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summarize: Pte Paul Wilkinson said he asked Pte Cheryl James to choose one of her lovers and pick him or her boyfriend. The inquest in Woking was told Pte Wilkinson and Pte James had been caught in bed by her boyfriend Sapper Simeon Carr-Minns, known then as Jim. Pte James was found dead with a bullet wound to the head in November 1995. The 18-year-old from Llangollen, Denbighshire, was one of four recruits to die at the base in seven years. Mr Wilkinson, then aged 16, said he spoke to Pte James about 20 minutes before he heard she had died. He said: "I just remember saying 'pick one of us, if you want to be friends that would be fine if you want to stay with him'. She said that she did not." Mr Wilkinson said he did not try to avoid being seen while the pair talked and he was just sitting in a chair in the cabin while she was on guard duty. He was eventually seen by a major and told to leave because he should not have been with Pte James while she was on duty, the inquest heard. He said the officer "pretty much escorted me back to the barracks". The major has previously told the inquest that he did not march Mr Wilkinson off. The inquest heard that was the last time Mr Wilkinson saw Pte James. He also told the hearing about his anger and upset after Mr Carr-Minns caught him in bed with Pte James, days before she died. He said Pte James told him then she was splitting up with Mr Carr-Minns. Alison Foster QC, representing the James family, suggested to Mr Wilkinson he was "not just angry" but "humiliated" when Mr Carr-Minns turned up because other people who were also in the room began to tease and laugh at him. Mr Wilkinson said being caught in bed by her boyfriend "is not what you want". Ms Foster then told Mr Wilkinson the major was certain he had not marched him away and asked: "Were you aware that you needed to sort out some sort of alibi?" Mr Wilkinson said he had always given the same account but the other officer remembered it differently. Ms Foster then recalled a statement from December 2002 in which Mr Wilkinson commented that if he had not been forced off the grounds he could have been facing a murder charge and been in prison. But Mr Wilkinson denied he had tipped Pte James over the edge. Ms Foster took Mr Wilkinson through differences in statements he has made and said: "Your story gets more and more elaborate as time goes by. "Your upset and humiliation gave you a motive to be seriously angry with Cheryl. "Is it the case you have been less than truthful for your reason for going to see her on Monday morning?" But Mr Wilkinson replied: "No that is not true. I have said all that I remembered." Mr Wilkinson was asked if he saw Pte James sitting by a tree, if either of them had messed with her rifle, if he saw an accident happen to her, if he was present when the trigger was pulled, and if he heard the shot - he replied "no" to each question. He had earlier denied he got violent when angry but Ms Foster pointed out he put someone's head through an arcade machine when he thought they were laughing about Pte James's death. Mr Wilkinson said he had been pushed to breaking point and added: "I think any other person would have done the same thing." A first inquest into Pte James's death in December 1995 recorded an open verdict. This second inquest was ordered after High Court judges quashed the original findings. The hearing continues.
<s>A boyfriend of a young soldier who died at Deepcut barracks asked her to end a love triangle at the Surrey base on the day she died, an inquest has heard.</s>
[ 0, 18581, 3916, 2072, 35, 221, 859, 1206, 23992, 26, 37, 553, 221, 859, 16252, 957, 7, 2807, 65, 9, 69, 13148, 8, 1339, 123, 50, 69, 6578, 4, 50118, 133, 20886, 11, 305, 14805, 21, 174, 221, 859, 23992, 8, 221, 859, 957, 56, 57, 2037, 11, 3267, 30, 69, 6578, 208, 11688, 208, 4235, 261, 8902, 12, 448, 5246, 29, 6, 684, 172, 25, 2488, 4, 50118, 510, 859, 957, 21, 303, 1462, 19, 10, 8894, 7725, 7, 5, 471, 11, 759, 7969, 4, 50118, 133, 504, 12, 180, 12, 279, 31, 226, 32373, 29091, 6, 6743, 428, 8774, 9959, 6, 21, 65, 9, 237, 16521, 7, 1597, 23, 5, 1542, 11, 707, 107, 4, 50118, 10980, 23992, 6, 172, 5180, 545, 6, 26, 37, 1834, 7, 221, 859, 957, 59, 291, 728, 137, 37, 1317, 79, 56, 962, 4, 50118, 894, 26, 35, 22, 100, 95, 2145, 584, 128, 32041, 65, 9, 201, 6, 114, 47, 236, 7, 28, 964, 14, 74, 28, 2051, 