stringlengths 758
Story Start,Hrrrrnnngghhh! Kkha shee O da!" Trr'alv cursed under her breath as she doubled over from the pain, gritting her teeth as her stomach gurgled and quaked, her muscles visibly tensing as more amniotic juices squirted out from between her legs, the latest contraction taking hold and urging the little one in her belly further down her birth canal; her cervix finally surrendered, allowing the head of the child to slip deep in to her pelvis, creating an uncomfortable amount of pressure in her hips not long after her water had broken. "It's okay, honey. You're doing great. " A deep, masculine voice softly spoke in to her ear, his warm breath making her quiver and dreamily sigh. His arms draped over hers, their hands overlapped, as they hugged her rotund midriff. Although they had only known each other for the 9 months leading up to this glorious moment, they both fell for one-another near-instantaneously. "There's one more gift I was looking forward to giving you on your birthday, but you'll have to wait 9 months for it. I want to have a baby with you. Would you like that, my love?" These words... These bold words... Spoken by one who was so equally broken... Assured him he had found the one. He once thought Suu'lea to be the one, but after the confrontation back in January, and with a little helpful reassurance from Snowrose & Trr'alv (and even Myra, of all people), it finally dawned on him that Suu'lea had been playing him like a... Well... What the humans & Morphs called a "fiddle"; he had to give her credit for sticking with the farce for 8 years... Then again, maybe it wasn't ALL fake? They were both happy for a long while until one of the worst Summers of Onladas' history. It was only that last miserable year after he saved her life where everything fell apart. Trr'alv... This beautiful woman... She made him feel whole again... And soon... That feeling of completion was once again about to wash over him. The shorter X'hyrok-hh woman trembled, knees knocking together as her stomach visibly began to relax as the contraction waned. "Hoo-hh-hh-hhoooo! MERCIFUL Vhen'ag-arr! That STUNG! Whew! Heh... But I've... Ngh...I've suffered through worse!" She announced with a hearty chuckle as she craned her neck back to look Mar'nakth in the eye, prompting him to join in on the laughter. "As have I, my love," He'd respond with a toothy grin, making him blush when she'd gaze up at him with an impish grin. "What?" "Mmm... Fascinating... You've given birth before? I wasn't aware MEN could become pregnant. " She'd giggle in response, making him blush all the brighter. Mar'nakth's whiskers nervously quivered, his tail twitching, as he stammered out a, "W-w-w-wait, what? I... Err... No, hold on, that's not at all what I meant! Ach!" He sighed in resignation as Trr'alv burst in to hysterical laughter at her dear Denmate's expense, realizing he had unwittingly walked right in to her trap. "You scamp!" He'd chuckle in response before helping Trr'alv in to bed, helping her get comfy. Mar'nakth settled in on his knees behind her and held her hands in his, allowing her to lean back and support herself against her dear one's wall of muscles. Trr'alv's face suddenly contorted and scrunched up, her ears pinning back, whiskers hiking high and trembling, teeth ground together, and her eyes shut tight as her uterine muscles began harshly squeezing inward. Her cheeks flushed bright red as she rolled her back forward and responded to an instinctual demand by her body: "PUSH!!" it was telling her, and push she would! She growled out through gritted teeth as she bore down with the contraction, her tummy visibly tensing and audibly creaking and groaning. Squelching and squishing could be heard from between her legs, and for a little while she felt her efforts were for naught as sweat began to mat her fur down, but after a couple more solid pushes, she would buck her hips, a hefty groan of satisfaction and relief parting her jaw as she could suddenly feel a large mass sluggishly inching down her birth canal. "Oooooggghh! Oh Ffuh... Firstborns alive this... HUUUUNNNGGHH!!" She would growl out in frustration as one more solid push brought their daughter screeching to a halt at her puffy lady flower right before the contraction ended. She grunted heavily as she collapsed against Mar'nakth, her breath labored as she purely focused on summoning air to her lungs. Her nether region felt like it was on fire as her daughter was stretching her wider than she'd ever felt herself stretched before down there. "Yes, my love. That's it. You're doing great. How do you feel right now?" Mar'nakth asked, wincing as Trr'alv would glower up at him. "I feel like I sprinted halfway across the fucking desert... So I'm feeling just peachy, thanks for asking... " She growled up at him before sputtering, resuming with her efforts to shakily breathe again. "Hey, hey, hey... Honey, it's okay. I know it's painful; I only asked because I want you to be comfy whilst you deliver. You can do it, sweetheart. I know you have the strength to pull it off," He reassured her with his calm, soothing, deep voice. He brought one hand to her chin and gently stroked along it, guiding her eyes up to meet his. "From the stories we've shared, I've come to realize you are far stronger than I could ever hope to be, and that is why I love you, my dear sweet Trr'alv-fein. You are my goddess... " His voice trailed off when he noticed her hand frantically waving off to the side right out of his field of vision. Trr'alv nodded, blushing bright, heavily inhaling and exhaling before a nauseous groan began to build in her throat. "Mar'nakth... Mar'nakth... Mar'nakth... " She repeated over and over, DESPERATELY trying to get him to shut up as she could feel the beginning of another contraction. Finally, she began frantically waving her freed hand up toward him; FINALLY that got his attention! "Mar'nakth, I love you and I appreciate what you're saying, but now is NOT THE TIME!!" She'd yowl out as she rolled forward yet again and groaned louder than before as her womb VIOLENTLY squeezed inward, forcing her to push with all her might! She grunted as she felt the head squirt out with an audible "SQUITCH!!", jamming up at the shoulders for a brief few moments before finally sliding out with a loud, lewd, wet slurping sound. Trr'alv, spent from her efforts, finally collapsed against Mar'nakth, weak and unable to stop trembling from her efforts as her stomach started to deflate, the contraction helping her push out the afterbirth before, at long last, giving her reprieve from her task. She couldn't even form words, merely incomplete, cottonmouth babbling as she drunkenly giggled up at Mar'nakth, a droopy dopey grin on her face as she simply said, "She here... Our baby... "Mar'nakth sniffled as he would look between her legs and nod as he would briefly extricate himself from the embrace before reaching down between her legs and lifting up the child born out of their love. "We'll have to have Ilka snip the umbilical cord. Let me go get her-... " He was cut off by Trr'alv pulling him back; despite all evidence to the contrary, she still had enough strength to manage keeping her future hubby close by. Trr'alv dreamily sighed as she brought the little one closer to her chest, allowing the little one her first feed of precious, life-giving milk. The two would gaze lovingly down at their little white angel, born out of their love for one-another. Her fur wasn't ALL white, however, as there were hints of silver stripes lining parts of her fur. "What shall we name her?" Mar'nakth asked. "Ish'va... " Trr'alv quietly murmured as she tenderly stroked up and down their newborn baby girl's back. "Ish'va-fein, it is," Mar'nakth whispered in to Trr'alv's ear before stealing a kiss on the cheek. "I'm proud of you, honey. You did wonderful. "Trr'alv wordlessly nodded before shutting her eyes and affectionately purring. ", |
Story Start,Princess Farah is a bit spoiled, and she is used to mostly getting her way; at least while her father is at the palace in Baku. Princesses sometimes grow up like this. Farah eventually convinced her father to let her serve in the Royal Officers’ Harem though he was very reluctant to grant such a gift to his daughter. Kitsune are troublesome; in that they were bio-engineered by the Creators centuries ago for sex and play, and not for anything really useful. King Alecrast consequently has a larger problem developing, though he is not yet aware of it – Aria is attempting to raise Farah properly, which instruction includes attending state social events. Farah is mostly bored during such times, but even at a young age she manages to overhear this or that attractive noble lady bragging about how she managed to coax the King into her bed for private maneuvers, and how she is now plump with future royal bastards. Lots of Alecrast sired bastards inside the realm (and a fair number outside). Farah is not sure if she wants children of her own, but during her upbringing in Baku she learns well which stud’s seed is the most coveted, and she makes mental note as a possibility for her own future.In 3990 Alecrast leaves Azerbaijan and heads East, towards the high mountains of Asia, to aid the Snow Leopards in their rebellion. In 3993 he returns for additional war material, which he uses portions of his vast wealth to purchase; at that time Alecrast discovers he is minus one Kitsune pleasure slave. In 3997 Alecrast returns again; but this time his goal is to be King no more – he will remain in the East, fighting, for the remainder of his days. His famous sword goes to his son Albrecht, and the realm goes to his daughter Aria to rule. And what of Farah? She is given jewels and gold, like many of her siblings; though by this time she realizes that perhaps her chance to be the mother of her dreams is slipping away. Alecrast denies his daughter’s request for the gift she requests; five times he tells her, “no” and emphasizes she will have to be satisfied with “gifts enough”. A few months pass and her half-sister Aria is crowned Queen; Alecrast begins his final preparations for departure. It takes several months more to gather together all the supplies. When former King goes to bid final farewells Farah is no longer to be found. Farah’s scheme is both complicated and simple; complex in its execution, simple in its trigger mechanism. Farah had long ago noted her father’s fondness for the feminine form, upturned tail and the pleasure slave brand. Gambits require a sacrifice – often the queen in a game of chess. Farah’s gambit will require slave brands burned upon and into her beautiful hips, and the outlay of a decent portion of the small fortune her father just gifted her with. The scheme also requires an accomplice; Farah identifies and communicates her plan to a former school mate she sometimes took a tumble in the hay with. He is to accompany her as bodyguard, supposed Master, and of course he is needed to coax the seed-bearer which Farah desires into her trap. He will also bribe various tradesmen inside chosen slave market; Farah wants the brandings, and she wants the proper entries upon the registers. This art image is of Farah’s trap sprung recently – or more likely, a week or two later after initial springing. This is inside a small, impoverished, slave inn within a cut-off Fenrir enclave far, far to the North of our present day India. Cut-off in that some other Kingdom lies between these Fenrir of the enclave and the Sultanate to which they are supposedly citizens of. Alecrast almost ignores his daughter’s missive when it arrives, but at the last moment he thinks better of it, curses at a world filled with troublesome Kitsune, but follows messenger down out of the high mountains and plateaus. Purchased fertility potions and aphrodisiacs had brought things along admirably, as well as aided Farah’s natural “fuck-me” Kitsune scent. Alecrast almost left as soon as he had arrived, except Farah knows her father too well – a quick sway of transparent cloth so as to display eager young vulpine vulva; a flash of hips to reveal brands only a month old, the markings of a Fenrir-owned slave registered for the purpose of being bred; and the presenting of carefully trimmed-away groin fur, shaved flesh now marked here and there with henna, the known symbol for womb-for-hire. Farah’s ‘Master’handed the young Kitsune’s chain to the weakening Alecrast and pointed him towards available room with food and drink. Sleeping, eating and fucking have occupied most of Alecrast’s time here so far. That and a vow – he is no longer King and is far, far away from the lands he formerly knew and which knew him. By the Goddess, if this canid bitch wants his seed so badly then his seed she will receive!Farah is only four feet seven in height upon this bed; and just twenty-six years of age. It is cold outside this inn, high up in the mountains, hence the bear skin cloak upon Alecrast’s back. Farah no longer notices the coolness; she is fully in her Kitsune heat, and currently taking into her body the royal sperm she so coveted. In seven months’ time she will be mother to the three pups this week’s matings bestow upon her. Two sons with orange hair she is given by the stud currently inside her. But Farah was not the only one to make in-depth study of Fenrir slave-keeping practices. Her companion, bodyguard, and supposed Master also sought instruction at various slave markets in Fenrir lands so as to better understand his part during Farah’s gambit. He will soon make claim to a Master’s right to breed his own chattel, at least for a quarter of this day, until the needs of his loins are satiated. Not like a Kitsune in her season is capable of refusing hardened and seasoned wood; Farah spreads willingly. It will cost this false Master twenty-percent of his eventual reward though, and it will cost Farah additional space within her womb for a third pup; she will walk a bit heavier during the months she is with litter.In a few months’ time Farah will leave the Fenrir enclave with pups inside her, and return to her home country of Azerbaijan, but only for one season. She will eventually depart for the cold northern lands of Europe – the better decision to avoid long drawn-out questioning by Queen Aria as to from where orange-haired bastards were acquired. The Fenrir do not reside in the far North. Perhaps a good thing as Farah is still documented in the Fenrir registers as breeding slave; though her status as such is defunct as her listed Master is nowhere to be found. He took his reward and left on his own adventure; perhaps even to the New World. As to who is the greater scheme-tress, Farah or her mother, it would be difficult to pass judgement. ", |
Story Start,The walls of the modest inn clacked with each bounce of the wooden headboard slamming against them, the pressure of which sent small ripples of vibration up the walls, to the ceiling, and gently shaking the candle-lit chandelier. Two adventurers had retired to a place where they could properly rest after a hard-fought day travelling along the city-state of Tiragarde Sound. However even after her exhaustion in slicing through foes Jessica still had the energy to pleasure her lover. STHAP THACK THMP WHACK THPThe otter mounting Sherri’s frame happily plunged her hips forwards, her pawtoes pressing into the bedsheets as she held tightly onto that cute little mage her squeaked every time her cock tapped against her blue cervix. “Nnh! Sherri!” Jessica panted, her tongue hanging out cutely from her lips as she clutched into Sherri’s body, she could feel the pupper beneath squirming at the vibrations her cock made against those tender walls. “I’m.. I’m..”“Hahh.. Wait.. Wait..” Sherri gulped down her throat, her legs squirming slightly, her body was close to those days that made it incredibly ‘dangerous’ to receive a hot load of potent otter spunk. “Not.. Nnh.. C’mon..” Sherri pleaded, biting down on her lower lip, she was not only close but the rhythmic thrusts and the sheer pleasure she felt from Jessica rutting inside of her body made it difficult to NOT want that hot creamy load inside of her womb. “Jesss.. Jess… Don’t.. Don’t cum in me!”“I.. I.. I gotta..” Jess panted, her body was moving without her control, that fat cock pushing in and out of Sherri’s frame as the pleasure started to overwhelm her body. Her webbed pawtoes pushing against the bedsheets as she attained better leverage, her clawtips squeezing firmly into Sherri’s frame as she rut forwards, her body thrusting in as her cock throbbed its demands. “I’m.. I’m gonna…”Sherri’s eyes widened, she couldn’t stop Jessica’s thrusts and her legs refused to move, the pleasure from Jessica’s cock had a numbing effect on her legs. “No!” Sherri bit down as the cock tapped against her cervix. “You.. You promised! You.. You said..” Sherri’s body continued to bounce against the bed, her breasts jiggling with each powerful thrust. “Ohsssherri..” Jessica whispered as she took a deep inhale, her hips thrusting forwards as she rut her hips in one final push. Her cock mashing against the girl’s cervix and in an instant hot torrents of cum quickly flooded Sherri’s juicy twat, thick rope after rope filled into her womb, slowly seeping out through the flooded cavern, even as Jessica continued to cum. The hot sticky spunk slowly gushing out from Sherri’s snatch and flooding Jessica’s balls with her thick nectar, but the look on the otter’s face proved that she didn’t give a single fuck. “Soohhhgouhhd..” She murmured, almost lost in pleasure as she trembled above Sherri’s form. “Dammit Jess!” Sherri pouted to the barely responsive otter that drooled down her chin. “You were supposed to pull out!”It took a moment before Jessica’s senses returned to her, and she saw Sherri staring upwards with that angry little face. Her body slowly retreated, pulling that fat, now flaccid cock free from Sherri’s gushing pussy. Jessica’s arms tightly wrapped around Sherri’s body, holding the squirming pup close as her tongue extended from her lips and gently licked along her cheek. “You’re so cute when you fuss, you know that?” The otter teased, knowing that with every passing second one of her little swimmers could be rolling along Sherri’s insides and trying to peck its way into her egg. “Besides.. doesn’t it feel warm?”Sherri had to concede that it did indeed feel warm, and pleasant, especially combined with the solace that came with Jessica’s arms holding her in such comfort. “Nnfh.. Still. Now I gotta heat up another bath.” The pup murmured begrudgingly. “Oh yeah? For a fire mage that doesn’t sound like too much of a task, heat up enough water for me and I’ll join you.” She gently nipped at Sherri’s neck. Those sharp fangs always sent a shiver along Sherri’s spine and her pawtoes curled at the idea. “What.. and give you another shot at me while I’m all vulnerable? No way.” Sherri teased and nipped back, this time at her snout. A moment passed and Sherri heard nothing, her eyes opened and she saw Jessica looking down with her lip curled in a pleading pout, those bright emerald eyes staring down at her. It was enough to make the small pupper blush. “Okay fine.. I’ll make us a bath.”In an instant that pout turned into a winning grin. “Good girl!” Jessica teased and released Sherri from her grasp as the doggirl slowly climbed up out of bed, she made a nude saunter on her way to the large wooden walled room that contained an extra large basin for them both to bathe. However Jessica wasn’t focused on that, her eyes were staring lustfully at Sherri’s taut little tush and the small trail of her cum seeping from that juicy pussy and rolling down her thigh. Jessica licked her lips and slowly stirred from the bed, she was ready for round two……It had been a few months since Jessica and Sherri had landed upon the shores of Kul Tiras, and in that time they had thoroughly adapted to the new orders of the world. The gemstones that bestowed them powers and abilities once thought impossible were now well within their control. Sherri may have been a veteran adventurer, but Jess had quickly caught up into her own, and it was on this lovely day at the near end of summer that they ventured into Stormsong Valley. Various tasks were required of powerful adventurers, and of course the reward was coin, supplies for missions, or even priceless heirlooms that townfolk offered in exchange for their mercenary services. Today they were heading towards a particular mark for punishment, a goblin mad inventor had used his scientific, if it could legitimately be called such, to craft a mechanical beast that was harassing the township of Fort Daelin. He had to be stopped. Jessica’s vigor and energy was unmatched, even by other rogues, her excitement for the world was palpable and it showed with how easily she ran along the coastline road. The otter’s senses perked for a second, her partner had lagged behind… again. Jess frowned for a moment, holding her hands on her hips as she tapped her boot against the dirt road. She counted the seconds and looked behind as the sparkled residue of magic drifted to dust a few feet behind her. “C’mon Sherri!” The otter called back as she started to make her way down the road. “You gotta keep up girl!”The poor girls’ legs were about to give out as she trotted along the road, her hands carefully upon her swollen belly that held a litter of mixed dog and otter pups. She finally stopped, her ears folded back as she called out to Jess. “Well this is your fault anyways!”", |
Story Start,Florin the Harem Master attempting to breed his father’s Kitsune pleasure slave. Florin was not given permission to mount and inseminate the Kitsune, but he does not care; he knows his father is exhausted, fast asleep, and has no further use today for his slave. The Fox’s heat is nearing the end of fertility and Florin hopes to make successful use of the final few hours. This is after his father enjoyed the vixen’s flesh over the course of the prior evening. The fertilization taking place of Tamara’s ovum is actually by Jinyssa’s sperm, not by Florin, who has only recently managed to retrieve the Fox from his father’s bedchamber and escort her to this chamber. No glasses of wine needed for Tamara today as she was shipped East years ago and surgically enhanced into the sexual entity the Fenrir call ‘a succubus’. No wine required, nor even a Kikka rose; the sex glands encased in the Kitsune’s horn implants are sufficient to keep her need high, and to entice the vixen into eagerly spreading for the no-longer-young son’s use. This Fenrir, who wants to impregnate the Fox bitch with his own pups, is already upon her; even if such illicitly sired offspring are unlikely to appear upon the pages of Fenrir Slave Register. Tamara has been pleasure slave to clan Kikka and House Jinyssa for twenty years now. Jinyssa wants gold for future bribery to ensure his favorite son (not this one) is made the next chief (Jinyssa is no longer young) of clan Kikka. Tamara does not yet know her master desires to make a profit from her sale; and that (after her pregnancy by him is verified) she is to be sold at market to the highest bidder.It is a convention in Fenrir society for slave-owning Masters to often impregnate soon-to-be sold female slaves with the Master’s own offspring. In Tamara’s case her Master succeeds with two bastards by his seed; and Florin manages to add one of his own to the vixen’s future litter.If it is a goal of these two clan Kikka males to spread their seed far then they are destined to succeed admirably. The Kitsune will whelp not within the Old World as planned, but rather on the west coast of the New; far, far away from the Sultanate and its slave markets. ", |
Story Start,In one of many ways the world was going to hell in a hurry, the pharmaceutical industry had it over a barrel, practically everybody was popping something or other, anything to avoid the dreaded 'default' of their being. While it wasn't exactly a term of endearment, a lab rat could clean up at a time like this, provided she was a good sport about the occasional rash, nausea, or loss of smell. To romance you in the door, they'd talk up your special genes, and why nobody else could be relied on quite like you for clinical research, and it all sounded like a lot of schmoozing that amounted to the fact that you were cheap and rats weren't known to talk much. For Subject 7, as they called her, it was the same old routine. This time it seemed they were testing more fertility stuff, nothing she hadn't done before. Typical spiel, take the pills and then one of the female staff asks all the questions, do you feel hot, yes, mood swings, sometimes, moisture levels, and so forth... Those insta-heat pills weren't really new on the market, popular as they were, so 7 wasn't altogether sure what they were hoping to get out of this, but whatever it was, it was enough for them to stick her in Observation Room 3. Good old OR-3, she spent any number of afternoons in here, for better or for worse. Normally there was something of a functional living space in here but for whatever reason it had been stripped almost bare, the only things left being the bed over on Station A and the stool over at Station B. The latter usually had a desk. In any case they hadn't told her much. She was about to go sit on the bed when their voices came piping through the comm on the other side of the window. "So, Subject 7, we just wanted to talk to you for a moment... The estrus inducing drug given to you by Dr. Kalp isn't exactly what we're testing today, it's more of an accessory to the main study, plus we just thought they might help things go a bit... Well, go over a little smoother. But it's okay, we're doing something very exciting today. We're bringing in another subject from our Eventon lab... Subject 24. You see, he's been injected with a new kind of product that changes his... Well it augments... You see, in the modern age, more and more couples are interspecies, but regrettably cannot have children of their own, an unfortunate by product of all the progress we've made. We feel they shouldn't have to sacrifice their natural desire to raise a fully blood-related family in a loving household. Wouldn't you agree?"A blink. "Well, anyway... So Subject 24 is a raccoon, and he has had his... Well, his seed augmented... Well really, we'd like to think the word is 'enhanced.' These drugs we're developing would be able to alter a male's yield to be able to reproduce with a specific species, depending on the specific solution used. In 24's case... A rat doe. And well you've always been up for just about anything - that's why we like you so much! So we thought maybe you could do us a really big favor and - " "What?" "Ah... Yeah, alright, she's not going for it, might as well just send him in. "7's head snapped toward OR-3's door as it slid open, revealing who she had to assume was Subject 24. That old silly saying, 'wearing nothing but a smile,' rang true, as the bare-bodied ring-tail appeared far too eager to see her for her liking. The door slammed shut behind him. More alarmingly, the light above it when from green to red - she was locked in. "Now Subject 7, just relax... We've asked 24 to be gentle with you and if you jus - oh... Hm. "Well, they couldn't say they didn't anticipate a chase situation, hence the locked door, but as the whitecoats watched Subject 24 stumble over himself to tackle and pin a hollering Subject 7 to Station A, they couldn't help but wish the two had tried to talk it out, or given them more time to convince 7 of the scientific importance of today's research. But, wish in one paw, and so forth, it was irrelevant as 24 was well at work ripping off 7's lab gown. This was precisely why they'd taken almost everything out of the room, Subject 7 had always been a little fiery, everyone knew how those rat girls were... And had things turned out... Exactly as they had, it was easy to imagine her konking him on the head with whatever she could get her paws on. In hindsight they probably should have taken the stool out too, but hell, it really didn't look like she was going to make it that far. And yet, perhaps she would, as the white-furred doe slipped out of the gown and scampered away from her amorous lab partner. She stumbled over to the window, pounding on the glass, demanding to be let out of the room, quite profanely. This wasn't exactly strategically sound for her as roughly two seconds later, her body was pressed hard against the pane and Subject 24. Yes, it was hard for the onlooking researchers not to exchange a look as they watched the scene unfold before them, especially with 24's rigid phallus rubbing up and down the glass before poking around for the female's loins. She was a bit too low for the experiment to progress from here, forcing 24 to lift her off the ground a bit, though still pushed snugly against the window. "Agh... Stop it... Open the door! Fuck, I... Agh... Ogh... " "And....... He's in," the one on the left said with a click of his pen, writing down the procedure's official start time.7 clawed at the window while breathy squeaks escaped her throat. A sound most rats found weak but there wasn't much she could do to help it now. 24's frantic humps repeatedly squished her flatter and flatter against the glass. Unfortunately, thanks to those pills, her body was receptive to mating even if her brain held a somewhat contrasting stance on the matter. Regardless, she wasn't going anywhere, caught between the metaphorical rock and somewhat more literal hard place. Her labored panting fogged up the glass as her face was squished up against it, giving her a good opportunity to glare both desperately and angrily at the eggheads on the other side. The one with the clipboard leaned forward, pressing the comm button again. "Subject 24, would you mind taking Subject 7 back to Station A before continuing? Or perhaps... Station B? ...24, can - can you hear me?"The button was released. A turn. A shrug. "I mean...I guess it'll work just as well right there. " "Yes, but does his... Libido seem at all excessive to you?" "He's certainly eager to help, yes. " "Perhaps it's a side effect of the injection? I mean this could lead to some problems on the market for the users. " "Well who can be sure. When I called Eventon and told them what we wanted to do they said they had 'just a guy.' So... Maybe it's him?" "What if it's both?" "Think about what this drug is for. I mean, if it acts as something as an aphrodisiac... Doesn't that just play right into the intended use?" "Well, yes, but.... " She gestured toward the THUMP-THUMP-THUMPING of 7's body against the glass. "Hey... That's what warning labels are for. " "I suppose...it seems those heat pills didn't lower her inhibitions as much as hoped. " "Yes but, she signed the contract, so...it is what it is. "24 knew he wasn't going to last long. After all, he'd known about this project longer than 7 had, and he was already pretty pent up by the time OR-3's door opened. Subject 7's body shuddered and tingled at the feeling of that big thrust. Then another. The pills had definitely clouded her feminine body's judgment toward having an unwanted penis inside of it, accommodating the thick thing with as much of her natural lubricants as it needed. 24 hadn't said anything close to coherent since this started and even that was now descending into growls and guttural groans. One more thrust, and now Subject 7's incisors bit hard against her lower lip as she felt it, the jerking contractions of his male flesh pulsing against her slick walls. She knew what it was doing to her. She could feel what had happened. Not that she had to feel it to know, had she merely looked down at the glass below her. "That's... Quite a yield. " "You want to maybe... Put in a call to custodial?" "Well they're still finishing up in 1, you know - " "Right, just you know, for when they're done, just... A heads up call. " "Alright, sure. " "Just tell them to bring the glass stuff... Well I guess it's going to be a floor job, too. You know what, just have them bring the cart, that should... Hang on, now he's bringing her to the bed, um...24? That should be sufficient thank you. 24? Twent - hell, we'd better get in there. "It may have been the most humiliating work day of her life, and as of now was still ongoing, but Subject 7 could take solace in what she had done for clinical science that day. Because ultimately, the experiment was a success, and thanks to her hard work and certain sacrifices, interspecies couples everywhere could soon prove their devotion to one another in nature's most profound way. The information gathered during this most pivotal study, and a handful of subsequent ones, would prove to be one of the most consequential in the history of family planning and development, and it was all thanks to the little known yet deeply appreciated heroes known as Subject 7, Subject 24, and a cute little clump of cells known colloquially to laboratory staff as Result 31. ", |
Story Start,Kieran and Murana had been a loving couple for several years now. As expected, due to her influence, Kieran adored her ass and loved fucking it weekly, not that she minded. She was more than able to get off on anal alone and she much preferred it that way. However, the hankering to have another cub or two began to grow more and more every day until she broached the subject of kids to Kieran. He wasn't too keen on the idea and when pressed for the reason, he recalled the time his cousin had interspecies children with another canine not of his kind and the kids, although still beautiful to their parents, were not as expected and were unfortunately the brunt of ridicule amongst their peers in school. Kieran, having been bullied himself when younger, stated he wanted pure wolf cubs to raise and nuture that were just as gorgeous as Murana was and that would have an easier time growing up in a community that still held great prejudice amongst interspecies children. Saddened by his decision, yet understanding of his concern for their cubs' future, she asked if there were other alternatives, like sperm banks and such. Kieran got a naughty glint in his eyes and proposed a threesome. Shocked at his idea, he reasoned, "Well, you did already fantastize about having one and we dirty talk about it all the time in bed. It really gets you off hard whenever I talk about it as I'm fucking you, so why not finally take the plunge and just do it?" "You mean have a threesome with intent to get me pregnant by another wolf?" Murana was hesitant, but she wasn't exactly pulling away from the idea. She did have that fantasy and the notion that her partner was open to the idea brought all sorts of tantalizing images to her mind and feelings to her nether regions. "Why not? I'm okay with it since I know you've been really wanting some new cubs in the house to raise and dote on and I know just the friend in mind whom I trust to do this for us. Besides, this is a way more funner way of getting pregnant than going to some sterile sperm bank!" Kieran grinned. Murana's eyes bulged, "Wait... You already had someone in mind before we even talked about the idea of a threesome?"Kieran laughed, causing Murana's ears to fold. "Don't be upset. You've met him before. His name is Sebastian. He's a good buddy of mine and we go a ways back. I keep telling him how awesome you are and he keeps saying I'm a lucky jackal. I've smelled it on his scent whenever he's around you, he is very interested. "Embarrassed, but not backing down and with the inner instinct and urge to breed rising inside her, she agreed to at least invite Sebastian over and discuss the possibilities of producing new life together. The night of the threesome, it wasn't long until they got relaxed together to where they could strip and get to cuddling. Although extremely nervous, Murana was excited at these two young males fondling, caressing and loving on her body. Rolling back onto the bed and slipping into her ass and casually thrusting to soothe and relax Murana's taut nerves, Kieran whispered into her ear, "Are you ready for this, love?" He smiled as Sebastian licked her raised leg, his eyes only for her. She shakily nodded. She had come this far and she wanted to experience this. "S-sure. I'm ready. "Sebastian glided in, his cock rubbing up against Kieran's inside her. She cried out as she felt stretched from both sides when they began to alternate pumps, one going out as the other was thrusting in. It was unbelievable. She had always dreamed about something like this, but experiencing it and being completely at the mercy of these two strong males pounding her tender holes with wild abandon got her moaning and howling without restraint.It was a long passionate night. Sebastian signaled he was going to cum and Kieran gave Murana a deep kiss. "You want pups, hun?" "Yes, more than ever!" She gasped, tongues locking with his. Sebastian growled with lust as he got the final approval and slammed his knot deeper into her folds, locking himself in as he pumped rope after rope of virile seed into her womb. Murana quivered and shook as she could feel that throbbing cock sending Kieran over the edge as he spent his own load deep into her ass. They all lay there together spent, each dick stuck inside of her, unable to move. Sebastian licked Murana again. "Did you want to try a few more times to ensure you get pregnant?"Dazed, but completely floored by the experience, she gave only one quick glance to Kieran who just smiled. "Yes, please. " ", |
Story Start,The Twins came home from college to spend a little time with Family, but their Parents had stepped out for a bit, and Pepper -being in heat- had some needs. Before this point, the two had never bred when Pepper was in season. So of course Zachary was smart and used a condom. Where he went wrong, is he grabbed normal fox condoms, and he is a fox on the bigger side, so he broke it with ease. Now they are in a huge mess on the Family couch, where there is no way they are getting the smell of fox cum out of that, as well as the mess in Pepper giving them a bigger Family. Maybe it’s good they ruined the couch. They are going to need a larger one with all the pups Pepper is soon to be carrying. Lets hope Mom and Dad really wanted Grandkids!", |
Story Start,Winter sets in and the days grows short. Nothing but a still chilly blackness covers the outside. In the warm shelter a man and his beloved companion finds comfort in each others embrace as love strengthens their bond even farther. He lays down and begins to stroke his cock as he scrolls though some porn. She walks in on him masturbating and looks at him in silence. He stops when he notices her staring and decides to call her up on the bed with him. Dirty thoughts ran round his head which made him harder. She came to him and sniffs his cock and starts licking it ever so tenderly. He reaches behind her and to his surpise a big heavy vulva hung between her legs. It bobs up and down in response to his touch. The two position themselves as sexual energy fills the room with hot breathing and moaning. With each thrust he can feel the orgasm building inside him. Her pussy grabs a hold of his cock as if wanting him to orgasm in her. When he's about to oragsm he feels the condom break. The warm wet secretions touches the head of his penis and stimulates the nerves even more. The pressure was already to much to hold back and it felt to good to stop now. His mind was fixed on cumming in her. Even if he tried to stop the urges took over him. Her pussy squeezing his shaft, begging for his seed in her didn't help him as well. One final thrust deep into her and hot milky cum shoots inside her uterus. The cum oozes out of the tight grasp of her pussy as he holds her close to him and still continuing to unload in her. After the orgasms have subsided for the both of them, they cuddled and slept though the coldness of night together in each others warmth. ", |
Story Start,Haida gasped while he saw Retsuko bringing a small baby cart to the office. He noticed her maternity leave was about to end, giving a stare at the baby Retsuko was carefully carrying out in her arms. “Hi there, Haida.” Retsuko said. Haida gulped, speechless. He was guilty, yes. They both had followed their urges that night a year ago. He then looked away from Retsuko’s eyes. "It’s okay…” Retsuko added. “Your secret is safe with me.”Yes, Haida could see the white fur on the red panda baby boy ears, twitching. He was frightened and guilty to what he caused to Retsuko. He tried to assume his responsibility the moment Retsuko told him she was pregnant, after their short affair, night after night, over and over. But time did fall short, as those few days of passion ended up, not because of Haida, but for Retsuko herself. After their breakup, Haida tried to talk with Retsuko by any means possible, but she refused, every time he tried. As weeks passed by, Haida could look how Retsuko’s belly grew and grew. ‘Something is wrong’ Haida thought, until he realized, like the rumors he heard many months ago, now they had become true, and by his broken and confused heart, not only could the baby inside Retsuko be his, but the frustration at Retsuko’s decline for his help began to crack in his mind. “Retsuko…” Haida broke his silence “I… I…" "Don’t.” Retsuko suddenly replied. “No one must know. I´ve been happy alone as it is. I´m so sorry, Haida. I’m just not ready.” Then Retsuko walked with the young baby in his arms. Haida kept his eyes down, drowned in a mix of rage and sadness. His mind stormed with the same question, a single word “Why?” He could hear the thundering sound of that question over and over, like a torment. Until…“Ho ho ho ho…”That laughter could only come from their only friend and coworker, Fenneko. "Oh, come on, Haida, don’t make us a fool of as all” Fenneko pointed at the hyena. "Huh? Wha…?” Haida dozed off from the dramatic regret he was. "I knew there is only one guy in the entire world that could do that to Retsuko. The evidence is way more than clear!”Fenneko was driven by her gumshoe side “So, Haida, you wanna know it?” Haida shook his head “I’m fine, Fenneko. Besides, I know what you are going to say.” Fenneko laughed with pride “Of course! It’s about Retsuko’s baby! I know who the father is.” Haida took another sigh “Okay… I must confess. " "I knew director Ton was a huge pervert from the…” Fenneko continued, ignoring Haida’s words for a second. “Wait. What?” Haida twitched his eyes at Fenneko “Are you kidding me?”Both Haida and Fenneko stayed quiet, almost frozen. "So… you are… Retsy´s…” Fenneko tried to finish her sentence, then Haida nodded. "I can’t believe it!” Fenneko yelled “How could… how could you…" "Yeah, I know. I am a monster.” Haida looked away from Fenneko. "How could you ended up doing you know what with Retsuko!? That baby is so cute! Oh my… How could I be so blind! And we were friends! Your secret is so safe with me! I promise!” Fenneko continued in almost a state of frenzy. "Fenneko… calm down…” Haida replied, as Fenneko’s speech began to turn into gibberish. "I wish I had one from you!” Fenneko said. "What, now!?” Haida opened his eyes wide. "A baby. From you. Now… I mean… you are not Retsuko’s girlfriend or anything… right?”Fenneko tilted her head to a side, while Haida was shocked at the sudden offer from what was the major gossip in the entire office. Fenneko kept her conspiracy theorist levels of banter going on, while Haida was drown again in his own thoughts. He would keep falling on that endless pitch-black darkness if he kept thinking on Retsuko anymore. He knew she didn’t understand his feelings for her, why then kept pushing all those attempts and tries for them to be a couple in the first place? Yes, he could find solace and a reason when he saw that red panda friend every day, going to work. He was still confused to why she had kept their baby, taking all the responsibilities for her, and only for her though. Somehow, that was a call, a sign for him to move on. He had better things to do. “Okay…” Haida replied. Haida’s answer might feel quite awkward, but the moment he uttered it, he was driven by nothing but male pride, the call to breed. He knew he was a successful male by breeding with Retsuko, and he had to do it again after watching Fenneko’s impulses expressing her need to also become a mother. He could feel that same fiery heat running across his body, the same feel when he spent those passionate days with Retsuko before. He felt the chance as all or nothing, eager to know what kind of offspring could result between the desert fox and a beast like him. His heart was pounding faster, his breath felt heavier. There was a need he had to fulfill, to persist, to stay alive. He had no other choice: It was mating time. ", |
Story Start,For once, Shikabane had left the building and followed Haida, tugged away, both blushing, looking aside. After walking a couple of minutes, Haida had stopped. Shikabane gazed upon a brass plaque, discreet, on the left wall next to the door. A love hotel. A new experience for her. Haida got the keys. She felt nervous. That proposal in the middle of the gaming session felt sudden, unexpected, even less from someone shy and bashful as Haida. But despite her faint shaking, she felt something deep inside going inside her. A slow fire, broiling inside her. Her heart, racing more as they walked across the small corridor, seemed to keep that warmth. She crossed the door, unsure at first, but she grasped at the knob and slammed the door in less than a blink. Haida turned around, and saw how Shikabane was getting rid of her clothes. "Whoa!!!" the poor hyena opened his eyes like never before. He could see Shikabane's purple fur shining under the glow of the love hotel room lights. Shikabane, while nervous, began to wrap her mouth on Haida's lips. Her hands grazed over Haida's shirt as she was blindingly guided by her now fiery heart. Haida could only twist his tongue over the skunk's intentions. He began to think if his past experiences of fathering both Retsuko and Fenneko, his own coworkers, the company he was now fired from, all that past of happiness and friendship left behind, was love at all. But as he realized he gave the first step for their run to the love hotel, he sure found the answer at that same instant. It was instinct. Nothing more, nothing else. Could be his fate? To fulfill one of the most basic functions of life? To bring new life forms to this world? Sure, all those things had turned into rumors. Tales of exaggerated magnitude. Was he choosing the females? Were they choosing him out of his traits? Nevertheless, that didn't deter the Hyena male to get rid of his clothes, and let the whims of his own instincts to fulfill. He was going to be a father, again. And no doubt, worry nor complication was enough to trump such decisions. ", |
Story Start,“Guess what day it is…” said Alex as she snuck up behind her horse boyfriend and slipped her soft hands over his face. Tashi almost jumped out of his chair in surprise when the tigress’s soft fingers slid over his eyes and blocked him from the video that he was watching on his computer screen; some video recipe for batter-fried bananas that looked mighty tasty. “Hm…” Tashi let out a noise in between the soft snorts he made once he realized he wasn’t in any danger. “Thursday, September 16th?” he replied, a smile slowly stretching across his face as he let his eyes rest a bit now that they were shielded from the harmful lights of his monitor. Alex rolled her eyes at his response before she pressed herself up against the back of his computer chair some more, purring as she came closer to him. “Noooooo… I mean, yes, but do you know what’s oh so special about today?” she asked as she slowly let those hands that covered his eyes slip from his face and fall into a gentle embrace with her arms draped over his shoulders and her chin on the back of his chair. The equine decided to play along with her some more. “Noooo? I have no idea what today is. Just another working Thursday for horse.” He said in a rather convincing defeated tone that he followed up with a heavy sigh. The tigress behind him went quiet for a few seconds and a small little “aw” slipped from her lips when she heard how sad her boyfriend sounded. “Well, good thing I know what day it is today….” She purred and turned her head to the side just enough for her muzzle to be pointed right at her boyfriend’s ear. “It’s your birthday.” She whispered, “And I see you’re looking up how to make those bananas I said I really liked… No, no, no… Today is all about you, so close that video right now… Because I have a surprise for you.”Tashi raised his brow and nodded along to his little tiger as she acted out the little play that she had prepared for his birthday. “Oh yes, you are right, I was born on this day… How could I think that it was just an ordinary Thursday, silly me. What would I have done without my little tiger reminding me?” he chuckled. When she instructed him to close out of the fried banana recipe he had open, he quickly dragged his cursor over to do just that and turned his head just a tad to look at his girlfriend with a soft smile. “I thought we agreed on no scheming?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and slightly flared nostrils. “Well, yes. We did agree on no scheming, but we didn’t say anything about surprises!” Alex cooed and pressed her muzzle into the horse’s cheek as he turned his face around to look at her. “I think those are two of the same thing, Alex.” Tashi chuckled. “But I will allow this loophole, but only because it’s my birthday, and I can’t be upset on my birthday.” He snorted happily, nudged at the tiger’s arms that were wrapped around him so that she would let go, and spun himself around in his chair a full 180 degrees. Alex watched him as he spun around with her hands at her hips and a smug grin plastered all over her face; her surprise was about to start in three, two, one…Once the horse was facing the tigress, he saw that she had been standing there naked, the whole time. His eyes widened and his gaze quickly fell from her face down to her bare chest, then back up to her face just as fast. He was used to seeing his girlfriend around the house bottomless, but completely naked only meant a few things; either they skipped out on laundry day that week and were out of clothes to wear, or the tigress wanted to lead the horse somewhere. It was likely the latter since the tigress did do their laundry just a few days prior. With his eyes wide and his heart thumping loudly in his chest as excitement (and blood) rushed through his veins, he smiled shyly at his girlfriend. “Is this my surprise?”Alex did a few poses as her boyfriend stared at her; she even playfully gestured her hands down towards her crotch to try and redirect his gaze to her pussy. The soft white fur of her front contrasted with her orange so much that it was hard to not look, which was an advantage that the tigress sure did use a lot, especially with her boyfriend. She slowly dragged her hands up her sides, following her curves along the way, and brought both her hands to cup her own breasts. She squeezed and played with them as she looked at her boyfriend. “It is part of it, yes! So, if you would just be so kind as to follow me to the rest of your birthday surprise,” Tashi’s eyes weren’t going anywhere now that Alex started playing with her tits. His two sightseers locked to the tigress’s big and pink areolas, where he noticed that she had black tape crossed into an X over both her nipples. His eyes widened and he felt his hips buck forward involuntarily. Nipple tape was one of his biggest kinks, he really should have expected the tigress to pull out all the stops for his birthday, but for some reason, this particular possibility slipped his mind and he didn’t even notice it when he first turned around! He struggled to peel his eyes away from the tiger’s breasts as she squeezed and toyed with them, and when she turned around to start walking away from, there was not a muscle in his body that stopped him from following her like a well-trained puppy. If he were actually a canine, his tail would have been wagging up the wazoo!The tigress started walking out of the horse’s home office one step at a time. When she took one step, the horse did the same and followed her toward the door and out of his workspace. The equine even traced his girlfriend’s steps to perfection, whether that was intentional or not was up for debate, since his eyes weren’t exactly paying attention to where her paws were going. “That’s it…” Alex purred once they left the room and walked through the hallway to their bedroom where the surprise that she had prepared was waiting for them. Alex used her back to push open the door to their bedroom and stepped inside. Tashi followed her right inside, but the gaze he had locked to her breasts broke off once she diverged off-path to go and close the door behind the distracted equine. But the tigress didn’t waste too much time, and once the bedroom door was closed, she walked right up behind her boyfriend and wrapped her arms around him. With a soft purr that rumbled through her chest into the horse’s lower back, she toyed around with Tashi’s shirt and kissed along the horse’s big back. “Are you ready?” Alex asked with a slightly muffled voice from having her lips against his back. Tashi was looking at the bed in the middle of their bedroom, the royal burgundy sheets, white pillows, and a peculiar purple silicone tube standing rather ominously next to a bottle of KY jelly lubricant. After a few seconds of looking at the two items on the bed, it clicked; Alex had bought him a fleshlight as a present. Once he realized that, it wasn’t hard for him to put two and two together and come to another realization; that Alex was going to use it on him. The thought alone made his heart thump in his chest, His tail flickered and brushed up against Alex’s exposed pussy and got her to bite down on her lower lip. “D-Do you see the little present I got you?” Alex fought back a moan as the thick hairs on the equine’s tail brushed against her clit and labia and sent a tingle in all the right places. “Yes, I see it. How did you know I needed a new one?” Tashi let out a soft chuckle as he looked at the bumpy silicone toy that stood menacingly on the bed. His ears flickered to the sound of his girlfriend’s muffled chuckling that came from behind him. “I found your old one all broken in the trash.” She cooed and rubbed her face into her boyfriend’s back some more. The tigress’s hands that were toying with the horse’s shirt slowly started to slide under the fabric and up along the equine’s torso. Her sharp claws combed through his short brown fur as her hands moved from his abs up to his big and firm pecs. This got the horse to start huffing softly as he continued to stare at the toy and a soft red hue spread under his eyes as his nostrils flared from his huffy snorts. ", |
Story Start,Aris’s screaming turned into a desperate whimper as he realised what it all meant. He had completely failed as a man…so Pirate was now turning him into yet another one of his bitches. Kira walked in witnessing the scene…Aris turned his eyes towards her, pleading quietly to stop Pirate from doing this to him, but she simply blushed and smiled at the sight: “Oh my, Pirate, you really did do it. Never thought you would but…looks like I might have competition soon~”She came over and felt the orbs on his chest, now quickly growing by the second into real breasts. “Look at theeeese, why are you crying, my love? Any girl would kill to have a pair like this. And it’s bigger than anything you’d ever have as a man…”Aris felt a finger touching his cock…or what was left of it. Now, to his horror, he realised it had regressed into a little clitoris, topping a brand new opening… the injection was so strong that somehow it had shrunk down his already-pitiful manhood into a vagina. And even worse was that as Kira played with his…her new hole, she could feel it getting slick and wet, as Aris somehow felt a hormonal urge flood her new body. Kira moved her attention back to the pheagle’s cock, lovingly sucking him off as she moaned and looked into his eyes…Aris silently pleaded with Pirate to reverse it, to somehow turn her back into a man, but Pirate rolled his eyes, smiled, and told her to shut up and wait…her turn would be “next.”Pirate went for round two with the whimpering wolfess’ wife, pounding away as the final stages of the transformation took over Aris’ body. It was taking over her mind, too, as she slowly felt her emotions turn from horror and shock to a strange kind of urge…all those hormones rushing around her new body, the smell of sex in the air, watching a real alpha breeder at work, her broken brain started to imagine herself there in her wife’s place. In fact that thought was always in the back of her mind…even before this injection there was a subtle, subliminal thought of what it would feel like to have Pirate’s cock slamming that rear. No wonder the injection turned her into her true self…always a bitch, but now she was HIS bitch. Just like “her wife” is. It took Pirate hours to finish up…but that was ample time for the wolfess’ craving to grow into a fever pitch. By the point Pirate finished up, she was openly begging to be next, needing to feel that cock pulsing inside of her. Having the binds finally released, her first action was to get off the chair, now sticky with her own wetness slicking the surface, and kneel on all fours. She presented her pussy, openly begging with the shame rushing as hard as the pleasure through her body. She needed that cock, and even if she was ashamed, she didn’t care. Once Pirate’s cock entered her newly-formed cunt, there were no other thoughts. Not up until she felt that bird dump his fertile load deep inside her did she start to think about anything else at all…once the pleasure finally went down, the invasive thoughts came in. If she…has a pussy, does this mean she could also…?She got her answer just a few weeks later as her belly started to swell, along with her former wife’s. Now wearing Pirate’s collar, a proud sign of his ownership, and with a belly full of wolf-eagle gryphon chicks, she was humiliated…more the fact that she’d never been this turned on before than anything else. Her new life as Pirate’s breeding bitch. Forever. And though she may wince on the outside, her dribbling pussy as she feels those gryphons kick inside her tells how she really feels", |
Story Start,Rayna Bence was young, athletic, and well-to-do half-elf girl who had everything she wanted. As a half-elf, Rayna was an oddity these lands. Born from a diplomatic union between a powerful human lord and a royal elven princess, her wealthy upbringing ensured she grew up without a care in the world. As is with many wealthy brats, Rayna's sterile livelihood was a bore, and the restless girl found herself making her own fun. Joining with a gang of street rats, Rayna's half-elf body was well suited for clamoring up pallets and jumping between rooftops. As she aged, her parents were distraught that she did not outgrow her hooligan habits, and rumors of her escapades made her the black sheep of the family. Petty thievery and pick-pocketing no longer thrilled Rayna. The young half-elf felt she needed to do something big, something that would cement her name in the underworld. Her friends spoke of a witch in the woods west of the city who provided ointments, medicines, and cures for a steep fee. The reason for the high prices came from the high cost of the ingredients. The Thieves Guild would pay a small ransom for just a small satchel of her wares, but nobody would take the contract due to the risk. It's been said that if the Witch caught you, you would meet a punishment worse than death. Scoffing at the warnings from her Street-Rat friends, Rayna set off in the cover of night to scout her target. The witch's home was scarcely lit, and from what she could see from the windows, nobody was home. "Perfect. " She muttered to herself with a grin. "In-and-out. This will be a synch. " Unfortunately for the 20-year-old half-elf, the Witch had just finished her work in the cellar laboratory, and when she pushed open the trap door in her living room, she confronted the careless thief. Rayna screamed and ran out the door, but not before being zapped by a searing bolt of magic. Rayna groaned in agony as the dark energy coursed through her lithe body, making muscles, organs, tissue, and bone warp, swell, and stretch to obscene proportions. Watching her nose and mouth push from her face, Rayna grabbed her new muzzle and shrieked at the feeling of her fingers fusing into hooves. Screaming, sobbing, and howling alone in the middle of the dark forest, the half-elf's torturous transformation molded her body into a beast of burden... a mare. Rayna couldn't believe what she was experiencing. Stumbling on unfamiliar legs, the former half-elf female made her way back into the city. Rayna couldn't tell anyone what happened to her; she wouldn't survive the humiliation of the city knowing that the richest, most powerful family's daughter had been turned into a simple beast. The poor wretch spent her days trotting to alchemy and magic shops, disguising her identity and pleading with the mages for a cure, but to no avail. The magic she'd been cursed with was more potent than anything they'd ever seen, and the latent energy signatures in her transformed flesh told them who did this. Nobody would waste the resources to uncurse such a potent spell, least of all a spell cast by a Witch as powerful and infamous as the one Rayna tangled with. To cure her would be to court the Witch's ire, and they too might find themselves in a similar fate. One magic shop did have a potion that would uncurse the mare, but they refused to sell to her. Kicked out of the store, Rayna paced back and forth in the street, muttering and fuming to herself as she desperately tried to devise a plan to get that potion. With a body as bulky and massive as hers, it would be impossible for her to break in and steal the potion, especially considering she didn't have any hands to grasp anything. Suddenly she felt a poke at her flank, and she whirled around and bared her teeth to growl at the person who dared touch her hind quarters. To her befuddlement, it was a fox: an anthro white fox to be precise. Smiling with a sincere grin, he introduced himself as Crytrauv, and he offered to purchase the potion for her in exchange for some help. Crytrauv explained that the potion would cost a small fortune, but he would be willing to part with the coin if she agreed to carry him for his travels for a year. Flummoxed, Rayna Bence angrily rejected his proposal. Her? A wealthy heir?! To be a common mount for a lowly anthro?! It was so insulting that Rayna nearly charged the Fox to trample him to death. Crytrauv shrugged, smiled, and said, "Oh well... " Watching him walk off into the crowd, the former young half-elf clenched her eyes in frustration, stamped her hoof, and shouted, "FINE!" The fox turned back and patted the mare on the nose, his eyes glinting with the faintest hint of predatory glee. As she watched the white fox purchase the potion through the shop window, Rayna couldn't help but feel the slightest twinge of dread for what she had agreed to. Tying the small vial around his neck for safe-keeping, Crytrauv walked Rayna to the stables to get her saddled up, chastising the transformed half-elf for walking so awkwardly. It wasn't her fault, of course. Having only existed in this cursed equine body for 2 days, her half-elf brain was ill suited to move about on all fours. The transformed heiress snapped back, inadvertently revealing her true identity to the fox in an effort to intimidate him. The revelation only seemed to embolden the sly fox, and Crytrauv teased threateningly about how fun it would be to reveal to her family what had happened to her. Rayna was aghast! They couldn't know! The city must never know that she was walking around naked, on all fours, with her rump displayed for all to see. Her family had a reputation to keep, so she begrudgingly submitted to the Fox's whim... for now. Thinking it better to remain silent to conceal her identity, Rayna trotted into the city stables and acted natural... as natural as an unusually clumsy mare could. The former half-elf winced as the stable master and fox ran their hands all over her body, sizing her up, measuring her, and examining her health like she was a common beast of burden… which she was. During the fitting, Rayna nervously shuffled and clopped as Crytrauv dipped his head beneath her frame to run the saddle strap under her round torso, and what happened next shocked her to her core. The fox lifted his head between her legs and planted his furry face into her soft dugs, eliciting an involuntary whinny at the sensation of that cold black nose touching her feral mammaries. She barely controlled the urge to screech out in her human voice, but she managed to hold her disguise lest the stable master find out her identity. No living creature had ever touched her breasts before, let alone her degrading crotch boobs, and the indecent, violating molestation made her want to kick the bastards head clean off his shoulders. Obedient and barely restrained, Rayna Bence played dumb mare, suffering through the fitting without any protest. Strapped and saddled, Rayna trotted out of the stable with the white fox atop her. She almost marveled at the ease with which her back carried him, her mind still not accustomed to the sheer power of her massive, muscular body. The straps wrapped around her body in uncomfortable ways, running up the seam between her flanks and torso, as well as hobbling her legs to prevent her from kicking. The former half-elf was already having a difficult time controlling her unfamiliar body, and the saddle and restraints weren’t certainly weren’t helping. The two traveled for days inland of Rayna’s home city, during which Crytrauv would scold and chide his mount for her slow and awkward stride. “C’mon mare!” He commanded. “You’re my mount now! Act like it!” Ms. Bence had had enough of the bastard’s jeers. “I’m not your MARE! D-Don’t you DARE call me that!” She howled, she tried to buck the white fox off her back. Crytrauv pulled on the restraints to hobble her legs before deftly jumping off yanking her long face towards his. Staring eye-to-eye, Rayna stamped her feet and bared her teeth, seething, “I’m the heir to the Bence Family Fortune! You shall treat me with res-**NEEIGH!**” The white fox yanked on the restraints, causing the heavy equine to fall on her side with a heavy thump. Tying her hooves in leather straps, Crytrauv spoke with a wicked grin, “You’re a fussy, clumsy mare, aren’t you?” The former half-elf woman groaned and whinnied as she struggled to upright herself, threatening, “You insolent, vile, furry little nothing! How dare you speak to me like this! When I… I…” Rayna saw the fox’s red cock spilling out of his fuzzy white sheath, and the sight of it was so alarming that it held her breath in her throat. “W-What are you doing?!” She stammered as she watched her captor kneel behind the curve of her rump. “Just enjoying what’s mine.” He responded simply. “After all, you’re my property, Mare. And I can do with you as I please.” Rayna gasped as she felt his hands rub over her feral privates; those canine paw-pads pressing at the clenched, wrinkled folds of her leathery equine sex, and his thumb squishing into the donut pucker of her charcoal-grey ass.‘So is wasn’t an accident!’ She thought to herself as she remembered how that bastard had molested her crotch-boobs during the fitting of her harness. Unable to kick or struggle from her bindings, the bound mare tried to clench herself closed to keep those furry digits from probing in her most sensitive and vulnerable place, her voice cracking as she warned, “D-Don’t you DARE touch me, Crytrauv! I swear, if you don’t stop, I’ll… I’ll…” The former 20-year-old half-elf was so worked up that she was on the verge of crying. Not only was she not used to being in control, but she’d never been touched in such a way. Her family would overlook her rambunctious, thieving ways on the condition that she “maintain her purity.” It was among the only orders she followed from her father, and she did so reluctantly. Rayna wished she had been born a male; the concept of chastity as a condition for her inheritance infuriated and confounded her. She cringed at the realization that as a half-elf, her family might sell her like livestock; only for her to experience that reality in the most ironic of ways. “G-u-UUGH! **NEIGH!**” Rayna cried out and whinnied at the intrusion of that disgusting canine cock into her clenched, tear-drop shaped sex. “I… I hate you!” She sobbed out as Crytrauv took her. “You… *sob*… you furry piece of shit! **Bur-hrr-hrr!** I’ll fucking… Nnng!... I’ll skin you alive and wear you as a shawl! You… *Sob*… You won’t get away with this!” The lecherous white fox grabbed her reigns and pulled her head towards his grinning face, his teeth bared in a cruel smile as he thrusted and ground into her equine pussy. The former half-elf brat was overcome with a deluge of emotions. Her first real sexual experience with a partner wasn’t supposed to be like this! It was so wrong! As if being raped by low-rung, insolent furry wasn’t bad enough, he was a horse-fucker no less! ‘But I’m not a horse!’ She cringed in her mind. Crytrauv took his time with his mare, forcing her body to shamefully climax on his cock before he sped up and finished in her warm depths. He cleaned his canine cock by wiping it on her left flank, letting his seed dry cake in her fur so that everyone could see how she was used. “I… I hate you! *sniff* You’ll… *Brr-hrr-hrr*… You’ll pay for this… I swear.” She huffed and sniffled as the bastard rapist undid the bindings on her hooves and forced her to stand. He was on her back before she could struggle again, and his ankles dug into her sides to urge her forward. “I doubt that, Mare.” He said confidently. “Unless you want to live the rest of your life on all fours, you’ll do exactly as I say. Remember our deal: you’re mine for a year.” The former half-elf grumbled, staying her threats as she reluctantly but obediently hobbled forward. Rayna would endure this humiliation if it meant her freedom. And as long as she kept her mouth shut, nobody would know she was anything other than a common mare. All she had to do was hold out a year…The white bastard-fox rode Rayna far from her family’s territory, taking her to the lands in the West where the Bence family name was more than unwelcome. In these parts, if the citizens found out who she was, beheading would be the most merciful fate she would encounter. During the day, Crytrauv used her like a common horse, forcing her to carry the anthro fox for his errands and ferry cargo from the warehouses to ports. Time dragged on at a snail’s pace, with Crytrauv violating her in every conceivable way. Though she had mastered control of her cursed feral body over the months, the former half-elf had learned that even her swiftest, best-placed kicks were no match for the speed and deftness of his canine physique. By the sixth month, she stopped trying to struggle during their encounters, standing still and lifting her tail to let him have his way. “Just fin- *nnnngh*-ish, you bastard!” Rayna seethed with hatred as he licked and probed her feral nethers with his disgusting canine tongue. Crytrauv, that cruel-hearted trickster, seemed to love bringing her into an unwanted orgasm just as much as he loved to spend himself in her; a kind of mean torment that etched away at the bratty half-elf’s defiant nature. Still, the high-born half-elf held onto her dignity, knowing that as long as nobody knew of her temporary and miserable existence as a mare slave, she could live her life as if it didn’t happen when she changed back. For Crytrauv though, she dreamed of what she would do to him once she had her body back. By the 8th month of indentured servitude, Rayna Bence noticed a bothersome change in her physiology. Her lower belly and dugs were agitated and bubbly with the slightest movements of her back legs, and most embarrassingly, her feral cunny was hot, swollen, and perpetually wet. The former half-elf knew enough about animals to know what was happening, and though it pained her to admit it, she realized that she had gone into an annual heat. “Uh-ho! Looks like someone is particularly eager to see me today.” Crytrauv chided as he performed his end-of-the-day ritual on his animal property. “S-Shut up!” Rayna huffed. “I… Nnng… it’s not my fault!” The lecherous white fox did not finish himself in his slave tonight, which was quite unusual. Instead, he tied a spreader bar between her ankles and sinched her back legs to her bridle. “What are you doing?” Rayna asked with a huff. “I fucking told you already that I won’t kick! Just do your vile business and be done with me!” Crytrauv pet the mare’s long muzzle and peered into her eyes with those snake-like slotted pupils, saying, “You know, I’ve been hoping you’d gone into heat before our contract expired. You’ve been a lousy steed, but you’ve had your…” He paused to pinch at her engorged and wrinkled equine muff. “…uses. But I know another way you can be productive.”Rayna frowned as she watched Crytrauv walk to the far end of the barn, and her heart jumped when she heard the throaty, deep whinny of another horse. “What? What do you mean by that?!” The naïve mare-slave shouted as she heard heavy hooves clopping towards her. With her back legs bound and her bridle tied to a beam, she hobbled sideways and saw what Crytrauv was bringing. It was another horse. But not just any horse, it was a Clydesdale Stallion. He was absolutely massive! He must have weighed almost twice as much as Rayna’s mare body. The Clydesdale was so large, in fact, that the bottom of the beast’s torso was nearly at the height of her equine back. To call this creature a mere horse would be like calling a dragon a lizard. And the Clydesdale was obviously male! Rayna’s green eyes opened with shock and horror at the sight of the Stallions mottled pink and black cock. The mare-slave’s heat had infiltrated his nostrils, making his cock spill out of his leathery sheath and slap against his belly with every twitch and flex of his groin muscles. “C-Crytrauv… you… you can’t mean to…?” Rayna stuttered anxiously with here eyes locked on that monstrous, flopping cock. Despite living in the body of a horse for almost 9 months, Rayna still hated the smell of horses, but her traitorous equine nethers had other ideas. The stallion’s musk wafted into her flared nostrils, making her heat addled, tear drop-shaped sex clench and gape like a hungry, wet maw. The beast lowered his enormous muzzle into her flanks, and Rayna clasped her tail over her privates to defend herself. “Don’t worry about her, boy. She’s just shy.” Crytrauv said as he tied Rayna’s bothersome tail to a rope and forcefully held it to the side, giving the Clydesdale free access to his unwilling mate. “Ugh… F-fuck! Crytrauv!” The bound mare screamed in aghast anger as she hobbled and shifted, trying her hardest to get the stallions mouth out of her flanks. The beasts enormous, hot, wet tongue pressed and wiped over her trembling, clenching, heat-addled girl parts, filling her brain with a mixture of revulsion and unwanted arousal. It now dawned on the frazzled mare what Crytrauv meant when he said, “productive.” “You can’t! Crytrauv! NNG! This is W-W-WRONG!” The former half-elf trembled and shrieked at the bastard-fox. “No Crytrauv! T-This isn’t what I agreed to! Don’t you dare! Don’t you fucking da-**NEEEIGH!**” Rayna whinnied with shock as the weight of the stallion’s chest pressed on top of her rump. Hobbling forward and clenching her sides with his front hooves, the Clydesdale Stallion mounted the mare, shuffling forward to bring that enormous cock to her untested cunny. “Get him off! Get him the fuck **OFF!**” Ryan howled in a desperate, rage-filled voice at the sensation of stallions hot, heavy shaft slapping and poking against her hard flanks and her soft dugs while it attempted to find her sex. The former half-elf’s mind was on the cusp of a full-blown panic attack, and despite her equine strength, her powerful heat kept her legs locked in place, preventing her from shimmying away or bucking the beast off her. The white fox just stood there holding the rope-bound tail away, smiling at his mare slave as she struggled uselessly to away. “G-Get that disgusting barnyard cock away from me, Crytrauv! You… you have to be joking, right?! Crytrauv! S-stop fucking smiling at me and answer--**GASP!**” Rayna’s pleas broke into a gasp at the sensation of that flared, flat-headed equine shaft pressing against her sex. She clenched as hard as she could to keep him out, but her poor groin muscles were no match for the rigidity of that cock, and the strength of the stallion’s hips. Her dark, puffy, wrinkled folds pulled inward with the sudden intrusion of the flared head, and Rayna’s mouth held open into a wide, soundless scream. Her breath pulled in with rapid, trembling gasps, and she shrieked out in a cry that delved from humanoid to feral. “IIIAAAAAA-**NEIIIGGGH!** Get him out! GET HIM OUT! FUUH-HUUUCK! Crytrauv! He’s too big! He’s too FUCKING BIG!” Having only ever had Crytrauv’s red canine cock in her comparatively larger equine pussy, and having previously been unexperienced with penetrative sex, Rayna’s psyche was not at all prepared for the sensation of being speared by a fully-sized equine cock. Considering the size difference between her and this hulking workhorse, even a naturally born mare would be trilling at the large insertion. It hurt! It hurt so much that the mare’s vision wavered and she could see stars. The stallion’s cock was larger than her thigh half-elf thigh, and the diameter of the shaft pulled all the wrinkles out of her equine labia and forced her girl-parts into a wide O. The transformed half-elf clenched her eyes, shook her head, and wailed in misery and despair as the stallion’s cock pushed onward, breaking her untested, quivering depths like an ice-breaker pushing through a frozen sea. “Ow! Ow-ow-ow! Fuck! FUU-HUU-HUUUCK! Get him off! Get him AAAAW-HAAAA-HAAAA-OFF!” She begged as he kept inching into her, pushing his medial ring past her widely stretched lips and forcing her body to respond. Despite her utter revulsion and hatred for what was happening to her, that treasonous cunt dripped rivulets of lubricating arousal, and her vaginal muscles seemed to instinctually clench and suckle at the male’s shaft. Rayna Bence kept screaming and howling indignantly until the puffy glands at the head of the stallion’s cock kissed the tight pucker of her equine cervix, and she opened her eyes to see Crytrauv leering at her, his hand stroking that familiar red cock. “You…You piece of shit!” She hissed through clenched teeth. “You’re getting off to this?! Oh… Oh you’re sick! When I get out of this body, I’m gonna - **UGH!** Oh-my-God… oh-my-God…” The former half-elf’s disgust and rage were cut off at the sensation of the stallion sawing into her depth. It had taken 120 excruciating seconds to cram himself inside the unwilling mare, but now that he’d bottomed out, it was time for the real rutting to commence. The stinging, agonizing pain of the initial intrusion was fading into a warm, tingling arousal, but those new feelings were not at all appreciated or welcome. Rayna’s eyes and cheeks were wet with tears, and plaintive grunts, moans, and whinnies came unbidden from her throat, furthering this demeaning, horrifying experience. The dumb beast’s cock was playing her Judas-Body like an instrument, and she was so close to climaxing that her eye lids were fluttering and her mouth was contorting in a very ungraceful way. The beast’s humping was picking up so feverishly that his grapefruit-sized balls were clapping against her slick, pillowy dugs, and the Rayna knew enough from the bastard white fox’s behavior what that meant. “C-Cr-Crytrauv!” She sobbed out pleadingly, “H-he’s almost finished! G-Get him off! *Whimper* It’s… NnnG! I-i-it’s n-not too late! P-Please! I don’t… I don’t want this! I don’t want to be a M-M-Mommy!” The cruel trickster did not respond, he only stroked himself faster at the sound of his slave’s grunts, moans, sobs, and pleas. “Stop this m-madness, Crytrauv!” She pleaded one last time, her voice wobbling with the rapid churning of that enormous cock. “Please! I-it’s n-not to late! You can…” Rayna held her breath in her throat as the stallion planted himself deep inside of her, and she could feel his balls tensing against the back of her feral breasts. **SPFFT-SPFFFT-SPFFT** With an audible squelching sound, the mare could both hear and feel the workhorse spurting his virile load inside her depth. The puffy glands on the end of his cock kissed against her cervix so tightly that it made a seal, and glob after horrible glob of hot, steaming equine spunk pressurized into her womb. “**NOOOOOO-HOOOO-HOOO!**” Rayna Bence howled out in a tearful, mournful cry before her voice trilled out in a desperate, feral whinny. Her hormonal-saturated body--that mutinous, degrading form--climaxed in kind, causing her vaginal muscles to rhythmically clench and suckle on that horse cock. The former half-elf had never experienced a climax so powerful, yet so disgraceful at the same time. If it weren’t for her brown and white fur, her face would show beet-red with shame. The anguished cry of his slave’s trembling voice was enough to push him over the edge, and the bastard fox blew his load over her long face, catching her in the right eye to make her wince in disgust. The two sweaty, and steaming animals stayed coupled together, with Rayna shivering and panting in exhaustion beneath. The formerly young half-elf choked back her sobs, trying to keep herself together to save face in front of her captor, but her sniffling and tear-soaked faced betrayed her. “Fuck you Crytrauv…” Her shakey, hoarse voice seethed in a haggard whisper. “I’ll… I swear on my life… I’ll make you pay for this.” Wiping his spent cock over her wincing nostrils, Crytrauv grinned wickedly as he replied, “We shall see, Mare. Remember, I have this.” The white fox fondled the reversal potion tied around his neck. “I’ve just extended your stay by 11 months; the time it takes to bake a foal in your belly. And by the size of the sire, I’d say your first born is going to be massive.” Rayna gasped, and clenched her mouth to stay her rage. “Get some rest, Mare; you’re going to need it. I’m going to breed you twice a day for the next week to ensure you catch. If you behave, maybe I’ll make this your only foaling… maybe.” Crytrauv’s voice trailed off as he led the monstrous stallion off her back. With the flared head popping out of her gaping sex, Rayna gasped at the sensation of cups of warm spunk pouring out of her abused cunny. She could feel the Stallion’s virile barnyard seed steaming on her flanks and dripping down her equine dugs, and she shivered as the cool air tickled at the quivering, aching insides of her gaping sex. In the cool air of the barn, her massive back was steaming with sweat, and she could already feel the feral spunk drying on her massive butt. Without arms, the former half-elf was left to attempt to clean herself by rubbing her backside on the wood post, making her gag and cringe at the degrading act. With her breath and heart rate coming under control, she realized it wasn’t just her sex that was sore, she hurt everywhere. The stallion had left bite marks on her neck, and scrapes on her sides where he gripped into her belly with his hooves. The muscles in her four legs ached, having spent the last 45 minutes holding the weight of a dumb brute that weighed almost twice as much as her. Laying down in a pile of hay, the frazzled 20-year-old, cursed half-elf couldn’t believe what had just transpired. Her, Heiress to the Bence Family Fortune, had just been force-bred by a common workhorse. She knew that the White Fox was a sadistic, vile creature, but she never imagined that he would take it this far. “That… *sob*… That fucking liar… *whimper*… that vile bastard… Nnng!” She sniffled to herself. “I’ll… *Brr-hrr-hrr*… I’ll make him pay for this… I swear on my life, I’ll make him pay.” Rayna fell into a fitful slumber, hoping against all hope that she would wake up and this would all be a dream. ", |
Story Start,Meriwah's hips wiggled excitedly as she happily hummed. She had spotted Wyatt returning home from his recent hunting trip, and had ran all the way home to make sure that he had a special welcome. Layla, her wolf mate, was now bound in front of her, whimpering and squirming like the good little bitch she became every time she was tied up. Both of their heats had started while Wyatt was away, and so both were more than ready for his return. The lynx's own breaths were heavy between her little bouts of humming, her own lower lips as ready for her lover's large knot as the whimpering wolf in front of her. Meriwah tenderly stroked the wolf's face as her whining grew louder, her hips squirming harder as she no doubt was feeling every bit of her heat and incapable of doing anything to alleviate it. "Don't worry, my heart. Wyatt is nearly home. " The lynx coo'd. Layla's eyes widened, giving the cat the largest puppy eyes that she could. Meriwah couldn't help but giggle. "Don't worry, he'll breed you first. That's why I got you gift wrapped for him. "The wolf let out a little happy squirm as she processed the words, while the lynx laid her head down onto the pup's sensitive nipples to suckle on them, causing the wolf to let out a high pitched, keening whine. "Did I miss a letter?"The low voice and following chuckle made Meriwah sit up straight and look back with a surprised gaze. Layla tried to follow suite, but with her bonds, she only fell back to the floor with a muffled grunt. "Wyatt!" Meriwah squealed, leaping up to hug the shaggy furred hovawart dog. Her breasts squished against his chest, and the lynx purred loudly as her nipples squished against the firm muscles beneath her lover's long fur coat. The dog quickly wrapped his arms around his lynx, greedily holding her close while burying his muzzle into her short hair. The lynx smile widened into a coy grin as she heard her lover inhale deeply, and his following breaths quickly grew heavier and heavier. Meriway slipped her hand into Wyatt's trousers, and giggled as she found that his length was already mostly out of his sheath. "We missed you, love. " She purred in his floppy ears, sliding her hand along his length. "The last few nights have been sooo long. Both of us in heat without your knot to tie us with. No amount of making each other cum helped. " She teased his length as she spoke, and smiled as she felt his knot slide free of the sheath, throbbing against her hand. "I see…" Wyatt almost moaned out, his words choking as Meriwah squeezed the fat red bulb of his knot. Meriwah nuzzled into Wyatt's throat, grinding her breasts against him as she did, her actions earning a little jerk from his hips as his breathing hitched again. He was so cute when he got flustered. With a sigh, and a small moan to tease her lover, she nuzzled up beneath the fuzzy flap of his ear, making sure he could hear every word with absolute clarity. "So what is holding you back, love? Layla is so very ready for you. " She whispered with all the desire of a pent up succubus. Wyatt almost shook at the words, his body stilling as he processed exactly what he was being told. Meriwah took advantage of the moment, sliding down his body, her hands dragging his trousers down, stripping her lover before pressing her muzzle into the crook of his cock. Her own need was begging her to take every inch right then and there, but she had promised. She instead ran her tongue and mouth briefly over the excited member, slickening him up before pulling her lips off of him with a plop. "Go get her, love. " She commanded gently. "Don't hold back on her. "Layla's tail thumped against the floor as Meriwah spoke, giving a little whimper of confirmation as she rolled herself onto her back, spreading her legs for their lover. Her center dripped with anticipation, already ready for the dog. Her tail only wagged harder as the lovers' eyes met. Meriwah smiled. They were such a cute couple. She gently pushed Wyatt towards her, finally getting the dog to move.It was the final straw of prompting that unleashed the dog. He dove in like a starving man, a glint of madness in his eyes as he grabbed Layla's legs, pulling the bound wolf up onto his cock with a bark. Layla responded by squealing loudly against her muzzle, her eyes rolling back as Wyatt thrust every inch above his knot into her with a greedy smack. The pup didn't get a break. Every bit of pent up need that Wyatt had was seemingly unleashed in a torrent of rough fucking that bounced the wailing wolf up and down his length with each motion. Wyatt leaned over her, barking loudly with each inward thrust, burying each inch of his length into her again and again. sweat beaded on his brow, his tail swishing wildly behind him, his nutsack hanging low with the pent up load. Meriwah licked her lips at the sight of the full orbs bouncing against her wolf. She sank down onto her knees, crawling towards the pair of howling pups, grinning as she watched the two people that she loved most in the world pleasure each other. Her own heat was almost overbearing, but right now she needed to focus on her pups. Her pleasure would come soon enough. The lynx pressed herself up against Wyatt's side, giving herself a perfect view of the couple. The fat red bulbous knot of her Wyatt was struggling to fit inside Layla, and the wolf thrashed about in her binds as she clenched up around the cock inside her, cumming again and again as she was fucked silly. Wyatt was every bit in as much heaven as his bound lover. His eyes were starting to roll back into his head, his tongue rolling out of his mouth as he kept barking with each heaving thrust. His body shook uncontrollably, his arms looking almost like they'd collapse out from beneath him. Meriwah gave a needy mewl as she nuzzled the sweet pup, sneaking one of her hands around him to play with his full balls, gently massaging them as he buried his cock deeper into the little wolf beneath him, each thrust threatening to tie the two as his knot swelled out her upper lips, only stopping because the fattest part of the bulb couldn't quite fit inside her yet. The lynx's other paw went to the bouncing tits of the wailing wolf, pulling and tugging on the sensitive nubs as they bounced. Another keening cry was let loose from Layla's lips, her body shivering uncontrollably as it began to tense up and relax in spasming waves. She was about to hit the peak of her orgasms, and Meriwah knew exactly what the two needed. "Bury your knot in her, Wyatt," Meriwah gently commanded. "She wants your pups. " Wyatt's eyes briefly refocused on Meriwah, the oncoming blankness showing just how close he was. Layla, for her part, emphatically nodded to the lynx's words. Meriwah gently made her dog look at her wolf, showing him how she was begging for his seed. "See? She wants you to impregnate her. If you knot her, there is no way that she won't get pregnant. " She continued teasing. Wyatt let out a needy whine, redoubling his efforts to knot the wolf. His thrusts lifted her off the floor, curling the wolf up beneath him, but still he couldn't quite get his knot inside her. He let out a frustrated whine, his body desperately shaking. He couldn't make it much longer. Meriwah quietly just moved behind Wyatt, grabbing Layla's hips as she put her weight behind Wyatt, pulling them together as his knot strained against Layla's needy cunt. The lynx smiled as she watched the fattest part of the bulb budge, and then slowly slip inside, untill the widest point breached the tight entrance, at which the entire bulb slammed inside with a loud plop. Meriwah then leaned back, and watched the fireworks. Layla's belly bulged as the cock throbbed inside her, her pussy lips stretched around the knot that locked the lovers together. only her head and shoulders rested on the floor as Wyatt curled her up beneath him, his hands clawing at the floor as his face scrunched up at the sudden tightness around his most sensitive spots. The two shook, their entire bodies clenching up as they hit their peaks and teetered on the edge. Wyatt's balls throbbed visibly against Layla, readying quite the load for the little wolf. Meriwah bit down on her lip, watching the moment as the two remained frozen together, like a bow pulled to full taut. Then the release hit, and Meriwah's eyes brightened as she watched the two tumble into orgasmic bliss together. They suddenly jerked together, and then both started jerking. Wyatt bucked his hips madly as he emptied his load inside the wolf. It was hefty enough that Meriwah could swear that she could hear each wave of seed unleashed into her fertile wolf. Meriwah thrashed and tried to howl, but with the muzzle on, all she could do was make a screaming whine, her arms pulling at the ropes that held her captive. Her body jerked, pulling on the knot that locked the two together, causing Wyatt to buck and cum, which would in turn make Layla squeeze and jerk again. Wyatt howled to the world, letting anyone who could hear know that he was breeding his wolf. Meriwah watched as the two kept bucking and grinding, even when the howling died down. Soon enough, Layla laid her head back, happily whining as she let her body get tugged back and forth by the bucking motions of Wyatt. Wyatt's howl died down, leaving the pup with a pleasant blankness in his stare, his eyes rolled slightly back as his tongue hung freely from his lips. Meriwah snuggled back in against her pup, her hand moving to his large floppy ear to give him some scritches. Her other hand gently pet the trembling wolf. "Such good pups…" She purred, sweetly caressing the two. Wyatt's tail began to wag lazily back and forth, while Layla's thumped against the ground, the two panting loudly. "Once you can get your knot out of her, you can breed me," She promised Wyatt, smiling sweetly, "but until then, just concentrate on knocking her up. Don't hold back any seed, love. "Wyatt was too far gone to give much acknowledgement, but he leaned into her, letting her know that he was listening. Meriwah was glad for that, because she was intensely aware of her heat, and she needed that cock inside her. Her legs clenched together as her hips swayed. It wouldn't be long before both she and Layla were carrying Wyatt's pups. Exactly as she planned it. ", |
Story Start,The morning started out just like it always had. 9am, the morning alarm beeped loudly, waking our sleeping folf from his deep slumber. He hits the alarm, a yawn escaping from Forests throat before getting up and stretching. He looks to the side. His glass of water he had drank earlier no where to be found. Roy had probably put it away before going to work he thinks to himself. With the house to himself, he walks out of his bedroom towards the bathroom in his birthday suit. Noticing he has a bit more room between his legs. He passed a small mirror. Taking note of his soft fur, perked ears, round breasts... He stops, rushing to the mirror to check that he wasn't seeing things. His once flat chest now had two large bulbs of flesh. He pressed them, surprised by the tingling sensation that traveled down his body. The feeling between his legs came to mind again, he looked down, his once white sheath and plump balls now replaced by a smooth crotch and warm cave. He prodded, feeling his fingers push past the newly formed lips and sending strong sensations of pleasure through him. Panick started to grow as he wraps his head around his new form. But with it is a growing curiosity. The more he pokes, gropes, and fingers, the more feelings flood his body. They became stronger and more defined the more he keeps at it, beggining to pant and shiver with pleasure. He feels so close, his fingers becoming wet, if only he could.... *Knock knock, click, creaaaak*The bathroom door opens, his friend Roy stands there with a grin on his face. Shocked, Forest pushes himself against the wall while doing his best to cover up. He stampers out questions, blushing and embarrassed Roy had seen him like this. It isn't long till he realizes Roy isn't wearing any clothes. And on top of that, has a big hard boner to show.In an instant, Roy pressed himself against Forest. He whispers into his ear. His fingers fondling his breast. Forest squirms, moaning as Roy's fingers find their way into his cave. He feels himself approaching climax. It feels too good, his mind swims, he can't see straight. He feels Roy's fingers push deep into him, driving him over the edge as his inner walls clamp onto Roy's fingers. He screams a lustfilled moan, juices spilling onto the floor as he experiences one of the most intense climaxes ever. He has no time to recover however. As soon as his climax subsides he's turned onto his hands and knees. He feels Roy mount him from behind, and before he can protest, a warm hard cock slides into him. He lets out another howl of pleasure. His heated moans battling against Roy's heated breaths. He can feel Roy pulsating inside him, getting close. With a big push, he feels Roy's knot pop inside, flooding him with load after load of seed. His vision lights up, seeing stars and colors. He sinks down, cum leaking onto the floor and soaking his fur. Not thinking about the consequences to such actions. Though not much can be blamed due to unforseen transformations. ", |
Story Start,Never in her life had Nata felt so hot and flush as she did in that moment, not even during the worst fever in her youth, as Korval took her as he had so many times before. The heat made her as hazy and dizzy as did the sheer pleasure of her mate's mighty shaft sawing into her. The young heroine could do little more than to clutch the sheets beneath her and gaze upon Korval's magnificent, chiseled form through hazy, half-lidded eyes as he bedded her. The gathered crowd had been at the forefront of her thoughts and woes throughout the entire ceremony, but only now, in the main event, had Nata been able to slowly drown them out. Her mind felt increasingly foggy, awash with delight and ecstasy as he plunged ever deeper into her, faster and harder. All the anxiety she felt was slowly fucked out of her, and the sounds that escaped her lips grew increasingly enthusiastic in kind. Soft, restrained pants and squeals gave way to joyous moans and lewd whimpers - sounds she would be utterly mortified to make before such a crowd were she not so dizzy with pleasure. But nothing else mattered besides Korval, besides this moment, as he consummated their marriage before the eyes of the gathered tribes. His thrusts soon grew sharper and shorter, the bull grunting deeply as he repeatedly, furiously bottomed out inside her. Her cries rose steadily in pitch as she felt her peak - and his - rapidly approaching, until she screamed at the top of her lungs as she came... and brought her bull with her. The hunter tossed his head back as his nuts twitched and pulsed, shooting out a stream of thick, copious ropes into his mate's womb. The show moved to a standstill as Nata writhed and squirmed on her mate's shaft, eyelids fluttering open and shut as she rode out what appeared to the audience as the most wonderful, blissful orgasm she had ever felt. All while Korval stood tall, triumphant, grinding his hips against Nata as his eyes proudly scanned the crowd's reaction, in which he saw a mix of jealousy, pride, fascination and awe. Before long however, Nata drew her mate's attention back to her as she lovingly, reverently called to him. "K-Korval... " she said softly, her pert chest heaving as she continued to pant for breath, with a thoroughly satisfied, pleasured look etched into her lovely face. Just as she had never felt so hot in her life, neither had she felt so spent, so good, so loved. Still impaled on that wonderful shaft of his, his warm, gooey seed pooling in her womb, she slowly succumbed to the exhaustion wrought by her mate's lovemaking.It was with the image of her husband's warm smile, and the relief of knowing that she had overcome this trial, that she drifted into unconsciousness... surely to awake in his arms, or at his side, to do it all over again. ", |
Story Start,It was a calm night, Rex decided to take a walk into the local woods, he already knew the trail, but something wasn't right, he must have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way, he didn't recognized, the trees seemed twisted, and the vegetation alien to him, he tried for a while to find his way back to the right path to no success, resting on nearby branch he would get startled by the sounds of something approaching. When he turned, a massive looking anthro, horned and muscular, standing just there, in one his hands a golden angular collar with reddish runes faintly pulsing, watching him, before he could speak, the creature asked if he was lost, he said yes, the beast smirked and said he could show the fox a way out, but only if he would get right the beast's riddle, if he wins, the way out would be show to him, if he loses, he would have to wear the collar in the beast's hands. What the worse that could happen? Why not the fox thought, so the creature asked 'What's in the end of the path?', stumped, the fox said, 'the path has no end!' wrong. Before he could notice, the collar was already around his neck, a snug fit, warmth travelled from there to the rest of his body, he grabbed on the thing and the creature asked, 'Want to try again? Same question, same bet' now a bracelet in his hands, 'no! That's a trick question you beast' said the fox, which turned around and started walking down the path, he would discover what was in the end of it. The collar wouldn't stop radiating with a funny feeling, it almost felt good, when the fox took a break to catch his breath, he noticed it, the tent between his legs and a nice wet spot in it, he must have been so distracted by going down that path he must not have noticed it earlier, he should have worried about it, but the warmth just felt so nice, 'Fine i want to try again!' he shouted in the direction of the nearby trees, when he turned, there it was, the beast, no closer than the first time, waiting patiently, the fox considered carefully and said 'there is just more path', wrong. His wrist felt heavier, so did his mind, looking down, both wrist sporting now bracelets similar to his collar, it hit in a instant, he felt to his knees, it was maddening the sensation of his dick rubbing against his pants, he fumbled to take them off ignoring everything else, lust consuming him, it took every single cell of his body to resist his newfound lust, the beast no longer there, leaving him alone with his urges. the now clothless fox pressed on, doing his best to resist, leaving a trail of pre behind and stifling moans, he would walk for a bit, he could swear the beast was lurking him, after a while he would reach the end of the path, a opening in the dense woods, in the middle a massive stone, sounds of running water around and the faint exquisite bird chirping around him, on top of the rock, sat the beast, his legs nice and far apart from each other, displaying his fat balls and plump sheath, the fox stared at it way longer than intended, too him a while to notice what was sitting just in front of it, a bottle with a pinkish glowing liquid inside. 'I want to try again!!' said the fox, lightheaded and eyes tracking down back between the beast's legs, 'The rules have changed, the bet is now another, drink this potion and I will lead you out.' the fox, focused in not giving him to the hellish curse coursing thought his body, didn't thought much and accepted, taking slow steps towards the rock, something in the back of his mind shouted it was a bad idea, but it felt so good... He didn't realized was already in front of the massive beast, towering his form, sitting on top the rock, the fox slowly bought one paw to the weird potion, as he did he saw it, the tip of the beast dick poking out it's sheath, a single bead of pre cum on it, the smell alone made the fox quiver, his mind just a lusty haze, looking up potion in his paws, he started considering again, 'Drink.' his thought stopped fast by the creature words, without hesitation he did so, it felt good, tasted better, his junk now boiling from lust, he would feel it's size getting smaller and smaller. both paws going there, just for the fox to realize he had now a pussy, it was hot and wet, he was needy , so needy in fact he completely forgot about getting out, what he needed was just in front of him anyways. The fox would spend awhile being breed over and over again, till one day he would simply wake up back into the trail where he first got lost, all he knew is that he would surely be getting down that path again~", |
Story Start,After Tarja's last attempt to raid some human farmsteads for an unguarded chicken coop or rabbit hutch ended with her spending an intense night in a horse stable, she's starting a new attempt this night! Not that the night in the stable wasn't delightfully filling and left her pleasantly sore and with a stomach full of a very special kind of warm, slippery protein. But this night she wants to fill her stomach with tender chicken or juicy rabbit meat!... How could she have known that the farmer was breeding such ridiculously huge rabbits?! No wonder the hutch was unguarded, a Flemish Giant buck that size could defend himself pretty well against hungry foxes. Or a surprised coyote bitch whose nightly plans quickly changed as soon as the big buck scruffed her and demonstrated where the 'fuck like a rabbit' saying came from! Well, the buck respected at least some of her intentions and goes to great lengths to make sure the heated yote leaves his hutch with a belly full of rabbits. Damn, this is going to be a hell of a walk of shame for the cheeky bitch and an absolute embarrassment to carry the kits to term. But in that moment, an energetic buck biting into her neck fur and fucking her into submission with all his big bunny thrusting power... yeah... totaly worth it. ", |
Story Start, Hmnmhmm.. " Lyra would Purr strandling her brother, a whole day,no days of flirting secretly in public having driven both of them mad with need to see who would break first, and honestly it was hard to tell who won sense both of them fell in to each others paws the moment slightest bit of privacy presented itself. softly guiding her brother down on his back, Lyra would walk over him, strandling his lap, feeling his already hard cock grinding to her heated need , leaning down nose to nose as she would grind, coaxing a grunt and purr out of her brother. She was so much like their Mother Shads would think, graceful, ladylike, seductive, all traits of a queen in making, but not as refined, like right now, panting with need and lust for her brother. Leaning down to her brothers face looking in to each others eyes, the last moment of sibling rivalry made itself know, nether could resist making the others admit they lost to the lust. "You think your man would approve of this?" Shads would grin, pointing out his dear sisters adultery behavior as he would grind his own breeding tool to her own flower, sending a shiver down her spine with a light whine, before she smiled locking eyes with her brother once more. "You think Dad would?" And with that her brother lost, with a loud lustful growl he would grab her rear with his paws and with one hard thrust slam half of himself deep inside his sister as they both would moan in Unison of forbidden lust and need. Ever sense she caught him with their Mother things have been different, she loved her mate dearly, and she cant deny her Father, but there is just something special about her little brother. Watching him grow, from her little baby Brother needing all of her love and protection to deal with the world, to this young virile stud she just could not get enough of just filled her with such pride and joy. "Oh .. Ah.. Shads... Gods.. when.. Did you .. Ah.. " she bounced up and down on her Brother, gods was he always this big, this good?" Heh, yeah, you love your unhgff.. Brothers fat cock dont you!?" And there it is, that unfiltered, pure lust , it made her chuckle none of her family besides thier dear Mother possessed that fine regal tint that is expected of royalty"Yes..i ah... Love my Brothers fat cock " and she herself falters on that sometimes too. Shads would tighten his grip on his sister, starting to thrust hard, deep and fast now, driven wilder by his sisters words, watching her whine , moan and bounce on his cock in addition to feeling her clasp around him, he could not just hold back anymore. "Mmhgmff.. Fuck yes.. Unhgg!" "Ahh.. Shads.. Yes.. Mmrhff!"they would moan in unison, Lyra could feel herself slipping away her Brothers cock , this situation just being too much to handle, she could not keep up her royal act any more , hold herself back for even a moment. " Ahh- yes... Unhgff.. Gods I love you so much" She would moan, and whine , everything blending together... Her little baby Brother.. Her stud grown man, the need to protect him, the need to please him, All blended in to one.. "unhgg.. Sis.. F.. Fuck ah.. Unhg , love you too!" "Yes, little brother .. Ahh.. Please breed me.. Mhm..i want your cubs, breed your sister ahh ahh, yes!" she could not hold back anymore as she pushed her lips to his, both sharing in a deep wild sloppy passionate kiss, this dumb little brat could never possibly understand how much she loved him. The Kiss was deep, passionate, wild and messy, both now lost in a purple haze of lust and need, moaning whining drooling, the sounds of her brother slamming balls deep in to her echoing throughout the jungle, the kiss breaking if nothing else to catch air only to kiss him again, moaning in between" Unhghff!.. Yeah.. Get pregnant!, take my cubs, Faaawk!" - ahh please.. Yes i need .. Ahh.. Ahhh!!!" she could not hold herself back, the pleasure overwhelming her so, all the lust, physical need and emotions overwhelming her , hitting her climax as she could feel her brother cum!feeling him breed her...impregnating her... Her little boy, big and strong making her his she couldnt resist she knew it was wrong... She knew it be impossible to hide her pregnancy... But none of that mattered now... She needed him and she could not wait to walk around big and heavy with his cubs... ", |
Story Start,The teacher finished passing out a condom to each of the sixth graders and returned to the front of the room. "Now, I hope none of you kids are active yet, but the School Board finally listened to our complaints about some of your older peers who started early and decided to enact a few precautions. I shouldn't have to tell you what these are on your desks, since we've already covered that a few weeks ago in Chapter One... " The students laughed awkwardly, a few of them jostling each other in their desks. "Yes, yes... Unfortunately, we're out of time today, so I can't show you the material instructing you how to properly put them on. Just... Those of you who are active... Please make sure you use them - or that your partners do. "He looked at the clock and saw he had just enough time to give them their assignment. "Okay, between the midterm break and the holiday on Monday, you lot have a long weekend ahead of you, so your homework for Tuesday is to bring me a five-paragraph essay covering what you know about estrus cycles and safe practices. I'd also like you to read the next chapter in your textbooks so we can go over the questions in class without the usual nonsense. Class dismissed!" The bell rang just as he finished saying this, and the students all hurried to grab their books and rush for their lockers. Thankfully for his sanity, they all took the foil-wrapped rubber 'gloves' with them - none of them wanted to deal with the embarrassment if he had to hunt them down and return the sensitive materials. He slumped over the desk, resting his forehead on some papers and wishing the windows in this room opened. "Just two more hours, and then I can take these plugs out and breathe again... Why did I ever agree to this job?" He massaged his snout, careful to avoid dislodging the device the district required all staff to wear who were most directly surrounded by the pheromones of horny kids first experiencing heat and rut.----Parfait ran from the sex-ed classroom with a furious blush, shoving her books into her bag and the offending item into the front zippered pocket as soon as she had her locker open. She was looking forward to the weekend. With any luck she'd be able to find a couple of good raves to attend even without her brother's help. The big jerk was gonna be out of town with some friends. The young beaver girl squirmed as she swung the backpack over her shoulders. Her panties had been itching and chafing oddly since a few minutes into last period, and it had only gotten worse once they started going over the day's lesson. The material soaking through did not make it more comfortable. Hopefully, her brother would be ready to take her home when he got out, because she really needed to change clothes. Parfait dodged and skipped around her peers as she ran through the halls, out the door and off the school's property. It took her only a few minutes to reach her older brother's school, and she couldn't help but smile as she recognized the strains of Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites when she entered the courtyard. Her smile grew wider when she saw someone dancing to it.----Claws Canidae was enjoying himself in the warm, bright weather. While he found the paperwork and lecture aspects of high school as boring as everyone else did, he had found several benefits to the more 'modern' worlds where he got stuck attending as a student. A constant social life with people who were still mostly vibrant in personality, easy access to books and gyms, fewer apocalyptic encounters.... Best of all, when he had a younger body (the current world had molded him and his local history so he was sixteen), nobody looked at him too oddly or derisively for carrying a backpack everywhere or for losing himself in the flow of some freshman's or senior's latest attempt at making a dance mix. Which is what he was doing now. No matter the world, it was always hard to find a remix for any song that both did the original justice and got him moving freely. His last class of the day had been canceled when the teacher got called away at the last minute, and one of his classmates had given him a copy and asked for his opinion. The remix ended and Claws stretched, bowed to the small group watching him from the tables and walked over to his classmate. "Hey, man. I'd say it's pretty good. You kind of jarred me when you changed styles for a few seconds right in the middle there, but I like it. " "Thanks; I'll take a look at it this weekend and see if I can't fix that. Peace, out, dude!" "Ha! Rock on, man. Rock on. " Claws glanced around the courtyard. Leaning against a tree was a cute beaver girl with brown and pink hair in shorts and a striped hoodie. She was staring at him with a smile, but seemed a bit zoned out, so he went over to join her. "Hey. I'm Claws. You okay?"----Parfait watched in awe as the blue-furred canid with the silver streaks in his hair danced to the music like he was opening the floor at a rave party. The wind ruffled his hair as he spun and arced, and carried his scent to her nose, making her shiver in response. As her mind strayed, she found herself imagining what he looked like under those clothes that the exertion plastered to his form. Her thighs clenched as her arousal built up, and she cursed her sex-ed teacher for filling her with these thoughts at the end of the day. When Parfait came back to herself, she was breathing heavily and found the boy walking toward her. Her lips and mouth suddenly seemed very dry, except for her tongue, so she licked her lips and swallowed. "Hey. I'm Claws. You okay?" "P-Parfait. I'm just waiting for my brother to come out and take me home. "----"P-Parfait. I'm just waiting for my brother to come out and take me home. " "Oh, cool. Nice to meet you Parfait. Did you like the show?" "That was amazing! Can you teach me to dance like that?" Claws grinned as Parfait gushed, watching her eyes go wide in joyful hope. "Why not? Though you should know that the best way to learn to dance like that is to learn a strip dance. " She had quite the attractive blush, he decided then. Her laughter was nice, as well. "Are you gonna teach me to dance on your pole, too?"A sudden shift in the wind brought Parfait's scent to Claws' nose, and he caught a hint of arousal and spice. With his blood still surging from the earlier activity, he responded to her apparent joke without thinking it through. "Yeah, sure!"----"... Learn a strip dance. " Parfait could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. Her earlier daydreams mixed with thoughts of stripping naked in front of this older boy. She sent him a teasing grin to hide her body's reactions and giggled. "Are you gonna teach me to dance on your pole, too?" As soon as she said that, her eyes shot wide and she slapped her paws in front of her maw, shocked at herself. "Yeah, sure!" Even though she realized he was joking along, Parfait nearly walked away right there from nerves. Then she thought of the thing in her bag, how she probably wouldn't be able to find any good raves without her brother and how he always kept an eye on her when she went to one, and she steeled her determination. "Okay. How's this weekend?"----"How's this weekend?" Claws thought about it for a moment, then nodded and took a pen and some scratch paper from his pocket. "This weekend should work. Lemme give you my info. " "That's alright. " Parfait reached into her hoodie and pulled out an ipod. "Okay, I'm ready. "----"-1122. "He recognized that giggle. His sister was already here and waiting for him. Again. "That should be easy for me to remember...it's my birthday!"He let the door close behind him and looked around the courtyard. "Alright. Just give me a call when you're ready for me to help. Looks like your brother's here. "There she was, talking to that guy who sometimes danced out here when people brought out their tunes. Of course. "Okay! See you later, Claws! And thanks!" "Hey, Fay. Ready to go home?" "Am I ever! I really--Ew! What happened to you?" "Someone set off a stink bomb in class a couple periods ago. None of us can smell anything anymore, but the science teacher says that should wear off by tonight. Is it still that bad?" "Seriously, Bro. You stink worse than usual. " "Brat. "----"Bye, Bro! Have fun this weekend!" Parfait waved at her brother from the driveway as he drove off to meet his friends, having packed everything before school. As soon as he was out of sight, she wrinkled her nose and ran inside. Boys. He should have at least come in and showered first - but he was in too much of a hurry. Out of habit, she picked up the phone on her way to her room and dialed a familiar number. "Your call has been forwarde--" Parfait rolled her eyes and hit a couple more buttons to skip the greeting. "Hi Mom. Made it home okay. Bro already left for his... Whatever. I'm gonna spend the weekend celebrating with a friend from school. See you when I get ba--" The voicemail beeped at her, telling her that there was no more space to record. She sighed in exasperation and hung up after confirming that what did get recorded was saved. Up in her room, Parfait dumped the books out of her bag. Since she had been hoping to go out raving, the only class she wasn't ahead in was the one still making her uncomfortable - and that was only because the teacher kept assigning essays for the weekends and only telling them the topic on Friday - or Wednesday, this time. "Who the hell teaches with essays anymore?" Putting the unneeded books on her desk, she put the sex ed text back in her bag with a notebook and pencils, then grabbed some clothes and threw them in. "Ugh. Stupid panties keep chafing...I'm never wearing this pair again!" Taking off her shoes, Parfait threw her pants and her shorts in the hamper, wrinkling her nose as she did so. Then she sighed. "I better take a shower before I go. " At a naughty thought, she giggled to herself. "Oh, he'd never get here that quick... And I'm kinda afraid we'd get caught if he did. "Staring at the phone with a blush for a moment, Parfait looked to either side as if feeling guilty, then picked up the phone and dialed the number Claws gave her.----Claws looked up from what he was reading as his phone rang. He didn't recognize the number, but it had a local area code. "Hello?" "Claws?" "Oh, hi Parfait. That was quick. " "I was wondering if I can come by tonight? Can you pick me up?" "What about your brother?" "He left as soon as he dropped me at home. Some weekend party with his friends. " "Sure, I'll be right over. " "Can you make it half an hour? I want to shower first... " "Alright, see you then, Parfait. " "Bye, Claws. "----"-oh~... "Parfait panted as the shower rained water down around her. She removed her paw slowly from between her legs...~beepbeepbeep... Beepbeepbeep... Beepbeepbeep~Parfait jumped as she was startled by the alarm on her ipod. "Oh, shit!" Frantically, she finished rinsing off and turned off the shower head, then started toweling herself dry as she grabbed her ipod and ran back to her room. She grabbed a clean pair of shorts and threw them on the bed, then opened her underwear drawer. "Oh, God... Really?" Shaking her head and blushing furiously, she pulled out the only remaining contents and pulled them up her legs. "You don't buy black underwear unless you want somebody to see it... Why did I ever listen to that movie...?"Looking over before she stood back up, Parfait saw that the condom had fallen out of her backpack and reached for it. The doorbell rang. "He's here!"Foregoing a shirt, Parfait grabbed her favorite hoodie and shoved the ipod and condom into a pocket before pulling it on and zipping it closed. Then she picked up her bag and ran to answer the front door. "Hey, Fay. Ready to go? You look a bit breathless... " "I'm... Fine... Just lost track of time. Let's go. "----"First you have to feel the song. Close your eyes and listen. Find a pattern in it that speaks to you. "They were in his room. In his bedroom. Parfait hadn't quite expected that... And the whole room smelled just like him. "You're too tense. Relax. I'm gonna start the music. "She closed her eyes and breathed in through her nose. Bad idea. She locked her jaw and choked back a whimper as her thighs quivered. Then she heard the opening notes of a familiar happy hardcore song and felt her pulse race even higher. "Listen. "She listened. She listened, and she smelled, and... "Good. Now move. "His paws were on her hips and they both moved, taking a step to the left. Swaying to the right. More steps. More swaying. Now bowing, and her spinning with his paws on her arms... "Open your eyes. " His face was right in front of hers, and her breath caught for a moment. Then his hair swept across her muzzle in a caress and he leaned back in time with the bass. "Keep moving. "Soon Parfait was lost in the music again, bending over and teasing her shorts down her hips, then back up and spinning away as Claws bumped against her, grinding into her tail. In return she saw him spin in place, flashing the hems of his pants and underpants down low in front with his tail concealing everything. She rolled forward, slipping off her shorts, and threw them past Claws' head as she stood back up. He caught them at the edge of his reach and made a show of whipping them past his face. His tail caressed her face and Parfait followed its path with her nose, drawing down the zipper on her hoodie and baring her flat breasts and midriff. Claws fell to his hands and crawled up to her, then somersaulted backward and kipped to his feet. Parfait gripped the waistband of her panties as he leaned on the bed and raised his shirt hem to his chest. He leaned in as if to kiss her, then dodged back as she did the same, letting her fall to the floor. She rolled over and found his shirt fluttering down to cover her face. As Parfait rose back up after pulling off her drenched black panties, she found Claws laying on his side, bare but for a grin and kept decent only by the fluff of his tail. In the same movement, she slung the sodden article at his face and mooned him just as the song finished playing.----"Parfait, you're a natural at this. " Claws reached up to pull the panties from across his eyes. "A bit more practice and... you... " He trailed off in surprise. Parfait stood there blushing, with the collar of her hoodie fallen past her shoulders, one paw nervously holding the other arm above the elbow. In her other paw she held up a condom, still in its foil wrapper. His nose flared and he sat up, his face covered in her scent from the thrown and drenched panties. "...I thought you were joking about that!" "I... please... I want this. I'll never get to otherwise; my brother always stops me from doing any of the really fun stuff at the raves. " "... Come here. " Claws waited until Parfait was next to him on the bed, then he pulled her close in a hug. "No girl should lose her virginity without being kissed first. " With that said, he placed his paw on the back of her head and kissed her deeply, directly on her maw.----Parfait startled and moaned as Claws pulled her into a kiss and onto his lap. Their every breath was filled with each other’s breath and scent as the music drove their passion higher. Falling back into the rhythm’s spell as she melted into his arms, Parfait rolled her hips, rocking back and forth against Claws, rubbing her lips against the length of his cock. The feel of her smooth, silken fur and supple flesh grinding against his hard, stiffening member and squeezing it against his stomach set Claws on edge as he caressed her tail and kneaded her rump. Parfait moaned louder, arching into his searing sheath as he bucked against her middle, dribbling a sticky trail of precum across his lower abdomen. He broke the kiss and grabbed Parfait by the hips, holding her in place as he caught his breath, his thick, meaty cock twitching in place. “Damn, Fay,” he moaned. “You’ve got some good moves already, kid. Almost made me cream right there!”Parfait was still entranced by the music, but felt a spike of glee at the compliment, blushing at the crude finish. A sudden tug at her nipples initiated another high, the beaver letting loose a high pitched shriek of pleasure as the canid nibbled her perky areolae. Claws once again had to hold her still for a moment so that her energetic response to the little love bite wouldn’t cut her open on his teeth. Gently he began to suck the budding beaver’s left breast, circling the tip of his tongue around her areola and flicking it across her nipple. Claws kneaded Parfait’s right breast, rolling it between the pads on his dew finger and index before tugging it roughly between them. “Y-you’re not gonna get any-- ah! --any milk from th-there,” she responded coyly between gasps and moans, recalling what her sex ed class said about the purpose of breasts. She felt she was able to understand the things her teacher taught about, even though the class always made her feel awkward. As her thoughts briefly turned to those lessons, she realized the itch she had mistaken for chafing earlier had grown to a dull burning of indefinable need. Claws didn’t mind the dearth of dairy coming from within the childish chest, simply enjoying the music the girl added to that around them as he massaged her mammaries with lips, tongue and paw. Noticing Parfait’s growing awareness in her verbal response and as she slipped in and out of her memories and thoughts, Claws decided to go lower, savoring her scent as he sniffed her form, laying her across the bed as he leaned over her. Biting her lip, the young beaver girl moaned as she began anticipating what Claws would do to her as he reached her sensitive spots. Reaching the apex of her legs, Claws breathed deeply of her arousal, gently rubbing her thighs as she tried to close them in embarrassment without pulling her legs from where they had remained wrapped around him since he pulled her into his lap. His next act elicited a needful whimper from her throat as he slid his paws up, spreading her between his dewclaws, and began to lick the lolita’s lovely lips, finding the flavor worthy to be labeled delicious. Parfait moaned as she felt Claws’ long tongue prod and probe her sensitive nethers. The music’s trance fell back over her, rendering her unable to speak more than unintelligible utterances that were nearly all drowned out by the deep bass of the new track. Claws could feel the tremors coming from her body as she locked her legs around his head, smothering him in the nubile beaver’s other beaver. He responded to the unspoken invitation by shifting his snout upward to her clit, gently nipping and tugging it around. She cried out, almost sobbing as tears of exertion welled in her eyes, crying not in agony of pain, but in ecstasy of pleasure. Thus forewarned, Claws quickly pulled her legs from his head and withdrew his snout from the girl’s snatch in time to watch a stream of clear, semi-viscous liquid erupt forth and flood his sheets. He sat back and released her legs, about to say something until she waved her paw in tired dismissal. Parfait clenched her legs together, concealing her treasure as her body twitched and spasmed the way Claws’ cock had done when he shot his pre-load earlier. “I-I’m f-fine…” she gasped out, still cumming and oozing sensuality from her nethers. Claws murred a little, a seductive undertone to accent their actions. “You want me to continue, Fay?” he asked, wiping some of her fem-cum from his wet nose and licking it erotically. “Judging from the mess you’re making on my bed, you want more.” Parfait only nodded as she spread herself open, the furious blush seeming by now to be a permanent feature on her face. “Ah, ah, ah, my naughty Fay… There’s something else I want to do with you first.”Claws picked up the little beaver, shifted himself underneath her and turned her rump to his face. “There’s something I’d love for you to take care of for me…” he said, tickling her ass with a heart-shaped swipe along her firm cheeks. “If you can do this dance, I’ll be sure to reward you again.” Parfait nodded. “Do you know what to do, Fay?” Parfait turned her face to look at Claws’, shaking her head as her beautiful brown butt wiggled with excitement. Claws cleared his throat and swallowed, licking his suddenly-dry lips as he tried obviously to avert his attention from Parfait’s distracting derriere. “J-just take my rod in your mouth and suck it. You know the way you suck a lollipop or a push pop.”“Oh, I just bite into them after three licks and a suck…” Parfait said in a playful tone. Claws shivered at her words. “Eep!” Parfait squeaked, jumping as Claws suddenly swatted her rump. Claws murred again and bit his lower lip at the sight of her ass reddening in response. She stared a moment, then grabbed the ready rocket and took it in her mouth, the cock protruding into her cheek as it went in, avoiding her buck teeth. “HMOWF MHF ISH?” Parfait mumbled, her voice muffled as she shifted the cock around in her mouth. “You’re doing good, Fay,” Claws said. “Now just keep sucking like a good girl.” Parfait mumbled an agreement, trying to suck the raging rod like a Capri-Sun straw. “Mm... Move your head up and down, too. Stroke me if it’s too much to take in.” She complied, bobbing her head up and down the shaft rhythmically as the music continued to play. She tried not to go too far as she felt a small gag reflex the deeper she went. “That’s it, Fay.” Claws murred a bit louder as he started eating her cunny out again. That feeling of electricity shot through her body as he resumed licking her clit and fingered her pussy, teasing her tailhole with the other paw after wiping up some of her juices. That itch, the one from Sex Ed that afternoon which had developed into a burning just a short while ago, had abated slightly when Claws made Parfait cum, but now returned with a vengeance. Parfait kept rocking her rear toward the canid male, trying to get Claws to finger her deeper and relieve her of the powerful feeling. She began to shift his meat to the center of her maw and suck harder, the increased pressure and the scraping of her buck-teeth against Claws’ flesh almost sending him over the edge. Parfait pulled away from Claws’ cock, panting heavily as he deliberately avoided plunging any deeper inside Parfait’s holes with his fingers. “What’s wrong,” Claws asked. “I can tell you want it in... Don’t you?”Parfait nodded, lust-fogged eyes slowly gaining focus, presenting her rear toward Claws as he shifted himself from underneath the young girl. “W-wait!” Parfait said as she looked around frantically, her ass wiggling enticingly as she searched, quickly finding the condom she had gotten from her Sex Ed class and dropped during the excitement. “I want you to wear this... To be safe.”“Put it on me.” Claws prodded Parfait with his erection, then backed away slightly. “I assume you know how…?”Parfait nodded - a lie, but it seemed simple enough. She tore open the wrapper with her two front teeth and began to roll the rubber around his shaft. Claws chuckled silently, concealing an amused smirk, as he noticed she forgot to leave a gap at the tip so the condom wouldn’t break. He didn’t mind - the task of filling this beaver was the only goal her scent and his lust would allow him since he saw her standing demurely with the condom in her hand just after stripping for him. To Parfait’s naive and innocent eyes, the condom looked like a fun little balloon that one would find in a circus when she finally finished rolling it onto his penis. “Th-there,” she said, more loudly than necessary.”“Thatta Girl, Fay.” Claws gave a more open smirk as he started to enter the girl. “This’ll hurt, only a little, but it’ll feel much better later.” Parfait gulped, anticipating the pain, and Claws couldn’t help but to notice. “Hey... Fay,” he said. “We’re going into the next part of our lesson. You ready?” She nodded and Claws picked her up and held her against his stomach, his member in close proximity to her cunny. Parfait was very nervous. All she could think about was bearing the upcoming pain, and so she was caught off guard when Claws’ lips again met her own.--------Startled by the latest kiss, with her mind stuck on the thought of Claws filling her and preparing herself for the pain he had warned her about, Parfait accidentally jerked loose from Claws’ grasp. Not expecting the sudden return to her own freedom of movement, she felt her knees give out and her hips drop down, sending her back into his lap. This time was different, however, in that she had just allowed her dance partner to lift her directly over his head, so that as she fell, he slide right inside her. “AH!”“Hnngh!” The momentum with which Parfait fell and the slickness within her tight tunnel sent the wolf-like male’s pride plunging quickly through her hymen, the resistance from her virgin barrier all the more apparent in the brief instant before it snapped with the lack of resistance from her ready pussy. Claws instinctively bucked in response, aborting the motion as he saw her discomfort and wrapping his arms around her again to hold her in place, brushing away her tears with his lips. “Shh... You’re okay, Fay... Just hold still…”Claws moved his paws to Parfait’s hips and slowly lowered her further, entering her deeper as her cries of pain subsided. The penile digging felt more or less uncomfortable for Parfait, making her flail her legs about. “Calm down, now,” he said, stilling one of her legs as he continued, keeping her from falling again with the other. “Ah!” Parfait cried out as the tip of his glans touched her cervix. He was a tad bit disappointed that he couldn’t hilt inside the loli’s beaver, but her tight cavern made up for it. “I’m all the way in, Fay. Does it hurt?” Claws whispered in Parfait’s ear as he took one hand off her leg and pulled her petite form to his chest. She shook her head slowly, as her body felt more uncomfortable as her virgin terrain was being stretched open by his hard probe. “L-Let me stay like this,” she said, clenching her legs around his lower back. The canid nodded, playing with her button a little as her insides adjusted themselves to his thick, long penis. “I’ll let you take the lead,” he said as rather erotic song blasted through the speakers. The way the rhythm sounded seemed appropriate for what was about to happen. Parfait moved about, burying her heels against Claws’ tail and cheeks to support her weight. Wet slurping sounds echoed faintly through the room’s air, a mix of her deflowered blood and some feminine nectar being the cause as her vaginal vacuum left no room for air inside. Claws murred as Parfait’s vestibular glands secreted a rather heady scent that made his sense of smell go ballistic. Parfait started grinding herself in short clockwise and counterclockwise motions, trying to scratch that itch she felt inside of her. As a sense of relief in her sex helped her come to her senses, she couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Claws’ lolling tongue. It was then she knew she got the rhythm Claws mentioned. She listened to the music more, the frequency of the bass drops and sensual drum beats matched with Parfait’s suspended twerking and grinding along Claws’ stiff cock. Parfait moaned as the tingling warmth diffused throughout her body as if ants were crawling on her skin. It felt good, the bass drops felt like waves of sound pounding her body in all the right places. Her motion changed as the building aural hype faded out into a new series of drums, bass, and sample sounds played in the background. The up-and-down motion set Claws on edge as Parfait kept moving her firm ass along his shaft. He howled but held back his load, together with the sound of the second sequential series of bass drops. “Awrr?” Claws uttered a feral sound as he felt the rawness of her meaty cervix. The fleshy ring literally wrapped around the tip of his glans sucking in the area around his urethra as more pre leaked out of his johnson. He panted, lolling his tongue to the side thinking of how he almost lost it just then. Parfait, on the other hand, lost all sense of awareness. She kept grinding her ass along his shaft as she neared her climax. “HIIIII!” Parfait writhed, losing her foothold along Claws’ ass. He quickly grabbed her by her little back. Parfait locked her legs stiff as she twitched about. Her inner walls contracted in a wavy motion toward her uterine opening, trying to milk Claws of all the seed he could muster. A sudden poke at her tailhole caused the little beaver to squeak. “Did I say you were done?” Claws said sternly-the way a coach would interrogate his players. “N-no sir.” Parfait said, a bit intimidated from the commanding tone. “Good girl, because I’ll have to punish this hole if you don't keep dancing.” Claws replied, wiggling his index digit inside her taint teasingly. Parfait squealed at the odd sensation. The next song played, and Parfait felt a little rusty as she kept grinding her slick beaver up and down Claws’ long and still aroused wood. The particular deadmau5 song that was currently playing didn’t catch her attention like the previous erotic song had. Claws could tell her focus was off when her grinding seemed slow and lighter than before. Claws grabbed Parfait by her firm little rump, groping it and massaging it firmly. His left middle finger reached inside her tailhiole and she made yet another peep. Why is Claws doing this? she thought to herself as she writhed against his shaft. It was very uncomfortable; worse than the way she felt when he first entered her earlier. Claws tried wiggling around her again, making her squeak more with the rising discomfort. “Dammit Claws!” Parfait screamed. “Stop playing with my butt!” Parfait huffed in frustration. He continued more frequently and even went deeper inside her. Now she was mad-and Hell hath no fury like a loli teased. A little puff of her cheeks and she grasped Claws’ by his breasts, angrily grinding his member at a faster and rougher pace than she did at the last song. Her thumbs pressed against his nipples like a joystick, making them harder from her stimulation. A soft canine whimper emerged from his lips, saiting the angry beaver’s desire for payback. A malicious giggle set Parfait in a rather good mood as she felt aroused once again. She had learned something Claws never taught her directly: she can create her own rhythm and her own dance, regardless of any music that was playing. The sound of Claws’ moans seemed like music to her ears as she continued to grind him. And pretty soon the finger in her taint reached all the way in, but she didn’t mind, as the lightheadedness and sensual tingling showered her body yet again. Her inner walls contracted inwards like a lubricated conveyor belt to a factory, making Claws buck more and more inside of her. Parfait moaned as his member went inside her, stretching her partially as he made one final buck to tie his knot inside her. Claws panted again , his tongue lolling to the side of his mouth with a small drop of drool trickling down to the floor below. Parfait wasn’t done, as she kept making circular grinding motions against his knot. She felt in control as he was fully hilted in her. He couldn’t let go, or loosen himself as the young beaver constantly sucked him in, compressing his insides with fierce pressure. Claws let out a vociferous, pained, labored yelp as he erupted, finally ruining the cheap condom and painting Parfait’s inner canvas sticky white. With his tailhole twitching and his knees buckling, Claws fell back on the bed clumsily. His knot kept them both tied together at the base as his seed continued to jet into Parfait at regular intervals. The sixth-grader herself sat on him wariza style, her knees digging into the sides of his stomach and her heels against his thighs as she rode him to another gushing orgasm of her own before collapsing.----Claws withdrew from their embrace and pulled out of her, then looked down. "Oops. "Still dazed from the pleasure, Parfait sat up with a sore wince. "What's wrong?" "I've got good news or bad news. "She pouted up at him. "The condom broke. " "Huh?" Parfait looked down and dipped her paw into the sticky mess between her thighs and held it up to inspect it, curiously sniffing and tasting the mingled fluids. "Mmm... "Claws licked his lips hungrily at the display, his slowly wilting erection rapidly hardening again as he cocks his head and sniffs. "You're not wearing perfume... Are you?" It came out as more of a statement, his earlier suspicions all but confirmed. Her eyes were closed as she savored their flavor, but fluttered open at the question. "Perfume? No, why?" "You're in heat, Fay. " He placed a kiss on her nose. She crossed her eyes to stare at him as he came close and kissed her nose, then as he backed away, before continuing to lick her paw clean. "Mmm... Okay. " "You're gonna get pregnant. "Her eyes went wide. "Oh. I- I see... " She bit her lip in worry, then shivered and moaned as she was distracted from her thoughts by the return of that itchy warmth deep inside. She swallowed thickly as she saw his cock standing tall again and reached for it, her head swimming in his musky scent, stronger now than it was before their activities. Claws raised an eyebrow as the young beaver girl removed the used and useless condom, then smiled as Parfait gave him a sultry smirk and spoke. "I told my mother I'd be here all weekend. Let's not waste it. " ", |
Story Start,Noire had just walked through the door, shutting it behind her as she entered the house. “Noire is that you? Thought you wouldn’t be home till next week!” Her father called from the kitchen. Noire made her way into the kitchen and saw her father just finishing a meal of what she thought was salmon. Gris looked as leisurely as ever, leaned back in his chair in the nude. “Oh you know, the unpredictability of a magic school, one botched summon and everyone needs to leave while it’s taken care of, decided to start our break early. Couldn’t have happened at a better time, heat started early this month.” Noire exclaimed with an exasperated sigh. She strode over to sit by her father glancing at the sunset as she passed the window. “How about you dad, you’re home from the shop rather early.” Her dad nodded, his blue eyes shining. He had a somewhat mischievous grin on his face. “Finished up all weapons that have been ordered, your mother needs to do the finishing touches. We are out of material for the enchantments so she had to go on a bit of an expedition these last few days, been a bit pent up with her gone. Wanna help each other? Bet it’ll help your heat.~” Gris said cheerily. Noire met her father's eyes and bit her lip. Her hands twitched. She was pretty sure she should say no, her heat meant it’s very likely she’s become pregnant if she did. But her crotch burned with yearning, and toys didn’t quite do it at times like this. “I-I suppose... But you better pull out! I don’t wanna deal with a litter!” Noire mumbled. Her fathers grin widened as his eyes fell into a seductive gaze. “Of course! I’d never think to do something so brazen.” Gris cooed to her. He put his hand under Noires and ushered her to stand. She looked somewhat hesitant, glancing out the window for a moment at the setting sun, but she soon relented and stood meeting his gaze. She took a step closer to him and put a hand on his soft shoulder as he slid off Noires loincloth. Tossing it to the ground and shortly after grabbing her strapless top to take it off, her breasts pressing pulled up against the fabric as it was taken off, bouncing out, soft and perky. Tossing her daughters top to the side, he then wrapped his arm around her bum grabbing her upper thigh. With the other arm wrapping it around her back to support her as he lifted her into his arms. His slowly erecting member began to twitch the somewhat hard, but still soft, spikes near his tip bristling. It rubbed against her moist cunny. “You ready?” He inquired tohis daughter. “Y-yeah...” Noire murmured. Her slit moistened as his cock brushed against it, the gentle warmths emanating from both their genitals adding to her arousal. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her breasts pressed up against him. Gris pulled back the arm around her back raised to grab her shoulder. Pulling back his hips Gris aligned his tip with the entrance to her most sacred bits, he pressed against them, pushing her lips aside as his member slid inside her; he could feel her warm breath along his back as he entered her. He pushed deeper, his cock snuggly fit inside, as he began a slow rhythmic thrusting. Each thrust sending waves of pleasure within them. The spikes along the length of his penis itching the yearning deep inside Noire. The walls of her vagina lubricating to ease the sex, which in turn led to Gris picking up pace. Gris gritted his teeth, he already felt so great from the mix of taboo of their relations and the feeling from the each thrust inside her velvety walls, but he wasn’t going to orgasm so early, after all her pleasure was one of his top priorities right now. He gripped her shoulder and thigh with a little more force, but with this position it was tricky for him to pick up speed. He stepped forward toward the table and gently lower waist down till her bum was supported by the table. Noire then drew back an arm she had wrapped around the back of his neck and gently caressed his check, and drew him in for a kiss. Closing their eyes, their lips interlocked. Noires tongue sliding into his mouth and intertwining with her fathers tongue, as his rhythmic thrusting increased up in tempo. His warm, heavy balls slapping against her, creating a plap sound each time they hit against her steamy slit. “Dad... What the hell I said not inside. There’s so much how am I suppose to NOT get pregnant from all that?” Noire exclaimed with a hint of exasperation. She had a feeling she’d already been impregnated by all of it, the warm ooze sloshing about inside her with each twitch. She didn’t mind as much as she probably should, it felt so good, the warm mess inside her, and his cock, still twitching every now and then with another little bit of his fresh seed. But even then he was so brazen as to lean down and lock lips with her once again, she accepted it however even intertwining her tongue with his for the long moment they kissed. Until he pulled away and met her faltering stern gaze. “Sorry sweetie, I just couldn’t resist. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Gris promised. Her gaze faltered more, she couldn’t stay upset at him. She was almost ready to ask him to finish inside anyway but she wasn’t quite able to catch her breath to say it before he came. “If it’s any consolation I think you look great like this.” He praised as he pulled out, cum gushing out of her as he stepped back to admire his handiwork. “Leave it to you to admire your own daughter leaking with your cum after doing the deed.” She mocked. “It’s fine I suppose, not much that can be done now.” She sighed. Shortly after a grin returning to her face. “You know-“ she started, recomposing herself. She reached down to her used cunt and spread it with two of her fingers. “The damage is already done, might as well go for round two~” she chirped. “With pleasure~” Gris approved. ", |
Story Start,Valencia was surprised, she didn’t get horny very often. It was never this bad before either, her slit felt like it was hovering just over fire. It was a nearly unbearable itch, she was in the bathroom just a few minutes ago and had massaged her sensitive parts until she felt relief but this time it was very short lived relief. After only a few minutes of sitting on the couch it was burning up all over again. Is this what being in heat feels like? Mom really has to go through this every month? It’s unbearable how does she deal with it? She reflected to herself. She hadn’t had to deal with being in heat before even though most of her friends have had to deal with one before, and she couldn’t just do what they did and spend a night with whoever they were dating, she didn’t have a boyfriend and she hadn’t even had sex before. She couldn’t just go out and put herself out either, that would be too embarrassing!In the doorway behind her she heard a grunt. She turned around, it was her dad Nemorus shirtless and in his shorts, a big tall mean looking dark deathclaw with a scar over one eye he kept closed. Really though he was a big softy, at least to her and her mother Noire. He sniffed the air and his nostril flared. When she looked down she saw… Well, an impressively sizable bulge in his shorts. She quickly returned her eyes to his, embarrassed to have been lingering on his crotch for any time at all. “Where’s Noire? I think she uhh…” he sniffed again. “Could probably use my help about now.” He finished with a slightly confused look. Embarrassed, she quickly realized he was smelling. The pheromones she was giving off from her heat. She put her hands over her crotch, her face flushed. “I ummm.. I think she went to spend the day with grandpa and grandma. She wanted to help them with a big order their shop got. I don’t think she’ll be home till later.” She murmured, avoiding making eye contact. She saw Nemorus rubbing the back of his head, his erection still as prevalent. She couldn’t help but linger her attention on his dick. Why is it so big? Why do I want to see it so badly? She thought. Her father walked beside her by the couch and sat next to her. “Well, I maybe thought it was Noire I was smelling but. If ya want to I can still maybe help you. Yer an adult now after all and ya got needs.” Nemorus offered. Valencia then heard him snickered to himself. “Plus well that smell kinda has me hard wired now, even though it smells a bit different coming from you. Think I might need some help too.” He finished. Valencia’s face flushed even more, she was pretty sure she would decline but he smelt so nice, and his bulge was so… big. She could already see a spot the pre was dampening his shorts. “I- um..” she stammered, glancing between her crotch and his multiple times. Her crotch was burning more and more with each passing second. Even if she wanted to, she wasn’t sure she could bring herself to say no at a time like this. “It would umm- It would be my first time I wouldn’t know what to do dad. But- but I can try.” Valencia stammered. Nemorus raised an eyebrow at her. “Girl pretty as ya? No way ya haven’t popped yer cherry.” Her dad said with doubt. He got up from the couch and positioned himself in front of her. He towered over her, even when he kneeled in front of her she felt small in comparison. He put his claws on hers and moved them to her side. He then gingerly removed his daughter's pants followed shortly by her panties. To assist him she removed her shirt. With some hesitation she reached to her back, unclasping her bra and set it to the side. Her breasts falling to rest, perky and supple. She now sat naked before her father and out of instinct she looked to the side and closed her legs tight from embarrassment. Nem reassuringly put his hands on hers. “Don’t worry I’ll be slow for ya, in the beginning at least.” He said with a smirk. Valencia looked back at him and nodded, spreading her legs for him. Her snatch was swollen from the heat; she was sure he could feel the warmth emanating from it. “Huh still there just as you said. Guess I’ll need to make sure yer well lubricated then. I’ll try and stretch it gentle like.” She saw him lick his maw with his long tongue as he lined up his maw with her entrance and closed his eyes. “Dad I- ooh! ahh!” She was abruptly cut off as he licked his tongue along pussy, sending shivers up her body. Lapping at her entrance repeatedly before slowly working his tongue inside her vagina. She could feel it inside her, slowly pushing its way in, each little bit aiding to the pleasure. She could feel him getting close to her deepest regions already with just his tongue. This is just his tongue! I already feel like I’m being stretched inside and this is just his tongue! What’s it gonna feel like when he.. her thoughts trailed off as she looked at the bulge in his pants again with anticipation. With a jolt of sensation bringing her attention back to her fathers head between her legs she felt his tongue prod her cervix. Thankfully not going any further once he realized what he poked, he swirled his tongue around her cervix. “Ahh~ slow down please nothings gone that deep before.” She moaned. After a moment she felt her father gingerly retract his tongue back into his mouth and let her juices linger on his tongue for a while. Opening his eyes he met her gaze. “Heh, just like yer smell from the heat, similar with a little twist. Now I gotta ya mostly lubed up but I’ll need a little help for the next part.” Nemorus teased. Valencia watched as her father stood up and removed his pants, he didn’t need to remove his underwear as it seemed he already didn’t have any. Well he was never one for wearing clothes half the time anyway, he was originally a feral deathclaw spending most his time naked after all. But now she saw it without the pants hiding it, erect only a few inches front of her face, not like any she’d seen in porn before he has a knot and a smaller bulb kinda like a knot at his tip and the bulb up top was covered in spikes and all alone the bottom of the shaft there were ridges. Not just that though it smelt wonderful but.. This seemed a little big for her first time; it was basically the girth of her arm! “Gonna need you to add some of yer ‘lube’ on that so it’ll go in easier, after all ya were clenching on just my tongue.” He said, making a gesture to his mouth. Valencia gulped. “I can’t fit that into my mouth! I’m not sure how it’ll fit in my pussy!” She insisted. His member twitched in front of her and she leaned forward nonetheless his cock basically on top of her maw, taking a slow deep huff. “Don’t need to put it in yer mouth” her father answered. “Just give it enough licks that it’ll.. go in a little easier.” he assured. Valencia looked up at him, then back to his throbbing warm member. She put one of her claws gently on his knot at the base of his crotch then closed her eyes. She licked along the ridges on the underside of his cock up all the way to his tip, where she licked up some of his precum. Slightly salty, and just a little sweet. She put the tip in her mouth, up to about half way down the spiked bulbes. The spikes were not really hard, more soft and made to give texture she imagined. As she sucked on the bulge every little twitch she felt some pre cum drop down onto her tongue. Swallowing each little drop. She felt his large claws rest softly on her head, slowly caressing her. Slowly and with a little hesitance she took his member out of her mouth. Beginning to lap at the places where she hadn’t coated her fathers cock in her saliva. Without even realizing it she began massaging her clitoris as she did, licking all the way down until she felt her tongue against his scaled balls. She momentarily paused and sniffed, it was strangely comforting and arousing at the same time. She pulled away and opened her eyes meeting Nemorus’s gaze. He rubbed the back of her head once more then moved beside her and sat down on the couch and rather unexpectedly picked her up with more each then she expected and placed her in his lap. Her back against his warm chest, the top of her just under his chin. She felt his cock between her legs and twitching against her belly, large enough that the tip sat level between her breast. “Ya ready? Gonna lift ya on top of it then set ya down slowly once ya say.” He asked her with reassurance in his voice. She looked up even though she couldn’t see his eyes when his head was above her. She reached up and stroked the side of his check high her claws, he in return rested a little of his head's weight in her claws. After a brief pause Valencia confirmed to Nemorus she was ready. He moved his hands under her legs and lifted her up, positioning her just above his dick as he aligned his tip with her entrance. Slowly he lowered her down. The tip gently, with small twitches, making its way inside. “Ah- you don’t have to go that slow, you can actually go inside.” She assured. And with a grunt in reply he slowly moved her hips down as his bulb made its way inside with a pop sound. As she thought it felt big but she had a lot left to go, and it felt so good relieving that seemingly insatiable itch as it prodded its way inside. She let out hot labored breaths with each inch she was lowed, but she could feel Nemorus’s warm breath on her back which felt comforting to her. Up until she could feel the knot against her entrance and tip his member pressed against her cervix. They lingered in the position for a moment before he lifted her back up again to repeat the motion, now with a more speed as she’s grown a little more accustom to his size, tho her vaginal walls felt quite spread. Slowly he thrust his member inside her repeatedly picking up just a little speed with each trust until he found a slow rhythm to his thrusts. She let out some stifled moans as she felt his bulb move up and down along her walls, the spikes on it massaging her inside. “Ready for me to pick up the pace?” Nemorus grunted. She gave him a nod of approval and with that he picked up to a quicker pace. The friction was wonderful. She loved every second. She could feel her vagina twitch in response with each twitch from him, her already tight snatch tightening around him. For a brief moment from the tensing, her father slowed down from the resistance, using more effort and force to try and keep you up the pace as She reached her first orgasm. Shivers of pleasure wracked up her body as she let out a loud moan. She squirted on his dick which only aided to lubricate him as his thrusts picked up in speed. “Heh, sorry but I’m not done yet.” Nemorus said between labored breaths. He stood up now and leaned her back against him as he supported her legs by hoisting his arms under knees and pulling them back to his chest. She had soaked his cock. Occasionally he paused the thrusting, pressing his knot against her and gyrating it trying to lubricate it enough to push it inside. Each time his knot gets a little closer to making its way inside. “Ah- ha~ I-I don’t think it will- ah~ fit.” Valencia struggled to say. Each time he tried she felt his tip press just a little past her cervix, getting further in each time. She could see her stomach bulge each time. Seems he ignored her though as he persisted, each time getting a little closer to getting his knot inside her. She felt like she was being split in half in the best way possible. Finally, with a loud pop and a final aggressive trust her father’s knot found her way inside her. It made her wince, it hurt a bit at first. But after a few moments of him being knotted inside she grew accustomed to it. She felt a tugging at the entrance to her pussy as he attempted to pull it out. With another loud pop he did so, returning to thrusting as he was before. The pace increased and occasionally he’d pop his knot inside her only to pull it out to return to the thrusting until eventually, she had gotten his member so drenched he could now include his knot inside her with each thrust. She was close again, on the edge, and she felt her father was too with how often his cock was twitching inside her. She looked up and saw her father had closed his eyes and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth. With one final thrust he pushed his entire length in her. She felt his tip push into her womb, and she could feel his bulb and the spike on it against her cervix, her vagina tensed as her father came. His balls pressed tight against her pussy, she could feel them pulsing as his dick shot ropes of hot cum directly into her womb. Impressively he just kept cumming, she watched in awe as her belly expanded along side the wonderful feeling of her womb being filled with his warm seed, so full in fact she felt it start to escape past her cervix and filling the rest of her vagina, kept tight inside for now by his knot. After a few moments the cumming slowed and she felt the tugging at her entrance again as he pulled out his knot, with a squelching sound it popped out, a large amount of cum escaping even as he still twitched shooting the last few loads of his potent seed inside her. Valencia looked down with a concerned expression at her bloated belly, and below that, her messy vagina dripping with her fathers cum. “Oh wow. That felt wonderful but- h-how are we gonna explain this to mom?” Valencia asked and looked up to her father. He chuckled and gave the tip of her nose a lick. “If yer mom was here she probably would have wanted to record it. If anything she’ll be mad she wasn’t here for it.” He replied while sitting back on the couch with her still on his dick. He looked down and appraised her bloated belly. “Not bad for only one dick, pretty full.” Nemorus commented, her daughter looked up at him with curiosity. “Only one?” She question. “I got a second one where that came from, yer mother takes both in one hole. Maybe you can too sometime but for yer first I think one was enough.” He told her. After a few moments, her father removed his member from her, a fresh wave of cum escaping from her. He then placed her back in his lap just behind his half erect cock, still twitching now and then with a little bit of cum escaping. two of them? I can barely fit one she thought. “I’d like to try that sometime if that’s ok with you.” She asked “Sure thing VV, just let me know and we can try it then.” He responded gingerly as he looked down and rubbed noses with her. ", |
Story Start,Viviana entered one of her heat cycles again and as much as she loves her father and the children he has given her sometimes a young lady wants to go a season without having pups and dealing with the whole pregnancy thing. But every male that lives in the home would certainly get her knocked up, but how is she going to get relief? She remembered some feral stallions that her father keeps for riding and as long as they are gentle she should be okay I mean horses and foxes dont mix right? she must have thought that as she snuck into the stable and found the stallion that she was looking for. Vivi entered his stall naked as to not get her clothes dirty, the stallion startled at her approach was calmed quickly by the realization of the scent hitting his nostrils and the image of a vixen flagging her tail to him. Viviana was met with his tongue running up and down her mottled spade she started to gasp and moan as the eager male took in her scent. She soon started to hear a soft plap of his member slapping against his belly with that she new that he was ready so she laid herself down on a hay bale awaiting her stallion to ride her. He wasted no time in rearing up and steadying his body on a fence of the stall, his first few thrusts missed but gave vivi a lovely view of the large shaft about to be planted deep in her. On his fourth thrust he found home as the head of his cock spread the lips of her wet and ready spade he thrust in hard and deep to be sure that he wasnt sliding out anytime soon. Vivi winced a little at the speed and size that filled her but as her body adjusted and she started to move her hips in tune with his bucking into her all that was heard was feral grunting and panting from the both of them lost fully in the act of their mating. Sadly for Vivi horses tend to not last all that long just two minutes in she felt him make one huge thrust inside her followed by a self satisfied neigh! as his flare mushroomed right at the base of her cervix his urethra entering just inside as her shot stream after stream of warm cum directly into her womb. Vivi's body tensed as she was sent to orgasm again and again her vaginal canal squeezing and gripping the horsecock embedded inside milking him of all the seed he has. Spent the stallion cock softens and with a wet "plop" he pulls the now smaller flare out of vivi's spade leaving quite the mess. Where as the little vixen more than satisfied with her decision relaxes on the hay rubbing her sides and belly riding out the afterglow of the intercourse. "Oh yeah I am coming back to have him mount me for the rest of this heat. " she thought to herself none the wiser of the stallions seed inside stampeding towards her eggs. Best of luck little vixen it looks like horses and this fox do mix and you will be carrying some foals in you. ", |
Story Start,Perdita barked, showing her teeth at those horrible men who had just kidnapped them. Pongo had escaped along with some of the cubs but the rest hadn't had that luck and she had stayed to protect them.- Leave them alone, sick, psychopaths- she screamed with tears in her eyes while those men caged her little ones after classifying them. One of the men approached her cage and muzzled her, forcing her to shut her mouth.- Well, only those four remain, let's see what we have here...-The man turned his back on Perdita, approaching the four cubs that remained trembling on the ground, terrified. the man's hand grabbed one by the neck, knocking him face up, and spread his legs with the other, groping to discover his genitals. He repeated the process with the other three and caged the only female in a separate enclosure from the other puppies. Both men left, turning off the lights in the department store and leaving the puppies alone whimpering and calling for Perdita.- Mommy! - the scared puppy screeched, looking through the cracks of the wooden cage that imprisoned her. She didn't get an answer, she sighed and sat at the bottom of the cage to whimper along with the rest of the puppies that were on both sides. She didn't remember her when she had fallen asleep but she was woken up by a strange licking that she felt all over her body and that put her on alert. The cub tried to stand up but a large paw pined her to the ground, immobilizing her. Above her was a large light brown Dalmatian who was inspecting her body with its light blue eyes.-Sir...?- asked the puppy, a little relieved to have company in that terrifying place. The big dog didn't respond, however he began to lick the dog's crotch, moistening her intimate part and starting to excite her.-Ohh…sir, what are you doing under my tail?- she asked after a slight moan. The big dog raised his head to stare at the pup and said to her.- I am going to do my job, I am a mount dog, of the purest Dalmatian breed, and I have to make you puppies...- the puppy did not understand how she was going to make puppies for her, she was still very small and Perdita had not taught her nothing about reproduction. The dog kept licking her vulva, it felt good down there so she made his job easier by separating her hind legs letting herself be carried away by that pleasure that he had never felt before.- Arghhh... that hurts a bit- said the young puppy when she felt how the dog's tongue made its way inside her vagina, twisting inside her.-If you don't stay still, it will hurt more, young lady.- The dog had his erection under the puppy's head, and she noticed that and asked.- Hey, what's wrong with your thing? and what's your name? my name is Rosie- You ask a lot of questions puppy, hasn't your mother taught you anything about how puppies are made?-now the dog was looking at the little girl, who shook her head. The older one gave another lick on the young puppy’s vulva, who was throbbing anxiously due to the stimulation she received and said.- well the penis of dogs gets like this when they have to put puppies inside the mother's womb, and my name is Limoncello, since I'm going to be your teacher I think you need to know, now spread your legs a little more.- The big Dalmatian ordered, licking his lips while separating the little girl's buttocks with his paws. The cub obeyed and opened her hind legs letting a little of her fluids fall through her crotch. The big dog supported her belly on top of her back, staying above her and looked for the best position to penetrate her.- Ohh.. One thing, you're wrong, I'm not mommy, mommy is in that cage below, it would make me very happy to have new little siblings but I'm small, it's better that you tell the men.-- There is no mistake- said the big dog with the tip of his member in the sliding vulva of the puppy.- I have been told that I have to ride the females, and you, although small, are still a female. - Finally, with a hip blow, he forced his erection through the different layers of the puppy's vagina until he stopped inside her.- Ahhhhhh! let me go! get your dick out of me! - She felt like a pang of pain ran through her entire body. the puppy writhed trying to get the big dog's penis out of her vagina to escape from him. Limoncello snorted a bit annoyed and began to move inside the girl, brutally penetrating the entrance while she cried and screamed desperately as she felt that huge cock destroy her little vulva.- Mommy! Help me ! mommy! - she screamed with all her might and through the crack of that cage she could only see her mother's head leaning out, with that muzzle on and crying, begging for her daughter. -Limoncello increased the rate of his thrusts, that cub was so tight that in a few moments he would cum inside her, emptying her balls inside her little uterus. He didn't know if she was old enough to get pregnant but he was trained to mount any type of female and he had been doing that for the last year.- hmmm ufff... hey relax your belly a bit, think that you are at home with your parents, and…-The little girl began to moan, feeling how among those waves of pain were hidden pieces of pleasure and with each thrust she could feel it stronger. She felt his big erection between her thighs growing wet and throbbing, she rode her hard while Limonchello moved her hips quickly, her tongue sticking out of her. No matter how hard she tried, the young woman couldn't get away from the heavy animal, she didn't want to have puppies or be raped until she was pregnant, but she was too small to do anything about it. She looking at nothing, she endured the pushes that her mate made with her whole body to bury his cock in the deepest part of her being, taking her body at his will. With a strong hip thrust, he fully entered the penis, leaving both knotted by their genitals.- Noohh..! Rosie screamed desperately as she felt Limoncello’s hot discharge running through her entire interior, with his penis still inside her. The young puppy’s belly widened from the amount of semen inside her and Limoncello kept moving his penis inside her to make sure he cummed as much as possible in her swollen pussy. ", |
Story Start,Located under the large chandelier, the grand piano sat, the same piano that Hex played night after night. His familiarity with the grooves, curves and keys of the piano was only rivalled by his familiarity with the angel of music whom he played alongside, Kineta. The voice of an angel was captured within her striking orange and white fur, the black dress contrasting with bright fur. Every night the mood lighting would activate and the beams of light would reflect off of every single sequin on Kineta’s dress, her dancing and singing would attract all eyes, even if it were only for momentary glances, just as her voice sounded alike to a siren, hypnotic and mesmerising. After the night’s show, Kineta would be walked home and offered the finest of wines, for most nights she would decline, yet not this night. Maybe it was the longer hours, maybe it was the new spot lights, something made her act different, less reclusive and more willing to accept Hex’s advancements. Only the finest of wine for the finest of ladies, a half glass to start with, transitioned to a full glass, then to two glasses, then more. There was little in the way of conversation between them, as they had worked together enough to know that there was little in common between them. Hex just continued to play his music, hoping to get Kineta into the mood. “If I submitted to your lascivious desires, what would you do with me? Answer me honestly.” Kineta asked. A question to break the silence of the room. A question which stopped the music dead in its tracks. Hex looked at Kineta with slight surprise “Honestly. I would make a mother out of you. For giving you a child is the only way I know how to express my love to you.” Hex responded“Just like you expressed your love to a lot of other women?” Kineta returned the question“Yes. I give them a part of me that they can mould and love unconditionally.” Hex replied, trying to gauge Kineta’s response. Kineta got to her feet and walked over to Hex, untying the dress ties around her neck and back, letting the dress drop to her feet, revealing no underwear under it. “What would you do once you have me pregnant with your pups?” Kineta then continued to ask as she sat herself on Hex’s lap“I would love you for as long as I could. Until I get called away again” Hex continued as his hands began to stroke and caress Kineta’s body. Kineta lifted Hex’s head up to look at her “I knew it was never going to be a good romance with you.” Kineta said with almost disappointment, enough to make Hex’s ears fall back“What are you waiting for? Make me a mother. Give me your pups.” Kineta added, causing Hex’s ears to spring back up. Hex gently laid Kineta back on the sheep rug in-front of the fireplace, once all of his own clothes were gone, Hex’s head went straight in-between Kineta’s thighs. Kineta laid her hands on Hex’s head while he orally pleasured her with his long, talented tongue. Kineta stroked and caressed Hex’s long ears while he diligently continued with his tongue. Kineta pushed Hex’s head back away from her “Enough foreplay, show me if you’re as talented with your cock as you are with your fingers.” Kineta commanded with a lustful imperative. With no hesitation, Hex slid his member inside of Kineta, getting eye to eye with her as he began his lustful thrusts. With his arms either side of Kineta’s head, Hex was thrusting in and out, savouring each thrust. Kineta could see the lust in Hex’s eyes, she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. Once Hex was at his edge, Kineta pulled him in completely with her legs, forcing him to knot her “Let it all out. My body is yours. Give me your love” Kineta moaned into Hex’s ears, making his climax stronger. Once the primal lust was out of Hex’s system, he looked Kineta in eyes “You have the voice of an angel but the words of a devil.” Hex said before sliding his tongue into Kineta’s mouth and locking lips with her. Another night, one later in that month, after having been escorted home, Hex was allowed in for a single drink. A drink he enjoyed while fingering the piano. Kineta emerged from the bathroom which she had excused herself to, in her hand she had a pregnancy test. Kineta placed the positive pregnancy test before Hex “There you go, a gift for you. Knowing your reputation, you probably collect them.” Kineta comment with a slight snark. “I don’t normally, but I will make an exception with this one.” Hex replied with full seriousness. Having sat down with her wine, it was time for Kineta to have a serious talk with Hex “Listen, I can get away with two months before that dress doesn’t fit anymore. I expect you to cover me for the months after that.” Kineta explained with a serious tone. Nodding along acceptingly, Hex replies “Plus some extra for your troubles.”. Seven months into the pregnancy and it was clear that Kineta was going to have more than she bargained for as she was now expecting twins, not just a single pup. Her desire and needs were being met however, both sexually and normally. At least until Hex was called away by desire once more. A life driven by primal lust with no rest or reprieve from the beast he released. There was one night left together, one night left of passion, of carnal displays and delights. Hex was knotted to Kineta as his figure loomed over hers, both on their hands and knees. Hex reached his hand under and placed it upon Kineta’s swollen pregnant belly, his hand rested there, feeling his restless twins to be. He felt his eyes starting to tear, but he did all in his power to disguise his weakness. “One day, when I have conquered this beast inside of me, I will return, I promise that to you.” Hex spoke softly into Kineta’s ear, a promise or a cry for help, she did not know nor believe. “I would have to be mad to believe you. To believe that you would leave a twin-bearing woman you claim to love, then return later…” Kineta commented with passive aggressive ire“But I do believe. Come what may, we will see who the fool is.” Kineta added while placing her hand on top of Hex’s as it rested on her pregnant stomach. ", |
Story Start,Crytrauv looked up through the haze of drugs clouding his mind. It still wafted weakly through the dry air of his cell and the people stepping towards him were wearing filtration masks. He made no struggle as they looped the catchpole around his neck, not because he didn’t want to, but because all his strength was put into not falling back over as his upper arms were grabbed and he was pulled to his feet. The man on the other end of the pole waited until the swaying fox was ahead of him, then trailed along in his wake, a big man with broad shoulders, he was good at his job of restraining the uninitiated. Uninitiated at what, Crytrauv didn’t know, but that’s what they called him, Uninitiated, the new Initiate. He stumbled, the band around his throat stopped him from lurching forwards into the other two in front of him. Humans. His heavy lidded sleepy eyes slid off them like water off their hydrophobic rubber coats. He knew he was related to them, once he would have considered himself if not one, then equivalent. He swallowed against his dry throat. They obviously didn’t feel the same way, hunting him down and caging him like a stray dog. Unable to look upon them for long without the back of his head feeling hot with indignant rage, and his drugged state turning that into a sick nausea he didn’t want to deal with, he turned his wobbly head first one way than the other, taking in his fellow prisoners. In his part of the cell block the only windows into the cells were small, set in the door above a slot for food. The small square windows were usually empty, the occupants sitting down out of sight or simply not there, there weren't many people like Crytauv in the world, they were a mystery, anomalies. Occasionally however he would see a pair of wide fearful eyes. The Uninitiated. Newcomers. Like him. He was walked through a double set of doors that slid open with a sigh. He hesitated, unexplained dread grabbed him, then he was prodded forwards by the man on the other end of the pole and he tripped forwards over the threshold. Down a narrower corridor, with that cramped inter-office feeling that lent it an oppressive subterranean quality. For all Crytrauv knew, they were underground. Or in space. For all the difference it made to him. There were no windows, the air was cycled and recycled, his food was unidentifiable. Down in a lift, opening up into another hall. The drugs were starting to lift, Crytrauv raised his head a little higher, trying to regain some dignity. It didn’t last long. The reason for his rise in apprehension soon became apparent. It was faint on the filtered air, the lack of outside draught kept it trapped in the hall and the cells, until the vents sucked it up and pumped it back into the air-conditioning system. Sex. Arousal. Frustration. Resentment. Lethargy. It forced itself up his nose and soured on the roof of his mouth. He stared in through the first window, for here the cells were open sided, the wall replaced by a floor to ceiling window, no tint, no privacy, cameras loomed in the ceiling overhead, trained on the cells. Here the inmates were subject to 24/7 surveillance, from machine and man. Other people stood outside the cells in places, watching, taking notes. In the first cell, two young women, dark furred with handsome broad muzzles, and wary golden eyes. Wolf sisters, twins maybe, both heavily pregnant, clung to each other and dozed, ignoring the sight from the cell opposite them. Crytrauv starred openly in shock. The window blocked all sound, but there was no mistaking what was going on. A large shaggy wolf, his jaws clenched around the scruff of a rusty coated she-wolf, a muzzle hid her face, but couldn’t obscure the rolled by eyes as she gave herself up without a fight to the rough fucking she was getting. The fox forced himself to look away, ashamed for them, totally lost in their bestial lust. The cat in the cell beside the two sisters was not so ashamed. He was pressed up against the glass, his hips idly rolling, rocking his erect cock up against the glass, his eyes focused unblinkingly on the mating wolves, a thin line of saliva hung from his jaws. Whatever mind had been there seemed to be long gone, he had thoughts only for one thing. Crytrauv’s stomach clenched, he turned his eyes to the glossy floor, ignoring the rest of the reduced creatures writhing in the cells, either in the grips of frustration or lust. Only the lone females seemed at all relaxed, and then only in terrible passivity. They lay, awake or asleep, in varying states of pregnancy. Only the one at the end sat up, somewhat alert, and as they went by she looked up, at first Crytrauv thought she was looking at him, but the fixated eyes were on the dividing wall between her and her neighbour’s cell. It was dropping into the floor, and before it had even fully retracted the male on the other side was bounding over it, teeth bared and grabbing needfully at his erection. Out of the corner of his eye Crytrauv saw the female shrink back, hands raised as the male pounced heartlessly on her. They passed by. More halls, empty rooms, one long cell with another clear wall. Something different was inside this one. A large quadruped, faceless and obviously synthetic. It rose to its feet when they entered the room and slunk across to the wall, pressing its rubbery shoulder up against the glass and sliding itself along as the little group went past. Crytrauv looked from it to the female human ahead of him, the machine seemed fixated on her to the expense of all others, whatever it was for, it was for females. Another lift, down further now. Down? He wasn’t actually sure. And they came to another set of doors, and through them, two more. Over the top of one: Observation Room #5, the other hand a red light beside it, currently unilluminated, but no sign. The two humans in the rubber coats broke away here, going through the first door, he was yanked through and into the room beyond the second door. Lily squirmed. The last few days had been all a rush. She was so turned upside down and around she couldn’t have told you how she’d even got to here: restrained by her wrists, shoulders and calves to some kind of padded furniture. Her chest was held down to the lower part of the padded bench, and her hips were forced upwards by the higher part. She might as well be draped over a toppled chair, only she couldn’t get up, and no matter how she’d called, no one had freed her, so she’d been left here alone (a small mercy at least) in this compromising position in the cool room, her heart racing and an infuriating itch in the pit of her stomach that had been growing for the last couple of days. Her ears twitched to the sound of a door opening and she strained to see through the dark tinted window on her left, someone was moving back there. The blood rushed to her dark cheeks, she clamped her tail down tighter over her exposed rear, tears prickled at her eyelids, there was no denying she was being observed, whatever was happening here, there was no help to be found behind the window. Another door opened, closer this time, in the room. She craned her neck to look back past her own thigh, and saw a white furred fox, wobbly on his feet, being lead into the room. The fox was led towards her, if he reacted she couldn’t see from her position. The blood rang in her ears as he was kept behind her, close to her raised up rump. “What’s--” she started to ask the man hauling the dog fox around, though her voice was muffled by the cloth muzzle holding her jaws closed. But just then someone grabbed the base of her tail and flipped it up over her back. She yelped as her ass was exposed and tried to close her legs, but the restraints of cold metal stopped her short. “Here.” The man grunted. “Get a good whiff of that, that’ll do ya.”Lily squirmed and gnashed her teeth in fear and indigence, but could do nothing to stop the white male being dragged over to her. She heard him growl, and she thought he must be shaking off his drugged stupor, but he couldn’t get away before more of the pliant metallic restrains hissed out of the bench. Lily didn’t have to look to know they’d done to him what they’d done to her; coiled around his shaking legs and held him tight, becoming turgid and unbreakable. Here the human relaxed the catchpole, putting it to one side and dragging over a rail mounted object dangling from the ceiling. The bulk of it was a lamp, glaring and harsh, but the human now reached up and brought down one of a number of lines. She heard the dog fox hiss as it was pushed into his arm and strapped up. The restraints tightened. Lily bit her lip, eyes widening in shock as she felt the soft bulge of his sheath pressing up between her thighs. A glassy glint caught her eye, she looked down, there was a small glassy eye staring up at her from under the gratings in the floor. A camera. Her fur stood on end, they were being watched from all angles, and with a sick feeling in her stomach she knew there was no way there weren’t also eyes focused on her most intimate parts, she didn’t have to see the one between the other fox’s paws, staring up unblinking at their squeezed together bodies. The guard left with his catchpole and Cry reached over for the strap that had been pulled tight around his arm, covering the drip. The join in it had vanished, the means to remove it unknown to him, he couldn’t get his claws under it, and the drip itself was hidden behind a segmented metal tube that didn’t even buckle under his teeth. Pulling on it hurt, but failed to move it, and this whole time a stranger’s bare ass was squished up against him. He turned his attention to her. The vixen had her head turned as far as it would go, her large amber eyes staring at him as he struggled. She was in heat. The smell of her under his nose was distracting, despite their situation. Crytrauv thought back to the debased creatures he’d seen on the way here and went cold. If these people thought he would just give in and breed her if they strapped them together long enough then they had something else coming. The lamp overhead whirred and he looked up at it suspiciously. Lily’s leg started to bounce against her restraints. The vibration tickled her against his sheath and she swallowed back a tiny moan. The touch was light and far from intimate, but her heat took the lightest breeze and turned it into the most seductive of touches. She felt his balls brush the inside of her thigh and felt her insides clench. Grinding her teeth she turned her ears towards the window again, she could hear voices, muffled, on the other side, their topic of conversation close to her own thoughts. “She was going into heat when we found her.” A feminine voice was saying. “So we hurried her through the system, I know it’s not procedure.”“They’ll both have to be kept in isolation, to ensure they’re both healthy.”“Keep them together. After today they’ll have plenty to do to keep themselves occupied.” She laughed humourlessly. “How long do you think it’ll take? She’s young, fertile, but we don’t know her fecundity…”“Doesn’t matter. You know that.”“Yes yes… She’ll be coupled with the male until she gets pregnant. Doesn’t matter if it takes an hour or a month.”“Hmn… He’s the first male fox we’ve had in a while, he’ll have his work cut out for him. You think the females will take to him?”“The other vixens are broken in already, they’ll take him. He’ll make sure of it. I’d be more concerned if he can keep up with all eight, it will be demanding work for one stud once we start cycling them.”“With eight… Could be one in heat almost all the time, since they don’t appear to be seasonal.”“Yes. That is odd don’t you think?”“Yes… No… Might be the human element in them.”Lily’s head swam. The room warped before her eyes and she blinked rapidly to clear the distortion. No. She thought. No. They can’t. They Wouldn’t. Other vixens? They’d done this before?“But this is only if he takes to it.” The feminine voice said. “He’s been putting up a fight so far, took nearly a week for him to eat when he first came in.”“He gave that up, he’ll perform. Once he mounts her with compound 72 in his veins, it’s over, it always is, they get inside the female and give up, it becomes the only thing they care about.”The feminine voice mumbled something less distinct about normal men, and the other voice laughed too loudly. “I wonder if he’ll keep giving us trouble… So many of them just lose themselves completely, nothing left but the desire to breed.”Crytrauv, if he heard any of this, gave no sign, but he’d finally given up on his drip when he felt something cold eking under his skin. He shook out his arm in horror, but could do nothing to stop the drug from being fed into his body. The shaking ground him against the vixen and she gave a sudden hungry moan, his attention snapped back to her. The rising sweet-salty musk of her arousal and need wafted up to him, he swallowed, suddenly salivating. Tension was building in his core, blood turning from his racing mind to his currently dormant cock, but for how much longer? His heartbeat is thundering in his chest and he looks away from the young female trapped in front of him, he already felt weak to resist her, a hungry animal at the back of his mind riling up, demanding to take over, to bite her neck and... No. He told himself. I won’t play their games. I’m better than that. Instead, Cry leant forwards, there was nothing to support himself on but her trembling hips, burning hot under his paws, her fur luxuriously soft. He resisted the urge to bury his fingers into it and hold on tight. She looked back at him fearfully. “Please don’t.” She hissed. “Could you hear them?”Crytrauv forced himself not to look towards the window. “Yes. Don’t let them know.”The two humans behind the window were still arguing good naturedly. “I give him until the end of the week.” The loud laugher was saying. “Only took the feline male two days.” The feminine voice said sharply. “I don’t expect it to take much longer than that. The harder they fight when they come in, the quicker they seem to give in.”“A hot blooded male will find a way to ah… express himself.” He laughed again. “So do his females!”“They don’t have a choice.”“Don’t listen to them. We have a choice, we don’t have to give in.” His arm was hot now. He was so vividly aware of her elegant back curving below him. He’d pushed closer to her rump to talk to her. Her heat was more than a scent or a word now, he could feel it soak into his body, energising his muscles, weakening his resolve. “She’s young, if she’s fecund we could get a definite four litters from her. Maybe more. But I have high hopes for him, an enthusiastic male can breed as many females we put under him.”“We’d need more vixens for that. They’re not common. And besides, there’s no rush, we’ll have to establish he’s strong and healthy, if he throws runts there’s no point in using him to establish a line. Let alone trying to cross breed him with anything else.”“Yeah… Hey. What do you think the kits are going to look like?”A sigh. “Please.” Lily whispered again. “Please don’t give in. I don’t want this...”“Don’t worry.” He whispered back, her natural scent, buried under the smell of her fertility, kissed his twitching nose, sweet, fearful. He swallowed, feeling dizzy. His proximity to the young female was already working its black magic on him, he could feel himself becoming aroused and tried to lift his hips away from her. “I won’t do what they want. I’m not an animal. If we can just hold on long enough, they’ll have to give up.” He hoped he was right, because the tip of his cock was sliding over the wet folds of her vulva and there wasn’t much room for him to escape it. He tugged at his restraints, twisting to push his growing erection away from her entrance and towards her thigh, he only managed to squirm a little to the side, but mostly against her. “Stop...” she whined. “Please stop moving. It’s too much...”Crytrauv froze, heart thundering in a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure that he was arousing her. Shame washed over him that he could even think of enjoying this, then he shivered and had to bite down on his tongue to stop himself humping forwards in sudden bestial instinct. It was no good, the tiny distance between them and his attempts at moving away were too little, and his growing erection first gently kissed her twitching opening then effortlessly squeezed inside, her plentiful natural lubrication felt like a cool kiss against his tip, before the burning heat of her flesh wrapped around him. A long drawn out whine escaped his throat, part desire, part disgust. He was so tense he could barely breathe. Hyper focused on the sensation squeezing his cock and the vixen’s quiet denials. Crytrauv shot a vengeful look towards the window, and as he did so his focus slipped, his cock flexed and her prayers were broken by a husky moan. He growled and his hips flicked up and forwards, he caught himself at the last second, but nevertheless had sunk another fraction of an inch into her body, that was becoming more desirable by the second. He slowly crumpled forwards, his fingers grabbing the plastic wrapped cushion she was laying on, forcing himself backwards and out of her. She shuddered as he slid almost out of her body, almost, there wasn’t enough room to fully pull out, he was stuck inside of her until he was released or forced himself to go soft, which didn’t seem to be an option, he wasn’t sure he’d ever had an erection so ferocious and aching, his cock stood out fully from his sheath, straining forwards for the vixen it was built to breed. The minutes ticked by, and he realised with a start that he’d been slowly sinking forwards, he tugged himself backwards quickly. Resulting in the vixen bucking needfully, crying out in misery as she couldn’t disguise her urges or her lust. Cry panted roughly, feeling her fluids cooling on his throbbing shaft in the air conditioned room. He heard the scientists talking again, but he couldn’t figure out what they were talking about, his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. He groaned, when had he sunk back into her…? He tried to ignore her moan as he pulled back out again. He gave up, it didn’t seem to matter what he did, he couldn’t stop himself from sinking into her, besides, holding himself up was exhausting. She trembled and squeaked under him as his hips came to rest heavily against her buttocks, his sheath finally coming back into contact with her wet flushed lips. It was like an icy drink on a hot dusty day, he drank it down like his life depended on that soft touch. Lily tightened her grip on the mount she was strapped too. She held herself stock still, but couldn’t stop her canal from squeezing and suckling on the hot shaft spreading out her walls and promising her release from this suffocating heat. It was torture. She curled her toes, staring intently at the wall opposite her, refusing to move, refusing to entreat him, refusing to submit. She could handle this, eventually he would get tired, his body would give up, they’d have to separate them and… try again later… She closed her eyes, throat tightening, refusing to cry openly. Her eyes snapped open again and she gasped as without warning, the grunting panting male sprawled on her back grabbed her breast, squeezing firmly for a split second before tearing his hand away with a snarl. “I’m sorry...” He said, barely sounding lucid. The soft warm feeling of her small breast in his hand stayed with him long after he’d let go. And he stared blankly forwards, feeling his saliva building up in his mouth, and legs trembling with the restrained urge to thrust. He tried to pull back, hoping that the cold air of the room licking over his shaft would wake him up a bit. It was the wrong choice. Lily shuddered, biting back a lustful sigh as she felt him slip through her canal, she struggled with the urge to ask him not to stop, but didn’t have to. With everything but the last inch of his cock outside of her shaking body, Crytrauv wouldn’t have even heard her words. He flashed his teeth in anger at something he no longer remembered, as nothing besides the vixen underneath him could possibly matter. He took his time rolling his hip forwards, not to resist this time, but to indulge himself in the feeling of her hot body taking him inch by inch. Lily arched her back, the deliberate penetration feeling notably different now to his previous slow slides into her body. She sighed aloud as she felt every burning inch stretch her out and sink in deep, promising to sooth the burning heat in her belly. Crytrauv shook his head, no, no he had to stop, this was no good, this was what was expected of them, and he Would. Not. Give. In. He pulled back, her wet walls sucking at him, he still couldn’t fully pull out, and the movement was such a relief… He sunk back into her, making her moan. There’s a heady moment of pressure, her clenching muscles resisting his growing knot, then with a sudden slip out of the cool air and into her warm body, he was hilted. The ache coming back, annoying as a fly. He pulled back again, straining against the incomplete tie before his knot could pop free of her body. And back in… Steady thrusts in and out of the vixen he didn’t even know, he heard but failed to comprehend the voices behind the window. Self congratulatory and relieved as he finally started to take his designated mate. Lily shook her head viscously as his movement soothed a little of her frustration. “W-wait!” She cried. “Wait please! Don’t! Stop!”Crytrauv grunted, lost in the motion of his thrusting, which with each inwards strike was picking up in speed and force. He didn’t hear her call out to him, or scream at him: “You CAN’T! STOP! STOP IT!” Her voice breaking with panic. “PLEASE I-- Ah!” She gasped, slumped and keened. Tears prickled at her eyelids, but every time he slammed into her, his cock forced a moan from between her lips, first small, then disintegrating into needier cries, interspaced with the occasional desperate denial. Unfortunately for Lily, while her body betrayed her and rocked eagerly back to met the male’s thrusts, her mind remained her own, however addled, and she was painfully aware of what what being done to her and with a final mammoth effort of will she raised her head to try to catch his eye, shouting at him over the sound of their bodies slapping wetly together. Crytrauv growled in frustration as the vixen under him twisted and snapped at him, he wasn’t capable of processing the muzzle keeping her from biting him, he snapped his jaws at her to keep her quiet and acquiescent, nipping sharply at her ear and making her yelp.. Her blood tasted hot and coppery in his mouth, a perfect counterpoint to the heady pleasure of his balls slapping against her crotch and his cock pistoning into her slick canal, the permanent mark of her first breeding. Overtaken by the taste and understanding, deep in his belly of what he was doing, not on any empathetic level, but an instinctive one, the knowledge that this was right and proper and exactly what he was supposed to do… He yipped, jerked forwards, fingers digging hard into whatever they could find as he lurched forwards over her, driving himself in hard as his knot started to swell larger and push out her inner walls to lock them together. Shocked out of the final dregs of her lust by the pain in her ear, Lily squirmed, trying to get away from the increasing pressure on her hips as he leaned all his weight on her, and the increasing pressure inside her body as his knot swelled and locked behind her entrance, grinding up against her g-spot and making her see stars despite herself. He’d gone quiet besides his harsh panting. She could hear the scientists. “--no better than animals, won’t be long before she accepts it. Him. He’ll be studding regularly as soon as the tests clear.”“Think this’ll take?”“I should think so, but we’ll leave them together for a few more attempts, I’d be surprised if she wasn’t impregnated by this, the tie makes it so much more reliable.”Lily moaned in despair, feeling the male locked inside of her tug experimentally at their tie, before slumping happily down on her shoulders. Sweat cooled on her fur, the only sound was their heavy breathing and the air con. She could feel him twitch inside of her, each tiny movement tickling deep inside of her belly indicating another shot of his cum, another attempt at impregnating her, and she’d been unable to do a thing to stop it… And really had she tried?She winced. Of course she’d told him to stop… but had she really meant it deep in her core?Had she meant it while she pushed back on him and squeezed him dry?Could she really be said to have meant it, while her body knew exactly what it was built to do, and did it?She hung her head, confused and lost, scared. Now, or soon, a litter of kits would be growing inside of her, ahead of her were months of forceful mating, of heavy laden belly, her body changing without her permission, further betrayal from something she once called home, and then—here she groaned, a creaking sound from the back of the throat, animal and empty—the birth, something she was completely unprepared for. At no point did she anticipate privacy, there was no question she would be observed at every step, as she was observed for this ignominious mating, she would be prodded and poked throughout her future pregnancy—pregnancies, she corrected herself with a sick feeling, they intended to keep her here and pregnant for years to come—and curious staring eyes would be on her through the trauma of the birth. She took a deep steadying breath, and it ended in a wracking sob. Under the tide of horror washing over her, subtle and unsettling, was the deep satisfaction of being bred while in heat, an ancient protocol buried in her genes passed down from grandmother to mother fulfilled, and with the hormones still raging in her body and her climax left unfulfilled, the terrible need to be taken again, and again, until the fire in her body was extinguished. Crytrauv struggled to stay awake, but his sight blurred and his eyes slowly closed. Exhausted by the frantic mating, drained by the intense orgasm, and worn thin by the effect of the drug oozing through his veins. There was something he was trying to remember, something important, that he was trying to do… To resist… He shifted, trying to get comfortable and felt the warm soft body of his mate moving under him, moving to better support him while they were tied together. He murmured contentedly and slipped into sleep. Lily was snapped out of her anxious thoughts by the mount she was strapped to moving. It raised her chest to the height of her hips, and while it was far more comfortable she realised a little slowly that it wasn’t for her benefit. On her back, heavy and warm to the point of suffocating, the male she’d just been made to mate with shifted and grumbled in his sleep. She only had one purpose here: to produce kits, for whatever twisted reason the humans here wanted. Until she’d proven this ability, she had no value, the male on top of, inside of, had been tested, shown to be virile. One of them was a known quantity and the other had just been forced to accept his sperm. She took another deep shuddering breath, wondering what would happen to her if she turned out unable to conceive. Would they let her go? Kill her? Keep her for the males they didn’t want to breed just yet? She shuddered, unsure which future would be worse. At least freedom would get her out of her, but to what? How could she move on after… This? She lowered her head and forced herself to rest, she couldn’t stop her whirling mind, or the biology happening inside her womb, but she could control That at least. Despite everything, Lily slept. Tired out by the mating, warmed to sleepiness by Crytrauv’s body, she slept. The lights had been dimmed when she awoke. It wasn’t dark in the room, but the painfully glaring light that had illuminated her rape for the viewing of the scientists had been turned off, leaving only the smaller ambient lights. There was no sound behind the window, but she knew someone would be keeping an eye on them. As she came around she tried to figure out what had disturbed her, and realised as something damp soaked through her fur, that it was the male pulling out from her pussy with a sloppy wet squelch.. She looked back over her shoulder at him, wondering if he felt as used as she did. There was a calm thoughtful expression on his pale face, his gaze focused downwards, and she realised with a pang as her canal clenched and his cum was squeezed out to dribble down her crotch, that he was looking at the mess he’d left inside her. She licked her lips. “Are you… You again?” she asked. His golden eyes lifted reluctantly to hers. “They’ll make us do it again… Can you resist?”She already knew the answer of course, whatever had been done to him, whether it was just the forced position or whatever that line to his arm had been feeding him, he could no more resist than she could stop what he’d begun inside her. What was done was done, and would be done again, but she had to ask, she had to know she wasn’t alone, she had to exercise what little autonomy she’d been left with, and as she thought that she realised she could move her cramped tail again, and tried to cover herself. The male’s body was in the way. Crytrauv’s restraints had been retracted. He made no attempt to free her, or even really move away. He took a wavering step back, then back towards her, catching her tail and keeping it raised, that seemed to be the start and end of his desire to move away. His eyes roved her body with a hungry expression she didn’t like. “Can you?” Her voice wobbled, he looked so at ease, and whomever had brought them here had seen fit to release him, but not her. “Will you try?”His eyes slid up the curve of her spine and lingered on the lines of her throat before jumping up to her own desperate gaze. “What’s the point?” He asked so softly she almost didn’t hear him. “Why should we?”“B-because we can’t let them win!” She spat. “We’re Better than that! Better than them!”“We fucked.” He said, lip curling. “Because it’s what we Do. What we’re Built to do. Don’t you get that?”She bared her teeth at him and he growled back, but when he moved back over her it was with confidence that she was unable to do anything to rebuff him. She was as good as pregnant, he told himself as he stood astride her legs, pulling aside her tail and admiring her glistening cum smeared pussy. What was the point in resisting any more? They might as well just give into their urges, enjoy themselves. Well… If she wouldn’t, he would. It was only Right. He didn’t know why it had taken him so long to realise, to get it, but this was how things were supposed to be. With his free hand he groped himself hard, it didn’t take much persuasion. There was a natural way of things… For a moment he remembered something, leaf litter, snow on the breeze… then it was brushed away by the lingering scent of their rutting, her heat. His cock jumped in his hand, she was saying something, he ignored her and lunged forwards. Lily cried out as his jaws closed around the scruff of her neck and wrenched her head back uncomfortably. “No! Wait!” She demanded, but he ignored her. The changed male got himself comfortable, shuffling closer over her rear, feeling her wet vulva against the tip of his cock. He growled at her, warning her to keep still, and slammed into her. There was no resisting this time, no slow sliding into her body, no pains to stop himself. He slammed into her body and started to fuck her hard and fast, intent on reaching satisfaction and shoot his load inside of her. She had a job to do: to get pregnant. That goal loomed before him as her warm wet body massaged his length. His job, his role, to spread his seed and mount as many vixens as he could, starting with this one. Lily gazed uncomfortably at the ceiling as he bred her again, careless and hard, with a bruising pace. She could feel herself slipping, this was it, there was no struggle, the people around her were no help, there was no freedom, not even inside her own body, which would be invaded and used as a birther whenever the scientists wanted it to be. The worst of it was how good it felt, her traitorous body revelled in the slick friction between them, hungered for the rutting, her belly felt empty and nature itself told her from the dark recesses of her mind to conceive, grow, birth… She closed her eyes, her shoulders slumped, the last of her resistance slipped away. As she gave up to their shared urge to procreate, Lily felt pleasure well up inside of her, flaring in her loins, she started to pant, groaning and writhing in his grip, pushing back against him, encouraging him to tie with her. Some part of her, quiet and distant yelled and swore and struggled in the back of her mind, this lone fragment of rebellion was drowned as her body shook in orgasm, feeling his knot grind against her insides, she cried out in ecstasy and squeezed down on him hard enough to make him let go and howl as she milked his climax from him. Crytrauv’s cum flooded her belly for the second time in however many hours, time meant nothing now, there was only breeding and the time between the next breeding, until his kits were growing inside of her, where they were meant to be. Lily collapsed weakly onto the mounting bench, a lopsided grin smeared across her dark face as she gasped for breath, Crytrauv pressed down over her, stroking her belly and groping her small heaving breasts with obvious enjoyment, murmuring promises into her torn ear, promises of milk and many babies, of a swollen belly and heavy breasts. She squirmed under him, eating up his promises like sugared violets. Eventually he lifted his body from hers, pulling out insensitively, snapping the drooling web of cum that tried to keep them connected. He’d barely stood up, when the catchpole came down over his head. He growled and tried to turn on the human, but was forced still. Another man came up to him and took the drip from his arm, as he was led away from Lily he snarled: “She’s MINE!”There was a pause, the two men looked at the window, and moments later a drawer emerged from the wall. The man with free hands went up to it, and removed from it a harness. Lily’s restraints relaxed and snaked back into the bench, she raised herself on shaking arms, but didn’t have the strength to stand. Crytrauv, head held proudly despite the wire around his throat, approached her, something in his hands. She stared up at her mate passively, and put up no resistance as she was collared by the harness, which bound her arms behind her back with straps around her torso. Crytrauv clutched her close as he was wrenched out of the room, scowling around at anyone and everything he thought might even consider taking her for themselves. Wrapped securely in the harness, the male’s hard hands steering her by the shoulders, Lily gazed apathetically around herself as they trudged back to… Some… Place… Her eyes roved enviously over the pregnant sisters, only frowning slightly to herself as they finally went out of her view. A sneaking sense of… Something… Cold… Numbing…? Dismay…? Welled up inside of her. She looked up at the humans leading them, they seemed so, so far away, so different. They weren’t like her and her male, they had so many concerns. She smiled dubiously to herself, not entirely sure she believed herself, as she told herself she was glad, so glad, that she was simply an animal, made to breed, to bear kits. ", |
