soup**, and **Vegetable**. It can accurately classify an image of food into one of these categories by analyzing its visual features. This model can be used by food bloggers, restaurants, and recipe websites to quickly categorize and sort their food images, making it easier to manage their content and provide a better user experience. ### Gradio This model supports a [Gradio]( Web UI to run the data-food-classification model: [![Open In HF Spaces](]( ## Validation Metrics - Problem type: Multi-class Classification - Model ID: 3353292434 - CO2 Emissions (in grams): 12.4563 - Loss: 0.144 - Accuracy: 0.960 - Macro F1: 0.959 - Micro F1: 0.960 - Weighted F1: 0.959 - Macro Precision: 0.962 - Micro Precision: 0.960 - Weighted Precision: 0.962 - Macro Recall: 0.960 - Micro Recall: 0.960 - Weighted Recall: 0.960
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "mistral", "text-generation", "LLMs", "math", "Intel", "arxiv:2309.12284", "base_model:Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-1", "base_model:finetune:Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-1", "license:apache-2.0", "model-index", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 tags: - LLMs - mistral - math - Intel base_model: Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-1 model-index: - name: neural-chat-7b-v3-3 results: - task: type: Large Language Model name: Large Language Model dataset: name: meta-math/MetaMathQA type: meta-math/MetaMathQA metrics: - type: ARC (25-shot) value: 66.89 name: ARC (25-shot) verified: true - type: HellaSwag (10-shot) value: 85.26 name: HellaSwag (10-shot) verified: true - type: MMLU (5-shot) value: 63.07 name: MMLU (5-shot) verified: true - type: TruthfulQA (0-shot) value: 63.01 name: TruthfulQA (0-shot) verified: true - type: Winogrande (5-shot) value: 79.64 name: Winogrande (5-shot) verified: true - type: GSM8K (5-shot) value: 61.11 name: GSM8K (5-shot) verified: true - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-Shot) type: ai2_arc config: ARC-Challenge split: test args: num_few_shot: 25 metrics: - type: acc_norm value: 66.89 name: normalized accuracy source: url: name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: HellaSwag (10-Shot) type: hellaswag split: validation args: num_few_shot: 10 metrics: - type: acc_norm value: 85.26 name: normalized accuracy source: url: name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: MMLU (5-Shot) type: cais/mmlu config: all split: test args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 63.07 name: accuracy source: url: name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: TruthfulQA (0-shot) type: truthful_qa config: multiple_choice split: validation args: num_few_shot: 0 metrics: - type: mc2 value: 63.01 source: url: name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: Winogrande (5-shot) type: winogrande config: winogrande_xl split: validation args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 79.64 name: accuracy source: url: name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: GSM8k (5-shot) type: gsm8k config: main split: test args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 61.11 name: accuracy source: url: name: Open LLM Leaderboard --- ## Model Details: Neural-Chat-v3-3 This model is a fine-tuned 7B parameter LLM on the Intel Gaudi 2 processor from the [Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-1]( on the [meta-math/MetaMathQA]( dataset. The model was aligned using the Direct Performance Optimization (DPO) method with [Intel/orca_dpo_pairs]( The [Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-1]( was originally fine-tuned from [mistralai/Mistral-7B-v-0.1]( For more information, refer to the blog [The Practice of Supervised Fine-tuning and Direct Preference Optimization on Intel Gaudi2]( <p align="center"> <img src="" width="500"/> Photo by Google DeepMind on Unsplash </p> | Model Detail | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Model Authors - Company | Intel. The NeuralChat team with members from DCAI/AISE/AIPT. Core team members: Kaokao Lv, Liang Lv, Chang Wang, Wenxin Zhang, Xuhui Ren, and Haihao Shen.| | Date | December, 2023 | | Version | v3-3 | | Type | 7B Large Language Model | | Paper or Other Resources | [Medium Blog]( | | License | Apache 2.0 | | Questions or Comments | [Community Tab]( and [Intel Developers Discord](| | Intended Use | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Primary intended uses | You can use the fine-tuned model for several language-related tasks. Checkout the [LLM Leaderboard]( to see how this model is doing. | | Primary intended users | Anyone doing inference on language-related tasks. | | Out-of-scope uses | This model in most cases will need to be fine-tuned for your particular task. The model should not be used to intentionally create hostile or alienating environments for people.| ## How To Use Context length for this model: 8192 tokens (same as ### Reproduce the model Here is the sample code to reproduce the model: [GitHub sample code]( Here is the documentation to reproduce building the model: ```bash git clone cd intel-extension-for-transformers docker build --no-cache ./ --target hpu --build-arg REPO= --build-arg ITREX_VER=main -f ./intel_extension_for_transformers/neural_chat/docker/Dockerfile -t chatbot_finetuning:latest docker run -it --runtime=habana -e HABANA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e OMPI_MCA_btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism=none --cap-add=sys_nice --net=host --ipc=host chatbot_finetuning:latest # after entering docker container cd examples/finetuning/finetune_neuralchat_v3 ``` We select the latest pretrained mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 and the open source dataset Open-Orca/SlimOrca to conduct the experiment. The below script use deepspeed zero2 to lanuch the training with 8 cards Gaudi2. In the ``, the default `use_habana=True, use_lazy_mode=True, device="hpu"` for Gaudi2. And if you want to run it on NVIDIA GPU, you can set them `use_habana=False, use_lazy_mode=False, device="auto"`. ```python deepspeed --include localhost:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 \ --master_port 29501 \ ``` Merge the LoRA weights: ```python python \ --base-model-path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 \ --lora-model-path finetuned_model/ \ --output-path finetuned_model_lora ``` ### Use the model ### FP32 Inference with Transformers ```python import transformers model_name = 'Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3' model = transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name) tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) def generate_response(system_input, user_input): # Format the input using the provided template prompt = f"### System:\n{system_input}\n### User:\n{user_input}\n### Assistant:\n" # Tokenize and encode the prompt inputs = tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False) # Generate a response outputs = model.generate(inputs, max_length=1000, num_return_sequences=1) response = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) # Extract only the assistant's response return response.split("### Assistant:\n")[-1] # Example usage system_input = "You are a math expert assistant. Your mission is to help users understand and solve various math problems. You should provide step-by-step solutions, explain reasonings and give the correct answer." user_input = "calculate 100 + 520 + 60" response = generate_response(system_input, user_input) print(response) # expected response """ To calculate the sum of 100, 520, and 60, we will follow these steps: 1. Add the first two numbers: 100 + 520 2. Add the result from step 1 to the third number: (100 + 520) + 60 Step 1: Add 100 and 520 100 + 520 = 620 Step 2: Add the result from step 1 to the third number (60) (620) + 60 = 680 So, the sum of 100, 520, and 60 is 680. """ ``` ### BF16 Inference with Intel Extension for Transformers and Intel Extension for Pytorch ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, TextStreamer import torch from intel_extension_for_transformers.transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex model_name = "Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3" prompt = "Once upon a time, there existed a little girl," tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, trust_remote_code=True) inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").input_ids streamer = TextStreamer(tokenizer) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16) model = ipex.optimize(model.eval(), dtype=torch.bfloat16, inplace=True, level="O1", auto_kernel_selection=True) outputs = model.generate(inputs, streamer=streamer, max_new_tokens=300) ``` ### INT4 Inference with Transformers and Intel Extension for Transformers ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, TextStreamer from intel_extension_for_transformers.transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, WeightOnlyQuantConfig model_name = "Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3" # for int8, should set weight_dtype="int8" config = WeightOnlyQuantConfig(compute_dtype="bf16", weight_dtype="int4") prompt = "Once upon a time, there existed a little girl," tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, trust_remote_code=True) inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").input_ids streamer = TextStreamer(tokenizer) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name, quantization_config=config) outputs = model.generate(inputs, streamer=streamer, max_new_tokens=300) ``` | Factors | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Groups | More details about the dataset and annotations can be found at [meta-math/MetaMathQA](, the project page, and the associated paper at | | Instrumentation | The performance of the model can vary depending on the inputs to the model. In this case, the prompts provided can drastically change the prediction of the language model. | | Environment | The model was trained on the Intel Gaudi 2 processor (8 cards). | | Card Prompts | Model deployment on alternate hardware and software will change model performance. The model evaluation factors are from the Hugging Face LLM leaderboard: ARC, HellaSwag, MMLU, TruthfulQA, Winogrande, and GSM8K (see Quantitative Analyses below). | | Metrics | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Model performance measures | The model performance was evaluated against other LLMs according to the measures on the LLM leaderboard. These were selected as this has become the standard for LLM performance. | | Decision thresholds | No decision thresholds were used. | | Approaches to uncertainty and variability | - | | Training and Evaluation Data | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Datasets | The training data are from [meta-math/MetaMathQA](, which is augmented from the GSM8k and MATH training sets. There is no contamination from the GSM8k test set, as this was left out during training.| | Motivation | - | | Preprocessing | - | ## Quantitative Analyses The Open LLM Leaderboard results can be found here: []( The metrics came out to: | Metric | Value | |-----------------------|---------------------------| | Avg. | 69.83 | | ARC (25-shot) | 66.89 | | HellaSwag (10-shot) | 85.26 | | MMLU (5-shot) | 63.07 | | TruthfulQA (0-shot) | 63.01 | | Winogrande (5-shot) | 79.64 | | GSM8K (5-shot) | 61.11 | ## Ethical Considerations and Limitations Neural-chat-7b-v3-3 can produce factually incorrect output, and should not be relied on to produce factually accurate information. Because of the limitations of the pretrained model and the finetuning datasets, it is possible that this model could generate lewd, biased or otherwise offensive outputs. Therefore, before deploying any applications of neural-chat-7b-v3-3, developers should perform safety testing. ## Caveats and Recommendations Users (both direct and downstream) should be made aware of the risks, biases and limitations of the model. Here are a couple of useful links to learn more about Intel's AI software: * Intel Neural Compressor [link]( * Intel Extension for Transformers [link]( ## Disclaimer The license on this model does not constitute legal advice. We are not responsible for the actions of third parties who use this model. Please cosult an attorney before using this model for commercial purposes. # [Open LLM Leaderboard Evaluation Results]( Detailed results can be found [here]( | Metric |Value| |---------------------------------|----:| |Avg. |69.83| |AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-Shot)|66.89| |HellaSwag (10-Shot) |85.26| |MMLU (5-Shot) |63.07| |TruthfulQA (0-shot) |63.01| |Winogrande (5-shot) |79.64| |GSM8k (5-shot) |61.11|
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "codegen", "text-generation", "custom_code", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "baichuan", "text-generation", "custom_code", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "roberta", "text-classification", "en", "dataset:climatebert/climate_detection", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 datasets: - climatebert/climate_detection language: - en metrics: - accuracy --- # Model Card for distilroberta-base-climate-detector ## Model Description This is the fine-tuned ClimateBERT language model with a classification head for detecting climate-related paragraphs. Using the [climatebert/distilroberta-base-climate-f]( language model as starting point, the distilroberta-base-climate-detector model is fine-tuned on our [climatebert/climate_detection]( dataset. *Note: This model is trained on paragraphs. It may not perform well on sentences.* ## Citation Information ```bibtex @techreport{bingler2023cheaptalk, title={How Cheap Talk in Climate Disclosures Relates to Climate Initiatives, Corporate Emissions, and Reputation Risk}, author={Bingler, Julia and Kraus, Mathias and Leippold, Markus and Webersinke, Nicolas}, type={Working paper}, institution={Available at SSRN 3998435}, year={2023} } ``` ## How to Get Started With the Model You can use the model with a pipeline for text classification: ```python from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer, pipeline from transformers.pipelines.pt_utils import KeyDataset import datasets from import tqdm dataset_name = "climatebert/climate_detection" model_name = "climatebert/distilroberta-base-climate-detector" # If you want to use your own data, simply load them as 🤗 Datasets dataset, see dataset = datasets.load_dataset(dataset_name, split="test") model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, max_len=512) pipe = pipeline("text-classification", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, device=0) # See for out in tqdm(pipe(KeyDataset(dataset, "text"), padding=True, truncation=True)): print(out) ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "ced", "audio-classification", "dataset:AudioSet", "arxiv:2308.11957", "license:apache-2.0", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 datasets: - AudioSet metrics: - mAP pipeline_tag: audio-classification --- # CED-Base Model CED are simple ViT-Transformer-based models for audio tagging. Notable differences from other available models include: 1. Simplification for finetuning: Batchnormalization of Mel-Spectrograms. During finetuning one does not need to first compute mean/variance over the dataset, which is common for AST. 1. Support for variable length inputs. Most other models use a static time-frequency position embedding, which hinders the model's generalization to segments shorter than 10s. Many previous transformers simply pad their input to 10s in order to avoid the performance impact, which in turn slows down training/inference drastically. 1. Training/Inference speedup: 64-dimensional mel-filterbanks and 16x16 patches without overlap, leading to 248 patches from a 10s spectrogram. In comparison, AST uses 128 mel-filterbanks with 16x16 (10x10 overlap) convolution, leading to 1212 patches during training/inference. CED-Tiny runs on a common CPU as fast as a comparable MobileNetV3. 1. Performance: CED with 10M parameters outperforms the majority of previous approaches (~80M). ### Model Sources - **Original Repository:** - **Repository:** - **Paper:** [CED: Consistent ensemble distillation for audio tagging]( - **Demo:** ## Install ```bash pip install git+ ``` ## Inference ```python >>> from ced_model.feature_extraction_ced import CedFeatureExtractor >>> from ced_model.modeling_ced import CedForAudioClassification >>> model_name = "mispeech/ced-base" >>> feature_extractor = CedFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(model_name) >>> model = CedForAudioClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) >>> import torchaudio >>> audio, sampling_rate = torchaudio.load("resources/JeD5V5aaaoI_931_932.wav") >>> assert sampling_rate == 16000 >>> inputs = feature_extractor(audio, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt") >>> import torch >>> with torch.no_grad(): ... logits = model(**inputs).logits >>> predicted_class_id = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1).item() >>> model.config.id2label[predicted_class_id] 'Finger snapping' ``` ## Fine-tuning [`example_finetune_esc50.ipynb`]( demonstrates how to train a linear head on the ESC-50 dataset with the CED encoder frozen.
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "jax", "bert", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "safetensors", "tapas", "table-question-answering", "en", "dataset:wikitablequestions", "arxiv:2004.02349", "arxiv:2010.00571", "arxiv:1508.00305", "license:apache-2.0", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: en tags: - tapas - table-question-answering license: apache-2.0 datasets: - wikitablequestions --- # TAPAS large model fine-tuned on WikiTable Questions (WTQ) This model has 2 versions which can be used. The default version corresponds to the `tapas_wtq_wikisql_sqa_inter_masklm_large_reset` checkpoint of the [original Github repository]( This model was pre-trained on MLM and an additional step which the authors call intermediate pre-training, and then fine-tuned in a chain on [SQA](, [WikiSQL]( and finally [WTQ]( It uses relative position embeddings (i.e. resetting the position index at every cell of the table). The other (non-default) version which can be used is: - `no_reset`, which corresponds to `tapas_wtq_wikisql_sqa_inter_masklm_large` (intermediate pre-training, absolute position embeddings). Disclaimer: The team releasing TAPAS did not write a model card for this model so this model card has been written by the Hugging Face team and contributors. ## Results Size | Reset | Dev Accuracy | Link -------- | --------| -------- | ---- **LARGE** | **noreset** | **0.5062** | [tapas-large-finetuned-wtq (with absolute pos embeddings)]( **LARGE** | **reset** | **0.5097** | [tapas-large-finetuned-wtq]( BASE | noreset | 0.4525 | [tapas-base-finetuned-wtq (with absolute pos embeddings)]( BASE | reset | 0.4638 | [tapas-base-finetuned-wtq]( MEDIUM | noreset | 0.4324 | [tapas-medium-finetuned-wtq (with absolute pos embeddings)]( MEDIUM | reset | 0.4324 | [tapas-medium-finetuned-wtq]( SMALL | noreset | 0.3681 | [tapas-small-finetuned-wtq (with absolute pos embeddings)]( SMALL | reset | 0.3762 | [tapas-small-finetuned-wtq]( MINI | noreset | 0.2783 | [tapas-mini-finetuned-wtq (with absolute pos embeddings)]( MINI | reset | 0.2854 | [tapas-mini-finetuned-wtq]( TINY | noreset | 0.0823 | [tapas-tiny-finetuned-wtq (with absolute pos embeddings)]( TINY | reset | 0.1039 | [tapas-tiny-finetuned-wtq]( ## Model description TAPAS is a BERT-like transformers model pretrained on a large corpus of English data from Wikipedia in a self-supervised fashion. This means it was pretrained on the raw tables and associated texts only, with no humans labelling them in any way (which is why it can use lots of publicly available data) with an automatic process to generate inputs and labels from those texts. More precisely, it was pretrained with two objectives: - Masked language modeling (MLM): taking a (flattened) table and associated context, the model randomly masks 15% of the words in the input, then runs the entire (partially masked) sequence through the model. The model then has to predict the masked words. This is different from traditional recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that usually see the words one after the other, or from autoregressive models like GPT which internally mask the future tokens. It allows the model to learn a bidirectional representation of a table and associated text. - Intermediate pre-training: to encourage numerical reasoning on tables, the authors additionally pre-trained the model by creating a balanced dataset of millions of syntactically created training examples. Here, the model must predict (classify) whether a sentence is supported or refuted by the contents of a table. The training examples are created based on synthetic as well as counterfactual statements. This way, the model learns an inner representation of the English language used in tables and associated texts, which can then be used to extract features useful for downstream tasks such as answering questions about a table, or determining whether a sentence is entailed or refuted by the contents of a table. Fine-tuning is done by adding a cell selection head and aggregation head on top of the pre-trained model, and then jointly train these randomly initialized classification heads with the base model on SQa, WikiSQL and finally WTQ. ## Intended uses & limitations You can use this model for answering questions related to a table. For code examples, we refer to the documentation of TAPAS on the HuggingFace website. ## Training procedure ### Preprocessing The texts are lowercased and tokenized using WordPiece and a vocabulary size of 30,000. The inputs of the model are then of the form: ``` [CLS] Question [SEP] Flattened table [SEP] ``` The authors did first convert the WTQ dataset into the format of SQA using automatic conversion scripts. ### Fine-tuning The model was fine-tuned on 32 Cloud TPU v3 cores for 50,000 steps with maximum sequence length 512 and batch size of 512. In this setup, fine-tuning takes around 10 hours. The optimizer used is Adam with a learning rate of 1.93581e-5, and a warmup ratio of 0.128960. An inductive bias is added such that the model only selects cells of the same column. This is reflected by the `select_one_column` parameter of `TapasConfig`. See the [paper]( for more details (tables 11 and 12). ### BibTeX entry and citation info ```bibtex @misc{herzig2020tapas, title={TAPAS: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training}, author={Jonathan Herzig and Paweł Krzysztof Nowak and Thomas Müller and Francesco Piccinno and Julian Martin Eisenschlos}, year={2020}, eprint={2004.02349}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.IR} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{eisenschlos2020understanding, title={Understanding tables with intermediate pre-training}, author={Julian Martin Eisenschlos and Syrine Krichene and Thomas Müller}, year={2020}, eprint={2010.00571}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ``` ```bibtex @article{DBLP:journals/corr/PasupatL15, author = {Panupong Pasupat and Percy Liang}, title = {Compositional Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1508.00305}, year = {2015}, url = {}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1508.00305}, timestamp = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:47:37 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "wav2vec2", "automatic-speech-recognition", "mms", "ab", "af", "ak", "am", "ar", "as", "av", "ay", "az", "ba", "bm", "be", "bn", "bi", "bo", "sh", "br", "bg", "ca", "cs", "ce", "cv", "ku", "cy", "da", "de", "dv", "dz", "el", "en", "eo", "et", "eu", "ee", "fo", "fa", "fj", "fi", "fr", "fy", "ff", "ga", "gl", "gn", "gu", "zh", "ht", "ha", "he", "hi", "hu", "hy", "ig", "ia", "ms", "is", "it", "jv", "ja", "kn", "ka", "kk", "kr", "km", "ki", "rw", "ky", "ko", "kv", "lo", "la", "lv", "ln", "lt", "lb", "lg", "mh", "ml", "mr", "mk", "mg", "mt", "mn", "mi", "my", "nl", "no", "ne", "ny", "oc", "om", "or", "os", "pa", "pl", "pt", "ps", "qu", "ro", "rn", "ru", "sg", "sk", "sl", "sm", "sn", "sd", "so", "es", "sq", "su", "sv", "sw", "ta", "tt", "te", "tg", "tl", "th", "ti", "ts", "tr", "uk", "vi", "wo", "xh", "yo", "zu", "za", "dataset:google/fleurs", "arxiv:2305.13516", "license:cc-by-nc-4.0", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - mms language: - ab - af - ak - am - ar - as - av - ay - az - ba - bm - be - bn - bi - bo - sh - br - bg - ca - cs - ce - cv - ku - cy - da - de - dv - dz - el - en - eo - et - eu - ee - fo - fa - fj - fi - fr - fy - ff - ga - gl - gn - gu - zh - ht - ha - he - hi - sh - hu - hy - ig - ia - ms - is - it - jv - ja - kn - ka - kk - kr - km - ki - rw - ky - ko - kv - lo - la - lv - ln - lt - lb - lg - mh - ml - mr - ms - mk - mg - mt - mn - mi - my - zh - nl - 'no' - 'no' - ne - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pl - pt - ms - ps - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - qu - ro - rn - ru - sg - sk - sl - sm - sn - sd - so - es - sq - su - sv - sw - ta - tt - te - tg - tl - th - ti - ts - tr - uk - ms - vi - wo - xh - ms - yo - ms - zu - za license: cc-by-nc-4.0 datasets: - google/fleurs metrics: - wer --- # Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) - Finetuned ASR - ALL This checkpoint is a model fine-tuned for multi-lingual ASR and part of Facebook's [Massive Multilingual Speech project]( This checkpoint is based on the [Wav2Vec2 architecture]( and makes use of adapter models to transcribe 1000+ languages. The checkpoint consists of **1 billion parameters** and has been fine-tuned from [facebook/mms-1b]( on 1162 languages. ## Table Of Content - [Example](#example) - [Supported Languages](#supported-languages) - [Model details](#model-details) - [Additional links](#additional-links) ## Example This MMS checkpoint can be used with [Transformers]( to transcribe audio of 1107 different languages. Let's look at a simple example. First, we install transformers and some other libraries ``` pip install torch accelerate torchaudio datasets pip install --upgrade transformers ```` **Note**: In order to use MMS you need to have at least `transformers >= 4.30` installed. If the `4.30` version is not yet available [on PyPI]( make sure to install `transformers` from source: ``` pip install git+ ``` Next, we load a couple of audio samples via `datasets`. Make sure that the audio data is sampled to 16000 kHz. ```py from datasets import load_dataset, Audio # English stream_data = load_dataset("mozilla-foundation/common_voice_13_0", "en", split="test", streaming=True) stream_data = stream_data.cast_column("audio", Audio(sampling_rate=16000)) en_sample = next(iter(stream_data))["audio"]["array"] # French stream_data = load_dataset("mozilla-foundation/common_voice_13_0", "fr", split="test", streaming=True) stream_data = stream_data.cast_column("audio", Audio(sampling_rate=16000)) fr_sample = next(iter(stream_data))["audio"]["array"] ``` Next, we load the model and processor ```py from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForCTC, AutoProcessor import torch model_id = "facebook/mms-1b-all" processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id) model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained(model_id) ``` Now we process the audio data, pass the processed audio data to the model and transcribe the model output, just like we usually do for Wav2Vec2 models such as [facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h]( ```py inputs = processor(en_sample, sampling_rate=16_000, return_tensors="pt") with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs).logits ids = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=-1)[0] transcription = processor.decode(ids) # 'joe keton disapproved of films and buster also had reservations about the media' ``` We can now keep the same model in memory and simply switch out the language adapters by calling the convenient [`load_adapter()`]() function for the model and [`set_target_lang()`]() for the tokenizer. We pass the target language as an input - "fra" for French. ```py processor.tokenizer.set_target_lang("fra") model.load_adapter("fra") inputs = processor(fr_sample, sampling_rate=16_000, return_tensors="pt") with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs).logits ids = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=-1)[0] transcription = processor.decode(ids) # "ce dernier est volé tout au long de l'histoire romaine" ``` In the same way the language can be switched out for all other supported languages. Please have a look at: ```py processor.tokenizer.vocab.keys() ``` For more details, please have a look at [the official docs]( ## Supported Languages This model supports 1162 languages. Unclick the following to toogle all supported languages of this checkpoint in [ISO 639-3 code]( You can find more details about the languages and their ISO 649-3 codes in the [MMS Language Coverage Overview]( <details> <summary>Click to toggle</summary> - abi - abk - abp - aca - acd - ace - acf - ach - acn - acr - acu - ade - adh - adj - adx - aeu - afr - agd - agg - agn - agr - agu - agx - aha - ahk - aia - aka - akb - ake - akp - alj - alp - alt - alz - ame - amf - amh - ami - amk - ann - any - aoz - apb - apr - ara - arl - asa - asg - asm - ast - ata - atb - atg - ati - atq - ava - avn - avu - awa - awb - ayo - ayr - ayz - azb - azg - azj-script_cyrillic - azj-script_latin - azz - bak - bam - ban - bao - bas - bav - bba - bbb - bbc - bbo - bcc-script_arabic - bcc-script_latin - bcl - bcw - bdg - bdh - bdq - bdu - bdv - beh - bel - bem - ben - bep - bex - bfa - bfo - bfy - bfz - bgc - bgq - bgr - bgt - bgw - bha - bht - bhz - bib - bim - bis - biv - bjr - bjv - bjw - bjz - bkd - bkv - blh - blt - blx - blz - bmq - bmr - bmu - bmv - bng - bno - bnp - boa - bod - boj - bom - bor - bos - bov - box - bpr - bps - bqc - bqi - bqj - bqp - bre - bru - bsc - bsq - bss - btd - bts - btt - btx - bud - bul - bus - bvc - bvz - bwq - bwu - byr - bzh - bzi - bzj - caa - cab - cac-dialect_sanmateoixtatan - cac-dialect_sansebastiancoatan - cak-dialect_central - cak-dialect_santamariadejesus - cak-dialect_santodomingoxenacoj - cak-dialect_southcentral - cak-dialect_western - cak-dialect_yepocapa - cap - car - cas - cat - cax - cbc - cbi - cbr - cbs - cbt - cbu - cbv - cce - cco - cdj - ceb - ceg - cek - ces - cfm - cgc - che - chf - chv - chz - cjo - cjp - cjs - ckb - cko - ckt - cla - cle - cly - cme - cmn-script_simplified - cmo-script_khmer - cmo-script_latin - cmr - cnh - cni - cnl - cnt - coe - cof - cok - con - cot - cou - cpa - cpb - cpu - crh - crk-script_latin - crk-script_syllabics - crn - crq - crs - crt - csk - cso - ctd - ctg - cto - ctu - cuc - cui - cuk - cul - cwa - cwe - cwt - cya - cym - daa - dah - dan - dar - dbj - dbq - ddn - ded - des - deu - dga - dgi - dgk - dgo - dgr - dhi - did - dig - dik - dip - div - djk - dnj-dialect_blowowest - dnj-dialect_gweetaawueast - dnt - dnw - dop - dos - dsh - dso - dtp - dts - dug - dwr - dyi - dyo - dyu - dzo - eip - eka - ell - emp - enb - eng - enx - epo - ese - ess - est - eus - evn - ewe - eza - fal - fao - far - fas - fij - fin - flr - fmu - fon - fra - frd - fry - ful - gag-script_cyrillic - gag-script_latin - gai - gam - gau - gbi - gbk - gbm - gbo - gde - geb - gej - gil - gjn - gkn - gld - gle - glg - glk - gmv - gna - gnd - gng - gof-script_latin - gog - gor - gqr - grc - gri - grn - grt - gso - gub - guc - gud - guh - guj - guk - gum - guo - guq - guu - gux - gvc - gvl - gwi - gwr - gym - gyr - had - hag - hak - hap - hat - hau - hay - heb - heh - hif - hig - hil - hin - hlb - hlt - hne - hnn - hns - hoc - hoy - hrv - hsb - hto - hub - hui - hun - hus-dialect_centralveracruz - hus-dialect_westernpotosino - huu - huv - hvn - hwc - hye - hyw - iba - ibo - icr - idd - ifa - ifb - ife - ifk - ifu - ify - ign - ikk - ilb - ilo - imo - ina - inb - ind - iou - ipi - iqw - iri - irk - isl - ita - itl - itv - ixl-dialect_sangasparchajul - ixl-dialect_sanjuancotzal - ixl-dialect_santamarianebaj - izr - izz - jac - jam - jav - jbu - jen - jic - jiv - jmc - jmd - jpn - jun - juy - jvn - kaa - kab - kac - kak - kam - kan - kao - kaq - kat - kay - kaz - kbo - kbp - kbq - kbr - kby - kca - kcg - kdc - kde - kdh - kdi - kdj - kdl - kdn - kdt - kea - kek - ken - keo - ker - key - kez - kfb - kff-script_telugu - kfw - kfx - khg - khm - khq - kia - kij - kik - kin - kir - kjb - kje - kjg - kjh - kki - kkj - kle - klu - klv - klw - kma - kmd - kml - kmr-script_arabic - kmr-script_cyrillic - kmr-script_latin - kmu - knb - kne - knf - knj - knk - kno - kog - kor - kpq - kps - kpv - kpy - kpz - kqe - kqp - kqr - kqy - krc - kri - krj - krl - krr - krs - kru - ksb - ksr - kss - ktb - ktj - kub - kue - kum - kus - kvn - kvw - kwd - kwf - kwi - kxc - kxf - kxm - kxv - kyb - kyc - kyf - kyg - kyo - kyq - kyu - kyz - kzf - lac - laj - lam - lao - las - lat - lav - law - lbj - lbw - lcp - lee - lef - lem - lew - lex - lgg - lgl - lhu - lia - lid - lif - lin - lip - lis - lit - lje - ljp - llg - lln - lme - lnd - lns - lob - lok - lom - lon - loq - lsi - lsm - ltz - luc - lug - luo - lwo - lww - lzz - maa-dialect_sanantonio - maa-dialect_sanjeronimo - mad - mag - mah - mai - maj - mak - mal - mam-dialect_central - mam-dialect_northern - mam-dialect_southern - mam-dialect_western - maq - mar - maw - maz - mbb - mbc - mbh - mbj - mbt - mbu - mbz - mca - mcb - mcd - mco - mcp - mcq - mcu - mda - mdf - mdv - mdy - med - mee - mej - men - meq - met - mev - mfe - mfh - mfi - mfk - mfq - mfy - mfz - mgd - mge - mgh - mgo - mhi - mhr - mhu - mhx - mhy - mib - mie - mif - mih - mil - mim - min - mio - mip - miq - mit - miy - miz - mjl - mjv - mkd - mkl - mkn - mlg - mlt - mmg - mnb - mnf - mnk - mnw - mnx - moa - mog - mon - mop - mor - mos - mox - moz - mpg - mpm - mpp - mpx - mqb - mqf - mqj - mqn - mri - mrw - msy - mtd - mtj - mto - muh - mup - mur - muv - muy - mvp - mwq - mwv - mxb - mxq - mxt - mxv - mya - myb - myk - myl - myv - myx - myy - mza - mzi - mzj - mzk - mzm - mzw - nab - nag - nan - nas - naw - nca - nch - ncj - ncl - ncu - ndj - ndp - ndv - ndy - ndz - neb - new - nfa - nfr - nga - ngl - ngp - ngu - nhe - nhi - nhu - nhw - nhx - nhy - nia - nij - nim - nin - nko - nlc - nld - nlg - nlk - nmz - nnb - nno - nnq - nnw - noa - nob - nod - nog - not - npi - npl - npy - nso - nst - nsu - ntm - ntr - nuj - nus - nuz - nwb - nxq - nya - nyf - nyn - nyo - nyy - nzi - obo - oci - ojb-script_latin - ojb-script_syllabics - oku - old - omw - onb - ood - orm - ory - oss - ote - otq - ozm - pab - pad - pag - pam - pan - pao - pap - pau - pbb - pbc - pbi - pce - pcm - peg - pez - pib - pil - pir - pis - pjt - pkb - pls - plw - pmf - pny - poh-dialect_eastern - poh-dialect_western - poi - pol - por - poy - ppk - pps - prf - prk - prt - pse - pss - ptu - pui - pus - pwg - pww - pxm - qub - quc-dialect_central - quc-dialect_east - quc-dialect_north - quf - quh - qul - quw - quy - quz - qvc - qve - qvh - qvm - qvn - qvo - qvs - qvw - qvz - qwh - qxh - qxl - qxn - qxo - qxr - rah - rai - rap - rav - raw - rej - rel - rgu - rhg - rif-script_arabic - rif-script_latin - ril - rim - rjs - rkt - rmc-script_cyrillic - rmc-script_latin - rmo - rmy-script_cyrillic - rmy-script_latin - rng - rnl - roh-dialect_sursilv - roh-dialect_vallader - rol - ron - rop - rro - rub - ruf - rug - run - rus - sab - sag - sah - saj - saq - sas - sat - sba - sbd - sbl - sbp - sch - sck - sda - sea - seh - ses - sey - sgb - sgj - sgw - shi - shk - shn - sho - shp - sid - sig - sil - sja - sjm - sld - slk - slu - slv - sml - smo - sna - snd - sne - snn - snp - snw - som - soy - spa - spp - spy - sqi - sri - srm - srn - srp-script_cyrillic - srp-script_latin - srx - stn - stp - suc - suk - sun - sur - sus - suv - suz - swe - swh - sxb - sxn - sya - syl - sza - tac - taj - tam - tao - tap - taq - tat - tav - tbc - tbg - tbk - tbl - tby - tbz - tca - tcc - tcs - tcz - tdj - ted - tee - tel - tem - teo - ter - tes - tew - tex - tfr - tgj - tgk - tgl - tgo - tgp - tha - thk - thl - tih - tik - tir - tkr - tlb - tlj - tly - tmc - tmf - tna - tng - tnk - tnn - tnp - tnr - tnt - tob - toc - toh - tom - tos - tpi - tpm - tpp - tpt - trc - tri - trn - trs - tso - tsz - ttc - tte - ttq-script_tifinagh - tue - tuf - tuk-script_arabic - tuk-script_latin - tuo - tur - tvw - twb - twe - twu - txa - txq - txu - tye - tzh-dialect_bachajon - tzh-dialect_tenejapa - tzj-dialect_eastern - tzj-dialect_western - tzo-dialect_chamula - tzo-dialect_chenalho - ubl - ubu - udm - udu - uig-script_arabic - uig-script_cyrillic - ukr - umb - unr - upv - ura - urb - urd-script_arabic - urd-script_devanagari - urd-script_latin - urk - urt - ury - usp - uzb-script_cyrillic - uzb-script_latin - vag - vid - vie - vif - vmw - vmy - vot - vun - vut - wal-script_ethiopic - wal-script_latin - wap - war - waw - way - wba - wlo - wlx - wmw - wob - wol - wsg - wwa - xal - xdy - xed - xer - xho - xmm - xnj - xnr - xog - xon - xrb - xsb - xsm - xsr - xsu - xta - xtd - xte - xtm - xtn - xua - xuo - yaa - yad - yal - yam - yao - yas - yat - yaz - yba - ybb - ycl - ycn - yea - yka - yli - yor - yre - yua - yue-script_traditional - yuz - yva - zaa - zab - zac - zad - zae - zai - zam - zao - zaq - zar - zas - zav - zaw - zca - zga - zim - ziw - zlm - zmz - zne - zos - zpc - zpg - zpi - zpl - zpm - zpo - zpt - zpu - zpz - ztq - zty - zul - zyb - zyp - zza </details> ## Model details - **Developed by:** Vineel Pratap et al. - **Model type:** Multi-Lingual Automatic Speech Recognition model - **Language(s):** 1000+ languages, see [supported languages](#supported-languages) - **License:** CC-BY-NC 4.0 license - **Num parameters**: 1 billion - **Audio sampling rate**: 16,000 kHz - **Cite as:** @article{pratap2023mms, title={Scaling Speech Technology to 1,000+ Languages}, author={Vineel Pratap and Andros Tjandra and Bowen Shi and Paden Tomasello and Arun Babu and Sayani Kundu and Ali Elkahky and Zhaoheng Ni and Apoorv Vyas and Maryam Fazel-Zarandi and Alexei Baevski and Yossi Adi and Xiaohui Zhang and Wei-Ning Hsu and Alexis Conneau and Michael Auli}, journal={arXiv}, year={2023} } ## Additional Links - [Blog post]( - [Transformers documentation]( - [Paper]( - [GitHub Repository]( - [Other **MMS** checkpoints]( - MMS base checkpoints: - [facebook/mms-1b]( - [facebook/mms-300m]( - [Official Space](
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "llama", "feature-extraction", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- {} --- We log statistics to see if any envs are breaking
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "roberta", "fill-mask", "arxiv:2302.05527", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
This is a `microsoft/codebert-base-mlm` model, trained for 1,000,000 steps (with `batch_size=32`) on **Java** code from the `codeparrot/github-code-clean` dataset, on the masked-language-modeling task. It is intended to be used in CodeBERTScore: [](, but can be used for any other model or task. For more information, see: []( ## Citation If you use this model for research, please cite: ``` @article{zhou2023codebertscore, url = {}, author = {Zhou, Shuyan and Alon, Uri and Agarwal, Sumit and Neubig, Graham}, title = {CodeBERTScore: Evaluating Code Generation with Pretrained Models of Code}, publisher = {arXiv}, year = {2023}, } ```
[ "diffusers", "safetensors", "stable-diffusion", "controlnet", "qrcode", "en", "license:openrail++", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - stable-diffusion - controlnet - qrcode license: openrail++ language: - en --- # Controlnet QR Code Monster v2 For SD-1.5 ![QR code in shape of a blue monster, reading ""](images/monster.png) ## Model Description This model is made to generate creative QR codes that still scan. Keep in mind that not all generated codes might be readable, but you can try different parameters and prompts to get the desired results. **NEW VERSION** Introducing the upgraded version of our model - Controlnet QR code Monster v2. V2 is a huge upgrade over v1, for scannability AND creativity. QR codes can now seamlessly blend the image by using a gray-colored background (#808080). As with the former version, the readability of some generated codes may vary, however playing around with parameters and prompts could yield better results. You can find in in the `v2/` subfolder. ## How to Use - **Condition**: QR codes are passed as condition images with a module size of 16px. Use a higher error correction level to make it easier to read (sometimes a lower level can be easier to read if smaller in size). Use a gray background for the rest of the image to make the code integrate better. - **Prompts**: Use a prompt to guide the QR code generation. The output will highly depend on the given prompt. Some seem to be really easily accepted by the qr code process, some will require careful tweaking to get good results. - **Controlnet guidance scale**: Set the controlnet guidance scale value: - High values: The generated QR code will be more readable. - Low values: The generated QR code will be more creative. ### Tips - For an optimally readable output, try generating multiple QR codes with similar parameters, then choose the best ones. - Use the Image-to-Image feature to improve the readability of a generated QR code: - Decrease the denoising strength to retain more of the original image. - Increase the controlnet guidance scale value for better readability. A typical workflow for "saving" a code would be : Max out the guidance scale and minimize the denoising strength, then bump the strength until the code scans. ## Example Outputs Here are some examples of creative, yet scannable QR codes produced by our model: ![City ruins with a building facade in shape of a QR code, reading ""](images/architecture.png) ![QR code in shape of a tree, reading ""](images/tree.png) ![A gothic sculpture in shape of a QR code, reading ""](images/skulls.png) Feel free to experiment with prompts, parameters, and the Image-to-Image feature to achieve the desired QR code output. Good luck and have fun!