114, 47, 236, 7, 1095, 19, 123, 2652, 264, 26, 14, 79, 222, 45, 72, 50118, 10980, 23992, 26, 37, 222, 45, 860, 7, 1877, 145, 450, 150, 5, 1763, 3244, 8, 37, 21, 95, 2828, 11, 10, 3428, 11, 5, 11657, 150, 79, 21, 15, 2510, 4053, 4, 50118, 894, 21, 2140, 450, 30, 10, 538, 8, 174, 7, 989, 142, 37, 197, 45, 33, 57, 19, 221, 859, 957, 150, 79, 21, 15, 4053, 6, 5, 20886, 1317, 4, 50118, 894, 26, 5, 1036, 22, 28674, 203, 19386, 162, 124, 7, 5, 33217, 845, 50118, 133, 538, 34, 1433, 174, 5, 20886, 14, 37, 222, 45, 6674, 427, 23992, 160, 4, 50118, 133, 20886, 1317, 14, 21, 5, 94, 86, 427, 23992, 794, 221, 859, 957, 4, 50118, 894, 67, 174, 5, 1576, 59, 39, 6378, 8, 4904, 71, 427, 8902, 12, 448, 5246, 29, 2037, 123, 11, 3267, 19, 221, 859, 957, 6, 360, 137, 79, 962, 4, 50118, 894, 26, 221, 859, 957, 174, 123, 172, 79, 21, 21128, 62, 19, 427, 8902, 12, 448, 5246, 29, 4, 50118, 7083, 4060, 8436, 24703, 6, 4561, 5, 957, 284, 6, 2528, 7, 427, 23992, 37, 21, 22, 3654, 95, 5800, 113, 53, 22, 18257, 37220, 113, 77, 427, 8902, 12, 448, 5246, 29, 1224, 62, 142, 97, 82, 54, 58, 67, 11, 5, 929, 880, 7, 29993, 8, 7923, 23, 123, 4, 50118, 10980, 23992, 26, 145, 2037, 11, 3267, 30, 69, 6578, 22, 354, 45, 99, 47, 236, 845, 50118, 13123, 8436, 172, 174, 427, 23992, 5, 538, 21, 1402, 37, 56, 45, 15199, 123, 409, 8, 553, 35, 22, 43822, 47, 2542, 14, 47, 956, 7, 2345, 66, 103, 2345, 9, 1076, 17310, 1917, 50118, 10980, 23992, 26, 37, 56, 460, 576, 5, 276, 1316, 53, 5, 97, 1036, 8715, 24, 8225, 4, 50118, 13123, 8436, 172, 4841, 10, 445, 31, 719, 5241, 11, 61, 427, 23992, 7181, 14, 114, 37, 56, 45, 57, 1654, 160, 5, 5619, 37, 115, 33, 57, 2114, 10, 1900, 1427, 8, 57, 11, 1789, 4, 50118, 1708, 427, 23992, 2296, 37, 56, 13402, 221, 859, 957, 81, 5, 3543, 4, 50118, 13123, 8436, 362, 427, 23992, 149, 5550, 11, 1997, 37, 34, 156, 8, 26, 35, 22, 12861, 527, 1516, 55, 8, 55, 10986, 25, 86, 1411, 30, 4, 50118, 113, 12861, 4904, 8, 28689, 851, 47, 10, 12704, 7, 28, 3640, 5800, 19, 16252, 4, 50118, 113, 6209, 24, 5, 403, 47, 33, 57, 540, 87, 32655, 13, 110, 1219, 13, 164, 7, 192, 69, 15, 302, 662, 1917, 50118, 1708, 427, 23992, 6849, 35, 22, 3084, 14, 16, 45, 1528, 4, 38, 33, 26, 70, 14, 38, 8715, 72, 50118, 10980, 23992, 21, 553, 114, 37, 794, 221, 859, 957, 2828, 30, 10, 3907, 6, 114, 1169, 9, 106, 56, 31580, 19, 69, 11642, 6, 114, 37, 794, 41, 3213, 1369, 7, 69, 6, 114, 37, 21, 1455, 77, 5, 7691, 21, 2468, 6, 8, 114, 37, 1317, 5, 738, 111, 37, 6849, 22, 2362, 113, 7, 349, 864, 4, 50118, 894, 56, 656, 2296, 37, 300, 4153, 77, 5800, 53, 2135, 8436, 3273, 66, 37, 342, 951, 18, 471, 149, 41, 33638, 3563, 77, 37, 802, 51, 58, 11339, 59, 221, 859, 957, 18, 744, 4, 50118, 10980, 23992, 26, 37, 56, 57, 3148, 7, 3433, 477, 8, 355, 35, 22, 100, 206, 143, 97, 621, 74, 33, 626, 5, 276, 631, 72, 50118, 250, 78, 20886, 88, 221, 859, 957, 18, 744, 11, 719, 7969, 2673, 41, 490, 7035, 4, 152, 200, 20886, 21, 2740, 71, 755, 837, 4674, 2677, 9512, 5, 1461, 4139, 4, 50118, 133, 1576, 1388, 4, 2 ]
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[ 0, 0, 250, 6578, 9, 10, 664, 9716, 54, 962, 23, 8248, 8267, 33217, 553, 69, 7, 253, 10, 657, 29884, 23, 5, 15693, 1542, 15, 5, 183, 79, 962, 6, 41, 20886, 34, 1317, 4, 2, 2 ]
summarize: Big oil producing nations meet this weekend in Qatar to discuss plans for a freeze in production levels. But there is scepticism over whether such a deal would make much difference to the current oversupply of oil in the market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 28.97 points to 17,897.46. The S&P 500 was down 2.05 points to 2,080.73. The technology focused Nasdaq Composite slipped 7.67 points to 4,938.22. Stocks in the energy sectors fell as another US bank - Citigroup - reported it was setting cash aside to cover losses on loans to the energy industry. Shares in banking giant Citigroup closed 0.13% down after trading mostly higher all day. It reported a 27% fall in quarterly profit, but that was not as bad as analysts had been expecting. Shares of Marathon Petroleum were down 3.8%, Exxon Mobile fell 0.5% and Chevron was 0.75% lower. Shares of Apple dropped 2% after a report suggested the company was cutting iPhone production in the April-June quarter due to weak sales. Investors also had a gloomy economic report to chew over. US industrial production fell 0.6% in March, which was a bigger drop than analysts were expecting, and followed a 0.6% decline in February.