Story Start,The pelting of heavy rain continued. Battering the age-worn roof of the barn the bat had sheltered in, it had been on-going almost all day. His pleasing flight through the cool morning air quickly halted as the murky grey skies had warned him with a gentle shower, which had steadily gotten heavier. The bat had been lucky to find the farm at all when he had, the rain so heavy when he landed he could barely see for the water in his eyes. The heavy barn door slightly ajar had been almost too heavy to wedge open, but finally, Gloom had managed and ducked himself inside. He had since then, spent the better portion of the day nursing his long tongue along his arms, trying to wring the water from his sopping fur, to help dry himself and keep warm. Winter storms were never kind. Momentarily, the bat cursed his misfortune with opting to wear his usual outfit.. his tight fishnet shirt, clasped about his neck by a red leather collar, and a pair of exquisitely hip and leg-hugging latex pants. He would not have had room to complain about his legs being cold, were it not for his toes wriggling from the ends of his lace-up boots, chilly even as he wriggled them to remind himself that they were still alive. Settled atop a mound of straw, the bat shivered, wrapping his arms, and subsequently, his wings about himself to try and ward away the chilly air, splaying his large ears, one pierced thrice with safety pins. But for all the warmth he found within his wings, the slim fleshy membranes touched far more cold air than he escaped from, leaving him shivering ever worse. He was not alone however, in the rickety barn, the odd stalls here or there where would normally be housed a number of animals.. horses, cattle most likely all seemed empty, save for one. Inside, a hefty mound of faintly fuzz-covered flesh. It had barely stirred all the while the bat had been inside with it, and it was not until Gloom found himself sneezing, that it jerked and raised it's large, snouted head. It was a pig. And a monster of a pig at that, as Gloom looked over the source of movement. It's head, easily larger than his entire torso. The Hog wriggled it's large nose, almost similar to Gloom's own nose-leaf, snorting In the air of the barn, before with tremendous effort, it eased to it's feet, and nosed open it's unlocked pen-gate. The bat stared, as the huge Porker trundled towards him with curious snuffles and bewilderment on it's slightly tilted head as it took in this stranger in it's home. Blinking as it approached, not, as he'd worried, violent or angry, Gloom raised his hands softly. "There, there.. Nice piggy.” He murmured hesitantly, finding himself swallowing as his eyes took in the enourmous size of the critter.. surely the thing must have weighed hundreds of kilos.. Enough pork and bacon on the thing to last a year! His musings were cut short as the Hog trodded closer and snuffled it's broad, slightly slick nose among the bat's wing-hands, nosing in a rather affectionate manner. Had it seen him shivering..?The bat found himself smiling sheepishly at the pig's continued nosings, and eager grunts, as if greeting him, inviting him to stay as long as he would like in it's home. In turn, he gave a hug about the Swine's head, savouring the warmth of the other living creature. And warm it was indeed. Especially it's billowing breath as it snorted against his still matted fish-net clad chest fur. The bat would have been quite contented to stay in that position, deriving warmth from the large form, before he felt the most alien sensation of something broad, slick and hot slathering his torso from belly, to chest and up to his chin. Gasping as the pig's head drew back, the bat looked down at the broad line of upturned fur where the Hog had licked him. His fur matted with a thicker slime. Swallowing again, the bat blushed as the hog watched him with its beady black eyes, grunting as it leant it'self in for another lick of the smaller frame. Gloom gave a chirrup of mingling shock, pleasure and fright at that tongue matting more of his fur, up to his neck, before he raised his hands, blushing deeply as he tried to push the pig's muzzle back. “Hey..! That's enough!” He uttered, with a wavering tone in his voice. His heart was racing and his breathing was heightened. The pig's only response was a wet slathering of his tongue over those dexterous hands, before it raised its head, and yawned before the bat, letting the chiropteran stare into its maw, framed with slightly yellowed teeth and that long tongue that had graced the bat's fur. Beyond, a thick pit of darkened flesh that Gloom found himself staring into unwillingly, shivering far worse than the cold had made him. The pig seemed to take the Bat's silent hesitation as ascent, and with those hands poised in the air before it, it slid it's hefty maw over them, folding the wings back quite easily as it trotted forward. The sight of his arms passing over that hot tongue and compacting into the grunting, slick gullet ahead brought Gloom from his trance, as he gasped and shook his head again. “Ah..! B-bad pig! Let me go..!” He yelped out, trying to pull back, at the same time the pig walked forward, and further swallowed! The tight, slimey flesh compacted, and rather stronger than the bat's attempt, drew Gloom forward into those jaws, his arms sliding further in, until his head squished over the Pig's tongue, and it's thick, hot and stale breath billowed about him. Scrambling his legs, the bat tried to lift his booted feet to push at the porker's thick hide, but could barely find any purchase, fighting against the powerful, and eager, gluttonous swallows of the Hog as it so-simply, swallowed him deeper. To say the least of what the pig was doing to him, it was warm. Well, it was hot, -very- hot. Almost enough to have the bat sweating and panting in the thick flesh as it squished slimily around him, drawing him ever deeper. His legs forced away from the pig, and starting to straighten out as Gloom's torso and belly slid beyond those gaping jaws, to vanish into the pig. It's hot and powerful tongue jostled his hips as they were pulled in with great ease. The slick material of his pants making his ingestion only easier as the Hog tossed it's head back, swallowing greedily. All through his trip, poor Gloom cried out as best he could. Whether for help, or for the pig to stop, it was hard to say, but the former was most unlikely, as the sound of his voice barely made it beyond the thick flesh of the pig's body, let alone outside the barn with the heavy rain drowning out noise quite effectively. His legs, thrashing and squirming, were slowly subdued as the pig sat back heavily in a piteous attempt at getting gravity on its side in the tug of war with its food. It was barely needed though, as it's immensely strong throat soon packed Gloom down beyond a tight ring of flesh into an acrid, looser pit of stale, rank air, the walls churning in a most ominous way as he emptied into it. That stomach smoothly distended, as the pigs jaws slid over the tightly laced leather covering it's meal's lower legs, and finally, with a clop, it's pointed jaws closed over the wriggling toes of its meal, sealing him away wholly with a sing, powerful, final swallow. Thick, undulating waves of rippling flesh and saliva packed the bat deeper into that gut. Distending it steadily as the Hog grunted it's approval of it's once-again filled stomach, before it lay aside, savouring the squirming of the bat within. Packed within the pig's belly, Gloom gasped in the steamy heat of that belly, unable to see his wing-hands before his face for how dark it was. The thick, wet churning, and the low steady thump of the Hog's heartbeat about him was little comfort in his predicament. The bat whimpering as he ran his hands anxiously along the churning walls. Trying to find his way back out, as the walls tingled in a most bizarre manner. “Pig..! Bad pig!! Let me out!” the bat cried desperately. “I'm not food! Pig!” But sated from its glutting, the pig heard, and understood nothing of it's anxiously squirming meal. Rather like the short humans it had treated to the same fate bare days before. The farmer was still looking for them.. Fear had instilled it'self strongly within the bat as he lay in place. The hot walls, constantly moving like a sea of rippling hands, kneading over him making it impossible to find the way he'd came in.. Shivering, Gloom tugged the waist of his sleek pants down, wrapping a wing-hand snuggly about his aching bat-hood.. The trip in, while terrifying, had been a constant tease on his tightly packed arousal, that tongue had teased him terribly.. and he wasn't going to become food without at least one last Orgasm. Tightly packed, he had little room to work, but he stroked firmly, swiftly in the heating environment, feeling his fur and skin tingling as he whimpered, moaning and tensing.. Intense in his final moments and pushed by the realization that he was pig-food, the bat arched and cried out as he painted over his face and torso with his personal flavor of bad-seed, shuddering and groaning as he slowly relaxed back. The walls crushing in firmly as the pig belched long and hard, emptying his belly of air. It's meal continued kicking and squirming, frantically for a few more moments, before finally, it stilled, permitting the hog to sleep, as it's belly, with a heavy gurgling churn, began its job of melting the bat into more thick paunch to blanket it against the cold. Rousing from it's sleep, the pig grunted, opening it's eyes and awkwardly staggering to it's feet. It seemed to get harder and harder to move after big meals like these.. Snuffling about the empty stall, the Hog trundled it's way to the Barn door and gave a hopeful nosing through it. The rain had since stopped, and the sun even peeked through the slowly parting clouds. With a firm nudge of it's head, the Pig barged the door open, and waddled out into the muddy yard beyond the Barn. On, over to a corner, thickly piled with refuse, the great beast stooped and bore down, feeling a most pleasing sensation of release as it squeezed free a long, heated steaming log. Wriggling it's nose pleasedly, the pig grunted again, working out inch after inch, foot after foot of the tightly packed, brown sludge. Unrecognisable for what, or who it once was, save the odd fleck of pale tan and purple fur here or there.It's task continued on a number of minutes longer, before with a great sigh, it finished it's ponderous task, and looked back a moment to the almost too-neatly coiled pile of shit, before the sound of a door opening and heavy boots tromping into the yard, over towards the barn brought the pig's beady eyes towards the farmer. Breakfast had arrived. ", |
Story Start,It was a late afternoon as a feral wolf padded along in a forest. The sun was waning in the sky signaling the start of his lone hunt. He could pick up a lone scent of his soon to be prey. His keen sense of smell alerted him to the scent of a deer. His slender yet muscular form kept close to the ground making as little noise as possible as he got into position behind a cluster of trees. The wolf waited to pounce the unsuspecting prey as the scent approached him closer and closer. Close by, a lone deer trotted through the depths of the forest, venturing far from the safety of his den. He perked up as he seemed to sense something on the air - the scent of some creature, though it wasn't until he came around a bundle of trees that he spotted the wolf, which in turn locked its eyes on him. Once the deer turned the corner he pounced upon him pining the deer to the ground. The deer fails to react in time, quickly finding him pinned beneath the wolf's bulk. His plan had worked as well as it always he thought to himself snickering at the deer. The wolf, in his exhilarating sense of excitement, attempts to release his musk into the air to signal his impending dominance over his latest prey. The deer’s hooves are effectively useless in securing his freedom, so he attempts to pry the wolf loose with his antlers, afraid of what might happen if he failed to escape. The wolf thought he had the deer pinned and secured, but through some sort of miracle, the deer manages to dig his antlers in beneath the wolf's forepaws, and pries him loose with a tilt of his head, knocking the wolf aside. Taking the initiative, the deer quickly darts to his feet and plants his hoof heavily upon the wolf's spine, pinning him to the ground. The wolf was lying on the forest floor in shock and awe as he was momentarily stunned by the ferocious counter attack. He quickly snapped out of it and attempted to get up, but before he could, the deer had taken the initiative by quickly darting to his feet and plants his hoof heavily upon the wolf's spine, pinning him to the ground. The wolf would never submit to a mere deer no matter what happened. With this undeniable truth, the wolf tries to get out from under the deer with all the strength he could muster. After a valiant struggle his attempts were met with the success he was looking for. The wolf knocked the deer's hoof aside and threw him off of his body. The deer is easily shoved aside, stumbling slightly but managing to retain his footing. Slowly, the wolf would rise from the forest floor to his feet and stared at the deer. In his mind, he thought he would need some extra reinforcement. The wolf attempts to release his musk into the air before the deer can do anything else to him. He knew that if he could get his musk into the air he could use his power of persuasion. The deer was rightfully suspicious of the wolf as he cautiously watches his opponent, circling the wolf with a wary eye, preparing to make his move if the opportunity arises. Within moments, the wolf releases his musk into the air! The musk began to blanket the surrounding area as the smell began to gain strength. The wolf and all that was around him was covered with the musky scent and it had reached the deer with ease. The deer watches the wolf intently, unsure exactly what he's up to until a powerful scent seems to fill the air, wafting over him. It was distracting, to say the least, as the deer shakes his head, as if trying to jar the scent loose from his senses. He remains lost in thought for a moment, trying to prepare for whatever the wolf had been distracting him for. With his plan in motion, the wolf got ready to hypnotize the deer as he locked eyes with him and stared at the deer with the deep sea blue eyes. He stared at the deer and began to chant to his prey in a hypnotic manner, "My musk... Inhale it... " The wolf felt his mind grow fuzzy as he spoke, but quickly shakes it off as he continued his chant,“It consumes you... Your thoughts...” The wolf felt his mind wander, but his concentration and nerves were required to be at their highest level of performance. “You are mine.” As the last word escaped his lips, his entire body began to numb itself. He found that his senses could work just not his body. The effects of the hypnosis had backfired and begun to affect the wolf instead of his prey!The deer tilts his head curiously, as the wolf attempts to intrude upon his thoughts. After a moment of fearing the worst, he realizes nothing has happened, and the wolf seems rather spaced out himself. Seizing the opportunity, the deer thrusts his head forward, launching several vines from his antlers, which lash around the wolf's midsection, wrapping several times around his body and rendering him particularly helpless. After quickly drawing him in, dragging the wolf's limp body across the grass, the deer brings the subdued wolf before his maw, giving a taunting grin as the grip on the wolf tightens, the vines constricting crushingly around him, forcing the air from his lungs. As much as the wolf wanted to struggle, to fight! He could not however do so. His lungs were being crushed by the deer and his mind would not allow him to resist!The wolf stares up blankly as he laid on the ground relieved from the crushing grip the vines had on him. Thinking he was free from his torture. The deer would allow the wolf to lay on the ground a moment, as if to give false hope that his mistreatment was over, until suddenly he's dragged back into the air, reeled in toward the deer's antlers. Holding him there, the deer takes a moment to concentrate, as he emits a sickly sweet odor from the flower-buds on his antlers. It does little to drown out the wolf's musky scent, though the sweet smell does reach the wolf's senses, flooding into his body and dulling his muscles, making him feel drowsy and weak. The wolf was helpless, and had no choice but to inhale the scent making his muscles practically melt. He wanted it to end! He tried to fight all he could, but his body did not respond. Despite him knowing the scent would hurt him, he could not help but want it more! The wolf was almost intoxicated by the flower's scent. Figuring the wolf had inhaled enough of the flower's pleasant scent, the deer decided with a smirk that he'd replace it with something much worse. The vines rapidly unfurled from around the wolf, giving him his first chance to take a proper breath in a long time, free from their constricting grip at last. The deer's smirk was what sent a renewed sense of fear through the wolf as he was unfurled from the vines. Of course, the deer intended to make the most of the situation, stepping over the wolf until he was pinned between his hooves. Shuddering slightly, the deer gave in to an urge to relieve himself, and begin peeing on the wolf, splashing his muzzle with the warm, murky liquid. The foul scent of it reached the deer's nostrils, so he could scarcely imagine how the wolf with a sharp sense of smell would fare while being completely drenched in it. In his limp state, he still could not move and therefore was forced to take the marking from the deer. His snout was assaulted with the deer's musky scent as his slightly a gap muzzle was forces to accept some of the urine as the stench and taste was enough to start to bring him around again. As the deer finished its business, the wolf began to regain control of his body. The taste of humiliation was in the muzzle of the wolf brought to him at the hooves of a mere deer. Breathing with relief, the deer continued to thoughtlessly empty himself upon his meal, until every inch of his fur was soaked, when the stream finally ended, leaving a dripping-wet wolf laying helplessly beneath him, finally seeming to come to his senses. As the wolf slowly returns to his senses, he seemed eager to scramble out from beneath the deer, which simply sees it as an opportunity, as he lowers himself to sit upon the wolf, squishing him into the moist ground below. The wolf's muzzle pokes out from beneath the deer's tail, giving him a slight view of potential freedom, if he were to squirm his way free. Unfortunately for him, the deer had other plans. The wolf squirmed underneath the deer in his weakened state. The deer sat atop of his muzzle and had made sure the wolf was firmly secured under him. "Oh, poor wolf... " the deer mocks, wiggling his butt atop him slightly.”You're gonna wind up in my stomach soon, you know that?" he chuckles, deciding he ought to give the wolf an all-too-personal view of what he'll soon become. The wolf listened to the deer and his taunts with fear. The wiggling only accented the humiliation of which he already felt from the abuse he has taken already. Grunting, the deer squeezes, and begins to release a moist pile of crap from beneath his tail. It squishes out and smears against the top of the wolf's muzzle, as a pile of the thick, filthy waste begins to collect in front of his nose, his sense of smell further assaulted as his face is practically buried in the deer's steaming waste. The wolf was about to yell in protest, but when he opened slightly he was forced to shut it before any waste would be taken inside. His snout had taken in the sense of smell so much that his eyes watered and he tried hard not to gag. The wolf was head first in the steaming waste trying to get free! The wolf struggled to escape the mound of waste that covered him. The deer stands and turns, inspecting the moist pile he'd buried the wolf beneath, satisfied to see him trying to struggle his way out from beneath the mound. As the wolf stumbles free, the deer simply leans in, wrapping a vine around the wolf's forelegs to slow his progress as he opens his maw wide, taking the wolf's hind paws into his humid maw. He looks down in fear as he witnessed the deer open his maw impossibly wide and took in his hind legs into the hot, humid maw. The wolf's paws recoiled at the sensation of the wet, sticky, flesh before they were taken into the pulsating throat. He jumped as the deer's tongue slathered his rear in a thick layer of drool. And with a heavy swallow his paws were taken inside along with everything but his muzzle. The wolf whimpered inside the fleshy prison he was entering saying, "Don't do this to me!" the wolf desperately tried to escape. The deer decides against swallowing for the time being, deciding that a little chewing might make his meal easier to digest once he got him down. The wolf took advantage of the deer's hesitation from his request and began to wiggle free from the threatening maw. His form fought against the deer's powerful muscles and actually was able to get himself free from the hot, humid, maw The deer tried to slam his teeth shut, through the wolf managed to pry his jaws open and wriggle free before he could. He fell to the ground covered in a thick layer of drool and was quite shaken up. The wolf rose to his feet and got ready to pin and crush the deer. The deer stood dumbfounded for a moment, so certain that the wolf was his. He'd gain the upper hand eventually! No way was he going to be devoured by this pitiful wolf, which reeked of his scent. It was only a matter of time until he put the wolf in his place, though for now, he cautiously prepared to fend off whatever attack may come in retaliation. The wolf took advantage of the deer and his moment of dumbfoundedness. With a powerful leap, he launched himself at the deer hoping to pin him. With a almost graceful movement, the deer countered the wolf's approach, rearing back on his hind legs so his opponent fell short, before bringing his hooves down upon the wolf, shoving him into the dirt. "I'm amazed you still have some fight in you!" the deer says with an amused chuckle. The wolf did not expect such a swift counter from his foe he had realized in hind sight while laying on his back. This was only made worse by the hooves that pressed down upon the wolf forcing him into the dirt. "I will fight you to the end!" the wolf sneered at the deer. "Perhaps you need a little more exposure to my flowers then, to end your useless struggling?" He leans in; preparing to overwhelm the wolf with the intoxicating scent of his buds, knowing another dose of drowsiness would easy seal the wolf's fate as his meal. The wolf's eyes widened as he remembered the flowers. The deer lowered his head, until his nose was practically against the wolf's muzzle, staring him in the eye. The wolf followed the deer's eyes as he stares back at him. "Just sit back and relax, and you'll be in my stomach before you know it!" he teases, exhaling a warm gust of breath over the wolf. "No, but I am a wolf... You're supposed to be my prey!" the wolf whined as the deer exhales a warm gust of breath over him. The deer releases the sweet odor, flooding over the wolf and once again making him nice and complacent like a good meal should be, the deer thought with a laugh. The wolf became drowsy and disoriented. The flowers were so intoxicating. They drew him closer as he wanted and craved more of the scent to be his. His vision blurred so that only the deer and the maw that he was aquatinted with earlier could be seen clearly. The deer then prepared to send the wolf on a one way trip through his digestive tract, licking his lips and brushing his moist tongue across the wolf's nose. The deer gave a few more taunting licks across the wolf's face, giving a moment for him to bask in the lovely scent, knowing there'd be nothing so pleasant to smell where he was headed. The wolf did not care that he was being licked and tasted because he had that wonderful scent that took away all of his fears. After a few moments, his hunger got the better of him however; as he opened his mouth wide and took the wolf's muzzle into his slobbering insides. His appetite made him proceed without delay, and soon the wolf found his nose poking into the moist walls of the deer's throat, as the deer prepared to swallow him down. The wolf did not even notice that his muzzle was taken inside of the deer until the scent was no longer there. The insides that were coated in drool lubricated the wolf so that he would slide easily into the throat. With a huge gulp, the deer's throat clenched around the wolf's muzzle and dragged him into the slimy, constricting passage of his throat. The wolf was no longer able to speak to the deer let alone plea for his life. All that escaped his muzzle were frantic muffled cries. With the wolf's body already well lubricated from all the drool and filth he'd been slathered with, the deer wasted no time licking him over, simply swallowing relentlessly until the wolf's hind paws disappeared into his jaws, his body held suspended as a sizeable bulge in the deer's throat, soon to be sent to the acidic pit of the deer's belly. The wolf’s body, being already lubricated, could not put up any resistance to the relentless hunger the deer possessed. Each mighty swallow brought the wolf closer to his pitiful demise. Soon, his muzzle squeezed past the fleshy ring that guarded his stomach. His sense of smell was not greeted by the sweet scents before, but instead was immediately greeted with the harsh scent of digestion. Another swallow forces the wolf's face beneath the churning pool, until he's eventually deposited fully within the small, fleshy sac, forced to curl up as the powerful acids lap at his body. With the wolf held securely in his stomach, the deer stands tall, triumphant in his soon-to-be victory over the vicious 'predator'. "Don't even THINK about squirming your way out of there!" the deer laughs, peering down at the heavy bulge in his gut. The wolf heard the deer's taunts and felt an overwhelming shame. It was nowhere near to what he was about to feel however as acids started to pour into the stomach with him. He screamed out in pain as he pushed against the stomach walls trying to not touch the acids!Feeling the wolf squirm feebly in an effort to resist the acids, the deer was rather confident he could keep him down. However, all the movement of his stomach stirred up quite a bit of air, which culminated in a loud burp, expelling much of the air and shrinking the deer's stomach around the wolf, practically submerging him in acids. With that, the deer began to wander home, his stomach swaying heavily beneath him, which only aided digestion as the acid splashed up on the wolf, the walls rubbing and kneading the slimy digestive fluids into his fur. It was as if it was trying to crush him. He could feel himself sway as the acid splashed and the goop was rubbed roughly into the wolf's fur which was slowly being eaten away at. He thought back to all of those times when he kept his fur clean only to have this happen. "Let me out! I will do anything!" he yelled. "Then sit back and digest," the deer says with a smirk. "And I'll let you out in the morning!" He strides confidently through the woods, taking pleasure in every movement of his prey, though he seemed to be succumbing to the ravages of the deer's stomach. The wolf was demoralized at the proposal the deer made to him. He knew now that nothing could save him from this terrible fate as deer food. It left an awful taste in his mouth saying he was deer food. The acids had all but coated his body, as digestion was all underway, the wolf's fur mostly gone, and the walls working had to crush and grind him into paste... Only a miracle would have him leaving the deer's body as anything but a heaping pile of waste, at this point.It did not matter though as his air supply was all but gone. The stomach walls squeezed, rubbed, and crushed him. His fur was all gone leaving him bare and pitiful. A lone howl escapes the wolf as the pain overtakes him. He soon succumbs to the deer's digestive system. The last thing he saw being the deer's maw. The last smell was that of digestion. The last noises were that of his own flesh bubbling within the stomach. And his last feeling..... Irony and pain... As the deer returns to his den and curls comfortably on the floor, he notices a lack of defiant squirming, realizing that the wolf must've succumbed to digestion. "Heh, sleep well, wolf," he spat in triumph. "I'll give you a proper burial in the morning," he chuckles as he closes his eyes and sleeps off his meal. Through the night, what remains of the wolf is further kneaded and broken down by the walls, reduced to a thick mulch which was eventually sucked deeper into the deer's body. Some was absorbed, though meat wasn't usually in the deer's diet. As such, much of the wolf went to waste, forming a sizeable dump that the deer would relieve himself of in the morning... Some hours later, the deer wakes up around sunrise, peering out at the sky. He doesn't want to move, but a desperate urge in his bowels gives him little choice, as he wanders out into daylight, finding a tree not far from home to do his business. Crouching slightly, the deer's fluffy tail lifted clear as a massive load of filth squeezed out from his rear. The creamy waste squished out relentlessly, breaking off and splattering atop itself with a few dull thuds, as the deer practically trembled with relief, dumping what remained of his massive meal the night before. Even once the deer was relieved of the weight in his bowels, the heat from the steamy pile rising up around him; he had one more need to tend to. Lifting his hind leg, the deer began to empty his bladder, the hot, golden liquid surging out and sputtering atop the moist pile. He breathed a sigh of relief as he finished, turning to see a soggy mound of waste was all that remained. With a smirk of great satisfaction, the deer kicked a pile of dirt on the bigger pile of waste, chuckling at the futility of the gesture before leaving to fill the void in his gut. ", |
Story Start,It was the middle of the night, a half-moon high in the sky as a lone figure jumped the fence to Sweet Apple Acres, stealing their way onto the orchard. Light hoof-falls went unheard by all, nopony seeing the gangly figure of a tall and lithe stallion working their way from tree to tree, approaching the big red barn where they stopped for a moment. Resting against the wall, which put a nice barrier between himself and the main farmhouse, the figure waited a moment to catch his breath.In the moonlight the brown stallion was revealed, his mane of blonde hair with a white streak ruffled around his horn. White rimmed glasses and a green cashmere v-neck sweater with orange trim clad his form. The patch on his upper legs near enough matched the cross stitch that was his cutie mark completed the distinct look that was Trenderhoof. Purple magic that matched his eyes sparked from his horn as he lifted a comb from his pocket to run it through his mane. “I’ve seen a lot in my travels, but I’ve still never beheld such beauty as yours… Applejack, you are forever the pony of my dreams,” he said softly. “And I will be yours… I just need to help you realise it…” he added, his smile twisting. Trenderhoof circled the bar, passing by the doorway when a hoof reached out and snagged his sweater, the pony barely having time to yelp before they were thrown to the hay covered floor and the door kicked shut with a slam. “Trenderhoof,” a low, male voice boomed. The stallion looked up slowly, his eyes locking with the apple green eyes of a towering red stallion glaring down at him. Trenderhood swallowed nervously. “Oh, uh… hey… Big Mac… I, heh, said you can call me Trend…” he babbled. Big Mac’s glare hardened, a heavy hoof slamming into the ground right beside Trend. “What did ah say ah’d do if ah caught ya spying on mah sister again?” he asked, his voice slow and methodical but containing this undercurrent of anger. “B-b-b-ut I wasn’t spying! I was just dropping by to pick up some apples!” Trend said quickly. “In the middle of the night?” Big Mac deadpanned. Trend gulped nervously again. “Y-y-yeah… you know… how it…” The stallion trailed off and sighed. “Okay… okay… I’m going… for real this time,” he said, the stallion moving to stand up. Big Mac’s other forehoof stepped forwards, crashing down onto Trend’s stomach and pinning him to the ground. “Ya said that last time… and the time before that… and the time before that… Ah ain’t letting you go this time,” Big Mac growled. The unicorn’s eyes blinked behind his stylish glasses, but then they hardened. “T-there’s nothing you can do that will make me abandon the mare of my dreams,” he barked back, then suddenly squeaked as the hoof on his belly pushed down harder, getting tighter against Trend’s chest and making his ribs creak. “Ya ain’t going nowhere. Ya been a hassle to the Apple Family since you poked ya head in Ponyville… it’s time ah actually made ya help out,” Big Mac said cryptically. The stallion leaned down, his muzzle getting close to Trend’s head. “Always lookin’ for good fertiliser.”Trend couldn’t believe what he just heard come from Big Mac’s muzzle. He tried to wriggle out from under that hoof when Big Mac lifted up a rope that had been behind Trend, clutching it in his muzzle. “C-c-can’t we talk about this?” Trend whimpered. Big Mac chuckled, then with a skill reserved for cowponies Big Mac trussed up Trend, tying the rope around the stallion’s forelegs and hindlegs binding him tight without even lifting his hoof off. Trend was firmly trussed and only then did the earth pony lift his weight off of the unicorn. Trend panted hard, squirming as best he could in those binds as the shadow of the hoof lifted from his chest, the fur there taking on a purple hue. Then the shadow moved over to the top of his head. “N-n-no!” Trend squealed before it slammed down again, this time crashing right onto his horn and earning a shrill cry of pain as the horn shattered into dust beneath the earth pony’s hoof. “No tricks,” Big Mac said simply as he grabbed the stallion, his teeth clamping around the knot on the stallion’s binds. Trend was still crying, his broken horn no doubt throbbing in pain as he was dragged across the barn. Dirty hay clung to his coat as his head knocked against the wooden planks again and again, the stallion whimpering as he was pulled to the stalls. The first one was pulled open and Trend was released, thumping back onto the floor. Big Mac stood by the open gate, the cow on the other side mooing loudly. She was a big one, larger than Big Mac and thick with fat. “Meet Mucky… she makes th’ best manure this side o’ Appaloosa,” Big Mac explained. “Used ta just nibble on grass… but ah made her help me take care o’ Flim and Flam… they gave us the best harvest yet.”Trend tried to wriggle back in his binds as the huge cow took notice, the black and white splotched giant taking a heavy step forward, a bovine muzzle lowering to his wriggling hooves and taking a heavy sniff. Almost immediately he saw her salivating, it dripping from her maw and splashing on his hooves as the stallion’s heart began to thump. “W-wait, you can’t do this to me! Ponies will know! They’ll look for me!” Trend cried out. The big red stallion only chuckled. “Let ‘em. All they’ll find here is a big pile o’ fertiliser,” Big Mac said. “Have at ‘im, Mucky.”The cow didn’t need much encouragement, her lips parting wide, showing off the wet moist cavern beyond before it clamped over Trend’s hooves, a wet squish sounding that he could feel as it made him wince. The lips parted again and a loud slurp carried him up to his knees, a broad wet tongue slapping against his ankles as the cow’s maw thrummed in delight, the bovine letting off a pleasure laced, “Moooo.”“Please… please don’t eat me! You don’t have to do this!” Trend begged, his voice filled with fear and horror now as those fat cow lips worked up higher, slipping up to the base of his rump. He could feel his hooves dangling down into the tunnel of throat beyond, feeling the walls pulsing back and forth as hot, moist breaths wafted up around him. “This can’t be happening…” he whispered in shock. Big Mac gave another hearty chuckle, when he pointed Trend’s muzzle up. “Ah’m tired o’ listening to yah… and watching this is getting’ me hard… two birds…” the stallion laughed as Trend stared up at the throbbing mass of mottle pink and brown above him. He shook his head, about to plead again when Big Mac rammed his fat cock straight into Trend’s maw, clogging it up as he sighed in relief. The earth pony gave a hard thrust, jamming his thick length into Trend as Trend’s flanks were rammed into Mucky’s maw, the stallion’s bulging throat mirrored even larger in the cow’s. Big Mac grunted as he started to pull back and ram forth, his member throbbing as he shredded Trend’s throat, the stallion gagging and retching with every breath he managed while his weak slurps were eclipsed by the powerful lips of Mucky. Slowly but steadily his tight rump and slender flanks were being consumed by the cow, dragged into the moist maw and then gulped into the even tighter throat… and he could do nothing but gag on stallion cock. Trend had tears in his eyes as Big Mac’s balls slammed into his chin, the stallion having no concern for Trend as he throatfucked deeper and harder, Trend’s neck looking about ready to split open from the thick, fat bulge that moved up and down. The unicorn’s forelegs twitched uselessly as his own flaccid member was briefly sampled by the broad slab of cow tongue before it was gulped down into that throat too. Lips clenched around waist now, Trend half inside the cow’s maw. His hind hooves pushed up against the tight entrance to the first stomach, kicking against the sphincter until it opened to accept them. Another slurp and they slipped inside, the throat bulge moving down as the tunnel squeezed and squished, covering him in fluids as the walls rubbed over them. “Buck, ya feel good,” Big Mac muttered amidst his grunts and groans, slamming once more into Trend’s throat… but this time he didn’t pull out. Trend felt the blockage, the scraps of air he was getting shutting off as the huge member throbbed inside his throat, completely blocking off the passage. In no time at all his body was screaming, crying out for another breath as the cow ever kept on swallowing, noisily scarfing down his chest and forelegs, not caring about the jumper he was wearing. Mucky didn’t care at all that Trend was twitching and kicking erratically, it was a question of whether she even noticed as her broad lips squeezed around his shoulders, only his head now free from their hot, moist grip. Big Mac’s cock was throbbing so hard in Trend’s throat that she could probably feel it with her tongue as the stallion waited for that special moment, watching Trend’s eyes as the twitching became spasmodic. Trend could feel his body shutting down as blood vessels burst in his eyes, colouring them scarlet while the rest of his face flushed pink. The cock kept on throbbing, it becoming even more regular than his own heartbeat as he desperately tried to keep on going. Everything hurt, so much pain as his vision of Big Mac blurred, darkening slowly at first and then completely in a matter of seconds. A last guttural gag and the stallion stilled, choked out by Big Mac’s huge stallionhood. The second he saw those eyes dim, Big Mac came hard, his balls clenching as he released pints of his thick, hot seed into the unmoving stallion. The throat was completely still, but still so warm and moist as Big Mac unleashed his geyser of semen into the stallion, actually causing Mucky’s throat to bulge out from the expanding stomach of the unicorn inside. Finally sated Big Mac pulled out with a sigh, wiping his cock clean on Trend’s cheeks before he sat back. “Finish… finish him off, Mucky…” he panted. Mucky did just that, swallowing over Trend’s face, pulling it into her plush maw and giving it a few licks before a last series of swallows carried the bulge entirely down, dragging him into the depths to be crammed into the first of her four stomachs, his form not even bulging against her huge gut as she let out a thick and satisfied belch, capping it off with a “Mooo!”Big Mac chuckled, giving her a pat on the head. “You did good, Mucky. Be back soon to collect ‘im up,” he said. He noticed the stallion’s glasses on the floor and pushed them into Mucky’s lips, feeding the cow the last trace before he trotted off, turning the lights off in the barn before he shut the door and went back to the farmhouse.------It took a few days for Mucky to process the mass of meat, Big Mac checking on her every day. It was the fifth time he stopped by in as many days that she gave him an informative moo and turned around in her stall, letting her massive rump fill the gap as her tail lazily swished back and forth. Big Mac lined up several of the big buckets, the wooden ones usually used for collecting apples, and set one beneath her. “Time to let ‘im out, Mucky,” he said with a grin. The bovine wiggled her butt, expelling a loud and boisterous fart from her wide cheeks before that fat and rounded tailhole began to relax. In a moment it unpuckered, and it was like twisting a tap. The flow of uniform brown mess began to pour from her tailhole, slopping wetly into the bucket. It was like dropping pudding from a dispenser, a wide stream of thick, not quite water sludge dropping downwards to thud against the wood, slowly spilling outwards and gathering up. There wasn’t a trace of fur, clothes, or even bone, nothing but uniform sludge… the mass too big to form a conventional pie. Big Mac switched out one bucket for the next as if he was milking, skilfully switching them midstream and not spilling a drop as he lined up the next, listening to the mass slapping and squelching, interrupted only by another meaty fart that made those huge, splotched butt cheeks wobble. After the second, came the third, and then the fourth, each bucket being filled to the brim before halfway into the fifth the flow slowed and then came to a stop. Big Mac grinned, giving Mucky a slap on the butt. “Ya did good, Girl. That city pony’s finally gonna be useful for something.”One by one the buckets were emptied into the big composting bin, heaped on top of already fermenting plant matter and straw. Later he would come back to turn it all, ensuring the mass composted nicely into grade “A” fertiliser. Trenderhoof would produce one of the best Apple seasons ever for the family, and Big Mac was sure to secretly toast a cider in his name. ", |
Story Start,It was late at night in the small city and the zookeepers were just beginning to usher out the last of the tourists and interested locals so the animals could get some rest. But one occupant didn't quite feel like leaving yet, Lady, a small spaniel belonging to the quite wealthy dear family wanted to stay in the zoo and get a chance to talk to all of the exotic animals without the interruption of annoying humans. And as she watched the zookeeper make his way to the front gate and lock it, she reaiised she would finally get that chance. “I wonder who i'll go see first... Maybe the wolves, or the big cats” the small dog thought to herself as she came out from hiding place under one of the hot dog carts “so many possibilities..”Of course, Lady was well aware that she wasn't much more than a late night snack to most of the animals here and so she made a mental note to stay away from the bars and the cages when she talked to the creatures there. “I don't wanna be eaten” Lady shivered “that's not going to happen though, i'll be careful.” the spaniel did sort of wish tramp was here with her since he already knew about most of the animals, but he was busy at home and besides, going in blind was much more fun. She spent some time talking to the wolves who stared at her with some disdain and contempt since she was a pet, a small amount of hunger present in there eyes as they sized up the young spaniel. Lady was quite plump being a pet, and being a spaniel she had quite tender meat and a fluffiness that made her look sweet, soft, filling. Within minutes word had spread around the zoo that there was live meat roaming about, and whoever got their hands on it would be in for quite a treat indeed. Deciding that the wolves were a little too wild for her tastes, Lady pondered where she would go next. “bears, reptiles... Big cats?” that certainly sounded interesting since she was used to felines being smaller than her, plus she thought a conversation with them would be easier than obviously hungry wolves. So with a soft shake of her small tail, Lady began her trek to the big cat enclosure filled with lions, jaguars and other hungry creatures. As lady strolled further into the zoo, she could hear the cackle of some of the hyenas in an enclosure not far from the wolves. See the malevolent but otherwise indifferent gaze of the male lion that peered out from his enclosure at her, a full head of mane showing his maturity and probably his sense of deserving to have women bring his food to him; like would happen in the wild. There was a low growl from the tiger's enclosure, where he was pacing back and forth impatiently and gazing intently out at her. With a look that said he'd be stalking her this moment if he were near enough. Suddenly from an enclosure she was just starting to pass, she heard a warm, suave sort of voice speak out to her. "Well, it's not every night that we see such a lovely canine as yourself strolling through this zoo. Or every day even. Most of your kind are scared away by the, less savory intentions of some of my neighbors. " Looking to the side, Lady would see a handsome jaguar laying on a branch in his enclosure. Looking indolent, content, and more than sure of himself; but in a more refined gentlemanly sort of way. His lips quirked into a small smirk at seeing her gaze on him. "Decided to see the wilder side of life, perhaps find a more exotic male?" He asked a bit playfully and teasingly, his tail swishing behind himself slowly. "Certainly it's not any form of pity for us I see in you, no. "Lady kept a careful eye on that tiger when she pranced past, his hungry eyes running over her small form as he followed her to the end of his cage and then walked back to lie down, never once breaking eye contact. It was clear that if he were free the feline would be upon her in seconds, throwing her back and forth like a rag doll or perhaps, if he were more cruel, swallowing her alive and whole with noisy gulps to feel her squirm and waste away inside him while he reclined, enjoying his fullness. The reason was quite obvious, although not to Lady, here she was simply a walking piece of tasty meat, tender with clean fur and a nice layer of rich plumpness surrounding her canine form and it had been quite a while since the zoo animals had sampled such a fine delicacy. The young female was also giving off quite a luscious scent, one of pampered housepet, easy prey and the underlying but unmistakable smell of a dog not quite in heat yet but close. It was a scent that would be tempting to any self respecting male and especially to one who was carnivorously inclined, promising a fun night ahead and then a free dinner once the nocturnal festivities were finished. The spaniel turned as soon as she heard that voice call out to her, finding it odd that such a well spoken animal would find himself lying in a zoo. “why... Why thank you” Lady replied, a little flustered at the compliments of the male feline “I think your friends want to have me for lunch heh...” it was clear that she was nervous, both from the predators around her and the attention of the handsome male jaguar. Lady had always liked large cats, finding their warm scents to be quite inviting and the large muscles flowing through their powerful bodies so attractive, and now one was showing an interest in her!Instinct prevailed for the moment however and Lady sat a few meters away from the enclosure bars, close enough to see the jaguar's large claws dangling down below and his fat tail swishing to and fro, clearly he was having fun, although over what the spaniel wasn't sure. “pity?” Lady replied with some surprise “but you get food delivered to you and have such a large space to move around in, it sounds quite lovely.” Being a domesticated canine Lady couldn't understand the Jaguar's need for freedom, and his lust for meat no doubt... “i'm Lady by the way, and you are?” she asked, avoiding his teasing about finding an exotic male although it was clear she wanted to agree. The Jaguar smiled indulgently towards Lady. Slowly picking himself up, pushing his front down and his rump into the air while he luxuriously stretched. His sharp claws digging into the branch carelessly. "Mmm~ I am Bauer, that's what they call me here. My home name was Guruhi, when I was in Africa before coming here. " Slowly, lazily he almost melted off of the branch and to the ground. Landing on his feet, slowly padding to the bars and sitting himself near them facing Lady. A quirk coming to his lips, "You ask me why I might think you'd pity me, for having a space to move in yet a space I cannot leave... While you yourself have left your own, cage, and come wandering someplace new and exotic?" Glancing around at the iron bars, he reached a paw out to push his black, soft, velvety looking pads to the iron. Squishing them a bit against the bars. "I have lived in these bars since I was but a wee cub. I can't wander to visit your yard, or anywhere else. I don't expect to even get a female in my life... " Guruhi said all this calmly, factually; no sense of self-pity. Simply stating the facts of life to one who couldn't understand how he lived. Looking to her, he smirked, "You don't wish to hurry away from me? You hurried from the lion and the tiger, and the wolves. " He gazed over her thoughtfully, his nose twitching, "You are, interested. " Another simple statement of fact from him. The feline gazed at her with his intense eyes, fat tail gently thumping the ground behind him as it switched from one side of his body to the other. Eyes fixed on those exquisite rump cheeks just visible behind his long tail, Lady watched as Bauer jumped down from the branch and slowly, surely made his way towards her with muscles rippling and a small grin forming on his lips. The Jaguar was a bit of a tease it would seem, that long, luxurious stretch letting Lady know about the wild adventures that lay beyond the safety of the iron bars. She had to admit he had a point as well... The spaniel did appreciate her freedom especially when it meant she could roam around the zoo and meet such interesting creatures, perhaps she could find a way to free Bauer, then the two of them could run off into the wild together. “I don't want to hurry away from you, why would I?” Lady said a little absent-mindedly, sneaking a little look at that member poking down from between his legs and imagining the jaguar stationed behind her ,pounding as hard as he could with those strong muscular legs of his... “ahem” she coughed “and I am sort of...interested, if you are too.”Lady couldn't help it, the way this feline slid like liquid from branch to ground, those sharp claws of his that slowly tapped on the ground and contrasted quite sharply with his soft facial features, as non-threatening as could be. He clearly wasn't planning to eat her like the tiger or the wolves were, she thought, Bauer clearly had quite different plans in mind for her. Lady turned around for a moment to look for any security guards, her plump haunches surely looking quite delicous to the predator were he so inclined... So close now that he could almost reach out his claws to pull her back and take a bite. “Alright” Lady turned back around “I think I remember seeing a little hole further up, a little small for you maybe but I could certainly squeeze through it... Then we could see about getting you out, or if you'd like I could stay there with you.” she blushed a little through her fur, completely enamoured with the big cat in front of her. Shifting himself as he settled onto his haunches, Bauer's plump furry sheath shifted a bit between his hind legs. His plump, full balls gently rolling against his thighs as well. Giving the appearance of being quite full and virile, which would make sense if he'd been forced to spend most of his life inside that cage without any outside contact or any partners. Those sharp, piercing feline eyes roamed Lady over consideringly. Clearly sizing her up, though not with the intention of eating her. When she turned to gaze towards the guard house his head lowered slightly, the panther's eyes boring intently onto her shapely and plump furry rump. Watching it sway and shift enticingly while he watched. A bob of his adam's apple visible, his sheath growing a bit more plump between his legs. When Lady turned around she had a brief few moments to see his head lift up from gazing at her rump, a small smile spreading over his lips. "I would appreciate the company, if you'd be willing to enter with me. Freedom would be even better, but we'll go for what's possible. I can't imagine the guards here would appreciate my freedom as much as you might. " Inclining his head slightly to her, he spoke in a lower, more suave, confidential tone. "Besides, having the private company of such a delicate lady would be a very welcome change in my life. " Bauer said with a warm purrr, his sheath starting to fill out a bit more. Showing his growing interest in having her enter the cage with him. A coy smirk came to his lips, "You sure it is wise though, to enter the den of a wild, dangerous monster as myself?" Bauer asked in a clearly playful tone. “I don't think you're as dangerous as you think you are” Lady said a little bashfully and gently pawed at the ground, not adding that the wild and somewhat savage nature of the beast was the reason she wanted to be in the cage so badly. The idea of copulating with a wild feline, feeling his powerful legs thrust behind her and sliding his barbed member deep into her female folds was turning the spaniel on so much she couldn't bare being outside any longer. “beside i'm not much of a meal for you am I?” she giggled and wriggled her plump hindquarters a little playfully behind her, seemingly trying to show that she didn't have much meat on her form although Bauer probably would of seen quite the opposite “keeping me around would be a much smarter move since I can... Do much more with you that way.”while she was talking Lady made sure to sneak another glance between the Jaguar's leg to where those full, fat and eager balls were slowly growing, obviously looking for some relief which she was more than happy to provide. The big cat would of been easily able to smell her now, the thick scent of lush travelling all around his furry head and tickling his sensitive nostrils. “I'd love to provide you some company for tonight and further on if that's what you want... Just give me a few minutes” the dog continued before slowly trotting down to the other side of Bauer's enclosure looking for some way inside, which she found in the shape of small hole certainly not big enough for him but small enough for her to squeeze her way through with some considerable effort. “this should work” she barked at the large cougar and proceeded to squeeze her way inside “you could tear this apart and break out later if you want, I think.” Lady didn't quite know much about prison escapes or Jaguar's for that matter, all she knew right now was that this feline was large, handsome, full of lust and that she wanted him to pleasure her the whole night through. Smiling a bit playfully to Lady Bauer chuckled softly, "Perhaps, perhaps not. If there was a competitor here for your attention, I might have to take him on in single combat. Though I don't believe that will be necessary. " He tossed his head to the side, where the lion that had gazed so intently and hungrily at Lady was. "Considering my companions here all seem to think you have only one singular purpose for them, and certainly not one that you'd enjoy. " Looking to Lady his ear twitched to see her wiggle her plump hindquarters to him, a low rumble rising from inside him. "Oh, I bet I could be quite satisfied with you for quite some time... But, such a lovely lady shouldn't be ruined in such a way. " Turning his head slightly to the side he smiled coyly at her, "And as you said, I am sure you could do much more for me, and I for you. It has been quite some time since I had agreeable company, much less female company. " He murred warmly in his throat. Pickking himself up he turned to face where Lady had found the hole. Still where he had been to start with, but now better able to see her enter. Not making any move to rush over to her. A soft warm smile on his muzzle, though his loins pulsed with increasing eagerness. "Mmm, it is lovely to see you entering my home. Do you want to freshen yourself any first?" He asked coyly, eying her over with a clearly appreciative eye. "Though I can't imagine you being more fetching than at this moment... "“hehe thank you... But I guess I could do with cleaning myself a little” Lady giggled, blushing quite brightly through her soft head fur before turning around to lick the dirt on her back away. Climbing through the small hole had ruined her impeccable fur somewhat, and that just wouldn't do now that she was technically on a date with a large, handsome cat like Bauer. “I'm sure I can be good company for you” the spaniel responded as she worked hard to rid herself of that intrusive dirt, meeting the tiger's eyes from across the way as she did “and I’m sure you'll be much better company for me than some of your... Neighbours.” Now that Lady was in the Jaguar's enclosure the scent of him as much stronger, the virile smell of his plump testicles, the aroma of his droppings and the wild scent of a feral animal were all lingering in the air around Lady. It certainly different than the one's she was used to but the spaniel found it quite pleasant and enticing all the same. Finally happy that she was clean enough for a round of fun, Lady rose up on her stubby legs and trotted over to Bauer who looked even bigger up close, the sheer power that inhabited his body all the more clear up close. “mmm...” she growled low and rubbed her muzzle up against his “I have a feeling were going to have a lot of fun together...” looking around the closure Lady could see that it was quite well kept, lots of space and even a small indoor enclosure they could go inside if they desired more privacy, the spaniel also noticed a few bones lying along the floor which she decided not to press Bauer on. A big cat like him needed to eat after all although she did hope they weren't the remains of pets like her. “what do you wanna do next Bauer?”Bauer was still settled back, watching Lady start to groom herself in much the way a cat would. He felt his loins grow a bit warmer, seeing such behavior in a female only furthered his desire to take her. But he remained where he was, watching her passively while she was grooming herself. Bauer had no doubt of his own appeal and good grooming; it had been enough to draw Lady into his enclosure. He felt certain that he would do better sitting here stoically, handsomely, than to lower himself to groom before her just now. When Lady had finished Bauer lowered his muzzle slightly to watch her approach. There was some friendly warmth to his eyes, but they were still the powerfully piercing eyes of a predator that gazed down at her. His body exuding a strength that seemed far more than enough to take down a lady dog like herself. Though when he returned her nuzzles he did it gently, brushing and stroking his muzzle against hers with low and soft purrs of affection and warmth. The vibrations of them going through her body. Drawing his head back, he smiled softly and playfully. "Do you frequently go looking for feline company?" He asked playfully, slowly standing himself up. His plump testicles flumping down between his legs. Swaying lazily and seductively, rolling back and forth as he began to slowly circle her. His tail curling in to brush and rub against her. Rubbing his scent into her while he brushed his body into her. "You are soft, and furry... I could lay with you all night. " He rumbled warmly to her. The musky scent starting to grow stronger on him, showing his burgeoning arousal. “mmm... Sometimes” Lady mumbled with eyes half lidded, leaning into that musky smelling tail curling around her, eyes lazily following the Jaguar as he moved and showed off his precious goods “they're usually housecat though... Not as big as you.” It was something she usually kept a secret even from Tramp, that she liked having a quick romp with feline strays and housepets that lived around town. There was just something about the way they walked, held themselves, the proud and somewhat smug nature they always seemed to possess, all of which was amplified in Bauer who also had the added advantage of a large pair of plump fruits hanging between his legs. That was something that the housecats she'd slept with, sweet as they were, did not possess and Lady was eager to try them out. Some part of the spaniel did register that she was about to pleasure a predator and provide a nice warm mount for a few minutes before he was satisfied, and in the back of her mind she wondered what would happen once that happened. When the Jaguar no longer had a use for her lady would only be presented as a nice, tender piece of meat unless his feelings of affection were genuine. The larger part of her quite naive mind insisted that they were and that she was completely safe alone and wrapped up in Bauer's sweet smelling, well kept fur... “I could lay with you for all day, and all night” The spaniel purred in another imitation of cat-like behaviour and rubbed her muzzle against his, body trembling with the powerful nature of his vocal vibrations “and I plan to, if you would let me.” of course the feline would probably be long satisfied by then but Lady was still willing to lay with him if he wasn't on, the spaniel moving down the Leopard's body to examine that twitching tail and those plump, furry balls with his spiny member beginning to slide out from his sheath. Smiling a bit playfully, saucily really, at Lady the large cat eyed her over with a hungry expression. Not one to satisfy his belly just yet, but hungry for all that she represented to him. All the satisfaction that he could derive from her, from enjoying her to the very last. A low rumble rose in his throat as he chuckled, his tail coiling a bit more snugly around her while he leaned his face in to brush against hers. "Mmm, you've been with Kittens... You've not really, truly, been with a CAT yet. One who can really put himself in, all the right places. " A low seductive rumble rose from his throat, "One that can stuff you full with each stroke... One who can put you in the proper place. " He said in a suggestive tone. The musk grew thicker around him, his arousal growing thicker. The male's sheath starting to swell and fill out, the pink tip of his cock starting to produce from inside of him. The spiny length of his cock slowly sliding into view, glistening with it's musky warm length that quivered in the outside air. Slowly lifting a foreleg Bauer draped it over Lady, drawing her against him. "You won't get away from me now, I'm going to savor every moment of you to the very end... " He said with a lusty, eager tone. Leaning in to start nibbling at her ear, his slick tongue swiping at the fur around her ear. "I've not lain with a female in far too long~" Bauer said, slowly starting to shift his body closer to her, his member sliding out further; clearly ready to start taking Lady up on her promises. Lady returned the light nuzzle with one of her own, her clean brown fur rubbing softly against his shorter hair, the female closing her eyes in sheer bliss as she took in that wonderful, lustful scent. “I can't imagine what it's like doing it with a real cat...” she murmured with a dazed expression, watching that large organ growing and swelling between his legs and wondering what it would to be like it rummaging around her female parts, probing and then filling Lady with his hot, feline seed in a creamy explosion. She was so occupied with thinking about how pleasant it would be that she almost missed Bauer draping a slender, clawed leg over her and his hungry mewls as he did so. “get away?” the spaniel replied with some curiosity as she bent down in preparation and purred at those little ear nips “why would I? I have everything I want right here. Being stuffed by a handsome, big male like yourself... All safe and warm and satisfied.” of course it didn't even occur to Lady that perhaps Bauer had plans for dinner as well, and it was unlikely that she would learn until ethe leopard told her or she found herself trapped in his hungry jaws, gobbled up and melted down like the occasional squirrel and pet that found themselves inside his spacious cage. Lady found that Bauer's body was surprisingly light for such a muscular shape, his downy chest fur enveloping the spaniel beneath it's fluffy, sweet smelling goodness when he leant down to nibble at her soft ears. Ready for him to take her, in more than one way as it would turn out. Rumbling warmly and deeply in his chest Bauer slowly leaned in closer. Nibbling at Lady's ears, his sharp hard teeth brushing the sensitive flesh of her ear. A murrr rumbling out of him, the musky scent surrounding him. The growing swell of his arousal pulsing between his legs, growing to full stiff hardness now. Quivering with lusty yearning need. The cat's furry fat balls rolling between his legs as he slowly started to push himself to her. His furry chest brushing against her, grinding into her body. A warm murrr rising out of his chest as he smiled. "Mmm, you can stay as long as you like. You could stay forever really... " Bauer rumbled with warm promise, that being exactly how long he planned for her to stay. Well, until some zookeeper came to scrap up the turds he'd leave behind of her. With a lusty groan the big cat slipped forwards, his legs corralling her on both sides. His body starting to pin her below, his hips slowly pushing forwards. Starting to push the warm, firm eagerness of his arousal against her. Shuddering at the warmth and moisture he felt, starting to push forwards a little more. Sliding and grinding himself against her. "Mmm... " he rumbled teasingly as he prepared himself. “I wouldn't mind staying forever...” Lady mumbled as she parted her backlegs and rose slightly, preparing for the feline's furry, spiny member to enter her warm, inviting folds “especially if it means staying with you.” of course, the spaniel couldn't have known that she would actually be staying inside of Bauer rather than beside him, and for quite a limited time at that although to her it would no doubt seem like forever. Being betrayed by the ravenous creature and left to stew away in his belly while he purred with seasoned pleasure outside, breaking down her plump body into waste products to be simply squeezed out and forgotten within a few days. A proud and pampered creature reduced to nothing but foul smelling lumps of bone and fur in a leopard's cage... Quite a fitting end really. But right now Lady was enjoying herself quite a bit at feeling that musky, spiny member sliding into her folds, pushing deep inside of her and making it quite clear that Bauer was more romantic, more experienced than the housecats she was used too. They were always focused on their own pleasure but this leopard was interested in the spaniel's as well, making slow rhythmic thrusts against her moistening nether regions, filling her with his throbbing muscle that was like nothing she'd ever experienced before. All the while the unaware, even with his ambiguous hints, that Bauer was already planning her tasty demise. Bauer rumbled warmly with pleasure. Slowly drawing himself out to thrust into her again, a bit deeper this time. His warm, full cock filling her up. Pulsing with yearning lusty need, the meaty length of it more impressive and filling than any cock she'd had enter her before. She could feel their fur brushing against each other when he drew out, then drove himself back in again. Plump furry balls thumping against her heavily, "mmm, oh I am not sure if you could stay forever... But we'll... mmmph... savor this while we can, no?" He rrowled again, gripping her more firmly. Lady could feel his claws sinking a bit more into her, though staying shy of piercing the flesh. Claws that should have given her more warning of just who she was lying with. She was already doomed, with no way to escape the cage unless he wished it. Though she might have at least anticipated the harsh, cruel fate that was to befall her. That while in this moment Bauer would seem to be quite romantic, quite interested in her pleasure; very soon he would only be interested in his own pleasure. Leaving her to suffer, stew, and dissolve away to worthless lumps. Even when he leaned down to slurp his tongue over hear ear in an apparent move of affection, she should have noticed the extra layer of drool he left in doing so. A sign that his mouth was watering; but Lady was too convinced of her own desirability, of what a trustworthy and noble creature she was lying with at this moment. The spaniel moaned softly and visibly shifted forwards from the power of the Leopard's soft thrusts, Bauer taking it slow but all the same giving Lady the greatest sexual experience she would ever have, and her last as it would seem. For someone used to laying with alley cats and slightly taller dogs Bauer was the largest, most talented, romantic lover she had ever had... Every thrust of his powerful feline legs sending more of that fat, spiny member into her nether regions and letting a burst of pleasure echo through her small form. “oooh...I'll mke sure to savour it... Savour it for as long as I can” Lady groaned and pushed back slightly to get more of Bauer inside of her, not realising that soon it would be quite the opposite way indeed. To any other creature those large claws digging in would of been uncomfortable but Lady was so naively trusting that she saw it as a sign of affection, like a sort of feral hug that showed Bauer was having a great time himself. Even though that was already clear from his soft mewlings, low growls, passionate thrusts and messy licking of his female friend's ears, Lady indeed realising that there was an exceptional amount of drool left behind right after the large cat let out a little “mmmm” sound, as if he'd tasted something quite delicious and was musing on it's flavours. The thought made Lady shiver a little but she pushed it out of her mind, thinking that there was no way this handsome, thoughtful gentleman would even dream of eating her. And indeed, it was hard to keep any thoughts in place with Bauer pushing that erect member deeper and deeper into her exquisite folds... The spaniel jutting forward now with low yips of sexual bliss as he sped up. Bauer rumbled and growled with growing pleasure, his body shivering slightly with his enjoyment to feel those tight, sick nether lips surrounding him. Gripping him in a tight hold that was better than any he'd had in ages, far better than his own paw by far. His hind toes curled, digging into the ground with his pleasure. Tail lashing behind himself, accentuating his shapely rump as it rolled, shifted and flexed with his eager lusty movements. Balls swinging between his legs, firmly thumping against Lady with his thrusts. Bauer's tempo slowly increased, thrusting and fucking more eagerly and intently into her with each passing moment. The feline's breaths coming in deeper huffs, grunts of pleasure evident while he humped into her. Lewd, hot, eager moans rising out of him. The fat spiny cock seemed to grow fatter, leaking more precum into her while he thrust. "Mmm... N-Not long... " He growled, gasping while he wrapped his arms around Lady. Holding the bitch tight to himself as he went full speed, thrusting, humping and fucking into her passionately. Lady felt her body being compacted with each thrust, feel the powerful muscles of the cat rippling and flexing against her. His hips smacking lewdly to her rump as he royally fucked her. Low growls rising from his throat, a shudder running through his body, before he yeowled with sensual bliss. His spiny cock twitching, throbbing, spurting it's thick and heavy load of seed deep into her at last. By now at least half the zoo was aware of what was happening inside the leopard's cage, the sounds of both the animal's sexual bliss echoing through the enclosure and mocking them with it's promise of pleasure and probably a meal too when the time came. None of them, being holed up in cages for most of their lives, would have turned down the chance to roll around with a pretty canine and then devour her, tasting live wriggling meat for the time in ages. As it was though Bauer had been smarter than them, enticing Lady with charm and poise than their more savage attempts. The dog in question was letting out low moans and lust grunts, feeling those balls thump against her hindlegs with wet “schlop” sounds every time the feline thrust against her back, working himself up to a very satisfying climax. “oooh... Such a nice, sexy cat” the spaniel purred and pushed back, still trying to shove as much of that barbed, smooth cock as she possibly could into her small body. When Bauer closed him arms around Lady and brought her closer to him she felt so warm, so safe in his all encompassing body of fur and muscle, his fat member working it's way deep into her the whole time and twitching now in preparation for it's creamy explosion. Lady would of mae a lovely mount for such a creature, warm and padded with fat as she was, something that would only make Bauer's climax and this plans for after that much sweeter. When the leopard finally came Lady shot forward a little, letting out a little yip and then a small howl of bliss as that creamy goodness filled her up, his cock shooting that lovely white liquid deep inside of her. For that moment Lady was Bauer's, the leopard dominating her in the sweetest way possible with that barbed cock buried deep inside her, shooting hot seed right into her nether regions. The spaniel's entire body swathed in a warm, blissful feeling as she underwent the best orgasm she would ever have. When it was finished Lady looked back at the panting animal and smiled, “hehe, that was fun.”Bauer grumbled and growled in pleasure, huffing heavily in his energetic thrusts. Humping and driving his full member into Lady with such eager, lusty abandon. Huffs and moans rising out of him, but doing nothing to hide the lewd "schlurk" noise of his fat, spiny, hard cock driving itself into her. The scent of sex rising from the two of them, wafting into the nearby pens to make their occupants more riled up, more antsy, more wishing they were the ones to be humping themselves dry with this fat house pet. Lady could feel the ripples of muscle under Bauer's furry flesh. How they tense, ripple, flex and work so powerfully over her. Working so intently, so hard, to try and drive himself to a full orgasm with her. Feeling it come closer, he growled an roared; spurting his load deep into her. His mind a fog of sexual bliss in that moment, relishing every moment of filling her with his creamy seed. As the orgasm passed, the feline slumped a little over her. Not going limp, but relaxing. Rumbling deeply while he smiled coyly at her. "Rrr... that was lovely. So very pleasant... " His smirk rose more, a grumble rising out of his insides while he lifted one paw up. Extending a claw he slowly ran it along Lady's side. "Mmm but we're not done yet. I have no plans to let you go, my little Lady. You're just far too scrumptious to risk running off; besides, there's something very special we can enjoy together if you stay... "It was at that moment that Lady finally noticed something strange in the way the feline surrounded her, talked to her and raked his claw gently along the side of her stomach as if he was... Getting a feel for her plump belly. It was all so predatory, which the spaniel supposed was to be expected considering he was such a creature but it still unnerved her more than before now that her libido was quenched and she had a clearer mind. The little housepet also couldn't help but cringe now at the idea of being called scrumptious, what seemed like a cute nickname a number of minutes ago now seeming more malicious, hungry. She could of sworn she even saw the leopard lick his lips behind her as he said it but perhaps it was just her mind playing tricks on her...it had to be right? But that low rumble echoing out of his own belly seemed to suggest otherwise... That the leopard in fact desired the spaniel to be inside him rather than the other way around, filling him up with live, tender dog meat to fuel him for tomorrow. “heh... No plans to let me go? I'm afraid I actually can't stay here all night you know” Lady grinned a little nervously and tried to stand up but found that Bauer's grip was much too strong “well, maybe I could stay for a little longer. What's this special thing you have in mind?” By know she was giving off a faint but still noticeable scent of fear which mingled in nicely with her cleanly domestic smell, creating a most delicious aroma that had certainly been noticed by the other animals in the zoo. The spaniel beginning to realise that may have made a terrible, terrible mistake. Bauer rumbled warm and deep, letting the noise vibrate into her bones while he smirked playfully down at her. "Mmm, oh I definitely think you can be sticking around here with me... " He said with a warm, eager sharpness to his tone. Body shifting a little over her, rippling with muscular strength. Letting her feel the strength of him over her, bearing over her. A rumbling sigh of clear desire rising out of him, his claws slowly sliding along her warm furry belly. Feeling at it while he smirked. "Mmm, you're a wonderful bitch to have come into my own cage... "Slowly he pulled himself back, though there wasn't really anywhere for Lady to go. Looking down at her with a coy, naughty smirk he rumbled. "Mm, I think I would really enjoy having that warm muzzle of yours put to use. " Leaning back further, he pushed his hips forwards. His plump, furry round balls shifting forwards. Rolling some, settling down heavily on the ground. His previously softening member starting to stiffen, thicken up once again. Pushing itself forwards with eagerness at the idea of what was to come. "Taste yourself on me, taste me... And just, do it so I can give you some licks of my own... " He murred, smiling at her with an eager twinkle to his eye. A rumble rising out of his body. "I'll be frank... If you can sate my loins fully, then I will send you home and hope for your visit again. If not, well I am sure you can better sate me another way. " His grin spread wider at that. “I wouldn't mind sticking around with y-you, I'd love it actually. But it's just...” She trailed off a little, feeling that hungry grumble shake her body and sharp claw gently rub along her side, pushing in ever so slightly to feel the soft plumpness present there. Perhaps it was best not to mention it and give the leopard any ideas that he might not even be having, then she'd almost certainly end up in his belly. Quietening down a little, Lady moved closer to the large feline and listened closely to every words he was saying to find some element of humour, of relief from this paranoia she was feeling about him pouncing and gobbling her up, swallowing her whole and alive to feel the squirming, melting dog deep within him. She was surprised when he laid back and instead of jumping, rolled his thighs around and let that fat cock of his rest on the floor, fuzzy nuts still looking plump despite all the seed he'd just spilled. “you want me to... Oh” Lady giggled a little, thinking that she had misunderstood Bauer's actions but then eyes widening as he continued to talk about his plans for tonight “oh, oh no! I really wouldn't be able to sate you in that way.... A powerful beast like you needs healthier food than a little old dog like me.”She began to back away but found that the leopard's paws were right behind her rump, ready to shove her back and into Bauer's waiting maw if needed. “but I can s-surely make it worth your while to keep me around just... Give me a chance....I don't wanna be eaten!” Lady was shivering now, staring at that hungry maw and imagining being swallowed down whole and alive... She began to move closer to those plump and musky smelling testicles, tepidly opening her own and preparing to pleasure the leopard one more time though with little excitement this time, well aware that her life depended completely on how well she performed now. Smirking in obvious amusement to her clear nervousness and fear in the situation, Bauer rumbled while he slowly settled himself back onto his haunches. Letting his own shapely, toned, soft, furry rump smoosh out underneath him as he settled back. His fat, furry nuts settling heavily onto the ground between them, his warm pink cock pulsing up into the warm air of the pen. "Mmm, oh you can stay around long enough to satisfy us both, or me at least. " the cat said with a low rumble in his throat. Looking to her with an increasingly harsh twinkle to his eyes, he growled in desire. "I will admit, since the moment you came in I've been pondering what a delicious little dog you were. How fresh, juicy, and perfect. I was eager to fill my belly with you. But such a high class bitch isn't just some bit of meat to be snarfed up the moment she walks in. I had to savor you to the fullest. "Feeling her muzzle slide over his member he let out a low groan of pleasure, pushing his hips up. Sliding more of his warm, eager cock into her muzzle. "Mmm, I still want to savor you all I can. Part of me dreams of having you to lay with like that every other night; that you could be my regular soft, furry fuck... " His stomach growled harshly, "Mmm, but you'd be so delicious. I've not had something wriggling in my gut for so long. " Bauer spoke with the longing, hungry wistfulness of an experienced predator. Not an ounce of mercy in his tone, of concern for the cruel fate that would entail for Lady; just pondering the best ways she could please him with her life. The spaniel's eyes widened when the leopard made his plans clear, revealing that all this time he'd been looking at her plump body and wondering what it would taste like, how her clean fur would feel falling down his tight throat, how filling she would be trapped in his tight belly and slowly melting away. “I really wouldn't be delicious or satisfying, I swear” Lady said and prepared to bolt before realising that her only real chance of survival was to pleasure Bauer as best she could “I mean.... Sure i'd be tasty and all but you'd be much better of keeping me around and lying with me whenever you feel like it.”realising that she may be boring the hungry predator Lady quietly pushed herself further onto that musky smelling cock so enticing only moments before... Perhaps she could still enjoy this despite her situation. It was nice after all, the taste and smooth texture of Bauer's most precious organ filling her soft jaws and making her feel warm, fuzzy. But a loud grumble from Bauer's belly at that moment did serve to remind her that he saw her as more of a meal than a permanent lover, something to be mulled over and then devoured if he saw fit... Her only chance being convincing him that it would be better to keep her around and maybe not even then. Perhaps the leopard only wanted Lady to pleasure him one last time, suck out all the juicyness inside his testicles and offer him some much awaited release before gulping her down no matter how well she did. Pushing those scary thoughts away Lady rolled out her tongue to lap up the salty cum on Bauer's meaty shaft, closing her eyes for a moment to enjoy what she could... Smelling the cat's exquisite musk and revelling in his soft, squishy goodness. he was quite a nice mate really when her life didn't rest in his paws. Bauer rumbled warmly, eagerly, to feel Lady pushing her way into his loins. A sigh of desire rising from inside him, his thighs spreading a bit wider to expose his warm, thick and full member. A quiver of desire rushing through him, a quiet gasp of yearning. "Ohh, that's wonderful... " He murred eagerly, his cock making a firm and warm pulse in her mouth. The warm, slick texture of his cock quivering against her tongue. Spreading the warm, rich, full and musky flavor of his clear and obvious arousal. Furry pubes brushed against her nose, making her inhale the powerful, and thick scent of his masculine musk. All the thicker from the sweat and exertion he'd gotten from their earlier intercourse. "Mmm, you are a fine, sweet Lady. " The feline rumbled in his smooth, suave voice. Reaching a paw down he gently stroked over her head, holding her to his cock. Clearly much more interested in her using her mouth for this purpose rather than jawing uselessly at him. Lots of meals had jawed at him, all of them were long forgotten piles of cat shit somewhere. The thought made him smirk, rumbling as he pondered if she would follow their ranks. Slowly he squeezed at her hips, starting to lift her hind quarters up. Turning her slowly on his cock, leaving her mouth around him while he held onto her lower quarters. Fingers stroking, squeezing playfully at them. Another rumble rising from inside of him, though one of hunger or desire it was hard to say. "Oh yes, such a very sweet Lady.. " The cat growled, ignoring the snickering cat calls from those around him. Starting to slurp over her rump slowly, savoringly. “I'm not sweet” Lady let out a muffled squeak thinking he was talking about her flavour, before realising it was a little less sinister than she'd assumed. The leopard was quite sweet himself actually when he wasn't contemplating gulping down the spaniel's soft body and turning her into a brown, turgid log of cat turd... Lady shivered and began lapping at that salty, leaking head, trying to get the images out of her mind and focus on pleasuring Bauer as best she could. Feeling those sharp claws digging into her hindquarters Lady's eyes flicked back to see what the leopard was up to, the large cat slowly massaging her lower flanks and causing her to let out a slow moan. “mmmmm” she growled in pleasure, sucking and slurping over Bauer now, his tasty member filling her mouth with it's tender warmth. The spaniel was a little less enthused when Bauer hefted her up by the rump and began to twist her around like some sort of spit roast, only instead of a metal rod stuck in Lady's jaws it was a plump, smooth cat cock that she was slobbering over. “mppphh-hey!” the dog began squirming quite noticeably as the leopard twisted her rump around towards his mouth and began licking and slurping all over it, purring at the tastes he found there and his belly letting out a little gurgle of want. Maybe she wasn't doing it the way he wanted.... Driven now by sheer fear Lady sucked and bobbed her head up and down, trying to get that leopard really going and draw his mind off food. Bauer simply chuckled at Lady's misunderstanding. Squeezing at her rump, feeling eagerly over the warm, meaty flesh available there for enjoyment. His cock pulsing in her jaws, leaking precum over her tongue while she slurped over him. A soft murrr of pleasure rose from his throat, making an insistent thrust into her jaws in his pleasure. A shiver running through him. "Mmm, not too bad. Your mouth is warm, tender, slick. I could get used to that sort of pleasure. " He rumbled appreciatively to himself. Hips making a firm, slow thrust up into her jaws. Pushing his hard cock into her jaws.Ignoring Lady's complaints Bauer turned her around over him, bringing her rump to his face. Smiling happily while he slurped over her rump. Leaning in to start making firm, sharp toothed nibbles at her haunches. Sliding his sharp teeth over the tender flesh of her rump. Giving her a taste of just how sharp his teeth truly were, how he was a real and true predator to the core. The feline couldn't help growling in deeper pleasure when Lady began to suckle more desperately over his malehood. Quivering with desire while he thrust himself firmly up into her jaws. Driving the tip of his cock to her throat, and even into it. The full meaty length pulsing in her jaws, furry balls shifting below quite visibly. It was clear that if he got much more eager in his thrusting those balls would start to smack her face in his desire. It was also clear that his stomach was growling, driving Bauer's jaws to slowly begin to stretch over the rear of her rump. Starting to push the meaty hunk of flesh into his jaws. Lady lost herself in those soft licks at her rear despite herself, the feline's rough tongue feeling surprising lovely against her supple flesh. “mmmmm” she murred and continued to lick over that dripping, raw sheath with increased fervour both from the fear of being eaten and a genuine enjoyment of the situation. A strange combination no doubt but an effective one if the leopard desired some pleasure from his furry, canine meal. But her short lived pleasure quickly ended when she felt those sharp teeth jutting into her tender skin, reminding her that she could easily be nothing but a piece of food for Bauer should he so wish. “waith” Lady mumbled around that plump cock, lapping up that sweet juice dripping off it and suckling like it was some sort of popsicle “don't eath.”As if hearing her words Bauer began to slowly inch that plump rear into his slobbering jaws with eyes half lidded in a lazy manner, unconcerned with the increasingly wide eyed animal with mouth stuck around his fat cock. “mmmmphhh!” Lady let out a muffled squeal now, kicking out her back legs and only managing to lightly smack off the leopard's tongue and giving him a better taste of her soft footpads now drenched with fearful sweat. Desperately, the terrified dog moved her attention back to the barbed cock in front of her and began licking and sucking and slobbering in a messy manner, trying to get the cat off before he finished her off in a much more effective and final manner. Realising that it wasn't having much of an effect Lady tried out her secret weapon and began to slowly inch her tongue inside the head of Bauer's length, rimming around the inner rim and slurping up the goodness inside. Realising now that her last moments could very well be spent sucking off a hedonistic feline before melting into nothing within his thick belly, what a way to go... Rumbling heavily around her meaty haunches, the feline rumbled his pleasured amusement in Lady's shifting emotions. Whipping from fear, to aroused enjoyment, back to fear again. Clearly she was conflicted about the situation, but her desperation to keep herself from being eaten was quite clearly evident. Especially as his jaws began to slide over her rump, sharp teeth tickling her flesh while his tongue slavered over her flesh in a savory teasing sort of way. Bauer knew he had a good grip on Lady, so had no need to rush his meal. Even if she were to wriggle free she was trapped in this cage with him. With a lewd huff of desire, Bauer growled to feel that tongue delving deeper into his length. Slurping around the rim of it, tasting the musky and acrid flavors lingering there. Feeling the hot flesh pulsing against her tongue, quivering in his increasingly renewed arousal. With a grunt the feline's hips thrust upwards, driving his cock up into her jaws and against her tongue. His own jaws gently squeezing over her rump, his tongue slurping at her body. A lewd smirk forming on his lips, Bauer probed his tongue to her tailhole. Slurped it lewdly over her own crotch. Teasing her, tantalizing her with what he could do in that moment. How she was positioned optimally for both pleasure, and for greedy consumption. It could be he'd only teased her, having meant he'd eat her out rather than actually eat her. A dirty trick to play... But, was that really the way of it? Did he never intend to put her in that grumbling feline stomach? His belly sure seemed to ache for her, and there was plenty of drool dribbling over her rump as it was held in his jaws. Tight feline throat tugging greedily on her tail, trying to claim the rest of her while Bauer growled lewdly and thrust up into her jaws again. The spaniel was well aware herself how trapped she actually was knowing that even if she managed to wriggle her buttocks out between his sharp teeth there was still the small problem of actually escaping the cage, and she had a feeling that being trapped with a horny and possibly hungry feline was better than a pissed off and frustrated one. Lady had few thoughts now about how sweet Bauer tasted or how cruelly deceptive he had been, instead just staying focused on bobbing up and down on his meaty shaft and not ending up in that rumbling stomach eager for a chance to knead and melt her meat down into nothing. Those slow tugs from the throat pleading with her to let go and give in to the belly's demand, Lady feeling herself being pulled down occasionally and giving a little start only for Bauer to push her back up, clearly not finished with her just yet. “he's getting close” the spaniel thought, feeling that sticky member beginning to secrete a sweet foam at the top and throbbing vigorously now eager for a release as it was. But Lady managed to hold him off for another minute as she began attacking the shaft with increased ferocity clearly desperate to extend her life a much as she could, assuming that the leopard would simply gulp her down without a second thought when they finished. “mmmppph, mmmphhh” the dog moaned and groaned, slobbering all over his meaty member now and lapping up the soft, soothing juices oozing from the top. Mulling over their tastes as they could very well be her last until eventually she could hold him off now longer and the cat shoved upwards and finally came right into her jaws. Lady finding it quite difficult to breathe for a moment ad mist all the cum flowing into her panting body, giving her belly a small bulge that smoothed her out nicely and made the sweet spaniel look softer, more filling. She finally regained her breath and looked back at her rear in Bauer's mouth, feeling the dense muscle shifting around it and the exposed teeth pricking her soft flesh only realising now that her rear and crotch was quite thoroughly soaked and tingling in quite an... Electric manner. Clearly the cat had decided to have some fun himself while Lady was focused on him. “heh, did you l-like that?” she stammered, trying to pull her back legs out but to no avail, waiting now for Bauer to make his move and decide her fate... would she end up as a common midnight visitor, some sort of slave or... She gulped, a tasty meal to be swallowed and tossed back out as a squalid hairball and cat waste in the coming days?Resisting his urge to swallow her straight down, to give in to his body's predatory and hungry demands, Bauer kept Lady's rump firmly in his jaws. In truth there was no need to do that, he could have easily eaten her after this blowjob with or without holding her. But the chance to hold her on the precipice of her demise, to have it clearly in the back of her mind what a hungry predator she was pleasing; all of this greatly added to the enjoyment and excitement of the moment for Bauer. He rumbled heavily, a bigger smile on his face when he felt her attacking his arousal with such intense ferocity. Rumbling deeply in his throat he thrust his hips upwards, his balls swinging in her field of view while his cock drove itself deeper into her jaws. Leaking constant trickles of precum, starting to foam at the tip with his impending climax. Huffing heavily around her, his hot humid breath washing out around her body, he thrust more intently into her. Groaning deep in his throat while his balls were pulling up between his legs. With a final huff and muffled roar he thrust into her for his climax. Savoring every passing moment of the orgasmic bliss, the sensation of all that seed rushing it's way through his cock and into his meal to be. Able to see clearly how her stomach slowly expanded with the seed she'd been fed, a sight that made him thrust into her jaws again. Both for the instinctive thought of how he was impregnating a female, and for how he was fattening up his meal; both thoughts spurning on his desire in that moment. As his climax slowly faded, Bauer settled back contently. His cock still stiff and slick when it slipped from Lady's jaws. His own tongue worked dilligently over her loins, slurping at her crotch, at her asshole. Hot moans of hungry desire rising from him. Bauer's ears perked at Lady's question, and in response his lips quirked into a smirk. Nodding his head with her rump in his jaws, Bauer rumbled. Shifting his body position a little, letting Lady's head rest against his stomach, just near his slowly relaxing cock. Letting her hear the grumbles and growls of his stomach, before making a deep, greedy GULP around her rump. Tongue squeezing roughly, firmly, at her crotch to shove it into his throat. Clearly Bauer had no interest in returning the sexual favor to Lady, just simply in feeding his demanding stomach now. Her body slowly being tugged along his own, the cat's hungry decision made. Lady placed both of her forepaws firmly on the ground an awaited the feline's response as he sat there, basking in the afterglow of his climax and slurping up against the dog's fluffy crotch. Typical cat, she thought glumly, more interested in his own pleasure than anything to do with me... That certainly didn't bode well for her chances of survival. “w-well?” Lady practically whispered, watching those attentive ears prick up and the leopard's eyes practically glow with a mischievous hunger, then came the nod. Was that good? Surely it was, if Bauer enjoyed the attention she was giving him then surely he would let her go and use her again rather than just... Gulping down her soft body down to melt away inside him. Lady wasn't much use to him as a pile of foul-smelling cat dung on the enclosure's floor after all, at least, she assumed she wasn't. “hehe, glad y-you did” the spaniel muttered, being lowed on to that taut feline stomach that had no doubt seen it's fair share of tasty treats before, hearing it gurgle and churn in anticipation of her arrival. She couldn't help but imagine herself trapped deep inside of it while Bauer purred scratched at the whimpering, wriggling, shrinking bulge that her decaying body would make... Leaving no evidence that the high born dog had ever even lived, no way for Tramp or her family to find her. No hope for escape. Then suddenly, a loud gulping sound echoed around the enclosure and Lady found herself drawn closer towards that smiling, salivating leopard maw. The churning in her ears getting louder and louder as if to tell her that yes, the cat had made his decision, he simply preferred her as food. “no stop!” she cried out and tried to grab a hold of the grassy ground, her stubby little claws finding little purchase as Bauer licked across the spaniel's nether regions one final time before gulping her entire back-end into his mouth. “don't, please! I don't wanna be eaten...I can get out of here, give you... Fresh meat or something, whatever you want just don't eat me!” Lady sobbed now, rump feeling exceptionally hot and cramped in the back of Bauer’s mouth while her tiny hindpaws scrabbled at the top of his throat, making soft bulges begin to form in the leopard's neck. This was it then... She was being eaten, alive and whole which was just typical for such a lordly, cruel cat. “stop....” Lady whimpered, looking down at that belly and realising that soon she would be encased within it's muscular walls, then down at his cock and wishing that she had done a better job at pleasuring Bauer... Rumbling deeply around his meal Bauer wore a satisfied, pleasant smile on his face. One that normally would be calming and nice for others to gaze upon, but it certainly didn't do anything to soothe poor lady as she was being gulped up. Dragged into the hot, tight, constricting space of his gullet. Being squeezed by it, her legs pushed firmly together with his slick tongue slathering over her nethers one last time. Tasting her musky flavor, teasing and tantalizing her with his enjoyment of her flavors, with the promise of the pleasure his mouth could offer. Then he gulped hard again, sealing his intent interest in her only as a source of meat now. Slowly Bauer leaned himself up a bit more, tugging Lady along his body. Not having any need to lean down and let her easy access to his cock anymore he could lean back and simply feast. And he was only too eager to do just that, gulping hungrily around her meaty furry rump. Tongue slurping over her belly, slathering thick layers of drool there while he kept swallowing and feeding. A deep, demanding growl rose from the cat's stomach as a signal for it's great eager hunger to be fed. "Mmm" Bauer rumbled around her, reaching his paws down to grasp at her own. Lifting them up he pushed them against her chest, making another gulp to tug her body in. His jaws sealing around her forelegs, ensuring she was all but harmless inside of him now. Not that he expected a high born bitch like this to do anything other than whimper and cry at her fate. Leaning back further, Bauer reclined onto his back. Gulping hungrily, indulgently around his meal. Tongue sliding up over her chest, starting to slurp at the underside of her chin. Hot, humid, sour feline breath huffed around her from behind while she saw him reach down and casually scritch his furry stomach. A sense of eager anticipation in those slow scratches while he ate her, rippling bulges of her body showing through his throat while her head was slowly sinking out of sight into him. How could he even devour this much meat, Lady's panicked mind wondered hoping desperately that the leopard's body would feel the same way and she would end up on the zoo floor, spat back up in a slimy but still living heap. Yet inside she knew it was unlikely this would happen, the spaniel had been foolish enough to enter a hungry predator's den and now she was paying the price, his rough tongue licking all over her sensitive skin while slow moans escaped from Bauer's throat, taunting Lady with the knowledge that she tasted very fine indeed. Worse still was the sight of that hungry grin, smug in it's enjoyment of her struggles and flavour. “just, let me talk okay?” she tried to say but found the word's only came out in a breathless sob, her plump belly barely able to expand as Bauer's tongue squeezed and lapped at it's fluffy goodness, enjoying the poofyness of Lady's fur and the copious amounts of domestic fat she offered. In one final escape attempt the spaniel attempted to dig her forepaws into the ground but before she could even try they were pushed underneath her and slurped inside the steamy, foul-smelling maw with the rest of her. Desperate now and realising there was little hope the dog let out one final howl before her head was sent down to join the rest of her body, the animal's outside being feasted to the sight of a hungry feline with an open jaw and inside the mouth a sobbing canine, mourning her terrible fate as cat food. Before that too was devoured with one last greedy gulp, reducing Bauer's former lover to nothing but a wriggling, whimpering, tightly packed bulge in his expanding gullet. Lady slid into the tight leopard belly with a quiet whimper and a slow kick of her tingling hindlegs that only succeeded in threading the thick, gooey liquid already present there. The belly was obviously eager to get to work on the spaniel's meat, already churning and gurgling and secreting slimy digestive juices in preparation for her digestion, the struggles she gave only succeeding in coating the acid all over her furry body. “too dark, hot” Lady moaned, tingling shifting into a full on burn, the surface layer of her flesh already beginning to melt off slightly even at this early stage. The cat's volatile stomach making quick of her underneath it's thick skin, fattened from the contributions of former creatures like her. “c'mon... You can still let me out” but Lady knew she didn't have very long to convince Bauer, every moment torture in this dark and cramped space, her struggles making visible, pained bumps and bulges on the surface of his fluffy belly. Slowly, savoringly Bauer slurped his thick tongue eagerly over his chops. A rumble rising from his throat while he smiled to himself in great satisfaction. Lifting up his paws he started to slowly slurp over each finger, wanting to enjoy the last lingering tastes of his canine meal. He could certainly feel the shifting movements of his meal settling into his belly, the thick glorps of his food pushing out completely into his gut. But he paid it pretty little mind. Warmly and softly rumbling to himself in the contentment of feeling so full. Slowly reclining back again, Bauer let out a hearty and satisfied belch as he rested his paws on his stomach. Gently stroking his fingertips against the bulges that were Lady inside him. A playful smile spreading over his face. "Mmm, oh that was such a pleasant, fine meal... I have to congratulate the People that fattened you up, they must have given you prime food... " He rumbled in contentment as his only response to her complaints about how tight and hot it was. Lady could feel Bauer's lazy relaxation, hear the contented thump of his heartbeat and whoosh of his lungs. Though his stomach was far less relaxed. Squeezing energetically and tightly around her, massaging her, pushing and churning her around. Trying to mix in the harsh, acrid digestive fluids; rubbing off her own fur with each churning grind of his stomach. Gurgles rising around her with the shifting fluids.It was clear that this stomach had digested many a meaty meal, there was the foul tang of digested flesh in the air. A certain thickness to the juices that surrounded her, and certainly the ease that the acids were burning at her flesh showed their great experience in this task. Her skin dissolving, bleeding as it flowed into the stomach surrounding her. His body working tirelessly to work her over, to absorb and digest her as the food she was for him. "Mmm, why would I let you out?" Bauer's voice rumbled from all around, his paw pressing down at her. "You're my sweet, tender little Lady. My own sweet little house dog that came here to show a feral beast of a cat like me what a tender sweet thing you were. To let me rut you proper, and you were so considerate to make sure you were good and fat for me. " He chuckled, belly bouncing around her while it churned hungrily and busily. Her paw pads, her loins, her skin, all burning most painfully by now. “because I pleasured you” she cried out, stubby hind-legs kicking the thick fluid that was now coating her entire body, scarcely able to breath in the tight hotness of Bauer's belly “I did everything I could and you're just gonna d-dig... Eat me like this? You're sick.” but of course the Feline was simply taking advantage of everything Lady had to offer, fat, fibre, flavour, she'd practically served herself to him on a silver platter. Only now realising that he had no intention of ever releasing her and probably had this planned from the moment he caught sight of her skipping down the zoo street. Not even caring for how uncomfortable the spaniel would find his tight stomach, smelling strongly of digested meat, churning and moulding around her tiny form in it's digestive throes. “Just let me out, we could of done so much more” She tried again, lifting herself as far up out of the burning fluids as she could and pawing at the sphincter in an attempt to open it back up “I'm not food...”Lady didn't appreciate being called fat either, even if she was a little on the plump side... And the way he said it was so delicate, so smug that it was clear he wasn't interested in her fluffy form for any affection or sexual reason anymore, now the spaniel was simply meat for him to slobber over and for his body to break down into nothing but waste and nutrients. “oh my god...i'm gonna end up as...” Lady whimpered as the realisation set in, bolstered somewhat by the harsh, burning nature of the stomach acids coating her body and causing her fur to fall out in clumps. She wasn't going to disappear when Bauer was done digesting... She was going to be squeezed out of his sturdy in a foul-smelling dung heap, nothing left but bone fragments and brown remnants of a good meal to be scraped up by one of the zookeepers in due course. “what a horrible fate” Lady moaned, sobbing now and kicking against the hard belly walls again “I don't wanna die I don't wanna be digested and I definitely don't want to end up as cat shit... Please, stop!”By now her hindpaws were beginning to melt, her kicks only helping them break away and float off into the now more yellowish sludge around her waste, the spaniel floating around and melting in her own juices. Sweat, Tears, half-digested bits of fat and flesh, all serving as a reminder that thanks to her foolish nature, she was nothing more than sustenance for a hungry feline. With a pleased and proud smirk to himself Bauer stroked warmly over his stomach, feeling at it's furry surface and her squirming form contained within his depths. Feeling the moving lumps of another creature inside of his stomach was quite satisfying and pleasing indeed. Made him smile in a very self-satisfied sort of way. He rumbled warmly and heavily to himself, unable to suppress a bit of a thick belch that slipped out his lips. Pink tongue slurping over them. "Mmm, you're about to become my sick dear bitch.. You feel quite satisfying in me, one of the better creatures I've eaten; especially since getting here. " Whether she would have been as satisfying if he'd still been in the wild is another question entirely, but with as few live meals as he got here she was quite a wonderful treat!Smirking a bit more at her words, the feline slowly stretched his limbs out. Popping his back and limbs, groaning with satisfaction. "Mmm... Oh you did everything you could for me, it was a lovely night. No need to cheapen it by dragging it on... " As he said that his stomach made deep, thick gurgling churns. Squeezing, flexing firmly around her. Massaging her body with his stomach walls, massaging in the powerful stomach juices that had been getting excreted over her. Burning her flesh, making her fur fall out in clumps. Bauer had no real way of knowing how digested she was getting at any given moment, save for her whimpers and moans picking up with intensity and suffering inside of him. Though he did snicker at her words, "oh, you're going to make a most satisfying shit when I'm through with you. It always feel so, pleasing, to feel the remains of a formerly live fur sliding out of my ass. " He smirked, "It's ironic, I am sure you thought I had such a nice, shapely, lovely ass. Now you'll get the satisfying fate of sliding out of it when I've done with you. "As he was speaking, his stomach kept squeezing around her. Her bones creaking and groaning from the pressure, being squeezed by his powerful and greedy insides. Large amounts of her fur gone now, leaving bare flesh to sting and burn away. Bleeding into his stomach, dissolving to join the increasingly thick, foul, nutritious mush surrounding her form. "I wonder if the zoo keeper will even notice your fur and bones in my droppings.... " Bauer mused with a snicker. Lady didn't know what was worse, the burning acid working it's way skin, the tough belly walls trying to knead and shape her body into an easily digestible package or the horrible, foul smelling air invading her nostrils but the teasing from outside was worst of all. The way that Bauer was chatting with the spaniel, idly talking about her flavour as if she wasn't melting into nothing, as if he wasn't breaking her down to her most base components and sucking all the good nutrients out of Lady for his own use. “I will not just be turned into waste” the dog grunted, still kicking against those crimson walls with half melted paws, barely able to see now with all of the stinking steam rising off her rapidly decaying body. Terrified, horrified at the thought of sliding out of Bauer's ass in a neat pile, such an undignified ending for a rich canine like her. “you can't seriously plan to just shit me out like that” she huffed again, finding it harder to breath with every word the feline said “I don't want to end up as a pile and besides the keeper are sure to notice my r-r-remains....” of course by then she would already be gone, little more than food for a ravenous and predatory feline. “Oh why did I come in here?” Lady lamented, sobbing now as she squirmed and shook her body back and forth trying to get rid of the stinging, horrible acids from her fur only causing it to slop off even more into the steamy broth pooling around her middle. “it's horrible in here... How can you just sit there and purr while i'm melting?” but of course she already knew the answer: he was a feline, a cruel species when it came to prey. Lady was suddenly reminded of watching her neighbourhood one night stands catching and devouring mice, something she had always found sickening... And now she was facing a similar fate, worth no more to this hungry feline than a field mouse would be to a housecat. And just as easy to devour and melt behind thick belly flesh. The spaniel moaned now, mourning her own life and feeling herself melt, meat and fur slopping off her form in quite substantial amounts now. The belly churning and gurgling wildy, pushing and shoving into Lady's tender meat, making it fall off her bones faster and quickly melting it below her, the dog actually able to see bits of herself floating in the murky liquid that she was digesting in. “have mercy... Please...”Belching thickly and wetly, Bauer sighed with obvious contentment. Grunting as he slowly rolled over, his stomach sloshing thickly inside of him. The movement disturbing Lady, making her tumble and roll inside of him. Hot, caustic acids sloshing over her body and her face. Lumps of her digesting flesh bumping against her body, clumps of fur rubbing over and against her. He rumbled deeply outside as he rolled to his side, resting one paw on his stomach while the other supported his head. Stomach making low burbles as it settled down, contently held her deep inside of his hungry body. "Mmm, mercy? By this point my dear pup the greatest mercy you can get is for me to finish you off, to let you go on your way through my body. You don't really expect you can just get out, and mend all of this away do you? You can't have much in the way of paws anymore, most of your flesh is melted, not to mention your fur... If you did somehow survive, no one would ever fuck you again; least of all me!" Bauer laughed heartily, "I'd never fuck my puke!" The cat said with great amusement, as if it were an awesome joke. Slurping his chops the cat relaxed where he was, idly gazing out of his cage while he felt the fading squirms and signs of life inside of him Slimy stomach walls churning and squeezing around Lady, who was being held in a somewhat more snug way now that he was on his side; her rump sinking to the curve of his stomach. The stomach walls that surrounded her were more slimy, acidic, with more clumps of her melting flesh sliding along them into the pool. A cruel reminder of the grim place she was residing in that moment. "Mmm, heh heh, the monkeys are plotting to throw their crap at the visitors again... One of them's taking bets if he can hit a camera. Think I should get in on that bet?" Bauer asked rhetorically. “no!” Lady barked quite angrily, although it was considerably weaker than anything she had said before, Bauer's twitch to the side squeezing some access air and sloshing the thick goop onto the top half of her rapidly decaying form. “you can't just throw me around like that, you can't eat me like this, you can't... You can't get away with this” the spaniel continued, rump burning quite intensely now, melting away beneath the gooey surface. She'd never been treated like this before, as if she was just a piece of delectable steak for the large feline to screw and then chew on, then listening to his pleasure filled purrs as he sat back and broke her down beneath thick belly fur. Although some part of Lady's digesting brain did quite like being thrown about, and the soft kneading and churning of the belly walls around her. It would almost be pleasant if not for the burning sensation and, of course, the fact that she would not be exiting in the same form she had entered in. Lady pawed at her eyes to get rid of the acid, only serving to spread more of it onto her, letting one last weak whimper. “you can still change your mind...” she whispered “you can't get away with this...” by now her hindpaws where melted away and the belly was making quick work of her rump and stomach, ending the dog's life inside an unbearably tight, hot sac of feline. And after she passed out the cat's body make quick work of the rest of her, quietly taking out all the good protein and fats stored away in her plump housepet form and living them to Bauer, Lady forever living on as a soft layer of pudge on the feline's stomach. Or at least, until he worked it off throwing her remains at tourists or engaging in some night-time activities with another of her kind, his thirst for live meat only quenched for now. Bauer chuckled softly at her angry shout of "No!" inside, though other than that small reaction he didn't give any other response to the canine's desperate cry inside him. With a deeply contented sigh he relaxed where he had settled onto his side. Stomach thickly churning and bubbling over her body, the feline more interested in the goings on around him rather than the food digesting in his stomach. Really she wasn't very interesting anymore, just having the same pathetic pleads for her life that she'd said before; even in the face of his clear logic about how miserable her life would be if she were to be spared now. Yawning hugely Bauer laid his head down, sighing contently while he drifted to sleep. Whether Lady ever knew it or not, she spent her last minutes of life desperately trying to get the attention of, plead with, a cat contently sleeping off his large meal. Lady's form digested smoothly inside of Bauer's insides once she had passed, his stomach making thick gurgles throughout the night though no one paid it much any mind. Come the next morning his stomach was considerably shrunk, if still a little distended. When his meal came Bauer discreetly shared a goodly portion of it with his feline neighbors; letting them share in the spoils of his full gut. He was contently lazy throughout the day, ignoring any annoyed tourists that wanted him to be walking and showing off while he contently digested away his big meal. The following day after found Bauer strolling to a slightly secluded part of his cage. Sighing as he squatted over the ground, his rump settling over a patch of earth a little to one side of a large fronded plant that would ensure partial obscurity for Lady's remains. Grunting contently he felt the large mass pushing against his tailhole, slowly stretching it open as the brown log slid free of his body. Slowly descending towards the ground, flecks of white and clumps of greasy dog fur visible if not outrageously obvious in his movement. The feline sighed, grunting some more to keep passing the remains of his meal. Letting it slowly coil underneath his squatting rump, and his lazily swaying plump balls. With a soft thump the first log slipped free and fell onto itself. With a short puff of gas the second log began to slide from inside his asshole, leading the way was the grinning and gruesomely digested skull of the canine. Bauer grunting extra firmly to have his tailhole stretch around that skull, feeling it ease out of him in a most satisfying manner. When it slid free he couldn't help sighing contently, almost smiling softly to himself to feel the last bits of his meal slide free almost beneath his notice. A third log sliding out to be deposited onto Lady's skull, ensuring the zoo keeper would have no reason to pay even a second glance to the pile of cat shit he'd have to clean off. With a final twitching flex of his asshole Bauer sighed with satisfaction, lifting his rump and starting to step away into his enclosure. Leaving Lady behind without a second glance, or even a second thought. His date was long since through with her, and he just had to wait for the next foolish date to seduce into his grasp. ", |
Story Start,It wasn't the first time the dog had been swallowed. It wasn't even the tenth time, though he couldn't have told you how many it actually was. He was, after all, just a dog. The thing about the dog was that he could not be killed. He could be hurt, stunned, or injured to the point that he struggled to even stand and whimpered in pain, but nothing could kill him. After a short time whatever damage he'd suffered would vanish and he'd be back on his feet again. Any loose bits of him would disappear, returned to his once more intact body. The irradiated food and water of the atomic wasteland held no terrors for him and he'd swum happily through the hellishly radioactive pools in the glowing lands around thermonuclear strike craters, where a human without protection would die in minutes. Radiation and poison could no more kill him than injury or accident. He was, to put it simply, indestructible. But few knew that, and many of those that did kept on trying. He'd been blown up, shot, crushed under rubble, torn apart by hungry mutants, locked in a cage and suspended over a fire for days by laughing raiders, and even utterly vaporized by miniaturized nuclear weapons. But nothing could kill the dog. He didn't know why or how. He had been roaming the wasteland for so many years he had only dim memories of the clean white laboratories so long ago and the scientists with their 'snapback' experiment. Even if he could talk, he couldn't explain how it worked. He was, once again, just a dog. He couldn't be killed but he could be inconvenienced, and it wasn't the first time he ran into a monster too stubborn to give up when it found it could not kill him. The scaly dragon-like Deathclaw tore at him with its huge claws, and when that had no lasting effect it clamped its fanged jaws around him and swallowed him whole. The dog yelped and whimpered as the Deathclaw bolted him down, aware from the first lurch of its jaws what was about to happen. The powerful muscles of its gullet gripped his muzzle and pulled him deeper, and with three tosses of its horned head it swallowed him to the haunches. A great rolling contraction of its throat squeezed him the rest of the way in and with a last kick of his hindpaws the dog found himself sliding down the Deathclaw's gullet. This had happened before. From the scar he'd seen on the Deathclaw's chest he was nearly certain it wasn't the first time this particular Deathclaw had swallowed him. Now he slid into the tight muscular pocket of its stomach, squirming and whining. He was almost as large as a human but he had fit easily down its throat and now he lay in the hot juices of its belly. Already it had started to digest him. Or at least, it was trying to.It could hurt him. It could hold him still with the thick muscular walls and tough scaly hide between him and the outside. It could sting him potent stomach acids and squeeze him with powerful peristaltic ripples of the stomach wall that kneaded the acids into him for better digestion. But it couldn't kill him. The Deathclaw's stomach, which he knew from personal experience could dissolve a whole man in hours, couldn't digest him. The dog, whose name had recently been Dogmeat but had been many other things over the decades, yelped and whimpered. He was trapped inside the beast and there were only three ways he might get out. He had experienced all of them before and he knew he wouldn't enjoy any of them. Maybe the Deathclaw would tire of the endless wriggling in its gut and cough him back up. He might see a human or two, or pieces of mutated cattle or monsters, or even other dogs show up and dissolve before that happened, but eventually it might throw him up. It had happened with Deathclaws, the one huge mutant bear that had bolted him down whole and more than once when encountered the half snake, half coyote creatures in the deserts to the west. Being coughed up was, unfortunately, the best of the three possibilities. One time a smallish Deathclaw swallowed him and he somehow got stuck halfway into its upper intestine. He was just too big to make his way all the way through and he'd been trapped for weeks as it gradually weakened, unable to absorb any of the food it ate. Eventually, greatly enfeebled, it was shot dead. He felt the many bullets slam into its armor-tough hide and a few dismembered human limbs bumped into his hindquarters as it tore and swallowed its prey, but eventually its great pulse stilled. Too weak to finish off its adversaries it collapsed lifeless. That was only the start of the dog's problems. No one bothered to cut the monster open. If anyone heard him yelping they didn't do anything about it. He still couldn't move, though at least the Deathclaw wasn't trying to digest his rump any more, and long days passed as the corpse of the monster rotted away. Eventually, after who knew how long, scavengers tore away enough of the scaly hide and decaying meat that he burst forth bloodied and stinking. The mutated dogs who had been feeding on the corpse backed off growling, and Dogmeat shook the slime and blood off himself and trotted away. He had run with the mutant mutts before, even fathered puppies on many a hairless mutant bitch, but these were too frightened of the bloody stinking thing that came out of the Deathclaw. He washed himself in a radioactive brook and went about his life. A few months later, in the company of his latest human master, he'd run into the scarred Deathclaw for the first time. Dogmeat liked humans, when they weren't crazed by drugs or disease. He dimly remembered friendly humans from when the world was a greener place and would happily trot alongside any master or mistress who showed the least kindness. Sometimes he even mated with them when in the loneliness of the wasteland they decided a dog was better than nothing. All his masters and mistresses eventually aged and died, or were struck down by the wasteland's many dangers. This particular master, a pretty young woman who smelled nice and who had been one of his human mates, had ended her days stuffed into a Deathclaw's stomach next to him. He had liked her very much and nuzzled her sadly before she began to dissolve, but soon enough her body was gone and he was alone. That was when he first experienced the third way he might get out of a Deathclaw. Now it was happening again. The big, scarred Deathclaw was not satisfied with a single dog as a meal and soon after the dismantled segments of an entire human arrived to join him. It hadn't bothered to swallow this one whole as it had his female master, not that it mattered. Flesh and bone, armor and weapons, he was the only thing he'd encountered that a Deathclaw's stomach could not break down. It stuffed itself full of pieces of human, belched so loudly he could hear it through the surrounding flesh, and settled down to digest its meal. And as the flesh and bone dissolved and made its way into the intestines of the beast, he was carried along with it. Dogmeat knew what was happening and wiggled and kicked, trying his best to stay in the stomach so he might eventually be regurgitated. The digestive system of the Deathclaw had other ideas and the pulsating peristalsis of its upper intestine sucked him in like a devouring serpent. The Deathclaw's stomach squeezed tight around his rump and forced the last of him into the tube of flesh and Dogmeat settled down with a whimper. There was no help for it now. At least he knew from experience that he wouldn't get stuck in this particular Deathclaw. Bit by bit he made his way through the thing's guts, accompanied at first by liquefied meat and fragments of digested bone. Those were absorbed by the walls of the intestines and only things that the Deathclaw's body considered uninteresting continued on, like powdered bone, scraps of metal and an eighty-pound dog. Other detritus joined him as he slithered along, dead blood cells and assorted waste products. A few hours after he slipped down its throat Dogmeat found himself stretched out in the rubbery folds of its expanded colon, soon to once again see daylight. It was not the way he'd wanted to spend his day, but he'd take it over some of the alternatives,Time ticked by and the Deathclaw seemed in no hurry to empty its bowels. Eventually Dogmeat tired of it all and began to kick, thrusting his paws through the claylike muck encasing him to push against the surrounding meat. That seemed to do it. The colon tensed and squeezed, pockets of stinking gas popping as they were pushed out with the rest, and a struggling dog emerged from the rectum of the scarred Deathclaw along with a couple of hundred pounds of shit. Dogmeat sucked in his first breath in who knew how many hours, not caring that it stank like a sewer. Lack of air could no more kill him than could injury or illness and he squirmed out of the mass of droppings that were still emerging from the Deathclaw. Dogmeat paused only long enough to get his footing before taking off at a dead run, shedding excrement from his fur as he ran. In his brief glimpse of the scarred Deathclaw he saw the great curve of an unsheathed and lumpy penis and how it was grinding the member against the ground. Maybe it had enjoyed his passage through its guts the first time enough to want him to go through again. He couldn't imagine how that could be pleasant but he'd been through it twice and that was more than enough. Rather than be a Deathclaw's plaything he ran for miles before rolling on the ground to scrape off the muck. A few hours later, still smelly but far cleaner than he'd been, he had a brief meal of mutant mole rat he'd found shot dead before curling up to sleep in the shelter of a two-hundred-year-old filling station. He woke to the sound of a lone human searching the place for anything salvageable.It had been a long time since he saw a vault suit, but the woman it was wrapped around was clean and smelled good. He happily accepted the pat on the head and waited eagerly to see if she wanted him to follow. "Let's go, boy," she said, and Dogmeat trotted after her, wagging his tail. He'd already put the day's unpleasantness behind him and he had high hopes for this master. Maybe she'd become another one of his mates, or merely a friend; as long as she didn't end up inside a monster with him he'd be happy. After all these years, Dogmeat would take what he could get. ", |
Story Start,It was Matt’s idea of a funny joke. Get me drunk and turn me into horse shit. I wasn’t that impressed personally; I had no intention to end my life as fertiliser on his uncles farm, so when I woke up naked and bound over a hay bale with a horny stallion behind me, I was … upset to say the least. By the time I was laying spent and sweaty, four loads of my own cum coating my chest and my stomach swollen with a load of stallion sperm, I’d failed to convince them to let me go but I had convinced them to turn themselves into fertiliser. If I was going to be horse shit, we might as well give Mr Perkins something decent to spread on his fields. So here I was, moaning weakly as my legs slid into the slimy maw of the huge stallion that had fucked the fight out of me. The prospect of coming out his ass as a log of crap didn’t even upset me anymore, actually it was becoming awfully arousing. I was just going to be nutrients for this horse, and then my remains would push up succulent vegetables for the supermarket shelves. As hot as it felt though my cock was so spent it could do nothing but lie across my thigh, wet with cum. The warm tongue felt great on my skin and my mind was trying to form fantasies to get it up but it was dead and used up … I moaned in disappointment, wanting to finish myself cumming. The big horses tongue slurped over my muscular thighs and then my spent cock vanished. I could feel him sucking the salty sauce off my body as I tensed my muscles to press against that tongue harder, loving the feeling of its rough scraping of my skin. I moaned as the mouth slurped over my hard abs, up my strong arms, over my pectorals. I winked to my friends one last time before I vanished inside. Several days later, Mr Perkins was chuckling to himself as he rode his tractor, the fertiliser spreading attachment behind him covering his fields in the pile of fertiliser his nephew had sent him for christmas. An odd christmas present in his opinion, but oh well, it was some of the best he’d seen in ages and it’d be sure to make the crops grow. ", |
Story Start,Daniel grunted as he shoved a heavy metal crate outside of the Decepticon base. The boy panted and sat down beside it, exhausted from moving the heavy object. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called his dad. “Hey, I got the energy converter, but you're not out here”, he said, trying not to sound tired. "Oh, hey. About that…” "*sigh* What is it this time, dad?” "Look, I’d love to get the Autobots to pick you up”, Spike said. “But… well…” "You pissed them off again, didn't you?”, Daniel sighed. “ Why did you send me to get this thing, then? How am I supposed to bring it back?!” "You're a tough kid, you’ll figure it out”, said Spike. “After you bring that thing to the Autobots, we’re sure to be back on their good side. Later, champ.” Daniel hung up the phone and tossed it at the crate in frustration. “Aaauugh! Why does that jerk always do this to me?!”, the boy cried. Spike was never considered to be an ideal father to young Daniel. He only picked him up from Carly’s whenever he needed someone small to help him with his “jobs”. Daniel began kicking the crate in anger, unaware that he was being watched. “Stupid Dad!”, Daniel yelled, giving the crate a good hard kick… hurting his toe in the process. “Oowwwww!”, he howled in pain, grabbing his foot and hopping away. “Stupid alien robot… Ack!” Daniel yelped as he hopped right into a large white and blue Cybertronian cat. "O hai!”, the cat greeted as he stared the boy in the face. It was Ravage, the Decepticons’ saboteur… though he probably isn’t the one that comes to mind. This negative polarity Ravage was a friendly, playful kitty obsessed with social media. The threat he posed to humans, if any, was minimal at best. “You look lost.” "I’m not lost!”, Daniel yelled. "You’re in the middle of the desert shoving a waste container around”, said the cybertronian kitty. “Specifically, mine.” "A what?” "Well, organic cats use a litter box. And I…” "Eeewwww!”, Daniel screamed as he looked over at the container and retched. “You mean to tell me I’ve been shoving around a big metal TOILET?! Those stupid Autobots tricked us!”, Daniel yelled as he stomped the ground in anger. "LOLZ! It was funny watching you push it around, like it was important or something”, Ravage laughed. He then grabbed Daniel, putting his front leg around the boy as he showed him his tablet (which was actually positive polarity Ravage from Primax 207.0 Epsilon trapped in tablet mode). “I even took some pictures with ya.” Ravage showed a the boy the album, each one of the pictures showing the cybertronian kitty sneaking in some selfies with Daniel without the boy noticing. “I know I’m being super stealthy, but do you see me here? I’m the one waving.” Daniel became frustrated by Ravage and pushed away from him. “I-if you know I’m invading your base, why didn't you do anything about it?!”, he yelled. "Well, it didn't seem like you knew what you were doing. I mean, who goes around stealing a waste container?”, Ravage giggled. Daniel pouted and stomped his feet again. “I’ve had it with you stupid robots!”, Daniel said as he grabbed a nearby rock and swung at Ravage, missing and hitting the positive polarity Ravage-tablet, cracking the screen and damaging it heavily. "O noes!”, Ravage cried. “My bestie!” "You trapped me in my altmode and use me for your dimwitted social networking. We aren't besties…”, growled the black tablet, an angry cat face popping up on the cracked screen. "Yeah! I messed up your little friend! What ya gonna do now?”, Daniel said as he swung at the negative polarity Ravage with the rock in his hand. Ravage simply sidestepped him and knocked the boy down with his tail before taking a seat on his back, nearly crushing him beneath his smooth metal butt, the boy’s head poking out from between his cheeks. “LOL, owned”, Ravage giggled as he wriggled on top of the whiny human boy, poking his head with his tail. "Nnnngg! Get off of me, you dumb metal cat!”, Daniel grunted as he struggled in vain to squeeze out from beneath the metal butt cheeks, but the cybertronian kitty’s weight proved to be too much for him. "Ya know, you make a better cushion than a saboteur”, Ravage giggled. “Maybe I can get Soundwave to let me keep ya.” "You better not!”, Daniel yelled, grunting as he struggled once again, only for Ravage to shove his tail in his mouth to silence him. "On second thought, you're way too whiny, and you break my stuff”, Ravage said. "So I’m your possession now, am I?”, the positive polarity Ravage-tablet groaned. "I think I got a better use for you…”, the white Ravage said, licking his lips. The kitty lifted his rear off of Daniel and turned back to him, the boy quickly gasping for air. Too weak to move after being crushed by Ravage’s heavy metal kitty butt, Daniel could only lie there as the white Ravage picked him up with his paws… and shoved him down his throat! “Bone app the teeth!” "W-what are you doing?!”, Daniel cried, barely having the strength to flail around. "Om nom nom nom!” Ravage slurped Daniel down with ease, having literally squeezed the fight out of him. Covered in purple fluid (presumably the cybertronian equivalent of saliva), Daniel continued screaming, trying his best to fight out of the cybertronian cat’s throat, but finding it impossible. “Lemme outta here! You’re not supposed to hurt humans!” The boy’s weak struggles were severely limited by his tight confines. The rubbery lining of Ravage’s throat deceived Daniel into thinking the metal tube was stretchy as he was squeezed down before landing in his stomach, a small, oblong chamber filled with glowing digestive fluid. "*gulp!*” Ravage lied back and rubbed his belly, purring as his meal struggled within. "Let me out of here!”, Daniel screamed as he futilely kicked and punched and his prison, splashing digestive fluid all over him. "Mmm! You were super yummy. Too bad I can't eat ya again”, Ravage said as he patted his tummy, giggling as he heard the sounds of Daniel yelling in pain as he knocked him in the head. "Y-you’re gonna be sorry!”, Daniel cried, tears beginning to form in his eyes. “Once my dad finds out I’m missing, the Autobots are gonna turn you into a cat-skin rug!” "LOL! I don't even have skin!”, Ravage giggled. “And I think the AutoBUTTS are gonna be more mad at you for failing to get this energy converter.” "B-but you said-!” "You got trolled! LOL”, Ravage laughed, rolling around on the ground, causing his meal to scream as he was absolutely soaked in his digestive fluid, becoming dizzy as Ravage rolled around. The movement effectively acted to churn Daniel, soon reducing the boy into a nice fleshy goop. Ravage continued to laugh, rolling around until he heard a *CRACK!* “Oops”, the white Ravage said as he got up, looking back at the black Ravage-tablet crushed and stuck to his right butt cheek. “Sorry, friendo”, the white Ravage said as he peeled his tablet-friend off of his butt. “I’ll have to get the Constructicons to fix you up.” "I hate you… so much…” Ravage giggled and placed his smashed tablet-friend into a storage panel on his hip and pushed the energy converter back to the negative polarity Decepticon base before taking a nap. =================== "Nice of the Constructicons to repair you, friendo”, the white Ravage said as he held his shiny black Ravage tablet. “And they even upgraded you, too. Now I won’t have to worry about you running away.” "As soon as I can transform again, I will tear you to pieces!”, the tablet hissed as an angry cat face animated on the screen. "You can’t transform again. That was part of the upgrade, remember?”, Ravage giggled. He suddenly felt a pressure in his lower body and released a smelly exhaust from his butt, causing him to blush. “Oops. Looks like that human’s ready to come out.” Ravage headed outside and found a crater and squatted over it, releasing another burst of exhaust as he squeezed a glowing purple sludge from between his cheeks. “I guess humans can transform, too”, Ravage snickered as he looked at the pile of waste that used to be a human boy. “Oh! I just got an idea for a neat post!” Ravage stood in front of the pile and posed for a selfie as he held his black Ravage-tablet in his paw and took the picture and quickly posted it on Yatter. "I never knew humans could transform!", |
Story Start,“ Hey Jer?” Hearing Ashley's voice from the bedroom, Jeremy looked up from the wet towel and into the bathroom mirror. After wiping up the last bit of water that always gathered in his chin strip, he headed back to the bedroom. Meeting the olive green eyes of his beloved. “Hey yourself babe, what's up?” Ashley yawned with the drowsiness one has on a day off and poked at the laptop screen. “So, what is up with this 'Discover your Fursona' site you got open?” She pondered. Jeremy crawled up to lay his nose against her auburn hair, sniffing it and cuddling her, playing himself up as a dog. “Just a little quiz, thought it could be fun to find out something about our animal sides, wanna do it with me Ash?” Ashley patted his head. “I'm in, but you go first, more curious about yours than mine.”.. ”'Do you turn your head when you are confused? That is a real question?” Ashley laid her head on Jeremy's shoulder. Jeremy snickered and pushed up her head from its tilted state. “We'll take that as a yes then.” Ashley jumped on the opportunity to read out Jeremy's result. “Stoic and loyal, you most resemble a feral stallion, once tamed they'll always cherish you.” She read out and brushed through his black hair. “So I have tamed you then?” Jeremy chuckled before reading hers. “Shy but strong, and in touch with your human self, you most resemble a... Skunk.” “Hmm?” “It can be tough, but you should let out the greatness bulding up within you, so you can show the world.” Ashley scoffed once she heard this. “At least I know it wasn't a serious test if they made a fart joke.” Ash stretched and held over her moderately pudgy belly. “High time I grabbed some breakfast.” “Join me when you're done, I'll put on the episodes of Cartoon-Show-Incident we missed.” Jeremy called out as Ashley left...~ 1 ~.. -Krlin-. Bottles clattered as the fridge door opened. Ashley having picked out a 'Raw fudge bar' and nodded satisfied at the all-natural ingredients. -Kirln-. -Krrl-. Ashley opened again. “Breakfast is the most important meal,” she reminded herself and grabbed another treat. -Krln- -Krrll-. “Alright, lets see what else is in here...” Some juice, the glasses were in the cabinet, but she was just a little thirsty. -Gullg- -Uulnmp-. She guzzled down the fruit nectar. “Don't put as much in these as they used to, huh...” She sneered and tossed the empty carton behind her. There was some takeout left from yesterday, someone forgot to put plastic over and it was a bit stale, so best to not let it go to waste. A round carving was imprinted in the gelated Chinese takeout, as if someone had already grabbed a spoon or ladle full, it didn't concern Ashley as he chowed down. “Mmnnf, never realized tofu was this good.” Ash mumbled with her mouth full of noodles. “Oohmp...” -Bhoourp-. She tapped her chest as the gust of throat exhaust blorted out, a few globs of spittle trailing down from her jaw, though she didn't mind it. . . Secret text. Ashley picked up a hunk of cheddar with the intention to fry up some grilled cheese, but suddenly sighed. “Then I have to pull out the pan, and the butter, and the bread and then...” The thought was making her tired. “... Eh, screw it.” Ripping the sheet off of the dairy, Ash leaned in and sunk her teeth right into the elastic, fatty goodness. Chomp by chomp she munched down on the quarter wedge of cheese. “Aaaomph.” When it was chewed to a yellow paste, clogging her maw, she stuffed in two slices of bread, munching with small droplets of cheddar pouring over her lips. With her cheeks ballooned with food, she contemplated the taste during the process of munching, adding more bread and chomps of cheese to the puré. “Mnhout Quhoite G wihlled Chhisee.” She mumbled, before opening a packet of margarine. -Fhhllossh-. It squished when her fingers dug into the substance, groping out a handful before stuffing the butter down her gob. “Mmnaoowmn... Mnnhoawumn.” The masticated gruel started to taste right, whilst she chomped up the butter with her mouth open still deep in thought about the taste. “Mmnff... thas good...” -Oommhlp-. She smacked her lips for a moment, caressing her cheek with a buttered palm. “Mouth feel empty.” Her hand dutifully stuffed her face with another handful of sandwich-lard, sloshing it around with her tongue she gave out a satisfied moan. “Mmn. more.” She toppled into the fridge and scrambled around to in her quest for snacks... -Phoouulrrrth-. A puff of gas filtered through her sweatpants. “Hrnngt...” Ashley stopped in the middle of dunking down a bottle of Dragon Mayo, “Mnrrg... hurts...” She yammered and grasped her belly, finding a pillow sized muffin top that she didn't recollect having this morning. -Phrrr-. Ashley wobbled from side to side, feeling as bottom heavy as a bottle. Whilst inspecting her rump, that didn't stop bouncing, she nursed out the remaining condiment of the mayonnaise container, and stuffed in handfuls of relish and washed down with jugs of milk. -Gnwwnnr-. A tension like that of a spreading rubber band started to reverberate from her tush. “Onhhoo...” Ashley wailed whilst dumping jars of crackers down her throat, moving became a challenge, lifting her chubby arms towards the next carton barely within her capability. “Mnng... Why... Why pain?” She murmured with cheeks like a chipmunk's, her rear broadening and rump protruding outwards all as she kept jamming her face full. “Mnngragn...” Groans became muffled with chewed pulp. Once the prickle over her skin started she exclusively conveyed her feelings in agonized grunts, between panting for breath and cramming in whole packets of Mozzarella. -Gnnrrwwrt-. -Groumblgrl-. Her gullet groaned and her rump quivered as it expanded under her sweatpants. “Mnngroaar.” The prickling turned to stinging, her body dressed in sparks. Ashley's feet burned and her hands went stale, yet the satisfaction of eating numbed the pain. “Mmnhwagr... f-food no bad...” She grasped over the shelves, plucking up a mozzarella bag, her sharper, growing nails poked holes in it, whey water gushing out over her forearm, making hair stick to her skin. “M-... mno mno... co-on... s-sal... milk, orginc.” Everything was a blur, letters melded together in a soup of white and black. As she tried to make it out, her hand pulled it in towards her maw, and stuffed in the whole plastic package, Ashley still mumbling whilst grinding into the plastic to get at the gooey center. “Mwf orgnic... fwri twad...” -Oohulmp-... Ashley's proportions were going from curvy to balloon-animal. All the while she drenched her face in jam to lap it up and guzzled down bread her frame kept bloating as if someone was pouring lard right into her. -Phhort-. Her rear, reaching to the size it warranted a 'wide-load' sticker, kept jutting outwards, with a lump right at her crack swelling and rubbing, the hill cloaked in white fabric squirming as it grew larger than her her arm. “Mmngrgn... whoy... hurt. Mmnfgfrh. ” She squeaked out. -Fhhririitkcht-. The cloth pants sundered, seams breaking open at the pressure as the protrusion sprung forth. -Whooruuiing-. A tail, clad in olive green hair and fluff sprawled out longer than her torso, swaying and buffing up dense with fur, decorated in beige stripes. “Mnfwaaaaang.” Ashley howled, the hole in her sweatpants revealing a round, rear hatch tucked away in her hind, which puckered out for an accompanying -Shrpouurrllffrth-. The gale of flatulence bubbled out in a smog of lime-yellow fumes, soaking the kitchen with an invasive scent of gorgonzola and tar. “Mnnwhaal...” Ash hung her tongue out from her lips, the bones in her crackling as it extended to align itself with the angles of a muzzle. “Phooua... phooha..:” Each pant was a strain, effort as her lungs had to swelled with the mounds of chub padding her gut and chest, her mouth drenched in food and drool even as she bit into the bottom of a soda bottle to drain its fluids. -Huurrmmognlg-. -Phrroiiftltuh-. Gusts of bowel-winds sputtered forth from her clasped pucker, puffing out fog tainted in sickly hues, the heat and pungency lingering in the air, clouds butt butt grease and stale breath...~ 2 ~.. -Bhouuryyup-. A paw searched itself down the gullet, sinking into the flab and cradling heaps of gut dough. Ashley was laying with her face at the bottom layer of the fridge, knees on the ground and tongue lapping up juice from spilt bottles and packages. “Nnghhra Nnhhg...” She heaved out and grunt and squeezed into her tummy like a tube of toothpaste. -Sphhruurllth-. A particularly moist puff broke past her pucker before the chute budded, the rim of flesh swelling with putrid steam rising, and the rim crowning a hunk of bottom-butter. “Mmnnff..” she grunted and strained herself whilst her read lips tugged and clutched back the heap, undulating whilst the gunk grew. Ashley slammed her belly forwards into the fridge, for the rear lips to reside their battle against the pressure and bloom open around a heap with the girth of her head. Her rear-lips contracted and sloped back against the surface of the raw fudge slab prodding out through her cheeks, a fog of its own rising around the molten batch of nougat squeezing through the olive furred hind. -Hriilffhgrt-. The trunk crinkled and popped off colon fluids coating the pillar of filth, giving in a sheen of luster in the electric light. Crevices, thin enough to have been drawn by a pencil, decorated the slag of umber in a surface-deep tiled pattern, broader clefts opening from where Ashley's oven hadn't baked the loaf enough. -Frihjrllrth-. As more pumped through Ashley's mud factory, the column bent like clay and hurdled down into the ground, slapping its gunky surface into the floor panels and smushed against it like a pastry. -Dnndf-. Though the hue was closer to that of a bowling ball. “Mnnheargn..” Ashley huffed as the hunk crawled out through her rear, the woman's colon clutching and compacting it down her digestive tract like crunch hour, her pucker straining and convulsing against the earthy caramel hurling out and smacking into the floor like clumps of batter. -Phfldfdft-. -Kglldsh-. -Phrruuttllrth-... The room became a sauna, air tainted in mud and spiked with fermented mushroom stew. Ashley just broadened out her hind to ease the flow, starting to moan out as the bumps and bundles of raw sewage curled out through her rear. The pile of loaves over the ground expanding with bulk continuously being added and melded into the cluster of coiled muck. Liquid from her bowels in off shades of cocoa drenched the trunks and droppled into puddles around the expanding heap, all whilst Ashley still scoffed down the last of the scraps she could reach in the fridge and humped her rear out to aid her sludge tap. “Mwhwafwnn.” Her grunts took on all the more shades of pleasure in her discomfort, her exit held open with the tubes of gut dough slumping together behind her. In the excitement she barely took notice of the rush of liquids trailing down inside of her pants, sloshing down the soaked fabric like a waterfall to build pools of murk at her knees, except for the sense of relief it gave her. Ash held her maw wide open and shoveled in vegetables that sogged and stewed in the collective juices of their food, marinated in the blood of the fridge. -Shrlphund-. -Briuufmnfth-. Her rear trumpeted out currents of rear thunder around lengths of sludge, her ass clapping and against the muck from the blast. -Sfhhihf-. The rush of urine down her legs warmed and filled her with a sense of comfort, the woman slumping over mid dump, gliding down the fridge and gently laying down face first into the ground, her rear still rumbling and depositing mulch, she panting with a heavy breath. “Phann...” She blinked and turned her head, the fridge above was empty, the room stunk of her. “Mmrpy...” She mumbled whilst nibbling on her lips. Then she remembered something, dragging her sack like torso along the floor half and pushing open a cabinet door, from there she batted down a construction suspending a plastic bag, and all the trash came tumbling down, to the delight of the starved skunk...~ 3 ~. A slobby skunk is a happy skunk.. Jeremy was seated in the living room when the first prickles in his hands emerged. He thought little off it, just brushing over it as he waited with his finger on play for when Ashley were finished scrambling in the kitchen. Once his digits all started to quiver he was however forced to lower the remote, tingling now building to a kneading cramp. “I should really do some palm exercises or somethin'.” -Knatch-. Suddenly a pop as from a plastic joint snapped in his hand, Jeremy groaning and clutching the controller, only to realize his fingers had gone numb. -Knrrrvrvvv-. With the tension of splintering wood Jeremy watched on as his fingers clamped together, mangling and moulding into one another. “W-what in the world is heeaiiiugh.” Clutching his blunt stumps for hands over his mouth, Jeremy cried out into his fists as the tingle that had first settled in his hands sprouted throughout his nerves... ”Rrnnhg... oh no no.” Jeremy fumbled with his shirt and pants, the slabs he had for hands causing him a fair amount of trouble. Even standing upright put an exorbitant amount of pressure on his lower back. “Mnhfaa.” Tossing off his shirt Jeremy stared down at the bushels of chocolate fur developing over his chest, tufts spreading across his bare skin like the licks of a flame. Struggling with belt, he felt it unlatch a moment before a jolt of pain coursed through his back, the pain forcing down onto all fours. -Nhrrngft-. His arms elongated, snapping and bending to reach the floor even as he bent down. -Bweongg-. Pangs of heat budded across him with muscle tissue weaving together beneath his skin, beefing him up. -Shnrt-. His face bent and contorted forwards with nostrils flaring, his hands and feet compacting solid, rounding out in the shape of hooves. Pressure built under his shorts, the front sliding under the girth of his horse meat expanded and the back stretched thin across a plate sized bulge of a doughnut hole. The thoughts rushing through his mind melted into surges of emotion, huffing as he stomped, the heat from his new muscle mass growing to a boil as so much of his bulk bubbled away into blubber, untold kilograms of lard puffing out his hind, bulging his gullet and thickening his throat to the point where one couldn't see where it stopped and his barrel begun. -Phiirrlth-. A gas-cloud dampened Jeremy's shorts, his pucker inflating as if being filled with water, growing plush underneath the black shorts which were now stretched seethrough... -Brulpfhgr-. “Hniiearrg.” Huffs and groans accompanied the tensile growth, a grind of rubber escaping his rear pouted outwards, and a budding lump squelching through. The hunk of umber pumped into the shorts, Jeremy''s pit convulsing around the thigh of mud folding over in the Velcro. -Ghhrirlgth-. The earthy prod scrunched as it was hurled out of the tire-hole, which in turn pulsated in like a beating heart over the butt baked goods. -Fooulgshhri-. Dung curled into the shorts, bending before the rims held shut to his legs before folding over and filling up the other end. Muck compressed against the surface to the point where the fabric where its web of furrows laid displayed through the textile. -Sphhrurtlth-. Greasy smog echoed within the underwear, steam oozing through and carrying a fog of musk and burnt stew. -Hourlgsshd-. The pillar of fudge continued its crawl into the shorts, making them hang down like a second pair of buttocks on his flank. “Hniraang:” Jeremy shouted, his black hair arching back down his neck into a mane and his fur growing denser all whilst his shorts laid bloated and jostling full of gruel at his rear. Still, embarrassment did no longer come to him in a way he could decipher, Instead he delighted in in having his ass splayed open in a tunnel, but even those thoughts were soon just spurts of emotion. -Frhiillss-. His stallion-hood flared before gushing out a stream of lemonade, the torrent building in tone with the muck expanding his shorts, liters of yellow fluids draining into carpets and pooling underneath him, creating lakes and rives of urine roaming the floor, the pressure causing his member to wobble and hose down walls and furniture in spurts of the potent urine. “Neeiiehehegh.”.. -Srphffrulth-. -Bweounngls-. A trunk worth of cargo bundled together at his rear, several kilograms being clenched out by the second in columns which only broadened in girth till it was as wide as his rump. Coils of nougat making the shorts droop down with a -Thundf- it made contact with the floor, clumps of bower ballet squeezing out between the edges of the load closing in on his own massive stature before, valleys and hills of pudding tucked behind the cloth rumbling at its own pressure and weight until... -ShhriirtcPHuuroorth-. The seams ruptured and broke away under the weight, tattered shorts unveiling the ton of molten sludge coils slumping down over the floor. -Phhduldfd-. The gunk sprawled out like a heap of dough dropped from a baking counter, aside of the tangling mounds splatting into the cough and smearing their outer layer of colon fluids and murky gunk into the pillows. Jeremy cried out in an animalistic neigh. “Hnieehghgd.” Turning whilst his tap was still on full force, the fudge rolling out of his doughnut hatch and smacking down in dense piles over the furniture. The clog of manure fed out to bury his seat under a caking of his self made chocolate. What had been Jeremy trotted around the room leaving a trail of creamy, gargantuan mulch, unconsciously knocking over the TV and coating it with curls of raw umber. Their living room reeking of lard that had been unearth after maturing in a heap of coal. The horse's body still gained flabs of bulk across its body, along with tail wafting over the hurdles of grime hauling free from his congested colon. Ornaments and books cluttering shelves and tables submerged in coagulating filth, the whole room taking on a coconut hue from the stacks and tubes of chocolate that draped over furniture and floors, steaming and merging as it came to envelop the interior of the living-room...~ 4 ~.. ”Haaomph. Mmhwaaomph.” -Spruughltlgh-. The ‘past -the-weight-of-a-piano Ashley’ laid belly down in the kitchen, imitating an obese pancake. -Sphhffiifffss-. Columns of cracked, sputtering chocolate dough squawking out of her rear as she utilized her claws to tear open trash bags and get to the goodies within. Mouldy slices of pizza drenched in tissues and orange-peels and clumps of who-knows-what was all scoffed down her maw. Sharp teeth ripped into black plastic to shovel in everything she could. -Shhrulfth-. “Phawn. Hnawn...” With a patch of plastic hanging from the side of her mouth she looked around, her eyes not finding anything edible, just pyramids of her colon sewage. “Mnhwaw.. Fhouuud.” She whimpered and groped large flabs of her belly, hearing its -Grwoongs- and rumbles inside. -Brffhrt-. Her rear puffed out plumes of orange fog, but soon clenching shut, empty except for the brewing gas. -Phwrirth-. “Jgnrr...” “Hnff Neeiihehehrg.” She glanced up, seeing something big made of chocolate walk past. “Whooy Hhoy.” She instinctively smacked her lips, the creature listened, and Ashley coaxed the beast towards her... ”Shhrullp. Slhhum aahmn.” The skunk's lips met the horse's quivering pucker again and again, the circle of meat larger than her head, yet her tongue painted it in saliva to taste salty stallion-sweat. Her arms groped his cheeks in thight clutches as she bobbed her head to his pit, slurping and fondling. Every fold of lard and fat on her hips and gullet bounced. -Sphhrutlh-. She didn't pull back at the vibrations from the rear parting way, she only spread her mouth open along with it as a slab of chubby dough was framed in the ring, then plunged into her bog. The skunk's cheeks swelled with the trunk of mud canoodling inside and moaned over it, pushing herself tightly to the rim and munching down as it came. Deranged from her transition, the filth tasted of sandwiches and cheese, of meat and lettuce drenched in caramel and dipped in chocolate, for it all tasted of food to her. Ashley's belly sloshed at the helping of batter slumping inside, the skunk's tail wafting back and forth with her rear squeaking out clouds of -Pfrrffrytl-. In excitement over the meal. It was so easy, she just had to open, and then it came to sate her hunger. The skunk Caressed and squeezed down his rear as if milking him for her dessert.. Extra secret text.. The chubby horse paid no mind to the one guzzling down his sludge, only concerned with that it felt nice. -Groungfr-. His gullet rippled with its roars, the steaming chunks depositing into the Skunk's maw slowing as his gutter became depleted. Yet, despiter there being nothing left, the horse felt as congested as before...~ 5 ~.. Ashley had delved her muzzle so deep in the pucker, that once the flow stopped the vaccume created from her gluttonous gulping suctioned the her face into the rear. The brim of flesh contracted to tug her head inside. “Mmfnnfwnf.” She twisted and turned only to be submerged deeper, ears bent by the creeping fold of meat clamping down on her. -Shgriiglth-. Gelated rear fluids smudged out over her fur and nose, the skunk feeling the crinkles of the wrinkled flesh gate gliding down her neck. Once slumped over her neck, the horse doughnut struggled to sprawl over her shoulders, slowly but surely being fed into the canal of undulating muscle... His rear started to bloat, jolts of pleasure causing the horse to shake his mane with the stimulation roaming throughout his body. He swayed his head as if looking for an explanation to the sensations, whilst his rump hugged the skunk's watermelons. “Eeiihiiihehe.” He huffed out with his back-knees shaking, bending out of reflex and sending the bloated pucker down. Meat flexed, gradually draping to engulf her bosom. Jeremy neighed in confusion and pleasure, letting his hind descend and stretch its greasy rim broader, coming near the limits of tis rubbery chocolate-chute as it grasped and swallowed the bloated sack of skunk tummy. He felt how it bumped and flailed within, every movement a rush. -Phhroouuth-. A burst of flatulence smacked against the flab of the Skunk, sending her gullet wobbling sluggishly and her tail standing on end at the stench. -Shhullomp-. The ease of pressure let the rubber hole sprawl open and drape down her gullet, trails of fluids matting her coat as the horse huffed and brushed his tail across her back. The rim rested with a radius closing in to a metre spanned across the chubby equator. -Shhurlglht-. Buttocks clenched, the rim convulsed and squished down onto the gullet, closing over her belly button and enveloping the flour sack of a tummy with the rim contracting like a rubber band. “Eennheheehei.” -Bwooumbp-. After sweeping up so much chub the horse's gut heaved downwards, the skunk sent deep within him as merely an array of mountainous bulges. -Sshuusish-. The gray and green rear was squeezed and fondled by stallion-hindquarters, the horse standing as its taut cheeks kneaded down the flabby rump of what had once been his girlfriend, but now served to pleasure and feed his flank. -Whompg-. -Fririruuth-. A gust of wispy green smoke hissed out of the skunk's pipes, as she was swallowed up in stallion-beef, squeezed in to clog the large intestine while the legs and tail hanged and wobbled like a fish out of water. -Shunngh-. -Shunngsd-. The horse thrust forwards, hoisting up the legs in sloppy tugs, patches of fur wrapping up in the humidity of the copper doughnut. -Shmmowap-. Hundreads of kilos sealed in meat with the Skunk's paws sinking, the rim pulsating over the tip of her toes as they were claimed with a slick -Sghhrrlth-. The horse huffed and brushed his tail up with the Skunks, as the poofy length of fur was suckled into his depths, His pucker convulsing and blurting out -Fooyrrthttf- while the equine explored the kitchen, dragging the bulbous bulk of his belly over the floor... Wails and groans went unheard by the beating walls of rippling flesh. Ash jammed through the pathways of horse bowels, gradually deposited into the satchel-bag of a stomach. “Wmmhaa, Whnabaad...” Ashley mumbled and pressed her paws into the walls, sinking into flesh and getting a treatment of gut gel across her hands. Everything moved, walls shifting and flesh clenching around her, only the bottom remained flat. She squirmed and patted down the walls in a search for a way out, sweat drooping down her forehead and arms. Breathing was even more of a struggle with the moisture in the air giving weight to the air. As the stomach sloshed around her weight, barely able to shift the bloated meal, the heat became tangible and dollops of goo secreted out from the walls. “Snhaaoow.” Ashley cried out slowly being drenched in the liquids, the gullet swelling and contracting its wall to apply the guttural slime onto her. “Eennngmm...” She squealed with face clad in fright. -Oorgmhflosh-. A distant rumble closed in, Ashley focused on pit of flesh as it dumped out a hunk of bread into the belly. “Mmnnaamn.” She cooed and scoffed down the drool laced bun, hearing another rumble made her eyes shimmer... The stallion had found the pantry, snuffing out the edibles and chomping through packets of cereal and bread. First only motivated by hunger, but once it calmed his passenger, the horse was only incentivized to stuff itself further, as his belly gurgled and rumbled over its meal... ”Mmnaoomf. Uulpk.” Ashley laid on her back, cradled and rocked by the belly. Around her laid splotches of partially chewed food, which she munched down. She remained absentminded even whilst the walls compacted her, applying the congealing fluids against her soaked body. -Brwouffflpt-. A few bubbles rose from the green chyme forming around her. She didn't concern herself with how her backside became numbed, there was food to eat, she didn't need more...~ 6 ~.. Slop coagulated as the equine gullet compressed over time, muscles squeezing and brewing its meal into paste. The skunk lost more and more of her body to the surrounding gut gruel, legs and body dissolving, absorbed into the unifying batter. As more food descended from above, dropping right onto Ashley's face, she let her arms sink, submerging in the stomach muck to melt. “Houuraaplh.” She belched with some effort, deciding even that wasn't worth spending energy on. As the chamber hurled and stirred the gruel into itself, clotting the contents into a gel, the skunk just holding her maw open for food to fall into her throat. Ripples appeared across the surface of the goo, her ribcage liquefying, her fur providing hue for the grime. More mush piled onto her, burying when she didn't have the strength to swallow, clumps of chewed wheat and syrup weighing her down, to decend into the chyme grounding her down. Her eyes closed as dunes of gut-mud inched across her head, gulping her down as all the food she had before, and condensing the muck to prepare for its journey... Globs of paste was fed into the intestines, gradually the mounds of slop compacting in the tunnels of his bowels, liquids and nutrients kneaded out of her. All that remained was a concoction being hugged and led back through the pipe-way of the equine, -Chhrirt-. -Roufbrrglh-. Over time the bowels bloated with reeking mulch, nourishing in the stallion to then promptly being forged into waste. Chunks of coagulating chocolate pudding colliding and moulding together into a truckload of colon nougat. And the horse relished every stage of the process...~ 7 ~.. -Bffruurllthprt-. A blast of brown fog squeaked out of the oily rim, tainting the air in a plume of pungency, a tart odour riddled with the stench of fermentation. The Gas dispersed in the bedroom air, the horse huffing and shuffling his read up to the foot of the bed. Something had called him back here, instinct, or a distant memory. -Phruutlbrth-. The pucker pulsated back and forth, an avalanche hidden behind its rim. His belly fat with padding, yet slim compared to hauling around the bulk of a grand piano. Whatever the reason to back here, didn't phase the equine in the slightest... -Friifllsght-. Shaking just underneath the ring of flesh was a slab that already steamed. The doughnut protruded, clenched backwards, framing the hunk as it broadened and creeped closer. “Hnreoorufg. Neeiigh.” The stallion huffed and whinnied as his rump struggled with the mound, the pucker swelling. Flesh creaked as it spanned out to a half-meter, parting the chunky flanks and framing the blunt of the earthy mound. A clump in the waste poking out, as it was heaved back and forth by the pucker, it shook off the clay like slop that clad it, revealing a muddled white epiphysis of a bone. -Bpphrurullbrrth-. A rumbling gust of aged meat and burnt cocoa trumpeted out of the cheeks, unsealing the clasp of the pucker enough to let loose the batch... The chocolate train took off for its last station, burrowing out into the air and splattering drops of colon fluids across the neat covers. Its surface like the bark of a tree, and its girth just as large. -Sporuuftlh-. Dripping in gel that gave it a luster in the electric light and fluids with trailed down the crevices and fissures giving the mound its texture. In its shades of brown, there was an encompassing sheet of olive green unifying it all. The horse bent down once the bar of fudge protruded out through his rear, the loaf of semi solid clay arching downwards shortly after exiting, and drooping down towards the bed whilst the sleek round sludge pumped through. The majority of the fissures and air paths over the waste had been daubed over through the passage. The deep remaining and showcasing how each segment of the creamy gargantuan had once been individual clumps forged together in the gutters of the beast. Laying on the foot of the bed was a laptop, still open, displaying the result of the quiz on yourfur. Ait. The chunk of bone hit the back of the computer first, shutting it before the weight of the dung slapped in behind and buried it under the reeking dirt. Its surface between the deeper clefts taut like taffy and yet it bent and coiled like gelato, twirling in broad loops of muck. The columns oozed through the rear, the stallion's pucker bending and inflating over every bump and crag in the loaf, dressed in mud and covered in sprouting cracks one could distinguish vague indentations and bulging outlines in the fudge, bones and indigestibles bundled up in the core of the slab. Limber and nimble, the rim quivered as it bulged around a chubby segment of packed gruel. At times the pucker snapped down to makea a bone swing up, standing on the heap like a candle on a cake. -Shhourglb-. Below the serpentine dung folded and tangled over itself, tubes of creased mulch as wide as his burly thigh furling out and clumping together in a rising heap... -Dlufghsish-. Muck slammed into grime and patterns between the crevices of the loaves matched up into a labyrinth, yet the bowel-butter melded together under their own weight, squished firmly enough you could see the range of browns the mounds took, for a moment before they were obscured by further coiling slabs of manure. Other hunks bent and trailed over the pile, moulding like clay over the mash of scattered fudge. “Shee hh giig.” The horse whinnied and huffed at the strain and pleasure his rear was going through as it dumped out the biggest meal in his life. Thus far, the colon chocolate was unbroken, a single, albeit unstable, serpent crawling through his body and smudging his rear with residue of its grime. -Krrnnrrn-. The weight made the bed springs creak, covers bending down around the borders of the mountain. Shortly, the pile reached both short-ends of the bed, whilst the spurting mound grew, dunes of globby gunk compressed under itself trailed down the wall of the mud-hill and claimed ground further up towards the land of pillows... At times the pace of the sludge fluctuated, as if someone for a moment let go of the toothpaste tube that was the chubby horse. The gutters of the equine's bowels hugged and compressed the downstairs dough through the canals of undulating tissue, struggling as thicker or broader protrusion formed. -Spfhhryuslth-. Another cloud of bark sneaked its way through the gap between rim and batter. -Gheiirlcsht-. The horse huffed as his pucker convulsed over a jammed chunk. With a sleek tremble a crumpled up leg of a pair of sweatpants hauled out from the back hatch, a tear in the rump area visible as the segment of gruel which hugged it slumped over the mountain of steadily sliding, compacting horse chocolate. As dunes and heaps of waste smudged out and drooped down over itself and the edges of the bed, segments of bone and tatters of melted shirt and bra resurfaced or was submerged once more in the cluster of equine chocolate fudge. -Sphhlpugdth-. Dollops dropped down over the bed and stacked into smaller islands of dung separate from the main nougat peninsula. Ruptures and creases from the lengths themselves or forged from melding together were slowly being erased by the muck crawling over itself in chubby loads of sludge. It went towards becoming uniform, with a waxed surface that shone from the baked in fluids. Premium manure caked the previous couple's bed... -GluurlppOouth-. With a dungy plop the continuous coil dislodged from the pucker, slumping over the heap in a mulchy -Spplufd-. “Hynyahehe.” The horse grunted with his pucker clenching, then popping open like a flower in bloom to heave out a hefty globule of creamy slurry, the gunk splashing down with a -Spplgohs- and sprawling out over the heap. The nougat sauce flowed like from an open tap, the surface a burnished bark that reflected light like a precious ore. While the syrup caked the pile in its melted ice ream texture, it flowed over bones and clothes to conceal them once more. -Pholpbulpg-. The equines concoction bubbled as it streamed out in one coagulating mash of musky caramel sauce. Built up behind the gruel, a wetting -SRPHHUURllrth- steamed out in a cloud that stunk of pudding, wax and the prickling smell of wilted chanterelles, lobbing out a few straggling orbs of manure to add into the steaming volcano of a dung heap...~ 8 ~.. Off to the sunset. Time passed. The horse remained in the bedroom, giving out an occasional -Phhrulrth- and wiping its beefy cheeks clean with its tail. It seemed to indulge in the stewing odors, often inhaling deep breath of the warm, pungent smell. A few hours passed, the horse observed the drooping heap, the bed was still there somewhere, buried under the muck. It spoke intimately to a part of his animalistic intellect. Had his full mind been conscious, he might have made a quip about how she always took up so much space in bed. Yet, he soon smacked his lips, shook his mane and left it all behind him. The bedroom, the house, civilization, running out into the wild on his flabby legs. ", |
Story Start,Salo flopped on his bed and sighed, lamenting the fact that all his brothers and even his baby son were busy entertaining clients, leaving him alone and horny. He tried humping his bed for a moment, but it just wasn’t enough; he knew he’d just have to go out and find some fun himself. The big feral wolf hopped back down and made his way downstairs, his throbbing two-foot erection swinging and dripping under him like a leaky hose. On his way out the door, he ripped a loud fart to let the other Voritas who were there know he was going out, hearing two himself in return. Now he just had to figure out where he was going. The wolf thought for a moment, trying to decide what age group he was in the mood for. It definitely wasn’t an adult day – he felt like pounding some smaller guys, but the question was how small. High school? Nah. Middle school? Maybe…I bet those guys’d like to see me since Caz didn’t show up today…but…nah. Elementary? I could definitely see spending some quality time with some of Bambi’s friends…I bet those little guys’ butts are just begging for a pounding without any of us around…hm… As he went through his mental list, his dick only got harder. He realized even the elementary school just didn’t sound that exciting today, which only left one option. With a lick of his lips and a gush of pre from his meaty cock, Salo headed off toward the daycare down the street, farting at everyone he passed along the way, because that’s just what Voritas do! When he arrived, he reached for the door handle with his mouth, opening it to find a sea of about thirty infants and toddlers crawling and stumbling about the place, even including some who looked to be less than a year old! As expected from a Vorita, he let out a wet fart to announce his arrival, getting the attention of a handful of kids and the daycare supervisor, all of whom looked right at the wolf and his massive package. The blushing 18-year-old fox in charge of the place stood up and approached him, completely naked and already hard himself, his thick ten-incher nearly smacking the wolf in the face. Salo was far from shocked, considering how perverted everyone in this city was. It was no surprise that a daycare would be run by an unabashed pedophile with a thing for toddlers – that’s just how things went around here! "H-hey there Mr. Vorita, what can I do for you? Mesco’s not here today…" "Oh, I know, don’t worry. He got requested by some college kids having a frat party, so he’s probably having a great time right about now…” The fox blushed deeper at the thought of Mesco being pounded by a bunch of drunk frat boys, almost wishing he were there himself. Salo’s casual demeanor didn’t help either, especially as he went on to make a number of comments about what was likely to happen at such an event. Once he was done teasing the poor guy, Salo got back to the point. "Mm, so anyway, that’s why I’m here…I was just thinking about how nice it would be to pump some of these little guys full of cream myself, and maybe make a mess of your lovely establishment while I’m at it.” He winked at the fox, who looked like he was about to pop thanks to all that dirty talk, and took a few steps into the room, farting wetly with each one. Those pungent blasts started to get the attention of more of the kids, some of whom stopped what they were doing – if they were doing anything at all besides sucking their thumb – and started slowly moving closer to the big pervert. Looking back at the blushing fox, he wiggled his fat rump and ripped another fart, inviting the boy to have his way with that soft feral ass while he got to work himself. He happily obliged, practically pouncing on that plush rear and shoving his cock right into the wolf’s plush donut asshole, cumming on the spot but continuing to hump away. Luckily anyone who came in contact with the Voritas gained an exceptional boost to their stamina and a near-endless supply of cum for as long as they stayed with them, along with a handful of other abilities. That effect also applied to the boys gathering around the wolf, who found themselves inexplicably aroused by the much larger and older male, despite not knowing what such feelings even meant. All their developing minds could understand was that they wanted whatever the wolf had, and their bodies reacted in kind, all of them growing three- to five-inch boners in their diapers and undies, with bigger balls to match. The oldest boys were about three, and they were the first to act, coming up to Salo and starting to rub all over his body, including his throbbing member and swollen nuts, as well as his thick ass, which the older fox was still busy pounding. A few people had started to gather outside, watching through the windows that made up the entrance wall, and Salo took it as a sign to move on. He reached out and pulled the youngest kid he could see over to him with a paw, looking down at the 8-month-old with lust in his eyes as the baby instinctively presented his diapered rump, having already done this multiple times in his short time alive, even if he didn’t quite have the faculty to remember it or how good it felt. At that moment, another aspect of the Voritas’ magic became apparent, as the back of the cute little tyke’s diaper suddenly bulged out, that bulge quickly smoothing out before another one appeared, followed by many more as the young boy let loose a gigantic dump. Messy glorps and squishes filled the room as the boy’s shit gushed out, forcing his diaper to expand at an incredible rate, soon touching Salo’s feet and a few of the nearby kids, squishing against them noisily and making them moan softly in response. All of the other diaper-clad boys under a year old started shitting as well, their loads growing almost as fast as the first boy’s. It was all quite a sight to behold for everyone watching from outside, most of whom were just as turned on as Salo himself and had begun jerking off to the show. As the youngest boy’s mess grew, so did Salo’s lust, and eventually he couldn’t hold back any longer, taking a step forward to rest his massive black dong on top of the squishy diaper. He began slowly moving it back and forth along the surface as it sank down a bit, making it look almost as if he was hotdogging the boy’s diaper! Meanwhile, taking that step forward had caused the fox’s member to slip out of Salo’s loose hole, making him pout for a moment but not deterring him. The horny fox decided to try something a little different, and picked up one of the three-year-olds, pulling down his shorts and stuffing his cock right up that tight little boy rump, making both of them cum instantly as moans continually escaped them. While he kept humping the kid, the fox brought him back over to Salo’s flexing pucker and pressed his head up against it. With next to no effort, it slipped in, and as the fox continued to thrust into the young boy his body was slowly slurped up by the wolf’s hungry asshole, squishing through thick mounds of smelly shit along the way, which only turned him on more and made him cum several times on his way in. His own belly was also getting flooded with cum from his pedophile supervisor, making his small belly bloat with each consecutive load that got pumped into him. That in turn stretched Salo’s pucker wider, pushing him closer and closer to the edge as he slid his own thick cock between the folds of the ever-expanding diaper before him. Pretty soon, Salo finally hit his first climax, which shot out of his shaft like a firehose, drenching not only the adorable infant in front of him, but every other kid who happened to be in the line of fire, all the way to the back wall. It went on for a good two minutes before eventually tapering off, leaving a puddle of thick, slimy jizz that covered half the room. The kids who got caught in the blast all hurried over to the source, rubbing all over that huge shaft and watermelon-sized balls, a few boys having to climb up on top of the giant diaper to do so. The climax also caused him to clench his donut involuntarily, squeezing down on the boy sticking out of it. The pressure naturally caused a good amount of the cum that had been dumped into him to come back out, oozing out all over the fox and the floor beneath them, not that either of them minded. Another welcome surprise greeted them when the squishy ring loosened its grip, as a heavy surge of poop gushed out, coating the parts of the boy that weren’t already covered, and making a nice pile on the fox’s feet that ended up knee-deep by the time it stopped. Roughly a third of the floor space of the room was now taken up by the bloated diapers of the younger kids, who stopped filling them and decided to bring them closer to the center of the action, straining to drag their huge dumps with them since they greatly outweighed the kids themselves. Once they got close enough, they sat back in their respective messes, using their beanbag chair-sized diapers as just that, and letting out numerous wet farts and occasional additions to their loads as they watched. As Salo came down from his orgasm, he could already feel another one building thanks to all the cum-soaked boys’ rubbing, along with the wonderful noises and sights all around and the feelings of what was happening behind him. He knew his subsequent climaxes would come faster than the first, so he got right back to humping that diaper, this time angling his dick a bit lower so that he was actually thrusting straight into the middle of it, feeling it hugging his cock on all sides thanks to the magic making it incredibly stretchy. He could feel the tiny tot’s poop rushing out against his sensitive head, humping even harder until he could actually feel the tip pushing into the little boy’s stretched hole, which took the extra girth with no problem, simply widening even more to allow his dump to continue unimpeded. At this point Salo was basically lying on top of the massive diaper, his front legs not even touching the ground as he thrust into that mess as hard as he could. Unsurprisingly, he soon came a second time, the diaper essentially being used as a giant condom as the wolf’s load gushed out, nearly as big as the first by the time it was done. Most of it ended up squishing out around his cock, and pooled under him, making the floor extra slippery. Right around that time, the fox finally humped the last of his little boy toy into Salo’s ass, making wet squelching noises as he pushed his 5-inch boycock into the shit surrounding him, thrusting into it repeatedly as he was slowly drawn deeper into the wolf’s messy bowels. The fox wasn’t ready to call it quits yet though, and simply picked up one of the other three-year-olds and started the process all over again, much to the delight of the crowd gathered outside. As Salo continued humping the massive diaper, one of the other jizz-soaked toddlers climbed up on top of it and sat right in front of his face, presenting the front of his naked little body to the horny wolf. Being the unapologetic pervert that he was, Salo didn’t think twice before leaning his head forward and starting to lick all over the boy’s body, his tongue taking globs of cum into his mouth for him to eagerly swallow. He made sure to pay special attention to the little two-year-old’s cock, taking it and the boy’s balls into his mouth and sucking on them, making the tiny kid moan loudly as he came twice in quick succession. Salo happily swallowed those loads down just like his own before releasing the boy’s small, yet productive package from his maw. As the boy went to climb back down from atop the bulging diaper, his foot suddenly sank in unexpectedly and he fell, landing right at the diaper’s waistband. As he tried to get back up, he grabbed onto the edge of the waistband without thinking, pulling it open just enough to let a thick mass of poop gush out, which caused him to fall yet again. This time, he landed just above the waist, still holding onto the edge of the diaper and allowing more shit to escape, glorping out all over him and the youngest boy’s back. One of the other boys watching decided to go up and shove him right into the gap, pushing him all the way in until the waistband sealed behind him. Seeing this, all the other boys who weren’t doing anything else came up and started pushing each other in one by one, each kid giggling as they slipped into the giant smelly mess within. Salo chuckled as he watched all the boys disappear into the thick slop, picking up his thrusts as he felt his third climax approaching. He nearly came on the spot when he realized what the boys were doing inside: one at a time, they were lining themselves up so that the wolf’s giant cock would push them into the baby’s shitting rump! Salo could hardly contain himself as he felt each kid’s butt hug his cock through the stretchy wall of the diaper, pushing them all right into the even smaller boy as his dump continued, endlessly squelching and blorting out around them. And with each one, the baby’s belly swelled and bulged out further, raising him up off the ground and slowly but surely pushing him backward into his own diaper. As the last toddler entered his rump, he himself was engulfed by his thick, sloppy mess, one last giggle sounding out before becoming muffled by the shit. The diaper remained open at the top, a torrent of crap pouring out of it and spreading across the room. Despite that, the diaper never seemed to get any smaller, and in fact only continued to grow, albeit at a much slower rate than before. Salo soon lost it again, his balls pumping out yet another load just as big as the last, most of which again leaked out around the sides of his dick as it shot into the back of the giant diaper. The tiny tyke inside felt the gushing stream pushing against him and pushed his little butt back to slide it around that moving bulge until it slowed and finally stopped, milking it as best he could at his size and age. In the midst of that orgasm, the fox finished pounding his second boy into the wolf’s fat ass, having pumped what felt like gallons of jizz into him in the process. He slowly slid his aching cock out of Salo’s cum- and shit-covered donut, shooting one last load all over it from the outside, giving it and the rest of his rump a nice glaze. He looked around to see what he’d missed, noting that the only kids left in the room were the babies lounging atop their full diapers. "Whew, fuck, you Voritas are amazing… What now?” Salo slowly managed to stand, getting off the diaper and making his way around to the front of it, where all that shit was pouring out. He stood there and let it wash over him, covering any parts of him that weren’t already brown, moaning softly as he took it all in. "Mm, I think now I’m gonna climb in there with the little guy and finally blow a load in his cute butt for real! Care to join me?” The fox blushed deeply, thinking about how hot it would be, but also somewhat satisfied with the two little butts he’d already pounded. "God, that’s so hot…but this time I think I’d rather go up yours, if you don’t mind…” Salo chuckled and nodded, turning his rump toward the fox once again and ripping a loud, we fart that rattled the windows and made just about everybody outside cum. As the fox approached the inviting ass, he stopped and looked around at the other babies still sitting on their loads. "Oh yeah, what about them? You’re not gonna stuff them up anyone’s butt?" "Heh, nah, I think they make nice accent pieces to the big centerpiece, don’t you? Besides, once we’re done, I’m sure all those guys out front would love some play time with them!” The fox just chuckled and shook his head. "Man, you’re too good…” With that, he shoved his hands right into Salo’s slutty hole and spread it wide open, eagerly sticking his head in before the wolf simply lowered his ass over him, sitting down until his cheeks squished against the crap-covered floor. He then stood back up, slurping the pervy daycare supervisor’s feet in with a lewd shlorp and a final wet shluck. Once he was securely tucked away in his shit-filled bowels, Salo turned again and practically dived right into the open end of the diaper, vanishing into the mess with a bunch of loud squishes. Inside, he found the baby he so desperately wanted to pump full of spunk, and he did just that. The wolf spent the next several hours going to town on that full baby butt, stretching his underage pucker around his giant cock and bulging out his cute, toddler-stuffed belly with even more filling as he creamed in his filthy ass over and over again. He looked forward to greeting the parents when they came to pick their kids up…", |
Story Start,Stepping out of the shower, Anna couldn’t believe how lucky she was! She’d scored a date with the Captain of the Soccer team, Tyler Hansen. The young eighteen-year-old blonde dressed quickly, putting on her black skinny jeans and peach top that showed just enough midriff to be sexy. Tyler was taking her to the new restaurant that had opened in town, scoring reservations that baffled her as to how he got them! She realised she was running late, so decided to take a short-cut she often took through the fields that ran around the back of town. It wasn’t exactly encouraged, as the farmer tended to get very cross, but she and her friends had been doing it for years, and Mister O’Flanigan was pretty harmless, he’d just shout at them. It proved a little harder to run across the field in her heeled boots, but since it would save her a good twenty minutes compared with taking the bus, it was a worthwhile sacrifice. Anna hadn’t realised that it was the time of year that Mister O’Flanigan let his cows graze in the upper field. It wasn’t a huge deal, but it did mean she needed to be very vigilant in case she stepped in a cow pat – which would almost certainly ruin her evening. It was also quite dark by now, as sunset was quite early in the fall, so it was almost pitch black as she made her way across the field. Using her mobile phone to provide light, she staggered around the field, trying to cross it by memory. Without even noticing until too late, she walked straight into the back of a cow, knocking her off her feet and onto her butt on the ground. Her phone slipped from her hand and landed a little way away. “Damnit.” She muttered to herself, and put her hand down to push herself up, into something soft, cold and squishy. She realised she’d landed butt first into a cow pat. “Eww!” She exclaimed, realising now she’d have to go home and change… and shower. “Stupid cow!” She shouted at the cow. Anna became briefly aware of movement just above her and looked up just in time to see the cow’s backside coming down towards her face! With almost no time to react, Anna screamed but it was cut off as her head was shoved right up the cow’s backside and became muffled as the much heavier cow sat down on the lithe blonde, taking her entire upper body into it’s anal passage in a single sitting. “MMMMM!” Anna exclaimed from within the anus of the cow, her arms pressed against her side as only her lower body remained outside of the cow. Anna had no idea how she’d ended up in this daft situation, or how she’d ever explain it to anyone. She was unable to move due to the cow sitting on her legs, pressing her into the anus. She became dimly aware, despite the horrific smell, that there was suction going on. That was strange to the high schooler, as surely the ass would be trying to push her out not pull her in. She felt herself moving further up the anal passage, but not very far, as the cow had her legs pinned. The cow, aware now something wasn’t right, stood up again. This left Anna’s ass hanging out the back of the cow’s ass, and her legs dangling down. With there being nothing now to stop the suction effect, and with Anna being such a lithe and skinny girl, her ass and legs were slowly sucked into the cow’s ass, until nothing remained outside. Anna was pulled unceremoniously through the cow’s anal passage, and then forced through the digestive tract until she came to rest in the cow’s large fourth stomach. Being unused to processing something of that size, the 4 th stomach, principally designed to digest the cow’s food quite efficiently, it went to work extremely quickly on the new contents of it’s stomach. The cow, suddenly feeling fatigue from her body’s need to work on it’s new meal, settled down onto its engorged stomach to sleep. Anna, who had passed out from shock and asphyxia, drowned in the stomach acids long before she felt the digestive process begin. Throughout the night, the cow slept as her stomach gurgled and glorped, working to digest the contents within. It was an extremely inefficient process, the cow not designed to digest meat and bone, but break it down it did. The liquefied contents of the stomach were pushed through the intestines where valuable nutrients were absorbed, or sent to the udders to make milk. Some point later in the early morning, the cow awoke, rose to her legs and released a massive fart, which heralded the return journey of Anna. = SCAT Ahead = The cow pushed, and large dollops of light brown shit filled with various non-digestable parts began raining out of the cow’s ass. Large bone fragments, clumps of blonde hair, articles of clothing that were acid burnt but still recognisable for what they were protruded from the lumps. A burned, torn and soiled peach top came out, followed by shit covered pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of flocked boots, a pink satin bra with a floral print and matching panties all fell out of the cow’s ass. Lastly, the cow strained and Anna’s skull finally left the anus almost nine hours after it had first entered, followed shortly by a small turd with her watch in it. Mister O’Flanigan arrived later in the field to take the cows for milking, noting that one of his cows was producing above average milk production. Whilst they were in the shed, he went to shovel the cow pats, since they made fantastic fertilizer. It was doing this task that he discovered a dead mobile phone a few feet away from a massive pile of cow shit filled with human remains and clothing. The poor man gagged and ran back to the farm to call for help. Anna never did make her date. ", |