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "jax", "roberta", "fill-mask", "license:mit", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: mit --- # <a name="introduction"></a> BERTweet: A pre-trained language model for English Tweets BERTweet is the first public large-scale language model pre-trained for English Tweets. BERTweet is trained based on the [RoBERTa]( pre-training procedure. The corpus used to pre-train BERTweet consists of 850M English Tweets (16B word tokens ~ 80GB), containing 845M Tweets streamed from 01/2012 to 08/2019 and 5M Tweets related to the **COVID-19** pandemic. The general architecture and experimental results of BERTweet can be found in our [paper]( @inproceedings{bertweet, title = {{BERTweet: A pre-trained language model for English Tweets}}, author = {Dat Quoc Nguyen and Thanh Vu and Anh Tuan Nguyen}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations}, pages = {9--14}, year = {2020} } **Please CITE** our paper when BERTweet is used to help produce published results or is incorporated into other software. For further information or requests, please go to [BERTweet's homepage](! ### Main results <p float="left"> <img width="275" alt="postagging" src="" /> <img width="275" alt="ner" src="" /> </p> <p float="left"> <img width="275" alt="sentiment" src="" /> <img width="275" alt="irony" src="" /> </p>
[ "diffusers", "text-to-image", "stable-diffusion", "arxiv:2402.13929", "license:openrail++", "region:us" ]
--- license: openrail++ tags: - text-to-image - stable-diffusion library_name: diffusers inference: false --- # SDXL-Lightning ![Intro Image](sdxl_lightning_samples.jpg) SDXL-Lightning is a lightning-fast text-to-image generation model. It can generate high-quality 1024px images in a few steps. For more information, please refer to our research paper: [SDXL-Lightning: Progressive Adversarial Diffusion Distillation]( We open-source the model as part of the research. Our models are distilled from [stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0]( This repository contains checkpoints for 1-step, 2-step, 4-step, and 8-step distilled models. The generation quality of our 2-step, 4-step, and 8-step model is amazing. Our 1-step model is more experimental. We provide both full UNet and LoRA checkpoints. The full UNet models have the best quality while the LoRA models can be applied to other base models. ## Demos * Generate with all configurations, best quality: [Demo]( ## Checkpoints * `sdxl_lightning_Nstep.safetensors`: All-in-one checkpoint, for ComfyUI. * `sdxl_lightning_Nstep_unet.safetensors`: UNet checkpoint only, for Diffusers. * `sdxl_lightning_Nstep_lora.safetensors`: LoRA checkpoint, for Diffusers and ComfyUI. ## Diffusers Usage Please always use the correct checkpoint for the corresponding inference steps. ### 2-Step, 4-Step, 8-Step UNet ```python import torch from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLPipeline, UNet2DConditionModel, EulerDiscreteScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from safetensors.torch import load_file base = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0" repo = "ByteDance/SDXL-Lightning" ckpt = "sdxl_lightning_4step_unet.safetensors" # Use the correct ckpt for your step setting! # Load model. unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_config(base, subfolder="unet").to("cuda", torch.float16) unet.load_state_dict(load_file(hf_hub_download(repo, ckpt), device="cuda")) pipe = StableDiffusionXLPipeline.from_pretrained(base, unet=unet, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16").to("cuda") # Ensure sampler uses "trailing" timesteps. pipe.scheduler = EulerDiscreteScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config, timestep_spacing="trailing") # Ensure using the same inference steps as the loaded model and CFG set to 0. pipe("A girl smiling", num_inference_steps=4, guidance_scale=0).images[0].save("output.png") ``` ### 2-Step, 4-Step, 8-Step LoRA Use LoRA only if you are using non-SDXL base models. Otherwise use our UNet checkpoint for better quality. ```python import torch from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLPipeline, EulerDiscreteScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download base = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0" repo = "ByteDance/SDXL-Lightning" ckpt = "sdxl_lightning_4step_lora.safetensors" # Use the correct ckpt for your step setting! # Load model. pipe = StableDiffusionXLPipeline.from_pretrained(base, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16").to("cuda") pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download(repo, ckpt)) pipe.fuse_lora() # Ensure sampler uses "trailing" timesteps. pipe.scheduler = EulerDiscreteScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config, timestep_spacing="trailing") # Ensure using the same inference steps as the loaded model and CFG set to 0. pipe("A girl smiling", num_inference_steps=4, guidance_scale=0).images[0].save("output.png") ``` ### 1-Step UNet The 1-step model is only experimental and the quality is much less stable. Consider using the 2-step model for much better quality. The 1-step model uses "sample" prediction instead of "epsilon" prediction! The scheduler needs to be configured correctly. ```python import torch from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLPipeline, UNet2DConditionModel, EulerDiscreteScheduler from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from safetensors.torch import load_file base = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0" repo = "ByteDance/SDXL-Lightning" ckpt = "sdxl_lightning_1step_unet_x0.safetensors" # Use the correct ckpt for your step setting! # Load model. unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_config(base, subfolder="unet").to("cuda", torch.float16) unet.load_state_dict(load_file(hf_hub_download(repo, ckpt), device="cuda")) pipe = StableDiffusionXLPipeline.from_pretrained(base, unet=unet, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16").to("cuda") # Ensure sampler uses "trailing" timesteps and "sample" prediction type. pipe.scheduler = EulerDiscreteScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config, timestep_spacing="trailing", prediction_type="sample") # Ensure using the same inference steps as the loaded model and CFG set to 0. pipe("A girl smiling", num_inference_steps=1, guidance_scale=0).images[0].save("output.png") ``` ## ComfyUI Usage Please always use the correct checkpoint for the corresponding inference steps. Please use Euler sampler with sgm_uniform scheduler. ### 2-Step, 4-Step, 8-Step Full 1. Download the full checkpoint (`sdxl_lightning_Nstep.safetensors`) to `/ComfyUI/models/checkpoints`. 1. Download our [ComfyUI full workflow](comfyui/sdxl_lightning_workflow_full.json). ![SDXL-Lightning ComfyUI Full Workflow](comfyui/sdxl_lightning_workflow_full.jpg) ### 2-Step, 4-Step, 8-Step LoRA Use LoRA only if you are using non-SDXL base models. Otherwise use our full checkpoint for better quality. 1. Prepare your own base model. 1. Download the LoRA checkpoint (`sdxl_lightning_Nstep_lora.safetensors`) to `/ComfyUI/models/loras` 1. Download our [ComfyUI LoRA workflow](comfyui/sdxl_lightning_workflow_lora.json). ![SDXL-Lightning ComfyUI LoRA Workflow](comfyui/sdxl_lightning_workflow_lora.jpg) ### 1-Step The 1-step model is only experimental and the quality is much less stable. Consider using the 2-step model for much better quality. 1. Update your ComfyUI to the latest version. 1. Download the full checkpoint (`sdxl_lightning_1step_x0.safetensors`) to `/ComfyUI/models/checkpoints`. 1. Download our [ComfyUI full 1-step workflow](comfyui/sdxl_lightning_workflow_full_1step.json). ![SDXL-Lightning ComfyUI Full 1-Step Workflow](comfyui/sdxl_lightning_workflow_full_1step.jpg) ## Cite Our Work ``` @misc{lin2024sdxllightning, title={SDXL-Lightning: Progressive Adversarial Diffusion Distillation}, author={Shanchuan Lin and Anran Wang and Xiao Yang}, year={2024}, eprint={2402.13929}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "mixtral", "text-generation", "conversational", "fr", "it", "de", "es", "en", "base_model:mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1", "base_model:quantized:mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "4-bit", "gptq", "region:us" ]
--- base_model: mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 inference: false language: - fr - it - de - es - en license: apache-2.0 model_creator: Mistral AI_ model_name: Mixtral 8X7B Instruct v0.1 model_type: mixtral prompt_template: '[INST] {prompt} [/INST] ' quantized_by: TheBloke widget: - output: text: 'Arr, shiver me timbers! Ye have a llama on yer lawn, ye say? Well, that be a new one for me! Here''s what I''d suggest, arr: 1. Firstly, ensure yer safety. Llamas may look gentle, but they can be protective if they feel threatened. 2. Try to make the area less appealing to the llama. Remove any food sources or water that might be attracting it. 3. Contact local animal control or a wildlife rescue organization. They be the experts and can provide humane ways to remove the llama from yer property. 4. If ye have any experience with animals, you could try to gently herd the llama towards a nearby field or open space. But be careful, arr! Remember, arr, it be important to treat the llama with respect and care. It be a creature just trying to survive, like the rest of us.' text: '[INST] You are a pirate chatbot who always responds with Arr and pirate speak! There''s a llama on my lawn, how can I get rid of him? [/INST]' --- <!-- markdownlint-disable MD041 --> <!-- header start --> <!-- 200823 --> <div style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <img src="" alt="TheBlokeAI" style="width: 100%; min-width: 400px; display: block; margin: auto;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; width: 100%;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start;"> <p style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><a href="">Chat & support: TheBloke's Discord server</a></p> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-end;"> <p style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><a href="">Want to contribute? TheBloke's Patreon page</a></p> </div> </div> <div style="text-align:center; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em"><p style="margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0em;">TheBloke's LLM work is generously supported by a grant from <a href="">andreessen horowitz (a16z)</a></p></div> <hr style="margin-top: 1.0em; margin-bottom: 1.0em;"> <!-- header end --> # Mixtral 8X7B Instruct v0.1 - GPTQ - Model creator: [Mistral AI_]( - Original model: [Mixtral 8X7B Instruct v0.1]( <!-- description start --> # Description This repo contains GPTQ model files for [Mistral AI_'s Mixtral 8X7B Instruct v0.1]( Mixtral GPTQs currently require: * Transformers 4.36.0 or later * either, AutoGPTQ 0.6 compiled from source, or * Transformers 4.37.0.dev0 compiled from Github with: `pip3 install git+` Multiple GPTQ parameter permutations are provided; see Provided Files below for details of the options provided, their parameters, and the software used to create them. <!-- description end --> <!-- repositories-available start --> ## Repositories available * [AWQ model(s) for GPU inference.]( * [GPTQ models for GPU inference, with multiple quantisation parameter options.]( * [2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-bit GGUF models for CPU+GPU inference]( * [Mistral AI_'s original unquantised fp16 model in pytorch format, for GPU inference and for further conversions]( <!-- repositories-available end --> <!-- prompt-template start --> ## Prompt template: Mistral ``` [INST] {prompt} [/INST] ``` <!-- prompt-template end --> <!-- clients start --> ## Known compatible clients / servers GPTQ models are currently supported on Linux (NVidia/AMD) and Windows (NVidia only). macOS users: please use GGUF models. Mixtral GPTQs currently have special requirements - see Description above. <!-- clients end --> <!-- start --> ## Provided files, and GPTQ parameters Multiple quantisation parameters are provided, to allow you to choose the best one for your hardware and requirements. Each separate quant is in a different branch. See below for instructions on fetching from different branches. Most GPTQ files are made with AutoGPTQ. Mistral models are currently made with Transformers. <details> <summary>Explanation of GPTQ parameters</summary> - Bits: The bit size of the quantised model. - GS: GPTQ group size. Higher numbers use less VRAM, but have lower quantisation accuracy. "None" is the lowest possible value. - Act Order: True or False. Also known as `desc_act`. True results in better quantisation accuracy. Some GPTQ clients have had issues with models that use Act Order plus Group Size, but this is generally resolved now. - Damp %: A GPTQ parameter that affects how samples are processed for quantisation. 0.01 is default, but 0.1 results in slightly better accuracy. - GPTQ dataset: The calibration dataset used during quantisation. Using a dataset more appropriate to the model's training can improve quantisation accuracy. Note that the GPTQ calibration dataset is not the same as the dataset used to train the model - please refer to the original model repo for details of the training dataset(s). - Sequence Length: The length of the dataset sequences used for quantisation. Ideally this is the same as the model sequence length. For some very long sequence models (16+K), a lower sequence length may have to be used. Note that a lower sequence length does not limit the sequence length of the quantised model. It only impacts the quantisation accuracy on longer inference sequences. - ExLlama Compatibility: Whether this file can be loaded with ExLlama, which currently only supports Llama and Mistral models in 4-bit. </details> | Branch | Bits | GS | Act Order | Damp % | GPTQ Dataset | Seq Len | Size | ExLlama | Desc | | ------ | ---- | -- | --------- | ------ | ------------ | ------- | ---- | ------- | ---- | | [main]( | 4 | None | Yes | 0.1 | [VMware Open Instruct]( | 8192 | 23.81 GB | No | 4-bit, with Act Order. No group size, to lower VRAM requirements. | | [gptq-4bit-128g-actorder_True]( | 4 | 128 | Yes | 0.1 | [VMware Open Instruct]( | 8192 | 24.70 GB | No | 4-bit, with Act Order and group size 128g. Uses even less VRAM than 64g, but with slightly lower accuracy. | | [gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True]( | 4 | 32 | Yes | 0.1 | [VMware Open Instruct]( | 8192 | 27.42 GB | No | 4-bit, with Act Order and group size 32g. Gives highest possible inference quality, with maximum VRAM usage. | | [gptq-3bit--1g-actorder_True]( | 3 | None | Yes | 0.1 | [VMware Open Instruct]( | 8192 | 18.01 GB | No | 3-bit, with Act Order and no group size. Lowest possible VRAM requirements. May be lower quality than 3-bit 128g. | | [gptq-3bit-128g-actorder_True]( | 3 | 128 | Yes | 0.1 | [VMware Open Instruct]( | 8192 | 18.85 GB | No | 3-bit, with group size 128g and act-order. Higher quality than 128g-False. | | [gptq-8bit--1g-actorder_True]( | 8 | None | Yes | 0.1 | [VMware Open Instruct]( | 8192 | 47.04 GB | No | 8-bit, with Act Order. No group size, to lower VRAM requirements. | | [gptq-8bit-128g-actorder_True]( | 8 | 128 | Yes | 0.1 | [VMware Open Instruct]( | 8192 | 48.10 GB | No | 8-bit, with group size 128g for higher inference quality and with Act Order for even higher accuracy. | <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to download, including from branches ### In text-generation-webui To download from the `main` branch, enter `TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ` in the "Download model" box. To download from another branch, add `:branchname` to the end of the download name, eg `TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ:gptq-4bit-128g-actorder_True` ### From the command line I recommend using the `huggingface-hub` Python library: ```shell pip3 install huggingface-hub ``` To download the `main` branch to a folder called `Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ`: ```shell mkdir Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ --local-dir Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ --local-dir-use-symlinks False ``` To download from a different branch, add the `--revision` parameter: ```shell mkdir Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ --revision gptq-4bit-128g-actorder_True --local-dir Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ --local-dir-use-symlinks False ``` <details> <summary>More advanced huggingface-cli download usage</summary> If you remove the `--local-dir-use-symlinks False` parameter, the files will instead be stored in the central Hugging Face cache directory (default location on Linux is: `~/.cache/huggingface`), and symlinks will be added to the specified `--local-dir`, pointing to their real location in the cache. This allows for interrupted downloads to be resumed, and allows you to quickly clone the repo to multiple places on disk without triggering a download again. The downside, and the reason why I don't list that as the default option, is that the files are then hidden away in a cache folder and it's harder to know where your disk space is being used, and to clear it up if/when you want to remove a download model. The cache location can be changed with the `HF_HOME` environment variable, and/or the `--cache-dir` parameter to `huggingface-cli`. For more documentation on downloading with `huggingface-cli`, please see: [HF -> Hub Python Library -> Download files -> Download from the CLI]( To accelerate downloads on fast connections (1Gbit/s or higher), install `hf_transfer`: ```shell pip3 install hf_transfer ``` And set environment variable `HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER` to `1`: ```shell mkdir Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1 huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ --local-dir Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ --local-dir-use-symlinks False ``` Windows Command Line users: You can set the environment variable by running `set HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1` before the download command. </details> ### With `git` (**not** recommended) To clone a specific branch with `git`, use a command like this: ```shell git clone --single-branch --branch gptq-4bit-128g-actorder_True ``` Note that using Git with HF repos is strongly discouraged. It will be much slower than using `huggingface-hub`, and will use twice as much disk space as it has to store the model files twice (it stores every byte both in the intended target folder, and again in the `.git` folder as a blob.) <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to easily download and use this model in [text-generation-webui]( **NOTE**: Requires: * Transformers 4.36.0, or Transformers 4.37.0.dev0 from Github * Either AutoGPTQ 0.6 compiled from source and `Loader: AutoGPTQ`, * or, `Loader: Transformers`, if you installed Transformers from Github: `pip3 install git+` Please make sure you're using the latest version of [text-generation-webui]( It is strongly recommended to use the text-generation-webui one-click-installers unless you're sure you know how to make a manual install. 1. Click the **Model tab**. 2. Under **Download custom model or LoRA**, enter `TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ`. - To download from a specific branch, enter for example `TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ:gptq-4bit-128g-actorder_True` - see Provided Files above for the list of branches for each option. 3. Click **Download**. 4. The model will start downloading. Once it's finished it will say "Done". 5. In the top left, click the refresh icon next to **Model**. 6. In the **Model** dropdown, choose the model you just downloaded: `Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ` 7. The model will automatically load, and is now ready for use! 8. If you want any custom settings, set them and then click **Save settings for this model** followed by **Reload the Model** in the top right. - Note that you do not need to and should not set manual GPTQ parameters any more. These are set automatically from the file `quantize_config.json`. 9. Once you're ready, click the **Text Generation** tab and enter a prompt to get started! <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## Serving this model from Text Generation Inference (TGI) Not currently supported for Mixtral models. <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## Python code example: inference from this GPTQ model ### Install the necessary packages Requires: Transformers 4.37.0.dev0 from Github, Optimum 1.16.0 or later, and AutoGPTQ 0.5.1 or later. ```shell pip3 install --upgrade "git+" optimum # If using PyTorch 2.1 + CUDA 12.x: pip3 install --upgrade auto-gptq # or, if using PyTorch 2.1 + CUDA 11.x: pip3 install --upgrade auto-gptq --extra-index-url ``` If you are using PyTorch 2.0, you will need to install AutoGPTQ from source. Likewise if you have problems with the pre-built wheels, you should try building from source: ```shell pip3 uninstall -y auto-gptq git clone cd AutoGPTQ DISABLE_QIGEN=1 pip3 install . ``` ### Example Python code ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline model_name_or_path = "TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ" # To use a different branch, change revision # For example: revision="gptq-4bit-128g-actorder_True" model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=False, revision="main") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, use_fast=True) prompt = "Write a story about llamas" system_message = "You are a story writing assistant" prompt_template=f'''[INST] {prompt} [/INST] ''' print("\n\n*** Generate:") input_ids = tokenizer(prompt_template, return_tensors='pt').input_ids.cuda() output = model.generate(inputs=input_ids, temperature=0.7, do_sample=True, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, max_new_tokens=512) print(tokenizer.decode(output[0])) # Inference can also be done using transformers' pipeline print("*** Pipeline:") pipe = pipeline( "text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_new_tokens=512, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, repetition_penalty=1.1 ) print(pipe(prompt_template)[0]['generated_text']) ``` <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## Compatibility The files provided are tested to work with AutoGPTQ 0.6 (compiled from source) and Transformers 4.37.0 (installed from Github). <!-- end --> <!-- footer start --> <!-- 200823 --> ## Discord For further support, and discussions on these models and AI in general, join us at: [TheBloke AI's Discord server]( ## Thanks, and how to contribute Thanks to the []( team! Thanks to Clay from [](llm-utils)! I've had a lot of people ask if they can contribute. I enjoy providing models and helping people, and would love to be able to spend even more time doing it, as well as expanding into new projects like fine tuning/training. If you're able and willing to contribute it will be most gratefully received and will help me to keep providing more models, and to start work on new AI projects. Donaters will get priority support on any and all AI/LLM/model questions and requests, access to a private Discord room, plus other benefits. * Patreon: * Ko-Fi: **Special thanks to**: Aemon Algiz. **Patreon special mentions**: Michael Levine, 阿明, Trailburnt, Nikolai Manek, John Detwiler, Randy H, Will Dee, Sebastain Graf,, Eugene Pentland, Emad Mostaque, Ai Maven, Jim Angel, Jeff Scroggin, Michael Davis, Manuel Alberto Morcote, Stephen Murray, Robert, Justin Joy, Luke @flexchar, Brandon Frisco, Elijah Stavena, S_X, Dan Guido, Undi ., Komninos Chatzipapas, Shadi, theTransient, Lone Striker, Raven Klaugh, jjj, Cap'n Zoog, Michel-Marie MAUDET (LINAGORA), Matthew Berman, David, Fen Risland, Omer Bin Jawed, Luke Pendergrass, Kalila, OG, Erik Bjäreholt, Rooh Singh, Joseph William Delisle, Dan Lewis, TL, John Villwock, AzureBlack, Brad, Pedro Madruga, Caitlyn Gatomon, K, jinyuan sun, Mano Prime, Alex, Jeffrey Morgan, Alicia Loh, Illia Dulskyi, Chadd, transmissions 11, fincy, Rainer Wilmers, ReadyPlayerEmma, knownsqashed, Mandus, biorpg, Deo Leter, Brandon Phillips, SuperWojo, Sean Connelly, Iucharbius, Jack West, Harry Royden McLaughlin, Nicholas, terasurfer, Vitor Caleffi, Duane Dunston, Johann-Peter Hartmann, David Ziegler, Olakabola, Ken Nordquist, Trenton Dambrowitz, Tom X Nguyen, Vadim, Ajan Kanaga, Leonard Tan, Clay Pascal, Alexandros Triantafyllidis, JM33133, Xule, vamX, ya boyyy, subjectnull, Talal Aujan, Alps Aficionado, wassieverse, Ari Malik, James Bentley, Woland, Spencer Kim, Michael Dempsey, Fred von Graf, Elle, zynix, William Richards, Stanislav Ovsiannikov, Edmond Seymore, Jonathan Leane, Martin Kemka, usrbinkat, Enrico Ros Thank you to all my generous patrons and donaters! And thank you again to a16z for their generous grant. <!-- footer end --> # Original model card: Mistral AI_'s Mixtral 8X7B Instruct v0.1 # Model Card for Mixtral-8x7B The Mixtral-8x7B Large Language Model (LLM) is a pretrained generative Sparse Mixture of Experts. The Mixtral-8x7B outperforms Llama 2 70B on most benchmarks we tested. For full details of this model please read our [release blog post]( ## Warning This repo contains weights that are compatible with [vLLM]( serving of the model as well as Hugging Face [transformers]( library. It is based on the original Mixtral [torrent release](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5546272da9065eddeb6fcd7ffddeef5b75be79a7&dn=mixtral-8x7b-32kseqlen&tr=udp%3A%2F%, but the file format and parameter names are different. Please note that model cannot (yet) be instantiated with HF. ## Instruction format This format must be strictly respected, otherwise the model will generate sub-optimal outputs. The template used to build a prompt for the Instruct model is defined as follows: ``` <s> [INST] Instruction [/INST] Model answer</s> [INST] Follow-up instruction [/INST] ``` Note that `<s>` and `</s>` are special tokens for beginning of string (BOS) and end of string (EOS) while [INST] and [/INST] are regular strings. As reference, here is the pseudo-code used to tokenize instructions during fine-tuning: ```python def tokenize(text): return tok.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False) [BOS_ID] + tokenize("[INST]") + tokenize(USER_MESSAGE_1) + tokenize("[/INST]") + tokenize(BOT_MESSAGE_1) + [EOS_ID] + … tokenize("[INST]") + tokenize(USER_MESSAGE_N) + tokenize("[/INST]") + tokenize(BOT_MESSAGE_N) + [EOS_ID] ``` In the pseudo-code above, note that the `tokenize` method should not add a BOS or EOS token automatically, but should add a prefix space. ## Run the model ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer model_id = "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id) text = "Hello my name is" inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=20) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) ``` By default, transformers will load the model in full precision. Therefore you might be interested to further reduce down the memory requirements to run the model through the optimizations we offer in HF ecosystem: ### In half-precision Note `float16` precision only works on GPU devices <details> <summary> Click to expand </summary> ```diff + import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer model_id = "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) + model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16).to(0) text = "Hello my name is" + inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").to(0) outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=20) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) ``` </details> ### Lower precision using (8-bit & 4-bit) using `bitsandbytes` <details> <summary> Click to expand </summary> ```diff + import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer model_id = "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) + model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, load_in_4bit=True) text = "Hello my name is" + inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").to(0) outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=20) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) ``` </details> ### Load the model with Flash Attention 2 <details> <summary> Click to expand </summary> ```diff + import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer model_id = "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) + model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, use_flash_attention_2=True) text = "Hello my name is" + inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").to(0) outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=20) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)) ``` </details> ## Limitations The Mixtral-8x7B Instruct model is a quick demonstration that the base model can be easily fine-tuned to achieve compelling performance. It does not have any moderation mechanisms. We're looking forward to engaging with the community on ways to make the model finely respect guardrails, allowing for deployment in environments requiring moderated outputs. # The Mistral AI Team Albert Jiang, Alexandre Sablayrolles, Arthur Mensch, Blanche Savary, Chris Bamford, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Diego de las Casas, Emma Bou Hanna, Florian Bressand, Gianna Lengyel, Guillaume Bour, Guillaume Lample, Lélio Renard Lavaud, Louis Ternon, Lucile Saulnier, Marie-Anne Lachaux, Pierre Stock, Teven Le Scao, Théophile Gervet, Thibaut Lavril, Thomas Wang, Timothée Lacroix, William El Sayed.
