mikes425: I am 59, wisdom teeth never have been removed or a problem. Upon cleaning this week, hygienist discovered pus discharging from lower right rear wisdom tooth and brought in Dentist - xray performed and looked ok but Dentist identifed it as infection said he didn't like this pus emanating from the tooth area and advised removal of the wisdom tooth saying it could lead to worse infection. There's zero pain, and only since this visit do I notice a definite foul breath odor and obviously something 'not right' there. This is a general dentist and he's good but I don't know about entrusting him to do the extraction... I decided to make an appt. with an oral surgeon who a family member recommends. That appointment would be a month from now. My Dentist could do something a couple of weeks sooner. Could this infection become 'systemic' in the meantime.. Should I be "doing" anything about this or is there anything i can or should do in the meantime, to treat the problem? Is there a case for NOT removing the wisdom tooth in question and the infection possibly being able to clear up without removal? Also I work as a voice actor, so speaking is my livelihood and I worry about whatever complications might evolve from an extraction. I know of a performer whose tooth extraction led to Dystonia (permanent nerve damage) and was left unable to speak normally again. No doubt a horrible exception but just looking for any general/specific advice on any of this... Can this extraction change anything as far as articulation/speaking? I am mainly worried about whether this should be done ASAP or is it ok to go with an infection like this for a month before (possible) removal of the tooth. Thanks for reading all of this. I tend to be a hypochondriac so apologies if I sound a little over the top about this. Mike calcium48: good idea to remove the wisdom tooth. Risk as you say is that nerve damage can occur. best to go with surgeon who (hopefully) does this on a regular basis. are you on antibiotics? has the hygienist caused the issue? mikes425: calcium48 said: good idea to remove the wisdom tooth. Risk as you say is that nerve damage can occur. best to go with surgeon who (hopefully) does this on a regular basis. are you on antibiotics? has the hygienist caused the issue? Click to expand... This was never a problem, known or noticeable to me - literally until this cleaning. In fact I wondered, could a hygienist have somehow irritated it and created the infection in a single cleaning session? She asked me if I was tasting anything metallic or noticing anything peculiar about this tooth about midway into this cleaning session... saying everytime she probed the area she there was pus discharging, indicating an infection... I said it was known that it could 'someday' be an issue but Dentist had never seen any pressing need to do anything about it as presumably there was no infection... I'd never noticed it being a problem.. Until after I left...and was tasting/sensing the odor of what she described... and have since...(2 days ago now). After the cleaning she said I was just within 5 years due for a new panoramic x ray. She did that, said it looked very good. Then Dentist came in about the wisdom tooth and said it should come out - as infection could spread. I wasn't put on any antibiotics... I called back and they said as long as it's "draining" the body is 'kind of taking care of itself' and that antibiotics in this state wouldn't really do anything...but if/when any pain erupted it would indicate possible usefulness of antibiotic. Meantime I've scheduled removal of the tooth but still wonder if this could simply clear up and not require removal? Surgeon I chose is very experienced with wisdom tooth extraction... Is it possible the infection could in fact go away in a matter of 3-4 weeks?? Is there anything I can do to try to eliminate it naturally? THANKS!!!
Dangerous to wait for wisdom tooth removal? / Is it essential?
Jan: Hi! I am a Periodontist, writing a paper on different methods for the restoration of deeply decayed or fractured teeth. My problem is the following: As a believe, caries is under normal circumstances not found in direct contact to the alveolar bone, but ist shielded from the latter by at least a zone of connective tissue attachment (concept of the biologic width). In theory, if a caries closes to the bone, the bone will resorb and expose more cementum with perpendicular fibres connecting into the gingival tissue. I am struggeling however, to find a reference (paper or book) to this phenomenon. Does anybody know an article, book chapter or anything I can quote on this one (or am I all wrong and craies next to bone is commenly found after all?) Thanks!
Caries in contact to the bone?
Jax2: Hi all ... I am wondering if I am the only one this happens to, or if there is some weird connection between time of day and pain in your teeth. Let me start by mentioning, I have very bad teeth. They are very brittle and tend to break easily, so I have dealt with many, many tooth infections, and severe pain, for most of my adult life. It's misery. Over the years, I have had a very, very strange phenomena I cannot explain. With a few exceptions, between waking, and around 10 pm at night, my teeth do not hurt, or at least, hurt very little compared with later. After 10, usually between 10 pm and 4 am, when I have an infection, or an exposed nerve ...etc, the pain is excruciating. I understand that lying down causes fluids to build up in the roots of your teeth, which can lead to severe pain if you have an exposed root, but that is not the issue here. It does not matter if I am lying down, standing up, doing jumping jacks, or working nights. As soon as 10 pm rolls around, my affected teeth hurt terribly. Lying down simply exacerbates that pain 10 fold. Can anyone point out a possible cause for teeth to only hurt at night / early mornings, yet not during the rest of the day? Uptown101: Another cause for late night toothaches can be due to grinding your teeth when stressed throughout the day and is due to blood flow when you lie down.
Tooth pain at night.
NoWayNovelli: Hey there, I've had a pretty bad phobia of dentists/doctors for years now with an extreme phobia of needles. I have a hole of some sort in one of my back teeth, and about a year or two ago the dentist didn't say I needed to do anything but brush - needless to say now it's gotten bigger and it starting to be really sensitive and sometimes hurt. I want to fix it but I'm not mentally prepared to get treatment that needs local anaesthetic/injectable. If anyone can tell from these photos anything, does it look like I need anything major done? I'm so stressed about it, thank you in advance... Zuri Barniv: That's a big hole. If you don't treat it, bad things will probably happen. Have you considered oral sedatives like Halcion, Ativan or one of those for treatment? I prescribe those for fearful patients and they work wonders.
Dentist fear - need help!
murkr: Hello everyone, I'm glad we have great resources nowadays like this message board! I just left the dentist thinking I would need to get my 2nd molar extracted but this dentist said I need a root canal and crown. What is your opinion? Should i get the root canal + crown or extracted? X-ray pics: History: I had an impacted wisdom tooth that grew completely sideways. I waited too long for extraction and it ended up damaging the 2nd molar. sorry no xrays of that. I opted for a filling and that's what you see in the xray. Dentist #1: Two years ago when I had this wisdom tooth extracted that dentists said I would need to get my 2nd molar extracted due to the damage. Dentist #2: today this dentist said root canal + crown. He said I had bone loss due to food getting in between my gums. I kinda feel that's incorrect. I believe the impacted wisdom tooth caused that bone loss. That was exactly where the wisdom tooth was. My conclusion: It doesn't hurt. But I get bad breath from this tooth, im sure of it. 1. the bad breath is because there is still tooth decay under that filling (my conclusion) 2. the bad breath is from the bone loss and gap between the tooth and gum allowing food to get in. (#2nd dentist conclusion) Where do you think the bad breath is coming from conclusion 1 or 2?
Does it look like My 2nd molar needs extraction? (xray pics) - I had an impacted wisdom
Bhatoa: Hi, does anyone know of any Dental Clinics in the UK which offer underbite correction without surgery. I've done a lot of on-line research and can only find Clinics in the USA offering underbite correction using a non-invasive and non-surgical method. Alternatively Clinics in Europe might be a good 2nd option. I really like this Carriers approach -
Underbite correction without surgery in the UK
Jerry Thomas: Hi folks , I would appreciate any guidance. I recently moved from another state and found a new dentist. He told me that he needs to replace one of my crowns because there was a small gap on the side bottom of the existing crown. He mentioned food particles can get inside and cause decay to the tooth. Now the tooth had a root canal done years ago. He cannot X-ray through the crown so he doesn't know if there is decay or not. It will cost about $2000 since my delta dental insurance does not cover crowns. My friend recently visited the same dentist a few days ago and he mentioned the she would need 4 crowns replaced for the same reason. We are both in our mid 60s and wonder if this is a good idea to have the crowns replaced or just take the chance. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much Jerry Dasha: Jerry- schedule with another dentist in your area. Most insurances will cover a free exam and it's worth asking around a few other offices to see other opinions. There's a possibility he could be correct, but it does seem a little unusual he said the same thing to a friend of yours. Dipsey: If there is no pain and not unsightly you can have any decayed margins resealed with flowable composite then it should last for many more years. Sometimes if it "ain't broke leave it alone" is well justified. John Roberts: Is it true they can't xray through the crowns? Didn't know about this. Good to know about the resealing thing. I have two or three that probably need that. I am with Dasha and think I would get a second opinion. I an going to get a 7th opinion next week. I have a problem with basically all my teeth and I can't get any answers. I am 71. I just can't understand with all the equipment and know how I can't find out anything. I have been suffering with this since last November. I went in for a cleaning and had a fluoride treatment and my teeth have been killing me since and my bite and speech have been effected. I have trouble eating anything that is not soft. Lost 15 pounds I didn't want to. I am going to a dentist out of town and hope they can help. Get a second opinion and see what they suggest.
Dentist Ripoff? Please Advise
Jackjack 990: Okay so about three days ago I went to get four filling on my left side, two on top two on bottom. After I was done I couldn't feel my face taste anything, I had gotten fillings on my right five days ago so I didn't think anything of it because I felt like the same. But it has been two days and I can't taste anything on the left side of my tongue, I can move it and feel sensations on it but I can't taste anything. While they were putting the two shots in my gums the one at the bottom felt more painful than any of the others I had. Does it have something to do with that? Should I go back to the dentist? What should I do? Dipsey: Sounds like a nerve got hit with the injections. It should recover but can take weeks or sometimes months. More common with wisdom teeth extractions.
Loss of taste after fillings
Kim Moore: Hi. I have always suffered from gum disease and no matter what I've tried it's never fully gone. I am very nervous of the dentist the last time having a panic attack there so I am putting off going. When I went last it was about 8 months ago as all my bottom teeth were aching they recommended I had a deep clean which I then did the same day, since then my teeth have been terrible. My back tooth has weakened and completely broken and now it's sharp and extremely wobbly but I am terrified to have it removed that part of my gum is very red and swollen. The main problem is my front four teeth at the bottom since the clean one has moved to go almost sideways and is pushing one of the middle teeth backwards I looked in the mirror yesterday and as I pushed them they are wobbling and constancy throbbing and my gums hurt although they aren't red. Am I going to loose my teeth will the wobbling get worse or will it fix itself? I haven't been sleeping and I have nightmares every night that I've lost my teeth I have been an awful state this week. Thanks in advance, Kim Dasha: Kim, you're best option is to go to your dentist. There is nothing home remedies can do. This sounds like a case of periodontal disease and it should be something you should be keeping regular maintenance on. It's unlikely the cleaning is what caused the severity of these problems. Sorry to hear you are suffering, just remember your dental office is only looking out for you. Dipsey: Ask to have your lower fronts bonded in a bridge to keep them fixed in place using ribbond and composite. It's a cheap quick procedure and can last for many years sometimes to stop those wobbly teeth falling out.