Story Start,Alex was your typical fifteen-year-old girl, who just so happened to grow up on a ranch. She loved horses more than anything in the world, having grown up with them her entire life. Her family joked that she loved horses more than people, and in a very odd way, she really did. The middle of five children, Alex had seen her older brothers riding and taming horses, watching her father corral them and prepare them for county competitions. She was always to be found leaning against the fence, watching the horses at play or at work with her father or brothers, so therefore it would be natural that she’d become a rider. As a special treat when she was eight, her father took her out to the barn to watch as a foal was born. It was amazing to see the new life come out of his mother, and Alex watched with joy as the little guy wobbled to his feet for the very first time. It was a miracle of nature, and love at first sight for Alex as she watched the baby find its footing and wobble around the stall. Her father allowed her to name the foal as it would be her horse from now on. Alex grinned a wide grin and announced to her amused father “His name is Lance.” She said. “And I will take good care of him.” True to her word, Alex spent every spare moment she had outside of school or other commitments with Lance. She often had to be dragged into the house for supper lest she incur the wrath of her mother. Girl and horse bonded, with Alex becoming besotted with her horse more than anyone else in her family. Over the years, Lance grew strong and powerful under the dedicated care of his owner and learned to be a riders horse under Alex’s patient tutelage. As Alex blossomed from a young girl to a wholesome teenager, she found that she had social activities with her friends as well, which reduced the time she spent with Lance. In addition, with her oldest brother now off at state college, she had to pick up some of the farm chores that needed to be done. This meant that Alex was caring for multiple horses within the barn, giving them each lots of attention as she washed and brushed them every day, mucking out their stalls and riding each of them for twenty minutes a day. As time wore on, Lance became somewhat more distant with his affections towards Alex as he noticed her caring for the other horses. She hadn’t considered he might become jealous of the others getting her attention, but he became much moodier and more uncooperative with the other handlers. He’d rear up and wave his front hooves at her other brother when he came into the stall, one day kicking him so hard it broke his arm. From then on, only Alex was allowed in his stall, and Lance wasn’t permitted to be around the other horses, as he’d try to bite and kick them in a show of dominance over them. He was moved to a solo stable with an attached paddock, often referred to as the ‘naughty shed’ by the family. Late one evening, Alex was summoned to a family meeting in the kitchen. Her father, mother, second oldest brother and two younger sisters were in attendance. She took her seat and looked up the table towards her father who sat at its head. “I’m afraid we need to discuss Lance.” He said, kicking things off, and causing a horrid lurch in Alex’s heart. "What about him?” She asked, concerned. "His behaviour hasn’t improved at all, and he bit one of the hired workers today. They’re now looking to sue for damages, and right now, we just can’t afford that. We’re going to look for a settlement, but in order to pay for it, we’re going to have to sell a couple of the horses. We think it only right and proper that we send Lance to a specialist farm that can handle a horse with severe behavioural issues. We’re just not cut out for it here. Sooner or later he’s going to hurt you badly, and I can’t have that. He’s already broken Dean’s arm, what if next time he kicks you in the head?" "You can’t punish him!” Alex protested. “He’s just jealous of me giving the other horses attention. He’s already gotten a lot better since he was isolated and can’t see it. What if I just spend more time with him?” Her father looked to her mother with a pleading expression, and then her mother responded. “It’s not going to be enough dear. He’s dangerous. Sometimes this happens with horses as it does with people. Despite the best of intentions, they become anti-social and need expert help. We’re not experts honey, and I’m not prepared to risk you or any of the other’s safety for a horse.” She sighed, realising her words just weren’t hitting home. Alex would brave the danger regardless, she knew that, so she tried a different approach. “I understand you’d do anything for Lance, and I know you well enough to know that the fear of you being hurt isn’t enough to dissuade you. So, consider this, what happens if next time it isn’t you who is hurt – but either Tammi or Erika? They both love to play with the horses, and they’re not going to truly appreciate how dangerous Lance is until too late.” Alex’s eyes watered up, hearing what her mother was saying but also in horrific pain at the thought of loosing her best friend. “I understand.” She said, her voice trembling. “When would you look to sell him?” Mother and father looked at one another, then her father spoke. “We have a guy coming down in two days to check him over. If he accepts our offer, probably by the weekend.” He said. Tears were streaming down Alex’s cheeks as she nodded and bolted from the table towards the back door. "Alexia!” Her mother called out to her, but her father put a restraining hand on her arm. “Let her go.” He said. “She needs time to process.” Alex ran from the house across the field towards the Naughty Shed. Her long fair hair flying behind her as her riding boots splashed through the sodden field not long after the rains had been. Mud splashed up her favourite white leggings and brown jacket, even a few landed on the black t-shirt underneath. She couldn’t care less as she raced towards Lance’s stall, pushing her way in to find the stallion standing there, looking like he always did when she came in. He could sense something was wrong, without knowing it, as her mood was different. She came over to him and began to gently caress his muzzle, trying to smile through tear-stained eyes. “Oh Lance… why did you end up this way? Did I do something wrong?” She asked of him. Lance just gently snorted and licked her face gently. She giggled despite herself and hugged his neck. “I love you big guy.” She said. Alex never saw it coming, and even if she had, she wouldn’t understand it. As she stepped back from Lance, he raised his head up and opened his mouth as if to bite her. Instead, his head swooped down and took in her entire head in a single go. Alex was so shocked at that moment, she didn’t even scream, not understanding or comprehending what had just happened. The shock of it numbed her for a few moments, as she felt Lance slide his head down past her shoulders, forcing her arms down to her sides. With her wits restored however, she began whacking Lance’s neck with her arms, unable to move them entirely, but only from her elbows. She tried to scream but only muffled sounds could be heard, and they’d only be heard if anyone had been in the stall with her at that precise moment. Lance continued to move down his owner’s body as he slowly suckled her in. He moved past her budding chest and slowly down her stomach until he was at her hips. Her arms were now pinned to her side as she continued to scream and wail through the horse, the only sounds being heard were “MMMM!” and “MMMPH!” as well as very muffled shrieks. By now, Lance had reached the tipping point, and was able to lift Alex’s body up into the air so that her legs waggled about crazily. Her cute bubble butt was hanging outside of Lance’s mouth, moving frantically trying to free herself from her horse’s grip. Another swallow sent that cute butt down into the mouth and the entrance to the throat. Alex’s head was about halfway down Lance’s long throat, a clear imprint could be seen through his skin and hair of her face. She continued to scream and shriek, but it was obviously no use, as Lance was completely disinterested in her protests. Another swallow saw Alex’s legs sink deeper into the mouth, leaving just her riding boots sticking precariously outside of his mouth. Alex’s head now entered the massive cavern that was Lance’s stomach, and her screams, cries and shrieks just sounded hollow in the vast chamber to which she was being lowered into slowly. Her feet were the last to be swallowed with a pathetic attempt at trying to cling on to his mouth with her feet being futile as he swallowed them down like noodles. The shapely fifteen-year-old girl slid down the gullet and slowly curled up within the stomach. Alex sobbed, wailed and screamed at Lance to let her out, as she pounded with her fists on his stomach walls and kicked with all her might. Small bugles appeared in the skin of his now quite engorged looking stomach as Alex pushed outward and the stomachs elasticity pushed her back. Lance let out a small snort and a whinny, then went over to the corner of his stall and flopped over onto his side on his straw bed, his massive stomach still writhing around as Alex fought against her fate. The sounds of her protests were very muffled due to the presence of the stomach wall, and Lance could hear the noises that caused his ears to twitch. “MMMmmm” “MRMMM! “MRRRPH!” The now content horse drifted off to sleep, unaware of the magnitude of what he’d actually done. Or maybe he was aware, it was impossible to know, but as he drifted off, his stomach began to appreciate that it had something it needed to work on. It’s usual fare of grass, hay and oats were what it was used to breaking down, but the basic biological design of Lance’s stomach was not too dissimilar from other stomachs, and the acids could break down pretty much anything. The vast chamber began to fill with harsh corrosive acid that drenched Alex’s clothes and skin, matting her hair to her head and face as she sobbed and wailed. There was absolutely no escape, and she was going to die. Her parents had been right all along, and she hadn’t wanted to believe it. The only comfort she took was that it wasn’t her baby sisters in here, not that it brought all that much comfort to her in her acid bath. Her skin tingled and burned under the brutal force of the acids. She gasped as the fluid level rose up to her face and removed the last of the air in the chamber. She felt the burning on her face as the last of her air escaped, being granted the blessed release of death before being digested. Her family, used to her spending nights in the stall with Lance, didn’t really think things were amiss when she didn’t come back after storming off. Although there was concern, her father was content to let her spend the last few days with Lance. He knew it was hard on his little girl and didn’t begrudge her wanting to be close to him before the time came for him to leave. Obviously, had he known precisely how close they’d become, he would’ve gone out to the barn with a shotgun. But he didn’t, and it was far too late for her now anyway. The sounds of gurgles, burbles, glorps, sloshes and wizzes as the stomach broke down the young girl filled the stall as the night wore on. As the stomach wasn’t used to digesting meat and bone, it took a considerable amount of time for Alex to completely digest. The stomach had lost its defined form of a human a few hours after digestion began, and over the course of the night, it rounded out and slowly shrank, but it was still quite large come morning. Lance heaved himself up off the stall floor and trotted out the side door that led to the enclosed paddock. He trotted around releasing very loud farts as he went as his stomach jostled about, moving pockets of air within him as he went. A fart caused the horse to stop and raise his tail as a nugget of crap fell out of his ass. This caused more to come crashing out, but Lance had to strain a bit from time to time as larger undigestable components were harder to push out. The faecal matter was laced with clumps of light brown hair, small pieces of bone, the occasional larger piece of bone or broken bones, as well as the half-digested remains of Alex’s clothes. Lance had a hard time passing all the shit that his meal had produced, but somehow managed to pass it all. The stomach had been very inefficient in the digestion of Alex’s clothing in particular, with synthetic fibres being difficult to process. In the massive clump of horse-shit that Lance had produced were the shit covered and acid burned remains of her white leggings, brown jacket and black t-shirt. Her boots had come through almost unscathed with the exception of being full of shit and covered in it as well. A half digested pair of pink panties hung from one of the boots, half-in and half-out. As Lance trotted off, a pink bra, half in and half out, dangled from his anus as he moved off to go graze the grass elsewhere. Later in the day, Dean was sent to bring Alex back to the house, a task he’d done a thousand times, and would no doubt have to do a thousand more. He was surprised that Lance was out in the field with no sign of Alex herself. He looked inside the stall but didn’t see her there. She hadn’t been in the barn as he’d just been there himself, so he was a little puzzled. Lance walked slowly over to the part of the fence where Dean was standing and snorted at him. At that moment Lance finally passed the pink bra, and it landed in a small nugget of shit on the floor. Dean looked down at it and was even more confused. Did Lance eat some clothes? He looked into the paddock and his face dropped as he saw the huge pile of shit which even from this distance he could see contained various clothing items and white bones. "DAD!”", |
Story Start,It made a snort, a guttural huffing sound as it strained, the sight strange as the bulky theropod adopted an unusual stance as it squatted in the thick jungle foliage. The dinosaur arching its back, tail tilting upwards as it seemed to shift on its padded soles as if getting comfortable. The dinosaur rolling its hips ever so slightly before giving a grunt, that signalled a wet crackling sound to start as the T-rex’s bowels loosened. The slick noise indicative of the cloaca relaxing, as it jolted to attention to release some festering faecal fudge that was nudging the strong saucer impatiently as it eked for release. The T-rex was happy to oblige and with a hiss of foul flatulence the was escaping bowel bass the creature began to relive itself. A chocolate colon cake quick to crown as it rammed its way into the parting portal, quickening the pace of its dilation as it forced the normally strict hole into a straining scream. The sphincter spasming slightly as it seemed to mull the greasy log, before with a colon convulsion the smooth scat began to ooze out like toothpaste. The girthy glob of muck leaving in a furious flow that stimulated the pucker with the tickle of ruined hair from its liquidated lunch. The scraping of shattered skeletons strumming the sphincter in dense bone meal caked pockets that were interrupted by the smoother surface of larger acid pitted bones that had survived the stomach spelunking relatively unharmed. The T-rex remaining in position for a time as it felt its innards empty in a single unbroken chain of foul-smelling filth that began to coil in a mound that could only be described as a veritable mountain of processed protein. The backdoor soon reaching the end of its dirty deposit, as with a plop, the tail end of the long log fell away with a moist sound as it impacted the brown butter that had pooled below the exit only. The cloaca winking slightly as if ruminating on what it had just done well checking if there was any lingering dinosaur dung. Finding no more dirt to drop off, the T-rex simply stood and stomped off without a second thought of this natural process, as its gut already growled as it desired to fill the space that had just opened up in its now empty digestive tract. The creature was soon gone, leaving just a messy mass to steam in the morning sun as it cooled like any other bowel movement. That was unless one had a keen eye and caught the shimmer of gold peaking from the muddy muck, as the final stretch of the chocolate sausage contained something that was a departure from the normal goat indigestible that passed through and peppered the creature’s standard leavings. The final length of log a departure from the normal droppings as tucked away in the creamy crap were the trappings of a now reallocated manager. Expensive clothes crumpled up into grotty unkempt balls with a glazing of anal phlegm, heels, a necklace still untarnished by its digestive delving and the most telling of all was a security ID smart card. The synthetic key card bearing the picture of Claire’s beautiful face that sat snuggly a short distance away from the egg-like skull now stripped of flesh. the redhead making herself acquainted with the two goats she had signed off for feeding earlier that week, as the woman cooled in a conglomerate of several beings reforged into a single coffee chunk of rearranged meat.In time a member of staff would follow the tracker in her ID and locate her unceremonious send-off, which would just be catalogued another picture in the massive case file for damages in the inevitable lawsuit that her negligence had unleashed. Claire was past the point of caring though, she was too busy enjoying her new position as fat on the frame on the creature she had stupidly unleased…", |
Story Start,Jeremy twitched and whined in his sleep, an angry rumbling echoing from his now human belly as it begged to be filled with something nice and tasty. “ugh, it's not time to change yet” he grumbled towards the growling organ, then realising exactly how stupid a response that was “I only do that on Thursdays. And how do you expect to hunt on a Sunday night anyway? I have a test tomorrow!”His head hit the pillow hard, groaning quite loudly now and stomach cramping up a hungry storm, This curse was beginning to get more difficult to deal with. Jeremy had assumed that transforming weekly and indulging in his bestial desires in the local forest would be enough to satisfy that new side of him but recently that plan had fallen through, which he would have seen coming. Werewolf's were carnivores after all and needed a huge amount of meat to keep going throughout their day.... much more than small animals could provide. As he sat there Jeremy tried to remember how exactly he'd gotten himself into this mess, finding it hard to concentrate through the haze of hunger. It was at least four months ago and the young adult had been heading home from a friend's house, taking a quick detour through the thick branched forest in the dark of night. Really he'd been asking for a hungry werewolf to jump from the bushes and assault him, opening it's maw wide and open with a familiar churning echoing from it's hungry belly.... Jeremy shuddered and sat up. “Why did it spare me though?” he wondered, looking at his human hands and finding them suddenly uncomfortable, as if he were wearing tiny gloves two sizes too small “it obviously planned to eat me. What made it change it's mind?” he grumbled again and stood up “wish it'd made its decision before it bit me... Bastard.”After that the young man had awoken covered in leaves, a sharp pain in his side but no evidence of a wound. Jeremy would of simply put it down to his drunken stupor but well, then he found himself suddenly transforming into a powerful wolf-man very capable of devouring another human whole although he wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. Rabbits and deer were his saviour in that regard, their satisfying squirms and little cries for help as he gulped them down satiating his hungry belly whenever the wolfman cravings showed up. It certainly wasn't something he was proud of doing but they were too strong to ignore.... And Jeremy wasn't about to let those cravings control him, he was a human first and foremost!“alright look” he was talking to his bare belly again sitting just above the waistband of his boxers, the resting site of many of the forest's creatures “I'll find us some sweets to eat, no meat.” Funnily enough that made the cramps fade somewhat, the wolf side of him obviously liking the idea of chowing down on a nice hunk of chocolate like any canine would. They had that in common, at least. He stood up and took off his boxers, finding that unlike the movies his clothes didn't stay on when he decided to transform, something that would make his life a whole lot more convenient. “alright...” Jeremy grunted and willed himself to change from his lanky human form to his well built and admittedly handsome wolf form, gritting his teeth when claws and fur began to visibly form in his hands. Couldn't risk waking up his parents... They wouldn't understand. He lay down on the floor with his rear up in the air, muscles fluctuating as a large, bushy tail so deeply grey began to stretch just above Jeremy's firm butt cheeks. Twenty years of biological growth had served him well and it felt sort of weird to just be tossing it aside in favour of a stronger, newer wolf form but he supposed he didn't have much choice... The young man eventually standing up tall and strong, a wolf in every sense of the word. “it's getting easier” he realised a little grimly, looking at himself in the mirror “I don't think I’ll ever get used to this part though.” now instead of a twenty year old college student standing in the middle of Jeremy's bedroom there was a large werewolf of unknown species, beautiful grey fur cascading all down his body and ending at his firmly planted feet. Going right through his long, sleek muzzle with it's twitching nose and sharp teeth that looked they could through metal. And the tail... That was certainly something Jeremy had to get used to, finding that he lost balance and fell over quite easily if it wasn't positioned in exactly the right direction. Still now he felt at least comfortable in his new canine flesh, able to hunt deer and rabbits by the truckload although Jeremy was quite partial to scarfing down housepets as well... Poor whiskers, old Nan jenny's missing cat, would never know just how good it had tasted. And never would considering all that was left of it was a dung heap in the forest and a nice layer of fat on the wolfman's trim belly, already groaning out for its promised meal. “alright fine.. Give me a minute.” He stopped flexing his muscles, loving that little addition his wolf form gave, and quietly left the room. Making sure to look both ways down the hallway before sneaking to the top of the stairs. Then Jeremy stopped and remembered something, his dog was sleeping in the kitchen tonight rather than outside like he usually would and there was no way he'd react well to a wolf with Jeremy's scent all over him. “crap, plan B then...” He moved down the hallway to the only other room in the house where he knew chocolate and sweets were always present, his younger sister Cheryl's room. Like most twelve year old's she had a hell of a sweet tooth and Jeremy knew she'd been smuggling chocolate bars into her room in case she craved on during the night, out of reach of her parents but not out of Jeremy's. The wolfman grinned at the thought of sneaking around her room in his wolf form, luckily for him she was a heavy sleeper and he was a lot more light footed with his furred feet, he could be in and out in ten minutes with a handful of chocolate bars and no evidence left behind. Putting his hand on the doorknob he rattled it as gently as he could, sniffing carefully at the sides to make sure Cheryl was sound asleep before he barged and ate her lovely little chocolates, drool forming at the side of his maw as he thought about them... At least, he hoped that was what was causing it. Jeremy drove the thoughts out of his mind and quickly stopped sniffing, pushing the door open and letting himself into the dark room, taking a moment to let his wolfen eyes adjust for a moment and let him see everything that was in the room. Toys strewn about the floor, garish posters adorned the walls in the centre lay Cheryl, sound asleep in her bed and innocently unaware of the werewolf standing in her doorway and giggling a little to himself at the sheer ridiculous of the situation. “god I could eat you up you little cutie and no one would ever know” Jeremy thought to himself and then stopped suddenly... What was he talking about? He'd never do something like that to his little sister or any other human being for that matter. Maybe his wolfish side was beginning to get a little out of control, or perhaps it was just an intrusive thought, regardless Jeremy shook his head again and took his eyes off his sister to search around for those elusive chocolate bars. But he was fated to be disappointed, realising quickly that whatever stash Cheryl had gathered before was already eaten by her, belly letting out a loud gurgle at the sudden realisation. “shut up” he growled beneath his breath, freezing in place when his sister groaned and then shifted around to lay on her other side no longer facing the wolf. Jeremy raising an eye when he realised that she had decided to... Uh, experiment in the hot Californian heat and was sleeping naked, clothes discarded beside her in a dirty heap. “didn't need that” he mumbled and turned to sniff one final time for the chocolate bars, quickly realising his mistake when the sweet scent of Cheryl filled his nose and tickled his predator drive inside of him. It was her then... That was what was making him drool before, the lovely sun-baked scent lingering off her naked body and climbing into the air that was sweet in its own feminine way. Promising a much better meal than the chocolate bars could give. Jeremy found himself reaching a clawed paw towards her, pulling his hand back and slapping it to his head, no! He couldn't eat his sister. She was human, a living being and his own flesh and blood... But she looked so delicious, that tantalising smell taunting the hungry wolfman and making him drool again, remembering the wonderful feeling that cat had given him as it struggled inside his belly and pondering how a small human would feel undergoing the same process. Jeremy's mind was in two ways, yes he wanted to eat her but he couldn't, being swallowed alive and digested inside a wolf belly was not a pleasant way to go. To be unceremoniously plopped on the forest floor the next day, devoid of anything that made it noticeably human except a couple of bone remnants. But on the other hand he was a predator... And she wasn't technically related to the wolf side of him, it would only be natural if he swallowed this little prey whole and alive. Taking everything she owned for himself including those chocolate bars he was sure that Cheryl had scoffed down before going to bed. Against his better judgement the werewolf found himself baring down on his little sister with jaws agape, tongue rolling towards her soft cheek, realising now that it didn't matter of she was awake or asleep since his thick wolfen flesh would muffle any protests she made. And any protests he was having with himself were quickly silenced when his tongue finally met her flesh with a wet slurp, travelling from the ridge of her jaw all the way up to her blond hair.”mmmmm...” Jeremy groaned, closing his eyes at the delicous taste that Cheryl presented, lovely and sweet with the slightest hint of pumpkin strangely enough, it was near Halloween so he assumed she was carving one in school and had gotten some juice on her body. But she wouldn't be carving any pumpkins ever again, or attending school for that matter... Only now did he open his eyes and realise that his little sister had woken up and was now staring at him, wide eyes and speechless at the mystical sight in front of her, unable to comprehend the fact that a giant wolf had invaded her room and licked at her cheek. “m-mom?” she whimpered, realising that this thing's stomach was growling quite loudly and that he looked positively starving. But before she could repeat the plea in a larger voice Jeremy put a paw to her mouth and slowly removed those duvet covers hiding the rest of her, growling to keep her extra quiet while he ate... Cheryl kicked her little bare feet against the bed to try and remove that paw from her mouth so she could scream, only succeeding in making a muffled yelp that didn't phase Jeremy in the slightest, the wolf simply licking his lips as he ran his eyes over that surprisingly meaty body. She wasn't fat or anything but the girl still had a nice bit of pudge where it counted, her naked form being both a positive since it gave Jeremy a good view of all this and also a negative since it would make the latter half of the ordeal more awkward... Regardless, there was no going back now, he reasoned. Cheryl sobbing now when the wolf extended a claw to gently tickle her bare tummy, getting a feel for the nice plumpness present there, the chocolates inside digesting away and soon to be churned up in a new belly with it's previous owner. “Jeremy!” came a muffled cry from within the wolfman's hands, cheryl not yet realising that the being about to end her was in fact the person she hoped would burst into save her, Jeremy simply grinning wildly at the sheer cruelness of such a fate. “quiet, I only need you” he replied back in a deep, rough voice that sounded nothing like his natural one, his sister's eyes visibly widening at the sudden realisation that he could understand her “this is for those chocolates by the way. Greedy little girls deserve to get eaten...” at the mention of the word “eaten” she began to trash and scream as loud as she could, for her mother, for her father, for Jeremy and even for the family dog in a desperate attempt not to become wolf food, realising now that was all he wanted her for. Jeremy had to kick himself a little as he would of loved to spend a few more minutes teasing her but with all the fuss she was making it was only a matter of time until she kicked something over or wriggled out enough to let out an audible scream, he needed to move now... Jeremy opened his jaws as wide as they would go revealing a crimson neck pulsating greedily for her little body, horrid breath that smelled distinctly of digested rabbits and razor sharp teeth designed for tearing up small humans like the one in his clutches. To Cheryl it was like something out of a terrifying fairytale, like she was a mischievous little lady being punished for her chocolate hoarding and this was a big, hungry wolf well suited for handing out the punishment, the terrified girl reaching a hand to move those jaws away from her. Jeremy deftly avoiding ingesting them with her head when he finally jumped forward, wanting to feel them punch and tear at his dense chest-fur as she fought to escape. God this was so evil, so much fun that he couldn't believe he'd been so against it moments earlier. His sister let out a short yelp when the wolfman finally moved his foul-smelling hand away form her head, but it was quickly muffled when he closed his jaws and enveloped her entire head, Cheryl struggling to escape the moist, even worse smelling chamber. “mmmm, delicous little girl” Jeremy grumbled and pulled her entire struggling form off the bed so he could sit down, licking up at his meal's neck and upper chest to really get a good taste for her girl meat. She was nice, all sweet tasting and with a nice amount of plumpness in all the right places to make her scrumptious to such a strong predator. Jeremy had noticed that when he'd first become a wolf, watching her lay out on the couch and watch telly while giving off a tantalising smell that made his stomach beg for her, but he'd pushed it away back then. Well no more... his sister's fate was sealed as soon as he began greedily gulping her down to meet that waiting belly. With her head firmly stuck in Jeremy's neck Cheryl was screaming, crying, sobbing for any help that she desperately hoped would come and pull her out of this smelly wolf with his poking teeth and rough hands. At first she'd thought it was a nightmare but this was just too real with the neck muscles flexing and pulsating greedily around her, that tongue lapping and slobbering for all the flavoursome meat the little girl offered, she really was being eaten. It was so tight that Cheryl could barely even the breathe the stale air, only able to make muffled yelps and a cute bump on Jeremy's neck that was rapidly descending even while he chuckled and poked at it with his free paw. The smell of digested meals wafting upwards and giving the small girl a little glimpse of what her future entailed, to be melted into fat and let out in the fresh air a couple of days later in a much quieter, neater package. Jeremy tongue slid down her bare chest to lick at that plump stomach, so full of spoiled human meat and chocolate that he could practically taste it from the outside. It was the only part of her really chewed in a big capacity, testing the tenderness of Cheryl without breaking any skin, he wanted to feel her wriggling inside him and hear her crying for escape while his own belly flexed around her melting form... While Jeremy was frozen in place, tongue lolling as he thought such delicous thoughts, Cheryl had managed to pull herself out up to her chest. Unluckily for her the moment of joy was short-lived as the hairy wolfman quickly lurched back to reality and gulped her back in, placing his huge hands on those wriggling rump cheeks to shove them inside. He didn't spend much time mulling over them, some semblance of humanity remaining.... Just a sly lick here. A curious sniff there and then Jeremy began to work on her slender legs. Pointing his muzzle at the sky to slide them deep inside of him, Cheryl head poking through the sphincter and getting a whiff of his previous meals escaping in the form of a belch that flew out around her knees, able to see the bubbly juices forming at the bottom. Finally, all that remained off Jeremy's cute little sister was a pair of cute little feet kicking futilely against the night air, this was it then. Was he really going to doom his sister to a horrible digestive fate? Jeremy grinned as he tickled at cheryl's soft foot soles, of course he was... He made sure to enjoy her toes though, tongue curling around and in between the neatly trimmed digits, tasting quite salty to his drooling maw before a final gulp brought them in too. The last of Cheryl becoming nothing more than a wriggling quite bulge in Jeremy' neck, and then a decidedly louder sobbing bump in his belly, the gorged organ distended massively and spilling out over the bed. “oh god, such a cute little girl... Such a lovely piece of meat” he whispered, rubbing and squeezing the bulge and feeling her protesting form inside desperate for an escape from the hot, wet chamber she was being digested in.Inside, Cheryl was already up to her chest in the stinging, melting stomach acids, body curled up into a tight ball and able to feel that claws poking at her from the outside. She was inconsolable, sobbing and making muffled screams to the outside world for help but none would come, she was doomed to be wolf food and if the last minute had been any consolation, it wasn't going to be a pleasant journey. “you're sick” Cheryl spat, trying to shake the juices off her body and hair “you'll regret this, they'll know i'm gone.” but it was beginning to dawn on her that they wouldn't find what was left of her unless the wolf was really disgusting, and that nobody would believe she was picked up by a fairytale beast in her sleep and devoured whole and alive. She'd just be a mystery, known only to a very satisfied wolf with a taste for little girls. Her struggles lessened after that, Jeremy waiting them out until a final twitch came and his belly began gurgling and churning in earnest to process the very first human it had been given. Now his human side was beginning to return, the wolfman finding himself rubbing over that bulging organ and wondering what he was going to do next. “I can't stay here... Maybe it's not too lat...” his thought was interrupted by an aggressive belch that smelled strongly of what he immediately recognised what digesting human “nope. Guess it is.” Jeremy sighed, no real regret over his actions except the fact that he would now have to live somewhere else, he could hardly wake up tomorrow and pretend that his sister wasn't melting inside of him after all. While he was thinking about this new stage of his life Jeremy began to walk around and look at the bedroom walls of the girl he'd snuffed out, realising that Cheryl had apparently been working on a biology project on the digestive system, a half finished model lying on the desk beside her. “well, at least she got her research done, and then some” he grinned, picking up some teacher reports from last year. “a sweet girl? You bet” Jeremy smacked his lips for the last remnants of her exquisite flavour “i'd also add with a touch of fruityness to that report...” he realised that he probably should feel bad for taking such glee in the process but hey, it was only nature... Survival of the fittest and all that. Finally realising that it was time for him to go Jeremy hoisted his massive, already quite squishy belly up in his and walked towards the window, wondering if anyone would find the wolf saliva, realise they were both missing and put two and two together... Even if he did, he'd be far away at that point and she'd be nothing more than a pile left on the forest floor. And with what pleasant thought, Jeremy crawled out of the window and made his towards the massive forest where he was to begin his new life. ", |
Story Start,Letting out a long, well earned sigh you reach up a paw to feel the bulge Sarah makes as she goes down, down and down, curling up into a compact ball of youthful meat inside of your tight belly. “Good girl...” you rasp, so satisfied with this catch “little red r-riding hood c-couldn’t compete...”Inside the girl kicks and screams up a storm but all of it is barely audible, cushioned by the fat around your tummy that Sarah will soon be a permanent part of. You’ll be carrying her around for a long time to come, for a while as a silent piece of digesting meat and then a layer of creamy fat to be burned off hunting other tasty creatures. In a way the two of you would be bonded forever albeit not in a way that Sarah ever would have willingly agreed too. But she has no choice in the matter. She’s just a kid and you’re the big bad wolf and encounters between the two tend to end with only one survivor. You lick your lips and pat the squirming bulges of her wriggling form, the flesh mosaic of little girl that’s already gurgling up a storm inside of you. She really is making a commotion in there, punching and kicking against the belly walls with slimy limbs. All futile of course, you chuckle to yourself and moan at the wonderful feeling all of those little wriggles are bringing up, she won’t get out the way she came in. All she’s doing is stirring up some rank ai-**BURAPPPPPPP**The belch comes out low and heavy, erupting out of your mouth like a firework, rippling across in all of its scented glory. It smells like her of course but so much more sour, the stewing of her had warped that sweet and beefy concoction and tinged it with your digestive might. It somehow smells even better than before, a new layer of scent that your canine nose gleefully laps up. Of course such a belch sends your belly into overdrive around her, the silly girl awakening the beast inside of you that quickly perks up into a flurry of harsh gurgles and wet squelches. Belly grinding, smacking against her bare skin as the little girl kicks and screams out in earnest.It feels so good. So good in fact that you begin to notice a sudden tightness underneath that sagging, squirming mass of belly that encased Sarah. Peering around you almost blush beneath your fur. Your now furry cock was rock hard and already dripping with pre-cum, and truth be told you don't know how long it has been like that. All you know is that its calling out for you to grab it and jerk all that pent up frustration out in white ribbons of steamy wolf cum. You lay down, appropriately enough, in Sarah's comically undersized bed. Paws hanging over the sides and belly jutting up, the muffled screams of the confused and frightened girl echoing out as you digest her in the very bed she slept in. "mmmmm, good girl" You mumble and reach around to grip your cock with one paw "wriggle a bit for me, ok sugar-bun? It’s a big help. "Chuckling you begin to jerk yourself off while puffing out short, heavy huffs of girl scented breath, that hefty paw of yours rubbing up and down your transformed length. It isn't the first time you've wanked yourself in this form but it is the first time you've done it with another creature inside of your belly, filling you up with such a satisfying heft. You didn't care that it was your sister in you either. All you could think about now was he good she had smelt, the way her naked body had shifted in the bed before you and how good she felt wriggling around inside your gurgling belly. Your jerks pick up in intensity as you build yourself up as images flood through your wolfish mind. Images of her cute little feet, that fat little behind, her terrified expression contorted in a muffled scream, her wails for mercy inside of your gurgling, squelching organ. "Unnnnnnfff"You groan and finally let loose, the other paw scratching at the girl so unaware of what was going on just inches away from her, thick globlets of wolf sperm splattering the surface of her fattened prison. You let out an excited, satisfied groan, the spasm of the climax flowing through you. "Goood girllll" you moan "my sweet little sister... "Your lower half satisfied you stare that gorged organ laid out before you. It's roughly double the size that it was before, bordering on triple, all 70 or so pounds of that delicious little girl curled up tight inside. It's surprisingly round and smooth too, the fur spread sparse around the top and the further extremities of that fattened belly hanging off the sides of the tiny bed. You reach out a paw to touch it and a bulge suddenly forms from where you touched, a hand, imprinting itself perfectly from the inside out with the fingers spread wide. You chuckle and gleefully touch it. Tracing your clawed finger along that smooth palm, the short fingers and then those trim nails already visibly beginning to melt underneath the fur. From there you're able to trace the rest of Cheryl's body through the bulges her body is making. You find her shoulders and the back of her neck and from there you find her cute little head, a single bump of a bulge near the top of the hot boiling sac she was encased in. It jostled and you realise she's still sobbing, weaker now, probably nearing her end. You move in the opposite direction and find her spine, the butt, and then her slender legs and finally at the bottom in a bunched up pile are her two feet. They in particular feel sloppy and are no doubt floating in a puddle of digestive juices pooling at the bottom. You delight in sloshing, pushing them around. Your little toy to play with.It's like a work of art, a flesh mosaic of girl that unfortunately wouldn't last long enough to be put into a museum. But, you realise with a slick grin, if you could find her phone maybe you could take a photo to keep with you. But before that, you feel a sudden urge to chat with her. After all it may be your final one. “Heeeyyyy, little girl” you call out in a lyrical tone and a soft lick of your chops and her struggles suddenly come to a stop. A muffled response and you crane your ear closer to make it out, luckily for you those wolf ears are like little satellites and you’re able to piece together what the girl is saying from inside you. “Oh but I can’t let you go my sugar bun” you grin and give your gurgling organ a pat as it bulged out with the wriggles of the girl inside “see I need to eat just as much as you do. And while I know you like to eat cookies and cupcakes and all sorts of sweet treats, I prefer to eat little girls. And what a good one you were.”Sarah responds again and at first you think that she is asking you another pointless if entertaining question, but it’s just a wordless anguished cry. Your grin grows wider. “Yes indeed, such a fine taste you had. So beefy and sweet, and that smell?Oooooohhhh”You burp just a little bit and there it is, her now sour girlish smell so beefy and thick. “You stink, oh but don’t feel ashamed. I loved how alluring that odour was, how enticing it made you seem, why if I wasn’t so hungry I may just have kept you around just to come back and sniff you every once in a while. But, of course, that won’t happen now. ” You ponder whether to say the next thing, and then press forward with slow cadence. “I appreciate you sleeping nude as well, letting me see all of you in its purest, tastiest form. Laying yourself out like a menu mmm yes, cute little girl.”This time Sarah does respond. “W-what’s going to happen?” She says “p-please Mr wolf....”“Well you’re going to digest” you respond matter of factly and chuckle, patting where you assume her little head to be “Yep, you’re gonna melt down and make me nice and fat. And sooner or later you’ll be.... Leaving me, but not the way you came in.”Sarah is young but she gets the hint and lets out another cry at the sheer thought, her wriggles sending the drying cum on your belly splattering over her pink duvet. She fights and fights and you moan in delight, ushering her further on. “Yeah that’s right Sarah, my sweet little girl. You’re gonna be wolf shit.”You lick your lips again and gulp in some more air to keep her wriggling inside of as you gloat. Any guilt you may have otherwise felt is completely gone now, Sarah is just food through and through and you probably couldn’t even let her out now if you tried. And besides she’s such a natural fit and such a fine little wriggler why would you want too let her go? She belongs in her big brother’s big belly. "Say little girl” you grin to no response except a terrified wail “I think this calls for a photoshoot.” Reaching a paw underneath the pillow behind your head you find no phone, nothing on her bedside locker either. You ponder this for a moment, aware that asking her where it is was probably out of the question considering that she was still screaming the living daylights out in the pit of your belly and probably wouldn’t tell you regardless. With a grunt you shift your heavy werewolf form onto its side, the girl sloshing around inside of you with audible uncomfortable grunts, and reach down to paw at the clothes piled up in a heap on the ground. You pick up her green pyjama jacket and reach into the pockets, nothing. You throw it away and reach down again to pull up her undergarments. Lifting up the pink pyjama pants with the frilly underwear still inside, which you assume means that when Sarah decided to go commando tonight she must have took the pants and underwear off together in one tug and then followed that with her jacket. It makes the whole decision seem more spontaneous than you first assumed and part of you has to chuckle at that that, her most adventurous night and it resulted in.... Well, this. You reach into the pocket and, yes, there’s the phone!“Oh Sarahhhh” You grin in your raspy, gruff wolf voice “smile for the camera honey.”You aren’t sure if she hears the request but that doesn’t matter, the sound of your gleeful voice is enough to bolster the little girl into a fresh set of wriggles and, in turn, a fresh set of bulges on your stretched out belly. You quickly unlock the phone, struggling ever so slightly to make the touch screen respond to your giant wolf hands, and are greeted by something that very nearly makes you burst into full on laughter. There she is in the phone’s background photo, your beautiful little sister in her prime, and beside her is you. But not the you that exists now. Instead it’s the old you, the boring you, the human you. That toned, athletic but laughably furless body draped around Sarah as the both of you grin wide for the camera. Sarah's big, toothy smile and happy face perfectly matched with your brotherly grin. The photo may have been taken at Christmas last year, or perhaps her ninth birthday, but that matters little. All it is now is a symbol of a time long past where you still hung onto the clutches of your humanity and wouldn’t have dreamed of turning that adorable, curly haired tween into a delicious, scrumptious piece of human steak. Licking your lips again you wonder if she may have tasted even better at that moment, full of Christmas dinner or birthday cake. Maybe you should have taken her way back when, but then again there was less meat upon her since had grown since whenever this photo was taken. MMMPPHPHPHHH!“Ah yes” you snap back to action and switch to camera mode “got lost for a moment there, say cheese Sarah!”*flash**flash**flash*You take three photos to document this stage of digestion, quietly wishing you could have taken some before or even during the actual devourment, one full body photo of you licking your chops wildly as her hands bulge out on either side of that gorged organ. Then a close up of the belly cradled in Sarah’s bed and stretched wide, the bulges of her total form more visible at this distance, her legs and thighs and tiny little feet could be seen curled up and pushing against the stomach walls. And then you take one last photo from the right hand side, Sarah's head in perfect frame. Or as much of it as you can make out for indeed it’s less noticeable than her feet and other such parts. You can still make out her face pressed against the slimy walls screaming out an increasingly tired song, her ears slightly frayed and obviously digesting, and the curly head of hair she was so proud of covered in slimy, melting digestive juices. You save the photos and peer around at the kitten themed accessory that you once claimed that Sarah was too young to own. After all you didn’t get to have a phone when you were nine years old. But it would appear this little thing had served its purpose and would, in turn, pass onto you upon Sarah’s now inevitable demise. While she still wriggles around inside, you wonder what else this phone may hold. All of her text messages and photographs, the best snapshot of this little girl's life than anybody could ever have. It may be nice to snoop around a bit, get to... Bond a little with her before it’s all over. Your grin grows wider and you position yourself up a little on the pillows, resting your arms on the belly and staring at that adorable piece of equipment before you. This is so perverse but you feel compelled to continue, see what secrets Sarah had hidden from you. “Ho hum, let’s see what’s in this little phone of yours, shall we my friend?”A low, wet and ominous gurgle echoes out and you take that as a yes. Giving her head a loving stroke before using your other hand to carefully type the password back in. She’s weak but still moving, still a bit of fun left in her. “let’s see, photos. Wonder what you had saved in here...?”You grin at the implication although you realise that was probably lost on the girl inside you, she was simply too young for that. Her sleeping nude was probably just an adventurous rush of an idea and nothing more, so the chances of her taking pictures either then or another time were low. Still there’s bound to be some fun more fun things in here. Flicking through the albums you discover more photos of her last birthday party, some snapshots taken with her friends in school (all of whom look very tasty) and a lot of photos from the last Christmas you had all shared together as a family. You zero in on these, more evidence of a life now gurgled up inside of you, there’s all five of you around the Christmas table. Dad and mom on the left hand side and you and your older sister on the right, Sarah wasn’t in this one since she had taken the picture, but it still makes you chuckle. Such a nice moment that you had all shared, and now it was all gone. “Found some Christmas pictures” You tell the bulge “as tasty as that turkey looks I'm glad I found you instead, much more meat on you.”No response, you jiggle the belly a bit and get a gurgled yell in response, satisfied you return your attention to the phone. Not much there really, but perhaps you could dig a little deeper. Your wolf hands, now used to navigating the tiny screen, make their way towards the bottom icon. Her texts. Bound to be some choice finds here that you could gloat over. Mom, Dad, your older sister Rebecca and some school friends were Sarah’s last contacts on the day she vanished into you. Mom and dad’s were pretty uninteresting, they were both boomers and so the messages were brief and boring. Rebecca’s was a bit more fun, wishing Sarah a good night one last time. You chuckle and ponder if you should... Reunite the two when your done here. It would be the least you could do really, families had to stick together. You back out of that conversation and scroll down to Sarah’s friends, three girls and one boy, the latter of which makes your eyebrows raise. You immediately zero in on that particular thread and, as you guess, find the amorous texts of a pre-pubescent romance stewing away. She had a secret boyfriend, how adorable!“Tommy Alister?” You grin at the belly which shifts at the name “Really? You could have done better Sarah, ah well don’t worry. I’ll probably eat him too someday, and then the two of you will be together again.”Which gives you some....ideas. With another coy grin you return to the phone, Sarah giving one last moan inside of you before finally becoming ultimately silent with only an elongated, ominous gurrrgle coming out to inform you she was done. You give your belly a warm, genuinely affectionate pat. “Seeya lil snack, thanks for the show. Can't wait to see how your friends taste compared to you. "On that note you return to the phone, opened up on Tommy and Sarah's texts. “U up”Silently cringing at your attempt to replicate your sister's zoomer texts, your mood lifts considerably when you see the dots of his typing suddenly show up. He is up, all the better for you. “Yeah”You wait for me, but nothing comes. Rolling your wolfen eyes you type another quick message. “Wanna meet up?”The three dots return again, hesitant, you pre-emptively get ahead of that. “My mom and dads asleep, I can sneak out the windo.”You pat your belly once more, chuckling at the idea of this kid expecting the girl inside of you and instead finding just you. Just a big, hungry you still ready to slurp him up. “ok, meet me in the park?”You send a quick thumbs up and flick the phone off. Time to take another one... ", |
Story Start,You’re all male baby and on top of the world. Twenty one years old, well toned body that remains the envy of every girl in the neighbourhood and, to top all of that off, you’re not even fully human. You’re so much more than that. You’re a full blooded, well equipped, and experienced werewolf ever since a strange accident two years ago. Two years of mastering the change, hunting down small prey in the forest and raiding houses in the dead of night for loot to sell the next morning. You’ve made being a werewolf a full time occupation, and you’re damn proud of it. But this evening will change everything. While you’ve been very good at keeping your secret hidden, only telling your beloved and supportive girlfriend of the past four years, tonight will test that secret to its limit. You awake in the evening and peer out at the full moon riding high in the sky. You can transform without such an astrological occurrence of course, but it’s easier with the help of that wonderfully bright moonlight on your changing skin. You chuckle, still in human form for now, and think about how you will spend the night. When suddenly your belly gives out a low and hungry rumble, well that’s that then. You’ll need to find some food before doing anything else. You consider your options. A hunt is a little risky, and the chance of finding some good food elsewhere is low. But your little sister, Sarah, always has some cookies and sweets hidden somewhere in her room, unbeknownst to either of your parents. Could be a worth a little night time raid to satiate your sweet tooth. You carefully open your door and walk stealthily down the hallway to the pink doored room at the end of the corridor. It’s a lot easier to sneak while still a human, but as you get closer you ponder whether it might be best to transform before you enter, especially since it may make smelling around for those cookies a lot easier. You walk past your parents bedroom, dad snoring away, and past the creaking bed of your older sister (twenty five) until finally you reach the door to your little sister’s bedroom. You put your ear to the door and hear nothing, she’s asleep. Alright, time to choose, Werewolf, or human form?Werewolf form it is. You silently nod and take a step back, making sure to centre yourself and take notice of the surroundings before, finally, letting go entirely. Letting the wolf inside of you take over. Fur begins to sprout, a light grey coat forming around your twenty year old body with a light tingle. It doesn’t hurt like it did the first time as your hands and feet begin to grow, a light bushy tail sprouting out from the hem of your boxers. Then comes the muzzle, chin and nose extending into a sniffing, twitching furry mound. And then finally, as your head finally shapes into a more canine form, the ears pop out from the top of your head. Triangular and cute and as handsome as the rest of your wonderfully wolfish form. Soon the lean male you were is gone, replaced instead by the honed body of an apex predator. Six foot tall, armed with sharp white teeth and a dangerous claw on each finger, soft pawpads reaching out to grip the door handle of your sisters bedroom. You blink a little as your newfound senses overwhelm you, the pink paint on the door becoming considerably more garish and giving you a slight headache, and the massive amount of new smells isn’t helping. Girl, dad, mom, dog, insects in the walls, it’s a lot to process. But it will pass. Cracking the door open slowly, your senses focus a little bit helped by the darkness of the young girl’s room. Your tail wags behind you as you look around, eyes adjusting to the darkness quickly. Your sister is on the far end with her back to you, wispy breaths of sleep pouring out of her young body tangled up in the duvet. The rest of the room is messy, half read books stacked precariously in a shelf, unfinished homework splayed out on the floo and toys arranged all around the small but smart little space. It speaks to your sisters excitable, somewhat messy but overall smart and capable personality. You love her very much. She is your little sister after all. But as you ponder your little sister’s mischievous little personality, something suddenly occurs to you.... She smells really good. You sniff the air, searching around for the cookies or some other tasty sweet treats, and her beefy smell hits you hard. “mmmmmm” you think with another sniff and a turn to peer at her still sleeping form “That’s amazing....”A part of you does realise that this is wrong and shameful behaviour, at least by human standards, but you don’t leave. Staring at the bumps and folds of that delicate body sleeping under the covers, and in time you lift your muzzle high and sniff again. Deeper this time, parsing through the scent of the paint on the walls and the dusty books on the shelf, honing in on Sarah and Sarah alone. This is your sister, your sweet little ten year old sister sleeping soundly in her bed, and there you stand in the middle of her room, wolfish muzzle held up to the sky and closing your eyes in appreciation of her young aroma. Smelling her up like a particularly aromatic flower. Sniffff snnfffffffSarah's 4’8 form is curled up into a little sweaty ball of tender meat, soft skin, beautiful and cherubic. Even the fabric of her green pyjama pants and shirt and the duvet around her does little to hide her smell from you.It’s sweet in some aspects, smooth and easy to carry upon the air, and equally salty. That’s the meat upon her body, the beefy heft of a well fed human girl, young and still round with baby fat. Sweet, salty, beefy, all of it swaying over the air towards you in a pink vapour. So thick that your wolfish eyes can practically see the soft, cotton candy like cloud it forms. God she’s good. And your wolf instincts are telling you to do something about it, interpreting that scent not just as particles upon the air but also a message. But a message to do what?Before you can decide you notice something else. She’s fatter than you would have thought.It's hard to ignore as you gaze at her little face blissful in it's unconscious stupor, her mouth half open and a sliver of drool spilling out onto the pillow beneath her. She's a plump little thing. Well adorned with a healthy layer of baby fat bolstered by her late night snacking habits and that beast of a sweet tooth she had. Sarah's resembles a little hamster in some ways, her cheeks puffed out and fat, her nose twitching in the mire of sleep. But it isn't only her face that's got a heft to it. Her chest, her belly, even her hips are wider than you would have expected from a cursory glance. Now it's all you can think of, disregarding the cookies and instead pondering how sweet she would be instead. How wonderful it would be to eat not the cookies, but her... She shifts and, for a terrifying moment, you believe she is waking up. But instead Sarah simply groaned and turned over so that her back was facing you, the duvet bunching up and exposing something that made your eyebrows raise. She was naked. You blink once, then twice, but there’s no mistaking it. You’re innocent little sister had decided to.... Experiment tonight and had shed her usual attire of a green pyjama jacket, two frilly blue socks and a pair of pink pyjama pants and instead return to her most natural form. Nothing adorned her young body as she slept completely exposed to your prying, wolfish eyes. You try to turn your attention back to the matter of the cookies but always your gaze returned to Sarah. she was so cute, your adorable little sister with her curls of short brown hair, the slim curves of her back muscles that twitched as she slept, the low snores of blissful sleep escaping from that little, drooling mouth of hers. You wonder what she is dreaming about. Horses maybe, she liked horses, or boys, she was of that age after all. Or perhaps it was a less pleasant one filled with dark thoughts and gnashing teeth well on its way to becoming a nightmare. That would be appropriate as well considering what was standing in her bedroom. Your eyes moved down the curve of her back, following the bones and sinews of her delicate body from the ridge of shoulder blade all the way down the ridges of her spine, and then settling for a moment on one of her most secret parts: The behind. Usually hidden through a layer of frilly cloth and lace Sarah’s rump was now bare, every single inch of those smooth cheeks laid out before those hungry werewolf eyes of yours. The two thick pieces of slightly sweaty girl separated by a line down the middle, perfectly creamy except for a dimple on the left one. You, now completely enraptured by her in every way, briefly ponder if anyone had seen this dimple before you, perhaps Sarah herself didn’t even know about this spy hiding upon her rump. Perched two inches away from her neat crack. With a start your realise that a sliver of drool is beginning to form upon the side of your lips. And again the suggestion from before comes into your canine mind, to eat her. To push that girl’s beefy, beautiful little body into your growling stomach. Pushing that thought aside you continue your perusal of the prey taking notice of those smooth and slender legs ending in a pair of cute, soft feet delicately placed atop one another. Her toenails unpainted and trim and just as clean as the rest of her surprisingly curvaceous body. She’d washed herself recently it would seem, but that did little to obscure the heavy meaty smell her curled up form was giving off. She was perfect, every inch of your little sis was beautifully padded with luscious fat, her slightly tanned skin as smooth as lilac and her movements so delicate and lithe. And all of it was topped of by that incredible, aromatic odour. You lick the drool from his lips again just in time to see her shoulder blades tighten, her legs straighten out and her rear end wriggle a little, beginning to awaken.... She spins her little head around just in time for your furry paw to wrap around her open mouth, the half closed eyes erupting into fully conscious orbs. She cries out but it's muffled and you begin to breath a little heavy, realising that this situation required urgent action. If she told even a single person about your werewolf habits the secret would be out, it would be over. Beating her soft feet against the bed and with the cute nub of a nose twitching at the smell of your hot canine breath Sarah begins to fight in earnest. Terrified, confused, loud... "Shut up!" You growl at her and the girl freezes, the duvet gone completely off of her now, giving you a look at her soft tummy plump with little girl fat. You wipe more drool from your lips and cringe quietly. Getting a bit of a headache from the smell, the sight, the taste of her.... You open your eyes again after a moment of silence in the house, no one was coming. It was just you and Sarah still frozen before each other. Stuck in this delicate, decisive moment. You have to do something with her. If you try and leave now she'll just scream the house down. You could reveal yourself, let Sarah know your secret, but then you'd have to explain what you're doing here and why. And that would lead to even more uncomfortable questions. "Or" your instincts chime in once again as the whiff of her fades past you again "You could just eat her. Doesn't she look lovely? Doesn't she smell delightful?"You groan to yourself, yes. But she's also your sister, your beloved little ten year old sister, you couldn't do that. Could you?You look into Sarah’s eyes, those green and worried orbs reflecting back into yours with no recognition for the person you were, and everything is made clear. Tonight, you will eat her. Her boisterous ten years on this earth will come to a gurgling end inside of your wolfish gut, Sarah will try to fight it of course, you would expect nothing less. She’ll kick and scream but no one will hear the muffled cries from inside your outstretched gullet. And you’ll enjoy it. She’s just too good to pass up. “mmppphhh!!” She screams from behind your forepaw, reaching delicate hands up to dislodge it from her face “mmmpphhelllppphh!!”Taking one last look at her nude form before it vanishes forever you lick your chops wildly, droplets of drool falling onto her wincing face and eyes fixated upon your sharp, bone white teeth. But you wouldn’t put your teeth to work on her, no of course not, a meal this delicate needed to be savoured. Needed to last. You will eat her whole. “B-bye...” you struggle to get the words out in your raspy, wolfish tone “little sis.”Her eyes widen again, although it’s hard to tell if that’s out of sudden recognition or just the surprise of hearing you talk. But soon those same wide eyes of Sarah’s vanish behind your advancing, open maw as you slam it down over the top half of her head. She tastes just as good as you would have thought, equal parts beefy and sweet. As if the cookies she loved to eat had burrowed their way into her very being and mixed in with natural feminine, youthful flavours creating a wonderful meaty concoction. You groan, overwhelmed for a moment and lucky that the shock of actually being eaten had frozen her in place for a moment. Your hand wasn’t upon the girl’s mouth and she could easily have screamed out for help, but another gulp quickly put a stop to that possibility. Sarah’s whole head, the entire hamster cheeked, curly haired visage of her now getting a good licking inside of your steamy maw. Sucking on her, tongue running over her eyes, cheeks, ears, hair and lips you let the girl know just how appreciated her contribution is and shall be. Purring, groaning with delight at all of her wonderful flavours and frantic wriggling, the beast inside of you finally unleashed. Truth be told, the werewolf side of you had wanted her for very long. Other family members had been tempting, mom was nice and matured, dad would struggle well, your older sister had the possibility of sex before devouring and then your pet dog was just a treat and a half in most every way. But Sarah, she was different, just the perfect little snack with her youthful innocence, plump little body and adventurous, naive spirit. The fact that she was your sister mattered little now as you ate and ate, slurping up her wriggling, sobbing form, all that mattered was how good she tasted. You snap up her underdeveloped chest and belly as easy as her head, the distraught face of hers bulging out your gullet with all of its contorted shapes, and finally arrive at the part of her body that had enraptured you so much before: the ass. Still captivating in all of its sweaty, meaty beauty. You spend some moments here, sniffing, licking curiously, she is entirely yours after all and this is a most fascinating area for any self respecting canine to peruse. All the while she wriggles deep within you, screaming out muffled whines that will soon melt away with the rest of her body. Finally, making your way down her slender legs and giving them a good coating of slimy wolf drool you arrive at her twitching, bare feet. Hefty enough for such a small girl and delightfully salty, tasting as if she has stepped around a good many areas in her time but still softer than an adult’s would usually be. You take your time here too, tongue crawling around single digit, enjoying the last of her before... GARAULPPPP!Down she goes, your sweet little sister now just a sweet little bulge in your maw, gullet and stomach. Sobbing, inconsolable inside of you. Letting out a long, well earned sigh you reach up a paw to feel the bulge Sarah makes as she goes down, down and down, curling up into a compact ball of youthful meat inside of your tight belly. “Good girl...” you rasp, so satisfied with this catch “little red r-riding hood c-couldn’t compete...”Inside the girl kicks and screams up a storm but all of it is barely audible, cushioned by the fat around your tummy that Sarah will soon be a permanent part of. You’ll be carrying her around for a long time to come, for a while as a silent piece of digesting meat and then a layer of creamy fat to be burned off hunting other tasty creatures. In a way the two of you would be bonded forever albeit not in a way that Sarah ever would have willingly agreed too. But she has no choice in the matter. She’s just a kid and you’re the big bad wolf, and encounters between the two tend to end with only one survivor. You lick your lips and pat the squirming bulges of her wriggling form, the flesh mosaic of little girl that’s already gurgling up a storm. She’s making a real commotion in there, punching and kicking against the belly walls with slimy limbs. All futile of course, you chuckle to yourself and moan at the wonderful feeling all of those little wriggles are bringing up, she won’t get out the way she came in. All she’s doing is stirring up some rank a-**BURAPPPPPPP**The belch comes out low and heavy, erupting out of your mouth like a firework, rippling across in all of its scented glory. It smells like her of course but so much more sour, the stewing of her had warped that sweet and beefy concoction and tinged it with your digestive might. It somehow smells even better than before, a new layer of scent that your canine nose gleefully laps up. Of course such a belch sends your belly into overdrive around her, the silly girl awakening the beast inside of you that quickly perks up into a flurry of harsh gurgles and wet squelches. Belly grinding, smacking against her bare skin as the little girl kicks and screams out in earnest in a desperate attempt to escape her gurgling fate. “Sarah?”Your ears perk up, it’s your mother’s voice from outside. Dammit, that loud belch of yours had probably woken the entire house up. Nothing else for it, you pull yourself up off that pink bed where you had hoped to sleep Sarah off and move towards the window. Cracking it open and letting the cool air wash over your drool soaked chin, your healthy grey fur and that slowly silencing belly. Sarah was giving in, but with the right intake and out-take of air you could reasonably keep her alive for a good while longer. if you wished to be cruel. She was your sister, but she was also delicious and felt good inside of you, and you are a beast now past the point of no return. You grin and, just before your mother decides to open the door you look around at Sarah’s former bedroom. The half finished biology project on the nearby desk, the pink bed adorned with a unicorn embroidered pillow, the cartoonish posters on the walls. Such a wonderful little den, the perfect place to snuff out a sweet little sister forever. And with that you climb out of the window and land easily on the ground below. Your mother opening the door open to see nothing but a messy bed, a pile of her daughter’s clothing on the ground but no daughter, and the swinging curtains of an open window. ", |
Story Start,Jack Reilly’s sleep had been unusually restless for this time of year, his unconscious hours filled with nascent visions of bright full moons, dark looming shadows and a large, black figure that seemed to shift around his dream form like a melted candle. Circling around his bed until finally it reared its head in all of its shadowy, vaguely canine glory, maw surging towards him until he awoke in a cold sweat back into the safety of his cosy bedroom. But tonight Jack was having the opposite problem: sleep wasn’t visiting him at all. Instead he sat, eyes heavy, staring up at the dark blue paint of his bedroom ceiling. His wandering thoughts drifting from topic to topic as he tried restlessly to coax sleep towards him even despite the threat of nightmare that followed it. While he lay there his boyish thoughts centred around his beloved mum, his upcoming essays, his lack of real friends at school, but mostly they orbited around his new dog: Bosco. Bosco was the first dog Jack and the family had picked up after the divorce and, while Jack loved nothing more than cuddling and wrestling with Bosco he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something off about the animal. First of all had been the strange, distant stare the farmer had given him when Jack picked out the scraggy, wiry runt to take home. “Are you sure that’s the one?” she had begun in an unsteady, unsure voice that snapped Jack to attention “he’s the runt, a growing boy like you needs a strong, big animal to keep them company.” But Jack had been insistent and deftly fended off all of her misgivings and attempts to divert the boy’s wishes. Making up his mind immediately after looking into Bosco’s deep blue, fiendishly self aware eyes that twinkled with promises of unconditional love and unending mischief. So it was that Jack had ended up in the car holding Bosco close to his chest, the scraggly and smelly dog resting in his lap. But the oddness hadn’t stopped at the farm. The dog, despite being young and apparently untrained, was as sharp as a blade of grass when the area of training came up. He knew how to roll over, fetch and retrieve, let himself out to do his business and was even already beginning to jump up and fumble at door handles in an attempt to open them up. Always turning with what Jack’s mother could only describe as a “smirk” when he saw a human observing him at his smartest moments. But dogs couldn’t smile and Jack had laughed at the thought even now, thinking about what an odd creature Bosco was and how lucky he was to be his master. Sighing as his eyes grew heavy again and then slowly fluttered back open robbing him of the promise of sleep tonight, the ten year old finally got up and slid his feet into his blue slippers to luxuriously stretch out his young form. Jack was small for his age (about 4’4) and was currently clad in a pair of silken red pyjama bottoms and a thick, green pyjama jacket that frankly did little to hide his slightly pudgy middle. The ten year old possessing a considerable amount of “baby fat” around his midsection and around his face. He was no athlete for sure and evidence of this was also in the two plump cheeks hiding beneath his slightly baggy eyes, framed by a button nose and usually arranged in a typically welcoming grin, Jack rubbed the two of them and yawned showing off a mouth of clean and well kept teeth, before sighing with frustration. “Can’t sleep” he muttered and, after one last longing look at his unmade bed began to move towards the bedroom door. Reaching a soft hand out he clutched the doorknob and slowly slide into the hallway with all the delicateness of a baby mouse, not wanting to wake his mother or aunty up and then have to answer more questions about his uneven sleeping habits. So he tiptoed past their doors, crept down the carpeted stairs and slowly moved down the hall and towards the kitchen door. It was in the downstairs hall that he got a sudden sense that something was off, wrong, but he shook that thought away as the mere wanderings of a sleep deprived mind. Jack inched the kitchen door open with a slow push and slipped into the darkness, feeling his way along the counter towards the fridge on the far side of the room. He would have turned on the light but that could awaken Bosco and, as much as Jack loved the animal, he didn’t want the excited bounces of a suddenly awoken dog to stir anybody else from their slumber. If his mom knew how troubled his dreams had been she would of booked him into a therapist within days terrified that her painful divorce had warped little Jack’s mind into a depressive mush. The boy rolled his eyes at the thought and cracked the fridge open to take out some milk hoping that hot dairy would lull him into the sleep he so desired.*h-h-rrrrrr*The small boy froze, his terrified face illuminated by the glow of the fridge he was leaning over, breaths fastening as he imagined the dark shape melt around his bed again and move closer towards him. “it was just the dog snoring” he told himself “just the dog snoring”*h-rrrr?*But it sounded so beastly, heavy and thick and standing just out of Jack’s vision, the boy catching a vague glimpse of beastly claws illuminated by the dim glow of the Fridge’s light. He’d seen this scene before in his dream, he’d turn around to confront the creature and then wake up in a cold sweat. But he was fully awake now, no promise of a sudden awakening to save him.*h-h-h-n...”Slowly and with deep, tentative breaths Jack turned unsure of what he would see when he did. His childish mind conjuring up visions of a dark witch, baying wolves, grotesque monsters itching for a chance to tear his flesh apart for whatever nefarious intentions they may have. He stopped, taking a deep breath, and finally spun around to see what the noisy creature was. “Who’s there?” he whimpered out through a quivering lip. He peered closer and saw, to his immense relief, his dog. Fast asleep in its padded basket and letting out sparse, half obscured snores. Jack sighed and almost burst into laughter as relief flooded him. “No monster” he reminded himself “just the dog snoring.”But the “lazy little dog” was so much more than that and soon Jack would find out more than he would ever have imagined, or cared to know about Bosco. Inside and out. The dog shifted, yawned a little to awaken itself and stared at Jack as the boy returned to the fridge to pull out the milk and turn on the kettle. Quite late for him to be up and Bosco knew immediately why that was, the nightmares must have begun. If he was going to act upon his original plans for Jack now was the time. Bosco would have sighed with some consternation were it possible in this form. Jack had been more fun to play with than the Wolfen had expected and he had hoped that they could etch out more time with each other before it was time to pack up and move on, but that was not to be. Human’s could be tremendously stupid at the best of times but when a predator was nearby even they could sense it. Their mind becoming plagued with nightmares that turned into paranoia that turned into resentment, and despite often times calling themselves crazy they would always eventually turn upon the animal that caused it. Bosco had known that to happen to more than a few of his relatives and while he was certain that Jack was more likely to send him back to the farm, kind hearted little scamp that he was, than destroy him Bosco was still not one to be done out of a meal. And what a meal Jack was, Bosco almost salivating as the thick air of the boy once again wafted towards him and tickled his nostrils. He preferred the boys and a lot of that was in the smell, so much more vivid, beefier, enticing than the lady human’s scents were. Bosco drinking in heaps of that aromatic air as Jack trudged along on his quest to return to sleep in the dim light of the fridge so unaware of the danger he was in. There was a real life fairy tale monster in his kitchen and it was smelling him, lapping up the salty tang of boyhood that oozed off the ten year old. It reminded Bosco of Sam Wointworth, a rich accountant’s son he had snacked on many moons ago, that boy had been older but had carried with him such a deliciously carefree and innocent attitude and an incredibly enticing smell. Bosco could sit there for hours lapping it up and, when he did strike and Sammy lay sobbing in his belly as the eager dog tummy churned him up, he spent the next day or so smelling it on his breath and big, fat burps. Even as Mr and Mrs Wointworth milled about looking desperately for their fat son and failing to notice the fatter, lethargic dog curled up nearby. And if Jack’s smell wasn’t reason enough to feed him on then a simple look at the boy would have persuaded any self professed connoisseur of human to try out such a delicacy. Bosco’s eyes running over that young, tender body trudging about in a half dazed trance. Jack’s form began with a soft head of messy brown hair that hung down almost to his neck and ended in a pair of clean, bare feet pattering about as if possessing a mind of their own. And between those two extremes was quite a delicious sight indeed. Pronounced back muscles flexing about while Jack stirred his hot milk into a foamy broth, chubby belly bulging out so tender and soft, barely hidden behind that blue shirt embroidered with a cartoon mouse and that thick pyjama jacket. And then there Jack’s face, spotless and creamy, those half closed blue eyes fixated upon his drink while his cute little cheeks puffed out hot breaths of exasperated sleepiness. Button shaped nose sniffing lightly to ward off a sneeze, one delicate hand reaching up to hold it while another slipped into his pyjama pocket to pull out a clean handkerchief. Such a neat, tidy, clean little boy so wonderfully formed and pampered by his doting mother and auntie. All unaware that this would be Jack’s last night upon this earth and it would all be thanks to the very creature they had let in to cheer the boy up. Bosco would have chuckled were it possible and silently rose up, stretched, yawned and padded over to the fridge, Ready to begin.---Jack sipped at his hot milk feeling its frothy tang slide down his throat, filling him with comfy warmth, before peering down and noticing his dog was beside him sitting dutifully. “Hey boy” he whispered and reached out a hand to pat at the male’s head, getting a soft (and strangely intense) lick in response. “Heh, you really like me don’t you?”The dog’s eyes twinkled and Jack turned his attention back to his milk, swallowing down another sip and already beginning to feel the effects taking hold. It seemed that this would be the final act before he could fully slip into blissful, dreamless unconsciousness. No more dreams of angry monsters ripping him to pieces or being hunted in the night like some sort of mouse fleeing a determined cat. Jack shivered and placed the cup nearby for cleaning tomorrow. Yes, this would be it for the nightmares. But it was not to be, as soon he turned around and saw his dog once more.It had all started with the dog, even though a brave ten year old lad like Jack wouldn’t want to admit that. As soon as they had picked up the wolfhound from the farm and brought all 100 pounds and 30 inches of that shaggy, white furred canine home the nightmares had begun. The day had been spent excitedly throwing balls for this new member of the family and then night had been awash with dreams of evil creatures, black shapes and shifting, hunting forms eager for a chance to get at Jack and.... And do what? Jack couldn’t answer that, still couldn’t answer that for at no point in his nightmares had these creatures ever caught him. But he knew their intentions had been nefarious, and it all led back to Bosco. The same white furred, slightly runtish wolf hound that was standing at the now open back door (that had been closed only moments ago, Jack reminded himself) and twinkling its eyes at the boy. Beckoning for him to follow. Unfortunately for Jack he had not made the connection that his mother and aunt had made just this morning, the connection between the strange dreams everyone was having and that incredibly intelligent, human like dog they’d brought home from the Monroe farm. All Jack saw was his incredible, almost magical canine beckoning him to follow it into the unknown, promising him that answers lay ahead of only he would trust it. The boy listened to hear if anyone else was present then, zipping his jacket up tighter to stave off the cold wind blowing in, made to follow Bosco.---They came to a clearing in the nearby park, for Bosco had led Jack on quite the romp around the village. Letting the boy see all of the sights he had grown up and familiar with before they all vanished behind thick dog muscle, every stray cat and squirrel that still lingered at this lowly hour giving a soft, mournful and cautious look at the two fateful troopers before scattering off into the night. Jack shivered and looked around. They were fairly deep into the park now and no houses were visible through the thick tree line, it was cold but not unpleasant weather wise and the air carried with it a thickly smoke that told him cars had been here only hours before. But very few people or even animals scampered around these woods at this time, as far as Jack could tell him it was just him and Bosco in as private a setting as could be imagined. “Why did you take me out here boy?”The question came out in a hushed, youthful falsetto and was directed at the wolfhound sitting in front of Jack, an almost jovial expression upon its features. Tonight had worked out so well. It was rare that Bosco’s hunts went quite this spectacularly to plan but then, he supposed, it was rare to get a creature that was kind and trusting as Jack was. The poor boy had little knowledge of evil in his heart and couldn’t imagine that anybody would trick him so, have such evil intentions as Bosco currently harboured. Oh how the Wolfen wanted him so, that intoxicating innocence drenching Jack like sweet honey, leading him towards a terrible, digestive end. “I-is there something you want to show me, Bosco?”The Wolfen, for that was what Bosco truly was, decided it was time to stop imagining what this meal would be like, to finally act upon his basest urges. He took a step forward and Jack, instinctively, took a step back, sensing the sudden change in the dog’s demeanour. Something was wrong here. “b-bosco? Boy?”The only boy here is you, my snack. The response was soundless and were Jack more attuned to the psychic speech of the paranormal he may have been able to translate it, figured out the wolfhound’s true intentions and took off back home. Slamming the door shut before Bosco could snap him up, crawl into bed with terrified sobs racking his body but still alive, really alive. But Jack wasn’t attuned, and so Jack was easy prey. “I don’t like t-” Jack started but never finished his sentence, the dog was upon him in seconds. All he saw was a black shape bound towards him with a low growl, the sharpest edge of a scream entering out of the young boys mouth before the shape barrelled into him and muffled it beneath thick, wolfhound fur. Jack’s eyes clenched shut and, when they finally came to a stop an inch away from where the boy had been standing, he saw the drooling, baying face of his once beloved dog standing over him. The annoyance and fear at being led this far out and the pain of slamming into the hard ground of the wooded park left Jack in that moment, he knew the dog planned something nefarious and wanted no part of it. “boscmppph” A smelly paw came over and planted itself on his wriggling mouth before he could cry out again, almost suffocating Jack with its heavy stink. He kicked his fat little legs and clenched paws into any part of Bosco he could find within reach but it did nothing to pull the heavy, grinning animal holding his wriggling form down. Hot terror shot through Jack but it turned into another feeling altogether when the dog made its next move. You see for Bosco human clothes were both necessary and quite dangerous. He knew that humans had their modesty and a disturbing lack of fur to protect themselves against the cold. And he also knew (from experience) that if he ate his food with the cloth still on it would end up becoming a balled up mess in his belly that was horror to expunge. Therefore they needed to go, human comfort and feelings be damned. The pyjama jacket and shirt was first, deftly pulled off the wriggling boy with a few short pulls from Bosco’s maw and a couple of scuffs with his paws. It was simple really once you knew how to do it and Bosco had plenty of practice, using Jack’s wriggling and protesting in tandem with his own tugs to rid the boy of these articles. Once Jack’s top half was bare Bosco was treated to a fun sight beneath his two thick paws now resting again on the boy’s chest. The belly, bare and soft and as tender as the day it was formed, puffing in and out with racked pants and breathless sobs. Bosco couldn’t help himself, leaning in and giving it a long, curious lick that went from navel to neck and even past that. Dragging that hot, probing organ all the way up Jack’s cringing, tear stained face. “mmmmmm” The dog groaned and looked into Jack’s eyes, the deep chuckle of dog meeting the terrified gaze of soon to be digested human, the rest of the cloth could wait. Bosco wanted to eat now. Jack would have screamed again for his mother or for himself but it was silenced just as quick as his earlier cry, the dog’s jaws sliding over his quivering head. Encasing the boy in dark, squishy pinkness, smelling strongly both of kibble and of a much more sinister, meatier scent that Jack could not place. Bosco’s tongue slathered out to greet him as he let out half muffled cries, sliding into the boy’s open jaws in a perverse kiss of reeking death.It should have felt soft and welcoming being cradled so inside of his own dog’s jaws but there was nothing gentle about this. Tear streamed expression frozen in terror, every inch of his chubby cheeked face tasted and sucked upon like he was little more than delicious lollipop. “Bosc-mmmppphhhstopphh!” Jack screamed, pushing his hands into the thick chest of the wolfhound “Badddogghh!”Bad dog indeed. And about to get naughtier. Bosco gulped again, sucking in more of this deliciously wriggly treat that was once his charge, and then stopped to focus upon the rest of his meal. Even for a supernatural were-beast it wasn’t easy for him to gobble up an entire eleven year old boy whole and alive, and one of the things that Bosco had to be really careful of devouring were the clothes. Lest he end up with a balled up mess of undone cloth clogging up his intestines, painful to push out at best and fatal at worst. The jacket had already been taken care of and Jack’s belly sat below puffing out with half hysterical sobs, so now the only thing obstructing Bosco from the rest of his meal was those bothersome garments occupying the boy’s lower half. Bosco grinned, this bit was always fun. He sat back on his haunches, tongue slathering over the boy’s bare chest, and got to work. Usually he would strip his prey while in his human form or, better yet, wait until they were naturally nude and then pounce but this situation called for more drastic measures. He would need to use his dog paws, easier said than done. Jack stopped dead in his tracks when he felt those paws pawing at his hips, eyes widening once what the dog wanted became clear. “hey, s-stop!” He clamoured with an uncontrollable blush “You can’t d-do that! I’ll tell mom.” But mom was a mile away and he was chest shoulders deep in his dog, a dog that right now de-robing him in a surreal display of supernatural perversity and ingenuity. Fumbling his paws to undo the front button of the pyjama pants and then hooking his claws into the waistband, careful not to cut at his prey’s delicate skin, Bosco was able to pull off the entirety of Jack’s under and over garments in one quick motion. The boy starting to wriggle furiously now, cold, bare and vulnerable. All of his tender, succulent body now on display before the beast’s hungry eyes. Bosco had no intention of doing anything untoward in that manner though, that would spoil the meat, but he could still look. And look he did. But eventually the motions of the nude boy’s soft rump wriggling and dancing about before him atop those slender legs, Jack’s clean feet kicking at the air in tandem with the smooth cheeks they were attached too, became trite and uninteresting. At the end of the day he looked like every human boy Bosco had eaten before, only his taste set him apart. And it was only when the Wolfen got to slurping at Jack’s plump belly did he realise exactly how delicious the boy’s flavour was. Oh he had spent weeks looking at Jack lounge about on the couch eating crisps or laying out in the garden with a sun baked scent wafting off him, imagining how good he would taste when the time came. Whether he would be salty or sweet or a delicious mixture of both. But little would have prepared him for this. The boy’s flavour was certainly a mix, he was equal parts salty, sweet but there was also a certain spice to him. A tangy kick that made the wolfhound drool and groan, tongue slipping and sliding over inch of that sobbing belly so smooth and round, soft as the boy’s butt was too no doubt but Bosco’s tongue wouldn’t be on that side. The wolfen’s eyes lidding in ecstasy so much that he almost looked cross-eyed, enjoying every inch of this delicious meal as the full moon beamed down upon them through the scraggy autumn branches. Jack’s consternation at being stripped by his own dog was quickly overtaken by his fear of being eaten again, the boy’s head now bulging out Bosco’s gullet in a pear shaped and protesting protrusion. This conditions here almost made him wish to be back in the maw with the thick smell of dog food and Bosco’s tongue trying to French him, at least he could breathe properly there, not constrained on all sides by a pulsating gullet barely big enough to hold a creature half his size. But despite his best hopes the dog, or rather this supernatural creature masquerading as a dog to get at his flesh, didn’t seem perturbed by any of this. Gulping, sucking, licking and swallowing Jack whole like it was nothing more than a regular occurrence. He sobbed but quieter now, the word’s coming harder and always falling on deaf dog ears. How could such a creature he had trusted and loved so much done this to him?Jack remembered bringing Bosco home, a runt of a hound with wiry fur and a smelly coat, but one that the boy loved the moment he laid eyes on. He remembered wrestling with his pooch and playing fetch and letting it lick all over his face, every memory tainted now, stained with the thought that soon he would be inside of that very same dog. Digesting into nothing. Jack’s still wriggled, still fought for a release but his hands were pinned to his side by Bosco’s thick maw, the teeth poking into his buttocks and the tongue... Jack grimaced, wriggled his hips and could have sworn that he heard a chuckle reverberate around him. The supernatural monster enjoying every second of this, of reducing Jack to a delicious, nutritious meal that could do little but squirm and grunt out his frustration at the way he was being treated. At the places he was being licked. Bosco didn’t spend much longer there though save for a curious sniff around the rump (typical canine behaviour), and soon began to slide down those slender, smooth legs. Hairless of course and padded with enough fat to make them feel somewhat boneless, more appetising. When the Wolfen reached Jack’s feet both boy and dog knew it was over, one standing triumphant while the other let out another angry sob within. Bosco spent some extra time here, sliding his tongue around and in between every salty, clean digit that the boy possessed, tasting as if they had barely stepped foot outside in their lives, before slurping them down to join their master. To digest alone with him. The wriggling bulge that was previously a smart, clean and intelligent boy with dreams and aspirations slipped down with silent finality save for the occasional wriggle or groan of protest. Jack curling up tight in that slimy, stinky dog belly already partially filled with stinging juices, a big ball of boy meat and boy bone. God it stunk here, and that wasn’t just because Jack’s head was painfully curled up near his own butt. The smell of digestion and of meat hung in the air here, thick and cloying, only getting worse as more of that stinging green liquid seeped through the walls.It was dark too, so dark, but not silent. The belly groaning, moaning, gurgling happily over the boy it would now spend hours working in. Slowly melting Jack down into fat, faeces and slime. He couldn’t take it anymore, the boy lifted up his head as high as it could go in the slick, slimy prison of innards and screamed as loud as he could. Mouth erupting into a half sobbed roar of grief and pain, his face already covered in green slime, beginning to redden and slop under the heavy digestive might of this supernatural beast.**gurgggglllgle** **Blorrrrppp**“uh oh” Bosco felt suddenly sick, eyes still lidded in the daze of his meat feast, belly visibly beginning to bulge out in odd ways. If he vomited this was all over, Jack would be pushed out and would scamper off while the wolfhound sat panting, trying to recover from the ordeal. A meal would be lost if he didn’t defeat this obstacle. Luckily for Bosco, what was coming up was not vomit and a naked boy... BURRRAPPPPPP!Out came an expulsion of smelly, boy scented air stinking with the thick heaviness of digesting flesh, settling around Bosco in a greenish cloud that frankly made him cringe, the very trees above him shaking at the sound. “uggh, you fat bastard” he thought to himself and kicked at his now silent belly, the organ clenched down and absent of any air that had kept Jack alive “smelly... At least you tasted good.”Inside the boy was curled up, embryonic, dead. Floating in the thick slimy liquid and disintegrating at an advanced rate. He would probably be done stewing by morning if Bosco was lucky, the Wolfen’s supernatural digestive system making quick work of its former master. Already it was bubbling away beneath wiry, white fur, the edgy bumps of elbow and knee and nose dissolving away into a smooth, round belly rich with contributed fat. Bosco burped some more, *uraaaapp*, and lay down to watch the digestive sequence in action.--- Warning: disposal ahead*Hurrrk, hurrakkkk*It took a few tries and a lot of coaxing with his dog paws but finally, after almost choking on the heavy white remnant, Bosco finally coughed up Jack’s skull. Falling out of his maw in a smelly heap and cracking on the hard concrete of the forest path. “Finally, I suppose that was a little revenge on your part” The Wolfen grinned, staring at the frozen visage of terror still present on the slimy, half decayed skeletal remnant of Jack’s bulbous head. Devoid now of all the meat and flesh that had personified him before. He was about to walk away, getting out of this park before the early morning joggers appeared to find this skull, but then his lower belly let out a long and pained gurgle.*glorrrrp*“Ooooohhh” Bosco groaned, lifting a paw to grip his belly, tail tightening straight, it wasn’t only Jack’s skull that wanted to leave him then “your revenge isn’t finished just yet, boy.”He sacheyed, bow-legged, over to the bushes and squatted down. And, with a low fart, finally released Jack back into the morning air in the form of a steaming, brown pile. The digested remains of the boy curling up on one another as it exited, plopping down onto the already browning leaves.It was done within the space of a minute, all of that fibre that had inhabited Jack’s body put to good use in disposing of him with this final, stinky act. “Well Jack, it was nice knowing you, a very delicous boy” Bosco grinned and with that flaunted out of the park and into the wider world. Already hungry for his next victim. ", |
Story Start,Michael refreshed his emails repeatedly, waiting for the promised message to come through. It took a surprisingly long time, but once it arrived, he saw why - the email contained a large video file. He double-clicked on it and it launched his video player. Some cheery background music started to play. "Hello, and welcome! Thank you for considering donating to HuManure. Every year, HuManure helps transform millions of humans into our signature low-impact, environmentally-friendly fertiliser. "The video changed from the HuManure logo to a graph, apparently comparing 'tonnes donated' and 'global food production'. "Our donors, who are willing to take a step down the food chain and be consumed by one of our specially bred and trained animals, help fight food insecurity worldwide without contributing to artificial fertiliser pollution. Did you know, that... "Michael's eyes glazed over slightly, as the female narrator continued babbling on about HuManure’s stats over the cheery, corporate music in the background. He grabbed his mouse and started clicking further into the video, and after skipping about another minute or two he found what he was looking for. The flashy graphics cut away and were replaced by a shot of a well-dressed woman standing in what looked to be a very clean barn-like building. "... at humanure. Com. In this short instructional video, we hope to show you what your experience donating at one of our facilities will be like. "The camera zoomed out to reveal more of the room, showing two young men standing alongside the woman. The first, a tall and bulky looking guy in his early twenties, wore grey HuManure branded overalls. He gave a lopsided grin and smoothed his messy mop of hair back as he came into frame. The second, a smaller, svelte guy perhaps in his early thirties, wore nothing at all. "To help me demonstrate, I'm joined by Dane and Aiden. Dane, what's your role here at HuManure?" "Well, I'm one of the keepers here at the facility", the younger guy in the overalls replied with a grin. "I take care of the animals' needs, and when the time comes, I help our donors get up in there so they can become shi... ah... HuManure!"Dane gave a slightly bashful smile to the camera, having almost flubbed his line. The presenter smiled, apparently not hearing the mistake or not caring. "Fantastic. If you decide to donate, you might not see Dane specifically, but one of our other highly trained keepers will be there to help you through the process. "She then turned to the naked man. "And with us today, playing the role of donor, is Aiden, one of our assistant brand managers!"Aiden laughed, putting his hands on his hips. He was clearly less bulky than Dane, but standing like that you could clearly see the effort he'd put into his body. His body, while slim, was still highly toned and his chest had a thick dusting of hair. His low-hanging balls and dick swung in the air as he moved. "Former assistant brand manager! After today, I won't be assisting with anything except helping our clients' crops grow!"Dane and the presenter laughed back at that. "Very true, Aiden, very true. So, Dane - walk us through what's going to happen today. "Dane moved to the right and the camera panned with him to reveal the main portion of the barn: a large animal pen. Next to the gate to the pen was a large control panel, covered in various glowing buttons. At the back of the pen, connected to the ceiling, was a complex, rotating robotic arm. Its bulky upper half connected via a joint to a shiny metallic lower half which comprised a thick metal tube with some sort of hatch on the upward facing surface and tapered rubber point at the end. This was all set dressing to what really dominated the frame: an enormous chestnut stallion in the centre of the pen, chomping on some hay and utterly unfazed by everything that was going on around him. "So! First of all, everyone say hello to one of our star producers, Bruce!" "Hi Bruce!" Aiden and the presenter chimed together. "Bruce will be doing all the hard work today" Dane continued. "So, what we'll be doing today is inserting Aiden into Bruce anally using the inserter arm!" Dane gestured to the large metal arm attached to the ceiling. "From there, Bruce will churn him down into HuManure quick smart, and dump him back out for us to send off to the packaging facility. "The presenter put on a look of surprise. "Anally? Why not orally, like with wild animal predators?"Dane laughed. "Ol' Bruce would love to chomp down on a big hunk of meat like Aiden, wouldn't you! We've found that anal vore is more efficient for turning humans into waste though - almost no mass lost - so that's the standard process now. "The presenter turned to the camera. "That's right - all HuManure processing is now done quickly and efficiently with anal vore via insertion arm. You now don't need to worry about accidental biting or chewing incidents complicating your donation. "She turned and gestured to Aiden, who had been quietly standing and smiling while this was being explained. "Also, Dane" interjected the presenter, "why is Aiden naked? Not that I'm complaining - it's quite the view!"Aiden blushed and Dane laughed. "Well, none of our animals much like digesting clothes! You wouldn't want ol' Bruce here getting a sore belly, now would you?"The presenter shook her head. "Of course not. So, remember - when you come in to donate, once you've signed in and filled out your donation forms, you'll be asked to remove all of your clothing. This is for the animals' benefit - and we've seen everything before, so don't be embarrassed!" "So, with all that in mind, should we get started? I reckon Aiden here's got a date with Brucey's rump!" Dane said with a grin. The presenter gave a nod and Aiden gave two thumbs up. Dane walked over to the control panel by the pen, pressing some buttons and then moving a dial. The large insertion arm responded, rotating around and extending out. After a few rotations it stopped and descended toward the floor, finally settling into position a few metres behind Bruce, with what would be the elbow of the large metal arm touching the ground and the lower part of the arm pointing upwards. The hatch in the lower part of the arm popped open with a hiss, and the mechanism fell quiet. "Ok everybody, let's get Aiden all set up. " Dane said, hopping into the pen and gesturing for the others to follow. Aiden followed, hopping the fence into the pen and approaching the insertion arm. His dick was starting to betray his clear excitement at his rapidly approaching fate, a fact not unnoticed by Dane. "Heh, wouldn't have picked you for that type, Aiden" he said with a grin. He reached over and gave Aiden's cock a quick squeeze. Aiden blushed again and laughed. "Well, we all know that not everyone comes to donate just out of a sense of charity... " He gave a low grunt as Dean squeezed his dick again. "All right boys, let's not get distracted now!" the presenter interrupted with a smile. "But it's true, and here at HuManure we don't judge why you want to donate, we're just grateful that you do. "Dane, with a comedic smile, led Aiden over to the now accessible lower part of the arm"Ok then, my horny friend, let's get you into the insertion arm. "The camera faded out, and transitioned to a close up of the arm and the now open hatch. It zoomed in, looking inside the hatch. It showed that the lower part of the arm was hollow and would fit a human, if snugly. The inner compartment glistened with some sort of clear gel. "So, what you and our other donors would be getting into is this - the insertion compartment. " He gestures to the rubber tip of the arm, currently pointing diagonally up in the air. " That's the insertion nozzle - the bit that eventually goes into old Bruce over there. You hop in here feet first, so you'll end up going into him head first. Aiden nodded in excited agreement. "Now be careful as you're getting in, you'll slide right down to the bottom of the insertion compartment because it's automatically coated in lube to prevent any problems with insertion. " Dane said, nodding sagely. The presenter, who had been watching with professional interest, turned to the camera. "And don't worry - the lubricant HuManure uses is water-based and easily digestible, so it causes no problems for our animals. "With that, Dane grabbed a hold of Aiden under the arms and helped him swing his first leg over into the compartment. Aiden held onto the sides, but as Dane predicted, as soon as his foot touched the inside of the compartment it lost traction and slipped. Dane held on strongly though, and Aiden lowered his other leg into the compartment, then sat down into it. Dane lowered him down further into the chamber, finally letting go once his feet touched the bottom. Aiden was left, his lower body now obscured by the metal compartment but his upper torso and head still visible through the open hatch. "Easy peasy!" Dane said with a smile. "So, Aiden, what's it like in there?" the presenter asked. "Well, it's definitely slippery! It feels pretty nice actually... " he replied, wiggling about a bit in the slick compartment. The presenter laughed. "I'll make sure to tell the boys who developed the lubricant they did a good job!"Dane smiled as well. "Well, with Aiden all set up in the insertion compartment, that's really all the work he needs to do. Whaddaya say champ, ready to start your journey to becoming a big batch of horse HuManure?" Dane asked, reaching in and giving Aiden a playful tweak on the nipple. Aiden squirmed and laughed, nodding. "I'm past ready - if you could see my lower half, you'd know that. "Dane smirked. "Ok then, bud, I won't hold you up from getting inside Bruce's ass much longer then. Any last words before we close the hatch? This'll be the last time we see you before you're a lot... browner... " he said with a laugh. "Only that I'm ready to become HuManure, and hope that this video helps convince other people that donating is a fun and worthwhile way to go!" Aiden chuckled. "All right bud, have a good time churning inside Bruce!"Dane gave Aiden a pat on the side then walked away from the arm, jumping back over the fence to the pen. He quickly pressed the same buttons and the same dial on the control panel he'd used before, and the hatch started to close. The camera panned back to the arm, showing Aiden waving and saying goodbye as the hatch closed over him, until eventually he was gone, sealed inside the insertion chamber. "So, from here the process is pretty simple" Dane said to the camera. "First we get the arm into position... "Dale pressed some further button on the panel, and the arm tilted into the air. It rotated around and settled leaving the compartment Aiden was sealed in level to the ground - about at asshole height with Bruce. "And we let Bruce do his thing. "Dane pressed another button and a jangling sound rang out through the barn. Bruce immediately took notice, looking up and then beginning to pace around the pen. "All of our animals aren't just specially bred, they're also highly trained. Bruce here knows that that sound means there's a meal ready for his butt. "The presenter nodded along with Dane's explanation as Bruce trotted into place, just ahead of the insertion arm, presenting his asshole at the ready. Dane grabbed a hold of a joystick on the panel and began to guide the arm forward, carefully lining up the taped rubber nozzle on the end of the arm with Bruce's puffy black asshole. The stallion, for his part, knew what was coming and dug his rear hooves in. Dane continued to inch the arm forward until the nozzle was in contact with Bruce's hole. "Now, Bruce is pretty experienced here, but we want to be gentle just as we get this in... "Dane leaned forward with the joystick, and with an audible squelch the nozzle entered Bruce's ass. The stallion gave out a gentle whinny. "So, from here, the system can take over. I just press this button here... " Dane said, pressing a red button, "and the insertion sequence gets going". The hissing sound of an air compressor started, and the nozzle in Bruce's asshole started to expand. "So, what happens next is pretty straightforward. First, the nozzle at the end of the insertion arm inflates, stretching Bruce out. From there, it locks into an open position, so there's a nice clear path for Aiden to get up inside Bruce. From there... "As Dane spoke the arm started to move, the joint of the apparatus moving up so the lower portion of the arm was angling down into the animal's ass. In response, Bruce knelt down on his forelegs, essentially creating straight slide for Aiden to travel down into his depths. "See, highly trained, like I said. Anyway, from there, the insertion arm angles down so we have gravity helping Aiden's trip inside. He'll be in there angled down at the moment, but still only partially in Bruce - he'll be pressed up against his powerful internal sphincter. To get him past that, the floor plate inside the chamber is going to start moving, pushing against his feet. With only one way to go... "As if on cue, a loud squelching noise came from Bruce, and an obvious Aiden-sized bulge started to become visible in Bruce. "Aiden'll be pushed inside! Just like that. The floor plate will keep going until it's at the end of the insertion chamber, to make sure he's all the way in... "Again, following the timing of Dane's narration, a green light labelled 'Insertion Complete' lit up on the control panel. "And then the insertion arm will automatically deflate and pull itself back out! Pretty cool, huh!"The presenter nodded and smiled as, just as Dane said, the nozzle slowly deflated and gently pulled itself out of Bruce's ass. "It definitely is very cool Dane. Thank you for walking us through that whole process, and thank you Aiden for volunteering to demonstrate it - not that he can hear us!"Bruce got up from his kneeling position and shook himself off. His recently widely stretched asshole winked several times, glistening with the lube from the insertion arm. "He can't, but you can see the bulge he's making in Bruce at the moment. " Dane pointed out. "Want to take a closer look?"The presenter nodded, and the camera faded out. It faded back in to a shot of Dane and the presenter standing next to Bruce, with the large Aiden shaped bulge framed between them. No sound escaped from inside Bruce, but the bulge was jerking inside him rhythmically. "Looks like he's having a last bit of fun in there!" Dane laughed. "And good on him - in less than a couple of hours, he'll be nothing but HuManure". "Amazing. Well Dane, I'll see you back here in a couple of hours!"The camera faded to black again.//////////////////////////////////////////////When it faded back in Bruce was still in frame, but the Aiden sized bulge was gone. "So, Dane, it's been just under two hours?" "Yep, that's right. Bruce's a pretty quick digester. There's no sign of a bulge now, so we should see Aiden re-emerge pretty soon". The camera cut away from Dane's grinning face, which was replaced with a shot of Bruce's asshole, puckering. A nugget of manure peeked out, followed by another, and then another. Larger pieces started coming out, and the camera zoomed out to see the growing pile of Aiden on the floor. Clump after clump of dark brown Aiden shit plopped out of Bruce's big black hole onto the floor of the pen, until finally the deluge of manure stopped. "Good boy Bruce! You did a great job turning Aiden into HuManure!" Dane gave Bruce a few friendly pats on the flank, and Bruce trotted off, looking as pleased with himself as a horse can. "So, from here, I'll get what's left of Aiden mucked out, he'll be sent over to packaging and mixed in with the donations from others and shipped off to local clients!" Dane said with a smile. "And that's what it all really about - helping our local clients grow sustainable food with HuManure. Thanks again for all your help showing us how the HuManure donation procedure works Dane. " the presenter said. She turned to the camera. "So that's where our short video tour ends. We hope that this visit to one of our facilities has shown you what an easy and rewarding thing that donating yourself to HuManure can be! Thank you again for considering donation, and we hope to hear from you soon. "////////////////////////////////////////////////Michael closed the video player. His belly was coated in cum, having jerked off three times to the video while watching. He went back to the email, and immediately began filling out the donation form. ", |
Story Start,You’re running in the woods at night in an attempt at escaping from the man chasing you. You have no idea where you’re going, and your lungs burn from running on a cold November night. You feel like you’re far enough from the man that you can take a break and get your composure. You look around but can barely see in front of you, at most 15ft. With your lungs on fire on bad vision you sit down on the ground. However you came to regret this as you have sat in some scat on the ground. You get slightly angry at this but have no time to think as you hear the man yell out into the night sky. You get back on your feet and bolt once again. It isn’t long before you get too tired to run, and begin a slow walk as you shiver from the cold, your breath visible in front of your face. Then the smell of the scat hits you; it smells like it has been freshly expelled, and the stench makes you nauseous. You continue walking when you make out what appears to be a cave. Excited to find shelter you run over and fail to notice the tree branch sticking up from the ground. You fall on the ground with a hard thump; The impact injured your ankle badly, you try to stand but fall back down as your ankle is broken. The pain is almost unbearable if it weren’t for the adrenaline running through your veins. You crawl to the cave getting your clothes completely covered in dirt, and your hands all dirty. You make it to the cave and lean your back against the hard sharp wall. With your ankle torn to shreds, the smell of shit in the air, and your lungs still burning in the cold night, not to mention the man chasing after you; you thinking the situation can’t get any worse than it already is. That is until you see the figure of a large bear staring at you from the entrance. Immediately paralyzed by fear you fail to notice any of your senses. All you can think about is running, you try to get up but fall down again, an explosion of pain hits you. This move has made your situation worse as the bear now knows that you’re injured. It quickly approaches you with hunger in its eyes, and steam coming from its mouth. You crawl away but you know that this is the end. The bear catches up to you in no time and grabs you by the feet, and drags you face first across the stone. It lets go and you turn yourself around and see it’s wide open maw, dripping with saliva and steaming from the cold, its teeth are massive, and you can see down it’s dark throat. It lowers its head and starts to pull you in, to make you it’s meal. Seeing your feet disappear into the black pit that is the bear's gullet, you enter panic mode, and try to escape using every bit of the strength you have. The bear's grip is far too strong for you to oppose. You feel your feet burning in the bear as they were exposed to the freezing air just seconds ago. The bear easily slides you down it’s throat; not even needing to swallow due to the amount of saliva and its size. Try as you might, the bear is at your knees and it’s speed is only increasing, and it’s eagerness only rising. The bear in one sudden motion, swings you through the air and lifts its head up. Making you slide down to your waist. As a reaction you put your hands on the side of its mouth, however this only makes your situation worse, as your hand with the momentum gets cut on the bears teeth making you let go. The lower half of your body is burning and your legs are already in the stomach. The bear uses its 2 paws to shove you down, wanting so bad to satisfy its hunger. With the extra force your arms slide in, and all that is visible of you is your head. The bear licks across your face, savoring the flavor you have. All you see is the steam in front of your face, all you smell is the breath of the bear, which smells like shit, all you can feel is the burning of the hot bear, and all you can hear is the bear breath and the stomach rumbling as it prepares for digestion. The bear taking great pleasure in your powerlessness, swallows, sealing you to a fate as bear shit, and trapping you in its burning body. The bear satisfied with its meal, retreats deeper into its cave, sulking in the struggle that you cause in the stomach. It lays down and gets ready to hibernate, happy to have one final meal before the long sleep. You’re in the stomach feeling the pain of the heat. The stench is foul and you can’t see a thing. You push against the walls of the stomach but this only burns you more. Acids start pouring into the stomach, and you start frantically pushing against everything. You feel yourself soften, and you get more tired. The acids break you down, leaving nothing behind in the stomach except a steaming, meaty, soup ready to be used as fat for the winter. This causes gases to rise up and out through the mouth. The bear feeling this let’s put a burp that rumbles the cave *UUUURRRRRPPP* The steam emanating from it blocks the bear's visions for a moment. You arrive into the intestines where your valuable nutrients are absorbed into the body, and become stored fat to last the bear through the winter. The unusable resources that you had are then packed together, and form a slightly larger bear log that’s ready to be expunged. The bear awakes the next mourning, feeling a familiar pressure on its back end. The bear lets out a fart that reeks so bad, it’s lucky no one was there to smell its. The bear on its way to do its business let’s put another gassy fart *PFFFFFFFFFT*. It arrives near the river and lets out 3 bear logs that steam in the cold November air. It also lets out a steady stream of golden piss onto the pile. Going back to its cave to hibernate for winter. A couple hours later a team of scientists looking to find what bears eat before hibernation; collect the pile of bear shit that you are. They bring it back to the lab along with countless others, and find your results inconclusive as they don’t have humans in their catalog. After the tests are done they throw you, and the rest of the bear shit into a compost bin where you’ll become fertilizer. This is where you end up, you become a nameless pile of bear shit indistinguishable from the others. Soon when you’re done with your time in the compost bin, you’ll be used as plant fertilizer. The only thing you were ever good at was feeding others. ", |
Story Start,A crow silently soars over the dimming landscape of a multi-acre farm searching for prey. It lands in the cornfield and nonchalantly pecks at the face of a derelict scarecrow with a faded painted face. Suddenly it's feathers all preen up at its instincts go on high alert as it instinctively realized that this farm was a very hostile negative place and it spreads its wings and takes back off into the sky. As the crow flies away the sun begins to set over the hill as a woman whistles musically while spreading the lastest batch of freshly made fertilizer in her garden. The crops had grown beautifully this year in her personal and her wholesale produce garden which of course meant crop sales had gone through the roof bringing a nice big fat check to her revenue. Farming was not a life for everyone but she made a wonderful living from it. She stuck her trowel back into the bag of homemade manure and evenly spread it through the soil. After watering her plants one final time she stood up from her gardening and walked over to her woodshed to put her tools away and head inside for a nice meal, a hot shower, and a good night's sleep. She needed her beauty sleep after all. Especially with a new "prospect" coming in the morning in the morning for an interview "meet and greet" and a tour of the farm. Smiling in anticipation and excitement she dusted her hands on her overalls and walked into her house. Taking the time to steal a mischievous and odious glance towards her barn one last time before entering her home. That next morning a silver sedan cruised down the highway as it's owner Felix was giddily dancing in tune with the pop music playing on his radio, humming, bobbing his head, and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he headed towards the Wilkes farm for his meeting and interview. The twenty-two-year-old anthro vulpine had just graduated from his state's top university with honors. However, he'd run into trouble after the ship of supposedly promised his sailed sunk and burned he was in desperate need of another means of income. Fortunate smiled on him when he saw a job posting for a local farm on the outskirts of his city. The job had promised a yearly salary of $65,341 a year with insurance, health benefits, and a $401K retirement. He had to admit coming out of college with a bachelor's degree in Finance to work as a farmhand wasn't exactly in his plan, but hey income was always better than being broke. "Baby steps" he'd told himself reassuringly in the mirror that morning. The money wasn't the most glamorous but it would serve as a stepping stone to something bigger and better for me. But he wouldn't focus on that later, for now, he would enjoy this opportunity that had fallen into his lap. Soon he noticed the passing landscape was shifting from townhouses and buildings to rural trees and wooden fences and posts encircling vast acres of land with cattle and livestock. Yes, this was good farmlands meant he was getting close. He slowed as the came upon a farmhouse that accurately fit the description that he had been given in the email from his potential employer. Spotting the entrance to the driveway he pulled inside and eased his car down the narrow gravel driveway until he came upon the circular interior with a pond and fountain in the middle. After parking and shutting off his car he saw the front door of the house open and his potential employer step out. Smiling he opened his and exited cheerfully saying "Ms. Wilkes?" at the approaching woman a mildly obese anthropomorphic sheep wearing a yellow shirt and faded denim jeans. "You got that right sugah!" she responded with a smile and a wave. It was indeed her, Beatrice Wilkes owner of the farm. "And you must be Felix!" she said extending a hand in greeting. "Pleased to meet you!" he said enthusiastically shaking her hand. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity you've no idea was a blessing it is!" "Well ain't you just a peach!" She responded with a wink. "And don't you worry I think this will be a blessing for both of us!" She stealthily roved her eyes over his athletic body and licked her lips. "Cause sugah you are a prime selection of thoroughbred!" It was true Felix was quite a handsome fox. Six feet tall green eyes, a lovely dark red fur coat. His red T-shirt and black short fitting snugly on his fit physique. Yes, he'd be perfect. "So Miss Wilkes where should be we begin?" He questioned eagerly. "Why with the grand tour of course sugah! Now you follow me right over here and please call me Betty Mama was Miss Wilkes!" She said gesturing towards a nearby pasture with a small herd of cattle. Betty had over three hundred cattle mostly heifers with a balancing amount of bulls for breeding. The herd of dairy cows was one of her main sources of income and unannounced visits from the milk inspectors kept Betty on her toes. She started the tour of the farm grounds by taking Felix through the pasture explaining all the ins and outs of his employment status and daily duties. First things first cleanliness was imperative she explained that she hoped he wasn't squeamish as he WOULD be picking up scat. And occasionally cadavers if the livestock was ever attacked by coyotes. Added to these tasks included general work around the farm; repairing the fence, painting, operating the machinery she mentioned that already four other farmhands that lived in small cottages on the multi-acre property. She also showed how he would have to handle the hay for feeding the livestock. She grabbed three hay bales, tossed them like a pro, popped the twine, and pitched the hay into the roughage rack for the springing heifers. Dusting her hands off she smiled at him and said" "Any questions?" "No ma'am everything seems pretty simple!" Felix responded with a smile and a thumbs up. "In that case, you're hired. " She said happily. "Now let me show you around the rest of the place. Oh, and you'll need these" She added offering him a pair of 'slip-on' overshoes, which he gladly accepted and we traipsed across the barn lot between the milk cows. She called each one by name, occasionally stooped to check the udder of one or two. We stopped at the silo and she gave instructions on how she guestimated the amount to feed the herd each day. Reaching the barn, she showed the springing heifers which were about to drop their calves and three-day-old calves. One was a young bull which she planned to raise to put meat on the table, and the other two were heifers. Looking at them Felix could not tell much difference between the two, but Betty had already sized them up and said one was slated to enter the herd and the other would be sold at the sale barn in a couple of weeks. The milking barn was their next stop. Felix's farming experience was 'nil' and what he saw fascinated him. This was the spot that required daily cleaning and sterilizing equipment. The bulk tank was huge and nearly full. She flipped a lever, stirring the contents, then dipped a tin cup in and offered him a drink. He gingerly took a sip and gasped in delight "Wow, this is delicious. " he praised taking another swig. She giggled at his excitement. "The butterfat content is higher than what is purchased in stores. My cows produce close to 4.5% and commercial whole milk contains 3.5%. It's the fat content that makes money and I've been able to maintain" "Wow that's so fascinating," he said before draining the drink. "Now Let's go out to the barn and see the horses and goats. " She suggested walking towards it. "That sounds fine to me". He said setting down the tin cup and following her. The barn was mostly full of hay and there were some horse stalls and it smelled horsey and warm and it was really good. As it happened there was a little pavilion in the middle of the barn and there were two horses in there, a stallion and mare, and there were some of Betty's other hired men watching them and waving as they entered. "These are my two best horses," she explained. "This is Bruno" she pointed at the stallion. "And this is Coco"Betty would go on the explain that the mare was in heat and they were supposed to breed. The stallion sniffed her rear end, wrinkling up his nose, and he was definitely getting the idea. His penis was reeled out and dangling beneath him. It was a good two feet long and thick as a wrist, mostly black with mottled pink and a kind of knob on the head of it. For some reason, Felix found that he couldn't take his eyes off it. He couldn't help imagining what it might feel like to grab hold of it, though he was sure the stallion would have kicked or something. He was a big horse, a sleek dark brown coat, and a white star in his forehead. It's hard to see where a stallion puts his penis when it's not dangling out or erect - but being a running animal, he could see why it would be bad to have it out all the time.It seemed Bruno was eager to mate as kept going up behind the mare. She was standing very still, rock still, not trying to move away at all. Pretty soon he got up on his hind legs and put his front legs over her back. She was still standing very still, kind of bracing herself against him. It looked like she knew what was going to happen and she wanted it to happen. Felix could see her vaginal opening and it looked like it was wet. "Oh, here we go about damn time!" Betty giggled. The stallion started pointing his penis at Coco and now it was even bigger and longer and quite hard, though bent from its own weight. He was trying to get it in her. It went off to the side. She lifted her tail a little and that helped. Finally, he guided it into the right place. It went in a few inches. Felix was fascinated by the size of it. Big and mottled black and pink, veiny, very fleshy looking, and when he pulled it out a little way it was wet with lubrication from her vagina. Oh my god, it was the most fascinating thing, the size of it. The hired men seemed unfazed looking at it. However it seemed that Betty was excited if evidenced by the glint in her eyes and the licking of her lips, and Maku didn't see that she stole a glance at him to see what he thought about it. Felix found that he couldn't seem to glance away, and so he just leaned on the railing and tried to look nonchalant like he saw this every day. But something was wrong he felt a sudden unexplained bout of drowsiness and he felt extremely lightheaded for some reason. Then stallion got more into it and pushed his penis farther into the mare - a whole foot of it at least, sliding in. He pulled out some and snorted and gently bit the mare's mane. She seemed to be liking it, or at least not trying at all to move away, maybe even backing up against him a bit. He went in again, this time almost all the way, sliding in as smooth as silk, then pulling out again with his penis completely wet with her secretion. Then he started pushing it in and out all the way, really humping her and thrusting with his big haunch muscles. His huge penis was going in and out like a piston. He would take a little rest, let it all the way out - it was fully erect and stood up at an angle - then he went in again and again. This went on for quite a while. The stallion was getting more and more excited, breathing pretty hard, and thrusting in and out. It was like watching a fence post go into a hole. When he took it all the way out her vagina closed up right around where it had been, looking very wet. He pushed it all the way in as deep as it would go, certainly two feet or more of it, and while still trying to fight off his drowsiness Felix was still thinking how deep in Coco the huge cock must be, right up to her cervix presumably. But the more he watched the more difficult it became to think. "Hey Miss Betty I-I unh!" he never finished his sentence instead he merely collapsed and would have face-planted had she not caught him. As she held his limp body a wicked smile spread over her face. The sedative had taken longer than she assumed it would. That's what she got for switching from her normal brand in the middle of a feeding. Well, it didn't matter in the end. She picked him up and carried her prize out of the barn ready for tonight's ritual everything was in place now all she to do was wait.**************$**$**$************$$$****************************$$$$$$$****************************$$$$$*********************Many hours later it was well past dark when Felix finally began to awaken. His eyes flutter open, the fog of sleep lifting slowly. He could hear himself groaning as his hazy mind pulled itself from a medicated slumber. He couldn't quite tell just where he was or what had happened to him. As his eyes cracked open and the blurriness began to focus, he couldn't yet remember where he was. But he could tell from the lack of light streaming in the window that it is nighttime he recognized the wooden ceiling of a barn. Then, he noticed a draft. Looking down at his torso his eyes widened in horror his upon the realization that his clothes were all gone!He tried to turn to roll over, but something stops him from doing so. And as he was just about to try to get up and try and clear his head he realized that there were bonds around his wrists and ankles, and there was something bulky around his neck. He looked down and his eyebrows nearly rose off his forehead. He was wearing a leather collar, complete with a large ring with a long leash attached, and there was nothing on his body except his pale green and white striped boxers. The other rather pressing thing he noticed was that his wrists also sported leather bracelets with chains attached, and he was secured to a long wooden beam! Felix had to admit, this was definitely the most unusual situation he had found himself in, to date. "Ah, you finally awake huh, sugah!" A teasing voice purred from the darkness. Felix could just barely make out a portly shape in the darkness. As the figure stepped forward he saw that it was Betty Wilkes. And she was smiling like the cat that ate the canary. "Betty what the fuck is going on?!?" He hollered in rage. She merely chuckled in response. "Why whatever do you mean sugah?" She responded coyly. "You wanted to have a job right? Well, this is your job honeysuckle?" "What?! I'm not into this BDSM bullshit!" Felix screamed. She laughed out loud at that. "Oh sugah, you're cute but don't flatter yourself. I needs a man with just a little more meat on his bones" "Then what the hell is this?!" He screamed. "Why the job of course, sugah! I always need volunteers to work on my farm! And you are going to be perfect!"Before he questions her any further she walked away and came back with several large Network style cameras and a laptop set up on Dolley. "What you're gonna record this?! You fat cunt?!" He yelled. That last insult finally seemed to get a reaction out of her as she looked at him with a sour expression. Clicking her tongue and shaking her head she said. "Oh, sugah that I am not feeling that potty mouth of yours!" Reaching under the Dolley she produced a ball gag and some duct tape. "What?! No NO No NO! You bitch Mhgg!" He never finished his sentence as she fastened the ball gag over his mouth and taped it over. Walking back towards her camera's she activated them all and pointed one at him. Felix watched helplessly as she typed something in on the laptop and then stepped in front of the biggest camera. Turning to look at him she winked and said " Put ya Game face on sugah we're live streaming in t-minus five minutes!" "Mghmp?!" What Livestreaming?! Was this bitch out of her mind?There was the sound of an internal countdown and then the red light on the camera flashed green. Betty gave the camera a thousand-watt smile and said. "Hey, Y'all it's me Bodacious Betty, and have I got a treat for y'all tonight!" She gestured towards the still struggling vulpine and said. "Everyone say Hi to Felix, he's volunteered to be our guest of honor for tonight's show y'all!" "MMGGHh!!"Felix screamed through his gag. "No, the fuck I didn't!" He thought angrily. "Now Felix is a little shy y'all and I didn't exactly tell him what's going on but don't y'all worry Betty's gone big plans for him y'all!" "MMGGHH! MGHH!"Felix hollered as he fought against his bindings hoping that whoever was watching would see him in duress and contact the authorities. Betty trotted over to her laptop and gasped in delight"Wow, y'all we've got a BIG audience tonight over twelve thousand viewers that's a new record y'all!"As her words touched his ear he read between the lines and realized with horror; she had done this before. This must be show kind of a black market webcam show. That meant all those watching were about to get off to whatever was about to happen to him. And he'd told no one where he was going that day. Walking directly in front of him Betty winked and asked. "So Felix wanna see what I've got in mind for ya tonight!"He narrowed his eyes at her and flipped her the bird with both hands. But she giggled. "I'mma take that as a yes!"She pulled a remote from her pocket and pointed it at a large flatscreen. She turned the screen on and looked back towards Felix with a wicked smile. "My last farmhand was a bit more "robust" than you Felix. She gave Bruno a hard time trying to get those zeppelins she called boobs down his throat but he managed to eventually, why don't you check it out? Consider it a parting gift!"Felix gave her a look of utmost loathing and contempt as he continued to try and shout through his gag. "Mmph! Mghmg *you sick twisted fuck* Mmph!"Ignoring his cries of protest Betty lifted a remote and hit the play button on the screen. "Why don't you take a gander at this?" She said with a wink. "All to all my watchers here's a free time down memory lane! Surely y'all remember my last volunteer Abigail yes?"Felix focused on the screen and saw a high definition video feed of an extremely busty She-wolf in a position very much similar to his current predicament. She was trapped in a hanging bondage rope sling suspended in the air widely spread crotch, and her hanging boobs!t her lovely hanging tits and the big pink areolas that adorned them on her back in a leather sling with her ass hanging over the end and her legs up in the air. She was totally naked except for the harness and was hanging there naked, her pussy and little bubble butt exposed, her ankles and wrists bound, helpless chains at the end where her legs were had a leather cuff on each about three feet high. The same cuffs that were around put his ankles at this moment. He saw on the video as the wolfess struggled against her bonds and then to his shock the same stallion he'd seen from earlier Bruno entered the video feed. The stallion's massive cock hanging half-erect languidly from its sheath, mottled pink and brown in its enormity. The stallion's forelegs landed heavily on either side of her body and she arched back, swinging her tail up for him to find her entrance with nothing denying him. He soon found her wet folds and his cock bent lightly as he sought entrance, forcing it in after a few moments with a low grunt. And thus it began again, the cycle of being fucked, reaching orgasm and feeling sated for a short while, her belly sloshing and full of potent stallion seed. The dribbles of cum were nothing but extra from the stallions cock - every drop deposited into her womb was sealed within, simply to heighten her lust and demonstrate her position. He put his cock against wolfess's pussy and looked his owner in her eyes at seeing her nod of approval. Then he started prodding. wolfess offered no resistance. She felt the cock slide into her. She felt that it was quite a bit bigger than Bruno's but it felt wonderful. The sensation was perfect and the wolfess moaned loudly in pleasure. "Oh yeah! Fuck me!" she shrieked. The horse responded fully. Long slow powerful strokes from the tip to the balls were varied with bursts of rapid strokes that pounded the wolfess's prostate. The chains were creaking and the sling was moving wildly. The wolfess laid back helpless, her wrists tied above her head. Felix's eyed widened to saucers as he gazed at the homemade porn movie and he dreaded that Betty was going to make him experience exactly what that was going to feel like. The horse was fucking wolfess like crazy, the sling was swinging back and forwards and he was holding the wolfess's thighs and pulling her onto his cock. wolfess was sweating from his face and his body felt like it was burning. He could feel the very hard cock deep inside touching her in places that were screaming out. Then the horse started neighing loudly and thrusting very hard into the wolfess's body. wolfess started yelling too as his body was vibrating and convulsing in orgasm. The horse stopped but seemed reluctant to pull his cock out. he held it tightly inside looking at the wolfess with an exhausted smile and playing with the wolfess's cum plastered on his belly. As the huge black stallion drove his fat cock into her again, the wolfess used her forearms to push back, encouraging him harder and deeper, as much as she could take. Her body was a vessel for his pleasure and satisfaction in his orgasm, her pussy a perfectly fitted cock sleeve to his member. He rocked her towards a second orgasm, more explosive than the first, and, as the storm raged inside, The wolfess screeched at a piercing pitch. The Stallion snorted, his lips brushing the back of her furry head, cock buried tightly in her snatch as if trying to force himself deeper, into her very womb her belly swelling from the sheer amount of cum being pumped into her buxom body. The stallion nickered and relented pulling its dripping wet cock from the wolfess. On camera the wolfess licked her snout, her heavy belly swollen beneath her and she was moaning like a slut with spread legs as she hung in the harness. Pausing the video Betty turned to look at Felix who despite himself had gotten an erection watching the anthro she-wolf get fucked by the horse. "What did you think?" She asked cheerfully. She noticed his chub and gasped in delight. "Oh, you liked that huh sugah?!" She chortled looking at his boner. Embarrassed he tried to shift his body so it wouldn't be visible to this psychotic bitch but as he was still tied up that effort was in vain. This was her plan? She was going to let her horse fuck him?! Oh Hell no!!! He begins struggling against his shackled with renewed energy. She laughed out loud and as if she read his mind"Don't worry sugah! This only happens to the lasses! Bruno doesn't take well to men but you should be concerned about what happens, next hun!" "Em?" Felix mumbled through his gag raising an eyebrow. Betty giggled again. "Watch the rest sugah! Oh and just an FYI the internal shots were done with some fancy-dancy micro cameras, they cost a pretty penny but my subscribers love it so it's all worth it!"With a push of the remote button, the video feed resumed and showed Betty releasing the wolfess from her shackles where she fell onto the hay covered ground below still panting in sexual exhaustion. The equine's head leaned down and nuzzled against hers. It was a gentle affectionate motion seemingly but in reality, the beast was toying with its prey. The buxom wolfess opened her yes and she found herself staring face to face with a stallion, the animal opened its mouth wide, far wider than a normal breed would have been capable, and gently but forcefully took The wolfess's head in its mouth. The wolfess instinctively placed her hands on its muzzle for a moment, but she knew that it was far, far more powerful than her and any attempt to fight it off was more likely to hurt her than discourage the stallion. After a second, her hands dropped by her sides. After another second, her left arm reached up to start squeezing one of those mammoth tits while her right nestled in between her legs to play with her bald, suddenly damp pussy. The micro-cameras switched the video feed to inside the horse's throatIt looked hot in the stallion's mouth, as well as stuffy and wet. The wolfess's face appeared in a state of ahegao. But it still looked a bit uncomfortable and rather asphyxiating. But at this point the adrenaline she had felt from the intense sex was now settling into loins, electrifying her with arousal. The wolfess was moaning in excitement as the stallion's jaws slid down over her shoulders to the tops of her breasts and she felt the crown of her head at the verge of leaving its mouth and entering its throat. The massive animal seemed to have some trouble taking in her enormous breasts with the next movement, this time forcing her head into its throat. The cocoon of flesh was tighter here and it was getting even harder to breathe. The stallion surged forward again, this time getting its teeth down to The wolfess's navel. Here it was far enough down that it whipped its head up and back, lifting her hips and legs into the air. The wolfess was lurched deeper into its throat as the first orgasm shook her. Her hands kept moving as she started to get light-headed. As her hips and furiously flying fingers moved into the stallion's mouth, The wolfess felt the crown of her head breach the stallion's stomach. She knew it should open up a bit more in there and soon her head passed through the pyloric sphincter. The air in here was hot, stale, but at least there was a little more room. The compression on the rest of her body was still intense as it slid through the stallion's mouth and esophagus, but it was almost pleasurable. Her hand could barely move. Only her feet were still outside of the stallion's mouth. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh... AAAAHHHH, FUCK!" The wolfess screamed as her immense breasts were pressed against the sphincter for several seconds before the intense pressure finally popped them through. She came again from the stimulation -- she was so aroused that even this pain was becoming pleasure. With her tits now in the stomach, the rest of her came quickly. The wolfess almost somersaulted as she was deposited into the comparatively spacious stomach. She curled into a fetal position, not quite on her back but with her knees pushing her breasts into her face. She continued to stimulate herself and orgasm followed orgasm as the stallion's stomach filled with acid. As the video feed blacked out Betty shut off the screen and turned to look at him. With a big, cheesy grin, she asked, "So, what did you think?" "Mmmffmmgf"Jumping up and down excitedly she said "I knew you'd see it my yesss!"Felix's muffled shouts of protest were ignored as Betty hit a button that shifted the beam he was tied to until it hung over a stable where he saw the mare from earlier. "Ok, folks I hope you're ready!" Betty said to the cameras. She hit a button on a control panel and the shackles holding his feet released with a depressurizing *click* and he was now hanging directly over the horse by just his wrist!"MMMGGGHF! MMGGHh!!!" "Coco Din-din!" Betty said cheerfully. The mares mouth opened wide and the beam slowly began lowering itself and Felix with it. Felix fought with all his might swinging his legs back and forth as the mare grabbed them in her mouth. He tried to pull them back out but the grip of Coco's throat is like iron. The horse gulps loudly, drawing in another few inches of her meal. Suddenly there is another metallic *click* and the shackles holding his wrist are detached from the beam although his hands were still bound. Felix grabs at the ground, searching for leverage to pull himself free, but Coco continues to drag Felix into her maw. She nickers as she draws his knees between her full lips, lifting half of his body off of the ground in the process. With his waist exposed once again, she happily grabs his now half-erect penis and continues to fondle it. Felix whimpers in fear, desperately trying to crawl away, even as she draws Felix in up to his thighs. Soon, all of his legs were gone, and Felix could feel them poking into a more open area. It didn't take a genius to know where his limbs were, and if he didn't do something, that was where the rest of her would end up. With a sickening slurp, she sucks his waist into her mouth, his cock now resting against her tongue. Felix look back, eyes wide with terror, hearing a giggle he turns to see Betty watching. She smiles at him and gives Felix a salacious wink. As the horse swallows him she involuntarily rolls her tongue periodically flicking the head of his cock with the tip of her tongue. Despite the horror of his situation, Felix let out an involuntary moan of pleasure, his grip on the ground weakening slightly as intense sensations course through Felix. Felix buck his hips, thrusting himself against the otherworldly touch of Coco's tongue, and cum hard into her mouth. The horse lets out a throaty groan of approval, swirling her tongue back and forth as she tastes his seed. Some of his cum dribbles from her lower lip, but she swallows the rest with a noisy gulp that draws his penis into her throat. Weakened from the exertion of the past few minutes, Felix foolishly let Coco catch hold of his arms. She easily forces his hands to his side, the grip of her maw wrapping them in an iron embrace a moment later. Felix continue to fight as she gobbles up the rest of Felix, but without the use of his arms, Felix can do little more than wriggle and shout. As her lips pass his chest, she playfully nibbles on his muscular torso, clearly enjoying every inch of Felix. Soon, Coco's moist lips pass over his neck and head, drawing Felix into the humid darkness of her insides and then, with a noisy GULP! Coco draws the last of her meal into her throat Felix catch a single glimpse of the outside world through her open jaws, and then with a snap, she closes her mouth, shrouding Felix in utter darkness. A moment later, a loud gulp draws the last of Felix into her belly. He is sucked into a disorienting world of slippery flesh and complete blackness pulses against his face, slurping and gulping noises emanating from all around Felix. It's not long before the last of him slides into the cramped and acrid prison of the mare’s belly. Felix's forced into a tightly curled ball, the slimy walls of Coco's stomach grinding and churning against Felix, methodically working digestive fluids into his bare skin. The sounds of digestion surround Felix, sloshing and gurgling noises forming the soundtrack to his demise. Coco stands there with her bulging midsection, licking her lips with satisfaction as she enjoys the lingering flavors of her meal. Betty stares with wide-eyed wonder at the mare’s distended belly, giggling with mirth every time a small movement within causes it to jiggle. The mare gives Betty a mischievous look and then lets forth a gut-rumbling belch. BUUUUUUUURRRP!!"Oh my well it looks like that's the last of Felix darlings!" She says switching to a video feed of the red-furred vulpine stuffed inside the horse's gut covered in mucus, slime, and digestive acids. "Well, ain't he snug as a bug in a rug! Well, I think I'll just leave him and Coco be for now! Bodacious Betty needs her beauty rest y'all, but don't worry I'll leave the Livestream on until he takes that final goodbye!" Blowing a kiss at one of the cameras Betty leaves the barn as Coco settles down to digest. Later that next morning as daylight rose over the horizon. Betty enters the barn and sees Coco in the corner drinking from the water trough and dead in the middle of the stable was the remains of Felix a steaming pile of dung with a vulpine skull and several bones sticking out. "Oh well Felix certainly ain't so handsome anymore and oh my goodness he smells something awful y'all!" Checking her computer screen she happily read all the positive comments and clapped her hands giddily as she saw there was over $50,000 dollars in cryptocurrency tips. "Y'all are just the best! I love you guys Mwah! Bodacious Betty signing off now!" With a few keystrokes, she turned off the Livestream and deactivated the cameras. Turning towards the pile of scat that used to be Felix she cheerfully said "Well sugarplum I don't think you'll be much use as a farmhand now, but you'll be excellent as fertilizer and I'd just about run out!" ", |
Story Start,HuManure testing facility 32-A was usually a reasonably quiet, orderly facility. As one of the smaller facilities, it didn't get a lot of research to do, mostly being relegated to being a breeding farm and training site for the resulting new stallions. However, today was proving to be different. The staff of the facility heard the chatter of a raucous crowd echoing through the halls. Those that popped their heads out of the saw a uniformed herd of teenage boys wandering through the labs. The red and grey uniforms gave them away as senior students from the local high school, Westhill Boys' High. At the head of the group appeared to be a middle-aged teacher, who was walking alongside the facility's director, Dr David Hall. "So, hopefully you can all understand the importance of the research we do in the HuManure labs here. " Dr Hall noted to the group, apparently having just finished an explanation of some of the ongoing research at the in-house labs. With a start, he halted the group outside a large set of metal double doors. "Now, I'd like to take you into what I think is the most interesting part of the facility - the Main Barn. This is where all of our practical testing takes place, and also where some of our tests with training animals are conducted". Dr Hall threw open the double doors, and revealed a long, high-ceiling wooden room. Hay lined the floors, and down the length of the room the walls recessed into large metal roller doors. The roller doors appeared to open onto large pens, all with high wooden fences, and all of which were currently empty. The boys filtered into the room, and were struck by the strong, barnyard smells of sweat, animals and, presumably, HuManure. The teacher, Mr Mills, piped up. "I never would have guessed there was such a large facility here in Westhill - and so close to the school!" "HuManure operates all over the country - the world in fact. " Dr Hill noted sagely. "Now, as you might know, HuManure uses animal predators to process donors - humans - into usable materials for food production - HuManure. This critical service allows for stable food supplies the world over. " Dr Hill gestured to the brochure he was holding - each of the students held a similar one in their hands. "As you also might know, HuManure generally uses stallions for processing humans who donate themselves. However, at this facility we have the privilege of being able to keep a wide range of animals here to test with. "One boy, a gangly redhead, raised his arm. "Dr Hall, why does HuManure only use stallions? I was thinking about it, wouldn't other predatory animals work just as well?"Dr Hall grinned broadly. "Excellent question... what was your name?" "Will, Sir", the boy replied, looking slightly self-satisfied having been told his question was a good one. "Will. Excellent question. As you can imagine, here at HuManure we've done copious amounts of testing around 'efficiency of conversion'. What I mean by that, is we look to find the animals most effective at converting humans into waste, with as little mass lost as possible. The more waste we have, the more product we can ship. However, we cater to a worldwide network of very busy farmers, so we also need to do so as quickly as we can. It's a careful balancing act, and one worked on for some time. "Dr Hall's grin shifted, and he took on a slightly predatory look in his eye. "However, I've always found the best way to learn isn't by having someone tell you, it's by experimenting and documenting the results yourself. In fact, you've jumped ahead in my little presentation a bit. "Dr Hall dug into his lab coat and produced a silver remote. Turning away from the group, he pointed the remote at the wall and with a few quick button presses three of the metal doors slid upwards, revealing three animal enclosures behind them. Three enormous animals emerged from enclosures and made their way into the pens in the barn. On the left, a shaggy grey wolf softly padded in to the pen. It looked over the group with lazy disinterest, and promptly flopped down onto its side.In the middle, a proud chestnut stallion trotted in. It circled the pen several times and then wandered over to drink water from its trough. On the right, a heavy black bull lumbered in. It trotted right up to the edge of the pen, then began to stare at the group. Dr Hall turned back to the group. "Being a testing facility, we have access to a range of standard and non-standard predatory class animals to - you guessed it - test! So, I propose we conduct a practical experiment, so we can learn firsthand which animals are the most efficient at converting humans to HuManure. "He turned to the classes’ teacher. "Is that alright with you Mr Mills? I presume all the boys signed the release forms?"Mr Mills nodded in reply. "Of course, Dr Hall. I'm sure the boys won't complain about doing some practical science, rather than just having a lecture either. "The boys nodded, some laughing in approval. "Please, call me David. So, to demonstrate we'll need three test subjects to get turned into HuManure. To keep the experiment fair, maybe three all around the same size? Do you want to pick out some... volunteers?" Dr Hall asked, the predatory smile still on his face. "Well, ok then Dr... I mean, David. " Mr Mills looked over his class, trying to pick a set of appropriately similar boys. "How about you - Lachlan... Mitch... and... ah, yes, Will, seeing as you were so curious. " Mr Mills said, pointing as he scanned the class. "Are you three alright being our test subjects for today?"Lachlan, a tall, thin boy will a mop of dirty blonde hair stepped forward with a grin. "Can do, Sir. My dad's farm uses HuManure - reckon it would be pretty funny if him and my older brothers ended up having to spread me on his fields. "Mitch, a less tall, but slightly stockier boy with his brown hair cut back in a buzz cut stepped up next to him. "Sure", he replied with a shrug, "I guess". He genuinely didn't seem to care. Will, the gangly redhead, stepped forward. He was blushing deeply and bore a sheepish expression. "Well Sir, I had just finished my college applications and was hoping... "Dr Hall interjected. "Come on boy, do it for science! You wouldn't want to deprive your classmates of this first-class learning opportunity, would you?"Will's blush deepened, and he looked down at the floor. "I guess not - alright, I'll do it too". As he spoke, he stuck his hands in his pockets and subtly adjusted his shorts - not subtly enough to avoid a snigger from some of the boys near him though. "Fantastic! Three healthy looking donors - you'll all make fine HuManure I think. Now boys, I'm going to need you to strip - no clothes allowed inside the animals I'm afraid!"Lachlan and Mitch quickly shucked their clothes - this wasn't anything too new. They'd all seen each other naked before in gym. Will, however, was stripping agonisingly slowly, and was flushed a deep beet red. He'd just gotten his shirt and shoes off, and was fussing with his socks. Mr Mills sighed. "Come on Will, let’s get on with it. " Seeing that Will wasn't going any faster, Mr Mills walked over to the boy, stood behind him and, without warning, stripped his shorts off. Will's shorts and jocks came down, exposing his raging hard-on to the entire class as it bounced back up and hit his stomach as it was revealed. This provoked uproarious laughter from the boys until Mr Mills shut them up with a look that could kill. "Oh, I suppose none of you have ever had an erection before? Grow up boys, you're supposed to be 18-year old’s, not 8-year old’s. "Dr Hill nodded demurely. "A surprising number of male donors have that reaction prior to donating. Nothing to be ashamed of - it's all just biology after all. "Will, looking supremely embarrassed, lined up to his fellow volunteers. The three boys stood in front of the class, nude as the day they were born. Lachlan's tall, lean form was nearly hairless with only a light dusting of sandy pubes at the base of his long uncut cock. Mitch, in contrast, had hair almost everywhere. His thick, but shorter, cut member was surrounded by a dark brown bush, which carried into a long happy trail up to his fuzzy chest. Thick, sweaty hear peeked out under his arms. Will sat somewhere in the middle, with a light dusting of red hair all over, especially surrounding his fully erect cock. "Now, one thing we need to do is know what our starting materials weigh, so we can measure output once we're done. " Dr Hall walked over to a supply closet, and brought back a basic digital scale. Placing each volunteer on them, he studiously noted their starting weights before moving on to the next one. "Alright you three, now that we have our test subjects all weighed, let's get this experiment running". Dr Hall pulled out his remote again, pressing a single button. A loud, bell-like noise rang out through the barn. The three animals looked up with a start. They all began to pace around their pens, and eventually settled into position, rears facing the external gates. Almost simultaneously, the knelt down on their front two legs, exposing three, large winking animal assholes. "Aren't they impressive! We do a good job training them here. " Dr Hall said with pride. "So - the terms of the experiment. Anal digestion, across three different species. We're testing for highest efficiency of conversion. "Dr Hill walked to each pen and opened their gates. "Now, as you see, we don't have any fancy equipment here in the main barn. We have only one inserter arm, and that's in another area of the facility. What that means is we need to get these boys inside the old-fashioned way - good old manual insertion. "He turned to Mr Mills. "As such, I'm going to need some helpers from the class to push them in. Don't want to mess up the experiment by one of them getting stuck halfway in!"Mr Mills selected a few students at random, and assigned them to help each volunteer. "Ok - let’s get you in position then. Lachlan, you're going into our wolf predator, Rex. Mitch, I'm assigning you to our stallion, and Will, that leaves you with our bull predator. Understood?"The three boys nodded, one more nervously than the others. "Alright then, you know where you're going - get in position. "The boys and their helpers entered their assigned pens - the animals were obviously highly trained, as none of them so much as flinched as the teens approached their waiting holes. Dr Hill pulled out a stopwatch, and pressed down on the top. "Let's get this experiment started then boys! In you go!"Lachlan turned to give a thumbs up to his friends in the class, who gave him a thumbs up back. With that, he stretched out his arms and pressed his hands into the wolf's hole. He encountered little resistance, and soon found himself up to his shoulders. He looked up at his classmate helping him. "Well, see ya", he said with a grin, and shoved his head inside. Lachlan was able to wiggle himself in about up to his waist before he began to lose traction and his feet swung helplessly in the air. His classmate stepped in to help, and grabbed his feet, beginning to shove. Within no time, Lachlan's pert butt and long legs were shoved inside his new, temporary home, and with a clench from the wolf his feet were sucked inside. Mitch had been given a small wooden step ladder to get up to the height of the massive stallion's ass. Once in position, and without a word, he shoved his head and arms inside, garnering a whinny from the stallion. He wasn't able to go much further without help, and his two classmates hoisted him up to slide in further. The horse's asshole was obviously hungry, and with little further assistance Mitch was steadily sucked in. A final shove on his feet sealed Mitch inside the stallion. Will and his helper had also been given a similar stepladder to get up to the no less high bull's asshole. Will's helper gently guided his hands up and into the puffy black ring. As they began to get pulled in, the helper helped Will position his head at the wining entrance. Will gave a nervous smile, and his helper smiled back, pushing his face and head forward. The mop of red hair vanished into the bull, quickly followed by Will's shoulders and torso. The helper took ahold of Will's legs and began to feed him steadily in. The only impediment was Will's still hard cock, which pressed against the bull's taint momentarily, but too was eventually squeezed in. With a squelch, Will's feet disappeared, and he was gone. While this was happening Dr Hall enlisted Mr Mills, and together they bundled up the three piles of discarded shoes, jocks, shorts, and red and grey Westhill shirts. They were carried over, and dumped in a metal bin in the corner labelled 'Incinerator'. With a clatter, Dr Hill also tumbled in the three boys' abandoned backpacks. "Well, with that done, we might as well continue the rest of our tour. We'll need to let this experiment run for a bit, and our animals don't need our supervision to do what they do best - turning humans into HuManure!"Dr Hall gestured to a large set of double doors at the other end of the barn. Slowly and with a great deal of chatter about what they'd seen and the fate of Lachlan, Mitch and Will, they group filed out, and the hall was silent again - save of the occasional grunt, whinny and groan from the pens.-----------------------------------------------------------An hour and a half later, the double doors swung open again. The group filed back in, with Dr Hall and Mr Mills once again leading the way. "And so, you've now seen the breeding of new HuManure animals AND processing raw HuManure into useable product. Now, as I've said before, our facility is small and mostly for testing, so this all happens on a much larger scale "The boys wandered back into the main barn. Several of them wandered over to the pens to check for developments, but none of the animals seemed to have released their residents yet. "If I could borrow you boys for a moment, let’s set out some chairs and we can get settled in for a bit of a talk while we wait for our experiment to finish up. " Dr Hall gestured to some rows of fold out chairs, evidently stacked against the wall for sessions like this in the barn. The boys grabbed their chairs and plonked themselves down while Dr Hall wheeled out a whiteboard. Moments after the boys had set out all the chairs, a sound of loud panting came from the furthest pen. "Well boys, looks like we came back just in time - Rex looks like he's done with Lachlan. " Dr Hall said with a smile. The class looked in amazement as the enormous wolf squatted down and the new form of their former classmate began to emerge. The wolf's asshole winked open as a long, smooth dark brown snake began to emerge. The wolf grunted and growled as Lachlan's remains were pushed out, flopping onto the pen floor with a wet slap. A heap of manure quickly piled up, and when the wolf was finished disposing of what was left of the former student, he quickly padded off and flopped back down on the other side of his pen to nap. "A stellar performance from Rex there, coming in at... " Dr Hall check his stopwatch. "Almost exactly 1hr 40mins. A very speedy digestion, all things considered. "Two similarly lab-coated assistants emerged into the room bearing large shovels and wheelbarrows. They quickly entered the pen and got to work shoveling the pile of Lachlan shit into the wheelbarrows. "Ah, right on time. Our lab assistants here are going to take away this fine batch of HuManure for processing, but first they're going to weigh it so we can see how much of Lachlan was converted, and how much is now sitting on Rex's hairy belly!"This got a bit of a laugh from the boys, and they watched with interest as the fresh HuManure was shoveled and carted away. "With that, let's get into a bit of discussion about the exact digestive processes of HuManure animals. Now, you didn't think you'd be coming on a biology field trip without an actual biology lesson, did you?"The boys groaned, and settled in for a lecture. Luckily, they didn't have to wait long for Dr Hall's lesson to be interrupted. Around 20 minutes in, a loud whinny from the middle pen signified that Mitch was ready to come out. A loud fart rang out from the stallion, drawing a number of guffaws from the class. Soon after, a large load of Mitch manure emerged from the horse's black hole and also unceremoniously slapped onto the floor. The stallion took his time disposing of Mitch, but once he was done a no less impressive mountain of manure lay in the pen. The assistants reemerged, and dutifully mucked out the pen and took the Mitch manure off to be weighed and processed. "Not bad Mitch, a very respectable... 2hrs and 12mins!" Dr Hall noted, before resuming his lecture. The last interruption came quite a bit later. Dr Hall proved to be an engaging speaker, but by the time Will was ready to emerge, around another hour had passed and many of the boys had long since drifted off. However, a grunt from the black bull got their immediate attention. Will came out with a start, with the bull's asshole pushing out huge, brown clumps of HuManure at once. Grunting each time, he pushed out clump after clump, depositing Will in a stinking, heavy heap on the floor. This was clearly the largest pile yet. "And finally, Will makes his reappearance at... 3hrs 2mins. Not bad, not bad. "The assistants returned for the last time, carting away Will's remains also. One of the lab-coated assistants returned shortly after, handing Dr Hall a piece of paper then promptly departing. "Alright then everyone, the moment we've all been waiting for! Shall we learn the results of our little experiment then?"Dr Hall had all the boys' full attention again, and the nodded and sounded their approval. "First - Lachlan. Our wolf predator digested him in 1hr 40mins, with a yield of... 66%! Not bad, but not great either. " Dr Hill wrote the figures up on the whiteboard. "As you can see, wolves have a fast digestion, but we believe their carnivorous nature leads them to retain a significant portion of the humans they digest, even when voring them anally. "The class nodded with interest. "Next - Mitch. Our stallion digested him in 2hrs 14mins, with a yield of... 90%!". Dr Hall once again noted the figures on the whiteboard. "Very good yield indeed, without too much of a time difference from the wolf". "Finally - Will. Our bull predator digested him in 3hrs 2mins, with a yield of... 98%!"A titter of surprise ran through the group. "Yes, our bulls have a highly efficient digestion. Almost every last cell of your friend Will has been processed into HuManure! However, you can see... " Dr Hall gestured to the whiteboard. "From that extra hour, approximately, we only gained another 8% yield. While bulls are efficient at processing, they take a fair bit longer to do it. "Dr Hall put down his whiteboard pen. "Because of this minimal extra yield given the time loss, the most effective choice is almost always the stallion. When you multiply that extra hour out across the thousands of donations that HuManure processes daily, you get a time saving of many days - something critical for servicing our farming community in a timely manner. "Dr Hall finally took a seat. "So, that about does it for our practical demonstration of varying efficiency across predator species. If we had more time - and a lot more students - we could run more tests to demonstrate stallion versus mare performance, oral versus anal ingestion, and other variables - we could be here all day! But hopefully you can now all clearly see why HuManure almost exclusively relies on equine predators for our work. "A hum of understanding and approval came from the boys. "Fantastic work David - thanks for letting our class participate in that instructive demonstration. " Mr Mills chirped with a broad smile. David nodded and smiled back. "Not a problem, and who knows - maybe we'll see some of you out at the facility again". "Of course," Mr Mills replied, "We might have to make this an annual visit for the senior biology class". With that, Mr Mills waved and headed towards the big double doors. The remaining students from Westhill High's science class filtered out of barn after him, heading back out to the parking lot to their awaiting bus. Dr Hill smiled, and looked forward to the upcoming tour he had organised with an out-of-town college. Maybe he could run a more complicated experiment with them... ", |
Story Start,Bolt sniffed around the camp ground he and Mittens had slept in for the night. When he had awoken he'd found the cat gone and hadn't seen her in some time. "Mittens where are you you!" He called out, "we can't stay here forever!" He sniffed around some more. He finally picked up on a faint scent. Following it with his nose it started to lead him into the forest. "Darn cat, what are you up to know?" He'd noticed Mittens acting strange over the last couple of days.In the tree up above sat Mittens, the cat's ears swivelling to hear the words of the odd dog calling out for her. Sighing a little she turned in his direction, "over here!" She called out "i'm in the tree. Not stuck, before you ask. "No Mitten's wasn't physically stuck but, emotionally, she was. Every time she was around Bolt she got odd feelings, weird thoughts crossed her mind and she didn't like it. He was doing something to her.... And she couldn't abandon him now. As a matter of fact, she didn't even want too. But if they stayed together, things might get weird... Bolt walked over to the tree, looking up and Mittens. "What are you doing up there? We have to keep moving. "The cat looked down at the dog with a scowl. They'd been together a few weeks now and with no real movement in the search for penny. Mittens was beginning to think that the dog might actually just be insane, maybe this penny and the green eyed man didn't exist. Not that it mattered, all of that was secondary to Mitten's as she looked down at the musuclar form of the dog and smelled his thick scent. That tingly feeling returning.. Was she attracted to him? or.... She began to climb down. "I don't think we're gonna find this girl, Bolt" "Sure we will, don't say that. " He just knew he had to save Penny as soon as possible. He sat down as he watched Mittens coming down. For a cat she always did have a nice ass. He shook his head to get those dirty thoughts out. She, as experienced as she was, could sense his tense muscles seize up in sudden arousal. It was the same thing she had done the first time she had seen him and taken in his dense body, so full of young muscle. Mittens would have felt horny herself but there was still an element of something else, something strange. "Look" She looked at him closely "I don't know where this girl is, and neither do you"Bolt shifted on his front paws anxiously. Both at the thought of not finding Penny but also because Mittens was so close he was catching her scent now. A new smell was there, one that made his heart skip a beat. "Well um... " he was having a hard time forming words. "W-what do you think we should do then?" "hmmmm" Mittens purred, leaning forward to push her head into Bolt's "I can think of a few things... "She was enraptured by him now, loving how innocent and soft he was. She leaned forward and stared into his eyes, before meeting his lips with her, drawing the dog into a deep and geniune kiss. His taste on her lips.... Delicous, thickly set... He backed up at first when Mittens suddenly pressed herself to him and kissed his snout. Dogs and Cats don't do this! he thought. But then her scent hit him again and without thinking he was leaning into her kisses with his own; his big tongue slowly gliding over her face. Underneath him his cock tip started to poke free from his sheath. He might not be a big dog but he was blessed with a big dog dick. The cat pushed her paws underneath his chin to guide him upwards, her tongue sweeping along the sides of his muzzle, tasting him, feeling him. God he was good, and Mittens was just as reluctant as he was to be doing this with a dog. But that just made it all the more delicous. The cats pushing him up, tail lashing back and forth, beginning to spread her jaws over his enraptured face... Bolt didn't realize what was happening right then. His mind was fuzzy and eyes unfocused as he enjoyed Mittens company. He brushed a front paw against her furry chest in slow circles, loving the soft fur. This whole time his cock was lengthening more and more quickly reaching its girthy 8 inches; his thick knot staying tocked away in his sheath for now. Mitten's purred at the movements on her chest not unlike a cat's kneading, still pushing her jaws around Bolt's nose almost unconsciously. Stuck in a trance now and finally fulfilling both the urges in her mind. The urge to both fuck this wonderfully formed dog but also to eat him, the loving and the predatory feline side of Mittens combining to create a very, very bad situation for poor Bolt. Her jaws moving forward as her paw moved to his hardening member. His eyes were closed or he would have been more alarmed at the advancing jaws working up his snout. He felt a wetness but more of his mind was on the feeling of Mittens paws on his sensitive member. At there touch he couldn't help but give a hump at them. He unconsciously licked around the inside of the cat's mouth. "That's an odd taste," he thoughtHer paw gripped at his cock just as her eyes opened, narrow in bliss and determination, and her jaws finally jumped forward. With a long slurrrppp the dog went inside, his snout hitting the back of her gullet, him smelling her hot breath as the cat began to eat. It was as those advancing jaws slipped over his eyes and things got even dark was when Bolt's eyes popped open and he was greeted with a dim view of the inside of Mittens mouth. Already he could feel his nose pressing against the entrance to her throat. He tried to pull his head free but it was stuck tight, and Mittens just moved with his motion. His energy was mostly gone as well. The blooded needed having gone to his cock that was still being rubbed over. "Mittens! Let me out. What are you doing!?"Bolt’s muzzle was pushed to the back of Mitten’s gullet as the cat slowly moved her paws forward to take more of him in, determined now, ready to ingest the entirety of this annoying and most delicous canine specimen. Even as he whined and squirmed she didn’t stop, using her paws to wrap around his front paws and pull them deeper. The taste of him on her lips, beefy and sweet. All the while her paw continued to pump and paw at his gorged member, keeping him weak and unable to fight back. Bolt wiggled and tried to fight back but with Mittens front paws pinning his he couldn't get any leverage. Slowly he felt his head starting to enter the throat; the tube expanding before his snout. Soon he felt Mittens's teeth advancing over his shoulder blades. All the while the cat's back legs pumped and worked his pulsing shaft. The fangs of the cat dug into his skin, moving forward with every steady gulp, the hardest of course being Bolt's big and wide shoulders. Even for a pup he had a fair bit heft to him that the cat at first struggled to get across, but managed after a few careful pushes and pulls of her jaws. She purred, the motion vibrating the gullet around bolt, the stink of digested mice and pigeon wafting upwards to greet him. He coughed and sputtered as the foul air rolled over him again and again. He felt the wetness of the jaws stretching and pushing over his shoulders. He must be making quite the bulge in the slightly smaller cat. To his dismay the vibrations where effecting him, adding to the pleasure of paws rubbing against his cock. He couldn't help but fee; a little precum dribble from his tip. "Mittens damnit, let me out!"The cat was in love with how much this confident, smug creature who should have been above her on the food chain was now at her total mercy. Her tongue at the head of his cock and tasting the precum already leaking out there. Dribbling out as she begun of snuffing him out entirely. The big dog now just a big dinner for her mull over and devour. Her mouth sliding past her belly, his head beginning to enter her maw. With his front legs now fully pinned he could do nothing to stop his downward decent into the cat. Around him he could hear the glorping and popping of Mitten's body as it expanded to accommodate him. His nose suddenly pressed against a tight opening that resisted his advance. It only stopped him for a moment before it opening and his nostrils were instantly hit with the acid smells of the stomach. It was hard to focus on that as just then he felt Mitten's tongue against his cock tip and then the jaws were squeezing around the beginning of the shaft. Mitten's was almost lifted up as the dog began to spill in into her belly, the hot and humid organ gurgling and growling around his plump and pampered form. "mmmm" the cat purred, gulping past Bolt's belly to arrive at his hardening cock. The dribbling limb resting squarely in her mouth, musky and large. Mitten's was no stranger to a cock but one this large? still it only took her a moment to begin the process of "pleasuring" Bolt, sucking and nibbling lightly on his sensitive member. Trying to coax the sweet juices out of it before it joined his master in a gurgling end. Bolt's face quickly found the opposite side of the stomach but inside of stopping him it began to flex and stretch as more of him was pushed inside. His fur was instant coated in the slime and his skin was tingling. The sudden attention to his cock made him forget that, the mouth and tongue dancing and sucking over half his cock. He whined, unable to hump at the mouth; a little more precum dribbling out. Mitten's sucked and licked and slurped over that delicous, full cock so brilliantly formed and hefty. He was good, but he was also tasty, a deadly combination when a cunning cat like him was involved. she purred, flexed her paws over the whining bulge spreading outwards. Her licking taking up more power as she licked and sucked, making the dog ready to cum even as she ate him whole and alive. But then before he came, the cat changed her mind and instead swallowed his still throbbing cock whole, robbing Bolt of his last climax. for now at least... Bolt whined even louder as his felt his teased cock get stuffed into Mittens throat. Pulsing hard as it was rubbed down the throat; leaking the whole time as it started to enter the belly. Now with only his rear and back legs outside he could only kick weakly. The advancing jaws soon straightening out his back legs along his tail. The rump of the dog slipped down Mitten's gullet as she lifted her muzzle up high, his short American Shepherd legs following soon after along with the white and puffy tail. Soon all that was left of Bolt was his fluffy hindpaws sticking out of the cat's mouth, the rest of him bulging out her heavily enlarged belly. And with one more gulp they too were gone, slipping deep into the hot stomach of the predator. His back legs finally slipped in to join the rest of him and he made a final fight to get out. Pushing all his paws against the stomach walls, but they only stretched. He pressed his face to the walls trying to bite and get out to no avail. His body sloshed wetly, rolling around. Unknown to him them he'd rolled him on to his back with his rump facing Mittens head and his large cock pointed at her in the skin and fur. With the rump and cock in the air Mitten's made her next move, Her paws smoothing the bulge around the protruding underside of the dog and putting her mouth once more on his cock. only this time it was hidden behind a layer of thick cat belly as the rest of him began to digest below. "This is gonna give me such a hairball... " she grinned, and began to suck him off yet again. The air was getting thinner and his movements slowing. The sudden feel of paws of his cock from the outside and then a tightness that could only be Mittens mouth he decided he was done, and to put the last of his energy into a final good climax. He gave a hump at the wall and mouth, feeling his long length stretching the belly and fur more and advancing his cock bulge into Mitten's throat. He grinned, ready to make her double slow him. As the dying dog quietened down the cat finally made him cum. Using both her paws and mouth to suck him off even as he digested inside of her. the dog's member erupting on the inside and splattering the belly walls with cum, mixing in with the stomach acid and diluting them slightly. Although not enough to make Bolt any less doomed. "Seeya Bolt" mittens grinned, flexing as her belly began to gurgle in earnest "Seeya in a few days... "SCAT WARNINGMittens spent several days sitting upon her engorged gut. Every now and then a burp would escape jaws as her stomach worked. Bubbling and gurgling s it shrank down the meaty contents of her belly. By the third day her paws could touch the ground even if her middle hadn't left it. The weight of Bolt's leftovers had shifted from her belly to her gut; filling the space more between her back legs. A hard vibrating grumble came from inside that made her groan. "Oof, that time already Bolt, alright. Time to go for a final walk. " Standing to wabbled over to the picnic table nearby; gut rolling and bouncing. With some effort she jumped from the ground to the bench and then up on to the table. Her guts grumbled louder, "ooff, ok ok. " She moved over to the edge of the table and turned her rear of the side. Squatting, she dug her claws into the wood of the table and gave a grunt of concentration. Her tail flickingup as her anus quivered before flexing wide; the tapered end of the huge log that was now Bolt starting to squeeze out. She groaned as sphincter widened to 6 inches as the main width swelled and pushed out; the log quickly stretching to the ground and began coiling up. She sat like that for a good 30 minutes. Groaning and pushing the waste out. Here and there bones stuck out from the mess and several times she gave a sharp huff as large bits like the rib cage and skull squeezed out. Finally with a final squeeze and pinch she was down. Turning around to admire the pile of once-dog that lay before her. Her gut still felt heavy for some reason though. The heaviness in the cat's gut was all of the indigestable remnants of the dog. The smaller bones, some thicker muscle and all of the beautiful fur that had once adorned his body. Now ready to come out. Hurk ack!The mass of former dog came out of Mitten's body after a series of hacks and burps. Flopping into the ground with a large slorp sound. Almost as big as Mitten's head and twice as the cat was a little impressed by the sight, although the smell was less than ideal. "Sorry Bolt, least you got to experience a real woman before you went. "And with that the cat sauntered off leaving the pile and hairball behind. Once even moving past a missing dog poster adorned with the visage of her former friend, and former meal. ", |
Story Start,The first thing that hits is the smell. The fact that a heady darkness covers the site far after the sun should have risen is unusual. The utter silence amidst that gloom is even more unsettling. And yet even that out of place shadow pales before the nauseating stink that inundates the site. The centerpiece of this veiled landscape is a circle of five monolithic stones, all jagged in their skyward grasping yet unique in their silhouettes. The red runes which mark the floor between these cyclopean monuments are impossible to make sense of, warped and burned as if hit by a massive blast of heat. The symbols running into one another and charred along their edges. Even amidst these stones the stench never lets up. A rancid septic smell mixing sewage with a sickly sweet rot and the heavy musk of a large animal of some sort. Moving outward from the ring, a small path leads down through the hills near to the strange henge. Large hoof prints occasionally appear on the path, yet their pace is irregular, as if the creature's footsteps shifted at random between this and some unseen plane. Regardless of what realm it dwells in, the hoofmarks are definitely cervid in nature, though exceptionally large. But any lingering thoughts of the appearance of the beast are immediately cast aside at the sight of it's aftermath. A human woman, or what remains of such. In fact it's difficult to tell whether she is currently alive or not. Her eyes are glassy and fixed, yet occasionally heaving moans leave her throat. There is no consciousness to them, they seem more like a wind blowing through a broken instrument. Her body is folded and crumpled inward in a roughly cylindrical shape, an impossible position as if she were molded like playdoh over some massive structure. The fact that her body only crumples from the hips up, and her impossibly wide spread legs hints at exactly what sort of "object" this was. The remnant on the ground is adorned in a silk gown and golden jewelry, clothing which invokes the image of an ancient priestess. Was she a sacrifice forced into this fate or a willing participant? The footprints which intermix with the hoofmarks suggest that for whatever reason she came, she decided to flee at the sight of whatever emerged from that henge. Leaving the grisly sight and continuing down the path, the all-encompassing shade gradually begins to lighten ever so slightly. The dark of night giving way to a very cloudy and cold morning. Torches lay haphazardly along the ground here, some still burning in the dim light, while others have already grown cold. One would expect the grass to have ignited from at least one of them, and yet it's as if the supernatural gloom enveloping this place is preventing any such ignition. Though whoever dropped them remains yet undiscovered. Three torches were tossed aside on the path, and moving further down it, three humans remain. Or rather the barest signs of three humans. No, here lies the source of the agonizing miasma of stink enveloping these hills. A pile of shit at least eight feet high. A deep brown mound in which bits of clothing and brown-stained jewelry intermix with fragments of bones. The presence of three necklaces being the easiest way to recognize how many humans had contributed to this pile. The stench grows more powerful by the moment, already the grass around it has withered brown and sickly. A fetid corruption devouring the plantlife all around. How far will this spread? Will it stop where the stench ends, or will it spread to cover all of these hills in a deathly rot? The sound of hoofbeats is carried up on the wind, which also takes with it the toxic stench to further corrupt the greenery all around. Further down the path the source of this filth. A creature resembling a deer, an impossibly large deer. While his body structure is reminiscent of a doe, no antlers in sight, the gargantuan member swaying brashly between his hindlegs, and the sorry state of the priestess offered to him, makes it very clear that he is not a doe. As the deer's hooves slam into the ground the earth itself seems to buckle and swirl like mud, his very footsteps tattering the ground and intermingling it with the strange realms from which he originates. His trotting pace turns into a gallop as he runs down the path, the horrible smell descending with the breeze a prelude to the future of everyone awaiting him in the town below. ", |
Story Start,The harvest was coming in. It was a time for celebration for all! Well, not all, truth be told. While the benefits of labor done by the workers on a quiet ranch were enjoyed by those sitting at the very top, those toiling below often saw little to no return for their hard work. In fact, it was not a stretch to say that to be a worker on Marigold Pastures was a shitty job. This was true anywhere, but for Mira, a meek rabbit with a strong, compact build that offered brown and black flecks and spots across otherwise white fur, and dust from working as a farm hand that handled manure for a living, this was quite literal. Barry was a magnificent stallion; It was immediately apparent, even if you knew nothing of equin es. His build was broad and muscular , sporting an impressive flank . Beneath his torso rested a fair bit of paunch. A struggling gut, even . Full, no doubt, with another of her fellow workers. The Lapine was used to it . Mi r a used to have to keep her nose plugged, working in the stables, but over time she had gotten desensitized , not just to her co-workers ‘disappearing,’ but the unbearable smel l of the stables . No matter how much she tried, the smell would never come out of her fur anyway. Sure, she was single a lot because of it, but it’s not like she could afford to go out and enjoy herself anyway, on her meager pay. Kina, on the other hand, a wolf who’d been here far longer than Mira, had been here maybe a tad too long. His exceptional strength and high stamina made it so he was able to keep up with the tasks and usually claim bonus pay the rest had to fight for, not that anyone resented him for it. Not openly, at least. It was just the way it was. Wiping his brow off with his forearm, his jeans and ripped up t-shirt both dusty and covered in … well, work, he cocked a brow at Mira before taking a swig of his canteen, a strong mixture of vodka and Caribbean rum he insisted helped him keep the scent at bay. Most did not have the energy to bother arguing the point that trading the smell of shit for booze just made him smell like both. “You just gonna stand there, slack - jawed, while I work, or are you planning on helping?”Kina’s expression was dour, as he grilled the bunny, a combination of being tired and maybe a bit less sober than he let o n . Mira, for her part, blinked. She let herself get distracted again, staring at the wolf’s backside. Looking away with a huff, a touch embarrassed (she didn’t know why she bother ed being; It’s not like they didn’t all have these urges , t hey basically lived here …) , before a hefty sheep , modest of breast and wild of hair, adjusted her glasses and spit before Mira had a chance to defend herself. “Don’t go yelling at the r ookie just because you agreed to take on all the work again. Choking people out of that bonus is all you’re doing; we all know it. ”Okay, so, maybe people weren’t as okay with Kina taking the bonus every year as she thought. “ Bullshit. You want it so bad, then outdo me. It’s competitive.”The wolf growled under his breath before emptying another shovel full of some dumb ex-sap. Just fertilizer now. “ It’s not competitive if you rub elbows with the higher ups to secure the work before its even announced, you great smelly PUP! ”Kina scowled, his upper lip twitching as he bared his teeth, dropping his shovel and advancing towards the sheep . “One more shitty word out of your mouth and I’m turning you into mutton, Carla.”Her eyes narrowed, but she didn’t drop her shovel. Rather, she let it rest at her waist, clearly intending to club the blow-hard with the crap-caked tool. Mira dropped her own shovel, rushing to get between them, putting her arms out at either side. It was around this time she, Carla, and Kina all became uncomfortably away of just how many people were watching the fight ready to break out. “That’s enough!”The rabbit, at least a foot shorter than the wolf, let alone the massive sheep, looked nervous to be in the middle of the two beasts who were clearly capable of cutting right through her, to get to the other. She had their attention. She had not decided whether that was a good thing yet …“ Neither of you is angry at each other.”This was, of course, a lie. It wasn’t nearly so black and white as what she was trying to suggest. “We all got conned, and now we’re stuck here. Carla isn’t the one who lured you into a place that pins you under its thumb with penalties and fees! ”She gulped. She suddenly felt several more eyes on her. Some angry, some scared … But she definitely had their attention. “ And Kina isn’t the one who’s preventing everyone else from living in their means ! It’s the people who run the ranch!”A somewhat shaky finger pointed to the office, a good half-mile away from the property. Carla looked tiredly down at the bunny. Before she looked back up at Kina, nodding once. It was as much apology as the tired sheep could muster. Kina’s attention, however, was on that house , his eyes still narrowed, rage burning in his eyes. Then he looked at Barry, the prize equine of Marigold. His scowl slowly turned to a grin as his brow furrowed. “Alright, gather ‘round, everyone.”----------- Life for Ryalth , a simple fox with bright red hair that came down to his shoulders, resting atop a nice , light blue double-cuffed shirt , a gold tie knotted comfortably around his neck, draped right down to his navel , was pretty good, all things considered . Ad justing his glasses , he looked over some of the forms he had been assigned for the week. Like many here, Ryalth did not - and would likely never - experience luxury, but honestly, he did not mind. He felt wanted, which was its own reward, in a lot of ways. Not taken for granted. He largely did not think about those he supervised ; not out of malice, he was just so far removed from the humdrum of the laymen. It is perhaps for that reason that he failed to see a sizable group of furs approach the building in a surprising display of united front. The door to his office swung open, startling the young vulpine, looking up from the day’s work to say . . . At least 8 people there. “ Guys listen : If you’re here for a raise, I told you, I tried. I just can’t get them to budge.” Their expressions did not change. A pit in his stomach formed, but he did not know why, quite yet, just that he’d been unsettled. While most of the expressions worn by the workers was displeased, Mira’s was more sober, and the first indication that this trouble. He called out for some of his co-workers, but no one came. Everyone else had left for the day. A feed bag was slipped over his head, and he was lead . . . Well, he did not really know where, truth told. Not truthfully. But he could have taken a guess. After about a mile, that sack was removed, he was, at least, a little surprised to find they’d so brazenly dragged him back to the stables. The smell burned his nose a fair bit, but seeing as his hands were restrained, he could not exactly pinch it closed to avoid that awful smell that radiated from the center of the room . It was Barry. It was an open secret , to anyone who tended the stables , why he was so muscular, sporting only a minimal amount of paunch, as well as the foulness of those movements, as the bones lodged inside those logs were a clear warning sign of just what the steed liked to munch on. But they had been a bit lax at tending to him , and the clean-up that entailed . After all, it was something of a never-ending job. It was no wonder that, even from here, the scent wafting from his back end was enough to make the uninitiated black out . That would have been a blessing, from the constant attack of that miasma of filth on his senses . His eyes watered ; It was almost too much to bear. 4 of the men each grabbed a limb, while Mira held open the door, exchanging glances with Ryalth as he was manhandled by her coworkers . While the vulpine’s face was still muddled with confusion, as if she didn’t quite know how she was supposed to feel. Conflicted?Vindicated?Remorseful?None of it mattered now. The second that dark brown flank worked back down against the fox’s muzzle, his fate was as good as sealed, and his sentence would be carried out til its conclusion. Ryalth , for his part, was in the dark, in both senses of the word: His nose, now parked in the soft, leathery donut of the muscular horse, was now forced to breath in what could only properly be described a s an all-out offensive of his senses. The powerful, pervasive stench of the stallion’s rich musk, combined with the heavy, warm mixture of previous remains from other food … No, other people , was overpowering. Bitter, fearful t ears ran down his eyes, and the horror of it all set-in , his heart raging to escape his chest as the weight of his new reality set in, and hard. His squirms and struggles didn’t really amount to much. No matter which way and how hard he tried to escape from the heavy flank of the massive equine presence crushing the life out of him. Few people usually took into consideration just how heavy horses were, though, given how much control he had in his current situation, that felt neither here nor there , let alone something he should know . T he full ton of horse left him very much gasping for air that only served to make him wretch , more stinging tears rolling down his cheeks . Desperately trying to hold his breath as his eyes rolled back, his world completely upside down with almost no warning, again, in more than just the singular sense, his eyes filled with tears, pleading for Mira to help. However, that pitiful look was drowned out as Barry sent a cascade of filth down the complaining maw of the orange-furred fox, choking him on the vile, bitter taste . His nasal passages eventually relented, breathing in that less than pleasant mixture as well. He coughed, his lungs in near complete agony and he could tell things were hardly getting started. One of the assailants – He couldn’t really tell who, anymore, all of his senses being completely overloaded – Grabbed a handful of that crimson mane and shoved him into deeper into those shitty bowels. The sound of cruel laughter could be distantly heard, but Ryalth , for his part, was fading in and out near constantly through the experience, much of that muck and filth worming its way down his throat. The more he coughed, the more he accidentally breathed in and swallowed th ose apples, and the trail of tears damping his fur worsened. The pain from the weight pressing down against him was indescribable , loosing the supply of oxygen over time that he’d stored in his lungs. Everything just . . . Burned. Barry seemed to nicker his approval, a chance to rest that flank, sure, but there was almost a cruelty to it all. As if the equine himself was enjoying the chance to break the fox as well. What had started as a message to send to corporate quickly turned into a simple need to scratch an itch for vindication at the cost of Ryalth . Before he could muster any more protests, they were, once more, drowned out by a noxious, rancid plume of gas . While a few of the burlier members of the mob simply laughed, and waved their hands in front of their noses, for privileged Ryalth , it was excruciating to be forced to breath that in . . . His muzzle was plugging that wretched hole. This was all the air he could be, and would be, afforded. It was more than enough to make him nauseous, and each vile ripple from those cheeks caused his vision to blur . One of the foxes there with nice, meaty fore arms ... At least, it looked like a fox - It could’ve been a wolf, it was hard to tell – pried his lips open . This left that nasty browned log room to work down his tongue. Bitter didn’t begin to describe the taste. He choked, sputtered, gagged, but nothing could stop that constant faucet of hot horse shit forced down his throat, clogging his sinuses , and he was pretty sure the grip of the horse was getting bigger. Eyes, nervous, darted to those in the crowd. To Kina, a heavy grin against his muzzle, showing his approval , and then to Mira … Her face still wore than mixture of regret and the same tired expression that most here carried. But there was something else bubbling just beneath the surface. A s that wretched spire of bone-laced filth bulged out the sorry mass of orange, white, and now brown fluff and muck that used to call itself their supervisor , he couldn’t help but feel like he was on the verge of blacking out again. While much of that mush found it’s way into his stomach, bloated it out almost comically and straining the fabric of his nice dress shirt, causing him to lurch forward, body forcibly trying to evacuate the mess trapped inside, with nowhere left to go, much of that semi-solid shit splattered down against his face, coating his glasses and staining his shirt. It didn’t take any more encouragement for Barry to do what he did best, but a frustrated growl escaped Mira before she finally shoved his face in deeper to the surprise of those there, Barry included, a reflexive “chug” the result, before she wiped her hands off on her overalls, tears streaming a rage-filled, spotty, white- furred face. “Bastards,” she muttered. It was impossible to tell just which set of bastards she was referring to. This only caused Kina to guffaw at the newest predicament of the vulpine in question: His shoulders and chest had already sank into those plush, roomy innards, and right through that dump (which didn’t stop just because he was also eating the same hole ) , submerging him in the rank, stinking muck, threatening to bury him right inside one of those logs to be treated much the same. Who was to even say he’d make it into the stomach ? Desperate claws tried to push back at the flank , but it made little difference; Th ose limbs sunk inside, all the same, forcing him to keep his elbows bent as the powerful pucker of that equine masterpiece dragged him further along that tract. Teeth grit in pain, for Rylath , but this was simply another avenue to punish the poor fox. Filth-mired walls pressed in all around him, the rest of his torso since sunk into that trap, before another noxious plume of miasma had been pushed out of Barry on the way in, filling the barn with that rank scent. Legs kicked and flailed, as he tried to loosen himself, and somehow escape. There had to be a way to, right? The reality of his situation hadn’t quite dawned on him yet, and those outside, mocking his feeble attempts, faded away for him, the constant undulating of those fleshy tunnels … of his tomb, brought him closer to that chamber, his tail and pert rump vanishing from sight, and before too long, those pants, utterly ruined, disappeared, his foot paws squirming, feverishly, before a wet pop sealed those into that fleshy prison with the rest of Ryalth , and his much darker world. All he could hear, by this point, was the constant pulsing of those walls, as they pushed him up towards that acidic chamber. Another clench forced a cough out of him , upending the air from him once more. Whimpers were all that was able to escape, at this point. Minutes, hours . . . It was hard to tell just how long he spent traveling to that pit when every moment in here felt like a small eternity, managing to get entombed in at least 2 more gargantuan turds, but , “mercifully”, Ryalth knew his journey was at an end, when the tunnel of musky colon and intestines was getting hotter; painfully so. The sphincter opened up, and the vulpine finally found out the real meaning of pain before he’d even managed to enter the stomach proper, feeling blinded by a sudden fog, and a powerful, acrid stench . . . He was horrified to realize, in the time that it had taken them to feed Barry’s powerful ass, someone else was stuffed right into the horse’s maw, and had since already been converted to more of that mush and chyme, or, at least, were well into softening . Were it not for the constant feeling of choking, he’d have screamed in eldritch horror. This was it. There was no coming back from this. No help. No rescue. Utterly helpless because some rich dicks wouldn’t treat the staff like people. It was hard to say who was to curse for his predicament. It wasn’t a thought that lingered long: As panic set in, he quickly found his mind racing. The fox whined as the tight , churning, clenching chamber did its best to press down on him, forcing him deeper into a ball, utterly discomforted . His own clothes had holes burnt through them, due to those enzymes, and he already felt significantly softer . Forced to curled up into a ball in those cramped conditions, he’d whine, forced to endure an unbearable heat that ached to claim him . Second after agonizing second left him reeling, boiling in that stew of chyme, much of that shit that he’d collected on his way here sloughing off and into the acids below, but when his form was starting to lose consistency, melting , he finally screamed, hands pressing against those walls. Feet, kicking, to no avail. Even his muzzle pressed out against the already distended belly of that stallion, making quite the spectacle on the fur just outside of his new home. Uselessly pressing out from that chamber, he was forced to face the reality of his situation and chose to reject it. How could anyone be so cruel?!“Why won’t anyone help?!” he finally demanded to no one in particular, sobbin g, his pounds becoming weaker. Most of the air he’d been afforded was loosed with a heated belch by Barry, and sure enough, he’d used up most of his energy in that futile attempt to es cape. Slumping against his side, he eventually stopped feeling pain. Exhaustion was setting in. He wasn’t even having that much trouble breathing, really. When he blacked out from the pain and the heat , it was hard to say just how much longer he remained alive. One could easily argue he was dead the second the mob had made up their minds. Chyme claimed what nutrients the fox had to offer, bubbling away, indiscriminately separating what made up Rylath , and breaking him down to something far more primordial, bubbling away all the same . One really did have to be impressed by the marvelous physiology of this horse . Night turned into morning, and a slightly plumper flank was what was left behind. The rest was easily discarded. Flagging his tail and announcing the return of Rylath with a trumpeting fart from those nasty bowels, the first of many dollops of shit began to rain down from that ass right where he stood, dropping down to the hay below. Shreds of blue cloth, bits of orange and white fur, strands of red hair, and each log flecked with chips of bone and the occasional one intact, but otherwise, nothing to identify his remains, until the crap-caked skull thudded down wetly onto the pile below, and there, amidst all that carnage, his glasses landed right atop the bridge of that “muzzle”, making no mistake just who ended up here. ", |