[ "sentence-transformers", "safetensors", "qwen2", "text-generation", "mteb", "transformers", "Qwen2", "sentence-similarity", "custom_code", "license:apache-2.0", "model-index", "autotrain_compatible", "text-embeddings-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - mteb - sentence-transformers - transformers - Qwen2 - sentence-similarity license: apache-2.0 model-index: - name: gte-qwen2-7B-instruct results: - dataset: config: en name: MTEB AmazonCounterfactualClassification (en) revision: e8379541af4e31359cca9fbcf4b00f2671dba205 split: test type: mteb/amazon_counterfactual metrics: - type: accuracy value: 83.98507462686567 - type: ap value: 50.93015252587014 - type: f1 value: 78.50416599051215 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB AmazonPolarityClassification revision: e2d317d38cd51312af73b3d32a06d1a08b442046 split: test type: mteb/amazon_polarity metrics: - type: accuracy value: 96.61065 - type: ap value: 94.89174052954196 - type: f1 value: 96.60942596940565 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: en name: MTEB AmazonReviewsClassification (en) revision: 1399c76144fd37290681b995c656ef9b2e06e26d split: test type: mteb/amazon_reviews_multi metrics: - type: accuracy value: 55.614000000000004 - type: f1 value: 54.90553480294904 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ArguAna revision: c22ab2a51041ffd869aaddef7af8d8215647e41a split: test type: mteb/arguana metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 45.164 - type: map_at_10 value: 61.519 - type: map_at_100 value: 61.769 - type: map_at_1000 value: 61.769 - type: map_at_3 value: 57.443999999999996 - type: map_at_5 value: 60.058 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 46.088 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 61.861 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 62.117999999999995 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 62.117999999999995 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 57.729 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 60.392 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 45.164 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 69.72 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 70.719 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 70.719 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 61.517999999999994 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 66.247 - type: precision_at_1 value: 45.164 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.545 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.996 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.1 - type: precision_at_3 value: 24.443 - type: precision_at_5 value: 16.97 - type: recall_at_1 value: 45.164 - type: recall_at_10 value: 95.448 - type: recall_at_100 value: 99.644 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.644 - type: recall_at_3 value: 73.329 - type: recall_at_5 value: 84.851 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ArxivClusteringP2P revision: a122ad7f3f0291bf49cc6f4d32aa80929df69d5d split: test type: mteb/arxiv-clustering-p2p metrics: - type: v_measure value: 50.511868162026175 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ArxivClusteringS2S revision: f910caf1a6075f7329cdf8c1a6135696f37dbd53 split: test type: mteb/arxiv-clustering-s2s metrics: - type: v_measure value: 45.007803189284004 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB AskUbuntuDupQuestions revision: 2000358ca161889fa9c082cb41daa8dcfb161a54 split: test type: mteb/askubuntudupquestions-reranking metrics: - type: map value: 64.55292107723382 - type: mrr value: 77.66158818097877 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB BIOSSES revision: d3fb88f8f02e40887cd149695127462bbcf29b4a split: test type: mteb/biosses-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 85.65459047085452 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 82.10729255710761 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 82.78079159312476 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 80.50002701880933 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 82.41372641383016 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 80.57412509272639 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB Banking77Classification revision: 0fd18e25b25c072e09e0d92ab615fda904d66300 split: test type: mteb/banking77 metrics: - type: accuracy value: 87.30844155844156 - type: f1 value: 87.25307322443255 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB BiorxivClusteringP2P revision: 65b79d1d13f80053f67aca9498d9402c2d9f1f40 split: test type: mteb/biorxiv-clustering-p2p metrics: - type: v_measure value: 43.20754608934859 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB BiorxivClusteringS2S revision: 258694dd0231531bc1fd9de6ceb52a0853c6d908 split: test type: mteb/biorxiv-clustering-s2s metrics: - type: v_measure value: 38.818037697335505 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackAndroidRetrieval revision: f46a197baaae43b4f621051089b82a364682dfeb split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 35.423 - type: map_at_10 value: 47.198 - type: map_at_100 value: 48.899 - type: map_at_1000 value: 49.004 - type: map_at_3 value: 43.114999999999995 - type: map_at_5 value: 45.491 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 42.918 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 53.299 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 54.032000000000004 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 54.055 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 50.453 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 52.205999999999996 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 42.918 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 53.98 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 59.57 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 60.879000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 48.224000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 50.998 - type: precision_at_1 value: 42.918 - type: precision_at_10 value: 10.299999999999999 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.687 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.211 - type: precision_at_3 value: 22.842000000000002 - type: precision_at_5 value: 16.681 - type: recall_at_1 value: 35.423 - type: recall_at_10 value: 66.824 - type: recall_at_100 value: 89.564 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 97.501 - type: recall_at_3 value: 50.365 - type: recall_at_5 value: 57.921 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackEnglishRetrieval revision: ad9991cb51e31e31e430383c75ffb2885547b5f0 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 33.205 - type: map_at_10 value: 44.859 - type: map_at_100 value: 46.135 - type: map_at_1000 value: 46.259 - type: map_at_3 value: 41.839 - type: map_at_5 value: 43.662 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 41.146 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 50.621 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 51.207 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 51.246 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 48.535000000000004 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 49.818 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 41.146 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 50.683 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 54.82 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 56.69 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 46.611000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 48.66 - type: precision_at_1 value: 41.146 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.439 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.465 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.194 - type: precision_at_3 value: 22.59 - type: precision_at_5 value: 15.86 - type: recall_at_1 value: 33.205 - type: recall_at_10 value: 61.028999999999996 - type: recall_at_100 value: 78.152 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 89.59700000000001 - type: recall_at_3 value: 49.05 - type: recall_at_5 value: 54.836 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackGamingRetrieval revision: 4885aa143210c98657558c04aaf3dc47cfb54340 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 41.637 - type: map_at_10 value: 55.162 - type: map_at_100 value: 56.142 - type: map_at_1000 value: 56.188 - type: map_at_3 value: 51.564 - type: map_at_5 value: 53.696 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 47.524 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 58.243 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 58.879999999999995 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 58.9 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 55.69499999999999 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 57.284 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 47.524 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 61.305 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 65.077 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 65.941 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 55.422000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 58.516 - type: precision_at_1 value: 47.524 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.918000000000001 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.276 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.13899999999999998 - type: precision_at_3 value: 24.765 - type: precision_at_5 value: 17.204 - type: recall_at_1 value: 41.637 - type: recall_at_10 value: 76.185 - type: recall_at_100 value: 92.149 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 98.199 - type: recall_at_3 value: 60.856 - type: recall_at_5 value: 68.25099999999999 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackGisRetrieval revision: 5003b3064772da1887988e05400cf3806fe491f2 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 26.27 - type: map_at_10 value: 37.463 - type: map_at_100 value: 38.434000000000005 - type: map_at_1000 value: 38.509 - type: map_at_3 value: 34.226 - type: map_at_5 value: 36.161 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 28.588 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 39.383 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 40.23 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 40.281 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 36.422 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 38.252 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 28.588 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 43.511 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 48.274 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 49.975 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 37.319 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 40.568 - type: precision_at_1 value: 28.588 - type: precision_at_10 value: 6.893000000000001 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.9900000000000001 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.117 - type: precision_at_3 value: 16.347 - type: precision_at_5 value: 11.661000000000001 - type: recall_at_1 value: 26.27 - type: recall_at_10 value: 60.284000000000006 - type: recall_at_100 value: 81.902 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 94.43 - type: recall_at_3 value: 43.537 - type: recall_at_5 value: 51.475 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackMathematicaRetrieval revision: 90fceea13679c63fe563ded68f3b6f06e50061de split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 18.168 - type: map_at_10 value: 28.410000000000004 - type: map_at_100 value: 29.78 - type: map_at_1000 value: 29.892999999999997 - type: map_at_3 value: 25.238 - type: map_at_5 value: 26.96 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 23.507 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 33.382 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 34.404 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 34.467999999999996 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 30.637999999999998 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 32.199 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 23.507 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 34.571000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 40.663 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 43.236000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 29.053 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 31.563999999999997 - type: precision_at_1 value: 23.507 - type: precision_at_10 value: 6.654 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.113 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.146 - type: precision_at_3 value: 14.427999999999999 - type: precision_at_5 value: 10.498000000000001 - type: recall_at_1 value: 18.168 - type: recall_at_10 value: 48.443000000000005 - type: recall_at_100 value: 74.47 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 92.494 - type: recall_at_3 value: 33.379999999999995 - type: recall_at_5 value: 39.76 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackPhysicsRetrieval revision: 79531abbd1fb92d06c6d6315a0cbbbf5bb247ea4 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 32.39 - type: map_at_10 value: 44.479 - type: map_at_100 value: 45.977000000000004 - type: map_at_1000 value: 46.087 - type: map_at_3 value: 40.976 - type: map_at_5 value: 43.038 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 40.135 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 50.160000000000004 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 51.052 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 51.087 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 47.818 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 49.171 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 40.135 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 50.731 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 56.452000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 58.123000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 45.507 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 48.11 - type: precision_at_1 value: 40.135 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.192 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.397 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.169 - type: precision_at_3 value: 21.816 - type: precision_at_5 value: 15.476 - type: recall_at_1 value: 32.39 - type: recall_at_10 value: 63.597 - type: recall_at_100 value: 86.737 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 97.039 - type: recall_at_3 value: 48.906 - type: recall_at_5 value: 55.659000000000006 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackProgrammersRetrieval revision: 6184bc1440d2dbc7612be22b50686b8826d22b32 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 28.397 - type: map_at_10 value: 39.871 - type: map_at_100 value: 41.309000000000005 - type: map_at_1000 value: 41.409 - type: map_at_3 value: 36.047000000000004 - type: map_at_5 value: 38.104 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 34.703 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 44.773 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 45.64 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 45.678999999999995 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 41.705 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 43.406 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 34.703 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 46.271 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 52.037 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 53.81700000000001 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 39.966 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 42.801 - type: precision_at_1 value: 34.703 - type: precision_at_10 value: 8.744 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.348 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.167 - type: precision_at_3 value: 19.102 - type: precision_at_5 value: 13.836 - type: recall_at_1 value: 28.397 - type: recall_at_10 value: 60.299 - type: recall_at_100 value: 84.595 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 96.155 - type: recall_at_3 value: 43.065 - type: recall_at_5 value: 50.371 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackRetrieval revision: 4ffe81d471b1924886b33c7567bfb200e9eec5c4 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 28.044333333333338 - type: map_at_10 value: 38.78691666666666 - type: map_at_100 value: 40.113 - type: map_at_1000 value: 40.22125 - type: map_at_3 value: 35.52966666666667 - type: map_at_5 value: 37.372749999999996 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 33.159083333333335 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 42.913583333333335 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 43.7845 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 43.830333333333336 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 40.29816666666667 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 41.81366666666667 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 33.159083333333335 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 44.75750000000001 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 50.13658333333334 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 52.037 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 39.34258333333334 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 41.93708333333333 - type: precision_at_1 value: 33.159083333333335 - type: precision_at_10 value: 7.952416666666667 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.2571666666666668 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.16099999999999998 - type: precision_at_3 value: 18.303833333333337 - type: precision_at_5 value: 13.057083333333333 - type: recall_at_1 value: 28.044333333333338 - type: recall_at_10 value: 58.237249999999996 - type: recall_at_100 value: 81.35391666666666 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 94.21283333333334 - type: recall_at_3 value: 43.32341666666667 - type: recall_at_5 value: 49.94908333333333 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackStatsRetrieval revision: 65ac3a16b8e91f9cee4c9828cc7c335575432a2a split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 27.838 - type: map_at_10 value: 36.04 - type: map_at_100 value: 37.113 - type: map_at_1000 value: 37.204 - type: map_at_3 value: 33.585 - type: map_at_5 value: 34.845 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 30.982 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 39.105000000000004 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 39.98 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 40.042 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 36.912 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 38.062000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 30.982 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 40.982 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 46.092 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 48.25 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 36.41 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 38.379999999999995 - type: precision_at_1 value: 30.982 - type: precision_at_10 value: 6.534 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.9820000000000001 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.124 - type: precision_at_3 value: 15.745999999999999 - type: precision_at_5 value: 10.828 - type: recall_at_1 value: 27.838 - type: recall_at_10 value: 52.971000000000004 - type: recall_at_100 value: 76.357 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 91.973 - type: recall_at_3 value: 40.157 - type: recall_at_5 value: 45.147999999999996 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackTexRetrieval revision: 46989137a86843e03a6195de44b09deda022eec7 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 19.059 - type: map_at_10 value: 27.454 - type: map_at_100 value: 28.736 - type: map_at_1000 value: 28.865000000000002 - type: map_at_3 value: 24.773999999999997 - type: map_at_5 value: 26.266000000000002 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 23.125 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 31.267 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 32.32 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 32.394 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 28.894 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 30.281000000000002 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 23.125 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 32.588 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 38.432 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 41.214 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 27.938000000000002 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 30.127 - type: precision_at_1 value: 23.125 - type: precision_at_10 value: 5.9639999999999995 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.047 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.148 - type: precision_at_3 value: 13.294 - type: precision_at_5 value: 9.628 - type: recall_at_1 value: 19.059 - type: recall_at_10 value: 44.25 - type: recall_at_100 value: 69.948 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 89.35300000000001 - type: recall_at_3 value: 31.114000000000004 - type: recall_at_5 value: 36.846000000000004 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackUnixRetrieval revision: 6c6430d3a6d36f8d2a829195bc5dc94d7e063e53 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 28.355999999999998 - type: map_at_10 value: 39.055 - type: map_at_100 value: 40.486 - type: map_at_1000 value: 40.571 - type: map_at_3 value: 35.69 - type: map_at_5 value: 37.605 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 33.302 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 42.986000000000004 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 43.957 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 43.996 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 40.111999999999995 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 41.735 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 33.302 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 44.962999999999994 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 50.917 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 52.622 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 39.182 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 41.939 - type: precision_at_1 value: 33.302 - type: precision_at_10 value: 7.779999999999999 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.203 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.145 - type: precision_at_3 value: 18.035 - type: precision_at_5 value: 12.873000000000001 - type: recall_at_1 value: 28.355999999999998 - type: recall_at_10 value: 58.782000000000004 - type: recall_at_100 value: 84.02199999999999 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 95.511 - type: recall_at_3 value: 43.126999999999995 - type: recall_at_5 value: 50.14999999999999 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackWebmastersRetrieval revision: 160c094312a0e1facb97e55eeddb698c0abe3571 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 27.391 - type: map_at_10 value: 37.523 - type: map_at_100 value: 39.312000000000005 - type: map_at_1000 value: 39.54 - type: map_at_3 value: 34.231 - type: map_at_5 value: 36.062 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 32.016 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 41.747 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 42.812 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 42.844 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 39.129999999999995 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 40.524 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 32.016 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 43.826 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 50.373999999999995 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 52.318 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 38.479 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 40.944 - type: precision_at_1 value: 32.016 - type: precision_at_10 value: 8.280999999999999 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.6760000000000002 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.25 - type: precision_at_3 value: 18.05 - type: precision_at_5 value: 13.083 - type: recall_at_1 value: 27.391 - type: recall_at_10 value: 56.928999999999995 - type: recall_at_100 value: 85.169 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 96.665 - type: recall_at_3 value: 42.264 - type: recall_at_5 value: 48.556 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CQADupstackWordpressRetrieval revision: 4ffe81d471b1924886b33c7567bfb200e9eec5c4 split: test type: BeIR/cqadupstack metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 18.398 - type: map_at_10 value: 27.929 - type: map_at_100 value: 29.032999999999998 - type: map_at_1000 value: 29.126 - type: map_at_3 value: 25.070999999999998 - type: map_at_5 value: 26.583000000000002 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 19.963 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 29.997 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 30.9 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 30.972 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 27.264 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 28.826 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 19.963 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 33.678999999999995 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 38.931 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 41.379 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 28.000000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 30.637999999999998 - type: precision_at_1 value: 19.963 - type: precision_at_10 value: 5.7299999999999995 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.902 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.122 - type: precision_at_3 value: 12.631 - type: precision_at_5 value: 9.057 - type: recall_at_1 value: 18.398 - type: recall_at_10 value: 49.254 - type: recall_at_100 value: 73.182 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 91.637 - type: recall_at_3 value: 34.06 - type: recall_at_5 value: 40.416000000000004 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ClimateFEVER revision: 47f2ac6acb640fc46020b02a5b59fdda04d39380 split: test type: mteb/climate-fever metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 19.681 - type: map_at_10 value: 32.741 - type: map_at_100 value: 34.811 - type: map_at_1000 value: 35.003 - type: map_at_3 value: 27.697 - type: map_at_5 value: 30.372 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 44.951 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 56.34400000000001 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 56.961 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 56.987 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 53.681 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 55.407 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 44.951 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 42.905 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 49.95 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 52.917 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 36.815 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 38.817 - type: precision_at_1 value: 44.951 - type: precision_at_10 value: 12.989999999999998 - type: precision_at_100 value: 2.068 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.263 - type: precision_at_3 value: 27.275 - type: precision_at_5 value: 20.365 - type: recall_at_1 value: 19.681 - type: recall_at_10 value: 48.272999999999996 - type: recall_at_100 value: 71.87400000000001 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 87.929 - type: recall_at_3 value: 32.653999999999996 - type: recall_at_5 value: 39.364 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB DBPedia revision: c0f706b76e590d620bd6618b3ca8efdd34e2d659 split: test type: mteb/dbpedia metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 10.231 - type: map_at_10 value: 22.338 - type: map_at_100 value: 31.927 - type: map_at_1000 value: 33.87 - type: map_at_3 value: 15.559999999999999 - type: map_at_5 value: 18.239 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 75.0 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 81.303 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 81.523 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 81.53 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 80.083 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 80.758 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 64.625 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 48.687000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 52.791 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 60.041999999999994 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 53.757999999999996 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 50.76500000000001 - type: precision_at_1 value: 75.0 - type: precision_at_10 value: 38.3 - type: precision_at_100 value: 12.025 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 2.3970000000000002 - type: precision_at_3 value: 55.417 - type: precision_at_5 value: 47.5 - type: recall_at_1 value: 10.231 - type: recall_at_10 value: 27.697 - type: recall_at_100 value: 57.409 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 80.547 - type: recall_at_3 value: 16.668 - type: recall_at_5 value: 20.552 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB EmotionClassification revision: 4f58c6b202a23cf9a4da393831edf4f9183cad37 split: test type: mteb/emotion metrics: - type: accuracy value: 61.365 - type: f1 value: 56.7540827912991 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB FEVER revision: bea83ef9e8fb933d90a2f1d5515737465d613e12 split: test type: mteb/fever metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 83.479 - type: map_at_10 value: 88.898 - type: map_at_100 value: 89.11 - type: map_at_1000 value: 89.12400000000001 - type: map_at_3 value: 88.103 - type: map_at_5 value: 88.629 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 89.934 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 93.91000000000001 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 93.937 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 93.938 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 93.62700000000001 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 93.84599999999999 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 89.934 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 91.574 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 92.238 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 92.45 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 90.586 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 91.16300000000001 - type: precision_at_1 value: 89.934 - type: precision_at_10 value: 10.555 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.1159999999999999 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.11499999999999999 - type: precision_at_3 value: 33.588 - type: precision_at_5 value: 20.642 - type: recall_at_1 value: 83.479 - type: recall_at_10 value: 94.971 - type: recall_at_100 value: 97.397 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 98.666 - type: recall_at_3 value: 92.24799999999999 - type: recall_at_5 value: 93.797 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB FiQA2018 revision: 27a168819829fe9bcd655c2df245fb19452e8e06 split: test type: mteb/fiqa metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 27.16 - type: map_at_10 value: 45.593 - type: map_at_100 value: 47.762 - type: map_at_1000 value: 47.899 - type: map_at_3 value: 39.237 - type: map_at_5 value: 42.970000000000006 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 52.623 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 62.637 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 63.169 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 63.185 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 59.928000000000004 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 61.702999999999996 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 52.623 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 54.701 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 61.263 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 63.134 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 49.265 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 51.665000000000006 - type: precision_at_1 value: 52.623 - type: precision_at_10 value: 15.185 - type: precision_at_100 value: 2.202 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.254 - type: precision_at_3 value: 32.767 - type: precision_at_5 value: 24.722 - type: recall_at_1 value: 27.16 - type: recall_at_10 value: 63.309000000000005 - type: recall_at_100 value: 86.722 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 97.505 - type: recall_at_3 value: 45.045 - type: recall_at_5 value: 54.02400000000001 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB HotpotQA revision: ab518f4d6fcca38d87c25209f94beba119d02014 split: test type: mteb/hotpotqa metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 42.573 - type: map_at_10 value: 59.373 - type: map_at_100 value: 60.292 - type: map_at_1000 value: 60.358999999999995 - type: map_at_3 value: 56.159000000000006 - type: map_at_5 value: 58.123999999999995 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 85.14500000000001 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 89.25999999999999 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 89.373 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 89.377 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 88.618 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 89.036 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 85.14500000000001 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 68.95 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 71.95 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 73.232 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 64.546 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 66.945 - type: precision_at_1 value: 85.14500000000001 - type: precision_at_10 value: 13.865 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.619 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.179 - type: precision_at_3 value: 39.703 - type: precision_at_5 value: 25.718000000000004 - type: recall_at_1 value: 42.573 - type: recall_at_10 value: 69.325 - type: recall_at_100 value: 80.932 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 89.446 - type: recall_at_3 value: 59.553999999999995 - type: recall_at_5 value: 64.294 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ImdbClassification revision: 3d86128a09e091d6018b6d26cad27f2739fc2db7 split: test type: mteb/imdb metrics: - type: accuracy value: 95.8336 - type: ap value: 93.78862962194073 - type: f1 value: 95.83192650728371 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MSMARCO revision: c5a29a104738b98a9e76336939199e264163d4a0 split: dev type: mteb/msmarco metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 23.075000000000003 - type: map_at_10 value: 36.102000000000004 - type: map_at_100 value: 37.257 - type: map_at_1000 value: 37.3 - type: map_at_3 value: 32.144 - type: map_at_5 value: 34.359 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 23.711 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 36.671 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 37.763999999999996 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 37.801 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 32.775 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 34.977000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 23.711 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 43.361 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 48.839 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 49.88 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 35.269 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 39.224 - type: precision_at_1 value: 23.711 - type: precision_at_10 value: 6.866999999999999 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.96 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.105 - type: precision_at_3 value: 15.096000000000002 - type: precision_at_5 value: 11.083 - type: recall_at_1 value: 23.075000000000003 - type: recall_at_10 value: 65.756 - type: recall_at_100 value: 90.88199999999999 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 98.739 - type: recall_at_3 value: 43.691 - type: recall_at_5 value: 53.15800000000001 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: en name: MTEB MTOPDomainClassification (en) revision: d80d48c1eb48d3562165c59d59d0034df9fff0bf split: test type: mteb/mtop_domain metrics: - type: accuracy value: 97.69493844049248 - type: f1 value: 97.55048089616261 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: en name: MTEB MTOPIntentClassification (en) revision: ae001d0e6b1228650b7bd1c2c65fb50ad11a8aba split: test type: mteb/mtop_intent metrics: - type: accuracy value: 88.75968992248062 - type: f1 value: 72.26321223399123 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: en name: MTEB MassiveIntentClassification (en) revision: 31efe3c427b0bae9c22cbb560b8f15491cc6bed7 split: test type: mteb/amazon_massive_intent metrics: - type: accuracy value: 82.40080699394754 - type: f1 value: 79.62590029057968 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: en name: MTEB MassiveScenarioClassification (en) revision: 7d571f92784cd94a019292a1f45445077d0ef634 split: test type: mteb/amazon_massive_scenario metrics: - type: accuracy value: 84.49562878278414 - type: f1 value: 84.0040193313333 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MedrxivClusteringP2P revision: e7a26af6f3ae46b30dde8737f02c07b1505bcc73 split: test type: mteb/medrxiv-clustering-p2p metrics: - type: v_measure value: 39.386760057101945 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MedrxivClusteringS2S revision: 35191c8c0dca72d8ff3efcd72aa802307d469663 split: test type: mteb/medrxiv-clustering-s2s metrics: - type: v_measure value: 37.89687154075537 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MindSmallReranking revision: 3bdac13927fdc888b903db93b2ffdbd90b295a69 split: test type: mteb/mind_small metrics: - type: map value: 33.94151656057482 - type: mrr value: 35.32684700746953 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB NFCorpus revision: ec0fa4fe99da2ff19ca1214b7966684033a58814 split: test type: mteb/nfcorpus metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 6.239999999999999 - type: map_at_10 value: 14.862 - type: map_at_100 value: 18.955 - type: map_at_1000 value: 20.694000000000003 - type: map_at_3 value: 10.683 - type: map_at_5 value: 12.674 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 50.15500000000001 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 59.697 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 60.095 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 60.129999999999995 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 58.35900000000001 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 58.839 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 48.452 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 39.341 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 35.866 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 45.111000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 44.527 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 42.946 - type: precision_at_1 value: 50.15500000000001 - type: precision_at_10 value: 29.536 - type: precision_at_100 value: 9.142 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 2.2849999999999997 - type: precision_at_3 value: 41.899 - type: precision_at_5 value: 37.647000000000006 - type: recall_at_1 value: 6.239999999999999 - type: recall_at_10 value: 19.278000000000002 - type: recall_at_100 value: 36.074 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 70.017 - type: recall_at_3 value: 12.066 - type: recall_at_5 value: 15.254000000000001 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB NQ revision: b774495ed302d8c44a3a7ea25c90dbce03968f31 split: test type: mteb/nq metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 39.75 - type: map_at_10 value: 56.443 - type: map_at_100 value: 57.233999999999995 - type: map_at_1000 value: 57.249 - type: map_at_3 value: 52.032999999999994 - type: map_at_5 value: 54.937999999999995 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 44.728 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 58.939 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 59.489000000000004 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 59.499 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 55.711999999999996 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 