<s>(Close):Wall Street markets fell on Friday as oil prices slipped ahead of a weekend meeting that could result in a freezing of production.</s>
[ 0, 18581, 3916, 2072, 35, 1776, 681, 5591, 3949, 972, 42, 983, 11, 5978, 7, 2268, 708, 13, 10, 11346, 11, 931, 1389, 4, 50118, 1708, 89, 16, 22865, 24966, 81, 549, 215, 10, 432, 74, 146, 203, 2249, 7, 5, 595, 81, 16714, 352, 9, 681, 11, 5, 210, 4, 50118, 133, 4614, 1454, 6741, 8317, 1064, 971, 4, 6750, 332, 7, 601, 6, 5046, 406, 4, 3761, 4, 50118, 133, 208, 947, 510, 1764, 21, 159, 132, 4, 2546, 332, 7, 132, 6, 32089, 4, 5352, 4, 20, 806, 2061, 4417, 5946, 12423, 7185, 262, 4, 4111, 332, 7, 204, 6, 466, 3170, 4, 2036, 4, 50118, 5320, 6368, 11, 5, 1007, 4723, 1064, 25, 277, 382, 827, 111, 7801, 11725, 111, 431, 24, 21, 2749, 1055, 4364, 7, 1719, 2687, 15, 2973, 7, 5, 1007, 539, 4, 50118, 12494, 11, 3454, 3065, 7801, 11725, 1367, 321, 4, 1558, 207, 159, 71, 1446, 2260, 723, 70, 183, 4, 85, 431, 10, 974, 207, 1136, 11, 3472, 1963, 6, 53, 14, 21, 45, 25, 1099, 25, 1066, 56, 57, 4804, 4, 50118, 12494, 9, 13518, 9022, 58, 159, 155, 4, 398, 4234, 12848, 6698, 1064, 321, 4, 245, 207, 8, 19406, 21, 321, 4, 2545, 207, 795, 4, 50118, 12494, 9, 1257, 1882, 132, 207, 71, 10, 266, 2528, 5, 138, 21, 3931, 2733, 931, 11, 5, 587, 12, 11983, 297, 528, 7, 3953, 647, 4, 50118, 19923, 994, 67, 56, 10, 32627, 776, 266, 7, 34431, 81, 4, 50118, 3048, 2683, 931, 1064, 321, 4, 401, 207, 11, 494, 6, 61, 21, 10, 2671, 1874, 87, 1066, 58, 4804, 6, 8, 1432, 10, 321, 4, 401, 207, 2991, 11, 902, 4, 2 ]
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[ 0, 0, 1640, 42841, 3256, 28216, 852, 1048, 1064, 15, 273, 25, 681, 850, 7185, 789, 9, 10, 983, 529, 14, 115, 898, 11, 10, 11074, 9, 931, 4, 2, 2 ]
summarize: Reus, 27, missed the 2014 World Cup and has had recent injury concerns. Fellow midfielder Schweinsteiger, 31, has not played since picking up a knee injury in March while away with Germany but has been selected by Joachim Low. Bayer Leverkusen's Julian Brandt, Karim Bellarabi and Hoffenheim's Sebastian Rudy have all been left out. "The medical staff could not give a clear prognosis for Marco," Low said of Reus's omission, which comes on his birthday. "He has massive injury problems and the medical staff was very sceptical about his ability to last through the coming weeks and such a gruelling tournament. "It is a bitter decision and bitter for Marco." Liverpool midfielder Emre Can, Arsenal's Mesut Ozil and former Gunners attacking midfielder Lukas Podolski, now at Turkish side Galatasaray, have all been included as the world champions search for their first European title since 1996. Goalkeepers: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Bernd Leno (Bayer Leverkusen), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona) Defenders: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich), Emre Can (Liverpool), Jonas Hector (Cologne), Benedikt Hoewedes (Schalke 04), Mats Hummels (Borussia Dortmund), Shkodran Mustafi (Valencia), Antonio Ruediger (Roma) Midfielders: Julian Draxler (VfL Wolfsburg), Sami Khedira (Juventus), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Toni Kroos (Real Madrid), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal), Lukas Podolski (Galatasaray), Andre Schurrle (VfL Wolfsburg), Bastian Schweinsteiger (Manchester United), Julian Weigl (Borussia Dortmund). Forwards: Mario Gomez (Besiktas), Mario Goetze (Bayern Munich), Leroy Sane (Schalke 04)
<s>Borussia Dortmund's Marco Reus has been omitted from Germany's Euro 2016 squad but Manchester United's Bastian Schweinsteiger has been included.</s>
[ 0, 18581, 3916, 2072, 35, 1223, 687, 6, 974, 6, 2039, 5, 777, 623, 968, 8, 34, 56, 485, 1356, 1379, 4, 50118, 597, 33796, 5732, 22958, 179, 6526, 10168, 6, 1105, 6, 34, 45, 702, 187, 6201, 62, 10, 4117, 1356, 11, 494, 150, 409, 19, 1600, 53, 34, 57, 3919, 30, 3889, 1488, 757, 6207, 4, 50118, 387, 19777, 20844, 26444, 225, 18, 10148, 7379, 90, 6, 4077, 757, 3043, 271, 10810, 8, 22590, 225, 10436, 18, 11740, 20243, 33, 70, 57, 314, 66, 4, 50118, 113, 133, 1131, 813, 115, 45, 492, 10, 699, 17618, 32444, 13, 10425, 60, 6207, 26, 9, 1223, 687, 18, 32324, 6, 61, 606, 15, 39, 4115, 4, 50118, 113, 894, 34, 2232, 1356, 1272, 8, 5, 1131, 813, 21, 182, 22865, 3569, 59, 39, 1460, 7, 94, 149, 5, 567, 688, 8, 215, 10, 4435, 1780, 7633, 1967, 4, 50118, 113, 243, 16, 10, 10513, 568, 8, 10513, 13, 10425, 72, 50118, 30760, 5732, 3676, 241, 2615, 6, 4152, 18, 13498, 1182, 10548, 718, 8, 320, 6409, 7130, 6666, 5732, 10920, 281, 21752, 11925, 3144, 6, 122, 23, 4423, 526, 4537, 415, 31126, 857, 6, 33, 70, 57, 1165, 25, 5, 232, 4739, 1707, 13, 49, 78, 796, 1270, 187, 8008, 4, 50118, 45952, 15214, 35, 11294, 3864, 7414, 36, 20861, 3281, 10489, 238, 4323, 1187, 12053, 139, 36, 387, 19777, 20844, 26444, 225, 238, 5908, 12, 19950, 8470, 312, 3733, 225, 36, 14507, 33538, 43, 50118, 17425, 13563, 35, 15385, 17631, 3314, 36, 20861, 3281, 10489, 238, 3676, 241, 2615, 36, 30760, 238, 16732, 23180, 36, 347, 45825, 238, 40610, 967, 90, 5082, 2753, 34567, 36, 18077, 337, 1071, 14722, 238, 20831, 11669, 119, 2507, 36, 387, 368, 17280, 13039, 238, 840, 330, 1630, 3917, 8495, 16834, 36, 20320, 16446, 238, 4578, 248, 6796, 10168, 36, 500, 4982, 43, 50118, 30238, 1399, 268, 35, 10148, 22038, 1178, 1371, 36, 846, 506, 574, 7602, 16408, 238, 1960, 118, 229, 4183, 3578, 36, 27324, 40722, 238, 7848, 1636, 119, 1725, 36, 20861, 3281, 10489, 238, 255, 5270, 14226, 366, 36, 17105, 3622, 238, 1813, 28858, 36, 20861, 3281, 10489, 238, 13498, 1182, 10548, 718, 36, 31661, 238, 10920, 281, 21752, 11925, 3144, 36, 32302, 415, 31126, 857, 238, 7553, 1811, 710, 338, 459, 36, 846, 506, 574, 7602, 16408, 238, 18826, 811, 22958, 179, 6526, 10168, 36, 20983, 315, 238, 10148, 166, 27163, 36, 387, 368, 17280, 13039, 322, 50118, 2709, 17337, 35, 8782, 11507, 36, 387, 293, 967, 90, 281, 238, 8782, 2381, 594, 2158, 36, 20861, 3281, 10489, 238, 23813, 2160, 208, 1728, 36, 18077, 337, 1071, 14722, 43, 2 ]
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[ 0, 0, 387, 368, 17280, 13039, 18, 10425, 1223, 687, 34, 57, 34653, 31, 1600, 18, 5122, 336, 2837, 53, 2361, 315, 18, 18826, 811, 22958, 179, 6526, 10168, 34, 57, 1165, 4, 2, 2 ]
summarize: Jardim, in charge since 2014, described the last three years at the club as "exceptional". Monaco finished eight points ahead of nearest rivals Paris St-Germain to be crowned champions of France in 2016-17. "I feel part of AS Monaco and the principality," said Portuguese Jardim, the former Olympiakos boss. Monaco also beat Tottenham and Manchester City on their way to reaching the semi-finals of the Champions League during 2016-17, before losing to Juventus 4-1 on aggregate in the semi-finals. Monaco vice-president Vadim Vasilyev said Jardim had received offers to coach elsewhere. "He is one of the best coaches in European football and despite other offers he has chosen to continue the adventure at Monaco, which demonstrates our ambition," added Vasilyev.