Story Start,Emma lay back on the grass and wriggled her toes, enjoying the feel of the warm summer breeze on her bare skin. The sun was sparkling through the leaves of the oak tree, forming an ever-shifting mosaic of shadows across her nearly-nude body, with only a black leather collar and red nipple tag adorning her shapely figure. A sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks and upper chest complimented her light complexion, with her caramel hair reaching just past her collarbone to tickle her shoulders. This was her favourite spot within her entire two-mile fenced enclosure. The shade kept her safe from sunburn, and it tended to be peaceful here. Most days, she had this special place all to herself, with most of the farm’s other livestock preferring sunnier locales where they could tan their bodies, in hopes that it would earn them a higher meat grade. On the other hand, Emma was sure that her paler complexion would make her stand out among the others -- and maybe, with that extra bit of attention, she’d be picked for some high-class restaurant in the outside world!Emma had toured a five-star restaurant once, when she was a girl and still being trained about her place as food in this anthro-ruled world, and the fantasies had filled her dreams ever since she was little. The hustle and bustle of the anthro cooks, all the humans on the counters getting spice rubs and stuffing, the warmth of the open ovens… By chance, she’d locked eyes with one woman being taken out of the oven and served up on a plate. The excitement in the eyes of the soon-to-be-eaten human-turned-meal had been a feature of Emma’s wet dreams ever since. Of course, her genetic line was mostly known for its reliable milk production, not her top-tier flavor. But she was sure that, of all the Emmas, SHE would be the one chosen for a five-star restaurant. She knew that soon it would be HER on that beautiful porcelain plate, and she couldn’t wait. A shiver ran down Emma’s spine at the mere thought, her cunt twitching with aroused anticipation as she dove into the familiar fantasy… She was sure she’d earn some fancy stuffing, of course, that was a given. Perhaps a nice massage to tenderize her? And she’d always hoped she might pair well with a glass of Merlot! Not that a lowly human like her had ever tasted wine, of course. But from how she’d heard it described, fruity with a soft finish, it matched her perfectly. Emma felt herself being lulled to sleep by the distant trickle of the nearby creek. The riverbank had been her second-favourite spot, where she could cast stones into the water and bathe her feet in the cool, clear water... But the rancher had fenced it off last month, to Emma’s dismay. He’d gotten sick of collecting sodden humans lost downstream, who hadn’t noticed the current carrying them off the farm grounds. The finder’s fee cut into his profits, and he didn’t want his livestock bred without his knowledge. And even that was assuming he arrived before lunchtime: the ‘finders-keepers’ rule counted double when the merchandise could be digested before he arrived to pick them back up. But despite the restrictions, Emma liked it here. She’d never been off the farm so she wasn’t exactly sure what it was like elsewhere, but she was pretty certain they had the best farmer there ever was. The other women teased her that she was infatuated with their keeper, but what girl wouldn’t be taken by his smooth black fur and dignified stance? Not to mention that thick sheathe he was hiding between his legs… Sadly, the wolf didn’t seem to have much interest in human women beyond their dietary value. Still, it didn’t stop her trying to flirt whenever she saw him... and she’d found his three sons much more receptive to her teasing~A distant clanging noise pulled Emma from her daydreams. She sat up and looked across the field to see a dark-furred wolf by the gate, standing upright with his tweed jacket and farmer’s cap, swinging a cowbell in her direction. Milking time already? Emma nudged aside her nipple tag and gave her plump breasts a light squeeze, causing a small milky bead to appear at the tips of her nipples. She frowned, she didn’t feel like she was ready... but if the farmer said it was time for milking, it was time for milking. She got to her feet then casually slapped her ass to clear any clinging blades of grass, causing her meaty rump to jiggle. Satisfied she was clean, she began strolling towards the other nude women clustering around the gate. Emma rolled her eyes at the humans who’d rushed to be first in line, like the order mattered. They were all going to get milked, why would they rush the experience?The farmer’s gaze swept over his herd, carefully counting them before giving a pleased nod and opening the gate to beckon them towards the main farm complex. Good, he wouldn’t need to go downriver today and find any missing livestock. Emma cheerfully waved at the farmer as she strolled past, “Good afternoon, master!”“G’ afternoon, Emma...” the wolf replied, nodding his cap her way. “You’re looking especially dapper today, sir!”The wolf curled back his lips in a small smile, exposing a long row of sharp white teeth. Emma felt her heart flutter. “Thank you, Emma. You’re looking especially... appetising today.”“You really think so?” Emma grinned and shook her ass, causing her ample chest to wobble in resonance. The instinctive lick of his lips was all the compliment Emma needed, evoking a confident sway in her hips. She wondered if she was his favourite, she liked to think so. She strolled down the short road to the main barn, following the rest of the herd. The entrance was on the other side of a muddy patch of ground, with the dirt regularly churned up by the daily traffic picking up milk and humans for sale. She tried to avoid the puddles as she crossed, she didn’t want to get hosed again. No matter how warm the day was, cold water was still cold and she hated it. Emma made it into the barn mostly mud-free. Inside, she saw the long rack of cushioned pommel horses for the women to bend over, with pairs of suction cups hanging down from the ceiling. Each cup swung loosely on a rubber tube, which in turn connected to a series of silver pipes that snaked across the ceiling and eventually converged on a single central vat against the far wall. A vertical glass strip ran down the outside, allowing the nearby farmhand to track the milk content level. Currently, it looked around half-full, with a dozen women already in the process of being milked. Their wrists and ankles were strapped into restraints at the foot of their pommel horse, to keep them from fidgeting or accidentally dislodging the suction cups from her tits. Nobody liked a muddy floor -- and besides, that would just be a waste of valuable milk. One of the farmhands, a young fox with a white plume, was inspecting the livestock as he went down the line. He gave each woman’s pussy a thorough lick with his rough tongue, determining which were ready for breeding. Each woman’s pleasured gasps and moans mixed with the rhythmic thrum of the suction cups that were eagerly slurping on their nipples. In a richer farm, the ranchers might prefer to do ‘traditional’ insemination… but here, to save time, they went with the turkey baster method. Honestly, Emma thought she’d have at least a couple of months before her next breeding. She’d recently giving birth to a beautiful 9 pound baby girl with the ID “Emma #4893.” Her daughters all carried her line’s name, known for their reliable milk production, relatively large breasts, and for being an overall pleasant culinary experience. “Smooth going down, smooth coming out!”, she’d seen her line advertised in cheerful bold print -- she really hoped it was true. Once or twice, Emma had met some of her daughters at the farmhouse school, learning how to read and braid their hair and follow the farmer’s instructions. They looked happy, and while Emma wasn’t directly raising them herself, it comforted her to know she was contributing to the milk they drank every day. Emma peered down the line, and realized they weren’t stopping at the milking machines: they were being led to the grading area! She let out a squeal of excitement and spun around to chat with the human behind her, a plump redheaded woman, with large full breasts overhanging an even larger pregnant belly, stretched taut with a growing baby girl. “Oh, Sophia!” said Emma excitedly. “Did you see? We’re finally going to get graded?”Sophia nodded and smiled contently. She cradled her heavy belly in her hands, trying to hold it steady as she wobbled forward. “I was hoping to have this little one first, but I guess she’ll be going with me to processing. I’m excited, how do you think you’ll do?”Emma bit her lip as she thought. “Well, I’m not as plump as some of the other girls, like you, but do you see how light and smooth my skin is? That makes me unique! I’m hoping to get shipped to a high-class restaurant, so I’d need an A- at least. How about you?”“Oh I don’t mind too much, I’m just excited to see somewhere new.” Sophia said shyly. She sighed dreamily. “I wonder what it’s like out there? You know, past the farm gates…”Emma paused in line, starting to reply, before something smacked her butt. She yelped in surprise. “Keep that gorgeous ass moving, Emma, you know how much I enjoy watching it jiggle.” came a voice behind her. Emma turned to see a young, dark-furred wolf smirking at her, the farmer’s youngest cub Joshua. “Besides, you’ve got an appointment with the supermarket discount bin~” he teased. “Wouldn’t want to keep you from your new home…”Emma huffed, rubbing her ass cheek. “Be careful! I don’t want a bruise just before grading.”“Don’t worry, darling, I’d still buy you.” the young wolf promised with a wink. Emma crossed her arms with irritation -- the motion propped up her bust, making the young wolf subconsciously lick his lips. “Hmph, like I’d accept the likes of you buying me!” (The wolf rolled his eyes, he’d heard this a thousand times.) “I’m not a quick snack in some muddy field. I’m meant for a fancy restaurant, with silver cutlery and candles...” Emma insisted confidently. The wolf snorted. “Oh, you think you’re such fancy meat? I’ve worked here long enough to know that it’s never the premium girls who bend over, and beg me to fuck them behind the milk vats every night…” He winked, and reached down and groped Emma’s ass with one paw, making the woman whine with pleasure. “It’s a shame I won’t get to fuck these after you’re shipped out, though. I’ll need to find a new form of relaxation after a hard day’s work…”“Shush!” Emma gasped, blushing and turning away bashfully. “Y-you can’t say that out loud!”The young wolf waved goodbye with a smirk. He loved how adorably flustered Emma got with this kind of teasing. Honestly, he really would miss hearing Emma pant beneath him, as he railed her doggy-style, the way she’d beg for him to go deeper, please, just a little bit deeper, please sir... Emma rushed to catch up with the other queued girls, her cheeks flushed. As Sophia caught up with her, Emma turned around and whispered, “Don’t you think he kinda looks like his dad?”Sophia laid her hand on Emma’s shoulder and gently turned her to face forward again, keeping Emma moving along with the queue. “So… what was it like?” Sophia asked enviously. “Is it true that once he fits that knot into your pussy, it isn’t coming out ‘til he cums?”Emma shivered in pleasure as she recalled the experience. She regaled Sophia with every last carnal detail over the next several minutes, as the queue gradually shortened and they made it to the next room. It was posh by Emma’s standards: instead of mud or concrete, it had a tiled floor and was brightly lit with large overhead windows. Inside, it was split into a half-dozen cubicles with waist high partitions, each containing various measuring and grading equipment, and a pair of spreader bars.It was staffed by several deer in white medical coats. While herbivores still ate humans, of course, they were considered more impartial graders as they didn’t get hungry quite as easily or often. An elderly buck with white fur and spectacles led the human ahead of Emma toward one of the cubicles. He gently -- but firmly -- strapped her ankles and wrists into the spreaders. This kept her locked upright with her arms and legs spread wide, ensuring that the examiner had full access with every inch of her body on display. The restraints were mostly a relic from the first generation of farmed humans, who’d retained a degree of modesty and might attempt to cover parts of their bodies. These days, it was just part of the routine. If anything, the equipment helped keep the over-excited livestock still, so they could be measured fairly. Emma was so busy looking around, trying to take in every detail of the grading equipment, that she missed the approach of a second doe. “Hello Emma, can I scan your ID please?” the younger deer asked gently, with a barcode scanner in one paw and a clipboard in the other. “Oh! Hi Penny, here you go!” replied Emma as she cupped her hand under her left breast and propped up the nipple tag towards the scanner. The scanner’s red light ran down Emma’s breast. “BEEP!”“Perfect...” Penny herded Emma towards an empty cubicle. “Have you been doing well, Emma? Keeping well fed?” she asked pleasantly. “I don’t think I’ve seen you since your last birth.”“Oh yes, I’m doing great! I think I kept a little of my baby weight, don’t you think my tits look a touch larger than before?” Emma rambled. God, it was finally happening, Emma thought, she was so excited she could barely keep still. She’d dreamed of this day for years. Penny giggled. “Trying to bump up your grade, hm?”Emma blushed. “Guilty as charged~” She bounced eagerly from foot to foot as she shuffled into the cubicle. She held up her arms and spread her legs so the deer could strap her in. Emma leaned forward in her restraints as she peered curiously over at the various equipment on the table. “First we need to record your final measurements: breasts, ass, thighs...” Penny explained in a relaxed tone. She looked down at the row of calipers, then toward Emma’s drooping breasts -- the deer hovered her hand over the various sizes, before picking one of the larger pairs. Emma stifled a giggle as she felt the pointy ends of the caliper lightly dig into either side of one breast, then the other. Then the same with her ass cheeks and her thighs. “You were right,” said Penny as she scribbled on her clipboard. “You gained half an inch on your pre-pregnancy measurements!”Emma frowned. “Huh, I’d hoped for more… So how do you think I’ll do? Could I maybe get an A?” she asked hopefully. “You really want to be restaurant fodder, don’t you?” laughed Penny. Still, Emma couldn’t help but notice that the deer had avoided answering as she measured Emma’s waist. She took a tiny pair of calipers to measure each labia lip individually, causing Emma to shiver in desire. “It’s always been my dream to be a restaurant centerpiece, with lots of guests admiring my body and arguing over who got to eat me.” Emma said dreamily. “Maybe they’d suggest what herbs and spices would compliment me best? I thought sage, but Sophia said I was more of a basil type girl. What do you think? I was talking to Leo earlier, and...”Penny idly nodded, as she let Emma ramble. The doe was used to this kind of enthusiasm by now, she barely noticed Emma’s excited words as she marked down the measurements on her clipboard. With the first set of measurements done, Penny adjusted the spreader to bend Emma over, for better access between her legs, before choosing an inflatable dildo from her equipment. The doe briefly wiped it on a towel, cleaning off some of the last girl’s juices, then dribbled on a fresh layer of lube. Emma briefly slowed her monologue, letting out a low whine as she felt Penny casually slide the dildo into her cunt, before resuming her rambling. The pitch of her voice got steadily higher as the doe inflated the dildo, expanding it until Emma’s midriff began to visibly bulge out. Emma bit her lower lip, stifling a deeper moan as she felt the dildo fill her to capacity, fully stretching her pussy around its smooth walls. Penny took a few moments marking down the dildo’s volume as Emma panted, before slowly letting out the air. Emma barely had time to recover, though, before she felt the dildo nudging up against her asshole, slowly slipping inside. Words failed her, she yelped as the dildo expanded again, pumped up with more and more air and steadily stretching her rear. Penny left her like that for two whole minutes as the doe checked her notes, with Emma counting the seconds, before finally letting out the air and smoothly sliding the dildo from her stretched anus. It emerged with a wet schlurp, leaving a strand of lubricant leading back to her poor, sore asshole. Penny hummed as she checked the gauge on the dildo. “Well Emma, it looks like your pussy can be approved for cucumber-sized stuffing, while your anus is an impressive eggplant grade! Congratulations, it’s rare for humans to accommodate more anally.”(Emma blushed, torn between pride and embarrassment: she liked anal play, and over the years her rear had grown used to stretching around the large knotted cocks of the farmer’s sons.)Penny unlocked the spreader bar and pointed to the weighing scales. Emma rubbed her wrists and stepped on. The measurement needle swung up, but not as far as Emma had hoped. Penny scribbled more notes on her clipboard, glanced at Emma, then back down. Emma began to shuffle on her feet and fidget with her nipple tag, growing increasingly nervous as Penny tallied her final score. After what felt like an eternity, Penny turned around and reached into a cardboard box under the grading table. Emma heard the clinks of livestock tags shifting around as Penny searched for the right grade among the many used tags. The doe pulled one out, letting it hang from her hooves as Emma leaned over her shoulder to catch the letter printed on the reverse. It slowly swung around, revealing a slightly tarnished letter C. Emma’s shoulders slumped. “Hold still,” Penny ordered as she clipped the grade tag onto Emma’s free nipple, opposite her ID tag. “Congratulations, Emma, you made grade C!” Penny said cheerfully. “A-are you completely sure, ma’am?” Emma asked hesitantly. “Did you remember to factor in my light complexion?” Emma bit her lip, as she tried to remember what each grade meant. Grade A was premium meat, sold at the plushest restaurants in town. Grade B was superior stock, often used as an evening meal’s centerpiece or to impress guests at a family barbeque. Grade C was just standard meat class, to be eaten and forgotten after a casual dump the next day. “Sorry Emma, that isn’t one of the criteria.” Penny turned her clipboard around, showing the list of measurements used in grading Emma’s body. All that mattered was her plumpness and flavor. The doe said reassuringly, “Hey, chin up honey -- at least you didn’t end up as Grade D... or E.”Grade D was pet-food, and Grade E livestock was taken directly to the fertilizer factory. Emma sighed. Penny was right, at least someone would still buy her as their lunch. She might not be fawned over at a restaurant, but someone out there would personally appreciate her filling their belly. Penny came alongside Emma and laid her hoof against the small of Emma’s back, gently guiding her out of the cubicle and toward another of the farmer’s sons, Rufus. The rust-coloured wolf was idly swinging a thin jewelry chain from his paws. “Grade C huh?” he said with a surprised growl. “That’s not bad, Emma! Though given how you always swallow after you suck me off, I thought you’d be in a higher weight class.”“Me too,” replied Emma with a small sniffle. Rufus’s face softens. “Hey, cheer up! Most of the Emma line are Grade D, we’re thinking of liquidating our supply to focus on more exotic flavors. Maybe redheads?” Rufus stepped up to Emma, letting his tongue roll from his mouth. He sloppily ran his tongue over Emma’s face, giving her a thorough lick. Emma spluttered as her face was slathered with wolf-drool. Rufus looked down at her hungrily, with his jaws still half-open and his humid breath panting in Emma’s face. “If it’s any comfort, I’d rate you at least a B in taste, and with that accommodating ass you’ll always be an A to me. Whoever buys you is in for a treat...”Emma giggled and wiped some of the drool from her face. “Thanks Rufus.” She did feel better. Rufus reached up to stroke her chin, the soft fur of his paw tickling her neck, before locking the thin chain onto her collar. He stepped back and Emma’s gaze followed the chain downward, from where it hung between her breasts, to where it ended in his paws. Rufus lightly tugged on Emma’s new leash, guiding her forward. “Come on, we’ve got to get you to market while you’re fresh.”Emma nodded and took one last look behind her at the life she was leaving behind. She saw Penny leading Sophia into the same cubicle she’d been in -- the other woman looked back at her and they exchanged smiles. Emma remembered all the times the two had spent together, since their earliest schooldays learning about the food-chain and their place in it. All the fun times they’d spent together gossiping during milking, or relaxing in the fields, or getting frisky in their stalls as they’d explored each other’s bodies. They’d even gotten pregnant for the first time together, holding hands as the turkey baster was slid between their pussy lips, and the cum filled their wombs to overflowing. Sophia blew Emma a kiss before raising her arms to be locked into the spreader bar. Emma returned the kiss before feeling the chain tug on her collar. She turned around and followed Rufus out into the bright sunlight, ready to face the final and most important phase of her whole life.---Sophia watched her best friend being led out the rear doors, toward the loading bay. She wondered if they’d ever see each other again. Wouldn’t it be funny if they were sold to the same supermarket, put in adjacent cages, and bought together by some exceedingly hungry predator? She hoped they might end up in the same place eventually, even if she didn’t know how. “How far along are you?” asked Penny, pointing towards Sophia’s stretched-taut belly. Sophia shifted her attention back to the doe, emerging from her thoughts. “Oh, eight and a half months or so! I was hoping she’d make her way out before I got shipped, but oh well...”Penny nodded, making a note on her clipboard. “What sort of grade are you hoping for, sweetie?” asked Penny, as she used the largest-size calipers to examine Sophia’s large, plump breasts and rounded belly. The doe subconsciously licked her lips, cleaning off some excess drool. She stroked a paw along Sophia’s belly, feeling the baby kick inside, then made another mark on her clipboard. Sophia blushed. “W-well, if I had a choice, I was hoping to get the same grade as Emma. Wouldn’t it be fun if we were sold together?”Penny smiled and nodded, “Aww, that would be cute! Two friends on a plate together…” The doe paused. “Emma was only a Grade C, though. And you look rather better than that with that scrumptious belly of yours! I don’t think you’re headed for the supermarket, hun...”Sophia tried to tenderly cradle her belly, before she remembered she was restrained. The examination went smoothly, Penny had years of experience in grading livestock. Breasts, ass, and thighs were measured, pussy and anus were filled, and her body was weighed. “Well…” said Penny, tapping her pen on her clipboard and smiling. “Looks like you made Grade A, Sophia, and it wasn’t even close! Congratulations!”Sophia’s eyes widened in shock. “G-grade A? Me? A-are you sure?”Penny nodded. “With your numbers, any restaurant would be thrilled to have you...”Sophia blushed and lowered her head to hide her smile. Grade A?? She’d never thought she could be… Between the two of them, Emma had always been the one to dream about restaurants and fancy spices, Sophia had honestly expected to end up as dog food, or something. But the idea of being drooled over by finely-dressed patrons at some top-class restaurant, it was just too exciting!The farmer’s third son, Leo, leaned over the cubicle wall and whistled. “Whew, Grade A?” He raised his eyebrows in Sophia’s direction with interest. He pulled out his phone and lifted it towards Sophia. “Can you face me for a moment, hun?” he asked, before snapping a few photos of Sophia’s nude form, getting a perfect shot of her Grade A tag hanging off one of those plump breasts above her perfectly round belly. “Gimme a good view, smile for the camera~”“Something to remember me by?” Sophia teased. She wasn’t one to flirt all the time, at least not as often as Emma, but she’d had her own dalliances with the farmer’s sons on occasion like any other girl on the ranch. She’d sucked that thick wolf-cock once or twice, kneeling behind the milk vat... Leo grinned. “That, and there’s a special VIP customer who has first dibs on women as late in pregnancy as you. He claims it gives your cunt some extra subtle flavour, like a fancy wine or somethin’~” Almost immediately, Sophia heard a ‘ping’ as the wolf’s phone got a new message. Leo raised his eyebrows, impressed. “Well, now that was fast~” He slipped his phone into the back pocket of his faded work jeans, and turned back to Sophia. “Can you follow me, please? We’ll get you all cleaned up and ready for your big day...”Sophia giggled: she’d never been treated quite so royally, but she rather liked it. Leo led her out a different exit than the one Emma used. He gently herded her toward a bathhouse with an enormous wooden tub in the centre, filled with steaming water and rosebuds drifting idly across the surface. The tub was large enough for a dozen humans, but currently only one other woman occupied it, reclining back and cradling a belly nearly as large as Sophia’s. She too wore a Grade A tag. Leo held Sophia’s hand and guided her into the water. Sophia stepped over the rim and settled her heavy belly into the water. She felt the heat rise up her body. It was amazing, she’d never felt this much warm water before. She let out a long sigh and leaned back against the edge of the pool, letting the water gently support her pregnant belly. This was bliss. As Sophia relaxed, she picked up the faint scent of lavender, and wondered if Emma was having as wonderful of a send-off as her...---Emma squealed in protest, and raised her arms to protect herself from the spray of shockingly cold water shooting from the hose. Her voice echoed in the rough wooden enclosure she shared with a dozen other humans. A smile tugged at the edge of Rufus’s muzzle at Emma’s sulky reaction. She pouted at him, refusing to spread her arms to let him clean off her chest, and the wolf squirted her with another jet of cold water. “You’re just making this take longer...” Rufus grumbled good-naturedly, over the sound of rushing water. “But seriously, Emma, I’ve got forty more humans to hose off and ship before my lunch break for the day. Can’t you make this easier for both of us? As soon as you’re clean, we can move on, and get you shipped on your way.”Emma begrudgingly lowered her arms and let the cold water blast her nude body. “Turn around...” ordered Rufus, and Emma obediently turned her rear to him. “Bend over...” Emma presented her prime ass to the blast of water. “Finger yourself...”Emma twisted around in surprise. “W-what? In public? Uh… I guess...” she said with a blush. Rufus laughed and turned off the hose. “I’m just teasing, hun. Can’t blame a wolf for trying, I would have liked to see that one last time...” He threw Emma a towel and she gladly rubbed it across her shivering body, warming back up. The towel was still slightly damp from the last group of humans, but it was enough to freshen her up, although her hair still clung to her bare skin. “Come along, girls...” said Rufus, gently tugging on the leash of the first woman. The second woman’s leash was attached to the collar of the first, and the third woman to the second, and so on until the chain reached Emma at the rear. She saw excitement on the other humans’ faces… but disappointment, too, if only a little. All the women at the ranch had dreamed of being an A-class meal at one point or another, but not everyone could earn that hallowed grade. But there wasn’t anything they could do about it now, anyway. They were just food, and food didn’t complain. The group emerged outside and Emma blinked in the bright sunlight. The sun warmed her skin and improved her mood, at least until she saw the muddy stretch of ground in between them and the loading truck. Emma looked at Rufus. “We’re just going to get dirty again...” she whined. The wolf shrugged. “Not my problem, you’re the supermarket’s property now.”Emma brightened up. “Oh, I was purchased already? That was quick!”Rufus shook his head. “Nah, they bought y’all as a bulk order. Ya know, for resale.”Emma grumbled and marched forward. She got increasingly exasperated as the humans in front kept stepping in puddles and splashing her. They might be grade C, but they should still have some pride! They were still a valuable foodstock. A vital part of the food chain, she told herself… right?Rufus led the merchandise to the loading truck and began herding them inside. Both walls had three rows of cages stacked atop each other, each just large enough to hold a curled up human. Rufus unclipped the chain from each girl in turn, then using a small stepladder he guided them first into the top row of cages, then the middle row, leaving the furthest cage on the bottom for Emma. After a moment of hesitation, Emma took the wolf’s paw, letting him effortlessly hoist her up into the truck. Emma looked down the array of faces locked within their individual cages, seeing many of the women shifting around and rattling within their cages, trying to get more comfortable. Water dripped down each row of livestock onto the cages below -- few of the girls had been able to thoroughly dry themselves before getting on the truck, and now the women on the bottom were sulking and soggy. Emma looked to Rufus. “Please, can’t I get a top row cage? For old time’s sake?” She wriggled her ass, trying to remind him of their times behind the stalls. “Sorry Emma, they’re all full.” Rufus said matter-of-factly. He swung open the cage on the bottom row and looked at her expectantly. Emma sighed, then lowered herself onto her hands and knees, crawling into the cage. She realized midway in that she should have gone in backwards, so she could look out into the aisle rather than at a blank metal wall... but it was too late. The cold metal grille of the cage door slapped against her ass, as Rufus locked her inside with a very final click. Emma felt a droplet of water land on her bare back and shivered. She glanced above her and saw another woman’s ankles and pussy mere inches from her face. She prayed that everyone had gone to the bathroom before being shipped…---“Perhaps just a touch more rosemary...” murmured Leo, as he leaned over the rim of the tub and poured in a few drops of scented oil. Sophia caught a whiff of the fragrance and sighed happily. She lounged back in the tub, letting the warm water roll over her breasts and belly as they poked above the surface. She felt a small kick in her belly, as she ran her hand lightly over the taut skin of her pregnant belly. She giggled and looked at Leo. “She probably thinks she’s being cooked already. Not yet, little one...”Leo laughed. “Shall we get you out of the tub then, m’lady?” he teased gently. Sophia down and nodded. “I’m getting all wrinkly! Time to go before I drop a grade.”Leo held his paw out and helped Sophia out the tub, then draped a heated towel over her to help her dry off. He brought over a hairdryer for her long curls and her pubic hair. Sophia closed her eyes and relaxed, giggling as she felt her crotch kissed by the blast of warm air. Once dry, he gently brushed her hair with a jeweled hair brush, a marked step up from the stiff-bristled cow brush she was used to. When finished, Sophia shook her head and delighted in the bounce of her vibrant red curls. “I look amazing,” Sophia gasped in awe, as Leo handed her a small hand-mirror. “You look like a million bucks!” replied Leo with a grin. “Or rather, two hundred and fifty thousand in your case. That’s how much that high-rolling ‘yote paid for you…” The wolf handed Sophia a sheer silk bathrobe. The girl took the dress tentatively, looking at it with confusion. “What’s this?” she asked curiously, running her hands over it. She’d worn clothes when she was young, but she’d never felt any clothing like this… She didn’t know clothing could be this soft... Leo cocked his head. “Hm, you can think of it as a protective cover, sort of? We don’t want anything to befall our premium livestock, and we just got you so nice and clean~”Sophia nodded, and Leo gently helped slip her into the robe, the soft fabric trailing over the dome of her belly. Sophia twirled on one foot, causing the hem to rise up around her like a ballerina as she spun. Sophia laughed in joy before she came to a stop, letting the thin fabric drift down to drape sensuously over her pregnant curves. Leo took a moment to inspect and admire her figure, wolf-whistling his approval. It was almost a shame to sell her, he admitted to himself. He’d have loved to take her out back and devour her right now. The wolf slipped his paws under her arms, and (careful not to bruise her) lifted Sophia onto a padded cart, then rolled her out the bathhouse. Sophia gave a farewell wave to the woman left bathing in the tub. “Hasn’t she been in there a long time?” whispered Sophia conspiratorially. Leo shrugged. “Dad likes his dinner to be extra tender. Says it’s easier on his belly.”“Oh…” For a moment, Sophia wondered what the woman’s name was... before realising it didn’t matter. She was just “dinner” now, and a way for the rancher to sample his own herd. Leo rolled Sophia’s cart outside. Her bathrobe was nearly transparent under the bright midday sun, showing off her lightly tanned skin. The wolf took her over the muddy ground to his battered looking pickup truck, with rust spots speckled across the wheel rims. But despite the well-worn exterior, the truck’s bed looked pristine, fitted out with cushions and a fabric roof. Sophia lifted her foot to get off the cart, but Leo stopped her. He hooked his strong arms under her body, and lifted her like a groom with his bride. He carried her onto the rear truck bed and laid her down gently on the cushions... Sophia shifted her rump on the furnishings -- she wouldn’t have minded these cushions in her stall! Oh, wait, she realized: the stall she’d been raised in wasn’t hers anymore. She sighed, just a touch melancholy despite herself, and hoped the next human would appreciate her wildflower collection. As Sophia reminisced about her life at the ranch, the life she was leaving behind, Leo reached past her to grab a golden chain that was linked to the truck’s canopy. He locked the free end onto Sophia’s collar and gave it a small tug to ensure it was secure, pulling Sophia’s head down a touch. “Comfy?” the wolf asked. “Very!” replied Sophia politely, as she curled up on the cushions. The wolf inspected the cushions one last time -- good, nothing that should cause a bruise, this buyer liked his meals to arrive in top condition. Everything seemed to be in order for their journey... Leo patted Sophia on the head then walked around to the front of the truck, climbed in, and started the engine. She waved at the livestock in the fields as she was driven down the road. They weren’t her herd, but she still knew many of them when they’d chatted across the fences. They waved back and cheered her on -- “You look gorgeous!” one said, while another called out, “Wow, are those CLOTHES on you? Fancy!” Yet another called, “Squirm nice and good for your pred, okay?”Sophia basked in the praise, and grinned. She wondered how Emma’s send-off had gone. She must have loved being fussed over, Sophia thought: her friend must be having the best day of her life.---Emma sighed in relief as the truck’s engine idled and died. They were finally here. In reality, the drive had probably been less than thirty minutes, but to Emma it had felt like hours. Her hair was sticky with the mix of sweat and slick dripping down -- Emma’s complaints about getting wet had done little to dampen the enthusiasm of the girl above. Although her ‘upstairs neighbor’ had started by merely rubbing her aching cunt against the bars separating the cages, after a few minutes she’d given in to her lust and dove into eager fingering, trying to get off as many times as she could before being sold. She wasn’t the only one: the van interior was thick with musk and sultry sounds... Emma wasn’t annoyed by the other woman’s actions, per se -- more accurately, she would have liked to join in, but her arms were folded under her chin and she couldn’t quite squeeze them past her full breasts. For the first time, Emma wished she could have kept a little less of that baby weight... If she was getting graded as C-class anyway, she wished she could just reach her cunt, dammit, then she could at least enjoy this process a bit. In desperation, she’d tried rubbing her ass against the cage door, but she’d been unable to angle her rear high enough to give her cunt the stimulation she so desperately desired. The bars had remained stubbornly, tauntingly, infuriatingly out of reach. Emma heard gasps above her... then she heard the rear door of the truck rattle upwards, and fresh outside air rushed over their sensual nude bodies. Some of the women stopped masturbating, perhaps embarrassed, while others sped up their fingering. The van creaked as someone stepped inside, Emma wished she could see who. Metal screeched against metal, as the top cages were hauled from the stack one at a time, and carried out the rear doors... Each time a caged human was taken, Emma politely called out to whoever was unloading the truck, asking if they might open her cage door briefly so she could reposition herself more comfortably -- and more importantly, get her hands down to her pussy. Every time she was ignored. Over the next several minutes, the truck was emptied of caged livestock. Emma, on the bottom, was last. Emma heard someone enter the truck, and pause behind her cage. There was a moment of stillness. Even after seeing each of her fellow humans disappear around her, even knowing she was the last girl left in the truck, Emma still squealed in surprise as her cage suddenly was lifted into the air. She was still stuck facing backwards in the cage as she was unloaded, looking back into the now empty truck as her cage was carried one-handed. Glancing to the sides, she found herself in a parking lot with numerous bipedal animals walking to and fro, pushing shopping carts full of food... and cages. Emma felt a gust of cool air-conditioned air wash over her sweaty body, as they passed through an automatic sliding door. As she was carried, Emma saw aisles of stacked fruit and vegetables pass her by, with a sign promising “FREE veggies with each HUMAN purchase -- test before you buy!” A few customers were doing exactly that, opening up the cages in their carts and slipping large vegetables into wet pussy lips or between plump ass cheeks. The air was filled with pleasured squeals and gasps, mixed with the distant beep of cash registers counting up purchases. Once or twice, a customer frowned, re-latched their cages, and returned their almost-purchase to the shelf in favor of a more flexible specimen (much to the frustration of the replaced human). Emma grew increasingly excited as she watched all the activity around her. This is what she’d been born and bred for, to be sold here. Her pussy screamed for her fingers, giving her the courage to speak up to whoever was carrying her cage. “Um, h-hello? Can you hear me, sir?”Emma felt a sudden disorienting rush, as her cage was suddenly tilted... downward? She frowned -- whoever was carrying her hadn’t bothered to check her nipple tag. Instead, he was getting a better view of her rear instead, which meant... “Emma?” came the familiar voice of Rufus. “Hah, I shoulda recognised that ass anywhere!”“Rufus? Could you please just let me out of my cage for one second? I promise I’ll be quick!” Emma asked in her sweetest voice. “Sorry sweetie, I’m in a hurry. I’ve got another load of merchandise to pick up back at the farm. If I let you out, all the other women would ask to be let out too, and then we’d have a right mess, with all you humans wandering off and testing out your veggie ratings yourselves...”Emma chewed her lower lip in frustration. God, she was so fucking horny, this was so unfair, she deserved better. “Well, um, could you just spin me around? So I can see what’s going--”A new, gruff voice interrupted Emma. “Is that the last of the delivery?”“Yessir, this one is the last!” replied Rufus, his focus instantly shifting away from Emma. “Where shall I put her?”The other voice paused. “Err… The Class C shelf looks full, put her next to the dog food.”“Over by the discount bin?” Rufus asked. “Yeah, this one looks like she’ll end up on discount anyway…” A rough paw groped Emma’s rear, but both anthros ignored her muffled squeak of outrage -- more from the words than the touch. “Just put her over there now, might as well save me the trouble.”Rufus shrugged. “Well, I think she’s pretty tasty-lookin’, but you’re the boss, sir…”Emma’s heart fluttered, Rufus was like... her wolf in shining armor! Maybe he’d volunteer to eat her, and take her back to the farmhouse for a romantic dinner, and season her all nicely, and... The other unseen anthro snorted. “If you really think she’s that tasty, feel free to come back after work and pick her up for dinner. No discounts, though: you already had your chance to snap this one up on the farm.”Rufus shrugged -- Emma felt the motion as he hoisted her cage. “Eh, it’s a pretty long drive, and there’s plenty of others like her back at the farm. I’ll just grab lunch when I get back.”Looking to her right, Emma saw all of her friends locked in their cages, stacked in neat rows and looking out with open-eyed wonder at the world-of-plenty that was a supermarket. They’d never even seen any of these fruits and vegetables in person before, having been raised on a diet of mostly oats and cum. This was all so new and exciting, many were fingering themselves again, and... “Excuse me, Rufus?” Emma called out, a little nervously. “Um, did you hear me? I said-”Emma yelped as her cage was abruptly lowered to the floor. Rufus leaned down and gently slid her cage backward, until it rested against the pet food stand. The wolf looked down at her and winked. “You were a great fuck, Emma. I know you’ll be a tasty dinner for some lucky customer!”Emma begged, “Wait, Rufus, help me get my hands down to--”Rufus’s face lit up. “Oh! Right, Emma, you wanted to be spun around?” He clasped hold of her cage and rotated her to face the wall. “Hey, now you’re showing everyone your best side!”“No, that’s not... Not spun now, spun before! So I could see...” whined Emma. She squirmed in the cage, attempting to look behind her, but the rattling of her bars drowned out her last words. Rufus’s footsteps receded, and Emma was again left without a view, presenting her ass to the world.---Leo drove along the old rural roads and into the suburbs, doing his best to avoid bumps or potholes -- he didn’t want to bruise his precious cargo! Arching trees and neat sidewalks replaced the roadside weeds and pastures, with neat wood-panelled homes lining both sides of the street. Sophia looked out from the trunk compartment in open-mouthed wonder. She eagerly waved at each anthro they passed. The adults ignored her of course, they didn’t pay any notice to a food delivery, but the younger cubs sometimes waved back, or licked their lips. She glimpsed a few well-groomed humans being walked on leashes, nude except for their collars, as they were taken on walks and exercised. Sophia was especially enthralled by a small orgy on the lawn of one home, pets fucking each other with abandon while their owners laughed and casually exchanged gossip. Sophia had always idly wondered what it would be like, to be bred by a human male rather than the turkey baster she’d become accustomed to -- would it feel better to be inseminated “au naturel”?As Leo drove further, the homes grew larger and gradually more spaced-out, with high privacy walls replacing picket-fences. Some of the homes looked larger than the entire farm complex she’d been raised in -- Sophia wondered how many girls just like her lived in those rich larders, waiting to be chosen as the main course for their owner’s dinner. As Sophia daydreamed, the truck slowed and turned towards an elegant gold-bronze gate. A beep sounded, and the gates automatically retracted. Leo drove inside, as Sophia gazed in delight at all the pretty flowers of the well-kept grounds. The truck made its way up the gravel driveway path, circled around a fountain, and came to a halt in front of an enormous Edwardian-era mansion (which Sophia gazed at with open-mouthed amazement). A pair of nearly-identical foxes awaited their arrival, standing upright in their smart black waistcoats and matching bow-ties. Leo killed the engine and stepped out the truck, causing Sophia to wobble a little in the back. “Got a delivery for Mister Redmond...” he announced to the staff, who nodded. They’d been expected. Leo walked around to the truck bed and lowered the rear door with a little ‘ta-da!’ gesture. The wolf gallantly held out his paw to Sophia. “Come on, sweetheart, time to meet your new owner...”Sophia giggled. She felt like a princess as she laid her slender hand on his furry paw and carefully stepped onto the gravel floor, looking up shyly as the two dapper foxes. One of the two stepped forward, taking Sophia’s leash from Leo’s outstretched hand. “We’ll take care of her from here.”Leo nodded, looking down a little fondly as Sophia gave a small hop on the gravel, enjoying how it shifted beneath her feet. “Give my regards to Mister Redmond, he’s got fine taste.” The wolf climbed back into his truck, then paused and rolled down his side window. “Do the ranch proud, sweetie! Remember, you’re Grade A, so be a good girl!” he said, waving goodbye to Sophia. Sophia waved back. “Bye Leo! Thank you for everything, I’m so excited...”Leo gave Sophia one last smile, then nodded and drove away. Sophia watched the burnished metal gate slowly slide shut behind him, her heart fluttering with excitement. The two foxes came up alongside Sophia, flanking her. “This way please, Miss Sophia...”Sophia covered her sudden grin with a hand. It felt so strange to hear herself referred to by a fancy title, food didn’t deserve that kind of honor... She let out a small cough, composed herself, then held out her hands and let each fox take one, as they led her into the mansion like a prize sow.---Emma’s cage rattled as she attempted to stretch her nude body. She wasn’t used to such confined spaces, and her limbs were beginning to ache -- she missed her free-range enclosure on the ranch! What she wouldn’t give for an hour beneath her favourite oak tree, right now, or a dip in the cool water of her stream... She’d been left here for hours, abandoned on the floor by the pet food. Emma had gotten so excited the first time her cage had shook and she thought she’d been sold, but it was just an errant shopping cart nudging into her. A few other times she’d felt a light caress of her bare ass cheeks, but it’d only been the wagging tail of a passing shopper. She’d sometimes get poked and squeezed by the tiny paws of bored cubs, forced to accompany their parents on a boring grocery trip, but the cubs always got pulled away without their parents giving Emma a second look. And more frustrating still -- she’d had her rear cage door opened twice and her rump inspected: once with a claw digging into her soft and pliant ass cheek, and the other with a hoof nudging her pussy lips. But it was hard to promote her virtues, the plumpness of her body and her eager personality, when she was stuck facing the wall. So both times she’d been left behind in favor of another human. She’d seen Melinda, Eliza, Noelle, and Clara all snatched up within half an hour. Lifted up and placed into the carts of cooing shoppers, remarking on how eager and appetising the women looked. At this angle Emma could barely see the passing customers anymore, just catching sight of the occasional hoof or paw. She was forced to listen to their idle chit chat as they discussed their meal plans, none of which had included her! It was so frustrating, being treated like this. Emma felt her meat-grade slipping with every passing moment. As per the livestock-welfare guidelines, water bottles had been hung on the front of each cage so the girls could lap with their tongues to get fresh water... but with Emma facing backwards, her water bottle had been attached next to her ass. Whenever she squirmed, she merely felt another droplet of cold water roll down her ass cheek. It was humiliating, she was thirsty, and worst of all she still wasn’t being purchased. Suddenly, Emma’s heart jumped when she felt her cage shake and the rear door open. “H-hello, sir? Um, ma’am? I’m a Grade C human, but to be honest I should have been Grade A by my reckoning. I think I’d be perfect for a stew or a roast... Would you be interested in buying me?” she asked excitedly, as she tried to squirm around to see who was behind her. “Settle down.” came the bored voice of a supermarket worker. He slapped a sticker on her right ass cheek then closed her cage again. “You’re 50% off now...” he said gruffly before walking away. Emma slumped within the cage and sighed. She wondered if Sophia was being treated this unfairly...---Sophia was led through a marble-floored foyer, before being handed to another fox in a chef’s jacket. The chef gave Sophia a quick, professional inspection: a brief squeeze of her tits and ass through her sheer golden dress, one paw tracing the curve of her pregnant belly, a quick lick on her neck to get a sense of her unique flavour profile… This whole time, Sophia did her best to stay still and demure, like she’d been trained… though she couldn’t help blushing as a finger casually slid between her legs, the fox humming with approval at the tight fit he found there. Eventually the fox nodded, pleased: everything seemed to be in order, this one was just how the ranch had described her. The chef took Sophia’s leash from the twin butlers, gently tugging to lead Sophia deeper into the mansion. Sophia spent the journey looking around in awe, trying to capture every detail in her mind: the priceless art adorning the walls, the polished oak of the stairways, the hedges and immaculately-tended topiary she could glimpse through the tall windows. Clearly, Sophia thought, the predator who’d bought her was a collector. All these beautiful, elegant things, with her as the centerpiece: her body treated with the same careful reverence as anything else he bought. God, this mansion was just so big, Sophia thought in awe. It might be larger than the entire ranch where she grew up. After what felt like hours of walking, the fox chef led her forward into a plushly decorated sitting room. She nearly jumped for joy as she first stepped onto the carpet -- a furry floor! She’d never imagined something that could rival a grass field on a warm sunny day. It felt so cozy. And lounging back on a velvet sofa was a distinguished-looking coyote in a dinner jacket, reading the newspaper’s investment section through a pair of small, gold-rimmed spectacles. His meticulously groomed fur was a rich golden-brown, with a lighter cream-colored streak running down the length of his belly. He idly looked up in Sophia’s direction, before folding down the newspaper and drawing his lips back in a toothy grin. “Ah, she looks even more scrumptious in person than the photos! Send my compliments to the farmer...”Sophia’s attention snapped from the carpet to the coyote. Realising she was in front of her new owner she performed a small curtsy, bowing as much as her pregnant belly would allow. “You have a lovely home, err… Your Majesty?”The coyote let out a quiet laugh. “I’m not royalty. Just an investor in, ah... the finer things in life. You can call me Richard, since we’re going to be so intimately involved soon.”The coyote’s voice was rich and warm like honey. Sophia blushed. “Can you take off your robe? I want to get a good look at you.”Sophia nodded, unbuttoning the front of her negligee, then shrugging her shoulders to let the sheer fabric roll down her arms and flutter to the ground. For the first time in her life, she was suddenly aware of her nudity. Her arms twiched, wanting to cover her modesty like a bride at her wedding. One of the fox butlers bent over and picked up her robe. The coyote gestured casually with one paw. “Turn around for me,” he ordered, setting aside his newspaper to give Sophia his full attention. Sophia turned, showing her curves in profile -- along with the swell of her large, pregnant belly. “Bend over.”Sophia did her best to oblige, though it was a bit awkward with her round belly. The angle gave the coyote a perfect view of her plump rear, and everything in between. Richard licked his lips at the display, and turned toward his vulpine chef. “Thoughts?”“This one has a fine, rich flavor -- with some delicate undertones of sweetness from her pregnancy. And as you can see, she gives us a lot of meat to work with.” The chef stepped forward and squeezed Sophia’s presented rump with one paw, examining his ingredients.(A bead of drool formed on the coyote’s tongue.)The chef thought for a moment. “I’d recommend a relatively subtle set of spices, it would be a shame to lose any of the natural flavour profile. Perhaps a truffle oil rub, as a start?”Mr. Redmond licked his lips, and the fox paused. “Shall I store her in the pantry for later, sir?”The coyote shook his head. “No, I think she’ll make the perfect centerpiece for tonight. Do you still have that spice rub recipe you used for that redhead at the stockholders banquet last year?” The fox chef nodded, and Richard licked his lips again to clean off some excess drool. “Let’s use that as a base. Perhaps with a sage and pine nut stuffing? I trust your tastes.”A smile tugged at the fox’s muzzle. “You did hire me for them, sir.” He put a paw on the small of Sophia’s back, to guide her movement. “I’ll start preparations for your dinner immediately.”The coyote nodded in approval, his eyes never leaving Sophia’s body. “Excellent! See that she’s only lightly grilled, you know how much I like to tease my meals on the way down.”“Very good, sir.” The fox gently pushed Sophia toward the door, and toward the kitchen. “Is that it?” Sophia whispered, though of course both predators ignored her. She’d imagined this exact moment so many times back on the farm, daydreaming in the sun. It was the culmination of any human’s life, as important to her as girls of past eras would consider their wedding. She looked back over her shoulder at the well-groomed coyote, and saw his eyes tracing her body, licking his lips in contemplation… or perhaps anticipation. Sophia felt a flicker of arousal, realising for the first time what it truly meant to be prey in a world of predators.---Emma listened jealously to the excited conversation of two of her pasture-mates, as they and their cages were placed into a german shepherd’s shopping cart. She sighed -- at this rate, she’d never get chosen by a customer. Worse, she might be eaten by that rude grocery worker. With nothing to lose, Emma tried shaking her ass and rattling her cage, trying to catch anyone’s attention. “Hey mom, this one’s discounted!” came the shrill voice of a cub from behind Emma. “What grade is she?” came an older, feminine, slightly tired voice. Emma jerked in surprise as she felt a small furry paw suddenly poke at her ass through the bars. “I can’t see her nipple tag…” the cub whined. “She’s the wrong way around, and her rump is too big!” He poked Emma’s butt again, to show his mother. “She’s got an extra meaty rump? Let me see…” A shadow eclipsed Emma’s cage and her heart leapt in excitement. “Excuse me darling, can you tell me which grade you are?”“M-me?” gasped Emma, barely able to restrain her excitement. “Yes, dear, you.” the voice said kindly. Emma’s heart thumped in her chest. “I-I’m prime Grade C! B-but I think I’m really a bargain, I’ve got the most meat per dollar of any girl here, and I’ve got lighter and more tender skin than most other humans, so I’ll taste better going down your gullet!”“Hmm, why are you down by the pet food if you’re Grade C?” the unseen anthro asked. “Oh! The other stack was full when I arrived, so they put me down here.” Emma explained. “Well actually, I really think I should have been Grade A, but the grader said…”Emma trailed off, as she heard the click of her cage door opening. A large paw ran across her ass, then gave her plump left cheek a contemplative squeeze. “Mmmhm, you weren’t lying, you are pretty soft!” Emma’s pussy twitched in delight at the unseen anthro’s attention, leaving a small trail of slick running down her inner thighs. “You look pretty eager too~” said the voice with a soft laugh. “But we already have two humans in the cart, we can’t afford any more...”“Wait!” yelped Emma, a little desperately. “I-I’m also 50% off, ma’am, can’t you afford me?”“Hm… You’re right, that is pretty cheap for all the meat you have to offer...” There was a brief moment of silence, only broken by the swish-swish-swish of the unseen anthro’s tail as she thought. “Well, I’ve worked a bit of overtime this week -- I suppose Mira can have you for dinner, then! I can afford to bring home a small treat for her...” she said cheerfully. Emma squealed in joy as she felt her world shift: the unseen anthro re-latched the door, then Emma’s cage was lifted up into the air, swung around, and dumped into a large shopping cart on top of the cages of two other women. She recognised the closest as the woman who had been stacked above her in the van, who left her all sticky. Emma resisted a smirk as the slick from her cunt dripped down onto the girl below -- she hoped that her long-delayed vengeance tasted sweet! Or at least musky... Emma was jolted forward as the cart resumed its motion. She gazed up at the woman who had bought her: a tired but attractive-looking red-furred fox, with a pink ribbon around her neck. The vixen’s dark eyelashes fluttered over alluring hazel eyes, and Emma felt mesmerised. She would be proud to be devoured by a beauty such as her, to contribute to the lushness of her coat, or the full breasts swelling beneath her orange-red fur... The vixen’s young cub ran ahead of the cart, as they headed back into the vegetable aisle. “Mooom, can I get some maple syrup for my human? Please please please?” he begged, holding up a bottle. Emma could see the illustration on the label: a cartoon golden retriever, garnishing a tasty human on a breakfast plate with rich, sticky maple syrup. Along with a side of pancakes, naturally. “No, honey. She’s already enough calories, without any extra toppings.” replied the harried looking motherly fox in an exhausted tone -- she clearly had this type of argument with her cub every day -- before glancing down at Emma. “I’m Piper, by the way.”“Oh! Hello Piper, I’m Emma! I’m pleased to be your dinner tonight.” Emma said eagerly. Piper laughed. “Oh I could tell, but you won’t be mine. You’ll be Mira’s. My daughter...”“Oh, ok.” Emma said, swallowing her minor disappointment. Piper was a gorgeous vixen, Emma would have loved being her dinner, but she was still excited to feed a younger fox. To give a cub a paw up in the world, to be a good dinner and help a younger predator grow up big and strong. “S-so I guess I won’t be served with a glass of Merlot? I always thought it might suit me.”Piper shook her head gently. “No dearie, our little family can’t afford that sort of thing. Plus, Mira isn’t of drinking age yet! But I’m sure you’ll taste great just with a nice drizzle of olive oil~” She began choosing vegetables and laying them in the cart atop Emma’s cage, slowly covering Emma beneath a layer of fresh produce. Cucumbers, onions, potatoes, celery... Some of those veggies looked more stimulating than others. For a moment, Emma wondered which was for her... The thought made her cunt leak, which in turn elicited an aggravated “Hey!” from the woman in the cage beneath her. The irony wasn’t lost on Emma. The vixen nudged aside a couple of potatoes so she could look down at her most recent purchase. “Excuse me, dear, can you tell me what size you’re rated for?” She sighed. “I swear, the only way I get Mira to eat healthy these days is if I hide her daily veggies in her meat.”“Oh…” Emma blushed on being addressed so directly, her mind raced as she tried to recall her earlier examination. So much had happened today, it was hard to keep track -- the farm seemed so far away, now. “Um, I-I think both my holes were graded suitable for eggplants?”“Oh, you really are a big girl!” the fox replied with appreciation, turning to her son. “Sebastian, can you go run and grab two more eggplants for our dinner guest?”“Ok moooooooom.” the cub sulked, trotting off into the produce area. There was a moment of relative silence, broken only by the squeak of the cart wheels and the hustle and bustle of the store, then Emma heard Sebastian’s paws trit-trotting back toward them… before two plump eggplants clattered down on top of her cage, obscuring her view of Piper’s muzzle. Over the next ten minutes, Emma relaxed as additional snacks and fizzy drinks filled the cart to the brim, gradually burying her cage. Growing up on the ranch, she’d been fed mostly fresh veggies and oats, apart from occasional hormone supplements or hastily gulped-down loads of wolf-cum behind the milking machines. She’d never seen so many varieties of candy or soft drinks, all of those brightly colored labels and cheerful slogans. She hadn’t known things like this existed: these were products marketed toward actual customers, actual people, instead of mere cooking ingredients like herself. What must it be like, Emma idly wondered, to be the one shopping? Rather than the one in a cage, at the bottom of the cart... Of course, that wasn’t a human’s natural role in the food chain, but it didn’t hurt to think about it. Emma giggled a little. What a bizarre world, where livestock like her could push around their own carts and buy some of those tasty-looking snacks for themselves... As Emma daydreamed, Piper picked up a last few ingredients (from cheaper-looking brands, Emma noticed), before wheeling the cart up to the front till, where a bored-looking raccoon removed each item and scanned it with a ‘beep!’ Emma was asked to lift up her breasts and press them against the front of the cage so her nipple tag could be scanned -- it took some squirming, but she managed it. Before long, Emma was loaded back into the cart with all the other food items, and led out into the parking lot. As it happened, her cage was pressed up against the side of the cart, giving Emma a clear view of the outside world as Piper rolled the cart out of the store. The outside air was chillier than she remembered -- it seemed like a brief rainshower had occurred recently, clearing away the day’s heat. Emma took a moment to enjoy the twilight sky and crisp air, as the cart was wheeled across the parking lot toward a small, slightly run-down hatchback car. The cart halted, and Emma felt her cage get jostled around as Piper unloaded the cart. Most of the other ingredients were loaded into the trunk without any difficulty, but the vixen clicked her tongue with frustration as she looked down at the three women -- although those thick rumps and meaty busts were certainly mouthwatering, there’s no way they’d fit in the trunk. Emma, for her part, found this whole process fascinating: all those tasty-looking foodstuffs slowly disappearing from the cart, until only she and her fellow ranch-mates remained at the bottom… Now that the cart was a bit more empty, the cool breeze was a mercy, so much more pleasant than the sweaty conditions inside of the supermarket. And suddenly Emma’s heart leapt, as she saw Piper reaching down toward her, and unlatching her cage, and helping her climb out... Emma gratefully stretched her limbs for the first time in hours, arching her back and presenting her perky breasts to the twilight sky. As she tilted back, she suddenly felt something warm and wet run across her belly, causing her to let out a surprised squeal. She looked down to see the cub licking her, enjoying the sweetness of her skin, pre-seasoned by the salt of her sweat... “Moooom, can I have this one instead?” the fox kit whined. “She tastes better than mine...”(Internally, Emma preened a little at the kit’s compliment. She might not be Class A, but at least she was the tastiest human in this car. That counted for something, probably.)“No, sweetie, I already said she’s Mira’s...” replied Piper patiently, as she herded the other two women into the back seats of the car. The cub continued lapping at Emma’s belly, as she hovered her arms in the air, unsure what to do. Should she... stop the little fox, if he tried to eat her? She was food, of course, but should she try and ensure she ended up as food for the right predator? The kit didn’t wait for Emma to make a decision, though -- while his mum’s back was turned, Sebastian took the opportunity to open his jaws and wrap his tiny maw around Emma’s right flank, lightly gnawing on her tender skin. “I said NO, Sebastian!” came Piper’s sharp voice as she looked over at the two of them with her hands on her hips. The cub reluctantly withdrew, pouting the whole time, and leaving Emma’s hip coated with drool. “Ugh, kits…” Piper muttered under her breath, before beckoning Emma over. “I swear…”Emma blushed. “Um, sorry ma’am… I didn’t mean to tempt him, I just…” She trailed off. Piper waved a paw dismissively. “Oh don’t worry, dear -- it’s not your fault!” The fox rolled her eyes. “He’s always like this. You know how siblings can be... He wants to steal anything that belongs to his sister! Including her dinner, apparently…”Emma smiled. “I had twenty sisters back on the farm... but they were never that feisty!”“Well, your farmer did a good job!” A smile tugged at Piper’s muzzle. “Humans like you are bred for obedience, it’s part of a pleasant dinner experience... But it seems to come to you very naturally~” The motherly vixen beckoned Emma over, then helped the woman clamber into the anthro-sized car. Piper paused, her paw on the door. “But don’t worry, dear, we’ll get you nice and tucked away into the correct belly soon!”Emma nodded eagerly. She hoped to be a pleasant meal, she knew that last moment was the most important one in her life… As the last girl to climb inside, Emma got the window seat -- she snuggled contently into the rear seat, its soft fabric easing the aches in her body from being caged for so long. Piper turned to look at her cub, “Come on, you too...”The kit cheerfully climbed into the car, crawling over Emma’s lap to seat himself in the middle, all cozy wedged between Emma and her two friends. It was a tight squeeze, and Emma was forced to fold her arms under her chest. The position was a bit uncomfortable, but at least it helped prop up her breasts. She certainly looked the tastiest among the girls in the car, Emma thought happily. Piper looked back at her cart, then pulled out the last grocery bag. The vixen turned back to Emma. “Mind holding this for me, dear?” Emma nodded, as the fox passed her a plastic bag stuffed with thick cucumbers and eggplants. Emma blushed: which of these vegetables was destined for her?Piper closed the car door, got into the front, and started driving home. Emma stared out the window in fascination: she actually got to watch the passing scenery this time! As she looked out the window, she felt a familiar wet sensation run over her upper arm. She looked down to see Sebastian looking up at her with a mischievous glint in his eye, as he clamped his jaws around her upper arm. The kit lapped at her skin, his rough tongue probing for every little scrap of flavor... After a few minutes he let go, but he wasn’t finished yet. The hungry little fox tugged at her hand, pulling it out from under her breasts and laying it within his maw. His tiny teeth pressed softly into her skin, and his tongue curled around her wrist as he gently gnawed on her. Emma watched him with concern. Should she say something? She felt the little fox’s throat clench around her hand as he swallowed, pulling Emma into his maw up to her forearm... “Err… Mrs. Piper?” Emma asked, a little hesitant. “Just call me Piper! What is it, dear?”Sebastian gave another quiet swallow. Emma felt her arm sinking deeper into the kit’s throat, her bicep was now wedged between his teeth. “I think… your cub, um, Sebastian? Is eating me...” Her fingers had emerged from his throat now, into a wider space, warm and wet… Emma blushed. Piper glanced over her shoulder. “Sebastian Rava!” she scolded. “I’ve told you twice that she’s Mira’s… Or do you want to lose your dessert privileges again?”The kit spat out Emma’s arm (a little passive-aggressively, Emma thought), leaving her coated in drool. Emma laid her wet hand on her lap, not wanting to get the car interior damp. He glared at her for a moment, looking annoyed, before changing his focus to the human on his left. The kit climbed onto her lap, holding her shoulders for stability as the car drove around a corner. He gave the girl’s face a thorough lick. She blinked as her face was slathered in drool... but before she could react any further, the cub engulfed her entire head in his maw. His cheeks bulged as he swiftly worked the woman’s bare shoulders between his jaws, with just the occasional muffled gasp coming from inside. As Sebastian worked down the woman’s chest, his tiny maw stretching over the human’s shoulders, he glared at Emma. He seemingly dared her to say something, but it wasn’t her place to object. She was livestock, to be used and eaten however her owners wished. Emma kept her mouth shut as the kit stealthily devoured her friend, sitting next to her. The rumble of the car engine drowned out the eager slurps and gulps of the cub as he devoured his dinner. His teeth scraped over her nipples and down to her waist, causing his neck and torso to bulge with his meal’s shapely curves as he worked down to the woman’s hips. The kit paused for a moment to consider his options, before hooking his paws under the woman’s thighs and lifting her up. He tilted his head back, to let the human sink deeper into his mouth with the help of gravity. From her seat, Emma got a close-up view of her friend’s legs disappearing between the jaws of the cub, mere inches from her face. The rest of the human went down smoothly, her thighs and calves sliding into the kit’s mouth like wet noodles. Emma got one last glimpse at the soles of her friend’s feet: her toes wriggling in excitement, framed by teeth… then Sebastian’s jaws snapped shut around them, and with one final gulp his dinner was gone. That was the last anyone would see of her friend. A girl she’d known since birth on the farm, now packed away in the gut of a fox cub... Emma watched with fascination as the bulge shifted down Sebastian’s throat -- with those curves, the woman would have been a huge meal for any anthro, but she nearly choked the tiny fox cub. Still, Sebastian refused to admit defeat, and finally the girl slipped down his throat and curled up inside his stomach. The woman squirmed a little, trying to find a comfortable position as she was folded up into a tight ball in the cub’s stomach. Looking smug, Sebastian shifted himself around and claimed the seat of the person he’d eaten. The fox kit smirked at Emma as he ran his paws over his stretched belly, loving every squirm from his dinner within. “Want to feel her?” he whispered. Emma couldn’t deny being curious: she tentatively reached out and laid her palm on the kit’s bulging belly, feeling the shape of her friend within. She giggled as she felt her friend squirm beneath Sebastian’s thick fur: responding to her touch, or maybe just trying to get comfortable. Emma could feel how her friend was curled up in there, tracing the shape of her body -- now just another hunk of meat for the young fox’s digestive system to break down and repurpose. A growing kit needs lots of food, after all!Emma hoped that the kit’s belly would be a little comfier than a cage, at least. It might be a bit more cramped, but the soft and warm stomach walls would surely be more pleasant than cold metal... Without any warning, Sebastian suddenly opened his maw, and lazily belched in Emma’s face. Piper glanced over her shoulder. “Sebastian, did you just eat that girl?”“Yes, mom!” the little kit said cheerfully. “Look at my belly! It’s so big and sloshy...”Piper sighed -- not surprised, precisely, but a little exhausted. “Couldn’t you have waited five more minutes, hun? We were supposed to eat dinner together as a family...”“But moooooooom, I was hungry!” Sebastian whined. “And my tummy was all rumbly, and she just smelled so good next to me, and…”“Well, you’re a good boy for finishing her off in one gulp!” Piper smiled. “I’m proud of you.”Sebastian grinned the remainder of the way back to the house, enjoying his mother’s praise, as Emma listened to her friend gradually digest in a series of gurgles and groans...---Sophia gazed in wonder at the gleaming metal and marble countertops of the kitchen. The smartly dressed fox who had escorted her here gently patted Sophia’s bare ass, and nodded towards the countertop where a large silver platter had been placed. Sophia took a moment to understand the implication: that he wanted her nude body on that immaculately polished surface. Sophia blushed, she didn’t feel worthy of such opulence and ceremony. The woman lifted her knee to the edge of the countertop and tried to lift herself up, but she was too heavy with her pregnant belly. Before she could ask for help, she felt two paws press up beneath her ass, and help lift her up onto the countertop. “T-thank you...” murmured Sophia, a little nervous -- was she really tasty enough to warrant all this special treatment? She slowly crawled forward onto the silver platter, her large breasts and round belly hanging low, before turning around and sitting down with her toes reaching the front edge. The fox nodded his approval, then laid his paw on her shoulder. He gently eased her down onto her back, while leaving her knees raised up and spread wide. The fox stepped away for a moment, giving Sophia a chance to look around: along the countertop she saw various fresh fruits and vegetables in neat stacks, rows of spice jars, and vibrant green herbs growing in small tubs. It felt like a tiny farm!Feeling a little reassured, in this place that kind of reminded her of home, Sophia watched the foxy chef grab a few sweet potatoes, inspect them for flaws, then lay them down on the cutting board. With an experienced hand, the fox sliced them up, filling the air with a rapid chik, chik, chik. She wondered if that was her stuffing... or maybe an appetizer? Either way, she felt a thrill of excitement: these were her ingredients, the ones she’d be served with! Like all livestock, she’d long wondered how she’d be prepared. It seemed sweet potato with various fresh herbs and spices would be hers. “I-is that for me?” Sophia asked after a moment, almost hesitantly. She didn’t know if she was supposed to speak, but… it felt strange, just sitting silently as the fox prepared to, well, prepare her. The fox nodded. “The finest organic sweet potatoes, grown in Mexican greenhouses with 100% ex-human fertilizer. We import a fresh batch each week.” He didn’t sound bothered by her question, Sophia thought, he must be used to curious humans. “They’ll be soaked and mashed, mixed with sage and pine-nut, then stuffed into your major cavities.”“M-my major cavities?” Sophia asked, curiously. The fox glanced at her and smiled. “Your cunt and ass...” he clarified. The sudden crassness made Sophia blush, it didn’t fit the elegant image exuded by the dapper vulpine chef. “Oh!” she said shyly, and inwardly cursed herself for being so oblivious. As livestock she should know these things, even if she’d only get to go through this process once…The fox dumped the diced sweet potato into a pan of boiling water, letting them slowly soften, before returning his attention to the main dish. He glanced at Sophia as he washed his paws. “Do you have any allergies? Any oils you react to?”“Err… I don’t think so?” Sophia answered hesitantly. The fox nodded and grabbed a bottle of truffle oil. He tilted it over Sophia’s nude body, letting the golden liquid land atop the peak of her pregnant belly and stream down the rest of her. The thick liquid coated her taut skin, and slightly tickled. Next were her breasts, then her thighs -- the fox made sure to pay equal attention to all of Sophia’s body, giving her a nice even coating. Seemingly satisfied, the fox set down the bottle of oil and turned to his well-stocked spice rack, contemplating for a brief moment. The chef’s paws trailed over the array of spices, before giving a decisive nod and sprinkling a touch of black pepper and aromatic sage over Sophia’s naked body. Sophia took a deep breath of all the new scents, and promptly sneezed. “Excuse me!” she said, feeling embarrassed. The fox gave Sophia a reassuring smile before laying his paws on her belly, rubbing the viscous liquid and spices across her body. He ran his paws down and around her taut belly, squeezed her breasts, and rubbed her thighs as he worked the rich truffle oil into every inch of skin. “The oil will keep your skin nice and moist in the oven, we don’t want you to get burned.” the fox explained. The rubbing grew into a full body massage, as he tenderised her muscles. Sophia blushed. “Oh! I-I’m glad, I-I was a little scared of the oven…” she admitted shyly. “A happy human is a tasty human…” the fox reassured her. “And besides, it would ruin your flavor, we wouldn’t want that!” As the chef spoke, his paws drifted lower, between her legs... Sophia felt a warmth building in her loins as his hands ran up her inner thighs and around her pussy. The fox was tantalisingly close, but he expertly avoided her pussy lips, leaving a small circle of white skin surrounded by the golden sheen of the oil. Unable to see what he was doing, with her pregnant belly in the way, Sophia laid her head back on the platter and focused on the sensual experience: her breath quickened and the lips of her cunt plumped up in arousal, crying out for attention... The fox pulled his paws back as he dribbled fresh oil onto them. He rubbed his paws together to warm up the oil, before gently laying the tip of his claw against Sophia’s outer labia lips... Sophia moaned as she felt the fox lightly caress her pussy, then yelped in pleasure as he penetrated her properly. His paw felt silky-smooth with the thick coating of oil as it ran over her clit and her labia lips, thoroughly covering her inner folds in oil. Sophia’s cunt twitched around the fox’s paw, and she resisted the urge to rock her hips against him. As swift as it had started, it ended. The fox withdrew his paw from within Sophia, leaving her panting for breath on the edge of a climax. “I t-think,” she gasped, “m-maybe I need a little more oil?”The fox’s lips curled up for a moment, breaking his stoic resolve. “Mr. Redmond likes to taste his meal’s first orgasm of the evening, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.”“Oh! I wasn’t trying to, um… orgasm...” lied Sophia, her cheeks as red as a beetroot. “A-and, um, even if I were... Um, maybe it could be our little secret?”The fox smiled again, amused. “We don’t want to ruin your flavor. Save it for Mr. Redmond.”“I-I guess I understand.” Sophia sighed. “I promise I’ll be a good meal, I can wait…”The fox nodded, turning to check on the sweet potatoes. Being slightly squishy, they were ready. He drained the water, dumped them into a mixing bowl, and began mushing them. Every few moments, he’d pause to add a few herbs or salt to the mixture. Sophia began to grow nervous as she watched the mash take shape and realized it all had to fit inside her. That was, uh, a very large bowl. “C-could I maybe try a little?” Sophia asked shyly. She was almost vibrating with anticipation…The fox cocked his head, then raised an eyebrow. “I don’t see why not…” He scooped out a little of the sweet potato mush onto a small silver tasting spoon, before bringing it to Sophia’s lips. She hesitantly licked the spoon clean, her eyes widening at the taste: the hearty sweet potatoes, the salt and delicate herbs, the buttery texture... As a human, she’d never tasted something this rich and delicious -- the fox was a master of his craft! She didn’t know how she herself tasted, but if her predator considered her half as delicious as this stuffing… Sophia hoped Mr. Redmond enjoyed her. The fox disappeared from her sight for a moment, returning with a flared metal funnel. Sophia tried to raise her head to keep it in sight, but it disappeared beneath her belly. She eagerly awaited finding out which “cavity” it would enter first... And as if in answer, she felt the cool metal press up against her rump, parting her cheeks and prodding open her rear as it slowly penetrated her anus. Sophia moaned: the funnel just kept sinking deeper, opening her up wide for her vulpine chef... Before the metal could chill her, though, Sophia felt something warm and mushy making its way into her ass. Then more, and more, and more. Leaning to her side to look past her belly, she saw the fox taking paw-full gobs of mashed sweet potato, and feeding them into the funnel. Sophia squirmed on the platter, lifting her back and shifting her hips as she felt her rectum filled to bursting. She blushed again -- it felt surprisingly good, she kind of regretted she hadn’t tried more anal play back on the farm. Too late now, though -- she’d run out of time.In her overstimulated state, Sophia barely noticed the funnel pulling out. The fox tilted his head to the side, so he could meet her eyes. “Hold that in for me, will you?”Sophia nodded, doing her best to clench her rear. She was so fixated on holding the stuffing inside her rear that it took her by surprise when she felt the cold metal probing her cunt. She whimpered as the funnel pressed apart her labia lips, and exposed her inner sanctum for additional stuffing. More gobs began filling her other ‘major cavity’ -- but this time, it was a much tighter fit, squished between her pregnant belly from above and her packed anus from below. “A-are you finished?” gasped Sophia, barely able to form coherent words. The cold funnel, the potatoes stretching her cunt… It was all too much, too overwhelming, she was almost vibrating with excitement and arousal. She was so close to an orgasm, she just needed one last touch... “Nearly…” replied the fox. He picked a carrot with the green stem still attached and leaned down between her legs. “Ahhmmppmmh~” cried Sophia, as the carrot slid into her asshole, sealing her anus shut with just the green stem poking out between her cheeks. “Now we’re done,” said the fox, with a hint of smugness. The fox looked down at his work with a connoisseur’s eye, and gave a satisfied nod. Under different circumstances, he might have stuffed Sophia’s womb as well... but nothing he could whip up in the kitchen would compare to the delicious flavor of the ‘all-natural filling’ Sophia already possessed. Sophia wriggled her hips and panted, her eyes half-shut with bliss. Every movement stimulated her further, as her innards shifted around the large masses inside her. Just the lightest touch of her labia lips would take her over the edge, she knew. Just one more touch, that’s all she needed, please…Sophia eagerly waited, but instead she felt the platter beneath her move. She looked down to see the fox’s muscles bulging, as he lifted her on her platter and carried her toward an open oven. “I’ll see you in 20 minutes,” he told her, before sliding Sophia into the oven and closing the door, sealing her inside -- flushed and panting, trapped on the edge of the most intense climax of her life...---Emma spent the drive giving Sebastian a belly rub, feeling her friend slowly soften up within the young fox’s belly. Sebastian just spent the time relaxing with his tongue hanging out, letting out occasional burps as Emma massaged his stomach. But before long, Emma felt the car slow, as Piper turned toward a residential suburb, then stopped in the driveway of a small whitewashed house. Sebastian’s stretched-taut gut pressed down on Emma’s thighs as he carelessly crawled over her to get out the car first. She saw a hand imprinted on the side of his belly, as the girl inside was shifted around by the kit’s motion and found herself upside down. “I’m going to play on my Nintendo!” Sebastian shouted back to his mom, as he dropped to all fours and wobbled his way up the path to the front door. His belly scraped across the ground as he went, nearly as big as the little fox was. Piper glanced at her son’s shameful belly walk and shook her head in amused resignation. “Can you tell your sister to help me unload the groceries?” she called after her son, only to be ignored as the little full-bellied kit struggled his way up the front stairs and into the house. The vixen sighed, leaning against the car. “Can you girls help me?” she asked, as she opened up the trunk. Emma and the other remaining girl nodded, clambering out of the car. The third of Piper’s purchases had already been carried inside the house in the kit’s belly, of course. Emma was handed a hefty bag of vegetables, and she giggled: it almost seemed a waste of a plastic bag, when she was right here with a pussy and ass available for stuffing. Emma carried the grocery bag up the tiled path, past a lawn peppered with toys, from beach-balls to bikes. Sebastian had left the door ajar, so Emma only had to bump it with her ass to swing it fully open. Inside was a carpeted hallway with several coats ranging from large to small hanging from pegs. Hoisting her bag, Emma stepped inside the house... As Emma walked down the hall, she glanced within each room she passed... She saw a messy living room with Sebastian’s toys spread across the floor, a cozy bedroom that she presumed was Piper’s, a small restroom with a shower and toilet… Emma blushed, was that where she’d be flushed tomorrow morning? She passed two smaller bedrooms for Piper’s kits: from one room she could hear the noise of an 8-bit video game (as well as a quiet, muffled belch), and from the other door (decorated in rainbow butterfly stickers) she heard some kind of loud, upbeat pop music. But Emma’s attention didn’t wander for much longer: before long, she arrived at a modest kitchen. A large oven dominated the room with everything else arranged around it. Alongside it stood a small kitchen table, a small spice and oil rack, and a wooden work counter. Suddenly, a large German Shepherd bounded towards her with his mouth open in excitement, his eyes fixed on Emma’s thick thighs. Emma startled a little, clutching her grocery bag like a shield. “Down, boy!” came the sharp voice of Piper, causing the dog to come to a sudden halt as his claws slid along the tilted floor. Emma giggled at the dog’s enthusiasm. “Hello there...” she said, putting the bag of groceries on the countertop then leaning down to pet him. The german shepherd looked back at her happily, his tail wagging as Emma scratched behind his ears. Thick strands of drool hung from the dog’s open maw as he panted happily, taking the opportunity to very thoroughly lick Emma’s hands... “Best not to encourage him,” said Piper with amusement. “He thinks you’re his dinner.”Emma froze, then slowly withdrew her hand. The dog watched Emma’s every move with obvious eagerness, his tail still wagging happily… Then the dog’s belly rumbled, making Emma blush. Well, at least she’d been Grade C, rather than Grade D, Emma thought to herself with relief. Otherwise, she might have ended up as dog-food right then and there... Piper nudged the hungry dog out of the way, and placed the other grocery bags on the countertop. The other woman followed behind Piper, doing her best to not be hit by the vixen’s swishing tail. “Thanks for the help, girls!” said Piper cheerfully. The vixen planted her hands on her hips and looked at the two humans. “Now, are you ready for dinner? I’m starving!”Emma gulped, was this it? This is what her life was for? She felt so nervous, would she be enjoyed? Would she be remembered as a special meal, or just a casual Tuesday-night dinner like any other?Piper had no such concerns, as she patted the kitchen counter. “Up here, please.”Emma exchanged looks with the other woman, seeing the same mix of anxiety and excitement she felt. They both clambered up onto the worktop, propping themselves up on their hands and knees, presenting their bare asses for Piper’s inspection. Meanwhile, Piper turned on the oven. Emma heard the fan whirring up, feeling her heart race as she realized: she would be going inside there. That oven was for her... then the dinner table, then a belly. Piper got out a small mixing bowl and poured some olive oil and a pinch of salt inside. As she mixed it, she examined the plump asses arrayed in front of her. “Hmm, who first…” the vixen muttered. She dunked her paw into the oil. “Eenie, meenie, minie... moe!” She slapped her palm onto the other human’s ass, causing the woman to yelp in surprise. Emma watched jealously -- the other woman’s cheeks flushed as plentiful oil was slathered over her nethers, down between her ass cheeks and up around her pussy lips. She let out a gasp as Piper penetrated her, and lightly caressed her clit. Emma peered behind her to see Piper idly checking her phone as she fingered the other woman. Was the vixen checking a recipe, Emma wondered... or just casually checking social media while making dinner? The other woman’s breath quickened, and Emma felt her own pussy growing wet as she eagerly awaited her turn… The other woman let out a high pitched yelp as she finally climaxed, pulling Piper’s attention away from her phone. “Enjoy that, dearie?” the vixen asked warmly. “Y-yes, ma’am,” replied the woman, still panting in post-orgasm bliss. With a smile on her muzzle, Piper grabbed an eggplant and thrust it into the woman’s pussy. The veggie slipped smoothly between the girl’s slick labia lips and provoked a sudden squeal of surprised pleasure, filling her up until only the upper green tuft of the veggie stuck out. As the woman’s thighs trembled in ecstasy, Piper finished coating the rest of her in oil, rubbing her rear, calves, breasts, and belly. After only a few minutes more, she was ready for the oven. Piper opened the oven door and even from the other side of the countertop Emma felt the wave of heat roll over her, causing a ripple of goosebumps to run down her nude skin. Piper gestured to the oven with one paw. “In you go, dear...”The girl turned toward Emma, giving her a farewell smile before eagerly crawling into the oven. “I’ll see you in 10 minutes for your first basting,” said Piper, before closing the oven and sealing the human within. She turned to Emma, “Now, let’s get you prepped!”Emma gasped with excitement -- this was it! It was her turn! Finally…Emma wriggled her rump, ready for her oiling. Piper’s paws slapped onto Emma’s ass, smearing the thick olive oil all over her nude butt, before moving up the rest of her body. The vixen paid attention to every inch of Emma’s body, from her waist to her drooping breasts. She lightly pinched Emma’s nipples as she worked around the swinging nipple tags, one for her grade and the other her ID. From there, Piper worked down Emma’s thighs, calves, and feet, making sure to get oil between each toe. That left only one space left which Emma was desperate to get properly oiled up -- her pussy. Her nethers twitched in anticipation and her juices mixed with the oils dribbling down her inner thigh. “I don’t know if you need any additional oil here…” mused Piper, as she leaned her snout in to give Emma’s pussy a sniff, enjoying the delicious scent of an eager human. Honestly, Piper thought, it was clear that humans were meant to be food if they smelled like that... Emma instinctively let out a disappointed whine, before abruptly falling quiet. Her cheeks burned in embarrassment, but Piper laughed gently. “I’m just kidding, all humans deserve an enjoyable send off! You deserve it, since you’ll be providing us with such a filling meal...” said Piper, lightly brushing her paw over Emma’s labia lips. Emma’s whole body shuddered in anticipation, grinding her hips backward to press her pussy harder against the vixen’s steady paw, ready for her coating of oil, and... “Hi Mom!” came a cheerful female voice. Piper paused her caress of Emma’s pussy. “Mira? Oh, did you…!” A grin spread across her muzzle. Emma glanced backward to see an orange-furred, teenage vixen with a little pink bow, standing and cradling an enormous, bulging gut proudly. Was that the girl who’d be eating her? Emma felt a thrill of pride in knowing she’d be contributing to the nutrition of such a pretty female cub. But how would she fit into that bulging belly? Would she have to share the stomach with another woman?“I scored the highest in my class on my biology quiz today! So I got to eat Mr. Miller,” the younger vixen said proudly, rubbing her belly and letting out a happy-sounding belch. “Oh that’s fantastic, Mira, I’m so proud!” Piper clapped her paws together. “I knew you could do it, you’re such a smart girl! And besides, I’m sure the motivation helped -- you’ve had your eye on your teacher for a while now, right?”“Yep! Mr. Miller said I could have any reward I wanted for coming first, and I wanted to have him for lunch...” Mira said, patting her belly smugly. It seemed ‘Mr. Miller’ was pretty soft by now, Mira’s paw sunk deep into the round dome with a wet bloooorp. Though Emma was certain that any human teacher would be proud to serve as a reward for such an adorable kit. “A great choice!” said Piper as she stepped forward and ruffled her daughter’s fluffy head, and gave the younger vixen a scratch behind the ears. “Aw, you’re growing up so fast, honey: your first solo catch! That’s my girl...” Piper paused, looking at Emma. “But what to do with you...”Piper looked down at the german shepherd sitting on the floor, giving the vixen his best begging face. “Hmm… Well, I guess it’s Max’s lucky day, then!”Emma blinked. “Um, wait, Miss Piper... I-is Max, like, your husband?”Piper waved a paw dismissively. “Oh goodness no, could you imagine me being married?” The older vixen laughed to herself. “Though maybe then I’d get more than an hour’s sleep…”Emma frowned. “B-but if you’re not married, ma’am, then… Um, who’s Max?”Piper turned away from Emma, opening the oven to give the woman inside another coat of oil. “Oh, silly me!” the vixen answered cheerfully. “I never introduced you two... This is our dog Max!”The german shepherd on the kitchen floor wagged his tail, looking up at Emma with hungry eyes...---Meanwhile, Sophia luxuriated in the warmth of the oven. The glowing orange filaments surrounded her nude body, as toasty as the midday sun on the ranch, leaving her sweaty but not uncomfortable. Sophia kept her hands on her belly, feeling her baby girl kick. “It’s ok, sweetie, I’m with you...” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the oven’s internal fans ensuring she was cooked evenly. The interior of the oven gradually grew steamier as Sophia’s sweat evaporated, along with the oil. The residue soaked into her skin and gave her a deeply tanned hue. On instinct, Sophia panted with her mouth open and her tongue hanging out, even though the air outside was warmer than her inner body, the heat filling her lungs with each breath. She licked her lips to keep them from drying out. As the heat permeated her body, Sophia simply relaxed. It felt so good, with the oil making her skin extra sensitive: every brush of circulated air over her nude body felt like a lover’s tender caress. It was a struggle to resist lowering her hands down to her pussy lips, but she remembered what the fox had said. “Mr. Redmond likes his meals to orgasm first in his mouth.” She’d wait for her pred.It felt like she’d been in here for hours, she was so exhausted in the heat. Sophia blinked rapidly, doing her best to stay awake -- she wanted to feel every moment, she didn’t want to miss a thing... A whoosh of cool air rolled over Sophia, rustling her hair. The tray she lay upon was pulled forward, and she slid out of the oven to see the chef peering down at her. Or more specifically, at her body. The fox leaned over her, his snout mere inches above her pregnant belly as he sampled her aroma. He lowered his snout further and sniffed between Sophia’s legs -- she whined as his breath tickled her most sensitive areas. Perfect, the fox thought to himself: as he’d hoped, the overstimulated and quite sexually-frustrated “main ingredient” had been leaking the whole time in the oven, saturating the meat of her thighs with the delicious taste of her arousal. Just how Mr. Redmond preferred his dinner. “Mmhm, exquisite...” the fox whispered, as he ever-so-gently carried Sophia over to a countertop. Sophia tried to raise her head and look around, but she just felt so tired from the heat... She just relaxed on the plate, letting the fox handle everything. The chef carefully placed lettuce leaves and freshly cut fruit on the tray around her -- each strawberry was laid down pointing towards her, and Sophia felt a deep sense of pride. She was the main dish, the main ingredient, the centrepiece. The fox finished the preparation by laying a single sprig of basil across the top of her bulging belly, the peak of her sumptuous body. He then lifted up her platter, placed it on a cart, and rolled her out the kitchen and into the marbled hallway. Turning away from the sitting room she’d entered before, he led her toward a candlelit dining room. Sophia gazed up in wonder at the sculpted candelabras hanging high above her as she rolled under them, wondering how many humans they were worth... The cart came to a halt next to a large round table, with a pristine white tablecloth hanging elegantly over the rim. With surprisingly gentleness, Sophia’s platter was lifted up and placed in the centre of the table. Sophia surreptitiously glanced around, looking for Mr Redmond, unsure where he was until she heard a soft cough by her feet. Sophia looked around her large belly, to see the elegant coyote seated at the far end of the table, unfolding a white napkin and laying it across his lap. Mr. Redmond glanced at his chef. “The ‘47 Château Cheval Blanc, please.” The fox nodded, then disappeared for a moment and returned with a bottle of red wine in hand. He thrust in a corkscrew, popped the cork, and poured a small sample into a wide wine glass. Mr Redmond took it from him, swirled it under his snout, then nodded. The fox lifted the bottle up over Sophia and began pouring it over her belly, letting the red liquid stream down across her body. With the heightened sensitivity of her skin, Sophia felt every cold droplet finding its own route down her body -- it felt sublime, after the heat of the oven. “Give her a sip.” Mr. Redmond ordered idly, as he tasted his glass of wine. The fox nodded, then held the bottle up to Sophia’s lips. She timidly opened her mouth, unsure what to expect: she’d never tasted wine before. She nearly gagged when she first tasted the heady liquid, the sharp acidity of the alcohol overpowering everything... until she took a few swallows and began to appreciate the deep fruity flavours. With her lips taking on a deeper red hue, Sophia nodded her thanks to the fox. Mr Redmond nibbled on the cut strawberries surrounding Sophia, listening as the fox narrated all the spices and oils that she’d been cooked with. Sophia barely heard his words, though: her attention was entirely fixated on watching each individual strawberry disappear between those sharp teeth, and knowing that once the coyote finished his appetizer, she’d be his next course. The coyote seemed to notice her attention -- he locked eyes with Sophia and curled back his lips in a predatory grin. She bit down on a whine. “Now, for the main dish…” he said, his voice smooth as silk. Sophia shivered in eager anticipation, causing her large belly to sway slightly. She wriggled her toes, catching his attention as he opened his jaw and ran his tongue over her feet. They disappeared into his maw and he gently gnawed on them, getting his first taste of this most premium of meats. Mr. Redmond seemed to like what he tasted, because he took a single gulp, working Sophia’s ankles and calves into his mouth. Sophia felt her feet press together as they entered his throat, as the tight, wet confines stretched around her, slowly pulling her deeper into the abyss... The coyote’s tongue steadily worked up Sophia’s calves and toward her thighs. He leaned forward a touch, to give her legs a straight descent into his belly. Sophia felt her toes curl up with his stomach amidst the mushy remains of the strawberries from earlier... His teeth scraped over her upper thighs, like little needle points lightly digging into Sophia’s soft and tenderised skin, making her moan. Sophia’s breathing sped up as she felt herself being devoured. Her legs could feel nothing the heat of her predator’s body, now, almost as warm as the oven. A wet heat instead of dry, an organic furnace. The coyote slathered every inch of her in drool, as he worked more of her down into his belly... Mr. Redmond tucked his paws under Sophia’s rump, lifting her up a few inches as his jaws accepted her hips. Sophia felt the coyote’s mouth stretch over her, as his tongue explored between her legs. She gasped in delight as she felt the rough sensation of his tongue slathering across her pussy lips, lightly circling around her clit and prying gently inside her. The coyote eagerly lapped at her juices as his jaws clamped tight around her ass, squeezing the carrot in her anus deeper. As the coyote lapped at Sophia’s skin, he slowly washed away all the oil and spices and stuffing, until there was nothing but Sophia’s natural flavor filling his mouth. The taste of Sophia’s sweat, the best all-natural garnish, sent a rush of pleasure into the coyote’s hindbrain, that animal part of him which just wanted to devour his meal and curl up in a full-bellied stupor... but he refrained. He wasn’t just an animal, and he wanted to enjoy Sophia properly. Like a fine vintage of wine. After all, he thought to himself, he’d never taste this exact meal again... and he wouldn’t want to miss a single detail. Unable to maintain her docile state any longer, Sophia let out a deep guttural moan and bucked her hips against the coyote’s tongue, her ass cheeks bouncing on his teeth. He kept her there without swallowing, lodged tight in his maw as he ran his tongue over her cunt again and again, stroking and teasing and caressing his dinner as he gradually led her toward climax... Being a gentleman, he let Sophia orgasm at her own pace, gradually increasing the intensity of his licks in tune with her moans. The sensations overwhelmed Sophia as she arched her back, tilted her head back, and screamed in ecstasy. Mr. Redmond swallowed her squirting juices as her cries echoed around the dining room. Her innate flavour, mixed with the spices in her skin and the stuffing, gave Sophia an exquisite flavour. After politely giving Sophia a few last moments to twitch and relax in his mouth, the coyote resumed devouring his meal. His paws pressed beneath her upper ass cheeks, tucking them into his maw just as his snout nudged up against Sophia’s pregnant belly. This would be a challenge, he knew. He took his time relaxing his jaw, before attempting to take in her bump. Sophia felt the sharp teeth riding up her belly as he struggled to fit her in, stretching his jaws to their absolute limit. She felt the coyote’s gullet pressing down on her thighs, trying to compact her down and feed her belly down into his own. Sophia wriggled her hips, trying to help him slide her deeper... and eventually his teeth crested the top of her pregnant belly, knocking aside the sprig of basil. The rest of her belly slid in easily now, with Sophia smoothly slipping several inches deeper each time he swallowed. The coyote’s jaws relaxed, as they crested the upper curve of his meal’s belly. Sophia wondered if technically her baby girl had been eaten before her -- by now, her pregnant belly had slipped entirely within the coyote’s mouth before she had. Mr. Redmond’s teeth next traced over Sophia’s breasts: he took a brief pause to gently bite down, feeling the soft, fatty mounds squish beneath his tongue. The pressure teased Sophia’s nipples -- she felt herself building toward another orgasm, her final one that she’d finish inside his stomach. Sophia’s arms were lifted above her head as the coyote worked the last of her plump chest into his mouth. She felt her legs folding up within the stretchy confines of his belly, with her feet nudging the table rim through his stomach wall... Sophia looked down at her body, but saw only Mr Redmond’s maw wrapped around her, inching ever upward toward her face. She felt a flicker of primal fear that turned her on even more than the earlier pussy licking. She bucked her hips, desperately trying to squeeze herself into his gullet faster, eager to get her hands to her pussy. Mr Redmond’s snout crept over Sophia’s chin, then her mouth, her nose, her eyes, her forehead, and then over the crown of her head. She watched the row of teeth eclipse her vision, then the wet and glistening ridged palette of his maw. Sophia looked up to get her last look at the outside world: her view framed by teeth that gradually closed around her, blocking the light. In the newfound darkness, she felt the coyote’s powerful throat muscles clench all around her, pulling her down into the abyss. On the outside, only Sophia’s long red hair and her pale arms remained visible, before they too were easily slurped up between Mr. Redmond’s lips. Her fingers twitched and curled as she was swallowed, already anticipating the attention they’d soon lavish on her cunt... With one last powerful swallow, Mr. Redmond polished off his luxurious dinner. He leaned back into his chair, with his enormous belly wobbling in front of him, pinned against the table. The coyote gently ran his paws over the stretched fur of his belly, feeling the softly squirming girl inside shifting around as she found a more comfortable position to finger herself. He let out a brief burp, and again caught a faint whiff of Sophia’s cunt, mixed with sage: a satisfying epilogue to a delicious meal. He dabbed a napkin to his lips, cleaning up the thick oil smeared there. “Worth every penny...” the coyote murmured, as his quite satisfied belly growled and got to work digesting his latest catch. Over his stomach’s gurgles and churns, he could just barely make out Sophia’s moans, as her fingers found her cunt and the squirming in his belly intensified. He made a mental note to send a tip to the rancher, and to keep an eye out for more of Sophia’s family line.---“Wait, what?!?!” cried Emma, looking from Piper down to the german shepherd with his wagging tail. The dog stared up at her, licking his chops. Emma was still on the countertop on her hands and knees, her ass up in the air as she awaited stuffing. She crawled forward a few inches, trying to keep her toes from overhanging the edge, as she looked down nervously at the hungry dog. “Sorry, dear...” said Piper, idly glancing back at her phone. “But Max needs to eat, too! And don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll make wonderful dog-food~”“B-but I’m Grade C, remember? I’m n-not pet food, pet food is supposed to be Grade D...” Emma whined, all her dreams of being a restaurant centerpiece running through her mind. “Which is why it’s Max’s lucky day!” Piper said cheerfully. “Go on, Max, dinnertime...” the vixen encouraged, nodding towards Emma. The dog looked at his owner quizzically, as if unsure if he was truly this fortunate... before leaping up towards the countertop. The german shepherd propped his front paws up on the countertop, his snout pressed up against Emma’s ass and pussy to give his dinner a good sniff. He must have liked what he tasted, because he followed up his sniff with a wet and friendly lick across Emma’s cunt, transforming the girl’s whining into an abrupt gasp of lust. “C-can’t Mira eat me tomorrow?” Emma asked desperately. “Remember those veggies you bought, I can fit more than most women!” Emma’s tone got higher with each lick of her cunt, as her attempts at bargaining her way into the Rava family pantry competed with guilty arousal. “Sorry, dear, we don’t have any overnight cages...” replied Piper as she leaned towards the oven, looking through the glass to inspect the human inside. Mmm, her dinner was looking tasty, Piper thought... “And I can keep the veggies in the fridge for tomorrow’s human!”Satisfied with his first taste, Max put his paws up on the counter and leaned forward, wrapping his maw around Emma’s bare feet and tugging gently. Emma gave a yelp as she suddenly slid backward, until her ass hung off the counter, directly above the german shepherd’s open, panting maw. The dog waited politely, for Emma to make her next move... “B-but you paid so much for me! Aren’t I worth more than pet food?” she asked nervously. “You weren’t that much...” said Piper in a distracted tone, as she licked her lips and opened the oven door a touch, to get a sniff of the cooking human. Hmm, it seemed like she’d need another coat... “With the 50% discount, you were barely more than normal Class D pet food…”“But… but... “ Emma stammered, running out of excuses. Honestly, part of Emma wished she’d just stayed quiet and let Sebastian eat her in the car, then she’d be food for an actual person rather than a pet… Emma looked down a little nervously, and blushed: she could see every string of drool, every detail of the slick passage down toward the dog’s stomach… She could smell Max’s hot, panting breath, with the acidic smell from the remnants of whatever -- or whoever -- the dog ate last…Max looked up at Emma with well-practiced puppy-dog eyes. The dog licked his chops and cocked his head, giving Emma his cutest begging whine. She felt her heart melt -- sure, Emma had spent her life dreaming about being a fancy restaurant-quality meal, but it would just be selfish to deny such a friendly pet a properly-filling meal… Emma hadn’t expected to end her life as dog-food, but…Emma looked down at Max again, at how innocently eager the dog seemed, as he drooled over his dinner-to-be. Well, it wasn’t like livestock really had a choice in the end. And Emma could imagine worse fates than feeding a family dog. “W-who’s a good boy?” she asked almost hesitantly, and Max licked his lips. Emma felt her cunt leaking: it might not have been the belly she expected, but she couldn’t help getting a little excited, knowing she was about to serve her life’s purpose.(On the other side of the kitchen, Piper’s muzzle twitched in amusement at Emma’s change of heart.)Emma lowered her feet off the counter, slowly placing them on the dog’s waiting tongue. He eagerly licked all over her feet, trying to collect every last scrap of flavor, and Emma giggled at the ticklish sensation. “A-are you gonna gulp me down and shit me out? Yes, yes you are!” Emma crooned, and Max’s tail made a happy thump-thump-thump against the kitchen floor. Well, Emma thought to herself: if she was gonna be dog chow, she might as well be the best chow Max ever had! “Open up, Max, time for your dinner…” she encouraged, and the dog did his best to obey -- he opened his maw wider, and Emma gave a surprised little yelp as she simply… slipped deeper, gravity pulling her down the slick tunnel towards the german shepherd’s belly. Of course, with her legs inside, she felt Max’s hot breath panting against her thighs, and tickling between her legs... Emma blushed. “Hey, um, Max? Good dog, I promise I’ll be the best meal you’ve ever had, if you just lick me right th--” She trailed off, into a helpless, breathy “A-ah~!”Max gave a doggy grin around his dinner’s hips: he was a clever dog, he’d figured out how to coax some extra musky flavor from between his meals’ legs years ago... but this one seemed especially eager. The girl squirmed and moaned in his jaws, grinding that delicious cunt against his tongue. Piper glanced over. “Sorry, he likes to play with his food. I hope you don’t mind...”“Well, I did always hope that whoever ate me would savour me a little…” Emma mused, giving the dog an appreciative pat on the muzzle. “I think Max is being very considerate…” She felt her own legs through the stretched fur of Max’s neck, the strange sensation made her blush... Max did his best to keep up, as Emma worked herself to orgasm in his mouth, slurping down every delicious drop… But the dog’s belly rumbled insistently -- as much as he was enjoying playing with his new toy, he knew her (admittedly delicious) taste couldn’t compare to the feeling of a stuffed belly... Max gave a decisive gulp, and Emma’s cunt slipped into his throat properly, out of the reach of his tongue. “You’re stopping NOW?!?!” Emma exclaimed incredulously, waving her arms in the air. Still, even if the tastiest section of his meal was over, this new position offered certain benefits -- Max licked and slobbered over Emma’s breasts, gently gnawing on the soft orbs. Mmm, he loved when his dinner came with a built-in pair of chew-toys… Emma’s eyes fluttered closed with this new sensation, it felt like the good old days when Rufus used to milk her on the ranch -- and sure enough, the dog’s rough tongue coaxed a few squirts of rich milk from Emma’s tits, a pleasant extra treat for her canine predator even beyond her already-delicious flavor…Setting down her phone, Piper walked over and knelt down next to Max. She laid a paw on the dog’s stretched-taut stomach, giving him a gentle belly rub. Emma felt the pressure against her thighs, as she steadily slipped deeper. She could barely see Piper’s muzzle anymore, her entire field of view eclipsed by Max’s jaws, before the german shepherd gave one last swallow. “Good boy...” Piper cooed, as she watched the shapely bulge work down the dog’s throat and into his belly. She watched Max’s belly stretch a little, as Emma splashed down... then contract again, as she was compressed into a tight ball, with the excess air escaping from the dog’s muzzle as a wet UUURRPP... Max panted happily, with his tongue hanging out. He’d had a delicious dinner, but now he wanted to just collapse into a food coma and digest his meal… With difficulty, the dog trotted over to his doggy bed in the corner of the kitchen, with his belly swaying beneath him. He lazily flopped onto his side (earning a new set of squirms from Emma as the ‘floor’ and ‘ceiling’ changed places), letting his overstuffed tummy get to work processing his feast. On the inside, Emma did her best to rub the dog’s belly from her awkward, curled-up angle. She asked, “Did you enjoy me, Max? Did I taste good? I bet I tasted waaaaay better than a normal Class C snack…~” and smiled, as she heard Max’s tail thumping on the floor. The dog panted happily: he’d never had a meal quite so keen on being the best meal she could be... ---After his pleasant meal, Mr. Redmond retired to the sitting room with his large squirming belly. The coyote propped up his gut with a few pillows, as he browsed through the day’s investment reports and sipped his customary after-dinner tea. He hoped Sophia liked Earl Grey, because she was about to be doused with a mouthful. As the coyote took a sip, he felt the squirms inside his stomach intensify. He frowned -- it didn’t seem that Sophia was trying to escape the splash of tea. Rather, the squirms felt rhythmic, as if... The coyote laughed, gently rubbing a paw across his stretched-taut belly. “Go ahead — we don’t need to stand on ceremony when it’s just the two of us, my dear…”Inside Mr. Redmond’s stomach, Sophia gave a little sigh of relief. It had been so hard, avoiding any loud moans or yelps of lust, as she lavished attention on her cunt -- the coyote’s digestive enzymes were already causing pleasant tingles between her legs. She eagerly pressed her fingers deeper, chasing what she could already feel was going to be the most intense orgasm of her life... Sophia’s squirms and frantic masturbation brought up a surprisingly crass belch from Mr. Redmond’s mouth — he might be a cultured fellow, a coyote of wealth and taste, but his body is still that of a natural predator that just wanted to appreciate a meal properly, etiquette and manners be damned. From the hallway he heard his butler. “Good evening, Master Alistair, shall I run you a bath?”“No thank you, William!” came a cheerful reply. Mr. Redmond perked up his ears at the young, slightly-squeaky voice. He put down his tea just as his teenage son came waddling in, cradling a bulging belly which nearly dragged along the carpet. The little coyote’s paws were caked with mud and he left a trail of dirt behind him, but Alistair looked immensely pleased with himself. “Look, father, I caught a human all on my own!” the younger coyote said proudly. “I told her how I plan to be a professional food inspector when I grow up, and she volunteered to be my first inspection…” He licked his lips. “And I think she definitely made Grade A~” Alistair puffed up his chest proudly, and stroked his paws over his belly. The woman inside shifted around -- causing a handprint to visibly press out from the top of Alistair’s gut. “All on your own?” Mr. Redmond praised. “Attaboy, that’s a big meal to handle yourself...”Alistair blushed at the compliment. “Well, uh, I did have a little help from my friend Mira…”“Mira, you say? I don’t believe I’m familiar with this acquaintance of yours.”The young coyote blushed harder. “Oh! Err… S-she’s, um, just a good friend from... school!”“A friend from school?” Mr. Redmond looked a little surprised -- but pleased. His son hadn’t found many friends at St. Siena’s Academy, and especially not female ones who could make the little coyote blush like that. “Perhaps we should invite this, ah, Mira and her family to dinner?”Alistair blushed even brighter than before, and nodded. “I’d love that, dad! I-I mean, father…”“Hmm... Well, I hope that your dinner was one of our herd...” the elder coyote remarked, turning back toward his paperwork. “Err… O-of course she was!” the cub replied nervously, suddenly sounding bashful. Mr. Redmond lowered his paperwork. “Come here,” he said gently -- but firmly. Alistair sighed, then approached his father like he was walking a gangplank. “Open up.”Alitair opened his mouth, and his father leaned forward to hover his snout between his son’s jaws. “Redhead… Late 20s… Ready for breeding...” Mr. Redmond said between sniffs, then leaned back into his chair. “I don’t recall us having any redheads remaining in our herd, after last month’s banquet?”Alistair looked to the floor, visibly guilty. “No, father...”“Did you sneak onto the Happy Snacks Ranch again?”“Yes, father...” the younger coyote admitted, still looking at the floor. A smile tugged at the elder coyote’s lips. He too had snuck onto the neighbouring farm as a young cub -- it was the first moment he remembered feeling like a real predator, picking his own human rather than devouring whatever girl his servants prepared. The elder coyote ruffled his son’s hair affectionately. “You’re growing up so fast, Alistair... Did you enjoy her?”Alistair perked back up -- he’d expected a reprimanded, not praise, but he wasn’t going to complain! “Oh yes, absolutely! She had these huge breasts, she said she might not fit, but I kept licking until they finally slid in...” The little coyote sighed. “I-I wasn’t planning to eat her, father, honest! I just meant to give her a little taste like a real food inspector... But she just tasted so GOOD, then Mira helped lift the girl’s legs, and one thing led to another, and she was slipping down my throat, and…” The coyote paused to gasp down a breath. Mr. Redmond held up an amused paw, to pause his son’s monologue. “Well you’re a growing pup! It’s only natural that you’d snap up a tasty snack, if she were already in your mouth…” He laid his paw on his son’s belly, feeling the outline of the girl within, and forming an estimate of her dimensions. He nodded, it seemed like Alistair had indeed caught a considerable stomachful! The coyote patted his son on his head. “Go wash up before you settle down to digest her...”“Yes, father!” said Alistair happily, as he spun around and waddled slowly out the room. Standing by the doorway was the fox butler with a dustpan and shovel in hand, ready to clean up the mud that Alistair had tracked all over the expensive Persian carpet. Mr. Redmond beckoned his butler over. “Please send a cheque to the Happy Snacks Ranch for one human...” he instructed. The fox nodded. Mr. Redmond sighed -- he was proud of his son’s independence, he just hoped it wouldn’t cost him too dearly in future. The ranch always demanded such a high mark-up for an “unexpected purchase” of their livestock like this…As Sophia settled down, more exhausted from continuous orgasms than from the hot, humid, acidic environment, Mr. Redmond tapped his fingers across his bloated belly, deep in thought. She’d been one of the best meals he’d ever had, a truly scrumptious hunk of meat. Mr. Redmond picked up his phone, ready to pre-alert the ranch that he’d want to lay claim to the next A-class meal like her, but…The coyote turned to his butler. “Cancel my meetings tomorrow morning, this one deserves some time to properly enjoy her…” Mr. Redmond patted his belly, feeling Sophia squirm happily at the compliment. “And after you send that cheque, set up an afternoon meeting with the rancher, please. I have a business proposition I would like to discuss with them...”---Meanwhile, Emma remained curled up inside Max’s belly, waiting for digestion to begin. She squirmed a little, as she felt Piper lean in and press a paw against the german shepherd’s belly. “Good boy…” Piper crooned, and Max’s tail flopped happily against the floor. The vixen did her best to massage and tenderize her pet’s meal: it wouldn’t do for Emma to give Max an upset stomach!Still, though, Piper’s own belly started to rumble after a moment -- watching Emma get eaten had gotten the vixen in a quite peckish mood, and the other woman in the oven was starting to smell very enticing. The vixen gave Max one last pat on the belly, then turned to focus on her own meal... From inside Max’s belly, Emma could hear her friend getting eaten -- her yelps of pleasure as Piper savored her cunt (expertly using her tongue around the eggplant), the vixen’s wet slurps and murrs of pleasure, muffled by Max’s stomach walls… Emma sighed. She knew she was just dog-food now, and that Max’s belly probably looked the same on the inside as Piper’s, and she was excited to be turned into dog-shit! But she still couldn’t help but wish that she’d been the lucky human to get eaten by such a gorgeous, considerate vixen… Emma closed her eyes, pawing at her own cunt in time with the eager moans from the other woman outside, immersing herself in a fantasy of being the human on Piper’s dinner plate... Piper perked up her ears, as she heard a yelp of orgasm from Max’s belly at the same moment as her own dinner climaxed all across her tongue. The vixen grinned -- it sounded like Emma was certainly enjoying herself in there! -- before slurping down her orgasm-limp dinner like a noodle. Emma felt the full-bellied vixen lean down to rub Max’s belly under the table, and leaned into the touch happily. Piper hummed happily, licking her lips to clean off any excess oil. Her dinner had been tasty enough, and very satisfying. Not as delicious as a restaurant quality meal, of course, you can only expect so much from a C-Grade meal, but still very hearty and filling. Piper patted her belly with appreciation, then (with a little difficulty) hoisted herself to her feet and went in search of her kits. The vixen trotted into the hallway, where she could see her son through his open bedroom door…Sebastian was leaning back in his beanbag chair, trying to look over his squirming belly to see the video game on his TV screen. Sebastian’s stomach gave a particularly loud -- and wet -- slosh, and the little kit pawed around on the floor until he could find the remote and turn up his game’s volume. The kit’s belly jiggled, as the woman inside readjusted her position. Sebastian impatiently poked his belly and whined, “Stop movingggggg... Can’t you digest faster?”Piper frowned. “Sebastian, don’t be rude to your dinner. She’s a person like you, even if she’s edible…” the vixen gently rebuked. “We should always be polite to our meals!”Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Please stop moving, I can barely see my health bar…” he said to his belly. His stomach gave a wet gloooorp in response, but the human inside did settle down. Piper nodded in approval: ah, much more polite! “C’mon kits, let’s spend some time together!” the vixen encouraged cheerfully, knocking on Mira’s door as well. “Digestion is family time…”“But mooooom, I’m almost at the end of this boss fight, and I’ve never been able to beat it before…” Sebastian whined, not bothering to look away from his Nintendo. Piper sighed. “Remember, once she digests a bit and you have some more room, you still have to eat your veggies…”“But I already haaaaad my dinner…” Sebastian pouted, sloshing his belly to demonstrate. Piper planted her paws on her hips, on either side of her round belly. “Sebastian Rava, if you’d waited a few minutes to eat her, those veggies would have been stuffed inside her and you never would have noticed the difference!”In response, Sebastian stuck out his tongue at her. Piper grumbled, “Kits…”Still, Piper thought, maybe she’d have better luck with Mira. She gently pushed a paw against the butterfly-patterned door, and asked, “Mira, honey, can I come in?”“Sure, mom!” came a cheerful voice from inside. “Don’t worry, I’m done with my homework: I wrote my daily digestion log and everything!”Piper laughed. “That’s my girl! Hey, since you’re done with your work, wanna come and watch a movie? There’s a Star Vores marathon on TV, your favorite…” the vixen enticed, as she walked into her daughter’s room. Mira’s ears perked up at the mention of her favorite movie series, and she turned around in her chair to look at her mom. One of Mira’s paws gently stroked over her slightly-squirming belly, one last tender moment with her former teacher... Piper took a second to look around Mira’s room: the human plushies and band-themed drawings were the same as always, but it seemed Mira had put up some shiny new People for the Ethical Treatment of Lunch posters. “Humans are Friends AND Food!” trumpeted one, while another had an idyllic green pasture with “Free-Range Humans: Joy in Every Gulp!” printed on top. One proclaimed “A Happy Human is a Tasty Human!” And one simply said, “Abolish the Ranch System!”To be honest, Piper didn’t really understand her daughter’s interest in PETL. And while she certainly didn’t mind humans being happier before ending up on her plate, those fancy “free-range humans” were far too expensive for their little family’s limited budget. But Piper was happy if Mira was happy, so she did her best to support her political firebrand of a daughter. “Your brother is busy, but we could have a girls’ night in, just digest and chat and do our claws…” the vixen suggested. Mira’s eyes lit up. “I’d love that, mom! Have we missed much yet?”Piper shook her head. “They’re barely begun A New Gulp!” Mother and daughter headed out to the main room, getting comfy cuddled up together on the couch -- a bigger challenge than one might think, with the huge, matching bulges in their bellies. The two humans inside those vulpine stomachs squirmed as they felt the pressure of another belly next to them, making their foxy predators grin. Mira picked up the remote to turn the TV on, but paused. She poked at Max’s belly with one foot, and giggled as the german shepherd rolled over and let out a lazy belch. Inside, Emma suddenly found that her ‘floor’ and ‘ceiling’ reversed places, with her face immersed in a puddle of ex-human chyme from Max’s last meal. She squirmed, and finally managed to get ‘right-side up’... just in time for Max to roll back over on top of his belly, forcing his human dinner to start squirming again. Max panted, giving a smug doggy grin. He liked Emma’s squirms, he didn’t want her to stop yet. Mira giggled at the dog’s antics. The younger vixen idly stroked one paw over her swollen stomach -- her own dinner had nearly stopped squirming by now -- then sighed. “You know, I kind of wish I’d waited to eat Mr. Miller until tomorrow. Tonight’s human looked extra tasty…”Piper laughed. “Well, Max certainly thinks so!” the vixen said, leaning down to pet the german shepherd’s swollen belly. Max gave a happy whine, his tail wagging, then let out a pleased little URP! The gas smelled like dog-breath, mostly, but with their sensitive vulpine noses both Piper and Mira recognized Emma’s scent as well. “Don’t worry, honey…” Piper said. “She was just a Class-C human. Very sweet, a nice dinner all around, but there’s plenty of others like her…”Mira leans over to give her mom a hug (a little awkwardly, with their bellies in the way). “Awww, mom, you always know what to say when I’m feeling down…”(Inside Max’s stomach, Emma pouted for a second, but did her best to relax. She was just dog-food now, nothing from the outside world mattered now that she was serving her purpose…)Piper turned on the TV, and the two vixens took some time to enjoy the middle act of A New Gulp -- by the time they started watching, Luke Bellyfiller had just barely met up with Obi-Wan Kennobelly and learned about the Vorce. And yet… These really were Mira’s favorite movies, Piper knew, but Mira couldn’t stay focused on the screen for long. She kept giggling, and texting someone on her phone... “Who’s thaaaaat?” Piper asked slyly, her tail wagging a little. The older vixen subtly leaned over to try and peer at her daughter’s phone. “Oh! Uh, nobody…” Mira yelped, blushing and trying to hide her phone from her mother’s prying eyes. “J-just a kid I met in, uh... Mr. Miller’s class! A coyote named Alistair…”“Huh. I don’t remember any coyotes in your biology class, I thought they all went to that preppy school up the road…” Piper asked leadingly, with one ear cocked to the side. Mira blushed brighter. “Well, um, technically speaking… I met him after class at the Happy Snacks Ranch…” she finished guiltily, under her mother’s prying gaze. The teenage fox looked so cute and remorseful that Piper couldn’t be properly angry. Still, Piper sighed, pinching the brow of her muzzle, as her tail flicked behind her. “Mira, honey, did you skip class again to ‘liberate’ more of the humans from that ranch?”(The older vixen gave a set of well-practiced air quotes. This wasn’t the first time she’d had this talk.)Mira shook her head. “I wasn’t going to let any of the girls free this time, mum, honest!” She sighed. “I was just talking with Mr. Miller before class, and he was telling me about how in Britain humans can walk around and have houses and jobs, and even graduate from school with PhDs sometimes! He came over to the USA as a pet, did you know?”Piper raised an eyebrow. “Huh, Mr. Miller was a pet? I didn’t know we had any tame humans in the area, I’m surprised he lasted this long as a teacher if he had a pedigree…”Mira giggled. “He used to make jokes about how he had a pedigree AND a pet-degree…” She pressed a paw into her belly, but got no response -- the young vixen’s stomach was hungry for nutrients, it was softening up her former teacher as fast as it could. By now, Mr. Miller was mostly liquid, though Mira could feel a few lumps and bones if she pressed in the right places. “I was just confused, it sounded so strange! I mean, a human as a pet??” Mira leaned down to rub her pet dog’s swollen belly. Emma gave a small squirm in response, all curled up inside. “How would that even work? What do humans eat? Do they sleep in, like, people beds?”“Always seemed a little strange to me too...” Piper admitted. “Back when I was a kit, I visited Britain for a week. And there were humans just... walking around everywhere?” The older vixen laughed, remembering. “Just walking down the street feels like touring a ranch! You start drooling like you’re at a buffet, but you aren’t sure who you can eat…”“So, anyway, yes, I decided to sneak into the ranch…” Mira confessed. “But I just wanted to talk to one of the humans, and maybe ask if she wanted to come home to be MY pet...”Piper winced. “Before you ask, we can’t afford a pet human, honey. Though I’m sure one of your dinners might let you play dress-up with them for a bit, if you ask nicely?”Mira stuck out her tongue. “Mooooom, I’m not nine. I’m a teenager now, I don’t play with dolls anymore...” The younger vixen gave her mom her best puppy-dog eyes. “But it would be like a field trip for her! I’d return her to the ranch undigested in a couple days, I swear. And I’m sure the rancher wouldn’t mind giving her some enrichment, right?”Piper sighed. “I know you love all those British anti-ranching ads, sweetie. And I’m so proud of how you stand up for what you believe in. But we just can’t pay the fines if you sneak out and get caught inside the ranch’s fence again. You know that, honey…”Mira stuck out her tongue. “Well, I haven’t been caught YET, so ha! And I didn’t ‘sneak out’ this time…” (She mimicked her mom’s air quotes.) “The principal gave me the rest of the day off to digest Mr. Miller properly! She said it was part of his official employment contract. So really, I wasn’t even breaking any school rules…”Piper was the one who rolled her eyes this time. “And I’m sure you stayed outside the ranch fence the whole time, like the rule-abiding vixen you are…” To be honest, Mira’s exploits didn’t bother Piper personally -- she just wanted her daughter to stay safe, and not get into trouble. At this rate Mira might be convicted as a cattle rustler before leaving high school. Mira paused guiltily. “Well, I WAS going to swim in the river and go in through my normal route. You know, the one through the field with all the Emmas? But the rancher had put up a fence there, that’s just rude! So I was about to climb over it, when I met this coyote, a teenage pelli like me!” Mira sighed happily, and Piper could almost see the hearts in her pupils. “Oh?” Piper asked, a smile twitching across her muzzle. “And he WAS there to eat a human, ‘cuz he said his dad always bought his fanciest dinners from this place, and he wanted to be a food inspector when he grew up so he wanted to get practice inspecting the food there... " Mira looked fierce for a second. "And I made him PROMISE that he’d ask the human for permission first, and he said yes, so I helped him jump over the fence, and…”Ah, young love, the older vixen thought to herself fondly, as Mira continued to ramble. “Anyway! Alistair said she tasted better than any of the women in his dad’s private herd, and he invited me to come back to his mansion to sample a few, but I said I needed to head back home for dinner, so…”Alarm bells started ringing in Piper’s head. “Wait, Mira, hold up. You befriended a coyote-boy named Alistair, who invited you to dinner with his rich father…” She narrowed her eyes. “This wouldn't be Mr. Redmond’s son, would it?”At exactly that moment, there was a ding from her phone as Piper got the invitation Richard sent, for them to come visit their mansion. Piper’s tail fluffed out in panic: oh goddess, when was the last time she’d had time for a proper bath, much less the kind of grooming their host would surely expect...---Time passed slowly. Sophia and Emma passed the hours listening to the thump-thump-thump of their predators’ heartbeats, and the wet slorshes of the stomachs around them, as the two humans waited for the inevitable process of digestion to claim them. They both felt the fluids rising, tingling all around their bodies, soaking into their skin and working to soften them up nicely…After a few hours, Mr. Redmond set down his newspaper and went to tuck his son into bed (only struggling a little with his still-full belly). Usually his butler would tuck Alistair in, but today the coyote thought that his son deserved some extra fatherly attention. After all, it had been a momentous day for little Alistair: his son’s first solo meal, and a stolen one at that! Mr. Redmond’s heart felt warm just thinking about it -- his only pup was growing up, and the older coyote didn’t want to miss a moment. He gently pulled the blankets up over Alistair’s shoulders, past the pup’s oversized belly, and Alistair sleepily snuggled into the plush bed. Mr. Redmond smiled, gently patting his son’s overstuffed belly through the blankets, then slipped away and gently closed the door behind him. Meanwhile, Mira and Piper eventually finished their Star Vores marathon, with Mira yawning and nestling herself against her mother. The younger vixen was snoozing by the time the credits rolled, leaning against her mother’s arm with their bellies pressed up all snug against each other… Piper lovingly stroked a paw through her daughter’s hair, before tucking her daughter into bed like she did every night. She was so proud of Mira, of how the kit gulped down her teacher like an adult pred…Emma and Sophia were having much less relaxing evenings, though. They were quite busy being digested, naturally. Sophia continued to masturbate as she heard Mr. Redmond’s breaths even out, trying to stay quiet as the coyote’s heart-beat slowed and he fell asleep... On the other hand, Max curled up all cozy in his dog bed as Emma was squeezed into a tighter ball, feeling the german shepherd’s digestive enzymes soaking into her skin… Both women were lucky enough to finish one last orgasm before the end -- Sophia gently slipped away into a very final sleep, and Emma felt one last huge CRUNCH from Max’s strong stomach muscles before everything went dark. Now that the two girls had stopped squirming, the two predators’ bellies really got down to work on their dinners -- liquifying flesh into a nutritious soup, and cracking bone to access the rich marrow within. As the night wore on, both girls were softened up and pumped deeper, the spherical bellies slowly shrinking as the girls’ mushy forms were packed into their predators’ intestines. Despite the pomp and circumstances, the internal digestive journey wasn’t very different between a rich coyote and a mere feral dog: the same greedy villi sucking up nutrients, the same sloosh-clench-shlorp as the girls’ remains were pumped through the intestines via peristalsis, the same final destination as the last remnants of the two humans slowly collected in their predators’ colons and bladders…Mr. Redmond awoke to a slight pressure beneath his tail, and blinked in the bright morning sunlight. He checked his Rolex, and winced: he hadn’t meant to oversleep, but it seemed that his body had made that choice for him. The coyote clenched his abdominal muscles -- he’d have to hold in last night’s dinner for a few minutes longer, it was nearly time for his meeting with the ranchers. The coyote looked down at his belly and found that not quite all of Sophia had migrated down into his bowels: he still had a bit of noticeable paunch from a half-full belly. Mr. Redmond took a quick detour to shower -- with the best soap money could buy, naturally, to keep his fur properly soft and well groomed -- and brush his fangs, then plopped his (somewhat fattened) rump down in his private office’s cushy chair just a moment before his butler announced the ranchers…Around the same time of day, Max woke up with a similar pressure in his rear. Unlike Mr. Redmond, the german shepherd didn’t have any meetings or reasons to delay the natural conclusion to his meal -- except that his owners seemed to get quite cross the last time he did his ‘business’ on their carpet. The dog pawed at Piper’s door, whining to be let outside and release Emma back into nature...---The wolf rancher entered Mr. Redmond’s office, along with his three sons, looking a bit hesitant. Had there been a problem with the coyote’s most recent purchase? Mr. Redmond was one of the ranch’s most loyal customers: he bought expensive dinners and always tipped well, so to smooth things over the wolves had brought several ‘free samples’ of their merchandise, following the rancher demurely…Mr. Redmond licked his lips at the buffet laid out in front of him -- five farm-fresh humans, all leashed together. If he were a decade or two younger, he’d have gulped down a quick-digest pill, and slurped them down one-by-one in a single huge feast… but the coyote restrained himself. Meals like this were meant to be savored, he’d learned to appreciate a human properly at his age. He sniffed the air, and nodded in approval: these fresh humans smelled nearly as delicious as his dinner last night, although they weren’t pregnant. For that matter, they all smelled very familiar... Mr. Redmond took a closer look at the humans’ tags, and chuckled: Sophia #4533, Sophia #7462, Sophia #2114, and so forth. Well, the coyote wouldn’t complain about an unexpected epilogue to a delicious dinner!The rancher tipped his cap. “Did you enjoy your most recent purchase?” Mr. Redmond nodded, and some tension in the wolf’s shoulders relaxed. The rancher gestured to the various Sophias, who were busy looking around the office in innocent fascination, giggling amongst themselves. “We took the liberty of gathering a selection of similar flavor cultivars, for your perusal… And we appreciate your honesty about your son, sir, you can consider that meal on the house~”Mr. Redmond gave an amused chuckle. “Cubs will be cubs, and Alistair certainly has a taste for quality livestock… But that’s not why I asked you to come talk with me today.”The rancher looked curious. “Yes, you mentioned a business proposition, sir?”Mr. Redmond gently pressed one paw into his belly, where the last half-digested remnants of Sophia were still stewing inside his gut. “Well, to start, let me say that you really outdid yourself. My dinner last night was quite possibly the best-tasting human to ever grace my plate or my palate. My highest compliments to your breeders.”The rancher put a paw behind his head a little self-consciously. “Well, ah, thank you sir! We aim to please our customers…” The wolf reached over to pat the rump of one of the ‘free samples’, making the human squeak in surprise. “Raising livestock like these Sophias here takes a lot of careful work, but it’s a labor of love. And I’m sure you’ll agree it’s worth it in the end...”Mr. Redmond nodded. “Indeed! Which brings me to my main point: I was so impressed by my meal last night that I’d like to purchase your whole ranch. I believe your hard work deserves a proper reward.” The coyote slid a face-down sheet of paper toward the rancher. “From one canine to another -- would you consider this number sufficient?”The wolf took the slip of paper curiously, then froze. Rufus looked over his father’s shoulder, and his eyes widened. “T-that’s a whole lot of zeroes, sir… Are you sure you didn’t make a typo?”The rancher sounded like he was about to choke. “W-we appreciate the offer, sir! But it’s a family business. A-and I’m not sure what we’d do with this much money, to be honest.”“Then think of this as an investment!” Mr. Redmond said smoothly. “And you misunderstand me, my good wolves. I’m not interested in buying the ranch and replacing you all -- I wouldn’t know the first thing about breeding or raising livestock! Why would I punish such spectacular skill by removing you from your own company?”The rancher cocked his head curiously, as Mr. Redmond continued. “No, I simply would like to… diversify my portfolio of investments, and expand my personal pantry. I will pay for your whole ranch to be relocated to my estate, and triple your current salaries for performing the same work. In exchange, of course, for you expanding your Sophia line… And giving me exclusive rights to choose my diet from among your stock at will, naturally.”“So you’d be getting free meals for life, in this deal?” the rancher asked, still a little faintly. The coyote laughed -- a rich and deep sound -- and gestured to the very long number on the paper the wolf still clutched in one paw. “Well, I wouldn’t say free, per se… But it’s worth the cost.”“And what about the rest of our breeding population?” Rufus interjected curiously. “You continue selling them as normal, of course!” the coyote answered. “I’d only claim ten percent of the profit, and I think your cultivars ALL have potential. I was examining your sale data from the last five years, and even lower-graded varieties like your Emma line have been selling well at supermarkets, or to milk-producing facilities… With a little marketing, and a social media campaign or two, I am confident we could make you the national gold standard for human livestock. Just think of the possibilities!”The wolves confer amongst themselves quietly for a moment, debating in hushed tones, before the rancher turned back to the coyote and gave a single nod. “Wonderful!” Mr. Redmond exclaimed, reaching out a paw. The rancher shook the offered paw, and the coyote stood up briskly. His stomach sloshed at the sudden movement. “Why don’t we retire to the dining room and get the paperwork signed over lunch?” The coyote gestured toward the five excited-looking humans, and licked his lips. “I’m still working on last night’s dinner, but I’m sure I can find room somehow… And you wouldn’t believe what my personal chef can do with such wonderful raw materials! I’m thinking a traditional ‘chica asada’ spice mix, perhaps?” the coyote said, much more animated and warm now, as he herded his new business partners towards the paperwork his butler had already laid out on the elegant dining room table. “An old family recipe, just like my abuelita used to make…”Meanwhile, the five women were led by the fox chef toward the kitchen, like the Sophia before them, to get prepared for their own vitally important role in the canids’ business negotiations…---Piper’s ears twitched at a scratching against her door. The bedraggled-looking vixen groaned, as Max whined outside her room. She pawed around until she found a shirt in the pile of laundry she hadn’t put away yet, and plastered it over her eyes to block out the pre-dawn light. “I’m coming, Max, j-just give me a minute…” Piper groaned. God, it must be five in the morning. Still, she didn’t want to clean up another ‘accident’ off the floor. The vixen (eventually) managed to pry herself out of bed and stumble to the back door, to let Max out into their small yard to do his doggy business. Max happily trotted toward a nice-looking tree. He sniffed the trunk, then growled -- it seemed like some local stray dog had marked a tree that should be HIS! The german shepherd squatted and raised his tail, relaxing his muscles and squeezing out a bone-speckled pile of ex-Emma dogshit. The C-Class human had been a smoother meal than what Max was used to, she hadn’t caused any real indigestion on her digestive journey. But he still struggled a bit at the end -- a few undigested bits of bone made the dog yelp in discomfort, as they squeezed with difficulty out from his tailhole. And buried in the top of the pile, Emma’s shit-stained C-Grade tag gleamed in the pre-dawn light. Piper yawned, not paying much attention, as her dog squeezed Emma out onto the grass. After a few minutes, Max finished emptying his bowels. But not quite satisfied yet, the german shepherd raised his leg and took a piss against the tree, marking his territory with the rest of Emma’s remains before trotting back to his owner proudly. The vixen grabbed a nearby shovel, scooping Emma into a green compost bin stamped with the Humanure logo. The Rava household didn’t have enough space for a garden, so Piper had signed up for a “Customer Loyalty Waste Recycling Program” instead -- any waste produced by their household would be picked up by the Happy Snacks Ranch each week, the ‘brown gold’ turned into fertilizer and exchanged for customer loyalty points based on its weight. Piper was close to a coupon. She hoped this deposit would earn her a discount on her next purchase. Max was done with his business, now, and pawed at the door. Emma had already been forgotten by both predators, and it was cold outside. No reason to linger. Piper opened the door to let her pet trot in ahead of her, and winced as the motion shifted around the waste within her colon. It seemed Piper would need to make a bathroom stop of her own, before their visit with the Redmond family…---By the afternoon, Mr. Redmond’s belly was full again, with a different Sophia... albeit not quite as delicious as the first. But the pressure in Mr. Redmond’s full gut forced yesterday’s Sophia down through his bowels, and before long she was knocking on the coyote’s back door, ready to be let back out. The coyote chuckled as a small fart escaped from beneath his tail, politely excusing himself from his new business partners to hurry toward the restroom. As he walked, he couldn’t help but be a bit amused at the irony -- Sophia #7642 was halfway to being mush in his gut, while the other, much tastier Sophia from yesterday’s dinner pressed against the inside of his tail hole. Mr. Redmond closed the door to his private bathroom -- all marble and rich dark wood, with genuine rose-gold fixtures. The coyote didn’t pay any attention to the room’s amenities, though: he seated his rear down on his porcelain throne with a sigh of relief. He might be a fancy and dapper gentle-yote, but his body was like any other predator’s, and now Sophia and her neverborn baby were pressing up beneath his tail like any other meal. His current lunch was still squirming around in his belly, halfway softened up herself, but Mr. Redmond didn’t pay her any attention. She’d digest like any other meal, she was tasty but couldn’t compare to the pleasure of feeling his best meal in years arrive at his tail. Mr. Redmond owned a luxury heated toilet seat, naturally. He was a coyote of wealth and taste, only the finest in modern toilet technologies would suffice. In fact, he’d been one of the first investors in this particular company, and it had proved marvelously lucrative -- so the coyote had the chance to squeeze out his most premium of dinners in a pleasantly warm form of luxury. In his belly, Sophia #7642 squirmed as she felt the muscles around her (and especially below her) clench down, but Mr. Redmond barely noticed her movement — he was too busy reading the next day’s investment section in the paper as yesterday’s Sophia made her big exit…Mr. Redmond sighed at the pleasant, quite familiar feeling: a human sliding out from his rear, before the first log fell down into the porcelain bowl with a quiet plop. Sophia emerged from the coyote’s bowels all silky-smooth and easy, with just the right amount of roughage: all the fiber from his meal’s hair and leftover bones, now ensuring that she’d leave the premises without a fuss. He barely needed to even clench his muscles -- instead, Mr. Redmond simply relaxed his tailhole and let Sophia emerge as a smooth brown coil of coyote-crap. It took a solid ten minutes before the last of Sophia splashed down into the bowl, but the heated seat kept the coyote from getting sore during a long dump. The sensation of a whole human emerging from beneath the coyote’s tail had certain… other effects as well, of course. Mr. Redmond had to wrestle his rather-hard cock downward to release a stream of yellow urine onto the brown pile beneath his rump, washing Sophia’s Grade-A tag somewhat clean. But at long last, the coyote sighed with relief and finished: he stood up to wash his paws and flush the toilet, watching the last of Sophia swirl her way down into the sewers. Sophia #7472’s happy squirming brought Mr. Redmond back to the present moment, and the coyote laughed. “No need to be jealous, you’ll be taking the same journey tomorrow...”Quite satisfied with his purchase from beginning to end, Mr. Redmond closed the bathroom door and returned to his lunch. The toilet bowl slowly refilled, and the bathroom went silent... as Sophia began her long journey to the waste processing center, then her final destination at the fertilizer factory.---Mr. Redmond and Max went about their days, not sparing a thought for their former prey. But Emma and Sophia hadn’t quite reached the end of their journeys. After stewing in the Rava family’s septic tank for a few days, Emma’s remains were eventually collected by a big green truck with the same “Happy Snacks Ranch” logo that had adorned the truck which carried her to the supermarket. She was pumped into a big tank of waste by a pair of bored-looking hyenas, mixed with hundreds of other nameless humans in the huge steel container. Her bones and Grade-C tag sunk through the brown muck, collecting on the bottom of the tank with the remnants of all the other humans. After a long drive back to the ranch, the contents of the truck were dumped into a huge vat with the day’s other waste deliveries. The ‘brown gold’ was put through a series of collators and grinders, to collect any foreign materials and crush any solid biological waste down into bone meal… Most of the metal grading tags were filtered out and thoroughly washed for reuse, but somehow Emma’s brown-stained Grade-C tag made it into her final sealed bag of fertilizer. Meanwhile, after the flush Sophia was sent rushing through the sewer system, along with thousands of other humans, before reaching the city’s central waste processing factory. Just like Emma, Sophia’s remains were filtered and processed, before being packed into a plastic fertilizer bag, along with many other humans. Perhaps those other humans hadn’t been mouthwatering Grade-A meals, but they all ended up in the same fertilizer bag regardless. And, much like Emma, her Grade-A tag was buried deep within the brown muck in the plastic bag… By coincidence, Sophia’s bag had been set aside as a pre-order from the Happy Snacks Ranch, since they always needed plenty of fertilizer to grow the crops to feed their human livestock…The fertilizer bag containing Emma and Sophia ended up sitting in a shed for a few days, but Rufus popped in bright and early one morning. The wolf entered the little shed, ducking his head to avoid the low ceiling: he’d lost the coin-flip with his younger brother, and now Leo was probably enjoying a pleasant blowjob from some of the livestock while he was relegated to fertilizing the cucumbers. Though none of the current livestock was quite as eager as Emma had been, Rufus had to admit. Nor as beautiful as Sophia, with her big round pregnant belly…The wolf shook his head, returning to the task at hand. Daydreaming wouldn’t get the cucumbers fertilized any faster. His father had spoken to Mr. Redmond, and convinced their new coyote owner that it would be best to grow one more season’s worth of vegetables on their current plot of land before shifting locations. And while Rufus had a small ‘fertilizer deposit’ of his own to make, the cucumber patch was large. The wolf bit his lip, looking at the fertilizer. Yeah, two bags should do it…Rufus hauled the fertilizer bags toward the field -- the wolf didn’t realize it, but he was hauling the remains of the same two humans he’d been daydreaming about. After plenty of huffing and puffing, Rufus finally reached the cucumber path. He set down the bags and wiped his brow with one paw, before using one claw to slit the two bags open. With a nearby shovel, he did his best to spread an even coat over the ground around the cucumbers: the fertilizer was a rich brown, with some white dots where calcium-rich bone fragments could be found. Rufus started to turn away -- thanks to the pressure beneath his tail, he was quite eager to squat down and make his own fertilizer donation -- but paused. His keen eyes picked up two glints of silver among the brown. He poked at them with his shovel, until the oddities were revealed: Sophia and Emma’s grading tags with their names, buried in the pile of fertilizer. Rufus grinned. “Oh, hello girls! Fancy seeing you two here again… I guess you just didn’t want to leave, did you?”Standard policy would be to collect the two tags in a plastic bag, to bring them back to the main grading facility for cleaning and reuse. But Rufus winked down at the two tags. “I’ll just leave you two here, to let you have some alone time, okay? It’ll be our little secret…”The wolf walked away, with a spring in his step, leaving the last remnants of Emma and Sophia behind. The two girls had reached their final destination, as rich fertilizer spread across a field of growing cucumbers. Perhaps those cucumbers would be fed to other human livestock just like them, or perhaps they’d be sold at the grocery and eventually stuffed into some lucky woman destined for the oven. But Sophia and Emma wouldn’t know the difference -- their nutrients had been claimed by those who had devoured them, and their bones and remains harvested for fertiliser, growing the crops that would feed another generation of humans, in the great circle of life. ", |
Story Start,“Step through the scanner please, ma’am.” Kate Meadows, a tall, 36-year-old, and rather pot-bellied cow, did so without a second thought, sighing and gazing out the airport window, at the beautiful sunset over the Great Sea. Her vacation at Island City had ended and it was time to return home and go back to work. "I’m going to miss this place,” she lowed to no one in particular. A young goat girl nearby, one place ahead in line at the customs check, turned, smiled, and said, "You’re not the only one!” Kate turned, smiled and nodded. In contrast to her own outfit of a simple white blouse and blue jeans, the goat wore a white and blue sun-dress, and Kate felt slightly jealous of her outfit and style. Ah well…Back to the rat race soon, she thought. She absently scrolled through boring work emails on her phone, and absently stroked her pleasantly full stomach – What a lovely dinner that was – waiting for the approval to proceed. It was a bit long in coming. "Ma’am?” She blinked and turned, noticing the lapine airport security employee for the first time. The security guards each wore khaki pants and black polo shirts. This one was a rabbit, about 3-4 feet tall, with mostly eggshell-colored fur. "You’ve been, uh, selected for a random check.” The rabbit had a nametag that read ‘CARMEN TORAGA’. "I see…will there be much delay?” The rabbit looked a little unsure. "No, shouldn’t be more than a few minutes. A couple interview questions, and, uh, checks. This way.” Blinking, for she had time to spare, Kate followed. She was led away from the airport terminal into a secluded and rather bare examination room, with just one long window view of the coastline by the airport. "…Okay, so, tell us about your last day here on the island.” Carmen was sitting at a computer, while her supervisor was behind her, looking lazily over her shoulder. "Well, I slept late after the wonderful party last night, at Club Iguana. Had lunch with my aunt, that’s Theresa Ludwig. She’d lost her pet dog earlier that morning, so I helped her look, put up posters, et cetera. Then, went to a lovely harbor cruise dinner—rather a large one, in fact—I’m still looking forward to sleeping it off on the plane!" "I see…” rabbit was typing. “Lost dog, interesting. " "Yes—all kinds of her jewelry was missing. " "Tell me about the lost dog. " "Uhh…a beagle, a female…named Rosie, pink collar with a heart tag. I don’t remember the dog registration number. " "Not a problem. And…. What specifically did you eat during this dinner?" "Does it really matter?” Kate gave her a look. “I’m not sure I entirely remember. It was quite a lot. " "Ma’am—The scanner showed something in your–in your intestines, so we’re required to ask—“ Kate blushed at the word ‘intestines’. She didn’t like to think too much about the slimy, dirty inside parts of her body. "All right, all right. There was a lot. More meat than I usually eat. Bacon-wrapped steaks, pork chops, a whole bunch of delicious lobster meat, lovely buttered shrimp, and of course plenty of healthy vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes, arugula salad, rice, oh and the coconut pudding was just fabulous.” She gazed at the fading sun, licking her lips and feeling her stomach rumbled pleasantly. “I’d really eat the whole thing again, right now, if I could. " "Okay, great, thanks…” The little white rabbit girl was shuffling papers and squinting at a computer screen. A large male brown bear, who appeared to be her supervisor, was mumbling something she couldn’t hear, and pointing at a screen. "Are…are you sure?” The rabbit looked up at the bear. The bear blinked. “Yeah! It’s obvious. Regulations say we check. " "Uh…All right, Miss Ludwig! We’re going to do a courtesy check on you. " "A…courtesy check?” As she watched, the diminutive rabbit had already hopped out of the desk and went behind a curtain to put on some kind of safety equipment over her simple security uniform. "Local regulations,” the old bear drawled, looking bored and playing with his cigarette lighter. “The scanner showed some suspicious shapes in your abdominal cavities, so, Carmen here is going to just check it out. " "Abdominal…could you repeat that?” Kate squinted and blinked, quite suspicious. She had never tried to smuggle anything in her life. The rabbit took a deep breath, then looked up to the cow and explained further. "Juuust going to take a look down your throat, nothing more. Shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes,” said the rabbit, now stepping out. She seemed to be wearing a full protective suit, a mostly vinyl thing rather like a hazardous-materials suit, with a plastic face shield and attached little oxygen tank. The bear handed her a big binder labeled “DIGESTIVE SYSTEM DIAGRAMS BY SPECIES” and she blinked and struggled to flip to the page labeled “COW”. "Is this really…. Necessary? I mean—I did have a rather large dinner, but I feel you know as well as I do that at the worst , all you’ll find in there is a very delicious gourmet meal!" "Heh heh!” The bear chuckled, and slapped the protectively-suited rabbit, who blinked rapidly and looked nervous, squinting at the diagrams, then flipping to another one. Is that little rabbit going to try to reach her tiny little arms down my throat..? No…they’ll have me swallow her, and she’ll poke around and muck about inside my stomach… Something about this idea intrigued Kate. She shifted in her seat. "Yeah, well, recently the commissioner came by and said we have to stick closer to regulations this month. Rules are rules. You ready, Carmen?” Carmen did not look very ready, but she blinked and jumped in the slightly ill-fitting suit, looking up and nodding. "Well, all right, I guess,” said Kate, now feeling rather curious as the rabbit pushed a little step-ladder up to the side of her chair while the bear was scrolling through his phone and twirling an unlit cigar. "How—how exactly is she going to get out again, when she’s done the check?" "Show ‘er, Carmen.” Kate turned and the rabbit held up her tool-belt, pointing to a little spray-bottle labeled ‘EMETIC’. "Okay…And this will only take fifteen minutes, right?” The rabbit blinked, but the bear nodded. "And this is…this is something that’s commonly done?” The rabbit, who was standing quite close to her now, pushed a button that made Kate blink and the chair begin to move. The rabbit moved forward, placing her gloved paws on Kate’s plump left breast. The cow glanced, but didn’t comment. "Yep. Your stomach will be the fifth I’ve been in today. " "F-Fifth! Wow….” She tried to imagine this as the chair leaned back, putting her into a reclining position. "Well—did you find what you were looking for in the others?" "I—“ "Yep,” said the bear from across the room. “You tell ‘em, Carmen.” [….] "Wow! That sure is…. Sure is a lot of, internal exploration, I guess!” Kate was amazed. She couldn’t imagine what all that was like. She felt the rabbit’s rubber-gloved paws touch on her soft grazing lips, and grunted slightly, realizing this was necessary. "Open wide. " "Aah….” Staring at the ceiling tiles, she felt the short woman heave her big, vinyl-covered feet into her mouth. "Umf!” The rabbit’s feet tickled the back of her throat. Kate’s mouth felt very full. She understood now why it was a rabbit doing this work. She was just the right size. "Ngh…” Kate couldn’t talk, but it wasn’t easy to hold the rabbit in her mouth like this. She kept feeling a strong urge to swallow. "Sure glad this is my last dive of the day, though. You ready, Hector?” The rabbit, sitting in Kate’s mouth, turned and checked some kind of wrist-mounted device, and glanced at the bear. "Hnh…” Kate tried to breathe. The cow felt her mouth salivating all over this dry, heavy object, making the rubber-suited rabbit totally coated with warm, slick, slimy cow saliva. "What? Huh? Oh, sure.” He said lazily, putting aside the video game he had been playing and tapped the computer on his desk. "Okay….” The rabbit sighed nervously.” Kate could feel her quivering slightly. “On three – One –“ The rabbit began to check her tool-belt and adjust her oxygen tank. Kate couldn’t resist anymore—the feeling was too strange. Kc-Gulp! The rabbit vanished, and Kate felt every moment of it. She felt her tongue naturally push back, guiding the creature into her throat, which easily opened up, and then, having clasped the creature’s feet, just as easily gripped and pulled down, for as soon as the rabbit’s lower half was down, bulging through her neck, her throat automatically made new muscular waves, pulsing and pulling the creature’s waist, arms, chest, and finally her plastic-shielded face, down her throat, with Kate feeling her neck bulge and pulsate deliciously. Is it weird that this feels good? She wondered. Kate licked her lips as she felt the bulge pulsate further down, into her chest, behind her heavy breasts. There was an almost inaudible squish as the inspector rabbit was forced heavily into the huge amount of food that had sat quite pleasantly in Kate’s stomach since her big dinner earlier. "Rabbit, meet dinner, heh!” She chuckled, and the bear laughed too, lazily. Kate lay there, watching her belly curiously. It swelled a bit larger, and felt indescribably delightfully full, but then it barely moved. Reaching down to stroke her round, fuzzy sides where her white blouse rode up on it, just under where her fat breasts sat, she heard her belly gurgle quietly: Gluuuuurt. She could only feel faint sensations from inside. "I can hear my tummy trying to digest her, heh,” Kate commented with some amusement. "Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. Those suits are air-tight, and come with their own oxygen supply,” said the bear, distracted with something. "So, uh…” She started, starting to feel kind of bored, hungry, and with a slight need to pee. “Is there any kind of…” The bear was focused on his phone, but glanced up. "Oh, yeah. I can follow the feed on the computer here.” He tapped the screen, then, as Kate watched, stood up. “Sounds like the security staff needs help in terminal D, though. I’m going to head over to check it out. You just sit tight. " "So, do I need to…" "Nope, don’t need to do anything. She’ll be out in ten minutes or so—You’ll know when, heh.” He was already at the door by the time Kate had reflected, blinked, and turned to ask him: "So can I—“ But the door was closed on the inspection room, and he was gone. "Huh.” Kate sat quietly, wondering what she was supposed to do. “Sure is the least secure airport I’ve been to in a while…nothing like the ones back home…” She mumbled to herself, looking around this rather shabby secure office of the aging island airport. Swallowing the rubber-suited rabbit had made her slightly hungry for things that she could digest. She glanced at her bag, which contained plenty of snacks that she’d bought at the stalls nearby. "Mm—Uhrp.” With no one around, the young lady felt free to belch as she pleased. She reached for her snacks. * * * Gloosh! "Shit, shit, shit!” The rabbit was panicking as the beast’s muscular throat shoved her hard, deep inside the stomach, forcing her beneath what seemed like an immeasurable amount of slime-slick food items and sludge—BEFORE she had double-checked all her equipment. Gloorp—Glluuurk—GRRRRRnnnn.. The stomach contracted suddenly around her, crushing hard— Pssshh!! The unmistakable sound of an oxygen tank hissing air out of an unsealed valve rang out in the dark, cramped space. "Hhh—“ She couldn’t breathe. The breathing mechanism in her mask pulled in a great pile of barelydigested, slimy, acidic sludge-slick noodles inside the sealed mask, splattering her face with the vomitscented mess. "Aahhh!” She yelled in panic. “Can’t breathe—gotta find the tank—gotta find the tank—“ Holding her breath, Carmen began to force and shove her way around what she believed was the cow’s stomach. With a great heave, she shoved aside a mound of what appeared to be whole entire cucumbers, zucchini, and eggplants, all lightly coated with digestive slime and drizzled with more swallowed spaghetti, stepping through and upward , following the noise. Standing on some large, rather firm yet wobbly object that she couldn’t possibly see, Carmen reached out again, seeing big stacked towers of sliced and grilled meats, leaning against what looked like the muscular, lobed stomach wall—hard to see in the dark, but she had no choice—she didn’t dare even take time to fumble for her flashlight. "Hngh—Nnh—!” The stomach quivered and groaned at her machinations inside it, clearly annoyed, but Carmen climbed upward, cursing how heavy the vinyl diving suit and mask were, reaching her gloved paws out and pulling up against slabs of steak and pepper-crusted steamed meats, now being squished and caressed by the beast’s long, flobby stomach-lobes, slathered with slime. Some of these heavy foods tumbled down into a dark pit and were swallowed up by a rapidly-closing little orifice, while most remained steady—perhaps shellacked to the warm, undulating, fleshy walls by a combination of swallowed sauce and suction. Finally atop the giant pile of food, and quite close to the ‘roof’ of the stomach, Carmen rolled around as quickly as she could—trying to distribute her weight to avoid sinking in to the sludge—and pulling aside the cow’s seemingly endless lobes and flaps of muscle-flesh that were constantly caressing, oozing, and dragging themselves all over the food and her—finally seeing that oxygen tank— "Yes!! HH—Shit!” Carmen swore again as her sudden inhale of the moist, sickly stomach-air pulled another gout of stomach-mess inside her suit to splatter her face, then tumble down to squish revoltingly against her fur—this time it was an entire rabbit-sized entrée worth of cheesy , greasy potato slices, and she shuddered at the way this hot and strangely tasty-smelling mess squished against her face, and then slithered down inside her suit with gravity. But Carmen had no time to waste. She grabbed the helpfully white-painted oxygen tank and rolled over, re-attaching it with long-practiced quickness. "Hhh….” She breathed when she could , resenting the squishy mess that was collecting inside her suit, around the foot and groin area. “Dumb cow won’t wait for a count of three…Stupid fucking Oscar making me do this just because he wants to sneak out with his girlfriend…Hhh….” Carmen reached down to her toolbelt and took out her flashlight, switching it on and looking around inside the cow’s stuffed stomach. Glupp…glrrt…gllnn… Quivering arches of puffy pink flesh presided over a vast swamp of messy food , constantly being squeezed and churned. "…Holy shit, this bitch is FULL,” Carmen swore. Lying there between the flesh-dome of the ceiling and trying to avoid sinking into the food-hoard, Carmen tried to ignore the squishy mess in the lower part of her suit, and cast the flashlight around, getting a better picture of the environment inside Kate’s stomach, into which she had been rather tooquickly swallowed. Grrroowll……glooop….. Glyt… The entrance valve to the stomach—the cardia—was quite close by, above her and on the other side— pink, puckering and quivering like a tickled anus. The bunny knew that she could use her emetic spray bottle to trigger everything in here to shoot back out like a rocket, into the light. But Carmen was not ready to leave yet, her job was to find what had set off the metal detector. Casting the light down, she saw that she lay upon rows of stacked towers of spiced, grilled and peppered meats—chicken, pork, and everything besides. She lay there, breathing and panting, casting the flashlight around, seeing the cow’s quivering stomach-flaps oozing and dripping slime, rocking back and forth over the meats—and her. Besides that, there were mounds and mountains of swallowed fruits and vegetables—bananas, countless cucumbers, apples and oranges, even a big, round watermelon sitting heavily in a corner. Towards the center of the organ, the food was softer here. Carmen could see that this space was where the digestive pulsations had pushed softer things—pasta, rice, sauce, and soggy slices of toast. Glooorp…. Glunk…. Glupp…. "Hhh…. Okay…I’m just a little dirty…everything’s fine…gotta check oxygen levels…” Tapping her suit’s integrated oxygen pressure meter, she saw that it now only contained forty minutes of oxygen instead of the usual two hours. The little white-furred rabbit felt her ears wilt. "I-it’s okay…” She tried to assure herself, her voice sounding strange in the sealed suit. “It’s plenty…plenty…just gotta…just gotta do the job like normal…Hhh….” Pointing the flashlight back against herself, Carmen rolled onto her back, wedging herself in between several of the pulsating belly-lobes, and reached for her hand-held metal detector. Her tool-belt was empty. "Fuuuucck……Now I gotta search through all her guts, just to find my tools…” Clutching the flashlight, the only tool she possessed, Carmen began to quiver in panic, but the lobes of warm, soft, gentle, heavy wet digestive flesh just kept slowly flopping and dragging over her, like a mother’s caress. * * * "Mm—uhrp…Hahh…burp…” Kate belched up excess air from her stomach, and lay back in the chair. "Time for a snack,” She said, grinning to herself, and reached in to her tote bag, pulling out some of her big collection of prepared snacks for the flight. First was a big, chilled sack of baby carrots—this, she tore open with her teeth, poured into her mouth— cheeks bulging—gave one or two cursory chews, then swallowed hard, forcing a big and almost rabbitsized lump down her throat towards her stomach. Next she pulled out plastic sacks of candy, feeling herself salivate excitedly. In this way, Kate swallowed down three whole “family-size” bag’s worth of gummy worms, gummy bears, and chocolate-chip cookies. This done, and her belly feeling even more pleasantly full, even slightly vulnerable now, she checked her phone. “Either way, I’m far too early for my flight…there’s another 90 minutes of waiting…” She mumbled sleepily to herself. Thinking, Kate set her phone’s alarm for 15 minutes, and rolled over in her seat, snuggling with the airplane pillow. “I might just take a little nap until miss bunny is ready to get spit up…Hnnffff….” Kate closed her eyes and got ready to sleep. Hugging her round, fuzzy middle with her soft arms, she felt her full belly gurgling pleasantly, occasionally shifting gently within her. She stroked it, and napped peacefully. * * * Meanwhile, deep inside Kate’s warm, thick body, Carmen the rabbit was frantically searching the cow’s incredibly packed stomach for her missing tools. "I can’t believe this happens—on my LAST dive, on a fucking Saturday---Ungh!” Grunting, she reached down with her gloved paws to heave up and hurl aside a particularly large and slimy cucumber, revealing a great soggy pile of slowly digesting rice, deeper in the hot and humid stomach of the cow. GLOOORBB~…. The entire organ shuddered and groaned around her, the walls clenching and the huge towers of food beginning to topple again, pouring into the hole she had just dug in Kate’s massive, simmering dinner. "No—Not yet—“ The rabbit cringed and flailed frantically about in the waist-deep soggy rice as cucumber slices and slimy tomatoes rained down on her. "THERE!” Carmen spied the sparkle of glistening, slime-slick aluminum and dove to grab one of her favorite gutdiving tools—a sparkling, round-edged, collapsible telescoping shovel. She held it above her head in triumph. “I found my shovel! I’m gonna make it!” No sooner had she done this, however, than there was a lewd noise from right above her: Splurt—Splut—Splop—Splaart— "What—Ow—Owch—Oof!” As Kate’s busy stomach churned and forced all the piled up-food back into an even-leveled sludge— Burying the suited rabbit up to her neck—Carmen looked up and made a very dismayed expression as she saw Kate’s cardiac sphincter bulge up and spit out countless carrots at her face, which rather hurt, followed by massive amounts of wet, saliva-slick candy and cookies. "Ugh—Hnghf—“ The sudden onslaught of newly swallowed food into the cow’s warm, right, squeezing stomach buried her up to her eyes, but Carmen fought back with the shovel, fighting her way back towards a safer space in the mess, a bit of an alcove to her left. "You dumb fat cow, Oscar should’ve told you not to eat while I’m in here!!” She rested then, clutching her shovel and flashlight, leaning back against the warm walls, listening to the glorps and glurrbs and the cow’s warm, slow, steady heartbeat, catching her breath and giving herself more air from the oxygen tank. She closed her eyes and allowed the cow’s stomach to gently rub and massage her for a moment. It felt kind of nice. Then she shook her head and extended her shovel again. "No!” Carmen shouted to the uncaringly warm and squeezing organ. “I still have to find my stuff, and the object shown on the scanner, and get out. I might be tired, but I’m not gonna just sit here and let a fat cow’s gut-muscles rub me down.” Determined now, Carmen attached her flashlight to her shovel with a special type of clasp and did some exploratory shoveling all around the thick and slimy piles of slowly-digesting swallowed food in Kate’s stomach. "Cows have four stomachs, each that does a different kind of digestion…. And I know from the interview, she said she ate a lot of meat…and meat is hard to digest, especially for a cow…so if I don’t see it here…” Grunting and heaving aside a big shovelful of slowly fermenting carrot sticks, Carmen revealed a pair of puckered sphincters, low in the cow’s belly, cinched tight—one leading to a chamber to the left, and one to the right. "Hmm….” Thinking carefully, Carmen stowed her shovel and took a nearby cucumber in both paws. Thrusting it like a spear to bash the opening wider, she first teased open the left sphincter, and quickly pointed in her flashlight, casting it around the dark, food-filled chamber. It was a swampy, yellowish gut with nodule-studded walls, filled with mounts of noodles, pasta, swallowed-whole dumplings, orzo and rice. As she considered this opening, the stomach around her clenched peculiarly, and she could see the now-soggy cookies and slimy, sugary gelatin-candy get poured into that chamber with an obscene Glunk—Glopp-Gloob- sound. “That must be her starchstomach…because starch is easy to digest….” As Carmen reflected, the cow’ fore-gut went Glllooorrrn around her and totally submerged her in swallowed foods, but she didn’t mind, relying on her knowledge, tools and oxygen tank to survive. “So anything harder to digest, must have been pushed through this little sphincter…Open up now, missy! Hngh!” Shoving with her shovel rather rudely, Carmen forced open the wet, slimy, tight pink orifice, and then exclaimed, "Whoa!” For with a great GLURRRRT! She and the cucumbers and carrots and zucchinis were all rapidly shoved into this greenish chamber. "Owh---Oof—Owch!” It took Carmen a moment to get her bearings in here, because the muscular contractions in the big cow’s fiber-gut were far more continuous, constant and violent than the fore-gut. Managing to climb onto a relatively safe ‘island’ of arugula, eggplant and pickled radish among a swamp of pounded-mush vegetable pulp, the rabbit had to crawl for the low flesh-ceiling, but was quite pleased to find her communicator device buried in a nest of string beans and snap-peas. She dragged it out and eagerly turned it on. "Yes! Now just—Shit, 1% battery left?!” Carmen blinked, suddenly grabbing the phone-like device with both gloved paws to enter her password, hoping to soon navigate as quickly as she could through the various menus towards the “request immediate emergency help” option. Just as she was almost to it, however, she heard something that greatly startled her. "Hey—Help—Please--!” It was a little, high-pitched, plaintive voice. Carmen looked up and quickly fumbled for her flashlight—attaching it to her face-mask. "Eek—Ooof—Owch—Gaah…" "Oh, oh no…. The poor thing…” She could see a shivering little albino mouse, looking like a male, clinging to a rapidly softening and digesting eggplant that was now rapidly being bashed and crushed over and over between smashing pillars of powerful bovine digestive muscles. The mouse pleaded towards her and was taking quite a beating, looking like he’d had the breath crushed out of him. "H-help….” The weakened mouse looked as though the next digestive contraction would crush his soft little skull outright. I still have my tools—I have options. He doesn’t. Sighing, Carmen stowed the device—hoping that 1% would last another minute— and gingerly entered the vegetable stew of the fiber-gut to go rescue the little mouse, pushing aside huge cauliflower florets and grilled onions and peppers, making her way across. In a moment, she had reached in with her comparatively huge and powerful limbs—the rabbit being about 20-30 times larger than the 1.5 inch mouse, and brought him back across the fiber-stomach to the seemingly safe island of matted bean-pods and leaves (which had drifted slightly south towards the lower sphincter). The mouse coughed as she set him down, shivering and clearly bruised from acid immersion, even in the relatively weak stomach of a mostly herbivore like this cow. "Rest easy little guy—I’m sure you want to get out of here just as much as I do,” said the young rabbit gently. She grabbed her communicator and –seeing the power level near 0%--hit OK on the password input window and then—“Oh shit.” Carmen had accidentally hit the button labeled “Report Operation Success”. After which, the device hit zero power and went dark. "Shit.” * * * Kate woke up some five minutes after the alarm, and rubbed her big belly which poked out from under her blouse and felt a little sore, somewhere inside. But—looking out the window—the sunset was now largely finished---nothing more than a dark purple glow along the horizon where the island’s forested hills met the sea—and, more importantly, there was still no one here. She blinked and sat up. Kate dusted cookie crumbs from off her big, heavy breasts and stood, taking her bag. "I feel like I’ve waited quite long enough…” She remarked, checking the time, and sighed. Wandering around, Kate went over to the security desk, and glanced at the screen. There was some kind of monitoring program there, but the video feed was simply static, as was the audio, and there was a message across the picture of static that simply read, Process Finished Kate’s eyes immediately brightened at this message. “Process finished! All right then, my experience with airport security has been a joy, and I can finally get some sleep on my way home…. Aaaaaah…” She yawned indulgently, then, smiling and looking forward to a long sleep to digest her big meal, carried her bag back out to the terminal. The line here was short, and when she reached the front desk, the attendant there read her ticket, and smiled, and said: "Ma’am? Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are happy to announce you are upgraded to first class. " "First class!” Kate was overjoyed. “With the drinks and the leg-room and everything?" "That’s right! Right this way.” Kate was seated next to the goat girl she had seen earlier – a creature who seemed about ten years younger than her, but quite friendly. "Hey there!" "Hey, long time no see! Hahah!” The goat girl twirled, making her sun-dress spin. Her happy attitude made Kate smile. "I’m Kate,” the cow offered her hand to shake and tried to muffle a belch. “What’s your name?" "I’m Candace! You can call me Candy, of couse. Always good to have candy on a long flight, right?" "Haha, I love candy!” Kate sat her rather large bottom down next to the goat, arranging her tail to sit comfortably. "You usually fly first class?” Candy asked the tall cow. "Nope, I was just randomly upgraded just now. " "You’re shittin’ me! Same thing here!" "No!" "Yes!" "Well, now,” Kate grinned. “We better take full advantage of this, shouldn’t we?" "I’m thinking you mean the free drinks—Is that what you’re thinking?" "Candy, you just read my mind!" "Hahah! I guess vacation hasn’t ended just yet!" "Nope, we’ve still got 8 hours until we land!” The pair had soon ordered some fun cocktails and chatted gaily as the plane taxied forward and prepared for takeoff. * * * Deep inside the cow’s stomach, Kate’s fiber-digesting chamber was becoming increasingly active. Gloorsh—Gloorb! Powerful pillars of flesh, contracting rings of muscle, and waves of crushing power passed through this part of her digestive system, and Carmen had to dodge, jump, and frequently switch positions, trying to keep her tools together and the little mouse safe. She watched with some horror as zucchini and eggplants were smashed into pulp by the cow’s powerful stomach muscles, and then saw this pulp drained through a tight flesh-valve into a still deeper chamber, a place which, she wondered, might store all the meat that the cow had eaten. The little white mouse, for his part, was very grateful for being rescued. "Thank you so much, Miss Rabbit!” He piped in his squeaky voice as Carmen steadied him on the shoulder of her sealed suit, and maneuvered constantly to avoid the digestive crushing motions. "W-Well—Ngh—You aren’t rescued yet, mister mouse—Ngh!” She panted as she navigated this deep stomach-chamber, chest-deep in fruits and vegetables of various stages of digestion—big mushrooms, green peppers, carrots and onions—most of them quite solid and recently swallowed. “We’re still stuck very –Ungh—Very deep in the belly of a—Ffh—Very hungry cow!" "But you seem so well equipped!” Shouted the little mouse, clinging for dear life. “You have a special suit and oxygen tank and everything—I’m sure you can get out easily!" "N-not that simple—Hngh--!” Carmen had fought her way back to the entrance of the cow’s vegetable-stomach, and, glaring at the sphincter, carefully opened her suit’s mask for just a moment to let the mouse enter and sit by her ears. "Here, stay in my suit. We’re goin’ back up towards her throat, and I don’t want you to get swept away in all of her stomach-sludge. " "Th-thank you!” The mouse clung to her ear-root as she zipped up the suit over top of him, and then brandished her shovel. With practiced skill, she pushed the rounded shovel-tip into Kate’s sphincter-wrinkles and gently pried it open. Gloooort~! Immediately, an avalanche of celery sticks, olives and lettuce leaves poured over them, but Carmen gritted her teeth and pushed through, forcing herself back up into the relatively calm—but increasingly full—fore-gut of the cow. Surfacing above the mess of ingested food, Carmen leaned back against those familiarly soft and gently undulating walls, only her head above the surface now, watching the cow’s cardiac sphincter bulge up to splurt out freshly eaten food: Cheese, crackers, celery, and many splashes of some liquid that seemed like alcohol. These rained down on her head, and she put up her gloved paws to protect herself and her little mouse passenger. "She just keeps eating,” marveled the little mouse sitting on her head. "Yeah…Hhh…. Let’s rest here, “ she panted, feeling kind of hungry herself. “Hahh…” she closed her eyes and let the cow’s gentle, warm belly-muscles rub her aching back for a bit. “I should tell you…my name’s Carmen….I’m a customs inspector…I came down here to search for something strange that showed up on the scanners…large metal or plastic objects in her intestines…but something went wrong…I lost the tools I need to get out…and my phone’s out of power…" "W-well, I’m sure we can find them!” The mouse squeaked hopefully. “My story isnt’ so interesting…My name’s Chester….I’m just a poor mouse, and I was just trying to eat some nuts from a vendor stand in Island City…but, wouldn’t you know, those nuts got eaten…the whole bag just swallowed-whole by our hostess here…” He gestured to the great, pink, glistening, glorp-ing stomach around them. Carmen sighed, wincing as the cow’s whole fore-gut contracted and with a great Gluuuursh another huge swallow of alcoholic beverage poured down over them. They rested and listened to the endless warm, soft sounds of her insides for a moment – distant, muffled talking and laughter…the steady heart-beat…the lazy gurgles of her lower guts… Finally, Carmen sat up. "Well, I’ve still got five minutes left on my oxygen tank. We can’t stay inside her forever.” Carmen sighed. “Anyways, what I need is a special little spray bottle of emetic – a special chemical that makes people throw up when I’m ready to get out of their bellies. Have you seen that anywhere?" "Actually, I think I did see something like that. In her pasta-stomach—down from here and to the left. There was a lot of random stuff in there. " "Well, shit! We need to go get it before her guts push it deeper. " "Okay, but watch out for the—Whoa!” Carmen submerged immediately, and , pushing aside dark and heavy objects that it was too dark to identify, easily found the proper sphincter. She didn’t need to use the shovel here—just fingering the tender, puckered opening was enough to tease it open, and with a lewd Gllorbbt~, they were squeezed in along with a big mess of soggy crackers. * * * Kate and Candy laughed. Kate was amazed how easy it was talking to this goat girl, despite the goat being rather young and just starting her first job. They both loved parties, hiking and boating in nature, and the same TV shows. Kate had to ask herself why, why didn’t she have a friend this good already. And , kate’s stomach kept making embarrassing little noises and giving her funny tickling feelings, deep inside. She stroked it, and felt strangely good. "Oh my god, I LOVE playing tennis! Have you ever been to the west side city courts?" "Yes! And you wouldn’t believe—Mm—Gulp—“ Kate took another big swallow of vodka. “The funniest thing happened to me there last year—Oofh—“ Glooorrrrrppp~ Her belly quaked with shifting activity. "Oh! Is your stomach okay?” Kate blushed, for the feeling of things sliding around inside her felt good—it always did—it was part of why she enjoyed big dinners. "Y-yeah, I’m fine. Let me tell you this story, though—you’ll piss yourself laughing—“ "Haha, oh I hope not ! I already have to go!” * * * Of all the stomach-chambers that Carmen had explored so far, Kate’s starch-gut was potentially the most comfortable. Despite being almost entirely filled with every manager of soggy bread, rice, pasta, and cracker imaginable, and despite how it was constantly moving and constantly oozing thick green slime over everything, its silken-fleshed walls constantly rippled with gentle, caressing waves of contractions, each of the churning movements far softer than the crushing pounding of the fiber-gut. Still, it was rather cramped and tunnel-shaped—she had to crawl on all fours, and even then was constantly being squelched and squished by the walls on the floor, ceiling, and walls, and the level of mushy, messy food-piles was up to her chin. This made the experience one of constant warmth and rhythmic pressure all around. Carmen found herself thinking, Kate should open up her guts as a spa…I could easily just lie down in her and let these soft squishy lobes and flaps of soft, silky muscle just caress my worries away…rolled around in this soft pasta…her tummy is so warm…and it’s gentle here, hugging me… Carmen rolled over onto her side, half-submerged in the warm, thick stew…it was like a hot bath…everything was so steamy in this stomach… "There!” Chester was shouting, having climbed to her forehead. “Is that it?" "H—huh? Oh shit—you’re right!” Looking ahead, she could see it. The little squirt bottle of emetic—a powerful and advanced chemical concentrate – was being washed and caressed by lazy peristaltic ripples, tumbling on waves of slimy cheese-slathered rigatoni around the bend in this particular stomach—no doubt closer to Kate’s intestines, Carmen thought. "That’s our ticket out of here, Chester. We have to get it quick!" "Ok, but wait—There’s something you should—Whoah!” Carmen tried to crawl forward as quick as she could, but it felt like her paws were stepping on something—something strange and unexpected. "Eep!” She jumped as something seemed to move around under her paws, deep beneath the muck. She could feel the mouse inside her protective suit tumble down her back and frantically try to climb back up to her fuzzy head again. "Wait a second…. " "What…hhh…What are you doing?” The mouse climbed onto her head again and was leaning against her ears inside the face-mask, panting for breath. "Here, look….” Carmen dug her paws deep into a mound of extra-thick pasta shells and thick, greasy cheese. Shlorp, shrub…. The cow’s stomach seemed to react, too , gently clenching around her as she dug. "Hngg…Nh…Got it.” Cupping her paws and lifting it up to the flashlight attacked to her breathing mask, the two of them looked. It was a big, bright green, hairy, spherical, hard object, caked with mushy cheese and soggy starch. "Whoa….it’s a tennis ball!" "I know, right?” Carmen flicked off sticky pasta lumps from the ball, cleaning it. “I wonder how this got into her stomach, and this deep, too. " "Beats me. Looks like it’s a little bigger than each of her little sphincter-valves. " "Yeah, I’m surprised it’s not blocking her guts already. But I don’t get it…” Carmen carefully put the large fuzzy rubber ball into her sealed specimen pouch on her tool-belt. “This tennis ball is old—been sitting here in her stomach for a while—and for most creatures—especially for those with multiple stomachs for different types of digestion—The hardest object should be pushed into the most harsh digestive chamber…and if it can’t be digested, then, thrown up or passed down and out…” She leaned down and began to dig around with her paws in the very full, shallow and elongated gutchamber, stimulating the stomach around her to begin groaning loudly and churn a bit more energetically around her small, slender body—but still, her protective suit held fast. "Well, there is one possible explanation…” Chester suggested in his squeaky voice. "Look, here’s more stuff,” Carmen said. She lifted up her left paw, and wiggled it to let a bunch of soft rice fall away—revealing a pawful of tarnished coins that sparkled in the light of her headlamp. “Maybe Kate has a bad habit of putting stuff in her mouth, and, sucking or chewing on it…and then she…damn, there’s still more, look…” Letting the coins fall back down into the mushy pasta and slowly subsume deep into the pit of the cow’s stomach, she reached in towards the right with her other paw and pulled up still more interesting objects: A big plastic pen-clearly chewed on, an oversized acrylic 6-sided die, and an articulated action-figure toy of some caped canine hero—the plastic toy easily three times the size of Chester the mouse. "Well—“ Chester put in. “Since the cow seems to be in good health, maybe these are just the exceptions—maybe she does often swallow stuff like—like me, or these things—and most of them do pass, but these are just the unlucky few that got sent to her most gentle stomach, and so they just sat here. " "I could believe that,” Carmen said, smiling. She tossed these objects back into the mush over her shoulder, and briefly watched them be once more buried beneath a deluge of freshly swallowed bruschetta and gouda cheese pouring into this warm, squeezing gut-tunnel, the little plastic soldier’s fist the last to be seen. "You know, Chester, you might do well in my line of work. " "Haha! And, well, speaking of work, shouldn’t we be going now?" "Yes, we should! This stuff is definitely what set off the airport scanner, but there’s too much here for me to recover with just this equipment…” She checked her oxygen tank meter. “2 minutes of air left…Yeah, I’ll just move ahead and—Whoa!” GLOOORBT! The cow’s stomach emitted a load growl as if to agree, and suddenly clenched around all of them, shoving them further towards the deepest, farthest end of the cow’s starch-stomach, borne on a wave of mushy potato slices. "There’s the emetic bottle! Grab it!” Carmen could see it tucked between a few of Kate’s gentle, soft pink belly-folds. "Easily done, and then we’ll head back…” She reached out to grab it, but then the unthinkable happened. Out from the darkness came a big, growling monster—almost as big as Carmen. "Grrr!” It was a pet dog—the feral, non-sentient type—And it leapt forward through the mush, grabbing the precious bottle in its toothy jaws. The dog was soaked in cow-chyme, slathered with cheese and pasta and soggy bread-crumbs, and looked rather mad with stress from the unbreathable acidic atmosphere. "What the fuck!" "That’s it—That’s the monster I was trying to tell you about!" "Grrr—WOOF, WOOF!" "Oh, no you don’t! Give it back, pooch!” Carmen shouted, and reached forward, aiming to try to pry the bottle from the dog’s jaws. "Rrrf—“ Kc—Gulp~! "You’re kidding me…” Carmen watched, stunned, as the dog swallowed the extremely important little plastic bottle. "RR—RORF!” Still furious, the dog lunged forward , biting with its teeth— "Holy shit!” Carmen swore— Rrrrip! The dog’s teeth tore a massive hole in her protective suit! Squeaking and screaming, destabilized, Chester fell off her shoulder—into the pasta-mess, and in a flash—just as Carmen was shivering from the feeling of the incredibly warm, oozing, tingly chime coating her clothes and unprotected body—then, her stinging eyes saw her only friend in here—Chester the mouse—get pulled into the monster’s mouth. "Oh this just got REAL, dog!” Carmen shouted furiously, shaking. She was ready to fight for survival. The cow’s dutiful stomach, meanwhile, just continued to rub, squeeze, and caress soft tingly slime all over both of them. * * * Candy, the goat, was laughing so hard she was snorting. She and Kate the cow were on their fourth drink and making more noticeably more noise than the other passengers around them. "I can’t believe—I can’t believe you—Hahahah!” The goat giggled, laughed, and actually slapped Kate on the broad, flat part of her chest between her big breast and her broad shoulder—a slap that surprised the inebriated cow and made her blink. "Haha, yes, it’s true!” The cow’ stomach suddenly gurgled and rumbled and she could feel distinct titillating movements inside. Candy’s curious eyes were drawn to it. Kate was a little embarrassed, but she thought of something new to show the goat. "Okay, okay, okay but now I HAVE to show you something else! Very related—related, I promise!" "Oh my god, if this is some kind of party trick, I swear I’m gonna pee myself—“ "Yes—YES—Watch—Watch carefully!” Blushing and smug, Kate pulled the curtain that made their booth private. "Oh shit, oh shit…” The excited goat girl grinned and wiggled in her seat. Grinning, the tall cow took the miniature glass champagne bottle from the table—empty, but about 7 inches long and 2 wide—and then, gracefully holding it with her hand, lifted it high and opened her mouth. "Let’s see if you can guess how deep I can take this. " "Fuck, Kate. It’s so wide! Not past the bottleneck, not—Oh shit, you’re doing it!" "Mm hmm~!” Kate hummed, grinning. As if she knew what she was doing, Kate opened her mouth very, very wide, leaned her head far back, and began to lower the smooth, curving glass bottle into her throat, lip first, holding the widest part of the bottle with her hand. "Oh my god—you’re taking it—all the way to the label! Holy shit!" "Nha hgaa!” Kate posed with her hands and made a ‘ta-da’ sound. It occurred to both of them, looking into each other’s drunken eyes, that the airplane’s captain was making some kind of announcement. Then, before they had time for anything else, the plane’s jet engines fired HARD and they began take off. The immense force of the sudden movement made Kate blink, choke, and— Kate swallowed the entire champagne bottle. Gc-Glunk~! "Ohfuck—Ohfuck—Ohmygod—“ The cow’s face was seized with shock, discomfort and embarrassment as the younger goat watched this huge, lumpy bulge forced down her neck, past her clavicle and behind her heavy, fat breasts, as the lifting airplane pressed Kate’s back deep into the seat-back. "Mg—hnng—bhurrrp…" "W-was that part of the trick? That’s part of the trick, right? You’re going to—to bring it up, right?" "Uh—“ The humiliated cow turned away from the goat—towards the curtain—she didn’t want to look like a complete idiot who would cause herself a life-threatening health problem as part of a dumb trick. Swiping a vomit bag from under her seat, kate bent forward—away from the goat—and struggled to make herself vomit. Uhrp… She felt the goat’s hand on her back. "Kate…” Bhlurrrp… The goat’s hand patted her on the back. "Are you okay…?" "Hurrg—“ Panicking, Kate could not bring up the glass bottle from inside her belly no matter what she did. She could feel the huge weight of it, sinking deeper and deeper inside her stomach, deep into the heavy warm mess of her recent dinner, past the point where she could feel very little of her deepest inner workings. Her mind racing, she picked the easiest option: Lying. With a bit of sleight of hand, Kate took an empty champagne bottle that lay by her hooves, and sneakily slipped it into the vomit bag. Turning back with a sudden grin, she opened the bag, and showed Candy. "Ta-daa! Good as new!" "Ohhh—Oh, I was so worried! Hahah!” Candy laughed, leaning forward and drunkenly hugging the cow. She smooshed herself against the cow’s big fat left breast, and Kate felt so much better, it seemed as though simply lying about this was almost as good as actually fixing the problem. Kate smiled as she watched the deep purple clouds flow by as the airplane rose above them, rumbling all around her, the goat lain against her, gently warm. She could feel that weight deep in her gut, though, threatening her health in ways she didn’t want to think about. Maybe it’ll pass like that tennis ball, she wondered. At least, I think it did…I didn’t see it pass, but it hasn’t bothered me at all since it went inside, last year…not that I know of, at least… "Oh—oh, sorry Kate, but I’m gonna have to ask you to stand up,” Candy said quickly. “I reeeallly gotta pee…So much drinks…My bladder’s gonna explode…" "Now that you mention it, mine too!” Kate glanced up the aisle. "This isn’t good, though…” She lowed carefully, helping the wobbly-hooved goat to her feet. “Big line at the toilets. " "Well, let’s hope it moves fast!” As they waited in line, Kate lazily watched over the shorter Candy’s shoulder, seeing her try to plan something with a guy that she surmised was some sort of date or boyfriend. She was about to say something about this, but then felt a very strange sensation, deep in her guts: GWOooRrk~! "Oofh…” She winced and put her hand on her stomach. This was a sudden, painful cramp, low in her abdomen. Something didn’t feel right at all in there. You shouldn’t pretend that it’s okay to have a huge glass bottle just SITTING in your insides, Kate, the cow scolded herself. This is going to fuck up your insides really bad—for the rest of your life, said the accusing voice in her mind. The other voice—her voice—replied naturally: Can’t do anything on the flight, so won’t do any good to panic. And the bottle was smooth, and I have a big stomach. At worst, it’ll just rest there until I get to a doctor. Still, it was uncomfortable—in an occasionally palpable way. On hearing the noise, Candy blinked and immediately turned to look—straight at the cow’s pot-belly, which seemed to be poking up a bit more out from under her blouse since Kate had enjoyed the airplane charcuterie snack platter. "That tummy of yours sure makes a lot of noise! You sure you’re still okay?" "Haha! Oh, yes, she’s usually quite vocal. Plenty of noise is normal for me, but I’m lucky enough not to have IBS or anything. I get teased about the sounds at the office, though. " "Aww, you poor thing!” * * * Deep inside of Kate’s lower digestive-chambers, however, a desperate fight for territory was indeed just beginning. The space of her starch-stomach was barely big enough for carmen alone, but she brought her miniature telescoping shovel to the fore and brandished it like a halberd towards the snarling, acid-bruised, halfmad dog, squinting and turning her modular head-lamp left and right to try to get a better picture of it. Sure enough, it matched the description of Kate’s aunt’s pet dog: A female beagle with a tag named ‘Rosie’. But what was it doing in here? Did she swallow it in her sleep? Did she gulp it down on purpose it because she hated the thing? Did the dog dive into her mouth somehow to chase after that tennis ball? Carmen shook her head as she tried to fend the crazed creature off. The combatants did a few feints and glancing blows. Carmen squinted and panted. She’d wriggled out of her irreparably ripped suit and tank—their remains disappearing into the opaque belly-mush warmly sloshing around her thighs—and she could feel Kate’s belly-juices starting to very slowly work their magic on her. She didn’t think she’d be melted into mush by this herbivore anytime soon, but the process was surely beginning. Then, however, as the pair wheezed increasingly thin air, something interesting happened. There was a great GLOP-GLOP-GLNNNnnnn. Just as the sound rang out, Carmen noticed the sphincter at the far end of this wet and slimy gizzard wink open and pump out vast amounts of softened pasta-slurry, glimpsing a view from her nowflickering head-lamp of the digestive sac beyond: A chaotic, dark place, where stacks and loads of meat—all the big, juicy, hot hunks of bacon, shrimp, lobster tails, steaks and pork chops that Kate had eaten, chewed and swallowed down inside her body, passed slimily on down to here—were being violently pounded, smashed and grinded between harsh, spiky stomach-muscles, and whatever pulp remained was greedily gulped down by the cow’s lewd-looking little intestinal orifice. She caught glimpses of a few out-of-place objects, too – a larger pile of coins, wads of chewing gum, and others that weren’t as clear to see. More importantly than that, though, as the slop drained away from the carb-gut, Carmen could see that the beagle herself was looking quite stuffed and bloated around her chime-smeared belly area. "Interesting…looks like miss Rosie has been sampling the goods from aunty Kate’s tummy-supply…" "Yap, yap!” The dog barked sharply back at her, as if defensive. "Here, girl…” Grinning, Carmen pulled the old tennis ball she’d found out of the muck as it floated by. "You want the ball, girl? Huh? You wanna fetch?" "Yap!... Rrf…. Snuffle snluffle snuffle…” The dog seemed to calm down, coming forward , even wagging her tail to show interest in the ball. "Go….” Carmen leaned back, waiting carefully for the sphincter leading into Kate’s harshest stomach to yawn open juuust enough…“FETCH—Hngh!” She heaved it with all her might, as hard into that slightly-open flesh-hole as she could. Splot! The ball slammed through her sphincter with jiggling force, and then set about bouncing crazily around the cow’s chaotic, meat-packed final stomach. The pet dog, for her part, tail wagging, immediately bolted after it, forcing her rather large (for the cramped environment) body and her bulging belly—bloated with illicit food-theft from her aunt’s own big, stuffed stomach—through the sphincter, which stretched wide open with surprising ease to allow the big, fleshy dog to pass easily into the flesh-grinding chamber of the cow’s labyrinth digestive system. The last thing she saw before that sphincter cinched tightly shut was the dog getting her face squished by a particularly growly pair of cartilaginously spiny pillars of muscle, and behind her, the tennis ball fitting neatly into the cow’s delicate little duodenum, perfectly blocking the flow of all types of digested sludge down into her winding entrails. Now having conquered the wonderfully warm, gentle starch-gut all for herself, Carmen scampered forward, no longer feeling the slime, wheezing and giggling, pressing her ear to the warm, tight flesh sealing the dog’s doom. Whimper, whimper! She could hear through the fleshy wall. Then: Plop! The dog’s nose, then head was shoved back up through the tightest part of the sphincter, before it tightened around the creature’s neck. The beagle gazed towards the exhausted Carmen with pleading eyes, and whimpered. "Oh, ho ho…” Carmen drawled lazily, snuggling in between some comfortable, soft, loose pink belly-flaps and pulling them around herself like a warm, heavy blanket: “Looks like mama cow doesn’t like puppies stealing her tummy-goods, hmm…” The dog whimpered suddenly as there was a muffled squelch from the chamber beyond it. The dog’s face shuddered, then its mouth went slack. "Good…your belly’s getting’ squeezed out by mama Kate’s gut-grinder.. " "Hurf—Bllggt!