Teeth wobbling and major fear of what's going to happen
CocoKennedy: Hi. I have four molars that my dentist said need extracting. I was born with no enamel on my teeth so a few of them are quite decayed. The others are in perfect condition, however. It's just the back four. I am incredibly embarrassed about them and want them gone, but have been putting the procedure off for years and putting up with the pain as I'm extremely anxious about having them removed. I know that I wouldn't be so anxious about having them filled or having a crown, as it's the blood and open wounds that I am most afraid of. Do you think any other dentist would try to repair them. My top right tooth, which is decayed down to the gum and has an abscess. will definitely need extracting as it is far gone, but the others are mostly still white and don't look all too bad :/ The top left has been cracked away about half way to the gum line and has a large cavity in half of the tooth, my bottom left has a large cavity in the right of it, but it's not causing any pain and most of the tooth is still there. Then I just have a normal cavity on the bottom right which could be filled but my dentist wants to extract it to even everything out. The X-rays of the roots look normal except for the top right, which as I stated, would need removing. I would post an image but I don't know how. Please be nice, I'm extremely self conscious of my teeth and this is the first time I'm sharing this with anyone except my dentist Chomp: Hi. I'm not a dentist and have not had anything like the trouble you describe. I have been very lucky with my teeth generally but started to have problems with one premolar two or three years ago. I put up with multiple infections, the pain was horrible, more than once, late at night, I was seriously considering pulling the bloody thing about myself with pliers, it was that bad. unable to sleep. Went though some periods of not being able to eat solid food. The tooth appeared fine so the dentist advised against extraction, hoping it would settle down. It didn't and eventually a crack appeared right across the top, it tuned out it had started to crack from the root upwards and took over a year to present on the surface. X-rays didn't show it. The extraction was pretty easy. I didn't actually realise the tooth was out. It came out split in two though which might have helped. Yes there was blood, but not huge amounts and the hole plugged up in a day or two and healed completely within a fortnight. A little pain but certainly manageable. The implant process was more tiresome than painful. The actual process of placing the implant in my jaw took an hour or so. It was a bit uncomfortable but not traumatic, little pain after and again, manageable with paracetamol. I had the crown installed yesterday. There is a small cosmetic issue with it (described in a post I made last night) but notwithstanding that I am pleased that I had the implant done. I suspect that the corresponding tooth on the other side of my mouth is going to go the same way and if it does I won't hesitate to have it extracted and implanted at a much earlier stage than the first one. Don't let fear stop you from ending the pain and misery of bad teeth. There's a Facebook chat group, "Dental Implant Discussions". It's a closed group, you have to ask to join, so it's not publicly visible. Lots of good info and advice there. Best of luck. CocoKennedy: Thank you very much. I honestly don't think anything is going to get my in that chair though, I'll probably pass out before even entering the dentist office :/ Dipsey: Unfortunately no matter how bad your teeth are now they just get worse without help. Go have a chat to a dentist and he will explain what can be done and the possible procedures then give you time to think things over. Please do it as infections can be dire! Most pain of dentist is in the mind not in the chair.
Are my teeth too far decayed to be saved?
SVNDR: Hi, I had 2 upper teeth extracted 3 days ago. I checked my mouth this morning to see how the healing process was going, instead I found this (photo attatched). Full details. Around the age of 14 one of my baby teeth became loose, over time the tooth never fell out. A year or so later a permanent tooth started breaking through the roof of my mouth just to the side of the baby tooth that never came out. Over time the baby tooth started to decay and chip away. I am now 22 and finally had both teeth removed. As you can see in the photo there is a lot of whiteness where I had both teeth removed. To the center of the edge of one of them, there seems to be a small hole that goes deep into the gum. I am not experiencing too much pain, no more then I expected anyway. I will be contacting my dentist tomorrow as today is a weekend. Any insight until then would be great. Thanks. Dipsey: It's healing so if not much pain leave it alone.
[Photo Attatched] Dry Socket or Infection?
ByThe Numbers: Esteemed peers, I am writing to you for some advice on how to deal with low-paying insurances. I have an economics/business background and I am evaluating a practice that accepts the full spectrum of dental insurances. From what I see, the majority of the practice's patient body is comprised of those with low-paying insurances. Obviously, to cover operating costs, a high patient count is needed when fee schedules are low. Right now, I'm scratching my head on how this practice can actually make money. By the numbers, rising lab fees and aggressively low contractual fees with certain insurances means that most major work yields very little profit. When you subtract out material, utilities, and staff costs, it seems like the work is not worth the liability of completing major treatments. I've researched and heard of the following things other practices have implemented to survive this economic squeeze such as the following: - Use less costly materials (which can sadly affect treatment quality) - Negotiate lower lab fees - Charge an additional co-pay or material upgrade fee (some insurances do not like this) - Invest in marketing and attract more private insurance patients that have more palatable fee schedules - Negotiate fee schedules directly with insurance companies I would love to hear of any war stories that you have had with regard to low-paying insurances and how you work with them, if you have utilized any of the tactics above, or if you found success in a different way. Thanks in advance, BTN calcium48: how much does it cost per hour to run a typical dental practice, just to break even? And what is the average cost per hour of an average dental practice? ByThe Numbers: calcium48 said: how much does it cost per hour to run a typical dental practice, just to break even? And what is the average cost per hour of an average dental practice? Click to expand... I wish I had a better answer for you, but there are so many variables that can affect a general hourly cost. Here are a few that can change depending on the day: -how many associates, dental assistants, receptionists, hygienists a practice has working on a given day and what their wages are -the types of procedures being completed in a day and the required material costs (i.e. composite material, etch, bonding, lab fees for crowns/bridges/dentures) -the type of insurance of patients for the schedule if the associate is being paid by commission (if the patient is seeing low-pay insurances, then the cost is lower) Here are a few variables where the costs tend to stay around the same on a monthly basis: -Utilities (electricity, water, internet, dental software, phone) -Insurance (malpractice, office insurance, disability, maintenance fees, .etc) Unfortunately, this list is not comprehensive, but it should give you an idea of why it is difficult to predict an hourly cost to run an office. All of these costly variables end up making it hard for practices to survive when contractual fee schedules are low. ...Which leads me back to my original reason for posting, which is, how have practices dealt with this when they do not have the luxury of plentiful high-paying insurance patients. In order to break even, or to even see a little bit of the green pastures, it seems that practices have to play the numbers game and see a higher patient count. Practices may have to also make some difficult decisions on which materials to use in order to make ends meet. calcium48: I realize that there will be many variables, that's why I said the average cost what is the average cost per hour of an average dental practice? ByThe Numbers: I'm sorry if I gave off the impression that I have data on hundreds of practices to extrapolate a legitimate answer. Let me preface my response with the disclosure that I am not an expert and can only respond based off of what I've observed in my own experiences. That being said, if I were to estimate, it would be around the following: ~$2000 - Daily cost ~$225 - Hourly cost (9 hour day) This was compiled based off of the following working assumptions: - Staff wages (2 assistants, 1 receptionist, 1 lab technician, 1 office manager, 1 associate) - Lab costs and treatment materials - Utilities, maintenance/common charges, rent If the above working assumptions qualify as what you deem an average practice, then you have your answer. calcium48: thanks. I know it's difficult to give an answer to this due to the number of variables involved. Perhaps other dentists can say what their real-life hourly rates are. ByThe Numbers: Sure - Calcium48. I think your questions are worth exploring. I am also curious to know about operating costs for other practices. Perhaps you can open up a new thread to address your other financial questions practices face as it somewhat obscures the crux of the original post. If you do, I'll be sure to follow and contribute where I can. ScreaminRay: ByThe Numbers said: Esteemed peers, I am writing to you for some advice on how to deal with low-paying insurances. I have an economics/business background and I am evaluating a practice that accepts the full spectrum of dental insurances. From what I see, the majority of the practice's patient body is comprised of those with low-paying insurances. Obviously, to cover operating costs, a high patient count is needed when fee schedules are low. Right now, I'm scratching my head on how this practice can actually make money. By the numbers, rising lab fees and aggressively low contractual fees with certain insurances means that most major work yields very little profit. When you subtract out material, utilities, and staff costs, it seems like the work is not worth the liability of completing major treatments. I've researched and heard of the following things other practices have implemented to survive this economic squeeze such as the following: - Use less costly materials (which can sadly affect treatment quality) - Negotiate lower lab fees - Charge an additional co-pay or material upgrade fee (some insurances do not like this) - Invest in marketing and attract more private insurance patients that have more palatable fee schedules - Negotiate fee schedules directly with insurance companies I would love to hear of any war stories that you have had with regard to low-paying insurances and how you work with them, if you have utilized any of the tactics above, or if you found success in a different way. Thanks in advance, BTN Click to expand... I used to work with one office that offered their patients an additional insurance for $75.00 a year for that they were virtually guaranteed that all would be covered. Patients were happy to pay because the were tired of picking up 60-75% of the bill after paying for inurance already. ByThe Numbers: ScreaminRay said: I used to work with one office that offered their patients an additional insurance for $75.00 a year for that they were virtually guaranteed that all would be covered. Patients were happy to pay because the were tired of picking up 60-75% of the bill after paying for inurance already. Click to expand... ScreaminRay - Thank you for responding with a creative way to supplement low fees. I will definitely bring this up as an idea to other owners that I speak to.
For Practice Owners / Office Managers - Insurance Economics
Digital Dentistry SP: I've recently started offering Invisalign and the insurance paperwork is a bit confusing. If any dentists have experience with this I'd appreciate any input. Do I need to submit a new claim each time Invisalign trays are given to a patient? Thanks.
Insurance filing question
JayBee: Four days ago my gold crowned molar(#19) and my last tooth (#18) were heat and cold sensitive, pressure sensitive and throbbing with pain. I couldn’t tell if it was a problem with both teeth or just one. Regardless, I had to avoid that side of my mouth totally (no food, no hot or cold beverage). The crown is over 15 years old so I though decay had made it’s way through the tooth and the back tooth is mostly filling. I didn’t know whether either was repairable and can’t afford to have them both pulled, losing the ability to chew on that side (and don’t have insurance to help out with implants). Another tooth (#14 is my last tooth on top and part of a bridge) was also hurting and cold sensitive. I seemed to have pain coming from all 3 teeth. Then 3 days into this pain I could pinpoint the pain and it now seemed to be coming exclusively from #19. The next morning (Sunday) I had no pain or sensitivity in any of the above mentioned teeth. Like nothing had ever happened. My only treatment was applying Oregano oil between the teeth and on gums daily. Oregano has excellent antiseptic and antimicrobial qualities, Has anybody experienced this pain remission after 4 days and what could have caused pain? Many thanks, Jeff.
Why did my pain totally vanish ?
Josh C: Hello everyone, I had an emergency wisdom tooth extraction back in June. At the oral surgeon's office, I was told my estimated after insurance cost would be around $1,500, which I paid on that day. Fast forward to recent weeks, when I checked my Aetna account, it appears I should be paying only $650. So I think I've over paid. Of course I have received no refunds from the oral surgeon yet. My question is, how should I proceed with this from now on? Should I get something like an official document from Aetna showing I'm only responsible for 650, not 1500? I'm afraid the oral surgeon will be hard to work with. I'm clueless since I have never dealt with this kind of thing before. Thank you!! calcium48: ask your oral surgeon, see what he says first.