<s>Monaco boss Leonardo Jardim has been rewarded for steering the club to their first Ligue 1 title for 17 years with a new contract until 2020.</s>
[ 0, 18581, 3916, 2072, 35, 344, 1120, 757, 6, 11, 1427, 187, 777, 6, 1602, 5, 94, 130, 107, 23, 5, 950, 25, 22, 26837, 6073, 845, 50118, 17312, 12921, 1550, 799, 332, 789, 9, 14712, 4346, 2201, 312, 12, 534, 8362, 1851, 7, 28, 19061, 4739, 9, 1470, 11, 336, 12, 1360, 4, 50118, 113, 100, 619, 233, 9, 6015, 12696, 8, 5, 31702, 6948, 60, 26, 13053, 344, 1120, 757, 6, 5, 320, 14993, 20082, 366, 3504, 4, 50118, 17312, 12921, 67, 1451, 7570, 8, 2361, 412, 15, 49, 169, 7, 3970, 5, 4126, 12, 7256, 9, 5, 3666, 815, 148, 336, 12, 1360, 6, 137, 2086, 7, 9573, 204, 12, 134, 15, 13884, 11, 5, 4126, 12, 7256, 4, 50118, 17312, 12921, 2626, 12, 10443, 468, 625, 757, 12599, 5846, 3623, 26, 344, 1120, 757, 56, 829, 1523, 7, 704, 5140, 4, 50118, 113, 894, 16, 65, 9, 5, 275, 4055, 11, 796, 1037, 8, 1135, 97, 1523, 37, 34, 4986, 7, 535, 5, 9733, 23, 12696, 6, 61, 13905, 84, 12831, 60, 355, 12599, 5846, 3623, 4, 2 ]
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[ 0, 0, 17312, 12921, 3504, 20683, 344, 1120, 757, 34, 57, 14986, 13, 12216, 5, 950, 7, 49, 78, 226, 18351, 112, 1270, 13, 601, 107, 19, 10, 92, 1355, 454, 2760, 4, 2, 2 ]
summarize: Media playback is not supported on this device All the tries came in the second half with Liam Williams and Gareth Davies crossing as Wales twice opened an eight-point lead. But Juan Martin Hernandez and Martin Landajo both scored as the Pumas refused to lie down. Full-back Leigh Halfpenny's 78th-minute penalty edged Wales four points clear to settle the encounter. The Toulon full-back scored 14 points with the boot, which ultimately proved the difference between the sides in a match which did not quite live up to expectations. Read: Wales restored pride, says Howley Howley praises 'world class' lock Jones Following their 32-8 defeat by Australia the previous week, Wales were relieved to hang on against a Pumas side that refused to buckle in the face of extreme pressure. After coach Rob Howley had asked for a response from his team, man of the match Alun Wyn Jones and wing Williams - who both missed the Wallabies defeat - made a huge impact on their returns. Williams' determination for his try typified a full-blooded display by the Scarlets back. Argentina failed to rediscover the exciting running which saw them beat Ireland at the same stadium in the 2015 World Cup. And while Howley would be pleased with the improvement in Wales' performance, a lack of composure in attack, particularly when they were on top in the first half, will be a concern. Wales controlled the opening period but, apart from two penalties by Halfpenny, had little to show for their dominance at the break as Argentina repeatedly infringed in their own 22. When referee Angus Gardner finally lost patience and sent prop Ramiro Herrera to the sin-bin with a minute of the first half remaining, Wales were promptly penalised at the next scrum and went in with a three-point lead which barely reflected the run of play. Media playback is not supported on this device After the break, wing Williams produced a tenacious finish to edge Wales eight points clear before Landajo's opportunism from a quick penalty created a try for the superb Hernandez. When Davies dummied over for his eighth international try and Halfpenny converted, it looked as though Wales would pull clear. But the Pumas, with Sanchez a probing threat at fly-half, hit back again when Landajo was given the benefit of the doubt by television official Sean Davey. An exchange of penalties meant Wales led by a point before Halfpenny eased the nerves with his fifth successful kick of the game. Wales: Leigh Halfpenny, George North, Jonathan Davies, Scott Williams, Liam Williams, Dan Biggar, Gareth Davies; Gethin Jenkins (captain), Ken Owens, Tomas Francis, Luke Charteris, Alun Wyn Jones, Sam Warburton, Justin Tipuric, Ross Moriarty. Replacements: Scott Baldwin, Nicky Smith, Samson Lee, Cory Hill, James King, Lloyd Williams, Gareth Anscombe, Jamie Roberts. Argentina: Joaquin Tuculet Matias Moroni, Matias Orlando, Juan Martin Hernandez, Santiago Cordero, Nicolas Sanchez, Martin Landajo; Lucas Noguera, Agustin Creevy (captain), Ramiro Herrera, Guido Petti, Matias Alemanno, Pablo Matera, Javier Ortega Desio, Facundo Isa. Replacements: Julian Montoya, Santiago Garcia Botta, Enrique Pieretto, Leonardo Senatore, Tomas Lezana, Tomas Cubelli, Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias, Jeronimo de la Fuente. Referee: Angus Gardner (Aus) Touch judges: Mike Fraser (NZ) & Luke Pearce (Eng) TMO: Sean Davey (Eng) Citing commissioner: Bruce Kuklinski (Canada) Media playback is not supported on this device