~” The dog suddenly vomited forth a whole mess of hidden goodies—here was not only countless of the carefully buttered and spiced shrimp and clams that had comprised the cow’s fancy dinner, but several rubber dog-toys as well-a yellow rubber duck among them—and, naturally, the little squirt bottle of emetic chemicals that would allow Carmen guaranteed freedom from these increasingly airless and numbingly slimy accomodations within the warm cow’s belly. "Hmf…I’ll take that…” Carmen mumbled, pulling the rubber duck and the plastic bottle prize into her snug and incredibly warm and cozy little belly-pocket that she’d made, a little belly-pocket that kept squeezing her in the most teasing yet gentle and delightful ways. She just watched the dog continue to be emptied. “What else you got in there, pooch?” Slosh.. Squish! "Yaarp--! Hrg—HRRLK~!” The dog’s face shuddered, and she vomited up a vast amount, this time. Among the avalanche of semi-digested mess that gushed out of the punished dog’s guilty bloated belly with a spectacularly splattering force was an old shoelace, several wadded-up pairs of red lace panties, a whole unpeeled banana, several hot-dogs, hamburgers, and bread-buns, and a very soggy and filthy and tired-looking Chester the mouse—a mouse that Carmen cared about—She lunged out to grab him, pull him in to her little private belly-space, and hug him close to her chest, her small chest with her shirt getting some acid-burn holes and her pretty white fur soggy and matted with warm, soporific chime… "Poor little guy…getting’ eaten twice in one night was too much for you, huh? I’ll keep you safe, Chester…Hhh…” Carmen found herself , in some way, out of breath as she absently stroked and hugged the tiny mouse, feeling light-headed, reflecting on how she’d been trapped inside the cow’s hot, slimy, cramped gut for so long now, that it felt like a kind of home. "Have to go…Carmen…have to get out…the emetic…” Carmen dazedly watched the dog yelp one last time as it was sucked back into the meat-grinding gut where the yelps ended and only the sounds of bone-crunching, meat-grinding digestion echoed after that. "Oh…Hhh.. Right…” Carmen leaned out, holding the bottle and flashlight, leaving the mouse in her shirt pocket by her erect nipple, starting to crawl through soft, thick mush up towards the fore-gut—but there was a great GLURRT~ And she gasped, as a huge, massive, smoothly curved glass bottle was unceremoniously dump-shoved into the carb-gut, seeming to occupy the entire girth of the chamber, blocking any progress back up. Carmen squeaked and dove back into the nice little stomach-alcove between soft, warm, slimy, labialike belly flaps, pulling them around herself and her little charge. "Whoa!?” Carmen didn’t have the mental energy to question why or how this had happened, but she felt a strong urge to snuggle with the mouse, here cozy and warm in her own little part of Kate’s extensive digestive chjambers. Squeeze…Squeeze… She moaned lightly as she felt the peristaltic waves pass over her, the last real touch-sensation that she could feel, at least for now. "No—Carmen—we have to keep going…back up—towards the mouth…lack of air…" "Shh….” Carmen watched the heavy peristaltic waves glurp and guide the massive, smooth bottle inchby-inch along the tight fleshy tube. “Just rest now…just let Mama Kate’s tummy do her work…I plugged up her intestines, so eventually this belly will fill up and we’ll be spit right up…Just need to give her body some time to work with it…Just rest a bit…just feel a bit melty with these nice hugs and squeezes…just closing my eyes for a bit…” Glurrrt… * * * As they got closer and closer through the line to the crowded airplane bathrooms, Kate felt several odd sensations from inside her stomach. There was a sense of steady bloating and discomfort from one area low in her gut, and then the feeling of some heavy, hard object or objects sliding deeper and pushing through openings that they probably shouldn’t. Candy no longer paid attention to the little noises her belly made, which made Kate feel much better, but she was still quite worried about what the swallowed bottle would do inside her sensitive and delicate (she thought) digestive system—and whether that tennis ball from last year had really passed through her properly, or not. When they were just 1 person away from a free bathroom, the tall cow noted with some amusement that Candy was actually hopping on one hoof, and whisper-cursing almost non-stop: "Ohshit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…" "Candy, you’re not actually peeing yourself on an airplane, are you?” Kate grinned, overjoyed for the moment to have her new friend temporarily in a more embarrassing position than she was. "I—Uh—Not—Not really, I—“ Candy, flustered, tried to answer, but then, just behind her, with a SHUK the sliding door opened! "Eek!" "Hahah!” Enjoying herself perhaps a little too much, Kate used her immense hips to bonk Candy away just long enough for her to sashay into the bathroom, SHOVE down her jeans and plop her big fat rump on the toilet. "Ahh….” She turned to give the goat a mean wink as she pulled the door closed— "Ohhh no you don’t!" "Wh-What??” Candy, grinning and clutching her ever-so-slightly wet-stained crotch, grabbed the edge of the sliding door and hopped in WITH her. "Y-you can’t—“ "Oh, yes I can!” With a SHUK the grinning goat closed the door and locked it, then flipped up her dress-skirt, showing— yes—slightly pee-stained thigh-fur—and showing that this goat had quite a sizeable pink udder on her lower belly, with noticeably large teats—not erect, of course. "Are you gonna….” Kate blinked, feeling movement in her stomach again. The heavy shape of the bottle had met that center of dull bloating pain and was now pushing hard on it. Kate blinked, and began peeing… Pssss…. She was watching the now bottomless goat—realizing that the goat was noticing that the cow had a bigger , fatter pink udder than she did, but in only a moment the goat had hopped into her lap, pressed her sweaty udder against the cow’s, her hands on Kate’s shoulders, and spoke into her eyes with a playful eyebrow raise. "Kate, if you don’t want your thigh fur to get soaked, you’d better make a wider stance, fast!" "Eep—hahaha!” Embarassed and a little intimidated, Kate did so—and immediately felt the goat’s stream join hers. Pssshh… "Haaah….” They both listened to each other urinate freely for a quiet moment, the goat leaning against the cow. Kate watched the goat close her eyes, noticed that she had long eyelashes. Kate found it strangely soothing and intimate. "Hnh…Feels better, doesn’t it?” Kate found herself relaxed and smiling. She enjoyed the feeling of the warm air rising up from the toilet bowl below. "Such a mean cow, though…” Candy was teasing, after a moment. “You were gonna leave me in the hall, to make a big mess…!” Candy shifted slightly, and Kate yelped when she felt the goat’s hot, warm urine-stream briefly splatter against her slightly dangling vaginal lips. "What the—You’re peeing on my vagina! Hahahh!" "Whoops-Sorry-- sorry, I can’t see! Your udder is just so big—“ "My udder’s too big? Yours is fucking ridiculous! Your crazy huge goat-teats are poking my belly-button!" "I know, I know! Sorry…Feels kinda funny, being this close…. Your udder is so warm where it touches mine…" "I know what you mean…” The cow shook her head, urinating prolifically. “Oh my god, this whole situation…it’s too ridiculous…anyone would say this is gay…" "We’re just vacation friends, just vacation! It’s still vacation, haha!" "Hahahah!" "Haah…Oooh…my stomach feels weird…” Glurt—glugt—gGLOORT! Her stomach suddenly made a loud, angry noise. Something was pushing, pushing hard and deep—forcing something down, dissolving that tight bloating feeling in her belly. Candy gasped as she watched the cow’s belly seem to contract or contort. The cow’s fat breasts heaved suddenly, she made a sudden, feminine gasp: "Hanh~…” …and her nipples suddenly became very pert and erect, pushing past the hidden layer of her bra, her areolas even swelling, dark pink beneath the lilly-white lacy blouse. Damn, her nipples are huuuuge, Candy thought. "Oofh…yeah, something’s happening in my tummy, Candy…" "Uh…” Gloort… "Ooh, that feels so much better.. Hahh..” Kate sighed in pleasure. The sensation of the heavy bottle seemed to vanish. Her bowel suddenly felt full, and she relaxed it, completely. Pfft.. "Oh my god. Kate, are you shitting? I’m not even done peeing!" "Just—Just hold on…it’ll only take a minute…. " "Oh, fuck no!” The laughing goat held up her plump udder with its big teats to wipe her little pink dripping vagina with its dainty little lips, the sight catching the cow’s eyes. “I’m getting out of here. I don’t want this tiny little airplane bathroom to fill up with cow farts! I’ll die! Hahah!" "Oh no—“ Kate reached up her powerful arms and grabbed the goat by the shoulders, holding her in place, while staring her right in the eyes with a dominant sort of grin that made the goat blink twice. "You’re not embarrassing me in front of the whole plane…Just sit tight, Candy…. Oh fuck it’s coming…” Pfurt… "Ew…” Candy was blushing, but Kate felt her hands squeeze her own shoulders just a bit tighter. "Oh fuck, girl, you do not know how much my asshole is stretching right now…" "Haha, you’re so gross, Kate!" "No turning back now, we’re in this together!” Pft… Curious now, the goat let go and stood up, her plump pink udder and long teats bouncing. She stepped back in the cramped space and pulled up her jeans, looking to see. The cow’s hefty and sweaty thighs were spread, and her scent was thick in the air. The scent of her udder-sweat, the scent of her piss, the scent of her vaginal lubricant which was very slowly, viscously dripping, the scent of her anus, her flatulence, her shit. Beneath the cow’s huge, fat, udder with its four pucker-tipped teats, Kate’s bovine anus was stretching—her big cow vagina was gaping—out of sight—but Candy could see the biggest, longest log of female feces that the goat had ever seen, slowly sliding into the light, beneath the shadow of the cow’s mammary endowment. "Oh my god—It’s huge!" "Fuck—such relief---not done yet—Ungh—!" "Holy shit, Kate. It’s like, the entire length of your guts—like, molded from the full length of your bowel—and that girth!" "Girth ?—Hng—What? Hahah! Ohfuck—Hnn—” Phurrt~ A hot pocket of gas escaped around the enormous turd, but it kept coming. "Kate, I have to say, if your shit, was like a dildo, I would struggle to take it.” This was too much for Kate. "Hahah! What the—A Dildo? Hahah--Candy, you—You dumb goat—This is so wrong—Hahah!” Candy laughed too. Kate laughed so much she peed again, Candy yelping and kicking as she tried to dodge the wild spray. The cow laughed so much that she finally pinched off the immense, dense, heavy log of shit which now filled the very small airplane toilet bowl. In fact, Kate laughed so hard as she struggled to wipe her rump that her big hoof bonked the side of the bathroom door, making a rather loud noise, and a severe-sounding flight attendant whispered back through the crack: "You two better cut it out RIGHT NOW or I’m calling the Marshal!” Drunken laughs were muted to drunken snorts and giggles. Kate finally succeeded in wiping her bottom while – to her surprise, but no comment —Candy wiped her front, the cow staring as the goat casually swept excess urine and vaginal slime from between her floppy, gaping and dangling vulva-lips. "Just doin’ my part,” She explained. "Uh, thanks.” Kate, dressing, moved immediately to flush the toilet—but not before Candy had snapped a picture of her enormous shit. "Really, for me, that one isn’t that big…" "Well, it’s the most impressive thing I’ve seen all flight!" "Oh, brother!” Kate, blushing, shook her head. They stood, dressed—their soft bodies inevitably smooshing and rubbing together in the tight space— giggled again, both embarrassed—and returned to their seats. The pair of them were soon tired. With Kate’s full belly feeling pleasantly calm, and no sensation of that embarrassing bottle tickling her insides anymore, she fell into a pleasant slumber. Kate was dimly conscious of the goat leaning her head against her—at the warm spot between her sweaty right breast and the swell of her full belly. "Your tummy noises…Haaah… remind me of when I was a kid…in my mom’s lap…" "Mm, yeah…” Kate pulled the blanket over them, and wrapped her left arm around the goat girl: affectionately. Like this, they slept. * * * When the plane arrived, both of them silently knew that no one was waiting to welcome either of these two single women back to their homes. They dragged their luggage up the ramp, feeling sweaty and exhausted. "Ugh…you still smell like goat piss, Candy. " "Yeah, and you smell like wet cow farts.” Kate couldn’t help but giggle here, and candy laughed too. Carrying their bags fully into the arrival terminal now, they paused to check their phones, and there was a sensation of something unsaid. Candy spoke first, stealing the moment from the cow, who had just opened her mouth. "Hey, um, Kate, it’s pretty clear we both need a shower, and I’m still about an hour from home, so since your place is only twenty minutes away, do you mind if I borrow your shower?" "Uh,” the cow blinked many times. “Sure. No problem.” * * * She let Candy shower first, giving her plenty of privacy. "Do you have work tomorrow?” Kate asked, shouting through the slightly ajar bathroom door. "No, next day. Why?" "You can sleep here if you want,” Kate explained. “I have a fold-out couch. " "Okay! I don’t think I will, but thanks, cow. Super sweet of you.” Kate half-smiled to herself, and found that she leaned against the wall, just waiting. When Candy emerged, smelling fresh and sweet, dressed in fluffy flannel pajamas, Kate turned to face her. Candy walked up to her—right up to her. "What’s up?” The shorter goat pressed herself into the pot-bellied cow’s front—her fuzzy chin resting against the cow’s breastbone, the cow’s fat breasts gently resting against her shoulders. "Um…” Blinking many times, Kate ‘s hands found the goat’s shoulders again, and she leaned down and kissed her, on the lips. This felt incredibly good. It was just a peck, but more came soon. "Hh…smooch…smk…You smell so sweaty…" "Hff…you smell like candy…smooh" "Hahah…. Smooch…smk…” After just a few moments, Kate had drag-pulled her over to her queen bed, and flopped down, playing with the goat’s floppy ears and horns, feeling like a kid with a new toy. They looked at each other for a moment, just breathing. "Have you, uh…done gay stuff before?” Candy sounded unsure. "Um…no, not really…" "Neither have I, haha…” Candy laughed nervously. "I just…feels right,” Kate felt herself smiling with a natural joy, stroking to goat’s neck. "Ooh…you found my weak spot…" "The neck, huh….” Smooch… "Uh huh…don’t stop…” Kate hadn’t planned any of this beyond the initial hug and kiss, and even that only a few minutes ahead of time, but to her surprise, there was not a single moment where she didn’t know what to do. She stared by kissing, biting and stroking the furry goat all over, finding she could easily make the girl moan by pulling, licking, and nipping her neck, ears, and soft udder—pulling the goat’s big udder-teats into view with both hands and easily teasing them erect. Feeling herself get wet, the big cow then pushed her panting, moaning goat friend down to lie on her back, dropped her jeans and underwear, straddled the girl, and felt a hot, warm bliss as she rubbed her sopping, slimy vulva against the goat’s wonderfully warm, pert udder and teats. They both made a ton of noise. Kate felt Candy’s hands rubbing and squeezing her still quite full pot-belly so much, that when the cow came—and she came quickly—she could feel her bloated intestines—packed tight with material like sausages—spasming in her pelvis—feeling warm and full—and the sensation of some heavy, hard objects pushing ever deeper, ever lower in her warm, pulsating entrails…almost reaching her bowel. That tantalizing sensation led to the hardest, most powerful orgasm she’d ever had—at age 36, an age when any person is unlikely to be feeling anything entirely new at all. In the afterglow, Kate held the goat with her arms and her legs and didn’t let her go. "So are we…Hhh…” The goat panted. Kate didn’t know if she had made her climax or not, but she didn’t care. She felt too good. “Are we gay?" "Don’t care…. Hhh….” The cow just relaxed, clasped Candy tighter with her thighs, pressed her face into her sweaty, fuzzy breasts, still unrevealed in her shirt. In the quiet moment, the cow’s belly rumbled. She felt a throbbing pain, low in her gut, somewhere— something was blocked, wedged, jammed. Please pass, please, she willed it. "I was wondering, though….” She felt the goat stroking her fuzzy hips, and planting a gentle kiss on the fluffy tuft of chest-fur between her heavy cow-breasts. Kate smiled sweetly, distracted, and looked down at the goat, who spoke softly: "What was the moment…. The moment when…when you looked at me…and you thought…you wanted to try kissing me…me more than any other woman, or man?" "Mm…probably the way you looked at me during my party trick…" "Hee hee!” Candy giggled. “Yeah, that was very sexy…you have a very sexy neck…a very sexy tummy…” She caressed, massaged, squeezed that belly. Glurrrb~! "Unh…. Feels good…Hhh..” Kate shuddered, moaned and panted. She imagined her guts squirming and cramping around the huge, smooth glass bottle. “Squeeze harder—right there—“ "Unf—like this?" "Oh—“ GLutt-glooorrrnn.. "Haah…oh candy…oh candy…” Kate shuddered as she felt her innards clench around the hard, smooth bottle, stuck in some unforgiving bend in her gut. I can’t let this girl go, she thought. Not now. Not ever. "Hahah!” Candy giggled. “For me. It was the sound of your tummy. Your belly.” She kept stroking it while Kate breathed gently. “And maybe the way it looks here, sitting between your hips and your cute boobs and your chubby udder…" "Anh~…” The cow gasped and whimpered when Candy touched her bare, sweaty udder, sore from touch, making her teats swell again. "I kept thinking what it would be like if you didn’t bring up that bottle…if it stayed nice and warm inside you…moved all through you…" "Candy…Hhh…I h-have to tell you something…" "Hm?" "I…” Kate turned to fce her, blushing. “I lied, because I was embarrassed. " "What…?" "I couldn’t bring up the bottle. It’s still in me…somewhere…in my stomach….” She took the shocked goat’s little hand, and brought it to the side of her lower abdomen where her innards were cramped and aching, pushing it in to feel the hard object deep inside. "Oh…Oh my god…" "It’s here…" "Oh my god…” She felt Candy’s hips start to move, grinding and humping against the cow’s big thigh, her hands groping, squeezing the cow’s rumbling stomach. "Oh fuck, Kate…your asshole…your asshole’s going to stretch so much…" "Mf…Good, Candy... Hump my leg, yeah…" "Yeah—yeah!" "But—Hh—If you wanna help me pass it—you have to sleep here—with me…. Hanh~!" "Yeah—Oh fuck, Kate, yeah…!” Candy was on top of her now, groping the cow’s once-again pert udder teats, squeezing them thick and pink, the goat humping her with amazing ferocity, her little fluffy tail raised behind her fuzzy thighs, grinding her knee pleasurably into Kate’s soft, plush, fat-padded vaginal lips and clit. "Oh –fuck me, Candy, hump me, fuck me!” The cow wailed. “Pull my teats—grind my clit—please--!” Kate’s fat little pussy rapidly became wet and went squish, squish every time her energetic lover grinded her knee against it. Candy’s unhesitating fingers grabbed and yanked the cow’s fat pink udder-teats, pulling, pumping and thumbing them to the pleasure beyond soreness, while grinding her own against them. Meanwhile, candy couldn’t turn her blushing face away from the sigh of Kate’s fuzzy, swollen pot-belly, swaying and sloshing with her hip-thrusts. "Ohfuck—Kate—your full stomach---your fat stomach—full of food—Hngh—“ Candy humped the cow, so hard, squished her udder so aggressively, that Kate’s bowels complained out loud— Grooan… And just as Candy was pulling and yanking on the cow’ fat udder-teats—the goat’s own poking out of her pajamas with the sheer force of erection and slapping sweatily against the cow’s at every thrust— Kate felt so happy and free that she farted. Purrt! "Ah-ah-h-ah!” Candy, shuddering and quivering, climaxed at that exact moment. Hugging each other and falling towards sleep, Kate kissed her and mumbled, “Your mom must have had bad gas…. " "Still does…really gross…but you, Kate…yours…your smell…mmh…” The cow was kissed once more. “It’s just…warm.” * * * Kate woke first, in the morning. She had dreamed of how she might feel upon waking. The very sweaty, very smelly cow rolled out of bed. She turned and smiled at the half-nude goat—who was completely asleep and snoring—but then cringed and grunted as her insides suddenly cramped hard: "Oofh…” Glltt~ Her belly felt hard like a rock, especially in that same deep spot that had hurt last night. "That’s not a good feeling,” Kate whispered to herself. She went quickly to her bathroom and plopped her huge, jiggly rump on the toilet, but no matter how she flexed and strained her big, wrinkly pink bovine anus, absolutely nothing would come out of her except for a few weak spurts of ripe-scented urine. "Oh well...” Kate sighed, wiping, rising and checking herself in the mirror, frowning at how her usual potbelly looked a little more bloated than normal. “Got to get to work…” After leaving a sweet note for the gently sleeping Candy including her phone number, Kate did just that, commuting to her office where she was paid well for her paperwork. Kate went about her business, which included some long meetings, and then a two-hour lunch with some business partners at a rather dirty and greasy buffet called Mama Panda’s Palace. This long lunch, Kate was very glad to have, for anticipated distraction her from her constipation issue— an issue that remained resolutely firm any of the several times she tried to use the restroom that day. So at this buffet, she turned her gaze aware from tired-looking chefs behind the counter using unwashed grills and deep fryers and coughing into the food. She didn’t look twice at the peripheral sights of shy little mice and rats skittering under food-carts at the approach of her heavy hooves. Instead, Kate ignored the increasing ache in her pelvic region and focused on the glorious, steamy, glistening, tasty food options arrayed before her. She piled her plate high with buttery fried rice with scrambled eggs, peas and fried tofu. She loaded another plate with mounds of sugar-syrup-sauce-soaked pork slices, and stacked a third with a particular type of fried chicken that had been drenched not only in sugar syrup but also in hot red chili peppers. These dishes, plus mounds of greasy noodles and squishy dumplings, she piled on her plate and shoved into her warm, wide, wet pink mouth while laughing and talking about the meeting—just focusing on the delicious salty and sweet flavors, the heaviness of the food on her tongue, and the sweet sensation of swallowing it all down into her warm guts, mentally thinking, This place always gets my gut moving, when I need it. And yet—it did not. Not in the way that the cow hoped. So in the afternoon, things got worse—a lot worse. It began as she was leaving the buffet, her stomach still more swollen—pushing her tucked-in blouse out from her work slacks. Her belly gurgled and rumbled—even more so than usual—it rumbled non-stop. GwoorrOOowwrrrll… Letting her other three co-workers walk ahead of her back to the office, she emitted a belch: Uhrp—Then sighed, enjoying this gaseous reminder of the sweet flavors she’d sent down to be sorted out in her mess of a stomach. But when they got back to the office building from the restaurant, and all got in to the elevator—Kate, Karen the dog from finance, and Brian and Derek, two deer from sales—to the cow’s great humiliation, the incessant rumbling resurged—Kate could feel her stomach bloating up with gas—and she felt an overpowering urge to belch again—and this one was not so harmless. Rggrlgrlglkkktlrllrgg…. It was the one and only sound in the old and poorly-maintained elevator. Everyone turned uncomfortably to look at the cow who, they all knew, had eaten far too much at the buffet. Her furry stomach poked out of the underside of her work blouse, and it was plainly bloated: having swelled her lower abdomen big and round, it ran out of room there and her belly was visibly bulging inside her chest, in her ribs. "Um, Kate…” Brian said, scratching his antlers. “Are you sure all right? That doesn’t sound too good…” Kate had become rather green in the face, and was sweating as well. The other three passengers pressed themselves to the other side of the slow and creaky elevator. "Y-yeah—I just need—Just need a—HUUUURRPB—Bhurrrp~” The smell of this belch was absolutely foul. It smelled like rot, like death, like shit. This didn’t smell like food or even vomit. Kate, who occasionally liked to think that her burps were cute, was shocked and embarrassed. Her stomach groaned, her bowel ached, throbbed in pain. Her belly felt stretched, too stretched. "Eh-Excuse me—Ooh” Grgrlrlllll--! Kate’s belly began to bloat and inflate once more, gurgling loudly enough for everyone to hear. The passengers panicked. Karen covered her mouth and began to dry-heave. Brian and fell over each other, bashing every button they could find in the elevator panel, one of them shouting “Open the damn door!" "Oh fuck, I feel sick…Bhurrp!” Kate belched again as the door final opened and her coworkers ran out in panic. The cow stumbled, belching uncontrollably, her stomach aching and rumbling, into the nearest bathroom. It was the 6th floor—advertising department—and upon bursting into the echoey, tiled bathroom, and feeling deathly ill, three very look-conscious ladies were at the sinks, adjusting makeup, all three of them glancing up when Kate stumbled in, apologizing: "S-sorry—UHRRP—Sorry—I have to—Hnnnh---Oh fuck, I feel so sick—Hurrrp~!” Kate rushed to the nearest sink and clutched the edge, bending over it, feeling a sudden overwhelming urge to vomit. The three slender, pretty women – an afghan hound, a cheetah, and a parrot—all looked up in shock, caught by surprise. "Is she—“ "Uh—Are you all—“ "Oh god, she’s gonna—“ They stared at this sweaty, bloated fat cow, the brown-and-white-furred ungulate bent over the sink, her belly utterly huge and bloated, dangling out swaying under, growling and gurgling, with her hiked-up sweat-soaked shirt and her slovenly breasts that were already starting to slip out of her worn-out bra, they gawked at how her belly visibly churned and roiled and wailed: Glrrrr! "Ohfuck—mystomach—Hunnh—“ Kate shuddered and felt suddenly cold all over. Her body, her neck seized up and her mouth filled with saliva. The cow’s neck bulged—and she vomited. "Hrrgl-Hggk—“ Shplat! She vomited up an immense avalanche of wet, steaming, pinkish mess—so much that it completely filled the sink-bowl and excess unmentionable liquid splattered all around the counter. "Hunngg---Ung—“ Splatter! She vomited again—violently. Barely-digested noodles, greasy grilled pepper slices and several slimecoated fried chicken wings gushed out of her spasmic, slack throat, into the sink and all around it. "Hngh.. Hrg—Hukk--!” More came in a second wave. Splurrt--clatter! It wasn’t just food, either—there was a metallic clattering sound, and the women present saw several chyme-slick copper coins bounce to the counter and the floor in the wake of the after-heaves, and watched Kate regurgitate an utterly foul rubber glove and—what looked like a little, wriggling mouse. One of the women screamed. Another swore in disbelief. The third ran, followed quickly by the rest. Moaning, spitting, and still irregularly belching, Kate tried to collect herself, washing off the little white mouse that seemed to be still alive after its time in her stomach. "I’m sorry—burp—little mouse,” she wailed, feeling sorry for herself too. “I didn’t mean to eat you, or keep you inside me –at all!" "Uggh…” The little mouse, whom she thought was a male, staggered out from her fingers and shook some water off himself. Kate leaned in towards him just as he was trying to stumble away from her comparatively huge form. "Wagh!” He yelped in surprise, tumbling backwards, still struggling to regain his senses in the bright light of the bathroom. "But—Just—uhrp—Tell me, my stomach hurts so bad , how can I fix it?" "N-no…” Chester the mouse shook his head no. “Don’t wanna think about it, don’t wanna talk about it. Never again!” The tiny mouse scampered to the edge, leapt to the floor, and dashed under the row of sinks, into a crack in the wall. "Unnh…uhhrrp…fuck…this is getting worse…” Kate stroked her still-bloated belly and, belching and whimpering, tried to use paper towels to transfer the vomited food into the nearest toilet. "Poor noodles…” She sighed while her insides continued to ache, cramp, and groan. “Poor chicken…. You just wanted to be all warm inside my tummy…” When she’d tossed and flushed the vomited-up noodles and chicken wings, though, she was left looking at what she had regurgitated that was definitely not food, washing them off: There was the coins (“I should really stop putting coins in my mouth”, she thought), the dark grey rubber glove—which she definitely did not remember swallowing—and a very large, long bone. "Is this.. A femur? From a person?” Her belly just shuddered and gurgled. “Did I…did someone die in my stomach? My burps sure taste really bad…but when would this…?” Kate blinked. “I don’t want to think about it…I just hope this all passes…” Alas, she tried to use the toilet again here, but could produce nothing but frustration. She tried to put it out of her mind for the rest of the work day. Candy texted her and proposed going to a show downtown, to which Kate agreed, proposing tomorrow evening, hoping very dearly that this embarrassing and increasingly painful digestive problem would be all better by then. “I’m so stupid…I really should chew my food more…” She sighed, but though the cramping pain in her gut continued getting slowly worse, the throbbing ache slowly more frequent, and her belly kept sloshing with fullness and bloating up with the most foul rot-belches, Kate found herself still hungry. She snacked from the office candy dish until it was empty, which included sucking on and swallowing several lolly-pops (it’s just paper, she thought), and got into her old bad habit of chewing on plastic pens, and absently swallowing these while working on spreadsheets – That’s a bad habit, although it hasn’t caused problems before, I really shouldn’t do that, she scolded herself. But the rumbling, and the belching, and the pain got steadily just as bad as it had been in the elevator—she ate from a tray of cookies she’d hidden in a desk drawer, hoping it would settle her stomach—but it just made her feel more sick and bloated. Kate was moaning and feeling quite ill when she went into a 4:30 pm meeting with her manager. This manager, a chubby old sheep named Wanda, was quickly distracted from the meeting topic by the cow’s dazed face, her bulging and groaning stomach, and her frequent burping. Concerned for Kate’s health, she said: "Kate, I really think you should go to a doctor if this doesn’t get better after you go home and rest. You don’t look—well. " "I—hurrp—know,” Kate whimpered. “I think it must be something I—burrp—ate…my stomach feels really weird…” At home, it was dinner time, and Kate’s swollen digestive system still showed no signs of progress, everything just sitting and churning in her stomach and producing rot-gas. She searched her refrigerator and cupboards for foods that would heal her body’s soft and delicate insides, as painful cramps became harder to ignore. She built up a tray of things that she hoped would help, and took them to her sofa. Hoping to distract herself, she put on some of her favorite old tv shows , plopped the big tray on her coffee table, and commenced stress-eating. Moaning, grunting, and occasionally belching, Kate kept her mouth open, and kept pushing in what she figured were healthy snacks: marinated chick-peas, a prepackaged pyramid of celery sticks and ranch sauce, whole dill pickles, stacks of cold chicken slices, chewy coconut chunks, and a big bowl of unsalted popcorn. Staring in bleary-eyed at the TV screen, she didn’t notice that her gold-plated bracelet had fallen into the big popcorn bowl , and proceeded to close her tired eyes, open her mouth, and pour the whole thing into it, forgetfuly swallowing down the very indigestible popcorn kernels as well as her own metal jewelry, sending these down to be sorted out among her four gurgling, aching stomachs. A similar fate befell her soft white rubber-coated phone charging cord, which unfortunately had been placed a little too close to Kate’s little tray of soft, white, rubbery coconut chunks. After sleepily grabbing all of these and shoving them into her wide, wet mouth: "…mmg.. Mmlp…Ulmk~” …the rubber and metal cord was sent deep down her throat into her hot, uncomfortable gut. To be fair, these little accidental ingestions were very typical for Kate, and they had never been the cause of any serious problems – but they did nothing to help her immediate situation, and in fact probably made it worse. "Ooh,..” She moaned, a moment later, placing a hand on her breastbone as she cringed and tried to suppress another urge to vomit, feeling strange, uncomfortable bloating and tickling inside. “Feels like there’s a monster trying to—uhrrp—break out of me…Just need to sleep…just sleep it off…will be better in the morning…” She found some aspirin on a side table, and swallowed a handful of them immediately, but…. …as she dozed off, she even dreamed of herself swelling up like a balloon until she exploded, and… … in the morning, it was worse. "Zzzzh…hhh…. Zzzz---BURRP—Owwh?!” As soon as she opened her eyes, she could see that the ballooning part of her dream was true. Her stomach was massively bloated, and it ached—badly. That dull sense of blockage deep in her gut had become a raging agony. "Oh fuck I’m gonna explode…I’m gonna…HURRP!... Oh fuck.. Oh fuck…” Not only was there a deep pain, but it felt as though there was really some force inside her belly, trying to fight its way out. Fumbling for her phone, keys, and wallet, accidentally bumping her enormously stretched stomach into furniture, and emitting a nonstop stream of uncontrollable belches that were each less and less effective at reducing the massive bloating, she barely managed to waddle to the nearest city train, and into the nearest hospital—one she had hoped to avoid because of its reputation for delays in service—but this was truly an emergency. Other sleepy commuters stayed away from her deathly belches—which seemed to induce immediate vomiting in everyone but her—and the same was true in the emergency room’s waiting area—which was a blessing in a way, because the triage doctors sent her into a room quickly rather than have her befoul the waiting area. One doctor and one nurse helped her into a big adjustable hospital bed and peeled off most of her clothes, exposing her massive, distended furry belly, bloated and stretched, cris-crossed with throbbing, angry veins. They asked her questions about what she had eaten recently, and what she thought was happening. "I—I don’t know—it feels like something I ate got stuck—deep inside me---and it won’t move and I just—BURRP—it hurts more and more and I feel really weak and I ---HURRP!” Coming up to her side, the doctor and nurse—The doctor being a dark brown male otter, and the nurse a black-colored rabbit—began to poke and prod her enormous stomach, eliciting a large number of belches from the panicked cow. "Oh—thank you—BHURRP—That feels—HURRP—a little better, thanks for—uhrp—helping me burp— Hahh!" "Well, I’m afraid it is indeed going to get worse, and—I agree with you about the likely obstruction, ma’am—you will in fact explode, regardless of any massages we might do…unless…" "And doctor, what about the movement we saw inside?” The nurse showed her notes to the doctor. "Yes, it’s very likely…accidental ingestion of a whole person is quite a possible cause…prepare the x-ray, nurse…" "Sure. Shall I call the police, then?” The nurse whispered, but Kate’s fuzzy cow ears heard it. Kate, having just been given a brief moment of physical relief, went pale with fear. Oh no,she thought. What if someone is actually trapped inside my stomach…what if I ate someone accidentally…will I go to to jail? The X-ray scan result was only more embarrassing for the cow, but the doctor and nurse were amazed, taking shots from five angles, then printing and pinning them up on the walls, pointing and pontificating about them. The scans showed a massive irregular bundle of brightly lit-up shapes—looking for sure like all kinds of indigestible junk—clustered around her lower abdomen and pelvic region. Kate blushed to recognize the shapes of some plastic pens she had swallowed shamefully on-purpose the previous day. Apparently , the big conglomeration of junk had completely sealed off kate’s bowels, which looked mostly empty except for a few small, odd shapes. "Good god,” The nurse swore. “Her stomach’s like a huge sack of garbage. " "Indeed—Fascinating! I’ve never seen a case of alimentary obstruction this extreme. Pica, or sleep eating, or something.” Kate moaned in pain as her belly groaned angrily—for she could feel that insistent tapping or pushing sensation deep inside, as if some living thing wanted out. "The police, then, doctor?” The black-furred nurse whispered. "No, not yet. We need more evidence. " "D-doctor---uhrp—please…H hh..” Kate begged. “Just make the pain stop…please…I just want to digest normally like everyone else…" "Yes, we understand,” The doctor assured her in a businesslike voice. “However, we must consider the options.” Using a large projector screen and a computer, he made a list. "Surgery is one obvious option. " "Oh…oh no…” The cow wailed. She didn’t object—she had a feeling that might be the only solution—but just the word made her imagine this doctor ripping open her immense stomach with a knife, and a huge explosion of poisonous rotten bloody filth, just bursting out, all over the walls…. "If things get very bad, it could be our only option. That said, I feel that surgery might be too traumatic in this case—too much blood might be lost, other organs are likely to be damaged in the process…so…” He made another bullet. "Endoscopy. This is what we’ll start with, to see if we can get a better picture. And that evidence you suggested, nurse. " "Good.” The nurse gave Kate a suspicious eye, and Kate gulped nervously—Can she smell that a rabbit went inside me? Can rabbits do that? The nurse immediately went to a medical closet, got the coiled endoscope and placed it on a tray. "Next, this case I believe is an excellent opportunity to try out some new experimental treatments for this sort of thing—as it’s quite common in our society of large and small creatures. " "Ex-experimental?” Kate asked curiously. Maybe these will be easier… "Yup. Here’s a quick list.” Kate watched the doctor type up the full list on the projected screen. 1. Surgery 2. Endoscopy 3. Experimental full-tract lubricant-laxative 4. Electric abdominal massager 5. Exploratory insertion: a. NP/Physician insertion 6. Experimental matter-transference device "Experimental matter transfer…? I thought that was science fiction!” Kate was quite amazed. The eager little otter-doctor rubbed his paws together and smiled. “Yours would be the first test case—If you consent, naturally. " "Well—Teleporting the junk out of me sure seems like a good idea!” Kate , sweating, smiled and hoped it would work, stroking her bloated, groaning, aching stomach in a vain attempt to calm it for just a little longer. "Doctor, I really don’t think it’s appropriate when this is clearly a case of—“ "Nurse, I AGREE. We shouldn’t reach for the last resort until we’ve tried other options. Now, did order the experimental lube-lax pills?" "Y-yes.” The nurse hastily typed something in to a computer. "And you requested the physical therapist with the massager?" "Y-yes.” The nurse hastily ordered that too. “Computer says there might be a delay. " "Well, there is plenty more we can try,” the doctor said, getting lots of equipment out of the medical closet, including what Kate knew was a stomach-diving suit…Her belly rumbled ominously at the sight of this. “Insert the endoscope, please, nurse.” Kate had to hold her mouth wide open for this while the black rabbit nurse stood on a little step ladder beside her bed, and , with her gloved paws deep in Kate’s mouth, fed the long cord down into her, telling her to swallow occasionally. The cow felt quite odd, allowing the thick camera-tipped cord to penetrate into her throat, down inside her squeezing neck, then to grant it passage through the cardiac sphincter into her fore-gut. They all watched its progress on the projector screen. Gloob… Kate felt embarrassed as the camera’s light was switched on and they could now see inside her stuffed upper stomach. Its pink, fleshy walls undulated sensually around a huge mess of swallowed food and junk: Mounds of slime-coated celery sticks, pickles and cherry tomatoes were here, along with a plainly obvious object that Kate recognized: The other rubber glove of the rabbit that she had consensually swallowed the previous day, being softly squeezed between pillars of flesh… …And her own ruby-bejeweled bracelet, draped around a large cucumber, but when her belly clenched and rumbled at the awkward feeling of the camera, it sank deep into the mess in her gut, and was not seen again. The nurse gasped at the sight. "A glove and a bracelet! And that is a rabbit-sized glove, doctor! It’s proof—she ate someone! With or without their consent! And without their glove to protect them—“ "Nurse, please. It may well be. But we must go deeper. All the evidence shall come out, one way or another. The good cow isn’t going anywhere.” Kate felt very nervous indeed now. If I did accidentally leave with the airport-rabbit in my stomach…does it really make sense for me to go to jail for it? It was an innocent mistake…my tummy just felt nice and full and I just wanted to sleep on the plane after my vacation, before I had to go back to work and stress… "I’ve given the scope more slack. Push the endoscope deeper, please.” The nurse, her head turned to watch the video feed, pushed it deeper—the scope briefly submerging among opaque liquids in the gut—which meant that her own gloved paws pushed back deep in the cow’ soft, wet, slimy throat… "Amazing…Her upper digestive tract is stunningly long…. We’re nearly out of endoscope cord…Push deeper…" "Unnnh….” Kate moaned at the strange sensation, for she couldn’t talk with the cord in her throat. "There! Look! This might be her third or fourth stomach—see that?” The video feed showed a packed gut-chamber with groaning, shuddering brownish walls, piled high with food and junk. "Is that—someone’s underwear?” The nurse was amazed, pushing her gloved paws fully into Kate’s throat now. Kate noticed that the endoscope cord had become taut, and the nurse’s gloved fingers were very much tickling her throat in a way that made her have a strong urge to swallow. "No-beyond that—See that spot on the far wall?" "My god—it’s hard to see but— looks like there’s some object perfectly sealing up the exit to her intestines—her poor duodenum—“ On the video feed, suddenly a rabbit-shaped object surfaced from the muck and faced the camera. "Holy shi—!" "Is that--!?” Ghulp~! Kate swallowed reflexively. The cord was yanked out of its socket and flew down the cow’s gulping throat like a lightning bolt. The video feed went dark instantly. "EEK!” The nurse was pulled too. The black rabbit’s arms were yanked deep into the cow’s neck— "NURSE!” The doctor ran over and pullllled her back—but her paws were bare. Every one of the three of them panted for a bit. The black rabbit nurse stared into Kate’s eyes—in horror, amazement, or something else wasn’t clear. "You …sw-swallowed…my gloves.. Off my paws…" "S-sorry…uhrp…” Kate blushed, embarrassed, but feeling a little of something else, too. Now that I’ve had sex with a girl…this nurse is a little cute, too…for a rabbit, that is. The nurse shook her head and went to don another pair of thin blue rubber gloves. The doctor, though, was merry and amused. "Hah! You swallowed the endoscope, too…the entire coil…into your stomach…” The doctor, equally amazed, gave a few pats the cow’s fuzzy belly. “Quite an impressive plumbing setup our patient has!” He chuckled. Then he turned to the nurse. "Jane, prepare the matter transference device. " "W-with the drone, right?” The nurse was clearly nervous. "No,” The doctor said with plenty of confidence. “I’ll do it myself. " "Hh!” The nurse gasped as she saw him putting on the diving suit. “Doctor , you can’t! You saw—there’s someone down there—they’re trapped!" "Perhaps—we don’t know that. But if true, THEY don’t have state-of-the art diving equipment—much less, a prototype teleporter. Which you’ll be operating, Jane. So if there is a trapped rabbit deep in this cow-belly—you’ll be the one to welcome her back to the light. " "Oh…okay…. " "Now, please set up the jaw-clamp on the patient. We need her mouth held wide open so I can pass up stuff until I get the device properly set up. "Yes, sir.” Kate, who was still in plenty of pain, didn’t say anything, but began to feel an odd sort of anticipation for the small otter to go into her mouth and down her throat—into her warm belly. The last time she had swallowed someone to explore her stomach, it had felt—strangely good. So much so, that it had soothed her and let her doze off. In this instance, when the jaw-clamp was affixed to her face, holding her already big mouth very wide open, she felt that odd feeling again and unconsciously rubbed her thighs together. The doctor-otter, for his part in this, was dressed in an outfit that was similar to Carmen’s, except a bit more shiny and new. His diving-mask sported a built-in headlamp and helmet-camera, and the only other tools he brought with him was – after stopping by the supply shelf—a strange little disc-shaped contraption. I guess that’s the teleporter, Kate thought. Given all the pain and trouble she had had from her over-eating and poor eating habits, she was looking forward to having her stretched, brusied and aching stomach techno-magically voided all at once. The nurse looked increasingly nervous as the proud-faced doctor, now waddling over in the entirely body-covering white vinyl haz-mat suit with its clear plastic mask, climbed up the stepladder and put his freshly gloved paws on the blinking cow’s soft pink lips. "Wait, doctor!” The nurse shouted nervously. “You forgot to tie the winch,” she reminded, gesturing to a powerful crane-like device that was attached to a load-bearing pillar of the city hospital. This crane was in turn connected to a powerful electric coiling-wheel, which Kate surmised was used as leverage to pull doctors and other things out of particularly greedy throats. The doctor shook his head. "The size ratio doesn’t warrant it,” he shouted through the muffled mask. “Her gut’s wider than I am , at its tightest point. Plus, I plan to guide the obstruction all the way to the end.” He turned and grinned through the reflective plastic towards Kate. “It’s the only way to ensure our patient is healthy all the way through. " "Oh…okay. Well, good luck!” The nurse, still nervous, tried to smile. Kate blinked, and felt the doctor grab her cheeks and heave himself into her mouth, feet-first. Slowly, feeling the nurse watch her, she gradually relaxed her big, stretched-open jaws aroud the plasticwrapped otter, and waited for her salivary glands to properly coat him. She found herself and the nurse staring at each other. "Mg—Glllm~!” Kate had to squint and strain to swallow. The doctor made a huge bulge in her furry neck as he went down. "Ohhh…” She moaned immediately. “Thh Fff…shah…haah…burrrp….” She couldn’t properly complain because of the jaw-clamp affixed to her face. "Yeah, sorry,” the nurse was saying, going over to the computer to link up the communicator device. "With this method, you’re gonna have to get a little bit fuller before you get to let it all out. " "Ahh hhah naah,” Kate tried to say, but the jaw-clamp was still attached to her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she was allowed to take it off, or not. The nurse was distracted, for the moment. She got the doctor’s video and audio-feed linked up to the projector. "Here, you can watch as he works,” she said casually, then spoke into her own microphone. “How’s progress, doc?” The pair watched the screen inside of Kate’s fore-gut , seeing irritated reddish flesh-walls, mounds of decaying food, and clouds of poisonous gas, as the doctor sloshed through dimly-lit mush, occasionally picking up an item to examine—at first, a picked-clean corn-cob clutched possessively by one of Kate’s stomach-alcoves, and then, one of Jane the nurse’s rubber gloves, and finally, a strangely familiar metal device that he dug out from a particularly viscous mush around his waist. "That’s—That’s a Med-Tech communicator!" "Yeah…well, it’s an older model…version 2, from eight years ago…. You know what, I think maybe the last person to do this type of procedure on our patient might have been a little Sloppy…” Kate blinked “Ahh-Ah—haah…" "What—what’s that?” The nurse turned to look at the cow’s face. “Here, I’ll take it off a minute so you can speak. " "Sure—these things aren’t big enough to be the cause of the problem, so I’m going to keep looking before I hand anything up,” he reported. The nurse came over and removed the jaw clamp from Kate’s soft mouth. "Hah.. Thank you,” Kate said, then briefly cringed as her hugely bloated stomach jiggled and quivered with interior movements in 2 distinctly separate places. The nurse gasped and stared. “I…I wanted to tell you,” she began gently, “I recently was subjected to a random search on an airline flight. " "Oh—Are you serious?” The black bunny-nurse turned to her with wide eyes. Kate nodded. "Mm hm. It was a—cavity search. With a white rabbit. In a similar—similar gear. And she went inside me—inside my body. They told me to take a nap until it was done, so I did. But when I woke up, nobody was there and there was message saying—Ummf—Uhrrp—a messge saying that it was finished. But maybe—“ "Maybe that message was some kind of error and they’re still in there! I’ll tell the doctor right away,” the nurse said. She touched Kate’s fuzzy wrist, smiled and said, “Thank you for trusting us. We really just want the best for everyone here.” Kate nodded, blinking away her wet eyes. Jane explained this to the doctor, who said, through the crackly radio, that he wasn’t surprised, but that he’d found still more unrelated items that proved that that one insertion-search might not be the sole cause of the problem. He narrated to them both as he slogged his way through Kate’s absolutely stuffed-to-a-standstill fibergut and carb-gut—locating all kinds of discoveries that disgusted and shocked Jane and embarrassed Kate – a plastic fork beneath a mound of apples, her phone’s rubber-coated charger cord, sorted by her stomach into the same chamber as a mound of old and rotting spaghetti, which also contained an errant shoe-lace, the snapped-off endoscope camera and Jane’s other rubber glove, stored warm and wet by her innards among the mounds of noodles that she remembered eating at the panda palace buffet. Just looking at all this on display made Kate’s stomach groan and churn with guilt and embaraassment— and for the doctor, this meant a miniature earthquake that sent him tumbling and worsened his camera connection. This in turn sent nurse Jane into a panic, but still, the doctor was able to right himself again, assuring them both that he was very close to the source of the digestive obstruction now, sitting at the exterior of the sphincter leading to Kate’s meat-gut. "Now, I’m going to partially have to dig out this final chamber before I can properly explore it,” he shouted through high interference on the communicator. Kate briefly checked her phone—Candy was asking for her to confirm tonight’s plans. Kate sighed, immediately feeling sad. Here I go try some sexual experimentation, and I might end up flaking out because I literally ate myself sick… Frowning, she texted Candy back that she was a little busy now but looking forward to it. The doctor’s transmission had become full of static interference, which distracted Kate and drew her attention. "…So if you can –Hhh--ZZZZHZ—Please …ZZZZH…. Prepare her, NOW, that would be—BZZZH— jane," "You’re cutting up, but—Yes, Doctor. I will.” Blinking, Kate turned away from the increasingly blurry and glitchy video feed, and gave Kate a perfunctory smile before frowning. "The doctor was saying,” she paused and sighed. “He wants to try to evacuate you naturally, first, BEFORE we try the teleporter—which is extremely unstable and not fully tested—which is a policy I agree with. " "Well, I’m glad you—uhp—agree with it, heheh!” Kate giggled, and drew a little , genune smile from the exhausted-looking nurse. "Heh…So…” The nurse frowned again. “That means….I’m going to strip you from the waist down, and we’re going to hold your legs apart, and we’re going to need you to just—just push out—Anything—as soon as you can feel that you can.” She had avoided eye contct for this—another big inhale and exhale, then looked up the cow’s face with a stern expression. "Um, yeah. I don’t mind.” After a minute, which involved much grunting from the doctor, much uncomfortable gloorp-ing as Kate felt at least one creature upsetting and stirring about the contents of her deepest stomach, and a very tight-lipped expression from the nurse, she had the lower half of the examination table set up like a gynecology room, with hoof-stirrups, spread legs, and was pushing apart Kate’s thighs. It was at this moment that Kate realized that her vagina—her vulva—felt slimy, wet. "Oh—whoa.” Kate relaxed her sweaty, fuzzy thighs, and heard the nurse exclaim when her thighs were spread wide apart, the main body of her chubby-lipped vulva exposed. "Hhh…. Hhhh…” Kate was extremely embarrassed. So embarrassed that she forgot about what was happening inside her digestive system for a moment, and could only feel her inner vaginal lips slowly unfurling their meaty wrinkles and her vulva oozing out a thick, sticky droplet of sexual anticipation— completely against her will—a hungry mouth opening and salivating for meat that it was not here to receive. "I’m—sorry, I really am, I know this is really inappropriate,” Kate stammered, horrified that she’d somehow gotten wet during all this—why, even? She wondered. I wouldn’t even ask Candy to touch that part of me—vaginas are just dirty and gross—everyone agrees on that. "Huh?” Jane looked up at her. “Oh! Yeah. No. Some vaginal lubrication during the process is totally normal – that happens to more than half of patients when they’re touched there. Nothing to be embarrassed about. “ She smiled sweetly. “ I just didn’t know you were one of those cows with a vestigial udder. It’s—neat to see. " "Y-yeah, I am,” Kate blushed, feeling her udder-teats slightly stiffed at the mention. "Kate, I’m going to ask you to relax your buttocks now, and lower your tail—we need to check your anus and keep it well exposed during the doctor’s procedure so that any bad stuff in your stomach can just flow right out, okay?" "Oh—yeah—um—“ "Oh, almost forgot.” The tired-looking black rabbit hefted up a flexible-stand mirror from some low shelf and placed it nearby, giving Kate a crystal-clear look at her own profuse, slimy, oozing vulva and, below it, her big, tight anus. That’s my…my…butthole… Kate shivered all over at the thought, the sight. In the mirror, she watched her long-lipped pink vulva quiver, tense, gape slightly, ooze another drip of sticky , flimy liquid down towards her tight brown tailhole, then relax again. I am so aroused right now, and it feels so wrong, she thought. "Uh—Uh…. Nurse? There is one question….I always wanted to ask…. A medical question…” The nurse turned away from watching the doctor plow through endless heaps of rotting food-waste deep in Kate’s bloated stomach. "Is my, um…. " "Hm?" "Is my, like---vagina and stuff—um, normal?” Kate felt stupid immediately for asking. The nurse blinked many times, as if just waking up, then smiled. "A hundred and ten percent, no less!” She announced proudly. “Let’s explore, shall we?” With a shockingly cheery and businesslike attitude, Kate lay back and watched amazed as the black rabbit began to touch her vulva and anal areas, making her struggle not to sigh too much. “Here’s your pubic fur—nice and rich and long, keeps this delicate area protected. Check. Next is your outer labia— nice and big and soft like pillows, again keeps it protected and lots of fun for your lover. Then we have the inner lips---labia minora, and yours are just going to be a delight for your lover…" "G-haaah…” Kate yelped, feeling her whole pelvic musculature clench and relax when the nurse gently tugged her velveteen little inner vaginal lips. "Hahah! Yes, it’s right to be sensitive there. Yours are connected to your big, beautiful clitoris up here…" "E-eep…” The nurse didn’t even touch it, but in the helpful mirror Kate could see her embarrassingly big clit throb and swell, just at the attention. "I definitely didn’t touch it, but I do promise not to!” She chuckled, and then adjusted the mirror and continued. “Your urethra is where you pee from—right under your clit. Can you see it as I spread your lips a little, here?” The nurse reached under the cow’s big clit and peeled apart her incredibly sensitive inner vaginal lips with a little wet sound, exposing her puckered pink pee-hole. "Hhahh…. Y-yes…nnh…" "Yours is nice and pink and healthy. And then going down further, we have your strong, tough perineum—that’s this rough part here, with not so much fur…. And then…here is your genuine, 100% grade-a, perfectly healthy cow anus. " "My…my anus…” Even as she said this obscene word, she saw her tailhole clench and felt a thrill of strange pleasure. The sight of Jane staring at her incredibly intimate and dirty parts like that—like it was no big deal—was incredibly erotic for Kate. She panted, and nearly forgot the uncomfortable churning and bloating in her stomach. It also made her realize that she has a mild urge to pee. "Hhh…” Kate squirmed in her seat. She checked the time – there was only a few hours until she was supposed to meet Candy at the show. If I can get any of this done… she thought. I really want to feel candy touch me there…I hope she’s willing…I know it’s a gross part of a woman’s body, but the way this nurse is touching me…I just want more… "So, anyway,” Jane said, standing up straight and looking a little embarrassed, “You’re totally fine! It’s always been a mission of mine to help women understand and be proud of their vulva and vagina, because I’ve had SO MANY boyfriends who were SO mean, and my husband is just so supportive—“ "ZZZH…Jane are you reading this? BZZZZhhh. Jane, Jane!” The doctor was shouting through the static. The black rabbit’s eyes went wide, and she hopped back to the computer. "H-holy shit!” The projector showed an increasingly fuzzy image of the furthest lobe of kate’s deepest stomach. Here was a very slime-slathered doctor, his suit scraped and acid-scored but still generally intact, here was the tunnel that the doctor had dug through a huge mass of semi-solid food-waste, the greenish stomach muscles ceaselessly trying but failing to churn the stuff due to lack of space, here was—finally—a relatively clear view of Kate’s pyloric sphincter—the entrance to her long, hungry intestines—this pinkish orifice buckling, quivering, and clenching around a big, obvious blockage—A slimy yet still mostly fluorescent green tennis ball. "Th—that tennis ball is still inside me?!” Kate blurted in amazement. “I accidentally swallowed it, like, a year ago…” And where’s that huge bottle that I swallowed, too? She wondered. That had to be bigger than the tennis ball… "Good news, Jane!” The doctor grinned, shouting through his slime-smeared mask. “This obstruction will be easy to push on through with a little lubricant. And so will…” He pulled something equal to his own size, onto the screen. "Hhhh!” Jane, the black rabbit nurse, gasped and put her paws on her fuzzy rabbit cheeks. “That’s— That’s a rabbit!” The rabbit looked very bedraggled and barely alive from her adventures in the cow’s stomach, her fur totally matted with slime. The doctor lent her his oxygen mask, which she drank from greedily. "You were right, Jane,” The doctor announced proudly. “And she’s still alive, too! We’ll help her out with the lube, too. " "I…--cough, cough—I managed to plug up her gut with that tennis ball—only way I could avoid getting crushed by her stomach grinding—cough, cough—the plug-up made her stomach too full to churn— Hhh—you have to get me out of here, this cow’s gut is HELL!" "And we will. Jane, I need your help now. Time is of the essence. Lubricate the patient—Both ends! Pills in her mouth and use the water-based lubricant on her anus—we want all this stuff out—including me!" "Okay.. Okay… Jane began to breathe rapidly. She shuffled some papers on the desk, checking notes while on the projector behind her, the doctor explained the plan to the soggy white rabbit. “Shit, shit shit…have to be fast, Jane…” She mumbled to herself, visibly nervous. Kate, for her part, was experiencing huge emotions. There’s a whole, live person—that I trapped in my stomach—for a whole day!? And she was the one who gave me this terrible stomach-ache by blocking up my intestines—And my body was trying to digest her the whole time… Another nurse—a brown river otter, like the doctor—appeared in the doorway, pushing a cart filled with all sorts of medications. "Hello, Room 243! I’ve got a special delivery of pills for a Mrs.—“ Jane leapt over and swiped the bottle without stopping to perform the medically-critical check of reading the label. "Yes, I’ll take those—thanks, Nicole!" "Sure, no problem. And wow, she looks pregnant with triplets or something! Hope those pills are enough,” Nicole smiled. “See you later, Jane. " "Hhh…gotta get them out, gotta get them out…” Jane hurried over to the head of the examination table. "Uh…Nurse jane…Is it really possible, that…someone was sitting in my … in my belly, all day?” Kate was quivering with strange emotions. “Without me realizing? Mm—uhrrp.” She shuddered as she felt the creatures sitting in her stomach begin to move around. "Yep, sure is, Kate. If you don’t watch what you eat, you’ll have all kinds of stuff sit in your body that doesn’t belong there. Up to and including people. I’ve seen it get pretty bad.” Jane hopped up beside Kate’s large head and tapped the cow on her big, soft pink nose. "All right, open up for your pills. These should flush your guts right out in no time. " "Aahh….” Kate held her mouth wide open, but was still surprised as Jane opened the bottle and poured the entire bottle of pills into her throat, tossing the empty bottle into the trash, again without looking at it. "Angh! Iffnt tftt tah mah?" "No, it’s not too much,” Jane said brusquely, reaching in to push at the big mound of pills in the cow’s throat, trying to get her to swallow quickly. “You have four stomachs—four stomachs filled with all kinds of rotten food and junk—and we need plenty of lubricant to—Ngh—Eep!” Kate tried to swallow the huge mound of dry pill capsules. "Hn-GULK!” She ended up swallowing the poor rabbit-nurse—up to her elbows. "Eep—Kate—Please—Stop—Pull me—EEP!" "Hnn—GLUK—“ Another swallow yanked the rabbit nearly all the way in—Kate could taste the girl’s scrubs on her tongue— Struggling to control her reflexive throat muscles, Kate simply reached up with her arms and grabbed the rabbit by the feet, yanking her back out with a Shlorp And a "Mg—bhurrp—Hahh…Oh I’m so sorry, Nurse Jane. " "Hah..it’s…It’s okay….I really shouldn’t…shouldn’t have put so many pills in…I just…wanted everyone to be okay…Hhh…” Jane sat back. Her flat turquoise nurse outfit was soaked with warm, wet cow saliva, and they both stared at her bare black paws. "Oh dear… your gloves…mm.. Burp…" "Haha! Yep, looks like they went to join the rest.” The nurse sighed and sat back. “Inside your stomach.” She blinked and stared at her paws, then at Kate. “Phew.” They both relaxed for a quiet moment. Then, the black-furred rabbit nurse looked up and smiled. “Well anyway, your tummy’s full of that stuff now, you’ll be gushing out your rear like a fire-hose in no time.” She hopped down to the floor. “The doctor did order me to help lubricate your anus, though, so, before I go take a break I should do that too. Wouldn’t want things to get stuck in your very last little cow-hole. " "Nnh…” Kate yawned. She was suddenly feeling very tired. Her heavy breasts and udder felt a bit tingly. I hope candy squeezes my breasts, she thought as she lay back and watched the rabbit draw up a stool and scoot very close to her spread legs, drawing up an intense lamp as well, and tightening her 3rd pair of gloves. I hope she squeezes my nipples, too…Her soft little lips would feel amazing there… Kate watched, via the mirror, as the short black rabbit leaned in to inspect her private parts with an intense, squinting expression. The girl touched and peeled apart her long, floppy pink vaginal lips, drew her gloved finger down between their folds, as if checking for infections or detritus. "Hhh…” Kate panted, closing her eyes, imagining Candy touching her there. It felt really good. She felt her heavy udder swell slightly. Kate unconsciously slid her arms down her sides, touching and then hugging her bulging stomach, which already felt better for some reason. Kate watched Candy further, as the rabbit’s gloved fingers slid down her rough furless perianal strip, touching the little excess flap of skin there, and then began to touch her anus… "Ohhh…” Kate , feeling lightheaded, couldn’t help but moan---at the touch, at the sight (via the mirror) of the nurse’s slender finger probing her tight, dark-pink, stained, long anal folds. It felt so good. She made a mental note that she would have to ask, maybe beg, Candy to touch her tailhole… "Are…are you gonna p—Oooh!” Kate practically yelped. The nurse had stuck her finger in a jar of very cold, lubricating jelly, and now was pressing her cold-slimed finger very firmly against the cow’s big, long, brown-stained anus. She felt her body tighten up, slightly. A bit distracted, looking at the projected video screen, she could also see the reaction inside her body. The nearly-digested rabbit and the doctor were pushing around the hunks of meat in her stomach and arguing inaudibly about something, but each time that Nurse Jane (who was facing away and did not see this) poked, pushed, or twisted her slimy finger ever so gently a little deeper into Kate’s big, tight anal orifice, the stomach walls would immediately clench and spasm—and notably, so too did the camera’s view of the cow’s pyloric sphincter—the gateway from her stomach to her intestine—the valve currently blocked by Kate’s swallowed tennis ball. This action, which the doctor and the swallowed rabbit did not seem to notice, increased as Jane sighed when she finally pushed her entire pointer finger deep into Kate’s tight, clenching anus, and began probing around insider her colon. "Th—That feels—Oohh—I’m sorry—My vagina’s dripping…..” Sweating, quivering, and feeling strangely tingly, aroused and tired, Kate could only watch in the mirror as her furry, floppy vulva began to gape and glisten at the nurse’s intense pushing , dripping milky-white rivulets of feminine slime down to wetten her dirty-looking anal folds and lubricate the nurse’s probing paw. The nurse, however, just looked tired. "Oh, not a big deal, most people react that way,” she sighed. “This isn’t anything sexual, just nurse work…Ngh…You’re a tight one, that’s for sure…” Jane grunted as she shoved now two fingers into Kate’s pulsing anus. "Gn—Haaah--!Uhrp!—Oh dear…Oh…” Kate’s eyes went went at this intensely pleasurable, intensely sexual and dirty sensation, feeling her tight tailhole radiate pleasure throughout her body that made all six of her nipples erect, made her pant and sweat. "Just hold still for a minute, okay miss cow? We need this tailhole of yours to be loose enough to pass a whole tennis ball…and a full-grown rabbit, too…So try to relax…ngh…” She reached out with her other palm to brace herself against the cow’s thickly furry pubic mound (the base of her palm inadvertently squashing the cow’s big yet soft clitoris against herself) and began to make continuously bolder thrusts into Kate’s ever-widening anus, stretching it out in a way that Kate never had—she had never tried any sort of sexual anal play before in her life—but she adored this. Even her stomach gurgled pleasantly, and she watched with amazement as, on the projector screen on the far wall, each of Jane’s finger-thrusts into her anus produced a corresponding clenching sensation throughout her intestinal tract and—visible on the screen—caused a strong clenching in her pyloric sphincter and duodenum that pulled that tennis ball deeper, and made her whole meat-stomach gurgle and squeeze tighter around the swallowed doctor and airport security guard. "Anh…Haanh…” Kate involuntarily shuddered with sexual pleasure at the anal fingering and gyrated her hips once. "Try to relax, ma’am,” nurse Jane was saying, in a slightly annoyed voice. “Just need to get this wide enough to get my friends out of your gut. Not trying to made anyone feel good, here…” Kate just moaned, and watched on the screen, with an intense feeling of indescribable bliss all throughout her body, as with a muffled glupp, the cow’s duodenum visibly swallowed the tennis ball down its tunnels—Kate, feeling sleepy, could feel the hairy ball moving steadily through her winding guttunnels, could feel her entire digestive system become warm again, returned to life. "Okay.. Just a little more…hngh—“ Jane was exhausted from the effort of anally training this cow. It felt like her tailhole was tight as corded steel. “Hnghff—“ She thrust hard with her whole right paw— Squish! Her entire gloved paw vanished into the cow’s colon—the big-breasted beast’s anal ring now lightly clasping her thin little bunny-wrist. "Gah!” Kate moaned, closing her eyes and involuntarily thrusting her hips. She felt her full bladder spasm, and bit her lip, struggling not to simply urinate in climactic pleasure. "All right!” Jane was pleased with her progress. She wriggled her wrist around, making a slimy noise, making Kate whimper in pleasure, the cow’s exposed, fat udder twitching with full erection. The cow’s stomach began to busily gurgle and groan. It felt like her stomach-contents were starting to finally drain into her intestines. Kate could barely keep her eyes open—the pills were having such an effect on her—but the sensation of anal pleasure was beyond anything she knew. The last thing she saw on the projector on the wall was a vision of the camera shaking and spinning as the cow’s hungry-looking duodenum was visibly pumping excess food-mush down out of her stomach into her intestines, leaving plenty of room for active and violent churning and acid rain in her main stomachs to continue. "Now that I’m in here…those x-rays…I remember seeing something stuck in the bowel area…There.” Looking at the x-rays to the left, Jane screwed up her face and pushed her slender, furry black rabbit arm DEEP into Kate’s anus and colon. "Oh god—oh fuck…Haah…” Kate wailed. She writhed on the examination table. "Just a minute, ma’am…almost got it...” She thrust her arm in and out of Kate’s slimy-lubricated anus, the powerful muscle-ring clinging and clenching her sweaty-furred arm, Jane earning pasty smears of cow-dung, she pressed left and right, up and down, forcing the cow’s soft, delicate organs to jiggle around inside her abdomen. Kate was panting and whimpering with each thrust. Her pink, fur-ringed vulva gaped like a black hole and drooled obscenely, her big soft pink clit throbbing every time the nurse-rabbit unintentionally bumped into it. "Almost—“ Shlorp “Almost—“ Shlup “G-got it!" "Unnnhh~!” Kate bellowed like a beast as she felt the nurse start to pull out what felt like a huge wad of material from a bend or pocket in her large intestine. The sensation—of smooth, soft rabbit-fur and gloved fingers—inside her gut, and around her tailhole—was too much. Kate begin to climax before it was even out. "Hngh—Got to pull it carefully—“ *Scchpluip—plup—* "Ha-haah—F-fuck—Hhh--!” Kate’s pert, thick pink nipples ached and twitched, criminally untouched at full erection. Her clit throbbed. And when Jane finally pulled out the wadded-up mess of bowel-debris—which included a lot of waddedup hair, an old used condom, a stainless steel fork (that clattered noisily to the floor) an old butt-plug that was far too small, some crumped-up inadvertently-swallowed plastic-wrap, and a lot pasty, thick dark fecal matter binding all this together—Kate climaxed so hard that— "Holy shit…If this is just the junk that almost made it out of you, who knows what else has been just sitting in the pockets and folds of your stomachs and intestines…Uh, ma’am? You can relax—” But Kate climaxed so hard that she squirted—right into the unfortunate nurse’s face. Nurse Jane looked up. "Eek!” She squeaked as she realized that she had unintentionally brought the cow to a climax so hard that Kate had temporarily lost control of her bladder. Gush—GushGush! Streams of hot, sour liquids gushed out in a straight line and poked the little nurse rabbit in the eye, making her yelp and stand up suddenly. She threw the recovered junk, and her soiled gloves, in a plastic tub receptacle that she had placed on the floor beneath the cow’s spread legs, and wiped her eyes with a tissue. "Yuck! Well then…” Jane chuckled as she took a couple minutes to clean herself off. “Guess I did a good job, huh?” She didn’t hear a response from Kate. The nurse turned around. "Miss Kate?” The cow had dozed off-completely asleep. "Huh…” the nurse wondered. “Sleeping isn’t supposed to be a side effect of that medication…" "Nurse Jane!” Jane watched the cow doze off completely, as the doctor was yelling at her from the video projection. “Agh—NURSE JANE!" "Wh—Yes, doctor!” Jane could now hear the cow snoring behind her. Easy sleeper, I guess… "Nurse, things are—Oof!” She cringed as she watched him get violently punched by rolling stomach muscles, and thrust with an angry gloop-ing sound, through a sphincter into a chamber filled with wilted arugula and moldering cucumbers. “Things are not going to plan in here!" "B-But—“ Jane protested. “Out here we heard her intestines start flowing again. Didn’t the blockage clear?" "It—Agh!” The doctor cursed as nearby digestive muscles wedged him between a swallowed corn-cob and a hard, fleshy green wall. “It did, but there’s no sign of lubricant OR laxative! So her stomachs— Oof!—her stomachs are going full bore digestion on us—we were thrust AWAY from the duodenum— Her stomach’s trying to crush us to death, Jane! If you gave her the wrong fucking pills, I swear—" "no, I know I gave her the right ones—the wrong medication wouldn’t have caused—Oh, SHIT.” Nurse Jane’s eyes went wide as she fished the empty pill bottle out of the bio-hazard waste basket and read the label. Patient: Hannah Orlan Species: Bovine Medication: Lactation Inducement for Late Pregnancy Directions: Take no more than one pill per week, starting at nine months Side effects: Drowsiness, Tender nipples/udder, Hunger, Lightheadedness, dizziness "What pills were they?!—Agh—Shit—Lost my oxygen tank—ANSWER ME, JANE!" "L-L-L-Looks like there was a mix-up with the pregnant cow in room 234,” she stammered. “Okay, okay—can’t we try the teleporter?" "Fucking shit—Yes, but FAST! Get it ready NOW! God damn, I hope that thing works. I’ll get the input unit ready—“ He waved the disc-like device, which he switched on and activated a little red light that glistened on all the slimy walls of the cow’s insides “—but hurry—I’m getting squished in her stomach by this ridiculous mountain of food she swallowed whole—god knows why—So Please, jane, Hurry— There’s not much time!" "Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay!” In full panic, Nurse Jane raced around while the pot-bellied cow snoozed and snored peacefully, her full-looking stomach becoming smoothly round and gurgling busily as it performed its natural work without further complications. Jane searched frantically on the desk for the item she needed. "Where’s the thingy, where’s the thingy…here.” She plugged the teleport coordinator chip into an appropriate slot in the examination room computer, and watched it light up with a blue glow. She started the controller program on the computer and hit the calibration button. When the doctor shouted, "Ready now!” She hit “RUN MATTER TRANSFERENCE PROCESS”. Jane held her breath in the moment of silence. She flattened herself against the wall so that she could both see the program-chip pointing away from the computer—where she expected the slimy doctor to appear—and the cow—whose stomach she expected to suddenly and rapidly deflate—like magic—like it had worked in test cases at the Institute, which she had personally helped with. Then she thought: Wait—wasn’t the output unit supposed to have a red light? There was a strange flash that lit up the room, and a Blip noise. Nothing appeared in the room. "Oh fuck…” Jane immediately knew she had made some terrible mistake. Then suddenly, there was a Bloorp-gloosh sound. The cow’s bloated stomach suddenly gained a big, obvious new lump inside it. The sleeping cow briefly cringed and moaned loudly. "Unnh…. Uhhrrp…” She squirmed where she lay, and Jane stared dumbly at how the cow’s vulva and anus clenched when her stomach gurgled and shuddered around this unknown and, honestly, unwelcome new lump. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU—ZZZH—DOING?!” The doctor shouted. “Don’t teleport things in here—I can barely—Agh~…” As Jane stared in horror at the projected screen, she could see fuzzily through the now damaged camera that the doctor was being crushed not only by the swallowed vegetables but also by a very large, black, and creased, and creaking object—an object which the cow’s stomach quite angrily growled at and began to churn and grind upon. The doctor, gasping for breath, held up what he thought was the input unit for the device, then just took his mask off to look directly at Jane. “Jane—This is the OUTPUT unit! Where is the input? Where did you put it?" "I…I thought that other disc was just packing material so, I…I threw it in the garbage chute…" "Oh fuck—Oh god---“ There was a loud ZZZH noise as the connection with the camera worsened. Both inside and outside could be heard a loud and aggressive GRRRRULPP from the cow’s third stomach as its powerful punching and grinding finally ripped apart the garbage bag that had been teleported inside of it. "Oh shit—oh fuck!” The doctor’s helmet-camera spun wildly, making Jane feel sick with worry and dizziness, as he struggled to fight his way not only through mounds of vegetables and a rain of acid but also tumbling towers of filthy garbage: banana peels, empty soda cans, half-eaten fish, plastic cups, moldy sandwiches, various medical wrappers, used bandages, apple cores, someone’s old running shoes, and of course a pair of skittering cockroaches and a rather chubby and very confused rat. The video feed began to flicker as Jane watched dumbly as the doctor ran, dodging as all this garbage that was being churned, soaked and pushed around be the stomach muscles, much of it submerging in the rotten food-slurry that filled her four different stomachs. She gasped as she saw the doctor leap past what looked like a big glass champagne bottle, wedged into a pocket of its own in the gut, then this was hidden from view by a churning tide of garbage and food-sludge. "Jane,” he said. “This camera battery is almost gone, and I have no oxygen. Go to the patient—I’m going to head to her fore-gut and trigger her to vomit. You need to stand by her head, keep her mouth open, and reach down—Okay jane? JANE?!?” The video feed cut. "Shit…shit…” Jane was shaking, even as the cow snored peacefully behind her. Quivering, she went over to the computer to shut it down—and as her paws shook with fear, panic, and shame, she accidentally hit that same button again—INITIALIZE MATTER TRANSFERENCE. Blip—Shlop—Blombpk~ The cow’s lumpy, fuzzy, brown-and-white-patched belly , which had just begun to work normally, and had even managed to break down the first garbage bag into small pieces, was now forced to suddenly bulge out wildly even more with this unwelcome new belly-tentant. "Ooogh…. BURP…” Kate moaned and belched in her sleep. “No more cake…too full…Zzzh.. " "Shit, shit , shit!” Nurse jane hit herself in the head and simply unplugged the computer, erasing Kate’s just opened and unsaved medical record—and with it, all written evidence that she had been at the hospital. She rushed over to the side of the bed where Kate lay, snoozing open-mouthed, with her bloated belly gurgling and groaning, slowly trying to break down and move along the mostly indigestible garbage. * * * "Okay…okay…Hhh…” She got up on the stepladder again and looked uneasily at the snoring cow’s huge, slimy, pink mouth. Jane leaned down to where the sleeping cow’s fat right breast met her bulging abdomen, and put her ear to it. She could hear some muffled voices and see the lumps of little creature’s fists, poking out from inside. "Are…are you ready, doctor?" "Mmph—Hmmph!" "Oh.. Okay…” The nurse put her hands in Kate’s mouth—it was warm and wet as always. "Okay..I’m reaching down…” She put her left hand on the cow’s horn for stability, to prevent going too far in. Glk…gln… The cow’s swallows were gentle. Her long-lashed eyes moved slightly in her sleep, but she didn’t seem to wake. "Okay…I’m down up to my ebow…Okay, doctor, I can feel your paws..I’m going to start pulling…pulling you up…Hngh…” Jane was pleased to see a bulge moving up inside the cow’s neck. It’s really working, she thought. I’m going to save the day for everyone after all. I’m going to— But then, she leaned a little too far in. "Oh no…” She breathed as she saw her arms disappear, yanked down, the fat cow’ pink, puckered, glistening throat-muscle rush up and press against her face and swallow… Gulp… Jane vanished from the waking world, becoming then only a bulge in the cow’s neck, and then an everso-slight widening of her already bloated belly. Kate was fast asleep, though and her digestive system was working quite well now, despite everything. * * * When Kate awoke, she looked at the clock, and saw there was only 60 minutes left before her scheduled date with Candy. But what she saw next made her feel just wonderful. A pretty, older fox lady sauntered in, pushing a tray of hot food that smelled delightful. "Hello dear! I’m your midwife, Mrs. Rhonda, and here is a special delivery for our very pregnant Miss Cow!" "Oh, wow!” Kate blinked, thinking that ‘pregnant’ must be a kind of polite metaphor for her condition. "But—Are you sure it’s all right for me to eat this stuff? So much…” There was roast chicken, hot potatoes, pasta, broccoli, and more. "Well, how do you feel?” asked the fox as she unpacked a bag of various medical devices. "Um…to be honest…. Much better,” The cow said, smiling. “After that nurse did her—um—special massage.. My body just…relaxed, you know?" "Mm hmm, that’s wonderful to hear , dear. " "And my body—now—I just feel ready to release. Just push everything out, nice and easy. " "As well you should!” The fox found Jane’s sit-stool between the cow’s legs and pulled herself in, beginning to push Kate’s gown away to get a better look at her vagina and vulva. “Your babies are going to come out nice and healthy.” Kate was already pushing food into her mouth, barely chewing before swallowing eagerly , feeling very hungry. Babies? She wondered, but shrugged it off. I guess if you help people shit all day, you might want to get more creative with the semantics. The soft-pawed fox began to press and rub all around where her sweaty thighs met her pelvic area, indirectly nudging and pushing her slimy, warm vaginal lips apart and together with little wet sounds. "Mf…That feels really nice, keep rubbing there.. Mmg…gulp.. Mm…” Kate spread her thighs wider , to let the gentle vixen rub her sweaty thighs. She could feel her vagina moistening again, but wasn’t shy about this any more. "Is it bad that I’m so hungry? Mmf—gulp.. Not sure why. " "Oh, it’s understandable, dear. Those pills really demand a lot of nutrients, so your belly is going to be working overtime. Best to keep your tummy topped off. " "Haha, I guess you’re right. By the way—the doctor and the nurse—I was asleep, so, what did they say after the examination? Is everything okay—inside me?" "Well, let’s see…” The vixen took some documents from a lower shelf of her cart. She squinted at a case paper labeled “Hannah Orlan, bovine, pregnant with twins”, Then she smiled. “They said, everything’s great! Exam finished successfully, all tasks done, they went home. Your body’s clean, in tip-top shape, ready to give birth!" "Haha, okay, all right! I’ll start to try to push gently,” Kate said, trying to spread her legs into a wider position. “If you could keep rubbing me around my thighs and where my pelvis meets my hips…Ooh, yeah, right there. " "Good…Now just breathe, Miss cow. Just breathe…" "Hahh…your paws are so warm, haha…sorry if my vagina gets a little wet…It’s not on purpose…" "Oh, shh, dear, it’s fine…You know, many cultures consider this to be an orgasmic experience. " "Or-orgasmic…wow…Hhh…. " "Okay…relax…Good, dear…I’m seeing your lovely, uh, flowery vulva, peel open like a lilly …. All very good…" "Yeah, sorry…I don’t really know how to do these pushes…Sorry if I’m pushing with the wrong hole, heh…" "No worries, dear. Any way that’s easy for you to push is fine. We have a receptable here to catch whatever comes out. Now push with me dear, puuuuush!" "Hnng--!” Kate hadn’t really thought she would need such coaching, but it was a wonderful luxury. She could already feel her bowels filling with warm, heavy, dense stuffing, her intestines feeling like packed sausages inside her, pumping steadily, ready to be pushed out, nice and warm When she grunted and strained, she could actually feel some huge object being pushed all the way into her colon. "Hn-So close—Haah!" "Don’t give up, dear, you’re so close! Your vulva is beautifully dilated—wide open—lubrication everywhere—PUSH!” The vulpine midwife squeezed her thighs in her claws. "Hnnggggaah!" "I can see something round, I think it’s the head! Wait—what…” The vixen saw not what she expected. There was a big round bulge in the gaping vagina before her—but it was a bulge under the vagina. It was a bulge from the cow’s large intestines—the cow’s vagina had only widened because it was just “in the way”. "Oh…oh dear…” The vixen looked down—at the cow’s huge, long, tightly puckered, dirty brown-pink anus as it bulged open wide around a shit-smeared, round object. “Is that a …tennis ball?" "Oh please come out please come out please come out…” Kate begged, and with one final grunt, tensing her whole body: “Hng-Yah!” Phlop—Flurrrrt~!” The tennis ball shot out of the big cow’s desperate anus like a cannon-ball from a pirate ship, powered by some of the ripest flatulence that Rhonda had ever caught wind of. In a flash it rocketed through the air, and then shot right into the surprised fox’s open-mouthed, shocked expression, and then she was choking on it, and then she was— "Hnk—Glllp~…” She had swallowed it. Rhonda , the midwife, was so surprised—by multiple unwelcome revelations— that she dashed out of the room , spitting, hacking, and heaving. Kate was in heaven, though. After passing the ball, and the gas, she felt her guts clench and relax, and relax, and relax, joyfully pressing out vast amounts of semi-firm fecal sludge, very frequently stuck with random objects that she very much didn’t care to count, but that did tickle her anus delightfully on the way out. "Anh…” Prrrft— Thnk ! "Mmmh!” Phut— Plop! Some ten minutes later, Kate was feeling immeasurably better, her stomach rumbling happily—still looking very full indeed, but then, she always did. She was able to step off the examination table, re-dress, and glance at the massive mess she had made in the little toilet-tub. "Oof, I really made a stinker…” She waved her nose, and, curious, peered down at her own thick, heavy, steaming shit-pile: It was curling, twisting, crisscrossed ropes and heavy logs of glistening, slimy, thick-packed pasty brown lumps of digested fibers and meats, each looking like an intimdate mold of the interior shapes of her bovine intestines, and she couldn’t look for two or three inches down along the lumps of fecal matter without seeing some item that she did or didn’t remember swallowing at some point: A toothbrush, the airport inspector’s flashlight, several quarters, an old costume-jewerly glass earring…. "Is that…rosie’s dog collar?!” Shocked, and kind of in disbelief, Kate squinted at it—then the smell hit her. “Oof—too stinky. Not gonna look at it, not gonna think about it. Hhh…Just gonna flush my poo and be on my way.. Hngh…” She reached down, hefted up the now very heavy toilet-tub, piled high with some 30 pounds of ripe, glistening feminine waste, and dumped it down the bio-hazard garbage chute at the side of the room. Then, feeling her stomach gurgle and rumble pleasantly, she stroked it and prepared to leave. "You and me, tummy,” she said pleasantly, while texting Candy on her phone that she was on her way, "We have a date to catch. And there just might be time for a snack on the way, since we worked so hard these past few days.” * * * Kate was so happy to be at a live theater production with Candace the goat, just a simple old-fashioned classical drama, taking place in an old warehouse decorated with lots of dark spots and plenty of mood lighting. She did insist on taking the highest seat closest to the restroom, behind all the other seats in the pyramid-shaped audience stands, mentioning that “my tummy’s been a bit busy today, you know how it is”, but thankfully, didn’t need to run into it, or even think of it. That is, until the third act. Her belly had been increasingly busy during the second half of the play, but during the third act, Kate whispered, taking her date’s hand: "Here, goat. Touch my belly. How does it feel?” She guided the goat’s hand inside and under her sweater, sliding it along her warm, fuzzy belly-fur, up to where her heavy, braless, furry breast creased against it. "Wow…so firm…especially here…” Candy gently touched the right side of her lower abdomen, whre the cow’s colon was. "Umh…. Mm hm….. That lump right there…” She turned and looked Candy in the eye and whispered: "I think that’s that bottle I swallowed…and it really wants to get out of me…” Her stomach gurgled and whined: gloorp. "Oh…” Candy blushed. “Can I…help…” Kate spread her legs and slouched back in her chair. She spread out the blanket-shawl in her lap. "Oh, I don’t need—mmmh—don’t need help, no. This bottle wants to shoot out of my tail-hole like a rocket. The only question is…” She lifted the blanket seductively, showing she was not wearing underwear under her opaque black dress, and swished her tail around teasingly beneath her visibly slimy vulva. "Wil you be there, to catch it?” Candy dove under the blanket. "Nh~…” Closing her eyes in pleasure, Kate felt the younger woman’s warm , soft hands on her thigh and tail. As the audience laughed at a joke on stage, Kate slouched back even further in her seat, feeling the goat’s soft lips pepper her sweaty, furry thighs with kisses, and push her legs even further apart. Why I didn’t try sex with a girl until Candy, I’l never know, Kate thought. Her lips, her fingers are so soft, but so hot… Reaching down under the blanket to grab Candy’s little goat-horns, she guided the girl’s mouth to kiss and lick her profuse, lippy vulva and clit. Kate sighed sensually and squirmed in her seat, drawing a few angry glances from rows further down, but she didn’t care. She felt Candy’s fingers, softly and gently touching her , probing, pressing, stroking on her tight anal folds—like Jane had—but this time, with curiousity, with affection, with care, seeking and pushing, finding a gentle way in. "Ohhh~…. Oh, that’s good, candy…. Do you feel it?" "Yeah—I do.” The cow slouched lower, whispered, "it’s coming, get ready, it’s coming,” and then—mentally thanking Jane for the anal training earlier today—simply allowed the massive bottle to be birthed. She could feel her anus stretching huge and wide, felt the massive bottle bulge open her tail-hole, her muscles spreading around it to allow it passage. The whole time, Candy’s gentle fingers caressed it, and her—stroking all around her tail and perineum, even caressing her velvet-soft, moist vaginal lips. "It’s coming out, candy, catch it, catch it in your pretty hands—Hahhhh!” Kate whimpered. This drew a few more angry grumbles from the rows in front of them, but still, Kate didn’t care. She felt her newly powerful anus slip and slide down to the thinner neck of the bottle, and whispered to candy, panting and breathless: "Hhh.. Push it back and forth…Push in little thrusts…Make me feel good, Candy…. Hhh..” Candy did this. With a stealthy, steady Shlop…shlup…shquish…squt… And wet sound. Candy gently but firmly fucked the cow’s clenching, sweaty, smelly anus with the selfsame champagne bottle that the cow had accidentally swallowed the previous day and passed entirely through her digestive system. Under the blanket she couldn’t see much, but the glistening sight of the cow’s inflamed, hungry vulva, drooling and dripping slime on the goat’s fingers, the rich, grotesque scent of it, the way her plump pink udder bounced and sloshed and throbbed…. Candy took all this in. And it all felt good—all the bitter, sour, and musky scents and flavors felt just pure joy. But still Kate, panting, whimpering and gyrating her thick hips, wanted more. "Hahh.. Nh…Hah... Feels so good…Ohfuck, my nipples are so tender today…Candy, I need you to suck my udder,” she whispered breathlessly down to the lump under her blanket. "Mm hm,” Candy hummed. Suk Smooch Lap, lick, lap Suuuccck… Kate whimpered, tried to stay quiet, but whispered this: "Please…H…Oh…oh yes…oh fuck yes…good girl…suck my nipples, candy…hh…good girl…. Suck my big fat udder nipples…. Good baby…oh fuck I’m coming…I’m—…Ohfuck--haaaah….” And Candy did. Candy kissed and sucked and fucked and fondled, and brought her lover-cow to climax in a public theater on the second date, and didn’t even mind when the cow made a big, smelly fart afterwards, because, she knew now, she loved her. * * * They touched each other under the same blanket on their bus-ride home, Kate just smiling, snuggling her new lover, and savoring the feeling of someone touching and pinching her big, swollen, tender nipples. At home, they touched, kissed, fucked and rubbed against each other fiercely , the goat excited to play with the cow’s unexpectedly milky mammaries. Their hot and sweaty fucking was made all the more exciting and urgent by Kate’s increasing secret need to use to the restroom—The sense of her bladder bloating, her bowels swelling full and heavy, her lower guts rumbling their needs—so that when at last , the final kiss had been laid, and the goat was asleep, Kate dashed to the restroom, and moaned out loud in divine satisfaction as she spread her buttocks with her hands and pressed her big, fuzzy rump to the toilet seat. "Ohhh…fuck yes…oh fuck.. So good…” Her tail-hole radiated all kinds of pleasure as her body pressed out wide, long, ropes of warm brown cow-chocolate, hot squirts of feminine urine, and her anus birthed out clusters of slimy, indigestible objects that felt blessedly good to be rid of, her tail held high all the while. Sphfurt…Splat…Thud!... Pfft…Splut… Even the sounds were satisfying. She returned to bed feeling a million times better, but during the night, woke several more times –each time with a familiar urgency and gurgling, bulging intestines, signaling the same desperate needs, promising the potential of immense satisfaction. Each time she ran to the toilet and pressed out vast amounts of waste material—not even wanting to glance down, but merely quivering when something particularly oddly shaped strained, tickled or scraped her tender tail-hole, and went Cling! Or Clatter! Rather than Thud! Or splat! In the toilet. "Hhf—Oh fuck…my anus feels so good pushing this stuff out…” She shuddered even to say that dirty word, and casually used two fingers to give her moist, fleshy vulva a few pleasurable strokes. Each time, after wiping herself, she would venture shyly to touch her tail-hole, quiver and moan at how tender and tight it felt. During her last such trip—waking up with bloated, gurgling guts, dashing to the toilet, turning, spreading her cheeks, sitting down, sighing and birthing out a third, warm and heavy load of well-digested mush, Kate felt her increasingly exercised anus stretch wide around three particularly big and somewhat round objects, belching them out wetly into the soiled toilet bowl beneath, each popping out with a Puft! Of hot gas, then clattering or cracking against the ceramic after they emerged from her depths. For a moment, while masturbating, she wondered – What…are those shapes? And was tempted to stand up, turn around , and look, before flushing her extra-large, heavy-duty toilet. But then, she said to herself, "I have a good job, a cozy home, and a wonderful lover. I don’t need to think about anything else.” And with that, she flushed, and went back to her bed, and hugged her lover, feeling light as a feather, full of beautiful dreams, and rather hungry. ", |
Story Start,“Uuuuhhh…” Groaned Athena groggily, as the normally elegant equine clumsily clambered out of bed. The warmth of the inviting sheets urging her to remain within the luxury linens snug embrace, but a more pressing need rudely pushing against her ponut urged her to stand. The mare clutching her head as she sluggishly rose, trying not to wince as the dehydrated ding of a heavy hangover pounded away to punish her for her night of intoxicating indulgence. The selection of spirits the mare had mixed with her lemonade proving a bit too much to her staggered sensibilities, leaving her to moodily murmur as each pulse of her lethargic heart agitated the mardy migraine nestled in her noggin. The protector’s desiccated mouth feeling as dry as a desert, as the copious amount of liquid she had consumed last night had done nothing to quench the thirst she now felt. The bad habits of the human world’s vices leaving her in a drunken daze, and now the equine was paying for her enjoyment in kind. The parched pony’s first few steps slow and staggered, as Athena tried to get a bearing in the harsh morning light that seemed to cut her like a razor blade. Her centre of gravity seeming to have shifted as she slept, and it took Athena several steps to properly adjust to the dense mass that was currently cramping her colon. Whatever she had eaten not agreeing with her, leaving Athena to waddle to the washroom to relive her gurning guts. She couldn’t remember what she had done last night, and the bloated feeling in her belly was doing little to help the pony piece together exactly what pleasures she had partaken in to leave her in such a suffering state. The normally stalwart mare feeling sick, as whatever was stabbing at her sphincter only increased in urgency as she stood up, as whatever was packed behind the pucker suddenly shifted. The looming deluge of dung braying on her back door, letting the wasted mare know immediately that she was not going to make the trip the trip to the toilet. A shit sweat springing from the pony’s pores, as she frantically scanned for a receptacle for the rectal residue thumping at her tailhole. Her irritated irises falling on a large crystalline statue in the corner of the room, that she had installed to add a serene ambience to her sleeping chamber. The clear quartz carving capped with a beautiful bowel designed to project rainbows on the walls around it, but in this case, it would sufficiently serve as a makeshift toilet. Athena finding herself growing a second tail as she awkwardly shuffled towards the stylish sculpture, and she had just enough time to hike up her tail before the faecal flow forced its way free. A festering fart ringing out as the loamy log crowned no sooner than Athena’s plump plot found a seat on the accommodating art. The dense dump beginning with a crackle as the septic sausage began to crawl out of the blinking brown eye in a steady stream. The textured turds thrumming against the twitching tailstar, as the plentiful poop pleasurably passed in a greasy glide that casually curled out of Athena’s crap chute. Athena biting her lip and began to let out a series of grunting squeezes, as the equine attempted to expedite the excretion. This seemed mostly unnecessary though, as the sheer pressure of the packed poo was sufficient to keep the well-marinated manure moving. The hazel hues coiling out of the clogged colon to the periodic poots of gastric gas, as the moist clay was shuttled free as soft serve scat. The condensed crap creeping over the chrysanthemum with an odd grain, and before long her aching anus was completely ajar in a straining scream, as she birthed the buttery bowel movement. The sensation strumming her sore sphincter familiar, and the painful prickle of acid-pitted lumps of crushed calcium gave a clear clue to exactly what sort of dinner she was dumping. Athena mulling the identity of her meal, as the digested deposit continued to form under her flanks, in a seemingly unending drizzle of droppings. This not lasting long though as Athena’s train of thought was abruptly interrupted with an answer as a tarnished crown clattered free in the next strenuous section of steaming shite. The dirtbox dilating uncomfortably as the remnant of rank made its exit, leaving little doubt that the broken bones Athena was currently letting out was once Lustrous. Athena letting out a steamy sigh as she realized the insidious identity of the bitch, she had baked into a batch of bowel brownies. The knowledge adding a strange satisfaction to the shit, as in a perverse way the head soldier of the three kingdoms had done her duty, and dealt with the dusky dictator once and for all. The evil equine’s existence extinguished by the biology of her better, and now the black thorn in the side of Pondonia was just fresh food for the flies. A fact cemented by every greasy clump of ruined hair and slight prick of a well-shattered skeleton that tickled over Athena’s tailhole as she vacated the villain. The Pegasus body doing a number on her nemesis, as nothing substantial seemed to have survived Lustrous’s turbulent transformation into a turd. Roughly handled relics peppering the mahogany manure with chaotic clusters of mishandled mare, that was almost unrecognizable as even once being part of a pony. The base components boiling into a chunky chyme that was now being reborn as a creamy soil of septic filth. Athena wishing, she could recollect the howls of confused anger that Lustrous doubtlessly spat as the pegamare forced her foe face first up her sensitive sphincter. The maleficent mare’s entirety thumping over the paladin’s ponut like a snarling suppository, that after only a short time stewing had simmered into a satisfying shit. Athena’s colon cooking the cunt into a massive muddy mess as she sluiced the scoundrel during a short drink dulled doze. Efficient enzymes liquidating Lustrous’s base components, and before long all that remained of the mare’s legacy was a copious amount of brown biomass that was now packing the protector’s plumbing like a primed 3D printer. Athena tracing the stowed shit through her stomach with a cursory stroke, as a lot more of her eaten enemy was still patiently waiting to be excreted. The Pegasus just getting comfortable, knowing from past experience that there was no reason to roughly rush this release, lest Lustrous get the last laugh and impact her intestines. Athena instead just letting nature take its steady course, as she reached out her magic and poured herself another much-needed drink. The zesty brew quickly vanishing, as with a long swig Athena downed the lukewarm liquid, and let out a tired sigh…“This was going to take a while…”", |
Story Start,Going to the woods at night was always something you felt you were safe doing, sure you didn’t live in the best area, but you carried a knife and were decently sized. Winter was always your favorite time to go to the woods, it was a great way to destress from your exams, and think about things. The nice background of snow in the trees, the crunch with every step you took, and the mist that came from every breath was calming. This night you decided to go to a small offshoot of one of the main trails, so you grabbed your winter clothes, and your flashlight and headed out to your car. The first breath of the cold air from outside always made you stop for a second, and take in your surroundings; the snow fall was light with only about an inch on the ground, but it was starting to snow more. You started to second guess if you should go out tonight, but nevertheless you decided to deal with the snow and the drive. You open your car and start it and start the drive down your windy driveway. You can barely see outside of your windows since the snow has gotten so bad, and when you make it to the end of the driveway, you take a right to the main road like you’ve done 100 times before. You’re driving on the road when suddenly the car starts to slow, so you try to push further down on the gas pedal, but to no avail. While you still have momentum you slowly turn the wheel to the side of the road and pull over. Yelling god dammit and slamming down on the wheel with your hands, accidentally causing the car to honk. You stop and think about what to do, you decide you’ll go out, and check under the hood. When you step out of the car you get hit with the cool air once again, and look around before going to the front of the car and opening the hood. You were never really a car person and you have no idea what you could even do, but suddenly you hear the crunch of snow out in the forest and look up. Standing in the forest is a Deer looking at you, its eyes seemingly burning into your soul, and its gaze never breaks from you, not even to blink. It seems more like it's stalking you, and waiting for you to let your guard down. Since the snowfall is so heavy you can only see the head of the deer, there's no antlers on it which makes it a doe. Without breaking the gaze you decide it’d be best if you were to return to your car, the uneasy feeling it's giving you makes you too scared to stay out there for longer. In an attempt to scare the deer away and hopefully intimidate it, you slam your hood down and the sound ripples throughout the forest. But the second the sound is gone you hear another one coming from the direction of the deer, the sound of another step forward. You quickly take a step back and rush to the car immediately going for the door handle and tugging at it but nothing happens, your heart sinks as you feel your pockets and your keys aren’t there. You look inside to see if any doors are unlocked and find the passenger side door is but that's the side that faces the forest. So you look ahead to see if the deer is still there but you can’t see past the tree line. So with a deep breath and a swallow, you slowly walk over around your car, listening and watching for anything. When you finally make it to the other side you pull at the handle when you hear the crunch of snow behind you rapidly. Something hits you in your back and you fall down on the ice. The fall was a bad one, and your arm is pretty badly hurt, you can barely move it at all. The ground is freezing, and for a brief moment you can’t breathe as if the air from your lungs was pulled out. When you finally do get a breath in the air freezes you up. But that's the least of your concerns and you feel something tugging at your legs. You flip over and the deer is there, menacing as ever grabbing your pants and smelling you on the ground. You try to back away from it but at that moment it bites onto your pants and starts dragging you deeper into the forest. You can do nothing but struggle with one arm, as you turn and grab at the ground but get nothing but snow. Try as you might you watch as your car disappears into the darkness, and the road does as well. You can barely see 4m in any direction, so you decide the best thing you can do is flip over on your back, and try to warm yourself up. You hold your arm on your stomach and use your other hand to breathe into and warm it, the snow leaves behind a mark of where you’ve been and freezes you as the deer continues to drag you by your foot. Eventually you come into a small clearing in the forest and the deer stops and pauses, looking back at you, then looking around the forest. You decide now could be your chance and try to get up, but before you can even get one leg up the deer is on you again.It places one hoove on top of your chest and seemingly leans down on it with most of its weight, all while staring at you. You struggle to breathe and only manage to take in short, shallow cold breaths that leave you needing more. The deer lowers its head and starts licking your face without taking the pressure from its paw off, you would never admit it but the saliva of the deer actually feels good against your face as it warms it against the cold. But when the deer stops licking and stands up the cold air once again hits your face, this time amplified by the wet saliva. You take in a deep breath after the deer gets off of you which is followed by shorter, faster breaths. That's when you notice your feet are unusually warm. You look down and see that the deer isn’t just licking, but is actually holding your feet in its mouth; but before you can do anything, you feel the rush of saliva as you get dragged inside of the throat. You freak out and try to flip yourself over to drag yourself away. The deer has you firmly within its maw and won’t let a catch like you go. With your feet still in its throat it swallows once again and drags you deep inside of it, the warmness of the deer insides almost make you want to submit to it, just to escape the cold air, but you know what happens inside of animals. The deer swallows, bringing you down to your knees as the stomach growns louder with each passing second.It swallows again, but your thigh deep inside of it, and knows it has won, but you aren’t ready to go down without a fight, and flail and kick with all your might, to maybe slow it down a little, but it does little to suppress the advance of the deer. With another swallow you’re halfway inside of it, and make one final last ditch struggle to slow the deer, you thrash, scream, struggle, kick, but everything fails to put an end to swallowing. Past your hips you know your effort is futile, and exhausted from your last struggle you go limb and wait for your destiny in the deer's stomach to arrive. The deer notices and slows down the advancement to lick and taste every bit of you, before swallowing again. Down at your chest the dear licks all around you and even attempts to bite a little but does nothing to you. So the deer swallows again and all that's hanging out now is your head and one arm, shoulder inside of it. Your feet begin to feel the inside of what feels like the stomach, and you actually have leg room, now. The deer is licking your face and inside your mouth, before you take a deep breath as the deer swallows again and pushes your face down inside of its throat, before another rapid swallow that brings you in. You feel the throat muscles work you down into the stomach, passing by your body and slowly sinking more each time. When you finally reach the stomach the first thing you notice is the heat, you just came from the freezing outside and now exposed to the excruciating heat of the deer's stomach. It feels like you’re boiling and sweat starts to bead down from all over your body. The next thing you notice is the smell, even though it was a deer's stomach it still stank of digestive juices and vomit; speaking of gastric juices you notice the small pool of them that's slowly been rising since you went in here, they tingle at your skin and are warm to the touch. But the worst thing by far is the air, or the lack thereof; Most of the air doesn’t seem like it has any oxygen, and it feels like your breaths are getting drier by the minute. From the outside it would be hard to notice anything was off about the deer, the stomach was hanging sure, but that could just be from overeating. The only real signal that something was off was the occasional movement from inside of the stomach, but that didn’t matter since nobody was here to see it. The deer started walking to find a spot to sleep and rest off its meals, which caused you to start swaying inside of the stomach, and finally you couldn’t take it and passed out. The deer finally came to a resting point, right by a log and began to lay down. By this point you were already gone, most of you turned into a liquid soup ready to move on in the digestive process which caused a lot of gases. When the deer lied on its stomach the gases were forced up and out came a burp, and with that the deer rested its head to sleep. During the night the liquid soup that once was you transferred to the reticulum, where microorganisms broke down your cells to be processable by the deer and by them. The contents that are left then travel to the omasum where the deer will extract the water from the soup before continuing to the abomasum. There the soup would be broken down and digested even further before finally moving onto the small intestines where the deer will extract all the vitamins and nutrients your body had to offer. And what's left is compacted into a loosely connected, above average sized deer turd, soon to be expelled from the body as waste. By the time morning came the extended belly of the deer was gone, and in its place was a brand new layer of fat on the deer's stomach and ass, which surely will keep it warm in winter, as well as help it find a mate. The deer stands up and lets out a loud gassy fart that signals that it has to go and expel what's left of you from its body. So it walks over to a small bush and lets out steaming deer scat on the ground, that melts the snow, and then relieves its bladder onto the pile of shit. This is where the deer leaves you, after getting eaten by a lesser animal you were processed and expunged like any other piece of waste the deer has before. To the deer you were food met to be eaten, like a berry on a bush, or grass on the floor. It saw weaker prey and removed it from the food chain. Left on the ground waiting to disintegrate into the dirt so you could be food for earthworms, and maybe the grass will grow slightly greener on that patch of soil. ", |
Story Start,The video opened to a smiling Latino woman in a t-shirt and small shorts, showing off her brown thighs. She stood on a lawn, a plank fence in the background. "Hey, my name is Michaela Romera and I am doing the vore challenge. I was nominated by my friend Trish, who donated herself to an endangered, hungry shark at an oceanarium. If you want to watch her get chomped, I will put a link in the description.” After a moments thought she amended: “Or well, I will be steaming turds by the time this video is posted. But my brother Niles will put in a link. Say hi Niles.” The frame turned around to show a sandy haired guy with a five o’clock shadow, who brought up a hand in a wave. “’Sup.” Then it was quickly turned back to Michaela, who continued. "For my nomination I choose my other friend Aria. I kind regret going before you, because I just know you’ll find some kind of fucked up way of being eaten and I won’t get to see it. But oh well, can’t have everything.” She shrugged. "But enough about that. This is my vore challenge. And the predator I am donating myself is… our sweet pooch Carlos!” the camera turned to show a siberian husky wagging his tail excitedly, head darting between the two humans. The dog could sense that something was happening. But not what and he had no intention of missing out. Michaela knelt down before him and made smoochy sounds against his snout. “Are you hungry boy? Want a nice treat? Want me to be your doggy treat huh? Do ya?” Carlos let out an excited bark, recognizing the word ‘treat’. Michaela addressed the camera again, as she petted the happy dog. “Carlos is a rescue we adopted about a year ago. The poor guy had been very malnourished. Since then, it is like he is trying to make up for all the meals he missed. Because he is always hungry. If he could have his way, he would be eating pretty much constantly.” She giggled. "That’s what gave me the idea for my vore challenge. For our beloved doggy will finally get to be truly full. Full of Michaela meat.” She went into a squat in front of the dog. “Well, let’s see if Carlos is up for a taste.” Michaela put a hand between his jaws, trying to wriggle her fingers inside. Carlos endured it patiently for a while. But then he got bored with this new game and pulled his head away. Michaela sighed, but didn’t seem surprised. She wriggled her fingers, sticky with dog saliva. "The problem is that Carlos doesn’t see me as food yet. Fortunately, we expected this, so we brought a little something to “sweeten the deal” for him.” she added with a wink and straightened. "Actually sis...” Niles interrupted. “...I was thinking, you should probably take your clothes off first? I don’t think they would be good for Carlos’s stomach.” Michaela looked down herself. “I hadn’t even thought of that…You’re probably right.” She fidgeted awkwardly. “But... then everyone would see me naked... " "Everyone is going to see you as a greasy pile of dog shit. Is your bare butt really so much more mortifying?" "I guess not...” she conceded.”... And it is not like I am going to be around to be embarrassed… Ok, I’ll do it.” She unbuckled her shorts and started wriggling it down her hips. Niles started a humming a porn theme. Michaela rolled her eyes. “You are so immature sometimes.” He chuckled. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist, I’ll be good, promise.” She grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head.” Her underwear quickly followed and she soon stood naked in the grass. Her hands inadvertently drifting to cover her nipples and crotch. But when she noticed, she stopped herself with a deliberate effort. Niles arm appeared in frame, handing her something, looking like a little tinfoil tray. She scooped something out of it in little handfuls and started smearing it across her arms and face. "This is liver pate. Carlos is crazy about this stuff.” And indeed the dog was sitting on his haunches at her feet, staring intently up at her. He let out a little whine, smelling the pate and seeing it seemingly go to waste. "Oooh, don’t worry baby. You are going to get your treat in just a second.” She assured him, not able to stand his misery. She threw away the almost empty tray and gave the camera an excited smile. “Let’s see if this won’t help things along.” She got down on all fours before the dog. He immediately started lapping at her arms and face. Michaela put her hand to his mouth and again wriggled a few fingers inside. Carlos was now in a dilemma. He desperately wanted more of the pate. But with her hand in his mouth, the only way to reach more of it was to swallow his way further up her arm. He gulped impulsively, sucking her hand into his throat. Michaela let out the breath she had been holding. Carlos’s eyes darted between her and Niles behind the camera, showing uncertainty. Michaela petted his head and cooed quiet encouragements. Assured he wasn’t doing anything wrong, Carlos swallowed again. And again. He let out happy grunts as he got to more and more of the liver pate. And there was a new kind of treat filling his mouth. One that he was unfamiliar with, but was quickly coming to appreciate. And he wanted more of it. Michaela let out a little gasp as she felt herself slide in deeper. Wide eyes darted to the camera. “It’s really happening. He is eating me…” Niles chuckled from out of view. “I hope you aren’t getting second thoughts sis. Carlos seems to have fallen in love with your taste. I am not sure he would even let you go at this point, if you wanted him to.” Her eyes turned back to their dog, who no longer needed any prompting. He was eagerly slurping his way up her arm, sucking more and more of it down his throat. Michaela tucked her head against her shoulder to make her consumption easier. Carlos was a dog on a mission now. He had had taste of his owner and he would not rest until all of her was inside him. He was frantically swallowing more and more of her down, his neck pulsing as it worked, eager for her to fill his belly. His maw was sliding across her head now. Michaela’s eyes were wide with fascination as the toothed mouth filled her field of vision, gradually being replaced by a moist darkness. "Wow, look at him go.” Niles commented. “If you have any last words sis, it should probably be now. Carlos looks like he wants you inside as fast as possible.” Michaela cleared her throat. “Uh well, I guess I-*slup*- Mpphmm?!” Carlos’s throat had suddenly given way, yanking her head down, placing it in his throat as a rounded bulge. She squirmed in surprise, making muffled noises. Carlos shifted in discomfort at his meal’s movements, unable to progress. But she soon settled down and relaxed, allowing her dog to resume the ingestion. She kept shifting restlessly though, her free hand caressing her skin. It drifted towards her crotch, but she stopped herself. Then she tensed and seemed to reach decision. She resolute put her hand between her legs and started playing with herself, ignoring the fact that she was on camera. The dog mouth was now going across her breasts, pointy nipples sliding inside. The camera zoomed in on the furry belly, Michaela’s head making a distinct bulge as it was pushed into the dog’s stomach. Zooming back out, Carlos’s maw was now enveloping his owner’s own stomach. When the dog reached her knees however, things slowed down. Then grinded to a halt. Michaela’s head was pushing against the bottom of his stomach. And despite several fervent attempts to swallow her down further, she didn’t seem to budge. Carlos was breathing heavily through his snout. He looked like he had bitten off more than he could chew and wouldn’t able to get the rest of her in. "C’mon buddy you can do it.” Niles cheered him on. Carlos eyes flickered up and he left out a soft muffled whine. He didn’t seem to share Niles confidence. The dog tried sliding himself forward with his legs with little jerks. But Michaela seemed thoroughly stuck. There was crinkling sound from offscreen as Miles grabbed the liver pate tray. “Well, this got things going before. Let’s see if it can do the trick again.” Niles moves closer smearing some liver pate on Michaela’s legs, whose toes wriggled at the cold, unexpected sensation. Carlos nostrils flared at the scent of his favorite treat. Having it this close seemed to give him his second wind and he began wriggling his head around, managing to inch himself further and further forward. Finally, something inside shifted. Michaela’s head had been stuck against the wall of the stomach. But that last force made it slip down in in front of her and she began curling in on herself. As she bent at the middle too, she was folding into a fetal position. This made her much easier to fit inside the dog’s stomach. Things progressed more or less smoothly from there, though at a significantly more modest pace than before. But eventually even her pink nail polished toes soon disappeared behind the dog’s teeth too. She curled up completely inside, trying to get comfortable. Her movements displaced some of the air inside and made Carlos belch, licking his chops afterwards. He let out a long empathetic yawn. Clearly eating his tasty mistress had taken a lot out of the poor dog. And yet he seemed very satisfied with himself for the tasty meal he had conquered, his tail wagging up a storm. After swallowing his master, Carlos belly was too big for him to walk. But he didn’t seem to have any other intentions for the foreseeable future, than laying and digesting anyway. The frame of the video jangled around before stabilizing with a click of something settling into place. Then Niles appeared in frame, walking up to Carlos. The panting dog looked up as his owner crouched down to pet its head. “Who’s a good boy? Is it you? Did you show that little gut slut who was boss? Did you?” There was a muffled indignant sound and the bulge in the dog shifted. "Now now sis, dog food don’t talk.” Niles admonished good naturedly. The movement continued for a few more moments, then settled down again. After about five minutes of watching the stuffed dog, Niles seemed to get bored. He went to check on the camera, then he picked up Michaela’s discarded clothes, disposing of them in a dumpster. After that he disappeared from the shot. In the distance there was the sound of a door opening and closing. Carlos dozes off, soon happily snoring as sky darkens and the gurgles and groans of his digestion was becoming loud enough to be audible for the camera. From the here the video started fast forwarding till morning. In the rapid jerks of the accelerated playing speed, a night of digestion was shown in a matter of minutes. At times the belly would squirm as Michaela moved around inside. After a while the movements started to become more urgent. Arms and legs could be seen pressing against the stomach from inside. At one point, with a muffled wet crack, an arm bulge folded back on itself. This seemed to send the movements into a frenzy of trashing. It was short lived however, soon petering out. The bulge gave some last, frantic spasms. Then Carlos’s belly went still and there was no further movement from that point. During all this, the dog had not stirred, blissfully snoozing through his food coma. The stomach was now gradually shrinking. Sometimes the outline of various bones became recognizable through stretched, furry skin. Then everything started to lose definition, until the belly resolved into a smooth dome, constantly shrinking throughout the process. Eventually it was reduced to the size of softball. This was when dawn peaked over the horizon and the video returned to normal speed. Carlos twitched from the light on his face, then yawned deeply. He got up, doing a long stretch on his forelegs, wobbly belly brushing the grass. He plodded over to sniff his food bowl. Finding it empty, he instead noisily slurped up some water from the bowl beside it. Then there was a loud, wet groan from his gut. Sounded like Michaela was ready for the last leg of her journey through her beloved pet. Carlos shuffled around the yard for a few minutes. Then he seemed to find a satisfactory spot, squatted down and began to push. NScat/disposal warning!nWhat emerged from the dog pucker, was the first of many massive turds. Packed into them were bone fragments and strands of dark, curly hair. There was a gap in the flow and Carlos grunted with effort. With a *plop* an acid weathered skull appeared, dropping into the pile, eye sockets facing the camera. But the rest of Michaela came tumbling out after it and it was soon half submerged in dog shit. Carlos pawed the ground with his hind legs, then bounced off, his gait jaunty with relief. A while passed of Carlos sniffing around the yard. Then the dog suddenly perked up and looked at something outside frame. There was the sound of the door again and Niles appeared wielding a shovel and a black garbage bag. Carlos traipsed around him, looking up at him and wagging his tail, hoping to play. Niles halted in front of the pile of scat. “You look like you had kind of a rough night sis.” he chuckled. He started scooping his sister into the bag. Then he tucked it in a hold over the shoulders. And launched it into the open dumpster. The dumpster shook, but remained standing, the lid falling shut. Niles held up his arms “... And the crowd goes wild!”nScat/disposal end. NNiles went and grabbed the camera, pointing it at his face. “That concludes my sister Michaela’s vore challenge. If you want to see some other gutsluts like her get themselves churned, I also left a link to some playlists in the description.” Then he started playing fetch with Carlos, using Michaela’s mostly intact ulna that he had rinsed off. After about 30 minutes he ruffled the dog’s head and left him to chew on the bone. Then the video cut out. The description for the video said: Hey guys, wanna see a dirty little doggy shit slut become even dirtier? To see Michaela get mushed in real time, follow this link (death at 53:08)", |
Story Start,“Hmm…. Let us see how your friends faired against the bowels of their better,” hissed Chrysalis with a self-assured confidence that only came with eating your own weight in squirming mare meat. The act of eating one’s enemies always the most enjoyable form of execution for the sadistic sovereign, as little beat the feeling of a hated foe and her foolish friends being reduced to a filling feast with a few commanding swallows. Their final fate just to fuel the frame of this hives’ beautiful queen, and soon enough digestion would run its course, leaving the queen to evict her Equestrian banquet from their temporary dungeon with a satisfying squeeze. Chrysalis calmly clenching her core with a breathy grunt, as she gave the force necessary to let her well-fermented faeces flow. The exerting exhale transitioning into a steamy sigh, as with a gentle crackle the reconstituted remains of five mares began to curl out as a single sizable stool of firm scat. The fetid fudge easing out between her spread cheeks like a chocolatey paste, as the evil equine began to exuded her massive meal like a creamy clay. The colossal crap mostly undeviating in its composition, with technicolour fur and broken fragments of bones evenly spaced along the entire length of the slimy sausage. The marinated manure efficiently mixed by their oppressor’s powerful organs into a doughy mulch, which naturally stabilized the logs as they maintained a decent consistency along their entire length. The anally evacuated equines leaving as a well-processed putty of assorted pony proteins, painted a hazel hue by their predator’s relentless lower plumbing. The vicious tour of the tyrant’s tubing rendering the metabolized mares down into a uniformly thick turd, that was now just a dense ball of brown biomass nestled in Chrysalis’s lower bowel, yearning for release. The monarch feeling the reassuring weight of her indulgence shift inside her, as her tail hole twitched open allowing the first log to crown and begin coiling out like a sludgy septic snake. Chrysalis smiling to herself, as she took a perverse pride in how the repugnant ropes transitioned over her tender tail star. Larger indigestibles giving her little clues about who she had consumed, causing the obsidian bug to bite her lip, as every little undigested detail tickled her yawning ring with textured tingles. Each resilient component Strumming the ajar anus, as the sphincter strained around the heavy shit in a silent scream as it diligently discharged the well-digested dung of her dinner. Chrysalis subconsciously recognizing the first skull to slither over her sphincter, as the dull nub of a misplaced horn clued her in that the piece passing over her puckered ponut was likely Twilight’s cranium. The slender snout slotting through the snug sphincter and with an easing push the stubborn skull skidded smoothly forth as just another part of the brown birthing. A matching horn following soon after as a ribbed delight, that would leave a sensual sting on the monarch’s ajar arsehole as it thumped free with a stern compression of the changeling’s body cavity. This magic implements soon followed by a much more vanilla earth pony skull, the breed of the bland bone discernible, as unlike a more lenient Pegasus casemate, she could not just pinch it off with a crisp crunch. Ruined hair and feathers interlaced between these bigger bits, but aside from how it felt against her erogenous rear little more mattered to the monstrous monarch. The queen ignoring her own unbearable stench, as a foul gas was emitted from her slightly plumper posterior with each little defecating push. Another skull easing into place for a curling exit only for the svelte muzzle to snag, jolting the queen’s bloated bladder, and earning a sudden shower of uric gold as the changeling unleashed an involuntary piss. The lapse of lemonade directly splashing onto the queen’s most valuable servant as of late, though the prismatic Pegasus made no effort to move, even as some of the acrid liquid splashed directly into her gormlessly open mouth. Not that that surprised Chrysalis much, as the blue blur was basically brain dead at this point. The lights were on but no one was home, as the pony was relegated to just another drone wrapped around the hoof of the queen, to be a worthless thrall, which was all ponies were good for aside from a quick snack. The changeling’s malicious magics melting away the pegamare’s personality, rendering her just above a jibbering ball of meat, allowing the queen to easily pin the Pegasus beneath her with her gurgling thorax. The distended midsection still holding a good amount of the useless base components of the delirious Rainbow’s friends, though she doubted the mare realized this from the nonsense she had been muttering, even as her properly punished peers eased out just a few inches from her stupefied muzzle. the rectal reintroduction doing little to stir a reaction in the mare, as she seemed unbothered that her dear companions were now just a pile of poop threading out of a smooching ebony chrysanthemum. Chrysalis just ignoring her boring prisoner, as she was making plenty of room for one last cyan dessert with this pooping pace. The changeling voided her colon in a steady stream of soggy scat, that rapidly began to rise as a repulsive mountain of ex-equine behind her with strain of the overloaded guts. There would be time to torment her useful, and no doubt tasty tool, but for now, the queen was more interested in depositing the digested deluge of her metabolized adversaries. The changeling taking the time for one final remark between groaning moans though, as with an unexpected compliment she informed her minion exactly what she had in mind for her collected calories. “Thank you, for leading your friends here Rainbow meal. keep enjoying the assfat you made, you’ll be top of the pony pile soon!” ", |
Story Start,“T-tiara? I’m sorry! We have to get you out of there… somehow…”Peach yelled into her stomach, trying to reassure the Bonneter within. She had just accidentally swallowed poor Tiara, who sat in her stomach along with her avian kidnapper. Peach could feel the tiny bulges of her friend poking against her stomach walls. Zelda and Cloaky looked on, still in shock at what had just occurred. Accidental ingestion was nothing new to them, Zelda just recently being filled with a curious Tropical Wiggler, but they had never accidentally swallowed a friend like that. They didn’t want to interrupt to make the situation any worse than it already was. “Get me out!” the muffled voice of Tiara screamed. “CAW!” Klepto cawed in agreement. “Not you, you stupid bird!” she yelled back. “You’re the reason I got into this mess in the first place!”“I’m so sorry!” Peach’s voice boomed around them. “I… don’t know if I can get you out without the bird getting out too…”Peach’s stomach, while relatively small compared to Zelda’s, was filled with bulges from within. Tiara seemed to be ramming the edge of the hat she was inhabiting, while Klepto pecked the walls and attacked with his talons. The princess was filled with regret, and an overwhelming sense of dread. She never had to get someone out of her stomach, and she wasn’t sure if Tiara would respawn since they weren’t in the Smash Brothers universe. “Can you try spitting me out?” Tiara called up her throat. “I could try flying out your mouth, maybe escape that way?”“It’s worth a shot, I’m just not very used to having things go up my throat…”Peach tried her hardest to relax her esophagus to allow Tiara to fly through it. Unfortunately, Klepto noticed the opening and flew up to it, sticking his beak in the hole to the throat. He didn’t get very far before his feathers tickled Peach’s throat, causing her to involuntarily swallow again. “That won’t work with that bird in there…” Peach sighed. “Maybe try… the other way? I know you won’t like it, but it might be your only shot.”Tiara glanced at the hole to Peach’s lower bowels. It seemed to be covered by acid already, and she didn’t want to risk the cloth of her hat body dissolving in the long path through Peach’s intestines. She shuddered and called back up. “Are you crazy?” Tiara yelled. “I’d never make it in this Explorer Hat!”Peach thought long and hard for a method that would leave both her and Tiara unharmed. Except for Klepto, he was definitely going to be harmed. Lost for ideas, she decided to walk over to Zelda and Cloaky, hoping that they would have an idea. It was a bit hard to talk to them, mostly because of the pillar Zelda was on, and her massive belly elevating her even more. The Hylian Princess already seemed to be brainstorming, holding her chin while looking at Peach’s bulging belly. “Any ideas, Zelda?” Peach asked. “Well, the natural way idea is probably Tiara’s best shot,” Zelda replied, “If she were to abandon your hat and revert to her natural tiara base, she would be able to survive your digestive tract relatively unharmed if she went dormant…”“Uh, any other ideas?” Tiara’s slightly muffled voice asked, “Because I would rather not get out that way. Hey, what if you sent Cloaky in to get me out?”The other Bonneter’s eyes widened in fright at the suggestion. “W-What?! M-Me?! G-Go in there!?” Cloaky squeaked, “I-I could never! Besides, I-I’m much too busy right now…”“Busy?!” Tiara demanded, “Busy doing what exactly?!”Cloaky flew behind Zelda and blanketed herself over the hole in the princess’s tights caused by the Tropical Wiggler shoving its head between Zelda’s butt cheeks. “I’m covering Zelda’s b-butt!” Cloaky stated, “She has a hole in her pants!”“You sure you want to do that instead?” Tiara asked. “C-Cloaky?! What are you doing?” Zelda yelped, “Get away from there before it’s too late and I have to too—”Grrrooumble… She was interrupted by a deep, gassy gurgling from her gut. Brrrrrrmpt! A mighty toot out of her backside was muffled by Cloaky covering her caboose, the Bonneter’s body bulging while the flatulence exited. Cloaky fell away from Zelda’s butt and floated in a daze. The princess blushed deeply. “Sorry, Cloaky… I tried to warn you,” she said, “Besides, I wouldn’t send you into Peach to get Tiara back. Your original body is made of cloth, and I fear you wouldn’t stand much of a chance with that bird blocking the entrance anyway. The natural way is our best chance.”“Well, if it’s the only option…” Tiara sighed. “I guess just… yell when it’s time to come out. I want to be unconscious for as much of this as possible.”She spun around in a circle before reverting to her normal tiara form. The small crown plopped onto the bottom of Peach’s stomach, ready to begin its descent. Klepto pecked at the new shiny object, but ultimately got bored and went back to pecking at the top of the stomach. “Oh, right, we’ll have to… let her out later,” Peach blushed. “Indeed. And I don’t think there’s a toilet or chamber pot on this island,” Zelda mused to herself. “L-Let’s get to that when it comes to it”, Cloaky interjected. “I could really go for a nap after all that…”“Agreed,” Zelda replied. “Could you please get me off this pillar though? I’d rather not toss and turn into a poison swamp.”“Oh, right,” Cloaky remembered. The little ghost pushed her tiny hands against Zelda’s tummy, but to no avail. The Hylian princess was simply too large for Cloaky to move on her own. Her kneading did trigger something within the princess…“Hmm, that—BWORRP!” Zelda belched. “... Excuse me. That won’t work. Cloaky, could you reach my side? My Sheikah Slate should be there.”Cloaky picked up the small tablet. She had no idea how it could help. All she had seen it used for was pictures and Zelda’s various journal entries. “Okay, look on the screen for a yellow icon, it looks a bit like a lock,” Zelda guided, “That’s the Stasis rune, it should be my ticket down.”“This one?” Cloaky pointed. “That’s it. Now, once you activate it, I won’t be able to help you for a couple seconds,” Zelda explained. “What you’re going to want to do is hit me as hard as you can, say maybe 4-5 times. Make sure you do it towards the shore, and if I turn orange, you should stop.”“I-I uh… that seems complicated,” Cloaky worried. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Now, go!”Cloaky held the slate up, clicking the button on the side. Zelda froze in her expression, a faint yellow hue surrounding her. As per Zelda’s instructions, Cloaky rammed her body into the tumby, building up kinetic energy as she did. The rune quickly ran out, and the built-up energy launched Zelda down to the ground with Peach. The impact flattened a few more of the wiggler’s segments, and Zelda wobbled atop her belly for a moment before—UUURRRPPP! Zelda burped once again, the pressure being released as she landed on the sandy ground. “I… I did it!” Cloaky exclaimed. “Nice work!” Zelda praised her. “Now how about we get some sleep?”The sun was almost gone on the horizon, the orange glow fading from the entire island. It had been a long day for everyone. Meals for the princesses, nervous glides for Cloaky, and Tiara… she may have had it the worst. Cloaky came to a rest on Zelda’s stomach, being a nice pillow for the small ghost. She fell asleep, still worried about Tiara, but proud of what she had just done…BBRRRRFFRRMMPTT! With the break of dawn came a break of wind. A long, loud, smelly break of wind out of the lovely rear of Princess Peach. The outburst shuddered out from between her booty cheeks, rippling the seat of her explorer skirt. “Mmph… Excuse me…” she mumbled sleepily. Despite the sun starting to warm her body and the explosion of gas from her butt, Peach still wanted to sleep a little while longer. She shifted on the ground to get comfortable again. Her plans, however, did not line up with those of her cap companion. “Cough, cough! Ew, Peach, really?!” Tiara’s muffled voice shouted from inside the princess’s “peach”, “I told you to yell when it was time for me to come out! Mostly to avoid something like this happening…”Peach’s eyes snapped open, and a blush spread across her face. She quickly sat up. Bllrrrrrrmp! The movement shifted pressure on her bowels and caused her to fart again, the sound muffled a bit by the ground beneath her this time. She looked around for the source of Tiara’s voice before looking down at her still large and round belly resting in her lap. After everything she had eaten the day before, her gut was still swollen with quite a bit of waste. The surface no longer had bulges appearing on it from the squirms of a live meal, but she could feel her bowels moving and something squirming in her butt. “Oh, right,” Peach muttered, “She’s still in there…”“Cough! Re— Cough! Really?! What are you doing out there?” Tiara shouted, even more muffled now, “Are you sitting now? I can’t get out that way unless… Peach, I swear, if you poop me out into a toilet…”“R-Relax, Tiara,” Peach replied, “I’m not on the toilet.”“Yawn! Good morning,” Zelda’s voice called. Peach looked up and over at where her friend was resting. Zelda laid on her belly, which was still large enough to act as a waterbed for the rest of her body, though its size had greatly reduced, only possessing a height that would fit a person laying flat inside. Cloaky was snuggled under the princess’s left arm. Her eyes were already open, looking over at Peach. The Bonneter had been awakened by the first butt blast from the princess. Zelda had started to stir at the sound, but since she had been so stuffed when she fell asleep, her food coma took a little more effort to find her way out of. Her expression was still tired but with a pleasant smile. BLLUURRRRRRRRRMMM! Speaking of her being stuffed, however, as soon as Zelda stretched her legs on her belly bed, a mighty toot blasted from her own backside. After all she had eaten and digested, her bum had been a ticking time bomb of toots, and the stretch had set it off. The princess’s poot actually was visible, composed of a pale, salmon-colored mist. The force of the fart was strong enough to fell a nearby palm tree, which plummeted into the poison sea below and began to dissolve. BRRRMPT! BLORT! Two more tuba toots belched out of her butt, each forming a smaller cloud of visible gas. Zelda was blushing in embarrassment now, a bit of sweat forming on her forehead. The gas had helped her to wake up though. YOU DIGESTED A MOON…Lake Fishing04/11/2022“Exc-urrrp-se me…” she apologized with a belch, “I’m having a bit of morning gas after everything I ate yesterday…”Peach was staring at where the palm tree had been. “She toppled a tree with a toot…” she stated in disbelief. “Hey, you haven’t forgotten about me, have you?” Tiara called. “Of course not,” Peach replied, “I was just about to let you out.”“Oh, I should help!” Cloaky declared. “How, Cloaky?” Zelda asked. “I’ll catch Tiara if she falls and can’t fly,” Cloaky explained. “Ah, good idea,” Zelda replied. She lifted her arm to let Cloaky fly over to Peach. Peach stood up and dropped her skirt followed by her underwear. A blush of embarrassment burned on her face as well. It was one thing to pass gas around the others or even poop in a stall next to Zelda, but what was about to happen felt really improper and unladylike. Leaning forward, Peach held her belly as she felt things starting to get moving inside. Cloaky flew around and hovered a little ways away from the bare bum. If she had cheeks to blush with, she would have at the sight of her second bare royal rump in less than 24 hours. PLRRRRT! The bare butt cheeks jiggled with a nasty, wet burst of flatulence. “Pardon me, Cloaky,” Peach apologized, “It might get a bit windy back there.”As the hot air reached her, Cloaky pinched where her nose would be and fanned the air in front of her face. She wasn’t sure who had stinkier toots at this point, but she felt like Zelda’s were a bit worse, especially given the Hylian royal’s seafood binge the day before. The Bonneter bared the foul stench in order to ensure her friend safely exited the princess’s “peach”. POOT! A shorter fart expelled Tiara from the tush. Cloaky dove into the oncoming noble gas cloud to catch her fellow Bonneter. Tiara’s base form looked a little corroded in spots and was flecked with a certain… brown contaminant in spots, but it wasn’t anything that couldn't be fixed. “Tiara, you’re okay!” Cloaky cried happily. She spun around with the Tiara despite where her friend had just exited. “Yeah, I made it,” Tiara said, “But I am never doing that again.”“Come on, let’s go get you cleaned up,” Cloaky replied, “These two are going to need a moment to… well…”Blooooorp… Zelda’s belly suddenly groaned deeply. PHPHUUURRRRT! Her blush deepened with another baritone blast of gas from her booty. Prrt! A smaller toot escaped Peach’s bum as she did a bit of a potty dance nearby. “Good idea…” Tiara stated. The two headwear ghosts took their leave so the princesses could relieve themselves in some privacy. Zelda pushed herself onto her feet. Her large belly sagged down almost to her knees, looking like she still had a person inside of it. “There aren’t any toilets on this island…” Peach said. “I wouldn’t expect there to be,” Zelda replied, “And I don’t think any normal-sized toilet would be up to the task for how much I ate yesterday…”The pair backed away from each other towards the ledges closest to them. Peach squatted at the edge, sticking her butt out over the deadly poison below. Groooumbl… She felt and heard her bowels move. Splrrrrrt! The first thing out of her butt was a wet, noisy burst of butt mud that had been the Tostarena cuisine from the day before. After the messy opening, Peach’s poop quickly firmed up as she began expelling the Goombas she’d shoved up her rump in the Lake Kingdom. Some of the bowel movements were even shaped a bit like the stools still. Frrrrrnt… Poooot! The occasional burst of flatulence interrupted the load. The Goomba stools were rather wide, but Peach’s butt had no more trouble expelling them than it had ingesting them. Over on Zelda’s side, the princess squatted over her ledge as well. The hole in her pants meant she didn’t need to remove them, simply sticking her butt out over the poison like Peach had. BURRRURRRMPH! Zelda’s bum belched a deep tuba note of intestinal gas. She couldn’t blush any deeper at the embarrassing noise as her bowels began to move. Splprrrlp! Like Peach, the first thing out Zelda’s backside was several liquidy logs of former Tostarena food. Prrrrp! Trrt! Fraaaaap! Bffmmmpt! Phuuurrrt! Fbbbrrrt! Toot! Unlike Peach, however, Zelda’s Cheep Cheep binge from Lake Kingdom came out a lot noisier with many smaller, normal-sized bowel movements. It was practically a poop then a poot, a turd then a toot. Peach had finished disposing of her Lake Kingdom lunch. Her booty was now squeezing out the remains of the bunny and Uproot she had eaten in the Wooded Kingdom. Fortunately, the fiber in the former’s diet and in the latter’s body meant they came out as a few long, smooth loaves of butt fudge. Bffffrrt! Prup! The fiber did make her a bit gassier though. Peach’s tummy had shrunk significantly after expelling all the waste that she had so far. Just a bulge of pudge stuck out beneath her breasts now. She moved onto her last bowel movement of the morning: the big condor himself. Tiara’s solid mass had been dense and heavy enough to sink her down to the front of the princess’s load, but Klepto had been digested, so he was the last bit of waste for Peach to poop out. BRAAAAP! Her butt shook with the exit of a fart, and then its cheeks spread to let the last few feather-embedded feces free. “At least you’re causing me a lot less trouble coming out,” she sighed, “Then you did going in. Serves you right, you stupid bird.”Klepto couldn’t respond because, for one thing he was a bird, and the other he was just princess poop now, which couldn’t talk even if it had been able to before. Back over with Zelda, she had less to expel from the trip to Steam Gardens, since she had only eaten an Uproot. Pfffffft… After the butt brass concerto that had been the fish farts caused by the Cheep Cheeps’ exit, the soft hiss of gas that preceded the Uproot’s exit barely registered with her. A few smooth, healthy brown bowel movements squeezed out of her shapely rear before the real challenge came knocking at Zelda’s backdoor. While her belly had decreased in size a bit, it was still quite big, and that was because she still had the Tropical Wiggler to deal with. Gllllrrrrt… An ominous groan came from her gut. She strained, pressing down on her tummy with her hands. “Here comes the—HNNNGH—h-hard part,” Zelda grunted. BLORT! A fat fart belched from her backside. Then, her booty cheeks began to spread, wider and wider, until finally a small boulder of bowel movement fell from between them. It was large enough that it splashed loudly into the poison below. Zelda looked over her shoulder. The ball of brown steamed and sank into the poison as the deadly substance made short work of the poop. Fffrrrrrppp… More wind waked from her bum before a few smaller logs slid out. Fortunately, parts of the wiggler’s body had been pancaked during the events at the end of the prior day, so they hadn’t formed up into butt boulders. Peach, in the meantime, was finishing up her dump. One last former bird turd squeezed from between her cheeks and plummeted into the poison below to be dissolved. Purrrrt! A final foul fart expelled the remaining loose feathers from her bowels. The princess sighed in relief. Her belly was flat once more, and she noticed that her breasts and butt had grown a little larger from her calorie-dense day. She walked over to Zelda to requisition some toilet paper, knowing the other princess always kept some on her just in case. “Zelda, may I have some paper?” Peach asked politely. She watched as another bowel boulder dropped from Zelda’s derriere. Based on the size of the Hylian’s tummy, she only had one such movement left to make. Zelda started straining again, her butt spreading open to drop the last load. “Just a—hmmmgh—moment, please,” she grunted. The huge poop fell from her behind and splashed into the poison out of sight. FRRRRRRRRRT! One final fart trumpeted from her tush. Zelda exhaled before falling to her knees, breathing heavily and sweating. “Are you all right, Zel?” Peach asked. “I’m f-fine,” Zelda replied, putting a hand to her bum, “I feel much better now that all that’s out, but my buttocks are a bit sore…”“That wiggler certainly did not look fun to pass,” Peach stated. “I’ll make sure to flatten all the segments next time,” Zelda said. Peach raised an eyebrow at that statement but decided not to pursue what Zelda intended by it. Instead, she accepted the roll of toilet paper from her friend and cleaned her caboose before giving the roll back to Zelda. The Hylian Princess cleaned her own hindquarters with some paper, noticing her buns to be a bit larger and softer than before. The new plumpness extended to her breasts as well, which strained her shirt a bit more. If she and Peach kept eating like this, she might have to actually actively work off the extra pounds. She stood up. “Well, now that that’s done,” Peach suggested, “Shall we move on?”“Yes,” Zelda replied, “It’ll be nice to have a more relaxing stop.”“Agreed,” Tiara stated, “This was a bit much.”She and Cloaky rejoined the two princesses. Tiara was looking much better after a bath and a coin polish to heal her corroded spots. Cloaky flew around Zelda to look at the hole in the princess’s pants. “C-Cloaky, what are you doing?” Zelda asked. “Your b-butt is still exposed, Princess,” Cloaky explained, “I figured I could actually cover it now that you’re done, um, p-passing gas (at least for a while, I hope)...”“Oh, um, thanks,” Zelda replied, “That’s rather sweet of you.”Cloaky wrapped herself around Zelda’s waist, covering the hole in the princess’s tights with part of her body. She kept her clasp on the front-side of Zelda’s body just in case. The princess’s butt was soft, smooth, and a bit warm after all its hard work. If there was any lingering smell wafting out of her crack, it wasn’t noticeable. Most of the smell was now down in the poison anyway, which had dissolved the ladies’ dung but left a toxic stench lingering in the air just above it which would require more time to dissipate. “Well, it’s a good thing your pants ripped now, of all times,” Peach pointed out. “Because our next destination is one of the best places to look for new clothes!”“The original Crazy Cap…” Tiara daydreamed. “It’s almost heaven for us Bonneters! So many new hats to choose from!”“I’ve heard they even have the famous Mayor Pauline and her New Donk City festival…” Cloaky remembered. “We have to see that too!”Zelda remembered the city from her guidebook. Some reviewers said that it’s one of the best tourist spots in the entire world, maybe even surpassing the historical Mushroom Kingdom. She was also interested in their Power Moon power system, which she experienced firsthand a bit earlier. She was excited to meet Pauline as well, not talking to her as much as the other three princesses of this universe. “Well then, what are we waiting for?” she asked. “Let’s go!”The excited travelers rushed onto the Odyssey, Cloaky fluttering in the breeze. Tiara sat on the globe, setting the destination, while the princesses sat down in their seats. Cloaky swapped back just in time to not get trapped under Zelda’s “hitbox”. The ship was soon in the air once more, soaring into the sky. It sped towards the next kingdom, and the excitement built inside it as it approached New Donk City…", |
Story Start,Nia huddled closer to the campfire, zipping her fur lined coat closed to protect herself from the cold chill of the evening breeze rustling the tree branches around her, the fur on her pants billowing with the wind. The curvy ebony woman smiled, her plump lips shivering faintly. “This w-was a great idea, Sam! S-shame it’s s-so cold…” Sam sighed tiredly, dropping the leftover food from their dinner in their tent with the rest of their supplies, gazing up into the starry night sky. He had been planning this camping trip with his girlfriend for weeks, and everything had lined up to make it the perfect date weekend until the weather had taken a drastic turn at the last minute. Thankfully, Sam had made sure that he and his girlfriend had brought clothes for the cold, but the intensely frigid weather was still getting the best of them. He wrapped his arms around Nia gently, pulling her head to his chest. “I know, I’m so sorry baby. You know, maybe w-we could try and warm each other up by…well…you know…” Sam awkwardly fixed his eyes on the grass beneath them. Nia giggled, brushing her brown bangs from her eyes. “W-well I am pretty chilly~” Sam sprang into action like a man possessed, quickly putting the smoldering remains of the weak campfire out and using his lantern to guide Nia into their tent, hastily zipping it shut behind them. Their panting breaths intertwined in the air, leaving a hazy fog of passion hanging between them. Sam had quickly undid his pants, his fingers fumbling nervously with Nia’s coat zipper, one by one undoing her button up white shirt to reveal her generous bosom, supported by a lacy white bra. Their lips met, their arms wrapping around each other as Sam slowly began to wiggle Nia’s furred pants down her supple hips. His stiff cock rubbed teasingly at Nia’s groin, eliciting a moan of pleasure from both lovers. This was going to be it, their first time intertwining in sexual ecstasy. It wasn’t exactly what he had imagined, but looking at her gorgeous figure, he was beside himself with excitement. He lowered himself further, his tip brushing against her- “D-did you bring protection, baby?” Sam’s eyes widened with shock, his tip frozen in place at her glistening, hot, inviting slit. In all of his careful preparation for their romantic weekend camping in the woods, he had managed to forget the one thing vital to his lovemaking plans: a condom. Sam uttered an exasperated sigh, rolling to his right to lay on his back. “I…I forgot…s-sorry Nia…” His cheeks burned with embarrassed frustration. “Oh…. Don’t worry Sam, I-it’s okay. I feel a lot warmer now, even though it’s s-still a bit chilly…when we get back home, we should continue where we are leaving off~” Sam smiled, turning to watch as Nia pulled her pants back on and zipped her fur coat back up, her cheeks as red as his with excitement. “That sounds amazing! Maybe we should cut our camping trip short, head back in the morning?” Nia pulled Sam into a deep kiss, grinding her body against his, before wrapping his arms around her, yawning tiredly. “Sounds lovely, hun. I’m going to try and get some sleep, the sooner we go to bed, the sooner we get to head back~” Sam grinned from ear to ear, knowing he was the luckiest man on the planet. “Alright sweetheart, goodnight~” Sam turned the knob on his lantern, plunging the couple into darkness. Plodding carefully in the dense brush of the quiet wood, a tan and black furred wolf cautiously stalked through the night. She stopped, an intoxicating aroma of powerful scents reaching her sensitive snout. Food, and plenty of it, was nearby, along with the pleasing scent of sexual pheromones. The wolf whimpered quietly with excitement, the pleasing smells driving her wild with delight. The two smells would hopefully satisfy both deep needs for the large creature, easily as big as any human if she were to stand on both hind legs. She was in heat, desperately seeking a mate to fulfill her urges, and she was powerfully hungry, her stomach’s gurgling echoing amongst the trees. After several moments of traveling, her destination came into view. The wolf methodically crept toward Sam and Nia’s tent, licking her lips, pushing her head through the tiny opening left from Sam failing to fully zip it closed in his horny rush. The wolf looked at the pile of food to her left for a moment, before her silvery gaze fixed on the two slumbering forms covered by a heavy, wool blanket. She was a big girl, and was hungering for something a bit heftier than some left over dinner scraps. Her tail wagged with anticipation, her head dipping beneath the covers of the two lovers. Sam grunted quietly, the movements of his slumbering partner beside him disturbing his peaceful wet dreams, feeling the wetness of the blanket over his groin, realizing he had forgotten to pull up his pants. He brushed his hands against her furred coat, running down her belly and chuckling with shock at how bloated it felt and how tightly squeezed together her breasts were in her jacket. “Liked my dinner so much you had to have seconds, huh? Be careful not to eat too much or you’ll get a tummy ache! Well, I’m glad you liked it at least, but I'm trying to get some sleep. Can you stop fidgeting so much, babe?” He took her muffled tired mumblings as an affirmation, closing his eyes and repositioning himself to lay against Nia’s side. His hands squeezed into her tasty curves, only to find her hips feeling much wider than he remembered. Her movements intensified as with each squeeze and investigative prod, only adding to his confusion. Sam opened his eyes, unable to see anything in the pitch black darkness of the tent. “Nia? Is everything alright?” He reached his hand around her, straining to flick the knob of his lantern on, when Nia’s soaking wet slit greedily took the entire length of his cock inside her. Sam had to use every ounce of his will to keep from cumming on the spot, biting his lip hard enough to nearly draw blood. “Ahhh, A-Nia, w-what are you doing? W-we don’t have any p-“ Her fur wrapped arms and legs wrapped around him, pulling him tightly against her comforting warmth, her hips desperately grinding into his loins. He knew it was risky having sex like this, but with the way Nia was demanding his love, he knew she wanted this just as badly as he did. He buried his face into her chest, her tightly contained bosom wrapping around his head like a heated blanket, and thrusted his hips into hers with everything he had. Her passionate panting and moans intertwined with his, and once again the tent was filled with a fog of breathy lust. **Brrurrrrprppppffff** The hot gas rolled down his neck as he increased his speed and intensity, feeling her stomach’s contents go still, her muffled mumbling replaced with popping gurgles and glorps, the sounds of her food breaking apart inside her making Sam blush.* CrrrnkHckr* Whatever was left of her midnight snack finished breaking apart into mush inside her as the couple’s love making neared its orgasmic peak. “S-sorry for the indigestion, babe. I l-love you so much, I can’t believe we waited this long to do this. I-it feels so good inside you, I don’t think I can hold back much longer! I’m gonna…I’m gonna…. Mmmmf!!!” He pressed himself tight and hard into his lover, his member throbbing and pulsing, spewing his seed deep inside his lover. He squeezed her surprisingly thickened hips and gut with a sensual grin, loving the afterglow of their love, and quite honestly, how good she’d look with how big her ass felt after her eating habits this weekend. His lover howled, Sam’s squeezing and rubbing making her guts grumble. *BbraapprrfffTthrtabbb* The bassy toot nearly tore the sheets from the couple, the reek of meat and shit quickly filling the cramped space of the tent, so powerful in its stink that Sam thought he might faint. “Ugh! Damn, Nia. That fish I made really must have messed you up! I’m s-so sorry sweetheart…” *FrppTrthRbbbTthhh* Nia groaned, whining with discomfort. Ever the dutiful boyfriend, Sam dug his hands deep into her pot belly, massaging and helping to ease the tension in her aching middle. “D-don’t worry Nia, everything is going to be ok!”*PrrbrfprprbbbbRtT* Nia whined with urgent need, wiggling her way out of his embrace, frantically crawling outside and into the night. “W-wait, babe, you forgot a light! Shit…” Sam quickly put himself together, drawing his pants over his still leaking cock, snatching the lamp in his hands as he dashed out after her. He flicked the light on, turning to look into the thickets and dense woods that surrounded their campsite, his legs trembling beneath him as he struggled to regain his stamina after what had felt like hours of passionate lovemaking. “Nia?!?! Where are you?!?! You need to be careful, there’s animals out here!!!” Off to his left, he heard a relieved sigh, followed shortly thereafter by the heavy thump of what sounded to be quite the hefty dump. Sam’s cheeks reddened with shock. He wasn’t sure Nia would be a huge fan of Sam watching her take a shit, but he knew he couldn’t leave her out in the dark like this unprotected either. “Nia, y-you can’t be out here alone, I’m sorry but I’m coming over there!” He moved forward, pushing through the dense shrubs and plant life, chuckling to himself about how crazy this night had turned out to be. “Don’t worry, Nia, I’m here. Everything is going to be…o……….. Kay?”The light of the lantern illuminated the frame of a massive grey and black furred wolf that looked to be nearly the size of a horse, crouching and straining log after log of thick, greasy turds. An acid bleached skull caught the glare of Sam’s light for a brief moment, before it was crushed by a loaf of manure with tufts of Nia’s hair and clumps of her tattered and partially melted furred jacket littered throughout it. Sam fell back in shock, the lantern slipping from his fingers to roll towards the currently crapping beast. The she wolf’s tail twitched twice, her pucker opening with a rancid and forceful * FbprrtppThTttttBb* shooting Nia’s ruined panties through the air to land in the dirt before the bewildered Sam. The she-wolf lifted her head, howling with relief as a steady stream of gold further soiled the already foul pile. Sam was in shock, frozen with confusion and arousal, watching the she-wolf’s slit dripping with his cum, realizing just who had actually been his partner for the best sex of his life. His girlfriend had been reduced to fertilizer and he had helped in the wolf’s digestion. Nia was stinky logs of wolf poop, gone forever. He couldn’t believe what he had witnessed, but the hardening cock in his pants mirrored his morbid curiosity at just how hot the whole display had been. Sam’s body moved instinctually, crawling across the ground, slowly stripping himself free of his clothes and exposing his skin to the cold night chill. The she-wolf looked at him inquisitively, her tail wagging slowly, cautiously allowing his hands to pet through her fur, to feel the contributions Nia had made to the majestic creature’s curves. “G-good girl, nice g-girl…” *Gmrrbmlmblrb* Sam chuckled, his hands moving down to the wolf’s gut. “Already hungry again, huh? M-maybe I can help with that~” Sam let his logic and reason melt away, giving himself over to his lust. He shifted himself from the wolf’s side, glancing one last time at what Nia had become, deciding he was determined to join her. He remembered the muffled moans and mumbling he had heard during his lovemaking, he just had to experience it himself. He laid his bare back on the uneven earth beneath him, lifting his feet up teasingly to the she-wolf’s lips. She sniffed a few times, keeping her eyes locked on his, her tongue hesitantly sliding through her lips. Sam twitched, tickled by the investigative lapping at his extremities. The wolf’s tail wagged wildly with excitement, gratefully accepting the second dinner Sam was so kindly offering her. The wolf’s maw opened wide, hot breath smelling of meat and Nia’s perfume washing over him, hot drool dripping down Sam’s legs, as she lowered her head over his feet. Sam wrapped his hands around his throbbing cock, playing feverishly with himself as the experienced predator quickly packed her meal away before he could change his mind. In a matter of seconds, Sam was sliding down a tight chasm of flesh and slime, massaged and kneaded along a one way journey as nothing more than food now. His body was methodically squeezed through the tight muscled entrance of the wolf’s stomach, landing with a splash in the she-wolf’s acid filled gut. It was clear that the mighty creature was used to its fair share of larger meals, and animal and human alike. The chamber was spacious enough for Sam to stretch his legs out fully, sloshing the pool of the excited she-wolf’s gastric slime, revealing leftover bits from her previous meals, from a few partially melted wallets and camping gear, to pieces of melted antlers and clumps of fur. It was hard for Sam to really notice any of his chamber, however, in its near darkness, his efforts instead focused on the incredible feeling the caustic sludge around him was spreading across his frame. Pleasurable tingles surged throughout his body wherever the she-wolf’s acid touched him, his rod feeling twice as amazing as it had when it had been buried deep in the she-wolf’s tight and inviting sex. He moaned with delight, the powerful stomach swiftly softening his figure with each passing minute. All of his motion was driving his devourer wild, the wolf whimpering joyfully. She laid on her side, using her paws to wrap around her delicious morsel and one night mate, clenching her bloated midsection tenderly. * Barruurrrprpppffrrp* The fleshy walls around Sam crushed inward, his breathable air floating through the she-wolf’s lips into the night as heated mist. His legs had gone numb, melted by the sudden clench to begin filtering through his devourer’s intestines, to join with what was left of his beautiful girlfriend to be just another pile of steaming wolf shit forgotten in the woods. He tensed, his cum squirting across the squishy walls around him. He smiled dreamily, his eyes growing heavy, the walls squeezing tighter and tighter. *FrAAAaaAapprrTRthtrt* Sam was no more, the stinky wolf toot making her gut crunch what little was left of the human into chunky chyme. The she-wolf yawned lazily, stretching her paws. The two meals had burnt up most of her energy for the evening, and as much as she would rather not sleep next to her dump, she knew she was too tired to manage to get far with the heavy load of the former person filling her gut methodically draining into her bowels. She rolled onto her stomach, helping to break apart some of the larger chunks that were left of Sam so that she could get comfortable to drift gently off to a peaceful nap. Over the next few hours, the she-wolf’s belly shrank underneath her, her body working diligently to process Sam properly. Most of his body was stored as a fresh layer of fat on the wolf, giving her ample stores of energy for her large form, with the unused slop left behind forming into thick loaves of stinky fudge and a heavy buildup of gas. Throughout the night, greasy poots and sharts slapped through the she-wolf’s thick furred ass cheeks, each fart a delightful relief for the beast, sighing happily and shifting cozily with each blast as she continued her slumber. By the time the she-wolf began to wake, the sun had risen high over the treetops, casting light through branches to illuminate the small clearing she had temporarily taken residence in. She felt good, invigorated by her food and mating session from the night before, content in the warmth in her belly. It had been many moons since her last litter, and she could feel that she would likely birth many pups with her mate’s seed. She trotted back to her dumping spot, the warm fudge in her rear knocking gently at her exit, ready to be released. She crouched, a little higher this time to account for the height of her previous pooping session, and relaxed her tail hole with a grunt. *Prrprbbfrrppp* She winced with discomfort, the echoing blast of gas suddenly silenced by a large obstruction clogging her rear. Whining, the she-wolf dug her paws into the dirt, straining and pushing determinedly as sweat began to trickle down her fur. Sam’s poop smeared skull, lodged firmly in her outstretched pucker, refused to budge. She whimpered with frustration, shaking her behind back and forth, clenching and unclenching, her tail flicking angrily at the growing pain in her rump. Closing her eyes, the she-wolf howled, flexing her anal muscles as best she could. Sam’s skull finally relented under the she-wolf’s fight, his jaw bone forced open around her girthy waste with a wet resounding *BRRRAPPPFRRTTPPRT* . Coil after coil of fresh shit cascaded down into her previous pile, the massive turds littered with Sam’s shattered bones and small tufts of his hair. The steaming mud eventually overwhelmed Sam’s skull, finally popping it loose to be followed by a heavy flow of fetid shit. The stench was ghastly, fouler than curdled milk burned in an oven, so sickening in its aroma that the she-wolf’s sensitive snout burned with each breath, making her lift a paw to bat at her assailed senses with disgust. The she-wolf continued until her bowels had been drained completely, turning to admire her gargantuan droppings. Nia and Sam had been forever reunited as wolf shit, their eternal embrace immortalized as a three foot tall and five foot wide mound of piss covered wolf poop. The she-wolf felt a small feeling of remorse at gobbling up the father of her future pups, but her joy at such a satisfying meal outweighed her grief. Her admiration of her night of fun was interrupted by the sounds of humans sprinting toward her, the hair on her neck standing up with agitation, crouching down into an offensive stance. Dr. Tiana Forks hopped through the thicket, gasping for air as her lab soldiers flanked her on either side. She was not the most athletic of women, a bit on the chubbier side, but still, it was her responsibility to bring the beast before her to heel. Her gaze wandered over the fresh pile of wolf crap a few feet in front of her, the stench making her gag and her eyes water, before bringing her attention back to the growling beast that stood opposite her. “Moa, b-bad girl! I told you, no eating people I didn’t tell you too!” Moa barked angrily, her head shifting back and forth between each of the armed humans slowly approaching her. “Now, y-you need to be a good girl and come back to the lab with us so we can continue our experiments!” Moa backed away slowly, taking one last look at Tiana before swinging around and leaping into the brush behind, an echoing *PrrffbrppTrbrbr* leaving a trail of stink behind her. Tiana sighed, the guards lowering their tranquilizer guns in frustration. “Oh, I knew it was a bad idea letting her out to use the bathroom…” Dr. Tiana looked down at Moa’s massive dump, sighing wearily. “That’s the fourth group of campers she’s digested in only two days. I really hope one of them wasn’t a boy, I knew I should have kept the interspecies modifications for a different experiment…”", |
Story Start,Kristy was walking out from the laundry room with a basket full of now clean clothes. She turned into the living room and out of the corner of her eye, she had seen her family’s large dog Cage, sleeping on his bed. Cage was more a bear than a dog. He came up to her chest at his height, but he was a good boy. His size led to him giving the best cuddles. As she walked past him, his ear perked up and he lifted his head, sniffing a bit. She had made it halfway through the room when she felt something tug at her foot, almost spilling the clothes over the floor. She looked back and saw Cage had grabbed her foot in his mouth. She tried tugging a few times but he wouldn’t let go. The dog's stomach let out a loud growl. “No, bad dog. Down Cage!” she said in a tone the dog should understand. “I’ll get you some food in a little bit, you’ll just have to wait.” Cage refused to let go, only growling a bit as she tried to pull her leg away. “Ugh,” she sighed, trying to maintain her balance with just one foot. She called up the stairs, “Chelsea, can you come and distract Cage, he’s got my foot and I think he’s hungry. I forgot to get him something earlier and I just have one more chore to do before I can.”“Sure thing Mom, I’ll be right down.” A voice called from somewhere up the stairs. Footsteps could be heard as a young adult rushed down the stairs in a loose shirt and pants, she stripped her pants down and threw them back to the stairs, her panties following after. Chelsea got down on all fours and called out to Cage, “Come Cage, come on,” she turned towards them, baring her vagina. She pat her butt a few times, repeating the call. “Come on Cage, let’s have some fun time.”Cage seemed to assess his options for a second before releasing the foot and almost running over. Kristy jerked forward since she was resisting the dog, and caught herself. She wiped her foot a bit on the carpet. “Thanks hon, I’ll get someone right away.”“Ok mom, I don’t know how long this will la- Oh!” Chelsea made a surprised noise as Cage reached her, instead of mounting her like she had intended, trying to hold the massive dog off until her Mom could get someone over, he stuffed her butt into his mouth. “Um, Cage? Down! No.”Cage made a small swallow, more of Chelsea’s butt being sucked in, her legs bending forward a bit. “Mom, a little hand here?”“Oh crap, sorry honey. I don’t think I can stop him from here, he’s already got you pretty nicely. If only I had found someone a few hours ago. He seemed pretty hungry earlier so just let him have his way. Try to be a good meal, okay?”Chelsea sighed, mildly upset with her predicament. Cage made another swallow and she jerked backwards again. She grabbed her shirt and quickly pulled it off. She reached back and unhooked her bra as well, throwing it to the side. She jerked backwards again, almost completely folded over on herself at this point. “Can you let my friends know I won’t be able to go to the party tomorrow night?”“Well, they should’ve known you weren’t going anyway dear, I wouldn’t have let you in the first place unless you were planning on sneaking out,” her mother chided. “No Mom, of course I wasn’t going to,” Chelsea said, being forced more into the mouth. She thanked the fact that she took gymnastics or this would be a lot more painful. “I was just hoping if I told you at the last minute you’d just let me go.”“Oh well, guess my answer doesn’t matter anymore, Cage decided you weren’t going before I even knew it seems.” Kristy set the basket down and began to fold the laundry she had brought out. Not even looking towards the event. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, thanks a lot Cage,” she reached back to pat the dog on the head after the joke. Chelsea was in up to her stomach now, thinking if there was any way to get the dog to stop. She knew there wasn’t but she still thought about it. If she had stopped to think instead of rushing down hoping for a bit of sex, she could have messaged one of her friends who she knew would have been down to go down. But maybe her Mom would be too deep to get Cage to stop, Chelsea would still be around, but she still relied on her mother for a lot of things. Cage swallowed again, bringing her breasts up against the bottom of his mouth. Each time he swallowed he swung his head back to throw his meal down his throat. His tongue flicked out a couple times, dragging over Chelsea’s nipples, causing her to gasp, before getting thrown back again, breasts ending up squished against her legs inside the mouth. Cage was hungry and was rushing to finish. She went in up to her head. “Bye Mom, guess I’ll see you at the end of the week.”“No you won’t dear, but I’ll see what’s left of you,” she said, focusing on folding a pair of pants. Cage opened wide and threw his head back hard, Chelsea letting out a short instinctual scream as her head was closed inside the mouth. Her feet and half her arms were all that was left outside now. A few more quick jerks and swallows and they were in too. Cage swallowed hard one more time, a bulge going along his throat, as Chelsea was sent to his stomach. He started panting and had what could be described as a smile on his face, tongue hanging out. “Good boy Cage, go lay down.” Kristy said. Cage waddled over to his bed, walking in circles a bit before curling up and laying down, head hanging out of the bed, watching her work. Chelsea was having a time in the stomach, trying to adjust into a more comfortable position, not as folded over as she was before, but she was still curled up in a ball as the tight confines pulsed and groaned around her. “Welp, here I am.” she sighed. Her body was fully embraced by the wet walls of the stomach, conforming to her body shape, sometimes trying to squeeze her. “What am I supposed to do in here before I die, what do all the other people Cage ate do?” She slid her arm between her legs and started pleasuring herself. If Cage wouldn’t get her off while she was outside, she’d just have to do it inside of him.15 minutes later Kristy had finished folding the laundry and had put it away. She came back into the room and sat down on the couch. She turned on a movie and leaned back into the cushions. “Come here Cage,” she said, patting the couch beside her. Cage’s ears perked and he lumbered up, ignoring the weight in his distended gut. He waddled over, stomach swaying with the motion, and jumped up. Turning to rest his head on her lap, he collapsed onto the couch on his side. Kristy’s hand went to his chest and began to pet him, his leg raising in response. She wasn’t even thinking about her daughter that was stewing away just inches beside her, as she absent mindedly moved her hand to rub the dog’s belly, hand stroking the large bulge as it made a few gurgling noises. Chelsea had managed to orgasm as she felt Cage get up, she was swung back and forth slightly, and felt a lurch as he laid down. She could feel a hand rubbing the belly, a small pressure against her back. Her Mom was treating Cage like she always did, spoiling him as she watched TV. She knew that she had probably left her Mom’s mind entirely, she was just another one of Cage’s meals. She closed her eyes and decided to sleep, the rubbing lulling her into drifting off. The first day Chelsea was in much the same predicament as before, just feeling a lot of swaying as Cage was taken for his walk, sometimes she got squished a bit when he laid down on his stomach. She was splashed with water a few times a day as Cage took drinks. On the second day she could feel his stomach begin to become more active, squeezing her stronger and stronger, she heard more and more groaning from the dog’s body, as it ramped up to break her down. By the third day Chelsea had lost consciousness from the lack of oxygen. The stomach began filling with acids, level rising slowly until her body was completely submerged by the end of the day. On the fourth, her body had been reduced to nothing but mush and bones, Her skull and a few of her leg and arm bones floating around in the liquid. Day five, and the stomach had been emptied, Chelsea making her way through his intestines as they pulled the nutrients that she no longer needed from her melted body. The next day, Kristy walked into the door after she got home from work, putting down her purse and picking up Cage’s leash. The metal clanging caught his attention, the sound a trigger that it was time for his walk. He got up quickly and ran over. She pet him a few times and attached the leash to his collar and they walked back outside. Cage ran outside, basically dragging Kristy along rather than her leading the walk. He ran into the grass and started sniffing. She knew what was about to happen and pulled out her phone and began poking at it. Cage found his spot and squatted down. With a fart, the first massive log of Chelsea squeezed out him, speckled with bone fragments and some remnants of hair, it coiled a bit before it broke off. Another turd came out, thicker than the first and it landed with a thud. This repeated a few times, smaller bones being added here and there, until the pile had reached about 10 inches in height, beginning to spread out under the weight of the feces being added to it. Chelsea’s skull fell out of Cage, landing “face” down in the pile with a plop, a burst of air signaled the end. His anus flexed a few more times and he stood, he walked away a bit before kicking some dirt onto Chelsea’s brown remains. Kristy looked up, seeing the dog had finished, watching as the shit pile steamed a bit since it had turned chilly in the last few days. Cage walked back up to her panting, she smiled and pet his head. They both turned to walk back inside. Once Cage had been given a treat and settled back into his bed, Kristy changed out of her work clothes into something more comfortable. She walked back outside with a large trashback and shovel. She set the bag down near the brown mass, and started to shovel her daughter into it. She got as much as she could off the ground and tied the bag closed. She put the shovel down and grabbed the bag with both hands, struggling a bit with the weight. She carried it to their dumpster, opened it, and swung the shit filled bag into the trash. The thought that she just got rid of the last physical evidence outside of pictures and records that her daughter had existed never crossed her mind, this was just another pile of shit from her dog that needed to be thrown away. She washed off the shovel and walked back inside, and saw Cage sleeping peacefully. She would have to find his next meal soon. ", |
Story Start,A mother and her late teens daughter were visiting the zoo as a bonding experience. They were with a large crowd of other families being led around by a guide, learning about the zoo’s collection of wildlife that they had available. The crowd had reached the elephants’ pen. “Here we have one of our most popular sections, they house our prized elephants. They eat huge amounts of food every day, and a special evolutionary change that ours have, is that they digest that food in just a few minutes, much faster than the couple of days it would normally take otherwise. These are big enough to eat enough food equivalent to the size of 2 or 3 humans.” The guide explained, putting a little more emphasis on the last sentence. “Yes, 2 or 3 humans, I say that because we like to put forward the opportunity if anyone would like to volunteer to feed our elephants today!”“Oh honey, what if we go,” the mother whispered, patting her daughter on the shoulder. “You loved elephants when you were younger! I bet you always dreamed of being able to feed them.”“Mom, that was like 10 years ago, and feeding them hay and such, not m-” the daughter responded. The mother interrupted her by shooting her hand up, also raising her daughters, “We’ll volunteer.”“Mom, I don’t kno-” the daughter was interrupted once again as her mother grabbed her hand and pulled them to the front of the crowd. “Mom I’m really not sure this is a good idea.”“Oh don’t worry dear it will be fine, it’ll make the elephant very happy!”“Yes it will!” the guide confirmed. “Our elephants love getting their weekly feeding of humans, their moods notably improve every time. We’ll just need you to strip down, your clothes will cause digestion issues”“See, now come on, get out of your dress.” The mother pulled her sundress over her head, revealing her underwear barely containing her large breasts and massive ass. She then pulled her daughter’s dress off, both wearing loose dresses for the heat, and revealing a figure similar to hers, but slightly smaller due to the daughter’s smaller height. “Mom, I don’t think I wan-” she started as her mother had already discarded her underwear. “Come on, I’m already naked, and I bet these people want to continue their tour. Here, let me help.” Her mother’s strong hands quickly undid her bra and slid down her panties, revealing herself to the world. “Alright, we’re ready.”“Excellent, now follow me.” The guide opened the cage and led them inside. They approached one of the elephants that was closest. “Alright, if you guys will just stand in one place and not move too much, I’ll signal that it’s feeding time!”The mother led her daughter forward a bit, then standing straight up and still, her arms wrapped around her daughter's waist, holding her in place. The daughter thought about struggling but was already embarrassed enough being stared at naked. The guide took out a whistle and blew it, all the elephants’ ears perked up, but only the closest trodded over. Soon it towered over the parent and child as it sniffed them with its trunk. The trunk then wrapped around both their bodies and lifted them into its mouth quickly, the upper half of both their bodies vanishing instantly. With another couple of swallows, it was as if the women had never existed at all, now just a small lump in the large creature's belly. “And now we get to see the magic happen folks.” the guide explained. As they could hear groans and gurgles from the elephant’s stomach, the small wiggles and pushes against the skin ending, as the bulge vanished in a minute. Another minute later and the elephant turned it’s large butt towards the crowd, hole puckering as if trying to tell them to get ready. A massive log of shit crowned from the hole, near full skeletons poking out in places from the surface, the once mother and daughter still in the same embrace they were in when they were alive. The log split at the halfway point as it continued and fell to the ground, bisecting the skeletal remains, as the rest of the massive shit slid from the ass and fell beside it. A fart and a few smaller pieces of scat landed with the two meals as the elephant finished and began to walk away. “And there you have it folks, now, we still have a couple of hungry elephants in the pen if we have anymore volunteers!”By the end of the day, the staff members tasked with cleaning the pens had to remove 4 large piles of skeleton filled shits from the enclosure. ", |
Story Start,A drop of sweat paved a patch in my coat across my forehead; ears twitched as I processed what the mailmare had just told me. "Excuse me, what?" "That's how it is, ma’m. Apologies for the inconvenience. " "B-but,” I stammered, the vibrations in my hooves arching down to the package I clutched on the counter, nudging it towards the mare behind the counter, “this shipment has to move out today, it is already behind schedule and its late.” She grasped the hoof length package and brought it closer. “Again ma'm, I'm sorry. We can accept it and send it out first thing tomorrow. You have to be ahead with these matters. " "But I was,” I called out and tugged the box back to my end, “there was no pony to pick up the shipments this past week.” The mailmare tugged the package a smidgen closer. “I can issue a complaint for you, but it is out of my hooves. I can take it in and send it firs thing tomo-. " "Why? I came here first thing today to make sure it could be taken.” I exclaimed and reeled back. The mare unleashing the grasp; my force bent against me as I tumbled onto my flank with package -Ckfkp- Smacking into me in tow. "Workday starts the same time for every pony in the post office. The crew's already ta-. " "But that's… that’s, inconvenient.” Then, my eyelids flipped open. “Wait, the day just started, are they still outside.” She shrugged as she leaned over the counter. “I suppose so, but they are keen on schedules here so the-. " "Thgank's a lwhht.” I called out and galloped out the office, holding the package by the string of the wrapping, the weight bobbing down my molars but, but I was determined. Tailing around the post office and seeing the ringed in flattened field thereto. Two carts at one end and a range of pegasi double checking their saddlebags in the other. "Mfmghid hgits.” I mumbled and lunged the package over the fence, leaping after it-. -Kkgnfjkgt- to find out it was just a smidgen taller than I'd accounted for. “Ofofmpsgh… fsh mmfs, I'm fine, fine I just,” I mumbled as I teetered over the fence, gathering my package as I saw the pegasi take flight. “W-wait wajgms.” I mumbled as I snatched up the package and ran… seeing them rise into dots in the sky above. I turned my attention to the carts, of course, they carried the packages. Though, I found the workhorses pulling the carts had a lot more horsepower behind them… and I was met with a cloud of kicked up dust. "Sheesh, phheah, pheu… gaannhhff… oh man. If only I hadn't wasted time wit the dumb office, now the shipment’s late, and sis'll get mad, and all the work's for naught, and tomorrow 's' just more work that I hav-.” -Thfddwft- I stumbled, knocked aside on the path. "Pardon, didn't see ya there.” came a stout, amber voice from the settling dusk. Two wide, stocked saddlebags on each side of their ochre body – which itself matched the dust, as if he emerged from it. The mule adjusted his post cap and gave me a nod, before sauntering ahead. "H-hang on. You are a pack mule? For the post office?” He stopped, and turned, his plump muzzle a shoo-in for the smooth hind, compressed on each side by the day's delivery. “Ahmma donkey, if thas' what yer askin'. So, miss…?" "Mozza, Mozza Rhind. " "Fancy, miss Mozza, what can ah do ye fer?” He responded with a hoist of his hind and a clack of his lips. "Well, I got this package, I ah…” I mumbled and then hoisted up the package… "And ya couldn't wait till morn?" "Ihts hasfst tfo head dfhot tffodyy.” I mumbled and dropped it back down. “I thought we could just, since you are on your way already, just, stuff it away in…” I mumbled, peering over the full saddlebags, walking around the donkey and turning the package to see if I could puzzle it in place; the tone of my voice declining after a full revolution without any luck. "’Fraid that ain't gonna fly, miss. " "T-that- that is ok, I get it, I get it. Appreciate it though.” It wasn't gonna be fun, but I didn't have much choice outside of biting the sour apple an-. "’Cept, ya might be in luck, miss,” he said and flicked his slender tail aide. -CnnfgggrrnfftwA tension of muscles rustled through the air, as his hind – encumbered and weighed shut by the cargo – bolstered thick with brawn to wedge the saddlebags aside, blooming to a taut bulk hat cleaved a path for the crack to broaden, and within the clasp teasing at the reverberate ring of sinew. "Send it through mah priority service.” I stared at the buffed out donkey buns, protruding thick as a leavened loaves of dough sloughing over their oven forms. “Whw-whaa?” -Slmmcht- he smacked his hind, sending a brief ripple throughout his coat, engulfed in the rigid blubber. "Us Post pones presents ponuts to preserve n' protect parches, padded posterior pudge provdidn' protection in pursuiting a perfect purvey, promptly.” he said "Aa-… aah.” I mumbled, a few more streaks of sweat joining the previous. “A-and yo are sure that… this is ok?" "Ey ah've been trucking 'long since earl morn, one more crammed in with ya helps fine, 's long as ah get back on route, whaddya say, interested?" "Yes.” I caught up with myself after I'd spoken, the way this muscles bend and melded into such smooth dunes were… "Great, ah'll just ready fer the load up,” he said and crouched, juggling backwards out of the tunnel of bag straps, peeling his rear free of the confines of the parcels, and giving me a close up of the flank fatigue booming broad as he stepped free. “Ready when ya are ready. " "S-so I just?" "Sure do. " "B-but-. " "T-that's what ya lookin' at. " "A-and you are sure?" "Sure's as honey inna hive, so what''s with the hold-up? Yer and the rest of these fine pone's package's gotta get movin'. Ah'd be remiss to leave a mare an her box out tah dry,” he said and jutted out his rear, the jostle sending a quiver over his buns, and then through me. I peered over the smooth, ochre hills for a bit then down at the package. Its short end took up about a third of his rear, and I had my doubts. Though… -Shfggllvvshs- the textures of wrapped cardboard and flank fat married to the grind of a rubber eraser. "Ooha, that cargo chute standin' by.” -Chnnvrrsh- the padded flank mass brushed along the confines of the package, meeting its parameters to bulge out square. It sunk in with a little touch of pressure, -Shhffs- a smear of oil rustling the air as the box malformed the ochre cleft ahead in its journey to the depths Betwixt. Despite the dimensions, the package seemed dwarfed by the hind ahead, steamrolling over the edges and burying it in pudge. -Splfbrlfpsths- Then drawn out, crinkling smatters of pulp crept out though the air. – as if some pony had been trying with all their might to erase jam with a rubber -Chrllrhchtst- -Shcvrrlpcshtslpw- It seemed to be working. I kept my hooves by the side of the package, supporting it as the rear enveloped it, schooching through the plump, fuzzy cheeks of the donkey to merge within the symphony of lathered bowels. -Chnnght- -Chhjnnckthw- I felt the web of musculature tauten within, the bowels' clutches grasping a hold of the package and drawing it inward. Within each tug the decisive force jolted through all the way down my own spine. “W-whoa, that is, i-impimpressive.” I mumbled. "Yea think so? Standard issue fer a, what'ya say, a pack mule? Only ta prime packages gets ta travel this secured. Ain't many robbers willing ta search that deep eiath so mfmgsg phaa, tas an insurance ya get all fer free.” I felt my muzzle nodding along, whilst my heart trucked along in the rhythm of the trawling bow trunk, the bowels's muscle spasms escorting the cargo with the efficiency of a conveyor belt, or tube, embraced on all sides. I peered down, watching the straight outlines – muddled by the smooth clasp of his coat – burgeon down in his barrel; the flattened knoll appearing to melt in naturally with the pale underbelly, adjusting and stretching with rumbles of -Ghbflflpghs- -Vhflgs- the internal organs stretching and displacing to accommodate the haul I loaded into it. -Chslphth- the -chhvrlpsths- The churns wrung from the hugging hind giving the air of an organic clockwork of meaty, grinding cogs and tendons – a mangled, satisfying orchestra from the consignment congesting his colon, instilling a sense of satisfaction as everything trucked along without a hitch. I closed my eyes and sighed, listening in my ears to the tune of -Clpthsts- -Chcvhst-s -Pfkfchspopping muscles and crawling tissue. -Chhflpths- -Twhp- Till the tug ground to a crawl. "Mmfr…” I mumbled, and shoved on the package. -Chltptsh- it wouldn't budge. -ChhghtsAnother shove. “Mmfrf, get… in there, didn't have time f-for you not to fit,” I mumbled and heaved in. -chhfgt…- -Chcllpchths- -Chhvlspthsts- in that heave, the tension acquiesced, and the package plummeted, -Clslpghthsh- with my front hooves following suit. “Mgs, wah, wha?" "Mmfs ah yeah, get, gmm,” he huffed ahead and stepped back with a jostle of his hind wedging over my pinned legs, “In, there,” -Chglptsh- -Glspthsts- each word punctuated by a grating thrust of his hind to scooch up my hooves, my shoulders threading into the compacting clutches of his buttocks and clamping in place, stepping back to -Chhgltpthsg- wring my funnelled forelegs down into his depths, where I felt -Cflflprclsptlsts- a humid crinkle of convulsing flesh engulfing their presence in dampness, slacking and soaking my hooves, passing through the precipice of the protruding pucker. "Pwhaa, hope ya don't mind taggin' along, an as said, thers' nothing to get ya hooves in a tist 'bout,” -Cglgpsths- he said with a wink back and a flash of a lemon tinged smile whilst I tried to wedge free -Shfhsts- only to have my muzzle suctioned to slot in the canyon of donkey flank, mule blubber bunching up and smothering my face. "Mfm, mfsghs, Yhogu smfms woulngs't.” I mumbled. "Ey dun worry 'bout It, I've sure packed away fmsm much weightier payloads than yer package, miss mare. Mah hind compartment tends ta get a bit cramped, though I'll ensure ta compact,” -Clpghtts- a jostle of flexed brawn danced over the jostling hinds wading up over my face, “ta compact ya to prepare fer the course ahead.” He said and patted over my head, brushing gravel and dust into my mane before-. -Clllphhthsj- The cheeks buffed up over my eyes, and my vision was consumed in the expanse of rippling, kneading donkey ass, clasping over my head and muting my groans as it funnelled me to into the hungry pit gnawing onto my legs. -Thsvjfllspshsk- -Kckpgltpbhusghs-. The parameter of musk imbued meat consumed my hooves in heavy thrusts, drawing my muzzle past the mattress of cramped pudge sculpting over my face before giving me a brief respite to breath in the wake of depths of his crack; the eye of the storm, where I was both in, and staring right at it. The flesh ring which warped and suckled and kneaded bowel grease into my hooves, clattering them in a gunk build up from the streams of fluids coursing and crouching down the furrowed patterns of crumpled flesh winking at me from the other side of the orifice. -cleft- It clasped a firm grasp on my hooves, sealing in to a mere line between my hooves before… -BHFHrrwoollccbrrwth- -Cbvrrlpffths- Scores of blaring flatulence punched through the cargo chute, the moisture laced fumes backslapping into my muzzle and parting to curl and swathe down my mane, funnelled and corralled by the firm crack. The air permeated with the air of a cider distilled from ripe olives and pepper marinades. "Pfhahah. " "Mmgng pshaw, can't unload those stinkbombs in the office, fmsma aah, ain't it just the peach's pit to lay them out?” -Fppfbrrlwpths- he asked as the miasma of burnt vinegar musk plastered into my face and tossed my mane back through the jiggling hams. “An 'botu the smell? Fogeddaboutit, package's arrive aireated, fresh. Receiver won't get a lick of that funk.” -Fbbglrlrpfhfhhst- the gales pushed into me, a wall of fog drawing me back through the brim by a cent - Clslpthths- only for the pucker to blossom around and -clslthths- ensnare my shoulders. Hauling em in as they reverberated. The fume lubricated pit -Chrllrpathhca- gaped and sloughed across my forehead, smearing back my ears flat to the walls and filling them with the -cllpghtgpops and creeping crinkles of the walls welling forth and worming me into the donkey's catacombs. "Phds, amMfms fha pfhfsm haa…” I panted, shifting and grunting, instincts pulling me back, protesting the embrace of plush bundles of meat laid lissome against my cheeks, where the… rugose wall patterns bunched up and… tickled me with gracious, smooth kneads through my coat. T-that part, wasn't… so bad. T-though the scent was… -Pfpflfbbts- -Fhhfrt- a soft plume of the malodour whispered by me, the air petered out into a robust funk of roasted nuts, with an almost, sweet, feminine tang smoothing the mellowing steam from the Donkey's sauna. “Mfpsh, ph… haha… mfms. Phaa…” My breathing still lodged in my throat, though, soothed somewhat. The embrace of hugging flesh around my head and neck telling me to relax, that it has me, all whilst radiating with a pleasant heat exuding form every pore around me. And… I tended, to agree with it…? "Mphaa, ahah? Soufmsms, all tuckered out back there, fancy miss mare? I ah'm used ta longer trips with quite the ballast, but ya'll been lugging around that package all morn', how about we just mfmss, sit down and relax fer a bmgms spellfmms.” He sighed, leaning backwards, I felt my hooves folding like jelly under the weight and stimulation ensnaring my core -Slltphbfwpgphtsthis rear landing back seated with my hind clapping to the ground -Lcfhfstlpthsts- and in the motion feeling how the gape devoured far into my barrel, wringing and -Slfpsths- squeezing me with the trickling trembles of his pucker as we sat back, and plugged me into his depths with the weight of his uncurling plot moulding and kneading down the length of my tummy. -Cllpshghthst- -Clspghthsgs- -Clslgbshwa- "That's more like it.” He huffed out, I could sense his heartbeat convulsing just a snoot's length away from me, my lips quivering under the clench of my teeth as -clspgfhhts- -Cscpsghtshis gyrating rear screwed back and forth down along the lengths of my lap, sprawling over my hind in its reeling of my frame. -Fbbfrfhsllspths- more emission of vapours, raw petrichor heat exuding from the clouds of smog, flicking back my mane in he hot gusts of exhaust exchange. Through it I noticed I had lost track of the package. Though it was surely ahead somewhere, in the sinuous depths of the bowels, plied away into another bulge of cargo stashed away for a safe delivery. And me… just a hoof behind, -Slclgb- -bBggllsh- pampered with massages from the undulating tunnel of brawn and blubber, caressing every stretch of my body, and cupping around my hind -Clslpthghrpshthsts- as the pucker spanned over my own hills. -Shfflprhts-clpsthhts- I felt distant from my hind hooves, they were somewhere back there, still in the ravages of clean air, sunshine, and responsibility. I wouldn't be long though -slpvhths- there padding was cradling them, drawing me into the cargo hold. The sensation of the full body massage in constant flux with the -Clspghthst- -Krlspvlghsths- -cliffs- smushes and smears of the bowels cocooning me, drawing me deeper into the miasma of potent calm and a just a dash of freshly mortared pepper. In here, I was encouraged, almost forced, to be still, to breathe, and simmer in myself. -Sclrprthhtss- Then, a patch of sinew ahead parted, gaping with filaments of lube sprawling in a web from its extremes. And head, through it, I could catch a glimpse of the package. I smiled. It was safe and sound, I had done my part. Maybe hadn't gotten caught up on enough sleep the past few days. There seemed to be no time when -krkshggpghs- stressing over shipments, but, there as nothing but. ~ 1 ~ -Fhlfpsths-chsthsts- The creaking of a congregation of slugs warped out from the pucker as it clasped and sucked over my hooves, pucker -Sdpsths- distending and warping its lips over them to swell out in a wide bulb before. -Chflpsghthstss- it concaved, and sent the sprawling bulges of me sinking into the sultry abyss. "Mofhpaaaa,” The donkey huffed to himself as she massaged and kneaded into his cheeks splaying them apart and -Clslpths- clapping them together, the pucker adjusting and contracted to its usual pit. “Tha's one package, safely mamds, aa, satisfyingly accepted,” he said, and caressed a hoof down his abdomen, along the indents between my legs and sailing dunes of my hooves and head lodged in his shipping compartment. “Thare's a bit fer us both ta savour. Told ya I could squeeze ya I my schedule,” -Scslplwthc- he said with a smack to his cheeks, sending a ripple through the pulses of muscular beef, flexing as he -Gslpthg- -Sglpsghs- sauntered up with a staggering sway and dangling of his abdomen, jostling and bobbing along his stride back to his saddlebags. "Fmm fmsmpgsh. Fmsp. " "Hush, if yer candour, could see this as me takin ya as payment,” -Lfrrspths- he said and prodded his tummy, as he leaned down and -Slcpshtts- his gut smoothed to the ground as he wormed in under the harness of the full satchel. “In another, ay could see this as a vacation, just like it is fer every other package,” he said -Clslpghthsts- dragging his gut to the ground to the light squeals and coos of me within. He adjusted his cap, thin tail flicking back and swaying between the imposing buns. “An just like every other package, their trips tend ta be one way,” the donkey snickered and rose, -Llcbghthgs- his gut bounding and hanging sluggish from her barrel towards the ground, -Csltthths- the rear bags compacting over his cheeks, slimming it down till there was no trace of the majestic posterior he sported. The donkey flipped open a booklet, and jotted down; one package, priority; one earth pony mare, enveloped. “There we are,” he said and started trotting along with a steady rhythm, bags shaking, -Clglpghths- tummy jostling, -Sllfht- tail flicking- -Cggngshgs- and hind creaking as it rose and fell between the taut lodged sacks, “Promise ta get ye ta yer destination, and just,” -Fplfhtbtthss- his tail flicked as a cloud of deep umber miasma pooled from his this hind, flicked and fanned by his tail, “just' a lil' compacted on the way, ya know, fer ease of transport.” he snickered. Thus, my package departed the transfer terminal in ponyville, and my journey began. ~ 2 ~ Dawn was an ever looming promise over dodge junction. With the hour still rested at his back, a pack mule made his way into town – a single pair of filled saddlebags on his back, and a square protrusion marking the zenith of his domed abdomen. -Gbrhglgsha- came a twist of liquefied bog within the donkey's guts. "Right, miss, we're justa coupla steps off a yer destination.” he calmed his gut ad sauntered through the desolate streets, guided by the moonlight to the general store. He sauntered up on the porch and, schooched up close by the door with this generous hind spilling free with a rattle of a -Fbbrlpfths- bout of amber smog. “Yeup, just bout time ta drop ya off.” He spread his rear legs, cleaving his hind above with the oscillating bulb of a pucker peeking forth from between them. -Fllccfsts- Winds whistled past with an air of smoked grapes and olives. -Crhflslptsh- A crikel of hot, warm clay. Between the vents of the brim creaked wider, unveiling a stretch of autumn umber nestled within his depths through the brim. "Ya know, soon as ah bumped into ya, ah had the thought 'well thas a mare in need a some relaxing,” -Chrbrhfhths- as the pit engorged, broadening to re-open over a stretch of raw muk, squeezed by the convulsions of the brim to mimic the sound of a jelly sandwich in the making, “and Ah've gotta thank ya back, for helping me take a load off myself.” -Pfpffvvrggs- -Chrllpvhthths- A flush of vapours muted into a contortion of mud, as the brim peeled back, blooming over the engorging onslaught of those reeking, steaming donkey sludge. -Cgrrlllpchshthst- his pit gaped to its limits and was teased wider by the width of the slag heap curling out through his pucker. -Sfhvflrlpsths- the mound barging through laid clad in a surface of thin fissures sprouting over a texture of heated nougat. Along these slim trails crowded streams of translucent fluids, a lubricating bowel slime, squeezed along the hair thin trenches on the uniform concoction of donkey ass fudge. The clump crowned by the encroaching rhind. The bowel slime trickled across the hazel hued muck, soaking up its hue to cloud the glistening rivers – as the rivers flowed they morphed from scintillant veins reflecting the last gasp of moonlight, to meld into the matte of the surrounding grime as it traversed along the length of the burgeoning column. "Phaha, aha, those sure are sum impressive goods. Can ya believe ei was lugging around this much mare sludge all the way here?” He gave out a soft sigh as -Shfrlrpthhffshtsts- the tension and creaking of his pucker housing the shipment reached an equilibrium, and once his cargo chute ceased hampering, it allowed the cantaloupe girthed pillar to billow through in its fatty, -Chfflfpghts- grease smeared glory. -Chflfpgthvh- -Cflpghthhs- the muck clumped onto the wooden boards of the porch, with the elongating anaconda of ballast first folding into a tangle -Chlrlpfhtss- where the mounds bulldozed over one another in a lissome texture, -Chflgpthgs- -Csbgghthsts- though soon enough as the congestion continued clotted and -Krfhhgvlrlfth- crinkled, and begun to serpentine its way into a spiral of a stacking, -Chsflspths- climbing payload of polished fudged. "Haaawf yeah. Ya know, I had another feelin' when I bumped into ya? I was thinking 'boy, would she ever fit snuggly in the mfms, priority chute', and I gotta say, yo fmsms, ain't a mare to disappoint a donkey. This ere more casual look'd's sure ta suit ya body and mind more that a stressed out, mfmfs, workin' earth pony. Really, eh firsts more yer element than mine, considering themmf sma, sheer might a this mortar.” He mumbled whilst the auburn rich cement swirled in a wide, somewhat uneven, gradually slimming spiral. -Chflfpsbhcst- As more mulch piled atop, the lower layer compressed, smushing out towards where the bottom tubes billowed out into dunes of dung chub, spreading out the base of the heap of manure wider and further to stabilize. -Chflprths- the creaks and fractures between mounds of muck melding to glue together across the surface of the stack, forming into a labyrinth of contouring, twisting and -chgflflpsthghs- warping canals through which globs of mule nectar packed away and dropped out in oozing dollops of dung sweat. Worry and responsibility melting clean off of the compacted cargo. "Thought ye'd be more compacted, guess ya had a nice time filling out ma delivery hatch, an' dmsfs, dun think I mind at all, miss.” -Fbrbflprrrth- a boiling putter of miasma bubbled around the chunky length of donkey batter, -Clslpth- -Kcspgths- making his taut brim ripple and clap into the obese, slick discharge. -Sclpghrhhth- the manure accommodated the pucker’s slimming breadth; the half meter high spiral of soft-serve nougat curling in diminishing circles, the tail heel of the loaf -Sflspths- detaching from the pucker with a smooch and piling into he heap as the garnish -Cshflsptsh- curled at the tip. -sllfpthw- it clapped into the heap with a thud of batter hitting the counter top. A pony's weight of mare manure lounged on the porch, and in its wake oozed swathes of vapours, injecting a zest of a tart, mushroom and olive stew, with a sprinkle of dusk, and musk concentrated enough you could taste the potent brine on your breath. "Mmgs, tha, then thwith the ballast dropped, tt-gms, thest- juta matter a. Fmsm, delivery.” The mule huffed as his pucker pinched and -Chrllpffwths- contorted. The aperture of flesh contouring square, to where it warped square over the edges of Mozza's package. -ChfllrprthhcshCreaks undulated from the straining pucker, likened to polishing a windowpane with a rag soaked in caramel. -Chfbtws- the cheeks bunching up and conforming to the outline of the shipment as it wound its way outwards. -Vlflprhgh- The packaged extended out through the creaking hatch, wiggling in. Shaking off residue into scattering droplets, glistening in the first beams of the perching sunlight teasing over the horizon. -Chshfthst- Then with a thrust of his cheeks and flex of the fine hind -Slflstshts- the package flopped out, and took a nosedive into the heap below. -Chflrpthbbllpwsuhs- its impact was reminiscent of scraping up the batter off the counter top to slung it right into a trash bin -shvllpthts- the muck accommodating the package that dove into its texture, re-informing to displace the droves fatter around it with a crater formed around the stilted package, digging into the soft-serve. Once the long-box had sunken halfway into the -Chsllpgthhtsmoulding, molten cheddar texture of a cushion, it had the guise of a bar of chocolate wedged into a sprawling ice cream treat, or the straw dug into the whipped cream swirl of a cup of hot chocolate. Drops of bowel dew trickled down the edge of the package, and poled into the smushed fissures and folds of the cushioning mare. "Phew, Aaaha, af, express, and in person delivery, ain't nothing better, phaa,” he fanned a hoof over his muzzle as the pluming odour rose in stacks of vinegar spiked smog from the smoothed clutter. “Thank ya fer shippin' wiff Donkey ass, happy ta melt a mare's worries away and take a load off, while providing' a cushy landing for their shipments.” -Cflflthg- A huff of gas wheezed from the squeezed mound in the stack, “Oh Ah assure ya, it's mah pleasure, ta take that load off wiff ya.” The delivery donkey said with a tip of his post cap, straddled up in his saddlebags, and moseyed on over to continue his postage round in the town, checking off two packages from his checklist, as the early sun baked the pile of fresh manure cradling the shipment, just in time", |