Oral Surgery Refund?
Angie: Last week I had first of two appointments for a crown on #13 tooth. (That's the number I heard, top left side second from last molar)No root canal was done but since the temporary crown was placed I've had nothing but pain. My bite feels ok and all my teeth seem to be touching as they should. Today is day 7 and I'm in unbearable pain. My jaw is throbbing and it seems like the whole left side of my face hurts. No fever or swelling though. Is this normal? I plan on calling my dentist as soon as they open tomorrow. Any suggestions? I'm rotating between Advil and Tylenol.
Tooth pain after crown
Harry9000: What are the Pro's and Con's?
3D Digital Implants
Claudia: Are horseshoe shaped dentures appropriate for a patient who has a large bone structure in the roof of the mouth?
Horseshoe shaped dentures
emmahui03: She stopped it now , but her face still down't look right, especially the bone around mouth, they are pointing forward and the chin backward, similar to this pic, Or maybe this is overbite? Any solution? Does she need a headgear to pull the tooth/bone back?
7 year old kid suck thumb and cause face bone change
Shaka: Hi my name is Shaka and I am looking for some hope here, 2 of my gums were damaged when i was a child and lately they have been giving me alot of trouble coming into my later years, I just recently visited a dentist and i got my teeth cleaned and since then the 2 damaged gums were starting to heal, but this only lasted for a few days and right now they are red and very sore and they itch like crazy, So what I went back to the dentist after a month and he wrote me a prescription for antibiotics I am hoping that its still possible that they can heal because according to the dentist i visited my gums are very soft, so i'm wondering if it is still possible for them to heal properly or will i have to live with this problem forever?
Damaged gums
Eamonn: Basically on my bottom jaw I had the molar that's beside the wisdom tooth removed on both the right and the left, there is a gap between my other molars and the wisdom teeth and was considering getting an implant and crown put in or am I overreacting?
Bottom molars removed
napy87: How can I put this, yesturday I went to the dentist for a basic appointment, X-Ray, cleaning, find out if my teeth are in good shape or bad shape etc. It has been years since my last visit to the doctor, and I went to this one office that only accepted Medi-Cal insurance, so it covered the basic check up. Anyway during the appointment, they did the X-Rays using this round device they stuck in my mouth and I bit down on it. When I did X-Rays years ago I remember biting down on a smaller square shaped thing it was much easier, maybe this dentist office used old school stuff? Then the X-Rays did not come through, they did but not so clear due to their old school laptop not connecting to the device so well until it did connect. All and all they said my teeth were in good shape according to the X-Rays. Next up was the teeth cleaning with the paste which they did. Then I was told I needed a deep cleaning done and should get it done right away. The cost would be $200.00 All in all this dentist place I did not like at all. And now I am afraid to get a deep cleaning done whether it'd be this same location or a new location. How much do deep cleaning's run, I've heard cheap ranging from $50-90 to $100-150 down to $200 and up. I also really do not want to throw up during the deep cleaning IF I do decide to do it. I know they can numb you up, but I've heard that DOES NOT work, and you can still feel pain and even the shot going into the gums etc. Not sure what to do here. Just really nervous about it all.
Deep Cleaning Does It Hurt and What to Expect?
Robinbird: Hello, I had a upper molar pulled several years ago with no problems, at least I didn't think there was a problem at the time. A few days ago I had an abscess where the tooth would of been if it hadn't been pulled. I went to my dentist asap as I was going out of town for the Labor day weekend and was afraid I would be in intense pain from this thing in my mouth. He took x-rays and saw nothing that would indicate a problem so we decided to lance it. After lancing it a ton of pus came out of it and he found a hole in my sinus from the tooth that was pulled several years ago. GROSS..... So I have been on a ton of medicines to clear out my sinus, and will go back for a follow up and possible surgery to repair the hole in my sinus. Apparently the only thing that is separating my mouth from my sinus is a layer of gum that will become infected with sinus fluids. Who should be financially responsible for this surgery since it's is a result of a hole in my sinus from a tooth extraction and I was not notified of the problem?
Preforated sinus from a tooth extracted several years ago
Tinker: Hey everyone advice is needed the gum area under my bottom hurts it's like a dull stabbing ache and now it's spreading to my ear I can't get a appointment till 2 days time. I have no idea what it is. But I suffer from terrible anxiety and it says tooth pain can kill You now I'm really scared calcium48: didn't realize there were gums under the bottom. Might help if you re-wrote the question
Disgusting pain
nightleep: I'm interest in dental field due to my parent influence of wanting me to and my undecided career path. Now is my senior year of high school. My worry is that I'm not good or too interest in the biology field. But I'm good at chemistry and physic since it involve mathematics. Is dental field a good choice if I don't do well nor really interest in biology? calcium48: don't do it if you are not interested choose the career that you would enjoy working in........forget what your parents say what do YOU want to do? nightleep: calcium48 said: don't do it if you are not interested choose the career that you would enjoy working in........forget what your parents say what do YOU want to do? Click to expand... I know everyone ask what i want to do. The problem is I don't know yet. I mean I'm interest in Dentistry but not the biology class because I don't really understand nor too interest in it. calcium48: in that case try and leave your options open until you do decide what you want to do.
Have problem decide to go to dental field.
Stacy: Hi so I have done half of my root canal procedure, I have yet to go back in to put the crown on top. My dentist told me I had an infection. So, after doing the first half of the root canal, they prescribed me amoxicillan to take 3 times a day for 10 days. I was pretty consistent with it (the hours would change sometimes, but I managed to do 3 times a day spread out as far as I could). However, I just realized I never completely finished them. I had 2 tablets left. Will this be a problem? I'm really nervous. It must have been 5 days since I last took it. I dont know if this was a good idea, but once I realized, I just took a tablet right now and I am about to go to sleep. Please help and let me know what I should do. calcium48: thats all you can do now. Just tell your dentist what happened and see what he says.
Didn't completely finish amoxicillan after root canal?
Mapper112: Greetings, For the past few months my lower jaw has been completely slanted to the side when I close my jaw. I have no over/underbite but when closing my mouth my two big central teeth on the upper jaw join the 2 left incisors. Basically my whole jaw is to one side. Now, I don't know much about teeth but surely this has to do with the joint at the base of the ear. My dentist has told me that I need braces but instinct is telling me that it might make it worse... I'm worried
Dentist recommended braces, I'm no dentist but is this a good idea?
Naomi Phillips: My dentist and hygienist told me today that they are seeing more resorption cases than ever before. Looked on the ADA website for information with no luck. Are there any current studies being conducted to help explain this increase?
Resorption frequency increase noted
John Roberts: Can someone recommend a over the counter night guard that is good. I have been having trouble with my teeth hurting and the dentist can see anything wrong with my teeth. Said I could be grinding my teeth. I had a night guard made at the dentist office but it fits so tight it makes my teeth hurt even more. This has been several months ago. I thought if I could find one that I can wear at night I would try it and see if it helps. I don't think I grind my teeth but I can't get any answers on why they hurt. The front four top are the worst.
Over the counter night guard
cas: I am 16 years old in Jamaica. I had difficulty swallowing and chewing since the week started. On Wednesday I looked at my mouth in the mirror the were white stuff on each sides towards the back of my throat and my gums are badly swollen. yesterday I went to the doctor and he told me i have a really bad case of tonsillitis and gave me antibiotics. Today when I woke up there was a stinging pain in the right corner of my mouth. When I tried to brush my teeth the pain was worst and i could barley brush. I looked in the mirror afterwards and saw that the same white stuff on my tonsils on my gum (on the bottom row on the outer section easily exposed with movement of the lower lip) and on the hard palate. In the same right corner I have wisdom tooth coming up and the area is swollen like a balloon. The same thing is on the left side but it doesn't hurt as much. Now I can't close my teeth together (I have to put my tongue between them if i want to close my mouth), I can't eat or drink (haven't done so since Monday), I have been feeding on water because that was the only thing that could give me a relief from the pain and now the right corner stings even when I drink the water, when I talk it hurts and now I am worried because school is starting soon and I have interviews and other stuff which require talking and most of my family makes it harder for me by forcing me to talk. I do not know what is wrong with me because this the first time this has ever happened and I do not what to do.
Tonsilitis or what?
Curl78: hi I had a root canal done about 18 months ago and about 3 month ago started having pain come and go especially with hot drinks,or if I tapped on the tooth well it got bad so I went to my dentist who did an X-ray and couldn't find anything so she's sent me to an endodontist next week this was a few weeks ago as I couldn't get in,well the last few weeks the pains totally gone So now I'm unsure whether still to still get it checked out?also wandering what they'll do?ive never been to an endodontist and if my dentist couldn't find anything how will they? Thanks so much for any replys!! NELLIE L.CHEN: You could take an appointment if you still have the pain or else you could take an appointment for a check-up.
Root canal pain
KansasCan: My 7 year old daughter recently had 3 extractions for overcrowding. Her adult teeth are coming in faster than she can lose her baby teeth. She needs 6 teeth out total, so she has 3 more to go. Our dentist recommended one side of the face at a time. The experience was horrendous for her. She tried so hard to be brave, but the pain from the needles was awful. Then she vomited in the waiting room and was put on vitals for an hour while her temperature spiked then dropped. We went back to get the other 3 out, but even with the gas, she was too anxious for them to proceed. Now we have to go to an oral surgeon so she can be put out. This will be her 5th appointment in the last two months - having first seeing the dentist, then referral to an ortho to confirm the teeth needed to be extracted, back to the dentist for the extractions, back again to try the other extractions, and now going to a surgeon for a consultation. My daughter cries hearing "teeth" or "dentist." How do I not traumatize her and get the teeth out?
Daughter Scared to Death
M. Anderson: Sometimes after brushing I get a harsh chemical taste in my mouth and then a burning throat. My dentist has looked at all my silver fillings and none of them has fallen out. What is this horrible taste and is it dangerous?
Harsh chemical taste after brushing
Dean Fowler: Hi all I hope you are all well! I had braces for 4 years and unfortunately broke my retainer a couple of years ago and now I feel my teeth look a bit buck toothed. I am considering having the front 2 shaved down, and the gap in the middle filled in and then whitening them I am curious if anyone has any dental advice as to what I should get done to my teeth to make them look the best they can preferably without any orthodontics again Any advice would be amazing! Thanks and have a lovely day! Valerie: Hey I recently finished my braces treatment and I can notice a tooth gap appearing just like yours ? Is it normal or did you always have that tooth gap Valerie: Oh and im not sure if shaving ur front two teeth is going to be advised as when I requested something similar I was told it would also shave away your enamel or something , you would be actually digging away the inner of your teeth . - Just what I hear not a professional Digital Dentistry SP: Have you looked into Invisalign see-through braces. They can help you.