<s>Wales held on for a nervy win over Argentina in Cardiff to end a run of five successive Test match defeats.</s>
[ 0, 18581, 3916, 2072, 35, 2454, 20083, 16, 45, 2800, 15, 42, 2187, 50118, 3684, 5, 5741, 376, 11, 5, 200, 457, 19, 10143, 1604, 8, 13600, 12051, 6724, 25, 5295, 2330, 1357, 41, 799, 12, 2300, 483, 4, 50118, 1708, 7056, 1896, 7816, 8, 1896, 3192, 13745, 258, 1008, 25, 5, 221, 783, 281, 3179, 7, 6105, 159, 4, 50118, 31440, 12, 1644, 17647, 11353, 642, 11867, 18, 7004, 212, 12, 4530, 2861, 9897, 5295, 237, 332, 699, 7, 6307, 5, 6376, 4, 50118, 133, 255, 5156, 261, 455, 12, 1644, 1008, 501, 332, 19, 5, 9759, 6, 61, 3284, 4362, 5, 2249, 227, 5, 2380, 11, 10, 914, 61, 222, 45, 1341, 697, 62, 7, 2113, 4, 50118, 25439, 35, 5295, 9530, 7040, 6, 161, 1336, 607, 50118, 6179, 607, 28506, 128, 8331, 1380, 108, 7014, 1454, 50118, 20839, 49, 2107, 12, 398, 3002, 30, 1221, 5, 986, 186, 6, 5295, 58, 15126, 7, 6713, 15, 136, 10, 221, 783, 281, 526, 14, 3179, 7, 35466, 11, 5, 652, 9, 5004, 1164, 4, 50118, 4993, 704, 3005, 1336, 607, 56, 553, 13, 10, 1263, 31, 39, 165, 6, 313, 9, 5, 914, 726, 879, 15523, 1454, 8, 5897, 1604, 111, 54, 258, 2039, 5, 2298, 23128, 3002, 111, 156, 10, 1307, 913, 15, 49, 2886, 4, 50118, 23886, 108, 8964, 13, 39, 860, 33488, 3786, 10, 455, 12, 41223, 2332, 30, 5, 16400, 10219, 124, 4, 50118, 8138, 13907, 1243, 1447, 7, 1275, 33951, 5, 3571, 878, 61, 794, 106, 1451, 2487, 23, 5, 276, 4773, 11, 5, 570, 623, 968, 4, 50118, 2409, 150, 1336, 607, 74, 28, 4343, 19, 5, 3855, 11, 5295, 108, 819, 6, 10, 1762, 9, 29140, 11, 908, 6, 1605, 77, 51, 58, 15, 299, 11, 5, 78, 457, 6, 40, 28, 10, 2212, 4, 50118, 771, 4575, 4875, 5, 1273, 675, 53, 6, 4102, 31, 80, 6736, 30, 11353, 642, 11867, 6, 56, 410, 7, 311, 13, 49, 12532, 23, 5, 1108, 25, 5244, 3987, 25827, 196, 11, 49, 308, 820, 4, 50118, 1779, 9585, 18585, 11309, 1747, 685, 11383, 8, 1051, 8462, 248, 5602, 1001, 19176, 7, 5, 10272, 12, 9413, 19, 10, 2289, 9, 5, 78, 457, 2405, 6, 5295, 58, 16878, 14914, 1720, 23, 5, 220, 17940, 783, 8, 439, 11, 19, 10, 130, 12, 2300, 483, 61, 6254, 7680, 5, 422, 9, 310, 4, 50118, 18801, 20083, 16, 45, 2800, 15, 42, 2187, 50118, 4993, 5, 1108, 6, 5897, 1604, 2622, 10, 2724, 15525, 2073, 7, 3543, 5295, 799, 332, 699, 137, 3192, 13745, 18, 23609, 1809, 31, 10, 2119, 2861, 1412, 10, 860, 13, 5, 11415, 7816, 4, 50118, 1779, 12051, 385, 16598, 2550, 81, 13, 39, 4413, 758, 860, 8, 11353, 642, 11867, 8417, 6, 24, 1415, 25, 600, 5295, 74, 2999, 699, 4, 50118, 1708, 5, 221, 783, 281, 6, 19, 6678, 10, 24097, 1856, 23, 3598, 12, 4809, 6, 478, 124, 456, 77, 3192, 13745, 21, 576, 5, 1796, 9, 5, 2980, 30, 2384, 781, 4640, 4475, 219, 4, 50118, 4688, 2081, 9, 6736, 2425, 5295, 669, 30, 10, 477, 137, 11353, 642, 11867, 12428, 5, 17358, 19, 39, 1998, 1800, 3151, 9, 5, 177, 4, 50118, 771, 4575, 35, 17647, 11353, 642, 11867, 6, 1655, 369, 6, 4167, 12051, 6, 1699, 1604, 6, 10143, 1604, 6, 2503, 1776, 6276, 6, 13600, 12051, 131, 272, 4774, 179, 10065, 36, 18543, 1851, 238, 3410, 11922, 6, 20849, 5075, 6, 5790, 13652, 354, 6, 726, 879, 15523, 1454, 6, 1960, 1771, 10734, 1054, 6, 3289, 17726, 710, 636, 6, 4012, 32097, 17513, 4, 50118, 47493, 38545, 35, 1699, 9853, 6, 2651, 219, 1259, 6, 28434, 2094, 6, 15405, 1934, 6, 957, 1745, 6, 11732, 1604, 6, 13600, 16866, 24264, 6, 6541, 6274, 4, 50118, 8138, 13907, 1243, 35, 3889, 23186, 33759, 35681, 4101, 5003, 4266, 5270, 6, 4101, 5003, 5854, 6, 7056, 1896, 7816, 6, 13823, 230, 10337, 139, 6, 13047, 6678, 6, 1896, 3192, 13745, 131, 7895, 234, 2154, 257, 3843, 6, 3303, 4193, 179, 30084, 11454, 36, 18543, 1851, 238, 248, 5602, 1001, 19176, 6, 2646, 6005, 221, 13238, 6, 4101, 5003, 8445, 397, 2362, 6, 16500, 256, 5109, 102, 6, 20550, 1793, 859, 2538, 4762, 1020, 6, 19127, 20870, 23182, 4, 50118, 47493, 38545, 35, 10148, 4436, 13578, 6, 13823, 6603, 163, 16037, 6, 19309, 21198, 18235, 139, 6, 20683, 2211, 415, 1688, 6, 20849, 1063, 329, 1113, 6, 20849, 18385, 13750, 6, 13823, 9670, 14879, 1634, 5003, 6, 12484, 261, 11332, 263, 897, 13890, 8530, 4, 50118, 31842, 25898, 35, 18585, 11309, 36, 250, 687, 43, 50118, 40121, 4674, 35, 1483, 11784, 36, 28160, 43, 359, 5790, 22496, 36, 35180, 43, 50118, 565, 8756, 35, 4640, 4475, 219, 36, 35180, 43, 50118, 347, 2838, 7236, 35, 5409, 229, 1350, 462, 12166, 36, 14031, 43, 50118, 18801, 20083, 16, 45, 2800, 15, 42, 2187, 2 ]
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[ 0, 0, 771, 4575, 547, 15, 13, 10, 38269, 219, 339, 81, 5244, 11, 12426, 7, 253, 10, 422, 9, 292, 12565, 4500, 914, 16393, 4, 2, 2 ]