Story Start,CHAPTER 1: Foxy Meet and GreetHenry the fox was only just accustomed to his new home. His owner had bought him just a week ago, having adopted him from a fox rescue. Henry was a male silver fox, just born this year. He had his vaccines but still needed to get neutered. His new owner was a young man eager to have a fox as an exotic pet. So much so that he excitedly told every friend and family member he could. He trained Henry excessively but Henry would still get into trouble, peeing around, humping blankets, and chewing on everything. Henry had a pen outside but was allowed in perhaps too often, bringing havoc to the house. Soon after being told about Henry, his owner's aunt arrived at the door. She was an imposing woman, older and experienced but not too old. She was well built from fitness and a bit chunky, but mostly around the chest and rear end. She showed up by surprise for lunch to talk to Henry's owner on a Saturday. Henry's owner of course being her bragging nephew. He answered the door excited to see her coming over just to see Henry. He was delighted someone held as much interest in this exotic pet as he did. As she came in Henry came down the stairs running to see who she was. His fur dark with a long, fluffy tail. He was in full winter coat and absolutely beautiful looking and luscious. He ran up to the woman and sniffed at her feet as she was taking off her shoes but ran back once she attempted to pet him. "Nervous little guy, huh? Reminds me of you out in public. ", she said as a joke to her nephew. "He's still new here. I'm training him to get used to the house and you're the first visitor he's seen here. ", her nephew responded. "Well can I play with him upstairs?", his aunt asked, "I've always wanted to try playing with a fox. They're so furry, slender, and long, you know?", she laughed. Her nephew replied, "Oh yes, they're so fun to stroke in their winter fur like this. Henry's very soft and petite. ", he bragged. As the aunt came in and got comfortable she made her way upstairs, her nephew and Henry following along. She was naturally assertive and both of these males not. She went to the upstairs guest room where she had stayed many times and sat on the bed. She patted the bed and told Henry to hop up. He did so but still was nervous, sniffing at her but darting back constantly. She decided to lay back on the bed and let Henry sniff at her feet as he was keen on doing. She laughed a bit at it and told her nephew to just let Henry get used to her while she rests. He agreed then went downstairs and shutting the door to keep Henry in with his aunt. "Well aren't you a slick, furry little guy?", she said to the fox. It looked at her like a wild animal who was totally bewildered then sniffed at her feet some more. She rolled to her side which made Henry jump onto the floor then rapidly back onto the bed. "Quick, aren't you?', she said to him before talking again: "But I know what little guys like you want. I can see you're still intact down there. Hah. I can figure you out no problem. ", speaking to the fox as if he understood. CHAPTER 2: Fox BaseballThe fox was tame and nervous as the middle aged woman pulled up her skirt, revealing to him her undergarments and big butt cheeks. He had been hand raised by humans, so he never comprehended any threats from them, but she was new to him and acting in a way he had never seen before. Just what did she want?A fox doing as foxes do, he brought his head forward to sniff at her. She moaned and giggled softly, due to the prickly whiskers of the animal touching her cheeks down there. She then responded to him by reaching a hand back. The fox's ears perked in reaction. Her hand then pulling off her underwear, slipping it down her thighs then to her legs. She gave him a moment to peer at her; his perked-ears expression now had focusing, wide eyes as he gazed at her cunt. A human woman's crotch? Something totally new to him. The fox owner's aunt then pulled her garment up her legs to get it off fully, tossing it at the fox's face as he snorted in reaction. The musky underwear was on his nose as he got a good sniff. The confused little canine's lipstick poking out of it's sheath as his balls tightened and a ooze of fluid began to hang from his tip. He had humped pillows and stuffed toys before, but that was as far as he ever got with sex. Getting a whiff of her cunt smell sprung his cock into action as the canine's slick rod slid out of him like a thin pinkish pencil, his little rocket soon on full display. The human woman watching with an eager look on her face as she excited the little beast. The fox began to paw at his face to get the clothing off, it soon being done, but then he was surprised to see the woman had spread one of her cheeks with a hand. Her womanly fingers had long painted nails as they exposed her rear exit to the canine. It was a little puffy with brown hairs around it, particularly on the sides and thickening up near the cunt. The hole itself a bit purplish and darkened skin surrounding it. The crevice was well developed and quite a lot to take in for a sex-starved fox to see up close suddenly. His owner never saw him as anything other than a puppy, yet he was a fully horny stud of a fox in reality. He tilted his head curious as dogs do - a cute expression naturally, sizing up the holes, his gaze going from asshole to cunt. The fox owner's aunt shifted her legs to fold them in another position as the fox oozed onto the blankets from his erect cock. Her cunt now in his focus as he studied it. It was thick and long, with meaty bits sticking out and a plump clit. It seemed horny and puffed up, coated in pubic hair and leaking all over with a fishy but sexual odour. The fox's tail was stiff up his back with hairs sticking up, from head to tailtip, making him look like he was about to pounce. To the woman's dismay he let out of a loud mating call: 'vulp!' he shrieked. CHAPTER 3: Venus Fox TrapThe woman's nephew then came to the room to see what the noise was all about. 'Are you OK in there? He's not biting at you or anything is he? He's just nervous I bet!', he said, the woman in a bit of a panic now. She quickly threw the blanket she was on over the fox, wrapping him in there tightly against her groin, just his bushy tail hanging out the back with his legs dangling. As the young man came into the room he seemed confused, "Oh, he got into the blanket with you, huh? So you're just playing!", he said. The woman was in relief and said "Oh don't worry, honey. He's just a little monster in the blankets making noises and having fun. He dug his own way in there. He's a cute, playful little guy just like you when you were younger~. ", she stated with a soft smile and a moan to her voice. "I'll come back downstairs when we're done playing. [A soft feminine grunt is heard] You just let your aunt have some fun with the critter now, won't you? I don't want him running off with you, I only just got here! I never got to play with a fox before. ", she said with a bit of a whiny tone. Her nephew went quiet for a moment to think, looking around aimlessly, then replied, "Oh sure, what was I thinking. I get overly protective. I thought he was being aggressive with you. Sorry! I'll mind my own business for an hour and let you two go at it. ", he said quickly then stepped out of the room and shut the door - having locked it on the way out. "I locked the door for you!', he shouted, "Now no one can bother you! Have fun!", he proclaimed. He heard in reply: "Oh I will! ... [speaking softly] fuck, that's so ticklish and cold you little bastard... ", she mumbled softly at the end. The young man was walking down the stairs as a thought hit him. He had left so quickly he was disorientated over what was really happening. "Did I just see her panties off on the bed?", he spoke to himself quietly. "No, the little guy must have pulled her sock off. Yeah, that's something he'd do. I really need to be less controlling and nervous about these things. I get so worked up and crazy", he uttered as he went to go cook and clean alone to stop bothering his aunt. While cleaning another thought hit him "Wait, did she swear at me as I left? No... she was talking to Henry. I wish he'd stop being so rough with her. I know he's nipping at her like he always does. ", he then shook his head, "No, you're being irritating again by getting too protective. Just let her play with him rough if that's what they want. ", he proclaimed proudly to himself. Back in the room the woman was in a full relief that the door was now locked. "Fuck I should have done that before starting this. ", she said as she pulled the blanket off, seeing her panties fling to the floor. "Oh God, I hope he never saw that there. ", her face red as she was breathing heavy and quickly. She paused a moment staring at the door before thinking, "Oh right! The fox. He's all warm and snug between my legs. What nice fur he has. I wonder why he went still. ", the fox owner's aunt then looking at Henry. Her eyes widened in surprise, the little critter's head stuffed right in her cheeks, it's two ears buckled between the fat but firm masses that made up her soft, womanly posterior. "I really nipped you in there, didn't I?", she said with a chuckle and a hhmmff. "... good boy. Just stay right there.... ", her voice raspy, as if her attitude had changed. The whole while the fox had been under the blanket his head had been jammed right in her butt. Just as she had turned the thick blanket over, the dumb little canine had been leaning in fully for a sniff at her butthole, as canines are apt to do, but the force of the thick blanket and his motion of leaning forward to sniff combined together. This stuffed his head right in her cheeks, exactly when her hand let go of her butt, clapping the flesh together to nip the critter firm and tight. Her legs had then buckled over his body, just his very long and bushy tail - fur strands silky and perfectly coloured in autumn coat - hanging out that whole while. When the woman had grunted earlier, the fox's nose had gone right into her rear's exit. She was so surprised at being walked in on she never wanted to consider what prodded her in such a sensitive area. That cold feeling was his wet little black nose twitching as the whiskers poked about her crevice. Her cheeks were so firm a line went down between them, discolouring the skin up to her holes. The fox's head was just the right size to get stuck in there at the neck, pressing out against the butt cheeks as he was sincerely squeezed tight between them: a small canine nose to a plump woman hole. CHAPTER 4: Sniff That Hole at Your Own Risk"[A long sigh is heard from the woman.] Well little guy, we have lots of time to have fun now, but not too much. We get an hour, right? Since you put your nose up such a dirty place and your animal stupidity almost gave me a heart attack there, I think I'll let you *enjoy* yourself back there for awhile before I really deal with you. ", her statement more direct than ever, as if the fox could understand, but no one was there to tell her - or stop her. The fox's response as she stared at his fluffy little body? Stillness followed by some squirming and tugs, but that big firm butt was too heavy and strong. Her rear end was just as much muscle as it was fat, to the fox's dismay. His instinct told him to just give it a sniff then he got to tie his knot in that big juicy hairy cunt of her's, right? The poor virgin of a fox could not have been more foolish, now trapped by a human to provide pleasure and warmth as his kind are often prone to ending up being used for. His pointless struggles soon stopped as he went still, just snorting and huffing at that hole. What else was he to do?The aunt stretched her legs out tight and straight before hugging into a pillow and resting her face on it. It was very silky much like the fox's fur, and cool to the fresh touch. She relaxed herself onto it and left the critter just where he was, not even having to clench. Her mind just enjoyed how perfectly lodged in there the fox was. "How long has he been sniffing that back there, anyway?", she asked then mumbled to herself: "It's where the fucker belongs, anyway, as if I like these stupid fur coat pieces. What a disgusting thing to do, bringing this in as a pet. Maybe next my nephew will want a pet pig instead of just buying a ham like the rest of us. ", the woman a bit ticked off. "Speaking of ham... ", she said with a grunt, having eaten a meal of it hours ago. "Hrrrgghhh!" was heard from her mouth, clearly a loud grunt as her stomach could be also heard gurgling, but with no audience in the room to notice beyond the fox. Yet another grunt was made, more strained and longer this time: "Hhhhrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh!" she let out. She then felt exhausted, taking a breather. Each time she had grunted the fox's muzzle tip was enveloped with her fleshy anus. It bulging out with little knobs of flesh around the ring, pressing against his nose each time and reeking of anal musk, each grunt responded to with a tail flap or two. "Damn those whiskers you have are prickly. ", she said in an irritated voice, feeling them against her tender rear hole each time she pushed out. "I'd take you out of there but it's too good that you're like this. I got lucky here. ", the fox's head still in there despite her pushing. The powerful and large ass of this woman was to be admired for its natural grip strength. As she lay there breathing heavy into the pillow her nephew had returned but this time he came near the door quiet, not wanting to cause a scene. He was thinking "What was that grunting I heard? They're just playing and he's not hurting her?", he had rushed in nervous like before. "No... I need to be respectful and leave her alone. ", he whispered softly. He listened acutely at the door, it being in his nature to be protective but polite. He could hear her nose breathing just barely, which made him get a peculiar look on his face as he kept listening closely. Suddenly he was surprised as his expression adjusted to that feeling. She was grunting again. His heart was racing, "What's going on here?" he whispered again. Yet another grunt followed by heavy mouth breathing then suddenly:PPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTFFFFFFF!, as if the sound of a tire losing air. This was immediately followed by a sloppy sounding wet balloon noise of FFFFFFFFRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTT! Trailing off with moist poots again and again and again and again. "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh~ That feels much better! I really had one deep building up, little guy. I hope you liked it. ", female laughter then heard. Her nephew then thought to himself "Ugh, for fuck's sake. Did she just fart and tell Henry that? She doesn't know I'm here... but still. There's no way he can't smell that. ", he started to quietly walk away. He went down the stairs then shouted out "Everything fine up there?! I heard a lot of noise!", her reply immediately following "Oh we're just playing still, don't worry!", she shouted, a loud PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTT! muffling through the ceiling upstairs, almost like a deep horn this time, laughter following it, "He's wagging his tail lots up here! Don't worry!", she shouted. Her nephew dissapointed though, "I suppose she just thinks it's funny and I don't notice what it is... ", [sigh], "Well no big deal, I suppose. ", he trailed off to go do dishes. Back up in the room the fox has been taking in those long, powerful, meaty farts. Head clamped between two cheeks, nose inside the puffy exithole, and face-first releases - what a situation to be in for the little guy! For the first fart the hole was still tight, the warm stench heavily shooting up his nose as he snorted it in, but he was too weak compared to her massive and muscular butt. The power of the fart largely filled the fox's nose as it went down his throat. Just as he was about to gag the flatulence up, that longer and more wet fart hit him, totally filling his mouth with her butt's stink, each extra bit of fart pushing it down into his stomach, more and more... Henry's stomach gurgling from being filled with gas as yet another little poot filled him to the brim. His buckled ears treated with her laughing at him, as if this were a game. The fox was stuck and terrified, flapping his tail around helplessly. When he heard the two humans talking he was in relief, it's over now, right? No more of this dirty playtime? He thought he was going to lose his fox virginity but instead must have acted bad so this is his punishment he believedInstead of being freed, he just got that third blast of a meaty fart into his nose. The woman's butthole had been pressing out over the fox's nose and snout more but got him in deep enough to clamp again. This third release was so tight against him almost all of it directly fired into the poor little canine's body. He attempted to gasp out for air but his mouth was nipped shut, much like how hard his head was gripped. He felt like he was about to explode and had no other choice than to inhale, taking almost the entire massively long and strong fart right into his lungs. He was quivering all over terrified, forced to submit to this gassy hole. If the fox was tame before, then now he was outright dominated as he just lay there, feeling his lungs expand with warmth, nothing but the smell of this human female's shit taking over his body. CHAPTER 5: One Fox in a Woman's HoleA hand then reached behind to grab the back of the fox's head, the poor animal without oxygen, a human butthole having taken his nose inside and clamped his mouth shut, a pair of firm and massive strong buttcheeks holding his head in place, his ears likely outright broken by now from the pressure. His tail flicked. Another hand then quickly came back. Was he being taken out now? He was so sorry for being bad. His tail started to wag wildly, slapping its bushiness all around the bed. But his relief was short lived. He felt pressure, as if pushed in even harder, but nothing happened. He was snug into her asshole. Her body then sat up as she squatted, "Oh for fuck's sake, you little shit, just get in there!", her hands then pressing in harder as her fingers gripped stiff, her butt pressing down against the animal, pushing him tight against the bed as the springs squeaked. Her nephew hearing it all "Ugh, is she trying to stuff him under the blanket again on the bed? I wish they'd not be so rough! I don't want him to bite her and make her hate foxes!", he was practically upset over it. "Nnnfff, nfffff, nfffffffggggaughhh.... pant pant~", the woman struggling to press that fox in deeper as she put her full weight down on him, her two hands pressing that head in as firm as possible. Her arsehole was well trained for anal and practically lubed up daily, so he should go in, she thought, but getting up past that snout was an ordeal, with his big fox skull and all. Her anus sliding up along the muzzle as it dug in inch by inch. A minute went by and the canine was still not in there. She then grabbed the fox's front legs, around the top shoulders, but felt his head nearly snap back, "No, don't you die like that. ", she uttered, and stuffed a pillow back there to try again. *Hhhhhrrrrrrnnnnnnggggg! Hhhhhhhnnnnn!!!*, "Ohhh!~ [shriek!]", her eyes bulged open and tongue flopped out, a huge sigh coming out of her. Her heart was racing as her cunt tingled and she clenched. She could feel pressure against her uterus, squeezing her legs together as if a giant cock was in her prodding, but she was of course empty. "Oh God.... ", she breathed heavy, practically tearing up. "I can't... believe it, oh God... oh God.... auunnnnggghhh... ", another shriek heard. Her rear felt so warm it was practically hot, compacted fur pressed between her cheeks well, plying them apart, as if two hands had pulled them wide to expose her anus, yet nothing of that was felt cool in the air whatsoever, just hot and snug with fur. Her cunt was oozing slime and was frothy with whiteness, at full arousal as the odour of horny femininity filled the room. Her meaty cunt folds and bushy pubes coated in white bubbly froth and transparent slime as it oozed and dripped out of her to wet the blanket, leaking little clumps of the white froth in the slimy-wet fabric. Naturally the thumps of her nephew were heard as he ran up the stairs hearing the noises. "Oh fuck. Oh God, no! He must have bit her!", he said to himself. "Just yell 'Down! Down!' at him! That'll make him stop! He's well trained!", he shouted. "Why did I let her stay with a wild animal like that? I'm so stupid. ", he said, tearing up himself. When he got to the door he knocked hard, "Did you hear me?", he shouted. She had been quiet breathing as he ran to her, another minute going by for the fox during all of that. It seemed like a long session to her but things were going by so quickly. [Huff Huff...], "What the fuck do I say? Fucking hell... ", she said quietly. "Oh, um, don't worry dear! I just, uh, got scared because he started to hump the blanket! Horny little bugger. I never saw one of those before, you know, that thing he has. ", she continued. Her nephew held his chest, sighing, "Oh that's all it was! I thought he bit you. Just take anything he humps away from him and say down a lot firmly but don't scare him please. ", he explained. She sighed too with a bit of a shriek again, "Oh thanks for the advice dear! Down! Down! Mmmmmm, rrrrgghh.... Down! Down!", could be heard yelled in the room. She sat back on him as she did so, pressing him firm into the pillow, but then... THUMP!The bed squeaking as a pound was heard. His aunt having fallen off the bed as she sat back, landing onto the flood with a massive thud and yet another shriek but this time in the form of a surprised and worried pitched scream. A splat heard against the door as if someone threw a water balloon at it. The frothy slop in her cunt having ejected out with all the mucus that was leaking from it along with a big jet of piss. This stream squirt out of her for several seconds as it hit the ceiling, wall, door, and bed. It hit with such force that something must have shot it out of her with a sudden quick motion of pressure. The slurry of fluids leaking out under the door a little as it touched her nephew's sock to soak its strands. He was stunned for a moment, uncertain of what happened, but then shouted in a calm but assertive voice: "Did you fall off the bed? Don't be scared! You did the right thing. He stopped, right? Did he piss on the door? Just tell me what happened? I know a pillow just hit the door. You landed both hard and soft there, you must have got lucky landing on a pillow too! We just got those new so you're alright, right? What's Henry doing?", he stated. She stayed still and quiet breathing heavy, a third minute having gone by now. "Did you hear what I said?", her nephew asked. "Oh God.... shut the... fuck up... ", she sputtered, breathing heavy more and not responding more to him. "But how's Henry? Wait, I'm bothering you, I'm so sorry. ", he said. "Henry pissed on the fucking door because you scared him with all of this! Fuck off! Ungggg.... Unnffff... ", she shrieked in her groan as it came out of her. Her nephew felt the warmth in his sock, "Oh shit! I'm so, so sorry. I'll go back downstairs but let me get a towel. ", he said. "Fucking idiot... " could be heard as another shrieking groan came out of her, "Just... fuck... OFF!", she shouted. Her nephew scared now as he rushed to get a towel to press against the door then ran down the stairs with thump, thump, thump. "She'll clean the rest up, it's my damn fault. Stupid, horny Henry and his love for blankets. ", her nephew said to himself while his aunt panted and kept groaning with uggnnfffs filled with the after tones of shrieks. Her nephew now terrified and quiet, not daring disturb her again with how angry she is. She probably hurt her butt landing on the floor like that too, he assumed. Her nephew spoke: "At least it was a soft thud I heard, those pillows are big and new... worth it to not make her hate me after this. She'll forgive me tomorrow I bet. I"m heading to bed. ", he said, her nephew then going to his room to sleep this all off with some music. Another minute went by for Henry, firm up the aunt's rear end. "Feels like I fucking gave birth.... FUCK!", she shouted. "Mmmmmmmmm, oohhhhhhhh~ [her moaning fading off into a shriek of pleasure}. Or more like I just got FUCKED by a donkey practically. Holy hell!", her chest pounding and warm, her breasts and cunt reddened much like her face. She was sitting on the floor , leaning against the wall, her body tired but quivering all over, orgasm tingles constantly surging through her as one of her heels kept thudding on the floor, it speeding up whenever the surges of orgasm were too intense for her to handle "Ooohhhh!!! [shrieking!] Oh my... fucking God, I can't believ- unnggghhhfff - I can't believe it! Oh God.... ", she sighs out breathing rapidly and heavy.[Psssssssssss~} is heard as wet tapping was hitting the floor, the hissing sound that of her pissing herself as the room filled with the warm smell of female urine mixed with cunt slop and mucus. It began to pool in a dip in the floor then make a little stream to a heating vent, where it drained off. Her nephew woke up from the tap tap tap of fluid hitting his bed from the ceiling. "For fuck's sake, Henry. Did you just piss in the damn heater of all places?! She's still angry so that's why you did it, it's not your fault. It's mine. ", he said to himself. "You know what? I should just sleep in fucking fox piss for how stupid I am. ", her nephew then taking a sleeping pill on his counter that he kept around due to how nervous of a person he was, falling fast sleeping to the wet taps, but first last uttering "Damn did Henry eat nothing but fish today or what? His piss usually isn't that way. ", he then went quiet. Yet another minute went by for Henry. The fox had been up her rear end 5 minutes now, having been farted into even earlier that that. He thought he was just getting a good whiff of her hole before getting to fuck her. But alas for the poor little guy, his little dick was not what she was interested in at all. When Henry and the woman had fallen from the bed, she landed on the pillow, yes, but with Henry wedged up in her butt head-first. Instead of snapping Henry's neck they both thumped against the wall and.... in slid the whole fox. Well, almost, his bushy tail and hind legs - purely straight sticking out of her and clamped in her rear hole - the only sign of Henry's true form. She otherwise looked pregnant with her new anal baby. But since when are foxes born as adults from a woman's rear end?The size of the fox was not as big as someone may expect. Much of their body can compress for living in dens and sneaking about, akin to the rodents they devour. Their fur was mostly fluff, not hard mass, and easily gave way to pressure. If someone could take a fist, then they could take a fox, providing they had some force at the head, shoulders and hind legs. Henry had been suffering from the whole ordeal of being farted into so aggressively that he could barely react to being anally inserted. With his head inside, that huge and muscular butt had him more than over-powered. His new owner 's butt, due to the whole bed falling event, had Henry fully into the colon practically. The fox was at least able to open his mouth and gasp out to release the fart fumes in his lungs, outright burping up her gas and disgustingly so, but due to being up in her intestines this was acceptable. Gurgles were heard inside of her as she had moaned from orgasms, her whole body overly thrilled from the pressure against her uterus combined with the fox exhaling deep inside of her. Gas pressure building up deep inside her colon to add to her sensations of being bloated and orgasming with a live exotic pet deep within her rear end. It was too late for Henry at this point, he had been inside of her just too long while filled with her fart fumes. Foxes breathe oxygen, not women's farts, so Henry had not been fairing too well. He was not dead... yet, but brain damaged beyond repair. CHAPTER 6: New Fox DenThe woman began to ponder about rubbing her clit but decided not to, "Let this fox make me cum more on his own... ", she uttered, a bit rested now. She sat up from the piss-soaked floor and went to the top of the bed. Before she sat down she grasped the fox's legs, then held them firm, holding the bed's headboard with the other hand as she sat down on the legs, slowly but at a decent pace sliding the legs inside of her with the rest of the fox. She clenched her teeth with another "Unnnfff~" as her colon took in more of the fox. The slender but long canine now almost had his whole body in there, all but that bushy tail. She grabbed a big tuff of his tailfur and started to fold it inside of her. 'Unnf, unnf~', she grunted softly as she kept getting it inside. It took some time but it was soon almost all the way in. Her butt stuffed with fur now, she still had a tuff sticking out clenched in her cheeks. 'Well let me try this... ", she said softly, then getting on the bed. She rested her legs and butt up there, her bum perked up well, and put her hands on the floor, letting gravity work the rest of the fox in. Her bowels gurgled as she began to breathe heavier, feeling the weight of the fox shift, the little dog creature then sliding in as expected, a gigglish laugh coming out of her as she felt the fur tickle her rear end as the rest of the tail slurped inside, clenching her anus and butt as it finally devoured the fox fuly. "Oooh~", she released, with a pleasurable moan, "That felt so good!", she uttered. She stayed like this for a moment longer, until the rumbling inside of her stopped and the fox was cleanly stuffed into her colon. Henry fully filled it as he was just the right size to sink into there and stay there, her rectum now free of any paws or tail. With the fox practically in the fetus position inside of the woman, she repositioned herself upright and felt the fox shift snug into place inside of her. "Mmm, that's a boy. Just where you belong. ", she uttered, rubbing at her stomach, seemingly pregnant in shape. The fox was so brain damaged from lack of oxygen at this point he could only quiver inside with blurred thoughts, but he was still alive. Groans were heard from her bowels as they had to adjust to so much inside of them, the fox barely able to whimper as a light rumbling whine could just be heard in his breath, barely audible outside of her. She stayed still and quiet rubbing her stomach softly while listening to the suffering within, faintly making itself apparent between loud gurgles. The canine's body on instinct breathing in more of her intestinal odour and gas, as the fox's lungs and stomach were able to suck in nothing but that. The outside of the fox faired no better. His fur was slickened back with anal mucus and scat, his pelt totally smeared in her slickness, the mass of the furry canine making shit and gas build up near his face as it piled over it. He huffed it all in, sometimes gasping in big mouthfuls of it, only to have her shit begin to clog his nostrils and pry his mouth open. With lips rolled back and his fangs exposed like an angry little wolf, the woman's scat began squeezing into the fox's throat down along his tongue. The little creature was near brain dead at this point, his body gasping on its own as it began to take the scat in down the throat. Her hard mass of mucusy shit slick enough to lube itself down the throat of the fox. The woman's hand feeling a cramp in her bowels as she pressed in on her stomach for relief, only to quickly plunge the scat build-up right down the fox's throat directly. The still living canine swallowed, biting the shit off in his fangs as it slid down his throat wholly, smearing scat along the way with her feces filling his little stomach. She went to the bathroom to admire her "pregnancy" in the mirror and use toilet paper to clean her cunt as she felt another cramp. She pressed in again only to fill the fox with yet more hard, thick scat slick with yellowish-brown mucus. As that slid into his mouth and pressed down his throat, the little fox was done for. Her hand stay pressing firm against the pressure as Henry gagged, choking to death on her shit. She kept firm until the canine began to have a seizure, unable to breath as shit squeezed into his windpipe. A loud gurgle was heard then many small rumbles as the canine's body went haywire. He was snug into her colon but shaking and jerking all about in his last moment of life. Stuffed with shit, Henry the little fox died after his seizure, his last thoughts having been how bad he was for trying to mate with a human female, thinking her spreading her cheeks at him was flirtation instead of invitation to death, but it was all for her pleasure. Her little visit and playtime with Henry were now over, thus ending the fox's life as nothing more than an abused plaything, confused in its suffering and ultimately dead for the sake of human orgasms. And a orgasm she did have. As the pressure went down from Henry swallowing all that shit deep inside of her, she felt a surge of pleasure from the cramp ending, this itself followed by Henry's seizure pleasuring her insides more than anything else ever had. She rested her palms on the bathroom sink and closed her eyes, smiling in joy as her hair stands hung down, the deep tickle of Henry's spasms giving her tingles she had never felt before. Any slight jerking motion he could do making a "oh!~" escape her mouth as Henry once more made that hairy burger of a cunt she had froth and ooze. Splats of its release hitting the floor as her cunt musk filled the bathroom. The fox had given her two wild sex sessions without ever even having entered her vagina. Just as he died her orgasm died down, syncing the last bit of life he had in him with her pleasure. Pleasure and suffering both stopped at once. The cruel human woman pleased and the oblivious pet fox dead. CHAPTER 7: How Foxes Fare in Human RearsWith her second orgasm subsiding, she grabbed more toilet paper and wiped her cunt. A slimy trial of vaginal mucus came off and she tossed it in the bin near the toilet. It slapped on the side and slowly slid down into the container, leaving a moist trail. She looked at the toilet and thought "Well I cannot shit a whole fox down into that. It'd be like flushing a big sewer rat. ", so she looked around and saw the bathtub. "Oh! I can just leave him there. He needs a bath anyway. I'll tell my nephew to do it. ", she murmured. With that thought done she stood in the tub, squat down, and made a soft sigh. Relaxing and carefully positioning her rear down she started to press out. Not too firm to strain herself but with a steady pressure. She made very light grunts as she flexed her anus repeatedly, it bulging out and opening again and again, very loose from the insertion. Taking in a fox's skull was like taking in a fist. She farted out a lot of air, making quite a bit of noise as it echoed off the tub, her nephew waking up to the sound. "Damn, is that her? What did she eat? All that ham? Good thing I went to bed instead of cooking her more. ", he said to himself, still tired in bed in his pissy soaked blanket. "I should wash this before talking to her. ", he said as he yawned and stretched then went to go do so slowly. Meanwhile more puffs of air were heard leaving his aunt's arsehole until she felt the mass of fox lower into her rectum. "Mmm, there it is. ", she uttered, before giving one last push with a long but soft grunt. "Oooooh yes, that's it, come out foxy~", she said followed by a moan of relief. Henry's buckled tail first flopping out as his hind legs soon followed, then the mass of his hind quarters. Once she had that out it was a smooth release: a slender fox soaked in anal mucus rapidly sliding out of her like tinned meat covered in its own gelatine. Another soft couple of grunts and out came his shoulders and head. fTHUD!The fox carcass slapped with heavy weight onto the tub floor. The little furry beast entirely lifeless. The woman's hole gasping like it was breathing above as it let out a long series of loud farts that had blew against the fox corpse, blowing anal mucus off the fox's fur and parting his pelt, it splattering against the tub. She looked back at it and said to herself "Odd. I thought I'd have to shit right after that. Did all that ham just get farted out? Strange. ", the fox having some scat smeared over its face but that was it. Luckily she came out clean from the tub and just wiped her arsehole once with toilet paper and was good. She put it in the bin with the rest of the wipes and left the bathroom. She looked back at Henry and said "Thanks for the two orgasms, little guy. " then turned the lights off and shut the door. Henry lay there dead, covered in anal mucus, farted on with a nasty and long powerful fart, and his fur marked by the warm blast. If one looked closely at his maw a hard, lumpy log of shit could be seen poking out of his throat, firmly wedge in there. It was pressed into his wind pipe as his entire throat and stomach were packed full of her scat. She looked for her panties and found them a little pissy, but what did that matter? It's not like her cunt was too dry. She put them on and got dressed. The bed was slid out and a mess, with a pillow in piss but she never had a care about it. "I can just blame this one on Henry. ", she said. The aunt unlocked the door and walked out. She looked for her nephew and found him washing his blanket. "What did you do, piss yourself?", she laughed. "Oh, uh, yeah. " he replied. "Typical. You're too damn nervous. ", she said. "Oh, and by the way, Henry is upstairs in the bathroom. You might want to clean up his piss and all the mess he made too. ", she proclaimed then made her way out. Her nephew said "Yeah, sorry about everything. Thanks for dropping by. I hope you and Henry had a fun time together this afternoon. I bet he'll want to see you again soon!", he stated. She laughed again hearing that, "Oh that reminds me. I'll be back next week to pick Henry up after you clean him and get a taxidermist to make him into a nice rug for me. Got it, love?", she uttered. Her nephew gave her a quirky look, "Uh, yeah, sure... I'll clean him but maybe I'll pass on the taxidermist. Perhaps when he's dead we'll look into that. ", he said to his aunt, "Of course. That's what I meant. When he's dead. ", she then blew a kiss at him and left. ", smirking to herself. ", |
Story Start,“That was probably the biggest cloud of waste in the history of orca kind.” chirped Elena, the dolphin happily pining her sonar at the huge and freshly lightened beast she followed around. “And there is still some in your guts getting ready for its turn.” she added excitedly and slid her smooth body along the rounded flanks of her protector, owner, mate or whatever Edisian decided they were to each other. "They sure were filling.” the orca chimed in and gave Elena a gentle pad with his left flipper. “After they realised I was not sparing them after all it had been hard to hunt them down, but so worth it.” he said, patting his thickly blubber coated flanks with his flippers, chuckling as he remembered how he managed to get the last half ton of fellow cetacean to enter his belly. “Thanks again for the ruse. Telling them that there was another mako shark about was really clever. This is exactly why I keep you around. " "That and because you knocked me up on day one?" "Something like that. " "Wait, didn’t you do that to the last one as well?" "Well, yes. But she did not count…" "Because she is somewhere between paste and shit now?" "... Yes and because she kept bargaining and trying to get me to do this or not do that. It was just so annoying to look at her delicious pod and not take a few.” He saw the smirk the dolphin gave him and then rolled his eyes correcting himself. “Or all of them. In any case one breeding experiment with prey species at a time is enough for me and I just preferred keeping you.” She had this look on her face. He knew she was about to say ‘awww’ but then something more urgent disrupted the cute scene. Edisian’s belly rumbled, sounding like a distant earthquake now that all three of his stomachs were empty for the first time in two weeks. Ever since he arrived at Seal Island his insatiable guts have been busy melting down white and mako sharks, decimating the local seal populations, which the surviving sharks kindly left in his professional care, or wiping out a local pod of false killer whales. He had gained hundreds of kilos of weight in that time, some of it growing towards his growth but most of it just added to the comfy padding on his vast flanks. His belly had been so spoiled that it had not even bothered fully digesting some of his more recent snacks, which was fairly noticeable just a minute ago when he passed the remains of two seals and a false killer whale or two and a few teeth or bits of bones gave his insides a weird massage on their way out. "Ohh I better go and lure some more prey your way, lest you shall devour me too.” snickered Elena and gave the orca’s huge gut a warm lick with her comparatively tiny tongue. "I am not digesting everyone I breed. " "Really? How about the cow in your large intestine?" "Yes she was the outlier. " "And the fat mom seal?" "Yeah, maybe I am on a bit of a roll here but it's not like that when I am elsewhere. " "You did tell me about that odd white shark you seduced some time ago. " "Hmm. Did I ever tell you about the mortality rate of loudmouth dolphins within eating range?” the orca added and licked over his upper teeth in a slow, telling manner. "And here I go, keeping your guts full. Not with me though! I will find you something. You stayed well beyond the usual apex pred season, there has to be something exciting I can find for you. " "Good girl. If you find something good, you get to swallow a bit of me instead of getting swallowed.” he promised with a wink and watched how she happily swam off, her lower tail growing slightly pink around her slit due to the arousal he induced. She loved watching him feed and even more so to pleasure him -and herself by extension- while he was digesting a large meal. It was a good thing the two had going and Edisian had in mind to really keep her around. Maybe even take her with him once he leaves the island, after inevitably depleting its food sources. After a while Edisian heard the high pitched chirps of Elena as she called him over to see something interesting. She called for him to bring plenty of air and dive low, so he was wondering what she spotted for his next meal. If she made so much noise it was probably something that was deaf to high frequencies and he wondered if she ended up finding the last big shark still staying here. The small ones were still around as always but Edisian was more interested in prey that would bulge his throat and made itself felt inside his forestomach as he digested them alive. He went up for air as Elena suggested, grinning inwardly as he ‘accidentally’ snapped up some kind of sea bird on the way. There were plenty of those to go around and he kind of enjoyed the tickling of the feathers when swallowing, or the little crackles of the breaking wings as his throat muscles nearly crushed the whole thing before committing it to the intensive care of his forestomach. With his palette teased and his lungs refreshed, Edisian dives straight down, making schools of fish disperse around him and smirking at the frightened seals he could make out on the edge of his view range. They knew that the water was his domain and everything here either survived by merit of staying out of his path or because he let it. Or because he was full at the time. In any case the local prey populations knew he was dangerous and he loved seeing that even though it made hunting a bit more tricky. This was why having Elena was so useful. "So, I am here, where is the food?” he asked the dolphin when he met her, some 60 meters below the surface, giving her a playful lick along her belly that was harbouring his seed deep inside. "Have you ever devoured rays before?” she asked teasingly and wiggled around so his tongue lapped right over her slightly puffy, pink flushed slit. "Of course I have, you horny little thing.” he replied, giving her a stronger slurp, feeling her folds parting around the tip of his tongue. He had bred and eaten enough dolphins over the years to know she actually was pregnant by now and he was confident it was because of him. He made a note of letting her get away with even more shenanigans before putting her on the menu maybe eventually. "They do have those nasty stingers though and I remember sharing them with my pod back then.” Edisian added, slurping her again. "Oh, you never had the really big ones? They don't have stingers you know. And they are above you.” Elena replied, her voice a bit broken from the pleasant stimulation he provided her with. Edisian looked up and saw the shadowy shapes of a good dozen of large flat rays. They were broader than the ones he was used to, shorter by comparison and lacked the long tails with the nasty stingers. "Those are called Mobulas.” Elena explained. “They show up to feed on plankton once the white sharks and orcas are away. You are still here, they are already here and I think it would be so hot watching you slurp them down. " "Are they fast?" "Not compared to us.” she snickered and drifted towards his tail, drawing her own little tongue over his massive genital slit longingly. “Hurry up now big guy. I want my reward.” The orca started ascending, hungrily driving his huge body towards the sun and his next feast, his girth casting a shadow on his unusual companion. As Elena expected the rays did not see a roughly eight ton orca coming. Edisian went for the big juicy looking one at the front of the group of tasty prey and closed his jaws around the left wing of the creature. He knew that he could roll them over to make them go limp for a while like with sharks, but he did not want to. The feeling of the delicate, meaty wing slapping his tongue in an attempt to escape, spreading its exotic taste throughout his maw was more than desirable. "Get in my belly, you tasty snack.” chirped Edisian, as happy as could be. He swallowed firmly, feeling the broad wing rolling up like a scroll from both sides as it entered the embrace of his throat. Sure the skin was raspy but he was so used to it from the sharks he ate all the time. It was barely an inconvenience to him now. With some skillful tongue work he managed to coerce the main body of the mobula into his gullet, swallowing firmly and pulling the remaining wing into his maw. He could see the other rays swaying away from him left and right, trying to evade his deadly maw, but compared to him their speed was fairly pathetic. Edisian finished off the first one and felt the soft but rough skinned prey sliding down his gullet, making a slight dent in his throat as it descended towards his frestomach. "More!” he announced greedily and went after the nearest one. Even though he had just consumed something in the range of 300 kilos of still living meat, he wanted another one. The second one was caught directly from the rear as it tried to flee the hungry orca. Edisian made fun of his prey by swimming just behind it for a while, jaws agape and his fat tongue pressing on its belly, tasting it already. Once he was done mocking his next layer of blubber, he bit down and this time he rolled on his back, stunning the ray by flipping it. As he had suspected, Elena was right there behind him, sticking her rostrum into his slit and aggressively licking at his hidden cock tip as soon as Edisian stopped undulating his tail. "Someone sure wants her reward.” he snickered as he grew aroused by her attention. "You can’t be the only one that is getting fat and happy from all this. Be a good mate and feed your future calf.” she teased and clicked her sonar to massage his insides in that special dolphin way. Soon enough his tapered shaft expanded, filling the dolphin’s throat and pushing her back out of him just as his tongue worked hard on folding the limp ray into a manageable package and devouring it. "Oh yess, I can see the bulge forming below your jaw. Please keep your head angled, I want to see it all.” she moaned around the first third of his member, her throat eagerly massaging it as she stared in fascination at the growing lump in the orca’s gullet. "I am so happy you ate my last mate and bred something like you into my little womb. You won’t get jealous when your little one starts turning me on with their feeding, right?” she chirped, feeling her teases and licks were working as her throat grew warm with his pre. Then came the moment when Edisian Swallowed, showing off his broad tongue and empty maw to his highly excited lover while the clear bulge of doomed mobula slipped down, past his flippers and disappeared in his blubbery torso only to reappear as a slight increase of his stomach bulge. "Ahh that hit the spot. About half a ton, I would say. " "At least.” chirped Elena and shifted herself around so her winking puffy sex could rub on her mate’s fat belly as he digested his prey and she milked her reward out of him. Deep below the faintly undulating blubber she was grinding her slit on, the pair of rays was getting churned over and ground on by massively powerful forestomach walls. Sure the rays had touch skin, made up of tiny little teeth like that of sharks but Edisian’s foregut knew just how to deal with that and was equipped with robust createnised skin of its own, more than able to grind any prey into sea food goulash with enough time. With his feeding concluded the orca could relax, drift near the surface to let the sun warm his black upper side, breathe freely and enjoy a full belly as well as his devoted nymphomaniac dolphin who had half her head in his genital slit right now, eagerly licking over his member. Once the rays were squished into their right places and digestion began properly, Edisian let his arousal grow freely and feel his massive tapered mating tool slipping into Elena a good distance down her throat before forcing her out of his slit when his size was just too much for her dolphin throat to take in. "Eyes bigger than stomach, Elena?" "Mhhh~ want to find out if I can actually get you that deep?” she teased back, her small tongue pushing at just the right place on his member to get him going. As her reward, he started to thrust gently, lazily as was befitting an orca who had enormous amounts of meat filling his digestive tract front to back. He moved his flippers as if to grab Elena so he could properly facefuck her, but unfortunately she was too small for that. This had been an advantage of the false killer whale matriarch who was currently much lighter, browner and packed in Edisian’s colon compared to last time he saw her. But Elena had so many outstanding qualities that he did not regret his decision to pick her over the recently digested cow, as she demonstrated right now, by pinking his loins with her sonar, adding a tingling sensation to the already delightful oral sex she provided. "Do it.” she teased eventually. “I know she is right there. I can see her bulging your guts. " "What do you mean?” Edisian moaned back, close to finishing in her. "The one you bred before me. The last one in your looong line of digested mates. Show me what your body has reduced her to.” She sounded beyond excited, probably aiming for a touch free orgasm of sorts and just because it was kinky and his orgasm had not set in yet, Edisian indulged her. Elena was in bliss. The bottlenose could not remember feeling her pussy being this hot and swollen without anyone inside of it, not ever. The sounds and the sensation of struggling prey inside her mate’s belly and the ultrasound reflections she got from his guts were so amazing. He was like a big swimming sexy factory that turned big sea creatures and the occasional bird, into thin brown clouds. After just a week with him she could already tell apart by the look of his waste if he had run into another big shark, gorged on seals or betrayed a pod of lesser cetaceans. But this one was personal since the next jet of orca shit was going to be entirely made up of the one she ended up replacing. "Pleaassse…” she started before she stopped when something stirred in front of her face. She ceased her slurping on his cock and it seemed like her heart paused too when she noticed his anal slit bulging and then aprting. He was really crapping out her predecessor right as he had nearly half his ungodly huge orca cock inside her gullet. Then the cloud appeared and Elena used her sonar to watch his bowels contracting and evacuating their contents into the see while her eyes gazed upon the quickly dispersing plume of waste. It was so much and so close to her that she felt like she could feel the heat coming off of it. "Goodbye” she chirped out when she came to the sight, her empty sex clenching and convulsing violently, wich was mimicked by her thoat, seemingly much to her mate’s delight. "You are one weird slutty thing. And that means something for dolphin standards.” grunted Edisian just as her orgasmic spasms pushed him over the edge as well. As if trying to surpass the performance of his digestive tract, his cock started to bulge with thick loads of semen which he pumped deeply into his speared mate. He felt the dolphin strain with the girth that was even increased slightly as his loads rolled through. One jet after another of hot runny semen splattered the dolphin’s insides, overflowing her throat and flooding her stomach. "Can you taste her?” he huffed, eagerly pumping her full until his ejaculate flooded back up her throat and warmly gushed around the middle of his cock, right as he finished up and the massive rod shrank back into his slit, slowly. "Tasted just like the others of her pod. But she sure was filling.” chirped the dolphin and proudly presented her full gut. A short distance away a blue shark was approaching the island, but not any kind. His conspecifics were usually there at different times of the year and at different depths. They went here for small squid and fish but Lapis went there for the seals. At an unheard of length of 4,2 meters, for a male in particular, he dwarfed the others of his kind distinctly enough to frequently feed on them. That was the reason why he was cruising near the surface, knowing full well that he was heading into a competition with white sharks and makos. While he had to evade and make way for the really big ones, since they were far stockier and muscular than him, he could compete with the young adults just fine. And they were the bulk of what he was expecting to meet. He had no idea that he had actually passed all those sharks already. They were half a kilometer below him, heading in the opposite direction in order to evade a particularly large and voracious orca who consumed any other predator he ran into like some kind of cetacean black hole. That was where lapis was heading now. The first thing he did notice as odd, was the distinct lack of the island’s name giving seals. They seemed to be all in hiding and the blue shark sighed as he swam around wondering where the buffet had gone he spent two weeks migrating to. That was when he heard a piping squeaky voice behind him. "Are you hungry or bored?” came a dolphin’s chirp. "Both, but more the former than the latter. What is it to you?” he growled, not liking how she snuck up on him. "Oh, I would like to help with both your problems. You see, I just need a bit of fun myself. It is lonely since an orca devoured my mate. But if you help me I can show you where the remainders of the baitball went. Most of the big sharks are already gone, so it’s worth a try.” she chirped, rolling on her back, presenting her swollen slit that was surrounded by a light pink hue. "What is it with dolphins and insatiable horniness?” he grunted but swam over to her anyway. After all, he was bored as well. And it had been ages since he had some tight little mammal wrapped around a clasper. "I don’t know. Do you want to philosophise about it or take advantage of it?” she asked, right as the shark hovered above her, letting out a cute needy moan when he closed his jaws around one of her flippers to hold her in place. She was beyond delicious and Lapis had to really hold it together to not tear into her right away. Maybe he could be a little rough, so she could not escape him if he decided to devour her in the end. But for now he was getting fairly into the mood and one of his claspers swayed out sideways, ready to mate the curious dolphin. "You done this before?” he mumbled around her flipper, his pointy teeth digging slightly into her soft rubbery skin. Gosh, how he loved the feeling of his teeth sinking into dolphins. "A feeeeew dozen times.” moaned the horny phin and wiggled her body around, twisting it a little to make things work with the shark and his sideways swinging mating tool. Her experienced and very soft folds finally caught his tip and she pushed her tail down to secure him inside her needy tunnel, moaning again as the rough texture massaged her flesh. "Usually it is to get off a shark’s menu. Happens occasionally.” From there on talking was not really an option anymore since Lapis started to thrust. Like with any shark mating was a roughly violent matter and his teeth dug deeper into her flipper while his cool and rigid mating tool, which was -besides the size- a clear opposite of a dolphin cock, was rammed into his mate. Though as trickles of sweet blood oozed from his teeth marks to his palette he decided that she was more like rpey with benefits, even though she was clearly right about knowing how to fuck a shark. "So warm, so soft.” grunted Lapis as he hammered his clasper into her, ravaging parts of her body male dolphins were not meant to reach, with a shaft rougher and harder than any part of a dolphin’s entire body. He loved it and it seemed she did too. His climax was quickly arriving and he felt the tip of his clasper flaring out, locking him inside her depth so her lower body was getting yanked around each time his muscular tail undulated. He was just seconds away from flooding her with rich viscous blue shark seed when she arched her head back and clenched on him like a vice. "You like that huh?” he grunted. "Oh YESS, so very very much.” The shark ravaging her heated pussy did not see the faint smirk around the edge of her maw nor did he see what she saw: A massive gaping orca maw coming right for his tail. When she saw Edisian’s open jaws moving over the flicking shark tail without touching him she simply came, unable to hold back. Her sex clenched around the clasper even though the surface was grinding on her insides. Elena did not care, she was going to cum her brains out watching her mate devour a big shark right out of her pussy. Lapis was so close. “Take my seed, snack.” he grunted, feeling the orgasm arriving, when something changed suddenly. There was a keckling snicker right behind him, followed by the feeling of something soft and warm touching his tail on the upper and lower sides and firm teeth on the other. He switched from breeding immediately to survival instincts and tried to get free, but the maw already held him firmly. A few hundred kilos of dolphin dangling from his loins did not help either. Still he managed to turn around enough to see his attacker and fear flooded his body when his field of vision was largely occupied with a massive orca. "Good work sweetie.” chirped Edisian as his fat tongue lapped over the enormous blue shark. “I have eaten hundreds of these but never one as big as that one. Such a treat. Now let’s get him out of there before he makes a mess in you.” he said, rather possessive of his huge meal and his dolphin lover. "He is kinda stuck.” said Elena, but before she finished her little sentence she already felt the stuck clasper pulling her about as Edisian shook his food. "Come on fishie, let go of my bait.” the orca sighed and kept shaking his head faster until the pregnant dolphin finally came loose from the shark’s clasper. As soon as his Elena was free, Edisian started to greedily feed. Since he knew blue sharks well, he expected this one to twist and try to bite him too. Since this example was more of the size of a great white shark, he did not want his jaws anywhere near his soft blubbery hide so he pulled his tongue back, dragging the shark kicking and screaming into his gullet. First his throat folded down his caudal fin, then it dugged, together with his tongue, sending the shark further into his maw. The front of his rostrum was pushing into the shark’s empty belly now while the back of his tongue got a good taste of his freshly used mating tool and the dolphin cum it was thickly coated in. "He got you off?” asked Edisian, now casually feeding since there was no way for the shark to bite him. "Not exactly. The sight of you hovering your maw right over his tail while hes till fucked me did.” Elena explained and positioned herself right in front of the terror stricken, slowly descending shark face. "Have a nice time in his belly.” she chirped. “Almost a shame since you are… were so good at the rough stuff. But my big boy needs his food.” Lapis was in panic now. The constricting throat and its slimy heat kept climbing up his body. As the two cetaceans in front and around him held their horny little chat, he was struggling as best he could to get free. But the big tongue kept him mostly in place whenever he did. Grinding away at the orca’s teeth and irritating his throat with his rough skin was the most he could hope to do now, while was inexorably pulled towards a stomach which had seen even more blue sharks than his own. After a while he felt the warmth of that tongue cupping his lower head, the soft flesh pressing up on the lower edges of his gills uncomfortably. But the following swallow was worse. He was entirely inside the orca now, seeing the ocean he occasionally ruled as a mere image framed by the orca’s teeth. Defeat was written on his face now even as his instincts forced his burning muscles to keep on fighting. Then the tongue pushed over his face, cutting off all light and overloading his electroreceptors, numbing him. His body went still, making the swallow all the easier for his predator. When his pectoral fins were folded back by the entrance to the orca’s throat and he got pushed down the fleshy chute in his entirety, it felt distant, like in a dream. But Lapis knew it was very real and where he was heading. The slide took seemingly forever, forcing the shark to endure the insulting casual way in which his predator resumed flirting with his little fucktoy evenbefore Lapis arrived in the belly. But once he did he already missed the soft throat. He was plunged into a large chamber where he was forced to curl up. A few tenderised remnants of previous prey did little to hide the firmness and rough texture of the forestomach from him. Only seconds after his arrival the organ started to grind and churn on him, challenging the integrity of his sharply bent spine each time. Eventually it would snap, he knew it. These walls would process him into a pulp and sometime next morning that fat orca was going to simply shit him out. He wanted to fight, get in one last defiant bite, but the chamber was simply too tight and kept crashing down on him with its rough walls, quickly grinding off the outer layer of his skin in the more exposed places. "I love the fighters. They are so much fun to watch.” chirped Elena who was pinging Edisian’s busy guts with her sonar. "You tell me.” chuckled the orca. “You should try swallowing one of those. " "What size do they come in?" "Many are just over a meter long, barely a snack for me but too big for you. " "What about the young ones?" "I like how you think. Well, when I take you on my migration away from here, we will surely find some. But you should train your maw and throat to take large slender objects anyway, just to be sure. "I like how you think.” giggled Elena and swam down to Edisian’s already bulging genital slit. Sucking him off while he digested an impressive meal was one of her favourite pastimes. But this time she was dreaming of downing a struggling shark when she worked his huge shaft down her throat. "No thrusting! This is meant to be my shark training.” she giggled while a belly several times her size groaned right above her. She sure was living the good life and already looked forward to the next adventure Edisian will inevitably pull her into. ", |
Story Start,“Alright students, make sure to stay in groups with your classmates and don’t wander off too far! The zoo is pretty large and when we have to leave I really don’t want to have to go and gather everyone.” The warning from the teacher in charge of the field trip went right over Ruruka’s head, the girl too focused on her phone and talking with friends that she didn’t heed Chisa’s pleas. Hope’s Peak was on a field trip to a zoo, the school having gone to a bunch of different locations recently in hopes of further developing their talents in unique ways as well as blowing off the stress of finals. The day started off pretty normal with everyone just exploring around with their groups, Ruruka tagging along with Seiko and a few other friends. She kept tuning out to them though and texted out to some others she was gossiping with, which left her occasionally getting left behind from the group. Usually they didn’t stray too far, and someone was usually around to direct Ruruka to where they went but as the field trip came close to an end, Ruruka ended up wandering pretty far off during her distracted texting, deeper into a rather quiet part of the zoo. She didn’t notice until she’d walked a fair bit into the new area that her group was completely gone and there was no one around to tell her where they went or even where she was. "Ugh, seriously? I thought Seiko would have kept a closer eye on me from everything that happened earlier! Whatever, I know she’ll find me soon enough. Where even am I though?” Looking around her surroundings, Ruruka found herself in a small little walkway with trees running overhead. A sign nearby read “Red Panda exhibit” and as the girl saw one climb a nearby tree, she smiled as she looked at it. The animal looked like a raccoon in a lot of ways but with far fluffier red fur and a cute little pudgy face. Normally she wasn’t much for the animals at the zoo, but this furry little creature instantly took her heart, their cute nature leaving her to lower her guard to a dangerous degree. She just sat her phone down as she got closer to the cute little guy that was climbing down a nearby branch that left him pretty close to her. The panda just stood and stared at Ruruka as the confectioner smiled at him. He was insanely adorable and despite being told by staff earlier to not mess with the animals, she reached her hand forward anyway and went to pet it. As she reached her hand out to pet its face though, the panda suddenly opened its mouth wide and forced Ruruka’s hand in it. The girl just sat in confusion for a second before she suddenly felt her arm pulled forward a bit and worry took over. The Red Panda was swallowing her down, trying to eat her. Ruruka began to try to pull back but found her hand wasn’t coming out as the creature continued to try and greedily gobble her up. Fear fully became apparent on Ruruka’s face as she kept trying as hard as she could, shouting for help from anyone. "H-Hey stop it! Help! Can someone get this stupid animal off me! L-Let go! Someone! Mmh!” The girl’s words went unheard thanks to no one being around, leaving the greedy animal to only further slurp her down as she tried to struggle for life. The animal just made easy progress as its throat bulged out widely with Ruruka’s form, a tight bulge pushing out with each easy gulp the animal did. It was pathetic to the girl that she was being so easily overpowered by a creature that was easily 1/4th her size. Yet here she was, everything up to her arm easily having been pulled down its warm gullet. As she uselessly struggled and attempted to keep herself from going any further into it, she eventually realized the animal had its grips on her and she needed help. She tried to reach for her phone and just barely was able to tap it with her fingers… which ended up sending it forward, having been knocked off the ledge she’d set it on. It dropped into the bottom of the hanging enclosure, hitting a slab of concrete and smashing to bits at the bottom. The confectioner just stared in a scared shock as she suddenly felt the animal swallow her deeper, pulling her forward and forcing her head into the slobbery wet cavern that was set on taking her. Despite trying with every inch of her being to fight back, Ruruka had no proper strength to fight back against the mammal. She was just utterly left to its mercy as it gobbled up on her, the girl having been the biggest bit of meat it had ever eaten considering it mainly only ever ate insects and small lizards with some plants being most of its meals. The heavily defined bulge in the furry animal’s throat just easily descended, the scared face bulge traveling down the chest before eventually finding its way towards the belly. Entering the belly was the most disgusted the bitchy girl had been yet, finding the already filthy smell of the animal’s throat growing worse as all the stomach contents wafted up into her face. She was pushed into the tight stomach, her body twisting so that she was forced to lay on her back and have all of the animal’s lunch stain her fancy outfit, leaving Ruruka letting out an annoyed grunt as she was forced all into it. The girl was about halfway down the mammal's throat, with her thick waist still struggling outside. Her booty shook widely as her legs flailed, showing off her assets really nicely. It was too bad that anyone who may like them were far away, each on tours of the more interesting parts of the zoo while Ruruka became animal chow. The furry creature just effortlessly swallowed her chubby behind down, her thick booty causing the animal’s cheeks to puff out from how much meat was on them. The red panda was eventually able to gulp that part of her down with a heavy gulping sound ringing out that only the other animals nearby could hear. Next, it moved on to her sweet thick thighs which it just unceremonially ate, not savoring the sugary flavor in the slightest that plenty of people would have killed to have eaten and enjoyed themselves. The rest of the girl easily slid down the tight throat of the animal, all ending up in the belly which left her far more cramped than she had been before now that she was all packed tightly in the animal’s gut. Her legs dug down into her chest, the tight internals proving to hug every inch of her. The belly on the outside of the animal was bulging out boldly, incredibly detailed from each bit of Ruruka pressing out as her terrified face pressed through the belly. Her chess and ass bulged out widely in the gut, both having been perfect tools for her to get guys to like her but now they proved utterly useless thanks to her having no one to help her. Putting the tightness of the gut aside, the insides were incredibly gross too for Ruruka. They had been gross from the start in her opinion as she’d been forced to lay in the juices but as she laid in them longer, she began to realize a lot of what was in the animal’s gut. Bits of crushed up fruit, leaves, and bugs were all underneath her, rubbing against her clothes and body as the tight stomach walls pushed them into her. Feeling the juices and bits of half-digested food start to rub into her hair though left Ruruka disgusted, far more grossed out than thinking about how she was soon to look like them, though that soon changed. "Ewww eww gross!! This is so fucking disgusting, someone get me out of here!! S-Seiko, you’re close by right? O-Or Sonosuke babe, you’ll get me out of here! I just… have to give them some time…” GRRRNNNN The sound of a deep groan rang in Ruruka’s ear as the animal crawled back up the tree it had come down to eat her, pushing its belly into the branch as it dragged the heavily descended gut along. Ruruka fought a bit and got it to swing back and forth some but once the animal had climbed to the top of some branches, it was able to stop her fighting by laying down on its gut, using her weight against her as it pinned her to the branch. The trapped feeling as she was unable to struggle anyway left Ruruka realizing she was completely stuck, the only sounds she could hear nearby being the groans of the gut and the sounds of the animal that’d eaten her yawning as it felt itself utterly stuffed. The animal just relaxed as it enjoyed the full feeling, fully laying into its gut as all Ruruka could do was cry out for help, the body too tightly pushed onto her for her to properly struggle. She’d finally begun to realize the seriousness of all of this as she couldn’t move, her phone was gone, and her with her friends nowhere to be seen, the usually confident and bitchy Ruruka broke. "H-Hey, come on someone has to be around! P-Please? Look if you’re here I’ll do whatever I can to save myself! O-Or how about you Mr. Red Panda! I’ll get you tons of tasty treats from nearby o-or even get you someone else! I’m sure Hina would be FAR sweeter than me! S-So let me out, will you!” The girl hadn’t even realized how humiliating this all was until she finally heard silence from the animal. She’d begged for her life from an animal of all things, thinking the simple creature would actually understand and let her out. She just began to freak out as tears slipped down her face, hopelessness taking over as she found herself utterly alone. All her friends were off having a good time in the zoo, laughing about stuff while she was stuck in some animal’s gut, forced to digest completely alone. The juices that had been under her turned far more acidic as they started to melt through her back, burning through her clothes fabric and causing her to let out some pained screams for help as she felt her skin start to tear. She tried to push on the gut and get the animal to move but her arms just couldn’t get the tight flesh to extend out, only pushing deeper on her as the gut focused on taking her life from her. The acid count only continued to grow as Ruruka underwent the digestive process, slowly rising up past just her back and around her chest and legs. She at least had the chance for her head to stay above the acid for a bit as it rose around her. After a few minutes of the deadly acid pooling into the gut with her, it had slowed down and stopped just barely below her chin, her puffy neckband able to keep the acid from drowning her as it soaked up some of the acids. Her clothes were getting torn up fairly quickly though as the acid broke into them, her short shorts coming apart nearly instantly thanks to the crappy material and small nature of them. It left her panties to become exposed which fell apart pretty quickly too, leaving her sensitive lower regions bare as she bit her lip in pain from feeling more of her skin rip apart thanks to the acid. Her jacket followed along pretty similarly, though it had held up a fair bit better than the others thanks to how much of it had covered her body. Nonetheless, it still eventually tore to bits off her body, bits of the clothes either bubbling to the top of the acid mixture or sinking to the bottom of the stomach. The only part of her clothes that really held up well was her hat and boots, her hat thanks to it still being fixated on her head and her boots thanks to them being leather, the acid not really burning through them. It didn’t save her feet though as the enzymes had sunk inside them from the top and was still able to burn away at her feet, ripping apart her socks and getting at the soft and delicate flesh underneath. As her whole flesh became exposed to the erosive fluids, she felt as her body was torn apart from it all, bits of flesh all across her just ripping off and floating about in the acid. It was too much for the girl, leaving her to scream and attempt the thrash about, though the red panda laying firmly on her made sure she couldn’t do much of the second option. "AHHHHH! PLEASE, ANYONE! SEIKO I’M SORRY IF I WAS SHITTY JUST… SAVE ME! A-ANYONE! THIS HURTS! I-I DON’T WANNA DIE IN SOME STUPID FUCKING ANIMAL!” Despite her screams ringing out in the enclosure, no one was still around to hear them. She was utterly alone, screaming out loud for any kind of mercy from either the animal or from someone else. She didn’t find the mercy she wanted though no matter how hard she fought. The acid only came down on her harder, softening up her body and flesh to the point that she could feel the bits of her that were coming off becoming larger and larger in size. She only grew weaker as it dragged out for a long time, leaving Ruruka crying and begging for it to all just end. She finally got her wish thought as the animal turned slightly and moved just a little too much. Its belly ended up being pressed and as it turned some, the confectioner’s waist just brutally snapped in the gut, tearing off utterly cleanly from her lower parts. Her face grew a few shades lighter as she felt the overwhelming pain in her mind, so much to the point that she felt she was imagining it. She instantly grew cold despite the hot atmosphere she found herself in. As blood poured out into the acid surrounding her, Ruruka’s mind just grew clouded as the rapid amount of blood loss took over, her mind hastily fading away despite the girl having been still fairly conscious just moments ago. As she faded away, her mind flashed images of all her friends and she felt a deep sorrow of it all, imagining that had she just been a bit kinder to them maybe she wouldn’t have ended up wandering off and dying like this. The girl’s mind just gave up as her torso slipped deeper into the acid pile, her soft upper body able to lay on top of her legs now and all submerged in the acid. The only thing that still remained above the surface of the acid was her hat, the bit of cloth floating in the liquid as holes formed within it. The defined bulge that once had been Ruruka was far smaller now, each defined bit of her body having heavily softened and formed into a weirdly shaped smaller bulge thanks to her snapped body laying in a new position. That bulge only grew softer over the next 30 minutes before it eventually became just a layer of fat on the red panda, the furry mammal showing no difference in how it looked down at its body. It just laid in the tree as a yawn came out before it suddenly had its lips puff up and… URPHHHP As a bit of gas escaped the mammal’s mouth, a few items that had been on Ruruka suddenly came up. Her hat came flopping out and landed on the ground of the enclosure with a wet squelch as it fell, landing next to her broken phone. The hat was filled to the brim with holes from all the acid, just barely holding on by a few threads. One of the bows from her clothes had come up with the bit of gas too, as well as her small wallet that she’d kept on her. The contents of it had spilled all over the ground next to her other belongings, her student ID laying on the ground utterly useless thanks to the happily pictured girl being nothing but meaty slop in the red panda’s gut. What remained of Ruruka ended up sloshing down into the intestines of the animal, further fattening it up as she was packed out all onto various parts of the animal’s body. It took a bit for all the nutrients the girl had provided to pack out all the fat on the animal, a new fat gut and a cuter chubby face adorning the red panda that Ruruka had gone gurgle in. As the fat settled on the creature, a bit of gas ended up leaving its bum, causing the animal to finally sit up and stretch from the branch it had been laid on. It just squatted down over the side like it usually did, ready to dump out the girl it had already forgotten about but finding going to the bathroom to be more overwhelming than it usually was. The animal just pushed through it, not even thinking as it just went about it all. PFTFLLLLLLCH A gross smelling bit of gas mixed with shit splurt out of the spread anus of the red panda, dropping down from the tree and landing on the ground below next to the girl’s other belongings that had dropped down into the enclosure earlier. A more solid log pushed its way out too, sliding out easily through the anus before dropping out and landing onto the slowly growing pile below. A few more loads of shit continued to come out of the struggling animal which eventually got used to the feeling as it became natural to the rather dim creature. A few logs dropped semi-close to the pile, one landing directly on her phone and smothering the thing in shit that she had spent so much time using. The animal just kept up and went about it like it usually did, only really struggling with a few bits of disposal like dumping out her skull midway through. The animal started off really having a problem with it as the bone clogged it up, almost seemingly stuck inside it. As it pushed it all its might though, the pink-haired bone eventually slipped out thanks to all the force, roughly landing into the pile and getting stuck in it. It only got pushed lower to the bottom as the animal dumped out a few more logs into it, just making the girl barely visible to anyone who knew her. Her boots ended up coming out of the animal’s bum as well, dropping to the side and continually making it clear to anyone who found her who ended up feeding the animals. As the last log dropped out of the animal’s butt, the red panda just let out a yawn as it walked away, climbing down off the tree and back to where it had been earlier when it had met Ruruka. The pile of crap that was now in the enclosure just slowly grew worse smelling as the day went on, the warm sun beating down onto it. The pile was filled to the brim with bones from the girl, her spine bone roughly split in two from the accident involving the animal pressing down onto her. Bits of clumpy fuzz were in the shit too, having come from the fuzzy bits of Ruruka’s outfit. Aside from that, the only other thing there was shit with the smallest bits of her pink jacket and yellow shorts visible in it all. A few people would end up noticing the confectioner’s absence, but no one truly went out of their way to look for her, leaving them to end up forgetting her as the day went on and the trip eventually came to an end. The only person who would ever find the girl would be some underpaid staff member who ended up scooping her remains up with a shovel and didn’t question a thing as they tossed her out, forever leaving what happened to the confectioner a mystery that not one person at Hope’s Peak even cared to attempt to solve…", |
Story Start,“Okay Joey, time to come out~” Leo said in a somewhat teasing, somewhat playful voice. He’d been taking a little catnap in the sun, and at some point between his carefree relaxation, and his periodic stretching, he had come to recognize a certain weight at his far end, a bit of mounting pressure. Normally he wouldn’t have thought much of it, simply gone off and done his business, but today he was carrying a special ‘load’. Padding along on his four paws, he wiggled his hips, imagining his little rodent friend all packed up tight inside, feeling every little shift, totally unable to resist even the feline’s most passing whims. He had to admit, the position had some appeal- to him anyway, he wasn’t sure what Joey got out of an arrangement like this. But Leo was happy to oblige the mouse’s twisted little fantasies. The cat found a suitable patch of dirt in his sunny field and squatted over it, arching his back. He couldn’t quite imagine what the look on his ‘lunch’s’ face would be after a long trip through his guts, but he very much looked forward to finding out. “Here it comes~” he teased a bit more. Then he wiggled his rear one more time, and finally clenched. He focused on the sensation, and the control of his abdomen. A few sharp, quiet breaths accompanied each successive contraction, the muscles along his lower gut squeezing and pressing, moving all he had once consumed along on the final leg of its journey. From all Leo could tell, little Joey just felt like any other nameless bowel movement; only a mildly louder little thump against the ground caught the cat’s notice, and even then that was only because the feline had been paying special attention. Other than that, he simply continued to push until he was empty. He even kicked once or twice- smirking all the while. After all, the mouse had wanted the full experience, hadn’t he? Dumps didn’t get any special treatment. He took a breath or two as he regained his usual posture and his body relaxed, now a fair bit lighter, and only then did he finally turn around, content to bring their strange little game to a close. “Well Joey, I hope you liked it in there, it sure felt good to m-”Leo stopped talking. The smile slowly slipped off his face. Joey… Joey wasn’t there. The only thing he had to talk to, was a pile of his own feline feces. He looked a bit closer for a moment, even took a sniff against his better judgement, but… there was nothing there at all that resembled the little mouse he knew, just a few uniform logs of brown, with one being a tad thicker than the rest. “Oh…” he said, still aloud. He thought back a number of hours, the long lengths of time he’d spent splayed out or curled up in the sun, feeling his belly rumble, basking in the warmth, enjoying himself. After all, Joey had seemed very convinced this would work, he’d explain the whole thing- not that the feline had understood half of it- but it wasn’t like a mouse would just go and do something crazy like feed himself to a cat without a surefire way out, right? Heck, Joey had encouraged him to enjoy himself. Now, though, thinking about all those little burbles he’d happily listened to from inside his belly, and how pleasantly full he’d been feeling, felt a little awkward, maybe even a little… bad. The cat frowned, continuing to stare at the ex-mouse he’d just so unceremoniously excreted, complete with little flecks of kicked-up dirt. His body had rendered the friendly little fella into a completely unrecognizable log of brown, not a trace left. Despite whatever efforts, he’d been treated just like any other bit of food the feline might have chanced across, and now… now this was all that was left. “Oh…” he said again, heavier this time. He saw a couple bugs approaching, like they usually did. He swiped at them in a bit of guilty impulse, batting them away. He realized in the moment that he felt some sense of duty to his… doodie. He couldn’t just… dump his poor, unfortunate friend there, he had to do something. Joey had been a good friend/meal, right?Leo flexed his front paws and quietly clawed out a bit of dirt, he dug for a few moments until he had a little hole, just about big enough to fit everything his body hadn’t taken from his latest lunch. Eyeing his turd with a bit of repulsion, he did his best to lightly push a bit of soil with one set of claws, so that the logs he had laid toppled into the fresh latrine/grave without him having to touch anything directly. He wrinkled his nose at the growing stench. “Sorry Joey,” he said solemnly. “For what it’s worth, you did make a pretty good lunch.” He thought that was the kind of thing the mouse might have smirked at, you know, if the rodent still had a mouth, or a face, or ears, or any semblance of a body that wasn’t cat-shit. “…Guess this is goodbye…”He pushed the pile of dirt back over the disposed remains, stood staring for a moment, and then walked away. ", |
Story Start,Stars dappled the evening sky as you made your way through the sprawling forest. You were on the prowl, a wolf anthro ready for her next big target. Only, it wasn’t a rabbit, deer, or some other poor animal that you were looking to hunt. It was horses, and instead of eating them, you were a prolific horse thief that sold them for quite a pretty penny at the many shady fences dotted around the countryside. You were dressed well for the occasion, wearing your signature bandit’s outfit, complete with skirt, leggings, boots, and corset, only they were colored black rather than their usual blue and brown, aiding you as you elegantly slipped in between trees and bushes. You knew there were farms out this way, but you’d had to pay a local for information on exact locations. You pulled out a map and rifled through it, trying to locate yourself in relation to the marked farms. “Shit.. why’d I pay that kid for this thing..” you grumbled sorely as you moved on to the next section of the woods. You began to climb upward, straining and grunting as your canine body gripped and pulled itself up steep dirt inclines and over rocks, and as you reached the tip, there was a break in the trees that gave a strong view of the land ahead. “Bingo!” You exclaimed, a mischievous smile growing across your lips as you spied the target you’d been wanting to hit. A small farm glowed gently in the distance, the lights of the oil lamps just barely casting enough light against the night sky to reveal the outline of a barn, pasture, and farmhouse. You sauntered your way down, beginning by sliding down the hill in your eager way and beginning to crouch walk once you approached the line of bushes that delineated the farm property from the wilderness. You took a solid minute to case the place. Most lights were out, no human or anther activity going on, no posted guards. An ideal target. After several minutes of carefully studying, you stepped out of the woods, slinking along the ground slowly as you slipped your body under the fence. Your head, shoulders, breasts, and belly slipped through easily, but your wide hips and large, cellulite filled butt were having a harder time. Your cheeks got stuck between the ground and the lowest railing on the simple fence. “C’mon… fuck…” you muttered to yourself. “Unngh!” You gave a pull, and while your big grey butt cheeks and legs managed to come through, it also severed that part of the fence railing with a **KRAK!** "Damn!” You knew that was unprofessional, but you needed to focus on not getting caught. You returned to a crouch and quickly snuck behind the barn, trying to obfuscate ate yourself from view of the farmhouse. After another few minutes of hiding inside a barrel and ensuring that the coast was a clear, you made your way to the locked barn door whose padlock was mere child’s play for your kleptomania. You pulled out your toolkit and got to work. *Tch-tchink.. Tcherk…. TCHAK!* The door’s bolt slid to the side, and you pushed it open with a hefty creak and groan. Inside, rows of wooden stalls lined the sides of the barn, the silhouetted figures of the horses visible as some stood, puttering around their starlit enclosures. At this point, you grabbed the nearby oil lantern and struck a match: only the best of this farm’s horses would be worth rustling. You walked down the row, shining lights on the stalls. “No.. no… no… too skinny… too fat… Oh.. you’ll do.” Your light sone on a stern long, jet black face. Moving closer revealed a long, curly set of ebony locks of hair coming down from the magnificent specimen’s head. His midsection gleamed in the starlight, giving off a natural sheen that embodied strength and virility. His muscles were well toned and bulging, and as you hopped the stall door and walked around his rear end, you took in the admittedly alluring sight of a megallithic, powerful equine ass, which sported a large, dangling black cock and set of warm, throbbing balls underneath it. “Oh yeah, you’ll fetch a high price…” Your excitement almost couldn’t be contained. This was the type of horse that would set you free, that would allow you to settle down and not have to rustle livestock anymore. You got to work, grabbing the saddle and throwing the blanket over his back. As you threw the saddle over and began to tighten the straps, you noticed a small brass plate with the stud’s name on it: Brutus. “Well, Brutus, my beautiful black friend, it looks like you’re getting liberated today! HUP!” You placed one foot in the stirrup and easily launched your other leg over the side, sitting in the saddle and feeling the power of his magnificent weight underneath you. You gently gave a kick to the animal, and he started to walk to the right and out of the barn. As you exited, unbeknownst to you, the owner of the farm had indeed heard you, and was waiting to take you out. As you exited the barn with Brutus, riding slowly into the pasture where you’d make your escape, the rabbit woman who ran the farm held her rifle right on you from her bedroom window. She lead her target, and was about to squeeze the trigger… but no. She realized which one of her horses was being stolen. She lowered the rifle and flipped on the safety catch. “Enjoy that one, thief. He’s a lot to handle!” She chuckled, enjoying your ignorance of Brutus’ true nature, and returned to bed. Back on Brutus’ back, you increased your pace to a trot as you escaped the farm. You felt a rush of adrenaline, being on an animal like him, and made him speed up to a canter. His heavy footfalls thudded the ground with resounding impact, and you soon felt him gracefully spring into the air in a manner surprisingly elegant for his size as he leaped over the fence as if it were a small puddle. And you were away. The farm quickly receded from view as Brutus trotted along through the woods with you bobbing up and down on his back. “Good boy, Brutus.” You gently whispered. As he trotted, the big horse’s butt and belly jiggled from side to side while his balls bounced up and down, shimmering in the moonlit forest. You figured that it would be best to ride for another hour or two to find a good spot to camp. You came down out of the forest, riding through a meadow and then seeing the lights of a small town nearby. You’d been there before, but the horse fence wouldn’t be open until tomorrow. So, you settled down. You grabbed the tent and bedroll that were attached to the rear of the saddle, and got to work. As you started to pitch the tent, Brutus happily walked around the campsite, but would often annoyingly nudge you with his head, and even licked your face a few times. “Ugh, get off, boy! No!” You would try to shove him off, his massive head being very powerful. Eventually, though, the tent was pitched, but not after the mischievous horse had knocked it over twice. You resolved the issue by tying Brutus to a tree, and with that, you laid out your bed roll. By this point, you were dog-tired. Your joints were aching, muscles sore from riding, and you were more than ready for sleep, so you laid your head down on the back of the pad, facing the entrance to the tent, not even bothering to remove your clothes. Your eyes almost immediately closed up, and you were fast asleep in dreamland, thinking of that big sack of money you’d be hauling home tomorrow. *Rustle! Bump! Swish!* You woke up with a start. Something was bumping into your tent. You woke up with a start, but then settled back down. *BUMP!* There it was again! You still couldn’t tell what was going on. You put a hand on the flap to the tent and opened it…. to reveal Brutus’ giant, jet black face peering in as it entered the tent with you. “Oh, jeez, Brutus, I-AHH!” You reeled back as the horse opened his maw. As you stared down it, you saw your pathway down to a gastric tomb, a pulsating, peristaltic channel of rippling digestive muscle. His maw moved closer to you, and you shot your hands out to stop him, but alas, your wolf body didn’t have the strength to overpower him as those teeth and lips overtook your head and closed down. **GUUUULLLPPPPP!!** down went your head, sinking into his throat and beginning to bulge it our with the tip of your snout making the largest impression. The horse’s powerful body dragged you backwards, struggling and kicking with muffled yelling and screams as he dragged you out of the tent. “MMMFFF!!! RRRRMMMM!!!” Was a all that could be heard. **GUURUUULLLLLPPPP!!! GLUKKKK!! GLRRRKKKK!!** Brutus was happily huffing with his mouth full as your tight grey shoulders were worked into his jaws along with your breasts, leather armor and all. They stopped for a quick second as your breasts held you up a bit, but they were easily taken in. Brutus’ massive head lifted off the ground now, and started to angle upwards to let gravity assist with the swallowing. As he did this, he began to walk towards the farm, your struggling, writhing form visible all across his neck now, with your snout and breasts making the largest bulges. As it stood, or rather, as it swallowed, you were only mere inches away from the sphincter that would open up into the horse’s belly. **GLKKKK!! GLOOORRKK!! UUUULLLLPPP!!! SLLLUUUURRRPPP!!!** Brutus continued to viscerally swallow you, with your waist and belly being the lates victims of his maw, sliding easily into his throat. Your hips, of course, would be presenting the largest challenge to the giant Friesian. As you struggled and kicked your legs uselessly into the air, your thicc grey ass cheeks jiggled underneath your signature skirt, and Brutus appeared to be stuck for the moment. You thought to yourself that, perhaps, he’d be stuck here, and that he’d be forced to let you go. **GGLLLLLPPP!!! GLLRRRPPP!!!** Multiple swallow attempts seemed to almost push your hips into his throat, but they weren’t quite going yet. Inside his throat, your fur was soaking wet, and you were burning up with the heat of his body, but you still tried to struggle and make your way back up. But just then, when you had your glimmer of escape, the horse threw his head up perpendicular to the ground, erasing your few inches of backwards progress; he pulled up his tongue, gently shifting it under your skirt and into the folds of your nether regions. He gently licked and pressed down with it, giving you jittery sensations of stimulation that caused you to shudder, making Brutus’ neck shake as well. And, of course, this was the power that Brutus needed to finally shove your ass in with a **GGUUUUUULLLLLPPPPP!!!** that took your body down and started to push it into his gut. As your legs gracefully slid down, the sphincter opened up and you were greeted by an acrid smell and burning sensation, but at least you were finally able to talk again, no longer completely compressed like you were in his throat. “ARRGH! Brutus! You dumb stud! Let me out! Fuck!” The horse merely happily neighed as your feet, the last bits of you exposed to the cool night air, slid inside, your shoes coming off and falling down to the ground with a soft *Ba-bump!* Brtutus gave a final *ULP!* and those feet were brought down at astonishing speed to join the rest of you, the twin bulges sliding down Brutus’ entire neck in just a second or two. **BBUUUUUUUURRRRRRAAAAPPPPP!!** The Horse let out a mighty belch, and your skirt that had gotten caught earlier as Brutus struggled to swallow your butt flew out of his maw, covered in saliva. “Cmon… I’ll give you a carrot?” you meekly offered the horse as you now hung as a bulge between his flanks, a large black orb that would soon be digested. The horse was happy to feel that big, satisfying bulge hanging between his flanks, so he started prancing around, bumping you back and forth inside that tight gut. He hiked his hooves up on a tree and pressed his belly into the tree, squishing you tightly. Inside, your face smithed as it was compressed against those pulsating walls. The big horse rubbed that belly all over the bark of the tree, sending you tumbling left and right. Soon, those digestive acids and enzymes got to work on you, Brutus began slowly meandering his way back towards his home, sloshing you left and right with a bouncing gait, which was enough to start melting you in earnest when combined with all the belly play (or, more accurately, belly torture) he’d subjected you to. “Agh! That hurts! Shit! Please, Brutus, I don’t wanna be digested! HELP!” You shouted as the giant horse’s gut mercilessly melted your form. **GUUUUURGGGLLLE!!** Your fur singed off gradually, leaving only the pale skin underneath. your clothes were melting too, rapidly becoming shredded remains within a growing pool of chyme. As your limbs started to soften, you got desperate. **GRRRRRRNNNN!!!** You began to throw out punches and kicks, trying to upset Brutus’ stomach to get him to regurgitate you, making smaller bulges every which way in that giant black gut. Of course, the horse whinnied a bit in response, but he soon stopped. He wasn’t about to give up his meal, and started to give his digestive tract some “manual assistance.” You could feel him stop and place his hoof up into the meat of his gut, hitting you right in the solar plexus through the wall and knocking the wind out of you. **GLLLLLOORP!* “OOOF!” His other hoof came up and re[eatedly smacked around your legs, softening them up and making them even more mushy and useless as skin and muscle melted. He repeatedly pressed these front two hooves into different places in his gut, sinking them deep into the bulge and almost pulverizing your weakening form in a way by softening all that meat up. You were starting to fight to maintain consciousness as your body’s integrity was compromised, and the pool of chyme was rising with all of your tissues mixed and melted in. Brutus happily swayed side to side as he dragged his belly across a rock, causing your legs to detach and swirl around, quickly melting away. Your arms, weak and degraded as they were, were still making smaller bulges. “B-B-brutus… let.. go… aaaghhh *gurgle*” Most of the noises you could make at this point were wet gurgles and groans, stilll struggling vainly to escape. Brutus passed a tree on his left and bumped his gut into it, detaching your own left arm with the impact. He then passed a tree on his right and shoved his gut deep into that, detaching the other arm. Even your torso now was rapidly melting. By now, Brutus was returning to the farm, and you were only moments away from perishing, suffering the ultimate consequence for your thievery. He hopped the fence once again, sloshing all of your melted, messy body around as you helplessly gurgled and sloshed with a **GLOOOORRPPP!**. The rabbit man was already waiting, chuckling as she saw her horse with a full and very smooth, round gut. "So, horse thief, you learn your lesson?” She cackled loudly as Brutus happily walked up to his real owner, proudly showing off his full gut. “Grrruurrrglleee..” was the only response you could muster. “That’s what I thought. Oh wait, you won’t learn anything, because your ass is gonna be deader than fried chicken!”” And at that moment, Brutus sat himself down on the ground to get some love from her, placing his belly down. The pressure of his weight bearing down on you from above and pressing you into the ground was too much to bear. You made some panicked gurgles as his gut went **GGROOOOANNN!!** and in a final moment of digestive prowess, what little was left of you was annihilated with a **CCRURRUUUNCH!!** bones splintering and flesh melting as you were finally killed off. “Good boy.” The rabbit woman said as she led Brutus right back into his stall where you’d stolen him from. “She’ll make lovely fertilizer, don’t you think boy?” Brutus merely grunted happily in response, only caring about how full and happy your body had made him feel. She then addressed you: “I was right to not even bother wasting a bullet on your dumb ass. you got gulped and gurgled real hard, and now you’re gonna be smelly horseshit!” She said as she smacked his jiggling gut. Speaking of, you were well on your way at that point to becoming pudge and horse shit, your remains winding through his small intestine and being neutralized by the alkaline environment within. “Yawn. Good night, boy. Enjoy digesting this dumb bitch. I hope it feels good when you shit her out in the morning.” The rabbit lady walked off, and Brutus went into a deep sleep as his lower gut grumbled and growled, processing your remains. Come the morning, Brutus gently awoke as the rabbit lady entered, opening up the stalls and letting all the horses out to run and graze in the pasture. Brutus took a few steps out of his stall, and while still in the barn, let out a **FFFFFRRRRBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTT!!!** That smelled of death mixed with rotten eggs. “Aw, Brutus, Jesus! Whoever you were, lady, don’t you know it’s rude to make your pred gassy like that?” The lady hand waved the stink away as Brutus made his way outside. His new gains were very evident, with his already massive ass becoming rounder and even softer, almost like a crushing weight above his jiggling balls and long, hanging cock. His flanks and belly had grown too, gaining new reams of fat that jiggled heftily as the Friesian stud galloped through the pasture, letting out fart after fart. **FFRRRRRRTTT!! PPPBbBBBBBBTTTT!!! FFRRRRBRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP!!!** The rabid already knew she’d have work to do, so she quickly retrieved a wheelbarrow and prepared for the inevitable. Brutus was feeling the call of nature, and so he very quickly found himself a spot to dump the dead, digested remains of his would-be thief. The rabbit watched from afar as he began the process. He slightly lowered his giant, Fall-improved ass towards the ground, and his tail moved to the side as his asshole exposed itself and began to wink out, pushing the material clogging up his colon and rectum towards the outside. **Wink. Wink. WinkkKKRKKRRRRRRRRKKKKKKLLL!!** His asshole opened wider and gave way as the first turd came snaking out. It was a long log of mostly smooth, medium brown shit. The front end of the turd was knobbly and knotted, dried out a bit, but the rest was very wet and smooth. Finger bones and a hand were ensconced within as it crackled out, angling downwards and slithering pasta Brutus’ giant black balls. **CRKKK-FFRRTT!!! THUD!**. It smacked down to the ground with a resounding impact, and another log followed immediately. **CRRRRACKKKLL!! KKRRRRZZKK!!** This one was longer, coiling clockwise as it draped itself over the first log, exposing vertebrae and shattered bits of arm bone. Tufts of fur were seen intermittently in the texture of the turd as it exited Brutus’ well trained black asshole at impressive speed. The rabbit cheered as you were mercilessly squeezed out: “Go, Brutus, Go! Shit that horse thief out!” **KKKRAACKKLLE! FLOP!** He pinched that one off and started the next one. He strained and closed his eyes for this one, as it contained shattered chunks of your pelvis and your mostly intact rib cage, which tickled his asshole and punctuated the crackling as each rib slid out, layered in with the surface of the turd: **KRKRKRKRKRKRKRK!!!** Some of your clothes were visible in the smaller part of the turd that came afterwards, a few shreds of your leggings visible in the digested matter. Several more logs with small bits of foot bones and your collar bone popped out, with the last one of those containing your corset, half digested asa it caught on the lip of Brutus’ asshole, flapping in the gentle morning wind. The rabbit lady immediately recognized it as your signature outfit. “Wait a minute… Fall Hope!?!?” She cackled hysterically. “You mean to tell me that the legendary Fall Hope was brought to her death by a big goofy horse?! BAAHAHAH! Fall Hope, more like Fecal Hopeless!” A final turd emerged next with a ***KKKKKRRRRRCCCCKKKKK!!!** It was started off by your intact femur, slipping out of Brutus’ hole before the turd proper made its exit. The farmer had caught up to Brutus now, and watched this final log coil down, completing a stack of nasty, coiled shit that was three feet high, already with flies circling and buzzing around the fetid mound. “Well, looks like Miss Fecal Hopeless had a real SHITTY time!” She chuckled to herself. Just then, Brutus strained and clenched his back legs as a final blockage was pushed out of his asshole. Your wet canine skull emerged slowly, lower jaw hanging as it pushed further out. “Ooh, a jaw dropping finale for the once-great Fall Hope!” The rabbit said as it fell out, rolling down the pile and tapping Brutus on his back right hoof. In response, Brutus raised his right hoof with authority, and brought it down right between your eyes on the snout. **KRKRUNCHH!!** It shattered, sending bone shrapnel everywhere like a grenade, leaving only some bits of your lower jaw and a now detached eye socket where your skull once was, as well as some shit that had logged itself inside. “Talk about a shit for brains! Though I suppose I couldn’t expect much more from a horse thief. I’ll definitely be cashing in on your steep bounty.” She laughed as she began the work of shoveling your nasty remains onto the wheelbarrow and separating your skirt to turn in as evidence while Brutus trotted off, gas leaking from his butt hole like a smoking gun. You’d be unceremoniously shoveled into the garden serving as fertilizer for carrots and tomatoes that would grow ripe with your generous contributions, but that was all the evidence there was that you’d ever even existed, well, aside from Brutus’ fat ass. And that was the unfortunate ending of Fall Hope the horse thief: reduced to a pathetic pile of equine shit. ", |
Story Start,Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort, which could only be broken by love's first kiss. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but none prevailed. She waited in the dragon's keep, in the highest room of the tallest tower, for her true love, and true love's first kiss. Indeed, the lovely Princess Fiona lived all alone in the highest room in the tallest tower of that abandoned castle. Not only guarded by a fierce fire-breathing dragoness, but a lake of LAVA. To rescue her would take a great deal of skill, courage and valiance…Or you could just have your new ogre friend take care of it. Donkey decided he’d do that. A talking donkey, with greyish-brown fur, a black mane and big brown eyes, and he would NOT STOP TALKING. Somehow, though, he’d found out that…well, he was really attractive to the dragoness that had been guarding Princess Fiona because, frankly, after years of being alone and guarding that princess, Dragon was bored out of her mind, and lonely, and she wanted somebody to talk to, to listen to her, and Donkey had been able to do just that. Plus, well…he was a demon in the sack. He was also a LOT more dangerous and voracious than you’d think. Shrek and he had drunk a potion that turned them into their most beautiful, majestic selves, and Donkey had become a beautiful stallion with white fur and a blonde mane. He’d been surprised, when he and Shrek had tried to track down Fiona, that SHE was transformed too, but he’d realized a problem. You see, if Fiona and Shrek kissed, then he might end up turning back. He couldn’t let Shrek find her, not when he looked THIS good. He had to do something, so…he made up his mind to eat her. And he had! He’d gobbled her right on up and then crapped her out, and he’d learned, much to his surprise, he LOVED the taste of her! And he’d eaten up the queen as well. Truth be told, dragon had been VERY impressed. So much so she’d decided to help Donkey out. They wanted a better place to live in. Luckily for them they’d found a nice place to indulge. Donkey and Dragon had gone on a long journey, trying to find a nice place to settle down, and had gone from kingdom to kingdom, trying to find places to start a new life…and surprisingly it’d been DONKEY, not the dangerous big pinkish/reddish dragoness who’d proved to be the REAL man eater. The donkey ran his tongue all over Princess Peach’s face, savoring and enjoying her taste. It was a bit like a nice…well…PEACH! Plus a mixture of mango and grapes. GULGH-GULGH-GULLGH! At that moment the donkey’s throat expanded, fitting her head inside and shoving her down. “Hnnm…” Donkey grabbed her little body by the sides, holding her up and tilting his head backwards as he used his hooves to hold her. Just like that, Princess Peach began disappearing inside Donkey’s little body. Her slender frame ran down his throat, until it settled inside his stomach. “AHHHH…!” Princess Peach yelped a little bit, surprised by the way she was suddenly swallowed. Her whole body felt wet and sticky, and she couldn’t move because of how cramped it was. She could feel her legs being slurped up and disappearing inside Donkey the donkey’s s mouth. Finally, she ended up all curled up inside his stomach. Dragon the dragoness stared in awe as the princess was swallowed alive right in front of them. It was hard to think that her hubby had actually devoured a human princess whole but…wow. BRAAAAAAAAAP! Out came a golden crown, Donkey blushing a bit. “Sorry…” He apologized to his dragoness beloved as she’d gotten an idea since, after all, Princess Daisy AND Rosalina were there as well, both of them gaping in shock, eyes wide, looking on as Donkey hungrily licked his lips at them. Dragon picked up the crown as he turned to the tied-up Princess Daisy and Rosalina!Donkey smirked, opening his mouth wide once more for Princess Daisy. This time, he grabbed the terrified princess by the sides and pulled her closer. Princess Daisy tried to protest a bit, but then Donkey silenced her by shoving her head inside, and much like Princess Peach, she closed her eyes and held her breath, bracing for what was about to happen. Immediately, she felt the wet, warm stickiness of his maw wrapped all over her face. Not just that but Donkey actually pushed her further down his gullet. GULLGH-SCHAA-GULLLGHP!After just a couple of gulps, Princess Daisy’s frame was lost inside of his mouth. His lips slurped up the last of her flank and legs, finishing with her red tail as if it were noodles. Once again, the bulge on his throat traveled down, mixing up with the bulge in his stomach, now hosting two full-sized fillies within. Princess Daisy pressed against Princess Peach, forcing that stomach to stretch further and fit them both inside. “Ack… i-it’s so cramped in here!” She cried out. "Let us out right now!” Princess Peach said, not really able to move about, especially since she could feel her friend pushing against her. Both of the ladies squirmed in place until they found a relatively comfortable position to be in all things considered. Meanwhile, Princess Rosalina stared carefully as her friends disappeared inside Donkey’s gut, leaving now an even larger belly. Smirking, Donkey pushed at the bulges that the ladies made with a hoof. “Ohhh, that was REAL nice. I’m almost running out of space! Well…almost…” He chuckled, looking at Princess Rosalina. “You gonna let me eat you willingly, or is my wife-URRRRRRRRRRP!”He belched and yet ANOTHER crown got burped up, Dragon picking THAT up as she looked the two crowns over. “Like I was saying…you going to let me eat you willingly or does Dragon have to get NASTY?”Princess Rosalina gulped and hung her head, and wiggled her way over to him, completely defeated. Donkey licked his lips and approached Donkey held Princess Rosalina by the sides and opened his mouth wide. The princess briefly let out a little squeal, but it was quickly muffled by the donkey shoving her head inside his drooling maw.Immediately, Donkey’s tongue ran all over her face. The princess squirmed, kicking her legs just a bit in protest, but soon gave up when her body was gobbled up, leaving only her legs sticking out. Donkey savored the taste of marshmallows and candy she gave off. Such a sublime taste He took his time savoring Princess Rosalina, until his throat couldn’t help but swallow and shove the princess down his gullet. GULLLLGH-HUUURRGGH-GULLLLP. Poor Princess Rosalina cringed and ust kept her eyes closed and endured everything until she felt herself sliding down his throat, almost like a water slide. Except stickier and squishier. Finally, she felt her entire body swallowed, and she was pushed down to his stomach, arriving at the room Princess Daisy and Princess Peach were staying at. “Hnn… I-I can’t see a thing…” She said, opening her eyes. Even if she had her friends right in front of her, she couldn’t see a thing. It was utterly pitch black. Donkey let out a long belch, as Princess DAISY’S crown popped out. Delectable…and that was just the beginning. Dragon had soon made an entire NECKLACE of princess and queen crowns for him as he continued on his journey with her to find a place to settle down, and he was currently at an inn, looking over his much more fatter and muscular body. Such FINE assets the ladies had gotten him…especially after eating Fiona and her mom too. You got such a rush from eating royalty…and making them into royal fertilizer. The fact he could just gobble them up and just walk out of the kingdom was quite a delight to him. Especially since they all had different flavors! He’d been tempted to eat Dragon too but…well, she was such a BEAST in bed. But as nice as Princess Fiona and her mom had been, if Donkey was being honest, his true favorite had been a very RECENT meal…a warrior princess named Xena. He remembered the day he’d met her, and her tasty compatriot, Gabriella…Xena had long, flowing locks of black hair and a muscular and well-toned body, with rather tight-fitting dark armor and a refined-looking face. Her compatriot Gabriella ad light brownish/red hair, a fringe over her forehead, and although she was pretty well-toned too she wasn’t nearly as athletic as Xena. The problem they’d faced was that…well, they’d just beaten a mighty giant and taken his collection of gold, but they didn’t have any way of CARRYING it. Gold was, after all, heavy, and they couldn’t just stick it all in their pockets. Cuz their armor HAD NO POCKETS. When they were getting armor, the last thing they were thinking about was POCKETS. So they’d been trying to make bags by weaving clothing together but that hadn’t worked out well either, because neither of them were particularly good at weaving. But then, luckily, Donkey had come by, having heard the commotion, and he’d INSTANTLY decided he just HAD to stick with them. It’d been difficult at first for them to get over the fact that he talked…and talked a mile a minute. But at long last, once they’d finally decided to trust him, he offered to carry the gold. By now, he’d gotten much stronger and more muscular and fatter than before, and so, as a result, this meant he could carry all that gold on his back…albeit a bit slowly. “HOO…HOO…boy, gonna have to hit the gym when all this is over I tell you what!” He’d remarked as Xena and Gabriella walked alongside him. “You know, you ladies would probably love my wife…well, once you get over the fact she’s a dragon.”“Your wife’s a DRAGON?” Xena inquired as Donkey nodded. “Why yes! Yes she is. You would not believe how hard it is to make it work sometimes. Like…well, for starters, I definitely gotta be the one on top!” He admitted as Gabriella chuckled a bit. They continued to trek on through the woods for several days, and after three days had passed, the ladies finally seemed at ease with him and his motor mouth. “I can take the first watch.” He told Xena as Gabriella plopped down her head on her sleeping bag and Xena prepared her own sleeping roll. “It’s no trouble, really. I’m a great watchman!” He bragged. "Okay, Donkey. Sure. You can take first watch.” Xena said with a shrug as she curled up on her sleeping roll and drifted off into slumber, Donkey waiting patiently for her to fall asleep. After a solid hour and a half he was sure she was finally out of it, and he could, at last, PROPERLY enjoy her. He licked his lips hungrily, and took hold of her head and had forcibly stuffed it right into his hot and humid maw with a loud and wet SCLORGH! Luckily for him, she was still fast asleep, though not for long. GLUUURH-UUULLLP! Down, down she went, her head now sinking inside just as she woke up. “ACK! What the?! Leggo, you dumb donkey!” Xena cried out as Donkey just ignored her, and kept powerfully swallowing, all whilst he licked and slurped and lapped over poor Xena, moaning happily. “Mmmmmm.” He purred in delight as he kept stuffing her deeper into his jaws. She tasted very, very delightful indeed. Faintly creamy in flavor, also faintly sweet too, very nice. His large tongue kept bathing over the chest of Xena, then her stomach. SCHLUUURGH-GLUUURRP! Soon he was pushing her in more further, and now he’d reached her ass! He made her butt cheeks bounce, before he gulped once more. “You perverted little!” Xena yelled out as GLUUURGGH-UUULP. Down, down she went, and he pushed her feet into his maw with a final GROMPGH. Now she was just a big, enormous bulge, sent down, down into his gut as he patted over it, suppressing a belch, looking satisfied as he laid on the ground, slowly patting and rubbing over his distended stomach and just letting her digest. Unfortunately, come the next morning, though she was passed out in h is gut…she wasn’t fully digested yet. He cringed. Shiiiit. He had to wait. He quickly made up the sleeping roll to make it look like she’d not even been in it, and then waddled over to Gabriella. "Hey. Hey, Gabriella? I can’t find Xena.”Gabriella awoke with a start, looking around, gasping. “Xena’s gone?! Where’d she go?”“I dunno, I was just kinda indulging in some of the snacks in the knapsack when I noticed that Xena was gone. Let’s try and look for her!” Donkey suggested with a knowing twinkle in his eye. He led Gabriella through the woods on a wild goose chase through the woods. Gabriella didn’t have a clue that her friend was digesting away, right beside her. It didn’t help that Donkey’s stomach was surprisingly soundproof. Xena’s moans and groans couldn’t reach Gabriella as she kept being digested on away. Truth be told, Donkey found all this subversively exciting. He grinned in delight all the while as he kept “Searching” with Gabriella for Xena, knowing full well Xena would be digested soon.( WANING SCAT SCENE)Truth be told, he intended to ditch Gabriella soon. After the third day, he felt pressure building up in his rump and he headed behind a tree to do his business. He moaned as he took in a deep breath and began to push. PHRRRBBBBT! Slowly but surely, out came his shit, thick, dark brown loaves, all that remained of poor Xena was just poop! A big, fat Donkey dump. “ERRGGGH!”PLOP-PLOP-PLOP! Thick brown loaves cascaded on down as Gabriella looked over in his direction, rolling her eyes. Donkey could be so gross sometimes-Wait. She stared, stunned. Was that…She approached him as he kept pooping, and then let out a gasp. Holy crap! Pieces of Xena’s armor was left in the shit, metal chunks not fully digested on down! Donkey turned, looking behind him at his pile of shit, then at Gabriella as she shrieked. She turned to run…Well…Donkey was on her in an instant, barreling at her. She tried to run away, but Donkey knocked into her with a SCHWOOM! THWUMHF! She was knocked onto the ground as Donkey’s maw engulfed her head and he began to heartily guzzle her down! GULGH-GULGH-GULGH! She shrieked and yelled as Donkey quickly consumed her, swallowing her up more quickly than Xena had been!…………two days later, Donkey finally reached he and Dragon’s castle, and was going behind a bush. PHRRRBBBBT! Now it was the thick, dark brown waste that was GABRIELLA he was shitting out, moaning, biting his lip as thick loaves cascaded out. “Ooof! Well, looks like you’re shit outta luck!” He guffawed as more and more of his donkey dump was pooped on out onto the grass. “But I’ll definitely always remember you and that tasty Xena…” He commented as he headed for the castle. Truth be told he'd been wondering…did he have the jaw strength to eat his wife? Perhaps he would find the answer to that question in the future but right now, he could smell that dragon had prepared a delightful snack for him and if he had to guess trio of princesses", |
Story Start,PLAP SLAP SLAMThe fat ass of an enormous hyena lady rises and slams down again and again on a tightly-bound deer. His arms are tied behind his back, and he's left in a seated position on a rotting couch in a back alley. His lower half isn't being used and isn't restrained, either, free to kick about uselessly beneath him; his upper half is repeatedly and forcefully acquainted with the depths of the hyena's colon. Bertha, the hyena in question, lets out a gutteral sound closer to a grunt than a moan with each rapid, hefty slam down onto her captive toy. The deer squirms and struggles weakly against his restraints, only pleasuring Bertha more. He doesn't make much noise, and each jerky movement is weaker and weaker. He's already been thoroughly exhausted, but Bertha is just getting started. SMACK PLAP PLOPDavid was an easy-going young buck, barely twenty years old. He'd just shed his antlers for the winter and was on his way to meet a group of friends at a local club. His day was going quite well, all things considered. And then he was grabbed from an alley, never to be seen again. He hadn't done anything wrong or made any real enemies; Bertha didn't care about any of that. He'd merely been in the wrong place (within Bertha's sights) at the wrong time (when Bertha was horny.) It didn't take long for the 8-foot yeen to get him tied up and in position for her anal play session. GRRRRGLE CHUUUURNLoud noises echo from Bertha's belly as she continues to ride her impromptu toy, the signifier of her guts getting to work on poor David. She wasn't particularly hungry and might not have even eaten him afterwards, considering where he'd just been; she only wanted to pleasure herself for the time being. Her insides didn't much care why she'd stuffed him into her body, though, only that she did. WHAP GRRRWWWWWLL GROOOAANBertha gives one last mighty slam down onto the buck she'd captured and shoots a load of jizz out onto the opposite wall of the alley, finally finished with her toy. After sitting for a moment, huffing from the effort and enjoying the fleeting pleasure of an intense orgasm, she finally gets up. As the massive hyena stands, a loud flatulence emits from her backside as the deer's upper half comes out of her. David's head, arms, and torso are left as skeletal remains, caked into one 3-foot log of shit, still attached to his in-tact waist and legs. The former deer makes a foul sound as it snakes out of Bertha's backside while she rises. As soon as his remains have fully vacated her guts, they fall over onto the couch and flatten out just slightly from the impact, runining it that little bit further. PFFFRRT SLLOUUGHHH SPLAT"Mrugh, whoops, heugh heugh," Bertha briefly observes the mess she's made of David before shrugging and walking off without a second thought. ", |
Story Start,Autumn wakes up in the dead of night to the creaking of her bedroom door. By the time she's rolled over and sat up to look, something is upon her. Soft, fabric stumps pin her down with deceptive strength, and a cute plush face stares down at her. In the dim light of her moonlit bedroom, Autumn can make out sewn-on felt eyes that move as if animated on a screen attached to a feline face with long orange hair made from thick, rope-like yarn. Her attacker has a calico fur pattern and a big smile. "Awwwwww! You're sooooo cute~ You're going to make such a perfect plushie~" the animate stuffed animal speaks, and Autumn can glimpse a surprisingly detailed maw on her, lined with soft velvet fabric like bedsheets. Autumn is thoroughly taken back, but before she can react at all—OMPH RRFFLE SLFFRThe rustling of fabric overtakes her as her head is stuffed into the plush cat's maw. The pred wraps its arms beneath her to pull her deeper into her body, and soon she's overtaken entirely, sliding into a soft, warm chamber inside. Autumn feels movement all around her as her captor gets up to leave. The cat hums a cheerful tune to herself all the while. The devoured doggie struggles only briefly, overwhelmingly tired from being woken up so late at night. She eventually falls into a reluctant sleep in her soft, warm prison. FLFFRFF FWWFFRRWhen she wakes up again, she can't move. She's deeper into the plush cat's insides now, and something is wrong. She hears a soft grunt come from her captor, and after a moment slides out her backside, landing on a soft, padded floor. Autumn tries to look around and get her bearings, but her head doesn't turn. She can't sit up or get to her feet. She can't move at all. Something about her body feels different. "Oh my gawsh I was soooo right~ Look at you~" the kitty picks her up effortlessly, despite them being the same size. She has to hook her arms under Autumn's elbows to do so due to her lack of proper hands. Autumn's body is indeed different. She's made from soft fabric just like her captor, with similar yarn hair and sewn-together complexion. Her eyes are black buttons. "Oh, but I didn't introduce myself! I'm Scruffy, and this is my cuddle den! You get to be mine to snuggle forever and ever~ Or at least until I get hungy again~" Scruffy turns Autumn around in her arms to show her where she is. It's a small but cozy room with a soft fabric floor and warm yellow fairy lights illuminating it from the walls. The door is covered with a blanket. Lined up against the back wall are nearly a dozen plushies, all as large as Autumn and likely created in the same way. The first in the lineup is an african wild dog with a dark blue base that has patches of black felt for its fur patterns; it has grey buttons sewn on in places that resemble piercings. Its tail is quite bushy and made from a fabric on the fluffier side, and it pokes out awkwardly from beneath the main body of the plushie. The second is a lighter blue horse with a pink mane and tail; its mane reaches up to form hair at the top of its head. It has a sewn-on smile permanently etched into its face and a music note symbol sewn on its flank. Its limbs point away from its body stiffly, which seems to indicate it wasn't anthro. It's sat up awkwardly regardless. The third is a human with tan skin and black, messy hair made from similar materials to Scruffy's. It has one blue eye and one red eye, both buttons sewn onto a simplified, flat face. More plushies form a long line with them, but Autumn doesn't get a chance to see much more of them before being turned around and slotted into place among them. Each plushie, Autumn included, has an ear tag shaped like a heart attached to them with a plastic ring. "Now, let's see what your name is~" Scruffy clumsily pries open the folded ear tag with her stumps, "Autumn? Awwwwww! What an adorable name! I'm so glad you're mine now~ We're going to have a wonderful time together~"Scruffy rubs the round, white patch covering her tummy, "Hmmm, I am getting kinda hungry right now. I guess I should show you what's gonna happen to you eventually, then!"With a cheerful expression, Scruffy goes through her line of former people, choosing the human a few plushies down from Autumn, "You'll do, Patch~ Been good having you, but I need you in my tummy now~"Scruffy walks in front of Autumn with the plush doll in her arms and begins to devour it whole, much like she had Autumn before. OMPHF SFLLFHS GLK UUUUUUUURRPHer soft belly expands outward as the stuffed human is forced into her, and she lets out a loud belch right into Autumn's face. She then grabs Autumn by the legs and pulls her out until she's flat on her back on the ground, "Now let's play, Autumn~"Scruffy drops on top of her and smooshes her fabric belly against her, then she starts to thrust her hips against Autumn's now-featureless crotch. "Mmfff~ You feel really good, Autumn, you know that~?" She moans as she rubs up on Autumn while her gut seems to do... something to the plushie trapped inside. Whatever pleasure Scruffy is experiencing, Autumn doesn't feel anything but the rubbing of fabric against fabric. ZZZIIIIIIIIIIPP RIIIIIIIIIP RRFFFLESounds not far off from those produced by a seam ripper come from Scruffy's soft belly as she continues to grind on the helpless Autumn for several minutes. Once the sound stops, Scruffy slowly gets up with a satisfied sigh despite reaching no apparent climax. "Hehe~ Seems Patchy's ready to come out now~" Scruffy props Autumn up against the wall so she can see what's happening then pops a squat in front of her. HNNGMF- FLRFFFL PITTER PAT PITLTLTL PAT PAT FFFLLLRRFHR FWUMPBrown-dyed cotton stuffing pours out of Scruffy's rear end onto the ground along with pearly white plastic beads and a plush skull. The skull is made from plain white fabric with black felt patches for its many features. A small ribbon tag coming out from one of its seams reads "Patch". Scruffy picks up the skull and dusts a couple clinging bits of brown cotton off of it before carrying it away to a small desk Autumn hadn't noticed before. She places it among a wide collection of skulls between a canine skull with a tag reading "Arkanhamut" and a cervine skull with a tag reading "David". She then returns to Autumn and sits her upright properly back in her slot in the plushie lineup, "There we go~ I'll pick you back up here before I go grab a broom, since you're new here~" Scruffy snuggles up to Autumn for a moment and briefly nuzzles the seam between her head and body, "We're going to have sooooo much fun together, Autumn~" ", |
Story Start,The time is 3 A. M. on a Saturday. Even now, on an ordinary day, there'd be at least one staff member or volunteer present at Sweet Friends Animal Shelter to keep tabs on all the dogs and cats in their care. Recently, however, they've been short staffed, and a certain deer noticed a Furbook post mentioning such. David pries open a window adjacent to the shelter's door. He knows, of course, that it's not well-funded enough to really have much security, not even cameras, but it feels a bit more secure. His heart is racing. The shelter is split into two wings, one for cats and one for dogs, with each housing a little under twenty animals each. GRRRWWWWLLLThe deer is certainly quite hungry, but while the dogs will assuredly be more filling, the cats will be great appetizers. He enters the cat wing as silently as possible. A couple of the animals stir from their sleep and glance up at him with piercing eyes as he enters. He stops at the first kennel with an awake cat, a tabby that stares at him with deep curiosity. He undoes the latch as silently as possible and gently reaches for the cat. It scoots into the back of its cage, glaring at him now. Deciding he needs to get it in him as quick as possible, he sticks his head in alongside his hands and stuffs it down his gullet in one quick motion. GULP GLRRGLE He huffs a little as it squirms furiously inside of him, its shrieks muffled enough by his stomach to not cause too much disturbance. He bends down to a siamese cat in the kennel below, which is eyeing his gut with fear. He grabs the cat out and shoves it into his cock just as quickly as he'd eaten the previous. SHLLRK GLORP With his gut and balls both writhing with one feline each, he goes down the line. A black cat for his belly, a calico for his cock. A sphynx meets his stomach, a persian for his penis. The room is soon alive with yowling, frightened cats, and a couple dogs whine in aggitation from the other wing. The hissing and shrieking and meowing grows quieter and quieter as David reallocates more and more of the noisy animals to his insides. GULP SHLLRP ULP SHLORPFinally, with 17 cats squirming inside of his body, he reaches the final one that the shelter currently has on hand. This one is a long-haired white cat named Snowman. David grins as he pulls it out of its kennel. It doesn't struggle, only stares in defeated terror. The deer turns around and holds the cat in place behind him as he bends over. With only a moment's hesitation, he stuffs the terrified cat where the sun doesn't shine, reveling in the feeling of it squirming against his prostate. SHLRKKLRBLTHe walks out of the cat wing with a yowling, squirming gut and a writhing, hissing sack. The dog wing is his main course, and he's all too eager for it. A good few of the dogs are awake already, but some managed to sleep through the chaos on the other side of the building. David decides his best bet is to start with the awake dogs to keep them from starting a bark fest while they're still outside of him; it wouldn't stop him, of course, but it would be irritating. The deer reaches for an awake Chihuahua first. Such a small dog goes down easily. Barking joins the meowing in his gut. ULP15 more, 5 of which are awake. He grabs a Beagle next. It's easy enough to stuff into his cock. He doesn't want to completely fill his balls just yet, though, so he slides it into his bladder instead. SHLRK SLUSHHe's getting very, very full now, but he's not satisfied just yet. The next dog is a Labrador, which he gets into his gut with some difficulty. Then it's a Terrier for his bladder, a Poodle up his ass, and a Collie for his nuts. GRRRRGLLE SLOSH CHURN SHLRRK SLUSHThough a few dogs have roused and are shuffling about in their kennels not fully awake, there's one last dog that had awoken during the cat incident: a husky. The dog stares at him with blue eyes that almost challenge him. David knows full well the kind of meltdown the dog is about to have. He attempts to clamp his hand on the dog's muzzle before it can start flipping out, but it manages a bark beforehand, and soon the barking isn't just restricted to his gut anymore. With a sigh, David stuffs the husky's head into his maw. The barking outside of him doesn't seem like much, though, with all the commotion of 23 animals inside of him. GULP ULK SLRPDavid slurps down the dog and turns to look at the remaining 10. It's not easy to maneuver at this point, being so full, but he just can't help himself. He needs more. Just 10 more. The next 9 are a slow process, opening each cage awkwardly from the side and wrangling the dog within with one hand before stuffing it wherever he feels needs a bit more squirming and barking. Finally, he's left with one last critter to claim, a German Shepard he's been saving for last.Its tag claims it to be well-trained, and David decides he wants to test this theory. He opens the door and points to the ground just behind him. "Here. "Shaking in every limb, staring at him, the dog does as it's commanded and moves to that spot. "Sit. " The dog obliges, hoping its obedience will earn it mercy. David stands fully and staggers a pace back, his ass looming over the sitting dog. He plops down with the weight of himself and 34 meals directly onto the poor animal, stuffing it deep into his colon. He lets out a satisfied moan and takes some time to enjoy all the squirming and yowling and barking in his own gut while his donut hole slurps up the german shepard's legs and tail. BARK SLOSH WOOF WOOF YEOOOOWLLL GRRRRRRGLE MEOW HISSSSSSSS CHURN ARF ARF RRREOOOOOW GROOOAAAN MEEOOOWW BARK BARK GLLLRRRGLE RRRRGGGLLG RUFF RUFF RUFF HISSSSS SLOSH SPLORSH CHUUUURNThe over-stuffed deer nearly passes out from the pleasure he's feeling from his entire body stuffed with the would-be pets. Finally, though, he gets up. He knows what he needs to do now. He waddles out of the building with the entire animal shelter's former population still writhing inside of him and makes his way to his car. A rental moving trailer is attached to the back, which he makes his way into. There, he rests as the struggles and the meowing and the barking gradually die down inside of him and his guts and balls smooth out, going from messes of paw imprints and poking animal snouts to quite round shapes, albeit with bits of bone creating defined bumps in plenty of spots.In the trailer with him is a rather large aquarium. By pushing it out onto the ground below the trailer, he gets enough height on it to begin emptying himself, starting with his cock. PLAP PLAP PLAP SPLRRRRTGLRL FFSSSHHHSSSHHHHSHHSSSSSSSSS SPLOOSH SPLASHAfter ejaculating the contents of his incredibly full balls and releasing the mess of piss and bones from his bladder, he's already filled the tank with gallons of bodily fluids and the skeletons of a dozen animals. "Huff... Huff... Huff... "With his body a bit lighter, he's then able to hang his ass out over the top of the tank, holding on tight to the trailer to keep himself steady. Then... FBLLRLBRLRLBRLLL SPLASH PLOP SPLISH SPLAT PFFRRRRT FLLRBLRBLRRRRT SPLASH FBLLRLBLL BLOOSHThe German Shepard's skeleton, encased in a fat log of shit, is the first to come out. The Poodle and formerly-white-but-now-brown cat follow shortly after. Then the rest of the animal shelter vacates his bowels, all splashing into the macabre display. When he's finally done, David puts an air-tight lid on the nearly-full tank of mingled animal bones and bodily fluids and sits on the edge of the trailer to admire his handiwork and masturbate again while staring at it, opting to blow his load onto the parking lot's asphalt. His hips are much thicker now, his belly much larger, and his entire body that nice bit chubbier. He admires the additions for a moment, then checks the time and realizes he needs to be out of there in a few minutes to give himself the 2 hour window of leeway he planned before opening time. The deer prepares to leave. He loads the aquarium into his trailer, leaves a nice note on the door, and hurriedly gets in his car, needing to adjust the seat to accommodate his added mass. He drives very carefully on the way home, his greatest concern keeping his new home decor in-tact. Not long after, the first workers will arrive to an empty shelter. They'll find a note on the door saying "Thanks for the buffet!" and an anonymous review online reading "5 stars, my compliments to the chef. Best meal I ever had. " ", |
Story Start,Ms. Karla Ebbledeen waits with a calm patience just behind her front door, wearing a rather revealing witch costume that she's held onto for years. A bowl with a few pieces of candy in it sits on a small stand next to her; for the start of the night, it's rather empty. She smiles, though. Tonight is her favorite night of the year. She watches as a child no older than 10 approaches her door, wearing an adorable little Eevee costume. Karla's smile grows across her canine face as the vixen awaits her first visitor. The small, faint knock of the little girl finally comes, and the woman opens her door. "Trick or treat!" the girl says enthusiastically, holding out a pumpkin-shaped plastic pail with a few small pieces of candy in it. GRWWWRRLLLLMs. Karla Ebbledeen's home is on a street that's rather busy and one parents are known to trust. It's not unusual for them to wait in the car and let their little ones visit an entire block at a time, and indeed as the fox had hoped, nobody is attending this little girl. The fox drags the kid inside and closes the door quickly, stuffing a hand over the girl's mouth to muffle any cries for help. She wrenches the candy basket away with her free hand and sets it beside her own candy bowl before pulling back the hood on the little one's costume and lifting her up to stuff her head into her maw. OMNPHFWith her ravenous maw muffling the child's desperate screams of protest, she's able to slowly work the costume off of her as well as what little she's wearing underneath. Karla tosses the girl's underwear to the side and sets the costume on the ground in front of her. With a single, powerful gulp, she swallows the child down. The helpless kid screams and cries uselessly inside of her as she sinks into the fox's stomach, squirming uselessly and making a few small bulges that move over her abdomen. ULP GRRRRRGGLE URRRRRRPKarla unbuckles the tight witch costume to let her enormous gut bulge out of it and wriggle around more freely. She then takes a seat in a chair she'd prepared near the door and lets out a contented sigh as she enjoys the little one's useless struggles. "Oh, goodness... Huff... I've been waiting for this~" Karla squeezes her gut with both arms, making the child scream louder, "You stupid little pieces of meat just walk right up to the door, and you bring free candy with you~"GRRRRGLLE CHURN GLORPThe little girl's screams gradually die out, either too exhausted or too melted to yell any more, and her struggles grow weaker and weaker until she barely makes a bulge on the cruel woman's gut. With another huff, the fox gets out of her seat and watches through the door's window. A small boy is approaching in a racecar driver's outfit. His parents watch from the driveway. "Trick or treat!"Karla drinks in the uncertain look in the boy's eyes as he stares up at her massive, bulging gut and watches her lick her lips as she stares hungrily down at him. In view of his parents, though, that's all she dares to do. "Here you go, kid~ Have a lovely Halloween, and don't get eaten by any nasty witches!" she says as she drops a single pack of bite-sized Twizzlers into his pail. She never liked those, anyway, so she can part with them. GRWWRRGGGLLLEThe boy leaves with one last uneasy glance back at her, and she shuts the door. Her insides are feeling very heavy now with the girl she'd eaten. Karla turns her porch light off so she won't be bothered while she takes care of the next part of her plan. She takes the discarded clothes of the former trick-or-treater and walks into her bathroom. The fox ties the arm and leg holes of the girl's costume shut before placing it over the edge of the tub. Then she gropes her own rock solid cock a few times as she gives the girl's underwear a quick sniff and sets them over the edge of the sink for later. She then quickly undresses. Now nude, with her gut sagging heavily, smooth save for a few bumps of bones packed in with the mush, she steps into the tub. Karla squats down and holds out the girl's costume behind her rear then begins to push out the little one's remains. FBLRBFRHFBLRFFBLL SCHLORPA massive log is pushed out of her and into the costume through the head hole. The enormous mound of shit is caked with countless little bones that protrude out of it. It slops down into the costume and fills out the bottom of it with a few stray bumps of misplaced bones. PFRRRRFBT FBLRRBFBLRLL SPLFBLFBLTFFLLLThe scat continues to pour out of Karla's backside into the costume, ribs, vertebrae, and all spewing out from her backside in the slurry. It packs the costume full much in the way the in-tact child had filled it before. Finally, with a grunt of effort, the little girl's skull is pushed out and lands at an odd angle in roughly the spot where her head would've been. GRRRNT HUFF... SBFHLFPBTKarla pants for a moment before setting the costume down in the tub, lifting up the hood that the skull caught in and leaving it to rest for now. She takes only a few seconds to admire her victim and snap a photo to remember her by before slipping her witch costume back on without so much as wiping her rear end. Karla returns to her front door. She flips the porchlight back on and is delighted when another knock comes sooner rather than later. By the end of the night, her bowl has been filled with candy several times over, her collection of victims' panties has grown significantly, and her bathroom absolutely reeks of former children. Ms. Ebbledeen has had a lovely Halloween. ", |
Story Start,Karla Ebbledeen sits on the couch, a young child on her lap, a blanket over both of them. The mid-40's fox lady has been running her babysitting business for a long time, and she's gotten more than just steady pay out of it. The child, 6-year-old deer Sally Sue, has been rather quiet for some time, engrossed in the M-rated films her awesome babysitter is letting her watch. The girl is a hybrd, though the only non-deer feature she has is her wolfish tail. It rubs idly against Karla as the little girl stares absently forward.It's time for Ms. Ebbledeen to make her move. FWWIP RUSTLEThe babysitter pulls down her pants, letting her cock pop up and push against the little girl's bottom. She grips the child firmly. "Miss Ebbwedeeen, what're you doing?" she asks. "Oh, I'm just getting to my favorite part of babysitting," she says with a grin as she unbuckles the girl's overalls and slips them off of her, followed by her shirt. "Is it bath time?" the still-confused girl asks. "Mmmm, you could say I'm going to give you a bath of sorts~" Karla replies. Poor Sally is still clueless, but is starting to catch on that something is wrong as the babysitter removes her panties. The girl isn't even in bras yet. Karla leaves nothing but the little bow in her hair. The babysitter moves her to a position where her arms are pinned between her back and the babysitter's front, allowing her to hold the girl in place with just one hand. "Can you-... You pwease let go off me?" the girl sputters out. SLRRP SCHLKKarla really smiles now as the little deer girl's wolf tail gets slurped into her shaft. All it takes is one quick tuck to get the tip of the tail into the tip of the shaft, and the entire tail soon disappears, making the cock appear thicker from how it stretches it out. SCHLRRPLKThe experienced babysitter puts her hand loosely over the little girl's mouth to muffle her, just so she can't scream loud enough to alert anyone outside. She makes sure it's still plenty loud enough for her to drink in the sound. The panicking child does not disappoint. Just as the end of the tail disappears into the babysitter's shaft, Karla's phone lights up and a cutesy ringtone plays. She recognizes the number as that of the girl's mother. "Shame, I wanted to hear you scream a little longer~" Karla says in a sing-song voice as she reaches for the bag she'd brought with her in the seat next to them. She's gotten more than adequate at completing the next part quickly. First she retrieves some duct tape; she forcibly holds closed Sally's mouth to apply it generously across her snout. Then she grabs a thick cloth gag and wraps it around the small girl's head overtop of the tape. That alone is enough to render her barely audible. She won't come through on her mother's end of the phone at all. CLICK"Hello, Ms. Sue," Karla says in a delighted tone. "Hey, Karla; how's Sally?" the mother asks. "I just put her to bed," the babysitter replies, "I know it's a bit earlier than the time you gave, but she said she was getting sleepy, and I figured she could use the rest. " "Oh, really? Wow! Sally never goes to bed without a fit," Sally's mother replies, audibly impressed. Karla laughs a bit as she tucks the little girl's rear end into her shaft, her cock stretching out very wide to accommodate her inside of it, "Well, I have my ways. Wouldn't be such a popular babysitter otherwise. " "Yeah, sounds like you really lived up to the reviews, then! Maybe she'll learn something from this," the mother says. The babysitter stuffs the little girl a few inches deeper; her legs are folded up with her torso as she's forced inside. She replies over the phone, "I'm sure she'll never have a problem with bedtime again. " "Y'know, I was concerned about the big up-front cost you had on your website; normally sitters ask for only half the pay beforehand, but I can see why you charge so much now," the mother says enthusiastically. Karla stuffs Sally a good few inches deeper, enough that a few of her fingers graze her urethra from behind her back, just enough to get her right hand pulled inside, then her left. The girl, who's now soaking her gag in tears, renews her struggles and fights furiously with her arms and her half-swallowed legs. SCHLRKK SLRRRB"Oouh-ahhh-" Karla lets out a shaky moan of pleasure as the girl fights. "What was that about?" the mother asks in a curious but not suspicious tone. She sounds almost humored by the weird noise. "I was drinking some ice water, and I just spilled some all over myself. Super cold," Karla responds in a tone that's lowered enough to sound irritated but not enough to sound at all threatening. "Oh dear," says the mother, "Well, I'll let you go so you can clean that up. "Karla hesitates a moment, tempted to ask her to stay, to keep her talking for longer while she stuffs her only daughter down her cock to be churned up into cum, but she decides she'd rather focus on just getting the girl inside of her, "Alrighty, then. Have a lovely night. " "You, too, Karla. "CLICKKarla looks down at the girl, who looks back up at her. There's a clear look of despair in her eyes as she recognizes what just happened, the impossibility of anyone coming to save her. She no longer struggles; even the half of her legs not inside the vixen's cock have stopped moving. There's just still, silent terror and a lot of tears. The babysitter savors the sight of it like the finest of wines. SCHLRRRFKAnd immediately stuffs the girl much, much deeper, letting out a loud moan as she does. "You little cock snacks always feel so good~" she says as she grabs her phone to snap a picture of the girl's shoulders and feet sticking out of her cock, "You'll look perfect in my album~"SHLRRGPH SLOSHWith a final push deeper, the little girl is slurped down entirely, finding her way into Karla's balls and curling up inside them. From the outside, the whole ordeal must've looked like the girl had simply disappeared under the blanket. Karla revels in the feeling of the giant mass slipping down her urethra into her nuts, her dickhole left with a satisfying gape from it all. She feels as though she's already going to orgasm. She holds herself back from cumming prematurely and wraps the little girl's panties around her shaft. PLAP PLAP PLAPSWISH GLRRRG CHUUURNMasturbating as vigorously as she dares with her victim's undergarments, Karla carefully edges herself while little Sally begins to lose form inside of her. As the child begins to melt into cum, she picks up her struggles again, only making the babysitter feel even better. When she starts to get really close, Karla gets up and walks to the girl's bedroom, her balls swaying heavily between her legs and only sloshing around their passenger more, speeding up her digestion. She continues edging as she walks. PLAP SLAP FAPGLRRRFGH SLORSH GWWWRRRRFinally, the babysitter aims her massive member at the wall just above the girl's bed, the broad back of her panties covering the tip of her shaft, and she releases. RIIIP SPLAFBTBLRF BLRSPLBLFTPAn enormous spray of cum rips through Sally's panties and gushes out of Karla's cock, sprinkled with hundreds of little bones. The spray paints the wall and runs down onto the bed as a half dozen bones embed themselves in the drywall. A cum-stained gag lands on the bed. SLBLRBLSFPT THUD THNK CRRTHUG SPFLBLRPTA femur, some ribs, her pelvis, and of course her skull all poke out of the wall, each glazed with cum that used to be the rest of the small girl. Karla beats off furiously as she finishes, and with the last of the spray a very cum-drenched pink bow splats out and lands in the girl's left eye socket. The babysitter huffs from exhaustion as she looks up at her impromptu mural. She takes a picture of her handiwork and jokingly saves a caption with it. Title: What's Left of Sally SueMedium: Former child on drywall. Finally, Karla collects the gag and puts it and the cum-stained strings of fabric that used to be Sally's panties into plastic bags to take home. The former will be washed and reused on another unsuspecting child; the latter will be added to the babysitter's growing collection. All that's left for Karla to do now is hop on her client's laptop to leave a positive review on her website, which conveniently can't be edited, set her voicemail to record any calls she receives from the mother's number, and leave with the payment already received. Another satisfied customer. ", |
Story Start,It's common sense not to leave a baby unattended, though concern for them getting eaten is generally among the lesser reasons for this. Perhaps, though, it should be higher on the list. As a single mother leaves her stroller outside for a just a moment while she enters a store to use the restroom, a van rounds the corner onto the block. It bears on its side the Child Servers logo and is decorated with bright floral patterns. "Stop here; looks like we got another one," says a slim middle-aged raccoon in the passenger seat. The woman driving, a red dragon in a pink onesie with the Child Servers logo on the shoulders, steps on the brakes and pulls them to a stop, "Make it quick. " The name tags on their standard issue Child Servers mobile caretaker uniforms read 'Grayson' and 'Jasmine' respectively. The raccoon gets out quickly, makes a quick glance both ways at the mostly-empty street, and grabs the infant out of the stroller. He cradles the small cub in his arms, a beautiful tabby kitten with a pacifier in its mouth. GGGRRWWWWWLLLL"Gettin' hungry, think I can just eat this one now?" Grayson asks his coworker, though he'll only accept one answer. "Just remember it's 3 a month before they start docking it from your pay," she reminds him as he's already stuffing the baby into his maw. ULP SLRK BRRUUUUUUURRRRPPPPHFHe climbs back into the van, now with a small, squirming bulge in his gut that emits a muffled wailing. "Now that hit the spot. "VVVRRRRRRRRRThe mother finally returns to her empty stroller, just in time to watch the Child Servers van roll away. GRRRGGGLEGrayson kneads over his infant-stuffed gut and moans quietly in the passenger seat. In a few seconds, he's already begun rubbing his belly down over the hard bulge in his pants. The force exerted only makes the muffled cries grow louder. "Huff... This meal's getting me worked up. You good to keep patrolling while I head in the back? Need to, uh, make sure the little ones in the back are still secure... And maybe have some stress relief," Grayson says, by now more or less just rubbing his cock through his belly. "Yeah, yeah, just bring the little pink one up here when you're done. We've got a few more hours before we're due back at base, and I could use a little stress relief myself," Jasmine replies. "Will do," Grayson gets up from his seat in the slow-moving vehicle and heads through the narrow door into the cargo area of the van. Several children are cuffed to small rails installed in the back of the van, each one wearing a pink strait jacket. Grayson eyes a 6-year-old raccoon girl with pink fur restrained against the left wall. He recognizes her as his neice, Kinsie. He'd heard after his brother had gotten divorced that she'd run away in the turmoil, and he was glad to have been the one to find her. "U-Uncle Grayson?" she asks as Grayson approaches, only making him more aroused, "Why are you doing this to us?"He deliberates on a response, and while several slogans about serving the people and keeping bellies well-fed pop up in his head as responses he was trained to give, he decides to keep quiet and let her beg and ponder. He can let his duties to feeding the world rest for this one kid; she is family after all. Grayson undoes his pants and drops them to the ground, letting his cock flop out, fully erect against his still-moving gut. He gets on his knees and approaches the little girl. "What are you doing to me, uncle? I don't like it!" she cries as he pulls down her little green skirt and little red panties and gently slips them off of her. They'll need to change her into a Child Servers onesie anyway when she arrives, and he wants them as a momento. GRRRFGBLRHe pulls the little girl as far beneath him as the short chain will permit and grips her tightly. His still-squirming belly already droops onto her, but as he finds his footing and thrusts in, it gets squeezed very, very tightly between them. PLAP PLAP PLAP GWRRRGGGGrayson revels in the mingled cries of his own neice and the muffled, fading protests of the infant he'd swallowed prior as he begins to thrust into her tight cub pussy. His cock is squeezed incredibly tight by the helpless girl's undersized sex, and it only invigorates him to fuck her harder, all the while grinding the melting baby kitten between them. SPLAB BLAP SLAPAfter mere minutes of rigorous fucking and watching his neice cry her little eyes out, all in full view of the other children locked up in the van with them, Grayson feels himself getting very close to orgasm. He almost wants to pull out, savor the moment, let himself start to get soft and start all over again, but the infant he'd eaten was melting, and he'd only get the chance to do this once. PLAP SLAP GRRRGLLLL CRUNCH SPLRRTGrayson thrusts in as deep as he can, crushing the half-melted baby between their bodies instantly, and cutting off its sustained wriggling and crying. Kinsie yell sharply from the pain of having a grown-up's full length stuffed into her undeveloped pussy, and her unrelenting uncle promptly moans loudly in climax as he finishes inside of her. Huff... Huff... GRRRWWWLLGrayson wraps his arms around her and squeezes her for a moment as he revels in what's he's just done. Finally, he decides he'd best get back to his seat and fulfill his work partner's request, and he slowly gets up off of her. He unshackles the cuff holding the still-sniffling little girl from the wall and drags her back up to the front, where Jasmine briefly moves one leg to the side to allow him to push the little one down between the pedals and cuff her on the rail conspicuously placed beneath the dash. "Thanks, Gray," Jasmine says casually as she reaches with one hand to stuff Kinsie's face between her lower lips. She'd already opened up the lower portion of her uniform while she waited for Grayson to finish; the design was allegedly to allow employees to use the bathroom without undressing, but it opens far more than it needs to for that purpose. SCHLK LICK SHLK"No problem," Grayson relaxes in his seat as his gut works through what's left of the baby, drinking in the sounds of his niece's tongue working on his coworker's pussy throughout the rest of his patrol. Grayson squats over a Child Remains Collection Receptical at the Child Servers facility he operates from. The receptical is essentially a glorified toilet, made wide enough to fit any bones that might pass through it and leading into a collection bin instead of a sewer. This particular location is large enough to have an entire processing facility for the foul remains built into it, which will process them into fertilizer, bone jewelry, and many other products. PFBBRRFBLFPTTT SBLRFPHBTHH BLRTTThe remains of the baby he'd eaten push out of his rear in dense logs. The infant's entire spine is caked into one single, long turd that snakes its way out of his backside and lands in the chute below. PBLRLFBLRRT SPLBFTIt only takes four logs to shit out the entire child's remains, even the skull having been shattered and split between them on their trip through his digestive system. GRUNT- THNK BLT PFFFFBRRRRBTTTTTGrayson gives one final push to make sure his bowels have been thoroughly emptied. A couple small nuggets of shit and a little pink pacifier tumble out into the recepticle, followed by a loud passing of gas. With a satisfied huff, Grayson wipes his rear and puts the toilet paper into the bin to his left before getting up from the recepticle and returning to business as usual with little thought to the infant life he'd just dropped down the shitter. As he stands, the recepticle automatically plays the sound of swirling water through its speaker in a similar manner and for a similar purpose to digital cameras playing a shutter sound when they take a picture. Familiarity, perhaps. FLLLRRRSHSHRRRSHRHHBLRSHHHHH", |
Story Start,It's late at night in a Child Servers facility. The teens are strapped down and forced to sleep in cribs, soft lullabies play in the infant holding area, and only a few caretakers are out and about watching the remaining children. Most little ones sleep on or around the playground equipment set up in the main holding area, snuggled up to each other under the slide or sprawled out in the sandbox. A couple small children still toddle around and play quietly. One of these awake children is a 3-year-old bunny girl with light blue fur named Belle. The small girl plays with some blocks, trying and failing to stack more than 3 without knocking them over. The little one isn't even potty trained yet, wearing a diaper under her Child Servers onesie. The window into the security area is empty of anyone watching this time of night, and there's little supervision. A fox named Samantha with large breasts overlooks the area from a watchpoint set up on the other side of the large, pastel wall, and beneath her a tiger lady scrolls on her phone vacantly, not watching at all. Belle gets bored of her blocks after failing to put a tower together for the 10th time, and so she waddles over to just beneath the fox's lookout and asks her sheepishly, "Can you... you read me story?" After a moment, she adds, "Please?"Never one to give up an opportunity to have a child on her lap pressing up against her crotch, Samantha obliges, "Sure thing, sweetie; I'll be right there~" She climbs down from the vantagepoint and asks the tiger to keep watch. The tiger doesn't even shrug to acknowledge her. The gate opens just slightly, and the caretaker enters, closing and locking it behind her. "Now then, lets go pick out a book to read," the caretaker guides Belle to the reading room. Belle picks her favorite story about a dragon and the 5 little cubs that feed it. "And where would you like to read it at, sweetheart?" the caretaker asks. Belle points to a secluded edge of the main holding area and tugs Samantha along by the hand. The caretaker goes along with her eagerly. They sit down together, and the caretaker pulls Belle nice and close onto her lap. With one hand on the book and one hand gently exploring Belle's body, Samantha reads to the little girl for several minutes. Eventually, though, Belle gets hungry. GRRWWWLSamantha ignores the noises of Belle's stomach, not wanting to get up to feed her with her so nice and close on her lap. Belle takes her own initiative. OMPHF-As Samantha moves her hand to turn another page, Belle leans forward and slips a couple fingers into her tiny mouth. They fill it up entirely with how small the little girl is. "Oh dear, if you're that hungry, you should've said something. Do you want to go get something to eat, sweetheart?"ULP SLRKBelle ignores the caretaker entirely and slips the entire hand into her maw, gulping some of it into her throat already. "H-Hey, stop that," Samantha tries to pull her hand out of the little bunny's warm, soft maw, but she'd severely underestimated the child's throat muscles. GULP ULPWith a couple more gulps, Samantha's entire arm is pulled into the child's maw. "Now look, you can't swallow me any further than that. Let's go and get you some real food," the caretaker bargains, her pride preventing her from calling for help. Belle does not relent, however, and her already incredibly stretched-out maw widens further to engulf her head and shoulder. ULP SLRP GULPSamantha begins to struggle much more violently, but by now Belle already has the better of her. Her remaining arm goes into the little one's mouth, and soon her enormous breasts are forced in after it. GULP ULP SLRK GRRRRRGGLLEThe little girl pulls the rest of the caretaker into her body and lies down on her back. The comparatively enormous form of the fox forced into a fetal position in her gut as it balloons out over her. Samantha's breasts and curves are well-defined in the impossibly-tight bulges, so tight that even the slightest attempt to move proves impossible. Belle lets out a tiny "Urp" and promptly falls asleep, drooling onto the padded floor as Samantha starts to melt inside of her. The little girl is barely cognizant of what she's done beyond filling her belly with a warm meal. GROOOOANN GLORRRP GUURRRRRGGGLLLLOver the course of the night, the enormous bulge of Belle's belly loses shape and softens into an amorphous bubble of mush and bones. Samantha's muffled pleas for help die down as the fox herself does. The caretaker's remains make their way through the guts of the little girl slowly. Come morning time, blame will be cast around, but ultimately none of the other caretakers will be blamed for the incident. Even the tiger who should've been keeping watch had naturally assumed Samantha had disappeared to indulge herself in the little girl, and none of the others could truthfully blame her. By the end of the day, Samantha's digestion will be written off has a mere error on her part, and the staff and great child devouring machine will move on. ", |
Story Start,3-year-old Belle wakes up cradled softly in the arms of a teenage calico cat. This is unusual for the bunny girl, as the big kids usually don't seem to care much for her, or any of the little ones for that matter. She certainly doesn't mind it, though. The teen girl smiles down at Belle warmly as she stretches out in her arms and relaxes. It's warm and cozy, and this girl isn't trying to play with her in weird ways like the grown ups always are. Frankly, it's a nice change of pace. Belle can't help but wonder, though, why this older kid suddenly took a liking to her. GRRRGGGL... BLRRP PFFFFRRRRT...In the late hours of the night, Belle slept alone sprawled out on her back on the padded floor of the main holding area in a nice, secluded corner. Her tummy groaned and gurgled as it finished processing an enormous meal that now took the form of mush ballooning out a massive, bloated gut. The mulched remains of a caretaker, Samantha, pushed through her and began to pass out her backside. The bunny didn't even stir as she began to load her diaper with fat logs of former fox. FBLRRBFBLFRRRT CRINKLE FBLRRRFBT CRKImmediately, the diaper and onesie backside surrounding it began to grow as huge amounts of little girl poop were forced into them. The mound of brown filled it to capacity in mere seconds. PFFRRRRR BLFLBRBFRFFBLRRCKLRRR CRINKSamantha's bones were forced out into the diaper along with the scat that used to be her flesh. Femur, ulna, tibia, and pelvis were all violently shoved out of the toddler's rear end as the diaper ballooned out further and further. The fox's entire spine snaked its way out, barely held together, and the sound of the little girl's bowel movement had grown to a flatulent roar. Finally, as the diaper had grown into a bean bag chair-shaped thing larger than Belle herself, she passed the gas that had been choked down along with the caretaker in one cacophonous fart, followed by the last bits of poopie and Samantha's skull. PPPFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTRRRBLRFHBLG SPLRCHAs the little girl reclines in the calico's arms, she can't help but notice how soft and clean the onesie she's wearing is and how her diaper is fresh as well. She wonders how she got into this fresh change of clothes. Her attention is briefly pulled away by a group of grown-ups in a different corner of the room. They're huddled around each other, each wearing a usual caretaker onesie, and they seem very deep in conversation. Occasionally, one glances around the room before turning back to the group. Belle wonders what they're talking about. PFRRT BLORTThe toddler's bowels were finally settling down as she laid still on the floor, sleeping peacefully as though nothing had happened. Nearly all of the other children, if they weren't already awake by then, had been awoken by the small girl's cacophonous diaper messing. They congregated in a circle around her with wide eyes, whispering amongst themselves. Finally, the eldest of the group, an 11-year-old gazelle, took initiative for them. "Quick, get her out of her clothes, or she'll get caught for sure," she said. The children did a rather poor job, uncoordinated as they were, but ultimately they got the job done. With a bit of smearing on her legs, they'd gotten the bunny out of her onesie. After such a big meal, though, she was still sleeping very heavily. "Let's hide her, quick," the gazelle suggested. The group settled on taking her to the reading room, and they carried her as quickly as they could before setting her down behind a bookshelf and going out to see what will happen when the next rotation of caretakers arrived.It wasn't long before the last remaining caretaker on the night watch, a tiger lady, was simultaneously woken up from where she'd carelessly fallen asleep beside the outer wall of the main holding area and relieved of her watch duties. The following group of caretakers was much larger, and they entered with the procession of the babied teenagers who'd been forced to sleep in the cribs. Breakfast duties would have to wait, though, as they quickly saw the unmistakably adult-sized mound of shit and bones wrapped up in a discarded diaper and onesie nearby. The caretakers quickly dialed security to report the incident and begin to work out which child had done the deadly digestive deed. Meanwhile, the teens slinked off to figure things out for themselves.It wasn't hard for the calico girl to find the culprit, naked and with a poopie butt sleeping behind a bookshelf. She briefly debated what to do with her, but then she quickly decided not to let a caretaker-eater get caught. And so the calico girl lifted up the little bunny and quietly made her way to the showers and changing room. Belle yawns and gives the calico girl a friendly nuzzle. It's nice to be held without being groped or molested for once. She still isn't sure what happened last night, but the grown-ups seem to be dispersing, and nothing else seems to have come of it. The little bunny relaxes; she's entirely carefree and barely even cognizant of what happened, but at least she had a nice, big meal. A couple small investigations will be held in the coming days, but ultimately no blame will be cast on caretaker or child. Samantha's death will be chalked up to error on her part, not properly minding a workplace hazard, and Child Servers will move on. ", |
Story Start,Hmnphff... "PLOP FBLRRFBLL PLOP SPLCHA mound of poop and bones grows in the bowl beneath Belle's bunny butthole. The 3-year-old isn't used to using a grown-up toilet, nor is she used to the weird feeling of bones tickling her rear end on their way out. "Good girl! I'm so proud of you~" the bunny girl's mother says in a sing-song voice as she ruffles the fur of her head affectionately, "Now, do you think you've filled the bowl with your friend?"Belle gives an embarrassed little nod. Her belly is still ballooned out with the digested remains of her playmate. "Now, we just-" Belle's mommy pushes down the handle over the little girl's shoulder, "Flush~" The pred-manufactured toilet forcefully flushes down all the contents of the bowl, snapping bones and swirling brown mush down the drain. "And we're ready to make more poopies~"FLRRSHHLLRFGHLLRRRSHHHHHHHHH...It was hours ago that the little girl's mother had walked in on her with her playmate halfway down her throat. She thought for sure she was going to get in trouble, but her mother was overjoyed.It wasn't like she wanted to mulch up her friend; she'd invited the little tabby boy over for a playdate after all. He'd put his hand in her mouth to tease her, though, and she just couldn't help herself. She was hungry, and he was tasty. Belle's mom had taken pictures and watched with such excitement as the rest of the little boy slipped down her gullet, and she snuggled up to her and hugged her and kissed her all over when the little boy finally disappeared entirely. She was so proud of her little pred. FBLRRFBLLLRRTLLL PFRRRRRRT FBRRRBLLLRRT"M-Mommy, it's not coming out!" Belle says, with a clear hint of panic in her voice, as she pushes and pushes on more of her friend's remains. Only gas and a small amount of soft poopie is able to escape her. "Shhh, shh, it's alright, sweetie," her mother reassures, "It's probably just his pelvis. Here, let me show you what mommy does for that. " The mother leans over and gently presses on and massages the bloated gut of her little daughter. With slow, methodical pushes and squeezes, she works the pelvis into a position where it's longways vertically. "Now try~"PFFRRRR... BLRRBFLRLRLLTTT... PFBLRRRR SPLORCHWith a loud pop and a lot of effort, the pelvis finally escapes and lands in the toilet below. FLRRRBFLRLLLRT BLLRRRBFLLLRLRLTBLLL SPLRTLATLRRRA landslide of poopies follows immediately after with the blockage cleared, including the other toddler's entire spine. The bowl is nearly overflowing from it, and Belle's mommy quickly moves to flush for her again. FLLRRRSHHRLRLLFRHSHHHLLRRRRRSHRRRHSHHHHHH...In the hours following her first prey, Belle's mother had been positively bursting with excitement. She snuggled her precious baby on the couch and let her watch her favorite shows while she called up everyone in the family as well as a few close friends to tell them all about it. She made multiple Furbook posts, sent dozens of texts, and even printed the photos for the family album. Finally, she had to call the little boy's mother to tell her what happened. It'd be much easier than facing her at the door when she showed up in a couple short hours to pick up her little one, after all. RINGGG... RINGGG... "Hey, this is Bella, Belle's mom," she answered. "Yeah, yeah, about that, erm, Charlie," she responded to an unheard question. Bella steeled herself, trying to bury down all the excitement and pride in her voice and holding back on bragging about her little one; now was certainly not the time. "My little girl ate him. He ended up being her first prey. So yeah, you won't have to come pick him up. I'm sorry for your loss. " "Yep, definitely too late. He's already stopped moving in there. Belle's fine, though, at least. Uh-huh, alright, yeah. Mhm, sorry to break the news to you. Alright, have a nice night, buh-bye," she finished the call and immediately returned her attention to her little daughter. FBLLRRFHBLLRLLRT SPLAT FBLRBFLLRRR PFFRRRRRRRRTLittle Charlie's feline skull plops into the pile of mush in the toilet bowl. Immediately after, another slue of little girl poopies rains down on it, covering it in brown mush that slowly flows off of it into the brown slop below. With a final passing of gas, Belle is done disposing her friend. "Is that all, sweetheart?" her mother asks tenderly. Belle gives another little nod. "Good job~ Mommy's very, very proud of you~" the mother leans in to hug her child while she's still sitting on the pot. "I'm sure your tushy's gotten real messy from all that," she says, "So how about we take a quick shower to get you cleaned up?" "Okay, Mommy," Belle says quietly. "Good~ Can you go get the water turned on for Mommy and get in the tub? I'll join you in juuuust a second~"Belle obliges and gets up off the toilet with some help from her mother. She makes her way over to the shower and reaches for the handles. Meanwhile, Bella grabs her phone off the edge of the sink and snaps a picture of the little boy's skull half-buried in her daughter's mess. A final picture from her little one's first prey to be memorialized forever in the family photo album. ", |
Story Start,SHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRThe showerhead rains its water down on a pair of Dobermanns, a 25-year-old man and his 4-year-old daughter. "Up, up," Jackson says, prompting his daughter, Lily, to raise her arms. He scrubs her armpits and the sides of her torso with soap, "Good girl. "SHLL RUB PLTAs he massages the soap into his daughter's fur, though, he can't help but get a little distracted, his eyes wandering to the little one's undeveloped breasts, then lower down... PLAT PLAT RUB"Daddy, why is... why your peepee getting bigger..?" Snapped out of it by his daughter's words, Jackson realizes with embarrassment that his knotted cock is rock solid. Unsure how to respond, he tenses his muscles to try and kill the boner while thinking up what to tell his little girl. Then, the little one reaches out and touches the erect member with a curious hand, and it's the final straw for Jackson's self-restraint. "Umph-! Daddy, wha-"PLAP PLAP PLAPHe pulls his daughter in close by the back of her head, slamming his knot into her maw and forcing her throat up and down it. Immediately, she begins to gag and push against him futilely with her little arms. "Fuck," he whispers under his breath, too aroused to think clearly but very aware that he's certainly scarring his little girl for life. No going back now. He pulls out of the little girl's mouth, leaving her sputtering and sobbing, panting for breath. Poor Lily is unable to even speak to call into question what just happened. She doesn't get the chance to collect herself, though, as her father picks her up by the armpits and pushes her against the right wall of the shower. He pins her between himself and the wall and stuffs his cock deep inside of her pussy. PLAP PLAP PLAPJackson keeps his hands on a rail on the wall for support, just above his daughter's head, and the little girl begins to scream and cry. "UUUUWAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! DADDY!!!" the little one yells. Jackson is only further, more deeply aroused. The child's reproductive organs are undeveloped and small and are thus unbelievably tight. There's no lubrication at first, which only makes it more painful for the little one, but soon crimson red blood trickles out of her and runs down Jackson's cock. It's lubrication enough for Jackson. The red fluid drips down into the running water and is swept into the drain as Jackson slams into his daughter rougher and faster. SLAM SLAP SLAMLily continues to scream as her father destroys her from the inside. A fire has been ignited inside of the older Dobermann, and her cries only serve to fuel it. SLAM SLAM WHAMLily begins to choke on her own tears as she feels her delicate young uterus torn to shreds by her ravenous father's cock. Her screaming slowly dies down into retching and uncontrollable sobbing as Jackson remains relentless. SLAM SLAM SLAMJust as she's beginning to lose hope that the sudden abuse will ever end, she feels him slam into her one last time, thrusting his cock all the way inside of her tiny pussy, knot and all. SCHBLRRRRTTTTHe pumps a dozen fat strings of thick, juicy cum into his 4-year-old daughter and stands in silence, huffing as he keeps her pressed against the wall, his knot expanded in her pussy. Finally, the glow of arousal begins to subside, and Jackson looks down at the sobbing, convulsing, bleeding mess he's made of his daughter. Her blood is smeared into the fur around the base of his shaft, and her little hands cover her eyes tightly. "Fuck, I... Huff... " Jackson puts one arm around his little girl and moves away from the wall. He sits down against the back wall of the shower out of the water and holds her tight as she sobs into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, Daddy didn't- he... Fuck. "His knot is still buried inside of her as she grips him as tightly as her little hands can. He runs his hand through her hair and questions what's left for him after doing something so heinous. He can't bring her to the doctor; they'll know right away what he did to her. He doesn't know anyone underground who could treat her, either, of course. He's never done anything like this before. Even if she heals on her own, what happens when school starts back up in the fall and she has the opportunity to tell her teachers, or heavens forbid if her mother ever decides to come see them again?He finally comes up with a way out of the mess. It's horrible, and it turns him on even more than he had been when he first started raping her an hour ago. "Unphf-" he grunts with effort as he pulls the still-sobbing child off of his knot. It takes some effort, and judging by the noises the little one is making, it hurts an awful lot. SCHKLRRRK DRPLTLRLTLRTRRROnce she's free of his cock, a mixture of her blood and his cum pours out of her. In comparison to the small size of the little one, it's a lot. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but Daddy's going to enjoy this a lot," he whispers before grabbing one of Lily's little paws and stuffing it into the tip of his cock. SHLLRKThe little girl is too busy sobbing and trying to process the agony she's in to much care what's happening to her now. Just the one leg stretches out Jackson's cock by a lot and feels heavenly to stuff inside, but when the next one is stuffed in, it's even more incredible. SHLK SLRRRK LLGSoon, the little girl is up to her hips in the bloated-out member, then past that. It becomes too much for her to ignore despite the pain she's already in, but there's nothing she can do. SHLRRRK SHLLKJackson makes sure to stuff her arms in with her torso as she goes down, and in no time at all, only her head remains outside of him, the rest of her forced into his balls. Her teary eyes, barely held open, stare up at him, full of pain and betrayal, and he smiles back at them as he stuffs the rest of her in. "Bye-bye, sweetheart~"ULPThe little one begins to struggle, creating sweeping bulges that squirm their way across her father's ballooned-out scrotum. It must take a lot to fight like that with her little body so damaged already, but it's much too little much too late. PLAP PLAP PLAPJackson relaxes against the back wall. The hard part is over. His daughter is inside his balls and melting. No one will ever find her. Now is the part where he can relax, relax and enjoy the sensations of the 4-year-old slowly churning away as he strokes off. PLAP PLAP PLAPHe reclines in ecstasy for nearly a half hour in this way, beating off slowly as the heft and movement in his balls takes over his senses. Eventually, though, the movement stops, and it's about time he gets out of the shower. He slowly gets to his feet, not taking his hand off his dick, and he leans over the shower drain. PLAP PLAP PLAP SPLRRRFBRLBLRPRRTTTA powerful blast of his former daughter shoots out of his cock and splatters all over the inside of the shower. The walls and curtain drip the stuff, and it forms a shallow pool on the ground that slowly filters through the drain. "Fuck, Daddy made a mess of you, huh?" Jackson huffs as he stands on shaky legs in the lowering tide of cum.It's another half hour before Jackson is cleaned up and out of the shower and an hour more before he's worked up the courage to make the phone call. "Hello, I'd like to report a missing person, age four. " He's pretty sure they won't find her. ", |
Story Start,In the elementary and middle school side of the Duvour County public school, a group has congregated in the teacher's lounge. "Frankly, I'm jealous of Clara being put on lunch duty," a jackal lady with large breasts and a big belly says, "Always nice to have free reign over what little one you want to stuff yourself with in the cafeteria. My little one could use all that protein~" She gently rubs her belly as she says this. "Definitely not wrong, Susan," an alligator man says with a bloated gut and two full balls, all squirming, "Though I really can't complain. I had to get onto the McAckleberry triplets again today and decided to let them be a lesson to the rest of the class. "GRRRGGLE"Oh come on," a zebra lady responds, "I was going to have them see me after class for some private time soon. I had it all planned out and everything, molesting each one in front of the others. And they would've been delicious when I was finished. You always nab the best ones, James" "Sorry," James replies, "I just can't help myself, you know. I'll tell you what, if there's anyone else you've got your eye on, just say a name, and I'll be sure to leave them for you, Danielle. "GRRROOOOANNN GLORP"Layla Attenbroughs," Danielle says, "Every time I teach her 2nd grade art class I can't stop staring at her. I'm stuffing her into one of my holes as soon as I can figure out how to keep her parents off of me. " "Just say one of her classmates ate her. They've surely learned by now that the courts always accept that excuse," Susan chimes in. "That was what we told her when I ate her son last week. Remember, Bradley Attenbroughs, 5th grade? He tasted damn good, too. Whatever hole I stuff Layla in, I've gotta get a good taste of her first. I just don't want to be too blatant, even if they probably won't rule against us. " Danielle's tail swishes behind her. CLICK CRREAAKAll three turn their heads as Karla enters the teacher's lounge, both of her breasts squirming with kindergartners trapped inside. "Hey, Karla, good to see you again," Susan greets her, "Been eating well?"The vixen smiles and squishes her breasts together, her shirt unbuckled to make room for them, "You know it~ Got Michael Stilkins in my left, Susie Puckets in my right. " "I'm not surprised you decided to take care of Michael, but what'd Susie do?" Danielle asks. "She just looked appealing," Karla replies, "and someone needed to even these girls out. " The fox pulls a pair of small panties out of her pocket, "Had my way with her pussy first, though, and got myself a little souvenir~" "Looks like you've been having about as much fun as I have today," James says. "As always~" "So... " Danielle says, looking over James' gut and sagging balls, which have stopped moving by now, "Are you showing up to your next class like that, or are you going to empty the tanks first to be able to buckle your shirt and put your pants back on?"James rubs the back of his neck, "Frankly, you tempt me. I should probably empty out my nuts, though. But I think I'll hold onto what's left of Timmy in my gut. I'll enjoy shitting him out more when I can take my time later tonight. Next hour is my last class today anyhow. " "Have fun, make sure you clean up after yourself," Danielle says as James turns from the group and heads to the back of the lounge. There, he opens a large metal cabinet, revealing a 3rd grader held spread eagle on the back wall of the metal prison. Each of her limbs is held tightly in place with ropes pulling them towards each corner. "Alright, Jill, time to fill you up again. I wonder how many more of these you'll be able to take," James says quietly as he lines up his enormous shaft with the girl's small, undeveloped sex. PLAP PLAP PLAPThe conversation continues as the sounds of a good raping sweep over the room from the far end. "So how far along are you on the little one?" Karla asks Susan. "Oh, about 7 months. The doctors said it's a girl!" Susan explains. "Awwww, congrats! Is your husband excited to be a father?" Karla prompts. Danielle smiles and hides her face, evidently having heard before what Susan has to say on the matter. "Well... He is, but... I really shouldn't say this, but I know you, Karla, you certainly won't tell him. He's not the father!" Susan says, sounding a little too excited. "One of ours~?" Karla asks. "Jack Steefleburg," Susan responds, "High schooler. I raped him in a broom closet a few months ago. He's been too afraid to say anything, though, of course~ I'm thinking about taking him home with me right before he graduates, saying his classmates at him as part of their senior prank. " "Ooooo~ Fun, fun~ Have you gotten everything set up there for that?" "Yeah, I've set up the toolshed to house him. My husband hasn't used it since we expanded our garage to fit all his stuff, so it'll be perfect~ It's right up against the back wall of the house by the master bedroom, too, so if I open the window, he should be able to hear what I do to our daughter when my husband isn't home. " "Girl, you are so... Uhmg, man," Danielle says with enthusiasm, "I don't think I'd have the nerve to do that. You sure make me want to, though~" "If you need any help with that, give me a ring," Karla says, "I have more than enough space to take care of him if you think your husband will find out. " "Thanks, but no need~" Susan replies, "I'm eating that kid right away, push come to shove. I hope the little girl I'm having with him is big enough that I can make her eat me out while he's melting in there when it happens, though~" "Wow, aren't you-"SPLRRLTRLTLRFSHLCHSHH Mmph-Karla is cut off by the loud sound of James finishing inside the 3rd grader in the back of the room along with the little one's muffled screams through the heavy gag over her mouth. The three resume talking as James pulls out and goes for a mop to clean up. "So who're we going to replace Jill with when she eventually breaks?" Danielle asks. "I've been thinking about Mike Orleans," Karla replies, "Have you had him in class yet?" "Oh, yeah, he's an awful timid boy," Danielle responds, "Not sure how long a first grader will last in there, though. We don't want too high of a turnover rate, do we?" "As if we've been careful with how many students we go through in a day~" Karla responds, "Our county's been growing so fast with how cheap the housing prices have fallen, we might break even on students by the end of the semester anyway. " "True that," Danielle says. "Think the county government'll ever stop letting us get away with this?" Susan asks. "Nah," Karla replies, "We keep them from having to pay all those childcare benefits they were offering. "BRRRIINNNNNNNGThe bell rings, signifying the end of lunch right as James finally puts his pants back on and closes the cabinet door on little Jill. The group disperses back to their classes. "See you girls again tomorrow~!" Karla calls as she heads out, barely able to buckle her shirt back up over two bloated but unmoving breasts. ", |
Story Start,Sally may be an eight-year-old in the Child Servers Sustainable Meat program, but she's one happy kitty. The pretty pink tabby has been expecting for seven months now, and though she knows that she and her babies will one day be eaten, she couldn't be happier to be a mama. "I'm gonna raise them so well!" she'd said to the on-site doctor who'd told her she was pregnant with twins. She'd picked out names for them right away. Her optimism or perhaps childish naivety to the reality of her inevitable labor and the difficulty of having to raise children only eight years younger than herself in such a place had made her something of a role model for the Sustainable Meat program, someone for every other cub bred like cattle to look up to and take on the attitude of, not that many did. Now, she happily plays with dolls alongside a friend of hers, only two months pregnant. "This is Willy," she says, holding up a baby doll in one hand then showing another doll in the other, "and this is Suzie!" She's taken to naming the dolls after her own unborn kittens in her excitement to finally have them, though neither are the same species as her. On many days, it's hard to even get up and start playing with her overfilled womb, but today she's feeling almost normal. "Oh wow," her friend Kimmy replies, "You really going to... have babies soon?" "Yep!" Sally replies proudly, gently rubbing her belly as she feels a couple brief kicks from inside, "Only a couple more months, the doctor man said!"Kimmy rubs over her own tummy, which is bigger than normal but not nearly the size of Sally's, "I hope my pegnency is easy... My doctor told me I might have triplets. " "Woah... That must be awesome," Sally replies. Kimmy rubs the back of her neck, "I dunno... "A brief silence falls over the two as Sally continues to bounce around the dolls in her hands playfully. Eventually, Kimmy decides to break the silence, "So did you ever find out where your brobber Mackey went?"PLAP PLAP PLAPIt was three weeks prior. Mackey was held down on a table by two strong arms on his back. He didn't know what was happening; he assumed when he was taken away he was going to be eaten, but this was nothing like what the books he was read prepared him for. "P-Please lemme go, mister-!" the little orange tabby shouted. He was only five years old. PLAP PLAP PLAP"Just like that, take it, kid~ You'll be making me a whole lot bigger~" the grizzly bear's gruff voice came from behind him as he continued to slam into the kitten's tight butt. The bear was a caretaker at the Child Servers facility Mackey belonged to, and he loved his job dearly. It was quite common for him to purchase food from his place of work, but today, he'd chosen to try one of the specials. "Ow!" Mackey yelled as his arm was injected with something green. PLAPF SCHLAP SPLRCHPThe five-year-old immediately felt the effects of the strange medicine, as with each thrust his butt and legs melted just slightly into the crotch of the bear raping him. His legs rounded out and disappeared as they fused into the caretaker's scrotum. He felt two orbs grow out inside of what was formerly his legs as they hollowed out. SCHLRFP PLRFFSCHLP FLRPThe kitten felt his butt fuse into the bear's skin. The thick cock inside of him fused into the lining of his colon, his insides melding into one giant urethra. All the while his extremities disappeared into the trunk of his body, and the orange fur covering him vanished. FAP FAP FAPMackey's head deformed, rounding out as his mouth formed into the end of the urethra his digestive tract was becoming. His facial features melted away, and his mind began to dull to nothing. The grizzly bear was by now masturbating more than he was fucking anyone, running his hands along his gargantuan cock, now as long as Mackey was tall when measured from the waist up. FAP FAP SPLRBFRLPRTTHe finished and pumped the room full of thick, heavy cum, splattering onto the wall and pooling into a massive puddle on the floor. He was glad he wasn't on janitorial duties for this, though it was precisely the type of business the private adult party room was designed for. The bear left the room without another word, packing his now-massive bulge into a larger pair of boxers he'd bought in advance. "No," Sally responds, "I haven't seen him since he was taken away by Mr. Ackleberg. I guess he was probably eaten... " Her voice is dejected at the prospect of having lost her brother, but it's a reality she's had time to adjust to by now. It's a part of life for cubs living under Child Servers. "Oh... " Kimmy replies, unable to find any real words among her mingled shock and sorrow, not as well-adapted as Sally to her new life. "I'll have a new family soon, though!" Sally says, her expression lightening some as she gives a gentle hug to her big, pregnant belly. A gate creaks open as a caretaker enters the pregnant cub holding area of the facility's breeding program wing. A grizzly bear in a tie-dye onesie, of a tailoring made to fit a large trouser bulge, walks in casually. He goes up to an on-duty elk and relieves her of her shift, standing to watch over the cubs in her place. "Is that... " Kimmy's whisper trails off as she watches the man enter. "That's Mr. Ackleberg!" Sally replies in a similar whisper. Kimmy remains silent for a moment, "Can... can you go... ask him? Like what happened to your brubber?" "I guess I could... " Sally hadn't considered talking to him much since he'd taken her brother away. She knew all the caretakers served the same purpose of making a meal out of her one day, but Mr. Ackleberg put her uniquely at unease. The eight-year-old gathers up her courage and cautiously approaches the bear, carrying her pregnant belly with her. "M-Mr. Ackleberg... " she begins nervously. "Yes, sweetheart?" he says in a gruff voice that only further unnerves the little girl. "D-Do you know what... what happened to my brother...? His name was Mackey," she asks. Mr. Ackleberg raises an eyebrow, and his enormous bulge visibly twitches and grows. "Fuck... " he swears under his breath, uncontrollably aroused, "Come with me, sweet cheeks, and I'll show you~"The bear takes her by the hand and leads her out of the room. Sally immediately regrets her decision, but she's afraid of what he might do if she struggles and of endangering her unborn cubs by trying to escape him. He brings her a few paces down a cold, brick corridor with walls painted a bright baby blue and opens a metal door into a small room with a floor that's a step lower than that of the hallway. It looks like some sort of storage closet, but it's entirely empty aside from a conspicuous drain on the floor. "H-He's in here?" Sally asks, not knowing the purpose of the strange room. SLAMThe caretaker closes the door behind them and flicks on the dim orange light overhead. "He's right here," he says, opening up the front of his onesie to let his enormous cock out, which brushes up the length of Sally's back as it finally has room to grow fully erect. "Mphf!" Sally grunts as she's pushed up against the wall by the bear, putting uncomfortable pressure on her womb. Mr. Ackleberg pulls out his phone and opens his messages. He puts his phone up in front of Sally's face and shows her a recent conversation with a contacted labeled 'GF <3'. "can you make it home tonight babe? i got something for you" "OMG what is it??? wont be back home for another month tho :("Beneath the two messages is a picture of Mr. Ackleberg in a suggestive pose at the foot of a king size bed. His hyper cock is on full display, and a sign made from a sheet of cardboard and some string hangs from it, dangling over the edge of the bed. The sign reads "My name was Mackey"The picture is captioned with "kid wouldve turned 6 today. wish you were here to celebrate". Sally's eyes well up with tears, but the bear only presses her harder against the wall as he begins to speak into her ear, "I was hoping I'd find someone to celebrate your brother's would-be birthday with. Can't think of anyone better for that than you~"The bear keeps the little girl pressed hard against the wall and backs up a bit so he can line up his enormous cock with her pussy. The lower lips of the little girl barely reach the width of the cock's urethra alone, and the cock in full is almost as wide as Sally is. "N-No, you can't! I-It's too big!" Sally pleads as the bear grips both of her shoulders tightly. SCHLRK CRACK RRRRIIIIIPPPHe forces just the tip of the cock into her. Immediately, he hears the subtle sounds of fracturing bones and ripping flesh as he tears her pussy open in order to fit inside. He covers the little girl's mouth with one hand just as she's about to scream. The muffled sound barely escapes the closet. SPFHLLRRK CRIKKTears run down Sally's face and over the grizzly's hand as he forces his cock deeper inside of her, barely covering half of his shaft, yet bulging her out even further than her pregnant gut had bloated her before. He can feel the soft, frail bodies of the twins Sally is carrying barely contacting the tip of his cock. He swears he can feel one of them move ever so slightly against it. If he hadn't lost all control before, he certainly has now. Hngfph- SPLAP CRUNCHBy now most of the resistance from Sally's body has been broken through as Ackleberg's cock widened her insides through sheer force. Shoving her the remaining halfway down is effortless in comparison. As her ass finally makes contact with the bear's front, his cock balls deep inside of her, a sickening sound comes from inside her body. Two little bodies are crushed all at once in the swift, brutal motion of the bear's cock. Sally tries so hard to scream, and she makes quite the sound for being muffled by Ackleberg's hand, but it's not enough to be heard far beyond the confines of the closet. As she makes herself hoarse trying desperately to cry out, the bear removes his hand from her mouth to listen to her desperate wheezing. SCHPLAP CRNCHThe bear pulls halfway out then slams into her again. His battering ram of a cock further decimates anything left of Sally's unborn cubs in her womb as it stretches out the little girl's insides. "C'mon, scream fer me. You wanted to scream so badly before," he taunts as only helpless wheezing and wretching are able to escape from the child's throat. Sally convulses and squirms against him, but she's unable to escape the much stronger adult's grasp. PLAP SCHPLAP PLATBlood trickles out around the bear's cock, each thrust splashing a large amount of it onto the ground. The remains of her would-be babies rub against the grizzly's massive member with each stroke, adding stimulation and texture to his vicious rape. SPLATA little arm with the tiniest patches of blood-stained fur slips out from between Sally's flesh and Ackleberg's dick. It lands in the growing pool of blood below, its forearm pointed at an unnatural angle and with more bends than it should have from where its little bones are broken. "Huff... Hunghf- Heard you already named 'em," the cruel bear says as he feels himself approaching climax, "They feel good splattered around my cock~"SPLAP SLAP PLAPSally can barely see through her tears or hear through her own choking attempts to scream or call for help, especially with her vision beginning to fade. She swears, though, that for just a moment she can see in the grotesquely stretched-out bulge of her formerly-pregnant belly the shape of a little baby kitten's face pressed into her flesh by a stroke of what used to be her brother. PLAP PLAT SPLRFRHLSRHRTTA fresh wave of pain sears through Sally's body as the bear thrusts balls deep into her and releases. The high pressure of the cum batters the already torn flesh of her insides, and it only stretches her further as she's filled with it. The fluid presses into her countless internal fissures, and it drips out around the giant cock onto the ground in a mixture of white and red. "Fuck... " the bear huffs as he catches his breath from all the exertion of raping the little girl, "This is coming out of my paycheck for sure... "SCHLLRFPT SPLATLRLTRLRTRRRAckleberg grabs her by the armpits and lifts her off of his cock, the massive member twitching and unleashing a few more, smaller loads of cum from the intense stimulation of doing so. As soon as her pussy is free of the enormous shaft, a torrent of bodily fluids and fetus parts splatters onto the floor beneath her. An ankle-deep layer of blood and cum slowly filters into the drain around a mess of tiny bones and bits of flesh, crushed feline skulls and shattered femurs, limbs and still-developing organs.If Sally could see well enough to perceive the mess that'd poured out of her, she'd hurl. SPLASHThe eight-year-old is carelessly dropped into the slurry below. "... Worth it," Ackleberg passes his final judgement on his actions before opening the door and stepping out of the room. With a satisfied sigh, he walks down the hall with his uniform stained heavily with shades of red and white, and he passes his coworkers with casual greetings on his way to the nearest changing room. Left alone on the floor in the gradually-draining pool with her injuries and losses, Sally is out of tears to cry, only convulsing uselessly on the floor. "... Willy... ... Suzie... " she's barely able to choke out the names she's chosen for her children before everything fades slowly to black, and she's unsure if she'd event want to wake up in the doctor's office to be treated. ", |