Best action for teeth - post braces *pics attached*
Jonny Benson: Hi all. Firstly i'd like to shamelessly admit i don't do dentists!! My teeth are a mess as i haven't been for over ten years. I'm honestly scared stiff of dentists and needles etc etc. Anyway i have a molar which has been broken for over a year with no pain, but now its finally loose. I know most of you will probably think grow up and visit the dentist, but i wanna know what happens if it comes out on its own? Blood, pain, etc. Can i manage without it? Thanks in advance. calcium48: If It's loose, then you most likely will have bone loss. whats your age? Jonny Benson: calcium48 said: If It's loose, then you most likely will have bone loss. whats your age? Click to expand... Bone loss????? What the hell? I'm 42 calcium48: Jonny Benson said: Bone loss????? What the hell? I'm 42 Click to expand... If its loose then the under lying bone structure has probably been lost due to gum disease. Tooth has no support. Why else would it be loose? calcium48: an xray would be needed to see if there is bone loss in that area. This can happen if the oral hygiene is not good. It may come as a shock to you, but gum disease is mostly painless. Don't shoot the messenger....only trying to help Jonny Benson: calcium48 said: an xray would be needed to see if there is bone loss in that area. This can happen if the oral hygiene is not good. It may come as a shock to you, but gum disease is mostly painless. Don't shoot the messenger....only trying to help Click to expand... No no i appreciate the help, thanks. That tooth has got a filling, but has been broke in half for over a year i think. So do you think it will come out on its own, or will i eventually have to grow up and visit the dentist. The latter by the way has probably got a 90% chance of not happening because of my phobia john Cameron: Get to the dentist. I know you have never had an infection before, but that doesn't mean you won't (or don't as the case may be). Also, you want to get the lower one checked so that it doesn't become a bigger problem. A lot of people have a fear of the dentist. There are things that can be done to help you get through your appointment. Your dentist can prescribe you a pill to help you relax (you will need a driver), or Nitrous is another option. Don't let this go. Dental infections can be very dangerous if left unattended. Good luck, and please let me know how it goes. Jonny Benson: john Cameron said: Get to the dentist. I know you have never had an infection before, but that doesn't mean you won't (or don't as the case may be). Also, you want to get the lower one checked so that it doesn't become a bigger problem. A lot of people have a fear of the dentist. There are things that can be done to help you get through your appointment. Your dentist can prescribe you a pill to help you relax (you will need a driver), or Nitrous is another option. Don't let this go. Dental infections can be very dangerous if left unattended. Good luck, and please let me know how it goes. Click to expand... Thank you. I know i should but this phobia is a massive problem for me. I had to have blood taken about 7 years ago and was sick and nearly passed out just from that. The whole idea of the dentist gets me going just thinking about it. The build up before, getting there, going through the door, waiting, the smell, the noise, etc etc etc etc. Writing this has made me realize my phobia is bigger than i thought calcium48: having not had a phobia, it's difficult for any of us to know what you are going through. Jonny Benson: calcium48 said: having not had a phobia, it's difficult for any of us to know what you are going through. Click to expand... I guess so Thanks for the advice though. Jonny Benson: Now i'm even more scared and in pain. The remaining quarter of a tooth i've had for months has now snapped off along with some of the filling. But i still can't bring myself to go calcium48: you'll have to choose the lesser of the evils........ Digital Dentistry SP: Johnny Benson, you really need to go to a dentist. Many dentists like me offer sedation dentistry for anxious/nervous patients such as yourself. You sound like you have a serious phobia and sedation dentistry can help you. Just search for something like "sedation dentistry" or "sedation dentist" in your area. You're doing yourself more harm by not going to a dentist. Whatever you got to do, make a visit to a dentist. Good luck.
Broken and lose molar
Rarecargo: Making this as short as possible... August 10th I had 2 extractions on my left side. One upper one lower molar... After I had very little pain and swelling. Getting the infection out has made me feel better than I have in months. Night 8 my husband and I were intimate and I ended up performing oral sex. Honestly not even thinking about it.... I woke up with very mild swelling yesterday morning. Completely embarrassed of calling my dentist. Should I just "bite the bullet" and call?
Just gonna do it.... EMBARRASSING
Mik Parsons: Following his death, my father-in-law, a prominent dentist in Oxfordshire,has left several antique items of antique dental equipment which would be ideally suited for a museum-style display, possibly within a Dental Practice. Items include a foot-pedal powered electric drill, an early transformer-supplied electric drill, various drill parts, heavy brass dental moulds and a heavy mould-press. I'd like to bring these to the attention of the Dentistry community in case there might be an interested buyer. Can anyone advise a good place to advertise beyond this forum which I have just discovered as my first point of call. Photographs available on request to (e-mail address removed)
Antique Dental Equipment
Dr.KBC: Hello. I am general dentist working in philly. I have this patient who had a soreness on the max. arch where intaglio surface of max. RPD meets (upper left front areas). The patient said that it has been going on for about 2 months and he never had used denture during this period (to be exact, he could not due to soreness.) He is very sensitive like jumping when I try to touch it. X-ray does not show any abnormality (no tooth piece left). Clinically, just a little bit of redness around that area. (no intraoral swelling at all). Pt asked me if this could be a sign of oral cancer. What would you do and tell pt in this case? What could be the reason for this soreness in this situation?
hetrazom: Wondering if anyone has any current dietary recommendations re oral hygiene. I continue to develop plaque and have tooth decay issues even though my diet and health is generally good. I rarely see doctors but I seem to be going to the dentist alot. I stay away from bakeries (refined flour, sugar), eat whole foods, organic, plant based diet, some dairy, eggs and little meat. Please no Weston Price stuff. Ive read his book. Im well versed in the W. Price Foundation literature and although his recommendations have some merit re teeth (I do bone broth), research since his time basically says what I just quoted here ("whole foods, mostly organic, plant based diet, some dairy, eggs and little meat"). I recently discovered amla with a research paper on its benefits. That was great. Anything along those lines would be helpful.
Ale: First upload are my teeth, I have always had an issue with them. I feel like it's hard for me to smile because my teeth are so little. I don't want to show so gums when I smile so i learned how to smile a certain way. My teeth seem to go either inward or just straight down. When I look at other people's teeth it's like they aim outward more than mine do. Also my teeth seem a little thinner at the bottom. The second upload is teeth that I would kill to have ): Is there anything I can do to achieve these teeth? I've taken up on teeth whitening, use my retainer every night like I'm supposed to, and wonder if I could cut/push gums up to show more teeth if that's even possible. About the outward teeth thing I don't have any idea. I don't really want veneers because that just seems a little scary to go and do suddenly.
Teeth Small and Thin ?
Jemma: Hi I am experiencing horrible pain and a general ache on the left side of my mouth. It hurts at quite random times, but is starting to hurt more when I am eating a hot meal It feels uncomfortable to close my mouth/ teeth together One of my teeth appears black towards the bottom of it, I hadn't noticed this until today I saw my dentist 5 days ago and she couldn't see any issues. Had an x-ray but heard nothing back from it. The pain is getting worse and I go on my honeymoon in 10 days! Can anyone give their advice?
Aches and Pains
Simondsilva: Hi, I had filled a tooth almost 9 years back. Now I am getting some kind of sensation and some pain. I consulted a doctor, and they say that an RC is required. Find the xray attached here. I just want a second opinion before going for the RC. Please guide.
Sensation and pain of a filled tooth
saffy: My dentist took an X-ray as I have a small clear bump/bubble that comes and goes above my upper incisor. The X-ray showed a slight shadow above the tooth so was sent for full mouth X-ray. I now have to wait over 35weeks before I can be seen back in the hospital to go over the results. However I have the X-ray and would like a dentist on here to give their opinion if there is anything sinister going on in the X-ray?? Kind regards.
Please help: Shadow above incisor (please see X-ray attached)
Anon1996: Hello everyone. So i began to notice my wisdom tooth coming through about 4 days ago. Started with alight discomfort, and minor swelling. There is a flap of gum covering the area which is roughly a 4/10 on the pain scale. I've covered it with teething gel, and been doing hot salty water spits. It's now day 4 and it hasn't got worse, not better. I've taken a look in my mouth this morning as realised the flap of gum at the bottom has turned white and I can slightly lift it up. Does this sound like normal wisdom teeth coming through? Gosh I really hope So! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Wisdom tooth issue= A very worried lady
Suzlq: I had my teeth cleaned aggressively by a sub hygienist, with no problems previously. Afterwards, (possibly) a week or so later I started noticing a sensation of food being stuck between my teeth, especially my lower front teeth, most likely due to my tongue resting there. There was and has not been any food stuck between my teeth! However the sensation is really throughout my mouth and teeth. In the meantime my tongue and mouth cavity has been suffering sensitivities as well. It has basically been a 24/7 issue for the past 2 1/2 months. I have been back to the dentist twice plus a periodontist referral of his. They both said my teeth and gums look great and I have no problems there. The last time my dentist took a couple of x-rays to compare before the cleaning and a couple months after the cleaning but he did not note any differences. I have chewed gum, sucked on regular and dry mouth lozenges, used Biotene, an oral rinse (Peridex) for a few days and Benzocaine for a few days. Nothing has solved the problems. I started a new daily medicine for headaches, I believe, after the symptoms started. I thought possibly it could have contributed to "dry mouth" and my issues. I recently discontinued the med and am now on a new med that doesn't have the potential side effect of dry mouth. My dentist is stumped and told me he hopes it is better by the next time I get my next cleaning in November. Any ideas on why the sensation of the food between teeth and now the sensitivities within my mouth cavity including my tongue and roof of mouth? I'm not sure what to do next except give time to be on my new med and hope it was all a reaction some how to my new med. Any more visits to a professional are going to be out of pocket now.
Feels like food stuck between teeth for 2 1/2 months but isn't plus more issues!
Nathan666363: A couple months ago I started feeling severe pain in one of my teeth. That tooth happened to be very cracked and in bad shape. It oozed what I assumed was pus frequently until it just stopped. I feel nothing in the tooth. Since then the tooth has shattered and I've picked out most of the shards from my gums. But when I place my tongue over that spot I still get a foul taste in my mouth. I've rubbed tooth picks over the spot and the smell is unbelievably terrible. No matter how often I brush the smell does not come out. Does anyone know what may have happened? Also is there anyway I can kill the source of the smell? calcium48: you need to see a dentist urgently........ don't mess about asking questions on the web Nathan666363: Why urgently? It's been like this for a year, what am I going to die? ScreaminRay: Foul Smell is usually caused from bacteria period. you need to get this taken care of as it can only get worse calcium48: Nathan666363 said: Why urgently? It's been like this for a year, what am I going to die? Click to expand... Its a possibility, if an infection isn't controlled. Why won't you see a dentist?
Foul smell
ebno: Are there any state or federal laws in the U.S. requiring dentists to take panoramic X-rays? On my last dentist visit, they insisted it was required by law even though I was there to get a single tooth repaired.
Panoramic X-rays Requirements
Juan Di Varo: How do we know for sure that the biggest threat to patient health in dentistry is being handled effectively? How do we know that all instruments are sterilised effectively?
Infection Control - Are instruments truly sterile?
NETGEAR: I've got a black line between my gums and my teeth, and it seems to be spreading?
Help - what is this/how do I get rid of it? (Picture inside)
Heraldo13: Folks I've just noticed this issue recently and would love to know if ive anything to worry about. I've attached an image....I basically have grooves/dents in the tips of my front teeth...both top and bottom. Also a bit of chipping to these teeth I have noticed. Anyone had any experience with this sort of thing? calcium48: are you grinding your teeth?