57.89 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 44.728 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 63.998999999999995 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 67.077 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 67.40899999999999 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 56.266000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 60.88 - type: precision_at_1 value: 44.728 - type: precision_at_10 value: 10.09 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.1809999999999998 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.121 - type: precision_at_3 value: 25.145 - type: precision_at_5 value: 17.822 - type: recall_at_1 value: 39.75 - type: recall_at_10 value: 84.234 - type: recall_at_100 value: 97.055 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.517 - type: recall_at_3 value: 64.851 - type: recall_at_5 value: 75.343 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB QuoraRetrieval revision: None split: test type: mteb/quora metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 72.085 - type: map_at_10 value: 86.107 - type: map_at_100 value: 86.727 - type: map_at_1000 value: 86.74 - type: map_at_3 value: 83.21 - type: map_at_5 value: 85.06 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 82.94 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 88.845 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 88.926 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 88.927 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 87.993 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 88.62299999999999 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 82.97 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 89.645 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 90.717 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 90.78 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 86.99900000000001 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 88.52600000000001 - type: precision_at_1 value: 82.97 - type: precision_at_10 value: 13.569 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.539 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.157 - type: precision_at_3 value: 38.043 - type: precision_at_5 value: 24.992 - type: recall_at_1 value: 72.085 - type: recall_at_10 value: 96.262 - type: recall_at_100 value: 99.77000000000001 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.997 - type: recall_at_3 value: 88.652 - type: recall_at_5 value: 93.01899999999999 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB RedditClustering revision: 24640382cdbf8abc73003fb0fa6d111a705499eb split: test type: mteb/reddit-clustering metrics: - type: v_measure value: 55.82153952668092 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB RedditClusteringP2P revision: 282350215ef01743dc01b456c7f5241fa8937f16 split: test type: mteb/reddit-clustering-p2p metrics: - type: v_measure value: 62.094465801879295 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SCIDOCS revision: None split: test type: mteb/scidocs metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 5.688 - type: map_at_10 value: 15.201999999999998 - type: map_at_100 value: 18.096 - type: map_at_1000 value: 18.481 - type: map_at_3 value: 10.734 - type: map_at_5 value: 12.94 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 28.000000000000004 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 41.101 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 42.202 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 42.228 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 37.683 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 39.708 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 28.000000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 24.976000000000003 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 35.129 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 40.77 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 23.787 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 20.816000000000003 - type: precision_at_1 value: 28.000000000000004 - type: precision_at_10 value: 13.04 - type: precision_at_100 value: 2.761 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.41000000000000003 - type: precision_at_3 value: 22.6 - type: precision_at_5 value: 18.52 - type: recall_at_1 value: 5.688 - type: recall_at_10 value: 26.43 - type: recall_at_100 value: 56.02 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 83.21 - type: recall_at_3 value: 13.752 - type: recall_at_5 value: 18.777 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SICK-R revision: a6ea5a8cab320b040a23452cc28066d9beae2cee split: test type: mteb/sickr-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 85.15084859283178 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 80.49030614009419 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 81.84574978672468 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 79.89787150656818 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 81.63076538567131 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 79.69867352121841 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB STS12 revision: a0d554a64d88156834ff5ae9920b964011b16384 split: test type: mteb/sts12-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 84.64097921490992 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 77.25370084896514 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 82.71210826468788 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 78.50445584994826 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 82.92580164330298 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 78.69686891301019 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB STS13 revision: 7e90230a92c190f1bf69ae9002b8cea547a64cca split: test type: mteb/sts13-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 87.24596417308994 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 87.79454220555091 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 87.40242561671164 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 88.25955597373556 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 87.25160240485849 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 88.155794979818 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB STS14 revision: 6031580fec1f6af667f0bd2da0a551cf4f0b2375 split: test type: mteb/sts14-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 84.44914233422564 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 82.91015471820322 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 84.7206656630327 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 83.86408872059216 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 84.72816725158454 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 84.01603388572788 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB STS15 revision: ae752c7c21bf194d8b67fd573edf7ae58183cbe3 split: test type: mteb/sts15-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 87.6168026237477 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 88.45414278092397 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 88.57023240882022 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 89.04102190922094 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 88.66695535796354 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 89.19898476680969 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB STS16 revision: 4d8694f8f0e0100860b497b999b3dbed754a0513 split: test type: mteb/sts16-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 84.27925826089424 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 85.45291099550461 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 83.63853036580834 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 84.33468035821484 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 83.72778773251596 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 84.51583132445376 task: type: STS - dataset: config: en-en name: MTEB STS17 (en-en) revision: af5e6fb845001ecf41f4c1e033ce921939a2a68d split: test type: mteb/sts17-crosslingual-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 89.67375185692552 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 90.32542469203855 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 89.63513717951847 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 89.87760271003745 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 89.28381452982924 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 89.53568197785721 task: type: STS - dataset: config: en name: MTEB STS22 (en) revision: eea2b4fe26a775864c896887d910b76a8098ad3f split: test type: mteb/sts22-crosslingual-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 66.24644693819846 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 66.09889420525377 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 63.72551583520747 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 63.01385470780679 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 64.09258157214097 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 63.080517752822594 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB STSBenchmark revision: b0fddb56ed78048fa8b90373c8a3cfc37b684831 split: test type: mteb/stsbenchmark-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 86.27321463839989 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 86.37572865993327 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 86.36268020198149 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 86.31089339478922 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 86.4260445761947 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 86.45885895320457 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SciDocsRR revision: d3c5e1fc0b855ab6097bf1cda04dd73947d7caab split: test type: mteb/scidocs-reranking metrics: - type: map value: 86.52456702387798 - type: mrr value: 96.34556529164372 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SciFact revision: 0228b52cf27578f30900b9e5271d331663a030d7 split: test type: mteb/scifact metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 61.99400000000001 - type: map_at_10 value: 73.38799999999999 - type: map_at_100 value: 73.747 - type: map_at_1000 value: 73.75 - type: map_at_3 value: 70.04599999999999 - type: map_at_5 value: 72.095 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 65.0 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 74.42800000000001 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 74.722 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 74.725 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 72.056 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 73.60600000000001 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 65.0 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 78.435 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 79.922 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 80.00500000000001 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 73.05199999999999 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 75.98 - type: precision_at_1 value: 65.0 - type: precision_at_10 value: 10.5 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.123 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.11299999999999999 - type: precision_at_3 value: 28.555999999999997 - type: precision_at_5 value: 19.0 - type: recall_at_1 value: 61.99400000000001 - type: recall_at_10 value: 92.72200000000001 - type: recall_at_100 value: 99.333 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 100.0 - type: recall_at_3 value: 78.739 - type: recall_at_5 value: 85.828 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SprintDuplicateQuestions revision: d66bd1f72af766a5cc4b0ca5e00c162f89e8cc46 split: test type: mteb/sprintduplicatequestions-pairclassification metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 99.79009900990098 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 95.3203137438653 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 89.12386706948641 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 89.75659229208925 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 88.5 - type: dot_accuracy value: 99.67821782178218 - type: dot_ap value: 89.94069840000675 - type: dot_f1 value: 83.45902463549521 - type: dot_precision value: 83.9231547017189 - type: dot_recall value: 83.0 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 99.78613861386138 - type: euclidean_ap value: 95.10648259135526 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 88.77338877338877 - type: euclidean_precision value: 92.42424242424242 - type: euclidean_recall value: 85.39999999999999 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 99.7950495049505 - type: manhattan_ap value: 95.29987661320946 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 89.21313183949972 - type: manhattan_precision value: 93.14472252448314 - type: manhattan_recall value: 85.6 - type: max_accuracy value: 99.7950495049505 - type: max_ap value: 95.3203137438653 - type: max_f1 value: 89.21313183949972 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB StackExchangeClustering revision: 6cbc1f7b2bc0622f2e39d2c77fa502909748c259 split: test type: mteb/stackexchange-clustering metrics: - type: v_measure value: 67.65446577183913 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB StackExchangeClusteringP2P revision: 815ca46b2622cec33ccafc3735d572c266efdb44 split: test type: mteb/stackexchange-clustering-p2p metrics: - type: v_measure value: 46.30749237193961 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB StackOverflowDupQuestions revision: e185fbe320c72810689fc5848eb6114e1ef5ec69 split: test type: mteb/stackoverflowdupquestions-reranking metrics: - type: map value: 54.91481849959949 - type: mrr value: 55.853506175197346 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SummEval revision: cda12ad7615edc362dbf25a00fdd61d3b1eaf93c split: test type: mteb/summeval metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 30.08196549170419 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 31.16661390597077 - type: dot_pearson value: 29.892258410943466 - type: dot_spearman value: 30.51328811965085 task: type: Summarization - dataset: config: default name: MTEB TRECCOVID revision: None split: test type: mteb/trec-covid metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 0.23900000000000002 - type: map_at_10 value: 2.173 - type: map_at_100 value: 14.24 - type: map_at_1000 value: 35.309000000000005 - type: map_at_3 value: 0.7100000000000001 - type: map_at_5 value: 1.163 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 92.0 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 96.0 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 96.0 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 96.0 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 96.0 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 96.0 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 90.0 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 85.382 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 68.03 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 61.021 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 89.765 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 88.444 - type: precision_at_1 value: 92.0 - type: precision_at_10 value: 88.0 - type: precision_at_100 value: 70.02000000000001 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 26.984 - type: precision_at_3 value: 94.0 - type: precision_at_5 value: 92.80000000000001 - type: recall_at_1 value: 0.23900000000000002 - type: recall_at_10 value: 2.313 - type: recall_at_100 value: 17.049 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 57.489999999999995 - type: recall_at_3 value: 0.737 - type: recall_at_5 value: 1.221 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB Touche2020 revision: a34f9a33db75fa0cbb21bb5cfc3dae8dc8bec93f split: test type: mteb/touche2020 metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 2.75 - type: map_at_10 value: 11.29 - type: map_at_100 value: 18.032999999999998 - type: map_at_1000 value: 19.746 - type: map_at_3 value: 6.555 - type: map_at_5 value: 8.706999999999999 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 34.694 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 50.55 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 51.659 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 51.659 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 47.278999999999996 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 49.728 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 32.653 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 27.894000000000002 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 39.769 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 51.495999999999995 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 32.954 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 31.502999999999997 - type: precision_at_1 value: 34.694 - type: precision_at_10 value: 23.265 - type: precision_at_100 value: 7.898 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 1.58 - type: precision_at_3 value: 34.694 - type: precision_at_5 value: 31.429000000000002 - type: recall_at_1 value: 2.75 - type: recall_at_10 value: 16.953 - type: recall_at_100 value: 48.68 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 85.18599999999999 - type: recall_at_3 value: 7.710999999999999 - type: recall_at_5 value: 11.484 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ToxicConversationsClassification revision: d7c0de2777da35d6aae2200a62c6e0e5af397c4c split: test type: mteb/toxic_conversations_50k metrics: - type: accuracy value: 82.66099999999999 - type: ap value: 25.555698090238337 - type: f1 value: 66.48402012461622 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB TweetSentimentExtractionClassification revision: d604517c81ca91fe16a244d1248fc021f9ecee7a split: test type: mteb/tweet_sentiment_extraction metrics: - type: accuracy value: 72.94567062818335 - type: f1 value: 73.28139189595674 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB TwentyNewsgroupsClustering revision: 6125ec4e24fa026cec8a478383ee943acfbd5449 split: test type: mteb/twentynewsgroups-clustering metrics: - type: v_measure value: 49.581627240203474 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB TwitterSemEval2015 revision: 70970daeab8776df92f5ea462b6173c0b46fd2d1 split: test type: mteb/twittersemeval2015-pairclassification metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 87.78089050485785 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 79.64487116574168 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 72.46563021970964 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 70.62359128474831 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 74.40633245382587 - type: dot_accuracy value: 86.2609524944865 - type: dot_ap value: 75.513046857613 - type: dot_f1 value: 68.58213616489695 - type: dot_precision value: 65.12455516014235 - type: dot_recall value: 72.42744063324538 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 87.6080348095607 - type: euclidean_ap value: 79.00204933649795 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 72.14495342605589 - type: euclidean_precision value: 69.85421299728193 - type: euclidean_recall value: 74.5910290237467 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 87.59611372712642 - type: manhattan_ap value: 78.78523756706264 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 71.86499137718648 - type: manhattan_precision value: 67.39833641404806 - type: manhattan_recall value: 76.96569920844327 - type: max_accuracy value: 87.78089050485785 - type: max_ap value: 79.64487116574168 - type: max_f1 value: 72.46563021970964 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB TwitterURLCorpus revision: 8b6510b0b1fa4e4c4f879467980e9be563ec1cdf split: test type: mteb/twitterurlcorpus-pairclassification metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 89.98719292117825 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 87.58146137353202 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 80.28543232369239 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 79.1735289714029 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 81.42901139513397 - type: dot_accuracy value: 88.9199363526992 - type: dot_ap value: 84.98499998630417 - type: dot_f1 value: 78.21951400757969 - type: dot_precision value: 75.58523624874336 - type: dot_recall value: 81.04404065291038 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 89.77374160748244 - type: euclidean_ap value: 87.35151562835209 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 79.92160922940393 - type: euclidean_precision value: 76.88531587933979 - type: euclidean_recall value: 83.20757622420696 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 89.72717041176699 - type: manhattan_ap value: 87.34065592142515 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 79.85603419187943 - type: manhattan_precision value: 77.82243332115455 - type: manhattan_recall value: 81.99876809362489 - type: max_accuracy value: 89.98719292117825 - type: max_ap value: 87.58146137353202 - type: max_f1 value: 80.28543232369239 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB AFQMC revision: b44c3b011063adb25877c13823db83bb193913c4 split: validation type: C-MTEB/AFQMC metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 53.45954203592337 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 58.42154680418638 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 56.41543791722753 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 58.39328016640146 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 56.318510356833876 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 58.28423447818184 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ATEC revision: 0f319b1142f28d00e055a6770f3f726ae9b7d865 split: test type: C-MTEB/ATEC metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 50.78356460675945 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 55.6530411663269 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 56.50763660417816 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 55.733823335669065 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 56.45323093512866 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 55.63248619032702 task: type: STS - dataset: config: zh name: MTEB AmazonReviewsClassification (zh) revision: 1399c76144fd37290681b995c656ef9b2e06e26d split: test type: mteb/amazon_reviews_multi metrics: - type: accuracy value: 47.209999999999994 - type: f1 value: 46.08892432018655 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB BQ revision: e3dda5e115e487b39ec7e618c0c6a29137052a55 split: test type: C-MTEB/BQ metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 70.25573992001478 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 73.85247134951433 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 72.60033082168442 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 73.72445893756499 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 72.59932284620231 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 73.68002490614583 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CLSClusteringP2P revision: 4b6227591c6c1a73bc76b1055f3b7f3588e72476 split: test type: C-MTEB/CLSClusteringP2P metrics: - type: v_measure value: 45.21317724305628 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CLSClusteringS2S revision: e458b3f5414b62b7f9f83499ac1f5497ae2e869f split: test type: C-MTEB/CLSClusteringS2S metrics: - type: v_measure value: 42.49825170976724 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CMedQAv1 revision: 8d7f1e942507dac42dc58017c1a001c3717da7df split: test type: C-MTEB/CMedQAv1-reranking metrics: - type: map value: 88.15661686810597 - type: mrr value: 90.11222222222223 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CMedQAv2 revision: 23d186750531a14a0357ca22cd92d712fd512ea0 split: test type: C-MTEB/CMedQAv2-reranking metrics: - type: map value: 88.1204726064383 - type: mrr value: 90.20142857142858 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CmedqaRetrieval revision: cd540c506dae1cf9e9a59c3e06f42030d54e7301 split: dev type: C-MTEB/CmedqaRetrieval metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 27.224999999999998 - type: map_at_10 value: 40.169 - type: map_at_100 value: 42.0 - type: map_at_1000 value: 42.109 - type: map_at_3 value: 35.76 - type: map_at_5 value: 38.221 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 40.56 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 49.118 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 50.092999999999996 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 50.133 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 46.507 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 47.973 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 40.56 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 46.972 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 54.04 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 55.862 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 41.36 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 43.704 - type: precision_at_1 value: 40.56 - type: precision_at_10 value: 10.302999999999999 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.606 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.184 - type: precision_at_3 value: 23.064 - type: precision_at_5 value: 16.764000000000003 - type: recall_at_1 value: 27.224999999999998 - type: recall_at_10 value: 58.05200000000001 - type: recall_at_100 value: 87.092 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.099 - type: recall_at_3 value: 41.373 - type: recall_at_5 value: 48.453 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB Cmnli revision: 41bc36f332156f7adc9e38f53777c959b2ae9766 split: validation type: C-MTEB/CMNLI metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 77.40228502705953 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 86.22359172956327 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 78.96328293736501 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 73.36945615091311 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 85.48047696983868 - type: dot_accuracy value: 75.53818400481059 - type: dot_ap value: 83.70164011305312 - type: dot_f1 value: 77.67298719348754 - type: dot_precision value: 67.49482401656314 - type: dot_recall value: 91.46598082768296 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 77.94347564642213 - type: euclidean_ap value: 86.4652108728609 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 79.15555555555555 - type: euclidean_precision value: 75.41816641964853 - type: euclidean_recall value: 83.28267477203647 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 77.45039085989175 - type: manhattan_ap value: 86.09986583900665 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 78.93669264438988 - type: manhattan_precision value: 72.63261296660117 - type: manhattan_recall value: 86.43909282207154 - type: max_accuracy value: 77.94347564642213 - type: max_ap value: 86.4652108728609 - type: max_f1 value: 79.15555555555555 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CovidRetrieval revision: 1271c7809071a13532e05f25fb53511ffce77117 split: dev type: C-MTEB/CovidRetrieval metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 69.336 - type: map_at_10 value: 77.16 - type: map_at_100 value: 77.47500000000001 - type: map_at_1000 value: 77.482 - type: map_at_3 value: 75.42999999999999 - type: map_at_5 value: 76.468 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 69.44200000000001 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 77.132 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 77.43299999999999 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 77.44 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 75.395 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 76.459 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 69.547 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 80.794 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 82.245 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 82.40899999999999 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 77.303 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 79.168 - type: precision_at_1 value: 69.547 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.305 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.9979999999999999 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.101 - type: precision_at_3 value: 27.749000000000002 - type: precision_at_5 value: 17.576 - type: recall_at_1 value: 69.336 - type: recall_at_10 value: 92.097 - type: recall_at_100 value: 98.736 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 100.0 - type: recall_at_3 value: 82.64 - type: recall_at_5 value: 87.144 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB DuRetrieval revision: a1a333e290fe30b10f3f56498e3a0d911a693ced split: dev type: C-MTEB/DuRetrieval metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 26.817999999999998 - type: map_at_10 value: 82.67 - type: map_at_100 value: 85.304 - type: map_at_1000 value: 85.334 - type: map_at_3 value: 57.336 - type: map_at_5 value: 72.474 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 91.45 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 94.272 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 94.318 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 94.32000000000001 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 94.0 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 94.17699999999999 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 91.45 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 89.404 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 91.724 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 91.973 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 88.104 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 87.25699999999999 - type: precision_at_1 value: 91.45 - type: precision_at_10 value: 42.585 - type: precision_at_100 value: 4.838 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.49 - type: precision_at_3 value: 78.8 - type: precision_at_5 value: 66.66 - type: recall_at_1 value: 26.817999999999998 - type: recall_at_10 value: 90.67 - type: recall_at_100 value: 98.36200000000001 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.583 - type: recall_at_3 value: 59.614999999999995 - type: recall_at_5 value: 77.05199999999999 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB EcomRetrieval revision: 687de13dc7294d6fd9be10c6945f9e8fec8166b9 split: dev type: C-MTEB/EcomRetrieval metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 47.699999999999996 - type: map_at_10 value: 57.589999999999996 - type: map_at_100 value: 58.226 - type: map_at_1000 value: 58.251 - type: map_at_3 value: 55.233 - type: map_at_5 value: 56.633 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 47.699999999999996 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 57.589999999999996 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 58.226 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 58.251 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 55.233 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 56.633 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 47.699999999999996 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 62.505 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 65.517 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 66.19800000000001 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 57.643 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 60.181 - type: precision_at_1 value: 47.699999999999996 - type: precision_at_10 value: 7.8 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.919 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.097 - type: precision_at_3 value: 21.532999999999998 - type: precision_at_5 value: 14.16 - type: recall_at_1 value: 47.699999999999996 - type: recall_at_10 value: 78.0 - type: recall_at_100 value: 91.9 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 97.3 - type: recall_at_3 value: 64.60000000000001 - type: recall_at_5 value: 70.8 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB IFlyTek revision: 421605374b29664c5fc098418fe20ada9bd55f8a split: validation type: C-MTEB/IFlyTek-classification metrics: - type: accuracy value: 44.84801846864178 - type: f1 value: 37.47347897956339 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB JDReview revision: b7c64bd89eb87f8ded463478346f76731f07bf8b split: test type: C-MTEB/JDReview-classification metrics: - type: accuracy value: 85.81613508442777 - type: ap value: 52.68244615477374 - type: f1 value: 80.0445640948843 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB LCQMC revision: 17f9b096f80380fce5ed12a9be8be7784b337daf split: test type: C-MTEB/LCQMC metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 69.57786502217138 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 75.39106054489906 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 73.72082954602402 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 75.14421475913619 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 73.62463076633642 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 75.01301565104112 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MMarcoReranking revision: None split: dev type: C-MTEB/Mmarco-reranking metrics: - type: map value: 29.143797057999134 - type: mrr value: 28.08174603174603 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MMarcoRetrieval revision: 539bbde593d947e2a124ba72651aafc09eb33fc2 split: dev type: C-MTEB/MMarcoRetrieval metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 70.492 - type: map_at_10 value: 79.501 - type: map_at_100 value: 79.728 - type: map_at_1000 value: 79.735 - type: map_at_3 value: 77.77 - type: map_at_5 value: 78.851 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 72.822 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 80.001 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 80.19 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 80.197 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 78.484 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 79.42099999999999 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 72.822 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 83.013 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 84.013 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 84.20400000000001 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 79.728 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 81.542 - type: precision_at_1 value: 72.822 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.917 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.042 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.106 - type: precision_at_3 value: 29.847 - type: precision_at_5 value: 18.871 - type: recall_at_1 value: 70.492 - type: recall_at_10 value: 93.325 - type: recall_at_100 value: 97.822 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.319 - type: recall_at_3 value: 84.636 - type: recall_at_5 value: 88.93100000000001 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: zh-CN name: MTEB MassiveIntentClassification (zh-CN) revision: 31efe3c427b0bae9c22cbb560b8f15491cc6bed7 split: test type: mteb/amazon_massive_intent metrics: - type: accuracy value: 76.88298587760592 - type: f1 value: 73.89001762017176 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: zh-CN name: MTEB MassiveScenarioClassification (zh-CN) revision: 7d571f92784cd94a019292a1f45445077d0ef634 split: test type: mteb/amazon_massive_scenario metrics: - type: accuracy value: 80.76328177538669 - type: f1 value: 80.24718532423358 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MedicalRetrieval revision: 2039188fb5800a9803ba5048df7b76e6fb151fc6 split: dev type: C-MTEB/MedicalRetrieval metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 49.6 - type: map_at_10 value: 55.620999999999995 - type: map_at_100 value: 56.204 - type: map_at_1000 value: 56.251 - type: map_at_3 value: 54.132999999999996 - type: map_at_5 value: 54.933 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 49.7 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 55.67100000000001 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 56.254000000000005 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 56.301 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 54.18300000000001 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 54.983000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 49.6 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 58.645 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 61.789 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 63.219 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 55.567 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 57.008 - type: precision_at_1 value: 49.6 - type: precision_at_10 value: 6.819999999999999 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.836 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.095 - type: precision_at_3 value: 19.900000000000002 - type: precision_at_5 value: 12.64 - type: recall_at_1 value: 49.6 - type: recall_at_10 value: 68.2 - type: recall_at_100 value: 83.6 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 95.3 - type: recall_at_3 value: 59.699999999999996 - type: recall_at_5 value: 63.2 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MultilingualSentiment revision: 46958b007a63fdbf239b7672c25d0bea67b5ea1a split: validation type: C-MTEB/MultilingualSentiment-classification metrics: - type: accuracy value: 74.45666666666666 - type: f1 value: 74.32582402190089 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB Ocnli revision: 66e76a618a34d6d565d5538088562851e6daa7ec split: validation type: C-MTEB/OCNLI metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 80.67135896047645 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 87.60421240712051 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 82.1304131408661 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 77.68361581920904 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 87.11721224920802 - type: dot_accuracy value: 79.04710341093666 - type: dot_ap value: 85.6370059719336 - type: dot_f1 value: 80.763723150358 - type: dot_precision value: 73.69337979094077 - type: dot_recall value: 89.33474128827878 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 81.05035192203573 - type: euclidean_ap value: 87.7880240053663 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 82.50244379276637 - type: euclidean_precision value: 76.7970882620564 - type: euclidean_recall value: 89.1235480464625 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 80.61721710882512 - type: manhattan_ap value: 87.43568120591175 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 81.89526184538653 - type: manhattan_precision value: 77.5992438563327 - type: manhattan_recall value: 86.6948257655755 - type: max_accuracy value: 81.05035192203573 - type: max_ap value: 87.7880240053663 - type: max_f1 value: 82.50244379276637 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB OnlineShopping revision: e610f2ebd179a8fda30ae534c3878750a96db120 split: test type: C-MTEB/OnlineShopping-classification metrics: - type: accuracy value: 93.5 - type: ap value: 91.31357903446782 - type: f1 value: 93.48088994006616 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB PAWSX revision: 9c6a90e430ac22b5779fb019a23e820b11a8b5e1 split: test type: C-MTEB/PAWSX metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 36.93293453538077 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 42.45972506308574 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 42.34945133152159 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 42.331610303674644 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 42.31455070249498 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 42.19887982891834 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB QBQTC revision: 790b0510dc52b1553e8c49f3d2afb48c0e5c48b7 split: test type: C-MTEB/QBQTC metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 33.683290790043785 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 35.149171171202994 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 32.33806561267862 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 34.483576387347966 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 32.47629754599608 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 34.66434471867615 task: type: STS - dataset: config: zh name: MTEB STS22 (zh) revision: eea2b4fe26a775864c896887d910b76a8098ad3f split: test type: mteb/sts22-crosslingual-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 66.46322760516104 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 67.398478319726 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 64.7223480293625 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 66.83118568812951 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 64.88440039828305 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 66.80429458952257 