summarize: On-loan striker Holman opened his account on his home debut with a fine half-volley before doubling his tally with a 12-yard finish. Danny Wright then matched Holman's feat, heading home from James Rowe's corner before striking from six yards for a second-half double of his own. Alex Wall snatched a consolation goal but the Robins secured their seventh win in eight in the National League. Cheltenham remain second in the table, one point behind Forest Green Rovers, while Bromley slip to 14th having won just once in their last 11 games. Cheltenham Town boss Gary Johnson told BBC Radio Gloucestershire: Media playback is not supported on this device "It's the best we've played for a little while. We've still been getting the results, but I enjoyed the way we played today - we created lots of chances. "I was really pleased with our performance and hopefully our supporters can go home nice and happy. "Our passing had a bit of an end product to it without going long. All in all the boys have put it together."
<s>Dan Holman's brace helped Cheltenham to an easy win over out-of-form Bromley.</s>
[ 0, 18581, 3916, 2072, 35, 374, 12, 4082, 260, 5955, 6217, 397, 1357, 39, 1316, 15, 39, 184, 2453, 19, 10, 2051, 457, 12, 13728, 607, 137, 16758, 39, 11154, 19, 10, 316, 12, 2675, 2073, 4, 50118, 36525, 5825, 172, 9184, 6217, 397, 18, 11930, 6, 3393, 184, 31, 957, 20112, 18, 2797, 137, 5690, 31, 411, 1314, 13, 10, 200, 12, 4809, 1457, 9, 39, 308, 4, 50118, 16804, 2298, 25702, 10, 23533, 724, 53, 5, 3005, 1344, 5288, 49, 3821, 339, 11, 799, 11, 5, 496, 815, 4, 50118, 47735, 3869, 1908, 1091, 200, 11, 5, 2103, 6, 65, 477, 639, 5761, 1628, 3830, 3697, 6, 150, 14312, 607, 9215, 7, 501, 212, 519, 351, 95, 683, 11, 49, 94, 365, 426, 4, 50118, 47735, 3869, 1908, 3171, 3504, 4587, 1436, 174, 3295, 4611, 25296, 4643, 2696, 6867, 35, 50118, 18801, 20083, 16, 45, 2800, 15, 42, 2187, 50118, 113, 243, 18, 5, 275, 52, 348, 702, 13, 10, 410, 150, 4, 166, 348, 202, 57, 562, 5, 775, 6, 53, 38, 3776, 5, 169, 52, 702, 452, 111, 52, 1412, 3739, 9, 3255, 4, 50118, 113, 100, 21, 269, 4343, 19, 84, 819, 8, 5952, 84, 2732, 64, 213, 184, 2579, 8, 1372, 4, 50118, 113, 2522, 3133, 56, 10, 828, 9, 41, 253, 1152, 7, 24, 396, 164, 251, 4, 404, 11, 70, 5, 2786, 33, 342, 24, 561, 72, 2 ]
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[ 0, 0, 25887, 6217, 397, 18, 15641, 1147, 21626, 3869, 1908, 7, 41, 1365, 339, 81, 66, 12, 1116, 12, 3899, 14312, 607, 4, 2, 2 ]
summarize: Mr Varoufakis said Greece was subject to a programme that will "go down in history as the greatest disaster of macroeconomic management ever". The German parliament approved the opening of negotiations on Friday. The bailout could total €86bn (£60bn) in exchange for austerity measures. In a damning assessment, Mr Varoufakis told the BBC's Mark Lobel: "This programme is going to fail whoever undertakes its implementation." Asked how long that would take, he replied: "It has failed already." Mr Varoufakis resigned earlier this month, in what was widely seen as a conciliatory gesture towards the eurozone finance ministers with whom he had clashed frequently. He said Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who has admitted that he does not believe in the bailout, had little option but to sign. "We were given a choice between being executed and capitulating. And he decided that capitulation was the optimal strategy." Mr Tsipras has announced a cabinet reshuffle, sacking several ministers who voted against the reforms in parliament this week. But he opted not to bring in technocrats or opposition politicians as replacements. As a result, our correspondent says, Mr Tsipras will preside over ministers who, like himself, harbour serious doubts about the reform programme. Greece must pass further reforms on Wednesday next week to secure the bailout. Germany was the last of the eurozone countries needing parliamentary approval to begin the talks. But the head of the group of eurozone finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, has warned that the process will not be easy, saying he expected the negotiations to take four weeks. On Saturday, the Greek government ordered banks to open on Monday following three weeks of closures. But the decree stated that the weekly withdrawal limit should be a maximum €420. Separately, the European Council approved the €7bn bridging loan for Greece from an EU-wide emergency fund. The loan was approved in principle by eurozone ministers on Thursday and now has the go-ahead from all non-euro states. It means Greece will now be able to repay debts to two of its creditors, the ECB and International Monetary Fund (IMF), due on Monday.