HELP!! what's causing this?!?!?!
shikha: I was having mangoes (with seed) 2-3 days back and suddenly I felt a sensation on my front tooth which had undergone root canal with procelain crown 3 years back. I felt the crown coming down but on close examination it started shaking. I went to the doctor for an xray... the xray was normal but he was not sure on the tooth beneath the crown. he is suspecting a fracture but is not sure. He has asked me to wait and watch for the crown to fall off on its own. If he tries to take the crown out may actually fracture the tooth. The tooth is not that wobbly and it has been close to 6 days now. Please advise...i don't want to get an implant if it is avoidable..there is no bleeding or pain. David Ujcic: I'm in the same boat as you. I'm about to add my question post. What I'd like to do is avoid implant at all costs. I'm ok with ignoring fracture. Bacteria, decay, all of that talk is of no concern to me. I'll take the risk. My main concern is making the crown stay stuck and I'm in the process of finding out the options. Good luck and maybe look for my post for more info. David Ujcic: After researching glues, come to understand that the most likely glue used has been zinc phosphate glue which relies on good matching between surfaces. I am going to ask the dentist to source a good chemical bonding glue (Glass ionomer) rather than mechanical bonding. shikha: Well what if it is not that wobbly but sometimes you have pain for 5 minutes or so every 2-3 hours. It is manageable and can be ignored if your are busy with work. I am really nt sure to go for an implant as it is one of my front tooth. How long can we go on like this....
Dental Crown Over root canal treated tooth is wobbly grade 1-
Lucy: Hi I'm 18 and not been to the dentist in a while, my first premolar broke a month a go and I've been putting off going but with it being near the front of my mouth I don't want it to be so noticeable that I'm missing half a tooth, could this be filled?? Or what would be the procedure. Help!
Half of my premolar broke! Help
Cassie: I was recently involved in a domestic assault and had my 7 and 8 tooth completely knocked out. They were placed back in by the emergency room within an hour. I saw the dentist the next day who advised she couldn't do anything until it healed. Fast forward to three months later. My teeth have moved out of place but haven't turned grey/yellow. I previously had braces for 3 years but was told that would not be an option this time. Would it really cause more damage to move them back to the original place? My front tooth has significantly dropped down and has caused bite problems. She also stated she didn't believe I would need root canals on those two teeth at the moment. Do I have any type of options to at least help my bite or make them look straighter? Photos do not do justice. Nothing has been done at all besides an x-ray check up for healing.
Avulsed front teeth
Digital Dentistry SP: Hello. My office is currently using Eagle Soft. It has some strengths and weaknesses for my practice and I'm considering switching to possibly Open Dental. Does anyone have recommendations of something that is better than Eagle Soft? If so what do you like about it? Thanks for the help.
Which practice management system is best?
sewho: hello, Had a bottom molar extracted 4 weeks ago and developed dry socket. Returned to the dentist after 1 week to have the socket scraped and new blood clot (ouch!) as well as packed with alvogyl. Then after another week the alvogyl paste came out and it became inflamed and painful so went back to the dentist. I wouldn't agree to any scraping on the 2nd visit, but she washed it with saline (not painful) and put a small amount of alvogyl and packed it loosely. I think today that packing has come out because it's inflamed again and starting to hurt. Anyone know how long this will go on? Should I return to the dentist for more alyoglyl? It does stop it hurting when the paste is in there, but does it delay the healing? Would I be better off taking iboprofun anti-inflammatory pills for a while and seeing if it fixes itself up faster? It seems like it will never heal. Why is it taking so long? Help!! Sofianhleihil: Hello Sewho, Sorry to hear about your situation... I'm a dentistry student at the moment but I have some experience with this procedure. You need to know first which is the cause for the clot being constantly disloged, you should avoid rinsing too much as this can lead to complications (with the clot), another reason could be that a foreign body (a piece of the tooth was left behind, though I doubt that this is the cause, if the surgeon scraped the surface again, he/she should have notices if something was left behind), It can also cause an inflamation at that spot. As far as I know you might need antibiotics to treat the dry socket and hopefuly start the healing process.. you could ask the surgeon to place an antibiotic paste into the socket, and ask for his opinion on starting an antibiotic treatment. Hope this helps. Get healthy soon! sewho: Just finished my 2nd lot of antibiotics this morning. They did seem to help so maybe that was the problem. Have taken some iboprofun last night which settled it down a bit. Have to wait and see how it goes today I guess.
Ongoing Dry Socket Problems
Tazmine: I had my lower wisdom teeth removed on the 30th June. I had a stitch in my right lower tooth which has come out a few days ago, since the stitch has come out i have noticed a small red lump inside the socket which covers most of the extraction site?? The lump doesn't appear to be painful and I'm continuing to do salt rinses. Sofianhleihil: Hello Tazmine, there is no need to worry, what you see in the extraction site is the blood clot that is supposed to form in order for bone to later fill the extraction site. Try to avoid probing the clot with your tongue (or finger, or anything really) and avoid rinsing, if you disloge the clot, it will lead to complications. Hope you find this information helpful! Tazmine: Sofianhleihil said: Hello Tazmine, there is no need to worry, what you see in the extraction site is the blood clot that is supposed to form in order for bone to later fill the extraction site. Try to avoid probing the clot with your tongue (or finger, or anything really) and avoid rinsing, if you disloge the clot, it will lead to complications. Hope you find this information helpful! Click to expand... Hello thank you for your response. Would it still clot this long after surgery as it's been around 14 days since my surgery now? Sofianhleihil: It is normal for it to take about 2-3 weeks to close and "engulf" the clot, you will only see the new gingiva formed above, the clot will exist underneath the new tissue. The clot will (slowly) turn into bone, that will offer structural resistance in that area. Healing time differs from patient to patient, it depends on the extent of the trauma to the bone and surrounding tissues. Did the sweeling start to go away? Tazmine: I was taking Cocodamol for a few days last week but since the stitches have come out there is no pain or swelling anywhere in my mouth. Is this normal healing for the tooth extraction then with the bump in the socket? Thank you!! Sofianhleihil: According to your description (the clot in the socket and no pain) it is perfectly normal and a part of good healing, especially that you don't feel any pain. Tazmine: Sofianhleihil said: According to your description (the clot in the socket and no pain) it is perfectly normal and a part of good healing, especially that you don't feel any pain. Click to expand... Perfect thank you so nothing to worry about? Sofianhleihil: Not at all, if there's no more pain, just go and enjoy your day Tazmine: Thank you for your help. Have a nice day too
Wisdom tooth extraction site problem
dentaldummy: So it was my first year out of dental school.... I worked in this crazy factory of a medicaid practice. My bosses basically bullied me on a regular basis (dentists that work alongside in the same office) to go faster and produce more. They even went so far as to tell the assistants they weren't allowed to give me 330s, and that I had to use a 557 for everything (no matter how small, even for pedo). The assistants were also tasked with timing me and reporting if I took too much time. Anyways, 10 months into this...It's 5 o'clock and I still have a patient waiting...I feel I messed up because I was rushing constantly....anyways.... We had done a pulp crown on A on this 6 year old and he did fine-ish, but his patience was out and we still had to extract an exfoliating Q. Well he kinda freaks out when he sees the forceps and all I can think is "just get that tooth out quick" So I grip the tooth and in one flick of my wrist I rotated R straight out like butter. Immediately I feel like dying, it's the wrong freaking tooth. I'm not normally the one in charge of emergencies so I'm panicking and my memory and fight/flight response fail me miserably and all I can think is "dont wash the PDL, replace quickly, stint, and follow-up". So I do this and think ok maybe it'll be ok maybe it'll be ok. So my boss has arrived by this time (you can imagine the shit storm I got after that) and he informs me that was the wrong protocal for primary teeth, but we will go with it. I immediately go and tell the parents personally what I have done and request they come back in 3 weeks. We never hear from them again. Fast forward 3 months, I recently received a complaint the mother has filed with the board. I'm not surprised, I totally deserve whatever is coming for me. However, this has seriously been ruining my daily life. Waiting for the discipline action and unknowing what to expect has been total torture. I think about this every day, all the time. Not just out of fear for myself and my future, but also with the guilt for what I did to that little boy. I am just beside myself with guilt. I am not a negligent dentist!! I take my time and truly treat every single treatment on every single patient like I would want someone to treat my child or my mother or my sibling....I freaking care more than any other dentist I know (no offense...I dont know you ) hence why I was constantly in trouble for taking too long lol I'm extremely paranoid about making a mistake and boom...I make this huge one in one split second.....I am so disappointed in myself. I don't know how I allowed that to happen....I feel like such a failure and a terrible dentist and like I should have gone into a different career field. How did I let this happen?!?! Bottom line questions: Does anyone have any similar experience or peronsally know of someone that has messed up on this epic of levels? What's the process with the board at this point? How long until I finally know my fate? Should I get a lawyer? What are the chances this will go to court? (I have tail insurance coverage) I have since left that miserable place and have found a wonderful job. When do I need to inform them of this investigation and action? After I'm "convicted and sentenced" or now that I know about the complaint? Can I get fired over this? I am so mortified and embarrassed to admit it to anyone, much less my fairly new employer that has been nothing but wonderful to me for the last 2 months. calcium48: really sorry to hear that. Mistakes happen, that's just the way it is. The kid didn't help. I wouldn't go back to work at that place any way. Personally, I think you will make a great dentist. Hope this incident doesn't do too much harm to your career. Hope it works out for you calcium48: all depends on how far the mother will push it.
For Dentists: I Messed Up Big Time. Need Advice
tyreon: Hi All. First,thanks for this open forum and the ability given to become informed,ask questions,and post comments. First, a brief introduction to myself through my (limited?)experience with dental practioners here(in the UK) I've been with two dental practitioners here for over 25 years. Just a comment! Is it me or 'just some health practioners' who seem to have a problem with being asked questions? I worked as a health practitioner and always welcomed patients or staff/students. Not so some practitioners who seem to be surprised,affronted or become very defensive then hostile when I just seek a bit of clarification. Wotswiththecageypassive-aggressive response. Is it just some of the practitioners(medical and dental)I meet,or just a GB phenomena? I'm wondering whether its just a GB deference preferment response expected problem: during schooling/training the practitioner is taught 'they know best' and the patient should 'know their place'. I just seem to have upset my dentist. I asked a couple of questions over trying to save a tooth(that had begun to ache)and now I sense a particular distance and suspicion having developed in the relationship. Further,(after an explanation?),I now have to wait over a month to have a diseased tooth removed. I mean...I didn't wish to offend(if I have asking a few questions),I thought it was okay to seek how/why my tooth was like it is/had to come out/can't it be saved I mean,wotswith some guys. Why the hostility? Or can it be me? Maybe I'm asking. This isn't what should be happening!!!
