Lavery said the help she got from Legal Aid, and the Social Security benefits it helped her secure, have been invaluable.
"Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Iceland?"
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The Times [20 February 1988] reports that the restoration of a 400-year-old statue of Fame, at Wilton House, Wiltshire, may include the replacement of her famous trumpets, weathered away from each hand but not before prompting the expression `blowing your own trumpet.
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James Boswell, biographer of Samuel Johnson, was married to a Talbot, and many of his papers were discovered in the 20th century at the castle.
I would never dare drink in front of my mother.
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He thought that they could not keep shooting because they were very tired.
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He said he was happy they were safe.
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If I have to make 2 states in a country where 2 religions are equally likely in strength, should I divide based on religion or should I go secular?
Do you have a herbalist or sage? Who heals your sick? asked Jon.
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Indian film star Aamir Khan states on his personal blog that the "Olympic Games do not belong to China" and confirms taking part in the torch relay "with a prayer in his heart for the people of Tibet, and ... for all people across the world who are victims of human rights violations".
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And then there was never like any female blood Averetts until like my oldest cousin had kids.
Archaeologists are still debating about the exact chronology of certain Egyptian dynasties and individual rulers, however, general agreement exists on the division of history into set phases, giving a name to each.
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`` analyze that '' is one of those crass , contrived sequels that not only fails on its own , but makes you second-guess your affection for the original .
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Ross Garber , Rowland 's legal counsel , said the governor would have no comment on the condo deal .
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Those things would require a lot of land at the dump.
or or what and it i was so proud of them when i got them finished
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and then you can add cocoa powder to it to make chocolate or after it's thickened i cook it for a good once it starts boiling i just i cook it for a good seven minutes
We do not have any children, do we?
well Dana it's been really interesting and i appreciate talking with you
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The Xinhai Revolution led to the founding of the Republic of China in January 1912 with Sun Yat-sen as the first provisional president and Nanking was selected as its new capital.
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This list contains entries of month-by-month rough calculations.
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This applies to nearly the entire process or life cycle of a transaction or event from the initiation and authorization through its final classification in summary records.
Saint-Malo suffered severe bomb damage during World War II, but the old town, surrounded on three sides by the sea, has been tastefully restored.
As far as we are concerned, they are all targets.
I kept them in good shape until my last 78-rpm turntable died.
The fire spread to several surrounding structures on the property and destroyed them as deputies held back firefighters.
yeah yeah huh-uh that's terrible
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Other Armenian diasporans that rose to fame in classical or international music circles are world-renowned French-Armenian singer and composer Charles Aznavour, pianist Sahan Arzruni, prominent opera sopranos such as Hasmik Papian and more recently Isabel Bayrakdarian and Anna Kasyan.
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If India already has the Shaurya missile which can cruise at Mach 7.5, why do people say Brahmos is the fastest cruise missile in the world?
This proved a decisive factor.
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Bin Ladin's Worldview Despite his claims to universal leadership, Bin Ladin offers an extreme view of Islamic history designed to appeal mainly to Arabs and Sunnis.
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The classical period of Greek civilization covers a time spanning from the early 5th century BC to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC (some authors prefer to split this period into 'Classical', from the end of the Persian wars to the end of the Peloponnesian War, and 'Fourth Century', up to the death of Alexander).
doltish and uneventful
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More ambiguously, it proscribes special access to government officials.
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1 If the objective of chronic aquatic toxicity tests with effluents and pure compounds is to estimate the highest safe or no-effect concentration of these substances, it is imperative to understand how the statistical endpoints of these tests are related to the safe or no-effect concentration.
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What type of production techniques did Dennis Bovell develop?
What is it like to be raised by a South Indian father and North Indian Mother?
Why couldn't he just be 'Irving Goldberg'?
yeah we don't have the right whatever yeah well i think it it it it's getting um a little bit more popular because see there's a lot of the um first you know first the big wave of Tex-Mex food came by you know and so we're we're big into tacos and stuff up here now and and taco salads and things
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They soon found the post office, which was also a sweet and general fancy shop, and knocked at the door of the cottage next to it.
A very good speech, Conrad, he said approvingly.
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Iraqi militants were forced to withdraw from the U.S.-led occupation force.
His shenanigans disappointed Tommy, who thought he was crazy.
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Dad fell off the ladder while I was putting the siding on her house.
Does reality have a liberal bias?
Apple's 2007 year revenue increased to US$24.01 billion with US$3.5 billion in profits.
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Snowden's father arrives in Moscow
How do the business analytics programs compare at Arizona State University, Drexel, Stevens Institute of Technology, University of San Francisco, and University of Cincinnati?
Are there such gifted geniuses in real life, like the one portrayed by Matt Damon in the movie Good Will Hunting?
What are some examples of demigods in Greek mythology?