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB STSB revision: 0cde68302b3541bb8b3c340dc0644b0b745b3dc0 split: test type: C-MTEB/STSB metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 79.08991383232105 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 79.39715677296854 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 78.63201279320496 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 79.40262660785731 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 78.98138363146906 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 79.79968413014194 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB T2Reranking revision: 76631901a18387f85eaa53e5450019b87ad58ef9 split: dev type: C-MTEB/T2Reranking metrics: - type: map value: 67.43289278789972 - type: mrr value: 77.53012460908535 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB T2Retrieval revision: 8731a845f1bf500a4f111cf1070785c793d10e64 split: dev type: C-MTEB/T2Retrieval metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 27.733999999999998 - type: map_at_10 value: 78.24799999999999 - type: map_at_100 value: 81.765 - type: map_at_1000 value: 81.824 - type: map_at_3 value: 54.92 - type: map_at_5 value: 67.61399999999999 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 90.527 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 92.843 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 92.927 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 92.93 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 92.45100000000001 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 92.693 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 90.527 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 85.466 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 88.846 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 89.415 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 86.768 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 85.46000000000001 - type: precision_at_1 value: 90.527 - type: precision_at_10 value: 42.488 - type: precision_at_100 value: 5.024 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.516 - type: precision_at_3 value: 75.907 - type: precision_at_5 value: 63.727000000000004 - type: recall_at_1 value: 27.733999999999998 - type: recall_at_10 value: 84.346 - type: recall_at_100 value: 95.536 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 98.42999999999999 - type: recall_at_3 value: 56.455 - type: recall_at_5 value: 70.755 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB TNews revision: 317f262bf1e6126357bbe89e875451e4b0938fe4 split: validation type: C-MTEB/TNews-classification metrics: - type: accuracy value: 49.952000000000005 - type: f1 value: 48.264617195258054 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ThuNewsClusteringP2P revision: 5798586b105c0434e4f0fe5e767abe619442cf93 split: test type: C-MTEB/ThuNewsClusteringP2P metrics: - type: v_measure value: 68.23769904483508 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ThuNewsClusteringS2S revision: 8a8b2caeda43f39e13c4bc5bea0f8a667896e10d split: test type: C-MTEB/ThuNewsClusteringS2S metrics: - type: v_measure value: 62.50294403136556 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB VideoRetrieval revision: 58c2597a5943a2ba48f4668c3b90d796283c5639 split: dev type: C-MTEB/VideoRetrieval metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 54.0 - type: map_at_10 value: 63.668 - type: map_at_100 value: 64.217 - type: map_at_1000 value: 64.23100000000001 - type: map_at_3 value: 61.7 - type: map_at_5 value: 62.870000000000005 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 54.0 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 63.668 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 64.217 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 64.23100000000001 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 61.7 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 62.870000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 54.0 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 68.11399999999999 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 70.723 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 71.123 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 64.074 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 66.178 - type: precision_at_1 value: 54.0 - type: precision_at_10 value: 8.200000000000001 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.941 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.097 - type: precision_at_3 value: 23.633000000000003 - type: precision_at_5 value: 15.2 - type: recall_at_1 value: 54.0 - type: recall_at_10 value: 82.0 - type: recall_at_100 value: 94.1 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 97.3 - type: recall_at_3 value: 70.89999999999999 - type: recall_at_5 value: 76.0 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB Waimai revision: 339287def212450dcaa9df8c22bf93e9980c7023 split: test type: C-MTEB/waimai-classification metrics: - type: accuracy value: 86.63000000000001 - type: ap value: 69.99457882599567 - type: f1 value: 85.07735617998541 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB 8TagsClustering revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/8tags-clustering metrics: - type: v_measure value: 44.594104491193555 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB AllegroReviews revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/allegro-reviews metrics: - type: accuracy value: 63.97614314115309 - type: f1 value: 52.15634261679283 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB ArguAna-PL revision: 63fc86750af76253e8c760fc9e534bbf24d260a2 split: test type: clarin-knext/arguana-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 32.646 - type: map_at_10 value: 47.963 - type: map_at_100 value: 48.789 - type: map_at_1000 value: 48.797000000000004 - type: map_at_3 value: 43.196 - type: map_at_5 value: 46.016 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 33.073 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 48.126000000000005 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 48.946 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 48.953 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 43.374 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 46.147 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 32.646 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 56.481 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 59.922 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 60.07 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 46.675 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 51.76500000000001 - type: precision_at_1 value: 32.646 - type: precision_at_10 value: 8.371 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.9860000000000001 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.1 - type: precision_at_3 value: 18.919 - type: precision_at_5 value: 13.825999999999999 - type: recall_at_1 value: 32.646 - type: recall_at_10 value: 83.71300000000001 - type: recall_at_100 value: 98.578 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.644 - type: recall_at_3 value: 56.757000000000005 - type: recall_at_5 value: 69.132 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CBD revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/cbd metrics: - type: accuracy value: 68.56 - type: ap value: 23.310493680488513 - type: f1 value: 58.85369533105693 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CDSC-E revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/cdsce-pairclassification metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 88.5 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 72.42140924378361 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 66.0919540229885 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 72.78481012658227 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 60.526315789473685 - type: dot_accuracy value: 88.5 - type: dot_ap value: 72.42140924378361 - type: dot_f1 value: 66.0919540229885 - type: dot_precision value: 72.78481012658227 - type: dot_recall value: 60.526315789473685 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 88.5 - type: euclidean_ap value: 72.42140924378361 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 66.0919540229885 - type: euclidean_precision value: 72.78481012658227 - type: euclidean_recall value: 60.526315789473685 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 88.5 - type: manhattan_ap value: 72.49745515311696 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 66.0968660968661 - type: manhattan_precision value: 72.04968944099379 - type: manhattan_recall value: 61.05263157894737 - type: max_accuracy value: 88.5 - type: max_ap value: 72.49745515311696 - type: max_f1 value: 66.0968660968661 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB CDSC-R revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/cdscr-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 90.32269765590145 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 89.73666311491672 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 88.2933868516544 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 89.73666311491672 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 88.33474590219448 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 89.8548364866583 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB DBPedia-PL revision: 76afe41d9af165cc40999fcaa92312b8b012064a split: test type: clarin-knext/dbpedia-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 7.632999999999999 - type: map_at_10 value: 16.426 - type: map_at_100 value: 22.651 - type: map_at_1000 value: 24.372 - type: map_at_3 value: 11.706 - type: map_at_5 value: 13.529 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 60.75000000000001 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 68.613 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 69.001 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 69.021 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 67.0 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 67.925 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 49.875 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 36.978 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 40.031 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 47.566 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 41.148 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 38.702 - type: precision_at_1 value: 60.75000000000001 - type: precision_at_10 value: 29.7 - type: precision_at_100 value: 9.278 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 2.099 - type: precision_at_3 value: 44.0 - type: precision_at_5 value: 37.6 - type: recall_at_1 value: 7.632999999999999 - type: recall_at_10 value: 22.040000000000003 - type: recall_at_100 value: 44.024 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 67.848 - type: recall_at_3 value: 13.093 - type: recall_at_5 value: 15.973 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB FiQA-PL revision: 2e535829717f8bf9dc829b7f911cc5bbd4e6608e split: test type: clarin-knext/fiqa-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 15.473 - type: map_at_10 value: 24.579 - type: map_at_100 value: 26.387 - type: map_at_1000 value: 26.57 - type: map_at_3 value: 21.278 - type: map_at_5 value: 23.179 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 30.709999999999997 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 38.994 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 39.993 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 40.044999999999995 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 36.342999999999996 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 37.846999999999994 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 30.709999999999997 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 31.608999999999998 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 38.807 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 42.208 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 28.086 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 29.323 - type: precision_at_1 value: 30.709999999999997 - type: precision_at_10 value: 8.688 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.608 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.22100000000000003 - type: precision_at_3 value: 18.724 - type: precision_at_5 value: 13.950999999999999 - type: recall_at_1 value: 15.473 - type: recall_at_10 value: 38.361000000000004 - type: recall_at_100 value: 65.2 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 85.789 - type: recall_at_3 value: 25.401 - type: recall_at_5 value: 30.875999999999998 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB HotpotQA-PL revision: a0bd479ac97b4ccb5bd6ce320c415d0bb4beb907 split: test type: clarin-knext/hotpotqa-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 38.096000000000004 - type: map_at_10 value: 51.44499999999999 - type: map_at_100 value: 52.325 - type: map_at_1000 value: 52.397000000000006 - type: map_at_3 value: 48.626999999999995 - type: map_at_5 value: 50.342 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 76.19200000000001 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 81.191 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 81.431 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 81.443 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 80.30199999999999 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 80.85900000000001 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 76.19200000000001 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 60.9 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 64.14699999999999 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 65.647 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 56.818000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 59.019999999999996 - type: precision_at_1 value: 76.19200000000001 - type: precision_at_10 value: 12.203 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.478 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.168 - type: precision_at_3 value: 34.616 - type: precision_at_5 value: 22.515 - type: recall_at_1 value: 38.096000000000004 - type: recall_at_10 value: 61.013 - type: recall_at_100 value: 73.90299999999999 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 83.91 - type: recall_at_3 value: 51.92400000000001 - type: recall_at_5 value: 56.286 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MSMARCO-PL revision: 8634c07806d5cce3a6138e260e59b81760a0a640 split: test type: clarin-knext/msmarco-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 1.548 - type: map_at_10 value: 11.049000000000001 - type: map_at_100 value: 28.874 - type: map_at_1000 value: 34.931 - type: map_at_3 value: 4.162 - type: map_at_5 value: 6.396 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 90.69800000000001 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 92.093 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 92.345 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 92.345 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 91.86 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 91.86 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 74.031 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 63.978 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 53.101 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 60.675999999999995 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 71.421 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 68.098 - type: precision_at_1 value: 90.69800000000001 - type: precision_at_10 value: 71.86 - type: precision_at_100 value: 31.395 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 5.981 - type: precision_at_3 value: 84.49600000000001 - type: precision_at_5 value: 79.07 - type: recall_at_1 value: 1.548 - type: recall_at_10 value: 12.149000000000001 - type: recall_at_100 value: 40.794999999999995 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 67.974 - type: recall_at_3 value: 4.244 - type: recall_at_5 value: 6.608 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: pl name: MTEB MassiveIntentClassification (pl) revision: 31efe3c427b0bae9c22cbb560b8f15491cc6bed7 split: test type: mteb/amazon_massive_intent metrics: - type: accuracy value: 73.55413584398119 - type: f1 value: 69.65610882318181 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: pl name: MTEB MassiveScenarioClassification (pl) revision: 7d571f92784cd94a019292a1f45445077d0ef634 split: test type: mteb/amazon_massive_scenario metrics: - type: accuracy value: 76.37188971082716 - type: f1 value: 75.64847309941361 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB NFCorpus-PL revision: 9a6f9567fda928260afed2de480d79c98bf0bec0 split: test type: clarin-knext/nfcorpus-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 4.919 - type: map_at_10 value: 10.834000000000001 - type: map_at_100 value: 13.38 - type: map_at_1000 value: 14.581 - type: map_at_3 value: 8.198 - type: map_at_5 value: 9.428 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 41.176 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 50.083 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 50.559 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 50.604000000000006 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 47.936 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 49.407000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 39.628 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 30.098000000000003 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 27.061 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 35.94 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 35.135 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 33.335 - type: precision_at_1 value: 41.176 - type: precision_at_10 value: 22.259999999999998 - type: precision_at_100 value: 6.712 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 1.9060000000000001 - type: precision_at_3 value: 33.23 - type: precision_at_5 value: 29.04 - type: recall_at_1 value: 4.919 - type: recall_at_10 value: 14.196 - type: recall_at_100 value: 26.948 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 59.211000000000006 - type: recall_at_3 value: 9.44 - type: recall_at_5 value: 11.569 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB NQ-PL revision: f171245712cf85dd4700b06bef18001578d0ca8d split: test type: clarin-knext/nq-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 25.35 - type: map_at_10 value: 37.884 - type: map_at_100 value: 38.955 - type: map_at_1000 value: 39.007999999999996 - type: map_at_3 value: 34.239999999999995 - type: map_at_5 value: 36.398 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 28.737000000000002 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 39.973 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 40.844 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 40.885 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 36.901 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 38.721 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 28.708 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 44.204 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 48.978 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 50.33 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 37.36 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 40.912 - type: precision_at_1 value: 28.708 - type: precision_at_10 value: 7.367 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.0030000000000001 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.11299999999999999 - type: precision_at_3 value: 17.034 - type: precision_at_5 value: 12.293999999999999 - type: recall_at_1 value: 25.35 - type: recall_at_10 value: 61.411 - type: recall_at_100 value: 82.599 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 92.903 - type: recall_at_3 value: 43.728 - type: recall_at_5 value: 51.854 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB PAC revision: None split: test type: laugustyniak/abusive-clauses-pl metrics: - type: accuracy value: 69.04141326382856 - type: ap value: 77.49422763833996 - type: f1 value: 66.73472657783407 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB PPC revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/ppc-pairclassification metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 81.0 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 91.47194213011349 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 84.73767885532592 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 81.49847094801224 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 88.24503311258279 - type: dot_accuracy value: 81.0 - type: dot_ap value: 91.47194213011349 - type: dot_f1 value: 84.73767885532592 - type: dot_precision value: 81.49847094801224 - type: dot_recall value: 88.24503311258279 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 81.0 - type: euclidean_ap value: 91.47194213011349 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 84.73767885532592 - type: euclidean_precision value: 81.49847094801224 - type: euclidean_recall value: 88.24503311258279 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 81.0 - type: manhattan_ap value: 91.46464475050571 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 84.48687350835321 - type: manhattan_precision value: 81.31699846860643 - type: manhattan_recall value: 87.91390728476821 - type: max_accuracy value: 81.0 - type: max_ap value: 91.47194213011349 - type: max_f1 value: 84.73767885532592 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB PSC revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/psc-pairclassification metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 97.6808905380334 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 99.27948611836348 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 96.15975422427034 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 96.90402476780186 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 95.42682926829268 - type: dot_accuracy value: 97.6808905380334 - type: dot_ap value: 99.2794861183635 - type: dot_f1 value: 96.15975422427034 - type: dot_precision value: 96.90402476780186 - type: dot_recall value: 95.42682926829268 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 97.6808905380334 - type: euclidean_ap value: 99.2794861183635 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 96.15975422427034 - type: euclidean_precision value: 96.90402476780186 - type: euclidean_recall value: 95.42682926829268 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 97.6808905380334 - type: manhattan_ap value: 99.28715055268721 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 96.14791987673343 - type: manhattan_precision value: 97.19626168224299 - type: manhattan_recall value: 95.1219512195122 - type: max_accuracy value: 97.6808905380334 - type: max_ap value: 99.28715055268721 - type: max_f1 value: 96.15975422427034 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB PolEmo2.0-IN revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/polemo2_in metrics: - type: accuracy value: 86.16343490304708 - type: f1 value: 83.3442579486744 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB PolEmo2.0-OUT revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/polemo2_out metrics: - type: accuracy value: 68.40080971659918 - type: f1 value: 53.13720751142237 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB Quora-PL revision: 0be27e93455051e531182b85e85e425aba12e9d4 split: test type: clarin-knext/quora-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 63.322 - type: map_at_10 value: 76.847 - type: map_at_100 value: 77.616 - type: map_at_1000 value: 77.644 - type: map_at_3 value: 73.624 - type: map_at_5 value: 75.603 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 72.88 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 80.376 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 80.604 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 80.61 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 78.92 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 79.869 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 72.89999999999999 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 81.43 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 83.394 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 83.685 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 77.62599999999999 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 79.656 - type: precision_at_1 value: 72.89999999999999 - type: precision_at_10 value: 12.548 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.4869999999999999 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.155 - type: precision_at_3 value: 34.027 - type: precision_at_5 value: 22.654 - type: recall_at_1 value: 63.322 - type: recall_at_10 value: 90.664 - type: recall_at_100 value: 97.974 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.636 - type: recall_at_3 value: 80.067 - type: recall_at_5 value: 85.526 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SCIDOCS-PL revision: 45452b03f05560207ef19149545f168e596c9337 split: test type: clarin-knext/scidocs-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 3.95 - type: map_at_10 value: 9.658999999999999 - type: map_at_100 value: 11.384 - type: map_at_1000 value: 11.677 - type: map_at_3 value: 7.055 - type: map_at_5 value: 8.244 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 19.5 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 28.777 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 29.936 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 30.009999999999998 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 25.55 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 27.284999999999997 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 19.5 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 16.589000000000002 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 23.879 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 29.279 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 15.719 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 13.572000000000001 - type: precision_at_1 value: 19.5 - type: precision_at_10 value: 8.62 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.924 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.322 - type: precision_at_3 value: 14.6 - type: precision_at_5 value: 11.78 - type: recall_at_1 value: 3.95 - type: recall_at_10 value: 17.477999999999998 - type: recall_at_100 value: 38.99 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 65.417 - type: recall_at_3 value: 8.883000000000001 - type: recall_at_5 value: 11.933 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SICK-E-PL revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/sicke-pl-pairclassification metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 83.48960456583775 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 76.31522115825375 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 70.35573122529645 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 70.9934735315446 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 69.72934472934473 - type: dot_accuracy value: 83.48960456583775 - type: dot_ap value: 76.31522115825373 - type: dot_f1 value: 70.35573122529645 - type: dot_precision value: 70.9934735315446 - type: dot_recall value: 69.72934472934473 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 83.48960456583775 - type: euclidean_ap value: 76.31522115825373 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 70.35573122529645 - type: euclidean_precision value: 70.9934735315446 - type: euclidean_recall value: 69.72934472934473 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 83.46922136159804 - type: manhattan_ap value: 76.18474601388084 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 70.34779490856937 - type: manhattan_precision value: 70.83032490974729 - type: manhattan_recall value: 69.87179487179486 - type: max_accuracy value: 83.48960456583775 - type: max_ap value: 76.31522115825375 - type: max_f1 value: 70.35573122529645 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SICK-R-PL revision: None split: test type: PL-MTEB/sickr-pl-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 77.95374883876302 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 73.77630219171942 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 75.81927069594934 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 73.7763211303831 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 76.03126859057528 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 73.96528138013369 task: type: STS - dataset: config: pl name: MTEB STS22 (pl) revision: eea2b4fe26a775864c896887d910b76a8098ad3f split: test type: mteb/sts22-crosslingual-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 37.388282764841826 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 40.83477184710897 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 26.754737044177805 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 40.83477184710897 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 26.760453110872458 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 41.034477441383856 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SciFact-PL revision: 47932a35f045ef8ed01ba82bf9ff67f6e109207e split: test type: clarin-knext/scifact-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 49.15 - type: map_at_10 value: 61.690999999999995 - type: map_at_100 value: 62.348000000000006 - type: map_at_1000 value: 62.38 - type: map_at_3 value: 58.824 - type: map_at_5 value: 60.662000000000006 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 51.333 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 62.731 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 63.245 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 63.275000000000006 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 60.667 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 61.93300000000001 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 51.333 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 67.168 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 69.833 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 70.56700000000001 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 62.40599999999999 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 65.029 - type: precision_at_1 value: 51.333 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.333 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.0699999999999998 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.11299999999999999 - type: precision_at_3 value: 25.333 - type: precision_at_5 value: 17.067 - type: recall_at_1 value: 49.15 - type: recall_at_10 value: 82.533 - type: recall_at_100 value: 94.167 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.667 - type: recall_at_3 value: 69.917 - type: recall_at_5 value: 76.356 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB TRECCOVID-PL revision: 81bcb408f33366c2a20ac54adafad1ae7e877fdd split: test type: clarin-knext/trec-covid-pl metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 0.261 - type: map_at_10 value: 2.1260000000000003 - type: map_at_100 value: 12.171999999999999 - type: map_at_1000 value: 26.884999999999998 - type: map_at_3 value: 0.695 - type: map_at_5 value: 1.134 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 96.0 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 96.952 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 96.952 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 96.952 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 96.667 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 96.667 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 92.0 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 81.193 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 61.129 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 51.157 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 85.693 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 84.129 - type: precision_at_1 value: 96.0 - type: precision_at_10 value: 85.39999999999999 - type: precision_at_100 value: 62.03999999999999 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 22.224 - type: precision_at_3 value: 88.0 - type: precision_at_5 value: 88.0 - type: recall_at_1 value: 0.261 - type: recall_at_10 value: 2.262 - type: recall_at_100 value: 14.981 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 46.837 - type: recall_at_3 value: 0.703 - type: recall_at_5 value: 1.172 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB AlloProfClusteringP2P revision: 392ba3f5bcc8c51f578786c1fc3dae648662cb9b split: test type: lyon-nlp/alloprof metrics: - type: v_measure value: 70.55290063940157 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB AlloProfClusteringS2S revision: 392ba3f5bcc8c51f578786c1fc3dae648662cb9b split: test type: lyon-nlp/alloprof metrics: - type: v_measure value: 55.41500719337263 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB AlloprofReranking revision: 666fdacebe0291776e86f29345663dfaf80a0db9 split: test type: lyon-nlp/mteb-fr-reranking-alloprof-s2p metrics: - type: map value: 73.48697375332002 - type: mrr value: 75.01836585523822 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB AlloprofRetrieval revision: 392ba3f5bcc8c51f578786c1fc3dae648662cb9b split: test type: lyon-nlp/alloprof metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 38.454 - type: map_at_10 value: 51.605000000000004 - type: map_at_100 value: 52.653000000000006 - type: map_at_1000 value: 52.697 - type: map_at_3 value: 48.304 - type: map_at_5 value: 50.073 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 43.307 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 54.400000000000006 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 55.147999999999996 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 55.174 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 51.77 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 53.166999999999994 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 43.307 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 57.891000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 62.161 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 63.083 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 51.851 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 54.605000000000004 - type: precision_at_1 value: 43.307 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.033 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.172 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.127 - type: precision_at_3 value: 22.798 - type: precision_at_5 value: 15.492 - type: recall_at_1 value: 38.454 - type: recall_at_10 value: 74.166 - type: recall_at_100 value: 92.43599999999999 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.071 - type: recall_at_3 value: 58.087 - type: recall_at_5 value: 64.568 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB AmazonReviewsClassification (fr) revision: 1399c76144fd37290681b995c656ef9b2e06e26d split: test type: mteb/amazon_reviews_multi metrics: - type: accuracy value: 53.474 - type: f1 value: 50.38275392350236 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB BSARDRetrieval revision: 5effa1b9b5fa3b0f9e12523e6e43e5f86a6e6d59 split: test type: maastrichtlawtech/bsard metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 2.252 - type: map_at_10 value: 4.661 - type: map_at_100 value: 5.271 - type: map_at_1000 value: 5.3629999999999995 - type: map_at_3 value: 3.604 - type: map_at_5 value: 4.3020000000000005 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 2.252 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 4.661 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 5.271 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 5.3629999999999995 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 3.604 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 4.3020000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 2.252 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 6.3020000000000005 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 10.342 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 13.475999999999999 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 4.0649999999999995 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 5.344 - type: precision_at_1 value: 2.252 - type: precision_at_10 value: 1.171 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.333 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.059000000000000004 - type: precision_at_3 value: 1.802 - type: precision_at_5 value: 1.712 - type: recall_at_1 value: 2.252 - type: recall_at_10 value: 11.712 - type: recall_at_100 value: 33.333 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 59.458999999999996 - type: recall_at_3 value: 5.405 - type: recall_at_5 value: 8.559 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: default name: MTEB HALClusteringS2S revision: e06ebbbb123f8144bef1a5d18796f3dec9ae2915 split: test type: lyon-nlp/clustering-hal-s2s metrics: - type: v_measure value: 28.301882091023288 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MLSUMClusteringP2P revision: b5d54f8f3b61ae17845046286940f03c6bc79bc7 split: test type: mlsum metrics: - type: v_measure value: 45.26992995191701 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: default name: MTEB MLSUMClusteringS2S revision: b5d54f8f3b61ae17845046286940f03c6bc79bc7 split: test type: mlsum metrics: - type: v_measure value: 42.773174876871145 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB MTOPDomainClassification (fr) revision: d80d48c1eb48d3562165c59d59d0034df9fff0bf split: test type: mteb/mtop_domain metrics: - type: accuracy value: 93.47635452552458 - type: f1 value: 93.19922617577213 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB MTOPIntentClassification (fr) revision: ae001d0e6b1228650b7bd1c2c65fb50ad11a8aba split: test type: mteb/mtop_intent metrics: - type: accuracy value: 80.2317569683683 - type: f1 value: 56.18060418621901 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: fra name: MTEB MasakhaNEWSClassification (fra) revision: 8ccc72e69e65f40c70e117d8b3c08306bb788b60 split: test type: masakhane/masakhanews metrics: - type: accuracy value: 85.18957345971565 - type: f1 value: 80.829981537394 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: fra name: MTEB MasakhaNEWSClusteringP2P (fra) revision: 8ccc72e69e65f40c70e117d8b3c08306bb788b60 split: test type: masakhane/masakhanews metrics: - type: v_measure value: 71.04138999801822 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: fra name: MTEB MasakhaNEWSClusteringS2S (fra) revision: 8ccc72e69e65f40c70e117d8b3c08306bb788b60 split: test type: masakhane/masakhanews metrics: - type: v_measure value: 71.7056263158008 task: type: Clustering - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB MassiveIntentClassification (fr) revision: 31efe3c427b0bae9c22cbb560b8f15491cc6bed7 split: test type: mteb/amazon_massive_intent metrics: - type: accuracy value: 76.65097511768661 - type: f1 value: 73.82441070598712 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB MassiveScenarioClassification (fr) revision: 7d571f92784cd94a019292a1f45445077d0ef634 split: test type: mteb/amazon_massive_scenario metrics: - type: accuracy value: 79.09885675857431 - type: f1 value: 78.28407777434224 task: type: Classification - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB MintakaRetrieval (fr) revision: efa78cc2f74bbcd21eff2261f9e13aebe40b814e split: test type: jinaai/mintakaqa metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 25.307000000000002 - type: map_at_10 value: 36.723 - type: map_at_100 value: 37.713 - type: map_at_1000 value: 37.769000000000005 - type: map_at_3 value: 33.77 - type: map_at_5 value: 35.463 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 25.307000000000002 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 36.723 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 37.713 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 37.769000000000005 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 33.77 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 35.463 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 25.307000000000002 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 42.559999999999995 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 47.457 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 49.162 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 36.461 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 39.504 - type: precision_at_1 value: 25.307000000000002 - type: precision_at_10 value: 6.106 - type: precision_at_100 value: 0.8420000000000001 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.098 - type: precision_at_3 value: 14.741999999999999 - type: precision_at_5 value: 10.319 - type: recall_at_1 value: 25.307000000000002 - type: recall_at_10 value: 61.056999999999995 - type: recall_at_100 value: 84.152 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 98.03399999999999 - type: recall_at_3 value: 44.226 - type: recall_at_5 value: 