Dentists(my experience in the UK)
Adam: Hi HELP ME PLEASE Went to the dentist today, she noticed a white patch around 3mm on my gum under my bottom front teeth see photo. To me I have three other white patches which are below each bottom front teeth I thought it was tooth or bone under my gums. To the touch the white patch is hard like bone. But the circle she refers to is really white I remember about 4 months ago catching an ulcer a couple of times with my tooth brush and this is when I think it originated. I remember because it hurt She has asked me to come back in three weeks to check and if its still there refer me to hospital. Last thing she said was she was referring me as it could lead to mouth cancer!!!!!! Should I get a second opinion or should I be asked to be refereed straight away. Don't smoke at all or drink excessively Please help me Adam: And I forgot to add it does not hurt or cause any symptoms
HELP me......... Do I need to worry oral cancer!
AaronD123: Hi guys, had a small crack / whole in my tooth which my dentist just said it's nothing but for a few weeks I've noticed it forming into a different colour, any help or advice on what I could do?
Need advice
Mary thomas: My dentist said I have a tiny chip in my filling. She tried to show it to me but for the life of me, I couldn't even see it. It's gonna cost about $100 to have it filled in amalgam. Do I really need to spend this money on the tiniest chip? I would rather wait and see it it gets bigger, then pay to have it done. Any advice would be appreciated. calcium48: which tooth is it? A photo would help.
Stan: My daughter (12 years old) last Friday while riding her bike fell on her face and badly chipped her front two teeth. I took her to the dentist the next day (Saturday). So far there is no nerve damage. Great. My daughter has been super paranoid about eating since she does not want to knock out the bonded portion. Since Saturday she refused to eat anything but soup. Today I convinced her to eat a very soft grill cheese sandwich for lunch and what do you know, one of the bonded pieces came right off. So three days after having her teeth bonded she already needs to go back for rebonding. I understand that they would need to be replaced but after 3 days? Is this typical? Should I send her to someone else? Is this dentist error?
Bonded Tooth Fell off in Less Than a Week
Vanessa: Hey! I'm 17 and got my baby premolar extracted 2 years ago, I did an xray to see if the adult tooth was there and it was. However, 2 years later, it has only erupted a tiny bit. The x-ray showed that my adult tooth was diagonal. I'm wondering if this should be of any concern to me. I also wouldn't want the tooth to come in and then the rest of my top row has little space. What's your take on this and what action should I take?
Permanent tooth won't come in
ChrisFe: Hi. Can a dentist offer their opinion, please? Does this look like a cavity? It feels like a small hole. I can try for a better pic if needed? Thanks in advance. calcium48: do you get any pain?
Is this a cavity?
Mallorie Collins: Hi all, Does anyone have an idea of what this discoloration may be from? It just these two teeth on the outside only... maybe a bit in between. Let me know pleaaaaase
Help identifying discoloration
Tab123: After about 3-4 days of slight discomfort in my gums and being sick (sinus and sore throat issues) I have noticed today that my gums are severally swollen and appears slightly whiter in color. it is on both sides near the backs on the bottom roles and seem the top may be swollen but not as badly as well. I was unable to see any local dentists today due to 4th of July weekend ans they are all closed but I did go to a walk in clinic and I asked the doctor for antibiotics but in case and I started them today. Any ideas on what I could be dealing with?
Please help, gum issue.
Joy-Marie: Hi there, when I was in about grade 5 I had to of my molars removed, one on each side. I have forever had a space on each side. Now at age 48 I have begun to have sensitivity on the tooth of one side next to the space. Not the last molar and I never had wisdom teeth grow in. My dentist suggested implants but I was wondering other than a bridge that will be harmful to my existing teeth that are in perfect condition, is there another way to help with the sensitivity? I will begin to use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth but I am worried about long term, will the gum line keep shrinking if the space doesn't get filled?
2 molars removed as a child now have sensitivity starting
Bogdan: Hello. I am a dental technician and I am thinking to use a CNC machine and 3D scanner system in order to build shapes for tooths . is anyone here that use something like this or know more about this because I really need some help to choose the machines. this is what i found for CNC machine and these could be the scanners or . If anyone here would like to help me with more information please let me know I would greatly appreciate.
CNC machine + 3d scanner system for dental technicians
Evelin: Hello I have a patient that needs a RPD, kennedys class 1 (bilateral edentulous areas). Its an older man that has the upper posterior teeth missing. The patien has the maxillary arch narrow and in comparicion to this the mandibular jaw is wider so on the left side the patient has a quiet good occlusion BUT on the right side the mandibular teeth are app 1/2 cm laterally so there are a very slight contact between the teeth but no occlusion. I got told to not change the bite. But im now wondering if this is correct to just leave it like this. I already received the trying with the wax rims, sent it back to the lab. -should i leave it howit is¿ So the patient wont have a good bite on the right side... (The bone of the maxilla is much narriwer than the mandoble) Thank you!
RPD jaw relation
Oranges: Hi, I'm new to the forum - apologies for the length. I have just started seeing a new dentist due to a move. He did x-rays and told me that I needed to re-do one of my fillings (I felt no pain), have a new filling, replace a filling that came out (I agree) and have another filling in a spot where the filling kept coming out (my old dentist told me to leave it and keep it clean). I was not feeling any pain in any of the teeth and felt sick that I needed so much work. I now find it odd that there were no actual cavities, just decay thathas prompted the work. Also odd was his rush to do everything. I went back to see him to get the the work started - I thought he'd start with the broken filling. He replaced this with a temporary filling and said he wanted to keep an eye on the nerve to see if it would eventually need a root canal (I don't understand this). The same appointment, he replaced the filling on my other tooth and made the new filling in the third tooth (both were deep). I now feel extensive sensitivity and wonder if he is was just doing unnecessary work for profit? -Does decay need a filling? Could he have just kept an eye on this - and were there any other options? -Do old but otherwise fine fillings need to be replaced? -Why do a temporary filling - doesn't it risk breaking down and prompting root canal? I'm getting copies of my x-rays soon - there is just something in my gut telling me he doesn't have my best interests at heart. I've had a few dentists in my life and this is the first time I have ever felt this way. Can anyone advise? Many thanks in advance.
Did my dentist do unnecessary work?
John DIAZ: Hey so i always like checking my teeth a lot and i noticed a small red hole my dentist always tells me cavities are black. I tried brushing it off think its something i ate. I'm really scared of fillings because of the needle.
Small Red Hole
Vonsworld: Hello It occurred to me that human teeth are no longer fit for purpose and evolution has failed to keep up ? What other part of the human body do you need to have examined and repaired by a specialist every year otherwise it will certainly decay and break ? Presumably if someone didn't brush their teeth or visit a dentist at all then we can assume by the age of 40 all their teeth would fall out. This was fine in the stone age when we were all living in mud huts and there were no dentists, since by the age of 40 we would probably all of died of other causes anyway. Perhaps by now, since we are living so much longer, evolution should have adapted our teeth to be much stronger and longer lasting. Imagine if we had teeth like a Rabbit that constantly keep growing and just need to be filed down once a year. If a tooth should break, then no problem it just grows back again! Of course this is just food for thought, I have no immediate practical answers to this problem
Human teeth are no longer fit for purpose ??
Harrison Beasley E: I've stopped tobacco for a while now. The brown stains in my teeth are disturbing and making me concerned about it. Its not decreasing or fading even though I've quit tobacco.Is there any efficient treatment to remove smoking stains. My friend told me about cosmetic teeth whitening procedure.Is it permanent? Does anyone here have any experience on it ?
Smoking stains
bushwalkerx: I am 64 year old male. I have no teeth left on my upper jaw. If I want dental implants how many dental implants I need to have inserted? Do I need 16 implants ? How much that would cost in N.Y ? VanderLugtMulder: Would need a lot more information to answer this question capably. Here is a brief article with information on getting dental implants that offers some basic information you may find helpful:
How implants do I need and how much that would cost ?
jerzeygirl70: I have a mouth guard made from my dentist office for Bruxism. I hate wearing it not because it's uncomfortable exactly because it was formed to fit my teeth. However it suctions to me teeth and I'm worried it will make my teeth become soft or loose or decay. The part that sits in the roof of my mouth was ground back by my dentist because that part annoys me and I have to take it out within an hour or so but that part still bothers me. I've read that the mouth guard can cause tooth decay and that's a real fear for me. Is there a way to prevent this? Also, I think it would be so much easier for me to wear if the mouth guard was a two or three cap type that pops on over my top or bottom back teeth. Is there such a thing in existence that the dentist can also custom make? I believe that piece that sits in the roof of my mouth is just too annoying. I have to make a dental appt because I haven't been wearing my guard because of all the references I've made above so now I have ground my filling out of one of my bottom teeth. Any factual help would be greatly appreciated. Fesenko Nikas: The problem of Bruxism is, first of all, problems with your nerves or circulation of the blood. So, you are to visit a doctor neurologist, to be prescribed medicine for improving the blood supply to the brain and some sedatives. After a course of these medicines, you have to feel the relief of the symptoms of Bruxism.
Teeth grinding and mouth guard
Dental Patient Number 1: During my bi-annual exam the dentist didn't even notice my cavities until I asked about a small sharp place between 18 and 19 that tended to collect food. He said he could fill them "they were small" and "not an emergency" so I got an appointment several weeks later. No pain in the teeth whatsoever, just the chip or sharp spot that snagged food. I get the cavities filled. On the way out of the door, the dentist says, "that back one, if you have any problems with it, you'll need to see an endodontist, it was deep". I was very sore after the two fillings and within 2-3 days realized there was a problem. Pain getting worse and worse to the point it was constant and had a deep hurt that was so bad I couldn't tell exactly where it was coming from. I made an appointment with an endodontist to likely get a root canal. The specialist test both 19 and 20 and did xrays and he pointed out that on 19, the previous dentist had drilled really close to the pulp which was likely cause of my pain. But, he had a twist, he said, "it could also be 20, it is close to the pulp, too". So, essentially, I needed two root canals. I was in so much pain that I said, "fine, do it". I am speculating that my normal dentist drilled too deeply into these cavities and ended up making me need root canals. If they had been deep cavities and described as such on xrays prior, maybe I wouldn't think this. But, i had no pain before the first dental visit as he filled the cavities. But, shortly after - less than a week later, I'm sitting in the chair getting two root canals. This has wiped out my dental benefits for the year and has me over $1000 out of pocket. Oh, and now I assume I will need two crowns, too. With no dental benefits left for this year - how much is this likely to cost me? I like my dentist - nice guy. But, I think he is at fault here by overzealous drilling. I don't want to see a malpractice attorney and go that route. More of a rhetorical question than anything else... But what is the likelihood of him realizing he may have created this situation and offer to "make it right?" For you dentists, I realize you cant see the xrays and are limited in what you can say. But how often does overzealous drilling happen and lead to root canals that might not have been necessary? Thanks in advance.