<s>Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has told the BBC that economic reforms imposed on his country by creditors are "going to fail", ahead of talks on a huge bailout.</s>
[ 0, 18581, 3916, 2072, 35, 427, 9676, 26642, 17622, 26, 4644, 21, 2087, 7, 10, 3020, 14, 40, 22, 2977, 159, 11, 750, 25, 5, 3968, 4463, 9, 12303, 12063, 1052, 655, 845, 50118, 133, 1859, 3589, 2033, 5, 1273, 9, 3377, 15, 273, 4, 50118, 133, 11103, 115, 746, 4480, 5334, 6316, 11888, 2466, 6316, 43, 11, 2081, 13, 15498, 1797, 4, 50118, 1121, 10, 28710, 4990, 6, 427, 9676, 26642, 17622, 174, 5, 3295, 18, 1190, 20561, 523, 35, 22, 713, 3020, 16, 164, 7, 5998, 14051, 26438, 5556, 63, 5574, 72, 50118, 46688, 141, 251, 14, 74, 185, 6, 37, 6849, 35, 22, 243, 34, 1447, 416, 72, 50118, 10980, 9676, 26642, 17622, 6490, 656, 42, 353, 6, 11, 99, 21, 3924, 450, 25, 10, 10146, 4715, 5257, 12433, 1567, 5, 24860, 2879, 5118, 19, 2661, 37, 56, 18789, 5705, 4, 50118, 894, 26, 5617, 1489, 692, 11502, 7303, 1588, 5079, 6, 54, 34, 2641, 14, 37, 473, 45, 679, 11, 5, 11103, 6, 56, 410, 1973, 53, 7, 1203, 4, 50118, 113, 170, 58, 576, 10, 2031, 227, 145, 9390, 8, 31567, 11539, 4, 178, 37, 1276, 14, 31567, 11264, 21, 5, 19329, 1860, 72, 50118, 10980, 7303, 1588, 5079, 34, 585, 10, 5892, 14098, 15315, 6, 579, 7361, 484, 5118, 54, 2763, 136, 5, 4907, 11, 3589, 42, 186, 4, 50118, 1708, 37, 8565, 45, 7, 836, 11, 23839, 33335, 50, 1756, 3770, 25, 24360, 4, 50118, 1620, 10, 898, 6, 84, 14093, 161, 6, 427, 7303, 1588, 5079, 40, 9383, 1949, 81, 5118, 54, 6, 101, 1003, 6, 23849, 1473, 10903, 59, 5, 3114, 3020, 4, 50118, 534, 5314, 1755, 531, 1323, 617, 4907, 15, 307, 220, 186, 7, 2823, 5, 11103, 4, 50118, 24596, 21, 5, 94, 9, 5, 24860, 749, 12075, 7179, 2846, 7, 1642, 5, 1431, 4, 50118, 1708, 5, 471, 9, 5, 333, 9, 24860, 2879, 5118, 6, 344, 5160, 225, 211, 2161, 29, 5317, 3662, 139, 991, 6, 34, 2449, 14, 5, 609, 40, 45, 28, 1365, 6, 584, 37, 421, 5, 3377, 7, 185, 237, 688, 4, 50118, 4148, 378, 6, 5, 5617, 168, 2740, 1520, 7, 490, 15, 302, 511, 130, 688, 9, 11610, 4, 50118, 1708, 5, 20156, 2305, 14, 5, 4114, 8092, 3000, 197, 28, 10, 4532, 4480, 23537, 4, 50118, 37729, 271, 7223, 6, 5, 796, 1080, 2033, 5, 4480, 406, 6316, 30987, 3923, 2541, 13, 4644, 31, 41, 1281, 12, 6445, 1923, 1391, 4, 20, 2541, 21, 2033, 11, 9322, 30, 24860, 5118, 15, 296, 8, 122, 34, 5, 213, 12, 16905, 31, 70, 786, 12, 23286, 982, 4, 50118, 243, 839, 4644, 40, 122, 28, 441, 7, 13904, 13035, 7, 80, 9, 63, 12089, 6, 5, 6899, 8, 1016, 12387, 2896, 36, 3755, 597, 238, 528, 15, 302, 4, 2 ]
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[ 0, 0, 12815, 5617, 4090, 692, 21114, 354, 9676, 26642, 17622, 34, 174, 5, 3295, 14, 776, 4907, 5713, 15, 39, 247, 30, 12089, 32, 22, 12891, 7, 5998, 1297, 789, 9, 1431, 15, 10, 1307, 11103, 4, 2, 2 ]
summarize: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker declared 13 August "Purple Hearts for Healing" Day for the unnamed girl. In a statement, her family thanked him for honouring "our little hero". She was stabbed 19 times by two girls who told police it was in "dedication" to Slenderman, a fictional character on the website Creepypasta. The family has been raising money for her medical bills and several Wisconsin businesses have come forward to host fundraisers. "The compassion and love expressed to our family by the people of Wisconsin [and from people around the world] has greatly assisted our family in this healing process," the family said in a statement. "The prayers, cards, hearts, notes, financial support, and now this heartfelt proclamation truly demonstrates that through this tragedy that there is so much goodness in the world." One of the two accused has been deemed mentally unfit to stand trial. Morgan Geyser, 12, and classmate Anissa Weier, 12, have been charged as adults with attempted murder and face up to 60 years in prison. Mr Walker's proclamation includes an invitation to join him in wearing purple in the girl's honour. "This little girl is overcoming a terrible ordeal," he said in a statement. "Her strength and determination are an inspiration, and on behalf of Wisconsin, I wish her well as she continues her journey to recovery." According to police, the girls planned to stab the classmate during a sleepover but instead decided to commit the crime the next morning in a nearby park. Following their arrest they told investigators about their belief in paranormal figure Slenderman and their desire to become his "proxies" by killing to demonstrate their loyalty, police said. The victim was found by a cyclist after crawling from the woods with stab wounds to her arms, legs and torso. Doctors said the knife had just missed a major artery near her heart.