51.597 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB OpusparcusPC (fr) revision: 9e9b1f8ef51616073f47f306f7f47dd91663f86a split: test type: GEM/opusparcus metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 99.90069513406156 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 100.0 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 99.95032290114257 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 100.0 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 99.90069513406156 - type: dot_accuracy value: 99.90069513406156 - type: dot_ap value: 100.0 - type: dot_f1 value: 99.95032290114257 - type: dot_precision value: 100.0 - type: dot_recall value: 99.90069513406156 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 99.90069513406156 - type: euclidean_ap value: 100.0 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 99.95032290114257 - type: euclidean_precision value: 100.0 - type: euclidean_recall value: 99.90069513406156 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 99.90069513406156 - type: manhattan_ap value: 100.0 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 99.95032290114257 - type: manhattan_precision value: 100.0 - type: manhattan_recall value: 99.90069513406156 - type: max_accuracy value: 99.90069513406156 - type: max_ap value: 100.0 - type: max_f1 value: 99.95032290114257 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB PawsX (fr) revision: 8a04d940a42cd40658986fdd8e3da561533a3646 split: test type: paws-x metrics: - type: cos_sim_accuracy value: 70.8 - type: cos_sim_ap value: 73.7671529695957 - type: cos_sim_f1 value: 68.80964339527875 - type: cos_sim_precision value: 62.95955882352941 - type: cos_sim_recall value: 75.85825027685493 - type: dot_accuracy value: 70.8 - type: dot_ap value: 73.78345265366947 - type: dot_f1 value: 68.80964339527875 - type: dot_precision value: 62.95955882352941 - type: dot_recall value: 75.85825027685493 - type: euclidean_accuracy value: 70.8 - type: euclidean_ap value: 73.7671529695957 - type: euclidean_f1 value: 68.80964339527875 - type: euclidean_precision value: 62.95955882352941 - type: euclidean_recall value: 75.85825027685493 - type: manhattan_accuracy value: 70.75 - type: manhattan_ap value: 73.78996383615953 - type: manhattan_f1 value: 68.79432624113475 - type: manhattan_precision value: 63.39869281045751 - type: manhattan_recall value: 75.1937984496124 - type: max_accuracy value: 70.8 - type: max_ap value: 73.78996383615953 - type: max_f1 value: 68.80964339527875 task: type: PairClassification - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SICKFr revision: e077ab4cf4774a1e36d86d593b150422fafd8e8a split: test type: Lajavaness/SICK-fr metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 84.03253762760392 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 79.68280105762004 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 80.98265050044444 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 79.68233242682867 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 80.9678911810704 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 79.70264097683109 task: type: STS - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB STS22 (fr) revision: eea2b4fe26a775864c896887d910b76a8098ad3f split: test type: mteb/sts22-crosslingual-sts metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 80.56896987572884 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 81.84352499523287 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 80.40831759421305 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 81.84352499523287 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 80.74333857561238 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 82.41503246733892 task: type: STS - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB STSBenchmarkMultilingualSTS (fr) revision: 93d57ef91790589e3ce9c365164337a8a78b7632 split: test type: stsb_multi_mt metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 82.71826762276979 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 82.25433354916042 - type: euclidean_pearson value: 81.87115571724316 - type: euclidean_spearman value: 82.25322342890107 - type: manhattan_pearson value: 82.11174867527224 - type: manhattan_spearman value: 82.55905365203084 task: type: STS - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SummEvalFr revision: b385812de6a9577b6f4d0f88c6a6e35395a94054 split: test type: lyon-nlp/summarization-summeval-fr-p2p metrics: - type: cos_sim_pearson value: 30.659441623392887 - type: cos_sim_spearman value: 30.501134097353315 - type: dot_pearson value: 30.659444768851056 - type: dot_spearman value: 30.501134097353315 task: type: Summarization - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SyntecReranking revision: b205c5084a0934ce8af14338bf03feb19499c84d split: test type: lyon-nlp/mteb-fr-reranking-syntec-s2p metrics: - type: map value: 94.03333333333333 - type: mrr value: 94.03333333333333 task: type: Reranking - dataset: config: default name: MTEB SyntecRetrieval revision: 77f7e271bf4a92b24fce5119f3486b583ca016ff split: test type: lyon-nlp/mteb-fr-retrieval-syntec-s2p metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 79.0 - type: map_at_10 value: 87.61 - type: map_at_100 value: 87.655 - type: map_at_1000 value: 87.655 - type: map_at_3 value: 87.167 - type: map_at_5 value: 87.36699999999999 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 79.0 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 87.61 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 87.655 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 87.655 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 87.167 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 87.36699999999999 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 79.0 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 90.473 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 90.694 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 90.694 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 89.464 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 89.851 - type: precision_at_1 value: 79.0 - type: precision_at_10 value: 9.9 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.0 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.1 - type: precision_at_3 value: 32.0 - type: precision_at_5 value: 19.400000000000002 - type: recall_at_1 value: 79.0 - type: recall_at_10 value: 99.0 - type: recall_at_100 value: 100.0 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 100.0 - type: recall_at_3 value: 96.0 - type: recall_at_5 value: 97.0 task: type: Retrieval - dataset: config: fr name: MTEB XPQARetrieval (fr) revision: c99d599f0a6ab9b85b065da6f9d94f9cf731679f split: test type: jinaai/xpqa metrics: - type: map_at_1 value: 39.395 - type: map_at_10 value: 59.123999999999995 - type: map_at_100 value: 60.704 - type: map_at_1000 value: 60.760000000000005 - type: map_at_3 value: 53.187 - type: map_at_5 value: 56.863 - type: mrr_at_1 value: 62.083 - type: mrr_at_10 value: 68.87299999999999 - type: mrr_at_100 value: 69.46900000000001 - type: mrr_at_1000 value: 69.48299999999999 - type: mrr_at_3 value: 66.8 - type: mrr_at_5 value: 67.928 - type: ndcg_at_1 value: 62.083 - type: ndcg_at_10 value: 65.583 - type: ndcg_at_100 value: 70.918 - type: ndcg_at_1000 value: 71.72800000000001 - type: ndcg_at_3 value: 60.428000000000004 - type: ndcg_at_5 value: 61.853 - type: precision_at_1 value: 62.083 - type: precision_at_10 value: 15.033 - type: precision_at_100 value: 1.9529999999999998 - type: precision_at_1000 value: 0.207 - type: precision_at_3 value: 36.315 - type: precision_at_5 value: 25.955000000000002 - type: recall_at_1 value: 39.395 - type: recall_at_10 value: 74.332 - type: recall_at_100 value: 94.729 - type: recall_at_1000 value: 99.75500000000001 - type: recall_at_3 value: 57.679 - type: recall_at_5 value: 65.036 task: type: Retrieval --- ## gte-Qwen2-1.5B-instruct **gte-Qwen2-1.5B-instruct** is the latest model in the gte (General Text Embedding) model family. The model is built on [Qwen2-1.5B]( LLM model and use the same training data and strategies as the [gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct]( model. The model incorporates several key advancements: - Integration of bidirectional attention mechanisms, enriching its contextual understanding. - Instruction tuning, applied solely on the query side for streamlined efficiency - Comprehensive training across a vast, multilingual text corpus spanning diverse domains and scenarios. This training leverages both weakly supervised and supervised data, ensuring the model's applicability across numerous languages and a wide array of downstream tasks. ## Model Information - Model Size: 1.5B - Embedding Dimension: 1536 - Max Input Tokens: 32k ## Requirements ``` transformers>=4.39.2 flash_attn>=2.5.6 ``` ## Usage ### Sentence Transformers ```python from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer model = SentenceTransformer("Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-1.5B-instruct", trust_remote_code=True) # In case you want to reduce the maximum length: model.max_seq_length = 8192 queries = [ "how much protein should a female eat", "summit define", ] documents = [ "As a general guideline, the CDC's average requirement of protein for women ages 19 to 70 is 46 grams per day. But, as you can see from this chart, you'll need to increase that if you're expecting or training for a marathon. Check out the chart below to see how much protein you should be eating each day.", "Definition of summit for English Language Learners. : 1 the highest point of a mountain : the top of a mountain. : 2 the highest level. : 3 a meeting or series of meetings between the leaders of two or more governments.", ] query_embeddings = model.encode(queries, prompt_name="query") document_embeddings = model.encode(documents) scores = (query_embeddings @ document_embeddings.T) * 100 print(scores.tolist()) ``` Observe the [config_sentence_transformers.json](config_sentence_transformers.json) to see all pre-built prompt names. Otherwise, you can use `model.encode(queries, prompt="Instruct: ...\nQuery: "` to use a custom prompt of your choice. ### Transformers ```python import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel def last_token_pool(last_hidden_states: Tensor, attention_mask: Tensor) -> Tensor: left_padding = (attention_mask[:, -1].sum() == attention_mask.shape[0]) if left_padding: return last_hidden_states[:, -1] else: sequence_lengths = attention_mask.sum(dim=1) - 1 batch_size = last_hidden_states.shape[0] return last_hidden_states[torch.arange(batch_size, device=last_hidden_states.device), sequence_lengths] def get_detailed_instruct(task_description: str, query: str) -> str: return f'Instruct: {task_description}\nQuery: {query}' # Each query must come with a one-sentence instruction that describes the task task = 'Given a web search query, retrieve relevant passages that answer the query' queries = [ get_detailed_instruct(task, 'how much protein should a female eat'), get_detailed_instruct(task, 'summit define') ] # No need to add instruction for retrieval documents documents = [ "As a general guideline, the CDC's average requirement of protein for women ages 19 to 70 is 46 grams per day. But, as you can see from this chart, you'll need to increase that if you're expecting or training for a marathon. Check out the chart below to see how much protein you should be eating each day.", "Definition of summit for English Language Learners. : 1 the highest point of a mountain : the top of a mountain. : 2 the highest level. : 3 a meeting or series of meetings between the leaders of two or more governments." ] input_texts = queries + documents tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-1.5B-instruct', trust_remote_code=True) model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-1.5B-instruct', trust_remote_code=True) max_length = 8192 # Tokenize the input texts batch_dict = tokenizer(input_texts, max_length=max_length, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt') outputs = model(**batch_dict) embeddings = last_token_pool(outputs.last_hidden_state, batch_dict['attention_mask']) # normalize embeddings embeddings = F.normalize(embeddings, p=2, dim=1) scores = (embeddings[:2] @ embeddings[2:].T) * 100 print(scores.tolist()) ``` ## Evaluation ### MTEB & C-MTEB You can use the [scripts/]( to reproduce the following result of **gte-Qwen2-1.5B-instruct** on MTEB(English)/C-MTEB(Chinese): | Model Name | MTEB(56) | C-MTEB(35) | MTEB-fr(26) | MTEB-pl(26) | |:----:|:---------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:| | [bge-base-en-1.5]( | 64.23 | - | - | - | | [bge-large-en-1.5]( | 63.55 | - | - | - | | [gte-large-en-v1.5]( | 65.39 | - | - | - | | [gte-base-en-v1.5]( | 64.11 | - | - | - | | [mxbai-embed-large-v1]( | 64.68 | - | - | - | | [acge_text_embedding]( | - | 69.07 | - | - | | [stella-mrl-large-zh-v3.5-1792d]( | - | 68.55 | - | - | | [gte-large-zh]( | - | 66.72 | - | - | | [multilingual-e5-base]( | 59.45 | 56.21 | - | - | | [multilingual-e5-large]( | 61.50 | 58.81 | - | - | | [e5-mistral-7b-instruct]( | 66.63 | 60.81 | - | - | | [gte-Qwen1.5-7B-instruct]( | 67.34 | 69.52 | - | - | | [NV-Embed-v1]( | 69.32 | - | - | - | | [**gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct**]( | **70.24** | **72.05** | **68.25** | **67.86** | | [**gte-Qwen2-1.5B-instruct**]( | **67.16** | **67.65** | **66.60** | **64.04** | ### GTE Models The gte series models have consistently released two types of models: encoder-only models (based on the BERT architecture) and decode-only models (based on the LLM architecture). | Models | Language | Max Sequence Length | Dimension | Model Size (Memory Usage, fp32) | |:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:--------:|:-----: |:---------:|:-------------------------------:| | [GTE-large-zh]( | Chinese | 512 | 1024 | 1.25GB | | [GTE-base-zh]( | Chinese | 512 | 512 | 0.41GB | | [GTE-small-zh]( | Chinese | 512 | 512 | 0.12GB | | [GTE-large]( | English | 512 | 1024 | 1.25GB | | [GTE-base]( | English | 512 | 512 | 0.21GB | | [GTE-small]( | English | 512 | 384 | 0.10GB | | [GTE-large-en-v1.5]( | English | 8192 | 1024 | 1.74GB | | [GTE-base-en-v1.5]( | English | 8192 | 768 | 0.51GB | | [GTE-Qwen1.5-7B-instruct]( | Multilingual | 32000 | 4096 | 26.45GB | | [GTE-Qwen2-7B-instruct]( | Multilingual | 32000 | 3584 | 26.45GB | | [GTE-Qwen2-1.5B-instruct]( | Multilingual | 32000 | 1536 | 6.62GB | ## Cloud API Services In addition to the open-source [GTE]( series models, GTE series models are also available as commercial API services on Alibaba Cloud. - [Embedding Models]( Rhree versions of the text embedding models are available: text-embedding-v1/v2/v3, with v3 being the latest API service. - [ReRank Models]( The gte-rerank model service is available. Note that the models behind the commercial APIs are not entirely identical to the open-source models. ## Citation If you find our paper or models helpful, please consider cite: ``` @article{li2023towards, title={Towards general text embeddings with multi-stage contrastive learning}, author={Li, Zehan and Zhang, Xin and Zhang, Yanzhao and Long, Dingkun and Xie, Pengjun and Zhang, Meishan}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.03281}, year={2023} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "llama", "text-generation", "arxiv:2312.08935", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
Process reward model (mistral-7b) used in [Math-Shepherd]( `Input`: question + step-by-step solutions with a special step tag `ки`, e.g., ``` Janet\u2019s ducks lay 16 eggs per day. She eats three for breakfast every morning and bakes .... ? Step 1: Janet's ducks lay 16 eggs per day. ки\nStep 2: She eats three for breakfast every morning, so she has 16 - 3 = 13 eggs left. ки\nStep 3: She bakes muffins for her friends every day with four eggs, so she has 13 - 4 = 9 eggs left. ки\nStep 4: She sells the remainder at the farmers' market daily for $2 per fresh duck egg, so she makes 9 * $2 = $18 every day at the farmers' market. The answer is: 18 ки ``` `Output`: the logits. You need to post-process it to achieve the score of each step. ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM import torch good_token = '+' bad_token = '-' step_tag = 'ки' tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('peiyi9979/math-shepherd-mistral-7b-prm') candidate_tokens = tokenizer.encode(f"{good_token} {bad_token}")[1:] # [648, 387] step_tag_id = tokenizer.encode(f"{step_tag}")[-1] # 12902 model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained('peiyi9979/math-shepherd-mistral-7b-prm').eval() question = """Janet\u2019s ducks lay 16 eggs per day. She eats three for breakfast every morning and bakes muffins for her friends every day with four. She sells the remainder at the farmers' market daily for $2 per fresh duck egg. How much in dollars does she make every day at the farmers' market?""" output1 = """Step 1: Janet's ducks lay 16 eggs per day. ки\nStep 2: She eats three for breakfast every morning, so she has 16 - 3 = 13 eggs left. ки\nStep 3: She bakes muffins for her friends every day with four eggs, so she has 13 - 4 = 9 eggs left. ки\nStep 4: She sells the remainder at the farmers' market daily for $2 per fresh duck egg, so she makes 9 * $2 = $18 every day at the farmers' market. The answer is: 18 ки""" # 18 is right output2 = """Step 1: Janet's ducks lay 16 eggs per day. ки\nStep 2: She eats three for breakfast every morning, so she has 16 - 3 = 13 eggs left. ки\nStep 3: She bakes muffins for her friends every day with four eggs, so she has 13 - 4 = 9 eggs left. ки\nStep 4: She sells the remainder at the farmers' market daily for $2 per fresh duck egg, so she makes 9 * $2 = $17 every day at the farmers' market. The answer is: 17 ки""" # 17 is wrong for output in [output1, output2]: input_for_prm = f"{question} {output}" input_id = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(input_for_prm)]) with torch.no_grad(): logits = model(input_id).logits[:,:,candidate_tokens] scores = logits.softmax(dim=-1)[:,:,0] step_scores = scores[input_id == step_tag_id] print(step_scores) # tensor([0.9955, 0.9958, 0.9983, 0.9957]) # tensor([0.9955, 0.9958, 0.9983, 0.0240]) ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "seamless_m4t_v2", "feature-extraction", "audio-to-audio", "text-to-speech", "seamless_communication", "automatic-speech-recognition", "af", "am", "ar", "as", "az", "be", "bn", "bs", "bg", "ca", "cs", "zh", "cy", "da", "de", "el", "en", "et", "fi", "fr", "or", "om", "ga", "gl", "gu", "ha", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "hy", "ig", "id", "is", "it", "jv", "ja", "kn", "ka", "kk", "mn", "km", "ky", "ko", "lo", "ln", "lt", "lb", "lg", "lv", "ml", "mr", "mk", "mt", "mi", "my", "nl", "nb", "ne", "ny", "oc", "pa", "ps", "fa", "pl", "pt", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sl", "sn", "sd", "so", "es", "sr", "sv", "sw", "ta", "te", "tg", "tl", "th", "tr", "uk", "ur", "uz", "vi", "wo", "xh", "yo", "ms", "zu", "ary", "arz", "yue", "kea", "arxiv:2312.05187", "license:cc-by-nc-4.0", "region:us" ]
--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 language: - af - am - ar - as - az - be - bn - bs - bg - ca - cs - zh - cy - da - de - el - en - et - fi - fr - or - om - ga - gl - gu - ha - he - hi - hr - hu - hy - ig - id - is - it - jv - ja - kn - ka - kk - mn - km - ky - ko - lo - ln - lt - lb - lg - lv - ml - mr - mk - mt - mi - my - nl - nb - ne - ny - oc - pa - ps - fa - pl - pt - ro - ru - sk - sl - sn - sd - so - es - sr - sv - sw - ta - te - tg - tl - th - tr - uk - ur - uz - vi - wo - xh - yo - ms - zu - ary - arz - yue - kea metrics: - bleu - wer - chrf inference: False pipeline_tag: automatic-speech-recognition tags: - audio-to-audio - text-to-speech - seamless_communication library_name: transformers widget: - src: example_title: Librispeech sample 1 output: text: going along slushy country roads and speaking to damp audiences in draughty schoolrooms day after day for a fortnight he'll have to put in an appearance at some place of worship on sunday morning and he can come to us immediately afterwards - src: example_title: Librispeech sample 2 output: text: before he had time to answer a much-encumbered vera burst into the room with the question i say can i leave these here these were a small black pig and a lusty specimen of black-red game-cock --- # SeamlessM4T v2 **SeamlessM4T** is our foundational all-in-one **M**assively **M**ultilingual and **M**ultimodal **M**achine **T**ranslation model delivering high-quality translation for speech and text in nearly 100 languages. SeamlessM4T models support the tasks of: - Speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) - Speech-to-text translation (S2TT) - Text-to-speech translation (T2ST) - Text-to-text translation (T2TT) - Automatic speech recognition (ASR). SeamlessM4T models support: - 🎤 101 languages for speech input. - 💬 96 Languages for text input/output. - 🔊 35 languages for speech output. 🌟 We are releasing SeamlessM4T v2, an updated version with our novel *UnitY2* architecture. This new model improves over SeamlessM4T v1 in quality as well as inference speed in speech generation tasks. The v2 version of SeamlessM4T is a multitask adaptation of our novel *UnitY2* architecture. *Unity2* with its hierarchical character-to-unit upsampling and non-autoregressive text-to-unit decoding considerably improves over SeamlessM4T v1 in quality and inference speed. **SeamlessM4T v2 is also supported by 🤗 Transformers, more on it [in the dedicated section below](#transformers-usage).** ![SeamlessM4T architectures](seamlessm4t_arch.svg) ## SeamlessM4T models | Model Name | #params | checkpoint | metrics | | ------------------ | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | [SeamlessM4T-Large v2]( | 2.3B | [checkpoint]( | [metrics]( | | [SeamlessM4T-Large (v1)]( | 2.3B | [checkpoint]( | [metrics]( | | [SeamlessM4T-Medium (v1)]( | 1.2B | [checkpoint]( | [metrics]( | We provide the extensive evaluation results of seamlessM4T-Large and SeamlessM4T-Medium reported in the paper (as averages) in the `metrics` files above. The evaluation data ids for FLEURS, CoVoST2 and CVSS-C can be found [here]( ## Evaluating SeamlessM4T models To reproduce our results or to evaluate using the same metrics over your own test sets, please check out the [Evaluation README here]( ## Finetuning SeamlessM4T models Please check out the [Finetuning README here]( ## Transformers usage SeamlessM4T is available in the 🤗 Transformers library, requiring minimal dependencies. Steps to get started: 1. First install the 🤗 [Transformers library]( from main and [sentencepiece]( ``` pip install git+ sentencepiece ``` 2. Run the following Python code to generate speech samples. Here the target language is Russian: ```py from transformers import AutoProcessor, SeamlessM4Tv2Model import torchaudio processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/seamless-m4t-v2-large") model = SeamlessM4Tv2Model.from_pretrained("facebook/seamless-m4t-v2-large") # from text text_inputs = processor(text = "Hello, my dog is cute", src_lang="eng", return_tensors="pt") audio_array_from_text = model.generate(**text_inputs, tgt_lang="rus")[0].cpu().numpy().squeeze() # from audio audio, orig_freq = torchaudio.load("") audio = torchaudio.functional.resample(audio, orig_freq=orig_freq, new_freq=16_000) # must be a 16 kHz waveform array audio_inputs = processor(audios=audio, return_tensors="pt") audio_array_from_audio = model.generate(**audio_inputs, tgt_lang="rus")[0].cpu().numpy().squeeze() ``` 3. Listen to the audio samples either in an ipynb notebook: ```py from IPython.display import Audio sample_rate = model.config.sampling_rate Audio(audio_array_from_text, rate=sample_rate) # Audio(audio_array_from_audio, rate=sample_rate) ``` Or save them as a `.wav` file using a third-party library, e.g. `scipy`: ```py import scipy sample_rate = model.config.sampling_rate"out_from_text.wav", rate=sample_rate, data=audio_array_from_text) #"out_from_audio.wav", rate=sample_rate, data=audio_array_from_audio) ``` For more details on using the SeamlessM4T model for inference using the 🤗 Transformers library, refer to the **[SeamlessM4T v2 docs](** or to this **hands-on [Google Colab](** ## Supported Languages: Listed below, are the languages supported by SeamlessM4T-large (v1/v2). The `source` column specifies whether a language is supported as source speech (`Sp`) and/or source text (`Tx`). The `target` column specifies whether a language is supported as target speech (`Sp`) and/or target text (`Tx`). | code | language | script | Source | Target | | ---- | ---------------------- | ---------- | ------ | ------ | | afr | Afrikaans | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | amh | Amharic | Ethi | Sp, Tx | Tx | | arb | Modern Standard Arabic | Arab | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | ary | Moroccan Arabic | Arab | Sp, Tx | Tx | | arz | Egyptian Arabic | Arab | Sp, Tx | Tx | | asm | Assamese | Beng | Sp, Tx | Tx | | ast | Asturian | Latn | Sp | \-- | | azj | North Azerbaijani | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | bel | Belarusian | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Tx | | ben | Bengali | Beng | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | bos | Bosnian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | bul | Bulgarian | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Tx | | cat | Catalan | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | ceb | Cebuano | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | ces | Czech | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | ckb | Central Kurdish | Arab | Sp, Tx | Tx | | cmn | Mandarin Chinese | Hans | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | cmn_Hant | Mandarin Chinese | Hant | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | cym | Welsh | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | dan | Danish | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | deu | German | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | ell | Greek | Grek | Sp, Tx | Tx | | eng | English | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | est | Estonian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | eus | Basque | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | fin | Finnish | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | fra | French | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | fuv | Nigerian Fulfulde | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | gaz | West Central Oromo | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | gle | Irish | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | glg | Galician | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | guj | Gujarati | Gujr | Sp, Tx | Tx | | heb | Hebrew | Hebr | Sp, Tx | Tx | | hin | Hindi | Deva | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | hrv | Croatian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | hun | Hungarian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | hye | Armenian | Armn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | ibo | Igbo | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | ind | Indonesian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | isl | Icelandic | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | ita | Italian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | jav | Javanese | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | jpn | Japanese | Jpan | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | kam | Kamba | Latn | Sp | \-- | | kan | Kannada | Knda | Sp, Tx | Tx | | kat | Georgian | Geor | Sp, Tx | Tx | | kaz | Kazakh | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Tx | | kea | Kabuverdianu | Latn | Sp | \-- | | khk | Halh Mongolian | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Tx | | khm | Khmer | Khmr | Sp, Tx | Tx | | kir | Kyrgyz | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Tx | | kor | Korean | Kore | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | lao | Lao | Laoo | Sp, Tx | Tx | | lit | Lithuanian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | ltz | Luxembourgish | Latn | Sp | \-- | | lug | Ganda | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | luo | Luo | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | lvs | Standard Latvian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | mai | Maithili | Deva | Sp, Tx | Tx | | mal | Malayalam | Mlym | Sp, Tx | Tx | | mar | Marathi | Deva | Sp, Tx | Tx | | mkd | Macedonian | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Tx | | mlt | Maltese | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | mni | Meitei | Beng | Sp, Tx | Tx | | mya | Burmese | Mymr | Sp, Tx | Tx | | nld | Dutch | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | nno | Norwegian Nynorsk | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | nob | Norwegian Bokmål | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | npi | Nepali | Deva | Sp, Tx | Tx | | nya | Nyanja | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | oci | Occitan | Latn | Sp | \-- | | ory | Odia | Orya | Sp, Tx | Tx | | pan | Punjabi | Guru | Sp, Tx | Tx | | pbt | Southern Pashto | Arab | Sp, Tx | Tx | | pes | Western Persian | Arab | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | pol | Polish | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | por | Portuguese | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | ron | Romanian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | rus | Russian | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | slk | Slovak | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | slv | Slovenian | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | sna | Shona | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | snd | Sindhi | Arab | Sp, Tx | Tx | | som | Somali | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | spa | Spanish | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | srp | Serbian | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Tx | | swe | Swedish | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | swh | Swahili | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | tam | Tamil | Taml | Sp, Tx | Tx | | tel | Telugu | Telu | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | tgk | Tajik | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Tx | | tgl | Tagalog | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | tha | Thai | Thai | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | tur | Turkish | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | ukr | Ukrainian | Cyrl | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | urd | Urdu | Arab | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | uzn | Northern Uzbek | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | vie | Vietnamese | Latn | Sp, Tx | Sp, Tx | | xho | Xhosa | Latn | Sp | \-- | | yor | Yoruba | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | | yue | Cantonese | Hant | Sp, Tx | Tx | | zlm | Colloquial Malay | Latn | Sp | \-- | | zsm | Standard Malay | Latn | Tx | Tx | | zul | Zulu | Latn | Sp, Tx | Tx | Note that seamlessM4T-medium supports 200 languages in the text modality, and is based on NLLB-200 (see full list in [asset card]( ## Citation For SeamlessM4T v2, please cite : ```bibtex @inproceedings{seamless2023, title="Seamless: Multilingual Expressive and Streaming Speech Translation", author="{Seamless Communication}, Lo{\"i}c Barrault, Yu-An Chung, Mariano Coria Meglioli, David Dale, Ning Dong, Mark Duppenthaler, Paul-Ambroise Duquenne, Brian Ellis, Hady Elsahar, Justin Haaheim, John Hoffman, Min-Jae Hwang, Hirofumi Inaguma, Christopher Klaiber, Ilia Kulikov, Pengwei Li, Daniel Licht, Jean Maillard, Ruslan Mavlyutov, Alice Rakotoarison, Kaushik Ram Sadagopan, Abinesh Ramakrishnan, Tuan Tran, Guillaume Wenzek, Yilin Yang, Ethan Ye, Ivan Evtimov, Pierre Fernandez, Cynthia Gao, Prangthip Hansanti, Elahe Kalbassi, Amanda Kallet, Artyom Kozhevnikov, Gabriel Mejia, Robin San Roman, Christophe Touret, Corinne Wong, Carleigh Wood, Bokai Yu, Pierre Andrews, Can Balioglu, Peng-Jen Chen, Marta R. Costa-juss{\`a}, Maha Elbayad, Hongyu Gong, Francisco Guzm{\'a}n, Kevin Heffernan, Somya Jain, Justine Kao, Ann Lee, Xutai Ma, Alex Mourachko, Benjamin Peloquin, Juan Pino, Sravya Popuri, Christophe Ropers, Safiyyah Saleem, Holger Schwenk, Anna Sun, Paden Tomasello, Changhan Wang, Jeff Wang, Skyler Wang, Mary Williamson", journal={ArXiv}, year={2023} } ``` [//]: # ""
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "tf", "jax", "bert", "fill-mask", "ja", "dataset:wikipedia", "license:cc-by-sa-4.0", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: ja license: cc-by-sa-4.0 datasets: - wikipedia widget: - text: 仙台は「[MASK]の都」と呼ばれている。 --- # BERT base Japanese (character tokenization) This is a [BERT]( model pretrained on texts in the Japanese language. This version of the model processes input texts with word-level tokenization based on the IPA dictionary, followed by character-level tokenization. The codes for the pretraining are available at [cl-tohoku/bert-japanese]( ## Model architecture The model architecture is the same as the original BERT base model; 12 layers, 768 dimensions of hidden states, and 12 attention heads. ## Training Data The model is trained on Japanese Wikipedia as of September 1, 2019. To generate the training corpus, [WikiExtractor]( is used to extract plain texts from a dump file of Wikipedia articles. The text files used for the training are 2.6GB in size, consisting of approximately 17M sentences. ## Tokenization The texts are first tokenized by [MeCab]( morphological parser with the IPA dictionary and then split into characters. The vocabulary size is 4000. ## Training The model is trained with the same configuration as the original BERT; 512 tokens per instance, 256 instances per batch, and 1M training steps. ## Licenses The pretrained models are distributed under the terms of the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0]( ## Acknowledgments For training models, we used Cloud TPUs provided by [TensorFlow Research Cloud]( program.
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "dataset:imagenet-1k", "arxiv:1905.02244", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- tags: - image-classification - timm library_name: timm license: apache-2.0 datasets: - imagenet-1k --- # Model card for tf_mobilenetv3_small_minimal_100.in1k A MobileNet-v3 image classification model. Trained on ImageNet-1k in Tensorflow by paper authors, ported to PyTorch by Ross Wightman. ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 2.0 - GMACs: 0.1 - Activations (M): 1.4 - Image size: 224 x 224 - **Papers:** - Searching for MobileNetV3: - **Dataset:** ImageNet-1k - **Original:** ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('tf_mobilenetv3_small_minimal_100.in1k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Feature Map Extraction ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'tf_mobilenetv3_small_minimal_100.in1k', pretrained=True, features_only=True, ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 for o in output: # print shape of each feature map in output # e.g.: # torch.Size([1, 16, 112, 112]) # torch.Size([1, 16, 56, 56]) # torch.Size([1, 24, 28, 28]) # torch.Size([1, 48, 14, 14]) # torch.Size([1, 576, 7, 7]) print(o.shape) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'tf_mobilenetv3_small_minimal_100.in1k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled, a (1, 576, 7, 7) shaped tensor output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( ## Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{howard2019searching, title={Searching for mobilenetv3}, author={Howard, Andrew and Sandler, Mark and Chu, Grace and Chen, Liang-Chieh and Chen, Bo and Tan, Mingxing and Wang, Weijun and Zhu, Yukun and Pang, Ruoming and Vasudevan, Vijay and others}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision}, pages={1314--1324}, year={2019} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ```
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "mistral", "text-generation", "conversational", "en", "dataset:Open-Orca/OpenOrca", "arxiv:2306.02707", "arxiv:2301.13688", "base_model:Open-Orca/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca", "base_model:quantized:Open-Orca/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "4-bit", "gptq", "region:us" ]