Two Small Cavities Became Two Root Canals
Mikechips: I have a broken tooth no pain so far. I was wondering how bad this is. Also what is the orangeish colored stuff inside. I currently have no insurance so not much I can do. Mikechips: Anyone have answers please. Mikechips: Bump Zuri Barniv: The orange color is deep decay (a big cavity). The one in front of it has the same problem (near the gumline). Mark3000: I am not a dentist but I suggest that do not wait to have pain on this tooth. If the decay reaches the nerve, a costly root canal might be needed or a tooth extraction (if you do not want a tooth there). Buy a short term dental insurance that you can pay monthly and it can cover what you want without waiting period and do the treatments. Otherwise, you might end up with a tooth extraction or a costly root canal and crown. Dusan Cirkovic: Mikechips said: I have a broken tooth no pain so far. I was wondering how bad this is. Also what is the orangeish colored stuff inside. I currently have no insurance so not much I can do.View attachment 918 Click to expand... Maybe but just maybe it can be solved just with removing decay and place filling, but be aware that RCT may be needed. Because it's important to SMILE. Dan Dan: Mark3000 said: I am not a dentist but I suggest that do not wait to have pain on this tooth. If the decay reaches the nerve, a costly root canal might be needed or a tooth extraction (if you do not want a tooth there). Buy a short term dental insurance that you can pay monthly and it can cover what you want without waiting period and do the treatments. Otherwise, you might end up with a tooth extraction or a costly root canal and crown. Click to expand... Why is it considered a crime to just pay the dentist his fee? Why is it that patients think that an arguing 3rd party insurance has to get involved, disrupting the advice and progress of the professional trained to restore teeth. I can already tell this person wants free dentistry, and certainly won't take care of any dental treatment based on the amount of decay I see.
I have a question about a broken tooth.
rubmail96: Unedited: Edited: I visited my dentist last week simply for a check up because I have not been to the dentist in some time. I don't have any particular pain in my teeth that is worrying other than the slight soreness in some teeth that I get very rarely and only lasts for a short time. On inspecting my teeth, he said they look healthy and then he took two bitewing x-rays which I took pictures of with my phone, which is not perfect image quality but is an accurate representation of the x-ray. I have uploaded the left x-ray both unedited and the edited version to help explain what he said below. The right side he claims is fine. On the left bitewing x-ray, he says "something is about to cause a lot of pain". I have uploaded the image of the left bitewing x-ray. He says that the tooth circled in red on the image is abnormal and claims that the disease process has gone through the enamel of the tooth where there is a dark spot (red arrow) and to defend/compensate against this process, more dentine has been deposited on the top right section of the image of that tooth (within red triangle) and that is why it is a different density and why you can't see part of the pulp on that side. He also says that I should not leave the decision as to whether to get a filling or not for any longer than a month otherwise it will proceed and get worse and claims that if I leave it for 3 months, it's likely I'll need a root canal procedure done on the tooth. I was taken back by this because I have absolutely no pain in that tooth and it is not causing me trouble. This dentist is very recently graduated and was scaring me so I asked my mum, who happens to have been a dentist for 20 years before she retired. She says that there is nothing particularly concerning about that tooth and a filling is unnecessary. She assures me that the caries process in my teeth are "arrested" and says that if the tooth was in as bad a condition as he claims, I would be in severe pain. So now I am stuck between the opinion of two dentists, one of whom is young and inexperienced. If he turns out to be right, it will progress and I may need a root canal procedure done. If she turns out to be right, I will have had an unnecessary filling which I obviously don't want. I thought some dentists could give me their advice as to what is going on and what the best course of action would be. calcium48: gum disease is painless.
Dentists claiming I need a procedure. Looking for advice from other dentists.
Jesus: I want to take a 10mg Percocet because I have a fear or surgeries and this tooth has been sensitive for 5 months and has been in pain for 5 months. I'm scared I will feel pain during surgery. I had pain while putting on my CROWN in februrary and now that crown led to a root canal. Its in EXCRUCIATING PAIN and my TONGUE can cause pain to my tooth just by touching it, THUS I want to take percocet before surgery. Is it okay? I'm terrified of this procedure to come.
Can I take 10mg Percocet before the intrapulpal anaesthesia for a Root Canal Surgery?
Alena: Hi there. I'm hoping someone can help. Not sure if I should go in and get this taken care of or let it fall out on its own. My 4 year old son ran into someone about 6 weeks ago and knocked his two lower front teeth loose. They bled and got jiggly, but my son never really played with them. I noticed a couple days ago that his permanent teeth were coming in behind them, but my son won't play with the jiggly teeth. When I looked closer, I noticed that his baby tooth is coming out the front of his gums. Should I be concerned? I have attached a picture so you can see.
4 year old losing tooth through front of guns
kaitlin: ok so last night i started to notice some slight pain in lower left jaw. the jaw on the lower left side of my mouth,now on that side of my mouth i have all of my upper teeth on the left side, but on the lower left side i only have 2 molars, and then my front choppy teeth that sit in front of my 2 remaining below are details on the pain im just anxious nervous and freaking out over this pain now sometimes it feels like the pain comes/originates from the back part of my lower left jaw where there is no teeth and sometimes it feels like the pain comes/originates from the last molar left on the side. i do have a poping and or a clicking noise when i chew food not sure if its popping or clicking but i can deff hear it when i eat and chew the pain comes and goes. when the pain does come it doesnt last more then a few seconds to maybe a min or 2, then the pain goes away. my mouth does not look or feel swollen nor does it look or feel infected. the pain i feel isnt your normal tooth ache pain the comes and lasts for hours on end this pain is spontaneous. also hot weather seems to start the pain but like i said before the pain only last a very very short while if that. i dont brush my teeth as well as i should but im trying my best. also as far as i can tell pressure applied to the tooth as well as biting down on the tooth while eating doesnt seem to cause the pain as far as i can tell lastly i cant call my dentist till Monday and the likelihood of them being able to get me in the day or even the week that i call them isnt hopeful do you guys think i have TMD/TMJ or do you think i have a toothache? last time i saw the dentist back in febuary all they said was i needed a deep cleaning they said nothing about cavities altho they did wanna pull 2 teen just because they said it would be easier to clean sorry for the long post any ideas whats causing this random sporadic pain? edit paion is only localized to the one area/side/part of my mouth once in a blue moon i will feel the pain shift to the same area on the right side of my lower jaw but that is rare seems rather odd for a tooth ache to produce pain in an area of my jaw that has no teeth in it which leads me to suspect TMJ edit forgot to add i feel no pain when i open my jaw/mouth altho sometimes if i apply pressure to eht area og my mouth at the back of my jawe i feel slight pain but theres no tteth there
TMJ/TMD or tooth ache
bradleyheathhays: I'm helping my mother decide between porcelain and acrylic for her first set of dentures and we're concerned with how durable porcelain dentures are. Other than when dropped, how often do the teeth tend to come out during normal use with porcelain dentures? Thanks
How durable are porcelain dentures?
kostas: So i was eating popcorn and i ate a hard one and a tiny tiny bit of my back tooth got chipped but its not visible i just can sense it with my tongue cause its like a rough surfae but its not visible nor hurting i tried to eat dinner drink cold water and nothing happened everything was ok should i worry too much? Dusan Cirkovic: it's minor problem. Probobly you have big filling there, or maybe RCT was done there, and part of tooth crown chipped under the pressure. Try fix it by the end of tje month. All the best, Kostas. kostas: So its not an emergency right? nothing to worry about right now? Dusan Cirkovic: it is not that urgent, it can wait a bit kostas: One last question my friend i took a photo of my tooth and want your opinion as you see its not like my tooth has broke or something its like i can feel with my tongue that the tooth a part of it is missing as you can see the gap is really big is that normal ? or am i just paranoid? also i had canal root teatment on that tooth maybe thats why? is it supposed to be like that? other people tend to have smaller gaps but i tried eating everything and nonothing can go through. i even tried ice cream and everything was ok. in the middle is it normal? it seems its like a passage to the tooths nerves or something is it safe or am i crazy? btw sorry for my dirty mouth Photo kostas: One last question my friend i took a photo of my tooth and want your opinion as you see its not like my tooth has broke or something its like i can feel with my tongue that the tooth a part of it is missing as you can see the gap is really big is that normal ? or am i just paranoid? also i had canal root teatment on that tooth maybe thats why? is it supposed to be like that? other people tend to have smaller gaps but i tried eating everything and nonothing can go through. i even tried ice cream and everything was ok. in the middle is it normal? it seems its like a passage to the tooths nerves or something is it safe or am i crazy? btw sorry for my dirty mouth Dusan Cirkovic: kostas said: One last question my friend i took a photo of my tooth and want your opinion as you see its not like my tooth has broke or something its like i can feel with my tongue that the tooth a part of it is missing as you can see the gap is really big is that normal ? or am i just paranoid? also i had canal root teatment on that tooth maybe thats why? is it supposed to be like that? other people tend to have smaller gaps but i tried eating everything and nonothing can go through. i even tried ice cream and everything was ok. in the middle is it normal? it seems its like a passage to the tooths nerves or something is it safe or am i crazy? btw sorry for my dirty mouth Click to expand... Slow down.. It's good for you to replace that filling and that's all, nothing else. That gap isn't going to make you serious problems, but do it because tooth walls are exposed to fracture. That is the reason why you need new filling. All the best. kostas: Nice finally im calm now i though my whole tooth was destroyed thank god thank you kind Sir ill propably make an appointment to my dentist in a week or 2 max even if its not that serious kostas: Fixed it dentist got me a filling for this tooth and it was fixed Dusan Cirkovic: That's great. I told you so. kostas: Thank you my friend but the new filling is feeling a bit weird sometimes maybe its just cause its new? maybe needs some time to settle. Greetings from Greece My Friend Dusan Cirkovic: that's ok, greetings from Serbia
chipped my back tooth
Jameschia26: Hi i have went to see a dentist recently due to some pain and according to her, my lower left jaw 3rd tooth from the last is beyond repair and need to be extracted with a dental implant and crown. As its quite a costly procedure i would like to verify if any dentists here have the same opinion. Have attached my xray scans here. drmins: Hello Jameschia26... As per the x-ray image shown here, the lower left first molar need not be necessarily removed. You can preserve the teeth by doing a root canal treatment and a crown. Sometimes,you may need a post and core restoration prior to crowning. Keep smiling. Regards, drmins Jameschia26: Many thanks for the reply calcium48: nhs dentist? your age?
Pls assist to view my dental xray to verify advice from my dentist
Nissa: hi im still new to this dentistry and stuff . and i think it quit toiugh to manage my time . can you guys tell me what you guys do during your weekdays ? share a liitle bit about your daily lives . im a year 1 student and already started our project with dumies in simulation lab .and now im working to finish my complete denture for protho session . tell me yours okay ?
can you share about your dental students life ?
Elliot: I had an abscess going up the side of my tooth I went to my dentist who prescribe me a week Supply of amoxicillin it did not go away she gave me another week of amoxicillin it still didn't go away she wanted me to go to an oral surgeon to have my tooth pulled but I didn't it never hurt and was never in pain so I left it alone it has been two months and it has started to go away I have no answers but it's this normal? calcium48: which tooth? nhs dentist? calcium48: age? Elliot: calcium48 said: which tooth? nhs dentist? Click to expand... Thank you for your reply, it is tooth 31 and I am 51 years old . As I am in New York my dentist is not part of the NHS it has never hurt and get better day by day. I guess I should make another visit to the dentist. Matt Richardson: Elliot said: Thank you for your reply, it is tooth 31 and I am 51 years old . As I am in New York my dentist is not part of the NHS it has never hurt and get better day by day. I guess I should make another visit to the dentist. Click to expand... I had a tooth absess recently due to a cracked root. The abscess never hurt. Periodically the absess would get "better" with less inflamed gum to normal looking. My dentist told me that was normal process as there are periods when the body's immune system (or your antibiotics) will overcome the infection -but it will always return if the infection is due to a cracked root. If this is your situation, then ultimately the tooth will need to come out (as happened with me). If the infection is not due to a cracked root, then I understand it might be treated successfully with antibiotics or a re-doing if a root canal. Note, A cracked root will not show up on an xray (as I understand it).
