audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00010.wav| Where mother gave me my purpose. We found him here after all. Goodbye. My companion. Tell me
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00011.wav| if you should change your mind. Then the Elden Ring beckons you. He wants someone to tell him he's
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00012.wav| beautiful. Did you want that to happen? It seems my worries were unfounded. Your seems to.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00013.wav| Bach, he is always eager to see your return. Hello.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00014.wav| Other you. The flame of ruin lies just ahead. Hello. Other you. Turning runes into strength.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00015.wav| Spoken echoes linger here. Hello again. Old friend. I'm glad it was you I travelled with.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00016.wav| To deliver you what is yours. Prevented by the mantle of barbs. I can take you to the round
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00017.wav| table hold. There is something for which I must apologise. To commit. A cardinal sin.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00018.wav| Shall I turn your runes to strength? For that is their curse. Tell me when you are fully prepared.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00019.wav| You have fought long and hard. I have long observed the lands between. I ask you one more time
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00020.wav| for bringing me to the base of the Urtery. The Urtery is close. I was born at the foot of the
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00021.wav| Urtery. Torrent had your measure from the very start. I must tender my thanks to torrent to
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00022.wav| our journey together. Ends here. Don't worry. It's not too late. It is a purpose which I
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00023.wav| choose to fulfil. My purpose was given to me by my mother. I see him crying. From time to time.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00024.wav| Yet I am certain that we can reach an understanding. This world is in dire need of repair.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00025.wav| The Lord of frenzied flame is no lord at all. A pity. You are no longer fit. I bequeathed to
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00026.wav| you this ring. To face the challenge presented by the ring. All I ask of you is to make the journey.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00027.wav| I wish to journey with you. Once more, regardless of my mother's designs,
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00028.wav| allow me a moment to converse with you. You are unable to enter the Urtery. No,
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00029.wav| but it must be done to reach the path beyond. A mounting only to sacrifices, though now.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00030.wav| Everything is lost to me. Summon me by grace. If you should reconsider,
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00031.wav| the frenzied flame is not to be meddled with. Even if it does violate the golden order,
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00032.wav| the one who walks alongside flame. Here, I can govern my own movement,
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00033.wav| Traveler, from beyond the fog. Life endures.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00034.wav| Births continue. Let my hand rest upon you. For but a moment, I won't allow anyone
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00035.wav| to speak ill of that. He is sure to seek the Elden Ring. Please. Leave the frenzied flame alone.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00036.wav| There is beauty in that. Is there not? To see whether or not Grace truly does guide you.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00037.wav| So please. Leave the frenzied flame alone. I have to ascertain for myself. So please.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00038.wav| Leave the frenzied flame alone. I wish you luck. In realizing your ambition,
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00039.wav| Torrent has chosen you. And thus, the accord is fulfilled. I have set my heart
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00040.wav| upon the world that I would have. Please continue to lend your aid.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00041.wav| Till the end, of course. Perhaps there is no need. Have you heard of the finger maidens?
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00042.wav| Take my hand and have audience with my mistress. She is sure to seek the Elden Ring.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00043.wav| O Urd Tree, you shall burn. Please. Seek not the frenzied flame.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00044.wav| This tiny golden aura is the grace of the Urd Tree. I will seek you as far as you may travel.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00045.wav| There is but one other thing I can do to offer you guidance. My purpose serves to aid in that very
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00046.wav| act. Those blissful early days of blind belief are long past. I can play the role of maiden.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00048.wav| and thought unending. Forgive me. I've been testing you. You.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00049.wav| Have inherited the frenzied flame. Then. I can set the Urd Tree aflame. Is there?