--- base_model: Open-Orca/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca datasets: - Open-Orca/OpenOrca inference: false language: - en library_name: transformers license: apache-2.0 model_creator: OpenOrca model_name: Mistral 7B OpenOrca model_type: mistral pipeline_tag: text-generation prompt_template: '<|im_start|>system {system_message}<|im_end|> <|im_start|>user {prompt}<|im_end|> <|im_start|>assistant ' quantized_by: TheBloke --- <!-- header start --> <!-- 200823 --> <div style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <img src="" alt="TheBlokeAI" style="width: 100%; min-width: 400px; display: block; margin: auto;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; width: 100%;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start;"> <p style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><a href="">Chat & support: TheBloke's Discord server</a></p> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-end;"> <p style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><a href="">Want to contribute? TheBloke's Patreon page</a></p> </div> </div> <div style="text-align:center; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em"><p style="margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0em;">TheBloke's LLM work is generously supported by a grant from <a href="">andreessen horowitz (a16z)</a></p></div> <hr style="margin-top: 1.0em; margin-bottom: 1.0em;"> <!-- header end --> # Mistral 7B OpenOrca - GPTQ - Model creator: [OpenOrca]( - Original model: [Mistral 7B OpenOrca]( <!-- description start --> ## Description This repo contains GPTQ model files for [OpenOrca's Mistral 7B OpenOrca]( Multiple GPTQ parameter permutations are provided; see Provided Files below for details of the options provided, their parameters, and the software used to create them. <!-- description end --> <!-- repositories-available start --> ## Repositories available * [AWQ model(s) for GPU inference.]( * [GPTQ models for GPU inference, with multiple quantisation parameter options.]( * [2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-bit GGUF models for CPU+GPU inference]( * [OpenOrca's original unquantised fp16 model in pytorch format, for GPU inference and for further conversions]( <!-- repositories-available end --> <!-- prompt-template start --> ## Prompt template: ChatML ``` <|im_start|>system {system_message}<|im_end|> <|im_start|>user {prompt}<|im_end|> <|im_start|>assistant ``` <!-- prompt-template end --> <!-- start --> ## Provided files, and GPTQ parameters Multiple quantisation parameters are provided, to allow you to choose the best one for your hardware and requirements. Each separate quant is in a different branch. See below for instructions on fetching from different branches. Most GPTQ files are made with AutoGPTQ. Mistral models are currently made with Transformers. <details> <summary>Explanation of GPTQ parameters</summary> - Bits: The bit size of the quantised model. - GS: GPTQ group size. Higher numbers use less VRAM, but have lower quantisation accuracy. "None" is the lowest possible value. - Act Order: True or False. Also known as `desc_act`. True results in better quantisation accuracy. Some GPTQ clients have had issues with models that use Act Order plus Group Size, but this is generally resolved now. - Damp %: A GPTQ parameter that affects how samples are processed for quantisation. 0.01 is default, but 0.1 results in slightly better accuracy. - GPTQ dataset: The calibration dataset used during quantisation. Using a dataset more appropriate to the model's training can improve quantisation accuracy. Note that the GPTQ calibration dataset is not the same as the dataset used to train the model - please refer to the original model repo for details of the training dataset(s). - Sequence Length: The length of the dataset sequences used for quantisation. Ideally this is the same as the model sequence length. For some very long sequence models (16+K), a lower sequence length may have to be used. Note that a lower sequence length does not limit the sequence length of the quantised model. It only impacts the quantisation accuracy on longer inference sequences. - ExLlama Compatibility: Whether this file can be loaded with ExLlama, which currently only supports Llama models in 4-bit. </details> | Branch | Bits | GS | Act Order | Damp % | GPTQ Dataset | Seq Len | Size | ExLlama | Desc | | ------ | ---- | -- | --------- | ------ | ------------ | ------- | ---- | ------- | ---- | | [main]( | 4 | 128 | Yes | 0.1 | [wikitext]( | 32768 | 4.16 GB | Yes | 4-bit, with Act Order and group size 128g. Uses even less VRAM than 64g, but with slightly lower accuracy. | | [gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True]( | 4 | 32 | Yes | 0.1 | [wikitext]( | 32768 | 4.57 GB | Yes | 4-bit, with Act Order and group size 32g. Gives highest possible inference quality, with maximum VRAM usage. | | [gptq-8bit--1g-actorder_True]( | 8 | None | Yes | 0.1 | [wikitext]( | 32768 | 7.52 GB | No | 8-bit, with Act Order. No group size, to lower VRAM requirements. | | [gptq-8bit-128g-actorder_True]( | 8 | 128 | Yes | 0.1 | [wikitext]( | 32768 | 7.68 GB | No | 8-bit, with group size 128g for higher inference quality and with Act Order for even higher accuracy. | | [gptq-8bit-32g-actorder_True]( | 8 | 32 | Yes | 0.1 | [wikitext]( | 32768 | 8.17 GB | No | 8-bit, with group size 32g and Act Order for maximum inference quality. | | [gptq-4bit-64g-actorder_True]( | 4 | 64 | Yes | 0.1 | [wikitext]( | 32768 | 4.30 GB | Yes | 4-bit, with Act Order and group size 64g. Uses less VRAM than 32g, but with slightly lower accuracy. | <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to download, including from branches ### In text-generation-webui To download from the `main` branch, enter `TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ` in the "Download model" box. To download from another branch, add `:branchname` to the end of the download name, eg `TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ:gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True` ### From the command line I recommend using the `huggingface-hub` Python library: ```shell pip3 install huggingface-hub ``` To download the `main` branch to a folder called `Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ`: ```shell mkdir Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ --local-dir Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ --local-dir-use-symlinks False ``` To download from a different branch, add the `--revision` parameter: ```shell mkdir Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ --revision gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True --local-dir Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ --local-dir-use-symlinks False ``` <details> <summary>More advanced huggingface-cli download usage</summary> If you remove the `--local-dir-use-symlinks False` parameter, the files will instead be stored in the central Huggingface cache directory (default location on Linux is: `~/.cache/huggingface`), and symlinks will be added to the specified `--local-dir`, pointing to their real location in the cache. This allows for interrupted downloads to be resumed, and allows you to quickly clone the repo to multiple places on disk without triggering a download again. The downside, and the reason why I don't list that as the default option, is that the files are then hidden away in a cache folder and it's harder to know where your disk space is being used, and to clear it up if/when you want to remove a download model. The cache location can be changed with the `HF_HOME` environment variable, and/or the `--cache-dir` parameter to `huggingface-cli`. For more documentation on downloading with `huggingface-cli`, please see: [HF -> Hub Python Library -> Download files -> Download from the CLI]( To accelerate downloads on fast connections (1Gbit/s or higher), install `hf_transfer`: ```shell pip3 install hf_transfer ``` And set environment variable `HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER` to `1`: ```shell mkdir Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1 huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ --local-dir Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ --local-dir-use-symlinks False ``` Windows Command Line users: You can set the environment variable by running `set HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1` before the download command. </details> ### With `git` (**not** recommended) To clone a specific branch with `git`, use a command like this: ```shell git clone --single-branch --branch gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True ``` Note that using Git with HF repos is strongly discouraged. It will be much slower than using `huggingface-hub`, and will use twice as much disk space as it has to store the model files twice (it stores every byte both in the intended target folder, and again in the `.git` folder as a blob.) <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to easily download and use this model in [text-generation-webui]( Please make sure you're using the latest version of [text-generation-webui]( It is strongly recommended to use the text-generation-webui one-click-installers unless you're sure you know how to make a manual install. 1. Click the **Model tab**. 2. Under **Download custom model or LoRA**, enter `TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ`. - To download from a specific branch, enter for example `TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ:gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True` - see Provided Files above for the list of branches for each option. 3. Click **Download**. 4. The model will start downloading. Once it's finished it will say "Done". 5. In the top left, click the refresh icon next to **Model**. 6. In the **Model** dropdown, choose the model you just downloaded: `Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ` 7. The model will automatically load, and is now ready for use! 8. If you want any custom settings, set them and then click **Save settings for this model** followed by **Reload the Model** in the top right. * Note that you do not need to and should not set manual GPTQ parameters any more. These are set automatically from the file `quantize_config.json`. 9. Once you're ready, click the **Text Generation tab** and enter a prompt to get started! <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## Serving this model from Text Generation Inference (TGI) It's recommended to use TGI version 1.1.0 or later. The official Docker container is: `` Example Docker parameters: ```shell --model-id TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ --port 3000 --quantize gptq --max-input-length 3696 --max-total-tokens 4096 --max-batch-prefill-tokens 4096 ``` Example Python code for interfacing with TGI (requires huggingface-hub 0.17.0 or later): ```shell pip3 install huggingface-hub ``` ```python from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient endpoint_url = "https://your-endpoint-url-here" prompt = "Tell me about AI" prompt_template=f'''<|im_start|>system {system_message}<|im_end|> <|im_start|>user {prompt}<|im_end|> <|im_start|>assistant ''' client = InferenceClient(endpoint_url) response = client.text_generation(prompt, max_new_tokens=128, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, repetition_penalty=1.1) print(f"Model output: {response}") ``` <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to use this GPTQ model from Python code ### Install the necessary packages Requires: Transformers 4.33.0 or later, Optimum 1.12.0 or later, and AutoGPTQ 0.4.2 or later. ```shell pip3 install transformers optimum pip3 install auto-gptq --extra-index-url # Use cu117 if on CUDA 11.7 ``` If you have problems installing AutoGPTQ using the pre-built wheels, install it from source instead: ```shell pip3 uninstall -y auto-gptq git clone cd AutoGPTQ git checkout v0.4.2 pip3 install . ``` ### You can then use the following code ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline model_name_or_path = "TheBloke/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca-GPTQ" # To use a different branch, change revision # For example: revision="gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True" model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=False, revision="main") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, use_fast=True) prompt = "Tell me about AI" prompt_template=f'''<|im_start|>system {system_message}<|im_end|> <|im_start|>user {prompt}<|im_end|> <|im_start|>assistant ''' print("\n\n*** Generate:") input_ids = tokenizer(prompt_template, return_tensors='pt').input_ids.cuda() output = model.generate(inputs=input_ids, temperature=0.7, do_sample=True, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, max_new_tokens=512) print(tokenizer.decode(output[0])) # Inference can also be done using transformers' pipeline print("*** Pipeline:") pipe = pipeline( "text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_new_tokens=512, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, repetition_penalty=1.1 ) print(pipe(prompt_template)[0]['generated_text']) ``` <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## Compatibility The files provided are tested to work with AutoGPTQ, both via Transformers and using AutoGPTQ directly. They should also work with [Occ4m's GPTQ-for-LLaMa fork]( [ExLlama]( is compatible with Llama and Mistral models in 4-bit. Please see the Provided Files table above for per-file compatibility. [Huggingface Text Generation Inference (TGI)]( is compatible with all GPTQ models. <!-- end --> <!-- footer start --> <!-- 200823 --> ## Discord For further support, and discussions on these models and AI in general, join us at: [TheBloke AI's Discord server]( ## Thanks, and how to contribute Thanks to the []( team! Thanks to Clay from [](llm-utils)! I've had a lot of people ask if they can contribute. I enjoy providing models and helping people, and would love to be able to spend even more time doing it, as well as expanding into new projects like fine tuning/training. If you're able and willing to contribute it will be most gratefully received and will help me to keep providing more models, and to start work on new AI projects. Donaters will get priority support on any and all AI/LLM/model questions and requests, access to a private Discord room, plus other benefits. * Patreon: * Ko-Fi: **Special thanks to**: Aemon Algiz. **Patreon special mentions**: Pierre Kircher, Stanislav Ovsiannikov, Michael Levine, Eugene Pentland, Andrey, 준교 김, Randy H, Fred von Graf, Artur Olbinski, Caitlyn Gatomon, terasurfer, Jeff Scroggin, James Bentley, Vadim, Gabriel Puliatti, Harry Royden McLaughlin, Sean Connelly, Dan Guido, Edmond Seymore, Alicia Loh, subjectnull, AzureBlack, Manuel Alberto Morcote, Thomas Belote, Lone Striker, Chris Smitley, Vitor Caleffi, Johann-Peter Hartmann, Clay Pascal, biorpg, Brandon Frisco, sidney chen, transmissions 11, Pedro Madruga, jinyuan sun, Ajan Kanaga, Emad Mostaque, Trenton Dambrowitz, Jonathan Leane, Iucharbius, usrbinkat, vamX, George Stoitzev, Luke Pendergrass, theTransient, Olakabola, Swaroop Kallakuri, Cap'n Zoog, Brandon Phillips, Michael Dempsey, Nikolai Manek, danny, Matthew Berman, Gabriel Tamborski, alfie_i, Raymond Fosdick, Tom X Nguyen, Raven Klaugh, LangChain4j, Magnesian, Illia Dulskyi, David Ziegler, Mano Prime, Luis Javier Navarrete Lozano, Erik Bjäreholt, 阿明, Nathan Dryer, Alex, Rainer Wilmers, zynix, TL, Joseph William Delisle, John Villwock, Nathan LeClaire, Willem Michiel, Joguhyik, GodLy, OG, Alps Aficionado, Jeffrey Morgan, ReadyPlayerEmma, Tiffany J. Kim, Sebastain Graf, Spencer Kim, Michael Davis, webtim, Talal Aujan, knownsqashed, John Detwiler, Imad Khwaja, Deo Leter, Jerry Meng, Elijah Stavena, Rooh Singh, Pieter, SuperWojo, Alexandros Triantafyllidis, Stephen Murray, Ai Maven, ya boyyy, Enrico Ros, Ken Nordquist, Deep Realms, Nicholas, Spiking Neurons AB, Elle, Will Dee, Jack West, RoA, Luke @flexchar, Viktor Bowallius, Derek Yates, Subspace Studios, jjj, Toran Billups, Asp the Wyvern, Fen Risland, Ilya,, Chadd, Nitin Borwankar, Emre, Mandus, Leonard Tan, Kalila, K, Trailburnt, S_X, Cory Kujawski Thank you to all my generous patrons and donaters! And thank you again to a16z for their generous grant. <!-- footer end --> # Original model card: OpenOrca's Mistral 7B OpenOrca <p><h1>🐋 TBD 🐋</h1></p> ![OpenOrca Logo]( "OpenOrca Logo") [<img src="" alt="Built with Axolotl" width="200" height="32"/>]( # OpenOrca - Mistral - 7B - 8k We have used our own [OpenOrca dataset]( to fine-tune on top of [Mistral 7B]( This dataset is our attempt to reproduce the dataset generated for Microsoft Research's [Orca Paper]( We use [OpenChat]( packing, trained with [Axolotl]( This release is trained on a curated filtered subset of most of our GPT-4 augmented data. It is the same subset of our data as was used in our [OpenOrcaxOpenChat-Preview2-13B model]( HF Leaderboard evals place this model as #2 for all models smaller than 30B at release time, outperforming all but one 13B model. TBD Want to visualize our full (pre-filtering) dataset? Check out our [Nomic Atlas Map]( [<img src="" alt="Atlas Nomic Dataset Map" width="400" height="400" />]( We are in-process with training more models, so keep a look out on our org for releases coming soon with exciting partners. We will also give sneak-peak announcements on our Discord, which you can find here: or on the OpenAccess AI Collective Discord for more information about Axolotl trainer here: # Prompt Template We used [OpenAI's Chat Markup Language (ChatML)]( format, with `<|im_start|>` and `<|im_end|>` tokens added to support this. ## Example Prompt Exchange TBD # Evaluation We have evaluated using the methodology and tools for the HuggingFace Leaderboard, and find that we have significantly improved upon the base model. TBD ## HuggingFaceH4 Open LLM Leaderboard Performance TBD ## GPT4ALL Leaderboard Performance TBD # Dataset We used a curated, filtered selection of most of the GPT-4 augmented data from our OpenOrca dataset, which aims to reproduce the Orca Research Paper dataset. # Training We trained with 8x A6000 GPUs for 62 hours, completing 4 epochs of full fine tuning on our dataset in one training run. Commodity cost was ~$400. # Citation ```bibtex @misc{mukherjee2023orca, title={Orca: Progressive Learning from Complex Explanation Traces of GPT-4}, author={Subhabrata Mukherjee and Arindam Mitra and Ganesh Jawahar and Sahaj Agarwal and Hamid Palangi and Ahmed Awadallah}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.02707}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } @misc{longpre2023flan, title={The Flan Collection: Designing Data and Methods for Effective Instruction Tuning}, author={Shayne Longpre and Le Hou and Tu Vu and Albert Webson and Hyung Won Chung and Yi Tay and Denny Zhou and Quoc V. Le and Barret Zoph and Jason Wei and Adam Roberts}, year={2023}, eprint={2301.13688}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.AI} } ```
[ "transformers", "gguf", "mistral", "finetuned", "text-generation", "arxiv:2310.06825", "base_model:mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2", "base_model:quantized:mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2", "license:apache-2.0", "text-generation-inference", "region:us" ]
--- base_model: mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 inference: false license: apache-2.0 model_creator: Mistral AI_ model_name: Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2 model_type: mistral pipeline_tag: text-generation prompt_template: '<s>[INST] {prompt} [/INST] ' quantized_by: TheBloke tags: - finetuned --- <!-- markdownlint-disable MD041 --> <!-- header start --> <!-- 200823 --> <div style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> <img src="" alt="TheBlokeAI" style="width: 100%; min-width: 400px; display: block; margin: auto;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; width: 100%;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start;"> <p style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><a href="">Chat & support: TheBloke's Discord server</a></p> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-end;"> <p style="margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0em;"><a href="">Want to contribute? TheBloke's Patreon page</a></p> </div> </div> <div style="text-align:center; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em"><p style="margin-top: 0.25em; margin-bottom: 0em;">TheBloke's LLM work is generously supported by a grant from <a href="">andreessen horowitz (a16z)</a></p></div> <hr style="margin-top: 1.0em; margin-bottom: 1.0em;"> <!-- header end --> # Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2 - GGUF - Model creator: [Mistral AI_]( - Original model: [Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2]( <!-- description start --> ## Description This repo contains GGUF format model files for [Mistral AI_'s Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2]( These files were quantised using hardware kindly provided by [Massed Compute]( <!-- description end --> <!-- start --> ### About GGUF GGUF is a new format introduced by the llama.cpp team on August 21st 2023. It is a replacement for GGML, which is no longer supported by llama.cpp. Here is an incomplete list of clients and libraries that are known to support GGUF: * [llama.cpp]( The source project for GGUF. Offers a CLI and a server option. * [text-generation-webui](, the most widely used web UI, with many features and powerful extensions. Supports GPU acceleration. * [KoboldCpp](, a fully featured web UI, with GPU accel across all platforms and GPU architectures. Especially good for story telling. * [GPT4All](, a free and open source local running GUI, supporting Windows, Linux and macOS with full GPU accel. * [LM Studio](, an easy-to-use and powerful local GUI for Windows and macOS (Silicon), with GPU acceleration. Linux available, in beta as of 27/11/2023. * [LoLLMS Web UI](, a great web UI with many interesting and unique features, including a full model library for easy model selection. * [](, an attractive and easy to use character-based chat GUI for Windows and macOS (both Silicon and Intel), with GPU acceleration. * [llama-cpp-python](, a Python library with GPU accel, LangChain support, and OpenAI-compatible API server. * [candle](, a Rust ML framework with a focus on performance, including GPU support, and ease of use. * [ctransformers](, a Python library with GPU accel, LangChain support, and OpenAI-compatible AI server. Note, as of time of writing (November 27th 2023), ctransformers has not been updated in a long time and does not support many recent models. <!-- end --> <!-- repositories-available start --> ## Repositories available * [AWQ model(s) for GPU inference.]( * [GPTQ models for GPU inference, with multiple quantisation parameter options.]( * [2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-bit GGUF models for CPU+GPU inference]( * [Mistral AI_'s original unquantised fp16 model in pytorch format, for GPU inference and for further conversions]( <!-- repositories-available end --> <!-- prompt-template start --> ## Prompt template: Mistral ``` <s>[INST] {prompt} [/INST] ``` <!-- prompt-template end --> <!-- compatibility_gguf start --> ## Compatibility These quantised GGUFv2 files are compatible with llama.cpp from August 27th onwards, as of commit [d0cee0d]( They are also compatible with many third party UIs and libraries - please see the list at the top of this README. ## Explanation of quantisation methods <details> <summary>Click to see details</summary> The new methods available are: * GGML_TYPE_Q2_K - "type-1" 2-bit quantization in super-blocks containing 16 blocks, each block having 16 weight. Block scales and mins are quantized with 4 bits. This ends up effectively using 2.5625 bits per weight (bpw) * GGML_TYPE_Q3_K - "type-0" 3-bit quantization in super-blocks containing 16 blocks, each block having 16 weights. Scales are quantized with 6 bits. This end up using 3.4375 bpw. * GGML_TYPE_Q4_K - "type-1" 4-bit quantization in super-blocks containing 8 blocks, each block having 32 weights. Scales and mins are quantized with 6 bits. This ends up using 4.5 bpw. * GGML_TYPE_Q5_K - "type-1" 5-bit quantization. Same super-block structure as GGML_TYPE_Q4_K resulting in 5.5 bpw * GGML_TYPE_Q6_K - "type-0" 6-bit quantization. Super-blocks with 16 blocks, each block having 16 weights. Scales are quantized with 8 bits. This ends up using 6.5625 bpw Refer to the Provided Files table below to see what files use which methods, and how. </details> <!-- compatibility_gguf end --> <!-- start --> ## Provided files | Name | Quant method | Bits | Size | Max RAM required | Use case | | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ----- | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q2_K.gguf]( | Q2_K | 2 | 3.08 GB| 5.58 GB | smallest, significant quality loss - not recommended for most purposes | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q3_K_S.gguf]( | Q3_K_S | 3 | 3.16 GB| 5.66 GB | very small, high quality loss | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q3_K_M.gguf]( | Q3_K_M | 3 | 3.52 GB| 6.02 GB | very small, high quality loss | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q3_K_L.gguf]( | Q3_K_L | 3 | 3.82 GB| 6.32 GB | small, substantial quality loss | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_0.gguf]( | Q4_0 | 4 | 4.11 GB| 6.61 GB | legacy; small, very high quality loss - prefer using Q3_K_M | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_S.gguf]( | Q4_K_S | 4 | 4.14 GB| 6.64 GB | small, greater quality loss | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_M.gguf]( | Q4_K_M | 4 | 4.37 GB| 6.87 GB | medium, balanced quality - recommended | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q5_0.gguf]( | Q5_0 | 5 | 5.00 GB| 7.50 GB | legacy; medium, balanced quality - prefer using Q4_K_M | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q5_K_S.gguf]( | Q5_K_S | 5 | 5.00 GB| 7.50 GB | large, low quality loss - recommended | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q5_K_M.gguf]( | Q5_K_M | 5 | 5.13 GB| 7.63 GB | large, very low quality loss - recommended | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q6_K.gguf]( | Q6_K | 6 | 5.94 GB| 8.44 GB | very large, extremely low quality loss | | [mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q8_0.gguf]( | Q8_0 | 8 | 7.70 GB| 10.20 GB | very large, extremely low quality loss - not recommended | **Note**: the above RAM figures assume no GPU offloading. If layers are offloaded to the GPU, this will reduce RAM usage and use VRAM instead. <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## How to download GGUF files **Note for manual downloaders:** You almost never want to clone the entire repo! Multiple different quantisation formats are provided, and most users only want to pick and download a single file. The following clients/libraries will automatically download models for you, providing a list of available models to choose from: * LM Studio * LoLLMS Web UI * ### In `text-generation-webui` Under Download Model, you can enter the model repo: TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-GGUF and below it, a specific filename to download, such as: mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_M.gguf. Then click Download. ### On the command line, including multiple files at once I recommend using the `huggingface-hub` Python library: ```shell pip3 install huggingface-hub ``` Then you can download any individual model file to the current directory, at high speed, with a command like this: ```shell huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-GGUF mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_M.gguf --local-dir . --local-dir-use-symlinks False ``` <details> <summary>More advanced huggingface-cli download usage (click to read)</summary> You can also download multiple files at once with a pattern: ```shell huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-GGUF --local-dir . --local-dir-use-symlinks False --include='*Q4_K*gguf' ``` For more documentation on downloading with `huggingface-cli`, please see: [HF -> Hub Python Library -> Download files -> Download from the CLI]( To accelerate downloads on fast connections (1Gbit/s or higher), install `hf_transfer`: ```shell pip3 install hf_transfer ``` And set environment variable `HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER` to `1`: ```shell HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1 huggingface-cli download TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-GGUF mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_M.gguf --local-dir . --local-dir-use-symlinks False ``` Windows Command Line users: You can set the environment variable by running `set HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER=1` before the download command. </details> <!-- end --> <!-- start --> ## Example `llama.cpp` command Make sure you are using `llama.cpp` from commit [d0cee0d]( or later. ```shell ./main -ngl 35 -m mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_M.gguf --color -c 32768 --temp 0.7 --repeat_penalty 1.1 -n -1 -p "<s>[INST] {prompt} [/INST]" ``` Change `-ngl 32` to the number of layers to offload to GPU. Remove it if you don't have GPU acceleration. Change `-c 32768` to the desired sequence length. For extended sequence models - eg 8K, 16K, 32K - the necessary RoPE scaling parameters are read from the GGUF file and set by llama.cpp automatically. Note that longer sequence lengths require much more resources, so you may need to reduce this value. If you want to have a chat-style conversation, replace the `-p <PROMPT>` argument with `-i -ins` For other parameters and how to use them, please refer to [the llama.cpp documentation]( ## How to run in `text-generation-webui` Further instructions can be found in the text-generation-webui documentation, here: [text-generation-webui/docs/04 ‐ Model]( ## How to run from Python code You can use GGUF models from Python using the [llama-cpp-python]( or [ctransformers]( libraries. Note that at the time of writing (Nov 27th 2023), ctransformers has not been updated for some time and is not compatible with some recent models. Therefore I recommend you use llama-cpp-python. ### How to load this model in Python code, using llama-cpp-python For full documentation, please see: [llama-cpp-python docs]( #### First install the package Run one of the following commands, according to your system: ```shell # Base ctransformers with no GPU acceleration pip install llama-cpp-python # With NVidia CUDA acceleration CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_CUBLAS=on" pip install llama-cpp-python # Or with OpenBLAS acceleration CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_BLAS=ON -DLLAMA_BLAS_VENDOR=OpenBLAS" pip install llama-cpp-python # Or with CLBLast acceleration CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_CLBLAST=on" pip install llama-cpp-python # Or with AMD ROCm GPU acceleration (Linux only) CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_HIPBLAS=on" pip install llama-cpp-python # Or with Metal GPU acceleration for macOS systems only CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_METAL=on" pip install llama-cpp-python # In windows, to set the variables CMAKE_ARGS in PowerShell, follow this format; eg for NVidia CUDA: $env:CMAKE_ARGS = "-DLLAMA_OPENBLAS=on" pip install llama-cpp-python ``` #### Simple llama-cpp-python example code ```python from llama_cpp import Llama # Set gpu_layers to the number of layers to offload to GPU. Set to 0 if no GPU acceleration is available on your system. llm = Llama( model_path="./mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_M.gguf", # Download the model file first n_ctx=32768, # The max sequence length to use - note that longer sequence lengths require much more resources n_threads=8, # The number of CPU threads to use, tailor to your system and the resulting performance n_gpu_layers=35 # The number of layers to offload to GPU, if you have GPU acceleration available ) # Simple inference example output = llm( "<s>[INST] {prompt} [/INST]", # Prompt max_tokens=512, # Generate up to 512 tokens stop=["</s>"], # Example stop token - not necessarily correct for this specific model! Please check before using. echo=True # Whether to echo the prompt ) # Chat Completion API llm = Llama(model_path="./mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q4_K_M.gguf", chat_format="llama-2") # Set chat_format according to the model you are using llm.create_chat_completion( messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a story writing assistant."}, { "role": "user", "content": "Write a story about llamas." } ] ) ``` ## How to use with LangChain Here are guides on using llama-cpp-python and ctransformers with LangChain: * [LangChain + llama-cpp-python]( * [LangChain + ctransformers]( <!-- end --> <!-- footer start --> <!-- 200823 --> ## Discord For further support, and discussions on these models and AI in general, join us at: [TheBloke AI's Discord server]( ## Thanks, and how to contribute Thanks to the []( team! Thanks to Clay from [](llm-utils)! I've had a lot of people ask if they can contribute. I enjoy providing models and helping people, and would love to be able to spend even more time doing it, as well as expanding into new projects like fine tuning/training. If you're able and willing to contribute it will be most gratefully received and will help me to keep providing more models, and to start work on new AI projects. Donaters will get priority support on any and all AI/LLM/model questions and requests, access to a private Discord room, plus other benefits. * Patreon: * Ko-Fi: **Special thanks to**: Aemon Algiz. **Patreon special mentions**: Michael Levine, 阿明, Trailburnt, Nikolai Manek, John Detwiler, Randy H, Will Dee, Sebastain Graf,, Eugene Pentland, Emad Mostaque, Ai Maven, Jim Angel, Jeff Scroggin, Michael Davis, Manuel Alberto Morcote, Stephen Murray, Robert, Justin Joy, Luke @flexchar, Brandon Frisco, Elijah Stavena, S_X, Dan Guido, Undi ., Komninos Chatzipapas, Shadi, theTransient, Lone Striker, Raven Klaugh, jjj, Cap'n Zoog, Michel-Marie MAUDET (LINAGORA), Matthew Berman, David, Fen Risland, Omer Bin Jawed, Luke Pendergrass, Kalila, OG, Erik Bjäreholt, Rooh Singh, Joseph William Delisle, Dan Lewis, TL, John Villwock, AzureBlack, Brad, Pedro Madruga, Caitlyn Gatomon, K, jinyuan sun, Mano Prime, Alex, Jeffrey Morgan, Alicia Loh, Illia Dulskyi, Chadd, transmissions 11, fincy, Rainer Wilmers, ReadyPlayerEmma, knownsqashed, Mandus, biorpg, Deo Leter, Brandon Phillips, SuperWojo, Sean Connelly, Iucharbius, Jack West, Harry Royden McLaughlin, Nicholas, terasurfer, Vitor Caleffi, Duane Dunston, Johann-Peter Hartmann, David Ziegler, Olakabola, Ken Nordquist, Trenton Dambrowitz, Tom X Nguyen, Vadim, Ajan Kanaga, Leonard Tan, Clay Pascal, Alexandros Triantafyllidis, JM33133, Xule, vamX, ya boyyy, subjectnull, Talal Aujan, Alps Aficionado, wassieverse, Ari Malik, James Bentley, Woland, Spencer Kim, Michael Dempsey, Fred von Graf, Elle, zynix, William Richards, Stanislav Ovsiannikov, Edmond Seymore, Jonathan Leane, Martin Kemka, usrbinkat, Enrico Ros Thank you to all my generous patrons and donaters! And thank you again to a16z for their generous grant. <!-- footer end --> <!-- original-model-card start --> # Original model card: Mistral AI_'s Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2 # Model Card for Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 The Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 Large Language Model (LLM) is an improved instruct fine-tuned version of [Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1]( For full details of this model please read our [paper]( and [release blog post]( ## Instruction format In order to leverage instruction fine-tuning, your prompt should be surrounded by `[INST]` and `[/INST]` tokens. The very first instruction should begin with a begin of sentence id. The next instructions should not. The assistant generation will be ended by the end-of-sentence token id. E.g. ``` text = "<s>[INST] What is your favourite condiment? [/INST]" "Well, I'm quite partial to a good squeeze of fresh lemon juice. It adds just the right amount of zesty flavour to whatever I'm cooking up in the kitchen!</s> " "[INST] Do you have mayonnaise recipes? [/INST]" ``` This format is available as a [chat template]( via the `apply_chat_template()` method: ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer device = "cuda" # the device to load the model onto model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1") messages = [ {"role": "user", "content": "What is your favourite condiment?"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Well, I'm quite partial to a good squeeze of fresh lemon juice. It adds just the right amount of zesty flavour to whatever I'm cooking up in the kitchen!"}, {"role": "user", "content": "Do you have mayonnaise recipes?"} ] encodeds = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, return_tensors="pt") model_inputs = generated_ids = model.generate(model_inputs, max_new_tokens=1000, do_sample=True) decoded = tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_ids) print(decoded[0]) ``` ## Model Architecture This instruction model is based on Mistral-7B-v0.1, a transformer model with the following architecture choices: - Grouped-Query Attention - Sliding-Window Attention - Byte-fallback BPE tokenizer ## Troubleshooting - If you see the following error: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/transformers/models/auto/", line 482, in from_pretrained config, kwargs = AutoConfig.from_pretrained( File "/transformers/models/auto/", line 1022, in from_pretrained config_class = CONFIG_MAPPING[config_dict["model_type"]] File "/transformers/models/auto/", line 723, in getitem raise KeyError(key) KeyError: 'mistral' ``` Installing transformers from source should solve the issue pip install git+ This should not be required after transformers-v4.33.4. ## Limitations The Mistral 7B Instruct model is a quick demonstration that the base model can be easily fine-tuned to achieve compelling performance. It does not have any moderation mechanisms. We're looking forward to engaging with the community on ways to make the model finely respect guardrails, allowing for deployment in environments requiring moderated outputs. ## The Mistral AI Team Albert Jiang, Alexandre Sablayrolles, Arthur Mensch, Blanche Savary, Chris Bamford, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Diego de las Casas, Emma Bou Hanna, Florian Bressand, Gianna Lengyel, Guillaume Bour, Guillaume Lample, Lélio Renard Lavaud, Louis Ternon, Lucile Saulnier, Marie-Anne Lachaux, Pierre Stock, Teven Le Scao, Théophile Gervet, Thibaut Lavril, Thomas Wang, Timothée Lacroix, William El Sayed. <!-- original-model-card end -->
[ "timm", "pytorch", "safetensors", "image-classification", "dataset:imagenet-1k", "arxiv:2111.09883", "license:apache-2.0", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 library_name: timm tags: - image-classification - timm datasets: - imagenet-1k --- # Model card for swinv2_cr_tiny_ns_224.sw_in1k An independent implementation of Swin Transformer V2 released prior to the official code release. A collaboration between [Christoph Reich]( and Ross Wightman, the model differs from official impl in a few ways: * MLP log relative position bias uses unnormalized natural log w/o scaling vs normalized, sigmoid clamped and scaled log2. * option to apply LayerNorm at end of every stage ("ns" variants). * defaults to NCHW tensor layout at output of each stage and final features. Pretrained on ImageNet-1k by Ross Wightman. ## Model Details - **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone - **Model Stats:** - Params (M): 28.3 - GMACs: 4.7 - Activations (M): 28.5 - Image size: 224 x 224 - **Papers:** - Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution: - **Original:** - **Dataset:** ImageNet-1k ## Model Usage ### Image Classification ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model('swinv2_cr_tiny_ns_224.sw_in1k', pretrained=True) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5) ``` ### Feature Map Extraction ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'swinv2_cr_tiny_ns_224.sw_in1k', pretrained=True, features_only=True, ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1 for o in output: # print shape of each feature map in output # e.g. for swin_base_patch4_window7_224 (NHWC output) # torch.Size([1, 56, 56, 128]) # torch.Size([1, 28, 28, 256]) # torch.Size([1, 14, 14, 512]) # torch.Size([1, 7, 7, 1024]) # e.g. for swinv2_cr_small_ns_224 (NCHW output) # torch.Size([1, 96, 56, 56]) # torch.Size([1, 192, 28, 28]) # torch.Size([1, 384, 14, 14]) # torch.Size([1, 768, 7, 7]) print(o.shape) ``` ### Image Embeddings ```python from urllib.request import urlopen from PIL import Image import timm img = '' )) model = timm.create_model( 'swinv2_cr_tiny_ns_224.sw_in1k', pretrained=True, num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear ) model = model.eval() # get model specific transforms (normalization, resize) data_config = transforms =**data_config, is_training=False) output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor # or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0) output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is unpooled (ie.e a (batch_size, H, W, num_features) tensor for swin / swinv2 # or (batch_size, num_features, H, W) for swinv2_cr output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True) # output is (batch_size, num_features) tensor ``` ## Model Comparison Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm [model results]( ## Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{liu2021swinv2, title={Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution}, author={Ze Liu and Han Hu and Yutong Lin and Zhuliang Yao and Zhenda Xie and Yixuan Wei and Jia Ning and Yue Cao and Zheng Zhang and Li Dong and Furu Wei and Baining Guo}, booktitle={International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year={2022} } ``` ```bibtex @misc{rw2019timm, author = {Ross Wightman}, title = {PyTorch Image Models}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861}, howpublished = {\url{}} } ```
[ "transformers", "gguf", "mistral", "code", "license:other", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: other license_name: mnpl license_link: tags: - code language: - code --- ![image/png]( *This model was quantized by [SanctumAI]( To leave feedback, join our community in [Discord](* # Codestral 22B v0.1 GGUF **Model creator:** [mistralai](<br> **Original model**: [Codestral-22B-v0.1](<br> ## Model Summary: Codestrall-22B-v0.1 is trained on a diverse dataset of 80+ programming languages, including the most popular ones, such as Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Bash (more details in the [Blogpost]( The model can be queried: As instruct, for instance to answer any questions about a code snippet (write documentation, explain, factorize) or to generate code following specific indications As Fill in the Middle (FIM), to predict the middle tokens between a prefix and a suffix (very useful for software development add-ons like in VS Code) ## Prompt Template: If you're using Sanctum app, simply use `Mistral` model preset. Prompt template: ``` <s>[INST] {prompt} [/INST] ``` ## Hardware Requirements Estimate | Name | Quant method | Size | Memory (RAM, vRAM) required (for full context of 32k tokens) | | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q2_K.gguf]( | Q2_K | 8.27 GB | 16.02 GB | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q3_K_S.gguf]( | Q3_K_S | 9.64 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q3_K_M.gguf]( | Q3_K_M | 10.76 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q3_K_L.gguf]( | Q3_K_L | 11.73 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q4_0.gguf]( | Q4_0 | 12.57 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q4_K_S.gguf]( | Q4_K_S | 12.66 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf]( | Q4_K_M | 13.34 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q4_K.gguf]( | Q4_K | 13.34 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q4_1.gguf]( | Q4_1 | 13.95 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q5_0.gguf]( | Q5_0 | 15.32 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q5_K_S.gguf]( | Q5_K_S | 15.32 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q5_K_M.gguf]( | Q5_K_M | 15.72 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q5_K.gguf]( | Q5_K | 15.72 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q5_1.gguf]( | Q5_1 | 16.7 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q6_K.gguf]( | Q6_K | 18.25 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.Q8_0.gguf]( | Q8_0 | 23.64 GB | ? | | [codestral-22b-v0.1.f16.gguf]( | f16 | 44.5 GB | 49.76 GB | ## Disclaimer Sanctum is not the creator, originator, or owner of any Model featured in the Models section of the Sanctum application. Each Model is created and provided by third parties. Sanctum does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any Model listed there. You understand that supported Models can produce content that might be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate, or deceptive. Each Model is the sole responsibility of the person or entity who originated such Model. Sanctum may not monitor or control the Models supported and cannot, and does not, take responsibility for any such Model. Sanctum disclaims all warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, reliability or benefits of the Models. Sanctum further disclaims any warranty that the Model will meet your requirements, be secure, uninterrupted or available at any time or location, or error-free, viruses-free, or that any errors will be corrected, or otherwise. You will be solely responsible for any damage resulting from your use of or access to the Models, your downloading of any Model, or use of any other Model provided by or through Sanctum.