Story Start,Karla sits at her desk and watches as her first grade class come back from lunch. The school children, ranging in species from pelicans to panthers and many more all talk among themselves as they file into the room and sit at their desks. "Do close the door behind you, Carol," the fox teacher says to a small cheetah girl as she enters the room last. "Yes, Ms. Ebbledeen," the little girl obliges. Once the class has settled into their seats, Karla gets up from her desk and stands in front of the whiteboard. "Now, class, for today's assignment, I want you all to write down what you want to be when you grow up. You are to write it on a slip of paper and place it into this hat," she says, pulling out a top hat and placing it upside down on her desk. "Carol, be a dear and pass out the slips of paper. "After 5 minutes of quiet chatter as the students write down their answers and get up one at a time to put them in the hat, the last answer is written and placed inside. Karla stands and grabs the hat from her desk. "Very good," Karla says, reaching into the hat, "Let's see what you all wrote... An astronaut, a firefighter, my my, a lot of you want to become doctors. "Karla makes her way towards the door as she reads off the little slips of paper with her students' dreams on them. "Such a shame, though," she says as the locks the door, which has been changed to require a key to unlock from either side as a recent safety measure, "Because you're all about to become my shit instead~"FLRFLRTTTRShe dumps out the contents of the hat onto the floor. Confused murmurs break out along with a few shocked gasps that their teacher would say a bad word in front of them. Meanwhile, Ms. Ebbledeen strides up to the first of her twenty students and shoves his head in her maw. OMPFH- GULP SLRPIt doesn't take long to move her hands from the child's shoulder to his hips and pull him further in. It's only a couple quick gulps to get him into her stomach, which grows to the size it might be if she were pregnant with twins. GWRRRRGGGLEThe hopeful young panther who'd hoped to be a fireman is reduced to a squirming bulge in the teacher's gut in mere seconds. Karla does the same with the next two students, a young iguana girl who'd wanted to be a doctor and a little pelican boy who'd hoped to be a sailor. GULP ULP CHURRRRNThe teacher's shirt rips open now from her bulging gut. Karla sheds it and removes the rest of her clothing as well in preparation for what she's about to do. Chaos has broken out in the room as Karla continues her rampage. Students cower in corners, scream, or bang fruitlessly on the door. One child, a German shepherd boy no older than 5 has proven to be quite the young genius, a grade ahead and with straight A's, already reading at a college level. He wants to be a scientist when he grows up. Karla pushes her desk aside to find the little boy cowering beneath it. He looks up as his cover disappears to see his teacher's bare rear end looming over him for just a moment before it slams down upon him. PLAP SHLK GLRRGKarla's gut is massive already, bloated with 4 children, and only a fifth of her class, yet she moves with ease thanks to plenty long years of practice with other little ones squirming inside her. She approaches a pair of Siamese cat twins, both girls. One cowers behind the other and holds her out in front of her, in hopes of being eaten second. Karla opens wide and forces them both into her gullet at once. ULP- SLP- RRG- GUUULP BLEEEEERRRRLLLLLCHIt takes her a bit of strength to swallow them both at the same time, but with a mighty gulp, she manages. She lets out a long belch immediately after. The ravenous teacher moves on to the next student, a young dog girl in a skirt with an innocent but terrified expression. "Hmm, not yet... I still need you~" she grabs the little one and rolls her massive gut over top of her, holding her lower half up by the legs. After a few seconds, she manages to pull her panties out of the way and get her cock aligned with the little girl's pussy, and she begins to rut up against her, pressed between the bottom of Karla's gut and Karla herself. PLAP FAP SMACK GRRRRRRRRRGGGGLEKarla grabs a chair to prop up her new sex toy under her gut to allow her to continue hands-free. She'd positioned herself carefully when she began this maneuver, setting up near a corner with five students cowering in it. A parakeet girl with bright green feathers tries to slip by her, but Karla grabs hold of her as she tries to run and lifts her by the shirt. She stuffs the little one into her maw and gulps her down. ULP GLRRRRGGTwo more students attempt to slip by her, but the teacher has far more dexterity than she looks like she should with 7 children trapped inside of her and another taking her cock. A young eagle who'd wanted to be a vet and a dachshund who wanted to be a baseball player disappear down her gullet in turn. Or at least that's what she thinks they wanted to be; she's losing track by now. GULP ULP GRRRRWWWWWWLLLLThe last two children in the corner, both rabbits, try to run past her at the same time so she can only catch one of them. This doesn't work out well for the little ones, as Karla has two hands. She stuffs the children down her maw one-by-one. GULP SLK GRRGLE GULP SLRRP UUUUUURPShe speeds up her grinding on the little girl beneath her gut, whose muffled crying is drowned out by the louder screams and panicked sounds barely piercing Karla's thick gut as well as the sounds of panic from the rest of the class not yet devoured. PLAP PLAP PLAP SPLRRRTKarla cums deep inside the little girl and pumps several loads into her before the strained chair propping her up breaks, crashing the little girl to the floor under the weight of 11 melting classmates. The little one can barely move when Karla lugs her massive gut off of her. It's a bit tricky for the teacher to lean over and grab her off the ground, but she manages and swallows her cream-filled treat with no resistance. GULP6 more little ones are banging on the door, trying desperately to push through it to reach relative safety in the hall. Several students of varying ages from other classes have congregated to watch the madness through the small window on the door, and some of them also attempt to help open it from the other side to no avail. Karla lugs the massive, squirming weight in her gut towards the door, backing up towards the students. Most don't realize in time that she's approaching in their panicked attempts to break through the door, and with one plop down onto the ground, she forces 3 of them up her donut hole and smushes two more beneath her, the last one running away towards the center of the room. PLOP SCHLLLK SKLK GRRROOOOOAANNNNNNKarla pants a little with the effort; she hasn't eaten this many children at once before, and it's a tremendous thrill to do. She pulls the sheep girl and little fox girl out from under her one at a time with some difficulty and devours them. She can barely maneuver the little ones over her gut to swallow them. GULP GULP GRRWWWWLLLLThe last two children are a young bee girl who'd fled from the door and Carol, the cheetah Karla had often called on prior. By now, Ms. Ebbledeen is a slumped over mound of squirming bulges and muffled screams. The massive teacher, full of 18 of her first graders, has just about met her match. It'd be a lot of effort just to move a few feet with this massive gut. "Ough goodness me, I'm stuffed~" she says, letting out another long belch, "I think I have room for one more. Carol, why don't you be a dear and bring Julie there here for me? I promise I won't swallow you or put you up my butt if you do~"After a moment's hesitation, Carol obliges, dragging the struggling but much weaker bee girl over to her hungry teacher. Karla takes the bee girl by one of her four arms and pulls her close. She stuffs the little one's face up against her gut, "Looks like you're the last one to the party~ Excited to join your friends~?"The little girl doesn't respond, and Karla stuffs her head into her maw after a short moment, the rest of the little girl soon following. GULP ULP GLLRRRRGGGLEJust as little Carol is about to move away from the student-filled teacher, Karla grabs her by the arm. "B-But Ms. Ebbledeen... " the little girl begins to speak. "I said I wouldn't swallow you, my darling, or put you up my butt~ I have something else I want with you, though~"The teacher forces the student onto the ground next to her then gradually shifts her weight to get on top of the little girl. With a gut several times her size, it's the easiest way for Ms. Ebbledeen to get the little one to her cock.It certainly takes some doing, but the teacher manages to maneuver herself inch by inch and get the little girl inside of her member. Little Carol is slurped down into the teacher's balls, and Karla relaxes to digest her class. SLKKHK GRRRRGGGGLE GROOOOAN GLOOOOUURRRPAfter a couple hours, the screams have died down, and the squirming, frantically-fighting bulges have been reduced to the still, defined outlines of countless bones.In that time, Karla has slowly but surely maneuvered herself to the center of the classroom, which she had little trouble clearing of tables and desks with the furniture having been tossed all over the place during the commotion prior. The teacher doesn't stand as much as she leans against her enormous gut. After a moment, she begins to release the captured students. FBLRRRFHBRLLLGHLLLLTPLRRTLTLLRTLRRAn enormous, wet mound of brown filth caked with bones exits Ms. Ebbledeen's rear. The first semi-solid log plops to the ground with the remains of the three students she'd shoved up her rear at the door littered throughout it. The next massive mound contains what's left of the bright little German shepherd boy and a few miscellaneous bones from other students. The remaining turds are a jumbled mess of everyone else's remains. SPLBFRLBLRLRLTBLRB SPLAT BFLRLLRRT SPORTCH BLORP PFRRRRRRRFRRRRRTTTTTTMore brown filth slogs out of Karla's backside and joins the mound of shit and bones beneath, which stretches out wide with all the former children comprising it. Between enormous slurries of her class, Karla's donut hole emits ear-shattering flatulence as large amounts of gas inadvertently swallowed with the little ones reaches its exit as well. FSHBHRHSHHBRLLRWWWLRLRWLWRLWLRWLLL SBRFBHRLBKHRSFLLTTTTKarla begins to urinate while she voids her bowels, a puddle of piss pooling on the ground in front of the growing filth pile that's consumed her ankles. All the bodily fluids of the children have become one bodily fluid of Karla. PFRRRRR FBLRBHLTHB SPLATFinally, the teacher finishes dropping off her students with one last mound of brown remains and bones and skulls. Karla takes her steps away from the pile carefully and slowly to avoid slipping or having to take too many steps in the stuff as she maneuvers in front of the mess. The mound of what's left of her class sprawls across half the room's width, and the puddle of piss spreads out well past Karla's feet and soaks most of the floor. There's one last former child still left inside the teacher for her to deal with: the remains of little Carol in her balls. The heavy mass of cum and bones sags in her sack as she begins to masturbate. PLAP PLAP PLAPAlready being so aroused from what she'd done to her class, with such a heavy load in her balls, and after having all that shit press up against her prostate on the way out, it takes her less than a minute to climax. SPLFLRRRRT SPLRLT SPLATEnormous strings of cum cover the pile, and Carol's bones join the rest of the sorry remains, each one splatting into it in rapid succession. The little girl's feline skull is left at the forefront of the mound, empty eye sockets facing up towards the teacher with only shit and cum behind them. "What a good girl you were~"Finally, Karla exits to the front of the room. Before she leaves, she grabs the camera belonging to the school's yearbook club off a rack on the wall. She'd asked to borrow it days before, and now she's going to put it to use. CLICKHer class is surely going to have the most memorable yearbook photo. JINGLE RUSTLE TRRRK CREEEAAKThe door to her room opens suddenly, just as Karla was preparing to go clean herself and start looking for a new job. The principal of the school, a tall-standing lion, slowly enters the room. "Hey, Mr. Grelts," she says casually with a smile. She's been expecting to see him about this at some point, but she'd hoped it'd be through email. "Hello, Karla," he says in a grave tone, "I'd come down here as soon as I could, but you would not believe how difficult it was to get the spare key to this room. Apparently a janitor had it and took today off. " "So do you want to have a little chat about it?" Karla offers. "I want to see you in my office so we can discuss the terms of your severance from the school. "FLRRSFSHRHLSLRHSHRSHHHHHHHHHHKarla exits the one-person restroom right outside the principal's office. The meeting had gone very, very well, and Mr. Grelts had taken a sudden, early retirement. Karla had been planning on a quick one-and-done buffet when she started teaching at the Duvour County Public School, but with such a sudden change in management, perhaps she can stick around a while longer and see how this all plays out. ", |
Story Start,Sasha silently stalks towards a home. The tigress has been accepted as Santa Paws' replacement, and her quadrupedal form has already become something of an icon of the holiday season. With each home, she appears from the shadows, gifts held gently in her maw or pulled on a little sleigh pulled by a rope when there's a lot of them. Her deceptive lockpicking skills grant her access to the property, and since time works differently for a being of holiday cheer, she can take all the time she needs. For this home, however, she has no gifts. There are two children here who have been very naughty. She enters the house in silence, slinking into the hall. The stairs creak under her weight as she climbs up and turns one last corner into the children's bedroom. GRRRRWWWWWLLLLLHer stomach grumbles hungrily as she eyes her victims. Two little possums sleep in separate beds, a little girl and a little boy, both approaching their 8th birthdays. The little girl awakens first, and she sits up in bed. She has cute little pink earrings that she insists she wear to bed and pink polka dot pajamas. "Huh? Is that... "Sasha approaches the little girl's bedside with a feline smile. Without hesitation, she reaches her forepaws forward and wraps them around the little girl before pulling her into her maw. SLK ULPMoving her paws down her body and pulling her in deeper, she quickly gulps her down as she begins to cry out. "B-Brober! Brober help me! Mommy! Daddy!" she cries, but her screams are muffled in the gift-giver's mouth. Her brother turns over in bed, beginning to wake, but nobody comes to her aid. GULP ULLRP SLRRRPSasha finishes off the girl by slurping down her rat-like tail, forcing her down into her belly. GRRRGGLE GLORPWhile her stomach gets to work on the first trouble-maker, she moves to the other bed, where the little boy is still tossing and turning in his blue pajamas, not quite awake. One powerful paw brings the boy and his blankets out of bed onto the ground. "Ow! What're y-"Sasha spreads her hind legs wide and places her forepaws on the mattress. She cuts off the little boy by rubbing her cunt all over his little face. "Rrrgh... " she begins to make quiet pleasured noises as she grinds on him. GRRRRGGG CHUUUURN GLRRRRGGGLEThe small, struggling bulge in her belly pushes helplessly against the little boy, who can do nothing about the massive cat using him as her new toy. The tigress continues to hump him more and more until his entire head slides into her pussy. SLRRK"Auurrghhhh... Hufff... " Sasha humps harder, gripping tightly as she pulls up and loosening as she goes down to work the naughty child into her pussy. FLRSKRRSKK SKLLK SQUELSCHKIn a few minutes, the boy has disappeared entirely, forming a second squirming bulge drooping down from the tiger's abdomen like a hammock. GLLRRRGGGG GLRRP PFFFFFRRRRRRTThe struggles from the first child die down as the tiger passes gas, only making the second struggle harder. As the little girl's mulched up remains begin to pass through her intestines, Sasha takes advantage of the desperate boy's fighting to pleasure herself even more. The tigress props her back up against the side of the bed and pushes down on the squirming mass with both paws. She can't reach her pussy herself over it, but the boy pleases her fine. GLRG GLORP GRRRRGGGGLE PFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRR... Another passing of gas after several minutes of unconventional masturbation alerts Sasha to her need to poop. She promptly gets up and clambers onto the first child's bed before squatting down and releasing. FBLRRLRBFGHLLRLLLBRLRBLRTLTBLRTTA slurry of liquid cat shit sprays out onto the bed, along with a steady stream of more solid logs and small bones. SPLATRLRLTLRBLTLRTThe child's pelvis lands in the mess, followed shortly by every one of her vertebrae, which land one by one in the pile with a small splat each. Two tainted metal earrings stained in brown shit tumble out with the slurry. FBLRRFBLRLLRRT GRUNT... SPLRUCH PFFFFRRRRRBLRBLRLBLLRRT SPLATA final slew of cat shit lands in the bed before finally Sasha reaches the child's skull, which with a little effort is shoved out with substantial force, releasing the remaining gas inside of the tiger with it. As the tigress lets out a meaty, wet fart and the last few slimy nuggets of shit, the skull splashes into the pile before tumbling down the bed and landing on the floor at the foot of it, staining the carpet brown with what foul fluids it brought with it. The big cat lets out a contented sigh, hopping off the bed and taking a pillow with her, which she places on the floor and rubs her ass on to wipe herself clean. As she does so, she takes note of the remaining child in her womb, who is squirming more violently than she's felt a kid squirm in a very, very long time, undoubtedly in a panic after hearing Sasha pass his sister. Sasha makes her way to the little boy's bed. She keeps her feet planted on the floor and reaches up over the corner of it with her front legs before finally pressing her clitoris up against the edge of the bedframe. She begins to hump the bed furiously, grinding the little boy between her and it as she does. SLAM WHAP SLAP SQURRRGGGThe tigress violently fucks the little boy's bed with tremendous force as her womb breaks him down into ejaculate fluid. As the tiger gets closer and closer to orgasm, he loses form entirely. WHAM SLAP SLAM GLRRPFinally, she reaches her climax, and the fluid that was once a small child gushes out of her pussy. The flow is powerful, and it begins to soak the floor and the boy's blankets. Countless little bones tumble out in the stream, smacking against the bed and landing on the floor and displaced bedding. FLRRBSHLBRLTPRRR THUNK SPLAT CRACKEvery last one of the little bones flows out of her as the tigress ejaculates, one after another. A balled-up mound of blue fabric that used to be his pajamas comes out with them. Finally, his skull pops out and lands in the heap between Sasha's legs. FBLRRRSHHHRLLRR POP FSSHHHH THUDThe tigress lets out a content sigh as the flow finally ends. Most of the room is soaked in her fluids by now, but with no time limit, she's in no hurry to leave. She pushes some of the bones together into a pile to lay on top of and covers it with the ruined pajamas. It's not terribly comfortable, and it's rather unpleasantly wet, but it's deeply satisfying to the tiger. She rolls the boy's soaked skull back and forth like a ball of yarn. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK CREEEEEAAAAKSasha's playtime is cut short as the door to the room creaks open and the children's father peers into the room. He's a chubby possum wearing nothing but his underwear and pants that he hadn't even zipped as he went to investigate the source of the noise. The tigress can tell the man is lost for words, and that there's nothing he can do. It's not like he's going to fight a tiger, and his kids have already been thoroughly sloshed up inside of her. Sasha bats the skull towards him then gets up and lumbers in his direction. She beams a big, feline smile at him. As she passes the skull, she places a paw on it and crushes it into tiny shards of bone then keeps walking. Sasha butts past the man, who has no way to resist, and casually leaves the home behind. That's one home off the list, only a few million more to go. Perhaps the tigress should feel bad about mulching up two children, but it's her job to deliver jolly festive justice, and they were both on the naughty list. At least, she's pretty sure; she only checked it once. ", |
Story Start,Marissa, a mid-30's anthro cat, lounges on the couch with the family dog, Rex. She checks her phone quietly while the golden retriever rests its head on her lap and pants happily.In the corner of the room is her infant daughter, Mary, who moves around quietly in her baby bouncer. The little tabby has an orange pelt and green eyes just like her mother's. Despite the calm scene, Marissa's heart is racing. There's something she's been preparing herself for all day, silently, in anticipation. Her husband is away for a few days on a business trip, and she's going to have sex with the family dog. She responds to one last text from her husband confirming that he's arrived at his hotel two states away, wishing him a nice night with a little heart emoji at the end, and she puts her phone away. There's nothing left to wait for. Finally, she gets up and walks silently into the bedroom she usually shares with her husband. Adrenaline is pumping through her and her heart beats rapidly in anticipation of what's to come. There's nothing to do but steel herself and begin undressing. Meanwhile, the dog hops off the couch and trots down the hall. It glances at the closed door and tilts its head curiously before losing interest and returning to the living room. "Ba blahblaufh," a little vocalization from Mary draws Rex's attention to the baby. His paws tap on the ground as he trots over to the infant in the baby bouncer. SCLIK LAP SHLICKThe dog licks the baby's face affectionately, prompting high-pitched giggles from the infant. It then presses its nose up against the baby kitten's face and sniffs. It can't help but notice how delicious the child's face was. GRRWRRGLEA hunger pang strikes the dog at just that moment, and it decides to satisfy it right away. There's something very tasty right in front of it, after all. OMFGH-In one swift motion, the dog stuffs the baby's head into its maw before little Mary has any time to react, not that she could do anything but scream and cry. SLURPFH GULP BUUULCHHRex gulps the child down swiftly and without any resistance, then lets out a burp right after. Mary slides down the dog's throat into its stomach helplessly. The much larger dog's gut is more that capable of containing the infant, and the bulge in its stomach isn't noticeable at a glance. GGRRRRRRWWWWLLLL GLRRPMarissa looks at herself in the mirror over her dresser. She's fully nude now, and she's silently hyping herself up to do something truly depraved. She could hardly be more excited, but she could hardly be more nervous. With nothing left to postpone her plans, she slowly opens the bedroom door and heads down the hall. She finds Rex laying on the floor half-asleep. The dog looks over to her and gets up eagerly when it sees her, tail wagging behind it. He sure seems happy today. "Alright, boy," Marissa hesitantly crouches down and gets on her knees. She leans forward and reaches for the dog's sheath, stroking it gently and sticking one finger inside. Rex's red rocket erects rapidly at her touch, and the dog begins to pant already. "Fuck, we're really doing this... " Marissa says under her breath, not noticing the slight bulge in the dog's belly or the unusually loud gurgling of its gut. She gets on her knees and elbows and spreads her legs wide, ass sticking up in the air, pointed at the dog, "Come get me, you sexy thing~"GRRGGGLEThe dog's gut lets out another groaning noise as the dog investigates what its owner is doing. The golden retriever sniffs Marissa's backside and catches a potent smell wafting from her exposed sex. He decides there's no better place to satisfy his raging erection, and so he mounts her. PLAP PLAP PLAP"Rrwrrfff," the dog vocalizes as it presses its knotted cock into the woman, its forepaws up over her shoulders. Rex's tail wags eagerly as he plows his owner, and his infant-filled belly rubs against her rump. Marissa notices the strange bulge now, but she's unsure what exactly it is. It's the last thing on her mind, though, exhilarated as she is by what she's doing. With each thrust of the canine's cock into her bare pussy, she feels herself getting closer and closer to an orgasm, spurred on by sheer arousal at the degenerate deed more than the actual pleasure she's experiencing. Rex pants in her ear and drools over her head as he continues to hump her, and he keeps going as Marissa moans loudly, achieving her first orgasm of many for the night. PLAP SLAP SMACK GWWRRRRGGGBy now, much of little Mary's soft, tender flesh has been stripped away by the dog's stomach acid. As a result, the large feline skull begins to press more potently against Marissa as it rams into her again and again. Her mind getting over the first orgasm and not yet lost in the pleasure leading up to the second, she finally pays it some mind. Her eyes wander as she questions what the object inside her scandalous canine lover could be, and she has a striking realization as she notices the empty baby bouncer. But she's in too deep already, and there's nothing she can do. She can't help but find the situation all the more arousing. "Huff... I'm not a very good mother," she admits aloud as the skull of the infant she'd neglected presses against her bare ass in the gut of the family dog. PLAP PLAP PLAPAfter nearly an hour of fucking and numerous orgasms on Marissa's part, the copulation ends with a burst of canine cum deep into her pussy. The former mother gasps for breath as the dog knots her and pants heavily in her ear. Bent over on the ground with her dog's bone still buried inside of her, she reaches for her phone on the coffee table next to the couch. It's a bit of a stretch to get it, but she manages. She has a new text waiting for her from her husband. "I love you, sweetheart. Hope everything's going good back at home. How's Mary doing? <3"GLLRRRRGGLLLE GROOAN GLORRPHer attention is drawn back to the bulge in her dog's gut that used to be her child. She's going to have to break the news to him eventually, but for a now a lie will have to suffice. "We're doing good! Just put Mary to bed. I love you, too. "PFFFFRRRRRRR... CRRLLFHBLRRK SPLURCHIt's been two hours since Marissa finished her canine endeavor, and Rex is squatting over a newspaper set up in the kitchen. Marissa strokes his back gently as he passes log after log of massive, bone-filled dog turds. Each one presses slowly out of his backside and lands on the paper with a splat, forming a growing pile. If the mess were smaller and lacked the infant bones, it'd look like any other mound of dog shit. Huff... Huff... CRRSFFHRLPBLRRFHKK SPLT SLOUGHRex grunts with effort as he passes the little skull out of his rectum and pants heavily as it sloughs down into the brown mound. Finally finished pooping, the dog then gets up and lifts a leg to urinate on the mess of former baby. FSLSHHRHSHHHHHPBLRRTLTLRLSHHMarissa can't help but lightly finger herself, watching the dog piss on the remains of her daughter. She gets some of Rex's cum on her fingers as she does. "Fuck, you turn me on too much, boy... "Later that night, she lounges on the couch with Rex held close in her arms. She absent-mindedly takes in some late night programming she doesn't much care about while Rex enjoys the affection. The elephant in the room that is her daughter's steaming remains has yet to be cleaned up. She'll need to decide how to dispose of them shortly, and of course how to tell her husband. It's waited all night, though, and it can wait a little longer. She has days before he'll be home again. Rex whines a little and licks her face, demanding Marissa's attention. She notices his member growing erect again. She pets the dog's head, "Alright, boy, you know I can't resist you~ Nothing to lose now, after all. " ", |
Story Start,Mr. and Mrs. Harris had left the house early in the morning. They had a long drive ahead of them, all the way into the city, where he was treating his wife to a high street shopping spree. They left their son Jack at home without a babysitter. He was old enough to take care of himself for a day, and besides, it was summer vacation, so he'd probably love spending the day without any nosy parents watching over him. His only responsibility for the day was to let the dog out once in a while. Like all kids given a taste of freedom, Jack had a plan. Right around noon, when the summer day was nice and hot, three of his classmates were coming over to take a dip in the Harris's pool. Jack didn't exactly know if his parents would be okay with that or not, but it wouldn't do any harm, so he didn't bother asking. He just hoped the darn dog wouldn't get in the way. Even though Cato was part of the family, his typical lab personality could make him a bit of an annoyance if you wanted to have your own space. Anyway, almost at 12:00 on the dot, the three kids showed up on their bikes. Jack opened the gate for them and led them into the backyard, where he'd pulled out a few towels and a bag of cheetos like any gracious host. After they all had a quick snack and got their fingers nice and orange, they stripped off their clothes to reveal their swimsuits underneath. Well, some of them did. Noah, who was a little bit weird, but always friendly, didn't really like to be exposed, so he always kept his t-shirt and shorts on in the water. Jack himself, meanwhile, already had his swim trunks on, so most of the attention was on the two girls. Alicia, who'd been doing swim classes since she was in diapers, had on the latest one-piece bathing suit, designed for speed and stability.It was Lauren, one of the meekest girls in the class, who actually drew the most attention, wearing a brand-new purple bikini - the smallest one they had at the store. Her mother had bought it for her, saying something weird about how all the boys would start looking at her soon, which she didn't really understand. As she lifted her school shirt over her head, Lauren was paying attention to Noah and Jack to see the swimsuit was really working. "Wow Lauren, you look just like one of them ladies in the magazines!" Jack said, surprised to see anything like that on one of his friends. Little flat-chested-yet-slightly-chubby Lauren didn't really have the figure of one of those women, but still, none of those women were standing around the pool right now, so she was worth looking at. Lauren just turned red and tried to hide herself in response. She didn't want to be stared at, she just wanted to go swimming. But, she thought, a couple years ago they would have gone in the pool naked and nobody would have cared. So she tried to put it aside and just have some fun. The four of them splashed around in the pool for close to an hour, having the time of their lives. They were all turning wrinkly like prunes, but none of them cared. Eventually though, Jack realized he'd better let the dog out before he took a dump in the house somewhere. "I'm gonna let Cato out guys, he should just need a second. I'll be right back. "Jack went over and opened the back door, and Cato came bounding out. Unfortunately for everyone, he wasn't just coming out to do his business. He'd heard all the excitement and wanted to say hello. So he went running straight for the pool, where the three kids were still playing, and did a massive bellyflop right into the middle of them, sending them flying in all directions. "Gross!" Alicia yelled. "I don't wanna swim with a dog!" The others didn't either, and they all scrambled for the edges of the pool. Cato wasn't done there, though, he had to greet everybody. He first ran over to Noah, almost knocking him off his feet, but after a few head pats he moved on to the next target. Alicia's sour face was enough to make even a dog steer clear, so Cato headed over to Lauren, who wasn't quite ready for him. She really did get knocked backwards, landing hard on the grass and skidding back a bit as the dog tackled her. He licked all over her face, and when she turned her head away to escape the cloud of gross dog breath, he moved down to her body, as if to make sure she wasn't hurt in the fall. Lauren wasn't actually hurt, but her little tumble had caused a more serious problem: her bikini bottom had been pulled down ever so slightly as she hit the ground. This didn't go unnoticed by Cato, who already wasn't used to seeing this much of a little girl's body, let alone tasting it. Something compelled him to keep on licking her, and as the chlorine flavor wore off, she actually began to taste like something - like meat. Lauren didn't really know what was going on, she just knew it was weird that the dog was all over her like this. Besides, being covered in dog slobber was just gross. She tried to squirm away, but he followed, so she curled up her legs and tried to jump up. That ended up being the worst thing she could have done, because as soon as she put her feet together, she stuck them right into Cato's open mouth. For a second, neither Lauren nor the dog moved. They were both equally shocked, as were the other three kids, who were now watching nervously from the porch. Then Cato's animal instinct took over and he swallowed, sucking Lauren's legs down her throat until her swimsuit reached his mouth. Lauren screamed in horror and tried to pull herself away, but there was nothing to hold onto, and her movement only made Cato more eager to send this luscious piece of meat further inward. He swallowed again, making Lauren's waist slip through his lips. Her feet already felt the heat of his stomach, and she was now crying out of pure fear. She frantically waved her arms around, even trying to throw punches, but the strength of a little girl was evidently no match for that of a canine. The three friends continued to watch, frozen in horror, as their classmate was devoured whole. Cato threw his head back and lifted Lauren's shoulders clean off the ground. Gravity helped her along as she slid further into his maw. The top half of her bikini still managed to protect her modesty as her chest disappeared out of sight, not that it mattered a whole lot. The dog took one more big gulp and brought her head down his throat as she whimpered in protest. All that was left in view of the outside world were her arms, which he quickly slurped down. Cato then looked at the three horrified friends with a dumb, happy expression, not even realizing they'd be frightened by what he'd done. While he panted at them as if nothing had happened, they took off into the house and locked the door. "What the fuck, Jack?" Alicia asked, using a word she picked up from her parents' arguments. "What are we gonna do?" "Pleaseeee don't tell your parents, " he answered. "I don't want all of us to get in trouble... " "They're not gonna believe us anyways," Noah said. "Yeah," said Alicia. "I guess. Next time we hang out at my house, okay?"Alicia and Noah took off rather hurriedly out the front door, resolving not to tell anyone about this incident. After all, Noah was right. Nobody would believe this. Lauren had no choice but to believe it, though. She was trapped in the most hellish environment possible, a disgusting acid-filled stomach full of dog kibble and whatever else Cato had eaten off the ground that day. There weren't even any more tears left for her to cry. She just sat there, in unimaginable pain, as the acid ate away at her skin and hair. Meanwhile, Jack stood behind the glass door and watched as Cato circled a few times and laid down in the middle of the yard, seemingly oblivious to the harm he'd done. All he knew was that he'd just eaten a large, delicious meal and he wanted to sleep it off. Jack just stood there, thinking about all the fun times they'd had with Lauren as part of their little group. Now she clearly wasn't gonna be part of it anymore, and it was his fault. He also couldn't help thinking about the world of trouble he would be in if anyone found out this happened. But after a while, he accepted that there was nothing he could do, and he sat down to watch some cartoons with a bowl of cereal. After all, he still had the house to himself for a while longer, so he might as well enjoy it. He didn't know it, but right as he sat down, Lauren was breathing her last breath. The acid had worked its way through skin, muscle, and bone, and she could only watch helplessly as her own body parts floated around in front of her. Finally, she simply toppled over into the digestive stew, no longer able to hold herself up. The innocent little girl had been snuffed out for good, but at least she was no longer suffering. Cato, meanwhile, slept on peacefully as the sun began to set. Cato was awakened a few hours later by an immense pressure in his guts. He stood and trotted over to his corner, then squatted down and began to relieve himself. His digestive system had worked through this meal like any other, there was just a lot more waste left over to deal with. The poop coiling up behind him had a normal consistency, with no bones left over to give him grief on the way out. Eventually, Cato pinched off the last of this dump and went up to the porch, where he started whining at the door, eager to be let back in. Jack heard him and reluctantly opened the door, figuring that this must be a one-time incident. The Harrises had had Cato since he was a puppy, and he never did anything like this before, so Jack hoped that he was still safe. One thing that still had to be dealt with was the mess in the yard, though. Treating this task with a bit more care than usual, he put on a pair of rubber gloves and found a shopping bag under the sink. Then he went out into the yard to inspect the damage. Sure enough, Cato's poop was in his usual spot, and in fact, it looked normal, just a lot... bigger. Mixed into the light brown pile, though, were the intact sections of Lauren's little purple bikini. Jack gagged as he saw it, reminded that this pile of excrement was all that remained of his friend. Nonetheless, he dutifully scooped it into the bag, gagging even more as the smell of dog poop combined with dead girl filled his nostrils. He carried the bag at arm's length as he went to the front yard to throw it out. As it happened, Jack's parents pulled up just as he was putting the lid back on the garbage can. Mr. and Mrs. Harris stepped out of the car, each carrying a handful of shopping bags. "Picking up after Cato, eh, Jack?" asked Mr. Harris. "That's good to see. We knew we could trust you. " "Yeah... sure dad," Jack said. He and his parents made their way into the house and locked up for the night. Jack went to bed and covered himself in the blankets, while his faithful and once-trusted dog slept at the foot of the bed, just like always. The gas that Cato let off in his sleep was always pretty ugly, but tonight it was even worse. It seemed like every rancid cloud Jack got a whiff of might have contained the last hopes and dreams of his former friend. Soon enough, the missing posters went up, and Lauren's parents and their entire class at school would mourn her disappearance. People promised to remember her as an innocent girl who never got to grow up. In time, though, most everybody forgot about Lauren. Nobody but Jack and his two friends would ever know that the poor girl had met her fate thanks to an ordinary family pet. ", |
Story Start,Claire walks into the park on a bright, sunny day. Birds are chirping, the grass blows in the wind, and all across the park children play, adults jog on trails, and mothers enjoy some time in the sun with their babies. The woman holds in her hand a leash, and at the end of it trots along a golden retriever, wagging its tail as it walks along in front of her. The dog is happy to be out on a walk with its owner and to see so many people having fun in the park, but there's just one problem. GRRRRWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLClaire had neglected to feed it that morning. "Alright, Tex," the owner says, leaning down to unclip his collar from his leash, "Go play and have fun. "Tex runs off eagerly, dashing into the park and nearly bowling over a group of playing children as it works through its excess energy, finally out of the house and able to run free. Claire meanwhile watches her dog for only a brief moment before having a seat on a bench, pulling out her phone, and burying her nose in it. She knows her pet can take care of himself. Tex does all the normal dog things you'd expect from an excited golden retriever let loose in a park. He chases his tail, barks at squirrels, and brings sticks to strangers. Truly, he's having a wonderful time, but before long, his hunger begins to really get the better of him. GRRRRWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRLLLLLLLLLThe dog's playful energy begins to naturally wane with his hunger, and so he sets out to find himself some lunch. Plenty of aromas reach his sensitive nose from around the park: picnics with food ripe for the stealing, food stalls with attendants who might be kind enough to give him a bite, and snacks brought along by those relaxing on benches and under trees. A different smell soon grips Tex's nose, though, one that's very potent and very odd, and so the dog follows it in his curiosity. The scent leads him to the edge of the park, where an unattended stroller sits, having an open, clam shell design with the baby carrier portion close to the ground. Inside is an unattended baby girl, who's freshly messed her diaper. Tex trots up to the baby girl, who appears amused at the dog's sudden appearance. She giggles and reaches her little hands for his face as he pokes his head into the stroller and sniffs over her. The gentle dog doesn't mind the little one grabbing at him, but he does soon pull his nose down to her diaper, which crinkles as his snout prods at it. He takes in the curious scent, potent and earthy, seeping through the crinkly plastic to tickle his nose. GWWRRRRRRWWRRRLLLLLThe smell of the little girl's diaper causes the hungry dog's stomach to growl more, though the baby girl only laughs at the big dog putting its snout up to her butt. HOUMPH ULP GULPThe dog opens its maw wide and all at once pushes in, getting the entire diaper into its maw along with the little girl's hind legs. The infant's demeanor very suddenly changes into that of terror as the dog begins to devour her, and she begins to scream and cry loudly. She only gets to wail for a few brief moments, though, as another gulp sends her entire torso into the dog's maw, her bottom now sliding down its gullet, and with another ravenous gulp, her head vanishes into Tex's maw as well. GUUULP One final swallow sends the little bundle of joy into the dog's stomach to churn up into a little mound of chyme. With his hunger quelled by the infant in his belly, Tex lays down on the squirming bulge the baby girl has become, his head resting in the stroller as he lets his meal digest. GRRRRRGGGGGGLLLLE GLRRRRGGGGGGMuffled crying mixes with the loud noises of the dog's stomach working away at the infant inside. Tex pants and wags his tail as he lounges, more than pleased with his meal. Over the course of several long minutes, the infant inside of him grows quieter and quieter, until its noises stop completely. GURRRRGGGGGGG GLORPEventually, the baby girl is reduced to a slurry of nutrients that pumps through the dog's guts, filling him with energy and satisfaction. As what's left of her reaches the end of its digestive tract, the dog stands up and turns around. Tex squats into the stroller he'd found the baby in and releases. FBLRRRBLRRFT SPLORTCH BLRRBLRTA thick slue of dog shit presses out of Tex's backside into the stroller, speckled with tiny infant bones. The acid-bleached diaper the infant had been wearing plops into the growing pile beneath Tex's butt and wagging tail. BLRRBLRRT FBLRRBLRRRT SPLATMore brown filth adds to the growing mound in the stroller, the bulge hanging from Tex's gut shrinking as he dumps out what's left of the infant. Soon, he's almost empty, save for the outline of an upper jaw and eye holes visible in the remaining bulge. With one more push, the infant's skull splatters onto the pile, and Tex is entirely finished with his meal. Tex lingers on the mess he's made of the infant for only a moment before walking off happily, barking with joy and wagging his tail behind him. With his delicious meal fresh on his mind and the taste still on his tongue, he commits himself to a new goal: find more.It doesn't take long for the dog's sensitive nose to lead him to two more babies, a girl and a boy. The pair wear recently-messed diapers as they babble and throw wooden blocks around. The infants were brought to the park by their respective mothers to have a playdate, but they have been neglectfully left unattended as one mother went to use the restroom and another to get lunch at a food stand. It's the perfect time for a hungry dog to trot up and devour them. Tex puts his snout up to the girl's poopy butt, that tantalizing yet noxious odor again striking him. He's already discovered the delicious taste of babies, and with the smell of one's diaper right on his face, he's no desire to hold back. The dog licks over the baby girl's face for a brief moment to savor her flavor then stuffs her head into his mouth. The girl turned kibble begins to cry inside his maw, but he relents none, and her crying is too muffled for anyone to pay much mind. The boy meanwhile only watches in confusion and amazement, not yet understanding the gravity of the situation. GULP ULK GLULPThe crying baby girl is pulled all the way into the dog's maw with just two more gulps, her filled diaper briefly sagging out of it. Then, Tex tilts his head back, and with one final gulp the girl disappears forever. The expression of the remaining baby boy gradually changes as he witnesses this from puzzled by amused to dawning terror as he watches his playdate squirm inside of the canine. Tex bowls the remaining infant over and plops down on top of him, the baby girl squirming right on top of him. He doesn't get the chance to start crying before being silenced by the dog's sloshing gut. GRRRRRRGGGGGLEE GLRRRRRRGGGGGGTex's stomach has just as little mercy for the second little girl as it did for the first. Her cries and struggles become weaker and weaker, prompting the baby boy beneath to cry harder and harder, not that much escapes the bloated dog belly pressed to his face. GLORP WRRRRGGGGGGG CHURRRRNIt takes only a few moments for the dog to entirely process his meal. What's left of the baby girl reaches the end of his bowels, and Tex slowly gets up off of the baby boy. The remaining infant is too choked up to even cry and can only stare as the dog squats down over a pile of blocks and lets out the filthy remains of his playmate. FBLRRRBLRRRTBL BLRRRBLRRT SPLORTCHMost of the baby girl comes out in one big slurry of dog shit and infant bones that covers the blocks she was playing with happily just minutes earlier. When nearly all of her is returned in a far messier state to the blanket she'd been scarfed down on, the dog makes one last push and out plops her skull, along with her ruined diaper that it was stuffed into over the course of its journey through the dog's guts. SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF HOUMPHF- ULP GULPWith only a brief moment of pause to give his dirty diaper a thorough sniffing, the dog begins to devour the stunned baby boy. It takes only a few seconds of ravenous swallowing for him to vanish into the same inescapable pit the two infants before had been dragged down to. GRRRRWRRRGGG GRRRRRRGLRRLike both prior meals, the baby boy is quickly mulched by the ravenous dog's insides. The animal's stomach cares none for his cries or the flailing of his stubby little limbs. It takes just a couple long minutes for there to be nothing left of him but a mess of dog shit knocking on Tex's back door. FBLRRRBLRRT BLRRRBLRRBLTex squats down, and a thick log presses out of the dog's rear end. The dense turd slides onto the ground, packed with bones and a ruined diaper. The end of the log is pushed out and lands with a thud. Tex begins to pass another. BLRRRRBT SPLORTCHThe next log contains the rest of the infant, landing with the first. The bottom jaw of the former baby boy is caked into the log, and the skull is pushed out onto it right after. Tex stretches before wandering off once more, thoroughly satisfied with his meals, his hunger entirely satiated, and his energy refilled. Two mothers return behind him to a terrible surprise, not that the dog pays them any mind. He returns to playing in the open, rolling around on the ground, barking at random passersby, until a familiar smell catches his nose. Tex is by no means in need of a meal by now, but thinking of how the babies he'd eaten before had tasted, well, he certainly can't pass up dessert. The dog follows the scent to a bench, where a mother sits reading a book. On her lap is a baby girl, who is crying from having just messed her diaper. The mother is so engrossed in what she's reading that she hardly even notices her daughter's wailing and tears. Tex walks up, wagging his tail eagerly at the prospect of another meal. He'll have to be careful to avoid the mother noticing, but she's so thoroughly buried in her book he decides to go for it regardless. SNIFF SNIFFA few moments of cautious sniffing prove the mother as distracted as she looks, prompting no reaction at all, and the familiar, powerful scent more than makes up Tex's mind for him. UMPHF-The dog takes in the baby girl's legs and diaper in a slow, careful motion, sticking its head beneath the mother's hands onto her lap. The baby girl starts crying harder, but the mother had already been ignoring her cries and pays them no more mind now than she did before. GULPWith a careful swallow, the infant slides halfway down her mother's lap, the dog moving her down as slowly as it can. GULPThe baby girl slides in up to her fat little neck. The mother hasn't moved an inch except to flip a page. GULPThe infant disappears entirely down Tex's gullet, and he sneakily backs up a pace to digest his meal. GRRRRRGGGGGLE GLRRRRRRRFGTex sits on the ground and looks up at the mother panting as it digests her child. She briefly glances over her book at the dog, but thinks nothing of it, not noticing its bulging, squirming, gurgling belly full of her daughter. She engrosses herself in her book once more before she even realizes anything is amiss. When the baby girl has finished bowel baking into fresh dog shit, Tex turns around and squats right at the mother's feet. FLBLLRBRLRT BLRRFBLT SPLTThe dog leaves a coiling mess of scat and infant bones piled up between the mother's left foot and right, the steaming mass just an inch from grazing her shoes. The infant's digested diaper sloughs down the front of the mound, and her skull lands neatly on top. Satisfied with his desert, Tex bounds off again. He's gone before the mother smells anything foul or notices the lack of a child on her lap, and he's certainly gone before she's able to do anything about it. He arrives back to Claire just as she's getting up to go find him. "There you are, Tex," she says, leaning down to put his leash back on, "Did you get into any trouble while you were out playing?"The dog does not respond on account of being a dog. Claire pets his head lovingly, "Good boy, Tex! Let's head home. "The dog happily walks out of the park on his owner's leash as though nothing had happened at all. As far as he's concerned, all he's done is have a lovely day and several tasty meals at the park. ", |
Story Start,Let me come in, little birds!" Wilk gently said as he stood in front of the door. His meal waited on the other side, shivering in abject terror. One of the sparrows looked at his friends, hoping to find some final comfort in their eyes as the gentle knock soon turned into repeated bangings. "For the last time. Please, open the door. "The three bird's gazes flew left and right, desperately hoping to find one last option before the predator invaded their house. But before they could find any, the flimsy wooden door burst in a tornado of splinters and dust. Leaving them at the mercy of the grey-furred canine greening before them. "Finally! My sweeties!" He said before lunging forward. For a brief moment, the wolf felt himself fall into a void before hitting grass with dry dirt under it. The shock immediately threw him back into reality, dragging him out of his reverie with a thunderous "POOF. "The canine rolled on the ground before holding his nose as he grunted in pain and exasperation. "Aaaagggghhh! Hell and Wolfsbane! Again! Why? Why?" He shouted. He tried slowly pulling his hands away before immediately holding his nose again. "Ah-ah-ah! Ssssss-shit. " He kept trying, struggling against the pain before looking at his palms. One of them had a bit of blood, and he could feel a warm drop dripping down his snout. "Goddamn dreams! Why can't I catch something for real, even just once!" A sudden raspy laugh interrupted his complaints before something fell on his head. "Ow!" He shouted before looking next to him. A small stone had landed on the grass next to him. Wilk looked up to see a couple of ravens laughing at him. "Maybe because you suck! Wolfy boy! Wolfy pathetic boy!" One of them said while waggling his tail at him. Enraged, Wilk grabbed the stone and threw it back at them, hitting way off on the trunk. "Ah! He told you! You couldn't even catch sheep with no legs!" The second raven said before turning to her mate. "Come Corb! Mister Wolfy is angry! Very angry, indeed. " The two birds immediately took off, laughing loudly and leaving the humiliated and pained wolf alone. Wilk groaned again in exasperation. But their annoying mockery was nothing compared to the acknowledgment that they were right. The wolf had not managed to catch anything in the last ten days. And even before that unfortunate lack of food had weakened him, Wilk still had trouble catching anything. With a grunt of anger and the pain still radiating in his nose, the wolf took off and walked through the forest. Hoping this day might turn out a bit more forgiving for him. Somewhere else, near the outskirts of the forest. "I tell you, brothers! There is a paradise among those trees!" A pig told his brothers. The two listened to his words religiously until a voice interrupted him. "Don't be stupid, Foche!" It was one of the elders of the tribe. "No! There is more beyond those wires. Freedom, food! Truffles!" The elder raised an eyebrow before laughing! "And what about everything the human gave you!? Why would you ever want to leave the comfort and security of this enclosure for the forest?" "It's the boars! They told me the truth! They told me about the green leaves! The soft mud! The truffles! The acorns! We could have so much in this forest! We could be free, away from this human non... " "Shut up! You mud brain!" The elder now looked outright angry. "We are not boars! You do not know this forest! I have seen too many pigs like you leave!" He then stared at the forest. "They were young, strong, and envying freedom. And each time they left, only to never reappear again. " He then redirected his gaze to the young adult pig. "That's because they found what you don't have, old pig! Freedom. " Realizing he couldn't convince the pig and his two brothers. The elder left without words. The rebellious young pig immediately turned back to his two siblings. Filling their ears with more of his beliefs, his hopes of emancipation, and the endless expense of dirt filled with truffles. "But how are we supposed to come out?" One suddenly said, interrupting his brother. The other joined in. "Yeah! How will we get through this fence? And what about the dogs?" "Don't worry, brothers! There is a hole in the fence further down the field. We'll leave at night. Fenes is almost always sleeping during the night. " He said, the smile growing from one ear to the other as he watched the barrier of trees standing tall and away from their enclosure. Little did he know that, right behind the treeline, hidden in the bush, stood a hungry, bloodthirsty, and determined wolf. The muscular predator stood there, hidden in the vegetation and staring at the juicy pink pigs all moving in the enclosure. A bead of drool slowly leaked between his fangs before falling on the grass below. He imagines himself catching one, slowly swallowing him before... "Crooooow! How pathetic to aim for the pigs!" A raspy voice suddenly shouted behind him. The two crows had followed him and were again standing on a nearby branch, laughing at his desperation. "Hey! Maybe we should stay to see Fenes rip him to shred. " The canine immediately groaned before tossing a branch at the mocking birds. Missing them, once again, by a large margin. The two corvids immediately escaped again, roaring so much with laughter that one started coughing. The wolf scowled before looking again at the enclosure. He knew the dog guarding it was much stronger than him, especially with him being as weakened and famished as he was. But he was also aware of how lazy that dog was and that he usually slept once the night had come. Maybe he could give it a try. The hungry canine sat against a tree, waiting for the night, his still imposingly muscular form hidden by the thin layer of leaves and branches as he impatiently waited for the opportunity to present itself. The night slowly came. The orange glow of the setting sun slowly left the place to a dark night lit only by the faint moonglow. "It's time, guys. Come on. " Foche told while nudging his brothers. Both pigs looked around at the nearby group before standing up on their four. The trio sneaked away until they reached the fence, which they crawled through, one after the other. Foche stood on the other side, waiting for his brothers before admiring the sight. The enclosure they had spent so much time in was behind them. And before stood the forest. The pig jumped on his four feet, with his brothers imitating him. For so long since his childhood, he had dreamed of freedom. And it was there, "just a few steps away!" He thought. "Come on, guys! We are almost there!" He said before running off. Mustard and Mish started running forth as well. But Mish stopped as he spotted a shadowy figure moving behind the foliage. "Wait! Foche! I saw something. " He shouted. Both of his brothers stopped before scanning the treeline. After doing so for a few seconds, Foche turned to his brother, a mocking smile growing across his pig lips. "I don't think there is anything. Are you seriously just cowering now? So close to freedom?" Mish immediately shook his head. "No! I am sure I saw something and... " The two other brothers laugh. "No time for cowards! Come on, Mustard, we got truffles to... " "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING!?" A low male voice shouted behind them. Mish turned to see Fenes, the guard dog, bolting toward them. He then looked back at his brothers, who didn't wait for him to make a break for the treeline. With Foche turning to shout, "Run!" Which Mish immediately did. The trio managed to escape through a small animal trail in the vegetation, where the imposing dog had trouble doing so, thanks to the numerous branches and the slippery mud. After running further into the woods with his brothers following him close, hoping to escape their guardian, Foche stopped to catch his breath. "Pffffff... That was close. " Mish stared at him. "You don't say! Don't you realize what we almost went through? Who knows what would have happened if we had been caught!" He said while getting closer to his brother. Mustard interposed himself between the two. "If that's what you are worried about, then maybe you should be thankful we escaped. What's your problem?" "My problem is I saw something, and now we are stuck in the woods with it nearby!" Both of Mish's brothers sighed. "It was probably just a tree branch or something... " Foche stopped and raised his nose. "Do you smell that?" He asked with a smile. "W-what?" Mish asked while looking behind and around the group. "Truffles!" Foche shouted with a sudden smile before bolting through the forest. His two brothers, who didn't even have the time to stop, difficultly immediately tried to keep up as the pig followed the sent, often turning in seemingly random directions. After running among the tree for a few more minutes, Foche stopped right next to a tree and started digging at its feet. After scraping the soil for a bit, there it was. A delicious, huge, and brown truffle was waiting for him. His brothers slowly approached him, with Mish trying to keep an eye out for any danger. Foche took his sweet time, smelling the fungus and looking at it before slowly lowering his drooling mouth to grab it. Then, like thunder striking, two hands shot out of a nearby bush before grabbing the pigs by his sides. In the blink of an eye, the freshly dug-out dirt was replaced by wet and smooth flesh wrapping around his entire face and head. The confused pig tried to struggle against the slippery walls as he inexorably sunk deeper inside this tunnel of flesh. He could feel teeth scraping against his delicate skin while the disgusting sounds of being swallowed resonated in his ears. His face and neck were soon forced through the creature's tight throat, and his jaws were forced shut by the incredibly tight tunnel. The feeling of the tight walls, combined with the panic of choking out, filled his mind, causing his bladder to release its content immediately. The warm yellow piss trickled down onto the wolf's chest and then jaw as he reached Foche's hips. The wolf closed his eyes before groaning his disgust upon feeling his prey's urine trickling down on his furry chin, coating her hair in urine. Tired and annoyed, the wolf grabbed his ass before forcing the rest of him inside his throat. His brothers watched the squirming bulge slowly descend before settling on his stomach. Bulging out and hanging on his torso. Wilk held his hand against his mouth to hold a belch before groaning in delight. "Finally!" He said before slapping his struggling prey and rubbing off some of the urine coating his grey fur. He then smiled and looked at the two brothers. "Mmmh...I could certainly go for more. "Mish and Mustard immediately screamed before running off. "Run, pigs. You won't go far. " He said before running after them. The two pigs kept running through the dimly lit forest. Over and over until Mish spotted a hollow tree just large enough for them to hide in. Both took the opportunity to breathe and gather their thoughts. "Dammit, Mish! Where is the farm? Please tell me you know where it is!" Mish stared into Mustard's eyes before pushing him against the walls. "No! I told you we shouldn't have come this far in the forest. Why did you have to side with him, anyway?" Mustard looked at the ground, sweat of panic coming down his pink face. Mish tried to push him to get his brother back to reality. "Come now, we need to move. Who knows how close he is. " He gently bit his shoulder, trying to pull him out of the tree. Which Mustard quickly crawled back into. "No, no, no! We should stay inside! Maybe he'll get bored and stop looking after us. " Mish shook his head. "You are wrong! If he smells us in this tree, he'll hide somewhere and wait us out. If he doesn't try to pull us out of here, that is. We need to move!" Mish said before trying to pull his brother out again. But Mish, being as stubborn as it gets, refused to leave the relative safety of the tree. The pig even went further by digging the dirt inside. Allowing him to hide further into the tree. Mish stared at his brother one last time before making his choice. As much as he wanted Mustard to follow him, he couldn't afford to stay with him longer and get trapped by the wolf. "Fine... "The pig ran away from the tree, occasionally smelling the air to hopefully detect the smell of the farm. Meanwhile, Mustard kept digging until the free space was large enough for the pig to hide deeper. Then he waited, silent and immobile, and watched for any movement in the dark of the night, with only the sound of his breath and the hooting of the nearby owls filling his ears. Time quickly appeared to stand still until every second felt like an hour. He had hoped to see Mish quickly give up and come back. But his brother never returned. The solitude soon settled in, with the fear and will to survive leaving his mind to a feeling of relative safety and boredom. Especially after the pig realized he hadn't seen the wolf for hours. Soon, feeling confident from the absence of noise and not seeing any apparent danger, Mustard slowly crawled out of his hiding spot. As his head peaked out, he quickly stared left and couldn't see the wolf anywhere. He then stared right... "Surprise, little pig!" Two strong hands suddenly wrapped around his ears before pulling the pig out of the tree. Before he could react, Mustard saw a glimpse of a red maw surrounded by rows of pointed teeth in the moonlight. The pig fell back on his instinct and immediately struggled. His sudden trashing destabilized the wolf before one of his hooves landed in his jaw. The canine let him go before holding his jaw in pain and shock. Overflowed with panic, the pig rushed back to the tree, hoping it would be enough to discourage the predator. Unfortunately, Mustard being suddenly yanked out had moved some of the freshly ground dirt toward the entrance. Making it harder for him to crawl back in. He was almost all the way in when Wilk grabbed his feet and immediately dragged him out again. The next thing he knew was the feeling of something wet and fleshy wrapping itself around his rear. The pig tried fighting again, scrapping against the floor and holding on to the wood as the wolf's mouth slid further along his body. Despite his efforts, the wolf found himself moaning as the fat, incredibly tender, and smooth pig body slowly descended into his throat before entering his esophagus. Mustard kept holding on and fighting against the wolf devouring him until the dirt suddenly let go. The violence of the shock made his second hoove slip and let go of the wood. With nothing stopping him from devouring that succulent prey, the wolf lifted him and grabbed Mustard's legs before forcing him down, almost choking on him before even his head disappeared inside. The pig's bulge slowly descended down his neck and chest before merging with the first pig's. Inside his stomach, Mustard was in total darkness. His smooth body, slicken by the predator's saliva, effortlessly slid in.Inside, he fell feet first into a thick paste of partially digested remains, with a warm and soft mass pushed against him by the stomach walls. His nostrils were assaulted by the putrid smell of acid and melting food as he kept kicking against the walls, the feeling of his burning skin reminding him more and more of his fate to come. But his struggles were of no use. Since every kick produced nothing more than a gentle, barely noticeable movement on the wolf's belly. As he watched at his belly, the predator yawned, not even feeling the pathetic struggle of the farm animal about to stew away in his guts. He looked around before a faint smell suddenly reached his sensitive nose. The carnivore looked down again at his squirming tummy. While he already had enough to survive for a while, a third pig wouldn't be unwelcome, particularly after staying so long without such a feast. He started walking and followed the trail. Making his way through the woods while watching for any movement or vaguely pink form moving about in the darkness. Mish kept trudging through the forest. The pig had spent the last hours gruelingly traveling through the bush, mud, and decayed leaves with no end in sight. Even with his nose kept up at all times, he couldn't find anything remotely resembling the farm, dogs, or other pigs. But he couldn't give up. He knew the wolf was still likely after him. And it might only be a matter of time before he caught up and made him the second addition to his meal. Assuming Mustard hadn't fallen in his claws yet. The pig took yet another step in a puddle of mud. Mish's already caked feet gently landed and sunk in before he took another step, then another, until he realized he could get his first feet out. He was stuck. The pig spent several minutes struggling, groans escaping him as he desperately tried to get his hooves out of the thick mud. But all of his efforts brought nothing but making him sink a bit deeper. Then, a whistle reached his ears. A close one. The sound sent a shiver down his spine as he slowly turned around to see the wolf. The dark-furred predator was squatting right behind him. His toothy grin was visible in the moonlight as he stared at the helpless farm pig. He then slowly stood up and walked toward him. Mish couldn't move or struggle. The realization he was about to become this monster's food slowly settled in, which filled him with pure panic and apprehension when he saw the bulges of his brother's digested bodies on the wolf's belly. "No, please! I don't want to get eaten! We didn't know it was your territory! I didn't even want to follow my brothers. " He pleaded, hoping his words would suffice and convince the wolf to spare him. Wilk looked at him curiously, confusingly even. For a brief second, Mish hoped he was considering letting him go. But a sudden chuckle from Wilk crushed his last hopes. "I am afraid that... " The wolf bent and slowly grabbed the pig's rear. "You are mistaken...I am just hungry. "The wolf opened his jaw before plunging forward, his mouth chomping down on the large, generous pig butt with his cheeks wrapping around it. Mish tried trashing but could do little against the predator with his legs still stuck. The wolf started groping and caressing him, feeling the supple skin of his purposefully fattened body. Suddenly, with his hips surrounded by his cheeks and teeth, Mish was lifted off the ground. With little to no effort, Wilk released the little pig from the mud. The pig immediately tried to push, but his strong hands grabbed his hooves and pushed him harder inside his toothy mouth. His legs were bent upward as he sunk deeper inside the wolf's throat. Causing him to squeal in pain and fight even harder. But the wolf kept pulling and sucking him further inside until only his head remained outside. With a soft moan escaping him from the taste of his meal despite the mud and dirt covering him, Wilk gently put his finger on Mish's nose before pushing his head in his mouth and closing it. With one last gulp, the wolf sent the pig to his final destination. While Mish tried to struggle, much like his brothers, the result was the same, with only the most imperceptible bulge appearing on the wolf's belly. Wilk yawned again, with his belly now full from those three incredibly juicy pigs. The moment appeared appropriate for him to take a rest. He lay down against a tree and closed his eyes while being rocked by Mish's struggle. Wilk woke up a few hours later, still feeling full and heavy. He looked down to see a long, snakey bulge in the lower part of his belly. "Oh, dear.... " He said before standing up. As he stretched himself, exacerbating the bulge of his giant turds in the process, Wilk realized he could feel another one higher in his intestine. Inside of him, Mish woke up as well. The hours of painful burning sensation combined with his bones crumbling had caused him to fall unconscious. But the sudden hope of still being alive quickly fell apart upon feeling his body. His legs were no more, and her couldn't see, hear, move, or talk. All he could feel was the excruciating surrounding warmth and stench, combined with the feeling of his new form. Soft, long, and tightly packed in the wolf's stinky innards. He felt his predator move about before lowering his body. The wolf was squatting, groaning with tremendous efforts as he struggled to push what was left of Foche and Mustard out of himself. "Ugh! Grant me strength!" The wolf said before trying again to push this gigantic lump out. Then, as if answering his prayer, his sphincters let go, and his anus opened, letting the enormous turd out. The wolf groaned when he felt the shapeless mass progressively leave him until, with his anus still twitching in satisfaction, he couldn't feel anything left. The wolf stood up, moaning in delight upon feeling lighter and more comfortable. He then looked back before holding his nose. Despite being prepared, the smell was almost enough to make him throw up. "Wow, didn't know you farm animals were so stinky. " He told the other turd in his guts while staring at the steaming brown pile lying down in the grass, waiting to be picked up by the flies and other insects, who will feast on it for weeks. Potentially months, given its size. As he inspected it, intrigued by the bones sticking out, Wilk was surprised to see how big it still was. At least as big as the two pigs before he digested them.In fact, if it wasn't for his fattened belly and thicker thighs, the wolf almost believed he might not have absorbed much from them if anything. Wilk then rubbed his belly to feel the last piece of shit left in his guts. While he could have pushed Mish out with his brothers, the wolf still enjoyed the feeling of the turd sliding about and feeling his belly still almost filled from it. "Raaaaaugh, you stink! Wolfboy!" A croaking voice suddenly shouted behind him. He looked behind him and saw the same two crows standing on a branch to torment him again. "Who knew wolves could be so disgusting!" The second crow shouted while laughing. The wolf stared at the two black birds croaking on the branch before sighing. He had had enough. Wilk knelt next to his fresh pile of shit and scooped some before throwing it at the corvids. His feces landed square onto the bird, splattering all over him and caking most of his feathers. The impact threw him off the branch and sent him to the ground, where he softly landed in the dirt with a groan of disgust as the smell invaded his nostrils. The second crow, stunned in disbelief, looked down before preparing to fly down. Only to be hit by another projectile from Wilk, who chuckled at the sight of the two disgusted birds flailing about in the grass, trying to clean their face as his poop stuck to their feathers. Happy and satisfied for a while, the wolf steppedaway into the forest, his belly jiggling softly from the giant turd still waiting in his intestine. ", |
Story Start,“Kazuma, this work is totally unbefitting of a goddess such as myself, I demand that you find better work- no scratch that, you should find better work yourself that allows me to not have to work” Aqua said, pointing at Kazuma. Kazuma gave her a blank stare back, astonished that she could seriously say the words that she was saying. He and Aqua were standing in what was their home for the last several months, though it could hardly be called a home, as they were living in a horse stable. “I don’t want to do this work either, but if we ever want a chance to make it out of here, then you are going to have to pitch in and help me out. Now grab the damn pitchfork and start feeding the horses, the owner of this farm was nice enough to let us stay in these stables for free as long as we help out with his horses.” Kazuma said, pointing his finger at Aqua and the pitchfork next to her. “Hmph! Like I would ever work in a place like this, and for the record I don’t want to live here either, you should have found us a better place by now, this is no place for me!” she said, crossing her arms and looking away from Kazuma. “Well if you don’t want to live here then you can leave, however winter will be here soon and I’d rather live here then out in the snow, and besides, there’d be more room for me on that haystack if you left!” Kazuma shouted.*Sniffle sniffle*Aqua began tearing up. “Wahhhhh, Kazuma get us out of here, I don’t wanna live here anymore, I don’t wanna!” she cried. “Would you get off of me, and shut up! If you don’t wanna be here then grab the damn pitchfork and get to feeding the horses. We can probably be out of here before winter comes if we can get enough money, at least just enough to stay at a lodge for the winter.” Kazuma said, prying the crying goddess off of himself. Aqua backed up, composing herself and angrily grabbing the pitchfork, muttering some more words for her companion.*Sigh* “If you’re finally done whining then get to feeding the horses on that side, and clean their stables while they eat, I’ll take the other side” Kazuma said. Aqua had no more words for Kazuma, at least none that he could hear, she kept muttering words under her breath as she broke off from him and went to the left side of the stables. Several horses lined the row as Aqua grabbed hay with her pitchfork and began to fill the trough in front of each of them. She worked up a sweat as she lifted the tons of hay for each horse to eat, but soon enough she got it done, each horse was eating their fill as now came the bad part for Aqua as she would clean out each stable one by one. “Stupid Kazuma, thinking a goddess like me should be cleaning these disgusting beasts' stables, stupid animals,” she muttered to herself. She stepped into the first stable, carefully moving behind the horse who was busy eating hay. Once Aqua was behind the horse she saw the mess she was dealing with and plugged her nose right away. “Ugh, I swear when I am done here I’m leaving, I’ll go find work somewhere else and leave that stupid idiot Kazuma, I shouldn’t have to be anywhere near these filthy animals, much less be the one cleaning their stables.” she ranted. She took her hand off her nose to get both hands on her shovel to begin shoveling the shit that was on the floor, as she did she felt the need to throw up immediately. “Blegh, something so gross, I should have servants lining up to work for me, how did I end up in this position?” Aqua asked herself. She kept shoveling while muttering insults about Kazuma and talking bad about the horse she was behind. She worked her way through the pile and was so caught up in her words that she hadn’t even noticed that the horse she was in the stable of, had finished their food already. And this particular horse happened to still be hungry after eating their share of hay, and unluckily enough for Aqua, she was trapped in the stable with the horse. “Stupid dumb horse, shitting so much, and I’m stuck here cleaning it up, ugh, this is the worst, I should feed you to one of those giant frogs if I ever get the chance. Then I won’t have to clean this stupid stable or see you… ever… again” she said. She began to slow her words as the horse began to back up into Aqua. “H-Hey, n-nice horsey, I didn’t mean that alright? C-can you just m-move please?” she said, trying her best to get away. The giant brown haired horse just kept reversing into the goddess, as Aqua backed up she felt herself hit the back wall of the stable, she felt the wooden panel and she crouched down once her back hit the wood. She slithered to the ground as she looked at the rear end of the horse that kept closing in on her. She stared up at the giant brown rear and the deep black hole in the middle of the cheeks, it was puffy and it puckered at Aqua as she looked at it. “Hey, I-I’m not f-food you know, j-just let me out of h-here and I’ll get you more alright?” she said as she watched the horse close in on her even more. The horse had no plans of stopping as Aqua was brought face to face with the puffy shitter of the horse, she got a whiff of the dirty asshole and decided to make a final remark about the horse. “Blegh, you filthy animal, get away from-!” she yelled. Right as she spoke, her words were cut off and the horse dropped its ass on top of the blue haired girl, her head disappeared in one go and she squirmed to try and escape the best she could. “Get your ass off of me you gross animal, I demand to be let out! I’m not food you hear me! Kazuma! Kazuma! Get me out of here!” she yelled repeatedly. Unbeknownst to Aqua, her words were hardly coming out from where she was, they were muffled almost entirely and nobody could hear them. Still, she yelled and thrashed about as the horse began to suck her in further, bringing the goddess deeper into his asshole. “God, it reeks in here, get me out of her Kazuma! Now! Kazuma! Do you hear me?!” she yelled again. She squirmed as she yelled, trying to get Kazuma to hear her screams on the other side of the stable. But her words would not be heard, and she was still being sucked deeper inside, she moved along the smelly insides of the horse as it had full control over her. She simply slithered along, unable to really move as almost her entire body was now inside of the horse who had made quick work of her. The horse let out a few neighs of satisfaction as it sucked Aqua in, its hole was being pleasured, and its stomach was now getting a full meal that Aqua hadn’t provided earlier, though she was providing it now. The little light that was left for Aqua to see soon disappeared as her feet were the last part of her to be sucked in, the hole closed up with herself sealed inside. Her world was dark, damp and smelly, the innard walls hugged Aqua tight as she moved along to the stomach where she would rest with the hay that she had fed the horse earlier. “Kazuma! Seriously Kazuma, this isn’t funny, get me out of here!” Aqua yelled again. She started to believe that Kazuma was never coming to her rescue, and with her body already trapped inside, it may very well be over for her. She started to seriously worry, she wiggled her body, trying to thrash around enough to be spit back out, but the horse simply ignored her movements and dragged her deeper. “Shit, you filthy horse, let me out of here, my life as a goddess cannot end as food for some dumb animal!” she yelled again. She thrashed and yelled as she worked her way along the insides, but she overall did nothing, the horse was barely feeling any of her struggles and Kazuma was busy doing work of his own on the other side of the stables. Aqua was beginning to think it was hopeless as she finally was spit out into the slightly more open area that was the horse's stomach. The area allowed for better movement which Aqua began to use to her advantage right away, pounding at the stomach walls with her fists, throwing a tantrum like a toddler. But there was also a downside, she was sitting in a mess of digestive acids and partially digested hay, it made for quite the potent substance that covered most of Aqua’s body and made her slow down her escape efforts considerably. She soon slowed down, her fists didn’t want to move anymore as she laid down at the bottom of the stomach. On the outside, the horse's belly hung just a little lower than usual, Aqua barely made a dent while inside of him, and the pounding hands could no longer be seen as Aqua was giving up the fight. “Stupid Kazuma… Stupid horse… I- I’m a goddess… I s-shouldn’t be here… in the… first… place” she said. As her final words came out, they slowed to a crawl towards the end as her eyes felt heavy, she could hardly keep them open any longer as they inched closer to fully closing. As they did her words stopped, she fell asleep, never to reawaken as the horse had its way with her completely, making her into its food as its body ran its course over her. She was nothing but food for it now as she slipped deeper down into the pooling stomach acids, the belly filling once again with acid that overtook the body of Aqua. The acids rose high enough to take over her body before she began to break down into nothing but mush as she combined with the bits of hay it had eaten. Not long after entering the stomach, Aqua left it, her body now an unrecognizable mess that would come back out the hole that it entered soon enough. An hour or so after Aqua had met her demise, she was ready to come back out into the world, her body was now fully digested along with the hay she was mixed in with. A foul stench leaked out of the horse's rear to announce her arrival back into the world first.* PFFFFFFRRRTTTT *Following after the fairly loud blast of gas, the horse began to let out the new form that Aqua was inhibiting. The first of her new shitty form came out, a long brown log with specks of blue hair and white bone fragments, it coiled out of the puffy anus of the horse before plopping to the stable floor. It landed in the spot that Aqua had been cleaning previously. Another one followed soon after before more and more came out, the floodgates opened for the horse as logs poured out, dropping to the floor with a wet sloppy sound. The horse let out a few more satisfactory neighs as it let loose, an abnormal amount of shit came from its hole as the big meal had done a number on the horse.* PFFRRT *The logs stopped flowing for a moment as another smaller fart came out of the horse’s hole, after it was let out there was little left of Aqua in the bowels of the horse as the rest of her came out in small chunks. The horse let them out all the same until their insides were rid of the girl that it digested, the final few pieces of her landing on top of the pile, ending her off as she vanished from the world entirely. There was no more goddess Aqua for the world, the blue haired goddess of water was now nothing but a heaping pile of horse shit, an ending befitting such a stuck up and useless person. Some time after Aqua was disposed of, Kazuma came by to see where she was. “Aqua! Aqua! Damn, where did that idiot run off to? Maybe she finally caved and left.” Kazuma said to himself. He stepped around to the stable where Aqua had met her end, he entered, seeing the enormous pile of shit the horse had left on the floor. “Ah, shit, what the fuck Aqua? *sigh* Guess she probably quit after seeing this then” Kazuma said to himself again. Kazuma sighed as he looked down at the pile, hating his initial decision to clean the stables, he already had enough after doing his side, but now he would have to do his companions' side as well. He grabbed the shovel from the floor and began scooping it up. He was completely ignorant of the few bits of hair and bone that were sticking out the pile as he tried not to look at it too much. He scooped it up until the floor was clean, Aqua’s remains were now sitting in a large wheelbarrow, mixed in with other messings from every other stable. She was truly nothing more than waste at this point, and her companion was none the wiser to how she met her end as he would never see her again. ", |
Story Start,Hannah is distracted suddenly from her search as she spots an animal over one of the fences, a tiny baby deer, which would be no more than two feet tall if it were standing, sprawled out over an enormous belly, bloated out with a meal several times its own size. She walks into the pen to get a better look. The deer's belly is moving and squirming, and muffled cries are coming from inside it. Before she can much worry about that, though, her eyes land on the fawn's enormous cock, which must be twice as long as it is tall. GLRRRRGGGLE GLORP"Mmmmhh! Hlllpf mmmmm!" come muffled calls from the churning deer belly. Hannah crouches down beside the tiny little creature and puts her hands on its tummy, listening in, though her eyes still stray back to the fawn's balls. "Hnnnnahhh issat yuu?" come the muffled sounds from inside the gurgling gut. It doesn't take Hannah long to put the pieces together that her fiance is digesting inside the little deer, which lets out a loud belch that sends ripples across its bloated belly. GWRRRRRGGG CHURRRRN UUUUUUURRRPH"Oh my god... " Hannah says, covering her mouth, "You're so darn cute!" She immediately begins rubbing the baby deer's belly with one hand while gently petting it with the other, "Awwwwww, having trouble with a big meal, aren't you? Have you even eaten a girl before, little thing? Aren't you sweet~"SNAPHannah takes a quick selfie with the little deer and rapidly types up a caption to go with it on her social media. She posts a picture of her smiling face framed next to her fiance's hand pressing out from within the little deer's belly. In the top left the deer's head rests on its gut, the distinctive unthinking look of a baby animal clear on its face. Looks like my fiance didnt go down easy! little guy is having trouble with her! :OShe looks up from her phone as the little deer gives her a nudge with its snout, moving its spindly limbs over its belly as if trying to move towards her, its cock visibly twitching. Hannah gently pushes back on the little fawn, "Awwww, do you want to rape me, too, little guy? You can't do that, silly! That cock would kill me, then how would you get off? Here, let me help you, cute little thing~"GRRRRGGGLEShe maneuvers around behind its massive squirming bulge and gets a good grip on the fawn's cock, using both hands. The tiny creature lets out a tiny huff and relaxes onto its gut as it feels the stimulation of Hannah's hands working along its length. PLAP PLAP PLAPHannah drinks in the smell of the fawn's balls as she rhythmically works at its cock, watching all its little jerks and twitches from the intense feeling with adoration. After a few minutes at it, she wraps one entire arm around the shaft and keeps stroking, freeing up her other hand to pull out her phone. SNAPShe captures herself smiling with an arm wrapped around the little deer's giant cock, on the top left its face barely visible peeking around to look at what she's doing. The tail end of the baby deer is on prominent display in center frame. Biggest guy ive ever had! x3 good thing he has me to help him churn up my fiance :-) might get engaged to his balls instead if i survive this encounter :pShe slips her phone back into her pocket and commits her full attention back to the tiny fawn's huge shaft, again working at it with both hands. It's not long until the little creature lets out a sharp bleat and a loud gurgle comes from its stomach. GWWWRRRRRRRRRGGGCas makes a loud scream as the fawn's gut shifts around her, pulling her into its intestines, still squirming uselessly inside. GLORP CHURRRN GLRRFGHannah's stroking of the little deer's cock slows as her attention turns to its belly. After just a moment of her fiance settling into the baby deer's intestines, the fawn's guts rapidly get to work on her. The constant squirming turns instantly into a desperate thrashing, and a blood-curtling scream penetrates the walls of the animal's gut before suddenly being cut short. With an overwhelmingly loud gurgle, all the movement stops. GWRRRRRGGGGGGGLLLLEHannah stares mouth agape at the now still, featureless belly bulge that the fawn lays on, devoid of the constantly shifting hand-prints and indents that Cas had made in it before. HUUUUOOOOOORRRRRPHThe little fawn lets out a loud belch followed by a soft bleat as it finishes processing its meal. GRRRRRRMMMGLLRF GLRRRRFFFGGGWhile the baby deer huffs and rapidly works what's left of Cas and her would-be children through its intestines, Hannah snaps another picture for her socials. SNAPShe posts a picture of the smoothed out belly of the little deer and gives it a nice caption. Fiance slipped into his intestines while i was working his cock and melted in seconds :O little guy is ruthless!!!As she looks up from her phone briefly while typing, she notices the deer grunting and huffing, its eyes squeezed closed as it attempts to push out what's left of Cas. Already trying to poop her out while im typing this!!! she went right through him ZOMG!!!1!Hannah watches the small creature pushing with all its might, but its little donut hole remains sealed over the log it's attempting to push out. Seeing it struggle, she gets an idea to help it. Moving behind the fawn, she gets down on her hands and knees and places one hand on the deer's rump. She leans in and presses her tongue gently inside. SCHLK SCHLICKWith gentle motions of her tongue, she rubs around the deer's hole, lapping at it and lubing it up thoroughly with her sliva. The creature huffs in response at the strange form of pleasure. GRRMMBLE PFFRRRRAs the now lubricated deer begins straining again, and its guts grumble with movement, Hannah quickly moves out of the way of its rear end. She knows full well that a fawn that's just had a meal that large is sure to produce a lady-killing sized log of shit. BFLRRRBT FBLRRRRCKTSure enough, the fawn's anus stretches out tremendously wide, and a dense turd with the circumference of a tree trunk pushes out of it. The enormous log of former fiance makes it out several feet behind the deer, its giant, engorged gut rapidly shrinking as the shit exits, but then it stops suddenly and hangs in the air. The magnitude of the log turns heads towards the baby deer, and a group of young girls nearby cautiously approach to stare. Hannah is briefly puzzled by the sudden stuckage of the fawn's bowel movement, but then she quickly realizes what's happened. "Our babies!" she gasps as she moves closer to the little deer. Cas' pregnant belly bulge must be stuck at the deer's butthole. She grips the deer's cock once more, both hands rubbing gently up and down it. "C'mon, little guy, you've got this. Just ease her out!" she says encouragingly to the fawn. PLAP PLAP PLAP FCKRRRKLLRTAs she makes gentle motions stroking slowly up and down the baby deer's cock, the log gradually begins to inch its way out further and further. The top of the fawn's anus bulges and stretches even more as a giant lump slowly comes into view, a hard mound of shit attached to the rest of the log. PLAP PLAP PLAP CKRRFFFBLRRFT RRRKFHannah gently works the baby fawn's cock as more and more of the mound presses out, until the full height of the bulge is visible, halfway through the little deer's butt. The mound is massive, naturally being the size of a pregnant belly carrying three little girls, or at least what's left of them after a heavy dicking down. PLAP PLAP FBLRRRRFFBLLLRRRRTKAs soon as it's reached the half-way threshold, there's nothing more holding it back. In less than a second, the rest of the turd is forced out of the deer's bowels, the remaining several feet of shit rocketing out of its ass all at once.It lands on the ground behind the fawn, whose belly has shrunken back down to normal size, giving its enormous member much-needed breathing room beneath it. The log is massive, and it has the clear outline of Cas' face baked into it a couple feet above the bulge. PLAP PLAPHannah watches awe-struck as what's left of her fiance evacuates the deer's bowels, and she continues to absent-mindedly stroke off the fawn as she does. Her arms have much more room down there, now, after all. A grunt from the fawn calls Hannah's attention back to it, and she can feel its eager member twitching in her grasp. The baby deer glances repeatedly towards the group of little girls, four in number, and occasionally jolts its head in their direction. PLAP PLAP PLAP"Is that what you want? Alright, little guy, here we go," Hannah says, picking up on the fawn's hint and gently angling its cock towards the children like a cannon. The fawn huffs, and its cock throbs as it approaches orgasm, Hannah dutifully pointing it towards its desired targets as she finishes it off. PLAP PLAP PLAP SPLRRRRRRTT SPLATLLRTLTThe fawn finally cums, and it rocks backward slightly from the force of it. It's an absolute torrent shooting from its cock, and the blast of sticky white fluid coats a large cone in front of it. The hot, sticky, digestive fluid soaks all four of the shocked little girls, who couldn't move out of the way in time. The small children with pigtails or braids or ponytails are soaked head-to-toe, appearing as more of standing white blobs than living human children. They certainly won't be for long. GLRRP GLORPThe small, soaked forms of the girls rapidly disintegrate under the dense deer cum, the spunk-spattered shapes of them falling apart as they attempt to flail or struggle uselessly. They fall to the ground, and by the time they reach it, are completely melted into more cum to add to the giant puddle. Hannah herself smiles, having satisfied the deer, and she wipes off what of the fluid had covered her. Her hair and clothes have been dissolved completely, and she's missing an arm as well, but she managed to get herself cleaned off from the rest of it. She gently pets the satiated deer with her remaining arm, "Awwwww, aren't you a happy little guy~ You melted a whole lot of girls today~ Such a cutie!"After a moment, she moves to pull out her phone one last time. SNAP SNAP SNAPIt's a little cumbersome with only one hand, but she makes one final post to recap her trip to the petting zoo. The first image is of the dense log of shit, bearing some of her digest fiance's features and distinctive pregnancy bulge. The second is the thick puddle of deer cum, with half-melted childrens' shoes and backpacks still dissolving in it. The third is her own selfie, of her slightly disfigured form after getting splashed with some of the deer's spunk. Had a great time at the petting zoo!!! saw the cutest little deer and made the little guy real happy ^u^ he digested my fiance and melted a bunch of little girls and my arm :O guess im single now!!!!", |
Story Start,Mordred huffed as she opened the doors to the stables, she had been given easily the most humiliating and least fitting job for a knight on the orders of her father, and she didn’t know if it was the result of some sort of test for her or just a general dislike from the person who she wanted the respect of the most. Either way, Mordred had dutifully carried out the responsibilities of a stable hand without hesitation, every day she would spend the morning feeding the horses, ensuring that they were in top shape, and of course… cleaning out any assorted muck and filth that had been accumulated during the day.It wasn’t a pleasant job, far from it… but Mordred knew just how much her father cared for the horses… especially her own horse, a white haired behemoth of a creature called Dun Stallion, an incredible creature that could only be called a king, any other title for him would be doing the powerful beast a great disservice… Mordred had something of a… history with the animal, but upon seeing that the troughs of all the horses were totally empty, she decided she’d have no choice but to prioritize feeding them all instead of her other duties. Each horse was kept in their own pens, so it was really quite simple to feed them all, grabbing a wheelbarrow full of dried grass and loading up the feeding troughs with it, with the horses wasting absolutely no time in getting to eating the food that was put out for them… it was oddly quick as well, had… had she forgotten to feed them yesterday? The knight thought back to the events of her last visit to the stable before she blushed when she remembered just what had happened to her in Dun Stallion’s enclosure… the powerful creature seemingly had no interest in being fed that day, and she had been quickly bent over by the beast and used as a receptacle for his cock. Mordred… felt shame at having been used in such a way by her father’s horse… it was no way for a knight to act, to be used for the sexual relief of a beast like a horse! No matter how the horse made her heart flutter, the girl knew that she couldn’t allow such a thing to happen once again, she was a knight, and she needed to start acting like it! Her foray with Dun Stallion yesterday had actually caused her to forget to take care of the rest of her duties! Unfortunately, one of her duties included cleaning Dun Stallion’s pen, so whether she liked it or not, she’d have to confront the horse today regardless!Mordred decided that it would probably be for the best to leave taking care of Dun Stallion to last just in case, she didn’t want a repeat of what happened yesterday after all, Father would be furious if he found out that the horses went unfed yesterday because she had shamelessly fucked Dun Stallion as she had! No, she couldn’t allow herself to be chastised for such a dumb mistake, though she had considered it slightly odd that the king had decided to sleep in today, Father was usually a very light sleeper and was up and sitting on his throne at the crack of dawn! Mordred supposed that even somebody as great as her father would need some time to themselves sometimes though, so she didn’t think that much of it.It didn’t take long for Mordred to finish loading the troughs up with food for the horses… but she was slightly curious that she couldn’t see Dun Stallion eating anything, his trough remained completely full and untouched. Odd, but… not something that Mordred felt like she could prioritize, Dun Stallion was known by every single stable hand who had worked with the royal horses to be notoriously haughty, and was likely throwing some sort of protest at not having been fed on time, though he’d eventually calm down as he always did. With all the horses fed, Mordred grimaced… it was now time for her least favorite job of all. The resigned girl grabbed a shovel a new wheelbarrow and set to work on the less than appealing job, she had grown used to the awful smell, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing for a knight like herself to have to head into every single one of the horse pens and clean out the dung that had dropped from their asses. Shovel after shovel load, she cleared out every one of the pens except one, her task aided by the fact that all the horses were currently too busy feeding themselves to actually pay much attention to her. All the horses except one. Of course, when it came to Dun Stallion’s pen, Mordred hadn’t been quite so lucky, the white haired behemoth continually nuzzled her and distracted her as she tried to scoop up the dung that had been dropped in the corner of the pen, Mordred was in no mood for a repeat of yesterday though, so she continually shoved the beast’s head away from her… though it was odd, it looked like Dun Stallion had gained quite a bit of weight since the last time that she had seen him, his flanks were far thicker than they ought to be, wobbling as he walked… and it even seemed like the horse had something of a gut on him! Mordred had never actually seen an obese horse before, so she thought nothing of it as she continued her duties, shoveling the crap into the wheelbarrow. Of course, had Mordred been a little more observant, she might’ve spotted the blue and gold threads of undigested fabric inside the dung, the last physical remnants of her father and the King of Camelot… a woman who had just yesterday been given the most brutal of punishments by Dun Stallion as compensation for the failure of her son. Mordred whistled a tune to herself as she scooped up the last of the dung and loaded it in with the rest of the horse crap, wheeling it outside of the stable so that it could eventually be taken away by another worker to be delivered to a farm. Mordred was fully unaware of the fact that she had just scooped up the filthy physical remains of her king and was delivering them to some random farmer to fertilize their crops with… the king of the land would receive no grave or no funeral, the closest thing that Artoria Pendragon would receive to a tomb was a roughly spun sack bag, filled with a mix of her remains as well as more mundane horse shit, as well as the horse fat that she had been churned into. Mordred wiped the sweat from her brow as she finished carting the wheelbarrow out of the stable… another job well done for today, of course she doubted Father would be happy anyway… he never was, always just bluntly acknowledging her as having done ‘adequately’. Just once Mordred wanted to hear him say that she had done a ‘good’ job… desperate as ever for the praise of the only person in the world she respected and desired the attention of… yet despite all she had done, and always following every command that was given to her, she was never given what she desired. As Mordred was about to walk away from the stables to return to her rather small quarters, she stopped… turning back to face the stable… to face that tremendous white stallion who was peeking over his pen walls ever so slightly, looking at her. He… still hadn’t eaten any of his food for whatever reason, and Mordred felt a little bit concerned… Father would never forgive her if something bad happened to Dun Stallion on her watch! She… she might even be executed for such gross negligence! To cause the king’s personal stallion to fall ill… well it was an act tantamount to high treason! Sabotage of the highest order!“Tch… damn it.” Mordred resigned herself to checking out just what it was that was wrong with the horse… she wasn’t really much of a healer though, so if it was something actually wrong with the body of the beast, she’d need to go find some sort of doctor and threaten them into keeping quiet so that they didn’t spill anything. The girl’s mind flashed back to yesterday as she looked at the horse… how she had been simply barreled over by the incredible might of the equine and used as a sheathe for the overly raunchy beast. A shame that she would take to her grave… but the more shameful part… was that she had enjoyed it, she had enjoyed having her dignity befouled by the stallion, to be used for nothing more than the sexual pleasure of an animal… to be truly appreciated by anybody, even if that turned out to be a horny horse that was just looking for something to hump. It was an admission of absolute failure as a knight, that the rider was actually the one being ridden… Mordred knew that if her Father found out what she done with her horse… she would likely end up personally executed. “Whaddya want?” Mordred finally reached Dun Stallion’s pen, opening the gate and closing it behind her as she looked around, the room was of course pristine… or about as pristine as you could get a stable pen with a shovel anyway, so… it couldn’t be anything to do with her own efforts, right? Another look at Dun Stallion made Mordred frown… the horse really had put on weight, huh. Well… that was hardly her problem, if anything, that would be the fault of her Father for not properly taking care of him. Mordred had no idea how right she was in her surmising, considering her father was the one entirely responsible for the shamelessly fattened flanks of the once muscular behemoth of an animal. Mordred and Dun Stallion stared at each other for a long time as the two evaluated one another… Mordred was trying to figure out just what the horse was trying to communicate to her, and Dun Stallion… was trying to figure out just what to do with the girl in front of him… she had been the one to fail to feed him yesterday… and just because he had already delivered punishment to the girl’s father didn’t mean that she was going to be forgiven either… besides…🡆 He wanted something a little juicier than hay. (Oral Vore/Disposal)[]His balls needed a refill anyway. (Cock Vore/Cum Digestion)He had wanted something a little juicier than the hay that was being offered up to him, his palate had been completely ruined by how delicious he had found his previous rider to be… and no longer would simple hay or straw suffice for his new kingly appetite… no, only the most delicious of maidens would do… it was something of a pity then that Mordred was so… poorly endowed compared to her Father, but Dun Stallion didn’t truly mind, the girl’s lack of a chest was well made up for by her well developed ass and thighs!“Hey… why are you looking at me like that?” Mordred frowned as she noticed the odd look being thrown in her direction by the hungry horse. “If you’re hungry, eat your food you damn idiot.” The girl insulted the horse, and had her fate as food not already been sealed, that alone would’ve sent her on a one way trip down the gullet of the animal… not having any sort of respect for her superior… this was the sort of crassness that Dun Stallion had come to expect from the rowdy stable hand, which was one of the reasons why he had decided to show her exactly who was boss just yesterday! Unfortunately it appeared as if some people just never learned. Dun Stallion got awfully close to Mordred, pushing his head against her chest and pinning her against a wall as he licked her exposed midriff… his slimy tongue sliding off the slightly sweaty and salty surface of the girl’s skin. Her outfit was incredibly skimpy as well, Mordred had taken off her armor so that nobody would truly be able to recognize the girl working in the stables was supposed to be Sir Mordred, one of the legendary Knights of the Round Table. It was both for her own image as well as that of the rest of the knights… had people known that one of King Arthur’s most trusted knights had been working like some peasant then trust in the kingdom might end up being eroded!“Get… get off of me!” Mordred tried to push the horse’s head away from her, she… she totally wasn’t enjoying the feeling of the tongue tickling her exposed skin whatsoever! But… unfortunately, for all her strength as a legendary knight and hero… she could not budge the horse… she would’ve had a tremendous amount of difficulty doing so even before the horse had devoured her Father and added them to himself, but now… even if she had been turned into nothing but jiggling ass fat, her Father’s divine nature had been absorbed into the horse. Mordred had no way of knowing, but this beast wasn’t just a king among horses… but thanks to having so utterly absorbed every single aspect of Artoria… he was the rightful king of Camelot itself!Dun Stallion ignored all of Mordred’s attempts to push him away as he continued pinning the girl to the wall, licking and enjoying the flavor of his soon to be meal as she yelled expletives at him… powerless to do anything but verbally protest at the horse as it once again violated her against her will, even if a good deal of Mordred’s ‘protesting’ was just putting on a show of disobedience towards the horse as she believed this to simply be some sort of prelude to another round of the same back shattering sex that she received yesterday… but the girl couldn’t have been more wrong. “C-come on, a-asshole… w-what are you… gonna do ne-next?” Mordred panted through her words as she tried to taunt the aggressor into action, considering what was happening to be foreplay from the animal as it prepared itself to fuck her senseless again. “M-maybe… maybe bend me over? P-plunge that mighty lance in me?” She continued to speak… her words as shameless as her face as she tried to convince the horse to fuck her… but Dun Stallion wasn’t at all interested in such a thing… what he had done to his rider was a reward for loyally servicing him… but there would be no such pleasure before Mordred’s punishment, as he opened his mouth wide in front of Mordred’s head. “H-huh?” Mordred barely managed to sound surprised as the massive horse maw descended upon her head, her fantasies dispelled in an instant as she was sealed in the dark, wet mouth of the horse. Mordred’s hair was immediately soaked by the stinking saliva of the beast… the blonde locks of the girl being wadded together with the overabundance of the eager beast’s drool. It took Mordred a few seconds to even comprehend what was happening to her, that she was actually being devoured by the horse she had been offering herself too! She quickly began to struggle against the beast, but it was no good… the grip that he had around her neck with his teeth was far too strong, and if he really wanted to, he could likely easily tear off her head! That of course didn’t stop Mordred from trying anyway, using her free hands in an effort to wrench the jaw of the horse open… but that quickly ended in utter failure when the horse just opened his mouth and gulped, dragging Mordred’s shoulders into his maw but also having the side effect of pinning her hands and arms against her own face, leaving her powerless to struggle against the mighty stallion once more. “Let…” At this point, there was very little that Mordred was even able to do, save for kicking her feet in a feeble attempt to get the horse to release her, but it was hopeless… Dun Stallion had chosen her as his food, and the king would always get what he wanted. “... Me…” Mordred kicked her legs again as she continued to try to free herself, but in response the horse simply tilted his head upwards, allowing gravity to assist him as Mordred slid down his throat and into his hungry stomach below… or at least until he got caught up on her thick ass anyway, a delightful rump that he couldn’t help but sink his teeth into, enjoying the squirming that it caused in his less than willing meal. “... Go...” Mordred’s kicking was now actually helping Dun Stallion, her wiggling allowing the horse to properly fit his jaw around her oversized rump… leaving her with nothing hanging out of his mouth but two kicking legs. “... Please!” The last word that Mordred would ever utter that would reach the outside world was a pleading request to be released… all of the power in her voice having been drained from her by the futility of her actions.In response to her last attempt to plead, Dun Stallion raised his head as high as he could and gulped down the last of the girl in one singular GULP, leaving the squirming girl’s outline in his throat as the only remaining proof of her existence to the world before even that too vanished, slipping down into his stomach in order to be processed just like any food would be. Mordred’s thrashing and struggling only intensified as she was pushed out into the churning stomach of the horse… the same stomach that had not twelve hours earlier churned the king into assfat… and now the same fate was going to befall her only child as well. Even now, before she had even had a chance to rebel, Mordred’s resistance against the acids of the stomach was one that could truly only be attributed to the Knight of Rebellion, and unlike her Father who had submitted immediately to Dun Stallion, content to become part of the creature she considered superior to herself, Mordred was prepared to struggle to the very end! So struggle to the end is what she did… even as her body grew soft from the constant churning of the stomach, the girl continued to punch and kick the interior of the stomach until her hands and feet were nothing but stumps… and even then, she continued, tackling the stomach in any way that she got until her body finally succumbed to the acids completely, and she broke apart completely into chunks of easily digestible girl meat. Dun Stallion had in less than a day taken care of both the King of Camelot and the Knight that would have led to it’s downfall, churning the two girls that together would have ended the existence of Camelot into nothing but ass fat and… eventually for Mordred’s case, horse manure. Dun Stallion’s churning stomach shrank somewhat over the course of the next few hours as Mordred was fully digested into more fat for his body, his already fattened cheeks growing ever heavier with the addition of the stable hand… his body utterly absorbing almost every single aspect of the girl as he had done with her father, with only a small amount of her left remaining, filtering through his bowels as every single part of her was stripped for every single piece of nutrition that could be of use to his body by his gluttonous guts, the girl who would have become the Knight of Rebellion being turned into nothing more than a dump to be released from his ass when he chose. Of course, with his stable hand being reduced to nothing but a foul dump, Dun Stallion saw no more need to remain in the stable, so he simply kicked the gate to his pen open with tremendous force and walked out before hesitating for a single moment before deciding that it would only be right for a king like himself to have… subjects. This decision caused the newly fattened up horse to break the pen doors of each and every horse within the stable, granting him an army of followers who he would soon teach the wonders of devouring humans to… the inevitable fall of Camelot had in the end not been averted or prevented by the disappearance of the Knight of Rebellion nor King Arthur… it had instead only caused a far worse fate to fall upon the land. But Dun Stallion didn’t care for the land that he was now the rightful ruler of as he walked out of the stable flanked by a dozen horses on each side, clumps of the shit that used to be Mordred plopping out of his anus as he casually sauntered outside… bits and pieces of the fabric from the girl’s skimpy outfit could be seen studding the horse’s droppings… but there was no golden dust or release of Mordred’s soul… that had remained trapped eternally inside of Dun Stallion, digested and converted to more fat by his body and preventing the girl from ever being recorded upon the Throne of Heroes, dooming her to a mindless fate of jiggling forever alongside her father… and soon without a deal, a great deal of the rest of the country too![] He wanted something a little juicier than hay (Oral Vore/Disposal)🡆His balls needed a refill anyway. (Cock Vore/Cum Digestion)His balls needed a refill anyway, after having spent everything he had on that useless slut of a king yesterday, he was still feeling terribly drained… and this dopey idiot of a stable hand was exactly the sort of remedy that his ailment called for! The horse kicked his leg against the floor a few times as he locked his eyes onto the confused looking Mordred. “The hell d’ya even want?” Mordred immediately responded with as much hostility as Dun Stallion had expected her to, the girl could get incredibly rude sometimes and the horse was well aware of just how bad a mood that being forced to work as a stable hand put her in… the only reason she didn’t throw a tantrum was some sort of misguided attempt to please the woman who’s stinking remains she had just wheeled out of his pen. Dun Stallion remained soundless as he stared at the girl, simply gesturing downwards and allowing the girl to get a good luck at the massive lance dangling between his legs… and Mordred’s face contorted upon realizing just what it was that the horse was asking her to do… to debase herself… to offer herself up to him again! By all rights, she should’ve just stormed off and went about the rest of her day… but the allure of the horse wasn’t something that could be understated… ever since her experience with the white beast yesterday… her body had been craving for his attentions again… her heart longed for his affection even as her brain protested as best as it could. Unfortunately for Mordred though… she wasn’t exactly well known for her brain, so she soon found herself losing out to the desire of her heart. “Grr, alright… fine, but… but it’s gonna have to be quick, alright? I wouldn’t want Father to get suspicious as to why I took so long to do my duties this morning.” Mordred’s ability to resist the horse’s whims crumbled away almost instantly, and she soon found herself approaching Dun Stallion, completely unaware that the slightly sagging gut of the beast she started to crawl under was actually heavy from the fat that had once been her king. Mordred blushed as she looked upon the massive throbbing cock… clearly, he had been waiting all morning for her, the feeling of actually being wanted caused a warmth to rise up in her soul as she gentle stroked the base of the shaft to to the tip, causing the cock to quiver a little and release a large blob of pre-cum which dripped to floor… the horse clearly anxious to get the foreplay over with… Mordred considered using her pussy to take the horse’s massive cock, laying on the floor ready for the animal to take her. However, Dun Stallion had other ideas, and Mordred was no longer the one in charge of the situation as the mighty stallion stepped on her splayed out hair that had gathered up above her head, causing the girl to shriek in surprised pain as she was pinned to the floor. “A-ah! W-what the fuck?!” Mordred yelled angrily at Dun Stallion, not expecting the foreplay to get so damn rough… but the horse didn’t care one bit about her protesting, this was a punishment after all… he had spilled a great deal of his speed within his once rider yesterday, and now it was only fair that Mordred would serve as replacement cum for that which he lost in pumping Artoria full of his seed yesterday… he could have impregnated a dozen mares with the load he pumped into her selfish parent! The horse thought that it was really only fair that he use such a selfish woman’s offspring as fuel to create more of his own, and with that he started to move his body downwards slightly, lining up his cock with the tips of Mordred’s boots as the girl struggled in pain. “You’re hurting me you… you…”ShlinkMordred went silent as she heard a noise that sounded like it truly did not belong… an organic squelching noise enveloped the room as she looked towards her feet… towards the ravenous cock that had taken in her feet in an instant! The knight was speechless as she watched the penis quickly consume her feet and calves… not truly comprehending the situation that she had been placed in. It wasn’t until Dun Stallion removed his hoof from her hair and she was sucked into his cock up to her thighs that the reality of her situation truly hit her. She was being eaten… no, she wasn’t just being eaten, but she was being eaten by a horse’s cock. The outlandishness of her situation went beyond any of the tails that she had been taught by her mother… any foe or monster that she had faced in life paled in comparison to the absurdity of her current situation. The horse that she had been all too happy to present herself to had decided that the best use of her… was as food for his cock. “S-stop?” At first, all that Mordred could really manage in the form of a command was a confused request for the horse to stop… but as she realized that the horse wasn’t stopping at all… and the tightness that had previously been constricting her feet and legs had been replaced by a large open area… she finally managed to start to put up a struggle, trying to push herself backwards with her hands… to little success. Dun Stallion looked down with bored disinterest at the terrified girl that was slowly being sucked into his cock… such a punishment served her right for forgetting to feed him yesterday… of course, the girl wouldn’t even end up having a chance of being born anew as his offspring, she was going to be broken down utterly into his cum, without a trace being left of the girl she had been, even her soul would be churned into nothing but horse seed… the very existence that was Mordred Pendragon would be put to good use in ensuring that Dun Stallion’s children would be as strong as they could possibly be. “Wait!” Mordred tried to flip herself over in order to give herself more leverage as she watched more and more of her body disappearing down the girthy length of the horse’s cock… though she just ended up looking like a flipped turtle trying to right herself, the firm grip that the cock had on her lower body preventing her from any sort of maneuvers that would grant her a greater chance of escaping. Mordred’s blood ran cold when she realized that there would be no escape for her… the grip that the horse had on her body was simply too tight… for all of her own physical strength inherited from from the dragon blood running through her body, she found herself completely overpowered by something as pathetic as an animal’s cock, her upper body now squelching into the tip of the cock now, her practically flat chest disappearing utterly as she approached a white churning oblivion… it simply wasn’t fair… it didn’t make sense!“Nooooo!” Mordred shrieked out one final time, hoping that somebody would hear her scream for help and come to save her from Dun Stallion.. and then with a “GuUuUShlInkk” from the cock, she was silent. Nothing but her slender arms remaining out of the cock, and even those were quickly slurped inside of the penis, the outline of the knight visible as she completed her journey into the sack, dumped into one of the beast’s testicles and forced to curl up in a tight ball as white liquid already started to build up… her legs already feeling soft. Dun Stallion yawned as he got back to his feet properly, enjoying the weight swinging around in his ballsack as he did… the struggling of the girl inside was quick to slow however… turns out that she had been no match whatsoever for the onslaught of the churning sack attacking her, for the horse, despite having just consumed an entire girl with his penis, it was mostly business as usual, slowly trotting over to the trough that had been filled and eating from it lazily as the bulge of the girl inside of him grew softer and softer as she broke apart into nothing but his seed, her existence as anything other than his cum denied utterly by the world… as had been the case with her father, nobody would ever truly manage to figure out what had happened to Mordred… though many would later assume that the brave knight went on a quest to seek out the King who had gone missing.It was of no concern to Dun Stallion though, who felt as the last chunks that remained of Mordred disappeared, his cock disgorged a little bit of liquid, leaving pieces of Mordred’s clothing that somewhat managed to survive the process scattered around his pen… discolored white and half-melted by the churning of his balls. As he mindlessly gorged himself on the tasteless feed that his cum had set out for him, Dun Stallion wondered how long it would take them to send his next sacrifice before pushing his way out of his pen and into that of the females… he’d put all those sacrifices to very good use... ", |
Story Start,Three pretty chipmunk girls: Eleanor, Jeanette and Brittany were walking through the dark forest, trembling from both fear and cold. "Ian promised to take us from the party, where is that bald dork when we need him so much?" Brittany whined, feeling pretty crappy from all that alcohol she drank on party. "I don't know, but we better return back while we still remember the road…" Jeanette made a reasonable suggestion, adjusting her glasses. "What? No, his house must be that way and we're halfway there already!" Brittany objected, not willing to admit one horrifying thing – she lost the way long time ago. Her stubbornness often got her into trouble, but this time they could easily starve to death because of it… "I'm hungry already… how long will it take to get there?" Eleanor spoke, nipping her lip as her chubby belly let out a loud hungry groan. "Why do you ask me? I don't even have a watch!" Brittany snapped back, feeling more and more nervous herself. She always was a good leader, at least she believed so, but this time she completely fucked up… "It's half past midnight, and you came just in time for a late meal, my tasty morsels…" Deep rumbling voice interrupted the sisters' quarrel, making them all freeze in fear as they saw two giant glowing yellow eyes, staring at them from the darkness. "H-hey, thank you for telling the time, s-sir… I guess we better go now, he-he…" Brittany babbled in a trembling voice, turning around and beginning to run as fast as she could. Her sisters stayed there for a few moments longer before noticing her disappearance and following her with fearful screams. "Sir? Oh, I'm not sir, silly…" The voice said giddily as the giant dark shadow followed the Chipettes intentionally slowly, so the little chipmunks could keep some distance, running to the lawn, brightly illuminated by silverish moonlight. "I'm a girl just like you…" The voice added as the shadow pounced over the heads of the frightened sisters, landing in front of them and appearing to be a giant she-wolf. "N-nice to meet you, g-girl… can we go home now, please?" Brittany whimpered, being too exhausted to run, breathing deep and hard. "Oh, the only place you will go tonight is inside my belly, darling…" The she-wolf mused, leaning down and opening her maw really wide, washing the faces of the scared chipmunks with her hot humid breath. The look of the dark throbbing tunnel of her throat was simply horrifying for them, but… there was something unusual in her breath. The chipmunks' terror was quickly replaced by curiosity and then unhidden desire. "Your maw… it looks so… inviting…" Jeanette murmured, succumbing to the she-wolfs pheromones first due to her secret pervy desires she had suppressed for so long. "Why don't you just hop in then? But first, take off that pesky clothes of yours…" The she-wolf mused, satisfied with the effect she made on her future preys. "As you wish, ma'am…" Jeanette replied, pulling off her green dress, her moist panties and even taking the band off her hair, leaving only her glasses on since she couldn't see a damn thing without them. "Hm-m-m, not bad, not bad at all…" The she-wolf crooned, licking her lips hungrily and lavishly drooling on the ground. "And you two, what are you waiting for? Show me, what goodies do you hide under those rags…" She added, looking at Brittany and Eleanor, who were still struggling with the influence of her pheromones yet imminently losing in this struggle. Eleanor gave up first, pulling off her skirt and top, hesitating for a few moments before getting rid of her underwear, remaining absolutely naked. "Woah, you have quite an impressive booty for a rodent, you know?" The she-wolf teased the chubby chipmunk sassily, sticking out her long pinkish tongue and giving Eleanor's rear a teasing lick, making her moan and blush cutely from embarrassment as that lick felt really good… "F-fine, I guess there's no need to resist anymore…" Brittany murmured, giving up the last of the three chipmunk girls and stripping down a bit reluctantly, though every second spent breathing in the predator's pheromones made her more and more conformant. Her jeans jacket and pink skirt covered a quite busty figure, making the she-wolf drool even more, and her own pussy get moist as well as she already had dozens of pervy ideas buzzing in her mind…"Now, why don't you play with each other while you still can? You will be wolf pudge by the end of the night anyway…" She mused with a devious smirk. She didn't have to ask twice since Jeanette became so horny that pounced at her chubby sis Eleanor as soon as she was allowed to, giving her a passionate kiss to her lips and grasping her bouncy booty eagerly with both hands, pressing their moist pussies against each other and beginning to grind them together. "H-huff, sis, you're so horny… and I like it…" Eleanor murmured, kissing Jeanette back and grasping her own, much smaller ass cheeks, spreading them a little bit. "Heck, seems like everyone is busy already… Can I play with you instead?" Brittany asked cockily, surprising the she-wolf quite a bit. "Heh, sure, why not?" The massive predator asked rhetorically, squatting down yet keeping her rear above the ground so the naughty chipmunk could get there. As Brittany approached the she-wolf's pussy, concentration of pheromones in the air became simply overwhelming, making her mouth drool and her mind completely switch off with only one desire driving her forward – taste that miraculously smelling cunt of the she-wolf… Brittany put her hands on the moist labia of the predator and nuzzled the soft squishy hole, making an eager breath in and letting out a lusty moan, trembling with her entire tiny body from arousal. She stuck out her tiny tongue, giving the she-wolf's pussy the first shy lick, then another one and another one, getting hornier with every second and shoving her head deeper and deeper into the predator's junk. "F-fuck… that feels really… good…" The she-wolf murmured in a lusty voice, enjoying every touch of the chipmunk's tongue and hands to her pussy, swishing her bushy tail from excitement and struggling with the urge to simply sit down and use this naughty rodent as a living dildo. Her patience gave its fruits though since Brittany was really enthusiastic about pleasing the giant predator, worming halfway into the she-wolf's pussy on her own and beginning to squirm and wriggle as hard as she could, all while licking the sensitive flesh of the predator's cervix. "Y-yeah… keep squirming just like that…" The she-wolf murmured in a lusty voice, lowering her eyelids from pleasure. Brittany, meanwhile, reached her own pussy with her hand and began shamelessly fingering herself, moaning and huffing in lust and delight and squirming in the pred's cervix even more intensively, making the she-wolf huff and howl cutely in delight. More and more hot and sticky moisture was leaking out from her pussy, soaking the chipmunk's fur, making it all wet and sticky, exposing the curves of her body in even sexier way. Too bad no one really paid attention to it since she-wolf was busy with keeping balance, while the other chipmunks were obsessed with themselves. "M-m-m, I had no idea that your booty was so sexy, Eleanor…" Jeanette murmured, spreading her chubby sister's ass cheeks wider and wider until she finally could reach her moist pinkish tailhole, probing it with her finger and making Eleanor gasp and moan from arousal. "M-mph, yours isn't any worse, Jeanette…" She replied, stuffing her fingers into her slender nerdy sister's pussy instead, making her moan even louder. "Huff, thanks, sis…" Jeanette panted, kissing Eleanor and shoving the second and then the third finger of hers into the chubby chipmunk's booty, stretching her sensitive colon more and more and making her shiver with her entire body from arousal. Eleanor returned the favor, shoving her entire hand into Jeanette's pussy and fisting her horny sister shamelessly, gradually speeding up. Jeanette moaned and whined, shoving her tongue deep into Eleanor's mouth and fisting her chubby rear, beginning to finger Eleanor's pussy with her free hand and making the chubby chipmunk lower her eyelids in pure bliss as such double stimulation felt absolutely divine to her. Of course, neither of the chipmunk girls could bear that for too long, and Eleanor was the first who squirted her load into her sister's hand with a lusty moan. Feeling that warmth and moisture on her palm and fingers, she couldn't help but climaxed herself, arching her back and opening her mouth in bliss. Brittany, meanwhile, did an amazing job in pleasing both herself and the she-wolf. Her dedication resulted in her wriggling deeper and deeper into the predator's pussy, until only the tip of her bushy tail and her feet were sticking out from the she-wolf's labia. "H-heck… this feels so… good…" The she-wolf babbled, unable to bear this stimulation anymore, squirting her load on the grassy ground with a lusty moan. The fleshy walls of her cervix contracted, slurping the chipmunk's tail and feet inside, making Brittany moan from increased pressure and stop fingering herself for a little while. The cervix kept rippling again and again, stimulating the prey's crotch even better than her own fingers, making her squirt her load as well on the half of her way to the predator's womb… Soon, she squeezed through the narrow sphincter into much roomier fleshy chamber, filled with warm sticky liquid. Though even if it was roomier compared to the cervix, the womb was still relatively tight, forcing Brittany to curl into a tight ball. She didn't even try resist – her body was limp and soft after her orgasm, and a blissful smile didn't leave her face even for a moment – so much she enjoyed everything that was happening to her. "M-m-m, sorry, girl… It seems like you got 'eaten' a bit earlier than I planned initially, he-he…" The she-wolf mused, looking down at her moist pussy and feeling the pleasant warmth and fullness in the lower part of her abdomen. "No worries… this is the best place I've ever been in my life…" Brittany murmured in delight, of course too quietly to be heard through layers of the predator's flesh, pudge, skin and fut. But she didn't really care if anyone heard her, she was just enjoying the warmth and softness of the living flesh, surrounding her body from all the sides, feeling how it was rippling synchronously with the she-wolf's heartbeat, barely audible in this part of her big beautiful body. There wasn't much the chipmunk could do, besides playing with herself. Overwhelmed with pheromones, she got horny almost immediately after climaxing for the first time, so she reached her pussy and began fingering it again, making the fleshy walls of the predator's womb shake around her. "Heh, seems like you're having a good time in there, aren't you?" The she-wolf asked sassily, feeling that specific movement inside her body, stimulating her sensitive flesh and making her horny from a single thought about stuffing two more chipmunk girls inside her body… Thinking about that, she raised on her paws and approached the remaining chipmunk sister, who now were lying on the grass, blissfully smiling with their pussies oozing with pre and femcum. "My-my, that's what I call a truly bestial passion, he-he…" The she-wolf giggled naughtily, sticking out her tongue and beginning to lick the chipmunk girls eagerly. Both Jeanette and Eleanor were moaning and whining as the she-wolf paid special attention to their private parts, not only cleaning them from whatever bodily fluids which were licking out from the horny chipmunks, but also stimulating them with constant friction against the soft slimy flesh. "M-m-m, you both are absolutely delicious…" The she-wolf murmured in satisfaction, feeling how her maw was filling up with more and more saliva. Her formerly retracted and now slightly bulging fluffy belly let out a deep hungry groan, making the chipmunks shiver. They didn't fear anything due to the effect of the she-wolf's pheromones, but they still felt a bit anxious about becoming her preys, even if they didn't try to resist or escape. "Sorry, I'd love to play with you a bit longer, but I simply can't bear that hunger anymore…" The she-wolf murmured, opening her mouth incredibly wide and wrapping it around Eleanor's head, shoulders and chest at once. The chubby chipmunk eeped, feeling those sharp fangs brushing against her sensitive skin, but luckily the pred was really careful with her meal, tilting her head up and tossing the lower half of Eleanor's body into her maw as well. She ran her tongue all over the chipmunk's fluffy booty, savoring its lovely flavor in her mouth before flicking her tongue and tossing the prey towards the dark rippling tunnel of her throat. Then she-wolf tilted her head up even higher, sending the helpless chipmunk down her gullet in one big greedy gulp…Jeanette looked how the massive squirming bulge slowly slid down the she-wolf's neck, vanishing in her chest only to appear again on her fluffy belly, making it sag down even more. Eleanor moaned and huffed in lust and delight as rhythmic pulsations of the fleshy gullet walls around her felt really nice, massaging her entire body in a pleasant way and even stimulating her pussy, making her quite horny despite she had just came after Jeanette played with her booty. The sounds of the outer world were completely suppressed by the she-wolf's loud thumping heartbeat and deep breath as the prey made her way through the pred's chest. Soon, her face got pressed against the tightly clenched sphincter, which opened reluctantly, letting her into much roomier fleshy chamber, which could be nothing but the she-wolf's stomach. Eleanor moaned and whined as her chubby belly seemed to be stuck in that sphincter, but after a few more contractions of the she-wolf's esophagus, she finally slipped out from the narrow hole and plopped into the giant pool of sloshing gastric juices on the bottom of the she-wolf's stomach. "Phew, you certainly are filling, girl… and extremely delicious… UR-R-RP!!!" The she-wolf murmured, licking her lips in delight and letting out a smelly belch straightly to Jeanette's face, spraying her hot sticky drool all over the embarrassed chipmunk's furry body. "Jeez, you ate her so fast… and it looked so hawt…" Jeanette murmured in a lusty voice as that belch brought even more pheromones to her nostrils, making her hornier and less careful and concerned about the dangers of being eaten whole and alive. "Heh, what did you expect? I'm an experienced predator and eat little fluffballs like you for breakfast after all…" The she-wolf snickered deviously, appreciating the complement nonetheless. "I could swallow you right here and right now, but… wouldn't you like to give my belly some rubs before using the back door? I'm hungry in more ways than one, if you know what I mean…" The she-wolf mused, giving Jeanette a playful wink and making the horny chipmunk blush cutely. "S-sure, sounds like a great idea to me, ma'am…" Jeanette murmured, looking how the massive pred laid on her side, showing off her now noticeably bulging furry abdomen with two chipmunk sisters, trapped inside her stomach and womb. "Good girl… if only all preys were that cooperative – life would be much easier… for me…" The she-wolf mused with a toothy grin, watching how Jeanette approached her gut and began gently rubbing the bulges, made by her squirming sisters' bodies. Both Eleanor and Brittany could clearly feel every single touch of her little hands through the predator's flesh, which felt like a wonderful massage to them. Being deep inside the predator's body, they were losing their mind from lust from immense concentration of pheromones on their own, and this additional stimulation felt simply heaven-like to them, making them moan and squirm even more intensively than before. Eleanor's prison of living flesh was roomier than Brittany's, but her chubby body was noticeably bigger as well, so its walls still clenched relatively tight around her, especially after that hearty belch which escaped from the she-wolf's maw at the end of her delightful meal. "M-mph, yes… keep rubbing just like that…" The she-wolf murmured in bliss as her belly was rubbed both from the inside and from the outside by numerous little hands and feet of the Chipettes. Her pussy was getting wet and lavishly dripping with wonderfully smelling pre on the grassy ground, making the last chipmunk girl, which wasn't inside her body yet, hornier and hornier with every second. "F-fuck… you make me even hornier than your sassy sis, who played with my cunt…" The she-wolf murmured, lowering her ears and eyelids in bliss, wagging her bushy tail from pleasure, not suspecting that having her belly rubbed could feel that good… "I will take that as a compliment, he-he…" Jeanette replied with a naughty giggle, finding Eleanor's butt through the she-wolf's abs and giving it a teasing squeeze, arousing her chubby sister enough to squirt out another load with a lusty moan and soften up for a short while. She wasn't the only one who came though – the horny she-wolf was on the edge too and that squeeze was the final straw which made her cum for the second time tonight with a cute howl before lowering her head on the ground, trying to catch her breath. Jeanette couldn't help but stared how the predator's furry belly was swelling and then shrinking down synchronously with her breath. A thought of getting inside that warm and soft orb was becoming more and more appealing for her, and the she-wolf definitely noticed that eager glance of her future prey. These pheromones were almost making her hunt too easy to enjoy… almost. "M-m-m, I guess I had enough belly rubs for now… Time to use the back door and get in the dark and scary inner world of mine…" The she-wolf crooned, placing her big soft paw onto Jeanette's back and gently pushing her towards her rear. "S-sure, if you think so, ma'am…" The chipmunk girl babbled shyly, almost tripping on the pool of femcum, soaking the grass under her feet. She turned around and blushed as now she faced the big pinkish tailhole of the she-wolf, which was rippling invitingly synchronously with the predatory beast's heartbeat. "Oh, I've almost forgotten – I want you to give my ass some good licking before climbing in it, you know, just to give it some proper lubrication and not to get stuck, he-he…" The she-wolf crooned, making Jeanette gulp nervously. "As you wish, ma'am…" She babbled, approaching the hole which was quite musky – leaving in the woods, the she-wolf had no access to the benefits of civilization, such as shower or even toilet paper. Still, it wasn't too dirty, mostly covered with sweat and little scat stains here and there. After a few moments of hesitation, Jeanette approached the wolf's butt, putting her little hands on the predator's fluffy ass cheeks and rubbing them gently, getting used to the thoughts of her future lewd activity. She loved her chubby sister's butt a lot, and to be honest, the she-wolf's butt wasn't any worse, so she did the thing she had been dreaming about for really long… She stuck out her tongue and ran it along the folds of the predator's anus, making the she-wolf gasp and purr in delight as every touch of Jeanette's little tongue felt simply divine to her. Her purring inspired Jeanette to get more and more enthusiastic in her licking. The flavor of sweat and scat mixture admittedly wasn't too good, but the chipmunk girl was too horny to care about that. She pushed her tongue deeper and deeper into the she-wolf's rear, licking the sensitive walls of the predator's colon, making her huffing and purring louder and lustier as well. Soon, the musky hole was all cleaned up and covered in a thick layer of chipmunk drool. Jeanette got so eager that didn't even notice, how her streamlined snout slipped into the predator's hole…"F-fuck… yeah, climb inside me, little ass-licker…" The she-wolf moaned in a lusty voice as Jeanette's entire head and then shoulders squeezed into her fluffy booty, stretching the sensitive flesh of her anus and colon more and more and constantly stimulating it with even the slightest movements of the willing prey. She didn't have to ask twice since Jeanette was really eager to get inside on her own, even though the she-wolf's colon was even muskier than her anus. The she-wolf was a predator, and she really ate small rodents like Jeanette for breakfast. Her colon was clogged with smelly shit and fractured bones which left of whoever she devoured yesterday. Poor Jeanette literally had to dig her way through this mess, yet she endured, being too horny to feel disgust even when some of that scat imminently got in her mouth, forcing her to swallow it down. Soon, she was in the she-wolf's rear up to her waist, and only her own booty and helplessly kicking legs were sticking out from the stretched pinkish anus of the beast. "M-m, seems like you could use some help, lil one…" The she-wolf mused with a devious smirk, reaching her rear with her paw and gently yet forcefully pushing the prey inside her colon. She couldn't help but opened her maw, breathing deep and fast, sticking out her tongue and lavishly drooling on the ground from lust. Feeding her preys to her butt was pretty much the favorite way to devour them for her since it was the tightest hole in her body, stretching which felt simply divine to her… Helpless squirms and wriggles of Jeanette's were only adding to her pleasure as the prey's shit-covered body was constantly rubbing against the sensitive walls of the beast's colon, pressing the fractured bones of her digested meals to her flesh and increasing the friction. "H-heck… come on, squirm just a little bit… harder…" The she-wolf babbled in a lusty voice, arching her back from arousal and keeping shoving the prey's legs into her butt, feeling, how her shit-filled colon was stretching more and more, accommodating the chipmunk girl's body. Finally, she couldn't bear that stimulation anymore and came on the ground with a lusty howl for the third time since she caught her dinner. Her abdomen strained reflexively, squeezing all three chipmunk girls, making Eleanor, Jeanette and Brittany climax almost synchronously and soften up with their entire bodies in a blissful afterglow. "Damn, that was absolutely amazing…" The she-wolf babbled, falling on her back in pure bliss, twitching a tad bit as the wiggling feet of the chipmunk girl vanished in her tailhole, which remained slightly gaping after such a massive prey coming through it. The Chipettes totally agreed with her yet their voices couldn't really be heard through the predator's flesh. Their happy squirms were far better than any words though, and those squirms were only intensifying as Jeanette wormed her way through the long and tangled intestine of the she-wolf… "Y-yeah… keep wriggling, butt-snack…" The she-wolf murmured, rubbing her bulging belly with her paws, feeling the squirming chipmunk's through her own flesh, beginning to get horny again despite she had just came. Soon, Jeanette passed through the clogged large intestine of the beast and began making her way through much narrower small intestine of hers, making the beast huff and pant from arousal. Scat and musk, covering her body in a thick layer, was gradually cleaned off her by the rhythmic pulsations of the fleshy walls around her. Warmth and moisture of the predator's body as well as the lack of oxygen made the prey quite dizzy, yet she was dedicated to reach her sister and pass away together with her… It took her quite a while to get towards the she-wolf's stomach, but eventually her snout got pressed against the tightly clenched sphincter, requiring a bit of efforts to squeeze through it into the predator's stomach, semi-filled with gastric juices. Jeanette gasped and moaned, trying her best not to choke and squeeze her shoulders and chest through the tight hole. Luckily, Eleanor did notice her sister quite soon, grasping her firmly and pulling her into much roomier fleshy chamber of the predator's stomach, which immediately became cramped with not one, but two chipmunks crammed inside it…"M-m-m, nice to see you again, Jeanette… Want to have the final sex before we become wolf pudge?" Eleanor mused in a sensual voice, enjoying the ultimate privacy of the dark humid stomach of the predator. "Are you kidding me? Of course, I want that… more than anything else, my love…" Jeanette replied lustily, kissing the chubby chipmunk girl and grasping her booty again. Her lips and maw were still quite musky and tasted like wolf shit, but Eleanor simply didn't care – all that she wanted now is getting her last orgasm, and she was ready to do just anything for that… Jeanette remembered, how much her chubby sister loved when she played with her butt, so she broke the kiss reluctantly, struggling to get towards Eleanor's booty and nuzzling it eagerly, beginning to lick all over her musky tailhole just as she did with the she-wolf before. "M-m-m, seems like you really love butts… not that I mind that though…" Eleanor murmured, reaching Jeanette's booty in a bizarre 69 position, forced to snuggle tightly to her body under the pressure of the predator's stomach walls. She didn't hesitate much, sticking out her own tongue and beginning to lick all over Jeanette's pussy and booty, stimulating her sensitive labia and anus in turns, fingering the tightly clenched holes when she wasn't licking them. That felt absolutely divine, making Jeanette moan and wriggle in lust. She wrapped her legs around her chubby sister's waist, grasping her firmly so the pulsations of the predator's stomach couldn't separate them. Both of the kinky girls had orgasm after orgasm, moaning so loud that they could even be heard from the outside. The she-wolf clearly felt that hustle inside her belly, moving one of her paws from the wriggling bulge towards her soaking wet pussy, beginning to shamelessly paw herself as the kinky sisters were playing with each other inside her gut. Her gastric juices were very potent, dissolving first the chipmunk's fur and then burning through their skin, revealing their bleeding flesh to the acids. Still, the chipmunk girls just didn't care about their wounds, being obsessed with each other, probing their partner's holes with their fingers and tongues. Eleanor's bit booty required more efforts to be filled, easily fitting Jeanette's entire hand and even her arm up to the elbow, but the kinky chipmunk didn't mind that at all, using her arm as a dildo to fuck her sister while she gave her the best cunnilingus in her life, giving her orgasm after an orgasm. They couldn't even count how many times they came, but did it really matter now? It was getting harder and harder for them to move as their muscles, corrupted by the acids, were falling apart onto separate fibers, dissolving in the sloshing caustic sludge which was gradually rising around their bodies, which were intertwined together into one big ball of bleeding chipmunk flesh…"I… love you… sister…" Eleanor wheezed, not regretting about anything. "I… love you too…" Jeanette replied, hugging her tight and gradually drifting asleep from the blood loss. Soon, their bellies did burst, letting their intestines spill into the acids and immediately ending their grieve. Brittany's fate was a bit less gory – her body was uniformly melting into a hefty portion of femcum in the she-wolf's womb, giving her tons of kinky pleasure. "F-fuck… Damn, I should stuff my preys in different holes more often…" The she-wolf babbled in pure bliss, blowing a load onto her paw with a lusty howl and softening with her entire body, feeling, how three lives ended up inside her body one by one. Her belly kept doing its dirty business, breaking the Chipettes' remains into thick meaty sludge which gradually drained into the she-wolf's intestine, providing her body with plenty of nutrients, adding some sweet jiggly pudge to her waist and hips. Soon, the preys' remains got packed tightly inside the predator's large intestine, forming greasy bone-filled shit logs and giving the she-wolf a strong urge to shit. Her bladder also filled up to the brim with excess moisture, remaining after digesting the chipmunks, making her rise on her paws and squat to get rid of the waste. The she-wolf strained her abs and relaxed her anus, moaning in lust and delight as she could feel countless little bones brushing against the sensitive walls of her colon, making her hornier and hornier with every second as the thick log was squeezed out from her butt, plopping on the ground and soon followed by another one and another one… That sensation was so wonderful that she didn't have to even paw herself to blow another, much bigger load in front of herself with a lusty howl. There were some bones of Brittany's, left in the giant pool of wolf femcum, yet most of her was gone for good. "Come on… just a little bit left…" The she-wolf murmured, feeling how something got stuck in her rear, straining her abs a bit more and squeezing out two cracked shit-filled skulls of the chipmunks and a pair of broken tiny glasses on top of that. "Ugh, sweet relief…" She murmured, turning around and letting out a powerful stream of urine on top of the shit pile, making it lose its shape and look and smell even grosser than before. "Thank you for the meal, girls… Hope you enjoyed your place in the food chain, he-he…" The she-wolf crooned before turning around and leaving, flicking her bushy tail to say the last 'goodbye'…", |
Story Start,Twilight Sparkle’s sole student had been a fool to even think about facing a changeling queen, let alone one supported by the rest of their innumerable swarm. The pony’s plan doomed from the start, as the long shadows of the ancient dark stone throne rendered all magic mute bar their own within their desolate domain. This in combination with the constantly shifting tunnels of their unnavigable fortress of a hive meant that Starlight was set to wander aimlessly until a patrol ran into and captured the powerless unicorn who had stupidly trespassed on their territory. The mare had ultimately been brave but stupid, as this single moronic move had been more than enough to seal her fate as fodder for the intimidating insectoid monarch. The equine eliminated long before she even became a threat for the sinister shapeshifter’s sovereign, as a pair of snarling drones was more than sufficient to restrain the impotent interloper before she could get far in her poorly thought-out rescue mission. From there it had only taken a couple of confidant swallows to give the mewling mare an intimate royal audience, though as expected the pathetic pony had rapidly melted under the pressure of such an honour. The short stay in the shapeshifter’s stomach was too much for the irritating equine to handle, and though she had made vocal complaints against her churning captivity, it had done nothing to stop the absolute ruler from eradicating her from exitance. Starlight’s whining words falling on deaf ears, and soon enough the scared sounds were replaced by the growling gurgles of marinating meat dissolving within its better’s body. Chrysalis making a snide remark about not being able to hear Starlight’s redundant opinions over the glorping sounds of her digestive system gearing up to digest its distressed dinner, which only earned a more panicked pace to her meal’s worried wriggling. The protests of her unwilling occupant amounting to nothing though, and soon enough the mare was relegated to a chunky stew of ex-equine stewing in Chrysalis’s bloated belly, just like any other frightened food that was unceremoniously cast into her accommodating gastric system. The overlord’s organ making short work of the bothersome bitch, and before long Starlight was little more a bubbling broth of simmering biomass well on its way to being converted into more agreeable calories. Chrysalis not even batting an eye as she gave the unwilling unicorn a tour of the royal plumbing, as the pacified pony percolated through her pedigree piping without issue on her way to an important appointment as fat padding the slinky sovereign’s chitinous caboose. Chrysalis periodically stroking her paunchy belly as she felt the curled-up shape within her lose all definition, and after several hours nothing remained of the upstart by a malleable muffin top of partially processed pony puree. The pudgy protuberance lacking any real distinguishing features, as what remained of Starlight was just the next brewing bowel movement that would be graved with the privilege of being pushed out of the queen’s prestigious ponut. The reconstituted remains of the pulped prisoner soon a familiar pressure against the pucker, so with a sadistic smirk Chrysalis rose from the throne she had been lounging on, as she knew just who to grace with her next excreting edict. For her will to be made real though she needed to go on a short walk, and with her normal regal poise the changeling confidently made the twisting trip necessary to reach her dank dungeon. The winding journey rather uneventful bar the subdued sloshes of her swaying stomach, as each step caused the contents of her bloated belly to shift, and soon enough she was at the desired doorway which she opened without even a knock to assert her undeniable dominance over all she had divine right over. “I have a friend here who wants to see you, and though she was rather incessant at first, I doubt she has anything of value to say now,” said Chrysalis coldly, as maintained her commanding tone, even if she wanted to give a cruel cackle at the thought of the torturous torment she was about to unleash. The queen staring intently at the purple princess in her possession, expecting a cowering reaction to her intrusion that the emotional parasite could succulently savour. To her disappointment though the tantalizing trance Twilight was under remained strong, leaving the once-powerful princess of friendship just a jibbering ball of deluded meat to be leached of its love at Chrysalis’s leisure.It was sad really, as Chrysalis was confident, she would partake in the pony right now and she wouldn’t even struggle, as no fight was left in the female, who the changeling’s magic had long since eroded every sense of self from within the enthralled equine now at her mercy. The educated equine’s empirical mind now mush, resulting in the once eloquent mare mumbling out a meaningless string of slurred murmurs, as she responded to any stimuli with a stupefied smile and confused arousal. The queen expecting better from Equestria’s finest, as it became increasingly clear that her initial loss at Canterlot had been a fluke, and a second roll of the dice was all it had taken to remind these upstart ponies of their proper place in the food chain. Even so, the queen had somewhat hoped the sight of her shitting out Starlight might have snapped Twilight out of her stupor, so that the changeling could relish every confused emotion that rose off the mare like saliva-inducing steam. Unfortunately, even with a custom urn for the unmade usurper, the mare was too far gone to respond to Chrysalis’s actions with anything more than blushes and flustered cooing. The added flair of cutie-mark emblazed sarcophagus that the drones had cobbled together during digestion disappointingly doing nothing to stir a response, leaving Chrysalis to mull the sensation of corroded bones and ruined fur slowly slithering over her spread sphincter as a scatty sludge. Chrysalis thoroughly entertained as she dumped the dissenter, regardless of the reactions of her effectively comatose audience, as the texture of the turds tickled the erogenous exit pleasantly as each loamy log of greasy poop was passed. The flow of fresh fertilizer coiling into the prepared container without issue, leaving the queen sweating as she drained the dirty dung clogging her colon with only a few effeminate purrs of pleasure. The act of domination her duty, as she ruled through strength, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t take a perverse recreation in performing her expected faculties. Starlight sliding out as smoothly as she entered, but even so, the weight of waste made the effort a bit of an endeavour, as the queen casually disposed of the dissident. A few bassy farts mixed in, as Chrysalis naturally bled her bowels of her meal's last stale breath with a few calculated clenches. The queen seeing no need to pinch off the moist manure, as she allowed Starlight’s steaming remains to leave as a single crackling sausage of scat. The whole affair rather easy, as apart from a shattered skull the ajar anus barely had to strain to disgorge the metabolized mass of mulched mare meat. Twilight watching blankly, even as the Queen’s obsidian shell gained a rosy hue from the strumming stimuli racing over her spread tailstar. The feeling sure to become a familiar one in the coming days, as Chrysalis had three more tasty creatures left to consume, before Starlight’s sorry squad of wannabe heroes had been properly punished. The thought making Chrysalis’s mouth water, as she would be sure to pay each of them in kind for the audacity of their attempted coup. The changeling pondering her next victim, unsure whether to take that mouthy turquoise unicorn next, or dining on draconequus, as she would rather not taint her tastebuds with the traitorous Thorax just yet. In the end though, their order of departure mattered little, as they would all inevitably take the same peristaltic plunge, so that their repugnant remains would act as a permeant reminder of what will happen to those who thought it wise to cross the queen", |
Story Start,You were all tied up on the conveyor belt, anxiously awaiting your gruesome fate. There she was, at the other end of the of the belt, smugly laying on her side in her feral form. The goddess smiled at you from across the enclosure, a sparkle of lustful hunger in her eyes. You were wheeled in closer, just stopping short of eager jaws. She gave you a seductive look and sensually licked her lips. "Well well well, aren't cha a sweet little cutie~? Teehee, are you blushing~? Its okay hun, no need to be shy... I bet you'll feel right at home in my big fat tum-tum~ Hehe, cute sweeties like you simply make the best fertilizer... All your friends are already waiting for you in the dung pile~ Alrighty hun, its go time, come to mama~!!!" She simply said before opening wide, the conveyor belt activating once more. As you were driven toward your inevitable ingestion, you couldn't help but stare deep into the fleshy, velvety receptacle that was her gaping maw: From her rows of white, pointy teeth, to her pink, carpet-like tongue undulating hypnotically in anticipation of your arrival, to the gooey stands of drool slowly dropping from the roof of her mouth and of course her throat, this long, bodily tube, enigmatically throbbing beyond the boundary of her plump, pear-shaped uvula. You soon were greeted by soft, slimy embrace of her tongue, sliding under your chin to guide you down her greedy dragon hole. You were effortlessly pushed down her gullet, your head squeezing past her uvula and into her esophagus. She eagerly slurped and gulped, truly enjoying the process of devouring you whole and alive. The acquisitive tube pulsed and rippled all around you, sucking you further and further down this inexorable, bodily pathway. In no time at all, you found yourself completely crammed inside her tight, muscular sac of a stomach, cast down into the infernal deadals of her gastric system. The caustic bite of the goddess' digestive juices quickly befell upon you, beginning to melt your flesh, chemically taking you apart for further processing. Luckily for you, the various acids and enzymes burned through your restraints quicker than everything else, allowing you to unbind yourself and trash around in a desperate attempt to escape this hellish cauldron of a gut. "Teeheehee... Oh my, you're a spicy one, aren't chu~?" The dragoness noted, feeling you wildly struggle within her belly. You punched and kicked as hard as you could, using your whole body to violently ram each and every side of this deadly prison. "Ooohh ohhh yes mmmmm~ Aaaawwwhhhwwhh~~~" The predatory goddess gasped and moaned, your defiant agitation bringing her much pleasure. "Teehee-hee, such a good meal you are~ and you'll be some even better fertilizer in just a little bit~" She explained, letting out a satisfied sigh.It was all but futile. Even your fiercest attempt to fight back only served to bring her pleasure. In the end, the goddess' stomach did its gruesome duty: It squeezed and crushed, mixed and macerated... The powerful enzymes in her gastric juices liquefying your flesh, only leaving a few bones behind. Her digestive tract did its job, absently processing your body mass, extracting nutrition from your matter. On one side, the useful bits of you were absorbed into her bloodstream... Pumped all over her body, her mammaries quickly producing milk from the newly arrived nutriments whilst the dragoness' hind section was busy storing excess energy in the form of fat. Useless by-products were then evacuated. Gasses from her stomach were burped out, excess water was peed out, other gasses were farted and finally, solid waste matter was formed into turds in her colon and then simply pushed out... Collected to be later used as fertilizer.In the end, the only thing left of you was a big, smelly, nasty brown log, shoveled into a big pile of manure, festering with repulsive, putrid odor... Thus ends your tale, a heap of dragon dropping accumulating into a great big mound of feces. ", |
Story Start,It had been a busy day. Daisy Andrews, now legally Daisy Ryan had just gotten married. She and her new husband Kyle Ryan had been married in the early morning at the park by a field of wildflowers. Kyle was only 20 and Daisy was only a year older, there had been no small amount of grumbling from Daisy’s mother about them both being too young, but you can't argue with love. Daisy and Kyle had gone straight to the courthouse to get their marriage certificate paperwork hammered out, with their bridesmaids - Daisy’s and Kyle’s sisters - in tow. Jade, Daisy’s maid-of-honor, was a year older than Daisy and Kyle's big sister. Like Kyle, Jade had their dirty blond hair. Daisy and her younger sister Kelsie both had their mother straight black hair. Admittedly, they all felt a little silly hanging around a bunch of regular people while they were still in their wedding outfits. Daisy was constantly fidgeting with the lace on her long white bridal gown, and her cute little tan sandals were not made for walking on hard cement floors. Kelsie and Jade were just trying to sit as still as possible, their powder blue dresses with black accents were not super covering. The dresses were cute, sure, and they matched up well with the suits Kyle and his groomsmen wore. But they were not casual-wear by any means. The reception was being held at Daisy’s parent’s house, plenty of space to entertain. They’d done the whole show; bridal party entrance, couple's first dance, father-daughter dance, mother-son dance, the dollar dance, the garter toss, and the bouquet and on and on.It was time for the speeches, but Daisy was exhausted. While her mother was going on about raising her little girls Daisy decided she wanted a break. She'd been on her feet all day so she snuck out of the party area into the kitchen for a little drink. Normally she wasn’t much of a beer drinker, but she was in the mood today. She passed by Leslie, the family dog, on her way out of the party. Leslie fell into step beside her, probably hoping Daisy would give her a treat. When Daisy and Kyle moved into their own house they were taking Leslie with them, Daisy had always spent more time with the dog than her sisters. Stumbling towards her bedroom from the kitchen she heard Leslie knock something off a counter.*crash* Oh, hell. That was some glass breaking. Daisy looked over to the source of the noise, but Leslie was faster. The shaggy nine year old retriever-mix was already lapping up the syrupy lime green liquid. Leslie panted happily at Daisy, who could only shake her head. "Silly dog. You'll eat anything, won't you? I bet you'd even eat me if you could. I bet it wouldn't even take you a minute. "Daisy said, rubbing behind Leslie's ears. "Is that it, girl? Do you wanna eat mommy? You want a mommy treat?" Daisy joked. Leslie's eyes lit up"Reff… Mommy treat.. " Leslie stuttered. Daisy blinked. Dogs can't talk… was she dreaming now?"You do? You wanna eat mommy up? Have mommy as a treat?" Daisy asked again, face flushing red. She'd always fantasized about being prey from something, but she'd never considered her puppy Leslie. "Mommy treat! Mommy treat!" Leslie barked, wagging her tail excitedly. Daisy looked down Leslie's throat as she barked, seeing down her wet slimy throat into darkness. It turned her on so much she almost wet herself. "Okay, silly puppy. Open wide and have your Mommy treat. But be gentle…" Daisy said huskily, putting her hands flat together and offering them to Leslie's mouth. Leslie lunged forward engulfing Daisy's hands and forearms in a single gulp. Daisy couldn't believe it. She could feel her hands squeezed together in Leslie's throat. Leslie swallowed again, dragging Daisy's head closer to her sloppy, salivating maw. Daisy, giddy with arousal, ducked her head and shuffled forward, pushing her beautifully done up hair into the dog's slobbery mouth. Another powerful swallow brought Daisy’s head and shoulders into Leslie’s mouth. Two more gulps and only Daisy’s feet and the hem of her dress yet remained devoured. In barely a moment Daisy was gone, tucked away inside the family dog wedding down and all. From the outside, it appeared that Leslie had swallowed a watermelon, the distension in her belly not even half the size of the full-grown woman she’d swallowed. Leslie opened her mouth and let out a rancid belch, along with a half-digested sandal. Leslieie lay down at the foot of her former master’s bed for a nap.Inside Leslie’s stomach Daisy had practically torn off her clothes to free her aching nipples and quim. She barely noticed the white satin fabric dissolving in the acid. Despite the small bulge she made in Leslie’s gut form the outside Daisy had plenty of room to splash around. This felt too real to be a dream, she’d finally managed to find something to gobble her up like a snack! Lifelong prey fantasy achieved, she was so turned on she already cum twice by the time her skin started to turn red from digesting. Daisy felt no pain through her digestion, brain completely flooded with arousal. Daisy managed a third and final orgasm before she lost feeling in her hands. Content beyond belief she floated in the bubbling digestive juices. Her vision began to fade and Daisy figured she didn’t have much time left. “Good doggy, Leslie. Mommy loves you.” Daisy whispered through cracked lips.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been more than an hour since anyone had seen Daisy at the party. Being the oldest, Jade was the first to go looking for the prodigal bride. She checked the kitchen first, but no Daisy. She went upstairs to the bedrooms and saw Daisy’s door was ajar. After a quick knock, she peeked inside to see Leslie laying at the foot of Daisy’s bed, but no Daisy. On the floor she did spy some broken glass in front of Kyle’s nightstand. Crouching in front of the smashed container, she instantly recognized the label on it. Compound XBV-22 was Ryan’s life’s work. It allowed animals to temporarily gain a semblance of human-sentience and even speak. An unusual side-effect of this was due to the intense caloric requirements to fuel improved mental capacity the animal would also gain the ability to ingest creatures more than twice their size with ease. Jade noticed the sticky, melted sandal on the floor in front of the sleeping dog and she knew that Daisy finally got to live out her dream; to be eaten. She didn’t see any bulges or movement on Leslie's abdomen, Daisy was long gone. It wasn't so long ago that Daisy had told Jade her secret fetish, the bachelorette party they all got drunk together at and shared fetishes was only two weeks ago. Before Jade could even process the loss of her new step-sister, Kelsie barged into the room looking for Daisy and Jade. "Hey, people are getting worried. You find her?" Kelsie asked, tugging at her dress to keep it from slipping off. "I think… I think Daisy fed herself to Leslie. " Jade said, handing Kelsie the piece of the smashed bottle with the label on it. Kelsie barely looked at it before nonchalantly tossing over her shoulder. "Wow, she beat me to it. I've been leaving this bottle out for like, months waiting for Leslie to break it by 'accident'. I was gonna go first, but hey it's her day right?" Kelsie said, kneeling in front of Leslie waking the animal up by rubbing her full belly. "Isn't that right girl? Ate up my stupid sister, huh? Are you still hungry? You want another course?" Kelsie said, looking down Leslie's throat as she happily panted. "Hungry! Hungry hungry!" Leslie barked. Jade couldn't believe what she was seeing; or what she was hearing. She knew XBV-22 made animals talk, but she'd never seen it before. Was Kelsie serious about Leslie eating her too?"Yeah, you want someone with a little more meat on her bones?" Kelsie said, fondling her more substantial breasts through her dress. "Meat! Want meat!" Leslie said, barking excitedly. Leslie held her mouth open wide, wagging her tail. Kelsie sat down and kicked off her skanky heel, presenting her stockinged feet to the dog. "Eat me, sweetie. " Kelsie said, openly fingering herself through her underwear while keeping eye contact with Jade. Leslie closed her mouth over Kelsie's feet and pulled her forward, inching her jaws up Kelsie's legs. Leslie slurped up the younger Andrews sister like a noodle, a single swallow brought Kelsie in up to her hips. She came hard in Leslie's mouth, her writhing shook her big boobs free of the too-small dress. Another swallow and Kelsie sunk down Leslie's throat so her titties were hanging out of either side of Leslie's mouth. Leslie tossed her head back like a crocodile, swallowing Kelsie until just her face was barely visible in the back of her throat. "Don't wait too long, dessert. " Kelsie said to Jade with her last breath before Leslie closed her mouth over her face. Jade watched the tiny bulge Kelsie's head made in Leslie's throat travel down into the dog's stomach. Leslie laid back down to digest her second big meal of the day. The instant Kelsie could move her arms she tore off her soaked red silk panties and began masturbating in earnest. She splashed down into Leslie’s stomach acids giddy and howling as she came. As her dress dissolved and the digestive juices began to eat away at her skin and hair she climaxed again. Jade Put her hands on Leslie's belly, feeling Kelsie writhe in ecstasy within. She could just barely hear Kelsie shouting and screaming as she hammered out orgasm after orgasm. Leslie’s gut was already starting to shrink. Kelise was on the way to her fifth orgasm when her left hand went numb. She could feel the walls pressing in on her. Quickly her right hand lost all feeling and she just managed to get off one last time by jamming her mushy stumps against her dissolving pussy. After that she was too soft to do anything other than drift away. Jade was stunned. She’d just seen Leslie consume and digest Kelsie Andrews. Woodenly she stumbled to her feet and made her way back to the party. The celebration had mostly died down, the guests had noticed the obvious disappearance of the bride and her sister. Kyle approached Jade as soon as he saw her. “Hey, did you find Daisy? Is she okay?” Kyle asked, willing himself not to worry. They’d just got married, what could be wrong? Jade leaned forward and whispered int his ear. “Daisy spilled some of the XBV-22. Leslie ate her. And Kelsie.” she said plainly. Kyle was frozen. He fell back into a lawn chair staring into space. Jade wandered away, just as shocked but for a different reason. Jade couldn’t get the sight of Kelsie’s face disappearing into Leslie’s throat out of her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about the sound of Kelsie having the orgasm of her life stewing away in the stomach of a dog. It was so hot she could barely stand. Jade found herself back in Daisy’s room staring at the sleeping dog. She knelt down and gently rubbed Leslie’s once again flat tummy and just as before showed no sign of having devoured and digested someone twice her size and weight. “Still hungry?” Jade said at a whisper, surprising herself. Leslie didn’t stir. “Leslie… Are you still hungry?” Jade said, patting Leslie on her sleeping head. The dog didn’t respond, but she did wag her tail. This was it, Jade’s last chance to let sleeping dogs lie. “Leeeesliiiiieee…. I have another yummy lady for youuuuuu.” Jade said in a sing-song voice as she scratched Leslie’s ears. Leslie lazily opened her eyes and sat up. She panted heavily as she held her mouth open. She’d had a lot to eat already, but no dog would ever refuse more food. “More?...” Leslie huffed, a little unsure herself. Jade nodded, face flushed red with arousal. She leaned down to present Leslie her head. “Eat me. Please!” Jade begged. She had just enough time to worry Leslie wouldn’t take her before she saw Leslie’s wet dog tongue slide into view and lap at her face as the dog closed her jaws around Jade’s head. Slowly Leslie crawled forward, pushing Jade’s head deeper into her slimy throat. Jade could feel the compression on all sides squishing her smaller and swallowable. Leslie swallowed again, pulling Jade in past her chest and rolling down her dress exposing her erect nipples. Her nipples dragged along Leslie’s slimy throat exciting her further. Another swallow brought Jade down Leslie’s throat up to her hips. With her arms pinned to her sides, Jade couldn’t touch herself and she whined desperately for Leslie to finish her off. Leslie tossed her head back again and let gravity drag Jade into her mouth. Jade’s feet were all that remained in the outside world now, twitching as she wriggled back and forth to get herself inside faster. With a soft gulp Leslie closed her mouth over Jade’s feet and sealed her inside. Jade splashed into the pool of what she knew to be stomach acid, but it didn’t bother her. It tingled and made her feel warm, she didn’t care that her dress was quickly dissolving. She was finally free to grab and pinch and flick herself in the sloshing acid. Jade had the best orgasm of her life. She could never have conceived of the idea of getting off by feeding herself to an animal, but the absolute submission of her entire self to the whim of the dog was the hottest thing ever. She was so eager to be subsumed and absorbed by Leslie's innards that she actively massaged the digestive slurry into her skin as she pleasured herself. Leslie let out another contented burp as her stomach rapidly shrank around its dissolving prey.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kyle had sat in his chair unresponsive for almost 2 hours. It was his fault. His own damn creation had cost him his new bride and her baby sister. He had a sinking feeling it had also cost him his own sister. He had to know for sure. He knew Jade wouldn’t lie to him about it, but he still had to see it for himself. Eventually he got up from his chair without a word and went into the house. Something told him he’d find what he was looking for in Daisy’s room. Leslie had wandered away, but she’d left him all the evidence he needed. Right in the center of Daisy’s bedroom was a huge pile of dog poop, speckled throughout with shreds of powder blue and cream white fabric; the remains of the dresses the girls were wearing. Next to it he saw one of Daisy’s sandals. He sighed; time to go spoil the party.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Everyone, your attention please.”Kyle said into the DJ’s microphone. The party had all but completely stopped, how could you have a reception with no bride?“I am sorry to announce that Daisy, Kelsie and Jade have been eaten. Kelsie, the dog, got into a chemical mixture I’ve been working on and they just… fed themselves to her. You can all go home, there’s nothing to see here.” He said glumly, dropping the mic and going to the kitchen to find a bottle of something strong to drink before he set about cleaning up. Sherry Andrews, the late Daisy and Keslie’s mother, pat the fattened dog on her head. She finished her cocktail and left without saying anything to anyone. Leslie waddled behind her as the disappointed guests left in small groups, no one caring enough to help Kyle with clean-up. ", |
Story Start,You walk through the overly dense forest as your ears fill with the sounds of bustling grass and the crunching of leaves beneath your feet. You were a very accomplished pokemon trainer as you had finally collected every badge you needed to challenge the infamous elite four and eventually the league champion. The only thing left in your way before your awaited fight with the elite four was the forest you were traversing through right now. The forest, for the most part, was a walk in the park. Your pokemon were trained higher than anything in the area as the wild pokemon didn't dare to challenge you. Though the walk through was fairly easy, it still took quite some time as you soon lost track of time as the thick trees surrounding you kept out most sunlight. You trekked on for hours as you still couldn't see anything but trees in front of you, eventually you begin to feel fatigue wearing down your body as you begin to slow down your strides. You check your pokedex which displays the time for you and you notice that it's getting fairly late, you decide the best course of action is to camp as you sit down next to a nearby tree. As you sit down you catch your tired breath as you chug your bottle of water as fast as you could. You set up a makeshift camp as you set up sleeping arrangements and bring out cooking utensils. You didn't really expect to need everything you brought as you thought the journey through the forest would be a quick breeze. Though you wisely heeded the words of people who made the trip before and prepared accordingly. You cooked your meal with food you brought as you finished up the rest of your camp, as you set up the area around you darkened as you could barely see in front of you. The fire you lit kept you able to see your camp however as your meal finished quickly and you sat down and enjoyed your meal. You finished your meal as the forest had grown even darker and quieter, you got yourself in your sleeping bag and extinguished the fire. You fell asleep quickly as the thought of finishing your trip the next day put you to sleep almost instantly. Hours passed with nothing but the sounds of the forest filling the air, bustling leaves and grass, wind whirring by and night time pokemon noises. Nothing out of the ordinary in the forest happened while you slept until about 5 hours into your sleep. Day light shined slightly through the leaves of the trees as it gave just enough light to see around. As you slept in peace, the sudden noise of a sprinting pokemon woke you up, the small pokemon was sprinting through the forest rapidly as you heard it approaching you. The loud sounds of the pokemons cries and rustling grew closer as you had now gotten out of the sleeping bag and stood up with pokeballs in hand at the ready. You had your trusty starter pokemon in your right hand and the sash holding the rest of them in the other, you stood ready to throw your starter as you waited for the pokemon to pop out. The rustling noise stopped as you held your breath waiting for the unknown pokemon to show itself, then suddenly, a dark figure jumped out of the bushes in front of you and sprinted towards you. You went to instinctively throw your pokeball but as the pokemon came into view you stopped, the pokemon that came towards you was a small deerling. Though the pokemon kept you on your toes as it still sprinted full speed, though as it got close to you it went right past you and didnt stop. You turned to look at the deerlin as it left your area and retreated into the trees, but as you turned to look at the running deerling you were randomly sent flying face first into a tree. You didn't realize what was happening until it was too late, you were flying through the air until an abrupt stop as your body collided into a tree. The collision with the tree shook the area around you as multiple birds went flying. You tried to gain some composure as you turned around towards where you once stood, but as you turned you realized that you were more than badly injured. Your arm wasn't facing the same way that it normally would as it was more than broken, and you were covered in blood from head to toe. You wriggled your way around even against your injuries, you looked to where you once stood and saw the outline of a very blurry pokemon standing there. The large brown and orange pokemon stood on all fours as it made its way towards you, your vision began to improve ever so slightly as you could now make out what was in front of you. The pokemon in question was a mudsdale, the horse-like pokemon stood taller than you by a bit and it had the power to send you flying with ease. As the pokemon came closer to you, you reached your messed up arm to where your pokeball should have been, but as you felt around there was no pokeball near you. You turned your head towards where it should have been but it was nowhere to be found, you looked back to the approaching mudsdale to find that it had stopped in front of you by a bit. That was when you looked down on the ground in front of it and found out what was going on, the red and white pokeball you had been looking for was sitting at the wild mudsdale’s feet. Your face turned pale as you stared at the pokeball, you tried reaching out but you knew all too well that it was out of reach. The mudsdale looked right at you, but quickly turned its attention to the ball at its feet, it reached down with its neck to try and scoop up the ball. As it reached down you spoke up. “N-no, pl-please, no” you said in a weak voice. The mudsdale went on with its plan as it heard you speak, it caught the pokeball in its mouth as it showed it to you. The red and white ball was part way into its mouth before it sent it down with a nice hard gulp. The ball's outline was sent slithering down the mudsdale’s throat as it made its way to its stomach. It stuck its tongue out as it showed you its empty mouth as the ball made its way further down. Even though you're barely conscious, you could tell that the mudsdale was teasing you as he had you right where he wanted you. You teetered on the edge of consciousness for a minute before the mudsdale began to act weird. It was no more than a moment later that the mudsdales belly inflated like a balloon, in an instant the belly was packed with your starter pokemon. The outline was visible to you as your trusty pokemon squirmed for its life as it was trapped in the confines of the mudsdales stomach. The show of squirming went on for more than a few minutes until the pokemon began to slow its struggles, the visible outline began to fade as the mudsdale belly began to smooth out and shrink. It was now that you passed over into unconsciousness as the blood loss and shock of the situation had caught up with you. After quite some time you awake to where you were when you passed out, your back against the tree and now dried up blood covering your body. Though something was different then from when you passed out, a foul smell filled the air as the once clean smell of nature now reeked of shit. You look around and notice the mudsdale still looming near you, though when you look down from right in front of you you find the source of the foul smell. The heaping pile of rancid shit piled high as it sat just off to the side of you, and it was topped off with an all too familiar item. The realization struck as you looked at the mudsdale and back to the pile, the large belly was gone and on top of the pile was a broken red and white pokeball. The pure shock set in as you were completely paralyzed, your trusty starter of many years was reduced to a heap of shit on the ground. Tears welled up in your eyes for a moment before you realized the fact that you still had 5 more pokemon to fight with to hopefully get out of this situation. They were all attached to your sash that you kept in your hand… when you looked down near your hand the sash wasn't nearby. You scanned the forest floor and found the sash, it was laying just out of arm's reach, you scooted your body towards forcing your injured arm forwards in a last ditch attempt. Your hand stopped just short of the pokeball sash before it was yanked from your grasp. You lied in pain as your injured body was pushed past its limits, and it was all for nothing, the sash was snatched in the mouth of the mudsdale. You looked up in agony as the mudsdale had part of the sash in his mouth, the other pokeballs dangled outside of the mouth. Tears began to flow faster as they streamed down your face as you felt the full brunt of pain and you knew that your situation was hopeless. The mudsdale looked at you as he began to slurp up the full sash. “P-please” you whimper. Another ball was sucked down. “N-no”The third ball disappeared.…Most of the sash was inside of the mudsdales mouth before one final suck sent the final pair of pokeballs down the tight gullet. The chain of pokeballs was sent into his stomach one by one as the outlines of each disappeared down the mudsdales throat. You sat knowing that you could do nothing to stop the inevitable from happening. One by one the pokeballs opened up as the mudsdales belly grew to an incredible size. The mudsdale was lifted off of its legs as each pokemon exited its ball, the mudsdale sat perched atop its belly as every pokemon inside began to struggle desperately. Noises came from each pokemon as they cried out for their lives, the quiet forest was filled with the cries of each one as well as the more than active belly of the mudsdale. Though just like the first, the active belly came to a stand still as the struggles weakened until the belly became round. The visible forms of each pokemon was reduced to nothing as they were churned into nothing but mudsdale mush. You watched in horror as they faded into nothing, you knew that the inevitable end for your pokemon was about to come. The belly shrank and shrank until it got down to much more manageable size, the mudsdale was able to walk again as he did just that. He walked over to your sprawled out body and stopped just in front of you, he turned his massive horse ass to you as he wasted no time dumping his meal. The huge turds flowed out smoothly as they landed next to your face, the smooth cylindrical logs piled high as your nostrils were invaded by your many partners' new form. You sat in pure shock as log by log the mudsdale relieved itself of its meal, the puffy asshole was relentless with pouring out logs. The area near your face was filled with shit as your vision was covered by the massive logs, you could see nothing but your dead pokemons forms as they sprawled out next to you. Eventually after some time of constant shitting the mudsdale finished up as the logs stopped coming, the last things he spat out were the remnants of the 5 pokeballs that encased your former party. Each distinct colored ball sat atop the piles of shit, some broken in 2 and some smashed to bits, the broken pokeballs marked the complete end of them. No pokemon center or nurse could bring your shit stained pokemon back from where they had gone. Though that would've been a problem if only you had made it out of the forest alive, though from the looks of the mudsdale, he wasn't planning on letting you leave. The mudsdale, moved closer to your lifeless body as he trudged through the mounds of shit without a care in the world. He stopped right in front of your face this time, the massive brown ass cheeks faced your body as you could see nothing but it and the black donut shaped ring in the middle of it. The mudsdale lowered its ass close to your face as you accepted your fate to end the same way as your pokemon, though instead of dropping down onto you it stopped right above your head. You closed your eyes as you braced yourself but opened them back up after nothing happened, though it was a crucial mistake. The mudsdale released the filthiest blast of gas right into your small face, the horse's blast went right up your nose as it relentlessly went on for nearly a minute. The smell of death lingered in the gas as you could do nothing but take the full brunt of the gas. After the mudsdale was done relieving itself it began to neigh happily, it seemed as if it were taunting you, pokemon had no semblance of taunting but the wild mudsdale was clearly enjoying playing with its food. Your untimely end was postponed for a short second as the mudsdale quickly dropped its huge ass again and this time it didn't stop short. You braced yourself once more except this time, your world was quickly shut off as your vision went black. Your head was shoved deep inside of the mudsdales ass as your nostrils were filled with the stench of the fresh shit that still lingered inside. Your body was heating up as the insides of the mudsdale hugged you tightly, you soon began to move deeper as the rest of your body was sucked inside. Your entire body felt warm as you slithered through the tight tunnel, you couldn't see a thing and you didn't really care to, you had already given in entirely as you didn't even bother to struggle. You accepted your death from the mudsdale as you were pushed along to the resting place of your pokemon. It wasn't long before your body entered the stomach, it was filled with already active acid as your body was soon covered in them. Your body tinged in more pain than you had already been in as you began to grow tired, and your body softer. After a minute of being in the hyperactive stomach you were mush, your consciousness faded and you were gone. The mudsdale felt you turn to mush as it prepared itself once more to release its meal, it aimed over the previous pile and pushed the smooth logs out again. This time the logs were speckled with bones and hair belonging to you as your new form merged with your pokemons on the forest floor. The disposal lasted no longer than 30 seconds as the pile was topped off with your skull joining the broken pokeballs all in one large heap of rotting shit. After the final dump the mudsdale sat nearly as big as some of the trees in the forest and burst through the level cap for pokemon by quite the margin. Each one of your pokemon was somewhere from lvl 80-100 and the mudsdale had gained more exp than normally just beating a pokemon. It would've been taken out by your party before the meal but now it could wipe the floor with all 6 of yours. The mudsdale was confident in its new abilities as it was prepared to take on any more trainers that were willing to give it a meal, besides, the strongest trainers in the world were right behind the forest it was in. The mudsdale set off, satisfied with its meal as he left one of the strongest trainers in the world and his party as nothing but some piles of shit. ", |