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00050.wav| Another person inside of you. If you would become Lord.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00051.wav| Do not deny this notion. Are you ready to commit a cardinal sin? Use it to traverse great distances.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00052.wav| Shall one day meet the road of destined death. Don't worry, torrent.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00053.wav| Fortune is on his side. Spoken echoes of Queen Maraca. Linger here as well.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00054.wav| Don't worry, torrent. Fortune is on her side. Let my hand rest upon you.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00055.wav| For but a moment. To determine if the Elden Ring would truly have you.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00056.wav| O retigan. Leal Hound of the Golden Order. I am Melena. And I am travelling with this person.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00057.wav| Put the giants to the sword and confine the flame atop the mount. This light.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00058.wav| Once shone in the eyes of your tarnished brethren. Hear me, demigods. My children beloved. I shall
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00059.wav| depart. To ascertain the purpose I was given. So I'd like you to undertake a new journey.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00060.wav| With me. The rays of grace. That guide you through your burden. And. Whether you are fit to face the
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00061.wav| challenge that entails. It's me. Melena. Your travelling companion. Brandish. The Elden Ring.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00062.wav| For the age of the Urd Tree. With thine eyes dimmed. You will be driven from the lands between.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00063.wav| I sense no malice. Do as you think best. A demigod. Who inherited a fragment of the shattered Elden
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00064.wav| Ring. Such is my duty. For allowing you the strength of runes. The Urd Tree governs all.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00065.wav| The choice is thine. I am pleased, however.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00066.wav| Thou art a fit in choice. I will kill you. As sure as night follows day. To the snowy
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00067.wav| mountaintops of the giants. Far above the clouds. I declare my intent. To search the depths of
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00068.wav| the golden order. Upon the cliff. In castle storm veil. Is a shard bearer. Let a new epoch begin.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00069.wav| An epoch glistening with life. I understand. I'm asking you to put faith in but a stranger.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00070.wav| For the reason that I yet live. Burned. And bodyless. The reason for which I live.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00071.wav| Burned. And bodyless. I am melon. And I have an accord with this person.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00072.wav| One of her kind is sure to seek the Elden Ring. One of his kind is sure to seek the Elden Ring.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00073.wav| To wallow at the fringes. A powerless upstart. To aid you in your search for the Elden Ring.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00074.wav| And become the Elden Lord. Is to pass the thorns. It will summon a spectral steed.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00075.wav| Named torrent. And guide you. Down the path. To becoming Elden Lord.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00076.wav| I hope you will become Lord. Lord of each and all. If you had the metal.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00077.wav| To endure this long and arduous path. But now. It is all that guides you.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00078.wav| Also I hear. But should you fail to become Lord at all. You will be forsaken. Only a little further
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00079.wav| till the foot of the Urtery. And the accord is fulfilled. Well.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00080.wav| Perhaps that might serve you in lieu of a maiden's guidance. Become one with the order.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00081.wav| Or divest thyself of it. Gathering place. Of tarnished champions.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00082.wav| Guided. By grace. However ruined this world has become. However mired in torment and despair.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00083.wav| But you. I am afraid. Are maidenless.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00084.wav| For my purpose. Given to me by my mother inside the Urtery. Long ago.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00085.wav| Summon me by grace. To turn runes into strength.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00086.wav| He will wait war in a land afar. Where he will live. And die. Through understanding of the proper way.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00087.wav| Our faith. Our grace is increased. I am no maiden. My purpose.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00088.wav| Was long ago lost. Return to the lands between.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00089.wav| Wait war. And brandish the Elden Ring. My lord. And thy warriors.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00090.wav| I divest each of thee of thy grace. I shall leave torrent. And the power to turn runes into strength.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00091.wav| Here. With you. To the flame of ruin. Far above the clouds.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00092.wav| Upon the snowy mountain tops of the giants. To the flame of ruin. Far above the clouds.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00093.wav| Upon the snowy mountain tops of the giants. Grow strong in the face of death.
audio/Elden Ring- Melina Voice Lines - Evil Banana 202_00095.wav| Be as a god. Share them with me. Your thoughts. Your ambitions. The principles you would follow.