Abscess going away by itself is it normal?
Matt Richardson: Hello group! I'm currently in the market for a new dentist. My last dentist used a large flexible plastic cup inside my mouth to separate the tooth he was working on from the rest of my mouth. This thing hurt tremendously and gave me a jaw ache for days afterwards. I want to ask any potential new dentist if he or she uses these things before I "sign up" for treatment. Problem is, I don't know what they are called. Can anyone give me the name for these things so I can ask about them when inquiring about services? Thank you!
Question on dental tool
Joe-dental: Is bacteria, leading to an infection of a pontic, more likely to accumulate under a bridge made of porcelain or one made of PFM? I was informed that because a bridge made from porcelain is built by a computer, from a 3D model, it is free of errors in its fit, unlike a PFM bridge, which is made by hand and therefore would not be a perfect fit, and therefore would be more likely to lead to infection and a need for a root canal. Dusan Cirkovic: many things you have covered with this statment but you must be aware that fitting the bridge is one thing and maintain adequate oral health is other. Duration of bridges depends on multiple factors. but I would say that adequate tooth preparation, good restoration either PFM od full ceramics and good oral hygiene are prerogatives for longevity of that bridge. Joe-dental: Would the cement resin used to attach the bridge to the pontics more likely to deteriorate and lead to an entrance of bacteria in a porcelain or a PFM bridge, or neither, as the cement does not deteriorate? Dusan Cirkovic: we use the same cement during the that one is not so importatnt, but the good oral hygiene is most crucial
Likelihood of a need for a root canal on a porcelain vs a PFM made Bridge
Ryan4321: Hi, I have pain on my left side of my mouth near my middle molars on the gums and I was wondering if it could be my wisdom teeth or what this could be.I read that wisdom teeth come in at the very back of you're mouth after the last molar and its not at that spot so that made me think it wasn't it but wanted someone else's opinion. So pretty much for a while now I've gotten a lot of canker sores in my mouth and they hurt for a while and last a good amount of time sometimes like 1-4 weeks generally. But right now I have what I'm not sure is a canker sore or signs of a wisdom teeth or what but its pretty much what looks like a maybe 1cm cut on my gum near my middle molar that is white and hurts very badly whenever I get foods in or near it. I was originally thinking this could be caused by me chewing on things down in that general area for example a plastic lid and it slipping and cutting me because I seem to do that a lot and it just got infected or something and turned into a canker but I'm unsure of what this is or if it's anything to worry about. It's been here for approximately 5-7 days now so if it is a canker my general luck it will still be here a while but generally my cankers are more rounds not a straight line cut sort of thing. Thanks for any replies in advance. calcium48: you age?
Wondering What This Could Be
Carol: I had a root canal on my upper left cainine nine days ago. The root canal took two hours and four vials of novicaine. They said my tooth was the longest theyd seen at 28 mm vs the normal 22-25mm The day after i had very little pain mostly tissue pain. That night i layed down and woke to severe pain in my upper left quadrant. It shot into my ear and eye and nose and made it impossible to do anything but hold my face and rock back and forth. I went to the dentist five days after the root canal and the dentist said it was normal pain and that they had to drill right up against my sinus cavity and thats the pain i feel. Ive had root canals none of this feels normal. They said i had an infection from a filling that was done too deep. I had no tooth pain before the procedure. The pain reminds me of trigeminal neuralgia. I had it for a year a long time ago in the opposite side. I dont know how to get the dentist to listen. I dont want him to through more percocet at me. I want him to fix whats hurting. How do i make him hear me? calcium48: nhs?
Severe pain nine days after root canal
Jack Rose: I was trying to move a chair and it hit the wall and then the chair hit my tooth really hard. My tooth doesn't hurt when I leave it a lone but when i try to push it in to wiggle it, it starts to hurt. Pushing it up and out doesn't hurt. Just pushing it in hurts. I also noticed I have a bad taste in my mouth after the incident. Is something wrong?
I hit my tooth
Ruby: Hello I had two upper back cavities filled the day before yesterday. I;ve had no problems with the filled teeth since but am experiencing some mild/moderate pain in my front teeth (that were not filled and do not need attention) I'm experiencing some sinus pain and pressure so could it be a sinus issue? It was about 24hrs after the fillings i started experience this sinus pain and what i assume is referred dental pain I have TMJ so my opening is slightly limited also. I took an OTC sinus product last night so should i continue with this? I have a further dental appointment Monday (4 days time) so will have it checked then but just wondering in the mean time what to do or would an antibiotic be beneficial? Thanks
Referred pain or sinus issue after filling ???
jonsubs: My wife had a deep cleaning procedure performed yesterday. Today the pain in a particular point was not subsiding, so she took a closer look and realized that the gum looked mangled. See the picture. I don't know what to make of this. Is this a common thing at deep cleanings? How should we proceed? Thank you for your help Zuri Barniv: This looks like a possible infection in the area and it could be caused by many different things. Your wife should go back to the dental office and have them look at it. Dr. Barniv jonsubs: Thank you for your opinions. We did get an appointment and the doctor suggested this was the result of an ulcer, and no infection. I'm having a hard time understanding how this works as from my untrained perspective it looks like a piece of gum is missing. Regardless, the doctor says the tissue would recover/grow back on its own without treatment.
Chunk of gum missing after deep cleaning
MILO AUGUSTE Jr.: Hello all, My 10 year old has a decaying tooth which has recently begun to chip and partially fall out. At this point, part of it is still left over. This is still a baby tooth, and it is loose. Should I wait for the rest of the tooth to fall out, and treat it good oral hygiene to kill any bacterial infection in the meantime or have the tooth extracted. Thanks.
How to treat decaying tooth in a 10year old boy
David_t: Hi all, I'm looking for some advice. I just had a chrome partial denture fitted and I'm giving it a try out. The denture fills gaps on either side of my upper teeth, just behind my canines and has a thin metal bar across the roof of my mouth. When I put it in it seems to be quite comfortable, however the metal bar does not sit against the roof of my mouth meaning that the denture is wholly supported by the clips on my upper molars. There seems to be a 1 mm (at most) gap. I was expecting more support from the bar against my palette. Does anyone have any experience with this type of denture who could tell me if this is the way they are meant to fit. Regards David
Chrome Cobalt Partial Denture
Lauren miller: I had a deep filling done 2 weeks past Monday. From there I developed problems so ended up needing to have root canal treatment. Had it performed last Saturday then ended up at the out of ours on the Sunday as the pain was really bad. They prescribed me antibiotics amoxicillin 7 day course 500 mg 1 3x a day. However didn't notice much improvement at all. Went back to the dentist the Tuesday and he reopened the tooth and recleaned it which was excruciating. Even with a lot of anaesthetic I could still feel horrible pain. He says it was quite infected still. Ended up back at the dentist the next day which was the Wednesday as was still in agony. The dentist I saw done the exact same thing and mentioned it was getting better. Then on the Thursday I was back and they changed my antibiotics to co amoxiclav 500/125mg 1 3 x a day for 7 days. It is now day 4 on the antibiotics and the tooth is sore again. It felt better yesterday and was managing with less pain relief but today it's quite sore again. Not anywhere near as severe as it was but still sore. Suppose my question is does any one know what this could be and what's my next best course of action? Stressing majorly as I'm afraid of the dentist as it is Many thanks calcium48: would help if you mentioned which tooth it is. Did the dentist have a microscope to do the root canal? Was it done on the NHS? How much was the root canal cost?
Root canal
Helpme123321: There is a severe pain in my upper right hand side right at the back. It's not the tooth it's the gum. I've had it for over a week now. It is so sore i cant touch or brush it. It almost feels like its bruised. I went to an emergency dentist yesterday but she doesn't know what it is as the gum.isnt red or inflamed. What could this possibly be and how do I fix it? I'm in agony! calcium48: might be worth trying a different dentist or GP
Urgent diagnosis and help required!
Leanne: My lateral incisor grew on the roof of my mouth (just behind my foot tooth) luckily my canine tooth went into the place where the incisor is meant to be. I had the incisor extracted almost a week ago and have since been back to the dentist 4 days ago because I was getting a lot of pain, my dentist cleaned the area, put something inside there like brown paste and like cotton wool, he said there is no sign of infection. Since then the pain is actually worse, it's affecting my front tooth and the canine, I can't bite any food on there, and the whole area is sore and can't eat properly. I just wanted to know if this was normal? I don't want to bother the dentist again if it is, also when he packed it does that packing need to come out because I'm worried that it's stuck up there and my gum is going to heal over it? Thank you I would really appreciate the advice
Upper lateral incisor - grew behind front tooth - extracted! Need advice
Xiuying: Went to a oral surgeon instead of a dentist first and had my x-rays taken. I wanted my impacted wisdom teeth out cause they of the pain. Was told that my Molar has to come out as well because of the impacted wisdom tooth. So I'll be getting 3 teeth pulled for sure(2 wisdom, 1 molar). I've never read one of these before, but was wondering how bad in shape my teeth are and what is up with the bright white spots on it and the black parts(i'm assuming cavities) ?
Have my X-Ray, How bad are they ?
Alice Wynne: I hope this isn't too much of a stupid question but I have been suffering from impacted lower wisdom teeth for around 2-3 years now. Atleast one of them gets infected every six months and I am in terrible pain. They have been X-Rayed every 6 months but the roots are very close to the nerve so dentist is reluctant to pull them out. There isn't too much of a gum flap left over the top of either of them now but there is a definite space behind the wisdom tooth under gum that I can't clean with a manual / electric toothbrush and I can't floss behind it! - This will be the cause of the infection no doubt when food gets trapped down there.... I am considering purchasing a Waterpik cordless plus specifically for my wisdom teeth (not necessarily for general flossing), in the hope that I can jet it all around the wisdom teeth and miraculously any trapped food will be flushed out - I am concerned however that I will be doing more damage than good by food being pushed further down the back or it actually having little or no effect as the waterpik won't be strong enough to budge anything!! Any advice much appreciated!! As you can see I am focusing on keeping the wisdom teeth very clean to avoid any further infections. Xiuying: From what I was just told about when I had my wisdom teeth looked at, The longer they are in, the worse the issues will become and if you are unlucky like myself. The wisdom tooth that is impacted, will cause damage to the teeth near it and have to be pulled :/. I would suggest going to see a oral surgeon about it. They are "specialized" in situations like that. Where your dentist might be reluctant to pull it. Most oral surgeons have the experience and are more than likely to pull it.
Waterpik for impacted wisdom tooth - pos/neg