Story Start,This is as good a place as any,' the mightyena thinks. He curls up under a bush and waits for death. He is in bad shape. A bite shape is missing from his ear, he is missing large chunks of fur, and his ribs are showing. He hasn't eaten in almost three weeks. He's going to starve to death. He's already made peace with that fact. He just wishes it would come sooner. His body is stubborn and he can tell it will be another day or two before he dies. What a shitty past month. He was exiled from his pack for fucking the alpha's favorite daughter. It's not his fault, she wanted his cock just as bad as he wanted her pussy. He was the lowest member of his pack and the other males took all the mates. He wasn't even allowed to fuck the ugly ones. If he was going to go down for fucking a bitch, it was going to be the most beautiful bitch, the alpha's daughter. The alpha picked her mate for her, a strong male from another pack. Her mating would bring the packs together into a stronger pack. While she was being saved, she went into heat. He began to flirt with her and before long, they were sneaking off together to groom each other. He started grooming her one night. He could tell this was going to be the night. He got down to her cunt and ate her out. She loved it. Her heat was so intense that she begged him to mount her. He obliged and quickly came in her. She moaned loudly, a little too loudly. The others heard and came looking. They caught them with his knot still stuck in her. They attacked him, trying to kill him but he pulled hard on the knot and broke free. He got away. He was unhurt, except for the ear. A mightyena alone is a death sentence. Mightyena are pack hunters and have trouble killing on their own. He has had opportunities to make a kill in the past weeks but failed. Berries only get him so far. His body hurts all over. He's going to die a painful death. Was a couple minutes inside a bitch's cunt worth it? He thinks back to the look on the alpha's face when he saw his daughter under him. A faint smile spreads across his face, yes it was. He closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep but the pain prevents him. He lays there, hurting, for hours. The sun is getting late in the sky. He hears something, his ears perk up. He raises his head and looks. He is near a path. Through the bush's leaves he sees yellow. It's a pikachu walking down the path. His stomach growls, this is his last chance. He gets a burst of energy and charges out of the bush wildly. The pikachu doges him easily. What's wrong with him? He just blew the element of surprise. He turns around and faces the pikachu. It's a young female. She's in a defensive position, growling, tail pointed to the sky and showing her teeth. Sparks jump around her. He doesn't take her little display very seriously. He could easily kill her in one bite, if only he could get his teeth in her. He growls and snarls in return. She keeps her calm, she's a brave little doe. Her eyes shift. Oh no, he can tell she's going to run for it. He can't chase her down. She suddenly bolts off. Fuck, he runs after her. The pikachu escapes. She is faster than him. He gives chase but she disappears into the forest, he stops. The mightyena almost breaks down and cries. That was his last chance at food. He pulls himself together. He can track her. It's a long shot but it's the only chance he's got. He begins to sniff. He gets a good whiff of her, she smells so good. He whines with anticipation. He starts following her trail. He slowly walks through the woods retracing her steps. She's good, she zigzagged through the forest. He has to take his time. He comes up to a place where she doubled back. God dammit. Why did she have to be smart? His legs get wobbly, his front paws buckle and his face lands on the ground. He is so hungry that it doesn't even feel like hunger. His stomach feels like it's being stabbed with sharp talons. He's tempted just to lay down, right there, and die but he gets back up. If he was good for one thing on hunts, it was tracking. He looks around, it rained recently so there should be prints. Sure enough he finds one and looks at the angle. She must have turned left here. Over the next hour he slowly tracks her making sure as to not to lose the scent or get confused. He finally comes to a tree. She must have laid here for a bit, he sniffs the base of the tree, and climbed up. He looks up and sees the little pikachu peacefully sleeping on a limb. He starts a low growl and almost howls but quickly stops himself. That's what a pack hunter would do. He would call his pack and they would all come running and bark and scratch at the tree. She would get scared and scurry down. They would leave an opening for her. One of the pack would wait in tall grass or a bush behind the tree. She wouldn't see him and run right into its maw. It would bite into her shoulder and carry her into the open. He can imagine her screams now. Then the other pack members would all bite into her and pull her apart, in two, alive. A meal like her wouldn't last but a few seconds to a pack of mightyena. No, he's not a pack hunter anymore he's a lone wolf. He has had plenty of opportunity over the past weeks to get a kill, but he blew them because he's been acting like there's a pack behind him. If he barks now, she's just going to run up into the tree and he is going to starve before she comes down. He takes a deep breath, 'think.' She's too high to climb up, he's not made for climbing plus she would hear him and wake up, then he's in the same spot as barking. He sits on his hind legs and looks at her. She is so beautiful and young. He licks his chops; slobber runs down his chin. He quivers with excitement. He bets she tastes great. The young females always do. He looks at her. How is he going to get her down? She's about eight feet up, just too high to reach. Her tail, however, is hanging down about a foot. He walks under her and stands on his hind legs. He's about two feet short of grabbing her tail but he could jump up and bite it. He'll have to put everything he's got into this. He's so tired but this is his last chance. He gets down and stretches. If he misses this, he'll land hard and she'll wake up. He walks under her tail and crouches low. He puts all of his weight on his back paws and pushes off the ground. It all happens in slow motion. Her tail comes right up to his face. He opens his mouth and turns his head. He'll have to bite the tail with his molars, he can't risk ripping the tail. The tail enters his mouth, and he bites down. He's got her! Gravity starts pulling him down. He looks up at her. She is now wide awake and slipping off the limb. She looks down at him. He knows that look in her eye. It's the look all prey has when they know they've fucked up. Those eyes are like a dinner bell to him. She tries to shock him but she's too tired to get anything but a few sparks. Good, he forgot about the whole electricity thing. Her back legs fall off but her front paws keep her held up. 'Come on bitch, give up,' he doesn't know how long he can hold this. She kicks him in the face but he will not let go, this is life and death for him. "Pika Pi!" She cries for help. 'It's just you and me little pikachu' he thinks to himself. After an agonizing half a minute she falls off the limb. He's ready for her. She lands on her back hard, he lands on his paws. His natural instincts kick in and he goes for the kill quickly. In one second he turns around, places his paw on her chest and lunges for her neck. *SNAP* , his teeth clamp down on her soft throat. He can't believe it, he's not going to starve tonight! She looks in his eyes in terror, she knows she is food now. He trembles with pure bliss. Her blood gushes into his mouth and on his tongue. It tastes so good. He begins to lap up the blood pooling on her neck and drinks it. It's so good he closes his eyes and enjoys the moment. This is the best day of his life. He presses his paw into her chest and pulls his head back. Her throat comes out easily. He hears gurgling come from the pikachu as he swallows her throat quickly. It feels so good to get flesh in his stomach, he feels faint. He shakes his head and snaps to. He looks down at the pikachu. She is still struggling even though a good chunk of her throat is missing. She looks like she's in great pain and blood is gushing from her neck with each pulse of her heart. Seeing her like this kicks in his prey drive again and he gets excited. He leans down and bites a good-sized chunk out of her belly. Her fat and flesh taste amazing. He swallows that quickly too. He has a plan. He was the lowest member of his pack. He always had to watch for contenders on hunts, which meant he always got the last pick of the prey. He ate the shitty parts that only a starved maniac would eat. One time, they forgot a piece of liver. He ate it, it was the best fucking thing he ever ate. Now he has a whole kill to himself, he can eat whatever he wants. He plunges his snout into the hole he just created. He has seen so many kills he knows where all the organs are. He roots around in her sniffing. He feels her tiny heart is beating fast. The pikachu grabs weakly at his snout. He looks up into her eyes. She looks mortified and tears stream down her face. This makes him love her kill even more. He goes back to searching. He finds the liver and bites down. It's attached but he pulls hard enough it comes out. She gurgles in pain. He bites into it just to taste the juices. Then he leans his head back and swallows it whole. God, it tastes heavenly. He feels so faint he gets off her and steps back. He sits on his back legs and enjoys the moment; his tail is wagging. He was so close to starving. His stomach grumbles as his body begins to digest his pikachu dinner. He looks at the pikachu. She's dead now, her eyes are open and dull, looking at the limb on which she was just sleeping. She lies limp in a pool of her own blood. Her throat is missing and has a gaping hole in her belly. Her back left leg still twitches occasionally. He admires his work. 'She looks better like this,' he thinks. Such a good little kill. He's still starving, he thinks about going for more guts but then he realizes, this is his kill. Guts and gristle are for lower members, the alpha gets real meat. He is his own alpha now. His old alpha always went for the haunches first, they must be good. He stands up and walks over to the pikachu. He nuzzles under her back and flips her on her stomach. She makes a soggy squishy sound as her guts spill out. He sniffs down her back slowly, enjoying her scent. He smells her haunches, something smells good. He follows the scent right to her cunt. He places his nostrils right up against it and takes a deep sniff, his eyes flutter. She was in heat. He was too hungry to notice. He can feel his dick start to unsheath. He can't resist and snakes his tongue, a few times, in and out of her pussy. It's sopping wet, almost like she was turned on when she died. He takes his tongue out and pants. His tongue is covered and dripping in a thick layer of slippery pussy fluids. He swallows the juices and smacks his chops. He pauses then lets out a low dark chuckle. He often wonders what goes through a prey's mind as they are being eaten; fear, dread, terror, regret, loved ones, dreams crushed, a sense of a wasted life? Probably all of those, but he has seen plenty of prey die. In those last moments, just before they die, they all have the same look on their face. The mightyena doesn't know what to call the look, satisfaction maybe? The same kind of satisfaction you get from cumming deep in a warm fertile cunt or taking a big healthy shit. Come to think of it, it's the same satisfaction he got when he first bit into the pikachu's neck. It's a natural satisfaction, when things are the way they should be. When something does what it was intended for. It's only natural for weak prey to become food for stronger predators. The pikachu was made for him to eat and her wet pussy tells him, she knew it too. Her journey now over, ending right where it was meant to, in a belly. He looks down the back of the dead pikachu. Maybe if he wasn't starving to death he would have naturally satisfied her in a different way. He likes the thought of forcing himself on a female prey and planting his seed in them. He would let them go then she would raise his offspring under the nose of her mate. He'll have to try that one day but for now, what's done is done. His thoughts are rudely interrupted by a grumbling stomach. It's happy with what's inside it now but it wants more. He remembers he was going to try the haunches. He licks down the area to prepare it. He bites into the flesh and rips a large chunk of her ass off. He chews the bloody meat. It's so fresh, tender and raw. He swallows, fuck the liver, this is the best thing he has ever eaten. He sits down, closes his eyes and enjoys the moment. His tail thumps hard against the ground. He spends the next thirty minutes sampling different parts of the prey's body, the parts he's always wanted to try but was never allowed to eat. She tastes so good. He is now full, his stomach gurgles and is bloated. He sits down to clean himself of gore and blood. He isn't quite sure what his favorite part is yet. He was so hungry everything tasted good. He'll have to experiment with more prey before he develops his palette. He ate over half of her. Her mangled corpse lays there completely still. He saved one of her back legs. He gnaws it to the bone then rips it off. The joint disconnects with a satisfying crack and pop. He leaves the rest for the scavengers. He takes the leg with him; it will be his breakfast. He trots off happier than he's ever been. He finds a nice, secluded clearing and curls up to sleep. He rests his head on the pikachu's leg like a pillow and drifts off to sleep. He's tracking her again. He finally comes to a tree. She must have laid here for a bit, he sniffs the base of the tree, and climbed up. He looks up and sees the little pikachu sleeping peacefully on a limb. He jumps up and bites her tail. She holds on for a bit but eventually falls to the ground. He quickly turns around and places his paw on her chest. He doesn't bite her, he just grins. She looks between his legs and looks back up at him timidly. This time she's going to satisfy a different need. He enjoys the rest of the dream. He wakes up the next morning, his stomach covered in half dried semen. He sniffs his breakfast. Some of her heat smell is on the inside of the thigh, which probably explains the dream. He eats his breakfast, bone and all. It's not as juicy and fresh but is still good. He finishes and walks off. He thinks he won't have trouble killing prey now. When you're alone, you have to out smart them, not out fight or outrun them. He walks for a bit then squats down and takes a shit. The shit has bleached yellow fur and bits of undigested bone in it. He walks over to a tree nearby and pisses. He then scratches his claws into the bark, this is his territory now. He lays down under a bush and takes a nap. Come dusk, he will hunt again. ", |
Story Start, As it stood, Darz was rather down on his luck. The white-scaled anthro dragon with frills to either side of his head was scrolling through his phone in search of a fitting summer job. His last one didn’t exactly go as planned, and he needed whatever he could in order to pay rent for the month. “There has to be something good on here…” He sighed to himself, rubbing his neck in anxiety while he attempted to find a fitting job. The dragon was beginning to fear for the worst, finding many offerings that were either out of his comfort zone, or didn’t pay enough to cover rent. But as fate would have it, another refresh of the page led to an offer that stood out among all the others. “Oh, a stablehand position…? That wouldn’t be bad at all!” He remarked to himself, clicking on the offering right away. Darz always had a deep appreciation for nature, especially when it came to horses. Admittedly, it did tend to coincide with a few of his more repressed kinks, but he wasn’t as swift to act on those. If anything, it was more of a subconscious bonus to that sort of job. Whoever made the job offering seemed to include several typos, probably a farmer that wasn’t too tech savvy. Either way, said farmer was offering an extraordinary thirty pounds per hour for the dragon to muck out, groom, and feed the horses in the stables. For Darz, it was a match made in heaven, and he applied almost immediately. Not even five minutes later, he’d get a reply, telling him to show up early tomorrow morning, and to go straight to the stables. It was all somewhat remarkable to the dragon, how quickly things were improving for him! Almost too good to be true… But if things proved to be too suspicious for him, he could always duck out as soon as things began heading south. Confident with himself, Darz would turn in early for the night in order to get up as soon as he could the following morning, already quite excited to meet a few cute horses… And get paid handsomely for it, too. Hours later, the dragon’s alarm would sound, and he would wake up with a stretching yawn. Tossing on a cheap t-shirt that he wasn’t afraid to dirty up, along with a pair of shorts, he’d ready himself up with some supplies. Disposable gloves, some garbage bags, a hairbrush… And then, he was out the door. Thankfully, the farm that he was headed to wasn’t all that far away, able to make it there via biking in no time. From the outside, the area seemed a bit… dilapidated, to say the least. Both the barn and the farmhouse showed some signs of wear, and it looked like nothing had been grown on the property for at least a few years. A few red flags already, but nothing to shake Darz from investigating further. He’d walk up to the front door of the farmhouse and knock, waiting for a moment. Nothing but silence. “Is this the wrong place…?” Suddenly, his phone would vibrate yet again, reaching down to check it. It was from the person offering the job, explaining that he wasn’t home at the moment, and that he could just go right into the barn to tend to the animals. “... Right.” Darz nodded, setting it back into his pocket before turning his head towards the barn. With his hands on the double doors of the barn, the dragon took a deep breath. He didn’t quite know what to expect in there, but he also had his doubts that it could be anything too terrible. With any luck, it would be a bunch of horses that he could groom, as the messages implied. Biting his tongue, he would shove the door open, cautiously making his way inside. Immediately, the inside of the barn was two things; Very smelly, and very dark. A very powerful scent hit Darz, enough to make him recoil in shock. It was a barn, alright. Yet, it somehow smelled even worse than he was expecting. Thankfully, it didn’t really smell of death, as if he was being lured there by some sort of psycho murderer, but it still smelled a whole lot like shit. As someone who could appreciate such harsh smells, it all seemed to excite Darz even more, taking a few steps further into the potent barn. In order to try and find a light switch, he used the flashlight on his phone, glancing a bit further into the barn to notice massive piles of animal waste simply lying around, not even in the stables. That would explain the smell, at least… Moving a bit further to the right, he’d finally notice the switch on the wall, hitting it with his hand. Light instantly floods the barn, revealing that there were never any other horses in there to begin with. That explained the eerie quietness, upon stepping in there… Upon further inspection, it appeared that there was nothing else in the barn. Was someone playing a massive prank on him, or something? “H-hello…?” Darz nervously questioned, walking further into the barn to check each and every last stable. Empty, empty, empty. All he would find were more piles of waste. “What in the world…?” Suddenly, he would hear the barn door slam shut from behind, making him whip his head back around with a terrified yelp. “W-who’s there!?” Interestingly, a large figure now stood near the barn door on all fours, the new stablehand needing a moment to orient himself again to see what it was. To his surprise, it would appear that the single animal inhabiting the barn had found him, puffing a bit of air out of its beak. It was a massive hippogryph, clearly very strong. He had the dark brown head of a bird of prey, with two yellow talons in the front and two black hooves in the back. Moving backward, his feathers would transition to fur of a darker brown, with a ropelike black tail that swished around. Occasionally, one of his wings would twitch, while he stared down the dragon that occupied the room with him. Darz had a hard time telling if the tension had been raised or lowered by his looming presence. Still, he would move over to begin petting the sides of his feathery face. “Uhhh… Hey there, big fella! Nice to meet you, here! I’m going to be cleaning your house for today, so don’t mind me…” He’d softly tell the powerful beast, transferring from petting his cheeks to rubbing across his beak… It was at that point when Darz had a greater sense of scale for the beast, realizing how easily he could be stuffed down that beak if the beast pleased. The thought was simultaneously somewhat terrifying and partially enticing to the dragon, biting his lip. He couldn’t help but appreciate the sheer size of the gryph, petting all over his body and admiring his natural beauty. With his cleaner so preoccupied with his pets and rubs the hippogryph seemed to smirk, leaning over to lick Darz’s head. The dragon squirmed and shuddered, part of his face still dripping with the drool. “Mmmph, you give some big kisses…!” The dragon huffed, already blushing quite a bit. He knew he couldn’t let himself get too preoccupied with the hippogryph, though. After all, he had a job to do… And a lot of it. Darz retrieved the gloves and trash bags from his pocket, slipping on the gloves. “I’m gonna start helping you out, don’t mind me! I can brush you a little once things are more clean around here, alright?” He giggled, nuzzling into the bird’s head for a moment, before turning around and moving into a stall, getting ready to muck the place out. It wouldn’t be easy, but somebody had to do it. Bending down, Darz started shoveling much of the waste into one of the garbage bags, beginning to realize that much of it probably came out of the massive hippogryph, if not all of it. It smelled worse than ever, making the dragon clench his feet and shiver as he helped to remove it all. However, the more he shoveled of it, the more he was beginning to notice some… oddities in the mess. Different colored bits of fur and scales seemed to leap out at him among the waste, making the dragon seriously begin questioning the hippogryph’s diet. “Gosh…” He huffed, blushing as he observed the filth right before him… Then, the stable doors shut behind him, feeling the heat of a large beast’s breath washing over him. Darz turned around, staring eye to eye with the hippogryph looking right back at him. “Enjoying my handiwork?” The beast smirked. Darz let out a short shriek, stumbling back and nearly falling into the mess he was trying to clean up. “Y-you can talk!?” He stuttered, trying to get used to the sudden revelation. The hippogryph cleared his throat, beginning to circle around the dragon. “Obviously. Now that I’ve got you where I want you, I should probably introduce myself. I go by… Buck.” The beast asserts, leaning down to drag his tongue across the dragon’s forehead. “I have to admit, I didn’t expect such a cute-looking morsel to accept that job offer… What’s your name, meat?” Darz blinked a couple times, rubbing his eyes for good measure. Despite his best efforts to prove himself wrong, it seemed like the hippogryph was still real. Those tinglings of fear and excitement amplified tenfold within the stablehand dragon. “O-Oh, errm… I’m Darz. Pleased to meet you, Buck!” The dragon picked himself back up from the ground, shakily patting the gryph upon the head again. Buck chuckled to himself, finding that the new stablehand was adjusting to both his speech and his voracious remarks much, much more quickly than he anticipated. “Ah, such a bright, happy face… I can already tell you’ll be quite the pushover.” The hippogryph gave a hefty laugh, making his barrel of a gut sway and slosh. Darz seemed to hear all of it, making him bite his tongue in nervous arousal. “Lucky for you, that’s exactly what you’ll need if you want to walk out of here as anything but my next meal. Simply follow through with your orders, and I’ll let you off the hook. That includes cleaning up this pigsty.” The beast pads around, looking at a few more of his messes strewn about the barn. “Let’s just say that the previous stablehands around here… did a very poor job.” He laughed once more, not quite as hard as last time. Darz glanced back to what was left of the pile he was cleaning up, beginning to realize what the bits of fur and scales were all about. “There were other ones? And you… ate them?” He shuddered in disbelief, shoveling the rest of one of the piles into a bag. Buck flicked his tail to the side, being quite dismissive of the remains of the former stablehands. “Why, yes. And if this place isn’t spotless by the end of the day, then I’m sure you will be the next thing piling from beneath my tail, morsel. Left behind for the next stablehand to clean up. And then the cycle continues…” His voice trailed off near the end, rubbing his head against one of the dragon’s frills, really riling him up. “The clock is ticking, dragon. Do not disappoint me.” The stable’s door opens yet again, the hippogryph moving out to observe from near the door, the one exit to the barn. From there, Darz was beginning to realize he was well and truly trapped in there, with a giant, beastly predator. While regularly, anyone else would be terrified and attempt to escape at the earliest opportunity (such as all of Buck’s other failed ‘stablehands’), Darz went about all of it a bit differently. He eagerly cleaned up the remains of previous hippogryph meals, moving from stall to stall, and generally filling as many trash bags to capacity as he could. Even Buck was impressed as he observed the eager, diligent servant, grinning to himself. “Be sure to deep clean the next one, the corner one is my favorite place to shit stablehands like you back out.” He smirked, tail swinging from side to side as he observed. Darz was trying not to make much direct eye contact through it all, huffing and shuddering as he cleaned up any pile he could find. “Y-yeah…” At first, Buck observed it all, impressed with just how much he was intimidating the dragon. However, the more he moved around, the more he noticed the blush fixed on the stablehand’s face… Perhaps he wasn’t scared, but rather shy of the hippogryph…? Either way, the large beast would approach Darz from behind, licking the back of his head and whispering into the lizard’s earhole behind one of his frills. “And after you’re done, you’ll have the privilege of grooming me. Nobody’s made it to that step so far, so I’d hurry up if I were you.” He teased, watching as the flustered stablehand shudders once again, covering his face for a moment. “D-don’t worry, I will…” Buck was rather certain that it wasn’t fear at that point. The dragon had a bit of a crush on him. Sure enough, in the corner stall of the stables, there was a massive, heaping pile of former stablehands bunched up against the corner. While it was the only mass of hippogryph waste left in the barn, it was also the heaviest and most difficult to muck, requiring quite a bit of elbow grease and nearly two and a half bags to clear out in its entirety. The stench of it all was just about as potent as ever, leaving the dragon doing his best to adjust the hard-on in his shorts that had been present ever since the big hippogryph began talking down to him. He’d been mucking around for so long that the smell didn’t seem to leave him at all, despite all of the messes being properly cleaned up now. And this excited him further, rather than disgusting him. “J-job’s done, Buck! You said you wanted me to groom you, now…?” The dragon shakily asked, looking up at the big, intimidating, and still somehow suave beast once again. With a long, exaggerated yawn, Buck gave the little stablehand a deep view into that drooling fate that was the fate of many stablehands before him… Part of Darz wanted to dive right into that death pit of a throat, but the more rational part of him was aware of the consequences, keeping him out of danger. “Ahhhhh… As I was saying, yes. I spotted that broom out of your back pocket, and I want you to make my fur and feathers reflect my personality. If you fail, I’ll digest you until you have a new form to reflect your worth to me.” He chitters and chirps, circling the dragon again. “Now get grooming. Darz couldn’t help but shudder whenever the hippogryph suggested that he would be better off as shit if he doesn’t comply with his demands, finding it difficult not to fantasize about such a scenario. “N-no problem…!” He panted, reaching back into his pocket to yank out the brush. From there, it would be quite easy for him to brush all over the hefty beast’s body, going from his head down to his body using brisk, repetitive strokes… Now that he was so close to Buck, his natural musk was really starting to take over the dragon’s senses, even more so than the muck he was shoveling into trash bags earlier. He smelled like this was the first time he had been groomed by anyone but himself in a very long time, much less actually been bathed. It left the poor stablehand to absolutely shiver in excitement, especially as his brush worked towards the muskier parts of the beastly predator’s anatomy. The hybrid had the back half of a very strong horse, which would be easier to brush through than his feathers. Buck was beginning to look more clean already, even if his smell wouldn’t exactly reflect that… “Hey morsel, get my tail for me.” The monstrous hippogryph purred, whipping his tail against Darz’s face a few times. “I’m trying, hold still…!” The dragon huffed, lifting it up and beginning to brush at it a few times. One, two, three… Suddenly, he heard a deep rumbling resonating from within the predator’s body, tilting his head a bit in curiosity. Buck’s eyes were closed as he grunted, the jet-black doughnut between that lifted tail starting to flex. That is, until it forced out a concentrated blast of hippogryph gas, perhaps the worst scent that his body could possibly muster, washing over the dragon. -BRRRMMMPPPTT!!-“Ah, my apologies for that… Must be the previous farmhand begging to make his return.” Buck laughed to himself, turning his head to witness his housekeeper’s reaction to it all. To his surprise, he wouldn’t find Darz recoiling backward in disgust. Rather, he kept on brushing his tail, huffing it in with a bit of whimpering and whining. Without a word, he could see something throbbing, packed away in those shorts of his. The beastly hippogryph couldn’t help but smirk, realizing the extent to how easily he could tease the poor dragon that he had working for him. “Oh, you pathetic little snack~ You just can’t get enough of me, can you?” He winked, flicking his tail around a bit to waft his scent a bit more. “Y-you really seem to tease a lot…” Darz states the obvious, prepared to remove his gloves. Noticing this the hippogryph began to squat over the floor, keeping his tail raised high while his guts surge. “Done so soon with the cleaning…? Personally I think you missed a spot...” The beast chuckled, straining to himself while that doughnut began to stretch itself wide open. Right before Darz’s very eyes, he would witness the clumpy mass of birdhorse waste spilling out all over the ground, practically steaming from the heat from deep within the beast’s body. Darz was blushing profusely, noting even more fur among the muck, and putting two and two together. “H-how long have you been doing this…?” Darz simply asked, observing the beast unloading a pile just about as large as the dragon himself. “Oh, you know… A few years? I can’t help it if they just keep coming. It’s like they’re practically feeding themselves to me…” He turned his head and licked his beak, making the dragon’s eventual fate known to him. Darz shuddered again, continuing to imagine himself as a pile, much like the one the predator had just finished unloading. Even then, he had to remain diligent for the predator, unless he was willing to risk his entire life for a large, musky beast. “Now, clean up my latest conquest, or else that will be you.”As the dragon took care of Buck’s most recent pile, the scent was as strong as ever, going as far as to make his eyes water this time as he shoved it away into a trash bag, practically the last one he had. He didn’t quite expect to be dealing with that much shit today. Finally taking off his gloves and tossing them into the trash bag as well, Darz wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead, observing the newly-groomed hippogryph again. “Okay, that’s all taken care of, now…! Feeling better?” He blushed, rubbing Buck’s head with a half-smile. The beast couldn’t help but cackle slightly. “Almost. One more thing... I want you to milk me.”This caught Darz off guard somewhat. “Milk you? But, you’re a guy, aren’t you...?” Grinning, the birdhorse gripped him by the shirt using one of his talons, forcing him to the floor. “Of course I am. But that does still leave you with something to milk…” Darz gave a grunt after being forced to the ground, tilting his head up a bit… And bearing witness to an immense stretch of horsecock pressing right back against his nose. It seemed all of the excitement had really gotten to Buck, pushing it all out of his sheath, radiating an aura of potent musk. “Licking the tip of it should be enough. I’d break you if I went any further.”Darz couldn’t quite believe what he was doing, whimpering a little bit to himself as he gripped onto the base and shaft of Buck’s meat. “O-okay…” He shuddered, huffing in some of that musk and invigorating him further as he began to stroke and pump at it, simultaneously dragging his tongue across the occasionally-flaring tip. The gryph started dragging his talons against the floor, gasping to himself from the sudden stimulation. He must’ve been pent up for quite some time, those hefty balls sloshing around with every stroke and lick. “I can hardly tell if you’d be better as a mate, or as my next meal…” He remarks, starting to thrust the tip into Darz’s face a few times, feeling as he starts stroking him harder and harder. The beast had a very particular musky taste to that cock, making the stablehand mumble and quiver to himself, drooling all over that tip. At the same time, it drooled right back at him, twitching and throbbing more with every little bit of stimulation. Everything was amping up further and further, leading up to Darz mumbling something as he gave it a very deep, sloppy kiss. This was enough to make the predator flare his wings and give out a heavy grunt, sloppy ropes of hippogryph cum pumping straight down his throat. The taste was indescribable, making Darz’s eyes roll back a bit as he was forced to take it all, until Buck’s cock was limp yet again. “H-hahhh…” He grunted, popping the tip back out of his mouth and falling over, leaving it to drool on the ground. It looked like he managed to successfully milk the hippogryph for today, making him rub his eyes and shudder. “Very nicely done, hah… Went far better than the time I bent a stablehand over one of the stables.” The beast chirped, watching the dragon pick himself off of the ground again. Darz shuddered, chin still dripping with hippogryph cum as he tried to speak again. “Errrm, I hate to ask and such, but is my job here done yet...? I think I did everything I could today, after all! The mucking, grooming, errr… You probably took care of the feeding yourself already… When does your owner come back home anyway?” Buck blinked a few times in surprise from the dragon trying to escape, before giving a sloshy gut-laugh in return. “Oh, you haven’t fed me yet… I nearly forgot.” He walked close and closer to Darz, who was sweating as he was backed up against a wall. Raising a talon, the beast would bring it close to his shorts… And suddenly plucked the dragon’s phone right out of his pocket. “H-hey!”The hippogryph looked down at the thing, tapping at it a few times with a claw. “I figured you wouldn’t be needing this, once I’m through with you. Also, to answer your question, there never was an owner.” He casually admits, firmly tossing the dragon’s phone back towards a sizable pile of other phones in the back. “Prey tend to make it all too easy for me to send out more and more stablehand requests. Though it helps when the buttons are suited for my claws…” He clears his throat, leaning in closer towards the dragon, sinking his claws into the shirt and shorts of the stablehand... Then, in one swift motion, he would rip his clothing to shreds, leaving nothing behind but a nude, terrified, and aroused dragon. “G-gah, I thought we had a deal, though!” Darz whimpered, attempting to cover up his erect shaft while the predator corners him. “Oh, we did~ But I couldn’t help but notice how much you love my bodily processes. I wouldn’t deprive you of becoming my next meal.” The dragon’s eyes went wide after hearing this, waving his hands out a few times. “But, uh, I could keep coming back and doing this stuff for you if you don’t eat me, right? Besides… Erm… I kinda like you a lot…” He admits, rather red in the face. Bucked poked his head down between his legs, giving a nice teasing lick to the dragon’s cock, getting him to squeak in shock. “Fair point, I’ve noticed. However, as fun as a companion that you are, I still think you are better off as a pile… So, I think I’ll let you decide. Either you can throw yourself into my maw as an offering, or you can run off to avoid what you know is your destiny.” Buck taunted, resting himself on his haunches with his drooling beak agape, forcing Darz to stare in…At that moment, Darz had never felt so conflicted in all his life. Of course, if he threw himself into Buck’s stomach, that would basically be the end. But at the same time, he couldn’t imagine a more perfect and fitting end, essentially living out his deepest and darkest fantasies within the most powerful and attractive predator he had ever met. His hesitation was beginning to take over, making him take a couple steps towards the barn door, until his attention was grabbed once more by that drooling beak… His gaze was fixed down the deep, dark throat, making him sweat even more. And then, Buck gave him a wink. His own kinky interests were taking over his hesitation, making him step closer and closer towards the beast…He stood directly in front of the hippogryph’s maw, whimpering a little as his hand felt at that beak. As if to tease further, a wash of the beast’s stale breath washed over his face, making the dragon smell some of it. Darz huffed the horrid air, something inside of his brain reacting very heavily to it. Scents were always a great weakness to the stablehand, and Buck seemed to pick up on that. If his breath smelled that bad on the outside, he could only imagine how much worse it was on the inside… And then, Buck breathed again, directly over his face this time. Something inside of Darz snapped. He just couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He crammed his entire head into that beak, pulling himself inside and starting to wiggle down his throat!“H-hmmph…” Darz moaned, the sweltering depths of Buck’s throat massaging his body from all sides. The more everything shifted and squeezed around him, the more the dragon was starting to feel that he made the correct decision. Buck lifted his head up to swallow him down the rest of the way, forcing him closer towards the noisy stomach he could hear preparing itself. Despite how huge Buck was, Darz found it quite the tight squeeze, absolutely drenched in musky saliva while his cock throbbed. “T-this is like… heaven…” He mumbled, wiggling his whole body down the powerful gullet. Before too long, his muzzle would be pushing into the sphincter at the top of Buck’s gut, leaving him squirming and squeezing inside. That tight hole would rub all over his body on the way in, before he would eventually squish and splash into Buck’s stomach acids. “F-fuck…” Darz mumbled to himself, the juices immediately starting to tingle upon his body. He couldn’t help but imagine how many other stablehands the hippogryph must’ve been through, putting him into this exact same position. And sooner or later, once he lost consciousness, he’d be piling right back out of his ass… Thinking about it, Darz gripped his cock and began to pump, rubbing himself up against those stomach walls with a moan. “G-gah…” The rest of his body spilled into the tight chamber, curling up a bit as Buck sat down on his haunches, currently laughing to himself. The action made his whole stomach slosh, splashing all over the stablehand’s body. “Hahah~ I knew you would come around, I know your type. Thanks for the meal. In a matter of hours, you’ll be reduced to the next load of waste for the next stablehand to shovel up. Have fun~” He purred, a tinge of malice to his teasing as he squished his stomach. Much like how Buck’s stomach would do to himself soon, Darz’s inhibitions about being eaten would melt away. “Perfect…” He mumbles to himself, the heat inside of the stomach increasing, while the amount of breathable air decreases with a violent belch from the horsebird. -UWWARRRRP!!- “Excuse me…” He taunts, feeling Darz compacting against the walls even further. The dragon stroked and stroked, panting to himself and using up quite a bit of that oxygen supply. “Nnnph…!” He whimpers, beginning to approach his limit. With another squeeze from the outside, Buck decides to tease him for one last time, while he knew he still could. “Don’t worry, I’ll never forget your encounter… You’ll be the most satisfying pile I’ve ever released.”As Darz hears this, he couldn’t help but climax, inhaling sharply as he paints the tight stomach walls with rope after rope of his own cum, heavily moaning to himself as the stomach claims him. That was all he could do at that point, living out his fantasy as the stomach finally begins to claim him. He had already used up too much of his air and energy in order to satisfy himself inside the confines of the stomach. Darz kept on feeling weaker and weaker, his body softening up over time, until he would eventually black out. The gurgling stomach acids would lead to his scales falling off, progressing further and further with the process of digestion, while Buck decided that now was an ideal time to take a nap. “Pleasant dreams, morsel.” -GWRrRrGLLrrrRrpp…-The following day, Buck would wake up with a very catlike stretch, the massive mound of meat inside of his stomach having rounded out since the night prior. He gave it a couple shoves with his claw, chuckling. “I’m glad that you could embrace your destiny, dragon.” He taunts, flicking his tail around a few more times. A deep, wet fart would tear out of that doughnut, reeking of the former dragon that was so eager to toss himself into the jaws of the beast. “I guess that means my body is finished with you. Since you were so kind as to clean out my favorite dumping spot, I might as well make use of it…” Buck purred, sauntering over towards the corner stall that the dragon mucked out, taking a squatting position right at the corner of the barn and raising his tail. “Now then… Hnnnggffff…” Another trumpeting fanfare signaled that Darz had reached the further end of the hippogryph’s bowels, making way for the first of his steaming remains to splatter out. The beast dug his talons into the ground a bit as it all stretched out of his glazed doughnut, painting the wall a new coat of brown as the pile builds up and compacts at the corner of the stall. -SHLAPPLAPPLRRPT…- The splattering of the former dragon was like music to his ears, unloading his new form with ease. He went out just as easily as he went in, the scales occasionally teasing at his backdoor on the way out. Just as he had expected, Darz was shaping up to be the best shit that Buck had ever taken. “Gah, I told you that it was your destiny~” He purred, going as far as to heft one of his hind hooves against the wall a bit just to spread himself further, the deluge of hippogryph shit hardly stopping for everything. The scales were all that remained, leading to a firm, heaping mess the whole way through, very easy for the predator to pass. The horsebird’s asshole would continue stretching wider to accommodate the different widths of the load he was forcing out, flexing his talons while his tail whipped around to instinctively try and clear out the terrible odor of the ex-dragon. After a particularly thick chunk of muck was forced out of his backdoor, the predator felt that he had unleashed a proper deluge of waste. “Here goes the rest of you…” A rapid series of varying splatters of mud and sputters of gas would rain out from behind the predator, squatting a bit lower to force the last of it out. It was quite the satisfying, if not a bit grotesque and filthy, experience for the predator, wondering which parts of the pile belonged to which parts of Darz. “And it was all so worth it…” He sighs, the final few clumps of waste piling out of his behind, before that tail of his would lower once again. Buck would turn around, gazing upon the steaming heap that he left behind. The pile was nearly as tall as Darz was, taking up about half of the space of the stall in the corner. “Well, that will certainly be quite the mess for the next stablehand to clean up for me. Might even be a new record~” Buck teased, stepping away from the heaping mountain of hippogryph waste and instead focusing on Darz’s phone, opening it up in order to prepare yet another well-paying job opening for a stablehand... ", |
Story Start,“Oh, excuse me!” Rarity blushed as her stomach rumbled in an entirely un-ladylike manner. Twilight just laughed “Someone sounds hungry today...”Rarity signed, “You don't know the half of it darling... Lately I've just been getting more and more ravenous, but no matter how much I eat I just can't seem to shake this hunger.”“Hmm” Twilight mused as the pair continued their trek through the Pony Ville market. She was busy trying to work out a scientific or magical solution to attempt to subdue Rarity's hunger, when she spotted Rainbow Dash a little way up the road... and was struck with a brilliant idea. “Say... if normal food isn't working for some reason, why don't you try eating Rainbow Dash?” She gestured at the blue pegasus walking up ahead, who apparently hadn't yet noticed them. Rarity took a moment to ponder the proposition “Well.. I guess she would be pretty filling” she said, unconsciously licking her lips. She'd never thought about eating a pony before - much less a friend – but at this point she was so hungry she was willing to try just about anything. “Yeah!” Twilight encouraged, “And also I kinda want to see if it's even possible.. you know, uh... for science!”“Right...” Rarity smirked giving Twilight a sideways glance “... For 'science'”. The pair trotted up the road and caught Rainbow Dash just as she was about to leap into the air. “Oh, hey girls what's up?” Rainbow asked as they approached. Twilight lead the pegasus to a quiet corner, some distance from the main market, before explaining: “It's kind of an odd one actually. You see, Rarity's been feeling really hungry for the last few days and normal food doesn't seem to help. So, she's going to eat you and see if that works.”Rainbow Dash paused as her brain tried to catch up to what Twilight had just said “Wait.. what??”Rarity rolled her eyes and sauntered over to the Rainbow, resting a hoof on her shoulder. “I'm going to EAT you darling” She repeated, as if speaking to a slow child who was struggling to grasp something. “But.. but I don't want to be eaten!” Rainbow protested. “Well, that's not surprising” Twilight laughed, “It'd be pretty weird if you wanted to be eaten.”“Sorry Dashie,” Rarity said in a lazy attempt to placate her obviously flustered friend “I know it's less than ideal from your point of view, but I'm just so incredibly hungry and you might be enough to fill me up.”“Well, if you're so hungry why don't you eat Twilight?? Why does it have to be me?”Twilight laughed again at Rainbow's naivety “That should be fairly obvious Dash! I'm kinda attached to this whole 'living' thing at the moment, so I don't really want to get squished up and slowly dissolved in a tight vat of acid in somepony's belly just because they were a little peckish... And besides, I'm the Princess of Friendship - I'd be a lot harder to replace than a Wonderbolt. I mean, you guys have a whole academy of potential replacements!”“B.. but that's-”“Shhhhhh” Rarity cooed, easing in closer to Rainbow and giving her a long, slow lick up the side of her face. “It's ok, I'll swallow you whole so it won't hurt or anything.”“Th.. that's not what I'm worried abo-EEP” Rainbow yelped as she was suddenly enveloped in purple magic, lifted into the air, and spun round so that she was on her back. Twilight placed one of her hoofs under each of Rainbow Dash's arms to help support the weight, and guided her toward Rarity, who took hold of a blue hind-hoof and brought it up to her mouth, licking her lips greedily. “Rarity, please! You don't have to do this!”It was Twilight who responded however, since Rarity had seemingly given in to the gluttony that overwhelmed her and could no longer hear the protests of her former friend. “Oh relax, just let yourself slide into Rarity's belly so she can start digesting you.”By now, Rarity had wrapped her maw around Rainbow's foot and taken a large gulp, swallowing the whole of Rainbow's lower leg in one motion. As she approached the ankles, she grabbed hold of the remaining hoof and stuffed it in as well, causing Dash's remaining leg to bend double at the knee. “See? This isn't so bad is it?” Twilight continued, “I don't know what you're still fretting about honestly, me and Rarity are doing all the hard work! You literally just need to lie still and relax...”Despite Twilight and Rarity's best efforts to explain things, Rainbow was still having difficulty comprehending the situation she suddenly found herself in. Just a few moments ago she was going about her business as usual, and now she was nearly waist-deep in the throat of one of her best friends!Rarity's moans of pleasure had been growing louder and louder as more of the blue pony's body disappeared between her lips, and as she arrived at the soft, round hips she began chewing gently, kneading the tender flesh between her teeth to savour every last drop of flavour. Every movement and press of Rarity's teeth sent a shiver up Rainbow's spine as she watched on helplessly as her body was abused. Suddenly, Rainbow's spiralling thoughts were once again interrupted by the sudden sensation of Twilight nibbling her ear and moaning softly. Twilight noticed the attention and pulled back “Oh, um.. sorry. It just looked like Rarity was having such a good time that I wanted to see what you taste like before you disappear forever. I must say, you are pretty tasty.”This pulled Rainbow Dash out of her currently state of shock and she once again tried pleading. “I don't want to disappear! Please stop this, if she swallows me I... I'll...”Twilight rolled her eye's and laughed “Die? Well duh! That's what happens to food! But everypony's gotta eat Dash, it's just nature.”“But she doesn't have to eat ME! What's wrong with normal food??”“Sorry Dash, Rarity has tried normal food, but for the last few days nothing seems to fill her up and she's been getting more and more desperate. I was worried if this continues it might affect her health.”“So... you went straight to eating PONIES???”“Well I spotted you and just thought you're body looked like it would be big enough... At the very least I thought it was worth a shot.”“Worth... WORTH A SHOT?? This is my life Twilight! I'm going to be slowly and painfully dissolved in acids on a hunch!?”“Now you're getting it!” Twilight said happily, going back to nibbling on Rainbow's ear. Rainbow wasn't finished with her apparently useless protestations however, as she continued: “Don't you care that I'm going to die? I thought we were friends...”Twilight pulled back again and sighed, looking frustrated that Rainbow was being so slow to understand. “We WERE friends this morning Dash, but now you're just a lump of meat. It's nothing personal, after all if I cared what happens to the food I eat I would starve in no time!”By this time Rarity had made her way over Dash's stomach and chest and was attempting to wrap her maw around Rainbow's shoulders, causing her arms to get pushed up either side of her head. Rarity's moans were almost deafening now as she pulled her head back to let gravity assist in the final stages. Twilight moved closer and placed a hoof on Rainbow's head, smiling as she helped push her down into the depths of her final resting place.In no time Rarity had wrapped her maw around the whole of Rainbow's head, leaving Dash's vision framed by teeth as she took a last look at the outside world before being enveloped in complete darkness. Now that only Dash's arms were left outside, Rarity gave one last, big gulp, slurping up the limbs like noodles and depositing the blue pony entirely within her now massively distended belly. Free of the tasty obstruction in her mouth, Rarity now screamed in ecstasy and smacked her wiggling gut. “YESSSS!!!!!! Oh sweet Celestia that was the best meal I've ever had!”“Glad to hear it!” Twilight said, “But more importantly, are you full now?”“Oh yes definitely, Dashie here is probably going to keep me full for DAYS!”“Well, I'd say that's a successful experiment then!” Twilight beamed, pleased that her idea had worked, “I just hope you don't get any more cravings... I mean, eating one pony doesn't really matter but it might cause problems if more pony's start going missing!”“Oh don't worry, I think Dash was enough to scratch that itch I was having.”“That's good to hear. If you DO feel the urge building though, just make sure you don't eat anypony important...”Rarity gave another knowing smirk to the purple princess, “Haha, I think you just don't want to end up in my belly”“Well can you blame me? Being digested alive is probably just about the worst way to go haha”“Yeah you're right, I can't imagine being just stuffed inside somepony's stomach like that”Rarity tried rolling forward a little so she could get all 4 hooves on the ground, but it quickly became apparent that with her belly's new occupant, she wasn't going anywhere soon. “Ah, that might be a problem...” Twilight observed. “Want me to teleport you somewhere?”Rarity blushed for the first time since the encounter began, suddenly realising how un-ladylike she looked. She coughed as daintily as she could manage, “Um.. yes please, if you would be so kind. Could you teleport me to my bed?”“Sure thing!” and with that the pair disappeared with a poof.***Sweetie Belle was busy doing homework in her bedroom when she heard a loud thud from Rarity's bedroom. The loud noise startled her slightly as she had assumed that Rarity would be out for a couple more hours yet. Rousing herself from her work, she left her room and walked down the hall to her sister's bedroom door. Pausing before it and taking a deep breath, she slowly pushed it open. She hadn't known what she expected to see as the door slowly swung open, but it certainly wasn't this!Her eyes first went to her now massive sister, who was trying to get into position on her bed, then to Twilight Sparkle who seemed to be assisting by fluffing pillows and generally attempting to make Rarity comfortable. “What in the world!?!?” The pair looked to the door where they saw Sweetie Belle standing with mouth agape. “Sweetie Belle! So sorry, did we disturb you?” Rarity asked, concerned. “Uh.. I think a better question is what happened to you!? You're HUGE!”Rarity flushed, her eyebrows furrowing into a look of indignance. “Sweetie Belle!” she scalded, “Don't you know it's rude to comment on a lady's weight?”“Oh, uh.. sorry Sis. I was just wondering if you'd been cursed or something.” She glanced at Twilight, confused“No no it's nothing like that” Twilight said, “Rarity was just really hungry so she ate Rainbow Dash, and now she needs to rest for a bit to... 'work' her off” Rarity's belly suddenly kicked as if to illustrate the point. “You WHAT??” Sweetie exclaimed, not sure if she'd heard correctly. “I ate her darling.” Rarity replied patiently “and I must say, she tasted absolutely exquisite!”Sweetie Belle now noticed that Rarity's whole stomach was wriggling and shifting, and asked “Is.. is she alive in there..?”“Oh yes, I swallowed her whole so she'll probably be alive for a few days while she melts. Why don't you come say hello?”Sweetie Belle cautiously walked up to the bed and hopped up, before sitting in front of the massive mound and poking it gingerly “uh.. Rainbow? Can you hear me in there?”Rainbow Dash had been stuck in a complete state of shock as she listened to two of her former best friends casually laugh and chat about her imminent demise. Now though, somepony was actually talking to her, and using her real name instead of just “meat” or “food”. “Yeah...” came the muffled response“Woah... I can't believe Rarity ate you. What's it like in there?” Sweetie Belle asked, not really sure what to say. “It really tight and hot. The stomach walls are beating me on all sides, and the acids...”“Does.. does it hurt?” Sweetie Belle asked, a little concern creeping into her voice. “Not at the moment. The acids are about half way up my thighs but they're not very strong.”“Aren't you scared? I mean, biology isn't my best subject but it sounds like you're gonna...” she trailed off. Rainbow snapped out of the haze and responded louder “Of course I am! These two just jumped me in the street while I was minding my own business and stuffed me down your sister's throat! Can you tell Rarity to let me out? I don't want to die like this!”Sweetie sat back and pondered before responding “Sorry Dash, I know when Rarity's made up her mind about something. I don't think you're getting out of there...”“Yep!” Rarity joined the conversation, smacking her belly once more “You're my meal Dashie, and you're not getting out of there.. well, not the same way you went in anyway.” she laughed “So you might as well just relax and let this happen”Sweetie Belle leaned in and raised her voice to make sure Dash could hear “I'll tell Scoots what happened to you so she doesn't wonder where you've gone.”At this, Twilight interrupted “Um, actually Sweetie that might not be the best idea. Sorry, but it might cause issues if everypony knew that Rarity had eaten somebody...”Rarity continued, “Yes, it could harm my reputation if ponies knew I was capable of such a thing, and you wouldn't want THAT would you?” She gave her sister the best puppy-dog eyes she could muster. Sweetie Belle frowned “Well... I guess not. But I'm not sure how I'm going to keep this secret from Scoots when she starts asking where Dash went.. What if she wants to start a Cutie Mark Crusader search party and starts asking questions?”“Oh that's easy, just say Rainbow moved to another town or something.”“But then she'll wonder why she didn't say goodbye?”“Oh I'm sure you'll figure it out, you're a very smart little pony!”“Um... thanks?” Sweetie Belle trailed off. “Well, I guess this is it Dash... Hope the whole digestion thing isn't too painful” she said as she turned to leave and hopped off the bedRarity spoke, “You know it'll probably be a little while before my stomach acids really get to work and start breaking her down, so you could still chat for a bit if you like.”“Nah it's ok. I still have to finish my homework, but I might come back later to see if she's still around.”“Ok suit yourself, I'll be right here” Rarity said as Sweetie Belle went back to her own room. Now that Twilight and Rarity were alone again, Twilight lent in and rested her head against Rarity's gurgling belly. “I have to go too Dash, but seeing you get eaten was amazing. I know digestion is going to be pretty painful but try not to thrash around too much. Now that you're just food you should understand that Rarity's pleasure is more important than any pain you might be feeling, so try to be a good meal and let yourself melt away quietly.”“Yeah... whatever..” was all Rainbow could manage. As a subconscious defense mechanism she had retreated back into herself. Twilight stood up and took a step back. “Well this was fun Rarity but I gotta go, have fun digesting your prize!”“Sure thing Twi, I'll probably see you in a few days.” She smiled “Oh, and thanks for the idea, I never would have thought about eating a pony if you hadn't suggested it, much less somepony I knew!”“Don't mention it, glad I could help!” and with that Twilight poofed away, leaving Rarity alone with her rumbling belly. “Mmmmm, you really do feel incredible in there Dash... I'm glad I got to do this”“Well at least somepony's/ enjoying themselves..” Dash mumbled sarcastically. “I still don't know why you couldn't find anypony else to eat though..”“It's like Twilight said earlier, she just saw you up the road and thought you looked filling.”“Great, so I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time... and now I'm going to...” Rainbow trailed off“You're going to be slowly and painfully churned up and dissolved, and then my body will absorb all the nutrients out of the mush that remains of you, and then what's left of you will be poop. You shouldn't try to shy away from it Dash. Why don't you try saying aloud what's about to happen to you, it might make you feel better.”Dash squirmed again as she was rocked by the shifting stomach walls. “I know exactly what's happening! You and Twilight have both explained it to me enough times.. I'm going to be.. digested. Just because you wanted a snack.”“There, doesn't that feel much better?” Rarity smiled as she patted her belly roughly where she guessed Rainbow's head was. Rainbow Dash did have to begrudgingly admit that it did feel like some sort of weight had been lifted, even though she'd never say it aloud. Just uttering the words made the whole thing somehow feel more “sane”. She was food, and she was going to be liquefied because somepony got hungry and decided that she looked tasty. That's all there was to it. This was her whole life now, to be used up and enjoyed.It wasn't that she “logically” accepted the situation however, she still “knew” she wanted to live, but her body did relax and her struggles eased.***The pair didn't speak again for the rest of the day. Rarity just sat and lazily rubbed her belly, thinking about the still living mass of pony meat inside. Rainbow Dash noticed that the acids had pooled up to around her mid thigh, leaving her rump and lower back submerged. She was expecting the acids to burn straight away, but they seemed to be quite weak and she found her self wondering exactly how long this process would take.***After a day or so, the acids had begun breaking down the parts of Rainbow's body that were submerged below the acid, causing the blue pegasus to whimper and scream in pain as she watched more and more of her flesh slough off her bones.***On the third day, there was a knock of the bedroom door. “C.. come in!” Rarity huffed. She had been in a near constant state of ecstasy as she felt the meat in her stomach struggle and thrash as it was slowly broken downThe door swung open and Twilight stepped inside. “Oh! H.. hello darling,” Rarity managed between breaths. “What brings you back h.. here? Ah!”“Just checking in!” Twilight smiled. “I wanted to see how your 'meal' is doing, y'know.. for, uh.. scientific purposes!”“Riiiight” Rarity glanced slyly. At this point Twilight noticed the muffled moans and screams coming from within Rarity's belly. “Oh my gosh, is she still alive in there??”“Oh yes, she went pretty quiet at first, but then after a day of so digestion started kicking in and she's been thrashing around ever since. It's pure BLISS darling!”“Wow,” Twilight said, “I didn't know digestion would take so long, but I suppose it makes sense given that she's the same size as you...” Twilight paused for a moment, thinking, then asked “Would you mind if I .. take a look? You shouldn't feel anything...”“Uh.. ok I guess?” Rarity was experiencing too much pleasure to ask any follow up questions. “Awesome!” Twilight said as she hopped up onto the bed and began to cast a spell. After a few seconds, Rarity's belly turned completely transparent, stunning both Rarity and her meal!“Oh my gosh, I didn't realise you could do that!” Rarity exclaimed, staring down at her now see-through abdomen. Rainbow Dash, dazed by the sudden flood of light, stared up and blinked as her eyes adjusted, finally managing to focus on the face of Twilight looming over her. “Tw... Twilight?” she croaked “Wha...?”Twilight simply stared in amazement. Both of Rainbow's hind legs had completely turned to mush, and Rainbow's torso and head were laying atop a cushion of her own partially melted flesh and bones. The tips of her wings had also dissolved, but her arms were largely intact still and were just floating on top of the acid in front of her. A flurry of strange tingles suddenly ran up Twilight's body at the sight of her former friend in this condition, and she couldn't help but bite her lip. “Rainbow, you... you're...”“P.. Please.. Twi..” Rainbow croaked. Twilight found one of her fore hoofs subconsciously wandering towards her own nether's, then, without warning she lunged forward onto Rarity's belly, squishing Rainbow Dash between their bodies and planting a firm kiss of the white unicorn's lips. Rarity's eyes widened at the sudden unexpected attention, but quickly settled into it at the pair kissed and groped each other, Twilight grinding her body against her now smaller but still engorged stomach. “YES!” Twilight yelled, as she stared down into Rainbows eyes and rubbed harder against Rarity's belly. “Melt away! You're nothing! Nopony will remember you! Once Rarity poops you out I'm gonna take your skull and put it on my night stand and masturbate to it every night while I imagine you digesting!!!” Twilight's increasingly convoluted taunts grew louder as she completely succumbed to lust. Rainbow could only stare up into Twilight's chest and stomach as she watched her former friend maliciously grinding into her, speeding up her digestion. She couldn't believe what was happening. Would anypony ever know what happened to her? Would anypony suspect Twilight and Rarity ground her into paste and killed her for nothing but their own pleasure while furiously orgasming?Rainbow wanted somepony to know the truth, to mourn her, but realised it wasn't going to happen. Twilight and Rarity would probably go on to live full, peaceful lives for decades after she was dead and no-one would ever know what they did to her. Maybe Sweetie Belle would let something slip eventually, but she was at school right now and would never know of this final injustice. Rainbow's screams crescendo-ed again as she was forcefully ground into the acids around her, speeding digestion and melting away her lower abdomen and arms. Her yells only served to pour more fuel onto the fire however, and caused Rarity and Twilight to continue their undulations with renewed vigour, in turn causing digestion to build even faster!After another 30 minutes of unimaginable agony, Rainbow's nose finally dipped below the acids and she finally passed out, dying within seconds. Sensing that Rarity's stomach had finally stopped moving, the pair slowly untangled themselves, and Twilight sat up. “Mmmm..” she purred, “it looks like your meal finally gave out.”Rarity was panting heavily “Y.. yes it.. seems that way...” she gasped as she rubbed her still transparent belly, watching in awe as the mound of mush and bones that was once a living pony sloshed around inside. Twilight suddenly blushed and cringed inwardly as she remembered what she had yelled in the heat of the moment. “Um.. Rarity, I know I said some things, but I should have asked you first: Would you mind if I take the skull as a keepsake once you've 'deposited' the remains? Assuming you haven't completely digested it of course.”Rarity had managed to catch her breath a little and looked up at Twilight slyly “Of course darling. After all, eating her was your idea in the first place, it's the least I could do to repay you for this absolutely incredible experience.”“Awesome, thanks Rarity!” Twilight beamed “And don't worry about cleaning it up or anything, just let me know when it's.. 'out'... and I'll come collect it!”Suddenly, Twilight gasped as she remembered what she was supposed to be doing and leapt off the bed “Oh no!” she exclaimed, “I was only supposed to stop by for a quick update! I'm gonna be soooo far behind on my daily schedule!” She said a hurried farewell to Rarity and then poofed away, to resume her princessly duties, leaving Rarity to digest the remainder of her meal in peace*I hope this isn't permanent..* Rarity thought, staring down at her still transparent belly that Twilight had neglected to fix before disappearing***Her stomach did indeed return to normal after an hour or so, and the following day, Rarity's casually sauntered to her bathroom to deposit the remains of her previous meal. “Oh my,” she said, stepping back from the mound of poop she had just dumped into the toilet “I think I'm going to need a plumber...” she shook her head and walked out the room, closing the door behind her. *At least Twilight will be happy* she mused *The skull is still intact..****A little while later, Rarity was back to work in her studio, when she heard a high pitched shriek from upstairs, followed by the rapid patter of tiny hoof-steps as her little sister ran into her room and slammed the door “Oops...” Rarity laughed, “I probably should have warned her...”", |
Story Start,Canterlot had changed a lot. The last time Fleetfoot had flown through the city, the princesses were still drawing breath and the whole city was full of life and love. With the princesses gone, all that vibrant energy had evaporated. Fleetfoot found some humor in how drastic the difference was. Nopony had paid her any mind as she glided into the city. The guards were seen less frequently now that there were no more princesses to protect. The only post still heavily guarded was Canterlot Castle, where onlookers were still lining up in droves to get a chance to see the two alicorn princess skulls in all of their lifeless radiance. The skeletal remains had become the main tourist attraction of the city. Around the castle, stalls had popped up selling sun and moon skull sugar candies, shirts with the princess’s final words printed on the backs, and faux golden chamber pots. Fleetfoot would go to see the skulls in time when the lines were thinner. She could still hardly believe the two oldest alicorns were gone forever. Below her now lay the densest part of the city where the mostly empty castle loomed overhead. The passages here blinked with all sorts of flashing signs and arrows. Fleetfoot drifted down until her hooves touched pavement. It was just after sunset, but already the reddish glow of neon lights was filling the darkening streets. The urban sprawl was a sight to behold, stretching for dozens of blocks in every direction. This area was now known as the Pred Light District. Clouds were being gathered by pegasi in the purplish sky above. The streets were full of ponies milling about, chatting, walking, going every which way. There was a sense of anticipation in the air. It was still early enough in the evening that the real debauchery this place had become known for hadn’t yet begun. The whole district would be dangerous. Fleetfoot didn’t know how she would find one pony in all of the mess, but she was confident. Her gut instincts rarely failed her. Fleetfoot’s mission was to locate an old friend and colleague who had somehow gotten tangled up on the wrong side of the tracks. She had spent the better part of the day asking around for information on her missing Wonderbolt. No one knew exactly where she could find him, but most of them agreed that Soarin’, the vanishing stallion, was seen just about every night around these parts. It seemed that her old teammate had become quite the prolific predator. There were maybe a dozen ponies that had contributed to his fatter belly and balls now that he didn’t need to stay in shape. There was only one problem. Before he turned up as a predator in Canterlot, Soarin’ was already a cum puddle. Fleetfoot recalled the story. After Rainbow Dash and Spitfire both lost their winning streaks as preds, the Wonderbolts broke up. Soarin’ had a brief stay here in Canterlot, then he went to live with Fleetfoot in Manehattan where ponies didn’t eat each other as frequently. As luck would have it, right around the time that Princess Cadance announced her and Flurry’s retirement, it became impossible to walk down the street in Manehattan without seeing somepony being eaten or gurgling away inside a stomach. In a few short months, that entire city would look like this Pred Light District. Fleetfoot had warned Soarin’ that he’d be an appetizing target with his blue and yellow flight suit on, but he liked to wear it around anyway. He said the mares liked it. One morning, when Soarin’ had gone out the night before while she slept in, Fleetfoot awoke to find his flight suit at her apartment door. It was tied up at the neck and stretched like a water balloon, completely filled with cum. The face mask had been snipped off with scissors and sat on top of the cum balloon. The sleeves for his arms and legs were filled out and the whole thing wobbled like a waterbed. The suit material held together surprisingly well for being filled with a viscous white fluid, though some of it had leaked out. She never learned who churned him up, and she never told anypony either. He must’ve told the pred where he was living before taking the one-way trip down their cock. Now, Fleetfoot hadn’t actually seen Soarin’ get blended into nut milk, but she also hadn’t heard anything from him since. She was pretty sure that the load in the flight suit was him. It made no sense for him to turn up in Canterlot as a pred weeks later. She suspected that this character wasn’t Soarin’ at all, but some impostor posing as a Wonderbolt. Rainbow Dash’s suit was never found after she got churned into horseapples, and not even Fleetfoot knew what became of the newest recruits who went their separate ways after the Wonderbolts split. Soarin’ wasn’t even the only disposed Wonderbolt who’d been sighted in Canterlot. Spitfire and Rainbow Dash had each been seen here after their demises. The place had fishy written all over it. Fleetfoot was descending deeper into the heart of the district as she walked and thought. The dingy buildings leaned overhead, nearly blotting out the darkening sky as Fleetfoot wandered down what used to be a peaceful promenade filled with tea shops and boutiques. A few mere months after the princesses met their ends, everything here was now dank and grimy. The neon signs emitted a constant, subtle, buzzing drone. Buildings had mysterious grayish stains dripping down the sides of their brick façades. Alleyways were unlit passages into the dark. Sometimes, Fleetfoot would catch a glimpse of a pair of eyes in one of those abyssal alleys staring back at her curiously. One thing that cropped up on a particular street corner was the smell. It was the unmistakable stench of a pony that someone dumped out of their behind next to a pile of trash bags. Some of the bags weren’t trash, but condoms filled nearly to bursting. Those used to be ponies too, like the real Soarin’. Nopony except Fleetfoot seemed to pay the remains any mind. The crowd swirling around her were all here for one reason, to emulate the princesses they had adored so much. Either to become food themselves or to bring a grimy end to the night for another pony. Of course, Fleetfoot might be doing that too, but it was more business than pleasure. Her eyes scanned the words in neon tubing until she met one that shone brighter than the rest. “VIDEOS”, it said simply in an electric blue glow. It was as good a place to start as any. Plastered on the walls outside the video store were posters slapped around haphazardly, some damaged by rainfall. There were fuzzy pictures of mares and stallions on them with big, gorged bellies or full nutsacks, each with contact details. "Want to get eaten?” a few read. "Most experienced predator in Canterlot. " "Ask about group sessions. She can eat as many ponies as you can throw at her. " "Will poop a pony on his best friend as he begs for more.” Fleetfoot dragged her hoof along the ads, finding no signs of a connection to Soarin’ or anypony claiming to be a Wonderbolt. Some of them seemed more dubious than others. The storefront of the video shop was a darkened window next to a row of others. Some of the further ones were boarded up. Behind the glass of the video shop’s storefront were posters and cutouts of various ponies taking dumps or eating prey with black bars or pixelation censoring their faces. One was a poster of Princess Celestia nuzzling her face under “Princess Trixie’s” butt, advertising the “uncut” version of [i]The Princess Tapes[/i]. Another poster was plastered with “New Release: [i]The Crystal Tapes![/i]” It showed Cadance and Flurry Heart’s cutie marks on Trixie’s belly. Fleetfoot had briefly encountered Trixie before and scoffed at the idea of that two-bit magician now calling herself a princess, but she might have to rent that tape out for her own later enjoyment. In front of the door, there was steam billowing up from under a sewer grate near the sidewalk. When Fleetfoot entered the store, a bell above the door jingled to announce her entrance. The smells of old carpet and cheap plastic hit her straight away. The place was lined with rows of flimsy black shelving that held a multi-colored cornucopia of vore videos. More mysterious stains marred the washed-out carpeting. The clerk was a cream-colored pony with two-toned pink and blue hair. She glanced at Fleetfoot with an uninterested half-scowl. There were two other ponies in the store, but neither paid Fleetfoot any mind. She thought she should blend in a bit, so she went at first to browse the videos. There were more titles available than she had imagined. “Anal Vore Sluts 9”, “Stepmom Has Son Over for Dinner”, “Hardcore Disposal Pranks”. Those were just the professionally produced ones with bright pictures and bold lettering on the front. Further back, there were amateur videos, sometimes only consisting of a white label printed on a black videotape. “Girlfriend’s Last Fuck”, “Flushed Boys”, “Shit Says Goodbye”. Past the video shelves, there were plastic princess crowns inviting ponies to roleplay their own Princess Tapes, anal beads made of skulls, and books with tips on digesting and being digested. Fleetfoot had unintentionally sauntered up to the grandest display in the center of the store. It was all done up in Trixie’s blue and gold alongside Cadance and Flurry’s pink hues. The [i]Crystal Tapes[/i] release stand. She was about to move along when she was tapped on the shoulder by a minty green unicorn mare whose head was tilted. "Are you Fleetfoot?” she asked. Fleetfoot’s eyes widened. She wasn’t expecting to be recognized without her suit on. “What? How did you kn- I mean… yes.” The mare’s golden eyes glittered with excitement. “No way! A Wonderbolt! Er… former Wonderbolt. After what happened to Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, I can understand why you all decided to call it quits. Heard some ponies in Canterlot were hunting Wonderbolts down and trying to see if they could eat one!" "It’s a bit of a dangerous former occupation these days,” Fleetfoot nodded along. “Funny that you mentioned that, I need to be going. " "Wait! I have to ask,” the minty pony blocked her with an outstretched hoof. “Spitfire’s video, as you know, [i]Spermfire[/i]. It’s one of our top sellers! Really, if you ask me, Rainbow Dash should’ve used her belly instead of her balls so it could be called [i]Shitfire[/i]. Anyway, even though it was filmed with a bad camera and the audio cuts out, nopony can ever believe how many cutie marks Rainbow Dash had on her sack when she churned up the captain! I work here with my marefriend behind the counter there. Since you knew Rainbow Dash, is there a chance…?" "A chance… of what?” Fleetfoot asked incredulously. She didn’t know that there was video of Spitfire getting swallowed by Rainbow’s cock in all honesty. "A chance you have the tape of her getting turned to poo? It’s only, like, the Sapphire Stone of vore videos! Everyone wants to see Rainbow Dash getting swallowed and dumped out! She was like, the second-best pred in Equestria after Applejack. We used to get customers in here arguing about it all the time. ‘Applejack is the better pred!’ ‘No, Rainbow is!’ A couple of them made bets of their own on it. The, uh, ones who picked Rainbow are those stains on the floor in here.” The green pony nodded before remembering her point. “Does the [i]Rainbow Dump[/i] tape exist, you think? Did [i]you[/i] record anything?” the unicorn asked, hope shimmering in her eyes. "If it does exist, I’ve never seen it,” Fleetfoot told her honestly. The mare looked deflated. “Oh. Some ponies are so sure it exists. We even got one tape that turned out to be fake. Some ponies painted their coats with crude cutie marks and dyed the prey’s mane and tail rainbow colors. From a distance, it almost looks real.” That got Fleetfoot’s attention. It seemed that Wonderbolt impersonation was a booming industry. Of course, her fake Soarin’ couldn’t be that fake Rainbow Dash if she was poop. "How many other Wonderbolt videos do you have? Just out of curiosity,” Fleetfoot asked. “Just the one! Wait, are there more Wonderbolts who got eaten?” she asked. "Uh, no comment.” Fleetfoot figured that was worth a try. "Have you eaten any? How many cutie marks do you have on your belly? You still look pretty thin.” The unicorn mare lowered her muzzle and looked at Fleetfoot’s blank belly. “Wow, none?" "Erm… no. Not yet.” Fleetfoot smiled with a bit of nervous tension. "Would you-? I’m Lyra, by the way. Sorry, I get ahead of myself sometimes! Would you maybe eat me and my marefriend over there?” Lyra asked. “I want to get dumped so bad, but Bon Bon won’t let me unless we go through it together! She’s very picky about preds, but nopony could turn down being eaten by a Wonderbolt, right?" "Ahem… Yes, as it turns out, I was thinking of eating somepony else tonight. So I’ll need my stomach empty. Another day, though, I’ll be coming back here with a few friends. Maybe I could eat you two then?” Fleetfoot asked. Lyra smiled so big she looked like she was going to burst. “Oh, thank you! Thank you! Ooh, good luck with your first prey! Everypony says you always remember it. Can I ask who it is?" "I’m not sure yet, but I have a pretty good idea,” she smiled. “Say, do you happen to sell cameras?" "For you? No charge! Not like we’ll be needing the bits anyway!” Lyra pointed out the cameras with her hoof, then dashed up towards the counter. “Hey, Bon Bon! We’re finally gonna be poop. Wonderbolt poop!”. Fleetfoot nabbed a camera and stuck it in her bag along with one of those tapes of Trixie eating Cadance and Flurry. She then took the opportunity to sneak out while the two mares were preoccupied. She’d have to make a note to remember to eat them when she visited Canterlot next. If all went according to plan tonight, it would be very soon. The bell jingled again, signaling her exit. In the doorway near the sewer smoke, she brushed past a stallion in a trenchcoat. He had a similar color of fur, but one glance at him said he wasn’t her Soarin’ lookalike. He wasn’t thick enough to be a pred. "Hey, watch where you’re going!... You need to be a pretty confident pred to be pushing ponies around like that. You think you got the stuff?” the stallion grumbled at her, tbright light beaming down over his head. Fleetfoot glowered, unamused. “Are you trying to get yourself eaten by asking insolent questions?" "... Maybe. Why, is it working?” he whispered. "Churl.” Fleetfoot groaned at him and kept walking. This was a very strange town now, and she had thought it strange even before the princesses offed themselves. It picked at Fleetfoot’s mind that the pony in the store recognized her so easily. Being seen as a Wonderbolt could be risky. Why did she have to be a Wonderbolt of all things? As she walked down Harmony Street, Fleetfoot passed by several shadowy figures until she looked up at a giggling group of mares who were dressed in pink shirts with white lettering. Their butts and bellies swayed and wobbled as they chattered. “Sorry I ate your boyfriend” was printed on one shirt. One of the other mares had a shirt that displayed, “Count my cutie marks.” The gaggle took notice of her. “Ooh, is that a tasty treat I see?” One of them was smacking her rump. “C’mere, sweetie. We just came from the Chub. We’ll show you what this town’s about.” They laughed. A few were wagging their tongues or patting their stomachs. Fleetfoot was gritting her teeth. “I could eat all of you for breakfast without a belch. Go annoy somepony else.” They seemed to understand that it wasn’t an empty threat. It was probably true. "Whatever,” one mare said. “Bet you taste bad anyway.” The girls laughed at Fleetfoot together, going on their way in search of easier targets. Fleetfoot trudged along. When she looked back a short while later, the mares had surrounded the trenchcoated stallion in front of the video store and were teasing him about which hole he’d fit into. That’s how the city was nowadays. Just ponies coaxing prey into their holes. Fleetfoot realized that in her haste to get away from the awkward situation with Lyra and her marefriend, she had forgotten to ask the other ponies in there for information on her Wonderbolt wannabe. She was lost in this creek without a paddle, and the clock was ticking away. Around her current location, many more buildings were closed. Some had graffiti marking them with statements such as “Owner turned to cum.” She wound her way around more paved corners, making sure to stay under the street lamps, away from dark alleys or alcoves. That was how ponies found themselves being pressed into lurking maws and butts. Some of the ponies passing by looked like they’d already enjoyed a live meal. After she rounded another corner, there was a bar sign that caught her attention. It looked like it originally said “The Princess Pub”, but the second “P” had been altered to read “Ch” by somepony hastily painting over it in red. Fleetfoot knew the name, “The Princess Chub,” from asking around earlier today. Those girls had just mentioned it too. Nopony had been able to place Soarin’ there during her interrogations, but it was worth investigating. As she approached the dark façade of the bar, she could see tendrils of smoke seeping out from under the dense wooden door. There were only a few lights on inside and some faint music. Fleetfoot gave the door a push and coughed at the swirl of smoke that hit her in the face. Behind the bar counter, a light brown stallion with a pink circular cutie mark was scrubbing a glass with a towel. Further back, a pony was playing smooth jazz on the saxophone, and a few more scattered in bar seats, smoking pipes. Fleetfoot’s eyes scanned the customers sitting in the darkened bar, but none were a match for Soarin’. She approached the counter and the bartender pony regarded her coolly. "I’ve heard there’s a Wonderbolt that’s been seen around here,” Fleetfoot began. "Yep. He’s in the VIP section downstairs. The show’s already started, you should head on down there quick,” the bar pony told her. Fleetfoot was stunned. “He is?” The barkeep gave a nod, lifted the swing door and showed Fleetfoot the wooden steps leading down to a level below. "Oh. That was simple,” Fleetfoot mumbled to herself. She could hear some faint noise coming from downstairs mixing in with the saxophone music. "Well, ’course you’ll want to see your old teammate’s last moments. Let me know if you want a drink or a donut,” the bartender told her. "Really?” Fleetfoot grumbled under her breath as she walked down the stairs. How did everypony seem to recognize her? And what did he mean by last moments? As she descended the winding steps, the saxophone was drowned out by the sound of thumps and cheers. At the bottom of the stairs, Fleetfoot found herself in an even dimmer and smokier room. There were ponies all around sitting at fancy gold-trimmed tables who each seemed to be part of Canterlot’s upper crust. Some were shouting words of encouragement. A few of them even had mares or stallions with full bellies resting on their laps or lying on the tables in front of them. The spotlight, however, was in the center of the room. On a raised platform in a full Wonderbolt suit, a dark gray stallion with a blue mane was chowing down on another stallion who was brown with some sort of argyle cutie mark. Only the prey’s butt and tail were left hanging out. The bigger stallion lifted his head and swallowed. Many in the crowd cheered. His Wonderbolt suit couldn’t take the strain of a prey struggling inside him, so the fabric ripped and revealed several more cutie marks on his fur. Perhaps Fleetfoot had found her Soarin’ impersonator. The Wonderbolt stallion belched and relaxed on stage. The lights were brightened slightly as the audience talked amongst each other. A few of the fattened ponies on tables were now being swallowed alive. Others were bouncing in the laps of their hosts. A flash of recognition was visible in the pred’s eyes. “Fleetfoot?” The pony on stage had recognized her. He was waving his hoof. “Come on over! I didn’t know you were coming.” That had attracted the attention of some of the Canterlot elites. One with purple shades and a fan cutie mark whispered something to his companion who was busy eating somepony. Fleetfoot approached the stage cautiously. This Wonderbolt’s charcoal stomach was still writhing about. She didn’t recognize any of the marks on his partially exposed fur. "Are you the Soarin’ I’ve heard so much about?” Fleetfoot asked. The pred shook his head. “Nope. Still Thunderlane. I thought Soarin’ was living with you?” Fleetfoot bit her lip just a tiny bit. She would need to be careful. “He was living with me, but now I’ve heard he’s here in Canterlot, eating ponies.” Thunderlane shifted his weight around to get more comfortable. The stallion in his belly was starting to settle down. “Ah, I had heard something about that. But I heard it was you eating ponies, not Soarin’.” Fleetfoot sighed. This was unhelpful. “Do you know where I supposedly was?” Thunderlane tapped his hoof to his chin. “The Hive?” Fleetfoot blinked at that. She tried not to betray any nervousness. “The Hive?” she repeated. "That night club over on Lunar Street,” Thunderlane said. "Oh,” Fleetfoot breathed a sigh of relief. Another stallion had approached while Fleetfoot wasn’t looking. He wore a monocle and his mane was slick blue. “My lovely Fleur is a regular at that club. I think I would know if any Wonderbolts were hanging about. Miss Fleetfoot, it is my pleasure to e- to meet you again. My name is Fancy Pants.” He held his hoof out. Fleetfoot touched hooves and looked at the stallion with some reservation. “Likewise.” Thunderlane appeared excited. “You gonna join me in Fancy’s nuts, Fleet?" "What?” Fleetfoot asked, her gaze snapping back to him. "Well, isn’t that why you came?” Thunderlane questioned. "I’m here to find Soarin’. I wasn’t intending on spending time in anypony’s [i]nuts[/i],” Fleetfoot explained. Fancy Pants looked a bit crestfallen after the clarification. “Ah, unfortunate. You ex-Wonderbolts are terribly difficult to get a hold of. I was shocked when one waltzed into my den unannounced. Before you refuse, I must say, you haven’t heard my offer yet. " "Your [i]offer?[/i]” Fleetfoot asked, incredulous. "Thunderlane, explain if you will,” Fancy instructed. Thunderlane sat up, his belly wobbling. “I agreed to be Fancy’s cock snack a few weeks ago and it was so worth it! He feeds me whatever and whoever I want. I have servants catering to my every whim, and I’ve gotten to hang out with all of the fanciest ponies in Canterlot!” Fancy Pants patted Thunderlane’s belly. “All that and more if you agree to be my shaft’s next Wonderbolt meal, Miss Fleetfoot. I’ll have you know, Blaze, High Winds, and Silver Zoom are already bagged condoms in my refrigerator. A shame I couldn’t nab Spitfire or Rainbow Dash before they were snuffed out. But I suppose their ends were to be expected.” He turned and dropped his fancy pants exposed his swollen nuts. He pointed out the three Wonderbolt marks he mentioned along with a few more miscellaneous ones. Fleetfoot figured she might be able to use this to her advantage. “If you lead me to Soarin’, I’ll let you turn me to cum.” Thunderlane grinned at that, but Fancy Pants didn’t seem as pleased as he was pulling his pants up. “If I knew where Soarin’ was, I’d already have added his cutie mark to my collection.” He turned back to face her again. “I have heard the same rumors, though. Whenever I try to investigate, he’s already gone. If you bring him to me, I’ll see that you’re both very well-rewarded. As I already have my Wonderbolt meal for the evening, I will not restrain you here, but keep my offer in mind. Even if you return without Soarin’, I’ll gladly take you alone. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m afraid my member must eat your former teammate. The crowd gathered here to see this.” Thundelane waved as Fancy Pants got up on the stage and approached him from behind. “Bye Fleetfoot! It was nice to see you before the end. I look forward to being cutie mark buddies on Fancy’s sack!” Fancy Pants silenced Thunderlane by forcing his cock’s tip around the Wonderbolt’s head. Fancy’s snake-like cock then began the long process of devouring its prey while the crowd cheered some more. "Will you be sticking around, Miss Fleetfoot?” Fancy asked, shoving more of the stallion inside his penis. “The aftermath is quite the sight. " "No, but I think I’ll be back for you another time,” Fleetfoot said to Fancy with a plotting grin. "I hope so. I’m told this is quite fun for the Wonderbolts. You’ll love it,” The pred smiled courteously as his cock swallowed more of Thunderlane’s head. Fleetfoot then turned to take her leave and headed back upstairs and out onto the street. Once back in the night air and away from the stifling smoke, Fleetfoot started to plan her next move. [i]If I were Soarin’, where would I be? [/i]She decided to try that nightclub Thunderlane had mentioned. She vaguely knew where Lunar Street was, but it took her some more meandering through several shady city blocks until she came upon it. It seemed like more of the ponies prowling the streets had full bellies now. The Hive’s sign was a flickering golden honeycomb made of neon with the club’s name contained inside the hexagon. A few ponies were queued up outside, awash in yellowed light as the sky began to drizzle a light mist. The door was made of dark slick metal, around it were lights flashing in honey-gold. Fleetfoot was drawn to the building. "Heeey!” One of the mares standing by the door shouted in Fleetfoot’s direction as she passed by. “Do I know you?” Fleetfoot took a deep breath, ignored the mare, then stepped to the front of the line. There was a bouncer stood in front of a velvet rope that blocked the entrance. A mare with a red mane bobbed short. She wore dark sunglasses that were misted with droplets of water. Notably, her stomach was bulging and struggling with the weight of a pony trapped inside her. The meal’s kicks didn’t seem to disturb her in the slightest. Must’ve been a rowdy customer. “Back of the li-,” the bouncer said before taking a glance in Fleetfoot’s direction. “Fleetfoot?” Recognized again? It might have its advantages, Fleetfoot supposed. She nodded and smiled. “Wonderbolts get in free, right?" "Of course!” The bouncer said, fumbling to lift the rope. “Right this way, ma’am. I loved your video with Spitfire!” [i]Video with Spitfire? Is that why everypony knows my face? [/i]Fleetfoot hummed and glanced down at the mare’s writhing stomach once more before proceeding towards the entrance to The Hive. Thumping bass was already shaking the ground from the inside. A dark tunnel opened into a large rounded room. The walls were all plated in hexagonal screens, each pulsing in multi-color to the [i]umph-umph-umph [/i]of the DJ’s beat. The glare of floodlights and screens on every wall transitioned continuously from honey-gold to vibrant purple. A smoky haze loomed over the crowd, leaving only silhouettes of dancing forms. The place was tight. It seemed packed nearly to capacity. Fleetfoot continued stepping forward under a barrage of loud noise and intense flashes. Bodies would press up against her and bounce off of her. Drinks were being slung left and right at the bar. On the far side of the massive room, Fleetfoot saw lounge booths through the fog complete with special entertainment. Ponies with big, swinging bellies twirled around poles for the titillation of their audiences. Finally, she squeezed through the densest part of the crowd onto the dance floor. Parallel laser beams of light were sweeping around, flitting past couples who were grinding and dancing against each other. Fleetfoot was so overstimulated that she almost forgot who she was when she was bumped hard on the shoulder by a mare. "Peon! How dare y-“ Fleetfoot caught herself, but the music was so loud that the mare hadn’t even noticed. She was shaking her hips and her eyes were closed. Her coat and mane were shades of light blue and she had a golden hourglass cutie mark. When she opened her eyes, she smiled. The mare’s mouth moved, but the thrumming bass and electronic tones drowned out anything she said. "What?” Fleetfoot asked, but she could barely hear herself. The mare paused for a moment, then had an idea. She touched the tip of Fleetfoot’s snout with her hoof, then pointed it back towards her open mouth. Fleetfoot shook her head and shouted “No!” The mare considered the situation for a moment, then touched her own snout and pointed at Fleetfoot’s lips. "No! I am not going to eat you either!” Fleetfoot replied. The mare shrugged and closed her eyes again, dancing back into the crowd. Fleetfoot tried her best to look for Soarin’, but the crowd was moving so fast and the lights were so intense that it was difficult to pick out anyone. She moved along until she ended up right near the DJ’s raised platform. The DJ was a pale unicorn with electric blue hair and purple sunglasses. Her speakers were bigger than she was. Fleetfoot now felt like she had lost any sort of trail she had on this Soarin’ imposter. She was pushing through another mass of ponies when the lights on the dance floor went out and the music suddenly cut. There were a few gasps, but more whistles and cheers in the pitch black. Fleetfoot thought she could hear somepony slurping another dancer not too far away from her. "Fillies and gentlecolts!” A stallion’s voice rang out over the speaker system. “You know what time of night it is!” The crowd whooped and hollered in the darkness. "That’s right, DJ Pon-3’s been puttin’ on a great show for you all and now she’s feelin’ [i]huuungry![/i] It’s time for a lunch break-down!” [i] [/i]More whistling and cheering erupted. The screens on the walls and ceiling came to life showing two bright purple ovals that were meant to evoke the design of the DJ’s sunglasses. “Let’s see which one of you eager dancers is gonna end the night back at DJ Pon-3’s apartment- as a dump in her bathroom!” The announcer chuckled. The crowd started to chant, “DJ Pred! DJ Pred! DJ Pred!” Two spotlights turned on above the dance floor, both blinding white. A spinning disco ball was also casting beams of sparkling light all over the room. Fleetfoot thought about sneaking away, but she was surrounded by a wall of stationary ponies on all sides. The lights swept over the crowd, washing Fleetfoot in their light for a moment before they passed. Fleetfoot looked up as both spotlights converged and held a hoof up to shield her eyes. "Looks like we have a winner!” the announcer spoke. The crowd cheered. Fleetfoot was just out of the radius of the spotlight. She looked over at who was chosen. It was the blue mare she’d just encountered. "Me? Really!?” the blue unicorn was elated. "Let’s all give her a round of applause. She’s gonna make a great turd, don’t you think?” The announcer said. The crowd cleared out of the way for her and stomped their hooves in applause. The unicorn was almost galloping as she bounded towards the stage. The spotlight followed her the whole way up until she reached DJ Pon-3. Fleetfoot had a front-row view of what happened next. The DJ held up a microphone to the unicorn’s face and she said, “My name’s Minuette and I’m DJ Pon-3’s lunch! Turn me into shit!” The DJ obliged, opening her mouth wide and shoving the unicorn in with plenty of encouragement from the crowd. When the DJ finished slurping up Minuette’s tail, she turned the microphone down on her belly. At first, Fleetfoot thought that she was just playing the sounds for the crowd who seemed to be loving it. Other dancers were being eaten at the far ends of the dance floor. Then, Fleetfoot realized, the same gurgles were being looped and distorted until they resembled a drum beat.[i]Gurble… Gurgle… Slosh… Bloop![/i]The “music” grew faster. The DJ was scratching and stuttering her records in time with it.[i]Gurble. Gurgle. Slosh. Bloop![/i] [i]Gurble. Gurgle. Slosh. Bloop! GurbleGurgleSloshBloop![/i] [i]GurbleGurgleSloshBloop![/i] [i]Bloop![/i] [i]Bloop![/i] [i]Bloop![/i] [i]...[/i] [i]“My name’s... M-Minuette and... T-t-turn me into shit! Shit! Sh-sh-sh-sh-shit!”[/i] [i] [/i] The DJ burped full force into the microphone. Gurgles resembling bass notes kicked in and the crowd was going wild, jumping up and down. Even Fleetfoot had to admit she wanted to move her body along with it. Despite finding the whole act… distasteful, she did admire how [i]cruel[/i] it was. With the crowd moving again, Fleetfoot was able to squeeze past and away from the dance floor. The chubby pole dancers were still going strong. They had haphazard piles of glittering golden bits scattered around their hooves as they swung around. A few of them were giving the onlookers lap dances. This club certainly was a spectacle. Towards the back, there was a section labeled “VIP” with another bouncer mare standing guard, dressed like the one in front. Although this one didn’t have anypony inside her belly. "Hey there,” Fleetfoot said as she approached, expecting that she’d be recognized again. The music was a bit quieter over here, but she still had to speak loudly. “I think I’m a very important pony.” The bouncer stood unmoving, her eyes hidden behind her shades. She had a light coat and a mane that was striped two-tone, reddish-pink and green. “And you are?” she asked. "Fleetfoot?” She replied, her smile straightening out into a scowl. "You’re not on the list,” the pegasus bouncer replied curtly. "You can’t be serious,” Fleetfoot said, tapping her hoof to her nose. “Fleetfoot, the Wonderbolt? I was in a video with Spitfire?” The bouncer took a moment, then her eyebrows raised. “Oh, from [i]Spermfire[/i]! Hey, how did she taste?" "Who?" "Spitfire. You stuck your hoof in the cum cloud and licked it at the end,” the bouncer said, smiling eagerly. "Like jism,” Fleetfoot responded. “Can I go in?" "Oh, yes! For you, of course. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you. Must be these sunglasses they make us wear indoors.” She lifted a velvet rope for Fleetfoot. "Is Soarin’ in here?” Fleetfoot asked. The bouncer pursed her lips. “You’re… getting eaten by him?" "No,” Fleetfoot said, “I just want to talk to him. " "Oh!” The bouncer laughed. “Okay. I mean- wait. You’re not with Fancy Pants, are you?" "What? No, I just saw Fancy Pants eat Thundermane with his cock and then he threatened to eat me. I’m here to… warn Soarin’ about him,” Fleetfoot said quickly, thinking on her hooves. "You mean Thunderlane?” The bouncer asked. "... Yes, him. " "That’s another Wonderbolt down. Look, I’m not supposed to say this, but Fancy Pants has been trying to get at Soarin’ for weeks. He even sends his partner Fleur over here, but she always gets distracted by our private dancers,” the bouncer explained. “He’s in a secret room at the back. We keep him around because he brings in the big bits. I’m talking hundreds of thousands. Ponies come from all over Equestria to become Wonderbolt dumps. They spend all their bits here because they won’t be needing them anymore. Maybe you should get in on the business?" "I’ll consider it,” Fleetfoot said in a flat manner that seemed to imply she wouldn’t. "Yeah, you should,” the bouncer nodded. “There’s one tonight. Producer from Applewood. It’s super hush-hush. Soarin’ won’t even tell us where he goes after he’s finished working here. Make sure nopony sees you go in. The passphrase is ‘Feelings Forum’. " "‘Feelings Forum’? Seriously?” Fleetfoot asked. The bouncer shrugged. “Soarin’ gave it to us. It changes every week. " "What was it last week?” Fleetfoot asked. "Friendship,” the bouncer replied. "What in Celestia’s shit?- Of course it was,” Fleetfoot rolled her eyes. "Is this some kind of Wonderbolt in-joke?” the bouncer asked. "Something like that,” Fleetfoot replied. She stepped past the velvet rope and into the VIP section which extended further back than she initially thought. At least she now had her “‘Soarin’.” All she had left to do was deal with him. A scene to her right side past an open doorway caught her attention. There was a shy-looking mare with a light blue mane, cream-colored coat, and full belly standing on a table. Sitting beneath her back end was a tall-looking mare with a curled pink mane and white coat. "Do it, Coco,” the tall mare encouraged. “Stink up the room. " "Yes, mistress Fleur.” The mare on the table whined and contracted her pelvic muscles until a skull emerged from her butthole and clanked on the table in front of the taller mare. "Oh yes,” Fleur moaned, clopping hard as Coco dropped more logs of pony poo on the table in front of her. Fleetfoot cocked an eyebrow at the scene and moved along. The other doorways were closed, but she could hear moans and slapping coming from within. She couldn’t tell if those VIPs were rutting or being eaten or both. At last, she reached the final door which was unmarked. It looked more like a janitor’s closet than a luxury suite. Fleetfoot imagined that the actual janitor’s closets here must be very active. She knocked on the door thrice, then waited. And waited. Finally, she said clearly, “Feelings Forum.” The door swung open. Soarin’ stood on the other side. "Shh! Not so loud,” he whispered, pulling Fleetfoot inside. He had at least a dozen cutie marks on his sagging belly that Fleetfoot could see, if not more. The room was more of a large bathroom with an arched ceiling. There was a velvet couch on one side with several vorno tapes piled up across from it next to a TV. The floor was made of white mosaic tile and there was an oversized toilet near one wall. The others were mirrored with sinks in front of them. Soarin’ had been sizing her up after he closed the door behind her. He led her forward and took a better look all around her. "You’re the Applewood producer?” Soarin’ asked, leaning in to lick at Fleetfoot’s cheek. She pushed him away gently. "No,” Fleetfoot said. “I’m here for the appetizer. " "Ooh,” Soarin’ smiled. “The producer wants to melt away in a full belly and he hired a pretty mare like you to be the filling?” Fleetfoot didn’t answer that. “Mind if I record it?” she asked, tapping her saddlebag. "Of course, sweetie. I’ll make sure it gets out to the video stores. They’ll love you, I’m sure. After you’re poop,” Soarin’ smiled. Fleetfoot pulled the camera out of her bag and set it up pointing at where Soarin’ told her she’d be eaten. When the recording light was on, she stood in front and winked at the lens. "Shall we get started?” Soarin’ asked, looking at the camera and then back at Fleetfoot, licking his lips. "First thing’s first,” Fleetfoot said. “Don’t you recognize me?” Soarin’ tilted his head. “Should I?" "We’ve known each other for a very long time,” Fleetfoot smirked. “You should know me.” Soarin’ blinked and realized suddenly. “You’re a... Wonderbolt?" "Which one?” Fleetfoot asked, leaning in close to him. "Cloud- no, Fleetfoot!” Soarin’ finally got it. "And you’re not really Soarin’, are you?” Fleetfoot accused. Soarin’ backed up towards the toilet, sweating nervously. He then flapped his wings and took flight in the tight space. Fleetfoot spread her wings too, shooting straight up into the air. Their bodies got tangled together in a midair heap and they dropped like a rock to the floor. Soarin’ ended up underneath Fleetfoot who had his arms pinned. "Okay, okay. Goodness, you’re strong!” Soarin’ whined, fidgeting under her. "Show me who you truly are,” Fleetfoot demanded. A flash of green erupted from under Fleetfoot that made her squint her eyes. This imposter Soarin’ was now much bigger and green, with insectile eyes, a horn, and orange antlers. "Fine, you got me. I’m King Thorax,” he confessed. “How did you know?”“Don’t call yourself ‘king.’ The real Soarin’ is a puddle of cum. Did you do that?” Fleetfoot asked. Thorax shook his head. “No, I don’t think I ever met him! I just… I had fun eating ponies here in the Pred Light District. I’d disguise myself as whoever and just go around eating prey. Eventually, the Soarin’ identity stuck and I… kinda got carried away with it. The bits I made were good for the hive, and I didn’t think anypony would ever figure it out, so… what’s the harm, right? I’m sorry. It was dishonest. How can I make it up to you?” Fleetfoot glanced at the camera, then back down at Thorax. “What? You want to be my friend?" "I can be!” Thorax smiled. “Or, I could eat you as a friend.” He patted his darker green sparkly belly which had several cutie marks on it. Fleetfoot watched the chub wobble underneath her. "My prey tell me that it feels quite pleasant to become a part of me. Orgasmic, even. I may not be a Wonderbolt for real, but being eaten by a changeling king is still pretty special right?” Thorax asked. "Enough games! I’ll have to personally thank Fleetfoot for leading me to you, usurper,” Fleetfoot grinned. "What are you talking ab-?” Thorax almost asked, then there was another flash of green light on top of him. And he was weighed down even more. When he looked up, he saw the dripping fangs and manic eyes of… “Qu- Queen Chrysalis?” He stammered. "That’s right, cur. [i]Queen[/i] Chrysalis. The true ruler of the changelings!” She laughed in his face. “You should have known better, usurper, than to let yourself be found all alone by me in a locked room.” Thorax’s horn glowed and prepared to fire a bolt, but Chrysalis flicked the horn with her hoof and dissipated his magic instantly. “It seems you’ve grown even softer without me… Literally,” Chrysalis teased, poking his flabby belly. "Guh! Wh- whose love do you have inside you?” Thorax groaned, his horn sizzling and shorting out. "If you must know, my dear Shining Armor has returned to me at last. Poor thing got widowed after I kidnapped him. I’m sure he’ll enjoy the extra padding you give me, Thorax,” Chrysalis chuckled, using her magic to pop Thorax’s antlers off of his head. “Any last words for the camera?" "You can eat me, but leave the rest of the hive alone, Chrysalis. They had no part in this,” Thorax commanded. "Only if they join my side, dearest usurper,” Chrysalis said in a sultry tone, stroking his cheek. Her magic flared again and Thorax’s horn popped off as well. "Your side in what?” the hornless Thorax asked. "For when I take Canterlot for myself,” Chrysalis said coolly, then she opened her mouth wide and pressed it around Thorax’s head. It was easy from there. The usurper didn’t give very much resistance as Chrysalis swallowed him. He knew he was well and truly beaten. It amused her that she had made him long ago and now she was unmaking him. While she ate him, she realized that the sensation of swallowing ponies alive was quite thrilling. She’d never felt so full before. Her stomach was already getting to work on digesting his body and it was exhilarating, not to mention deliciously evil. Thorax was her first-ever live meal. She’d been saving her empty stomach for him, but now she could eat whomever she pleased. It seemed the ponies had actually discovered a fun leisure activity for once. She made short work of Thorax, swallowing his body down to his hooves, then picking up and swallowing his horn and antlers too. Those didn’t taste as good as the rest of him, but she got them down into her belly. The queen then stopped to admire herself in the mirrors. Through her transparent middle, she could see Thorax’s green body cramped up inside her with viscous digestive juices filling up the space around him in her tight stomach chamber. She considered an idea for a moment, then transformed herself. Now she was Princess Celestia, and her opaque middle was still very obviously holding Thorax’s form inside her. It seemed that she couldn’t hide her meal by transformation alone. After admiring Celestia’s body for a bit, she poofed again back into Fleetfoot. Her belly was almost scraping against the ground compared to Celestia’s form, and she couldn’t get any lift with her wings, but she could still walk. She stopped the recording on her camera and put it away in her bag, then heard a knock on the door followed by the words “Feelings Forum.” Fleetfoot opened the door and found a rich-looking stallion on the other side who was surprised to see her. "Wrong passphrase. The new one is ‘Uuurrrp.’” She belched in his face and then walked past him. The stallion just stood there dumbfounded. Fleetfoot noted as she passed by the open VIP room that Coco had finished pooping out her meal and was standing by awkwardly while Fleur kept getting herself off. The bouncer in front of the VIP section didn’t connect the dots between her stomach and Soarin’, probably because Fleetfoot’s bulge was much too big to be Soarin’. She then had several jealous onlookers as she walked out of the club and back into the midnight rain. ——————•••——————“Shining! Shining! Wake up!” The mare tapped Shining Armor urgently. “Come on, I’m getting us out of here!” Shining Armor groaned, groggy. His hooves were glued to the floor of the changeling hive with green goop. He saw a pink hoof tapping his nose. “Cadance?” he murmured, smiling to see her. Cadance nodded as she stood over him. She used her magic to zap away the goo restraints that were holding him to the floor. "Cadance, I thought you were… poop,” Shining Armor said, moving his hooves and stretching himself out before standing up. He wrapped his wife in a strong hug and gave her a long kiss on the lips. "Not here!” Cadance whispered, giggling under her breath. “We need to get you out of here. " "How did you get in?” Shining Armor asked. “How did you get past all the changelings?" "That does seem a bit too convenient, doesn’t it?” Cadance giggled in his embrace. Shining groaned in realization, let go of her, and watched his wife transform back into Queen Chrysalis. "I get you with that every time,” Chrysalis teased, kissing Shining Armor back on the lips. "It’s not funny, Chrysalis,” Shining mumbled. He looked down at her middle. “Why are you so fat?" "It’s victory fat,” Chrysalis announced proudly, patting her belly. “The usurper has been vanquished for good. Once I flush him, that is. He’s still processing in there. " "Gross,” Shining Armor commented. "Same as your wife, daughter, parents, and sister,” Chrysalis retorted. "They wanted it at least,” Shining muttered. "I believe Thorax wanted it too. Not that I gave him much of a choice in the matter.” Chrysalis kissed Shining Armor again. This time he reciprocated. "Why are you here?” Shining asked her. "To breed,” Chrysalis smiled. "Again?" "Victory puts me in the mood,” Chrysalis explained. “Who shall I be this time? Cadance again? Or Your mother? Your sister? Oh, will I finally get to play your daughter?” Chrysalis asked him excitedly. "No disguises. Just you,” Shining decided. "Becoming attached to your queen? I’m flattered,” Chrysalis said, her wings buzzing. “Is it my new chubby belly?” Shining looked away. “Maybe. " "I like it too. It suits me.” Chrysalis kissed Shining again. Their tongues tangled and sparred before Shining pulled away with a slurp. "We’re doing it now?” Shining asked, looking at his queen. "There is one more thing,” Chrysalis said. She used her magic to lift a tape from her saddlebag and showed it to Shining Armor. Shining Armor saw his wife and daughter standing in front of Trixie’s sizable belly on the cover of the tape. "Will this get [i]you[/i] in the mood? I want another good clutch of eggs from you,” Chrysalis said, salivating at the thought. "Y-yeah,” Shining conceded. "Watching your wife and daughter get melted into unicorn poo while inseminating me. How degrading,” Chrysalis taunted. “...I like it.” She clapped her hooves and two changelings brought in a TV that had been stolen in one of their recent raids. Chrysalis put the tape in and let Shining Armor mount her as [i]The Crystal Tapes[/i] began to play. Chrysalis had never cackled with such delight at a videotape before. Shining, on the other hoof, pounded her so thoroughly that night and came in such volume that Chrysalis was able to fertilize several thousand eggs in one go. ——————•••——————Fleetfoot awoke yet again in the darkness. Only the glow of green cocoons high above kept her from being completely blind. She heard hoof steps, but she couldn’t tell where they were coming from until a horn’s glow cast a bright green light in front of her. "Queen Chrysalis,” Fleetfoot nodded, unable to move with her limbs bound to the floor with green slime. “Was he a changeling?" "Not just any changeling. ‘King’ Thorax, no less.” Queen Chrysalis got closer. “I just released him from my bowels this morning. " "Good. Impersonating Soarin’ like that? That’s messed up,” Fleetfoot grumbled. Queen Chrysalis released her from her gooey bindings. "He showed no remorse. I’m almost proud he inherited some villainy from me. And a good thing I went in your stead. I think he would’ve swallowed you whole,” Chrysalis said to Fleetfoot, her words echoing off the high ceiling. "Was he the one who turned the real Soarin’ into cum?” Fleetfoot asked. "He claimed it wasn’t him after I had sealed his fate,” Chrysalis explained. “I don’t believe he had cause to lie then. " "Well, at least there was some justice. The guards wouldn’t do shit. A lot of them are shit by now,” Fleetfoot said. "Quite.” The queen paused and took a deep breath. “You never told me you had starred in [i]Spermfire[/i]. Everypony and their mother seemed to recognize me from that,” she grumbled. "Ponies watch that?” Fleetfoot asked. “I didn’t know it got published. " "It’s a best-seller, evidently. I must know, how did she taste?” Chrysalis asked. Fleetfoot considered for a moment. “Like spooge. " "...I thought so. Regardless, nopony suspected a thing. It was fortunate you made your way to me,” Chrysalis smiled. “Now, I believe I must hold up my end of the bargain.” Fleetfoot nodded. “How long will it take?" "About a week, then you’ll be a full-blooded member of my precious brood. You might retain some superficial pony features, but you’ll be very much a changeling,” Chrysalis told her. "I’m ready. Do I get in one of those cocoons?” Fleetfoot asked, pointing up at the ceiling. "Later,” Chrysalis explained. “First, you and I must get better acquainted, child.” She turned and lifted her hole-filled tail, presenting her insectile sex. “Climb in.” Fleetfoot balked for a moment, then nodded. She had lost everypony important to her, and the changelings here would be a new family all her own. She slid her hooves first into her queen’s warm and gooey birth canal, then slipped her face into the tight passage, and the rest of her body was simple. She could see out into the green glow from within her queen’s womb until the light flickered out and she fell asleep to be reborn. ", |
Story Start,Everything was going so well for Spice. Another conquered beauty contest was recently added to the ninetales’ accolades, and there was another one just one town over. He’d be the champion of every contest in the region before long! A lavish banquet had followed his victory, its effects on his physique serving to make future contests a shoe-in. Spice had had himself groomed the day after, and possessed a shiny clean fur coat to prove it: Every hair from the top of his head down to each of his tails was in its place, turning heads and garnering looks of approval from any civilized pokémon Spice strutted by. He’d left the town showing off his fancy scarf and swaying his hips, leaving its residents with a perfect view of the primary asset that had sealed his victory. All he had to do now was cross through a pleasant-looking forest housed by wild pokémon and Spice would have another contest winner to gloat about. His eyes brimmed with delight imagining all the deserved attention and praise he’d get. A simple trek through nature would be a literal walk in the park for a pokémon like him! Right? "Oh for goodness sake!” Spice yanked his neck harshly from a sagging tree branch that the edge of his scarf had just caught on. He growled and pulled until it tore free. The ninetales checked for damage and sighed as the tiniest of holes was visible in the fabric. “Blast this cursed forest!” he spat, flicking the damaged scarf around his neck and stomping off in another random direction. “They said the town was close!” He pitched his voice and put on a dumb expression. “‘Oh it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes!’ Two hours and counting, Wynne!” The fuming fire type’s tails fanned and flicked irritably. Spice didn’t even bother keeping them off the ground he was so incensed and distracted. “Seems every time I turn a corner I’m right back where I started!” He continued muttering and mumbling to himself until the trees parted and the foliage gave way. Spice perked up with relief to see… the town he was coming from. One strangled cry and incinerated tree later, Spice was stomping heavily through the forest once again. If the egotistical ninetales’ temper tantrum did anything for him, it seemed to draw the wild pokémon from hiding. This time around Spice noted several pokémon milling about along the way, though he largely ignored them as he was concentrated on finding his way along by himself. “Not like any of them can talk, let alone point me in the right direction. Wild ruffians, the lot of ‘em!” One particular sentret had his curiosities sated when he was glared down at by a pair of very frustrated purple eyes. “Skedaddle!” Spice barked, and the normal type fled. Spice snorted very un-beauty-contest-champion-like and continued on, every tail of his oozing his ire with fitful flicks and twitches. An hour ticked by. Spice was wincing with every step he was taking now, and even plopped his butt down to nurse his poor paws for a bit. The dainty things weren’t injured in the slightest, but Spice was not used to so much walking! “Look at them. I’m going to need another bath and a pedi before I’d even look remotely presentable!” He didn’t dare look at the state of his tails which he knew had become intimate with the forest grass at this point. Spice groaned as he picked himself off and pouted. His body nagged at him to rest but the civilized pokémon knew that wasn’t an option. He did not intend to go camping! He had to doll himself up for tomorrow’s beauty contest! "No time to dawdle… Ugh. Fine. Suppose maybe one of these lowlifes might possibly know a way out of here.” Reluctantly, and with wounded pride, Spice began to look for other pokémon to help him out. He approached a fluttering beautifly who, to his shock, completely ignored him! “Hey! Don’t you know who I am?” The bug type didn’t seem to care, fluttering deeper into the forest and away from the noisy stranger. “Uncultured swinub!” Spice had half a mind to give the beautifly a heated parting gift, but it was too far away for him to hit. “Not worth my time.” That excuse was enough for him, Spice trotting away angrily. More pokémon crossed his path, and each one left him more frustrated than the last. Not a single one spoke a word to him, and either dug deep into their burrows or simply left. Spice was growing worried in addition to angry too, since the day wouldn’t last forever and he didn’t have the time to spare. Spice’s coat was a mess. His scarf looked like it hadn’t been washed in ages. A loose leaf or two clung to some of his tails. “Hey, you!” Spice called up to a pokémon loosely-dangled from a large tree limb. “Excuse me, I need some help here!” Spice glared up at the large serpent pokémon that dozed. It was a large arbok, whose hood was limply dangling about the branch and tail idly twitching over the edge, was bound about the tree. Upon hearing the haughty fire type, he peeked a single eye open and glared down at the interruption of his nap. Spice’s ears perked at seeing Arbok awaken, only for the snake pokémon to close his eye and flit his tongue out idly. "Hey! I’m talking to you!” Spice’s puffed his chest out. “You know who I am, of course?” No response. “...I’m Spice Blasé! Winner and champion of the most recent beauty contest hosted just outside this place you call a home! Not to mention countless others!” Arbok looked unconvinced. Mostly as he was still trying to sleep. “Hello?” Spice exclaimed. That did cause the arbok to peek an eye open again. Another flick of the serpent tongue followed. This time, however, his eye stayed open. “That’s better. Now, does any of this look familiar?” Spice flashed Arbok his award-winning smile, sharp teeth giving off a twinkle. He ran a paw through his well-kept mane and flicked his head, scarf and fur alike tossed about vibrantly. He fluttered his eyes at the nonplussed serpent pokémon and began to pose, quickly shifting from one to the next as any beauty contest regular could. Spice could tell he had the arbok’s attention now, as he had lifted his head a fraction and had two eyes focused on the ninetales. Knew he’d come around. Arbok stared intently at the posing pokémon. His tongue flicked in and out more frequently as Spice stood to the side, lifting a paw and stretching out a hind. Another pose fanning his tails out in a semi-circle, every one poised in an exact position and curled in the same manner. The taste in the air was palpable to the arbok as he continued flicking his tongue, eyes confirming what he was sensing: Thick hips jostled about when Spice walked about in a circle, tails flicking up to reveal a large rear that jiggled whenever a hind paw struck the earth. A barely-audible grumble bubbled up from the arbok’s coiled midsection. Spice never took his eyes off the arbok, keeping his head turned to face him at all times. He kept that grin and lidded expression on his face, clearly wooing his target audience. After several minutes of posing, Spice stopped and stood confidently. “So, now that you’ve gotten a free show, would you mind pointing me to the next town over? It’s okay, I know you simpletons here can’t speak. Just pointing the way would be enough.” Arbok’s tongue flickered again. Did something wet just drip to the ground? Spice dismissed it as a trick of the light, delighted instead to see Arbok make his way down the tree, coiled to the trunk, and slide heavily along the ground. Spice felt the tip of Arbok’s tail brush along a hip. “Hey now, no touching. If you want to brush my fur, all you have to do is pay m– ACK!” Arbok struck. One instant he was relaxed about the ninetales. The next, his coils had slapped up around Spice’s middle, looping several times and squeezing tightly. Spice gasped for breath, his forelegs bound to his sides and hindlegs vainly kicking as they were hefted off the ground. His tails flailed in a sudden panic, sending his plush cheeks jostling, while flinging his head about desperately. Spice froze when Arbok’s hood splayed wide before him, the ninetales subjected to a fierce hiss. “Actually, you vain fool, we can speak just fine.” Spice tried to offer a retort, but a fresh squeeze from the coils bound around him reduced it to a soft squeak. “Us ‘simpletons’ merely elect not to speak to fools, as it is a waste of energy. " "A waste of…? You simple-minded serpent! What’s the meaning of this?” Spice growled and flung his head this way and that, but the coils didn’t budge an inch. "Is it not obvious?” Arbok chuckled, tongue flitting out with the tip playing about Spice’s shocked nose. “You’re an utterly annoying creature, who is probably just as disliked among your own kind as you are here. So I’m taking care of you, right now. Two flying types with one stone, I believe the expression is.” Arbok clapped his maw open and shut, drool beginning to seep out and down his lips. He leaned up to a cringing Spice and licked the ninetales. The noisy slurp slithered up past his ear, leaving drool dripping from the tip. “The world will be rid of your putrid ego. And I get a plump, scrumptious meal to enjoy for lunch.” Another squeeze drew Spice’s mouth agape, eyes bulging from the pressure and shock. “Mmm… Your soft pudgy form will taste so good going down. And don’t worry your pretty little head,” Arbok sneered with a lick of his lips. “You can brag to me all you want. You’ll have days to do so once I’m finished with my meal. " "No!” Spice shouted, more afraid than angry. “You can’t eat me! I’m Spice Bl– wheeze!” Shifting coils squeezed tighter than before, leaving Spice with barely enough time to breathe, let alone boast. "You are a meal, and nothing more,” Arbok corrected as he tasted the ninetales again, tongue coiling around Spice’s muzzle and pulling off slowly. “And you need not concern yourself with any more contests. By the time I’m all done with you, the last thing you will be called is beautiful.” Spice’s eye twitched as that horrifying vision crossed his mind. He flinched when Arbok’s tail suddenly caressed Spice’s quivering butt, pressing up against the cheeks while the tip pat-patted it. The drool intensified, Arbok’s maw slowly spreading wide open before the ensnared fire type. Fear was apparent on Spice’s expression, eyes bulging not from the tight coils but out of pure terror. “N-n-no… Please...” Spice begged into the maw that oozed heated saliva over his face. Thick gobs bowed out, coupled with exhales of stale arbok breath. He scissored his hind legs uselessly through the air, tails flailing mindlessly in all directions. “Let me go! PLEASE STOP!!!!” Spice’s whines only encouraged the pokémon that was sick and tired of that voice. Arbok’s thick tongue slithered down Spice’s chin and neck, sinking into the fur, as his jaws pushed over the ninetales’ wailing head. The mouth squelched closed thickly and Spice shrieked into the heated wet darkness. The jaws locked just over right around the shoulders, Arbok purring at the sound of silence… and a tasty meal sliding towards his gullet! “Nooo!!!” Spice couldn’t stop himself from sliding snout-first into the pulsating gullet lined with saliva. His muzzle pushed down into the throat with a sickening UH-GLRK ringing in his ears. The protesting bulge in Arbok’s neck twitched about, Spice writing in terror as he began to get eaten alive. Arbok’s hood was limp once more, the tips brushing along the ground with his head parallel to it. His jaws worked open and closed each time he fed more of his whiny prey deeper. Spice cringed and coughed with his body sinking deeper down the bulging snake pokémon gullet, every small glk and ulk sending a chill down his spine. His shoulders and chest fit easily into the consuming Arbok’s jaws, the fur matted down with hot sticky drool enhanced by the tongue pressing and slurping every which way. The coils worked in tandem to feed the ninetales along, Arbok’s eyes fluttering closed as the slow task of devouring the ninetales was carried out. GLUK! SLRR-ULP. GLK... Spice felt his doughy butt compress into the coils, leaving his hind legs and many tails sticking out straight from the coils. He tried to flail them, but Arbok bound them all up neatly with the edge of his tail in short order, leaving Spice with little means to protest. Another thick swallow squeezed Spice further, forcing his head beyond the throat and into the stomach properly. A terrible stench filled his nostrils while an eager grrrrln filled his ears. He clenched his forepaws as they were gulped down along with his middle, the ninetales belly splayed in the jaws and rump lining Arbok’s lips. Arbok heard the pitiful wails from within his body and chuckled, the laughter reverberating and sending a fresh cry out from his meaty meal. Spice renewed his struggles, though with only his bulging butt and beyond protruding from the serpent pokémon’s lips, it accomplished nothing. Arbok tossed his head slightly and slithered forward more, the jaws sliding wetly over the plump cheeks that Spice valued so. The many tails and two hind legs were now unbound, with Arbok now flat against the ground and tail straight out behind him. The snake’s body was bulging out with the obvious form of a nearly-devoured ninetales, complete with twitching legs, thrashing middle, and muffled whines emitting from his midsection. Arbok worked his jaws down against the squishy rear several times over, hot drool running down the protruding crevice of Spice’s furry butt with other rivulets leaking down the cheeks. Arbok lurched forward again – NNGLUK! – Spice’s stomach forced into the tight throat and widening the many bulges already sported. The base of Spice’s tails was slurped at, tongue coiling around the wide base playfully before Arbok focused on squeezing up against the scrumptious rump proper. Arbok’s cheeks bulged with the wide hips he was taking in, another GLURP ringing out when he squeezed his jaws tightly about Spice’s rump. The thick furry tails began to follow after Arbok had managed to work the fattest part of the ninetales inward. Spice heard it all as his body began folding in on itself, his muzzle tucked to his chest. SCHLRRRRRP... Spice felt his limp hind paws grow soaked in saliva as the arbok’s tongue flowed out to meet them. Five of his tails were completely submerged in the jaws, two having caught up over his hips and pressing into the throat. His bulging buttcheeks straddled over the base of Arbok’s tongue, which, after coiling playfully around the hind paws, was all-too-eager to explore. Spice grunted and groan, tingly acids pressing to his head as it inched back up towards the opening of the throat. “Gotta… get… out!” He did his best to ignore the slurping sounds, the remaining four getting slurped in one at a time. SCHLORP! SCHLRRRRRK… Arbok murred and buried his tongue into the crevice of Spice’s juicy rear, letting the flab fold around it and immerse his taste buds in flavor. The extended tasting only gave Spice more time to start worming his way up the throat, painfully bent but managing to sneak his muzzle back into the tight esophagus. SCHLURRRRRRRP! The last of Spice’s tails, along with his hindpaws, disappeared behind drool-soaked scaly lips. The pudgy rear was at the precipice, already feeling the tight squeezing of the gullet, with all the tails and legs bunched up behind it. Arbok swallowed the rest of Spice whole with the strongest, slimiest swallows of the entire meal. GLRK! SCHL-GLURRRP! ULK, GLP, GLK… GLORK! The bulging butt stood out the most among the coils as it sank down, with the tails and legs following up much smaller and bumpier along the way. “Haahhh,” Arbok churred, smacking his lips loudly, not noticing that the bulges of his neck were doubling up. “That was an excellent meal. You’re right where you belong now, Spice...” Arbok began to chuckle, just as he felt something worming his way up his throat! It wasn’t the throes of a belch… In fact it was grunting! With a loud splrch Arbok’s jaws shot open, saliva-coated forepaws pressing up and down against tooth and tongue alike. Spice’s head stuck out, the devoured ninetales gasping desperately for breaths of fresh air. A viscous mixture of saliva and stomach fluids dripped from his face, eyes bulging and filled with a mix of terror and rage. “This is not where I belong!” Spice claimed, teeth clenched as he struggled to hold the jaws open. “I’m… not… your meal! You’re going to be a scarf when I’m through with you! I’m… Your...” Arbok, stunned momentarily from the violent act, had recovered. Spice’s paws began to quiver as he felt an immense pressure building near them. Arbok’s jaws formed a grin, knowing he had every advantage now. Spice felt a grrrrn from below in the belly, where his plush backside and thick tails were immersed in. It was almost as if it was calling him back. And Arbok was all-too-happy to deliver. "Wait… w-wait!” Spice panicked, feeling his legs starting to give. He didn’t have the leverage or strength to keep the jaws held open. Strength alone wasn’t going to save him. “P-please don’t! I don’t want to be eaten! Arbok!” The snake pokémon tongue sprung to life and coiled up around Spice’s muzzle. His eyes bulged in terror as his jaws were slapped shut. “D-don’t eat meee!!!” Spice squealed through clenched teeth, just as the jaws overpowered his protesting paws. CLACK! GLURRRK! "Mmf mmmffff!!!” Spice’s wailing head squelched noisily down the throat for the second time, arbok keeping his eyes on it this time around. He slowly licked his lips as he saw the bulges converge on themselves, noisily GLKing down his body towards his rapidly-distending stomach. Spice was once more doubling up on himself, hearing the slimy SQLSH as his ears pressed against the sphincter of the stomach and was compressed harshly in. SLOSH! Spice’s muzzle came to a stop only after it slipped past his tails, his body on its back, and nestled tightly between his doughy buttcheeks. He was stuck tight with the stomach walls compressing and squishing up against every part of his body, acids already crawling from the soft innards to start coating him. “MMMPHH!!!” Arbok ran his tail over the sizable bulges and sighed contently. “Urp! Back where you belong… And a much more scrumptious meal then I could’ve hoped for.” Another growl emanated from his stomach, this time followed up by a slow brrrrble and a terrified muffled cry from within. The snake pokémon lazily turned around in the grass to get back to his tree. The noisy stomach churned lightly as the horrified ninetales moaned and suffered. When arbok shifted his heavy coils along the ground, Spice was bent and contorted along with them. The bloated snake had to work to get back to the tree, but it was nothing he was unused to, and his body obeyed, large bulging middle included. Spice felt the stomach fluids building around his back and dripping through his fur, unable to see in the pitch-black organ and hearing every grrrn and grble it had to offer. He tried to struggle in order to make another escape attempt, but the sphincter was sealed tightly. He couldn’t even poke a tail through it, and his body was bent over on itself to the point where the ninetales couldn’t move. Not even when arbok began to coil around the tree, which made Spice dizzy with his head suddenly pointed downward. “Mmf!” he whined, every breath a desperate, short one with the amount of air available to him, snout buried in the crevice of his own rump. Worse still were the acids pooling about below him, Arbok’s body vertical and gravity taking its course. After 15 minutes of careful coiling and climbing, belly squished harshly against the trunk, Arbok made it back to his favorite branch. He managed to stay along the top until he was far enough along. He wrapped his head and tail about like one would tie a hammock up, then, with a delighted purr, he let his bulging, churning belly slip over the edge. SLORSH! Slop slop… The ninetales-filled stomach slowly swayed to a stop after a while, the arbok looking over his prize and licking his lips again. “Ahh... " "Hrrmmph! Hllllp!" "What was that?” Arbok taunted, every word audible to the slowly-digesting Spice. “I’m afraid I can’t hear you! But please, continue. Give your last performance. Better make it count, because after all, you won’t be winning any more beauty contests by the time I’m done with you.” Spice shivered when he felt the tip of a thick tail press down along the protruding bulges. Arbok even managed to give him a patronizing pat on the head, the ninetales whimpering at his sealed fate. “Pokémon don’t venture into the wild to rate the beauty of what we… simpletons, you called us? …leave behind after a large meal.” That last provocation hit Spice hard. He violently wriggled and jostled his body all he could as horrible thoughts ran through his head. Slimy stomach fluids continued to build all about him without care, the stomach walls contracting hard and expanding only a little, with a loud chrrrrrrgle accompanying every one. The glorps and gurgles bubbling all about him sent Spice into a mad frenzy, the base of his tails writhing about since the tails themselves were pinned good. Another deep chuckle and purr rumbled down from above, Spice shivering as the acids grew higher. Then… “URRRRRRP! Oooh… schlrp… Guess that bit of fur won’t do you any good now.” Spice quivered in terror, trying to struggle more, but he was starting to grow weary. Tightly-compressed stomach walls, not much air, churning acids, all the struggling… He tried to move his head down to at least remove the scarf bound about his neck, the precious fabric now feeling as tight as a snake’s coil in the unyielding belly. But he couldn’t so much as budge it, the ninetales doomed to live out his last fleeting moments with his jaws compressed in between his own cheeks. All of this was all getting to Spice. His protests grew weaker as time wore on, to the point where he couldn’t move at all… Spice was forced to remain curled up on himself in a daze, barely clinging to consciousness, hearing the victorious arbok start to properly digest him. Arbok was in a daze, too. A food coma. The snake pokémon casually stroked over his churning, gurgling stomach, occasionally mouthing off to one of the more annoying pokémon he’d come across in recent times. He wasn’t even sure if Spice was still alive and listening (he was), but that didn’t stop him from getting back at the delicious nuisance. Hours ticked by, night falling, Arbok eventually falling asleep. His tongue flitted out every now and then, the increasingly loud glrrrks and chrrrrns soothing him into a nice lengthy slumber. Spice was kept up through the night and well into the morning, all while Arbok gently slept. Only when the ever-rising, churning stomach fluids began to seep over his plump rear did he finally pass out. The ninetales was completely submerged not long after, succumbing completely to the whims of Arbok’s digestive system. A loud BLORP followed by an elongated GLOOORRN rumbled out freely, Arbok yawning in his sleep, but remaining still and peaceful. His loudly-glorping, bulged middle churned and gurgled, swaying gently in the breeze, the wild snake pokémon’s energy completely devoted to digesting the devoured Spice completely. Two more days passed before Arbok awoke. His eyes slowly peeked open, sunlight flooding his vision. He yawned loudly, jaws stretching and popping, then smacked his lips and peeked down at himself: Where quasi-defined ninetales bulges formerly rested now sat a sagging mass of round softness. A burble arose from his softened middle, but it was otherwise quiet. Arbok chuckled at the memory of the whinging ninetales begging for his life. Struggling to break free. Getting swallowed whole and alive, twice, and becoming the next in what had been a long line of tasty, fulfilling meals for the sated serpent. Arbok was all set to go back to sleep when he heard some rustling below. He peeked down to see a definitely-not-wild glameow trotting about carefully, with tail flicking in irritation. Arbok rested casually, not too terribly hungry at the moment. But she’ll make a lovely meal if she’s half as irritating as that ninetales was. "Excuse me?” the glameow spoke, looking up to the awakened arbok. The snake gave a single nod in greeting, tail tip flickering about. “Sorry to disturb you. My name’s Wynne and I’m looking for a client of mine. Have you seen a ninetales come through here? I had gotten him slated to appear in a contest a few days back and I went ahead to do preparations, but he never showed.” Of course, that whiny pokémon had someone working for him literally named ‘Win.’ Arbok slowly smiled, fangs bared, at the glameow’s question. “Mmm… Can’t say that I have.” Arbok deliberately, casually, gave his soft round middle some gentle pets with his tail. “I think I would’ve noticed such a… famous ninetales had he made his way here.” Wynne’s long, cotton-tipped tail wavered about behind her. Her ears flicked as she stared up at the snake pokémon, hints of suspicion in her features. “Are you sure? Spice isn’t exactly a subtle ninetales. He always wears a long red scarf and tends to prattle on about himself. Sure you haven’t seen him about?” Arbok cheekily shook his head again, smile never leaving his face. “Can’t say that I have. I’m asleep a lot, and anyone who has the vaguest clue in their brains couldn’t possibly get lost enough to wander all the way out here.” The grinning arbok flitted his tongue, just as his stomach let out a burbling GLUP! Wynne gave Arbok a look, before her eyes widened as the snake pokémon’s cheeks bulged out suddenly. URRRRRP! A slimy, half-digested scarf, frayed at every possible end and riddled with holes, splatted to the ground a foot in front of the glameow. Wynne took a disgusted step back and peered back up at the arbok shakily. “I’m sure Spice will turn up… eventually...” Arbok whole muzzle was lined with sharp fangs, his grin stretched to the limit. Wynne took the hint. “W-well… I’m a busy glameow so I won’t take any more of your time Mr. Arbok. I’ll keep looking!” Arbok chuckled as the glameow turned to leave. The glameow left the area, muttering under her breath. “Stupid Spice had to go and get himself eaten. That haughty idiot was an uptight priss but at least we were making bank on these contests. Now I have to find someone else.” She sighed. “Why does this keep happening with my clients? I swear the next one I’ll strap to my back and carry them to every town myself...” Arbok watched Wynne go. He had no interest in pursuing her. He was stuffed, and she was actually polite. He looked down at his occasionally-gurgling stomach swaying over the edge, and rubbed his tail over it, tongue flicking over his lips. With nothing else to do, Arbok went back to sleep, letting his sagging mass of a belly finish what it started. Over the coming weeks, Spice’s soft remains shrunk. Arbok’s body padded out with the dense amount of nutrients and fat that the ninetales graciously donated, it all dividing up evenly among the pokémon. Arbok had even grown an inch or two in the process, Spice had been so filling. When all was said and done, Arbok was left with a small soft paunch in the middle of his belly, though a sizable bulge of what was not usable was massed near his tail. The pokémon felt a familiar pressure building, and he arose with another big, jaw-popping yawn. “Well,” he mused, shifting his coils about to begin slithering down the tree. “Seems like the contest champion is ready for his grand finale.” Arbok thudded to the ground and slithered along the grass. He paused by the scarf, stiff from being dried out in the sun over the previous days. He grinned and snagged it with his tail, dragging it along as he moved swiftly. Arbok was full of energy with all his rest and being well-fed on a plump-rumped ninetales, plus wasn’t weighed down by a massive belly bulge any more. He maneuvered along until he reached a place far from where he dwelled, and coiled around a large tree with his body on one side, tail on the other. Dangling Spice’s tattered scarf a couple inches off the ground, he arched his tail up and pushed. “And now, for his final appearance ever… Spice.” From the snake pokémon’s tailhole emerged a smelly pile of dung, spattered with tan fur and the occasional bone. The bulge in his tail receded, Arbok sighing satisfyingly as he relieved himself of the remains of his scrumptious meal. The shit and fur and broken bone fragments piled high over the hoisted scarf, Arbok’s tailhole stretching out and around the squeeze out the last large glob. Embedded in the largest excretion was a cracked ninetales skull, which topped off the stinking pile with a spltch. Arbok flicked his tail, draping what little of the scarf protruding out of the pile over top that skull, and slithered away. “And the winner of the ugliest, smelliest pokémon in the forest goes to: Spice Blasé!” Arbok laughed as he slithered off, free to enjoy what the eaten ninetales had to offer for him (mostly fat, to survive the coming cold weather), and leaving Spice’s remains to become one with the forest over the course of the coming months. It was his last contest, and he won it all, passing with flying colors. Mostly brown. ", |
Story Start,“Chaaaaaa. ♥” A quaint lush forest brimmed with the pleasant sounds of a pleased pokémon. A sated pikachu rested on his back up against a tree with mostly-eaten berries strewn about him. Berry juice dribbled down his chin and stained his yellow fur, with the juice slowly trailing down over the tuft on his chest and flowing around his distended belly. The plump pikachu’s lunch was particularly exquisite and left Sparky gently swaying his thunderbolt-shaped tail back and forth in serenity. He licked his lips to snag any dribbling juice from his lips before stretching out his stubby legs in all directions, wiggling his digits and uttering out another content sigh. “This is living,” he said to himself, using his yellow fluffy mane of hair as an impromptu pillow and slipping his paws behind his head. The full, content pikachu was all set to doze off for the afternoon, to join in with the rest of the forest’s peace and quiet. Sparky’s eyes only started to droop when his long ears flicked instinctively. The next instant there was a booming thunderous roar from the sky, blowing trees back and bringing the whole forest alive with rustling. Sparky was blown away several feet, tumbling to a stop in a bunch of grass near a small pond. He was dazed by the sudden force, his paws played all directions, his eyes wincing from the sudden flood of sunlight that the tree’s shade was shielding him from. Sparky blinked several times to clear his vision, just in time for something to blot out said light from above. At first, he mistook the figure for a low-hanging cloud floating above. When his vision cleared up, however, he gasped and fitfully tried to push himself up with his forepaws. The figure above him had a pleased smile on her lips, hovering several feet above Sparky, and staring right at him. Sparky knew who she was. Everyone knew who she was. "You’re… Y-you’re...” he stuttered shyly. His eyes sparkled in admiration, the pikachu hardly believing his eyes. "That’s right,” a soothing feminine voice flowed. “The one and only Latias.” Sparky stood, full belly grumbling and swaying in the process, and rubbed his eyes. He stared, having no doubt the pokémon was who she said she was. From the long neck, the symbol on her chest, to the claws and wings. Latias swooped down lower, head leaning down right up against Sparky. He uttered a pitiful, abashed whimper when she pecked his cheek with a simple kiss. His cheeks flushed crimson and he rubbed the back of his neck, Latias giggling. “Aren’t you just the cutest lil’ pikachu?” Sparky turned away shyly, Latias allowing herself a lick of her lips, the tingling electric type taste still lingering on them. Sparky squeaked, finally managing to turn up and face her again. What do I say? How should I respond to such a legendary pokémon? Right here in my own home! “... Hi,” he managed after a few moments’ silence, cheeks still glowing. “I-I’m Sparky.” Latias giggled again, looming over the abashed pikachu. “I know,” she said plainly, looking about the forest. “It was a shame to disturb the tranquil of the environment, but you see, I had a very good reason for doing so.” She fluttered her eyes down at Sparky, smug smile never leaving her lips. Sparky blushed more brightly. "Wh-what? Wh-what reason is that, L-Latias?” Sparky couldn’t help himself. A legendary pokémon flew fast enough to break the sound barrier, all to get to him? Maybe he was needed! Perhaps he was an important pikachu, destined to help save the world alongside some of the mightiest legendary pokémon known! Could it be that– "I’m hungry.” The flights of fancy floating about Sparky’s mind vanished. “... Huh?” Sparky looked about the area he called home. He wasn’t sure why Latias would come all the way to the quaint forest where he lived just to find something to– Slrrrrrrrrp! Sparky sputtered as a thick, drooling Latias tongue slowly dragged up over his chubby belly, chest tuft, and face. Whatever berry juice that was lingering on the electric type was licked away, enhancing his flavor. Sparky moved to wipe away the sticky slobber with his paws, only getting more of it stuck to him. “No, I’m not here for the forest’s bounty. I’m here for you, you delectable little rodent.” Latias leaned her head down and flicked her head, sending a squeaking Sparky tumbling on to his back. The pikachu, just beginning to comprehend, let out a fearful whine, eyes bulging in shock. “You understand, of course, why I would travel here just for you. That plump succulent flavor of yours was worth the trip!” And before Sparky could so much as whimper out a protest, Latias’ jaws opened with a squelch and slammed down over him! Sparky wailed as three quarters of his body slipped into the legendary pokémon’s mouth, drool caking over him from all sides. The ground left him when Latias lifted her head, holding the flailing, sobbing Sparky in her jaws. Latias murmured delightfully, running her tongue all over Sparky’s body, ignoring his half-audible cries, soaking him in her saliva. Latias tasted Sparky a little more, then, much to Sparky’s surprise, she spat him out like any half-chewed piece of food. He yelped, bouncing against the ground and landing on his belly, rump in the air, cooling saliva oozing down all over his body. “L-Latias?” he squeaked, mostly to himself, praying it was all just a prank. But when he rolled over onto his back once more to stare up, he saw her licking and smacking her lips, clearly having enjoyed his flavor. “W-w-why…?” he whined. "Don’t you see, you pathetic little pokémon?” she sneered. “I am now in complete control of your life! What little remains of it, anyway… If I wanted to, I could have swallowed you whole on the spot, without even thinking about it. You would be nothing but a bulge on my body, squirming into this.” Latias lowered down, suddenly pressing her red stomach hard against Sparky. The pikachu, already covered in slimy drool and barely recovered, let out a sputtering whimper. He couldn’t even get his paws in front of him, whole face full of down feathers and pressed into the malleable legendary pokémon stomach. With his large ears right up against Latias, he could hear the subtle groans and growls from the belly. The exact same noises his was making just an hour ago. Now, his own full belly was squished flat against her own, squeezing Sparky tightly between it and the ground. "Mmff…. Mfff!” he protested weakly, finding it hard to breathe. Only when he was about to pass out did Latias lift off with a smirk. Sparky stuck against her belly for a few moments, before gravity managed to peel him away, landing on the ground head-first and making his world spin. "Awe...” Latias cooed. It sounded sympathetic to the dizzy Sparky, until she continued, hovering inches from him. “You just look so adorable with all of that slobber of mine draining off your body. Let’s add a little more, shall we?” Sparky raised a paw, shaky and week, with his face in the ground. Trying to stop Latias from tasting him again and failing utterly, feeling that thick tongue push against his form hard. She licked and slurped at Sparky for several minutes, over his head and between the ears; against his shoulders and down his back; up and down either of his sides, making the folds of his belly squelch in drool; and finally up and around his rear, Sparky blushing hotly into the ground feeling the tongue glide over his furry sack and tailhole. “Lovely,” Latias moaned after the last lick, admiring the saliva-soaked pikachu from above. Sparky forced himself to roll onto his back, cringing at the feeling of slimy drool being trapped between him and the ground. No sooner did he do that than Latias came down for another set of slurps, the pikachu babbling out protests as she went to town on his now-exposed belly and chest… And down between his legs. “P-please… Please Latias! Y-you don’t want to really eat me do you? Wh-what did I do to deserve this?!" "Nothing,” she stated simply, licking over Sparky’s belly again. “You’re a pathetic nothing of a pokémon. You don’t need nor deserve an explanation. I have decided that you will be my sustenance, and there isn’t a thing you can do about it.” Sparky was crushed at the realization as the looming Latias laughed over his soaked body. The cruel legendary wasn’t going to answer. He was her food, and she would never answer why. Tears flowed from his eyes as he laid there, forced to stare at the threatening pokémon above him. “P-please… Please don’t eat me...” he begged. Latias rolled her eyes. “Oh, like that’s really going to stop me now.” She licked her lips once more and slowly circled over Sparky, much like a mandibuzz. Then she dove, Sparky shrieking in terror, seeing those jaws part again. But they simply locked over his long, black-tipped ears, lips pressed up against his hair. He cringed and cried, wriggling uselessly, hearing every suckle and slurped with his ears in those jaws. He heard and felt every slop of drool filter all around them, including the last elongated slurp as Latias pulled free from her pika-prey. Sparky shivered uncontrollably, ears flicking in a feeble effort to cleanse themselves. “I’m going to enjoy swallowing you down, Sparky,” Latias gloated, her words slightly muffled with all the drool drizzling off his ears. What wasn’t coming in muffled, however, was the sudden loud growl from her dangling belly. “And I may get to it sooner rather than later. ♥" "No… N-n-no!” Sparky tried, voice cracking with his eyes locked on that swaying stomach. Latias noted where he was looking, and rocked back and forth to make her empty growling stomach sway in his vision. "That’s right, Sparky. This is where your journey ends.” She giggled, then blinked, a tooth-filled grin filling the pikachu’s vision as she pressed her snout against his. “Actually, that’s not quite true...” Latias kept that smile as a confused Sparky watched her raise her head and slowly spun around in the air. That confusion was quickly replaced with horror when the legendary pokémon leaned her backside down to give Sparky a good look. Under her lump of a red tail, a thick set of pussy lips sat. And just above was a twitching puckered tailhole, twitching about right in front of Sparky’s face. “This,” Latias crowed, “is where your journey ends. Squeezed out and left as a miserable pile of remains somewhere… and quickly forgotten about.” Latias craned her head around to peer down at Sparky with one eye. “A fitting end for such a lowly pokémon such as yourself.” Sparky had horrible visions race across his mind eye. The fully-digested pikachu being forced deeper into Latias, what was left of him leaving her body as… “N-no, I won’t let you!” he squealed, cheeks starting to alight in electricity. “I-I’m not pathetic! I’m not your food! I-I… won’t ever be coming out of… o-of that!” His squeaking voice did little to intimidate Latias. And the little sparks gave her another wicked idea. As Sparky tried to posture, shakily bringing himself to stand, she hovered herself a bit backwards, with her rear still inches above Sparky. "I guess you just don’t understand how useless it is to resist. Your life is forfeited, Sparky. To me.” With a lustful look in her eyes, she suddenly sank down over top Sparky. The pikachu let out a surprised squeak when the plump folds of Latias’ snatch crashed down over him, his sparking body squeezed harshly into the dry tunnel. Latias bit her lip and let a moan escape, allowing that electricity to stimulate her nethers. Sparky’s world was one of utter darkness and odors of Latias’ feminine scent, losing all concentration and ending up hanging limply from her folds. The stimulation he proffered slickened up Latias’ vagina, making the pudgy pikachu easy to drive deeper. Latias’ rear budged up against the ground and lifted, Sparky in up to his thighs and whining pathetically. "Remember this for the remainder of your miserable life, Sparky: You. Can’t. Escape.” At each punctuated word, Sparky felt the vaginal walls tighten and squelch all over him. He was buffeted with more of her fluid at each compression, Latias openly moaning as she used Sparky for her own personal pleasure. The sudden onslaught of her juices and musky feminine scent buffeting him made Sparky’s mind swirl. He whined weakly and twitched unable even to protest while under the hypnotic presence of a horny Latias. She only held things off for a few minutes. Every second was torture for Sparky, trapped deep inside her with everything pulsating against his body all at once. He was only freed when Latias hovered back up and let herself go. The ensuing orgasm squeezed Sparky right out into the nearby pond, the electric type struggling to stay afloat, dizzy and weak. When his head broke the surface he was greeted with an onslaught of femcum splashing over his body, the murring Latias’ tongue hanging out. Once she was done, she licked her lips and spun back around, giggling at the sorry state Sparky was in. "Good idea, Sparky!” she said mockingly, nosing down to dunk the flailing rodent underwater several times. “Can’t have you be covered in such wonderful things when it’s time to eat you. You have to be all nice and prepared!” The sarcastic tones drilled deep into Sparky. By the time he was yanked out of the water and callously tossed to the ground, he was a soggy whimpering mess of a pokémon, trying to curl against himself in a meager defense. “Please...” He begged, staring up with wide, quivering eyes. “Please Latias. I don’t wanna d-die! I don’t wanna get eaten… Don’t wanna be digested or anything. P-please...” He was staring up not at Latias’ face, but her growling stomach, the legendary hovering inches above him and keeping her looming presence all about him. "What you want is of no concern to me,” she said, after a particularly lengthy growl from her stomach finished up. Her head came into view, only for Sparky to be greeted once more with that tongue of hers. Water was replaced with slimy drool in a matter of moments, Sparky’s taste dancing all about her lips and muzzle when she was done with him. “You’re food. You’re my food.” She was so close her stale breath wafted over Sparky, the pikachu shivering nonstop by this point. She took her time licking her lips right in front of his face, Latias imagining just how good a meal she was about to enjoy. Strands of saliva freely leaked down on Sparky, who twitched at every new splat against his fur. He only yelped when he heard the grumbling stomach again, a slight gurgled added to the mix: The stomach was ready to accept someone for lunch. And the eyes of the predatory legendary were focused solely on him! "Don’t eat me...” he mumbled, wide eyes bulging as Latias’ maw slowly squelched open an inch from his face. Long, viscous lines of drool ladled over his shivering body, Sparky seeing deep into the pink maw; watching that tongue slither out and hang lazily; seeing the eager gullet twitch and hearing it squelch. “D-d-don’t eat me…!” he said louder, putting a shaky black paw up in front of his face as if to deflect the looming, drooling mouth. The corners of Latias’ mouth curved into a grin, her slick teeth and cheeks within glistening in the afternoon sun as she slowly lowered it down over Sparky. “Don’t eat meeeeee– hllmphf!!!” Sparky’s last squeal of protest not to be devoured ended in a muffled mess, as Latias’ jaws squeezed closed over his head and chest and paws. Sparky devolved into a blubbering mess when all light vanished and his face mushed into the ever-shifting tongue. His own paunch of a belly and beyond was pressed against the ground under Latias’ lower jaw, Sparky aching as his body was bent upward. He felt relief when Latias raised her head, his body springing back into a normal angle, with his sagging belly and dangling rear hanging in mid-air. But otherwise the pikachu was miserable, hot drool his whole world along with the smacking and slurping and tasting Latias was doing to his whole body. He felt the jaws squeeze uncomfortably against his middle over and over, his hinds stiffening and splayed wide, tail stiff in the air each time. He pawed futilely against the tongue, until those paws got stuck, leaving the pikachu to only be able to scream and holler not to be eaten alive. Those complaints, inaudible as they were, fell on deaf ears. Sparky heard Latias’ groaning and murring at his own delightful flavor. She shook his body roughly, swinging her head from side to side, leaving him a dizzy mess in the process. The only things that were clear in Sparky’s mind were the telepathic thoughts that Latias was constantly intruding with. Mmm… A succulent, scrumptious pikachu was just what I needed for lunch. Nothing is better than showing a lowlife pokémon his place in the world. Especially when that place is my stomach. Followed by wherever I decide to relieve myself afterwards. Sparky squealed in horror, knowing it was inevitable that those intrusive thoughts would be reality for him far too soon. Latias rose higher into the air with Sparky secured in her dripping jaws. Sparky felt sick at the sudden ascension, just barely holding it together. His thoughts were quickly intruded upon once more, and that combined with his body half-jammed into a predator’s mouth was at the forefront of his mind. He heard Latias in his head while she continued to audibly purr and groan at his immense flavor, feeling her tongue snake out to slather over his sagging belly. Haven’t even gotten to the best part yet… I wonder if I can get you to season yourself? Your pitiful seed will never be used to bear offspring. At best it’ll be nothing more than enhancing your already-delectable flavor, Sparky. The pikachu whined and kicked his hinds at all those cruel thoughts that he couldn’t escape from. Though a louder squeal was heard when that Latias tongue snaked up between his legs and pressed harshly up against his butt. Sparky’s kicking hinds couldn’t stop his body from sliding inward, leaving loose fur behind as he slid stickily across Latias tongue towards her gullet. “No, no stop please!” he uttered with his head so close to the slimy tight throat. He felt the jaws latch around his squishy rear, locking him in place, almost as if Latias listened. But of course, she did anything but. She was just enjoying the immense fatty flavors from the pudgy pikachu’s stomach and rump, slathering every inch of fur up in saliva, leaving the crying pikachu dangling inches from the gullet that would send him down to that grumbling stomach. Mmm… I think it’s time we add that seasoning. Sparky, paws pulled free from the tongue, latched around it in a vain effort not to be swallowed. He felt his rear slurped inward with half a tail ending up protruding past pursed Latias lips. Her tongue squished up between Sparky’s legs and decorated his furry butt in drool. Sparky was subjected to every delighted moan Latias was making, with the continued intrusions into his mind. Latias was far above the forest now, freely dribbling drool down Sparky’s tail and to the world below. She had Sparky all to herself, and there was no-one coming to save him. Sparky shivered in the hot, sticky, humid maw, wondering what could be worse. He found that out an instant later, feeling the tongue slither around his furry ballsack, teasing out the ill-fated pikachu’s shaft a bit at a time. Images flooded his head from the telepathic pokémon. Reminding him of his recent experience up her snatch. Every emotion and sense flooded him at that moment, further coaxing his erection out. Even some of the fantasies the pikachu had had played in his mind’s eye. Though they were pulled and re-applied at Latias’ whim. She greedily coiled her tongue-tip around Sparky’s shaft, and slid it up and down, with his erection pressed between his belly and the base of her tongue. That’s right, Sparky, her voice loomed in his mind, instantly reminding him of his fate. You’re going to loose your seed all over yourself. Just like the pathetic lowlife you are, you will be doused in your own filth. All to make you taste just a little bit better. Sparky growled and panted, wanting to fight against it. But the now-horny pikachu couldn’t help himself. His hips bucked, moaned and sobbing at the same time as he began to hump against the tongue, dragging his twitching erection back and forth. Slimy pre already began coating his fur and tongue alike, and the agreeable moans from Latias confirmed she tasted every drop. Won’t be long now. Look at your pathetic self. Instead of fighting for your LIFE you are pleasuring yourself. The world will be better-off once it’s rid of the likes of you. Sparky whimpered and moaned, conflicting emotions and insulting intrusions all mixing in his mind. His cock throbbed when the tongue gave his sack a lick and shaft a squeeze, Sparky now motoring an inch back and forth in the slimy maw. Rubbing his taste into Latias’ tongue without realizing it, sobbing uncontrollably hearing those words from the pokémon that was eating him alive. A few more thrusts was all it took. Latias pressed her tongue up under Sparky, pressing his back up against the roof of her mouth and orgasming penis against his body. His cum spewed forth, spreading up against his fur and her tongue. Latias actively licked up and around Sparky, covering him in his own semen, the pikachu supplying a few more splurts of jizz to work with. When he finished, Sparky panted and moaned, the high of the orgasm fading, and his reality fully settling. In addition to gobs of slimy slobber, Sparky was now decorated with his own off-white cream, which Latias was all-too-happy to rub deeper into his fur. She felt and heard her moaning in pleasure. This definitely hits the spot. Sparky had to endure several more minutes of his cum-flavored form being slurped and tasted deeply. Suddenly, Sparky felt his tail slurped up in one swift motion, the thing now pressed against his rear. The entirety of the electric type was completely sealed within the maw, and Sparky knew what was coming next. His squeals and protests picked up in frequency, Latias happily grinding her tongue against his body, and pressing up against his rear to usher him back. Goodbye, Sparky. At least your pathetic life will have a modicum of purpose, feeding someone like me. Sparky’s eyes widened in the pitch black darkness, large ears picking up the lewd squllllch of the gullet contracting open right by his snout. "No… no don’t eat me. Don’t swallow me! Please!” The maw seemed to go silent at that point, Latias’ intrusive thoughts also ceasing. Sparky only heard the thumping of his own heart ringing in his ears, and for one instant he thought that she listened. His last hope was crushed when the tongue suddenly squeezed Sparky into the widened throat, a gibbering squeal cut off when his body squelched downward. Latias threw her head back and pressed at the same time, a thick, wet GLURRK! swallowing Sparky whole and alive. The pikachu wailed and whined as the gullet pulsated all about him, feeding him deeper, his world filled with nothing but the sounds of thick gulps pulling him down. His bulge, thin as it was, pressed out against Latias’ down feathers, visibly sinking down her long neck and disappearing past her chest. She licked her lips and let out a guttural sigh of pleasure, hanging in the air with a plump meal slithering down her body. Sparky whimpered, bracing for the inevitable, but still being caught by surprised. He was pressed harshly against the sphincter of the stomach, before it parted just enough to allow him to squeeze in. He could hardly breathe in the process, his first renewed breath taken in when he fell from the sphincter and slorsh’d noisily into Latias’ stomach, immediately coated with viscous stomach fluids. He splashed and yelled in the belly, barely big enough for him to move in more than a few inches. Latias felt her belly fill and sag with the weight of Sparky, the sudden entrance forcing out a slimy, drool-and-fur-filled belch to escape. “Hahhh, ♥” she sighed, smacking her lips while Sparky fought for his life in the bowels of the legendary pokémon’s stomach. "See?” Latias spoke, Sparky just barely able to hear past all the churning grumbles of the belly. “I told you, Sparky. There was no escape. A cutie like you ended up quite filling… urp.” The belch and words were the last thing he heard Latias, or anyone, utter. He was too exhausted to reply or even make a sound, all his remaining efforts focused on not being digested. Futile as they were. The chubby pikachu was sloshed and swayed all about the now-full Latias stomach, the pokémon’s flight sending her belly every which way. Latias casually licked her lips and forgot about Sparky not 10 minutes after her feast, as food often was. Sparky flailed his paws, splashing into the messy gunky stomach fluids, trying all he could to stay afloat. He could already start to feel the tingle and sizzle of the acidic stomach contents, his lower body itching and losing fur. Sparky whined as the stomach filled more with those deadly acids, the pikachu pressing up against the roof and side of the slimy stomach walls to try and save himself. He couldn’t see a thing, but his eyes were wide. His silence was easily eclipsed by the churns and gurgles, the pikachu forced to hear himself get digested. The belly had less and less room for him to maneuver, until he had only enough space to keep his muzzle above the level of fluid. A couple hours passed, and the acids burbled away, leaving Sparky gasping for air. When a third went by, the suffering Sparky had to spend all his efforts just to take a breath above the surface of the stomach acids. His face burned, having submerged several times, and his lower body ached horribly. Just as the fourth hour ticked away, Sparky couldn’t stay afloat any longer. The digesting pikachu sank below the acids, bubbles filtering out from his mouth and nose. The stomach filled completely with stomach fluids at that time, the last air forced out. The last thing Sparky heard was a muffled watery ooorrrrrruuup from Latias, before he passed out completely. Latias had made the journey home in short order while pikachu digested. Her loudly glorping and churning stomach swayed along with her flight, the pokémon completely contented with her meal. She finally landed in her nest, belly burbling away freely, and settled with a yawn. She rested her head down right next to her stomach hearing pikachu get digested down as she slumbered. In the middle of the night, the sleeping Latias’ stomach uttered out its strongest groan yet and contracted harshly. What was left inside wasn’t recognizable, Sparky having been digested completely. Latias slept all through the night, waking up with the sun. She let out a massive yawn, mouth stretching wide open and tongue twitching. Stale saliva drizzled out, carrying a few of Sparky’s loosened yellow hairs with it. She smacked her lips and looked down at herself. Yesterday’s meal added no more than a thin layer of pudge to the legendary. Her belly was mostly back to normal, though still sagging. The area below her tail, however, had a bulge. She felt pressure amassing, and knew what she had to do next. Latias flew far from her nest, about 10 minutes or so, and perched at the edge of a cliff. Only then was she reminded of exactly who she had eaten the day before. "And now,” Latias smirked and grunted, “the last place you’ll ever pass through, Sparky.” Latias hunched up her rear, dangling it over the edge of the cliff. Her puckered tailhole twitched, then with another push, expanded, a shit-stained clavicle bone squeezed out. The dam was released, Latias panting happily as she shat away yesterday’s remains. Long logs of dung filtered out, tailhole contracting over and over. Her shit was mingled with tufts of yellow and black fur, and various remaining bones: A claw here, a rib there. A spine, in pieces, plopped out along with smaller pieces of shit. Then came a stoppage. Latias bit her teeth, grunted, and pushed hard, A mound of shit sticking to a cracked pikachu skull was squeezed out in several attempts, hanging from Latias’ butt a moment before falling free. Her contracted tailhole took a second to close, but not before a last tuft of fur and dung was shat out. Her tailhole squeezed shut and Latias sighed contently, all the pressure released. Her shit tumbled down into the wooded area below, scattering all over, bones cracking, fur fluttering down. She didn’t care where it ended up or who it disturbed. She did her business where she pleased. Latias licked her lips and took flight, hovering down to see where things landed. Sparky ended up all over the place down in the woods. Various bones, fur, and Latias manure splattered all over the area. Latias had had his way with the plump pikachu, and as promised, he wasn’t escaping from his fate as food for a hungry legendary. Spotting her business landing mostly within the same area, she grinned. “What a cute pile you ended up making, Sparky,” she jeered. “I was right to gobble you up. ♥” Satisfied, Latias hovered into the sky, and jetted for home, Sparky left an unconsidered set of feces, never to be thought about again. ", |
Story Start,Shakira threw off her dark rock style jacket, the tassels flying as the momentum of entry to her apartment would have shocked her sons, or her boyfriend if they had been at home. They were not, her classic beaming smile reflecting this knowledge as she struggled with her black top. Her golden long locks at war with her top as she almost fell over a chair as she blinded herself with the garment. Sweat pored from her tanned Colombian flesh as she breathed deeply her small breasts heaving. She begun to relax now knowing her tour was over and it had been successful. Shakira sighed ... Sad it was over but so happy she had done it considering that she thought she would never sing again after the throat haemorrhage she had suffered. There were many things on her mind, but for once she was happy as she peered at a photograph of her family, and her parents in another. She kissed a picture of Pique and as if he was in the living room with her and she wiggled her phat, spankable ass for him. Then her loins felt hot, and she skipped towards her bathroom unzipping her ripped black pants and discarding them in a heap in the corridor.. Her servants could pick up her clothes.. She kicked off her leather boots , and bent down touching her toes in front of the basin. Her painted toes she examined, the foul stench of her sweaty feet made her turn her nose up in disgust. She turned the shower speaking to her feet in Spanish..'dirty feet...'She squeezed her succulent lady lumps from the prison that had been a pair of white panties and stepped under the hot spray. She started singing her songs like a child without a care in the world.. Me Enamore being her favourite. She even did the dance moves but when she thought of her love her hands snaked to her bare pussy, she imagined his hands grabbing her ass. .... The shower glass steamed up hiding the short angel and she felt his muscular manly arms around her... The pressure was so intense and she rubbed herself more almost orgasming as she imagined herself kissing him as she felted his tongue upon her lips. But the kiss was strange... Inhuman, she frowned as thick saliva dripped down her breasts mixing with the shower water. She opened her eyes as she realised a massive 20 foot green anaconda had wrapped itself around her slim body. The snake hissed as it looked upon its captive, her curves just an ornament to his tubular body, the scales drenched with water. Shakira tried to struggle, she screamed but in the bathroom nobody would hear her. She pushed herself against the glass but the surface only displayed her enviable assets. Did she really think the glass would break and she would escape? The glass perversely warping the shape and size of her derriere making it even bigger than it really was. The great globular clusters squashing ignobly apart and in the centre an unnameable star puckered, a stray cry from that crack was just audible. But Shakira was a lady so any dirty details like that she'd never want reported ... ;)Shakira screamed but nobody would save her. She knew immediately this was not a prank from her boyfriend because she had made him promise her. He knew about her phobia of snakes and of death itself. Her heart palpated as the snake started to constrict her, the pressure upon her loins made her release her bladder and her eyes grew wide as the pink, dripping wet maw of the apex diner came closer, and closer.. And ... The maw enveloped her beauty, her brown eyes disappearing in disbelief ... it was eating her alive. The shower like every time before cast a warm protective blanket over her body but she did not enjoy it due to her unwelcome visitor. Her mind quickly understood it had slithered from the cold inhospitable outdoors, desperate to find the hottest place in the house. She cried as a thick coil squeezed around her pressing upon her nether regions, the smell of her urine making her want to barf as it became steam. The heat did not help ... The sensation as goose flesh accommodated itself around her head made her skin crawl. Her heart skipped a beat as her hair was mixed with snake's shampoo, as its throat massaged the juices into her hair. She didn't know if she could fight, and she tried to scream, but with the constriction upon her body, and her head as it plopped further into darkness her eyelids and mind closed for what would be eternity, her energies fading and disappearing like water down the gurgling plughole. There was only a whimper, but her brain fought ... One last push, and she was falling..........In a moment she was on her back, her eyes looked around slowly in shock at her surroundings. The mother of two didn't move.. She didn't feel like moving the fear of death was heavy upon her chest, underneath her buttoned white shirt her stomach felt a great weight upon it. She breathed again her eyes scanning the dark apartment room, her body wet from perspiration. She moved slowly ... Her big bottom she lifted, and she shifted her weight and got as comfortable as she could against the sofa. It was a struggle.... Her eyes were weak, and she felt like she had taken drugs because she was between two worlds... What a dream she thought.. You only do live once she thought and her mind felt disgusted at the idea of being eaten alive by a primitive, by a slimy green grass snake. The shadows of the room spooked her as she thought she saw shadows undulate with the dance of a snake. It was ironic ... And she smiled laughing that such a creature that she had watched and knew moved in such a sexy and feminine way had led her to become a dancer.. Nobody could move her hips like her... It was an irrational fear she knew it but she hated them. How they hissed... Their saliva.. How they swallowed and digested their prey... She had seen the nature documentaries.. Seeing them on tv repulsed her but she could watch them like that... As long Pique was with her holding her hand. She swallowed.. She remembered when her heart turned cold when she walked into the reptile house at the nearby zoo with her two boys at her shock as she saw a reticulated python squeeze and swallow a poor rabbit. She moaned in terror with that last thought and called out to Pique'Pique! Where are you... ' the comfort of his arms she craved... She did not feel safe. Then she remembered that he was not here, and her boys were staying with her parents..It took an age but she was able to shift her sluggish 117 pound frame so was half sitting upon the sofa... The alcohol still in her blood. Her eyes glanced over at the early dawn of a new day. She lazily looked around at items in her hotel apartment. There was a tag on the door with the number 1827 and she knew on the other side she had left a sign with do not disturb. She yawned stretching her arms above her head. Her stomach still was uneasy, but she had eaten a lot the night before when she celebrated the success of her tour with her band mates. Wine, too much food... And a big creamy dessert had left her filled and intoxicated.. She couldn't really remember much about the night before.. Probably the alcohol had led to the nightmare. Its like when you eat the wrong foods .. Cheese past midnight.. Chemically it does strange things to you.... Bizarre objects met her gaze, stuff that she had collected while she was jetting from country to country. A smiling skull from Mexico met her gaze but she wasn't in the mood for him so she tiredly shook her head and felt happier when she saw her guitar. She yawned wider than the snake that had tried to eat her in her dream and she joked to herself..'With her hips it probably could never have swallowed her.. Usually the shoulders are the problem.'The confident and fearless Shakira returned and she muttered naughtily :'don't worry mr snake... I'd wiggle and scream as much as you want.'Her speech became a yawn...' coffee... I nneed a coffee.. Yawn!!! And then breakfast..' she said in Spanish 'and then I'll to work off that chocolate dessert.. The calories in that... I know where the cream always goes. I suppose some pounds in my pants.. Wouldn't matter I just always think .. I have too much to sit on'She wrenched herself from the sofa... But... She didn't ... She couldn't ... She squirmed.. Her entire body she couldn't see because the curtains were closed with only a little sunlight beginning to illuminate the room. A sliver of light revealed her open white shirt and black bra. With a herculean effort she heaved herself forward and a round dark coil of a sleeping predator met her puzzled eyes. Was she dreaming again? Shakira couldn't believe it! Her phone was behind her and slowly with a fear that must have been akin as if it was an alien xenomorph laying upon her she turned the flashlight and shone it upon her stomach. What does one feel when they realise the nightmare is reality?Her eyes were as beautiful as they were always but confusion turned to terror in a moment.. She murmured under her breath :'Help.. Help.. Someone.'Shakira begun to dial the emergency services as a large 23 foot Burmese python stirred but it was content at that moment to sleep and to cuddle up to the lady it had chosen as dinner.... Unbeknownst to Shakira the snake was the pet of the rich bachelor living above, he had carelessly left open the big girl's vivarium the night before. He was going to feed the snake a massive one hundred dead pig but he had decided upon feeding her the next morning. Unfortunately for Shakira he always slept in late ... And when he awoke and realised his darling serpent was missing it would be too late. And though Shakira became a missing person very quickly.. The public search could not save a Colombian woman who had been eaten the day before....... The slow moving reptile as it had slithered in the dark corridors of the hotel smelt so many new things : foods, threats and new attractions. Many it did not know... it could not put its forked tongue upon them. But just as it was about to descend the steps into the bowels of the hotel it smelt a exotic perfume. Mixed with it was the natural fragrance.. Of Shakira's body, oh nothing dirty ... but her essence. Though the chemical signature was not the same as a pig, or rabbit, it was similar and it twisted its body round searching and testing the air around each door until it came to 1827. The smell of the animal was really powerful, the meat package was locked behind the door .. Had her owner placed her dinner here for safe keeping? Though the perfume camouflaged the females' pheromones the snake knew immediately what ever it was ... It was eatable. The serpent observed its surroundings with its limited vision and smelt with its tongue air mixed with Shakira's scent which wafted through a vent which led to her apartment's air conditioning system. Before long... The python had navigated its way into the forty one year old's living room... Occasionally dining room... For Shakira didn't care where she and her friends and family ate. She was a free soul after all.. She had been eaten in that room before but that's another dirty story... Involving cream too ;)The snake didn't have much energy so it soon after coiling up to the drunk damsel, she decided to sleep cuddling up to her so she could get warm again. Occasionally she struggled but they were like two peas in a pod. Inseparable... Until the Colombian awoke.... As the lady desperately texted an emergency number the reptile's eyes slowly opened. Unlike the sleepy Shakira the animal was always alert and she quickly understood that her prisoner was moving. The predator and the prey observed each other silently for one moment and the python with only the desire to eat, struck in an instant its s shaped neck quickly looping around the Colombian's back rising higher and higher until its maw cast a shadow upon her head. It hissed as if to say you won't escape... Shakira screamed in an instant as the Burmese python adjusted its coils binding her legs together like the worse form of bondage imaginable. Shakira was pushed violently against the sofa her legs sliding next to her, and she desperately struggled using the armrest as support but the ravenous organism watched as its big breakfast manoeuvred itself only into a better position to be consumed. The snake almost couldn't believe that... At the same time Shakira cried out 'Nooooooo!!!' moaning in fear as her phone slipped from her grasp onto the carpet. Saliva dripped down from the open chasm which was the carnivore's mouth and Shakira screamed but the apartment was so large, and her voice weak from her hangover that nobody who was awake noticed her. She couldn't see the snake' head but she knew it was behind her. The six huge coils that were playing with her nimble flexible body increased their pressure, minute by minute the python mercilessly constricted its new food source. Shakira's lipstick smudging and her own saliva frothed. Her legs kicked out in desperation but as her breath was taken away from her fight diminished. She winced in pain...'Please.. . No.... No... Help... Help ... Me ... Someone.. ' Shakira weakly groaned her eyes rolling. The serpent hissed. not that it really heard her or her screams... For the snake having no ears was able only to hear low frequency sounds. Saliva ignobly slopped down onto the goddess' face missing her lovely long hair. A thick glob of snake spit took eternity to run down her nose. She continued to scream out, but as the time passed they became more like helpless groans of a female resigning herself to her fate because she knew that nobody was awake at this time in the morning, and nobody would be checking in on her. With her other hand she desperately reached for her phone but it was miles away. In total fear though she didn't really want to she looked up, straining her neck as curiosity got the better of her. She couldn't see but she could feel as the snake's jaws became glued to her crown. She felt inch by horrifying inch as the snake covered her head in a strange and sticky sock. The female python sucked her head in like a tasty sweet with ease.'Pique... Help me.. Its eating.. Me ... It can't be...' Her rational mind knew she was just snake food but she could not accept it... She thought of when she had played a gazelle in a disney film... Only animals are eaten not humans she thought!'This can't be happening... I won't let it happen.. No!...'Her fiery Spanish was inaudible to the snake who slurped her head, her resistance came too late as her brown eyes, and then famous mouth ended up in female python's throat, her head now could be seen as a small bulge the dark brown and yellow interlace pattern coating her body in a new slick and wet stocking. Though there was anger in her throat as she screamed one last time, at least to the ears of anyone who might have heard her, the constriction was so powerful that she almost sighed in pleasure. Her mouth relaxing in some happiness for the pressure was so great, it felt like the snake would have easily crushed her ribs. The hung over gal at times half fidgeted and squirmed in the coils, each doughnut like ring disappearing as she was ingested bit by bit. Shakira's small breasts and body was drenched in the snake's special white sauce, which marinated the Lebanese -Colombian meat. Her delicious bronze skin shone even more as the rays of sun cutting through gaps in the curtain illuminated the snake feeding. As soon as her head had been fully swallowed, the pink internal muscles comforted and squashed the singer with hips that did not lie. Oxygen was so reduced in the tight confines of the female's oesophagus that Shakira half fell asleep. She was so hungover and tired that as if she was under the covers of her huge double bed that her eyelids shut, sleep not far away. Shakira opened them for one brief moment and turned her head in disgust at the sight, salivary sludge messing up her hair as it sloshed upon her face. She didn't deserve this ... she was too noble and privileged .. To high minded to accept her fate... It was just a dream.. A nightmare.. Why struggle like a big dirty pig, or a rabbit... the sooner the journey was over with the quicker she'd wake up. Too tired and confused to think she closed her eyes like a princess in a fable, her lips puckering in anticipation of her prince waking her up like he always did with a kiss.. A kiss that would never come. Half asleep she murmured in Spanish... Pique... Over and over again... And only her bottom half, her thick thighs and legs continued to wiggle, her upper body limp. The python hissed in victory as it noticed the large food packet breathe more deeply and relax, in a couple of gulps the 23 foot stranger glided down to the zips of her silver hot pants. Every movement, every slow exertion were displayed gloriously in her leggings. In her eagerness to quickly get the famous dancer into its tubular throat, the snake accidentally, as Shakira raised her legs involuntarily swallowed too quickly, the momentum of its movement causing the Lebanese lady to slip off the sofa. Thankfully, the carpet was soft and Shakira purred feeling it upon her bare feet, her toes curling up. She shuddered forgetting in her slumber that a snake was eating her, she felt like she was in a constricting, sleeping bag, the squeeze of the oesophagus walls' massaging her body, stretching her into flexible frame, stretching every muscle. The temperature was so hot inside and she dreamed of herself naked in a bubble bath. She groaned in some pleasure after that imagining herself in the arms of her lover. She was right in a way, the snake did love her, the taste of the perfumed dame made it more hungry, its belly and organs expanding in total readiness for the biomass it would convert slowly and methodically into nutrients. What was left would become a slimy, spicy Spanish sausage... But Shakira felt too highly of herself to imagine herself become snake food... And worse.'Be rough.. Be as rough as you want..' She moaned like a she wolf not noticing as saliva sneaked into her half open mouth. She growled as the snake's tiny teeth prodded into her soft booty, the culo almost mesmerizing the serpent like so many others as its jaws squeezed around her resisting hips... The throat muscles elastic as Shakira bum became entombed. The predator wouldn't know, not that it needed to, but the lady's rump was covered by her new HIPS DON'T LIE pants. These pants had sold very well as part of the official El Dorado merchandise. Her hips did not lie, and though they posed a fantastic challenge the jaws were able to press and squeeze the creamy deposits into a container. With a wet popping sound and a gurgle from the stomach Shakira's buttocks were soon history.. The distended round balloon bulge of Miss Mebarak Ripoll now was a real sight to behold as the snake continued its slow walk over her. The patterns would ripple as the python clothed Shakira in its own skin and muscle, in a matter of minutes the escaped pet was down to Shakira's bare feet that curled up as saliva bathed her toes. The snake such a sloppy eater left a copious amount of its sticky lubricant on Shakira's carpet which would cause great disgust for the hotel cleaner who came to make the celebrity's bed. She would clean up the weird substance, wondering what it was but thinking better to poke her nose into Shakira's affairs. The painted toes came to life again as they slipped into the soft chute, and Shakira's eyes opened from her long sleep to a darkness she did not understand. She felt the air upon her feet suddenly change temperature as the snake with a massive yawn close over her. Shakira loved to perform barefoot... And she didn't disappoint the serpent as she stretched out her toes inside. The Burmese python hissed as she watched the oblong lump that was Shakira as the object started its slow ride... Or should I say slide! ... To its midsection. This took ten minutes and the food had begun to sing again.. As it realised that it had been devoured by something that many other celebrities had made into handbags or boots, though as an animal lover she'd never have done the same. So many things Shakira thought about as she was pushed unceremoniously through the greasy orifice that was its stomach opening... She knew the other would lead to its intestines .. And she'd made herself not think about that part of her passage inside the snake.. She screamed in Spanish clawing the snake's inside but her nails were short and only tickled it. As the stomach filled up with green dip that emerged in the breathless chamber. She kept thinking of that cartoon Roger Rabbit her sons loved to watch and she screamed 'acid! NO... NO.. No.. ' She moaned in Spanish knowing that she was just meat to be processed, and now as the liquid covered her completely, enzymes ate away at her white shirt, bra and exposed areas. She screamed as she became sore all over.. However there was a sweet release for this angel.. The wrinkled snake walls were so close to her, squashing her body into a shape that even she thought she could not make, and she was a yoga expert!Shakira breathed her last relatively quickly. The snake's stomach almost had burst as the meat became one with its gut. It was a miracle that the lady had survived as long as she had. Though she cried and knew she would miss so much, for she had such a fantastic life, she was happy she would not suffer the agony of digestion.In the madness of her last moments she swore she heard her old song playing in her head : You Don't Care About Me... And she slipped into peaceful sort of sleep trapped in the belly of the beast.. In a perverse way she knew that the snake had enjoyed her body. Her final dance was unlike any other... Her serpentine curves becoming one with her partner . As she breathed her last she was glad it was over.... Shakira didn't know but she worked off that chocolate dessert, as the acid had bubbled over feasting upon her round rear bumper. .. At least she wouldn't have to go on a diet ;)Shakira looked asleep as the music of her heart slowed.. And then .. There was silence only the gurgling and squishing of the hot meat as it became soft, the fat and cream of woman digested and the silver peeled from her pants. The Burmese python escaped Shakira's apartment slowly, the reptile's tail disappearing down the Colombian's toilet without being disturbed. Though it was an incredible contest to slither with the undigested mess inside her through the hotel's plumbing, the gastrointestines crushed Shakira's remains so she became more like a squashed meat sausage, bones and spine snapping as it squeezed through underground sluices.. Paralleling the journey that she would make as snake food. Eventually the python entered the sewer system and was able to find a place to digest the 117 pound calorie bag that was now Shakira. It took two weeks for the lady python to grow plump due to the bootylicious dame it had swallowed whole and alive, the fat layer it would burn off in the following year as it would try to survive in the wild. The fat which she now wore proudly, the majority of the layer coming from the Colombian's squishy bottom. The snake wrapped itself in a ball in the darkness watching the rats as they scuttled away in fear. The bulge was smaller now and it would soon eat again. The synthetic hot pants, now a dull grey colour were regurgitated in the sewers, and buried under the sludge of human waste that was ejected from the pipes and never found. Her sodden black bra had crumpled into a sticky mess of wire and undigested fabric. As the serpent exited and hid in a forest with a full bowel she spat out this item, it was eventually buried by mud. With a symphony of unpleasant noises the steaming brown logs only about 5 pounds worth of the deceased goddess were compressed and pushed out of the python's colon. Shakira left the snake much easier than she had entered, but it was still a squeeze and took a long time. The perfume of the snake's turd would never win any awards, it was accompanied by uric yellow pellets and the brown pieces wet with rectal phelgm. The final exit of the Colombian was runny and it looked as bad as it smelled. Golden blonde hairs and her nails were the only parts that the snake could not digest.. It was funny the shit was kind of fluffy too because the white cotton of her shirt had distregated as it was reprocessed. Soon it rained and the disgusting shit pile was washed away as was her ring that had become embedded in a log. Eventually that was buried in the river bank....... The authorities had a missing serpent and a missing woman... So it was highly suspected what had happened.. The story above was the official summisation of what likely occurred. It was so strange.. So unexpected that one of the most famous and desirable women in the entire world could suddenly be eaten by a big snake... Many celebrities such as Beyonce and Kim Kardashian set up better security system making their mansions snake proof so that it could never happen again... But life finds a way...It was a mystery... Only the snake knew what happened but it was never caught... And if it could have spoken if would have said it didn't distinguish much between Shakira and a 100 pound pig it usually ate... And if one could have spoken to Shakira and asked her what the experience had been like. ", |
Story Start,It was a very early morning, somewhere in the middle of a large forest. The sky had begun to lighten, though the sun was still hidden behind the horizon. Adam wasn't very much of an outdoor person. The fox was hardly the type one would expect to camp out in the middle of nowhere, or to wake up before the sun had risen to scale a cliff. Yet he was in the midst of doing exactly that, while the animals around him had just begun to wake. The sounds around were absolutely serene. A gentle breeze could be heard flowing through the trees. A nearby nest of baby birds had begun to cheep as their mother brought them food. Further away, a large rushing river could just barely be heard... "Damnit!” And the sound of a camera impacting rock, followed by a very angry fox shouting. He turned his camera around to examine it, thankful to see no apparent damage to the glass in front. His tripod, flash, and other lens clattered around as he grabbed a branch to continue to climb the wall, all haphazardly tied to his belt or backpack. After a couple more treacherous minutes, Adam finally grabbed the top, and began to pull himself up. As soon as he pulled his head up above the cliff, he saw that his trip had been worth it. The sun was just barely beginning to peek over the horizon. The landscape was dominated with evergreen, though some yellowing trees lined the rivers, just about ready to lose their leaves for the winter. A large river cut through the trees, while the entire view was framed by two large hills on both sides. The fox couldn't feel anything but serenity, even as he noticed the trail that he could have taken instead of climbing up here. As soon as he was on his feet, he began to set up his tripod. This region was known for its bear populations, but Adam hadn't been very concerned, believing that they all must be in hibernation by then. He had bought a can of bear spray just in case, but didn't anticipate using it. Indeed most of them had already retired to their dens for the imminent winter, though there were still a few roaming around. One in particular was roaming close to the photographer, attracted by the sounds he and his equipment made on the ascent up that cliff. He had begun to approach from behind, completely unnoticed by the fox. Adam stared through his viewfinder for a moment, making a couple of minute adjustments to his camera before he held up his light meter to double check the conditions. He squatted back down to look through his viewfinder again as he dialed in the appropriate settings. He clicked the shutter, and then leaned back to check the picture on the screen. Alas, it was overly bright with the sky almost completely blown out. The frustrated photographer began to fiddle with the settings on his light meter, trying to return them to normal. He was completely oblivious to the bear creeping up behind him, standing as he reached up to take another reading. The grizzly bear stood on his hind paws, dwarfing the fox. The beast was easily twice the height of the photographer, and several times the weight. All of that heft came crashing down at once as he pushed his prey to the ground, just after the camera clicked a second time. Adam shouted as he was shoved into the ground, getting a mouthful of grass as his face was pushed into the dirt. He sputtered and tried to pull himself away from whatever force had just knocked him down. He managed to crawl a foot away, before the bear chomped on his shirt and pulled him back. The predator rolled him onto his back, allowing him to finally get a glimpse of his attacker. "H-help! Someone!” The fox shouted to an empty forest, before he remembered his bear spray! He fumbled around in his pockets as the bear slurped over his face, before holding the can between him and the bear's face. He grinned for just a moment, satisfied that he had outsmarted nature. He aimed for the beast's eyes, and squeezed the trigger... The fox let out a piercing scream, having failed to notice that he was holding the can the wrong way. In an instant his entire face burned, while his eyes felt like they were on fire as he yelled in agony, flailing as he tried to rub his face into the dirt. Even the bear paused for a moment, staring down as though he was in disbelief. The bear kneeled down to sniff the flailing fox, and give a cautious lick over his muzzle. The capsaicin in the vulpine's fur made him flinch a bit, but it wasn't enough to make him consider releasing his prey. Adam was still blind and in agony as the predator's jaws yawned open, and moved down to surround his head. The fox felt the dampness over his head, but was still in too much pain to comprehend that he was being eaten. Instead he took the opportunity to push his head around, mashing his face into the wet walls to try and get that spray out of his fur. The bear's eyes watered a bit as the capsaicin was rubbed into his tongue, though it really just made the vulpine taste spicy rather than inedible. Adam's burning sensation began to subside into only a bad stinging one, and he started to regain the ability to think about something other than the pain. He still couldn't see, but realized that it wasn't just the bear spray blinding him. His eyes and face were pressed onto something slimy and rigid, while something squishy pressed against the bottom of his muzzle. Adam screamed once more as he realized where he was, but just for a moment before the bear shoved its head down, pushing his muzzle down his throat. The rest of his head followed, as the beast stepped backwards to begin working his shoulders inside. Beginning to panic, the fox tried to press against the predator's chest. But as his shoulders were slid up and into the gullet, his arms became pinned to his sides. He resorted to trying to kick the bear's heavily furred belly, but even his strongest blows didn't seem to do much more than annoy. The bear's stomach let out a wet gurgle, as a bubble of gas slid up the esophagus. The fox gagged as what would've been a belch hit his nose. His chest started to push past the throat, and he felt the muscles in the gullet get a grip on his form as they helped to drag him deeper into the digestive system. The beast gagged a bit as as the fox’s overstuffed backpack slid against his upper jaw. For a moment the fox stopped moving down towards the rumbling stomach, as the predator’s eye watered. Adam felt the swallowing stop, waiting, hoping that the bear would decide he was too much to handle and to spew him back up. But the predator persevered, gulping until the lump of cloth finally slid down his throat. With the fox’s torso swallowed, his head entered the stomach. The omnivore’s gut was already partway filled with half digested berries and forest critters, as he prepared to hibernate for the winter. Adam’s face was pushed into the disgusting mix of melting food and digestive enzymes, while he kicked his legs wildly, trying to do something to hurt the bear. Despite his best efforts, his struggles did little to deter the predator from finishing him off. The gullet had an ironclad grip on his form, pushing him down further while his legs slid past the lips. In just a few more moments his feet and tailtip would vanish into the throat, completely sealing him inside of the bear’s body. The esophagus forced the rest of him into the dark pit, until the only sign of him was a wiggling bulge on the bear’s chubby underside. As the fox kicked and struggled, the bear would feel some discomfort. Something lodged within his gullet that wouldn’t move down. He retched for a moment, before feeling it travel back up... With a monstrous belch that made a flock of birds flee the nearby trees, a large lump of plastic and metal came flying out of the bear’s lips. A soaked camera landed on the ground, clattering next to the discarded can of bear spray the fox had attempted to use. No longer in any distress, but still with an instinctive hunger even as the lump of vulpine settled in his belly, the predator walked away in search of even more food to help prepare himself for his long slumber. Adam fought to push himself back up the esophagus, but the bear’s stomach easily kept him confined. The panicked fox sat against the stomach walls for a moment, with liquid coming up to his chest. The thick muck made up of gastric juices and liquefied meat soaked his fur, while he felt a solid lump bump into his side. He reached to try and feel out just what it was, but the unknown bit of meat disintegrated as soon as he touched it. Yelping, the vulpine continued to thrash and struggle, trying to find any way out before he suffered the same fate. The bear in the meantime was unfettered by the movements in his digestive system, continuing to walk along, only stopping when he found some berries to swallow. Eventually the beast would find his way back to a secluded cave, settling down to begin a long hibernation. In a short time the internal workings of the bear’s body would slow to a crawl, leaving him unresponsive and ready to survive for months with the food he had. While the predator had gone still, his prey was still very much active, still desperate to escape his fate as bear food. In the months that followed, Adam’s saliva-damaged camera and used bear spray would eventually be recovered. Though no other remains would be found, it was assumed that he was deceased, and that he was probably just an unusually large but otherwise undescript pile of bear scat. A few new warning signs would be erected in the area to warn hikers to be vigilant and to watch out for other creatures that might turn them into snacks. It wasn’t until late spring that the bear would awaken again. Groggy and sore, the first thought the bear had was that of any creature that spent months hibernating. He desperately had to relieve his bowels. The predator wandered out of his cave, squatting down next to a large tree, and beginning to push. A log filled with berry skins and small fish bones easily emerged from his over packed rectum, landing on the ground with a thump. A couple more followed, before he felt something larger push against his anus. With just a couple more seconds the bear pushed out a soiled backpack, and then a wad of clothing that belonged to his fox meal. The indigestible belongings were then mostly buried as the beast released more scat, before something else large blocked his tailhole. He knew that he had trouble pooping after eating people sometimes, but the vulpine was being exceptionally difficult. He strained, digging his claws into the ground as his tailhole quivered, very slowly expanding to allow whatever was in his colon passage. *GAAAASP!* Adam took a deep breath of fresh air as his head emerged from the bear’s backside. How he survived in a bear’s stomach and intestines for months was anyone’s guess, but his nightmare was at long last about to be over... Or it would if the bear bothered to keep pushing. He stopped straining, and felt his rectum pull the massive fuzzy log back in. “W-wait...” He moaned in a raspy voice, before his head vanished behind the pink sphincter. The bear sat feeling the fox weakly struggle inside of his colon for another minute, before he attempted to push again. The tight ring of flesh gave way once again, allowing Adam to take in another deep breath of fresh air. The predator strained and pushed, slowly expelling his prey’s shoulders from his bowels. The fox was scared his captor might give up again and allow him to be sucked back into his butt, though once his shoulders had fully cleared the pucker, the pressure behind him would quickly shove him the rest of the way. With a sickening squelch Adam’s naked, filthy body was finally pushed out of the predator’s digestive system. The bear stopped and relished in the great feeling of relief as the fox was suddenly removed from his guts, followed by a few more gallons of waste. At long last his body was empty, ready to be filled again, while his last prey sat in a massive pile of dung. The fox felt cramps in every part of his body from being held in one place for so long. He could barely move an inch without feeling a shooting pain. He whimpered as the bear turned around to sniff him, scared that he might be about to take a second trip... But the predator quickly decided that the lump of meat was far too filthy to eat, and wandered off, leaving him. Eventually the photographer would find the strength to get up, and try to find a ranger station. For now he just sat in the cooling pile of waste, taking in as much cool, fresh air as he could, about ready to cry as he thought about how his ordeal was finally over. ", |
Subsets and Splits