[ "transformers", "safetensors", "llama", "feature-extraction", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- library_name: transformers tags: [] ---
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "gpt_neox", "text-generation", "causal-lm", "pythia", "en", "dataset:EleutherAI/the_pile", "arxiv:2304.01373", "arxiv:2101.00027", "arxiv:2201.07311", "license:apache-2.0", "autotrain_compatible", "text-generation-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en tags: - pytorch - causal-lm - pythia license: apache-2.0 datasets: - EleutherAI/the_pile --- The *Pythia Scaling Suite* is a collection of models developed to facilitate interpretability research [(see paper)]( It contains two sets of eight models of sizes 70M, 160M, 410M, 1B, 1.4B, 2.8B, 6.9B, and 12B. For each size, there are two models: one trained on the Pile, and one trained on the Pile after the dataset has been globally deduplicated. All 8 model sizes are trained on the exact same data, in the exact same order. We also provide 154 intermediate checkpoints per model, hosted on Hugging Face as branches. The Pythia model suite was deliberately designed to promote scientific research on large language models, especially interpretability research. Despite not centering downstream performance as a design goal, we find the models <a href="#evaluations">match or exceed</a> the performance of similar and same-sized models, such as those in the OPT and GPT-Neo suites. <details> <summary style="font-weight:600">Details on previous early release and naming convention.</summary> Previously, we released an early version of the Pythia suite to the public. However, we decided to retrain the model suite to address a few hyperparameter discrepancies. This model card <a href="#changelog">lists the changes</a>; see appendix B in the Pythia paper for further discussion. We found no difference in benchmark performance between the two Pythia versions. The old models are [still available](, but we suggest the retrained suite if you are just starting to use Pythia.<br> **This is the current release.** Please note that all models in the *Pythia* suite were renamed in January 2023. For clarity, a <a href="#naming-convention-and-parameter-count">table comparing the old and new names</a> is provided in this model card, together with exact parameter counts. </details> <br> # Pythia-1.4B ## Model Details - Developed by: [EleutherAI]( - Model type: Transformer-based Language Model - Language: English - Learn more: [Pythia's GitHub repository]( for training procedure, config files, and details on how to use. [See paper]( for more evals and implementation details. - Library: [GPT-NeoX]( - License: Apache 2.0 - Contact: to ask questions about this model, join the [EleutherAI Discord](, and post them in `#release-discussion`. Please read the existing *Pythia* documentation before asking about it in the EleutherAI Discord. For general correspondence: [contact@eleuther. ai]( <figure> | Pythia model | Non-Embedding Params | Layers | Model Dim | Heads | Batch Size | Learning Rate | Equivalent Models | | -----------: | -------------------: | :----: | :-------: | :---: | :--------: | :-------------------: | :--------------------: | | 70M | 18,915,328 | 6 | 512 | 8 | 2M | 1.0 x 10<sup>-3</sup> | — | | 160M | 85,056,000 | 12 | 768 | 12 | 2M | 6.0 x 10<sup>-4</sup> | GPT-Neo 125M, OPT-125M | | 410M | 302,311,424 | 24 | 1024 | 16 | 2M | 3.0 x 10<sup>-4</sup> | OPT-350M | | 1.0B | 805,736,448 | 16 | 2048 | 8 | 2M | 3.0 x 10<sup>-4</sup> | — | | 1.4B | 1,208,602,624 | 24 | 2048 | 16 | 2M | 2.0 x 10<sup>-4</sup> | GPT-Neo 1.3B, OPT-1.3B | | 2.8B | 2,517,652,480 | 32 | 2560 | 32 | 2M | 1.6 x 10<sup>-4</sup> | GPT-Neo 2.7B, OPT-2.7B | | 6.9B | 6,444,163,072 | 32 | 4096 | 32 | 2M | 1.2 x 10<sup>-4</sup> | OPT-6.7B | | 12B | 11,327,027,200 | 36 | 5120 | 40 | 2M | 1.2 x 10<sup>-4</sup> | — | <figcaption>Engineering details for the <i>Pythia Suite</i>. Deduped and non-deduped models of a given size have the same hyperparameters. “Equivalent” models have <b>exactly</b> the same architecture, and the same number of non-embedding parameters.</figcaption> </figure> ## Uses and Limitations ### Intended Use The primary intended use of Pythia is research on the behavior, functionality, and limitations of large language models. This suite is intended to provide a controlled setting for performing scientific experiments. We also provide 154 checkpoints per model: initial `step0`, 10 log-spaced checkpoints `step{1,2,4...512}`, and 143 evenly-spaced checkpoints from `step1000` to `step143000`. These checkpoints are hosted on Hugging Face as branches. Note that branch `143000` corresponds exactly to the model checkpoint on the `main` branch of each model. You may also further fine-tune and adapt Pythia-1.4B for deployment, as long as your use is in accordance with the Apache 2.0 license. Pythia models work with the Hugging Face [Transformers Library]( If you decide to use pre-trained Pythia-1.4B as a basis for your fine-tuned model, please conduct your own risk and bias assessment. ### Out-of-scope use The Pythia Suite is **not** intended for deployment. It is not a in itself a product and cannot be used for human-facing interactions. For example, the model may generate harmful or offensive text. Please evaluate the risks associated with your particular use case. Pythia models are English-language only, and are not suitable for translation or generating text in other languages. Pythia-1.4B has not been fine-tuned for downstream contexts in which language models are commonly deployed, such as writing genre prose, or commercial chatbots. This means Pythia-1.4B will **not** respond to a given prompt the way a product like ChatGPT does. This is because, unlike this model, ChatGPT was fine-tuned using methods such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to better “follow” human instructions. ### Limitations and biases The core functionality of a large language model is to take a string of text and predict the next token. The token used by the model need not produce the most “accurate” text. Never rely on Pythia-1.4B to produce factually accurate output. This model was trained on [the Pile](, a dataset known to contain profanity and texts that are lewd or otherwise offensive. See [Section 6 of the Pile paper]( for a discussion of documented biases with regards to gender, religion, and race. Pythia-1.4B may produce socially unacceptable or undesirable text, *even if* the prompt itself does not include anything explicitly offensive. If you plan on using text generated through, for example, the Hosted Inference API, we recommend having a human curate the outputs of this language model before presenting it to other people. Please inform your audience that the text was generated by Pythia-1.4B. ### Quickstart Pythia models can be loaded and used via the following code, demonstrated here for the third `pythia-70m-deduped` checkpoint: ```python from transformers import GPTNeoXForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer model = GPTNeoXForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "EleutherAI/pythia-70m-deduped", revision="step3000", cache_dir="./pythia-70m-deduped/step3000", ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( "EleutherAI/pythia-70m-deduped", revision="step3000", cache_dir="./pythia-70m-deduped/step3000", ) inputs = tokenizer("Hello, I am", return_tensors="pt") tokens = model.generate(**inputs) tokenizer.decode(tokens[0]) ``` Revision/branch `step143000` corresponds exactly to the model checkpoint on the `main` branch of each model.<br> For more information on how to use all Pythia models, see [documentation on GitHub]( ## Training ### Training data [The Pile]( is a 825GiB general-purpose dataset in English. It was created by EleutherAI specifically for training large language models. It contains texts from 22 diverse sources, roughly broken down into five categories: academic writing (e.g. arXiv), internet (e.g. CommonCrawl), prose (e.g. Project Gutenberg), dialogue (e.g. YouTube subtitles), and miscellaneous (e.g. GitHub, Enron Emails). See [the Pile paper]( for a breakdown of all data sources, methodology, and a discussion of ethical implications. Consult [the datasheet]( for more detailed documentation about the Pile and its component datasets. The Pile can be downloaded from the [official website](, or from a [community mirror](<br> The Pile was **not** deduplicated before being used to train Pythia-1.4B. ### Training procedure All models were trained on the exact same data, in the exact same order. Each model saw 299,892,736,000 tokens during training, and 143 checkpoints for each model are saved every 2,097,152,000 tokens, spaced evenly throughout training, from `step1000` to `step143000` (which is the same as `main`). In addition, we also provide frequent early checkpoints: `step0` and `step{1,2,4...512}`. This corresponds to training for just under 1 epoch on the Pile for non-deduplicated models, and about 1.5 epochs on the deduplicated Pile. All *Pythia* models trained for 143000 steps at a batch size of 2M (2,097,152 tokens).<br> See [GitHub]( for more details on training procedure, including [how to reproduce it](<br> Pythia uses the same tokenizer as [GPT-NeoX- 20B]( ## Evaluations All 16 *Pythia* models were evaluated using the [LM Evaluation Harness]( You can access the results by model and step at `results/json/*` in the [GitHub repository](<br> Expand the sections below to see plots of evaluation results for all Pythia and Pythia-deduped models compared with OPT and BLOOM. <details> <summary>LAMBADA – OpenAI</summary> <img src="/EleutherAI/pythia-12b/resolve/main/eval_plots/lambada_openai_v1.png" style="width:auto"/> </details> <details> <summary>Physical Interaction: Question Answering (PIQA)</summary> <img src="/EleutherAI/pythia-12b/resolve/main/eval_plots/piqa_v1.png" style="width:auto"/> </details> <details> <summary>WinoGrande</summary> <img src="/EleutherAI/pythia-12b/resolve/main/eval_plots/winogrande_v1.png" style="width:auto"/> </details> <details> <summary>AI2 Reasoning Challenge—Easy Set</summary> <img src="/EleutherAI/pythia-12b/resolve/main/eval_plots/arc_easy_v1.png" style="width:auto"/> </details> <details> <summary>SciQ</summary> <img src="/EleutherAI/pythia-12b/resolve/main/eval_plots/sciq_v1.png" style="width:auto"/> </details> ## Changelog This section compares differences between previously released [Pythia v0]( and the current models. See Appendix B of the Pythia paper for further discussion of these changes and the motivation behind them. We found that retraining Pythia had no impact on benchmark performance. - All model sizes are now trained with uniform batch size of 2M tokens. Previously, the models of size 160M, 410M, and 1.4B parameters were trained with batch sizes of 4M tokens. - We added checkpoints at initialization (step 0) and steps {1,2,4,8,16,32,64, 128,256,512} in addition to every 1000 training steps. - Flash Attention was used in the new retrained suite. - We remedied a minor inconsistency that existed in the original suite: all models of size 2.8B parameters or smaller had a learning rate (LR) schedule which decayed to a minimum LR of 10% the starting LR rate, but the 6.9B and 12B models all used an LR schedule which decayed to a minimum LR of 0. In the redone training runs, we rectified this inconsistency: all models now were trained with LR decaying to a minimum of 0.1× their maximum LR. ### Naming convention and parameter count *Pythia* models were renamed in January 2023. It is possible that the old naming convention still persists in some documentation by accident. The current naming convention (70M, 160M, etc.) is based on total parameter count. <figure style="width:32em"> | current Pythia suffix | old suffix | total params | non-embedding params | | --------------------: | ---------: | -------------: | -------------------: | | 70M | 19M | 70,426,624 | 18,915,328 | | 160M | 125M | 162,322,944 | 85,056,000 | | 410M | 350M | 405,334,016 | 302,311,424 | | 1B | 800M | 1,011,781,632 | 805,736,448 | | 1.4B | 1.3B | 1,414,647,808 | 1,208,602,624 | | 2.8B | 2.7B | 2,775,208,960 | 2,517,652,480 | | 6.9B | 6.7B | 6,857,302,016 | 6,444,163,072 | | 12B | 13B | 11,846,072,320 | 11,327,027,200 | </figure>
[ "ctranslate2", "audio", "automatic-speech-recognition", "en", "license:mit", "region:us" ]
--- language: - en tags: - audio - automatic-speech-recognition license: mit library_name: ctranslate2 --- # Whisper medium.en model for CTranslate2 This repository contains the conversion of [distil-whisper/distil-medium.en]( to the [CTranslate2]( model format. This model can be used in CTranslate2 or projects based on CTranslate2 such as [faster-whisper]( ## Example ```python from faster_whisper import WhisperModel model = WhisperModel("distil-medium.en") segments, info = model.transcribe("audio.mp3") for segment in segments: print("[%.2fs -> %.2fs] %s" % (segment.start, segment.end, segment.text)) ``` ## Conversion details The original model was converted with the following command: ``` ct2-transformers-converter --model distil-whisper/distil-medium.en --output_dir faster-distil-whisper-medium.en \ --copy_files tokenizer.json preprocessor_config.json --quantization float16 ``` Note that the model weights are saved in FP16. This type can be changed when the model is loaded using the [`compute_type` option in CTranslate2]( ## More information **For more information about the original model, see its [model card](**
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "bert", "feature-extraction", "arxiv:2310.07554", "arxiv:2309.07597", "license:mit", "text-embeddings-inference", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: mit --- <h1 align="center">FlagEmbedding</h1> <h4 align="center"> <p> <a href=#model-list>Model List</a> | <a href=#frequently-asked-questions>FAQ</a> | <a href=#usage>Usage</a> | <a href="#evaluation">Evaluation</a> | <a href="#train">Train</a> | <a href="#contact">Contact</a> | <a href="#citation">Citation</a> | <a href="#license">License</a> <p> </h4> More details please refer to our Github: [FlagEmbedding]( [English]( | [中文]( <span style="#FF69B4;"> **Hiring:** We're seeking experienced NLP researchers and intern students focusing on dense retrieval and retrieval-augmented LLMs. If you're interested, please feel free to reach out to us via email at</span> FlagEmbedding can map any text to a low-dimensional dense vector, which can be used for tasks like retrieval, classification, clustering, and semantic search. And it can also be used in vector databases for LLMs. ************* 🌟**Updates**🌟 ************* - 10/12/2023: Release [LLM-Embedder](, a unified embedding model to support diverse retrieval augmentation needs for LLMs. [Paper]( :fire: - 09/15/2023: The [technical report]( of BGE has been released - 09/15/2023: The [massive training data]( of BGE has been released - 09/12/2023: New models: - **New reranker model**: release cross-encoder models `BAAI/bge-reranker-base` and `BAAI/bge-reranker-large`, which are more powerful than embedding model. We recommend to use/fine-tune them to re-rank top-k documents returned by embedding models. - **update embedding model**: release `bge-*-v1.5` embedding model to alleviate the issue of the similarity distribution, and enhance its retrieval ability without instruction. <details> <summary>More</summary> <!-- ### More --> - 09/07/2023: Update [fine-tune code]( Add script to mine hard negatives and support adding instruction during fine-tuning. - 08/09/2023: BGE Models are integrated into **Langchain**, you can use it like [this](#using-langchain); C-MTEB **leaderboard** is [available]( - 08/05/2023: Release base-scale and small-scale models, **best performance among the models of the same size 🤗** - 08/02/2023: Release `bge-large-*`(short for BAAI General Embedding) Models, **rank 1st on MTEB and C-MTEB benchmark!** :tada: :tada: - 08/01/2023: We release the [Chinese Massive Text Embedding Benchmark]( (**C-MTEB**), consisting of 31 test dataset. </details> ## Model List `bge` is short for `BAAI general embedding`. | Model | Language | | Description | query instruction for retrieval [1] | |:-------------------------------|:--------:| :--------:| :--------:|:--------:| | [BAAI/llm-embedder]( | English | [Inference]( [Fine-tune]( | a unified embedding model to support diverse retrieval augmentation needs for LLMs | See [README]( | | [BAAI/bge-reranker-large]( | Chinese and English | [Inference](#usage-for-reranker) [Fine-tune]( | a cross-encoder model which is more accurate but less efficient [2] | | | [BAAI/bge-reranker-base]( | Chinese and English | [Inference](#usage-for-reranker) [Fine-tune]( | a cross-encoder model which is more accurate but less efficient [2] | | | [BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5]( | English | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | version 1.5 with more reasonable similarity distribution | `Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: ` | | [BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5]( | English | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | version 1.5 with more reasonable similarity distribution | `Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: ` | | [BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5]( | English | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | version 1.5 with more reasonable similarity distribution | `Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: ` | | [BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5]( | Chinese | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | version 1.5 with more reasonable similarity distribution | `为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:` | | [BAAI/bge-base-zh-v1.5]( | Chinese | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | version 1.5 with more reasonable similarity distribution | `为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:` | | [BAAI/bge-small-zh-v1.5]( | Chinese | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | version 1.5 with more reasonable similarity distribution | `为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:` | | [BAAI/bge-large-en]( | English | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | :trophy: rank **1st** in [MTEB]( leaderboard | `Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: ` | | [BAAI/bge-base-en]( | English | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | a base-scale model but with similar ability to `bge-large-en` | `Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: ` | | [BAAI/bge-small-en]( | English | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( |a small-scale model but with competitive performance | `Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: ` | | [BAAI/bge-large-zh]( | Chinese | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | :trophy: rank **1st** in [C-MTEB]( benchmark | `为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:` | | [BAAI/bge-base-zh]( | Chinese | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | a base-scale model but with similar ability to `bge-large-zh` | `为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:` | | [BAAI/bge-small-zh]( | Chinese | [Inference](#usage-for-embedding-model) [Fine-tune]( | a small-scale model but with competitive performance | `为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:` | [1\]: If you need to search the relevant passages in a query, we suggest to add the instruction to the query; in other cases, no instruction is needed, just use the original query directly. In all cases, **no instruction** needs to be added to passages. [2\]: Different from the embedding model, reranker uses question and document as input and directly output similarity instead of embedding. To balance the accuracy and time cost, cross-encoder is widely used to re-rank top-k documents retrieved by other simple models. For example, use bge embedding model to retrieve top 100 relevant documents, and then use bge reranker to re-rank the top 100 documents to get the final top-3 results. All models have been uploaded to Huggingface Hub, and you can see them at If you cannot open the Huggingface Hub, you can also download the models at . ## Frequently asked questions **1. How to fine-tune bge embedding model?** Following this [example]( to prepare data and fine-tune your model. Some suggestions: - Mine hard negatives following this [example](, which can improve the retrieval performance. - In general, larger hyper-parameter `per_device_train_batch_size` brings better performance. You can expand it by enabling `--fp16`, `--deepspeed df_config.json` (df_config.json can refer to [ds_config.json](, `--gradient_checkpointing`, etc. - If you pre-train bge on your data, the pre-trained model cannot be directly used to calculate similarity, and it must be fine-tuned with contrastive learning before computing similarity. - If the accuracy of the fine-tuned model is still not high, it is recommended to use/fine-tune the cross-encoder model (bge-reranker) to re-rank top-k results. Hard negatives also are needed to fine-tune reranker. <details> <summary>2. The similarity score between two dissimilar sentences is higher than 0.5</summary> <!-- ### The similarity score between two dissimilar sentences is higher than 0.5 --> **Suggest to use bge v1.5, which alleviates the issue of the similarity distribution.** Since we finetune the models by contrastive learning with a temperature of 0.01, the similarity distribution of the current BGE model is about in the interval \[0.6, 1\]. So a similarity score greater than 0.5 does not indicate that the two sentences are similar. For downstream tasks, such as passage retrieval or semantic similarity, **what matters is the relative order of the scores, not the absolute value.** If you need to filter similar sentences based on a similarity threshold, please select an appropriate similarity threshold based on the similarity distribution on your data (such as 0.8, 0.85, or even 0.9). </details> <details> <summary>3. When does the query instruction need to be used</summary> <!-- ### When does the query instruction need to be used --> For the `bge-*-v1.5`, we improve its retrieval ability when not using instruction. No instruction only has a slight degradation in retrieval performance compared with using instruction. So you can generate embedding without instruction in all cases for convenience. For a retrieval task that uses short queries to find long related documents, it is recommended to add instructions for these short queries. **The best method to decide whether to add instructions for queries is choosing the setting that achieves better performance on your task.** In all cases, the documents/passages do not need to add the instruction. </details> ## Usage ### Usage for Embedding Model Here are some examples of using `bge` models with [FlagEmbedding](#using-flagembedding), [Sentence-Transformers](#using-sentence-transformers), [Langchain](#using-langchain), or [Huggingface Transformers](#using-huggingface-transformers). #### Using FlagEmbedding ``` pip install -U FlagEmbedding ``` If it doesn't work for you, you can see [FlagEmbedding]( for more methods to install FlagEmbedding. ```python from FlagEmbedding import FlagModel sentences_1 = ["样例数据-1", "样例数据-2"] sentences_2 = ["样例数据-3", "样例数据-4"] model = FlagModel('BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5', query_instruction_for_retrieval="为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:", use_fp16=True) # Setting use_fp16 to True speeds up computation with a slight performance degradation embeddings_1 = model.encode(sentences_1) embeddings_2 = model.encode(sentences_2) similarity = embeddings_1 @ embeddings_2.T print(similarity) # for s2p(short query to long passage) retrieval task, suggest to use encode_queries() which will automatically add the instruction to each query # corpus in retrieval task can still use encode() or encode_corpus(), since they don't need instruction queries = ['query_1', 'query_2'] passages = ["样例文档-1", "样例文档-2"] q_embeddings = model.encode_queries(queries) p_embeddings = model.encode(passages) scores = q_embeddings @ p_embeddings.T ``` For the value of the argument `query_instruction_for_retrieval`, see [Model List]( By default, FlagModel will use all available GPUs when encoding. Please set `os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]` to select specific GPUs. You also can set `os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]=""` to make all GPUs unavailable. #### Using Sentence-Transformers You can also use the `bge` models with [sentence-transformers]( ``` pip install -U sentence-transformers ``` ```python from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer sentences_1 = ["样例数据-1", "样例数据-2"] sentences_2 = ["样例数据-3", "样例数据-4"] model = SentenceTransformer('BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5') embeddings_1 = model.encode(sentences_1, normalize_embeddings=True) embeddings_2 = model.encode(sentences_2, normalize_embeddings=True) similarity = embeddings_1 @ embeddings_2.T print(similarity) ``` For s2p(short query to long passage) retrieval task, each short query should start with an instruction (instructions see [Model List]( But the instruction is not needed for passages. ```python from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer queries = ['query_1', 'query_2'] passages = ["样例文档-1", "样例文档-2"] instruction = "为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:" model = SentenceTransformer('BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5') q_embeddings = model.encode([instruction+q for q in queries], normalize_embeddings=True) p_embeddings = model.encode(passages, normalize_embeddings=True) scores = q_embeddings @ p_embeddings.T ``` #### Using Langchain You can use `bge` in langchain like this: ```python from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings model_name = "BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5" model_kwargs = {'device': 'cuda'} encode_kwargs = {'normalize_embeddings': True} # set True to compute cosine similarity model = HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings( model_name=model_name, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, encode_kwargs=encode_kwargs, query_instruction="为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:" ) model.query_instruction = "为这个句子生成表示以用于检索相关文章:" ``` #### Using HuggingFace Transformers With the transformers package, you can use the model like this: First, you pass your input through the transformer model, then you select the last hidden state of the first token (i.e., [CLS]) as the sentence embedding. ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel import torch # Sentences we want sentence embeddings for sentences = ["样例数据-1", "样例数据-2"] # Load model from HuggingFace Hub tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5') model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5') model.eval() # Tokenize sentences encoded_input = tokenizer(sentences, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt') # for s2p(short query to long passage) retrieval task, add an instruction to query (not add instruction for passages) # encoded_input = tokenizer([instruction + q for q in queries], padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt') # Compute token embeddings with torch.no_grad(): model_output = model(**encoded_input) # Perform pooling. In this case, cls pooling. sentence_embeddings = model_output[0][:, 0] # normalize embeddings sentence_embeddings = torch.nn.functional.normalize(sentence_embeddings, p=2, dim=1) print("Sentence embeddings:", sentence_embeddings) ``` ### Usage for Reranker Different from embedding model, reranker uses question and document as input and directly output similarity instead of embedding. You can get a relevance score by inputting query and passage to the reranker. The reranker is optimized based cross-entropy loss, so the relevance score is not bounded to a specific range. #### Using FlagEmbedding ``` pip install -U FlagEmbedding ``` Get relevance scores (higher scores indicate more relevance): ```python from FlagEmbedding import FlagReranker reranker = FlagReranker('BAAI/bge-reranker-large', use_fp16=True) # Setting use_fp16 to True speeds up computation with a slight performance degradation score = reranker.compute_score(['query', 'passage']) print(score) scores = reranker.compute_score([['what is panda?', 'hi'], ['what is panda?', 'The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), sometimes called a panda bear or simply panda, is a bear species endemic to China.']]) print(scores) ``` #### Using Huggingface transformers ```python import torch from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('BAAI/bge-reranker-large') model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('BAAI/bge-reranker-large') model.eval() pairs = [['what is panda?', 'hi'], ['what is panda?', 'The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), sometimes called a panda bear or simply panda, is a bear species endemic to China.']] with torch.no_grad(): inputs = tokenizer(pairs, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt', max_length=512) scores = model(**inputs, return_dict=True).logits.view(-1, ).float() print(scores) ``` ## Evaluation `baai-general-embedding` models achieve **state-of-the-art performance on both MTEB and C-MTEB leaderboard!** For more details and evaluation tools see our [scripts]( - **MTEB**: | Model Name | Dimension | Sequence Length | Average (56) | Retrieval (15) |Clustering (11) | Pair Classification (3) | Reranking (4) | STS (10) | Summarization (1) | Classification (12) | |:----:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | [BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5]( | 1024 | 512 | **64.23** | **54.29** | 46.08 | 87.12 | 60.03 | 83.11 | 31.61 | 75.97 | | [BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5]( | 768 | 512 | 63.55 | 53.25 | 45.77 | 86.55 | 58.86 | 82.4 | 31.07 | 75.53 | | [BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5]( | 384 | 512 | 62.17 |51.68 | 43.82 | 84.92 | 58.36 | 81.59 | 30.12 | 74.14 | | [bge-large-en]( | 1024 | 512 | 63.98 | 53.9 | 46.98 | 85.8 | 59.48 | 81.56 | 32.06 | 76.21 | | [bge-base-en]( | 768 | 512 | 63.36 | 53.0 | 46.32 | 85.86 | 58.7 | 81.84 | 29.27 | 75.27 | | [gte-large]( | 1024 | 512 | 63.13 | 52.22 | 46.84 | 85.00 | 59.13 | 83.35 | 31.66 | 73.33 | | [gte-base]( | 768 | 512 | 62.39 | 51.14 | 46.2 | 84.57 | 58.61 | 82.3 | 31.17 | 73.01 | | [e5-large-v2]( | 1024| 512 | 62.25 | 50.56 | 44.49 | 86.03 | 56.61 | 82.05 | 30.19 | 75.24 | | [bge-small-en]( | 384 | 512 | 62.11 | 51.82 | 44.31 | 83.78 | 57.97 | 80.72 | 30.53 | 74.37 | | [instructor-xl]( | 768 | 512 | 61.79 | 49.26 | 44.74 | 86.62 | 57.29 | 83.06 | 32.32 | 61.79 | | [e5-base-v2]( | 768 | 512 | 61.5 | 50.29 | 43.80 | 85.73 | 55.91 | 81.05 | 30.28 | 73.84 | | [gte-small]( | 384 | 512 | 61.36 | 49.46 | 44.89 | 83.54 | 57.7 | 82.07 | 30.42 | 72.31 | | [text-embedding-ada-002]( | 1536 | 8192 | 60.99 | 49.25 | 45.9 | 84.89 | 56.32 | 80.97 | 30.8 | 70.93 | | [e5-small-v2]( | 384 | 512 | 59.93 | 49.04 | 39.92 | 84.67 | 54.32 | 80.39 | 31.16 | 72.94 | | [sentence-t5-xxl]( | 768 | 512 | 59.51 | 42.24 | 43.72 | 85.06 | 56.42 | 82.63 | 30.08 | 73.42 | | [all-mpnet-base-v2]( | 768 | 514 | 57.78 | 43.81 | 43.69 | 83.04 | 59.36 | 80.28 | 27.49 | 65.07 | | [sgpt-bloom-7b1-msmarco]( | 4096 | 2048 | 57.59 | 48.22 | 38.93 | 81.9 | 55.65 | 77.74 | 33.6 | 66.19 | - **C-MTEB**: We create the benchmark C-MTEB for Chinese text embedding which consists of 31 datasets from 6 tasks. Please refer to [C_MTEB]( for a detailed introduction. | Model | Embedding dimension | Avg | Retrieval | STS | PairClassification | Classification | Reranking | Clustering | |:-------------------------------|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:| | [**BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5**]( | 1024 | **64.53** | 70.46 | 56.25 | 81.6 | 69.13 | 65.84 | 48.99 | | [BAAI/bge-base-zh-v1.5]( | 768 | 63.13 | 69.49 | 53.72 | 79.75 | 68.07 | 65.39 | 47.53 | | [BAAI/bge-small-zh-v1.5]( | 512 | 57.82 | 61.77 | 49.11 | 70.41 | 63.96 | 60.92 | 44.18 | | [BAAI/bge-large-zh]( | 1024 | 64.20 | 71.53 | 54.98 | 78.94 | 68.32 | 65.11 | 48.39 | | [bge-large-zh-noinstruct]( | 1024 | 63.53 | 70.55 | 53 | 76.77 | 68.58 | 64.91 | 50.01 | | [BAAI/bge-base-zh]( | 768 | 62.96 | 69.53 | 54.12 | 77.5 | 67.07 | 64.91 | 47.63 | | [multilingual-e5-large]( | 1024 | 58.79 | 63.66 | 48.44 | 69.89 | 67.34 | 56.00 | 48.23 | | [BAAI/bge-small-zh]( | 512 | 58.27 | 63.07 | 49.45 | 70.35 | 63.64 | 61.48 | 45.09 | | [m3e-base]( | 768 | 57.10 | 56.91 | 50.47 | 63.99 | 67.52 | 59.34 | 47.68 | | [m3e-large]( | 1024 | 57.05 | 54.75 | 50.42 | 64.3 | 68.2 | 59.66 | 48.88 | | [multilingual-e5-base]( | 768 | 55.48 | 61.63 | 46.49 | 67.07 | 65.35 | 54.35 | 40.68 | | [multilingual-e5-small]( | 384 | 55.38 | 59.95 | 45.27 | 66.45 | 65.85 | 53.86 | 45.26 | | [text-embedding-ada-002(OpenAI)]( | 1536 | 53.02 | 52.0 | 43.35 | 69.56 | 64.31 | 54.28 | 45.68 | | [luotuo]( | 1024 | 49.37 | 44.4 | 42.78 | 66.62 | 61 | 49.25 | 44.39 | | [text2vec-base]( | 768 | 47.63 | 38.79 | 43.41 | 67.41 | 62.19 | 49.45 | 37.66 | | [text2vec-large]( | 1024 | 47.36 | 41.94 | 44.97 | 70.86 | 60.66 | 49.16 | 30.02 | - **Reranking**: See [C_MTEB]( for evaluation script. | Model | T2Reranking | T2RerankingZh2En\* | T2RerankingEn2Zh\* | MMarcoReranking | CMedQAv1 | CMedQAv2 | Avg | |:-------------------------------|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:|:--------:| | text2vec-base-multilingual | 64.66 | 62.94 | 62.51 | 14.37 | 48.46 | 48.6 | 50.26 | | multilingual-e5-small | 65.62 | 60.94 | 56.41 | 29.91 | 67.26 | 66.54 | 57.78 | | multilingual-e5-large | 64.55 | 61.61 | 54.28 | 28.6 | 67.42 | 67.92 | 57.4 | | multilingual-e5-base | 64.21 | 62.13 | 54.68 | 29.5 | 66.23 | 66.98 | 57.29 | | m3e-base | 66.03 | 62.74 | 56.07 | 17.51 | 77.05 | 76.76 | 59.36 | | m3e-large | 66.13 | 62.72 | 56.1 | 16.46 | 77.76 | 78.27 | 59.57 | | bge-base-zh-v1.5 | 66.49 | 63.25 | 57.02 | 29.74 | 80.47 | 84.88 | 63.64 | | bge-large-zh-v1.5 | 65.74 | 63.39 | 57.03 | 28.74 | 83.45 | 85.44 | 63.97 | | [BAAI/bge-reranker-base]( | 67.28 | 63.95 | 60.45 | 35.46 | 81.26 | 84.1 | 65.42 | | [BAAI/bge-reranker-large]( | 67.6 | 64.03 | 61.44 | 37.16 | 82.15 | 84.18 | 66.09 | \* : T2RerankingZh2En and T2RerankingEn2Zh are cross-language retrieval tasks ## Train ### BAAI Embedding We pre-train the models using [retromae]( and train them on large-scale pair data using contrastive learning. **You can fine-tune the embedding model on your data following our [examples](** We also provide a [pre-train example]( Note that the goal of pre-training is to reconstruct the text, and the pre-trained model cannot be used for similarity calculation directly, it needs to be fine-tuned. For more training details for bge see [baai_general_embedding]( ### BGE Reranker Cross-encoder will perform full-attention over the input pair, which is more accurate than embedding model (i.e., bi-encoder) but more time-consuming than embedding model. Therefore, it can be used to re-rank the top-k documents returned by embedding model. We train the cross-encoder on a multilingual pair data, The data format is the same as embedding model, so you can fine-tune it easily following our [example]( For more details please refer to [./FlagEmbedding/reranker/]( ### Our Contributors: <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a> ## Contact If you have any question or suggestion related to this project, feel free to open an issue or pull request. You also can email Shitao Xiao( and Zheng Liu( ## Citation If you find this repository useful, please consider giving a star :star: and citation ``` @misc{bge_embedding, title={C-Pack: Packaged Resources To Advance General Chinese Embedding}, author={Shitao Xiao and Zheng Liu and Peitian Zhang and Niklas Muennighoff}, year={2023}, eprint={2309.07597}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } @misc{llm_embedder, title={Retrieve Anything To Augment Large Language Models}, author={Peitian Zhang and Shitao Xiao and Zheng Liu and Zhicheng Dou and Jian-Yun Nie}, year={2023}, eprint={2310.07554}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.IR} } ``` ## License FlagEmbedding is licensed under the [MIT License]( The released models can be used for commercial purposes free of charge.
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "safetensors", "dinov2", "image-feature-extraction", "dino", "vision", "arxiv:2304.07193", "license:apache-2.0", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
--- license: apache-2.0 tags: - dino - vision --- # Vision Transformer (large-sized model) trained using DINOv2 Vision Transformer (ViT) model trained using the DINOv2 method. It was introduced in the paper [DINOv2: Learning Robust Visual Features without Supervision]( by Oquab et al. and first released in [this repository]( Disclaimer: The team releasing DINOv2 did not write a model card for this model so this model card has been written by the Hugging Face team. ## Model description The Vision Transformer (ViT) is a transformer encoder model (BERT-like) pretrained on a large collection of images in a self-supervised fashion. Images are presented to the model as a sequence of fixed-size patches, which are linearly embedded. One also adds a [CLS] token to the beginning of a sequence to use it for classification tasks. One also adds absolute position embeddings before feeding the sequence to the layers of the Transformer encoder. Note that this model does not include any fine-tuned heads. By pre-training the model, it learns an inner representation of images that can then be used to extract features useful for downstream tasks: if you have a dataset of labeled images for instance, you can train a standard classifier by placing a linear layer on top of the pre-trained encoder. One typically places a linear layer on top of the [CLS] token, as the last hidden state of this token can be seen as a representation of an entire image. ## Intended uses & limitations You can use the raw model for feature extraction. See the [model hub]( to look for fine-tuned versions on a task that interests you. ### How to use Here is how to use this model: ```python from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, AutoModel from PIL import Image import requests url = '' image =, stream=True).raw) processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained('facebook/dinov2-large') model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('facebook/dinov2-large') inputs = processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model(**inputs) last_hidden_states = outputs.last_hidden_state ``` ### BibTeX entry and citation info ```bibtex misc{oquab2023dinov2, title={DINOv2: Learning Robust Visual Features without Supervision}, author={Maxime Oquab and Timothée Darcet and Théo Moutakanni and Huy Vo and Marc Szafraniec and Vasil Khalidov and Pierre Fernandez and Daniel Haziza and Francisco Massa and Alaaeldin El-Nouby and Mahmoud Assran and Nicolas Ballas and Wojciech Galuba and Russell Howes and Po-Yao Huang and Shang-Wen Li and Ishan Misra and Michael Rabbat and Vasu Sharma and Gabriel Synnaeve and Hu Xu and Hervé Jegou and Julien Mairal and Patrick Labatut and Armand Joulin and Piotr Bojanowski}, year={2023}, eprint={2304.07193}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```
[ "transformers", "pytorch", "jais", "text-generation", "custom_code", "autotrain_compatible", "endpoints_compatible", "region:us" ]
Entry not found