<s>The family of a 12-year-old allegedly stabbed by two schoolmates have thanked their state governor for honouring her with a special day.</s>
[ 0, 18581, 3916, 2072, 35, 4222, 3383, 1699, 4461, 2998, 508, 830, 22, 39740, 8293, 18784, 13, 35479, 113, 1053, 13, 5, 13461, 1816, 4, 50118, 1121, 10, 445, 6, 69, 284, 9079, 123, 13, 6671, 154, 22, 2126, 410, 6132, 845, 50118, 2515, 21, 9229, 753, 498, 30, 80, 1972, 54, 174, 249, 24, 21, 11, 22, 17452, 14086, 113, 7, 4424, 7232, 397, 6, 10, 18588, 2048, 15, 5, 998, 44218, 18198, 17078, 4, 50118, 133, 284, 34, 57, 3282, 418, 13, 69, 1131, 4033, 8, 484, 4222, 1252, 33, 283, 556, 7, 1482, 24556, 13844, 4, 50118, 113, 133, 14736, 8, 657, 2327, 7, 84, 284, 30, 5, 82, 9, 4222, 646, 463, 31, 82, 198, 5, 232, 742, 34, 8908, 9728, 84, 284, 11, 42, 11759, 609, 60, 5, 284, 26, 11, 10, 445, 4, 50118, 113, 133, 8786, 6, 3591, 6, 7754, 6, 2775, 6, 613, 323, 6, 8, 122, 42, 21844, 26928, 3127, 13905, 14, 149, 42, 6906, 14, 89, 16, 98, 203, 21863, 11, 5, 232, 72, 50118, 3762, 9, 5, 80, 1238, 34, 57, 7661, 10072, 29181, 7, 1413, 1500, 4, 50118, 40102, 4177, 2459, 254, 6, 316, 6, 8, 27862, 660, 12109, 166, 906, 6, 316, 6, 33, 57, 1340, 25, 3362, 19, 3751, 1900, 8, 652, 62, 7, 1191, 107, 11, 1789, 4, 50118, 10980, 4461, 18, 26928, 1171, 41, 10021, 7, 1962, 123, 11, 2498, 14327, 11, 5, 1816, 18, 6671, 4, 50118, 113, 713, 410, 1816, 16, 23968, 10, 6587, 17702, 60, 37, 26, 11, 10, 445, 4, 50118, 113, 13584, 2707, 8, 8964, 32, 41, 7125, 6, 8, 15, 4137, 9, 4222, 6, 38, 2813, 69, 157, 25, 79, 1388, 69, 3251, 7, 2752, 72, 50118, 14693, 7, 249, 6, 5, 1972, 1904, 7, 16735, 5, 27862, 148, 10, 3581, 2137, 53, 1386, 1276, 7, 6225, 5, 1846, 5, 220, 662, 11, 10, 3027, 2221, 4, 50118, 20839, 49, 2237, 51, 174, 3725, 59, 49, 6563, 11, 41939, 1955, 4424, 7232, 397, 8, 49, 4724, 7, 555, 39, 22, 4892, 1178, 918, 113, 30, 2429, 7, 8085, 49, 10177, 6, 249, 26, 4, 50118, 133, 1802, 21, 303, 30, 10, 24702, 71, 33265, 31, 5, 14193, 19, 16735, 9308, 7, 69, 3701, 6, 5856, 8, 28762, 4, 50118, 42847, 26, 5, 7023, 56, 95, 2039, 10, 538, 30404, 583, 69, 1144, 4, 2 ]
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[ 0, 0, 133, 284, 9, 10, 316, 12, 180, 12, 279, 2346, 9229, 30, 80, 334, 11139, 33, 9079, 49, 194, 2318, 13, 6671, 154, 69, 19, 10, 780, 183, 4, 2, 2 ]
summarize: The Briton, 23, had two set points on his own serve to force a decider but could not convert, and Robredo won the third-round match 7-6 (8-6) 6-1 4-6 7-5 in three hours and 13 minutes. Robredo, who struggled with a leg injury in the closing stages, fought back superbly from 5-3 down in the fourth set to claim victory. Evans, ranked 179th, earned £60,000 in prize money for his efforts and enough points to get close to the world's top 150, but missed out on a possible dream fourth-round match against Roger Federer. "It was a tough one, especially to go down in the fourth set after serving for it and having two set points," Evans told BBC Radio 5 live. "I felt in pretty much total control of the match. The last point is always the hardest one and I couldn't get that last point of the set to take it to a fifth. "I just played two really loose points - that's all it was. They came at the wrong time. I just have to learn on that for next time." It was the British number three's sixth match in 10 days at Flushing Meadows after coming through three rounds of qualifying, then beating 11th seed Kei Nishikori and world number 52 Bernard Tomic. He had never won a match in the main draw of a Grand Slam tournament before New York, and playing under lights on the Louis Armstrong Stadium, albeit in front of a sparse crowd, was a far cry from the Challenger events he is more used to. Evans impressed in the opening set but 31-year-old Robredo's experience told as he edged it in the tie-break, then raced through the second in just 28 minutes. Defeat was not far away for Evans at 4-4 in the third but he got the vital break with a sharp backhand volley, pumping his fist as he made his way back to the chair, and served out the set to love with an ace. "I was sure the match was heading to a fifth set but Dan Evans just tightened up. After missing those set points in the fourth, he started rushing a bit, showed his inexperience and made a couple of bad shot choices. "It is such a shame for him, but once he gets over the disappointment there is no doubt that there are so many positives. It looks like his career is going to go to another level after this tournament." Things seemed to be turning Evans's way when Robredo spent the next two changeovers having his left thigh massaged, but the Spaniard fought magnificently in the fourth set. Evans was bristling with positive intent, moving forward at every opportunity, and twice broke to go ahead, but, serving at 5-3, 40-15, the nerves appeared to bite and he gave the set points up with a double fault and an error. Robredo sensed his chance and pounded away from the baseline, drawing two more errors to recover the game and, after a solid hold, the pressure was quickly back on Evans. From standing on the verge of a fifth set, Evans was now serving to stay in the match, and a wayward drop shot and a double fault brought Robredo to match point. He closed in on the net to chase down another drop shot and leapt upon the Briton's response to angle away the volley and bring Evans's amazing US Open campaign to a sudden end. "It's been a great experience, a great learning curve," added Evans, who heads to Croatia next for Great Britain's Davis Cup tie on 13-15 September. "I can definitely play with these guys so I should be confident going into the next tournaments."
<s>A battling Dan Evans could not take his surprise US Open run into the second week as he lost to Spanish 19th seed Tommy Robredo in four sets.</s>
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